THE SHORT CATECHISM EXTRACTED FROM THE CATECHISM Ordered by the National Syjwd of Maynooth, and approved of by the Cardinal, the Archbishops, and Bishops of Ireland, for general use throughout the Irish Church. gmpritnatur : •il" Eduardus Card. MacCabe, ArCHIKPISCOPUS DOBLINENSIS, HlBEItNI/« PrIMAS. Clopgrtgljt. DUBLIN: M. H. GILL & SON, O'CONNELL STREET. 1891. ILitans of tfje BUssclr Uirjjtn. Vi'm fly to thy patrontge, O holy Mother of God I despise not our prayeri in our necessities, but deliTer us from all dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mtrcy on us. T>ord, hare mercy on us. Christ, licnr us. Christ, prnciousl>i hear us. Oori, the Father of heaven. Have mercy on tt$, God, the Son, Hedeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, Hai'e mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Holy Mother of Go^ THE LOED S PRAYKR. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kintr- dom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Uive ui tliis day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we lorgiA e them w ho trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from eviL Amen. THE ANGELICAL SALUTATION. Hail, Mary ! fiill of grace, the Lord is with thee ; blessed art thoa among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Hoiy Mary ! Mother of God, pray for us, siuuers, auw, aud at the hour of our death. Amen. THE APOSTLES' CREED. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our LordJ who was con- ceived by the Holy Ghost, horn of the Virgin Mary ; suffered uniU?r Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into hell; the third.dayHe rose again from the dead; He ascended^into heaven, and sitteth at the r'.ght hand of God, tlie I'ather Almighty ; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the com- munion of saints, the forgiveuess of sins, the resuirectiou of til* body, life everlasting. Amen. THE CONFITEOR. I confess to Almighty God, to blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the Saints, that I have sinneq exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fauit, through my fault, through mv most grievous fault. Thert-rore 1 beseech th* blessed Mary ever Virgin, the blessed Michael the Archangel, th« blessed John the Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, aud aU the Saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me. May the Almighty God have mercy ou me, forgive roe my tins, and bring me to Ufe everlasting. Amen. May the Almij:hty and uieruit'ul Lord grant me pardon, abMlaUoi^ tixvi r«mi««toB of my liiu. Amtu. 4 mi £118. INDULGENCED PBAYEES. Jt»u», Marf, and Joseph, I offer you my heart and toul. Jems. Mary, and Jmeph, assist me in my last agony. Jetut, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe forth my I9ul i» peod UttA you. (3W) days indUyencc) Let us Pray. O God! icho in thine in^able Providence didst vouchsafe to ohoost B:esstd Joseph to be the Spouse of thy Most holy Mother, grant, we b(3eech Thee, that ue may be made worthy to receive Aim for our inter- cessor in heaven, whom we venerate as our holy and most powerful protector i who livest and reignest, world uit/wut end. Arneii. GRACE BEFORE MEALS. Bless ns, O Lord, and these thy gifts which of thy bounty we are »boul to receive, through Christ our Lord. Amen. GRACE AFTER MEALS. We give Thee thanks. O Almi:eech Thee, the gi ace to be alwaj 8 directed and comforted by thy Hoh Spirit, through .Tesus Christ our Lord. Amen. IMrect, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our actions by thy inspira- tiuiis, and carry them on by thy assistance ; that every prayer, instruc tioii. and other work of ours ma) begin always froiii Thee, and by Thet be happily ended, through Ciiriit our Lord. Amen. PRAYER AFTER TEACHING CATECHISM. Grant us, we beseech Thee,0 Lord, the help of thy grace, that what bj thy instructions we know is to be done, bv thy assistance we may perlfccUj accumpU'sh, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 5 ACTS OF COXTRITTON, FAITH, HOPE, AND CHAllITY. Let us Pray. O Almighty and 'Eternal God, grant unto u» an increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity; and that we may obtain what Thou hast pro. mised, make ns to love and practise -what Thou commandest, through Jesui Christ our Lord. Amen. An Act of Contrition, O my God! I am heartily sorry for havinfj offended Thee, and I detest my eins above every other evil, because they displease Thee, my God, who for thy intlnlte eoodness art so dcservini? of all my lore ; and 1 firmly resolve, by thy holy grace, neyer more to offenS Thee, and to amend my life. Short Act of Contrition. O my God, I am heartily sorry for my sins, and T detest them be- cause tliey offend Thee, who art so good, and I firmly r«solve, with the help of thy holy grace, never again to commit sin. An Act of Faith. O my God ! I firmly believe that Thou art one only God, the Creator and Soyereign Lord of heaven and earth, infinitely great and tnfinifely good. I Krmly believe that in Thee, one only God, there are three Divine Persons, really distinct, and equal in all things — the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 1 tirmly believe that God the Son, the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, became man ; that He was conceived by the Holy Ghost and was born of the Virgin Mary ; that He suffered and died on across to redeem and save us ; that He arose the third day from the dead ; that He ascended into heaven; that He will come at the end of the world to judge mankind; that He will reward the good with eternal happiness, and condemn the wicked to the everlasting pains of hell. 1 believe these and all other articles which the holy Koman Catholic Church pro- poses to our belief, because Thou, my God, the Infallible Truth, hast revealed them ; and Thou hast commanded iis to hear the Church, ■which is the pillar and the ground of truth. In this faith 1 am firmly resolved, by thy holy grace, to live and die (Matt, xviii. 17; 1 Tim. iii. 16). An Act qf Hope. O my God ! who hast graciously promised every hlestine^, erea lieayen itielf, through .Tesui Christ, to those who keep thy command^ 6 PRATBRS. menu ; relying on thy Infinite power, goodnesi, and mercy, «nd on thy ■acred promises, to which Tliou art always faithful, I confidently hope to obtain pardon of all my sins, grace to serve Thee faithfully In this life, by doing thegood works Thou hast commanded, and which, with thy assistance, I now purpose to perform, and eternal happi- ness in the next, through my Lord and Saviour Jesui Christ. An Act of Charity. O my God 1 I love Thee with my whole heart and soul, and abore kU things, because Thou art infinitely good and perfect, and most worthy of all my love ; and for thy sake, I love my neishbour as myself. Mercifully grant, O my God 1 t)iat having loved The« on eajrth, I may love and enjoy Thee for ever in heaven. Amen. THE ANGELUS. 1. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Haryi And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. Hail Mary: full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among -women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary! Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. 2. Behold the handmaid of the Lord: Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hall Mary and Holy Mary. 8. And the Word was made flesh: And dwelt among us. Hail Mary and Holy Mary. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ Ltt ui Pray. Ponr forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, thy grace into ourhearti, that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may, by his passion and cross, bebrouirht to the glory of his resurrection, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. , May the divine assistance always remain with us. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy ot Qoo, rest in peace. Amen. • -o / THE SHOET CATECHISM. LESSON l.—On God and the Creation of the World. Question. Who made the world? Answer. God made the world. Q. Who is God ? A. God is the Creator and Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth and of all things. Q. How many Gods are there ? A. There is bnt one God, who will reward the gooJ and punish the wicked. Q. How many persons are there in God ? A. In God there are three Divine Persons, reallj distinct and equal in all things : the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Q. Is the Father God ? A. The Father is God, and the fir^t person of the Blessed Trinity. Q. Is the Son God ? A. The Son is God, and the second person of the Blessed Trinity. Q. Is the Holy Ghost God? A. The Holy Ghost is God, and the third person of the Blessed Trinity. Q. What meats the Blessed Trinity ? A. The Blessed Trinity means one God in three Divine Persons. 9 ret 8H0ET CATKCHIS*. Q. Are the three Divine Persons three Gods ? A. The three Divine Persons are one only God, hav- ing hut one and the same divine nature, and thej are , from eternity. , LESSOX II. — On the Incarnation. Q. Did one of the Divine Persons become man? A. God the Son, the second Divine Person became ' sum. Q. How did God the Son become man ? A. God the Son became man by taking a body and Bonl like ours in the chaste womb of the Virgin Mary, \J>y the power and operation of the Holy Ghost. Q. How do you call God the Son made man ? v ' A. God the Son made man is called Jesus Christ. , Q. What is the meaning of the words Jesv^ Christ? A. Jesus signifies Saviour ; and Christ signifies the anointed ; and St. Paul says, that in the name cf Jestu »vtry knee should bend. Q Did Jesus Christ remain God when He became man? A. Jesus Christ remains always God. ^ Q. Was Jesus Christ always man ? A. Jesus Christ was man only from the time of His conception or incarnatioiL Q. What means the incarnation ? A. The incarnation means, that God the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, was made man, Q. What do you believe Jesus Christ to be ? A. I believe Jesus Christ to be true God and true man. Q. Why did God the Son become man ? A> God the Son became man to redeem and save us^ How did Christ redeem and save ua ? THE SHORT CATECHISM. A. Ctrist redeemed and saved us by His sufferings and death on the cross. y . On what day did God the Son become man ? A. God the Son became man on the twenty-fifth of March, the day of the Annunciation. LESSON III.— On Jesus Christ. Q. On what day was Christ born of the Virgin Mary ? A. Christ was bom on Christmas Day, in a stable at Bethlehem. Q. How long did Christ hve on earth ? A. Christ lived on earth about thirty-three years, and led a most holy life in poverty and sufferings. Q. Why did Christ live so long on earth ? A. Christ lived so long upon earth to show us the •way to Heaven by His instructions and example. Q. How did Christ end his life ? A. On Good Friday Christ was crucified on Mount Calvary, and died nailed to a cross. Q. Who condemned to so cruel a death ? A. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, condemned Christ to death at the desire of the Jews. Q. What lessons do we learn from the safferings and death of Christ ? A. From the sufferings and death of Christ we learn the enormity of sin, the hutred God bears to it, and the necessity of satisfying for it. Q. Where did Christ's soul go after His death ? A. After Christ's death his soul descended into hell. Q. Did Christ's soul descend into the hell of the damned ? A. The hell into which Christ's soul descended was not the hell of the damned. b»t a ^lace or state of raat 10 TEE SaOBT CATECHISM. called Limbo, where the eoula of the saints who died before Christ were detained. Q. Where was Christ's body while his soul was in Limbo ? A. "VYhen Christ's sonl was in Limbo his body was in ihe sepulchre or grave. Q. On what day did Christ rise from the dead ? A. On Easter Sunday, the third day after His death, Christ arose in body and soul glorious and immortal from the dead. Q. How long did Christ stay on earth sfter his resur- rection ? A. Christ stayed on earthforty days afte..* His resurrec- tion, to show that He was truly risen f rom the dead, and to instruct His apostles. Q. After Christ had remained forty t'lays on earth, where did he go ? A. After forty days, Christ, on Ascension day, as- cended from Mount OHvet, with His body and soul, into heaven. Q. Where is Christ in heaven ? A. Christ sits at the right hand of Ood the Father Al- mighty, in heaven. LESSON IV.— On the Holy Ghost. The Sign of the Cross. The Church. Q. Did Christ make any special promise to His apostles before He ascended into heaven ? A. Before He ascended into heaven Christ promised to his apostles that He would send the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth, to teach them all things, and to abide with them for ever, Q. Why uld Christ send the Ilolj Ghost f TBT SHORT CXTECHISM. 11 A. Ohriat sent the Holy Ghost to eanctify His Church, to comfort His apostles, and to enable them to preach his Grospel, or the New Law. Q. How do yon call the followers of ihe New Law P A. The followers of the New Law are called Christians. Q. How are we known to be Christians ? A. We are known to be Christians by being baptised, by professing the doctrine of Christ, and by the sign of the cross. Q. How is the sign of the cross made ? A. The sign of the cross is made by putting the right hand to the forehead, then under the breast, then to the left and right shoulders, saying : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Q. Why do we make the sign of the cross ? A. We make the sign of the cross to beg that Jesus Christ, by His cross and passion, may bless and pro- tect us. Q. Should we frequently make the sign of the cross ? A. We should frequently make the sign of the cross, particularly in all temptations and dangers, and before and after prayer, but wo should always make it with great attention and devotion. Q. Where are true Christians to be found ? A. True Christians are to be found only in the trae Church. Q. How do you call the true Church ? A. The true Church is called the Holy Catholic Church. Q. Is there any other true Church besides the Holy Catholic Church ? A. As there is but one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one Ood and Father of all, there can be but the one true Church. 12 THE SHORT CATECHISM. Q. Are aH obliged to be of the true Church ? A. All are obliged to belong to the true Church, and no one can be saved out of it. Q. What other advantages have we in the true Church? A. In the true Church, besides the true faith, we have the communion of saints and the forgiveness of sins. Q. What means the forgiveness of sins ? A. The forgiveness of sins means, that Christ left to the pastors of His Church the power of forgiving sins. LESSON Y.—On Sin and Purgatory. Q. What is sin ? A. Sin is any wilful thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God. Q. What is original sin ? A. Original sin is the sin we inherit from our 3rst parents, and in which we were conceived and bom chil- dren of wrath. Q. Who were our first parents ? A. Our first parents were Adam and Eve, the first man and woman. Q. What is mortal sin ? A. Mortal sin is a grievous offence or transgression against the law of God. Q. Why is it called mortal ? A. Mortal sin is so called, because it kills the soul by depriving it of its true life, which is sanctifying grace, and because it brings everlasting death and damnation to the soul. U. What is venial sin ? A. Venial sin is a less grievous offence or transgres- sion against the law of God. THB SHORT CATECHISM. IS Q. Does venial sin deprive the soul of sanctifying grace, and deserve everlasting punishment ? A. Venial sin does not deprive the soul of sanctifying grace, or deserve everlasting punishment, but it hurts the soul by lessening .its love for God, and disposing it to mortal sin. The Scripture says. He that contemneth small things shall fall by little and little. Q. Is it a great misfortune to fall into mortal sin ? A. To fall into mortal sin is the greatest of all mis- fortunes. Q. Where do they go who die in mortal sin ? A. They who die in mortal sin go to hell for all eter- nity. Q. What is hell? A. Hell is the place of eternal torments. Q. Where do they go who have not done penance for their Tenial sins ? A. They who die without doing penance for their venial sins go to purgatory. Q. What is purgatory r A. Purgatory is a place or state of punishment in the next life where some souls suffer for a time before they go to heaven. Q. Can the souls in purgatory be relieved by our prayers and other good works ? A. As the souls in purgatory are children of God, and still members of the Church, they share in the commu- nion of saints, and are relieved by our prayers and other good works : for the Scripture says. It is a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins. Q. What does the communion of saints mean? A. The comipunion of saints is the union that exists between the members of the true Church on earth with 14 THB SHOET CATECHISM. each other, and with the blessed ia heavaa, and the BufEering souls in purgatory. Q. What benefits follow from the comonmion of saints ? A. Through the communion of .saints the faithful on earth assist each other by their prayers and good works, and are aided by the intercession of the saints in heaven ; whilst both the saints in heaven and the faithful on earth help the souls in purgatory. Q. Is it sufficient for salvation to be members of the true Church ? A. It is not sufficient for salvation to be membei'S of the true Church ; we must avoid evil and do good. Q. What good shall I do that I may have life ever' lasting ? A. If thou wilt enter into life, says Christ, keep tlis commandments. Q. What commandments am I to keep. A. I am to keep the ten commandments of God. LESSON VI.— On the Commandments of God and the Church. Q. Say the ten commandments of God. A. The ten commandments of God are : — 1. I am the Lord thy God; thou shalfc not have strange gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 3. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. 4. Honour thy father and thy mother. 6- Thou shalt not kill. & Tiuxa. ahalt not commit adultery. 7. Then shalt not steal TBB 6TI0ET CATFCniSlI. 15 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against tbj neighbour. 9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbonr's wife. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods. Q. Is it necessary to keep all and every one of the ten commandments ? A. It is necessary to keep every one of the ten com- mandments; for the Scripture says, Whosoever shall offend in one shall become guilty of all. Q. What is an oath ? A. An oath is the calling God to witness that what we affirm is true, or that we will do what we promise. Q. What is perjury ? A. It is perjury to break a lawful oath, or to take a false one. Q. Is perjury a great sin ? A. Perjury is a most grievous sin. Q. To how many commandments may the ten com- mandments be reduced ? A. The ten commandments may be reduced to these two principal commandments, which are the two great precepts of charity : Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neigh- bour as thyself. This do, and thou shalt live. Q. Who is my neighbour A. My neighbour is all mankind of every description, without any exception of persons — even those who in- jure us, or differ from us in religion. Q. Are we also obliged to love our enemies ? A. Most certainly wo are obliged to love our enemies. Love your enemies, says Christ; do good to them that hate you, bless them that curse you^ and pray for them that f)er8ecv.t« and ealumiUeUe ffou. 16 »HE 8H0ET CATECHISM. Q. Are ttsre any otlier commandments besides the ten commandments of God ? A. Besides the commandments of God there are the commandments or precepts of the Church, which are chiefly six. Q. Say the six commandments of the Church. A. The commandments of the Church are : — 1. To hear Mass on Sundays and all hohdays of obIiga« tion. 2. To fast and abstain on the days commanded. 3. To confest our sins at least once a year. 4. To receive worthily the Blessed Eucharist at Easter, or within the time appointed ; that is, from Ash Wed- nesday to Ascension Thursday, or, where it is so per- mitted, to the Octave Day of SS. Peter and Paul. 6. To contribute to the support of our pastors. 6. Not to solemnise marriage at the forbidden timef? nor to marry persons within the forbidden degrees of kindred— nor otherwise prohibited by the Church nor clandestinely. Q. Do the precepts of the Church oblige under pain of mortal sin ? A. The precepts of the Church oblige under pain of mortal sin. He that will not hear the Church, says Christ, let Um he to thee as the heathen and the publican. Q. What is necessary to keep the commandments of God and of His Church ? A. The grace of God, which is obtained chiefly by prayer and the sacraments, is necessary to keep the commandments of God and of His Church. LESSON VII.— 0» Prayer and the Sacraments. Q. What is prayer ? A. Prayer is an elevation of the sonl to God, to SHB SHOBT CAOTCHISM. 17 adore Him, to Wess His holy name, to praise His good- ness, and to return Him thanks for His benefits. 2. Is prayer anything else ? . Prayer is also an humble petition to God for al! accessaries for soul and body. Q. After what manner should we pray? A. We should pray with all possible attention, and devotion — and in a respectful posture on bended knees. Q. At what particular times should we pray P A. We should pray particularly on Sundays and holidays — every morning and every night — and in all dangers, temptations, and afflictions. Q. What conditions are necessary to render our prayers acceptable ? A. We must always offer our prayers with an humble and contrite heart — -with fervour and perseverance — with confidence in God's goodness — with resignation to His will, and in the name of Jesus Christ. Q. What prayers are most recommended to us ? A. The prayers most recommended to us are, the Lord's Prayer — the Hail Mary — the Apostles' Creed — and the Confiteor, or General Confession. Q. Does the Church also recommend the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity ? A. The Church recommends the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity ; they are an excellent form of prayer, and remind us of our chief duties to God. Q. What are our chief duties to God ? A. Our chief duties to God are to believe in Him — to hope in Him — and to love Him. Q. By what other means besides prayer cae we obtain the grace of God ? A. The sacraments are, together with prayer, ths IS THS 6H0KT CATEOHIBM. most powerful of all means for obtaining the grace of God. Q. What is a sacrament. A. A sacrament is a visible — that is, an outward sign or action, instituted by Christ to givo grace. Q. Whence have the sacraments the power of giving grace ? A. The sacraments have the power of giving grace from the merits of Chriyt which they apply to our sould. Q. How many sacraments are there ? A. There are seven s:icraments — Bajitism, Confirma- tion, Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and ilatrimony. LESSON VIII. — On Baptism, Confirmation, and tlis Blessed Eucharist. Q. What is Baptism ? A. Baptism is a sacrament wliich cleanses ns from original sin — makes us Christians — children of Grod, and heirs to the kingdom of heaven. Q. Is baptism necessary to salvation? A. Baptism ia necessary to salvation ; for without baptism, We cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Q. Who are appointed by Christ to give baptism? A. The pastors of His Church are appointed to give baptism — but in case of necessity, any lay-man or woman can give it. Q. How is baptism given ? A. Baptism is given by j,ouring water on the head of the person to be baptised, saying while pouring the wat er, I baptise thee in the name of the Father, and of llie Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Q. What do we promise in baptism? THK 8H0KT CATECHISM. 19 A. We promise in baptism to renouBce the devil witB all liis works and pomps. Q. What is Confirmation P A. Confirmation is a sacrament which makes ns Btrong and perfect Christians. Q. What special preparation should be made for coii- firmation ? A. The special preparation for confirmation is to make a good confession — and by fervent prayer to beseech your heavenly Father to send His Holy Spirit on you. Q. What do you think of those who receive confirma- tion in the state of mortal sin ? A. They who receive confirmation in the state of mortal sin add to their former guilt the horrid crime of sacrilege. Q. What graces are received by confirmation ? A. The graces received in confirmation are the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost. Q. Repeat the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost. A. The seven gifts of the Holy Ghost are — wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and the fear of the Lord. Q. What obligations do we contract by confirmation ? A. The obligations we contract by confirmation are to profess our faith openly — not to deny our religion on any occasion whatsoever — and, like good soldiers of Chi-ist, to be faithful to Hivi unto death, Q. Is it a great sin to neglect confirmation ? A. It is a great sin to neglect confirmation, especially in those evil days, when faith and morals are exposed to Bo many and such violent temptations. Q. What is the Blessed Eucharist? A. The Blessed Eucharist is the Sacrament of the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesua Christ, under the appearances of bread and wine. 20 THE SHORT CATECHISM. Q. How can the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ ? A. The bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ, by the goodness and power of God, with whom no word shall be impossible. LESSON IX. — On Mass and Communion. Q. What is the Mass ? A. The Mass is the sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ, which are really present under the appearances of bread and wine, and are offered to God, by the priest, for the living and the dead. Q. What is a sacrifice ? A. A sacrifice is that first and most necessary act of religion, whereby we acknowledge God's supreme domi- nion over us, and our total dependence on Him. Q. What are the ends for which Mass is said ? A. The ends for which Mass is said are, to give God honour and glory, to thank Him for his benefits, to obtain remission of our sins, and all other graces and blessings, through Jesus Christ. Q. For what other end is ilass offered ? A. Another end for which Mass is offered is, to con- tinue and represent the sacrifice of Christ on the cross till His second coining. This do, says Christ, in remem>- brance of me. Q. How should we assist at Mass ? A. We should assist at Mass with great interior re- collection and piety — and with every mark of outward respect and devotion. Q. Which is the best manner of hearing Mass ? A. The best manner of hearing Mass is, to offer it to God with the priest for the same purpose for which it is THE BHOET CATECHISM, 21 said — to meditate on Ciirist's sufferings — and to go to commnnion. Q. How must we be prepared for communion ? A. To be prepared for communion wo must be in the Btate of grace, and we must have a lively faith, a firm hope, and an ardent charity. Q. What does it mean to bo in the state of grace? A. To be in the state of grace means to be free, at least, from the guilt of mortal sin. Q. Is anything else required before communion ? A. Yes; it is also required before communion that we be fasting from midnight— and we should appear very modest and humble, and clean in dress — showing in our exterior the greatest devotion and reverence to so holy a sacrament. Q. What should we do after communion ? A. After communion we should spend some time in meditation and prayer — and particularly in acts of thanksgiving. Q. Is it a great sin to receive unworthily . A. It is a great sin to receive unworthily, for whosoever receives unworthily is guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, and eats judgment, that is, damnation to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. Q. What do you mean by receiving unworthily ? A. By receiving unworthily I mean receiving the Blessed Eucharist in the state of mortal sin. Q. What should a person do if he be in mortal sia before communion ? A. He who is in mortal sin, must obtain pardon in the sacrament of Penance before he goes to communion. TUB SHOT»T OATECHISM. LESSON X. — On Penance and Confession. Q. What is Penance ? A. Penance is a sacrament by whicli the sins are forgiven which are committed after baptism. Q. What must we do to obtain pardon of our sins in the sacrament of Penance ? A. To obtain pardon of our sins in the sacrament of Penance we must make a good confession. Q. What is confession ? A. Confession is a sorrowful declaration of oar sins made to a priest in order to obtain forgiveness. Q. What is the best method to prepare for a good confession ? A. The best method to prepare for a good confession is, first, earnestly to beg of God th6 grace to make a good confession ; secondly, to examine carefully our conscience; thirdly, to make acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity ; and, fourthly, to excite ourselves to a sincere contrition for our sins. Q. On what are we to examine our conscience ? A. We are to examine our conscience on the com- mandments of God and of His Church, on the seven deadly sins, and particularly on our predominar^ pas- sion and the duties of our station in life, that we may know in what we have sinned, and how often, in thought, word, deed, and omission. Q. What is contrition ? A. Contrition is a heartfelt sorrow and detestAtion of Bin for having offended God, with a firm resolution of Binning no more. Q. What must we (?o at confession ? A. At confession ve mr«t beg the priest's blessing, say the ConfiteoTt accxise ourselves of oar sins, listen THB SHORT CITBCHISM,, 2S afctentirely to his instrnctions, and renew our Borrow when he gives absolution. Q. What ia absolution ? A. Absolution is the sentence of pardon given by the priest, as minister of God, in the sacrament of Penance. ^ Q,. What do you think of those who conceal a mortal sin in confession ? A. Those who conceal a mortal sin in confession commit a most grievous sin by telliui/ a lie to the Holy Ghost, and, instead of obtaining pardon, they incur much more the wrath of God. Q. What must persons do who did not carefully ex- amine their consciences, or who had not sincere sorrow for their sins, or who wilfully concealed a mortal sin in confession ? A. Persons who did not examine their conscience, or who had not sorrow for their sins, or who wilfully concealed a mortal sin in confession must truly repent of all such bad and sacrilegious confessions, and must make them over again. Q. What is the surest sign that our confessions were good, and that we had sincere sorrow for our sins ? A. The surest sign that our confessions were good, and that we had sincere sorrow for our sins, ia the amendment of our lives. Q. What should we do after confession ? A. After confession we should give God thanks for having forgiven us our sins, and perform the penance enjoined by the confessor. Q. AVhat do you mean by the penance enjoined by the confessor? A. By the penance enjoined by the confessor I mean the prayers and other good works which he enjoins on penitents, in satisfaction for their sins. 24 THS SHOST CATTjCStSM. Q. Will the penance enjoined in confession always satisfy for our sins ? A. The penance enjoined in confession will not always satisfy in full for our sins ; but whatever else is wanting may be supplied by Indulgences, and by our own peni- tential exercises. Q. What is meant by an Indulgence ? * A. By an Indulgence is meant the remission, througli the power of the Church, of the temporal punishment due to sin, which sometimes remains after the sin itself is forgiven. LESSON XI.— On the other Sacraments. Q. What is Extreme Unction ? A. Extreme Unction is a sacrament which gives grace to die well — and is instituted chiefly for the spiritual strength and comfort of dying persons. y. Is Extreme Unction given to all persons in danger of death ? A. Extreme Unction is given to such only as are in danger of death by sickness. Q. How should we prepare ourselves for Extreme Unction. A. We should be prepared for Extreme Unction by a good confessionr— and we should be truly sorry for all our sins — and resigned to the will of God — when we are re- ceiving that last sacrament. Q. Who are appointed to administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction A. The priests of the Church are appointed to ad- minister the sacrament of Extreme Unction, ae St. James teaches — and so the Church has coiiBtantly prac- tised. THE SHORT CATECHISM. Q. What is Holy Orders ? A. Holy Orders is a sacrament wliich gives bishops, priests, and inferior clergy to the Church — arid enables them to perform their several duties. Q. What is Matrimony ? A. Matrimony is a sacrament which gives grace to the husband and wife to live happy together — and to bring np their children in the fear and love of God. Q. Do they receive the grace of the sacrament of matrimony who contract marriage in the state of mortal sin ? A. They who contract marriage in a state of mortal Bin are guilty of a sacrilege, by profaning so great a sacrament — and, instead of a blessing, they receive their condemnation. Q. What should persons do to receive worthUy the sacrament of Marriage ? A. To receive worthily the sacrament of Marriage, they should make a good confession — and earnestly be- seech God to grant them a pure intention, and direct them in the choice they are making. Q. Why do 60 many marriages prove unhappy ? A. So many marriages prove unhappy, because many enter into that holy state from unworthy motives — and with guilty consciences ; therefore their marriages are not blessed by God. Q. Can the bond or tie of marriage be ever broken ? A. The bond or tie of man-iage cannot be broken, except by the death of the husband or of the wife. Q. Can the sacraments bo received more than once ? A. All the sacraments can be received more than once, except baptism, confirmation, and holy orders, which imprint on the soul a character or spiritual mark that can never be effaced. - — 26 THB SHORT CATECHISM. Q. Wliicli sjwramonts are most necessary to ns P A. The sacraments most necessary to us are baptism and penance. Q. "WTiy did Christ institute the sacraments ? A. Christ instituted the sacraments for the sanctifi- cation of our souls — and to prepare us for a happy and glorious resurrection. LESSON XII. — Oti the General Judgment. Q. AVliat means the resurrection of the body ? A. The resurrection of the body ?f,eans, that we shall all rise again on the last day with the same bodies which we had in this life. Q What do you mean by the last day ? A. By the last day is meant the day of general judg- ment, when we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; and then He will render to ever ij one according to his works. Q. "Will our bodies rise united to our souls ? A. Our bodies will rise united to our souls, in order to share in the soul's eternal bliss or misery. Q. How are tlie bodies of the saints to rise ? A. The bodies of the saints are to rise glorious and immortal. Q. Are the bodies of the damned to rise glorious ? A. The bodies of the damned shall not rise glorious, but shall be immortal, to live for ever in etenial flames. Q. In what manner will Christ come to judge us ? A. Christ will come to judge us in the clouds of heaven, with great power and majesty and all the angels with Him. Q. What yrilJ Christ eaj to the gool oii the laai day? tnt BBOST CATBCBISM. 27 A. Christ will say to tho pood on the last day : Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess i/te kingdom prepared for you. Q. What sliall Christ say to the wicked on the last day? A. Christ shall say to the wicked on the last day : Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, which wat prepared for the devil and his angels. Q. Where shall the wicked go at the last day? A. The wiclced shall go both body and soul into ever- lasting pimishment. Q. And where will the just go on the last day ? A. The just will enter, with glorious and immortal bodies, into life everlasting. Q. What means life everlasting ? A. Life everlasting means, that if we serve God faithfully in this life, we will be happy with Him for ever in heaven. Q. What is the happiness of heaven ? A. The happiness of heaven is to see, love, and enjoy God in the kingdom of His glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Q. What means Amen P A. Amen means, ao be it. fanner of 5nbin:g a |0ries: at ^asse p. Introibo ad altare Dei. C. Ad Dei;m qui Itetificat juventutera meam. P. Judica me Deus, et discerne causam mcim de gente non Bancta, ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me. C. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitude mea, quare me repulisti et quare tristis incedo dum affligit me iuimicus. P. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam : ipsa me deduxernnt et adduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum, et in tabemacula tua. 0. Et introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum qui Isetificat juventutcm meam. P. ConfiteVor tibi in citbara Deus, Deus meus : Quare tristis ea anima mea, et quare conturba.s me. C. Spera in Deo, quoniam adbuo confitebor illi, salutare vnltua mei et Deus meus. P. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. C. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in seecult Bsecalorum. Amen. P. Introibo ad altare Dei. O. Ad Deum, qui leetificat javentutem meant. P. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. C. Qui fecit ctelum et terram. P. Confiteor Deo, etc. C. Misereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis tuis perdncat te ad vitam a;ternam. P. Amen. C. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatse Marise semper Virgini, beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, Sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi, Pater, quia peccavi nimis coeitatione, verbo et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam Mariam, semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes sanctos, et te Pater, orar* pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum. P. Misereatur vestri, etc. C, Amen. P. Indulgentiam« absolutionem, eta C= Amen. P. Deus tu conversus vivificabig nos. C. Et plebs tua latatibur in te. P. Os^ende nobis Domine misericordiam trumo £t lalutare tuum da nobis. EEBTIKQ AT UASSo 29 P. Bondne, exaudi orationem mcanu C. Et clamor meus ad te veaiat. P. Dominus vobiscum. C. Et cum sptritu tuo. P. Kyrie eleison. C. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. C. Christe eleison. P. Christe eleison. C. Christe eleison. P Kyrie eleison. C. Kyrie eleison. P. Kyrie eleison. P. Dominus vobiscum, or flectamus genua. C. Et cum spiritu tuo, or levate. P. Per omnia sn;cula sasculorum. 0. Amen. At the end of the Epistle, say, Deo gratias. P. Sequentia sancti Evangelii, etc. C. Gloria tibi Domine. At the end oj the Gospel say, Laus tibi Christe. P. Dominus vobiscum. 0. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Orate Fratres. C. Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis ; ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui ; ad utilitatem quo^ue nostram totiusque K'xiesiae suse sanotoe. 1». Per omnia soecula ssecalorum. C. A men. P. Dominus vobiscum. 0. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Sursum corda. 0. Habemus ad Dominum. V. Gratias againus Domino Deo nostro. C. Dignuin et justem est. P. Per omnia ssecula siBCulorum. 0. Amen. P. Et ne nos inducas in tentationcm. C. Scd libera nos a malo. p. Per omnia Bseeula aseculorum. C. Amen. 'p- Pai Domini Bit semper vobiscum, O Kt oum spiritu tuo. so BSSTINO IT» P. Dominos vobiscnm. 0. Et cum spiritu tuo. P. Per omnia saecula saeculorU'Ti, C. Amen. P. Ite missa est, or benedicamua Domino. 0. Deo gratiaa. P. Requiescant in pace. C. Amen. FRO FIDKUBiys DHITJirCTIS. P. De profundi* clamaTi ad te Domine ; Domine, exatidl vocem meam. 0. Fiant aures ture intendentes in vocem deprecationis mess. P. Si iniquitatea obserraveria Domine, Domine, quia sustinebit C. Quia apud te propitiatio est : et propter legem tuam suatinul te Domine. P. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus ; speravit anima .nea in Domino. C. A custodia mututina usque ad noctem speret Israel in Do- mino. P. Quia apud Dominum misericordia, et copiosa apud earn demptio. C. Et ipse redimet Israel ex omnilms iniquitatibus ejus. P. Bequiem Ktemam dona eis Domine. 0. Et lux perpetua luceat eia. P. A porta infeii. C. Erue Domine animas eonim. P. Requiescant in pace. C. Amen. P. Domine exaudi orationem meam. C. Et clamor mens ad te reniat. P. Dominua vobiacum. 0. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus. Fideliitm Deus omnium conditor et Redemptor animabus famn* lornm famularumque tuarum remissionem cunctorum tribue peccatorum ut indulgentiam quam semper optaverunt piis cap- plicationibua conaeqitantnr. Qui vivia et regnas, && 31 I'LL SING A HYMN TO MART. Fll sing a hymn to Mary, The Mother oi' my God, The Vir;^in of all viigins, Of David's royal blood- Oh! teach me, lioly Mary, A loving song to frame, When wicked men blaspheme thee, To love and bless thy name. O Lily of the Valley, O Mystic Rose, what tree Or flower, e'en the fairest. Is half so fair as thee 1 Oh ! let me, though so lowly, Kecite my Mother's fame. When wicked men blaspheme thee, I'll love and bless thy name. 0 noble Tower of David, Of gold and ivory, The Ark of God's own promise, The Gate of Heaven to me: To live, and not to love thee, Would fill my soul with shame ; When wicked men blaspheme thee, I'll love and bless thy name. When troubles dark afHict me. In sorrow and in care. Thy li;-'lit doth ever guide me, O beauteous Morning But. So I'll be ever reaily. Thy goodly help to claim. When wicked men blaspheme thee. To love and bless thy name. The Saints are high in glory. With golden crowns so bright, But brighter far is Mary, Upon her throne of light: Oh '• that which God did give thee, Let mortal ne'er disclaim ; When wicked men blasplieme thee, I'll love and bless thy name. But in the crown of Mary There lies a wondrous gem, As Queen of all the angels. Which Mary shares with them, "No sin hath e'er defiled thee," So doth our faith proclaim ; When wicked men blaspheme thee, 1 11 love and bless thy name. And now, O Virmn Mary, My Mother and my Queen, I've sung thy praise — so bles s me And keep my hi art from sin ; When others jeer and mock tlue I'll often think how I, To shield my Mother Mary, Would lay me down and die. 82 HAIL I HOLT JOSEPH, Hah t holy Joaeph, hail I Chaste spouse of Mary, bail t Pure as the lily flower, In Eden'e pvaceful vale. Hail ! holy Joseph, hail! Father of Christ esteem'd! Father be thou to those Thy Foster Son redeem'd ! Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Prince of the house of God! May his beet graces be By thy sweet bands bestow'd. Hail! holy Joseph, Htllk . Belov'd of a,:„. Is, hallSf Cheer thor. Xb.e hearts that itfajf And ^uide the ileva that iiati-, Hail! holy Joseph, hail if God's choice werl thou alono^ To thee the Word made flesh Was subject as ^ Sou, Hail! holy Joseph, hail! Teach us our nesh to tame ; And, Mary, keep the hearts That love thy husband's nam*. Mother of Jesus ! bless. And bless, ye Saints on high, All meek and simple souls That to St. Joseph cry. KIND ANGEL GUARDIAN. KlKD Angel Guardian, thanks to thee For thy so watchful care of me. Oh, lead me still, in « ays of truth. Dear guide of childhood and of youth. Kind Angel Guardian, let my tears Implore thee, too, for riper years ; Oh, keep me safe in wisdom s way. And bring me back if I should itray. When angry passions fill my soul, Subdue them to thy raeekcontrol j Through good and ill, oh, ever be A guide, a guard, a friend to me. And when death's hand shall seal mine eyes. Oh, bear my spirit to the skies, And teach me there my voice to raise In hymns of never-ending praise. U. U. Gill A Son, Printers, DubUa. iLitang of t\)t ISlesscU Ftrgin. ScB tuum prsesiflium confugimns, Sanota Dei Genitrii, nostras depre- catioiips de despicias in iiecessitatibus nostris; sed a i)ericulis ciiDClis lil«ra iios semper, Virgo gloriosa, et benedieta. Kyrie eleisou. Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Christe eleison. Eyrie eleison. Kyrie eleisnn. Christe audi nos. Christe exaudi nos, Pater de coelis Dens, miserere volfis. Fili Eedemptor mundi Deus, mi- serere nnhis. Spiritus Sancte Deus, miserere nobis. Bancta Trinitas, unus Deus, mise- rere nobis. Sancta Maria, Sancta Dei Genitrii, Sancta Virgo virgiuum, Mater Christi, Mater divinsB gratiffi, Mater ininssima, Maler castissima, Mater invii>lata. Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, Mater adniirnbilis, Mater Crcatoris, Mater Salvatoris. Vii*go prmleutissima, Virgo veneranda, Virgo prffidicauda, Virgo poteiis, Virgo Clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum justitin. SeJcs sapientice, Causa nostrse Isetitiee, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devotionis, Bosa mystica, Turris Davidica, Turris ebumea, Donius aurca, FcEderis area, Janna coeli, Stella matutiua, o Salus infirmorura, "8 Eefugiuin poccatorum, Con^^olatrix afilictorum, Aiixilium Christianorum, Eegina Angelorum, 5' Eegina Patriarcliarum, Eegina Prophetarum, Eegina Apostolorum, Eegina Martyrum, Eegina Confessorum, liegina Virgiunm, Eegina Sanctorum omnium, Eegina sine labe originali con- cepta, Begina sanctissimi Bosarii, / Agnus Dei, qui toUis peccata mundi, parce nobis, Domnie. Agnuii Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, exaudi nos, Domine. Agnns Dei, qui tollis peccata muudt, miserere nobis. V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Qenitrix. E. Ut digni efficiamur promis- sionibus CUristi, Oremus. Concede nos famulos tuos, qusesumus, Domine Deus, perpetu* mentis et corporis sanitate gaudere ; et gloriosa Boatce MarisB semjjer Virginis intercessionc, n prffisenti liberari tristitia, et estema perfrui Iffititia, per Christum Dominum nostnxm. Amen. CHEAP DEVOTIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY M. H. GILL & SON, O'CONNELL STREET, DUBLIN. The Children's Mass. With Music for the Mass, Benediction and Hymns. Cloth, Is. The Child's Mass and Prayer Book, with Hymns. Coloured lllastratiouB. Square IGmo, cloth limp, red edges, Is.; cloth, extra gilt. Is. 6d. How to Make the Mission. By a Missionary of the Order of St. Dominic. Demy 18mo, Wrapper, 2d. The Imitation of Christ. Demy 32ino, cloth, Cd. The Imitation of Chiist ; with Reflections and Prayers at the ends of the chapters. Koyal 32mo, cloth. Is. The Way of Salvation : Meditations for Every Day in the Year. By St. Alphoiisns M. I^igonri. Hoyal 32mo, cloth, la. Before the Altar : Two Meditations on the Blessed Sturamf-nt. 32mo. doth, 6d. The Cathulic Child's Bible History. For School and Home U3e. Compiled by the Sisters of Mercy. Old Testament, 18mo, wmpper, 3d. ; New Testament, 3d. ; iji one vol., cloth limp, 9d. Circles of the Living Rosary for Every Month of the Tear, with Aspirations, etc., and the names of the Patron Saints, per 100 sheets, 15 iliufitrations on ench, 2s. 6d. ; ]>er post, 3s. Id. Sodality Curds for the Livinj; Kosary, per dozen, 9d. ; per post, lOd. Practical Counsels on Coni'ession for Children. By Monseipieur de Segur. 18mo, wrapper, 3d. Practical Counsels on Holy Communion for Children. By Monseii^ncnr de Scgur. ISmo, wrapper, 3<1. ' Poems for Children. Revised by the Right ^ev. Dr. Leahy, Bishop of Dromore, 18mo, wrapper, 3d. i cloth gilt, $d.