PGronce: Kexvox® Sh.07_ of GIVEN IN HONOR OF Edward L. Hirsh Professor of English 1947-1975 BY HIS SON John C. Hirsh A&S 1964 (ae Sta -- eis = 2 ie fe oh awe Mar tedenia rece — _ am = =e = = cee ee ee Toes = == ~ \ “ Ps ‘ ws. Z = = + isa ‘ he \ 4 eae | a | fon & F FORTE | | } : 1 \ % IMPR IMATUR, Martii 22. Guil. Needbam. 16836. , Lae ss School of the Eucharift | ESTABLISHED Upon the Miraculous Refpects and| Acknowledgments, which Beafts, Birds, and Infeéts, upon feveral oc- cafions, have rendred to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Whence Catholicks may increafe in Devoti- on towards this Divine Myftery, and Hereticks find there,their Confufion. By F. Touffzin Bridont, of the Society of Fefws. Printed in French at Lille, 1672. And now made Englifh, and publithed. CUith a JOreface concerning the Cert e ; inonp.ot Dirpicieg, The Second’ Edition. Let us view m6re particularly what Rational Ground Catholicks exhibit of their belief ofa Corporal Pre- fence in the Eucharift, and fo of Adoration. Def. ¢ Ado. of the Evch. p.27. printed at Oxford, 1687, | | LONDON, Printed for Randal T: aylorsnear ihe Stationers-Hall, 1687. ‘Price 6 d, en ’ ’ | ! a t » 4 ‘ o . ¥," awe” by . . Zz e ee % ae had S ‘ ; e % x, s ae Ba A Se NN ak am LCE aN hei cc DTI i IR ad sg 2)F) E PREFACE POT HE TRANSLATION. ; H E Gentlemen of the Church of a Rome,ferve themfelves of the Miracles of Chrift and his Apoftles, juft as they = do of the Doctrine of the Trimity. If you believe the Trinity, fay they, why do ‘you not believe Tranfubftantiation? And, if you believe the Miracles of Chrift, and his Apojtles, Why do you not believe the Miracles of our Church ? To the firft of thete Queftions, enongh has been faid to fatisfy thofe that ask it in good earneft, and to filence thofe that ask it in jeft. Tothe Second, I return thefe Anfwers fol- lowing. 1. We have not fo much reafon to believe. that the Church of Rome works Miracles, as A 3 that a ; . efi - The Preface. that our Saviour and his Difciples did: For the Miracles faid to be wrou ght in that Church, are done only in thofe Countries and Placy : where they are all of one fide: We have no ‘Reports ofthem but fromthemfelves, and this without the leaft Appeal to the knowledg of their Ad- verfaries, that the Relations are true. But the Miracles of our Lord, and his Difciplés, ' ar 2. were generally done i in the (a) Face of Ene- 22. & 3- mies, and could not be gain-faid. And the 1 : Circumftances wherewith they were firft of all on ft. 4. publithed, were fo.() particular and notori- 213 26, us, that nothing had been more eafy, than'to. confute that Relation, which the Evangelifts and the Acts of the Apoftles have given us of them, if it had not been exactly true. We cannot have greater Evidence of Miracles done Jong fince, than we have for the Miracles of Chrift and his Apoitles. But they that do ‘no Miracles at all, may give us as good Evidence , that they do, as we have from the Church of Rome. And therefore the noife of Miracles which we hear from thence, cannot ferve to the Conviction of Unbelievers, which ds the (4) 1 Cot (¢) end of Divine Miracles. For all the rea- 16-22, fon we have to believe‘that they work Mira- cles, is, becaufe they fay fo themfelves: which is no reafon at all to us, fince the Queftion 1S, Whether what they fay ‘be truecrmon:; (4) Ma, If they pretend,that as Chrif? (d) did net ma- 3-58. ny tnighty. Works amonglt his own Country-men, be- caufe of their Unbelief , fo M iracles cannot be wrought before us, becaufe of ours. I anfwer; That'tho our Saviour did not think fit to mul- © Dabs tiply Ijiracles ypon fo (e) obftinate a People, yet The Preface. iii 'yet at that very time they had fome mighty Works done there,and _(f) before too,and no- ( f ) Joh. thing could be more eafy for them than to know 2-11.& 4. the Truth of thofe that were done elfewhere : 54 & 7: which makes their Canfe vaftly different from he ours, fince neither we nor our Fathers ever ' faw any Miracles of the Roman Church; nor y have we any means to fatisfy our felves that they were feen by others. 2. There is a great difference between the Miracles themfelves, which Chrift and his Apo- {tles wrought, and thofe Wonders which are: faid to be done in the Roman Communion. In the former there was the (4) Finger of God,and oF Luke fomething that exceeded all created Dower. Joke But thofe of the Romane Gommunion, which AB Wa have the greateft Credibility, are fome won- derful’ things about Images and Relicks, in which there is very great reafon to fufpect Combination and flight of Hand. . Again, the Miracles of Chrift, and his Apoftles, were Works of (2) Goodnefs and Mercy almoft) Aas throughout, which is another Divine Character '°- 38 upon them. But moft of the Roman Miracles are | aig ch 16 {portive Amuzements ; for which I appeal to. the following ColleGion: And t herefore they are fit to goamongft thofe Wonders that S. 4u= ftin calls the Illufions of deceitful Spirits, but not to be compared with the Miracles of Chrift and his Apoftles. But, 3. If we had never fo much reafon to be- lieve that they of the Roman Church have done fome wonderful things, which it were very hard te diftinguith from Divine Miracles, by the Nature of the Work it felf, yet we A 4 have ° be SE i i I ’ = COV. a De Preface. have very good reafon to reject them, but none at all to reject the Miracles of Chrift and his Apofties. For, | (i) lfa.zg. 1. It was (7) foretold that Chri that Great 4 $6 Prophet, to whom the People were to hearken in all things, was to come with Miracles; and there- fore, if he had not wrought Miracles, they had wanted one neceflary Chara¢ter to know him by.. But. 2. He was not to be known by Miracles ouly, but likewife by fulfilling the Law, and anfwer- ing all that the Scriptures had foretold concer- ning him, So that the Miracles of our Lord Fe- . fw, did not only give Teftimony to him, as they were wonderful Works in themfelves, but inaf- much alfo.asthey were an accomplifhment of one fort of Predictions concerning him: And even thus they would not have been a fufficient -Teftimony, if he had not anfwered all other Prophecies. And therefore the whole ftrefs of the divine Demonftration of the Gofpel was not laid upon Miracles,but upon the concurrence of many Arguments, and efpecially upon the ful- filling of Prophecies, and the Teftimony of the . an old Scriptures: As any one may fee who will ey Luke confult (k.) thofe places of the New Teftament 24° 5>2°> cited in the Margin,befides a great many others, ; ‘which an attentive Reader will of himfelf ob- tov.32. fervetothe fame purpofe. The believing Fews 2Pet.1. therefore had great reafon to account the Mira- cles of Fe/ws divine Teftimonies; fince they were teld beforehand that Chri fhould work Mira- cles, and fince all the Prophets witneffed to him be~ fides ; all things being fulfilled by him which they had foretold concerning the Great Prephet. Ee ~@® LO.T9,i6 | i ae oe ae) 290 But ea na ali ats a A SESE Sn | The Preface. — ae v But now we have as much reafon to reject the Miracles of the Church of Rome, as they had to’ be fatisfied with the Miracles of Chrif and his Difeiples. For, | | 1. It is indeed foretold that fome fhould 5 (4) arife and fhew great Signs and Wonders.’ But (1) Mat. who are they that fhould do fo ? Our Saviour 24 24- plainly tells us, that they are fulfe Prophets. It ‘ds foretold that fomebody fhould (mm) come with (ri) Power, and. Signs, and lying Wonders, and with all 2 Theil. 2. the deceivablenefs of Unrighteoufnefs; and this 91% ™ was to give countenance to a falling airay, or to * a" an Apoftacy from the Truth. But, © "77 2. It was not foretold, that before the day of Judgment there fhould bea Reformiation of that ftate of Religion which Chrift and his A- poftles left. Chrift indeed was to come and make an alteration in the Law of Afofes. But neither was Pope, nor Councils, nor Churches to * / come and make any fuch alteration in the Law . of Chrif?, as we were bound to fubmit to. But on the other hand, the Rule of Faith was fixed to laft for ever , and if (2) an Angel from Hea- (#) Gal. 1, ven fhould preach any other Doéirine, than that 8) 9. which was preached at firft, he fhould be accur fed, : Now let us lay thefe two things together ;. That falfe Propbers thould come with Signs and Wonders, and that no new Doétrine was to be preached to the end of the World; and it will follow, 1. That we are now to examine Mira- , cles by Doétrines, and not Doétrines by Mira- cles. 2. Thatit is very necflary for us to exa- mine their Doétrines with a little more care, who pretend to work Miracles, than if they pre- tat a a oc ae RAIS 2 FST ee AYR ss Ss te hahaa aes REN Eas” ~ aR me ee Fae tthe J TE. tne 2S, See ok sea SS reef 258) te = “at H ee iy i The Preface. - aie pretended to no fuch thing. And, 3. That if we find their Doé far from being according to the Scripture, that many of them are con- trary toit, then is the time for us to remember that neceflary Caution of our Bleffed Lord (*) Behold I have told you before.And therefore when Miracles are {aid to be wrought for the proof of a thing fo contrary, not only to (q) Scriptures’ but to common Senfe and Reafon, as the Con- verfion of the Subffance of Bread into the Sub- flance of Chriff’s Body, and thereupon a Man fhall fay unto us; (p) Lo, here % Chrift, or there #8 Chrift, we are to remember what Chri? him- felf hath faid, * Believe it mot. And if they fhould ftill-go on to talk of their Signs and Wonelers,:.we muft ftil]l remember what our Lord faid, Behold, I have told you before. : But that their way of appealing to Miracles lies crofs to the true ufeand end of divine Mira- cles, will appear yet farther by coufidering, < , that divine Miracles have always been ufed as the firft means of Conviction , but the Church » of Rome referves her Miracles to the /af,and in- . deed brings them forth when People are al- ready tanght to believe her inall things. That which is peculiar in the Teftimony of Mira- cles is this, that they furprize all, forts of People, and ingage thofe that are honeft and prudent, to confider at leaft, what Do- étrine that is which they are faid to confirm, and what other reafon there may be to receive it. I belive we all know by ‘experieuce, that the Miracles of Chri? and his Apoftles were ” the firft Argument of the New Teftament that laid hold upon us, when we were a little able to The Prefact 5 "ea to Judg for our felves, and made way for the reft. And it was this Effeé that their Mi-. . racles had when they were done; the People (7) Mar. were (7) amazed, and awakened by them into a 12.22, 23. farther Confideration of the matter : I mean Marel- 22. . all thofe that were not quite over-fet with pre- judice again{ft our Saviour’s Perfon and Do- _ctrine. And there is little queftion to be made, : but that thofe who were by this means put up- @) - on farther inquiry, did at laft grow to (s) full 7° *™ Satisfaction upon fearching the Scriptures. Now - for thefe Reafons our Saviour‘and his Apoftles made way into the Minds of Men firftof all by the force of Miracles. And it is very re- (¢) Mae markable, that in the (+) Anfwer ‘he gave to 1-4 the two Difciples fent by Yoh the Baptift, he echt does appeal to his own Miracles, but*yet in . Lae thofe words, and in that manner,-as to lead & 61.1. them to inquire farther by the Scriptures. But, as J faid, quite contrary to this method, the Church of Rome, tho fhe pretends to the Power of Miracles, does not think fit to try us with Miracles firft, which is both the natural way, and the way of Scripture : but the feems to referve the Argument of Miracles for People againft that time , when they are not allowed the liberty of inquiring any more : Infomuch that we.are fain to tranflate their Foreign Col- letions of Miracles into Exgh{h, that our ho- neft Country-men may confider them, and be awakened (if thefe Miracles will do it ) into a farther inquiry. And whether this proves to be for the purpofe of the Church’ of Rome or not, | am fore “tis very much for the purpofe of Miracles, and of the true ufe for which Ged . | has vi The Preface. has defigned them. But if they think that this _ jsdone a little out of feafon, as I doubt they do; *tisa plain cafe, I fhould think, that they do not take their Miracles to be Divine, fince Divine Miracles are always moft feafonable at firft. ' ’ Since the firft Edition of this Tranflation, J am told that fome will needs have it tobe a .. Sham, without an Original. To which I fhall only fay, that I have the Original now by me, which I do not intend to part with, if I can help it, till I procure oneor two more, which _ fhall be expos’d publickly enough to the Satis- faction of all that are concerned to make thefe Objections.. Inthe mean time, our Englith Fe- flival Book, wfed before the Reformation, may fufficiently acquaint thofe that have it, that fach like Miracles as thefe in the School of the En- charift, are no news in the Roman Communion. And for that reafon I tranfcribed three notable Hiftories out of it, and becaufe of their Afim. ty to the Leflons which we are to learn in this ; School, they were three of thofe that ufed to * The Bo- be read to the People upon * Corpms-Chriftm oo. Day. And thefe they are. Lib, Felt. Chere was an Crle of Cenpys twas de Corpo” cafiey Spe Ambrighte, that loved the Sacrament in the Auter patsing wele,ai Did hit all the worwhip and reverence that a je code ana mighte; fo what that he fap " fpke ard fhuld be Dede, be might not re- . cepoe the Sacrament fo2 cafting 5 thaw : was The Que ee was he {orp and made Dole, andthar he lette make clean his right tyne, ann — to cover it with a fapre cloth of Sendell, and ey Govdis Wodp thereon, Ano fain athus tothe Dite: Low,thou kuotwitt that 3) tove the with all my bert, and woul faine refceive the with mp mouthe, and 3 aurite, and thirto, that | map notte, Zi lep thee on that place that is nevt to my berte, and fo J thew the all the love of ‘mp berte that J can and map: wherefog 4 befeche thee good Low habe mercy on me. And chen therewith, infighte of xl the peopie that were about hy, his {pre Opcenypd, and the Hofte wente therin to his ipde, and thanue bis {poe clofed agin, ana {o anon atter be Dyoe, Ce rene, that there was a Fewe that fwent with a Cheiften man, .a felotwe of bis, into a Church of Chriiten people, and herde Watle : and after, when Wakle Iwas Done, the Aewe lepne to the Cheiften man, EC 3 hadde eton as moche as thou batt eton, 3 thould not be an -bunared, as % trow, in many Dates, And thanne fepde Chrfter man, Foxouthe, quod be, J ete no mete thig dep. Chan lepde the Fete, F fav thee ete aChild, the which the Jpretie helte up at Bi Auter, Channe Coie “The Preface. conte a fare mat that hadde many Chil Dien in His Arps, anv he wave eche — Chrittena Childe, loch as the |Prelke ete, in Devynchire belpne Exbridge; tat a Toman tey fycke, and was npe Dede, any fente aftp2 aholy perfon aboute myd- | npgbhte, to have her rightes : Chan this § man in all the hatte that he mypghte, be atote and wente to Churche, and toske Gondis Bony ina Bor of Pooy, and putte Hit into his Wolsme, and wente forth towarne this Toman. Andashe © fuente thourah a Forelte in afaye Wee “that was bis nert tuep, it bappid that “his Bor fill oute of bis Bolame to the Grounde, and he tuente forthe ard wotle ‘Dit not, and come to this Toman, and Herde Heer Confetsion. And thanne he. asken ber pt the would he bofilen? anv the fepne, pe Sere + Chart be putte his honde in his Bolome, and tought the ‘Bor, and wher he founde hit nought, he - Was full faarpy and fanny, and fepoe, Dame, 7 woll ro altyr Oondis bony, and come anon arene to pou, and fo wente forthe foe weeping for his fimplenefie : aun fo ag he come ta a Miclow - Cree, fe made therof a Ronde, and firpppen — bpmilelfe alt nakpn, and-fo bete agen The Preface. that the blode rannedotwne by bis tyne, ana | fepoe thus to hymielf + D thou fimple - ae man, why hat thon lofte thy Low Gov, thy Baker, thy Foner, and thy Crea: Cour? And when he had thus bete hym: felfe, he deve on his clothis and mente foxthe: And thanne he tos Ware of aoe lout of Fe that talte from Crthe ta Deven, and he was ail altopnen ‘therot, . pet he bleed, and wente thereta, ano there lep the Sacrament fatiyn out of ‘the Bor into the Gaile, and the Jitour ihone as hyghte asx any Sonne, and latipnd from Oovdis Wodp ta Hever, anv all the Geltys of the sollte were come aboute Gonos Body, and {tode it com: pafle round about Hit, and all knelia on fotire knees, fave-or biacke bole that Rnelpo put on that on knees Channe feyne He, vt thou be anp WBelte that map fpeke, 4 charge thee in Gondis Wame here pre: -fente in foun of reve, tell me whp thou Knelift but on thy on knee ? Channe fepae be, J ama Fenve of bell, and woile not kneel and p miphte, but pam made a @ente-my will: fo hit 8 meton, Chat eherp knelping of Deven and of Crth that be to the Low Gon. Why art thou itke _ aboale? And be feyne, ta make the pee ble to {tele mes and at foche a oe | g a he Pirfece, rs tag one hanged forme, and at foche a Towne another. Chan lepne this noolp Jerfor, % commande the oy Govnis Fletche and his Wlode that thaw yoo inte the itiverneiie, and he ther as thow thaite never difcete Chriftenpeapie more, Guy anone he twuente his twwep, he mprhte no fonper abpde: And thane this Dan | Wwente forthe to this Cloman, and nede f i ber vightes, bp the which the was fabip, ae | 2 a RR TES TAR CS CEST SESS et Lt, “ } 4 : THE i i bad a é THE oe See PREFACE. HE H. Sacrament of the Altar, inftituted in th: Church, for the nourifhing, inlightning, fortifying and comforting the Faithful, a one of the most Sublime and Salutary Myfteries , that ws to be found in the Gatholick Religion. It ftood in need. allo of a God; for to inftitute it, and to propofe it to us, as the frongeft Argument of the Love that.he bore towards man- hind. Which makes me aftoni(h’d why the Hereticks {hould con[pire with all their might for to extirpate it, conducted, no doubt, by the Devil, who pretend only to take away the belief and the ufe of it, fo to deftroy Souls more eafily, who cannot [ubfift long in grace, without the participation of thie Divine , and Celeftial Food. Wherefore without troubling my felf to confute thefe hair-brain'd People, whe turn @ deaf Ear to all that the Holy Fathers have {aid about it, and have renounced their veafon, I refolved to fend them to School to the Beafts, who have (howed a particular inclination, not without a Su perior conduct, for the Honour and Defence of this Truth. I have put my Difcourfe into an Alphabetical order, to the end that by this laff remedy, they may become more wifey and re- turn to their reafon, being taught by the Animals that have none. If they receive no benefit hereby no more than others, yet I hope ét will be ferviceable to Catholiques, to inkindle their Leal, by amore careful frequenting this Bread of [trong men: and not only ferve the grown and aged perfons, who have al- ready a full belief and high efteem for this Divine Sacrament ; but alfo (which a one of my motives hereto) to imprint on the Minds of Children, the firft beliefy and a wife regard for B tbs Re ctace this Sacrament, tothe end that they may come toit, shen they are judged capable to receive it, with more devotion and re- TeV eNCee | Which xs that which I have feen put is pradife by gocd Fathers of Families, who ufe to put into their Childrens Hands, fuch like Devont Hiftories,to difpofe them to commu. = | nicate worthily, when they firft receive the Sacrament: i: At a allo moft certain, that Hiftories.and Examples, how- op ever it comes to pals, bave a great advantage to make ith- tS preffions on the minds of Children, above difcourfes and rea i : fonings, which are above the capacities of youth. i : 7 Ok Note. Whete the Englith word for p -* — Birds or Beafts, dc. agrees not to the Alphabetical’ Order, I have fet the French word in the Margin. ‘a | | THE | Con School of th EUCHARIST, . Eftablithed upon. | ‘The Miraculous Refpects and Acknowledgments which Beafts, Birds, and Infeéts, upon feveral occafions, have rendred to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, Gc, Cee ae Abeilles, Bees. . 1. Bees honour the H. Hoff divers ways, ky lifting it fromthe Earth and carrying it in their Hives as it were in Proceffion. ) Certain Peafant of Auvergne.a Provinice in France, per- ceiving that his Bees were likely to die, to prevent this misfortune,was advifed,after he had received the Com-- munion, to ‘referve the Hoft, and to blow ir into one of his Hives. Ashe tried to doit, the Hoft feli on the ground, Behold now a wonder ! On a fudden all the Bees came forth out of their Hives,and ranging themfelves in good order, lifted the Hoft up from ‘the ground, and carrying it in upon their wings, placed it among their Combes. After this the man went out about his bufinefs, and at’his return'found that this advice had fucceeded ill, for all his Bees were dead. Moreover when he lifted up the Hive, he fawthat the Hoft was turned into a fair Child artiong the Honey- Combes. Being much aftonifhe at this change, ‘and feeing thar this Infant feemed to be dead, he took it in his hands/intending to bury it privately in the Church ; but when he came to do it,he found no- thing in his hands, fon the Infane was vanifht and gone. This thing happened in the County of Clermont, which, for this irreverence,was a while after chaftifed by: divers calamities, which fo difpeopled -thofe parts, that they became like a Wildernefs, Pet. Cluniac. A L644 B a : a; Bees Sop PO eee ¥ — — mal i Mt S| i ee i ie e5 = SS Meet eds Diino toe to a 4 She Schaal of the Cucharitt. >. Bees adore the H. Host, and fing the Divine Praifes, dividing themfelves intotwo Quires. he ig reported of another poor man, that going to vifit his Bees, A perceived them to make a {weet Harmony 3 he ftood ravifhed a _ while with itj not knowing” what ic meant. The:night following as he went out about fome bufine(s,and-caft his Eyes cowards his Bees, . he perceiv’d them to rejoice, and fport themfelves, making an ad- mirable melody. He firft inform'd his Curate of it, and afterwards the Bithop, who after they had confulted about it, advifed him to} break up the Hive, where they found a Box or Pix made of Wax, but of fuch whitenefs, that it looked like Ivory, and within it the ‘EL Sacrament adored by the Bees, who ranged-themfelves into.two Quires, and fang the praifes of their Creator. The Bifhop gave or- der for agoodly Proceffion,to carry back the H Hoft to the Church; and in that place was erected a fair Chappel, which becamea place “of refuge for the,fick and afflicted. When no body knew from whence and by whom that Hoft had been brought thither, two “Thieves of their own accord difcovered, themfelves and confeffed, A that having ftoln a. Pix,they had thrown the Hoft againft the Hives. $ x Cantiprat. | a c. 40.fec. 1- : 3, Bees ered? a compleat Chappel with their Wax: Certain Woman as covetous as the former Peafant, having re- ceived the Communion unworthily, carried the Hoft to her Hives, for to enrich her Stock of Bees ; and afterwards coming a- gain thither to underftand the Succefs, fhe perceived that the Bees acknowledging their God im the Sacrament, had ‘with admirable Artifice erected to him a Chappel) of Wax, with its» Doors; Wine dows, Bells, and Veftry, and-within,it.a Chalice, where they laidthe H. Body of Jefus Chrift, She could not long conceal this wonder : The Prie(t being advertifed of it, came thither: in: Proceffion, and he himfelf'heard a confort of: moft harmonious Mufick, which the Bees made flying round about the H, Sacrament 3 and having taken ir out, he brought it back to the Church full of comfort; certifying chat he had feen and heard our Lord acknowledged and praifed: by thofe lictle Animals... Cafarins,1. 9. c.'8. A. They revenge the Injuries done to the H. Sacraments Peafant, fwayed by a covetous mind, being communicated on mY Eafter-day, received the Hoft in his Mouth, and afterwards laid it among his Bees, believing that all the Bees of the Neighbourd hoo- Ws The School of the Cucharits ——g hood would come thither to work their Wax and Honey. This co- vetous impious wretch, was not wholly difappointed of his hopes 3 for all his Neighbours Bees come indeed to his Hives, but not to make honey, but to render there the honours due to the Creator. - The iffue of their Arrival was, that they Mmelodioufly fang to him Songs of praife as they were able ; after that they built a little Church with their Wax from the foundations ro the roof, divided jinto three Rooms, fuftained by Pillars with their Bafes and Cha pi- ters. They had there alfo an Altar, upon which they had laid the precions Body of Jefus Chrift, and flew round about it, continuing their Mufick The Peafant who took notice of all this, though he could not comprehend the meaning of this harmony, yet was righe giad to fee all his Neighbours Bees met together there. When the time came to examine what profit he had made, then it appeared how he was deceived. For when he would take a view of the quan-. - tity of Honey and Wax,which all thefe Swarms had made, he found all his Hives empty of both ; and coming nigh that Hive where he had put the H. Sacrament, the Bees iffued out furioufly-by Troops, and furrounding him on all fides, revenged theirreverence done ro their Creator, and ftung him fo feverely, that they Yeft him in a fad cafe. This punifhment made this miferable wretch come to him(elf; who acknowledging his Error, went to find out his.Parifh Prieft, to confefs his fault to.him. The Prieft difcourfed the Bithop abour it, who advifed him to goin Proceffion with all his Parithioners At his Arrival the Bees teftified'the Joy they had by their hummings, they came forth, and raifed themfelves into-the Air, making an ex- cellent Melody. When they lifted up the Hive, they found thar art- ful Fabrick, where they faw upon the Altar the Holy Body of cur Lord, which they carried back with reverence and great ceremony tothe Church, finging the praifes of the Lord, who thould be move honoured and reverenced by men, fince he had honour from thefe little Animals. Vincentius in fpec. moral. l. 2. dift. 24. p. 3.- Agneat, 1. 4 Lamb of St. Francis makes fiens to Lamb. a Lady to goto Maffe. S 1: Francis had. at Rome.a Lamb that ufed to be prefentat Maffe and Divine Service ; and when. the Saint went from thence, he recommended it to a Noble Lady, whom the Lamb awaked amor- nings by its. bleating, when fhe forgot to, go to.Mafs, and fig iified tober by tigns that fhe fhould go to Church. . St. Bonav. in Vie S. Francis. : B 2 ly Lam) 4 ' 6 The School of the Cucharift. a. A Lamb of St. Coleta kueeled at the Elevation : during the Maffe. HE Humility and Sweetnefs of St. Coleta was fuch, that the : ‘Birds of Heaven were emulous to fing in her prefence, and came to feed at her Table: for this quality fhe accepted a Lamb, which one made a prefent of to her, as a meek fimple Animal, and. alfo becaufe in the old Law it was offered in Sacrifice, reprefenting Jefus Chrift the Lamb without fpot. She took fo much pleafure in this little Animal, that fhe made it go with her to Church, as the Sheep of St. Francis ufed to do) where without making any noife it behaved ic felf with great modefty and reverence, and when the Priefts that Officiated came to the Confecration, the little Lamb bended its knees, without ftirring till the Elevation was over. Suri- us ad 6. Martii» Le 4 Spider do’s not at all impoylon at the Mai: Aragnee, What happened to one of the Ciftertian Order, A Spider. to. St. Conrade, and St. Norbert. — ) Religious perfon of the Ciftertian Order, celebrating the Mafs, A in the prefence of his Abbot Walenus, a Spider fell into the Confecrated Chalice. Upon his doubting whether he fhould drink the Confecrated Wine, his Abbot commanded him to proceed, and he in obedience took and finifhed all with great courage, and with fervor and devotion. At his return being among his Brethren, his finger itched, he rub’dit, and then a fwelling appeared ; and after that before them all, this Spider opened the Skin, and came out a= live, and by the Abbots command was burnt. Henrsques. in faf- cic. S.S. Cafterc. 1.2, dift. 26. . 2. Another inflance to the fame purpofe. St: Conrade Bithop of Conftance {wallowed a Spider, that fell in- to the Confecrated Wine. They that knew what he had done, looked every moment for his death ; but it happened, quite other- wife. The Bifhop fut down at Table, but eating nothing, one asked him the reafon,he anfwered, that he waited for his Hoft, who would come prefently, and leaning his head upon the Table, and opening fis mouth,’ the Spider immediately iffued out. This is what our Sa- viour had faid in St: Matthew, That if his Difciples fhould drink. poifon, it fhould not burt them at all, Surins 26. November.Corbin. fibogiom. folidors Mek gre oME US a Be bE v ! ae 3. Another i i: 2 i SE tn a IONS ria ES — Khe School of the Eucharift. | 7 3: Another like the former. NE day as St. Norbert {aid Mafs in a Chappel under ground, a Spider fell into the Chalice already confecrated.. Norbert, that he might lofe nothing of what was there, fwallowed it. When the. Mafs. was done, as he was preparing himfelf for an unavoidable death,he found a great inclination-to {neeze ; and though he lookr Upon this as a fign of death, yet he found that to him ir was a fign of Life;For this Animal came out alive at his Noftrils.A miraculous Effect, which fo increafed his faith, that it isa common faying now- a-days, The Faith of Norbert ; the Charity of Bernard, and the Humility of “i/on Bifhop,of Teroanne.TheBifkop of Bellay in bisLife. 4. A Spider revenges an affront done te the H Sacrament. TT Fomas of Arundel, being affembled with other Prelates in the Chu:e': of St. Paul at London, to labour the converfion of a Taylor, who held that the Confecrated Hof{t, was only Bread blef- fed, and nor at all the Body of Jefus Chrift: When after many Dif- pures they found him obftinate in his Herefie, he was commanded abfolutely to fubmit himfelf, and to adore God with al! reverence in the H. Sacrament. Upon the oppofition that he made there even as far as to blafpheme, faying, That.a Spider rather deferved to be ho- noured than the Holy Sacrament of the Altar,Heaven revenged this faying fo outragious againtt his God, for immediately an old over- grown Spider unloofing it felf from the roof of the Church, came down by the guidance of its thread, upon this ftinking curfed mouth, where being entred, he was grievoufly tormented, anfwer- ably-to that in the Proverbs, c.6. Thou art infnare) in the words of thy mouth. After this, all judged him to deferve death, and in con- cluficn he was condenined to be burnt, which fentence was execue ted in the pretence of the Chancellor‘of the Kingdom, in the year ¥438. Bredek. 1.30 Tho. Walden |. contr. Fohannem Wicklef © alite Afnes, Alfes honour the H. Sacrament, making Affes. way fur a Prieft that carried it. AN Old and Simple Prieft of the Parith of St. Fames at Colen. car- rying the Holy Sacrament out of Town to a fick perfon,and go- ing upa very rough Hill, met fome loaded Affes, cefcending towards the Town, which often joftled him, by reafon of the narrownefs of - the way. At length not being able to get before them, and fearing to be over-turned by thofe Beafts, he fpake to them according to his B 4 fimplicicy, | } | if SNS ee oe A ARES 55 Rane Gomes e , r s 8 Whe Schaal af the eticharitt. fimplicity in this manner : My Affes, what do you mean ? do ye not fee him whom Icarry ? go afide and flop, tomake more room for your Creator, which I command you inhis name. O admirable Obedience ! thofe Affes, which ufed not to ftir but when they are beaten, prefently went on one fide, where the Hill was more fteep, without apprehending any danger, or letting fall their load. .The Town of Collenremembers this Wonder to this day, and mentions 4c with aftonifhmenr. Cefarius |. 4. c- 99. 2. Another fuch like Story. N the 16 Century within the Venetian territories, a Prieft carry- ingthe H Sacrament without Pomp or Train, to a fick perfon,he met out of the Town Affes going to their Pafture ; who perceiving by acertain Sentiment, what it was the Prieft carried, they divided themfelves into two Companies oneach fide the way, and fell upon their knees. Whereupon the Prieft with his Clerk all amazed, paffed berween thofe peaceable Beafts, which then rofe up, and as if they would make a pompous fhow in honour of their Creator, followed the Prieft as far as the Sick mans houfe, where they ftayed at the door, till the Prieft came forth, whom they did not leave till he had given them his bleffing. Father Simon Rodriguez, one, of the firft companions of S. Ignatzus, who travelled then in this part of Italy, informed himfelf carefully of this matter, that it happen- ed alittle while before our firft Farhers came into Italy, and found thatall had happened as has beentold. . P. Or/andin, in his Hift. of the Society. Tom: 1.1.2. 2.27. . 3. Another admirable Hiftory of what happened, not to an Afs, butto a Man turned into an Afs. Certain Knight of Serufalem, arriving at the Town of Fama- ‘ gufta in Cyprus , with fome others of the fame Order, as they were bufied to provide themfelves of things neceflary for the finifhing their Voyage, this Knight went abroad, and walking along hy the Sea-fide, he accofted a Woman, and asked her whether fhe had any Eggs to fell. She, thac was another Medea in Sor- cery, feeing him young, lufty, and a ftranger, that the Country people mighr fufpect nothing, defired nim to wait a while, and fhe would furnish him with every thing he wanted. As fhe tarried fomewhat longer than he would have had her, fo her fear left the Pilot fhould not leave him afhore, caufed her tomake more haft. So the brought him the Eggs, and ¢old him, that if the Ship was gone, and he would come back to her, he fhould be welcome. With shis provifjon he drew towards -his Ship, and feeing that his Come oy ; panions The Schanl of the Eucharitt. 9 panions were not yet come, he fell to eating his Eggs. As he was eating them, to his admiration, he found himfelf wholly altered, _and that he went as it were out of himfelf, fo that in an hours time he became dumb, and as if he had loft his Brains (fo he expreft ir af- . ter he was well), not knowing whence this happened. Moreover, when it was timeto fet Sail, he drew towards the Ship, ro rake his lace there, but was driven away by great blows of a Staff, fince he ' 4vas changed into an Affe. He fufpected now ill dealing, and that this Woman had bewitched him, hearing them call him Affe ; not- withftanding, though he could not make anfwer, being dumib, yet » he made ariother attempt to get into the Ship, but was treated juft as before, being repulfed as an Affe, by the ftroaks of a good Cud- gel. Being thus abandon‘d by all, he was forced to go back to that Womans houfe, whom he ferved as an Affe,for the prefervation of his life, the fpace of 3. years, this Witch making ufe of him to car- ry provifions to the Houfe : At 3. years end this poor young man, following the Sorcérefs at a little diftance,» coming into the Towa in fhape of an Affe, by good chance, pafling by a Church, he heard the Bell ring for the Elevation of the Hoft ; and prefently he turned towards the Church ; but not having the hardinefsto go in, fearing to bedriven away, he ftaid without, bending his knees and legs to- ,wards the ground, and raifing his head, bowed it to adore the H. ' “Sacrament. This being obferved by fome Merchants of Genoa, and being greatly aftoni(h’d, they followed this Affe, which a Woman drove away with a Cudgel, and went after them both as far as to the houfe. Hereupon they advertifed the Judge of the Town con- cerning this matter, who caufed both the Affe and Woman to be apprehended. She being examined, confefled her Crime, and pro- mifed the Judge, that if he would fuffer her to go home, fhe would reftore the young Knight to his former fhape, which fhe did: As for her, fhe was afterwards condemned to the fire, and burnt for 4 ch. Nic, de Laghi, p. 244. © Hier. Mengi de arte Exorciftica. Bs 4 ; RPS b Biche, 1. Hinds come to Mafs on a H. Martyrs day, ana A Hind. make an Offering of a young Cheverel. “ OT. -Athenogenes, a Martyr, under the Emperour Dioc'efian, whole s? Feaft is kept on the 16¢h of July, returning -to his Monaftery, found none there fave a Hind (the Monks being before laid in Pri- fon) which he had a Jong time nourifht. She prefenting her felf be- : fore him, and moving his Compaffion, he bleffed her, and prayed God,’ that the might never be taken, nor tall into the Hunter's Nets, neither 10- «=©—s- @©he School of the ucharift. neither fhe, nor her young ones: Charging her further, that the, and others of them, fhould yearly bring a Pheccod! to the Monaftery, to perpetuate the memory ef this favour and priviledge. All came to pafs as the Martyr had required ; for every year, after the reading of the Gofpel at the time of celcirating the Mafs of the H. Martyr, they faw a Hind enter into the Church, and after fhe had offered a Che- verel to the Saint, went Back into the Forefts: It was ordained, that this Cheverel fhould ferve for the feafting the Priefts that had cele* brated the Office on the day of that Feaft. Rederus Viridarii SS. p.1. Beufs,» _ Oxen adore the H. Sacraments Oxen. L ‘( Ertain Robbers broke into a Church, of a Town called Homel, feizing upon a Casket, in which they found nought befides fome Reliques, and the Pix, in which they kept the H: Sacrament. But this boory not turning much to their profit, they left all in the , Fields, In the morning before day, a Peafant went out with. his Oxen to plow; the Oxen being yoked in the Plough, began to draw; but when they were come to the place where the H. Pix lay, they ftopt on a fudden; the Peafant, not knowing what was the matter, cried to them aloud, and pufh'd them with his Staff, to make them, | go forward, but allin vain. He encreafed his blows and his noife to no purpofe, only that he received their kicks, they having more regard to the H. Sacrament, thanto their Patron, The Peafant in great anger left his Plow, to look whether any thing was there which might caufe this ftop.. As he did this, he took notice of that Pix lying at the feet of his Beafts, with the Relicks belorging to his Village. Being in a great aftonifhment, he left the Field and his Plough, to advertife the Parith-Prieft of what he had found. Upon this report the Prieft came out in proceffion. with the people to the piace where the Hoft and the H. Relicks lay, which they carried back to the Church with the fame devotlon where they put them under a more fafe cuftody. Cefarius 1. 927. 2. Another Story to the fame purpofe. a Bavaria, not far from Ingolftad, a Peafant, who was a fimple, but devout man, not being able on all Feftivals to be prefent at Mafs, becaufe he was obliged to look after his Cattel, put a part of the confecrated Hoft, which he had referved, into a Hole made in his Staff, which when he could not go to Church, he always fixed in the ground, and addreffed his prayers to ir, adoring the H. ric i: ment, Che School of the Eucharift, xx ment. Now one time, as he faw his Beafts run about hither and thither, and would fain ftop them, he heedlefly threw down his Staff, where the H. Sacrament was : But prefently reflecting upon what he had done, ran in great hafte to take it up: As he fell on his knees to do it, he faw that the ground, where his Staff was, de- preffed it felf, and fo much the more, ashe life up his hand. This. wonder troubled him, and ftill more, when rifing up, he faw all the ‘Oxen round about the hollow place, with bended knees adoring our Lord: Upon the fight of thefe wonders, he ran bitterly weep- ing to give an account thereof to his Parifh-Prieft : He addrefied himfelf to the Bifhop, who came thither in Proceffion, and with great reverence and humility took up the Staff, in which was the Ho- ly Sacrament. In memory of this Miracle, he built a Chappel under. the Title of Saviour. A world of people came‘thither, and took of the Earth of this hollow place, in teftimony of their devotion. R, P. Lucas Pinel, at the end of bis Meditat. on the Myftery of the Sa- crament. Brebis, a 4. A Sheep kneels at the Mafs, at the Eke- A Sheep 5° vation of the Confecrated Hoff. A‘ St. Mary de Portiunculaone gave S. Francis for’ an Alms a live Ewe, which he willingly received asa Symbol of inno- cence and fimplicity. He admonithed her ‘to live in the Convent without difquieting the Friers; when the Friers wert to the Quire, this Ewe went into the Church, and kneeled-before the Altar of our Lady, bleating, as if fhe would falure Ker ; and at the Elevation of the moft H. Sacrament atthe Mafs, fhe Kneeled, in tckenof adora- tion. S. Bonavent. in vit. S: Francifcs. hi - ¥ Cannes, : 36 Ducks are prefent at Ma{s on St. Ni- Ducks. 3 cholas day, May 9. Here is in the Suburbs of Monfort in Brittanie, a Parifh-Church of St. Nicholas, and at a little diftance from thence one may {ee a Lake, not far from a Caftle of that Territory. From that Lake, for more than 100, or 200 years, came forth a Wild Duck, which ° on St., 9th of May, came into this Church with a num- ber of Ducklins, and among the people there affembled to the num- ber of Three or Four Thoufand perfons, chofeits way, and entred the Church, and abode there fome while, without being Hrigntetl Bey ett oe a ane ' 3 = to 1. ss Che School of the eucharitt. and afterwards returned peaceably toits Lake. Some years fince '€ did the fame, but more feldom, and not every year. Asa Lord 9. the Countrey, whofe Name was Dandelot, who was of the New Re> ligion, related this as a Contrivance of fome Prieft; one day dining sn this Townof Monfort,this Wild Duck came thither, as if fhe had a mind to appear tothis man of a falfe perfwafion ; who being ad- vertifed of it, came in Querpo, and running with fome of his com- pany to the faid Church, he beheld that Duck enter in, and after forme Awhile returned quietly thither from whence fhe came: He followed her by his Eye as far as to the Lake ; after which, when any one {poke of this Duck, he faid not aword. If thefe hold their peace, the fiones will cry out. Le Seur de Argentre, in his Eiftory of Brittain, Z 1. p.63; 64. fob. Bapt. Fulgof. 1. de Mirac. 2, Young Ducks defend the Church, and puni{h the Offenders till they make reparation for : the wrongs they had done. N the Lake of Lagenne in Ireland, one may fee young Ducks a- mong thofe Ducks of S. Coleman, that had been made tame in his: time, which were not afraid when men came nigh them. Thefe Ducklins that met-together inthisLake, about the number of fix- reen,conftantly,whén any injury was done to the Church where theH. Sacrament was lodged, or €o.the Clergy; they forfook this Lake,and flew far away to another,and rerurned not till facisfaction was given, ahd reparation made cf the wrorg done to the Church and Clergye And during their abfence, chat the reparation might not be deferred, the Waters of that firft Lake which were cleer and chriftaline, be- came muddy and corrupt, and fmele fo ill, that they became neither fit for the tle’ of Men or Beafts. The fame Author alfo reports, that if any fhould injure one of the Birds, for being Protectors and De- fenders or the Church, he would not efcape long unpunifhed. He reports; That a Kite having caught up in his Tallons. one of thefe Duckdins, perched upon a Tree to devour it ; but immediately all his members became /tiff, fo that he could not perceive the prey under his feet.’ Another time ina Winter Frott, a Fox caught one of thefe Birds, but he had becter have let ix alone; for in the morning he was found ina Grot nigh to the Lake (venerable for the abode of S Cole- man there) dead and cheaked, the Duck that he had in his Throae {topping his breath, Nieremberg ex Sylveft, Gyrald. lib. 2. de Mirae. ' en Europa. iy A Sta Che School of the Cucharitt oo) i} i. A Stag traces the Circuit, and the place of the 1 AStag. 5 Church of Noftre Dame du Puy, _ @ at VelayinFrance. i N the days of S. George, the firft Bifhop and Apoftle of Velay, a Woman of that Countrey, who had along time been fick of a , - Quartan Ague, one day as fhe was afleep, heard this Voice , Betake , i ‘thy felf to the Rock d’ Anis, this is the place where I will cure thee : \ fhe obeying this Voice, found there a large and fquare ftone like am . A i: Altar. Being feated there upon it, fleep furprized her, and at the fame time the Virgin appeared to her, faying to her at her awaking, . i . Thou fhalt be cured, and know that I have chofe this place to be honoured there in Ages to come. All which coming to pafs as had | been foretold her, fhe madea rehearfal of it to St. George, who went | | upon this Rock, where he was further affured of the Virgins pleafure aa by a new Prodigy ; For having attained tothe top of the Mountain, : he the foot of the Rock de CorneiJe, the place where nowour =. i ‘Ladies Church ftands, all covered with Snow, tho this was on the rithof July. At the fame time a Stag fuddenly leapt forward ia the -fnow, took a round, as it were tracing the Circuit and Compafs of the Church, which was there to be built, and having done this, dif- appeared from the fight of all that were prefent. S. George, pro- ( trating himfelf on the ground, to adore the Traces of the Divine Pros vidence, immediately ordained, that following the prints of the Stags feet, the place fhould be entcompafled»with a ftrong hedg, fo that it might ‘not be profaned, that fince it could not be yet undertaken, it 4 might be deferred to a better feafon. S. George therefore contented f him(elf’ with marking out the place for the Church, and other Pre- 3 lates that fucceededhim.had not the hardinefs to undertake the build-- ‘§ ing, till S. Yo/i was eftablifht Bifhop there, who gave beginning to t the Church, by reafon of the Miracle following. In his days a Lady of a very Noble Family of Polignae, being troubled with the Palfey, was advertifed in her fleep by the Virgin, that if fhe would be heal- »ed, the fhould go up to the Mountain called Puy d’ Anis, and there repofe her felf upon a ftone made in the fafhion of an Altar; Being feared upon’ this ftone, ‘the fell there afleep, till fuch time as fhe was awaked by an Angel. At her waking, fhe faw the Mother of God ' furrounded with a great company of Angels and Virgins, and at her feet the lay proftrate ; the Virgin advifed her to return thanks to her | Son for the health that was reftored to her, and to let the Bifhop know, that ic was her pleafure they fhould build a Church in that j place for the invocation of her holy Name, and that he fhould ie Ht late 14 Che School of the Eucharift. late thither the Epifcopal See of Velay, according to the advicé the had given to S. George, his Predeceffor. This being refolved, S.Vofft _ Went to Rome to geta Licenfe from the Pope, where {tJ arrived in the year 224. S. Calixtus, who governed then, received him cour- teoufly, and agreeing to his requefts, gave him an Architect called Scutaire, for to manage the work. The Temple was ina fhort time finifht and ereéted with great firmnefs and perfection. Whenthede- - bate was about confecrating it, the holy Bifhop confidering that he - had no Relicks, he concluded that he would return to Rome with Seu- tare, for to obtain them of the H. Father. The Evening befdre |. ie they went away, they took leave of the people, and made faft all “<2 ghe Church doors ; the day following, when they were near the Ri- ver Lo'ze, a quarter of a League from the Town, they met two ve- nerable old men. S. Voffi approaching them, demanded of them whi- ther they-were going, and what brought them into.thofe quarters. . They anfwered, We are Embaffadors from-the H. Pope of Rome, Pe fent to Bifhop Voffi, to beftow on/him thefé two {mall Caskets full of ee holy Relicks. The H. Bifhop gave them thanks, and intreated them thar he might carry them up tothe Mountain. They anfwered, that they had no intention to pafs any further$iand at parting, when they had)delivered toahem the Relicks, with the Breviates, yet ‘further to confirm them in the truth of all they had-fald, Know, fay they, that when you fhall.arrive at the Church Gates, which you have firmly barred, they, willopen to youof tchemfelves; and you fhall find inthe Church three hundred and twelve lighted Torches,the Altar anoint ed and marked with Holy Oyl, and you fhall-alfo hear the harmoni- ous Songs of :Angels, and perceive a moft'fweet Odour. Upomnthis they difappeared. At their rerurn tothe Town, the people had no- tice to be ready fora-Progeffion, andthe H Bifhop bare-foot, andin his Pontifical Habits;\camé with, the people to Church, which as foon as they approached, the doors opened of themfelves; the Church was lightned with three hundred and twelve Torches)with all the o- ther Circumftances marked by the two old men. The Bifhop ap- proached to the Altar, which hé found anointed with H: @y}, upon which he placed the Holy Relicks.” Afcerthey had folemnly fung the Mafs of Dedication, he publifhed and declared by the Authority of our H, Father the Pope, that the Epifcopal See was from thenceforth tranflated, from the Old Town of Velay, tothe New place, own cal- ed d’ Anis, and‘in Latin, Anicium, whichis one of the moft illuftri- ous and ancient Churches of our Lady, that isin Esrope. P. Ody. Giffe, in his Hiftory of our Lady du Puy. 3. Caters The School of the Euchart. rs - Chenilles, ky 3: Caterpillars revengethe injury done Caterpillars. 3 . the H. Sacrament. 3 A Prieft exorcifing one that was poflefled, demanded of the Devil, Why a woman whofe name was Hardifz, had been fo grievoufly tormented by him ; She has well deferved it, replied he, for fhe hath fowed the moft High upon her Coleworts. The Prieft hot Knowing what this meant, and the Devil denying to give him any other anfwer, he went to that other poffefled perfon cailed Hardifa, and told her the anfwer the Devil had made him, whick he did not at all underftand. I underftand it well, fays Hardifa, which yet [have never told to any Soul living. You muft know then, ‘faid fhe, that being very young, I took upon me to look to the Garden, and making’ no profit of it, becaufe Caterpillars de- voured all the Herbs, I learnt afterward of.a wandring woman, that for to remedy this, I muft break a confecrated Hoft in pieces, and {catter them upon the Herbs, and they would {pring upagain: us I did fo, faid the, but to my own harm, -as yowfee. Behold here what the Devil meant, when he faid; She fowed the moft High upon her Herbs. Cefarius Cheval, % 4. A Horfe given to a Prieft that carried A Horfe, the H. Sacrament to a fick perfon: VW E will give the firft place to a Horfé of Ralph Count de Ha- Jfparg, and afterwards Emperor. This Prince ‘going a Hunt- ing heard the little Bell ring, as the/Prieft went with the H. Sacra- ment to a fick Perfon. He thereupon turned back to meet the Prieft, and being come up to him, he lighted from his Horfe, and prefented him to the Prieft, that he might pafs over a Ford of the River, him- felf following on foot. When tie had communicated the fick Perfon, the Prieft returned a Horfeback to his Church, the Prince going all the while a foot.. The Prieft payiiig due refpects, thanked Count Ralph, and offered to return hiathis Horfe. God forbid, faid the Prince , that I fhould profane the Horfe , which God has thus far confecrated by the Service he has done him; My Horfe, faid he, belongs to God, and I give hinito the Church. When he had made this Donation, that the Church might not be burden’d with the ne- eeflary Charges for his keéping, the Prince ferled.a certain Revenue, ~ to pay for the Horfes keeping, and he madé ie perperual , as well for the providing Horfe-meat, as for the purchafing another Horfe, when he fhould fail, for the Service of the Church. P. Gualeerus Paulus in fuis de Exch. Rithmis, 5: 4 (16 Che School af the Cucharif. 5. A fews Horfe pays re[pedt to a Prieft, who went with the H. Sacrament to a fick Perfon. Prieft carrying the H. Sacrament, met a few on Horfeback, A who endeavouring to get before, his Beaft kneeled down bow- ing towards the H.Sacrament.The 7ew being in great diforder flack- ned his Rein, and Spurred him hard. But his Horfe would not ftic ‘till the Prieft was gone by. At the fame time he heard a Voice from Heaven which faid, Acknowlede thy Creator, whom thou denye eft to be born of the Virgin'Mary. The Jew making reflexion upon =, his foregoing action of his Horfe, and this Divine voice, was conj) | se %\° yerted and baptized. Prompt. Difc. excompl. 32. 6:4 Horfe fignifies to bis Majer, that he flould bear Mafs,. before he went about bis affairs. Perfon that was hard put to it to difpatch certain affairsy was A exhorted by fome Clergy-men, becaufe it was Sunday, to hear Mat{s, before he took’ his journey ; he went indeed to Church to be prefentat Mafs, but through his earneft defire to difpatch his affairs, he went. away before it was ended. He came home and got on horfe- back ; but when he was upon going, his horfe would not ftir either for beating or fpurring.Phis unufual obftinacy of his Horfe,made the Maftet confider with him(felf 5 upon this he alights, returns to- Church, and heard a Mafs from the beginning to the end. Aftrr which he got again on.Horfeback, and went without any difficulty about his bufinefs,° which he difpatched fooner and more fuccefs- fully, than he thought: he fhould have done. — Nicholas de Laghs Alexandr. Ebor. Lufit.d2 Orat. 3. Horfes lofe their lives for faving the honour due to gi eal the H. Hoff. ‘ ( i Ge E Marthal of Aumont, having brought the ‘Town of St. & Porcien in France under the League, his Soldiers pillaged the Parith-Church, from whence they took away the Pix full of Hofts, which they carried to the Stable where their Horfes ftood. Where having emptied the Pix, they threw the Hofts mingled with Oats into the Manger to feed their Horfes therewith; and as the Horfes could not retire being tyed to the Racks, prevent the indignity that mighr happen, fuddenly fire defcended from Heaven, and killed the Horfes, without touching any ways the Headftals. Thugs the Horfes loft their lives to hinder the affront and aay “wrreverence, Che School of the Cucharitt, ong irreverence, which the Hereticks would have put upon the confecrated Hofts. P. Fodere Hist. de la province de $. Bonavent. | ‘ae tela 3 8. A Shee-goat brings up an Infame devoted tothe H. Sacrament. - : JN Poland an Infant was loft, its Parents being ignorant what became of it » for the fpaceof three years; the Father and Mother greatly _ affiiéted at this mifhap, had recourfe to Heaven, to helpthem to fome .. “news of it, After all they made a vow, that if they could learn where . =>, it was, they would go a Pilgrimage to the H. Sacrament of Pofnanie, After this the Child was found ina Foreft, and told them, thatall that time, it had been fed by a Wild Shee-goat , which had alfo taken care to defend it againft the Nights cold. ‘Traterys apud Brovium. Tom. §. p- 205. in fine. ge Siem 9. Dogs revenge the injury done to the H. Hofts. Ptatus Melevitan writes thus in his fecond Book againft Parmenion, that the Donatift-Hereticks, had given the H. Hoft to Dogs, bur that their own Dogs , inftead of touching the H. Sacrament , to revenge the injury done to their Creator, fell upon their Mafters, and tore them in pieces, — a ? 10. A Dog punifhed by Heaven,for making anoife during the Maffe 9. N the Life of Bl. Dalmace Monerios of the .Order of St. Dominick y it is reported that this Father { inanEmbiafly of his to the Convent of Caftellon, obferved that a Lady called Villeneufue came to hear Mafle atthis Convents Church, accompanied with a little Dog, which made a great noife, with little Bells that hung round his neck, He intreated the Lady not to bring the Dog thither any more, whicli’fhe promifed. One day having fhut up her little Dog in a Chamber, fhe came to Maffe at the fame Church; Inher abfence, through the carelefnefs of a Servant that opened the Chamber.door, the Dog flipping our, wene firait-to Church to find again his Lady ; as foon as he was entred, he fell a barking and making a greatnoife, to the difturbing. of the Priefts De- votion who was faying Mafle. Whereupon Bl. Dalmace lifting up his Eyes, prayed God not to fuffer that Beaft further to interrupt his Devo- “tion. Behold a ftrange Prodigy! at that inftant there appeared inthe Church a great Dog with biack and rugged Hair, feen by none either before or after, which feized fo furiou{ly on the Collar and Bells of this little Dog, that he lay overturned for dead‘on the ground, and the arly C ic am ; i yj Rio hs i) a 4 jas ee ROS PF als stinaeda tier sei <4 oa p / ee he School of the Cucharitt. he had round his neck, were never feen , the leaft parcel of them any more. Of fach importance is filence for the right celebration of the H. Sacrifice; as S. Ambrofe reports , that a certain H. Prieft comman- ded the Frogs that croaked a little way from the Church, to hold their peace during the Divine Office, and they obeyed., Lib. 3. de Inktit. Extract from the Life of B. Dalmace by Nic. Eymeric. Jac. Bleda, » Mirae. 153. fe 298. A Dog refpets and adores the FH. Sacrament, and punifhes * the Blafphemy of bis Mafter. ‘% Ticholas de Laghi, in his Book of the Miracles of the H. Sacrament fays,thaca Jew blafpheming the H. Sacrament, dared to fay in the refence of many Chriftians, thar if they would give it to his Dog, that he would eat it up without fhewing any regard to their God. The Chri- ftians being very angry at this outragiouspeech , and confiding in the Divine Providence:had a mind to bring ir to tryal.Prefently one {preads a Napkin onthe Table, upon which they laid many Hofts, though there was onely one among them all that was confecrated, The hungry Dog feing put upon the fame Table,fet himfelf to eat them all up;but coming to that which had been confecrated, without touching it,he kneeled down - before it, and afterwards fell with rage upon his Mafter , catching him fo clofely by his Nofe, thathe took it quite away with his Teeth. Fac. de Voragine in the Feajt of Gorpus Chrifiz. . De Laghé trait. d. 1.9.¢.96. The? fame which S. Matthew warns fuch like Blafphemers , faying , Give not that which is holy t¢ Dogs, left they turn again and rent you, Co 7. AA Peafant being delivered frommi[chievous Dogs,devoted bimfelfto, the H, Sacrament. Peafant of Poland, going one Sunday inthe Forreft, fet himfelf to A work,without regard to the’holinefs of the day,and to cut down a | great Tree : While he was at work , there chanced to come thither a | youth that was akin to him, with whom he took his repaft, to recruit his | ftrength. Mean while he obferved a Gum upona Tree hard by, and fet : this Lad upon-the Tree to gather it. The Treeabout which the Peafant | had taken fuch pains, and now bended towards the ground, came down | at the fame time and fellupon the Lad, and kill’d him ftark dead, T he: Man fadly frighted with this accident, ran to the Village to get counfel | and helpsbut in his Way,behold two black Dogsand very furious met him, , and ran after him to’fall upon him. He made the fign of the Crofs for | his defence, and: vowed to undertake a Pilgrimage to the H. sacra A | ef be Dehool of the Cucharie, | 17 Dogs, as indeed they were , fo he perceived them fuddenly to tofs up and down furioufly, and to fay tohim with a Mans voice, Ifrhou hadit not defended thy felf with thofe Arms ) there had been an-end of thy life, both body and foul, The Peafant right glad to fee himfelf out of danger, took care to bury the youth, ahd afterwards performed his vow, and repaired to Pofnanie, there to return thanks to God , and to adore a aid 4 See . 44n Infant was born with a Head like a Greyhound, whofe Father . ' . \ . a % was hunting without regarding to fay Maffe.” without any regard tothe Mafle or Divine Offices » for ‘which he A Gentleman of the Low-Countrys ufed to goa hunting at-all times, had been often blamed by. hiswife, who was a Virtuous woman. Among _ Many Children that fhe bore him » fhe had one born whofe Head was like that of a Greyhound. The Mother and other women with her thac beheld this, were all fo confounded, that they thoughte it beft to bury it privately, without making any noife. Upon this her husband returns home, and knowing his wife was brought a:bed, ask’d to fee the Child. Upon the fad filence they all kept, without making him any anfwer, he éd, that he changed his courfe of life, and-from that time forward, he ha fuch an efteem of the Maffe and Divine Offices, that it made him frequent it daily, tothe great edification of hig Family, and all under his charg>. Toh. Herold, a, difctp. Serm.22. Nic. de Laghi, trac.6. aiff. 12.121. p.269. The admirable vgilancy and.devoires of a Dog in honour of the EL Sacrament. HE Hiftory of the Dog of Lisbon, is counted a prod iey: tis report T ed by F. Nieremberg almott in thefe words. In Lisbon.favs he, nigh £0 S. Fuftina Awelt a Confectioner, who kept a middle-fiz’d Dog,whofe Hair "was marked with white Spots. Ie was two years ago ( as he gces on) that he took up a Cuftom to follow the Holy Sacrameat, when it was carried to fick Perfons; they did not mind jc til! feveral months aftcs, as neither feveral other circumftances which begot admiration. Firft, ¢: all times when they tolled the Church-Bell to give men notice of rhe honour which is to be Paid to the Sacrament, on a fudden this Dog wene C3 Out aus a 18 Che School of che Cucharikk. | outof the houfe, after that he returned: When the fign was given that the Prieft was going abroad with the H. Sacrament, he haftily recurned “to the Church, and flayed till he faw them come forth with the H. Eu- * charift under a Canopy, then jumping towards the Children that march- £ ed before with the Cymbal, he went and came to this fide and that fide, “as if he would fet in order the Proceffion that was made for Jefus Chrift. “The Dog is gentle and peaceable in his conditions, being accuftomed *: ito live among men, but yet at {uch times, he neither obeys nor owns, | “ atiy perfon, no not his Mafter, if he fhould chance to call him. In this matiner he goes along to the fick perfons houfe, waits at the door or in the ftreet ; afterwards brings back our Lord to the Church,and ftays there rill he be again placed in the Tabernacle. One night hearing the Bell for carrying. out the Sacrament, he would go away, as his Cuftom was, _ and finding the houfe-door fhut, he came to his Mafters Chamber, and , went round his bed, barking lovingly, that ome body would open the ~ door; which not being done, he. found a Servant that was yet awake, after he had fawned on him, running round him, he pluckt him by the Coat, and drew him to the Gate, which when he had it open, he went ftreight to Church, and the H. Sacrament being brought back, he return- ed home. Another time accompanying the H. Sacrament, he met a Ped- lar fleeping by a fountain, and taking his Affe by the Halter, he ran bark- - ing at him, and never ceafed tili he had waked him, and faw him kneel and adore the H. Sacrament,.Another time, following the H. Sacrament;, he meta Country-woman upon an Aife, immediately he fell a barking’ a-lowd, and leapt upon the woman, who being frighted, no body giving her notice, fhe alighted arid adored the H. Eucharift, and the Dog with- out making a noife purfued his way, leaving her in peace. Another time following the H. Sacrament, he meta Gentleman of Quality, who not feeming as if he would alight,. he thereupon fet upon him barking furi- oufly, till he had done fo, and had adored Jefus Chrift. Neverthelefs the horfe gave him a kick, which hurt the Dogs foot, which the Gentle- man commanded his Servant to take care of, but he would not be catch’d, but followed the H. Sacrament limping and holding one foot up 5 but when,e came home, he let them of the houfe look after his hurt foor, and it was quickly healed. The fame Father reports many other refpects this Dog had fhown, ro’confirain men to honour God in the H, Sa- crament ; and though {sme endeavoured to withdraw him from fuch re- fpects, yet he continued them, The Dog was then alive at Lésbon, when the Reverend Father wrote his Hiftory inthe year 1535. P. Nieremberg in hiftoria Natura. Several She School of the Cucharitt. Loto Colombes, Several Holy Priefts have been honoured b Pi Se ‘ y : yy com § Pigeons, while they faid —Ma/s. SEveral have feen Pigeons often perch npon the heads of fuc as have. celebrated the H. Sacrifice of the Mafs. It happened fo to St.Kentigerne in Ireland,to St. cunibert, to B. Anfelme of the Ciftercian Order,to B.chri- Stopher companion of St. Francis. So it alfo happened to Pope Gregory > IX. when he faid Ma in the defert of Camaldoli,which was a prefage, - that he would come to be Pope. The fame happened to Pope Marcel- oe a i lus Il..while he faid Mafs in the Church of our Lady of Loretta,a mark ' of the Soveraign dignity to which he was called by Heaven, and was af- terwards confirmed to him by the Mother of God whilft he (aid Malt" at the fame Altar. Turfellin. 1. 3. ¢. 20, hiftorie Lauretane, A Pigeon brings a H. Hoft, to communicate one - newly Converted to the Faith...» # i eae H. Martyrs Fanftinusand Fovita, having baptized at Mélana ck Souldier named Secundus,as they were about to give hint the Com- munion, according to the ‘u'age of the Church, ‘having no bread at all wherewith co confecrate, a Pigeon flew into the P ifon with an Hoft in her Bill,and having affured them it had been confecrated,being fent thi- ther by Heaven,they therewith communicated the new made ( hriftian. Surius in vita. SS. MM. Fauftini @ Jorita, Pigeons informed the Eaftern Bifhops concerning the Ho-. line[s of the Sacrifice, and of the Pope that celebrated. Bout the year 114s. inthe days of Pope Lucius,oras others of Pope Eng enius,Embaladors above a 100. in number from the Ayment- an Bifhops,and from: their Metropolitan whom they call Catholick,that is to fay Univerfal,came to find the Pose at Rome, to fubmitchemfelves to his Obedience,and to take from him.the moft perfe& form,which he fhould judge they ought to obferve in the moft holy Sacrifice of the _Mafs. The Pope received them very courteoufly, and invited them to come to fee him officiate on a folemn day thardrew near. The Legats who were alfo Bifhops,&& had made a journey of 18 months. failed not to openallthe Eyes of their fouls and bodies,to obferve this Pontifical Mafs After theconfecration,they fav a great light, like a globe of thre Suns Rays to fall down upon the Head of the Pope, & to encompa's it like a Crown, and two Pigeonsalfo flying up and defcending,without being able to dif- cover any hole in the Church,throvgh which that light and thofe Pigeons might come in 3 And when the Commusion was over, all difappeared Thus our Lord would honour his Vicar jn the prefence of thefe Armenian Legats,that (0,being ravifh’d with the San@iry of his Vicar aad che oh C 3 rs By - Cols a ? ea Awe Shae idee © Set) CLO ty ee Sercat Tha.’ hy © abe Ny v 20 he School of the Cucharitr, ders of fo holy a Sacrifice, they might fuomic themfelves more eafily to the Succeflors of St. Peter. Corbin. mirac. 740. Paneg. 174, p. 460 *, A Pigeon fucks the Blood confecrated by a wicked Prieft , and } reftores it to the Prieft, after be had confeffed his Sin. nk = ii year Leon in Spain, a Prieft, tho’ he had defiled himfel _ with @ woman, yet dared to approach to the Altar,on the holy night _ ofthe Nativity of our Lord,withont confefiing himfelf beforehand. At the firft and fecond Maffe,before he had confecrated,and {aid the Pater-nofter, _ ona fudden a Pigeon flew with great fwiftne( towards the Prieft » and ‘Metin irs Bill inco rhe Chalice,{uck’d out all the Blood,& with her wings ~ 00K up che Holts out-of the Priefts hands and flew away. The Prieft be- _ Ang frighved and concerned in this accident that was repeated, took © weare nor £0 Pato a third Maffe, without confefling himfelf,and repent- 22 4ng ofhis Sittela the fequel,as he was celebrating the third time,and came ‘** to the Pater, tHe Pigeon returned, and putting her Billinro rhe Chalice, _ seafl up againall the Wine fhe had facked,and fet fall’ the two Hofts fhe had carried away, at the foot of the Chalice. ‘This extraordinary won- der, teaches Priefts 2 good Leffon,how they ought to be difpofed, when they are to celebrate, and approach the Altar. Fr. James Bleda, in his Freatife of-the Fraternity of the H. Sacrament, Miracle 222. who fays that he had taken it ont of the Spanifh Chronicles of Pecer Michael Carbonel. S. Edmund was communicated by a Pigeon. T. Edmund Archoifhop of Canterbury,after he had applied his mind fe- S rioufly to confider the Argument of the-H. Trinity , on purpofe to prepare himfelf for a publick Difpute, which was to be held upon this Myftery,retiring him/elt late co take his réfi,be thought chat in the night time a Pigeon brought to himthe H. Sacrament, and that he received it. On the day of difpuration, he came into the Aflembly, and difcourfed in fo higha manner upon this Subje@thar all that were prefent were great- Jy ailonifhed and edified.. Bleda %. Mirac, 127. Pp. 227. ex fuim Ai Pigeon marks ont the out fide lines, and form _ of 4 Chappel of our, Ladies, Gentlewoman of Bononia calléd Ricriola Galoni,: with her Husband, 4 had madé¢a vow to build a Chappel to the Virgin upon a Moun- tain nighto that Town; they had only digo’d for the foundations, when the Mifons perceived 4 Pigeon, that turned round. about them » and : feemed to mark a certain {pace with little fticks which fhe had gathered together hither znd thither,and this by the fpace of two days. The No- velty of the thing made them look upon Kt as extraordinary; fothat the ae ae “4 repore tig a i $ a he School of the Cucharitt, 28 report of it having rum abroad, many came thither from Bononia, The Bifhop came over thither with his Clergy, and had the pleature to {ee with his own Eyes this Pigeon, how bufie fhe was in making this round, without being concerned at the great number of perfons that oblerved *, . her. He prefently judged that the H. Virgin had fent it to trace the gf boundaries of the Chappel which Ricciola had projected. Wherefore: — he advifed her to caufeitto be built round in the fame place chat the | Pigeon had marked 5 which fhe did with fuch diligence, that on the firft day of Seprembir following, it was ready for Confecration : The frequent’ Miracles that were done , fufficiently teftified, that the H. Virgin had: ice chofe that place forto be honoured there. Sigontus in Epifcopis Bononti« °~ enfibus 5 Leander in defcript. ttalia. i, oa ee s a , trie, ‘ Ravens,Crows,Cheughs,and other Birds of preys affembled Ore’Ravens. dinarily nigh to Ravenna on S. Apollinarins’s day , asia during the Divine Office , that was faid there.’ Qnotreves, Great number of Ravens,Crows,Choughs,and other fuch like Bi rds, ee flockt together yearly from all parts of Italy near the Town of Ras venna,at the Feaft of S.Apol/iaarius,firft Bifhop of this Town,for to make an extraordinary concourfe to thisfolemnity, during the time of celebrae ting the Office in the prefence of the H.Sacrament. The people of Ravenna, for an acknowledgment of the refpeG@ they fhewed to their Apoftle, had in readinefs the dead body of a Horfe,upon which thefe Birds made their repaft, before their rerurn to the place from whence they came. Some attribute this marvel to a miracle that had been wrought by the H.Bifhop; and it might happen that this fort of Birds,might have'been banifh’d & driven away, becaufe they defiled the Church wich their dung, and hin- dred the Divine Office at Maffeand other times by their doleful and troublefome noife,and for this reafon fome believe that the City took its name from thefe Birds. Niremberg. de mirac. natura, h 1. C. 4. 2.3890 + ed. Peay Al Dragon 1s made tame by the vertue of the H. Maffe. — Paul Bifhop of Leon, of the Country of Ireland, being intreated by w) the Inhabitants of a-Sea-Town, to deliver them from a Dragon that ruined their Country, and hindred them from going freely abroad the fields, he aflured-them of the Divine help, upon condition that they re- ented,and renouficed their Superftitions. Which when they had done, fe appointed his Nephew to prepare an Altar ac which he might fay Mafle.When Maffe was done,he went out of the Church,and being filled with divine confidence, he with a loud voice fummoned this Savage beaft to make his appearance, withous doing hurt to apy one. Immedi- Cc © 4 os ' ately 22 Che School of the Cucharift, . ately the Dragon appeared with open mouth and rolling Eyes fparkling ~ with choler, and went ftreight towards the Saint, cafting himfelf at his . feet. St. Paul, caft a ftole round his neck, and fixing his ftaff in the #* ground, he there bound the Dragon without any refillance, or making any motion ro get away from him, asif he had been tamed and made as i gentle as a Lamb. Colganus in vita S, Jaonez. 2. Martit, pag. 442.n.8. “« t Dragons revenge the injuries done to the H. Eucharift. wi, (CO Errain Inhabicanes of a Townin Italy having received the Commu- *. Avy nion onan Eafter-day,through great irreverence fpent the reft of the day in {ports and la{civious daacings. The D vine vengeance followed .» them quickly after. For among their punifhm~acs God fent a Deluge of /) 3" Water upon their Land,which overwhelmed all their Harveft of Corn, i, and drowned-all their Meadows ; from whence came forth Dragons that © -encumbredtheir ways when they were dryed, fo that none could walk ° {nto the Field without fear of his Life. The Country lying wholly defo- late, a Holy perfon, moved witk¢ompaffion,prayed to. God earneftly,to turn away his‘wrath.or at leaft to tell him the caufe of it. Upon thisan “Angel appeared to, him, and asked him chis Queftion’, If any perfon fhould be fo daring, as to lay hands upon the Emperours Son, and by wicked Treachery and Treafon caft him into adark & ftinking Dungeon, what punifhment would this infolent perfon deferve? The good man anfwered, That he deferved to be put to death and quartered: But, ad- ded the Angel, What if another thould take the Pix, in which the H. - Hoft is kept, and before a great number of people , fhould caft it into a fink full of filth and naftinefs,what.punifhment was due to this facrile- gious perfon ?*The H.%man reply’d, That he ought to be burnt as Here- ticks are. Upon this the Angel fat’s The Inhabitants of this place have put the Son of God intoa ftinking obf{cure: Prifon ; and,which is more, they have caft che H. Pix, thatis, their hearc,inco a dunghill of all fores of uncleannefs and vanities, for which crimes they have merited thefe and greater Chaftifements. When the people underftood this, they fet themfelves to repentof their fins , that they might be delivered from thefe punifhments. In Spec. Exenipl. tit. Euchar, Ex. 13. The Elephants at Goa,come in the Proceffion of the me HH. Sacrament. I Find the Elephants alfo do honour to their Creator in the H.Eucharift. As this is a Creature braving and defirous of glorv, they are wont at Goa.a capital City of the Eaft-Indies,co introduce them ina folemn Pro- eeflion they make in honour of the H.Sacrament, on Corpus Chrifti day. _ The young ones march firft, after follow the older Elephants all magnt- ; te . ficently i he Schoot of the Cucharif. OS) ee ficently cloathed,carrying the Croffe and Armes of Portugal,painted ig their natural colours on the head,and their whole Body;each of them carries Men on his Back,one five or fix Trumpeters,others as many Mu- fitians, whofe loud Eccho’sare heard during the Proceffion. This vaft Animal,which is eafily chafed at other times,at this time marches with a gate fo peaceable, but accompanied with fuch gravity, that he feems ~_ tO applaud himfelf and: fwell as men are wont to do,in this Pompand. «.: Magnificence: All Men and all Animals render this homage to their ' Creator. Quantum potes,tantum aude. Nieremberg. in Hift.nature,J.9.¢.88. The Ermine ferves for a fubjett,10 honour the H.Sacrament. Igh to Mariemburg 1n Pruffia,a Carpenter being in company with a” quarelfome perfon in the fame Lodging,and being forced to de*". ” fend himfelf,he grievoufly wounded this impertinent fellow, For this. __ he was caft in Prifon, and afterwards having learnt the wounded man was like to dye,he fought all ways to get his Liberty. And calling to mind the Miracles which the Hi Sacrament of Pofnanie wrought in high Poland, he promifed to take'a Journey thither,if Heaven would bring him out of the danger wherein he now was. Prefently after he had made this Vow, he faw an Ermine creep along the wall of the Tower, to a certain place ; which he look’d upon as a g03d token of his De- liverance. He went tothat place without delay, and found Tcols there, fit to open a breach for him to efeape Prifon. In conclufion, going to work with them,the Stones were loofened and tumbled down without much difficulty, Heaven feeming to cooperate with his juft defire. When the paifage was opened thr6..which 2 men might go, he haftily fprang out of Prifon. Afterward nesvent out of the Town, without being difcovered,althé the Magiftrates had fent.a Meffenger af- terwards to apprehend him : So he arrived fafely at Pofnanie,where he declared this Miracle, and performed the Vow he had made to go thi- ther, to render his thanks'to God. raterus apud Bzovzum, tom. 15. i : +4. F . : ‘ Bd ; A Fatcon teaches us the reverence and decency due to places, wherethe H. Scr ament lies, and is kept. ts reported of a Falcon,. which in the days of S. Brigit the Virgin, - made its abode continually in a Towre of a Church, that forthe re- yerence owing to the place where the H, Sacrament ts kept,he would not fuffer the company of any female there., but at breeding time it retired afar off from thence to the Mountains, and having fatished nature, returned again to irs ancient abode ; leaving a good exam- ple of the decency that is owing to Churches and Holy places. Nie- vein), in bift. Nat. 1. 12.¢. 33. Anis tg TI —- Lins ae 24 Whe School of the Cucharitt. FourmiL efits by the Punifhment that befell them fhew the re- am “ ~-verence due to Altars, and to the H. Sacrament. yx a Church of one of our Colledges in Portugal,on the day of a great » * Feaft,the Sexton had fet Pots with fine Pofies of Flowers, round the “ Tabernacle where the H. Sacrament repofes : In the night a troop of Pifmires, which had their retreat not far from the Altar, drawn by *the fweet {mell of thefe flowers, came neer to the Tabernacle, to for- } rage for Provifion: but this their irreverence was immediately cha- ftized, for the day following the Sexton lifting up the Tapeftry that wovered the Alcar , he found them all dead. neer the Tabernacle. tx Literis ann. prov. Lufitanie. Te ear Gs ya f _ Henns honour the H. Sacrament. L.Ida of Lovain,before fhe entred thto the Ciftertian Order,had ufed 4) to feed Henns and other tame Foules; & after fhe was a profeffed Nun,fhe had fo great devotion to the H.Sacrifice of the Maffe, that fhe brought thither all her Henns and other Poultry,which followed her at her call,& in the Church,as far as they were able,humbled themfelvcs, - & kept themfelves before the moft Holy Sacrament of the Altar with- out making any noife, to the-admiration of all the people there pre- fents Corbin ibis Panegyrick on the H. Sacrament, Miracle 741. p.304- A Hen revenges the injury done to the H. Encharift. N the vear 1261. at Nimeghen, a Town of Gelderland, two Libertine % Hereticks; ftopping at an Alehoufe the fecond day of the Feaft of Eafter, made a challertge, which could fooneft fwallow his Egge. One of them hearing the Bell whichiufes to be carried when the Prieft goes with che H. Sacrament toa fick Perfon, faid, that he would fooner fwallow his Egge, thanthe fick Perfon his God or Idol, for to he called the H. Sacrameiit incontempt; but this he did to his own hurt: for the Egg ftopt in his throat, and he being feized with fear, took a Tal- low-candle, to make it pafs down to the bottom of his Stomach, but allin vain : for the Tallow ftopt in the paffage, without his being able to bring up any thing fave onely the wicke, and in this eftate, he fell down dead, with a face as black as an Ethiopian, and his throat fpoy- ded by a divine Punifhment. Alfo the Egg that had ftopt, having made a bunch between the flefh and the skin, appeared not in thethroar, but on the other fide of his neck. Titis Miracle happened on the 8th of April in the year above mention’d. Bredembachim. 1.7. c.60. Sacr. Collat. Frogs ie School of the Guchavitt, "os srenoville:?” ; | | Seu Frogs give refpect to the H. Sacrament, Prieft, and thofe that were prefent at Maffe ; he went and {mote thofe waters with his Staff ; upon which, all the F frogs were {till, and after that time were never heard to croak more, Jn the Catalogue of i 'the Saints of Italy on the 2. of Fuly, p. 204. “ H, Swallows. The Honour paid by this fort of Birds. He BI. Father Francis 6 Fabiano, of the Order of S, Francis, who. T was a very devout Perfon, Praying one day before the H, Sacra- ment, and confidering the great Love Chrift Jetus bore towards us in his Death and Paffion, and on the other fide, turning his Eyes upon mens ingratitude, who think fo lictle of it, asif thefe benefits did not concern them 5 the Swallows that had made their nefts round about the Church, began to chatter fo troublefomly, that they interrupted the quiet, which Meditation and Contemplation do’s require ; and pthey continuing their chirping noife, he commanded them to with- _ draw, and to return no more tothat place ; they obeyed readily this his command ;.and ic was obferv’d that all that year,not one Swallow appeared any more in that place, Wading. 1. 3. ad an, 1322. Another Fiftory of the fame kind. "Ather Peter Regalatus, of the faméOrder, a Prieft of Eminent ver- k tue, and a Superiour of the Houfe of Aquila in Spain, He being a Perfon much given to Prayer, his example drew mtny other Religious _ Perfons to imitate him, fo that, if they were not otherwife hindred, One might find them in the Churchbefore the H, Sacrament, praying, But as Prayer requires great quiet and recolleétion to find there and taft the Spirit of God, they found. themfelves deprived thereof by the troublefome noife of Swallows, that had their nefts ‘round the ‘Church, and made their complaint ef it to their Superior. The Ho- * Ty man willing to give fome Satisfaétion to the devout Friers, lifting up his hands and raifing his voice, he commanded thefe Birds to be gone from the Church;-and not to return thither any more, and or- dered them to fignifye the fame command to the reft ef their come pany, ts ee Hirondelle, a, A Swallow. a rege os cars Whe School of the Cucharit. “pany. Oh admirarable event ! alter this time not one Swallow dared ~ ¢o make a neft about the Church, without receiving a fure payment for its difobedience. In the Memories prepared for his Canonization it is reported,that one or two Swallows flying about in the Church, fell down dead upon the pavement. Wading. Tom. 5. ad an, 1448.0 9. : | J. » Jument. b Jumens. 4A mare. Mares adore the H. Sacrament. j N the year 1317, and the 2sth of Full, in a place called Vivieres, - nigh to the Town of Fumay, in their County of Loox; the Vicar of “the fore-named place, was required to carry the Sacrament to a fick ’ Perfon. He.went thither, and being arrived at the Houle, he lay’d down the Box ‘(or Pix) in which the Hoft was, upon a Table, to go and hear the Confeffion of the Dying Perfon. Mean while fome of the houfe not duly confiderative,?came rourd the Pix, opened it, and there touched the Hoft with very great irreverence,and after sfhut it up again. The Prieft after he had difpofed his Penicent, took ‘up the Pix, and came back to Communicate him. Upon the opening of it, he perceived that the Hoft had iffued our blood, and was flained with it,and fluck to the Linnen that was within. This fight caft him into a great fright, fo that he curft not commmunicate his Sick man, but having comforted him, and refpited the Commu- nion to another time, ke carried back the Pix and the Hoft to the © Church. The- Parifh Prieft knowing what had pafled, commanded his Vicar to carry the Holt tothe Monaftery of He k-norode to confult with a venerable and knowing Prieft, who lived there: he did fo ; but as he was upon-the rode tovaccomplifh it, the Mores, A%es and o- ther B afls that pafied im the Fields where he went, paid their ac- kuow'e gments to" cieir Creator, adoring him with bended knees 5 and the Vicar arriving atthe Churcti of the Monaftery,two Bells in the Steeple rang fiheir own accord, the Beafts and other animate things bearing more re(ped to the -H. Sacrament,than Men hed done, At his arf'val they Sung the Mafs of the 1ff. of Auguft (5. Petrz ad vin.ala) the Pricft that celebrated: knowing nothing of what had paft yet wnt bick a little from che Altar, to adore the H. Sacrament with a low bowing cf his head, Whil!t he did thus, our Lord appeared fohim in a humane form, with a certain’ Crown upon his head ; which was not feen by any but himfelf: ac the’ fame time one poffef-_ fed was ce'ivered from the evil Spirit, and fimce that time the H. Sacrament has not ceafed, nor how ceafes to produce fome miraculous Efleds. Bened. Con. in histor, Euchar. te ds Co G2. ex Chryfoft. Henriquer in Menol. Cifterc. ad 29. Fulit. Mares Che School of the Cucharit. : 24 Mares and Oxen paffing through a Marfh, adore our Lord in the H. Encharift. JN the year 1399, a Woman and her Daughter that ferved a Jewat.*) ; Pofnanie in higher Poland, ingaged themilelves for a great Summ of 4 Money, to deliver confecrated Hofts to the Jews. To effect this, on ase the day of the Virgins Affumption, they lay hid in the Church of #4 <4] the F. F. Dominicans, and when the Friets were gone toDinner, the * the Daughter being upon the watch, the Mother went towards the Tabernacle, and thé the firft and fecond time of her approach fhe: fell backwards, being repwls’d. by a divine force, yet tieacne on the. the third time and opened it: fhe took out of the Pix three Hofts . which they delivered to the miferable Jews, after they of this Sect had affembled together in.aCellar under-ground, they threw them down contemptuoufly upon a Table, and after they had uttered ma- ny Blafphemies, they ftabb’d them with a Dagger, from whence iffu- ed out great quantity of Blood, and the firft mans face was fo Co- yered therewith, that he could never wipe it away, but by the flames of his Punifhment ; the Cellar all was alfo full of Blood, which they could not neither any ways get off. The Jews being frighted with thefe wonders, charged two among them, to hide thefe Hofts in : he Marifhes out of the Town: During this journey many Miracles happened. 5 —, On Sunday the Oftave of the Affumption, -a Neat-heard and his Son, led the Mares an en tliey had the charge of, to thefe Ma- rifhes ; the Father left his Son there, avhilft he went to be prefent atthe Divine Offices, This youth named Paul, {aw thefe three Hofts » lifted. up in the Air, and fly like,Butterflies, which the. Mares that ee there, adored kneeling; and the Father at his return faw the ame, his Oxen kneeling alfodown to adore their Creator. The Neat-herd returning to the Town, reported to the Magiftrate that which he had feen, but inftead of bzing believed, he was thrown in Prifon fora Fool ; where he crying to Heaven for fuccour, the Pri- fon gates opened of themfelves, and he went out, and prefented himfelf again before the Magiftrate, who having obferved, that he was no man of tricks, made their report of it to the Bifhop, who went thither with great Pomp and Proceffion 5 the Hofts were gather- ed up by a Prieft at the Bifhops command, : and «fcarch being made, the hardened Jews were burnt, and their Goods confifeated. Ula- _ diflaws King of Poland caufed a Church to be built in that place, un- der the Title of the Body of Fefus Chrift, where God wrought Mira- cles of all forts: among which they reckoned 36 raifed from the dead, EN st yee a, boas oh ey x aS mova i os vee 4 28 he School of the Cucharitt, dead, and from the beginning of thefe Miracles, to the year 1604, their number arrived to 382, This Hiftory was written by Tho. Zra- terms, Almoner to Cardinal Rofivs, and afterward Canon and Sacrift Of Varme in Poland. — Bxovius reports this hiftory in bis sth Tome in . the year above noted. A Woman appeared in form of a Mare, for her neg- eh, Ligence in frequenting the Communion. | Ae not being able by his charms to corrupt the Chaftity “fea of #Woman,-in favour of a young Man, whohired him theye- - ¢#0, he bewitched: Her, ah fuch fort, that fhe was feen by her Hus- band and by all others in the fhape of 4 Mare : She was brought to ~S. Macarius, who took away the Charm with Holy-Water, and told her, that this misfortune had happened to her, for having omitted to frequent the Communion, which fhe had abftained from for feve- ral Weeks. — Palladins in §. Macarius life, where that excellent Sen- tence of. the Council of Nice is brought, wiz. “ We excite and ex- “hort the faichful to their Combat, and thar they may not be left na- ** ked,we put on and arm them with the protection of the Body and “ Blood of the Lord : And fince the Eucharift is moft profitable for “the defence of thofe that receive it, we defiring their Security a- “gainft the Adverfary, let us arm them with the defence of our *“ Lords wholfomeViandé, which the Council calls Munimentum dow “ minica falubvitutin Nthe year 1413, one Fohn Vanlangarftarden come to lodge at He- rental in Brabant, and went out every day fecretly to catcha Prize : One day entring incompany into the Church of Veérelefande, he car- ried away from thence the Chalice with the Pix, wherein there were five confecrated Hofts. As he was.thinking to return to Herental with his booty; *and was upon the Rode thither, he was much furprized, finding that he could not advance forward, do what he could, arid at the {ame time knew not whether he went. This wandring, made him inwardly refle&t and think that this happened to him for his fin, Hereupon he refolved to throw the ftollen Hofts into the Ri- ver, and going to put thisin execution, he found himfelf ftopt fhort, Os oh being able to itir from the place, where he was. He being. ne rasa he School of the Cucharitt. oe 25 | being then hard by a Coney-Warren, that he might rid himfelf of thofe Hofts, he threw and hid them in a Coney-burrough. After which he found himfelf at Liberty to return to his Lodging ; where the Provoft of Herental, upon the noife that ran up and down of the Robbery, caufed him to bearrefted 5 and putting him to the Rack, it was not long ere he confefled the ftealing of the Chalite ' and the Pix, without faying any thing of the Hofts. But when the. : Sentence was pafs’d on him to dye, his Confeffor preffed him to tell” what was become of the Hofts, and yet he would not fay a word’a- ns bout it, till he was juft going to be thrown off the Ladder ; then he © *. freely confeffed the whole Fatt, and difcovered the place wherehe | ~ had put the Hofts. Upon which he. was brought down the Ladder, and led to the Warren, a-number of People accompanying him, and. _ he fhowed the hole where he had caft them... But,not.finding thefn * there, one cafting his Eyes about, faw them laid orderly upon the *: Grafs, and round about the Conies kneeling, adored with all refpect their Creator. It was. eight.days fince this, was done,. and yet 4- mong all the Snows and Raines and other Injuries of the Air which happen in the Month of February, they found the Hoft entire and nog at all endammaged: the very Elements and Beafts owning their © Creator, whil{t the Hereticks deny and blafpheme him. ‘The Crimi- nal was brought back to the place of Execution, and was burnt, for expiation of his enormous Crime, Upon the noife of this great Mi- racle, Antony Duke of Brabant with the Princefs: Elizabeth his: Wife, came to the place with a world of followets, go teftify:cheir Piety to- wards the H. Sacrament. A Chappel ..was built ever the Coney-bur- rough, where the Hofts had been thrown, whic is to be feen to this day under the Altar. Great Devotion continued always, and does to this day towards this place, but the Hofts have been loft by the fu- ry of our new Iconoclafts.and Caluinifis,. .. Augufts Wickman inBrab, Mariana.P. Rivero in Jolenne faptentia. contviunr. favage. ; Ros i ee 4 the 1. Sd¢ament, in the deliverance A Shamois ; Kas. fe aN ok a or wild Goat. of the Emperor Maximilian J. . bis here . MP ae ‘ Linx ou A. A Shamois-Or wild Goat ferves to honour Bout thé year 1470. the Emperor: Macxinmlian hunting this fort of _ Game, one day upon the Mountains by. the City of Infpruch, as he purfued one of them, being carried on with an earneft detire to feize it, he ran fo high upon the point of: one of thofe Mountains be- fore he was aware, that he faw himfelf in a condition never to get off, without apparent danger of falling into an horrid precipice, which he had before his Eyes, fo that feeing himfelf loft, go 36 a Whe School of the Cucharitf. had continued there two whole days, he called to his followers, whe all in tears viewed him below, not being able to fuccour him, that ~ they fhould go and intreat the neighbouring Parifh-Prieft to bring the H. Sacrament of the Altar, that before he died he might have. ar leaft the fatisfaction to fee it and adore it, fince he could not receive it, inthe extremity to which he was reduced. They prefently did -. fo, and he having devoutly adored the H. Eucharift, he faw imme- ‘diately a young Shepherd by him, who removing the flint Stones with his Grooke, to plain asit were the way for him, {aid to him » havea good heart Prince, and follow me ; He being thus incouraged, ~ began todefcend the Hill with him, and prefently was brought to his followers, who while thep were confidering this Shepherd, and fpeaking of the great Reward he deferved for his good Service,he was ‘ yanifhed and they faw..him no more. . Upon.this they believed him © “tobe an Angel, and with great joy conduéed their young Mafter to .. the Palace of the Emperor Frederick- 4th his Father, who immedi- ately went to return publick thanks to God for fo miraculous a De- liverance.. . Ss Romuald. in thefaur. chron. ad an. cit, ex Pighio in’ -fuo Hercule pred. : ! y= AWolf, 42 confider ation of the Communion Loup. ‘ : * ss E ; or i, received, quits his Prey, fo doing homage tothe H.Sacrament. A Devout Convert of a Monaftery of the Ciffertians, who. had the charge of the Mutrons and Sheep, having one day devoutly re- ceived the Communion, went thencéye his Flock, to look whether any diforder had happen there... Who then faw a Wolf returning 0 the Wood loaded with one té his Sheep : the good Frier fell up- on his knees, and looking up to,Heaven made this Prayer. O Jefus the good Shepherd, the Lamb of ‘God, that takeft away the fins of the World, whom I tho’ unworthy have this day received, I recom- mend this Seep to thee, do thou look to it which has been put ander my keeping; for my part, 1 fee it fafe in your hand, but I can no ways fave ic. Behold a ftrange thing ! upon this prayer, this ravenous Beaft immediately leaves his Prey, without hurting er “touching it. The devout Frier, after he had rendred his thank{giv- ing, brought back the Sheep tothe Flock, with great Joy. Ps Major. in Spec, ex bift. Enchar. ex 20. hc aI el EChe School of the Eurharit. 3 ‘A Man and his Wife being transformed into'a Wolf by | force of an imprecation, defire to receive the Com- So oe munion, which was done tothe Woman, ae 4 being at the point of Death. : cs A Prieft of Treland travelling from the Province of Uifter tos — wards Media, was forced to pafs a whole Nightin a Forrefis ©. As his Boy that went with him hdd lighted a fire under a thick Tree}. ~ they perceived a Wolf todraw towards them, and being come upto ~ them, {pake to them thus; Be well aflured and fear nothing, fince. =~ there is no caufe for it, They however could not help being afraid’ .. at the fight of a Wolf, and hearing him {peak like a man, whereupa ~ ee: « on the Prieft conjured himin the name of the H.Trinity notte do**,;. them harm, and to declare what he was, and of what Country, ap- © © ~ = pearing in the likenefs of a Wolf: Thereupon he {aid to him,that he Pe Was of a certain race of Men called Offrians ( Offirienfes ) from whence every feven years, by force of an imprecation made by. S. Noel the Abbot, two from among them, a Male and a- Female, were conftrained to leave their Country, and lofing the outward fhape of a Man, to live under the hide and fhapeof a Wolf. After. ~ which term of years, if they furvived, twootherswerebrought'in- to the fame condition, and they returned back to their Country; «. ~ and refumed their firftform. Ihave nox far from this place, added he, a She-Mate that lies very fick, whom T intreat you in Charity to go fee her and comfort her. The Prieft following the Wolf fome time, perceived at length a ShesWolf it the thicket of a great Tree complaining like a Woman. As foon as fhe faw the Prieft fhe falured him, and ¢orrtéoufly gave him thanks for his vifit, praifing God for having‘obtained this comfort, in the ex- tream danger, wherein fhe“found herfelfx.-After this flie-prayd him to do her the kindnefs, that fle might receive the Communion at his hands, that fo, fhe might die more contentedly. The Prieft having cold her, that he Hoft about him todoit with- al, the Wolf that waspanea fittle afide, return’d and fliow’d bin a little Book, wherein he had fome confecrated Hofts ; and then was importunate with him, that he would not difappoint his Wife of this laft and importarit Confolation; and to take away from him all doubt, making ufe of his foot inftead of 4 hand, he thruft back the Skin that covered Her, from the Head td the Navel, and then he faw her in the fhape of anold Woman. At length, tho . with fome apprehenfion, the Pfieft. communicated the fick She-Wolf, which prefled him ra it with all poflible earneftnefs. All being over, the Wolf brought the Prieft back to his fire, ftay’d - with him all night, and in the morning brought him out of the R Forreif, rite, | - j is! . = Be pgp enter, enim ne ee “32 ‘The Shool off the Eucharitt. Forreft, and fhow’d him a fhorter and fafer way for ‘him ‘to ‘takey to arrive at the place whither he was to go. Nicremberg. te na- turis Mirvac. in Burp. le 2. 6:42 A Wolf abufing the Beafts of S. Widore, therenpon dyed by by virtue of the H, Sacrament. | S Tfdore Patron of the City of Madrid,and by his Calling a Laboue »\e)° rer, praying before the H. Sacrament, and hearing Mafsin . $\ Atagdalen’s Church, fome Boys came to tell him, that a Wolf was * ape one of his Beafts; to whom he reply’d, My Children go in - pe@e/and went on with his Prayer in the fame place. When Prayer mwas done, he went tothe place which thofe Children gave him no- F tice of, dad tlictehe found the Wolf lying dead before his Beaft, that remained @livé. Bpon this wonderful accident, he returned to the Church'to render his thanks to God for it, Bleda mirac. 245. pT 536 a} 4 M, - aot Moncks, A Fly fatisfies for roe irreverence fhe bad come . AY: mitted toward the EH, Sacrament by being burnt. *" Annon Aschifhop of Colen, 2 Prelatof admirable devotion, cele- © »_ 3. bracing the H.Sacrifice of the’Ma(s; as he had broken the Hoft, and let fall one piece of it into the Chalice, holding the other piece in his hand,he fell upon confidering its greatnefs, compared withhis own unworchinelg and bafenefs. . Mean while, by the artifice of the Deyvil,a Fly fporred with: various colours came flying about, and with one wheeling of her,Wing and a ftroke of her Teeth, carried away a picce ofthe Hoft : “The Swwhen :He perceived it, refented it with great-forrow;atid rears more than ordinary, fearing that this mifhap came by his own fault, through the long paufe he made while he was in meditariof andicontemplation; and his apprehenfion of it was fo great, thar he turned pale like adead Perfon. But God who knew the heart of the Saint, did not fuffer him to hie long in this affliction; for he’ conftrained this Fly to bring back the fame parcel of the Hoft, and put it under the Patine 5 and when it attempted . tofly away, was there ftopt immovably, as deferving to be burnt. In ‘+. fine,S. Annon made it be taken up and burnt, for the indignity it had committed. And thus it is that God proves and comforts his Servants. Surius ad 4. Decemb. Novarini. is agno Eucharift.n. 802. as, Another fuch like Story. : ae Certain Prieft celebrating the Eucharift in the prefence of the A &. Bifhop, as he was come to the fra&tion of the Bread,a Fly came ee flying with great eagernefs round the Chalice, as‘if-fle would force ei, is he The School of the Cuchatitt. mae 2 oe her entrance in to, it the Prieft,nort having his hands at libertysymade ‘ ufe of his mouth, and blowed againft the Fly, which not defifting iw hereupon, he made a fign to the Deacon who prefented the Pax to the Bithop, to drive it away. Then the Fly mounting up higher,and ftopping a little, on a faddain fell down dead at the foot of the.. Chaiice, as a punifhment for the trouble fhe had given them, during rhe Sacrifice. Cefariys 1. 9..¢. 10. ae in Another like Punifhment of another Fly. oo SS | Bout the ‘year rs4s. as one fung the Conventual Mali,” ig, A Monaftery ~of - the Céleflines, the Prieft that celebravegs: perceived at the Communidh, that a Fly was got into.the Chalicégs Pe endeavoured to carchir and to take it out, but all in yain;but-{eeing ts fhe wasdifturbed, of her own accord fhe flew @wa ewAsthe Prictt fe after dinner was thanking God; thathe had efcaped this mifcharce 3 i oe ae the fame Fly,came to fettle upon the Arna of the V.E.F nerjoba Bare = Rae aoulet, and tho’ he fhook his arm, yetthe continued fixed. “hen, =, "4 thinking of what had happened at Maffe, he feized her being as yet) 4% Wet with the Sacred Blood, after this he carried her into the Veliry, f Where fhe received the Penalty of her rafhne&, according asit is commanded by the Canons. Gos, in bit. efus Ll. 200.1260 % | ; A Mule adores the Sacrament. gs ‘ | Anthony of Padua difpwing one day with one of the maft obfti- x J. nate Hereticks, that dcenyed the truthof thé H. Sacrament, che : Saint drove him-to fuch a lunge, chat he flood Mute,+ yer (0 ir was, | that not being willing ro confefsthat he-waswholly. convinced, he de- i fired that che Saint would prove this cruthby- fome Miracle. S. 41. thony accepted the condition, and faid he would Work it upon his Mule. Upon this the Heretick kept .hér fhur apthree days withour eating: or drinkitig. The third day the Saiht Yaving faid Mille, took up the H. Hoft with great reverence, abd made them bring forth the hungry Mule; to which he {pakein thefe termes. In the name of the Lora,. whom I, the’ unworthy hokd in my.hands, I command thee without: delay to come and do reverence to thy Creator,and confound the M a= ice of Hereticks, making every one nodefftand the Truth of this moft high Sacrament, which we Priefts handle at the Alrar, and that all Creatures are fubjed to their Greator: Whilft the Saint made this! difcourfe, the Heretick fifted out Oats to his Mule to make him eat ¢' -but the Beatt, having more underftandirig than his Mafier, withoue. i " minding the Oars, kneeled and profirated it {elf before the H. Sacra- ment, adoring and honouring ir as its Creator and Lord. This Mira. éle comforted all the faichful, and enraged the Heretic ks, excepr him’ who had difputed wich the Saint, who was converted to the Catlios fick Faith, Wadingus in ann. Minortum. Dé A Mills n= heat ee eS Re ee 34... Oh School of the Eucharitt. A Mule ferves for an Occafion to honour the Fl, Sacrament. IN the year 1453. on Thurfday the 6th of Jane, this following M1- racle happen’d. A War being ratfed in Piedmont, between the Sa- ‘voyards and the French, about certain Merchants Goods, that had been detained at Juigtie; andthe heat of the War increafing, the Place was taken and left to pillage. A Souldier entred into the Church and carried away thence the Tabernacle of the H. Sacrament where he hadaconfecrated Hoft; and having hid it ina Pack, marched to- wards Turin. Whewhe arrived there at the Gate of Sufe, the Mule that * catried the Goods and theBooty, felldown tothe ground, neer the _ Church of S. Sylvefier. The Pack, where the Hofts were, opened of pyr at felf, and the Hoft came forth, and flew up intothe Air, accompa- 27 * nied wish Splendorsand cafting forth Rays like the Sun: This won- _ der hatingweenfeen by a venerable Perfon, called Bartholomew Lo- coni, hewent prefently togive notice of itto the Bifhop of Turin, -who was at that time the Reverend LewisNomagnano,who came thither »»With6urdelay, . with the Crofs and-the Clergy. Being come to the place, he and all that were prefent kneeled down on the ground, and whilft the Tabernacle lay on the Earth, theHoft alone remained hangihg in the Air, brightly fhining. Whereupon the Bifhop made them bring the Chalice, and ftanding with ic devoutly under the Sa cred Hoft, it came down into it: which he carried with great Refpe& andSolemanity to the Cathedral Church; where there was fet up for ita rich and artificial Tabernacle, which continued ull the building . of a new'Dome, for to-perpetuate the memory of the Fact. There was | alfo buils.a Chappel of the H. Sacrament, in the forefaid Church of S. Sylveltér, where this Miracle is to be feen painted, and he ere@ted - ‘adevout Fraternityalfoofthe H-Sacrament. icede Laghi tract. 1 Gift. 9, Cap. 93. agit, aie Me A Maule by Dying acknowledges the Verity of the H, Sacrament. Little Town in Spaiz called Avoca, containing about a thoufand . People, being befieged by an infinite number of Saracens, the Inhabitants refolved to defend themfelves, but fo as they would firft receive the Communion and hear Maffe. The affair was preffing, and therefore they committed the nee of communicating to fix of the chief of them. The Prieft put on his H. Veftments to celebrate, and confecrated the Hofts ; buta litcle before the Communion, news came that an Affaule was made by the Enemies ; which obliged thefe Com-:. municants to run armed to the Walls,8cGod accepting the will for the deed,did fo favour thefe devoto’s of his, that they defeated the Ene- mies,fome being flain,and the reft put to flight. After which,thefe fix returned tothe Church,with the People, to receiye the Communioti, Bus The School of tie Eucharit, | 35 But the Corporal ( or Cloath ) being unfolded, the fix Hofis were found all bloody and fticking to the Linnen, fo that they could not feparate them, Moreover the Enemies, to revenge their difgrace, re- turning in greater numbers, gave a fecond Affaak The advile given was, that the Prieft fhould alio go ro the Fight, bearing the H. Cor- poral and chefe fix bloody Hoftes, as well thereby to encourage the Citizens, as for to terrify the Enemies 5 and it fucceeded {0 well, that God gave the viGory tothe Chriftians. After this, they deliberated, whither they fhould carry this parcel of H, Reliques, {0 as to be fafely kept and honoured. The Lot being thrice caft, it fell upon the Town of Areca. A Mule having been taken among the Spoiles of the Enemy, they fec the H. Hofts upon her back, letting her go whither fhe woul@, bs | the Clergy and People following her with lighted Torches, In the Way Sys se they offered to her Straw, Hay and Grafs, all which fhe ref fed, tho! "ae. ? fhe was very hungry, as not having eatena long ‘while a wenton 9 AS. ftraight to-the Town of Avoca. Coming into a Church nigh.the Hofpi- aM tal, fhe fell on her knees on the ground, and being disburdned of this _ Pretious load fhe dyed ; it being undecent, that fhe whichhad ferve. -* ed in fo worthy an Employment, for the Glory of Gcd,fhould ferve = any Man after that. There was another wonder in this matter, Viz. That after three hundred years, this moft H. pareelof Reliques, con- tinues in the fame beauty, atid lively colour, as ifthe thing had but newly happened ; and al] the people of the Neighbouring Provinces come to behold it, as a very great Wonder. Iilercas in Hift. Ponti- ( fical.Grenade.Corbin. Mirvac. 90. ! 3 < Ciftas, AA Bird brings St. Boniface and the Coins A Bird, pany with him, their Dinner, afterbe _ - had celebrated Mafs, “3 ~~ Boniface the Apoftle of Germany, being one Night detained in _J° the Fields, was conftrained to lodge in a Tent, which he caufed tobe carried with him'for fach occafions. He paffed the night in Prayer, and as he prayed, acceleftial Light (urrounded him onall fides, and in this Light $. Michaelappeared, encourage- ing the Servant of God to labour greatly for the Salvation and Con- vertion of Souls. . Im the morning giving over his praying, he wou!d celebrate the Mafle, to honour the memory of this Archangel; the Sacrifice being ended, he commanded to make ready. a Dinner in ~ the fame place. And when his Steward told him that he had nothing to fet onthe Table ; How ! reply’d the great Apoftle, he that fed his People 40 years in the Wildernefs, has he nothing wherewith to feed his poor Servant, and his Atvendamts? then he sgain command- edthem to fpread the Table: and having faid this, behold he faw a D3 great A es F e2 ES. FER ERTRET sheen aon LIAL WIS Ar pa EN CCCI OIC a tS i sant 36 —-s-« he School of the Eucharitt. ‘great Bird defcend from Heaven, and fly towards him, holding in her : beake a Fifth, fufficient to feed, thar day, all the company, When the Pith was ready drefled, ir was fet on the Table, and after all had liverally fatisfyed nature, ‘at the conclufion of the day, the Holy Apoftle commanded to gather up the remains, aud rocaft them in- Oe ae. the River, that fo the Fifhes that live in the water might partake * ofthat which came out of the water. In vita S. Bonifacii. A fine Bird came to cheer a Monk, with her melodious Singing, after he had receivedthe Communion, ge 9 as if fhe invited himto Feaven. ~ A ‘Monk of che Carthufian Order, drawing towards Death, afrer J he bad received the Communion 5 a bird decked with fine feathers, gntered“athis Window into the’ Chamber, where in pre- fence of albeheFrers, chat aflifted che dying man, fhe fella finging ‘fo melodiéufly, that it feemed to them all that they were folaced with théjoys of Paradife: Some that were there indeavoured to. make ther vor! the Chatnber, Whe in vain; for fhe would’ neicher fly out ‘nor ceafe finging,till the Servant of God had yielded his Sou!, which _ when it went out of liis Body, the Bird quitred the Chamber, tor to accompany ir and conduct it to Heaven, Pet. Sutor. in Chron Cartuf. he Ge bo 33° ; i ws ae * ows, A Bear ferves for. afubjett to honour A Beare.” the H, Sacrament, Preah SOF ee : Perfon named Staniflas, an Ishabitant of the Town of Fuchel in A. +-oland, ufedta go aHunting witha long Harquebuft. - Being entred the Foreft, ‘he fawa Reafi called Gallus Auritus, which leap- ng from one bough toanother, ‘led theiian on to a certain place full of mfisof wild Trees, where there was no Pathway. Meanwhile he wasfurprifed with a fhowreof Rain, which to avoyd, he refted him(clf againft a Tree, where he fell afleeps ‘Whilfthe flepr, he heard a Voice that faid rohim, Make a Vowto the H. Body of Jefus Chrift, who is honour’d at Fofnanie, and thou fhalr be faved to day from fudden Death. His wearine’s keeping him afleep, he heard the lame Voice again; upon which awaking, he recommended himfelf ro God, and made a Vow to go to the-H. Sacrament at Pofnanie, yet ‘apprehending no danger. Euc purfaing his way, he met a great and very furious Bear, againft which be difeharged his Harquecufs, and ‘Jaid the Bear on the ground : Whil'ft he was bending the Cock to difcharge a fecond fhot, it through negligence {lipt and went off, and ‘the Bullec-carried away the little finger of his right hand, and ftruck ‘off his hat, which it core allo in pieces. Hereupon finding himfelf delivered si A ai at hE OTN to poses ees Che School of the Cucharitt. , 37 3 delivered from two dangers the fame day, by virtue of his Vow, without further delay he begamhis Journey to accomplifh it, and arrived at Pofsanie on Saturday in the OGave of the Feaft of All Saints, inthe year 1330. / Tretevas apud Brovium ad ann.1399+ Pag. 206. Col. 2. - P. Pafferean, ASparrow. — reftifie their regard tothe H, Sacrament. Vr Hiylot, a Dominican, reports that Sparrows having ufed to build their Nefts ina Church dedicated to $.Vincent the Martyr,not only defiled it wich their dung and.ordure, but alfo difturbed the di- vine Office. It being a very hard thing todrive themaway, the Pi-” fhop of the place broughtan Excommunication againft them, threat- ning death to them, if chey,returned thither any mpre, *Aftcr the Sentence was pafled, all chefe Sparrows quitred this Chureh : it pits alfo obferved, thar if any brought one of thefe Birds, imo che Church, it immediately died. Serm. 79, de tempore. Patridges chaftife the. Hunter, who.had taken them, for ! having been defective in attending Maffe, and flew ' away. tho they were pat into the Pot. N the Diocefs of Cafal in Piedmont, a Hunter minding more to take | his pleafure in that Sport, than to hear Mafle on the Marcyr S. Defendent’s Day, took indeed fome Patridges; but as they were put into the Pot to boyl them, they care our and flew away alive 5 leaving the Hunter in the dark, and.deprived of the Contentment of filling his Belly, with the lofs alfo of the Merit he might have pained A by being prefent at the H. Sacrifice of the"Mafies: Bodandus ih atils SS. Januari ad 2 diem. BS Baie, A Fifhes honour the H. Sacrament. fumes, HE Curate of Aldoraya in the Kingdom of Valentia in Spain, | carrying the H. Sacrament to a fick Perfon of A/macora, which s adependant joyned to that Curacy; as he pafled over a Brook, ach a Torrent of waters came, down upon him, that to fave himfelf te let fall the Cuftode (or Box) in which were two Hofts. Returning 0 Alboraya, he told the Inhabitants of what had happened to him. in the morning early, one ran with all fpeed to the place, where this nisfortunc happened, but he found only the Cuftede without the dofts. Certain Fifhermen pafling along the Sea fide, whether toga- - her Wood, or to catch Fifh,told him they had feen two great F D 4 Fifhes etn Le PO OOO TOT nt GAA Si Sek Sparrows by their Obedience and their Death, ‘’ ‘ ns > ° r ag ae aay -; c ee eh ee eS a 38 — Che School of the Eucharitt, Fithes, each of them carrying an Hoft in its mouth,- The Curate bee ing advertifed of it , returned to che Sea fide, habired in his Surplice and Stole, with the Chalice in his hand. Upon the fight of this won- der, he proftraced himfelf before the Fithes, which rendred them- felves to him with the Hofts, which he received and laid them in the - Chalice, with great reverence. In memory of which, the Chalice is to * > be feen at Aldovaya, and the Cuftode at Almacora. And to prevent fuch ft. Mconveniences, in the year 12 ¢2, this Town before joyned, was fepae "sated from rhe principal Parifh, after many debates and contefts be- tween thefe two places. This whole.Hiftory is painted at the great Al- cH”: tar of Almacora, ere&ed under the Title of the moft Holy Sacra tae , ment. James Bleda, in bis Book of the Fraternity of the H. Sacrament by ig eyetted at the Minerva inRome. Mirac. 18; pag. 89. Another refpett, rendred by a Fifh tothe H, Hof, Hilft the Herefy oF the Albigen(ts infeGed all the Province of Pe © Narbénna in. France, an Heretick perfwaded a certain Fifher- “*"s gman, that if he would eifrive in his Calling, he fhould go the Com- “*.. \gunion, and from thencé bring away the Hoft, and make a Fith ear 4, which he did. Twenty years after, when. this Herefy was exting, this Fifherman feeing that the Feaft of our Lords Body was celebra- ted with fo much folemnity, he repented of the Sin he had commite ted, and confeffed it to his Curate, who told him thar this wasa re- ferved cafe, and that he onghr to. acquaint the Bifhop with it. . The Fifherman, ia great wrath faid, If I mult do this, I fwear by God, I will never go to Confeffion more. Hereupon the Curate for to pa- cify him, fatd, Thathe himélf would go find out rhe Bifhop, and get leave of him that he might abclve him. Eafia-Day came, and the Fifhermanyhad adefire to Gemmunicate with his Neigh- Bours, which yet he did mot, following the advice of his Prieft. » Mean while the Fifhermanm bewailing his difgrace, went forrowfully ~ sowards the River where he had committed this Sacriledge:. As he ~Jooxed this way and that way, behold he fpied on the other fide of “the Rivera Fifh, holding tn his mouth an Hoft, which came toward; him, but nor daring to touch ir, he went to givé notice of it to the Prieft: And both coming to that fame place, the Fifh appeared no more. Hereat conceiving great difpleature, a little after, the Fifk appeared again above water, with the Hoft in her mouth as before, and being come up to them, the Pricft with all refpe@ took up tht Fith withthe Hoft. He kept a’moity of it for the Parifh, and fer the other part to, the’ Cathedral Church. Jd. Bleda 1. Mirac. 104 po 191. Lanazainfiis Sermonibue, Fae Selek cei a ul A Whae a et The School of the Eucharitt, 7 e 35 z : ee 2 aes A Whale, a Fifh of the greater kind, lent his Back, to fay Maffe upon, on Eafter-Day, Se reports that S. Malo being upon the Sea ona Eafter Days prayed the good God, to afford him the means tocelebratethe * * Mafle, and to thofethat accompained him tohearit. Whenhe had thus prayed, one perceived a little Ifland, which appeared in the mud{t of the Sea: they went down uponit, to the number of a Hun- dred and eighty Perfons ; they fet up an Altar,on which S: Malo (aid oe Mafie,and gave the Communion to a great number. After which retir- ing co their Ship, they perceived that this Ifland, or rather the Fifh fink to the bottom, having lent his Back, as God would haye it, to fatisfie the Saints defines SurivsinVita S. Maclomi. * : Bee ie es a Povctay, Swine adore the H. Sderaments Swine. ea OX v “heg oe A Certain Woman not being able to beli@¥e that God was in’ the y ‘ Sacrament, was tempted by the Devil, to take fome proof from thence to fatisfie her fanfie, and altho her Confeflor and alfo Albert Bifhop of Perujia had exhorted her to yield tothe publick belief, ap- proved by fo many: knowing and vertuous Perfons, without defiring to be inftructed and confirmed hereinby a Miracle, notwithftanding after all, fhe was led away by her fancy to make the Trial. She went therefore one day to the Communion, and having taken the Hoft out of her mouth, fhe went and threwit into the Hogs-trough, - which upon the Noife fhe made ran greedily to their trough; bur being all together, inftead of opening their mouth tofwallow theHoft, they kneeled down toadore it; The unhappy; Woman ftopr nor here ; but put the Hoft upon the Spit to toaft it at the fire. As fhe turned the Spit, fhe faw drops of Blood that diftilled from the Hoft ¢ : notwithitanding fhe continued fiubbornly in her falfe Opinion, and being afraid to be apprehended and put to death, if what fhe had’ - done fhould be difcovered; fhe diggeda hole in the ground and there buried the Hoff, that it might be fpoken of nomore. But fhe perceiving that the Blood bubled out of the Earth and ran in abune - dance like a Spring, the hardnefsof her heart was foftned: fo that her underftanding being inlightned in this Truth, and repenting of her unbelief, the went to find out the forefaid Bifhop of Perouft, who aving heard her confeflion, impofed a Penance on her to perform, " during her whole life. Henr. Inftit. p. 1. Sert 9. Biga falutisin feo Corp. Chriflt Prompt. Difcip. Exem 33. lB. : _ ate 40 The School of the ECucharift. R. | Renard, A Fox quits the Henhe had carried amay, AFox, by vertue of the H. Sacrament, & Gregory the Pope tells us, that S. Boniface, whilft he was a young 2% ey. Child, ftanding atthe Dore ofhis Lodging; he perceived a fox =" ‘¥uaning away with the Hen in his mouth. Immediately away he went #6 the Church, and placing himfelf before the H. Sacrament, he made thts Prayertoit. Lord.I befeech thee be pleafed to preferve the- - - Pulletywhich my Mother feeds in her back-y ard, for the fuftenance of Wér little Family. Having done this, he returned to his Lodging, where this Fox ‘appeared again with the Hen in his mouth, and laying down the Hen, felldown dead at the feet of this Child. -S. Gregor. Dialog. l, Ip yf is \ Rofienl, Vg A Nightingaleadvertifes a Devout Frier A Nightingal to “phepare for his Voyage so Heaven, 1) §¥. forbs having a particular Inclination toattend Maffes. UAE BI. Jobn de Ricti,a moft excellent Axguftinian Frier, had a particular devotion to attend.on as many Mafles ashe could poflibly, for the reverence he bore to the H.Sacrament of the Altar, and confidence he had in it. ‘See now the recompence which our Lord made him 5 a few days before. his laft Sicknefs, a Nightingale _ came every day to fing:her warbling Notes under his Window. Be- ‘ing afked, what was the meaningof this, he anfwer’d, That this was the Spoule that inyited. the Banquet of the Lamb... Alfo, a few.days after, attending at Mafie, he faw an extraordinary Light, whitch continued all the timesof the Sacrifice, which he took fora Star that wasto conduct him-to Heaven. At length, he fell fick, ?and having been armed by receiving the Sacraments, and having ‘.. repeated thofe words of the Apoftle, I defire to be diffolued and to be with Chrift, helefe the Earth that he might’ partake of the Banquet _ sof the Lamb, to which he was invited.» Simplician deS. Martin, in »: the Hiftory of famous Man of the Order of the Hermites of S. Auguftine. — _ 5. | A Scorpion taken and fwallowed down at JMaffe, hurts aa not the Prieft at allthat did it. HE Bl. Francis de Fabriano, a Francifcan Fier , celebrating Mafle one day, as he was come tothe Communion, and took off the Cover of the Chalice, he perceived there a little Scorpion: he ae hae ion ; ave Made = SS SR bt tht ETI I AA AE The School of the Eucharift. 41 have kept himfelffrom all danger, obfervingthe Rules prefcribed jn fach cafes, but callingto mind the Saying of Jefas Chrift to his Difciples; if they drink any deadly thing it ab not burt them; banilhing all fear, and overcoming alfhorror, he couragioufly {wallowed the confecrated Wine with this little Animal init. When he was gone back from the Altar, and had offered his thanfgivings, he made thena calla Chirurgeon. When he came intothe Convent, Bl. Francis: was praying in that Church and repeating thefe words, My help as of the Lora, who made Heaven and Earth, When notice was given him. that the Surgeon was come, he went into his Cell, and there pre- ently fented to him his right Arm to let him Blood; and our of it, by a. | ftrange wonder, the Scorpion came outalive with the Blood without doing the H. man any harm, or putting him to pain. — Waddingus’ 1072. ad ann. 131 20m, 7. de Lag tr.6.6. 13. Sanglier, A Wild Boar fhews what rejpett is A wild Boar. due to Altars thé Sacred Man- fions of the H-Sacrament’ ae r the year 1032+ Sanchay the Aged, King of Navarr and Caffile, going a hunting, at the place where fometime ftood the: Town a Palence, he there purfued a'wildBoar, which tiring after a long _ chafe, caft it felf into San@uary among the Ruinesof the Church ot 'S. Anthony the Martyr, and there ftood unmoved againft the Alar, as ina place of fafery, and having ordinarily the guard of Angels 5 the King entringon a fudden, lifted up his Sword to wound it, but ‘when he thought to difcharge hisblow atit, his Arm became fir, fothathe could not ufe it. Whereupon he acknowledged his faule,. fince Churches where God ufes ta dwell in the H: Eucharift, ought to ferve for an Afylumand a refuge toMen and Beafts, according to the Divine Oracle, Pfal, 35. ThouLord (balrfave both men and beajise Immediately he asked Pardon of God and the H. Martyrs and im- mediately by a Miracle he recovered the afeof his Arm 5 teaching all, what refpe& is due to holy Places, altho’ ruined, fince Beafis may there find their fafety. This Prodigy gave an occafion to King Sanchy, not onely torepair the Church of $. Antonin, but alfo to caufe the Town of Palence to berebuilded. = oder, Tolet. t. 6. Regum Hifpane 6:64 RodeSancins, Co 25» : Locufts » a i! ia eget 62. ie School! of the Cucharitt. OR 6 ape Locufies or G rafhoppers acknowledge the ver- mide ica) tne of the Eucharift,.and of the H.Sa- Grafhoppers, a a crifice, by their Death. or Se reports in the Life of St. Theodore, 22dof April, that the . H.“Abbor was prefied by the Inhabitants of Nera, that he would help them againft the Armies of Locufts, that had invefted [ike a thick miftj all the Fields of that Territory, and went on brouzing and ‘«confaming all the Herbs and Fruits_of the ground. The H. Abbot - was perfwaded' by their inftant intreaties, and coming upon the place, -he faid Mafle. The day following, he fent again the Peo- ple into the Fields, commanding them to ftop at a certain place, for to implére the divine Aid ; mean while he took up in his hands fome, of thefe beeufts, and found them dead. _Hereupon he gave God thanks, and did to the People, My Children, return to the Churches,. and you fhall fee the Miracles} of the diyine Good- ° nefs. All the People being.come thither, S. Theodore celebrated the H. Sacrifice of the Mafle, andthe day following, they found inthe Ficld an innumerable company of Locufts, all lying dead ; which ae of depopulating the Fields, ferved to manure and enrich them... « Souris, Mice, by a certain cognifance, yield re[pect - A Monfe. to the H, Sacrament. Efarius tellsus, that the Sacrift of the Abbey of Eberbac, having X\_/* found certain Hofts marred and crack’d mixt among others, he caft them under a Window neer tothe Altar; and fome days af- ter, he obferved, . that, the Mice had nibled and eaten all that which was round the Hoft ( sot what was printed with Letters) and it was held for a great Wonder, thac thefe little Animals, fo greedy offuch , fluff, had {pared them, in teftimiony of certain refpe&, and only becaufe they had been appointed for the ufe of the Sacrifice of the Mafle. Lib 9. c. 1%. about the year 1222, — as Tareas, A Bull acknowledges our Lord, under the Spe- A Bull. cies of the Sacrament, depofing its fiercene/s, to be prefent at the Maffe. N the Town of Brofain Spain, may be feen an admirable Prodigy, i which has been feen many years ago, and may fuill be feen every year, on the Vefpers and day of S. Mark the Evangéift. In “ AG place The School of the Cucharit. — 43 place is a Fraternity under the Title of S: Mark, to which Heaven has given this Priviledge following, viz, That at the Feaft of this H. Evangelift, this Congregation makes choice of one of their Compa- ny, whom they fend into the Fields, where he demandsot the Neat-heard that looks to the Cattle; which of his Bulls is the moft fierce and furious, When he has learnt this, he commands this Bull, eat in the name ofS. Mark, to follow him, which like atame Lamb >. follows him to the Village, and is: prefent at Vefpers on the Eve =. of this Feaft; after which, he returns to the Meadows, and the next day he prefents himfelf_on the fame manner at Mafle, where the true Lamb of God is (aerificed 5 after this he marches in pro- ceffion in the fame Pofture, and fuffers the Boys and Girles to touch him, and put Wreaths of Flowers about his Neck. This Feaft and Ceremony being over,, he is fent back to the Herd, and refumes immediately his wonted aad natural fiercene(s, and from that time People muft have a‘eare of him... Bibero in ap- pend. Solemnis fapientiaconvivit. See Vache, A Cow revenges an Injury done to A Cow, i‘ the H, Sacrament. ri the year 16s0. ina’ Town of the Province of Avfiria, called 4 in Latin Unguarinum; on an Eafter Eve when they were bufy in a Proceffion, according to the Cuftom of the Country, carrying ¥ the H. Sacramenrin great Pomp, amidft Acclamations, many Vole . lies of Guns fhot off, and the noy(e of Kettle-drums, Trumpets and Tabours, an old Minifter’s Wife, fell intoa rage, through defpite to feé the honour they gave to the H. Eucharift, and cryed out furioufly with full mouth; Behold,.fays fhe, the Papifts have again raifed their Chrift, whom they putto death three days ago. This Blafphemy was immediately punifh’d ; fora Cow, that came no body knew from whence, and followed this Fury, on a fuddain being as it were pricked forward by an extraordinary indignation, ran furioufly againft thisHeretick; and having pufhed and gored her back with her horns,rufh’d her down fo wounded,that fhe expi- red a few hours after, tobeprefented before him whom fhe had blafphemed, who is Judge of Quick and Dead, P. Nadafi in literis annKis a aX. Cit» plots Auta pat 30 Worms : oe See Reh yi Pe _ gS OCR iota, pantie satiric ane Late Pd Ee eer ae i 4, Sree. oy BL , 3 1 44 ‘The School of the Eucharitt. he Worms are found dead, for having eaten up 0 CIM the Flowers defigned for the honour of thé H. Sacrament. TS athe Convent of S. Catherintin the Province of Valentia, a Lay- ds Brother called Affenfivs, one of great Faith and Devotion to- wards the H. Sacrament of the Altar, lookttoa little Garden of . Flowers hehad, which he made ufe of to {pread before the H. Enucharift. Onthe Eve of Corpus Chrifit day, he went into his Gar- den to look on his Flowers, which he faw there growing very frefhi and in greatnumbers, of which he was: extreamly glad: but in the Morning going in to gather them, he perceived a number of Wormes all round about which had cate. them up and confumed them. In this ftreight, he ran haffily to the H. Sacrament, and after he had adoredit, heearneftly befeeched it to deliver him from his Sorrows, by reftoring the Flowers he had referved, for the honour of his moft H. Body. In confidence that our Lordhad heard his Prayer, he returned to his Garden, and found it all {miling with frefh and. fair Flowers, and thofe lictle Vermin lyingdead to enrich the Ground. This great Devotion which he had teftified all his life time towards the. Eucharift, obtained for him the happine& to expire and render his Soul to his Creator, inthe prefence of the imoft Glorious Virgin Mother, of her dear Son our Lord, and of his feraphick Father S. Francis, onthe H. Night of Chriftmafs. Franc. Gowraga de brig. & tog. Seraph. Rel, S. Franc. 3. prov. Valent. Cox T2. ~ Wormes revenge the Injury doneto “** = thedt, Sacrament. ait | . . \, Thunderbolt having by God’s Providence, fallen upon 4- A poll's Temple in Daphne, the building was beat down and lay in afhes. Julian the Apoftate attributing this. burning to the Zeal of the Chriftiens, commanded that all the H. Veflels of Gold and Silver of great Value, in the great Church buile by Confantine, hould be brought into the Emperour’s Exchequer asforfeited. A- ~- mong thofePerfors that were moft ready to execute. this Order, was 7ulian, this Emperour’s Uncle, whogoverned: the Empire of the Eaft ; who.was fuddenly ftruck with a Malady, that held him for forty days lying along on the ground, without Speech or Senfe.' The caufe of this f{udden Malady was attributed to what he had done in fezing upon the H.Veffels, as Pixes, Chalices and fuch others, - which he had broken in pieces, and had madethem, up for a Seit te ey ; Z The School of the Euchatife sas to fiom. He recovered indeed his Senfes, but it was to feel extra- ordinary Torments in his Bowels, where ftrange Ulcers bred wich fo much corruption, that all the flefhran into Wormes, which tho? they endeavour d by applications to allure as it were anddraw them forth, yet infiead of that they wentfurther inward, ' and faftened themfelves to the live Fleth, and never ceafedtotorment him, till | ee he had vomitted out his Soul, at hisinfamousand noyfome mouth. . ™' Neceph. Calliff. in hift. Ecclef. 1. 10. t 29s ee os. Vipers honour the H. Sacrament, by quitting thofe _ . whom they had afflicted, | TS the year 1651. at Brefke, a Townin Poland, a great Lady was molefted for fome while with fowfrange a Witchery, that {fhe vo- “mited live Vipersand Froggs, Which caufed horrour to‘ all thofe that heard her {peak of it, and toher felf whowas afflided thereby with very greattorment. She advifed with-our Fathers about it, and from them fhe learnt, that there was nota more foyeraign and ef- feftual Remedy againft fach Witcheries. than to approach the H. - Eucharift with a great Faith and Confidence. She made ufe of this advice with fuch fuccef, that atlengthfhe found her felf teleafed and quit ofthis Witchcraft, and reftored to thar health and quiet, . which fhe enjoyed before this Misforeune, Bx literis annuis Polonia, 3651.5. Nada. ce Le ee J - z a : beet On IRR a il OI cat ger il i a Sire tte ale see ee ities i) es “* T we UYGQe N Se. WT Hefe Hittories taken out of Ca tholick Authors, and contain- ~ ~~ ang nothing contrary to Faith or good __ Manners, may be made publick, Given'at Lille. June 20. 1672. ° | “OR. Du Laury, Provolt of S. Peters. ae. Sister & Ahi ee £% ~~ 7 — “ : fy