^i IN Ujt LDW 5515 5~/3 INTRODUCTION TO IRISH FARMING. INTRODUCTION IRISH FARMING. THOMAS BALDWIN, M.R.I.A., SUPERINTENDENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL EDUCATION IN IRELAND, AND AUTHOR OF VARIOUS TREATISES ON AGRICULTURE. BOSTON COLLEGE LIBHARY CHESTNUT HILL, MAb6. MACMILLAN AND CO. .1874. ■BO5TUN CifiXhG^i IL^P.-^ CfiESraUT HILL, JdA^^r [T/ie Right of Tra7tslation and Reproduction is reseiTed.'] LONDON CI,AV, SONS, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS, BREAD STREET HILL. 581^4 TO THE MOST HONOURABLE THE MARQUIS OF HARTINGTON. You have treated my views on one or two important subjects with considerate attention; and evinced an earnest desire to use your high position for pro- moting the prosperity of Ireland. You are heir to a great estate in Ireland, the management of which affords a noble example of wisdom, goodness, and enterprise. In appreciation of all this I dedicate to your Lordship this little Volume. THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. In 1867, a new Text Book on Agriculture, written to order by the Author, was pubUshed by the Com- missioners of National Education. In 1870, a smaller volume, addressed chiefly to small farmers, was published at the suggestion of Earl Spencer, K.G., then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In 187 1, two smaller volumes appeared. The sale of these several books has already exceeded sixty thousand copies. Encouraged by this success, and by calls for new editions of two of these volumes, the Author has been induced to reconsider the whole subject, and to produce in their place the present work, in which he has eiideavoured to expound in simple X PREFACE. language the outlines of improved modes of farming suited to the circumstances of Ireland. He knows, from observations made in all parts of Ireland, that if the suggestions and directions con- tained in this volume were acted upon, the annual wealth of the country would be increased by several millions sterling. Agricultural Department, Board of National Education, Dublin. March \gth, 1874. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Manures i I. HOW LAND BECOMES EXHAUSTED I II. FARM-YARD MANURE 5 III. LIQUID MANURE . 9 TV. ARTIFICIAL MANURES lO V. LIME 13 CHAPTER n. The Crops to Grow, and How to Grow them . . i6 I. the potato 17 II. carrots and PARSNIPS 18 III. TURNIPS AND MANGOLD WURTZEL I9 IV. CABBAGE AND RAPE 23 V. GRAIN CROPS 25 VI. BEANS AND PEAS 28 VII. FORAGE AND HERBAGE CROPS 29 VIII. CLOVERS 32 IX. THE GRASSES 33 X. HAYMAKING 38 XI. ON FLAX 42 xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PAGE Live Stock 44 i. on the food of animals 44 ii. the several kinds of cattle suited to irish farmers . 5i iil on the rearing of calves 54 iv. the feeding of milch cows 58 v. on dairy management .63 vi. on the fattening of cattle ..... 77 vii. the farm horse . . .' 8 1 viii. on sheep 84 ix. on swine 87 x. on poultry 95 CHAPTER IV. Examples of Successful Farming 104 I. A farm of five-and-a-half acres . . . .114 II. ONE-HORSE FARMS I24 III. TWO-HORSE FARMS I29 IV. A FARM OF I40 ACRES OF GOOD DEEP LAND . I29 V. A FEW GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE CLIMATE AND OTHER MATTERS AFFECTING IRISH AGRICULTURE 1 34 VI. EXAMPLES ON A LARGE SCALE OF THE FORE- GOING ARGUMENT I42 VII. A FARM OF 2,200 ACRES IN COUNTY MAYO . . I43 VIII, ON THE RECLAMATION AND MANAGEMENT OF A LARGE TRACT OF LAND T46 CHAPTER V". Cottage Gardening 155 INTRODUCTION TO IRISH FARMING. CHAPTER T. MANURES, I. HOW LAND BECOMES EXHAUSTED, 1. Plants, like animals, require food. The food of plants consists, in addition to water, of two kinds of matter — namely, ten or twelve substances {cslled ^xed constituents) derived solely from the soil ; and of four bodies derived by our cultivated crops, partly from the air and partly from the soil, and which fly away into the air under the action of heat, and are, in consequence, called volatile. Many wild plants have the power of growing on hard rock^ destitute of any volatile matter ; but cultivated plants, such as the cabbage, require for their full growth a soil containing such matter. We in- crease the quantity of volatile matter in the soil by laying it down to grass ; and by the application of farm-yard manure, of peat, and other vegetable substances. The B :2 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. quantity of this matter in the soil varies very much. Rich gardens contain a great deal of it, and it may be said that, with certain exceptions, the amount required for the growth of crops should increase with their luxuriance and delicacy. Of farm-crops, the cabbage and the .grasses require it in the largest quantity. The cabbage should therefore be grown in rich ground. Of the grass family of plants, there is none which luxuriates in a soil rich in combustible matter, or matter that can be burnt away, so much as Italian rye-grass, of which more will be said further on, and of which enormous crops are obtained by skilful management, on reclaimed bog and moor. The fixed constituents of plants, also called the ash and mineral constituents, are invariably obtained from the soil. A soil deficient in any one, or in more than one of them, is barren. They exist in very different propor- tions in the different families of crops. The composition of the same sort or variety of crop is pretty constant. 2. We see, then, that a given weight of the same crop must take out of the ground a certain quantity of fixed or ash constituents. If the crop, or part of it, be -sold off the farm, it is evident the total quantity of the ash constituents in the soil must be lessened. If the -quantity of these constituents sold off were returned to the soil in manure, it would not suffer any deterioration ; but if crop after crop be sold without any manure, it is evident the supply of ash constituents will become less and less, and the yield may be so far reduced that the crop would not pay. This actually occurred in some of the Slave States of America, where the land was so reduced in condition by crops of tobacco following each other year after year, that it had for a time to be left untilled, and abandoned to a state of nature. 3. Before we can apply the knowledge of the fore- going facts to Irish agriculture, it is necessary to explain I.] IRISH FARMING. 3 that only a very small part — rarely more than the one- hundreth part^ — of the soil is, at any one time, in a state to afford food to our crops, the bulk of the constituents being locked up in the structure of the soil in an unavail- able condition — that is, in such a state that the plants cannot use it. The stones in the soil may contain the same substances as the soil itself, yet we know that crops can feed on the soil, but not on the stones. In the course of time, and under the influence of air and moisture, the constituents of the stones become gradually liberated, and thus made fit food for plants. The process is slow, but it is continuous. The stones in our buildings crumble, and so the stone and particles of the soil are gradually worn down, and their constituents converted into plant- food. An interesting illustration of this principle is afforded in the observation that the removal of stones from poor land, when they appear to be in excess, often does harm. The farmer, in ignorance of a better ex- planation, says the removal of the stones makes the land cold ; the true explanation is to be found chiefly in the circumstance that the stones, by the wearing down of their surface, afford a certain amount of food to the crop. 4. If we apply the principles which we have so far ex- plained to the occupiers of land in remote or badly- farmed districts, we shall see that the soil, having for ages been made to bear corn-crops without manure, has been reduced to a poor state. Dairy produce, young stock, and the potato, have also taken out of the land a good deal of its most valuable ash constituents. The potato contains a large amount of potash, and this substance, though abundant in argillaceous clay, is contained in very small quantity in the light lands in the hands of many of our small farmers. Recent research tends to show that the potato disease is mitigated by the application of a manure containing potash. B 2 4 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 5. Of all the component parts of our soils, phosphate of lime is most liable to become deficient. It exists in ordinary land, especially in light land^ in very small quantity ; yet it is contained in grain, in the bones of animals, in dairy produce, and in every species of produce disposed of by the farmer. We have shown in another place that an enormous quantity of this substance is annually taken out of the soil of this country, that it is essential to pay proper attention to its restoration, and that thousands of farms have been reduced to a state bordering on barrenness by the ruinous system hitherto pursued. 6. That the system of agriculture followed in many parts of the country has reduced the fertility of the soil to a very low condition is made plain by the modern practice of applying artificial manures. Under our direction, an application of 2 cwt. per statute acre of the manure now commonly sold at 6j\ per cwt. under the name of svperphosphate of lime, containing 48 lb. phos- phate of lime, increased the yield of turnips on poor, light land by nine tons. We have -seen similar results on poor light land on the chalk formation in Wiltshire. It will, then, be asked — How comes it that our soil has not been reduced to a state of absolute sterility, if it has been for ages subjected to the process of exhaustion we have described ? The answer is, that the total quantity of its constituents sold oft' in any one year is very small : in some cases there has been a counter-process of restora- tion, in the application of seaweed, of fish; and other substances ; and plant-food has been liberated by the wearing down of the stones and particles of the soil. When the quantity of matter liberated in this way equalled the quantity sold off, the farmer did not ex- perience any deficiency in his crops. When the demand on the soil exceeded the quantity of plant-focd liberated. I.] IRISH FARMING. '$ he rested his land. Sometimes it was left to cover itself with natural herbage ; sometimes it was rested for a year and fallowed, which means that it was, during this year, repeatedly ploughed and harrowed, to promote the action of air and moisture in liberating its constituents. It is to be remembered, too, that one of the leading features of modern agriculture is the liberal use of artificial or purchased manures ; and that in a great many instances the farmer has seen the necessity of using marl and composts of various kinds. 7. The lamentable consequences likely to arise from a neglect of the great law of exhaustion, which we have endeavoured to expound, have been brought home to us by the Irish famine. It is a matter of scientific certainty that the fearful havoc committed by the potato disease in Ireland was largely owing to the circumstances that her soil had been reduced by the continued growth of the potato-crop, and of other crops, without an adequate return in the form of manure. II. FARM-YARD MANURE. 8. The great means of preserving our soil in a productive state has been the collection and preservation of farm-yard manure, which consists of the fecal and waste products of the farm. The consideration of this substance, therefore, demands our best attention. S. The cow-house, stable, and piggery should be care- fully cleaned out at least once a day, and the waste carried to the manure-heap, the site and management of which do not receive adequate attention. In small farm districts it too frequently happens that the manure is accumulated in front of the door of the dwelling-house, giving rise to most offensive effluvia, which often produce disease. Again, we often see small heaps of manure lying loosely here and there about the house and offices. 6 INTRODUCTION TO [chap; by which its substance is wasted, as we shall now explain. 10. The food of plants is supplied by the mineral king- dom. Animal or vegetable bodies deprived of life soon begin to decay, by which they go back again to the inorganic or mineral kingdom, and become fit to supply the wants of plants. A heap of farm-yard manure, ex- posed to air, moisture, and a certain degree of heat, decreases in bulk and weight, its combustible constitu- ents being gradually converted into volatile substances, and its ash constituents being liberated and left behind. If the manure be under cover, the diminution in its bulk will be very slow, but it goes on nevertheless, the progress of the change depending on the quantity of air and moisture present and on the degree of heat. Under the influence of these three agents, nothing would ultimately remain of the manure, even if under cover, but its ash constituents. 11. In the manure-heap, this change goes on very slowly. The farmer can accelerate or retard it by vary- ing the quantity of air and moisture. For example, when . we want the manure to rot slowly, we compress the heap, and thus exclude air. If the season is advancing, and we have reason to fear the manure is not rotting fast enough, we turn the heap, so as to let more air into it. Sometimes it is turned twice in the season ; but this should be avoided under ordinary circumstances, as the extra labour is unnecessary. All the valuable pro- ducts of decay in a manure-heap are soluble in water ; hence it is necessary to prevent the rain from washing them away. The thick, black liquid, which is so commonly seen trickling away from the manure-heaps of so man y of our farmers, contains the very essence of the manure. As farm-yard manure is made up of the dung and urine I.] IRISH FARMING. 7: of the farm animals, and of the materials used in littering them, it is evident that, when properly made, it contains^ all the mineral constituents taken out of the ground by crops, except what is sold off. In addition to farm-yard •. manure, it is desirable to have a compost-heap in which are collected weeds and refuse materials. 12. Farm-yard manure is the most perfect of all ma- nures ; for it contains not only every mineral substance V /found in plants, but also a great deal of volatile matter,, ^^ derived from the air by the plants from which it is pro-, duced. Hence it always enriches the soil. 13. A cow fed in the house will give about a ton off farm-yard manure per month; two cows, house-fed. throughout the year, will therefore produce twenty- four tons, which will manure an acre of potatoes or o£ roots. 14. The manure made in the "bawns" of vast numbers of Irish farmers is not what is here called farm-yard ma- nure at all, but compost of clay. They cart a quantity o£. clay from the headlands or old ditches, or from trenche3 cut in the fields, throw it into the yards in front of their doors, and on this is poured kitchen refuse. By being kept in the yard for some time, the clay " sours," and a little of its mineral constituents becomes liberated. The labour expended on these composts by small farmers is very great ; the quantity of mineral matter liberated is veiy small; and as the same object would be effected in the soil itself by good tillage, the system is a very bad one. Except the small supply of vegetable matter added in kitchen refuse, this sort of compost does not at all enrich the soil in combustible matter, and is seldom worth the labour expended upon it. 15. When these composts sour in front of the door, as they invariably do, bad smells are, as already explained, generated, which are most injurious to the health of the 8 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. people. A manure or compost-heap of any kind should never be placed in front of the dweUing. 16. A proper receptacle should be formed for the manure-heap, and, if possible, it should be placed on the north side of the farm-yard. With the view of econo- mizing labour, it should be as near as possible to the byre, stable, and piggery ; and, for obvious reasons, it should be as remote as possible from the dairy and dwelling- house. It should also be on level ground ; for if placed on sloping ground, there would be a great loss of the liquid, which would make its way down the slope ; and if placed in a hollow, it becomes too much saturated with rain-water. 17. Many farmers have a slovenly and wasteful prac- tice of allowing the manure of the byre, stable, and piggery to lie for days and weeks in small loose heaps, exposed to the deteriorating influence of air and rain. 18. The manure-heap should be covered occasionally, and particularly in summer, with a layer of peat, vege- table mould, or earth, to absorb ammonia and other soluble products of decomposition. When peat exists on the farm, or in the neighbourhood, it is one of the best sub- stances to use for the purpose : the dung and urine of the cattle induce the decay of the peat, and thus convert it into good manure. In the absence of peat, a supply of earth may be provided during autumn, by cutting shallow and narrow trenches in the field or fields intended for roots the ensuing year. It should be stored in a heap convenient to the dung-pit, and spread on the manure when necessary. The following plan of making it has been successfully practised by the writer on a small farm which is under his direction. The site of the dung- heap is made level. There is no channel surrounding it. The earth is placed round about the heap as soon as any manure collects in it ; and when this is saturated I.] IRISH FARMING. 9 with the oozing from the manure, it is shovelled on to the top of the heap, and fresh earth put in its place ; and this, when saturated, is again put on top of the fresh dung added. The urine of the cattle is received in a barrel, and regularly poured on the whole. In this way the earth itself is converted into a valuable fertilizer, not only by the absorption of some of the products formed by the decomposition of the manure, but also by the conversion of some of its own dormant constituents into active food for plants. III. LIQUID MANURE. 19. The liquid voided by the domestic animals is commonly called liquid manure, a name which is als© given to the drainage of dung-heaps and town sewage. 20. The most profitable way of disposing of this sub- stance is that in which the greatest quantity of it is absorbed by the solid or farm-yard manure ; for, firstly, as the liquid and solid excrements of animals differ in composition, the most perfect manure is obtained when they are mixed together. Secondly, as the liquid soon begins to ferment, it promotes the decomposition of the solid manure. Thirdly, as a good deal of the water of liquid manure is evaporated, the cost of conveying it to the land is kept as low as possible. 21. When liquid manure is disposed of in this way, the litter is made to absorb a good deal of it; the quantity so absorbed depending on the quantity of litter used. A channel or drain should convey the remainder to a receptacle ; a good barrel or two, or distillery vats, will answer the purpose of the small farmer very well. The large farmer must build a tank of brick or stone. It should be well lined with cement inside, and drained all round, to prevent the water that would otherwise accumulate in the surrounding soil from pressing in the 10 INTRODUCTION TO [chap, wall. Some or all of the liquid that accumulates in the tank should be occasionally pumped over the manure- heap ; and any of it that cannot be disposed of in this way should be applied to the nearest field of grass. Rain-water should not be permitted to enter the liquid- manure tank, especially in winter, as it does not pay to convey it to the land. IV. ARTIFICIAL MANURES. 22. An artificial manure is, literally speaking, one made by the art or the hand of man, such as the several kinds of superphosphate. At present the title is syno- nymous with concentrated manure, and includes such natural products as Peruvian guano, and all substances that contain in a small bulk a large amount of one or more of the most important of the elements of manures. 23. The reader will understand from what has been already explained, that, in the practice of modern agri- culture, phosphate of lime is constantly withdrawn from the soil, and must be restored by applications of manure. The substances used for this purpose are farm-yard manure, which we have already considered, and bones, guano, and other concentrated fertilizers, of which we have now to treat. 24. Manures, like bones and superphosphates, which depend for their efficacy chiefly on phosphates, are called phosphatic mamn'es, 25. Phosphate of lime being insoluble, or nparly so, in water, but capable of being converted into biphosphate of lime (called also superphosphate of lime), which is soluble, when brought into contact with sulphuric or muriatic acid, Liebig suggested the propriety of bring- ing about this change in bones and other phosphatic manures "by dissolving" them in sulphuric acid. This suggestion laid the foundation of the system of manu- I.] IRISH FA KMING. 1 1 facturing the class of artificial manures called "super- phosphate/' which forms one of the most interesting features of modern agriculture. 26. In chemical language, the terms biphosphate and superphosphate are synonymous; but the term super- phosphate, as commonly used by farmers and manure vendors, is applied to the artificial manure produced when bones or coprolites are acted on by acid. 27. Superphosphate, in common with phosphatic ma- nures, is better adapted to light than heavy soils. It is used chiefly for roots. When made from coprolites, it contains no volatile matter, and is called mineral super- phosphate. Bone superphosphate contains volatile matter,. and is capable of yielding about one per cent, of ammonia. 28. G2tano is one of the most important concentrated manures we possess. It is supposed to consist chiefly of the dung of sea-fowl, which has accumulated in some- parts of the globe. 29. There are two kinds of guano in the market. When guano is subjected to the influence of heat, air, and moisture, it undergoes decomposition, like all other substances of animal and vegetable origin. In the Chinca Islands, from which the principal supply of Peruvian guano used to be obtained, no rain falls, and one of the three conditions essential for decomposition — ■ namely, moisture — is absent ; hence the high percentage of nitrogenized matter it contained. The supply of guano in- these islands has been all used ; and the guano now sold under the name of Peruvian comes from the mainland,, and is less valuable. 30. Manures, like Peruvian guano, which are pur- chased chiefly for their ammonia, and those which, like sulphate of ammonia, depend solely for their action on this substance, are called ammojiiacal manures. It is worthy of remark here, that all these manures not only 12 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. afford their own constituents, as food to the crop, but they aid in dissolving the insoluble mineral matters of the soil. 31. It is not safe, therefore, to use Peruvian guano often on the same land without farm-3^ard or some other manure which would enrich the soil. We have known light land to be reduced to a gritty and barren state by repeated dressings of this manure. Like all stimulants, it is very good when used in moderation ; but used repeatedly, it impoverishes land. 32. Peruvian guano is applied with advantage to all our cultivated crops. It may be,, stated, generally, that phosphatic manures are best for roots, and ammoniacal manures for corn and grass. 33. Peruvian guano produces a better effect on strong clay than on light or sandy land. As a top-dressing for corn and grass, especially in Spring, Peruvian guano produces a better result on a greater variety of soils, and under a greater variety of circumstances, than any other artificial manure. It is applied to these crops at the rate of from i to 2 cwt. per statute acre. Numerous experiments have shown, that when from any cause corn is not thriving, an application of i^ cwt. of this manure, at a cost of about ^i, increases the value of the crops from 30^-. to £7.. In common with all ammoniacal manures, it encourages the growth of the stronger grasses, such as cocksfoot ; and by enabling plants to continue growing longer, retards both the harvest and the hay-making. It is seldom applied for roots on light land ; but many farmers consider it superior to superphosphate on clay land, and equal to it on clay loams. On the latter class of soils, we have found a mixture of Peruvian guano and superphosphate of lime to give better results than either manure used alone. When used alone for roots on medium soils. I.] IRISH FARMING. 13 the quantity used is from 3 to 4 cwt. per statute acre. 34. In Patagonia, in several parts of Africa, and in other parts of the globe, guano is also obtained ; but as rain falls in all those countries, the combustible matter has, in the course of time, undergone decomposition, its ammonia has been dissipated, and there remains only the phosphate of lime — a circumstance which explains why this species of guano is often called phosphatic. A good specimen of phosphatic guano may contain as much as 70 per cent, of phosphate of lime. Several kinds of it are at present in the market ; but as their phosphates are in the insoluble state, they are not now usually applied directly by the farmer, but are used in the manufacture of superphosphate of lime. V. LIME. 35. LiiFie is the most important mineral manure we possess. It produces several useful effects in the soil. 36. In common with all the fixed mineral constituents of plants, lime must be present in every fertile soil, 37. Some soils contain acid substances, which keep them in a sour and comparatively infertile state. Lime combines with and neutralizes these acids, and thus fits the soil for growing good crops. 38. In other cases, infertility or barrenness in soils arises from the presence in them of noxious compounds^ such as salts of iron and copper ; and lime has the pov/er of decomposing these compounds, and rendering them harmless. 39. Lime promotes the decay of volatile or combus- tible matter. Experience tells us that applications of lime diminish the quantity of this kind of matter in the soil. As the quantity of vegetable matter in the ground increases, so does the necessity for applying lime. This 34 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. explains the old saying, " The more dung, the more hme." Peaty soils, which contain a great deal of inert vegetable Tnatter, are much improved by quick-lime. 40. Lime helps to liberate the fixed constituents of the soil. If we mix lime with ground granite, or with pulverized clay-soil, we shall find, after a time, a quantity of potash and soda liberated : in other words, lime con- verts some of the dormant fixed mineral matter of the soil into active plant-food, or, as it were, forces the soil to give up to the crops some of its latent constituents. This effect is produced much more speedily by quick or caustic than by mild lime (carbonate of lime). 41. This partly explains why lime produces the greatest effect when first applied to a field, and that the oft-repeated use of lime, without any other manure, by stimulating the soil, would ultimately end in rendering it sterile. Hence the converse of a proposition stated above, which says that the more dung, the more lime, is also true — namely, the more lime we apply, the greater the necessity for dung — a notion well expressed in the old saying, " that the use of lime without manure, is sure to make the farm and the farmer poor." 42. If we mix quick-lime with Peruvian guano or well- rotted dung, a peculiar smell is felt, caused by the escape of ammonia. Hence, lime should never be permitted to come into contact with either of the manures named, or any other manure containing ammonia. When farm- yard manure and lime are applied to the ground in the same year, the lime should be used before or after the dung. 43. The state in which lime is applied to land varies with the quality of the land and other circumstances. The common practice is to cart the lime to the field, make it into a heap or heaps, cover it over with a little earth, and allow it to fall into powder, or to slake spon- I.] IRISH FARMING. 15 taneoLisly ; after which it is evenly spread on the land and harrowed in, or otherwise worked into the ground. 44. The slaking of lime is a chemical process. The lime absorbs and combines with moisture, forming hydrate of lime, and causing the development of heat and a swelling of the lime-shells, which soon crumble to powder. The finer the state of sub-division into which the lime falls, the- more completely it is distributed through the soil, and the more thorough and uniform its action. 45. When the lime is applied as above described, it absorbs moisture from the air, and is said to slake spon- taneously ; and for general purposes there is no better way of applying it. Some farmers who use much lime, make it into a large heap or heaps, and hasten the slaking process by pouring water upon the mass. If applied immediately after slaking in this way, lime is quickest in its action, as it is in the caustic or hydrate state. 46. Sometimes, again, the lime is made into a compost with earth or peat, in which state its action is slower than in either of the preceding states. 47. It is evident that the propriety of applying it in one or other of these three states depends on the nature of the ground ; also, on whether we wish its action to be quick or slow. When the soil is light or sandy, and de- ficient in vegetable matter, and its texture open, it is recommended to apply the lime in a state of compost, which contains the lime, in the mild state, and also con- tains other materials in which these soils are deficient. It is said that lime when applied to light land in the caustic state, encourages the growth of red poppy and other weeds. On the other hand, lime should be applied in as caustic a state as possible to all soils containing much vegetable matter, such as peat and moss, as well as to clays, moors, and other soils undergoing reclamation, i6 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. and to all soils containing injurious substances, such as the salts of iron. 48. The application of lime to clay-land renders the soil more friable, and, at the same time, converts a good deal of its dormant constituents into the active state. 49. An excess of moisture in the soil prevents lime from producing its full effects. Hence, wet lands require a greater quantity of lime than those which are naturally dry, or those which have been made so by drainage. In the permanent improvement of clay-land, or wet ground of any kind, lime should, therefore, be applied after drainage. For the same obvious reason, good farmers put lime upon the ground in dry weather. 50. Lime is applied with advantage to all crops except flax. 51. There is a difference of opinion among farmers as to the crops to which it is best to apply lime ; some con- tend that it should be applied for roots, while others prefer to apply it for grain. Regard being had to its various functions, it cannot be expected to produce its full effects in the year in which it is put upon the land. If, therefore, the farmer has good reason to suppose that one crop in the rotation requires lime more than the rest, it should, if practicable, be used a year before that crop. CHAPTER II. THE CROPS TO GROW, AND HOW TO GROW THEM. 52. The crops most extensively grown in Ireland are potatoes, root-crops, green crops, grain-crops, forage and herbage plants, and flax. II.] IRISH FARMING. 17 I. THE POTATO. 53. The potato is raised by every farmer for his own family, the area under the crop depending on the size of the family, and the extent to which the potato enters into their diet. To supply the wants of an ordinary family, half an acre of ground is required. When well manured, this will yield at least three tons of potatoes fit for table, and a ton of small ones for feeding pigs and cows. The potato grows in all sorts of land. A rich loamy soil gives the heaviest return ; the soundest crop is obtained from dry land ; and marshy or boggy ground gives the best potatoes for seed. It is almost invariably the first crop planted on bog or waste land undergoing improvement. 54i The potato admits of being planted after any other crop. The small farmers very generally plant it on lea. The ground is ploughed in spring ; the crests of the sods broken or levelled down ; manure spread on the ridges^ and the " sets " (cut potatoes) should be laid across them in rows eighteen inches apart, and nine or ten inches from set to set, and the whole covered with clay from the furrows. When the plants appear at the surface, they are moulded with earth taken from the furrows ; and as they grow up, the clay in the space between the rows is raised against their stems. The weeding of the crop, afterwards, should be properly attended to. 55. On cottier and small farms, the lea may be dug deeply as early as possible ; when the planting season arrives, the surface should be levelled with the spade or harrow, and the manure carted out and deposited in rows ; a straight trench is opened with the spade to the depth of four inches, the manure deposited in the bottom of this trench, the sets placed over it at intervals of ten inches or a foot, and both manure and sets covered with C 1 8 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. the clay lifted out of another trench marked off with a garden-line about twenty-four inches from the first. In this second trench, manure and sets will in turn be deposited, and covered in with clay taken from a third trench ; and so on. Or, drills may be opened with the shovel twenty-eight inches wide, farm-yard manure spread in the hollows of these drills, the sets placed on it at from ten inches to a foot asunder, and both manure and sets covered by splitting the drills. The after-culture consists in digging or grubbing between the rows, to loosen the ground, in keeping down weeds, and putting earth against the stems of the plants. 56. In the ordinary course of cropping land under rotation, the potato usually follows lea oats, and occupies the same place in the rotation as root-crops. In this case the ground is ploughed deeply as early in autumn as possible, and when the proper time for potato-planting arrives, the ground is grubbed or cross-ploughed, harrowed, and made into drills ; the manure is applied, and the crop planted and treated as already described. The main crop of potatoes is sown in March, and loo stones of tubers, cut into sets, will plant a statute acre. For early use, a few drills of kemps should be planted in February. For general use, the following sorts may be recommended : — White Varieties — White Rocks, Scotch Downs, and Regents. Red Varieties — Kerry Blues and Red Rocks. ■ 57. Crops raised for their fleshy roots are called Root-Crops J the roots most commonly grown are carrots and parsnips, turnips and mangolds. II. CARROTS AND PARSNIPS. 58. Carrots and parsnips are deep-rooted plants, and are treated alike. The parsnip is a wholesome and nutritious vegetable, and is saleable at a high price almost everywhere. A variety [of carrots, called White II.] IRISH FARMING. 19 Belgiaii, is grown in small quantities for feeding horses in winter ; they improve the " coat " and appearance of horses : one feed in the day is enough. Both these crops require deep, rich ground, which should be dug deeply, and, if possible, manured in autumn. The parsnip admits of being sown as early as the ground can be got ready for it in spring ; the carrot is sown in the end of March or beginning of April. The drills for either crop may be made eighteen inches in width ; when the ordinary drilling plough is used, they must be made wider — savj two feet. III. TURNIPS AND MANGOLD WURTZEL. 59. Of all root-crops, the turnip is the most generally grown. There are three kinds of it — swedes, Aberdeen 01: yellow turnips, and white turnips. Swedes are the hardiest and most nutritious ; white turnips are the softest and least nutritious ; and yellow turnips are intermediate in quality between swedes and white turnip?^ Mangold wurtzel is a newer crop than the turnip. The more it is grown, the more it is valued. For the produc-r tion of milk it is better than any sort of turnip ; for fattening purposes it is- considered slightly inferior to. swedes, but superior to yellow turnips. Mangolds ara less liable to casualties than turnips ; and when the ground is rich, and the climate favourable, mangolds give, a heavier crop. The crop requires a drier climate than, turnips ; and as it is more easily injured by frost, it requires to be stored earlier. It thrives best in the east- and south of England. The climate of the north and. north-west of England, and of Scotland, and the west. of Ireland, is not so well suited to it. On reclaimed bog and moor it yields a heavier crop than turnips of any- kind. The preparation of the ground is, in the main, the same for turnips and mangolds. Both crops usually , BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRA^^v^ CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. 20 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. follow grain, and the stubble should be dug or ploughed deeply, in autumn, as soon as the corn is removed. In spring it is forked by the cottier, cleared of weeds, and made into drills twenty or thirty inches wide. When one or more horses are kept, the ground is grubbed, harrowed, and rolled, until it is reduced to a fine state ; it is then cleaned, and made into drills. If farm-yard manure is used, it is evenly spread in the bottom of the drills, all lumps being broken ; it is then covered in by splitting the drills. The seed is sown by hand on small farms, and by a machine on large farms. There is a slight difference in the mode of sowing turnips and mangolds. For turnips, a rut is made on the top of the drill with a pointed stick or corner of a hoe ; the seed is deposited in a continuous stream in the' rut thus made ; it is covered with a rake, and in dry weather, or on dry ground, the tops of the drills are gently beaten with the back of a spade or shovel, to keep the moisture about the seed. In sowing mangolds, openings may be made at in- tei-vals of ten or twelve inches with the corner of a hoe ; in each of these holes four or five capsules of seed are deposited, and a little of the finest mould in the bottom or sides of the drills is taken with a shovel, and put over the seed, and the whole gently beaten as before. 60. Mangolds are sown in the end of April or beginning of May ; swede turnips as soon after as possible, or, say, from the loth to the 20th May ; yellow turnips from ist to 20th June; and white turnips any time in June. The quantity of seed required per acre is — of mangolds, 6 lb. ; of swedes, 5 lb. ; of yellow and white turnips, 6 lb. ; and of carrots and parsnips, 6 lb. to 8 lb. 61. On land capable of giving a good crop, mangolds require 25 tons, and swedes 20 tons of farm-yard manure per statute acre. If there is any difference in the quality of the manure, the best of it should be used for mangolds. II.] IRISH FARMING. 21 62. When from any cause a farmer has to raise roots with the aid of artificial manure, the following may- be used. On light land, superphosphate made from bones is best for turnips ; it is applied at a rate vary- ing from 6 cwt. per statute acre on good land, to 3 cwt. on poor light soils. On good deep land, the same money's worth of a mixture of four parts of superphosphate and one part of genuine Peruvian guano, or of sulphate of ammonia, gives a better return. A manure composed of two parts of superphosphate and one part of Peruvian guano or sulphate of ammonia, answers better for man- golds. This mixture, when used without farm-yard manure, may be applied at the rate of 5 cwt. per statute acre on good land. 63. In many cases it happens that the farmer has only as much farm-yard manure as would give an ordinary dressing to one-half or two-thirds of the area of roots he wants to grow. In this case, experience tells us the surest way of obtaining a good crop of roots, and of keeping up the condition of the soil, is to distribute the farm-yard manure over the whole of the ground, using a little more for the mangolds, and supplementing it all round with the mixtures of artificial manures recommended above. If we apply two-thirds of a full quantity of farm- yard manure — ^for example, to mangolds — we should use one-third the quantity of artificial manure recommended to be used when no farm-yard manure is applied ; and if we apply half a full dressing of farai-yard manure for swedes, we should supplement it with half a full dressing of artificial manure ; and so on. 64. In using farm-yard manure and artificial manure in conjunction, the following is found to be a good mode of applying them : — The farm-yard manure being spread and broken in the bottom of the drills, every second drill is split, and at the back of the clay thus throw"n over, the BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL. Mass ^2 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. artificial mixture is deposited by hand ; the remaining drills are then split, and the seed sown, as already pointed out. In this way the plants will find artificial manure -within their reach just as they are brairding, which is the anost critical period in their growth ; and the farm-yard .manure will be available when the roots begin to swell. ■On large holdings the manure may be distributed by a ^nachine, or scattered broadcast. 65. Young turnips suffer very much from a pest known as the turnip-fly, which often destroys whole fields. The best safeguards against the ravages of this enemy are, to sow plenty of seed, to use artificial manure to force on the young plants, and, when practicable, to use liquid manure for the same purpose. A mixture of salt, soot, -and lime spread on the drills, is also found to check the fly ; and when salt and soot cannot be had, lime may be iised alone. Mangolds and turnips require to be thinned when the leaves have grown to the length of about three 'inches. It is usual to thin mangolds twice, leaving two plants in each clump at the first thinning, and removing the smaller of the two when it begins to interfere with the other. Turnips are thinned at once, the best plants being retained. The distance from plant to plant, in both -crops, varies from ten inches in light ground, to twelve inches, or a little more, in rich land. 66. In a very dry season a good deal of the seed of m.angolds and turnips does not grow at all for want of moisture. The blanks are filled up in several ways. First, as both mangolds and swedes bear transplanting very well, a number of plants taken out in thinning them are carefully put in with a dibble or spade. This should iDe done when the ground is moist ; the greatest care should be taken that the roots are not doubled ; and the clay should be so pressed about the roots, that on taking one of the leaves between the fingers, the plants II.] IRISH FARMING. 23 will not come away. It is also useful to put the plants for half a day, or a day, in clay puddled with weak liquid manure. 67. Blanks in mangolds or swedes may also be filled up with cabbage-plants, or with late turnips. We gene- rally sow, for this purpose, a mixture of Dale's Hybrid and Greystone turnips. 68. The after-cultivation of roots consists in hoeing two or three times, to admit air into the soil, and to keep down weeds ; and in digging or grubbing the spaces between the rows, to enable the roots of the plants to go in search of food. 69. The following are a few good varieties of root crops : Swede turnips — Skirving's Ptcrple Topj Suttmt's Chatn- pion. Aberdeens — Dale's Hybrid. White turnips — Grey- stone. Mangold wurtzel — Long Red, for strong ground and for reclaimed moorland -, Yellow Globe for light and medium land. Oval Yellow is a good intermediate sort. Carrots — White Belgiiwi for feeding horses. Parsnips — Jei'sey Hollow Crowned. IV. CABBAGE AND RAPE. 70. Green Crops embrace cabbage and rape, the leaves of which are used in a green state. Both are useful for feeding stock. Neither bears being stored like root-crops ; but as they admit — more especially the cabbage — of being sown at different times of the year, it is possible to have them coming in for use in succession. For instance, by making three sowings of cabbage-seed, in a well-prepared seed-bed, and by putting out the plants in regular succes- sion, we can have a supply throughout the year. One of these sowings is made in August. The crop is trans- planted in April, and fit for use in autumn, at a time when grass is scarce, and before any of the root-crop is ready. 24 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 71. The cabbage grows best in a rich, deep soil. It is grown after several crops. For the reasons just stated, it is generally put into the same place in the rotation as potatoes and roots ; the plants may be dibbled on the top of drills, made and prepared in the same way as if for these crops. On spade-labour farms the manure may be forked in, and the cabbage planted with a dibble in lines. 72. Drumhead is the best variety to grow in this way on the farm ; the rows of plants should be two feet six inches apart, and the distance from plant to plant in the lines, eighteen inches. The yield is at least twenty tons per acre. . The after-cultivation of cabbage consists in loosening the earth in the spaces between the drills, keep- ing down weeds, and putting earth up about the stems of the plants. 73. Another sowing of cabbage-seed is made in April ; the plants are put out in summer, and are fit for use in winter. Plants of this sowing are used for filling up blanks in mangolds and swedes. The third sowing of seed is made in the third week of July ; the plants put out in autumn for use in spring. 74. Sheep-breeders find the cabbage invaluable food for ewes suckling their lambs in spring. It is found useful to cut up the cabbage with a chaff-cutter, or some other instrument, more especially when feeding is scarce, as the chopped leaves may be mixed with other substances. In the hand-feeding of cows on small farm^s, we have found this practice very profitable. 75. It is useless to attempt to grow drumhead cabbage- without a liberal application of, say, 25 tons of good farm- yard manure per statute acre. A variety called Thotisand- headed Cabbage gives a heavy crop of leaves, and does not require such rich ground as drumhead. The seed is sown in April ; the plants put out in June and July ; and they become fit for use in winter. II.] IRISH FARMING. 25 76. Rape is raised in this country principally as a stolen crop between grain and turnips. The stubble is dug or ploughed, and the seed sown broadcast at the rate of from 10 lb. per acre on good ground, to 14 lb. on poor land. The seed may also be sown in ruts or drills, sixteen inches asunder. The strong roots of rape loosen up clay-land ; and the crop grows luxuriantly on bog- land. It is necessary to apply some manure to this crop. Ten tons of farm-yard manure, or three cwt. of super- phosphate of lime, may be used. 77. Rape being, like cabbage, a slow-grower while young, the seed is often sown in a seed-bed, and the crop afterwards transplanted. For spring use, the seed should be sown in July, and the plants dibbled in October in ground properly prepared for them. Sometimes the plants are carefully laid in every second furrow as the ground is being ploughed, a little manure being applied about the roots at the same time. Rape, treated in any of the foregoing ways, yields at the rate of eight or ten tons of feeding per acre ; and on good land twenty tons- have been obtained. V. GRAIN CROPS. Wheat. 78- The grain-crops raised in this country are wheat^^ barley, oats, and rye. Since the introduction of free trade, the growth of wheat has declined, as it can be produced cheaper in warmer climates. Good crops of wheat can, however, be profitably raised, especially after potatoes, in some of the southern, eastern, and midland counties of Ireland. It is pretty extensively grown in the south and east of England, and in the south of Scotland. The crop admits of being sown either in autumn or in spring. In this country, spring wheat is sa 26 . INTRODUCTION TO [chap. uncertain, that it is rarely attempted. In Ireland the growth of wheat is now very much confined to potato- ground, which is cleared in time to admit of the wheat- sowing at the best period, which is the end of October or beginning of November. On clean, level ground the seed is often sown broadcast, and ploughed or dug in. A favourite mode of sowing wheat is by ribbing— that is, the ground is made into ridglets or ribs, with a common plough stripped of its mould-board, or with a ribbing machine. On cottier farms the ribs may be formed with the corner of a hoe or with a small shovel. The seed is scattered broadcast on the ribbed surface, and covered with a harrow. In England the seed is very generally sown with a corn-drill. The quantity of seed varies from eight to twelve stones per acre, according to the quality of the ground. 79. On rich, dry land, white is better than red wheat ; on inferior soils, red wheat is more certain. A better climate is required for white than for red wheat. Red Chaff White is a favourite white variety. White Irish is hardy and productive. Of red varieties, Spalding'' s Prolific -and White Chaffed Red are very good. Barley. 80. Of late years the demand for barley has become so brisk, that it is a very profitable grain-crop on land in ijuitable condition. It requires the surface-soil to be rich ; hence it is grown after root-crops. The preparation of the ground consists in ploughing or grubbing across the direction of the drills ; in harrowing, and, when necessary, rolling, to produce a proper seed-bed ; in sowing the seed, and covering it with the harrow. The quantity of seed sown per statute acre is about ten stones. The variety of barley known as Chevalier is one of the best in use. Barley is sown in the end of March or 'beginning of April. IJ.] IRISH FARMING. 27 Oats. 81. Of all cereals, the oat-crop is most generally suited to the climate of the North and West of England, as well as to Ireland and Scotland. In the latter countries it is almost the only grain-crop raised on lea. It is also very extensively grown after roots, but on most well- managed farms barley pays after two crops better when the climate is not too wet. On lea ground, well ploughed, the seed is scattered broadcast on the surface ; it falls into the hollows between the slices ; and is covered by breaking down with a harrow the crests. When the land is badly ploughed, this mode of sowing does not answer, as a large quantity of the grain is apt to fall so low into holes and fissures, that it does not germinate. To pre- vent this, the surface is first harrowed ; the seed then scattered broadcast, and covered with the harrow ; and in shallow ground it often becomes necessary to shovel some earth from the furrows over the ridges, so as to secure the necessary covering for the seed. 82. Speaking generally, our small farmers do not plough their lands to more than half the proper depth for oats. The result is, that the crop is very short, and in dry seasons it partially fails. 83. The quantity of seed required per statute acre varies from ten stones in good, to fourteen stones in poor ground. The crop is usually sown about the middle of March. Of good varieties we would name the following : — White Oats — Potato for good rich ground ; Sandy for medium land. Black Oats — Com7no7i Black Oats for poor cold land. Black Tartary for rich, moory ground, or land which contains a large proportion of vegetable matter. This variety has become a general favourite. A variety called Tawney Oats is sown in October, and ripens sooner than any other kind. The common black 28 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. oats of the country when well selected yields well. Com- mon speckled oats is very hardy. Rye. 84. Rye is the hardiest of all our grain-crops. It grows in soils too poor, or in situations too exposed or elevated, for oats. In Belgium, it is grown more exten- sively than oats or barley, notwithstanding that the summer is drier and w^armer than ours ; but there, the rye is harvested so early that it admits of being succeeded by a crop of turnips the same year. This crop may be sown in autumn, in winter, or in spring ; the best time is in the end of October or beginning of November. The quantity of seed used per acre depends on the time of sowing — twelve to fourteen stones being the average. Common Rye is hardy, but a variety called Giant English is the best. The seed is sown and covered in the same way as oats. 85. We have known mountain land, let at 6^-., to pro- duce 76 stones of rye per statute acre. Last year, the grain was sold at i^-. a stone, and the straw, which is used for special purposes, at ^s. a cwt. 86. The yield of the corn-crops is increased, and their quality improved by a change of seed. On this subject we shall make a remark or two further on. VI. BEANS AND PEAS. 87. Beans and peas being raised for their seed, are sometimes classed as grain-crops ; but, as the seed is enclosed in legumes or pods, they are, with more coiTect- ness, called leguminous crops. 88. Both these crops are rich in what is called flesh- forming material — that is, they contain, in large quantity, the substance of flesh or muscle. Hence, they are found useful in feeding horses, which carry heavy loads in cities and large towns. They are also consiuned by man ; but,. 11.] IRISH FARMING. 29 as they contain little fatty and starchy matter, they have a costive effect, and must be used in moderate quantity. 89. The bean is best suited for strong clay-land. It is grown in several ways. Sometimes it is raised in drills like potatoes. In some places it is often sown broadcast. The ground being ploughed, and harrowed when neces- sary, the seed is scattered by hand, at the rate of four bushels, or more, per statute acre,- and covered in the same way as corn. Very heavy crops have been obtained in this way on our heavy clay-lands. 90- An expeditious way of sowing beans is to drop the seed in every second furrow, as the land is being ploughed. The plants grow in rows, the space between which can be dug or grubbed and hoed. 91. The spring varieties of beans are sown from the ist February to the middle of March. The variety known as Russian or winter bean is sown in October. 92. The crop should be cut when the pods, as well as the upper part of the stem, become brown, and when the seed is easily detached from the pod. It is allowed to remain one day in the swath, after which it is bound into small sheaves, stocked, and, in due time, carried to the stack-yard. In suitable land the yield of beans is fully as much as of wheat. 93. The J)ea, like the bean, belongs to the order of leguminous plants. It is divided into two classes, namely, common garden pea, the seed of which is white ; and field or grey pea, the seed of which is of a greyish colour. In Ireland, the pea is so precarious, that it is not exten- sively grown as a field-crop. The range of soils suited to its growth is very limited. It thrives best on light, calcareous soils. It is sown in the beginning of March. VII. FORAGE AND HERBAGE CROPS. 9-*. We now come to consider forage and herbage 30 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. plants which have been divided into artificial and natural grasses. According to this division, artificial grasses include vetches, clover, lucerne, and sanfoin, which are not grasses at all, but are given to cattle chiefly in the green state ; and the rye grasses, which are true grasses* All these plants are called artificial grasses, because they are cut and prepared for cattle by hand or art. The Vetch. 95. The tare or vetch is, in this country, chiefly grown as a stolen crop after corn. The ground — being clean- is dug or ploughed, farm-yard manure at the rate of ten to twelve tons per acre is applied, the seed sown broadcast, the ground harrowed to cover the seed, and some earth shovelled from the furrows to complete the covering. A sowing of it should be made as soon after harvest as the ground can be got ready ; and a second sowing a fort- night later. As the stems of the vetch do not stand erect, it is necessary to sow along with it rye, oats, or Italian rye-grass. Rye may be mixed with the seed of the first sowing, rye-grass with the second, and oats with the third. This crop yields on an average twelve tons of forage per acre, and affords excellent feeding for all farm animals ; and on small farms it has the advantage of coming into use at a time when other feeding is scarce. The quantity of seed is about two bushels per statute acre, with a bushel of oats or rye-grass. 96. As vetch-seed is very dear, farmers ought to allow a small portion of the crop to come to maturity, so as to raise their own seed. 97. The small farmer may sow in autumn at least twenty perches of this crop for every milch cow kept on the farm. 98; Vetches sown in spring afford excellent feeding in summer and autumn. Cottiers and small farmers who II.] IRISH FARMING. 3t house-feed their cows in summer ought to use the crop for this purpose. Several sowings of it may be made from February till May, so that the produce of these several sowings may become ready for use in succession. Liicerne. 99. Lucerne, though a very useful forage-crop, is little- known in many parts of the country. It grows best in rich land, but is most valuable on medium land. It may be planted in waste corners and places which could not be easily tilled. It is sown along with a corn-crop in the same way as clover and grass-seed, or by itself. If sown alone, the ground should be deeply tilled, and made quite even, the surface made into ridglets or ribs, the seed sown, and covered with the rake or harrow. The ruts are made at least fifteen inches apart. The best time for sowing is the middle of April. Twelve pounds of seed per statute acre is enough. If sown broadcast, three or four pounds additional may be used. 100. One good cutting is sure to be obtained the first year ; and on good land two may be produced. In the year after, the crop will be in full bearing, and give three cuttings ; and if the spaces between the rows of plants be hoed after the last cutting in autumn, and a top- dressing of farm-yard manure or of good compost be applied, at the rate of ten tons per acre, it continues to yield g, good return for eight or ten years. 101. Lucerne is the first forage-crop available in spring. It is, therefore, of great value to the small farmer who house-feeds, and who often has a difficulty in providing feeding for his animals before the clover or rye-grass is. fit for use. The second crop of lucerne becomes fit for use at another critical time — namely, between the first and second cutting- of clover or rye-grass. 32 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. Sa7ifoin. 102. Sanfoin is a forage-crop, not unlike lucerne in its habits of growth. It may be sown with a corn-crop, or by itself in the beginning of April, at the rate of two or three bushels of seed per acre. It gives one' cutting the first year, and is not fully grown till the second or third year. 103. This plant is deep-rooted, and is capable of growing in light stony ground, where rye-grass, clover, or even lucerne, would not pay. Every farmer who holds land of this class should have a plantation of it for the feeding of his cows in summer. 104. Both lucerne and sanfoin may be made into hay. After eight or ten years these crops die out. The land should be then put under other crops for four or five years, after which either may be sown again in the same ground, VIIT. CLOVERS. 105. Thei'e are several kinds of clover^ the most com- mon being called, after the colour of the blossoms, red, yellow, and white. Red clover is far the most pro- ductive. Being a deep-rooted plant, it is extensively grown in the east and south-east of England, where, owing to the dry climate, thefe is not moisture enough in the surface-soil to nourish rye-grasses, which are surface- rooted plants. Red clover grows luxuriantly in this country ; but if repeated oftener than once in eight years, the land becomes what is called clover-sick, and refuses to grow this plant. The mode of preventing clover- sickness will be explained further on. Red clover is sometimes sown alone, but is generally mixed with other seeds, such as rye-grasses. If sown alone, sixteen pounds of seed should be used ; and as the seed is very small, the surface of the ground requires to be rolled before sowing ; the seed is covered lightly with a bush or light II.] IRISH FARMING.^ 33 harrow, and the surface again rolled. Red clover gives two and sometimes three heavy cuttings in the year, after which it begins to die out. Yellow clover is raised as a forage-crop on poor light land, which would not yield red clover. White clover is not sown except in small quantity in mixture for permanent pasture. It affords sweet herbage, and is greatly relished by sheep. IX. THE GRASSES. 106. Of true grasses, the best for forage purposes are named rye-grasses, and are so called because of a slight resemblance they bear to common rye. There are two species of rye-grass ; namely, Italian rye-grass, and perennial rye-grass. They are very like in appearance, and are grown and used in the same way. Of the two, Italian rye-grass is the more productive. On deep, cool soils, it is, in many places, the best forage-crop we possess. It is most productive in wet climates. The heaviest crops of it are obtained on reclaimed bog in the west of Ireland. It gives two, three, and sometimes four cuttings in the year, in favourable situations. It is gene- rally sown with a corn-crop at the rate of about three bushels of seed per statute acre. 107. It has been sown alone in autumn, after pota- toes, at the rate of four or five bushels. In this case, it is necessary to sow it not later than September, so that the plants would be sufficiently strong to bear the winter's frost. Enormous crops of it are obtained in this. way. 108. The seed of Italian rye, and indeed all seeds, are grossly adulterated. Farmers would, therefore, do well to have as much of the seed of this crop as would supply their own wants. The second cutting in the season, which is clean, should be used for this purpose. D 34 INTRODUCTION TO [chap, 109. Perennial rye-grass is often mixed with the Italian, in the ratio of two-thirds Italian to one-third perennial. The Italian grows in tufts, and the perennial helps to fill up the spaces between these tufts. On rich soils, Italian grows so rapidly, and the stems and leaves cover the ground so soon, that it is unnecessary to mix anything with it ; but in other places it is better to use the mixture. lio. On all soils, except those which are very rich, Italian rye-grass begins to die out after the first year. Perennial rye-grass is more lasting ; hence its name. It is not, however, a true perennial plant ; in fact it rarely lasts more than a year longer than Italian. 111. There are a great many species of permanent grass ; but not more than ten of them, which we shall now name, should be sown by the farmer. Cocksfoot is a productive grass, and is so called from the resemblance of its flower-stalk to a cock's foot. It grows in all soils except those which are saturated with water, or too light in texture. It is met with in all good meadow-land, and is readily known by its strong leaves, which are nume- rous, of a deep-green colour, and grow with great rapidity. It should enter into ^11 mixtures for meadow-land. It thrives particularly well in shaded places ; and when mixed with the weaker sorts in such situations, it becomes a support to them, and prevents their foliage from being rotted on the ground. 112. Timothy^ or Meadow Catstail, is best adapted for deep, moist soils, and is said to excel all other grasses on strong, tenacious clays. It also grows well on re- claimed moory ground. It should, therefore, form part of ail mixtures on such lands for meadow or pasture. The aftergrass of Timothy is very light, which has brought it into disfavour. 113. Meadow Foxtail is the earliest of the valuable II.] IRISH FARMING. 35 grasses, and forms a large proportion of the herbage in our best pastures. It throws out from the crown of its root long, broad, and succulent leaves, which are re- newed with great rapidity — a circumstance which greatly enhances its value for permanent pasture. It answers very well for irrigation. As it does not acquire its full size for three years, and throws up a comparatively bare stem, it is not sown in mixtures for one or two years' grass. 114. Rough-stalked Meadow Grass is very generally met with in good meadows and pastures. It grows most luxuriantly in rich, moist soils, and does very well in the shade of trees and in irrigated land, but gets burned up in the heat of summer on light, dry ground. It throws out shoots from the root at the base of the culms, which trail on the ground, and send down small roots at their joints in moist weather. Its habits of growth fit it admirably for being sown along with the more upright kinds of grasses, such as rye-grass and meadow fescue. lis. Smooth-sialked Meadow Grass is not so valuable as the last-named plants which it resembles in some respects. As the names of both indicate, the stem of the one is rougher than that of the other. The root of the rough- stalked meadow-grass is fibrous, or but slightly creeping, whereas the smooth-stalked species has a creeping root. The smooth-stalked meadow-grass, too. is the smaller plant. As a rule, grasses with creeping roots thrive better in light land than grasses with fibrous roots. This grass cannot be recommended for cultivation, except, perhaps, to enter in small quantity into mixtures for soils which are too light for more valuable grasses. 116. Meadow Fesaie grows abundantly on rich pasture^ especially where the soil is somewhat moist ; but it is not well suited for light, dry land. The stalks are strong D 2 36 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. and coarse ; but they are greedily eaten by horses and cattle. 117. Hard Fescue is, perhaps, more abundant in British pastures than any other grass. It thrives in a great variety of soils, but it is best suited for dry, light land, and forms a very large proportion of our sheep- walks. It resists the drought of summer, retains its verdure during winter, and is more productive than its dwarfish habits of growth would indicate. It is a good grass to sow with others in lawns, when it is desired to produce both a pleasing effect and a good return. lis. Sheep's Fescue forms a large proportion of the herbage of sheep-pastures, especially those in elevated situations. It is a smaller grass, and less productive than either meadow fescue or hard fescue, but it is greatly relished by sheep. 119. Crested Dogstail is a grass on the merits of which there is a great diversity of opinion. Like meadow fox- tail, it throws up a number of root-leaves, of which sheep are very fond. Unless pasture which contains much of this grass is kept closely stocked, it throws up hard wiry stems, which sometimes irritate the eyes of sheep, and which neither sheep nor cattle eat until winter. It should, therefore, be used sparingly in putting land into grass. It has deep roots which enable it to resist drought. 120. Sweet-scented Vernal Grass, which is supposed to give out the agreeable odour so characteristic of newly-made hay, is not a productive grass ; but it begins to grow early in spring, and continues growing up to a late period in autumn. It should be introduced only to a limited extent into any mixture of grass-seeds. 121. Florin Grass has a creeping root, each stolon or joint of which is capable of sending independent roots into the grounds and producing an independent plant. II.] IRISH FARMING. 37 It gives a weighty crop on salt marshes and reclaimed bog, where other grasses would not thrive. It is also a useful grass on irrigated lands, especially those of a moory or peaty character. Fiorin grass is propagated either from seed, or by chopping up the plant, and planting the stolons in rows. 122. The foregoing list includes the most valuable grasses ; but there are two others very common in this country which we shall notice, in the hope that they will be avoided by farmers. Soft meadow grass, called also " Yorkshit'e Fog " and " White Hay^'' is too prevalent. It is covered with soft, downy hairs, and it is found that all grasses of this kind possess little value. This grass is little better than a weed, and yet we know meadows one-half of which is composed of it. Many farmers are very fond of buying what they call white hay-seed, but which, being the sweepings of haylofts, and composed principally of the seed of this plant, are dear at any price. There can be no greater mistake than the purchase of these white seeds, which are not only composed of the seeds of worthless grasses, but frequently convey to the land the seeds of most noxious weeds, whose eradication afterwards costs a great deal of labour. 123. Creeping Soft Gi'ass is another plant of the same class, often met with in meadow and pasture-land, but not to the same extent as Yorkshire Fog. It is not only downy and innutritious, but it has a creeping root, which gives it the character of a troublesome weed. 124. A rich, clean soil is required to produce good crops of the grasses ; and as their seeds are small and delicate, they also require the seed-bed to be extremely well pulverized. We have seen that the place in the rotation usually assigned to them is after the grain that follows manured roots and potatoes. 125. Barley is the best corn-crop with which to sow 38 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. grasses ; oats is next ; and wheat the least suitable of the three. The mode of sowing grass-seed with spring corn is as follows : — The grain being covered with the harrow to a sufficient depth, the ground is rolled, the grass-seeds evenly distributed, and harrowed in with a bush-harrow, or seed-harrow (which is much lighter, and has shorter tines than a common harrow), and the ground again rolled. It has been ascertained by careful experiments that grass-seeds should not be covered to a greater depth than half an inch. 126. In laying land of good average quality down to permanent pasture, the following mixture may be sown with a corn-crop : — lb. lb. Italian rye-grass ...... 6 Perennial ,, 9 Cocksfoot 5 Timothy 3 Rough-stalked meadow grass . 3 Meadow Foxtail 2 Common fescue 4 Hard fescue 4 Red clover 5 Yellow clover t White clover 2 For sheep-walks, and more especially in elevated situations, Italian rye-grass and cocksfoot are left out, the quantity of perennial rye- grass is diminished, and haxd fescue increased.' HAYMAKING. 1S7. We find that the grasses, while the blades are young, contain more water than at any subsequent period ; that as they grow in size, sugar, fat, and flesh- forming matters are produced ; and that, until the seed begins to grow, they not only continue to increase in bulk, but the quality of a given weight of that bulk improves. If permitted to grow beyond this stage, the feeding quality of the plants is greatly deteriorated, woody fibre being rapidly produced at the expense of the sugar. We may safely assume that, so far as the quantity of the pro- n.] IRISH FARMING. 39 diice (including the aftergrass) is concerned, we obtain the maximum by mowing the grasses when in blossom. As, however, all grasses do not flower at the same time, the following rules may be observed. 128. Italian rye-grass should always be mown on the appearance of the flowers. Ordinary rye-grass may be allowed to produce the flowers. Clover is best cut when the heads are in full blossom. Mixed meadows should be mown when the bulk of the herbage is in full flower, or when the seeds of the earliest grasses are fully formed, such as sweet-scented vernal grass and meadow foxtail ; and the seed of the late grasses, such as crested dogstail and meadow fescue, are just beginning to produce the floral organs. Timothy, Italian rye-grass, perennial rye- grass, and cocksfoot generally flower during the latter half of June, which is the proper time for mowing the cultivated grasses. 129. The ruling idea in the saving of hay should be to allow it to remain in the field as short a time as is absolutely necessary, and to ' rick it as soon as it can be done with safety. The time within which this can be accomplished varies with the succulence of the grass. In the case of rye-grass, and mixed grasses, from light or dry soils, the period may, by skilful management, be reduced to four days in dry weather ; in rich low-land it takes at least a week or ten days. By delaying the process too long, the hay is burnt up by the sun ; and it is also liable to have its soluble constituents washed out of it by rain. Well-made hay retains its green colour, and possesses an agreeable odour. Hay exposed to too much sun and rain is of a whitish colour, without flavour, and looks dry and coarse, like straw. To promote uniformity in the colour of the hay, all parts of it should be equally exposed to the sun and air. In half-a-day or a day after it is mown — the exact time depending on the character of 40 INTRODUCTION TO [chap, the grass, and the state of the weather — the swarth is turned over and shaken. This work is done by the hand or fork on small farms, and by a machine called a hay- tedder on large farms. When both sides become sufficiently exposed to sun and air, the grass is made with forks into cocks, called fork-cocks. Next day, these cocks may be opened, and the hay made into larger cocks in the evening. In a day or two after, these cocks may, if necessary, be made into still larger ones, from which the hay may be taken to the stack-yard. ^ Should wet overtake the farmer in making hay, the safest plan is not to meddle with it ; for each time that we turn or disturb it, a fresh surface is exposed to the solvent and deteriorating action of the rain. It will keep quite safely for several days in well-made cocks of 5 cwt. each, 130. The hay crop suffers deterioration chiefly from the following causes : — first, rain ; second, loss of fragrance by fermentation ; third, loss of colouring matter ; fourth, it is allowed to remain in the field until a portion of it is rotted away ; and this again involves loss of after- grass. 13X. Hay contains a considerable quantity of matter soluble in water, varying from 6 to 8| per cent., which is liable to be washed away by rain. Considering the rain- fall in Ireland, we shall not be considered to overstate the case when we assume that, during the process of hay- making, the Irish farmer permits the rain to run away with 5 per cent, of the valuable constituents of the crop, 132. The loss of the fragrance of hay deteriorates its value to an extent which has never been estimated, and which it is not easy to determine. The peculiar fragrance of hay is produced by a volatile organic compound, which is, probably, the compound that imparts any extra value they possess to those cattle foods which are puffed off at such exorbitant prices. In excess it produces an 11.] IRISH FARMING. 41 injurious effect upon the brain of all animals ; but, in moderate quantity, it incites a healthy action in the glands that secrete the saliva, without a due quantity of which all the nutrient constituents of the food (hay included) cannot be digested and assimilated. 133. When hay ferments, the alcohol, in the presence of water (rain), dissolves this compound, and thus destroys the fragrance of the hay, and deteriorates its value. Andy though we cannot determine with any degree of accuracy the injury done to the hay, yet, in practice, we find a difference of 50 per cent., in value, between well-saved and very badly-saved hay from the same ground.^ 134. The natural green colour of the grasses should, as far as practicable, be preserved in converting them into hay. The colouring matter is a vegetable fatty, or waxy body, which, like that which gives fragrance, is separated by alcohol. When the grasses dry in the open air, this substance becomes oxidized, and the more oxygen it takes in, the more the colour changes. It is evident, therefore, that the sooner hay is ricked the better ; for the longer we expose it to the air, the more it becomes oxidized and diminished in value. If ricked too soon, however, the loss of fragrance by fermentation (without speaking at all of the loss of sugar, &c., from the same cause) would more than counterbalance the advantages of retaining the green colour. 135. That a considerable quantity of hay is lost annu- ally, by being allowed to remain too long in field-cocks, is well known to anybody who has travelled much through the country. The portion on the ground, as well as that on the outside of the cocks, is, too often, only fit for manure. And the aftergrass, as well as the subsequent "^ "A difiference of an hour in a very hot, drying day is supposed to ^ occasion a loss of 15 to 20 per cent, in the hay, by its being carried beyond the point of perfection." — Young, " Farmer's Calendar." 42 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. year's crop (if hay or pasture), suffers to the extent of from dd. to is. per acre. 136. If we unite all the foregoing sources, the loss annually sustained in this country is enormous. On an average for all Ireland, it is not under 20 per cent., or a fifth of the actual value of the crop. We have about 1,500,000 acres under meadow in Ireland, the average produce of which is about two tons per acre. The total hay produced, therefore, is 3,000,000 tons (the value of which is at least 50^-, a ton), or ^7,500,000]; and of this sum one-fifth, or _;^ 1,500,000, is lost by bad management. ON FLAX. 137. In the north of Ireland, flax is a very important crop. It affords profitable employment to the small farmer and his family, and supplies the raw material for the linen industry, which has been a source of wealth and prosperity to many persons in Ulster. Several attempts have been made to extend the growth of flax in other parts of the united kingdom ; in most cases these attempts have not been successful. 138. Flax suits a variety of soils. It can be grown successfully in every county in Ireland. It succeeds best in cool land of medium strength. 139. In order to produce flax of fine fibre, the land should not be too rich. On the other hand, it is useless to grow it on very poor land. There is great want of skill in the management of the flax-crop in this country. It is grown too often on the same land. In Belgium and the north of France, where first-class fibre is produced, it is not repeated on the soil until after the lapse of ten or twelve years ; and for the production of fibre for cambric the interval often extends to eighteen years. 14.0. On ordinary land, the best place for flax is after lea-oats. If the farmer pursues the five-course rotation II.] IRISH FARMING. 43 on the tillage portion of his land, he can manage to have his flax come round on the same ground once in ten years, thus : — I St — Root-crops. 2nd — Grain, with seeds. 3rd — Grass — ist year. 4th — Grass — 2nd year. 5th — One-half the field is put under flax. The remaining half is cropped with grain, potatoes, rape, or vetches, according to circumstances. Five years afterwards, the flax can be put in this section of the field. 141. The ground, in preparation for flax, should be deeply dug or ploughed in autumn ; and in spring the surface should be reduced to the finest possible state of tilth. It should also be made as even as possible, to ensure plants of uniform length ; and all root-weeds should be carefully removed. 142. The seed is sown as early in April as the ground can be got ready for it, the quantity of seed used being 2\ or 3 bushels per statute acre. To ensure an even braird, it is a good plan to sow one-half the seed by going up and down the field, and the other half by going across it ; and to secure this still further, it is covered in by giving a double stroke of the harrow up and down, one straight across the field, and another in the direction of one of the diagonals. 143. Flax is fit to pull when the stems become yellow to about two-thirds their height from the ground. 144. The bolls, or capsules, which contain the seed ought to be preserved, as they make excellent feeding for calves and milch cows. A statute acre of flax ought to produce twenty-five stones of scutched fibre, which would bring from Zs. to 12s. a stone. Riga seed is the best for most soils ; but on strong, low-lying land, Dutch seed is found to give a better return. 44 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 145. The author has detailed his experience on steep- ing and scutching this plant, in a separate tract, to which the reader is referred for fuller information on these points than he srives in this treatise. CHAPTER III. LIVE STOCK. I. ON THE FOOD OF ANIMALS. 146. The nutrition of animals is governed by laws which every person ought to understand. We shall give an outline of these laws by explaining the various pur- poses served by food in the animal. The component parts of food may be grouped as follows : — 1. Water. 2. Heat-giving materials, such as starch and sugar — compounds identical in composition, and supposed to be equal for feeding. 3. Oil or fatty matter. 4. Flesh-forming material, such as the gluten of wheat. 5. Woody or indigestible fibre. 6. Ash, or mineral matter (a large portion of which is composed of phosphate of lime, the well-known substance of bones). 147. The value of any feeding substance depends mainly on the proportions in which these six groups exist in it. The food which the animal takes in through its mouth passes into the stomach (or stomachs, of which the cow and sheep have each four, and the horse and the pig only one each) ; after being acted on by various III.] IRISH FARMING. 45 agents in this organ, the indigestible or innutritious part passes away through the intestines, and the nutritious part is conveyed to the blood. 148. Overlooking water, the constituents we have first to consider are sugar, starch, and similar compounds. These, it has been found, go to support animal heat. Animals could not exist without heat ; and the heat they require is chiefly kept up by the consumption of starch and sugar, which are, therefore, very properly called heat-givers. The temperature of the body of an animal is about the same in all climates, provided it is properly fed. The blood of man, e.g., is as warm in the Arctic as in the Torrid regions of the earth. In the former, or colder climate, he must eat more carbonaceous food, or more starch, sugar, and other compounds capable of supplying carbon, to keep up animal heat. 149. The same holds good with regard to live stock. If we leave them exposed to cold they must eat more food to keep up the necessary heat of the body. This shows the necessity of providing suitable shelter and food for farm animals in winter. 150. The fat of animals is identical in composition with the fatty or oily matter found in plants ; and it is believed the fat of the food goes to form the fat of the body. The fatty matter of food is also capable of supply-—^ ing animal heat. There is this difference, however, be- tween the fatty and starchy matter of food as producers of animal fat, namely, that an animal can produce its own fat from the fatty matter of its food more readily than from compounds not fatty in their nature, such as starch and sugar, f A pound of fatty matter is supposed to be ^ equal to two and a half pounds of starchy matter, or sugar, for fattening purposes. The more fatty matter, therefore, any kind of food contains, the better it is adapted for the fattening of stock. \ Linseed (flax seed) contains 34 per 46 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. cent., or about one-third of its weight, of oil ; and is, when properly used, one of the most rapid fat producers we have. Used largely it has a laxative effect. The oil is so valuable for other purposes, that the seed is pressed in mills, the oil extracted, and a solid residue or cake is obtained, which contains about twelve per cent, of oil, and is sold underthe name of oil-cake or linseed-cake. Oil- cake from linseed, when free from adulteration, is one of the best substances which the farmer can use for fatten- ing cattle and sheep. Rape-seed, which contains a great deal of valuable oil, is also pressed in the same way ; the oil, called colza oil, so extensively used in lamps, is sold to oil merchants, and the cake called rape-cake, which contains about eleven per cent, of oil, is sold to the farmer for feeding stock. Compared with linseed oil cake, rape- cake appears to be very cheap. It does not, however, agree with cattle or sheep as well as linseed-cake. Before using rape-cake it is recommended to subject it to the action of boiling water. We are of opinion that rape- cake pays best when given to store cattle and milch cows ; notwithstanding the higher price of linseed-cake it pays better than rape-cake in the fattening of cattle or sheep. Rape-cake, when adulterated with the seed of wild mustard, is injurious to stock. By making a small quantity of it into a paste, the pungent smell, so charac- teristic of mustard, will be emitted if the cake is adulter- ated with mustard seed. 151. A cake, called cotton cake, is obtained from the seed of the cotton plant. Made from the whole seed, it contains six per cent, of oil, and upwards. When first introduced the husk was not ground in any way ; the result was that animals died from inflammation of the intestines, caused by the lodgment therein of this indiges- tible woody matter ; but, as now manufactured, it is safe and good for all stock, especially milch cows. When the cake is deprived of this husk, and becomes what is known III.] IRISH FARMING. 47 in the market as "decorticated" cotton cake, it contains ten per cent, of oil. 152. The flesh-forming constitutents of food supply the muscles of the body. The muscles and all the tissues of an animal are continually wearing away ; even in a state of perfect health and repose this process goes on. If we wish the animal to keep up its health and condition, the matter removed in this way must be supplied to it in the ^^ food. It has been estimated that a man's body is renewed in about half-a-dozen years. In flesh and bone, therefore, we are not to-day what we were yesterday. The degree of waste which the body of any animal suffers varies with a great many circumstances. Disease or irritation increases it very much. A sheep suffering -from foot-rot does not produce as much mutton from a given quantity of food as when free from this affection. A cow of a restless disposition does not thrive as well as one of quiet temper. 153. Exercise, whether mental or bodily, accelerates the waste of the body. The harder a horse is worked, ^ /the more food he requires. It follows, that in fattening \y cattle, the quieter we keep them the greater the quantity of meat we are likely to get from a given quantity of food, because the less of the latter is expended in supplying the waste of the body. 154. Woody fibre enters very largely into the composi- tion of our farm crops. It is made up of the same substance \^^ as starch, sugar, and gum ; but, as it is indigestible (or nearly so), its chief use is to give bulk to the food, so that it may be detained sufficiently long in the stomach to be thoroughly acted on. 155. The mineral constituents of the food are required ^ / to supply the mineral matter of the body. The bone and framework of the animal could not be formed without mineral matters, and as these matters are wasted, like the other constituents of the tissues, the food must always afford a fresh supply. If the food is deficient in phos- 48 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. phorus, the bone is weak, and the limbs unable to bear the animal. We have frequently seen young pigs suffer- ing from weakness of the bone, which may be prevented, and where it already exists, sometimes even cured, by J. affording food rich in the substance of bone, such as bran. Lime, which is a constituent of phosphate of lime, Ts'^^ required to build up the bone. Phosphate and carbonate of lime exist in the ashes of our pasture grasses and grain crops, the seed of the latter being particularly rich in phosphate of lime. The hard shell of the eggs of poultry is composed principally of carbonate of lime, and instinct teaches the common hen to pick up pieces of mortar, gravel, or chalk, which contain this substance. Iron is an essential constituent of the colouring matter of the blood. Common salt affords two most important constituents, - which appear to be necessary for digestion. Man obtains the saline matter necessary for his body in flesh meat, milk, and the common salt which is so universally used at table. Our crops contain comparatively little common salt, and hence it is used largely by those who live prin- cipally on potatoes. The intelligent farmer also gives common salt to his live animals, knowing that it not only causes them to thrive better, but that it also prevents many diseases which would otherwise affect them. Full- grown cattle may occasionally get a couple of ounces of it in their daily allowance of food ; horses, from one ounce to two ounces ; sheep and pigs, about half-an-ounce. Grazing cattle and sheep should have access to lumps of rock-salt in the field. Lumps of it may be also placed within reach of stall-fed cattle, or it may be strewed over or mixed with their food. The best way of giving it to horses is by dissolving it in their mashes. It is given to pigs mixed with their food. 156. We append a table showing the proportions of the foregoing constituents in the several crops and feeding stuffs, which will be found useful for a variety of purposes. III.] IRISH FARMING. 49 Every 100 parts (by weigh , say lbs.) Kind of Food. contam as follows. U c 6 u ill >•.; ^ ^^ >>s ^ t! a T3 JJ rC i o.-a < ' I. Seeds. Wheat .... iS-o 12.0 66.5 2.0 2.7 1-7 Oats .... 14.0 ii-S 58.5 6.0 7.0 3-0 Barley .... 16.0 10.5 65.0 2.0 3-5 3-0 Bere (.mean of 4 analyses) 14.2 10. 1 62.6 2.0 9-03 2.02 Rye ... . 16.0 9.0 (660) 8.0 7.0 Beans .... Pease .... 14.8 14. 1 24.4^ 47.0 48.3 1-5 1-7 10. lO.O 3-4 2.5 Linseed . ' . 7-S 30-7 34-0 3-3 Tares .... 15-3 20.1 53-9 1.8 S-3 3-4 Indian Corn . i4'5 10. 61.0 8.0 5-0 1-5 Rice .... 14.0 5-3 (78.5) 2-5 0.7 2. Fodder, Straw, Hay, ^c. Wheat .... 14.2 1-79 29.9 I.I 45-4 7-S Oats .... 12. 1 1.63 36.6 1.2 43.6 4.8 Barley .... 14-3 1.68 38.9 1.0 Q9.8 4.2 Rye . . . . 14-3 2.29 (371) 43-2 3.1 Meadow hay (average of 25 samples) . 14.6 8.4 (43-6) 27.1 6.x Meadow hay, very in- ferior, one year old. 13.1 4.0 (77-6) 5-2 Bean straw . 19-4 3-3 6.5 I.O 65.6 5-7 Pea do. ... 12,0 12.5 19.6 2.3 47-5 .6.0 3. Green Food, Roots, &'c. White Turnips (white Globe) . . . 90.4 I.I (5-45) 2-3 0.6 Purple top, Aberdeen, collected 5th October . 89.9 1.06 (82) 0.9 Swedes 89-5 1.4 (5.9) 1 2-5 0.6 Mangold- wurzel . 87.8 1-5 (8.6) ! I.I 0.9 Carrots (white Bel- gian) 87.3 0.7 n^ 0.7 Parsnips 82.0 1-3 0.9 cabbages} S '.=^''! 91.1 94.5 1.6 0.9 '&f 2.2 0.6 Potatoes, White rocks 1 (seed sample) 76.0 2.0 15.0 1 0.2 5-5 1.0 Vetches . . 82.S 3-8 (12.4) 1-3 Rape (green) . 87.0 3-1 4.0 0.6 3-5 1.6 Rye (green) . 75-4 2.7 §-^ 0.9 10.5 1-3 Furze .... 72.0 3-2 8.2 1.2 13-3 2.1 5© INTRODUCTION TO [chap. Every 100 parts (by weight, say lb: .) contain as follows. M T3.S • Kind of Food. 4> 1^ ■ ^i ^ II 4. Artificial Food. Linseed-cake 1Z.4 27-3 34-5 12.8 6.5 6.1 Rape-cake 10.7 29-5 30-9 II. I 100 7.8 Cotton-cake from whole seed .... II-3 23-7 31.0" 6.2 21.? 6.5 Do. with some of the husk removed, — the i . " decorticated " cot- - ! ton-cake of commerce 9-3 41.2 16.4' 16.0 ; , 8.9 8.0 Poppy-cake . 6.6 34-0 23.2 II.O ' II. 3 13.8 Bran .... 12.8 138 50.1 5-5 ' II-5 6.1 Brewers' grains 758 0.6 i.i^ ? 1 21.2 1.2 Do. (draff) . 74-7 3-6 (20.3) .. 1-3 Hemp-cake 7.2 21.S 22.5 1 7-9 1 25.1 15-8 Malt dust 6.2 25.6 (59-4) 8.7 Oat dust 5.6 4.8 45-7 3-6 35-3 S-o Barley dust . II. 8.4 69.7 3-5 7-3 Palm kernel-cake 10.7 13-4 27.4- 11.4 ' 33-0 4.0 Thorley's condiraental food .... II. 4 11.4 1 64.0 4.1 1 6.2 2.8 157. This table is a mere approximation to truth. An accurate table cannot be prepared in the present state of science ; for, in the first place, it is well known that soil and climate influence the composition of the same plant very much, and samples of crops raised on soils and in circumstances alike in every way have not been analyzed ; secondly, there are defects in the present mode of deter- mining some of the constituents of food ; thirdly, such a table does not take any cognizance of the mechanical condition in which the different kinds of flesh-formers, heat-givers, &c., exist in the food. For example, flesh- forming material may exist in a more digestible state in one food than in another. And so also, in accordance with the old saying, that "what is one man's .meat is III.] IRISH FARMING. 51 another man's poison," a constituent of food may be easily- digested in the stomach of one animal, while it may be digested with difficulty, or altogether incapable of under- going digestion, in the stomach of another. II. THE SEVERAL KINDS OF CATTLE SUITED TO IRISH FARMERS. 158. The most valuable kind of cattle we possess is the short-horn, which was established in the north-east of Eng- land in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Among the men to whom the world is indebted, for the great perfection to which this race of animals has been brought, the foremost place is usually given to the brothers Charles and Robert Colling of Darlington, Mr. Bates of Kirk- levington, and Messrs. Booth of Wallarby and Killerby, who applied great skill and judgment to the breeding of short-horn cattle. Several other persons also aided in the work. The results of the labours of all these men afford to our farmers a most instructive lesson. For example, Mr. Charles Colhng commenced his career as a breeder with cattle which at the time would bring only ordinary market prices, or a shade higher. The bull Hubback, sometimes called the father of short-horns, was purchased for ^8. Yet in about a quarter of a century Mr. Colling brought his cattle to such perfection that at his sale in 18 10 forty-seven animals realized ^7,115 ijs., or an average of ^151 8>y. a piece. 159. This result was accomplished by the exercise of skill in the selection of parents, and by close breeding. It is well known that the shapes and qualities of parents are capable of being transmitted to their offspring. It is also found that valuable properties are established, or fixed, very soon when the parents are related. Close breeding is, however, often carried too far. It is neither so safe nor so necessary when a pure breed is established as in the E 2 52 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. earlier stages of the process of improvement. The improvement that may be effected in a short time is well illustrated by the following saying of Charles Colling : " Give me my sight, and the touch of my fingers, and in a half-dozen years I will produce as good a herd as I have sold off." 160. The class of farmers for whom our remarks are intended cannot afford to procure a herd of pure short- horns. We consider, however, that the short-horned breed is the best for improving the cattle of Ireland ; and we ask the co-operation of the landed interest of the country as the great agency for effecting this. They should all possess bulls of first-rate quality, not only for their own use, but also for the use of their tenantry. By the use of good and pure bulls of this breed on the one side, and by the use of the eye and the touch in selecting the cows, or rather in rejecting bad cows, our farmers could rapidly improve their cattle. In fact, in a few years they could produce cattle little inferior, even for fattening purposes, to pure-bred animals. To effect this object it is not necessary to give extraordinary prices. The better the animals are, the more effectually will the object be ac- complished ; but we know, from experience, that a short- horn bull can be had at a moderate price, good enough for the purpose. The crosses produced in this way are now forwarded to London from Scotland, Norfolk, and other districts, weighing from 45 to 55 stones of 14 lbs, each, at two years old and under. Formerly so much weight and quality could not be produced under from three and a half to four years. If our own farmers were to pursue this system with skill, the wealth of the country would be considerably increased, and the consumer of meat would become less dependent on foreign supplies than he is at present. 161. Pure-bred short-horns have good shape and III.] IRISH FARMING. 53 symmetry, deep and level carcase, fine limbs, and that quiet disposition which is so favourable to fattening. They have a soft mellow hide, which is covered with a soft thick coat of hair. The animals transmit their own qualities to their offspring with great certainty. They are on the whole, noted more for the production of flesh and fat than milk ; but this has arisen, as already explained, from the fact that the milking properties have not received sufficient attention. In selecting bulls, Irish farmers should resort to herds in which the two properties are united. 162. There are several other breeds of cattle which have been tried in Ireland, such as the Hereford, and Devon, Polled Angus, Kyloe, and Ayrshire, the peculi- arities of which are detailed in our larger work on agri- culture. The Kerry is the only pure breed in Ireland. It is essentially a mountain breed. It is small in size, exceedingly hardy, and can subsist on poor and exposed pasture, and often bears a close resemblance, in size, shape, and colour, to the native cattle of Wales and Brittany. The colour preferred in Kerry is black, with a ridge of white along the spine, and a white streak along the belly. Cattle of true Kerry descent are met with of other colours. Thus, we have seen them brown, black and white, and black and brown. The horns are fine, somewhat long, and turned upwards at the points. The skin is soft, unctuous, and of a fine orange tone, which is visible about the eyes, the ears, and the muzzle. 163. The beef is tender, well marbled, and commands the highest price in the market. The milk is peculiarly rich and well-flavoured ; and the quantity of it yielded, even on hard fare, is so great, that the Kerry has been styled the poor man's cow. Professor Low observes, "that in milking properties the Kerry cow, taking size into account, is equal, or superior, to any in the British Islands." Is it not, therefore, lamentable that so little 54 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. attention has been bestowed on its improvement ? Addi- tional capital is not necessary. More care in the selec- tion of parents, and more attention to food and shelter in the winter, are all that we ask to improve this race of cattle. We do not recommend it for our rich or. middling pastures ; but being one of the valuable inoim- tain breeds we possess, it ought to be kept pure. It is well adapted for the hill pastures of its native county, and for parts of Clare, Galway, Mayo, Down, Donegal, and Wicklow. III. ON THE REARING OF CALVES. 164. The health arid vigour of a full-grown ox depend greatly upon the food and care it receives when young. If badly reared it cannot be expected to beo^ome a profit- able beast. I 165. The cow goes in young nine monthX. A month or six weeks before calving she should be run dry. If the cow be milked up to the time of calving, the calf must suffer, the udder does not spring fully, and the cow herself will not yield the full quantity of milk that season. 166. After calving, the cov; should get a warm bran mash, or white drink of some kind. For a day she should be fed principally on soft food. 167. Many farmers allow the calf to suck its dam for some days, believing it to be most natural and best for both. Other farmers, again, who separate the calf from the cow at once, say, that if they are allowed to- gether for some days, the cow not only becomes quite restless when the calf is removed, but goes back in her milk in consequence. 168. The calf should get its dam's milk until it is fit for dairy purposes. New milk being the most natural. III.] IRISH FARMING. $$ food for calves, should be supplied to them for about three weeks. An ordinary-sized calf consumes about six quarts of milk daily for this period. It is sometimes given in two, and sometimes in three or more feeds daily. 169. Farmers are aware, to their own heavy loss, that great numbers of calves die every year ; and the loss arises, principally, from bad food, and want of care in feeding. When the food is deficient in quantity or qua- lity, the calf is liable to disease ; and want of care and regularity in feeding produces disease of the intestines, which is the most common cause of the mortality of Irish calves. 170. It is found very expensive to continue giving new milk to ordinary calves any longer than three weeks. Various substitutes are used, skim-milk being the most common. Gruel, made from both linseed and linseed- cake, and hay-tea, are also used. In providing a substi- tute for new milk, two things should be observed : first, as new milk is the food intended by nature for the calf, we ought to imitate, as far as possible, the proportions in which the several nutritive constituents exist in it ; and, secondly, we must provide a food which the young animal can assimilate. 171. Skim-milk contains a great deal of the flesh- forming material, as well as of the sugar and mineral matter of new milk, but it is deficient in fatty matter ; in other words, the nutritive constituents do not exist in it in proper proportion. 172. It may therefore be assumed, that calves could be reared more cheaply by substituting for some of the skim-milk, gruel made of some food rich in fat-forming and heat-giving material, than by feeding them on skim- milk alone. Linseed jelly, in moderate quantity, is ex- cellent food for calves ; but if given too freely, it is apt to purge them. The small farmers of Ireland should 56 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. carefully preserve the seed of the flax plant for the use of their calves. It is made into jelly by first moistening it in cold water, and afterwards pouring hot water upon it in a common bucket, and covering it with an old sack, or a piece of old cloth, to keep in the heat, taking care to stir it occasionally, and cover it up again. When the farmer has no linseed of his own he can buy linseed- meal in the shops ; and where the meal cannot be had, linseed-cake may be broken fine and made into gruel. 173. Hay-tea, obtained by boihng some good hay in water, may also form part of the food of calves. We have had ample experience of the value of this beverage in rearing calves. It is used in many parts of Ireland by the small farmers, who often, however, make the mis- take of relying too much upon it. A mixed diet, com- posed of skim-milk, jelly made from flax-seed or from linseed-oil cake, and hay-tea, and some ground corn, is a good substitute for new milk. In many parts of the country oatmeal is a favourite food for rearing calves ; we have found a mixture of oatmeal and wheat flour better than oatmeal alone. 174-. When the calf is a month old, it should be gradually accustomed 'to dry food. Mangold- wurzel (of which calves are very fond), or turnips cut up into thin pieces, should be given in troughs ; and oil-cake, finely broken, should be placed within the reach of calves. A wisp of sweet hay should also be suspended in the calPs crib. This the calf will first lick or suck, and afterwards eat. As it eats more and more of dry food, the quantity of liquid food should be decreased ; and at the age of about four months liquid food may be with- drawn altogether. 176. In obedience to instinct, calves suck one another, and as this is injurious, it should be prevented by con- fining each calf to a separate crib for about six weeks, III.] IRISH FARMING. S7 when there is accommodation enough for it, or by putting nets or baskets on their heads when allowed to run together. 176. As young calves differ greatly in their habits, we ought to study the peculiarities of each. We should, for example, see that those which drink slowly get ample time and are not disturbed by the others. For this reason, as well as for that just mentioned, some farmers, who allow their calves to run together, tie them up at meal-time. 177. Calves are liable to several diseases which are in a great measure prevented by providing them with adequate food, serving it out at regular intervals, mixing it well, when composed of different materials, never giving it them too warm, avoiding sudden changes of food, and by keeping the animals clean, dry, warm, and quiet. 178. Many breeders continue to feed the calves in yards, after the liquid food is withdrawn, and give them, during the first summer, green food (such as vetches, corn, or grass), with some hay and cake. . This system answers very well, when the farmer has good offices ^nd plenty of capital ; but there are few small farmers in Ireland who possess these advantages. When calves are weaned from liquid food, they should be allowed to run into a clean, well -sheltered paddock in which there are hanging trees to shade them from the sun ; and pro- vided with suitable feeding, such as vetches, clover, hay, =cake, and ground corn, according to the season and the quality of the grass. 179. As winter approaches, calves require to be care- fully housed, and generously fed on good oat straw or hay, with a little roots. If the farmer should be short of roots, a pound of ground corn given to each daily, with a little flax-seed meal, during the winter months, v/ill aid him in bringing his stores to grass in good 58 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. condition next season. In the second summer they are put to grass ; in the second winter they are put on fodder and roots, as before. 150. Short-horns, or good half-bred stock intended for the butcher, are at this age put on a fair allow- ance of food for fattening. Those which are not forward enough for this purpose, are to be regarded as stores. IV. THE FEEDING OF MILCH COWS. 151. The small farmers of Ireland own nearly a mil- lion of milch cows, and derive a very considerable part of their income from these animals. For want of proper shelter in winter, and of proper care and skill in feeding throughout the year, as well as for want of skill in breed- ing, the average return from these cows is upwards of ^5 less than it should be. 182. Milch cows should be fed principally in the house during winter, being allowed the run of a paddock every fine day. In the house they should get some roots, the quantity depending on the quantity of milk they give. House-fed cows in full milk should get three feeds of roots in the day — one in the morning, a second at mid-day, and a third in the evening. In the morning they should get a little more than at any other feed, owing to the long interval between the evening and morning feeds. When the daily allowance is eight stones^ three stones may be given in the morning, and two and a-half at the mid-day and evening feeds. The cow requires straw or hay at night, and also between the meals. Chopped furze, given to cows during winter, increases the flow of milk, and renders it richer and of better colour than when the cows are fed even on roots and hay. Only the tender part of the plant is used. 183- The troughs of all cattle should be kept clean, and free from the taint of stale food. III.] IRISH FARMING. 59 184. In summer, dairy cows are house-fed or pas- tured, or a mixed system of grazing and house-feeding is adopted. 185. A great deal has been said on the merits of house- feeding. We beheve that there is no system which gives so great an income to the small farmer, so long as the extra labour which it involves comes from his family ; but when all the extra labour of cutting and carrying the grass, and feeding the cows, has to be paid for, the farmer finds a mixed system of soiling and grazing more profitable. 186. The house-feeding or "soiling" system has been followed with great success by the small farmers of several European countries. It is peculiarly well adapted to the circumstances of the small farmers of this country, more particularly those small holders who have within their own families the labour for carrying it out. It takes from an acre and a half to three acres of the pasture in the hands of the small farmers of Ireland to feed a cow during the summer season ; say from the I St of May to the ist of November. By putting the same land under a judicious rotation of crops, and growing artificial grasses, a far greater return is obtained. On good land, a statute acre of one-year-old artificial grass — rye-grass or clover, or a mixture of both — will give three cuttings, w^eighing about twenty tons, in the year ; and this will supply green grass or " soil " to two house-fed cows for about six months. If there is a piece of vetches for summer use, part of the grass can be made into hay for winter use. 187. Milch cows, house-fed, should get three feeds of grass in the day. The morning feed in summer should be given at an earlier hour than in winter. The hour for feeding in the evening may also vary with circum- stances. From eight to ten stones of grass in the day are given, according to the size of the cows. This would ^o INTRODUCTION TO [chap. keep them in good milking condition, and if it is desired to fatten them, a few pounds of cake or ground oats and some hay may also be given. 188. Cattle, house-fed in summer, may get exercise for an hour or two daily. If they have access to a piece of pasture, they will eat less grass in the house. The five or six acre farmer who wants to make the most of his holding, should have as little permanent pasture as possible ; but a small enclosure in which to exercise his cows is very useful. The farmer who holds ten or twelve acres of arable land, should have a piece of per- manent pasture for the same purpose, say half an acre to each cow. When the five-course rotation is adopted, the cattle could be fed in the house on the first year's grass, and let out to graze on the second year's grass, if there are fences. A partial system of house-feeding, or a mixed system of house-feeding and grazing, is the best for farmers holding twenty acres of land and upwards. 189. Under a mixed system of this kind, the cattle could be fed in the house morning and evening in the early part of summer and autumn. At midsummer it would be better to confine them to the house during the heat of day ; and to put them out on pasture in the even- ing, and bring them into the house next morning. ISO. The small |^ farmer who house-feeds in summer should have some vetches, lucern, sanfoin, rape, or cab- bages, or all five, to suppleijient the grass, and to enable him to make hay for winter use. Milch cows like a change of food ; and besides, in bad seasons, or at particular periods even in good seasons, the grass becomes scarce. This often occurs between the first and second cutting of the grass, at which juncture it would be well to have a plot of vetches. Whenever cattle are suddenly changed from one kind of soft food to another, as, for example, III.] IRISH FARMING. 6i from grass to roots, they are liable to scour. The obvious means of preventing this is to change the food gradually, and to give a sufficient quantity of straw or hay. 191. Mashed or cooked food increases the flow of mill<:y but it does not increase the yield of butter in the same degree ; and the butter from this sort of food is generally pale in colour and deficient in flavour. Any deficiency in the quahty of milk or butter from cooked food, or from what is commonly called " hand feeding," is generally counterbalanced by the increased quantity obtained. Owing to a scarcity of grass or roots, the cottager and small farmer must often resort to hand feeding, and we know more than one instance in which a milch cow is maintained throughout the year principally on this sort of food. Near large towns and cities, distillery or brewery grains are used for feeding milch cows, and are found to produce a great flow of thin milk. In the winter season grains often cost 2s. a barrel, or 6d. a bushel, in Dublin, Kilkenny, and Belfast. In the summer season they are sometimes sold at i^d. a bushel, and at this price there is no cheaper feeding. As, however, cows fed exclusively on grains milk freely and are apt to lose condition, it is necessary to use along with them some other feeding materials. When stored in pits, and the air excluded, grains keep a long time. 192. Bran is good food for milch cows. It is made into a mash by mixing it with hot water in a bucket, breaking any lumps that may collect, and allowing it to remain in the bucket, covered with an old sack, for a couple of hours. Used alone, however, it is not sub- stantial enough ; hence, cabbages, or vetches, chopped into small bits, should be mixed with the bran before add- ing the hot water. If nothing else is available, cut hay or straw, and a little oil-cake, or Indian-meal stirabout, broken fiine, may be mashed up with the bran. The 62 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. mixture may be allowed to remain in the vat until it TDegins to ferment, when it should be used. A friend of ours who resides in the city of Dublin keeps a cow on mashes of cotton-cake, and hay, throughout the year. 193. In October we occasionally feed the cows on the small farm at Glasnevin, twice a-day, on a mixture com- posed of 3 lbs. bran, i lb. oil-cake, 2 lbs. chopped straw, 2 stone mangold leaves. This mixture is divided into two feeds, and given morning and evening, the mid-day feed consisting of three stones of mangold leaves. 194. In summer, chopped cabbages, lucern, or vetches, may be used in place of the mangold leaves. 195. The utmost regularity should be observed in the hours of feeding house-fed milch cows. When the hour of feeding arrives they become anxious, and if. not fed then they become restless, and go back in their milk. House-fed cows require also to be cleaned and wisped once a-day. In order to keep the air pure, and the cows themselves clean, the byre should be cleaned at least twice a day. 196. Soft succulent grass ©r clover is apt to produce swelling or hoove. Cattle have frequently died from the effects of eating a full feed of wet clover ; and we have seen cattle in very great danger from a large feed of soft Italian rye-grass. To prevent this, the grass should be cut some hours before it is required for use. In the heat of summer, the evening's feed should be cut in the fore- noon, and the forenoon's feed, the evening before. The necessity for this precaution is greatest after rain. When grass, fresh from the scythe, is thrown into a heap, as it frequently is, near the byre, it soon heats, and its feeding value is thereby diminished. Partly for the purpose of preventing this, and partly also for keeping the grass clean, it should be spread on a platform of wooden spars, so as to raise it a few inches above the ground. .III.] IRISH FARMING. 63 V. ON DAIRY MANAGEMENT. 197. There are in Ireland a million and a half of milch cows, which produce annually about a million and a half cwts. of butter. From want of proper accommodation, and of skill and care, one-third of this does not bring the top price in the market, the remainder ranging in quality from seconds to sixths. 198. By a good system of dairy management, all the butter produced in the country might rank first or second, and never should be lower than third. It is difficult to arrive at an accurate measure of the improvement that might be effected in this branch of industry ; but we are quite safe in saying, that if the dairy were well managed in all parts of Ireland, it would increase the average value of the butter produced at least ^i a cwt., and add to the wealth of the country ^1,500,000 a year. 199. A dairy usually consists of two apartments ; namely, the kitchen or working-room, and the milk-room, or dairy proper ; but inasmuch as the majority of the tenant-farmers, to whom we address ourselves, have the dairy attached to their dwelling, the common-kitchen answers for the dairy-kitchen, or working-room ; and if, in addition to this, a suitable apartment were provided for the milk, first-class butter could be easily made. In this country the milk is too frequently kept in a bedroom, or some other apartment equally unsuited for the purpose. It is well known that milk is easily tainted. The foul air of a bedroom is sure to prove injurious to it, and so is the damp which exists in the air, where the house is badly drained, or where the floor is made of clay, or of material which absorbs and retains a large quantity of water. When we bear in mind the state of the apartments in which milk, cream, and butter are kept by the small farmers of this country, we need not be surprised at the quantity of inferior butter produced. 64 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 200. It is found by experience that the best tempe- rature for a dairy is from 56°. to 58° F. It is difficult to keep the temperature of a dairy which faces the south, and is exposed to the influence of the sun's rays, down to this degree during the heat of summer. It is usual, there- fore, to give the milk-room or dairy a northern aspect j but if the situation be exposed, it should be protected by trees from the winter's blasts. The small farmer's house and offices are usually thatched, and when a thatched dairy is ceiled, it answers admirably. As straw is a worse conductor of heat than slates or tiles, it keeps the dairy warm in winter, and cool in summer ; but unless the house is lofted or ceiled, pieces of straw, and the dirt which collects in the thatch, are continually falling into the milk. The floor of the dairy is made of clay, bricks, tiles, wood, and flags. Clay is most objectionable, because it absorbs and retains moisture. Tiles are expensive ; they are also too porous, and absorb and retain wet. Bricks are still worse. Wood is also expensive, and retains milk and wet in its pores, which predisposes it to rot ; and no sooner does it rot than it contaminates the air and taints the milk. Good, hard flags, carefully set, and made plane on the surface, make the best floor for the farmer's dairy. Flags are to be had within reasonable distance everywhere. They do not absorb much wet, and if well set they are very durable. Whatever material is used, the floor should be well drained, and raised a few inches above the level of the ground outside. 201. Milk is greatly injured by the least impurity in the air. The milk-room should, therefore, be well venti- lated. It is found that strong currents of air are injurious ^'''-^ to milk ; and these are prevented by making the milk- room as lofty as possible, and by admitting fresh air as high up as can conveniently be done. The small farmer, whose means are limited, may, at first, ventilate his milk- HI.] IRISH FARMING. 65 room by having one or more of the window panes on hinges, 202. To make good butter, it is necessary to have not only a suitable dairy but also proper dairy utensils. Of these, the pans or " coolers," in which the milk is set, first require attention. They are made of different materials. Wood is the most common. It is also the most durable, and, on the whole, the cheapest. The staves are usually made of oak ; and they are bound by iron hoops, which should be galvanized, so as not to require scrubbing. Whatever material is used, the vessel in which milk is set for cream should be shallow, because if there is a con- siderable depth- of milk,. the cream takes a longer time to rise than is desirable. From our own observation wc should say the depth of milk in the cooler should not exceed four inches, and the depth of the cooler itself should not exceed five and a half inches. 203. An objection to wooden coolers is the difficulty of cleaning them. Milk adheres to the pores of the wood, and is also liable to lodge at the juncture of the sides and bottom ; and if this is not most carefully removed, the butter will suffer. In everything connected with the dairy, cleanliness should be most rigidly observed ; and this applies to the floor, walls, and ceihng of the dairy, and to the milk-vessels and other utensils, as well as to the dairymaid herself. All tainting matter is removed from wooden milk-vessels, by washing them with warm water, and cleaning out the sides of the bottom with a sharp- pointed piece of wood. After being partially dried the sides and bottom should be rubbed very hard with a hair brush, then rinsed, afterwards boiling water is put into them, and they are rinsed again in cold water before being used. 20^^. Milk is also set in vessels made of common earthenware, which are cheap and easily cleaned. They F 66 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. are generally glazed inside ; and if the glazing be well done they answer very well ; but, as in the case of Scotch ware, it is often put on so badly that it peels off under the action of hot water, and injures the milk ; Staffordshire ware is usually free from this objection. 205. White enamelled ware is sometimes used ; it is easily kept clean, the enamelling or glazing does not usually give way, but it is rather costly for small farmers : a pan about sixteen inches diameter, and of the proper height, costs 45". 6^., being about twice the cost of wood. 206. Glass has been recommended by amateur farmers. It has all the advantages of white-ware, looks remarkably nice and clean, but for ordinary use it is too dear and easily broken. 207. Milk pans are also made of metal. Lead is too dear ; and it unites with the acid of milk, forming a poisonous salt. This objection applies, though in a less degree, to zinc. When the milk is skimmed at the proper time, little or no acid exists in it, but as other materials answer every purpose, it is needless to run any risk by using these metals. Metallic milk-vessels are sometimes enamelled on the inside to obviate the danger arising from the use of metal. We have used milk-pans prepared in this way, and nothing could be better as long as the enamelling lasted ; but when hot water is used in cleans- ing them, the enamelling soon cracks, owing to the ex- pansion and contraction of the metal. Galvanized iron answers very well ; and tinned iron is also unobjectionable. Coolers of the latter material, made in Birmingham, and capable of containing four gallons of milk, can be had at present for about 3J. each. On the whole, we think the small farmers of this country need use no more costly material than wood and common earthenware. 208. In these countries butter is obtained from milk by churning either the cream or whole milk. The quality J II.] IRISH FARMING. 67 of the butter is influenced more or less by the kind of churn used, and the time occupied in churning. In order to know the merits of the several churns in use, as well as to be able to direct the operation of churning, it is necessary to understand the nature of milk and cream. 209. Milk newly drawn from the cow has a tempera- ture of about 90° F., which is reduced before it reaches the dairy. It has almost always a slightly alkaline taste, which it gradually loses on exposure to air. It contains, in every 100 parts, about 87 parts of water, 4 parts of fatty matter or butter, 5 parts of a peculiar kind of sugar, called milk-sugar, 3I parts of cheesy matter or curd, and f of a part of mineral matter. " Butter gives it an oily richness, sugar its sweetness, curd its thickness, water its refreshing properties as a drink, and salt its peculiar flavour." 210. When we examine milk with a microscope we And a vast number of fatty globules or little sacs floating in it. Some of these are cheesy, but the great bulk of them contain fatty matter, or butter. When milk is allowed to stand (as in coolers), the fatty sacs or globules rise to the surface, forming cream. " Some of the cheesy globules have a tendency to descend, but some of them adhere to and rise with the others, so that cream does not consist solely of fatty matter. A portion of the sugar of the milk rises also with the cream. It is owing to the presence of this sugar that cream soon becomes sour. The proportion of cheesy matter in cream depends on the richness of the milk and the temperature at which the milk is, kept during the rising of the cream. In cool weather the fatty matter will bring up a larger quantity of curd and form a cream richer in cheesy matter." 211. Churning consists in breaking up the coats of the fatty globules, and setting the fat or butter free ; and this is effected by the combined effect of friction, heat, and F 2 68 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. air. It is in the proper combination of these three agents that the perfection of churning consists. When the fric- tion is too violent the butter is produced too speedily, is deficient in colour, and does not keep well. Heat facili- tates the process of churning. If the temperature is too low the time and friction consumed in churning are so great that the butter becomes soft, is deficient in colour and flavour, and does not keep well. We have found from 56° to 58° the best temperature at which to put cream into the churn, and during churning it rises from 2° to 4". Milk is kept at the proper temperature in summer by placing the vessels in a cool place, or in cold water ; and in winter the temperature is raised by some special con- trivance. Large dairies are often heated by hot-water pipes the same as hot-houses. 21s. The influence of air on the time consumed in churning, as well as on the quality of the butter, is not as well understood as it should be. The oxygen of. the air oxidizes the coats of the fatty globules, and thus acts in setting the butter free. In the atmospheric churn, the butter is produced by pumping air into the milk. What- ever churn is used, it should not, therefore, be filled with cream or milk. In the barrel churn, it is necessary to leave one-third of it for air. When the churn is quite filled it is almost impossible to produce butter. W^e have known ignorant people who, having filled the churn with cream, and finding that the butter could not be pro- duced, ascribed the result to some evil influence exercised over them by a neighbour I 213. The churn most commonly used by small farmers is thQ plunge or up?'ight churn. The friction is produced in this churn by a dashy which is moved down (plunged) and up by a vertical rod to which it is attached. There is a lid (through which the rod passes) for preventing the miik or cream, as the rase may be, from splashing. It is in.] IRISH FARMING. 69 worked by hand on small farms, and often by horse, water, or steam power, on large holdings, 214. The plunge churn is cheap, and the quality of butter produced by it is excellent. The time and labour consumed, however, are considerable, especially when, as in the north of Ireland, the whole milk is churned. 215. The barrel churn is, on the whole, in greater favour with the dairy farmers in the south of Ireland, who mostly churn cream. At the proper temperature, and with the proper quantity of air, it will churn cream in about half an hour. The ends of the barrel rest upon a frame, and the barrel is made to revolve by a handle which is fixed at either end. The wheel should be heavy, so that by its weight or momentum it would (like the fly-wheel of a steam-engine) steady the motion. Barrel churns can be had in all the towns and cities of Ireland. One of the best barrel churns in use is Tinkler's, which is made of well-seasoned oak ; the axis rests on " friction rollers," by which the friction or labour of turning it is reduced very much ; the plug for admit- ting air has a strong elastic spring, by pressing which air is admitted without the necessity of completely stop- ping the motion.^ There is, in the middle of the barrel, an opening for putting in the cream or milk, for taking out the butter and buttermilk, and cleaning the churn. This opening must be large enough to admit the hand. 216. The barrel churn is sometimes objected to on the ground that it is difficult to clean ; but in practice the difficulty is not so great as may appear. By pouring warm water into it, and turning it in opposite directions for a short time, the rinsing of it is greatly facilitated. It ' Mr. Tinkler recommends to press this spring or air-valve once for every five or six revolutions of the barrel, for a few^ minutes at first ; and aiterwards the valve is pressed at somewhat longer intervals. ^o INTRODUCTION TO [chap. is durable, not liable to go out of order, and is, on the whole, a very good sort of churn. 217. A churn which, from its shape, is called the box churn, is also used. The inside of the bottom of the box is semi-cylindrical, the axis is horizontal, and carries the beaters, which revolve with it. Improvements have been made in the box churn in America, where it is used very much. The beaters consist of two pieces of wood placed at right angles. Sometimes they are all perforated ; sometimes only one-half is perforated. Some- times, again, one side of the dasher contains a number of cells, presenting the appearance of a honeycomb. In this case, and indeed in all box churns, butter is pro- duced in ten minutes, and occasionally in less time. The churn is filled to the axis, and air passes freely through openings in the lid. A great objection to this churn for general use is, that the work is done so speedily that the butter does not keep long. When the butter is used fresh, it answers remarkably well. Hence, we recommend it to those who keep a cow or two for family use. 218. Various methods have been proposed for deter- mining the quality of milk, some of which are too refined for ordinary farmers. A very simple instrument, called a lactometer, enables us to determine the percentage ot cream in milk. This instrument is a narrow glass tube, graduated from the top downwards to about one-fifth the entire depth. By allowing the milk to rest a suffi- cient time in this instrument, the percentage of cream is shown on the graduated part of the tube. The com- parative quantity of cream in the milk of different cows, or of the same cow under different treatment, is shown in this way ; but it is not safe to rely on the lacto- meter as an absolute test of milk. 219. Another instrument which is found useful in III.] IRISH FARMING. 71 testing the quality of milk, is tlie hyd7'omeier, which is dipped in the milk, and depends on the principle that as milk is heavier than water in the proportion of 103 to 100, the poorer the milk the deeper the instrument sinks in it. This instrument is^ then, to some extent, a test of the extent to which milk is adulterated with water. It is not, however, a satisfactory test of the qua- lity of milk. Thus, as cream is lighter than milk, it is evident that milk deprived of its cream is heavier, and would give a higher specific gravity than pure milk. By the use of both lactometer and hydrometer, we can judge very fairly of the quality of milk. 220. The business of the person who has charge of the dairy begins in the cow-house. She should milk the cows quite dry twice a day, morning and evening. If any milk is left in the udder, it will be absorbed into the system, lessen the secretion of milk, and cause the cow to go dry. Cows should be milked at the same hours every day ; if milked at irregular hours, they become rest- less, refuse to give the full quantity of milk, and go dry sooner than they otherwise would. Another reason for milking cows quite clean is, that the " strippings," or milk last drawn, is the richest. 221. Before commencing to milk, any dirt which may have collected on the udder should be removed. 222. As soon as the cows are milked, the milk is carried to the dairy ; and the less it is stirred in con- veying it the better, as milk which is agitated much is injured in quality. 223. As milk newly drawn from the cow usually contains hairs, it is passed through a fine strainer before using or setting it for cream. In the latter case the strainer should be held over the cooler as the milk is poured into it. When set for cream, the milk remains undisturbed till all the cream rises to the surface ; the 72 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. time required for this varies with the temperature and the depth of the cooler. At a temperature of 56° milk is fully creamed in twenty-four to thirty hours. At a higher temperature it takes a shorter, and at a lower temperature a longer time. "At 34° to 37° milk may be kept three weeks without throwing up any notable quantity of cream ; but at a temperature of 65° and upwards, it throws up its cream freely and sours rapidly." 224. The cream having risen to the surface, is re- moved by a skimmer, which is a hollow scoop of wood or metal ; and poured into a deep vessel called a cream jar. The greatest possible care should be taken to re- move the cream before the milk sours, for "cream off sour milk always makes bad butter." The cream is alloAved to ripen, or acquire a slight degree of sourness in the jar, which facilitates the churning, and does no harm to the butter if not permitted- to go too far. The time the cream takes to ripen depends on the tempera- ture ; in well-managed dairies it is allowed to remain two or three days, the temperature being 56°. The dairymaid knows when the cream is ripe for churning by its becom- ing thick throughout its entire mass. 225. If the cream of one meal or milking is enough to make a churning, it is kept separate ; if not, the cream of several meals is put into one jar ; and after fresh cream is put into the jar the whole should be stirred with a clean wooden stick. 226. When the cream is ripe it is put into the churn. The motion of the churn oj dash should be somewhat slow at first, say thirty-five revolutions per minute, in a barrel churn of average size ; it should be gradually in- creased till the cream is slightly broken or gets thinner, when it is increased to about forty or forty-five revolutions per minute, at which it is continued till the globules are well broken, and this is known by the unequal resistance HI.] IRISH FARMING. 73 offered to the dash or beaters ; the motion is then slackened to collect the butter. The collection of the butter is, in a barrel churn, facilitated by turning the churn back- wards and forwards for a few minutes. When the butter is all collected, the buttermilk is drawn off, cold clean water is put into the churn, and the barrel is turned round to wash it out. 227. Where whole milk is churned, it is allowed to remain in coolers till it acquires the temperature of the dairy, which requires twelve hours, and sometimes twenty- four. Two or three meals or milkings are then put into a large vessel, where it remains till the whole acquires a slight degree of acidity, without which it could not be churned. The precise stage at which to churn is known by the appearance of a stiff h-at upon the surface of the milk, which becomes uneven. This takes place in about thirty-six hours, more in winter, and something less in summer. The circumstance of all the milk not being of the same age does not affect the quality of the butter. The brat should not, on any account, be broken till the milk is put into the churn, as the admission of air would, by producing too much acidity, prove highly injurious. We require a higher temperature for churning whole milk than cream. The best temperature at which to commence churning the former is 65° F. ; and this temperature is easily attained in summer by immersing the vessels that contain the milk in cold water, and in winter by placing them in hot water. 228. As soon as the butter is fully formed it is taken out of the churn and dressed. The dressing of butter requires great care and skill. It is done in a cooler or butter-tub specially made for the purpose, which requires to be kept most scrupulously cle^n. It is washed with the purest water that is to be had, and cut up with a butter-spade, or broken by the hand, to facilitate the 74 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. escape of the milk. When the water becomes milky it is removed, and fresh water added ; and this is re- peated until the water comes away quite free from colour, for if every particle of the butter-milk is not removed, the butter soon becomes rancid. The inferior quality of an enormous quantity of our salted butter arises from want of care in washing it. Buttermilk, particularly that obtained from whole milk, contains caseine or cheesy matter, and if much of this remains in the butter, it soon engenders rancidity. 229. After the butter is thoroughly washed, common salt is added to it. Salt has the valuable property of preserving animal substances from putrefaction. The quantity of salt added to butter depends on the length of time it is intended to be kept before using it. Butter, used in the fresh state, or within a short time, requires very little salt. For the London market our best dairy farmers use three-quarters of an ounce of salt to every pound of butter. Many people prefer a mixture of half an ounce of salt, a quarter of an ounce of yellow Jamaica sugar, and one-eighth of an ounce of nitre, to salt alone. Butter intended for the Colonies or long keeping requires about an ounce of salt to every pound of butter ; and, in addition, sugar and nitre in the above "proportions are sometimes added. The butter called mild-ctired is made by mixing a pint of salt to every quarter cwt. of butter. 230. Cattle fed on roots, more particularly swedes, yield butter of which the taste and flavour are disagree- able. By giving the turnips to the cattle immediately after milking, the substance which imparts the bad flavour to the butter is removed out of the system, or reduced in quantity, before the next milking ; and any that remains is destroyed by putting a little nitre in the milk pail ; and, in this case, no nitre need be added to the butter in salting i<^. III.] IRISH FARMING. 75 231. The salt, or mixture of salt and sugar, or of salt, sugar, and nitre, requires to be thoroughly mixed with the butter. The hand is usually employed in doing this, as well as in working the milk out of the butter. Some object to the hand, alleging that the oily matter secreted from it injures the butter. The secretion of this matter is so copious in some persons that their hands should not be used in dressing butter ; and if they have to be employed at all they should be called on to use the butter-spade. The female hand is, how- ever, usually very delicate, and as dairymaids should be persons of cleanly habits, the hand may, in most cases, be safely used. At the same time, we think the cleanest dairymaid may partly use the spade, no matter how delicate her hands ; and, while dressing butter, she should occasionally dip her hands in clean cold water. 232. As the quality of the salt affects the quality of the butter, it should be procured from a respectable vendor, who is known to keep a fine article fit for the dairy. It should be free from the soluble salts of mag- nesia and lime, and other impurities. " Salt is rid of its impurities by pouring boiling water upon it, in the proportion of one quart of water to from half a stone to a stone of salt, stirring the whole occasionally for a couple of hours, and then straining it through a fine clean cloth. The water which passes through contains all the impurities, and may be used for ordinary culinary purposes, or mixed with the food of live stock. The salt which remains on the cloth is free from the soluble salts of magnesia and lime, and may be hung up in the cloth till required for use." 233. When salted, butter which is to be used fresh is made into prints or rolls, and if required for long keeping or export, it is packed in kegs, firkins, or casks. The firkin should be made of well-seasoned wood, and 76 INTRO D UCTION TO [chap. as staunch and air-tight as possible. It should also be subjected to boiling water, and afterwards immersed in cold clean water for 48 hours. This prevents the wood from absorbing the pickle which it is desirable to keep about the butter. The extensive dairy-farmer makes as much butter at a time as fills the firkin or cask. The butter is packed tightly into the vessel, is made level on the top, a piece of clean muslin is laid carefully over it, and the whole covered with a tight-fitting lid. The small farmer requires the butter of several churnings to fill a firkin ; and from want of care and skill in washing, dressing, and salting the butter, the contents of the firkin, when bored through by the butter-buyer, ofteii present shades of colour and quahty as numerous as the churnings from which it was made up. This lessens the value of the whole; and there is also a heavy loss from want of care in packing the butter. Sometimes a quantity of brine, or a strong solution of salt in water, is poured over the butter, which makes part [of it too salt. Again, some people merely cover the butter by putting on the lid ; and, as a matter of course, the butter is soon* tainted by the air between the lid and the butter. Now, the butter of each churning should be stored compactly in the firkin, and it should be covered on the top with a fine piece of clean muslin, over which an air-tight or close- fitting covering of wood, pasteboard, or parchment, should be carefully fixed. When the produce of another churn- ing is to be added, the covering is removed, the butter on the surface scraped away and used in the house, the fresh surface is made uneven, the newly-dressed butter added, and the whole covered as before. 234-. It may be well to state, for the information of beginners, that it takes from ten to twelve quarts of good milk to produce a quart of good cream or a pound of butter. III.] IRISH FARMING. 77 VI. ON THE FATTENING OF CATTLE. 235. We slaughter annually in Ireland about half a million of beasts, and export to Great Britain about a third of a million. A large number of them are sent to market in very good condition by the graziers, large farmers, and landed gentry of Ireland. It is well known, however, to those who attend the Dublin and provincial markets, or witness the shipments of cattle from the Irish ports, that a great many beasts are sold either in a half-finished state or sent to England as stores. The loss on the former is very considerable ; for, as every practical man knows, beasts pay better for their keep in the more advanced than in the early stage of fattening. And, as we shall show further on, our climate being on the whole better adapted for roots than that of England, we see no reason why a large number of the store cattle now exported should not be fattened in Ireland. It would increase the profit of the farmer and the gross produce of the country ; the large quantity of valuable manure obtained would put the land into better condition for other crops, and the labouring class would receive more employment. 236. The fattening of cattle divides itself into two great divisions, grazing and stall-feeding. The former of these is practised principally upon what, by way of dis- tinction, is called fattening land ; and we think that this is a profitable way of managing this class of land. As a rule one-third of the animals are put on the land in October, one-third at the great May fairs, and the remain- ing third during summer. The land usually fattens at the rate of one beast per Irish acre. By stocking first-class land less closely it often fattens two sets in the year. Some graziers give cake in troughs on the grass at the rate of two pounds and upwards per head daily. Crushed oats is also used for the same purposes ; and, considering ^^ ' ^ INTRODUCTION TO [chap. the prevailing low price of oats and the high price of meat^ and the improvement which is effected in the land by the dung of the animals so fed, it pays very well. 237. The grazier shifts his cattle from field to field, so that they may always have a good fresh bite. For this purpose his land may be divided into three or four sec- tions. One is kept free from stock until the most forward beasts need it. The cattle are grazing on section two until section one is ready for them. Section three receives the less forward beasts or dairy stock ; and store cattle and sheep may occupy a fourth section. The animals are regularly shifted from one division to another. Thus, when the stock in section four is transferred to section three, the former is cleared and closed up till it is ready for the most forward beasts ; and so on of the other divi- sions. It is worthy of remark that as fattening animals approach ripeness they require better keep, which, in the case of grazing cattle, means more succulent pasture. Grazing cattle also require a plentiful supply of water. It is found beneficial, as already stated, to place rock-salt within their reach so that they may lick it. The passages leading from field to field should be kept clean to prevent disease of the feet, which keeps up irritation and wastes food. 238. The fattening of the cattle in houses, commonly called stall-feeding, is carried on during winter and spring. The animals are withdrawn from grass at the approach of winter, and put under shelter. For about ten days after the animals are put up, they should get soft turnips, which prepare them for the more nutritive sorts. From the very commencement the strictest regularity should be observed in the hours of feeding, and the beasts should be kept clean and comfortable all through. Some farmers curry them once a day, and we have no doubt this extra trouble pays remarkably well, as it promotes the healthy action of III.] IRISH FARMING. 79 the skin. The house should be warm, but not so close as to cause sweating which is injurious. The greatest attention should be paid to the dung, which should be neither too soft nor too hard. When -the beasts are put up to fatten, the soft turnips generally scour them ; but, if not allowed to go too far, this brings about a healthier action of the entire system, and by providing dry fodder the excrements are soon restored to their proper consistence. The animals may now receive more fattening food, the kinds and quantities of which vary with the size of the beasts and the views of the farmer. The kinds of food most commonly given to stall-fed cattle are roots, straw, and hay, and oil-cake or corn. The state in which it is best to give these substances to cattle is a subject on which opinions differ widely. Some (but we believe they are few in number) cook the roots. It is the general opinion, however, that this does not pay. The advocates of the system say the animals can digest their food with less exertion (which means less waste of tissue) when it is cooked for them. Roots are, however, easily digested ; and, besides, the large quantity of saliva secreted during the mastication of the raw roots pro- motes digestion. We, therefore, consider that it is a waste of food and labour to steam or boil roots. To prevent choking, the roots should be cut into slices not exceeding an inch in thickness. 239. Some again reduce the roots to shreds by what is called a pulping machine, which is serviceable in the feeding of cattle, when the farmer wants them to con- sume and assimilate a large quantity of straw ; that is, for example, when roots are scarce and straw and fodder abundant. By mixing the pulped roots with straw cut into what is called "chaff," by a chaff-cutting machine, cattle can be made to eat a great deal of straw. By allowir.g the mixture to stand a short time, the fodder is So INTRODUCTION TO [chap. sweetened by the juice of the roots. For milch cows the mixture ought to undergo a slight degree of acidity, which promotes the secretion of milk. For fattening animals this is not desirable. S4-0. When oil-cake is given to fattening beasts it should be broken very fine, and given by itself, or strewed upon the turnips. We have found the latter plan to answer very well. Some people who cut the straw or hay into chaff, make the oil-cake into a mucilage, and pour it upon the former. Or the cake or corn may be added to the mixture of prepared roots and chaffed fodder to which we have referred. For feeding purposes corn should be crushed either at the nearest mill, or by a machine specially constructed for the purpose. The farmer who feeds horses and cattle on oats should have an oat " crusher/' to be worked by hand on small and moderate- sized farms, and by water or steam power on large hold- ings. Every cwt. of oats given to thriving animals (along with roots and good oat straw) produces at least twelve lbs. of beef and tallow. If given to ill-shaped and badly reared cattle it would not produce this ; but we are clearly of opinion that the beef and manure obtained from the judicious use of oats in cattle feeding would amount to more than the price at which immense quantities of it have been sold by the small farmers of Ireland of late years. 241. Stall-fed cattle should receive three feeds of roots, of roots and cake or corn, in the day, — one in the morning, one at noon, and one in the evening. They should also receive some good oat straw or hay at night. If fed oftener they are disturbed more than is desirable. 242. The question, what are the proper quantities of the various kinds of food whichought to be given to stall- fed cattle, has never been fully answered. The usual practice is to give them. as much roots and fodder as the)' 111.] IRISH FARMING, 8i can eat. This system often causes waste and loss. From eight to twelve stones of roots in the day, according to the size and condition of the beasts, may be given to each, together with good straw or hay, and some corn or cake. For the first ten days or a fortnight, that is, while the animals are on soft turnips, no artificial food is needed, but when put on Swedish turnips, one lb. or two lbs. of corn or cake may be given daily to each, and the allowance may be increased to four lbs. as the period advances. VII. THE FARM HORSE, 24-3. There are in Ireland upwards of 500,000 horses, of which two-thirds are used for agricultural purposes. A large proportion of these do not give an adequate amount of work for the food they consume. They are badly shaped and ill-adapted for farm work. Little or no care is bestowed on their breeding, and their feeding, especially while young, is also neglected. It is well to impress on the minds of the future farmers of Ireland, that a horse should not be kept on a farm of live or even of ten or twelve acres, unless in special cases. We know small farmers who are extremely poor, and one cause of their poverty is that the horse eats up all the profit. In going through the country lately, we saw a ludicrous instance of the loss by employing horse labour where the spade should be used. In passing through one of the midland counties, early in the forenoon, we saw a small farmer and his son, a stout fellow of eighteen, putting an old plough and a horse into a plot whose area did not exceed one rood. In passing by the same place in the evening, wo. found that the horse and two men (the two were actually engaged at the work) had ploughed, indifferently, thirty statute perches of potato ground in seven hours. Had the farmer and his son gone to work vigorously with two good digging forks, or even spades, G 82 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. they would have gone over more ground, and tilled the soil much better. This farmer rented thirteen acres of poor land, and his own appearance, and the state of his holding, afforded unmistakeable evidence of poverty. 244. The best breeds of agricultural horses are the Clydesdale and Suffolk Punch. 245. The first care the horse requires in the morning is to water him, after which he gets his first feed ; and when this is eaten the harness is put on, and the day's work begins. 246. When brought home 9.fter his day's work, the horse requires careful grooming, more especially in wet weather. If the legs are dirty it is usual to wash them down by the hand or to walk the horse through a shallow stream of water. The legs should not be wetted above the knees and hocks ; and we should be particularly care- ful not to wet the belly, for if not well dried afterwards the horse is apt to get inflammation of the bowels. When the horse is watered and groomed he gets his feed. He should be cooled from the heat of the day's work before he is put into the stable ; and the necessity for taking this precaution becomes all the greater when the stable is small and badly ventilated. Horses very frequently take cold from sudden changes of temperature. Colic often follows injudicious feeding, such as a sudden change to green food, or taking too much cold water after hard work. 247. The horse's feet should be carefully picked every evening before he is put into the stable. He should also be carefully wisped all over to dry the coat and remove dirt, and afterwards curried and brushed. The farmer who is trusting to others should visit the stable every night after the servants have finished their work. He should see that the animals are properly littered ; pass his hand over them to see that they are quite dry, and m.] IRISH FARMING. 83 give them a slap with his hand on one or two points to see if the dirt and dust have been removed. 248. Oats and hay may be said to form the staple food of horses. A working horse should not be fed solely on hay, as the quantity which would afford the necessary nutriment is too bulky. Hay is sometimes so badly saved that it is little better than straw ; and working horses fed on this kind of hay lose condition. ( Mouldy hay often produces the disease known as broken wind. This disease is often known to be produced by giving too much hay to horses.) Our usual daily allowance of food for farm horses is 12 lbs. oats, 21 lbs. hay, with occasional mashes. 249. Ground Indian corn is now very generally used in the feeding of hard-WTought horses, such as those employed in omnibuses. When it forms the staple' food of animals which are not in full work the disease known as "grease" almost invariably occurs. It should there- fore form only part of the food of farm horses unless they are actively employed. As the work slackens the quantity ought to be reduced. 250. In summer horses get green food, such as cut grass and vetches ; and many farmers put th^ir horses out to grass at night during that season. 251. When farm work is slack during the winter months, good oat straw is often substituted, partially or wholly for hay. When it is intended to use a mixture of hay and straw, it is a very good plan to mix them together in the rick. The dry straw prevents the hay from heating, and the hay improves the taste and flavour of the straw. We should always select the nicest, cleanest, and shortest straw for horses. 252. Of root crops the carrot is the best for horse feeding. It is almost invariably given raw. It imparts a nice glossy coat to the animal. The carrot is, however, G 2 g4 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. too innutritious to be solely depended upon as the food of the working horse. 253. Boiled potatoes are very good for horses ; but they are now too dear to be used in this way. Swedish turnips and mangold-wurzel have been also used. The> are too watery to enter largely into the diet of working animals ; but a mash of boiled Swedish turnips, or man- golds, mixed with a little salt, may be given at night, twice a week, with great advantage. 254-. In many parts of Ireland, and elsewhere, horses are fed on furze from October till spring. Only the tender shoots of the plant are used, and they are prepared by being chopped and bruised. A daily allowance of three stone of furze prepared in this way will keep a horse in a sleek and fair working condition throughout winter. Furze alone is not adequate food for a farm horse at full work in autumn or spring. Furze is not grown except on poor land which refuses to give more valuable crops, on the sides of steep and craggy hills, or when it is planted in the fences. It is estimated that an acre of furze will feed four or five horses for four months. Furze is heating food ; this property is readily counteracted by mixing with it hay, straw, or roots. When the horse is fed principally on furze he passes too much urine ; but this is prevented by mixing a little common salt with the food, VIII. ON SHEEP, 255. We have in Ireland about 4,000,000 of sheep. It is no exaggeration to say that by improvement in breeding and management the average value of at least 2,000,000 of these could be increased to the extent of 10 shillings a head. 256. It is in regard to the sheep in the hands of the small fatmers that the greatest improvement remains to be effected. They are frequently ill-shaped, require three HI.] IRISH FARMING, 85 or four years to come to market, and do not weigh as heavily as well-bred and well-fed sheep at the age of fifteen or sixteen months. Food is thus wasted, the farmer's capital is turned slowly, and the profit is ex- tremely small, or, as sometimes happens, there is none at all. 257. The Leicester is the breed of sheep which has con- tributed most to the improvement of the sheep of Ireland. The fine race of sheep known in the West of Ireland as the Roscommv7t was originally produced by crossing the native sheep with imported Leicester rams. Many flocks of Roscommon sheep of the present day have not, how- ever, had any mixture of Leicester or other blood for twenty years, during which period the intelligent breeders of the West of Ireland have been using skill and judgment in the selection of parents as practised by the Bakewell and others in the formation of the Leicester breed. 358. We are of opinion that the Roscommon is on the whole the best sheep for the open plains in the West of Ireland. In well-sheltered districts a cross of the Leicester is found to afford satisfactory results. 259. On low damp soil the Shropshire sheep answer well. Rams of this breed crossed with common ewes produce good " market " lambs. 260. As a mountain breed the Cheviot is the best we possess. When the situation is too elevated or exposed for the Cheviot the black-faced sheep of Scotland pays better. There is great room for improvement of the mountain sheep of Ireland by the exercise of care and skill in the selection of parents. 261. Ewes should be made to yean when there is good grass for the lambs. When the farm is exposed, or the climate cold and cutting in spring, lambs should not be dropped early. "Thousands of lambs," says Mr. Youatt, " die every year from the cold to which they are exposed 86 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. by being dropped too soon. And on the other hand thei e may be danger and inconvenience if the period of lambing is too late. Hot weather is as fatal to the mother as cold is to the young. It frequently induces a dangerous state of fever ; and both the mother and the lamb may then be injured by the luxuriance of the grass. If the lamb falls late in the season, it will be longer ere the ewe can be got ready for the butcher, if she is a draft ewe ; and the early lambs become larger and stronger and better able to resist the cold of the succeeding winter. The weaning time will, therefore, be regulated by the situation of the farm, the nature of the pasture, and the demand from the neigh- bouring markets." 262. As soon as the lambs are weaned, and the ewes quite dry the shepherd goes through his flock very carefully, and " culls " or drafts from it as many of the worst of the old ewes as he can replace from the young flock. 263. Pasture is the most natural, as it is the most uni- versal food of sheep. In Ireland thousands of sheep never get anything else. 264. In England and Scotland, and on several farms in Ireland, sheep are fattened on roots in winter and spring. In a country so favourable to the production of roots as Ireland the extension of the system is most desirable. 265. Average-sized sheep fed exclusively on roots con- sume about a stone and a half of swedes daily. On this keep a sheep will increase about 5lbs. a quarter in from four to five months. The increase of the wool in the same period would be about a pound. Roots should be cut and given to fattening sheep in troughs. In this way none of the roots are wasted. By cutting the roots sheep cat more of them and fatten quicker. Roots are not usually cut for store sheep. 266. In addition to roots, sheep, when intended for fattening, get some hay in racks. ]ir.] IRISH FARMING. 87 267. Most farmers give a little cake or corn in addition. At the present prices of meat and wool we believe it pays fully as well to give artificial food to sheep as to cattle. When given, the cake should be broken very fine, and the oats crushed or " cracked." About half a pound of oil- cake or a pound of oats per sheep per day may be given with advantage ; and when this is given, along with a good allowance of roots, the period of fattening is shortened about a month, and the sheep turned out in better condi- tion. In this way roots are saved ; a greater number of sheep can be fed, more manure is obtained, and as a mat- ter of course the land improves in quality ; and so long as the farmer does all this judiciously, his own circumstances must improve. 268. In severe winter and spring weather store sheep and breeding ewes should get hay or roots, or a little of both, if they can be spared. Some farmers give artificial food when hay or roots are not available. It is certainly a mistake not to provide sheep with adequate keep at those seasons. 269. Ewes which yean before there is a good growth of grass should also have some roots. Mangold-wurzel is excellent for this purpose. The allowance of roots must vary with the state of the grass. IX. ON SWINE. 270. In 1870, Ireland contained near a million and a half of pigs. It has been observed that about as many pigs are annually sold in Ireland as the country contains at the time of taking the Government returns ; of these about one-third is exported alive, the remaining two-thirds being killed for the home provision trade. 271. Assuming the average value of each pig sold to bs from ^3 iqs. to ^4, the agricultural classes derive from 88 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. five to six millions sterling from the sale of swine, which is a most important item in our national wealth. That this could be increased without any extra feeding is well known to everybody who is acquainted with the state of Ireland ; for while it is true that a great improvement has been effected in the quality of our pigs, much remains yet to be done. One of the most noted pig breeders in England has expressed the opinion, that by bestowing proper attention on the breeding, rearing, and feeding of swine, the quantity of meat could be doubled at little more than the present cost. If this be true of England, it is certainly not less so of Ireland. 272. The greater portion of the wealth to be derived from improving the pigs of this country would accrue to the cottagers and small farmers, not only because it is their pigs which are most in need of improvement, but also because the cottiers and farmers whose holdings do not exceed fifty statute acres own about two-thirds of the pigs in the country, 273. The pig has often been called the poor man's savings' bank„ and the poor man's friend. It is beyond all doubt that this animal is of immense advantage to the cottager. A store pig can be purchased at sums varying from a pound upwards. It consumes the offal of the table ; and by a small weekly outlay, which might other- wise be spent on tobacco or intoxicating drinks, that weaken mind and body, the animal in a short time becomes worth from ^-^ to ^5, and often more. It is in this sense that the pig can be correctly regarded as a savings' bank ; and when the animal is fairly managed, the poor man cannot invest his savings in any other way that would pay him as well. But besides the profit of the animal, we hold that the feeding of pigs in this way is, in other respects, most beneficial to the people of Ireland. It engenders habits of forethought and of thrift. The working man, iii.J IRISH FARMING. 89 who saves a small sum weekly out of his limited income, and skilfully invests it in feeding a pig or two, is pretty sure to improve his own condition, and to impress the best of all lessons on the minds of his children. We should, therefore, like to see every cottager in Ireland in possession of a pig. 274. Pigs cannot be profitably fed without proper shel- ter, as every Irish peasant knows. In too many cases he has been known to share a corner of his cottage with his pig. The owners of Irish cottages should prevent this by attaching a pig-sty to every cottage. It is their own interest to do so ; for, in the first place, a cottager who has a pig is almost always a better mark for the rent than one who does not possess one. And again, it is the in- terest of the employers of labourers to encourage thrift in the labourer. And the highest and most agreeable duty of the rich is to promote the well-being of the poor. 275. Pigs may be classed in various ways. Thus, ac- cording to colour, we have black and white ; according to size, small, large, and intermediate. As regards size, the farmer must be guided by the demand. A moderate-sized pig suits a cottager best. It should be of healthy parents, of a good description, and the sire, at least, should be pure-bred. 276. Of pure breeds, the Yorkshire and the Berkshire are the kinds principally used in Ireland. The Yorkshire breed is white, and may be had of small, middle, or large size. The Berkshire is black, with a little white on the feet and snout. 277. All the improved breeds of pigs possess many points in common ; and the more of these points any pig, whether purely bred or otherwise, possesses, the better he is likely to pay. The head is small ; the eye small and quick, denoting docihty, v/hich is essential for profitable feeding. The neck is broad, rises well from behind the 90 INTRODUCTION TO [chap, ears, and swells out as it joins the shoulders and breasts The breast is wide and deep. The back should be straight or with a slight curve, broad, and covered with flesh of good quality ; the ribs should spring at right angles to the chine. The shoulders are thick, broad, and well covered ; and the thighs thick and well covered within and without, and carrying flesh well to the hock. The legs are short, the feet short and round, and furnished with clean claws. The hair is pretty long, fine and silky, and contains few bristles. The skin is thin and supple — neither tight nor loose. The tail is small, curled, and set so that it is not seen at the top when the animal is fat. When viewed from the side, from behind, before, or when a bird's-eye view is taken, the carcase should present the outline of a rectangle. 278. The sow goes in young about 113 days. Making allowance for the time she is suckling her young, she can produce two litters in the year, and when it is thought desirable, she will give five litters in two years. The first litter is rarely as numerous or vigorous as subsequent ones. Good breeders, who wish to keep up first-class pigs, do not usually breed from pigs of the first litter. A profitable sow has from eight to twelve young ones at a time, ten being a good average. A sow which does not give a fair average number of young ones should be dis- posed of. A bad nurse, or a sow which eats her young, should also be fattened off as soon as possible. 279. Sows farrow at all seasons of the year. It is, however, difficult to rear young pigs in cold, harsh weather. It appears to us that for the ordinary farmers of this country, spring, and towards the end of summer or beginning of autumn, are good periods for farrowing. In the former case there will be plenty of milk to spare for the young pigs at the time of weaning, and in the latter case they will be strong before the hard weather sets in. 111.] IRISH FARMING. 9 1 280. The sow requires great care for some time before farrowing. As the critical period approaches she should be placed in a sty by herself, if she has not had one already ; and the sty for this purpose should be roomy, say eight to ten feet square. Short straw should be used for litter, as young pigs are liable to be smothered in long straw. As many young pigs are also crushed by their dam against the wall, it is a very good plan to fix a piece of wood all round the sty, at a height of about eight or ten inches from the ground, and projecting about the same distance from the wall, so that the young ones may be forced under it rather than crushed against the wall. 281. For twenty-four hours after farrowing, the sow should be fed on soft food or slops, which should be given i^ in a warm (not a hot) state. A mash of bran or meal answers very well. 282. A sow giving suck to a good average litter of young pigs requires to be fed generously. For a time they live on her milk altogether, and if this be deficient they cannot grow big or healthy. Her food ought, if possible, to be given in a cooked state. Should she leave any food in the trough, it is to be removed and given to store pigs. Boiled vegetables, mixed with barley-meal or Indian corn, are very good, and a little bean-meal increases the quantity and improves the quality of the milk. 283. Young pigs are weaned at the age of two months. They should be weaned gradually, and not separated from the dam all at once. At this age they suck her very often. When we begin to wean they should be allowed to suck her six times a day, then four times, three times, twice, , and once a day, after which they may be withdrawn alto- gether. In this way we avoid sudden changes of food, which are injurious to young pigs, and gradually dry up the sow's milk. Buttermilk is very good for newly-weaned pigs ', and is much used for the purpose. Boiled roots 92 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. and cabbages and steamed or boiled potatoes^ to which they were accustomed before weaning may be now given to them. No matter what system of feeding is adopted afterwards, any roots and vegetables given for a fortnight after weaning should be cooked. [ Immediately after wean- ing, young pigs must be fed oftek, say six times a day, the number of feeds being gradually diminished to three, ~ which is the proper number for stores and fattening pigs.) £84. Young pigs should also have access for a few hours daily to a paddock or field, as moderate exercise promotes health and vigour ; and a plentiful supply of good clean water should be within the reach of both young and old pigs. 285. From this time till the pigs are put on fattening food they are called stores. The management of store pigs varies with circumstances. When intended for pork they are kept almost constantly in the sties and yards, so that by gaining condition rapidly rather than size, they become fit for sale at the age of nine months or there- abouts. Stores intended for bacon usually get more exercise. Many farmers feed them principally out of doors during summer. It happens veiy frequently that this class of store pigs is sadly neglected. They have to subsist on such offal and refuse materials as they can pick up. In this state they may be called the " natural scavengers of the farm." Pigs eat offal and refuse material which would otherwise, perhaps, go to waste, and they pay the ordinary farmer best when they consume the refuse of the farm and garden, of the kitchen, dairy, barn, and corn-fields. It is even doubtful if it is profitable to feed ordinary stores on high or expensive feeding. Offal and refuse substances are not, however, always adequate ; and when this happens store pigs require other keep. In the v\^inter months, say from the end of October to the beginning of May, some roots, cabbages, and small or damaged potatoes may be III.] IRISH FARMING, 93 given to them ; and in summer they are kept economically on clover, vetches, and cabbages, which may be given to them in yards, or on grass. To prevent the grass from being injured pigs are ringed. 286. In fattening pigs we ought to be guided greatly by the principles of animal nutrition already explained, There are, however, points of difference between the food and feeding of swine and of ruminants (cattle and sheep). The latter have a set of four stomachs, which enable them to digest straw and hay, and other bulky substances con- taining a large quantity of woody fibre. The pig, on the other hand, has only one stomach, and requires more con- centrated food, that is food containing less fibre. 287. Again, the ratio which the dead weight bears to the live weight, is much higher in pigs than in cattle or sheep ; and a fat pig contains a higher percentage of fat than a fat cow or a fat sheep. Thus, while 90 per cent, of the live weight of a fat pig may be pork, a fat cow rarely gives 70 per cent, of beef from its live weight, and it is considered very good for a sheep to give 70 per cent, of mutton. 288. It is evident, therefore, that fattening pigs require food richer in farinaceous, or starchy, material than cattle or sheep. 289. The economy of cooking the food of fattening swine is, at the present day, universally admitted. 290. Omitting offal and refuse substances, the staple food of fattening pigs, at all events in England, is fur- nished by the grain crops, Indian corn, and the leguminous seeds. 2©1. We know farmers who have fattened pigs on ground grain alone, and others who have used Indian meal alone. Many farmers give along with these some boiled roots, small and damaged potatoes, bran, pollard ground barley, and other materials. 94 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 292. There are few substances richer in farinaceous matter, or better adapted for pig feeding, than Indian corn ; and, accordingly, a great quantity of it is now used for this purpose both in America and in the British Islands. It is supposed to be one of the most economical kinds of food we can buy for the purpose. According to experiments, 112 lbs. of Indian meal produces 22| lbs. in the live weight of pigs. 293. Of late years potatoes have become too dear to be given to pigs. Diseased and small potatoes may, how- ever, be used for this purpose. They should be steamed or boiled ; and the water which collects in the steaming vat, as well as that in which potatoes are boiled, should never be given to animals of any kind. Potatoes do not fatten pigs rapidly, and the fat of the pork fed on them is said to be rather soft ; hence it is usual to give some harder feeding along with them. 294. Fattening pigs are fed three times a day,— in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. They should be fed at the same hours day after day, and get as much food as they will eat up clean and no more. If at any time a little food is left, it should be g'iven to stores. The troughs should be washed quite clean at regular intei-vals, for if any food is allowed to remain long in the comers of them it is sure to taint the fresh food. Metal or stone troughs are preferable to wooden ones, as they are more easily cleaned, and not only is the food more likely to stick to the wood, but the wood itself rots and taints the food. 295. The pig is, in the minds of a great many people, associated with dirt and filth ; but the truth is, he is, in many respects, cleanly in his habits. For instance, he does not usually foul his litter, but retires to the yard. It is quite certain that the fattening of swine is eminently promoted by cleanliness. The most careful feeders wash them once a week. If this is considered too troublesome lii.J IRISH FARMING. 95 they ought to be rubbed with a good brush or wisp of straw. 296. Fattening pigs, like other fattening animals, eat more at first than afterwards. When they have put on a good deal of fat the appetite becomes less voracious, and better-flavoured food is required. It is for this reason that when pigs are put up to fatten they often get more of bulky and succulent food, and as the fattening advances they get more of the richer and. more palatable grains. Pigs are fattened on less food in summer than in winter. X. ON POULTRY. 297. The value of eggs and poultry imported into England from the Continent has been estimated at a million and a quarter sterling per annum. Of eggs, the imports, one day with another, have been upwards of a million a day ! Ireland, with its half a million of farmers, could supply a large part of this demand, and at the same time increase the quantity for home use. There is at present in some parts of Ireland, such as Dundalk, Wexford, and Derry, a brisk business done in the exportation of eggs and poultry, and it is desirable to extend it to every part of the country. The people have every facility for increasing this species of produce in great abundance. Neither expensive houses nor large capital are required for poultry. Profitable poultry rearing requires a good deal of personal care, which the house- wives of Ireland could give to it. The birds in many parts of the country are very fair, and everywhere they could be improved by crossing, in the same way as cattle, sheep, and pigs are improved. 298. The pure breeds most in favour in this country are the Dorking, Spanish, and Brahmas. The Dorking is one of the best pure breeds. A 96 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. bird of this variety is large, has a square, well-set body, short, whitish legs, and short neck. The flesh is excel- lent, and the eggs are of good size and flavour. The colour varies, dark grey being preferred. There are five toes to each foot. The Dorking does not bear close breeding as well as other varieties ; a fresh cock must, therefore, be procured every second year, or every year where a large number of hens are kept. The average weight of the cock is 8 lbs., and of the hen 6 lbs. The hen makes a good nurse ; but she is slow in sitting. It is, therefore, necessary to entrust eggs for early birds to foster-mothers, and for this special duty the game hen is the best. 300. The Spanish is a noble-looking bird, of different hues of colour, black being the most fashionable. There is a large red single comb, which in the cock is quite erect, and in the hen turns a little to one side. The breed is further known by a lobe of white flesh behind the ear, and by its white face. The hen lays a large, well-flavoured ^•g%, which tapers at both ends, and weighs from 2.\ oz. to 3j oz., and sometimes more. She belongs to the class of everlasting layers ; that is, she continues laying, and does not feel inclined to hatch, a property that enhances the value of the breed for producing eggs : hatching can be done by common hens. 301. The Bi^ahma is a larger bird than either the Dorking or Spanish, the cock weighing lo lbs., and the hen about 8 lbs. The flesh is not so delicate as that of the Dorking or Spanish ; but when young it is very good, and it is abundant in quantity. The ^gg is small, weigh- ing not more than 2 oz., and, in common with the eggs of all fowl of Asiatic origin, it has a bufl" colour. The hens are great layers, and, being hardy, they give eggs in winter, when neither the Dorking nor Spanish lay. They also make excellent nurses, and by crossing with common III.] IRISH FARMING. 97 fowl give good birds for general use. Being heavy, they are easily confined ; and, for the same reason, the roosts require to be within a foot of the ground. The pullets are fully grown at six months, when they begin to lay. For confined places and general usefulness this is one of the best breeds we know. There are two kinds of Brahmas in the country, the white and the dark. We prefer the latter. 302. A poultry house consists of one or more rooms, according to the number of birds kept. Any apartment may be fitted up for the purpose ; but if a poultry house is specially built, each room may be six or eight feet long by four feet wide, and not less than twelve feet high, as the air in a low house soon becomes tainted, and bad air is sure to cause delicacy and disease in poultry. Each compartment should have a door about twenty-one inches wide in one corner, and a yard ten feet wide, facing the south. If distinct breeds are kept, the yards require to be covered with wire. 303. As damp is most injurious to poultry, the house and yards should be thoroughly drained. The best floor is a layer of broken stones, over which is placed two inches of clay, well pressed down, and the whole covered with fine sand, or with the fine part of well-sifted ashes. The floor should be carefully cleaned every day, and the manure removed two or three times a week. 304. Thatch is preferable to slates for poultry houses, as it keeps them warm in winter. It is a good plan to line the walls in winter with a thin layer of long, clean wheat straw. This is done by fastening it at top and bottom with nails and listing. All the straw used in poultry houses should be sprinkled with sulphur, to prevent fleas from being generated in it. Roosting-spars, consisting of the one-half of larch poles, about three or four inches in diameter, divested of the bark, and with the semicircular H 98 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. side upwards, should be placed the entire length of each compartment, and at a height of two feet from the ground for common poultry, and a foot for heavy birds, such as Brahmas. Nests for laying should be placed along the end farthest from the door, and not over each other. There should, if possible, be a separate room for hatch- ing ; and if the poultry be valuable, and early birds required, it should be heated. 305. A quantity of ashes should be placed within reach of fowl. In this they roll themselves about, by which, it is found, they are kept free from vermin. If ashes be not present, they will scoop out the clay with their toes, which are thereby frequently disfigured. The clay, too, does not destroy vermin as well as ashes. • 306. Many persons place broken shells or lime rubbish in poultry yards, under the belief that it supphes material to build up the egg-shell. Poultry take up a little fine gravel to assist the action of the gizzard. 307. Hens and forward pullets, well cared in winter, lay before Christmas, or at latest, in January, and to keep them laying at this season, they require liberal feeding and as much Vv^armth as possible. Corn is the best food for this purpose. Some farmers give all the tail corn to the hens, and it answers very well. 30S. For ordinary purposes, it is not desirable to hatch eggs before the opening of mild weather in spring. The general brood is hatched in March, April, and May. A second brood is hatched in July, August, and September, after which hatching is not safe. Very early hatching in January or February is not practised, except for show purposes, or in the neighbourhood of cities or large towns, where early chickens bring 5^-. a piece and upwards. Early chickens require very careful nursing. 309. A good-sized hen, fully grown, will hatch thirteen eggs ; for pullets, eight are quite enough. Those who III.] IRISH FARMING, •99 breed for show purposes, never expect a hen to hatch more than this number. The period of incubation is twenty-one days, 310. Pieces of bread from the kitchen, soaked in water, and dried and grated, is excellent food for young chicks. Refuse stirabout, broken fine, is also good ; and after a short time they may get small but clean tail corn. Chopped cabbage or lettuce shold also be provided for them. Kitchen refuse, especially dripping, dried and broken fine, is found to be beneficial. Like other animals they are greatly benefited by a mixed diet. 311. For ten days or a fortnight, they should, if pos- sible, be fed once an hour during the day ; and after- wards, they may have the run of a piece of grass, in which shrubs should be grown for shelter.. Wholesome water should also be supplied and renewed every day. They will pick up insects for themselves. ,312. The staple food of fowl is grain. Many give the preference to oats, which is recommended to be ground. Tail corn does very well, especially for common fowl. In whatever state it is given, the corn should be scattered thinly on the ground, so as to give the birds exercise in looking for it. They should never get, at a time, more than they will eat clean. A very good way of fattening poultry is to confine them in cages for a few weeks, and to feed them on corn or meal (which is preferred by most people) made into a paste. They are put up at the age of three or three and a half months in summer, and from four to five months in winter. Birds of an improved de- scription and of this age, will fatten in a fortnight ; older birds may take an additional week. If confined for a longer time, they go backwards. It has been found that five pounds of barley increase the live weight of poultry by one pound. 313. The fattening of fowl is forced by a process H 2 lOo INTRODUCTION TO [chap. called cramming, which consists in pressing more food into the animals than they would otherwise take. The food is generally made into pellets. Birds fattened in •this way are called crammed fowl. 314. As it is found that all animals fatten best in the dark, some persons resort to the barbarous practice of depriving birds of their eyes. 315. Before being killed, fowls should be fasting for twelve hours ; and, in order to soften the fibre of the 'flesh, it is necessary to allow young birds to remain killed for a day or two before using them, and old birds require three or four days. 316. When a fowl is fat, the breast is plump, and fat is easily discovered under the wings ; and all over the body :ilesh and fat are felt on gently pressing it with the finger. 317. If a good description of fowl be kept, the hens will lay, on an average, 120 eggs each, at successive periods during the year; at ninepence a dozen, this would amount to ']s. 6d. If fed principally on grain, they will require corn at the rate of half a stone per week for every ^^ix birds, with a little chopped vegetables and such kitchen refuse and worms as they* can pick up ; this gives 4^ -stones per annum per bird. Using inferior corn, worth, say, about lo^d. per stone, the cost per hen is 3^-. 6d., which leaves a handsome margin to pay for kitchen refuse and attendance. In many districts the average price of eggs is fully one shilling per dozen. 318. The Goose is the most profitable of the large poultry birds. She is not so difHcult or expensive to rear as the turkey, and brings nearly as much money. She requires plenty of ground to roam over in search of food. 31®. The common geese of the country are capable of being improved by care in selecting the parents, and by crossing with a Toulouse gander, which is large, well ■shaped, and of a grey colour. III.] IRISH FARMING. loi 320. Geese well fed in winter will begin to lay in January, and a good goose lays from fifteen to twenty eggs in the season, and sometimes thirty and upwards. •*-"Toulouse geese lay from forty to sixty. In her first season a goose does not lay so many, and her eggs are small. She is in prime laying condition in her third season. 321. A goose that begins to lay early in January, will show a desire to sit in February. She will hatch from ten to twelve eggs, and the period of incubation is thirty days. A turkey hen is often preferred to a goose for hatching ; and a common hen is often put on four or five eggs. 322. Goslings receive no food for twelve hours after they appear. Their first food consists of pieces of bread soaked in milk, stirabout, and chopped cabbage. They should have access to a plot of grass and to a limited supply of water at first. A tub sunk in the ground and the water frequently renewed, or a pond, answers- better than running water for this purpose ; and we have found that ducks and geese fatten rather better on a limited supply of water, renewed sufficiently often, than when they have access to a running stream. 323. A gosling well fed is fit for table in three months. A goose put up to fatten takes from three to five weeks^ according to its condition at the time, and the degree of fatness required. It consumes at first i lb. of corn per day, and | of a lb, afterwards. Young geese are benefited by a run on stubble. A large-sized goose gives i lb. of feathers in the year, which, instead of being plucked all at once, are removed at two or three separate periods. 324. The Duck is prized for its savoury flesh, and gives a large ^gg, which is not so delicate as that of the hen. It requires little care, thrives everywhere, eats up shigs and insect pests in the garden and in the field, I02 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. without injury to any crop ; hence it is remarkably well suited to cottagers. 325. The two pure breeds most esteemed in these countries are the Aylesbury, which is large in size, and white in colour, and has a flesh-coloured or pale bill; and the Rouen, which differs from the common brown duck, in being much larger. 326. Ducks well fed in winter will begin to lay in January or February. 327. When early ducklings are wanted, the first laid eggs are put under a hen. The period of incubation is 30 days, and the birds should be breaking through the shell at the opening of the first mild weather in spring, before which it is difficult to rear poultry of any kind. In spring, the ducklings are confined in a yard with their nurse for about ten days, and in summer for about three days ; while young they are fed on soft sloppy food, with a little meal, and are provided with water in shallow vessels. After this they are allowed to run into water. After three weeks they may be separated from their nurse. When a month old they are found very useful in the garden in destroying the grubs of insects. Ducks are fattened on meal and water ; some milk, when avail- able, may be substituted for the water. 328. The Turkey is a valuable bird, but while young it is tender and difficult to rear. In addition to the common kind, there are three pure breeds deserving of notice, namely the Norfolk, Cambridge, and American. The Norfolk is the smallest, the hen when fat weighing from 5 lbs. to 6 lbs. The plumage has a rusty jet-black hue. The Cambridge is of various shades of colour, such as black and white, grey and copper-colour, the latter being mostly preferred. The hen when fat weighs 15 lbs., and the cock 25 to 30 lbs. It is fast superseding the Norfolk, which is now reared chiefly for use in small III.] IRISH FARMING. 103 families. The American is the most reccntl3' domesticated. •It is smaller than the Cambridge. Its flesh is well flavoured, and the brilliant lustre of its plumage gives it a splendid appearance. When generously fed and skilfully cared, the turkey lays at two and sometimes at three periods in the year ; first in spring, second in July, and lastly between Michaelmas and Christmas. The eggs are dropped at intervals of about thirty hours. ( 329. An average-sized turkey hen will cover thirteen eggs, and the young birds appear after four weeks' in- cubation. The eggs laid in spring may be hatched as soon as the turkey hen shows a desire to sit, and are found to give stronger birds for breeding than those laid at any other season. They also give full-sized birds for table at Christmas, when the demand is greatest. 330. For twenty-four hours after the birds break through the shells they require no food, and should be left to receive the warmth of their nurse. After that they should be encouraged to eat crumbs of bread off the hand. Afterwards they get hard boiled eggs broken fine and mixed with chopped nettles, lettuce, or cabbage. Sprigs of onion leaves or leeks are particularly good for them. 331. Turkeys are fast-growing birds and dainty feeders. Their food, therefore, requires to be abundant, nutritious, and offered to them very frequently. While they are young it cannot be given too often. Some give it every half-hour during the day, but it is not convenient to give it oftener than once an hour, and even this is troublesome ; , ^ but any person who is not prepared to bestow time and trouble on young turkeys should never attempt to rear them at all. They require great care and shelter for eight or ten weeks. The most critical time of all is when they begin to throw out the rough scales and plumage that distinguish the sexes. These absorb a large amount nourishment, and if adequa.te food be not supplied the 104 INTRODUCTION TO [CHAP. system, becomes so much reduced that disease is pretty sure to set in and carry off a large number of the birds. 332. Turkeys are fattened on grain and water, or grain and milk if it can be spared, with an occasional, piece of green food. Small birds in fair condition will fatten in three or four weeks, but large birds may take twice this time. Turkeys which did not receive adequate food while young are seldom capable of being fattened with advantage. CHAPTER IV. EXAMPLES OF SUCCESSFUL FARMING. 333. Having in the foregoing pages given an outline of the modes of raising crops as well as of managing live stock, we proceed to explain the systems of farming best suited to Ireland. We shall begin with small farms. 334. Small farms may be divided into several classes. First of all, there is a vast fiumber of cottier holdings^ not one of which is capable of giving continuous employ- ment throughout the year to an able-bodied man, and which should not, in strictness, be called farms at all. The occupiers of these little holdings are neither farmers nor labourers, but occupy a sort of intermediate place. In times of distress they suifer great privations. As farming improves and society progresses ; as the wages of farm-labourers rise, and their houses become more com- fortable, a number of this class will elect to live by hired labour. In some parts of the country they still form, however, a numerous class. Each holding consists of a few acres of arable land, which, in many cases, has been reclaimed from a state of nature. Potatoes are raised for IV.] IRISH FARMING. 105 home use ; a patch of oats is also grown, the produce being either ground into meal, or sold to buy other neces- saries ; and the remainder is in pasture generally of the worst description, for grazing a cow. The sales Consist of some oats, eggs, and poultry, and a pig or two, and occasionally of a little butter, which, owing to the way it is made up, rarely brings more than two-thirds the price of first-class butter. To these poor people the pig is a valuable savings-bank ; and out of his price the rent is almost invariably paid. Whenever any violent contagious disease, such as the hog-cholera, attacks the pigs of a district, cottier- farmers suffer heavy losses, and require time to pay their rents. The possession of a cow is a great boon to persons of this class, her milk being nutritious and wholesome. 335. Any holding large enough to give continuous employment" to an able-bodied man all the year round may be called a farm. Small farms would begin at this standard, and end with a class on each of which one horse must be kept, but which is not large enough to employ a pair of horses all through the year. 336. In improving the condition of both cottier-holders and small farmers, a few leading ideas are applicable. In the present management of the vast majority of them, we find the same absence of any correct mode of crop- ping ; the same injudicious system of raising grain after grain ; and the same want of roots and of artificial grass.- By the application of more skill, they could live much better than they do. The prevailing system is to sow oats after potatoes, and to repeat the oat-crop until the land gives little more than the seed. The ground is then put under potatoes again, and the same round of oat- crops repeated ; or the land, when unable to bear corn, is put under permanent grass. In very many cases no grass-seeds are sown, the land being left to cover itself io6 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. naturally. As a rule, no root-crop is raised, nor is there any artificial grass for meadow. A cow, when kept, is half-starved in winter, having nothing but the run of the pasture, and a little straw in severe weather. 337. In place of this, we would suggest, as a beginning, that the grain-crop after the potatoes should be laid down with artificial grass. In the following year, at least two cuttings of grass will be obtained off this part of the farm. The ground under oats this year should be cropped next year with potatoes and turnips, or mangolds, or some of each, according to circumstances. The potatoes will probably require all the farm-yard manure available ; the turnips and mangolds may be raised with the aid of artificial manure. The poorest part of the oat-ground should be reserved for the crop or crops to which farm- yard manure is to be applied. 338. The small farmer need not raise at first more than half a rood of roots for every cow he keeps. He will soon learn to appreciate the value of these crops, not ■only for cows, but for his pigs. 339. If, from any cause, the small farmer is compelled to sow grain after grain on part of the farm, care should be taken to select for this purpose the best of the stubble, and to top-dress it with artificial manure. 340. It is very likely nothing will be done to improve the pasture-land the first year. A great deal of this kind of pasture is on shallow or rocky soil, which would not admit of tillage. In the ensuing autumn or spring it should be top-dressed with a good compost of clay and lime. For this purpose clay can be taken from old ditches or from headlands. If lime cannot be had conveniently, a good grass manure, at the rate of 2 cwt. per acre, may be mixed with the clay. If an abundant supply of clay can be had, some permanent grass-seeds may be sown and liarrowed in at the approach of mild weather in spring. IV.] IRISH FARMING. 107 Land now bearing bad grass, and which is deep enough for tillage, should be broken up piece by piece, as the means of the farmer will admit, put through a course of tillage, and, if desirable, re-laid down with suitable permanent grasses. By pursuing the system thus briefly sketched, the small farmer can raise as much potatoes as before, and fully as much oats ; and, by the use of roots and hay, and hand-feeding, he can have milk from his cow during the winter, and also be able to keep, during winter, a heifer and an extra pig or two. It is useless to expect these small farmers to establish a rotation of crops on their holdings at once ; they could not do it for want of capital. But, by pursuing the course pointed out, the main principle of the rotations of crops is put into prac- tice at once, and the small farmer is not asked to do anything beyond his reach. 341. It is necessary to make a few remarks on the extra capital required to carry out this system. It has been often remarked that small farmers have no capital to adopt any new or improved system of management. This objection is invariably made by writers and others who have no practical experience. The author has, in numerous instances, seen the system he describes followed by small farmers of very slender means. There is no small farm.er of good character who cannot get reasonable time to pay for the seeds and artificial manures required to begin with. When the root-crops become fit for use, it may be necessary to buy a cow to consume them. Where is the money to come from ? We answer, and say, that a great many small farmers, even of those who do not farm in a skilful manner, have, by great frugality and thrift, saved a little money, which is often either lying idle, or is in banks at a very low rate of interest. If laid out in the way suggested above, it would pay a high profit ; in some cases as high as a pound for every pound io8 INTRODUCTION TO [CHAP. invested. On the other hand, there is a vast number of small farmers who have not saved money. Some of them may, however, be able to borrow the whole or part of the price of the cow. When this could not be done, we have more than once induced the farmer to sell part of the roots the first year, and with the money so obtained to buy a heifer, which will grow and increase in value : and with the money realized by her sale, a milch cow can be purchased afterwards. 342. It will be seen that at first we do not urge on small farmers to pursue any rotation of crops, experience having taught us that many of the essays and treatises hitherto written on the subject have failed, because they required too much. A notable instance of this has come under the author's notice, in a district in which several of the landed gentry were interested in trying a system of small farm management suggested in a prize essay. The system advocated in the essay referred to is so complica- ted, that it has not been followed by a single farmer, not even by its author. The rotation suggested would extend over twelve years ; the farmers most in need of advice would forget all about the beginning of it before they should come to the end. To be successful, any system proposed for improving the agricultural practices of small farmers must be simple. From the outset, however, every change made should be sound, as far as it goes ; and it should tend, as far as practicable, towards the course which would ultimately be permanently established as the best on any given farm. How are we to determine this course ? 343. It is not possible to explain what is best to be done in every case that will occur ; all we can do in this treatise is to give a few general directions, and to illustrate them afterwards by examples. As a rule, it may be stated, that a spade-labour farm should be all under tillage, IV.] IRISH FARMING. 109 except a paddock in which the stock could get exercise. The cows should be fed in the house throughout the year : in summer, with grass and a little hay or straw ; in winter they should get roots and fodder, the quantity of roots varying with the quantity of milk the animals give. Cows in full milk get about eight stones of roots per day, with fodder ; dry cows should be fed on straw and hay ; and as the yield of milk decreases, so should the supply of roots, until they are withdrawn altogether ; because it does not pay to give roots to dry cows, or to give them in large quantity to cows' yielding only a small quantity of milk. An occasional feed of roots is, how- ever, useful to cows in calf, as it helps to keep their system in a healthy state. 344. The house-feeding of milch cows all the year round is one of the best means of improving the condi- tion of our small farmers. It has been one of the main- stays of the small farmers of Belgium. A house-fed cow of average size and of fair quality will give from 500 to 600 gallons of milk in the year ; or, say, 550 gallons. If the dairy were managed skilfully, the milk would realize on an average y\d. per gallon, or ^17 per cow. A cow of the same description, under the prevailing mode of treatment, does not give over 300 gallons of milk. The house-feeding of cows all through the year involves a good deal of labour ; and when, as on large farms, the whole of the labour has to be paid for, house-feeding in summer does not pay. And as we advance from spade-labour farms to the larger class of small farms, it may be stated that, generally speaking, a modified system of grazing and house-feeding in summer answers better than feeding altogether in the house. 345. The four-course rotation or a modification to be explained further on may be pursued by small farmers of this class. From six to eight acres of arable land put no INTRODUCTION TO [chap. under this rotation is as much as an ordinary family can cultivate with the spade. What they cannot till suffi- ciently may be put into pasture for the cows and young stock. The areas to be kept in tillage and grass, respec- tively, depend on a variety of circumstances, such as the nature of the soil, the extent of the holding, and the quantity of labour available in the family. 346. According to the classification we have adopted, a cottier farm is intermediate in size between a cottage garden and a small farm, and is not large enough to give continuous employment throughout the year to an able- bodied man. 347. As every cottager who has a piece of land should, if possible, keep one cow, the question at once arises, what is the smallest area on which she can be maintained all the year round ? As this question possesses the deepest interest for the mass of the people of this coun- try, we shall answer it pretty fully. In the first place, it may be remarked that a cow can be house-fed all through the year on purchased feeding. A gentleman of our acquaintance feeds a small cow in his stable all the year round. Her daily allowance of food consists of two-and-a-half pounds of cotton-cake, one pound linseed-cake, and four pounds bran, with hay and water. The cake and bran are prepared in the way to be afterwards described, and divided into three feeds. The animal gets exercise for ten minutes every morning in a lane at the back of the house, and is well groomed with currycomb and brush. Last year her milk averaged eight quarts a day, and supplied the wants of a family of fifteen, including servants. The cost of the cake and bran averaged ^d. a day. 348. Let us now take the case of a cottager in a re- mote district who wants to feed his cow principally on crops raised on his holding. We find that on two acres iv.J IRISH FARMING. 1 1 1 of ordinary arable land put under the four-course rota- tion, a cow can be kept. The two-acre farm would be cropped as follows : — 1st— Two roods of roots. 2nd — Two roods of grain laid down with grass-seeds. 3rd — Two roods of grass, the greater part of which should be cut with the scythe, and given to the cow in the house ; and the remainder made into hay for winter use. 4th — After the grass we may plant the main crop of potatoes, say one rood ; and the remaining rood may be put under oats. The half-acre of roots (turnips and mangolds), if pro- perly managed, will yield ten tons, and afford i cwt. of roots per day, for six months, which, with suitable hand- feeding, is quite sufficient for a cow in full milk. By top-dressing, and with the aid of a stolen crop of vetcheSy the half-acre of artificial grass will not only feed the cow in the house for the six months of summer, but give a little hay for winter use. 349. The rotation may be varied according to cir- cumstances. When the family is large, the whole of the grass field may be put under potatoes, giving this rotation : — 1st year — Turnip and mangolds, ^nd year — Grain, with grass seeds. 3rd year — Grass for soiling, and hay. 4th year — Potatoes. Roots, after potatoes, require less manure than after lea oats. In a good climate, potatoes are ripe in the end of September, when they may be dug, and succeeded by Italian rye-grass. On a small farm of deep, sound land, we have pursued the following rotation with great success : — 112 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 1st year — Turnips and mangolds. 2nd year — Potatoes taken out before the end of Sep- tember ; the ground being then cleared and sown with Italian rye-grass. 3rd year — Italian rye-grass. 4th year — Oats. Under the circumstances stated, this is a most profit- able course of cropping. In one year we fed, from the 4th April until the end of September, four cows on the produce of five (statute) roods of artificial grass raised in this way. To guard against disappointment, it is well to state, for the information of any person who may be dis- posed to adopt this system, that the grass seed must be sown not later than September, so that the young plants would be strong enough to resist the winter ; and that plenty of seeds must be sown, say not less than four bushels of pure seed per statute acre ; and if there is any reason for doubting the purity of the seed, an extra bushel or two may be used. 350. On light land, Italian rye-grass is so stunted, that the produce of half an acre is not enough to feed a cow during summer. In such a case we have found a planta- tion of lucerne invaluable ; and when the ground is very light and poor, sanfoin answers better than lucerne. On land of this description we have, in other cases, dispensed with artificial grass altogether, and put in its place occa- sional sowings of both winter and spring vetches for the summer feeding of the cow. 351. On several cottier holdings the following three- course rotation has been followed at our suggestion with great success : — 1st year — Mangolds. 2nd year — Potatoes. 3rd year — A^etches, viz : IV.] IRISH FARMING. 1 1 ^ (a) Winter vetches, sown in September and October of the previous year, after the potatoes. These vetches will be fit for use in May, and may be succeeded by Swedish turnips. {b) Spring vetches, sown in succession, as already explained. Vetches sown in January and Feb- ruary may be followed by turnips. Vetches sown as late as May will not be out of the ground in time to obtain another crop within the year ; but will afford food for the cow until the mangold leaves become available. With the aid of cabbages from the cottage garden.. and of the produce of the plantation of lucerne, and of cake and bran, when necessary, the cottier farmer will not find any difficulty in feeding his cow from April tilL November, when the roots become available. 352. On cottier farms, horse labour is inadmissible, - except for taking out the manmre, and bringing home, the crops ; and even this can be done with the aid of a . donkey. ,353. The essential implements consist of spade, steel- digging-fork, hoe, and shovel, for field-work ; bucket, and . wheelbarrow ; and, when they can be afforded, a root- cutter, a hand-cart, and a machine for cutting straw into- chaff. A good sized metal pot is also necessary to pre- pare hand-feeding for the cow ; but this can be done in. the kitchen. There should be a strong wooden or stone trough for mixing and preparing food. A few other small articles will also be necessary. 354. The offices required are a cow-house, pig- sty, a store-room, and places for poultry and ducks. 355. The dairy utensils would consist of a milking- pail, a couple of milk-pans, a strainer, a skimmer, and a small churn. The pail should be made of wood, with galvanized iron hoops. A cooler made of tinned iron is I 114 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. very suitable for cottier farms. It is cleaned by dipping it in cold water, and rubbing it lightly with a piece of sponge or fine cloth. When hot water is used, and the vessel roughly scrubbed, the tin wears off. A good churn for this class of occupiers is the atmospheric, described at pp. 70 and 71, and which is generally made of thick block-tin, and in which the butter is produced by pump- ing air into the milk. The whole milk is put into the ehurn, at a temperature of 60°; the butter is obtained in five or six minutes ; the buttermilk is not sour, and the butter itself is sweet ; but, like all butter rapidly made, it does not keep long. For churning cream in small quantity, the American box-churn is the best. On cottier farms there is generally great want of proper dairy accommodation ; even when a separate apartment is built as a dairy it is so cold in winter that it is difficult to make good butter. The atmospheric churn, by admitting of being placed in a tub of hot water during the process af churning, obviates this difficulty to a great extent. In summer, again, it almost invariably happens that the apartments used as dairies by cottagers are; too warm; and in this case the' atmospheric churn may be plunged in cold water. When there are no proper means of keeping down the heat of the dairy in summer, we have found that sweet cream and good butter can be pro- duced by raising the new milk to a temperature of 170° before settingat in the coolers. I. A FARM OF FIVE AND A HALF ACRES. 056. We now proceed to detail the cropping and management of a spade-labour farm at Glasnevin. The soil is deep, and above an average in point of natural fertility. The farm consists of 5 acres, 2 roods, and 16 perches, within a ring fence, a small paddock (recently IV.] IRISH FARMING. 1 1 5 added), and a bye-corner containing 2 1 perches, cropped with lucerne, which is most uscfid in helping to keep up a supply of green food for the cows. In severe seasons, for instance, grass is later than usual ; and lucerne, which becomes fit to cut early in April, and fully a fortnight before the grass, is invaluable. The second cutting of grass is also often late, and the second crop of lucerne again comes in opportunely between the last of the first, and the beginning of the second cutting of artificial grass. A stolen crop of vetches is also useful at this period. 357. In the spring of 1862, this piece of land was in permanent grass, and having been used for several years previously as a paddock for young stock, the building up of their frame reduced it so much in condition that it was the poorest part of the land at Glasnevin. It was divided into four equal parts, put under rotation, the first year's crops being :— I St. Root crops — turnips and mangolds, for which the ground was dug to the full depth of a spading, at a cost of 3^. per square perch (statute). 2nd. One-fourth was put under potatoes, which were grown in lazy beds ; these were followed early in October by Italian rye-grass, which was fit for use next April. 3rd. One-fourth was put under lea oats. 4th. The remaining fourth was left in grass. In Feb- ruary it received a top-dressing, at the rate of 2 cwt. per statute acre of Peruvian guano ; and some Italian rye-grass seed was harrowed in at the opening of mild weather in spring. In consequence of this treatment, the grass was fit to cut for house-feeding in midsummer, when a cheap cow was purchased, and with the proceeds of her milk, a second was bought. Before the end of the year the capital had increased threefold. As soon as the roots become fit for use, towards the end of autumn, the cattle were increased to three, which number is now maintained I 2 ii6 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. all the year round. The result of the first year's operations was, that after charging a rent of ^3 iSj-. 3^. per statute acre, and ^24 \os. lod. for hired labour, there was a balance of ^33 13J. ^d. in favour of management. 358. This farm has been worked on the four-course rotations since 1862, and it is at present the cleanest, the richest, and one of the best tilled pieces of land in Ire- land. Its condition is now better by ^8 an acre than it was then, and this increase is the result of deep and efficient tillage and of liberal manuring. Its improved condition may be described as floating capital put into it by the tenant ; and it is the interest of the landlords, and of the community at large, that the amount of this capital in the soil should be as high as possible. It is a most powerful instrument of production, and it is the best guarantee the landord can have for the punctual payment of his rent. In Belgium, and on the well- managed farms of the United Kingdom, the amount of this floating capital sunk in the soil is enorm.ous. There are in Ireland close on ten millions of acres capable of cultivation ; and if all were tilled and manured as well as the piece of land we are describing, the tenants' floating capital in it, of which we are now speaking, would be increased to an average of £s an acre, or ^50,000,000 before ten years. 359. It is unnecessary to describe every step taken during the past twelve years to bring this little farm into its present state. It is enough to give a concise account of its working. With the view of exhibiting as simple a system as is consistent with the object in view, the crops raised are few. The roots are confined to mangolds and turnips ; oats is the only grain crop raised ; the artificial grasses consist of Italian rye-grass and a little red clover, together with a patch of lucerne. The small farmer must have potatoes, and in many parts of the country IV.] IRISH FARMING. 117 flax is a valuable adjunct ; accordingly, we have shown where these crops can be introduced into the rotation. As regards flax, the author wishes it to be distinctly understood that its cultivation is not an essential part of a system of management for improving the condi- tion of small farmers. It is, in its own proper place, a most valuable and profitable crop ; but there are many instances in which the small farmer would do better without it. 360. We have now to make some observations on each of the crops raised. The common four-course rotation is, as already explained, the basis of the systems of modern husbandry most extensively practised ; it is sound in principle, easily understood, and admits of very general application. We have therefore modified this rotation into the following scheme, which gives the cropping of ■one field for four years in succession : — 1st year — Root crops— mangolds and turnips. 2nd year — Oats, with seeds. The ground being now rich, a strong growing variety of oats is used, so that it may not lodge and rot. It has been already stated, that on rich land no artificial grass is equal, in a moist climate, to Italian rye-grass, both as regards certainty and pro- duce ; but on light, dry ground, or in a warm climate, red clover, which has deep roots, and is more independent of surface-moisture, gives a better return. To prevent clover-sickness, one-half the field may be put under rye- grass and the other half under a mixture of rye-grass and clover ; and four years afterwards the places of these crops should be changed. 3rd year — Artificial grass for house-feeding cows during summer, and for hay. In the 4th year, the crop, in the ordinary course, would be oats, commonly called lea oats ; but the field may be sub-divided into three parts, and cropped thus : — ii8 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. {a) One part lea oats, which illustrates the original rotation. ip) One part may be put under flax, the ground being dug deeply and early. {c) The remaining part may be devoted to potatoes. When, four years afterwards, the same crops come round on this field again, the flax should be put where the potatoes are now ; lea oats should be sown where flax is now, and the potatoes where we have now lea oats. Four years later, the crops are again shifted in the same way, so that flax would occur only once in twelve years, by which fibre of good quality is obtained. Flax should not be grown where a good market for it does not exist. 361. With the exception of mangolds, all these crops can be successfully raised in every part of the country ; and where, as in mountain districts, the climate is too wet or cold for the mangold crop, turnips can be substi- tuted for it. 362. One half of the farm is devoted to crops for cattle- feeding — namely, one-fourth to roots for winter, and one- fourth to grass for summer, us,e. The cows ara house-fed throughout the year. A small paddock, containing half an acre of ground, has been recently added to the farm, so that henceforward they can be let out morning and evening for exercise. If the farm were larger, we should increase the paddock, so as to give the animals more exercise. Our experience at home, coupled with observa- tion in Belgium, go to prove that much exercise is not essential for the secretion of milk, or even for the health of full-grown animals ; but a paddock is necessary when the small farmer rears stock. 363. Many persons are astonished when they are told that three cows are maintained all the year round on this little farm, or rather on the produce of one-half of it. The following facts will make the matter very simple : — IV.] IRISH FARMING. 119 The roots are fit for use in October, and continue sound and good up to April, and longer if required — say, in all, six months, or 182^ days. The quantity of roots given to the cows varies from six to eight stones each daily, accord- ing to the condition of the beasts. Taking the average at 7 stones a day, we require for each beast 8 tons for the half-year, or for the three beasts, 24 tons. Any practical man knows that an acre of good land, tilled and manured as it ought to be, must produce upwards of 20 tons per statute acre ; even at this average, the yield of the field of roots would exceed the wants of the animals. In addition to roots, each cow gets from 3^ to 7 lb. of hay, and from 2 to 4 lb. of what is called concentrated food, in the day ; the kind and quantity of this food depending on the condition of the animal For the pro- duction of milk, a mixture of bran and cotton-cake is the best artificial food. The cake is broken very fine, and then mixed with the bran ; the mixture is steeped over- night in cold water, and in the morning a little warm water added to reduce it to a lukewarm mash. For strippers intended to be fattened off, linseed oil-cake broken fine is the very best food. Good rape-cake may also be used with advantage ; when broken, boiling water should be poured on it, to dissipate a peculiar pungent substance it contains, and which makes it distasteful to animals. Oats, when cheap, should be crushed and made into mashes, the same as bran ; judiciously used in this way, it is worth anywhere lod. a stone. 364. Italian rye-grass is fit for use in April, or early in May. It invariably produces two crops or cuttings ; in average good seasons it yields three, and when the season is particularly favourable we obtain as many as four crops. For obvious reasons, it should not all come in at once. Accordingly, a third of it is top-dressed with Peru- vian guano early in February, at the rate of i^ cwt. per 5 20 INTRODUCTION TO [cHAP. statute acre, and the remaining two-thirds at intervals of a fortnight.* The result of the top-dressing is, that we •soon perceive three distinct divisions in the field ; and these divisions can be used in regular succession. After 'each cutting, a top-dressing of the same manure is used : "the last work done every day being to top-dress the part "mown that day ; the manure being broken very fine, and ^applied at the rate of i lb. or i^lb. per square perch. iThe night's dew helps to wash it into the soil before the heat of next day's sun could do it any harm. By this mode of treatment, the artificial grass yields a somewhat heavier produce per acre than the roots ; and as the daily allow- ance of grass is about the same as of roots, we find that, with the aid of the plot of lucerne and some purchased or concentrated food, the field of grass not only supports three cows for the summer half-year (April to October), but yields hay enough for the whole year. 365. When either roots or artificial grass are scarce, the cattle can be made to keep up their milk and condi- tion on hay and artificial food, or on what may be called hand-feeding. In the middle of July, for instance, in a dry year, when the grass is very backward, we have provided the following feeding for a number of cows on -another farm : — 6 o'clock, a.m. — 3|lb. of bran in mash, with hay after- wards. 12 noon. — 2 lb. of bran, 2 lb. oil-cake made into muci- lage, mixed with 5 lb. chaffed hay, and the whole given in a moist state. 6 o'clock, p.m. — Same as morning feed. 9 o'clock, p.m. — A small quantity of hay. Water ad libitu?n. '"* We have, of late, used sulphate of ammonia, owing to the difficulty of getting good Peruvian guano. In hot weather we find nitrate of soda rather ' better than either, as a top-dressing for grass. IV.] IRISH FARMING. 121 On this feeding cows milk freely, and put on flesh and fat. When a chaff-cutter is used, and particularly in time of scarcity, it is useful to mix cut cabbages, rape, or green food of any kind with cut hay or straw. 366. We are continually asked if the straw produced on the farm is enough for bedding the cattle all the year round, and the answer is in the affirmative. Owing to the treatment the land receives, the yield of straw is very heavy : sometimes it is so rank as to be liable to lodge, which injures the grain ; to prevent this, we clip off, with a sickle, the tops of the plants before the ears begin to appear. In the driest season, the produce of straw on this farm is upwards of two tons per statute acre, and the total quantity produced is enough to litter the animals comfortably for twelve months. In summer, we have limited the amount of bedding to a quarter of a stone of chaffed straw per day for every beast. When necessary we do the same in winter. The scouring of ditches, and sawdust, may be used if the straw should run short. 367. The manure produced from the three cows is enough for the field of roots and the plot of potatoes. A house-fed cow produces, as already stated, at least one ton of manure per month : by our management more is obtained. If the manure should at any time run short, the deficiency can be readily supplied by using artificial manure for the turnips. 368. It is well to consider the capital required to start this little farm. We must not overlook the buildings, without which the experiment could not have succeeded. Then, as regards labour, it is to be borne in mind that, excepting horse labour, the greater part, if not the whole of it, would be supplied by the small farmer and his family. Seeds and manures are very generally suppned on credit for three or six months by the most respectable houses ; and the small farmer, when he requires it, will 122 INTRODUCTION TO [CHAP. be able to procure reasonable credit for the purchase of these necessaries. Excluding buildings, the capital with which the farm was commenced consisted of : — 1st — An outlay for hand implements of . ^i loj-. 2nd — The price of a cow ^13 oj. 3rd — The small farmer would, in addition, require as much money in hand as would support himself and his family, until the produce should become available. This item will vary with circumstances, such as the time of entry on the farm. In discussions on small farms, the word capital has often been used in a way which has caused misconception. Capital is necessary to every employer of labour ; and no man should start in the management of a farm, however small, without a suit- able amount of it. The defective state of our small farms is not, however, owing to want of capital, as is evidenced by the fact that many of them have been in the habit of investing money in banks at a very low rate of interest, or allowing it to lie idle in their houses. Labour is the great agent which produces capital ; and there is in all small farm districts an enormous amount of agricultural labour which is not producing anything like the wealth of which it is capable. 369. We have now to consider the income derivable from our small farm. The labour represents the work of a man and a boy. They find continuous employment on it throughout the year. While, in summer and winter, small farmers are idle, the hands on this farm are as busy as in spring or harvest. As our markets are exceptionally favourable, we shall give the results in a remote district. An ordinary cow, fed and treated as we have suggested, produces upwards of 600 gallons of milk in the year. Let us take it at 500. In any part of the kingdom milk is worth at least (i\d. a gallon for butter-making, and for the feeding of pigs and calves. The value of the iv.] IRISH FARMING. 123. calves when dropped may be put down as a set-off against casualties. £ s. d. Three cows would produce 1,500 gallons at 6|c^. per gallon , . 4012 6 The oats, after roots, produce on an average more than 160 stones, which are worth, say loc/. a stone, or for the field . 968 Assuming that one-third of the stubble ground is cropped with flax, wehave iR. 34J p. at 5cwt. peracre= i8| stonesat 7^. 6c?'. 6 18 9 Value of flax seed, say for feeding 200 Lea oats— I R. 34 A?, at 140 stones per acre = 65 stones at loc/. . 2 14 2 Potatoes — I R. 34-i- p. at 6 tons per acre = 2 tons 16 cwt., at ^\d. per stone 8 8 ©■ Profit on pigs (a very low estimate) 500 Profit on poultry 200 Total value of produce ^77 o i From this we must deduct rent, at ;^2 an acre 11 9 3 Seeds — Green crops 076 Potatoes 150 Oats 100 Flax 100 Artificial grass i 10 o 526- Wear and tear of implements 200 Cost of artifical manure, 6 cwt. Peruvian guano, at 13J. 6d. , or its equivalent of sulphate of ammonia or nitrate of soda ... 410 Cost of artificial cattle food . 600 Hired horse labour, &c 3 10 o Total of out-goings ;^32 2 9 Deducting this from the value of the produce, there remains a balance of £44. ijs. \d., or a fraction above 17J. 6d. per week, which is available for the mainten- ance of the farmer and his family. These figures may appear to prove too much to persons who have had no practical experience themselves of the capabilities of small farmers. We beg to assure those persons that the case has been advisedly understated. There are several small farms under the author's inspection on which the results con- siderably exceed those given above. The whole secret may be summed up in one short sentence : The tillage is deep,. 124 INTRODUCTION TO [CHAP. clean, and efficient ; and the cattle are fed with care and skill. 370. It is not to be inferred that farms of five and a half or of six-and-a-half acres, are recommended in preference to larger ones. A discussion on the minimum number of acres which a farm should contain is foreign to this work. Vast numbers of people are planted on ■small farms throughout the country ; and the great ques- tion is, how best to improve their condition. Without offering any opinion of a controversial character, we would take leave to say, that when a holding is large enough to give continuous employment to an able-bodied man, and occasional employment to members of his family, its skilful cultivation is sure to enable them to pay their way and to live comfortably, II. ONE-HORSE FARMS. 371 A holding which cannot be properly tilled without the use of horse-power, but which is not large enough to -employ a pair of horses, may be called a one-horse farm. All operations that require' a pair of horses, such as ploughing, are performed by hiring a second horse, or by co-operation ; that is, two neighbouring farmers agree to make up a team, which is employed first upon one and next upon the other farm. A difference must occasionally arise as to who shall get the first turn ; but by mutual forbearance the work progresses in a satisfactory manner. The ploughing of land in autumn, in preparing it for roots and potatoes, is better done by three than by two horses where the ground is sufficiently deep to permit of deep ploughing ; but there is no reason why farmers, each owning one horse, could not combine to make up a team of three, or even four horses. The author has had ex- perience of several one-horse farms ; and he can now say IV.] IRISH FA RMING. 1 2 5 that by a system such as has been explained, excellent crops have been obtained. It is not to be inferred from this remark that the author favours this class of farms. The truth is, if called upon to subdivide an unoccupied estate, he would avoid them, partly because the second horse cannot always be procured when work is urgent, and partly because they require a relatively large amount of capital. Thus, for example, those essential implements of tillage— the plough, harrow, roller, and grubber — will cost as much on a one-horse, as on a two-horse farm. In Ireland this class of farms is very numerous ; and in England, many of our villa farms may be said to belong- to the same category. 372. A one-horse farm may contain from ten to thirty acres, or more, according to the quality of the ground. Part of the farm will be in permanent pasture. Farms of this size rarely afford a sufficient run for sheep. The best plan is to depasture the permanent grass with milch cows or young cattle. Pasture land, which is low- lying and cool, answers best for milch cows, and should be used for the production of butter. There should be a good-sized paddock for calves, and, if possible, a smaller one for pigs. The remaining portion of the farm should be cropped in accordance with some established principle. The simplest rotation in use is the four-course already described. On medium land, such as the greater part of the soil resting on the mountain limestone in the central parts of Ireland, a rotation known as the five-course, answers very well. The crops follow each other in the following order : — 1st year — Turnips, mangolds, and potatoes. 2nd year — Grain, with grass seeds. 3rd year — Grass, which may be partly made into hay for winter use, and partly used for feeding milch cows in the house, during the hottest part of the day, in summer. 126 INTRODUCTION TO [chap. 4th year — Grass for pasture. 5th year-^Lea oats. The second year's grass is never as productive as the iirst. It is rarely heavy enough for meadow. Hence it is depastured, and this presupposes the existence of fences to coiifine the animals. 373. On upland or mountain ground, the following six- course rotation answers still better. 1st year — Turnips (mangolds when the climate is suit- able) and potatoes. 2nd year — Grain, with grass seeds. The oat-crop is generally selected, being the most certain in upland districts. 3rd year — Grass for meadow ; part may be given green to the milch cows in the house in hot weather. 4th year — Grass the second year, which is depastured. 5th year — Grass the third year, also depastured. 6th year — Lea oats. In many cases it will be found better to break up a field of lea just as it wants it, irrespective of the number of years it is in grass, as we shall more fully explain further on. ^74. A calf may be reared for every milch cow kept.- Should the farmer be so unfortunate as to have cows of a bad description, he should not rear his own calves, as it is a mistake to waste good food and labour on animals of an inferior description, while good ones can be had every- where at a moderate price. After a few years, it is quite possible for every farmer to come into possession of a ^ood class of cows, after which he may rear all the calves. By this rotation, a large quantity of straw, and a fair share of hay, can be produced for winter feeding. There will be on the farm a number of dairy cows, of three- year-old heifers, of two-year olds, and of yearlings. A breeding sow may be kept, and when young pigs are in IV.] IRISH FARMING. 127 good demand, it would pay to keep a second. Each sow should be so managed as to give two litters in the year. One litter should be fit for weaning when the buttermilk begins to be plenty in May ; and the second litter should be forward enough to consume the small potatoes. 375. It may be useful to give some details of the work- ing of a well-managed one-horse farm. It is situated near a town, and contains 23 acres, 2 roods, 2 perches of arable land, of fair quality. Buildings and roads occupy 3 roods, 37 perches ; the garden contains i rood, 5 perches ; an area of 7 acres, 3 roods, 26 perches is in permanent pasture for dairy cows ; and 14 acres, i rood, 10 perches are under rotation. One horse is kept ; and all work, such as ploughing, which requires more than one horse, is done with the aid of a hired horse, or one is employed on the co-operative principle explained. The implements are as few as possible ; and a system of tillage and stock feeding is pursued, suited to the great bulk of the working tenant farmers. The live stock consists of one horse, six milch cows, a bull, two breeding sows, and a boar. There is good demand for new milk, at 2d. a quart ; and it is more convenient to sell it at this price than to rear calves, A couple of the calves from the best milkers are, however, reared. 376. The crops raised, and the returns obtained from them, are as follows : — I. Turnips and mangolds, 3 a. 3 R. 10 p.; the produce is consumed by the stock. ' z. Artificial Grass, 3 a. 3 r. 10 p. Of the produce, part is used in a green state, and part made into hay. 3. Oats, 6 a. or. 30 p. ; the yield is fully 75 barrels, at 145-. per £ s. d. barrel 52 10 o Deduct for horse feeding ;^io o o ,, seed 3 ID o 13 10 o Carried forward 39 o o 128 INTRODUCTION TO [CHAP, £ s. d. Brought forward . . 39 o o 4. Potatoes, 2 R 1500 5. Garden produce, i R. 9 r 10 o o 6. Hire of bull and boar 20 o o 7. Pigs 20 o o 8. Poultry 500 9. Dairy produce, 6 cows at £iZ 108 o o ^217 o o The value of the calves is more than an equivalent for deterioration in the value of the cows arising from age or other casualties. 377. By keeping a young horse, and by the exercise of skill in his purchase, he is often sold at a good profit after the season's work ; but as all farmers could not do so, it has been left out of the receipts. 378. The expenses consist of — £ s. d. Seeds of root crops i 10 o ,, grasses 290 Artificial manure 5 10 o Feeding stuffs 12 o o Repairs of implements, and horse-shoeing 500 Sundries 500 Rent 52 18 o Balance in favour of labour, skill, and captital .... 132 13 o ;^2I7 O O 379. An industrious farmer, with the aid of two or three sons, according to age, could perform all the manual labour of this farm. Under the present management the payment for labour is — ■ £ s. d A permanent labourer, 10^. a-week, or, per year ... 26 o o A permanent woman, 5^. ,, ,, ,, . . . 13 o o Extra hands, 150 days, at li'. 6 1^0 LOGY. /'..-. rHYSlOLCGY. />; J/. /J.'V /'/?./■:/ a i-tu.riu. ; FIRST LK3SONS ON HEALTH, /' ^o- A' \ i A'S.. t WORDS FROM THE POETS. -. . H; .,i.H.jOf-' OF THE WOkLD. / s /nn/> GOLDEN DEEDS. .-»/•-. >r'\V7/ , .- NFW T?:STAMENT HISTORY /'. r, / ■OLD [ h. -. . , . %/ H^r/ro^: c, / ■ '^'■:m lesson (K ] h PRjrvic'Pi ks uk ^ COOKING y.,;./'7 S^^U