tX vi 4 ■ i if I A s -^ 'JZ yi — HISTORY i-^i OF THB UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, AN3> THE NAMES OP ALL TIES SUPERINTEimENTS, PROFESSORS AND GRADUATES, TO WmOH 18 ADDED A KECORD OF SOME OP THE EA.EL1EST VOTES BY CONGRESS, OP THANKS, MEDALS, AND SWOKDS TO NAVAL OFFICERS. BY EDWARD CHAUXCEY IfARSHALL, A. M.,-^ VOBMEKLY INSTRUCTOR IN CAPTAIW KINSLHy'S MILITARY SCHOOL AT WKSI POINT, ASSISTANT PBOFBSSOR IN THK N. Y. UNIVERSITY, ETC. " Flag of the seas I on ocean's wave Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave, * * i^ * Ht * Each dying wanderer of the sea Shall look at once to heaven and thee. And smile to see thy splendors fly In triumph o'er his closing pye !" J. Rodman NEW YORK: D. VAN JSrpSTRAND, 192 BROADWAY 1862. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by D. VAjST NOSTRAND, In the Clerk's OfiBce of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. TO Tira n, iihwn MtUts, BY WHOSE WISDOM, PATRIOTISM, AND FIRMNESS, THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY HAS BEEN PRESERVED TO THE COUNTRY FROM DANQEE8 WHICH IMPERILLED ITS EXISTENCE, THE AUTHOR, VERY RESPECTFULLY, iQttiUzUB iliz littlt Tolnrnt OF ITS HISTORY. PREFACE. The language of Horace, Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona may be applied, justly, to the Naval Academy. While we rejoice at the skill of our naval cadets, we must not depreciate the merits of their seniors in the service. It was the science already existing in the navy which created the Academy, and the superior discipline and accurate firing of the naval cadets, besides evincing the excellence of their at- tainments, reflect additional glory upon the older oflScers. By the older officers the Academy was organized, and has been brought to its present condition of admirable efficiency in imparting a scientific education to the eUves of the navy. Full access to public documents has been had, considerable assistance has been rendered, also, by naval officers and mid- shipmen, in the preparation of this work, and, it is believed, that the statements here made are reliable. New York, March, 1862. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE. Alexander Hamilton's plan for a Military Academy. — A Naval School recommended in 1814. — Successive recommendations and discussions.— Failures 11 CHAPTER II. The School is founded by the Hon. George Bancroft. — His letter to Commander Buchanan 19 CHAPTER III. History of Mr. Bancroft's efforts and success. — The School is opened. — ^Its first Officers and text-books ^ — The Quarters at Fort Sev- ern. — A Naval Ball 25 CHAPTER IV. The first appropriations for the support of the school. — Commander Upshur as Superintendent. — Revised regulations. — A practice Ship. -^Commander Stribling as Superintendent. — The first cruise of the Preble. — The four years' course. — The professors and offi- cers 31 8 CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. PAGB. The cruises of 1852-3. — Commander G-oldsborough as Superin- tendent. — The cruises of 1854-5-6. — Capt. George S. Blake as Superintendent. — The Board of Examiners for 1857. — The cruise of the Plymouth in 1858. — The frigate Constitution 35 CHAPTER VI. The cruise of 1860. — Commander Craven's report 41 CHAPTER Vn. Perilous times. — Secession. — The Massachusetts 8th. — Removal to Newport, R. I. — Quarters of the officers and midshipmen 44 CHAPTER Vni. The Buildings and grounds at AnnapoUs. — Fort Severn. — Laboratory and Armory. — Quarters of the Midshipmen. — Recitation Hall.- Mess Hall. — Library and Lyceum. — Trophies of Naval Yictories, 50 CHAPTER IX. The Chapel. — The Observatory. — Midshipmen's Monument. — Hos- pital. — Boat House. — Quarters of the officers and professors. — Naval Monument. — Monument to Lieut. Herndon. — Old Iron Sides, 57 CHAPTER X. The Academic Staffi — Examinations. — Midshipmen on Furlough. — Merit Roll. — Conduct Roll. — Punishments 63 CHAPTER XL Daily division of time. — Section-formations. — Captains of Crews. — The Mess Table.— Tattoo and Taps.—Balmy Sleep 68 t CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER XII. PAGE. Routine on the Constitution. — Stowing Hammocks and Washing. — Roll call, Inspection, Breakfast. — Study. — Parade.- — Tattoo. — Etiquette 13 CHAPTER XIII. Naval and military organization of the midshipmen. — ^Watchmen.— Uniform. — Lawrence Literary Society. — Hops and Balls 82 CHAPTER XIV. Sketches. — Captain Buchanan. — Commander Upshur. — Captain Stribling 8*7 CHAPTER XV. Captain Goldsborough. — Captain Blake 93 CHAPTER XVI. Professor Chauvenet. — Brigadier-General Lockwood. — Professor Coffin. — Professor Girault. — Professor Nourse. — Professor Hop- kins. — Professor Winlock. — Professor Smith 99 CHAPTER XVII. Captain Craven. — Officers at Port Royal. — Importance of naval and military schools. — Opinion of "Washington. — "War with a European power 104 CHAPTER XVIII. The first two assistants at the Academy. — Lieut. Samuel Marcy. — Captain James H. Ward.—" Flag of the Seas" 112 10 CONTENTS. APPENDIX. PAOB. L The Appointment of Candidates and their Qualifications. ... 131 II, Programme of Studies 135 TIT. Merit RoUs 13T lY. Officers and Professors of the Academy from 1845 to the present time 139 V. Graduates not of the Four Years' Course 141 YL Graduates who were in the Four Years' Course 144 YII. A list of the Officers to whom thanks, medals, and Swords have been voted by Congress for our earlier naval victories — Note by the author. — Commodore Chauncey. — Commo- dore Paulding. — Prize-money to the victors 146 HISTOEY OF THE NAVAL ACADEMY. CHAPTEE I. ALEXANDER HAMILTON'S PLAN FOR A MILITARY ACAD- EMY.— A NAYAL SCHOOL RECOMMENDED IN 1814.— SUC- CESSIYE RECOMMENDATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.— FAIL- URES. The management of the naval affairs of tlie United States was confided, first, by Congress, during the revolution, to a Naval Committee, who were appointed on the 11th of December, 1775. The administration of this branch of the public service was vested in Commissioners on the ninth day of June, 1779, and on the twenty-eighth of October, in the same year, a Board of Admiralty was established to superintend the naval and marine affairs of the United States. Two years later, also, a Secretary of Marine was appointed, who executed all the duties of the Board of Admiralty."^ After the adoption of the federal constitution, the *Seybert's Statistical Annals, p. 637. 12 HISTORY OF THE Department of "War was organized by act of Congress, on the 7tli of August, 1789, which included, also, the ' department of the navy, and these two departments were united during a period of about nine years. Henry Knox, Timothy Pickering and James McHenry were the first Secretaries who were charged' with the management of both military and naval affairs. The ''act to establish an executive department to be de- nominated the Department of the Navy" was passed on the 30th of April, 1798. The first official recommendation of a naval school for the United States, was made by Alexander Ham- ilton, the Inspector-General, then, of the army, in his plan for a military academy which he submitted to his former companion-in-arms in the revolution, James McHenry, the Secretary of War, and to General Wash- ington, who was in retirement at Mount Vernon. It is an interesting fact, to record, also, that the last letter upon public questions ever written by General Wash- ington, of which we have any knowledge, was his reply to Hamilton approving of this plan. Two days after writing this letter, George Washington died. Hamilton's plan for the military academy was sub- mitted to Congress on the fourteenth day of January, 1800, by the Secretary of War, with the approval of the President, John Adams ; the organization recom- NAVAL ACADEMY. 13 mended was as follows, viz.: ''This academy shall consist of fonr schools, one to be called the Funda- mental School, another the School of Engineers and Artillerists, another the School of Cavalry and In- fantry, and a fourth the School of the K'avy." By the act which was passed on the sixteenth day of March, 1802, fixing the military peace establishment, the academy was organized, to be located at West Point, but the only schools founded were the fundamental school, and the school of the engineers and artillerists ; no provision was made for the school of the navy. From an examination of General Hamilton's plan it is evident that the idea which prevailed, at that early period, of the united administration of naval and mili- tary affairs in one department, produced, also, quite naturally, the proposed combination of a naval with a military school. In March, 1808, General Jonathan Williams, of the Engineers, the Superintendent of the Military Academy, from its organization, recommended in a report upon the subject of an enlargement of the Academy, that nautical astronomy, geograpl:iy, and navigation should be taught by the Professor of Mathematics at West Point, and that it would be well " to make the plan of the Academy iipon such a scale as not only to take in tlie minor officers of the navy, but also any youths 14 HISTORY OF THE from any of tlie states, wlio miglit wish for such an education, whether designated for the army or navy, or neither, and to let these be assessed to the value of their education.""^ These recommendations were sub- mitted to Congress by the President, Thomas Jefferson, with his approval, and on the twenty-eighth of March in that year, a bill was reported in the Senate, provid- ing for the removal of the Military Academy to the city of Washington, for its reorganization and for in- structing in the institution, midshi23men of the navy. The bill was, however, postponed, and its further con- sideration was not again resumed.f By the " act to increase the navy of the United States," w^hich was passed on the second day of Jan- uary, 1813, the employment of naval schoolmasters was authorized. This act was one of the measures of the war of 1812, and a careful attention was given, at this time, to strengthening both the army and the navy, and to the scientific education of officers. The Military Academy at West Point was reorganized upon its present basis in 1812. At this early period also, many of the cadets of the Military Academy were commis- sioned as midshipmen in the navy. Probably the first official recommendation of the * Am. State Papers, vol. XII., p. 229. t Reports H. of Rep., 1836-7, vol. IL, No. 303, p. 10. NAVAL ACADEMY. 15 separate organization of a United States l^aval Acad- emy, was made by the Hon. William Jones, of Penn- sylvania, the Secretary of the Is^avy under President Madison, in a commnnication to the Senate, in Novem- ber, 1814 ; he says, "I would respectfully suggest the expediency of providing by law for the establishment of a naval academy with suitable professors, for the instruction of the officers of the navy in those branches of the mathematics, and experimental ])hilosophy, and in the science and practice of gunnery, theory of naval architecture, and art of mechanical drawing, which are necessary to the accomplishment of the naval officer." A naval academy was again recommended by the Hon. Smith Thompson, of New York, the Secretary of the Navy under President Monroe. Tlie establishment of such a school was urged upon Congress a third time, with great eloquence and ability, by the Hon. Samuel L. Southard, of New Jersey, the Secretary of the Navy, in his report of December Ist, 1824, and one year later, in his "opinion as to such alterations as are necessary in the present organization of the navy," which was given in obedience to a reso- lution of the Senate. He says in this document, '' The younger officers are taken from the poor who have not the means of a good education as well as the rich who have. They enter, from the nature of their duties, at 16 HISTORY OF THE SO early an age, that tliey cannot be accomplished, nor even moderately accurate scholars. They are con- stantly employed on shipboard, or in onr navy -yards, v/here much advancement in learning cannot be ex- pected. The better instructed and more intelligent an oificer is, the more skilfully and precisely, and, of course, the more economically, will he perform the duties assigned to him. * Ignorance is always, skill is never, prodigal. The navy is also the bearer of our honor and our fame to every foreio^n shore. The Amer- ican naval officer is, in fact, the representative of his country in every port to which he goes, and by him is that country in a greater or less degree estimated." Mr. Southard proposed, as a location for the school. Governor's Island, in the harbor of Xew York, and asked an appropriation of $10,000, that it might be put into operation without delay. The subject occupied, during that session, much of the attention of Congress, but no bill was passed au- thorizing the establishment of a naval school. In tlie following year, the President, John Quincy Adams, recommended the proposition of Mr. Southard to Con- gress, and he repeated the recommendation in 1827. The measure was fully discussed, at this time, in the national legislature ; it was advocated ably in the Senate by Mr. Hayne, of South Carolina, and Gcner^il KAVAL ACADEMY. 17 W"m. H. Harrison, of Ohio ; nevertlieless, tlie bill did not become a law. The Hon. A. P. Upshur, Secretary of the Navy, again urged the subject upon the attention of Congress in 1841, and a bill providing for the establishment of a naval school at or near Fortress Monroe, Virginia, was passed in the Senate, but was not acted upon in the House, for want of time. In his Report for 1842, Mr. Upshur says, ''Through a long course of years, the midshipmen were left to educate themselves and one another. Suitable teachers are now provided for them, but their schools are kept in the midst of a thousand interruptions and impediments, which render the whole system of little or no value.""^ ■ Mr. Bayard,t in a report of a committee which was made in the Senate, three years later, described the evils of the old svstem, and advocated the measure with the following language : " Under the existing laws appointments of midshipmen are made by the Secretary of the Navy, and are the result, for the most part, of personal or political influence. Instances have occurred in which boys who have been thought by their ac- quaintances to be good for nothing else, have yet been * There were similar recommendations bj the Hon. J. K. Paulding, and other Secretaries of the Navy. f The Hon. Richard H. Bayard, Senator from Delaware, afterward appointed Minister to Belgium, 18 HISTOET OF THE thouglit good enough for a service which, in its perils and its responsibilities, requires high qualities of physical^ and intellectual vigor, as well as moral worth. His scientific instruction commences at sea, or in a foreign port, amidst the noise and distraction of a crowded ship, and the interruptions of the various calls of duty. Having been five years in the service, three of which must have been passed in active duty at sea, and having attained the age of twenty years, the mid- shipman may be examined for promotion. To prepare for this examination, he spends a few months at the naval asylum in Philadelphia, where a school has been established for that purpose. This meagre course of instruction furnishes the sum of his attainments. Such are the provisions for the training of this important branch of ofiicers." Failure, however, seems to have been the fate of every eff'ort to secure the passage, directly, of an act establishing the naval school. NAVAL ACADEMY. 19 CHAPTEE II. THE SCHOOL IS FOUNDED BY THE HON. GEORGE BAN- CROFT.— HIS LETTER TO COMMANDER BUCHANAN. It was reserved, finally, for the Hon. George Ban- croft, the Secretary of the Navy, to devise in 1845, an economical and successful scheme for the organization of the desired institution. He had discovered that he was already clothed with the power of establishing such a school without a special enactment, and having made the selection of Commander Franklin Buchanan, a native of Maryland, as the first Superintendent, he addressed to him the following official communica- tion: " Naty Department, August 1th, 1845. " Sir :^ "The Secretary of War, with the assent of the Presi- dent, is prepared to transfer Fort Severn to the Navy Department, for the purpose of establishing there a school for midshipmen. " In carrying this design into effect, it is my desire to * Senate Documents, vol. I., 1845-46. 20 HISTORY OF THE avoid all unnecessary expense — to create no places of easy service — no commands that are not strictly neces- sary — to incur no charge that may demand new an- nual appropriations ; but, by a more wise application of moneys already appropriated, and officers already authorized to provide for the better education of the young officers of the navy. It is my design not to create new officers, but, by economy of administra- tion, to give vigor of action to those which at present are available; not to invoke new legislation, but to execute more effectually existing laws. Placed by their profession in connection with the world, visiting in their career of service every climate and every lead- ing people, the officers of the American navy, if they gain but opportunity for scientific instruction, may make themselves as distinguished for culture as tliey have been for gallant conduct. " To this end it is proposed to collect the midship- men who from time to time are on shore, and give them occupation during their stay on land in the study of mathematics, nautical astronomy, theory of morals, international law, gunnery, use of steam, the Spanish and the French languages, and other branches essential, in the present day, to the accomplishment of a naval officer. "The effect of such an employment of the midship- NAVAL ACADEMY. 21 men, cannot but be favorable to them and to the ser- vice. At present they are left, when waiting orders on shore, masters of their own motions, without steady occupation, young, and exulting in the relief from the restraint of discipline on shipboard. " In collecting them at Annapolis for purposes of instruction, you will begin with the principle that a warrant in the navy, far from being an excuse for licentious freedom, is to be held a pledge for subordi- nation, industry, and regularity, — for sobriety, and as- siduous attention to duty. Far from consenting that the tone of the discipline and morality, should be less than at the universities or colleges of our country, the President expects such supervision and manage- ment as shall make of them an exemplary body, of which the country may be proud. " To this end you have all the powers for discipline conferred by the laws of the United States, and the certainty that the department will recommend no one for promotion, who is proved unworthy of it from idle- ness or ill conduct or continuing ignorance, and who cannot bear the test of a rigid examination. " For the purpose of instruction, the department can select from among twenty-two professors and three teachers of languages. Tliis force, which is now al- most wasted by the manner in which it is applied, may 22 HISTORY OF THE be concentrated in such a manner as to produce the most satisfactory results. Besides, the list of chap- lains is so great that they cannot all be employed at sea, and the range of selection of teachers may be en- larged by taking from their number some who would prefer giving instruction at the school to servmg afloat. The object of the department being to make the sim- plest and most eiFective arrangement for a school, you will be the higliest officer in the establishment, and will be intrusted w^ith its government. It is my wish, if it be possible, to send no other naval officer to the school, except such as may be able and willing to give instruction. Among the officers junior to yourself, there are many whose acquisitions and tastes may lead them to desire such situations. For this end the de- partment would cheerfully detach three or four of the lieutenants and passed midshipmen, who, while they would give instruction, would be ready to aid you in afiairs of discipline and government. Thus the means for a good naval school are abundant, though tliey have not yet been collected together and applied. " One great difficulty remains to be considered. At our colleges and at West Point, young men are trained in a series of consecutive years ; the laws of the United States do not sanction a preliminary school for the navy ; they only provide for the instruction of officers NAVAL ACADEMY. 23 who already are in the navy. Tlie pupils of the naval school being, therefore, otiicers in the public service, will be liable at all times to be called from their studies, and sent on public duty. Midshipmen, too, on tlieir return from tlje sea, at whatever season of the year, will be sent to the school. Under these circum- stances, you will be obliged to arrange your classes in such a manner as will leave opportunity for those who arrive, to be attached to classes suited to the stage of their progress in their studies. It will be difScult to arrano^e a svstem of studies which will meet this emer- gency ; but with the fixed resolve which you will bring to the work, and with perseverance, you will succeed. '' Having thus expressed to you some general views, I leave you, with such assistance as you may require, to prepare and lay before this department for its appro- bation a plan for the organization of the naval school at Fort Severn, Annapolis. "Tlie posts to which you and those associated with you will be called are intended to be posts of labor ; but they will also be posts of the highest usefulness and consideration. To vourself, to whose diliirence and care the organization of the school is intrusted, will belong in a good degree the responsibility of a wise arrangement. Do not be discouraged by the many 24 HISTORY OF THE inconveniences and diflBculties whicli you \yill certainly encounter, and rely implicitly on this department as disposed to second and sustain you, under the law, in every effort to improve the character of the younger branch of the service. " I am respectfully, your obedient servant, " GEOEGE BANCEOFT. "Com'r Franexin Buchanan, United States Navy, "WashingtoiL" NAVAL ACADEMY. 25 CHAPTEE III. HISTORY OF MR. BANCROFT'S EFFORTS AND SUCCESS.— THE SCHOOL IS OPENED.— ITS FIRST OFFICERS AND TEXT- BOOKS,— THE QUARTERS AT FORT SEVERN.— A NAVAL BALL. It is but justice to Mr. Bancroft to mention here, that this plan for the organization of the Kaval School ^vas his own original conception ; his alone, and it was, in every particular, carried out by him. Desiring, if possible, to establish the school, he studied, unaided, himself, and for this purpose, the laws relating to the navy, and finding that his plan did not conflict Tvith existing acts of Congress, he then searched for a suit- able site for the school, among the forts which were alreadv established alons* our seaboard. Fort Severn appeared to be the most desirable location, and he so- licited from the Hon. Wm. L. Marcy, the Secretary of war, a transfer of this fort from the W^ar Department to the Xavy Department, which request was cheerfully complied with. General Scott was also consulted, and it was his opinion that Fort Severn was no longer of 2 26 HISTORY OF THE importance, as a fortified place ; the plan, therefore, of establishing there a naval school received his hearty approval. Without any special appropriation, without any vio- lation of the law, and making use only of such moneys as were already provided for the salaries of the pro- fessors employed in the navy, Mr. Bancroft succeeded, during the recess of Congress, in organizing the school and setting it in motion, and he presented it to Con- gress, at the next session, as a thing done and in full operation. The reasons which were especially assigned, at this time, for establishing the school, were, — first, to give greater concentration to the services of the excel- lent professors of the navy, and, secondly, to guard the morals of the young midshipmen, who were exposed, while on shore, to numerous temptations. To accom- plish the latter the more effectually, it was made a rule of the department, by order of Mr. Bancroft, that midshipmen who were not at sea, must be either in attendance at the school, or at their homes, under pa- rental care. Economy in expenditures for the school received, also, great attention, and it was for this end that the superinteridency was confided, from the first, to an officer of a younger grade, a commander being selected for the position ; and the instructors aj^pointed were known to be men of industry and good scholar- NAVAL ACADEMY. 27 ship. The policy thus inaugurated, from the begin- ning, for administering the affairs of the naval school was to endeavor to secure, for the moneys expended, the greatest possible returns. The school was duly organized at Fort Severn, An- napolis, a situation both healthy and secluded, yet easy of access, the grounds were extensive enough ; and the buildings, with some slight alterations and im- provements, were made in all respects suitable. The location was admirably adapted in other respects, for the purposes of such an institution ; it is at the mouth of the Severn river, a beautiful tributarv to the noble Chesapeake, and commands a view of the commerce of Baltimore which passes this point, also of a roadstead much frequented in heavy weather by vessels of all classes, and the young officers were afforded here am- ple opportunity to acquire nautical skill, and to apply their professional attainments practically, by being from time to time '' afloat.''"^ The institution was formally opened on Friday, the 10th of October, 1815. At eleven o'clock, a. m., the officers, professors, and midshipmen assembled in one of the recitation rooms, and were impressively and feelingly addressed by the Superintendent, Com- mander Buchanan, who also read and illustrated with * Niles' Register, vol. LXIX. 28 HISTORY OF THE proper remarks, the rules and regulations lie had prescribed for the government of the school. He con- cluded the ceremony by reading a letter from the Sec- retary of the Navy, disclosing his views and purposes in regard to the conduct and organization of the school. About forty midshipmen had already reported themselves, and a writer of that day informs us that their handsome appearance and gentlemanly deport- ment gave a cheerful aspect to the streets of the quiet city of Annapolis, and elicited universal admiration. In January following, there were reported con- nected with the school as officers of instruction and government, besides Commander Buchanan, Lieutenant James H. Ward in the department of gunnery and steam ; Surgeon J. L. Lockwood in the department of chemistry ; Chaplain George Jones in the English de- partment ; Prof. 'William Chauvenet in the depart- ment of mathematics; Prof. Henry H. Lockwood in the department of natural philosophy, and Prof. Girault in the department of French.* Passed Midshi;gman Samuel Marcy was an assistant and instructor in the use of astronomical instruments. Lieutenant Ward and Mr. Marcy also aided the Superintendent in the mili- tary duties of the establishment. There were then assembled at the school as students, thirty-six midship- * Niles' Register, vol. LXIX., p. 351. NAVAL ACADEMY. 29 men of tlie date 1840, wlio were preparing for exam- ination ; thirteen of the date 1841, who were to remain pursuing studies and attending lectures until drafted for service at sea, and seven acting midshipmen, ap- pointments of that year. By regulation these last were to remain at the school one year ; at the expira- tion of it to undergo an examination, and if found to have made satisfactory proficiency, to be ordered to sea ; at the end of a probationary term there, they were to receive, as was previously the regulation, a warrant, and after three years' service they were to return, and spend another year at the school, prepara- tory to examination for promotion. The text-books adopted for use in the school at this time, were, in mathematics, Davies' Arithmetic, for the junior class; Bourdon's Algebra, Legendre's Geom- etry, Pierce's Trigonometry or Maury's Navigation and Bowditch's Navigator ; in natural philosophy, Peschell's Elements of Physics ; in French, Girault's French Guide, Girault's Colloquial Exercises, Picot's Narrations, Meadow's French Dictionary ; in gunnery, Ward's Treatise ; and in chemistry, Fowne's Chem- istry. It was found that the houses which were occupied formerly by the commandant and subalterns of the post, afforded ample accommodations for the Superin- 30 HISTORY OF THE tendent, and most of the other officers of the institu- tion. The midshipmen also were made very comforta- ble in wooden buildings, which had been in use already for various purposes at the post. Two large barrack- rooms served well for recitation halls, and the two rooms below of equal size, were used for the kitchen and the mess-hall. The expenditures for the school at this time, were certainly quite moderate ; nevertheless they were sufficient for all its reasonable necessities. A Xaval Ball which was given by the midshipmen, on the evening of Thursday, the fifteenth day of Jan- nary, was numerously attended by ladies and gentle- men from various parts of the Union. NAVAL ACADEMY. 31 CHAPTER IV. THE FIRST APPROPRIATIONS EOR THE SUPPORT OF THE SCHOOL.— COMMANDER UPSHUR AS SUPERINTENDENT.— REVISED REOULATIONS.-A PRACTICE-SHIP.-COMMANDER STRIBLING- AS SUPERINTENDENT.— THE FIRST CRUISE OF THE PREBLE.— THE FOUR YEARS' COURSE.— THE PROFES- SORS AND OFFICERS. Permission was granted by Congress, on the tenth of August, 1846, to expend " an amount not exceed- ing $28,200 under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for repairs, improvements, and instruction at Fort Severn, Annapolis, Md.," and this modest pro-^ vision for the wants of the school, was found sufficient at that time for its economical support. An amount similar to the abov^e was appropriated again in 1847, for repairs, improvements, and instruction, and for the purchase of land not exceeding twelve acres, for the use of the Naval School. Commander George P. Upshur, a native of Virginia, succeeded Commander Buchanan, also, in 1847, as the Superintendent. The administration of the affairs of the school, in its in- fancy by the latter, is described as judicious, and the 32 HISTORY OF THE institution gave promise of considerable usefulness to the service. In December, 1817, Secretary Mason re- ported that there were ninety midshipmen in attend- ance, prosecuting their studies under great advantages. He recommended a practice-ship for the school, and that certain flags and other naval trophies should be trans- ferred from Washington to the institution, that their presence might assist in exciting in the minds of youth- ful midshipmen a laudable ambition, and the desire to distinguish themselves in the service of their country. But there were found to be still some defects in the organization of the school. The course of study thus far, had been for a midshipman,* '^ two years at the school, then three at sea and two years again at the school," but it was now, after some experience, deemed expedient to adopt the plan which prevails in most institutions, of a four years' course of study without going to sea, excepting three months spent in tlie sum- mer on a cruise. Accordingly, in October, 1849, a board of officers was directed to reorganize the school, conforming its organization as nearly as the two branches of the service would permit to that of the * Report of the Secretary of the Navy, the Hon. W. A. Graham, in November, 1851. The above periods of study differ somewhat from those given by Senator Bayard, and again in Niles* Register. See pages 17 and 29 above. It is probable that both of these statements are correct, and that in a few years after its organization, the term of study at the school was enlarged. NAVAL ACADEMY. 33 Military Academy at West Point. The hope was enter- tained that the discipline, instruction and management of the school would be greatly benefited by the change. The new system and regulations having been fully matured, it was ordered that they take effect on the first of July, 1850. Tlie corps of professors was also enlarged, and a practice-ship, the Preble, a sloop of war of the third class, was attached to the Academy in order that instruction in seamanship might be given on a cruise in the summer months, a method analogous to that of the encampment of the cadets of the Military Academy at West Point. Henceforth the school is styled in the reports of the Secretary of the Navy and in the acts of Congress, the Naval Academy. The new academic term commenced on the first of October, 1850, under Commander C. K. Stribling, as Superintendent. The pay of the Superintendent was now fixed by Congress at the same rate as that allowed to an ofiicer of his rank when in service at sea. A Board of Examiners was also appointed to visit the Academy annually, and report upon its condition. The first cruise of the pupils was made in the summer following, under the Commandant of Midshipmen, Lieutenant Thomas T. Craven. They embarked in the Preble, after the examination in June, and sailed as far as our northernmost boundary, then returning, they 34 HISTORY OF THE touched at the principal ports of the United States, between Portland and Virginia, and reached Annapolis again in the latter part of September. The first class of acting midshipmen, under the four years' course, entered the Academy in October, 1851. The professors and higher officers for the academic year following, were Commander C. K. Stribling, Superintendent, Lieutenant Thomas T. Craven, Com- mandant of Midshipmen, D. S. Green, Surgeon, H. H. Lockwood, Professor of Gunnery and Infantry Tactics, William Chauvenet, Professor of Mathematics, W. F. Hopkins, Professor of Natural and Experimental Phi- losophy, A. N. Girault, Professor of French, Joseph E. Nourse, Professor of Ethics, Edward Seager, In- structor in Drawing and the Art of Defence, Samuel Marcy, Master, George Jones, Chaplain. There were also four passed midshipmen, acting as assistants, and three assistant professors. There were eighty-four students, of whom nine were midshipmen, and seventy- five were acting midshipmen. Tlie Academy was now in the full tide of successful operation. The appropria- tions made by Congress were, henceforth, liberal, and the various edifices which had begun to take the place of the old barracks, together with the well laid out grounds, were a conspicuous ornament to the banks of tlie Severn. NAVAL ACADEMY. 35 CHAPTEE V. THE CRUISES OF 1852-3.— COMMANDER GOLDSBOROUGH AS SUPERINTENDENT..— THE CRUISES OF 1854-5-6.— CAPTAIN GEORGE S. BLAKE, AS SUPERINTENDENT.— THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR 1857.— THE CRUISE OF THE PLYM- OUTH IN 1858.— THE FRIGATE CONSTITUTION. In the summer of 1852, the acting midshipman em- barked on the 14th of June, on board the Preble, under -command again of Lieutenant Craven, and visited the port of Orta on the island of Fayal, Funchal of Madeira, Santa Cruz, and Palma of the Canaries, and the island of St. Thomas, West Indies. The cruise of 1853 was nearly the same, they visited the island of Fayal, Corunna, on the north coast of Spain and Funchal. At Corunna they were received with the greatest po- liteness by the Governor-General of the province and the civil and military authorities of the town. They visited, also, the great naval arsenal at Ferrol, which Is remarkable for its age, and is one of the most exten- sive in the world. They reached Hampton Eoads on the 14th of September. 36 HISTORY OF THE In 1853, Captain Stribling was relieved, as the Superintendent of the Academy. The Secretary of the Navy reports that he had discharged the duties of his office, during a term of three years, with diligence and marked ability. Commander Goldsborough, an accom- plished officer, who had recently returned from the Mediterranean Squadron was appointed his successor. The number of midshipmen and acting midshipmen who were attached to the Academy as students was one hundred and sixteen. In 1854, there were one hundred and sixty students at the Academy. The first class under the new organ- ization of a four years' course, graduated in June of this year. Tlie usual summer cruise was made with the second and fourth classes, on board the Preble, to the ports of Plymouth, Cherbourg, and Brest. Their visits at these ports are described as very interesting and instructive. They were politely received by the various officers and dignitaries of the stations, and every facility was extended to them for examining the dock-yards, machine-shops, and ships. At Brest thiey visited the school-ship La Borda^ on which students were instructed for the naval service. Here were two frigates also, whereon some two or three hundred boys were practised daily in seamanship. In 1855, the cruise in the Preble, under command of Lieutenant J. NAVAL ACADEMY. 37 F. Green, to Eastport, the Bay of Fundy and Boston, was a stormy one. In 1856, the Board of Examiners report that the sea- wall along the banks of the Severn, designed for the protection of the grounds and buildings, had been fin- ished. A new light field battery had also been fur- nished the Academy. In the summer of this year, the annual cruise was made to Boston, Portland and New- port, on board the Plymouth, a sloop of war of the first class. Captain George S. Blake succeeded Captain Golds- borough as the Superintendent, in 1857. There Vv^ere now attached to the Academy for instruction, one hun- dred and seventy-six acting midshipmen ; at the close of the last academic year fifteen had graduated, and eighty-nine had been since admitted. Tlie Board of Examiners, in their report for 1857, commend the discipline and police regulations of the Academy, the performances of the students in field artillery and in- fantry tactics, and their exercises with the great guns in battery, and in shell and shot practice at the target. They were also pleased with the admirable acquire- ments of the graduating class, and the successful man- agement of the Academy, which can no longer be regarded, they remark, as an experiment. In 1858, thero were one hundred and eighty-nine 38 HISTORY OF THE acting midsliipmen in the Academy. The annual cruise was made to Cherbourg, Cadiz, and Madeira. The weather was boisterous. In the following year, the Secretary of the IsTavy reports that there were most gratifying evidences of the proficiency of the pupils. The cruise was made on board the Plymouth with one hundred and seven acting midshipmen. They visited Plymouth, England, Brest, France, and Funchal, on the island of Madeira. The young gentlemen were divided into two watches, while at sea, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. M. one watch, and from 8 p. m. to 8 a. m. half a watch, in their turns, were on deck. They were divided, also, into six gun-crews ; from these crews four were stationed at the guns, and the remaining two were dis- tributed in the master's and powder divisions. Imme- diately after morning inspection at quarters, the watch on deck was exercised aloft, for one hour and a half, at reefing, furling and unbending sails, sending up and down yards, making and taking in sail, &c., &c. After these exercises, from 10.30 to 11.30 and from 1 to 3.30 p. M., they were employed in knitting, spli- cing, strapping blocks and fitting rigging generally. The watches below, from 2 to 2.30, studied navigation, and at 4 p. m. there was a divisional or general exercise at quarters. Parties of the first class navigated the ship in turn. Nearly all the steering was by the acting mid- NATAL ACADEMY. 39 shipmen. The ship's position was ascertained by obser- vations made by the first class, and these were so accu- rate, that when the last course bore upon Cape Henry light upon the chart, the light was discovered exactly ahead of the vessel. Commander Craven says — " In all my experience, I have never made or known a more perfect land-fall." During this year, the measure was adopted, of placing the fourth class, for quarters, on board the sloop of war Plymouth, and the frigate Constitution was afterwards anchored in the harbor of Annapolis, and was substi- tuted for the Plymouth. " The historic recollections associated with the Constitution, must, undoubtedly, exercise a salutary influence on the minds of the pu- pils," remarks the Secretary of the ITavy. All of the fourth class w^ere accommodated on board, with study and recitation rooms, and the oflicers and acting mid- shipmen, and the crew of the ship, with sleeping and mess apartments. The examination of the summer of 1860, was again a most gratifying exhibition of the academic acquirements of the various classes. The twenty-five graduates had laid the ground-work of pro- fessional educations which gave promise of great use- fulness to the countrj^ The exercises of the infantry and light artillery drills, of the great guns in battery, the boat-gun, and the broad and small swords were 40 HISTORY OF THE liio:lily creditable. Much attention had boon criven, also, to drawing and dranghting. Tlie discipline and police of the institution were excellent. The Board of Visitors *' desire to record their high appreciation of the services of the Superintendent and his subordinates. Tlie institution has prospered in their hands, and prom- ises to the navy a high standard of general and pro- fessional knowledge/' NAVAL ACADEMY. 4:1 CHAPTER VI. THE CRUISE OF I860.— COMMANDER CRAVEN'S REPORT. The cruise of the summer of 1860 is the last which the pupils of the Naval Academy have enjoyed. The terrible scourge secession was destined to visit, in the following year, the quiet shades of the Academy, and drive her rudely to wander afar from her classic halls. The following account of this cruise on board the sloop-of-war Plymouth is abridged somewhat, from Commander T. T. Craven's report to the Secretary of the Navy : " On the 27th of June, I put to sea, and proceeded first to the Azores, and arrived at the island of Fayal on the 17th of July. On the next day, in the evening, we sailed for Cadiz and liad the mortifica- tion of being — as we had been a year previously — put in quarantine. On the next day I got under way, and being compelled by a strong "levanter" which was then blowing, to abandon our contemplated visit to Gibraltar, proceeded to Madeira, and anchored off Funchal on the 3d of Augusit; remained there three days, and left for Santa Cruz, in the island of Teneriile, 42 HISTOKY OF THE wliere we arrived early on the mornino: of the 10th of August. In the evening of the same day we took our departure for the Chesapeake, and on the 3d of this montli (September) anchored in Hampton Roads. "At an early period of the cruise the first class were put in charge of the deck, and performed all the duties of lieutenants in charo-e of the watch. Thev have also been carefully instructed in the use of the sextant, and have been well taught in observing time-sights by the moon and stars, and in ascertaining the longitude and latitude by Bowditch's, Chauvenet's, and other meth- ods. They became familiar, so soon, with their work, that I was enabled, in a short month, to call upon any one of this class to take obacrvations for latitude or longitude by the sun, moon, or stars, and to feel the most perfect confidence in the correctness of the work. They were all taught practical seamanship. During a pretty smart gale, one of our topsails was split, and the occasion was taken advantage of, to practise the acting midshipmen in shifting topsails. They were taught practically how to carry out a heavy anchor between two boats. When anchored off Thomas Point, an anchor weighing more than 5000 pounds, with fifteen fathoms of one and three-quarters' inch chain cable attached to it, was carried out between our quarter boats and planted fifty fathoms from the ship; NAYAL ACADEMY, 43 then forty-five fathoms of the same cable were hauled out and shackled to the fifteen fathoms already out. In short, they were instructed in every branch of sea- manship, from heaving the lead, steering, reefing, and furling, making and taking in sail, up to the most intri- cate evolution. "Alarms of 'man overboard' were given. At one time, the ship was going at the rate of eight knots ; the life buov was let go, the boat lowered, the ship brought to, the buoy picked up, the boat alongside again, and away and standing on her course under all sail, in seven minutes and twenty seconds from the time of the first alarm. Tlie first class was also practised in firing at targets, and, in some cases, the accuracy was remarkable." There were one hundred and fifteen acting midshipmen on board the Plymouth on this cruise. Tlie total number of acting midshipmen was two hundred and eighty-one. 4A HISTORY OF THE CHAPTEK YII. PERILOUS TIMES— SECESSION— THE MASSACHUSETTS 8TH, REMOVAL TO NEWPORT, R. I.— QUARTERS OE THE OFFI- CERS AND MIDSHIPMEN. The Naval Academy under the superintendence of Captain George S. Blake, was reported to this period as in admirable condition. But the Academy and the public property at Annapolis attracted early, the attention of the disloyal. And it was fortunate that this charge was intrusted during these perilous times to so patriotic an officer. The Hon. Gideon "Welles, the Secretary of the Navy, in his report of December 3d, 1861, says of his services at this crisis : " I have deemed it important that the accomplished Superintendent, whose fidelity to his trust was exhib- ited under trying circumstances, should be continued in the position he has filled so acceptably, until the school shall be again permanently established." The prompt measures adopted by Captain Blake, and the assistance of loyal acting midshipmen, rescued the NAVAL ACADEMY. 45 government property and the frigate Constitution from desecration and plmider. In the latter part of April, 1861, the rebellion which had assumed so formidable a shape, extended its malign influence to the Naval Academy and imperilled its safety ; it became necessary therefore, to take im- mediate steps for its protection. Its advantages as a base of military operations against Washington, to- gether with the arms and ammunition of the institu- tion, invited attack, and the disloyal were planning its seizure. The frigate Constitution was also much coveted by the rebels, and the Academy itself was spoken of as the future nursery of the Southern navy. Under these circumstances, every possible preparation for defence was made, both in the Academy and on board the frigate, and every movement of the disaf- fected was watched with the utmost vio-ilance. But the means of defence were limited. The grounds were commanded by adjacent heights, the Constitution, with the partial armament then on board her, lay aground, except at high water, and the channel through which she was to be carried out of the harbor was narrow and very difficult. She was also directly under heights from which secessionists had declared their intentions to open a fire upon her if she were moved. 4:6 HISTORY OF THE On the morning of the twenty-first of April, the steamer Maryland arrived off the port with the Massachusetts 8th, commanded by Brigadier-General Butler, who immediately expressed his readiness to lay the steamer alongside the Constitution, lighten her of her guns, and tow her out. This was accom- plished, though with great difficulty, by the close of that day ; the ship was anchored in the roads, her guns w^ere replaced on board, and her crew, which consisted of only thirty or forty men, being reinforced by a detachment of the regiment, she was anchored in a favorable position for covering the landing of troops and stores, which, owing to the burning of the bridges on the Philadelphia and Baltimore railroad, were directed to this point. This sudden conversion of the Naval Academy into a military post, rendered it impossible to carry on the routine of the institution, and its transport to Fort Adams, Newport, K. 1., was directed. The valuable library, philosophical apparatus, and other Academy's property, together with the officers and professors, were embarked on the fifth and sixth of May, in the steamer Baltic, then in the service of the government, and on the eighth the fort was occupied. The Consti- tution had already arrived with about one hundred and fifty acting midshipmen on board, and, in less NAVAL ACADEMY. 47 than a week, the course of instruction was resumed. A portion of the first class liad been ordered to re- port for duty in AVashington, before the arrival of the Academy from Annapolis, and the remainder of that class, togetlier with the members of the second and third classes, were called into active service soon after reaching Newport, leaving in the Academy only the fourth class, about seventy-six in number. The annual examination took place in the fort in June, and the class, now become the third, entered upon a course of practical instruction in gunnery, sea- manship, (fee, on board the ship. The usual summer cruise was dispensed with, for the reason that all the ships suitable for that service, were needed for block- ading purposes. In the month of September, the Con- stitution, which had been anchored off Fort Adams, was removed into the inner harbor of Newport, and as the fort could not be occupied during the winter, in consequence of the limited and damp con- dition of its accommodations, which are all in the casemates, it was resolved to quarter the third class in the Atlantic House, which was rented for the purpose, and which affords accommodations for the class, also the necessary recitation rooms, as well as quarters for a considerable number of the officers and professors. The new fourth class are quartered on board the 48 HISTORY OF THE » frigate, where they receive academic instruction and are drilled at the guns, and in practical seamanship. This class contains two hundred and three members, and the total number of acting midshipmen on pro- bation at the Naval Academy is two hundred and sixty-four.* Previous to this time the academic term had begun on the first of October, but the period during which candidates should report themselves, was extended by the Department for the year 1861 to the thirtieth of November. A guard from the Con- stitution is kept in Fort Adams ; the acting midship- men have been stationed at the guns now mounted in the work, and the whole establishment could be quartered in it, at a few hours' notice. Thus we see, in the language of Secretary Welles, that, " although the numbers at the school are reduced by the resignation of nearly every student from the in- surrectionary region, and a call of the elder classes to active professional duty, the younger classes that re- main form a nucleus to re-establish and give vitality to the institution." He recommends, also, that the coun- try educate, for a period at least, double the number of acting midshipmen now authorized by law. * There is one student also, the son of the Prince de Joinville, the Duke of Penthievre, who is not a regularly appointed acting midshipman, but has been permitted to join the Academy at his own charges, being subject to all the regulations and the discipline of the institution. NAVAL ACADEMY. 49 It IS a fitting conclusion to this chapter to place on record here the testimony gathered from various sources, that, had it not been for the firm determination of the Secretary of the Navy to preserve this most valuable institution, so great were the embarrassments of the Government at the breaking out of the rebellion, that the country might have witnessed the total destruction of the Academy, or, at least, a suspension of its exer- cises. Most fortunately, also, Mr. Fox, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, who was formerly an officer of high reputation, and Captain Harwood, the accom- plished Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydro- graphy, who has, ex officio^ the personal supervision of the institution, both took a deep interest in its welfare and, under the arrangements directed by the Depart- ment, it remains in full and successful operation, at rather a diminished than an increased expense, for the current year, 1861-2, 2 50 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTEE Till. THE BUILDIXGS AXD GROUNDS AT AXXAPOLIS. — FORT SEVERN'.— LABORATORY AND ARMORY.— QUARTERS OF THE MIDSHIPMEN.— RECITATION HALL.— MESS HALL- LIBRARY AND LYCEUM.— TROPHIES OF NAVAL VIC- TORIES. The city of Annapolis, which, many years ago, was the seat of wealth, refinement, and an extensive trade, and has long been the official residence of the Governor of Marvland, was an admirablv chosen location for the Xaval Academy. Since its organization, various im- provements and additions having been made, an estab- lishment of respectable proportions has been created, and the buildings which were occupied by the institu- tion, although characterized by no magnificence of architectm-e, have, nevertheless, an air of neatness and elegance, and are well arranged for the comfort ajid convenience of the professore and midshipmen. The Academv grounds contain about fortv-seven acres, thev are surrounded bv a brick wall, and the entrance to them is sruarded bv two iTiites of iron. Within the enclosm-e, close by the sea-wall stands XATAL ACADEMY. 51 Fort Severn, which is a small circular redoubt, and has no outworks of anv kind. It is roofed over, and con- tained a batterv of thirtv-two pounders mounted on naval carriaires. This batterv was used for instruction and target practice, and the acting midshipmen were exercised here in firiui]: J^^ if on board a man-of-war. In the lower part of the fort the field guns were run in and sheltered. Xear Fort Severn are the steam and gas works of the institution. They are small and are economically constructed, but are of sufficient capacity to liirht and heat the whole establishment. Twelve thousand cubic feet of i^-as could be made dailv. Not far from the fort was the Laboratorv and Ar- t.' mory, which occupied a single building, built of brick, plain and one story high. The Academy possesses a verv orood chemical laboratorv, and a fine collection of philosophical instruments and apparatus. The lecture and recitation rooms of the Professor of Xatural and Experimental Philosophy were in one wing of this building, ' and in the other were the armory, and the recitation rooms of the Professor of Field Artillery and Infantrv Tactics. Kear bv are the Quarters of the acting midshipmen, or, more properly, the naval cadets. These buildinors are five in number, and con- tain in all ninetv-eii^ht rooms, each about fifteen f&et square. Two acting midshipmen were quartered in 52 HISTORY OF THE each room, the furniture being a small iron bedstead and bureau for each, which were of the simplest arid most substantial kind. The Quarters are well propor- tioned and convenient though plain buildings: they arc of brick ; the three on the left are three stories high, and the two on the right are of two stories. Some of them were built in 1850, and others at a more remote period. A brick pavement is laid in suitable places. Facing the Quarters is the Parade Ground, which is a beautiful oblong area. Tlie Eecitation Hall, which is next in order, is a very handsome and convenient building. It is three stories high, and about fifty feet square. Near this edifice is the Mess Hall, of which the dimensions are about one hundred feet by fifty. The kitchens are in the basement and the dining saloon is on the first fioor. Tlie second story which contains two spacious rooms, is devoted to tlie Library and Lyceum. Tlie library was founded by the Hon. George Bancroft, in 1845, who transferred to tli^ Academy a few hundred volumes of miscellaneous works which had been accumulated on board our ships-of-war and at the navy yards. From the year 1851 to the present time there has been an appropriation of $2,000 an- nually, for its uses, and the yearly increase has averaged Y50 volumes. The number of printed works is now about 10,000, and, besides these, there are 200 maps NAVAL ACADEMY. 53 and charts, and a collection of manuscripts and engrav- ings. The selection of books is very carefully made, and it is the design that the library shall be so. com- plete a nautical collection that the naval officer may have access here to the best works on all subjects con- nected with his profession. The Lyceum contained many objects of interest, which have been contributed chiefly by officers of the navy, and among these, were the trophies of naval victories^ which had been arranged with much skill by 1 le first chaplain at the post, the Rev. George Jones. Here were preserved : — The flag of the French frigate, L'Insurgente, cap- tared February, 1799, by the frigate Constellation, T. Truxton, Commander; The flag of the French brig Berceau, captured November, 1800. by the frigate Boston, George Little, Commander ; The Royal Standard of Great Britain, captured at York, near Toronto, April 27th, 1813, by General Z. Pike, in conjunction with Commodore Isaac Chauncey ; Tlie Mace, belonging to the Speaker's Chair of the Provincial Assembly of Upper Canada, also taken on the same occasion, and the lion, carved in wood, which stood in front of the Speaker's Chair; — General Pike was killed at the capture of Toronto : 54: HISTORY OF THE Tlie flag of the Java, captured December 29th, 1812, by the frii>:ate Constitution.AY. Bainbridire, Commander ; The flag of the Boxer, captured Sej)tember 5th, 1813, by the brig Enterprise, AV. Burrows, Commander. Burrows was killed in this engagement ; The flag of the Levant, also of the Cyane, captured February 20th, 1815, by the frigate Constitution, C. Stewart, Commander ; The flags of the Chippewa, Lady Prevost, Queen Charlotte, Hunter, Detroit, and Little Belt, captured September 10th, 1813, on Lake Erie, by the United States Squadron, O. H. Perry, Commander ; The flags of the Beresford, Linnet, Chubs, Confi- dence, captured September 11th, 1814, on Lake Cham- plain, by the United States Squadron, T. M. Mc- Donough, Commander ; Tlie flag of the Peindeer, captured July 2Sth, 1814, by the sloop Wasp, J. Blakely, Commander ; The flag of the Peacock, captured February 24th, 1813, by the sloop Hornet, Lawrence, Commander; The flag of the Avon, captured September 1st, 1814, by the sloop Wasp, J. Blakely, Commander ; The flag of tlie Frolic, captured November, 1812, by the sloop Wasp, Jacob Jones, Commander ; The flag of the Epervier, captured April 9th, 1814, by the Peacock, L. Warrington, Commander ; NAVAL ACADEMY. 55 The flag of the Pligh Flyer ; The flag of the Macedonian, captured on the 25th of October, 1812 ; Tlie flag of the Alert, captured August 13th, 1812, by the frigate Essex, D. Porter, Commander ; The flags of the Donainica, Duke of Gloucester, St. Lawrence, and Londeville, captured by privateers ; The flag of the Guerriere, captured August 10th, 1812, by the Constitution, Isaac Hull, Commander ; Perry's flag, worn at his mast-head, during his engagement on Lake Erie, September 10th, 1813, and carried under his arm when he removed in an open boat from the Lawrence to the Xiagara ; — it is black, the death color, with Lawrence's last words, "Don't give up the ship," inscribed on it, in white letters ; The flag of the Algerine frigate Mesoura, captured June 20th, 1813, by the United States Squadron, S. Decatur, Commander ; Tlie flag of an Algerine brig captured on the same day as the above ; Two Mexican flags captured at Mazatlan, Novem- ber 7th, 1847, by a part of the Pacific Squadron under Commodore Shubrick ; A Mexican flag captured at Monterey, California, July 7th, 1846, by the United States naval forces 56 niSTORY OF THE under Commodore J. D. Sloat ; — this was the first flag taken in California; An American flag used at St. Jos^, California, ex- hibiting the holes made by Mexican bullets ; — Passed Midshipman McLanahan was killed while holding the staff ; a small party of Americans in a rude fort, w^ere besieged for twenty-one days by five hundred Mexicans, until they were at last relieved by the United States Squadron ; A drum taken at Tabasco ; Three horsemen's lances taken at Figueras, on the western coast of America ; One lance taken in a fight back of Mazatlan. There was also a part of the national flag of San Juan de Ulloa, and there were models of the principal ships of the United States Navy.* When the Academy was transferred to Newport, these trophies and other articles belonging to the Lyceum, were placed care- fully on board the Constitution, and are now in Fort Adams. * Niles' Register, vol. LXXY, p. 370. The Rev. Mr. Jones, to whose zeal the Academy was mainly indebted for the transfer of these trophies from the city of Washington to its Lyceum, is a graduate of Yale Col- lege, and is said to be a highly accomplished scholar. NAVAL ACADKMY. 67 CHAPTEE IX. THE CHAPEL.— THE OBSERVATORY.— MIDSHIPMEN'S MOX- UMENT.— HOSPITAL.— BOAT HOUSE.— QUARTERS OF THE OFFICERS AND PROFESSORS.— NAY AL MONUMENT.— MON- UMENT TO LIEUT. HERNDON.— OLD IRON SIDES. The Cliapel, which stands near the Mess Hall, is a neat, modest edifice of brick, painted brown, having pillars in front, and will seat comfortably about three hundred persons. Kext to the Chapel is the Astro- nomical Observatory, which is a small building, built in the form of a cross. In the right wing, the reci- tations were held, and in the left, was an excellent meridian circle from Eepsold, at Hamburg. Under a revolving roof was mounted a fine equatorial telescope, which was manufactured by Clark of Boston. It has an achromatic lens of seven and three quarters' inches clear aperture, and the focal length is nine and a half feet. The whole length of the telescope is twenty feet. Here also were levels, theodolites, sextants, charts, coast survey reports, etc. The collection com- prises, indeed, all of the instruments which are of 58 HISTORY OF THE chiefest importance to the astronomer, the surveyor, and the navigator. These instruments are now depos- ited in the Observatory at Washington. Between the_ Chapel and the Observatory, is a small but beautifully designed monument of white marble, which was erected by the acting midshipmen, in memory of Passed Midshipmen Henry A. Clemson, and John E. Ilynson and Midshipman Wingate Pills- bury, who were drowned near Yera Cruz in 1806, and of Midshipman T. B. Shubrick, who was killed on the twenty-fifth of March, 1847, while gallantly performing his duty at the naval battery on shore be- fore Yera Cruz, during its bombardment. In the south-west angle of the ground is the Hospital, a neat building about fifty feet square, and two stories high, with a deep veranda to each story which entirely sur- rounds the building. The Boat House, a handsome brick building, having an extension of wood to hoist up the boats, contained about twelve cutters and other boats, — a flotilla for practice in fleet sailing, provided for the use of the acting midshipmen. On the op- posite side of the Parade Ground are the buildings which were occupied as the quarters of the Superin- tendent, the professors, and the officers of the Academy. They are twenty-one in number, are built of brick, and are arranged in blocks around the boundaries of the \^*1 0/ =m ^t^^ J*' 8,fi^ I'liiiiiiKiiii'inininimnniif;.." iiiiiiiMiii>i!ir:iiiiiiiii;iiiii'i 'W^ /BienlitAXY MID S HIPMEN S M ONTJME XT Naval Ac a dem}-, Aiiiia polls W\ NAVAL ACADEMY. 59 grounds for the most part, and present a very beauti- ful appearance. These, with a few workshops, com- prise all tlie buildings of the Xaval Academy. Besides the marble monument already mentioned, there are two others witiiin the grounds. Directly in front of the professors' quarters is a beautiful naval monument, which was erected originally in 1806, in the Navy Yard at "Washington, by the officers of Commodore Preble's command in the Mediterranean Squadron, in honor of these who fell in the naval en- gagements before Tripoli, in 1804. They were Cap- tain Richard Somers, Lieutenants James Decatur, James K. Caldwell, Henry Wadsworth, Joseph Israel, and Midshipman John S. Dorsey."^ Commodore Pre- ble says that Decatur " died nobly," and of the others he uses language like the following : '' They were officers of conspicuous bravery, talents, and merit." The monument is of white marble, was executed in Italy, and is very elaborate. It is composed of a cu- bical base which supports a highly ornate shaft, upon whose summit stands the American eagle, guarding the escutcheon of liberty and preparing, seemingly, to wing his flight heavenwards. The whole structure is about forty feet high. Around the base are four em- * Preble's Official Report, American State Papers, vol. XIV., p. 133, and Groldsborough's Naval Chronicle, vol. I., p. 240. y 60 HISTOKY OF THE bleniatical marble figures. Mercury, Fame, History, and America. One of the panels displays a repre- sentation in relief, of tlie city of Tripoli, and upon another are inscribed the names of the officers to whose memory the monument was erected. At the burning of the city of Washington by the British, under General Ross, in 1814, this beautiful memorial of the brave deeds of American naval offi- cers, was barbarously dilapidated, but has since been restored. The troops under General Ross destroyed also the public buildings and the national archives at Washington, a mode of warfare which is wholly dis- countenanced now by Great Britain, we must believe, as unbefitting a professedly civihzed and Christian nation. The monument to Somers, Decatur, and other officers, was i-emoved from the Is'avy Yard to the west front of the Capitol, and very recently to the Naval Academy. It is to be hoped that it will be shielded carefully from injury, and may long remain one of the chief ornaments of the academic grounds. Another monument, a simple obelisk of Quincy granite, stands near the centre of the area. It was erected by the officers of the navy in memory of Lieutenant Herndon, who perished while commanding the CaHfornia Mail Steamer, the Central America, wliicli foundered at sea on the twelfth of September, NAVAL ACADEMY. 61 1357. He had been distinguished previously for his successful enterprise in an exploration of the valley of the Amazon, made in 1851 and 1852, under the di- rection of the ^avy Department, by William Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon, Lieutenants of the United States Xavv. The school-ship of the Academy, first the Plym- outh and afterwards the Constitution, was securely moored near the fort. The "Old Iron Sides" which "neither the elements have destroyed, nor have enemies been able to catch ox capture, is the only keel remaining of the renowned squadron, so well known to Americans for their achieve- ments in the war against Tripoli, and in the second war with Britain. It was the Constitution which bore the broad pennant of Preble in all the victories of the squadi'on in the Mediteranean. On the Atlantic, com- manded by Hull, she astonished British officers by es- caping from their squadron. Commanded by the same officer, she sent the boasting Guerriere to the bottom ; commanded by Bainbridge, she compelled the Java to submit to the same fate, and commanded by Stewart, in one action, added the Cyane and Levant to the Am- erican Xavv.''^ This war-worn glorious old hulk was attached to the ♦"Waldo's Naval Heroes, p. 241. 62 HISTORY OF THlii Academy two years ago, and the plan, of havin^^ per- manently a scliool-sliip which was then first adop'ed, has been found to be an admirable one. When sta- tioned at Annapolis, she was connected with the shore by a light bridge, w^hich was supported upon piles, and upon tliis bridge pipes were also laid for the gas and steam which lighted and warmed the ship in the most perfect and economical manner. It was doubted, at first, whether steam could be carried so far in pipes wliich were so much exposed, but the success of the experiment was complete. The ship was rigged very beautifully, and the " new appointees" are quartered, during their first year, on board of her, where they receive instruction in practical seamanship in a much better, and more thorough manner than it could pos- sibly be given on shore. The gun-deck is fitted up as a study room, — the berth-deck is used for messing and sleeping. A set of spars was recently erected on the grounds of the Academy, which were fully rigged and fitted with sails, in order that the students might be exercised without the necessity of embarking, and might by this means, become familiar with the modes of rigging the spars, unbending, furling and reefing the sails, and of fitting and managing the running rigging. NAVAL ACADEMY. 63 CHAPTER X. THE ACADEMIC STAFF.— EXAMINATIONS.— MIDSHIPMEN ON FURLOUGH.— MERIT ROLL.— CONDUCT ROLL.— PUNISH- MENTS. The Superintendent of the Naval Academy has the immediate government and command of the institution. He must be of a rank not lower than that of com- mander. The officer at the Academy who is next in authority to the Superintendent, is the Commandant of Midshipmen, w^hose rank must not be below that of lieutenant. He is the executive officer, and the in- structor in practical seamanship, practical naval gun- nery, and naval tactics. He may grant permission to midshipmen to leave the grounds for recreation, he in- spects, once each day, the halls, quarters and grounds of the Academy, he gives orders when to appear in full uniform, he receives the reports of improper conduct at recitations, he has charge of the requisition-books of the midshipmen, and he attends to all other duties which the immediate supervision of the midshipmen devolves upon him. He has three officers to assist him in the discharge of these duties. 64 HISTORY OF THE There are eight professorships at the Academy and the heads of tliese departments of instruction, viz. : the Professor of Mathematics, the Professor of Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying, the Professor of JSTatural and Experimental Pliilosophy, the Professor of Field Artillery and Infantry Tactics, the Professor of Ethics and English Studies, tlie Professor of the French Lan- guage, the Professor of the Spanish Language, the Pro- fessor of Drawing and Draughting, with the Superin- tendent and Commandant, constitute the Academic Board, who decide upon the examinations of candidates and of acting midshipmen, upon the order of instruction, upon the text-Looks and upon other subjects of like character. There are several officers and instructors who are not members of the board. The annual examination of all the classes in the Academy is held by the board from and after the first day of June. There is a semi-an- nual examination on the 1st day of February. There are present at the June examination, by invitation from the Secretary of the Navy, seven citizens as a Board of Visitors, w^ho w^itness the manner in which the ofticers and pupils discharge their respective duties, and report to the Secretary upon the police, discipline and general management of the institution. At the close of the June examination, those members of the second class who have not received more than one hundred and NAVAL ACADEMY. 65 fifty demerits for the year are furloughed until the 30th of the following September, and the remaining students are embarked immediately on board the practice-ship, to perform such cruise as the Secretary of the Is'avy may direct. The Commandant of Midshipmen has command of the vessel, and he is assisted by other officers and profes- sors. Every acting midshipman who succeeds in pass- ing the June examination receives a certificate which entitles him to his warrant as a midshipman from that date, and he is promoted according to his order of merit at graduating. No acting midshipman who has been dismissed or dropped in consequence of deficiency at an examination can be restored to the Academy ex- cept on the recommendation of the Academic Board. Much of the professional instruction at the Academy is given from manuscripts. Lieutenant Marcy, who was the first assistant appointed, and Lieutenant Parker have left such manuscripts. Lieutenant Simpson is the author of a treatise on Ordnance and Xaval Gunnery and the translator of a French work, Theorie du Point- age. Lieutenant Jeffers is the author of a work on Naval Gunnery. Professor Coffin has his own manu- scripts. Professor Girault is the author of some excel- lent works which are used in his department. The general merit of an acting midshipman expresses 66 HISTORY OF THE the values received at his recitations diminished in a certain ratio for his demerits. The scale of daily merit is from to 4. These merits are, of course, reported regularly by the professors and instructors. The de- merits are comprised in several classes ; first class, ten demerits — repeated neglect of orders, overstaying leave, absent from room at night after " taps," etc. ; second class, eight demerits, light in room after " taps," etc. ; third class, six demerits, absence from parade, roll-call, etc., improper noise in the buildings, absence from room in study hours, etc. ; fourth class, four demerits, slovenly dress, etc. ; fifth class, two demerits, late at prayers, etc. ; other minor ofiences one demerit. A student who shall have standing against him more than two hundred demerits, during the academic year, is declared deficient in conduct, and is dropped from the navy. Any student who shall be intoxicated, or shall have in his possession, within the limits of the Academy, intoxicating drinks, may be dismissed from the institution. Any one who shall go beyond the academic limits, without permission, who shall send, accept, or bear a challenge, who shall play at cards, or games of chance, in the Academy, who shall off'er violence to, or insult a person on public duty, who shall publish any thing relating to the Academy, or who shall be guilty of conduct unbecoming a gentle- NAVAL ACADEMY. 67 man, may be dismissed the service. Any one who shall be found to be married, or who shall marry while attached to the Academy, shall be considered as having authorized his name to be dropped from the navy list. Various other offences are minutely specified in the regulations of the Academy. Besides the demerits, there are the following punish- ments : first, confinement to limits, private reprimands, confinement to room, reprimand read on parade, etc. ; second, confinement in guard-room ; third, dismissal, with the privilege of resigning, and, lastly^ public dis- missal. 68 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER XI. DAILY DiyiSION OF TIME.— SECTION-FORMATIONS. — CAP- TAINS OF CREWS.— THE MESS-TABLE.— TATTOO AND TAPS. —BALMY SLEEP. The following are the divisions of time and the order of daily duties for the naval cadets. The Morning Gun-fire and Reveille with the beating of the drum is at 6 o'clock and 15 minutes A. m., or at 6.30, according to the season. Then there is the police of quarters and inspection of rooms. The roll-call is at 6.45 or at 7.15, according to the season. From December 1 to March 1 the later hour here mentioned is the one ob- served. Chapel Service follows, and afterwards, break- fast at 7 or at 7.30. The Sick-call is 30 minutes after breakfast. Then the acting midshipmen enjoy recre- ation until 8 o'clock, when the study and recitation hours begin. Most of these calls are made with the drum ; some, however, ^re sounded with the bugle. Section-formations^ take place in the front hall of the third floor, under the immediate supervision of the * " Routine and Orders " at Newport. NAVAL ACADEMY. 69 ^ Officer of tlie Day, who, as well as the Section-leaders, is held responsible for the preservation of silence and ordei". When the signal is given by the bngle, the sections are marched, by the centre stairs, to their respective recitation-rooms. The sections march in close order, in perfect silence, and with strict observ- ance of military decornm. Whenever a section leaves its recitation room, it is marched, by its Leader, up the western staircase, to the third floor, and is there dis- missed. This method of forming and dismissing the sections is now followed in the present quarters of the Acad- emy at Newport. Study alternates or intervenes with recitations until 1 o'clock, when the signal for dinner is sounded. The young gentlemen are again formed in order by tl]e Captains of crews, and are marched into the Mess Hall. The organization of the acting midshipmen is into ten guns' crews, for practical in- struction in seamansliip and gunnery, and for purposes of discipline. The Captains of crews, when at the Mess-table, are to consider tliemselves upon duty ;^ and must re- press promptly all disorderly conduct, unbecoming language, and unnecessary noise. They must enforce perfect silence among their sev- * " Routine and Orders" at Newport. 70 HISTORY OF THE eral guns' crews until the order — ''Seats !" — shall have been given. Silence must also be enforced after the order — " Rise!" — until the crews reach the main hall. At all times, in mustering their crews, the Captains must call the names in the lowest tone which will secure attention. The Captains of crews are required to report any irregularity in uniform or untidiness, which they may perceive at any formation, as well as any infraction of regulations, disregard of orders, or other impropriety."^ The Professor of Field Artillery and Infantry Tactics is the inspector of the mess-hall, and presides at tlie mess-table. He has charge of the police and order of the mess-hall, in which duty he is assisted by the Offi- cer of the day, and the Captains of crews. Each student has a seat assigned him at table, which he must not change without the sanction of the inspec- tor of the mess-hall. The hours for meals are regulated by the Superin- tendent. No student must appear at rneals negligently dressed. Thirty minutes are allowed for breakfast, and the same time for supper. Forty minutes are allowed for dinner. At the expiration of tliese times allowed for meals, the students retire, the mess-hall doors are * " Routine and orders" and " Regulations." NAVAL ACADEMY. 71 closed, and then no extra meals are served therein except by order of the Superintendent. Loud talking is not permitted at table, in the mess- hall, or in its vicinity. Breaches of good breeding and decorum are noticed and reported, if necessary, by the inspector. Wasting provisions, or taking any article of furni- ture or provisions from the mess-hall, is positively for- bidden.' "When there is cause of dissatisfaction, whether in relation to the quantity or quality of provisions, cook- ing, inattention of steward, or of servants, it must be reported first to the inspector of the mess-hall, and then, if necessary, by him to the Superintendent. No student is permitted to have a guest at mess- table. No meals are furnished to students at their rooms except in case of sickness, and then only by direction of the surgeon, and in strict accordance with the diet list which he furnishes. A board of three officers attached to the Academy is appointed quarterly by the Superintendent, whose duty it is to propose, subject to his approval, the rate of charge, per day, for subsistence, and the articles of which it shall be composed for each day of the week. 72 HISTORY OF THE Dinner having been well discussed, the young gen- tlemen may enjoy recreation again until two p. m., when tlie afternoon study and recitation hours begin and continue until four o'clock. There are then in- struction in the art of defence, infantry or artillery drill, and recreation until parade and roll-call at sun- set. Supper follows immediately afterwards, then re- creation and call to evening studies at 6.25 or 6.55 according to the season. Study hours continue until Tattoo at 9 1-2 p. m., which is a signal for extinguish- ing lights and the inspection of rooms. After " taps" at ten o'clock, no lights are allowed in any part of the students' quarters, except by au- thority of the Superintendent. ''Kind nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep" visits now the tyro midshipman, and soothes his weary couch until morning Gun-fire and EeN'eille arouse him again for the same appointed round of duty. So wear away his youthful days in timely preparation for the brave deeds of manhood, in the service of his country, to win an undying repu- tation at the cannon's mouth, — " to pluck bright honor from the pale-faced moon," or " dive into the bottom of the deep and drag up drowned honor by the locks." Let us believe that glory is no mere bubble, and that the golden age of our Somers' and Lawrences, and Ferrys and Decaturs has not yet departed. NAVAL ACADEMY. 73 CHAPTEE XII. ROUTIXE ON THE COXSTITUTIOX.— STO^IXG HAMMOCKS AND ^ASHIXa.— ROLL CALL, INSPECTION, BREAKFAST, STUDY.— PARADE.— TATTOO.— ETIQUETTE. The routine of duties of the fourth class on board the frigate Constitution, is very much like that of the other classes. The following are extracts from the routine book : STOWING HA:srMOCKS, AND WASHING. (Quarter-Masters, and Captains of Forecastle, will superintend stowage.) At Reveille, the midshipmen will immediately turn out, arrange their bedding, and taking their lashings from the head clews of their hammocks, where it was neatly coiled the night before, will lash up their ham- mocks, taking seven taut turns at equal distances, and tucking in their clews neatly. Tliey will then place their hammocks under their right arms, and 1st cap- tains will give the order, " Stand by your hammocks, No. — forward, march ;" at which order they will proceed in line, by their allotted ladders, to their al- 4 74 HISTORY OF THE lotted j)laces in their respective nettings ; when there, they will in order deliver their hammocks to those ap- pointed to receive them : — each 1st captain delivering his hammock and falling back, will face the line of his gun's crew, and see that proper order is main- tained ; each midshipman, after delivering his ham- mock, will fall hack, facing outboard, forming line from 1st captain aft ; when all are stowed, the 1st cap- tains, each at the head of his crew, will face them in the direction of their ladder, and march them to the wash-room, odd-numbered crews on starboard, even numbers on port side of the wash-room. Towels will be marked and kept in their places, over eacli respec- tive basin. No one will leave the wash-room until marched out ; three guns' crews will wash at the same time, and each week the numbers will be changed, commencing with Nos. 1, 2, and 3 guns' crews. When ready, the 1st captains will march their crews to their places on the berth-deck, where they will dismiss them. Guns' crews Nos. 1 and 2 stow hammocks in forward netting, No. 2 on port, and No. 1 on starboard side ; N OS. 3, 5, and 7, in starboard, and Nos. 4, G, and 8, in port quarter-deck nettings, lowest numbers of each crew stowing forward. Nos. 1 and 2 guns' crews leave berth-deck by fore- NATAL ACADEMY. 75 hatch ladders, Nos. 3 and 4 by main-hatch ladders, Nos. 5 and 6 by after-hatch ladders, and Xos. 7 and 8 by steerage ladders, each on their respective sides, and each march to their allotted places on spar-deck. Twelve minutes from the close of Reveille (which will be shown by three taps on the drum) are allowed for lashing hammocks, and to leave the berth-deck. MORNING ROLL-CALL, INSPECTION, AND BREAKFAST. The guns' crews will form in two ranks, at their re- spective places on gun-deck: Isos. 1, 3, 5 and 7 on port side, and Xos. 2, 4, 6 and 8 on starboard side ; 1st and 2d captains on the right of their crews, officer in charge, and adjutant forward of main-mast. Officer of the day and superintendents forward of main-hatch, fronting officer in charge ; when formed, they will be faced to the front, and dressed by 1st captains by the orders, '' Front ; right dress ;" (captains are specially enjoined to give no other orders). The adjutant then gives the order, " Muster your crews ;" when each 1st captain, taking one step to the front, faces the line of his crew, 2d captain stepping forward into his inter- val ; 1st captain then calls the roll from memory, noting absentees ; when finished, faces toward his place, 2d captain takes backward step to his former position, and 1st captain faces about to his place 76 HISTORY OF THE in the front rank; the adjutant then gives the order, " First captains front and centre;" 1st captains take one full step to the front, and face the adjutant's po- sition, 2d captains filling intervals as before; the adjutant then gives the order, "March," at which, captains march in direction of the adjutant, forming in line abreast of him ; the adjutant then gives the order, " Front ; report ;" the captains report all pres- ent ; thus : " All present, 'No. 1 ;" or if any are absent, thus : " — — absent, No. 1 ;" 1st captain of No. 1 will commence in a short, sharp, and intelligible tone, making the salute when he has finished, which will be the signal for 1st captain of No. 2 to report, and so on to the last ; the adjutant then gives the order, " Posts; march ;" the 1st captains facing, at the order, "jposts^^^ in the direction of their crews, advance at the word " march^^ to their places in the ranks ; the adjutant then reports to the officer in charge, and receives his instructions ; if there be any orders, he publishes them; he then gives the order, ''Two files from the right, two paces to the front ; march ;" when the two files from the right of each rank step two paces to the front, and the adjutant gives the order, " Battalion right dress ;" the battalion dresses on the two files, and the adjutant gives the order, " Battalion to the rear, open order ; march ;" when the rear rank will NATAL ACADEMY. 77 take t-TO steps to the rear, halt, and be dressed by the 2d captain. The officer in charge, with the adjutant, will pro- ceed to inspect the battalion, the adjutant making memoranda of any thing not in order ; when finished, they will return to place ; the adjutant will then give the order, " Eear rank, close order ; march ;" when the rear rank will take two steps forward ; the adju- tant then gives the order, '' Officer of the day and superintendents, relieve ;" at which the officer of the day and superintendents of the day previous will face about, and pass the orders to their reliefs, the officer of the dav deliverino^ his side-arms : thev will then take position in their respective crews. At all formations, the officer of the day and super- intendents will form in rear of the officer in charge and adjutant. When the officer of the day and superintendents of the day previous have taken their places in their crews, the adjutant gives the order, "March to break- fast ;" the 1st captains will direct their crews by their respective ladders, to their respective mess-tables: Nos. 1, 3, 5 and 7 on starboard, and Xos. 2, 4, 6 and 8 on port side of the berth-deck ; on arriving at the mess-tables, each 1st captain will take position in rear of his camp-stool, at the after end of the table, 2d 78 HISTORY OF THE captain taking the forward end, and the crew taking position corresponding to their places in the ranks ; all will remain standing in rear of their respective camp-stools, until the officer in charge gives the order, " Seats ;" at which word the midshipmen will place their caps under their camp-stools, and quietly take their seats. As the midshipmen at each table shall have finished the meal, the 1st captain will rise and look at the adjutant, who will acknowledge the report by raising his right hand ; the 1st captain will then resume his seat ; when all shall have reported, the adjutant will make it known to the officer in charge, who, rising from his seal, will tap on the table, and give the order, " Rise;" at which order, each midship- man will rise, put on his cap, step to the rear of his camp-stool, putting it in place, and facing aft ; at the order, " March," from the adjutant, 1st captains will advance, followed by their crews in their proper order, and proceed to their parade stations on the gun-deck, where thev will form and dress their command, and bring them to parade rest, in order for prayers ; all will take off their caps at the opening of prayers, and put them on at the order, " Attention," at the close of prayers, from the adjutant, who gives the order, " Battalion, attention ; right face, break ranks, march." The hours for recitation and study are the same on NAVAL ACADEMY. 79 board the frigate as in quarters, — from about eight o'clock in the morning to one o'clock, and from about two o'clock in the afternoon to- four o'clock. The guns' crews are then assembled for exercise at the "great guns" for one hour, or one hour and a half, or perhaps in infantry drill, or in practical seamanship, including exercises with boats, the lead, log, etc. Even- ing Parade intervenes, and after supper the fourth class are called to their studies a2:ain at about seven or ten minutes before eight o'clock, according to the season. Tattoo, 9.30 p. m. Taps, 9.53 p. m. 4 bells, 10 p. m. TATTOO."^ At the call, the midshipmen will neatly arrange their books and papers, place their chairs under their desks, and at gun-fire will form by crews, as at even- ing studies, when the officer in charge will inspect the study-tables, the superintendents accompanying him, and at close of the inspection, handing in their reports to, and falling in, to rear of the officer in charge. Tlie adjutant will then give the order ''beat the? re- treat ;" when the retreat is beaten, he will give the order " battalion, right face, break ranks, march. '^ The midshipmen will prepare to retire to their ham- * Routine Book on board tlie Constitution. 80 HISTORY OF THE mocks, or will amuse themselves, but at " taps" they must all turn in, and all noise must cease at four bells. Captains are charged with the execution of this order in their crews. At four bells, the officer of the day and the master- at-arms will go around the gun-deck, study room, and berth-deck, see all study room windows, study and recitation room doors closed, and all liglits out, except that forward of main-mast, on berth-deck and cabin bulkhead, and will report to the officer in charge, at his office, who will then give them permission to turn in. The officer of the day will then place his journal, written up and signed, together with the routine re- port, in the office of the officer in charge. During the night, the quarter-master of the watch will every hour visit all parts of the ship, and see that there are no signs of fire, and that the lights and steam connections are secure. ETIQUETTE.* The midshipmen will not use the steerage ladders; the after ladder from the gun-deck, the starboard poop ladder, the starboard side of the poop, quarter-deck, or gangway abaft No. 2 recitation room ; they are par- ticularly enjoined to keep the starboard gangway clear. * Routine Book on tlie Constitution. NAVAL ACADEMY. 81 The etiquette of the quarter-deck will be strictly ob- served. Officers on coming up the quarter-deck lad- ders will make the salute. No running, skylarking, boisterous conduct, or loud talking, will be permitted on the quarter-deck or poop. The midshipmen will never appear on the gun-deck or quarter-deck without their caps^ jackets, and cravats. They will, in ascend- ing and descending the ladders, avoid the heavy step upon them which is made by shore people ; when absent in boats they will yield implicit and prompt obedience to their captains, or those placed in charge. It is particularly forbidden to get out of, or into the ship, through the ports, or to sit on the rail of the ship. No one is permitted to go out on the head-booms during study hours, or to go aloft, without authorized permission. No one is permitted to go or come from the berth-deck during study hours, by any other than the main-hatch ladders. The midshipmen are forbidden to sit upon the study tables. 6 ^ 82 HISTORY OF THE CHAPTEE XIII. NAYAL AND MILITARY ORaANIZATION OF THE MIDSHIP- MEN.— WATCHMEN. — UNIFORM. — LAWRENCE LITERARY SOCIETY.— HOPS AND BALLS. The first in command at the' Naval Academy is, of course, the Superintendent, the second in command is the Commandant of Midshipmen, and the next in order is the Officer in Charge, who is a lieutenant, one of the academic assistants detailed temporarily to attend, " especially, to the discipline of the Academy. When the battalion of acting midshipmen is formed, at parade, or on other occasions, the Adjutant, who is the highest officer of the acting midshipmen, is next in command to the Officer in Charge, and these two take their position a few paces in front of the battalion. Tlie Officer of the Day is an acting midshipman, who assists the naval Officer in Charge in the details of the police and discipline. There are also acting midshipmen who serve as superintendents of floors, and maintain order in their respective quarters. It has been already men- NAVAL ACADEMY. 83 tioned that there are ten guns' crews of acting midship- men, which are commanded by Captains, a mode of dividing the corps which is very important in exercis- ing at the guns, and in drilling. Men are also employed in the capacity of watchmen about the grounds of the Academy, and there is not 60 much reliance, in matters of discipline, upon senti- nels who are selected from the students, as there is in the Military Academy at West Point. This is, un- doubtedly, the weakest feature in the West Point sys- tem. The greatest evil of all, in that institution, is the frequent absence of the young gentlemen from cadets' limits, and this is sometimes, of course, accompanied with midnight revelry and intoxication, an evil which could not exist, in any degree, except through the con- nivance of the cadet sentinels. Nearly all college pro- fessors and other instructors will testify that it is folly to intrust discipline too much to the students. There is a romantic esprit du corps among the young men in these institutions, whield to the subject of coast defences proves, be- yond the possibility of contradiction, the immense im- portance of naval and military schools to the peace and welfare of the nation. We must remember, too, the eloquent language of the Hon. Mr. Bayard, the former Senator from the State of Delaware, — that our naval cadets will be '' the future commanders of a ser- * Art of War in Europe, p. 56. NAVAL ACADEMY. Ill vice in which they are to bear with honor the flag of the nation, in peace and in war, at home or abroad, on the high seas and in the ports of foreign nations, the armed ambassadors of the country, who must be able to fight and to negotiate, and whose duties require that they should be familiar, not only with naval tactics and the whole circle of nautical science, but also with the principles of international law."^ Naval commanders, in this age, should possess, therefore, as great accom- plishments as the members of any of the recognized professions. * See page 17. 112 HISTOKY OF THE CHAPTEE XVIII. THE FIRST TWO ASSISTANTS AT THE ACADEMY.— LIEUT. SAMUEL MARCY.— CAPTAIN JAMES H. WARD.— '' FLAG OF THE SEAS." Lieutenant Samuel Marcy and Captain James H. Ward were the first two assistants at the Naval Acad- emy, and were present at its organization in 1845 ; the former was then a passed midshipman, and the latter a lieutenant,— ;/7'a^r^5 amho. Lieutenant Marcy was a native of Troy, ISTew York, and a son of the late Hon. William L. Marcy. He en- tered the service in 1838, and he was on duty, at sea, about thirteen vears. In 18'48 he was in the Pacific, where he served two or three years, and after being re- lieved at the Xaval Academy in 1856, he was, for three years, a lieutenant on board the frigate Congress, the flag-ship of the Mediterranean Squadron. In 1860, he was an assistant again at the Academy ; then in service on the Pawnee, which was in service before Charleston, at the time of the storming of Fort NAVAL ACADEMY. 113 Sumter; and, finally, be was ordered to the frigate Potomac, which has formed a part of the blockading squadron, in the Gulf of Mexico, since July, 1861. In Xovember, he was appointed to succeed Captain Handy, in the command of the Vincennes, on duty at the mouth of the Mississippi river, and he remained in the efhcient discharge of his duties, on this station, until the latter part of the month of January, 1862, when the mournful tidinors was conveyed to his friends O t/ and the countrv, that a sad accident had terminated his existence. The circumstances attending his death are feelingly described in the following letter, from the Acting Gunner of the Yincennes, which exhibits also the high regard which was entertained for Commander Marcy, personally, by the men under his command : ''UxiTED States Ship YixcExyES, Jan. 31, 1862. " Capt. T. T. Craven, cammanding United States Steamer Brooklyn. " Sir : Knowing your friendship for our late lament- ed commander. Lieutenant Marcy, and your intimacy with him, I have taken the liberty of acquainting you with the particulars of the accident by which he was injured, and from which he has lost his life. An in- telligent gentleman, a gallant officer, and thorough seaman, we deeply feel his loss, and know that you and officers of the United States Xavv, with whom he Ill HISTORY OF THE has heretofore sailed, will sympathize with us in onr misfortune. At about four o'clock on Friday morning last, Jan. 23, the look-out reported a light, which soon proved to be a vessel on fire, apparently in the South- east Pass of the Mississippi river, we then lying off the Northeast Pass. After daylight. Captain Marcy ordered out and armed the boats. I went in the launch. Captain Marcy in the gig. We found the vessel to be a barkantine, loaded with cotton, which appeared to have grounded on the Southeast Pass, while attempting to run the blockade, and the crew, not being able to get her off, had fired and abandoned her. Captain Marcy directed me to fire the howitzer into her at the water-line, to sink her and put out the fire. I had fired once, and was ready for the second shot, when Captain Marcy ordered me to wait until he came on board. He took the lock and fired seven times, on the last of which the bolt, which secures the first pivot clamp to the stern, being insufficiently clinched, pulled out as the gun recoiled on the side, and fell, jamming the Captain's thigh between it and the thwart. He was calm and cool, seemed aware he was badly injured, and gave directions to be taken on board in his gig. The leg was carefully set and dressed, and he seemed to be doing well. On Satur- day he was comfortable, and fell asleep about eleven NAVAL ACADEMY. 115 o'clock that night, from which sleep or stupor he was never thoroughly aroused. He was more or less in- sensible, until about eleven o'clock on AVednesday night, January 29, when he died. His body will be sent home by the steamer Connecticut. I am, sir, " Your obedient servant, " William Wilson, " Acting Gunner, United States Steamer Yincennes.'* It is seen, from this communication, that Com- mander Marcy lost his life in the service of his country, and though he fell, surrounded not by the carnage of battle, and " the pride, pomp, and circum stance of glorious war," yet his death was no less honorable ; he was in the path of duty. His remains were brought to the city of New York, and the funeral Services were celebrated in Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, on the twenty-third of February, before a large assemblage of afflicted friends. They were conveyed, afterwards, to Albany, for interment. We cannot estimate the loss of Commander Marcy. One of the ablest and most accomplished men in the navy, it is not easy to fill the place of such an officer. To his reputation for gallantry and faithfulness, Sam- uel Marcy added, we are told, the excellencies of the 116 iiisTOKY OF Tiii;: true Christian and the refined gentleman. We mourn his deeease, now, with otliers who liave gone before. Ward, too, is departed, and of these two assistants, wlio were first in service at tlie opening of the Na- val Academy, it is left for us only to say, in the midst of our sorrowing, they were "lovely and pleas- ant in their lives, and in their death, they were not divided." Commander James II. Ward, was the first Com- mandant of IVIidshipmen at the Naval Academy. It is true that this title was then unknown, nevertheless, Lieutenant Ward discharged at that time the duties which pertain to the office of Commandant. lie entered the service in 1823. He was born in Hart- ford, Connecticut, in the year 1806, and was the eldest eon of the late Colonel James Ward, a gentleman of great respectibility in that city. Tlie family of Wards in Connecticut, is a very ancient and honorable one. They are descended from Andrew Ward, who came to New England in company with Governor Winthrop, and became afterwards a distinguished citizen of the colony of Connecticut. lie died at Fairfield in 1659. He was a grandson of Thomas Ward, Lord of the manor of Bacons in Qorlston, Suffolk count}^, Eng- land. The Ward family of England has enjoyed many titles. The Viscounty Dudley and Ward be- ITAVAL ACADEMY. 117 came extinct in 1833. William Ward is now Baron of Birmingham county, Warwick, the eleventh lord of this succession.'^ James H. Ward, the subject of this sketch, received his earliest education at the grammar school in Hart- ford. He was transferred thence, to the care of a well-known West Point scholar, Captain Alden Part- ridge, whose military school was successfully estab- lished at that time in Norwich, Vermont. After en- joj^ing for a considerable period the instruction of Captain Partridge, young Ward received while he was a member of the school, his warrant as a midship- man in the United States Xavy. His first service was on board the frigate Constitution, for about four years in the Mediterranean, under the distingiaished Commodore McDonongh. After his return from this duty, he was on leave of absence about a year, and he availed himself of this opportunity to complete his education by studying in the partial course at Wash- ington, now Trinity college, Hartford. After his ex- amination in 1829, he was enrolled as a passed mid- shipman, and in the following year, having been pro- moted to a lieutenancy, he was ordered to the sloop of war Concord, for service in. the Mediterranean under Master-Commandant M. C. Perr}\ The Concord left * Burke's Peerage. 118 HISTORY OF THE Hampton Eoads in the latter part of June, 1830, and conveyed to Russia on lier voyage out, the Hon. John Randolpli, the Minister Plenipotentiary for the United States at the Court of St. Petersburg. Lieutenant Ward served at this time three years in the Mediterranean, and after a short leave of absence, in the West Indies again for three years more. He was afterwards on board the steamship Fulton, and he was then on duty about three years in the Navy Yard at Washington. In 1840, he was ordered to the brig Dolphin, for service on the coast of Africa. The Hon. J. K. Paulding, the Secretary of the Navy, reports that the Dolphin, under the command of Lieutenant Bell, and the schooner Grampus, commanded by Lieu- tenant Paine, were employed on the coast of Africa, in the suppression of the slave-trade. They returned at the commencement of the sickly season, and after- wards sailed again to the same station. The traffic in slaves was then carried on upon an extensive scale, and principally under Portuguese colors. Slave sta- tions were established on the coast at different points, under the protection of the neigliboring chiefs, who furnished the slaves, and received in return goods which were manufactured in England expressly for this purpose ; and at these stations the slaves were collected, until an opportunity offered for the slaver NAVAL ACADEMY. 119 to approach the land under cover of the night, and receive them on board. The Secretary of the Navy reported that the Dol- phin and Grampus rendered efficient service in the suppression of the traffic, and in the protection of American citizens, who were engaged in commerce on the coast. The officers and crews suffered severely, however, from the diseases of the climate. Lieuten- ant Ward was among the number who were prostrated by the coast fever, and his life was despaired of, but he recovered finally, and was able to visit his native land again, and prolong still further an honorable career in the navy of the United States. Lieutenant Ward was attached to the Naval Acad- emy as an Assistant, at its first organization by the Hon. George Bancroft in 1845, an appointment wliicli was certainly honorable to himself and corroborative of the opinion often expressed, that Lieutenant Ward was one of the best educated officers in the service. After leaving the Naval Academy, in 1847, he served on board the frigate Cumberland, and afterwards, commanded the steamer Yixen of the Home Squad- ron. He was then on shore a few years, until 1855, when he assumed command of the sloop Jamestown, which was then the flag-ship of the African Squadron. He remained on the coast of Africa, at this time. 120 HISTORY OF TfilJ about three years, during which period he assisted in capturing several slavers, and proved himself an efficient commander* On his return to the United States, after enjoying a period of repose from active duty, he assumed com- mand, in 1858, of the North Carolina, the receiving ship at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn, and he continued in this command, until open hostilities were threatened by the states which were in rebellion against the gov- ernment established by Washington, Hamilton, Madi- son and Franklin, and then Commander Ward was among tlie first to offer himself for service in defence of the Constitution and tlie Union. He had Ions; been fond of experimenting with heavy ordnance, he was a ripe scholar in naval science, and had studied the latest theories and inventions in the art of war. He was on terms of friendlv intercourse with the dis- tinguished Sir Howard Douglas, of the British Navy, and he corresponded with him often upon toJ)ics in which both were deeply interested. Commander Ward was also an author of considera- ble distinction. He has published the well known works. Steam for the Million, a popular treatise on steam and its applications to the useful arts, especially to navigation, — a Manual of Naval Tactics, containing also an analysis of modern naval battles, and an ele- NAVAL ACADEMY. 121 mentary work upon Naval Ordnance and Gunnery. His analysis of naval battles has been pronounced masterly, by officers of the British Navy. As soon as acts of violence were perpetrated by the seceding states, Captain Ward addressed a letter to Mr. Toucey, the Secretary of the Navy, proposing a plan for the defence of the Potomac, and asked that he might be permitted to organize and command a flotilla for this service. He was summoned soon afterwards to Wash- ington, for consultation with Mr. Toucey and General Scott, with reference to provisioning Fort Sumter. He presented his plan for accomplishing this object, and it was received with such favor, that General Scott gave his promise that his plan should be adopted if any attempt were made to provision the fort. The Hon. Gideon Welles, who is now Secretary of the Navy, decided to summon Commander Ward for service in defence of the Potomac, and upon the recommendation of the latter, early in May, the Thomas Freeborn and three other propellers of light draught were purchased and fitted out as gunboats. The flo- tilla sailed from the Navy Yard in Brooklyn, on the sixteenth of May, 1861, and its departure called forth hearty cheers from the men who had served under Commander Ward on board the North Carolina, and from the officers of the yard and others assembled on 6 122 HISTORY OF THE tlie wharf. His first action, on arriving in the Chesa- peake, was the silencing of the rebel battery at Sew- all's Point, on the eighteenth of May, and two prizes were captured on his way up the river. The zeal and energy displayed by Commander Ward on the Poto- mac, have been universally acknowledged, and it is said that the plans for the defence of the river which were submitted by him to the Navy Department, exliibited marked ability. " Great service has been rendered," writes Mr. Secretary Welles, "by this armed force, which has been vigilant in intercepting supplies, and in protecting transports and vessels in their pas- sage up and down the Potomac." It was urged upon the government at this time, by Commander Ward, that military forces shcuild be detail- ed for the construction of batteries at prominent points on the river, and had this suggestion been adopted, it is claimed by his friends now, that the navigation of the Potomac would have remained unobstructed. The skill and vigilance of Captain Ward prevented the com- pletion of fortifications by the rebels at Acquia Creek, and at other places on the river, and finally he deter- mined upon the construction himself of a battery on Matthias Point, at which the river is narrow, and a bat- tery if completed there and properly furnished with guns, would control the navigation of the Potomac. NAVAL ACADEMY. 123 Accordingly, on the twenty-seventh of June, he landed in boats a party of twenty-five men, who were provided with shovels and other implements for the work. Pickets were immediately tlirown out, who re- mained undisturbed until late in the afternoon, when the party was ordered to return to the Freeborn. At this time they were fired upon from the tliickets, on the right and left of the work upon which they had been engaged. Thej retreated hastily to the boats, but kept up a fire in return for the space of half an hour. A seaman named Williams, held the United States flag, and became therefore, a target for the enemy. He received a bad flesh wound in the thigh. The rebel troops were commanded, it is understood, by Major Mears, a son-in-law of Captain Buchanan. They numbered about five or six hundred. The men in retreating attempted to gain the boats, but did not all succeed, and many, endeavoring to swim, were drowned. A fire was opened immediately from the bow gun of the Freeborn to cover the retreat, but the gunner was soon wounded in the thigh with a musket ball, when Captain Ward himself, advanced and took charge of the piece. He was in the act of aiming, when a shot from the rebels struck him in the abdo- men. The wound proved fatal ; he died in about one hour afterwards. The firing was continued, however, 124 HISTORY OF THE on board the Freeborn, and tlie rebels were dispersed. It is supposed that their loss was severe. About thirty shells fell into their camp, burned and destroyed their stores, and compelled an abandonment of the ground. A universal gloom hung over the country on the reception of the news of the death of tliis brave and accomplished commander. His noble conduct in vol- unteering for service on the Potomac, as well as his previous career, had endeared him- to a large circle of friends in the Capital of the nation, at the Naval Academy, in New York and in Hartford, and high hopes were entertained for him. These fond hopes and anticipations were now silenced by the pale visi- tant. Death. His friends remark that they might have expected such a result, for where the post of danger was, there Ward would surely be found. Noble ex- ample ! This was the spirit of the heroes of 1812. It is said that it was a maxim among the officers in that war, never to send men where they dared not go themselves. The body of Captain Ward arrived in New York on Sunday, the thirtieth of June, and was conveyed to the North Carolina at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn. Here it lay in state and w^as visited by large numbers of citizens. The remains were transferred on Monday NAVAL ACADEMY. 125 to the steamboat Granite State, and the following was the order of the funeral procession : Marine Escort, Band, Dr, Abernethy, U. S. K^. ; Commander Meade, Commander Gansevoort, Com- mander Foote, Captain Ringgold, Commander Hull, pall-bearers ; Family, Captain Ward's Crew, including sailors and marines ; Commander Meade's Gig's Crew, Korth Carolina's Shij^'s Company, Volunteer Company, Revenue Officers, Naval officers. Among the naval officers in the procession were Commodore Breese, Commandant of the yard, Lieuten- ants Almy, Woolsey, Henry, the officers of the yard and of the ships lying there. Naval Constructor Delano, the Paymasters and clerks of the post.*^ Captain Ringgold, United States Navy, Lieutenant Huntington, with the marines, and Captain Ward's Gig's Crew, went on the boat with the corpse to Hart- ford. When the steamer reached that city, the body was conveyed under the escort to St. Patrick's Cathe- dral, and High Mass was solemnized, after wdiich ceremony the remains were removed to the Capitol and lay in state in the Court Room until four o'clock. His Bword, uniform and flag were placed upon the coffin, * The author would acknowledge his indebtedness to Mr. Ripley, of the Evening Post, foi* this description of the funeral procession.. 126 HISTORY OF THE banners and signals of grief luing in festoons about the room, and weeping friends gathered in crowds around the beloved dead. A numerous procession of soldiery and citizens bore him away to his last resting place. The tolling bells, the muHled drum, the funereal mnsic, the flags furled in mourning, the slow march, all gave solemnity to the scene. The burial service, according to the rites of the Church of England, was pronounced, the Guard fired three volleys over him, — so sleeps the hero ! So departs a noble spirit, chiv- alrous to the last. He met death in the discharge of duty. His zeal in behalf of the flag of the Union knew no bounds. He had been sheltered beneath that flag on many a sea, he had seen it honored in all lands, and he was its sworn defender, with his life, against every foe. "We tell his doom without a sigh, — he is Freedom's now and Fame's." He rests with the great and the brave of all lands, — soldiers, and martyrs and heroes of old. So dies the naval commander, in defence of the flag of his country ! "Flag of the seas! on ocean's wave, Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave ; When death, careering on the gale, Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail, And frighted waves rush wildly back, Before the broadside's reeling rack, NAVAL ACADEMY. 127 Each dying wanderer of the sea Shall look at once to heaven and thee, Ajid smile to see thy splendors fly In triumph o'er his closing eye ! Flag of the free heart's hope and home, By angel hands to valor g^ven, Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy hues were bom in heaven I Forever float that standard sheet, — Where breathes the foe but falls before ub. With Freedom's soil beneath our feet. And Freedom's banner streaming o'er usl" APPENDIX. APPENDIX. I. THE APPOINTMENT OF CANDIDATES, AND THEIR QUALI- FICATIONS. (This is a copy of a paper which is sent out oflEicially by the Superintendent of the Naval Academy.) Application, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, can be made at any time, by the candidate himself, or by his parent, guardian, or any of his friends, and his name will be placed on the register. The registry of a name, however, does not give any assurance of an appointment. No preference will be given on account of priority of application. No application will be considered where the candidate is under or above the prescribed age ; where the precise age, and actual and fixed residence, are not stated ; and where the applicant is not a resident of the Con- gressional district of the State from which he applies. The law limits the number of Midshipmen to four hundred and sixty-four, and requires that this number shall be divided among the several States and Territories, with reference and in propor- tion, as near as may be, to their number of representatives and delegates to Congress ; that appointments shall be made from those States and Territories which have not their relative pro- portions on the Navy list ; and that the individual selected for appointment shall be, in all cases, an actual resident of the State and Territory from which the appointment purports to be made. It is further required by law that appointments from each State shall be apportioned, as nearly as practicable, equally among tha 132 HISTORY OF THE several Congressional districts therein, and that the person so ap- pointed shall be an actual resident of the Congressional district of the State from which appointed, and be recommended by the member of Congress representing the district in which he resides. The selection of candidates is made annually on or before the 1st of June, and candidates who receive permission, will present themselves to the Superintendent of the N'aval Academy, between the 20th and 30th of September. No candidate will be received into the Academy at any other time. Upon reporting to the Superintendent, candidates will be examined by a Board of Med- ical Officers, and by the Academic Board of the Academy, as to their qualifications for admission into the Academy. JSTo candidate will be admitted into the Kaval Academy, unless at the time of examination he is found qualified, in the opinion of the Medical Board, to discharge the arduous duties of an officer of the Navy, and shall have passed a satisfactory examination be- fore the Academic Board. If both these examinations result favorably, the candidate will receive an acting appointment as a Midshipman, become an in- mate of the Academy, and be allowed his actual and necessary travelling expenses from his residence to the Naval Academy. If, on the contrary, he shall not pass both these examinations, he will receive neither an acting appointment nor his travelling expenses. A candidate who has once presented himself for examination, un- der the permission of the Department, and has been rejected, can- not be allowed to present himself for examination the second time. No one can receive a warrant as a Midshipman in the Navy, unless he be a graduate of the Naval Academy. (Note by the author. — It is especially important to secure a nomination for a vacancy at the Naval Academy, from the Con- gressman of tlie district in which the applicant resides. An Act- NAVAL ACADEMY. 13 o ing Midshipman is not expected or permitted to receive pecuni- ary support or assistance from his parents or friends. He is maintained wholly at the expense of the government. His pay is $500 per .annum, of which $100 is reserved until he leaves the Academy, and constitutes an ample fund for his equipment for active service.) Qualifications. — Candidates must be over fourteen and under eighteen years of age at the time of examination for admission ; must be* free from deformity and disease and imperfections of the senses. They must be of good moral character, able to read and write well, — writing from dictation, and spelling with correct- ness, — and to perform with accuracy the various operations of the primary rules of arithmetic; viz., numeration, and the addition, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. Any one of the following conditions will be suflBcient to reject a candidate ; viz. : 1. Feeble constitution and muscular tenuity; unsound health, from whatever cause; indications of former disease; glandular swellings, or other symptoms of scrofula. 2. Chronic cutaneous affections, especially of the scalp, or any disorder of an infectious character. 3. Severe injuries of the bones of the head ; convulsions. 4. Impaired vision, from whatever cause ; inflammatory affec- tions of the eye-lids ; immobility, or irregularity of the iris ; fistula lachrymalis, etc., etc. 5. Deafness ; copious discharge from the ears. 6. Loss of many teeth, or the teeth generally unsound. 7. Impediment of speech. 8. Want of due capacity of the chest, and any other indication of a liability to a pulmonic disease. 9. Impaired or inadequate efficiency of one or both of the 134 HISTORY OF THE superior extremities on account of fractures, especially of the clavicle, contraction of a joint, extenuation, deformity, etc., etc. 10. An unnatural excurvature or incurvature of the spine. 11. Hernia. 12. A varicose state of the veins of the scrotum and spermatic cord (when large), sarcocele, hydrocele, hemorrhoids, fistulas. 13. Impaired or inadequate efficiency of one or both of the inferior extremities on account of varicose veins, fractures, mal- formation (flat feet, etc.), lameness, contraction, unequal length, bunyons, overlying or supernumerary toes, etc., etc. 14. Ulcers, or unsound cicatrices of ulcers likely to break out afresh. EXTRACT FROM THE REGULATIONS OF THE ACADEMY. Art. 10. When candidates shall have passed the required ex- aminations, and have been admitted as members of the Acad- emy, they must immediately furnish themselves with the follow- ing articles ; viz. : Two N'avy-blue cloth uniform suits. Six white shirts. Six pairs of socks. Four pairs of drawers. Six pocket handkerchiefs. One black-silk handkerchief, or stock. One mattress. One pillow. One pair of blankets. Two pairs of sheets. Four pillow-oases. Six towels. Two pairs of shoes or boots. One hair-brush. One tooth-brush. One clothes-brush. One coarse comb for the hair. One fine comb for the hair. One tumbler, or mug ; and One thread and needle case. One bed-cover, or spread. Room-mates will jointly procure for their common use, one NAVAL ACADEMY. 135 looking-glass, one wash-basin, one water-pail, one slop-bucket and one broom. These articles may be obtained from the Store- keeper of the Academy, of good quality, and at fair prices. Aet. 11. Each Acting Midshipman must, on admission, de- posit with the Paymaster the sum of fifty dollars ; for which he will be credited on the books of that officer, to be expended, by direction of the Superintendent, for the purchase of text- books, and other authorized articles. II. PROGRAMME OF STUDIES DURINa THE ACADEMIC YEAR. FIRST CLASS FOURTH YEAR. Department of Practical Seamanship^ Naval Gunnery and 2>Fa- val Tactics. — Seamanship, ISTaval Tactics. Naval Gunnery ; Simp- son's Ordnance and Gunnery. Simpson's Translation of Page's Theory of Pointing. Dahlgren's Boat Howitzer. Department of Astronomy^ Navigation and Surveying, — Theory of Navigation. Practical Astronomy. Marine Surveying. Department of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, — Lard- ner on Heat. Wells' Chemistry. Main & Brown on the Steam Engine. Department of Ethics and English Studies, — Constitution U. S. ; Kent on International Law, vol. I. Department of Spanish. — Ollendorff. SECOND CLASS — THIRD TEAR. Department of Practical Seamanship., Naval Gunnery^ and Naval Tactics, — Seamanship. Simpson's Naval Gunnery. Department of Mathematics, — Smyth's Analytical Geometry* Smyth's Differential and Integral Calculus. 136 HISTORY OF TUE Department of Aatronomy ^ Katigation and Surveying. — Davies' Surveying. Ilerschers Astronomy. Bowditch's Navigation. Department of Natural and Experimental Fhilo802yhy. — Lard- ner's Optics, Acoustics, J^ectricity, and Magnetism. Smith's Mechanics. Department of Field Artillery and Infantry Tactics. — Hardee's Light Infantry Drill. Instruction in Field Artillery. . Department of Ethics and English Studies, — Wayland's Moral Science, Department of French. — Girault's French Student's Manual. Dumas' Vie de Napoleon. Manesca's Reader. THIRD CLASS SECOND YEAR. Department of Practical Seamanship^ Na^cal Gunnery^ and N'aval Tactics. — Seamanship. Department of Mathematics. — Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Chauvenet's Trigonometry. Davies' Mensuration. Department of Ethics and English Studies, — Eliot's History U. S. Quackenbos' Ehetoric. Composition. Department of French, — Girault's French Student's Manual. Girault's Vie de Washington. Department of Drawing and Draughting, — Line Drawing. FOURTH CLASS — FIRST YEAR. Department of Mathematics, — Greenleaf s Arithmetic. Davies' Algebra. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Department of Ethics and English Studies, — Bullions' English Grammar. Corneirs Geography. Worcester's and Lord's History. Composition. Department of Drawing and Draughting. — Sketching. NAVAL ACADEMY. 137 III. MERIT-ROLLS. (From tho Eegulations.) The relative weight, or the maximum numbers which are to be assigned to each of the " principal branches" of study, and to conduct in each of the several classes, in forming the merit-rolls, will be as follows, viz. : Departments. Seamanship, gun- nery, and naval tactics. Mathematics , Astronomy, navi- gation, and sur- veying. Natural and Expe- rimental philoso- phy. Field artillery and infantry tactics. Ethics and English studies. French language. Spanish language. . Drawing Conduct Aggregate.... Principal branches. Seamanship ....... Naral tactics ...... Practical gunnery boat armament. . and Mathematics . r General astronomy J Practical astronomy, j navigation^ and sur- (. veying ( Mechanics "< Physics I Steam engine. ( Theory of gunnery. -| Field artillery ( Infantry tactics. . . . in- ' Moral science and ternational law J Grammar and rhetoric ] Geography History and composi tion French. . . Spanish. . Drawing. 2.5 5 Ph 20 10 15 10 15 5 o u 02 30 10 30 25 15 Si 15 50 30 60 20 25 15 45 25 30 u o ♦J '^ u o 50 100 30 25 80 25 35 40 30 35 '56' o 150 80 40 100 80 80 60 25 85 40 20 25 30 25 15 20 75 60 40 100 1,000 eS ? 02 09 6 220 100 110 120 85 90 75 60 40 100 1,000 At every June examination, the Academic Board shall form a "general merit-roll" for each class, in the following manner, viz. : 133 HISTORY OF THE of those members of each class who shall have passed a satisfac- tory examination, the individual having the highest standing in any principal branch for that year shall receive the maximum number assigned to it for that class and year in the table of weights of this chapter, and the one having the lowest standing shall receive the minimum number, which, in every case, shall be one-third of the maximum for the same branch and class. The members of the class having intermediate standings shall receive numbers proceeding by equal differences from the maximum to the minimum, in the order of their relative merit, as fixed by their '■' class merit-rolls." Of those who have not two hundred demerits recorded against them, such as have no demerits shall receive the maximum number allowed for that class and year, and the others shall have that maximum diminished by one three-hun- dredth part of it for every demerit recorded against them. All the numbers which shall be thus assigned to the several members for the several branches of study, and for conduct, shall then be added together, and the names of the members shall be arranged in each class according to the aggregates thus obtained, the high- est number being placed first on the list, and the others in their order. Only those who shall have passed in all the principal branches of their classes, and have not exceeding two hundred demerits recorded against them, are to be included in the ^' gen- eral merit-roll," At the June examination, the Academic Board shall also form the *' graduating merit-rolls" for the graduating class, by adding the aggregate numbers which each member of the class shall have received on the several "general merit-rolls" for June during the four years, and arranging the order of the members according to the aggregates, placing the highest first. NAVAL ACADEMY. 139 IV. OFFICERS AND PROFESSORS OF THE ACADEMY FROM 1845 TO THE PRESENT TIME. Superintenden ta, Com'r Franklin Buchanan, 1845 to 1847, Com'r Geo. P. Upshur, 1847-50, ComV C. K. Stribling, 1850-3, Com'r L. M. Goldsborough, 1853-7, Capt. Geo. S. Blake, 1857-62. Commandants of Midshipmen, Lieut. Jas. H. Ward, 1845-8, Lieut. S. S. Lee, 1848-51, Lieut. T. T. Craven, 1851-5, Com'r J. F. Green, 1855-8, Com'r T. T. Craven, 1858-60, Lieut. C. Pw. P. Pwodgers, 1860, Lieut. G. AV. Pwodgers, 1861-2. Professors of Mathematics. William Chauvenet, 1845-53, J. H. C. Coffin, 1853-9, Joseph Winlock, 1859-60. Professors of Astronomy and Navigation, William Chauvenet, 1853-9, J. H. C. Coffin, 1859-62. Professors of Natural and Ex- perimental Philosophy, Henrv H. Lock wood, 1845-51, W. Y. Hopkins, 1851^9, A. W. Smith, 1859-62. Professor of Field Artillery and Infantry Tactics. Henry H. Lockwood, 1851-62. Professor of Ethics and English Studies, J. E. ISTourse, 1851-62. Professor of French. A. ^, Girault, 1845-62. Professor of Spanish, E. A. Roget, 1852-62. Professor of Drawing, E. Seager, 1851-62. Teachers of the Art of Defence, E. Seager, 1851-9, A. Coppa, 1859-60. Lieutenants^ &c.^ acting as As- sistants, S. Marcv, 1846, 1851-5, 1858-9, W. N. Jeffers, Jr., 1849, S. P. Carter, 1851-3, 1858-9, W. P. Buckner, 1851-6, 1859-60, J. Armstrong, 1851-4, A. M. DeBree, 1851, J. V. N. Blake, 1851-7, E. Simpson, 1853-5, 1859-62, 140 HISTORY OF THE W. K. Mayo, 1855-7, 1859, R. W. Scott, 1855-7, 1859-60, J. T. Wood, 1855-8, 1860, W. H. Willcox, 1855-7, S. R. Franklin, 1856, J. Watters, 1857, C. W. Flusser, 1857-9, C. H. Cushman, 1857-9, J. K Miller, 1857-8, 1860, J. I. Waddell, 1858, R. H. Wyman, 1859, J. H. Upshur, 1859-60, H. Davidson, 1859-60, W. McGunnegle, 1859, J. G. Walker, 1859, F. E. Shepperd, 1859, G. W. Rodgers, 1860, S. B. Luce, 1860, B. B. Taylor, 1860, E. O. Mathews, 1860-2, E. P. Lull, 1860-2, J. D. Marvin, 1861-2, C. L. Huntington, 1861-2, E. P. Brower, 1861-2. Assistant Professors^ A. H. Barber, 1856, T. Karney, 1856-62, L. I. Dovilliers, 1856-62, W. R. Hopkins, 1857-62, W. H. Willcox, 1857-62, W. Harwood, 1857-60, M. H. Beecher, 1859-62, T. G. Forde, 1861-2, A. L. Smith, 1861-2. Surgeons and Assistants, J. A. Lockwood, 1845-50, D. S. Green, 1850-3, K Pinkney, 1853-5, S. Sharp, 1855-9, W. Grier, 1859-60, J. C. Palmer, 1860-2, J. Y. Taylor, 1858, J. McMaster, 1859, O. S. Inglehart, 1860. Chaplains. George Jones, 1845-53, T. B. Bartow, 1853-9, George Jones, 1859-60, D. X. Junkin, 1861-2. There are also attached to the Academy, 1861-2, Paymaster. H. M. HieskiU. Secretary, R. M. Chase. Superintendents Clerk, O. D. Robb. Paymaster's Clerk, ^ J. H. Havens. Assistant Librarian, J A. Davenport. NAVAL ACADEMY. 141 V. GRADUATES WHO WERE NOT IN THE FOUR YEARS' COURSE. (Any inaccuracies which may be discovered in this list will be cheerfully corrected in later editions.) C. VV. Aby, 1846 L. A. Beardslee, 1856 R. Aulick, u W. L. Bradford, (4 VV. D. Austin, u E. Boyd, Jr., (( J. Armstrong, 1847 C. A. Babcock, (( A. Allmand, 1849 George Bacon, U E. T. Andrews, u S. P. Carter, 1846 T. Abbot, 1854 T. S. Conover, a H. A. Adams, Jr., 1855 G. Cilley, 1848 Aeneas Armstrong, 1856 D. Coleman, (C J. M. Bradford, 1846 J. J. Cook, (( J. W. Bennet, u F. G. Clarke, u H. C. Blake, (( H. N. Crabb, 1849 F. B. Brand, « W. 0. Crain, u E. Brinlev, Jr., u R. R. Carter, (( W. K. Bridge, 1847 R. Chandler, 1852 T. W. Brodhead, u E. 0. Carnes, (( J. M. Brooke, a J. J. Cornwell, 1853 W. P. Buckner, u R. T. Chapman, a 0. C. Badger, t( A. B. Cummings, a S. S. Bassett, u W. P. A. Campbell, (( J. T. Barrand, u C. H. Cusliman, 1855 C. C. Bayard, 1848 VV. H. Cheever, u G. H. Bier, u C. C. Carpenter, 1856 A. T. Byrens, 1849 A. J. McCartney, (( S. J. Bliss, a J. C. Chaplin, a S. L. Breese, 1852 M. C. Campbell, (C D. L. Braine, (I C. Dyer, Jr., 1846 K. R. Breese, (( G. V. Denniston, if, E. Brodhead, 1853 J. L. Davis, 1847 E. T. Bowen, u E. D. Dennv, u F. F. Brose, <( F. G. Dallas, 1848 A. E. K. Benham, a W. DeKoven, u G. E. Belknap, u J. D. Danels, a- J. D. Blake, 1854 J. P. C. DeKrafft, 1848 J. Bruce, C( R. C. Duvall, (( F. H. Baker, 1854 A. M. DeBree, 1849 George Brown, 1855 U. Davidson, (( 142 HISTORY OF THE W. F. Davidson, A. Deslonde, J. W. Dunnington, W. II. Dana, W. G. Dozier, E. English, T. C. Eaton, J. R. Eggleston, Henry Erben, Jr., "VV. H. Fauntleroy, Joseph Fry, S. R. Franklin, D. A. Forrest, T. S. Fillebrown, J. L. Friend, J. P. Foster, C. W. Flusser, J. P. Fvife, W. E. Fitzhugh, Francis Gregory, W. Gibson, W. M. Gamble, C. Gray, W. V. Gilliss, S. P. Griffin, E. C. Grafton, E. F. Gray, B. Gherardi, W. Gwin, J. A. Greer, C. H. Greene, J. H. GilHs, H. M. Garland, R. Harris, J. P. Hall, T. C. Harris, H. 0. Hunter, J. E. Hart, J. J. Hanson, W. W. Holmes, W. G. Hoffman, M. Ilaxtun, C. F. Hopkins, E. W. Henry, C. C. Hunter, 1849 u 1855 1856 1840 1847 1853 1855 1847 1848 u u a 1853 1854 1846 1847 1848 t( 1849 u 1852 1853 1854 a u 1855 1846 u 1847 a 1848 u u 1848 u u A. W. Habershaw, G. H. Hare, H. St. G. Hunter, Thos. T. Houston, J. R. Hamilton, D. B. Harmony, B. E. Hand, J. G. Heileman, J. W. Hester, C. E. Hawley, A. Izard, W. N. Jeffers, Jr., M. P. Jones, J. P. Jones, J. E. Jouett, W. F. Jones, A. W. Johnson, O. F. Johnson, P. C. Johnson, Jr., J. E. Johnston, J. Kell, G. S. King, B. Kennon, L. A. Kimberly, W. A. Kirkland, R. B. Lowry, R. L. Law, L. H. Lyne, W. W. Low, C. Latimer, J. D. Langhorne, T. Lee, S. B. Luce, W. S. Lovell, De G. Livingston, B. P. Loyall, J. B. McCauley, R. M. McArann, J. V. McCollum, A. F. Monroe, W. H. Murdaugh, A. McLaughlin, J. McL. Murphy, G. E. Morgan, R. D. Minor, 1849 a u 1851 1853 1854 1855 1856 1846 1847 1848 II 1849 1852 1854 1848 u 1852 1853 1856 1846 1847 1848 a 1852 u 1853 1855 1846 u 1847 (( u 1848 u ii a NAVAL ACADEMY. 143 E. Y. McCauley J). P. McCorkle, W. K. Mayo, J. H. March, S. Magavv, A. McLane, J. Maury, W. Mitchell, C. P. McGary, W. R. Mercer, G. U. Morris, W. McGunnegle, J. P. K. Mygatt, W. P. McKann, R. L. Mav, E. P. McCrea, J. G. Maxwell, G. F. Morrison, John G. Mitchell, R. W. Meade, Jr., W. N'elson, L. H. N^ewman, D. Ochiltree, E. H. Oakley, T. S. Phelps, J. J. Pringle, L. Paulding, R. J. I). Price, W. L. Powell, J. Van Ness Philip, D. Phenix, W. H. Parker, S. I.. Phelps, Jas. Parker, Jr., A. Pendergrast, T. P. Pelot, E. E. Potter, C. F. Peck, S. P. Quackenbush, W. Reily, T. Roney, J. Rochelle, J. II. Russell, r. A. Roe, 1848 E. Renshaw, 1848 u J. D. Rainey, 1853 a F. M. Ramsay, 1856 (( E. Simpson, 1846 a E. C. Stout, a li R. Savage, ii u G. A. Stevens, u 1849 W. H. Smith, it u R. Selden, 1847 u \V. Sharp, u 1852. J. H, Somerville, u 1853 M. J. Smith, 1848 (( E. E. Stone, iC 1854 W. Smith, (C 1855 R. Stuart, (( u J. B. Smith, (( u A. A. Semmes, it a J. A. Seawall, u 1856 J. B. Stewart, 1849 (( E. Shepherd, (( 1846 G. T. Simes, u 1853 R. W. Scott, 1850 1846 J. G. Sproston, 1852 1854 0. B. Smith, t( 1846 0. F. Stanton, 1855 u F. E. Shepperd, i( u J. W. Shirk, (( 1847 E. C. Stockton, u a W. G. Temple, 1846 1848 J. S. Thornton, 1847 u W. T. Truxtun, (C 4C 0. E. Thorburn, 1853 1849 W. Totten, (« 1852 J. Taylor, Jr., 1855 1854 0. F. Tiiomas, 1856 1855 J. H. Upshur, 1848 1856 W. H. Ward, 1855 a J. G. Walker, 1856 1846 W. Van W^yck, 1848 1847 N". H. Van Zandt, 1849 u E. Vander Horst, (( 1848 G. W. Young, 1848 u T. Young, (i i( Total, 251. 144 mSTOBY OF THE VI. GRADUATES WHO WERE IN THE FOUR TEARS' COURSE. W. N". Allen, 1856 G. D. Gove, 1856 J. W. Alexander, 1857 N". Green, u S. W. Averett, 1859 C. J. Graves, 1857 S. D. Ames, 1860 J. Grimball, 1858 J. L. Barnes, 1854 S. D. Greene, 1859 T. McK. Buchanan, 1855 S. P. Gillett, 1860 R. F. Bradford, 1856 A. Hopkins, 1855 G. A. Bigelow, u J. W. Harris, 1856 G. M. Blodgett, a 0. Hatfield, 4C F. B. Blake, 1857 J. A. Howell, 1858 F. M. Bunce, a H. L. Howison, u J. Bishop, 1858 W. B. Hall, 1859 H. M. Blue, u S. H. Hackett, u G. A. Borchert, 1859 T. L. Harrison, 1860 W. B. Butt, a H. D. Hoole, (( W. H. Barton, 1860 F. L. Hoge, (( F. S. Brown, (( G. W. Hayward, 1861 G. M. Bache, 1861 J. W. Kelly, 1857 T. C. Bowen, (( W. A. Kerr, 1858 J. Cain, Jr., 1854 A. Kantz, u A. F. Crosman, 1855 T. F. Kane, 1859 A. P. Cooke, 1856 G. E. Law, 1855 H. B. Claiborne, 1859 E. P. Lull, (( H. Cenas, u E. Lea, u S. E. Casey, Jr., 1860 J. N. Miller, 1854 J. B. Cromwell, 1861 E. 0. Matthews, 1855 H. H. Dalton, 1855 J. C. Mosely, 1856 George Dewey, 1858 C. J. McDougal, ^ (C T. L. Dornin, 1860 T. B. Mills, 1857 A. Dexter, 1861 F. V. McXarr, u F. 0. Davenport, * u H. W. Miller, u T. n. Eastman, 1856 C. Merchant, (( AY. E. Evans, u L. C. Mav, 1858 LeBoy Fitch, (( A. T. Mahan, 1859 C. L. Franklin, 1858 A. S. Mackenzie, (( E. G. Furbur, u R. S. McCook, a N. H. Farquhar, 1859 J. D. Marvin, 1860 H. W. M. Graham, 1855 A. K. McNair, (( KAVAL ACADEMY. 145 H. D. H. Manley, 1860 G, S. Storrs, 1858 C. E. McKay, 1861 C. H. Swasey, 1859 J. F. McGlensey, a B, P. Smith," tc 11. E. Mullan, u 0. M. Schoonmaker, U Charles S. Norton, 1855 Thos. S. Spencer, u J, O'Kane, 1860 M. S. Stuyvesant, 1860 Philip Porcher, 1855 T. L. Swann, u R. L. Phythian, 1856 AY. S. Schley, u T. K. Porter, (( W. T. Sampson, 1861 G. H. Perkins, a A, T. Snell, (( J. M. Pritchett, 1857 W. F. Stewart, aniel Dobbins, '' '' Robert R. Barton, surgeon, Humphrey Magrath, purser, J. B. Montgomery, midshipman, James L. Cummings, '' Charles Smith, " S. W. Adams, " Robert S. Tatem, Simeon Warn, Edward Bridgeport, gunner, Peter Barry, boatswain, Geo. Stockton, captain marines, Henry B. Brevoort, captain in- fantry, commanding marines, John Heddleson, lieut. Jonathan Curtis, serg't Sanford A. Mason, " Officers of the Enterpeise in ac- tion with the Boxer, Septem- ber 4, 1813. (Resolution of Congress, of January 6, 1814) William Burrows, lieut. com- mandant, Edward R. M'Call, first lieuten- ant, Thomas G. Tillinghast, second lieutenant, William Harper, sailing master, John H. Aulick, master's mate, Bailey Washington, surgeon, Edwin W. Turner, purser, Kervan Waters, midshipman, William F. Shields, '' Vincent L. Sassier, '^ Richard O'Xeal, '' Horatio Ewart, gunner, John Ball, boatswain. Officers of the Hornet in action icith the Peacock, Fe'bruary 24, 1813. (Resolution of (^ongri-ess, of January 11, 1814.) James Lawrence, master com- mandant, John T, Shubrick, lieutenant, Walter Stew^art, *' David Conner, " John T. Newton, acting lieuten- ant, John Earles, sailing master, Sylvester Bill, acting sailing master, Micajah Hawkes, surg'n's mate, Charles Cotton, acting surgeon, Benjamin Cooper, midshipman, French Forrest, George Getz, Ira Titus, William Boerum, Wm. E. McKenney, Thomas A. Tippet, Joseph Smoot, Officers in the victory on Lake CiiAMPLAiN, SejJteniber 11, 1814. (Resolution of Congress, of October 20, 1814.) Thos. Macdonough, command- ing the squadron, Robert Henley, master com- mandant, Stephen Cassin, lieutenant com- mandant, Joseph Smith, lieutenant, John Stansbury, '^ Peter Gamble, " Francis Mitchell, " Silas Duncan, acting lieutenant, Wm. A. Spencer, '' '' 154 HISTORY OF THE u Horace F. Marcellin, sailing master, E. A. P. Vallette, sailing master, Samnel Kettletas, AVm. M. Robins, Joseph Lindsay, Henry Few, Philip Brum, Dan'l S. Stellwagon, " Roger Carter, acting master, John Hazleton, " " Jarius Loomis, " " Gusta^^s R. Brown, surgeon's mate, William Caton, surgeon, Charles T. Piatt, midshipman, John Kilburn, '* Thomas A. Con over, Daniel Hazard, Hiram Paulding, Frank Ellery, Joel Abbot, Joseph S. Cannon, William Boden, Lawrence Montgomery, Samuel Thering, Henry Tardy, Samuel L. Breeze, Walter IST. Monteath, James M. Freeman, John H. Graham, William Machesney, Chas. L. Williamson, James M. Baldwin, acting mid- shipman, Josefjli Barron, pilot, Thomas Babcock, " Abraham Walters, " William Wright, it a it a a u u a (( a a a (( u u (( (( u Officers of the Peaoock: (in ac- tion with the Eperviee), April 29, 1814. (Resolution of Conorress of October 21, 1814.) Lewis Warrington, captain, John B. Nicolson, 1st lieutenant, Samuel Henlev, 2d " Philip F. Yoorhees, 3d " John Percival, master, Charles B. Hamilton, surgeon, Herman Thorn, purser. Hill Carter, midshipman, Richardson X. Buck, '' John M. Dale, " William T. Rogers, " Israel Israel, Thomas Greeves, Nehemiah Tilton, William H. Jenkins, " Thomas Cadle, surgeon's mate, Philip S. Meyer, master's mate, Denison Baldwin, " '* Joseph Price, boatswain, Robert Benson, gunner, Daniel Cole, carpenter, Charles Heyer, sail maker, J. S. Townsend, captain's clerk. Officers of the Wasp {in action with the Reindeee), June2^^ 1814. (Resolution of Congress of November 8. 1814.) Johnston Blakely, captain, T. G. Tillinghast, lieutenant, F. Barry, J. Reilly, J. E. Carr, sailing master, William M. Clark, surgeon, Lewis Fairchild, purser, Joseph Martin, boatswain, Thos. Rogerson, surgeon's mat< NAVAL ACADEMY. 155 (( l( (( (( David Geisinger, midshipman, Ileiir\' S. Langdon, W. B^. Randolph, H. S. Lovell, Frank Toscan, Ashton Hall, William House, Thomas Bonneville, William O. Barnes, sergeant of marines. The Wasp captured the Avon of 20 guns, on the 1st of Sep- tember following. Officers of the Constitution (in action with the Ctane and Levant), February 20, 1815. (Eesolution of Congress, February 22, 1S16.) Charles Stewart, captain, Henrj E. Ballard, lieutenant, W^m. M. Hunter, " Wm. B. Shubrick, " B. V. Hoffman, ^ " Richard Winter, acting lieut., John Tayloe, '' '' Samuel C. Hixon, sailing master, John A. Kearney, surgeon, Benj. Austin, surgeon's mate, Artemas Johnson, " Robert Pottenger, purser, Edmd. M. Russel, midshipman, Horace B. Sawyer, James Taylor, u u (( Charles P. Durby, midshipman, Alex. W. Luff borough, Pardon M. Whipple, James F. Curtis, William Steele, Frederick Yarnum, William Taylor, Shubrel Pratt, George Leverett, John A. Wish, Z. W. Xixon, James W. Delany, Alexander Eskridge, Joseph Cross, u u ii u u (( Officers of the Hornet (in ac- tion with the Penguin), March 23, 1815. (Eesolution of Congress, February 22, 1S16.) James Biddle, captain, John T. Newton, lieutenant, John T. Shubrick, David Conner, Isaac Mayo, Edward Ruinney, sailing master, Benjamin M. Kissam, surgeon, Sml. M. Kissam, surgeon's mate, William P. Zantzinger, purser, Adam Kuhn, midshipman, William Boerum, William Skiddy, Samuel B. Phelps, Thomas A. Tippet, " Joseph Smoot, u (( u (( Note by the Author. — The oflScial reports of Commodore Preble's engagements in the harbor of Tripoli contain excellent commendations of Captain Chauncey — " Aug. 28. I cannot, in justice to Captain Chauncey, omit noticing the very able assistance I received from him on the quarter deck of the Constitution 156 HISTOiiY CF THE NAVAL ACADEMY. during the whole of the action.*' '' Sept. 3. I again acknowl- edge, with pleasure, the services of an able and active officer in Captain Chauncej, serving on the quarter deck of the Constitu- tion." A very good sketch of the life of Commodore Chauncey has been published, recently, in the New American Cyclopaedia of D. Appleton &; Co., New York. — It is said that Commodore Paulding, who is now the commander at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn, was but seventeen years of age when he was in the action on Lake Champlain, yet, such was the want of officers, that he commanded a whole division of guns. He fired the guns with the flash of a pistol. Yery many of the officers whose names are on the above list received prize money for their ser- vices in the successful engagements. The following are selected from the published accounts: Com. Perry $7,140, Com. McDon- ough $22,807, Com. Chauncey $12,750, Capt. Jones $3,750, J. D. Elliot, Master Commandant, $7,140, Capt. George Stockton (army) $2,295, Lieut. Stephen Cassin $4,552.25, Lieut. Wm. A. Spencer $2,012.75, Midshipmen Charles T. Piatt, Thomas A. Conover, Hiram Paulding, Henry Tardy, and Samuel L. Breeze, each $1,427.13. The curious student of history will find a full state- ment of the distribution of the prize money to the victors in these engagements, in the American State Papers, Vol. XIY., p. 564. There are several interesting reports of geological and medical explorations, by the Pwev. George Jones and Surgeon Daniel S.^ Green, in Commodore Perry's Narrative of the Expedition to the China Seas and Japan, in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854,— Yol. IL The Observations on the Zodiacal Light which form Yolume IH. of this work are also by the Rev. Mr. Jones. IMT1.11C Ml PUBLICATIONS, FROM THE PRESS OF D. VAN NOSTRAND, 192 BROADWAY, (up stairs,) lSrE^\r YORK. • • • A large Stock of English^ French^ and American Military WorTcs, constantly on hand. Copies of any of these Books sent free by mail on receipt of the Catalogue price. D, Van Nostrand'^8 Puhlicatio7is. Scott's Military Dictionary. Comprising Technical Definitions ; Information on Raising and Keeping Troops ; Actual Service, inuluding makeshifts and improved materiel, and Law, Government, Regulation, and Administration relating to Land Forces. By Colonel H. L. Scott, Inspector-General U. S. A. 1 vol., large octavo, fully illustrated, half morocco. $5. *' It 1*3 a complete Encyclopaadia of Military Science.''''— FkiladelpMa Evert' ing BiUletin. '' We cannot speak too much in legitimate praise of this work." — National Intelligencer. "It should be made a Text-book for the study of every Volunteer."— iTar- per's Magazine. *' We cordially commend it to public favor." — Washington Globe. "This comprehensive and skilfully prepared work supplies a want that has long been felt, and will be peculiarly valuable at this time as a book of refer- ence." — Boston Conymercial Bulletin. "The Military Dictionary is splendidly got up in every way, and reflects credit on the publisher. The officers of every company in the service should possess it." — N. Y. Tablet. "The work is more properly a Military Encyclop.Tdia, and is profusely illus- trated with engravings. It appears to contain every thing that can be wanted in the shape of information by officers of all grades." — Philadelphia Xo/t/i American. *'This book is really an Encyclopnpdia, both elementary and technical, and as such occupies a gap in military literature which has long been mo>t incon- veniently vacant. This book meets a present popular want, and will be secured not only by those embarking in the profession but by a great number of civilians, who are determined to follow the descriptions and to understand the philorio Yorker. Army Officer's Pocket Companion. Principally designed for Staff Officers in the Field. Partly trans- lated from the French of M. de Routre, Lieutenant-Colonel of the French Staff Corps, with Additions from Standard Amer- ican, French, and English Authorities. By Wm. P. Craighill, First Lieutenant U. S. Corps of Engineers, Assist. Prof, of Engineering at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point. 1 vol. 18mo. Full roan. $1.50. " I have carefully examined Capt, Craighill's Pocket Companion. I find it one of the very best works of the kind I have ever seen. Any Army or Volunteer officer who will make himself acquainted with the contents of this little book, will seldom be ignorant of his duties in camp or field.'" H. W. HALLECK, Major-General U. S. A. " I have carefully examined the ' Manual for Staff Officers in the Field." It is a most invaluable work, admirable in arranL'ement, perspicuously written, abounding in most useful matters, and such a book as should be the constant pocket companion of every armv officer, Kegular and Volunteer." G. W\ CULLUM, Brigadier-General U. S. A. Chief of General Halleck's Staff, Chief Engineer Department Mississippi. •'This little volume contains a large amount of indispensable information relating: to officers' duties in the siege, camp, and field, and will jtrove to them a most valuable pocket companion. It is illustrated with plans and drawings." — Botston Com. BalUUn. D. Van Nostrand^s Publications. Hand- Book of Artillery, For the Service of the United States Army and Militia. New and revised edition. By M;ij. Joseph Ivoberts, U. S. A. 1 vol. 18mo, cloth flexible. '?6 cents. " A complete catechism of gun practice, covering: the whole ground of this branch of military science, and adapted to militia and voluntctr drill, as ■well as to the regular army. It has the merit of precise detail, even to the technical names of all parts of a gun, and how the smallest operations connected with its use can be best performed. It has evidently been prepared with great care, and with strict scientific accuracy. By the recommendation of a committee appointed by the commanding officer of *,he Artillery Scliool at Fort Monroe, Ya., it has been substituted for 'Burns' Questions and Answers,' an English work which has heretofore been the text-book of instruction in this country.'* — NmjD York Century. New Infantry Tactics, For the Instruction, Exercise, and Manoeuvres of the Soldier, a Com- pany, Line of Skirmishers, Battalion, Brigade, or Corps d'Armee. By Brig.-Gen. Silas Case^, U. S. A. 3 vols. 24mo. Half roan, lithographed plates. $2.50. % Vol. I. — School of the Soldier ; School of the Company ; In- struction for Skirmishers. Vol. II. — School of the Battalion. Vol. III. — Evolutions of a Brigade ; Evolutions of a Corps d'Armee. The manuscript of this new system of Infantry Tactics was carefully ex- amined by General McClellan, and met with his unqualified approval, which he has since manifested by authorizing General Casey to adopt it for his entire division. The author has retained much that is valuable contained in the sys- tems of Scott and Hardee, but has made many important changes and addi- tions which experience and the exigencies of the service require. General Casey's reputation as an accomplished soldier and skilful tactician is a guar- antee that the work he has undertaken has been thoroughly performed. "These volumes are ba«ed on the French ordonnances of 1831 and 1S45 for the manoeuvres of heavy infantry and chciHseurs d pied ; both of these systems have been in use in our service for some years, the former having been^trans- lated by Gen. Scott, and the latter by Col. Hardee. After the introduction of the latter drill in our service, in connection with Gen. Scott's Tactics, thero arose the necessity of a uniform system for the manosuvres of all the Infantry arm of the service. These volumes are the result of the author's endeavor to cominunicate the instruction, now used and adopted in the army, to achieve this result." — Boston Journal. " Based on the best precedents, adopted to the novel requirements of the art of war, and very full in its instructions, Casey's Tactics will be received as the most useful and most comprehensive work of its kind in our language. From the drill and discipline of the individual soldier, or through all the various combinations, to the manoeuvres of a brigade and the evolutions of a Corj)s D'Armee, the student is advanced by a clear method and steady progress. Nu- merous cuts, plans, and diagrama illustrate positions and movements, and de- monstrate to the eye the exact working out of the individual position, brigading, order of battle, *fcc., tfcc. The work is a model of publishing success, being in three neat pocket volumes." — J^ew Yorker, D, Van N'ostrand^ s Publications. Sword-Play. THE MILITIAMAN'S MANUAL AND SWORD-PLAY WITHOUT A MASTER. — Rapier and Broad-Sword Exercises copioiuly Explained and Illustrated ; Small-Arm Light Infantry Drill of the United States Army; Infantry Manual of Percussion Mus- kets ; Company Drill of the United States Cavalry. By Major M. W. Berriman, engaged for the last thirty years in the prac- tical instruction of Military Students. Second edition. 1 vol. 12mo, red cloth. $L " Captain Berriman has had thirty years' exi^erience in teaching military students, and his work is written in a simple, clear, and soldierly style. It is illustrated with twelve plates, and is one of the cheapest and most complete works of the kind published in this country."— A'eic York World. " This work will be found very valuable to all persons seeking military in- struction ; but it recommends itself most especially to otiftcers, and those who have to use the sword or sabre. We believe it is the only work on the Uae oi the sword published in this country." — New York Tablet. *' It is a work of obvious merit and value/' — Boston Traveller, Military Law and Courts Martial, By Capt. S. Y. Benet, U. S. Ordnance, Asst. Prof, of Ethics in the United States Military Academy. 1 vol. 8vo. Law sheep. In Press. The Artillerift's Manual : Compiled from various Sources, and adapted to the Service of the United States. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts and engrav- ings on stone. Second edition, revised and corrected, with valuable additions, in press. By Capt. John Gibbon, U. S. Army. 1 vol. 8vo, half roan, $5 ; half russia, *6. This book is now considered the standard authority for that particular branch of the Service in the United States Army. The War Department, at Washing- ton, has exhibited its thorou2:h appreciation of the merits of this volume, the want of which has been hitherto much felt in the service, by subscribing for 700 copies. " It is with great pleasure that we welcome the appearance of a new work on this subject, entitled 'The Artillerist's Manual,' by Capt. John Gibbon a highly scient'fic and meritorious oflicer of artillery in our regular service. The work, an octavo volume of 500 pages, in larire, clear tvpe, apDears to be well adapted to supply just what has been heretofore needed to fill the gap between the simple Manual aqd the more abstruse demonstrations of the science of gun- nery. The whole work is profusely illustrated with woodcuts and encravincrs on stone, tendmg to give a more complete and exact idea of the various matters described in the text. The book may well be considered a^ a valuable and im- portant addition to the military science of the country."— iVei/? York Reruld, 6 D, "Van Nostrand^s Publications. Evolutions of Field Batteries of Artillery. Translated from the French, and arranged for the Army and Militia of the United States. Bv Gen. Robert Anderson, U. S. Armv. • I ml Published by order of the War Department. 1 vol. cloth, 32 plates. $1. . V War Department, Nov. 2d, 1859. The System of " Evolutions of Field Batteries,"" translated from the French, and arranged^pr the service of the United tStates, by Major Robert Anderson, of the 1st liegiment of Artillery, having been approved by the President, is published for the information and government of the army. All Evolutions of Field Batteries not embraced in this system are prohibited, and those herein prescribed will be strictly observed. J. B. FLOYD, Secretary of War. "This system having been adopted by the War Department, is to the artil- lerist what Hardee's Tactics is to the infantry soldier ; the want of a work like this has been seriously felt, and will be eagerly w elcomed." — Louisville Journal. Standing Orders of the Seventh Regiment, National Guard, For the Regulation and Government of the Regiment in the Field or in Quarters. By A. Duryee, Colonel. New edition, flexible cloth. 40 cents. ** Th'S, which is a new edition of a popular work, cannot fail to be eagerly Bought after, as presenting clearly and succinctly the principles of organization and discipline of a most favorite corps. An appropriate index fcicilitates refer- ence to the matter of the volume."''' — New Yorker, Ordnance and Gunnery. A Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery. Compiled for" the Use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. By Captain J. G. Benton, Ordnance Department U. S. A., late Instructor of Ordnance and the Science of Gunnery, U. S. Mili- tary Academv, West Point, and First Assistant to the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco, $4. Capt. Benton has carefully revised and corrected this valuable work on Ord- nance and Gunnery, the first edition of which was published only about a year ago. The many important improvements introduced m this branch of the service have rendered'such a revision necessary. The present edition will be invalua- ble, not only to the student, but as a standard book of reference on the subject of which it treats. D, Van Nostrand'^ s Publications, 7 The Political and Military Hiftory of the Campaign of Waterloo. Trauslated from the French of General Baron de Jomini. By Capt. S. V. Benet, U. S. Ordnance. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, second edition. 75 cents. "Baron Jomini has the reputation of being one of the greatest military his- torians and critics of the century. His merits have been recognized by the highest military authorities in Europe, and were rewarded in -a conspicuous manner by the greatest military power in Christendom. He learned the art of war in the school of experience, the best and only finishing school of the soldier. He served with distinction in nearly all the campaigns of Napoleon, and it was mainly from the gigantic military operations of this matchless master of the art that he was enabled to discover its true principles, and to ascertain the best means of their application in the infinity of combinations which actual war pre- sents. Jomini criticizes the details of Waterloo with great science, and yet in a manner that interests the general reader as well as the professional."' — New York World. "This book by Jomini, though forming the twenty-second chapter of his • Life of Napoleon,' is really a unit in itself, and forms a complete summary of the campaign. It is an interesting volume, and deserves a place in the affec- tions of all who would be accomplished military men." — Xew York Times. " The present volume is the concluding portion of hie great work, 'Vie Poli- tique et Militaire de Napoleon,' published in 1826. Capt. Benet's translation of it has been for some time before the public, and has now reached a second edi- tion; it is very ably executed, and forms a work which will always be interest- ing:, and especially so at a time when military affairs are uppermost in the public mind." — Philadelphia North American. A Treatife on the Camp and March. With which is connected the Construction of Field Works and Mil- itary Bridges ; with an Appendix of Artillery Ranges, &c. For the use of Volunteers and Militia in the United States. By Capt. Henry D. Grafton, U. S. A. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. 75 cents. Manual for Engineer Troops, Comprising Drill and Practice for Ponton Bridges, and Pasley's Rules for Conducting Operations for a Siege. The Sap, Military Mining and Construction of Batteries. By Capt. J. C. Duane, TJ. S. Engineers. Plates and woodcuts. 12mo, cloth. In Press, New Manual of Sword and Sabre Exercife. By Captain J. C. Kelton, U. S. A. Thirty plates. In Press. 8 D, Van JSrostrand''s P ahllysatlons. School of the Guides. Designed for the use of the Militia of the United States. Flexible cloth. 50 cents. "This excellent compilation condenses into a compass of less than sixty pages all the instruction necessary for the guides, and the information being disconnected with other matters, is more readily referred to and more easily acquired.'' — Louisville Journal. " The work is carefully got up, and is illustrated by numerous figures, which make the positions of the guides plain to the commonest understanding. Those of our sergeants who wish to be ' posted ' in their duties should procure a copy.'* —Sunday Mercury^ Philadelphia. "It hns received high praise, and will prove of great service in perfecting the drill of our Militia."— iV\ Amnerican and U. S. Gazette^ Phil. "This neat hand-book of the elementary movements on which the art of the tactician is based, reflects great credit on Col. Le Oal, whose reputation is de- servedly hiarh among military men. No soldier should be without the School of the Guides." — New York Daily News. Gunnery in 1858 : A Treatise on Pafles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms. By "Wm. Greener, C. E. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. $3. Manual of Heavy Artillery. For the Use of Volunteers. 1 vol. 12mo. Red cloth. 75 cents. "Should be in the hands of every Artillerist." — N. Y. Illustrated News. "This is a concise and well-prepared Manual, adapted to the Avants wf Vol- unteers. The instruction, which is of an important nature, is presented Ih a simple and clear style, such as will be easily understood. The volume is also illustrated with explanatory cuts and drawings. It is a work of practical value, and one needed at the present time in the service." — Boston Commercial Bulletin. " An indispensable Manual for all who wish easily and accurately to learn the school of the Artillerist." — N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, Auftrian Infantry Tactics. . Evolutions of the Line as practised by the Austrian Infantry, and adopted in 1853. Translated by Capt. C. M. Wilcox, Seventh Regiment U. S. Infantry. 1 vol. 12mo. Three large plates, cloth $1, "The movements of armies engaged in battle have often been compared to those of the chess-board, and we cannot doubt that there are certain principles of tactics in actual war as in that game, which may dt-termine the result ind«- pendently. in a erreat measure, of the personal strength and courage of the men engaged. The difference between these principles as applied in the American Army and in the Austrian, is so wide as to have sucr* ested the ranslation of the work before us, which contains the whole result of the famous Field-Marshal Radetzky's exDcrience for twenty-Uve ye^rs, M'hiie jn guprem© command in Italy."-^iy^et(; York Century, D. Van N'ostrand^s Publications, 9 Rhymed Tactics, by " Gov." 1 vol. 18mo, paper. With portraits. 25 cents. " It will strike the military man, familiar with the tedious routine of drill, by theory, practice, and memory, a8 a most unique and valuable method of strengthening the latter, with the least mental exertion. The author is a thorough soldier, and his ability as a rhymester will be conceded by any intelli- gent reader.''*— -A^e-w? York Leader, "Our author deserves great credit for the ingenuity he has displayed in putting into verse a Manual which would at first glance seem to defy the most persistent efforts of the rhymer. The book contains a number of illugtrations representing some of the more diflBcult positions, in the figures of which por- traits of severalprominent officers of the New York Volunteers may bo recog- nized." — New York Times, Maxims and Inftructions on the Art of War. Maxims, Advice, and Instructions on the Art of War ; or, A Practi- cal Military Guide for the use of Soldiers of all Arms and of all Countries. Translated from the French by Captain Lendy, Director of the Practical Military College, late of the French Staff, etc., etc, 1 vol. l8mo, cloth. 75 cents. Nolan's Treatife on the Training of Cavalry Horfes. By Capt. Kenner Garhard, U. S. A. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, with twenty -four lithographed plates. $1.50. Official Army Regifter for 1862. New edition. 8vo, paper. 60 cents. American Military Bridges, With India-Rubber and Galvanized Iron Pontons and Trestle Sup- porters, prepared for the use of the Armies of the United States. By Brig.-Gen. Geo. W. Cullum, Major Corps of En- gineers U. S. A.>; Chief of the Staif of Maj.-Gen. Halleck; Chief Engineer of the Army of the Mississippi. Second edition, with notes and two additional chapters. 1 vol. 8vo, with plates. In Press. 10 D. Van Nostrand^s Publications. Siege of Bomarfund (1854). Journals of Operations of the Artillery and Engineers. Published by permission of the Minister of War. Illustrated by maps and plans. Translated from the French by an Army Officer. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. 75 cents. "To military men this little volume is of special interest. It contains a translation by an officer of the United States Army, of the journal of operations by the artillery and engineers at the siege of Bomarsund in 1854, published by permission of the Frenck Minister of War in the Journul des Arm^e!^ apeciales et d e V Mat Major. The account of the same successful attack, given by Sir Howard Douglas in the new edition of his work on Gunnery, is appended; and the narrative is illustrated by elaborate maps and plans." — New York Paper, Lefsons and Pradical Notes on Steam, The Steam-Engine, Propellers, &c., &c., for Young Marine Engi- neers, Students, and others. By the late W. R. King, U. S. N. Revised by Chief-Engineer J. W. King, U. S. Navy. Second edition, enlarged. 8vo, cloth. "This is the second edition of a valuable work of the late W. E. Kino, U. S. N. It contains lessons and practical notes on Steam and the Steam- Engine, Propellers, &c. It is calculated to be of great use to young marine en- gineers, students, and others. The text is illustrated and explained by numerous diagrams and representations of machinery. This new edition has been revised and enlarged by Chief Engineer J. W. King, U. S. N., brother to the deceased author of the work." — Boston Daily Adrertiser. "This is one of the best, because eminently plain and practical, treatises on the Steam-Engine ever published.*"' — I hitadelphia Pre^s. " Its re-publication at this time, when so many young men are entering the service as naval engineers, is most opportune. Each of them ought to have a copy."" — Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Manual of Internal Rules and Reg- ulations for Men-of-War. By Commodore U. P. Levy, U. S. N., late Flag-oflEicer command- ing U. S. Naval Force in the Mediterranean, &c. Flexible blue cloth. Second edition, revised and enlarged, 80 cents. "Among the professional publications for which we are indebted to the war, we willinsly give a prominent place to this useful little Manual of Rules and Regulations to be observed on board of ships of war. Its authorship is a suffi- cient guarantee for its accuracy and practical value ; and as a guide to young officers in providing for the discipline, poli.ce. and sanitary government of the vessels under their command, we know of nothing superior."" — N. Y. Herald. " Should be In the hands of every Naval officer, of whatever grade, and will not come amiss to any intelligent mariner.""— ^os^on, Traveller. " A work which will prove of great utility, in both the Naval service and the mercantile marine." — BaUimors American. D, Van Nostrand'*8 Publications, 11 A Treatife on Ordnance and Naval Gunnery. Compiled and arranged as a Text-Book for the U. S. Naval Acad- emy, by Lieutenant Edward Simpson, U. S. N. Second edi- tion, revised and enlarged. 1 vol. 8vo, plates and cuts, half morocco. $4. "As the compiler has charjre of the instmction In Naval Gunnery at tho Naval Academy, his work, in the compilation of which he has consulted a large number of eminent autiiorities, is probably well suited for thej>urpo8edesifrned by it— namely, the circulation of information which many officers, owin? to constant service afloat, may not have been able to collect. In simple and plain lang:ua£:eit gives instruction as to cannon, gun carriages, gun powvler, projectiles, fuzes, locks, and primers ; the theory of pointing guns, rifles, the practice of gunnery, and a great vaiiety of other similar matters, interesting to fighting men on tiea and land." — 'Wanhingtoii Daily Globe. " A vast amount of information is conveyed in a readable and familiar form. The illustrations are excellent, and many of them unique, being colored or bronzed so as to represent various military arms, &c., with more than i)hoto- graphic literalness." — Washington Star. "It is scarcely necessary for us to say that a work prepared by a writer so practically conversant with all the subjects of which he treats, and who has such a reputation for scientific ability, cannot fail to take at once a high place among the text-books of our naval service. It has been approved by the Secretary of the Navy, and will henceforth be one of the f»tandard authorities on all matter* connected with Naval Gunnery." — New ^rh Herald. "The book itself is admirably arrauEred, characterized by great simplicity and clearness, and certainly at this time will be a most valuable one to officers of the Navy."' — Boston Commercial Bulletin. "Orisinally designed as a text-book, it is now enlarged, and po far modified in its plan as to make it an invaluable hand-book for the naval officer. It is comprehensive — preserving the cream of many of the best books on ordnance and naval gunnery, and is printed and illustrated in the most admirable man- ner." — New York World. Elementary Inftruction in Naval Ordnance and Gunnery. By James H. Ward, Commander U. S. Navy, Author of " Naval Tactics,'' and '* Steam for the Million." New edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo. Cloth, $2. " It conveys an amount of information in the same space to be found no- •where else, and given with a clearness which renders it useful as well to tho general as the professional inquirer." — N. Y. Evening Post. "This volume is a standard treatise upon the subject to which it is devoted. It abounds in valuable information upon all the points bearing upon Naval Gunnery."— A^ Y. Commercial Advertiser, " The work is an exceedingly valuable one, and is opportunely issued." — Boston Jmirnal. 12 2>. V^an N^ostrand^s Publications, Notes on Sea-Coaft Defence : Consisting of Sea-Coast Fortification ; the Fifteen-Inch Gun ; and Casemate Embrasures. By Gen. J. G. Barnard, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth, plates. $1 50. "This small volume by one of the most accomplished officers in the United States service is especially valuable at this time. Concisely and thoroughly Major Barnard discusses the subjects included in this volume, and gives infor- mation that will be read with great profit by m.ilitary men, and by all interested in the art of war as a defensive force," — J^eio York Commercial. "It is no light compliment when We say that Major Barnard's book does no discredit to the corps to which he belongs. He writes concisely, and with a thorough knowledge of his subject." — RusselVs Army and 2^' avy Gazette, Inftructions for Naval Light Artillery, Afloat and Ashore. By Lieut. S. B. Luce, U. S. N. 1 voL 8vo, with 22 lithographic plates. In Press, Steam for the Million. A Popular Treatise on Steam and its Application to the Useful Arts, especially to Navigation. By J. H. Ward, Commander U. S. Navy. New and revised edition. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. " A most excellent work for the young engineer and general reader. Many facts relating to the management of the boiler and engine are set forth with a simplicity oif language, and perfection of detail, that brings the subject home to the reader. Mr. "Ward is also peculLarly happy in his illustration8.'"—J.«ie Wean. IJngineer. Screw Propuliion. Notes on Screw Propulsion, its Rise and History. By Capt. W. H. Walker, U. S. Navy. 1 vol. 8vo., cloth. 75 cents. " Some interesting notes on screw propulsion, Its rise and progress, have just been issued by Commander W. H. Walker, U. 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