Msmssma ■ a -.-I . Catholic Club op THE CITY OF flEVlt YOi^ Officers and Gommittees — £> Chapter, Constitution and Bynimms ^oll of JWembeFs AUGUST 1904 BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. , v/k c3 22242 Administration, 1904--19Q5 OFFICERS "President LEONARD A. GIEGERICH 1st Vice-President FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M. D. 2d Vice-President THOMAS M. MULRY Secretary CHARLES MURRAY T reasurer JOHN H. DAVIS STANDING COMMITTEES— \ 903-1904 HOUSE. DANIEL F. COHALAN, Chairman, DANIEL F. TREACY, THOMAS LENANE, THOMAS C. O’SULLIVAN,WILLIAM R. KING. ADMISSION. ROBERT McGINNIS, Chairman, JAMES M. TULLY, DANIEL F. COHALAN, ANDREW A. McCORMICK,THOMAS C. O’SULLIVAN. LIBRARY. JOHN J. ROONEY, Chairman, HUGH KING, FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M. D., JOHN J. DELANY, JOSEPH T. BRADY. ENTERTAINMENT. JOSEPH T. RYAN, Chairman, GEORGE J. GILLESPIE, THOMAS F. BYRNE, JEREMIAH J. GEAGAN, PETER MURRAY, M.D. STANDING COMMITTEES— \ 904-1905* HOUSE. DANIEL F. COHALAN, Chairman, THOMAS LENANE, FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M. D., WILLIAM R. KING, JOSEPH T. BRADY. ADMISSION. ROBERT McGINNIS, Chairman, JAMES M. TULLY, DANIEL F. COHALAN, ANDREW A. McCORMICK,THOMAS M. MULRY. LIBRARY. JOHN J. ROONEY, Chairman, HUGH KING, JOHN P. CALLANAN, JOHN J. DELANY, THOMAS M. MULRY. ENTERTAINMENT. TOSEPPI T. RYAN, Chairman, THOMAS F. BYRNE, JOSEPH M. O’BRIEN, PETER MURRAY, M.D., JAMES McGOYERN. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE—J 903-J 904, JAMES J. PHELAN, Treasurer, Chairman, LEONARD A. GIEGERICH, President, WILLIAM E. PAINE, JOHN B. SHEA, JOHN S. CAREY, THOMAS MORRISSY, EDWARD L. BIERSMITH, DANIEL F. COHALAN Robert McGinnis. JOHN J. ROONEY. JOHN G. O’KEEFFE, FRANK P. CUNNION, HUGH KELLY, CHARLES J. PERRY, M.D., BERNARD NAUGHTON, .Chairman House Committee. Chairman Admission Committee. ..Chairman Library Committee. JOSEPH T. RYAN..Chairman Entertainment Committee. AUDITING COMMITTE* BARTHOLOMEW MOYNAHAN, ANDREW J. SHIPMAN, WILLIAM HENRY CORBITT. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE—1904-1905. JOHN H. DAVIS, Treasurer, Chairman, LEONARD A. GIEGERICH, President, JAMES J. PHELAN, WILLIAM E. PAINE, JOHN B. SHEA, JOHN S. CAREY, THOMAS MORRISSY, DANIEL P. COHALAN. Robert McGinnis. JOHN J. ROONEY. EDWARD L. BIERSMITH, JOHN G. O’KEEFFE, HUGH KELLY, CHARLES J. PERRY, M.D., BERNARD NAUGHTON, .Chairman House Committee. .Chairman Admission Committee. ....Chairman Library Committee. JOSEPH T. RYAN..Chairman Entertainment Committee. AUDITING COMMITTEE. BARTHOLOMEW MOYNAHAN, ANDREW J. SHIPMAN, WILLIAM HENRY CORBITT. Committee on Catholic Interests, 1903-1904. Constitutional Members. REV. MATTHEW A. TAYLOR ......Director. LEONARD A. GIEGERICH...President. Board of Management Members. Robert McGinnis, Francis j. quinlan, m.d. DANIEL F. COHALAN, JOHN JEROME ROONEY, JAMES M. TULLY. Club Members. JOSEPH F. DALY, Chairman, MORGAN J. O’BRIEN, JOHN CRANE, JAMES A. O’GORMAN, EDWARD E. McCALL, EUGENE A. PHILBIN, EDWARD B. AMEND, THOMAS L. FEITNER, JOHN D. CRIMMINS, VICTOR J. DOWLING, THOMAS M. MULRY, MICHAEL J. SCANLAN, CHARLES V. FORNES, JOSEPH E. OWENS, EDWARD C. SHEEHY, TIMOTHY J. M. MURRAY, MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND, GEORGE F. ROESCH, EDWARD HASSETT, THOMAS F. WOODLOCK, JAMES G. JOHNSON, VINCENT P. TRAVERS, THOMAS H. KELLY, EDWARD J. McGUIRE, WILLIAM H. HURST, JOHN J. DEERY, THOMAS BARRETT, JAMES ROSS CURRAN, STEPHEN FARRELLY, HERMAN RIDDER, MICHAEL E. BANNIN, JAMES J. WALSH, JOHN H. CAHILL, DANIEL E. McSWEENEY, M. D. Committee on Catholic Interests, J904- \ 905. Constitutional Members. REV. MATTHEW A. TAYLOR .Director. LEONARD A. GIEGERICH.President. Board of Management Members. FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M.D.,THOMAS M. MULRY, DANIEL F. COHALAN, JOHN JEROME ROONEY, JAMES M, TULLY. Club Members. JOSEPH F. DALY, Chairman, MORGAN J. O’BRIEN, JOHN CRANE, JAMES A. O’GORMAN, VICTOR J. DOWLING, EUGENE A. PHILBIN, EDWARD B. AMEND, CHARLES V. FORNES, TIMOTHY J. M. MURRAY, GEORGE F. ROESCH, MICHAEL J. DRUMMOND, THOMAS C. O’SULLIVAN, JAMES G. JOHNSON, JAMES ROSS CURRAN, STEPHEN FARRELLY, EDWARD J. McGUIRE, MICHAEL E. BANNIN, JAMES J. WALSH, FRANK I JOHN D. CRIMMINS, DANL.E.McSWEENEY,M.D., Robert McGinnis, MICHAEL J. SCANLAN, EDWARD E. McCALL, JOSEPH E. OWENS, EDWARD C. SHEEHY, THOMAS L. FEITNER, JOHN J. DEERY, THOMAS BARRETT, EDWARD HASSETT, MICHAEL J. HORAN, HERMAN RIDDER, VINCENT P. TRAVERS, THOMAS H. KELLY, JOHN H. CAHILL, WILLIAM H. HURST, . CUNNION. ART COMMITTEE— 1 903- J 904 FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M.D., Chairman, W. LAUREL HARRIS, T. VINCENT BUTLER, JAMES P. SILO, JOHN J. DEERY, JAMES FAGAN. ART COMMITTEE—1904- J 905« FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M.D., Chairman, JAMES P. SILO, JOHN J. DEERY, JAMES FAGAN, T. VINCENT BUTLER, WILLIAM E. MANTIUS. SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS, REV. PATRICK F. DEALY, S. J. Moderator of the Xavier Union, 1871 — 1887 . RIGHT REV. MGR. ARTHUR J. DONNELLY, V. G. 1888 — 1890 . RIGHT REV. MGR. CHARLES E. McDONNELL, D. D. 1890 — 1891 . REV. MATTHEW A. TAYLOR, 1892 — 1904 . OFFICERS OF THE CLUB Fsrom its Foundation in JS7L PRESIDENTS, JOSEPH THORON, 1871-1872-1878-1879-1881-1882-1883. FRANKLIN H. CHURCHILL, 1873. CHARLES G. HERBERMANN, 1874. EDWARD P. SLEYIN, 1875. WILLIAM LUMMIS, 1876-1877. R. DUNCAN HARRIS, 1879 and 1885. ROBERT J. HOGUET, 1880. MORGAN J. O’BRIEN, 1883-1884. JOSEPH F. MOSHER, 1886. WILLIAM HILDRETH FIELD, 1887-1888. CHARLES V. FORNES, 1889-1890-1891-1892-1893. JOSEPH F. DALY, 1894-1895-1896-1897-1898. JOHN A. SULLIVAN, 1899-1900-1901. LEONARD A. GIEGERICH, 1902-1903-1904. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENTS* JOHN A. MOONEY, 1871-1872-1874. JOSEPH F. MOSHER (1st term), 1873-1879. DANIEL E. COYLE (2d term), 1873. STEPHEN FARRELLY, 1875. JOHN C. McLOUGHLIN, 1876-1877. JOSEPH A. NOLAN (1st term), 1878-1879. EUGENE B. MURTHA, M. D., 1880. FRANKLIN H. CHURCHILL, 1881. CARYL COLEMAN, 1882. CHARLES N. HARRIS, 1883. JOSEPH THORON, 1884-1886-1894-1895. EUGENE KELLY, 1885. JOSEPH Ft DALY, 1888-1892-1893. ROBERT J. HOGUET, 1889. JOSEPH J. O’DONOHUE, 1890. JOHN G. O’KEEFFE (2d term), 1895. JOHN D. CRIMMINS, 1891-1896. OLIVER P. BUEL, 1897-1898. LEONARD A. GIEGERICH, 1899-1900-1901. robert McGinnis, 1902 - 1903 . FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M.D., 1904. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENTS, JOSEPH A. KERNAN, 1871-1872. WILLIAM A. CONWAY, 1873. BERNARD P. KERNAN, 1874. SAMUEL HASSELL, 1875. MICHAEL McDonald, 1876-1877. JOHN McK. McCarthy, 1878. W. G. ROSS, 1879. CONRAD H. BACHEM, 1880. CHARLES Y. PORNES, 1881. JAMES J. SAXTON, 1882. LOUIS V. O’DONOHUE, 1883-1884. THOMAS. P. FITZSIMONS, 1885. FRANCIS D. HOYT, 1886. PHILIP H. FARLEY, 1887. CHARLES F. WALTERS, 1888. 'EDWARD J. McGUIRE, 1889 and 1894-1895. JAMES S. COLEMAN, 1890. WILLIAM H. HURST, 1891-1892-1893. STEPHEN FARRELLY, 1896-1897-1898. RICHARD S. TREACY, 1899-1900-1901. FRANCIS J. QUINLAN, M. D., 1902-1903. THOMAS M. MULRY, 1904. SECRETARIES. JOSEPH F. MOSHER, 1871-1872. RICHARD S. TREACY, 1873-1874-1875. JOHN P. KELLY, 1876-1877-1878. JAMES J. SAXTON, 1879. FREDERICK KLOECKNER, 1880. CHARLES W. KRAUSHAAR, 1881. JAMES A. MacELHINNEY, 1882. FRANK X. RADLEY, 1883. HENRY E. KAVANAGH, 1884. WILLIAM J. O’LEARY, 1885. JOHN McLOUGHLIN, 1886-1887. JOHN G. AGAR (2d term), 1887. WILLIAM H. PULLEYN, 1888. JOSEPH E. OWENS, 1889-1890-1891-1892-1893. ADRIAN T. KIERNAN, 1894-1895. JOHN P. CALLANAN, 1896-1897-1898. CHARLES MURRAY, 1899-1900-1901-1902-1903-1904. TREASURERS, HUGH G. CONNELL. . 1871-1872-1873-1874- 1875-1876-1877. ROBERT J. HOGUET . . 1878-1879-1883-1884. JOHN C. McLOUGHLIN . . 1880-1881-1882. COLIN McKINZIE, Jr . . 1885-1886-1887-1888- 1889-1890-1891. PHILIP B. CAVANAGH . . 1891-1892-1893-1894- 1895. JOHN J. PULLEYN . . 1896-1897-1898. JAMES J. PHELAN. . 1899-1900-1901-1902- 1903. JOHN H. DAVIS... . 1904. PREAMBLE* The Xavier Union was organized in March, 1871, by some members of the Xavier Alumni Sodality. The Sodality was established in 1863, with the object of encouraging virtue and Christian piety among the educated Catholic men of this city, and of promoting by their united efforts Catholic interests. To unite the members more intimately, to better carry out these objects, and to effect other desir¬ able ends not strictly within the scope of a purely religious body, the Xavier Union was formed from the Sodality. On January 1, 1888, the name was changed from the Xavier Union to the Catholic Club of the City of New York. CHARTER AN ACT TO INCORPORATE “Cbe Xaoier linion/' OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Passed May 12th, 1873. The people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section 1.—Rev. P. F. Dealy, S. J.; Franklin H. Churchill, Joseph F. Mosher, William A. Conway, Hugh G. Connell, Richard D. Harris, Edward J. Connell, William F. Pecher, Edward C. Hughes, Arthur S. McCaffray, Thomas F. Owens, Julius C. Schlachter, Daniel E. Coyle, Daniel J. 0’Conor, Michael K. McCarten, Henry J. Hani- gan, Charles J. Brady, James H. McNamara, William C. Clifford, and Garret J. Byrne, and all persons who are now, or who shall hereafter become, associated with them, shall be and continue a body corporate by the name of “The Xavier Union of the City of New York,” and they or their successors, by the same name, are authorized to purchase, receive by gift, grant, devise or otherwise, and to hold and convey, lease and mortgage such real or personal property as may be requisite and necessary for the purposes of the said corporation. Section 2.—There shall be a board of direction, which shall have the management and control of the property and affairs of the said corporation, and the first members of the said board shall be Rev. P. F. Dealy, S. J.; Frank¬ lin H. Churchill, Joseph F. Mosher, William A Conway, 20 CHARTER. Hugh G. Connell, Richard D. Harris, Edward J. Connell, William F. Pecher, Edward C. Hughes, Arthur S. McCaf- fray, Thomas F. Owens, Julius C. Schlachter, Daniel E. Coyle, Daniel J. O’Conor, Michael K. McCarten, Henry J. Hanigan, Charles J. Brady, James H. McNamara, William C. Clifford, and Garret J. Byrne; of whom the following shall be the first officers: Rev. P. F. Dealy, S. J., Mod¬ erator; Franklin H. Churchill, President; Joseph F. Mosher, First Vice-President; William A. Conway, Second Vice- President; Richard S. Treacy, Secretary; Hugh G. Connell, Treasurer; who shall hold their respective offices until others shall be chosen in their stead. Section 3.—The election of officers and directors of said corporation shall be held on the third Saturday of December in each year, or on such other days and at such other intervals as the said corporation, in and by their constitu¬ tion and by-laws, may appoint. Section 4.—The said corporation shall have power to make such a constitution, and such by-laws, rules and regulations, from time to time, as they may deem proper, including in said constitution and by-laws provision for the continuance, suspension and expulsion of members, and the said constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations to amend and alter from time to time. Section 5.—The said corporation shall be located in the City of New York, and the objects thereof shall be the establishment and maintenance of a general and circulating library, a reading room and scientific collections, literary, historical, religious and scientific lectures, the promotion of moral and intellectual improvement, and wholesome social recreation and amusement by all proper means. Section 6.—The said corporation shall not have the power to sell, assign, transfer, or in any manner dispose or part with their library and works of art, or of any part or parts thereof, except for the purpose of replacing or mak¬ ing exchanges of books or other articles belonging thereto, CHARTER. 21 and without lessening the aggregate value of such library and works of art. Section 7.—In the event of the dissolution of such cor¬ poration, their library and works of art shall be and be¬ come the property of the Archbishop of the City of New York, and the last moderator and the last president of such corporation, for the benefit of any association having objects similar to those of the corporation hereby created, and in the event of the non-user by the corporation hereby created, of their corporate rights, the exclusive right to the possession, use and control of their library and works of art shall vest in and belong to the said the Archbishop of the City of New York, and the said last moderator, and the last president of said corporation. Section 8.—Nothing herein provided or contained shall affect the rights of any creditor or creditors of the corpora¬ tion hereby created. Section 9.—The corporation hereby created shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the restrictions and liabilities provided by the constitution and laws of the State of New York. Section 10.—This act shall take effect immediately. CONSTITUTION. I. NAME. This Association shall be called the CATHOLIC CLUB OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. II. OBJECTS. The primary objects of the Club shall be to advance Catholic interests, to promote the moral improvement of its members, to foster among them a true Catholic spirit, to encourage the study of Catholic History, Literature, Science and Art and for these purposes to maintain a library, and by frequent social intercourse to bind themselves more closely in the pursuit of these and kindred ends. m/ MEMBERSHIP. Section 1.—This Club shall consist of Catholic gentle¬ men, who are governed by a spirit of fidelity to the Church and devotion to the Holy Father. ^Section 2.—The initiation fee shall be fifty dollars for each candidate over thirty years of age, and twenty-five dollars for each candidate under thirty years of age, and the annual dues shall be fifty dollars, payable semi-annually in advance on the first day of March and the first day of September. Every member in arrears for dues for sixty days or house charges for thirty days shall be liable to forfeit membership. The Board of Management may take action at any regular meeting of the Board on those in arrears, and a majority vote of the Board shall be sufficient 24 CONSTITUTION. to deprive of membership any person in arrears either for dues or house charges. The Board of Management, however, shall have power in their discretion at any time upon two-thirds vote of the Board, to suspend for a period of not more than three months, such part of the Constitution as requires the pay¬ ment of an initiation fee, provided such action be recom¬ mended at a regular meeting of the Club. Section 3.—Members may, by order of the Board of Management, be dropped from the rolls in the manner provided in the By-Laws, for any act in violation of the rules of the Club prejudicial to its interests or character, or contrary to the Constitution and By-Laws. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the power of the Board to drop from the rolls any member in arrears to the Club, as provided in Section 2 of this Article. Section 4.—Any member of the Club may at any time become a life member, with the consent of the -Board of Management and upon the payment of the sum of five hundred dollars. Section 5.-—The Board of Management may elect honor¬ ary members, who shall enjoy all the privileges of active members, except those of voting and holding office; but no person shall be elected an honorary member unless his name shall be first referred to the Committee on Admissions, who shall report thereon in writing at a regular meeting held not less than thirty days after such reference, and unless an unanimous vote of the members of the Board who may be present at a regular meeting shall be recorded in favor of the motion to admit. All votes in the Board for honorary members shall be taken by ballot. Section 6.—Catholic gentlemen residing permanently at a distance of fifty miles or more from the City of New York, and otherwise eligible to active membership, may be admitted to non-resident membership, with all the rights and privileges of resident active members, but without the 80ST0N COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. CONSTITUTION. 25 right to vote or hold office. They shall not pay any ini¬ tiation fee. Their annual dues shall be ten dollars, payable in advance on the first day of March. Every non-resident member in arrears for sixty days shall be liable to forfeit membership, and shall be acted upon by the Board of Management as provided for resident active members in Section 2 of this Article. ^Section 7.—Catholic officers of the Army and Navy of the United States may be admitted to Army and Navy membership and in like manner as in this Article provided for Honorary members, but without the right to vote or hold office. They shall pay neither initiation fees nor an¬ nual dues, and shall not be liable to assessments. Section 8.—The sums paid by “life members” on their becoming such shall be permanently the property of the Catholic Club. Life members shall be exempt from all dues and assessments whatever, but shall in all other respects be subject to the same obligations, and enjoy the same rights and be liable to the same penalties, as active mem¬ bers. Section 9.—The number of resident active members of this Club is limited to one thousand, exclusive of life and army and navy members. Section 10.—No member in arrears for dues for sixty days or house charges for thirty days shall have a vote at any election, nor shall he be considered an active mem¬ ber for the purpose of amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws. IY. OFFICERS. Section 1.—The officers of the Club shall be a Director, a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and sixteen Managers. 26 CONSTITUTION. Section 2.—The Director shall be appointed by the Arch¬ bishop of New York. Section 3.—The President, two Vice-Presidents, Sec¬ retary and Treasurer shall each be elected on general ballot and shall hold office for one year. Section 4.—The officers named in the preceding section shall be elected on the first Tuesday of June, and their terms of office shall commence on the sixteenth day of June following. Section 5.—Eight Managers, to hold office for two years, shall be elected annually, on general ballot, on the first Tuesday of June, and their terms of office shall commence on the sixteenth day of June. Section 6.—No member in arrears at the time of election shall be eligible to any office, and all votes offered for such a member shall be void. Should any office be left unfilled by reason of such void votes, the same shall be filled by the Board of Management, as provided by Article VI., Sec¬ tion 2, of the Constitution. V. POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 1.—The Director has the right to be present at all the meetings of the Club, and of the Board of Man¬ agement, and of every Standing or Special Committee. He has the power to prohibit anything that, in his opinion, may endanger or derogate from the Catholic character of the Club. Section 2.—The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, and he shall also be chairman of the Board of Management. Section 3.—In the absence of the President, his duties shall devolve on the first Vice-President, and in his absence, on the Second Vice-President. CONSTITUTION. 2? Section 4.—The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meet¬ ings and elections of the Club and of the Board of Manage¬ ment, and he shall keep a record of such other matters as the Club or the Board of Management may order. He shall keep a roll of the members of the Club after a form to be determined by the Board of Management. He shall inform new members of their admission, and he shall notify the members of all meetings and elections of the Club. Subject to the Board of Management, he shall conduct the corre¬ spondence of the Club; and no correspondence, except the notices required by the Constitution and By-Laws, or by the general rules of the Board, shall be recognized as official unless ordered by the Boar'd. Section 5.—I. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds and securities belonging to the Club. II. He shall make no payment unless upon the pres¬ entation of a bill signed by the Chairman and one other member of the Committee authorized to incur the expend¬ iture, and he shall furnish a bond at the expense of the Club in such an amount as the Board of Management may require. III. He shall make a report in writing to the Board of Management and to the Finance Committee at least once a month, of the financial condition of the Club. He shall notify such members of their liability under Article III., Section 2, of this Constitution, and shall inform the Board of the date of said notification, and shall post such list on the bulletin board of the Club House. *IV. He shall deposit the money of the Club to the credit of the Catholic Club of the City of New York, in any Bank or Trust Company to be approved of by the Board of Management. Y. He shall present at the annual meeting a full written statement of the receipts and disbursements of the 28 CONSTITUTION. Club during the year, and, whenever required, he shall re¬ port the condition of the treasury. VI. His accounts shall be audited by a committee of three, to be appointed at the annual meeting. On the set¬ tlement of his accounts, he shall file and deposit his vouchers with the Club. VI. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. Section 1.—The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Managers shall Constitute the Board of Management. ^Section 2.—The Board of Management shall supervise and control the affairs of the Club, elect its members, and take cognizance of all infractions of the Constitution and By-Laws. It shall control and manage the property of the Club, and it shall have power to appropriate funds as hereafter determined by the By-Laws. It shall fill, until the next ensuing election, vacancies occurring in its own body. It shall report its proceedings at every annual meet¬ ing. The Board of Management shall not have power to purchase, sell or mortgage real estate. It shall make no expenditure exceeding one thousand dollars without a three- fourths vote of the entire Board. VII. MEETINGS. Section 1.—An annual meeting shall be held on the sixteenth day of June, unless the same shall be Sunday, when the meeting shall be held on the following day. Section 2.—A monthly meeting for the transaction of general business shall be held on the Thursday after the second Tuesday of every month excepting July, August and September. CONSTITUTION. 29 Section 3.—Special meetings shall be called by the Pres¬ ident, through the Secretary, at any time, on the written request of ten members, which request shall specify the ob¬ ject of the meeting. No special meeting shall be lawful, or bind the Club, unless a notice of the same, specifying dis¬ tinctly the object of their meeting, shall have been mailed to all members of the Club at least five full days before the date for which this special meeting has been called, and at a special meeting no business shall be transacted other than that for which the meeting was called. An inadvertent omission to mail this notice to any member or members shall not invalidate the meeting. Section 4.—At regular meetings, twenty-five active mem¬ bers shall constitute a quorum, but at all other meetings of the Club one hundred active members shall be necessary to a quorum. At the meeting at which the Nominating Committee is appointed, any number shall form a quorum for the special purpose of nominating such Committee, but for no other business. Section 5.—All Committees of the Club shall be ap¬ pointed by the presiding officer unless otherwise ordered. Section 6.—Proxy votes shall not be allowed. VIII. RESTRICTIONS. Section 1.—No card-playing for money, or any represent¬ ative of money, or whereby any other valuable thing is to be won or lost; no betting, gambling or political discussions shall be allowed in the rooms of the Club. Section 2.—The Board of Management may permit card¬ playing subject to its own supervision, and to such rules and regulations as it may enact, and subject to the re¬ strictions of the last section, and it may at any time sus¬ pend or revoke such permission. 30 CONSTITUTION. Section 3.—The Board of Management may permit, subject to its own supervision, and subject to such rules and regulations as it may enact, the sale and use of wines and liquors in the Club House, and it may at any time suspend or revoke such permission. Section 4.—Any violation of the provisions of this Ar¬ ticle, or of any of the rules and regulations enacted pur¬ suant to Section 2 of this Article, or any abuse of the per¬ mission given pursuant thereto, shall be misconduct as specified in Article III. of the By-Laws, and the offender or offenders shall be subject to all the provisions respecting misconduct in said Article contained. IX. AMENDMENTS. Section 1.—Notice of any amendments of the Constitu¬ tion must be given in writing, at a regular meeting of the Club, at least thirty days before action thereon by the Club; such notice must be signed by at least five active members and be, within five days thereafter, posted on the bulletin board. Section 2.—The Board of Management shall report their approval or disapproval of the proposed amendment, or a substitute therefor,^ with the reasons of their action, at or before the second regular meeting of the Club after the notice aforesaid. Their failure to consider or report shall not prevent action on the proposed amendment at such second or any subsequent regular meeting. Any proposi¬ tion, while pending before the Board of Management, shall be subject to amendment in matter of detail, but not in substance, by the proposers. Section 3.—The Board of Management shall have power to call a special meeting of the Club for the consideration CONSTITUTION. 31 of any proposed amendments to the Constitution for any time later than thirty days from the date of the notice of such amendment. A proposed amendment cannot be acted on before the second regular meeting of the Club after that at which the notice thereof is given, unless a special meeting for its consideration shall be called by the Board of Management as herein provided. Section 4.—At least five days before the day fixed for the meeting by the Board of Management, or five days before the aforesaid second regular or special meeting of the Club, the Secretary shall cause notices to be mailed to all the active members of the Club that the proposed amendment is to be acted upon. A copy of the amendment as originally proposed, or as modified by the proposers, with a statement of the approval or disapproval of the Board of Management, or a copy of the substitute, if any, recommended by them, shall accompany said notice. An inadvertent omission to send this notice to any member or members shall not prevent action on the amendment. Section 5.—At the meeting mentioned in said notice, or at any subsequent regular meeting for which it shall be made the special business by a written request to the Presi¬ dent, signed by at least ten active members, and presented to him at least ten days before the date of such regular meeting, and of which notice shall be mailed to all active members in the manner provided in the last preceding section, either the original or modified amendment, whether approved or disapproved by the Board of Management, or a substitute, if any, proposed by them with or without such further amendment affecting the same subject matter as shall be duly made by the Club at such meeting, may be adopted by a vote of three-fourths of the active members present, and shall thereupon be as binding as the original Constitution, provided that at least one hundred active members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the purposes of this section. 32 CONSTITUTION. X. FUNDS. Section 1. Sinking Funds. I. If at any time the Club be liable for any mortgage debt, there shall be a sinking fund for its redemption. II. This fund shall consist of all sums received from the initiation fees of active members, from special dona¬ tions, from such appropriations as the Board of Manage¬ ment may make from the principal and surplus interest of the Life Membership Fund, as provided in Section 2 of this Article, from such appropriations as the Board of Man¬ agement may make, and from its own interest accumula¬ tions. III. The money of the Sinking Fund shall be invested by the Treasurer, or deposited by him in such banks for savings, or trust companies of the City of New York, as the Board of Management may direct, provided that said investment be restricted to the securities allowed by the Banking Department of the State of New York, bonds of the Catholic Club, negotiable or otherwise, at a price not above par. IY. On recommendation of the Finance Committee and approval of the Board of Management, the Treasurer may from time to time purchase Bonds of the Catholic Club for account of the Sinking Fund at a price not exceeding par. Y. Except for the full or partial payment of the principal sum of a mortgage debt held against the Club, no security in the Sinking Fund shall be sold, and of the Sinking Fund no money other than for investment shall in any case be paid out; but nothing herein shall prevent the Board of Management from exchanging any security of this CONSTITUTION. 33 Fund for another of those specified in paragraph 3 of this section. Section 2. Life Membership Fund. I. The Life Membership Fund shall consist of the principal sums of all life membership payments hereafter made. II. The money of this Fund shall be deposited or invested in the same manner and under the same restric¬ tions as the money of the Sinking Fund, and it shall not be diverted to any other Fund, except that on the death, resignation or expulsion of any life member the sum paid by him for life membership shall be transferred to the Sink¬ ing Fund. III. The interest accruing from this Fund shall be placed, semi-annually, to the credit of the Sinking Fund. Section 3. Special Funds. I. Donations given with a view of permanent invest¬ ment, and for special purposes not before mentioned, shall form Special Funds. II. They shall be under the same management and restrictions, unless otherwise directed by the donor, as the Sinking Fund. Unless with the consent of the donor, no Special Fund shall be diverted from its original purpose. III. Bach Special Fund shall be entitled to its own interest accumulations. ARTICLE XI. ^Section 1.—Should the Board of Management find the revenue of the Club insufficient to meet the current ex¬ penses or should there be funds needed for alterations, ad¬ ditions, improvements or the purchase of Real or Personal property, the subject matter shall be referred to the Finance Committee, who shall immediately prepare plans for the 34 CONSTITUTION. arrangement of the Finances of the Club and present the same to the Board of Management for their approval. Section 2.—If the plans be approved, altered or amended, it shall be the duty of the President to present same to a special or regular meeting of the Club by giving at least five days’ notice to each member by mailing to him the details of such plans, with the proposed amendments of the Board of Management, if any, and post same on the Bulletin of the Club for the same length of time. Section 3.—At the meeting at which the plans will be presented such plans shall be adopted by a vote of three, fourths of the active members present, provided at least one hundred members constitute a quorum for the purpose of this action. BY-LAWS. I. GENERAL MANAGEMENT—BOARD OF MANAGE¬ MENT-STANDING COMMITTEES. Section 1.—The President shall appoint from the Board of Management the following Standing Committees : 1. Committee on Admissions. 2. Committee on the House. 3. Committee on the Library. 4. Committee on Entertainment. 5. Committee on Finance. Section 2.—These committees shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Club. Section 3.—Every member of the Board of Management except the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall be required to serve on at least one Standing Committee. Section 4.—The Committee on Admissions shall consist of five members. Its duties shall be to receive applications for admission according to the form prescribed in these By- Laws. It shall be its duty further to make inquiry as to the fitness of the applicant for admission to the Club- It shall also obtain evidence that every applicant is prac¬ tically governed by a spirit of fidelity to the Church and of devotion to the Holy Father. The possession of these characteristics is an indispensable and paramount condition of membership. Before any vote is taken on the admission of the applicant, the original application, endorsed with the information here required and with the committee’s report, favorable or unfavorable, shall be presented to the Board of Management. Section 5.—The Committee on the House shall consist of five members. It shall have charge of the house and 36 BY-LAWS. premises of the Club, and shall keep the same in proper order. With the approval of the Board of Management, it shall make needed rules and regulations for the government of the House and the conduct of the members therein. It shall also receive, consider and submit to the Board of Management, with its own conclusion and action, if any, all written complaints made by members. It shall have charge of the hiring and discharging of all employees of the Club, but the number and compensation of employees shall be fixed by the Board of Management. The rules and regulations made by this Committee shall be printed and posted. It shall not permit any political petition or docu¬ ment to be brought into the rooms or submitted for the signature of members. Section 6.—The Committee on the Library shall consist of five members. It shall have charge of the Library of the Club, and of the supply of the periodicals and newspapers and it may receive suitable books and periodicals donated therefor. It will also have charge of the monthly Bulletin and shall supervise the issue thereof and be responsible for same. It shall further have authority to spend such sums of money upon the Library as may be appropriated by the Board of Management, or procured by voluntary subscription. Section 7.—The Committee on Entertainment shall consist of five members. Its duties shall be to present from time to time such literary or musical entertainments and to give such receptions, as the Board of Management may order or approve. Section 8.—The Committee on Finance shall consist of the Chairmen of the other Standing Committees of the Board of Management, together with the President and Treasurer and ten members appointed by the President from the body at large. It shall have supervision of the accounts of the Club and shall meet monthly on the Mon¬ day before the Board meeting. BY-LAWS. 37 Section 9.—There shall be a Committee on Catholic Interests consisting of the Director, the President, and five members of the Board of Management and thirty mem¬ bers of the body at large to be appointed by the President. Its duties shall be to study the subject of Catholic interests, report from time to time to the Board of Management suggestions in relation thereto, and, with the consent of the Board of Management, initiate and carry out such measures as may be calculated to advance and protect the rights of Catholics. But it shall not at any time incur any expense unless the same be previously authorized by the Board of Management. Section 10.—In case of misconduct or neglect of duty in office on the part of any manager or officer, the Board of Management, by the affirmative vote of at least two- thirds thereof, may declare his office vacant and may fill the same for the remainder of his term. Absence without excuse from two consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Management, or of any Standing Committee thereof, shall be considered such a neglect of duty. Section 11.—All special Committees of the Board of Management shall be appointed by the Chairman, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. Section 12.—The Board of Management shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month, excepting July and August, and eleven members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Presi¬ dent, by a notice signed by the Secretary, and specifying the object of the meeting. Section 13.—The Secretary shall give due notice to each member of the Board of Management of the regular and special meetings thereof. II. EXPENDITURES. Section 1.—All purchases and expenditures must be authorized by the Board of Management. 38 BY-LAWS. Section 2.—No Committee thereof shall have the power to make any expenditure or incur any indebtedness, unless the money therefor shall have been duly appropriated. III. MEMBERSHIP. Section 1.—All applications for resident active member¬ ship in the Catholic Club shall be made in writing to the Committee on Admissions, and shall contain a statement of the full name of the person proposed for membership, and of his residence, occupation, and place of business, and of such other matters as the Committee on Admissions shall from time to time require; and shall be signed by the applicant, and by three members who shall propose him for membership. The blanks furnished by the Club for this purpose shall have printed on the face thereof Sections 1 and 2 of Article III. of the Constitution, relating to mem¬ bership. The application shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose by the Committee on Admissions. The names of all applicants and their proposers shall be communicated to the members of the Club with the monthly notices of meeting, and shall be posted in the rooms of the Club at least thirty days before being balloted for. Each applicant for resident membership shall be personally in¬ troduced to at least one member of the Committee on Ad¬ missions, if required by the Committee. Section 2. — The Board of Management at each regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, shall ballot upon all applications reported to it by the Committee on Admissions. Three negative votes shall ex¬ clude an applicant. Every new member shall, within sixty days after his admission, pay the initiation fee and the dues for which he is liable. Any active member admitted during the first three months of the financial half year shall pay the current dues for six months, and any person admitted during the last three months of the financial half year shall pay one-quarter of the current annual dues, provided the BY-LAWS. 39 initiation fee be not suspended. Any applicant rejected shall not be again proposed for at least six months. Section 3.—All charges of misconduct against members of the Club shall be made in writing to the Board of Man¬ agement, which shall thereupon appoint a committee of five to investigate such charges, and to report thereon at the next meeting of the Board. Any member so charged shall be notified in the usual manner to attend before such com¬ mittee, and may introduce rebutting testimony. If the member charged be an officer, the Board, by a majority vote, may declare the office vacant during the investigation. Section 4.--Upon the presentation of the report, the Board of Management may, in its discretion, censure, sus¬ pend, expel, or remove from office the member accused; but before any such action the member may make his defence before the Board. Section 5.—Any member expelled shall forfeit all his rights and privileges in the Club. IV. MEETINGS. Section 1.—The order of business at the monthly meet¬ ings of the Club shall be as follows : 1. Roll call. 2. Reading of minutes. 3. Reports from the Board of Management. 4. Unfinished business. 5. New business. Section 2.—The rules and orders of Cushing’s Manual shall govern the meetings of the Club and Board of Man¬ agement, in so far as they are applicable, and not incon¬ sistent with the Constitution and By-Laws. Section 3.—No person, at any meeting, whether of the Club, or of the Board of Management, shall speak more than once on the same subject, nor more than ten minutes t one time without consent. 40 BY-LAWS. V. ELECTIONS. Section 1.—At the monthly meeting of the Club, held in the month of May, a committee of five shall be elected by the Club at large, which shall, within ten days, prepare a list of candidates for the various offices to be filled at the ensuing election, post the same in the rooms of the Club, and mail a copy thereof to every member. Section 2.—No candidate for any office in the Club shall be balloted for at any election unless his name and the office for which he is nominated shall be posted on the bulletin board of the Club at least five days prior to the date of the election, and in default thereof all votes cast for any such candidate shall be void. Section 3.—The Board of Management shall, at its meet¬ ing in May, appoint three Inspectors for the ensuing elec¬ tion, who shall have charge of the polls, and keep a reg¬ istry of the members voting. Section 4.—Any vacancy occurring in the office of the Inspectors of Election shall be filled by the President. Section 5.—The polls shall, at each election, be open in the rooms of the Club from seven to ten P. M.; and imme¬ diately on their closing, the three Inspectors of Election shall proceed to count the ballots before each other, and before at least five other members of the Club; and on completing the count, they shall certify the result, in writ¬ ing, to the President. Section 6.—No member shall be entitled to vote who may be in arrears to the Club. Section 7.—Ballots may be either written or printed, and in every ballot, partly written and partly printed, the written shall control the printed matter thereon. BY-LAWS. 41 Section 8.—A plurality of votes shall be sufficient to elect to any office. Section 9.—If at any election there shall be, by reason of tie votes, a failure of choice of one or more officers, the Inspectors of Election shall thereupon decide the same by lot. VI. AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws, or any of them, may be amended in the manner provided for amendments to the Constitution. RULES OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. RULES, ETC. 1. The regular meetings of the Board shall be held at eight o’clock P. M. At that hour the roll shall be called, and if a quorum be not present within thirty minutes there¬ after, the meeting may be adjourned. 2. No member absent from any meeting of the Board shall be excused unless he shall have notified the Secretary in writing of his intended absence, and given reason there¬ for. 3. Any member absent from two consecutive regular meetings of the Board, or of any standing committee thereof (and not excused by the Board) may be considered as having resigned his membership in the Board. The Secretary shall inform the Board of any member so absent, and not excused, and the Board may thereupon declare his seat vacant. This vacancy may be filled at once. The Secretary shall notify the delinquent of this action. 4 . At any special meeting of the Board no business shall be transacted other than that specified in the call for the meeting. 5. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by ballot, and a majority vote shall be required to elect. 6. The President shall appoint from the Board to fill vacancies occurring in the chairmanship of the standing committees, excepting only the Committee on Finance. 7. The powers of all standing and special committees cease with the outgoing administration. 8. Each standing committee shall organize within one week after the first meeting of the Board following each 44 RULES. annual election, and appoint a secretary, who shall there¬ after keep minutes of its meetings and of its accounts with the Board. All standing committees shall meet at least once every two weeks. At every regular meeting of the Board each standing committee shall report its action since the last meeting, and the Board may at any time require any committee to read the minutes of its meetings. 9. All Committees and all officers shall, at each Board meeting, report: 1st. The total amount of appropriations to them made up to date; 2d. The amount for which hills have been properly certified; 3d. The amounts yet to be expended under such appropriations; 4th. All authoriza¬ tions to incur expense beyond those under which appro¬ priations have already been made; 5th. All liabilities incurred under such authorizations. 10. No committee or officer shall receive an appro¬ priation unless the exact amount of the expenditure to be incurred be known and reported to the Board; provided, however, that committees may be authorized to incur lia¬ bilities for definite amounts and purposes, but not to make any expenditure under these authorizations except after presentation of proper bills therefor to the Board, and after the voting of appropriations to meet them. 11. The Treasurer shall not receive in payment of dues, or of any indebtedness whatsoever, bonds of the Club, or of other values not legal tender of the United States. 12. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to obtain bills of real estate and water taxes, assessments, insurance, and interest on mortgages, at the proper times, and to report the amounts of said bills to the Board, and to move the appropriations to meet the same. 13. The Committee on the House shall let no room unless the member hiring sign a written agreement, the form whereof shall be approved by the Board, specifying the conditions of hire and the amount of rent to be paid, and the times for the payment thereof. 14. The following rules shall govern the purchase of books and periodicals by the Committee on the Library : RULES. 45 1. A list shall be prepared and approved by the Com¬ mittee. 2. The approved list shall be shown to the Director, and any book to which he may object shall be stricken therefrom. 3. The list shall then be reported to the Board of Man¬ agement and be subject to its approval. Any objec¬ tion of the Board shall be referred to the Committee, which at a subsequent meeting shall report thereon. 4. Except upon the report of the Committee, no book or periodical shall be bought. 15. No Committee of the Board shall report to the Club without the order or consent of the Board. 16. The President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Chair¬ men of the Standing Committees shall constitute a Special Committee to prepare the annual report of the Board. This report shall be read to the Board, at a regular or special meeting, and shall be by it approved before being presented to the Club. 17. Any committee or officer, desiring to issue any circular, shall first submit the same to the Board for ap¬ proval, together with the names of those persons to whom the committee purposes sending it. 18. No committee has power to loan, or dispose, of any property of the Club without permission of the Board. 19. Members of the Board shall be in honor bound not to divulge any remarks made in Board meeting about any member, or applicant for membership; and the Board may by a majority vote enjoin secrecy about any of its proceedings. 20. By unanimous consent the courtesies of the Board may be extended to any visitor for any particular evening. 21. The Secretary shall not place on the roll of the Club the name of any person newly elected until the Treas¬ urer has given him official notice that such person has paid his initiation fee. 22. The Secretary shall send notice in writing to every 46 RULES. member dropped from the roll of the Club; and such notice shall state the reason of the Board’s action. 23. Every resignation of membership shall be at once referred to the Treasurer, and to the Chairman of the Com¬ mittees on the House and the Library, who shall, at or before the next Board meeting, report whether the member resigning be in arrears to the Club or hold any books belonging thereto; and should he be in arrears and hold any book, his resignation shall not be accepted, but he may be dropped from the roll. 24. The resignation of a member from the Club, which has been accepted, or the dropping of a member from the roll for non-payment of dues and charges, may by consent of the Board of Management, and at the request of the member resigned or dropped, be reconsidered within twelve months after such acceptance of resignation or dropping. Provided, however, that the applicant shall not be exempted from any arrears, dues, or charges that would have mean¬ time accumulated against him, and provided further that the applicant shall be passed upon favorably by the Ad¬ mission Committee, and that not more than three negative votes be cast against him by the Board on such reconsid¬ eration. 25. No roll of the Club shall be used for purposes other than of the Club. 26. No subscription or solicitation of money, except for Club purposes, shall be made in the house without the permission of the Board. 27. The following shall be the order of business at all regular meetings of the Board of Management: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of Minutes. 3. Report of Committee on Finance. 4. Report of the Committee on Admissions. 5. Election of Members. 6. Reports of other Standing Committees. RULES. 47 7. Report of Special Committees. 8. Reports of Officers, Correspondence, etc. 9. Unfinished business. 10. New business. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE Catholic Club. With the Dates of their Admission. Note—*Denotes founders of the Union. fAssociate Members admitted to active membership Sept. 16, 1884. ^Members readmitted. HONORARY MEMBERS. HIS EMINENCE FRANCIS CARDINAL SATOLLI. HIS EMINENCE JAMES CARDINAL GIBBONS, Archbishop of Baltimore. HIS EMINENCE SEBASTIAN CARDINAL MARTINELLI. MOST REV. DIOMEDE FALCONIO, D. D. Archbishop of Larissa; Apostolic Delegate to IT. S. MOST REV. P. J. RYAN, D. D., Archbishop of Philadelphia. MOST REV. JOHN M. FARLEY, D. D., Archbishop of New York. RIGHT REV. CHAS. E. McDONNELL, D. D., Bishop of Brooklyn. RIGHT REV. B. J. M’QUAID, D. D., Bishop of Rochester. RIGHT REV. JOHN BAPTIST SCALABRINI, Bishop of Piacenza, Italy. RIGHT REV. CHARLES H. COLTON, D.D., Bishop of Buffalo. RIGHT REV. THOMAS F. CUSACK, D. D., Auxiliary Bishop of New York. RIGHT REV. MGR. JOSEPH F. MOONEY, V. G. RIGHT REV. MGR. MICHAEL J. LAVELLE, V. G. Total.13 ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS, ANGLUM, DANIEL E . January 12, 1904 BABBITT, EDWIN B.December 13, 1898 BANNON, PHILIP M.November 11, 1902 BENSON, WILLIAM SHEPHERD.June 6, 1894 BINGHAM, GONZALEZ S.October 13, 1903 BRUNS, CHRISTOPHER LESLIE.October 11, 1898 CHIDWICK, REV. JOHN P. S.September 13, 1898 CRAFT, RALPH PAYNE .October 14, 1902 CUSACK, JOSEPH E. November 12, 1901 DELEHANTY, DANIEL.June 14, 1893 DOYLE, JAMES G .January 11, 1898 EGAN, JOHN .December 14, 1897 EGAN, PETER R.March 13, 1900 ENGLAND, GEORGE W.January 14, 1902 FITZGERALD, EDWARD T...October 8, 1901 FUGER, FREDERICK W .March 8, 1898 FUREY, JOHN...February 7, 1893 GEARY, JOHN.December 10, 1901 GIENTY, DANIEL H.December 10, 1901 GILL, WM. ANDREW . April 12, 1898 GLEASON, REV. MATTHEW C.January 12, 1904 GOWAN, JAMES B. January 13, 1903 GRIFFIN, ROBERT S.June 14, 1893 HALL, JOHN N. H.December 9, 1902 HANNIGAN, JOHN.April 14, 1902 HARDIE, FRANCIS H .....February 9, 1897 HAVARD, VALERY.December 4, 1894 HENRY, CHARLES P...February 5, 1895 HODGSON, ALBON CHASE.February 10, 1903 HUGHES, JOHN HENDRICKEN .February 12, 1901 JOHNSON, ALFRED.January 12, 1904 KAVANAGH, ARTHUR GLYM.November 14, 1899 KERNAN, FRANCIS J .March 10, 1903 McAllister, Andrew .June 6,1894 McANDREWS, JAMES W.November 8, 1898 McCarthy, DANIEL E. June 16, 1903 MCDONALD, JOHN D.February 19, 1897 McDOUGALL, THOMAS MOWER.May 17, 1892 McELMELL, JACKSON.January 2, 1894 McGINNESS, J. R.October 8, 1901 MALONE, PAUL B...March 10, 1903 MANION, WALTER J .January 13, 1903 MARKHAM, EDWARD M.March 12, 1901 MAXWELL, W. J.January 12, 1904 MORRELL, HENRY.January 2, 1894 ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS. 51 MURPHY, PAUL ST. CLAIR.:.June 14, 1893 MURPHY, PIERCE A .May 10, 1904 O’KEEFFE, REV. TIMOTHY P .October 13, 1903 PARKS, REV. CHAS. HENRY.September 13, 1898 PURCELL, JOHN L .June 8, 1897 RAND, STEPHEN .September 1, 1896 REANEY, REV. WM. H. J .June 8, 1897 REEVES, I. O.January 12, 1904 RENNOLDS, REV. L. PAUL ...January 14, 1902 RYAN, J. P. J....May 5, 1896 SHERIDAN, MICHAEL V.July 11, 1901 SMART, ROBERT M., M. D.March 31, 1900 STUART, DANIEL D. V.February 21, 1899 TILFORD, JOSEPH G.June 6, 1893 TOBIN, JOHN A ...January 18, 1887 TORNEY, GEORGE H .January 16, 1897 WALSH, JOSEPH W.May 14, 1901 WILLIAMS, PHILIP.June 14, 1893 WOODRUFF, JAMES A.....February 13, 1900 WOODS, GEORGE WORTH .September 14, 1897 ZIEGEMEIER, HENRY J.February 7, 1893 Total....66 LIFE MEMBERS, AMY, ALFRED Y. AMY, HENRY.. fCOLEMAN, JAMES S. COLTON, THOMAS J . CONNELL, DANIEL C. CONNELL, GEORGE W. CONNICK, ANDREW J . CREMIN, JOSEPH D. $CRIMMINS, JOHN D. CRIMMINS, JOHN D., Jr. CURLEY, TERENCE F. DUFFY, CHARLES P., M. D.. DUFFY, WILLIAM. EHRET, FRANK A .. FARRELLY, STEPHEN. FORNES, CHARLES V .. *HOGUET, ROBERT J . HUDSON, JOHN H., Jr. HUDSON, JOSEPH. HURST, WILLIAM H. JERZMANOWSKI, ERAZIN J KENNEDY, RODERICK J .... * KERN AN, JOSEPH A . LOUBAT, LE DUC DE. *LUMMIS, WILLIAM. LYNCH, JAMES D . LYNCH, JOHN B., M. D. MITCHELL, JOHN J. MURRAY, TIMOTHY J. M ... O’BRIEN, MORGAN J . O’DONOGHUE, LOUIS V. O’GORMAN, RICHARD . IPHELAN, JAMES J . RADLEY, JOHN J.. ROSS, WILLIAM G. RYAN, THOMAS F. SCHICKEL, WILLIAM. TIERNEY, JOHN CHARLES. TIERNEY, MYLES . TIERNEY, MYLES J. 4, 1888, 18, 1887, 16, 1884, 18, 1873, 6, 1885, 15, 1885, 5, 1876, 20, 1881, 1, 1876, 5, 1892, 15, 1878, 1, 1890, 5, 1886, 17, 1885, 3, 1873, 18, 1879, Mar 20, 1871, 4, 1901, 9, 1901, 15, 1873, 2, 1890, 6, 1885, 20, 1871, 7, 1895, Mar 20, 1871, 18, 1871, 15, 1881, 17, 1884, 4, 1892, 6, 1873, 1, 1881, 12, 1879, 21, 1885, 9, 1883, 12, 1871, 16, 1887, 2, 1884, 11, 1899, 1, 1890. 21, 1899, ..40 Mar. 5, 1890 Mar. 5, 1890 Feb. 17, 1885 June 2, 1891 Feb. 17, 1885 Sept. 15, 1886 Jan. 7, 1890 Feb. 17, 1885 Mar. 2, 1885 Mar. 7, 1893 Feb. 17, 1885 May 6, 1890 Mar. 5, 1890 Nov. 23, 1896 Dec. 19, 1876 Feb. 17, 1885 Mar. 25, 1882 Oct. 10, 1902 July 8, 1902 Feb. 17, 1885 May 4, 1892 Dec. 1, 1891 Apr. 1, 1890 May 7, 1895 Dec. 19, 1876 Mar. 22, 1882 July 5, 1889 May 5, 1885 Sept. 1, 1899 Feb. 17, 1885 Feb. 17, 1885 Feb. 17, 1885 June 2, 1885 Sept. 1, 1891 Mar. 24, 1885 May 17, 1892 Apr. 19, 1892 Apr. 11, 1899 May 6, 1890 Feb. 21, 1899 Total. ACTIVE RESIDENT MEMBERS, A ADAMS, ROBERT A.March 10, 1903 ADAMS, SAMUEL ....February 21, 1899 ADAMS, THOMAS A .April 3, 1894 AGAR, JOHN G ...December 15, 1878 AHERN, FRANCIS X.February 10, 1903 AHERN, PHILIP E...February 10, 1903 ALMIRALL, JOSEPH J ....January 13, 1903 ALMIRALL, JUAN A .February 12, 1902 ALMIRALL, RAYMOND F...May 14, 1901 AMEND, EDWARD B .October 13, 1896 AMEND, WILLIAM J..June 3, 1890 AMY, ALFRED V .December 4, 1888 AMY, HENRY.January 18, 1887 ANDERSON, ROBERT M.May 5, 1896 ASPELL, EDWARD J., M. D. November 10, 1896 ASPELL, JOHN, M. D.June 27, 1892 ^ __ ~ B BACHEM, CONRAD H.December 15, 1874 BAINTON, JOSEPH HECTOR, M. D.July 11, 1901 BALET, JOSEPH W.February 5, 1889 BAMBRICK, JOHN A.December 6, 1893 BANNIN, MICHAEL E.March 20, 1888 BANNON, HARRY G .November 8, 1898 BANNON, THOS. J.March 10, 1903 BARDON, THOMAS F.March 7, 1893 BARR, ANDREW B.December 9, 1902 BARRETT, ALFRED M.February 10, 1903 BARRETT, NICHOLAS J .'....April 4, 1893 BARRETT, THOMAS .December 6, 1892 BARRY, DANIEL J .December 13, 1898 BARRY, GERALD J ...July 11, 1901 BARRY, JOHN J...January 11, 1898 BAUJARD, GEORGE A...June 11, 1901 BEATTY, JAMES T.February 10, 1903 BEECHINOR, HARRY Y .April 14, 1903 BEGEN, JAMES, M. D.September .16, 1890 BENZIGER, LOUIS G.December 2, 1890 BENZIGER, NICHOLAS C.December 21, 1880 BERGMAN, CHARLES L...March 13, 1900 BERNDES, JULIO F., Jr.April 12, 1904 BIERSMITH, E. L..February 10, 1903 BINGHAM, HARRY J .May 12, 1903 54 RESIDENT MEMBERS. BINGHAM, JAMES M .November 5, 1890 BISTER, JOHN.April 14, 1903 BLAKE, MICHAEL.November 23, 1896 BOLAND, FRANK A.October 14, 1902 JBOLAND, WILLIAM F.July 7, 1891 BOURKE, GEOFFREY R., M. D ....December 21, 1875 BOURKE, MARTIN F ..March 31, 1900 BOWE, WILLIAM J.November 9, 1897 BOYLAN, AMBROSE J.January 13, 1903 BOYLE, EDWARD F .July 8, 1902 BOYLE, JAMES F . January 11, 1898 BOYLE, JAMES F .January 27, 1900 BOYLE, JOHN J..February 9, 1904 BRADY, JAMES BRENDON WINTERS.March 11, 1902 BRADY, JOHN J. February 10, 1903 BRADY, JOHN T. April 14, 1903 BRADY, JOSEPH T .February 6, 1894 BRADY, OWEN J ...January 9, 1900 BRADY, THOMAS J .September 16, 1890 BRENNAN, EDMUND M...May 8, 1900 BRENNAN, JOHN ...June 14, 1904 BRENNAN, MICHAEL .December 2, 1890 BRENNAN, PETER J .January 12, 1897 BRENNAN, THOMAS F .April 11, 1899 BRESLIN, JOSEPH J .December 12, 1899 BRODERICK, EDMUND D.February 10, 1903 BROE, PETER A.....March 7, 1893 BROWNE, RICHARD R.April 4, 1893 BRUNNER, PETER F .April 9, 1901 BUCHANAN, WILLIAM.September 16, 1884 BUCKLEY, ARTHUR...April 9, 1901 BUCKLEY, JOHN J.February 10, 1903 BUCKLEY, RICHARD W.December 21, 1891 BUDERUS, JOHN P .....February 12, 1902 BURKE, JAMES J.March 12, 1901 BURKE, WALTER A.February 5, 1889 BURKE, WILLIAM E...April 5, 1892 BURKE, WILLIAM H .February 12, 1901 BURLEE, WILLIAM J .July 8, 1902 BURNS, THOMAS R .October 8, 1901 BURNS, CHARLES O.February 12, 1901 BURR, WILLIAM P.March 10, 1903 BUTLER, FRANCES E .March 10, 1903 BUTLER, FRANCIS X.June 14, 1904 BUTLER, JAMES.January 3, 1903 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 55 BUTLER, JOHN J.November 11, 1902 BUTLER, JOHN P .February 12, 1902 BUTLER, T. VINCENT.July 8, 1902 BUTLER, WALTER G .June 12, 1900 BYRNE, C. E., M. D .June 14, 1898 BYRNE, JAMES.May 13, 1902 BYRNE, JOHN .January 6, 1891 BYRNE, THOMAS F.January 5, 1892 BYRNE, THOMAS F .December 10, 1901 BYRNE, THOMAS J.........April 11, 1899 BYRNE, WILLIAM MICHAEL .April 9, 1901 BYRNES, JAMES C...March 10, 1903 BYRNS, JOHN ...February 12, 1902 BYRNS, MATTHEW CLINTON ..December 9, 1902 C CADDIGAN, JOHN P .February 12, 1900 CAHILL, JAMES P....January 13, 1903 CAHILL, JOHN H .March 13, 1900 CALDWELL, WILLIAM E .November 11, 1902 CALLAHAN, CORNELIUS .September 16, 1890 CALLANAN, JAMES J......December 1, 1891 CALLANAN, JOHN P.June 6, 1882 CALLANAN, LAWRENCE J .December 2, 1890 CAMPBELL, CHARLES I .April 5, 1892 CAMPBELL, HENRY. March 20, 1888 CANA VAN, DAVID P......January 27, 1900 CANA VAN, JOHN T.March 12, 1901 CARAGOL, LUIS R.January 13, 1903 CARAGOL, MANUEL....January 13, 1903 CAREW, JOHN FRANCIS. March 12, 1901 CAREY, JAMES P.February 13, 1903 CAREY, JOHN S...January 13, 1903 CAREY, MARTIN RAYMOND.March 12, 1901 CARR, EDWARD F .June 8, 1897 CARR, JOSEPH V.February 10, 1903 CARR, WILLIAM J..September 8, 1903 CARROLL, JOHN F...April 12, 1892 CARROLL, JOSEPH F.October 13, 1903 CARROLL, WILLIAM J.February 14, 1902 CARTON, ANDREW B.May 14, 1901 CASEY, JOHN...January 6, 1891 CASEY, PATRICK J .January^, 1900 CASEY, WILLIAM J.January 6, 1891 CASSIDY, JOSEPH A .May 12, 1903 56 RESIDENT MEMBERS. CAULLETT, JOHN J.April 12, 1904 CAVANAGH, JOHN J . July 11, 1901 CHERRY, WILLIAM S., M. D . December 10, 1901 CHICHERIO, FRANCIS A.March 10, 1903 CHRISTIE, JAMES H.February 13, 1900 CLAFFY, JOHN E .March 31, 1900 CLAR, MAURICE D .April 8, 1902 CLARE, JOHN E. J .November 10, 1890 CLARE, WILLIAM F .March 10, 1903 CLARK, JAMES H.February 12, 1902 CLARKE, JAMES ..June 2, 1896 CLARKE, RICHARD H., Jr.March 8, 1904 CLEARY, JOHN .February 13, 1900 CLIFFORD, EDWARD C.April 12, 1904 CLOHESSY, JOHN H .March 10, 1903 COAKLEY, THOMAS J.January 13, 1903 COCKRAN, W. BOURKE.June 26, 1896 CODY, EDWARD T.February 7, 1893 COHALAN, DANIEL F .April 5, 1892 COHALAN, JOHN P.January 2, 1894 COHALAN, MICHAEL J.June 6, 1893 COLEMAN, DANIEL J., Jr.."..January 9, 1900 COLEMAN, JAMES S .September 16, 1884 COLLIER, PETER F .March 24, 1885 COLLIER, ROBERT J. F .April 11, 1899 COLLINS, CORNELIUS F .February 9, 1904 COLLINS, GEORGE S...May 10, 1904 COLTON, THOMAS J .November 18, 1873 COLWELL, HUGH .March 8, 1904 CONLAN, LOUIS J.March 7, 1893 CONLEY, JOHN .December 6, 1892 CONLON, JOSEPH A..;.March 10, 1903 CONNELL, DANIEL C .January 6, 1885 CONNELL, EDWARD S .June 11, 1901 CONNELL, FRANK J ..March 11, 1902 CONNELL, GEORGE W.June 15, 1885 * CONNELL, HUGH G.April 3, 1883 CONNICK, ANDREW J .December 5, 1876 CONNOLLY, JOHN.January 27, 1900 CONNOLLY, JOHN A .April 13, 1897 CONNOLLY, JOHN D .November 11, 1902 CONNOR, FRANCIS.January 27, 1900 CONNORS, THOMAS D.April 14, 1903 CONRON, JOHN E.January 9, 1900 CONRON, JOSEPH.February 13, 1900 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 5? CONVILLE, BERNARD J .July 8, 1902 CONVILLE, JOHN.January 13, 1903 CONVILLE, THOMAS F.February 6, 1894 CONWAY, JAMES L...February 2, 1892 CORBETT, M. E.March 13, 1900 CORBETT, WILLIAM H .January 13, 1903 SCORCORAN, MATTHEW.June 7, 1892 CORCORAN, RICHARD F .March 12, 1901 CORNELIUS, EDWARD J .February 10, 1903 CORRIGAN, JOSEPH E .January 8, 1901 COSTELLO, RICHARD R .January 27, 1900 COSTELLO, THOMAS F...March 6, 1894 COUGHLIN, JOHN H., M. D.January 13, 1903 COTTER, JOHN.June 14, 1904 COWAN, JOHN F..January 14, 1902 COX, CHARLES W...March 10, 1903 COX, EDWARD L.October 13, 1903 CRANE, JOHN .January 6, 1880 CREMIN, JOSEPH D .December 20, 1881 CRIMMINS, JOHN D.February 1, 1876 CRIMMINS, JOHN D., Jr.January 5, 1892 CRIMMINS, THOMAS.November 13, 1900 CROAK, JOHN .May 3, 1902 CROAK, WILLIAM T...April 8, 1902 CROKER, RICHARD, Jr...January 13, 1903 CRONAN, THOMAS H.January 14, 1902 CRONIN, CORNELIUS F ...May 10, 1898 CROSS, JOHN F.July 8, 1902 CUFF, WILLIAM E., M. D.October 20, 1885 CUNNINGHAM, CHRISTOPHER.January 14, 1902 CUNNINGHAM, DANIEL F...June 7, 1892 CUNNINGHAM, EDWARD P.February 10, 1903 CUNNINGHAM, JOHN J .January 16, 1883 CUNNINGHAM, THOMAS .June 14, 1898 CUNNION, FRANK P...April 12, 1898 CURLEY, TERENCE F ...October 15, 1878 CURRAN, JAMES .May 7, 1895 CURRAN, JAMES ROSS.April 11, 1899 CURRY, EDMUND J.December 11, 1900 CURRY, FRANCIS A’....February 2, 1892 CURTIN, CORNELIUS J.March 10, 1903 CUSKLEY, JOHN J .March 7, 1893 58 RESIDENT MEMBERS. D DALTON, ANDREW P ...January 13, 1903 DALY, DAVID R .January 13, 1903 DALY, EDWARD HAMILTON.January 10, 1899 DALY, EUGENE V.October 13, 1903 DALY, E. W .December 11, 1900 DALY, JOSEPH F .October 21, 1884 DALY, NICHOLAS M.April 2, 1889 DALY, WILLIAM C.May 10, 1904 DANVERS, ROBERT E.January 6, 1891 DARROW, WILLIAM H.March 10, 1903 DAVIDSON, JOHN A.March 8, 1892 DAVIN, JOHN P, M.D .October 6, 1891 DAVIS, JOHN H .June 12, 1900 DAY, CHRISTOPHER C.....February 13, 1900 DAY, JOSEPH P .May 4, 1892 DEARDEN, ARTHUR V.January 14, 1902 DEARDON, JOHN EDWIN, M.D .March 13, 1900 DEBACHER, R. R...June 10, 1902 DE COSTA, BENJAMIN F...May 14, 1901 DEERY, JOHN J ..February 7, 1893 DELAHAUNTY, FRANCIS B .......January 13, 1903 DELAHUNTY, JOHN.January 6, 1885 DELANY, JOHN J.April 7, 1891 DEZELL, JOHN F.April 9, 1901 DIDIER, JOSEPH A .October 14, 1902 DILLON, JOSEPH. July 7, 1891 DILLON, JOSEPH A., M.D..March 13, 1900 DOELGER, PETER ...February 11, 1890 DOHERTY, CHARLES W.June 2, 1891 DOHERTY, HORACE K .November 16, 1886 DOLAN, JAMES A.May 14, 1901 DOLAN, JOHN G.March 10, 1903 DOLAN, PATRICK F.February 8, 1898 DONELLAN, J. POWER...February 12, 1901 DONIHEE, VINCENT P.March 31, 1900 DONLEY, JOHN E .....July 8, 1902 DONNELLY, JOHN E .March 10, 1903 DONOGHUE, FRANCIS X.February 7, 1888 DONOHUE, MATTHEW F.January 27, 1900 DONOHUE, WILLIAM J ...February 12, 1901 DONOVAN, DANIEL J., M.D .February 12, 1901 DONOVAN, JOHN F...July 11, 1901 DONOVAN, JOHN J.January 3, 1893 DONOVAN, JOHN W....January 8, 1901 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 59 DONOVAN, MICHAEL H.February 9, 1897 DONOVAN, RICHARD J .February 13, 1900 DONOVAN, ROBERT J. F .March 8, 1898 JDOUGHERTY, JAMES E.December 12, 1871 DOWD, JAMES H ...May 12, 1903 DOWD, JOHN C.March 10, 1903 DOWLING, VICTOR J.November 3, 1891 DOYLE, JOHN F.January 12, 1904 DRESSER, PAUL.December 13, 1898 DRUMMOND, LEWIS E. A...February 9, 1897 DRUMMOND, MICHAEL J.January 6, 1885* DRUMMOND, WALTER J ..March 13, 1900 DUANE, WILLIAM J.April 14, 1903 DUFFY, CHARLES H...July 8, 1902 DUFFY, CHARLES P., M.D .April 1, 1890 DUFFY, JAMES J.....June 23, 1893 DUFFY, JOHN...November 8, 1898 DUFFY, JOHN J.June 14, 1904 DUFFY, JOSEPH F .February 13, 1900 DUFFY, PETER .February 13, 1900 DUFFY, STEPHEN VINCENT .March 13, 1900 DUFFY, WILLIAM.January 5, 1886 DUMOIS, FRANCIS S.February 12, 1902 DUNN, JOHN P ...April 9, 1901 DUNN, THOMAS J...January 14, 1902 DUNN, WILLIAM A..December 9, 1902 DUNNE, JAMES...February 9, 1897 DUROSS, CHARLES E .January 27, 1900 DUROSS, JAMES E .March 13, 1900 DUVAL, GEORGE L...March 14, 1899 E EARLY, CORNELIUS J .March 31, 1900 EARLY, DANIEL J .February 12, 1902 EGAN, JOSEPH M. F., M.D.January 9, 1900 EHRET, FRANK A.September 17, 1885 EMMET, THOMAS ADDIS, M.D.December 6, 1892 ENGLISH, J. BERNARD.January 14, 1902 ETCHINGHAM, JAMES J .November 23, 1896 EYRE, EDWARD.April 3, 1894 F FAGAN, JAMES . FALAHEE, JOHN J .June 6, 1893 .October 13, 1896 60 RESIDENT MEMBERS. FALLON, JOSEPH P ....September 1, 1896 FANNING, WILLIAM J ...January 6, 1885 FARGIS, JOSEPH H.February 12, 1902 FARLEY, CHARLES J ..December 21, 1891 FARLEY, EDWARD J .. .March 10, 1903 FARLEY, TERENCE ..January 9, 1900 FARRELL, EDWARD D .April 3, 1888 FARRELL, WILLIAM J.November 5, 1895 FARRELL, WILLIAM J.February 13, 1900 FARRELLY, STEPHEN .June 3, 1873 FARRELLY, T. CHARLES.May 1, 1894 FEE, FRANK J.June 11, 1901 FEITNER, THOMAS L .April 7, 1891 FENLON, JOHN T.January 3, 1888 FENNELLY, EDWARD G .January 8, 1901 FERRER, JOSE M., M.D.July 12, 1892 FEUERBACH, FREDERICK J.!.April 11, 1899 FINEGAN, AUSTIN .November 15, 1887 FINLAY, CECIL J .May 10, 1904 FINLAY, SIDNEY J.January 14, 1902 FINN, DANIEL E .March 10, 1903 FITZGERALD, EDWARD J .June 13, 1899 FITZGERALD, FRANK T .September 16, 1890 FITZGERALD, JAMES .January 6, 1891 FITZGERALD, JAMES J.January 27, 1900 FITZGERALD, JOHN J .February 12, 1902 FITZGERALD, THOMAS EMMETT ...January 14, 1902 FITZGERALD, THOMAS W...January 13, 1903 FITZPATRICK, JAMES M .November 5, 1895 FITZPATRICK, JOHN.May 4, 1892 FITZPATRICK, JOHN E.March 10, 1903 FITZSIMONS, THOMAS P.December 15, 1874 FLANAGAN, M. T.October 14, 1902 FLEMING, JOHN.January 9, 1900 FLOYD-JONES, G. STANTON...January 13, 1903 FOLEY, SAMUEE J ....March 9, 1897 FONSECA, FRANCISCO E ...April 8, 1902 FORNES, CHARLES Y.February 18, 1879 FORTESCUE, KENYON.April 9, 1901 tFOX, JOHN.April 5, 1892 FOX, MATTHEW I .January 3, 1888 FOX, ROBERT J .December 13, 1898 FRAWLEY, JAMES J..•.February 12, 1902 FRIEL, JOHN J .March 20, 1888 FULLER, PAUL.January 18, 1876 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 61 tFURLONG, JOHN...April 1, 1890 G GALLAGHER, CORNELIUS ..March 5, 1895 GALLAGHER, PATRICK .November 23, 1896 GANNON, FRANK S .January 12, 1897 GANNON, FRANK S„ Jr.March 13, 1900 GARRIGAN, GERALD P., M.D .November 10, 1903 GARY AN, FRANCIS P.October 8, 1901 , $GAVEGAN, EDWARD J.April 3, 1894 * GAYNOR, F. ANGELO ...February 10, 1903 GAYNOR, PHILIP B. E...May 13, 1902 GEAGAN, JERE J .March 3, 1896 GEHLEN, CHARLES W.December 21, 1891 GEOGHEGAN, CHARLES A.February 13, 1900 GEOGHEGAN, PATRICK A .March 8, 1904 GERZ, WILLIAM P .April 10, 1900 GIBBONS, STEPHEN P .January 14, 1902 JGIBLIN, WILLIAM.January 12, 1897 GIEGERICH, LEONARD A.December 18, 1889 GILDEMEESTER, P. J .February 10, 1903 GILDEMEESTER, VICTOR . February 10, 1903 GILLERAN, THOMAS .January 3, 1893 GILLESPIE, GEORGE J.March 8, 1898 GILLESPIE, MICHAEL H .May 5, 1896 GILLESPIE, THOMAS A.March 6, 1894 GLEASON, JOSEPH F .,,.April 3, 1894 GOODWIN, FRANK J ...June 11, 1901 GOODWIN, JOHN .December 4, 1888 GORDON, EDWARD. February 7, 1893 GOULDEN, JOSEPH A.October 14, 1902 GRACE, JOSEPH P .March 8, 1892 GRAHAM, JAMES B.October 14, 1902 GRAY, JOSEPH F., M.D.March 10, 1903 GREENTREE, THEODORE .July 24, 1900 GRIFFIN, PATRICK F...June 2, 1885 H HAGAN, ARTHUR J.;.June 12, 1900 HAGERTY, MICHAEL H...January 6, 1891 HAGGERTY, J. HENRY .May 5, 1891 HALLORAN, JOHN H ...February 13, 1900 HAMILTON, GEORGE M .January 27, 1900 *|HANIGAN, HENRY J.March 20, 1871 62 RESIDENT MEMBERS. HANWAY, P. J . HARDY, ALBERT BURR .. HARDY, CHARLES J . HARRINGTON, JOHN J . HARRIS, CHARLES N. HARRIS, WILLIAM LAUREL .. HASSETT, EDWARD . HASSLOCHER, JOHN B. HAYES, JOHN. HAYES, J. HASSETT. HAYES, TIMOTHY J. HEALY, EDMUND J . HEALY, THOMAS... HEANEY, FRANK J .. HEARN, JOHN J.. HEIDE, HENRY. HEIDENIS, HENRY J. HENNEBERRY, JOHN A . HENNEBERRY, THOMAS M.... HENRY, CHARLES T. HENRY, JOHN P., M.D. JHERBERMANN, CHARLES G HICKEY, JAMES J. JHIGGINS, FRANCIS. HIGGINS, JOHN A. HIGGINS, THOMAS J. HIGGINS, THOMAS J. HILL, WILLIAM E . HINCH, LAWRENCE T . HINTERNHOFF, HARRY J. HOENNINGER, FRANK A. HOGAN, EDWARD J . HOGAN, FRANCIS J . *HOGUET, ROBERT J . HOLLAND, EDWARD V . HOOKE, WALTER G . HOPPER, ISAAC A . HORAN, JOHN A. HORAN, MICHAEL J. HORTON, ARTHUR B. HOWLEY, PATRICK J. HUDSON, JOSEPH. HUDSON, JOHN H., Jr. HURLEY, JAMES F. HUGHES, GEORGE H . ..May 11, 1897 .October 13, 1896 .March 13, 1900 ....February 7, 1888 ..December 17, 1872 ..February 10, 1903 .June 6, 1893 .September 17, 1885 .May 11, 1897 ....January 13, 1903 .July 7, 1891 ...December 15, 1874 .December 9, 1902 .April 11, 1899 .March 11, 1902 .June 14, 1890 .March 7, 1893 ..June 10, 1902 .April 14, 1903 ..November 13, 1900 ....January 27, 1900 .March 20, 1871 .May 10, 1904 .March 7, 1882 .July 11, 1901 .March 10, 1903 .March 10, 1903 .March 13, 1900 ...February 12, 1902 .April 8, 1902 ...February 10, 1903 .May 14, 1901 ..October 8, 1901 .March 20, 1871 ..June 12, 1891 .July 24, 1900 .October 13, 1896 ..October 12, 1897 .January 13, 1903 .January 13, 1903 .April 10, 1900 .April 9, 1901 .May 14, 1901 ...December 10, 1901 .December 8, 1896 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 63 HURST, WILLIAM H. April 15, 1873 I INND, THOMAS C . fISELIN, ADRIAN, Jr., flSELIN, WILLIAM E, J JACKSON, FREDERICK S ... JERZMANOWSKI, ERAZIN J JOHNSON, JAMES G . JOHNSON, THOMAS W . JORDAN, JOSEPH V. JOUETTE, S. N. JOYCE, HENRY L. .October 14, 1902 .September 16, 1884 .September 16, 1884 ..January 13, 1903 ..December 2, 1890 .November 5, 1890 ..December 1, 1891 ..January 27, 1900 .May 12, 1903 ...October 14, 1902 K KAMMERER, PAUL T.. f .December 7, KANE, PETER F . April 3, KANE, WILLIAM A ..April 3, KAUFMAN, JOHN F.May 13, KAYANAGH, EDWARD J .July 8, KEAHON, PATRICK H. July 11, KEANE, JAMES R.June 24, KEANE, JOHN P . ;.April 8, KEARY, CHARLES . January 5, KEATING, STEPHEN H .April 9, KEATING, THOMAS F.December 18, KEATING, THOMAS F. February 10, KEEGAN, JOHN J .February 10, KEIN, JAMES P.July 12, KELLER, HUGO P.June 12, KELLEY, HENRY, Jr.February 13, JKELLEY, MARK L.April 7, KELLY, EDWARD A.March 10, KELLY, EDWARD H .March 10, KELLY, EUGENE. January 3, KELLY, HENRY J.May 5, KELLY, HUGH.June 27, KELLY, JAMES E.January 13, KELLY, JOHN J. November 13, KELLY, JOHN P .November 18, KELLY, MICHAEL J.January 9, 1875 1894 1894 1902 1902 1901 1895 1902 1892 1901 1889 1903 1903 1892 1900 1900 1891 1903 1903 1893 1891 1892 1903 1900 1873 1900 64 RESIDENT MEMBERS. KELLY, MICHAEL J .March 10, 1903 $KELLY, RICHARD F.June 27, 1892 KELLY, THOMAS H.April 4, 1893 KENEDY, ARTHUR .February 12, 1901 KENEDY, LOUIS.April 8, 1902 KENNEDY, CORNELIUS E.January 14, 1902 KENNEDY, JOHN J.April 11, 1876 KENNEDY, RODERICK J.October 6, 1885 KENNEY, DAVID T .December 12, 1899 KENNY, GEORGE J...February 21, 1888 KENNY, WILLIAM J .February 7, 1893 KENNY, WILLIAM J. K.February 3, 1891 KEOGAN, PATRICK J .April 14, 1903 KEON, JAMES F .January 8, 1901 KERNAN, JOHN D.May 11, 1897 * KERN AN, JOSEPH A .March 20, 1871 KEYES, EDWARD L., Jr., M.D.January 14, 1902 KIELEY, TIMOTHY J.March 12, 1901 KIERNAN, ADRIAN T.October 18, 1887 KIERNAN, PATRICK .February 5, 1889 KILGORE, GEORGE E ..March 11, 1902 KILLEEN, WILLIAM H. R.April 8, 1902 KING, HUGH .January 6, 1891 KING, JOHN.March 31, 1900 KING, J. WILLIAM.February 10, 1903 KING, PERCY J.February 12, 1901 KING, WILLIAM R.January 27, 1900 KINNEY, FREDERICK J ...December 9, 1902 KIRBY, JOHN E..March 10, 1903 KIRWAN, JOHN P .February 13, 1900 KRACHT, GEORGE H.February 10, 1903 KOELBLE, ALPHONSE G.,,.February 10, 1903 KRAUSHAAR, CHARLES W...November 16, 1880 KREMP, CONRAD E .June 14, 1904 KREIZER, CHARLES P., M.D .July 12, 1892 KUHN, JOSEPH J .March 13, 1900 L LACEY, EDWARD F .February 13, 1900 LALOR, PETER A...April 21, 1885 LAMARCHE, HENRY J ....June 8, 1897 LARKIN, JAMES J .April 5, 1892 LARKIN, MICHAEL.October 18, 1892 LAUGHLIN, LAWRENCE.October 13, 1903 LAVELLE, SARSFIELD H.March 10, 1903 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 65 LAWLER, JOSEPH A .March 10, 1903 LAWLER, THOMAS B .April 2, 1895 LEARY, THOMAS J . . . . .January 27, 1900 LEE, JAMES, M.D.April 5, 1892 LENANE, THOMAS.December 1, 1891 LENNEY, JAMES C .April 10, 1903 LERSCHER, JOHN N .December 18, 1889 LESLIE, WARREN .April 10, 1900 LILLY, HENRY...March 10, 1903 LINAHAN, JAMES P ...July 8, 1902 LITTLE, JOHN H.May 14, 1901 LIVINGSTON, CAMBRIDGE...April 11, 1899 LOFT, GEORGE W.May 13, 1902 LOFTUS, THOMAS J.December 8, 1896 LOONIE, JAMES J .January 11, 1895 LOPEZ, MANUEL.April 9, 1901 LOUBAT, LE DUC DE.May 7, 1895 LOUGHLIN, PETER J.March 10, 1903 LUMMIS, CHARLES A .March 15, 1881 *LUMMIS, WILLIAM . March 20, 1871 LUNING, JOHN N .July 7, 1891 LYNCH, CHARLES M.January 14, 1902 LYNCH, DANIEL E.December 12, 1899 LYNCH, GILBERT L.February 10, 1903 LYNCH, JAMES D .May 18, 1871 LYNCH, JAMES F .February 13, 1900 LYNCH, JOHN B., M.D . February 15, 1881 LYNCH, PATRICK L.January 14, 1902 LYNCH, WILLIAM F.March 10, 1903 LYONS, JEREMIAH C.....February 12, 1901 LYONS, RICHARD J ...January 5, 1892 Me McALEENAN, HENRY, Jr.May 4, 1880 McANERNEY, JOHN . . .March 2, 1886 McARDLE, STEPHEN J.June 12, 1900 McAULIFFE, DENIS A., M.D.......March 10, 1903 Me A VO Y, THOMAS F.March 8, 1904 McBRIDE, D. H.June 14, 1898 McBRIDE, THOMAS J.January 18, 1900 McCABE, GEORGE M...January 27, 1900 JMcCABE, PETER A.December 6, 1893 McCALL, EDWARD E .. ...December 3, 1895 McCALL, JOHN A. . .April 3, 1898 McCANN, JOHN.November 5, 1890 66 RESIDENT MEMBERS. McCarthy, JOHN .March 3, 1891 McCarthy, JOHN A ...April 24, 1896 McCarthy, MAURICE J.March 10, 1903 McCarthy, THOMAS M....June 3, 1873 McCarthy, THOMAS P.March 12, 1901 McCarthy, TIMOTHY A.March 11, 1902 McCEOSKEY, M. JOSEPH. ....October 10, 1899 McCLURE, DAVID .September 16, 1884 McCLURE, WILLIAM J.June 14, 1904 McCOLLOUGH, FRANCIS W.February 12, 1902 McCORMACK, JOHN J...May 1, 1888 McCORMICK, ANDREW A.July 7, 1891 McCORMICK, BENJAMIN W.February 7, 1888 McCORMICK, EDWARD R.July 8, 1902 McCORMICK, JAMES W...March 6, 1894 McCOY, JOSEPH F .September 21, 1892 McCROSSIN, EDWARD J ...April 9, 1901 McCUE, PATRICK J.March 10, 1903 McDERMOTT, FRANK.December 10, 1901 McDonald, james e. w .April 14, 1903 McDonald, Patrick j .June 12, 1900 MCDONALD, THOMAS C .March 10, 1903 McDONNELL, PETER...✓..December 4, 1888 McDONNELL, PETER L.November 14, 1899 McDONNELL, ROBERT E .November 14, 1899 McDonough, Joseph b .December 11, 1900 McELROY, JOSEPH A.February 8, 1898 McGARRY, JAMES F...January 12, 1904 McGEAN, EDWARD J .September 4, 1894 McGINNIS, D. j .July 8, 1902 McGINNIS, GEORGE B.June 7, 1892 * McGinnis, Robert .March 20, i87i McGIRR, EUGENE F..November 12, 1901 McGOVERN, GEORGE W., Jr.December 9, 1902 McGOVERN, JAMES.December 3, 1895 McGOVERN, THOMAS B., Jr.November 10, 1903 McGRATH, JOHN J.September 12, 1899 McGRATH, JOHN J.March 10, 1903 McGRATH, WILLIAM JOSEPH .February 12, 1902 McGuire, Edward j .October 19, 1886 McGUIRE, JOHN C .March 6, 1888 McGuire, Joseph Hubert .November 16, 1886 McHUGH, FRANK A .October 6, 1891 McHUGH, JOSEPH P ...November 7, 1876 McINTYRE, CHARLES ..March 10, 1903 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 67 McIntyre, william h ...July 8, 1902 McKECHNIE, F. J., M.D .February 12, 1902 McKEEN, WILLIAM E .September 8, 1903 McKENNA, CHARLES J.July 11, 1901 McKIEYER, WILLIAM H .February 13, 1900 McKINLESS, WILLIAM H .June 2, 1896 McLaughlin, c. r .March 12, 1901 jMcLOUGHLIN, MARCUS J.March 20, 1871 McLOUGHLIN, WILLIAM S .March 31, 1900 McMAHON, CLARENCE E .March 10, 1903 McMAHON, DANIEL F ...February 2, 1892 McMAHON, JAMES .December 21, 1891 McMAHON, JOSEPH.March 10, 1903 McMAHON, MARTIN T.January 11, 1895 McMAHON, THOMAS J .February 7, 1888 McMANNIS, WILLIAM T., M.D .April 12, 1892 McMANNUS, WILLIAM F .February 12, 1902 McMANUS, JAMES H . June 11, 1901 McMANUS, PATRICK A.October 11, 1902 McMANUS, TERENCE J . February 10, 1903 McMULLEN, JOHN R.October 11, 1902 McNABOE, JAMES F .March 31, 1900 McNULTY, JOHN J.February 8, 1898 McNULTY, PATRICK H...April 14, 1903 McPARTLAND, STEPHEN ...April 7, 1891 McPARTLAND, STEPHEN, Jr.January 27, 1900 McPHILLIPS, P. J.April 2, 1889 McSWEENEY, DANIEL E., M.D.January 11, 1898 McTAGUE, CHARLES F.February 10, 1903 McTIGHB, LEO A ...July 24, 1900 M MACDONALD, JAMES S.April 14, 1903 MACELHINNY, JAMES A.November 12, 1901 MACGUIRE, CONSTANTINE J., M.D .February 7, 1888 MACHALE, FERDINAND S...January 13, 1903 MACKAY, GEORGE D ......November 23, 1896 MACMAHON, PAUL W. A.February 10, 1903 MACMAHON, WILLIAM A.June 2, 1891 MAGUIRE, FRANK J .October 8, 1901 MAGUIRE, GEORGE F.March 10, 1903 MAGUIRE, JEREMIAH De S.December 10, 1901 MAHER, JAMES S .November 11, 1902 MAHONEY, DANIEL F.February 12, 1902 MAHONEY, DANIEL P..February 12, 1901 68 RESIDENT MEMBERS. MAILLARD, HENRY .......June 8, 1897 MALONEY, PATRICK H .January 14, 1902 MANNING, FRANCIS L...June 7, 1892 JMANNING, JOHN B...September 16, 1884 MANNING, JOHN B., Jr.November 23, 1896 MANNION, MICHAEL T .January 21, 1879 MANTIUS, WILLIAM E.June 11, 1901 MARCH, JAMES E .September 12, 1899 MARTIN, DANIEL F ..January 5, 1892 MARTIN, JOHN F.April 5, 1892 MARTIN, JOHN T.December 6, 1892 MARTIN, WILLIAM J.May 10, 1904 MATHERS, P. J.January 2, 1894 MAYO, JOHN B .June 12, 1900 MEEHAN, HARRY .May 12, 1903 MENEHAN, PATRICK J.February 10, 1903 MESSEMER, EDWARD J., M.D.January 13, 1903 MICHAUX, ALBERT R...January 3, 1893 MITCHELL, JOHN A .March 10, 1903 MITCHELL, JOHN J .June 17, 1884 MITCHELL, THOMAS . June 11, 1901 MITCHELL, WILLIAM A .January 9, 1900 MOFFITT, WILLIAM H .November 11, 1902 MOLLOY, THOMAS .March 10, 1903 MONAHAN, HUGH VICTOR .February 12, 1901 MONE, EDWARD J...March 8, 1904 MONKS, JOHN, Jr.February 3, 1885 MOONEY, LOUIS M., M.D .February 7, 1893 MOONEY, PATRICK H .December 11, 1900 MOORE, JOHN D .March 14, 1899 MOORE, JOHN J...April 7, 1891 MOORE, PETER H..October 13, 1903 MOORE, WILLIAM J.October 14, 1902 * MO RAN, DANIEL A ...March 20, 1871 MORAN, EUGENE F .April 12, 1904 MORAN, PATRICK J .January 5, 1892 MOREAU, C. L.....September 16, 1890 MORGAN, JOHN.April 11, 1899 MORIARITY, THADDEUS .February 11, 1890 MORRISSY, THOMAS.».January 6, 1891 MORRISSEY, JOHN J., M.D.February 12, 1902 MOSHER, THOMAS .December 16, 1873 MOSHER, WARREN E.June 24, 1895 MOYNAHAN, BARTHOLOMEW .March 5, 1890 MOYNAHAN, EDWARD F ...'.January 9, 1900 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 69 MULCAHY, PRANK J.September 1, 1896 MULCAHY, JOHN H..October 14, 1902 MULCAHY, JOHN J. F .November 13, 1900 MULCAHY, MORTIMER J.November 13, 1900 MULGREW, FREDERICK C.March 13, 1900 MULGREW, JOHN F.February 13, 1900 MULHALL, MICHAEL J....December 10, 1903 MULLEN, WALTER F ..December 9, 1902 MULLIGAN, D. B .December 9, 1902 tMULLOWNEY, MICHAEL G.March 6, 1888 MULQUEEN, JOSEPH F .December 4, 1888 MULQUEEN, MICHAEL J.December 1, 1885 MULRY, THOMAS F. B...March 7, 1893 MULRY, THOMAS M.January 3, 1893 MURPHY, CHARLES F.May 10, 1904 MURPHY, DANIEL P., Jr.April 20, 1886 MURPHY, EDWARD F.April 3, 1888 MURPHY, EDWARD S.October 14, 1902 MURPHY, EMMETT J.April 9, 1901 MURPHY, JAMES F.January 6, 1885 MURPHY, JOHN S .October 6, 1885 MURPHY, JOHN T .February 2, 1892 MURPHY, MICHAEL J ....December 11, 1900 MURPHY, PATRICK .April 4, 1893 MURRAY, CHARLES. September 16, 1890 MURRAY, GEORGE J.January 14, 1902 MURRAY, GEORGE E.July 11, 1901 MURRAY, PETER, M.D .May 8, 1900 MURRAY, TIMOTHY J. M . May 4, 1892 N INAMMACK, CHARLES E., M.D.April 5, 1892 NAUGHTON, BERNARD.September 16, 1890 NELLANY, CHARLYES V. December 12, 1899 NELLANY, VINCENT.May 10, 1904 NOONAN, JOHN ......July 11, 1901 NOONAN, THOMAS F. April 9, 1901 NUGENT, DAVID .January 8, 1901 NUGENT, EDWARD .January 13, 1903 NUGENT, THOMAS A.....March 10, 1903 O OAKLEY, JOHN T ..June 11, 1901 OBERLE, JACOB F .February 13, 1900 70 RESIDENT MEMBERS. O’BEIRNE, JAMES F.February 12, 1901 O’BRIEN, JAMES W.November 10, 1903 O’BRIEN, JOHN P .December 2, 1890 O’BRIEN, JOSEPH E...December 2, 1890 O’BRIEN, JOSEPH M.December 21, 1891 O’BRIEN, MICHAEL C., M.D...February 21, 1899 O’BRIEN, MICHAEL J.June 2, 1884 O’BRIEN, MILES M.March 8, 1898 O’BRIEN, MORGAN J .May 6, 1873 O’BRIEN, WILLIAM C.May 5, 1896 O’BYRNE, M. A .November 5, 1890 O’CALLAGHAN, FRANK E...November 1, 1892 O’CONNELL, CHARLES D ...January 11, 1898 t O’ CONNELL, DANIEL.September 16, 1884 O’CONNELL, JAMES .April 12, 1892 O’CONNELL, JOHN .November 1, 1887 O’CONNELL, JOSEPH H., M.D.January 14, 1902 O’CONNOR, FRANCIS P .January 27, 1900 O’CONNOR, HAROLD H.February 10, 1902 O’CONNOR, HARRY L.March 11, 1903 O’CONNOR, JOHN P...December 13, 1898 O’CONNOR, THOMAS H .June 14, 1897 O’CONNOR, WILLIAM.January 12, 1897 O’CONNOR, WILLIAM C.October 13, 1903 * O’CONNOR, WILLIAM P .May 18, 1871 * O’CONOR, DANIEL J.March 20, 1871 O’DAY, DANIEL...June 6, 1894 O’DONNELL, BERNARD L. r M.D.March 10, 1903 O’DONNELL, NICHOLAS .February 5, 1889 O’DONOHUE, JOSEPH J.December 7, 1880 O’DONOHUE, JAMES E., M.D.March 8, 1904 O’DONOHUE, LOUIS Y.....February 1, 1881 O’GORMAN, EDWARD J .March 10, 1903 O’GORMAN, JAMES A .;.December 2, 1890 O’GORMAN, RICHARD...June 12, 1879 O’KEEFE, JOHN J.June 12, 1900 O’KEEFFE, ARTHUR J...January 13, 1903 O’KEEFFE, JOHN G.January 6, 1885 O’NEIL, CHARLES A .February 6, 1894 O’NEIL, WILFRID N. March 10, 1903 O’NEIL, D. EDWIN, M. D .March 31, 1900 O’NEILL, JOHN J...December 9, 1902 O’REILLY, THOMAS .December 2, 1890 O’REILLY, THOMAS J.March 12, 1901 O’REILLY, THOMAS J, Jr.May 12, 1903 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 71 O’ROURKE, JOHN FRANCIS ..June 12, 1900 ORPHEUS, DAVID W.April 9, 1901 ORR, WILLIAM C.June 2, 1884 O’SHAUGHNESSY, EDWARD J . June 14, 1897 O’SHAUGHNESSY, JAMES F.April 11, 1899 O’SHAUGHNESSY, JAMES J .March 11, 1902 O’SHEA, G. HARRY .January 14, 1902 O’SHEA, JAMES. April 13, 1897 O’SULLIVAN, JOHN.January 20, 1885 O’SULLIVAN, THOMAS C.April 7, 1891 OWENS, JOSEPH E .November 1, 1887 P PAINE, WILLIAM E..October 13, 1896 PALLEN, COND£ B .October 8, 1901 PAXTON, JOHN J...February 21, 1899 PERRY, CHARLES JOSEPH.September 16, 1890 PETRIE, ALBERT W. J.January 11, 1895 PETT, WILLIAM H.June 11, 1901 PEYTON, A. J ...March 8, 1904 PHELAN, JAMES J .....April 21, 1885 PHELAN, JOHN J.January 13, 1903 PHELAN, JOHN M.i.January 27, 1900 PHILBIN, EUGENE A ..'...November 23, 1896 PHILLIPS, CHARLES F.December 9, 1902 PICABIA, LORENZO M.March 10, 1903 PLATT, ALFRED H ........April 14, 1903 PLUNKET, JAMES.March 11, 1902 PLUNKETT, OWEN.May 10, 1094 POWER, JAMES FRANCIS, M.D.April 10, 1900 POWER, WILLIAM E.April 8, 1902 PRENDERGAST, JAMES W., Jr.May 12, 1903 PRIAL, JOHN J ..February 6, 1894 PULLEYN, JOHN J ..April 18, 1882 Q QUIN, WILLIAM P.!.May 15, 1888 QUINLAN, DANIEL J.June 11, 1901 QUINLAN, FRANCIS J., M. D.July 12, 1892 QUINLAN, JAMES .June 8, 1897 QUINLAN, JAMES. v .December 12, 1899 QUINLAN, MAURICE.November 10, 1903 72 RESIDENT MEMBERS, R QUINN, MATTHEW D. QUINN, W. JOHNSON ... RADIGAN, JOSEPH H. RADLEY, JOHN J . RAFTER, EDWIN A. RAMSEY, CLARENCE J. RAPP, JOHN W . REGAN, JOHN C. REGGIO, ANDRE C. REILLY, F. JAMES . REILLY, EUGENE J. REILLY, HUGH. REILLY, HUGH J., Jr. REILLY, ROBERT B . REILLY, THOMAS J . REILLY, THOMAS J. JREVILLE, PHILLIP E. RE VILLON, THEODORE, Jr.. REYNES, ANTONIO . REYNES, JAIME. RHEINBERGER, FRANK L..., RIDDER, HENRY.. RIDDER, HERMAN. ROBINSON, GEORGE B . RODGERS, JOHN C. J RODRIGUE, JOHN J . RODRIGUEZ, PHILIP R .. RODRIQUEZ, RICARDO. ROESCH, GEORGE F . ROGERS, FRANCIS DIMOND ROHAN, GREGORY L. F . ROHL, FREDERICK G . ROONEY, JAMES M. V. ROONEY, JOHN C . ROONEY, JOHN JEROME. ROONEY, V/ILLIAM P. ROSS, WILLIAM G. ROTHWELL, CLARENCE A . ROURKE, MICHAEL A. ROWAN, ALFRED G. ROWE, EDWARD J. RYAN, C. J., Jr. RYAN, CHARLES A... ..March 8, ..November 14, .May 12, .October 9, ....January 13, ..April 8, ....January 14, .Jnne 14, .May 14, ..December 11, ..February 10, .June 12, .September 11, —December 4, ...February 13, .June 12, .....February 5, ...December 10, ..March 15, ....January 18, ....January 27, ......June 12, .June 2, .September 16, .Jnne 26, .February 6, ....January 14, .December 1, .April 5, ...September 6, ....January 13, ....January 13, .July 11, ...December 16, .April 5, .July 11, ...December 12, ...February 10, .October 13, ..October 9, .March 13, ..November 17, .May 8, 1904 1899 1903 1883 1903 1902 1902 1904 1901 1900 1903 1900 1900 1894 1900 1900 1889 1901 1887 1887 1900 1891 1884 1890 1896 1872 1902 1891 1892 1893 1903 1903 1901 1873 1892 1901 1871 1903 1903 1900 1900 1885 1900 RESIDENT MEMBERS. 73 RYAN, FRANCIS J. February 10, 1903 RYAN, FRANK A., M.D .February 10, 1903 RYAN, HENRY J.February 9, 1897 RYAN, JAMES A.June 14, 1890 RYAN, JAMES K .June 12, 1900 RYAN, JAMES T. January 27, 1900 RYAN, JOHN J.February 13, 1900 RYAN, JOSEPH T.November 10, 1896 RYAN, PETER J .February 6, 1894 RYAN, RICHARD W.July 11, 1901 RYAN, THOMAS P.July 8, 1902 RYAN, THOMAS F .October 16, 1877 RYAN, WILLIAM T.December 18, 1889 S *SAYERS, HENRY J.March 20, 1871 SCALLON, ROBERT O.October 13, 1903 SCALLON, WILLIAM .October 12, 1897 SCANLAN, MICHAEL J .April 7, 1885 SCHICKEL, WILLIAM..June 2, 1884 SCHLOEMER, CONRAD L .July 11, 1901 SCHOENENBERGER, FREDERICK J.February 10, 1903 SCHWARTZ, LOUIS E.September 8, 1903 SCIORTINO, PIETRO.January 12, 1904 SCOTT, EDWARD J .December 4, 1894 SCOTT, WINFIELD A....March 10, 1903 SCULLY, JOHN S., Jr.March 14, 1899 SCULLY, P. JOSEPH ....March 3, 1891 SENGENS, W. EDWARD.February 9, 1904 SHANLEY, MICHAEL J .January 27, 1900 SHANLEY, THOMAS J.May 5, 1891 SHANNON, GEORGE A.March 10, 1903 SHAUGHNESSY, MICHAEL J...August 4, 1891 SHAW, THOMAS F .November 3, 1885 SHEA, JOHN B .March 9, 1897 SHEEDY, BRYAN D., M.D...April 8, 1902 SHEEHAN, JAMES B...January 10, 1904 SHEEHAN, WILLIAM F.November 23, 1896 SHEEHAN, WILLIAM M.June 10, 1903 SHEEHY, EDWARD C .February 2, 1892 SHEEHY, MICHAEL J.March 10, 1903 SHERWIN, JAMES M...March 10, 1903 SHIPMAN, ANDREW J .April 11, 1899 SILO, JAMES P ...June 22, 1885 SLATER, JAMES...February 2, 1892 74 RESIDENT MEMBERS. SLATTERY, EDWARD A ....December 9, 1902 SLATTERY, JOHN .January 6, 1891 SLATTERY, VINCENT A ...March 8, 1904 SLEVIN, EDWARD P ...April 2, 1872 SLEVIN, JAMES F.November 23, 1896 SMITH, ANDREW A .October 6, 1891 SMITH, CHARLES STUART.,.April 3, 1894 SMITH, CHARLES WHITNEY .January 27, 1900 SMITH, EDWARD C .January 6, 1891 SMITH, JAMES . March 7, 1893 SMITH, JOHN J..February 9, 1904 SMITH, JOHN R.June 3, 1890 SMITH, JOHN T. January 6, 1891 SMITH, JOHN T.March 10, 1903 SMITH, JOSEPH E .December 10, 1901 SMITH, JOSEPH J....June 16, 1902 JSMITH, THOMAS C.October 13, 1896 SMITH, THOMAS F.July 11, 1901 SMYTH, PHILIP A . June 15, 1885 SPELLISSEY, DENNIS A ...March 13, 1900 SPELLMAN, JOHN H...April 11, 1876 SPENCE, ARNOT, M.D...October 1, 1889 SPENCE, PETER C....January 11, 1898 STAPLETON, EDWARD J.November 3, 1891 STAPLETON, LUKE D.January 13, 1903 STEINBACK, ERWIN..March 11, 1902 STERNS, J. ALFONSO.April 7, 1891 STERNS, WILLIAM SIMON...December 13, 1898 STEVENS, JOHN W .February 12, 1901 STONE, SQUIRE W., M.D .March 11, 1902 STRANG, W. B., Jr..January 27, 1900 SULLIVAN, CORNELIUS J .May 14, 1901 SULLIVAN, PATRICK J .March 31, 1900 SWALM, HERMAN V .February 13, 1900 SWALM, WILLIAM J ...December 9, 1902 SWEEDY, CHARLES S ...March 10, 1903 SWEENEY, PATRICK J ...April 8, 1902 T TALLEY, ALFRED J.March 13, 1900 TAYLOR, SAMUEL J .June 6, 1893 THEBAU, JOHN GERARD..-........February 10, 1903 THIERY, LEWIS M ...January 7, 1890 THORNTON, JOHN H .October 18, 1892 tTHORON, CASIMIR...September 16, 1884 RESIDENT MEMBERS. ?5 TIERNEY, FRANK I,.February 10, 1903 TIERNEY, JOHN CHARLES.April 11, 1899 TIERNEY, MYLES .April 1, 1890 TIERNEY, MYLES J.February 21, 1899 TOMMINS, VINCENT P.July 11, 1901 TONE, T. WOLFE.June 2, 1891 TOOLEY, FRANCIS L .November 13, 1900 TOOMEY, THOMAS......October 13, 1903 TORNEY, JOHN ...February 13, 1900 TRACY, JOHN T.February 13, 1900 fTRAINOR, PATRICK S.November 3, 1885 TRAVERS, AMBROSE F.December 6, 1892 TRAVERS, FRANCIS C .March 5, 1890 TRAVERS, VINCENT P.December 1, 1885 TREACY, DANIEL F .May 2, 1893 TREACY, PATRICK S.....December 18, 1883 TREACY, RICHARD S.July 18, 1871 TULLY, JAMES M...December 1, 1891 TULLY, MATTHEW H .December 1, 1891 U ULLO, JOSEPH L.March 10, 1903 ULLO, LORENZO...January 13, 1903 V fVERNON, WALTER F.June 27, 1892 VINCENT, JOHN .January 6, 1885 VREDENBURGH, WATSON, Jr.March 12, 1901 W WALLACE, JOHN B .February 10, 1903 WALSH, AUGUSTIN.December 4, 1888 WALSH, EUGENE A....January 14, 1902 WALSH, JAMES J.March 31, 1900 WALSH, JOHN .November 1, 1892 WALSH, PATRICK J .January 5, 1892 WALSH, RICHARD LEWIS.June 13, 1899 t WALSH, ROBERT B.June 4, 1884 WALSH, THOMAS W ..May 13, 1902 WALSH, WILLIAM E.March 10, 1903 ‘WALTERS, CHARLES F .March 20, 1871 WARD, JOSEPH F .November 5, 1890 WARD, PATRICK ...January 10, 1899 76 RESIDENT MEMBERS. WATERS, PRANK E .April 9, 1901 WELCH, CHARLES JAMES....February 13, 1900 WHALEN, JOHN ..December 2, 1884 WHEELIHAN, MATTHEW J...March 31, 1900 WHELAN, MATTHEW S.February 10, 1903 WHITE, JOHN B.March 10, 1903 WHITE, MARTIN J.April 9, 1901 WHITE, THOMAS P .April 10, 1903 WHITE, WHITMAN V., M.D .June 11, 1901 WINTERS, LAWRENCE.January 9, 1900 WOODS, W. CLAYTON.February 12, 1902 WOLF, FRANZ STRONG.July 8, 1902 Y YATES, JOSEPH H .February 14, 1902 YON, S. CONSTANTINO ...March 10, 1903 Z ZIMMERMAN, JACOB A .June 8, 1897 TOTAL. .986 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS, A AGEN, JOHN B., Seattle, Wash.December 10, 1901 AKIN, JAMES A., Carlisle, Ind.June 10, 1902 AMOR, EMMANUEL, Mexico, Mex .November 12, 1901 AUSTIN, HARRY S., Central Bridge, N. Y...March 10, 1903 B BACON, JEREMIAH, Louisville, Ky. February 8, 1898 BAILLARGEON, J. A., Seattle, Wash.January 3, 1893 BAKER, WILLIAM T., Utica, N. Y.May 4, 1892 BALL, THOMAS J., Boston, Mass .June 16, 1903 BARLOW, FRANK T., Oakland, Cal .September 14, 1897 BARRETT, GEORGE M., Milwaukee, Wis...September 6, 1893 BARRY, JOHN A., Philadelphia, Pa .February 9, 1904 BARRY, P. T., Chicago, Ill.March 31, 1900 BENNETT, JOSEPH M., Providence, R. I...April 8, 1902 BERGER, TITUS, Pittsburg, Pa...October 9, 1900 BERRY, JAMES P., Hartford, Conn.February 9, 1904 BINGHAM, L. T., M.D., Watertown, N. Y...April 14, 1903 BOLAND, CHRISTOPHER G., Scranton, Pa.January 14, 1902 BONNER, JOHN J., Buffalo, N. Y.October 13, 1903 BOWERS, JAMES F., Chicago, Ill.March 10, 1903 BRADY, A. J., Buffalo, N. Y.April 8, 1902 BRADY, PAUL T., Syracuse, N. Y .May 9, 1899 BREEN, WILLIAM P., Fort Wayne, Ind.October 13, 1903 BRENNAN, EDWARD W., Wilmington, Del.April 8, 1902 BRENNAN, JOSEPH P, Saratoga, N. Y.April 12, 1904 BRENNAN, WILLIAM J., New London, Conn .June 16, 1903 BRESLIN, THOMAS J., Austin, N. J.December 12, 1899 BRIDGET, BERNARD M., Washington, D. C ...March 13, 1900 BRISTED, CHAS. ASTOR, Lenox, Mass.March 6, 1894 BROWNE, W. H., Gt. Barrington, Mass.November 14, 1899 BUCKLEY, CORNELIUS C., Boston, Mass .January 9, 1900 BUCKLEY, JOHN C., Plattsburgh, N. Y.March 12, 1901 BUCKLEY, T. J., Albany, N. Y.October 13, 1903 BUCKLEY, WILLIAM H., Albany, N. Y.January 12, 1897 BURKE, WILLIAM J., Middletown, N. Y .March 31, 1900 BUTLER, CHARLES J., Westerly, R. I .November 10, 1903 BYRNE, FRANK, Phoenixville, Pa .October 13, 1903 BYRNE, JOHN P., Chicago, Ill.October 13, 1903 78 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. C CALKINS, FREDERIC, Atlanta, Ga .June 16, 1903 CALLAGHAN, J. H., M.D., Bridgeport, Conn.April 11, 1901 CALLAHAN, DANIEL A., Norfolk, Ya...October 14, 1902 CALLAHAN, JOHN, Elmira, N. Y.. January 14, 1902 CALLANAN, S. A., M.D., Boston, Mass .June 26, 1896 CAMERON, ALPIN J., Philadelphia, Pa..December 17, 1872 CAREY, THOMAS F., Boston, Mass ......January 14, 1902 CARPENTER, PAUL D., Milwaukee, Wis.December 6, 1892 CARROLL, JOHN LEE, Ellicott City, Md.June 27, 1892 CASEY, MARTIN B., Scranton, Pa.February 10, 1903 CASTNER, SAMUEL, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa.April 7, 1896 CAYANAGH, JOHN J., South Norwalk, Conn.May 26, 1896 CHEASTY, EDWARD C., Seattle, Wash.July 11, 1901 CLANCY, EDW. R., Indianapolis, Ind.April 8, 1902 CLARK, J. JOSEPH, Denver, Col..May 12, 1903 CLARK, LUKE S., Bridgeport, Conn...February 10, 1903 CLARK, PATRICK, Spokane, Wash ..'..May 13, 1902 CLARKE, EDWARD M., Scranton, Pa.March 6, 1894 CLARKE, GEORGE W., Scranton, Pa.January 11, 1895 COGAN, THOMAS J., Cincinnati, O .September 13, 1898 COLEMAN, CORNELIUS A., Boston, Mass...April 8, 1902 COLLINS, EDWARD J., Newburgh, N. Y.March 8, 1904 COLLINS, JOHN, Dublin, Ireland.January 27, 1900 CONNOLLY, BARTHOLOMEW, Boston, Mass.April 8, 1902 CONRAD, CHAS. E. J., Oyster Bay .June 12, 1900 CONTE, ANGELO, San Francisco, Cal.June 14, 1904 CONWAY, THOMAS F., Plattsburgh, N. Y.May 26, 1896 CONWAY, W. E. W., Dorchester, Mass .November 13, 1900 CORR, BERNARD, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa.February 10, 1903 CORRIGAN, HENRY J. C., M.D., Providence, R. I.December 9, 1902 CROOK, JOSEPH W., Baltimore, Md .March 10, 1903 CRUSE, THOMAS, Helena, Mont .May 13, 1902 CULLINAN, John J., Bridgeport, Conn.March 10, 1903 CULLINAN, RALPH F., Philadelphia, Pa.....April 7, 1896 CUMMINGS, JOSEPH A., Boston, Mass .October 13, 1903 CUMMINS, JOHN J., Syracuse, N. Y .May 14, 1901 CUNNINGHAM, CHAS. E., Rochester, N. Y .May 2, 1893 CUNNINGHAM, JAMES M., Springfield, Mass ...*..October 14, 1902 CUNNINGHAM, PETER L., Atlanta, Ga ...April 7, 1901 CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM D., Ellenville, N. Y.February 9, 1904 CURTOPASSI, MARCHESE G., Paris, France.January 12, 1904 CUSACKS, P. L., M.D., New Orleans, La .February 10, 1903 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 79 D DAHILL, JOHN J., Hartford, Conn.January 14, 1902 DALY, OWEN, Baltimore, Md ...September 9, 1892 DANAHER, ALBERT J., Albany, N. Y ....October 13, 1903 DANAHER, FRANKLIN M., Albany, N. Y .March 8, 1904 DANKER, DANIEL J., Dorchester, Mass .March 12, 1901 DANKER, FREDERICK E. S., Boston, Mass...April 12, 1904 DAVERN, JOHN T., Binghamton, N. Y.April 12, 1904 DAVIS, MICHAEL P., Ottawa, Can .February 12, 1901 DAVIS, WILLIAM P., Ottawa, Can .November 5, 1894 DE CROY, LEOPOLD, Paris, France...February 12, 1902 DEERY, JOHN J., Philadelphia, Pa .January 6, 1891 DEGNON, M. J., Cleveland, O .June 14, 1898 DELANY, JOHN, Newburgh, N. Y.May 1, 1894 DELEHANTY, JOHN S., Albany, N. Y.May 26, 1896 DEMPSEY, WILLIAM P., Pawtucket, R. I...March 11, 1902 DERVAN, JOHN J., Somerville, Mass.May 10, 1904 DESCHENES, JULES, Manchester, N. H.April 8, 1902 DES GARETS, GABRIEL, Paris, France..October 13, 1903 DESMOND, JOHN D., New Haven, Conn.March 6, 1888 DESPACHER, H. F., Paris, France.June 16, 1903 DEVER, JOHN F., Boston, Mass .November 12, 1901 DEVINE, JOHN T., Washington, D. C .January 14, 1902 DEVLIN, T. FRANK, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.February 12, 1902 DEVLIN, WALTER E., Philadelphia, Pa .February 12, 1902 DILLON, EDWARD H., Bridgeport, Conn.April 13, 1897 DILLON, J. ST. GEORGE, Montreal, Can.February 4, 1896 DILLWORTH, JOHN T., Roxbury, Mass.December 9, 1902 DILLWORTH, JOSEPH D., Boston, Mass.April 14, 1903 DONAH, JAMES M., Philadelphia, Pa .February 12, 1902 DOHERTY, CHARLES J., Montreal, Can .December 11, 1900 DOHERTY, DANIEL F., Westfield, Mass .July 11, 1901 DOHERTY, PATRICK, Boston, Mass.May 13, 1902 DONOHUE, JOHN W., Springfield, Mass .October 13, 1903 DONOVAN, EDWARD J., Boston, Mass .April 12, 1903 DONOVAN, JEREMIAH F., New Haven, Conn.January 11, 1901 DONOVAN, MICHAEL T., W. Somerville, Mass.January 13, 1903 DONOVAN, PATRICK V., Hartford, Conn .June 16, 1903 DONOVAN, SIMON J., Boston, Mass.June 16, 1903 DOOLEY, MICHAEL F., Providence, R. I.February 12, 1902 DOOLEY, WILLIAM J., Boston, Mass .January 11, 1898 DOWD, JAMES J., Holyoke, Mass.March 12, 1901 DOWLING, THOMAS P., Troy, N. Y.June 11, 1901 DOYLE, MICHAEL, Rochester, N. Y.September 6, 1892 DRISCOLL, CORNEL. T., New Haven, Conn.February 2, 1892 80 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. DUFFY, CHARLES, Harrisburg, Pa .June 11, 1901 DUFFY, JOHN T., Pt. Pleasant, N. J .February 12, 1902 DUGAN, PATRICK C., Albany, N. Y.April 8, 1902 DUNN, JAMES, West End, N. J.June 16, 1902 E EAGAN, THOMAS W., Montpelier, Vt .October 13, 1896 EAGLE, H. R., Chicago, Ill .May 5, 1896 ECKERT, GEORGE P., Philadelphia, Pa.October 13, 1903 EGAN, CHARLES E., Baltimore, Md .January 11, 1895 EGAN, JOHN L, Boston, Mass .October 14, 1902 ELSTON, ABRAHAM L., Boston, Mass..March 10, 1903 EUSTACE, ALEX. C., Elmira, N. Y.November 9, 1897 F FALLIN, JOHN, Montreal, Can .December 11, 1900 FARRELL, J. D., Seattle, Wash .February 12, 1902 FAY, THOMAS P., Long Branch, N. J .October 14, 1902 FEELEY, EDWARD J., Pittsfield, Mass.April 4, 1903 FEENEY, JOHN D., Waterbury, Conn.April 14, 1903 FELLEY, WILLIAM J., Providence, R. I.December 10, 1901 FENNESSY, JAS. H., Denver, Colo.May 14, 1901 FERNEKEES, WILLIAM H., Boston, Mass .July 8, 1902 FIGUERAS, FRANCISCO, Havana, Cuba.October 14, 1902 FINAN, WILLIAM J., Goshen, N. Y....April 12, 1904 FINEGAN. ROBERT Lincoln, Eng.June 14, 1904 FITZGERALD, J. J., Boston, Mass.March 10, 1903 FITZGERALD, THOMAS B., Elmira, N. Y .January 14, 1902 FITZGERALD, WILLIAM F., Boston, Mass .September 12, 1899 FITZPATRICK, JOHN, New Orleans, La.March 10, 1903 FITZPATRICK, JOHN B., Boston, Mass .March 10, 1903 FITZPATRICK, PHILIP, Troy, N. Y.December 6, 1892 FITZSIMONS, WILLIAM P., Chicago, Ill.January 13, 1903 FLANAGAN, EDWARD A., Potsdam, N. Y.April 8, 1902 FLANNERY, W. C., Framingham, Mass .November 10, 1903 FLYNN, JOHN C., Atlanta, Ga.November 11, 1902 FOLEY, WILLIAM L., Houston, Tex.June 27, 1892 FONTENELLIAT, BARON DE, Lafeite, France.October 14, 1902 FORD, J. C., Seattle, Wash...April 12, 1904 FOX, MATTHEW J., Boston, Mass .October 8, 1901 FRAWLEY, JOHN P., Bangor, Me.November 10, 1903 FRISBE, JOHN B., City of Mexico, Mex.January 7, 1896 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 81 G GALLIVAN, JAMES J., Boston, Mass.September 1, 1896 GASSLEIN, ARTHUR J., Kansas City, Mo.April 12, 1904 GANNON, J. W., Washington, D. C.September 12, 1899 GARGAN, THOMAS J., Boston, Mass.February 9, 1897 GARYAN, PATRICK, Hartford, Conn .November 7, 1893 GARVEY, JOHN T., Utica, N. Y.January 26, 1900 GAVIN, JOSEPH E., Buffalo, N. Y.October 4, 1892 GAYNOR, JOHN F., Jr., Fayetteville, N. Y.June 11, 1901 GEARY, DANIEL J., Oil City, Pa.April 7, 1896 GEOFROY, GEORGE DE, Washington, D. C.March 3, 1896 GIBBONS, WILLIAM J., Wilmington, Del.February 10, 1903 GLEASON, JOHN H., Albany, N. Y .June 14, 1893 GORMAN, DENIS J., Roxbury, Mass .April 8, 1902 GOESSMANN, A. A., Amherst, Mass . May 13, 1902 GOESSMANN, CHARLES J., Worcester, Mass..May 13, 1902 GORMAN, JOHN FRANCIS, Philadelphia, Pa .June 12, 1900 GRAHAM, EDWARD J., Albany, N. Y ..April 13, 1897 GREENLEE, SAMUEL A., Philadelphia, Pa.February 12, 1902 GRIFFIN, DANIEL G., Watertown, N. Y...December 10, 1903 GRIFFIN, GEORGE E., Albany, N. Y .October 13, 1903 GRIFFIN, GEO. F., Chicago, Ill.March 10, 1903 GUERIN, EDMUND, Montreal, Can.February 10, 1903 H HALLEN, EDWARD F., Bridgeport, Conn.April 7, 1896 HALLAHAN, WALTER J., Philadelphia, Pa.April 8, 1902 HALLAHAN, CHARLES E., Philadelphia, Pa .April 8, 1902 HALTER, ALEXANDER J., Berlin, Conn. September 12, 1899 HAMILTON, ANDREW, Albany, N. Y .June 14, 1898 HAMILTON, HUGH, Houston, Tex .April 8, 1902 HAMMOND, RICHARD, Buffalo, N. Y .April 8, 1902 HANLEY, JOHN A., Brookline, Mass.January 12, 1904 HARRIGAN, WILLIAM D., Whitehall, N. Y.April 8, 1902 HARRINGTON, T. F., M.D., Lowell, Mass.May 26, 1896 HARTIGAN, JOHN A., St. Paul, Minn .February 10, 1903 HARSON, M. J., Providence, R. I .June 27, 1892 HART, P. H., Montreal, Can .October 14, 1902 HAWORTH, WILLIAM, Willoughby, O.June 26, 1896 HAYES, JOHN F., M.D., Waterbury, Conn.April 8, 1902 HEALY, PATRICK J., Chicago, Ill.September 17, 1895 HEANEY, EDWARD, Milwaukee, Wis.January 12, 1904 HEAPHY, WILLIAM A., Lee, Mass .February 12, 1902 82 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. HEARN, EDWARD L., So. Framingham, Mass .November 14, 1899 HEMMICK, ROLAND J., Port Hope, Ont.April 28, 1897 HENCHEY, PATRICK E., Louisville, Kj .April 7, 1896 HENNESSEY, JAMES A, Boston, Mass.January 8, 1901 HENNESSY, DANIEL J., Butte, Mont.May 26, 1896 HENNESSY, WILFRID A., Bangor, Me .November 10, 1903 HERATY, MICHAEL P., Philadelphia, Pa.April 7, 1896 HILL, WALTER S., Pittsburg, Pa .January 14, 1902 HIRSCHBERG, FRANCIS D., St. Louis, Mo .June 14, 1893 HISKY, THOMAS FOLEY, Baltimore, Md.April 14, 1903 HOLLAND, DANIEL F., Troy, N. Y ...October 9, 1900 HOLLOWAY, EDWARD L., Baltimore, Md .September 14, 1897 HOLMWOOD, FRANK S., Buffalo, N. Y ...March 13, 1900 HOUSTON, FRANK J., Bridgeport, Conn ...May 10, 1898 HOWE, J. HENRY, Rochester, N. Y .March 13, 1900 HURLEY, PATRICK M., Mansfield, O .January 12, 1904 J JACKLIN, JOHN J., San Francisco, Cal.April 12, 1904 JACKSON, THOMAS F., Waterbury, Conn .May 10, 1903 JENKINS, MICHAEL, Baltimore, Md .June 27, 1892 JOHNSON, GEORGE B., New Haven, Conn .November 5, 1890 JOHNSON, OLIVER P., Washington, D. C.December 10, 1903 JULBE, VINCENT M., Jr., Havana, Cuba.March 8, 1892 K KAVANAUGH, JOHN P., Montreal, Can.February 12, 1902 KEARNS, WILLIAM F., Boston, Mass.March 10, 1903 KEATING, JOHN T., Chicago, Ill .October 8, 1901 KEENAN, THOMAS J., Binghamton, N. Y.October 11, 1898 KEENAN, WILLIAM M., Troy, N. Y.January 14, 1902 KEENAN, LOUIS D., Boston, Mass .April 8, 1902 KEEFE, DANIEL G., Chicago, Ill.January 13, 1903 KEGEL, EMIL, Paris, France .March 11, 1902 KENNA, FRANK, New Haven, Conn.March 10, 1903 KEITH, ANDREW PAUL, Brookline, Mass .May 7, 1895 KELLY, EDWARD, Jr., Boston, Mass.October 13, 1903 KELLY, JOHN, Poughkeepsie, N. Y .February 10, 1903 KELLY, JOHN A., Chicago, Ill...July 11, 1901 KELLY, PHILIP F., Seattle, Wash .July 11, 1901 KELLY, WILLIAM D., Nashville, Tenn ...May 4, 1892 KELLY, WILLIAM, Jr., Portsmouth, N. H.October 13, 1903 KELLEGHAN, THOMAS F., M.D., Santa Barbara ....February 10, 1903 KESSING, FRANK J., Cincinnati, O ...January 11, 1898 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 83 KIERNAN, B. J. F., Saratoga, N. Y .June 14, 1893 KILDUFF, FRANCIS X., La Salle, Ill .November 12, 1901 KING, JOHN T., Bridgeport, Conn.May 12, 1903 KRIM, FRANK A., Boston, Mass .October 13, 1903 L LANDY, JAMES E., Goshen, N. Y...November 12, 1901 LANE, CHARLES M., Rochester, N. Y .May 10, 1904 LAUGHLIN, FRANK C., Buffalo, N. Y . ..January 27, 1900 LEAHY, MICHAEL J., Fall River, Mass.June 14, 1904 LEE, FREDERICK E., Dowagiac, Mich.March 10, 1903 LEE, THOMAS Z., Providence, R. I.April 8, 1902 LEONARD, HARRY S., New Haven, Conn . March 11, 1902 LEONARD, PETER F., Boston, Mass .October 13, 1903 LESPINASSE, GEORGE S., Paris, France.December 1, 1885 LESPINASSE, HERBERT, Paris, France ...April 14, 1903 LEWIS, JOHN T., N. Troy, N. Y .December 10, 1901 LOIZEAU, ALBERT E., Denver Colo..April 2, 1895 LONERGAN, AUGUSTINE, Hartford, Conn .November 10, 1903 LONG, M. A., Buffalo, N. Y ....April 12, 1904 LUCAS, CHARLES G., Louisville, Ky .December 9, 1902 LYNCH, THOMAS M., Poughkeepsie, N. Y .April 14, 1903 LYON, JAMES B., Albany, N. Y ....April 7, 1896 Me McANANY, EDWARD S., Kansas City, Kan...May 10, 1904 McCANN, JAMES J., Poughkeepsie, N. Y..March 10, 1903 McCARTY, EDWARD, Roxbury, Mass.....April 8, 1902 McCARTHY, WILLIAM B., New Haven, Conn...February 9, 1904 McCarthy, WILLIAM D., Seattle, Wash.October 13, 1903 McCONNELL, JAMES E., Fitchburg, Mass ...November 14, 1899 McCONVILLE, C. J., St. Paul, Minn.June 7, 1892 McCOOK, WILLIS F., Pittsburg, Pa.......January 27, 1900 McCULLOUGH, EDW. P., St. Paul, Minn.April 7, 1896 McCUSKER, MICHAEL J., Philadelphia, Pa ..March 11, 1902 McCUSKER, OWEN, Roxbury, Mass.January 12, 1904 McDonald, JAMES S., Buffalo, N. Y . July 11, 1901 McDONALD, WILLIAM E., Palmer, Mass.May 12, 1903 McDONNELL, JOHN P., Buffalo, N. Y .December 10, 1901 McDONOUGH, JOHN T., Albany, N. Y...May 5, 1896 McENERNEY, WILLIAM, Lima, Peru ...January 8, 1901 McENTEE, EDWARD C., Albany, N. Y .September 6, 1893 McGERRY, WILLIAM B., San Francisco, Cal .December 10, 1901 McGETRICK, FELIX A., St. Albans, Vt . March 31, 1900 84 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. McGRAW, JOHN T., Grafton, W. Va.February 10, 1903 McGUIRE, JAMES K., Syracuse, N. Y .July 11, 1901 McGRATH, MICHAEL P., Worcester, Mass .June 16, 1903 McHUGH, JOSEPH M., Pleasant Ridge, O.February 7, 1893 McHUGH, WILLIAM J., Philadelphia, Pa .December 10, 1901 McKENNA, EUGENE P., New Haven, Conn.March 9, 1897 McKENNA, THOMAS P., Long Branch, N. J.February 21, 1899 McLEAN, ARTHUR A., Newburgh, N. Y.May 4, 1892 McLOUGHLIN, WILLIAM J., Bridgeport, Conn.January 13, 1903 McMACKIN, JOHN, Albany, N. Y .June 11, 1901 McMULLEN, J. R., Glens Falls, N. Y .September 14, 1897 McNAMARA, JOHN J., Bridgeport, Conn.May 10, 1898 McNAMARA, JOHN W., Albany, N. Y.December 8, 1896 McTIGHE, PATRICK J., Binghamton, N. Y.February 2, 1892 McWILLIAM, DANIEL A., New Haven, Conn .March 31, 1900 M MACCARTHY, TIMOTHY J., Holyoke, Mass .December 13, 1898 MACDONALD, BENJ. J., Newburgh, N. Y.April 13, 1897 MACDONNELL, JOHN T. F., Holyoke, Mass.September 1, 1896 MACK, PETER J., Syracuse, N. Y.January 9, 1900 MAC GRAIL, ARTHUR J., Worcester, Mass .January 13, 1903 MACMANUS, T. J., City of Mexico, Mex.October 14, 1902 MADDEN, JAMES H., Ashland, Wis..April 12, 1898 MADIGAN, T. H., Mechanicsville, N. Y .September 11, 1900 MAGRATH, P. F., Binghamton, N. Y .September 14, 1897 MAGUIRE, FRANCIS X . March 10, 1903 MACMULKIN, EDWARD, Boston, Mass .March 10, 1903 MAHER, STEPHEN J., New Haven, Conn.May 5, 1896 MAHONEY, JAMES H., Fall River, Mass .September 11, 1900 MANEELY, FRANCIS J., Philadelphia, Pa.September 8, 1903 MANIX, CORNELIUS J., Cleveland, O .June 14, 1898 MANNING, THOMAS F., Cleveland, 0.February 21, 1899 MARSTON, JOHN P., Boston, Mass .March 10, 1903 MARONEY, DENIS FRANCIS, St. Mary's, Pa.July 8, 1902 MEAHER, DENIS A., Portland, Me .April 14, 1903 MEGAYE, JAMES, Wilmington, Del .March 31, 1900 MENNE, FRANK A., Louisville, Ky .September 12, 1899 MILEY, JOHN P., Milwaukee, Wis.January 12, 1904 MILLER, JAMES H., Stamford, Conn.June 14, 1904 MILLER, JOSEPH J., Boston, Mass .March 11, 1902 MILLER, WILLIAM A., Boston, Mass.December 13, 1898 MINAHAN, THOMAS B., Columbus, Ohio.January 12, 1904 MITCHELL, JOHN, Concord, N. H.December 9, 1902 MOFFITT, FELIX B., Albany, N. Y.November 12, 1901 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 85 MOLONEY, MARTIN, Philadelphia, Pa .April 7, 1896 MOLLOY, JOHN F., Wilmington, Del ..April 8, 1902 MOORE, JOSEPH C., Westerly, R. I.April 8, 1902 MORRISON, ROBERT E., Prescott, Ariz.October 8, 1901 MORRISON, JAMES M., Boston, Mass .March 12, 1901 MULLER, BERNARD J., Indianapolis, Ind.February 10, 1903 MURPHY, C. H., Pt. Pleasant, N. J.February 12, 1902 MURPHY, DANIEL B., Rochester, N. Y .March 9, 1897 MURPHY, DAVID E., Concord, N. H.September 11, 1900 MURPHY, FRANK K., Baltimore, Md.March 11, 1902 MURPHY, GEORGE R., San Francisco, Cal .September 17, 1895 MURRAY, IRVING, Boston, Mass .April 14, 1903 MURRAY, JOHN T., Roxbury, Mass.November 12, 1901 MURRAY, LAWRENCE O., Washington, D. C .September 12, 1899 N NEEB, ALFRED R., Pittsburg, Pa .March 12, 1901 NERACHER, WILLIAM A., Warren, O .December 10, 1901 NICHOLSON, JOHN J., Boston, Mass .September 17, 1895 NOLAN, JOHN J., Yonkers, N. Y.May 17, 1892 NOONAN, WILLIAM T., Minneapolis, Minn.April 14, 1903 NUGENT, DANIEL C., St. Louis, Mo.January 8, 1901 O O’BRIEN, GERALD G., Pittsburg, Pa .April 8, 1902 O’BRIEN, M. W., Detroit, Mich.April 5, 1892 O’BRIEN, JOHN F., Plattsburgh, N. Y .May 26, 1896 O’BYRNE, M. A., Savannah, Ga ..September 6, 1892 O’CALLAGHAN, THOMAS, Dorchester, Mass .April 8, 1902 O’CONNELL, CHARLES P., Albany, N. Y.April 12, 1904 O’CONNELL, PATRICK A., Boston, Mass.March 31, 1900 O’CONOR, JOHN H., Boston, Mass.January 11, 1898 O’CONNOR, JEREMIAH J., Elmira, N. Y.May 14, 1901 O’CONNOR, M. P., Binghamton, N. Y .November 12, 1901 ODIN, JOHN, Lyons, France.June 12, 1900 O’DONOHUE, DANIEL J., Omaha, Neb .October 13, 1903 O’FARRELL, PATRICK A., Spokane, Wash .May 14, 1901 O’GRADY, JAMES M. E., Rochester, N. Y.May 26, 1896 O’GORMAN, THOMAS A., Providence, R. I .September 14, 1897 O’KEEFE, PATRICK J., Chicago, Ill.March 12, 1901 O’KELLY, JOSE E., Vera Cruz, Mex .January 27, 1900 O’LEARY, JAMES F., M.D., Hartford, Conn .December 10, 1903 O’LEARY, JOHN, Clayton, N. Y.April 14, 1903 O’MARA, JOSEPH, London, Eng.May 9, 1899 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. O’MEARA, MICHAEL E., Providence, R. I.June 14, 1904 O’MEARA, M. J., Salt Lake City, Utah.May 12, 1903 O’MEARA, W. P., Salt Lake City, Utah .May 12, 1903 O’NEILL, JOSEPH S., Binghamton, N. Y.February 12, 1901 O’NEILL, MICHAEL, Akron, Ohio .May 10, 1904 JO’SHAUGHNESSY, M. J., Huntsville, Ala.April 11, 1899 O’SULLIVAN, J. W., Burlington, Yt.October 8, 1901 P PITTS, ALFRED, Boston, Mass.February 9, 1904 POLLOCK, R. W., Atlanta, Ga .December 6, 1892 POWER, JOHN M., Montreal, Can.March 10, 1903 PRENDERGAST, DANIEL, Jr., Amsterdam, N. Y.November 10, 1903 PRENDERGAST, JAMES M., Boston, Mass .March 11, 1902 Q QUEENAN, THOMAS L., Louisville, Ky.March 10, 1903 QUEALY, P. J., Kemmerer, Wyo.May 12, 1903 QUIGLEY, JAMES P., Lee, Mass.October 14, 1902 QUINN, A. K., Newport, R. I .September 21, 1892 R RASKOB, JOHN J., Wilmington, Del..October 13,. 1903 REAGAN, MICHAEL J., Albany, N. Y .November 14, 1899 REDDING, WILLIAM H., Havana, Cuba .February 9, 1904 REDMOND, THOMAS P., Omaha, Neb.January 12, 1904 REID, P. F., La Salle, N. Y. April 12, 1898 REILLY, RICHARD E., Chicago, Ill .June 11, 1891 REILLY, RICHARD M., Lancaster, Pa.October 13, 1903 RICE, FREDERICK W., Bangor, Me .March 10, 1903 RICE, JACOB, Rondout, N. Y.February 12, 1902 RICHARDS, JARRETT T., Santa Barbara, Cal .February 12, 1902 RIESEMANN, JOSEPH C., Franklin, Pa......April 14, 1903 RIGNEY, JOSEPH, Manzanillo, Cuba..December 6, 1893 RILEY, JOHN B., Plattsburgh, N. Y .June 6, 1893 ROCHE, WILLIAM E., Boston, Mass.....October 13, 1903 ROGERS, JOSEPH R., Rochdale, Mass.May 12, 1903 ROWAN, FRANK D., Philadelphia, Pa.April 14, 1903 RUIZ, MANUEL F., Havana, Cuba .October 14, 1902 RUSS, PATRICK, Harrisburg, Pa..'.May 13, 1902 ROONEY, LEO. J. F., St. Mary’s, Pa.February 10, 1903 RYAN, FRANK E., Honesdale, Pa. June 10, 1902 RYAN, JOHN F., Boston, Mass .October 8, 1901 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 8? RYAN, JOHN F., Toledo, O .October 14, 1902 RYAN, JOHN D., Butte, Mont.April 8, 1902 RYAN, O’NEIL, St. Louis, Mo . October 8, 1901 RYLE, JOHN FRANCIS, M.D., Stamford, Conn .December 9, 1902 S SCHWAB, CHARLES M., Pittsburg, Pa.,.July 11, 1901 SEEP, ARTHUR F., Oil City, Pa.May 5, 1896 SEEP, JOSEPH, Oil City, Pa . September 4, 1894 SHARRETTS, THAD. S., Baltimore, Md .May 2, 1893 SHEA, JAMES B., Boston, Mass.March 10, 1903 SHEA, JOHN E., Rockville, Conn .March 10, 1903 SHEA, JOHN J., Susquehanna, Pa .April 12, 1904 SHEAHAN, JAMES A., Chicago, Ill .January 12, 1904 SHEEHAN, DANIEL, Elmira, N. Y.March 12, 1901 SITTERDING, F., Richmond, Va.April 8, 1902 SMAIL, HENRY, London, Eng...,.November 23, 1896 SMITH, CLARENCE F., Montreal, P. Q.September 12, 1899 SMITH, GEORGE W., Boston, Mass.,.June 14, 1898 SMITH, THOMAS A., Hartford, Conn...April 8, 1902 SOLAN, JOHN T., Toledo, Ohio .October 13, 1903 STEVENS, H. WM., Morristown, Ariz .April 9, 1901 STROOTMAN, JOHN, Buffalo, N. Y .January 6, 1891 STUART, CHARLES M., Albany, N. Y.April 8, 1902 SULLIVAN, BERNARD J., Philadelphia, Pa .March 31, 1900 SULLIVAN, D. F., M.D., Hartford, Conn .December 9, 1902 SULLIVAN, EDWARD J., Tribizond, Turkey.March 10, 1903 SULLIVAN, IGNATIUS A., Hartford, Conn .March 10, 1903 SULLIVAN, ROGER G., Manchester, N. H .December 9, 1902 SWEENEY, EDWARD M., New London, Conn.March 8, 1898 SWEENEY, J. F., Buffalo, N. Y.April 12, 1904 SWEENEY, JAMES J., Wilbur, City of Kingston, N. Y....October 2, 1894 SWEENEY, JOHN W., Westerly, R. I. October 8, 1901 T TARPY, THOMAS J., Peekskill, N. Y .February 10, 1903 THRIELE, THEODORE B., Chicago, Ill.April 9, 1901 TIERNEY, EDWARD M., Binghamton, N. Y .April 12, 1898 TIGHE, BERNARD E., Easton, Pa.December 10, 1903 TIPPETT, RICHARD B., Baltimore, Md...'.February 10, 1903 TITTEMORE, JAMES W., Peoria, Ill.April 12, 1904 TOBIN, WILLIAM C., Worcester, Mass.March 10, 1903 TOBIN, WILLIAM N., Syracuse, N. Y.April 9, 1901 TOOHEY, WM. A. CLEARY, Newburgh, N. Y ....October 8, 1901 88 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. TOOMEY, ANDREW J., Philadelphia, Pa .May 13, 1902 TOOMEY, DANIEL P., Dorchester, Mass.February 12, 1901 TOWLE, JOHN F., Boston, Mass.April 14, 1903 TRACEY, JAMES F., Albany, N. Y .May 8, 1900 TULLY, MICHAEL P., Newton, N. J .April 8, 1902 TURNER, JOHN J., Amsterdam, N. Y .October 9, 1900 TWOMEY, NEIL, Chelsea, Mass .February 12, 1901 V VILLUENDES, ENRIQUE, Havana, Cuba.March 10, 1903 VILSACK, LEOPOLD, Pittsburg, Pa.October 9, 1900 W WALLACE, WILLIAM, Waterbury, Conn .July 11, 1901 WALSH, JOHN J., Norwalk, Conn.April 8, 1902 WALSH, PATRICK T., Detroit, Mich.June 16, 1903 WATTERSON, A. V. D., Pittsburg, Pa.June 27, 1892 WEBB, JAMES H., New Haven, Conn .April 3, 1894 WEBB, THOMAS J., Chicago, Ill .April 8, 1902 WEIXEL, FRANK J., Pittsburg, Pa .March 12, 1901 WELCH, THOMAS J., Westerly, R. I ..October 14, 1902 WHALL, WILLIAM B. F., E. Boston, Mass.May 10, 1904 WILSON, JOHN, Paris, France.May 10, 1904 WRIGHT, SILAS H., Antisquia, Republic of Columbia..October 13, 1903 Total. .461 NECROLOGY, HONORARY MEMBERS. 1885, HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL McCLOSKEY, Archbishop of New York. 1882, RIGHT REVEREND P. N. LYNCH, D. D. Bishop of Charleston, S. C. 1891, RIGHT REVEREND JOHN LOUGHLIN, D. D. Bishop of Brooklyn. 1890, RIGHT REVEREND MONSIGNOR ARTHUR J. DONNELLY, of New York. 1891, REVEREND PATRICK F. DEALY, S. J. 1892, JOHN GILMARY SHEA, LL. D. 1892, WILLIAM DEVLIN, K.S.G. 1894, EUGENE KELLY. 1895, MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN NEWTON, U. S. A. 1900, LORD RUSSELL OF KILLOWEN, Lord Chief Justice of England. 1900, LAWRENCE J. O’CONNOR. 1902, MOST REVEREND MICHAEL AUGUSTINE CORRIGAN, D.D., Archbishop of New York. ARMY AND NAVY MEMBERS. . 1896, COLONEL RICHARD F. O’BEIRNE, U. S. A. 1896, LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER ROBERT E. CARMODY, U. S. N. 1898, CAPTAIN JOHN DRUM, U. S. A. Killed at Santiago, July 1, 1898. 1902, PAST ASSISTANT ENGINEER JAMES JOSEPH BARRY, U. S. N. 1904, COMMANDER CHARLES E. COLAHAN, U. S. N. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. 1875, HENRY JAMES ANDERSON, LL. D. 1881, PATRICK J. CLARK, M. D. 90 ACTIVE MEMBERS. LIFE MEMBERS. 1892, JAMES J. SAXTON. 1896, LINDLEY H. CHAPIN. 1897, JOSEPH LEAVY. 1897, JOSEPH J. O’DONOHUE. 1899, GEORGE D. WAGNER. 1901, HENRY AMY. 1901, JOSEPH THORON. 1903, R. DUNCAN HARRIS. 1903, FRANK A. OTIS. ACTIVE MEMBERS. 1872, BERN. C. CAMPBELL, 1873, ALEXANDER I. HUME, 1875, BERNARD S. MARTIN, 1877, GUSTAYUS SCHMITZ, “ JOHN J. STAFF, Jr., “ JOHN F. TIERNAN, 1878, JOHN D. BURKE, “ FREDERICK H. GROSZ, “ WILLIAM J. HUGHES, “ TERRY JOHNSON, 1879, JAMES GRADY, “ LOUIS KLOECKNER, “ WILLIAM T. NEALIS, M.D., 1880, MORT. T. BROWNING, “ JOHN P. FITZPATRICK, “ thomas h. McGinnis, “ JOHN A. MURTHA, 1881, JAMES A. OLWELL, 1882, FRANK X. GIBBONS, “ JEREMIAH F. MAHONY, “ JOHN STUART, 1884, EDWARD P. MILLER, “ WILLIAM J. DONNELLY, “ ANTHONY F. WERNEKE, “ HENRY W. WIGGINS, “ JOHN E. McCLOSKEY, 1885, F. VON EGLOFFSTEIN, “ JAMES P. TRAVERS, “ MANUEL E. POTESTAD, “ STEPHEN P. SULLIVAN, 1885, AMADEE VATABLE, 1886, ARMAND J. BOIEZ, “ JOHN W. RICE, “ DANIEL E. COYLE, “ JOHN FEURY, “ JOHN J. HAND, “ ALFRED PEUGENT, 1887, GEORGE E. FOX, “ THOMAS H. Me A VO Y, “ DENNIS QUINN, “ CHARLES A. O’REILLY, 1888, JOSEPH L. GERETY, “ JOHN R. G. HASSARD, “ MATTHEW LEAVY, “ JAMES LYNCH, “ WILLIAM H. PULLEYN, “ EDWARD F. MORRISSEY, 1889, THOMAS F. HEALY, M.D., “ JOHN T. TOAL, “ THOMAS J. BRESLIN, “ JOHN C. DEVIN, “ PIERCE J. QUINN, 1890, EDWARD J. BURKE, “ JAMES A. G. BEALES, “ michael McDonald, “ EDWARD E. FITZGERALD, “ JAMES FOX, “ HUGH M. GARTLAN, “ Z. J. HALPIN, “ JOHN G. NEESER, ACTIVE MEMBERS. 91 1890, HENRY L. HOGUET, 1891, JOHN EARLY, “ john p. mcdonnell, “ JOHN J. MILHAU, “ GEORGE O’SULLIVAN, “ JAMES J. HORGAN, “ A. M. GOTTRON, “ JAMES McKENZIE SEMPL: “ WILLIAM LALOR, 1892, john c. McLaughlin, “ JAMES MURPHY, “ WILLIAM COMYNS, “ DANIEL DOUGHERTY, “ JOHN R. FOLEY, “ PATRICK S. GILMORE, “ EDWARDO GORGOZA, “ HENRY E. KAVANAGH, “ HENRY McCLOSKEY, 1893, JOHN M. CONWAY, “ J. BRYSON KEATING, 1893, BERNARD LEAVY, “ CHARLES H. REILLY, “ MARTIN B. BROWN, 1894, MICHAEL S. COLEMAN, “ WILLIAM McKEAN, “ JOSEPH F. MOSHER, “ JOSEPH O’BRIEN, “ JAMES C. MANGAN, “ LAW’CE J. CALLANAN, Jr. “ THOMAS C. CORNELL, “ C. G. DE GARMENDIA, “ THOMAS GERARTY, “ GEORGE F. HECKER, “ JOHN A. KERNAN, “ T. J. KEANE, M.D., “ Joseph McGuire “ PATRICK RYAN, 1895, JAMES P. DELEHANTY, “ KIERAN EGAN, “ JOSEPH ENNIS, “ J. J. MORRIS, “ RICHARD O’GORMAN, “ FRANCIS O’NEILL, “ MAURICE O’BRIEN, “ JEREMIAH O’SULLIVAN, “ JAMES SMITH, “ JOSEPH I. McKEON, “ JAMES F. SWANTON, 1896, LOUIS BENZIGER, “ JOHN E. CAMPBELL, “ ROBERT CUSHING, “ THOMAS F. DELANEY, “ THOMAS H. FLANAGAN, “ M. J. S. DE GARMENDIA, “ MICHAEL GIBLIN, “ WRIGHT HOLCOMB, “ BRYAN LAWRENCE, 1897, GEORGE BLISS, “■ HENRY H. BROWN, “ JAMES P. DALY, M.D., “ JOHN McTAMNEY, “ L. J. McNAMARA, M. D., “ JOHN J. O’BRIEN, “ ROBERT J. REILEY, “ VINC’T ZOLNOWSKI, M.D., 1898, JAMES BARRETT, “ PETER P. BRADY, “ WALTER D. BURKE, “ TIMOTHY A. BURNS, “ WM. G. DACEY, “ ARTHUR M. DAVIDSON, “ WILLIAM J. EGAN, “ JOHN W. HEALY, “ MICHAEL F. HOLMES, 92 ACTIVE MEMBERS. 1898, ANDREW MARTIN, “ JAMES F. MATTHEWS, “ DANIEL F. O’BRIEN, “ JOHN W. O’SHAUGHNESSY, “ EDWARD RORKE, Jr., “ JULIUS C. SCHLACHTER, 1899, THOMAS J. ASPELL, M.D., “ FRANCIS J. BURKE, “ OLIVER P. BUEL, “ J. VINCENT DAHLGREN, “ AUGUSTIN DALY, “ JOHN E. KOUGHRAN, “ WILLIAM J. LARDNER, “ MICHAEL O’REILLY, “ JOHN RYAN, Jr., “ PAUL THEBAUD, 1900, WILL’M HILDRETH FIELD, “ CHARLES P. HAUGHIAN, “ JOHN E. FITZGERALD, “ JOHN A. KIPP, “ james McCartney, “ JOHN A. McCREERY, M.D., “ THOMAS McMANUS, “ HENRY C. MINOR, “ EDWARD O’FLAHERTY, “ MICHAEL P. BRESLIN, “ MARCUS DALY, “ ARTHUR V. O’CONNOR, “ JAMES J. TRAYNOR, “ JOHN F. WALLACE, 1901, THOMAS S. BRENNAN, “ JOHN G. BURNS, “ ANDREW DOUGHERTY, “ PETER J. GRAHAM, “ HENRY HUGHES, “ EDWARD KELLY, “ SYLVESTER A. MURPHY, 1901, JOSEPH O’BRIEN, “ FRANK C. O’REILLY, “ BERNARD F. SHANLEY, “ GEO. W. C. WREN, M.D., 1902, A. L. ASHMAN, “ DAVID L. BARRETT, “ JAMES V. BRADY, “ JAMES M. BRADY, “ PATRICK CAVANAGII, “ JOHN J. COADY, “ PETER R. J. COUGHLIN, “ JOHN CAMPBELL, “ MICHAEL FITZSIMONS, “ RICHARD V. HARNETT, “ JOHN P. KEILEY, Jr., “ AMBROSE O. McCALL, “ MAURICE J. POWER, “ WILLIAM M. RYAN, “ JOHN A. SULLIVAN, “ RICHARD M. WALTERS, 1903, GEORGE B. COLEMAN, “ FREDERIC R. COUDERT, “ JAMES J. DOHERTY, “ S. J. GEOGHEGAN, “ AUGUSTINE HEALY, “ THOMAS J. KEARNEY, “ JOHN F. LYONS, “ CORNELIUS O’REILLY, “ JAMES REILLY, “ MATTHEW P. RYAN, 1904, PATRICK FARRELLY, “ WILLIAM R. GRACE, “ MARTIN J. McINERNY, “ THOMAS D. O’CONNOR, “ FREDERICK A. TONE, “ THOMAS F. WHITE, “ WILLIAM J. WOODS, NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 93 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 1892, DONNELLY, ARTHUR, Memphis, Tenn. 1893, GARY, J. J., Syracuse, N. Y. 1896, HURD, FRANK, Toledo, Ohio. 1897, CASSELL, M. HARRY, Rome, Italy. “ GRANT, ARTHUR L., Youngstown, Ohio. “ LEONARD, M. B., Richmond, Va. “ LEONARD, WILLIAM F., Phoenix, Arizona. 1898, GALVIN, OWEN A., Boston, Mass. “ HARDY, CHARLES A., Philadelphia, Pa. “ O’CONNOR, EDMOND, Binghamton, N. Y. 1899, FENNELLY, MICHAEL, Buffalo, N. Y. 1900, CONDON, MICHAEL JAMES, Knoxville, Tenn. 1901, FARRELL, JOHN H., Albany, N. Y. “ McGINNIS, E. D., Providence, R. I. “ ROSSETER, JAMES TONE, San Francisco, Cal. 1902, DONOVAN, CORNELIUS J., Buffalo, N. Y. “ HUGHES, EUGENE, Syracuse, N. Y. “ McMlCHAN, EDWARD, Philadelphia, Pa. 1903, HUSSEY, JOHN J., Long Branch, N. J. “ MOFFAT, STEPHEN, Plattsburgh, N. Y. “ MURPHY, EDWARD H., Point Pleasant, N. J. “ TOOMEY, M. H., Duncan, Arizona. 1904, SMITH, WILLIAM H., Beaumont, Texas. Requiescat in Pace. ■ fj ) Date Due — f) 3 9031 01154632 2 t/t BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless reserved. Two cents a day is charged for each book kept overtime. If you cannot find what you want, ask the Librarian who will be glad to help you. The borrower is responsible for books drawn on his card and for all fines accruing on the same.