fWlHTY-S^^ VMiraMKI Recorcl Commissioners. iSm Wr. mwa. ^s-^'** 7 90, '7-11 V..,'" 1 V Xi VJ' O 1 v.. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries littp://www.arcliive.org/details/reportofrecordco22bost A REPORT Record Commissioners CITY OF BOSTON, CONTAINING THE STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES' DIRECT TAX OF 1798, AS ASSESSED ON BOSTON ; THE NAMES OF THE INHABITANTS OF BOSTON IN 1790, AS COLLECTED FOR THE FIRST NATIONAL CENSUS. BOSTON: ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS. 18 9 0. V . " « ■7863 [DocuMEXT 92 — 1890.] A REPORT RECOED COMMISSIONERS The Twenty-second Report of the Record Commissioners is composed of two docmiients of unusual value to convey- ancers and genealogists. The first contains the returns made for Boston in accordance with the Direct Tax of 1798, levied by the United States. The second is a careful census of the town, made in 1790, supplementing and correcting the in- formation given in the first Directory of 1789. The Tax return is so fully compiled that the area and boundaries of every piece of land in the town is given, to- gether with the names of the owners, occupiers, and abutters. Every one who is called upon to trace the title to real estate will appreciate the value of such an official record, which enables him to check off all his conclusions at a fixed date. The more general student will find much curious information in the valuations and in the statements respecting the build- ings then standing in the town. The act of 1798, under which these returns were made, will be given later in this note. The returns for the whole State were deposited in the Boston Custom House, where they were long buried in obscurity. About thirty-five years ago, the consent of the Collector was obtained to the transfer of the custody of these papers to the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, where they are still preserved. The IV City Document No. 92. Society has had the papers bound in twenty volumes, and some indexes have been made. Vol. I. begins with the north part of Maine ; Boston is in Vol. IV. The returns of a few towns are missing, accidentally lost. These papers, of course, did not belong to the Custom House, but Gen. Lincoln was in charge of them, while also serving as Col- lector. The Census of Boston was made in 1790, undoubtedly under the authority of the United States government, it being the first of the national decennial enumerations. The listshere printed are from the manuscript of Col. Samuel Bradford, now preserved by the New England Historic- Genealogical Society. In Lemuel Shattuck's admirable Report on the City Census of 1845, it is stated that besides the National Census taken in 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840, there had been two State Censuses, in 1887 and 1840, and special City Censuses in 182.5 and 1835. Since that date the State or- dered a Census in 1850, and then the State decennial Census was taken in 1855, 1865, 1875, and 1885. Although we have made some citations from Shattuck's report, inHie first volume of our own reports, the following tables copied from their ofiicial statements may be of service. They are copied from Shattuck's report, and from the State Census of 1885, prepared by Carroll D. Wright. Population of Boston. Polls. 1687 1,330 1728 3,000 1733 3,500 1735 3,637 1738 3,395 1740 3,043 1741 2,972 1752 2,789 1778 2,248 1781 2,260 1784 3,174 Total Population (estimated). 1680 4,500 1690 7,000 1700 ..... 6,700 1710 9,000 1720 11,000 1730 ..... 13,000 1740 ..... 17,000 17.50 ..... 15,731 1760 15,631 1765 15,520 1770 15,520 1776 2,719^ 1780 ..... 10,000 Since the Revolution more careful enumerations are : — * This alarming decrease was owing to the British occupation of the town. Report of liECoiiD Commissioners. U. S. Census, 1790 . 18,320 do. do. 1800 . 24,937 do. do. 1810 . 33,787 do. do. 1820 . 43,298 City do. 1825 . 58,277 U. S. do. 1830 . 61,392 City do. 1835 . 78,603 U. S. do. 1840 . 93,383 City do. 1845 . 114,366 U. S. do. 1850 . 136,881 State do. 1855 . 160,490 U. S. do. 1860 . 177,840 State do. 1865 . 192,318 U. S. do. 1870 . . 250,526 State do. 1875 . . 341,919 U. S. do. 1880 . 362,839 State do. 1885 . . 390,393 U. S. do. 1890 . . 446,507 This note-book of the United States enumerator in 1790 is of great value, as it gives us the names of the inhabitants. Our first Directory was issued in 1789 and the second in 1796. This list not only fills an intermediate date, but it preserves the names of many persons who would not find a place in the Directory. The two documents will undoubt- edly be of great assistance to those who are interested in the genealogies of old Boston families. The Index, as usual, is intended to embrace every name, under the spelling of the original. The reader is therefore cautioned to search under every possible variant of the name he seeks. The only Index of Places and Subjects possible for this volume, is given in an Index of Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, etc., cited in the text. As the United States laws are not easily accessible to the general reader, a copy of those relating to this subject is appended. William H. Whitmore, For the Record Commissioners. City Hall, Boston, November, 1890. IV City Document No. 92. Society has had the papers bound in twenty volumes, and some indexes have been made. Vol. I. begins with the north part of Maine ; Boston is in Vol. IV. The returns of a few towns are missing, accidentally lost. These papers, of course, did not belong to the Custom House, but Gen. Lincoln was in charge of them, while also serving as Col- lector. The Census of Boston w^as made in 1790, undoubtedly under the authority of the United States government, it being the first of the national decennial enumerations. The lists here printed are from the manuscript of Col. Samuel Bradford, now preserved by the New England Historic- Genealogical Society. In Lemuel Shattuck's admirable Report on the City Census of 1845, it is stated that besides the National Census taken in 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1840, there had been two State Censuses, in 1887 and 1840, and special City Censuses in 182.5 and 1835. Since that date the State or- dered a Census in 1850, and then the State decennial Census was taken in 1855, 1865, 1875, and 1885. Although we have made some citations from Shattuck's report, in the first volume of our own reports, the following tables copied from their ofiicial statements may be of service. They are copied from Shattuck's report, and from the State Census of 1885, prepared by Carroll D. Wright. Population of Boston. Polls. 1687 1728 1733 1735 1738 1740 1741 1752 1778 1781 1784 ,330 ,000 ,500 ,637 ,395 ,043 ,972 ,789 ,248 ,260 ,174 Total Population (estimated). 1680 4,500 1690 ..... 7,000 1700 ..... 6,700 1710 9,000 1720 11,000 1730 13,000 1740 17,000 1750 15,731 1760 15,631 1765 15,520 1770 15,520 1776 2,719^ 1780 10,000 Since the Revolution more careful enumerations are ; — * This alarming decrease was owing to tlie Briti sli occupation of the town. Report of Record Commissioners. U. S. Census, 1790 . 18,320 do. do. 1800 . 24,937 do. do. 1810 . 33,787 do. do. 1820 . 43,298 City do. 1825 . 58,277 U. S. do. 1830 . 61,392 City do. 1835 . 78,603 U. S. do. 1840 . 93,383 City do. 1845 . 114,366 U. S. do. 1850 . 136,881 State do. 1855 . 160,490 U. S. do. 1860 . . 177,840 State do. 1865 . . 192,318 U. S. do. 1870 . . 250,526 State do. 1875 . . 341,919 U. S. do. 1880 . . 362,839 State do. 1885 . . 390,393 U. S. do. 1890 . . 446,507 This note-book of the United States enumerator in 1790 is of great value, as it gives us the names of the inhabitants. Our first Directory was issued in 1789 and the second in 1796. This list not only fills an intermediate date, but it preserves the names of many persons who would not find a place in the Directory. The two documents will undoubt- edly be of great assistance to those who are interested in the genealogies of old Boston families. The Index, as usual, is intended to embrace every name, under the spelling of the original. The reader is therefore cautioned to search under every possible variant of the name he seeks. The only Index of Places and Subjects possible for this volume, is given in an Index of Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, etc., cited in the text. As the United States laws are not easily accessible to the general reader, a copy of those relating to this subject is appended. William H. Whitmore, For the Record Commissioners. City Hall, Boston, November, 1890. VI City Docump:xt No. 02. CHAPTER XCII. AN ACT TO LAY AND COLLECT A DIRECT TaX WITHIN THE UNITED States. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- tatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That a tlirect tax of two millions of dollars shall be, and hereby is laid upon the United States, and apportioned to the states respectively, in tli(^ manner following : To the state of New Hampshire, seventy-seven thousand, seven hun- dred and live dollars, thirty six cents, and tAvo mills. To the state of Massachusetts, two hundred and sixty thousand, four hundred and thirty-live dollars, thirty one cents, and two mills. To the state of iihode-Island, thirty-seven thousand, five hundred and two dollars, and eight cents. To the state of Connecticut, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand, seven hundred and sixty-seven doUars, and two mills. To the state of Vermont, forty-six thousand, eight hundred and sixty- four dollars, eighteen cents, and seven mills. To the state of New York, one hundred and eighty-one thousand, six hundred and eighty dollars, seventy cents, and seven mills. To the state of New Jersey, ninety-eight thousand three hundred and eighty-seven dollars, twenty-rive cents, and three mills. To tlie state of Pennsylvania, two lumdred and thirty-seven thousand, one hundred and seventy-sev( n dollars, seventy-lwo cents, and seven mills. To the state of Delaware, thirty thousand, four hundred and thiily dollars, seventy-nine cents, and two mills. To the state of Maryland, one hundred and fiftj'-two thousand, five hundred and ninety-nine dollars, ninety-five cents, and four mills. To the state of Virginia, three hundred and forty-five thousand, foirr hundred and eighty-eight dollars, sixty-six cents, and five mills. To the state of Kentucky, thirlj^-seven thousand, six hundred and forty-three dollars, ninety-nine cents, and seven mills. To the state of North Carolina, one hundred and ninety-three thousand, six hundred and ninety-seven dollars, ninety-six cents, and five mills. To the state of Tennessee, (ighteen thousand', eight hundred and six dollars, thirty-eight cents, and three mills. To the state of South Carolina, one hundred and twelve thousand, nine liundred and ninety-seven dollars, seventy-three cents, and nine mills. And to the state of Georgia, thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and fourteen dollars, eighty-seven cents, and five mills. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said tax shall be col- lected by the supervisors, inspectors and collectors of the internal revenues of the United States, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and pursuant to such regulations as he shall establish ; ;uid shall be assessed upon dwelling houses, lands and .slaves, according to the valuations and enumerations, to be made pursuant to the act, inti- tuled " An act to provide for the valuation of lands and dwelling houses, and the enumeration of slaves within the United States," and in the fol- lowing manner : Upon every dwelling-house which, with the out-houses appurtenant thereto, and "the lot whereon the same are erected, not exceeding two acres in any case, shall be valued in manner aforesaid, at more than one hundred, and not more than five hundred dollars, there shall be assessed in the manner herein provided, a sum equal to two-tenths of Eepoet of Record Commissioners. vii one per centvini on the amount of the valuation : upon every dwellinfr house which shall be valued as aforesaid, at more than live hundred, and not more than one thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to tliree-tenths of one per centum on the amount of the valuation : upon every dwelliug-house which shall be valued as aforesaid, at more than one thousand, and not more than three thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to four tenths of one per centum on the amount of the valuation : upon every dwelling-house which shall be valued as aforesaid at more than three thousand, and not more than six thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to one-half of one jDer centum on the amount of the valuation : upon every dwelling-house which shall be valued as aforesaid, at more than six, and not more than ten thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to six-tenths of one per centum on the amount of the valuation : upon every dwelling-house which shall be valued as aforesaid, at more than ten, and not more than fifteen thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to seven tenths of one per centum on the amount of the valuation : upon every dwelling-house which sliall be valued as aforesaid, at more than lifteen, and not more than twenty thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to eight-tenths of one per centum on the amount of the val- uation : upon every dwelling-house which sliall be valued as aforesaid, at more than twenty, and not more than thirty thousand dollars, there shall be assessed a sum equal to nine-tenths of one per centum on the amount of the valuation ; and upon every dwelling-house which shall be valued as aforesaid, at more than thirty thousand dollars, tliere shall be assessed a sum equal to one per centum on the amount of the valuation. And upon every slave which shall be enumerated according to the act aforesaid, there shall be assessed Mty cents. And the whole amount of the sums to be assessed upon dwelling-houses and slaves within each state respectively, shall be deducted from the sum hereby apjiortioned to such state, and the remainder of the said sum shall be assessed upon the lands within such state according to the valuations to be made pursuant to the act aforesaid, and at such rate per centum as will be sufficient to produce the said remainder : Provided, 'Jliat no part of said tax shall be assessed upon such lands or dwelling- liouses and slaves as at the time of jDassing this act are especially ex- empted from taxes by the laM''S of the states, respectively.' Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the aforesaid assessments shall be made by the supervisors of the several districts within the United States respectively, and pursuant to instructions from the Secre- tary of the Treastu-y ; which instructions the Secretary shall be, and hereby is authorized and required to issue to such supervisor or any of them, so soon as the valuations and enumerations directed to be made by the aforesaid act shall be completed in the state to which such super- visor belongs. And the said tax shall become due and payable from and after the expiration of three months after the instructions aforesaid shall have been received by the supervisors respectivel}- : Provided, That if, on making the assessments as aforesaid, it should appear that the sums so to be assessed on houses and slaves within any state will exceed the sum hereby apportioned to such state, then the supervisor shall be, and hereby is authorized and required to deduct from the sums so to be assessed on houses, such rate per centum as shall be sufficient to reduce the whole amount of the said assessments, to the sum apportioned to such state, as aforesaid. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said supervisors shall be, and hereby are authorized and required to appoint such and so many suitable iiersons in each assessment district within their respective districts, as maj* be necessary for collecting the said tax, and shall assign to them, respectively, their collection districts therein ; wliieh VIII City Document Xo. 92. persons shall be collectors within their respective collection districts, and shall collect the said tax under the direction of the supervisors respectively, and according to the regulations and provisions contained in this act, or to be established pursuant thereto. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That so soon as the aforesaid assessment shall have been completed, the said supervisors shall, by special warrants, under their hands, respectively, cause the surveyors of the revenue within their respective districts, to make out lists con- taining tlae sums payable, according to such assessments, for every dwelliTig-house, tract or lot of land, and slave, within each, collection district, respectively ; which lists shall contain the name of the pro- prietor or occupant of each dwelling-house, tract or lot of land and slave, within the collection district, or of the person having the care of superintendence of them, or any of them, where such proprietor, occu- pant or superintendent is known, and the whole sum payable by each person within the said district, distinguishing what is payable for dwelling-houses, what for slaves, and what for lands : And where there ai"e lands, slaves or dwelling-houses within any collection district, not owned, or occupied by, or under the care or superintendence of any person resident therein, there shall be a separate list of such lands, dwelling-houses and slaves, specifying the sums payable for each, and the names of the proprietors or superintendents, respectively, where known. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted. That each of the collectors to be appointed as aforesaid, shall be furnished by the surveyor of the revonue for the assessuient district within which he shall have been so appointed, with one or more of the said lists, signed and certified by such surveyor. And each collector, on receiving a list as aforesaid, shall subscribe three receipts; one of which shall be given on a full and correct copy of such list, and the other two on aggregate state- ments thereof, exhibiting the number and valuation of dwelling-houses, the number of slaves, and the amount ot the valuation of lands in such collection district, with the amount of the bixes assessed thereon. And the list iirst mentioned, and receipt, shall remain in the office of the surveyor of the revenue, and shall be open to the inspection of any person who may apply to inspect the same ; and the aggregate state- ments and receipts afoi esaid, shall be transmitted to the inspector of the survejs and one of them shall be by him transmitted to the super- visor of the district. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That each collector, before receiving any list as aforesaid, for collection, shall give bond, with one or more good and sufficient sureties, in at least double the amount of the taxes assessed on the collection district for which he may be ap- pointed ; which bond shall be payable to the United States, with con- dition for the true and faithful discharge of the duties of his office, according to law, and particularly, for tiie due collection and payment of all monies assessed upon such district. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That the aforesaid tax shall be, and remain a lien upon all lands, and other real estate and all slaves, of the individuals who may be assessed for the same, during two years after the time when it shall become due and payable accordhig to tills act ; and the said lien shall extend to each and every part of all tracts or lots of land, or dwelling-houses, which shall be valued accord- ing to the aforesaid act, notwTthstanding the same may have been divided or alienated, in part, unless an apportionment of the valuation thereof shall have been made and recorded, pursuant to the aforesaid act, prior to the time when the collection lists shall have been stated, in manner herein before prescribed. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted. That each of the said collectors shall, immediately after receiving his collection list, advertise, by notili- Eeport of Eecord Com.missioners. IX cations, to be posted up in at least four public places in each collection district, that tlie said tax has become due and payable and the times and places at which he will attend to receive the same ; and, in respect to persons who shall not attend, according to such notitications, it shall be the duty of each collector to apply at once at their respective dwellings, Avithin such district, and there demand the taxes payable by such i)er- sons ; and if the said taxes shall not be tiieu paid, or Avithin twenty days thereafter, it shall be lawful for such collector to j^rocecd to collect the said taxes, by distress and sale of the goods, chattels or effects of the i)ei-sons delinquent as aforesaid, with a commission of eight per centum upon the said taxes, to and for the use of such collector: Pro- vided, tl'.at it shall not be laAvful to make distress of the tools or imple- ments of a trade or jDrofession, beasts of the plough necessary for the cultivation of imjjroved lands, arms, or the household utensils, or apparel necessary for a family. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted. That except, as aforesaid, all goods, chattels, and personal effects whatever, being or remaining on lands, subject to the said tax ; and all grass, or produce of farms, standing and growing thereon, shall and may be taken and sold for the payment of the said tax, under such regulations as have been or may be made for the sale of goods or effects taken and sold by distress : Tro- vided, that nothing herein contained shall invalidate or impair any contract or agreement between any landlord, tenant, or other person, relative to the paj'uient of taxes. Sec. 11. And be it fvirther enacted. That in respect to lands, dwell- ing-houses and slaves, which shall not be owned by, or in the occupa- tion, or under the care or superintendence of some person within the collection district where the same shall be situated or found at the time of the assessment aforesaid, the said collectors respectively, upon receiving lists of such lands, dwelling-houses, or slaves, in the manner aforesaid, shall transmit copies of such lists, certified under their hands respectively, to the surveyors of the revenue for the assessment dis- tricts, respectively within which the persons owning, or having the cave and supei'intendence of sirch dwelling-houses, lands, or slaves, may reside, if such persons be known, together with a statement of the amount of taxes assessed as aforesaid ujion such dwelling-houses, lands or slaves respectively, and a notification to pay, or cause to be paid the said taxes to the said collectors respectively, within thirty days after such notification shall be served as is herein provided ; Avhich copies, statements and notifications the surveyors receiving the same respec- tively shall cause to be personally served on the aforesaid persons re- spectively, or left at their usual places of abode ; and shall cause an affidavit thereof, by the person serving or leaving the same as aforesaid, with the time of such service or leaving, to be immediately transmitted to the aforesaid collector: and if such persons being notified in manner aforesaid, shall not, within sixty days thereafter, pay the said taxes to the collector of the collection district Avhere the said lands, dAvelling- houses, or slaA'es shall be situated, or transmit to him a receipt for the said taxes in the manner herein provided, then the said collector shall l)roceed to collect the said tax, by distress and sale as is herein directed : and if the persons owning or having the care and sujieinntendence of any such lands, dwelling-houses or slaves, shall not be known, then the aforesaid collectors shall cause the said copies, statements and notifica- tions to be published for sixty days in four Gazettes of the state, if there be so man}^ ; after which publication, if the said taxes shall not be paid, the said collectors shall proceed to collect the same by distress and sale in the manner herein provided. Sec. 12. Provided always, and be it further enacted. That if any person owning or having the superintendence or care of any dAvelling- houses, lands or slaves, in a collection district other than that in which X City Document No. 92. he resides, and being served witli such copy, statement and notification as is aforesaid, shall, within sixty days thereafter, pay the said taxes to the collector of the collection district within which he resides, and transmit a receipt therefor to the collector sending the said co^^y, statement and notification, such receipt shall be a discharge to the said last mentioned collector for the said taxes, and he shall thereupon foi'bear to collect them; and the collector giving such receipt shall become chai'geable with the said taxes, and shall account therefor in the final settlement of the accounts of his collection. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted. That when any tax assessed on lands or houses, shall have remained unpaid for the term of one year, the collector of the collection district within which such land or houses may be situated, having first advertised the same for two months, in six different public places within the said district, and in two Gazettes in the state, if there be so many, one of which shall be the Gazette in which the laws of such state shall be published by authority if any such there be, shall proceed to sell at public sale, and under the direction of the inspector of the survey, either the dwelling-house, or so much of the tract of land, (as the case may be) as may be necessary to satisfy the taxes due thereon ; together with costs and charges, not exceeding at the rate of one per centum, for each and every month the said tax shall have remained due and unpaid. Provided that in all cases, where any lands or tenements shall be sold as aforesaid, the owner of the said lands or tenements, his heirs, executors or administrators, shall have liberty to redeem the same at any time within two years, from the time of the sale, upon payment, or tender of payment, to the collector for the time being, for the use of the purchaser, his heirs or assigns of the amount of the said taxes, costs and charges, with interest for the same, at the rate of twelve per cent, j^er annum ; and upon payment or tender of payment as aforesaid such sale shall be void. And no deed shall be given in pursuance of any such sale, until the time of redemp- tion shall have expired. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted. That the supervisors of the respective districts, shall keep true and exact accounts of all taxes due and payable in each collection district, and shall charge the amount thereof to the collectors of such districts resj^ectiA'elj' : And the said collectors shall, at the expiration of every month after they shall, respectively, commence their collections, in manner aforesaid, render to the supervisor of the district, or the inspector of the survey within which the saitt collections shall, respectively, be made, a full and true account of the collections made by them, respectively, within the month, and paj over to the said supervisor or inspector, the monies by them respectively collected within the said term : And if any such col- lector shall fail or neglect to account and pay over, as aforesaid, at any of the periods above prescribed, such collector shall forfeit and pay three hundred dollars, to be recovered to the use of the United States, with costs of suit, in any court having competent jurisdiction : And where any monies shall have been joaid, as aforesaid, to the inspector of a survey, by any collector, the receipt of such inspector shall be allowed to such collector, in the final settlement of his accounts with the sujjervisor of the district. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That each of the said collectors shall complete the collection of all sums assigned to him for collection, as aforesaid, and shall account for, and pay over the same to the super- visor of the district, within one year and one month from and after the time when the said tax shall have become due and payable, in manner aforesaid; and if any collector shall fail so to collect, account, and pay over, it shall be the duty of the supervisor of the district, and he is hereby authorized and required to issue a warrant of distress against such delinquent collector and his sureties, directed to the marshal of the Repokt of Record Commissioners. xi district, tiierein expressing the amount of the taxes imposed on the district of such collector, and the sums, if any, which have been paid ; and the said marshal shall himself, or by his (ieputy, immediately pro- ceed to levy and collect the sum which may remain due, by distress and sale of goods and chattels, or any j^ersonal effects of the delinquent C(d- lector : and for want of goods, chattels, or effects aforesaid, sufficient to satisfy the said warrant, the same may be levied on the jjerson of the collector, who may be committed to prison, there to remain, until dis- charged in due course of law. And furthermore, notwithstanding the commitment of the collector to prison, as aforesaid, or if he abscond, and goods, chattels, and effects cannot be found, sufficient to satisfy the said waiTant, the said mai'shal, or his deputy, shall and may proceed to levy and collect the sum which may remain due, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels, or any jjersonal effects, of the surety or sureties of the delinquent collector. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted. That the amount of sums committed to any collector for collection, as aforesaid, shall, and the same are hereby declared to be a lien upon the lands and real estate of such collector, and his sureties, until the same shall be discharged, according to law ; and for want of goods and chattels, or other personal effec;ts of such collector, or his sureties, sufficient to satisfy any warrant of distress issued pursuant to the proceeding section of this act, the lands and real estate of such collector, and his sureties, or so much thereof as may be necessary for satisfying the said warrant, after being advertised for at least three weeks, in not less than three public places in the collection district, and in one newspaper printed in the county, if any there be, jorior to the proposed time of sale, may and shall be sold by the marshal or his deputy ; and for all lands and real estate sold, in jiursuance of the authoi'ity aforesaid, the conveyances of the marshals or their deputies, executed in due form of law, shall afford a valid title against all jDersons claiming imder the delinquent collectors, or their sureties, aforesaid ; and all moneys that may remain of the proceeds of such sale, after satisfying the said warrant of distress, and paying the reasonable costs and charges of sale, shall be I'eturned to the projirietor of the lands or real estate sold as aforesaid. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted. That it shall be lawful for the supervisors of the respective disti'icts, at any time, for good and suffi- cient cause, to dismiss or discharge each or any collector from office, and to commit the collection of any part of the said tax remaining un- collected, to a new collector; and immediately upon such dismission, and after a notification thereof, in at least two public places in the col- lection district, by the supervisor or the surveyor of the revenue for the district, on his behalf the powers of the collector so dismissed, shall cease and terminate; and if any collector so dismissed, shall wilfully refuse or neglect to surrender his collection list, and to render a true account of all monies collected, and to pay over the same, according to the directions of the supervisor, each and everj^ such collector shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars, with costs of suit, to be recovered to the use of the United States, in any court having competent jurisdiction : Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair the responsibility of any collector, or his sureties, arising under the foregoing provisions of this act. Sec. 18. And be it furtJier enacted. That each and every collector, who shall exercise, or be guilty of any extortion or oppression, under colour of this act, or shall demand other or greater sums than shall be authorized by law shall be liable to pay a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars to be recovered by and for the use of the party injured, with costs of suit, in any court having competent jurisdiction ; and each and every collector shall, if required, give receipts for all sums by them collected, and retained, in pursuance of this act. XII City Document No. 92. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That for collecting the said tax, there shall be allowed and paid the following sums, and no more, to be retained by the several officers hereinafter mentioned in the final settle- ment of their accounts, respectively ; tliat is to say : to each supervisor one half per centum on the whole amount of the monies by him re- ceived and accounted for, mider and by virtue of this act; to every inspector, one-fourth per centum, on the whole amount of the monies to be by him received and accounted for as aforesaid ; and to every col- lector, five per centum, on the whole amount of the monies by him to be received and accounted for as aforesaid : Provided, That no collector shall receive the said allowance, for, or in respect to any sum for which a warrant of distress shall have been issued by him; and Provided also. That no collector who shall refuse or neglect to render according to this act any monthly account of monies by him received, as aforesaid, or to pay over the same as is hereby directed shall be entitled to or receive the said allowance upon all or any of the monies by him collected, within the month for which he shall so refuse or neglect to account and pay over, as aforesaid. Sec. ^^20. And be it further enacted. That there shall be allowed to the surveyors of the revenue, respectively, to be paid by the supervisors, respectively, and exhibited in their accounts, as part of the charge of the said collection, for preparing collection lists, and computing the taxes payable for each individual, at the rate of one dollar for eveiy hundred taxables contained in any such list. Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That a separate account shall bo kept at the Treasury of the United States of all mo:iies to be collected and received by virtue of this act; distinguishing the several amounts received from dwelling houses, from slaves, and from lands, within each state, and also distinguishing the amount received in each state from each separate description of dwelling-houses, paying the same rate per centum. JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the House of Rejoresentatives. THEODORE SEDGWICK, President of the Senate, pro tempore. Appi'oved, July 14, 1798: JOHN ADAMS, President of the United States. Report of Recokd Commissioners. xiii The United States Census of 1790 was printed in a small pamphlet, entitled, " llctuvn of the whole nmiiber of persons within the several districts of the United States, according to 'An Act providing for the P^nunieration of the Inhal)itants of the United States,' passed March 1st, 1790. Printed by order of the House of Representatives. Philadelphia : printed by Joseph Gates ; No. 23 South Third Street. Pp. 56." As this pamphlet is very scarce and does not seem to have been reprinted, I h;ive thought it best to re])ublish the statistics relating to Maine and Massachusetts. It will be noted that Col. Samuel Biadford, whose note-book of names in Boston has fortunately been preserved, was the enumer- ator for eight other towns in the vicinity of Boston. The act required the marshals of the several districts to mike the census, being paid various salaries therefor; for example, two hundred dollars for Maine and three hundred for Massachusetts. They appointed all necessary deputies, who were paid one dollar for every 150 persons returned, or for a less number in sections thinly settled. The assistants were to post up copies of their returns in the two most public places in their districts, and the marshals were to file the completed returns with the clerks of their respective district courts. W. H. W. The list of enumerators as printed in the original pamphlet is as follows : — Massachusetts . To Col. Samuel Bradford of Boston, 9 Towns and the Islands in the harbour of Boston. Col. John Steele Tyler, of Roxbury, 14 The whole of Suffolk — county, 23 Mr. William Ingalls of Newbury port, 9 Mr. B. Stevens of Salem, 9 Mr. J. Wingate of Haver- hill, 4 North of Merimack river — in Essex County, The whole of Essex county. 22 The above mentioned Wingate, 1^ North of the Merrimack in Middlesex county. XIV City Document No. 92. Maj. Aaron Brown of Groton, 19 Brio-, Gen. Henry Woods ofPepperell, 20 J The whole of Middlesex county Maj. Gen. William Shep- 33 on the west side of Con- necticut river, ard of Westtield , Hon. D. Sexton of Deer- field, 27 on the east side of said — river, and Deei"field besides. The whole of Hampshire county. The last mentioned Thomas, Hon. David Cobb of Taun- ton, Maj. B. Kimbal of Har- vard, Mr. P. Foster of Brook- field, Mr. J. Paine of Wor- cester, Henry W. Dwight, Esq. of Stockbridge, Mr. Thomas Allen, jun. of Pittsfield, The island counties of Dukes count}' and Nantucket, The whole of Bristol county, 17 Towns and gores adjoin- in of. 16 Do. do. 16 The whole of Worcester — county. 14 Towns, gores, &c. ad- joining. 12 Do. do. The whole of Berkshire county. 41 60 Hon. J. Thomas of Ply- mouth, Capt. J. Thomas of Ply- mouth, The whole of Plymouth county. 15 The whole of Barnstable county. 10 15 49 26 265 N.B. The said District of Massachusetts, (not compre- Eeport or Eecord Commissioners. XV bending the old Province of Maine,) contains but eleven counties ; in which are two hundred and fifty-five towns, besides some few districts, gores of land, plantations, &c. not incorporated, and islands upon the sea-coast ; the in- habitants of all which are included in the following enumera- tion : — MASSACHUSETTS. [Note. — There are obvious typographical erroi"s in these figures. I have not tried to correct them, but liave marked a few, which 1 have observed, with an asterisk. — W. H. W.] (0 3 O 1 o i m ^ c3 a a 3 1) "3 ^ "3 a a o SUFFOLK COUNTY. «4-4 S« 0) *M J3 a C ;h u ^ '^i^ 2-0 3 1-, a) O ^ p= ^^'H ^7" ^ o 2 o a a S« S o a> o _ o n 3 s g'-' ^ g'a ;~, o ^ !zi f^ fi< PR 1 S. Bradford's Return. 1 Boston 2376 3343 4325 3376 9576* 761 118038 Roxbury 2S7 351 617 459 1110 40 2-221} Brookline 61 68 152 94 225 13 484 Dorchester 256 311 488 345 850 30 1722* Milton 153 184 271 205 536 27 1039 Hingham 337 411 505 454 1102 24 2085 Coh asset 126 159 188 212 417 8:7 Hull 21 25 24 31 63 2 120 Chelsea 60 81 134 95 222 21 472 Islands in the harbour of Boston 15 15 192 19 66 5 282 3692 4948 6896 5290 14176* 923 27285 J. S. Tyler's Return. Bellingham 106 121 187 184 362 2 735 Braintree 420 488 687 640 1426 IS 2771 Dedham 255 288 438 360 845 16 1G59 Dover 82 90 120 112 249 4 485 Foxborough 109 117 165 169 340 674 Franklin 155 186 305 235 558 3 1101 Medvvay 159 187 282 210 522 21 1035 Medfield 114 129 201 120 395 15 731 Needham 167 208 277 274 566 13 1130 Sharon 161 189 256 258 515 5 1034 Stoughton 315 356 484 477 1012 21 1994 Walpole 145 175 256 250 494 5 1005 Wrenthani 243 278 471 387 907 2 17C7 Weymouth 232 278 346 368 747 8 1469 Total of J. S. Tyler's return 2663 3090 4475 4044 8938 133 17590 S. Bradford's 3692 4948 6896 5290 14176 923 27285 Total of Snfod 6355 8038 11371 9334 23114 1056 44875 XVI City Document No. 1)2. o a o .2 (4-1 < o a. a 3 "3 oD a ft 0) o ESSEX COUNTY. O z a =3 as > •Ir^ ;-H a a 1 a 3 .a CO J3 o PR _ o O o TV. IngalVs Return. I iSTewbuiyport 61G 939 1155 1071 2541 70 4837 Newbuiy 538 723 1039 844 2047 42 3972 Gloucester 673 1006 1267 1216 2793 41 5317 Ipswich 601 881 1151 916 2416 79 4562 Audovei' 402 525 743 612 1414 £4 2863 Rowley 278 328 453 366 944 9 1772 Bradford 196 253 378 263 725 5 1371 Boxford 128 1C3 247 191 481 6 925 Topslield 107 150 213 156 398 13 780 3539 4968 6646 5635 13759 359 26399 B. Stevens^ Return. Salem 928 1493 1845 1710 4106 260 7921 Marbleliead 618 1104 1265 1327 2982 87 5661 Beverly 422 637 748 733 1751 58 3290 Danvers 372 460 626 486 1279 34 2425 Lynn 300 404 625 514 1132 20 2291 Manchester 142 196 234 204 518 9 965 Middleton 102 119 164 140 362 16 682 Wenham 74 92 114 109 269 10 502 Lynnfield 66 82 119 108 261 3 491 3024 4587 5740 5331 12660 497 24228 J. Wingate^s Return of the To'wns in Essex North of the Merri- mack. Salisbury 267 325 458 381 931 10 1780 Almsbury 303 351 470 384 944 3 1801 Haverhill 330 435 611 539 1251 7 2408 JNIethuen 181 217 338 292 663 4 1297 Total of J. Wingate's 1081 1328 1877 1596 3789 24 7286 W. IngalVs 3539 4968 6646 5635 13759 359 26399 B. Stevens' 3024 4587 5740 5331 12660 497 24228 Total of Essex 7644 10883 14263 12562 30208 880 57913 Eeport of Record Commissioners. XVII o J *H 1 O ft S a a a a b Si g >2J a o MIDDLESEX COUNTY. «fH 0) rQ >- a o a o o ■^ !>s -^j u o 3 tU 5 o S ^ 0) 5 ■ "S 3 a 3 0) CD „ o "3 o ^ ^ ^ ^ S < " H A. Brown's Return. Cambridge 355 535 454 1066 60 2115 Lincoln 125 180 184 370 6 740 Concord 293 415 314 832 29 1590 Bedford 89 150 117 254 2 523 Billerica 217 335 256 595 5 1191 Medford 187 260 215 520 34 1029 Woburn 326 452 397 855 22 1727 Chelmsford 209 327 293 572 12 1144 Reading 341 480 386 905 31 1802 Tewksbury 163 239 229 483 7 958. Charlestown 288 395 354 809 25 1583' Waltham 141 234 208 430 10 882 Watertown 164 319 250 511 11 1091 Carlisle 96 149 99 305 2 555 West-ford 220 301 306 618 4. 1229^ Wilmington 134 181 172 345 12 710 Groton 322 477 429 929 5 1840, Maiden 193 239 214 560 20 1033 Stoneham 72 108 83 182 8 381 3183 3935 5576 4900 11141 306 22123 H. Wood^s Return. Pepperell 164 209 286 245 581 20 1132 Townsend 145 185 273 244 472 4 993 Shirley 99 115 166 155 354 2 677 Dmistable 59 67 107 79 193 1 380 Ashby 110 122 187 194 369 1 751 Boxborough 51 67 100 86 217 9 412 Marlborough 218 288 425 340 781 8 1554 Lexington 135 176 251 212 470 8 941 East-Sudbmy 112 144 206 176 410 9 801 Sudbmy 175 240 326 287 675 2 1290 Acton 120 140 216 204 427 6 853 Natick 75 113 142 134 300 39 615 Littleton 121 159 223 177 438 16 854 Framingham 221 292 394 350 828 26 1598 Sherbm'n 92 150 211 192 392 6 801 Hopkinton 169 220 311 329 665 12 1317 Holliston i 95 150 237 199 424 15 875 Newton 175 237 336 301 698 25 1360 Stow 130 145 206 195 397 3 801 Weston 132 173 256 227 504 23 1010 Tyngsl:)orough onW. ) side Merimack \ 31 35 52 46 87 17 202 2629 3427 4911 4372 9682 252 19217 XVIII City Document No. 92. i .s '0 a, a 0) s a o a ^•S '3 a! a a) MIDDLESEX COUNTY, ^ 3 o o a 3 a o a a§ a rt CD I'i a p< a 2 U ^ . o a _ o a o a 'o "a o H D. Sexton'' s lielurn Deerfield 181 191 354 806 646 24 1330 Springfield 238 266 415 359 787 13 1574 Long Meadow 119 126 200 182 856 6 744 Hadley 132 143 240 187 436 19 882 Soulh-Hadley Sunderland 113 73 118 74 209 123 181 101 859 237 10 1 759 462 IMontague 150 154 236 217 451 2 906 Noi-thlield 120 122 224 224 415 5 868 AVilbraham 223 230 382 393 759 25 1555 Amhei'st 176 183 335 287 609 2 1233 Granby 93 100 164 154 276 2 596 Brimfield 172 178 318 309 582 2 1211 South-Brimfield 98 99 144 171 291 606 Holland 65 66 115 97 204 12 428 Ludlow 86 94 134 158 266 2 560 Monson 188 194 336 324 658 18 1831 Palmer 117 125 215 186 896 12 809 Belcliertown 238 240 870 396 713 6 1485 Greenwich 171 174 271 265 504 5 1045 Pelham 153 159 246 277 517 1040 Leverett 86 87 126 129 268 1 524 Shutesbury Wendell 117 79 117 80 160 130 196 147 315 242 8 674 519 Ware 116 116 189 205 378 1 773 Warwick 176 179 279 108 657 2 1246 New-Salem 254 261 390 887 765 1 1543 Orange 117 122 186 203 395 784 Total of D. Sexton's 3861 3998 6491 6349 12478 174 25487 W. SheparcVs 5330 5619 8628 8663 16626 277 34194 Total of Hamjyshire 9181 9617 15119 15012 29099 451 59681 XVIII City Document No. 92. o .2 'o i, a ^ a MIDDLESEX COUNTY, o 11 I- a a> A ct {Continued.) o o •ti ^ ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^trs. ^- ^ ■" a a n 3 22^ 9 tj 4) 2 o ^ ^ fe F=4 fe < H J. Wingate's Return. TyngsboroughonN. } side JNIerimack \ 26 32 43 50 87 180 Dracut 160 186 310 284 584 39 1217 Total of J. Wingate's 186 218 353 334 671 39 1397 A. Broion''s 3183 4935 5776 4900 11141 306 22123 H. WoocVs 2629 3427 4911 4372 9682 252 19217 Total of Middlesex 5998" 7580 11040 9606 21494 597 42737 HA31PSHIBE COUNTY. W. ShepafrFs Beiurn. Northamijton 242 259 498 341 771 18 1628 Easthampton 75 77 127 108 221 • 1 457 Southamjjton 130 135 226 178 418 7 829 Westhampton 101 102 163 185 333 2 683 West Sj^ringfield 372 384 630 525 1160 52 2367 Hatfield 103 110 199 147 343 14 703 Greenfield 224 240 391 390 714 3 1498 Westfield 326 348 527 565 1054 58 2204 Whately 120 130 184 199 352 1 736 Wil liamsburgh 159 173 258 261 520 10 1049 Granville 319 334 496 501 969 13 1979 Colerain 229 245 348 371 687 11 1417 Worthington 181 188 287 277 547 5 1116 Goshen 102 103 161 185 327 8 681 Shelburne 169 184 300 273 598 12 1183 Conway 306 321 500 558 1021 13 2092 Blandford 235 239 345 359 703 9 1416 Bernardston 101 108 176 172 343 691 Leyden 150 155 208 298 481 2 989 Charlemont 106 110 166 173 326 665 Chester 177 187 285 300 527 7 1119 Chesterfield 180 190 283 317 581 2 1183 Ashfield 243 261 354 369 735 1 1459 South wick 123 148 215 217 397 12 841 Norwich 126 129 187 199 3.52 4 742 Montgomery 72 74 .110 116 221 2 449 Cummington 140 148 237 212 419 5 873 Plainfield 81 85 109 120 224 5 458 Middlefleld 97 101 155 173 280 608 Buekland 119 124 164 191 363 718 Rowe 76 79 119 122 202 443 Heath 58 58 86 105 188 379 Plantation No. 7 88 90 134 156 249 539 5330 5619 8628 8663 16626 277 34194 Repokt of Record Commissioners. XIX HAMPSHIRE COUNTY, O A a li 3 — as a 0) o A (Continued.) O o S.1 2 u 0) '^ ^ % f=^-H f=^ ^ o a o a 3 a 3 gS^ 2-a 2 __ o feq Izi pR fc (i( < " H D. Sexton's Keturn Deerfield 181 191 354 306 646 24 1330 Springfield 238 266 415 359 787 13 1574 Long Meadow 119 126 200 182 356 6 744 Hadley 132 143 240 187 436 19 882 South- Hadley 113 118 209 181 359 10 759 Sunderland 73 74 123 101 237 1 462 INlontague 150 154 236 217 451 2 906 Northlield 120 122 224 224 415 5 868 Wilbraham 223 230 382 393 759 25 1555 Amherst 176 183 335 287 609 2 1233 Granby 93 100 164 154 276 2 596 Brimfield 172 178 318 309 582 2 1211 South-Brimfield 98 99 144 171 291 606 Holland 65 66 115 97 204 12 428 Ludlow 86 94 134 158 266 2 560 Monson 188 194 336 324 653 18 1331 Palmer 117 125 215 186 396 12 809 Belchertown 238 240 370 396 713 6 1485 Greenwich 171 171 271 265 504 5 1045 Pelham 153 159 246 277 517 1040 Leverett 86 87 126 129 268 1 524 Shutesbury 117 117 160 196 315 3 674 Wendell 79 80 130 147 242 519 Ware 116 116 189 205 378 1 773 Warwick 176 179 279 108 657 2 1246 New-Salem 254 261 390 387 765 1 1543 Orange 117 122 186 203 395 784 Total of D. Sexton'' s 3851 3998 6491 6349 12473 174 25487 W. Shepard's 5330 5619 8628 8663 16626 277 34194 Total of Haynpshire 9181 9617 15119 15012 29099 451 59681 XX City Documen^t Xo. 92. o _2 O ^ a 3 53 p. a o 3 P s "3 _; S 2 a 2 2 PLYMOUTH COUNTY. %^ ^ § o .ti >> u i-t S g '^ ,q-^ ^ <*-( X! ,o ^>^'° ^-' ^ a g 3 r^l !■§ CM " o o< a 3 a s > -^ :-< o t- ^ Sg^ ^O ^ MH QJ ^ ^>r= ^-^ ^ o a o S 3 a 3 |S^ OJ ;_ „ o "3 o fe5 !z; ^ fe fR < "^ H H. W. DiviglWs Return. Stockbridge 198 311 322 639 64 1336 West Stockbridge 178 260 293 645 10 1113 Lee 203 286 310 571 3 1170 Becket 127 195 187 362 7 751 Loudon 62 96 84 164 344 Tyringham 236 337 368 683 9 1397 Great Barrington 221 328 335 664 46 1373 Alford 98 142 173 262 577 Egremont 122 187 191 376 5 759 Mount Washington 43 57 78 126 261 Sheffield 330 470 463 934 32 1899 New Marlborough 253 895 400 742 13 1560 Sandisfield 258 382 380 810 9 1581 Bethlehem 48 62 73 125 1 261 South 11000 acres ad- ? joining Sandisfield \ 27 37 43 81 161 Boston Corner ad-S joining Mt. Wash- > 12 13 21 33 67 ington ) 2207 2416 3558 3726 7117 199 14600 T. Allen, Jr.''s Return. Lanesborough 346 522 547 1058 15 2142 Adams 325 473 560 1003 4 2040 Pittsfleld 312 494 496 957 45 1992 Williamstown 270 445 454 865 5 1769 Bichmond 176 336 291 624 4 1255 Lenox 181 279 299 674 17 1169 Hancock 190 297 325 688 1 1211 Partridgefield 172 250 279 500 3 1041 Windsor 151 222 233 454 7 916 Washington 96 143 160 283 2 688 Dal ton 94 129 134 283 8 654 New Ashford 78 92 126 240 2 460 In the gore adjoin-^ ing Adams and > 73 102 121 191 11 425 Windsor ) In the gore adjoin- > 7 8 22 21 51 ing Williamstown \ Total of T. Allen, Jr. 2257 2471 3792 4047 7650 124 15613 H.W.Du-ighVs 2207 2416 3558 3726 7117 199 14600 Zoar, a plantation'^ returned by W. > 12 12 16 20 42 78 Sliepard ) Total of Berkshire 4476 4899 7366 7793 14809 323 30291 Eeport of Record Commissioners. XXV a p a «4-l 1 Bi IB 3 ■?-2 a rt & a Counties in the district of o A .2 a =« ei £ J3 Massachusetts. -% ^ '!i, >> ^ 01 u XI g ai J3 to <*-! ,0 rf2 ^ ^ !>.'2 ^^ & ■S "0 a a a » to ? ^ % "A ^ ta &H lin < H Suffolk 23 6355 8038 11371 9334 23114 1056 44875 Essex 22 7644 10883 14263 12562 30208 880 57913 jNliddlesex 41 5998 7580 11040 9606 21494 597 42737 Hampshire 60 9181 9617 15119 15012 29099 451 59681 Plymouth 15 4240 5173 7500 6534 14998 503 29535 Bristol 15 4514 5541 7964 6942 16074 729 31709 Bai'nstable 10 2343 2889 4200 4097 8685 372 17354 Duke's County 3^ 1013 ^558 822 714 1696 33 3265 Nantucket 1 \ )872 1193 1016 2301 110 4620 Worcester 49 8613 9729 14615 13679 28104 409 56807 Berkshire 26 4476 4899 7366 7793 14809 323 30291 Eleven Counties 265 54377 65779 95453 87289 190582 5463 378787 A Copy examined. JON A. JACKSON, Marshal of the District of Massachusetts. MAINE. [Note. — The returns from the District of Maine have only one column of figures, jDresumably the total pojpulation. — W. H. W.] K itteiy York Wells Arundel Hiddeford Pepperelborough Little Falls Little Ossej^ee Berwick Lebanon Shapleigh Washington Parsonfield York County. 8250 Francisborough 311 2900 Limrick 411 3070 Waterborougli 965 1458 Coxhall 775 1018 Sanford 1802 1352 Frysburgh 547 607 Brownfield and Suncook 250 662 Waterford and Penecook 250 3894 New-Andover, Hiram and ) 214 1275 Porterfield \ 1329 Buxton 1564 262 28821 XXVI City Documext No. 92. Cumberland County. Portland 2240 Butterfield 189 Gorhani 224-1 Ruffield 448 Scarborough 2235 Turner 849 Falmouth 2991 Bucktown 453 Cajje Elizabeth 1355 ShejDherdfield 530 New-Gloucester 1858 Bakerstown 1276 Grey 577 North Yarmouth 1978 Windham 938 Freeport 1330 Otisfield 197 Durham 724 Raymondtown 345 Brunswick 1887 Bridgton 329 Harpswell 1071 Flinstown 190 Standish 716 25450 Lincoln County. Pownalborough 2055 Lewistown 682 Woolwich 797 Fairfield 492 Georgetown 1333 Prescott & Carr's Plantation 159 Bath 949 Sandy River No. 2. 130 Topsham 826 Sandy River No. 1 494 Boothbay 997 Sandy River No. 3 .350 Edgcomb 855 Hancock 278 Newcastle 896 Winslow 779 Pittston 605 Canaan 454 Hallowell 1194 Norridgwalk 376 Bowdoinham 455 Titcomb 264 Nobleborough 516 Karatunk 103 Waldoborough 1210 Sandy River No. 4 327 Bristol 1718 Little River 64 Gushing 942 Smithtown 521 Warren 646 Wales 439 Thomaston 801 Green 639 Meduncook 322 New-Sandwich 297 Union 200 Washington 618 Winthrop 1240 Sterling 166 Balltown 1072 Roekymekoe 103 Bowdoin 983 Little borough 263 Vassal borough Jones' Plantation 1240 262 29962 Hancock County. Penobscot Vinalhaven Deer Isle Eastern River Buckstown Orrington Edeston Comduskeeg Franckfort Mount-Desert Goldsborough Sullivan Trenton 048 Township No. 6 239 578 Bluehill 274 682 Sedgwick 569 240 Belfast 245 816 Ducktrap 278 477 Canaan 132 110 Barretstown 173 567 Camden 381 891 Islesborough 382 744 Orplian Island 124 267 Small Islands 66 504 312 9549 Report of Record Commissioners. XXVII Washington County. 818 66 Machias Plantations east of Machias, No. 1 No. 2 .'144 No. 4 54 No. 5 84 No. 8 244 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 29 42 37 54 7 Plantations west of Machias, No. 4 [ 238 No. 5 177 No. 6 . 208 No. 11 . 95 No. 12 . 8 No. 13 . 223 No. 22 . 175 Buckharbour 61 2758 Cmmties. York . Cumberland Lincoln Hancock Washington Total 28821 25450 29962 9549 2758 96540 HENRY DEARBORN, Marshal of Maine District PAETICULAR OR SUB-DIVISION LIST OF ALL LANDS, LOTS, BUILDINGS, AND WHARVES, BE- ING WITHIN THE TOWN OF BOSTON IN THE ASSESS- MENT DISTRICT NO. ONE IN THE FOURTH DIVISION, STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, OWNED, POSSESSED, OR OCCUPIED ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1798, EXCEPTING ONLY SUCH DWELLIN'G HOUSES AS WITH THE OUT-HOUSES APPURTENANT THERETO, AND THE LOTS ON WHICH THEY ARE ERECTED, NOT EXCEED- ING TWO ACRES IN ANY CASE, ARE ABOVE THE VALUE OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. WARD NO. 1, BOOK 35. Diana Adams, Hosea Gould, William Appleton, occupants ; Diana Adams, owner. One Wharf on which are 1 Store 38 by 38 ; 1 do. 19 by 40 ; 1 do. 20 by 40. Situated on the North Mill Stream ; Southerly 205 feet ; East & Westerly 73 feet. 14,965 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Unoccupied ; Diana Adams, owner. One Lott Land. On Lynn Street, measuring 10,022 feet. Valued at 500 Dollars. Silas Atkins, occupant and owner. One Wharf. Bounded Westerly by Charles River ; Southerly by Charles River Bridge 80 by 50 feet. 1 store of wood, 3 Storeys, measuring 1,540 feet, Fronting Charles River ; Westerly on Lynn Street ; East on Cops Hill. 4,000 square feet, wharf 1,540 square feet, store, valued at 3,500 Dollars. City Document No. 92. Samuel Ash, occupant and owner. One House lott with a Wood House Frame theron. Situated on Lynn Street Northerly ; Easterly on Caleb Clap ; Westerly on David Corbitt. 3,996 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Samuel Burril, occupant and owner. One Wharf, 1 Blacksmith Shop theron, 24 by 58 feet. Bounded South East by Jeffry Russells Wharf ; S. W. on J. Nowell ; N.W. on Ship Street, N.E. on the Sea. 2,502 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Caleb Clap, occupant and owner. One Lot of Land. On Lynn Street, Northerly ; Easterly on Thompson's ; Westerly on Sam. Ash. 5,508 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. David Corbitt, occupant and owner. One Lot of Land. On Lynn Street Northerly ; Westerly on David Townsend. 2,250 square feet, value 1,200 Dollars. Benj. Gooding & Walter Perkins, occupants ; Benjamin Gooding, owner. One Wharf. On Lynn Street Southerly 82 feet ; Easterly on Smith & Highler, 100; Northerly on the Sea, 70 ; Westerly on Charles River, 115 feet. 8,132 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Joseph Hussey, occupant and owner. One Store of Wood, 3 storeys. Southerly on a pnssage way to the North Mills ; Northerly on Thomas Whitman ; Westerly on Warner ; Easterly on Appleton. 990 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Thomas Harris, occupant and owner. One Lott Land with a building theron. Northerly on Lynn Street; Westerly on Benj. Gooding; Southerly on Smith & Highler. 2,160 feet, valued at 1,400 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. Eevereni) Simeon Howard, occupant and owner. One Lott Land on Hull Street, bounded on the Burial Ground, Cops Hill. 19,126 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Moses Hall, occupant and owner. A Distill House, a Pump House therewith. Situated near the Mill Pond and Princes Street. 2,100 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Thomas Kast, occupant and owner. A Lott of Land. Situated N. on Lynn Street, 31 feet, on Thomas Atkins ; AVesterly, 113 feet, on David Townsend ; Southerly, 29 feet. 3,390 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Ephram Lumbard, occupant and owner. One Lott Land fronting on Lynn Street. 5,500 Square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Andrew Leach, occupant and owner. A Wharf & Store of Wood, 26 by 80. Southerly on Lynn Street ; East on William Young ; No. on Chailes River ; West on Eleazer Homer. 6,920 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Patric McBride, occupant and owner. One Lott Land. Northerly on Lynn Street ; W. on David Corbett ; E. on Sam Ash ; So. by Peirce & others. 275 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Edw. 1'rocter, occupant and owner. One Lott Land with a Small Store & Wharf, 6,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Edmund Hart, occupant ; Edward Robins, owner. One Lott Land, measuring 60 by 300. On Lynn Street, Northerly ; Easterly on Fosters Lane ; Westerly on Eraei'son ; So. on Richardson. 18,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. City Document No. 92. Paul Revere, occupant and owner, A Lott of Land on which is a Foundry, 40 by 46. Situated Northerly on Lynn Street ; Westerly, Fosters Lane ; E. on Thos. Dillaway ; Southerly on Perkins. 10,675 square feet, valued at 750 Dollars. Enoch Rust, occupant and owner. A Wharf, Store, & Boat Shed. N.E. on Princes Street, 57 feet; So. on Adams, 42 feet; thence S. Westerly, 70 feet; N.W. on Charles River, 45 feet. 2,814 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars, Sahth & HiLER, occupant and owners. A Wharf on which is a Work Shop, 40 by 15. Fronting Southerly on Linn Street ; E, on Colo. Procter ; W. on B. Gooding, with a Small Wharf adjoining, 12 by 30. 4,400 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Smith & Hiler, Parker Emerson, occupants ; Smith & Hiler owners. One Lott Land, a Frame theron, 35 by 14 feet. On Lime Alley, adjoining B. Gooding. 625 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Smith & Highler, owners. A Lot of Land. Fronting North on Lime Street, adjoining B. Gooding and Thos Harris. 284 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Unoccupied ; David Townsend, owner. A. Lott of Land on which is Soap Works 40 by 20. Situated N. on Lynn Street ; East on David Corbett ; West- erly on Land D Kast. 4,000 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. Samuel Welsh, occupant; Samuel Welsh & Others, owner. A Grist Mill 55 by 40 feet. Standing on the East end of the Causeway of Boston. 2,200 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 17LI8. Samuel Welsh, occupant ; Samuel Welsh & Others, owner. A Wooden Shed. Adjoining the above Mill Westerly standing on Piers. 240 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Jonah Welsh, occupant and owner. A Chocolate Mill adjoining the above Shed. One Story high built with Brick on the Causeway of Mill pond adjoining the above Mill. 900 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. WARD ^O. 2, BOOK 37. Sarah Bulfinch & Watts, occupants ; Jeremiah Bulfiuch owner. One Wharf. Fronting Southerly on Lynn Street, adjoining his house lott, 31 feet ; Easterly on Samuel Harris, 76 feet ; N. on the Sea, 31 feet; W. on Mr. Alley, 76 feet. 2,356 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Ballard & Hart, occupants ; James Clarke, owner. A Yard for Ship Building. Southerly on Ship Street ; Easterly on Eben Parsons ; Westerly on May & Gay ; N. on the Sea. 6,400 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Smith & Highleb, occupants ; Abagail Furber, owner. A Wharf adjoining her House Lott One Shop & Shed theron. Fronting Southerly on Ship Street 30 ft. ; Easterly on J, Rhoads 160 ; No. on the Sea 30 ft. 4,800 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Mat & G-AT, occupants and owners. Union Wharf so called having Six Stores of Wood theron Measuring 300 feet by 100 Vis 1 Store 25 by 48 feet ; 1 do, 16 by 40 ; 1 do, 18 by 40 ; 1 do, 16 by 75 ; 1 do, 16 by 60; 1 do, 16 by 50. Northerly on Rhoad Yard ; E. on the Sea ; So. on Clarks yard. 30,000 square feet, valued at 15,000 Dollars. City Docibient No. 92. Harris & Caeey, occupants ; Samuel Harris, owner. A Mast Yard one Shed theron, 18 by 30 feet. Westerly on Jeremiah Bulfinch, East on Barnes ; N. on Charles River ; So. on Lynn Street. 2,380 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Edmund Hart, occupant and owner. A Ship yard on which are 1 Store, 40 by 56 ; 1 Smiths Shop. 20 by 40 ; 1 Shed for workmen, 15 by 130 feet. S. W. on Ship Street ; N. W. on Tho. Stoddard ; S. E. on J° Floyd ; N. E. on the Sea. 9,240 square feet, valued at 10,000 Dollars. DocT Hunt, occupant and owner. One Shop. In a Corner of North Street & Charter Street. 300 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Daniel Lillie, Jun., occupant and owner. A Boat Builders Shop, 20 by 50 feet. No. on Jeffery & Russells Wharf, the whole Lott including the Shop is 40 by 96 feet. 3,840 square feet, valued at 750 Dollars. Thomas Leach, occupant ; John Leach, owner. A Wharf on which is a Store 19 by 21 feet. Easterly on Abigail Furber ; Northerly on the Sea ; West- erly on Pitman & Lincoln ; Southerly on Ship Street. 7,448 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Joseph Russell, occupant ; Russell & Jeffrey, owners. A Wharf whereon are a Store 40 by 60 ; a Spermacitte Works 40 by 60. Bounded Westerly on S. Burrell : Northerly on the Sea ; Southerly on Ship Street. 21,730 square feet, valued at 15,000 Dollars. Jacob Rhoads, occupant and owner. One Wharf & Ship yard, a Store & Workhouse. Easterly l^y May & Gay ; No. on the Sea ; Westerly on Abigail Furber ; Southerly on Ship Street. 9,260 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. John Truman, occupant and owner. A Wharf with a Shed theron. Southerly on Ship Street ; No. on the Sea ; W. on D. Lillie ; Easterly on Juo. Sweetser. 2,450 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. John Hooton, occupant; H. H. Williams, owner. A Wharf. Bounded S.W. by Greenough; N.E. on Charles Eiver, with a Barn 16 by 45. 5,120 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. WARD ISO. 3, BOOK 38. George Bright, occupant and owner. One p of Land with a Joiners Shop theron, built of Wood. On Fish Street Northerly ; Easterly on a Passage way ; W. on Cap Cushing. 1,161 square feet, valued at 950 Dollars. FowLE & Dyer and William Capen Jun., occupants ; William Capen, owner. A piece of Land, a Carpenter Shop theron. Li Ship Street, N.E. on Jn" & Simeon Skilling; S.W. on D. Merry, 36 by 17. 1,428 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Terrance M°Corristaine, occupant ; Reverend Joseph Eckley, owner. One Peice of Land, a Store theron 20 by 14. St'd Fish Street, Easterly on a Passage way to Hancock Wharf ; No. on a passage to Merrys Wharf ; Westerly on James Free) and. 280 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. Unimproved ; Reverend Joseph Eckley, owner. One Piece Land 20 by 130 feet. Situated Fish Street ; Easterly on Jn" Hoffman ; Westerly on William M^Kean. 2,600 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. City Document No. 92. Used as a passage way leading to Hancocks "WTiarf ; Rever- end Joseph Ecklet, owner. One piece Land 90 by 75. Fish Street, Westerly on Jn° Hoffman & Others ; Easterly on Dan Merry. 6,750 square feet, valued at 544 Dollars. Dawes & Lang, occupants ; James Freeland, owner. One p Land with a Barbers Shop theron 24 by 16. On Fish Street No. Easterly, Easterly William M'^Kean ; Westerly himself. 324 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Frances & Blake, occupants ; Frances & William Blake, owners. A Wharf with One Barn & Shop theron. Fish Street, No. Easterly on Jos. Hemmmway , So. West- erly on James Torry, Barn 20 by 30. 7,431 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. GoDBOLT, occupant and owner. A peice of Land, a Shop theron 10 by 12. Situated on Princes Street, N.E. on Levi Lane ; W. on Jn" Hooton Jun. ; Southerly on Jn". Skilling. 860 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. David Goodwin, owner. One peice Land 16 by 20. Situated in Fleet Street ; No. on said Street, Westerly on Dan Waters. 320 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Henry Dewhurst, occupant; Jn°. Hoffman, owner. One peice Land a Blacksmith Shop theron. On Fish Street, Easterly on Simeon Hall ; Westerly on himself. 240 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Joseph Hemminwat, owner. A Wharf e & peice Land with a Shed theron, 50 by 18. Situated on Fish Street, Easterly on Ed. H. Robbins ; West- erly on Frances & Blake. 2,700 square feet, valued at 750 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. Joseph Hemminway, occupant and owner. A peice of Land & an Old Shed theron. Fish Street, bounded West on the Town Slip ; So. on Jn° White ; No. on Benj Page. 600 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Simeon Hall, occupant and owner. A p Land with a Blacksmith Shop theron. Fish Street, No. on Jn° Hoffman ; So. on Eeverend Doct. Eckley, 17 by 20. 340 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Enoch James, occupant and owner. A p. Land with a Store & Blacksmith Shop theron. On Lewis's Wharf in Fish Street, S.W. on Lewis's ; N.E. on Hancocks Wharf, 35 by 22 & 67 by 22. Stores & shop, 2,244 square feet; store, 1,000 Dollars, shop, 1,200 Dollars ; valued at 2,200 Dollars. Edw. Burt, Tho. Pook, Jonathan Gushing, & Ed. Procter, occupants ; Levi Lane, owner. 1 Wharf, 1 Cooper Shop, 1 Sail Loft & Store on the Same. Situated on Fish Street, Westerly on the Town Slip ; East- erly on Jam^ Torry Wharf, covering 13,400 square feet. Loft & Store, 1,844. Cooper Shop, 720. 13,400 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Thomas Lewis, occupant; Thos. Lewis & Thos. Lewis, Jun., owners. One Wharf, with 3 Stores theron. Situated in Fish Street, N. Easterly on Hancock's Estate ; S.W. on E. Thomas ; N. W. on the Street. Stores covering 1. 750") 1. 440 f 2,150; Wharf, 7,000. 1. 9603 9,150 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Thomas & Watts and Moses Piper, occupants ; Thomas Lewis & Elias Thomas, owners. A Wharf with one Store theron 20 by 60 feet. Situated in Fish Street, N. W. on E. H. Robins ; W. on J. ^ Hemenway. 4,500 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. 10 City Document No. 92. William Little, occupant and owner. A peice of Land with a Shop theron 20 by 30. Middle Street, West on Widow Swaine ; N.E. & So. on Himself. 600 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Mess. Drumond, Fowl & Dyer, Creaw & Foster, occupants ; Daniel Merry, owner. One Wharf, 4 Shops, & a Store theron ; Store 22 by 18 ; 4 Shops 18 by 50 Each. Fish Street, S.W. on Hancocks Wharf; N.E. on Jn". & Simeon Skilling. 11,000 square feet, valued at 6,500 Dollars. Jonathan Merry, occupant and owner. One Wharf 625 feet ; 1 Store 56 by 18 theron. Fish Street, N.E. on Parsons Wharf; S.W. on J. & S. Skilling. 025 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Joseph Newell, occupant and owner. A p. Land with a Shop thei'on, 25 by 10. Sun Court Street, N.E. on said Milk ; S.W. on Hannah Crocker. 250 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Ebenezer Parsons, occupant and owner. A Wharf with 5 Stores theron 16 by 1?>4 in all. Fish or Ship Street, N.E. by Parsons & Sergent ; S.W. by J. & S. Skilling. 8,580 square feet, valued at 7,500 Dollars. Ebenezer Parsons, occupant ; Ebenezer Parsons & Dan Sar- gent, owners. One Wharf on which are 2 Stores & 2 Shops. Fish or Ship Street, N.E. on May & Gay's Wharf; S.W. on Skillings ; do 1 Shop 18 by 40 ; 1 do 18 by 75 ; 1 Store 15 by 43 ; 1 do 15 by 35. 7,400 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Eben Parsons, occupant ; Eben Parsons and Dan Sargent, owners. A Wharf on which is Eleven Stores ; 4 Stores 19 by 70 ; 2 do 15 by 47. Fish or Ship Street, N.E. on Jno. May & Gays Wharf ; S.W. on Skillings Wharf ; Covers 14,500. 14,500 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations, — A.D. 1798. 11 Benj. Page, occupant and owner. One peice'Land an Old Shed therou 20 by 15. Fish Street, Westerly on Jos. Hemminway ; S. Easterly on John White. 300 square feet, valued at 450 Dollars. James Perkins, occupant ; Swaine, owner. One p Land on which is a Barn 30 by 20. Sun Court Street, Westerly on Rev'd Dr. Lathrop ; East- erly on Jos. Roby. 1,799 squai'e feet, valued at 850 Dollars. James Scott, occupant and owner. One Wharf 13 Stores theron 18 by 20 each. Fish Street Known by the name of Hancock Wharf, N. Easterly on D. Merry s wharf ; S. Westerly on D. Lewis do, Wharf, covers 54,860 feet. 54,860 square feet, valued at 30,000 Dollars. William Dodd, occupant ; James Scott, owner. A p" Land a Store theron 62 by 20. Fish Street, S.W. on a passage way leading to Hancocks Wharf. 1,200 square feet, valued at 1,400 Dollars. Simeon Shillings, occupant ; John & Skneon Skillings owners. One Wharf on Shop theron 30 ])y 18. Prince Street, Westerly on B. Barns ; Northerly on Jon^ Merry ; Southerly on D. Merry & Capen. 4,620 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. William Thompson, occupant and owner. One p'' Land, do, do. Prince's Street, Westerly on N. Brown & others ; Easterl}^ on Ed Procter ; S.E. on Jn° Thoreau. valued at 1,000 Dollars. French & Harris, Brown, Prout, & Thompson, occupants ; James Torry owner. One Wharf 2 Stores & a Barn theron. Fish Street, Westerly on Love Lane ; Easterly on Frances & Blake, 1 Store 75 by 22, 1 do 40 by 22, 1 Barn 30 by 20. 9,450 square feet valued at 4,500 Dollars. 12 City Document No. 92. Elijah Nourse, occupant; James White, owner . p Land with a Shop theron 12 by 16. Fish Street, N. Easterly on Col. May ; Westerly on N. Child s & others. 1,330 square feet, valued at 850 Dollars. John White, occupant and owner. One peice of Land 60 by 37. Situated in Middle Street, Easterly on James Sheerman ; Westerly on Mary Laughton. 1,620 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. Roland Christy, occupant ; John White owner. One p Land with a Shop theron, 32 by 27. Fish Street, Northerly on Joseph Hemmingway ; Westerly on a passage way on the Town Slip so Called. 864 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. WARD NO. 4, BOOK 39. William Alexander, occupant ; Joseph Bassett, owner. One Shop 484 feet of Wood. Westerly on Back Street ; Northerly on Adams's Land ; So. on William Alexander. :^,664 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Joshua Butter & M. Baxter, occupants ; Joshua Butter, owner. A p. Land with 2 Shops theron. Easterly on Middle Street, J. Cogswell & Tho. Parker, Measuring 412 feet. 1,400 square feet ; valued at 400 Dollars. William Croswell, occupant ; HopstU Capen, Agent, owner. A House Middle Street used as Meeting House for a So- ciety called Sandemonians. 1,080 square feet. Nathaniel Clark, occupant ; Joseph Callender, owner. A p Land with a Shop of Wood 720 feet. Back street & Mill Pond on a passage Way to Mr. Baldwins Meeting House. 6,000 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 13 Giles Alexander, occupant ; Joseph Callender, owner. A peice Land, a Shop 3 storey theron, 30 by 20 built of Wood. On Back Street Mill Pond & Land of said Callender. 4,000 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Mr. Crocker, occupant ; Sarah Edwards, owner. A peice Land a Shop theron 400 feet, & a p Laud adjoin- ing which is Leased to John Wells. 1,400 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Harrison and Hall, occupants and owners. A Shop built of Wood. Situated on Middle Street & the Mill Creek. 1,066 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Howard Andrew, owner. A peice Land a Bake House theron 226 feet. Near Dawes & Stonehouse. 236 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Joseph Howard, occupant and owner. A p Land. In Back Street adjoining Patric McBride, Heirs of Widow Johnson & the Mill Pond. 3,120 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Ebenezer & EphraimTuffts, occupants ; Caleb Loring, owner. A Distill House with a Stable & Mill House measuring 3,500 feet. Situated in Back Street near the Mill Pond. 4,670 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Edward Rumnet, occupant and owner. A wooden Store. Situated in Back Street, William Alexander and Charles Smith. 2,100 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. William Smith & Jn. Bishop, occupants and owners. 1 Sugar House 680 feet ") 3 Sheds 1,006 d° ^9,190 1 old Distillhouse 7,504 d'^ ) 13,000 square feet, valued at 1,300 Dollars. 14 City Document No. 92. •Sam Snelung, occupant aud owner. 1 Sugar House 1,550 feet. Situated in Back Street, Peter Sigourney, Henry Atkins, & Others. 3,300 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. William Saxton, occupant and owner. One Store or Tobacco Works. Situated on the Mill Pond & the South Grist Mill. 1,680 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Sam Welsh & Others, occupants and owners. South Grist Mill, 1,024 square feet; Stable, 300 square feet. Mill Pond, Mill Creek, & Barretts building. 1,324 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. •John Wells, occupant and owner. Copper Work on the Land of Sarah Edwards. On Back Street. 800 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. WARD NO. 5, BOOK 40. John Gardker, occupant; Daniel Austin, owner. One piece Land with a Brick Store 3 Storey 12 by 33 feet. Westerly on Union Street ; Northerly on H. Capen ; South- erly on a passage way. 396 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. John Cheeseman, occupant ; Jeremiah & Jam. Allen, owners. One peice land, Smiths Shop theron, 22 by 24. Wood. S.W. on a passage to Barretts Wharf ; S.E. on Jamison ; N.W. on S. Ridge way. 512 square feet ; valued at 500 Dollars. William Andrews, occupant and owner. One peice land & Shop, 21 by 26. Wood. S.E. on Fish Street ; N. Easterly on Jeremiah Bumstead ; S.W. on William McKay. 546 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 15 Thomas S. Boardman, occupant and owner. One p land, 1 Shop, 2 Storey Brick, 264 feet. Southerly on Ann Street ; Westerly on Sam Wells ; Easterly on William Boardman Jun. 364 square feet, valued at 1,100 Dollars. * Perez Bryant & Co., occupants and owners. One Lot of Land, one Store on the Same measuring 1,494 feet, 3 Storey high & of Wood. S. on Ann Street ; E. on William Dawes, jr. ; W. on Scott's Alley. 9 Perches and 9 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. William Bordman & Son, occupants ; William Boardman, Sen., owner. A p Land with a Work Shop. E. by Scotts Alley ; So. by L. Cooledge ; Northerly by Enoch Baldwin. 400 square feet, valued at 250 Dollars. Freeman & Batt, Bourne & Wood, occupants ; Gideon Baty & George Blake, owners. One p Land a Store theron 30 by 36, Store is of Wood. So. on Ann Street ; W. on Jos. Howard ; E. on William Mackay. 3,520 square feet, valued at 2,400 Dollars. Unoccupied ; Daniel Badger, owner. One p Land. Wooden Frame. No. on Ann Street ; Easterly on John Ramond ; W. on a Passage Way. 690 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Mr. Burt. Singleton, occupants ; John Bradford heirs, owners. A p Wharf land one Store thereon. S. E. on Howard Wharf ; S. W. on Mill Creek ; 24 by 90 N. W. on A. Cadnor. 2,237 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Jonathan Balch, occupant and owner. One Wharf, 2 Stores & one Shed on the Same. S. E. on the Sea ; N. E. on Barretts ; Southerly on Matchet ; Stores 17 by 30 & 30 by 20 ; Shed 17 by 30. 18,764 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. 16 City Document No. 92. Ebenezer Burdet, occupant and owner. One Wharf, two Sheds, & one Store theieou. S. W. on Cross Street ; N. E. Lem. Gardner ; S. E. on the Sea ; Store 28 by 36 ; 2 Sheds 30 by 17 ; Wharf 192 by 38. 7,296 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Singleton & Varnet, William Major, Symns & Emmons & M. Paine, occupants ; Barretts heirs, owners. One Wharf on whfch is 2 Block Maker Shops & one Sail loft. N. E. on Hitchborn's Wharf & ye Dock ; S. W. on Balch's Wharf & ye Dock ; S. E. on the Sea Shop 16 by 30 2d 17 by 96 ; Sail Loft 24 by 64 ; Wharf 23,831 feet. 23,831 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Samuel Stone, Joseph Palmer, Charles Leach & Others, occupants ; Abraham Codner, owners. One p Land one Shop & Store on the same. Northerly on Ann Street ; Easterly on a Passage to Howard's Wharf; Westerly Mill Creek; Shop Wood 2 Storeys, 28 by 26 ; Store, 28 by 17. 1,512 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. G-EORGE Singleton, occupant ; Nathaniel Curtis, owner. A p of a Wharf ; a Cooper's Shop & Store thereon. Westerley on Mill Creek on Rand or Howard's Wharf ; Shop, 504 feet; Store, 1,184 feet; Wharf, 1,802 feet. 1,802 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Benjabhn Coates, occupant ; Jno. Codman, owner. 1 Lott Land 2 Stores thereon. S. E. on Ann Street ; N. E. on Benjamin Wane ; S. W. on Mr. Swift ; 1 Store, 440 ; 1 do. 300 feet. 700 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. E. Hatden, occupant; John Codma[u], owner. One p Land one Shop thereon 160 feet. S. W. on Center Street ; N. W. on Isaac White & S. E. on said Codman. 160 square feet, valued at 250 Dollars. Daniel Cole, occupant; John Clark (Isaac Stearns, Guar- dian) owner. 1 p Land a Bake House theron 494. Easterly on Fish Street ; North on ye Passage way ; South- erly on N. Bennit. 914 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A'.D. 1798. 17 William Dailey, occupant and owner. One piece Land a Wood House thereon 21 by 22. Back about 30 feet from Middle Street ; N. W. & S. W. on Mrs. Slayter ; IS. E. on M. M. Hay. 462 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Jno. W. Folsom, occupant ; James Eunson, owner. A p Land with a Store thereon ; 4 Stories of Wood, 24 by 34. Westerly on Union Street ; Southerly on I. Wi[n]slow ; Northerly on J. Jackson. 1,212 square feet, valued at 2,400 Dollars. Abiel Winspiip, ocGiipant ; Jacob Eustis, owner. A p of a Wharf one Stoi'e thereon 800 feet. Howard or Rands Wharf so Called E. & Southerly on ye Dock or Flatts ; Northerly on Gibbon Sharp & Thomas Hitchborn. 7,998 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Unoccupied ; Ebenz. Frothingham, owner. 1 p Land one Store thereon 920 feet. North by Mill Creek ; South by a Foot path ; East by Josiah Nuttage. 920 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Ebenezer Frothingham, occupant and owner. 1 p land with a Work Shop theroa : 2 Stories, 464 feet. Easterly on Marshalls lane; W. & South by D. McNeal ; North by himself. 464 square feet, valued at 1 ,400 Dollars. William Peirce, occupant ; James G-reen, owner. One peice Land a Barbers Shop theron 144 feet. East on Marshall's Lane ; North on Dan McNeal ; South & E. on himself. 144 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. William Davis, occupant ; James Green, owner. A p land with a Shop of Wood 207 feet. West on Union Street ; N. on D. McNeil ; S. & E. on him- self. 207 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. 18 City Document No. 92. Bond & Lucas, James T. Loring, occupants ; Eliza. G-reen- leaf, owner. A p Land with a Store 2 Stories, 39 by 24. Nortli on Ann Street ; W. on Fish Market Street ; South on ye Market ; E. on Lem. Pitts heirs. 936 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Samuel Jenks, occupant ; Caleb Gardner, owner. One p Land with a Smiths Shop Wood, 20 by 24. N. W. on said Gardners House ; S. E. on Lem. Gard- ners Wharf ; N. E. on D. Jones. 480 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Lemuel Gardner, occupant and owner. A Wharf with 3 Stores & a Cooper Shop Theron. At the Bottom of Fish Street ; N. E. on S. Sweets Wharf ; S. W. on E. Burdit alley; Building of Wood, 19[0] by 19 ; Wharf, 195 by 30. 5,850 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Bates & Walker, occupants ; Caleb Howard, owner. One p land & one Store Brick 3 Story 665 feet. Southerly on Market Square ; E. on Brinley ; West on Asa Hammond & P. Howard ; N. on passage way from Ann Street. 665 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Norton Brailsford, occupant ; Wm. Homes & Others. owners. A p. Land & a Shop theron, Brick, 2 Stories 16 by 20. North on Ann Street ; South on Caleb Howard ; East on Asa Hammond ; West on a Passageway. 320 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Joseph Howard, Caleb BEAL,and others, occupants ; Josej^h Howard, owner. A p. Land with 2 Stores, 3 Stories of Wood 18 by 34 & 22 by 24. South on Ann Street ; East on G. Batty ; West on Mrs. Hinckley. 2,034 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Benj. K. Hagger, occupant and owner. One p. Land with one Shop & Store partly Built. N. on Ann Street ; N. E. on ye Mill Creek ; S. W. on Wm. Welsh ; Shop, Wood, 50 by 15, found ; a Store 29 by 29. 2,236 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Bounds anb Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 19 Unoccupied ; Alex. Hill, owner. A p. Land. Near the Town Dock. 1,160 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. John D. Howard, occupant ; Tho. HitcLborn, owner. A p. of a Wharf with a Row of Wooden Stores theron ; Containing a 1,200 feet Wharf 3,900 feet. On Howard's Wharf E. & W. on Gibben Sharp ; N. on the Dock or flatts. 3,900 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Alpheus Alden, occupant; Eliza Hitchborn & 11 Heirs, owners. One Wharf & Building theron. At the Bottom of Cross Street, N. E. on E. Burdett's Wharf ; S. W. on Barrett's Wharf Building of Wood, 3 Stories 54 by 24 feet. 5,233 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Capt. Gleason, occupant; Rev'd Simeon Howard, owner. A p. of Land, a Barn, & Store theron. Back from Fish Street, S. E. on Jno. Clark ; N. on Ben- nett & Cookson ; N. E. & N. W. on said Clark and said Howard Barn of Wood 300 feet ; Store of Brick 3 Stories 35 by 37. 5,185 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Sam. Tuttle, Capt. Champney, and Others, occupants ; Rev'd Simeon Howard, owner. A p. Land on which is Row of Shops of Wood ; Contain- ing 1,638 feet. N. W. on Fish Street ; S. W. on a Passage to Hancock's Wharf ; S. E. on said Wharf ; N. E. on N. Ingersol. 1,638 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Thomas Moore, occupant ; Rev. Simeon Howard, owner. One Wharf 150 by 25 feet. N. W. on himself; N. E. on N. Ingersol; S. E. on the River or Flatts ; S. W. himself. 3,750 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Thomas Moore, occupant ; Rev'^. Simeon Howard, owner. One Wharf 150 by 25 feet. N. W. on E. Wells ; N. E. on said Howard other Wharf ; S. W. on Heirs C. Collins. 3,750 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. 20 City Document No. 92. Asa Holbrook, Jno. Hooton, Harrison, & Hall, occupants ; Jno. Hooton & Edw. Tyler, owners. One Wharf, one Shop, and 4 Stores theron, 34 by 16 ; 1 Store, Wood, 30 by 19 ; 3 Stories Wharf, 11,032. N. W. on Fish Street ; S. W. on Neh. Ingersol & Mrs. Matchett; N. E. on Jno. Hooton, junr., and Robt. Treat ; Shop, Wood, 2 Stories. 11,032 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Wm. Farmer and Sam. Armstrong, occupants ; John C. Jones, owner. One p. Land with one Store theron. S. E. on Fish Street ; N. E. on said Jones ; Store of Wood, 3 Story 910 feet. 1,450 square feet, valued at 1,800. Farmer Tarring, occupants ; Jno. CofBn Jones, owner. A Barber's Shop, Brick, 11 by 22. N. E. on Cross Street; S. E. on Bat. Nason ; S. W. on himself ; N. W. on T. HitchJjorn. 242 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. John Cheesman, occupant; Jennison, owner. One Shop & Land 15 by 12. Back from Ann Street; S. E. on Barret's Wharf; N. W. on J. & J. Allen. 315 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Nehemiah Ingersoll, occupant and owner. A Wharf, Land & Store containing 2,973 feet. S. W. on Jno. Hooton & Ed. Tyler ; Northerly on Matchet ; E. on the flatts ; Store of Wood, 2 Story, 525 feet. 2,973 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Asa Hammond, occupant ; John Lucas, owner. One p. Land, a vStore theron of Brick, 3 Storey, 640. North on Ann Street ; East on an alley leading from Ann Street to Town Dock, making a Corner. 640 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Paul & Joseph, Warren Revere, occupants ; Mary Lang- don, owner. One peice Land with a Shop, Wood, 18 by 18, one Storey. Southerly on Ann Street ; Easterly on Jno. White ; West- erly on Heirs B. Rand. 972 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 21 Sam. Wallis and Others, occupants. Charles Miller, owner. One Wharf & Store of Brick, 2 Storey, 1,463 feet. N. side ye Town Dock ; North & South by 2 passage way to the Dock, Wharf, 3,135. 3,133 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. William Williams, occupant ; Wm. Mackay, owner. 1 p. Land with a Shop, 2 Storey, 14 by 25, Wood. Southerly on Ann Street ; Westerly on Geo. Blake ; Easterly on G. Makepeice. 1,148 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Mathias Crocker, occupant ; Wm. Mackay, owner. One peice land a Shop theron of Wood & Brick. S. E. on Fish Street ; N. E. on Wm. Andrews ; S. W. on Isaac Greenough, 19 by 12. 280 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Gridley & NoLEN, occupants ; Geo. Makepeace, owner. A peice Land with 2 Stores thereon, 2 Stories Each, covers 1,792 feet. Southerly on Ann Street ; Easterly on Mill Creek ; Westerly on Wm. Mackay. 1,792 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. JosiAH NuTTAGE, occupaut and owner. A Carpenter Shop with ye Land, it covers 2 Storey of Wood. Southerly on a foot Path ; North on Mill Creek ; Easterly on D. Rich ; Westerly on E. Frothingham. 660 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Thomas Powers, occupant and owner. A peice Land with a Smith's Shop 18 by 33 feet, & of Wood. Northerly on Thos. Dilling ; S. Westerly & Easterly on Creek Squai'e. 962 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Thomas Powers, occupant and owner. A pc. Land with a Barn 23 by 14. Westerly on Scott's Alley ; S. & E. on Wm. Dawes, junr. 322 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. 22 City Document No. 92. Joseph Newell, Caleb Wheaton & Jas. Bassett, occu- pants ; Saml. Pitts, owner. A Wharf & two Stores theron, covers 1,432 feet ; one do. of Wood, covers 1,100 feet; Wharf, 8,001 feet. N. Easterly on Mill Creek ; S. Westerly & N. Westerly on Jno. Stoddard ; 1 Store Brick, 2 Stories. 8,001 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. William Glover, occupant ; Mary Rand, Estate R. Rand, owner (deceased). A peice of Wharf on Howards Wharf, so called. Westerly on ye Mill Creek &c., S. E. on the Heirs of R. Rand ; Wharf, 30 by 45 feet. 1,350 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Gilliam & Ransford, occupants ; Mary Rand & H. Rand & Estate B. Rand, deceased, owners. One peice land with a Shop one Story & Covers 195 feet. Southerly on Mill Creek ; Easterly on Ann St. ; Westerly & Northerly on Heirs Robert Rand, Deceased. 195 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. William Glover, occupant ; Rand, M. & H. Rand & Estate of Bart. Rand, deceased, owners. A peice of Wharf with a Store thereon, Covers 300 feet. On Howards Wharf E. on J. Eustis ; South on Mill Creek ; West on Heirs of B. Rand ; Wharf Covers 1,665 feet. 1,665 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Benja. Coates, occupant ; Saml. Ridgway, owner. One peice Land with a Store thereon of Wood ; 3 Stories, 36 by 21. N. W. ou Ann Street ; S. E. on J. & J. Allen ; N. E. on Phil. Wentworth. 1,371 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Howard & Eaton, occupants; Saml. Richards & Jno. & F. Marshal, minors (Wm. Spooner, Guardu.), owners. One Store built of Brick, 40 by 22 ; 3 Stories. Northerly on Ann Street ; South on ye Market ; West on a Passage Way. 880 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Howard & Eaton, occupants ; Amasa Stetson & Seth Thayer, owners. A store two Stories of Wood, 40 by 22. North side the Market ; Westerly on sd. Stutson & Thayer ; Northerly on Ann Street. 984 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 23 Unoccupied ; Stetson & Thayer, owners. a peiee of Land, a frame of Wood 5 Stories, 1,353 feet. North Side Market ; Wester!}^ on Heirs of Lim Pitts ; North on Ann Street ; East on themselves. 1,353 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Owen & Creghton, occupants ; Amasa Stetson, owner, a pc. Laud with a Coopers Shop theron of Wood ; 2 Stories, 22 by 50. Bottom of Cross Street; N. E. on a Passage way; S. E. on Pemberton ; S. W. on J. Raymond. 1,100 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. RiCHD. & B. Hews, occupants ; the Heirs of Sam. P. Savage, owners, a peice of Land with a Store thereon one Story of Wood, 13 by 60. N. W. on Ann Street ; N. E. on a Passage Way ; S. E. on Pemberton ; S. W. on J. Raymond. 780 square feet, valued at 1 ,500 Dollars. Thomas Dakin, occupant ; the Heirs of Sam P. Savage, owner. A pc. Land with a Sliop theron, Covers 800 feet. Back from Ann Street ; N. E. on Jona. Balch ; S. E. on ye Doclf ; N. W. on Pemberton & Joseph Jones. 5,400 square feet valued at 1,200 Dollars. Joseph Bassett, occupant ; the Heirs of Sam P. Savage, owner. One Wharf and Cooper's Shop. Southerly on Town Dock ; E. & Westerly on Jno. Stod- dard & Son, Shop Covers 1,140 feet. 1,668 square feet, valued at 1,900 Dollars. JoHK & Ed, Stoddard, occupants; Jno. Stoddard, owner. One Wharf & Store, one Story Wood, 17 by 90. S. Easterly on Town Dock ; S. W. on the Heirs S. P. Savage & a Passage way. Wharf, 2,210 feet. 2,210 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. John & Ed. Stoddard, occupants ; Jno. Stoddard, owner. One pc. Land a Store theron of Wood, 2 Stories, 36 by 68 feet. N. Easterly on Mills Creek ; S. W. on sd. Stoddard. 2,088 square feet, valued at 1.000 Dollars. 24 City Docdivient No. 92. Unoccupied ; Jno. & Edward Stoddard, owners. One Wharf, one Store theron, 3 Story, built of Wood, 16 by 31. S. Easterly on the Town Dock ; N. Easterly on Heirs S. P. Savage & on themselves, Wharf, 1,940 feet. 1,940 square feet, valued at 1,900 Dollars. Matthew Park, occupant; Jn & Edward Stoddard, owner. One peice Land, a Store theron of Brick, 22 by 26. N. Westerly on Sam. Wallis ; S. Westerly on a Passage way to T. Dock ; N. E. & S. E. on the other Land of sd. Stoddard. 572 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. John D. Howard, occupant ; Gibben Sharp, owner. One peice of a Wharf Containing 1,917 feet. On Howard's Wharf ; Southerly on Jacob Eustis ; Westerly on T. Hitchboru ; E. & N. on the Dock & flatts. 1,917 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. John D. Howard, occupant; Gibben Sharp, owner. One peice Wharf, 1,080 feet. On Howard's Wharf ; E. on Thos. Hitchborn ; West on N. Curtis. 1,080 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Jonathan Stoddard, occupant and owner. A peice Land with a Carpenter Shop Built of Wood, 1 Storey Covering 600 feet. N. E. on Center St. ; N. W. on T. Kast ; S. E. on Wm. Minns ; S. E. on Wm. Minus. 1,682 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Samuel Goldsbdry, occupant ; Saml. Sweet, owner. One Wharf Two Stores and three Work Shops theron. Stores 16 by 20 & 18 by 30, Shops 22 by 30, 20 by 28, 18 by 20, Wharf Covering 13,400 feet. N. W. on Fish Street ; S. W. on David Jones & Leml. Gardner ; S. E. on ye Flatts. 13,400 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Levi Lane, Robert Treat, Wm. & Thos. Walters, occu- pants ; Robert Treat, owner. One Wharf, two Stores theron, one of which is of Wood, 3 Storey, 18 by 70, another of Wood 2 Stories, 16 by 60, Wharf measures 3,420 feet. Northerly on Town Slip ; Westerly on sd. Treat ; S. E. on J. Tukesbury ; S. W. on Hooton. 3,420 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 25 James Tukesbury & John Hobbs, occupants ; James Tukes- bury, owner. One peice Land two Work Shops thereon, 1 Shop 18 by 40 & I do. 22 by 15. Back from Fish Street N. W. on said Tukesbury ; N. E. on a Common Passage Way ; S. W. on R. Treat. 1,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dolla!»3. Sam, Whitwell & Daniel Messenger, occupants ; Saml. Whitwell, owner. 2 Stores measuring 40 by 20, 2 Storey, Built of Wood. Westerly on Union Street, Southerly on Ann Street, Mak- ing the Corner. 800 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Sam Vose, occupant ; Saml. Wells, owner. A peice Land with a Hatter's Shop, 2 Storeys of Brick, 14 by 27 feet. South on Ann Street ; West on S. Whitwell ; East on Thos. S. Boardman. 514 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Saml. Wallis, occupant and owner. A lirick Store, 3 Storeys, covering 550 feet. South on a passage way to Town Dock ; N. W. on William Whitington, Senior; N. E. on John Stoddard. 550 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. John Wyer, occupant and owner. One peice Land, one Sail Loft of Wood, 52 by 20. Westerly on a passage Way to Howard's Wharf ; South- erly on Isaac White, Heirs of Nath. Curtis ; Northerly James Pratt. 1,920 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Isaac White, occupant and owner. A peice of Land & a Barn of Wood, 18 by 29. S. W. on Centre Street ; N. W. on Joseph Adams ; S. E. on Jno. Codman Esquire. 2,975 square feet, valued at 1,100 Dollars. Ebenz. Wells, Joseph Smith, Babcock & Stutson, occu- pants ; Ebenz. Wells, owner. One peice Land with one building theron. Measuring 1,404 feet. N. W. on Fish Street ; South Westerly on Hannah Collins ; N. Easterly & S. Easterly on Simon Howard; the Building improved as 2 Stores & a Sail Loft. 1,404 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. 26 City Document Xo. 02. Abraham Wild, occupant and owner. One Wooden Store Covering 1,000 feet. In Fish Street on a passage to Gardner's Wharf ; N. W. on Said Wild ; S. W. on Sussana Stoddard. 1,000 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Daniel Beck, occupant ; Abram Wild, owner. One Wooden Store covering 550 feet. N. W. on Fish Street ; S. W. on Susa. Stoddard ; N. E. on a Passage to Gardner's Wharf. 550 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. WARD NO. 6, BOOK 41. John Andrews, occupant and owner. A Lott of Land on which is a Store, measures 972 feet. Front on Union Street; Northerly on Moses Grant; South on S. Snelling, Land Measures 2,292. 2,292 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Benja. Bayley, occupant and owner. A Lott Land with Bake House theron. South on Wings Lane ; Easterly on Wm. Doll, West on Winslow Hobby. 424 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Nathl. Balch, occupant and owner. A Lott Land with a Store theron. Front on Union St. ; South on Jno. Welsh, measures 300 feet. 300 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. William Boardman, Junior, occupant and owner. A Lott Land containing 23,976 feet. East on Hanover Street ; South on Jno. Codman ; North on his House. 23,976 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Andrew Bradshaw, occupant and owner. Lott Land a Distill House theron. North on Distill House Square ; West on 1,998 Wood House 1,071. 2,400 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 27 Samuel Carey, occupant and owner. Lol.t Land a Distill House theron containing 1,800 feet, Wood House 720 feet. South on Union Street leading to Mill Pond ; West on Mill Pond. 3,920 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Nath. Clark, occupant ; William Eustis, owner. A Lott Land with a Store theron. Front on Union Street ; South on N. Hall ; North on Snelling, Store Contains 684 feet. 855 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Moses Grant, occupant and owner. Lot of Land with Paper Manufactory. Back of Wing's Lane by John Andrews & Hannah Luckas, Building measures 720 feet. 1,452 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Martin Gat, occupant and owner. A Lot Land with Copper Works theron. Situated back [of] said Gay House in Union Street, Shop — 600 feet; another Shop 207 feet. 1,440 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Neil & Getty, occupants ; Fred Willm. Geyer, owner. A Lott of Land Store theron. Front on Union Street on Dan. Austin & Nathl. Balch. Store measures 1,584 feet. 1,700 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Joshua Hall, occupant and owner. One Lott Land with Distill House thereon. North & West on Distill House Square ; Distill House measures 1.605 ; Wood 1,605 ; Stable 972. 7,884 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Nathl. Hall, occupant and owner. One Lot Land Distill House theron; measures 2,610; Barn 500 ; Woodhouse 528. In Hawkins Street in the Same Lot as his Dwelling House. 3,638 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. 28 City Document No. 92. JoNA. P. & John Hall, occupants and owners. One Lot Land with. 2 Stores & a Wood House ; 1 Store, Wood & Brick, 1,455; one Brick Store 276; Wood House 587. Corner of Wing's Lane and Union Street. 2,392 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. WiLLM. Jackson, owner. A Lot Land with Card Manufactory. North on Mill Creek ; East on Cap. Harvey ; Card Manufact- ory 660 feet; 1 Shed 432 feet; 1 other do. 200 feet; One Carpenter Shop south of the above. 1,300 and 704 square feet; valued at 1,500 and 450 Dol- lars. John Jenkins, occupant and owner. A Lot Land with Bake House theron which measures 600 feet. Situated South of Union Street near Mill Pond and adjoin- ing his dwelling House. 600 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. John C. Jones, occupant and owner. A Lot Land with a Store theron measuring 1,140. West on Mill Pond ; Easterly on Deacon Street ; North on Friend Street. 4,820 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. John C. Jones, owner. A Lott Land with Store theron, Contains 1,000 feet. West on Mill Pond ; East on Deacon street. 4,820 square feet, valued at 800 Dollar's. Jacob Tidd, occupant and owner. One Lot Land with Distill House theron ; Contains 1,440 feet; Stable 200. Situated in Distill House Square ; West on Lane leading to Mill Pond. 2,520 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Jacob Tidd, owner. One Lot Land, a Stable theron. Near Mill Pond North Sudbury Street; South Mr. Stut- son ; Containing 648. 648 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 29 John Stutson, owner. A Lot Land with Building intended for a Dwelling House, measures 646 feet. One Lot with a Rough Shed, measures 360 feet, adjoining the same. South on Distill House Square ; West on Chapman. 1,534, 1,312 square feet, valued at 800 and 200 Dollars. William Wetmore, owner. One Lot Land Brick Stable theron, measures 1,008 feet. West on Sudbury Street ; North on Jno. Codman. 1,008 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Heirs of Isaac Winslgvt, owners. One Lot of Land with a Distill House & Other Buildings theron. Situated in Cole Lane, North West on Ebenz. Storer ; South on Caldwell. Distill House, measures 2,450 ; Pump House 504. 1 Stable 682, an other Stable 408, 1 Shed 170. 9,078 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. WARD NO. 7, BOOK 42, Thomas C. Amory, owner. A Lot Land. West on Buttolph St. ; East on a New Street ; South on Stevens. 3,700 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. J. L. & Ben. Austin, owners. One Hemp House, 540 feet. West on George Street ; North on Ingersol ; South on Austin. 3,780 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. J. L. & Benj. Austin, owners. Lot Land. West on George Street ; North on Austin ; South on Ingersol. 35,100 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. 30 City Document No. 92. J. L. & Benj. Austin, owners. 3 Lots Land, No. 69, 70 & 71. North on May Street ; East on Garding St. ; South on Rope- walk. 10,560 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. Adams & Loring, owners. Lott Land. Easterly on Chamber St. ; North on Clap & Loring ; West- erly on Russell Street. 10,800 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. John Allen, owner. Half a Lot land undivided. North on 30-feet Street ; E. on Sam. Dunn ; South on Park- man & Otis. 19,872 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. John Allen, owner. A Shop Containing 250 feet. North on Cambridge St. ; East on Sigourney ; South on Pearce. 4,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Adams & Todd, owners. Lott Land, 3,600 feet. West on Russell Street ; South on Wentworjbh ; North on Wentworth. 3,600 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Heirs of Jerremy Allen, owners. 3 Lots Land, No. 11, 12, 13. North on Cambridge Street ; E. on Kuhnn ; West on Grove Street. 12,000 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Heirs of Jerremy Allen, owners. Lott Land. E. on Buttolph St. ; South on Southack St. ; North on Husely. 7,000 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 31 Heirs of Jerremy Allen, owners. Lot Land. North on May Street ; South on Ropewalk ; E. on Center Street. 10,560 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. John Apthorp, owner. Lot Land. North on May Street ; East on Hill Street. 10,000 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Joseph Blake, Junior, owner. Lott Land. E. on Wiltshire Street ; South on Allen's lane ; North on ye Eopewalk. 6,400 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Joseph Blake, Junior, owner. Lot Land. W. on Wiltshire St. ; E. on Hastings ; South on Dunlap. 600 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. William Breed, owner. Land. Westerly on Sandeport St. ; North on Heirs of Warland's Heirs ; East on Melvin. 2,400 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. William Breed, occupant and owner. Lot Land, a Shop theron, 480 feet. W. on Gore ; South on Cambridge Street ; East on Russell Street. 1,866 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. George Buroughs, owner. Lott Land. East on Pitts Lane ; South on Curtis ; North on a Passage way. 5,400 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Batha. Brunsdel, owner. Lott Land. N. E. on Leverett St. ; S. E. on Mansfield ; N. W. on himself. 6,600 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. 32 City Document No. 92. Noah Butts, owner. Land. S. E. on 23-feet Street; S. W. on 18-feet do. ; N. W. on Barker. 1,080 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. NiCHO. Barker, owner. A Lott Land. S. W. on 18-feet Street; N. W. on 30-feet do. ; N. E. on Welsh. 3,519 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Boot & Pratt, owners. A Lot Land. Northerly on Cambridge St. ; Westerly on Otis & Geyer ; Easterly on a Street ; Southerly on Clap. 22,000 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Saml. Batlet, owner. A Lot Land. Easterly on A New Street ; Westerly on Cushing ; Northerly on Hammond. 2,000 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Rebecca Bill, owner. A Lot Land. South on Southack Street ; East on Gardon Street ; West on formerly Allen. 2,000 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Btfield & Others, owners. A Lot Land. South on May Street ; North & West on Southack Street. 32,000 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Byfield & Others, owners. A Lot Land. East on Southack Street ; North on Short Street ; West on ye Flatts ; South on May Street. 23,600 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Clap & Jackson, owners. A Shop & Land, Shop 540 feet. East on Russell Street ; South on Vinal ; West on Parkman & Otis. 2,380 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 33 Wm. Clayton, owner. A Lot Land. South on Williams ; West on Allen ; East on a Passage way. 850 square feet, valued at 150 Dollars. Nath. Call, owner. Shop &Land, Shop 1,008. East on Passage Way ; South on Prince St. ; North on Mill Pond. 7,885 square feet, valued at 1 ,000 Dollars. Eliza. Carnes, owner. Lot Land. Easterly on Belknaps Street ; S. on Hill ; W. on herself. 5,000 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Eliza. Carnes, owner. Lot Land. North on Cambridge St. ; South on a Street ; West on William Taylor. 15,360 square feet, valued at 1,600 Dollars. William Clap, owner. Lot Land. N. on Apthorp ; Easterly on a Street ; W. on himself. 21,023 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Thomas Clark, owner. Lot Land. East on Chambers Street ; North, Adams & Loring ; South on Standforth & Others. 9,600 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Isaac Durell, owner. Shop & Land, Shop 250 Feet. S. E. on Durell & others ; S. W. on Visbut ; N. W. on a 23- ft. Street. 11,232 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Thos. Dennis, owner. Land with a Barn 600 feet. East on Middlecut St. ; South on Jno. Homer ; North on Benja. Cooledge. 6,512 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. 34 City Document No. 92. Wm. Davis, owner. Land. East on Russell Street ; South on Crocker ; West on Park- man & Otis. 2,380 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Heirs of Foxcraft, owners. Land. South on Allen Lane ; West on Rand ; North on Ropewalk. 7,524 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Floyd, owner. Land & flatts to Low water Mark. S. E. on a Street (when made) ; S. W. on Wm. Scollay. Valued at 300 Dollars. Wm. Flynn, owner. Land. East on Garden Street ; North on Withington ; South for- merly Allen. 1,000 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Adam Ginzler, owner. Land. East on Russell Street ; North on Parker ; West on Park- man & Otis. 2,380 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Jerreh. Gore, owner. Land with a Store 1,100 feet. South on Cambridge St. ; East on Breed ; West on Park- man & Otis. 3,520 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Peter Grant, owner. Land. East on Buttolph St. ; South on Venus Inches ; North on Southack Street. 1,000 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Saml. Goodwin, owner. Land. North on Cambridge Street ; East on Parkman ; South on Housley ; West on Garden Street. 4,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. BOLNDS AND VALUATIONS. — A.D. 1798. 35 Oliver Hartshorn, occupant and owner. Land. Easterly on How ; Northerly on Vibert & others ; Westerly on ye Highway ; Southerly on a 30-feet Way. 63,350 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Oliver Hartshorn, owner. Land & Flatts, 132 feet Front to Low Water mark. Westerly by High water mark ; Southerly by Lee ; Northerly on Viburt ; Easterly on High Way. Valued at 400 Dollars. TuTTLE Hubbard, owner. Land. Northerly on Sam. Prince Southerly Nathl. Call ; West- erly on Tucker. Valued at 300 Dollars. Joel Holden, owner. Land. Easterly on Belknap Street ; Westerly on Carnes ; South- erly on Joslme & Tucker. 400 square feet, valued at 150 Dollars. John Homer, owner. Land. Easterly on Chambers Street ; Southerly on Penneman ; Westerly on Fuller. 1,200 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. John Homer, owner. Land. Southerly on Southack Street ; Easterly on Garden Street ; Westerly on Homer. 1,000 square feet, valued at 250 Dollars. Ebenz. Herring, owner. A Shop & Land, 200 feet. Easterly on Lynd Street ; Westerly on Herring ; North- erly on ditto. 200 square feet, valued at 100 Dollars. Heirs of Hatward, owners. Land. Northerly on Cambridge Street ; Easterly on Centre Street ; South on Bates. 4,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. 36 City Document No. 92. James Hughes and Others, owners. Land. South on May Street ; East on Center Street ; West on Grove Street ; North on Southack Street. 44,000 square feet, valued at 3,600 Dollars. James Iveks, owner. Land. Easterly on a Highway ; Westerly S. Gore ; Northerly on Mill Pond ; Southerly on Ivers. 11,424 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. James Ivers, owner. A Sugar House & Land. Westerly on Sam. Gore ; Northerly on Ivers ; Southerly on Ivers ; Easterly on Wis well. 3,200 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. S. G. Jarvis, owner. A Sugar House & Land. Westerly on Town Way ; Northerly on Du Ballet ; East- erly on ditto ; Southerly on Tuthil Hubbard. 7,896 square feet, valued at 1,600 Dollars. TiMO. L. Jannerson, owner. 1 peice of Land, No. 66 Lot. South on May Street ; Westerly No. 65 Lot ; Northerly on Lot 50 ; Easterly on Buttolph Street. 4,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. TiMo. L. Jannerson, owner. Lot No. 87. Southerly on Austin's Rope Walk ; Northerly on Lett 86 ; Easterly on Grove Street ; Westerly ou Laud Improved by Carnes. 4,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. TiMO. L. Jannerson, owner. Lot No. 21. Southerly on Southack Street ; Westerly on Garden Street ; North on Howsley ; Easterly on Lott 20. 4,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 37 TiMO. L. Jannerson, owner. Lot No. 77. Easterly on Lot 76 ; Southerly on Austin Ropewalk ; West- erly on Lot 78 ; Northerly on May Street. 3,520 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. TiMO. L. Jannerson, owner. Lot No. 84. Southerly on May Street ; North on No. 82 ; Westerly on Byfield ; Easterly on Grove Street. 2,100 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. TiMo. L. Jannerson, owner. Lot No. 78. Westerly on Grove Street ; South on Austin's Ropewalk ; Easterly on Lot 77 ; North on May Street. 3,528 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. David Jones, owner. A Lott Land. Southerly on Williams ; Westerly on Passageway ; North- erly & Easterly on Allen's land. 1,000 square feet, valued at 150 Dollars. Eliza Inches, owner. Land. Southerly on May Street ; Westerly on formerly Bulflnch ; Northerly on Perkins ; Easterly on Smibert. 8,000 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Charles Jacobs, owner. Land No. 9 Barton Point. S. E. on a 23-feet Street ; S. W. on Jno. Rotistone ; N. W. on a Welsh & Moncrief ; N. Easterly on Mansfield & others. 3,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Jeffery & Russell, owners. A Lott Land with a Ropewalk. Easterly on Wiltshire Street ; Southerly on Jno. Wintrop ; Northerly on a Highway in part & on Lee. 22,128 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. 38 City Document No. 92. Jepfery & Russell, owners. Land & Flatts, 24 feet Front to low water mark. Easterly on a Highway ; Southerly on Winthrop ; North- erly on Lee ; Westerly to Low water Mark. Valued at 200 Dollars. Unoccupied. John Kuhn, owner. Unfinished House & Land, House 966 feet. North on Cambridge Street ; East on Heirs of Howard ; West on Allen. 4,000 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Mart Larkin, owner. Land. Northerly on Southack Street ; Easterly on Garden Street ; Westerly on Nuttage. 4,000 square feet, valued at 350 Dollars. Saml. Lion, owner. Land & a Frame of a House 40 by 18. South on a 30 feet Street ; Westerly on Shubell Bell ; East on Parkman & Otis. 2,180 square feet, valued at 350 Dollars. Levi Lane, owner. Land. Southerly on Leverett Street ; Westerly on a passage way ; North on Charles River ; Easterly on the Heirs of Cun- ningham. 9,000 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. JoNA. LoRiNG, owner. Lott Land, a frame of a House theron 50 by 22 ; Kitching 20 by 28. Easterly on Chambers Street ; Westerly Binnell ; North- erly on a Street ; Southerly on Adams & Loring. 7,080 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Bradock Loring, owner. Land. S. E. on Mansfield ; N. E. on 18 feet Street ; N. W. on a 30 feet street ; S. W. on Mrs. Virburt. 3,060 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 39 liRADDOCK. LoRiNG, owner. Flatts. S. W. on Mrs. Viburt ; S. E. on a 30 feet Street ; N. E. on Scollay to Low Water Mark. Valued at 150 Dollars. Jos. Mansfield, owner. Land. S. E. on a 23 feet Street ; S. W. on Mrs. Vibert ; N. E. on a 18 feet street ; N. W. on Braddock Loring. 1,960 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Joseph Moncrief, owner. Laud. N. W. on a 30 feet Street ; S. E. on Cha. Jacobs ; S. W. on Wm. Welsh; N. E. on Bat. Brondson. 2,920 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. MuNGO Mackey, owner. A Distill House, Land & Pasture. Easterly on Geo. Street ; South-easterly on Wm. Taylor ; Westerly on Belknapp Street ; Northerly by himself. 26,000 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. TiMO. Newell, owner. Land & Pasture. Southerly on Cambridge Street ; Westerly on Mackay ; Northerly and Easterly on Newell. 6,000 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. H. G. Otis, owner. Land. Northerly on Cambridge Street ; Westerly on Middlecot Street ; Southerly & Easterly on Himself. 5,000 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land. South on a 30 feet Highway; S. W. on J. Allen; N. W., S. W., & N. E. on Allen. 4,200 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. 40 City Document No. 92. Heirs of Job Pkince, owners. Marsh Land. N. E. on Jerre Allen ; S. E. on Charles Chambers ; S. W. on Blanchard ; N. W. on the highway. 12,600 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. , Land. Northerly on 40 Feet Street; Easterly & Southerly on Jerre Allen ; Westerly on 30 feet Way. 6,934 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land No. 14. S. E. on Jacob Parker; S. W. on a 40 feet way; N. W. on Jno. Edwards ; N. E. on Tyler & Caswell. 1,044 square feet, valued at 150 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. A Gore of Land. N. E. on a 30 feet Street ; S. E. on a Lane ; N. W. on Rus- sells & others : S. W. on Clark. 3,496 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land No. 2. N. W. on a 50 feet highway ; N. E. on H. Blanchard ; S. E. on a 30 foot way ; & S. W. on Jerre Allen. 18,400 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land. N. E. on H. Blanchard, 298 feet; S. E. on Highway to ye Marsh, 202 feet; N. W. on the Highway, 310 feet. 61,712 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land. S. E. on a High Way ; South on H. Blanchard ; N. W. on F. Welles ; N. E. on Highway. 10,600 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 41 Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land. North on the High Way ; East on T. "Welles ; South on Jere Allen ; West on Blanchard. 50,000 square feet, valued at 1,400 Dollars. Heirs of Job Prince, owners. Land. North on a 40 feet Highway ; S. E. on J. Prince ; S. W. on a 30 feet foot way ; N. W. on Prince. 13,160 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Levi Peirce, owner. Land & House frame theron. South on Green Lane ; East on Pitts Lane ; West on Boat ; North on Cha. Foxter. 7,000 square feet, valued at 8,500 Dollars. Joseph Peirce, owner. Lot Land No. 50. West on Garden Street ; North on Cox ; East on Buttolph ; S. on 65 & 66. 3,880 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Joseph Peirce, owner. Land, Lott No. 32. West on Lott No. 31 ; N. on Lot No. 29 ; East on No. 33. 4,200 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Joseph Peirce, owner. Lot No. 34. West on Lott No. 33 ; North on No. 25 ; E. on No. 35 ; South on May Street. 5,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Joseph Peirce, owner. Lot No. 24. West on Lot No. 25; North on Lot No. 16 & 17; South on Southack Street; East on Lot No. 23. 4,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. John Pingra, owner. Land, North on Pingrea & Southack ; E. on Tisdale ; South on Southack ; West on ditto. 3,900 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars, 42 City Document No. 92. Saml. Prince, owner. Land and Barn. East on Passage way ; South on T. Hubbard ; West on Tucker ; North on N. Call. 9.720 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Parkman & Otis, owners. Land. South on Cambridge St. ; West on Chftles River ; North on Prince & Others ; East on land formerly Thos. Russell. 300,000 square feet, valued at 25,000 Dollars. Parkman & Otis, owners. Three Lots Land. South on a Street ; West on Lyon ; North on a Street ; East on formerly Stokes's. 10,716 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Saml. Parkman, owner. Lot Land No. 2. North on Cambridge Street ; East on Kendal ; South on Housely ; West on Gooding. 4,400 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Saml. Parkman, owner. 2 Lots Land No. 67 & 68. North on May Street ; East on Buttolph Street ; West on Garden Street ; South on Austin & Waldo. 7,004 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Saml. Parkman, owner. Lots 3 Land No. South on Allen Lane ; North on Tiler & Caswell Ropewalk & a Passage way. 11,748 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. A. Penneman, owner. One Carpenter's Shop 12 by 30 & Land East on Russell Street ; West on Parkman & Otis ; North on Penneman ; South on Wm. Davis. 2,380 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Robert Runney, owner. Land & Shop. East on Runney ; South on Cambridge Street ; West on Rus- sell Street ; North on Runney 418 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 43 Benja. Richardson, owner. Shop & Land. East on Garden Street ; North on Richardson ; West on Howe. 2,000 square feet, valued at 110 Dollars. Jno. Roulistone, owner. Land. S. E. on a 23 feet Street ; S. W. on Noah Butts ; N. W. on Wm. Wtlsh ; N. E. on Chac. Jacobs. 3,080 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Elisha Sigourney, owner. A Shop &c. 200 ft. North on Cambridge Street ; Easterly on Spooner ; South- erly on Sigourney ; Westerly on Cooledge. 300 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. T. W. Sumner, owner. Shop 30 by 18 ; Shed 26 by 12. West on Chambers Street ; North on Richardson ; East on Prince & Trow ; South on Prince. 3,652 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Sip [i.e. Ctprian] Southack, owner. Land. East on Pongree & Tisdale ; South on Jeffery ; West on Bul- finch ; North on Pengree and Southack. 17,980 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Stock's Heirs, owner. Land. South on a Street ; West on Parkman & Otis ; East on Wilt- shire Street. 17,100 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. Wm. Scollet, owner. Lots Land No. 17, 18, 19,*20, 21 & 22. S. E. on a 30 feet Street ; S. W. on Bradick Loa'ng ; N. W. to Low water Mark ; N. E. on Floy'd ; 223 feet on the Beech containing the same wedth to Low Water Mark. Valued at 500 Dollars. Wm. Scollet, owner. 3 Lots Land No. ^S. 24, & 25. East formerly Allen's ; North. Southack Street. 20,000 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. 44 City Document No. 02. Tyler & Caswell, owners. Ropewalk Tar House, 18 by 16 ; Hemp do., 40 by 16. East on Wiltshire Street ; North on Jno. Winthrop ; West on a Street ; South on J. Blake & Others. 25,000 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Tyler & Caswell, owners. Land. South on Green Lane ; North on their Ropewalk ; West on Caswell ; East on 1,600 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Tyler & Caswell, owners. Beach & Flatts 24 feet Front to Low Water Mark. East on 30 feet Street ; South on Formerly Allen's ; West to Low Water Mark ; North on John Winthrop. Valued at 200 Dollars. William Todd, owner. A Distill House 74 by 44. Northerly on a lane to ye Causway ; East on Mill Pond ; South on Tucker ; West on Todd. 6,506 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. William Todd, owner. A Wharf 112 by 30 ; a Shop 40 by 30. South on Causway ; West on ye Creek ; North on Charles River ; East on do. 3,360 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Batho. Trow, owner. A Shop. East on Lynd Street ; South on Province ; West on Heirs of Parks ; North on Ditto. 52 square feet, valued at 1 10 Dollars. Estate off James Tisdale, owner. Lot Land with a Barn 18 by 30. North on Southack Court ; East on Tisdale ; South on Jeffery ; West on Perigroe & Southack. 13,929 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. William Taylor, owner. 4 Shops. Westerly on Cambridge Street ; South on M. Bazin ; E. & North on Taylor. 600 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 45 William Taylor, owner. Land. East on George Street ; West On Belknap Street ; South on a Street ; North on Mungo Mackay. 30,984 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. William Taylor & Others. Land & Shop. North on Cambridge Street ; East on Carnes ; South on Austin's Ropewalks ; West on a Street. 46,000 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Tov^nji OF Boston, owner. Land. S. W. on Leverett Street; S. E. on A Street; N. E. on Charles River ; N. W. on the Same River. Valued at 1 ,000 Dollars. John Tucker, owner. A Pasture. South on Green Lane ; West on Leverett Street ; North on the Mill Pond ; E. on his neighbor. 40,000 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Mary Vibert, owner. Land. S. W. on Oliver Hartshorn ; N. E. on Mansfield & Loring ; S. E. on herself; N. W. on a 24 feet Street. 18,180 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Derby Vassall & Cyrus Vassall, owners. Northerly on May Street ; Easterly on formerly Byfield ; Westerly & Southerly on Ditto. 4,000 square feet, valued at 400 Dollars. Jno. Woodbury, owner. Land. Westerly on Russell Street ; Northerly on Jackson ; East- erly on Clark ; Southerly on Wentworth. 3,600 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Ursula Welles, owner. Land. N. E. on Hawkins Street ; S. E. on Jno. Carnes ; S. W. on Sullivan ; N. W. on Welles. 3,072 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. 46 City Document No. 92. William Welsh, owner. Land Lotts No. 11 & 12. N. W. on a 30 feet Street ; S. W. on Barker ; S. E. on Jacobs & Roulstone ; N. E. on Moncrief . 3,959 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. John Winthkop, owner. Rope Walk & Land. Easterly on Wiltshire Street ; Southerly on Caswell & Tyler ; Northerly on Jeffery & Russell ; Westerly on a 30 feet Street. 25,000 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. John Winthrop, owner. Land Flatts & Marsh 25 feet in Width. Easterly on 30 feet Street ; Southerly on Caswell & Tyler ; Northerly on Jeffery & Russell ; Westerly to Low Water Mark. Valued at 200 Dollars. Joseph Peirce, occupier ; Unknown owner. LottNo. 17. Easterly on Center Street (West Boston) ; Southerly on Canuse & Homer ; Westerly on David Pearce ; Northerly on Richardson. 4,000 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. WARD NO. 8, BOOK 43. Thos. Clark, occupier; Heirs of Nathaniel Appleton, owners. A Brick House improved as a Store 439 . Westerly on Corn Hill ; Southerly on Prescott ; Northerly on the Estate of Nathl. Appleton ; Easterly on Wil- son's Lane. 1,039 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Isaac Cooper, occupant ; Jno. Amory, owner. A Brick Store Containing 900 feet. Corner of Wings Lane ; Easterly on Markett Square ; Southerly on Timo. Newell. 900 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 47 James McClaret, occupant; Jeremiah Allen, owner. A Wooden Store 720 feet. Southerly on Buttler's Row ; Easterly on J. Lovering ; Westerly on J. Sprague. 720 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. William Whitwell, occupant ; John Braizier, owner. A Store 168 feet. Westerly on Markett Square ; Southerly on Revd. Mr. J. Storey ; Northerly on Joseph Scott's Heirs. 168 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. GiDEROx, a french Barber, occupant ; John Braizier, owner. A Wooden Shop 240 feet. Easterly on' Exchange Lane ; Northerly on J. Brazier ; Southerly on Debb Jefferes. 240 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. David Bradlee, occupant and owner. A Wood & Brick Store, 1,688 foot. Easterly on Markett Square ; Northerly on Whalen ; Southerly on Wm. Stackpole. 1,688 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Thomas Clark, occupant ; Herman Brimmer, owner. Brick Store, 1,018 feet. East on Merchants Row ; Southerly on State Street ; North on Salsbury ; West on himself. 1,600 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Peter Bernard, occupant ; Herman Brimmer, owner. Brick Store 560 feet. East on himself ; South on State Street ; North on himself ; Westerly on Nicho. Brown. 560 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Brevster & Carter, occupants ; Thomas Brewer, owner. A Brick Store 800 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Westerly on Francis Wright ; Easterly on D. D. Rogers. 800 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. 48 CiTY Document No. 92. Charles Voze and Decoster & Marshall, occupants ; George Bethune his Heirs, owners. A Brick Store 1,014 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Easterly on Jos. Lovering ; Westerly on Simon Elliot. 1,014 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Israel Munson, occupant ; Eliza Bowdoin, owner. A Briclv Store 792. Southerly on State Street ; Easterly on a Passage way to Spears Wharf ; Westerly on the Heirs of Lindel Pitts. 792 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Henry Hovet, occupant ; Eliza Bowdoin, owner. A Wooden Store 900 feet. Easterly on David Spear ; Southerly on ye Passage way to his Wharf; Westerly on Lendel Pitts Heirs. 900 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Jeremiah Bumstead, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 702 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Westerly by Joseph Lovering ; Easterly by Lendel Pitts Heirs. 702 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Samuel Richards, occupant ; Joseph Blake & Thomas D. Bradlee, owners. A Brick No! 17, 1,316 feet. Easterly on Merchants Rowe ; Westerly on James Perkins ; Southerly on Blake & Green. 1,316 square feet, valued at 10,000 Dollars. James Campbel & Others, occupants ; Joseph Blake & David Greene, owners. A Wooden Store, 3 Storey, 2,178 feet. Easterly on Merchants Row ; Northerly on Market Square ; Southerly on Blake & Green. 2,178 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Doctor Dix. & Others, occupants ; Joseph Blake & David Greene, owners. A Brick Store, 1,188 feet, 4 Stories. Northerly on Market Square ; Westerly on Joseph Callender ; Easterly on Seth Wells. 1,188 square feet, valued at 12,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 49 Not finished ; unoccupied ; Joseph Blake & David Greene, owners. Brick Store, 4 Stories, 525 feet. Northerly on Jos. Callender ; Westerly on Corn Court ; Southerly on the same. 525 square feet, valued at 1 ,500 Dollars. John Carnes, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 850 feet, 4 Stories. Southerly on Court Street ; Easterly on Cornhill ; Northerly on S. Welles ; Westerly on Jno. Carnes. 850 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. C. & P. Stewart & Co., Wm, Mills, Richd. Salter, & Edwd. Haynes, occupants ; John Carnes, owner. A Brick Store, 748 feet, 4 Stories. Southerly on Court Street ; Easterly on Himself ; and Northerly on Sam. Welles. Levi Peirce, occupant ; Joseph Cooledge, owner. A Brick Store, 3 Stories, 891. No. 20 Cornhill ; Southerly on State ; State makes a Cor- ner ; Easterly on O. Morse ; Northerly on Prescott. 1,236 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Saml. Clap & James White, occupants and owners. A Brick & a Wooden Store, 1,700 Feet. 30 feet Southerly on Court Street ; 85 do. Westerly on Docets Alley; 21 feet Northerly on J. Boice ; 52 feet N. E. on J. Q. Adams. 1,700 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Jno. Coates and Young & Minns, occupants ; Margret Clark, Cathr. Brown, & Ann Volintine, owners. Brick Store, 722 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Westerly on Wilsons Lane ; Easterly on M. Lane & Others. 912 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Dana Dexter, occupant ; Josh. Callender, owner. A Brick Store, 851 feet. Northerly on Market Square ; Easterly on Tisdales Stores ; Westerly on Corn Court. 851 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. 50 City Document No. 92. Joseph Callendee, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 1,584 feet. Southerly on Greens Wharf ; Easterly on D. Green ; Westerly on late D. Hubbard. 1,584 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Joseph Clark, occupant and owner. A Wooden Store, 400 feet. Westerly on Simon Elliot ; Northerly on Butlers Row ; Southerly on a passage Way ; Easterly on Smith & Parker. 400 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Thos. Smith, occupant ; Hezekiah Chadwick, owner. A Wooden Store, 220 feet. Southerly on Butlers Row ; Westerly on James Ivers ; Easterly on Ansh. Holdbrook. 200 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Harris & Francis, occupants ; Richard Devins, owner. A Brick Store, 476 feet. Westerly on Cornhill ; Easterly on Wilsons Lane ; Northerly on Jno. Codman ; Southerly on Rachl. Appleton. 1,624 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Sam. Elliot, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 1,200 feet. 19 feet on Cornhill ; Northerly 105 do. ; Easterly on Wilsons Lane, 20 feet ; Southerly on Belknap & Fisher, 105 feet ; Westerly on Drown. 2,100 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. M. M. Hunt, occupant ; Sam. Elliot, owner. A Brick Store, 592 feet. Westerly on Wilsons Lane ; Southerly on Peter Richardson ; Easterly on Sam. Welles ; Northerly on Markett Square. 1,120 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Sam. Elliot, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 800 feet. 40 feet Southerly on Brattle Street ; 200 feet Westerly on Bradlee and Others ; 27 feet Northerly on Watts & Others ; 200 feet on Estate improved by S. King, 6,600 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 51 Amasa Stutson, occupant ; Heirs of Ann Eddy, owners. A Brick Store, 360 feet. Southerly by Sam. Salsbury ; Nortlierly Mrs. Jeffers ; East- erly on Merchants Row. 2,376 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Lawson Dench, and Bond & Lucas, occupants ; Sarah Elliot, owner. A Wooden Store, 800 feet. Northerly on Butlers Row ; Westerly on Doctr. Howard ; Easterly on Joseph Clark. 1,428 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. Ebenr. Eaton, occupant and owner. A Wooden Shop, 582 feet. Northerly on Butlers Row ; Westerly on Russel Sturgis ; Southerly on Tuttle Hubbard ; Easterly on a Passage Way. 582 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Jams. Williams & Co., and Jno. Blanchard, occupants; Thos. Fayerweather, owner. Wooden Shop, 912 feet. Northerly on Andrew Newells Estate ; N. Easterly on Mary Perkins ; Westerly on Merchants Row. 912 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. JoNA. Wild, occupant ; Thos. Fayerweather, owner. Brick Store, 1,080 feet. Westerly on Market Square ; Northerly on Codmans Wharf ; South on A. Newell Estate. 1,080 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Saml. Gore, occupant and owner. A AYooden Store, 1,600 feet. Easterly on Belknaps Alley ; Southerly on Saml. Torrey ; Westerly on Wm. Smith ; Northerly on Rea & Pollard. 4,234 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. James Sullivan & Rufus Amory, occupants ; Moses Gill, owner. Brick & Wood, 638. South on Court Street ; Easterly on Dorcets Alley ; Westerly on James Bowdoin. 2,500 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. 52 City Document No. 92. Peter Diamond & Timo. Green & Others, occupants ; Moses Gill, owner. Brick Store, 1,334. Westerly on Market Square ; Southerly on Stanf ast Smith ; Northerly on Dock Square, 1,334 square feet, valued at 10,000 Dollars. Timothy Green, occupant ; Easter Green, owner. Wooden Shop, 960 feet. Southerly on Market Square ; N. Easterly on Jams. Bow- doin ; Westerly on W. Blank. 1,760 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. John Gore, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 912 feet. Westerly on Merchants Row ; Southerly on Sam. Parkman ; Northerly on a Passage way. 912 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. Jno. Gushing, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 880. Northerly on Spears Wharf ; Easterly on Ditto ; Westerly on himself. 880 square feet, valued at 7,500 Dollars. Harris & Francis, occupants ; Jona. Harris, owner. Brick Store, 495 feet. Westerly on Cornhill ; Northerly on Devens & Miller ; South on Rachl. Appleton. 495 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Widow Gordon & Wm. Callender, occupants ; Tuttle Hubbard, owner. Wooden Store, 252 feet & 216. Southerly on State Street ; Westerly on Merchants Row ; Easterly on Wm. Thompson. 1,158 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Saml. Lord, occupant ; Tuttle Hubbard, owner. Brick Store 1,071 feet. Westerly on Merchants Row ; Southerly on Butlers Row ; Northerly on James Ivers. 1,071 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 53 Anthony Holbrook, occupant and owner. Wooden Store, 672 feet Southerly on Butlers Row ; Northerly & Easterly on James Ivers ; Westerly on Chadwick. 672 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Joseph Claek, occupant ; Leml. Howard, owner. A Wooden Store, 540 feet. Northerly on Butlers Row ; Easterly on Spears Wharf ; Westerly on Simon Elliot. 540 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. William Micklefield, occupant ; Andrew Hall & Eunice Fitch, owners. A Wooden Store No. 9 Butlers Row, 625 feet. Westerly on Jno. Lovering ; Easterly on Jerre Allen ; Northerly on the Dock. 625 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Patric Jeffrey, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 1,050 feet. Northerly on Court Street ; Southerly on Tremont Street ; Easterly on William ScoUay ; Westerly on J. Gores Heirs. 1,050 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Joshua Gardner, occupant ; James Ivers, owner. Brick Store, 651 feet. Southerly on Passage Way ; Easterly on J. Allen ; North- erly on Damie ; Westerly on James Goach. 651 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Daniel Wild and Allen & Tucker, occupants ; James Ivers, owner. Double Brick Store, 1,925 feet. Westerly on Merchants Row ; Northerly on S. Salsbury ; Southerly on Tuttle Hubbard. 7,425 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Tucker & Marshall, occupants ; Kathe. Jeffries, owner. A Brick Store, 432 feet. Easterly on Merchants row; Northerly on S. Salsbury; Southerly on H. Brimmer. 432 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. 54 City Document No. 92. Joseph Lovering & Sons, occupants and owners. A Brick Store, 1,287 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Easterly on Jerre Bumstead ; Westerly on G. Betliune. 1,287 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. John Lovering & Philip Redeway [Ridgway] , occupants ; John Lovering, owner. Wooden Store, 588 feet. Southerly on Butlers row ; Easterly on Andrew Hall ; Westerly on Jerre Allen. 588 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Charles Miller & Son, occupants and owners. A Brick Store, 950. Westerly on Merchants row ; Northerly on Heirs of J. Hancok ; Southerly on a Passage. 950 square feet, valued at 6,500 Dollars. Jno. & Thos. Daniels, occupants ; Chas. Miller & Son, owners. Brick Store, 1,140 feet. Southerly on Passage way to Spears Wharf ; Easterly on Spears Wharf ; Westerly on himself. 1,140 square feet, valued at 6,500 Dollars. Ebenz. & John Bread, occupants ; Timo. Newell, owner. A Store Brick & Wood, 768 feet. Fronting on Market Square ; Westerly on Elis. Morse ; Northerly on John Amory ; Easterly on Ditto. 768 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Nathl. Noyce, occupant and owner. A peice Land 32 by 37. Northerly on Fitches Alley ; Easterly on Corn Court. 1,184 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. James Morrell, occupant ; Henry Prescot of New Castle, N. Hampshire, owner. Brick Store 14 by 19, 308 feet. Westerly on Cornhill ; Southerly on Jos. Cooledge ; North- erly on Heirs N. Appleton. 308 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D, 1798. 55 John Hancock, occupant ; Mary Perkins, owner. Brick Store, Shed, & Laud, 6,000. Westerly on Market Square ; Southerly on Charles Miller & Son ; Northerly on Thos. Fayerweather. 6,000 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Thobias Oliver, occupant ; James Perkins, owner. Brick Store, 514 feet. Northerly on Market Square ; Easterly on Merchants row ; Westerly on Seth Welles. 514 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Alexander Orrock & Co., occupants; Heu'S of Lendall Pitts, owners. Wooden Store, 436 feet. Westerly on Butlers row ; Easterly on Eliz . Bowdoin ; Southerly on Spears Wharf. 436 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Joseph & Jno. Dorr, occupants ; Heirs Lendal Pitts, owners. Brick Store, 645 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Easterly on Eliz. Bowdoin ; Westerly on Jerre Bumstead. 645 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Russell Sturgis, occupant ; Eliza. Perkins, owner. A Wood Store No. 15, 440 feet. Butlers Row, Northerly ; Easterly on Russell Sturgis ; Westerly on Ditto. 440 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Aakon Jacques, occupant ; Eliza. Perkins, owner. A Wooden Store, No. 16, 400 feet. Butlers Row, Northerly ; Easterly on Joseph Clark ; South- erly on herself. 400 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Sam. Parkman, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 1,190 feet. Westerly on Merchants row ; Southerly on Passage Way ; Northerly on Jno. Gore. 1,190 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. 56 City Document No. 92. Bolter & Grew, occupants; Sam. Parkman, owner. A Brick Store, 510 feet. "Westerly on Himself ; Southerly on Greenes Wharf ; East- erly on a Passage way. 510 square feet, valued at 7,500 Dollars. Edwd. Blake, occupant ; Sam. Parkman, owner. A Brick Store, 1,000 feet. Southerly on State Street; Easterly on Nicho. Browns Estate ; Westerly on Sam. Barret, Esq. Estate. 1,000 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Edward Holden, occupant; Dan. D. Roggers, owner. A Brick Store, 522 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Northerly on a Passage way ; Easterly on Wm. Smith ; Westerly on Thos. Brewer. 522 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. JoNA. Jackson & Ebenr. Storer, occupants ; Wm. Scollay, owner. A Brick Store, 1,026 feet. Westerly on Patric Jeffery ; Southerly on Tremont Street ; Easterly on Court Street. 1,026 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Francis Nicholas, Joshua Rowe, Jno. Callender, Edwd. Jackson, and Others, occupants ; Wm. Scollay, owner. A Wooden Store, 1,232 feet. Northerly on Court Street ; Easterly on Ditto ; Southerly on Tremont Street ; Westerly on himself. 1,232 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Stephen Higginson, occupant; Saml. Salesbury, Jun., & Stephen Higgiuson, owners. Brick Store, 1,430 feet, No. 4. Westerly on Merchants Row ; Southerly on James Ivers ; Northerly on the Corner Greens Wharf. 1,430 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Clark & Eustis, occupants. James SevaretL and others at N. York, owners. Brick Store, 792 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Easterly on Herman Brimmer ; Westerly on Saml. Barrett. 896 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 57 Joseph Sprague, occupant and owner. Wooden Store, 528 feet. Southerly on Butlers Row ; Easterly on Jerre Allen ; West- erly on James I vers. 528 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. Russell Sturgis, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 400 feet. Southerly on Eliza Perkins ; Westerly on Merchants Row ; Northerly on Butlers Row. 4'00 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Sam. Cooper, occupant ; Standfast Smith, owner. Brick Store, 800 feet. Westerly on Market Square ; Northerly on Moses Gill ; Southerly on the Heirs Jos. Scott. 800 square feet, valued at 7,500 Dollars. Heirs of Joseph Scott, occupants and owners. Brick Shop, 364 feet. Westerly on 'Market square, & bounded on Shop of John Braizer ; Easterly on Land of Town Boston. 364 square feet, valued at 3,800 Dollars. B. & Wm. Storey, James Barnett, Jas. Lodge, & Others, occupants ; Isaac Storey, owner. Brick & Wood, 4 Stories high, 800 feet.. Westerly on Market Square ; Southerly on ditto ; North- erly on John Braizer. 800 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. William Smith, occupant ; Eliza Smith & William Smith, owners. Brick & Wood, No. 53, on State Street, 21 by 42 ; 21 by 10. Easterly on Simon Eliott ; Westerly on D. D. Roggers. 1,082 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. John Perkins, occupant ; Lady Temple, owner. Brick Store, 442 feet. Easterly on Merchants Row ; Northerly on Market Square ; Southerly on Blake & Green. 442 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. 58 City Document No. 92. Edward Tuckerman, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 1,080 feet. Easterly on Markett Square ; Southerly on Cornhill ; West- erly on Mrs. Rowe ; Northerly on Brattle Square. 1,080 square feet, valued at 12,000 Dollars. Saml. Torrey, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 1,108. Southerly on Market Square ; Easterly on Eliza Morse ; Westerly on Lady Temple. 2,160 square feet, valued at 8,500 Dollars. Thomas Sullivan & John Sullivan, occupants ; Wm. Thompson, owner. Brick Store, 660 feet. Southerly on State Street ; Westerly on Tuttle Hubbard ; Easterly on A Passage way. 660 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Edward Tuckerman, occupant and owner. A peice Land, 20 by 30. Southerly on Coopers Alley ; Easterly on Kings Tavern ; Westerly on Sam. Elliot. 600 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Charles Geter, occupant ; Wm. Welsh, owner. With a Barn theron, 27 by 89. Westerly on Hanover Street ; Southerly on Wensley Hob- by ; Northerly on Widow Bayley. 2,406 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Sam. Whitwell, occupant ; Samuel Whitwell & Mrs. Hannah Lee, owners. A Lot of Land, 5,400 feet. Southerly on D. Bradlee ; Northerly on Wings Lane ; West- erly on Brattle Square. 5,400 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Sax[t]on & Wainwright, occupants ; Sam. Welles «& Arnold, owners. A Store, Brick & Wood, 60 by 20. Northerly on Markett Square ; Easterly on Excha. Lane ; Westerly on Sam. Elliot. 1,200 square feet, valued at 6,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 59 Seth Welles, occupant and owner. Store, Brick & Wood, 720 feet. Northerly on Market Sqnare ; Easterly on James Perkins ; Westerly on Blake & Green. 720 square feet, valued at 4,500. Francis Wright, occupant and owner. Store, Brick & Wood, 920 feet. Southerly on State Street; Easterly on Thos. Brewer; Westerly on Passage way to Butler's Row ; Northerly on a passage way to Spears Wharf. 920 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Codman's Wharf and Stores and Land. Unoccupied; Heirs of Mrs. Apthorp ; care of Jno. Apthorp, owners. A Lot Land, 20 by 40. Northerly on the Wharf ; Easterly on Thos. Fayer- weather ; Westerly by John Codman. 800 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Unimproved; Revd. Badger of Natick, owner. A Lot Land, 1,096 feet. Northerly on the Wharf ; Easterly on Alexr. Hill ; West- erly by Joseph Barrell. 1,096 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Joseph Husset, occupant ; Joseph Barrell, owner. A Brick Store, 52 by 18 ; 936 feet. Northerly on Codmans Wharf ; Easterly on Badger ; West- erly on Apthorp. 936 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Joseph Blake, Adams & Griggs, Wm. Hall, David Marston, Winchester & White, James Prince & Jno. Codman, occupants ; Jno. Codman, owner. Brick Stores, 21 by 50; 21 by 46; Wood, 32 by 28; Coopers Shop, 18 by 38; Brick, 23 by 43; 32 by 48. Northerly on Town Dock ; Southerly on Spears Wharf. Number of square feet, 1,050, 866, 896, 576, 9s9, 1,536; Wharf, 23,324, valued at 27,500 Dollars. Unimproved; Alexander Hill, owner. A Lott Land. Northerly on Codmans Wharf. 828 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. 60 City Docuiment No. 92. Daniel Scudder, occupant ; Daniel Vose of Milton, owner. A Brick Store, 1,000 feet. Easterly by Jno. Cod man ; Northerly Codmans "Wharf; Southerly on Nathan Spear. 1,000 square feet, valued at 2, .500 Dollars. Nathan Spear's Wharf and Stores. Fales & Athearn, David Spear, unimproved, ditto, David Spear, Jun., unimproved, ditto, occupants; Nathan Spear, owner. "Wood, 1 Store, 29 by 50 ; Coopers Shop, 16 by 51, South by David Greene ; Shed, 18 by 30, West by Land & Wharf N. Spears ; Store, 25 by 30, East by the Dock & do. 30 by 25, North by Jno. Cod man ; do. 19 by 60; do. 20 by 63. The wharf contains 13,148 Square feet, including the Buildings. 13,148 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. David Spear's Wharf and Stores. Elisha Sigournet, Gershom Spear, David Spear, jun., John Curistia, Ebenr. L. Boy'd, Joseph Ripley, occupants ; David Spear, owner. Stores of Wood, 24 by 31 feet; Coopers Shop, 54 by 22 ; Store, 21 by 41 ; do. 16 by 20 ; do. 18 by 48 ; do. 18 by 58. Southerly on Long Wharf ; Westerly on Butlers Row ; North on the Flatts next to Greenes Wharf ; Wharf con- taining 45 Perch & 52 feet, including the Stores. 45 Perclies, 62 square feet, valued at 15,000. Greene and Bray's Stores and Wharf. J. Quincy, occupant ; Herman Brimmer, owner. A Wooden Store, 800 feet. Easterly on T. Greenes Heirs ; Westerly on the Arch. William Colman, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 572 feet. Easterly on Heirs Dan. Hubbard ; Westerly on H. Rowe. David Greene, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 385 ; Wooden do. 960 ; Wharf, 26 by 17. Westerly on Jos. Callender ; Easterly on Russel & Soley ; Westerly on Dan. Hubbard Heirs ; Easterly on Jno. Bray. 385, 960, 442 square feet; valued at 1,500, 1,500, 750 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 61 Mr. Futter [sic], Thoms. & George Paine occupants ; Heirs of Danl. Hubbard, Ditto, owners. 1 Store, Wood, 1,080; Wood, No. 17, 18, 19, 3 Stores, 75 by 30. Westerly on H. Brimmer ; Easterly on Jos. Callender ; Westerly on Coleman ; Easterly on Bray. 1,080. 2,250 square feet, valued at 1,500, 4,000 Dollars. Unoccupied; Danl. Russell, owner. Store No. 11 & 12, 1,020 feet. Easterly on Bray ; Westerly on D. Greene. 1,020 square feet; valued at 2,500. Herman Brimmer, occupant ; Hannh. Rowe, owner. A Store, Brick. Westerly on Salsbury & Higginson ; Easterly on Wm. Colman. 2,228 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. John Brat, occupant and owner. Wooden Store, 1,020; 1 do. 720; Cooper Shop, 720; Containing House, 400, 2,860. Wharf contains 9,435. Westerly on Dan. Russell ; Easterly on the Wharf. 2,860, 9,435 square feet, valued at 9,000. The Long Wharf and Stores theron. Alexander Giles, owner. Stores are all of Wood ; 2 Stores, 20 by 40 Each, No. 11 & and 12; Southerly on the long Wharf; Westerly on Doct. Hayward. No. 23 & 24, 20 by 40 Each ; West- erly on Benja. Cobb ; Easterly on Oliver Wendell. No. 28 & 29, 20 by 40 Each; Westerly on Sweetser ; Easterly on M. Mackay. No. 42 & 43, 20 by 40 Each ; Westerly on Doct. Hayward ; Easterly on Ditto. No. 50, 51, 52, 24^ by 35 Each ; Westerly on Winslow & D. Eckley ; Easterly on Jno. Sweetser. No. 59 & 60, 20 by 35 Each ; Westerly on Moses Black ; Easterly on Doctr. Hayward. 1,600 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. 1,600 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. 1,600 square feet, val- ued at 2,800 Dollars. 1,600 square feet, valued at 2,600 Dollars. 2,571 square feet, valued at 2,400 Dol- lars. 1,400 square feet, valued at 2,0()0 Dollars. 62 City Documext No. 92. Joseph Baxter, Juu., occupant; Benja. Brown, owner. Store No. 2, 20 by 30. West on Jno. Osborn ; East on Wm. Powell. 600 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. John L. & B. Austin, occupant and owner. Store No. 54, 20 by 35 feet. Westerly on Jno. Sweetser ; Easterly on Arnold Wells. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Henry Hunter, occupant ; Moses & Joseph Black, Junior, owners. Store No. 21, 20 by 40. Westerly on John Parker ; Easterly on Benja. Cobb. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Caleb Loring, occupant; Moses & Joseph Black, Jun., owner. Store, 20 by 35. Westerly on Wendell & Phillips ; Easterly on Giles Alex- ander. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Stephen Codman, occupant and owner. A Store, No. 7, 20 by 40. Westerly on Doct. Hayward ; Easterly on Isaac Daven- port. 800 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. Joseph Lee, Jun., occupant; Benja. Cobb, owner. Store, No. 22, 20 by 40. Westerly on Black & Blake ; Easterly on Giles Alexander. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Thomas Davis, occupant and owner. Store No. 45, 20 by 40. Westerly on Doctr. Hayward ; Easterly on Jeffery & Rus- sell. 800 square feet, valued at 2,700 Dollars. Benja. Hodgdon, occupant ;'T. Davis & Jeffrey & Russell, owners. Store No. 67, 20 by 35. Westerly on Doctr. Hayward ; Easterly on H. Savage. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 63 Mathew Bridge, occupant ; Isaac Davenport, owner. Store No. 8, 20 by 40. Westei'ly on Stephen Coclman ; Easterly on John Sweetser. 800 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. Saml. Prince, occupant ; Joseph Eckley, owner. Store No. 38, 20 by 40. Westerly on M. Winslow ; Easterly on Jno. Sweetser. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Isaac Winslow, occupant ; Joseph Eckley & Marth. Winslow, owners. Store 24^ by 35, No. 49. Westerly on H. Inches ; Easterly on Giles Alexander. 857 square feet, valued at 2,400 Dollars. Charles Bradbury, occupant ; Sarah Gray, owner. A Store No. 33, 20 by 40. Westerly on Doctr. Hayward ; Easterly on Sarah Gray. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. FuRNESs & Wallet, occupants ; Sarah Gray, owner. Store No. 34, 20 by 40. Westerly on Sarah Gray ; Easterly on D. Pearce. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Melcher & Kettle, occupants ; Sarah Gray, owner. Store No. 56, 20 by 35. Westerly on A. Welles ; Easterly on Wendels & Phillips. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. . Saml. Dillaway, occupant ; John Homans, owner. Store No. 10, 20 by 40. Westerly by John Sweetser ; Easterly by Giles Alexander. 800 square feet, valued at 3,800 Dollars. Lane & Cutter, occupants; Ditto & Jno. Sweetser, ovvuers. Store No. 62, 20 by 35. Westerly on Doctr. Hayward ; Easterly on D. Peirce. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Wales & Field, occupants; Lemu. Hayward, owner. Store No. 5, 20 by 40. Westerly on Wm. Powell ; Easterly on himself. 800 square feet, valued at S.OoO Dollars. G4 City Document No. 92. James Hall, occupaut ; Leml. Hayward, owner. Store 20 by 40, No. 6. Westerly on himself ; Eastei'ly on Win. Powell. 800 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. Benja. Gray, occupant ; Leml. Hayward, owner. Store No. 16, 20 by 40. Westerly on D. Sargent ; Easterly on Wm. Powell. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Wm. Boardman, Junr., occupant; Leml. Hayward, owner. Store No. 31, 20 by 40. Westerly on Mungo Mackey ; Easterly on himself. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Perrin May, occupant ; Leml. Hayward, owner. Store No. 32, 20 by 40. Westerly on Hayward ; Easterly on Sarah Gray. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Hunting & Lewis, occupant ; Leml. Hayward, owner. Store No. 41, 20 by 40. Westerly on H. G. Otis ; Easterly on Giles Alexander. 800 square feet, valued at 2,600 Dollars. Nathl. Fellows, occupant ; Leml. Hayward, owner. Store No. 44, 20 by 40. Westerly on G. Alexander ; Easterly on Thos. Davis. 800 square feet, valued at 2,600 Dollars. Simeon Mason, occupant ; Do. & Davd. Peirce, owners. Store No. 62, 20 by 35. Westerly on Sweetser & Homaus ; Easterly Sweetser & Otis. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. George Homer, occupant ; Leml. Howard, owner. A Store No. 61, 20 by 35. Westerly on Giles Alexander ; Easterly on Sweetser & Homans. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 65 Daniel Sargent, occupant ; Leml . Hay ward & Sargent, owners. A Store No. 65, 20 by 35. Westerly on Jno. Sweetser ; Easterly on Dr. Hayward. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Sam. p. Gardner, occupant; Leml. Hayward, owner. A Store No. 66, 20 by 35. Westerly on Hayward & Sargent ; Easterly on Davis & Jeffery & Russell. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. John Kennedy, occupant ; Jeffery & Russell, ownex-s. A Store No. 46, 20 by 40. Westerly on Thos. Davis ; Easterly on Henderson Inches. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Uriah Cotting, occupant ; Henderson Inches, owner. A Store No. 47, 960 feet. Westerly on Jeffrey & Russell ; Easterly on Henderson Inches. 960 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. Wright & Briggs, occupants and owners. A Store No. 48, 960 feet. Westerly on Hendu. Inches ; Easterly on Eckley & Wins- low. 960 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. SiLVANUS Gray, occupant ; Mungo Mackay, owner. A Store, No. 30, 20 by 40. Westerly on Giles Alexander ; Easterly on Hayward. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Mungo Mackey, occupant and owner. A store. No. 70, 20 by 35. Westerly on William Powell ; Easterly on the same ; W. P. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. John Osborn, occupant and owner. Store No. 1, 20 by 30. Westerly on State Street ; Easterly on B. Brown. 600 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. 66 City Document No. 92. Daniel Sargent, occupant ; H. Gray Otis, owner. A Store, No. 40, 20 by 40. Westerly on Jos. Sweetser ; Easterly on Hayward. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Benj. Wm. Foster, occupant ; H. Gray Otis, owner. A Store, No. 64, 20 by 35. Westerly on Hayward & Peirce ; Easterly on Do. & Sar- gent. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. David Peirce, Junr., occupant ; David Peirce, owner. • A Store, No. 35, 20 by 40. Westerly by Sarah Gray ; Easterly by William Powell. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. John Parker, occupant and owner. A Store, No. 20, 20 by 40. Westerly on H. Savage ; Easterly on Black & Blake. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Ebenr. Prebble, occupant ; Ditto & Hab". Savage, owners. A Store, No. 68, 20 by 35. Westerly on Davis & Russell & Jeffry ; Easterly on Willm. Powell. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. John McLean, occupant ; Marg. Phillips, owner. A Store, No. 26, 20 by 40. Westerly on Oliver Wendell ; Easterly on Jno. Sweetser. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Hudson & Sivhth, occupants ; Marg. Phillips and Oliver Wend el, owners. A store. No. 57, 20 by 35. Westerly on Sarah Gray ; Easterly on Black & Blake. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Joseph Mat, occupant ; William Powell, owner. A Store, No. 3, 20 by 40. Westerly on Benja. Brown ; Easterly on himself. 8(i0 square feet, valued at 3.000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 67 Benja. Sumner, occupant ; William Powell, owner. A Store, No. 4, 20 by 40. Westerly on himself ; Easterly on Haywood. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Thomas Dennie, occupant ; William Powell, owner. A Store, No. 17, 24 by 40. Westerly on Hayward ; Easterly on Sweetser. 960 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Head & Amory, occupants ; Proprietors of the Long Wharf, owners. 2 Stores, No. 20, by 48 & 24 & 40. Upper end of the Long W. do. do. QfiQ f square feet, valued at -I o'nnA \ Dollars. Elisha Sigournet, occupant and owner. A pc. Land 40 by 13, a Store theron. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 520 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Thomas C. Amort, occupant; Wm. Powell, owner. A Store, No. 36, 20 by 40. Westerly on Pearce ; Easterly on Winslow. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. Sawyer & Wigglesworth, occupants ; Wm. Powell, owner. A Store, No. 69, 20 by 35. Westerly on Savage ; Easterly on Mungo McKay. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Thaxter, occupant ; Wm. Powell, owner. A Store, No. 71, 20 by 35. Westerly on Mungo Mackey ; Easterly on the Wharf. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Edward Blanchard, occupant ; Jno. Sweetser, owner. A Store, No. 9, 20 by 40. Westerly on Davenport ; Easterly on Homans. 800 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. 68 City Document No, 92. George Makepeace, occupant ; Jno. Sweetser, owner. A Store, No. 18, 16 by 40. Westerly on Wm. Powell ; Easterly on Savage. 640 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. And. C. Dorr, occupant ; Jno. Sweetser, owner. A Store, No. 27, 20 by 40. "Westerly on Phillips ; Easterly on Alexander. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. James Andrews, occupant ; Jno. Sweetser, owner. A Store, No. 39, 20 by 40. Westerly on Eckley ; Easterly on H. Gr. Otis. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. John Fillebrown, occupant ; Jno. Sweetser, owner. A Store, No. 53, 20 by 35. Westerly on Alexander ; Easterly on Brown. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Danl. Sargent, occupant and owner. A Store, No. 15, 20 by 40. Westerly on A. Welles ; Easterly on Hayward. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000. WARD NO. 8, BOOK 43. Ed. & Wm. Reynolds, occupants ; Abijah Savage, owner. 20 by 40. Easterly on Parker. 800 square feet, valued at 2,800 Dollars. JuDAH Hays, occupant ; Margt. Winslow, owner. a Store, No. 37, 20 by 40. Westerly on Wm. Powell ; Easterly on Eckley. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. N. C. Lee & T. C. Lowell, occupants ; Oliver Wendel, owner. a Store No. 20 by 40. Westerly on Alexander ; Easterly on Phillips. 800 square feet, valued at 3,200 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 69 Benja. & Wm. Pickman, occupants ; Arnold Welles, owner. a Store No. 13, 20 by 40. "Westerly on Alexander ; Easterly on himself. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Arnold Welles, occupant and owner, a Store, No. 14, 20 by 40. Westerly on himself ; Easterly on Sargent. 800 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. William Marshall, occupant Arnold Welles. a Store No. 55, 20 by 35. Westerly on Benja. Brown ; Easterly on Sarah Gray. 700 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. The Long Wharf Measures exclusive of a thirty feet Passage way from end to end for the use of the Town & the ground, the Stores stand on 69,366 square feet. The Island Wharf (so called) South of the Long Wharf is 120 feet East & West, & 110 feet North and South & is 13,200 square feet ; on which are 10 Stores each 20 by 40 of which 3 only are Occupied, No. 1, 4, & 10; the whole of the above Wharf & Stores is the Property of the Proprietors of the Long Wharf & is Valued. Brimmer's T adjoining the Long Wharf measures 310 by 86, . is 26,660 square feet. John Gray, M. Brimmer, Payson & Holbrook, Snelling & Miller, occupants ; M. Brimmer owner. A store, 34 by 34 ; do. 38 by 28 ; do. 80 by 24 ; do. 50 by 18. Bounded Southerly by the Long Wharf and is valued at 20,000 Dollars. WARD NO. 9, BOOK 44. Joseph Loring & Seth Adams, occupants and owners. One Store, 42 by 26 ; 1 do. 19 by 8. East on Cornhill ; South on David West ; North on Court Street. 2,262 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. Enoch Huse, occupant ; James Allen, owner. one Store 34 by 17. North on State Street ; East on Isaac White ; West on Wm. Welsh. 816 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. 70 City Document No. 92. JoNA. L. & Benja. Austin, occupants and owners, a Ropewalk Area 28,128. Easterly on George Street ; North on May Street ; South on Joseph Carnes. 34,416 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Augustus Dunn & Others, occupants ; Rufus G. Amory, owner, a Row of Shops, 525 feet. North on Water Street ; "West and East on R. G. Amory. 525 square feet, valued at 2,400 Dollars. James Campbell & Others, occupants ; Rufus G. Amory, owner. a Tenement for Shops, Area 1,600 feet. East on Water Street ; North on do. ; South on Spring Lane. 1,600 square feet, valued at 3,800 Dollars. Henry Campbel & Others, occupants ; Rufus G. Amory, owner. a Building for Shops, Area 150. South on Spring Lane ; East on R. G. Amory ; West on Henry Davidson. 150 square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Bussey & Ingalls, occupants ; Benja. Bussey, owner. one Brick Store 800 feet. North on State Street ; West on James Ivers ; South on Israel Loring. 800 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. BooTT & Pratt, occupants and owners, a Brick Store, 39 by 34, 1 Ditto, 22 by 24. North on State street ; South on a Passage way ; East on Bossenger Foster. 2,829 square feet, valued at 12,000 Dollars. Sam. Bangs, occupant and owner, a Shop, 320 feet. West on Kilby Street ; East on Jona. Harris ; South on the same . 320 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Proprietors of Branch Bank, owners, a Brick Building 8,100 feet. North on State Street ; East on y^ Heirs Sam. Huges ; West on ye Heirs Edwd. Payne. 8,100 square feet, valued at 30,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 71 Nichols & Poole, occupants ; Oliver Brewster, owner, a Store, 480 feet. West on Cornhill ; East on Jona. Amory ; South on "Wm. Lambert. 1,280 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Edward Richards, occupant ; Olivr. Brewster, owner. East on Devonshire Street ; North on Jona. Amory ; South on Wm. Lambert. 230 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Peter Cade, occupant ; [Anapel] Boynton, owner, a piece of Land, 6,000. North on Austins Ropewalk ; West on Geo. & Peter Cade. 6,000 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Nathan Frazier & Co., Gregory & Pickakd, occupants; Jno. Codman, owner, a Double Store of Brick, 2,000 Feet. Easterly on Kilby Street ; North on James Lloyd ; South on Joseph Cooledge. 3,500 square feet, valued at 12,000 Dollars. Thomas Dennie, occupant ; Jno. Codman, owner. one Wooden Store, area, 840. North on ye Branch Bank ; West on Jno. Magner ; South on Lendall's Lane. 1,488 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Wm. Jenkins, Jno. Holbrook, Wm. Menzie, & Sam. Straf- ford, occupants ; Jn°. Codman, owner. 4 Shops. East on Kilby Street ; South on "Wm. Phillips ; West on J. Magner. 3,696 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Joseph Cooledge & Sons, occupants ; Joseph Cooledge, owner. A Brick Store, 1,512 feet. East on Kilby Street ; South on Lendall's Lane ; North on Himself. 3,800 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Swett & Farley, occupants and owners. A Brick Store, 800 feet. East on Kilby Street ; North on Jno. Codman ; South on himself. 800 square feet, valued at 5,500 Dollars. 72 City Document No. 92. Patric Campbell, occupant ; Benja. Clark, owner. Peice Laud. East on Devonshire Street ; South on Water Street ; North on Ichabod [ ]. 1,570 square feet, valued at $1,200 Dollars. George & Peter Cade, occupants and owners. A Ropewalk, 14,184 feet. South on Miss Browns ; North on Joseph Carnes ; East on Annople Boynton. 17,420 square feet, valued at 3,300 Dollars. Joseph Callender, occupant and owner. One Store, Wood, 462. North on State Street ; West on Isaac White ; East on Long Wharf. 462 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Samuel Cobb, occupant and owner. Peice Land, 5,775. East on Turner ; South on Hancock ; West on Clapboard Street. 5,775 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Joseph Carnes, occupant and owner. A Ropewalk, 21,600. South on Cades Ropewalk ; North on Austins Do. ; East on Do. Do. 21,600 square feet, valued at 3,800 Dollars. BiGELOw & Beale, occupants ; Heirs of Caleb Davis, owners. Brick Store, 702 feet. N. E. on State Street; West on Benj. Bussey ; South on Israel Loriug. 702 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Lewis Hayt & Robert Gardner, occupants ; Isaiah Doane, owner. Brick Store, 2,000. North on State Street ; West on Kilby Street ; South on Thos. K. Jones. 2,000 square feet, valued at 10,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 73 TsAiAH DoANE, B. Jarvis, & WiLLM. Otis Wyer, occupants ; Isaiah Doaue, owner. Wooden Store, 1,600 feet. North on Doaus Wharf (so called) ; South on Jno. S. Jack- son ; East on Doaues Wharf. 1,600 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Isaiah Doan, occupant and owner. A Wharf, 1,225 feet. North on Israel Loring ; South on Jno. Jackson ; East on the Flatts. 1,225 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. JoNA. Hastings & Others, occupants ; Thos. Dawes, in Trust, owner. A Brick Building, 2,310 feet. North on State Street ; East on Court Square ; West on Devonshire Street. 2,310 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Jno. Boit & Ellis Gray, occupants ; Elisha Doan, owner. Wooden Store, 1,600 feet. East on Isaiah Doan ; North on Doans Wharf ; area, 1,600 feet. 1,600 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Woodv^ard Smith, occupant and owner. Wooden Store. North on 10 feet Passage way; East on Jno. S. Jackson; Area, 288 feet. 288 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Woodward Smith, occupant ; Elisha Doane, owner. Coopers Shop, 750. North on Doans Wharf ; West on D. S. Greenough ; ditto. r-f-r. > square feet, valued at 700 Dollars. Abner Stoddar, occupant and owner. Blacksmith Shop, 750. Ditto (connected with the preceeding). Joseph Foster, occupant ; Bossenger Foster, owner. Brick Store, 822 feet. North on State Street ; West on Boott & Pratt ; East on Dr. Saltonstal. 822 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. 74 City Document No. 02. James & Thos. Lamb, occupants ; Bossenger Foster, owner. 1 Store, 1,650. South on Doans Wharf ; West on Wm. Clough ; North on Moses Badger. 1,650 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. William Wesson, occupant ; Jona. Fowle, owner. A Shop, 30 by 16 ; one ditto, 20 by 30 ; one ditto, 8 by 30 ; 1 chaise Ho. 40 by 8. South on Water Street; West on Leverett Street ; North on a Passage way. 2,600 square feet, valued at 5,500 Dollars. Thomas Greenleaf, occupant and owner. A Barn, 180 feet. North on Williams Court ; West on Hannah Rowe ; East on Jno. Lowell. 180 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Thomas K. Jones, Dupee & Badger, Christo. Smith, occu- pants ; David S. Greenough, owner. A Wooden Store, 1,632 feet. North on a Passage Way to Doans Wharf ; West on Elisha Doane ; East on Ditto. 1,632 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Elisha H. Mayo and Richd. Fothergill, occupants ; David S. Greenough, owner. A Lot Laud, 242 feet. North on a Passage way to Kilby Street ; South on Wood- ward's Wharf ; East on Elisha Doane. 242 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Sam. Barbek, occupant and owner. Blacksmith Shop, 450 feet South on a Passage way to Kilby Street ; Easterly on a Passage Way ; North on Elisha Doan. 430 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Unimproved ; Ebenr. Hancock, owner. A peice Land, 123 Perch, 240 feet. East and South on Hancock Street ; West on Clapboard Street. 123 Perches ; 240 sq. ft. ; valued at 4,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 75 Unimproved ; Ebenr. Hancock, owner. A peice Land, 10 Perches. West on Hancock Street ; South on himself ; East on Bacon Hill. 10 Perches, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Joshua Henshaw, owner. Spectacle Island. So Called in the Harbour Boston. 64 Acres, 10 Perches, 240 square feet ; valued at 2,300 Dollars. Sam. Hall, occupant and owner. A printing Office, Brick, 774 feet. North on Court Square ; West on Ed. H. Robbins ; East on Leverett Street. 1,632 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. (1) JosiAH Bacon, Benja. Cooledge, John Whitnet, (a) James Green, (b) Standfast Smith, (b) Crowel Hatch, Smith Woodward, occupants ; Jona. Harris & Others Proprietors Woodwards Wharf, owners. 4 Stores, 1,502 feet — (a) Store No. 1 on Woodwards Wharf; (b) 3 & 4, 1,093 feet on Woodwards Wharf ; Store and Coopers Shop, 900 on Woodwards Wharf. The area of ye Wharf 5,098 feet (1) West on Kilb}' Street ; North on Sam. Bangs ; South on Woodwards Wharf. 9,214 square feet, valued at 15,000 Dollars. JoNA. Harris and Others, Proprietors Woodwards Wharf, owners. Brick Store, 560 feet ; Blockmakers Sliop, 456 ; Salt wharf, 4,450 feet. South on Jona. Harris ; West on Olivers Dock ; North on Ditto. 5,488 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. JoNA. Harris & Others § & Wm. McKean ^ owners. One part of Salt Wharf, Area 872. West on Jona. Harris & Others ; South on Jedediah Lin- coln. 872 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. 76 City Dociivient No. 92. Robert Partridge, William Fenno, occupants ; Jona. Har- ris, owner. Brick Store, 320 square feet ; Coopers Shop, 600. South on a Passage Way to Wheelwrights Wharf ; West- erly on Olivers Dock. 920 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Thos. Barber, occupant ; John S. Jackson of Plymouth, owner. Coopers Shop, 432 ; Wharf, 3,162. South on Woodwards Wharf ; North on Doans Wharf. 3,594 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Tho. K. Jones, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 1,200 feet. West on Kilby street ; North on Isaiah Doane ; South on a Passage Way to Doanes Wharf. 1,200 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. Joseph W. Thatcher, occupant ; John Joy, owner. Brick Store, 289 feet. West on Cornhill ; South on Spring Lane ; North on Henry Davison. 289 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. John Ritchie, occupant ; James Ivers, owner. Brick Store, 760 feet. North on State Street ; West on Doctr. Saltonstall ; East on Benja. Bussey. 760 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. James S. Lovell, occupant ; James Ivers, owner. A Barn, 875 feet. South on Bacon street; West on Dan. D. Rogers ; North on Mrs. Bowdoin. 56,262 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Israel Loring, occupant and owner. Wooden Store, 703 feet. South on Doans Wharf ; North on Ivers, Bussey, Foster, &c. ; East on the Flatts. 5,750 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 77 Leach & Watson, occupants ; Leach & Watson &, Mr. Badger, owners. Brick Store, 775 feet. North on State Street ; East on James & Thos. Lamb ; West on Wra. Clongh. 1,085 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. James & Thos. Lamb, occupants ; Heirs of James Lamb, owners. Brick Store, 357 feet. East on State Street ; South on Bossenger Foster ; West on Moses Badger. 561 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Messrs. Hathorne's, occupant; John Lowell, Senr., Rox- bury, owner. Brick Store, 432. West on Kilby Street ; North on a Passage way to Doanes Wharf ; South on Elisha Doane. 568 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Thomas Amort, occupant; Jno. Lowell, Junr., owner. A Barn of Brick and Wood, 306 feet. North on William Court ; West on Thos. Greenleaf ; East on Mary Callahan. 306 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. Thomas Bartlet, occupant ; James Lloyd, owner. A Brick Store, 1,743 feet. East on Cornhill ; North Heirs Mary Bethune ; South on Thos. Greenleaf. 2,023 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. James Lloyd, Jun., & Danl. Gilman & Co., occupants; James Lloyd, owner. 2 Brick Stores, 1,332. East on Kilby Street ; South on John Codman ; North on Mrs. Temple. 2,856 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. Jedediah Lincoln and Sam. D. Hallowell, occupants ; Jeddeh. & Ezra Lincoln, owners. A Wharf & Carpenter Shop, 600 ; Wharf, 2,400. South on Job Wheelwright ; West on Jona. Harris ; North on Jona. Harris & Others. 3,050 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. 78 City Docdmext N"o. 92. Jacob F'rench, occupant ; Wm. McKean, owner. Wharf, 6,760 ; a Store, 322. West on Jona. Harris ; South on Jno. S. Jackson ; South on ye Dock. 7,082 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars Jona. Mason & Jno. Winslow, occupants ; Jona. Mason, owner. Brick Store & Stable, 990 feet. West on Devonshire street ; South on Thos. Walley ; North on Edmund Wright. 1,881 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Jabez Willson, occupant ; John Magnor, owner. Barn, 1,710 feet. South on a Passage way to Leverett Street ; East on Wm. Phillips Esq. ; South on Wm. Russell. 1,710 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Unimproved ; John Magner, owner, peice Land, 684 feet. North on a Passage way leading to Leverett Street ; East on William Phillips, Esq. ; West on Jonathan Fowle. 684 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. Unimproved ; H. G. Otis, Jona. Mason & Benja. Joy, owners. A Lot Land. South on Bacon Street ; North on Cades Ropewalk ; East on John Vinal. 12 acres, 18,000 square feet, valued at 18,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Harrison G. Otis, Jona. Mason, Dan. Stam- ford, Robert Batsou, Joseph Wood, Thos. Fessenden, Ebenr. Parsons, owners. one Lott. North on Cades's Ropewalk ; South on Olive Street ; East on Clapboard Street ; West on Otis & Masons Land. 87,162 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Edward Minchen, occupant ; James Perkins of Ipswich, owner. A Brick Store, 612. North on State Street ; West on Joseph Robey ; South on Lorings Wharf. 855 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 79 Unimproved; Wm. Phillips, Seor., owner. On Lot of Land, 8,320 feet. S. E. on Kilby Street; South on Water Street; North on .Jno. Codman. 8,320 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Isaac Peirce, owner. One Lot Land. East on Soutliack Street ; South & North on B. Lyde, the whole breadth 58 feet down to Low Water Mark. Valued at 400 Dollars. Unimproved ; Joseph Peirce & Others, owners. One Lot land, 40.000 feet. South on Bannister ; North on (Ichabod) ; West on ye River. 40,000 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. JosiAH QuiNCEY & Others, occupants ; Josiah Quincy, owner. A Brick Building improved for Offices, 918 feet. North on Court Street ; East on Adams & Loring ; West on Common Wealth Land. 918 square feet, valued at 2,000 Dollars. Miriam, occupant ; Edwd. H. Bobbins, owner. A Store, Wood, 1 ,044. East on Leverett Street ; South on Daniel Rea ; West on Himself. 1,200 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. Amos Goodale, Mathew Loring, Stepn. Francis, & Meaohum, occupants ; Edwd. H. Bobbins, owner. 4 Tenneraents or Shops, 540 feet. West on Devonshire Street ; South on Widow Lobdel ; North on Edwd. Jones. 540 square feet, valued at 1,600 Dollars. Joseph Robet, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 612 feet. No. 39. North on State Street, No. 39 ; East on James Perkins ; West on himself. 855 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. 80 City Document No. 9'>. Joseph Robey, owner. Brick Store, 612, No. 38. North on State Street ; East on himself ; West on a Passage way. 885 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Prince Hall & Ruben Sanborn, occupants ; David Spear, owner. A Brick Store, 448 feet. West on Leverett Street ; South on Wm. Hawes ; North on Lendalls Lane. 626 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. John Parker & Other, occupants ; James Swan, owner. 4 Stores, Wood. Southerly on Center Street ; S. E. on Common Street ; North on the Burial Ground. 34 Perches, 192 square feet ; valued at 5,000 Dollars. Ebenr. Baker & Co., occupants; Mrs. Saltonstall of Haver- ill, owner. A Brick Store, 504 feet. West on Cornhill ; South on Mary Knight ; North on Wil- liam Spooner. 504 square feet, valued at 5,500 Dollars. Stephen Gorham, Thayer & Chapman, occupants ; Nath. Saltonstall, owner. 3 Brick Stores, 2,000 feet. North on State Street ; East on James Ivers ; West on Bossenger Foster. 2,000 square feet, valued at 9,000 Dollars. William Stackpole, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 1,686 feet. East on State Street ; West on Isaiah Doane ; East on Wm. Clough. 2,312 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Abram Bazin, occupant ; Will™. Spooner, owner. Brick Store, 570 feet. West on Cornhill ; South and North on himself. 970 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 8 Charles Davies, Jona. Wright, occupants; Mrs. Temple, owner. 2 Shops, 990 feet. East on Kilby Street ; South on James Lloyd ; North on Eliza. Bowdoin 990 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Sam. Sumner, occupant; David Townsend, owner. Brick Store, 551 feet. North on State Street ; West on Arnold ; East on Standfast Smith. 831 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. David West, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 1,010 feet. East on Cornhill ; North on Adams & Loring ; South on Widow Roberts. 1,770 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Isaac White, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 594 feet. North on State Street ; East on Joseph Callender ; West on James A. Allen. 846 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Isaac White, occupant and owner. Brick Store, 169 feet. South on Israel Loring ; Easterly on the Flatts ; North on Jo. Callender ; West on himself. 169 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Jona. Ellis & Co., occupant; Wm. Welsh, owner. Brick Store, 648. North on State Street ; East on James A. Allen ; South on Lorings Wharf. 648 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Tucker & Thayer, occupants ; Arnold Wells, Junr., owner. Brick Store, 384. West on Cornhill ; South on Arnold Welles, Senr. ; East on David Townsend. 384 square feet, valued at 6,000 Dollars. 82 City Document No. 92. WARD NO. 10, BOOK 45. [Unimproved] — Heirs of Nathl. Appleton, owners. A Lot Land, a Negro Shed theron. In Battery March Street ; North on Smallag[e] ; South on F. Hall. 3,886 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. [Unimproved] — Heirs of Nathl. Appleton, owner. Half an undivided Lott Land & Wharf in Battery March Street wheron formerly stood Appleton & Wendells Sperma Ceeti Works (Included in O. Wendells Return.) Asa Hatch, occupant ; Heirs of Nath' Appleton, owner. A DistUl of Wood. On Battery March Street ; West on Fort Hill. (Taken by an Exon. for the United States.) Valued at 1,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Geo. H. Apthorp, owner. one Lot Land, 1 1 ,520 feet. Easterly on Atkinson Street 78 foot; on Round Lane 145 feet ; on Sister's Lane 82 ; on the Widow Rand 144. 11,520 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Wm. Spotswood, occupant; Jona. Amory, Junr., owner, a Lot Land, a Brick Store theron, 3 Story. East on Marlbr6 Street ; North on ye Estate Widow Coffin ; South on Estate Wm. Woods. 1,364 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Wheelock & Simmons, occupants ; John Amory, Senr., owner, one Lot land 2 Barns theron, 20 by 20 & 130 by 30. East on Bishops Alley ; North on himself ; South on Vin- cent. 5,900 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. John & Thos. Amory, occupants ; John Amory, Sen^, owner. a Brick Store 3 Stories & a lot Land. West on Marlboro Street ; North on Colo. Hitchborn ; South on Ticknor ; East on Bishops Alley. 10,920 square feet, valued at 7,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 83 Nath. Brewer, occupant and owner. a Wooden Glaizer Shop, 13 by 17. East on Battery March Street ; North on Soloman Cotton ; South on Estate Cushings Heirs. 273 square feet, valued at 200 Dollars. George Blanchard, occupant and owner. a Wooden Barn 1,180 feet. North on Round Lane ; W. on Jno. F. Williams ; South on Colo. Dawes ; East on himself. 2,880 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. George Blanchard, occupant and owner. a Wooden Store 1,584 feet. North on Round Lane ; Easterly on Atkinson Street ; Southerly on Capt. Cowell ; Westerly on himself. 3,630 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. Unimproved ; Saml. Brown, owner. 6 Lots Land each 63 by 130 ; North 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Formerly Ropewalk ground each Lott on Hutchinson Street, 63 feet 130 deep ; bounding Westerly on Colman Appleton & Lamb; Northerly on Lot 10; Southerly on Lot No. 3. 50,700 square feet, valued at 15,000 Dollars. Thos. Lillie, occupant; Wm. Boardman, Junr,, owner. 1 Wooden Store 17^ by 22, 2 Stories. West on Marlboro Street ; South on Isaac Townsend ; North on himself. 384 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Mr. Tucker & Others, occupants ; Saml. Brown of Cohas- set, owner, a Blacksmith Shop of Brick, 36 by 15. North on School Street ; East on Widow Haugh ; West on a Passage Way ; South on Mrs. Inches. 740 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Jonas S. Bass, occupant and owner. a Lot Land Improved as a Tanyard with 5 Sheds. North on Water Street ; West on Stackpole ; South on Fleet, Niles & others ; East on Dalton. 9,879 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. 84 City Docibient No. 92. Thos. Popkins, Minot & Others, occupants ; Jno. Ballard, owner. a Lot Land work Shop, 76 by 17, another do. 76 by 20. S. W. by Rawsons Lane ; N. W. by S. Selon ; N. E. by Heirs Wm. Wood ; East by Townsend. 5,508 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Thomas Simmons, occupant ; Edwd. Blake, owner. an old Chaise H. 35.10 feet by 38 feet. West on Bishops Alley ; South on Jno. Lucas's Land ; North on James Bowdoin Esqr. 1,361 square feet, valued at 800 Dollars. Jno. Gregort, occupant ; Jerathl. Bowers, owner. a Lott land improved as a Garden, 93 by 99 feet. South on Round Lane ; West on Hunt ; North on Widow Rand. 9,207 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. John Cotton, occupant ; Solo. Cotton, owner, a Painters Shop 2 Stories Wood, 14 by 14. N. W. on Milk Street ; N. E. on Battery March Street ; S. E. on Nat. Brewer, makes a Corner. 196 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Sam. Tuck, Ed. & Wm. Hay, Wm. Burroughs & Others, oc- cupants ; Benja. Cushing, owner. 1 Wooden Building, 70 by 24, 3 Stories, Chair maker, Sail do. &c. &o. West on Battery March Street adjoining R. Hallowell & David Tilden. 4,200 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Jno. Codman, owner, a Lot Land 45 by 111. West on Atkinson Street, between Beuja. Cushing & Job Wheelwright. 4,995 square feet, valued at 1,800 Dollars. [Unimproved] — Jno. Codman, owner. 3 Lots Land No. 1. 2. 3 Ropewalk Land. N. E. on Hutchinson Street ; Southerly on High Street ; Westerly on Sargent & others.. 25,122 square feet, valued at 7,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 85 [Unimproved]. — Jno. Codmau, owner, a Lot Land 65 by 113. West on Atkinson Street between Wheelwright & Colman ; Easterly to Old Ropewalk. 7,345 square feet, valued at 2,600 Dollars. Unimproved ; John Coates, owner. 3 Lots Land, No. 1, 35 by 80, 600 ; No. 2, 39 by 50, 400 ; No. 3, 20 by 37, 200. In Federal Court formerly Webbs Pasture adjcuing Fille- brown. Parsons, Guild & Adams, Jere Bulfinch & others. 5,490 square feet, valued at 1,200 Dollars. W. P. & L. Blake, occupants ; Ann Deblois, owner, a Brick Store, 22 by 35, 2 Stories. No. 1 Cornhill West ; South on Land of ye Old South Meeting House ; Northerly on Spring lane making a Corner. 1,353 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Unimproved ; Thos. Davis, owner. a lot land. North on Bury Street 18 feet ; East on land of H. Simp- sou 80 feet; South on Mrs. Rand 18 feet; West on Governour Sumner 80 feet. 1,440 square feet, valued at 360 Dollars. Jno. White, occupant ; Thomas Dawes, owner. A rot land improved as a Garden with a Barrack 30 by 16 one Storey bounded Southerly on High Street on a level Line 159 feet ; on Geo. Blanchard 130 feet on Wright & Coburn 190 feet on Geo. Blanchard & Jn. & F. Wil- liams 162 feet. 23,630 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Thomas Dickason, occupant and owner. A Brick Stable, 34 by 21. In Oliver Street West; S. E. on Bossenger Foster; North on J. Homer. 714 square feet, valued at 900 Dollars. Sam. Blagge, occupant ; William Foster, owner. 2 Ranges of old Buildings as a Boat builder & Block Maker Shop abot 16 by 60. on Purchase Street above Fosters Wharf. 1,080 square feet. Combined in value with the next one. 86 City Document No. 02. Sam. Blagge, occupant; William Foster, owner. 3 Ranges Brick Stores & 3 Ranges Wooden Stores, 86 by 16, 45 by 20 & 40 by 26. 2 Stories l(i3 by 16, 60 by 16, 60 by 16. All those Buildings are on Fosters Wharf, so Called, which including the above Stores measures 374 feet by 372 feet bounded West by Purchase Street ; North on Town Alley ; South on Jarathmiel Bowers ; East on the Sea. The preceeding 1,080 square feet and 139,128 square feet, valued at 30,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Martha Freeman, owner. A peice of Land, 32 by 122. North on Land of Saltonstall in School Court, School Street. 4,000 square feet, valued at 500 Dollars. Geobge Barber & McDorr, occupants ; James Gridley, owner. A Blacksmith Shop 40 by 32, Wood. Built on Robert Hollowells Land on Battery march Street, & included with R. H. Wharf Lotts. Valued at 1 ,000 Dollars. James Eunison [Eunson?] and James Gridlky, occupants; James Gridley, owner. A Wharf 50 by 120; a Store theron, 4 Storey of Wood, 68 by 25 feet. West by Battery march Street; North by Stepn. Hall & South by O. Wendell. 7,500 square feet, valued at 3,000 Dollars. Unoccupied ; Stepn. Gorham, owner. 1 House Lott 52 by 44, with House intended for a Dwelling House. N. E. on Hutchinson Street; Southerly by Lot No. 10 of Ropewalk Land ; Westei'ly by Daniel Tuttle. Built sence Octor. & is not Habatable. 12,945 square feet, valued at 8,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Stepn. Gorham, owner. A Lott Land No. 10 Ropewalk ground. On Hutchinson street adjoining himself & Lott No. 9 Southerly. 8,190 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 171)8. 87 Unoccupied ; Guild & Adams, owners. One Lot Land 1 House intended for a Dwelling House 42 by 19, Kitching adjoining 16 by 15. On Federal Court North on Jesse Foster : South on Jno. Coates ; East on a New Street from Federal Street to ye Court. An unfinished House. 2,625 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Freeman Prince, occupant ; John Homans, owner. A Lot Land 28 by 70, a Negro Hut theron. North on Peter R. Dalton ; Westerly on Bass ; Easterly on Dalton Street ; Southerly on Julian. 1,960 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Joseph Harris, occupant and owner. A Brick Store, 4 Storey high, 55 by 33. On Liberty Square, Fronting Water Street. Built sence Novr. 1798. 1,815 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Bill Voze, occupant ; Robt. Hallowell, owner. 105 feet by 36. Milk Street & another Lott belonging to R. H. 3,780 square feet, valued at 12,000 Dollars. Value of the next two combined with this. Sundry Persous, occupants ; Robt. Hallowell, owner. A Plat on Lot adjoining the above Wharf 188 by 118 feet a Wooden Store thereon, 66 by 25 feet ; 3 Stories. Situated East of Battery March Street several Old Sheds & Shops on this Lott of no Profit to ye Owners. 22,184 square feet. Benja Cushing, occupant; Robt. Hallowell, owner. A Wharf & Plat Land to High water mark, 130 by 90 feet. Bounded by Milk street on ye North & Majr. Tilden on the South. 11,700 square feet. Stephen Hall, occupant and owner. 3 Wharfs adjoining each 110 by 34 ; a Barn theron, 40 by 24 ; a Counting House, 24 by 14. Westerly on Battery March Street ; Northerly on Small- edge ; South on O. Wendell Esqr. 11,220 square feet, valued at 9,<:00 Dollars. 88 City Document No. 02. [ ] Stephen Hall, owner. An Old Shed 100 feet by 15. Occupied by Pump Maker, Chair maker & Other Mecanicks. East on Battery March Street ; North on himself ; South on S. Policy. 1,500 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. [ ] James Ivers, owner. Long Island so Called in Boston Harbour. 246 Acres, 1,500 square feet, valued at 4,500 Dollars. Levi Pease, occupant ; Edward Jones, owner. 1 Wharf with a Coopers Shed theron. N. E. Side Battery March Street ; S. E. by Stepn. Hall ; N. W. by Smallage. 180 square feet, valued at 300 Dollars. [ ] Edward Jones, owner. A Lot of Pasture Land. South on Wendells Pasture ; West on R. Hollowell ; East by Battery March Street containing 31,320 square feet, valued at 750 Dollars. Wheelock & SiMMO>fS, occupants ; John Lucas, owner. A Lot Land on which is a Stable Chase House & Black- smith Shop. Westerly on Bishops Alley ; North on Ed. Blake ; South- erly on himself ; Chaise House 25 by 40 ; Shed 100 by 19 ; Blacksmiths Shop 20 by 38. 6,272 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Unimproved ; Heirs of Jas. Lamb, owner. 1 Lot Land 100 feet by 60 feet. West on Atkinson St. ; South on Heirs N. Appleton ; North on D. Tuttle. 6,000 square feet, valued at 2,400 Dollars. Wm. Chandler & Others, occupants ; Wm. Miller, owner. A Lott Land 56 by 15, 5 Shops theron 14 by 10 Each. N. E. on Adams Street ; N. W. by Magner ; S. W. & S. E. on himself. 840 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 89 Wheelock & Simmons, occupants : Ebenr. Niles, owner. A Wooden Stable. Nortb on Milk Street ; E. on Bishops Alley ; West on Heirs Fosdick & Heirs Colo. Bradley. 3,ri07 square feet, valued at 4,000 Dollars. James Otis, occupant and owner. A Wharf 100 feet by 150, Wooden Store theron, 47 by 20 feet. On Purchase Street Nortlierly ; Southerly on Dan. Sears ; Easterly on Wm. Foster. 10,200 square feet, valued at 5,000 Dollars. Simeon Pollet, occupant ; Simeon Policy, Susan Wendell, N. Peuhallow & Wm. Atkinson, owners. 1 Distill House 24 by 68 feet. Easterly on Battery March Street ; Southerly on Purchase Street ; Westerly on Fort Hill. 2,400 square feet, valued at 2,500 Dollars. Joseph Morton, occupant ; Thomas Page, owner. One Shop, Brick, Wood, 15 by 27. Easterl}^ on Himself ; Westerly on Water Street ; South on Horn Lane. Built since October, 1798. 405 square feet, valued at 600 Dollars. Sam. G. Perkins, occupant and owner. A Lott Pasture Land on Purchase St., opposite his — 8,820 square feet, valued at 1,600 Dollars. JosiAH QuiNCY, occupant and owner. 1 Lot Pasture Land 58 J by 98^ feet. Situated on Fort Hill ; Easterly on High Street ; south on Wm. Phillips ; Westerly on Jackson ; North on 0. Wen- dell, Esq. 6,275 square feet, valued at 1,000. Jno. L. Roberts & M. Vinal, occupants ; Jno. L. Roberts, owner. 1 Work Shop of Wood, 28 by 40. On Common Street ; North on Hamblin ; South on Tucker- man ; East on Gov. Gill. 3,012 square feet, valued at 1,000 Dollars. 90 City Document No. v2. Benja. Bussey & Others ; Jeffrey Richardson, ov/ner. A Brick Store, 3 Stories & a Lott Land adjoining. West on Atkinson ; South on High Street, making a Corner. 4,018 square feet, valued at 3,500 Dollars. Dormant ; Jeffrey Richardson, owner. One third a Lott undivided Land of the old Ropewalk Ground lays in Common between Atkinson & Hutchin- son Street. This Land is included in Jno. Codmans Lots of Ropewalk Ground. James H. Foster, occupant ; Joseph Ruggles, owner. One Lot with a Wooden Store 470 feet theron. West on Marlboro Street ; North on D. Townsend ; South on Widow Partridge. 937 square feet, valued at 1,500 Dollars. R. Salsbury & Others, occupants ; Hannah Rowe, owner. A Lott Land on which is a Work Shop 36 by 20 (Wood) . North on Water Street ; East on Andrews ; West on Her- self. 1,400 square feet, valued at GOO Dollars. James Hedison [Eunson?] & Others, occupants ; Hannah Rowe, owner. A Lot of Wharfs called Rowes Wharf. Situated East of Battery March Street ; North on Oliver Wendell ; South on Passage way 22 by 60. A Wooden Store, 2 Stories, 35 by 40, on a Wharf 69 by 110. 1 Wooden do., 2 do., 22 by 48 on a Wharf 33 by 140. 1 Brick do., 2 do., 20 by 40. 1 Wooden ditto, 3 ditto, 24 by 36. A Range old Sheds good for O., & are to be pulled down. 1 Wooden Store 22 by 45 on a Wharf 22 by r.O ; two of the above Stores stand on a Wlmrf 'ooden dwelling ; Fronting East on Phillip Wentwortli ; South on Uichd. Smith ; West on Elijah Swift ; North ou Richd. Smith. Land, J ,408 square feet ; house, 289 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ;' Value, $400. John Shelton, Charles Shelton, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting ou Whitebread Alley ; West on Mary Jarvis ; North on John Page. Land, 1,860 square feet; house, 1,134 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows; Value, $1,000. Partly finished two tenements, $800. 158 City Document No. 92. Richard Smith, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting East on a passage between Charter Street & Lynn Street ; South on Foster Crufft ; West on E. Swift ; North on Saml. Harris. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $1,000. Richard Smith, owner ; John Snelling, Mr. Hawes, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting East on Phillip Wentworth ; North on Lynn Street ; West on Elijah Swift ; South on Thos Stoddard. Land, 648 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $400. Thos. Tennant, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting West on Henchmans lane ; South en Wm. Darricott ; Northerly on Elijah Swift. Land, 1,300 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 30 windows; Value, $1,000. Wm. TH0MPS0>f, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; Fronting Northerly on Charter Street ; South on Henry Hill, Esqr. ; West on Larabee and others. Land, 1,268 square feet; house, 1,268 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $3,000. ' Elias Tuckerman, Nancy Tufton, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting West on North Street ; East on Saml. Vaughn ; North on B. Seward ; South on Battery Alley. Land, 2,021 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,200. John Thompson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting South on Charter Street ; North on Bama. Wil- son. Land, 844 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, Abigail Tyler, owner ; Abigail Tyler, Samuel Peirce, Gray, occupiers; wooden dwelling; Fronting N.E. on Charter Street; N.W. on Mr. Campbell; S.W. on Patter- son ; S.E. on Mountford. Land, 2,285 square feet ; house, 864 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. John Trueman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Easterly on the sea ; Westerly on Ship Street ; North on Samuel Lillie ; Southerly on John Sweetser. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 1,208 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $2,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 159 John Trueman, owner; John Trueman Junr., occnpier ; Brick dwelling ; Fronting Westerly on North Street ; South on Josiah Bachelor ; North on Joseph Belcher ; East on Mr. Wile. Land, 1,596 square feet; house, 672 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows; Value, Si, 200. John Underwood, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Northerly on Salutation Alley adjoining Alex- ander Davidson. Land, 240 square feet ; house, 240 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, Saml. Vaughan, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Southerly on Battery Alley ; West on Ellas Tuckerman ; N.E. on Leate and Seward. Land, 1,200 square feet; house, 700 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Phillip Wentworth, owner ; Mrs. Chandler, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting N.E. on Lynn Street ; S.E. on John Greenough ; S. W. on Samuel Harris. Land, 1,023 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $2,000. Edwd. Whitman, owner; Thomas Waldron, Thomas Leach, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting East on North Street ; Northerly on Lynn Street ; Westerly on Seth Webber. Land, 1,200 square feet ; house, 776 square feet ; 3 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $3,500. Edwd. Whitman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting West on North Street ; North on Lynn Street ; Easterly on Edmd. Hart ; South on Edwd. Oliver. Land, 1,034 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 2 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $2,000. Henrt H. Williams, owner ; John B'enno, occupier ; Wooden dwelling ; Fronting S.W. on Lynn Street ; S.E. on the Towns way ; N.E. on Wharf ; N.W. on Yfm. Greenough. Land, 1,890 square feet; house, 972 square feet; 2 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $2,000. Edwd. Whitman, owner ; John Hayward, Danl. Powers, Mr. Cutter, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting S.W. on Charter Street ; East on Fosters lane ; West on "Richd. Richardson ; North on land of Edwd. Robbins. Land, 1,213 square feet; house. 720 square feet; 3 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,0(J0. 160 ■ City Document No. 02. David Watson, owner ; Mercy Parsons, Giles Alexander, Ebenr. Edes, Henry Sibley, David Watson, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Easterly on Barnabas Wil- son & Thompson ; South on Christ Church land ; North on Charter Str. ; West on J. Williams & T. Gay. Land, 4,200 square feet ; house, 2,000 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows ; Value, $2,000. James Williams, owner; James Williams, Jun., occupier; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Northerly on Charter Street ; East on David Watson ; West and South on Land, 2,583 square feet; house, 621 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,000. Margaret Webb, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting on a passage way leading to Love Lane ; South on John Dyer ; West on Bright ; North & East on Lem. Gardner. Land, GOO square feet ; house, 200 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $500. Revd. Wm. Walter, owner ; Thos. May, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting on Salem Street Wes't ; adjoining Christ Church North Easterly. Land, 4,180 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Walker, owner ; Benjamin Hall, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Southerly on Battery Alley ; West on Saml. Vaughan ; East & North on Sarah Nowell. Land, 390 square feet ; house, 390 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windovfs ; Value, $G()0. Seth Webber, owner ; William Boult, Rachael Abrahams, occupiers ; wooden dv,"jlling ; Fronting Easterly on North Street ; North on Edwd. Whitman ; South on Francis Butler. Land, 1,160 square feet; house, 1,160 square feet; 2 sto- ries; Value, $1,000. BEMJAnaN West, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting East on Neat & Goodridge ; South on Robt. Gardner ; North on Caleb Hopkins ; West on Greenough Alley. Land, 960 square feet ; house, 960 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 1(51 Ann White, owner jind occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting S.E. on a, passage way ; North on Lynn Street ; S.W. on Joseph Burbeck. Laud, 153 square feet; house, 153 square feet; 2 stories; Value, $500. Ebenr. White, owner; Ebenr. White, Charles Steel, occupi- ers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting West on Battery Alley ; North & South on Spencer Dyer & Martin Poor ; East on a passage way. Land, 770 square feet ; house, 160 square feet ; 2 stories ; 6 windows ; Value, $500. John Woodward, Nathl. Woodward, owners and occupi- ers ; wooden dwelling ; Situated on Charter Street, ad- joining land of Foster Crufts West, and Saml. Mills Easterly. Land, 1,350 square feet; house, 709 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $750. Job Wheeden, owner ; Job Wheeden, Wni. Wakefield, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; Situated on Ship Street East ; on Mr. Alexander South ; on Mr. Fraker West ; on a pas- sage way North. Land, 558 square feet ; house, 558 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Eliza. Walker, owner ; Eliza. Walker, Amia Farnum [Amey Farmer ?] , occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Southerly on Whitebread Alley ; West on Joseph Weld ; North on B. Bronsdale ; East on .Jona. Bill. Land, 1,104 square feet; house, 416 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, Barnabas Wilson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Situated East on a passage way ; West on E. Baker ; South on Barnabas Wilson ; North on Charter Street. Land, 400 square feet ; house, 400 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $500. Wm. O. Wyer, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Situ- ated on North Street ; North on Mr. Lovering ; South on Mr. Parker. Land, 1,178 square feet ; house, 1 , 1 78 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $l,00i». 162 City Document No. 1)2. Saml. Winslow, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting North on Lynn Street ; S. W. on Joseph Eayres ; N.VV. on land of Jo. Greenough. Land, 480 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, Samuel Yendal, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting on Ship Street; N. S. on Battery Alley; West on Wm. Parkman ; North on Jotham Horton. Land, 1,800 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,000. BOOK 7. Joseph Austin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. Corner of Fleet Street & Ship ; North on Pprs of New bricli Chui'cli ; Westerly on Abijah Adams. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 1,500 square feet; 3 & 2 stories, 25 windows; Value, $3,000. Abijah Adams, owner; John Cooper, occupier; wooden dwelling ; Fronting North side Fleet Street ; East on Joseph Austin ; West on John Grozier. Land, 1,150 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,100. William Allen, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N. W. Corner of Moon & Sun Court Streets ; bounded on ye East by M. Bridge. Land, 806 square feet ; house, 408 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $750. Samuel Aves, owner ; Samuel Aves and Ansel Cook, occu- piers ; Brick dwelling ; Corner Salem & Bennett Streets ; East on Willm. Waters ; West on Dea. Gideon Shap. Land, 1,470 square feet; house, 1,140 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $2,500. Benja. Barnes, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Ship Street; Northerly on J. Skillings ; Westei-ly on Jona- than Merry. Land, 1 ,530 square feet ; house, 950 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows; Value, $2,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 163 Ebenr. Bridge, owner ; Ebenr. White, Joseph Baccus. occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street, Westerly ; South- erly on Prince Snow ; Northerly on Francis Wright. Land, 2,400 square feet ; house, 560 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,000. Thomas Bell, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; N.E. on Stephen Heany ; S.W. on Thomas Cur- tis. Land, 992 square feet; house, 518 square feet; 3 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $750. Moses Barker, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North Side Ship Street ; Westerly on G-eo. Hyler ; East- erly on Sarah Tate. Land, 1,933 square feet; house, 1,172 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows; Value, $1,850. Edith Benet, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Cor- ner Fish & Sun Court Streets ; Westerly on E. Gordon ; Northerly on Amos Lewis. Land, 432 square feet ; house, 432 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,000. John Badger, owner ; Joanna Conner, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street, N.W. side ; Westerly on Joseph Shed ; Northerly on sd Badger. Land, 576 square feet ; house, 576 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $750. Mathew Bridge, owner ; William Powell, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East Side Sun Court Street ; Westerly on Wm. Allen ; Southerly on George Bright. Laud, 706 square feet ; house, 560 square feet ; 2 stories, 1 1 windows ; Value, Edward Burt, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; P^ast- erly side Bennet Street ; Westerly on Thomas Pook ; Southerly on ye North School house. Land, 2,800 square feet ; house, 555 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,000. Widow Berry, heirs of, owner ; Lidia Dodge, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North square ; N.E. on John Leach ; S.W. on Willm. Dodd. Land, 490 square feet ; house, 330 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $500. 104 City Document No. 92. John Badger, owner ; John Scott, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North Square ; Westerly on John Clarke ; Easterly on Ellis. Land, 272 square feet ; house, 272 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $600. John Brown, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; S.W". side Clarke Street ; North on Eliza Bronsdon ; South on Rebecca Hill. Land, 1,821 square feet ; house, 594 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,275. Eliza. Bronsdon, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; S.W. side Clarke Street ; North on Hannah Crooker ; South on John Brown. Land, 1,986 square feet; house, 759 square feet; 3 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,250. Samuel Bangs, owner ; Daniel Rea, Terts ; wooden dwell- ing ; East Side Prince Street (back); S E. on John Thoreaux ; Northerly on Wm. Thompsons land. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 432 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $700. Nathl. Brown & others, owners ; Nathl. Brown, occupier ; wooden dwelling; East Side Prince Street; N.E. on a passage way ; S.W. on John & Wm. Barber. Land, 729 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $650. George Bright, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Sun Court Street; N.W. on Mathew Bridge; S.E. on Charles Willis. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 3 sto- rieS; 27 windows; Value, $1,800. John & William Barber, owners ; John Barber, occupier ; wooden dwelling; Northerly on Prince Street; N.W. on Joseph Martin; N.E. on Mrs. Rogers; S. on Nathl. Brown. Land, 920 square feet ; house, 448 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $550. John & William Barber, owners ; William Barber, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling ; back from Prince Street ; N. on Joseph Martin; N.E. on Mrs. Rogers; & S. on N. Brown. Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 442 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $550. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 1G5 John Bishop, owner ; None, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Bennet Street; N.E. on James My rick ; S. on J. Gard- ner, Esqr. ; S.W. on John Lambert. Land, 359 square feet; house, 210 square feet; 3 stories, 5 windows ; Value, George Russell Gushing, of Hingham, owner ; Ebenr. Knowlton, Ziba French, and John Daniels, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; S. Side Fish Street; W. on James Foster ; N.E. on George Bright. Land, 3,857 square feet ; house, 974 square feet ; 3 stories,. 29 windows ; Value, $1,850. Caleb Champney, owner ; Caleb Champuey, John Cumber, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. Prince Street ; S.E. on Leopold F. Herman ; West on Robt. Marable. Land, 3,968 square feet ; house, 748 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $1,200. Jacob Cloues, [Clough?] owner and occupier; Brick dwell- ing ; North Side Fish Street ; East on sd. Sti-eet ; South on Danl. English ; & North on Sylvester ; 1 work shop, wood ; 240 square feet. Land, 1,820 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, G windows ; Value, $2,000. Willm. Cordwell, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; East side Fleet Street; S.E. on Elijah Loring ; N.W. on Capt. Emmes. Land, 12 Perches, 12 square feet; house, 598 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $2,000. Thomas Curtis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting South on Fish Street ; West on Nathl. Smith ; N.E. on Thos. Bell. Land, 697 square feet; house, 595 square feet; 3 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,200. Sarah Comeford, owner ; John Burk, Sarah Comeford, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; Moon Street ; Westerly on Eliza Hosea ; East on Wm. Allen. Land, 272 square feet; house, 272 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $550. Hannah Crocker, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Moon Street ; North on a Court ; East on Colo. John May ; South on Widow Eliza Hosea. Land, 3,210 square feet ; house, 990 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 25 windows; Value, $1,000. 166 City Document No. 92. Hannah Crocker, owner ; Samuel Mather, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; West side Clarke Street ; East on Eliza Brons- don ; West on John Dyer of Anna R. ; 1 Kitchen ; 234 square feet. Land, 1,482 square feet ; house, 792 square feet ; 3 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $1,450. Nath., Abigail & Joseph Childs, owners; Nathl. and Joseph Childs, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish street ; Westerly on Daniel Hunt ; Easterly on James White. Land, 1,380 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 9 windows ; Value, William Capen, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South side Ship street; S.W. on Capt. Dan'l. Merry; N.E. on Parsons & Sargent. Land, 1,190 square feet; house, 765 square feet; 2 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $1,500. William Capen & others, owners ; Eliza Bickford, Mauley, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Ship street ; north on Moses Barker ; South on Mary Lang- don. Land, 1,764 square feet; house, 180 square feet; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $500. Thos. Dinsmore, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ing ; Corner of Clarke and Middle Streets ; South on John Dyer ; N.W. on J. Sheerman. Laud, 2,015 square feet ; house, 1,120 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows ; Value, $2,500. Henry Dix, owner ; Othniel French, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Prince Street ; West on John Thoreaux ; North on S. Bangs ; South on John Thoreaux. Land, 896 square feet ; house, 896 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, John Dyer, owner ; Capt. B. Knox, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; Clarke Street ; East on John Mather or Hannah Crocker ; West on Thomas Dinsmore. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $1,500. Mary Dolbear, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Clarke Street; S.E. on Benja. James; N.W. on George Hyler ; one shop, wood, 182 square feet; 2 stories, 3 windows. Land, 965 square feet; house, 208 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 167 Henry Dewhuest, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; Fish Street ; on Lanes Wharf ; Northerly on L[ove] Lane ; N.W. on Prince Snow. Land, 1,050 square feet ; house, 508 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $500. William Dodd, owner ; Levi Hawks, occupier ; Brick and Wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; South on Thomas Richard- son ; West on Clarkes Square ; North on Thorns. Robbins. Land, 1,520 square feet; house, 208 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $750. Nathl. Downs and Joshua Pitman, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Bennet, Corner of Short lane ; West on Frs. James ; North on Bartw. West. Land, 2,287 square feet ; house, 660 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, Downs, $800 ; Value, Pitman, $700. Daniel English, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; Fish Street ; South on Thomas Lewis ; East on Jacob Cloues. Land, 375 square feet; house, 375 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,500. Edwakd Edes, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; rough cast ; Corner Bennet & Salem Streets ; S.E. on Francis James ; the rear on Love lane ; 1 bakehouse, wood, 882 squai-e feet ; 1 barn, wood, 324 square feet. Land, 9,720 square feet ; house, 1,496 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 46 windows ; Value, $6,000. Samuel Emmes, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; Fleet Street ; Easterly on William Cordwell ; West on Edwd. H. Robbins, Esqr. Land, 1,632 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 15 windows; Value, $1,500. Deborah Ellis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Clarke Street; S.W. on B. James ; N.W. on Mary Dol- bear. Land, 312 square feet; house, 312 square feet; 2 stories; Value, Rev'd. John Elliot, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Corner of Middle and Bennet Streets ; East on Henry Newell ; N.W. on Thomas Lee. Land, 2,500 square feet ; house, 420 square feet ; 2 stories, 43 windows ; Value, . 168 City Document No. 92. Abraham Foster, dec's'd. the Estate of, owner ; James & Jo- seph Foster, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; North & West by land of David Lakin & John Harris ; Easterly by Capt. Gushing. Land, 3,660 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $1,250. Anne Foster, owner ; Scammel Penniman, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; Easterly on John Harris ; West- erly on Wm. Grubb. Land, 1,549 square feet; house, 1,549 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $1,200. James Freeland, owner ; Mrs. Fanning, occupier ; wooden dwelling; Fish Street ; S E. on Hancock Wharf; S.W. on ; N.E. on sd Freelands land. Land, 1 ,877 square feet ; house, 325 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, $750. James Freeland, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; fronting North on sd Street ; N.E. on Wm. McKean ; S.W. on Hancocks Estate. Land, 1,508 square feet; house, 429 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, Joseph Francis & William Blake, owners ; Joseph Francis, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; fronting on a passage way leading to Francis & Blakes wharf, bounded South & East on sd Wharf ; West on S. Torry ; Northerly on Phillip Weutworth. Land, 2,560 square feet ; house 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $900. Joseph Gardner, Esq., owner and occupier ; wooden dwell- ing; Benuet Street; bounded S.E. on John Hunting; N.W. on Lambert & others ; the rear on Love lane ; 1 old Shed, 600 square feet ; half 2 stories. Land, 4,500 square feet; house, 1,500 square feet; half 3 stories, and half 2 ; 25 windows ; Value, $2,000. Mercy Gleason. owner and occupier ; Brick & Wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; fronting on sd Street ; Easterly on Thomas Lewis ; West on Mary Lobb ; 1 out-house, 220 square feet ; 2 stories. Land, 1,696 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $1,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 169 William Gkubb, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Fish Street ; West on a passage way ; N.E. on Hannah Foster ; S.E. on Dea Wright in the rear. Land, 352 square feet ; house, 252 square feet ; 2 stories, 2 windows ; Value, $400. Betsy Gordon, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden build- ing ; Fish Street ; West on Edwd. Weld; East on Mrs. Edith Beuey. Laud, 8G7 squaro feet ; house, 680 square feet; 3 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,250. Dayit> GoomvTN, owner; Saml. Harris, occupier; Brick dwelling ; East on Fish Street ; South on John Ray- mond ; North on sd Goodwin ; West on Danl. Waters. Land, 870 square feet ; house, 500 square feet ; 2 stories, 1 2 windows ; Value, $ i ,000. Dayii) Goodwin, owner; Elizabeth Fessenden, occupier; wooden dweiliug ; Fleet Street; East on sd D. Good- wdu ; l\^est on John Eaymond. Land, 370 square* feet; house, 320 square feel; 1 story, 2 windows ; Value, $450. D.vvi:> GooDWix, owner ; Elizabeth Hudson, occupier ; Brick dwelling; West Corner Fleet Street; N.E. on Ander- son Phillips; S.Vv^. on sd Goodwins own laud. Land, 430 square feet; house, 361 square feet; 3 stories, 8 windows; Value, §1,500. Isaac GuEEwrooB, owner ; Dr. Natbl. Smith and Lewis Lam- bert, occupiers ; Brick dwelhng ; Fleet Street ; North on Garden Court Street ; V/est on Jedh. Lincoln ; South on Sliza Nicholson. Laud, 7,100 square feet ; house, 1,068 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 4'J windows ; \'alue, $3,500. John GitoziEi:. owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; S.W. on Fleet Street; N.AV. on Elijah l^oring ; N.E. on Widow Langdon ; S.E, on John CuUen. Land, 2,660 square feet; house, 940 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,000. John Harris, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; South on Ann Foster ; North on Joseph Foster. Land, 2,100 square feet; house, 351 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows ; Vahie, $900. 170 City Document No. 92. Cath'n. Harris & Joseph Hamborough, owners and occu- piers ; wooden clwelliug ; North on Ship Street; S.E). & West on Ebenr. Parsons. Land, 864 square feet ; house, 630 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $1,150. Leopold Ferdinand Herman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S W. on Prince Street ; N.W. on Caleb Champney ; N.E. on Cop Hills ; S.E. on John Hooton. Land, 2,876 square feet ; house, 400 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $900. George Hiler, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Clarke Street; N.W. on ye Estate of Joseph Clarke ; S.E. on Sarah Dolbear. Land, 1,978 square feet; house, 482 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,000. G-EORGE Hiler, owner ; Sarah Hodge, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; West on Sarah Tate ; Northerly on Dr. Barker. Land, 424 square feet ; house, 320 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $750. Ann Hyter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; Westerly on Jacob Clones ; Easterly on Francis James. Land, 360 square feet ; house, 180 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, Ann Howard, owner ; Elisha Gardner, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. Corner of Clarke Square & Sun Court Street ; West on John Leach ; Southerly on sd Ann Howard. Land, 5,400 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $2,500. Ann Howard, owner ; Moses Piper, occupier ; Brick dwell- ing ; Sun Court Street ; N.W. on sd Howards own land ; S.E. on Amos Lewis. Land, 756 square feet ; house, 756 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,500. John Hoffman, owner ; Wm. Penniman and Mr. BuUey, occupiers; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street; S.W. Corner of a passage-way leading to Danl. Merryscoft [? Merry's croft?] ; Westerly on Wm. McKean. Land, 912 square feet ; house, 912 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $2,200. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 171 John Hooton, jr., owner and occupier; Brick & wooden dwelling ; Prince Street ; South on Joseph Mountford ; West on Leopold F. Herman. Land, 1,299 square feet ; house, 861 square feet; .3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $1,200. John Hooton, jr , owner ; Samuel Russell, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Prince Street ; Northei'ly on Joseph Mountford & South on Levi Lane. Land, 1,176 square feet ; house, 436 square feet ; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, Rebecca Hill and Elizabeth Clarke, owners and occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; Clarke Street ; East on land of Geo. Hiler ; West on land of John Brown. Land, 5,544 square feet; house. 936 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows; Value, $2,500. Elizabeth Hosea, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting on Moon Street ; N.E. on Hannah Crocker ; West on Sarah Comeford. Land, 1,368 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $550. John Hunting, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting on Bennett Street; jS.E. on Patridge ; S.W. on Thos. Lee ; North on Joseph Gardner, Esqr. Land, 1,254 square feet ; house, 954 square feet; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $1,500. Joseph Husset, owner ; Joshua Bates and Joseph Hussey, occupiers ; Brick dwelling ; Frontiug Bennet Street ; West on a passage-way leading to Prince Street ; South- erly on Robt. Lord. Land, 9,250 square feet; house, 1,250 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows ; Value, $4,500. Susannah Hamlin, owner; James Adlington, occupier; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; Southerly on Mary Lang- don ; Northerly on M. Langdon. Land, 540 square feet; house, 182 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $450. Stephen Heany, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelliag ; Fish Street; N.E. on Joseph Shed; S.E. on Thomas Bell. Land, 1,260 square feet ; house, 510 square feet ; 3 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,500. 172 City Document No. 92. Daniel Hunt, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Corner Fish & Sun Court Street; N.W. on George Bright & N.E. on Daniel Childs. Land, 1,226 square feet ; house, 654 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Joseph Hemminwav. owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; West on Francis & Blakes or Joshua Ellis ; East on Edwd. 11. Ilobbins, Esqr. Land, 1,350 square feet; house, 500 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $900. Jo. Hemminwat, owner ; Daniel Barker & others occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; Westerly on Francis & Blakes Wharf ; N.E. on a passage way leading to sd Hemminway's laud. Land, 1 ,260 square feet ; Louse, 081 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $900. Benjamin James, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling. Cor- ner of Fish Street & Clarke Street ; West on Vvidows Ellis & Dolbear ; South on Sarah Tate; one out house, wood ; 390 square feet ; 1 htoi-y. Land, 3,590 square feet; house, 1,122 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $2,00 f. Francis James, owner; Sarnuel .Jennison. occupiev ; wooden dwelling; East on i'ish street: V/est on Danl. V.'aters ; South on Ann Hyter ; North on David Coodwin. Land, 1,800 square feet ; house, -i9;> square feel ; 3 sLorics, 9 windows ; Value, $i,lUO. Francis James, owner; Elihu Rates, occupier; wooden dwell- ing; South on Benuet Street; West on Edwd. Edes ; North on J. Pitman & East on J. Welles. Land, 1,400 square feet; house, 286 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 7 windows ; Value, $1,200. Willm. McKean, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; East on Rev'd. Joseph Akel}^ [Eckley] ; North on John Hoffman ; Southerl}' on Jarnes Freeland. Land, 3,272 square feet ; house, 920 square feet, 2 stories, 14 windows ; 1 kitching, wood, 330 square feet, one story ; 1 shed, wood, 375 square feet ; 1 story ; one out house, wood, 555 square feet, 1 story ; Total value, $2,500. Bounds and Yaluations. — A.D. 1798. 173 Mart Langdon, owner; William Low, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Easterly on Ship Street ; Southerly on Pprs. of the new brick Church ; North on William Capen & others. Land, 1,122 square feet; house, 638 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, Mart Langdon ; owner ; Eliphalet Jones, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Easterly on Ship ; South on said Langdon's own land ; North on William Capen. Land, 1,122 square feet ; house, 323 square feet; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, Mart Lobb, owner ; Mary Jenkins, occupier ; front rough- cast or, wood ; Easterly on Fish Street ; North on Mrs. Mercy Gleason ; S.W. on sd Lobbs own land ; 1 barn, 450 square feet. Land, 1,095 square feet ; house, 520 square feet ; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $2,000. Mart Lobb, owner ; Guadaloup, John Piero & Saml. Peter, blacks, occupiers ; wooden clwelling ; S.E. on Fish Street ; South on Colo. John May ; West on Hannah Crocker. Land, 8,330 square feet ; house, 996 square feet ; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, $2,000. Thomas Lewis & Son, owners and occupiers ; Brick end, wood back, dwelling ; North on Fish Street ; S.W. on a passage way leading to the Dock ; N.E. on sd Lewis own land & S.E. on Lewis Wharf ; 1 barn, 600 square feet. Land, 1,510 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows ; Value, $2,500. Thomas Lewis, owner ; Obadiah Weston and Edwd. Allen, occupiers ; Brick dwelling ; South & East Fish Street ; West on John Milk ; North on Danl. English & a pas- sage way ; S.W. on Mercy Gleason. Land, 840 square feet ; house, 510 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $2,000. Thomas Lewis, owner ; David Jack & John Wardell, occu- piers ; Brick dwelling; West on Fleet Street; S.E. on Edwd. H. Robbins, Esqr. ; N.W. on Capt. Stone house ; N.E. on Rebecca Hill & others. Land, 3,240 square feet; house, 1,253 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows ; Value, $3,000. 174 City Document No. 92. Levi Lane, owner ; Clement Lemon & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; West on Prince Street; North on John Hooton, Junr. ; South on John Skilling ; East on Amos Lincoln. Land, 648 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, Amos Lincoln, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.E. on Middle Street; S.W. on John Skillings & L[ove Lane; N.W. on John Hooton, Jr. ; North on B. White. Land, 2,989 square feet ; house, 756 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,200. Jedidiah Lincoln, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Garden Court Street ; North on Isaac Greenwood ; South on Rev'd. Dr. John Lathrop ; Kitchen ; brick, 266 square feet. Land, 2,600 square feet ; house, 840 square feet ; 3 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $1,500. Dan. Lillie, Senr., owner and occupier; Brick dwelling; North on Love Lane ; S.E. on Short Lane ; N.W. on Joseph Suelling. Land, 1,271 square feet; house, 712 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,400. John Leach, owner ; Nehemiah Nocross, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Clarkes or North Square ; South on sd Leach ; West on the heirs of Widow Berry ; East on Ann Howard. Land, 648 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $575. Eev'd. John Lathrop, owner and occupier ; wood & Brick dwelling ; Fronting West on North Square ; S.E. on Moon Street ; N.W. on Garden Ct. Street ; North on Jed Lincoln & N.E. on P. Morton, Esq. ; 1 barn. Land, square feet ; house, 2,000 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 1,104 [sic] windows; Value, $3,500. Amos Lewis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Sun Court Street ; North on Ann Howard ; West on Eliza. Gordon ; South on Edith Beney. Land, 2,385 square feet; house, 1,444 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $1,000. Elija [H] Loring, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; S.W. on Fleet Street; N.W. on Willm. Cordwell ; N.E. on S. Hamilton ; S.E. on Grozier. Land, 3,627 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798, 175 Mary Laughton, owner and occupier ; Brick & wood dwell- ing; S.W. on Fleet Street Corner; S.E. on Mathew Parke, et Als. ; N.E. on James Slierman. Land, 2,767 square feet; house, 2,072 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Lambert, owner; unoccupied; Bennet Street; North on a passage way leading to Love Lane ; South on J. Gardner, Esqr. ; 1 shed, formerly used as a bake-house, 742 square feet. Land, 1,101 square feet ; house, 285 square feet; 3 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,400. Robert Lohd, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ing; East on Bennet Street; S.E. on Hills Estate; S.Vy. on Caleb Champney ; N.W. on Joseph Hussey. Land, 1,400 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 3 & 2 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,500. William Little, Esq , owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling; S.E. on Garden Court Street; N.E. on Fleet Street; West on Middle Street ; South on Estate of the late Franklin ; Chaise house, 240 square feet. Laud, 12,oG0 square feet; house, 1,836 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 52 windows ; Value, $5,000. John Loring, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; N.W. on Fish Street ; East on Francis & Blakes Wharf ; South on Phillip Wentworth ; S.W. on James Terry. Land, 2,530 square feet; house, 660 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,200. David Lakin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. on Fish Street ; South on John Harris ; East on Joseph Foster. Land, 350 square feet ; house, 350 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $750. Thomas Lee, of Cambridge, owner ; John Crumby & Thos. Vincent, occupiers ; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Bennett Street; S.E. on Revd. Mr. Murrays Meeting-house; Westerly on Robt. Lord ; Barn, 558 square feet. Land, 6,534 square feet; house, 1,628 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 42 windows; Value, $3,000. Thomas Lee, of Cambridge, owner ; William Johnston & others, occupiers; wooden dwelling; S.W. on Bennett Street ; North on John Hunting ; S.E. on Rev'd. Dr. Elliots ; N.E. on Love Lane. Land, 4,234 square feet; house, 1,485 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows ; Value, $1,750. 176 City Document No. 92. John Leach, owner and occupier; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Bennet Street; East on Colo. Ed wd. Proctor; West on Wm. Waters. Land, 1,480 square feet; house, 790 square feet; 2 stones, 8 windows; Value, $1,000. John Leach, owner ; John Badger, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing; S.E. on Fish Street; West on Thos. Robbins ; North on North Square ; East on Edw'd. Wel'd. Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 900 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,400. Levi Lane, owner ; John Hobbs, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; Fish Street; ? on sd Lanes Wharf; South on sd Lanes sail loft ; West by Henry Dewhurst. Land, 494 square feet ; house, 494 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $400. Perez Morton, owner ; Paul Revere, juu., occupier; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Fleet Street ; S.E. on Joseph Robey ; West on Rev'd. Dr. Lathrop. Land, 1,120 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,300. Perez Morton, owner ; John F. Sleeper, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Fleet Street ; N. W. on Eliza. Nichol- son ; S.E. on sd Morton & West on I. Lincoln & Dr. Lathrop. Land, 1,120 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,300. Perez Morton, owner ; Christopher Gunderson, Sally Josse- lin, Deborah Woods, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; back from Ship Street ; South on Sally Tate ; North on B. James ; West on Sally Tate. Land, 945 square feet ; house, 945 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, John Milk, owner ; Wm. Palmer, J. Clarke, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Moon Street ; S.E. on Mercy Gleason ; N.E. on Thomas Lewis; South on Southacks Estate ; Shed, wood, 720 square feet. Land, 1,625 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $500. John Milk, owner ; Joshua Horse [sic] and John Milk, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Sloon Street ; North on Danl. Waters ; East on James, Clouse, & Lewis ; South on a passage way. Land, 3,300 square feet ; house, 4i')5 square feet ; 2 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $750. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 177 Joseph Mumford, owner and occupier; Brick & wooden dwelling; S.W. on Prince Street; North on John Hoo- ton, Jan. ; S.E. on John Ilooton, Junr. Land, 1,380 square feet; house, 1,007 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14: windows; Value, $850. RoBT. Marable, owner ; Joseph Adams, Robt. Marable, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling; S.W". Prince Street; North on a passage leading to Bennet Street; South on Brown. Land, 3,600 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, Joseph Martin, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ing ; S.E. Corner Prince & Salem Streets; South on John & Wm. Barber ; East on E. Rogers. Land, 1,682 square feet; house, 952 square feet; 3 stories, 37 windows ; Value, $5,000. John Magner, owner ; James Francis, James Stillson, oc- cupiers ; Brick dwelling: N.E. on Fish Street ; East on Cruf ts Wharf ; North on Crufft ; West on Eben'r. Par- sons. Land, 720 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,150. Jonathan Merry, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ing ; Ship Street; S.W. on Benja. Bamy [Barny?] ; N.E. on a passage wa}- leading to Merry s Wharf. Land, 2,548 square feet ; house, 950 square feet ; 2 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $2,400. Daniel Merry, owner and occupier ; Brick and wooden dwelling; West on Fish Street ; N.E. on William Capen ; S.W. on a passage way leading to Merry & Hancocks lofts. Land, 2,155 square feet ; house, 1,155 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $4,000. John May, owner ; Colo. John May, occupier ; Brick dwell- ing ; S.E. on Fish Street; N.E. on Mary Lobb ; S.W. on James White ; in the rear on Hannah Crocker. Land, 13,240 square feet; house, 2,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 45 windows ; Value, $4,500. Titus Morgan, owner ; Benja. Corney, occupier ; wooden dwelling; N.E. on Bennet Street; East on an Alle}'' leading to Prince Street ; West on Simeon Skillings. Land, 1,800 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 3 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,150. 178 City Document No. 92. John Merrit, owner and occupier ; Brick and wooden dwell- ing ; S.W. on Fleet Street ; N.W. on John Grozier ; East on Abijah Adams ; N.E. on Widow Mary Langdon. Land, 1,924 square feet ; house, 760 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,250. Myrick. owner ; Beane & Masters, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Bennet Street ; S.W. on Bishop ; North on Love Lane ; S.E. on J. G-ardner, Esqr. ; N.W. on a pas- sage way. Land, 359 square feet; house, 312 square feet; 3 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $600. Eliza Nicholson, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Fleet Street ; East on Perez Morton, Esqr. ; West on Isaac Greenough. Land, 945 square feet; house, 744 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,150. Joseph Newell, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Sun Court Street ; South on John Milk ; East on Danl. Waters. Land, 1,155 square feet; house, 441 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, S750. Heney Newell, owner ; Josiah Barrett, occupier ; wooden dwelling; S.E. on Middle Street; S.W. on Rev'd. Dr. Elliot; South on sd Newell ; North on W. Ward. Land, 1 ,430 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, Henry Newell, owner ; Joseph Starr, occupier ; wooden dwelling; East on Love Lane; S.W. on Wm. Ward; West on sd. Newell. Land, 500 square feet ; house, 300 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $600. Henry Newell, owner; Willm. Larnard, occupier; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Love Lane ; West on John Fatridge ; South on sd Newell. Land, 960 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $1,000. Proprietors New brick Church, owners ; Saml. Ridgwa}^ Agent ; John Lair, .Joseph Andrews, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Ship Street ; South on Joseph Austin ; North OQ Mary Langdon. Land, 513 square feet; house, 513 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $750. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 179 RoBT. Patridge, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Love Lane ; S.E. on Henry Newell ; West on John Hunting. Land, 620 square feet ; house, 330 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,000. Benjamin Page, owner ; Nathl. Copeland, occupier ; Brick dwelling; N.W. on Fish Street; S.W. on Town Slip so called ; South on Hemmenway ; East on sd Page. Laud, 500 square feet ; house, 500 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $900. Benjamin Page, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. on Fish Street; S.E. on a passage leading to L. Lanes wharf ; South on B. Page, Junr. ; 1 shed, 160 square feet. Land, 1,084 square feet; house, 340 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $750. Benjamin Page, Junr., owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish street ; Westerly on Joseph Hemminway ; South on John White ; & S.W. on Town Slip so called. Land, 1,300 square feet ; house, 448 square feet ; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, Anderson Phillips, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; N.E. on Fleet street; S.E. on David Goodwin; & East on sd Goodwin. Land, 513 square feet; house, 247 square feet; 3 stories, 4 windows ; Value, Mathew Park and James Bracket of Braintree, owners ; Mathew Parke, occupier ; Brick & wooden dwelling ; S.W. on Fleet Street; S.E. on J. White, Esqr ; West on Mary Laughton ; N.E. on the rear of John White. Land, 1,600 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,5U0. Thomas Pook, owner and occupier ; Wooden dwelling ; Corner Short Lane ; S.W. on Bennet Street ; S.E. on Edwd. Burt ; the rear on Love Lane. Land, 2,200 square feet ; house, 555 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $1,000. Edwd, Proctor, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling; N.E. on Bennet Street ; South on Simeon Skillings ; West on John Leach ; the rear on Thompsons land. Land, 4,453 square feet ; house, 1,260 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. 180 City Document No. 92. Ebenr. Parsons, owner ; Rebecca Kindness, occupier ; brick dwelling ; Ship Street ; Southerly on John Magner ; Northerly on sd Parsons & Daniel Sargent. Land, 968 square feet ; house, 484 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $900. Ebenr. Parsons & Daniel Sargent, owners ; Charles Willis, occupier ; fronting on Ship Street ; South on E. Parsons house, occupied by Mrs. Kindness ; North on sd Par- sons & Sargent. Land, 928 square feet ; house, 384 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, 560. Ebenezer Parsons and Daniel Sargent, owners ; Elizabeth Lambert, occupier ; brick dwelling ; fronting on Ship Street ; South on sd Parsons & Sargent ; North on a passage way leading to sd P. & S. Wharf. Land, 1,250 square feet ; house, 400 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, Ebenr. Parsons & Danl. Sargent, owners ; Sarah Mal- com, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Ship Street ; Southerly on Harris ; North on sd P. & S. land improved by Stephen Sewall. Land, 950 square feet ; house, 400 square feet ; 3 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $750. Ebenr. Parsons & Daniel Sargent, owners ; Stephen Sewall, occupier ; Ship Street ; South on sd P. & S. house, occupied by Mrs. Malcom ; & North on Clarkes Ship yard so called. Land, 1,075 square feet; house, 585 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, Ebenr. Parsons & Daniel Sargent, owners ; Benja. Stod- dard, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Ship Street ; South on sd P. & S. house, occupied by Lambert ; & North on Clarkes Ship Yard. Land, 608 square feet ; house, 304 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, Ebenr. Parsons & Daniel Sargent, owners ; James Gard- ner, occupier ; Ship Street ; North on Clarkes Ship Yard ; S.E. on a passage. Land, 768 square feet ; house, 392 square feet ; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, $500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 181 Ebenr. Parsons and Daniel Sargent, owners ; Thomas Cai'penter, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Ship Street, on a passage way leading to Ps. wharf ; North on Clarkes Ship Yard. Land, 576 square feet; house, 288 square feet; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, Isabella Richardson, owner ; Joshua Ellis, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; West on Joseph Shed ; East on Wm. Dodd. Land, 2,150 square feet; house, 900 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $1,750. Elizabeth Rogers, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Salem Street; S.W. on Joseph Martin; N.E. on Edward Sargent. Land, 1,136 square feet; house, 548 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $950. Joseph Robt, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ^ ing ; S.E. on Fleet Street; South on Moon Street; North on Perez Morton, Esqr. ; West on Franklin's Estate ; wash house, 240 squai-e feet. Land, 7,150 square feet ; house, 1,000 square feet ; 3 stories, 35 windows ; 7,150, 240 ; Value, $2,500. Thomas Robbins, owner ; John McGee & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; Fish Street ; N.E. on John Leach; S.W. on Wm. Dodd. Land, 123 square feet ; house, 123 square feet ; 3 stories, 1 1 windows ; Value, $500. Joseph Russell, Agent for the heirs of Capt. Hill, unoccupied brick dwelling. Fronting on Benuet Street ; N.E. on Robt. Lord ; East on Thos. Lee ; West on Caleb Champney. Land, 4,840 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. John Raymond, owner ; Jno. Antoney, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Fleet Street ; S.E. on David Goodwin ; N.W. on Daniel Waters. Land, 300 square feet ; house, 240 square feet ; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, $750. Edwd. H. Robbins, owner; Thomas Sherridan, occupier; brick dwelling ; North on Fish Street ; East on Thomas Lewis ; South on Thomas's sail Loft. Land, 1,200 square feet; house, 1,462 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,000. 182 City Document No. 92. Ed WD. H. RoBBiNS, owner ; James White, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; North on Fish Street ; South on Thomas Lathrop ; East on sd Robbins. Land, 360 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $700. Edwd. H. Robbins, owner ; Samuel Treat, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; S.W. on Fleet Street ; S.E. on Samuel Emmes ; East on heirs of I. Clarke ; North on sd Rob- bins. Land, 1 ,566 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows ; Value, $1,250. Edwd. H. Robbins, owner ; Wm. Palfry, occupier ; Brick dwelling; S.W. on Fleet Street; Easterly on Clarke heirs ; N.W. on Thos. Lewis ; South on sd Robbins. Land, 1,566 square feet; house, 360 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,250. James Scott, owner ; Saunders, occupier ; wooden dwelling; Head of Hancock's Wharf, Fish Street; N.E. on James Freeland. Land, 616 square feet ; house, 616 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $850. James Scott, owner; Joshua Pico, occupier; Brick dwelling ; Fish Street ; Weston sd Scott's house, occupied by Jno. Risborough ; Easterly on James Freeland. Land, 1,816 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows; Value, $1,800. James Scott, owner ; Wm. Dodd, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; Fish Street ; N.E. on the above. Land, 1,816 square feet ; house, 816 square feet ; 3 stories, 30 windows; Value, $1,800. James Scott, owner ; Jno. Risborough, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; Fish Street ; Fronting North on sd Street and on a passage way leading to Hancock's Wharf. Land, 1,008 square feet; house, 1,008 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $3,000. Simeon Skilling, Guardian ; Samuel Briutnall, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Bennet Street ; West on sd Simeon Skilling ; East on Titus Morgan ; Rear of John Thoreaux. Land, 1,692 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,100. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 183 Simeon Skilling, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Bennet Street ; N.W. on Edwd. Proctor ; South on heirs of I. Skemmer, deceased. Land, 2,767 square feet; house, 1,033 square feet; 2 & 3 stories, 30 windows; Value, $1,800. Dorcas Sylvester, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwelling; Fish Street; N.E. on Francis James ; S.W. on Jacob Clones. Land, 924 square feet ; house, 156 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Joseph Shed, owner ; John Clarke, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; Fish Street ; West on the North Square ; S.W. on Stephen Heany ; North on John Badger. Land, 1,027 square feet; house, 494 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 12 windows ; Value, $755. Edwd. Sargent, owner ; Edwd. Sargent and Joshua Atkins, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting N.W. on Salem Street; N.E. on Gideon Sharp; S.W. on Elizabeth Rogers. Land, 1,098 square feet; house, 486 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $750. James Sheerman, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; N.W. on Middle Street ; East on Thomas Dinsmore ; West & South on John White, Esqr. Land, 2,200 square feet ; house, 864 square feet ; 3 & 2 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $750. Widow Swaine, owner; Alvan Fosdick, Nahum Fay, occu- piers ; Brick dwelling ; Garden Court Street ; N.E. on Wm. Little, Esqr. ; S.W. on Fosters Lane ; North on Middle Street; Barn, 240 square feet. Land, 5,356 square feet; house, 1,632 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Barn, 240 square feet ; Value, $3,500. James Scott, Junior, owner ; Sarah Kenney, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Back from Priace Street ; West on Colo. Thompson ; North on an Alley ; N.W. on Nathl. Brown. Land, 2,280 square feet; house, 422 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, 184 City Document No. 92. Joseph Snelling, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; East on Love Lane ; N.W, on Edwd. Edes ; S.E. on Danl. Lillie ; rear on Bartw. West. Land, 1,086 square feet ; house, 288 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $750. RoBT. Stonehouse, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.W. on Fleet Street ; South on Thos. Lewis ; North on J. White, Esqr. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 1,440 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $2,000. Nathl. & Joseph Smith, owners ; Nathl. Smith & Nathl. Small, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting West on Fish Street ; North on Clarkes Square ; East on Thomas Curtis ; South on Fish Street. Land, 600 squai-e feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. Prince Snow, owner ; Prince Snow and John Skillen, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Fish Street ; West on a passage way leading to Lane's Wharf ; East on Gen- eral Bridge. Land, 1,381 square feet; house, 1,070 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. Prince Snow, owner ; Elisha Ellis, Mr. Lillie, & Mr. Corbet ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; West on Lane's Wharf ; East on General E. Bridge ; North on sd Prince Snow. Land, 950 square feet; house, 725 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows ; Value, Gideon Sharp, owner ; James Ingalls, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Salem Street ; N.E. on Samuel Aves ; South on Edwd. Sargent. Land, 4,536 square feet ; house, 570 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, John Skilling, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. Corner Prince Street and Middle Street ; North on Amos Lincoln ; West on Levi Lane. Land, 2,046 square feet ; house, 984 square feet ; 3 & 2 stories, 28 windows; Value, $1,500. James Torry, owner ; Gains, Thayer & Jacob Dockendorf , occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; West on a passage way leading to sd Torrys wharf ; East on John Loring. Land, 480 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $2,000. Bounds and Valuations.: — A.D. 1798. 185 James Torry, owner, Adam French, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; Fish Street ; West on a passage way leading to sd Torrys wharf ; East on John Loring & Phillip Went- worth. Land, 2,520 square feet; house, 663 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $1,500. Sally Tate, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; S.E. on Fish Street; N.E. on Benja. James; S.W. on Moses Barker. Land, 1,372 square feet; house, 676 square feet; 2 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $1,250. Sally Tate, owner ; John Manly, James Tngraham, occupiers ; wooden dwelling, back from Fish Street ; N.E. on Ben- jamin James ; S.W. on Moses Barker. Land, 852 square feet; house, 391 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $650. Ebenr. Tupfts, owner and occupier; Brick dwelling; S.E. on Middle Street; S.W. on Benja. White; N.W. on Thos. Lee ; N.E. on Revd. Mr. Murrays meeting house. Land, 1,500 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,200. Nathl. Tidmarsh, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street; S.W. on Lewis Wharf; N.E. on Hancocks Wharf. Land, 340 square feet; house, 340 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, William Turner, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; East on a passage way leading to Torrys Wharf ; North on Benja. Tilden. Land, 700 square feet ; house, 500 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $750. Benjamin Tilden, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; East on a passage leading to Torrys Wharf ; South on Wm. Turner. Land, 995 square feet ; house, 500 square feet ; 3 stories, 10 windows ; Value, John Thoreaux, owner ; Jirah Holbrook, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Prince Street ; West on Thompson ; South on sd Thoreau ; Easterly on Elisha Bangs, Land, 378 square feet; house, 378 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $600. ISO City Document No. 92. John Thorkau, owner ; Edwd. Haynnes, occupier ; Bric'c and wooden dwelling ; Prince Street ; East on Robt. Marable ; West on John Dix & E. Bangs. Land, 1,914 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 3 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Thoreau, owner ; John W. Folsom, occupier ; Brick & wooden dwelling ; Prince Street ; S.E. on Robt. Mar- able ; West on Dix & Bangs. Land, 1,100 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 19 windows; Value. Si, 800. Daniel Waters, of Maiden, owner; Thomas Levering; wooden dwelling ; Fleet Street ; S.E. on David Goodwin ; North on Moon Street. Land, 1,254 square feet ; house, 594 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows; Value, $450. Daniel Waters, owner; John Cotherine & William Allen, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. Pleet Street ; North on Moon Street; West on John Milk; South on D. Goodwin. Land, 1,269 square feet; house, 864 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $1,800. William Waters, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; Ben- net Street ; South on John Leach ; North on Saml. Aves. Land, 1,500 square feet ; house, 400 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Edwd. Weld, owner ; William Collins, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.E. on Fish Street ; East on E. Gordon ; West on John Leach. Land, 1,000 square feet ; bouse, 700 square feet ; 3 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. John White, owner and occupier; Brick dwelling; S.W. Fleet Street ; West on Mathew Park ; S.E. on Robt. Stonehouse ; East on Hannah Crocker. La,nd, 6,856 square feet; house, 1,008 square feet; 2 stories, 22 windows ; shed, 270 square feet ; Value, $3,500. Bart'w. West, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.E. on Short Lane ; S.W. on Downs & Pitman ; N.E. on D. Lillie ; West on Edwd. Edes in the rear. Land, 1,160 square feet ; house, 420 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 187 Benja. White, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.E. on Middle Street ; South on Amos Lincoln ; N,E. on Thos. Lee & Eben'r. Tufts. Land, 1,400 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $1,250. William Ward, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling ; S.E. on Middle Street ; West on Henry Nowell ; N.E. on Love Lane. Land, 1,560 square feet; house, 360 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $1,000. Charles Willis, owner ; Lidia Gee & Abigail Perry, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; S.W. on Sun Court Street ; S.E. on Daniel Hunt; N.W. on George Bright. Land, 714 square feet ; house, 674 square feet ; 3 stories, 35 windows; Value, $1,200, Phillip Wentworth, owner ; J. Hancock & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; Fronting Easterly on Francis & Blakes wharf; N.W. on John Loriug. Land 1,224 square feet; house, 476 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $600. Francis Wright, Guardian, John Dwarron, William Addison, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Fish Street ; East on William Grubb ; West on Ebenr. Bridge ; South on the Flatts. Land, 1,782 square feet; house, 220 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $850. BOOK 8. Charles Atkins, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Prince Street, Sarah Clarke & William Trueman. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 3 stories, 13 windows ; Value, GiBBS Atkins, owner ; Asa Pay son, Gibbs Atkins, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Corner Prince & Middle Streets & Gibbs, Sharp & Tliomas Trail. Land, 2,248 slquare feet; house, 1,240 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows; Value, $2,500. 188 City Document No. 92. GiBBs Atkins, owner ; Mr. Maser, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing on Clarkes Square, Phillis & Paul Revere. Land, 1,500 square feet; house, 660 square feet; 3 &2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Henry Atkins, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Back street, I. Norton, I. Sherbui*n. Land, 1,272 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $1,000. Heirs of Thomas Adams, owner ; Johnston & others, Ne- groes, occupiers ; wooden dwelling on Back Street, Adams Estate, I. Bassett, Andrew Howard. Land, 1,170 square feet; house, ; 2 stories, 15 win- dows ; Value, $350. Land, 1,170 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, Wm. Alexander, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling on Back Street, I. Basset, E. Rumney. Land, 1,200 square feet ; house, 1,200 square feet ; 1 story, 10 windows ; Value, $750. Nathl. Austin, owner ; N. Austin & G. Harris, occupiers ; Brick & wooden dwelling on Back Street, D. Shillibar, Pulcifer. Land, 2,520 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,100. Sarah Atkins heirs, owner ; unoccupied ; Brick dwelling on Beer Lane, John White & Turel Tuttle. Land, 3,900 square feet; house, 1,068 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $2,500. Elizabeth Bouve, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Prince Street, Levi Lane & Wm. Quiner. Land, 1,615 square feet ; house, 637 square feet ; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, Edward Bell, owner ; Edw'd. Bell & Loring Sargent, occupi- ers ; wooden dwellings on Prince Street, G. Atkins & Welsh. Land, 1,200 square feet ; house, 418 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $750. Land, 720 square feet ; house, 176 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $350. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 189 Benjamin Burt, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ing ; Fish Street ; Eunson New Brick. Land, 1,760 square feet; house, 1,260 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $1,500. John F. Barber, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Wilks Court, Beer Lane & John White. Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows ; Value, $1,100. William Bright, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Middle Street, Cross Street & Benja. Eaton. Land, 850 square feet ; house, 624 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $2,000. Rebecca Beals, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Mid- dle Street, Saml. Townsend, a passage. Land, 793 square feet ; house, 373 square feet ; 3 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Ebenr. Baxter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Mid- dle Street, Back Street, Henry Swan. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,100. William Boardman, owner ; Thorns. S. Boardman, Joseph Hiller, occupiers ; wooden dwellings ; Clarkes Court, Edwd. Maehan, & a Common passage. Land, 3,840 square feet; house, 450 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows ; Value, $500. House, 1,080 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows; Value, $1,800. Thomas Barber, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Middle Street, Benjamin Henderson, David Marston. Land, 630 square feet; house, 453 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $800. James Bowdoin, owner ; James Bowdoin, John Brown, Mrs. Wilton, Mr. Jois, occupiers ; Brick dwelling and wooden dwelling. Back Street, beer lane, and Barber's land, mak- ing a Corner. Land, 3,575 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $1,500. House, 304 square feet ; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, $400. 190 City Document Xo. 92. Elizabeth Brown, owner ; Eliza Brown & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling on Back Street, Cross Street, and Turil Tuttle, making a Corner. Land, 2,880 square feet ; house, 620 square feet ; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $1,200. Jeremiah Bois, owner ; Mr. Dormith, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing. Back Street, Cross Street, Wm. Gould. Land, 861 square feet; house, 317 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $700. William Smith & John Bishop, owners ; unoccupied ; wooden dwelling, adjoining their distill house, Henry Atkins, & passage to the Mill Pond. Land, 408 square feet; house, 408 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $250. Joseph Basset, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling On Back street, & Caleb Loring, & Samuel Neat. Land, 900 square feet ; house, 576 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,000. Josh. Basset, owner ; Heath, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing On Bassett's land, E. James, the Mill Pond, & a passage. Land, 356 square feet ; house, 256 square feet ; 3 & 2 sto- ries, 13 windows ; Value, $800. Benja. Binney, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Pas- sage from Back Street to the Mill pond, Edwds Estate & Mr. Kettle. Land, 1,521 square feet; house, 648 squarefeet; 2 & 1 sto- ries, 10 windows ; Value, $750. Jeremia[h] Bulfinch, owner ; A. Willard, C. Avery, occu- piers ; Back Street, Josiah Vose, Mill Pond, EUslaa Wild. Land, 5,680 square feet; house, 1,440 square feet; 31 win- dows ; Value, $3,500. Patrick McBride, owner ; Patrick McBride, Wm. Kendall, occupiers ; wooden dwelling, Back Street, Baptist Church, 6 Capt. Lumber. Land, 736 square feet ; house, 640 square feet ; 1 story ; 7 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 191 Belonging to the Baptist Church, owner; Revd. Mr. Bald- win & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling. Back St., Jno. Cartwright & a passage. ; house, 1,064 square feet; 2 stories, 27 windows ; . Church Property. "William Crafts, owner ; Wm. Symmes & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling, on Back Street, Mr. Hutchinson & B. Eustis. Land, 3,969 square feet; house, 1,050 square feet; 3 & 2 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,800. James Campbell, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Back St., Beer Lane & Joseph Howard. Land, 7,650 square feet; house [not specified]; 3 & 2 stories, 34 windows ; Value, $4,500. Joseph Callender Junr. & others, owners ; Sargent and Bennet, occupiers ; wooden dwelling Fronting Back Street adjoining the land of sd Callender both sides and in the rear. Land, 2,520 square feet ; house, 520 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $700. John Cartwright, owner ; John Cartwright & Jacobs, occupiers ; wooden dwelling on Land Mr. Baldwins, M. House, Joseph Kettle & Lydia Hodges. Land, 4,180 square feet ; house, 1,160 square feet ; 2 stories, 25 windows; Value, $1,000. Josiah Cushing, owner ; Benja. Owen, occupier ; wooden dwelling, Clark Square, Paul Revere & . Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 576 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows ; value, $700. Elizabeth Cunningham, owner ; Henry Messenger & Eliza- beth Cunningham, occupiers ; wooden dwelling. Middle Street, Wm. Parker & Thos. Page. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 915 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,300. John Cogswell, owner ; Cogswell and White, occupiers ; Brick & wooden dwelling. Middle St., Thos. Lee & Joshua Butter. Land, 1,596 square feet; house, 595 square feet; 3 stories, windows; Value, $1,200. 192 City Document No. 9?. John Cogswell, owner ; John Gould, Beals Cushings, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling up Cogswells, yard ; N.E. on Lee; S.W. I. Tuttle. Land, 1,330 square feet ; house, 500 square feet ; 2 stories ; Value, $1,000. William Callender, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Middle St., Jos. Lovering & Melzer Joy. Land, 1,280 square feet ; house, 894 square feet ; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,100. Nancy Gushing, owner ; Mrs. Jones, occupier ; , Middle Street, Seth Webber & Gorbit. Land, 600 square feet ; Value, Martha Cabot, owner and occupier ; wocden dwelling, Middle Street, N. Gushing & Seth Webber. Land, 930 square feet ; house, 488 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $750. Reuben Carver, owner ; Wm. T. Clapp, occupier ; wood and Brick dwelling, Corner Fish Street & Wood Lane, Wm. Grubb. Land, 1,620 square feet; house, 1,072 square feet; 3 & 2 stories ; 24 windows ; Value, $2,500. Sarah Clarke, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling. Prince Street, S. Sharp, Mr. Hall, & C. Atkins. Land, 1,647 square f eet ; house, ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, Widow Clarke and others, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling, Prince Street, II. Roby, on Poby again. Land, 830 square feet ; house, 406 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $600. Thomas Dawes, owner ; Solomon Morton & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling. Middle St., down a yard between A. Howard & R. Stonehouse. Land, 522 square feet ; house, 252 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, $400. Rich'd. Devins, owner ; Mrs. Hunt, Mr. Gillis, occupiers ; wooden dwelling, Middle Street, Heirs Shippy Town- send. Land, 2,306 square feet ; house, 368 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $950. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 193 RiCHD. Devins, ownei- ; Mrs. Cole and others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling, up a Court on Land of sd Devins, "Webber & Rumney. Land combined with preceding ; house, 540 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, S600. James Duck, owner ; James Duck & Mr. Bi'ightman, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling, on Clarke Square, Willm. Board- man & Jno. Maud. Land, 1,296 square feet; house, 577 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,0U0. Benjamin Eaton and others, owners ; Benja. Eaton, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling. Cross Street, Christor. Smith & Wm. Bright. Land, 1,296 squai-e f eet ; house, 682 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $1,000. Benjamin Eustis, owner ; Wm. Walter, occupier ; Brick dwelling. Back Street, Wm. Crafts & I. Adams. Land, 4,810 square feet; house, 1,160 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $2,500. James Eunson, owner and occupier ; wood & Brick dwelling. Fish Street, Benja. Burt & Doct. Kast. Land, 1,950 square feet ; house, 975 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $2,000. Joseph Edmunds, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Wood Lane, New Brick, Middle Street. Land, 1,407 square feet; house, 912 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $500. Thomas Eden, owner ; unoccupied wooden dwelling. Back Street, Saml. Prince & Mr. Pulsifer. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 580 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, Sarah Edwards, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Back Street, William Shurburne & Mill Pond. Land, 10,000 square feet; house, 1,140 square feet; 3 & 2 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $3,000. J. French, owner; Mrs. Wolf & others, occupiers; wooden dwelling. Back Street, J. Vose & N. Brown. Land, 2,070 square feet ; house, 759 square feet ; 2 stories ; Value, 194 City Document No. 92. KoBT. Gray, owner and occupier ; Brick dwelling, Back Street, Ephm. Lombard & Caleb Loring. Land, 5,009 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, |3,000. William Greenwood, owner ; Joshua Butters, occupier ; wooden dwelling, Corner Middle Street, Beer Lane & S. Ridgewa}^ Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 550 square feet; 1 story, 9 windows; Value, $1,000. M. C. Groves, owner and occupier ; Brick & wooden dwell- ing. Back Street, James Gorden, & on an Alley. Land, 2,025 square feet ; house, 684 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. William Grubb, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Fish Street, Ruben Carver & Jo. Eunson. Land, 1 ,608 square feet ; house, 548 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $1,500. William Greenough, owner ; Ebenr. Andros, occupier ; Brick dwelling, Beer Lane, Jno. Thoro & Wm. Green- wood. Land, 600 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, Isaac Greenwood, owner ; Ebenr. Seaver, Wra. Badge, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling, Middle Street, M. Corbit, I. Underwood, & I. Davis. Land, 2,698 square feet ; house, 429 square feet ; 3 & 2 stories; Value, $1,200. William Gould, owner; Wm. Gould & others, occupiers; wooden dwelling, Cross Street, J. S. Bois & Dan Tuttle. Land, 867 square feet ; house, 546 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $500. BOOK 9. Widow Gray, heirs of, owners ; Mr. Barker, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling. Back Street, Jno. Wells & Heirs of Nat. Barber. Land, 1,129 square feet; house. 516 square feet ; 3 &2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A. D. 1798. 195 Joseph Howard, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, Back Street, W. Crafts & J. Campble. Land, 3,050 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $2,500. Ann Howard, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling, Clarks Square ou Land formerly Slichl. Norton & S. Wybert. Land, 2,548 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 3 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,200. Andrew Howard, owner and occupier ; wooden dwellings. Middle Street, Colo. Dawes & Capt. Stonehouse. Land, 1,810 square feet; house, 278 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows; house, 236 square feet; 2 stories; Value, Elizabeth Hudson, owner ; Mr. Carter, Mr. Beals & others ; wooden dwelling. Middle Street, Heirs Doct. Peker & Jackson. Land, 2,439 square feet ; house, 736 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,350. Eliza Hitchborn, & heirs of R. H., owners; Eliza Hitch- born, occupier ; Brick dwelling, Clarks Sq^4 City Document No. 92. Eltja Withington, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Southack Street ; East on Center Street ; South ou Flinn. Lfind, 2,000 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories ; Value, $500. Sarah Whittemore, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Temple Street ; South on Austin & others ; North on Coffin. Land, 1,148 square feet; house, 360 square feet; 1 slory ; Value, \Velles op Roxbtjrt, owner ; John Gregory, occupier ; wooden dwelling; East on Center Street; South on Sylvester; North ou Bates. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 280 square feet ; 2 stories ; Value, $500. Alex'r. Young & heirs, owners; William Young, occupier; South on Nazro ; West on Eidgways lane ; North on Sumner ; East on Temple Street. Land, 3,000 square feet ; house, 400 square feet ; 2 stories. Value, Alex'r. Young, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Cambridge Street ; West on B. Hammitt ; North on Reed; South on Peirce ; Kitchen, 140 square feet. Land, 1,600 square feet; house, 780 square feet; 2 stories; Value, $1,800. BOOK 19. John Amort, owner ; James Vela, occupier; brick dwelling; fronting on Court Street ; West on Hanover Street ; East on John Kenneday. Land, 2,400 square feet ; house, 2,000 square feet ; 3 stories, 30 windows ; Value, $8,000. John Amory, owner ; James Amblard, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; Corner of Wilsons Lane ; fronting on State Street ; West on Burley. Land, 1,080 square feet; house, G48 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $5,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 28.5 John Amory, owner; Colo. Brewer, occupier; brick dwelling ; fronting on Wings lane ; East on sd Amory ; West on Welsh. Land, 540 square feet; house, 540 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, ^4,000. John Adams, 2d, owner ; Rebecca Whitwell, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Court Street ; East on Geo. R. Minot ; West on Jaraes White & Co. Land, 1,944 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $o,5i)0. Rachael Appleton, widow, owner ; Ephraim Prescott, oc- cupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; fronting on Cornhill ; North on Jona. Harris ; South on Rachel Appleton ; Kitchen, 120 square feet. Land, 970 square feet ; house, 510 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows; Value, $4,000. Madam Apthorp's Heirs, owners ; Peter Smink, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; fronting East on Wings lane ; South on John Tuffts ; West on S. Whitwell. Land, 1,392 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows ; Value, $1,800. Madam Apthorp's Heirs, owners ; Isaac Davis, occupier ; brick dwelling ; fronting East on Brattle Square ; North on Widow Turell ; South on Isaac Townseud ; Kitchen, 360 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,170 square feet ; house, 1,080 square feet ; 2 stories, 27 windows ; Value, ^4,500. Madam Apthorp's Heirs, owners ; Saml. Goddard, occupier ; brick dwelling ; fronting on Fitches Alley, E. ; South on Gowen Brown. Land, 796 square feet ; house, 432 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. Saml. Barrett Heirs, owners ; Wm. Remmington, John Mc- farlane, & Elipelet Downe, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; West on Alexr. Macke}" ; East on Saml. Parkman ; Kitchen, 416 square feet. Land, 1,633 square feet; house, 740 square feet; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $8,000. Eliza. Baylet, Widow, owner and occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; N.li. on Wings lane; N.W. on Hanover Street; S.W. on land of Hugh Hill. Land, 4,900 square feet ; house, 1,200 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $2,0U0. 286 City Document No. 92. Jerath. Bowers, of Swanzey, R.I., owner; Thomas Bartlett, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; East on Wm. Smith ; South on J. Bowers ; Kitchen, 216 square feet ; brick . Land, 2,200 square feet ; house, 595 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $4,000. Jerath'l. Bowers, Swanzey, owner ; Edwd. Brinley, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; South on Jos. Hickson ; North on Jerath. Bowers ; Kitchen, 192 square feet ; 2 stories. Land, 2.232 square feet; house, 648 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, 64,000. James Bowdoin, owner ; Rebecca Green, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on Widow Green ; East on James Bowdoin ; Kitchen, 315 square feet. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 700 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $4,500. James Bowdoin, owner ; Peggy Wheelright, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; East on Moses Gill ; West on James Bowdoin ; Kitchen, 25 2 square feet. Land, 8,892 square feet ; house, 1 ,728 square feet ; 3 stories, 26 windows; Value, $/,500. Jere. S. Boies, of Milton, owner; Mary Newell, occupier; .brick dwelling ; West on Dorsetts Alley : North on Mrs. Delarue ; South on Saml. Clapp & others. Land, 1,105 square feet; house, 850 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, 63,500. Mary Billings, owner ; Samuel Griggs, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Brattle Square ; South on Widow Jackson ; North on Danl. Greenleaf . Land, 738 square feet ; house, 486 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, 6l,0U0. Jos'h. Blanchard, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; East on Brattle Square ; South on Belknaps Alley ; West on Saml. Gore ; Kitchen, 216 square feet. Land, 3,744 square feet ; house, 1,056 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows ; Value, 63,500. David Bradley, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Brattle Square ; South on Meeting house ; East on Apthorp ; Kitchen, 405 square feet ; barn, 304 square feet. Land, 7,165 square feet ; house, 1,026 square feet ; 2 stories, 25 windows ; Value, 66,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 287 Andrew Brimmer, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; fronting East on Cornhill ; NorMi on John Simpkins ; South on Saml. Welles; Store, Kitchen, &c., 663 square feet. Land, 2,078 square feet ; house, 875 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $8,000. Abig'l. Belknap, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; North on Boylstons heirs ; South on Downes heirs ; Kitchen, &c.,432 square feet; 2 stories. ies, z stones. Land, 2,054 square feet; house, 693 square feet; 3 stor 8 windows ; Value, $4,500. Sam'l. Belknap, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; East on Sam Elliot ; South on Wm. Fisher ; Kitchen, 150 square feet. Land, 1,407 square feet ; house, 630 square feet ; 3 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $6,000. William Burley, of Beverly, owner ; Humphrey Clarke, oc- cupier ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; East on John Amory ; West on Theodore Dehons heirs. Land, 268 square feet; house, 756 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $3,600. John Brazier, owner ; Antoine Dupley, John Chair, Thomas, Rupr, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; At the End of Mr. Brazier Yard of his Dwelling house ; East on Exchange lane ; South on John Brazier. Land, 840 square feet; house, 840 square feet; 3 stories, 11 windows; Value, $3,500. John Brazier, owner; John Cruse, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; East on Exchange lane ; North on Sally Salter ; South on John Brazier. Land, 216 square feet; house, 216 square feet; 1 story, 3 windows; Value, $1,000. John Brazier, owner ; Brazier & Davis, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; Fronting on Dock Square ; East on Mrs. Jack- son ; West on Pl\'change lane ; Kitchen, 180 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows ; Value, $9,000. 288 City Document No. 92. John Brazier, owner ; Empty ; brick dwelling ; West on Ex- cliange lane; .South on Union Bank; North on J. Bra- zier; Kitchen, 180 square feet, brick ; Stable, 300 square feet, wood. Land, 3,200 square feet ; house, 1,600 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $7,000. John Brazier, owner ; Mathew Loring, Mr. Benny, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Still, 4 Tenements, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Brattle Square ; West on Danl. Greenleaf ; East on a passage way. Land, 1,885 square feet; house, 1,560 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $4,000. Nathan Bond, John Backon, of Stockbridgc, owners ; Na- than Bond, Goddard, occupiers; brick dwelling; South on State Street ; East on Fitches Alley ; West on Gowen Brown. Land, 1,188 square feet; house, 680 square feet; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $6,000. Marg't. Clarke, Cath'n. Brown, Ann Voletine, owners; Capt. Robt. Gardner, occupier; brick dwelling; South on State Street; East on Nathan Bond; West on Colo. Marshall ; Kitchen, 200 square feet ; 7 windows. Land, 1,400 square feet; house, 900 square feet; 3 stories, 16 windows; Value, $8,000. Marg't. Clarke, Cath'n. Brown, Ann Voletine, owners ; John Harris, Abig. Smith, Hugh Lensey, occupiers; wooden dwelling ; South on N. Bond & others ; East on Fitches Alley ; North on heirs of Apthorp. Land, 1,292 square feet; house, 532 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows; Value, $1,500. Marg't. Clarke, Cath'n. Brown, Ann Voletine, owners; Thomas Soley, Benja. Richards, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Wilsons lane ; South on Gowens Brown ; North on Jefferies. Land, 608 square feet; house, 448 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,200. Isaac Cutter, owner ; Sally Trott, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on Brattle Square ; South on Wm. Dall ; North on R. Cooper. Land, 612 square feet; house, 288 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $700. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 2Sd Rachel Cooper, owner and occupier ; wooden North on Wings lane ; East on Brattle Square ; South on Isaac Cutter. Land, 1,188 square feet; house, 1,188 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $1,500. Charles Cushing, owner; Thomas Fobes, occupier; brick dwelling ; South on Brattle Square ; East on Saml. Elliot ; North on D. Bradlee ; Kitchen, &c., 552 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; wood; Barn, 748 square feet. Land, 5,202 square feet ; house, 880 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $5,000. John Codman, owner; Augustus Raillion, occupier; wood & brick dwelling; East on Wilsons lane; South on Jona. Harris ; North on Wm. Welsh. Land, 1,620 square feet; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $2,500. John Carey, owner ; Charles French, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; East on Exchange lane ; South on Colo. Hitchborn ; North on Cath. Jefferies. Laud, 700 square feet ; house, 700 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, Joanna Carrey & Saml. D. Hollowell, owners ; Joanna Cary, Widow, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Fitches Alley ; South on Richd. Mosley ; East on Corn Court ; Northerly on an Alley leading from Fitches Alley to Corn Court. Land, 1,396 square feet ; house, 546 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $700. John Codman, owner ; Daniel Wild, occupier ; brick dwell- ing; West on Cornhill ; East on Wilsons lane; North William Welsh ; South on R. Danvis. Land, 1,044 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows ; Value, $5,500. Saml. Danforth, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling: frounting on Tremount Street ; West on John Pitts ; South on James Lloyd. Land, 16,200 square feet ; house, 940 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows; Kitchen, 602 square feet; Barn & wood house, 1,134 square feet; Value, $8,000. 290 City Document No. \)2. William Doll, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Mrs. Turell ; East on Brattle Square ; North on Capt. Cutler. Land, 486 square feet; house, 279 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $600. Saeah Delarue, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Dorsetts Alley ; North on James White ; South on Moses Gill. Land, 345 square feet ; house, 120 square feet; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $300. Thomas DROw^sfE, heirs, owners ; Thomas Drownes heirs, oc- cupiers ; brick dwelling ; fronting on Cornhill ; East on Saml. Elliot; West on Saml. Goff. Land, 993 square feet ; house, 768 square feet ; 3 stories, 16 windows; Value, S5,000. Thomas Downes, f , James Lloyd, i owners ; Thomas Downe & Elizabeth Down, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Tuttle Hubbard ; North on Mrs. Belknap. Land, 1,320 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 10 windows ; Value, $3,500. Dehon's heirs, owners ; Widow Dehon, occupier ; brick dwell- ing; South on State Street; East on Wm. Burley ; West on John Mason; Kitchen, 270 square feet; 2 stories, 5 windows ; wood. Land, 1,132 square feet; house, 646 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows; Value, $3,600. John Duggan, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Corn Court ; South on Moses Gill ; North on James Tisdale. Land, 1,024 square feet; house, 448 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,200. Ann Doyle, owner ; Martin Poor, occuj^ier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on Corn Court ; North on Nathl. Noyes ; South on James Swan ; Shed, 108 square feet ; 2 stories, 2 windows. Land, 342 square feet; house, 234 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $650. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 291 BosG. Foster, Andrew Craige, owners ; Wm. Clapp & Mr. Dwelleg, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on Jona. Harris ; East on CornluU ; North on Mrs. Phillips ; Kitchen, 200 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,150 square feet; house, 440 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $5,500. John Fisher, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Saml. Belknap ; West on Cornhill ; South on Wm. Welsh; East on Wilsons lane; Kitchen, 116 square feet ; 2 stories, 2 windows. Land, 1,002 square feet; house, 570 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 12 windows ; Value, $5,500. BOOK 21. Saml. Gore, owner; Mrs. Selsby, occupier; brick dwelling; East on the heirs of I. Gore ; South on Tremount Street ; North on Court Street. Land, 1,188 square feet; house, 1,188 square feet; 3 & 4 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $4,500. John Gore & heirs, owners ; Mrs. Bonyng, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Part'' Jefferies ; North on Court Street ; West on Sam. Gore ; South on Tremount Street. Land, 1,218 square feet; house, 1,218 square feet; 3 & 4 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $3,500. Esther Green, owner ; Esther Green & My. Druit, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Court Street ; East on James Bowdoin ; Weston Nath. Johnston; Kitchen, 396 square feet ; 2 stories. Land, 4,855 square feet ; house, 822 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows ; Value, $4,000. Eliza Greenleaf, owner ; Mrs. Appleton, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Brattle Square ; West on Dorsetts Alley ; East on a passage way ; South on land of Whipple. Land, 2,280 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value $4,500. Saml. Gofp, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling; North on Cornhill ; West on Wm. Gibbs ; East on heirs of T. Drown. Land, 510 square feet; house, 510 square feet; 3 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $3,500. 292 City Document No. 92. Moses Gill, owner ; Thomas D. Bradlee & Widow Bradlee, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; North on Dock Square ; East on Peirces Alley ; West on Wm. Stackpole ; Kitchen, 288 square feet, wood ; wood house, & Store, 840 square feet, wood. Land, 3,840 square feet; house, 912 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows; Value, $7,500. Moses Gill, owner ; Mr. Butter field and Widow Barron, occupiers ; Brick dwelling ; West on Corn Court ; East on the heirs of Thomas Peck ; North on John Duggan ; Kitchen, 375 square feet. Land, 3,600 square feet; house, 378 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows ; Value, $2,000. William Gibbs, of Salem, a minor, owner ; Bazin & Poig- nand, occupiers, brick dwelling ; North on Coruhill ; East on Saml. Goff ; South on Saml. Belknap ; AVest on Corn- hill ; Kitchen, 480 square feet ; brick & wood house, 756 square feet. Land, 2,124 square feet; house, 368 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $8,500. WiNSLET HoBBT, of Connecticut, owner ; Madn. H. Smith, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; South on Smith ; North on land of Wm. Welsh ; Kitchen, 294 square feet ; 2 stories, 3 windows. Land, 4,560 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,500. Joseph Hixon, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; South on Gov. Sumner ; North on Jerathe. Bowers ; Kitchen, 160 square feet, wood ; Barn, 384 square feet, wood. Land, 3,648 square feet ; bouse, 594 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $4,000. JoNA. Harris, owner ; Elishti Sherman and Mrs. Winnik, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on J. Simpkins ; North on And. Craige. Land, 1,800 square feet ; house, 1,332 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $5,000. JoNA. Harris, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on Devins & Miller ; East on Wilson lane ; South on N. Appletons heirs ; West on Jona. Harris. Land, 1,284 square feet; house, 420 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $3,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A D. 1798. 293 TuTTLE Hubbard, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; Ii^ast on Corubill ; South on Joseph Edwards heirs ; North on Wm. Downes heirs ; Kitchen &c. 450 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 3 windows. Land, 3,951 square feet; house, 900 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $5,000. Benja. Hitchborn, owner; Israel Hatch, occupier; brick dwelling ; South on State ; East on Exchange lane ; West on John McLane ; North on John Carey ; Kitchen, 352 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows. Land, 3,896 square feet; house, 2,072 square feet ; 4 sto- ries, 30 windows; Value, $12,000. Patrick Jeffrt, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Tremount Street ; N. W. on James Lloyd ; South on Mrs. Waldron ; Kitchen, Barn, Green house, &c., 10,836 square feet. Land, 87,640 square feet; house, 1,890 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $22,500. Nath'l. Johnston, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on Wm. Smith ; East on Mrs. Green; Kitchen, 320 square feet; Barn, 540 square feet. Land, 2,900 square feet; house, 1,056 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows ; Value, $5,000. Deb. Jefferies, owner ; Edwd. Conner, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West on AVilsons lane ; South on Brown & lane ; North & East on Brazier & Sarah Salter. Land, 1,680 square feet; house, 900 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Debr. Jefferies, owner ; Joseph Eaton, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Merchants Row ; North on James Tisdale ; South on Eddy Estate ; Hatters shop, 570 square feet, wood ; Barbers shop, 108 square feet, wood. Land, 2,523 square feet; house, 405 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $4,000. Cath'n. Jefferies, owner ; David Larkin, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Exchange lane ; South on John Carey ; North on John Brazier. Land, 471 square feet ; house, 336 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $750. 294 City Document No. 92. Mary Jackson, owner ; Mary Jackson, Nye & Freeman, Nutlil. Freeman, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; North on Market Square ; East on J. Whellen ; West on John Brazier. Land, 5,316 square feet; house, 91 S square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $8,000. John Kenneday, owner and occupier; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Court Street ; West on John Amory ; East on Allen Otis ; North on Gov. Sumner. Land, 1,207 square feet; house, 459 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $2,500. John Lucas, owner ; John Lowell, Esqr. & others, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on Geo. R. Minott ; East on John Carnes. Land, 1,368 square feet; house, 864 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows ; Value, |4,000. James Lloyd, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Tremount Street ; East on Pat. Jeffry ; West on Thos. Danforth; Kitchen, 272 square feet; 2 stories, 11 win- dows ; Barn, wood house & Coach house, 918 square feet ; wood & brick. Land, 25,564 square feet; house, 1,677 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $12,000. James Lloyd, owner ; Aaron Jaquish & Saml. Snelling, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Court Street ; East on Saml. Gore ; West on James Lloyd ; 2 small shops. Land, 1 ,368 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $2,000. James Lloyd, ^ owner; Saml. Parker, occupier; Wm. Downes heirs f ; brick dwelling ; West on Dorsetts Alley ; North on Norton & Jackson ; South on James White. Land, 1,102 square feet; house, 475 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 15 windows; Value, $1,2.00. Eben'r. Larkin, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; East on Cornhill ; North on B. Larkin ; South on M. Phillips; Kitchen & Store, 1,308 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows. Land, 3,935 square feet; house, 1,044 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $7,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A. D. 1798. 295 Mary Larkin, owner; Benja. Larkin, occupier; brick dwell- ing; East on Cornhill ; South on Ebenr. Larkin; North on Tuttle Hubbard ; Kitchen & work shop, 3 GO square feet ; 2 stories, 2 windows ; wood. Land, 1,280 square feet; house, 384 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 9 windows ; Value, $3,500. Jean & William Loring, owners ; Widow Jean Loring, oc- cupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Cornhill ; West on Boylston Alley ; East on Wm Welsh. Land, 627 square feet; house, 528 square feet; 3 stories, 3 windows ; Value, $3,000. John M. Lane -^, Mrs. Sparhawk ^, Mr. Chapman, of London ^, owners; John M.- Lane, John Jackson, & Capt. Thos. Dannie, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; North on Mrs. Jeffries ; East on Colo. Hitchbon. Land, 2,970 square feet; house, 858 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $6,000. John Lane, of London, owner ; Catharine Gray, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; West on Fitches Aley ; East on Massa. Bank; Kitchen, Shed, & barn, 1,854 square feet; wood. Land, 5,470 square feet; house, 1,809 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $13,500. Geo. R. Minot, owner ; Oliver Johonnet, John D. Dyer, G. R. Minot, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on John Q. Adams ; North on Joua. Har- ris ; East on John Lucas. Land, 1,313 square feet; house, 736 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $3,500. OziAS Morse, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; West on Joseph Coolidge ; East on Jona. Mason ; Kitchen, 209 square feet ; 3 stories, 6 windows ; wood. Land, 1,041 square feet; house, 832 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $3,600. JoNA. Mason, owner; John Cornish, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; South on State Street ; West on Ozias Morse ; East on Mr. Dehon. Land, 1,156 square feet ; house, 756 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $3,600. 296 City Document No. 92. Perez Morton, owner ; Union Bank and Perez Morton, oc- cupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; West on Exchange lane ; East on Colo. Marshal ; Kitchen, Wood house and barn, 552 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows. Land, 8,640 square feet; house, 2,106 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $22,000. Thomas Marshal, of Westown, owner ; Christ. Marshal, Saml. Turell, Jos. Fosdick, Wm. Cleland, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; East on Gowen Brown; West on Pei*ez Morton; Kitchen, 216 square feet ; 3 stories, 6 windows. Land, 2,600 square feet; house, 1,092 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows; Value, $8,000. Alex'r. Mackey, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; West on Massa Bank ; East on Saml. Barrett. Land, 3,120 square feet; house, 1,397 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $9,000. Eliakim Morse, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Markett Square ; N.W. on Timo. Newell ; West on Saml. Torry; Kitchen, 360 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows. Land, 2,160 square feet; house, 881 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $8,000. Ann Norton, Eliza. Jackson, owners ; Elizabeth Jackson, Thomas Jackson, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Dorsett's AUey ; South on Downes & Lloyd ; North on Mrs. Billings. Land, 1,197 square feet ; house, 727 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,200. Andrew Newell, heirs, owners; Joseph Newell, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West on Markett Square ; North on Thos. Feaweatber ; South on ditto ; East on Codmans & Spears wharf; Kitchen, 105 square feet; 8 windows; wood Shed, wood house, &c., 1,976 square feet. Land, 2,765 square feet ; house, 684 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $5,000. Nath'l. Notes, owner and occupier ; brick dAvelliug ; North on Dock Square ; East on Corn Court ; West on Fitches Alley. Land, 999 square feet ; house, 999 square feet; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 297 Nathl. Notes, y%, Jacob Rhoades, -f^^ Gawen Brown, ^^ owners ; Amos Winship, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Corn Court ; West on Fitches Alley ; South on Mrs. Doyle. Land, 864 square feet ; house, 824 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $1,400. BOOK 22. S. Allen Otis, owner ; Joshua Green, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Court Street ; North on J. Kenneday ; South on W. Smith; East on Gov. Sumner; Wash house, 22o square feet ; wood. Land, 985 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 3 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $2,000. Andrew Oliver, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Wings lane; S.E. on Mr. Dall ; West on Widow Bailey. Land, 1,900 square feet ; house, 648 square feet^ 2 stories, 17 windows ; Value, $1,500. Margt. Phillips & Nathl. Taylor, owners ; Margt. Phillips, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on And. Cragie ; North on Eben Larkin ; West on John Q. Adams ; Kitchen, 860 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,500 square feet ; house, 700 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $5,500. William Peirce, of Gloucester, owner ; Lidia Prentiss, occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; North on Dorsetts Alley ; South on James White ; East on Belknaps Alley. Land, 5,504 square feet; house, 1,536 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $4,500. President, Directors, & Company of Massa. Bank, owners ; President & Directors & Co. of the Massa. Bank, John Maston & Joseph Sweetser, occupiers : brick dwelling ; South on State Street ; West on John Lane ; East on Alexr. Mackey ; North on Corn Court. Land, 3,384 square feet; house, 1,224 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $r2,00i>. Daniel Rea, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Brattle Square ; North on Widow Turell ; South on Joshua Blanchard ; West on Sami. Gore ; Kitchen, 294 square feet ; work shop, 450 square feet. Land, 3,335 square feet; house, 680 square feet; 2 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $4,000. 298 City Document No. 9?. Hannah Rowe, Widow, owner; Zacbli. Hicks, occupier; brick dwelling ; South on Cornhill ; East on E. Tucker- man ; West on Wm. Welsh. Land, 720 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $5,000. Peter Richardson, owner; Robt. McCornick, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East on Exchange lane ; North on Saml. Welles ; South on Sarah Salter. Land, 966 square feet; house, 609 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $3,000. William Smith, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on Joshua Green ; East on Saml. Torrey ; out Kitchen, 352 square feet; 3 stories, 7 win- dows ; wood; wood house, 1,539 square feet; Barn, 900 square feet. Land, 18,581 square feet; house, 1,694 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows ; Value, $10,000. William Smith, owner ; Saml. Minot, Caleb Blanchard, Wil- lard Clarke, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on Belknap Alley ; East on Nathl. Johnston ; 2 Stables, Shed & wood house, 880 square feet. Land, 2,208 square feet; house, 728 square feet; 3 stories, 48 windows ; Value, $5,000. William Smith, owner ; Thomas Welsh, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; South on J. Bowers ; North on Hobby ; Kitchen, 588 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,712 square feet; house, 798 square feet; 3 stories, 39 windows ; Value, $4,500. Increase Sumner, owner ; William Cooper, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; North on Mrs. Hixon ; South on Jus. Sumner ; Kitchen, 320 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; brick. Land, 1,718 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, 4,500. Increase Sumner, owner ; Widow Carter, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; North on Jus. Sum- ner ; South on ditto ; Kitchen, 320 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; brick. Land, 1,718 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $5,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 299 Increase Sdmner, owner ; Eeb. Volentiiie & Mr. Eaton, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Hanover Street ; North on Jns. Sumner ; South on John Amory ; Kitchen, 168 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows. Land, 2,646 square feet; house, 798 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $4,500. John vSimpkins, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Andrew Brimmer; North on Jona. Hai-ris ; Kitchen, 270 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows ; brick. Land, 2,082 square feet; house, 510 square feet; 3 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $5,500. Wm. Stackpole, owner ; Peter Richardson, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Markett Square & David Bradlee ; West on David Bradlee ; East on Mary Gill ; South on J. Brazier. Land, 3,304 square feet; house, 2,764 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, S4,000. S. & S. Salisbury, owners; Joshua Eaton, occupier; brick dwelling ; East on Markett Square ; South on Joseph Eddy ; North on Deb. Jefferies. Land, 2,080 square feet ; house, 594 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows; Value, $5,000. Sarah Salter, owner ; Jesse Porter; occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on Exchange lane ; North on Peter Richard- son ; South on J. Brazier. Land, 408 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 3 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $1,000. James Swan, owner ; George Reading, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Fitches Alley ; East on Dr. Noyes ; South on Passage way leading to Corn Court. Land, 730 square feet; house, 570 square feet; 3 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $750. Sam'l. Torry, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; West on Wm. Smith ; East on Sukey Thayer; North on Saml. Gore ; Stable, 600 square feet; Kitchen, 336 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows; brick. Land, 2,640 square feet; house, 810 square feet; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $5,000. 300 City Document No. 92, MaryTurell, owner; Mrs. Powell & Sister, occupiers; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Brattle Square ; South on Danl. Rea; North on J. Townsend ; West on Wm. Smith; Kitchen, 342 square feet; 2 stories. Land, 2,896 square feet; house, .540 square feet ; 3 stories, 32 windows; Value, $4,000. SuEKEY Thayer, a minor, owner; Dr. A. Cheever, occupier; brick dwelling ; South on Court Street ; East on Belk- naps Alley; West on Saml. Torrey ; North on Saml. Gore. Land, 1,901 square feet; house, 789 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $4,000. Mary Turell, owner; Mary Turell & Edwd. Gray, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Brattle Square ; North on a lane leading to Wings lane ; West on Griz- zell Apthorps heirs. Land, 7,085 square feet; house, 1,050 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 35 windows; Value, $5,000. Isaac Townsend, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on G. Apthorp heirs ; East on Brattle Square; East on Mary Turell; Kitchen, 162 square feet. Land, 2,300 square feet; house, 529 square feet; 2 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $3,000. Lady Temple, owner ; Joshua Blanchard, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Markett Square ; West on Timo. Green; East on Saml. Torry. Land, 1,300 square feet; house, 1,276 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $4,000. Mary Tdffts, Widow, owner ; Owen Callahan, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; North on Wings lane ; West on OtisWyer; East on Saml. Torry ; South on Majr. King; Barn for horses, 1,431 square feet. Land, 3,920 square feet and 1,413 square feet; house, 1,260 square feet; 2 stories, 29 windows; Value, $5,000. John Valentine, of Middleboro', owner; Seth King, occu- pier ; South on Markett Square ; East on Thos. Greenes heirs ; West on Saml Elliot ; Stables, 4,563 square feet ; Store, 1,560 square feet. Land, 10,268 square feet; house, 1,840 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $9,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 301 James "White, owner; Sarah Rogers, Saml. Whiting, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Dorsetts Alley ; South on the heirs of Sarah Kirk ; West on heirs of John Read. Land, 862 square feet ; house, 374 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Sam'l. Welles, owner; Saml. Hall, occupier: brick dwell- ing ; East on Cornhill ; South on John Carnes ; North on And. Brimmer. Laud, 770 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows; Value, $3,500. William Welsh, owner; Benja. Jarvis & others, occupiers; brick dwelling ; South on Cornhill No. 40 ; East on Mrs. Rowe ; West on Widow Loring. Land, 1,080 square feet; house, 1,026 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $7,000. William Welsh, owner; Isaac Townsend, occupier; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill No. 27 ; East on Wilsons lane ; North on Wm. Fisher. Land, 4,176 square feet; house, 1,116 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $10,000. James Whelin, owner and occupier ; East on Markett Square ; North on Markett Square ; West on Widow Jackson. Land, 1,345 square feet ; house, 520 square feet ; 3 stories, 27 windows ; 375 square feet, 3 stories ; Value, $4,500. Joseph Whipple, of Pourtsmo N.H., owner; Ebenr. Moul- ton & William Woart ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Mr. Belknap ; North on John Brazier; Kitchen, &c., 432 square feet; 2 stories. Land, 2,100 square feet; house, 880 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $5,000. James Welsh, owner ; Joseph Greenleaf , occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Wings lane ; South on John Amory ; N.W. on E. Morse ; Barn, 420 square feet. Land, 2,090 square feet; house, 1,410 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $5,000. John Wter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Wings lane ; South on Widow Tuffts ; West on Watts; Kitchen, 126 square feet ; wood. Land, 608 square feet ; house, 340 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,500. 302 CrTY Document No. 92. J^^i'.kn'r. Watts, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Wings lane ; West on Grizzell Apthorp heirs ; East on Mary Tuffts. Land, 896 square feet ; house, 448 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. BOOK 23. JoNA. Amory, owner ; Thomas Burley, Joseph Taylor, occu- piers ; brick dwelling ; North on State Street ; West, Leverett Street ; East on Edwd. Davis. Land, 1,080 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $8,000. JoNA. Amory, owner ; Mrs. Johnston, David Townsend, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; North on State Street ; East on Leverett Street ; West on State Street. House, 2,400 square feet; 3 stories, 30 windows; Value, $8,000. JoNA. Amory, owner ; Danl. Gealey, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West on Leverett Street ; South on passage way ; North on Jona. Amory. Land, 600 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,500. JoNA. Amory, owner ; Samuel Coverly, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West on Cornhill ; North on S. Whitwell : South on CoUedge land. Land, 2,340 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows; Value, $4,500. JoNA. Amory, owner ; James Hawkins, Robt. Woodson, occu- piers ; brick dwelling ; East on Devonshire Street ; South on Colledge land ; North on S. Whitwell. Land, 328 square feet ; house, 338 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, $1,000. R. G. Amory, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Tremount Street ; South on Burying Ground ; North on Ezekl. Price. Land, 5,750 square feet ; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries ; 23 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 303 RuFus G. Amory, ownei* ; Seth Wright, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; North on Water Street ; South on Henry Davison. Land, 1,200 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $4,000. JoNA. L. & Benjamin Austin, owners ; Stephen Dunham, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on George Street ; North on passage way ; East on Bacon Hill. Land, 480 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $600. Thomas Adams, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Williams Court ; East on Alexr. Hill ; West on Ezekl. Price ; wood house- Land, 3,120 square feet ; house, 864 square feet ; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $2,300. James Allen, owner and occupier ; Stone dwelling ; South on Beacon Street ; East on Saml. Elliot ; North on John Jeffries ; Barn, 7uO square feet ; wood. Land, 8,448 square feet ; house, 814 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $4,000. James Bowdoin, owner ; Sarah Waldo, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; East on Tremont Street ; West on Patrick Jeffry ; South on Sampson Reed. Land, 9,945 square feet; house, 1,530 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $5,000. Eliza Bowdoin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.E. Beacon Street ; South on James Ivers ; North on W. Phillips ; Kitchen, 390 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Barn, 900 square feet ; 2 stories, brick. Land, 25,711 square feet ; house, 2,150 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 58 windows ; Value, $20,000. Eliza Bowdoin, owner ; James Kendall, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on State Street ; East on Kibly Street ; West on Saml. Hughes. Land, 2,976 square feet; house, 1,260 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 51 windows; Value, $12,0u0. Jekath'l. Bowers, owner ; David Sears, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South in Beacon Street ; West on Wm. Phil- lips ; East on James Allen ; 1 Barn, 672 square feet. Land, 52,450 square feet; house, 2,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 46 windows; Value, $16,000. 304 City Document No. 92 Mary Bethdne heirs, owners ; John Fox, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on James Lloyd ; North on Mrs. Crease. Land, 2,832 square feet ; house, 966 square feet ; 3 stories, 13 windows; Value, $5,000. George Bethune heirs, owners ; Hannah Otis, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Church Square ; South on Thomas English ; North on Bethune Heirs. Land, 6,264 square feet; house, 1,044 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $3,000. George Bethune, owner ; Stephen Fales, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Church Square ; North on Thomas Dawes ; South on Bethunes heirs. Land, 4,260 square feet; house, 1,332 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $4,000. Oliver Brewster, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Beacon Street ; East on Nathl. Fel- lows ; South on Burrying Ground ; Kitchen, 324 square feet ; 3 stories ; wood house, 500 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 11,760 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $8,000. Oliver Brewster, owner ; Nichols & Poor, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; South on Wm. Lambert ; North on Jona. Amory ; Kitchen, 180 square feet ; brick. Land, 1,056 square feet; house, 480 square feet; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $3,500. Peter C. Brooks, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Water Street ; East, Leverett Street ; West on Wm. Newman ; Kitchen, 372 square feet ; wood house, 224 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,114 square feet ; house, 840 square feet ; 3 stories, 31 windows; Value, $4,500. Sarah Bradstreet & Mart White, owners ; Benja. Callen- der, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on State Street ; West on Barney Smith ; East on Abiel Smith ; Wood house, 200 square feet. Land, 1,200 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 305 Nathl. Balch, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornbill ; South on So. Kueeland ; North on Wm. Da- vies ; Kitchen, 170 square feet; 2 stories; wood. Land, 2,255 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $5,000. Andr. Brimmer, owner ; Charles Packard, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Water Street ; East on Wm. New- man ; West on John Gardner ; 2 Kitchen, 350 square feet; 1 story, wood; Barn, 560 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,632 square feet ; house, 598 square feet ; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $4,000. Samuel Bangs, owner ; Hannah Brown & Oliver Bradford, occupiers ; Brick wood dwelling ; West on Kilby Street ; South on a passage way ; East on Gideon Snow. Land, 640 square feet ; house, 640 square feet ; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $2,000. Catharine Breal, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on a passage way called Lendalls Row ; West on David Spear; East on Capt. Stutson ; Kitchen, 117 square feet ; brick. Land, 1,440 square feet; house, 420 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, |I,500. Andrew Brimmer, owner; George Miles, occupier; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Thos. Rogers ; North on Wm. Richardson; Kitchen, 216 square feet; 2 stories, wood ; Barn, 438 square feet, wood. Land, 1,855 square feet ; house, 646 square feet ; 3 stories, 19 windows; Value, $3,500. Herman Brimmer, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on School Street ; North on Cunning- ham ; 2 out houses, 1,040 square feet ; 1 story ; wood. Land, 4,480 square feet; house, 1.036 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $7,000. Charles Cushing, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Beacon Street ; North on H. G. Otis ; East on H. G. Otis ; Barn, 600 square feet ; wood. Land, 12,045 square feet; house, 1.440 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 35 windows ; Value, $3,500. 306 City Document No. 92. Peter Cade, owner ; George & Peter Cade, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Hancock Street ; South on John Gib- son ; West on Brown ; wood house, 150 square feet. Land, 2,717 square feet ; house, 792 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $750. Church in Brattle Square, owner ; Revd. Peter Thatcher, occupier ; North on Court Street ; West on Wm. Powell ; East on Nathl. Fellows. Value, $5,000. Benja. Clarke, owner ; Christopher Clarke, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; South on Thos. Cushing ; North on land of Harvard Colledge ; Kitchen, 160 square feet; brick wood-house, 112 square feet; wood. Land, 2,187 square feet; house, 736 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $4,000. Mary Callahan, owner ; Elizabeth Foster, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Williams Court ; East on Wm. Rich- ardson ; South on Jno. Skinner. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 544 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,500. W'm. Clough, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on State Street ; West on Wm. Stackpole ; East on Leach & Watson. Land, 1,176 square feet; house, 500 square feet; 4 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $5,000. Thomas Cushing, owner ; Nathl. Blake, occupier ; brick dwelling; West on Cornhill; North on Benj. Clarke; South on John Fleet. Land, 1,919 square feet; house, 984 square feet; 3 stories, 28 windows ; Value, $6,000. Heirs of John Cunningham, owners ; John West, occupier ; brick & wood dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Herman Brimmer ; North on Susana Kneeland. Land, 1,624 square feet; house, 890 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $5,500. Margare'it & S. Creese, owners and occupiers; brick dwell- ing ; East on Cornhill ; Noi'th, Church Square ; South on Bethunes heirs. Land, 5,236 square feet ; house, 1,340 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $6,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 307 Henby Davison, owner ; John McFarlane, Samuel Hill, occu- piers ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; North on R. G. Amory ; South on Spring lane ; out house, 108 square feet ; wood. Land, 1,350 square feet; house, 969 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows ; Value, $4,000. Elisha Doane, owner ; John Rittenhouse, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Kilby Street ; North on Jno. Lowell ; East on D. S. Greenough. Land, 1,294 square feet; house, 758 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows ; Value, $3,000. Elisha Doane, owner ; Grace Kneeland, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Gideon Snow ; East on D. S. Green- ough ; South on a passage way leading to Kilby Street. Land, 560 square feet ; house, 384 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $900. Williams Davies heirs, owners ; Widow Davies & Josiah Vinton, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Nathl. Balch ; North on Widow Gray. Land, 2,255 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows ; Value, $5,000. Edward Davis, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on State ; East on Edwd. Payne ; West on John Amory ; Kitchen, 286 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; out house, 121 square feet ; 2 stories, do. Land, 3,120 square feet ; house, 850 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $8,000. Ezra Davis, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Leveretts lane ; South on H. G. Otis ; North on Nathl. Emmons. Land, 631 square feet ; house, 520 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $2,500. Thoiias Dawes, owner ; Joseph Peirce, Thomas Crafts, oc- cupiers ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; North on Benja. Waldo ; South on Old Brick Church. Barn, 192 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,460 square feet ; house, 960 square feet ; 3 stories, 49 windows; Value, $6,000. 308 City Document No. 92. Ann Dashwood, owner ; Saml. Dashwood, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Williams Court ; North on Miss Creese ; West on David Hollis ; East on James H. Foster. Land, 520 square feet; house, 390 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $500, Sam'l. Eliot, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Tremont Street ; South on Beacon Street ; North on Jno. Jeffries ; Kitchen, 940 square feet, wood ; Barn & wood house, 859 square feet, wood. Land, 10,080 square feet; house, 1,050 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 49 windows ; Value, $8,000. Nath'l. Emmons, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Leveretts lane ; South on Ezra Davis ; North on A. Pollock. Land, 1,039 square feet; house, 554 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $2,500. Thomas English, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Church Square ; North on Geo. Bethune ; South on Miss Creese ; Kitchen, 432 square feet ; wood house, 330 square feet ; Barn, 576 square feet. Land, 12,326 square feet; house, 840 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $6,000. BOOK 24. Nath'l. Fellows, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Beacon Street ; West on Oliver Brewster ; East on Mary Hubbai'd ; wood house, 324 square feet, wood ; Barn, 600 square feet, wood. Land, 8,649 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 49 windows ; Value, $8,000. Nath'l. Fellows, owner ; Jona. Amory, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; North on Court Street ; West on Peter Thatcher ; East on Joshua Loriug ; Kitchen, 240 square feet ; 3 stories, brick ; Barn, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 40 windows ; Value, $7,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 309 John Fleet, Ann Fleet, owners and occupiers ; brick dwell- ing ; West on Cornhill ; South on Water Street ; North on Jno. Ritchie ; Kitchen, 272 square feet ; 2 stories. Land, 1,288 square feet; house, 880 square feet; 3 stories, 33 windows ; Value, $4,500. James H. Foster, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Williams Court ; West on Saml. Dashwood ; North on Miss Creese. Land, 750 square feet; house, 292 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, Martha Freeman, owner ; James Freeman, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on School Street ; East on heirs of Joseph Green ; North on H. Rowe ; West on Towns land ; Kitchen, 180 square feet ; 2 stories ; wood house, 120 square feet. Land, ; house, 960 square feet ; 2 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $3,500. Stephen Francis, owner and occupier ; South on Williams Court ; East on David Hollis ; West on Alexr. Hill ; wood house, 351 square feet. Land, 920 square feet ; house, 520 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $800. Sarah Gray, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Tremont Street ; North on W. Powell ; South on Widow Smith. Land, 3,296 square feet; house, 1,538 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $4,000. Louis Glapion, George Middleton, owners and. occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Clapboard Street ; South on Jona. Mason & Harrison G. Otis. Land, 1,925 square feet; house, 345 square feet; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, John Gardner, owner ; Charles Sigourney, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Water Street ; East on And. Brim- mer ; West, Devonshire Street ; Kitchen, 312 square feet. Land. 2,984 square feet ; house, 882 square feet ; 3 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $5,000. 310 City Document No. 92. David S. Greenough, of Roxbury, owner ; Elisha H. Mayo, Richd. Fothergill, occupiers ; brick dwellings ; South on a passage way ; West on Ellisha Doane ; North on Elisha Doane. Land, 432 square feet; house, 432 square feet; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, Stephen Greenleaf heirs, owners ; Joseph Blanchard, Rachael Woods, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on Reas Court ; East on Mary Prichard ; West on Mary Lobb. Land, 480 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Joseph Green heirs, owners ; John Warren, occupier ; brick dwelling; South on School Street; Weston Revd. James Freeman ; East on John Warren ; Kitchen, 255 square feet ; wood house, 308 square feet. Land, 11,104 square feet; house, 1,610 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 2*3 windows ; Value, $8,000. Abigail Gray, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; East on Cornhill ; South oq W. Davies ; North on John Skin- ner; Kitchen, 319 square feet; 2 stories. Land, 3,674 square feet; house, 880 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $5,000. Thomas Greenleaf, owner ; Mungo Mackey, Capt. Hodg- kins, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Moses Peck ; North on James Lloyd ; Kitchen, 376 square feet; 3 stories; wood house, 240 square feet. Land, 4,507 square feet ; house, 741 square feet ; 8 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $5,000. Eben'r. Hancock, owner ; Rowland, Bennet, & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West, Hancock Street ; North on E. Hancock ; East, State House. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 1,000 square feet ; 1 story, 14 windows ; Value, $1,800. Mary Hubbard, owner and occupier ; North on Beacon Street ; West on Nathl. Fellows ; South on Thos. Perkins ; East on Common Street ; Kitchen, 576 square feet ; Barn, 600 square feet ; wood house, 375 square feet. Land. 8,184 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, 28 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 311 David Hollis, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Williams Court ; East on Ann Dashwood ; West on Stephen Francis. Laud, 585 square feet ; house, 351 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, $500. Samuel Hughes heirs, owners ; Benja. Russell, occupiers ; brick dwelling; North on State Street; East on Eliza., Bowdoin ; West on United States Bank. Land, 4,320 square feet; house. 1,800 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $7,500. JoNA. Harris and others proprietors of Woodwards wharf, owners ; Hannah Lovis, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on a passage way ; West on Saml. Bangs ; South on Woodwards wharf. Land, 288 square feet; house, 288 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $700. William Hawes, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Leveretts lane ; North on David Spear ; East on Jeremiah Russell ; Kitchen, 384 square feet ; Front Shop, 600 square feet, wood ; Back shop, 324 square feet ; Blacksmiths shop, 600 square feet. Land, 4,950 square feet ; house, 798 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows; Value, $5,000. Alex'r. Hill, owner ; Enoch Huse, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Williams Court ; West on Thomas Adams ; East on Stephen Francis. Land, 2,352 square feet ; house, 952 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows; Value, $2,000. JoHX Jefferies, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Tremout Street ; North on William Phillips ; South on Saml. Elliot. Land, 22,275 square feet; house, 1,512 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $4,000. John Joy, Junr., owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South on Beacon Street ; East on George Street ; AVest on Charles Cushing ; wood house, 300 square feet, wood ; Barn, 800 square feet, wood. Land, 48,000 square feet; house, 1,920 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 33 windows; Value, $12,000. 312 City Document No. 92. Mary Jennings, owner ; John Baker, John Green, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Devonshire Street ; South on Benja. Clarke ; North on Oliver Brewster. Land, 230 square feet ; house, 230 square feet ; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, $200. Edward Jones, owner ; Eliza. Lanmen, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Court Square ; West on Devonshire Street ; East on Edwd. H. Robbins. Land, 1,040 square feet ; house, 390 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,200. John S. Jackson of Plymouth, owner; Edwd. Coffin, Jona. Boden, occupiei's ; wooden dwelling ; North on a passage way leading to Salisburys wharf ; South on Woodwards wharf ; West on Elisha Doane. Land, 630 square feet; house, 630 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,500. Mary Knight, owner ; Phineas Bowers, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; South on Jona. Mason ; East on Devonshire Street ; Kitchen, 162 square feet. Land, 1,914 square feet ; house, 812 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $4,000. Susannah Kneeland, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South Jno. Cunningham ; North on Nathl. Balch. Land, 2,255 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $5,000. Joseph Loring, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Court Street ; East on County land ; West on Nathl. Fellows. Land, 6,314 square feet; house, 840 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Kitchen, 360 square feet; 1 story; wood ; wood house, 432 square feet ; Value, $3,500. W'm. Lambert, owner ; John Brook, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West on Cornhill ; South on Benja. ; North on Olivr. Brewster; Kitchen, 180 square feet. Land, 1,056 square feet; house, 480 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value $3,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 313 John Loring, owner ; Ebenr. Moulton, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Beacon Street ; South on Wm. Phil- lips ; East on Oliver Brewster ; Kitchen, 150 square feet ; 2 stories ; wood. Land, 2,160 square feet; house, 416 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,400. Mary Lobb, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Reas Court ; North on Edwd. H. Robbins ; South on Zach Rhoades. Land, 1,016 square feet; house, 396 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $1,000. John Lowell, owner ; John Lowell, Junr., occupier; Stone & brick dwelling ; South on School Street ; West on Burying Ground ; North, R. G. Amory. Land, 12,350 square feet; house, 1,735 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $6,000. State of Massachusetts, owner : unoccupied ; West on George street ; East on Beacon Hill ; North on Austin. Land, 3,384 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; Value, $1,000. State of Massachusetts, owner ; Andrew Kettle, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Court street ; West on Wm. Tudor; East on Josiah Quincy ; Kitchen, 192 square feet; brick. Land, 2,880 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $4,000. JoNA. Mason, owner ; Mary Mason, occupier : brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; East on Devonshire Street ; South Saml. Whitwell ; North, Mary Knight. Land, 4,042 square feet; house, 1,520 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $10,000. John Magner, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Lendalls lane ; North, Estate of Edwd. Payne ; East, John Codman. Land, 2,414 square feet; house, 1,112 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $3,500. John Magner, owner ; Capt. Lewis, Widow Barnes, occu- piers ; brick dwelling ; South on Lendalls lane ; North on Miss Marshal ; West on Snow Stetson. Land, 1,980 square feet; house, 1,209 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $3,000. 314 City Document No. 92. John Magner, owner; Joseph Louis, Jno. Kidney, Patrick Hafron, & Mary Fliun, occupiers; wooden dwelling; 4 tenements ; North, Lendalls Rowe ; West on David Spear ; East on John Codman. Land, 2,940 square feet ; house, 960 square feet ; 1 story, 8 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Magner. owner ; Solomon Munroe, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Kilby Street ; North on Olivers Dock ; South on Towns land. Land, 1,473 square feet; house, 1,473 square feet; 3 sto- ries ; Value, $4,000. Chris'r. Marshal, owner ; Edmd. Bowman, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Court Square ; South on Saral. Hall ; North on Gridley & Nolen ; Kitchen, 117 square feet; wood. Land, 1,500 square feet ; house, 375 square feet ; 3 stories, 16 windows; Value, $2,800. Mary and Ann Marshall, owners and occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Leverett Street ; South on David Spear ; North on E Payne ; Kitchen, 360 square feet ; 2 stories ; wood. Land, 2,208 square feet; house, 432 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $1,000. Eliza, McEllroy, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on a passage way leadmg to Tremont Street ; West on Widow Smith ; North on Sarah Gray. Land, 384 square feet ; house, 384 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, John McLane, owner ; Joseph Callender, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling; West on State Street; North on John Amory ; South on Gridley & Nolen. Land, 988 square feet; house, 553 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $2,800. W'm. Newman, owner and occupier ; South on Water Street ; Weston Andr. Brimmer ; East on P. C. Brooks ; Kitchen, 348 square feet ; wood house, 368 square feet ; Barn, 288 square feet. Land, 4,250 square feet ; house, 608 square feet ; 2 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 315 Charles Nolen, owner ; Charles Nolen & Seth Welles, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Court Square ; North on John McLane ; South on Chrisr. Marshall ; Kitchen, 130 square feet; Kitchen, 144 square feet; wood. Land, 1,584 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $3,500. Harrison G. Otis, owner ; Thos. Payne, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; East on Leverett Street ; South on Joseph Russell ; North on Ezra Davis. Land, 910 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 3 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $2,500. Harrison G. Otis, owner ; Henry Newman, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Common Street ; South on Sutton s heirs ; North on James Perkins ; Kitchen, 408 square feet, brick; Barn, 578 square feet, wood; wood house, 360 square feet, wood. Land, 7,020 square feet; house, 1,640 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 51 windows; Value, $9,000. William Powell, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Tremont Street ; East on Dr. Thatcher ; North on Court Street. Land, 4,440 square feet; house, 1,600 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 40 windows ; Stable, 675 square feet, brick ; Value, $8,000. Ezek'l. Price, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Tremont Street ; South on R. G. Amory ; Noi'th on a passage way ; Kitchen, 216 square feet, wood ; Barn, 108 square feet, wood. Land, 6,240 square feet; house, 672 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $3,000. W'm. Phillips, Sen., owner; William Phillips, occupier; wooden dwelling ; South on Beacon Street ; North on Jerath. Bowers ; South on Eliza. Bowdoin ; Kitchen, 435 square feet ; 2 stories, bi'ick ; Barn, 684 square feet ; 2 stories, brick; Barn, 1,248 square feet; 2 stories, wood. Land, 36,000 square feet ; house, 1,482 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 45 windows ; Value, $15,000. W'm. Phillips, Senr., owner; William Phillips, Junr., occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; East on Tremont Street ; South on John Jefferies ; North on Sampson Reed ; Barn & Kitchen, 1,440 square feet; 2 stories; each brick. Land, 29,700 square feet; house, 1,870 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $18,000. 316 City Document No. 92. James Perkins, owner ; James Perkins, Thomas Perkins, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Common Sti'eet ; North on Mary Hubbard ; South on H. G. Otis. Land, 4.230 square feet; house, 1,220 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows; Value, $3,800. Edw'd. Payne estate, owners ; Ann Browne, Fire Insurance Compy., occupiers; brick dwelling; North on State Street ; East on Branch Bank ; West on Edwd. Davis ; Kitchen, 192 square feet ; Barn, 600 square feet. Land, 3,600 square feet ; house, 936 square feet ; 3 stories, 30 windows ; Value, $9,000. Edw'd. Payne estate, owners; J. B. Lerabour, occupier; brick dwelling ; West on Leverett Street ; South on Miss Marshalls ; North on passage way. Land, 1,460 square feet; house, 672 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows. Martha Pritchard, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Leverett Street ; North on E. H. Robbins ; South on Rays Court. Land, 468 square feet; house, 468 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, Moses Peck, owner and occupier ; East on Cornhill ; North on Thos. Greenleaf ; South on Williams Court. Land, 2,220 square feet; house, 780 square feet; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $5,500. Dan'l. D. Rogers, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Beacon Street ; North on .lames Ivers ; South on Bea- con Hill; Kitchen, 595 square feet; wood house, 285 square feet ; wood. Land, 30,448 square feet; house, 1,725 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 71 windows; Value, $1,600. Heirs of Thomas Rogers, owner ; George Smith, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; North on Andr. Brim- mer ; South on John Skinner. Land, 2,300 square feet ; house, 840 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $3,500. Edw'd. H. Robbins, owner; Jonas C. Minott & Benja. Lin- coln, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; North ou State Street ; West on Edwd. Jones ; East on Saml. Hall ; Barn, 384 square feet, wood ; wood house, 200 square feet, wood. Land 2,526 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.J). 1798. 317 Ed WD. H. RoBBiNS, owner ; Ann Doyle, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Leverett Street ; North on Saml. Hall ; West on E. H. Robbins. Land, 2,148 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,500. Joseph Russell, owner ; Allen Pollock, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Leverett Street ; North on Quaker Meeting; South on Nathl. Emmons. Land, 2,490 square feet ; house, 510 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $2,500. Joseph Russell, owner ; John Russell, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; East on Leverett Street ; South on P. C. Brooks ; North on H. G. Otis. Land, 1,280 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $2,500. Wm. W. Russell, owner ; Hopestill Hall, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Russells Alley ; North on John Magnor ; West on Wm. Hawes. Land, 1,856 square feet; house, 1,144 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $1,200. Sampson Read, owner ; Joseph Russell, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Wm. Phillips ; North on Mrs. Waldo ; East on Tremont Street ; Kitchen, 468 square feet ; 2 stories ; Barn, 240 square feet. Land, 8,804 square feet ; house, 880 square feet ; 3 stories, 38 windows ; Valae, $5,000. Hannah Rowe, owner; Jacob Rowe, Saml. Bass, occupiei-s ; brick dwelling ; North on Williams Court; Weston R. G. Amory ; South on John Skinner. Land, 5,402 square feet; house, 1,152 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows ; Value, $3,000. Mart Ruggles, owner ; Anthony Holbrook, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Beacon Street ; North on Beacon Street ; South on John Loring. Land, 576 square feet ; house, 351 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, Daniel Rea, owner ; Amasa Thayer, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; North on Reas Court ; South on Quaker Meeting ; West on Zachariah Rhoades. Land, 480 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $650. .318 City Document No. 92. Zach'h. Rhoades. of Providence, owner ; John Moriarty, occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; East on Reas Court ; North on Widow Lobb ; South on Quaker Meeting; Kitchen, 169 square feet. Land, 439 square feet ; house, 270 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, ^800. Zach'h. Rhoades of Providence, owner ; James Fennell, occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; East on Leverett Street ; South on Quaker Lane ; North on Reas Court. Land, 540 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, KiCHARDSON & Walker, owners ; William Richardson, occu- pier ; brick dwelling , East on Cornhill ; North on Wil- liams Court ; South on Andrew Brimmer; Kitchen, 178 square feet. Land, 2,496 square feet ; house, 576 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $5,500. Mary Roberts, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; North on David West ; South on Thomas Dawes; Kitchen, 120 square feet; 2 stories. Land, 3,192 square feet; house, 663 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, S4,500. Eliza Smith of Portland, owner ; Thomas Clarke, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Tremont Street ; North on Sarah Gray ; South on passage way ; Kitchen, 323 square feet. Land, 2,295 square feet; house, 1,053 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $2,500. Will'm. S. Skinner & Mary Salmon, owners ; John L. Roberts & Mrs. Powell, occupiers; wooden dwelling; East on Common Street ; South on Burying Ground ; North on Adam Babcock. Land, 648 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, John Skinner, owner ; Luke Baker & Saml. Brewer, occu- piers ; brick dwelling ; East on Cornhill ; South on Widow Gray ; North on D. D. Rogers. Land, 6,750 square feet; house, 1.256 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $7,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 319 Standfast Smith, owner ; William Endicott, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on State Street ; East on Abiel Smith ; West on David Townsend. Land, 1,532 square feet: house, 1,206 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $4,000. David Spear, owner ; Elizabeth Spear, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Lendalls lane ; West on Leverett Street ; North on Miss Marshall ; Kitchen, 180 square feet. Land, 1,106 square feet ; house, 510 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $1,800. David Spear, owner ; Mary Laha, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Lendalls lane ; West on David Spear ; East on Cathn. Breall ; Kitchen, 80 square feet. Land, 1,106 square feet; house, 510 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $1,500. Will'm. Spooner, owner ; David Tyler, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West on Cornhill ; South on Mrs. Saltonstall ; North on Wm. Spooner. Land, 970 square feet; house, 570 square feet; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $4,500. James Scott, owner and occupier ; Stone & Wooden dwell- ing ; South on Beacon Street ; East on State House ; West on Ebr. Hancock; Barn, 2,020 square feet; 2 sto- ries, brick & wood ; Land, 75,625 square feet ; house, 3,450 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 54 windows ; Value, $25,000. William Spooner, owner ; Isaac Bowers, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; East on Arnold Welles ; North on Arnold Welles ; South on sd. Spooner. Land, 970 square feet; house, 570 square feet; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $4,500. Abiel Smith, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on State Street ; East on Devonshire Street ; West on Widow Bradstreet ; Kitchen, 288 square feet; 1 story; Barn ; 840 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 4,206 square feet; house, 1,400 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 44 windows ; Value, $9,000. 320 City Document No. 92. Abiel Smith, owner ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Devonshire Street ; North on Abiel Smith ; South on Widow Bradstreet. Land, 144 square feet; house, 144 square feet; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, Abiel Smith, owner ; Barney Smith, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; North on State Street ; East on Widow Bradstreet ; West on Jacob Porter; Kitchen, 297 square feet; brick wood house, 52 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,288 square feet; house, 924 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $4,000. Gideon Snow, of Kennebeck, owner ; Josiah Copeland, occu- pier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on a passage way leading to Kilby Street ; East on Elislia Doane ; West on Saml. Bangs. Land, 436 square feet ; house, 240 square feet; 2 stories, U windows; Value, $900. Snow Stetson, of Situate, owner ; Thomas Briggs, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Lendalls lane ; West on Cathn. Breall ; East on John Magnor. Land, 960 square feet ; house, 960 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,500. William Tudor, owner ; Sarah Welsh, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; North on Court Street ; East on land belonging to the Commonwealth ; West on County land ; Barn, 440 square feet ; 2 stories ; wood. Land, 5,652 square feet; house, 1,374 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $9,000. BOOK 26. John Vinal, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Beacon street ; West on H. G. Otis ; North on H. G. Otis ; wood house, 333 square feet ; Barn, 760 square feet. Land, 14,400 square feet; house, 1,720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $4,0(J0. Bill Vose, owner and occupier ; South on Water Street ; East on Benja. Clarke ; West on .Tohn Ritchie. Land, 1,404 square feet ; house, 666 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 321 Sam'l. Whitwell, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Jona. Mason ; South on Joua. Amory ; West on Cornhill. Land, 2,825 square feet ; house, 792 square feet ; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $4,500. Sam'l. Whitwell, owner ; Kendall & Brown, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; East on Devonshire Street ; South on Jona. Amory ; North on Jona. Mason. Land, 551 square feet ; house, 551 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. Arnold Welles, Guardian to his daughter, owner ; Fales & Keith, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Cornhill ; North on Arnold Welles, Junr ; South on W. Spooner. Laud, 641 square feet ; house, 504 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $4,500. Thomas Wallet, owner ; Mary Langdou, occupier ; West on Devonshire Street ; North on Jona. Mason ; South on Andrew Brimmer ; Kitchen, 294 square feet ; 2 stories. Land, 1,984 square feet ; house, 666 square feet ; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $3,500. Edmund Wright, owner ; James Steward, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Devonshire Street ; South on Jona. Mason ; North on Widow Lobb ; "wood house ; 80 square feet. Land, 770 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $1,600. Arnold Welles, Junr., owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on School Street ; East on Herman Brimmer ; West on Henry Vose ; wood house, 150 square feet. Laud, 2,700 square feet; house, 960 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $900. John Warren, owner ; Henry Vose, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on School Street ; West on heirs of Joseph Green ; East on Arnold Welles. Land, 5,376 square feet; house, 3,312 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows; Value, $6,000. 322 City Document No. 92. BOOK 27. Eliza. Allen, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Battery March Street ; North on Nathan Spear ; South on Mr. Ingersol. Land, 1,150 square feet ; house, 420 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Heirs of Appleton, owners ; Widow Rachel Appleton, oc- cupier; brick & wooden dwelling; West on Atkinson Street ; South on Wm. Coleman ; North on lands of the heirs of I. Lamb. Land, 14,820 square feet ; house, 2,544 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $9,000. Heirs of N. Appleton, owners ; Unoccupied ; brick and wooden dwelling ; West on Theatre Alley ; East on T. L. Sul- livan & Doct. Sprague ; South on Theatre land. Land, 1,600 square feet; house, 323 square feet; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, Giles Alexander, owner; Capt. Nathl. Shattuck, occupier; brick dwelling ; North on School Street ; West on Abra- ham Wild ; East on Joseph Foster- Land, 1,577 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 stoi'ies, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Eb. T. Andrews, owner ; Mrs. Armstrong, Loring, & Ste- vens, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Water Street ; East on Peter R. Dalton ; West on Widow Row & Harvey. Land, 2,275 square feet; house, 1,225 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $1,500. JoNA. Amort, Senr., owner; Jno. G. Davis, occupier; brick dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; North on E. Tick- nor ; South on Vincent. Land, $3,750 square feet ; house, 1,000 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $3,500. Sarah Adams, owner; Saml. Thwiug, occupier; wood & brick dwelling ; South on a passage way from Marlboro' St. ; West on Joseph Foster ; North on Dr. Warren. Land, 2,382 square feet ; house, 465 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $1,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 323 Sally Barrett, owner; 8 ami. J. Tuck, occupier; wooden dwelling ;^West on Oliver Street ; South on O. Wendell ; North on Solo. Hewes. Land, 1,650 square feet; house, 705 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 9 windows; Value, $1,800. Jerath'l. Bowers, owner ; Saml. Wallis, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Round lane ; West on Federal Street ; South on Widow McNiel & Coburn. Land, 4,320 square feet ; house, 1,084 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $4,000. Nath'l. Brewer, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; North on Robt. Steel ; South on a passage way to Fort Hill. Land, 2,080 square feet ; house, 740 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $1,500. William Boardman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; South on Thomas H. Perkins ; North on Road to Fort Hill. Land, 2,268 square feet; house, 1,344 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows ; Value, $5,000. Jerath'l. Bowers, owner ; Mr. Rainger & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; South on Capt. West ; North on Thos. Perkins ; East to low water. Land, 11,350 square feet; house, 676 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 5 windows ; Value, $5,000. Joseph Balch, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; South on Mr. Waterman ; North on Paul Spear. Land, 3,356 square feet ; house, 740 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $12,000. Edw'd. Blanchard, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Atkinson Street ; South on Mark Pritchard ; West on H. Simpson. Land, 6,000 square feet; house, 1,460 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $4,000. James Bowdoin, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on Milk Street ; East on T. K. Jones ; West on Bishops Alley. Land, 44,135 square feet; house, 3,124 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $12,000. 324 City Document No. 92. James Bryant, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; South on heirs of Pattershall ; East on Fosdicks Court. Land, 852 square feet ; house, 652 square feet ; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,200. Heiks of S. Bradley, owners ; Nathan Foster, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Bryant ; West on heirs of Pattershall. Land, 1,408 square feet; house, 702 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows; Value, $1,200. Maky Bourn, owner ; Stephen Gorham, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; West on Atkinson Street a Corner. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 1,420 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $4,000. Sam'l. Breck, owner ; John Jutua, occupier ; Brick dwelling ; West on Oliver Street ; North on Bossr. Foster ; South on Saml. Cooper, Esqr. Land, 1,664 square feet; house, 1,225 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $3,500. B. Barnard heirs, owners ; East on Atkinson Street ; Entd. to heirs of Job Wheelwria;ht. Heirs of Mr. Badger, of Providence, owners ; Samuel Hunt, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on School Street ; West on Saltonstall ; East on Governors Alley, so called. Land, 1,530 square feet; house, 993 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $3,000. Nath'l. Balch, owner ; Benja. M. Stillman. occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Spring Lane ; West on Deblois ; East on Ridgway. Land, 870 square feet; house, 558 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows ; Value, Jno. Boyle, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; North on Luke Baker ; South on Thomas Townsends land. Land, 1,540 square feet ; house, 667 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $3,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 325 Samjl. BuLFiNCH, owner ; Belcher Watts, occupier; wooden dwelliug ; East oa Federal Street ; North & South on Bulfinch. Land, 372 square feet; house, 252 square feet; 1 story, 3 windows ; Value, Jeee'h. Bulfinch, owner ; Mr. Avery & Wheaton, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; North on Burroughs ; South on Stephen Higginson, Esqr. Land, 5,850 square feet; house, 694 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows ; Value, $2,000. George Burroughs, owner; Mrs. Curtis, occupier; wooden dwelling; East on Federal Street; South on Bulfinch; North on a passage to Federal Court. Land, 2,280 square feet ; house, 595 square feet; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $2,000. Luke Baker, owner ; Daniel Hewes, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; East on Marlboro' St. ; North by T. Townsend ; South by John Boyle. Land, 2,160 square feet ; house, 604 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $3,0U0. Anapel Botnton, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South by E. Johnston ; North on Capt. Shepherd. Land, 2,544 square feet ; house, 576 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. Wm. Boardman, Junr., owner; Josiah Bumstead, occupier; brick & wooden dwelliug ; West on Marlboro Street ; North on Mr. Leach ; South on Myself. Land, 1,391 square feet; house, 1,008 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,500. Abiah Bonner, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; South on heirs of Dr. Loring ; North on Widow Wallis. — Land, 1,340 square feet ; house, 660 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $2,000. George Blanchard, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on High Street; West on Colo. Dawes; N.E. on Widow Low. Land, 12,050 square feet; house, 1,918 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $5,000. 326 City Document No. 92. Geohge Blanch ARD, owner ; Isaac Spear, occupier; woodea dwelling; North on Round Lane; S.E. & West on him- self. Land, 1,680 square feet; house, 480 square feet; 1 story, 7 windows; Value, ^600. George Blanchard, owner; Isaac Underwood and others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Round lane ; East & West on himself. Land, 2,304 square feet; house, 747 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $2,000. George Blanchard, owner ; Joseph Brown & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Round lane ; East, South, & West by himself. Land, 1,152 square feet ; house, 519 square feet ; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,000. George Blanchard, owner ; Widow Gray, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; situated in his yard, bounded on all sides by Ms own land. Land, 648 square feet; house, 316 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $40). Commonwealth of Massachusetts, owner ; Peleg Coffin, as Treasure'' of ye Commouwealtli ; brick dwelling on Marl- boro Street known by the Old Treasury Office. Land, 21,708 square feet ; house, 2,442 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 40 windows ; Value, $12,000. John Coates, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; East on Federal Street ; North on Simon Eliot ; South on passage way to Federal Court. Land, 9,734 square feet; house, 1,676 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $4,000. John Coburn, owner; John Coburn & S. Langdon, occu- piers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; South on heirs of S. Hewes ; North on Bovvers & others. Land, 7,980 square feet; house, 2,770 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 47 windows; Value, $6,000. W'm. Cowell, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Atkinson Street ; S.E. on High Street; Making a Corner. Land, 3,880 square feet; house, 1,260 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows ; Value, $5,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 327 Chkistxanna Collson, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; West on Marlboro' Street, No. 50. ; South on S. Read; North on Nancrede. Land, 11,854 square feet; house, 1,332 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $4,500. Christianna Collson, owner ; Mr. Gregg & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Bishop's Alley ; West on herself ; North on Jr. Cutler. Land, 1,974 square feet; house, 1,674 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Cutler, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro' ; North on P. Connor ; South on Hitchborn. Land, 2,624 square feet; house, 1,136 square feet; o sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $3,700. John Cutler, owner ; John Janque, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on Bishops Alley : West on himself ; North on a Corner ; South on Hitchborn. Land, 400 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, S300. Patkic Conner, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Marlboro' Street ; South on Juo. Cutler ; North on Widow White. Land, 5,175 square feet; house, 2,976 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $4,000. Ezra Coates, owner ; David Sanger, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; East on Marlboro' Street ; North on Capt. Johnston ; South on a passage way. Land, 1,692 square feet; house, 894 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $2,000. Joseph Coolidge, owner; AzorG. Archbald, occupier; brick dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; South on Wm. Payne ; North on Pattershalls heirs. Land, 1,654 square feet; house, 1,056 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $3,000. SusA. Cazneau & others, owners ; Susannah Cazneau, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on Milk street, making a Corner. Land, 1,836 square feet; house, 1,050 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $1,000. 328 City Document No. 92. Mary Coffin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro Street ; North on the Old Treasury ; South on John Amory Junr. & Heirs of Wm. Woods. Land, 11,376 square feet; house, 1,124 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $4,700. Mary Coffin, owner ; Benja. Stickney, occupier ; wooden dwelling; North & South on herself as above described, & heirs of Wm. Wood ; East on John Amory, Junr. Land, 1,302 square feet ; house, 260 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Hez. Chad wick, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Governors Alley ; North on himself ; South on Mr. Eaton. Land, 1 ,512 square feet ; house, 682 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows; Value, Hez. Chadwick, owner ; George Shinnity, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Governors Alley ; South on himself ; North on Widow Pitman. Land, 480 square feet; house, 240 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $500. Sam'l. Clapp, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Water Street ; East on heirs of Jas. Thwing ; Weston Thos. Page. Land, 1,830 square feet ; house, 798 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $3,000. Benja. Cushing, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Atkinson Street ; East on Danl. Sargents land. Land, 4,800 square feet; house, 1,280 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $3,500. Stn. & Jane Cushing, minors, owners ; Joseph Wyatt, occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; West on Oliver Street , North on Milk Street, making a Corner. Land, 672 square feet ; house, 448 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $1,000. Sam'l. Cushing, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Atkinson Street ; North on the Widow Bourn ; South on Dr. Tuttle. Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 629 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows; Value, $1,600. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 329 Lemuel Cox, owner; Doctr. Ensliu, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; North on Battery March ; West on R. Hallowell ; East on McKean. Land, 2,786 square feet ; house, 680 square feet ; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,800. W'm. Colman, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Atkinson Street ; North on heirs of Appleton ; South on J. Codman. Land, 11,187 square feet ; house, 2,432 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $5,500. Eb. Winter Calef, owner ; Saral. Thwing, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; East on Capt. Tilden ; West on Horn lane. Land, 3,611 square feet; house, 6GG square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $2,000. Eb. Winter Calef, owner ; John Hawj^ard, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Horn lane ; East on Capt. Tilden ; South on himself ; North on heirs of James Thwing. Land, 289 square feet ; house, 289 square feet ; 1 story, 2 windows ; Value, $2 James Cutler, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Bishop's Alley ; North on Franklin Street ; South on Widow Collson. Land, 9,600 square feet; house, 2,430 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 42 windows; Value, 810,000. The Heirs of Widow Cushing, owners ; .lacob Henchman & Benja. Hail, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Bat- tery March Street ; North on Brewer ; South on Fuller- ton. Land, 1,648 square feet ; house, 848 square feet ; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $1,700. Capt. Cogswell, owner ; Widow Laughton, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; North on Mrs. Parrott ; West on Parrotts Alley. Land, 2,001 square feet ; house, 888 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $1,500. Heirs of Widow Cushing, owners, Thomas Cushing, occu- pier; wooden dwelling; on Battery March St. ; South on R. Hallowell ; North on same heirs. Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 486 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,400. 330 City Document No. 92. Peteb R. Dalton, owner and occupier ; wood & brick dwell- ing ; North on Water Street ; West by Sanil. Bass & others ; Elast on Dalton Street. Land, 7,560 square feet; house, 1,320 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 84 windows ; Value, $7,000. Peter R. Dalton, owner, Jno. W. Blanchard, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; North on Rd. & N. Tucker ; West on Dalton Street ; South on Milk Street. Land, 3,500 square feet; house, 648 square feet ; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, S3, 500. Heirs of Capt. Davies, owners ; James Lamb, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; North on Charles Miller ; South on Simon Eliot. Land, 10,640 square feet; house, 1,846 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $4,000. Ann Deblois, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling ; West on Common Street ; South on Rawson's lane ; North on Moses Gill. Land, 5,310 square feet; house, 2,220 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 35 windows ; Value, $4,000. Mrs. Dilliway, owner, Francis Sales, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on School Street ; East on Welles & Warren ; South & West on Joseph Foster. Land, 858 square feet; house, 396 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $700. Thomas Davis, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; East on Atkinson Street ; North on Bury Street ; South on Widow Rand. Land, 3,081 square feet; house, 1,320 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows; Value, $4,500. Danforth & Whiting, owners; Mr. Haskell, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West on Battery March St. ; North & East on Gridley ; South on Wendell. Land, 1,650 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Benja. Dearborn, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Theatre Allej^ ; West on Wakefield. Land, 10,500 square feet; house, 1,008 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $3,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 331 Thos. DrcKASON, ownei" and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on Milk Street ; East on Oliver Street ; South on Js. Swan ; West on Sullivan. Land, 15,133 square feet; house, 2,764 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 39 windows; Value, $11,000. Aaron Dexter, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Milk Street ; West on Dalton ; East on Jona. Fowle. Land, 5,028 square feet; house, 1,536 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $4,500. Simon Elliot, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; East on Federal Street ; North on Capt. Davis' heirs ; South on John Coats. Land, 2,864 square feet; house, 1,812 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 52 windows ; Value, $7,000. Sarah Elliot, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on Joseph Shed ; South on Mrs. Hunts land. Land, 2,464 square feet; house, 1,012 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows ; Value, $2,000. Joseph Eckley, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; East on Mr. Shattuck ; West & Nortb on Church land. Land, 19,200 square feet; house, 1,680 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $6,000. Abraham Edwards, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Battery March St. ; South on W. Harris ; North on Robt. Williams. Land, 940 square feet ; house, 570 squai-e feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Joseph Eaton, owner ; Zeph. Spurr, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on Governors Alley ; North on Chadvvick. Land, 1,647 square feet; house, 836 square feet; 3 stories, 36 windows; Value, $1,500. John Furness, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street; East on heirs of Jos. Russell ; South on Wm. Whall. Land, 3,596 square feet; house, 1,062 v^aare feet; 2 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $2,500. 332 City Document No. 92. Joseph Foster, owaer ; N. B. Lyde, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; North on School Street ; West on Giles Alexander ; East on Mrs. Dilliway. Land, 4,723 square feet; house, 1,441 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $2,000. Boss'r. Foster, owner; Genl. Knox, occupier; brick and wooden, dwelling ; West on Oliver Street ; South on Sam. Breck ; North on Dickason. Land, 9,207 square feet ; house, 1,510 square feet ; 3 stories, 34 windows ; Value, $7,500. John Fullerton, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Mr. Cotton ; South on Mr. Hammon. Land, 2,981 square feet; house, 1,470 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows ; Value, $1,500. JoNA. FowLE, owner ; Mrs. Coolidge, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; West on A. Dexter ; East on Horn lane. Land, 2,064 square feet ; house, 960 square feet ; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $2,500. Ann & John Fleet, owners ; Mary Brown & Dorothy Forbs, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; West on Stackpole ; East on Ebenr. Niles. Land, 2,824 square feet ; house. 1,552 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $2,000. Rachael Fox, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on a New Street to Fedrel Court; North on a pas- sage way from Fed'rel Street ; East on G. Burroughs ; South on Bulfinch. Land, 1,813 square feet ; house, 804 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,000. Jesse Foster, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing in Federal Court ; North on John Coates ; South on Guild & Adams ; West on Ebenr. Parsons : East on New Street to the Court. Land, 2,625 square feet; house, 711 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows; Value, $1,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A. D. 1798. 333 John FrLLEBROWN, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling in Federal Court ; East on New Street ; West on Elb. ParsonK ; South on BuUard & Willet ; North on John Coates. Land, 2,750 square feet ; house, 908 square feet ; 3 stories, 33 windows; Value, $2,o00. Stephen Goffe, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on I'aul Spear ; North on a passage to Fort Hill ; East on Steel & Brewer. Land, 717 square feet; house, 357 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, |1,000. Moses Gill, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on School Street ; South on Deblois ; East on Grammar School ; West on Widow Scott & Wm. D. Rogers. Land, 20,0G0 square feet ; house, 2,556 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows; Value, $12,000. Eben'r. Goffe, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on sd. Goffe ; South on Paul Spear ; North on a pas- sage way to Fort Hill. Land, 1,024 square feet ; house, 561 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,000. David Greenough, owner ; Widow Haugh, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on School Street ; P^ast on a passage way ; West on himself. Land, 720 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 sto'«es, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. David Greenough, owner ; Widow Loring, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on School Street ; East on himself ; West on Romish Church. Land. 630 square feet ; house 630 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,000. Jane Haugh, owner ; Several persons, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on School Street ; East on Marlboro' Street ; West on Saml. Brown. Land, 1,512 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $4,000. Step'n. Higginson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; South on S. Brown ; North on himself. Land, 13,000 square feet; house, 2, -'4'^ square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows ; Value, $7,000. 334 City Document No. 92. Step'n. Higginson, owner ; Willm. Niel, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; South on himself ; North on Jere. Bulfinch. Land, 6,319 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 2 stories ; 25 windows; Value, $2,500. Elizabeth Hewes, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on John Coburn ; South on Widow Wallis. Land, 5,544 square feet ; house, 504 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows; Value, $3,000. BOOK 28. Stephen Hall, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street, South on Shed ; North on Walley ; East on sister Lane. Land, 5,628 square feet; house, 1,164 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $7,000. Stephen Hall, owner ; Caleb Gibbs, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Battery March Street ; West on Fort Hill ; South on ; North on Land. 1,280 square feet ; house, 640 squai'e feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $2,000. Alex'r. Hill, owner ; George Sider, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on passage way from Marl- boro' Street ; West on Widow White ; East on Land, 1,200 square feet; house, 520 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 6 windows ; Value, $700. Shubael Hewes, owner and occup.ier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; North on Coblers Court ; South on y^ old Treasury house and land. Land, 4,114 square feet; house, 864 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows; Value, $2,500. B. and Mary Harvey, owners and occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Devonshire Street ; South on Stack- pole ; North on Widow Rows land. Land, 1,681 square feet; house, 648 square feet; 3 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,200. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 335 Sarah Hall, owner ; John Fish & others, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; North on Horn lane ; West on Water Street ; East on land of Mr. Smith. Land. 3,059 square feet; house, 980 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. George Hamlin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Weut on Common Street ; North on Tuckerman ; South on Roberts. Land, 2,952 square feet; house, 900 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,500. J's. Homer, owner ; Alice Homer, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling; S.W. on Oliver Street, North on Hawks Lin- coln ; South on John Gray. Land, 447 square feet; house, 411 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows; Value, $1,800. Solomon Hewes, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, S.W. on Oliver Street; North on Saml. Cooper, Esqr. ; S.E. on Mr. Tuck. Land, 1,621 square feet; house, 740 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $1,500. Rob't. Hallowell, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; N.W. on Battery March Street ; N.E. on Lemuel Cox ; S.W. on Bossr. Foster & others. Land, 37,422 square feet ; house, 2,572 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 40 windows; Value, $9,000. Eliza Hicklin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Battery March Street ; South on Major Tilden ; West on Mrs. McKean. Land, 700 square feet; house, 610 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $800. Joseph Harris, owner ; Mrs. Taunt, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Battery March Street ; South on land of S. & Arnold Welles ; North on Mr. Edwards. Land, 854 square feet; house, 588 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,800. Daniel Hill, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street; West on Mrs. Bourn ; S.E. & North on Stepn. Gorham. Land, 3,066 square feet; house, 1,095 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $2,500. City DocUxMent No. 92. Benja. Hitchborn, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Marlboro Street ; North on John Culter ; South on John Amory, Senr. Land, 5,612 square feet; house, 2,404 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $7,500. Abij'h. Hammond, owner ; Mrs. Hammond, occupier ; North on Milk Street ; West on Benja. Gushing & others ; East on Fullerton. Land, 4,004 square feet; house, 1,523 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $4,000. John Holland, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on John FuUertoil ; West on Abijh. Hammond ; South on B. Foster ; East on Rt. Ilallowell. Land, 2,700 square feet : house, 1,600 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $1,200. Dan'l. Hewes, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; South on Wilsons Alley ; North on Treffrys land. Land, 1,296 square feet; house, 936 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,500. Eliza. Inches, owner ; Edmund Wright, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South on Abiel Winship ; West on Romish Church ; North on Mrs. Haugh. Land, 1,508 square feet; house, 903 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows ; Value, $2,500. Eleazer Johnston, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; North on Widow Boynton ; South on Ezra Coats. Land, 2,312 square feet; house, 660 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $2,500. Mrs. Ingersol & Miss Dalton, owners ; Patrick Campbell & John Homer, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; North on Water Street ; South on Mr. Tuckers land ; West on Dalton Street. Land, 3,518 square feet; house, 1,233 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows; Value, $3,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 337 John Ingersol, owner ; John Ingersol & Capt. John Adam- son, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; F^ast on Battery March Sti^eet ; South by a lane up Fort Hill ; North on Widow Allen ; West on D. Hewes. Land, 1,581 square feet; house, 828 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows ; Value, $1,500. Tho's. K. Jones, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North on Milk Street; East on James Wakefield ; West on James Bowdoin, Esq. Land, 12,000 square feet; house, 2,127 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 35 windows ; Value, $7,000. Citizen Julien, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South on Milk Street ; East on Dalton Street ; West on Eb. Niles ; North on Dr. Homans. Land, 6,286 square feet; house, 1,440 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $6,0i)0. Edward Jones, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Milk Street ; East on Devonshire Street ; North on Stackpole ; West on Shattuck. Land, 4,872 square feet ; house, 1 , 1 69 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $5,000. John McKean, owner ; Joseph Harris, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Battery March Street ; West on Lemuel Cox ; P^ast on himself. Land, 1,231 square feet; house, 863 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows; Value, $1,500. Dr. John Loring, heirs of, owners ; Widow Blake & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; South on High Street ; North on Widow Bonner. Land, 905 square feet ; house, 705 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,200. Mrs. Low, widow, owner; Saml. Dilliway, occupier; wooden dwelling; S.E. on High Street ; N.E. on Capt. Cowell ; S.W. on George Blanchard. Land, 2,268 square feet; house, 864 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $3,500. Israel Loring, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on Water Street ; West on Mungo Mackey ; East on Magner. Land, 3,600 square feet; house, 1,002 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $3,000. 338 City Document No, 92. William Leach, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; South on Boardman ; North on Sampson Read. Land, 2,000 square feet; house, 1,694 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $4,000. John S. Lillie, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Niles ; West on a pas- sage way ; South on Widovv Fosdick. Land, 620 square feet; house, 620 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $700. Hawks Lincoln, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Oliver Street ; North on B. Gushing ; East on Hammond ; South on Homer. Land, 967 square feet ; house, 567 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. James Lovell, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Hutchinson Street ; North on H. Smith ; East on Js. Swan ; South on Uanl. McNiel. Land, 10,440 square feet; house, 1,002 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $2,600. John Mackean, owner ; Capt. Houghton, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Battery March Street ; West on himself ; East on Widow Hickling. Land, 270 square feet ; house, 270 square feet ; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, Dan'l. McNeil, owner ; James Magee, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West on Hutchinson Street ; North on James Lovell Esqr. ; South on Wm. Phillips Esqr. Land, 14,430 square feet; house, 1,913 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $5,0U0. John Magner, owner ; Nathl. Pierpoint, Danl. Murphy, & Miss Miller, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Millers Lane ; South on Wm. Miller; West on Israel Loring ; North on Water Street. Land, 2,010 square feet; house, 1,386 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $3,500. George R. Minot, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North on Spring lane ; East on Devonshire Street ; West on himself. Land, 5,805 square feet; house, 1,540 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 41 windows; Value, $4,000, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 339 George R. Minot, owner ; James Campbell, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Spring lane ; East on him- self ; West on Spring lane & G. Ridgway. Land, 1,180 square feet ; house, 700 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. Marg't. McNeil, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street; Jerathl. Bowers on the North; John Coburn on the South. Laud, 2,301 square feet; house, 1,062 square feet; 1 stor}', 20 windows; Value, $1,000. Charles Miller, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; East on Federal Street; North on Thomas Walley, Esqr. ; South on the heirs of Capt. Davies. Land, 9,440 square feet; house, 1,245 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $7,000. Charles Miller as Agent to John S. Hunt who is absent, owner ; John Gregory, occupier ; West on Federal Street ; South on Round lane, making a Corner. Land," 2,750 square feet; house, 2,040 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $3,000. Wm. K. Miller, owner ; Willm. Miller & Seth Danforth, oc- cupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; S.E. on Milk Street ; N.E. on Adams Street; N.W. onMagner ; S.W. on Jos. Tilden. Land, 6,000 square feet; house, 760 square feet; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $3,500. John Mellus, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Theatre Alley ; West on Dearborn ; North on Wins- low ; South on Winslow. Land, 492 square feet ; house, 441 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $500. Joseph May, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Atkinson ; South on heirs Jas. Russell deceasd. Land, 3,500 square feet; house, 2,150 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 43 windows ; Value, $5,000. MuNGO Mackey, owner ; Saml. Welles Hunt, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Water Street ; West on Widow Thwing ; East on Israel Loring. Land, 4,253 square feet; house, 1,438 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $3,500. 340 City Document No. 92. Joseph Nancrede, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; North on Standfast Smith ; South on Widow Collson. Land, 2,080 square feet ; house, 872 square feet ; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $3,500. Eben'r. Niles, owner and occupier; South on Milk Street; West on E. & T. Fleet ; East on Julien. Laud, 1.584 square feet; house, 1,104 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $3,000. James Otis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Danl. Sears ; North on Jerathl. Bowers ; East on himself. Land, 435 square feet ; house, 435 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, Thomas Powars, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on Bury Street ; East on Sisters lane ; South on T. Walley. Land, 4,237 square feet; house, 1,440 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $2,000. Samuel Prince, owner; Asa Niles & others, occupiers; wooden dwelling ; In Fosdick Yard so called ; East on Niles ; West on Pattershall land ; South by Calvin Whites Stable. Land, 1,700 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $1,000. Heirs of Saml. Patridge, owner ; Widow Ruggles, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; South on Saml. Richards ; North on Isaac Towusend, No. 57. Land, 2,052 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 3 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $2,000. Thomas Page, owner; Mrs. Widow Mason, occupier; brick dwelling ; North on Water Street ; East on Saml. Clap ; South on Saml. Clap & Horn lane. Land, 4,071 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $3,500. Rebecca Parrott, owner; Josiiua Thomas & Rebecca Par- rott, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; North on Water Street ; West on Adam Street ; East on Parrotts Alley. Land, 1,100 square feet; house, 900 square feet ; 3 stories, 28 windows; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 341 Rebecca Parrott, owner ; Richard Farrell, occupier ; wooden dwelliug ; West on Adams Street ; North on Water Street ; South on Simeon Polly. Land, 510 square feet; house, 392 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, James Perkins, owner; Saml. M. Thayer, occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; In School Street Court ; North by Dd. West ; West by Gov. Gill ; passage way on East. Land, 3,114 square feet ; house, 816 square feet ; 2 stories, 21 windows; Value, $2,700. Widow Payne, owner ; Stephen Hill, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; West on Oliver Street. Land, 705 square feet; house, 620 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,500. William Phillips, owner ; Josiah Quincy, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Hutchinson Street ; South on High Street ; East on land of J. Quincy. Laud, 67,600 square feet; house, 3,486 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 45 windows; Value, $13,000. Willi'm. Payne, owner ; Joseph Pope, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro Street ; North on Jos. Coolidge ; South on Widow Wild. Land, 1,672 square feet; house, 839 square feet; 3 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $3,500. RoBT. T. Payne, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on Milk Street ; East on Federal Street ; South on heirs of John Sprague. Land, 18,476 square feet; house, 3,243 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 50 windows ; Value, $8,000. Mark Pickard, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. on Atkinson Street ; South by Russell Sturgis ; North on Edwd. Blanchard. Land, 4,800 square feet; house, 1,294 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $3,500. Simeon Polley, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Milk Street ; East on S. and Arnold Welles land ; North on Rebecca Parrott. Land, 3,249 square feet; house, 1,056 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $4,000. 342 City Document No. 92. Saml. G-. Perkins, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; East on Purchase Street; North on Wm. Boardman ; South on Jerathl. Bowers land. Land, 11,300 square feet; house, 1,350 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 40 windows ; Value, $4,000. Sampson Reed, owner ; Robt. Allen, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; West on Marlboro' Street ; North on B. Vincent ; East & South on Ditto. Land, 2,021 square feet ; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $2,000. Sampson Reed, owner ; McFarlane, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; North on Widow Collson ; East on Ditto ; South on William Leach. Land, 2,160 square feet; house, 640 square feet ; 3 stories, 10 windows; Value, $3,000. Heirs of Thomas Russell, owners ; Unoccupied ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; South on heirs of Jos. Russell ; North on Mrs. Casneau. Land, 1,681 square feet; house, 919 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 22 windows; Value, $1,800. Heirs of Joseph Russell, owners ; Thos. H. Perkins, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; East on Atkinson Street ; South on Furness & Whall. Land, 6,312 square feet; house, 2,436 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows; Value, $6,000. Sam'l. Richards, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; South on Salisbury ; North on heirs of Capt. Patridge. Land, 2,576 square feet; house, 1,071 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $3,000. Jane Roulstone & Wm. Farras, owners ; McFarlane, Ives & Rogers, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; North on Milk Street ; South on Jos. Coolidge. Land, 2,28) square feet ; house, 1,225 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $4,000. George Ridgway, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Spring lane ; West ou Nathl. Balch ; East on G. R. Minot. Land, 688 square feet ; house, 368 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 343 Hannah Rowe, "Widow, owner ; Thomas Swan, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Water Street ; East on S. Bass and others ; South on Harvy ; West on Devonshire Street. Land, 2,552 square feet ; house, 1,462 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $2,400. Edw'd. Reed, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Olivers Dock ; East on Wheelwrights ; South on Crab Alley ; West on Jos. Harris store. Land, 1,582 square feet ; house, 994 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,200. D. D. Rogers, owner ; John Proctor, occupier ; Brick dwell- ing, Corner School Street adjoining Lt. Govr. Gill & Heirs of Jos. Scott on Common Street. Land, 3,150 square feet ; house, 1,127 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $3,500. Mart Rand, owner and occupier; brick & wooden dwelling; East on Atkinson Street ; North on Thomas Davis ; South on Jas. Apthorp. Land, 8,257 square feet; house, 1,365 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $6,000. BOOK 29. Sam'l. Smith, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; South on High Street, formerly Cow lane ; North on Higginson. Land, 6,424 square feet; house, 2,410 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows ; Value, $7,000. Joseph Sargent, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Battery March Street; North on 0. Wendell, Esqr. ; South on Do. ; West on Jacob Wendell. Land, 712 square feet; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, *""" John Simpkins, owner ; Widow Cazneau, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; East on Atkinson Street ; North on Whall ; South on Mr. Simpson. Land, 2,520 square feet ; house, 569 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $2,000. 344 City Document No. 92. John Spragde, owner ; Willm. Rouson, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; South on John L. Sullivan ; North on Judge Paine. Land, 4,695 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $4,500. John Sprague, owner ; John Gilbert, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Federal Street ; North on John L. Sullivan ; South on the Theatre. Land, 1,560 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 6 windows ; Value, $1,000. HENPtY Simpson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; East on E. Blanchard ; South on Church land ; North on himself. Land, 5,475 square feet; house, 1,122 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $3,000. Henry Simpson, owner ; Isaac P. Simpson, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; South on his other land ; North on Simpkins ; East on Wheelright. Land, 1,000 square feet ; house, 384 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $600. Sam'l. Sellon, owner ; Trask Vial & Brown, occupiers ; brick dwelling; South on Rawsen lane and himself; East on land of John Ballard ; North on Estate of W. Woods. Land, 2,479 square feet ; house, 784 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $2,500. Sam'l. Sellon, owner ; Mr. Roberts, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on himself ; South on Rousons lane ; West on Gov. Alley, so called. Land, 2,031 square feet; house, 336 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, $1,000. Mrs. Simms, owner ; Anthony W. Baxter, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Common Street ; South on Widow Deblois ; North on Isaac Tuckerman. Land, 1,824 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows; Value, $2,500. J's. Sheppard, owner; Abiel Winship, occupier; brick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South on Widow Boynton ; North on Widow Inches. Land, 2,124 square feet; house, 342 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. J 798. 345 Richard Saltonstatx, owner; James Lovell, occupier; brick dwelling ; North on School Street ; West on Gram- mar School ; East on land occupied by INIr. IJunt. Land, 2,109 squa,re feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $3,500. Freelove Scott, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. bj^ Common Street; S.W. by Tuckermans stable; North on laud of D. D. Rogers. Land. 2,784 square feet; house, 920 square feet; 2 stories, 28 windows ; Value, $2,500. Henry Smith, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Hutchinson Street ; South on James Lovell Esqr. ; East on J. Swan ; North on John L. Sullivan. Land, 1G,085 square feet; house, 3,006 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 45 windows ; Value, $8,000. Russell Sturgis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Atkinson Street; South on Berry Lane; North on Pickard. Land, 7,064 square feet; house, 1,991 square feet; 3 sto- ries ; 40 windows ; Value, $4,500. James Swan, owner ; Harvy Chapman, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Rawsons lane ; West on Widow De- blois ; East on land of the old Treasury. Land, 7,000 square feet; house, 1,889 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; 27 windows ; Value, $3,500. James Swan, owner; Citizen Mozard, occupier; brick dwell- ing ; S.E. on Oliver Street ; North on Dickason ; West on Wm. Smith & others. Land, 35,380 square feet; house, 2,077 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; 43 windows ; Value, $8,000. W'm. Shattuck, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; West on land of Old South Church ; East on Edwd. Jones. Land, 11,015 square feet; house, 1,596 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 34 windows; Value. $l(),00i). Nathan Spear, owner ; Jacob Frost, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling; S.W. on Battery March Street, and adjoining the Estate of Benja. Allen Deceased. Land, 1,111 square feet ; house, 480 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,500. 340 City Document Xo 92. John L. Sullivan, owner and occupier ; wooden & brick dwelling, Corner of Milk & Ilutchinsons Streets ; South on Henry Smith ; or East by Thos. Dickenson. Land, 77 Perches, 261 square feet; house, 3,371 square feet ; 2 stories, 41 windows ; Value, $13,000. John L. Sullivan, owner ; Susanna Hatch, occupier; wooden dwelling on Federal Street; North by John Sprague & South b}^ Ditto. Land, 24 Perches, 102 square feet; house, 2,240 square feet; 2 stories, 31 windows; Value, $4,000. Joseph Shed, owner ; Osgood Carle ton & Wm. Chamberlain, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on Stephen Hall ; East on land of Mr. Hunt & South on Mrs. Elliot. Land, 1,392 square feet; house, 1,258 square feet; 2 sto- ries; 17 windows; Value, $3,000. Joseph Shed, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East by Judge Payne ; South on Ditto ; & West on Theatre Alley. Land, 7,000 square feet; house, 2,120 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows; Value, $4,100. Joseph Shed, owner ; unoccupied ; wooden dwelling ; West on Theatre Ally [sic] ; East, South «fe North by the land above. Land, 640 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, Joseph Shed, owner; wooden dwelling; West on Theatre Alley, East, South & North by himself. Land, 440 square feet; house, 384 square feet; 1 story, 5 windovs's; Value, $400. Gov. Sumner, owner ; Wm. Paine, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North on Berry Street; East on T. Davis, Esqr. & Widow Rand ; West on himself. Land, 9,356 square feet ; house, 610 square feet ; 2 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $3,000. Gov. Sumner, owner ; Mr. Duelly, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North on Berry Street ; West on Sister lane ; East 6 South on himself. Land, 1,076 square feet; house, 1,044 square feet; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 347 Jeremiah Smallage, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Battery March Street ; South on Heirs of N. Appleton ; North on Smallage Court. Land, 2,880 square feet; house, 528 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,500. Jeremiah Smallage, owner; wood & brick dwelling; East on Battery March Street ; South on Smallage Court ; North on Majr. Tilden. Land, 410 square feet; house, 410 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows ; Value, Jeremiah Smallage, owner ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Smallage Court ; North on Majr. Tilden & Mr. Apple- tons heirs ; South on the same. Land, 1,422 square feet; house, 1,422 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, $1,000. Clement Spear, owner ; Clement Spear & Paul Spear, occu- piers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; South on Joseph Balch ; North on Nathl. Brewer. Land, 1,540 square feet; house, 512 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $1,500. Clement Spear, owner; Mr. Ivers, occupier; wooden dwell- ing; Fort Hill, Goffe [stc], J. Balch [no cardinal points noted] . Land, 1,320 square feet ; house, 300 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. W'm. Stackpole, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; West on Devonshire Street ; North on Miss Herveys. Land, 10,200 square feet; house, 2,772 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows; Value, $10,000. Robert Steel, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Purchase Street; West on Nathl. Brewer; North on Stephen Goffe ; East on a lane. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 540 S(]uare feet; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Joseph Tilden, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing; South on Milk Street; East by William Miller; West by Winter Caleff. Land, 5,500 square feet; house, 1,624 squai*e feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value $6,000. 348 City Document No. 92. "Widow Thwing, owner ; James Thwing, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; North on Water Street ; East by Mungo Mackey ; West by S. Clapp. Land, 2,923 square feet; house, 840 square feet ; 2 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $4,000. David Tilden, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; N.E. by Battery-March Street; N.W. by Widow liickling, Cox, & others; S.E. by Small age. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 1,168 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $3,500. Wm. Trefrt, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Baltery-March Street; North on Purchase Street; South on Nathan Spear. Land, 2,880 square feet ; house, 2,880 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $1,500. Daniel Tuttle, owner and occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; West on Atkinson Street ; North on Saml. Gushing ; South by himself ; East on H. Gorham Esqr. Land, 1,707 square feet; house, 666 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows; Value, $2,500. IsA. TuCKERMAN, owner ; Abraham Tuckerman, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Common Street ; North on land of Mr. Roberts ; South on Widow Simmons. Land, 1,944 square feet; house, 550 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. Elisha Ticknor, owner ; Caleb Bingham & Elisha Ticknor, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; South by John Amory, Senr. ; East by Ditto. Land, 2,783 square feet; house, 1,238 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $3,000. Isaac Townsend, owner ; Daniel Hewes, occupier ; wooden dwelling; West on Marlboro' Street; North on Wm. Boardman; South on heirs of M. Ruggles. Land, 1,456 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $2,000. Thomas Townsend, owner ; Widow Flinn, occupier ; bi'ick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South on Rawsons lane ; North by Majr. Boyle making a corner. Land, 3,024 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 14 windows; Value, $3,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 349 Thomas Townsicnd, owner ; Mrs. Semple, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South by Luke Baker ; North by Estate of W. Woods, deceasd. Land, 2,340 square feet; house, 625 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows; Value, $3,000. Widow Uran, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Theatre Alley ; North on John Rand & Milk Street ; South & East o;i Shed. Land, 1,048 squai'e feet; house, 528 square feet; 1 story, 3 windows ; Value, $500, Ambrose Vincent, owner ; Joseph Baker & John Holland, occupiers; wooden dwelling; South on Franklin Street ; North on John Araory ; West on Benj. Vincent. Land, 312 square feet; house, 312 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $500. Ambrose Vincent, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Franklin Street ; East on Bishops Alley ; North on John Amory ; 2 barns, 15 by 18 Each. Land, 5,500 square feet; house, 1,210 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows; Value, $2,500. Thomas Wallet, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; East on Federal Street ; South by Charles Miller ; West on Theatre land. Land, 16,125 square feet; house, 2,538 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $10,000. Thomas AVallet, owner ; Nathl. Foster, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on Capt. Powars ; East on Do. & Stephen Hall ; South on Ste- phen Hall. Land, 2,070 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows; Value, Heirs OF Eliza. Wibert, owner; Samuel Cooper, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West ou Oliver Street ; South on Solo. Hewes ; North Saml. Breck. Land, 1,485 square feet; house, 660 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,800. Willett & Bullard, owners; Margt. Denton, occupier; wooden dwelling; Federal Court; North ou John Fille- brown ; South on St. Higginson ; West on Ebenr. Par- sons ; a new unfinished house. Land, 2,240 square feet; house, 920 square feet; 3 stories, 31 windows; Value, $1,500. 350 City Document No. 92. David West, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; School Street Court on Govr. Gill ; West on Grammar School ; North & South on Js. Perkins. Land, 2,720 square feet; house, 936 square feet; 2 stories, 24 windows; Value, $3,000. W'm. Whall, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; North on Furness ; South on Simpkius. Land, 4.104 square feet; house, 1,094 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $3,000. Abraham Wilds, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; One School Street ; West on Govrs. Alley ; making a Corner ; Stable, 1 ,160 square feet ; wood house, 225 square feet. Land, 4,004 square feet; house, 2,001 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $2,500. Abraham Wild & Mary Pitman, owners ; Joseph Clarke, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Govrs. Alley ; South on Chad wicks ; West on Badgers land. Land, 768 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $700. Abuaham Wild & Mart Pitman, owners ; Mary Pitman, occupier; wooden dwelling; East on Govrs. Alley; South on themselves ; West on Badgers land. Land, 806 square feet ; house, 468 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $800. Widow Wallis, owner ; Widow Wallis & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; South on Widow Bonner; North on Mrs. Hewes. Land, 2,205 square feet; house, 810 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,200. John F. Williams, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Round lane ; South on Thos. Dawes ; West on S. Bowers ; East on George Blanchard : ware- house, 36 by 10. Land, 5,644 square feet; house, 1,336 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $2,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 351 Francis Wright, owner ; Win. McNeil & F. Wright, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling; S.E. on High Street ; N.E. & N.W. on Thomas Dawes ; S.W. on Wallis & Bonner. Land, 7,052 square feet; house, 1,436 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $3,500. Mary White, Widow, owner and occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Marlboro' Street ; North on William Payne ; East on Bishops Alley ; Barn, 58 by 24. Land, 3,088 square feet; house, 2,272 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 22 windows; Value, $3,300. Heirs of William Woods, owners ; Mr. Stickney, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South by lands of Thomas Townsend ; North by Land of Widow Coffin. Land, 5,976 square feet; house, 2,352 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Brick Building, 18 by 18 ; Bake house, 38 by 21 ; Out house, 30 by 18 ; Value, $5,500. Heirs of W'm. Woods, owners ; Mr. Martin & Campbell, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Governors Alley, so called ; East on land above described ; South on the Old State Treasury. Land, 1,420 square feet; house, 780 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows; Value, $1,000. Eob't. Williams, Senr., owner; Robt. Williams, vSenr. & Robt. Williams, Junr , occupiers; brick dwelling; North on Water Street ; South on Edwards ; East on Battery March Street ; West on an Alley Land, 1,624 square feet; house, 1,174 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $3,500. Heirs of Job Wheelwright, owners ; Abigail Wheelwright, occupier; wooden dwelling; Weston Atkinson Street; South on John Codman ; North on Ditto Land, 5,580 square feet; house, 1,10S square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $3,500. Heirs of Job Wheelwright, owners ; James Steel & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Federal Street ; East on Atkinson Street ; North on Mr. Whall ; South on E. Blanchard. Land, 3,780 square feet; house, 578 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows ; Value, $1,000. i52 City Document No. 9?. Heirs of Isaac Winslow, owners ; Thomas Wilkinson, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Theati'e Alley ; West on a passage way to Dearborns accademie. Land, 961 square feet; house, 256 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, ScrsANNA Wendell & Ann Penhallow, owners ; Oliver Wen- dell, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Oliver Street ; S.W. & North on Mrs. Barrett; South by Fort Hill; N.E. on Robt. Hallowell. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 1,218 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows; Value, $3,500. Oliver Wendell, owner ; Joshua Danforth, occupier ; brick dwelling; East on Battery March Street; S.E. on Jo- seph Sargent; N.W. on Distill House by E. Peirce. Land, $1,000 square feet; house, 512 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $1,200. James Wakefield, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on land of Dearborn ; West on T. K. Jones ; South on Tontine. Land, 16,500 square feet ; house, 1,108 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,000. James Wakefield, owner; -Joseph Stokes, occupier; wooden dwelling ; On the land above described. Land, 416 square feet; house, 416 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows; Value, $150. Whall & Ward, owners ; James Whall & John Ward, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Milk Street ; East on Jos. Shed ; West on Theatre Alley. Land, 900 square feet; house, 320 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $600. LoTT Wheelwright, owner and occupier ; wooden & brick dwelling ; North on Purchase Street ; West by a road- way to Sears Wharf, making a Corner. Land, 4,900 square feet; house, 1,252 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,800. John Winslow, owner and occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; N.W. on Purchase Street ; East on Danl. Sears; South on Lott Wheelwright Land, 8,200 square feet; house, 1,400 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows ; Value, $4,500. Bou:nd.s and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 353 Agnes Willson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; North on Joseph Balch ; South on a passage way to Fort Hill. Laud, 1,568 square feet; house, 560 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $2,000. Joseph West, owner and occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; N.W. on Purchase Street ; N.E. on Jerathl. Bowers ; South by Colo. Winslow. Land, 5,000 square feet ; house, 980 square feet ; 3 stories, 28 windows ; Value, $3,500. Jacob Wendell, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Fort Hill; S.W. on 0. Weudt'll ; South on a passage way from Purchase Street ; East by Sargent ; a new house, not half finished. Land, 2,300 square feet; house, 396 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $700. Will'm. Wedgert, owner ; J. Roulestone & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Milk Street ; West by Bat- tery March Street; Kitchen adjoining, 14 by 12; 168 square feet. Land, 993 square feet; house, 714 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $2,000. BOOK 30. Samuel Adams, owner; Houble. Samuel Adams, Esqr., occu- pier ; wooden & brick dwelling ; North on Winter Street ; West on Ebenr. White ; South on William Sweet ; East on Ditto. Land, 3,015 square feet; house, 1,324 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $4,000. Sam'l. Adams, owner ; Arthur Fessenden & others, A. Allen, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Purchase Street ; East on Flounder Alley ; West on Brown & Davis ; North on Griffin's land ; Barn, 1,064 square feet, wood; small Barn, 558 square feet, wood. Land, 9,940 square feet ; house, 1,184 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $1,800. 354 City Docuiment No. 92. Giles Alexander, Jr., owner ; Michael Bolaud & others, to amount of 20 families, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Doggett & Dyer ; West on South Street ; his noted Colledge. Land, 20,400 square feet; house, 3,024 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 72 windows ; Value, $8,000. Giles Alexander, Jr., owner; Paul Sawyer & others, to amount of 8 families, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; North on Ellison ; South on himself ; West on South Street. Land, 6,500 square feet; house, 1,332 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $3,000. Giles Alexander, Jr., owner; Jonas Ames & others to amount of 4 families, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; Northerly on Widow Gray ; Southerly on Wm. Alexander. Land, 2,862 square feet; house, 1,494 square feet; 3 sto- ries ; 26 windows ; Value, $3,000. Eliza. Amory, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 20 North side Franklin Place ; wood house, 374 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,950 square feet; house, 1,302 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, ^7,000. Thos. C. Amory, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; No. 21 North Side Franklin Place ; wood house ; 374 square feet ; wood. Laud, 3,520 square feet; house, 1,252 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $7,000. John Amory, Senr., owner; John Amory, Juur., occupier; wooden dwelling ; North on Green & Cleverly : East on Newbury Street ; South «fc West on himself ; Barn, wood; shed, wood. Land, 6,000 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windo-ws ; Value, $4,500. John Amory, Senr., owner; William Duncan, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North on himself ; East on Newbui-y Street ; South on West Street. Land, l,20u square feet ; house, 1,000 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $2,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 355 John Amoky, Seur., owner; James Maloney, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East & West on himself ; South on West btreet. Land, 600 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. John Amort, Senr., owner; John Davis, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East on himself ; South on West Street. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $4,000. John Amory, Esq., Estate, deceased, owner ; Abigail Amory, Widow, occupier ; wooden & brick dwelling ; North on Wm. Morrill ; East on Newbury Street ; South on ; Barn, wood ; wood house, wood. Land, 10,000 square feet; house, 2,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $12,000. JoNA. Amory, deceased, owner; David Morey, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North on Amory ; West on Swan ; East on Ritchie. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $800. Samuel Abbot, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on South Street ; North on Freeman ; East on Hunnewell ; South on Eayers, Land, 3,450 square feet ; house, 904 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,500. W'm. Andrews, owner and occupier; wood & brick d welling ; South on Summer Street ; West on Patridge ; North on Leach; East on Reed; wood house, 160 square feet; wood. Land, 4,320 square feet; house, 1,232 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,000. Thomas Appleton, owner ; Thomas Appleton & Nahum Piper, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Pond Street ; West on Wheeler ; North on Rogers ; East on Jones ; Carpenters Shop, 435 square feet ; 2 stories ; wood. Land, 4,913 square feet; hou?e, 835 square feet; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $2,500. 356 City Document No. 9^ Abraham Adams, owner; Abraham Adams, Jr., occupier; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Sarah Durant ; North on Widow Hunt ; East on Dr. Parker ; work shop, 720 square feet; wood. Land, 4,968 square feet; house, 1,100 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $3,500. Abra. Adams, Senr.. owner; Abraham Adams, Jr., occu- pier ; wooden dwelling the same as adjacent proprior. Land, 4,320 square feet; house, 252 square feet; 1 story, 4 windows; Value, $1,000. Abraham Adams, Senr., owner; Peletiah Rea, occupier; wooden dwelling ; the same adjacent proprietors. Land, 561 square feet; bouse, 280 square feet; 4 stories, 20 windows ; Value, John Andrews, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Common Street ; South on Winter Street ; North on William Phillips; East on H. Inches; out Kitchen, 270 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows, wood ; Barn, 585 square feet, brick ; wood house, wood. Land, 30,870 square feet; house, 1,328 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, |1 2,000. Thomas Bumstead, owner ; Thomas Bumstead & Jona. Simp- son, occupiers ; wooden dwellings ; West on Common Street ; North on Broomfields lane ; East on Thomas Gushing ; South on Wm. Phillips, Junr. ; 1 out house, 648 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows, wood; 1 Barn, 700 square feet, wood; Land, 10,000 square feet; Value, $4,000. Land, 6,210 square feet; houses, 1,900 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows; 1,000 square feet; 3 stories, 30 win- dows ; Value, $3,500. John Blackman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Sea Street ; South on E. Sumner ; East on the Dock ; North on Widow Preston. Land, 700 square feet ; house, 350 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, $600. Catharine Ball & Maria Ball, owners ; Cath'rane Ball, Maria Ball, Joseph Freet, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Blind lane ; East on Moses Wallach ; South on John Hunt ; West on Phillip Wentworth. Land, 4,200 square feet; house, 540 square feet ; 2 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $1,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 357 Thomas Barry, owner ; Thomas Barry & Benja. Hooton, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; East on John Frank ; North on Ezra Parmenter ; West on late Joel Gushing. Land, 1,575 square feet; house, 608 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows; Value, $1,500. Benja. Bussey, owner and occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; West on Sullivan ; North on Franklin l^lace ; East on a New Street; Barn, 1,500 square feet, wood; wood house, 600 square feet, wood. Land, 26,640 square feet; house, 2,340 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 49 windows ; Value, $12,500. Thomas Brewer, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Atkinson Street ; East on Purchase Street ; North on Tate ; Stable, brick ; wood house, wood. Land, 5,694 square feet; house, 2,891 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 44 windows ; Value, $9,000. Thomas Brewer, owner ; Catharine Field & others, occupi- ers ; wooden dwelling ; East & South on Russell ; West on Purchase Street ; North on Griffins Estate. Land, 4,056 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 1 story, 9 windows; Value, $1,000. Bethunes heirs, owners ; Dr. Charles Jarvis, occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Summer Street ; East on Standfast Smith ; South on Ruggles ; wood & chase house, 450 square feet. Land, 5,940 square feet; house, 1,760 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 41 windows ; Value, $5,000. Thomas Bradlee, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Horton ; East on Short Street ; North on Trask ; West on Hunnewell. Land, 959 square feet ; house, 320 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Ann Brewer, owner ; Widow Ann Brewer, Kelton & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; East on Miller ; wood house, 525 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,855 square feet ; house, 1 ,044 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $1,350. 358 City Document No. 92. Gamaliel, Bradford, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on J. Hunnewell ; East on South Street ; South on Mrs. Gray ; West on late Dr. Belknap ; wood house ; wood. Land, 5,000 square feet; house, 1,152 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $3,000. Nathan Bond, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; South on Ballard ; West on Common Street ; North on Thompson & Baker ; East on Sweet ; wood house & barn, 1,392 square feet; wood. Land, 6,603 square feet; house, 920 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $3,500. Joshua Beals, owner and occupier; w^ooden dwelling; South on self ; West on Baker ; North on Winter Street ; East on White. Land, 1,616 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. Joshua Beals, owner ; Dormant, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on Bond ; West on Baker ; North on myself ; East on White. Laud, 1,616 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $1,500. Luke Baker, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on N. Bond ; West on T. Thompson ; East on J. Beals ; North on Winter Street ; Barn, 380 square feet ; wood- shed, 180 square feet; wood. Land, 6,000 square feet; house, 1,592 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $3,800. Luke Baker, owner ; Henry Wainwright, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; Same adjoining the above. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 796 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $2,700. Phillip Burrill, owner; Phillip Burrill, Joseph Maj^o, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; South on an 8 feet passage ; South on 2 feet do. ; North on French & Hickling ; North on Bela French on Fort Hill. Land, 1,792 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 3 stories, 26 windows; Value, $1,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 359 Jeremiah Belknap, deceased, owner ; Ruth Belknap, Widow, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Lincoln Street ; North on Dr. Homans ; East on J. Hunneweli & G. Brad- ford ; South on E. Parmenter. Land, 6,880; house, 1,286 square feet; 3 stories, 42 win- dows ; Value, $2,500. Sam'l. Bradlee, deceased, owner; Danl. Sargent, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; West on Wal- lach ; North on Fessenden ; East on Lincoln Street ; Stable, 600 square feet ; wood. Land, 11,340 square feet; house, 1,720 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 48 windows ; Value, $8,000. Sam'l. Bradlee, deceased, owner ; Christopher Powars, oc- cupier ; wooden dweiling ; East on Fessenden ; South & West on Wallach ; North on Blind lane. Laud, 4,000 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 1 story, 21 windows; Value, $1,500. Will'm. Billings, owner; Erasmus -Jacobs, occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Moratt ; East on Widow Leake ; South on A. Cunning- ham ; wood house, 219 square feet. Land, 1,651 square feet ; house, 408 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. Feak Ballard, Widow, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Swan ; West on Common Street ; North Oil Bond ; East on Amory ; Stable, 64 square feet, wood. Land, 4,180 square feet; house, 1,220 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $4,000. George Blake, owner; Edwd. Tuckerman, Junr., occupier; brick dwelling ; No. 7 South side Franklin Place adjoining Higginson & Foster; wood house, 576 square feet; w^ood. Land, 2,880 square feet ; house, 1,148 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $5,000. John Ballard, owner ; Abel Wheelock, Trask, & Brown, oc- cupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling; North on Rawsons lane; N.W. by Thos Cushiug ; S.E. by Obed. Curtis; Stable, 1,624 square feet; 2 stories; woodshed, 1,064 City Document No. 92. Eliza Cole, Widow, owner ; John Davis, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on T. Thompson ; North on D. Towns- end ; East on Marlboro' Street. Land, 798 square feet ; house, 98 square feet ; 1 story, 2 windows ; Value, $250. Sarah & Abigail Cheever, owners ; John P. Whitwell, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; North on Winter Street Corner. Land, 900 square feet; house, 780 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $2,000. Samuel Cobb, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 4 South side Franklin place ; woodshed, 640 square feet ; 1 story ; wood . Land, 3,016 square feet; house, 1,160 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $5,000. Eben'r. Gushing, owner; Ebenr. Cushiug, Thos. Harlow, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; North on A. Harlow ; South on I. Cotton ; Barn or Store, 660 square feet ; 2 stories ; wood. Land, 4,200 square feet; house, 696 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows ; Value, $1,500. JoNA. CusHiNG, owner; Jona. Cushing & William Bass, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Gibsons lane ; North on White ; East on I. Winslow. Land, 1,590 square feet; house, 792 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows; Value, $1,500. Sam'l. Cookson, owner; Saml. Sanger & Mary & Rebecca Benton, occupiers ; wood & brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Deveus & others ; East on H. Row ; South on Rogers & others. Land, 15,040 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows ; Value, $4,500. BOOK 31. Ann Dashwood, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; S.E. on Marlboro' Street ; N.E. & N.W. on Gardner; S.W. on Salisbury. Land, 2,557 square feet; house, 1,160 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $3,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 365 Ann Dasiiwood, owner ; Joseph Baxter, occupier ; brick dwelling; S.W. on Winter Street; N.W. on Gardner; East on Donuison & self. Land, 1,541 square feet; house, 756 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $2,000. Sarah Durant, owner; Ann Battelle, occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Adams ; East on H. Rowe ; South on D. Rogers. Land, 4,455 square feet; house, 616 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $2,000. Richard Devens, owner ; Mary Butler, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Cookson & others ; East on Ditto ; North on Waters. Land, 1,060 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $2,000. Richard Devins, owner ; John Meadows, occupier ; wooden dwelling adjoining proprietors of the same. Land, 2,340 square feet; house, 448 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, William Donnison, in right of his wife, owner ; Thomas Wilkinson, William Uonnison, Rufus Farnhum, Joseph S. Hasting, occupiers; wood & brick dwelling; East on Marlboro' Street ; South on Winter Street ; North on Hopkins & others; 1 building occupied as an office & Cabinet Making ; 590 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,900 square feet; house, 1,521 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 42 windows ; Value, $4,000. Sam'l. DY15R, owner; Saml. Dyer & Elisha Hunt, occupiers; wooden dwelling; East on Sea Street; North on N. Ferriter ; West on Alexander ; South on Daggett. Land, 4,692 square feet; house, 1,140 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $1,200. Widow Sarah Demming, owner and occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; Fronting West on Newbury Street ; South on a passage way ; East on Soley ; North on Crosby. Land, 954 square feet ; house, 600 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $1,500. 366 City Document No. 92. Noah Daggett, owner ; Noah Daggett, "VVm. Kempton & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Sea Street ; North on Dyer ; West on Alexander ; South on Rice. Land, 5,864 square feet; house, 897 square feet; 2 stories, , 26 windows; Value, $1,200. Thomas Dawes, Senr., owner; Thomas Dawes, Junr., occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; East on Dock ; North on Dilliway ; West on Purchase Street ; South on passage way. Land, 3.500 square feet; house, 1,100 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $5,000. Thomas Dawes, Senr., owner; Joseph Pierce, Junr., occu- pier ; brick dwelling ; East on High Street ; West & South on Walley ; North on Walcutt. Land, 3,206 square feet; house, 522 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows ; Value, $1,800. Tho's. Dawes, Senr., owner and occupier; wood, brick, and rough cast dwelling ; South on Tileston's Wharf ; East on Purchase Street; North on Self; West on Polly Turner ; Wood shed, 270 square feet ; wood. Laud, 3,720 square feet; house, 1.490 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 29 windows; Value, $5,000. Tho's. Dawes, Senr., owner; Joseph Pierce, Senr., occu- pier; wooden dwelling ; North on High Street; East on Purchase Street; 1 Barn, 400 square feet; wood. Land, 6.478 square feet; house, 1,278 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 35 windows; Value, $3,000. Tho's. Dawes, Senr., owner; Nehemiah Somes, occupier; wooden dwelling ; adjoining proprietors of the same ; 1 Barn, 400 square feet ; wood. Land, 8,540 square feet; house. 1,278 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows; Value, $3,500. Tho's. Dawes, Senr., owner; Gardner Chandler, occupier; wooden dwelling ; End fronting on Purchase Street ; North on Cow lane. Land, 3,500 square feet; house. 800 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $2,500. John McElleroy, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; South on Jane Crawford ; North on John Taylor. Land, 1,054 square feet; house, 496 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 367 Wm. Ellison, Jun., owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South on Alexander; West on Ellison, Senr. ; North on P^ayrs ; East on Bonner. Land, 1,408 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows , Value, $900. Wm. Ellison, Senr., owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; West on South Street ; North on Eayres ; East on Pres- ton ; South on Alexander; wood house, 300 square feet, wood. Land, 2,730 square feet; house, 878 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $1,800. Moses Eatrs, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on South Street ; North on Abbot ; East on Preston ; South on Ellison. Land, 5,032 square feet; house, 848 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $2,000. Joseph Foster, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 8 Crescent Building ; wood house, 576 square feet, wood. Land, 3,330 square feet; house, 1,148 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $5,000. Eachel Fox, Widow, owner ; Erasmus Thompson, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East on Cotton ; North, on Perkins ; West on Holland ; South on passage way. Land, 1,5()6 square feet; house, 828 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $1,000. BossENGER Foster, owner ; Jeremiah Kahler, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; East on E. Parsons ; North & West on Russell ; wood house, 600 square feet, wood. Land, 10,500 square feet; house, 736 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows ; Value, $2,000. Nicholas Ferriter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Sea Street ; North on Burns ; South & West on Dyer. Land, 1,717 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $800. Bela French, owner ; Enoch Lane, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; West on Burrill ; East on Whiting. Land, 2,584 square feet; house, 420 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,000. 368 City Document No. 0! Bela French, owner ; John Sargent & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Hickliug ; South on passage way. Land, 2,000 square feet; house, 400 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $750. Silas P^rancis, owner ; Silas Francis & Charles Cooper, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling fronting Short Street ; East on Rowes Pasture. Land, 2,250 square feet; house, 702 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,500. Atjther Fessenden, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling; North & East on J. Richardson; West on high Street; South on Lane. Land, 4,700 square feet: house, 1,260 squai-e feet; 3 sto- ries, 35 windows; Value, $2,001). Nath'l Freeman, owner; Widow Ford, occupier; wooden dwelling; West fronting South Street ; South on Abbot; East on Robbins ; North on Brindley ; Barn, 540 square feet, wood; Wood house, 1,040 square feet, wood. Land, 11,200 square feet; house, 1,728 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 32 windows; Value, $5,U00. John Frank, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South on Essex Street ; East on Alexander ; West on Barry. Land, 1,652 square feet; house, 390 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,000. Sally & Eliza. G. Foster, owner; Thomas Pons, occupier; wooden dwelling ; fronting West on Newbury Street ; North on Ruggles ; East & South on Mason ; Stable & wood house, wood. Land, 2,832 square feet; house, 1,488 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows; Value, $2,800. Benj. Fessenden, Jr., owner and occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Lincoln Street ; South on Bradlee ; North on Summer Street; Stable, 60D square feet; wood house, 360 square feet, wood. Land, 7,500 square feet; house, 1,356 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $5,500. John Fisher, owner ; Edwd. Jones, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on Summer Street ; West on Inches ; North on Widow Cole ; East on J. Gardner. Land, 4,320 square feet; house, 1,232 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $2,0U0. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 309 Mary Georges & Mary Simpson, owners ; John II. Muvkell, Mary Georges, Mary Simpson, occupiers ; wooden dwell- ing ; West oil Newbury Street ; South on Adams ; East on Dr. I'arker; North on Inches. Land, 3,852 square feet; house, 1,080 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows ; Value, $2,500. James Gridley, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Fort Hill ; West on Back lane ; South on Carver ; Stable, 280 square feet, wood; wood shed, 180 square feet, wood. Land, 3,570 square feet ; house, 580 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $2,500. Elizabeth Gray, Widow, owner and occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on South Street ; South on Alexander ; West on E. Parmenter ; North on G. Bradford. Land, 3,392 square feet ; house, 684 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $1,800. Thomas Gault, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Bradlee ; East Ditto ; North on Trask ; West on Hun- newell. Land, 600 square feet; house, 360 square feet; 1 story, 10 windows ; Value, $400. Benja. Green, Juur. , owner; Jona. Mason, occupier; brick dwelling ; No. 2 Crescent Building, Franklin place ; wood house, 360 square feet, wood. Land, 2,862 square feet; house, 1,092 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $5,000. John Gardner, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Winter Street ; East on Gardner & Dashwood ; North on Widow Cole ; West on John Fisher ; Stable, 480 square feet, wood. Land, 10,680 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $4,000. John Gardner, owner ; Andrew Johonnot, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South on t)ashwood ; West on Gardner ; North on Goodwin ; out-house, 528 square feet, wood. Land, 5,600 square feet; house, 2,150 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $6,000. o70 City Document No. 92, John Gardner, owner ; James Hill, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on Winter Street ; East on Dashwood ; West on Gardner. Land, 2,380 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,500. Richard Green, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; South on Cleverly ; West on Swan ; North on Ritchie ; Stable, 672 square feet, wood. Land, 8,900 square feet; house, 960 square feet; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $3,500. John Gray, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; East on Russell ; North on pasture ; West on new Street ; Stable, 600 square feet, brick. Land, 52 acres, 93 square feet; house, 2,478 square feet; 3 stories, 37 windows; Value, $15,000. Fred'k Wm. Geyer, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; West on Salisbury ; East on Clarke ; Stable, 1,064 square feet, wood. Land, 17,882 square feet; house, 2,079 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 46 windows ; Value, $9,000. Griffin heirs, owners ; Joseph Petty, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; South on Russell ; East & North on GrifHns heirs. Land, 1,320 squai-e feet ; house, 660 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $800. Griffin's heirs, owners ; Joseph Green, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; N.E. & South on Griffins heirs ; Stable & wood house, 600 square feet, brick. Land, 4,307 square feet; house, 1,763 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 39 windows ; Value. $3,500. Uriah Green, owner ; Nathaniel Eyars, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on South Street ; North on Giles Alex- ander South & East on J. Whipple ; wood shed, 240 square feet, wood. Land, 1,600 square feet; house, 680 square feet; 2 sto- ries; 26 windows ; Value, $ 1 ,500. Griffin's heirs, owners ; Rebecca Parker, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; South on Summer Street; West on S. Reed : North on Widow Colson ; East on Trinity Church ; Stable, 308 square feet, wood. Land, 5,040 square feet; house, 1,408 square feet; 2 sto- ries; 23 windows; Value, $i,00i). Bounds and Valuations. — A. D. 1798. 371 Wm. Hickling, owner aud occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Saml. Wheelriglit ; South on Burrill ; North on Gibbs lane ; one wood house, wood. Land, 3,640 square feet; house, 884 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $2,5u0. Eicii'd Hunnewell, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street; West & North on Mrs. Row; East on Hunnewell ; wood house, 950 square feet, wood. Land, 10,000 square feet ; house, 100 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $2,500. Rich'd Hunnewell, owner ; .John Bradlee & Bates, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on E:5sex Street ; North on Francis ; East on Bradlee ; West on Hunnewell. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 750 square feet ; 1 story, 12 windows ; Value, $1,200. Rich'd Hunnewell, owner ; Vaudever & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Sea Street ; West on Freman ; South on Preston ; North on Robbius. Land, 3,925 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $1,000. Edmund Hay, owner; Edmd. Hay, Joseph Hudson, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; Fronting Westerly on Fort hill ; South on Gibbs lane. Land, 900 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,200. Ruth Hulme, owner; Widow Ruth Hulme, Mr. Motten, oc- cupiers; wooden dwelling ; West on high Street; North on Blake ; South & East on Longiey. Land, 2,128 square feet; house, 608 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; 16 windows ; Value, $1,200. Jabez Hatch, owner aud occupier ; wooden dwelling ; front- ing on the Harbour ; East & West on E. Sumner ; South on Beach Street Store ; 520 square feet wood ; Wood house, 333 square feet, wood. Laud, 1,854 square feet; house, 880 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $2,500. Eliza. Hunt, owner ; Eliza. Hunt & Frost, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; South on Ingersol ; North & East on Colton. Land, 1,440 square feet ; house, 342 square feet; 3 stories,' 26 windows; Value, $1,500. 372 City Document No. 92. ELenky Hill, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; West on E. Parsons ; North on S. Higginson ; East on T. Walley ; Barn, 1,008 square feet, wood ; wood house, 560 square feet, wood. Land, 25,578 square feet; house, 1,512 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 54 windows ; Value, $8,000. Stephen Higginson, Jun., owner and occupier; brick dwell- ing ; No. 6 Crescent Building in Franklin place ; wood house, 756 square feet, wood. Land, 3,340 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $."»,U00. Abigail Howard, owner; George Deblois, occupier; brick dwelling; No 13 Crescent Building, Franklin place; wood house, 756 squaie feet, wood. Land, 2,592 square feet; house, 1,134 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, S5,000. John Hunt, owner ; John Seagre, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; West on Short .Street ; North on Thos. Hearsay ; South on Thomas Perkins ; Wood house, wood. Land, 3,860 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows: Value, SI. 500. Samuel Hale, owner ; Allen Crocker, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro Street ; North on E. Oliver ; South on Hale ; West on John Ballard. Land, 3,672 square feet ; house, 1,380 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $3,000. Sarah Horton & others, Minors, owners ; Benja. Horton, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; West on Hunewell ; North on T. Bradlee ; East on White. Land, 3,470 square feet; house, 323 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 9 windows ; Value, $900. AsALPH Harlow, owner; Asa Hatch, Widow Howlaud, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Purchase Street ; North on Ingersol ; West on Caron ; South on Gushing. Land, 2,178 square feet ; house, 864 square feet ; 2 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,200. T. Hubbard, owner ; Dormant, brick dwelling ; No. 23 North side Franklin place ; wood house, 480 square feet, wood. Land, 3,648 square feet; house, 1,220 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $5,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 37.i JoNA. HuNNEWELL, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on South Street ; North on Summer Street ; Stable, 540 square feet, brick ; wood house, 600 square feet, wood. Laud, 7,224 square feet; house, 1,260 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 44 windows ; Value, $5,500. JoNA. HuNNE WELL, owner ; Wm. Scollay, occupier; wooden dwelliug ; East on South Street ; North on Huunewell ; South on G. Bradford ; wood house, 600 square feet, wood ; Barn, 400 square feet. Land, 14,715 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 2 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $4,000. Rob't Hewes, owner ; Robt. Hewes & Peter Bernard, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Essex Sti'eet ; Shop, 429 square feet, brick ; Barn, 270 square feet, wood; wood house, 300 square feet, wood. Land, 3,744 square feet; house, 670 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $3,500. (1.) Lem'l Hatward, owner; Lemuel Hayward, William Manning, Johu Bartlett, Jonathan Ellis, occupiers ; West on Newbury Street; North on .John Sweetser; East on Widow Rowe ; South on Miss Silsbe & Mrs. Rowe ; house, 1,3 !0 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows, wood; Office, 240 square feet, wood ; Barn & wood house, 680 square feet, wood ; 880 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows, wood ; Shed, 162 square feet wood. Land, 20,688 square feet; Value. $7,000. Land, 2,100 square feet; Value, $1,000; house, 855 square feet ; 2 stories, 19 windows, brick ; 1,168 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows, wood; wood house & shed, 720 square feet, wood. Land, 2,505 square feet ; Value, $3,000. Land, 8,907 square feet; Value, $2,000. Abraham Holland, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on T. Bradlee ; East on J. Frank ; North on Mrs. Townsend ; West on Francis. Land, 870 square feet ; house, 468 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $450. John FIomans, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Lincoln Street ; East on J. Huunewell ; South on Belknap ; wash house, 168 square feet, wood. Land, 7,200 square feet; house, 1,359 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 40 windows ; Value, $4,000. 374 City Document No. 92. Thomas Hearsy, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Short Street ; South on Hunt ; North on Lud- den ; East on Ball ; Carpenter's shop, 465 square feet, wood. Land, 4,068 square feet; house, 544 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $2,000. Caleb Hopkins, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling ; South on Dennison ; North on Salisbury ; East on Marlboro Street. Land, 880 square feet ; house, 670 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,500. John Holland, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; West on purchase Street ; South on Whittemore ; North on Widow Perkins ; East on Widow Fox. Land, 2,193 square feet; house, 512 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,500. Sarah Hunt, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; West on Newbury Street ; North on passage way ; South & East on Adams. Land, 888 square feet ; house, 456 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $ 1 ,500. Jabez Hatch, owner ; P. Frank & 4 others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Sea Street ; South on Clap- ham ; West on Alexander ; North on Land, 4,345 square feet ; house, 935 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows ; Value, $950. BOOK 32. Dan'l Ingersol, Senr., owner and occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; East on purchase Street ; North on Gibbs lane ; West on Gridley ; South on Harlow. Land, 4,218 square feet; house, 648 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows; Value, $2,000. J. C. Jones & Joseph Russell. Jun., in Trust, owners; James Swan, occupier; wooden dwelling; West on Common Street ; South on W Street ; North on Ballard & others ; 1 Stable, wood. Land, 15,000 square feet; house, 1,993 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 44 windows ; Value, $15,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 375 Dan'l Ingersoll, Junh , owner and occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; West on purcliase Street ; South on Griffins heirs. Laud, 2,880 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 26 windows; Value, $2,500. Dan'l Ingersol, Jdn., owner ; Elma Hayt, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; South on Griffins heirs ; East on myself ; North on Moore. Land, 2,880 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $2,000. Jonathan Jones, owner ; Jona Jones and Danl. Cowen. oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on pond Street ; West on Apple ton ; East on Mrs. Rowe. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, ^1,000. John Jarvis, owner ; John Austin Lamont, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on passage way ; East on Jarvis ; North on D. D. Rogers. Land, 3,224 square feet ; house, 1,182 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows; Value, $2,500. John Jarvis, owner ; Henry Fullerton, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Jarvis ; South on passage way ; East on Jarvis ; North on D. Rogers. Land, 765 square feet; house 255 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $650. John Jarvis, owner ; Louis Deegoy, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; Same. Land 765 square feet; house, 255 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $650. John Jarvis, owner; James Brown. Timo. Pease & Mitchell, occupiers ; w'ooden dwelling ; South on passage way ; West on Jarvis ; North on Rogers ; East on Jarvis. Land, 4,196 square feet; house, 1,581 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $1,500. John Jarvis, owner ; Kenny, Joseph Pierce & Graupner. oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on passage way ; West on Jarvis ; North on Durant ; East on Dr. Parker. Land, 2,505 square feet; house, 1,581 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $1,500. 376 City Document No. 92. John Jarvis, owner; Mrs.'Roberson & Clarke, occupiers; wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Lucas ; East on Jarvis ; North on passage way. Land, 1,984 square feet; house, 704 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $2,500. Susan Inches, owner ; Jonas ChUds, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; West on Newbury Street; North on Skinner; East on Dr. Parker ; South on Merkill ; Barn, 900 square feet, wood. Land, 8,480 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $3,800. Joseph Knapp, owner ; Samuel Dilliway, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; West on purchase Street ; North on Russell ; East on sd. Knapps Wharf ; South on T. Dawes ; wood house, 320 square feet, wood. Land, 3,303 square feet; house, 1,528 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 47 windows ; Value, $4,000. James Liswell, owner; Moses Eayers, Senr., occupier; wooden dwelling ; North on Pond Street ; East on Moses Thayer ; South on Inches ; West on McClench ; half a shop, wood. Land, 1,170 square feet; house, 364 square feet; 3 stories, 13 windows; Value, $750. Hawks Lincoln, owner ; Jonathan Wright, occupier ; wooden dwelling : N E on Gibbs lane ; South on passage way ; West on Whitney & Danforth; North on Wm. Hick- ling. Land. 459 square feet ; house, 289 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $750. Sam'l Ludden, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; West on Short Street ; South on Hearsey ; East on Weutworth ; North on T. Welles. Land, 3,600 square feet; house, 1,600 square feet; 1 story, 23 windows; Value, $1,500. Sarah Luce, widow, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North on Sumner Street; East on S. Salisbury; South on J. Mason; West on Smith & Ruggles. Land, 2,4f]0 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,800. Benja. Leverett, owner ; Dudley Walker, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; South on Coverly & passage way ; West and North on Amory ; Barn, 672 square feet, wood ; wood house, 240 square feet, wood. Land, 6,281 square feet; house, 1,264 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 22 windows ; Value, $2,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 377 Charles Lincoln, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Leavitt ; East & North on White ; West on Hay. Land, 900 square feet ; house, 539 square feet ; 2 stoi'ies, 14 windows ; Value, $1,000. Elijah Leatett, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South on Gibbs Lane ; North on Lincoln ; West on tiay. Land, 750 square feet ; house, 399 square feet ; 3 stories, 13 Windows; Value, $1,000. John Lucas, owner ; Ebenr. Farley, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; No. 17 Franklin place ; wood house, wood. Land, 2,160 square feet; house, 1,092 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $5,500. John Lucas, owner ; Jane Howard & others, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Sweetser ; North on Jarvis. Land, 3,210 square feet; house, 1,554 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $2,500. Jos. & Sam. Louden, owners ; Joseph & Saml. Louden & Wm. Rice, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West on High Street ; North on Weld ; South on Harris. Land, 19,113 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $2,500. Elizabeth Leak, owner ; Elizabeth Leak & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; Elast on H. Rowe ; South on Ticknor ; West on Marrett; North on Silsbe. Land, 3,435 square feet ; house, 558 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $650. John McLean, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; N. 22 Franklin place ; wood house, wood. Land, 3,900 square feet; house, 1,860 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $7,000. George Longlet, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; North on high street ; N.E. on Longley ; Shop, 7(J0 square feet, wood ; Barn, 375 square feet, wood; Store, 468 square feet, wood. Land, 10,790 square feet; house, 1,440 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 41 windows : Value, $4,000. 378 City Documext Nq. 92, George Longley, owner ; Farnhum & Rice, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; South on Summer Street; N.W on Blake & othei's ; West on Longley ; N.E. on Hulme ; wood house, 374 square feet, wood. Land, 5,519 square feet; house, 1,418 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 37 windows ; Value, $2,000. George Longley, owner ; Roath & Chai:>trtan, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; N.W. on high Street; North on Hulme ; S.E. & S.W. on Longley. Land, 1,269 square feet; house, 280 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, §150. "William Miller, owner ; AVidow Sarah Skimmen, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Widow Brewer ; South on Summer Street ; East on Robbins ; North on Adams. Land, 1,512 square feet; house, 448 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,000. Elizabeth Miller, owner; Timothy Goodwin, occupier; wooden dwelling; East on Marlboro' Street; South on J. Gardner ; West on self ; North on Widow Cole. Land, 2,030 square feet ; house, 801 square seet ; 3 stories, 12 windows; Value, $1,700. Elizabeth Miller, owner ; Mrs. Hoskins & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on myself ; North on VVidow Cole ; West & South on J. Gardner. Land, 960 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $800. Phillip Marrett, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Silsby ; East on Leach ; South on Billings. Land, 828 square feet ; house, 828 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows; Value. $1,000. Phillip Marrett, owner ; James How & others, blacks, oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East & West on Widow Leak ; South on a passage way ; North on Silsby. Land, 1,206 square feet; house, 1,026 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows ; Value, $500. Lydia Moore, owner & occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on purchase Street; South on Ingersol ; East on Patten; North on passage way ; wood house, 240 square feet, wood. Land, 2.820 square feet; house, 1,000 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $3,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 379 Thomas Minns, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on West Street; AVest on J. Swan; North on J. Swan ; East on Thaddeus Mason. Land, 3,080 square feet ; house, 738 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $2,000. John Marston, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 1 1 Crescent building in Franklin place ; wood house, 600 square feet, wood. Land, 2,700 square feet; house, 1,026 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 2() windows ; Value, $5,000. John Murray, owner and occupier ; bricii dwelling ; No. 5 Crescent building in Franklin place ; wood house, 576 square feet, wood. Land, 3,340 square feet; house, 1,148 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $5,000. James Morrill, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; North on Thomas ; South on Jona. Amory deceasd. ; Stable, 216 square feet. Land, 6,120 square feet; house, 900 square feet ; 3 stories, 32 windows ; Value, $3,500. William Marsters, owner and occupier; wood & brick dwelling ; East on purchase Street ; North on Bell ; West on Tucker ; South on Crosby. Land, 1,045 square feet; house, 324 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, 1,200. Jonathan Mason, owner ; Benja. Joy, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Crosby ; East on F. W. Geyer ; North on Ponns & Salis- bury ; Stable, 1,200 square feet, wood. Land, 6,378 square feet; house, 1,780 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows; Value, $11,000. Joseph Nye, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on purchase Street ; North & West on Wm. White ; South on Gibbs lane ; 1 wood house, brick & wood. Laud, 5,300 square feet; house, 1,419 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $3,500. Eben'r Oliver, owner ; John Hodgkinson, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; North on O. Curtis ; South on Hale. Land, 1,500 square feet; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $2,500. 380 City Document No. 92. John Osborn, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 18 North Side Franklin place ; wood house, 330 square feet, wood ; Shed, 207 square feet, wood. Land, 2,701 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $6,000. Benjamin Parker, owner ; Nathl. Greenough, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on high Street ; North on Atkin- son Street ; East on Widow Coloustone. Land, 1,860 square feet; house, 1,660 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $2,500. Ebenezer Parsons, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; East on Henry Hill ; North on Thos. Russells heirs ; West on Bossr. Foster ; barn & wood house, wood. Land, 55,348 square feet; house, 1,260 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $8,000. Samuel Paker, owner and occupier ; brick & wood dwelling ; North on pond Street ; East & South on Mrs. Rowe ; West on John Jarvis & others ; Stable, 352 square feet, wood ; summer house, wood, 56 square feet; wood house, 364 square feet, wood ; house, 4,386 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 47 windows ; Value $3,500. Joseph Peirce, owner; John Asliton, Daniel King, Fredk. Gilbert, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Cow lane or High Street ; West on T. Dawes ; South on pur- chase St. ; East on Tilestones heirs. Land, 2,650 square feet ; house, 1,122 square feet ; 1 story, 14 windows ; Value, $1,000. Wm. Phillips, Junr., owner; Abijah Adams, W. Raymond, & Wm. P. Greenwood, occupiei-s ; brick dwelling ; West on Common Street ; North on Bumstead ; East on Gard- ner Taylor & others ; South on I. Andrews. Land, 26,19!) square feet; house, 4,140 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 60 windows ; Value, $10,000. Ezra Parmenter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Lincoln Street ; South on AVidow Gushing ; East on Bradford & Gray ; Noi'th on Belknap. Land, 3,080 square feet ; house, 722 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $2,000. Sam'l Parkman, owner ; Ebenr. Preble, occupier ; brick dwelling; No. 15 Crescent building; wood house, 576 square feet, wood. Land, 3,340 square feet ; house, 840 square feet ; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $5,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 381 Sam'l Parkman, owner; Edwd. Blake, Junr. occupier; brick & wooden dwelling; No. 16 Crescent building; wood house, 576 square feet, wood. Land, 3,340 square feet; house, 840 square feet; 3 stories, 26 windows; Value, $5,000. Charles Porter, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on purchase Street ; North on Gridleys lane ; West on I. Richardson ; South on Crosby. Land, 1,840 square feet; house, 1,080 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, S2,000. Sarah Preston, owner ; Henry Hunter, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Sea Street ; North on Hunnewell ; Stable, 375 square feet, wood. Land, 4,015 square feet; house, 985 square feet; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $2,000. Sarah Preston, owner ; Remember Preston & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East & South on Sarah Pres- ton ; West on heirs of Abbot ; North on Hunnewell ; Store, 297 square feet, wood; wood house, 240 square feet, wood. Land, 1,210 square feet; house, 780 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $1,200. Sarah Preston, owner ; John Collins, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Burns ; North on Preston ; West on heirs; Shed, 180 square feet, wood. Land, 1,296 square feet; house, 270 square feet; 1 story; Value $300. Sarah Preston, owner; Levi Hearsey, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West on Sea Street ; North on Preston ; East on Sea. Land, 1,024 square feet; house, 480 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, William Payne, owner ; WilUam Daggin, occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 9 Crescent building in Franklin place ; wood house, 576 square feet, wood. Land, 3,340 square feet; house, 1,301 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 19 windows ; Value, $5,000. GoRHAM Parsons, owner and occupier ; "brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; East on Hunnewell ; South on Homans ; West on Lincoln Street ; Stable, 540 square feet, wood ; wood house, 450 square feet, wood. Land, 42 Perches ; 76 square feet ; house, 972 square feet ; 2 stories, 37 windows; Value, $5,500, 382 City Document No. 02. Thomas Patten, owner ; Thomas Patten & Charles Patten, occupiers; wooden dwelling; N.W. on Moore; S.W. on D. Ingersoll, Junr. ; South on G. Spear ; N.E. on passage way ; wood house, 30o square feet, wood. Land. 2,700 square feet; house, 722 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $2,500. "William Price, owner ; Bethiath Paine, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Nea Street ; North on Summer Street ; South on Clements ; West on Widow Russell ; 1 out house, 503 square feet. Land, 23 Perches; 62 square feet; house, 1,185 square feet; 2 stories, 31 windows; Value, ^2,000. J. & T. H. Perkins, owners; James Perkins, occupier; brick dwelling ; No. 3 Crescent buildings in Franklin place ; wood house, 640 square feet, wood. Land, 3,016 square feet ; house, 1,160 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $5,000. Elizabeth Perkins, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling ; head of Sears Wharf ; AVest on purchase Street ; South on Holland & others ; North on passage way ; wood house, 300 square feet, wood; Stable, 225 square feet, wood. Land, 7,636 square feet; house, 1,596 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value |4,000. Hannah Rowe, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Pond Street ; West on Chuiches Estate ; North on Preble «fc Russell ; East on Thompson ; Barn 748 square feet, brick; wood house, 570 square feet, wood; old wood house, 432 square feet, wood. Land, 50,550 square feet ; house, 2,052 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $1,400. Hannah Rowe, owner ; John Green & others, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; South on Pond Street ; East & North on Russell ; West on Thompson. Land, 6,300 square feet; house, 1.290 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $1,000. Hannah Rowe, owner ; Thomas Hill, occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; West on Tick- nor & others ; North on Hayward ; East on my pasture ; Barn, 682 square feet, wood. Land, 15,984 square feet; house, 1,507 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 36 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 383 Rob't Robbins, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on sea Street ; South on Hunuewell ; West on Russell ; North on Robbins. Land, 8,309 square feet ; house, 942 square feet ; 2 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $2,500. Rob't Robbins, owner; Widow Campbell, Cummings, Wes- ton, Ralph Ridley, occupiers ; wood & brick dwelling ; East on sea Street ; South an Robbins ; West on Hill ; North on Clements. Land, 3,690 square feet ; house, 656 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. Rob't Robbins, owner ; Stephen Oliver, Widow Stevens, Widow Price, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; East on Flounder Alley. Land, 2,209 square feet; house, 594 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $1,000. Sarah Dower Russell, owner; Marston Watson, occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; West on 1. Gray; East on Kahler ; North on Crescent land. Wood house, brick & wood ; Stable, 480 square feet, wood ; Value, $15,000. James Ray, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; West on Russell heirs ; East on Church land. Land, 6,076 square feet; house, 500 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,500. James Ray, owner ; Samuel Allen, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on blind lane ; East on the Church land ; West on Russells heirs. Land, 4,186 square feet ; house, 666 square feet ; 2 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,500. Samuel Ruggles heirs, owners ; Eunice Quincy, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on pons ; West on Smith ; North on Bethunes heirs ; 1 old shed. Land, 3,000 square feet ; house, 980 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $2,000. William Rogers, owner; Ebenr. Dorr, Junr., John Door, oc- cupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on B. Wheeler ; North on Churchs heirs. Land, 7,128 square feet; house, 1,636 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $6,000. 384 City Document No. 92. John Rice, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East on Sea Street ; North on Noah Dagget ; South on Jabez Hatch ; wood house, 325 square feet, brick & wood. Land, 3,000 square feet ; house, 986 square feet ; 2 stories, 26 windows; Value, $1,800. Jeffry Richardson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Fessenden ; West on Gridley ; North on high Street; East on Gridleys lane; Barn, 312 square feet, wood ; wood house and shed, 320 square feet, wood. Land, 6,273 square feet; house, 1,050 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows; Value, $3,000. Jeffry Richardson, owner ; Nathaniel Thaj^^er, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Gridleys lane ; West on Fessenden ; North on Richardson ; East on Porter & Crosby. Land, 1,920 square feet; house, 804 square feet; 3 stories, 30 windows ; Value, $3,000. j^ndrew Ritchie, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; South ou Richard Green ; West on J. Swans Garden ; North on passage way. Land, 7,290 square feet; house, 1,092 square feet; 3 sto- ries. 30 windows ; Value, $3,000. Elizabeth Russell, Widow, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; East on Price ; South on Briudley ; West on Parsons. Land, 8,200 square feet ; house, 792 square feet ; 2 stories, 30 windows; Value, $2,500. Abel Robinson, owner ; Abel Robertson, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Robert Robinson ; West on Solo. Cot- ton ; North on Robbins & Harris ; East on purchase Street. Land, 1,000 square feet ; house, 376 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $000. Abel Robinson, Jr., owner and occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on John Robinson ; East on Robt. Rob- inson ; West on Jno. Cotten. Land, 600 square feet ; house, 380 square feet ; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, John Robinson, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Abel Robinson, Junr. ; North on John Cotton ; South on Robbins ; East on- Robinson. Land, 600 square feet; house, 380 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 385 Robert Robinson, owner ; James Minzee, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on purchase Street ; North on Abel Rob- inson ; West on Solo Cotton ; South on Jos. Cotton. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 256 square feet ; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, Deborah Rat, owner ; Deborah Ray, William Hogan, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Cunningham ; East on Ticknor. Land, 3,744 square feet ; house, 670 square feet ; 3 stories, 19 windows; Value, $1,500. BOOK 33. Dan'l D. Rogers, owner; John Norman, occupier; wood & brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North & East on Durant ; South on Jarvis. Land, 3,440 square feet; house, 1,111 square feet: 2 sto- ries, 19 windows ; Value, $2,000. Sampson Reed, owner ; Calvin Wetherly & others, occu- piers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; East on Griffins heirs ; West on Andrews. Land, 3,510 square feet ; house, 1,035 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $2,500. Elisha Sumner, owner ; John Palfry, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on sea Street ; North on Allen ; South on Hatch ; East on Dock. Land, 2,316 square feet; house, 1,536 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $1,500. Elisha Sumner, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Beach Street ; East on Hatch ; West on John Wheeler. Land, 5,687 square feet; house, 1,320 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows; Value, $2,500. Sam'l Salisbury, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling; North on Summer Street; West on S. & S. Salisbury ; East on T. W. Geyer ; Stable, 216 square feet, brick. Land, 10,403 square feet; house, 1,394 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $6,000. 38(3 City Document No. 92 S. & S. Salisbury, owners ; Ebenr. Hancock, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro Street ; South on Caleb Hopkins ; North on Dashwood's heirs ; West on Gardner. Land, 1,406 square feet ; house, 994 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,500. Sam'l & Stephen Salisbury, owners ; Sampson Reed, occu- pier ; wood & brick dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; East on S. Salisbury ; South on J. Mason ; West on Widow Luce. Land, 1,768 square feet ; house, 640 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,800. Jo. L. Sullivan, owner ; James Carter, occupier ; brick dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; West on Prebble ; South on Mrs. Howe & T. Thompson ; East on Sarah Russell. Land, 2,400 square feet ; house, 756 square feet ; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $2,500. Samuell Swett, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Winter Street ; West on S. Adams ; East on sd Swett Land, 2,280 square feet; house, 1,140 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $2,500. Samuel Swett, owner ; Thomas & Andrews, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; North on Weld ; South on Thomas ; wtok shop, 1,296 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,140 square feet; house, 1,296 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $6,000. John Sweetser, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Lucas ; East on sd Sweetser ; South on passage way ; Stable, 875 square feet; wood; wood house, 192 square feet; wood. Land, 9,330 square feet; house, 1.348 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows; Value, $6,000. John Sweetser, owner ; Pomeroy & Parsons, occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Hayward ; East on Hannah Rowe ; North on sd Sweet- ser. Land, 13,275 square feet; house, 1,326 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $4,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 387 John Sweetser, owner ; John Pick, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North on John Jarvis ; East & West & South on sd. Sweetser. Land, 1,280 square feet; house, 640 square foet; 3 sto- ries, ID windows; Value, $J,000. John Sweetser, owner ; Chapman & Woodward, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on John Jarvis ; East, West, & South on sd. Sweetser. Land, 1,350 square feet ; house, 750 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $750. John Sweetser, owner ; John Piere, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North on Jarvis ; East on Hannah Rowe ; South & West on Sweetser. Land, 1,000 square feet; house, 500 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows ; Value, $500. John Skinner, owner ; Dormant ; brick dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; South on Inches ; North on McClench ; wash house, 64 square feet, wood ; wood house, 264 square feet, do. Land, 7,088 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows; Value, $3,500. S. & A. SiLSBY, owners and occupiers ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; South on Marrett ; East on Hannah Eowe ; North on Hay ward. Land, 5,025 square feet; house, 1,138 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $2,500. Juan Stoughton, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling. No 24 ; North side Franklin place ; wood house, 480 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,648 square feet; house, 1,220 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $6,000. Standfast Smith, owner; Edwd Minchon, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North on Summer Street ; West on heirs of Bethune : South on Ruggles ; East on Widow Luce ; wood house, 360 square feet ; wood ; Barn, 280 square feet; wood. Land, 2,904 square feet; house, 1,296 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $3,500. James Sullivan, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Summer Street ; West by A passage way ; North on Franklin place ; East on J. Bussey ; Barn, wood ; wood house, wood. Land, I Acre, 11 Perches, 76 square feet; house, 2,600 square feet; 3 stories, 44 windows; Value, $14,000, 388 City Document No. 92. John Solet, owner ; Braddock Loring, Ebenezer Wade, occu- pier ; wooden & brick dwelling ; South on a passage way ; West on Demming & Crosby ; North on Crosby & Mason; East on Waters ; wood house, 440 square feet ; wood; Barn, 234 square feet; ditto. Land, 3,492 square feet; house, 1,176 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $2,000. Hannah Sohier. owner; John G, Scholtz, occupier; brick dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; South on B. Weld ; West on Swett North on Cheever. Land, 1,860 square feet ; house, 828 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,800. Gershom Spear, owner ; Gershom Spear, Joshua Gardner, Junr. , occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Lincoln & Wheelright ; South on Daniel lugersol. Land, 12 Perches, 150 square feet; house, 946 square feet; 3 stories, 34 windows ; Value $3,500. Eliza. Smallidge, James & Hannah Tucker, owners ; Eliza- beth Smallidge, occupier; East on purchase Street; South on Wm. Crosby ; West on ; North on Masters. Land, 747 square feet ; house, 252 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Thomas Tilestone heirs, owners ; Thomas Lamb, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on purchase Street ; South & West on J. Peirce ; North on Colo. Dawes. Land, 6,016 square feet; house, 1,560 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 35 windows; Value, $5,000. John Tilestone, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; Weston Flounder Alley; South on Bulls Wharf; N.E. on Wharf ; Stable, 375 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,400 square feet ; house, 1,520 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,500. Thomas Thompson, owner and occupier ; wood & brick dwelling ; West on Common Street ; North on Winter Street. Land, 6,161 square feet; house, 842 square feet; 2 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $4,500. Thomas Thompson, owner; John Bennock & Co., occupiers; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; West & North on Mrs. Cole. Land, 3,264 square feet ; house, 730 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows; Value, $3,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 389 Thomas Thompson, owner ; Nathl. Little, P. A. Vanhagen, occupiers ; wood & brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; East & South on Wheeler ; North on Beuja. Wheeler. Land, 2,504 square feet ; house, 918 square feet ; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $2,800 Thomas Thompson, owner ; Peter L. Duport, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Pond Street ; North & West on Row; East on Russell; a school Room, 1,260 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,480 square feet; house, 606 square feet; 2 stories, 23 windows; Value, $2,800. Thomas Townsend, owner ; Samuel Cook & Mrs.. Frankford, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Pond Street ; East on Short Street. Land, 12,840 square feet; house, 960 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows; Value, $1,500. James Tate, owner; James Tate, Thomas Hadaway, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East on purchase Street ; South on Brewer ; North on Gridleys lane ; West on J. Davis ; wood house, 490 square feet ; wood ; wash house, 42 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,600 square feet ; house, 1,416 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $3,500. James Trask, owner ; Cornelius Puller, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Short Street ; South on T. Bradlee ; West on Abi-aham Holland ; North on T. Townsend. Land, 870 square feet ; house, 468 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $600. Francis Tufpts, owner and occupier ; Wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; West on T. Perkins ; North on Wallack. Land, 12 Perches; 13 square feet; house, 836 square feet; 2 stories; 28 windows; Value, $1,800. Elisha Ticknor, owner ; Elisha Ticknor, Asa Bullard, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; East on Hannah Rowe ; West on Cunningham & Hewes ; Stable, 600 square feet, wood ; wood house, 300 square feet, wood. Land, 4,800 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,000. 390 City Document No. 92. Eliza. Townsknd & Children, Ingersol, Eliza & Abigail, owners ; Nevias Townseud, William Champney, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. on J. Harris ; S.E. on S. Cotton. Land, 1,260 square feet; house, 520 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $750. William Tudor, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; No. 1 Crescent building in Franklin place ; wood house, 480 square feet, Wood. Land, 2,014 square feet; house, 817 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $5,000. David Townsend, owner ; John White, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; South on passage way ; East on Phillip ; North on Hale ; Stable, 576 square feet, wood. Land, 6,943 square feet ; house, 483 square feet ; 3 stories, 8 windows; Value, $3,500. David Townsend, owner: WiJliam Swan, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East on Marlboro' Street ; North on passage way ; West on Townsend ; South on Widow Cole. Land, 750 square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, $500, John Taylor, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; East on purchase Street ; North on Alley ; West on Blake ; South on McElleroy ; Store, 312 square feet, wood. Land, 3,053 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,200. Moses Thayer, owner and occupier ; Wooden dwelling ; North on Pond Street; West on McClench ; South & East on Lis wall. Land, 1,180 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $750. Isaiah Thomas, owner ; John D. Setten, occupier; wooden dwelling ; No. 44 ; East on Newbury Street ; North on Swett ; South on Morrill. Land, 4,000 square feet; house, 1,080 square feet; 3 sto- lies, 16 windows; Value, $3,300. Onesiph. Tilestone, owner ; Onesiphorus Tileston, James Edgar & others, occupiers ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West on purchase Street ; South on Griffins Estate ; North & East on Tilestone. Land, 4.346 square feet; house. 1.476 square feet; 2 sto- ries. 33 windows; Value, $1,800. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 391 Mart Turner, owner ; Mary Turner, Ephm. Beamin, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West on high Street ; South on Peirce ; East on Dawes. Land, 4,704 square feet; house, 1,188 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, |1,500. Jonathan Wheeler, owner ; Jonathan Wheeler, Henry Pur- kitt, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex, alias Beach Street ; East on Summer ; North on Giles Alex- ander ; West on passage way. Land, 9,975 square feet; house, 1.292 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $2,500. Jonathan Wheeler, owner ; Ridley, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Beach Street ; East on Williams ; South on Flatts ; West on sd Wheeler. Land, 720 square feet ; house, 432 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, John Williams, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street ; East on Hatch ; West on sd Williams. Land, 1,206 square feet ; house, 558 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, John Williams, owner ; David Williams, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street ; East on sd Williams ; West on Wheeler. Land, 756 square feet ; house, 466 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $750. Moses Wallach, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; West on Tufts & others ; North on blind lane ; East on Bradlee ; Barn, 600 square feet, wood ; wood house, 440 square feet, wood. Land, 44,616 square feet; house, 2,030 square feet; 2 stories, 26 windows; Value, $l(t,000. Benja. Weld, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Fort Hill ; West on high Street ; East on S. Wheelright ; Stable, wood. Laud, 12,400 square feet; house, 1,330 square feet; 2 stories, 27 windows; Value, $6,000. Benja. Weld, owner ; William Conaut, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East on Newbury Street ; South on Swett. Land, 2,280 square feet; house, 1,224 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $1,800. 392 City Document No. 92. Eben'r Weld, owner ; Trescott, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Gushing ; East on Townsend ; South on pas- sage way ; West on Phillips. Land, 3,136 square feet; house, 822 square feet; 3 sto- ries; 13 windows, Value, $1,500. Sam'l Wheelright, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling on Fort Hill ; North on Gibbs lane ; West on B. Weld, Land, 5,733 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 3 stories, 39 windows ; Value, $3,000. JosiAH Waters, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; N.W. on Newbury Street; N.E. & N.W. on passage way; S.E. on heirs of Church; S.W. on R. Devens ; Stable, 324 square feet ; wood house, 488 square feet, wood. Land, 6,870 square feet; house. 970 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows; Value, $3,000. Phillip AVentworth, owner ; John Kendall, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on blind Lane ; West on T. Welles ; East on Ludden & others ; Stable, 450 square feet, wood. Land, 1,530 square feet; house, 435 square feet; 1 story, 11 windows; Value, $1,200. Phillip Wentworth, owner ; wooden dwelling ; North on blind lane ; East on Ball. Land, 802 square feet; house, 450 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Perez Whiting, owner ; James Brewer, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on French ; East on HlcUllng ; South on passage way. Land, 2,450 square feet; house, 392 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $750. Rebecca Wait & Eleanor Foster, owners ; Robert Homes, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on West Street ; West on Minns ; North on Swan ; East on Amory. Land, 4,800 square feet; house, 855 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Welles, owner and occupier; brick dwelling; No. 19 Franklin place ; Covd. way & wood house, 234 squarp feet, wood. Land, 3,190 square feet; house, 1,360 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $7,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 393 Ebenr. White, owner ; Ebenr. White & Thomas Simmons, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Winter Street ; East on S. Adams; South on N. Bond; West on J. Beals ; Bake house thereon, 432 square feet, wood. Land, 4,424 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $8,500. William Welch, owner and occupier ; bricli; dwelling ; No. 14 Crescent building in Franklin place ; wood house, 576 square feet. wood. Land, 2,403 square feet; house, 1,134 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 16 windows; Vahie, $5,000. Thomas Welles, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Short Street ; North' on Blind lane. Land, 1,462 square feet; house, 588 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows; Value, $1,800. Thomas Walley, owner ; William Parsons, occupier ; wooden dwelling; South on Summer Street; West on H. Hill; North on S. Higginson ; East on sd. Waley ; Stable, 180 square feet, wood. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 958 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $3,0U0. Tho's Walley, owner ; I. Phillips, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on Summer Street ; East on high Street ; West on sd. Walley; Stable, 180 square feet, wood. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 958 square feet ; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, S3,000. Edwd. Weld, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; West on Newbury Street ; South on Pond Street ; North & East on Wheeler. Land, 1,440 square feet ; house, 954 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $2,500. Tho's Wheeler, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Thompson ; South on Weld ; East on B. Wheeler. Land, 1,738 square feet; house, 484 square feet; 3 stories, 10 windows; Value, $1,800. Benja. White, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Essex Street ; East on Short Street. Land, 2,340 square feet ; house, 880 square feet ; 2 stories, 19 windows; Value, $1,800. 394 City Document No. 9?. Alice Whittemore, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Purchase Street ; South & North on passage waj^ ; East on Hunt. Land, 3,959 square feet ; house, 760 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,000. Benja. Wheeler, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; West on Newbury Street ; North on Rogers ; East on Wheeler ; South on Thompson ; Stable, 288 square feet ; wood house, 175 square feet, wood. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 780 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $3,800. Benja. Wheeler, owner ; Samuel Creese, occupier ; brick dwelling ; South on Pond Street ; East on Appletou ; North on Rogers. Land, 2,6 lO square feet ; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,000. Eliza. Walcutt & Rebecca Butler, owners ; Eliza. Wall- cutt, Rebecca Butler & others, occupiers ; wooden dwell- ing ; East on High Street ; West on T. W alley ; South on Dawes. Land, 4,305 square feet; house, 1,340 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $2,250, Danforth & Whiting, owners ; Richard Bradden, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on passage way ; North on P. Whiting ; West on Burrell ; South on Bela French. Land, 1,024 square feet; house, 288 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 4 windows ; Value, Jenny Whipple, owner ; M. Young & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Beach Street ; West on South Street. Land, 3,496 square feet; house, 589 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $900. BOOK 34. John Avery, Esq., owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; East on Newbury Street ; South by Perez Morton ; West by Joel Thayer ; Barn, 600 square feet ; Shop, 144 square feet ; wood house, 250 square feet ; wash house, 180 square feet. Land, 5,950 square feet; house, 1,080 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $4,000 Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 395 Will'm Andrews, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street, Corner of Ransfords lane ; wood house, 270 square feet, 1 story, wood. Land, 2,641 square feet; house, 950 square feet; 2 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,o()0. Thomas Alker, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street; East by John Apthorp ; West by Josiah Allen ; Tallow Chandlers house, 800 square feet, wood. Land, 11.500 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $2,0U0. LoRiNG Austin, owner; Richard Fuller, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Common Street ; South by Perez Morton ; North by Waldo. Land, 2,500 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,000. Josiah Allen, owner and occupiei- ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; West by Saml. Torry ; East by Wm. Andrews ; land, Shed & Bark house, 1 ,008 square feet, wood. Land, 14,876 square feet; house, 320 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 7 windows ; Value, $2,200. Samuel Adams, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Elliot Sti-eet ; East by Smith ; West by Scott ; Barn, 600 square feet, 2 stories, wood ; chase house, &c., 360 square feet, 1 story, wood. Land, 6,475 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,600. John Avery, Esq., owner; Negroes, occupiers; wooden dwelling ; East on John Kenndy ; West on Haskins Wharf ; North on a passage way. Land, 7,770 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries; Value, $1,500. Edward Blake, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North by pleasant Street ; East by Elisha Copeland ; West by Brazier ; Carpenters Shop, 800 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,930 square feet ; house, 1 ,090 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $2,300. Edw'd Blake, owner ; Capt. Rich, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South by pleasant Street ; North by Lois Cunning- ham ; East by Thos. Emmons ; wood house, 300 square feet. Land, 3,480 square feet; house, 940 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,800. 396 City Document No. 92. Thomas Blake, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; North on sd. Blake & South on sd. Blake ; Barn, 288 square feet, wood ; wood honse, 935 square feet, wood. Land, 6,300 square feet ; house, 1,119 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $2,500. James Blake, owner ; James Blake & Majr. Hatch, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; N.E. by pleasant Street ; S.E. on Thomas Wheeler; N.W. on Wm. Porter; Carpen- ter Shop, 608 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 5,082 square feet; house, 964 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 25 windows; Value, $1,800. James Blake, Junr., owner; James Blake, Junr. & Mrs. French, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by pleasant Street ; South by Fenl. B. Rogers ; North on Jos. How ; Carpenter Shop, 464 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 5,450 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,400. William Brown, owner ; Wm. Brown & Saml. Spear, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by Town land, and South by sd. Brown ; wood house, 1,132 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 7,100 square feet; house, 2,446 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 65 windows; Value, $6,000. Wm. Brown, Trustee, for Lois Cunningham, owner ; Michael Hopkins, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Pleasant Street ; East by Jas. Blake ; Shed, 429 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 3,600 square feet ; house, 844 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows ; Value, $1,800. Thomas Barry, owner ; Benja. Gault & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Whiting ; South on Barry ; East on French ; West on Hunnewcll ; work shop, 648 square feet, wood. Land, 2,220 square feet; house, 598 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $900. Executors to Estate op Eunice May, William Brown, & Amasa Davis, owners ; Colo. Hurd, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North on heirs Sarah Brown ; South on land of Caleb Hall ; Barn, 480 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Shed, 480 square feet, 1 story, wood. Land, 13,680 square feet; house, 1,720 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 48 windows ; Value, $5,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 397 Moses B. Bass, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Ransford lane ; North by Robert Robertson ; shop, 210 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,678 square feet ; house, 930 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,500. Nath'l Bradlee, Junr , owner; Nathl. Bradlee, Jr. & David Stevens, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by pleasant Street; South by Israel Davis; Noith on John Haskins lane. Land, 7,121 square feet; house, 966 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $1,200. James Barry, owner; John D. Williams, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; South by Ebenr. Lewis ; North by Amasa Davis ; Wood house, 476 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,095 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $.',000. Dea. Dan'l Bates, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by Wm. Healy ; South by sd. Bates ; Store, 800 square feet, wood; Shed, 208 square feet, wood; Store, 1,120 square feet, wood. Land, 3,115 square feet; house, 1,231 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $3,200. Daniel Bates, for New South Society, owner; Mrs. Gil- bert & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; N.W. Cor- ner of Gibsons Court. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, John Billings, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North Side of Gibsons Court. Land, 320 square feet; house, 320 square feet; 3 stories, 5 windows ; Value, $400. William Baker, owner and occupier ; wood & hrlck dwelling ; North Side Gibsons Court, adjoining John Billings. Land, 600 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, Eben'r Blanchard, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Warren Street ; South by Jas. Gooeh ; North by Rider. Land, 2,800 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 7 windows ; Value, 398 City Document Nq. 92. John Bryant heirs, owners; Daul. Ingersol, occupier; wooden dwelling ; South by Elliot Street ; East by Dr. "Whipple ; West Widow Stirapson ; Barn, 500 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 8,034 square feet ; house, 9C0 square feet ; 2 stories, 30 windows; Value, $3,000. Thomas Bolter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Common Street ; North by Haymarket Theatre ; South by Jos. Head ; Carpenters Shop, 448 square feet. Land, 4,440 square feet; house, 900 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 142 windows; Value, $1,600. Martin Bkimmer, owner ; James Clakk, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South by Joel Crosby ; North by Elkanah Cushraan ; Shed, 600 square feet; 1 story, wood; Barn, 1,200 square feet; 1 story, wood ; do. 320 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 9,000 square feet; house, 1,246 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows; Value, $5,000. Patty Burdikin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Pleasant Street; North by Edwd. How; South by Jos. How. Land, 1,760 square feet ; house, 280 square feet ; 2 stories 9 windows; Value, William Brown op Sherburn. owner; Richd. Chamber- lain, Saml. Hastings & Saml. Morse, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street at the Corner of Essex Street; Store, 1,225 square feet; 1 story, wood; Shed, 180 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 9,405 square feet; house, 1,550 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $4,000. Nathan Bradlee, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Nashua Street ; East by Wm. Gooch ; West by Insley; Shop, 144 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,200 square feet; house, 416 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows ; Value, $800. Isaac Bird, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Edward Tuckerman ; North by Stephen Rawson ; wood house, 144 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,680 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 1 story, 11 windows; Value, $1,300. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 399 William Bird, owner ; William Bird & Saml. Andrews, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; South by Nathl. Curtis ; North by Wm. Dall ; Barn, 1,600 square feet; 1 story, wood; Shed, 700 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 20,000 square feet; house, 1,600 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $3,700. William Bartlett, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Pleasant Street ; East by Isaac White ; Barn, 2'60 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 16 windows ; Value, Mary & Cath. Biles, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwell- ing; N.E. by Nassau Street; S.E. by Land of Saml. Welles ; West by Abijah Crane. Land, 9,600 square feet; house, 833 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,700. Nath'l. Bradlee, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Hollis Street ; West by Nassau Street, adjoin- ing meeting house & Dea. David Cheever ; wood house, 280 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,048 square feet; house, 972 square feet; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $2,400. Henry Bass, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Rainsford's lane ; South by Saml. Hastings ; East by John Haskins ; Barn, 330 square feet; 1 story, wood ; wood house, 169 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,795 square feet ; house, 804 square feet ; 2 stories, 25 windows; Value, $1,500. Jeremiah Bridge, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Harvard Street ; West by Ebenr. Sever ; South by David Trask ; Barn, 480 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Carpenters shop, 448 square feet; 1 story, wood ; do., 504 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 9,002 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $2,400. John Bright, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Thos. Bailey ; North by Abm. Gibson; wood house, 180 square feet; wood. Land, 4,680 square feet; house, 1,068 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $1,800. 400 City Document No. 92. John Ballard, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East by Newbury Street, Corner of AVest Street; Stable, 1,200 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; wood shed, 400 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,510 square feet; house, 1,707 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 42 windows ; Value, ^5,000. John Ballarb, owner ; John Burge & Thos. L. Cowlejs oc- cupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South by heirs of Thomas Green ; North by Thos. P'es- senden. Land, 5,738 square fieet ; house, 810 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $2,000. Thomas Bailey, owner ; Dea. Thos. Bailey, occupier ; wooden dwelling; West by Orange Street; South by Benja. Thompson ; North by John Bright. Land, 3,600 square feet; house, 935 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,800. Joseph Blaney, owner ; Jos. & Henry Blauey, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Wm. Lovering ; South by Nassau street. Land, 2,000 square feet; house, 680 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $1,800. Jeremiah Bumstead. owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Jos. Head ; North by land of Perez Morton ; South by Mr. Flagg ; Barn, 336 squai-e feet; 1 story. Land, 5,762 square feet ; house, 864 square feet ; 1 story, 143 windows ; Value, $1,600. Letitia Baker, owner ; Mrs. Rhoda Davis, occupier ; brick dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South by Stephen Thayer ; North by Driverge [Durivage ?] . Land, 1,320 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 3 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $1,500. John Bosson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Wm. Pooler ; North by Henry Bass. Land, 6,900 square feet; house, 960 square feet; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $2,500. Wm. Blanchard, owner ; Wendell & Brewer, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Pleasant Street ; East on Wendell ; West on Mrs. Gookin ; wood house, 196 square feet. Land, 1,400 square feet ; house, 598 square feet ; 2 stories ; Value, $700. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 401 Will'm. Brazier, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Elisha Copeland ; West by Sar. Wheeler ; Ropewalk, 2,370 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 7,392 square feet; house, 536 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,200. George Batterman, owner ; Chistr. Bi-azier & George Bat- terman, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by land of Saml. Bradlee ; East by sd Bat- terman ; Carpenters shop ; 864 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,407 square feet; house, 480 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, $700. Geo. Batterman, owner ; Edwd. Murton «fe John Blackman, occupiers; wooden dwelling; West by sd Batterman; North by Essex Street ; East by Jonathan Hunnewell. Land, 1,411 square feet; house, 392 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows ; Value, Town of Boston, owner ; Micajah Clarke & Mrs. Wheeler, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Beach Street ; West by Israel Cook ; East by John Haskings. Land, 5,000 square feet; house, 1,296 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $1,200. Thomas Bradlee & others, owners ; Thomas Bradlee & Hearsy, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street; East on John Coffin ; South on late John Blower. Land, 2,322 square feet; house, 1,044 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $1,600. Wm. Boardman, Jr., owner; George Vaughan, occupier; Brick dwelling ; West by Peck's lane ; North by White ; East by Ebenr. Oliver ; South by Wentworth ; wood house, 440 square feet ; 1 stoiy, wood. Land, 1,620 square feet; house, 580 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows ; Value, Mrs. Cobbett, owner ; Davis, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; South by Jas. Trask ; East by James Thompson. Land, 400 square feet; house, 400 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, 402 City Document No. 92. Elisha Copeland, owner ; Elisha Copeland and John Amory, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Jas. Duggan ; West by Edwd. Blake ; Barn, 1,000 square feet; 2 stories, wood. Land, 6,800 square feet ; house, 760 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,600. Gregory Clarke, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Bennet street ; West by Wm. Lovering ; Barn, 330 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 3,344 square feet; house, 1,008 square feet; 2 sto- ries; Value, $1,500. David Cobb, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Washington Street ; South by Stephen Gore ; Shop, 280 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 3,700 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $1,400. Obadiah Curtis of Newton, owner ; Thos. Curtis, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Ransfords Lane ; South by John Haskings ; North on Wm. Andrews. Land, 4,220 square feet; house, 972 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $2,500. John Crane, owner; Revd Samuel West, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau street ; South by Phillip Wentworth ; North by Wm. Hill ; Barn, 400 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Shed, 480 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,000 square feet; house, 1,170 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows; Value, $1,800. Sam'l. Clarke of Northampton, owner; Geoi-ge Bender & Betsey Goddard, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Jeremiah Bumsted ; North by Wm. Cunningham; East by Gibsons Court. Land, 880 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows; Value, $900. Joseph Curtis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Frog lane ; West by Widow Flagg ; East by a passage way. Land, 2,710 square feet; house, 380 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows; Value, $500. Benja. Cobb, Junr., owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; West by Washington Street ; North by Stephen Gore ; South by Joshua Witherlee ; wood house, 910 square feet ; 1 story ; liarn, 000 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 44,180 square feet; house, 1,616 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows; Value, $6,0i 0. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 403 Benja. Cob, Junr., owner; Jesse Mayo, Spear & Carroll, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Mr. Martin; North by Ebenr. Dorr; Store, 1,560 square feet; I story, wood; Barn, 000 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; wood house, 300 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 14,400 square feet; house, 1,400 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,000. Jonas Child, owner ; Jacob Fleak, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; South on Elliot Street ; West on Wm. Moak ; East on John Wear; Shed, 112 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 416 square feet; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, $400. Jonas Child, owner ; Barney Conner & Mrs. Doyle, occupi- ers ; wooden dwelling ; South on sd. Child ; West on Wm. Moak ; East on John Wear, Junr. Laud, 1,008 square feet; house, 280 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, Sam'l. Cookson, owner ; Catia Delisle, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Common Street ; South by Danl. Waldo ; North by Wm. Saxton ; wood house, 450 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Barn, 500 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 10,400 square feet; house, 1,080 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 32 windows; Value, $2,500. Abijah Crane, owner ; Furness, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Nassau Street ; South by Miss Byles ; West & North by ; wood house, 360 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,015 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 22 windows; Value, $2,0*00. Abijah Crane, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by sd. Crane ; South by Mrs. Byles ; West & North by sd. Crane ; Carpenters shop, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 4,015 square feet; house, 560 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $1,400. John Codman, Esq., owner; Penl. B. Rogers, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; West Ijy Peter Mcintosh ; East by Ephrim Marsh. Land, 7,800 square feet; house, 2,880 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 68 windows ; Value, $4,500. 404 City Document No. 92. Peter Cunningham, owner ; Thomas Farrington & Danl. Carney, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Streef; North by Wm. Dall ; South by Robt. Davis; Barn, 728 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; Shop, 486 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 13,833 square feet; house, 1,386 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 25 windows ; Value, $3,000. David Cheever, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Church land ; West by Nassau Street ; wood house, 160 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,905 square feet ; house. 570 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $1,000. Israel Cook, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Orange Street at the Corner of Beach Street. Land, 1,823 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $2,800. Uriah Cotting, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Orange Street ; South on Saml. Pope ; North on Elijah Dix ; wood house, 720 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Barn, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 7,541 square feet; house, 1,292 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 42 windows ; Value, $7,500. Elkanah Cushman, owner ; Elkanah Cushman & Benjamin Sweetser, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South on Martin Brimmer ; North on Saml. Hastings. Land, 1,674 square feet; house, 946 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 22 windows; Value, $2,500. Elkanah Cushman, owner ; Francis Ranalott. occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by sd. Cushman & other house ; West by David Green, Esqr. Land, 2,268 square feet; house, 368 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 7 windows ; Value, $700. Sarah Cheever & Sisters, owners ; William Bradford, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Orange Street ; North on Hopestill Foster ; South on Mr. Gookiu. Land, 2,254 square feet; house, 1,116 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $1,500. Joel Crosby, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street, the Lamb Tavern so called ; wood shed, 300 square feet; 1 story, wood; IJarn, 1,596 square feet ; wood; Stable, l,20u square feet ; wood. Land, 11,416 square feet; house, 1,160 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 24 windows ; Value, $4,200. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 405 Joel Crosby, owner; Lydia Twitchell, occupier; wooden dwelling; East by Newbury Street; North by sd. Crosby & others ; house, Lamb Tavern so called. Land, 192 square feet; house, 192 square feet; 1 story, 2 windows ; Value, Nathan'l. Curtis, owner ; Elisha & Joshua Vose, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; South by Thomas Whitmarsh ; Nortli by Wm. Bird. Land, 11,628 square feet; house, 1,100 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows ; Value, $2,200. Nath'l. Curtis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by sd Curtis Store ; North by Ezra Whitney ; Chaise house, 493 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,597 square feet; house, 1,396 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $2,600. Benj. Cobb, Senr., owner; Benjamin Cobb & Benja. Homer, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by sd. Cobb ; South by Ditto. Land, 6,348 square feet ; house, 2,937 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 40 windows; Value, $3,500. James DuGGAN & Joanna Penniman, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; West by E. Copeland ; East by Phillip Minzee. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 510 square feet; 1 story, 13 windows ; Value, $650. Cornelius Durant, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Stephen Harris ; South by Phillip Wentworth ; Barn, 960 square feet ; wood house, 330 square feet ; wood. Land, 26,479 square feet; house, 1,520 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows; Value, $6,500. Mrs. Draper, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by John Lucas ; North by Susannah Martin ; wood house, 396 square feet ; 1 story, wood; Shed, 616 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,318 square feet; house, 570 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value, $1,000. Anna Davis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Joel Smith in Bennet Street. Land, 600 square feet ; house, 240 square feet; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $200. 406 City Document No. 92. Eben'r. Dorr, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North b3- James Richardson ; South by Stephen Gore ; Barn, 630 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 6,600 square feet; house, 1,309 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 30 windows; Value, $2,600. Eben'r. Dorr, owner; Willm. Dorr & James Dawson, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Phillip Wentworth ; South by Benja. Cobb, Junr. Land, 3,650 square feet ; house, 660 square feet ; 2 stories ; Value, $2,000. Isaac P. Davis, owner; Nabby Beard, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Pleasant Street ; South by A. & S. Welles ; North on sd Davis. Land, 1,715 square feet; house, 325 square feet; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $800. Isaac P. Davis, owner ; Osgood & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Pleasant Street ; South by sd Davis ; North by John Mero. Land, 1,715 square feet; house, 640 square feet; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,000. Robert Davis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Peter Cunningham ; South by Stephen Rawson. Land, 3,500 squai'e feet ; house, 792 square feet; 3 stories, 28 windows; Value, $1,800 square feet. Elijah Dix, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by U. Cotting ; wood house, 300 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 8,144 square feet; house, 1,721 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 44 windows ; Value, $7,500. Anna Ddrwerge [ ? Durivage] , owner and occupier ; brick dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South by Letitia Baker; North by Geo. Longley. Land, 1,320 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 3 stories, 15 windows; Value, $1,500. JoNA. Davis, of Roxbury. owner ; Aaron Blaney, occupier ; East by Washington Street ; South and West by s"^ Davis. Land, 15,000 s(|uare feet; house, 1,323 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 30 windows. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 407 Jon A. Davis, of Roxbury, owner ; Willm. Henly & others, occupiers ; woodeu dwelling ; East by Washington Street ; South & West by sd Davis. Land, 15,000 square feet ; house, 2,626 square feet ; 1 story, 18 windows; Value, $1,800. William Dall, owner ; Thomas Farrington & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by P. Cunningham ; North by Faxon ; Barn & wood house, 720 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,750 square feet; house, 1,470 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $3,000. William Dall, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West by Washington Street ; South & North by sd Dall; wood house & barn, 1,020 square feet; 1 story, wood ; Shop, 510 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 8,100 square feet; house, 1,140 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 47 windows ; Value, $4,0()0. William Dall, owner; King, occupier; wooden dwelling; West by Washington Street ; North by W. Dall ; South on Bird ; wood house, 720 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Barn, 400 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,500 square feet ; house, 164 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $2,000. William Dall, owner ; Edwd. Bridge & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; South by Wm. Dall; North by Wm. Brown; Barn, 340 square feet; 2 stories, wood; Shop, 680 square feet; 2 stories, wood. Land, 6,450 square feet ; house, 1,140 square feet; 3 sto- ries ; Value, $3,000. Amasa Davis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by Saml. May ; South by laud of sd Davis. Land, 5,640 square feet; house, 1,338 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; 41 windows ; Value, $3,000. Amasa Davis, owner ; Prince Hutchinson & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South by James Barry ; West & North by sd. Davis. Land, 450 square feet; house, 450 square feet_; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, 408 City Document No. 92. Thomas Eayers, owner ; Thomas Eayers & Bruce, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by Mrs. Eow ; East by Wm. Andrews ; Shop, 432 square feet ; I story, wood. Land. 2,700 square feet; house, 466 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,000. David Ellis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Harvard Street; West by Wm. Phillips; North and East on the flatts ; Barn & wood house, 1,340 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,400 square feet; house, 1,892 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; 25 windows ; Value, $4,000. Jacob Emmons, owner ; Martin Coney, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Abijah French ; North by Robt. Wier ; Bake & wood house, 896 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 4,200 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $2,500. Tho's. Emmons, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Warren Street; Westby Edwd. Blake ; East by Eliza. May. Land, 2,040 square feet ; house, 648 square feet ; 3 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $1,800. Thomas Emmons, owner ; John Perry, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Pleasant Street ; West on Edwd. Blake; East on Saral. Sprague ; 1 Coopers Shop, 1,200 square feet ; 2 story, wood. Land, 6,960 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows ; Value, $1,000. Brown Emmerson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Warren Street ; North by Jesse B. Wilcocks ; South by Otis & Masons land. Land, 2.000 square feet ; house, 375 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $400. MARr Etheridge, owner and occupier ; wood dwelling ; West by Nassau Street ; North on John Lovering ; South on Jas. Lovering. Land, 4,320 square feet; house, 810 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $1,000. William Etheridge, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Nassau Street ; North by John Lovering ; South by Mary Etheridge. Land, 342 square feet; house, 342 square feet; 3 stories, II windows; Value, $600. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 409 Richard Faxon, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Wm. Dall ; North by land of Caleb Hall; wind-mill, 120 square feet; wood; blacksmith shop, 760 square feet ; 3 stories, wood ; Barn, 256 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 5,610 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $3,000. Richard Faxon, owner ; Doctr. Pearson, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Thomas Spear ; East on Orange street ; West on Thankful Wheeler. Land, 684 square feet ; house, 665 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,400. John Fairservice, owner; Nathl. Phillips, occupier; West by Orange Street ; South by Mary Fairservice ; North by Harvard Street; wood house, 180 square feet. Land, 1,422 square feet ; house, 525 square feet ; 3 stories ; Value, $1,500. Mary Fairservice. owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North hy John Fairservice ; South by Robt. Wyer;.wood house, 216 square feet; I story, wood. Land, 1,422 squai-e feet; house, 525 square feet ; 3 stories, II windows; Value, $1,300. Rob't. Fairservice, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street at the Corner of Eliot Street ; Shop, 168 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,298 square feet; house, 648 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $1,800. Sam'l. Fenno, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street; North by -John Smith; South by George Kuhn ; Kitchen, 420 square feet. Land, 10,940 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $2,500. Tho's. Fessenden, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; North by Ebenr. Oliver ; West by John Ballard ; Wood house, 280 squai'e feet ; wood. Land, 3,652 square feet; house, 641 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,000. John Fenno, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Josiah Knapp ; North by Danl. Bates; Barn, 476 square feet; 1 story, wood; Shed, 240 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,350 square feet ; house, 960 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $2,000. 410 City Document No. 92 Tho's. Fillts, of Halifax, owner ; Jos. Sprague, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South and West by W™. Gooch ; North by Jos. Sprague. Land, 715 square feet; house, 680 square feet; 3 stories, 12 windows ; Value, |1 ,500. Thomas Fillis of Halifax, owner ; Capt. Field, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Hollis Street ; East by Saml. Pliillips ; West by Jos. Lovering, Junr. ; Barn, 360 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 7,034 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,500. William Fisk, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Washington Street ; West & North by John Davis ; South by land of sd Fisk; Barn, 800 square feet; 1 story, wood; Shed, 1,080 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 30,000 square feet; house, 2,100 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 36 windows ; Value, $3,500. Jane Flagg, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Frog lane ; East by Jos. Curtis ; West by Wm Smith. Land, 4,200 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, $1,200. JosiAH FowLE, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Wm Wyman ; South by sd. Fowle ; North by Joel Crosby ; wood house, 200 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; Barber's shop, 216 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 1,622 square feet; house, 705 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $2,000. JosiAH Fowle, owner ; John Clarke, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; East by Newbury Street ; South by John Roulstone ; North by Wm Wyman ; Back store, 320 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,095 square feet; house, 1,026 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $4,000. Will'm. Foster, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Nassau Street, on Frog lane; Stable, 1,050 square feet ; wood. Land, 6'), 100 square feet; house, 1,762 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 45 windows ; Value, $8,000. William Foster, owner ; Samuel Dow, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street ; South by Enoch May ; Blacksmiths shop, 352 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 1,540 square feet; house, 432 square feet; 1 story, 7 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 411 William Foster, owner ; Mr. Doyle, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street ; South, West, & North by sd. Foster. Land, 1 ,536 square feet ; house, 560 square feet ; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, Hannah Forde, owner; Dr. Jos. Whipple, occupier; wooden dwelling ; South by Elliot Street ; West by Mrs. Stimp- son ; North on Mrs. Lowder ; Barn, 750 squ-are feet ; wood house, 216 square feet. Land, 5,000 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, 25 windows ; Value, $2,500. HoPESTiLL Foster, owner ; Hopestill Foster & Wm. Lowder, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street at the Corner of HoUis Street; wood house, 196 square feet ; Bake house, 224 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 3,069 square feet; house, 1,029 square feet ; 3 sto- ries ; Value, $2,000. John Francis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Chrisf Minott ; West by Blaney. Land, 6,300 square feet ; house, 760 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $1,200. Nath'l. Frothingham, owner ; Nathl. & Thos. Frothingham, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by West Street at the Corner of South Street. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 1,500 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 37 windows ; Value, $2,000. Abijah French, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Orange Street ; South by Wm. Loveriug ; North by Jacob Emmons. Land, 1,695 square feet; house, 798 square feet; 3 stories, 25 windows ; Value, Joshua Francis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Nassau street ; North by Elliot street. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,000. Rob't. Fullerton, owner and occupier, wooden dwelling ; North by Esses Street ; West by Sarah Fullerton ; East by land of Sam Brad lees heirs. Land, 1,400 square feet; house, 625 square feet; 1 story, 9 windows ; Value, $600. 412 City Document No. 92. Sarah Fullerton, owner ; John Salmon, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex street ; West by Edwd. Jones ; East by Robt. Fullerton. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 500 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, $600. Sam'l. p. Gardner, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Hollis Street; East by Saml. Pope; West by Ephm. Marsh ; Barn, 450 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Shed, 312 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 7,930 square feet; house, 1,106 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $3,500. Nath'l. Gardner, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street at the Corner of Warren St. ; Barn, 800 square feet; 2 stories; Store. 720 square feet; 1 story; do. 900 square feet; 2 stories. Land, 9,760 square feet ; house, 1,254 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 44 windows; Value, $5,000. Abraham Gibson, owner ; Fessenden & Pierce, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; West by Orange Street; South by Jona. Bright ; North by sd Gibson. Land, 2,205 square feet ; house, 690 square feet ; 3 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $1,600. Jeremiah Gore, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Arnold Welles ; North by Eliza. May ; Barn, 504 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 2,520 square feet; house, 396 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $1,200. Richard Gookin, owner ; Guild & Adams, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Miss Cheever; South by Wm. Wyman. Land, 3,100 square feet; house, 1,060 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $2,000. Benja. Goddard, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Town Gutter [sic] ; North by sd Goddards Store ; wood & chaise house, 5'<6 squ.are feet. Land, 3,500 square feet; house, 1,220 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $3,(i00. Stephen Gore, owner and occcupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Ebenr. Dorr ; West by sd Gores shop ; wood house, 240 squai-e feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 11,100 square feet; house, 1,264 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows ; Value? $3,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 413 John Gordon, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by Wm. White ; East by Ebenr. Oliver ; Tobacco Manufactory, 64 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 789 square feet ; house, 384 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, ""' " John Gordon, owner ; Patrick Condon, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by sd Gordon ; West by Wm. White ; East by Ebenr. Oliver. Land, 646 square feet; house, 351 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $400. James Gooch, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; S.W. by Warren Street; N.W. by Eben Blanchard ; S.E. Abijah Crane. Land, 2,800 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 13 windows; Value, William Gooch, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street, Corner of Nassau Street. Land, 5,128 square feet; house, 928 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $3,000. Benja. Green, owner and occupier ; wooden dwslling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Beach Street ; wood house, 480 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Barn, 300 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 7,719 square feet; house, 1,500 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $4,000. Benja. Green, owner ; Andrew Newell, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South & North by sd Green ; wood house, 200 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 512 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows ; Value. $1,800. Benja. Green, owner ; .John Grew, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; West by Orange Street ; North by Juhn Haskins ; South by sd Green ; Barn, 648 square feet. . Land. 4,560 square feet ; house, 896 square feet ; 2 stories, 31 windows ; Value, $2,000. Benja. Green, owner; Hannah Blackburn, occupier; wooden dwelling ; South by Beach Street ; P^ast by Nicholas Peirce ; West by sd Green. Land, 7,130 square feet ; house, 320 square feet ; 2 stories, 4 windows ; Value, 41t City Document No. 92. Bexja. Green, owner ; John Callahan, occupier ; wooden dwelling; West by Orange Street; South by Josiah Knapp ; North by Israel Cook ; wood slied, 400 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Laud, 4,080 square feet ; house, 1,080 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $3,300. James Gridley, administrator to the Estate, owner ; Widow Mary Gridley, occupier ; wood ; East by Orange Street ; South by Richardson. Land, 14,800 square feet; house, 980 square feet ; 2 stories, '2Q windows ; Value, $2,100. David Green, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling, N.W. by Common Street; S.W. by Wm. Saxton ; N.E. by Ebenr. Oliver ; wood house, 320 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Stable, 640 square feet ; 1 story, brick. Land, 21,609 square feet; house, 1,960 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 47 windows ; Value, $7,000. Stephen Gore, owner ; Jeremiah Gore, occupier ; wooden dwelling; West by Washington Street; South by Benja. Cobb ; North by said Gore. Land, 34,040 square feet ; house, 924 square feet ; 2 sto- I'ies, 18 windows ; Value, $3,000. Sam'l. Hastings, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Ransfords lane ; North by John Haskins ; South by Beach Street. Land, 6,900 square feet ; house, 1,336 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $2,800. Sam'l. Hastings, owner; Larkin, occupier; wooden dwelling; East on Newbury Street ; South by E. Cushman. Land, 4.920 square feet; house, 1,200 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows ; Value, $2,0 0. Sam'l. Hastings, as agent to Mary Vose, owner; William Tuffts, occupier; North by Essex Street; West by Rans- fords lane ; South & East by Robertson. Land, 6,400 square feet; house, 270 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows; Value, $1,000. William Hager, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Bennet Street ; West by Gregory Clarke ; East by George Trott. Land, 3.134 square feet; house, 5,400 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 9 windows ; Value, $900. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D, 1798. 415 Joel Hager, owner and occupiei' ; wooden dwelling ; North by Sheafs lane ; East by sd Hager ; West by Perez Morton. Land, 960 square feet; house, 784 square feet; 1 story, 17 windows ; Value, $900. JoEi. Hager, owner; Benja. Huller, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; North by Sheafs lane ; West by sd Hager ; East by Jno. Avery. Land, 1,200 square feet; house, 384 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, Percival Hall, owner ; Johnson & West & Parker, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange street; South by U. Cotting ; North by Elijah Dix ; wood house, 480 square feet. Land, 2,240 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 17 windows ; Value, $2,000. James Hall, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Walker Street ; West by School house ; East by Jno. Osborn. Land, 3,440 square feet; house, 926 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $2,800. Israel Hatch, owner ; William Morej', occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Common Street ; South by Haymarket Theatre ; East by Sheafs lane; Barn, 3,470 square feet; 2 stories, wood. Land, 15,000 square feet; house, 2,010 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 48 windows ; Value, $5,000. Adam Hartwick, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Elliot Street; East by Wm. Moak ; West by Jenning. Land, 3,600 square feet; house, 360 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows ; Value, $400. Simeon Hastings, owner ; Simeon Hastings & James Phillip, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; South by James Newman ; West by Penl. B. Rogers ; Shop, 800 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,000 square feet; house, 1,520 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 37 windows ; Value, $3,800. Sarah Henshaw, of , owner ; Commodore Andries, occu- pier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; South on Harvard Street ; West by Orange Street. Land, 3,200 square feet; house, 1,600 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 41 windows; Value, $4,000. 416 City Documext No. 92. Joseph Head, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Common Street ; North by Bolter ; South on land of Flagg & Smith ; house, 360 square feet ; wood. Land, 11,088 square feet; house, 1,024 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 24 windows; Value, $3,000. William Healy, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street; South by Danl. Bates; North by Josiah Knapp ; Barn, 352 square feet; 1 story, wood ; Coopers shop, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 1,040 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $3,000. William Hill, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East hy Nassau Street ; North by E. Sever ; South by John Crane ; work shop, 390 square feet, 1 story, wood ; Barn, 230 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 5,499 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $1,400. Francis Hauthwait, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on West Street; E^ast by John Ballard ; West by Frothinghara. Land, 2,160 square feet; house, 663 squai-e feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows; Value, $1,200. Joseph How. owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Pleasant Street ; North by Patty Burdikin ; South by T. Blake. Land, 2,800 square feet; house, 450 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 8 windows ; Value, $700. Edward How, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Pleasant Street ; South by Patty Burdikin ; North on T. Bowers land; Chaise & wood house, 720 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,500 square feet; house, 960 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $3,000. Michael Hopkins, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by John Parker ; South by street ; wood & chaise house, 238 square feet ; 2 stories. Land, 3,483 square feet; house, 1,366 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows; Value, $3,500. Benja. Howland, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South by Shove Howland ; East by Foster Low ; North on Eliza. May. Land, 1,360 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 417 Shove Rowland, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Pleasant Street ; East on Ambrose & Foster Low; Shop, 540 square feet; 2 stories, wood. Land, 4,687 square feet; house, 744 square feet; 3 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,400. Henry Hunter, owner; Nathl. Waterman, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North by Bennet Street ; East by Jos. Pay son ; West by sd. Hunter. Land, 1,706 square feet; house, 378 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,000. Henry Hunter, owner ; Levi Little, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North by Bennet Street ; West by Phillips & Shepherd ; East by sd. Hunter. Land, 1,706 square feet; house, 468 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, $900. Rich'd. & Jonathan Hunnewell, owners ; John Dizen, occu- pier ; wooden dwelling ; South on sd. Hunnewell; North on Thompson ; East on Pecks lane. Laud, 1,500 square feet; house, 400 square feet; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, JoNA. & Richard Hunnewell, owners ; Hayden Carter & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelhng ; South on John Ken- neday's distill house ; East on Pecks lane ; "West on Kenneday. Land, 600 square feet; house, 480 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $1,200. JoNA. & Richard Hunnewell, owners ; I Fitezgrel [? Fitz- gerald] , occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street ; West on Batterman ; East on Barry. Land, 1,000 square feet ; house, 4'jO square feet; 1 story, 2 windows ; Value, Henry Hill, owner; J. S. Bartlett, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; East on South Street. Land, 462 square feet; house, 462 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, Henry Hill, owner ; Mortell & Gray, occupiers ; wooden dwelling; On Hills Wharf so called. Land, 279 square feet ; house, 279 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $200. Henry Hill, owner ; Blake & Powers, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; on Hills Wharf. Land, 338 square feet ; house, 338 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $200. 418 City Document No. 92. Henry Hill, owner; J. Harrison, occupier; wooden dwell- ing; on Hills Wharf. Land, 518 square feet; house, 518 square feet; 1 story, 4 windows ; Value, $300. Henry Hill, owner; J. Hatchman, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; on Hills Wharf near the Distill house. Land, 270 square feet; house, 270 square feet; 4 stories, 4 windows ; Value, $200. Joshua Henshaw, Esq., owner; Hubbard, occupier; wooden dwelling ; on Spectacle Island. Value, $200. John Haskins, owner and occupier ; brick dwelling : East by Ransfords lane : South by Henry Jackson ; West by Benja. Greene ; North on John Rowe & T. Curtis ; wood shed, 240 square feet; 1 story, wood ; workhouse, 700 square feet; 1 story, do.; Barn, 400 square feet; 1 story, do. Land, 17,860 square feet; house, 1,400 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $4,500. John Haskins, owner; John Haskings, Junr., occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North on \Vm. Brown ; East on Hannah Rowe ; South on B. Greene ; wood house, 2U0 square feet; 1 stor^', wood. Land, 3,510 square feet; house, 352 square feet; 2 stories, 89 windows; Value, $1,800. Elizabeth Inches, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Orange Street, at the corner of Eliot ; wood house & barn ; 500 square feet, wood. Land, 26,560 square feet; house, 1,810 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 45 windows ; Value, $10,000. Elizabeth Inches, owner ; Mr. Greenwood, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Eliot Street ; East & West by^ Mr. Inches. Land, 900 square feet; house, 360 square feet; 1 story, 3 windows ; Value, Eliza. Inches, owner ; Mr. Loring, occupier ; wooden dwell ing ; North by Eliot Street ; West by Winneburgen ; East by Mrs. Inches Land, 1,440 square feet; house, 450 square feet; 2 stories, 11 windows; Value, Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 171)8. 419 John Innis, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South by Elliot Street ; West by Trumbell ; East by John Ras- kins land. Land, 2,730 square feet; house, 816 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows; Value, $1,000. Fredk. Insley, owner ; wooden dwelling ; South by Nassua Street; East by Nathan Bradlee ; West by Mrs. Stowell. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 760 square feet; -3 sto- ries, 20 windows ; Value, $1,800. Johnson Jackson, owner ; John Gibson, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Orange Street ; West by Mrs. Sprague ; North by sd. Jackson Store; Barn, 412 square feet; wood. Land, 9,504 square feet; house, 630 square feet; 1 story, 8 windows; Value, $1,400. Charles James, of Situate, owner ; John Wales, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Frog lane ; East by Saml. Welles ; West by John Smith ; Barn, 480 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,000 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $1,200. Wm. Jennings, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South by Elliot Street ; East by Adam Hartwick ; West by Saml. Emmons land ; Shop, 500 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 798 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $2,000. John Jervis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Beach Street ; West by Nicho. Peirce, Junr. ; East by Sally Fatten ; wood house, 240 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,307 square feet; house, 838 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $2,400. James Ivers, owner; Adams & Co., occupiers ; Long Island. Value, $500. JosiAH Knapp, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Town land ; North by sd Knapps Store; wood house, 320 square feet; wood. Land, 5,250 square feet; house, 1,472 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $4,000. JosiAH Knapp, owner ; John Ritchie, occupier ; brick dwell- ing ; West by Orange Street ; South by Town Gutter : North by Benja. Greene. Land, 6,760 square feet; house, 1,606 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 41 windows ; Value, $7,000. 420 City Document Xo. 02. JosiAH Knapp, owner; John I. Geyer, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by John Fenno ; South by Widow Henshaw. Land, 2,050 square feet; house, 4H0 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, George Kuhn, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East on Nassua Street ; North on Saml. Fenno ; South on John Stimpson. Land, 5,335 square feet; house, 425 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $1,000. Robert Lamb, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West on Nassua Street ; North on Isaac Winslow ; South by Elliot Street; Barkhouse, &c., 1,800 square feet; wood. Land, 13,904 square feet; house, 1,056 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 31 windows ; Value, $3,000. Robert Lamb, owner; Fredk. Harpman, occupier; wooden dwelling ; South by Eliot Street ; East by Stimpson ; West by sd Lamb. Land, 480 square feet; house, 480 square feet; I story, 6 windows ; Value, $500, Eben'r. Lewis, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street; North by Js. Barry; South by Israel Mead ; wood house ; 750 square feet ; wood ; Barn, 480 square feet; wood. Land, 17,187 square feet ; house, 1,390 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 38 windows ; Value, $4,000. James Leatherbee, owner ; Newman, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Adam Smith ; West by Jere. Bumstead. Land, 320 square feet ; house, 320 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $400. George Longley, owner ; Saml. Tuffts & others, occupiers ; brick dwelling; East on Newbury Street; South on Baker ; North & West on Gibsons Court ; Caudle house, 187 square feet; 1 story, wood ; Soap house, 340 square feet ; 1 story, wood & brick. Land, 1,470 square feet; house, 831 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $2,000. A. & F. Low, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South on Pleasant Street ; West on Shove llowland ; East on sd Low; Shop, 512 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,707 square feet; house, 450 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 421 AfMBROSE] & Foster Low, owners; Joseph Low, occupier; wooden dwelling ; South on pleasant Street ; East on land of Mrs. Weston ; West on sd. Low. Land, 3,325 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, Anna Lowder, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Anna Lowder ; South by Ditto; Shop, 280 square feet; 1 story, wood; do. 120 square feet ; 1 story, do. Land, 15,045 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 28 windows ; Value, $2,500. Anna Lowder, owner ; Benja. Hearsy & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street, at the Corner of Elliot Street; Small shops, 576 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 11,040 square feet; house, 1,120 square feet; 2 sto- ries; Value, |2,500. Joseph Loveking, Junr., owner and occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; West by Nassau Street, at the Corner of Hollis Street; Barn, 315 square feet; 1 story, wood; wood house, 360 square feet, wood. Land, 4,800 square feet ; house, 1,045 square feet ; 3 stories, 29 windows ; Value, $3,600. Jos. LovERiNG, Junr., owner; Job Blake, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Nassau Street ; South by Hollis Street & sd Lovering. Land, 800 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, John & Joseph Lovering. owners ; John Lovering, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Nassau Street ; South by Wm. Etheridge ; North by Mrs. Stevens ; East by John Lovering; Tallow Chandlery, 391 square feet; wood. Land, 5,145 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 7 windows; Value, $1,200. Wm. Loveking, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street, at the Corner of Bennet Street ; Barn , 273 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,619 square feet; house, 1,109 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $4,000. Wm. Lovering, owner; Lowder, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; South by Nassau Street ; East by Jos. Blaney ; North by Abijah Cheever ; Barn, 308 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,400 square feet ; house, 878 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $3,000. 422 City Document No. 92. Joseph Lovering, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street; South by P. D. Richards; North by Saml. Pope ; wood house, 377 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,400 square feet ; house, 888 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows ; Value, $2,000. [ ] Lij^MSON, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; South by Blaney ; West by Marsh. Land, 1,200 squai-e feet; house, 450 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; Value, $500. John Lucas, owner ; Daniel Cowdin, occupier ; wooden dwelling; East by Orange Street; North by Mrs. Draper ; South by sd Lucas ; Bake house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; wood house, 600 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,860 square feet ; house, 900 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 30 windows ; Value, $3,000. John Lucas, owner; Jona. Ketton, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; East by Orange Street ; North by set Lucas ; South by William Brown ; Barn, 476 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; wood house, 360 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,600 square feet; house, 896 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 18 windows ; Value, $2,500. John Lucas, owner ; Conrad Rix, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Timo. Tiles- tone ; West by Wm. Penniman ; South by John Spear. Land, 1,260 square feet; house, 600 square feet; 1 story, 7 windows; Value, $400. John Lucas, owner; Dennis Hafrin, occupier; North by Pleasant Street; West by James Muroney; South by P. Mcintosh ; Barn, 848 square feet ; wood ; Barn, 448 square feet ; wood. Land, 14,700 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 11 windows; Value, $2,500. Wm. Marshall, owner; Wm. Marshal, Junr., occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by sd Marshals Store ; North on Castle Street ; Barn, 720 square feet; 1 story, wood ; wood house, 216 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 9,120 square feet; house, 1,824 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 46 windows; Value, $3,500. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 423 WiLLM. Makshall, owner ; Thomas Parker & others, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; .South by Castle Street ; North by Benja. Thompson. Land, 6,840 square feet; house, 1,040 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 27 windows; Value, $2,000. Perrin May, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by the Sea ; West by Orange Street ; North by Benja. Goddard; wood house, 360 square feet ; 1 story, wood; Barn, 480 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 3,200 square feet; house, 810 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $1,800. Perrin May, owner ; Nathl. Merriam, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by heirs of Saml. May. Land, 3,200 square feet; house, 378 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 12 windows; Value, $1,500. Susanna Martin, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Benja. Cobb, Junr. ; South by Mr. Drainer. Land, 6,318 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,100. Joseph May, Executor to the will of Saml May, Esqr. de- ceasd, owner; Joshua Davis, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Amasa Davis ; North by Perrin May ; Barn, 748 square feet ; wood. Land, 9,380 square feet; house, 1,1.52 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows; Value, $2,800. John Maxfield, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Warren Street; East by Lois Cunningham; West by Elza May. Land, 1,800 square feet; house, 272 square feet; 1 story, 3 windows ; Value, Eliza. May, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Gookin House ; South by Jere Gore ; Barn, 324 square feet ; wood. Land, 50,780 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $6,500. Eliza. May, owner; Saml. Gookin, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; East by Orange Street ; South by sd May ; North by Ebenr. Pope. Land, 840 square feet; house, 576 square feet; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,000. 424 City Document No. 92. Enoch May, owner ; Enoch May & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street ; South by Robt. Fairser- vice ; North by Wm. Foster ; Shed, 225 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,300 square feet; house, 1,660 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows ; Value, $1,800. Eliza. IMay, owner ; Erasmus Peirce, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street, at the Corner of War- ren Street ; 240 square feet ; 1 story. Land, 3,500 square feet; house, 304 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows; Value, $1,200. Ephraim Marsh, owner; Pike & Webb, occupiers; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Lamsou ; West by John Codman ; wood shed, 480 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 1,141 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 40 windows; Value, $1,800. Ephm. Marsh & John Vinton, owners ; Moses Lewis & others, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South by Hollis Street ; East by Saml. P. Gardner ; West by Hopestill Foster's laud. Land, 2,610 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $1,200. Peter McIntosh, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North by Pleasant Street ; East on John Codman ; West on John Lucas ; Shop, 720 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 6,500 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $1,600. Dan'l. Messinger, owner and occupier; brick & wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street, at the Corner of Sheafs lane ; Barn, 352 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; Shop, 280 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 4,085 square feet: house, 1,050 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 19 windows; Value, $2,800. Israel Mead, owner ; Israel Mead & Richd. Allen, occupi- ers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; North by Ebenr. Lewis ; South by Stephen Gore ; 4 out buildings; 2,220 square feet; wood. Land, 17,187 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 23 windows ; Value, $1,600. Phillip Minzer, owner and occupier ; ^vooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Wm. Penniman ; South by Nevers ; West by Js. Duggan. Land, 2.240 square feet; house, 216 square feet; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, $350. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 17i)8. 42o Christo. Minot, owner and occupier ; wooden dwellinii- ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by \Yra. Porter ; West by John Francis ; Barn, 600 sqnare feet ; 2 sheds ; 900 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 20,320 square feet; house, 1,027 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 31 windows; Value, $3,000. Christo. Minot, owner ; Payson, occupier; North by Pleasant Street ; adjoing. sd Minot. Laud, 540 square feet; house, o40 square feet; 1 story; Value, $400. David Mosely, owner ; David Mosely, Richd. Chamberlain, Saml. Emerson & Bart. K'aymond, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; East ou Newbury Street ; South on P'rogg lane ; West on Adam Smith ; North on Stephen Thaj'cr. Land, 6,174 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 2 stories. 34 windows ; Value, $3,600. Perez Morton, owner ; Aai^on Emmes, occupier ; wooden dwelling; East by Newbury Street; South by Wm. Cun- ningham ; West on llaymarket Theatre; North on John Avery, Joel Hager & others ; Barn, 2,080 square feet ; 2 stories, wood; shed, 1,368 square feet; 1 story, wood; Shop, 280 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; do. 280 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 36,0it0 square feet ; house. 1,880 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 26 windows ; Value, $9,000. Prrez Morton, owner ; Joseph Scott & Parker, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Sheafs lane ; P^ast by Joel Hager; West by Nathl. Wheeler; South by sd Morton. Land, 1,920 square feet; house, 648 square feet; 2 stories, 13 windows; Value, $1,300. Perez Morton, owner ; Doane Snow, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Sheafs laqe ; West by Ditto ; E^ast by David Sawyer. Land, 1,296 square feet; house, 540 square feet ; 2 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,400. WiLLM. MoAK, owner; Wm. Moak & John Learned, occu- piers; wooden dwelling; South by Eliot Street; West by Adam Hartwick ; East by Flake's ; Bake house ; 200 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 2,640 square feet; house, 918 square feet; 2 stories, 23 windows; Value, $2,000. [ ] Nettleton, owner ; brick dwelling ; East by Newbury Street on Gibbons Court. Land, 1,200 square feet; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 7 windows ; Value, $1,200. 426 City Document No. 92. Nathan Nevers, owner and occnpier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Jona. Spear; North by Win. Penniman. Land, 2,800 square feet ; house, 300 square feet ; 1 story, 3 windows ; Value, $300. Eltas Nye, of Marshfield, owner ; wooden dwelling ; West end of Gibbons Court. Land, 1,1 2i) square feet; house, 1,120 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 10 windows; Value, $600. Eben'r. Oliver, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; North by John Ballard ; South by Fessenden ; wood house, 250 square feet ; wood ; Barn, 300 square feet ; wood. Land, 9,360 square feet; house, 875 square feet; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $4,500. Eben'r. Oliver, owner ; Zadock French, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by John Gor- don ; East by E. Oliver. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories ; Value, $2,800. Eben'r. Oliver, owner; Isaac Codman, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by sd Oliver ; East by Glass house. Land, 2,000 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 3 stories ; Value, $2,800. Edw'd. Oliver, owner ; Mr. Ellis & Mr. Bussey, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by Nassau Street : North by Joshua Francis ; South by Mrs. Stevens. Land, 1,250 square feet ; house, 420 square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows; Value, Joseph Fayson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Bennet Street ; West by Capt. Hunter ; East by Jos. Lovering & S(?ns. Land, 5,000 S(juare feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, 19 windows; Value, $1,400. Phin's. Patrick, owner ; Gardner, occnpier ; wooden dwell- ing ; North by Warren Street ; South by John Haskins land ; West by Otis & Masons land. Land, 1,950 square feet ; house, 544 square feet ; 2 stories, 10 windows; Value, $900. John Parker, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Michl. Ho|)kins ; North by Mr. Inches ; wood house, 480 square feet ; 1 story, wood; Barn, 1,000 square feet; 2 stories, ditto. Land. 9,400 square feet ; house, 1,248 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 40 windows; Value, $6,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 427 Sally Patten, owner ; Rufus Tower, occupier ; wooden dwelling; South by Beach Street; East by Henry Jack- son ; North by Ditto. Land, 1,100 square feet; house, 357 square feet; ! story, 7 windows ; Value, Sally Patten, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Beach Street ; West on John Jarvis ; East & North by Sally Patten. Land, 957 square feet; house, 270 square feet; 1 story, 6 windows ; Value, Sally Pattin, owner ; Vintin & Hyde, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; West by John Jarvis ; North by John Has- kins ; East by H. Jacksons back lot. Land, 2,436 square feet; house, 324 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $500. Will'm. Penniman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by John Lucas; South by Nathl. Nevers. Land, 2,750 square feet; house, 400 square feet; 1 story. 3 windows ; Value, $350. Thos. Peak, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Elliot Street; Weston John Ware; East on James Wheeler ; Shed, 260 square feet ; wood- Land, 7,500 square feet; house, 370 square feet ; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, $700. Thomas Pelham, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North by Pleasant Street ; East by David Townscud ; West on James Bolter ; wood house, 400 square feet ; wood . Land, 4,400 square feet ; house, 680 square feet; 3 stories, 17 windows; Value, $1,800. Joseph Petty, owner ; Jacob Robbins, occupier ; woodc n dwelling ; South on John Smith ; East on Warren Street ; North on Patrick. Land, 3,040 square feet; house, 576 square feet; 2 stories. 11 windows; Value, $1,400. Nath'l. Phillips, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street; South by Nathl. Shepherd ui the Corner of Bennet Street. Land, 1,404 square feet; house, 690 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $1,600. 428 City Document No. 92. Sam'l. Phillips, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Hollis Street ; East by H Fosters land ; West by Fil- lis ; Shop, 247 square feet ; wood. Laud. 2,923 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows ; Value, $800. Nicholas Peirce, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South by Beach Street ; West by Benja. Green ; East by Nicho. Peirce, Junr. Land, 2,496 square feet ; house, 731 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, $2,400. Nicholas Peikce, Jr., owner and occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; South by Beach Street ; West by Nicho. Peirce ; East by John Jarvis. Land, 2,700 square feet ; house, 672 square feet ; 3 stories, 24 windows; Value, $2,400. Mary Pitman, owner ; Spertzel & others, Manufacturers of Glass, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West on passage way ; East by T. Bradlee ; Bar- rack ; wood. Land, 14,470 square feet; house, 612 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 15 windows ; Value, $2,400. Samuel Pope, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; East by Paul D. Richards ; West by Saml. P. Gardner ; South by Hollis Street ; wood house, 200 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,000 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 25 wnndows ; Value, $1,500. Eben'r. Pope, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Aaron May ; North by Shepherd ; wood house, 180 square feet ; wood Laud, 1,680 square feet ; house, 574 square feet ; 3 stories, 28 windows; Value, $1,300. Will'm. Porter, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by James Blake ; West by Christo. Minot ; wood house, 330 square feet ; wood ; Barn, 468 square feet ; wood. Land, 11,000 square feet; house, 1,202 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 32 windows ; Value, $3,000. Joseph Russell, Esq., owner. Hogg Island; Value, $1,000. Stephen Rawson, owner ; Wm. Boies, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Isaac Bird ; North by Robt. Davis ; Barn, 750 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,500 square feet; house, 700 square feet; 3 stories, 24 windows; Value, $1,800. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 429 Davtd Read, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Bennet Street ; East by Joel Smith ; West by George Trott ; Barn, 930 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 2,201 square feet; house, 352 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, Si, 000. P[aul] D. Riohaeds, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling ; Orange Street ; North corner of Hollis Street ; wash & wood house, 300 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,564 square feet; house, 1,496 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 45 windows; Value, $4,000. [ ] Richardson, owner ; Arthur Langford, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Ebenr. Dorr ; North by Richd. Gridley. Land, 9,900 square feet ; house, 855 square feet ; 2 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $2,400. Sarah Roberts, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Frog lane ; East by Wm. Smith ; West by Mrs. Simpson. Land, 2,142 square feet ; house, 432 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, John Rodlstone, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South by Danl. Messenger ; North by Josiah Fowle. Land, 3,640 square feet ; house, 592 square feet ; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,200. Rob't. Robertson, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Moses Bass ; North by Saml. Hastias ; West by Ransfords lane. Land, 2,400 square feet; house, 468 square feet; 1 storv, 14 windows ; Value, $1,200. Pen'l. B. Rogers, owner ; Danl. Oliver, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East b}' Pleasant Street ; South by Hastings ; North by James Blake, Jr. ; Barn, GOO square feet ; wood. Land, 3,500 square feet ; house, 962 square feet ; 3 stories, 27 windows ; Value, $3,500. Hannah Rowe, owner; Widow Green, occupier; brick & wooden dwelling; North by Essex Street; East bylhos. Heirs; West by Wm. Brown; wood house, 465 square feet ; brick & wood. Land, 10,100 square feet; house, 1,250 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 23 windows; Value, $4,000. 430 City Document No. 02. Sarah IIusskll, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street ; I'^laston ll:ui[n:ih] Ivow ; West on VVm. Brown, printing Ofllce ; 204 sqnarc feet ; wood. Land, 1,219 sqnare feet; house, 33G square feet ; 3 stories, 14 windows; Value, ICOO. JosKPii RuGGLES, owucr and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Sheafs lane ; West by David Sawyer ; East by Danl. Messinger, Land, 1,802 square feet; house, G20 sqnare feet; 1 story, 7 windows; Value, $(U)0. David Sawyer, owner ; David Sawyer & Thos. H. Kimbal, occupiers; wooden dwelling; South by Sheafs lane; West by Perez Morton ; East by Jos. lluggles ; wood house, 240 square feet ; wood. Lund, 2,756 square feet; house, G45 square feet; 1 story, 18 windows; Value, $1,300. Will'm. Saxton, owner and occupier ; brick & wooden dwell- ing ; West on Common Street ; North on David Greene ; South on Saml. Cookson ; liarn, 320 square feet ; brick and wood; wood house, 540 square feet; brick & wooden. Land, 8, !)()0 square feet ; house, 1,080 S(iuare feet; 2 sto- ries, 13 windows; Value, $3,500. James Scott, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Eliot Street ; West by George AVeller ; South on John Stinipson ; East on Saml. Adams ; shops and wood house, 216 square feet; wood. Land, 4,200 square feet ; house, 374 square feet; 1 story, 7 windows ; Value, $1 ,000. Euen'k. Sever, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street; South by Wm. Hill; North by John Stinipson; Barn, 320 square feet; wood. Land, 12,880 sqnare feet; house, 640 square feet ; 2 stories, 26 windows ; Value, $2,800. Natii'l. SiiEriiERn, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street; South by Js. Shepherd; North on Natiil. riuilips. Land, 1,81;) square feet; house, 570 sqnare feet; 3 stories, 20 windows; Value, $1,400. James SiiErnEui), owner ; Capt. James Brown, occupier ; w<^)oden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Ebenr. Pope ; North on Nath. Shepherd. Land, 1,520 square feet ; house, 680 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $1,400. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1708. 4'M [ — — ] Simmons, owner ; Mr. Smith & Jos. Eoynolds, occii- piors ; wooden dwelliug ; South by Frog l;ine ; West by land of Jos. Head ; Etist by Mr. Simpson. Land, 2,800 square feet; house, 750 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $800. Elizabeth Simpson, owner; Elizabeth Simpson & Giles Weld, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South by Frog lane ; East by Sarah Robei-ts ; North by Jos. Head. Land, 1,630 square feet; house, 5G0 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $700. John Smith, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by YA'iot Street, Corner of Nassau Street; Barn, 1,000 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,000 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 3 stories, 18 windows; Value, $1,800. Joel Smith, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Bennet Street ; West by David Read ; North by David Trask. Land, 792 square feet ; house, 792 square feet ; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $700. John Smith, Junr. , owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Frog lane ; West by Duck Manufactory ; East by James; wood house, 300 square feet; wood. Land, 2,100 square feet ; house, 480 square feet ; 2 stories, 20 windows; Value, $1,000. John Smith, Jan., owner; John Bleemer & Otis Turner, oc- cupiers; wooden dwelliug; North by sd. Smith; West by Duck Manufactory ; Barn, 280 square feet ; wood. Land, 1 ,890 square feet ; house, 528 square feet ; 2 stories, 14 windows; Value, $600. Wm. p. Smith, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South on Frog lane ; West on Sarah Roberts ; East by Mr. Flagg; wood honse, 340 square feet; wood; Barn, 420 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,172 square feet; house, 544 square feet ; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $1,500. Adam Smith, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Frog lane ; East on David Mosely ; North on Aditms ; Barn, 504 square feet ; wood. Land, 3,360 square feet ; house, 390 square feet ; 2 stories, 6 windows; Value, $1,200. 432 City Document No. 92. Stephek Smith, owoer and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South & West on John Haskins ; East on Wai-ren Street ; North on J. Smith, Junr. Land, 2,450 square feet ; house, 720 square feet ; 3 stoi'ies, 27 windows; Value, $1, 400. GovR. Sumner & D. Greenough, owners ; On Noddles Island. Value, $400. Sam'l. Sprague, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; East by Orange street ; South by Joshua Wheeler ; North by Eliza. May ; wood house, 168 square feet; wood. Laud, 1,640 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 19 windows ; Value, $1,600. Thomas Spear, owner ; Hezk. Welsh, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Richd. Grid- ley ; North by Richd. Faxon. Land, 840 square feet ; house, 560 square feet ; 1 story, "Ja. THo:\rpsox, owner ; Ebenr. Winchester, occupier ; wooden dwellins: : West bv B. Thompson ; South bvWm. MarshaU. Land, 1.750 square feet; house, 160 square feet; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, 8800. James Thompson, owner and occupier : wooden dwelling ; Xorth by Esses Street ; West by James Trask : South by Eichd. Hunnewell : wood house. 192 square feet ; ivood. Land, 4,160 sc^uare feet ; house. 800 square feet ; 3 stories, 23 windows ; Value, 82.500. Eph'm. Thayer, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street : South by Eobt. Wyer ; North by Nathl. Spear: Kitchen. 224 square feet; wood; shed & wood house, 360 square feet; wood; work shop, 512 square feet ; wood. Land. 4,595 square feet: house. 630 square feet: 2 stories. 13 windows: Value. 51,800. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 435 Stephen Thayer, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; No. 4 Newbury Street. Land, 788 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows; Value, $1,500. Stephen Thayer, owner ; Francis Mallet, occupier ; wooden dwelling No. 5 Newbury Street ; Store, 128 square feet ; wood. Land, 600 square feet; house, 450 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows ; Value, $900. Stephen Thayer, owner ; John Hawkins, occupier ; wood & brick dwelling, back of house No. 4 in Newbury Street ; Mechanic shop, 280 square feet ; wood. Land, 649 square feet ; house, 540 square feet ; 3 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,800. Timo. Tilestone, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Pleasant Street; South by Thos. Spears land; East on Nathl. Spear ; wood house, 224 square feet ; 1 story ; wood. Land, 2,300 square feet; house, 762 square feet; 2 stories, 23 windows; Value, $1,600. Sam'l. Torrt, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East on Josiah Allen ; West by David Townsend ; Tann house, 800 square feet ; wood. Land, 14,980 square feet ; house, 800 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 14 windows ; Value, $2,000. Saml. Toplipf, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; Noi-th b}^ Mrs. Simpson ; South by Wm. Wyman ; Shed, 180 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 1,026 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 25 windows; Value, $2,200. John French, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Essex Street ; West by Thos. Barry ; East on Thomas Hill. Land, 2,520 square feet; house, 576 square feet; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, $1,000. John Trask, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Eliot Street ; South by Otis & Mason ; East by Warren Street; Shed, 378 square feet; wood. Land, 3,120 square feet; house, 722 square feet; 3 stories, 28 windows ; Value, $1,400. 436 City Document No. 92. James Trask, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Mrs. Corbett ; East by James Thompson ; South by Moses Bass ; Stable, 459 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,052 square feet; house, 391 square feet; 3 stories, 11 windows; Value, $1,000. David Trask, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Joel Smith at the bottom of Bennet Street. Land, 5,088 square feet; house, 384 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $400, George Trott, owner ; George Trott & Peter Trott, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East on David Reed ; South on Bennet Street ; West by Wm. Hagger. Land, 3,240 square feet; house, 1,001 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 29 windows; Value, $1,000. Edw'd. Tuckerman, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; East by Orange Street ; North by Isaac Bird ; South by sd Tuckerman ; bake house, 1,032 square feet; 3 stories, wood ; Store, 432 square feet ; 2 stories, wood ; Barn, 432 square feet ; 2 stories, do. Land, 13,869 square feet; house, 1,344 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 34 windows; Value, $6,000. Edw'd. Tuckerman, owner; Joshua Davis, Junr., occupier; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North & South by sd Tuckerman. Laud, 2,120 square feet ; house, 1,320 square feet; 2 sto- ries ; Value, $1,500. Edw'd. Tuckerman. owner ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by sd Tuckerman ; South by Wm. Brown. Land, 2,790 square feet ; house, 436 square feet ; 1 story, 5 windows; Value, Wm. Trumbell, owner; Wm. Trumbell & Saml. Robertson, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South by Eliot Street ; West by John Tuckerman ; East by John Inn is. Land, 2,430 square feet; house, 740 square feet; 2 stories, 16 windows; Value, $1,200. John Tuckerman, owner ; John Tuckerman & Nathan Bacon, occupiers ; wooden dwelHng ; South by Elliot Street ; East b}^ Trumbell ; West by Pleasant Street. Land, 2,310 square feet ; house, 950 square feet ; 3 stories, 43 windows ; Value, $2,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 437 Edw'd. Tuckerman, owner; Mrs. Harris, occupier; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Cornelius Duraut. Land, G,020 square feet; bouse, 1,080 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 17 windows ; Value, SI, 600. Israel Vose, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Washington Street; North by Jos. Davis, Jun. ; South by Wm. Dall ; wood house, 588 square feet ; 1 story, wood ; work shop, 800 square feet ; 2 stories, wood. Land, 3,705 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $2,500. Abigail Wales, owner; Abigail Wales, Edwd. McLean & Stephen Wales, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Arnold Welles ; South by Henry Bass ; West by Orange Street. Land, 16,500 square feet; house, 1,440 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 44 windows; Value, |3,500. Nath'l. Wales, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by Wm. Marshal ; South by A. Whitney & Co. ; Barn, 720 square feet ; wood. Land, 5,400 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 2 stories, 18 windows ; Value, $2,500. Thos. Wallet & Co., owners ; Fuller & Hedrick, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by Eber Oliver ; East by sd. Props. Land, ; house, 542 square feet; 2 stories, 12 win- dows ; Value, $1,000. Thos. Wallet & Co., owners; Oeorge L. Lint, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West & East by sd. proprietors. Land, ; house, 1,036 square feet; 2 stories, 24 win- dows ; Value, Dan'l. Waldo, owner ; Willm. Belstead, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Common Street ; South by Loring Austin ; East by Josiah Fowle ; Barn, 750 square feet ; wood. Land, 2,560 square feet ; house, 560 square feet ; 2 stories, 14 windows ; Value, Phillip Wentworth, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Ebenr. Dorr ; North by Cornelius Duraut. Land, 3,404 square feet; house, 684 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $2,000. 438 City Document No. 92. Phillip Wentworth, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Nassau Street ; North by John Crane ; South bj' Abijah Crane. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 720 square feet; 3 stories, 29 windows; Value, $2,200. Phillip Wentworth, owner ; wooden dwelling ; West by Pecks lane; North by Win. Boardman ; East on Ebenr. Oliver. Land, 8,320 square feet; house, 326 square feet ; 3 sto- ries, 56 windows ; Value, $6,000. George Welles, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North on Eliot Street ; West on John Spear ; East on James Scott; Shop, 144 square feet; 1 story, wood. Land, 4,116 square feet; house, 588 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, John Wear, Junr., owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; South by John Wear ; East on Thos. Peak ; West by Jacob Fieak. Land, 2,080 square feet; house, 252 square feet; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, $300. John Wear, owner; John Wear & Jos. Alexander, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; South by Elliot Street ; West by Jacob Fleak ; East on Thos. Peak. Land, 1,274 square feet; house, 225 square feet ; 1 story, 3 windows ; Value, $400. Arnold Welles, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by Jere Gore ; South by sd Welles ; wash house, 288 square feet ; wood ; Shed, 482 square feet; wood. Laud, 42,768 square feet; house, 1,144 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $9,000. Arnold Welles, owner ; Charles GuUd, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; South by Abigail Wales; North by sd Welles; Barn, 960 square feet; 2 stories, wood ; do. 760 square feet; 2 stories, do. Land, 22,440 square feet; house, 288 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $3,500. Sam'l. Welles, owner; Sarnl. Welles, Mrs. Brown, & Peggy Moore, occupiers; wooden dwelling; East by Orange Street ; North by Frog lane ; South by Thos. Williams ; Barn, 1,150 square feet; 2 stories, wood ; wood house, 500 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 42,924 square feet; house, 3,205 square feet; 2 sto- ries, 71 windows; Value, $10,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 439 Sam'l. Welles, owner ; Dowse & Mallum, occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; North by Frog lane ; South & West by sd Welles. Laud, 1,880 square feet; house, 638 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $1,000. Saml. Welles, owner ; John Dodge, occupier; wooden dwell- ing ; North by Frog lane ; South & East by sd Welles ; West by Wales. Land, 1,170 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, Jacob & Henry Wendal, owners and occupiers ; wooden dwelling ; South by Pleasant Street ; East by Robt. Homes & Co. Land, 1,440 square feet ; house, 425 square feet; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, Ezra Whitney, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street; South by Nathl. Curtis, North by sd Whitney ; Barn & Shed, 802 square feet ; wood. Land, 8,640 square feet ; house, 648 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $3,500. William White, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; West by Peck's lane ; East by John Gordon. Land, 960 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 19 windows ; Value, William White, owner ; Saml. Bird, occupier ; wooden dwell- ing on the lott with the above ; East by John Gordon. Land, 900 square feet; house, 230 square feet; 2 stories, 6 windows ; Value, $400. Isaac White, owner ; Benja. Stevens, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange street, corner of Pleasant Street; out house, 540 square feet; wood. Land, 6,400 square feet; house, 800 square feet; 2 stories, 12 windows ; Value, $2,600. Thomas Whitmarsh, owner ; Timo. Battle, occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by sd Whitmarsh ; South by Amasa Davis ; North by Nathl. Curtis ; Carpenter shop, 722 square feet ; wood. Land, 4,000 square feet ; house, 600 square feet ; 2 stories, 13 windows ; Value, $800. 440 City Document No. 92. Thos. Whitmarsh, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Washington Street ; South on A. Davis ; North by Nathl. Curtis ; wood shed, 456 square feet ; wood. Land, 6,630 square feet; house, 1,332 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 37 windows ; Value, $2,500. Saml. Wheeler, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Pleasant Street ; East by Brazer ; West by Thos. Wheeler. Land, 3,200 square feet; house, 436 square feet; 2 stories, — windows ; Value, $1,000. JosiAH Wheeler, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; North by Saml. Sprague ; Soutti by Isaac White ; Shop, 390 square feet ; wood. Land, 1,911 square feet; house, 708 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows; Value, $1,600. Nathl. Wheeler, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; North by Sheafs lane ; West by Israel Hatch ; South & East on Perez Morton ; Shop, 360 square feet ; 1 story, wood. Land, 2,704 square feet; house, 296 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, $1,200. James Wheeler, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; South by Essex Street ; West by Thomas Peak ; East by Jonas Child. Land, 1,725 square feet ; house, 694 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, $1,500. James Wheeler, owner; James Wheeler, Sen., occupier; wooden dwelling ; South by James Wheeler ; back. Land, 1,725 square feet; house, 406 square feet ; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, $400. Whitney, Amos & Co., owners; Leml. Cravath, occupier; wooden dwelling ; West by A. W. & Co. ; North by Nathl. Wales ; South A. W. & C. ; wood shed, 480 square feet. Land, 1,500 square feet ; house, 576 square feet ; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, $1,200. Whitney, Amos & Co., owners; Amos Whitnej'^, occupier; wooden dwelling; West & North on A. W. & Co.; South on Benja Goddard. Land, 1,550 square feet; house, 400 square feet; 2 stories, 8 windows; Value, $1,000. Bounds and Valuations. — A.D. 1798. 441 Thos. Wheeler, OAvner ; James Wheeler, occupier ; wooden dwelliug ; North on Pleasant Street ; West by James Blake ; South by Saml. Wheeler ; Shop, 140 square feet. Land, 3,360 square feet; house, 540 square feet; 2 stories, 20 windows; Value, $1,200. Thankful Wheeler, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Richard Faxon ; South by Thomas Spear. Land, 800 square feet; house, 288 square feet; 2 stories, 5 windows ; Value, Thomas William, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Mrs. Lowder ; North by Saml. Welles. Land, 3,024 square feet; house, 1,384 square feet ; 2 sto- ries, 29 windows ; Value, $2,800. Isaac Winslow, owner ; wooden dwelling ; West by Nassau Street ; South by Robt. Lamb. Land, 3,000 square feet; house, 650 square feet; 2 stories, 10 windows ; Value, Isaac Winslow, owner ; wooden dwelling ; AVest by Nassau Street ; South by sd. Winslow ; North the Duck Manu- factory. Land, 1,600 square feet ; house, 720 square feet; 2 stories, 15 windows ; Value, Isaac Winslow, owner ; wooden dwelling ; North by Duck Manufactory ; West by sd. Winslow. Land, 1,400 square feet; house, 750 square feet; 2 stories, 9 windows ; Value, Jesse Wilcox, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Warren Street ; North by John Spare ; South by B. Emerson. Land, 3,744 square feet; house, 2,100 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 68 windows ; Value, $2,500. Robert Wier, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; West by Orange Street ; North by Mr. Fairservice ; South by Jacob Emmons. Land, 9,230 square feet; house, 1,011 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 21 windows ; Value, $4,000, Robert Wier, owner; Robt. Wier, Junr., occupier; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by sd. Wiers Store ; North by a passage way. Land, 792 square feet ; house, 792 square feet ; 3 stories, 21 windows; Value, $3,000. 442 City Document No. 92. Jno. Winneburgen, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; North by Elliot Street : East by Mrs. Inches. Land, 512 square feet; house, 240 square feet; 2 stories, 3 windows ; Value, $300. Aaron Willard, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Washington ; South by land of Saml. & Arnold Welles; North by Wm.Fisk; wood house, 480 square feet; wood; Barn, 792 square feet; wood. Land, 30,000 square feet; house, 1,464 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 36 windows; Value, $3,000. Joshua WiTHERLEE, owner and occupier; wooden dwelling; West by Orange Street ; North by Benja. Cobb ; South on John Parker ; out house, 600 square feet ; wood ; wood shed, 1,037 square feet ; wood. Land, 44,180 square feet; house, 1,444 square feet; 3 sto- ries, 33 windows ; Value, $2,500. Will'm. Wtman & others, owners ; Fowle & Cushman, occu- piers ; wooden dwelling ; East by Newbury Street ; South by Josiah Fowle ; North by Joel Crosby. Land, 1,384 square feet; house, 782 square feet; 3 stories, 22 windows ; Value, $1,500. William Wtman, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; East by Orange Street ; South by Joseph Sprague ; North by Saml. Topliff ; wood house, 420 square feet, wood. Land, 3,780 square feet; house, 572 square feet; 3 stories, 21 windows ; Value, $2,000. [ ] Whiting, owner; Mrs. Powars, occupier; wooden dwelling ; North by Essex Street ; North by I. Hunne- well; East & South by Thos. Barry. Land, 720 square feet ; house, 360 square feet ; 1 story, 5 windows ; Value, Danl. Waters, owner, Apple Island ; Value, $200. James Winthrop, owner ; Josiah Mason, occupier ; Gover- nours Island ; Value, $500. NAMES OF THE INHABITANTS TOWN OF BOSTON 1790. COLLECTED BY SAMUEL BRADFOED. Printed from the original manuscript in the Library of the 'New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Boston Inhabitants . — A . D . 1790. 445 Boston, Monday, 2 August, 1790. •M I tao a OQ a m at ^ CD -73 -^ ■3^ i2 4> •Si's «'5 = a ;a>- Pm . o Names of Heads of Families. 0) 00 -^ C+H p ^ ree whit 16 year wards, Heads 3 •a a a) S « 2 3>^ 111 £.9 = li Ui f^ f^ <1 s His Ex. Jn Hancock 2 3 7 His Hon' S Adams 1 1 3. Hon J as Bowdoin 3 1 5 1 Jn° Seollay 1. 3. Jos. Blanchard 1 2 8. Mrs Thayer 1. 2. Jn. Gregory 3 1. 5. Will" Smith 1. 1. 4 1. Jos" Green 1. 3. Jno. Godfi'ey Potmus 1. 2. James Vila 2 1 6. Oliver Le Barron 1. 1. David Brace 1. 1. 4. Joseph Bush 1 1. 2. Will" Greenleaf 3 1 4. Will" Cooper. 2 5. Frazier 2 1. 5. Abijali Cheever 1. 2. M". Wier 1 3 M. M. Hays 2 2 11 2. Will"-. White 1 3 5 1. Benj Bayley 1 2 4 Matthew Bayley 2 3 2. Andrew Oliver 1 3 6. Benj Coates 2 2. Will" Dall 1 2. Mrs Taylor 1. Mrs Roulstone 1. Jotham Leavitt 1. 3. Mrs Langsford 1. M" Turell 1. 8 1. Mr Turell 1 3 I^rk lioott 3 1. 4. David Sangus 2 4. Daniel Rea 2 4 6. Peter Sraink 2 2. Ju° Lewis 1 1 2. Jos" Barrett 1. 1. Eben Watts 2 3 2. John Proctor 1. 6. 5. John Tufts 2 1. Eben Burrill 2 1. 5. Davi3 a, a tH ffi S " p.S'S „ o s pq Ph s ^^ m M^ Wier 1. 3. M". White 2. John Brown 1 1 3. William Hunt 2 4. Each* Jakewitb 5 3. Adam Bniman 2 2. Moore 1 1 6 M'. Hopkins 1. 7. John Homer 2 3. Stephen Winter 1. 2. William Tilton 1 3 1. Ezekiel Andrews 1 4 1. ^aiU Hitman 1 1 2. Ezek'. Decoster 1 1 2. John Warden 1 1 l! Jonathan Loring^ 3 2 3. Jonathan Cushing 1 2 3 1. Thomas Christie 3 6. M". ATichols 2 John Haden 2 3 1. Miss Buckley 1 5. John Martin 1 2 4. Will". ¬on 1 3. Isaac CiraninghariE 1 2. William. Alline 1 3. William Andrews. 1 2 2 William Story 1 1 1. William Badger 1 1 John Thompsoii: 1 1. M™. Dunmore 2. M' Pooke 1 1 4. M". M°Lean 2. William Mackey 2 3. John Dalger 1 4. Baz Hamlin 1 1 4. Will" Bennetfe 1 1 1. Will" Gary 1 1 1. M". Grant 2 2 5, John James 1. 2. M". Stevens 2. M". Bartlett 2. Henry Jepson 1 1 2. Miss Lombard! i! John Bull 2 1 3. Penuel Dexter 1 1 3. Samuel Jenks 2 3 3. Henry Wrights- 1 2 3. . M" Williams 1 1 6. ^ John Brown 1 3. ! Francis Brown 1. 3. i John Valard [or Nalandj 1 1. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 451 Names op Heads of Families. ite Males of irs and up , including of Families. 3 •^1 ^kii .a M (O 21 fe £ s < 3 M". Rust 1 4. M" Burger 2. Henry Foye 1 5 Nath Gray 2 4 Bart Nasson 1 5 3. Sam' Eussell 17 1 M" Greater 1 4. M". Cross 2. Tho'. Neweomb 2 3 Tho' Newcomb Jr. 1. 1. Wakefield Jackson 1. 1. Tho^ Sheridan 1. 3. Silas Ewers 1 1 4. Sam' Armstrong 1 2 3. John Wild 1 1 3 Hannah Butler 1. Timothy Brown 1 2. Josiah Lewis 1 3 2. M". Stevens 10 1. W\ Walker 2. Charles M'Kenzie 1. 1. Joshua Trevers 1 1 4. Benj Warren 1 1 2. M' Downe 1 1. M". Veazie 2. William Huckie 1 2 2' Charles Gavat 1 1 4. M". Henry •2 Mannaseh Marston 8 3 5 Tho». Barber 2 3 4 M" Smith 1. James ToiTey 2 2 3 Benj Curtis 2 1 2 Benj". Henderson 2 4. Frederick Goodnow 1 2 6. M'. Wisnall 1. 1. John Loring 1. 4. M" Robb 2 1. William Moore 1 2 1. Jonathan Low 2 2 Joseph W. Barrett 2 3 5. Moi'ris Spillard 1 1 3. Nicholas Gardiner 1 1 4 1. Florence Crowley 2 2 3. Samuel Gilman 4 2 7. Lemuel Gai'diner 4 5 4 M". Brimsdell 2. 1 Cap' Miles Barnes 1 2. M". Buckley 1 Samuel Lewis 1 2 2. Isaiah Faxon 1 . 4 1. 452 City Document No. 92. ^ . ^ n IE fl m m Males and up Qcludini Familie -3^ Names of Heads of Familiks. 2 m u fl ? ^m > u m *^ o t- •^"O a a ^^.-g^ ^a^ -^ m s ssia o a » £.9o °§ o % &I f>H fR ^" m John Davidson 1 1. 3 George Smith. 1 1 3. John Alline 1 2 Eobert Oliver ' 1 3 4. Joseph Hambury 1 2 Sarah Pulling 1, D'. Jn° Lathrop 3 1 10. John Wall 3 3 4. Peter Ingerfield 1 1 3 M". Sinclair 2. M". Hammond 2. M". Whitten 1 3. M'. Nichols 1 1 4. John Loring 1 1 1. Milliard 2 1. John Huson 1 1. John Owen 2 1 3. James Sherman 1 4 M". Eobb 1. M". Whitman 1. Edwai'd Jarvis 2 3. M". Colesworthy 2. Ben] Gushing 1 1 2. Paul Revere 2 3 6 1. John Harris 1 2 2. Adna Nichols 2 3. Eobert Welsh 1 8. Nath Hiehbom 4 1 7. M". Shaw 4. James Williams 1 3 4. Tho'. Godfrey 3 6 6 Benj Burt 1 1 1 John Stanton 1 2. D'. Thomas Kast 1 1 3 1 Edw*^ Proctor Jr. 2 1 4. Eben'. Burditt 2 3 7. Jacob Parsons 1 3. David Pratt 1. 1. Jacob Bull 1. 3. Hannah Warner 3. M". Lynds 2. James Dixon 1 2 4. William Bolt 2 1. Daniel Waters 1 2 2 1. i\1". Taylor 2. M' Avery 1 1. Anderson Phillips 2 2. M" Hudson 4. Sam' Harris 1 1 4. Abraham Florence 1 1 3. Stephen Huyter 1 1. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 453 Males of and up- acluding Families. aw . 2 Names of Heads op Families. f^ &j f^ ^^ m M". Trevon 2. M".' Pierce 1 1 1. M". Field 2 4. M". Lewis 1 1. Samuel Morgan 3 1 2. James Gardiner 1. 2. Bryant 1 2 1. John Avis 1. 1. Thomas Bell 1 8. Thomas Gardiner 2. Nath' Greeuough 1 2 9. Martin Wall 1 1. M". Walker 2. Nath' Leach 2 2 4. Samuel Howard 4 3 4. James Sherman 1 2 3. M". Dupee 2 2. Thomas Dismore 1 2 3. William Bell 1 2 3. John Hobbs 1 1 1. Eben'. Front 1. 1. M". Malcomb 1 2. Moses Gardiner 1 1 2^ Matthias Rich 1 2 4. M". Laughton 3. Fen no 1 2 2. Joseph Clark 2 1 4! George Hyler 1. 3. Joseph Dolbeare 1 1 3. M^- Ellis 1 1 2. Tho'. Lewis. 1 2'. Benj° James 1 2 5. John Johnson 2 1 3. M". Hunt 4. M". Crean 2. M" Salmon 1 3. M". Sheppard 1 1 M". Ma} hew 1 4. M". Duke 1 1. M". Stevens 3 2. Uriah Morse 2 1 4. John Lear 1 1 2. 8 Sam'- Googing 4 1 2. Ben) Sraitli 2 2. Tho'. Bickford 1 1 2. John Foster 1 3! M". Hamblin 1. Alex'. Robertson 1 3 2. Joseph Ingraham 3 1 5! M". Langdon 2. James Bean 1 2. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 455 Names of Heads of Families. ite Males of irs and up- , including of Families. (Una 11. .■s.aa fa reewhi 16 ye£ wards Heads &5fa 1-9° a) _3 f^ fa fti <'^ S Joseph Redman 1 2 5. Joseph Austin 2 2 4. Mordecai Blackwell 1 2. M" Thorp 1. Stephen Harris 1 1. John Merritt 1 1 1. Sam' Peirce 1 2 1. Joseph Williston 1 2 4. Ezekiel Savage 1 2 4. John Skillins 1 1 6. Eben' Chandler 2 1 6. Amos Potter 3 5. Isaac Collins 1 1 5. M^ Mitchell 2 2. Rob'. Stonehouse 1 2. Giles Harris 1. 1. John White 1 4. Cornelius Nye 1 1 1. Sam'. Brinton 1 1 2. Miss Jarvis 3 M". Jarvis 2 1. M". Varny 1. John Doke 1 4 6. M". Williams 2. Joseph Hanmatt 1 1 3. M' Ingersoll 1 1 3 Sam' Holland 1 2. Dixon 1 1 2 Snelling 1 2 2 Caleb Beal 2 1 3. Joshua Hurd 1 1 3. M" Snelling 2. Joshua Atkins 1 1. James Low 1 1 2. John Lambert 3 1 2. Lj'ons 1 1 2. Simeon Skillins 2 1 3. John Cade 1 3. Richard Ryan 2. M'. Turner 1 2 M". Barrett 3. Alex^ Davidson 2 1. Caleb Hopkins 1 2 2, Will-". Brown 1. 3. Elisha Bates 1 1. Will"^- Dyer 1 4 2 Eben^ Buckman 1 1 3. Henry Sidley 1 4 2 Tho'. Sprague 1 5. Abrah" Quincey 1 1 1. M". Bass 1 3. 456 City Document No. 92. Names of Heads of Families. ite Males of irs and iip- , including of Families. ite Females ing Heads nilies. r Free Per- ^ m_5 ^ fe fc. m .fl-o 5 ^ <0 1 f^ fe f=. ^'° 02 M". Anderson 2 M'. Conner 1. 2. M'. Barker 1 1. Ja'. Armstrong 1 1 3. John Lewis 1 1. Charles Atkins 1 2. Tho'. Frakar 1 2 6. Miss Boucher 1. M". Salisbury 2. John Sadler 1 ] 3. ThoS Wallace 1 2 3. Joseph Churchill 4 2. Will". Duff 1 1 1. William Page 2 1 5. Elijah Davis 1 3, John Richards 1 2 2, Miah Edmunds 1 8 1. John Ruddock 1 2 2. John Allcock 2 2 M". Field 1 3. Alex^ Hill 1 2 M". Walker 3 2 4. M". Farnum 2 1 2. Abraham Hayward 2 2 8. James Eaton 1 2 5. 14 M". Young 3. Sam Caswell 1. 1. John Cary 1 1 4. M". Cole 2. John Trueman 1 1 2 Phillip Bass 1 2 3 William Nash 1 2 1. M". Coppenger 3. M". Rich 1. Elias Tuckerman 3 2 4 1. Samuel Moore 1 2. M". Seward 1. Jonathan Abraham 1 1 1. William Lait 1 2 1. Elias Parkman 1 1 4. Miss Lait 1. Eben'- Perry 1 2 6. M'. Brown 1 3 2. M". Perkins 2 3. George Lichman 2 1 2. Jacob Holland 1 3. Seth Kent 1 2 2. Edward Whitman 1 3 2. Edward Oliver 1 2 Edmund Hart 2 5 6. M". Shean 2 3. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 457 ales of ad up- luding amilies. IS 1^ 00 oo 11 Names of Heads of Families. 'S £ ut 3 g n"_2 > u m j3-a a a ^ i»^1 P" a; t. ^ 3PlH .=1 m CO oj . ca » £.2 o °g i fe f^ fe ^" vr John Skinner 1 1. T*oi*n^ 1. miiy Joshua Bentley 1 3. Eben'. Mumford 1 2 2. Will". Minzee 1 2 s! The'. Lewis 1 1 3. Alex'- Lord 1 1 1. John Young 1 2. Joseph Nowell 2 4. John Whitterfield 1 3. M". Hunyman 1 1. M". Dodge 2. Jotham Hoi-ton 4 3 5. Will". Parkman 1 2 0. Edward B. Oliver 1. 1 Thomas Farmer 1 3. Caleb Balch 1 2. Abijah Moore 1 3 Samuel Vaughn 1 4. John Low 1 1 Ezekiel Walker 1 1. Eben'. White 1 3. Benj Hunt. 1 2. Tho'. Burbeck 1 2 M". White 2. French 1 3 3. M". Dart 1. M". King 1. Tho'. Crosby 1 3 2. M". Collins 2. Dan'. Shattuck 1. 1 2 M". Dumlin 1 3. Benj". Ilathorne 1 2 5. M". Bradford 3. M'. French 1 6. M". Butler 1 1 4. Miss Coxe 2 David Greenleaf 1 3. Thomas Page 3 2 2. Richard Skillins 5 3. Benj" Abrahams 1 1 6. Sampson Mason 1. 7. Anthony Elavil 1 2. John Popkin 1 2 4. M". Richards 2. M". Brown 3 3 3 Allen Hallet 1 1 4. Miss Cruff 1. Robert Gardiner 1 2 2 M". Woodward 1 3. 458 City Document JSTo. 92. Names op Heads of Families. ite Males of irs and up- , including of Families. 1' 3 [V, P-( 0) ^ S "°i5 ^ S £ fl-a S o E=>>'S1 ^5&H •^ to m §s&a £.9 ^i 1 fe fe fe ^"^ 53 M". Lee 2. M". Bass 4. M". Wakefield 1. M". Eeals 1 3. Foster Cruff 3 1 8. John Skillins 1 1 4. M". Goodwin 1 2. David Pulcifer 1 2 3. John Hotty 2 1. Benj H ow'ard 2 1 3 James Goodridge 1 1 2. Will". Greenough 1 1 1 David Oliver 2 1 3 Will". Pooke 1 1 2. John Douglass 1 1 6. !Ni'^h 1 3. 2. M". Eames Charles Cambridge 1 3 2. James Bruce 2 2 1. Ralph Hart 1 2 1. Will". Derricutt 1 2 2. Benj Seward 3 1. Sam' Harris 4 3 6. Chris. Clark 1 1 3. Nath' Alley 2 3 3. Tho'. Barker 1 1. Thm-sday, Aug 5*. Rich"^. Richardson Fowle John Hickcy M". Clark M" Walker Josej^h Gram M" Stebbeiis Nath' Heath Tho». Holland George Clarke John Walker Nath' Coles worthy John A Dunn Edmund i'enny M". Dillaway M" Pike Henry Dillaway Tho° Trueman Tho'. Dillaway 1 4. 1 1. 1 2 1. 2 1 2. 1 3 3 1. 1 4 3. 2 1 6. 1 2 4. 1 3 2. 1 2 2 1 3 2. 2 1 3. 2. 3 2. 1 2. 1 3. 1 2 1. Boston Inhabitants . — A . D . 1790. ^59 ■M • sn -B m a CO m , 1 Males and up includin] Familiei (UT3 1|. J" m few Names of Heads of Families. .■S " o 3 " . .-sal t. £ ?>. £ ^ -=5 £ (0 &H £ fe fa 2. 3 3. 2. 2. 6. 3. 2. 8. 3 4. 6. 1 1. 3. 1. 2. 4. 2. 6. 3. 1. 3 2. 1. 3. 5. 1. 2 2. 1 2. 2. 4. 1. 3. 1. 1. 4. 3 1 5. 3 1 Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790, 463 Names or Heads of Families. Mrs Adams Titus Morgan Tho». Kimball Mrs. Thomas Paul Revere .John Bradford Jotiathan Foster Nathan Davis John Cromby Mrs. Atwood Mrs. Lewis Mrs Barnard Nicholas Brown Benj M Stillman GiJb'. Atkins Gibbons Sharp Mrs. Harris Mrs Warren George Richards Will"". Cminingham John Raymond Sam' Wiiliston Francis Ennick Mrs. Harley Mrs Marshall Manson John Cogswell Nath'. Marston David Fowell James Lambert Mrs Frazier Mrs Bakoon Thomas Parker Miss Atkins William Shaw Henry Jones T. C. Vernon William Symmes Joseph Joyce William Donne Benj" Baxter Sam' CJreece Mrs Adams M". Hovoy Eben' Smith Sam' Prince Joseph Chandler Michael Caiy John Osgood Freeman Pulcifer Nath' Austin Free white Males of 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Families. .a fc £ pq ^ ° (32 Mrs Cavener 3 Mrs Clark 1 Will". Minz 1 1 2. Chamberlain 1 2. Eben'. Swan 1 1 4. Eben'.Baxter 3 2 5. Will"". Cordwell 1 2 3 Alex'. Steele 2 2 4 Alex^ M°Leod 1 1 1 Matthew Ross 1 1 4. William Gould 1. James Allen 1 1 Mrs Harriott 3. Josiah Snelling- 2 7 4. John Snelling 3 2 John liicharclson 2 1 Thomas Richai'dsoffi 4 3 Mrs Swift 4. Joseph Young 3 4. Richard Green 5. Mrs Hall 2 2 Mrs eiougb 2 3. Mrs Mayo 1. Benjamin May© 2. John Stebbins 1 2. Mrs Kirk 1 4. John Freeker 2 3. Ozias Goodwin: 1 4 Henry Swift Job Hunt 1 5. Samuel HillmaiB 5. Will'". Newman; 2 8. Daniel Warner 1 1. Mrs Sigom-ney 1 8. William Green 4. Elias Thomas 1 3 1. Benj^. Jepson 6. Samuel Sumner 2 1. Mrs Jones 3 David FaircMld 1. Sam'. Bm-rill 1 8. Joseph Eustis 1 John Ferry 2 1 Keef 2 2 Alex'. Balder 1 Mrs Cart.wright 1 2. Willard Doaiio 2 1 Mrs Gallop 3. John Dana 1 INIrs Allen 1. John Robinson 1 2. John HutchinsoD 1 l" Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 4G7 Names op Heads op Families. Mrs Daniels Mrs Wales James Burt Mrs Newman Rev"* John Elliot John Bray William Jepson John Hutchinson James Ingalls Mrs Edes Lemuel Coxe Mrs Rogers Mrs Fraehar Benj Varnj^ Will"'. M^Condray Sam' Clough Sam' Brown Thomas Snow John Tileston Eben' Tufts Jacob Hall Francis Booth Ezekiel Comee Charles Smith Moses Bradlee Henry Hutchinson Green John Symmonds Sam' Copp Ephraim Reed Widow Parker Robert Miller Miss Badger Coring Tho'. Ha^sey Dan' Collins Tho'. Chamberlain Tho'. Badger Enoch Rust Andrew Newell Silas Atkins Mrs Hopkins Mrs Hopkins Sen'. Mrs Domiett Mrs Appleton Peirce Payne Jacob Wendell Nath' Warner Peter Green Joseph White Reuben Purnham Free white Males of 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Families. lie All other Free Per- sons. 1 > 2 2 1 1 4. 1 1 3 4. 3 3 4. 1 2 1 1 4. 1 3 4 3 3 2 4. 1 2 2. 1. 1 1 3 1 2 1. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3. 1 1 1 8 4 6. 2 1. 1 1 3. 2. 2 1 2. 1 1 3. 1 1 1. 1 1 2. 1 2 1. 1 2 1 1. 1 1 1. 2. 1 1 2. 1 2. 1 2 1 1 2. 1 1 3. 2 3. 2 2 3 1 1 1 9. 4. 3 1. 6. 1 1. 1 3. 1 1. 1 1 2 1. 1 1 2 2 468 City Document No. 92. 3 S- ^ ■i^la 1- p-i l§ll X fa.« ^ Names of Heads op Families. a> oD f=H nn ^"i 'Sum O 00 ssiw o a « 2 s!^ 2§^ ~ 00 ^ p^ fa fa < as George Robinson 2 John Phillips 2 2. John Clough 2 5. Eleazer Homer 2 3 2 Miss Brown 1. William Hichborn 1 1 3. Mrs Harris 1 2. Mrs Adams 3. Tho' Roberts 1 1. Nathan Hancock 1 4. Will" . Clongh 1 1 Saturday, 7"" Aug,, John Page 1 1. Jere\ Hill 1 2 ■ 1. Benj Pool 1 1 Tho' Adams 2 3 5. William Davis 1 4 Mrs Payne 9 Ezra Welsh: 1 3. Francis Whitman {or Whitmore] 2 1 3. Croswell 1 4. AVill". Appleton 1 2 2 Henry Roby 2 4 4. John Peters 1. Daniel Gray 2 2 4. Mrs Sweetser 2. William Brown 3 1 6. Abel Wetherbee 1 2. Jonathan Roby 1 2. Jonathan Bouve Jr. 1 2 4. Mr. Hilman 1 1 1. Jonas Welsh 4 3 5. Matthew Groce 1 1 8. John Sigourney 2 3. Abraham 11 ay ward 1 2 Jon'' Farnum 4 2 Joseph Cal lender 2 3 5. Jep. Fitch 3. Oliver 1 2. Charles McCarthy 1 1 Sargent 1 2 3 . Willington 3 4 7 Rebecca Geyer 1 4 4 Ephraim Hutchinson 2 2. Cartwrighl 2 5 5. Joseph Kettle 2 3 •6. M". MacMillion 1 1 3. Benj". Blake 4 2. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 469 o g

» «! ^ h m S ^ < -1 C3 Ph fr^ f^ ^ " S George Thomas 3 2. Alex'. Edwards 1 1 3. William Sherbm'ne 1 G. Miss Sherburne 2 4 Tho'. Sherbm-ne 1 2. Henry Atkins 3 4 o Tho'. Norton 1 4 Mrs Bradford 2 Peter Sigourney 1 2 3. George Price 1 2. Kiness 1 1 Rich* Salter 2 4 3. James Lamb 2 4 3. Mrs Woodman 2. Mrs. Snelling ] 6. Joseph Gleason 4 2 3. JosejDh Bassett 2 3 7. John Neat 1 2 2. Mrs Johnson 1 3! Miss Adams 1 Gershom Thomas 2 4. Jacob Edes 3 1 4. 1 Rl'T^t-linfH 1 1 1 JUlclc'tlili-lLl Johnston 0* 2. Francis James 1 2 3. Isaac Beli 1 3. A. Solis 1 2 2. Giles Brewer 1 2 1 1 Tom Brewer 1 2 1. 1 Turell Tuttle 2 1 3. John Wales - Enoch James 3 6. Dan' Woodward 1 3 3 Jon"' Edes 1 1 1 John Wales 3 2 6. Mrs Wheat 3. George Akers 1 1 Samuel Sumner 1 1. Josiah Vose 5 2 6. William Whittemore 1 5. Mrs Davis 1. Jere*" Bulfinch 6 2 5. Mrs Cazneau 1 1 3. John How 2 1 8. James Bancroft 1 3 3. Robert Hanson 1 1 2. Mark Richards 14 2 7 1 Abel Sherman 1 2 2 \ Chris. Gulliger 1 1 3. Mrs Clark 1 Seth Johnston | 1 5. 470 City Document No. 92. ales of Qd up- luding amilies. 1^ a=s§fa M ^. ° CD Names op Heads of Families. Vi S ni ^ If %- m P' 03 J-i 3 roe w: 10 yc ward Head > c3 fit P^ fcn < S John Winneck 2 4. Amos Wliittemore 2 6. Thos. Bayley 3 John Simpson Sam'. Welsh 2. John 0. Johonnott 1 2. James Bayley 3! Samuel Fales 1. Jon". Tm-ner 2 2 Soanes 1 2 Andrew Gardiner 2. Mrs Cunningham 5. Sam'. Sloane 4. William Wallis 1 3. John Smith 4. John Jenkins 2 3. James Pratt. 2 2 William Peirce 3 4. Isaac Trask 1 Rufus Baxter 2 James Buckler 3. Will". Frobisher 2. 1 John Kimball 2. Mrs Parker 2 e! Pdch". Billings 5. Mrs Symmes 1 2 Mrs Dupee 1. Mrs Winslow 2 4. Braddock Loring 2 1 0. Tho'. Boardman 2 3 2. Abr". Hayward 2 4 3." William Low 1 3 5. Tho'. Larkin 1 1 Mrs Foxwell 1. Isaac Townsend 2 1 4 Mrs Leopard 2. James Llidgway 1 1 2 Mrs Cromaly 1. Nath'. Adams 2 4 4. David Si3ear 3 2 3. David Spear Jr. 1 1 3. Benj°. Sumner 1 2. Mrs Baxter 1 3. Samuel Todd 2 4 3. William Bell 1 2 4. Mrs Wier 1 1 2. Tho'. K. Jones 1 4 3. Eben'. Wells 2 8 6. Tristram Barnard 1 2 2. Daniel Bell 1 4 3. Tho'. Dunton 3 3 6. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 471 3 *J gw . u CD ^«§f^ M ^.ni ^ Names of Heads op Families. fee white 16 years wards, i Heads of 3 ■a <^ CD °*^^ 2.3 o fa fa fa fa q" 02 Joseph Hall 4 2 5. Daniel Merry 2 1 5. James Boyd 2 1 2. Sam'. Barrett 1 3 2. Benj°. Richardson 2 2 5. James Rogers 3 3. Miss Rogers 3. Miss Holbrook 2. Mrs. Jenkins 1 2. Patrick Marraty 1 1 3. Caswell 1 2 2. Ralp Dan els 1 2. John Kneeland 1 1 2. Ezek'. Burroughs 2 3. Tho^ Welsh 2 5 5 1. Mrs Barton 3. Brown 2 3. Loring 1 1 3. lt^vr\'^i' 1 1 5. 2. i 1 VJOU Mrs Cutler Nathan Tripp 1 1. Thomas Downe 1 2. Tuthill Hubbard 1 3. Benj°. Larkin 2 2 5. Nat'h". Austin 1 1 4. Mrs Phillips 2 4. William Claj) 3 2 3. Mrs West 4 3 5. Jolan Simpklns 3 1 7. AndreAy Brimmer 1 1 4. Samuel Hall 1 3. 2. Isaac Hall 5 6. 1. Abijah Hammond 1 1 3 1. "- — Rich 1 1 Mrs Allen 5. Thomas Adams 2 2 2 Benj°. liomans 2 1 6. Mrs Delrew 1 3. Mrs Emmons 1 2. Mrs Powers 2. Joseph Hovey 3 3. Zach Hicks 2 7 5. Mrs Dunn ells 1 3. Mrs Jackson 1 1. Mrs Blanchard 3. William Rogers 1 2 John Wier 3 2 4. Dan'. Greenleaf 2 1 5. James Prentiss 3 1 3. ]\Irs Cotton 11 2 5 1. Mrs. Whitwell 2 2 9. 472 City Document No. 92. Names ot Heads of Families. Mrs. Bailey John Druit Tho" Green Mrs Webb Miss Green Sam'. Green Caleb Blanchard Sam'. Minott Miss Sharron Mrs Bradford John Miller Jon''. Freeman James Burrill Jackson Moses Nathars Eben'. Pilsbury Hill John Codman Nehemiah Norcross Jr. Miss Hodges Tho'. Granger Mrs Fosdick Davis Whitman Dan' Culmer Simeon Way Mrs Bucman Joseph Veckner John King Miss Boucher M". Gray Henry Prentiss Mrs Volintinc Nathan Locke Isaac Beals Ben". Austin Jr. Hannah Lee Josiah Bradlee Jon". L. Austin Isaac Winslow •ee -white Males ol 16 years and up- ■wards, including Heads of Families II 2.So •^ 00 1 ft, f^ li. <1 OQ ■ 1 1. 1 2. 3 4. 1 2 1 1. 1 1 4 1 3, 2 7. 1. 3. 3 2 6. 3 7. 1 4. 1 2 1. 1 2. 2 1 3. 1 3. 3 2 3. 1 3 2. 2. 1 1 2 1. 1. 1 1 4. 1 1. 1 4 1 2. 2 2. 3 1 2 4. 1. 4 2 5 1 1 4, 2 4 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 3 6. 2 3 3 1 2 4 6. Monday, August 9*. Ebetf. Storer Robert Caldwell Joseph Higgins Benj". Sumner Beni°. Sumner Jr. Matthew Clark Mrs Gray Timothy Green 2 1 6. 1 2 8. 1 9 2 a. 1 1 t>. 1 4 6. 2 1 4 2 1 3 Boston Inhabitants. — A.D, 1790. 473 ales of nd up- luding amilies. Is 1^ Ph a=«g[^ 0) .fH 2! Names of Heads of Families. s £■" o .ti ^ -.s'i c^ 'ilii 'II 3-5 i CO ,SS^B M °| 1 s p=. p::. ^" OQ Elisha Wild 1 3 3. Nath'. Shattuck 2 1 4. John Ilincks 1 1 Hugh Taylor 1 1. William Morgan 1 1 4 John Rock 1 2 John Trueman 3 2 8 Zaccheus Towell 1 1 2 1 John Sweetser 2 3. Prince Patterson 2. Jack Church 4. Boston Coffin 1. Cato Small 2. George Pauly 3. Sam'. Peirce 1 1 John Babbit 2. John Ballard 1 1 Zaccheus Hall 1 2. Mrs Tudger 2. Will". Young 2 4 Mrs Dyer 1. Edward Grant 1 Jacob Rhoades 4 5. John Nixon 2 6. Chris Gunderson 2 2 Mrs Bulmore 1 2. John Penny 3 Dominique Winter 2 Mrs Turrs 1 3 John Cutler 1 . Tho' Stevenson 4 4. ' Sam'. Lord 2 6. Mrs Morgan 2 John Tripp 2 1 Sam'. Trask 2 John Tilley 2 2 Mrs Si stern 3. Job Wheaton 5. John Hill 2. Mrs Carney 4" Benj". Luccas 2 Warren Huntley 1. William Hagar 7. Moses White 2. Tho'. Harris 2. j\lrs Lambert 2 Charles Willis 2 5. Mrs. IMyrick 2 William Tate 3 3 John Llitchell 1 4 Jon''. Meny 2 /). Benj". Barnes 2 4 474 City Document No. 92. Names of Heads of Families. ite Males of u-8 aud up- , including of Families. 1' 2 n ^^Il 11^ m m . « « °l f=. P-H fe ^ "" m IMrs Heflfren 1 3 Tobias Nations 1 2 Gary Gladden 1 2. David Ward 1 1 1 Mrs Walker 2 1 William Gapen 2 3 4 Johannah Gonnor 2 4 1. Will-. M°Kean 1 3 4 William Uncles 1 1 Joshua Pico 3 2 3. Will-". Dodd 2 1 3. Edward Saunders 1 1 1 James Freeland 1 2 2 Nath". Emmes 1 2 3. George Hartfield 2 Jame's Lucas 1 2 Nath'. Titmash 1 2 John Tudor 1 1 3. Mrs James 2 2 Alex' Gillis 1 4 3. Zep"". Bates 1 1 2 Dan' Stilsin 1 1 1 James White 1 1 4 Josejjh Hemmenway 1 3 4. Joseph Snelling 3 7. Henry Blaisdell 1 2 Joseph Patterson 2 1 2. William Hunter 1 8. John Ballard 1 4 Joseph Foster 2 4 James Foster 1 4 3. Rich". Shelton 2 1 3. John Harris 3 3. Mrs Martin 2. John Grubb 2 2. Miss Bradshaw 2. Amos Hovey 1 1. Hezek\ W^elsh 3 1 4. William Welsh 1 3. Benj°. Page 4. Elisha Bates 2 1 James Tewsbuiy 3 4 Sam'. Weeks 3. Sam'. Jennison 3. John Morris 1 1. John Hooton 2. John Matchet 2. Nehem''. Ingei'soU 1 5 Philip Boston 4 Joel Holding 4 Walter Piper 1 Glement Gollins 1 5. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 475 Names of Heads of Families. Jon". Carey John Cunningham Samuel Thayer John Newell David Jones M". Brown Joseph Martin Samuel Jenks Mrs Stodder Rob'. Laffan Rob'. Hichborn Mrs Hichborn James VV aland IMrs Corther John Kemp Smith Bay ley John Wilkins James Meadows John Hunnewell Joseph Cochran John Pi-eston Caleb Hastings Dan'. Coxe Mayo William Turry Matthew Son [sic] Mrs Taylor Jon". Raymond Thomas Wells Thomas Newell Jack Reed Mrs Peak Mrs Freeman Thom'. Pemberton Mrs Nodle Susannah Trot Miss Emerson Miss Stimpson Charles Emerson David Bray Joshua Reed Mrs Cook John Revere Mrs Rand Mrs Smith Crom Barnes Sam'. Ballard Jr. Tho'. Akers John Collier James Dodge Sam'. Greggs Free white Males of 16 years and up- ■wards, including Heads of Families. Is 2 £.2 o u -1 €1 1 3. 2. 3 4. 3 3 2 1 4 1 2 3. 1 1 4 6 2. 1 1 2 3. 5. 2 1 1 3 3 4 3. 1 2. 1 2. 1 1 2 1 4 3. 1 2 1 2 1 1 3. 4 2 1 1 1 2 3. 1 1 2 1 2. 1 1 1. 2. 2 2 1 5. 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 476 City Document No. 92. Names of Heads of Families. ite Males of irs and up- , including of F'amilies. X ',3 0)13 11. 1^ h ^ ^ ^ '" u, ^T3 3 o ^^^1 -Tj rt i^3f^ ■O m m (D □ « V=o °§ > ft^ Eh liH q" s Elijah Tolman 1 4 Bart. Broaders 1 1 5. Sam'. Bennett 1 1 3. John Stoddard 2 2 4 1 Elisha Thacher 6 4 Charles Cole 2 3 4. Will". Whittington 1 1 2. John Shepard 1 1 1 Richard Crouch 1 Mrs Moncrief 2 Mons'. Olive 1 Mrs Murine [ ?] 5. John Hoffman 1 3. Duck 1 1 Martin Bicker 2 5. George Walker 1 2. John Fessenden' 1 1 2 Stephen Wellman 3 2 5. Mrs Mandeville 3 2 Nehemiah Norcross Sen'. 1 5. Mrs Renken 3 5. Isaac Nutt 3 2 7. John Rand 1 2 6. Mrs Erving 1 1 Smith 1 William Hayman 2 2. John Pingree 1 3 2 John Priam 1 1 William Crafts 3 2 4 Edward Cole 1 1 2 Thomas Bently 2 2 3. John Cheesman 2 5 3. Tho°. Carnes 1 2 John Duballet 1 4 William Dawes 3 5. Andrew Bradshaw 1 2. William Harris 1 1 e! Benj\ White 1 4 4. Parker 1 4 2. Charles Williams 1 2 2. Benj". Eustis 3 1 3 1. Jacob Tidd 2 2 4. Will"". Bordman 1 1 3. Tho". Farrington 3 1 5 1 Benj". (iray 1 3. Edward Kneeland 1 2 1. Jesse Putman 1 2 4. Mi's Lincoln 2 2 Cornelius Melony 1 3 2. Mrs Lane 2 William Moore 3 2. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 477 ales of id up- luding milies. Is Names op Heads of Families. .a 2 P=i .Ja ?i 1 ai .o-a tS s . ^^'2'S N^ 5 « <1> pq 4 dj n « 2-S o ° o 1 Jonathan Balch 3 3. Nath'. liall 6 6. James Ivers 1 1 1 Giles Alexander 2 2 1 Mrs Carncs 1 2 3. Mrs Willis 2 James Adlington 1 3 3. Mrs llaiTis 2 Moses King 1 3 4 Benj". Coxe 2 1 John Johnstone 1 4 Mrs Mullen 1. Jon'. Rand 1 5. The'. Moore i 2. John Stutson 4 4 Will". Whitmore 2 8. EiDhralm Copeland 1 1 2 Sam'. Glyde 1 4 Alden Bass 1 2 4 Doane Snow 1 5 2 Mrs Phillips 2 Mrs Greenleaf 1 1 2 David Lewis 4 1 2 C^sar Ililleos 2. Pierre Jean 1 Tho' Ramsden 1 1 2 John Winthrop 2 2 5. Hugh Cargill 1 3. Caleb Loring 2 1 3 1 Moses Grant 1 5. John Carnes 4 2 4 James Sullivan 1 5 4 2 Tho". Bui finch 2 5 1 Chris. Gore 3 3 1 Tuesday, 10"" August Oliver Wiswall Dan' Brown Mrs Low Mi's Simpson James Masters James Geyer Will". Stevens Will". Mackay Tho». Neil Jacob AMiittemore Mrs Whittemore Mrs Carter 1 1 4 3. 4 2 2 2 6 2 1 2 1 1 478 City Document No. 92. Names op Heads of Families. Burke Sam'. Gove Sam'. Whitney John Griffith Sylvester Tom Nesbitt William Todd Samuel Curtis Joseph Dennis Edward Hill Edward E. Powars Miss Foxcroft John Boit .John Tucker Isaac Peirce Thomas Clough George Pilsbury Corn. Fellows Benj". Eaton James Price Jr. Mrs Symmes Oliver Lane Mrs Dickman Mrs Vibert Tho'. Raymond Sam' Gridley Sam' Whiting Josh''. Lappam Tho'. Russell Bait. Brimsdell John Jones John Wilkins Royal Shepai'd Whitmarsh Tho°. Ay res Isaac Pilsbury William Sinclair York Ruggles Joseph VVelsh Cuff Bennett Jack Howard Jack Ingersoll Boston Roby George Holland Tom Gardall John Brown Ad. Seymour Lucy Payne John Cobb John Lane Rich". Cook Free white Males o: 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Familici Free white Malce under sixteen Years. P^ > c ^ o 0) 0) 1 1 1 3. 5 4 5 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 3. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 3 3 4 1 5 1 3 1 5 1 3 3 1 4 1 1 3 3 6. 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 4 1 3 3. 2 1 1 3. 1. 1 3 2. 2 3 1 2 4. 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 7 ] 3 2 2 3 5 3. 5. 2 8 4 1 1 1 1 1. 1 3 2 Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 479 Names of Heads of Families. ree white Males of 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Families. ~ n> f^ « a>.-i 3 fe Sh a; t* aj i< O Q "^ CM 0) Ix, li fe ^. fc, ^ 3 James Rich 1 I 4 Mrs Phillips 9 6 1 David Bradlee 1 2 Isaac Solomon & ? Pomp Parsons ^ 6. Robert Williams 1 3 3. Sam'. Blagge 2 1 2 2 David Spear 1 3 3 1 George Nowell 1 4 Mrs Nowell 1 Will". Barley 1 3 4 John Carnes 1 3 2 Joseph Bond 3 3 2 Ui'iah Norcross 1 2 1 John liofl&n 1 2 Job Prince 2 3 5. Jacob Rowe 2 1 4 Mrs Hatch 1 3. Allen 2 2 Asa Fuller 1 2 Samuel Jarvis 1 1 3 2 Griffin Barney 4 4 Joseph Hall 1 1 3. Thomas Barnes 2 1 2 Henry Davis 1 1 3. William Legatt 1 1 William Jones 2 1 Daniel Jones 1 2 Nath'. Warren 1 1 2 Mrs. Gardiner 2 1 2 Miss Gray 1 Nathan Goodale 1 2 5. Tho'. Melvill 1 4 7. Benj". Hall 1 2 3. Mrs Benjamin 1 Mrs. Bull man 1 3 Hugh Henly 1 1 Edward Saunders 2 3. Mrs Apthorp 2 4 John Winnett 1 1 1 Timothy Newell 3 2 Charles Gushing 1 2 8. Mungo Mackay 7 3 7. Isaac Durell 1 3 2 Mrs AValden 2 Mrs Decoster 4 Benj". Jennings 1 3 4. Mrs Adams 4 2 Mi's Cheever 3 1 Joseph Blake 5 1 5. Rev''. Simeon Howard 2 1 1 1 William Shattuck 1 3 5 1 480 Cixr Document No. 92. ^ 2-9 o 0) > fe fe fR ^ s James Prince 2 1 3. Sam' W Hunt 1 5. Joseph Dillinoe 1 2 5. David Jacobs 2 2 3. Bart". Trow 1 1 5 Jerem*" Mahaney 1 1 John Provence 1 1 Mrs Symonds 1. Mrs McDonald 1 Mrs Kennedy 1 John \Yise 1 3 2. Eben'. Herring- 2 2. Elias Cotting 1 2 3. Sam'. Vincent 1 1. Tho^ Barker 1 2 Will". Stretch 1 4 Edw*. Carnes 3 1 4. Mi's Dolbear 2 James Caswell 1 2 1 Mrs Richardson 1 3. Adam Rowe 2 Poly dor e Dean 4. Michael Doyle 3 3. Mrs Richardson 2 3. Canterbury Oheever 4 John AjTcs 1 1 2. Jack Dean 3. ■Henry Conoos 2 1 2 Rieho. Call 1 3 2 John Long 2 2 2 Sam'. Brown 1 3. Anthony Payne 1 2 John Morrison 1 2 Miss Benjamin 2 Cyprian Southack 1 1 5 Green Peirce 1 1 3 Sam'. Payne 3. Jupiter Smith 4 Sally Saunders 1 1 Betsy Kewell 2 Boston Jarvis 2 Prince II all 6. Prince Hunter 2 Joseph Ridgway 1 2 1 Miss Dowe 4 Nath'. Coverly 1 5 2 Sam'. Jepson 1 2 3 Cutter 1 1 Will'". Breed 3 5 John Folts 3 1 3 Benj". Edes 1 1 5. Boston Inhabitajstts. — A.D. 1790. 481 •" A Mod o aq S _«t3 u 00 P;g;:3 "3 "5— 3 lii Names op Heads op Families. ■3 9 «^ =« M """i^ ti "^ ^ fe .2 m M— •-■9 a 2 J4 g OD- V, ^•^ a (U ^^^"S •^^ D £ ^B^ o a 0) £.S o _ o § P^ pt( pq < s Will". Kennedy 1 2 4 Mrs Young 2 2 4 Mrs Rouse 1 Elisha Adlington 1 6 4 Joseph Powers 1 1 Andrew 1 2 James Sumner 1 4 6. Matthew Nazro 1 4 Mrs Norwood 2 2 Eben'. Welsh 1 2 1 James Lanman 4 1 5. Nath' Call 8 1 6. Caswell 1 1 4 Andrew Green 1 2 4 William Tyler 1 3 8. j^Iatthew Bayley Jr. 2 1 4 Bela Clap 2 1 4 Thaddeus Quin 1 1 3. Jacob Pezrell 1 1 1 Callender 1 4 Hohn 2 2 Francis Ino;raham 1 1 2 John Mollet 1 2 Eben^ Jackson 2 1 Josiah Bacon 1 4 2 Charles Coffin 2 4 Mrs Whittemore 2 5 Aaron Simon 1 2 3 William Parker 1 1 2 John Homer 2 1 3 Joseph Callender 4 5 8 Josiah Copeland 1 3. Mamay Mason 4 2 2 1 John Gould 3 3 7. Will". Homer 3 1 3. Sam'. Cabot 1 S 5 1 Mrs Howe 3 4 Tho'. Dennis 1 2 6 1 S. A M. Otis 2 4. Mrs Johnson 3 2 Benj". Coolidge 1 2 3. William Spooner 1 3 1 Joseph Head 2 3 o 1 Miss Bulfineh 3. Sam'. Laurance 1 1 2. John Box 1 i Smith Colman 1 1 Amos Goodale 1 2 2. Mrs Reed 2. Jere*". Bumstead 1 3 Isaac Peirce 1 1 482 City Document No. 92. Males of aud up- mcluding Families. ^1 fe a> P-l 1 Names of Heads op Families. ■^ b -O ia'a ■ee wh IG yet wards Heads ^S2 £.So 11 i f^ Ph fa < CQ Mrs Quince 1 4 1. Peter Dolliver 1 2 6 Wednesday, ll"" Aug'. JoTin Lowell Kob'. Adamson Benj". Hammatt Edvv'^ Blan chard Mrs Frazier David Townsend Elisha Sigoumey Charles Bulfinch John Southack The". Dickinson Theodore Lymara Samuel Danfortk James Lloyd John Selby John Griffith Geo. Edgar Janies- Carter Josepli Russell ]Mrs Amory Isaiah Doane Luke Baker Sam' Elliot Baron Laugier De Tas^ Dav'^ Seal's William Phillips Joseph Ward Eob'. Cornwell John Mellen Joseph Nye John Vinal Josiah Fessenden George Middleton Louis Geo Cade Frederick Hartmara EdW*. Hunt John Hammond Mrs M"=Nier Smith Mrs Moncvieflf Rob'. Rogers Benj". Austin Sen". The'. Spriggs 3 1 4 1 1 1. 2 5 7 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 4 3 4 2 4 2 1 3 1 6. 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 7. 1 3 2 2 2. 2 2 8. 2 1 4 3. 4 5. 1 3 6. 3 4. 1 4 1 1 2 3. 1 1 3 1. 2 3 4 1 5 1 5. 1 1 2 2 3 5. 2 6. 1 2 1 7. 3. 2 3 3. 1 3. 2 1 1 2 2 1. 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 • 1 Boston Inh ab it ants . — A . D . 1790. 48J Names of Heads or Families. ite Males of irs and up- , including of Families. IS .■S.9 a a) I>^-eI 73 a 5« 0^ ss^3 1 b^ P=i fe < 53 Dinah Jenkins 1 Dan' Hubbard 5 1 4 James Perkins 2 1 5. Mrs Sutton 2 Tho'. Minzee 1 2 1. Jolin Loring 2 2 5. Mrs Miller 5. Eclw*. DaA'is 1 1 4 Simeon Mayo 1 2 6 William Scollay 3 1 5 Mrs McElroy 1. 2. 6. Mrs Bones 2 2 5 1 Solomon Davis 1 2 1 Mrs Ingersoll 2 4 1 Peter Thatcher 1 3 5 John Andrews 2 2 6. Joseph Loring 4 1 3 Boyuton. 3 2 Will". Tudor 1 3 2 1 Mrs Quincey 2 3. Spencer Walker 1 2 3. Charles Sigourney 1 1 4 Stephen Faies . 2 3 4. 1 Benj° Waldo 1 7 Tho'. Crafts 1 4 Francis Archbald 3 1 6. Tom English 3 1 3. Miss Crecy 6. Lewis Carnes 1 1 1 Henry Lori-ng ^ 2. Tho'.Greenleaf 1 2 4 Ezekiel Price 2 1 3. Moses Peck i 6. Mrs Payne 2 3. John Jepson 1 . 4 Mrs Austin 2. David Hollis 5 2 2. Mrs Otis 3 3. Rob'. Ruggles 2 2 6. John Hurd 1 2 6. Sam Bass 4 1 1 Jos'". Ford 1 5 Will". Richardson 1 4 5. Tho'. Rogers 2 4 Benj". Callender 1 5 5. Sam'. Greenough 1 3 6. Oliver Brewster 3 3. Will"'. Davies 1 2. Nath'. Balch 5 2 5. Bart. Kneeland 2 1 4. John Cunningham 2 2. Edward Sohier Sen'. 3 4. 484 City Document No. 92. Males of and up- acluding Families. 11 u 1 Names of Heads of Families. •■§ i'lo 3 s^l •« oJSS te h re 3^ cS r- OJ iH T3 a ^=f=< .^ m m ■"to $^ pleton Prentiss 2 2 7. Eben^ Oliver 2 3 0. Miss Adams 1 Mi's Aveiy 4 1 6. Mrs Quincy 2 8. Nancy Gregory 5. Joseph Uavis 4 Mrs Bass 1 4 William Heath 3. Tim". Goodwin 1 John Ho mans 3. Sam'. Dashwood 4 Eben'. Hancock 3. Caleb Hopkins 3 Joseph S. Hastings 2. Will"". Donnison 4 3. (jeorge Deblois 4. Nathan Spear 2. .James Dorothy 3 ] Edw"". Jones 2 2. Mrs Dm-ant 2 3. Sharp (iardiner 2 John Mills 1 James Hardy 3. John Biers ' 1 5. Mrs Marstons 2 1 John Bennett 1 2 2. Sam'. Breck 4 2 5 3. Abijah Adams 2 2 3. Caleb Bingham 2 3. Joseph Sweetser 2 3 6. Amariah Chapin 1 1 Adam Babcock 2 6. Tho\ Pons 2 1^ 4. Tho^ Prince 1 2. Joshua Beals 1 4 4. Mrs Hearsy Eben'. White 1 3 3. Josiah Leavitt 1 1 1 Robert Runey 1 2 1 Nath'. Ayres 1 1 2 Augustin Rylion 2 3 2 Mrs Wise 1 Thursday, 12"" Aug. John Hearsey Tho'. Smith John Purkitt 1 1 1 1 1 2 486 City Document No. 92. ales of ad up- luding imilies. l2 00 m 11. 4> a csgf:^ M ^. § » Names of Heads op Families. ree white IG years wards, ii Heads of on,® 1 pR |i< £ 02 John Erving 1 2 4 John Jones 1 1 4 Benj". Piei-point 2 4 Mrs. Head 4 3. Kobevt Pope 2 2 6. Mrs Stevens 2 Miss Reed 1. Richard Green 1 7. Andrew Richie 2 9 3. Shove Howland 2 1 3. John Crosby 1 5. Tho'. Coverly 1 2 Tho^ Perkins 1 3. Jon^. Amory 2 5 1 James Morel 1 1 5 David Townsend 4 2 8 1 Mrs Halden 3 3 5 ■ ■ 2 Edward Sohier Jr. 2 1 2 1 Mrs Mascarene 2 3 Joshua Pollard 4 1 2 1 Levi Pease 3 1 3 2 Sam'. Ballard 2 2 Stephen Greenleaf 2 4 Nath'. Frothingham Jr . 2 3 4 Nath'. Frothingham Sen^ 2 2 Mrs Wheeler. 1 1 6 Edw". Weld 2 8. Mrs Johonnott 1 4 1 John Armstrong 3 3 4 James Bird 1 2 1 Mrs Ikl^Neil 1 Miss Sable 2 ]Mrs Ilodgskins 2. James Ivers 1 2 Miss Brown 2 Mrs Green 3. Francis Frisby 1 1 1 John Fenno 1 2 James Witherton 1 1 2 Eben^ Ayres 1 1 Mrs Anderson 1 3. Benj". Goldthwait 2 3 4 Henry Stephinson 2. Israel Hatch 2 4 1. Mrs Moore 1 1 4 Mrs Geyer 6. John Barnes 1 3. Webb 1 2 1 Shattuck 1 1 Mrs Vender 1 1 1 Josiah Fowle 4 3 O. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 487 ales of nd up- luding amilies. 1' as 0) a«S(-. t-1 '^ hnS t^ Names op Heads of Families. ree white 16 years ■wards, i Heads of -^ GO > U Vi K CD ;h 01 ^IJ^ g.S o m 03 fe fc^ P^ ^^ OQ John Waldo 2 2 John Roulstone 1 2 7. Benj". Fessenden 5 4 Joseph Ruggles 1 1 5 William Hill 1 1 1 William Cunningham Jr. 1 2 Mrs King 2. Charlestovvn Flucker 2 Luke Taylor 3 ISlrs Bowes 2 Will". Bolstead 1 1 4 Sam". Cookson 2 1 1 ISTatJi'. Green 2 2 9 1 David Green 2 3 5 1. James Collins 1 1 Mrs. Hoi brook 2 Nath'. Wheeler 2 2 William Hearsey 1 1 3 Mrs Todd 2 Joel Hagar 2 1 2 Benjy 1 1 1 John Butterfield 1 3 2 John Avery 3 1 7 Mrs Fuller 1 2 Joseph Morton 5 3. Mrs Webber 1 3 Jacob llendrich 1 2 3. George Pricely 1 o 3. Tho'. Brommager 6. William Cunningham Jr. 3 1 2 Tho'. Nettleton 1 2. Sampson Brown 3. Mrs Orrell 1 1 Butler 1 1 1 George Follins 2 1 Henry Wheeler 1 2 1 Mrs Sider 1 1 Mrs Surveyle 1 Mrs Gilbert 3 Mrs Stretch 2 2 Guyer 1 2 5 George Croof 1 2 4 Bradlee 1 2 2 Louis Glapion 5 Mrs Lockerman 1 Littleton 2 Eben^ Bradlee 1 1 1 John Martin 1 4 Will". Dockum 1 1. Mrs Baker 8. John Davis 1 1 5 City Document No. 92. •<-> 1 iDm m ^ « m ales id up ludin miliei 12 0) '3 11. 1 Names of Heads of Families. iteMi irs an , inc of Fa m Ph 5 CD o q <1 i Hopestill Foster Miss Cheever 1 2 4. 4 Joseph Clark Charles Stimpson Will". Wyman f Joseph Sprague William Gooch 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 3. 2 2 4 5 Nathan Wheeler 2 2 4 Nathan Nevers 1 2 Eph". Thayer Arnold Welles Sen'. 2 3 1 6. 3 1. Nath'. Gardner 2 1 6. Sam' Sprague Josiah Wheeler 2 4 2 5 4. Rich"*. Fm-bm- 1 1 2 Tim°, Tileston 1 3 4 John Hunt 1 1 William Bartlett 3 2 4 Will". Pennymau Jacob Gould 3 1 4 5. Mrs Crane 3 1 3. Mrs Emmons 1 Edward Blake 4 4 Isaac Davenport William Porter 2 2 2 5 Giles Richards I 3. Enoch Wiswall 1 Phineas Robbins ] 2 Peter Spring 1 2 John Tuckerman 1 4 Nehem''. Whitmarsh 1 4 John Innis 3 2 Will". Jennings Tom'. Uow 1 1 4 4 Adam Ilardrick 5 William Mack 3 2 Jos. Loring 11 1 1 Nath ]Marstons 2 Jacob Flake 1 Tim". Conner 2 2 John Wler Sen'. 2 Will". Lampson Henry Perole 1 2 3 3 John Wier Jr 1 1 William Lampson Edward Stevens 1 1 3 1 Jam=. Wheeler 2 4 Peter Stevens 1 James Perkins 3 4 Ezra Parmenter 1 6 Sam' Adams 3 2 3. 490 City Document No. 92. ■" ^ tUlE oD m , .2° «)i3 ^ l^ll ^^ Sm . 1^ Names of Heads of Families. ^ is ^° 3 li > pR pR ^ > -2 fe pq fq <" s Mrs Ethi'id^e 3. Philip Wilder 1 2 4 Tho=. Wheeler 1 1 ^ Will". Ethridge 1 1 2 Sam'. Ethridge 1 1 2 John StimiDson 3 2 3. Eb(Ul^ Seaver 4 2 1 Adam Smith 1 3. William Hill 3 5 Rev^. Sam". West 1 2 2 Miss Johonnott 5. Abijali Crane 3 1 4 James Reed 1 1 Amos Pratt 1 1 Miss Byles 2 Jos. Lovering 2 3 3. Clark 1 1 Nath'. Bradlee 2 5 5 Joseph Field 1 1 4. Joseph Blaney 1 1 2 Sam'. Phillips 1 2 5. Sam'. Pope 1 2 John Gordon 1 2 3. John Spare 1 2 2 Mrs Cragie 2 Wil^. Fadden 1 1 John Brown 1 W. Loring 1 2 3 Mrs Vincent 1 4 Rufns Callahan 3 Cato More 3. AVill". Wilkes 1 1 3. Scipio Gardiner 2 Hannah Cony- 1 1 Andrew Williston 1 2 4 Molly Phillips 1 Joseph Martin 1 2 3. Will". Penny man 1 3. Spencer Bates 3 2 2 Martin Conant 1 4 Tho^ Stowell 1 3 3. Obailiah Thayer 1 1 Mrs Singleton 1. Fred'' Insley 1 1 Jos. Inglesby 1 2 John Amory 1 1 2 David Trask 1 2 • 2 Nathan Bradlee 2 5 1 Tho°. Spear Jr. 2 5 1 John Spear 1 4 2 Tlio'. Curtis 1 1 2 492 City Document No. 92. ales of id up- luding imilies. Names of Heads op Famixibs. 1* .s 1 ^ S £ -3 3 11^ m o a « 21^ °§ c^ ^ E=( ^ '" s Rieh^ Gridley 2 2 G. Ai'tliur Langford 6. 3. Eben'. Dorr 7 3 G. Stejihen Gore, 6 1 2 Sam'. Goddard 1 1 3. Joseph Jackson 2 2 Will" Lowdei- 1 t 2 Stephen Harris 1 2 4 John Harris 1 1 3. Mrs Brown 1 1 .5 3. Ezi'a Whitney 1 1 3. James Dawson 3 2 4 Mrs Howard 1 3. Miss Raymar 2 John Parker 3 2 3. Mrs Martin 1 1 2 Jesse Peny 2 1 3. John Lucas 2 3. Jon^. Kilton 3 3. James Fox 1 2 James Blake 3 3 2 Ephraim May 2 6. Eich*. Faxon 4 1 5 Will"-. Dall 2 2 3 1 Mrs Cunningham 3 5 3 1 James Clark 2 2 3. Robert Davis 1 2 7 1 Joseph Cowdin 6 1 2 Isaac Bird 1 1 3 Edw*". Tuckerman 3 8 4 1 Aylnan [prob. Alvin'] Fosdick 2 3 4 Aaron Blaney 2 3 3 1 Peter Richardson 3 1 3. James Longer 1 2 2 Jacob How 1 2 Tho'. Rumrill* 2 1 Tho'. Parker 1 1 2 Josh". W^itherlee 4 3 4 Benj". Cobb 2 1 5 1 Jere''. Gore 2 1 1 Israel Mead. 1 3 5. Edward Curtis 1 2 Will"-. Bird 1 1 4 Jere*". Bridge 6 2 2 Mrs Moody 1. William Brown 2 1 3 Josiali Brown 2 2 5 Natli'. Curtis 3 6 6. Caleb Davis 3 1 4 Benj". Cobb 2 1 2 * " This determines the western side of the town." Ms. note. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 493 Names of Heads of Families. Sam' Cobb Amasa Davis Samuel May John Welles Moses May- John May Will". Maccarty Joshua Davis Sen'. Henry Curby Will". Marshall William Blake Benj". Emmons Benj". Thompson Tho'. Bayley John Mero. Charles Howard Elisha Copeland Mrs Fast John M°Lean Geo. Rex John Bosson Mrs Wales Joseph Whipple Jere\ Gore Aaron May Eben'. Pope . David Cheever Nath'. Shepard Nath'. Phillips INIiss Low Henry Hunter Joseph Pearson Peter Geyer Samuel Tapley Simon Peirce Francis Price Will". Davis Geo. Trott William Hagar John Fairservice Mrs Wharton Gustavus Fellows Joshua Henshaw John Fenno Dan'. Bates Rut'us Tower Will". Healy Josish Knapp John Peirce John Davis Hawes Free white Males of 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Families. (U.rH IS « 2 <» S^ 2-So 2 2. 5 8. 7. 3. 2 6. 3 3. 1 3 2 3 6. 2 2 1 1. 2 2 1 5 4 2 5 1 2 1 7. 1 4 3 3. 1 2 1 3. 2 2 2 1 2. 1 3 3. 1 1 1 3 1 1 3. 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 2 3 6. 3 2 8 1 1 3 4 1 2 3 3 7 1 2 6. 1 1 1 1 494 City Document No. 92. Kames of Hbads op Fajsiilies. ■ee ■white Males of 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Families. M 3 -a cj a a o im m i '^ fR fe ■< ai Mrs. Basnall 1 4 Solomon Monroe 2 3 3. Sam'. Blake 2 3 1 Mrs. Wheeler 4 Nich" Peirce 2 2 4 Monday, 16*. Aug'. Benj°. Greene Mrs Atwood Joseph Burge Tho». Rice Isaac Bird John M°Fadden Ezek'. Russell John Lindzee Mrs Ayres William Andrews Sam'. Paine John Haskins J\lrs Patten John Jarvis Tim". Blackburn Glocester Haskins Jack Uenshaw Sambo Jackson Hampshire Dennee Boston Smith Josh'. Harding John Stapley Sam'. Hastings Henry Bass Gillam Bass Moses Bass Rob'. Robinson James 'i'rask Mrs Cobbit Mrs Cook James Thompson Abner Rumrill Jon" Trask Geo Vaughn Mrs Hilt Chris'' Franksford Nero Davis Jack Pauly Will". Wliite Will". White jr. John Gordon Tho\ Dal ton John Lanardon 2 9 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 6 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 1 3. 2 4 8 1 1 3 1 ] 2 2 3 2 2. 2 4 5 5 1 3 2 1 1 2 4 5 4 3 4 4 1 2 5 1 1 3. 2 3 5 2 2 7 2 2 3 1 4 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 ^ 3 3 7 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 3. 1 2 3. 1 1 8. Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. J 790. 495 Names op Heads of Families. ite Males of irs and up- , including of Families. 1' 2 §1. (U Ph £ A a '"iS te t, ai 3'3 3 OJ f » h n3 " ^2^ 5g m |§;2 £.2o °i i fe h f^ <^ M Nath Wilton 4 2 Mrs Gammon 3 5 Tho'. D Bradlee 4 Adam Kensley 2 2 James Barker 2 4 Tho'. Uramn 1 3. Cosbom Tetes 1 3. Moliogany Rob'. Fullerton 1 2 Mrs Pearson 1 2 Geo. Patterman 6 Chris Powers 2 EdW. Renouf 1 2 John Fan gill 3 2 Mi-s Faulkner 1 Peter Scotland i 5 Stephen Jones 5. John Trench 2 John Hatchman 2 1 Jack Harris 3 Buflfum 2 Simeon Mollis 2 4 Frank 1 Mrs Connerly 2 Moses Wallack 1 5 John Burroughs 1 2 Jonathan Symonds 3 3. John Perkins 1 Benj\ White 3 Benj". Ilorton 1 5 Mrs Paine 3 3. Joseph Wiart 2 3. Rich''. Ilunnewell 1 3. Tho'. Hill 4 6 1 Elisha Ticknor 3 6. Rob'. Lamb 1 3. Rob'. Ilewes 2 Mrs. Davis 2 Caleb Ilea 1 1 Andrew Cunningham 4 2 1. William Billings 1 5 John Rennener 3 2 Lewis Ilogan 2 Heniy Eustis 2 1 George Steward 1 2 Philip Marett 2 1 Will". Fenno. 2 2. John Bell 1 1 Lemuel Howard 2 3 3 Tho'. Andrews 2 3. Peter Gilman 1 2 49fi City Document No. 92. Names op Heads of Families. Gridley Clark Burges Joshua Cornish John Bartlett David Griffith Ephraim Wales John Sweetser John Geyer Rob'. Fowles Benj Stevens Miss Green Mrs Twitchell John G. Crossmarj INIaylam John Dart Mi-s Franksford John Lenterbowen John Norman John Jarvis John Durant John Child Abr". Adams Sam'. Hvmt Caleb Adams Miss Yorkus Joseph Welsh John Lovering: John Skinner John M°Clench Mrs Cobit Moses Thayer James Liswell Alex^ Martin Sam'. Winter Rev''. Sam' Parker Sam' Abbot Mrs Jackson Mrs Reyney William Rice John Manning Bacchus Mansfield Tho». Bradlee Lemuel Luddon Mrs Night Mrs Cabot Mrs Love Abra". Holland Roney John Perkins Elijah Marsh Mrs Amy w 3.5:2 05 a) a " |S fa s fa 3. 3. 2 2 4 3. 3 4 1 4 1 2 2 1. 2. 2 2 3. 2 5 3. Boston In habitants . — A . D . 1790. 497 Names of Heads op Families. Ite Males of rs and up- , including of Families. IS 3 I"! IS 'O Q ree whi 16 yea wards. Heads ■a m f^ b fe < " ro Mrs Hill 1 3 Philip Wentworth 2 3 3 Mrs Ball 4 Tho'. Pelham 1 2 2 Isaac Spear 1 2 1 Tho^ Powell 2 1 Will". Warner 1 1 Mrs Pallisere 8 Stammire 1 2 3 Jonathan Hunnewell 2 i 5 John Gray 2 ; 2 Mrs Parsons 2 2 1 Edward Gray 1 3 4 Francis Gray 3 5 Will". Ellison 3 2 5. Moses Ayres 3 4 .5 John Grhal [sic] 1 2 Dan' Calf 1 2 Mrs Ferrett 2 Mrs Brightman 1 2 Leonard Jarvis 1 2 5 3 Mrs Russell 6 .5 ReV^. Oliver Everett 1 8 2 Michael Burn 1 3 John Blackman 1 4 3 Edw'^. Brazier 1 1 Mrs Hurley 3 4 Fredrick Gilbert 1 2 Tho'. Donny 1 1 Jon*. Howard 1 2 2 Robert Robbins 1 4 Edy Menevah. ! 1 3 1 Benj". Allen : 1 8. Sam'. Hill l 2 John Preston 1 i Remember Preston 1 1 Francis Tufts 1 1 Ames i 2 2 Joseph Williams > 1 1 Elisha Sumner 2 3 1 Chaddick 1 2 David Williams 1 2 2 James Ferreter 1 2 2 John Collins 1 2 Nicholas Ferreter 1 1 2 Samuel Dyer 1 2 Joshua Gray 1 3. Miss Eustis 2 Noah Daggett 1 2 Mrs Grice 1 2 James Shepar'd 1 2 498 City Document No. 92. «w ' &n (B tB fl m IS , Names of Heads of Families. ite Males o rs and up , includin; of Familie •3^ '3 11 .2 f^ Pu f^ ^^ 55 John Rice 1 4 Peter Powei'S 1 2 Stevens 2 3 John Flakner 1 3 Jones 1 Mrs Mason 3. George Geyer 2 2 Jabea Hatch 5 Mrs. Geyer 2 Will-". Carltoa 1 2 Tho' Hencfv 1 2 Sam'. Tufts 1 5 Dan'. Bell 3 3 Miss Hatch 2 Henry Piirkitt 1 4 Jonatlian Wheeler 3 Jacob Whipple 3 John Chapman 1 2 Miss Gritf ton 1 Sam'. Wheeler 1 1 ¥riah Greene 2 1 David Bavidsore 1 1 John jSTeill 1 John Holbroak 2 2 John Meliedge 3. James Hincks 2 Andrew Tm-ner 1 John Bell 2 4 William Kitches 3 3 Mrs Peai-son 1 Mrs Loveace 3 Benj Goit 2 2 Mrs Rowe 2 1 4 Mrs Jones 1 1 2 Dan' Cowin 1 2 Mrs Jackson 1 Tho'. Appletott 3 3 4 Will". Kimbal 1 1 2 Eben"". French 4 3 1 Will". Conant 2 1 3 1 Tho'. Wheeler 3 2 6. Bart. Tuckerman: 1 2 4 Tho'. Conley 1 2 3. Benj°. Wheeler 2 4 Turner Phillipa ] 1 8. Mrs Church 2 1 Tho\. Davis 1 1 Mrs Wendell- 1 2 Mrs Miller 1 2 2 j^Irs Butler 1 4 Josiah Waters 2 6 Boston Inhabitants. — AD. 1790. 499 lies of d up. uding milies. 1' 1^ Names ok Heads of Famimes. iteM rs an inc of Fa 3" £ f^ 2 p>^ i p^ f>^ fe < CD Tuesday 17'" Aug'. Joseph May 3 1 4 John Deming 1 2 Dan'. Crosby 3 1 7. Jonathan Mason Jr. 1 7 1 John McLean 2 4 Sam'. Ru2:^les 1 1 3 Nath'. Fellows 1 1 4 Rev*. Jeremy Belknap 1 2 4 Litchfield Luce 1 2 Sampson Reed 1 2 4 Sam'. Salisbuiy 3 1 9 John Jeffries 1 2 3 Rev* John Clarke 1 1 4 1 Mrs Williams 5 Joseph Balch 2 3 Tho^ H. Perkins 1 1 3 Elisha Larned 2 3 James Rea 1 5 Philip Jarvis 2 2 5 John Callahan 1 1 8 1 William Parsons 2 4 Henry Hill 1 5 3 Eben'. Parsons 2 1 5 Gilbert Deblois 1 1 2 Tho' Russell 3 6 3 Joseph Barrell 5 4 7 2 Nath B. Lyde 1 2 7 Mrs Gould 1 2 3 Ozias Morse 6 1 4 Sam'. Richards 2 5 6 William Ruggles 1 2 Juicer [? Jutes'] Thibault 1 Mrs. Thompson 1 4 Csesar Erving 8 Lancaster Hill 6 Obrie 1 2 1 Adam Collson 2 4 W^illiam Caldwell 1 2 4 Joseph Poj)e 3 3 Samuel Green 2 Benj°. Vincent 2 6. Miss Di'aper 3 Draper 1 2 2 John Pope 4 ,2 6. Will'". Haslett 1 3 Mrs Warden 2 Mrs Shimmin 3 2 1 Mrs Rikard 1 500 City Document No. 92. i2 4> s-sii Em . a> ^ ra ^fi, O "^ f^ K„2 Names ov Heads of Families. B OD —1-1 .^.sl til o gsia 2 3>^ -i 1 fe fe fe <"" m Win-". May 1 1 Mrs Leverett 1 1 6. John Cutler 5 1 4 Charles Jarvis 1 3 2 Patrick Connor 2 2 4 Jacob Emmons 1 1 3 Calvin White 3 1 5 David West 2 3 3 Miss Otis 3 Mrs Pateshall 2 Miss Gould 1 James Gnihara 1 2 James Bi^ant 1 1 Caleb Bangs 1 2 David Hatch 2 3 6. Mrs. Bi-yant 2 1 8 Casar Quincy 3 Sani Potter 1 3 Mrs Gidman 1 Bob. Sherburne 3. Caleb Carter 1 3 3 Will". Gi-oe-ms 1 2 2 Joseph liendersons 3 1 6 1 Sam'. Foster 1 3 6. Heniy AUine 2 1 3 James Wakefield 1 2 4 Tho^ Wilkinson 2 2 John Melius 1 1 2 Tho?. Uramn 1 4 Joseph Shed Jr. 1 1 4 Mrs Edwards 2 6. Hearsey 4 1 3 Joseph Slied' Sen^. 1 3 5 Hon R. T. Paine 5 2 7. John Sprague 1 4 4 Jonathan Spear 1 1 Eberf. Blanchard 1 1 Edward' Dowse 1 1 o Jon". Gilbert 2 3 3 Tho'. Pei'kins 1 1 Mrs Brown 1 2 John Green 4 1 9 Will". Baker 1 1 Mrs Webber 1 James Driscol 1 1 2 Will- IMoody 1 2 2 Mrs Kelly 1 2 Mon" Wiser 2 2 Tho'. Waller 3 2 3 Chai'les Miller 3 3 Edw"^. Jones. 1 2 6 1 Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 501 ales of id up- luding milies. Is 11. Names of Heads op Families. loe white M 16 years ar wards, inc Heads of Fa (U.M XI _ . ^ a3 £ rrt ca .UTS a 1 f^ ft. Ii| ^^ E3 Simon Elliot Sen'. 1 2 2 Simon Elliot Jun^ 1 1 3 ^Vill'°. Burroughs 1 1 3 John Bulfinch 2 1 Alex'. MacKay 1 3 3 Cornelius Smith 1 5 2 Step. Higginson 4 1 8 Samuel Smith 4. 1 4 Edmund Dolbeare 1 1 7 Tho\ Williams 1 2 John Tirell 1 1 Mrs Walcutt 4 2 Edmund Hay- 1 1 2 Mrs Butler 1 Mortate 1 1 Peter Mcintosh 2 1 7 Mrs Wallace 2 John Hui-ley 1 3 Mrs Marshall 1 3 Sam'. Hewes 5 2 5 Mrs McNeill 1 6 Jacob Williams 3 2 3 Sam'. Bangs 1 1 2 Edmund House 2 2 5 Robert Duncan 1 3 3 Levi Stutson 1 1 5 Stephen Hall 2 2 3 4 Nath'. Foster 1 1 3 Tho". Powers 1 2 7 Heniy Simpson 3 4 Mrs Lowell 1 Joseph Russell 4 4 1 Elisha Fuller 2 3 John Cooper 1 3 Tim" Pease 2 3 Mrs. Loring 2 2 John Furnass 4 2 1 Joseph Russell Will-". Colman 1 1 4 1 Isaac Bradlee 1 2 2 Mrs Cazneau 3 Jack Phillips 2 Edw'' Blanchard 7 4 6. Mrs Lane 1 1 2 Mi-s Young 1 Joseph Allen 1 1 1 Mrs Griffith 1 Waterford Smithrick 6 Kath W. Appleton 1 4 5 John Read 3 2 4 Leonard V. Borland 1 6 1 502 City Document No. 92. Names of Heads of Families. John Gray John Winslow Sam'. Emmonds Levi Hearsey Joseph West Mi's Brown Rob'. Jackson Bristol Marancla Abraham Gould John Thompson Nath'. Tolman John Cloncklan Rob' Morris Jack Cooper Boston Taddy Secar Kimball William Cowell William Smith James Scott Mi's Williams Mrs Low Jiathan [.?^>] Holbrook Francis Wright Mrs Blake Sam'. Bonner John Bonner Mrs Winslow William Higgins William Chapman Mrs Vandelouse Edw*. Cabot Bm-ditt Charles Stimpson Michael Bird John Kettle INlrs Burchen Peleg Turner Fowles Mrs Clouston Will". Clouston Benj". Parker Mrs Scott William Cowell John Smith Mrs Low James Scott Mrs Williams Will". Crosby . Jabez Holbrook Joseph Francis Mrs Gray Free white Males oi 1 16 years and up- [ wards, including Heads of Familiei 1^ O.-l 11 ^■B a .rt-a c3 hi 1 1 1 4 1 3 4 1 3 3 r> 1 1 3 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 7 3 . 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 5 2 4 5 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 1 5 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2. 2 2 7. 1 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 .(^ 1 2 2 3. 1 3 1 Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 503 ales of nd up- :luding amilies. 3.^ cu'^ CO Ah a « gti* fa,. 2 >- Names op Heads of Families. s •■§•2 8 fa J3 m 't' <^ ^ lh m J5-3 OS 1) ^ ,■ O OS .o :2^a fe '^ £ f- a, tj Thursday, 19 Augt. Solomon Cotton 2 4 4 Jonathan Gushing 1 1 1 Mrs Green 2 2 Uriah Townsend 1 2 Joseph Powell 2 3 5 John Towell 1 1 1 Mrs Benard . 2 2 Bej". Peirce 1 3 2 Sam'. Jenkins 1 1 1 Miss Russell 2 James Tisdale 3 6 4 Jeftery Richardson 4 2 o. JNIrs Soren 1 2 William McNeill 4 Tho". Foster 1 2 5 Will". Crosby 1 2 John Crosley 1 2 3 Benj Stevens 1 1 1 Mrs Stevens 1 Mrs Peck 1 Chris. Kennedy Joseph Lowden 3 1 Archibald M°Neil 4 3 9. Isaac Barrett 1 1 Boston Inhabitants . — A . D . 1790. 505 Names op Heads of Families. ile Males of irs aud up , including of Families. 3 Ot3 01 ra « III •« CO m fl> - rt tu o^ o o a gS^a gPK- 2-9o _ o > fe f^ pq ^ "" s Dan'. Sargent 5 2 4 1 Rob'. M°Neil 2 1 6 Noah Stodder 1 2 3. Mrs Gray 2 3 Job Wheelwright 7 4 5 1 Mrs Smith 3 Michael Melony 1 1 Charles Duval 1 Cato Clai3ham 2 3 Hamblet Earl 5 Rob'. Smallpeace 2 4 4 Edw". Stow 2 1 Nath'. Appleton 3 1 0. Tho'. Lamb 1 2 7 Newport Davis 6 Ebo Fairfield 5 Stephen Gorham 1 3 5 Francis Bigelow 1 1 James Magee 1 3 5 1 James Lovell 1 1 3. Mrs Black 4 6. Henry Smith 3 6. Oliver Smith 2 2 3 William Phillips 2 1 6 Oliver Wendell 1 6 1 Tim°. Pease 4 1 5 Solomon Hewes 1 2 6 1 Samuel Cooper 1 2 3 John Jutau 1 1 5 Bossenger Foster 2 . 4 5 1 Nathan Gray 1 2 Jacob Homer 1 4 1 Benj. Edes 2 6. Mrs Fontemoin 2 Edw**. How 7 3 John Fullerton 2 1 Belliam [? Belcher] Watts 1 1 5 John Holland 2 1 4 Benj". Gushing 1 5 3 Joseph Coolidge 2 1 3 1 Bill Vose 2 4 5 1 Tho'. Crane 3 2 Francis Hooton 2 1 Mrs Hickling 1 4 David Tilden 3 2 6. Tho' Newell Jr. 1 1 4 Jeremiah Smelledge 1 2 John Clinton 2 3 4 Mrs Baker 2 1 3. John Comb 4 Tom Nichols 6. 506 City Document No. 92. oi^'S OJ-B a Males and I ncludi Famil Names of Heads of Families. 1> OQ '^ **-* 3 t*^ .ti.S-3 w > ^ (& •^"O S « '^ '^ ii ^^(S •^ m m si _C3 f=H f^ f=4 < 53 Mai'sh 2 Silas Gardiner 3 Oliver Nash 4 Primus Hall 7. Mrs Barton 3 5 Sam'. Wilton 1 2 2 Joseph Sargent 1 1 2 Erasmus Peirce 1 3 6. Mrs Wilson 4 Abraham Brison 1 3 Jacob Copeland 1 2 Paul Spear 2 2 3 Dan', Ilewes 2 1 2 John Ingersoll 1 1 2 James Cleverly 1 1 2| Mrs Allen 1 Joseph Spear 1 2 Joseph Sayert 1 1 Eben'. Foster 3 1 3 1 Friday, 20 August Ziphion Thayer Henry Davidson Gideon Thayer Stephen Francis Josiah Parker James ^\^orth Geo. R. Minot Shubal Bell James Tucker Nathan Greene Mrs Andrews Mrs Armstrong Sam'. Dunn William Woods Benj". Homer Mrs Th wing John Johnston Israel Loring Sarson Belcher Mrs Parrott Rob'. Williams Sen^. Jon". Williams Robert Steele Mrs. Pulling Osgood Carleton Simon Hall 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 6" 4 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 i 4 1 3 3 2 1 5 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 5 1 2 5 2 6 1 6 1 4 3 4 4 2 4 3 3 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 4 Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790, 507 ales of id up- luding milies. 11. (1 Names of Heads op Families. •rJ ^ o a 3 2*3 § 2 p=( S S a=-i fe t. m o reew! 16 y( ward Head -rt OS 2 p>-i £.3o 2i > fe pq [it ^^ M Simeon Polley 2 5 Silas Randell 1 2 Mrs Beane 1 William Miller 4 1 4 Joseiili Tilden 1 3 5 1 John Kneeland 2 2 5 Jonathan Fowle 1 4 Mrs Carnes 1 1 2 John Fisk 1 1 John Shoules 1 2 1 Peter Mitchell 1 4 ]\Iarant 1 Prince Hall 2 Alex'. Campbell 3 3 Benj". Hanners 1 4 Peleg Crosby 3 Richard Pollai'd 2 Peter Roe Dalton 2 1 5 1 Aaron Dexter 1 1 4 1 Thomas Clenients 7 6 7 Josiah Flagg 3 5 James Campbell 3 2 1 John Fleet 3 4 Will"-. Callender 3 1 1 James Campbell 3 Dick AVarrick 3 Geo Jackson 5 Sam'. Turban 6. Deb Sewall 1 Molly Reed 2 Cato llenshaw 3. Miss llaney 2 Mrs J. Wright 2 Mrs Jones 2 1 William Powell 2 3 1 Rev"*. Joseph Eckley 1 5 4 Tho'. Fleet 1 2 3 James Foster 4 2 7. Chris. Clarke 1 3 Sam'. Coverley 1 1 5 Mrs Newman 1 1 6. Jonathan Mason Sen'. 2 5 ]\Irs Knight 5 David Tyler 4 1 4 David Poignard 4 6. Miss Goldthwait 7 1 Jacob Poiter 10 5 3 Barney Smith 1 2 4 Sam'. Bradstreet 1 6 1 Abiel Smith 3 2 Peter Hunnewell 1 1 3 508 City Document No. 92. Names of Heads of Families. ite Males of xrs and iip- , including of Families. 3 ■s|l 1 ■^ 6 '^ ^ ^S ^ .a -a a Q %>>'t^ ^Sf^ 5 « m g.so °| > _2 f=, fen fe < K John Owen 3 2 Theo. Lyon 1 2 2 Will". Syrames 1 1 2 Abr°. Dorr. 1 1 1 Mrs Jennings. 3 Gideon French 3 1 Edmund Wright 1 2 AVall 2 Mrs Ayres ' i 5 Mrs Johnson 1 Mrs ]\ioore 1 4 Alex'. M-^Donald 1 2 George Ridgway 1 5 Joseph Callender 2 3 Nath'. Henchman 1 2 3 Mrs Doyle 4 1 Abel Wheeler 1 2 Mrs Pritchard 4 Isaac Woods 1 1 JosejDh Blanchard 1 1 Lot Ilayden 1 1 Nath. G. Moody 1 2 4 Dan'. Rea Sen^ 2 2 Jacob Henchman 1 1 2 Will™. Williams 2 7 3 Dan'. English 1 3 Lewis Ilayt 1 3 John F. Williams 1 1 3 David Lamb 1 2 3 Tho'. Wells 2 2 4 Mrs PLxtch 3 3 John fJoy 1 3 4 1 Mrs Palfrey 1 1 5 Rob. Jenkins 1 4 Clement Sharp 2 3 4 William Ilawes 2 1 2 Will"-. Dogget 1 2 1 1 John Magner 2 5 Erick Glade 1 1 3 Mrs Haynes 1 Will™. Dogget 1 4 4 Mrs Wells 1 3 Joseph Gaine 1 2 3 John Brown 1 3 3 John Cody 1 1 Benj". Russell 5 3 5 Joseph Spear 2 6 6. Eben". Lyndes 1 5 Will™, iliggins 1 3 2 James Welch 1 1 1 Daniel Gealey 2 3 JiosTON Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 509 "w • Sie m w a 1 , * l-t Names ot Heads ov Families. .■a£'"o 4-3 IS ^ft jg S mB ^ ^^ m 3^ i 4) Free w 16 y( ward Head 03 rj ^ i Henry Campbell 2 3 John Baxter 2 Edward Davis 3 2 10 William Payne 1 5 Clarke Minot 2 7 1 John Coburn 2 4 1 Dudley Colman 2 5 4 1 Owen Callahan 1 1 2 Hannibal 4 Miss Marshall 2 Mrs Dufforne 2 6 Mrs Casey 3 William Clark 1 4 Allen 1 Mrs Chandler 3 2 Henry Fullerton 1 2 Smith Woodward 1 2 Mrs Rasby 1 1 Mrs. Broughton 2 Will-. Whall 3 2 2 Mrs Brown 4 Eben'. Woodward 3 3 6. Will". Tuckerman 1 2 1 Mrs Snow 1 2 James Newell 1 2 6 Mrs Ingersoll 2 Mrs M°Clure 1 j Richard Karr 1 1 2 Jones 1 2 Mrs Redman 1 1 1 Patrick Hambleton 1 1 4 1 1 2 Mrs Lobdell 1 2 Enoch Armour 1 1 2 Joseph Burton 1 1 Will-. Tant 1 1 5 1 Saturday, August 21 Mrs Thomas Tho'. Seward Richard Fothergill Jere'' Clark Nath. Glover John Hopkins James Gordon Mrs I^oring Joseph Eaton Will-. Clark 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 3 3 6 4 1 1 510 City Document No. 92. Names oi" Heads of Families. Free white Males of 16 years and up- wards, including Heads of Families. on.** Ha . ^ i 1 1 6 3 3. 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 4 1 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 2 4 2 1 3 5 3. 2 7 1 1 4 2 1 5 1 1 6 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 7 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2. 2 2 12 2 3 1 6. 2 2 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 1 Jon*. Blackman Benj°. Johnson Mrs Giflford Eben'. Wild Joshua Eaton Mrs Cunningham Miss Howard Mrs Marston Mrs Gray James Morris William Blanchard l)an'. Jennings — Beno Edw^ Mayfield Rich"*. Driver Rich". Gary Mrs Rich Tho'. Wilson Nath'. Noyes Bill Lubridge Jack Boylston Caesar Gardiner Joseph Charles Miss Crafts John Morris John Dogan John Dyer Gawen Brown John Pownell Chris. Marshall Perez Morton Joseph Dennison John DriscoU Peivce John Bowes John Green Moses Bui lard Miss Salter Josiah Simpson Samuel Aspinwall John Brazer Mrs Jackson Sen' Mrs Jackson Jun'. Joshua Davis Miss Silsby Sam'. Bradlee Sam'. Goff Tho". Drowne Mrs Dcane Edmund Conner Mrs Buchell Boston Inhabitants. — A.D. 1790. 511 «-i ' bom Qo a m « Names of Heads op Families. ite Males o irs and up , includin; of Familie •I* .■2-S .a UT3 .■e.H a Ik reewh 16 yet wards Heads 2 p>^ £.S"S fe f^ ft) ^^ s Eben^ Still 1 2 Ziicheus Morton 1 2 Timothy Philip 2 Martha Mills 3 2 John Lane 3 5 7 Joshua Oardiner 1 7 Mrs Rose 1 3 1 Theo Dehon 4 5 9 John Cornish 1 1 John Peimont 2 1 5 Tho'. Clark 3 2 4 1 Azor G. Archbald 2 1 4 Jon". Harris 2 6 4 John Codnian 1 1 2 Andrew Johonnott 1 2 1 Samuel VVeeb 2 5 Jere*". Belknap 3 5 Nathan Bond 2 3 3 1 Jesse Hooton 1 3 3 Mrs Bunyan 3 Miss Thayer 3 Will-". Clough 2 1 3 Isaac Johnson Sam'. Whitvvell's private Family 2 1 2 as Keeper of the Alms House 23 65 160 2 of which 129 are Paupers Benj". Ilammetts Family 3 as Keeper of the Bridewell 13 15 Rich*. Boyntons Family as Keeper of the Bridewell 40 4 Ebed Sprague 2 6 Tho'. Barnes 1 1 1 James -fouder 1 1 1 Benj Coxe 2 1 1 Sharper Wendell 3 Sam'. Bradford 1 7 4341 Familes Note. — On p. 51 of the mi., my page 494 mite, there is a side note of 17 persons for the fourth column, "other free persona." These are Cyrus Eustia, 3; Adam Brown, 4; Jaek Greemleaf, 4; Hartford, 3; and Smith, 3. W. H. W. INDEX OF STREKTS, COURTS, LANES, ETC., OF BOSTON, 1798. STREETS. Adam, 340. Adams, 83, 339, 341. Allen, 250. Ann, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 23, 25, 207, 208, 210, 211, 213, 217, 218, 221,222,224,225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230. Atkenson, 91. Atkinson, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 90, 93, 94, 96, 97, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329, 330, 341, 342, 343, 345, 348, 351, 357, 361, 380. Back, 12, 13, 14, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206. Bacon, 76, 78. Battery March, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89 91, 93, 94, 322, 329, 330, SJl, 334, 335, 338, 343, 345, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353. Beach, 97, IdO, 109, 110, 361, 371, 385, 391, 401 , 404, 413, 414, 419, 427, 428. Beacon, 303, 304, 305, 308, 311, 313, 315, 319, 320. Beech, 108. Belknap, 35, 45, 252, 255, 257, 259, 261, 267, 268, 270, 274, 279, 282. Belknapp, 39. Belknaps, 33. Bennet, 115, 116, 163, 165, 167, 163, 171, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 402, 405, 414, 417, 421, 426, 427, 429, 436. Bennett, 162, 171, 175. Bennit, 112. Berry, 346. Brattle, 60. Bridge, 120. Bury, 85, 330, 340. Buttolph, 29, 30, 34, 250, 252, 253, 255, 253, 259, 260, 266, 268, 269, 279, 280. 194, 203, 394, 317, 172, 186, 431, Cambridge, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42 44, 45, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 253, 201, 262, 253, 234, 265, 230, 269, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 282, Castle, 107, 422, 423, 432. Center, 16, 24, 31, 36, 46, 80, 209, 210, 210, 221, 222, 224, 2i6, 227, 230, 253, 279, 284. Centre, 25, 35, 207, 275. Chamber, 30, 260, 2G2, 275. Chambers, 33, 35, 38, 43, 272, 275, 277. Charter, 6, 121, 122, 123, 123, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 131, 137, 133, 142, 113, 145, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 154, 157, 159, 103, 161. Clapboard, 72, 74, 78, 309. Clark, 116. Clarke, 150, 164, 106, 167, 170, 171, 172. Common, 80, 89, 92, 95, 110, 119, 310, 315, 313, 330, 335, 343, 344, 345, 318, 356, 359, 374, 380, 388, 395, 398, 403, 414, 416,430,437. Cornhill, 46, 49, 50, 52, 54, 53, 60, 71, 76 80, 81, 85, 285, 237, 289, 290, 201 , 202, 291, 23">, 237, 233, 299, 331, 332, 333, 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 312, 313, 316, 319, 321. ,43, 256, 270, 283. 211, 239, 129, 114, 158, . 77, 293, 304, 318, Court, 49, 51, 53, 53, 63, 7D, 284, 235, 236, 291, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 306, 308, 312, 313, 320. Creek, 220. Cross, 16, 19, 20,23, 189, 190, 193, 194, 196, 202, 203, 294, 209, 211, 215, 218, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 230. Dalton, 92, 330, 336, 337. Deacon, 28, 233. Deacons, 232, 246, 247. Devonshire, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 91, 302, 309, 312, 313, 319, 320, 321, 334, 337, 338, 343, 347. Eliot, 409, 418, 425, 430, 431, 432, 433, 435, 433. Elliot, 106, 107, 109, 395, 398, 403, 411, 419, 420, 421, 427, 434, 436, 438, 442. Elliott, 112, 113. Essex, 95, 93, 99, 100, 103, 109, 111, 113, 118, 357, 359, 363, 368, 371, 372, 373, 383, 391, 393, 395, 398, 401, 408, 411, 413, 414, 417, 426, 428, 429, 430, 433, 435, 437, 439, 440, 442. 436, 415, 412, 434, Federal, 87, 323, 325, 326, 327, 330, 331, 334, 337, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 349, .353, 351. Fed'rcl, 332. Fish. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 133, 145, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182,183,184,185,186, 187, 18D, 192, 193, 194, 203, 235, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 225, 226, 227, 228. Fish Market, 18. Fleet, 8, 162, 165, 167, 169, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178,179,131,132,184,136. Fort Hill, 82, 89, 91, 94, 323, 333, 337, 347, 352, 353,353,369,331,332. Franklin, 91, 93, 349. See also Place, Frank- lin. Friend, 23, 232, 233, 244, 245. Friends, 240, 242, 243, 245, 246,247. Garden, 34, 35, 33, 33, 41, 43, 219, 266, 275. Garden Court, I6.1, 174, 175, 133. Garding, SO. Garden, 32. George, :i9, 33, 45, 70, 249, 263, 270, 303, 311, 313. Gove, 275. Gravel, 275. Green, 251, 252, 255, 258, 259, 201, 282, 285, 263,274, 2 J 1,283. Grove, 30, 36, 37. Hancock, 74, 75, 306, 310. Hanover, 26, 58, 210, 223, 231, 232, 233, 231, 235, 236, 237, 233, 239, 241, 243, 244, 215, 234, 235, 280, 232, 238, 293. Harvard, 103, 103, 113, 399, 408, 409, 415. Harward.llS. Hawkins, 27, 45, 232, 210, 243, 244, 245, 217, 249, 254, 256, 270, 282. .514 City Document No. 92. High, 84, 85, 89, 90, 96, 97, 325, 326, 317, 341, 351, 360, 366, 368, 371, 377, 378, 380, 384, 391, 393, 394. Hill, 31. HoUis, 107, 115, 399, 410, 411, 412, 421, 424, 42B, 420. Hull, 3, 120, 124, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134, 136, 139. Hutchinson, 84, 83, 90, 338, 341, 345, 346. Kibley, 303. ICilby, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75,76, 77, 79, 81, .305, 307, 314, 320. Loverett, 31, 38, 45, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 258, 259,260,262,263,270, 271, 275, 277,273, 280, 231, 302, 304, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319. T,3veritt, 281. Li:aG, 4. ].incola, 96, 359, 363, 368, 373, 380, 381. Linn, 4. Lynd, 44. Lynde, 253, 256, 257, 261, 264, 265, 266, 233, 272,273,274,230. Lynn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 121, 122, 124, 126, 123, IJl, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 148, 150, 1J7, 158, 159, 161, 162. Malbro, 82. Marlboro, 82, 90, 91, 93, 97, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 333, 334, 336, 338, 340, 341, 342, 314, 348, 349, 331, .362, 363, 3S4, 365, 369, 372, 374, 378, 379, 386, 388, 390. May, 30, 31, .32, 36, 37, 41, 42, 45, 70. 249, 231. Middle, 10, 12, 13, 17, 146, 153, 163, 167, 174, 175, 178, 183, 1S4, 185, 187, 189, 191, 102, 193, 194, 105, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 201, 206, 207, 210, 213, 214, 215, 216, 220, 222, 225, 227, 223, 229, 23S. Middlecot, 39, 251, 257, 263, 264, 265, 276. Middlecut, 33, 273. Milk, 84, 87, 89, 94, 323, 324, 327, 329, 330, .331, 332, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 345, 346, 347, 349, 352, 353. Moon, 162, 165, 171, 174, 176, 181, 186. Nashua, 338. Nassau, 103, 393, 400, 402, 403, 404, 408, 409, 410, 411, 413, 416, 419, 420, 421, 424, 426, 430, 431, 433, 438, 441. Nassaw, 114, 117. Newbury, 104, 105, 118, 354, 355,356, 357, 359, 330, 361, 362, 363, 361, 36 j, 36*, 363, 3 TO, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 370, 383, 331, 385, 336, 337, 333, 389, 390, 331, 392, 393, 334, 398, 433, 404, 495, 403, 403, 410, 414, 420, 424, 425, 426, 429, 435, 442. News, 266, 277. North, 6, 140, 111, 142, 145, 147, ItS, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 153, 100, 161. Olive, 78. Oliver, 85, 323, 324,331, 332, 335,338, 341, 345, 349, 352. Orange, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 103, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 110, 117, 118, 119, 396, 33(', 338, 339, 400, 433, 404, 435, 436, 407, 403, 409,410,412, 413,414,415, 416, 418,419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 410, 441, 442. Pleasant, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 395, 396, 397, 393, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 408, 411, 415, 416, 417, 423, 421, 422, 424, 423, 427, 423, 429, 433, 435, 436, 433, 440, 441. Pond, 99, 355, 360, 375, 376,380, 382, 389, 390, 393, .394. Prince, 11, 33, 120, 121, 122, 123, 121, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 1-31, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 1.37, 138, 139, 164, 165, 170, 171, 174, 177, 133, 1S4, 185, 186, 187, 138, 192, 136, 197, 199, 202, 203. Prince's, 11. Princes, 3, 4, 8. Purchase, 85, 86, 89, 91, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 323, 336, 342, 347, 348, 352, 353, 337, 360, 331, 362, 36 1, 366, 370, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 378, 379, 381, 382, 384, 385, 338, 389, 390, 334. Reacrh, 100. Russell, 30, 31, 32, 34, 42, 45, 251, 252, 253, 237, 267, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 251, 282, 283. Salem, 127, 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 148, 152, 153, 163, 162, 167, 177, 181, 183, 184. Sandeport, 31. Sea, 98, 93, 356, 360, S61, 363, 365, 366, 367, 371,374,381,382, 333, 381, 333. School, 83, 86, 94, 305, 309, 310, 313, 321, 322, 324, 330, 332. 333, 343, 345. Sheaf, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 136, 137, 138. Ship, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 143, 153, 151, 152, 153, lot, 155, 156, 158, 161, 162, 163, 163, 170, 173, 176, 177,178, ISO, 131. Short, 32, 08, 357, 368, 372, 374, 370, 389, 393. Snow Hill, 121, 122, 124, 126, 132, 133. South, 95, 98, 109, 354, 355, 358, 360, 367, 369, 370, 373, .393, 411, 417. Southack, 30, 32, 34, 35, 38, 38,41, 43, 79, 266, 269, 271, 283, 234. Spring, 233, 275, 277, 281, 338. Standefast, 252. Standfast, 251. Staneford, 253. Staniford, 236, 259, 270, 277, 231,, 282. State, 47, 43, 49, 52, 54, 55, 56. 57, 58, 59, 65, 63, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 284, 235, 237, 283, 290, 295, 293, 297, 302, 303, .301, 306, 311, 314, 316, 319, S20. Sudbury, 2S, 29, 231, 233, 231, 235, 236, 237, 233, 239, 244, 245, 246, 247, 251, 262, 279, 282. Summer, 91, 98, 99, 100, 109, 355, 357, 361, 362, 367, 333, 370, 372, 373, 376, 377, 378, 333,381, 382, 333, 334, 3v3, 336,337,393. Sun Court, 10, 11, 162, 163, 164, 170, 172, 174, 178,187. Temple, 249, 250, 252, 254, 255, 256, 258, 263, 263, 261, 235, 266, 237, 268, 263, 270, 271, 273, 278, 284. Tremont, .53, 56, 303, 308, 309, 311, 314, 315, 317, :.1S. Tremount, 269, 289, 291, 293, 302. Union, 14, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28, 203, 210, 21 1, 217, 213, 220, 222, 223, 229, 2U, 232, 2J4, 235, 233, 2 -.7, 238, 239, 240, 242, 245, 243, 248. Unity, 135, 143, 146, 149, 150, 132, 154, 156, 157. Waldo, 230. Walker, 415. Warren, 102, 103, 104, 108, 112, 113, 114, 115, 337, 408,412,413,423, 424, 426, 427, 432, 435, 441. Washington, 101, 102, 104, 105, 103, 107, 103, 111, 114, 117, 119, 333, 397, 333, 402, 405, 406, 407, 410, 414, 420, 424, 437, 440, 442. Water, 70, 72, 74, 79, 83, 87, 83, 90, 303, 301, 335, 303, 320, 322, 328, 330, 335, 336, 337, 339,340, 311,343,348,351. Weltshire, 249. West, 107, 110, 354, 355,379,392,400,411,416. Wiltshire, 31, 37, 43, 44, 46, 260, 271, 274. Winter, 95, 99,353, 356, 358, 364, 335, 369, 370, 386, 388, 393. Clark, 201. Clarkes, 189. Coblers, 3J4. COURTS. Index. 515 Corn, 49, 54, 289, 290, 292, 296, 297, 299. Federal, 85, 87, 325, 326, 332, 333, 349. Fedrel, 332. FosdicUs, 324. Gibbous, 425, 426. Gibsous, 397, 402, 420. Masous, 237, 241, 242, 244, 245. Rays, 316. Ilea,?, 310, 313, 317, 318. School, 86. School Street, 341, 350. Scotts, 235, 236, 237, 243, 248. Smallage, 347. Soiithack, 44. 254, 269, 278, 279. Southacks, 252, 261, 265, 274, 278. Swing Bridge, 225, 229. Wilks, 189. William, 77. Williams, 74, 303, 306, 308, 309, 311, 316, 317, 318. SQUARES. Bowdoin, 250, 252, 262, 272. Brattle, 58, 285, 286, 288,289,290,291, 297, 300. Church. 304, 306, 308. Clark, 191, 198, 199. Clarke, 170, 193. Clarkee, 167, 174, 184, 188. Clarks, 195, 201. Court, 73, 75, 312, 314, 315. Creek, 21, 217, 221, 223, 224. Distill House, 26, 27, 28, 29, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 240, 246, 247. Dock, 52, 287, 292, 296. Liberty, 87. Market, 18, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 53, 2t)4. Markett, 46,47, 50, 58, 222, 296, 299,300, 301. Mill Creek, 209, 213, 214, 230. North, 163, 164, 174, 176, 183. ALLEYS. Battery, 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 151, 152, 154, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162. Belknap, 298. BelknaDS, 51, 286, 300. Bishops, 82, 84, 88, 89, 92, 323, 327, 329, 351. Board, 217, 227, 230. Boylstou. 295. Burdit, 18. Coopers, 58. Crab, 343. Crabb, 93. Docets,49. Dorcets, 51. Dorsetts, 286, 290, 291, 294, 296, 297, .301. Fitclies, 54, 285, 288, 289, 295, 296, 297, 299. Flounder, 96, 100, 353, 383, 388. Governors, 324, 328, 331,344, 350,351. Governours, 90. Greenough, 160. Hills, 140, 145, 150, 152. Lime, 4. Link, 232, 236, 242, 243, 248. Methodist, 144, 145, 146, 148. Parrotts, 329, 340. Peirces, 292. Robinsons, 141, 154,155. Russells, 317. Salt. 208. Salutation, 137, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 151, 152, 155, 156, 157, 159. Scotts, 15, 21. Scotters, 209, 213, 214. Theatre, 322, 339, 330, 346, 349, 352. Town, 86. Whitebread, 133, 140, 143, 150, 151, 157, 161. Wilsons, 336. LANES. Alden, 256, 282. Allen, 34, 42, 257, 274, 276. Allen's, 31. Back, 369. Beer, 188, 189, 191, 194, 199, 204, 205. Berry, 345. Blind, 99, 100, 356, 359, 383, 391, 392, 393. Broomfields, 356. Chardon, 262, 267. Cherden, 282. Church, 135. Cold, 232, 233, 234, 235, 238,239,240,241, 245, 246, 247, 248. Cole, 29, 232. Cow, 366, 380. Creek, 221. Exchange, 47, 58,287,288,289,293,296,298 299. Fosters, 3, 4, 159, 183. Frog, 101, 402, 410, 419, 429, 431, 438, 439. Frogg, 425. Gibbs, 371, 374, 376, 377, 379, 392. Gibsons, 364. Green, 41, 44,45, 249, 250, 251, 266, 271, 274, 278,280. Gridleys, 381, 384, 389. Griffins, 361. Henchmans, 132, 138,145,149,156, 158. Hinchmans, 125, 129, 132. Horn, 89, 93, 329, 332, 335, 340. Lendalls, 71, 80, 313, 319, 320. Leverf tts, 307, 303, 311. Love, 11, 141, 145, 150, 151, 152, 155, 156,160, 167, 168, 174, 175, 178, 179, 184, 187. Margarets, 126. Margaretls, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137. Marshalls, 220. Marshall's, 17,210. Marshals, 208, 214, 215, 216, 220. Mill creek, 208, 214, 216, 223. Millers, 338. Pecks, HI, 118, 401, 417, 438, 439. Pitts, 31, 41, 252, 253, 257, 262. Proctors, 215. Quaker, 318. Kainsford, 399. Rausfords, 109, 110, 395, 397, 402, 414, 418, 429. Rawsen, 344. Rawsons, 84, 90, 91, 330, 345, 348, 359, 362, 363. Reed, 204. Ridgway, 249, 276i Ridgways, 254, 284. Round, 82, 83, 84, 323, 326, 339, 350. Ilousons, 344. Salt, 209, 218, 223. Sheafs, 415, 424, 425, 430, 440. Sheridans, 274. Short, 16 r, 174, 179, 186. Sister, 334,346. Sisters, 82, 340. Spring, 70, 76, 85, 307, 324, 338, 339, 342. Wilson, 292. Wilsons, 46, 49, .50, 284,288, 289, 291, 293, 301. Wings, 26, 46, 58, 237, 241, 244, 245, 248, 285, 289,297,300,301,302. Wing's, 27, 28. Wood, 192, 193, 201, 205, 208, 209, 212, 219. PLACE. Franklin, 354, 357, 359, 361, 363, 364, 369, 372, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 387, 390, 392, 393. ROWS. Butlers, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59. Buttler's, 47. Lendalls, 305. Merchants, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 293. Lendalls, 314. Merchants, 48. INDEX OF NAMES. Abbot, 355, 367, 368, 381, 496. Abraham. 446, 449, 456, 459. Abrahams, 153, 160, 216, 457. Abrams, 235. Ackley,231. Acres, 228. Adams, 1, 4, 12, 25, 30, 33, 38, 49, 59 79, 81, 85, 87, 96, 120, 121, 122, 132, 139, 140, 142, 147, 155, 162, 177, 178, 193, 207, 208, 227, 228, 249, 260, 267, 276, 283, 285, 295, 297. 303, 311, 322, 353, 356, 365, 369, 374, 378, 380, 386, 395, 412, 419, 430, 431, 445, 447, 449, 463, 464, 468, 469, 470, 471, 479, 485, 496. Adamson, 337, 482. Addison, 187. Adie, 222. Adlingtoii, 171, 250, 477, 481. Akeley, 239, 241, 250, 446, 449. Akely, 172. Akers, 449, 469, 475. Albey, 156. Alby, 196. Alcock, 140, 149. Alcott, 490. Alden, 19,209. Alexander, 12, 13, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69 139, 145, 160, 161, 188, 206, 216, 220, 256, 322, 332, 354, 365, 366, 367, 368, 370, 374, 391, 438, 459, 477. Alker, 100, 101, 395. Alkins, 205. AUcock, 140, 456. Allcot, 462. Allen, 14, 20, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 53, 54, 57, 69, 81, 98, 100, 101, 153, 162, 163, 165, 173, 186, 207, 211, 219, 228, 248, 249, 253, 254, 260, 275, 303, 322, 337, 342, 345, 353, 385, 395, 424, 435, 465, 466, 471, 479, 497,501, 506, 509. Alley, 5, 121, 390, 458. Alleys, 147. Alline, 447, 450, 452, 500. Alrasly, 121. Amblard, 284. Ambrose, 112, 128, 417. Ames, 121, 137,354, 497. Amidon, 250, 25H, 260. Amory, 29, 46, 51, 54, 67, 70, 71, 77, 82, 207, 228, 231, 243, 244, 250, 279, 280, 285, 287,294, 299, 301, 302, 303, 304, 308, 313, 314, 315. 317, 321, 322, 328, 348, 349, 354, 355, 3.59, 361, 362, 376, 392, 402, 482, 486, 491. Amos, 440. Amour, 509. Amy. 496. Anflerson, 456, 464, 486. Andrew, 13,481. Andrews, 14,21, 26, 27, 68, 90, 95, 100, 178, 207,208, 220, 221, 230, 231, 235, 245, 248, 322, 355. 356, 380, 385, 386, 399, 402, 408, 450, 465, 483, 494, 495, Andrk's. 415. Andros, 194. Ankers, 250. Anthony, 137, 504. Antoney, 181. 69, 134, 188, 274, .332, 393, 453, 489, 95, 249, 196, 258, 383, 490, 93, 284, 307, 336, 379, 101, 242, 395, 506. Appleton, 1, 46, 50, 52, 54, 82, 83, 88, 94, 120, 129, 134, 138, 139, 140, 146, 150, 285, 291, 292, 322, 329, 347, 355, 375, 394, 467, 468, 498, 501, 505. Apthorp, 31, 33, 59, 82, 101, 250,271, 272,273, 285, 286, 288, 300, 302, 343, 344,395, 479. Arbon,488. Arch bald, 327, 483, 511. Archer, 4(51. Archibald, 277. Armstrong, 20, 322, 360, 448, 451, 456, 486, 506. Arnold, 58, 81, 226, 446. Ash, 2, 3. Ashton, 380. Aspinwall, 510. Athearn, 60. Atherion, 196. Atkins, 1, 3, 14, 121, 122, 123, 129, 135, 147, 183, 187, )8H, 190, 192, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 455, 456, 460, 463, 467, 469. Atkinson, 89, 90, 339. At wood, 463, 494. Austin. 14, 27, 29, 30, 42, 62, 70, 121, 133, 162, 178, 188, 199, 210, 231, 234, 235, 246, 249, 268, 281, 284, 303, 313, 362, 395, 437, 448, 455, 463, 471, 472, 482, 483. Avery, 101, 108, 109, 111, 190, 228, 325,394, 395, 415. 425, 452, 485, 487. Aves, 162, 184, 186, 462. Avis, 454. Ayers, 97. Ayres, 120, 265, 478, 480, 485, 486, 494, 497, 508. Babbage, 155. Babbidge, 141. Babbit, 473. Babcock, 25, 318, 485. Baccus, 163. Bachelor, 142, 156, 159. Bachler, 155. Bachtold,141,145. Backon, 288. Bacon, 75, 250, 256, 265, 268,269, 273, 278, 436, 481. Badge, 194. Badger, 15, 59, 74, 77, 94, 120, 123, 140, 152, 163, 161, 176,183, 200, 212, 224, 243,324, 350, 448, 449, 450, 453, 459, 467. Bailey, 232, 237, 248, 258, 297, 399, 400, 434, 472. Baird, 122. Baker, 80, 124, 127, 131, 145, 161, 312, 318, 324, 325, 349, 358, 397, 400, 406, 420, 446, 449, 460, 466, 482, 487, 600, 503, 5J5. Bakoon,463. Balch, 15, 23, 26, 27, 209, 211, 232, 240, 244, 248, 305, 307, 312, 323, 324. 342, 347, 353, 448, 453, 457, 477, 483, 499. Baldwin, 15, 191, 197, 209, 251, 252, 257, 448. Ball, 205, 253, 269, 356, 374, ?92, 497. Ballard, 5, 84, 91, 97, 141, 209, 211, 344, .358, 359, 362, 363, 372, 374, 400, 409, 416, 426, 447, 473, 474, 475, 484, 486. Bamy, 179. Bancroft, 469. Bangs, 70, 75, 122, 164, 166, 185, 186, 255, 305, 311, 320, 448, 500, 501. Bank, Branch, The, 70, 71, 316. 518 City Document No. 92. Bank, Massa., 295, 296, 297. Union, 288, 296. United States, 311. Bannister, 79. 134. Barbadoes, 267. Barber, 74, 76, 86, 142, 164, 179, 189, 194, 197, 198, 199, 205, 451, 459, 462, 465. Barg'd, 282. Barge, 251,273. Barker, 32, 46, 163, 166, 170, 172, 185, 194, 456, 458, 459, 480, 490. Barnard, 219, 232, 248, 252, 259, 277, 324, 463, 464, 470. Barnes, 6, 162, 251 , 277, 281, 283, 313, 451, 473, 475,479,486,511. Barnett, 57. Barney, 253, 479. Baruicot, 459. Barns, 11. Barny, 179. Barrel!, 59, 499. Barret, 56. Barrett, 16, 56, 178, 201, 232, 233, 236, 245, 246, 253, 259, 277, 285, 296, 323, 362, 445, 446, 451, 455, 471, 488, 504. Barretts, 15, 16. Barron, 292. Barry, 101. 105, 149. 357, 368, 396, 397,407, 417, 420, 435, 442, 503. Barten, 269. Bartlet, 77. Bartlett, 109, 286, 373, 399, 417, 450, 460, 489, 496. Barton, 143, 232, 244, 462, 471, 506. Ba6nall,494. Bass, 83, 87, 101, 108, 116, 126, 207, 216, 228, 251, 262, 317, 330, 343, 364, 397, 399, 400, 429, 436, 437, 455, 456, 458, 477, 483, 485, 494. Basset, 190, 460. Bassett, 12, 22, 23, 122, 137, 188, 190, 198, 200, 469. Bates, 18, 35, 101, 114, 171, 172, 253, 255, 284, 371, 397, 409, 416, 455, 474, 491, 493. Battelle, 365. Batterman, 103, 401, 417. Battery, South, 94. Batson, 78, 277. Battle, 439. Batty, 18. Baty, 15. Baxter, 12, 62, 141, 142, 151, 154, 189, 203,208, 209, 224, 227, 233, 236, 243, 247, 344, 360, 365, 449, 463, 466, 470, 509. Bayley, 26, 32, 58, 250, 252, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 283, 285, 445, 470, 475, 481, 493. Baziu, 44, 80, 251, 279, 292. Beal, 18, 141, 144, 207, 216, 220, 455. Beale, 72. Beals, 189, 195, 358, 393, 445, 458, 460, 462, 464, 472, 485. Bean, 252, 274, 454. Beane, 178, 218, 446, 507. Beanin, 391. Beard, 406. Heiitley, 140, 150. Beatty, 145. Beck, 26. Becker, 203. Belcher, 142, 159, 506. Belknap, 50, 287, 290, 291, 292, 301, 358, 359, 373,380,499,511. Bell, 38, 148, 163, 165, 171, 188, 203, 208, 230, 23H, 234, 238, 246, 253, 276, 379, 454, 462, 469,470, 495,498, 606. Belstcad, 437, 487. Bemus, 246, 446, 464. Bella, 453. Benard. 504. Bender, 402, 488. Beiiey. 163, 169, 174. Benjamin, 259, 479, 480. Benjv, 4S7. Beniiet, 191, 208, 212, 230, 310, 450. Bennett, 253, 450, 475, 476, 478, 485. Bennit, 16. Bennott, 19. Benny, 288. Bennock, 388. Beno, 510. Bentley, 122, 123, 124, 149, 153, 457, 465. Bently, 131, 138, 476. Benton, 364. Bernard, 47, 373. Berry, 163, 174. Bertoddy, 269. Bethell, 208. Bethune, 48, 54, 77, 303, 306, 308, 357, 383, 387. Beverly, 287. Bicker, 222, 476. Bickford, 166, 454- Biers, 485. Bigelow, 72, 505. Bignal, 155. Biles, 399. 15111,32, 161. Billings, 233, 234, 238, 252, 265, 269, 286, 296, 359, 363, 378, 397, 462, 470, 495. Bingham, 348, 397, 470, 485. Biunell 38. Binney, 190. Bird, 251, 252, 257, 260, 398, 399, 405, 407, 428, 436,4.39, 486, 492, 494, 502. Bishop, 122, 125, 127, 129, 165, 178, 190. Bi.\by, 215. Black, 61,62,66, 505. Blackburn, 413, 494. Blackman, 355, 401, 497, 510. Black well, 455. Blagge, 85, 86, 479. Blair, 459. ■ , Blaisdell, 474. Blakburn, 465. Blake, 8, 11, 15, 21, 31, 44, 48, 49, 56, 57, 59, 62, 66, 84, 86, 88, 102, 105, 114, 118, 122, 123, 132, 145, 147, 156, 168, 172, 230, 246, 250, 253, 261, 270, 306, 337, 369, 360, 371, 378, 381, 390, 395, 396, 402, 408, 416, 417, 421, 428, 429, 441, 453, 462, 468, 479, 488, 489, 492, 493, 494, 502. Blanchard, 40, 41, 51, 67, 83, 85, 102, 111, 114, 150, 206, 2*6, 297, 298, 300, 310, 323, 325, 326, 330, 3:i7, 341, 344, 350, 361, 397, 400, 413, 445, 471, 472, 482, 500, 501, 508, 510. Blaney, 102, 106, 205, 400, 406, 421, 422, 433, 491, 492. Blasland, 206. Blastland, 469. Bleiraer, 431. Bliss, 282, 449. Blower, 401. Blymer, 488. Boardman, 15, 25, 26, 64, S3, 124, 189, 193, 195, 197, 208, 231, 232, 235, 323, 325, 338, 342, 348, 401, 438, 448, 464, 470. Boat, 41. Boden,203, 312. Boice, 49. Boies, 142, 208, 286, 428. Bois, 190, 194, 202, 220. Boit, 73, 251, 258, 478. Boland, 354. Bolt, 452. Bolter, 56, 102, 106, 398, 416, 427, 488. Bond, 18, 51, 288, 358, 359, 393, 479, 511. Bones, 483. Bonner, 325, 337, 350, 351, 367, 502. Bonyng, 2vil, 292. Boot, 32, 282. Booth, 123, 131,467. Boott, 70, 73, 446. Bordman, 15, 133, 229, 476. Borland, 501. Hoason, 101, 114, 400, 493. Bostille, 283. Boston, 4, 474. Boston, Town of, 279, 281, 401. Botang, 462. Index of Names. 519 Boucher, 456,472. Boult, IbO. Bouru, 324, 328, 335, 362. ISourne, 15, 2S1. Houve, 132, 188, 199, 203, 462, 468. Itouvy, 464. Bdve, 203. Bovey, 197. Bovvtloin,48, 51, 52, 55, 76, 81, 84, 189, 286, 291, 303, 311, 315, 323, 337, 445. Bowen, 95, 118. Bowers, 84, 86, 95, 102, 110, 286, 292, 298, 312, 315, 319, 323, 326, 339, 340, 342, 353, 416. Bowes, 250, 251, 487, 510. Bowlaud,229. Bowlen, 207,210. Bowles, 245. Bowman, 314, 449. Box, 251, 481. Boyd, 60, 232, 251, 471. Boyed, 261. I'.oyle, 324,325,348,484. Boylston, 510. Boylstou's, 287. Boyuton, 71, 72, 325, 336, 344, 483, 511. Brace, 445. Bracket, 179. Brackett, 484. Bradbury, 63. Bradden, 394. Bradford, 15, 208, 223, 229, 231, 232, 241, 305, 3 J8, 359, 309, 373, 380, 404, 448, 463, 464, 469, 472, 511. Bradlee, 47, 48, 50, 58, 96, 103, 109, 111, ■SU, 239, 289, 292, 299, 357, 359, 368, 371, 372, 373, 389, 391, 397, 398, 399, 411, 419, 428, 467, 472, 479, 487, 491, 496, 501, 510. Bradley, 89, 231, 286, 324. Bradshaw, 26, 233, 234, 240, 446, 474, 476. Bradstreet, 304, 319, 320, 507. Brailsford, 18, 209, 448. Braintree, 179. Braizer, 57. Braizier, 47. Bray, 60, 61, 127, 467, 475. Brazer, 4W, 510. Brazier, 47, 287, 288, 293, 294, 299, 301, 401,490,497. Bread, 54. Breal, 305. Breall, 319, 320. Breck, 324, 332, 349, 485. Breed, 31, 34, 25.i, 254, 260, 267, 272, 281, 480. Breek, 440, 461. Brett, 459. Brewer, 47, 56, 59, 83, 84, 253, 285, 318, 323, 329, 333, 347, 357, 378, 389, 392, 445, 459, 469, 503. Brewster, 71, 303, 308, 312, 313, 483. Bridge, 63, 103, 115, 116, 163, 164, 184, 399, 407, 492. Charles-river, 1, 134. North, 122. Briggs, 65, 320. Bright, 7, 93, 160, 163, 164, 165, 172, 187, 193, 399, 400, 412, 453. Brightman, 193, 497. Brimmer, 47, 53, 56, 60, 61, 69. 287, 299, 305, 306, 309, 314, 316, 318, 321, 39S, 471. Brimsdell, 451, 478. Briudley, 234, 235, 251, 271, 360, 368, 384. Brindly, 98. Briuley,18, 210, 286. Brintnall, 182. Brmton, 455. Brison, 506. Broader8,230, 476. Brockus, 488. Brommager, 487. Brommitt, 446. 303, 350, 244, 457, 115, 369, 401, 495, 322, 400, 187, 301, 404, Bronsdalc, 161. Biousdeu, 253. Broasdon, 39, 164, 166, 270, 280. Bronsdoiis, 280. Brook, 312. Brooks, 304, 314, 317. Broughtou, 509. BrowD, 11, 47, 49, 56, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 72, 83, 102, 103, 105, 122, 123, 126, IhO, 164, 171, 177, 183, 189, 190, 193, 201, 204, 207, 214, 227, 230, 252, 253, 267, 280, 285, 288, 293, 296, 297, 305, 306, 321, 326, 332, 333, 344, 353, 359, 375, 396, 398, 402, 407, 418, 422, 429, 430, 436, 438, 448, 450, 451, 455, 456, 457, 460, 461, 463, 464, 467, 468, 471, 475, 477, 478, 480, 486, 487, 491, 492, 500, 502, 508, 509, 510. Browne, 316. Bruce, 408, 446, 458, 503. Bruman, 450. Brunsdel, 31. Bryant, 15, 209, 213, 226, 234, 248, 324, 398, 433, 447, 454, 490, 500. Buchell, 510. Buckler, 470. Buckley, 208, 209, 212, 450, 451. Bnckman, 455. Buckrainster, 459. Bucmau, 472. Buffin, 260. Buffom, 283. Buffon, 283, 488. Buffuiu, 283, 495. Buffuu, 261. Buildings, Tontine, 93. Bulfinch, 5, 6, 37, 43, 85, 121, 141, 190, 195, 206, 209, 213, 217, 224, 252, 262, 277, 278, 325, 332, 334, 447, 469, 477, 481, 482, 501. Bull, 450, 452. Bullard, 333, 349, 389, 510. Bulk-y, 170. BuUman, 479. Bulmore, 473. Bumstead, 14, 48, 54, 55, 95, 207, 208, 234, 236. 239, 325, 356, 363, 380, 400, 420, 446, 481, 484. Bumsted, 402. Buuyan, 611. Burbecls, 142, 148, 153, 161, 457, 459. Burchen, 502. Burdet, 16. Burdiken, 398,416. Burdit, 206. Burditt, 452, 502. Burge, 400, 494. Burger, 451. Burges, 496. Burk, 165. Burke, 478. Burley, 284, 287, 290, 302, 479. Burn, 497. Burns, 360, 367, 381, 464. Buroughs, 31. Burras, 142. Burrass, 280. Burrell, 6, 153,394. Biirril, 2, 96. Burrill, 122, 123, 125, 127, 141, 358, 367, 371, 445, 446, 466, 472. Burroughs, 31, 84, 142, 252, 253, 257, 325, 332, 471, 495, 501. Burrows, 142. Burt, 9, 15. 163, 179, 189, 193, 452, 465, 467. Burton, 448, 509. Bush, 445. Bussey, 70, 72 76, 90, 357, 387, 426. Butler, 139, 140, 141, 142, 148, 153, 155, 160, 365, 394, 451, 457, 459, 487, 498, 501. Butter, 12, 191. Butterfleld, 292, 487. Butters, 194, 199, 464. Buttolph, 41, 263, 277. Butts, 32, 43, 283, 461. 520 City Document No. 92. Byfield, 32, 37, 45, 254, Byles, 117, 403, 460, 491. Cabot, 192, 481,496, 502. Cade, 71, 72, 121, 306, 455, 482. Caduor, 15. Caldwell, 29, 235, 239, 472, 499. Calef, 329. Oaleff, 347. Calf, 497. Call, 33, 35, 42, 225, 255, 263, 266, 274, 480, 481. Callahan, 77, 104, 300, 306, 414, 447, 491, 499, 509. Callender, 12, 13, 48, 49, 50, 52, 56, 60, 61, 72, 81, 123, 128, 191, 192, 202, 254, 304, 314, 363, 447, 468, 481, 483, 507, 508. Cambel, 144. Cambridge, 175, 458. Cames, 214. Campbel, 48, 70, 153. Campbell, 70, 72, 143, 158, 191, 204, 336, 339, 351, 383, 460, 461, 484, 507, 509. Campble, 195. Canada, 253, 260. Canuse, 46, 266. Capen, 7, 11, 12, 14, 166, 173, 177, 210, 211, 215, 217, 218, 222, 232, 448, 449, 474. Card, 144. Carey, 6, 27, 125, 133, 138, 207, 212, 230, 235, 2*2, 289, 293, 475. Cargill, 256, 262, 477. Carleton, 345, 506. Carlton, 498. Carnes, 33, 35, 36, 45, 49, 70, 72, 124, 126, 210, 250, 254, 255, 258, 259, 262, 267, 272, 277, 283, 294, 301, 304, 446, 476, 477, 479, 480, 483, 507. Carney, 147, 404, 473. Caron, 372. Carpenter, 181. Carrey, 289. Carril, 135. Carrol, 447. Carroll, 403. Carter, 47, 195, 298, 386, 417, 447, 465, 477, 482, 500. Cartwright, 124, 127, 131, 140, 143, 191, 466, 468. Carver, 124, 126, 134, 192, 194, 205, 255, 258, 280, 362, 369. Cary, 212, 450, 456, 463, 510. Casey, 509. Casueau, 342. Cassell, 257. Caswell, 40, 44, 46, 124, 257, 274, 456, 471, 480, 481. Cathcart, 254, 261, 278. Cavender, 228. Cavcner, 466. Cazneau, 238. 337, 343, 462, 469, 501. Chaddick, 497. Chad wick, 50, 53, 256, 261, 268, 328, 331, 350. Chair, 287. Chamberlain, 122, 123, 128, 259, 398, 425, 446, 466,467. Chambers, 40. Champney, 19, 125, 127, 134, 165, 170, 175, 181,390,462, 503. Chandler, 88, 96, 143, 154, 159, 366, 455, 463, 464, 509. Chapel, 459. Chapen, 118. Chapin, 485. Chapman, 29, 80, 242, 295, 345, 378, 387, 484, 498, 502. Chaponiel, 236. Chappie, Romish, 94. Ohiirles, 510. Cheaver, 99. Chei seinau, 14. Cheesman, 20, 476. Cheever, 103, 256, 300, 364, 388, 399, 404, 412, 421,445,479, 480, 489, 493. Cheney, 150. Chesman, 460. Chessman, 234, 235, 246. Ohever, 204. Chew, 130. Child, 116, 403, 440, 453, 496. Childs, 12, 166, 172, 376, 403. China, 462. Chitraan, 212, 219. Christie, 145, 450. Christy, 12, 152, 157, 209. 212, 213, 219. Church, 268, 382, 383, 392, 404, 473, 498. Baptist, 190, 191. Christ, 135, 148, 149, 155, 156, 160. New Brick, 162, 173. Old Brick, 307. Old South, 345. Romish, 333, 336. Trinity, 370. Churchill, 211, 221, 225, 456. Clakk, 398. Clap, 2, 30, 32, 33, 49, 203, 251, 253, 254, 257, 263, 273, 282, 338, 340, 461, 471, 481, 503. Clapham, 361, 374, 505. Clapp, 192, 286, 291, 348. Clark, 12, 16, 19, 27, 33, 40, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 72, 124, 143, 199, 201, 202, 449, 453, 454, 458, 462, 464, 466, 469, 472, 488, 489, 491, 492, 496, 509, 511. Clarke, 5, 129, 140, 142, 144, 147, 155, 164, 170, 171,176, 182, 183, 187, 192, 203,208,210, 212, 213, 217, 220, 222, 228, 229, 2.33, 235, 237, 247, 287, 288, 298, 306, 312, 318, 320, 350, 362, 370, 376, 401, 402, 410, 414. 458, 462, 499, 507. Clayton, 33, 283. Cleland, 272, 296. ' ■ Clement, 363. Clements, 382, 383, 507. Clench, 376. Clever, 453. Cleverly, 354, 361, 370, 506. Clinton, 505. Cloncklan, 502. Clones, 165, 167, 170, 183. Clough, 74, 77. 80, 123, 125, 131, 137, 165, 209, 249, 256, 282, 306, 453, 466, 467, 468, 478, 511. Cloiise, 176. douses, 183. Clouston,.361. 502. Coates, 16, 22, 49, 85, 87, 211, 332, 333, 336, 337, 445, 484. Coats, 331, 336. Cob, 403. Cobb, 61, 62, 72, 95, 103, 105, 108, 118, 361, 364, 402, 405, 406, 414, 423, 442, 478, 492, 493. Cobbet, 401. Cobbit, 465, 494. Cobit, 496. Coburn, 85, 323, 326, 334, 336, 339, 509. Cochran, 475. Codman, 16, 25, 26, 29, 50, 59, 60, 62, 63, 71, 77, 79, 84, 85, 90, 104, 110, 115, 211, 215, 230, 231, 235, 243, 246, 289, 296, 313, 314, 329, 351, 403, 424, 426, 472, 511. Coduer, 16, 211, 218, 230. Cody, 508. Coffin, 82, 83, 97, 235, 236, 250, 256, 284, 312, 328, 3(6, 351, 401, 473, 481. 484. Cogswell, 12, 191, 192, 197, 329, 463. Cohasset, 83. Cohon, 461. Cole, 16, 193, 212, 242, 363, 364, 368, 369, 378, 38S, 390, 456, 47f;. Coleman, 61, 322,447. t;oler, 255. Coles, 278. Colesworthy, 155, 452, 458, 460. Co I boon, 2')6. Colias, 143. Colledge, Harvard, 306. Collier, 255, 475. Index of Names. 521 Collins, 19, 25,98, 104, 108, 113, 186, 212, 381, 445, 447, 455, 457, 467, 474, 487, 488, 497. Oollis, 152. Collson, 327, 329, 337, 340, 342, 499. Oolman, 60, 61, 83, 84, 225, 329, 481, 501, 509. Colouslon, 379, 389. Colt^OD, 370. Colier, 459. Oolton, 371. Colvar, 268. Ooraeford, 165. Coinerford, 171. Comb, 5U5. Comce, 467. Oomrnon, The, 106. Commonweallh, The, 320. (Joiiaiit, 124, 126, 209, 210, 216, 222, 391, 491, 49S. Coucklan, 502. Condon, 413. Condy, 449. Coney, 104, 114. Con ley, 498. Connecticut, 292. Conner, 163, 210, 215, 222, 293, 327, 337, 403, 456, 489, 510. Connerly, 495. Connor, 209, 210, 211, 220, 474, 500. Conoos, 480. Cony, 491. Cook, 104, 143, 162, 236, 243,361,389,401,404, 414, 475, 478, 480, 488, 494. Cooke, 453. Cooksou, 19, 123, 137, 208, 212, 364, 365, 403, 413, 430,487. Cooledge, 15, 33, 43, 49, 54, 71, 75, 210, 213. Coolidi^e, 229, 254, 255, 257, 264, 276,295, 332, 337, 341, 342, 343, 448, 481, 505. Coolidges, 276. Cooiubes, 211, 226. Coomes, 224. Cooper, 46, 57, 162, 237, 288, 289, 298, 324, 335, 349, 368, 445, 484, 501, 502, 505. Cooswell, 271. Copeland, 179, 256, 271, 320, 395, 401, 402, 405, 477,481,493,506. Copp, 467. Coppenger, 456. Corbet, 184, Corbett, 3, 4, 436. Corbit, 192, 194, 206. Corbitt, 2. Cordwell, 165, 167, 174, 466. Cornell, 204. Coruey, 177. Cornish, 295, 496, 511. Cornwall, 482. Corther, 475. Cotheril, 207, 211. Cotherine, 186. Cot ten, 384. Cotting, 65, 144, 404, 406, 480. Cotton, 84, 95, 96, 98, 253, 332, 360, 361, 364, 367, 384, 385, 390, 447, 471, 504. Coverly, 302, 362, 376, 480, 486, 507. Cowdin,422, 492. Cowell, 83, 326, 336, 337, 502. Cowen, 375. Cowin, 498. Cowk-y, 400. Cox, 41, 329, 335, 337, 348, 465. Coxe, 449, 457, 467, 475, 477, 511. Crafts, 191, 193, 195, 196, 236, 307, 465, 476, 483, 510. Cragie, 297,491. Cralge, 291, 292. Crane, 104, 112, 214, 399, 402, 403, 413, 416, 438, 461, 489, 491, 605. Cravath,440. Crawford, 361, 366, 503. Crean, 454. Cre:.se, 143, 150, 304. Creaw, 10. Crecy, 483. Greece 463. Creek, Mill, The, 13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18, 21 23, 28, 205, 209, 219, 221, 224, 226, 227, 230, 233, 240, 241, 243. Mills, 23. Creese, 306, 308, 309, 394. Creghton, 23. Creighton, 140. Crocker, 10, 13, 21, 34, 156, 165, 166, 171, 177, 1S6, 207, 372, 453. Croocker, 164. Croof, 487. Crooker, 257, 281. Croinaly, 470. Cromby, 462. Crosby, 104, 362, 363, 365, 379, 381, 384, 398, 404, 405, 410, 442, 457, 462, 486, 499,502, 504, 507. Crosley, 504. Cross, 447,451. Crossman, 496. Crosswell, 463. Croswell, 12. Crouch, 476, Crowley, 451. Cruff , 457, 458. Crufft, 158, 177. Cruft, 143, 144, 154. Crufts, 143. 144, 147, 161. Crumby, 175. Cruse, 287. CuUen, 169. Culmer, 472. Culter, 336. Cumber, 165. Cumraings, 143, 383. Cumstead, 449. Cunningham, 38, 103, 105, 112, 124, 125, 136, 191, 198, 19J, 201, 236, 245, 258, 263, 305, 306, 312, 359, 363, 385, 3^9, 396, 402, 404, 406, 407, 423, 4-'5, 450, 470, 475, 483, 487, 492, 495, 510. Curby, 493. (Juristia, 60. Ciivrirr, 490. Curtain, 464. Curtis, 16, 24, 25, 31, 104, 144, 145, 163, 18J, 211, 224, 227, 2)7, 261, 273, 335, 362, 363, 365, 379, 399, 402, 405, 410, 439, 440, 451, 478, 488, 491, 492. Gushing, 7, 9, 32,52, 83, 81,87, 91, 93, 95, 129, 165, 168, 191, IJ-', 206, 238, 256, 260, 278, 289, 305, 30-1, 311, 328, 329, 338, 348, 3.56, 357, S59, 3H2, 363, 361, 380, 392, 398, 450, 452, 479, 484, 503, 505. Cushman, 398, 404, 414, 442. Cutler, 91, 92, 104, 243, 275, 290, 327, 329, 337, 471, 473, 500. Cutter, 63, 106, 159, 160,288,289,448,449, Guttler, 145. ,22, 225, 173, 388, 498, 127, 259, 395, 463, 165, 3.59, 418, 125, 257, 336, 372, 504, 336, Dagget, 384. Daggett, 365, 366, 497. Daggin, 381. Bailey, 17. Dakin, 23, 234, 235, 236, 446. Daley, 449. Dalger, 450. Dali, 103, 106, 111, 116, 237, 248, 288, 297, 399, 404, 407, 409, 437, 445, 492. Dalrimple, 459. Daltou, 83, 87, 92, 322, 330, 331, 336, 494, 507. Damie, 53, Dana, 466. Danels, 471. Danforth, 94, 283, 289, 294, 330, 339, 352, 362, 376, 394, 482. Daniels, 54, 165, 199, 467, Dansel, 259. Dansell, 283. Danvis, 289. Daracot, 154. 522 City Document No. 92. Darling, 197, 459, 503. Dariacott, 14f>. Dariicott, 158. Dart, 457, 496. Dashwood, 308, 309, 311, 364, 365, 369, 386, 484, 485. Davenport, 62, 63, 67, 103, 107, 434, 489. Davidson, 70, 140, 145, 159, 288, 452, 455, 506. Davies, 81, 305, .307, 310, 330, 339, 483. Davis, 17, 34, 42, 62, 64, 65, 66, 72, 85, 91, 102,103, 105, 106, 111, 115, 116, 117, 119, 126, 135, 144, 194, 210, 2.0, 233, 238, 257, 259, 265, 266, 276, 277, 278, 285, 287, 302, 307, 308, H15, 316, 322, 331, 343, 346, 353, 355, 360, 364, 389, 396, 397, 400, 401, 404, 405, 406, 407, 423, 428,436, 4.39, 45K, 461, 463, 468, 470, 479, 483, 485, 487, 492, 493, 494, 498, 503, 505, 509, 510. Davison, 76, 303, 307. Dawes, 8, 13, 1>,21, 73, 83,85,96,97,100, 195, 201, 213, 214, 217, 221, 222, 304, 318, 325, 3.35, 350, 351, 366, 376, 380, 391, 394, 448, 453, 476, 503. Dawson, 406, 492. Dean, 480. Deano, 510. Dearborn, 330, 339, 352, 484. Deblois, 85, 324, 330, 333, 344, 345, 372, 4S5, 499. Decoster, 48, 253, 259,450, 479. Dedhani, 104. Deegoy,375. Dfhon, 287, 290, 295, 511. Dehons, 287, 290. Delano, 212. Delarue, 286, 290. De J>auny, 484. DcIiHle, 403. Dellawiiy,98. Delrew, 471. Deming, 498. Deinminfi, 363, 365, 388. Deneh, 51. Dennee, 494. Deniiie, 67, 71, 257, 258, 265, 267, 276, 481. Denning. 365. Deniiis,'33, 462, 478. Dennison, 510. Demon, 349, 503. Derby, 225, 236, 237, 238, 2.39. Dering, 4,59. Derricutt, 458. DeTa8sy,482. Devens, 52, 231, 237, 364, 365, 392. Devins, .50, 1S2, 193, 200, 292, 365. Dewliuret, 8, 167, 176. Dexter, 49, 214, 228, 331, 332, 450, 460, 50' Diamond, 52, 459. Diclvusoii, 85, 331, 332, 345. Dickenson, 346. Dielclusou, 482. Dicl