= SS = — — S— ati = — > ILL AL ggg ¢ joc iN AA NS ISSO “GZ LA OD, JME SACS Wal) ages T/T NT WANA NW WI) A ZO FO eA! | OOO’ WIE" i a Ci, rs “COLLECT IO 4 - of Certain Horrid, ‘Suet’ cl dl IRELAND, Committed fince the 23. of Oétob. 16 AT. | a Abftraéted out of certain Examinations taken by verte of feveral Commiffions under the Great Seal © OF Ne Ae | ; - HOE Bs Xi 27, They were froned, they were fawn afunder, were “tempted, were § flain with the fword 5 they wandred about in sheep “skins and : goat-skins, being deftinut, afflicted, tormented, ‘ y o \ a , , Ws ~ London: Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun ae. 4 ; she Welt. End of St Pauls. hae ie fis Ss bs . 2 Ree ee ; : epee a ate eae ier oy i Ne KA mys f oct hui pre t Naa - Butcheriess RABEL E Publication of ‘thefe With Barbari- UEP ties is-not intended to heighten animojtties between Proteftants and Papifts, much | 1/2982 le/s to excite toa Retaliation bya Curfe © BBD WEP ye Meroz. But becaufe the impudence - eae roz. Bit becaufe the ‘in mA YD Nee of many who are of the Romifh perfuafion, — 45.fuch, as to deny that General Rebellion and Maffacre in Ireland, which is here proved, and that thofe Sons of cru- elty, the Jefuites and other Priefts, do ftill perfift in the — like execrable and bloody defigns, as appears by the -prefent — confpiracy fo happily detected : it becomes neceffary to revive — in the minds of Proteftants the formér inbumanities of thi fort of people, that every Loyal fubjeét, confidering what manner of Ephefian Beafts we have to fight with, may — be upon his guard, to preferve Fis Majefty from the Tray- — tevous and bloody defigns which are againjt his Perfon, and — to defend themfelves, their Wifes and Children from the like _ \ er Ey OP oe ey ee a! Gee weet be fs y - 4 a hie PPM) ee) EGE ee a To the Reaver. | ‘It is obfervable that in the Year 1641. Ireland was in great tranquility, and that not by accident or from’ any Seeking of the Ixith : -but by reafon of many Acts of Grace, which had newly paffed in favour of them. So that Prote- - fants and Papifts lived very friendly together: When on a [uddain upon the 23.0f Otober, this ftorm arofe and thefe and thoufands more of Murders were committed. And let us confider whether any age fince the Reformation: can _ parallel the great. gentlene/s which has been ufed towards _— thofe of the Romifh Religion fince Fits Mayefties happy ‘Reflauration. For fome years, till the prompt and bufie Zeal of fome of that party, had provoked to an inquiry , till the Papifts to weaken our Nation by divifion, took up the Buckler for the. Non-Conformift , reconciling . Herod and Pilate to deftroy Chrift: it was hard to difcern. in the Government, whether there was [uch a thing as a Papift among ws. And yet we now fee the reftlefnefs : of “thefe mens fpivits advanced to.a degree ae Barbarous, as the _ With: that nothing lefs than the utter extirpation of He- ‘refie, as. they call it ; though by cruel Murders, will ferve their turn, A new way to eftablifh that Kingdom which — is not of this world , by the moft abborred of worldly pra- éfices. ee | suring eae . Thefe Collections are but “a: gleaning taken ont’ of. the. Kolummnous ‘Records of Authentick Books, now. ‘remaining in the Clerk.of the Councils Hands at Dublin. ‘Fhe Earl of Effex, when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, did perufe them : ati — bimfelf ra va 2 a aye SPE tee RE ee ee TS 5 ae bap ua aaah y : J i : et a Meee ag a eT et Ts. the. ke bimfelf, and compare many of them with the Originals, fi E ing all that he compared, to be true. If-any doubt ; they — may have. recourfe to the Books themfelves ; which being public. remembrances, may be feen by any, the Citations. di- reting to the Volume, Page and Mark. where. each is to. be food 4 | Now the[e few Te eftimonies, | ont Ais many, ase not Pub- ‘lifhed. out, of any great-bopes in Converting. Papifts, though they may operate “upon fome of the more ferious fort; but to difpofe all Profeffors of the Proteftant Religion to 4 juft fenfe of what would. have beenthe Fruit of this im- fiant. Hellifh Plot, had it fucceeded, from. what has: been formerly upon the “like occafion: and hence to improve this. admonition of Mercy in the midft of Judgment,» by. haji ning im this, we known not how. fhort breathing time, to put on the whole Armor of Righteoufne/s, that we may be able, if not.to defeat , at. dealt: to. a, bands mn. the: day of tryal. | But what can. he expeéled’ from « a Bonne divided a- gainft it Jelf\. Our divifions,: like fo. many, wide breaches, . let in our enemies. fo fa/t upon us, that we are never fe cure: Yet if ever we fhall be perfauaded to enter into the Uni- ty of the Spirit in.the:Bond of Peace, if ever the healing Balfam of Charity, will be applyed. among As; if ever one time were more neceffarily. inviting to, it than another + ay HE 18 now doubtle(s, when our familiar. Friends and Neighbours — have confpired with our greateft Enemies abroad:to-take a- | way; / "To the Reaper. | “way ovr Plate -and Nation. Let ‘not the Diffenter- ‘then — complain any longer in Libels and fecrer Whifperss Let thofe gy the Church of England /fill contimwe with open. Yrms and Hearts to receive all fuch as will look towards them. Let ws all come Face to Face, and vie in humility, meek- nefs, and eafine{s to be intreated. Let things in theonfelves indifferent no longer rend the Seamle/s Garment, andt give feandal to thofe, whofe every Ordinance, that ts not ‘fin- ful, ought to be [ubmitted to for the Lords fake. ‘Let us beware of making that an offence, which the Lord has not made fo, leaf? thofe come upon us which are fo sin- deed. Let Gentlenefs move, and Love create that Union a- mong all Proteftants for the future, which may remove All names of diftinétion, and fo knit us into a perfect body, that one and the fame [pirit may have fo free a Communication in us, as becomes the Members of Chrift. , _ Methinks fuch awakening dangers, not yet paffed ‘over us, fhould make us inquire , whether the falfe and cernal profecution of a true Religion bas not provoked the Holy Spirit: that in this our day by amending our lives, we may invite God to avert thofe judgments, which prefs (0 near upon For then and not before, fhall we be free from ter- —— vour and amazement: when we ftrive to be as eminent in all Chriftian Vertues; as Rome is in Worldly Wif- dom and Superflition: when our Obedience to Magiftrates, which is Gods Ordinance, when our Patience, and Hu-— | mility _ Fowhe. Reaper re: , mility, when our Charity, forgiving alk injuries, eVenithe — cruelties :-herein recited, returning good for evil, and blef- fing for curfes, which are the true marks of Chrifts Church, . fhall be as well known unto all men, as Rebellion.and Maf- facres betye been notorious both in the Principles and. Pra. tices of the Papifts in all Ages... Co Glee SER TROT os ) a ma cel eee ries Si SOR Sees lee e] e . + Murthers. in: Ireland.. a Province of Uljfer, that were murthered by the | Trifh in-the late Rebellion of Ireland, in the Year.1641,and.1642. as- appears by. the examination. of feveral Perfons taken upon Oath before Commifi- oners appointed by his late Majelty, which Depofitions — were all.Collected together in a Book containing 1419. pages, now remaining with the Clerk. of the Council. of that Kingdom. N Eftimate of the Number of Proteftants in the Depofed by Mr. Hugh Cunningham on the? 2.1. of April, 1642. that he was told by a Pricft, | that the Priefts of every Parifh in Ulfer were | commanded by Sir Phelim 0 Neile, to return | “ an account of the rittifh Proteftants that ? 105000: were killed, by. the Zri/h; in the feveral Pa- | rifhes, the number of the men, women,/ and children, fo.murthered at. that nee came to.One Hundred Five. Thoufand---J ; _ Depofed alfo by Mr. Maxwel, that by an». account taken by the Rebels of the Murthers they had committed upon the Britti(h Pro.? 150000. teftants in the North, there were flaugh-\ | tered One Hundred and Fifty Thoufand---7* a Sh: COLLECTION MURTHERS IN be Several Coo u Noir as | OF , on oat il County of Kilkenny. | SOAS QBout the 20. of December, 1641. the YANG) Potchants were firipped naked at Kil- 0 Renny» And whereas fome of thofe - sates {tripped people with ropes of ftraw co- Fohn Major of the Ci- " °~ _vered fome part of their nakednef; ty of Kilkenny. pag. 16 the Rebels fet the ftraw on fire, thereby burning A.to A.pag..3.C.toD. and grievoufly {corching of them, fix Souldiers and _ two Boys having quarter given them, were never- ie thelefs hanged at Kilkenny. : | Ane Z ye o Rn y yeti " + ee we, Re Sia wae Sy Raeet = to ree ee Teo ea ies <3. ote &: Marthers i in Ireland. ; by. dogs, ftabbed with skeans,. one a her childrens | ! up. that her entrails fell out, where the Mayor up- A young Girl firipped about Eujler, ‘1642. in: | the City.of Kilkenny, by a Butcher, her belly ripe Wilien. Parlinfin-, Com. Kilkenny, p. 4. B. ames Beun, Citizen on complaint of the mother, bade away. with her and difpatch her. whereupon the mother received feventeen or eighteen wounds, and her other child was alfo extrcamly wounded, and all forced out fc of. the City bymen, women, ‘and boys, throwing Fi oo ftones and dirt at. them, fo as the two Children | Puts? BROAD dyed inaditch The Aldermen of Kilkenny. petitioned” their Council, that Philip pee Efq; might be puni- Ge, Fem oe am Parkin- thed for relieving of Proteftants. Pat A woman and two childrenin.the City bE Kil- kenity. wag by.the Inhabitants hunted, baited, torn cis ofeph Wheeler, Ef; t rca Pp. 5». Be guts being pulled out, At Kilkenny feven Englifh men hanged, and one Aane Miudefley, Cit. ; Trifhman becaufe he was taken in their company. Kilkenny,p. 1A. to As Twelve Murthered at Graige, inthe County of Kilkenny, onc of them (being a upon ae with. child) had her belly ript up, the child talling out | : alive, and a child of ta and half old hanged: re Sep e W eiist E(qs Another of them named Robert Pyne eis ae % Pe a IG dhenny, hanged up) was caftinto his grave, where he fate Pag: 5 ! s up; faying, Chrifk receive my Soul. and. fo was oe buried: quick... An old man hanged afterward; and dragged - Fofe sep. Wheeler, & als. up-and-down: titlhis Bowels felt out. p 5 Chriftopher Morley and two Englith boys at.Caftle _ rl Parkinfon, Kilk. Com. hanged , one other, Exglife- boy (eight. or p.3.A. nine years old) had his head eet. and before he Fobn Watkinfon, Cler. .'was dead hanged on his Fathers Tenterhooks. Com. Kilk, ps 2 A. to As... About threefcore men, wotmen. and children ; Maurthered at the Graige in ‘the County of ene f is ae B Kilh, P+ 5. C0 ps 4: many of them buried alive. | Conutyes ° =—> >. SO eae hi ee ei eee be 7 NE ORD ele, Pee. ak et ee ke. ee NEM. XB, ~ co at Murthers in elind. yh County of Catherlagh. R Ichard Lake hanged at Leighlin-bridg ; Six- _ teen more hanged near that place. Two Sh Paes more Murthered near Carherlagh. Two women Jers a he hanged up by the hair of their heads all night, the - a eters ahr te next day being found fill alive they were ‘Mnr- thered. Bis At or near Leighlin-bridg three men with their “wives and children Murthered.One woman and her daughter Murthered. A woman newly delivered of two children, the one of them had his brains C beaten out againfttheftones, and after thrown in- to the River of Barrow. About forty Englifp tmurthered thereabouts. Almoft all the Englifh about Gowran and Wells hanged and murthered. County of Kildare. Alph Heyward (having turned to Mafs) was re ; musthered , his wife and two Children ger a Shei ‘Dame Anne Butler, om. Catberlagh. p. \2. A. to the end. hanged, the one at her neck, the other at her gitdle, adog andacat hanged with them. ~ Robert Woods {hot to death. Fobn- Morley and his wife and children, and one | Cte (after they were turned fo Mafs) mur- Rilderd. pc 4: Rao end. Wilkians Collis, Com. Kildare, p.1.A.toA. Gunty of Dublin. A Bout the twenty eighth of December, 1641. the wife of Fofeph Smithfons Minifter, was Fofeph Smitbfon, p.1. conveyed from Deans Grange, near Dublin, to A.adfinem, Com. Dub- Stillorgan, from thence to Powerfcourt, and there liz. | | fhe and her fervant hanged. S Ba Mr. Hemsy Robert Brown, Come a ~ . Marthers in Irelands Aes, | Te > V. Sgro E a a :Y re Sis, Suge eh get Ae dae: George Cafbel, Com. Mr. Henry Mandley, hanged at Morctown. | Dublin. ae heed: At Balrothery, Wiliam Runmer, a Packet Poft, ~. and Mr. Pardee, a Minifter, murthered, Mr. Par- Tho. Clitheroe, Cler. doe being after caftupon.a Dungbil, and his head Com. Dublin, p.2. A. eaten with (wine. - j bo The foul murther of Derricke Hubert, of Holme Margaret Hubert,Com. Patrick; Com. Dublin, Efgs the {econd day of Decem. Dublin, p. 1. A. to the _- dans Domini 1641.6. : end, Fobn Fobnfon, Com: Nicholas Kerdiffe, murthered, near Dablin, fince Dublin, ps 1. Ay to A | the Ceffation, the eighteenth of Sepeember, 1643. “ Robert Fagan, murthered at Clonduffe, Com. Margaret Fagan,Com, Dublin, about November, 1641. ~ wile © Dabln Ac | County of Meath.. NE Navan the fon of Fames Wigualmarther- Fames Wignal » Com. > ed about the laft of November, 1641. Meath, p.1 A.top.2.A. Mrs Heglin andher daughter, withtwoyoung William Medcalf,Com. children murthered, at Walkinflown Com. Meath, Meath. and Robert Robie murthered near Sir William Hills Fames Pennifeook,Com: Houfe. | _, Meath, p. 2. A.to p.3.A. Mr. Fobx Ware, murthered at Moylough Com. - Walliam Potter,. Com. “Meath. % Meath,p. 1.A-to p. 3. Ae. The above-named: Mrs.Heglin, her daughter and } two children, murthered by twomen hired there- — Dennis Kelly , Com. unto, by Gerrot Tallon of . Creweftown, Com. Meath, Meath, p.1. A. to the for two Barrels of Wheat. Four more hanged-end.. at the Navan. ) A Letter from Matter The murther of Thomas -Preffick, and othersat Richard Tennifon, of Trim, Com. Meath, fee for that — Trim, Com. Meath, Mi- is . ats milter, Apr. 13. 1674. Right >» * : Right Honcurable and my NobleLord, .. a! A to your Lord{bips defire, Ihave fully inguixed into the murther of Mr. Thomas Preffick, @ vith Saddler at Trim, and have received this difmal-relation thereof, from two of his children, and oye Jane Tucker, then [relent with hive, and-fe- 3 Tucker, (eeing fome of the \rith getting up the Caftle, and fear- ing they would throw her into the fre, leaped off the top of the wall, upon the ground, and though {be was then with child (which » is yek living) and the Turret very high, fhe received no hurts a Little before which fhe faw and heard Ar. Preflick praying very fervently in the Turret, begging firength of God to. go through that fiery - Tryal, and ending his Prayer, he declared his willingne[s to die for the Proteftant Religion, and encouraged them all to do the like, up- on which fome of the Yrith got immediately into that Turret fwearing they would kilk him, unle[s he would go to Mafs, he with great Chriftian courage told them he would not forfake Chriff-— for fear of death, they then in a great fury made him pull of his hoes and flockings, and thruft hins down-a pair of ftairs, the ftones - of which wexe red hot with the fire, which he patiently fuffered, — faying Chrift had-indured more for bim, and then carrying himine ~ to his Garde he-was carneftly defired, by Thomas. Magwire, . then Parif Prieft of Trim, to ture to Mafiy and he fbould age | . i C825 — I ee ee ee ‘Sy 3 ‘Se Ls ~ > ee le a ee ye FE Foe oy Ses tee ee SS) Spee he Se aS st 2 : - = PN + cae * 6 a Maurthers in Jrelend. | bis life, which he with wonderful magnaminity lighted and re- fufed, faying he had lived in the true faith of Jelus Chrift, and - he would diein it, at which words feveral of them cut him, and one of them cutting his check almoft off, asked bim again if be would Turn, and undauntedly giving them. the fame anfwer, they immediately hanged him in aw Apple Tree (together with one James Hawkin bis Son im Lam, and one James Wilfon) they themfelves wondering qt his courage: of the reft ove Child was burat in the Honfe, fome of the men {bot in the Garden, and the reft brought with great Pageantry, fbeuting and feoffing, into the frreets of the Town, having their heads firuck off with a Hatchet. One Mr, James Preflick, a MMinifler, did by great providence efeape out of a back window, they having defigned great tortures for bim. The women were only firipped, one o Shige did privatly palo an Irith Serjeant off the Battlements into thesfire, where he was burat, he offering violence unto her. And [oon after fome of thofe barbarous people befer the Houfe of one Rich. Worthington, wear Txim, who with his wife efcaping in the night, they killed the children, and the poor mother returning next day to bring amsy her infants, was by fome who fiaid plundering the honfey ftrangled in ber own hair which was very long. Thefe are the only memorable murthers at that time committed here, but xo Age nor Hiftory cat, I prefame, parallel the horrible Maffacres, which in this County, and all other parts of this Kingdom were afterwards commited, as is beft known to your good Lordlbip, who was then miracr- loufly preferved in the midft of their bloudy and ighumas craelties, I might write many other of their barbarous actions, of which many yet Be living herecan make Oath, but au accoant of this was all at pre- « fent commanded by your Lord{bip from =. tee My Lord, Your Lordfhips Trim,Apr.13, : 16740 _ Moft AffeCiionate Humble Servant, i | ‘Richard ennifon, = Kings ee ee. | Murthers in 2ehnd,~ - Kings County, M*: Fane Addis of Kilcourfie (after her gO- prt. A.to ing to Mafs) murthered in. her houfe in Fames Dewdal, K.C. Fox, County, Com. Regis, having a child not a p32. A. gs quarter old, the murtherers putting the dead mo- Fobn Wild, Com.Weft- thers breaft into the childs mouth, bade it, Suck meath. A. ps Ts Englifh baftard, and fo left ig Thomas Fleetwood, C. Wefim.p.5.A. to. p. 6.A. Arthur Scot murthered at Lifloony having twenty Tho. Scett, C Regis wounds given him. Another Exglifh man hanged : at the fame place, | | Pe2. A. ad finem, Geralds houfe at Clonard, Com Meath, murther- Margery Ring, KiCs- A. An Englifo woman (a Papift) at Gerald Fitz Fames Dowdal, KC ~ > : ‘aed p- 3. B. : ed. , Two men murthered at Phillips Town in the James Dowdal. p. 3.. Kings County. . K.C. eelits antr pias Grae _ Richard Wilkinfou, K... At the Bir feven murthered. 1 RUE pea Ao finer. At Phillips Town, Thomas Horom hanged, in Hagh Roberts; K. C, -t.A the Kings County. ; : pe I. ¢ J Henry Bigland, and eleven more, hanged and Robert Bigland, K.G, - murthered about Kunockuemeis. A. ad finem. A woman aged Eighty years, fripped naked in Fro@ and {now, by two daughters of Rory Henry Ayliffe, Ke. Coghlan, of Fercal Wood, before whole door the pe 1. Ai dyed. aE Fobn Lutean, gia and chopped in pieces, 6. D, Kings. County,” Idem Hey. Ayliffe, p. x Sit William Stewart, . ; Com. Tyron, ps 4. Ae to The Gounterfeiting of Letters, pretended to be the end. out of England, againft the Irifh, and Counters Hey. Ayliffe, Ke. C. . feiting the Kings Broad Seal. p.1.A, Ralph Lambert, Com. - Galeway, p.3.H. to Fs That when they fay they fight for - the King, Henry Ayliffe, Ke. C, . “Ch : they mean.a King of their own making, Pp. 4.C, as Four r Sei ee : : . > at dey ed PC Spek Wk wa? Ss whe eee _— ~ vw, ——_— ee eS eT i A el — a3 | —Maurthers in’ Jreland, Four Englifo murthered at Terrence Coglans Tho.Le Strange, K.C, houfe Kilkolgan about December, 1641. p-5.A.toA. Twenty two Widdows, and feveral ftripped naked and covering themfelves in a houfe with — firaw., the Rebels lighted ftraw, and flrew a- mongft them to burn them, and they had been ‘burned had they not been refcued by others, who turned them out naked in’Froft-and Snow, fo as many dyed, thé children dying in’ their mo- thers Arms. . #3 Magdalen Redmaine. p. 1. A.to A. K.County. Tfabel Porter, alias Brain, K. County, p. 1, A. p.2, A. toA. A-< q Queens County. Ive murthered, whereof one was an Englifh fl woman, turned to°Mafs, great with child, i o 4 Shor BCs. - “who was fhot to death. - Ra 8 at NOT . Fob Nicholfon and his wife murthered by Walter Dithcome, Q.C. | 4. Fane Brown, p.7. A. A ' County. of Mayo. i | Bout twenty. feven perfons, befides chil- - dren, drowned in the Bay or Harbour, ., near Killellg, by the inftigation of.the Friars. y Thirty, or forty. Englifo (formerly turned Pa- ae pifts) driven, and forced into. the Sea. near Kil- d pb Geld finith, Cher. lalla, and. drowacd. : py | ary Bsinghurlt Con 3 P- | ” A Morthers in Zre/end: & young boy killed by one that had been his. School-Mafter, the boy the while crying, good” Mafter do not kill me, but whip me as much Idem as you-will. A man wounded and buried alive, Poe A Minifter murthered after he had gone ‘to Mafs. . Another hanged near. Ballehen. 3 a At the Moyne in the County. of Meyo, fifty Thomas Huet, Com nine Proteftants ftripped naked, and after Bare Mayo, p. 6. baroufly murthered, fome make the number'much Henry Langford; Com more. Rofcommon, p. 3. 2. ' William Gibb, and his wife (both very old) Fobx Shremly, Clerk murthered at the Moyne. Com. Sligo. = - The 19 of Fanuary, 1641. a handred and Aides Adie fom ¢wenty men women and children ftripped naked; C fe & 3 B. ta and after murthered at Belliek in the County of pee et a a Mayo. | Be ’ aoe the 20. of November, 1641. near. the Strade, Com. Mayo, Georg e Buchanon, having re- j ceived many wadiiis; a after buried. sina by: . sonia 6 finet, Cea a Edmond O° Maghery, and his Souldiers, whom he @29% P. 4 a as Captain commanded: sto i About supa 1643, the wife of Fil Gas . | ner, OF the Barrony of Carrogh; Com. Mayo, avin | leave, and a oars of de isles, for - M micidort pers Com fiting hes children: of Bellecke,- was by the {aid @49.P-7-D.. | Convoy. on the way cruelly musthered.. LOE CT ~ 1 | County of Tipperary. : Bout the fir of Faumary, 16414 fifteen f A men and women, Proteflants, -were mur- Edward Banks, Clerk, thered at: the City. of Cafhell, Com. Tipperary. po 1. A. to A, p- 2.B.to.” And near Cafhel were three or four children mur- B.. ; thered by a Convoy. | ! : pase Aines. Cay. Aun Sherring, Com... sey ie Be tol nae at Se neces eae id od J ape | a Kichard Bourke , Cots esis | Ferm, p.3. As ; aa ro Murthers ‘in Jre/and. a goth bad: Fobn Powel, Com. Tip- | The fame Maffacre at the Silver Mines alfo perary, p.1.A.to the end. Broved hy 7 William Tynss, Com. P Tipperary County of Leytrim. R. William Lifton, and Mr.Tho. Fullerton, : , Clerks, kept two days without meat or Andres Adaire, Com drink, then murthered near Mannor Hamilton, Mayo, p. 6.1. to K. the 24.of Fanuary, 1641. - rae.) | An Exglifh child taken by the heels, and its Idem,And.Adaire,C. rains dafht -out againft 2 block of Timber. Mayo, p. 6. F. to G. —— Comty of Clare.” (CC Hriftopber Hepditch, and fixteen more Englifh —_Bettrice Hebditch,Com. “\/ Proteftants, murthered at or near the Ca- Clare, p. 1. A. top. 2« Wile of Inchecrony. : | “ihe < County of Tyron. | 1B) Obert Bickerdick and: his wife drowned in ~ }-X. the Black water. Thomas. Carlile put to. Gartrude Carlile,Com jdeath. Fames Carlile, and his wife alfo mur- Tyrone, p.2.B. to p. 3. | thered. “And fo were about fourfcore and feven- B. yteen more. ae ‘ss 3 1 } The murther of Mr. Joba Mather, and Mr.Blyth, Jobs Perkins, Eqs. /(both Clerks, in°or near Dungannen,) although Com. Tyrone, p.1.B. to | Mr. Blyth had Sir Phelim O Neyles’ Prote@tion, p.2.C.. jand threefcore Families of the Town of Dungan- Authony Stratford, C. [won eee Le Armagh, p. 1. A. | About three hundred murtheredin the way to yy. ez [Colraine, by direCtion of Sir Phelim O Neale, and ne F an Perkins; | Zirlagh his Brother. | oon fing ara Ts ) ‘Marthers in zre/ina, fn and about Dungannon were murthered three : - hundred and fixteen.. Between Charlemount, and Capt. Anthony Strats Dunganaon about four hundred murthered and ford; Com. Armagh,p ta) drowned, at and in.the River. of Benbarb, and B. to @. the Black water two hundred and fix. a Thirteen murthered in one Morning by Patrick Mac Crew of Dungannon. And two young Re- bels did murther in the County of Tyrone, one ‘Idem, Anth.Stratford,” C 4 hundred and forty women and children. The pi3.G. to C. wife of Bryan Kelly of Loghgall, murthered forty and five with her own hands. At a Mill pond in the Parith of Killamon, and County of Tyrone, were drowned in one day Ideth, p.2.E. to. Fe aa three hundred. Eighteen Scottif infants hanged on Clothiers Tenter-hooks, and one young fat Scotchman mur- thered, and Candles made of his Greafe. Ano- | ther Scotchmans belly ript up, the end of his {mall guts tied toa Tree, then he drawn about, till his guts were pulled out, that they mighe 3 try (faid they) whether. a dogs or Scotchmans guts : ~ were the longeft, ie i} seth aid mee Gury of Armagh. Press in multitudes forced over the Bridg Gertrude Carlile, Bio - of Portadown, Com. Armagh, whereby at {e- Tyrone, p.3.C. verak'times there were drowned: in the River of ~ Chriftian Stanbaw, C. ‘ land, p. 2. A. Bann above one ‘thoufand.. Arm. and Owen Frank; Margaret Bromley, Com: Armagh, p.1.B; Rich. Newberry, C. Arm. p.2.A. Eleanor ‘Fullerton, Com. Arm. p. 2. Be Dr. Maxwel, Com Armagh, p. 1. A, and p. 12. A. to the endof the page. Henry Read, C, Monaghan, p. 1. Ae Eliz. Price, Com. Arm. p.t. A. Foan Conftable C. Ayn, P.3-C., Tho.Green,. C. Arm.p.1: A William Clerk, C. Arm. pt, A. Edy; Saltonftal, George Lutlefield, Com. Armagh, p. 3. Bs. sa. vet -! Great: | Wem, p. 3. F, to Ka 4 7 Dr. Maxwel. C. Arm. oa: is p-12.C. } ‘Gteat numbers of Proteftants drowned at Cor- Alex Creighton,C. Mo- bridg, and Kisfard in the ‘County of Armagh. naghan.p.1. A. .. er 1 William Holland, C. “Mon. p. 3. B. er a | William Clerk,C. drm, | Mr. Fullerton Clerk, Mr. Aubrey, Mr. Gladwich, p. 1B. : | murthered in theic way towards Portadown, = § Fo. Mongomery, C. a ies . Monaghan. , Mr. Garet Fillis, Com. Arm.p. 1.A. to the end. . Serra Chriftian Stanhew, and ‘Many others murthered. Five murthered foon o> Frankbanil,C.Arm. * after the beginning of the aren ae: one buh 1k { dred and forty, or one hundred andfixty drowned ©" Simi at Portadown. Fifty murthered at Black-Water- ee oC bs oa | Church. Twenty drowned near the water of g rad Guen wee ae? | Callon. And feveral others murthered. Ps : - Com. Armagh, p. 2.B. ad finem. : Mr. William Blunden, drawn by the neck ina | gope, up and down Black-Water, to confefs mo- : ny, and three weeks after, he with his wife and Edm. Saltonftal, and feven children drowned. Forty and four at fe- Geo. Littlefield, C. Arm. _ -veral times murthered. A Wife compelled to p-q.c. ad finem. _ hang her own Husband, with feveral other noto- |. xious murthers. | |. At Servagh Bridg, Com. Downe, one hundred Captain Henry Smith, ( (fome fay one hundred and twenty) drowned. C.Down, p. 7. B. to B. | More eighty. More fixty. More fifty. More Margaret Bromley, Ce fixty. Twenty feven men murthered. Arm. Minifter, and his wife and three children were part. Ara. : Many Proteftants put into a Thatcht-houfe, and © Ana Smith, and Mar- t to the end. Margaret Fillis, C. Arm. p.1.totheend. Chriftian Stanbaw, C. Arm.p.2. A.toA. Eleanor Fullerton, C.Arm.p.2.A. Eleanor Matchet,C. Armagh,p.2- A.totheend, Fon Conable, C. Armagh, p.1. B.top.2.B. The Murchers in Ireland, : Eleanor Fullerton , - Twelve murthered, whereof Mr. Robinfon, the . Margaret Bromley, C.— there burned alive. garet Clerk, C.Arm. p.T. we 2 & Sees le ee cet... Re ee ee Le 3 bi AT ie ois 8 ‘ ie Sa eo aOR eens mee > ee _ Marthers id 2relend, “47 : ae ss Gome. Tyrone, p. 3. Ge ~ The Lord Cawfield murthered, 4 pain Lae Price, Gam Ares | BR ann P-1,A. top.2,B._ Many burned in the Church. of Black: water. The | - Wite of Arnold ‘Taylor great with child, had her Ejiz, Price, Com. Artie belly ript up, then drowned. Thomas Mafen bu- p.8, B, top. 9.E, riedalive.. lege is Se ee tb as Seventeen men, women and children, caft in- Tho Green, Com. Arias to a Bog Pit... Many More murthered. _ Pp. : One thoufand five hundred, jn three Parithes murthered. Twenty feven more murthered. Mr. Cambel drowned. Three hundred Proteftants ftripped naked, and put into the Church of Loghgall, whereof about. ~ one hundred murthered within the Church, among whom Fobn Gregg was quartered alive, his quarters : - thrown into the face of Richard Gregghis Father, the faid Richard was after there murthered, ha- Alice Gregg, G. Arm; ving received feventeen or cightcen wounds, after p- 1. A. to the end, cut into quarters in the Dzponent his wifes prefence, Ye fuch as were not murthered were turned out a beg- ging among the lrifh naked, and into the cold, moft of which were killed by Irie Cripples, their Truls and Children, I. ‘Fam.Shaw, Cone. Arm PIs Aad finem, — One hundred and fourfcore drowned at twice, “Capt. Anthony Sivaie at the Bridg of Calby. Onc hundied (fome fay se two Randel more drowned in a Lough near ST Com Aumspe2. D Baliimakilmocrogh, within twommiles of Loghgal. Mr. Gabriel Conftable, and his mother (eighty Joan Conftable, Com years old) murthered, Armagh, p.1. A, Capt. Fo. i Murthered to thenumber of fivehundred. And Wee. | i é A ei forty eight Families murthered in the Parith of Kis- Aushony Stratford, C. lamans’ fas . : Arm. p. 2.E. to. E. Three men had their brains knockt out with a Hatchet within the Ghurch of Beuburb. Eight Fo. Parry, Com Arm: women drowned in a River under the fame p.2. A.to A. rs as « Church. Chriftopber Glover murthered. _. Cape ts D ne - By Capt. Fobx Perkins, — io EF eg vt Oey cate tee ee eee } ae ‘Murthers in Jreland, .. Dr. Robert Maxwel,C. j rime p.9. A. to B. wife (great with child) ftript ftark naked. sided oo P Com. Arm. - drowned in the Black-Water, the child half Ps 3:,P- £0 S- a born. . . Mr. Starkey (about one hundred years old) and : | his two daughters ftript naked, the daughters Dr-Robert Maxwel,C. a inforced to fupport, and lead their father, he Armagh, p.9.C.to D. being not able to go of himfelf, and having Capt. Fobn Perkins, C. | gone three quarters of a mile, were all three Tyrone, p.6.D.p.7. Ee drowned in a Turf pit. : County of Donnegall. Illiam Mac Kenny, and his mother in Law, and his wife great with child murthered, his {aid wife having her belly ript up, and the child cut out of the womb. : The murther of Robert Akias, Clerk , and Mulrony Carrol, Com. thirteen more at Caftledoe, Com. Dounegal. Donnegal, p. 1.A.to A. Threefcore perfons that came in Boats. from 41) Adaire. Ela: Killalla, maurthered by the Mac Swines, and the ¢,,, as ob eS O:Boyles, Com. Donnegal. peer eoruae ete Fe. Aun Dutton, and Ral. Dutton, Com. Donnegal, p. 2. B.toB. County of Down. “Ourfcore forced to go on the Ice on Lomgh _, Peter Hill, Efq; Com. Ezrn, till they break the Ice and were Down, p. 13.A.to A,and drowned. _ p. 14. CG. to the end. Mr. Tudge the Minifter of the Newry, Lieut. Tre- Peter Hill, p. 13. O.to vor, and his wife and twenty four more (fome ac- O. compt fifty) murthered, and cut in pieces at the Eliz. Piers, C. Down, pafs of Bellonery. “p.1. A. to A. * : Se Captain Henry Smith, Com. Down, p.7. A.to A. Elizabeth Crock, Com. Down, Pp. 2. A. to A. Arthur Magennis, Com. Down, p-I- A.to A. : eee Divers a4 Pa ae | AS CRRA oe PASE A rl ee ts jee to gia hie te S03, RP ene gE a aS = a ig Se Ss ie) ao Le tC ee x bad Pi eT eae ea TMe gees sak A 55) Ped x re . Marthers.in 2reland. OP) gig: a Divers murthered at Caftle Iflund, and Down. + William Gare, Cosme Down, p.1.A to Be - A Scotchman, an-Englifoman, and a Welfoman, : imprifoned in the Stocks at Neweafle, where they lay without Breeches upon raw Hides, that Elizabeth Pierce, Cam. their Joints rotted, infomuch, that when two of Down, p. 2.B. to B. them were afterwards hanged, one of their Feet ~ fell off by the Ankle, ~ County of Cavan. M Any Proteftants forced over the Bridg of William North, Coes. 3 are Belturbet, in the County of Cavan, ,and Gavan, p.2. A. a there drowned, Joba Whitfon, Com : 7 Cavan, A. ; Arthur Culme, E(g3 Com. Cavan, p.6.B. Robert Bennet , Com» Cavan, p - 1.A. 7 bomas Smith, and Foan Killin, Com. Cavan, p. 1. A. to the end. Simon Weftham, Com. Cavan.p.3. A. Marmaduke Batemanfon, Com. Cavan, . _ Pe 1. A. Fobm Stephenfon, C. Cavan, p. 3..A, Fane Cuthbertfon, Come Cavan,p.1.A. Elizabeth Poke, Com.Cavan,p.1.A.adfinem. Mr. Richard ’ Parfons, ComsCavan. p. 6. A. 3 Fane Cutbert{on, Com. Cavan,p.1.A.top.2.A. — Alexand. Anderfon,C. Adam Baily, and feveral other murthered at Cavan, p.5. Ae - -. Kilkolly in the County. of Cavan. Fennet Kernes, C.Ca- van,p-1-A.toA. - Simon Grame, p. 1.A. ee ‘ tothe end. William Rocket; drowned near Pelturbert. r Sarab Ranfon, CF ls Several Scotifs Families deftroyed. Twoof the _ : Hovies, and Abrabam Fones murthered. With Ric. Parfons, C.Cavan, feveral other murthers committed at Butlers p.5.A.toB. p.6. B. Bridg. > A diftra&ed Englifbman run through with a. Simon Wefnam, C. Pike, ‘he laughing the while. Cavan, p. 3.B. ; De County By Ae and aed 20 ; | " Marthers in scat itn of Monaghan. Robert Brauthwait, p. Robert Boyle, Clerk, p. : y. A. to the end. Any Proteftants hanged at Carinae me Hughes, A. to M C. Monaghan e end. ere pe Filles. A. : 2 WSS All the of County of 3 Monaghan. Robert Aldrich, p.3.to # - theend. Fames Gown, p.2. A. “ Sixteen Pipiclvents at once hanged at Clounsin © Matth.Brown,p.1. A. the County of Monaghan. Several others there alfo Hoxcrab Beamond , P- hanged, And fixteen women and children ina 1.A. Turf-pit drowned. ; Allof the County of : ‘ ae Monaghan. Francis Wynne, C. . 0 Fermp, 1 Asto A. > The Deponents Father , and her Son mur- Elizabeth Northorp,C. thered. Monaghan, p.1.A.to B. . George Cottingham, C A Ri og el Se | Monaghan, p.1. A. Richard He Efq; ncaa: See Sb Henry eka. rd 7 naghan, p. 1. A. ° Soié mautthered in Monaghan. oe) ee, Seven murthered inthe Fewes, C. Monaghan. 7 - Fobn Montgomery Cc. Enfi ign Lloyd and others aces And one Fo ’ buried ‘quick. Monaghan, p. 114A. *The-mutther of Fobn Lpbei, and twenty four it a mess the more. end. . : Robert Aldrich , oa At Tully, C. Monaghan threefcore murthered af lar ambiigime. 2: ali ter quarter given. _ | : end of the page. | Righteen murthered, BES 7 ee ? Seventeen. 28 wounds... Marthers in trelaggl aT > Seventeen men, women and children, drowned. Elizabeth’ Clon " @ > at Balliroft. Many muthered, And four drowned, p Ceorge Cottingham, ee» »C. Monaghan. The Deponents husband, and thirty others by name, and divers.others, that the -Deponent re- . ® : membereth not, : all murthered in Farney, Com Eliz.Clark., Co: Magen Monaghans two. of: them fo aged that they went p. 1.4. to p. the 2. B.. upon-tiaves, and..another had (at leaft) forty. : Oné Mac Maghan, Captain of Mon aghan et ee : himfclf by thrufting a wooden broach into the | Fundament of an Englifoman or Scotchman, then AMriving him about the Room with a Joynt-ftool,. being much affe@ed at thé miferable geftures of Dr. Robert Maxell, the poor party fo tormented. The faid Mac Mag- C. Armagh, p. 15, Ox -bsn, and his Confederates ‘at a Feat after Din- to O, ner, had an Englifoman bound before them, and Monaghan, p. IAs, ;. 20m Cornet Clizton, and his Grand-child drowned. iil, Holland, C.Mon. - Many others murthered. p- 2. E. tothe end. Rae ~ at cach Healthsend every one gave hima wound, _ after which they caft him upon the Dunghil, | where Janguifhing. he dyed, _- ey hess hiccdiwe cori County of Fermanagh. — ° Bo | Pe ce William Ban, po 2s Ay to A. a __ Patrick O Bryen,” C. Rthur Champian, and fixteen more with ee Be 2s chs 10 A him, murthered. At another time twenty — Rober: Aldrich ©." ° 97s four. At another time two more murthered.. Minaghan, A.to theend of the page. Elizabeth Daowsbery, ym C. Ferm. A. | ; Me 5 _ Elizabeth Fletcher; C. Onc killed, and fourteen hanged: Fermanagh, p. 1. to the end, ‘ Seve. ee es Be chy C. Fermanagh, murthered. ~ put to death. : a See eS eet. ae ee oa ya Marthers in Jreland. : : ~— Seven hanged at one time , and divers others Margery Barlow, €. ; : Ferm. A. to the end. im Matthew Brown, Co — Fourfcore men, women and children, burned, Monagh. p.B. to B. ‘and killed in Ligoole, in theC. of Fermanagh. Alice Champan, C. weit ; ; : ‘ : Ferm. P- 3: B. to Ps 4B. “At . Caftleeighteen. =~ At Ful- Thomas Wenflow, C. logh Cattle fourfcore murthered. Near Cordiller Fermanagh, p. 1. A- to three hanged, One more hanged. _ pe ae Ae ig "Fourteen Proteftants hanged in the County of Robert Flack, Com. Fermauagb. : - Ferm.p. 2. A.to p. 3. A, Forty Proteftants in the Parith of Newtown, and N Fobu Parry, C. Ferm. Fobn Martin, Com. : ) : Fermanagh, p. 1A. Thirty murthered in the Parith of Clankelly, — Hugh Stokes, Com. Eighteen murthered. _¢, Fermanagh. So sie Ferm. Twelve murthered in Newtown, C. Fermanagh. BF s French, - Com. William Ogden maurthered, eee ee” | s . - Robert Aldrich, Com. Sixty (another fays ahundred) murthered at Monagh, p. 1. A. to the Tully, C. Fermanagh, after quarter given or pro- end of the page. mifed them. _ oa Rischard Tacky, ete: ‘ 7 wererm. (ett. Fifteen hanged at Lotberftown, C.Fermanagh. Richard Bourke, Com. Two murther at Kinnally. Ferm. p. 1. A. to A. CONTENTS = 2 i Counties. : pag. j 7 Ilkenny zo Catherlagh f 3a Kildare . ibid. | Dubliz ibid. — Meath A Kings County ec. ‘Queens County Se Wicklow . Weftmeath ibid. Galway oe Longford @ ibid. Rofcommon a Shigoe ibid, Mayo 12, Tipperarp 13. Letrin i Clare ibid, © Tyrone ibid. Armagh 15” Donnegal | Down ibid. Cavan 19 _ Monaghan 20 Fermanagh ar | es: Lem Syte ee 2 > 7 “ned 8 ae cat SO’ eee Salon sal - Sgaueol ! ' | 4 : | ] M } ht le f ; a SOAS ee SS ¢ 4 4 ; | u a Ss ee : ‘ { i ih i's ae = } / “ol \ cadets end led ae Ty te Detar’) Ayr ie : " p> jek f Af is Ge a yy iy i ; ne waa ee a er te Seale ae a ran amis Saat dn ope Papen ee ol eed ae eS eats 1/ AAMAY /1R\\\\\XQS NES FYI 7 ESS NG lA / WY TAZ SAN) LV VA Ms. UY), Ee SESS ——= = — —— ————— SS = i A An gh LE tin ZA