PRACTICAL GEOGRAPHY AS TAUGHT IN THE MONITORIAL SCHOOL, BOSTON. Uai i J/trst, COMPRISING MODERN TOPOGRAPHY, BY WILLIAM B. POWLK. SECOND EDITION. Boston : PUBI.JSHED BY WAIT, GREENE, AND CO 1327 - as DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, TO WIT: District Clerk's Office. Be it remembered, that on the thirtieth day of July, A.D. 1827, in the fifty-second year of the Independence of the United States of America, WILLIAM B. FOWLE,of the said district, has deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Author, in the words following to wit, “ Practical Geography as taught in the Monitorial School, Boston. Fart First, comprising Modern To- pography. By William B. Fowle. Second Edition.” In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States entitled, ‘ An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;’ and also to an act entitled, ‘ an act, supplementary to an act, entitled, an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, dur- ing the times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits there- of to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.’ >QQO n %J O (j JOHN W. DAVIS the - Dh/r,ct of Massachusetts BUS ! UN COLLthE LIBRARY CHESTNUT PREFACE. The constant use of the first edition of this Geography has enabled the author to improve this second edition very essentially, both in regard to matter and arrangement. It is now offered to the public in the full belief that its tendency will be to give the pupil a more distinct and practical acquaintance with the subject, than is acquired by the common mode of teaching Geography. The Ancient Geography, on the same plan, is nearly ready for the press, and will be pub- lished very speedily. PRACTICAL G EOGRAPHY. 1. Q. What is the shape of the Earth? A. Round like a ball. It is expected that the instructer or monitor will read and explain the notes to the pupils until they are understood. If this be done , there will be no need of u committing them to memory ” as it is called. Note. The Earth is supposed to be round, because, 1. Men have sailed round it, as a fly walks round an apple. 2. The Earth casts a round shadow upon the moon when it passes between the moon and the sun. A round shadow can only come from a round body. 3. As we know all the other planets to be round, we may fairly conclude the Earth to be round also. 4. The highest part of objects at a distance is seen be. fore the lowest part of them, which would not be the case if the earth were flat or level. These proofs may be simply illustrated. 2. Q.. What is meant by the circumference of the Earth? A. The greatest distance round its outside. 4 3. Q, How many miles is the earth in Cir- cumference ? A. Nearly twenty-five thousand miles. 4. Q. What is meant by the diameter of the Earth ? A. The distance from one side to the other, through the centre. 5. Q. How many miles is the earth in di- ameter! A. About eight thousand miles. 6. Q. Does the Earth move otherwise than round the sun? A. Yes, it turns itself round once in 24 hours. 7. Q. Does the Earth always turn in the same direction? A. Yes, it always turns from west to east. Note. Here let the Monitor or Instructer put a wire or stick through a ball or apple, and, hold- ing the two ends, turn the apple round. Then let him remark, that as the Earth always turns in the same direction, there must be two points upon its surface which appear to stand still for the rest to turn upon, as the two ends of the stick do. Those two points or spots on the Earth are called the POLES of the Earth, and an imag- inary line drawn from one pole to the other is called the axis. After this explanation, ask, 8. Q. What is meant by the poles of the Earth ? b A. Those two opposite points on the Earth te which appear to stand still while the rest of jp the Earth moves round. ne. 9. Q. What is meant by the axis of the hei Earth? A. An imaginary line drawn from one pole to the other for the Earth to turn upon. Note. Here teach the pupil to describe a circle on his slate, by making dividers of his pencil, thumb and forefinger. Then let him draw a line from one side to the other for the axis. Call the two ends of the axis the poles* Write N. or North over one, and S. or South at the other. Then, at the right hand of North, write East, and at the left hand, West. 10. Q. When we face north, , which way is south! east ? west ? 11. Q. When we face east , which way is south ? north ? west ? 12. Q. When we face south, which way is west ? east ? north ? 13. Q. When we face west, which w r ay is east ? north ? south ? 14. Q. How may we know which way is east or tvest? A. By noticing where the sun rises or sets, or which vray the stars appear to move. Note. The Earth turns from west to east towards the sun, and the sun and stars appear to rise in the east, pass over our heads, and set in the west. The teacher should mark the four cardinal points on the floor or ceiling, and in future lessons , teach the child to point out the direction in which countries lie from the spot where he stands. 15. Q. What is the Equator ? A. A line drawn round the earth from west to east, at an equal distance from the poles. Here let the pupil draw a circle, place dots for the poles, and then draw an Equator between them. 16. Q. What is Latitude ? *3 6 A. Distance from any part of the Equator towards either pole, that is, either north or south of the Equator. Note. Latitude comes from a Latin word whir!) means the side, (or latitude is reckoned sideways from the Equator. 17. Q. What is Longitude? A. Distance reckoned east or west, from any place on the Earth. Note. Longitude comes from a Latin word which means length , for longitude is reckoned length- wise of the Equator. The ancients knew noth- ing of the north of Europe or South of Africa, and had no idea that there was such a coun- try as America. Of course, that part of the earth known to them was longest from east to west. Take a globe or map of the world , and ash, 18. Q.. What are the lines which are drawn from west to east on each side of the Equator called? A. Parallels of Latitude. Note. Parallel lines, are lines running in the same direction. These parallels are complete circles which go round the earth, as may he seen on a globe, hut they cannot be so represented on a map. On a globe these circles or lines are ex- actly parallel to each other, but on common maps they are neither parallel to each other nor to the Equator, as they should be. Here let the pupil describe a circle on his slate, mark the poles and Equator, and then draw sev- eral parallels on each side of the Equator, tak- ing care, however, not to curve them. After the parallels are familiar to him, let him at- tempt the meridians. He will soon acquire con- siderable skill in drawing the straight parallels and curved meridians, hut the following di;ec- tions may save him some trouble. n 1. Always draw lines from the left hand to the right. 2. In drawing parallels be guided by the Equator; that is, after you have drawn the southern par- allels, turn the slate round and draw the northern, having the Equator to guide j T ou as before. 3. Before drawing the meridians, draw an axis. Then halve the distance between the axis and sides of the circle by dots on the Equator. Then halve these spaces by other dots, and so on, ac- cording to the number of meridians you wish to draw. Then resting your arm on the side of your slate, place the pencil on the south pole and move it to the north pole, taking care to strike in your course the dot nearest the axis. Do so by the other dots, always beginning and ending at the very poles. N ote. On the globes there is no fear of mistake, but on maps, which are flat representations of a spherical body, the pupil should be informed that all places on the same meridian are north or south of each other, and all on the same parallel are east or west of each other. In going north or south, east or west of any place, therefore, always follow the lines, although they may not go exactly from top to bottom or from side to side. 19. Q. What are the lines called, which are drawn from pole to pole and divide the circles into degrees? A. Meridians of Longitude. Note. Meridian comes from a Latin word which means mid-day or noon. These lines are called meridians or noon-lines, because, as the earth turns towards the sun from west, to east, all places through which the same meridian runs have noon at the same time. Take a ball or apple and draw a line from pole to pole. Then stick pins on this line at various dis- tances from each other. Hold it then in the sun’s rays or before a candle, and turn the ball round. A 4 8 You will perceive that all the pins, from pole t» pole, come opposite the candle or light at the same moment. You will also notice that the Dear- er the pins are to the Equator the faster they move. A pin placed close to the pole is just as long going round the pole as a pin placed at the Equator is. If a man should stand still upon the spot where the pole is supposed to he, he would be just 24 hours in merely turning round, without going forward an inch, whilst a man at the Equator wouid be carried about 25,000 miles in the same time. 20. Q. What is a hemisphere? A. Half a globe or ball. Note. The impossibility of representing a globe upon a flat surface or map, without cutting it in two, often leads beginners inlo error. Thus they are apt to think there are two north and two south poles, because there is a north and south pole to each hemisphere. They are also apt to suppose that the eastern and western edges of the map are as widely separated as they appear to be. To remove these difficulties, take an apple or other round substance, and, cutting it in two from pole to pole, lay the halves upon the map, then put them together as before they were cut, and it will he seen that the two edges whic h seem to he farthest apart actually come together, and there will he but two poles, one northern and one south- ern. If the earth be cut in halves from pole to pole, the hemispheres are called Eastern and Western. Ii it he cut from east to west at the Equator, the hemispheres are called Northern and Southern. It is desirable to have the maps of all countries on the same scale, that is, proportionate to their re- lative sizes. Thus, to give the child a correct idea of the size of countries, instead of represent- ing Europe and Asia on a map of the same sr 1 he map of Asia should he four as huge ’■Wr. 9 that of Europe. It will he well, therefore, 1o accustom hi in (o compare countries on the map of the world, and explain to him why on the other maps their comparative size is not preserv- ed. Thus Europe on Ihe map of the world is small, because all the world is crowded into the map. Europe, on the separate map, is larger, because the rest of the world is left out, and Europe here covers as much paper as the whole world did in tliq. other map. The larger the map of a country is, the more particular we can be in marking the countries and towns on it. Italy, on tire map of the world, is shaped like a boot, but has no towns or mountains marked on it. On the map of Europe, it is still shaped like a hoot, hut has towns and moun- tains on it. The little Italy is, as it were, mag- nified. Children, also are apt to suppose that because the top of a map is north, the northern coun- tries are higher than those south of them. To correct this error show them a globe, and placing your finger upon Boston bid them look at the north pole, which will appear to be down. Then elevate the north pole and Boston will appear to be down. Oblige them often to use the maps with the south side where the north usually is. Show them also 'on the map of the world that sev- eral large rivers in Asia and America run north and empty into the ocean round the North pole. Water runs do. ' n hill, and by watching the course of rivers on a map, they may easily determine which part of the country is highest and which lowest. Rivers usually rise in the highlands. And then to show them the nature of up and down, as applied to the earth, stick a pin in a globe or apple and let the head represent the head of a man. When on the top of the ball, lie calls over his head ?/p, and when the earth has turn- ed half round, and he is at the bottom, he still calls over his head up, although the opposite of AO 10 what he before called up. Off is a more correct term. 30. Q. Of what is the surface or outside of the earth composed? A. Land and water. 31. Q. What proportion of the earth’s sur- face is water? A. There is about twice as much water as land . JVo/e. In the following lesson examples of the dif- ferent divisions of land and water must be point- ed out on the maps until the pupils understand them, and then it will be a useful review to re- quire each child to point out examples of each division, as long as he can find any. Prac- tice of this sort will be of essential service, and indeed, no definitions can be understood by children unless demonstrated to their eyes. It may be well to remark to them, that a sea is to the land what a peninsula is to the water, a strait is like an isthmus, a lake like an island, and a gulf or bay like a cape, Sec. The pupils may then cal! their slates water and draw the divisions of land on them, or call them land and draw the divisions of water. Their drawings will he coarse at first, hut practice will soon improve them. No dividers or rules should be allowed, except for drawing the lines of Latitude and Longitude. 1. What is an Ocean? A. The largest division of water. 2. What is a Sea? A. A large body of salt water nearly sur- rounded by land. 3. What is a Strait? A. The narrow' passage connecting large bodies of water. 11 4. What is a Lake? A. A body of fresh water surrounded by land? Note. Small Lakes are called Ponds. 5. What is a Gulf or Bay? A. Water projecting or running up into the land. Note. Small Bays are called Creeks, Havens, Harbours, Roads, &c. 6. What is a River? A. A stream of fresh water running from the land into some larger body of water. Note. Small Rivers are called Brooks, Rivulets, Rills, &c. 7. What is a Continent? A. The largest division of land. 8. What is a Peninsula ? A. Land nearly surrounded by water. 9. What is an Isthmus? A. The narrow strip of land which con- nects a peninsula with the main land. 10. What is an Island? A. Land surrounded by water. 11. What is a Cape or Promontory?. A. A point of land projecting into the sea. 12. What is a Mountain? A. A very high hill. Questions on the Map of the World. 1. Which is the Western Hemisphere? 2. Which is the Eastern Hemisphere. The insiructer must always require the whole i 12 class to point at the place required, although but one may answer. 3. How many Continents are there? A. Two, one in the Eastern, and one in the Western Hemisphere. 4. What is the northern half of the West- ern Continent called? 3. What is the southern half of the West- ern Continent called? 6. What Grand Division of the Eastern ; Continent is at the north-west part of it? 7. What Grand Division lies south of Europe? 8 What Grand Division lies east of Eu- rope and Africa? 9. What Grand Division, surrounded by water, lies south-east of Asia? A. New Holland. 10. What large body of water separates Asia from America. 11. What large body of water separates America from Europe and Africa? 12. What large body of water lies south of Asia? 13. What large body of water surrounds the North Pole? 14. What large body of water surrounds the South Pole? la. Between what oceans is New Holland? 16. Between what oceans does America lie ? 17. Which Continent extends farthest, south, the Eastern or Western? 13 18. Which Pole appears to have the most water around it? 19. Does the Equator cross North or South America? 20. Is Europe north or south of the Equa- tor ? 21. Is Europe in north or south Latitude? 22. Is the greater part of Africa in north or in south latitude ? 23. Does the Northern or Southern Hemi- sphere contain the most land ? 24. Is any part of the main land of Asia south of the equator? 25. Which Ocean appears to be the widest, the Atlantick or Pacifick? Note. As soon as the pupils begin to examine the maps, they are required to draw them. This is done on the slate, until they are tolerably well executed, and then on paper. No dividers or rules are used, the practised eye being suffi- ciently exact, and admitting of more despatch. The object is not only to teach drawing, but also the relative size, shape, and situation of coun- tries. The pupil should begin with drawing a single county, state, or island, and after he has drawn the whole world twm or three times, he should draw two Or three contiguous countries, and finally whole maps. Every country should be drawn so many times, that the pupil from memory shall be able to sketch an outline of its leading points. To preserve the maps, and ren- der them more convenient for use, the atlas should be taken apart, and each map pasted upon pasteboard. Questions on the Map of the World reversed. 1. What is a Continent? 14 2. On which Continent are North South America? 3. On what Continent is Europe? 4. Where is Asia? 5. Where is New-Holland? 6. Where is Africa? 7, What is an Ocean? 8 . Where is the Pacifick Ocean? 9. Where is the Atlantick Ocean? 10. Where is the Indian Ocean? 11. Where is the Arctick Ocean? « 12. Where is the Antarctick Ocean? 13. How many Oceans are there? 14. Does the Northern or Southern Hemi- sphere contain the most water? 15. What Grand Divisions does the Equa- tor cross? 16. Which three of these Grand Divisions lie entirely North of the Equator? Note. After this very general idea of the form of the earth and its Grand Divisions, the teacher mast show the pupil on a globe, or map of the world, the spot where he resides, Massach usetls, for instance. The pupil will see that this state is too small to be distinctly marked on the map of the world. The map of Massachusetts must then be exhibited to him, and he must be told that if the little spot called Massachusetts on the map of the world were magnified, it would resemble the separate and enlarged map of Massachusetts now placed before him. The author is aware that a map of Massachusetts is not to be found in any school Atlas, but as it is not difficult to find a suitable map of any single state, and an acquaintance with the geography of bis own state is of the utmost importance to every pupil, it is to be hoped that every teacher will take some pains to procure at least one copy, for the use of his school. It is not an uncommon thing to find children better acquainted with the geography of foreign countries, than with that of the state in which they live. Should this little work be used in other states than Massachusetts, the teacher can easily furnish a set of questions relating to his state, after the model of those here given for Massachusetts. Questions on the Map of Massachusetts. 1. What states are north of Massachu- setts? 2. What states are south of Massachu- setts? 3. What ocean is east of Massachusetts? 4. What state lies west of Massachusetts? Note. A township is a tract of land containing one or more villages , and having its own officers, which are independent of any other town. Several townships united form what is called a county , and several counties united form a state. In Massachusetts there are about 300 town- ships, and these are divided into 14 counties. ' 5. What is the most western county of Massachusetts called? 6. Which county joins Berkshire on the north east? 7. What county joins Berkshire on the southeast? 8. What county lies between Franklin and Hampden. 9. What county lies east of Franklin. Hampshire, and Hampden? 16 10. What county lies north east of Wor- cester? 11. What county lies north east of Middle- sex? 12. What county lies south of Middlesex? 13. What county lies on the sea coast east of Norfolk and Middlesex? 14. What county joins Norfolk on the south west? 15. What county is south east of Norfolk and east of Bristol ? 16. What county joins Plymouth on the southeast? 17. What two counties do the largest islands south of Barnstable county form? Note. Vary the questions by asking, What county lies south west of Essex ? West of Middlesex? North west of Worcester ? South west of Worcester ? South of Franklin ? West of Hampshire? West of Nantucket? North of Dukes and Nantucket ? North west of Barnstable? West of Plymouth? North of Plymouth and Bristol? Capes. 18. What cape is at the northern extremity of Barnstable county? 19. What cape is at the eastern extremity of Essex county? 20. What cape is at the south eastern ex- tremity of Barnstable county? M nun tains. 21. What range of mountains, crosses Berk- shire county from north to south? A. The Hoosack, a part of the Green Moun- tains ? 17 22. What two high mountains are in the centre of Hampshire county? A. Mount Tom and Mount Holyoke. 23. What high mountain is in the centre of Worcester county? A. Wachusett, or Mount A darns. Bays. 24. What bay lies between Cape Cod and Cape Ann? 25. What two Bays are nortlf of Barnstable county? igW 26. What bay south of Plymouth and Bris- tol county? 27. What bay in Suffolk county between Point Shirley and Point Alderton: A. Boston Bay or Harbour. 28. What small bayr west of Bristol county ? 0 29. What bay west of Plymouth county. forming its chief harbour? Islands. 30. What large island lies nearly south of Cape Malabar? 31. What large island lies nearly west of Nantucket. 32. What cluster of islands south west of Barnstable county, and north west of Martha’s Vineyard ? 33. What is the largest of the Elizabeth isles called? A. Nashaun. 34. What island extends from the mouth of the Merrimack to the mouth of Ipswich river ? Rivers. What large river coming from the Cj oO. 18 north crosses the counties of Franklin, Hamp- shire and Hampden and then enters the state of Connecticut ? 36 What river comes from New Hamp- shire into Middlesex county, then takes a north- easterly course through Essex county, and falls into the Atlantick Ocean? 37. What river rises west of the Hoosack mountains and runs south through Berkshire county into the State of Connecticut? 38. What river rises in the north of Berk- shire county, and runs north into Vermont? 39. What river rises in Vermont, runs south east through Franklin county, and falls into Connecticut river on the western side? 40. What river rises in the Hoosack mountains, runs through Hampden county, and falls into the Connecticut? 41. What river rises in the north part of Worcester county, and runs through Frank- lin county into the Connecticut? x ^ 42. What river rises near the centre of Worcester county, and runs almost an east- erly course through Hampden county into the Connecticut ? 43. What two rivers rise in Franklin and and Worcester county, run south, unite on the borders of Franklin county, and then fall into the Chickapee? 44. What river rises with two branches in' Worcester county, runs through the north west of Middlesex county, and falls into the Merrimack on the edge of New Hampshire?- 19 45. What river rises near the town of Worcester in Worcester county, runs south into Rhode Island and there taking the name of Pawtucket river, falls into Narraganset Bay ? 46. What river rises in the southern part of Worcester county, and runs south into the state of Connecticut? A. Quinebaug. 47. What river rises in the south of Middle- sex county, runs north through the county, and falls into the Merrimack? 48. What river rises by two branches in the south west of Middlesex and Norfolk counties and running through part of Norfolk and Middlesex counties, falls into Boston Bay? 49. What river rises in Norfolk county and runs northeast into Boston Bay, south of the Charles? 50. What considerable Brook unites Charles and Neponset Rivers in Norfolk county? A. Mother I-' rook. 51. V^hat river rises in Plymouth county, runs southwest through Bristol county, and falls into Mount Hope Bay? 52. What river rises on the eastern border of Middlesex county, and runs throe gk Essex county into a small bay north of Cape Ann? Canah. Mote. The tern her may remark that a Canal is an artificial river. 53. What canal extends from Boston Har- *bour through Middlesex county to Merri- mack river? B 20 54. What canal extends from the town of Worcester, in Worcester county to the town of Providence in the state of Rhode Island? Jl. The Blackstone Canal. 55. What canal is to extend from Farming- ton in Connecticut through Hampden, Hamp- shire, and Franklin counties into Vermont? A. The Farmington Canal. 56. What canal on the east side of Connec- ticut river enables boats to pass round the falls which obstruct the navigation of the river in Hampshire county? A. South Hadley Canal. No/e. A canal has been cut through Gloucester to unite the bay north of Cape Ann with Massa- chusetts Bay. It is proposed also to cut a canal through the isthmus which connects Barnstable county with Plymouth county, thus uniting Barnstable and Buzzard’s Bays, and preventing the necessity of sailing round Cape Cod. A canal from Boston to Providence, at the head of Narraganset Bay, is also proposed. Towns . Note. By a county town is meant the town where the county courts are held, the county records kept, See. County towns are not always the most populous towns in the county. The largest town is that which contains the most inhabitants and not that which covers the most ground. Let every one of the class find on the map the following towns and point them out to the teacher. In Suffolk County. Boston, the only city in the state, the capital of the state, and a county town. 21 Note. The small town of Chelsea is the only other town in Suffolk county. In Essex County. Salem, north east of Boston, and next to it in size. Newburyport, at the mouth of Merrimack River. Ipswich, at the mouth of Ipswich River. Note. These three towns are considered county towns, some courts being held in each. Gloucester, at Cape Ann. Marblehead, on a point of land near Salem. Beverly, united to Salem by abridge. Andover, on the Merrimack, where is a dis- tinguished Theological Seminary. In Middlesex County. Cambridge, at the mouth of Charles River, west of Boston, a county town, and the seat of Harvard Uni- versity. Concord, on Concord River, a county town in the centre of the county. Charlestown, the largest town, north oi Boston. Chelmsford and Lowell, where the Middle- sex Canal joins Merrimack River. In Norfolk County. Dedham, the county town, on both Charles and Neponset Rivers. Roxbury, the largest town, adjoining Boston. Dorchester, the next in size, adjoining Rox- bury. In Bristol County. Taunton, on Taunton River, the county and largest town. New Bedford, a seaport on Buzzard’s Bay. b2 qo In Plymouth County. Plymouth, the comi- ty town, a seaport on Plymouth Bay. Bridgewater, the largest town, in the north west corner. Ia Barnstable County. Barnstable, the coun- ty and largest town, a seaport on Barnstable Bay. In Nantucket County. Nantucket, the county town, and third in the state for size. JV ole. Nantucket County has no other town. In Dukes County. Edgartown, a small sea- port in the south-east of Martha’s Vineyard. Note Tisbury and Chilmark are the only other towns in the county. Elizabeth Isles belong to this county, but contain no towns. Holmes’ Hole, in the northeast of Martha’s Vineyard, is a convenient harbor for wind bound vessels. In Worcester County. Worcester, county and largest town, near the centre of the county. Brookfield, west of Worcester, on the Chickapee River. Princeton, north of Worcester, in which is Wachusett Mt. In Franklin County. Greenfield, county town, on the west bank of Connecticut River. Deerfield, south of Greenfield, on Deerfield River. In Hampshire County. Northampton, coun- ty and largest town, on the west bank of the Connecticut. Amherst, east of Connecticut River, where is a college. Ware, a manufacturing town on Ware River. 23 In Hampden County. Springfield, county and largest town, at the junction of the Chick- apee and Connecticut. The United States Armory is here. West Springfield^ opposite Springfield, on the west bank of the Connecticut. In Berkshire County. Lenox, the county town, in the centre of the county, on the llousatonick. Pittsfield, the largest town, north of Lenox on the same river. Williamstown, in the northwest corner, on the Hoosack. Williams College is in this town. Reversed Questions on the Map of Massachusetts. 1. Massachusetts is south of what States? 2. Massachusetts is north of what States? 3. Massachusetts is west of what ocean. 4. Massachusetts is east of what state? -5. What is meant by a town or township? 6. What is meant by a county? Note. Every name that follows is a separate question. 7. Where is Berkshire County? Franklin? Hampshire? Hampden? Worcester? Middle- sex? Essex? Norfolk? Suffolk? Bristol ? Ply- mouth? Barnstable? Nantucket? Dukes? Capes. 8. "Where is Cape Cod ? Cape Ann? Cape Malabar? Mountains. 9. Where are the Ploosack Mountains? b3 24 10. Where are Mt. Tom and Mt. Hotyoke? 11. Where is Wachusett? Bays. 12. Where is Massachusetts Bay? Barn- stable Bay ? Cape Cod Bay ? Buzzard’s? Boston Bay ? Mt. Hope Flay ? Plymouth Bay? Islands. 13. Where is Nantucket Island ? Martha’s Vineyard? Elizabeth Isles? Nashaun? Plum Island? Rivers. 14. Where is Connecticut River? the Merrimack? the Housatonick? the Hoosack? Deerfield River? Westfield? Millers ? Chick- apee? Swift River? Ware River? Nashua River? 15. Where is Blackstone River, and what name does it take in Rhode Island? 16. Where is Quinebaug River? Concord? Charles? Neponset? 17. What Brook connects Charles and Ne- ponset Rivers, in the town of Dedham? 18. Where is Taunton River ? Ipswich River ? Canals. 19. Where is the Middlesex Canal ? 20. Where is the Blackstone Canal? 21. Where is the Farmington Canal? 22. Where is South Hadley Canal? 23. Where is Gloucester Canal? Tbivns. 24. Where is Boston ? 25 25. Where is Salem ? Newburyport ? Ips- wich? Gloucester? Marblehead? Andover? 26. Where is Cambridge ? Concord ? Charlestown? Chelmsford and Lowell? 27. Where is Dedham? Roxbury ? Dor- chester ? 28. Where is Taunton? New Bedford? 29. Where is Plymouth? Bridgewater? 30. Where is Barnstable? Nantucket? Ed- gartown? 31. Where is Worcester ? Brookfield? Princeton ? 32. Where is Greenfield? Deerfield? 33. Where is Northampton ? Amherst ? Ware? 34. Where is Springfield? West Spring- field ? 35. Where is Lenox? Pittsfield? Williams- town. Questions on the Map of the U nited States . 1. By What lakes and rivers are the United States bounded on the North? 2 What country bounds the U. S. on the north ? 3. What ocean bounds the U. S. on the east? 4. What gulf bounds the U. S. on the south ? 5. What is the most north-eastern state called ? b4 8. What state lies west of Maine? 7. What state lies west of New Hampshire? 8. What states lie south of Vermont and New Hampshire? 9. What states lie south of Massachusetts? 10. What state lies west of Rhode Island? 11. What are the six states, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut called? A. The New England States. 12. What state lies west of the New Eng- land states? 13. What state is south of the south eastern part of New York? 14. What state is west of New Jersey? 15. What small state is south west of New Jersey? 16. What state is west of Delaware? 17. What state is south and west of Mary- land? 18. What state is north west of Virginia? 19. What state is west of Ohio? 20. What state is west of Indiana? 21 What state south of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois? 22. What state south of Kentucky? 23. What state south of Virginia? 24. What state south of North Carolina? 25. What state west of South Carolina? 26. What state west of Georgia? 27. What state west of Alabama? 27 28. What Territory north of Ohio and In- diana? 29. What Territory north of Illinois? A. North Western . 30. What state south west of Illinois? 31. What Territory south of Missouri? 32. What state south of Arkansaw Terri- tory ? 33. What Territory south of Georgia and Alabama ? Questions Reversed. 34. What state is east of Vermont? 35. What state is east of New Hampshire? 36. What state is east of Connecticut? 37. W 7 hat state is north of Rhode Island and Connecticut? 38. What state is north of Pennsylvania? 39. What state south east of Pennsylvania? 40. What state is east of Maryland? 41. What state is north of North Carolina? 42. What states are south of Michigan Territory? 43. What state is east of Missouri? 44. What state is east of Alabama? 45. What state is north of Mississippi, Al- abama and Georgia? 46. What state is north of South Carolina? 47. What states lie north of Florida? 48. W 7 hat state lies south west of Missis- sippi ? JVote. Let the teacher require the pupils to tell how each state is bounded on all sides. When they are experlat this, let the following question, be asked. js5 28 Capes. 49. What capes are east of Massachusetts? 50. What cape south of New Jersey? 51. What cape south east of Delaware? 52. What cape south of Maryland. 53. What cape south east of Virginia? 54. What three capes east of North Caro- lina? Mountains. 55. What chain of mountains runs through the United States? 56. The highest mountains in the United States are in the north of New Hampshire. What are they called? 57. What are the mountains in Vermont called ? 58. What name do the Alleghanies take in Virginia? 59. What name do the highest mountains in New York take? 60. What are the mountains of Tennessee called? Bays. 61. What bay is east of Maine, between it aid New Brunswick? 62. What is the largest bay in the centre of Maine? 63. What is the chief bay east of Massa- chusetts? 64. What bay divides Rhode Island? 65. What ^bay between New Jersey and Delaware ? 66. What bay is in Maryland and Virginia? 67. What Sound south of Connecticut? 63. What two Sounds in North Carolina? Lakes. 69. What is the largest lake north of the U. States? 70. What lake is connected with Lake Su- perior? 71. What lake is connected with Huron on the north west and belongs entirely to the U. States? 72. What small lake is connected with Hu- ron on the south? 73. What lake is connected with St. Clair on the south? 74. What lake is connected with Erie on the north east? 75. What lake separates the north part of Vermont from New York? 76. What lake lies south of Champlain, en- tirely in New York? 77. There are many lakes in the centre and western part of New York, what are the three largest called? A. Oneida, Cayuga , and Seneca. 78. What lake is in the south east of the state of Louisiana? Rivers. 79. What river runs northeast from Lake Ontario into the Atlantic Ocean ? Note. The river St. Lawrence properly commences at Lake Superior, and connects all the great lakes in its course, hut, between lakes Superior and Huron it is usually called St. Mary’s river ; be- tween Lakes Huron and Erie it is called the river 30 St. Clair; and between Lakes Erie and Ontario it is ealied Niagara river. On this latter river are the celebrated Falls of Niagara. 80. What river separates the south east part of Maine from New Brunswick? 81. What river rises in the interior of Maine, and runs south into Penobscot Bay? 82. What river, west of the Penobscot, rises in Maine and runs south into the Atlantick? 83. What river rises in the north of New Hampshire and runs south easterly through Maine into the river Kennebeck? 84. What river rises in the White Hills of New Hampshire and runs south east through Maine into the Atlantick? 85. What river rises in New Hampshire and falls into the Atlantick between Maine and New Hampshire? 86. What river rises in the interior of N ew Hampshire, runs south into Massachusetts and then east into the Atlantick? 87. What river rises in the north of New Hampshire, separates New Hampshire from Vermont, passes south through Massachusetts and Connecticut, and empties into Long Island Sound? 88. What river rises west of Lake Champlain in the eastern part of New York, and runs south into the Atlantick? 89. What river runs from Lake Champlain into the river St. Lawrence? 90. What river rises in the interior of New •' York, runs east and falls into the Hudson above Albany ? 31 91. What river rises in the north of Penn- sylvania and runs through the western part of New York into Lake Ontario? 92. What river connects several of the lakes in the centre of New York, and falls into the eastern part of Lake Ontario? 93. What river rises in New York, runs south, separating Pennsylvania from New- Jersey, and empties into Delaware Bay? 94. What two rivers of Pennsylvania rise in the Alleghany mountains, and run south east into the Delaware? 95. What river rises in New York, runs south through Pennsylvania and Maryland and empties into Chesapeake Bay? 96. What is the largest western branch of the Susquehannah called? 97. What two rivers meet in the westerly part of Pennsylvania at Pittsburg and form the Ohio? 98. What river separates Maryland from Virginia, and falls into Chesapeake Bay? 99. W hat river in Virginia, next south of the Potomack, empties into Chesapeake Bay? 100. What river in Virginia, south of the Rappahannock, empties into the same bay? 101 . W T hat River rises in the Blue Moun- tains, crosses Virginia, and falls into Chesa- peake Bay- near its mouth? 102. What river rises in the Blue Moun- tains, runs south east into North Carolina, and empties into Albermarle Sound? 103. What two rivers of North Carolina empty into Pamlico Sound? 104. What river rises in the interior of North Carolina, and runs south into the At- lantic k, near Cape Pear? 105. What river rises in the north west of North Carolina, and run3 south easterly through South Carolina into the Atlantick? 106. What river rises in the north west of South Carolina, crosses the state in the cen- tre, and falls into the Atlantick? Note. The Santee is I’ouned by the union of the Contra ree and Waferee or Catawba River. 107. What river separates South Carolina from Georgia? '( 103. W 7 hat is the largest river between the Santee and the Savannah? 109. What is the largest river of Georgia that empties into the Atlantick? Note. The AM >maha h formed by the union of the Oeonee and Oakmulgee Rivers. 110. What considerable river is between the Altamaha and Savannah River? J 1 1. What river of Georgia, formed by the union of the Chatahoochee and Flint Rivers, runs south through Florida, and falls into the Gulf of Mexico? 1 12. What two rivers of Alabama unite and empty into the Gulf of Mexico at Mobile? 113. What river rises in the territory west of Lake Superior, and empties into the Gulf of Mexico through Louisiana? 111. What river rises near Lake Michigan, 53 and running through Illinois falls into the Mis- sissippi? 1 15. What river separates Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois from Kentucky, and falls into the Mississippi ? 116. What four considerable rivers of Ohio state empty into Ohio River ? 117. What river from the Blue Mountains in Virginia empties into the Ohio ? 118. What river rises in the north east of Tennessee, runs into Alabama, and then north into the Ohio? 119. What river rises in Kentucky, runs through part of Tennessee, and falls into the Ohio near the mouth of Tennessee River? 120. What river rises in the north of Indi- ana, and falls into the Ohio between Indiana and Illinois? 121. What river rises in the Rocky Moun- tains, crosses the state of Missouri, and falls into the Mississippi ? 122. What river rises in the Rocky Moun- tains, crosses Arkansaw Territory, and falls into the Mississippi? 123. What river rises in Mexico, enters the north west part of Louisiana, crosses the state, and falls into the Mississippi? 124. What river rises in the mountains, north west of Arkansaw Territory, runs east and then south into the Mississippi, north of the mouth of Arkansaw River? 125. What river rises in Arkansaw Terri- torv and runs south, through Louisiana into Red River? 126. What river rises in the interior of Mississippi, and runs south, separating the eastern part of Louisiana from Mississippi? Note. — Besides these Natural rivers, there are many important Canals in the United States. The Erie Canal in New York is the longest in the world, and extends from Albany to Buffalo connecting the Hudson with Lake Erie. The Northern Canal extends from Albany to the South end of Lake Champlain. The Ohio Canal is to connect Lake Erie with Ohio River. The Morris Canal is to extend from Easton on Del- aware River across New Jersey to the Hudson, opposite New- York City. The Farmington Canal is to extend from New- Haven in Connect- icut northward to Barnet in Vermont, connecting Long Island bound with the interior of New- England. A Canal is to connect Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, and many others are pro- 1 posed. Cities and Towns. In Maine. Portland, a seaport, on Casco Bay, in the south-west The largest town. Brunswick, the seat of Bowdoin College, on the Androscoggin. Hallowell and Augusta, on the Kennebec, to be the future seat of government. North Yarmouth, on Casco Bay, near Port- land. York and Wells, south west of Portland. Saco, on Saco River. 35 Wiscasset, a seaport, north-east of Portland on Sheepscot River. Bangor, on the Penobscot. Belfast and Castine on Penobscot Bay. Machias, on Machias Bay, in the south- east. Eastport on Passamaquoddy Bay. In New Hampshire. Portsmouth, the largest town, at the mouth of Piscataqua River. Concord, the seat of government, on the Merrimack. Exeter, on a branch of the Piscataqua, and south-west of Portsmouth. Dover, on Piscataqua River, north-west of Portsmouth. Hanover, on the Connecticut, where is Dartmouth College. f In Vermont. Montpelier, the seat of gov- ernment, in the north, on Onion River. Windsor, on Connecticut River. Burlington, on Lake Champlain. Bennington, in the south-west corner, on the Hoosack. In Massachusetts , These towns have been already described. In Rhode Island. Providence, at the head of Narraganset Bay, largest tow r n, and altern- ately with Newport, the seat of government. Here is a respectable college. Newport, on the island of Rhode Island, in Narraganset Bay. Bristol, a sea-port, on Narraganset Bay, south of Providence. 36 In Connecticut. Hartford, on the Connecti- cut, a city, and alternately with New Haven, the seat of government. New Haven, the largest city, on a bay, be- tween the mouths of the Connecticut and Hou- satonick. New London, a city on the River Thames. Norwich, a city on the Thames north of New London. Middletown, a city, on the Connecticut, south of Hartford. Litchfield, west of Hartford. In Neiv York. The City of New York, the largest in the United States, on Manhattan Island, at the mouth of Hudson River. Albany, the seat of government, a city on Hudson’s River. Hudson, a city, on the Hudson, south of Al- bany. Troy, a city on the Hudson, north of Alba- ny. Schenectady, a city, the seat of a college, on the Mohawk River, north-west of Albany, Utica, on the Mohawk, west of Albany. Brooklyn, on Long Island, opposite New York city. Newburgh, on the Hudson, north of New York. Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson, south of Hudson city. Plattsburg, on Lake Champlain in the north. 37 Buffalo, in the West, on Lake Erie, near the entrance of Niagara River. Rochester, near the mouth of the River Genessee. Canandaigua, on a lake of the same name, south-east of Rochester. ^ In New Jersey. Trenton/the seat of gov- ernment, on Delaware River. Newark, on the Passaick, west of the city of New York. New Brunswick, on Raritan River. Princeton, seat of a College, north-east of Trenton, in the interior. In Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, the largest city, on the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. Harrisburg, the seat of government on the Susquehannah. Lancaster, a city, west of Philadelphia, on a branch of the Susquehannah. Pittsburgh, a city, in the west, where the Alleghany and Monongahela unite and form the Ohio. In Delaware. Dover, Seat of Government, in the centre of the State. New Castle, on the river Delaware. Wilmington, nearly north of New Castle, at the junction of Christiana and Brandy wine Creeks. In Maryland. Baltimore, the largest city, on Patapsco river, near the head of Chesa- peake Ray. c 38 Annapolis city, the seat of Government, south of Baltimore, on Chesapeake Bay. Note- The District of Columbia is a tract of land ten miles square, which was given to the United States by the States of Virginia and Mary- land. It now forms no part of any State, but is under the immediate government of the Congress of the Uniled States. In Columbia District. Washington City, the seat of Government of the whole United States, on the river Potomack. Alexandria, south of Washington, on the Potomack. Georgetown, northwest of Washington, on the Potomack. In Virginia. Richmond City, the seat of government, on James River. Norfolk, the chief sea port, on Elizabeth river, near the mouth of James river. Petersburg, on the Appomattox, a south- ern branch of James River. Lynchburg, on James River, west of Rich- mond. Fredericksburg, on the Rappahannock north of Richmond. Yorktown, at the mouth of York River. In North Carolina. Raleigh, seat of go- vernment, on the Neuse. Newbern, southeast of Raleigh on the Neuse. Fayetteville, south of Raleigh, on Cape a car River. Edenton, at the head of Albemarle Sound. .V r> ' 39 ' Wilmington, on Cape Fear River, near its mouth. In South Carolina. Columbia, seat of go- ernment, on the Congaree a branch of San- tee River. Charleston, largest town, a sea port at the mouth of Ashley and Cooper Rivers. Georgetown, on Winyaw Bay, near the mouth of Great Pedee River. In Georgia. Milledgeville, the seat of go- vernment, on the Oconee, a branch of the Altamaha. Savannah, largest town, on Savannah River. Augusta, on the Savannah, northwest of Savannah City. In Ohio. Columbus, the seat of govern- ment, on the Scioto. Cincinnati, largest town, in the southwest, on the Ohio. Chillicothe, south of Columbus on the Scioto. Zanesville, on the Muskingum, east of Co- lumbus. Steubenville, in the east, on the Ohio. Marietta, on the Ohio, near the mouth of the Muskingum. In Kentucky. Frankfort, the seat of go- vernment, on Kentucky River. Lexington, largest town, southeast of Frankfort. c2 a A 40 Louisville, nearly west of Frankfort on the Ohio, where the rapids obstruct navigation. / In Tennessee. Murfreesborough, the seat of government, near the centre of the State. Nashville, largest town, north west of Mur- freesborough, on Cumberland River. Knoxville, in the east, on the Holston, a branch of Tennessee River. In Indiana. Indianopolis, the seat of go- vernment,- near the centre of the State. Vincennes, on the Wabash. Madison, on the Ohio. Harmony, on the Wabash, south of Vin- cennes. In Illinois. Vandalia, seat of government on the Kaskaskia. Kaskaskia, near the mouth of Kaskaskia river. Edwardsville, southwest of Vandalia. Shawneetown, on the Ohio, near the mouth of the Wabash. In Missouri. Jefferson, the seat of go- vernment, near the centre of the State, on the Missouri. St Louis, largest town, on the Mississippi, below the mouth of the Missouri.^ In Louisiana , New Orleans, the seat of government and largest town, on the Missis- sippi. Baton Rouge, on the Mississippi, northwest of New Orleans. 41 Natchitoches, on Red River in the north- west. In Mississippi. Jackson, the seat of go- vernment on Pearl River. Natches, the largest town, on the Mississippi. Columbia, south of Jackson, on Pearl River. In Alabama. ^Mobile, the largest town, at the head of Mobile Bay. Tuscaloosa, the seat of government, on the Black Warrior, a branch of the Tombigbesa. Cahawba, south of Tuscaloosa, on the Ala- bama. In Michigan Territory $ Detroit, the seat of government, on Detroit River. Michilimackinack or Mackinaw, on an is- land, at the entrance of Lake Michigan. In Arkansaw Territory. Little Rock, the seat of government, on Arkansaw River. Arkansaw, on Arkansaw River, southeast of Little Rock. In Florida. Pensacola, on a bay in the northwest. St. Augustine, on the Atlantick in the northeast. St. Marks on Apalachee Bay. Tallahassee, north of St. Marks. Islands. What large island, belonging to the State of New York, lies south of the State of Con- necticut? What island lies west of Long Island, be- c3 tween which and Long Island is the Narrows or entrance to New York harbour? What island at the entrance of Narragan- Set Bay gives its name to the State to which it belongs? i: J- What island, belonging to Rhode Island, lies between Narraganset Bay and the east end of Long Island? What are the two largest islands south of Cape Cod and Barnstable County in Massa- chusetts? ■ * What island, belonging to New York, sepa- rates the River Niagara, iust above the great falls? Cjrya^ What island is opposite the mouth of St. Mary’s River, which separates Georgia from Florida? What small island, belonging to the U. S., lies south of Florida, opposite Havanna, and is used as a naval station? A. Key. TVest or 'Thompson’s Island. Questions Reversed. 1. On which side of the United States are the great Lakes ? 2. On which side of the United States is Canada ? 3. What Ocean are the United States west of? 4. What Gulf are the United States north of? 43 Capes. 5. At the mouth of what Bay are Capes May and Henlopen ? 6. In what States are they? 7. At the mouth of what Bay are Capes Charles and Henry. 8. In what State are they? 9. Where are Capes Hatteras, Lookout, and Fear? 10. Where are Capes Cod and Ann? M ountains. 11. In what direction do the Alleghany, Mountains run? 12. Where are the White Mountains? Green Mountains? Blue Ridge? Catskill Mountains? Cumberland Mountains? Bays. *» * ^ s ' _ 13. W here is the Bay of Fundy? Penob- scot Bay? Narraganset Bay ? Delaware Bay ? Chesapeake Bay? * Sounds. 14. W^here is Long Island Sound? 15. Where are Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds? Lakes. , 16. Where is Lake| Superior? Huron? Michigan? St. Clair? Lake Erie? Lake On- tario? Champlain? George? 17. Where^are Oneida? Cayuga and Se- neca Lakes. 18. Where is Lake Ponchartrain ? Rivers. 19. Where is the River St. Lawrence? c4 44 What is it called between Lakes Ontario and Erie? between Erie and Huron ? between Huron and Superior? 20. Where is the St. Croix? Penobscot? Kenneheck? Saco? Androscoggin? Piscata- qua? Merrimack? Connecticut? Hudson? Mohawk? Sorel ? Genessee? Oneida? Dela- ware?. Lehigh and Schuylkill? .Susquehanna? Juniata? Alleghany and Monongahela? Poto- mack? Rappahannock? York? James? Roa- noke? Pamlico and Neuse ? Cape Fear? Great Pedee? Santee? Savannah? Edisto? Altamaha ? 21. What two rivers unite to form the Altamaha? 22. Where is the Ogeechee ? Appalachi- cola? 23. What two rivers unite to form the Appalachicola? 24. Where are the Alabama and Tombig- hee? Mississippi? Illinois? Ohio? Muskingum, Hockhocking, Scioto and Miami? Great Kan- haway? Tennessee? Cumberland? Wabash? Missouri? Arkansaw? Red River? White? Wachitta? Pearl river? Canvh. 25. Where is the Erie or Clinton Canal, and what does it connect? 26. Where is the Northern Canal, and what does it connect. 27. Where is the Farmington Canal, and what will it connect 45 28. Where is the Morris Canal, and what rivers will it connect.'' 29. What is the Ohio Canal to connect? Tuvons. SO. Where is Portland? Brunswick? Hal- lowed and Augusta? North Yarmouth? York and Wells? Saco? Wise asset? Bangor? Bel- fast and Castine ? Machias? Eastport? 31. Where is Portsmouth ? Concord? Exe- ter? Dover? Hanover? 32. Where is Montpelier ? Windsor? Bur-! lington ? Bennington ? 33. Where is Providence? Newport? Bristol ? 34. Where is Hartford ? New Haven ? New London? Norwich ? Middletown ? Litchfield? 35. Where is New York? Albany? Hud- son? Troy ? Schenectady ? Utica? Brooklyn? Newburgh? Poughkeepsie? Plattsburg? Buf- falo? Rochester? Canandaigua? 36. Where is Trenton? Newark? New Brunswick? Princeton? 37. Where is Philadelphia? Harrisburg ? Lancaster? Pittsburgh? 38. Where is Dover? New Castle? Wil- mington ? 39. Where is Baltimore? Annapolis? 40. Where is Washington City? Alexan- dria? Georgetown? 41. Where is Richmond? Norfolk? Pe- tersburg? Lynchburg? Fredericksburg? York- town? e-5 46 42. Where is Raleigh? Newburn? Fayette- ville? Edenton? Wilmington? 43. Where is Columbia? Charleston? Georgetown? 44. Where is Milledgeville ? Savannah? Augusta? 45. Where is Columbus ? Cincinnati? Chil- licothe? Zanesville? Steubenville? Marietta? 46. Where is Frankfort? Lexington? Lou- 'isville? 47. Where is Murfreesboro? Nashville? Knoxsville ? 48. Where Indianopolis ? Vincennes ? Madison? Harmony? 49 Where is Vandalia? Kaskaskia? Ed- wardsville ? Shawneetown ? 50. Where is Jefferson? St. Louis? 51. Where is New Orleans? Baton Rouge? Natchitoches? 52. Where is Jackson ?Natches?Columbia? 53. Where is Mobile? Tuscaloosa? Ca~ hawba? 54. Where is Detroit? Mackinaw? 55. Where is Little Rock? Arkansaw? 56. Where is Pensacola? St. Augustine? St. Marks? Tallahassee? Islands. 57. Where are the Islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard? Rhode Island? Block Island? Long Island? Staten Island? Grand Island? Amelia Island? Thompson’s Island or Key W 7 est? 47 Questions on the Map of North America. 1. Does North America lie in North or South Latitude? 2. What Ocean bounds N. America on the east ? / 3. What Ocean bounds it on the west? 4. What Ocean bounds it on the north? 5. What Gulf bounds it on the south? N ole. By a strange misconception of right, the civilised nations of Europe, pretended that they had a right to all the countries they might dis- cover, which vt'ere not in the possession of some other civilized nation. Of course, Spain claimed all the countries discovered by Columbus and others in her employ, and England, France, Por- tugal and Holland held the countries discovered by their subjects, although filled with people whom they were pleased to call savages. In this way, Spain obtained all that part of North America which lies west and soulh of the United States, including Florida and Louisiana. The French afterwards got possession of Louisiana, and sold it to the United States for fifteen mil- lions of dollars. F ranee claimed and governed all that part of North America situated north of the United States and Louisiana, but was obliged, in 1758, to re- sign it to England, who still holds it. England claimed that part of the United States which lies east of the Mississippi, and kept pos- session of it, until our declaration of Indepen- dence in 1776. The United States purchased Florida of Spain, in 1821, for five millions of dollars. The rest of the Spanish dominions in Noitb America declared themselves independent in 1821. The English claim a small portion of the eastern coast of Yu- catan and Guatitnula. 48 The Russians claimed the western coast of North America from California to the Arctick Ocean, but they have-only established their claim to a tract situated in the northwest, between the Rocky Mountains, the Peninsula of Alaska and the Arctick Ocean. Greenland was first settled by the Danes and Nor- wegians. It is not known whether it is an island or joined to North America. The probability is, that it is an Island, extending to the North Pole and larger than New Holland. All the above remarks should he read to the class , and explained on the Map of North America , before they are asked tire following questions. 6. In what part of N. America are the United States. 7. What land lies North East of North America? 8. What separates Greenland from North America? 9. What settlements are there in the northwest of N. America? 10. What are the inhabitants of the north ! J era part of North America called? A. Esquimaux. Pronounced Es-ke-mo. 1 1. What is the country east of Hudson’s Bay called? A. Labrador 12. What British territory lies north of the U. States? 13 What small British province lies north- east of the U. States? , , - 14. What Peninsula, belonging to the British, lies southeast of New Brunswick? What is the most western part of thq 49 U. States territory, not yet divided into States, called? \ 16. What country lies south of Louisiana Territory and west of Louisiana State?, 17. What is that part of New Mexico nearest, the state of Louisiana called? 18. Winch is most northerly, Old or New Mexico ? 19. What independent Republic lie§ south of Mexico and joins South America? Note. The Republic of Gualimala is sometimes called the Republic of Central America. Peninsulas. 20. What peninsula northeast of the Unit- ed States? 21. W 7 hat peninsula forms the southeast point of the United States? 22. What peninsula soutii of the Gulf of Mexico? 23. What peninsula west of New Mexico? 24. W T hat peninsula at the northwest of N. America? ; Capes. 25. What Cape south of Greenland? 26. Wliat Cape south of Nova Scotia? 27. What Cape south of California? 28. What Cape where America and Asia nearly touch? 29. What Cape a little farther north ? > i M ountains. 30. What chain of Mountains extends from Mexico to the Arctick Ocean 5 50 31. What Mountains run northeast through the U. States. 32. What Mountain, the highest in North America, is in the Russian Territory ? /33. What Gulf between Labrador, New- foundland, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick? 34. W hat Gulf between Florida and Mexi- co? 35. What Gulf between California and Mexico? 36. What Bay between Greenland and N. America? Note. Baffin’s Bay is probably part of the Arc- tick Ocean, extending to Behring’s Straits. 37. What Bay south of Baffin’s ? 36. What Bay at the south of Hudson’s? Me 5 39. What Bay between New Brunswick - and Nova Scotia ? 40. What are the two principal Bays east of the U. States? ' 41. What Bay south of the Gulf of Mexi- 42. What Bay between Yucatan and Gua- timala? 43. "What Strait at the entrance of Baffin’s Bay? 44. What Strait at the entrance of Hud- son’s Bay? 45. What Strait between Labrador and Newfoundland? Gulfs. Bays. co? Straits. 51' 46. What Strait between Asia and Ameri- ca? Lakes. 47. What is the largest of the five Lakes that separate Canada from the United States? 48. What Lake joins Superior on the east ? - 49. What Lake joins Huron on the south- west, and is entirely in the United States? 50 What small Lake joins Huron on the south? 51. What large Lake joins St. Clair on the south? L 52. What Lake joins Erie on the north- east? 53. What smaller Lake, northwest of Su- perior, touches the United States Territo- ries. 54. What Lake northwest of the Lake of the Woods ? y. . / 55. What are the two largest Lakes north- west of Wmnipeg? ij . . • 56. What Lake in Guatimala ? Livers: 57. W 7 hat river rises in Slave Lake and runs north into the Arctiek Ocean? 58. What other river, whose source is un- known, empties into the Arctick Ocean, east of McKenzie’s ? 59. What river rises in the Stony Moun- tains and runs east into the north of Lake Winnipeg? 52 60. What river rises in the north of Lake Winnipeg and runs east into Hudson’s Bay? Note. Nelson’s river is supposed to be a continua- tion of the Saskashawan. It is not uncommon for rivers to run through lakes. 61. What river, north of Nelson’s, rises in some lake north of Winnipeg, and runs into Hudson’s Bay? \ 62. What other river, southeast of Nel- son’s, and west of Lake Winnipeg, runs into Hudson’s Bay ? 63. What large river runs east, and emp- ties into James’s Bay ? 64. What river connects Lake Ontario with the Atlantick Ocean ? 65. What river rises between Lake Supe- rior and Lake of the Woods, and runs south into the Gulf of Mexico? 66. What river rises in the Stony Moun- tains. and receiving numerous branches, runs south-easterly into the Mississippi? 67. What river rises east of the Moun- tains of New Mexico, and runs southeast into the Gulf of Mexico ? 68. What river rises west of the same mountains, and runs southwest into the head of the Gulf of California? 69. What two rivers rise west of the Stony Mountains in Louisiana Territory, unite and form the Columbia river, and then run west into the Pacifick Ocean? Am. Lewis and Clark. 53 70. What river rises west of the Stony Mountains separates the Territory of Louisi- ana from New Mexico, and runs north west into Columbia river? 71. What are the largest southern branch- es of the Missouri? Jins. The Yellow Stone, Platte, Kansas , Grand and Osage rivers. 72. What river rises in the mountains north of Lake Huron, separates Upper from Lower Canada and falls into the river St. Lawrence? 73. W T hat river rises in the northeastern corner of the United States and running south- east through New Brunswick, falls into the Bay of Fu tidy? * *' 74. What river rises in the soulh of Flo- rida, runs north through several lakes, and then falls into the Atlantick Ocean ? . Islands. 75. W T hat Island east of Greenland? 76. What Island east of the Gulf of St. Lawrence? 77. What Island at the mouth of the River St. Lawrence? 78. What two large Islands north of Nova Scotia? 79. What cluster of small Islands, belong- ing to England, lie east of the United States about opposite Charleston, S. Carolina? 80. What chain of islands extends from the Peninsula of Alaska in N. America to that of Kamtschatka in Asia? 54 JYote. The islands of Kodiaclt, King George, Prince of Wales, Queen Charlotte, and Nootka, on the north-west coast ofN. America, although of large size, are very thinly inhabited by sava- ges, and but little known to civilised nations. 81. What are the five largest islands in the North west of N. America? 82. What large cluster of islands lies between north and south America? / JYote. The West India Islands are claimed and governed by the nations of Europe, who first dis- covered or have since obtained them by conquest, treaty or purchase. The following is a list of them, and the nations they belong to. Spain claims Cuba, Porto Rico, and a ferv very small islands. France claims Guadeloupe, Marfinico, Marie Galante and two or three smaller ones. England claims Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, Gren- ada, St. Vincent, Barbadoes, St. Luc ia, Dom- inica, Antigua, St. Christopher’s, Barbuda, An- guilla, Tortola, Virgin-Gorda, and many smaller ones, with all the Lucayos or Bahama isles. Denmark claims St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas. Netherlands claims Curacjoa, Aruba, Buen-Ayre and St. Eustalia. Sweden. St. Bartholomews. Hayti (which is sometimes called St. Domingo and Hispaniola) is the second in size. The Black slaves massacred or expelled the white inhab- itants, and dec I; red themselves independent, in 1801. Hayti is a kind of republic, and the Pres- ident and other officers of government are all blacks. The questions that are numbered are sufficient for beginners, but as soon as they are somewhat ad- vanced they may be asked 1 What islands be- long to Spain? France? England? Denmark? Netherlands? Sweden? Ami then, naming each island, ask what nation it belongs to. 55 \ 83. and ? 84. What European nation does it belong to? 8 c. What West India island is the next in size to Cuba? 86. By what people is it governed? 87. What West India island is next in size to Hayti? 88. To what nation does it belong? 89. What West India Island is next in size to Jamaica? 90. To what nation does it belong? Note. There is another division of the West In- dia Islands always noticed on large maps. They V are 1. Great Antilles — Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica and Porto Rico. 2. Lucayos or Bahamas , the chief of which are Bahama, Providence, Abaco, and Turks Isl- and and Guanahani or St. Salvador, which is supposed to be the first land Columbus dis- covered. 3. Leeward Islands. St. Thomas, St. Croix, Tortola, Anguilla, St. Eustatia, St Christopher, Nevis, Antigua, Montserrat, Mariegalante, Gua- daloupe, Dominica, St. Bartholomew. 4. Windward Islands. Martinico, Bar Dadoes, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago, Trin- idad. 5. Lesser Antilles. Aruba, Cura$oa, Buen Ay re, Margarita. The Bahamas lie north of the Great Antilles. The Leeward Isles lie south east of Porto Rico, The Windward Isles lie south of the Leeward Isles The Lesser Antilles lie north of the coast of Venezuela in South America. The Leeward and Windward Islands are sometimes called the Caribbee Isles, Which, is the largest West India isl- . ' ■ ■ D It will be sufficient at first to ask the beginner only the following questions. 91. What are the five grand divisions of the West India Islands? 92. Which of these grand divisions are also called the Caribbee Isles? / Towns and Cities. Let each pupil point to Skalholt, in Iceland. Nain, in the northeast of Labrador. ’ York and Kingston, in Upper Canada on Lake Ontario. Montreal and Quebec, in Lower Canada on the River St. Lawrence. Frederickstown, the capital of New Bruns- wick, on St. John’s River. Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia. St. Johns, chief town of Newfoundland. In Mexico. Santa Fe, near the source of the Rio Bravo in New Mexico. Vera Cruz, the chief sea port on the west side of the Bay of Campeachy. Mexico, the capital city, west of Vera Cruz. Acapulco, the chief sea port on the Pacific, west of Vera Cruz. Puebla, between Vera Cruz and Mexico. Guanaxuato, northwest of Mexico. Zacatecas, northwest of Mexico and Guan- axuato. Cholula, between Mexico and Vera Cruz. In Guatimala. Guatimala, the Capital, in the west. £7 Chiapa, northwest of Guatimala. Leon, near lake Nicaragua. In Cuba. Havanna, in the northwest. St. Jago, in the southeast. Matanzas, east of Havanna. In Hayti. Cape Henry or Cape Francois, in the northwest. Port au Prince, in the west. St. Domingo, in the southeast. Aux Cayes, in the southwest. In Jamaica. Kingston, the capital in the southeast. Spanish Town, in the south. Port Royal, southwest of Kingston. In Porto Rico. St. Juan, in the north. Questions Reversed. 1. N. America is west of what Ocean? 2. N. America is east of what Ocean? 3. N. America is south of what Ocean? 4. N. America is north of what Gulf? 5. In what part ofN. America are the U, States and their Territories? 6. Where are the Russian Settlements? 7. What land does Baffin’s Bay separate from N. America?. 8. Where is Labrador? 9. Where are Upper and Lower Canada? 10. Which of them is most easterly? 11. Where is New Brunswick? 12. Where is Nova Scotia? 13. Where is the Territory of Louisiana? 14. Where is New Mexico?. 15. Where is the province of Texas? ■ o' *» ■ > ■ l ' : ; os, 6 J ' .. 16 . Where are East and West Florida? 17. Where is the peninsula of Greenland? of Florida? of Yucatan? of California? of Alaska? 18. Where is Cape Farewell? Sable? St. Lucas? Prince of Wales? Icy Cape? 19. Where are the Stony or Rocky Moun- tains? 20. Where are the Alleghany Mountains? 21. Where is Mt. St. Elias? 22. Where is the Gulf of St. Lawrence ? of Mexico? of California? 23. Where is Baffin’s Bay ? Hudson’s? James’s? the Bay of Fundy? Chesapeake ? Delaware? the Bay of Campeachy? the Bay of Honduras? 24. Where is Davis’s Strait ? Hudson’s? the Strait of Belle-Isle? Bhering’s Strait? 25. Where is Lake Superior? Michigan? Huron? Erie? St. Clair? Ontario? Slave Lake? Lake Arabasca ? Winnipeg ? Lake of the Woods? Nicaragua Lake? 26. Where is McKenzie’s River? Copper- mine? Saskashawan? Nelson’s? Churchhill’s? Severn? Albany? St. Lawrence? Mississippi ? Missouri? Rio del Norte or Rio Bravo? Co- lorado? Columbia River? 27. What two rivers unite to form the Co- lumbia? 28. Where is the Multnomah ? Yellow Stone, Platte, Kansas, Grand and Osage Riv- ers? Utewas or Uteway river? St. John’s? 59 29. What other river, named St. John’s, is entirely in the United States? 30. Where is Iceiand ? Newfoundland? Anticosti? St. John’s and Cape Breton? the Bermuda Islands? 31. Where are the West Indies ? Porto Rico ? Jamaica ? Hayti or St. Domingo? Cuba? 32. Where is Nain? York? Kingston? Montreal? Quebec? 33. Which if? farthest up the River, Mon- treal or Quebec: 34. Where is St.John’s? Frederickstown? Halifax? 35. Where is Mexico? Vera Cruz? Aca- pulco? Santa Fe ? Puebla? Guanaxuato? Za- catecas? Cliolula? 36. Where is Guatemala? Chiapa? Leon? 37. Where is Havanna? St. Jago? Matan- zas? 38. Where is Cape Henry or Cape Fran- cois? Port au Prince? bt. Domingo ? Aux Cayes? 39. Where is Kingston? Spanish town? Port Royal? 40. Where is St. Juan? Questions on the Map of South America. 1. What sea bounds S. America on the north? d3 60 2. What ocean bounds it on the east? 3. What ocean bounds it on the south? 4. What ocean bounds it on the west? Note. South America, like North America, al- though filled with inhabitants, was seized and governed by those nations of Europe who first discovered it. Spain claimed New Granada, Venezuela, Peru, Chili, Buenos Ayres and part of Guiana. Portugal claimed Brazil and part of Guiana. France holds a part of Guiana as do the Nether- lands and England. No European nation has thought it an object to claim and occupy Patag; nia, so that it is still in the possession of the natives. New Granada and Venezuela, in 1810, declared themselves independent of Spain, and in 1819, united under the title of The Republic of Co- lumbia. Peru declared its independence in 1821. Buenos Ayres declared itself independent in 1816, under the title of the United Provinces. Besides these three Republics, the northern part of Buenos Ayres and the southeastern part of Peru have formed a new Republic under the name of Bolivia, but its continuance is as yet uncertain. Brazil declared its independence of Portugal a few years ago, but the present Emperor of Brazil is also hereditary king of Portugal. This is the only king or Emperor on the Western con- tinent. Guiana was originally divided into four parts, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and French. Spanish Guiana is now a province of Venezuela. Portu- guese Guiana forms a part of Brazil. Part of Dutch Guiapa belongs to England. French Gui- ana has never changed. 5. What country is at the southern ex- tremity? 6. What country north-west of Patagonia ? 61 7 What country east of Chili? 8. What country north of Chili on the sea coast ? 9. What extensive country lies east of the United Provinces and Peru? 10. W T hat country north of Peru? 11. What new state has been formed of the north part of Buenos Ayres and the south part of Peru? 1*2. What four small Provinces north of Brazil? 13. Which of the Guianas belongs to Bra- zil? 14. Which of them belongs to Venezuela? 15. Of which Guiana do the English claim a part? 16. What country north of the Guianas, and east of New Granada? 17. V 7 hat country do Venezuela and New Granada form? Capes. 18. What is the most northern cape of S. America called? 19. W 7 hat cape in the northeast, at the entrance of the River Amazon? 20. What is the most easterly cape of S. America? 21. What capes at the mouth of the River La Plata in the United Provinces? 22. What cape at the southern extremity of S. America? 23. W hat is the most western cape of S. Ameri 5 b4 62 24. What cape on the coast of New Gran- ada, opposite the city of Quito? Seas , Gulfs , Bays. 25. What sea is north of Venezuela? 26. What two gulfs or bays in the north- ] west of New Granada? .v ^ 27. What gulf in the north-west of Pata- gonia, south of Chili? 28. What gulf at the south-west extremi- ty of New Granada? 29. What bay west of New Granada? y >n/' v 30. What bays east of Patagonia? Bakes. 31. What Lake in the north-west of Ven- ezuela? 32. What lake in that part of the United Provinces or Buenos Ayres, which is now called Bolivia? Rivers. 33. What river rises in New Granada west of the Andes runs north and empties into the Caribbean Sea? 34. What river rises in Venezuela and after a very circuitous coursje, runs east into the Atlantic? 35. What river rises in New Granada and runs cast into the Orinoco? \ 36. What large river rises in Peru, crosses I South America, and falls into the Atlantic under the Equator? 37. W hat principal branches of the Ama- zon run into it on the north? A ns. Negro. Yitpura , and Putumayo » 68 38. Which is the largest northern branch? . 39 . What branches run into the Amazon on the south? Ans. Ucmjale, Madeira , Topaijos, and Xin- gw, 40 Which is the largest southern branch? 41. What two rivers rise in the interior of Brazil, run north and then unite and form the Para, which empties into the Atlantic near the mouth of the Amazon? 42. What river rises in the east of Brazil, and runs north-easterly into the Atlantic? 43 What two rivers rise in Brazil, unite in the United Provinces, and forming the Riv- er La Plata fall into the Atlantic?, 44 . What river rises in the south of Bra- zil, runs south into the United Provinces, and falls into the La Plata? ' 45. What river separates Patagonia from the United Provinces? 46. What river rises in the Andes, north- west of Buenos Ayres, and runs south-east into the Paraguay? 47 . What river rises in the Andes, south of the source of the Pilcomayo and runs east into the La Plata? Islands. 48. What island at the north-east of Ven- ezuela, belonging to England? 49. What island farther west belonging to Venezuela? 50. What Island at the mouth of the Am- azon and Para rivers? p5 64 51. What island south of Patagonia? 52. What islands north-east of Terra del Fuego? 53. What considerable island south-east of the Falkland Isles? 54. What island south of Chili? 55. What other considerable island west of Patagonia? 56. What small Islands west of Chili? 57. What strait separates Terra del Fue- go from Patagonia? 58. What Peninsula north-east of Pata- gonia ? 59. What isthmus north-west of New Granada? 60. What chain of mountains on the west- ern coast runs the whole extent of S. Amer- ica? 61. Find Chimborazo, the highest peak of the Andes, in the south-west of New Gra- nada. Cities and Towns. In New Granada. Find Santa Fe de Bo- gota, the Capital of the Republic of Colom- bia. Popayan, southwest of Santa Fe. Quito, south-west of Popayan. Guayaquil, south of Quito on the bay. Cuenca, south-east of Guayaquil. Carthagena and St. Martha, on the Carib- bean Sea, near the mouths of the Magdalena. Porto Bello, north of the isthmus of Darien, 65 Panama, south of Porto Bello, on the Bay of Panama. In Venezuela , Caraccas, in the north, and La Guayra its sea-port? Cumana and Barcelona, east of Caraccas. Maracaybo, at the entrance of the Lake. St. Thomas, on the Orinoco. In the English part of Dutch Guiana , Sta- broek or Georgetown, on Demarara river. In Dutch Guiana , Paramaribo, on the River Surinam. In French Guiana, Cayenne, on an island at the mouth of Cayenne river. In Peru. Lima, the Capital. Callao, the sea-port of Lima. Guamanga and Cusco, in the interior. Arequipa in the south, and Truxillo in the north-west. In Brazil , Rio Janeiro or Saint Sebastian, the capital, on the south-east coast. Bahia or St. Salvador, on All Saints Bay. Pernambuco south of Cape St. Roque. St. Felipe, or St. Louis, in the N. East, at the mouth of the Maranham. Villa Rica, north of Rio Janeiro, in the in- terior. Cuyaba, in the interior on a branch of the Paraguay. Para, at the mouth of the Para. St. Paul, south-west of Rio Janeiro. PI In La Plata or the United Provinces. Buenos Ayres, the Capital, on the L a atn 66 Monte Video, on the opposite side of the same river. St. Juan de la Frontera, on the frontiers, westward of Santa Fe. Potosi and La Paz, in the north-west of what is now called Bolivia. Santa Fe, on the La Plata. Assumption, on the Paraguay. Sucre, formerly La Plata, the capital of Bo- livia. ‘In Chili. Santiago or St. Jago, the Cap- ital. Conception, a seaport on the Pacific? Valparaiso, the seaport of St. Jago. Valdivia, a fine sea-port in the south. Coquimbo, a fine sea-port north of Valpa- raiso. In Patagonia there are no towns. Questions on the Map of South America , reversed. 1. What sea is South America south of? 2. What ocean is it east of? 3. What ocean is it north of? 4. What ocean is it west of? 5. In what part is Patagonia? 6. In what part is Buenos Ayres or the United Provinces? 7. In what part is Chili? 8. In what part is Brazil? 9. In what part is Peru? 10. In what part is New Granada? 11. In what part is Venezuela? 12. What republic is formed of New Granada and Venezuela?...- 67 13. Of what territory is the republic of Bolivia composed? 14 Where are the Guianas situated? 15. Which of the Guianas belongs to Brazil? 16. Which of the Guianas forms part of Venezuela? 17. Where is Dutch Guiana situated? 18. What other nation claims a part of it? 19. Where is French Guiana situated? 20. Where is Cape Vela? North Cape ? Cape St. Roque ? Capes Maria and St. An- tonio? Cape Horn ? Cape Blanco? Cape St. Francisco ? 21. Where is the Caribbean Sea? 22. Where is the Gulf of Darien? the Gulf of Chenes or Guaytecas ? the Gulf of Guayaquil? 23. Where are bays Matthias and George ? Buenaventura Bay? the Bay of Panama? 24. Where is Lake Maracaybo ? Lake Titicaca? 25. Where is the River Magdalena? Ori- noco? Apure? Amazon? Negro, Yupura and Putumayo? Ucayale, Madeira, Topayos and Xingu ? 26. Where is the River Para? 27. What two rivers unite to form the Para? 28. Where is the River St. Francisco? 29. What two rivers unite to form the La Plata? 30. Where is the River St Francisco? 3 1 . Where is the island of Trinidad ? Mar- 63 garita? Marajo or Juanes? Terra del Fuego? Jbaikiand islands? Georgia? Chiloe? Juan Fernandez and St. Felix? Madre de Dios? 32. W here is Santa Fe de Bogata? Popa- yan? Quito? Guayaquil? Cuen§a? St. Mar- tha? Carthagena? Panama? Porto Bello? 33. Where is Caraccas? Cumana? Bar- celona? St. Thomas? Maracaybo? 34. Where is Stabroeck ? Paramaribo ? Cayenne? 35. Where is Lima? Callao? Guamanga? Cusco? Arequipa? Truxillo? 36. Rio Janeiro? Bahia? Pernambuco ? St. Felipe? Villa Rica? Cuyaba? St. Louis? Para? St. Paul? 37. Where is Buenos Ayres? Monte Video ? Assumption? Santa Fe? St. Juan de la Fron- tera? 38. Where are Sucre, Potosi, and La Paz? 39. St. Jago? Conception? Valparaiso? Valdivia? Coquirnbo? Questions on the Map of Europe. 1. In what Latitude is Europe situated, north or south? 2. What Grand Division of the globe bounds Europe on the east. 3. What Ocean bounds Europe on the west ? 4. What Ocean on the north? 69 5'. What Sea on the south? 6. What Grand Division of the earth lies south of Europe? Note. The boundary line between Europe and Asia, is incorrectly marked even on good maps. It should extend from the eastern extremity of the Black Sea due east to the Caspian Sea, and then follow the western coast of the Caspian r-ea to the river Ural, which, with the Uralian mountains, completes the boundary line almost to the Arctick Ocean. 7. What Country in the north-west of Europe? Note. Norway was once a separate kingdom, but in 1814 it was united to Sweden, and is now a mere province. 8. What Country in the north-east and east of Europe? 9. What Country between Norway and Russia? 10. What is the northern part of Norway and Sweden called? 11. What is that part of Russia east of the Gulf of Bothnia called? 12. What peninsular Country south of Sweden and Norway? 13. To what country is Denmark joined? Note. Germany is a confederation or union of thirty -nine small states for their common protec- tion. Each state is governed by its own magis- trates and Iqws, but there is a general govern- ment called the Diet, which settles such ques- tions as concern all the states. This Diet con- sists of deputies from all the states, much like the Congress of the U. states. The principal of the German states are, the Empire of Aus- tria, and Kingdom of Prussia, (which are usu- ally described separately ;) the smaller King ~ 70 doms of Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover and Wur- temburg ; the Electorate of Hesse, and the Grand Duchies of Baden, Hesse Darmstadt, Luxem- bourg and Holstein. The other states are called Duchies , Principalities , 6tc. 14. What Country lies west of Russia on the Baltick Sea? Note. The Kingdom of Prussia, is too irregularly shaped to be easily described. Prussia before 1701, was a small state of Germany, it was then erected into a Kingdom, and by successful wars has acquired much territory Besides what lies north of Poland and Bohemia, it has several provinces in the west of Germany, adjoining the Netherlands, and entirely separated from the eastern part of the Kingdom by Hanover, B runs- wick and other small German States 15. What is that part of Russia between Prussia and Austria called ? Note. Poland was once an independent kingdom, but was conquered by Russia, Prussia, and Austria, and divided between them. A p rt is still called the Kingdom of Poland, but it is de- pendent upon the Emperor of Russia. 16. What Country south of Poland and Prussia? Note. The Empire of Austria is composed of several states which were once independent. The chief of these are the Kingdoms of Bohemia, Galicia, Hungary, Illy ria, and Venetian Lom- bardy, and the smaller states of Austria Proper, Moravia, Stiria, Tyrol, Transylvania, &o. The Emperor of Austria was Emperor of all Ger- many until 1815, when his empire was reduced to the dominions mentioned in this note. 17. What Country south-east of Austria? 18. What is the southern part of Turkey called ? Note. Greece was once subject to Turkey, but has declared its independence, and for several rears has successlullv maintained it. 71 19. What kingdom north west of Germany? Note Holland and sis other small states formed a Republic called the Seven United Provinces . These were conquered by France, and made a Kingdom and called the Kingdom of Hol- land, which was retaken from the French after the battle of Waterloo, and, with other territo- ries, formed into the present kingdom of the Netherlands. Nether ’Lands means Lower-lands , the country being very flat, and low. 20. What Country south of Netherlands? 21. What Country joins France on the south-west ? 22. What small kingdom southwest of Spain? 23. What mountainous country south west of Germany, east of France? 24. What peninsular country at its northern limit joins Austria, Switzerland, and France? Note. Italy contains several independent states. At the south is the Kingdom of Naples ; in the middle is the territory belonging to the Church of Rome and governed by the Pope ; Sardinia and the Territory around and north of Genoa form the Kingdom of Sardinia; in the north-east is the Kingdom of Lombardy subject to Aus- tria ; south-west of Lombardy are the small states of Parma and Modena, and between these and the Territory of the ( hurch is Tuscany. Corsica belongs to France, and Sicily to Naples Malta belongs to England. 25. What Kingdom in the south part of Italy? 26. What Insular Kingdom north of France ? Note England, Ireland, and Scotland W'ere once Independent kingdoms, but Ireland was conquer- ed by the English, and a Scotch king inherited the English throne. The larger island, (includ- ing England and Scotland,) was called Great 72 Britain to distinguish it from Little Brittany in France. Hence arose the present title of ‘The United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. ’ The Principality of Wales is considered a part of England, and is west of it. 27. What two Countries form what is call- ed Great Britain? 28. What insular Country subject to the British Government lies west of Great Brit- ain? Peninsulas and Isthmuses, 29. What kingdom forms a Peninsula north of Germany? 30. What Isthmus connects it with Ger- many? A. Sleswick. 31. What two kingdoms form a peninsula at the south of France? 32. What Isthmus joins them to France? A. Py renees. 33. What Peninsula is at the south of Turkey ? 34. What Isthmus connects the Morea with Turkey? A. Corinth. 35. What Peninsula south of Russia in Europe? 36. W'hat Isthmus connects Crimea with Russia? A. Precop or Perecop. Capes. 37. W T hat is the most northern cape of Europe ? 3 . What is the south Cape of Norway called? 39, What is the north Cape of Denmark called ? A. Slam , 73 40. What Cape north of France? A. La Hogue. 41. What two Capes north west of Spain? 42. What Cape south west of Portugal? 43. What two Capes south east of Spain? A. Palos, De Gait, and St. Martin. Note. Columbus sailed from Cape Palos to dis- cover America. 44. What Cape south of Sicily ? A. Passaro. 45. What is the south west Cape of Italy? A. Spartivenh. 46. What Cape south of Turkey on the Mo re a? Mountains. 47. What Mountains between Norway and Sweden ? 48. What Mountains in Russian Finland? 49. W'hat Mountains in the east and south of France? 50. What Mountains between France and Spain ? 51. What Mountains west and south of Switzerland? 52. What are the most celebrated peaks of the Alps called? Am. Blanc , Rosa. Great St Bernard , St'.Gothard, Cents, and l- iso. 53. What Mountains run through <1-'? 54. What range of Mountains cross the north of Turkey? A. Hoemus. 55. What Moo ai'ns j n the n.-rth east of Austria? 56. What Mountains between Europe and Asia? E 74 57. What Hills separate England from Scot- land? A. Cheviot. Sens. 58. What Sea in the north of Russia? 59. What Sea between Sweden, Russia, and Prussia? 60. What Sea east of Great Britain? 61. What two small Seas between Den- mark and Sweden, unite the North Sea and the Baltick ? 62. What Sea between England and Ire- land ? 63. What Sea separates Europe from Af- rica? 6 i. What Sea east of Greece ? 65. What Sea between Turkey, Russia, and Asia? 66. What smaller sea in Russia, north of the Black Sea? 67. What small Sea between the Black and Archipelago? Straits. 68. What Strait connects the Baltick with the Cattegat? A. The Sound. Note. The Sound , between Zealand and Sweden, is the best and deepest entrance to the Baltick. There are two other passages, one between the islands of Zealand and Funen, called the Great Belt , and the other between Funen and the Pen- insula, called the Little Belt. 69. What Strait connects the North Sea with the British Channel? 70. What Strait connects the Mediterra- nean with the Atlantick? 75 71. What Strait between Sardinia and Cor- sica? A. Bonifacio. 72. What Strait between the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Venice? A. Otranto. 73. What Strait betwe-en the Sea of Mar- mora and Archipelago? 74. W hat Strait connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmora? A. Constantinople. 75. What Strait connects the Sea of Azoph and Black Sea? A. Kaffa or Enikale. Gulfs. 76. What Gulf north of the Baltick Sea separates Sweden from Russian Finland? 77. What Gulf north east of the Baltick Sea, south of Finland ? 78. WTtat other Gulf in Russia south of the Gulf of Finland? 79 WTiat Gulf or Sea in the Netherlands? A. Zuyder Zee. JS*ole. Zuyder Zee means South Sea. 80. W r hat Gulf south of France ? 81. What Gulf north west of Italy? 82. W r hat Gulf south east of Italy ? 83. W 7 hat Gulf between Italy and Turkey? 84. What Gulf north of the Morea? A. Lepunlo. 85. W hat Gulf in Turkey, north west of the Archipelago ? Bays. 86. What Bay west of France and north of Spain? Note. There is a considerable bay before the city of Cadiz in Spain, called tiie Bay of Cadiz, and e2 76 another beautiful one before the city of Naples in Italy, called the Bay of Naples. Lakes. 87. What two Lakes north east of the Gulf of Finland in Russia? 88 What two Lakes in the south of Swe- den ? 89. W hat are the two largest Lakes in Sv zerland? A Constance and Geneva. 90 What four considerable Lakes in the north of Italy near the Alps? A. Maggiore, Como, Tseo, and Garda « Rivers of Europe 91 . W T hat River rises in the Uralian Moun- tains and runs north west into the Arctick Ocean ? 92. ' hat River rises in the north east of Russia, and tails into the White Sea near Archangel? 93. What River falls into the "White Sea south west of the TAvina? * f 94. W hat River rises in the mountains of Lad and and runs south into the Gulf' of Bothnia, separating Sweden from Russian Finland? 95. What other River rises in the Dofra- field w, mains and runs east into the Gulf of Bothnia opposite Aland? 96. W hat River rises in Norway, west of the Dofrafield Mountains and runs south into the Skager Rack? 97 V bat River rises in the interior of England, and runs east into the North Sea? 77 98. What River rises in Wales, separated part of Wales from England, and falls into Bristol Channel? 99. What River in the north of England runs west into the Irish Sea by Liverpool? A. Mersey. 100. What River in the interior of Ireland runs west into the Atlantick Ocean? 101. What River connects Lake Ladoga with the Gulf of Finland? 102. What River rises in the west of Rus- sia and empties into the Gulf of Riga? 103. Went River rises in Russian Poland, runs through the north east of Prussia, and falls into the Baltick? 104. What River rises in the Carpathian Mountains, runs through Poland and Prussia, and falls into the Baltick at Dantzick? 105. What River rises in the mountains south of Prussia, runs through Prussia, and falls into the Baltick west of Dantzick? 106. W hat River rises in the mountains of Bohemia and runs north west through Prus- sia and Germany into the North Sea? 107. What River rises in the interior of Germany, runs north, and falls into the North Sea west of the Elbe? 108. What River rises in Switzerland, crosses lake Constance, separates France from Germany, runs through some of the German states, Western Prussia, and the Netherlands, and then empties by several mouths into the North Sea? e3 78 109. What is the largest eastern branch of the Rhine called? A. Maine. 1 10. What is the largest western branch of the Rhine called? A. Moselle. 111. What two Rivers rise in the Alps south of Switzerland, run north, then unite, and tall into the Rhine? A. Aar and Reuss. 112. What River rises in the north east of France, runs through the Netherlands, and empties where the Rhine does? A. Meuse. 113. What other River rises in the north of France, runs through the Netherlands, and falls into the North Sea? A. Scheldt. 114. What River rises in the interior of France, and runs north west into the English Channel ? 1 15. What River of France rises in the Cevennes Mountains, and runs north, and then west into the Ray of Biscay? 116. What River rises north of the Pyre- nees and runs north west into the Bay of Biscay? 117. What River rises in the north west of Spain, forms the northern boundary of Portugal, and empties into the Atlantick? A. Minho. 118. What River rises in the north of Spain, runs west through the north of Portu- gal, and falls into the Atlantick? 1 1 9. What River rises in the interior of Spain, runs west through the middle of Por- tugal, and empties into the Atlantick? 120. What River rises in the interior of 79 Spain, and falls into the Atlantick between Spain and Portugal? 121. What River rises in the south of Spain, runs south west, and falls into the. Bay of Cadiz? 122. What River rises in the north of Spain, and runs east into the Mediterranean ? 123. What River rises in Switzerland, runs west into France, and then south into the Gulf of Lyons? 124. What River rises in the east of France, and runs south into the Rhone? A. Saone. 125. What River rises in the Appenines and falls into the gulf of Genoa? A. Amo 126. What River near the middle of Italy, rises in the Appenines, and runs west into the Mediterranean? 127. What River rises in the north west of Italy, and runs east into the Gulf of Venice? A. Po. 128. What River rises in Austria, and runs south into the Gulf of Venice? A. Adige. 129. What River rises in the south of Ger- many, runs east through Austria and Turkey, and falls into the Black Sea? 130. What are the chief southern branches of the Danube? A. The her and Inn in Bavaria , the Save and Dr are in Austria. 131. What River rises in Austria north of the Carpathian Mountains, and runs south east through Russia into the Black Sea? 132. What River rises in the south of e4 80 Russia, and falls into the Black Sea north east of the Dniester? /> 133. What larger River rises in the inte- rior of Russia, and runs south into the Black Sea? 134. What River rises in the south east of European Russia, and falls into the Sea of Azoph? 135. What River rises in the middle of Russia, runs east, and then south into the Caspian Sea? 136. What River rises in the Uralian Mountains and runs south into the Caspian Sea, forming part of the boundary line between. Europe and Asia? Islands. 137. The largest Island of Europe lies west of the North Sea, what is it called? 138. W T hat Island near the centre of the Irish Sea? 139. What Island at the north west corner of Wales? 140. W T hat small cluster off Land send ? 141. What Island south of England in the English Channel? 142. What large island west of Norway? 143. What cluster west of Scotland? 144. What cluster nearest the north of Scotland? A. Hebrides or Western Isles. 1 45. What cluster north east of the Orknies? 146. What cluster between the Shetland Isles and Iceland? 147. What cluster north west of Norway? 81 148. What Danish Island at the entrance of the Baltick? A. Zealand. 149. What Danish Island between Zea- land and Denmark ? A. Funen. 150. What Prussian Island north of the north west point of Prussia? A. Rugen. 151. What Danish Island north east of Ru- gen? A. Bornholm. 152. W 7 hat two Swedish Islands south east of Sweden ? A. Oland and Gothland. 153. What Russian Island at the entrance of the Gulf of Riga? A. Osel. 154. What Russian Island at the entrance of the Gulf of Bothnia? A. Aland. 155. "What Island at the entrance of the Zuyder Zee? 156. What two Islands west of Rochelle and Rochefort in France? 157. What three Islands on the north coast of France belong to Great Britain? A. Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney. 158. What three Islands east of Spain? 159. What is the largest Island west of Italy? 160. What Island north of Sardinia? 161. W T hat Island between Corsica and Italy ? 162. What large Island at the south w r est point of Italy? 163. W hat small cluster of Volcanick Isl- ands north of Sicily ? 164. What Island south of Sicily? E 5 165. What large. Island south of the Ar- chipelago? 166. What is the largest Island in the Ar- chipelago? Note. Many of the inlands in the Archipelago • have been distinguished in ancient times, but at present only four are deserving of notice. M yl- ilene or Meteiin a Turkish naval station. Scio , celebrated tor the barbarous massacre of its in- habitants by the Turks, and Hydra and Ipsara which, though small, have powerful fleets and belong to Greece. 167. W T hat cluster south west of Turkey? A. Ionian Isles. Note. Corfu , Cefalonia , Zante , and four smaller Islands are called the Ionian Repnblick and are protected by the British Government. Cities and Towns in Europe. In Sweden. Stockholm, the capital, on Lake Malar. Gottenberg, the chief seaport on the Cat- tegat. Upsal, north, of Stockholm, the seat of a famous university. In Norway. Bergen, the ancient capital, in the south- west. Droniheim, North of Bergen. Christiania, east of Bergen on a bay north of the Scager-Rack. In Russia , Petersburg, the capital, between the Gulf of Finland and Ladoga. Cronstadt and Revel, on the Gulf of Finland. 83 Riga, at the mouth of the Duna. Archangel, near the White Sea, on the Dwina. Moscow, the former capital, in the inte- rior. Cherson, near the Black Sea s on the Dnieper. Odessa, on the Black Sea. Tula, south of Moscow. Wilna, on a branch of the Niemen. Tver, on the Wolga, north west of Mos- cow.' Kiev, on the Dnieper. Jaroslavl, on the Wolga, north east of Mos- cow. Warsaw, capital of what is now called the kingdom of Poland, on the Vistula. Cracow, a free city, on the Vistula, near the north of Austria. Note. A free city is not subject to any other gov- ernment. In the Empire of Aust/ria. Vienna, the capital of the empire, on the Danube. Lintz, west of Vienna, on the Danube. Prague, the capital of the kingdom of Bo- hemia, in the north west. Lemburg, capital of the kingdom of Gali- ica, in the north east. Puda, the capital of the kingdom of Hun- gary on the Danube, in the east. Pest, on the Danube, opposite Buda. Presburg, the old capital of Hungary, on the Danube. 84 Inspruck, capital of Tyrol, on the Inn. Trent, in Tyrol, on the Adige. Gratz, capital of Stiria, on a branch of the Drave, Milan, the capital of Lombardy, between two branches of the Po. Venice, in the same kingdom, on the Gulf of Venice. Verona, on the Adige. Mantua, on the Mincio, a branch of the Po. Trieste, in the kingdom of Illyria, the chief Austrian seaport, on the Gulf of Venice. In East Prussia. Berlin, the capital, on a branch of the Elbe. ' Koningsberg the old capital, on the Fre- ge 1 - Dantzick, at the mouth of the Vistula. Breslaw, in the south, on the Oder. In West Prussia, Cologne, on the Rhine. Aix-la-Chapelie, west of Cologne. Cobientz, a strong city at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle. In the smaller states of Germany. In the Kingdom of Hanover. Hanover, the capital, on one of the sources of the W eser. Gottingen, south of Hanover, famous for its university. In the Kingdom of Saxony, Dresden, the capital on the Elbe, Leipsic, north west of Dresden, on a branch of the Elbe. In the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich, the capital, on the Iser, a branch of the Danube. 85 Ratisbon, on the Danube. Augsburg, on the Lech, a branch of the Danube In the Kingdom of JVvrtemberg. Stuttgard, on the Neckar, a branch of the Rhine. Free Cities , not subject to any of the German Slates. Hamburg, on the Elbe, near the North Sea. Lubec, on the Trave, near the Baltick. JVote A Canal connects Lubec with Hamburg, and of course the North Sea with the Baltick. Bremen, on the Weser. Frankfort, on the Maine, a branch of the Rhine. The German Diet meets in this city. In Denmark. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, on the island of Zealand. Altona, a seaport, near the mouth of the Elbe. Elsinore, in the north of Zealand, at the narrowest part of the Sound. Kiel, a seaport on the Baltick, where a canal connects the North Sea and Baltick. In the Netherlands. Brussels, one capital, on a branch of the Scheldt. Hague, the other capital, north east of the mouth of the Rhine. Amsterdam, the largest city, on the Zuvder Zee. Rotterdam, on the Meuse. Antwerp, north of Brussels, on the Scheldt. 86 Leyden, between the Hague and Amstef- dam. Liege, on the Meuse. Ghent, on the Scheldt Bruges, west of Ghent. Utrecht, on a branch of the Rhine. fa France. Paris, the capital, on the Seine. Bourdeaux, on the Garonne, at the south tyest Lyons, where the Saone joins the Rhone. Rouen, north of Paris, on the Seine. Havre, the seaport of Paris, at the mouth of the Seine. Nantes, in the west, on the Loire. Lille, on a branch of the Scheldt, north east of Paris. Amiens, north of Paris, on the Somme. Caen, west of Rouen. Versailles, west of Paris, and near it, Metz, on the Moselle, east of Paris. Strasburg, on the Rhine, in the east. Dijon, south east of Paris, on a branch of the Saone. BesanQon, in the east, on a branch of the Saone. Orleans, south west of Paris, on the Loire. Tours, between Orleans and Nantes, on the Loire. Rochelle and Rochefort, in the west. Clermont, west of Lyons, south of Paris. Toulouse, on the Garonne. JVo/e. At Toulouse, a canal connects the Garonne With the Mediterranean. 87 Montpellier, on the Gulf of Lyons. Avignon, on the Rhone. Marseilles, on the Mediterranean. Cherburg, a naval station, in the north. Brest and L’Qrient, naval stations, in the north west. Toulon, a naval station, on the Mediterra- nean. In Spain. Madrid, the capital, on the Manzanares, a branch of the Tagus. Cadiz, the chief seaport, on an island in the Atlantick. Toledo, on the Tagus, south west of Ma- drid. Saragossa, on the Ebro. Bilboa, on the Bay of Biscay. Seville, on the Guadalquivir. Gibraltar, an English Fort, which gives name to the Strait. Malaga, in the south, near Gibraltar. Barcelona, a sea port in the north east. Valencia, in the east, near the sea. Grenada, in the south, on a branch of the Guadalquivir Cordova, on the Guadalquivir, north east of Seville, Murcia, in the south east, on the River Se- gura. Carthagena, a seaport, south west of Cape Palos. Alicant, a seaport, north of Cape Palos. Corunna, a seaport, between Capes Ortega! and Finisterre. 88 St. Jago de Compostella, south of Corunna, Salamanca, in the west, on a branch of the Douro, famous for its university. Leon, in the north, on a branch of the Douro. Badajos, on the Guadiana, near Portugal. In Portugal. Lisbon, the capital, on the Tagus. Braga, in the north west. Oporto, on the Douro. St. Ubes, on a bay south of Lisbon. Coimbra, north of Lisbon. Lagos, a seaport in tho south. In Switzerland. Geneva, at the east end of Lake Geneva, on the Rhone. Bale, Basle, or Basil, on the Rhine. Berne, on the Aar, a branch of the Rhine. Zurich, north east of Berne. Lausanne, on the north bank of Lake Gen- eva. Altorff, on the Reuss, which unites with the Aar. In Italy. In the Kingdom of Sardinia. Turin, on the Po. Genoa, on the Gulf of Genoa. Alexandria, on a branch of the Po. Nice, on the sea, south west of Genoa. In the Duchy of Mo'dena. Mo'dena, the cao- ital. In the Duchy of Parma. Parma, the capital. In the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Florence, the capital, on the Arno. 89 Leghorn, the chief seaport, west of Flor- ence. Pisa, on the Arno. In the States of the Church. Rome, the cap- ital, on the Tiber. Bologna, north of Florence. Ancona, the chief seaport, on the Gulf of Venice. Civita-Vecchia, a seaport north west of Rome. In the Kingdom of Naples. Naples, the cap- ital, in the west. In Turkey in Europe. Constantinople, the capital, near the entrance to the Black Sea. Adrianople, north west of Constantinople. Salonica, on the Gulf of Salonica Bucharest, north of the Danube in the east. Sophia, near Mt. Hmmus in the interior. Belgrade, at the junction of the Save and Danube. Philipopoli, north west of Adrianople. Brahilow or Ibrail, on the Danube, in the east. Jassy, on a branch of the Pruth, in the north east. Silistria, on the Danube, in the east. Janina and Larissa, in the north of Greece. Athens, in the south east, near the Morea. Corinth, on the isthmus of Corinjth. Napoli (di Romania,) a naval station, south of Corinth. Tripolitza and Misitra, in the interior, south west of Napoli. 90 Missolonghi, on the north side of the Gulf of Lepanto. Patras, on the south side of the same gulf. Navarin, Modon, and Coron, in the south west of the Morea. In England. London, the capital, on the Thames. Liverpool, on the Mersey, north west ol London. Bristol, west of London, on the Bristol Chan- nel. Portsmouth and Plymouth, naval stations on the English Channel. Manchester, east of Liverpool. Birmingham, in the interior, north west of London, Leeds, north east of Liverpool. York, north east of Liverpool. Sheffield, south of York, east of Liverpool. Cambridge, north of London. Oxford, north west of London, on the Thames. Bath, east of Bristol. ^ Windsor, on the Thames, west of London. In Scotland, Edinburgh, the capital, near the Frith of Forth. Leith, the sea port of Edinburgh, on the Frith of Forth. Glasgow, on the Clyde, west of Edinburgh. Dundee, north of Edinburgh, on the Frith of Tay. Aberdeen, a seaport, in the noith east. Paisley, just west of Glasgow. 91 Greenock the seaport of Glasgow. Perth, north of Edinburgh, west of Dundee. Inverness, on Murray Frith, in the north. In Ireland. Dublin, the capital, in the west. Cork, in the south. Limerick, on the Shannon, north of Cork. Waterford, east of Cork. Belfast, in the north east. Kilkenny, south west of Dublin. Londonderry, in the north. In Sicihj. Palermo, in the north. Catanea, in the east. Messina, on the Strait of Messina, in the north east. Syracuse, south of Catanea, in the east. In the Island of Sardinia. Cagliari, in the south, the chief town. Sassari, in the north. In Corsica. Ajaccio, the chief town, in the west. Bastia, at the north. In Malta. La Valette. In Majorca. Paima, the capital. In Minorca. Port Mahon, a naval station. In Candia. Candia, the capital, at the north. In Iceland. Reikiavik, the capital, in the south west. Skalholt, near Mt. Hecla. .Vote The Faroe titles and Iceland belong to Denmark. F 92 Questions on the Map of Europe reversed * 1. What Ocean is Europe south of? 2. Europe is west of what Grand Divi- sion of the Globe. 3. What Ocean is it east of ? 4. What Sea is it north of? 5. What Grand Division is it north of? 6. Where is Norway? What Country is it now subject to? 7. Where is Sweden? Lapland? 8. Where is Russia? What part of it is called Finland? Where is the Kingdom of Poland? What Empire does it belong to? 9. Where is Denmark? 10. Where is Germany ? How many States form what is called Germany ? Which are the principal States of Germany? In what part of Germany is the Kingdom of Hanover? of W urtemburg ? of Saxony ? 11. Where is Prussia? What separates East from West Prussia? ]2. Where is Austria? In what part of Austria is the Kingdom of Bohemia? of Hun- gary ? 13. WTiere is Turkey ? What part of Tur- key is called Greece? 14. Where is the Kingdom of the Neth- erlands? 15. Where is France? Spain? Portugal? Switzerland? 16. Where is Italy ? Naples? 9-3 17. Where is the Kingdom of Venetian Lombardy? What Empire does it belong to? 18. Where is the Kingdom of Sardinia? 19. Where are the Pope’s Dominions? 20. Where is Tuscany? 21. Where are the small states of Par- ma and Modena ? 22. Where is Great Britain ? Ireland ? Scotland? Wales? 23. Where is the Peninsula of Denmark? of Spain? the Morea? the Crimea? 24. Where is the Isthmus of Sleswick? of the Pyrenees? of Corinth? of Precop? 25. W T here is North Cape? the Naze? the Skaw? Finisterre and Ortegal? St. Vin- cent? Capes Palos, De Gatt, and St. Martin ? Passaro? Spartivento? Matapan? 26. Where are the Dofrafield Mountains? the Olonetz? the Cheviot Hills? the Ceven- nes? the Pyrenees? the Alps? the Appenines ? Mount Hmmus? the Carpathian Mountains? the Ural Mountains? 27. To what range belong Mts. Blanc, Rosa, Great St. Bernard, St. Gothard, Cenis, and Viso? 28. Where is the White Sea? the Baltick? the Cattegat and Scager Rack? the North Sea? the Irish Sea? the Mediterranean? the Arch- ipelago? the Sea of Marmora? the Black Sea? the Sea of Azoph? 29. Where is the Sound? the Great and Little Belt? the Strait of Dover? of Gibraltar? of Bonifacio? of Messina? of Otranto? of f2 94 the Dardanelles? of Constantinople? of Kat- fa or Enikale ? SO. Where is the Gulf of Bothnia? of Fin- land? of Riga? of Lyons? of Genoa? ofTaren- to? of Venice? ofLepanto? ofSalonica? 31. Where is the Zuyder Zee? 32. Where is the Bay of Biscay? of Cadiz? of Naples? 33. Where are Lakes Ladoga and Onega? "Wenner and Wetter? Constance and Gene- va? Maggiore, Iseo, Como, and Garda? 34. Where is the River Petchora? Dwina? Onega? Tornea? Dahl? Glommen? Thames? Severn? Mersey? Shannon? Neva?Duna?Nie- men? Vistula? Oder? Elbe? Weser? Rhine? Maine? Moselle? Aar and Reuss? Meuse? Scheldt? Seine? Loire? Garonne? Rhone? Saone? Minho? Douro? Tagus? Guadiana? Guadalquivir? Ebro? Arno? Tiber? Po? Adige? Danube? Iser and Inn? Drave and Save? Dniester? Bog? Dnieper? Don? Vol- ga or Wolga? Ural? 35. Where is the Island of Great Britain? Ireland? Isle of Man? Anglesey? Western Isles or Hebrides? the Orkneys? the Shetland Isles? Iceland? the Faroe Islands? the Luffo- den Isles? Zealand? Funen? Rugen? Born- holm? Oland and Gothland? Osel ? Aland? Texel? Scilly Isles? Isle of Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney? Re and Oleron? Ma- jorca, Minorca, and Ivica? Sardinia? Cor- sica? Elba? Sicily? the Lipari Isles? Malta? the Ionian Isles? Candia? Negropont? My- tilene and Scio? Hydra and Ipsara? 36. Where is Stockholm ? Gottenburg ? Upsal? 37. Where is Bergen? Drontheim? Chris- tiania? 38. Where is Copenhagen? Altona? Elsi- nore? Kiel? 39. Where is Brussels? Antwerp? Am- sterdam? Rotterdam? Hague ? Leyden? Liege? Ghent? Bruges? Utrecht? 40. Where is Petersburg? Cronstadt and Revel? Riga? Archangel? Moscow? Cher- son? Odessa? Tula? Wilna? Tver? Kiev? Jaroslavl? Warsaw? Cracow? 41. Where is Berlin ? Koningsberg ? Dantzick? Breslaw? Cologne? Aix-la-Chap- elle? Coblenz? 42. Where is Vienna? Lintz? Prague? Lemburg? Buda? Pest? Presburg? Inspruck? Trent? Gratz? Trieste? Mifan? Venice? Ve- rona? Mantua? 4.3. Where is Hanover ? Gottingen? — Dres- den? Leipsic? — Munich? Ratisbon? Augsburg? — Htuttgard ? — Hamburg? Lubec ? Bremen? Frankfort? 44. Where is Paris? Bourdeaux? Lyons? Rouen? Havre? Nantes? Lille? Amiens? Caen? Versailles? Metz? Strasburg? Dijon? Besaneon? Orleans ? Tours? Rochelle and Rochefort-? Clermont? Toulouse? Montpel- lier? Avignon? Marseilles? Cherburg? Brest? L’ Orient? Toulon? f3 96 45. Where is Madrid? Cadiz? Toledo? Saragossa? Bilboa? Seville? Gibraltar? Mal- aga? Barcelona? Valencia? Grenada? Cor- dova? Murcia? Carthagena? Alicant ? Co- runna? St. Jagode Compostella? Salamanca? Leon? Badajos? 4'3. Where is Lisbon? Braga? Oporto? St. Ubes? Coimbra? Lagos? 47. Where is Geneva? Bale, Basle, or Basil? Berne? Zurich? Lausanne? Altorff? 48. Where is Turin? Genoa (where Co- lumbus was born)? Alexandria? Nice? — Md- dena? — Parma? — Florence? Leghorn? Pisa? — Rome? Bologna? Ancona? Civita-Vecchia? — Naples? 49. Where is Constantinople? Adriano- ple? Salonica? Bucharest? Sophia? Bel- grade? Philipopoli? Brahilow? Jassy? Silis- tria? Janina and Larissa? Athens? Corinth? Napoli? Tripolitza? Missolonghi ? Patras ? Navarin, Modon, and Coron? 50. Where is London? Liverpool? Bris- tol? Portsmouth and Plymouth? Manchester? Birmingham? Leeds? York? Sheffield? Cam- bridge? Oxford? Bath? Windsor? 51. Where is Edinburgh? Leith? Glas- gow? Dundee? Aberdeen? Paisley ? Gree- nock? Perth? Inverness? 52. Where is Dublin? Cork? Limerick? Waterford ? Belfast? Kilkenny ? London- derry? 53. Where is Palermo? Catanea? Syra- cuse? Messina? 97 54. Where is Cagliari? Sassari? — Ajac- cio? Bastia? — La Valette? — Palma? Port Ma- hon ? — Candia ? — Reiki avick ? Skalholt ? Questions on the Map of Asia. 1. What Ocean bounds Asia on the north? on the east ? on the south ? 2. How is it bounded west? A. By the Red Sea, Mediterranean, Archipe- lago, Sea of Marmora, Black Sea , and Europe. Note. The eastern end of the Mediterranean is called the Levant. 3. What does the Red Sea separate Asia from ? 4. What does the Archipelago separate it from? 5. What does the Black Sea separate it from ? 6. What country extends across the north of Asia? •TV ole. Siberia belongs chiefly to Russia. 7. What country south of Siberia ? 8. What is the eastern part of Tartary called? what is the western part called? JV ole. Tartary is the general name for the central part of Asia of which hut little is known to us. Nearly all that part of it which lies east of the Belur-Tag mountains, belongs to the Empire of China. In this division are included Thibet, north of H indoostan, Tittle Thibet , west of Great Thibet. Little Bucharia, north of Little Thi- bet ; the country of the M antchous in the east, at the north of Corea : the country of the Mon- f4 93 gols in the centre, west of the Mantchous ; and the country of the Kalmucks west of the Mon- gols and north of the Thibets. Besides these countries there is an immense Desert , which, under various names, extends from Little Thi- bet to the Altaian Mts. separating the Mongols from the Kalmucks. That part of Tartary west of Belur-Tag Mts. is called Independent Tartary. The northern part of this division is a desert, the western part is called Karasm ; the south and south eastern part is called Great Bucluiria , and north of Great Bu- charia is Turkestan. 9. In what part of Chinese Tartary is Thibet? Little Thibet, Little Bucharia, the country of the Mantchous? of the Mongols? of the Kalmucks? 10. In what part of Independent Tar- tary is Great Bucharia? Turkestan? Karasm? 11. What country borders on the Red Sea. 12. What country lies north of Arabia and south of the Black Sea? Note. That part of Turkey between the Black Sea and the Levant is usually called Asia Mi- nor, or Natolia. Armenia, once a kingdom, is in the north east. Palestine, or the Holy Land lies on the Levant, north of Arabia, and Syria lies north of Palestine. 13. What country lies south east of Tur- key? Note. The country between Persia and Hindoos- tan is but little known, and, like Tartary, is sel- dom well represented on our school maps. The southern part of this country forms the kingdom of Beloochistan , having Persia on the west, the Indian Ocean at the south, and Sindy, an independent country of Hindoostan, on the east. North of Beloochistan is the Kingdom of Cetbul or 99 Afghanistan , which has Persia on the west, Great Bucharia and Little Thibet on the north, Hin- doostan at the east, aad Beloochistan and Sindy at the south. The southern part of the river Indus is entirely in Sindy, and the northern part in Cabul. 14. What two kingdoms lie east of Persia? Which of them is on the sea coast? •AT ote The same perverted notions of right which Jed the governments of Europe to claim and hold the countries discovered by their subjects in America, led also to the seizure of such countries and islands in Asia as were unable to repel t heir more civilized invaders. Hindoostan consists of a great many small states, most of which are subject to Great Britain, or native princes under her protection. lire French, Dutch, Portu- guese, and Danish have each a few trading sta- tions cn the coast, but these are mostly single towns. 15. What country lies south east of Cabul or Afghanistan and Beloochistan? 16. To what kingdom of Europe does Hindoostan principally belong? Note. The Birman Empire is separated from the kingdom of Siam, which lies east of it, by a range of mountains. Siam extends from China (o the Gulf of Siam and includes the Isthmus of Kraw, between the Birman empire and Malaya. East of Siam is the Empire of Anam which has five di- visions, viz. Tonkin in the north east, Cochin China , south of Tonkin, Laos west of Tonkin, Cambodia, south of Laos, and Tsiampa , south of Cambodia. Malaya is independent, and divided among several petty princes. 17. What empire lies north east of Hin- doostan? 18. What Kingdom lies east of the Birman Empire ? f5 100 19. What Empire lies east of Siam? 20. What peninsular country lies south of Siam and the Birman empire? 21. What country lies north of the Empire of Anam ? 22. What peninsular country south east of Tartary ? JVoie. The Chinese Empire includes China Proper, Chinese Tartary, and Corea. 23. What Empire do the islands east of Corea and Chinese Tartary form? Peninsulas. 24. The most southern country of Asia ist a Peninsula, what is it called? 25. What Peninsula north east of China? 26. What Peninsula in the north east of Siberia? 27. What Peninsula south of Turkey iu Asia? Isthmuses. 23. What Isthmus connects Asia with Africa? 29. What Isthmus connects Malaya with part of the Kingdom of Siam? A. Kraw. Capes . 30. What Cape north east of Siberia (making one side of Biwring's Strait) ? 31. What Cape north of Siberia? 32. What Cape south of Hindoostan? 33. What Cape south of Kamtschatka? Juourdains. 34. What Mountains between the north of Asia and Europe? 10 1 35. What range of Mountains between Siberia and Tartary? 36. What Mountains between the Black and Caspian Sea form part of the boundary line between Europe and Asia? 37. What Mountains between Chinese and Independent Tartary? 38. The highest Mountains in the world are between Hindoostan and Thibet. What are they called? 39. What Mountains extend across the north of Turkey in Asia? 40. What Mountains in the south of Hin- doostan? Deserts. 41. What Desert in Chinese Tartary? 42. What Desert between Cabul and Hindoostan? 43. What country is nearly all a sandy desert? Seas. 44. What Sea between Arabia and Hin- doostan. Nole. This is more properly a Gulf. 45. What Sea south of Asia Minor. 46. What Sea north of Turkey in Asia? 47. What Sea between Asia Minor and the south part of Turkey in Europe? 48. What Sea between the Black Sea and the Archipelago ? 49. What Sea between Arabia and Africa? 50. What Sea north of Persia? 51. What Sea east of the Caspiap, in Tart ary ? Note. The Caspian and Aral Seas are more prop- 52. What Sea south of China, Tonkin, Slc. 53. What Sea between China and Corea? 54. What Sea between Kamtschatka and Siberia? 55. What Sea between the Fox Islands and the Strait of Bhering, between Asia and America? Gulfs. 56. What Gulf in the north west of Sibe- ria? 57. What Gulf between Persia and Ara- bia? 58. What Gulf at the entrance of the Per- sian ? 59. What small Gulf west of Hindoostan? 60. What Gulf in the south west of the Birman Empire? A. Gulf of Martaban. 61. What Gulf south of Siam? 62. What Gulf east of Anam. 63. What Gulf east of Tart ary and Corea? Note. This is sometimes calied the Sea of Japan. 64. What Bay between Hindoostan and the Birman Empire? Straits. ,65. What Strait at the entrance of the Red Sea? 66. What Strait at the entrance of the Persian Gulf? 67. What Strait between the peninsula of Malaya and the Island of Sumatra? 68. What Strait between Sumatra and. Java? A . Smdct . JOS 69. What Strait between Borneo and Celebes: A. Macassar. 70. What Strait between Corea and the Japan Isles? 71. What Strait or Channel between Tar- tary and Saghalien Island? 72. W r hat. Strait between New Holland and Van Diemen’s Land? Lakes. 73. What Lake in the south east of Si- beria, north of Mongol Tartary ? 74. What Lake in the south west of Si- beria near the river Irtish? 75. W T hat Lake in the north west of the Kalmuck part of Chinese Tartary. A. Palkaii. Rivers. 76. What two Rivers rise in Mt. Taurus, run south east of Turkey, and empty by the same mouth into the Persian Gulf? 77. What River rises in the Mountains north of Cabul, and runs south through Cabul and Sindy, into the Sea of Arabia? 78. What River of Hindoostan runs west and falls into the Gulf of Cambay? 79. What two Rivers rise in the Gaut Mountains, and running east through Hin- doostan, empty into the Bay of Bengal? 80. What River rises in the Himmaleh Mountains, and crossing the north of Hin- doostan, empties into the Bay of Bengal? 81. What River rises in Thibet, and falls 104 into the Bay of Bengal, near the mouth of the Ganges? 82. What River rises in Thibet, divides into two streams, and running through the Birman empire falls into the Gulf of Marta- ban by several mouths. 83. What River rises in the Mountains north of the Birman Empire and runs into the. Gulf of Martaban, east of the Irawaddy? 84. What River rises in the Mountains north of Siam, and runs through the middle of Siam into the Gulf of Siam? 85. What River rises in Thibet and runs south east through the empire of Anam into the Chinese Sea? 86. What River rises in China and runs south east through Tonkin into the Gulf of Tonkin. A. Songkoi. 87. What River rises in the southwest of China Proper and runs east into a bay near Canton. A. Iionghiang. 88. What River rises in the north of Thi- bet and runs east through the centre of China into the Yellow Sea? 89. What River rises in the north of Thi- bet near the source of the Kiang-Ku and Ira- waddy, runs through the south of Tartary, enters China, and empties into the Yellow Sea? 90. What River rises in the Altaian or Yablonoy Mountains, runs south east into Tar- tary, and then north east into the Channel of Tartary, near the Sea of Okotsk? 105 91. What River rises in the same part of the Altaian Chain, near Lake Baikal, and runs into the Northern Ocean east of Cape Taymour ? 92. What River rises west of Lake Bai- kal, and runs into the Northern Ocean west of Cape Taymour? 93. What River rises west of the Yenisei, in the Altaian Chain, and runs into the Gulf of Obi? What three considerable rivers unite to form it? 94. What River rises between Cabul and Bucharia, and runs north west into Aral Sea? Islands. 95. What large Island north of the bound- ary between Europe and Asia? 96. What large Island in the Levant , south of Asia Minor? 97. What considerable island at the south west point of Asia Minor? A. Rhodes. 93. What two clusters of islands off the south west coast of Hindoostan? 99. What large Island south east of Hin- doostan ? 100. What two clusters west of the Bir- man Empire in the Bay of Bengal? 101. What Island south of the Peninsula of Malaya? 102. What Island south east of Sumatra? 103. What smaller Island east of Sum- atra? 106 104. Which are the three largest islands of the cluster south east of Java? 105. What large Island is east of Malaya and Sumatra? 106. What cluster north east of Borneo? 107. What are the two largest of the Phil- ippines called? lf»B. What large, irregular Island east of Borneo? 109. What cluster east of Celebes? 1 10. What are their names? A. Gilolo, Ceram , Booroo, Amboyna , Banda . Note. Borneo is governed by several native sove- reigns, but the Dutch have one settlement on it. The Philippines belong to Spain. Celebes has sev- eral Dutch forts on it, which control the na- tive sovereigns. The Moluccas or Spice Islands belong to the Dutch. Borneo and Celebes, with the Sunda Isles, Philippines, and Spice Islands, form what are called tiie East India Is- lands. 111. What Chinese Island east of the Gulf of Tonkin? 1 12. What Island south east of China, north of Luzon? 1 13. What cluster of Islands north east of Formosa? 1 14. What cluster form an empire east of Chinese Tartary and Corea? llo. What is the largest of the Japan Is- lands called? What the next, north of Ni- phon? What the next in size, south of Niphon? 116. What large independent Island nortlv of Jesso? 107 117. What chain of islands extends from jesso to the peninsula of Kamtschatka? 118. What Islands extend from the pen- insula of Kamtschatka in Asia, to the penin- sula of Alaska in America? A. Kurile Isles. Note. South east and south of the East India islands is a large cluster called by the general name of Australasia. As on small maps !hey cannot easily be put in their proper place, they are often in a small square on a corner of the map. They are in their proper ptace on the map of the world. 119. Which is the largest Island of Aus- tralasia, and the largest in the world also? 120. What is the eastern coast of it called by the English vtfho claim it? 121. What large Island north of New Holland? 122. What is the largest Island northeast of New Guinea? 123. What north east of New Britain? 124. What cluster south east of New Britain and New Ireland? 125. What cluster at the south east Cape of New Guinea? A. Louisiade. 126. What cluster south east of Solomon’s Isles ? 127. What large Island south west of the New Hebrides? 128. What Island south of New Holland? 129. What common name is given to two very large Islands which lie southeast of New •Holland? 108 Note. There are several other clusters east of the East Indies, which go by the general name of Polynesia. They are not often on the map of Asia, but may be found on the Map of the World. 130. What cluster of Islands east of Min- danao? 131. What cluster east of the Pelews? 132. What cluster north of the Carolines? 133. What cluster east of the Carolines? 134. What cluster north east of the Mul- graves? 135. What is lire largest of the Sandwich Islands called? 136. What cluster lies east of the New Hebrides? 137. What cluster east of the Fejees? 138. What cluster north of the Friendly Isles'? 139. "What cluster east of the Friendly Isles? 140. What considerable Island south of the Society Isles? 141. What cluster north east of the Soci- ety Isles? 142. What seven clusters as you pro- ceed east from New Guinea and New Hol- land? A. Solomon’s , New Hebrides , Fejee , Friend - ly, Navigator’s, Society’s, and Marquesas. 143. What five clusters as you proceed east from the Philippines? A. Pelews, Carolines , Ladrones, Mulgraves. and Sandwich Isles. 10S /' r! Cities and Towns. In Siberia. Tobolsk, in the west, where the Irtish joins the Tobol. Tomsk, on the Tom, east of Tobolsk. Irkutsk, on a branch of the Yenisei, west of Lake Baikal. Yakutsk, on the Lena. Kiachta or Kiakta, south of Lake Baikal, on the borders of Chinese Tartary. In Turkey in Asia. Aleppo, east of the north east corner of the Levant. Damascus, south of Aleppo. Jerusalem, south of Damascus. Smyrna, the chief commercial port, on a bay of the Archipelago. Erzerum, near the source of the Euphrates. Bagdad, on the Tigris. Bursa, south of the Sea of Marniora, and north east of Smyrna. Tocat, south of the Black Sea, north of Aleppo. , Mosul, on the Tigris, north west of Bag- dad. Diarbekir, on the Tigris, near its source, Bassora, between the Gulf of Persia and the place where the Tigris joins the Eu- phrates. Trebizond, a sea port on the Black Sea. hi Persia. Teheran, the present capital, south of the Caspian Sea. 130 Ispahan, the former capital, south of Te- heran. Shiraz, south of Ispahan. Tauris, in the north west. In Arabia. Mecca, near the Red Sea, in the west. Medina, north west of Mecca. Mocha, near the Strait of Babelmandel. Sana, the principal city, north east of Mocha. Jedda, the sea port of Mecca. Mascat, a sea port on the Gulf of Ormus. Lahsa, in the east, on the Aftan, the only considerable river of Arabia. In Beloochistan. Kelat, the capital, in the in- terior. In Afghanistan. Cabul, the capital, in the north. Candahar, west of Cabul. Cashmere, east of Cabul. Herat, in the north west. In Independent Tartary. Bucharia, and Sam- arcand, in the south. In Hindoostan. Calcutta, the capital of the English Possessions in India, near the western mouth of the Ganges. Patna, on the Ganges, north west of Cal- cutta. Benares, on the Ganges, north west of Patna. Lucknow, on a branch of the Ganges, north west of Benares. Ill Delhi, on a branch of the Ganges, west of Lucknow. Lahore, in the north west, on a branch of the Indus. Madras, a sea port, in the south east. Dacca, on an eastern branch of the Gan- ges, north east of Calcutta. Agra, south of Delhi, on the same branch of the Ganges. Oojain, on a branch of the Nerbudda, south west of Agra and Delhi. Surat, on the Taptee which empties into the Gulf of Cambay. Hydrabad, in the interior, between the riv- ers Godavery and Kristna. Poonah, near the Gaut Mountains, west of Hydrabad. Seringapatam, west of Madras, in the in- terior. Moorshedabad, between Calcutta and Pat- na on the Ganges. Tatta, on the Indus, in the District of Sindy. Bombay, on an island in the west. Goa, capital of the Portuguese settlements in India, on an island, south of Bombay. Pondicherry, capital of the French settle- ments in India, south of Madras. Tranquebar, capital of the Danish possess- ions, south of Pondicherry. Chinsura,.the capital of the Dutch possess- ions, on the Ganges, north of Calcutta. In the Birman Empire. Ummerapoora, the g2 112 old capital, on the eastern branch of the Irawaddy. Ava, the present capital, south of Umme- rapoora, on the same river. Prome, on the Irawaddy. Rangoon, the chief sea port, at a mouth of the Irawaddy, and on the Bay of Mar- taban. Pegu, north west of Rangoon. In the Kingdom of Siam. Siam, the capital, on the Meinham. In the Empire of Anam. Kesho, in Tonkin, on the Songkoi. 1 In the CHINESE EMPIRE. In China Proper. Pekin, the capital, in the north east, near the wall. Nankin, on the Kiang-Ku in the east. Hangtcheou, south of Nankin. Canton, the chief sea port, at the south. In Thibet. Lassa, on a branch of the Bur- rampooter. In Little Bucharia. Cashgar, east of Belur Tag or Cloudy Mountains. In Corea. *T£ing-ki-tao, the capital, on a river which empties into the Yellow Sea. In the Empire of Japan. Jeddo, the capital, on the island of Niphon. Meaco, south of Jeddo, on the same island. Nangasaki, in Kiusiu. On the other Islands. In Ceylon. Candy, Columbo, and Trincomaly. In Sumatra Bencoolen, an English Town. In Java. Batavia, the Dutch Town; Sura- kerta, the native town. 113 In Borneo. Borneo, at the north. In Celebes. Macassar, at the south. In Luzon. Manilla, at the south. In New Holland. Botany Bay, Port Jackson, and Sydney, three settlements near each other, at the south east. Hobart’s Town, on Van Diemen’s Island. JVote. The British Government, before the Inde- pendence of these United States, instead of ex- ecuting all their criminals, who had been convict- ed of capital crimes, exported some of them to this country, to our great annoyance ; but when they could no longer do this, the criminals were sent to New Holland, and formed the basis of the Colonies established at Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Sydney, Hobart’s Town, &c., to which additions of condemned persons are annually made. Reversed Questio?is on the Map of Asia. 1. What Ocean is Asia south of? east of ? north of ? 2. What Mountains separate the north of Europe and Asia? 3. What River then forms the boundary line as far south as the Caspian Sea ? 4. Where is the Sea of Azoph? Black Sea? Archipelago? Sea of Marmora? Le- vant? Red Sea? 5. Where is Siberia? What European government is it chiefly subject to? 6. Where is Tartary? Where is Chinese Tartary? Independent Tartary? The country of the Mantchous ? Mongols? Calmucks? Thibet? Little Thibet? Little Bucharia? g3 114 7. Where is Great Bucharia? Turkes- tan ? Karasm ? 8. Where is Arabia? Turkey in Asia? Asia Minor or Natolia? Armenia? Palestine? Syria? Persia? Beloochistan ? Cabul or Af- ghanistan? Sindy? Hindoostan? Birman Em- pire? Kingdom of Siam? Empire of Anam? Tonkin? Cochin China? Laos? Cambodia? Tsiampa? Malaya? China Proper? Corea? Empire of Japan? What countries form the Chinese Empire? 9. Where is the Peninsula of Malaya? Corea? Kamtschatka? Arabia? 10. Where is the Isthmus of Suez? of Kraw ? 11. Where is East Cape ? C. Lopatka? T ay mo ur ? C omorin ? 12. Where are the Ural Mountains ? Alta- ian? Caucasian? Belur Tag or Cloudy? Him- inaleh? Taurus? Gaut? 13. Where is the Desert of Cobi? 14. Where is the Caspian Sea ? Aral Sea or Lake ? China S. ? Yellow ? Okotsk? Bhering’s Sea? 15. Where is the Gulf of Obi? Persian? Ormus? Cambay? Martaban? Siam? Tonkin? 11.5 Corea? Bay or Gulf of Bengal? Sea or Gulf of Arabia? 16. Where is the Strait of Bhering? Babel- mandel? Ormus? Malacca? Sunda? Macas- sar? Corea? Bass? Channel of Tartary ? 17. Where is Lake Baikal? Tchany? Pal- kati? 18. Where is the River Euphrates? Tigris? Indus? Nerbudda? Kristna and Godavery? Ganges? Burrampooter ? Irawaddy? Thalian? Meinham? Mecon or Cambodia? Songkoi? Hongkiang? Kiang-Ku? Hoang-Ho? Sagha • lien or Amour? Lena? Yenisei? Obi? Irtish? Tobol? Tom? Ural? Jihon? 19. Where is the Island of Nova Zembla? Cyprus? Rhodes? Laccadives and Maldives? Ceylon? Andaman and Nicobar? Sumatra? Java? Timor? Sumbava and Flores? Banca? What Islands are called the Sunda Isles? 20. Where is the Island of Borneo ? Luzon ? Mindanao? Celebes? 21. To what cluster do Luzon and Minda- nao belong? Where are the Spice Islands? To what European nation do the Philippine Islands belong; ? What European nation has settlements or forts on Borneo and Celebes? To what European nation do the Moluccas or Spice Islands belong? To what European nation do Java and Banca be long? The P ' ^ G 116 To what European nation does Sumatra belong ? A. The British. To what European nation does Ceylon belong ? A. The British . 22. What Islands and clusters form what are called the East India Islands ? 23. Where is Hainan? Formosa? Loo Choo Islands? Niphon? Jesso? Kiusiu? Sag- halien? To what cluster do Niphon, Jesso, and Kiusiu belong? 24. Where are the Fox Islands? Where are the Kurile Islands? 35. Where is Australasia? New Holland? New Guinea? New Britain? New Ireland? Solomon’s Isles? Louisiade cluster? New Hebrides? Van Diemen’s I.? New Zealand? 26. Where is Polynesia? Pelews? Caro- lines? Ladrones? Mulgraves? Sandwich Isles? Owhyhee or Hawaee? Fejee? Friendly? Nav- igator’s? Society’s? Marquesa’s? Otaheite? 27. Where is Tobolsk? Tomsk? Irkutsk? Yakutsk? Kiachta or Kiakta? 28. Where is Aleppo? Damascus? Jeru- salem? Smyrna? Erzerum? Bagdad? Bursa? Tocat? Mosul? Diarbekir? Bassora? Trebi- zond ? 29. Where is Teheran? Ispahan? Shiraz? Tauris? 30. Where is Mecca? Mocha? Sana? Jed* da? Mascat? Lahsa? 31. Where is Kelat? 32. Where is Cabul? Candahar? Cash- mere? Herat? 117 33. Where is Bucbaria? Samareand? 34. Where is Calcutta? Patna? Benares? Lucknow? Delhi? Lahore? Madras? Dacca? Agra? Oojain? Surat? Hydrabad? Poonah? Seringapatam? Moorshedabad? Tatta? Bom- bay? Goa? Pondicherry? Tranquebar? Chin- sura? 35. Where is Ummerapoora? Ava? Prome? Rangoon? Pegu? 36. Where is Siam? Where is Iiesho? Ma- lacca? 37. Where is Pekin ? Nankin? Ilangtcheou ? Canton? 38. Where is Lassa? Cashgar? King-ki-tao ? 39. Where is Jeddo? Meaco? Nangasaki? 40. Where is Candy? Colombo? Trinco- maly?— Bencoolen? — Batavia? Surakerta? — - Borneo? — Macassar? — Manilla?-- Botany Bay ? Port Jackson? Sydney? Hobart’s Town? Questions on the Map of Africa. 1. "What Sea bounds Africa on the north? 2. W ; hat Sea and Ocean on the east and south east? 3. What Ocean on the west and south west ? 4. W T hat Quarter of the world lies north of Africa ? 5. What Quarter lies east of Africa? Countries. 6. What Colony is at the southern extrem- ity of Africa ? GO 118 Note. The colony of the Cape consists chiefly of Dutch families, although subject to England 7. What Nation inhabits the country north of the colony of the Cape ? 8. What Country lies north east and north of the Colony of the Cape and the Hottentot Country? 9. What is the general name of the coast north east ofCaffraria? A. Coast of Mozambique. 10. What Coast north of the Coast of Mo- zambique? Note. Very little is known respecting the coun- tries on the Coasts of Mozambique and Zangue- bar. As near as can be ascertained, the small states of lnhambane, Sabi.t, Sofola, and Moea- ranga form one kingdom called Monomotapa , which is controlled by the Portuguese: for Africa, like Asia and America, was seized and occu- pied by its first European discoverers. North east of Monomotapa lies the Kingdom, of Mozambique , which includes the little state of Querimba. On the Coast of Zanguebar are the small states of Qutloa and Melinda. It is known that the Por- tuguese, who first sailed round the southern cape of Africa have always had several forts and trading stations, which controlled all the east- ern coast of Africa, from Cape Corrientes to Cape Delgado ; hut of the extent of the coun- tries on the coast and the number of their inhab- itants, the Portuguese have contrived to keep the world ignorant. 1 1 . What Kingdom lies north east of Caf- fraria ? 12. What little states form the Kingdom of Monomotapa? 13. What Kingdom lies north east of Mon- omotapa? 119 14. What two small states lie north east of Mozambique on the coast of Zanguebar. Note. North of the Coast of Zanguebar is the Kingdom of Magadoxa , north east of Magadoxa is the desert coast of Ajan. North of Magadoxa and north west of Ajan is the Kingdom of Adel. Of these three countries little is known. 15. What Kingdom lies north east of Qui- lloa and Melinda? 16. What desert coast lies north east of Magadoxa? 17. What Kingdom lies north west of Ajan? 16. What nation inhabits the interior of the desert coast north west of the Hottentot country? A. The Zimbebas. 19. What is the general name of the coun- try north of the Zimbebas? Note. Lower Guinea is usually divided into four states, viz. Loango, the most northerly ; Congo, separated from Loango by the river Zaire ; An- gola. , south of Congo, and separated from it by the river Danda ; Benguela , south of Angola. The Portuguese have long controlled all these states and prevented other nations from acquir- ing any accurate knowledge of them. 20. What is the northern part of Lower Guinea called? 21. What state lies south of Loango? 22. What is the most southern state of Lower Guinea called ? 23. What state lies between Benguela and Congo? Note. Of the country usually called Ethiopia , we can only conjecture that it is peopled chiefly by wandering tribes, with whom the Portuguese have for a long time kept up a constant inter- 120 course, repen tedly crossing from Angola to Mon- omotapa. It is even probable that the chief branch of the River Zaire or Congo rises near the source of the Cuama or Zambezy, and the two rivers thus afford an easy passage from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. 24. What extensive country lies between Lower Guinea and the coasts of Mozambique and Zanguebar? 25. By what people is it supposed to be inhabited? 26. What nation is supposed to have often crossed Ethiopia from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean? 27. What is the general name of the coun- try north and north west of Lower Guinea? 28. What are the three largest Kingdoms or states that compose Upper Guinea? A. Ashantee , Dahomey, and Benin. 29. Which is the most eastern? The most westerly? 30. What three small states lie between Benin and Lower Guinea? A. Waree , Biafra, and Calbongos. 31. What other divisions have European traders given to the coast of Upper Guinea? A. Grain, Ivory , and Gold Coasts. 32. W'hat is the general name of the country north west of Upper Guinea? Note. Senegambia. like Guinea, is not the name of a single state, but of a numerous collection of small kingdoms and states. It is generally sup- posed to be separated from Upper Guinea by the River Mesurado, but its eastern boundary is unfixed. Some travellers have lately penetrated al.most to ^inbuctco, and found the country 121 well peopled by various tribes, the chief of which is the Foulahs , probably the same as the Fella- tas , whose head quarters are near the source of the Rivers Senegal and Gambia, and who have subjected a large portion of the country situated between Upper Guinea and the Great Desert. Seaegambia particularly interests Americans, be- cause an American settlement has within a few years been made at the mouth of the River Mes- urado, for the purpose of preventing the slave trade on the African coasl, and receiving such free blacks as are sent thither from the United States. The territory occupied by the Ameri- cans is called Liberia , and the chief town is nam- ed Monrovia^ after the late President Monroe. The English also have an establishment north of Liberia, called Sierra Leone. Its object is the same as that of Liberia, and its chief town is called Freetown. 33. What is the name of the American settlement in Senegambia? 34. What is the name of the English set- tlement in Senegambia? 35. What is the most powerful native tribe in Senegambia, and east of it? 36. What desert country lies north of Senegambia? 37. What is the general name of the countries north of Sahara. 38. Which is the most western of the Bar- bary States? 39. Which State lies next to Morocco? 40. Which State lies east of Algiers? 41. Which State lies east of Tunis. Note. Morocco has several important divisions, the chief of which are Morocco Proper, Fez, Ta- filet, and Darah. Some Geographers call a strip of land, south of the Barbary States, and 122 bordering on the Great Desert, Biledulgerid or The Land of Dates. Morocco is independent, but all the rest of the northern coast of Africa is more or less subject to Turkey in Europe. 42. What country lies south of Tripoli? 43. What desert country lies east of Trip- oli and Fezzan? Note. Barca is somewhat populous on the Sea Coast, but the interior is almost a desert. A verdant spot in a desert is called an Oasts. Of these there are several in the interior of Barca, particularly those of Angela and Siivah. s?i- wah is celebrated for the ruins of splendid build- ings, particularly those of the temple of Jupiter- Ammon. Barca is subject to Tripoli, and Tripoli to Turkey. „ 44. What country is situated east of Barca, and is the only country of Africa that adjoins Asia? 45. What is the general name of the country south of Egypt? Note. Egypt is governed by a Pasha, who is sub- ject to Turkey, but who has conquered Dongo- la and Sennaar, the two chief divisions of Nubia and once independent kingdoms. West of Sen- naar, is an independent kingdom, called Kordo- fan , and west of Kordofan, is the kingdom of Dar- foor or Darfur. 48. What are the chief divisions of Nu- bia? 47. To what country do Dongola and Sennaar belong? 48. What small kingdom is situated be- tween Sennaar and Darfoor ? 49. What country lies south east of Nu- bia and north west of Adel? Note. There is an almost desolate tract of coun- try extending from Egypt along the western 123 coast of the Red Sea to the Strait of Babelman* dei. This tract is usually called Troglodylica , lrom the word Trogla , which means a cavern, the wretched inhabitants living chiefly in the holes of rocks. Abyssinia consists of as many provinces, which were once distinct kingdoms. Its boundaries are not distinctly known. No part of the world has so much excited the curi- osity of Geographers as that usually called Sou- dan or Nigrilia on school maps. As nearly as can be ascertained, there is a powerful kingdom west of Darfoor, called Bergoo, and west of Bergoo is a state more civilized, called Bagher- my, which has lately become subject to Beigoo. North of Baghermy is Oudi el Ghasel. West of all these States, and south of Fezzan is the more important kingdom of Bornou. Near the Moun- tains south of Bergoo, Baghermy, and Bornou, dwell the Fellatas , a powerful nation, probably the same as the Foulahs of Senegambia, who have lately subdued Hvussa, which lies west of Bornou, and probably Tombuctoo , and other states between Houssa and Senegambia. The Fellatas are more civilized than the other nations of the interior, and are more miid and just in their government. Dar Koulla, south of Bergoo and Darfoor, belongs to the Fellatas. Between Bornou and Fezzan is the kingdom of Cashna. 50. What Isthmus connects Africa with Asia ? Capes. 51. What is the most northern Cape of Africa? 52. What is the most eastern Cape call- ed ? 53. What are the two most southern Capes? 54. What is the most western Cape? 124 55. What two Capes west of Sahara? 56. What Cape south west of Upper Guin- ea on the Grain Coast? 57. What Cape east of Cape Palmas? 58. What Cape in the small state of Waree, south of Benin? 59. What Cape at the north west corner of Loango and Lower Guinea? 60. What Cape at the south of Lower Guinea? 61. What Cape east of Inhambane? 62. What Cape north east of the coast of Mozambique ? Mountains. 63. What Mountains run east and west through the Barbary States ? 64. What Mountains north of Upper Guinea? 65. What Mountains are supposed to ex- tend from Abyssinia to Upper Guinea? 66. What Mountains west of the Coasts of Mozambique and Zanguebar? 67. What Mountains north of the colony of the Cape? 68. What distinguished Mountain in one of the Canary Islands? Gulfs and Bays. 69. What Gulf between Tripoli and Bar- ca? 70. What Gulf between Tripoli and Tunis? 71. What large Gulf is formed by the Coast of Upper and Lower Guinea? 125 72. What two smaller Gulfs or Bights in the Gulf of Guinea? 73. What bay in the north east of Caffra- ria ? 74. What Gulf between the northern coast of Adel and Arabia? A. Gulf of Adel. Lakes. 75. What Lake is supposed to be west of the Coast of Mozambique? 76. What immense Lake or Sea in the kingdom of Bornou? A. Lake Tsadd, probably what has usually been called Lake fVangara. 77. What Lake in Abyssinia? Rivers. 78. What River runs north through Egypt, and empties by several mouths into the Med- iterranean? 79. What two Rivers, the sources of the Nile, unite in Sennaar? A. Bahr-el-Abiad or TVhite River , and Bahr-el-Azreh or Blue River. 80. Which of these branches comes from the west? Which from Abyssinia? 81. What large branch of the Nile comes from Abyssinia and joins the Nile in Nubia? 82. What River rises in the mountains west of Senegambia, runs west and falls into the Atlantick north of Cape Verd? 83. What other River rises in the same mountains, runs west and falls into the Atlan- tic just south of Cape Verd? i2 8. Go from Lisbon to the Portuguese col- ony at Goa. 142 9. Travel from Pekin to Cape Verd by land. 10. Make a voyage round the world by going from London to Nova Zembla, thence to Bhering’s Strait, thence to the Sandwich Isles, thence to the Falkland Islands, thence to the Cape Verds, and thence home. 11. If a passage north of the continent of America is discovered by the vessels sent for that purpose, how may a voyage from Lon- don to China be made by that route? Columbus, in 1492, sailed from Cape Palos in the south east of Spain, through the Straits of Gibraltar; passed Madeira; refitted his vessel at Gamer a^ one of the Canaries; then steered westward across the Atlan- tick. Guanakana , St. Salvador , or Cat Island , is gener- ally supposed to have been the land he first discover- ed, but it is more probable that it was the Grand Turk y one of the most eastern of the Bahamas. lie then visited a large island, which he called Hispaniola , but which the natives called Hayti. He then returned to Spain. In his second voyage, he discovered the Caribbee Islands and Jamaica. In his third voyage, he discovered the continent at the north of Venezuela and New Gra- nada , and named it Terra Firrna- Capt. Cook, an Englishman, in his third voyage round the world, left Plymouth, in England, July 11, 1776, passed the Scilly Isles ; Ushant; Tenerife; Bon- avist.a and St Jago , two of the Cape Verds ; Table Bay ; Cape of Good Hope ; Prince Edward's; Marion's and Kerguelen's islands ; Van Diemen's Land; New Zealand ; through Cook's Strait; which divides New Zealand ; Mangea Isles ; Tongataboo , the largest of the Friendly Isles; OtaheUe. south of the Friendly Isles; Eimeo and other Friendly Isles; northward to Christ- mas Isle; Aloof one of the Sandwich Islands; Noot- ka Sound ; Cape Prince of Wales ; East Cape ; Icy Cape ; Cape North , north west of Bhering’s Strait ; 143 back through the Strait ; Norton's Bay or Sound ; Fox Isles; Owyhee , the largest of the Sandwich Islands, where Capt. Cook was killed by the natives. La Pev rous u, a Frenchman, Aug. 1, 1785, sailed from Brest ; touched at Madeira ; then at Tenerijfe ; Trinidad , a small island in the Atlantic, west of Rio Janeiro ; St Catharine , an island on the south east coast of Brazil ; Cape Virgins the northern cape at the en- trance of Magellan’s Strait: LeMaire's Strait between Terra del Fuego and the island of Staten Land ; Cape Horn ; Conception in Chili ; Easter Island , west of Chili, and north west of Juan Fernandez ; then north to Mowee, one of the Sandwich Isles ; Mt St. Elias ; Bay of Mon- terey a Spanish settlement on the coast of California ; Neckar Isle , north west of the Sandwich Isles ; Assump- tion , one of the Ladrones ; the Bashee Isles , between Luzon and Formosa: Macao, in China, south of Can- ton; Manilla; Formosa; Loo Choo Isles; Quelpa- ert , an island near the south point of Corea ; The Strait of Corea ; Cape Noto on the west of Niphon ; the oppo- site shore, where Corea joins Tartary : Bay of Langle on the west side of Saghalien ; Bay of Gastric, just south of the Strait which separates Saghalien from Tartary ; then, supposing (he water not deep enough to let the frig- ate pass north through the Strait, Peyrousp steered south and passed through Peyrouse's Strait , which separates Saghalien from Jesso; through Boussale Strait , between two of the Kurile Isles ; Avatska, or St. Peter and St, Paul, a Russian port in the south east of Kamtschatka ; then south without seeing land, as far asMaouna or Massacre , one of the Navigator's Isles , where Capt. Langle, next in rank to La Pey rouse, was killed by the natives ; Isles of Traitors ; Vavaoo , one of the Friendly Isles; Botany Bay ; La Pey rouse is supposed after- wards to have visitedfjVew Caledonia , The Louisi.ade , and New Guinea , but nothing has been heard of him or the two frigates since they left Botany Bay. Vancouver, an Englishman, sailed from Falmouth in England, April 1, 1791, passed Tenerife ; Cape of Good Hope ; Cape King George in New Holland ; Van Diemen's Island; New Zealand; Olaheite ; Owyhee ; New Albion , in America ; Mouth of Columbia River ; Mount Olympus , near Cape Flattery at the entrance of 144 Nootka Sound; New Georgia; Queen Charlotte's Strait, ; Noolka ; south to Port St. Francisco and Mon- ten: y in California ; westward to Owyhee ; north east to Cape Mandocin , north of Monterey and St. Fran- cisco; Noolka; the Sound east of Queen Charlotte's Island and the coast called New Hanover ; Noolka ; St. Francisco ; Monterey ; south as far as the northern ex- tremity of the Gulf of California ; then west again to Owyhee , Alooi , &e. ; Island , south of Alaska; Cook's inlet or Bay ; Mount St. Elias ; Mount Fair- weaiher ; Cross Strait or Sound north of King George's Island ; New Norfolk and New Cornwall , on the Coast ; Noolka ; Monterey ; Cape St. Lucas ; Si. Bias , in the west of Mexico ; Cape Corrientes , south east of St. Bias ; Albemarle Island , one of the Gallapagos ; M assafuero , west of Juan Fernandes and Chili; Valparaiso; Cape Horn; St. Helena; Ireland; London. Kjujzenstern, a Russian, sailed from Cronsiadt , Aug. 7, 1803; touched at Copenhagen ; The Sound; St, rail of Dover ; Tenerife ; St. Catharine Isle , on the Coast of Brazil ; Cape Horn; The Marquesas ; Owy- hee ; Port St. Peter and Si. Paul , at the south east of Kamtschalka; Van Diemen's Strait , south of Kiusiu; Naugtstsaki i, in Kiusiu ; The Strait of Korea ; Strait of Sangaar or Matsumahi , between Niphon and Jesso ; Cape Crillon , the south point of Saghalien Island ; La P ey rouse's Strait ; Cape Anira , the south east point of Saghalien ; Cape Patience , north of Cape Anira ; between two of the Kuriles ; Cape Lopatka ; Port St. Peter and St. Paul ; crossed the Kuriles again ; Western Coast of Saghalien; Capes Elizabeth and Mary, the two north- ern points of Saghalien ; Mouth of the River Amour , in or near the Strait between Tartary and Saghalien (if there be a Strait, which is not yet certain) crossed the Sea of Okotsk ; between the Kuriles ; Cape Lo- patka ; Port St. Peter and St. Paul ; then south, without touching at any place, to Macao , in China ; Canton ; Strait of Sunda ; St. Helena ; The Shannon in the West of Ireland ; Orkneys ; Copenhagen ; Cronsiadt. 145 <4 GENERAL REVIEW. COUNTRIES AND STATES. 1. Where is Asia? Europe. Africa. North America, South America. New Holland. China. Hindoostan. Rus- sia. France. Austria. Great Britain. Tonkin. Japan. Morocco. Birman Empire. Persia. German States. It- aly. Tartary. Spain. United States. England. Prus- sia. Arabia. Turkey. Naples. Mexico. Ireland. Thi- bet. Netherlands. Colombia. Where is the Kingdom of Sardinia ? Portugal. Ba- varia. Egypt. Tunis. Poland. Brazil. Sweden. Abyssin- ia. United Provinces or La Plata. Denmark. Scotland. Switzerland. Algiers. Wurtemberg. NewYork. llano- j ver. Tuscany. Saxony, Guatimala. Pennsylvania. Virginia. Wales. Galicia. Where is Chili ? Tripoli. Venezuela. Norway. North Carolina. New Brunswick. Texas. Lombar- dy. Bolivia. Barca. Ohio. Labrador. Transylvania. States of the Church. Patagonia. Bucharia. Loango. Darfur. Kentucky. Peru Cabul. Hungary. Anarn. Kor- dofan. Congo. Massachusetts. French Guiana. Greece. Bornou. Sindy. Cirnbebas. South Carolina. Bohemia. Malaya. Bergoo. Monornotapa. Canada. Tennessee. Modena and Paraia. Palestine. Adel. Colony of the Cape. Sierra Leone. Maryland. Mozambique. Beloo» chistan. Moravia. Georgia. District of Columbia. Li- beria. Zanguebar. Maine, Arkansaw Teriitory. Dutch and English Guiana. Cochin China. Stiria, Laos. Maga- doxa. Angola. New Jersey. Siam. Bagbermy. Sennaar. Michigan Territory. Illyria. CafFraria Egypt. Tsiam- pa. Connecticut. Ashanfee. Natolia. Ajan, Circas- sia. Benin. New Hampshire. Fezzan. Cambodia. Ver- mont. Dqhomey. Louisiana. Abyssinia. Illinois. Lap- land. Nubia. Houssa. Finland. Indiana. Biafra. Low- er Guinea. Little Thibet. Kashna. Alabama. Upper Guinea. Senegambia. Armenia. Dongola. Florida. Land of the Fellatas. Rhode Island Land of the Hot- tentots. Greenland. Mississippi, Delaware. Missouri. Nova Scotia. Karasm. Turkestan. I 146 SEAS. 2. Where is the Mediterranean Sea ? Baitick. Black, White. Yellow. Red. Caribbean. North. China. Azoph. Okotsk. Caspian. Irish. Arabian. Archipelago, Aral. Cattegat. Marmora. Bhering’s. Skager Rack. Zuyder Zee? BAYS AND GULFS. 3. Where is the Bay of Baffin ? Biscay. Bengal. Hudson. Panama. Plonduras. Table. James. Chesa- peake. Delaware. Fundy. Massachusetts. Narragan- set. Penobscot. Martaban. Buzzard’s. Rariton. St. Matthias and St. George. Buenaventura. Passama- quoddy, (Me.), Delagoa. Of Cadiz. Of Naples._Cam- peachy? Where is the Gulf of Mexico? Guinea. Venice. Persia. Carpenlaria. Corea. Finland. California. St» Lawrence. Tonkin. Lyons. Lepanto. Adel. Salonica. Tarento. Obi. Bothnia. Genoa. Riga. Lyons. Oruius. Siam. Sidra. Biafra. Benin. Cabes. Cambay. LAKES. 4. Where is Lake Superior ? Ladoga. Maravi. Tsaad. Slave. Baikal. Wenner. Michigan. Onega. Tchany. Winnipeg. Constance. Wetter. Huron. Geneva. Cham- plain. Nicaragua. Erie. Maracaybo. Ontario. Titicafca. Dembea. Woods. Pontchartrain. George. Winnipisse- ogee, (N. H.), St. Clair. Bear. Oneida. Cayuga. Sene- ca. Maggiore. Como. Iseo. Guarda. Palkati, SfR ALT’S, &>'C. 5. Where is the Strait of Gibraltar? Davis. Mes- sina. Malacca. Hudson. Dover. Bbering.iKaffa. Belle- isle. Dardanelles. Babelmandel. Macassar. Corea. Ma- gellan. Bass. Bonifacio. Messina. Sunda. The Sound. Great and Little Belt. Where is the Channel of Mozambique ? George. Tartary. English. Bristol. Where is the Sound of Long Island ? Queen Char- lotte. Pamlico and Albemarle. Nootka. jRirF.KS. 6. Where is the River Amazon ? Mississippi. Missouri. Wolga. Nile. Kiangku. Niger. Arkansaw. Macken- zie’s. Rio del Norte. St. Lawrence. La Plata. Hoang- 147 ho. Amour. Yenis^. Mecon or Cambodia. Obi. Le- na. Danube. Ganges. Orinoco. Madeira. Para. La Platte. Red. Columbia. • Nelson’s. Euphrates. Song- koi. Burrampooter. Indus. Irawaddy. Tennessee. Meinham. Yellow Stone. St. Francisco. Xingu. Colora- do. Thalian. Ohio. Dnieper. Uraguay. Pilcomayo. Senegal, Paraguay. Tom. Jihon. Clark’s. Lewis. Mult- nomah. Salado. Negro. Topayos. Don. Tigris. Go-da- very. Rhine. Parana. Churchill. Kristna. Potomack. Cumberland, Pultumayo. Osage. Dniester. Orange. James. Utawas. Altamaha. Appalachicola. Wabash. Bahr el Azreh. Yupura. Duna. Elbe. Rhone. Loire. Hong Kiang. Neva. Niemen. Petchora. Tagus. Vis- tula. Ucayale. Alabama. Pedee. Santee. Tom big- bee. Savannah. Irtish. Susquehanna. Apur6. Connec- ticut. Alleghany. Ploli Kiang. G, Kenhaway. Illinois. Bog. Save. Eliphant’s. Tobol. Misselad. Shary. Great Fish. Cuama or JZambezy. Zaire. Mackenzie’s. St. John’s. Ural. Saskashawan. Kansas. Tocantius. Cop- permine. Grand. Rio Grande. Gambia. Formosa. Oder. Drave. Douro. Ebro. Guadiaaa. Po. Bahr el Abi- ad. Cape Fear. Roanoke. Hudson. Weser. Meuse. Moselle. Garonne. Glornmen. Guadalquivir. Mayne. Wachitta. Tornea. Delaware. Seine. Monongahela. Penobscot. Tacazze. Dahl. Shenandoah. Inn. Yazoo. Adige. Pearl. Iser. Merrimack. Miami. Licking. Thames. Tiber. Sorel. Shaunon. Kennebec. Severn. Housatonick. Oneida. Aar. Androscoggin. Schuylkill. Scioto. Ogeechee. White. Mohawk. Rappa- hannock. Arno. Reuss. Edisto. Lehigh. Onion. Passa- ick. Mersey. Gauritz. Juniata. Flint. Mesurodo. St. Clair. Niagara. St. Croix. Neuse. Saco. Piscataqua. Magdalena. Araguaya. Pamlico. Chattahoocby. Hock- hocking. Wabash, lied. Chicapee. Nashua. Hoosack. Nerbudda. PENINSULAS AND ZST’HMUSES. 7. Where is the Peninsula of South America ? Spain, Kamtschatka, Denmark, Califoriwa, Morea, Florida, Crimea, Nova Scotia, Corea, Africa, Malaya, Yuca- tan, Alaska, Arabia ? 8. Where is the Isthmus of Darien ? Cqiintli, Pyre- nees, Sleswick, Precop, Suez, Kraw i2 143 ISLANDS. 9. Where is the Island of New Holland ? Cuba, Great Britain, Madagascar, Borneo, St. Domingo, Ceylon, Newfoundland. Nova Zembla, Sicily, Iceland, Ireland, Cyprus, Jamaica, New Guinea, Niphon, Terra del Fue- go, Sumatra, New Zealand, Majorca, Jesso, Sardinia, Saghalien, Minorca, Java, Yvica, Porto-Rico, Luzon, Corsica, Zealand, Longlsland, Kiusiu, Candia, Socotra, Celebes, Aland, Mindanao, Negropout, Gothland and Oland, Vancouver’s, Timor, St. Helena, Formosa, St. Thomas, Queen Chariot! e’s, Bourbon and Mauritius, Hainan, Man, Juan Fernandez, Anglesey, Trinidad, Elba, Nantucket, Jersey and Guernsey, Rhodes, Mal- ta, Van Diemen’s, Corlu, Rhode Island, Chiloe, Cape Breton, Sherbro, Cefalonia, St. John’s, Fernando Po, Madre de Dios, Zanzibar, Annabona, Rhodes, Ipsara, Nantucket, Hydra, Pemba, Prince’s, Block, Amelia, Staten, Otaheite, Owyhee or Fiawaee, New Britain, New Ireland, South Georgia, Martha’s Vineyard, Plum, Key West, Anticosti, Melville, Grand Isle, King George’s, St. Michael’s, Teneriffe, Banca, Bonavista, Fayai, Funen, Rugen, Bornholm, Gse), Texel, Wight, Alderney, Mytilene, Monfia, Re and Oleron, Scio ? Where are the West India Islands? Fast Indies, Ber. mudas, Japan Isles, Lutfoden Isles, Cape Verds, Sand- wich Isles, Canaries, Orkneys, Comoro Isles, Anda- man Isles, Fox Islands, Spice islands, Shetlands, Falk- land Isles, Azores, Galapagos, Faroe, Laccadives, Loo Ghoo, Nicobar Isles, Society Isles, Lad rones, Sciliy, Peiews, Lipari, Ionian Isles, Philippines, Friendly Isles, Maldives, Western Lies, New Hebrides, Kuiiles, Mul- graves, Carolines, Marquesas, Sunda, Elizabeth Lies, Seychelles, Mascarenas, Great Antilles, Mahe, Ftjee, Bahamas, Madeiras, Almirantes, Leeward isles, Wind- ward Isles, Little Antilles? CAPES. 10. Where is Cape Horn? Good Hope, Comorin, Farewell. Naze, Lopatka, Palmas, St. Roque, St. Lu- cas, Blanco, Verd, Sable, Ciear, St. Vincent, Tay- mour, La Hogue, Bon, Cod, De la Vela, North, Icy, Charles and Iienty, Malapan, Palos, May, Henlopen, 149 Ortega] and Finisterre, Land’s End, Spartivento, Fear, Lookout and Hat ter as, Formosa, Negro, A'guillas, Ha- jador, De Gaft, St. Martin, Three Points, Comerites, Ann, Delgado, the Skavv, Guardafui, Malabar, East, Lopez Goazalvo, Prince of Wales, Passaro ? MOUNTAINS. It. Where are the Mountains Himmaleh, Andes, Atlas, Dofrafleld, Altaian, Mooli, Alps, Rocky, Alle- ghany, Pyrenees, Gaut, White, Blue, Green, Appen- iiies, Cumberland, Lupata, Taurus, Caucasus, Carpa- thian, Olonetz, Snow, Belur-Tag, H annus, Cevennes, Calskili, Hoosack. Where is Dawalageri (the highest in the world.) Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Mou'na Ka'ah (in Owyhee,) St. Gothard, Mt. Elias, Blanc, Geesh (Abyss.)y Ophir (Sum.) t Tenerifie, Egmont (JV*. Z. j, Perdu (Pyr.), Etna, Bourbon, Olympus, Rosa, Cenis, Washington, Heela, Ben Nevis, Vesuvius, Table Mt. Mts. Tom and Holyoke, Wachusett, Great St. Ber- nard, Viso, Cheviot Hills? JV ole. It w i i 1 now be a useful exercise for the teacher to ask the highest of the class to name a sea and tell where it is ; let the next name another, and so on, as long as any one in the class can recollect any sea which has not been men- tioned. Then do the same with the other di- visions of water and land. Precedence should be given, whenever it is practicable, to the pu- pils who answer correctly. cities and Towns. 12. Where is Pekin ? Nankin, Canton, London, Jed- do, Hangtcheou, Paris, Calcutta, Benares, Meaco, Constantinople, Surat, Ispahan, Naples, Moscow, Cai- ro, Madras, Lucknow, Petersburg!) ? Where is Patna? Tauris, Aleppo, Lisbon, Vienna, Amsterdam, Madrid, Cabul, Damascus, Algiers, Dub- lin, Ummerapoora, Berlin, Bombay, Glasgow, Cash- mere, Erzerum, Lahore, Smyrna, Rio Janeiro? Where is P.dermo ? . Mexico, Mil'an, Rome, New- York, - Philadelphia, Barcelona (Sp.), Hamburg, Va- lencia, ; Copenhagen, Surakerta (Java), Edinburg, Mar- seilles, Tombuetoo, Houssa, Venice, Adrianople, Liv- erpool, Lyons, Manchester J Bahia or St. Salvador, Ru- 150 charia, Candahar, Delhi, Herat, Hydrabad, Poonah t Conslantina, Coommassie, Fez, Mequinez, Sennaar, Tunis, Bourdeaux, Cork, Turin, Birmingham, Prague, Rouen, Seville, Brussels, Bristol, Gen'oa, Stockholm, Florence, Nantes, Oporto, Bologna, Cadiz, Salonica, Havanna, Quito, Puebla, Astracan (Rus.), Warsaw, B reslaw, Baltimore, Antwerp, Lille, Ghent, Munich, Guanaxuato, Buenos Ayres, Bursa, Diarbekir, Mosul, Tocat, Teheran, Bucharest, Verona, Plymouth, Rot- terdam, Koningsburg, Saragossa. Lima, Malaga, Grenada, Leghorn, Poto&i, Gondar, Morocco, Bassora, Trebizond, Catanea, Dantzick, Limerick, Strasburg, Sophia, Liege, Dresden ? Where is Toulouse? Frankfort on the Mayne, Bata- via, Paisley, St. Jago, Bruges, Lembusg, Boston, Hague, Pest, Cologne, Portsmouth, Amiens, Cronstadt, Kcsho, Prorne, Bhiraz, Darnietta, St. Salvador (At.), St. Fe de Bogota, St. Jago [Cuba] ? Where is Bath [Eng.] ? Bremen, Riga, Trieste, Leeds, Sheffield, Odessa, Cagliari, Janina, Waterford, Rangoon, Moorsbedabad, Utrecht, Aberdeen, Zacate- cas, Leipsic, Cusco, Seringupatam, Montpelier, Ley- den, Dundee, St. Juan [P. Rico], Jerusalem, Mogadore, Sego, Caraccas, Cuyaba, Augsburg, Altona, Belfast, Brahilow, Clermont, Messina, Philipopoli, Tula, Are- quipa, Toulon, New Orleans ? Where is Carthagena [Sp.] ? Geneva, Cracow, Lu- beck, A homey, Toledo, Popayapp Belgrade, St. Fe- lipe, Hanover, Gottenburg, Orenburg | Rus.], Curnana, Brest, Preshurg, Tours, Ratishon, Havre, Wilna, Per- nambuco, Cordova, Carthagena and St. Martha, [S. A.], Cuer^a, La-paz, Paramaribo, Villa-rica, Alex- andria [Egypt], Morzouk, Cape Henry, Guatimala, Manilla, Vera Cruz, Tobolsk, Kiev, Chiapa, Mo'dena, Mecca, Silistria, Mocha, Tver, Greenock? Where is St. Juande la Frontera ? Jaroslavl, Perth, Syracuse, Capetown, Alicanf, York, Cholula, Quebec, . Guayaquil, Montevideo, St. Paul, Halifax, Bergen. Bii- boa, Rosetta, Tangier, Tripoli, Jassy, Inverness, La Plata, Carlscrona jSwed.], Salamanca, Berne, Wash- ington, Salem, Oxford, Albany, St. Ubes, Malacca, Tomsk, Richmond, Ptovidence, Coimbra, Cambridge [Eug.], Cberson, Londonderry, Irkutsk, Zurich, In- spruck, Athens, Panama, St. Thomas, Cincinnati, La Guayra ? Where is Gottingen ? Christiania, Drontheim, Port- land, Stabroeck, Alexandria, Newark, Mascat, New- port, Truxillo, Savannah, Georgetown, Porto Cahello, New Haven,,, Pittsburgh, Kiel, Elsinore, Pegu, Sidney, Portsmouth, [N. H.], Nantucket, Petersburgh [Vir.], Newbury porly Lancaster [Penn.], Valparaiso, New Brunswick, Leon, Cobbe', Medina, Cayenne, New- bern, Marblehead, Lynchburg, Fredericktown, Jedda, Hartford, Lexington, Wilmington, Hudson, Troy, St. Augustine ? Where is Upsal ? Fahlun [Swed.], Christiansnnd [Norw.j, Louisville, St. Louis, Freetown, Augusta, New London, Nashville, Columbia, St. John’s [N. F.], York (U. C.], Kingston, Norwich, Raleigh, Mobile, Chilicothe, Natchez, Milledgeville, Pensacola, Knox- ville, Springfield, Porto Bello, Archangel, Montreal, Ac- apulco, Kiakta, Yakutsk, Derna, Ceuta, Northampton, Barcelona [S. A.], Aix la Chapelle, Sana, Ibeit, Bin- gazi, Coblentz, Lintz, Callao, Aux Caves, Cambridge [Mass. I, Presburg, Bale, Ajaccio, Skalholt, Lahsa or Hadsjah, Kelat, Port Jackson, Augela, Palma, Funch- al, Amherst, Andover, Guamanga, Tara, Trent, Nice, Pisa, Samarcand, Dacca, Williarnstown, Brunswick, Princeton, Hanover [N. H.], Lima, Sucre, Gratz, Man- tua ? Agra, Oojain, Tatta, Siwah, Kairooan, Dongo- la, Axum, Angra, Villa da Orta, Montpelier, Bur- lington, Concord [N. H.], Assumption, Conception, Augsburg, Stuttgard, Murcia, Lagos, Lausanne, Laris- sa, Goa, Ava, Oran, Sockatoo, Ponta del Gada, Porto Praya, Santa Cruz, Windsor [Eng.], Kilkenny, Miss.olonghi, Navarin, Bristol [R. I.], Schenecta- dy, Utica, Matanzas, Acapulco, St. Augustine, ’Par- amaribo, Corinth, Modon and Coron, Reikiavick ? Candia, Sallee and Rabat, St. Louis [ Af.J, Mon- rovia, Pondicherry, Candy, Dijon. Caen, Buffalo, Harrisburg, Dover, Annapolis, Norfolk, Valdivia, Co- quiinbo, Besanqon, Versailles, Tranquebqr, Chinsura, C’oiumho, Cape Coa;t,l Klmina, Sena and Tete, Rocli- riie and Rochefort, Avignon, Frankfort (Ken. ], Indian- apolis, fYorktown, Corurtna, St. Jago de X’ompostella, / 152 Cagliari, Sassari, La Valet te,\Lassa, Cashgar, Loan- da, Loango, Baghermy or Mesna, jOrleaus, L’Ori- ent, Cherburg, Badajos ? Mozambique, King-ki-tao, SNangasaki, Tripoli! - za, Bastia, Paltna, Port Mahon, Braga, Altorfff Co- lumbus, Vandaiia, Jefferson [Miss, j, Jackson {Miss.], Trincomaly, Bencoolen^ Botany Bay, Borneo, Lata- koo, Zimbaoe, W