—— — ip ati lad — 5 \ < S\ 7) e io ~ SEL oA ARR A re OCE LNRM PMN AROMA phy oye ott MRT — — — Printed by Aadrem Crook, Printer to the Kings Moſt — — POINT nee RTT RIN 0 TEE OIE TR PEE —— — AN — Te es SE wes — — ‘say CT ————— — Ya — — * 8 Ce — —— 2 WY, AO eal Cas & Snr M VORA ‘ "7 i a SED ES 1 —— —— Fe . = ’ } Dx 2, Rae , Uh R— * (Te es 7 ; i gi of, : 4 MEE A 3 a — — ON Ss, : f j | — ——— — — t— Eat * — ——— — A a — — — — — — — Die Bee a os | ? i j } —— — ee * — Excellent Majeſty on Ormonde-Key. 1695. * — —* V AL RA buy * — NB t7e Grae See # ¥-§ ⁊ —— a ty a . 3 — 2 —J J. — Ne AS wr ye oe 2 A Wide es Sah kee eek — BE ap ere TPS TEE HD Mie Se PER OE Ie P ———— — cA J SR REGU RSENS EES Saget BEA — yt AR SS a de SR Oe ee eS ee ee ae ee ony ey yy y A } F se pe % & — * —WW 3 re * ‘ * * — — An: Ach for the more Eflecuel Sup) refine oF Pra F a es * ee Be FG by Be — Pgs ae er i —J Part a y aids — Me haga ee SPO — phane Curſing and Swearing BD SS — ast + Ste Sard ———— 4 a a co OM ey OR: Vi BA YF deveaw it is: found: bp Experiente Vay Ay Mati An Act ot Parliament niade ely inthe Teuth and. Eleventh Peary cos) Of the Reign of Bing CHAR LES the Farlt, ‘Sutituled, An AG x0} prevent sand Reform prophane ‘Swearing and:Curfing, Hagh pig; * sae) pier piel ung ot ole De⸗ ssiabie ins; by Reaſon of fonte Defcieticp in ~ the fain; abr... | GF Ja se. CHB ae . olf \ We te therefore, Cnaten by the Rings Ercellent Sajetty, by and wielp the Adoviceand Content: of the Lords Spirituai and aal, and: Commons in. this preſent @artianens alficmbled, and by Aucthority of: the: Aaine, That it aup Perſon ov Perfons Malt: after:ehe Fifth Day. of Norember, in this petene Pear or our Lom, Dune Hhouland: sir Hunmen NHinety and Fibe, . Prophanely Swear an⸗ ure in the pretence o2 Hearing of) any Bufiee- of Peace ot the County, sDiniflon; oe sof the: Map- O2, 02 other dead Officer 02 »Pultice: of Peace fo. any City o2’Sown Compote. where tach Ollence is: o2 Malt ve Committers, 02 thattbatt be thereot Convicted, by the Dath of one: Waiic- nets; op bp. the Conteliion of the: Parep: Of- fending: before auy Jultice of the peace .of the County, 02 Payor, 02 Waylifl se, other Chick rc Dibcer 02. Publics of the, Wrace of tuch City or Corporate on: the ſaid Offence he ‘ 2 Mali be £04 — Sommitieds or DMereſche Oftender thay Inha⸗ wore of them) to: ey BP Miltrels, and Dale ote he ow of che site rete Ter: atk che Barwa Beak og che fait Juſtice of Rerate, or other Diiicde,” is afovetaid, be Pub- Ricky fee m the Stocus ‘for je fpace of Dne ‘our. tot ebiop linge Oients; and for any Qumber Kf OMeices whereot he ale ve ‘€on- : Ne 3 Gulielmi; Tertii.. é bicked at one and thosdame tune chen, Zao | Hours 3 And if the Harty DE ge wi oer. the Age of Sirten Pears, awd (dail wottarey which, pap Hhetais Foricitures, then, bear Be fait by. arrant as aforelaid, ve aibipe, | ap hye Ta. bis, ot by the Parent, Guardian ge < Offender, iv the prefens ceiet the —— — Ane be it further Cuatten, Bo ag if any. gu of the Peace OF. @ hier Ghar iire te atl, Be rae Hud Willingly omit che — of bis— ty. ft: the Execution ot this Ae he Wha Ul. Horkes the Summ of Five Prunts; i tbe ous Gi Doyety) (s..the ule of tie Sularane, to be secobered by ALO, Suit, Wil ov Plains, in ay af Bis» Maellies Courts, whereittraCtopym Prowtion oy Cuager of Law Mall be @ ALLOWED, MOT any mote Hen one Imper auce granten And cis hershy further nate, That: if any Action et Out =the bes — 8 OU; broughta f pei any Auſtice of Prace, Contable,; or other aMficse ot Berſon whatſtoever fox, Doing, ot Cave fing tobe Vont any thie im paci mance of chis Act courting theta Ofences thes Defendang. in fuch ation maypiead thy Geoera Biius, anaaive the Special Batter in Chitence; And if upow fach Yoion Gerdit be civer for the Defendant, ov the Blantift become goons Duit, ov Dilcontinue bis Merion, chen the Defendant Ball have treble Colts, Propided always, And it is be nated, Serfon Mall be Ptoſetuted ov Troubled sy Ollence againt eBis Stat ule “unlets the fame bs probed 6 oe ayer tated within Len Days mere after the Oftent omnwiitteD. Bud it is vo ther €natzd by the Authority aforelain, That this Ac Gati be ter ag sa Rean Sone ines 2 ee re tin all Dani Churches | we. and 6 Anno Been Septume, &O and all Publick Chappels, by the Parſon Pie cat ot Curate of the Belpecive Variffes er Chaps ele immediately after Morning Prayers on four febeval Sundays, that is to fay, Wye Sune pay neve atcer the Filey Day of November, iu this prefone Pear ‘of Our. Lor, One Ahoutand Sig bundwed Minety Five, Whe Filth Day of February following ; The Fifth Day ot May, Which Will be in che Pear of Dur Lord; - Dire, Thouars Dir Hundeed’ Minety Sirs And fhe Fifty Day of Augult fallotbing, under g pain of Twenty Shillings for eberp fuch De miſſion or sremiett. — 595 And be it kurther Ghaced by Authority afdreſaid, That the Juſtites of Peace, Payory ov ether Head Officer Mall Regiſter in a war to be kept fer that purpole ail the Convictions made belove Hint upott this Ac, andthe Lime of Maaing thereof, and for: what Offence ; And alt Cor⸗ tifie the fame to the next General⸗Quarter⸗ Re fions of the veate for ‘the laid County,,or,place where the Oltentes ave Committed. to be there Rept upon Record by the Relpective Clerks ot che eAce, tobe Hen without Ke ov Rewards. — — OASYS ae 1 = 4 ; a. 3 \ cu a : x = ee se 3 * if € : e431 eo. See. hs ; ws ga ee AS f Ve ae ~ ae Fe! Se 2. * ee or oe . : — iy *— fy a