WkWwWwSM% - ^W^^W? LI BRAI *Y. Tl- CHARLES OE IE GIFT OP PTHA W/LL IYOOOSUR.V . l£^. 'TZtrtAZ**^^ Yearbook, 1904. pp. 625-626 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 51. The Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Mississippi Station. Bulletin 2, Cotton worm. Bull 12, Cotton leaf worm. Bull. 18, Varieties of cotton. Bull. 23, Varieties of cotton Bull. 62, Varieties of cotton. Bull. 98, Cotton varieties. Bull. 113, Cotton vari eties and culture. Technical: Bull. 1, A chemical study of the cotton plant Circular 17, The Mexican cotton boll weevil. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. North Carolina Station. Does cotton exhaust? Cot ton seed and its uses. Treatment of cotton lands; cotton seed and its products Bull. 179, The composition of cotton seed meal. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Oklahoma Station. Bull. 23, Cotton culture in Okla- homa. Bull. 77, Cotton culture. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. South Carolina Station. Bull. 1, Tests of varieties of cotton. 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Little, Brown & Co., Boston,. 1852. Woodbury, Hon. Levi. Sec'y, U. S. Treasury. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting tables and notes on the cultivation, manufacture, and foreign trade of cotton, April 5, 1836. Gales & Seaton, Washington, 1836. Woodbury, Hon. Levi. Woodbury's Tables and Notes on the Cultivation, Manufacture and Foreign Trade of Cotton. Blair & Rives, Washington, 1836. Work of the British Cotton Growing Association. North American Review, New York,. 178-742. Wray, L. Culture and Preparation of Cotton in the United States. Journal Society of Arts, Vol. 7, London. Wright, John, M. D., of] England. An address to the members of both Houses of Parliament on the Late Tax on Fustian, and Other Cotton Goods. . . . W. Eyres,. Warrington, 1785. Wright, J. W. A. Lecture on Cotton Culture and our Educational Interests. Deliv- ered before the assembly of the Univ. of California, Oct. 15, 1875. • • • Also, portions of lecturer's report to California State Grange. 1875. Wright, W. W. Cotton and Negroes. De Bow's Commercial Review, Vol. 29, New Orleans. Young, P. M. B. Cotton Culture. Reports of U. S. Commission to the Paris Expo- sition, 1878. Washington, 1880. Yves, Henrv. Determination de la Valeur Commerciale des Fibres de Coton. Augus- tine Challamel, Paris, 1903. 204 Zetzsche, Franz. Die wichtigsten Faserstoffe der europaischen Industrie. Anleitung zur Erkennung und Unterscheiduiig. H. F. A. Thalwitzer, Kotzschenbroda, 1905. Zimmermann, J. H. Cotton Worm. De Bow's Commercial Review, Vol. 17, New Orleans. Zipser, Julius. Die textilen Rohmaterialien und ihre Verarbeitung zu Gespinsten. Franz Deuticke, Leipzig, 1895. 205 VI. JOURNALS. Adressbuch der Textil-Industrie Oesterreich-Ungarns. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Textil-Industrie. Leipzig. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Textil-Industrie Popular-wissenschaftliches Fachblatt fiir Spinnerei, Weberei, Farberei. Hrsg. von Philipp Zahnd, Vol. 2-3. Chemnitz,. 1880-81. Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Textil-Industrie Wien, 1879-86. Aloi, A. Piante Industrials 1904. American Buyers' Directory, Carpets and Upholstery Industries. R. L. Polk & Co.,. New York. American Clothing Manufacturers' and Cutting-up Trades Directory of the United States- and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1909. American Cotton Manufacturer. (Weekly.) Charlotte, N. C. 1904. American Directory of Knitting Trade, Knitting Mills and Knit Goods Trade of United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. American Ginner and Cotton Reporting Agency. (Weekly.) Meridian, Miss. American Knit Goods Review. (Monthly.) New York. American Report and Directory of the Clothing Manufacturers and Cuttting-up Trade for United States and Canada. Dockham Publishing Co., Boston, 1909. American Report and Directory of the Jobbing Trade and Department Stores for the United States and Canada. Dockham Publishing Co., Boston, 1909. American Textile Directory. Continuation of the Textile Manufacturers' Directory of the United States and Canada, including the United States, British Provinces,. Mexico and Central and South America. New York, 1901. American Textile Directory of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. American Textile Manufacturer. (Weekly.) Charlotte, N. C. American Textile Manufacturer. (Monthly.) Philadelphia, 1880-83. American Wool and Cotton Reporter. (Weekly.) Frank P. Bennett & Co., Inc.,. Boston, Mass. Annuaire de l'industrie textile, peignage, filature, tissage, teinture, apprets, et materiel de ses industries. Ed. by Camille Rousset, Paris, 1906. Anzeiger, chemisch-technischer. Centralorgan fiir alle chemisch-technischen Fabriken, Appreturgeschafte, Bleichereien und Farbereien in der Schweiz. (Bimonthly.) Zurich. 206 Appretur-Zeitung. Halbmonatsschrift fur die gesamte Weberei, Wirkerei, Strickerei und Strickwaren-Ausriistung, Wascherei, Bleicherei, Walkerei, Karbonisation, Raucherei, Schererei, Dekatur, Presserei. (Semi-Monthly.) Gera. Atkinson, Edward. List of Cotton Factories in the United States. U. S. Census Office; ioth census, 1880, Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1880. Ausdriicke, Technische im Wirkereibetriebe. Rob. Birkner-Apolda. 1901. Beeton. Dictionary of Industries and Commerce. London. Bennett, Frank P. Manual of the American Cotton Industry. F. P. Bennett & Co., Boston., Mass., 1895. Bezon. Dictionnaire des Tissus. Th. Lepagnez, Lyon, 1856. Blue Book Textile Directory of the United States and Canada; 16th annual edition 1903-04. Davidson Publishing Co., New York, 1903. Blue Book Textile Directory of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co. New York, 1908. Bollettino dell'associazione degli allievi licenziati della Scuola professionale de Biella (Bimestrale.) Biella. Boston Evening Transcript. (Daily.) Cotton and Cotton Manufacturers. (In Tues day's Editions. ) Boston. Britain's Greatest Manufactures, Textile and Leather. Wright's Catalogue. London British Warehousemen. (Monthly.) London. Buch der Erfindungen, Gewerbe und Industrien. Textil-Industrien, 1898. Bulletin de la Societe industrielle de Mulhouse. (Monthly.) Miilhausen. Bureau of the American Republics, Code of Commercial Nomenclature. English Spanish- Portuguese. Gov't Printing Office, Washington, 1897. Bureau of the American Republics. Code of Commercial Nomenclature. Spanish- English-Portuguese. Gov't Printing Office, Washington, 1907. Buyers' Reference Book, Comprising Headquarters for Dry Goods and Kindred Branches, Manufacturers, Commission Merchants, Importers, Agents. R. L. PohV& Co., New York, 1908. Canadian Journal of Fabrics. (Monthly.) Toronto, 1890. Canadian Textile Directory, Biggar-Wilson, Ltd., Toronto, Canada, 1907. Centralblatt fur die Textil-Industrie, v. Wetzel. (Monthly.) Berlin, 1891-94. Clothing and Furnishers Directory of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Cole, George S. Encyclopaedia of Dry Goods, Root Newspaper Association, New York, 1900. Commercial Bulletin. (Weekly.) Boston, Mass. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, New York. Cotton Crop of the United States. New York, 1907. Cordage Trade Directory of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Correspondenz-Textilindustrie. (Weekly.) Berlin, Germany. Cotton. (Monthly.) Atlanta, Ga, 1904. Cotton. (Weekly.) Manchester Cotton Association, Manchester, Eng. 207 Cotton. (Monthly.) Cotton Publishing Co., Atlanta, G.a. Cotton and Cotton Oil News. (Weekly.) .The Ginner and Miller Publishing Co., Pallas, Texas. Cotton Factory Times. (Weekly.) Manchester., Cotton Gazette. (Weekly.) Liverpool, Eng. Cotton Gazette, The. (Weekly.) Cotton Exchange Building, Liverpool, Eng. Cotton Ginners' Journal. Cotton Ginning and Cotton. (Monthly.) Waco. .Cotton Journal. (Monthly.) Atlanta, Ga. , , ■ , Cotton, Journal, The. (Weekly.) The Cotton Journal Publishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. Cotton Mills (The) of South Carolina. .Their names, location, capacity and' history. News and Courier Book Presses, Charleston, 1880. (S. C. Agric. Dept. ) .Cotton. • The Official Journal of the Manchester Cotton Association. (Weekly.) Manchester. , Cotton Planters' Journal. (Bi-monthly.) Memphis. Cotton Seed Oil Magazine, The Monthly. Cotton Oil Magazine Co., Atlanta, Ga. Cotton Supply Reporter. Manchester, 1858-72. Cotton Trade Journal. (Monthly.) Savannah, Ga., 1904. Cotton, Wool and Iron; and Boston Journal of Commerce. Boston, 1861-1909. (Discontinued 1909.) ■Cotton World, The. (Weekly. ) Cotton World Publishing Co., New Orleans, 1887. Course of Cotton, The. (Monthly.) Charles F. Henderson & Co., Baltimore, Md. Davidson Publishing Co. Davidson's Hosiery and Knit Goods Trade. New York, 1906. Davison's " Blue Book " Textile Directory. .Textile American Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. - .•,...: Davison's Carpet Trade Directory. Textile American Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. Davison's Cordage Trade Directory. Davison Publishing Co., New York. Davison's Silk Trade. Textile American Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. Designer and Weaver, The. A monthly journal devoted to designing and weaving of fancy woolen and cotton cloths. Vols. 1 and 2, Nos. 1-8 (1881— 1882.) Brasher Falls, N. Y., 1881-1882. . Deutsche Muster-Zeitung. Later: Leipziger Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1850 — Deutsche Textil-Industrie im Besitze von Aktien-Gesellschaften. Statistisches Jahrbuch. Leipzig, 1901. ■-■■ ■'■'■■" Deutsche Wollen-Gewerbe, Das. Griinberg, 1891^ .■■■,. Deutscher Farber- Kalender. A. Ziemsen, Wittenberg, 1905. Diary and Reference Book. Indian Textile Journal, Bombay, 1 905. Dictionary of German' Technical Terms: Dictionary of Technical Terms Relating to the Textile Industry. (Serially commenced in 1907 and still being issued.) Posselt's Textile Journal, Philadelphia, 1907. Dictionnaire Technologique. E. Fortic, Paris, 1824. '■■■ "Dingier' s Poly technisches Journal; 1820 — Directory of Cotton Mills in the Territory Tributary to the Southern Railway. Southern Railway Company, Washington, 1909. .Directory of Lancashire Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers. John Worrall, Oldham, 208 Directory of the Textile Establishments in the United States and Canada. . . . Compiled by the Textile World Record. Vol. 10-11(1904-1905.) New York, 1904-05. Dockham's American Report and Directory of the Textile Manufacture and Dry Goods. Trade. (Biennial.) C. A. Dockham & Co., Boston, 1866 — Douin. Dictionnaire des Teintures. Draper's Record. A Journal Devoted to the Drapery and Kindred Trades. London,. 1886. Dry Goods Bulletin and Textile Manufacturer. Handbook of the textile industry of the United States, Vol. 1, New York, 1881. Dry Goods Chronicle and Fancy Goods Review. Vol. 1-26, New York, 1886-98, Current. Vol. 17-21 have the title: Dry Goods Chronicle and the Mercer. Dry Goods Economist, deutscher, Wochenschrift fur Textil-waaren-, Maschinen- Konfektion-, Borsen- und allgemeine Handels-Berichte, von H. V. Oertzen. (Weekly.) Berlin. Dry Goods Economist. (Weekly) New York. Dry Goods Economist Year Book, The, for 1891. New York, 1891. Dyer, Calico Printer, Bleacher, Finisher and Textile Review. (Monthly.) London. Dyer, The, and Textile Colourist. London, 1881 — Ecroyd, S. The Textile Year Book. (Annual.) Marsden & Co., Ltd., Manchester, 1906. Electrotechnische Zeitschrift. Berlin. Ellison, Thomas. Hand Book of the Cotton Trade. Longmans, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, London, 1858. Ellison & Co. Annual Review of Cotton Trade. 1877-1907, Ellison & Co. Monthly Cotton Report, 1879-1908. Engineer, The. (Weekly.) London. Engineering. (Weekly.) London. Engineering News. New York. Engineering Record. New York. English Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Directory. John Worrall, Oldham, 1903. Export Trade Directory, Comprising Buyers for Foreign Markets, Class of Merchandise and Countries Bought for. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Fabrikanten-und Farberzeitung. Weimar, 1855. Farber-Industrie. Berlin, 1888-90. Farberkalender, Deutscher, herausgegeb. von der Deutschen Farberzeitung. 1908. Farber-Zeitung. (Semi-monthly.) Berlin. Farber-Zeitung, Deutsche. (Weekly.) A. Kielmeyer, Wittenberg. Farben-Zeitung. Fachblatt fur die gesamte Farben und Lack-Industrie sowie den einschlagigen Handel. A. Steinkopff & Springer, Dresden, 1906. Farber-Zeitung, Leipziger. Leipzig. Farber-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fur Farberei, Zeugdruck und den gesammten Farbenver- brauch. Berlin, 1890. Farberei-Muster-Zeitung. Wochenschrift fur Farberei, Bleicherei, Druckerei. Leipzig, 1883. Fibre and Fabric. (Weekly.) Joseph M. Wade Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. 209 GarcON, J. Repertoire General ou Dictionnaire Methodique de Bibli jgraphie des Industries Tinctoriales et des Industries Annexes. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1900. Garment Buyers' Directory of iNew York Manufacturers. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Gorst's Monthly Cotton Circular. Liverpool. Gustav, Eger. Technological Dictionary, 2 Vols. B. Westermann & Co., New York, 1884-86. Haberdashers' Directory of New York City. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Harras, H. Technologisches Lexikon der Textil-Industrie. Deutsch-Englisch und Sachworterbuch. Friedr. Bayer & Co., Elberfeld, 1905. Hayes, J. L. United Textile Manufacturers' Directory, 1875. Boston, 1875. Hendrick's Commercial Register of the United States. Samuel E. Hendricks Co., New York, 1909. Hickmann, A. L. Verzeichnis der oesterreichischen Baumwoll-Spinnereien, der bedeutenderen Baumwoll-Webereien, Druckereien, Bleichereien, Farbereien und Appreturen; der grosseren Wirk-, Stick-, Strick- und Spitzenerzeugungen etc., und der Wachstuch-Fabrikation. 1901. Hosiery and Knit Goods Trade Directory of United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Hosiery Trades' Journal and Knitters' Circular. (Monthly.) Leicester. Hosiery and Net Goods Trade. Davidson Publishing Co., New York, 1907. Hyberg, J. Swedish Textile Industry. N. J. Gumpert, Guthenberg, Sweden, 1907. Indian Textile Journal Diary and Reference Book. Caxton Works, Bombay, Ind., 1904. Industrial Record. (Monthly.) New York, 1868-1897. Merged with Textile World. Industrie Textile. Moniteur de la filature et des tissus. (Monthly.) Paris. Irish Draper, (Monthly) . Dublin. Irish Textile Journal. Belfast, 1886 Jobbing Trade and Department Stores' Directory of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Jobbing Trade Directory, comprising Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishing, Departments^ Buyers and New York Offices. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Journal d' Agriculture. Paris. Journal de la Dentelle a. la Main Cart, Commerce Industrie. (Mensuel.) Paris, 1903. Journal of Commerce. (Daily). New York City. Journal of Design. Six volumes, 1850 to 1852. Journal of Design and Manufactures. London, 1849. Journal of Fabrics. Later Textile Industries. Bradford, 1888 Journal of the Franklin Institute, (Monthly.) Philadelphia, 1826 Journal Municipal School of Technology, (Monthly). Manchester, Eng. Journal Society of Arts. London. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists. (Monthly.) Bradford. Kalender fuer die Baumwoll-Industrie, Gerard Kuhtmann, Dresden, 1905. Kelley's Directories, Ltd. Directory of manufactures of textile fabrics, and other trades connected therewith. 1906. 210 Kerrawalla, C. D. Textile and Engineering Directory and Year Book. C. E. Kerra- walla, Bombay, 1908. Klimperi, Richard. Lexikon der Miinzen, Masse und Gewichte. C. Regenhardt, Berlin, 1896. Konig, Johann Karl. Johann Karl Konig's Drogerie-, Spezerei-, und Farb-Waaren- Lexikon mit deutschen, englischen, franzosischen und lateinischen Benennungen. C. Kaiser, Munchen, 1902. Lacroix, E. Dictionnaire Industriel. E. Lacroix, Paris, 1890. La Genie Civil. Paris. La Revue Technique. Paris. Leipziger Farber- Zeitung. Leipzig, Germany. Leipziger Monatschrift fiir Textil-Industrie. Theodor Martin, Leipzig, 1897. Leipziger Muster-Zeitung. Leipzig. Liverpool Cotton Association. Account of weekly import, forwarded, export, stock and prices of cotton in Liverpool, 1907, n. t. p. Its Annual Circular, Dec. 27, 1907. Locomotive, The. A Handbook of Boiler Construction and Management. (Monthly 1866-1907; Quarterly, 1907 — ) Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., Hartford, 1866 — Lowell Textile Journal. (Monthly) Lowell, Mass. Lowell Textile School Bulletin. (Quarterly) Lowell, Mass. Machinery. (Weekly) New York. Magazin fiir die Druckfarbe- und Bleichkunst und die damit verwandten Hillfswissen- schaften. Herausgegeben von Johann Gottfried Dingier . . 1818-20. Jenisch, Augsburg, 1839. Magazin fur Farben, Zeugedrucken und Bleicher. 1802. Manchester Guardian. (Daily) Manchester, England. Manufacturers' Record. (Weekly) Baltimore, Md. Manufacturers' Red Book Publishing Co. Knauer's Manufacturers of the United States. 1905. Manufacturers' Review and Industrial Record. New York, 1886. Manufacturing (Cutting-up) Trade Directory giving Class of Garments made with Sub- division names of Buyers and New York Offices. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Medlicott, Joseph George. Cotton. Hand-book for Bengal. Saville & Cranen- burgh. Calcutta, 1862. Meegan, James F. The Cotton-Buyers' Ready Reckoner. The Author, Atlanta, 1897. Men's Wear Directory. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Metz, Herman A. Year-Book for Colorists and Dyers. (Annual) Wm. J. Brown, New York, 1898 — Millinery Goods, " Where to Buy." R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Mittheilungen uber Textil-Industrie. Offizielles Organ des Vereins ehemaliger Seiden- webschuler, Zurich. (Monthly) Zurich. 211 Monatsschrift, Leipziger, fur Textil-Industrie. (Monthly) Leipzig. Moniteur de la bonneterie et du tricot. (Semi-monthly) Paris. Moniteur des Fils et Tissus. (Weekly) Paris, 1884 — Moniteur de la teinture et de l'impression des tissus. (Semi-monthly) A. Fayolle, Paris. National Fire Protection Quarterly. Hartford, Conn., 1908. Neues Journal fur die Indiennen- oder Baumwollenspinnerei. 181 5-1 7. Jenisch, Augsburg, 1837-38. New York Commercial. (Daily. ) New York City. New York Cotton Exchange. Directory of members. February 24, 1903, January 2, July 5, 1904; January, July, 1905; January, 1906. New York, 1903 -1906. Official American Textile Directory, Containing Reports of all Textile Manufacturing Establishments in United States, Canada and Mexico. Lord & Nagle, Boston. (Annual.) Ponce de Leon, Nestor. Diccionario Tecnologico. English and Spanish. Imprenta y Libreria de N. Ponce de Leon, New York, 1893. Posselt's Textile Journal. (Monthly.) Philadelphia, Pa. Power and Transmission. (Monthly.) Mishawauka, Ind., 1885. Power Transmission Engineering. Dodge Manufacturing Co., Mishawauka, 1908. Progressi ed innovazioni nell' industria tessile moderna. Giornale tecnico illustrate (Bimensile . ) Milano . Protectionist. (Monthly.) Boston, 1889. Red Book Textile Supply Directory. R. L. Polk & Co., New York. 1906. Reimann's Farber-Zeitung. Berlin, 1895. Retail Trade Directory, Comprising Representative Retailers, Departments, Buyers and New York Offices. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1908. Revue generale des matieres colorantes, etc. Publication in-extenso des Brevets Francais concernant 1. Les matieres colorantes. Paris, 1899. Rumpf, M. Dictionnaire de Poche Technologique. French, English, German. C. W. Creidel, Wiesbaden. Scientific American Supplement. (Weekly) New York. Society of Chemical Industry Journal. London, 1884 — Southern Railway Textile Directory. Southern Railway, Washington, 1905. Southern and Western Textile Excelsior . . . Vol. 11, Nos. 43, 45-48, 50-52; Vol. No. 1, 3-4, (1904.) Charlotte, N. C, 1904. Spinner und Weber, der. Machinen-u. Rohstoff-Zeitung fiir sammtliche Spinnereien, (Weekly) L. Seidelmeyer, Leipzig. Standard Dictionary of Cotton-seed Oil Mills. Also a consumers directory of Cotton- seed products. 1907-08. Cotton Oil Magazine Co., Atlanta, 1907. Technical Dictionaries. Six Languages. McGraw Publishing Co., New York, 1909. Technical Textile Glossary in English, French and German. H. R. Carter, Belfast. 1909. 212 Teetzmann, W. Moderne Kaufmannische Bibliothek. Export und Import. Ludwig Huberti. Leipzig. ' Teinturier-Universel. Paris, 1860-64. Textil-Exporteur, Der. (Monthly) Textil- und Farberei-Zeitung. Organ des Deutschen Farber-Verbandes. F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1903. Textil Industrie. Wien, 1886-88. Textil-Industrie, schweizerische. (Weekly) F. Stolz, St. Gallen. Textil-Industrielle, der oesterreich-ungarische. C. Jache, Reichenberg. Textil-Kalender 1905. Hrsg. v. der Red. der Textil-Zeitung. Berlin, 4. Jahrg. 1904. Textil-Kalender, osterreichischer. Taschenbuch f. Spinnerei, Weberei, Wirkerei, Farberei, Bleicherei, Appretur, Druckerei, etc. Jahrg. 1905. Textile de Lyon. Perrellon, Lyon, 1879 — Textil-Zeitung Berlin. (Weekly) H. Goetze, Berlin. Textil-Zeitung. Centralblatt fiir die gesammte Textil-Industrie. Officielles Organ der Norddeutschen Textil-Berufsgenossenschaft. Berlin, 1898. Textil-Zeitung, Schweizer. (Weekly) W. Senn-Holdinghausen, Zurich. Textil-Zeitungen, vereinigte Schweizer und Schweiz. Konfektions-Zeitung, von H. Marty, Zurich. Textile Colorist. M. M. Frank, Philadelphia. Textile Colourist. (Monthly) Palmer & Howe, Manchester, 1876. Textile Colorist. (Monthly) Philadelphia, 1879 — Textile Directory. Official American. (Annual) Lord & Nagle Co., Boston, 1908- 1909. Textile Journal. London, 1902 — Textile Manufacturer. Manchester, Eng., 1875. Textile Manufacturers and Dry Goods Directory of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., (Annual), 1882. Textile Manufacturers' Journal. (Weekly) J. H. Bragdon & Co., New York. Textile Mercury. (Weekly) Manchester Eng., 1889. Textile Monitor. Philadelphia, 1882-83. Textile News. Manchester, 1888. Textile Record. (Monthly) Philadelphia, 1880-1903. (See Textile World Record.) Textile Recorder. (Weekly) Manchester, Eng., 1883. Textile Review. Manchester, 1883-87. Textile Supply Directory. R. L. Polk & Co., New York, 1909. Textile World's Directory of the Mill Trade in the United States. 1897-98, 1900, 1903. Boston, 1 89 7- 1 903. Textile World's Official Directory. (Annual) Lord & Nagle Co., Boston, Mass., 1900 — Textile World. (Monthly.) Boston, Mass., 1 888-1 903. See Textile World Record. Textile World Record. (Monthly). Boston, Mass., 1903 to date. Union of Textile Record and Textile World, April, 1903. Textile Year Book. Marsden Co., Manchester, 1907. Textilkunst, moderne. Monatshefte fiir die gesamte Textil-Industrie. Plauen. Thimm and Knoblauch. German Technical words and phrases. E. Marlborough, London, I 904. 213 Thomas Publishing Co. Thomas' register of American manufacturers and first hands in all lines, the buyers' guide. 1907-1908. Tolhausen, Alexander Ph. D., Editor. Technological Dictionary in English German and French. 3 Vols. Tauchnitz-Leipzig. Trade Record, The. (Daily.) Lord's Court Building, New York, N. Y. Tuchfabrikant, der. Aachen. Tuchhalle, deutsche. Allgem. Offertenblatt fur die gesamte deutsche Textil-Industrie v. E. Hoene. Forst. United States Textile Manufacturers' Directory. Woolen, Cotton, Silk, Jute, Flax and linen establishments. Boston, 1873. Von Hoyer, Egbert, and Kreuter, Franz. Technologisches Worterbuch: Deutsch- English-Franzosisch. J. F. Bergmann, Wiesbaden, 1902. Weekly Record of the Textile Trades Association. Manchester. Wershoven, Dr. F. J. Mit einem Vorwort von A. von Kaven. Technical Vocabulary, English and German. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1885. Whitworth, Ernest. A Cotton Fabrics Glossary. Frank P. Bennett & Co., 1907. Wirkwaren- Markt. Chemnitz. Wochenberichte der Leipziger Monatsschrift fiir Textil-Industrie. Handelsblatt fiir die gesammte Textilbranche. (Weekly.) Martin, Leipzig. Wochenschrift fur Spinnerei und Weberei. Leipzig, 1884-90. Women's, Misses', Children's and Infants' Garments Trades Directory (Nugent's). R. L. Polk & Co., New York, Woolen, Worsted and Cotton Journal. 1856-55. Worrall, John. Textile Directory of the Manufacturing Districts of Ireland, Scot- land and Wales. John Heywood, Ltd., Manchester. Worrall, John. Textile Directory of Yorkshire. John Heywood, Ltd., Manchester. Wyckoff, W. C. Textile Manufacturers' Directory of the United States. New York, 1880-1881. Worrall, John, Publisher. Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Directory for Lancashire and the Adjoining Manufacturing Districts. 1908. "Yarn Trade Index of the United States and Canada. R. L. Polk & Co., New York. Year-book for Colorists and Dyers. New York, 1898. Yeats, J. Technical History of Commerce. 1872. Yorkshire College Textile Society Journal. Leeds. Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. Berlin. Zeitschrift fur Farben-Industrie. Verlag fur Textil-Industrie, Berlin, 1902. Zeitschrift fiir Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Braunschweig, 1902. Zeitschrift fur Farben- und Textilindustrie, Sorau. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Textil-Industrie. (Weekly.) E. Scholle, Leipzig. 1 903. DATE DUE UNIVERSITY PRODUCTS, INC. #859-5503 BOSTON COLLEGE 3 9031 028 16035 6