Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/wideningofwashinOObost City Document — No. 120. CITY OF BOSTON. WIDENING OF WASHINGTON STREET, FROM MILK TO SUMMER STREET. 18 7 2. CITY OF BOSTON. In Board of Street Commissioners, Dec, 16, 1872. Resolved, That the safety and convenience of the inhabitants of the city require that Washington Street should be wi- d jned to sixty feetfrom Milk to Summer street, and for that purpose it is necessary to take and lay out as a public street or way of the said city, a parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of Samuel Davis and Others, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Wash- ington street, there measuring twenty and feet ; northeast- wardly by Milk street, nine and -j- 8 ^- feet ; northwestwardly by the present line by Washington street, nineteen and -^fc feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Henry W. Dutton and Son, nine and -j 8 ^- feet ; con- taining one hundred and ninety-two square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Henry W. Dutton and Son, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-seven and ^0 ^ ee ^ > northeastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of Samuel Davis and others, nine and 3^ feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty-six and feet; and southwest- wardly by land hereinafter described as taken from the heirs of TaskerH. Swett. ten and -IJq feet; containing two hundred and sixty -nine square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of Tasker H. Swett, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the 4 City Document. — No. 120. proposed line of widening of Washington street, there meas- uring nineteen and feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Henry W. Dutton and Son, ten and iVff f efct » northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, nineteen and fifc feet; and southwest wardly by land hereinafter de scribed as taken from the heirs of Peter Parker, andC. F. Shimmin, ten and feet; containing two hun- dre I square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of Peter Parker, and C. F. Shimmin, bounded as follows, viz.: — southeast wardly by the proposed line of widening of Wash- ington street, there measuring nineteen and t 4 0 9 q feet : north- eastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of Tasker H. Swett, ten and 1 ^ feet; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, nineteen and feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from C. F.. Shimmin and A. L. Vanzandt, ten and j\ 8 ^ feet; containing two hundred and four square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to C. F. Shimmin and A. L. Vanzandt, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastward \y by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-five and feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of Peter Parker and C. F. Shimmin, ten and -ffa feet; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty-five and feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from James Parker, ten and feet ; containing two hundred and seventy-two square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to James Parker, bounded as follows, viz.: — southeastwarclly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-four and feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from C. F. Shimmin and A. L. Vanzandt, ten and y 9 ^- feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty-four and ■^-^ leet ; and southwestwardly by Widening of Washington Street. 5 land hereinafter described ns taken from Catharine B. and Amasa Whiting, eleven and ^^feet; containing two hun- dred and seventy-three .square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belt nging to Catharine B. and Amasa Whiting, bounded as follows, viz.: — southeast ward ly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-seven and feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from James Parker, eleven and feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Wash- ington street, twenty-seven feet; and south west wardly by land hereinafter described as taken from the heirs of W illiam B. Callender, ten and -j 8 0 °o * eet » containing two hundred and ninety-eight square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of William B. Callender, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastward ly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring thirty-eight and feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Catharine B. and Amasa Whiting, ten and y 8 ^ feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, thirty-eight and - f 6 s 2 LT feet; and southwest wardly by land hereinafter described as taken from John A. Lowell, trustee, ten and £fa feet; containing four hundred and thirteen square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to John A. Lowell, trustee, bo'-indod ?.s k'llows, viz.: — southeastward!}' by the pro- posed line of widening of Washington street, there meas- uring forty-three and -fifo feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of William B. Ca- lender, ten and feet ; northwestwardly by the present* line of Washington street, forty-four feet; and southwest- ward ly by land hereinafter described as taken from William S. Dexter and William S. Bullard, trustees, ten and feet; containing four hundred and sixty-seven square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to William S. Dexter and 6 City Document. — No. 120. William S. Bullard, trustees, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Wash- ington street, there measuring twenty-three and feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from John A. Lowell, trustee, ten and -ffo feet; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty-three feet; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Thomas B. Williams, ten and feet; containing two hundred and fifty square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Thomas B. Williams, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line widening Washington street, there measuring twenty- two feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Wm. S. Dexter and Wm. S. Bullard, trustees, ten and feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washing- ton street, twenty-two and y 1 ^- feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Moses Williams, ten and feet ; containing two hundred and thirty -three square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Moses Williams, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of wi- dening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-one and YtyQ feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Thomas B. Williams, ten and feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty-one and feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from John A. Lowell, trustee, ten and -ffa feet; con- taining two hundred and twenty-seven square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to John A. Lowell, trustee, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-nine and J-fo feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Moses Williams, ten and feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, Widening of Washington Street. 7 thirty and feet; and south westwardly by Franklin street, ten and feet ; .containing three hundred and sixteen square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to John C. Chaffin, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-five and £fo feet ; northeastwardly by Franklin street, thirteen and feet; northwestwardly by the present line of Wash- ington street, twenty-five and feet ; and sonthwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from John Collamore, twelve and feet ; containing three hundred and twenty- six square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to John Collamore, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-eight and feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from John C. Chaffin, twelve and feet; northwest- wardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty- nine and feet ; and sonthwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from the heirs of Henry Sargent, twelve and feet; containing three hundred and sixty-six square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of Henry Sar- gent, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there meas- uring thirty and -ffa feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from John Collamore, twelve and T 4 ^ feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, thirty and £fo feet ; and south westwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Alpheus Hardy and others, trustees, twelve and y 1 ^ feet; containing three hun- dred and seventy square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Alpheus Hardy and others, trustees, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there 8 City DootmiBHT. — No. 120. measuring forty-two nnd feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of Henry Sargent, twelve mid ^ feet ; nm th westward!)' by the present line of Washington street, forty and ff 9 feet ; nnd Bouthwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Samuel Stillman, trustee, eleven nnd ffo feet ; containing four hundred and ninety-one square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Samuel Stillmax, trustee, hounded as follows, viz. : — southeastward ly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring forty- seven and T 4 0 7 Q feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Alpheus Hardy and others, trustees, eleven and T 7 ^ feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Wash- ington street, forty-seven and feet; and Bouthwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from the heirs of Ann W. Giles, eleven and feet; containing five hundred and forty-three square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of Ann W. Giles, bounded as follows, viz.: — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty and fifo feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Samuel Stillman, trustee, eleven and feet; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty-one feet; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Jeffrey Richard- son, eleven and feet ; containing two hundred and twen- ty-nine square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Jeffrey Kichardsox, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring seven- teen and T 8 Q 8 Q feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of Ann W. Giles, eleven and feet ; northwestwardly b} r the present line of Washington street, seventeen and feet ; and southwestwardly by land herein- after described as taken from the heirs of Daniel L. Gibbons, Widening of WASHINGTON STREET. 9 ten Mini ffo feet ; containing one hundred and ninety-five square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to the Heirs of Daniel L. Gibbons, bounded ms follows, viz.: — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring eighteen and feet; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from Jeffrey Richardson, ten and T 8 ^ feet ; northwestwardly by the present line of Washing- ton street, eighteen and -^-fa feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Moses Williams, jr., and George Atkinson, trustees, ten and feet; containing two hundred and one square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Moses Williams, jr., and George Atkinson, trustees, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Wash- ington street, there measuring twenty-eight and feet ; northeastwardly by land before described as taken from the heirs of Daniel L. Gibbons, ten and feet; northwest- wardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty- nine and -j 9 q 7 q- feet ; and southwestwardly by land hereinafter described as taken from Edward E. Salsbury, ten and y 4 ^- feet ; containing three hundred and eight square feet, more or less. A parcel of land belonging to Edward E. Salsbury, bounded as follows, viz. : — southeastwardly by the proposed line of widening of Washington street, there measuring twenty-two and -fifo feet ; northeastwardly by laud before described as taken from Moses Williams, jr., and George Atkinson, trustees, ten and feet; northwestwardly by the present line of Washington street, twenty and Jfa feet ; and southwestwardly by Summer street, ten and T 3 ^ feet ; containing two hundred and twenty square feet, more or less. And Whereas due notice has been given of the intention of this Board to take the said parcels of land for the purpose aforesaid, as appears by the return hereunto annexed, It is 10 City Document. — No. 120. THEREFORE ORDERED, that the parcels of land before de- scribed be and the same hereby arc taken and laid out as a public street or way of the said city ■ — according to a plan of the said widening made by Thos. W. Davis, City Sur- veyor, dated November 26, 1872, and deposited in his office. And this Board doth adjudge that the expense of widening the said Washington street, as aforesaid, will amount to three hundred thirty-eight thousand tive hundred and forty-seven dollars ; and that the damages to the estates, parts of which are taken as above, are the sums set against them respectively on the schedule hereto annexed. City Document. — No. 120. oiup jo junouiu iujoj, © to o o 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 o o © 8 o V •o to o a o o o 8 o ©_ © o* t* ©' oT oT o 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 B o 0 © §88 a o a 111 8 8 8 8 •jjo mo aq oi eiBuajBux pio jo arqiJA •SnmapiM. jays eSaipunq jo »n{«A •SnraapiM. ojoj -aq sSujp[inq jo an[B x \ •aa^tj} paxq jo anpA •;ooj jad aoujj 8 o o o o o o o o 8 g o 8 8 o o 8 8 o o tO © o o ©^ © X 3 •o to lO to o co © CI CO 00 CD T 8 tO 53 o s ©~ oT oT cT © I— of oT oT tO o" «o tO © «o CO tO CO 00 CO co ao CO 00 CO o o o o •naj[tn paBi jo *aaj ajunbg s > 9 ■ | w = JM = £ o o w = 1 * * I 1 O i? © Widening of Washington Street. 8 8 00 © Q »0 © O CO p «- O t- 00 s a if s 8 8 § 8 o © © o s s III 8 § 8 I 8 © 8 8 s g © © 8 8 © © OB 5 ,100 ■a © s © o 9» © © M SO n ©~ 1 1 c £ c a S a 1 I