Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/philosophicalmat01hutt A PHILOSOPHICAL AND MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY. VOL. I. PRINTED BY S. HAMILTON, Weybridge, Surrey. PHILOSOPHICAL AND MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY: CONTAINING AN EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS, AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE SEVERAL SUBJECTS, COMPRISED UNDER THE HEADS MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY, AND PHILOSOPHY BOTH NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL; HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, AND PRESENT STATE OF THESE SCIENCES ; fibSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY also CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. MEMOIRS OF THE LIVES AND WRITINGS OF THE MOST EMINENT AUTHORS, BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN, WHO BY THEIR DISCOVERIES OR IMPROVEMENTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THEM. L*£.r' r* BY CHARLES J.UTTON, LL.D. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH, AND OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES OF HAARLEM AND AMERICA ; AND EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH. IN TWO VOLUMES: WITH MANY CUTS AND COPPER-PLATES. A NEW EDITION, WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR; F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON ; J. CUTHELL ; LAW AND WHITTAKER ; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN ; CADELL AND DAVIES ; J. MAVVMAN ; BLACK, PARRY, AND CO ; BALDWIN, CRADOCK AND JOY ; J. BOOKER ; G. AND S. ROBINSON; T. HAMILTON; WALKER AND EDWARDS J JOHN ROBINSON; B. REYNOLDS; AND SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL, 1815. DEC 2 3 q <.*\Z* BOSTON COURflf UBBAflY cmsmm ml, am ami PREFACE. Among the Dictionaries of Arts and Sciences which have been published, of late years, in various parts of Europe, it is matter of surprise that Philosophy and Mathematics should have been so far overlooked as not to be thought worthy of a separate Treatise, in this form. These sciences constitute a large portion of the present stock of human know- ledge, and have been usually considered as possessing a degree of importance to which few others are entitled ; and yet we have hitherto had no distinct Lexicon, in which their consti- tuent parts and technical terms have been explained, with that amplitude and precision, which the great improvements of the Moderns, as well as the rising dignity of the Subject, seem to demand. The only works of this kind in the English language, deserving of notice, are Harris's Lexicon Technicum, and Stone's Mathematical Dictionary ; the former of which, though a valuable performance at the time it was written, is now become too dry and obsolete to be referred to with pleasure or satisfaction : and the latter, consisting only of one volume in 8vo, must be regarded merely as an unfinished sketch, or brief compendium, extremely limited in its plan, and necessarily deficient in useful information. It became, therefore, the only resource of the Reader, in many cases where explanation was wanted, to have recourse to Chambers's Dictionary, in four large volumes folio, or to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, now in eighteen large volumes 4to, or the still more stupendous performance of the French Encyclopedists ; and even here his expectations might be fre- quently disappointed. These great and useful works, aiming at a general comprehension of the whole circle of the Sciences, are sometimes very deficient in their descriptions of parti- cular branches ; it being almost impossible, in such extensive undertakings, to appreciate, with exactness, the due value of every article. They are, besides, so voluminous and hetero- vi PREFACE. geneous in their nature, as to render a frequent reference to them extremely inconvenient ; and even if this were not the case, their high price puts them out of the reach of the gene- rality of readers. With a view to obviate these defects, the Public are here presented with a Dictionary of a moderate size and price, which is devoted solely to Philosophical and Mathematical subjects. It is a work for which materials have been collecting through a course of many years ; and is the result of great labour and reading. Not only most of the Encyclopedias already extant, and the various publications of the Learned Societies throughout Europe, have been carefully consulted, but also all the original works, of any reputation, which have hitherto appeared on these subjects, from the earliest writers down to the present times. From the latter of these sources, in particular, a considerable portion of information has been obtained, which the curious reader will find, in many cases, to be highly interesting and important. The History of Algebra, for instance, which is detailed at considerable length in the first volume, under the head of that article, will afford sufficient evidence to show in what a superficial and partial way the inquiry has been hitherto investigated, even by professed writers on the subject; the principal of whom are M. Montucla, our countryman the celebrated Dr. Wallis, and the Abb6 De Gua, a late French author, who has pretended to correct the Doctor's errors and misrepresentations. Regular historical details are in like manner given of the origin and progress of each of these Sciences, as well as of the inventions and improvements by which they have been gradually brought from their first rude beginnings to their present advanced state. It is also to be observed, that besides the articles common to the generality of Dictiona- ries of this kind, an interesting Biographical Account is here introduced of the most cele- brated Philosophers and Mathematicians, both ancient and modern; among which will be found the Lives of eminent characters, who have hitherto been either wholly overlooked, or very imperfectly recorded. Complete lists of their works are also subjoined to each article, when they could be procured ; which cannot but prove highly acceptable to that class of readers, who are desirous of obtaining the most satisfactory information on the subjects of their particular inquiries and pursuits. On the head of Biography, however, the Author has still to lament the want of many other respectable names which he was desirous to have PREFACE. vii added to his list of authors, not having been able to procure any circumstantial accounts of their lives. He could have wished to have comprised in his list, the lives of all such public literary characters as the University Professors of Astronomy, Philosophy, and Mathematics, as well as those of the other more respectable class of authors on those sciences. He will therefore thankfully receive the communication of any such memoirs from the hands of gen- tlemen possessed of them; as well as hints and information on such useful improvements in the sciences as may have been overlooked in this Dictionary, or any articles that may here have been imperfectly or incorrectly treated ; that he may at some future time, by adding them to this work, render it still more complete and deserving the public notice. As this work is an attempt to separate the words in the sciences of Astronomy, Mathe- matics, and Philosophy, from those of other arts or sciences, in several of which there are al- ready separate Dictionaries ; as in Chemistry, Geography, Music, Marine and Naval affairs, &c ; words sometimes occurred which it was rather doubtful whether they could be consi- dered as properly belonging to the present work or not; in which case many of such words have been here inserted. But such as appeared clearly and peculiarly to belong to any of those other subjects, have been either wholly omitted, or else have had a very short account only given of them. The readers of this work therefore, recollecting that it is not a General Dictionary of all the Arts and Sciences, will not expect to find all sorts of words and subjects here treated of; but such only as peculiarly appertain to the proper matter of the work. And therefore, although some few words may inadvertently have been omitted ; yet when the Reader does not immediately find every word which he wishes to consult, he will not always consider them as omissions of the Author, but for the most part as relating to some other science foreign to this Dictionary. In all cases where it could be conveniently done, the necessary figures and diagrams are inserted in the same page with the subjects which they are designed to elucidate; a method which will be found much more commodious than that of putting them in separate plates at the end of each volume, but, which has added very considerably to the expence of the un- dertaking. Where the subjects are of such a nature that they could not be otherwise well re- presented, they arc engraved on copperplates. As the whole of this work was written before it was put to the press, the Reader will find it of an equal and uniform nature and construction throughout; in which respect many viii PREFACE. publications of this kind are very defective, from the subjects being diffusely treated under the first letters of the alphabet, while articles of equal importance in the latter part are so much abridged as to be rendered almost useless, in order that the whole might be comprised in a limited number of sheets, according to proposals made before the works were composed. The present Dictionary having been completed without any of these unfavour- able circumstances, will be found in most cases equally instructive and useful, and may be consulted with no less advantage by the Man of Science than the Student. 1st addition to the foregoing original account of this work, we have to observe, that the whole has been several times carefully perused, in order to .correct, enlarge, and amend the several articles ; that all the new discoveries and improvements in the sciences, since the first composing of the work, have been attentively collected and abridged, for introducing in this new edition ; that many new articles have been inserted in their places through the volumes, and even several of the chief articles of some of the other sciences &c, have now been included, — as Electricity, Galvanism, Voltaic pile, Acid, Alkali, Freezing, New Planets and Comets, with numerous other similar articles; that a large collection of new and interesting lives of eminent authors have been inserted, as far as materials could be obtained, and the merits of the authors were deemed worthy of notice in this work ; that several new plates and figures have been added ; that the pages have been considerably en- larged, and the printing so arranged and contrived as to include more matter in the sheets. In short, the alterations, additions, and other improvements, are so numerous, and so large, as entitle the present edition to be considered almost as an entire new work. PHILOSOPHICAL AND MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY. A. x\_BACIST, an Arithmetician. In this sense we find the word used by William of Malmesbury, in his History de Gestis Anglorum, written about the year ] 150 ; where he shows that one Gerbert, a learned monk of France, who afterwards became pope of Rome in the year 998 or 999, by the name of Silvester the 2d, was the first who got from the Saracens the abacus, and that taught such rules concerning it, as the Abacists themselves could hardly understand. ABACUS, in Arithmetic, an ancient instrument used by most nations for casting up accounts, or performing arithmetical calculations. It is by some derived from the Greek a?a£, which signifies a cupboard or beaufet, per- haps from the similarity of the form of this instrument: and by others it is derived from the Phoenician abak, which signifies dust or powder, because it was said that this instrument was sometimes a square board or tablet, which was powdered over with fine sand or dust, in which were traced the figures or characters used in making cal- culations, which could thence be easily defaced, and the abacus refitted for use. But Lucas Paciolus, in the first part of his second distinction, thinks it is a corruption of Arabicus, by which he meant their Algorithm, or the method of numeral computation received from them. We find this instrument in use for computation, under some variations, with most nations; as the Greeks, Ro- mans, Germans, French, Chinese, &c. The Grecian Abacus was an oblong frame, over which were stretched several brass wires, strung with little ivory balls, like the beads of a necklace; by the various ar- rangements of which, all kinds of computations were easily made. Mahudel, in Hist. Acad. R. Inscr. torn. 3. p. 390. The Roman Abacus was a little varied from the Gre- cian, having pins sliding in grooves, instead of strings or wires and beads. Philos. Trans. No. 180. The Chinese Abacus, or Shwan-pan, like the Grecian, Consists of several series of beads strung on brass wires, stretched from the top to the bottom of the instrument, and divided in the middle by a cross piece from side to side. In the upper space every string has two beads, which an' each counted for 5; and in the lower space every string has five beads, of different values, the first fcing counted as 1, the second as 10, the third as 100, and so on, as with us. See Shwan-pan. Vol. I. The Abacus chiefly used in European countries, is nearly on the same principles, though the use of it is here more limited, because of the arbitrary and unequal divi- sions of money, weights, and measures, which, in China, are all divided in a tenfold proportion, like our scale of common numbers. This is made by drawing any number of parallel lines, like paper ruled for music, at such a dis- tance as may be at least equal to twice the diameter of the calculus, or counter. Then the value of these lines, and of the space's between them, increases, from the lowest to the highest, in a tenfold proportion. Thus, counters placed upon the first line, signify so many units or ones ; on the second line 10's, on the third line 100's, on the fourth line 1000's, and so on. In like manner a counter placed in the first space, between the first and second line, denotes 5, in the second space 50, in the third space 500, in the fourth 5000, and so on. So that there are never more than four counters placed on any line, nor more than one placed in any space, this being of the same value as five counters on the next line below. Thus, the counters on the Abacus, in the following figure, express the num- ber or sum 47382. 10000 -G—o-e- 000 •e — e- 1000 100 10 1 Besides the above instruments of computation, several others have been invented by different persons: as, Na- pier's Rods or Bones, described in his Rhabdologia, which see, under the word Napier ; also the Abacus Rhabdo- logicus, a variation of Napier's, which is described in the first vol. of Machines et Inventions approuvees par l'Aca- demie Hoyale des Sciences. An ingenious and general one was also invented by Mr. Gamaliel Smethurst, and is de- scribed in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. 40'; where the inventor remarks that computations by it are much quicker and easier performed than by the pen, are also less burthensome to the memory, and can be performed by blind persons, or in the dark as well as in the light. A very comprehensive instrument of this kind was also contrived by the late learned Dr. Nicholas Saunderson, the blind professor of mathematics, by which he performed B ABA [ 2 ] ABA very intricate calculations : an account of it is prefixed to the first volume of his Algebra, where it is called by the editor Palpable Arithmetic: which see. In the Edinb. Rev. vol. 18, p. 205, is the following neat account of this instrument : — It is curious to observe, that the term Calculation itself claims no higher descent than from calculus, a pebble. A table strewed with fine sand, the pulvis eruditus of the poets, served both for tracing geometrical diagrams, and teaching the elements of writing; a very primitive contrivance, but universally used throughout the East, from which it has lately been imported into this country. The board on which arith- metical operations were performed, at first by means of pebbles, was named Abacus, from the Greek agccg ; pro- bably because originally it was only a writing-table of a compendious form, and designed for instructing children in their alphabet. Nee qui Abaco numeros, et secto in pulvere metas Scit risisse vafer. Pers. Sat- i. 138. The Abacus was divided, from the right to the left hand, by vertical columns, on which the pebbles were placed, to denote, units, tens, hundreds, thousands, &c. The labour of counting and arranging those pebbles was afterwards sensibly abridged, by drawing across the board a horizontal line, above which, each single pebble had the power of 5. In the progress of luxury, tali, or dies made of ivory, were used instead of pebbles, and small silver coins came to supply the place of counters. But the operations with the abacus were rendered still more commodious, by substituting for such tali or counters, small bead-3 strung on parallel threads, and sometimes pegs stuck along grooves. — Accountants by profession, among the Romans, were hence styled calculatores, or ra- tionarii. Various expedients seem to have been employed for shortening the arithmetical operations. The different positions of the fingers were, for that purpose, used to a certain extent. Boethius treated largely of the subject ; and even the venerable Bede has given very diffuse rules for what was called digital arithmetic. But the application of the abacus itself was not entirely forgotten at a much later period. Witness the small vo- lume of arithmetic, quaintly composed in the form of dia- logue by Robert Recorde, teacher of mathematics and practitioner in physic at Cambridge, during the reign of Edward vi ; in which round dots, placed on perpendicu- laV lines, and employed to express the succession of units, tens, hundreds, &c, are made to perform some of the sim- pler numerical operations. — A small instrument, entirely resembling the abacus, has likewise at different times been recommended, for teaching the elements of ciphering, under the name of palpable arithmetic. Abacus, Pythagorean, so denominated from its in- ventor, Pythagoras, is a table of numbers, contrived for readily learning the principles of arithmetic ; being pro- bably what is now called the multiplication-table. Abacus, or Abaciscus, in Architecture, the upper part or member of the capital of a column; serving as ;i crowning both to the capital and to the whole column. Vitruvius informs us tluit the Abacus was originally in- tended to represent a square flat tile laid over an urn, or a basket; and the invention is ascribed to Calimachus, an ingenious statuary of Athens, who, it is said, adopted it on observing a small basket, covered with a tile, over the root ol an Acanthus plant, which grew on the grave of a young lady ; the plant shooting up, encompassed the bas- ket, till meeting with the tile, it curled back in a kind of scroll: Calimachus passing by, took the hint, and imme- diately executed a capital on this plan ; representing the tile by the Abacus, the leaves of the acanthus by the vo- lutes, and the basket by the vase or body of the capital. See Acanthus. ( Abacus is also used by Scamozzi for a concave mould- ing in the capital of the Tuscan pedestal. And the word is used by Palladio for other members, which he describes. In ancient architecture, the same term is used to denote certain compartments in the incrustation or lining of the walls of state-rooms, mosaic-pavements, and the like. There were Abaci of marble, porphyry, jasper, alabaster, and even glass; variously shaped, as" square, triangular, and such-like. Abacus Logisticus is a right-angled triangle, whose sides, about the right-angle, contain all the numbers from I to (SO ; and its area, the products of each two of the op- posite numbers. This is also called a canon of sexagesi- mals, and is no other than a multiplication- table carried to 60 both ways. Abacus et PalmultT, in the Ancient Music, denote the machinery by which the strings of the polyplectra, or in- struments of many strings, were struck, with a plectrum made of quills. Abacus Harmonicus is used by Kiicher for the struc- ture and disposition, of the keys of a musical instrument, either to be touched with the hands or feet. Abacus, in Geometry, a table or slate upon which schemes or diagrams are drawn. ABATIS, or Abattis, from the French abattre, to throw down, or beat down, in the Military Art, denotes a kind of retrenchment made by a quantity of whole trees cut down, and laid lengthways beside each other, the closer the better, having all their branches pointed to- wards the enemy, which prevents his approach, at the same time that the. trunks serve as a breast-work before the men. The Abattis is a very useful work on most oc- casions, especially on sudden emergencies, when trees are near at hand ; and has always been practised with consi- derable success, by the ablest commanders in all ages and nations. ABAUZIT, Firmin, a learned and ingenious mathema- tician and philosopher, born atUsez, in Languedoc, on the I I th of November lu'79 ; his parents being protestants, he was obliged to leave France by the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and after suffering many hardships, at length found an asylum in Geneva', where he prosecuted his stu- dies with the greatest success ; and though his chief atten- tion was directed to the mathematics, he nevertheless made considerable progress in every department of litera- ture ; he was acquainted with most of the learned men of his time, and among others with our illustrious countryman Sir Isa'ac Newton, who in an epistolary correspondence does him the honour to say, " you area very fit person to judge between Leibnitz and me." Me seems indeed to have perfectly understood the Principia, having undertaken the defence of it against father Castell, wherein he dis- played great talents and ability: he discovered an error in 1 hat work when it first appeared, which was corrected in the next edition. After having signalized himself as much for his virtue as his learning, he died on the '20th of March 17()'?, at the advanced age of 8? years, lamented and regretted by all whom he honoured with his friendship. ABE [ 3 ] ABE ABBREVIATE; to abbreviate fractions, in Arithmetic and Algebra, is to lessen proportionally their terms, or the numerator and denominator; which is performed by di- viding those terms by any number or quantity, which will divide them without leaving a remainder. And when the terms cannot be any further so divided, the fraction is said to be in its least terms. c 16_8_4_2 24 _ 12 _ 6 _ 3 ' by dividing the terms continually by 2. by dividing by 2, 3, and 7. 3x8x5 8x5 Also — - — = — = 4 by dividing by 3 and by 2. 5 = 20. And - — = — -, by dividing by 4ax. And iacx = — , by dividing by a ■+■ x. ABBREVIATION, of fractions, in Arithmetic and Al- gebra, is the reducing them to lower terms, as in the ex- amples above. ABERRATION, in Astronomy, an apparent motion of the celestial bodies, occasioned by the progressive motion of light, and the earth's annual motion in its orbit. This effect may be explained and familiarized by the motion of a line parallel to itself, much after the manner of the composition and resolution of forces. For this pur- pose, let the ratio of the velocity of light to that of the * Id B earth in its orbit, be as the line b c to a c ; then, by the composition of these two motions, the particle of light will seem to describe the line ba or dc, instead of its real course b c ; and will appear in the direction ab or cd, instead of its true direction cb. So that, if ab represent a tube, carried with a parallel motion by an observer along the line ac, in the time that a particle of light would move over the space Bc.the different places of A. a c C E the tube being ab, ab, cd, cd; and when the eye, or end of the tube, is at a, let a particle of light enter the other end at b; then, when the tube is at ab, the particle of light will be at c, exactly in the axis of the tube ; and when the tube is at cd, the particle of light will arrive at /, still in the axis of , the tube; and lastly, when the tube arrives at cd, the particle of light will arrive at the eye or point c, and consequently will appear to come in the di- rection dc of the tube, instead of the true direction bc; and so on ; one particle succeeding another, and forming a continued stream or ray of light in the apparent direc- tion d c. So that the apparent angle made by the ray of light with the line ae, is the angle dce, instead of the true angle bce; and the difference, bcd or abc, is the quantity of the aberration. M. de Maupertuis, in his Elements of Geography, gives also a familiar and ingenious idea of the aberration, in this manner: " It is thus," says he, "concerning the direction in which a gun must be pointed to strike a bird in its flight; instead of pointing it straight to the bird, the fowler will point a little before it, in the path of its flight, and that so much the more as the flight of the bird is more rapid, with respect to the flight of the shot." In this way of considering the matter, the flight of the bird represents the motion of the earth, or the line ac, in our scheme above, and the flight of the shot represents the motion of the ray of light, or the line b c. M. Clairaut too, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 1746, illustrates this effect in a fa- miliar way, by supposing drops of rain to fall rapidly and quickly after each other from a cloud, under which a per- son moves with a very narrow tube; in which case it is evident that the tube must have a certain inclination, in order that a drop which enters at the top, may fall freely through the axis of the tube, without touching its sides ; which inclination must be more or less according to the velocity of the drops, in respect to that of the tube : then the angle made by the direction of the tube and of the falling drops, is the aberration arising from the combina- tion of those two motions. Another ingenious and familiar illustration of this effect is given in the Encyclopedic Methodique ; which is nearly as follows. Let c f a c» represent a boat, or other vessel, movingparallel ....fl.. to itself from c to D,andsuppose a person at c to throw a stone towards a, with such a veloci- ty that it exactly arrives there when the point a arrives at b • by the motion of the boat: now a person situated at a will na- turally refer the direction of the stone to the diagonal c a or d b of the boat, over which it has actually passed, not- withstanding its real direction is that of cb; for the same appearances would have taken place, had the stone been cast from c to b, provided its velocity had been such as to cause it to arrive at b, in the same time as before. This therefore explains the nature of the aberration of the celestial bodies ; for if we now consider the stone above mentioned as a particle of light issuing from a body at c, in the direction cb, and that it arrives there in the same time that a person moves from A to B ; then it is evi- dent, from what is said above, that he will refer its direc- tion to the line d b ; but all bodies appear in the direction of the visual rays emitted by them, and consequently the point d will be the apparent place of the body c. And thus the effect of aberration is always to make bodies ap- pear more advanced in the direction we are moving, than they really are. This discovery, which is one of the brightest that have been made in the last age, we owe to the accuracy and in- genuity of the late Dr. Bradley, afterwards Astronomer Royal; to which he was occasionally led by the result of some accurate observations which he had made with an- other view, namely, to determine the annual parallax of the fixed stars, or that which arises from the motion of the earth in its annual orbit about the sun. This motion of the earth, about the sun, had been often doubted, and warmly contested. The defenders of that doctrine, among other proofs of its reality, con- ceived the idea of adducing an incontestable one from the annual parallax of the fixed stars, if they should be within such a distance, or if instruments and observa- tions could be made with such accuracy, as to render that B 2 ABE [ * ] ABE parallax sensible; and with this view various attempts have been made. Before the observations of M. Picard, made in 1672, it was the general opinion, that the stars did not change their position during the course of a year. Tycho Brahe and Riccioli fancied that they had assured themselves of it from their observations ; from which they concluded that the earth did not move round the sun, and that there was no annual parallax in the fixed stars. M. Picard, in the account of his Voyage d'Uranibourg, made in 16/2, says that the pole star, at different times of the year, has certain variations which he had observed for about 10 years, and which amounted to near 40" a year: whence some, who favoured the annual motion of the earth, were led to conclude that these variations were the effect of the parallax of the earth's orbit. But it was im- possible to explain it by that parallax ; because this mo- tion was in a manner contrary to what ought to follow only from the motion of the earth in its orbit. In 1674 Dr. Hook published an account of observa- tions, made by him in 1669, by which he had found that the star y Draconis was 23" more northerly in July than in October: observations which, at that time, seem- ed to favour the opinion of the earth's motion, though it be now known that there could not be any accuracy in them. Flamsteed having observed the pole star with his mural quadrant, in 1689 and the following years, found that its declination was 40" less in July than in December; which observations, though very just, were yet, however, improper for proving the annual parallax : and he recommended the. making of an instrument of 15 or 20 feet radius, to be firmly fixed on a strong foundation, for deciding a doubt which was otherwise, not soon likely to be brought to a conclusion. In this state of uncertainty and doubt, Dr. Bradley, in conjunction with Mr. Samuel Molineux, in the year 1725, formed the project of verifying, by a series of new obser- vations, those which Dr. Hook had communicated to the public almost 50 years before. And as it was his attempt that chiefly gave rise to this undertaking, so it was his me- thod in making the observations, in some measure, that they followed ; for they made choice of the same star, and their instrument was constructed on nearly the same principles: but had it not greatly exceeded the former in exactness, they might still have continued in uncertainty and doubt, as to the parallax of the fixed stars. And this was chiefly owing to the accuracy of the ingenious Mr, George Graham, to whom the lovers of astronomy are also indebted for several other exact and convenient in- struments. The success then of the intended experiment, evidently depending very much on the accuracy of the instrument, that leading object was first to be well secured. Mr. Molineux's apparatus having been completed, and fitted for observing, about the end of November 1725, on the third day of December following, the bright star in the head of Draco, marked y by Bayer, was for the first time observed, as it passed near (he zenith, and its situation carefully taken with the instrument. The like observa- tions were made frequently, on many days, both in that and the. succeeding months, when they found a gradual variation in the star's position towards the south. They took care to examine very nicely, at the time of each ob- servation, how much the variation was; till about the beginning of March 1726', when the star was found to be 20" more southerly than at the time of the first jobserva- tiou-: it now indeed seemed to have arrived at its utmost limit southward, as in several trials, made about this time, no sensible difference was observed in its situa- tion. By the middle of April, it appeared to be return- ing back again towards the north; and about the be- ginning of June, it passed at the same distance from the zenith, as it had done in December, when it was first observed. From the quick alteration in the declination of the star about this time, increasing about one second 111 3 days, it was conjectured that it would now proceed northward of its present situation, as it had before gone southward ; which happened accordingly ; for the star continued to move northward till September following, when it became stationary again ; being then near 20" more northefly than in June, and upwards of 39" more northerly than it had been in March. From Septeml er the star again re- turned towards the south, till, in December, it arrived at the same situation in which it had been observed twelve- months before, allowing for the difference ot declination on account of the precession of the equinox. This was a sufficient proof that the instrument had not been the cause of this apparent motion of the star ; aud yet it seemed difficult to devise one that should be ade- quate to such an unusual effect. A nutation of the earth's axis was one of the first tilings that offered itself on this occasion ; but it was soon found to be insuffi- cient. The great regularity of the observations left no room to doubt, but that there was some uniform cause by which this unexpected motion was produced, and which did not depend on the uncertainty or variety of the seasons of the year. But not being able to frame any hypothesis, sufficient to account for all the phenomena, and being very desirous to search a little further into this matter, Dr. Bradley began to think of erecting an instrument for himself at Wanstead ; that, having it always at hand, he might with the more ease and certainty inquire into the laws of this new motion. The consideration likewise of being able, by another instrument, to confirm the truth of the observations hitherto made with that of Mr. Moli- neux's, was no small inducement to the undertaking ; but the principal one was, the opportunity he should thereby have of trying in what manner other stars should be af- fected by the same cause, whatever it might be. For Mr. Molineux's instrument being originally designed for ob- serving y Draconis, to try whether it had any sensible pa- rallax, it was so contrived, as to be capable of but little alteration in its direction; not above 7 or 8 minutes of a degree : and there being but few stars, within half that distance from the zenith of Kew, bright enough to be well observed, he could not, with his instrument, thorough- ly examine how this cause affected stars that were diffe- rently situated, with respect to the equinoctial and solsti- cial points of the ecliptic. These considerations determined him ; and by the contrivance and direction of the same ingenious person, Mr. Graham, his instrument was fixed upon the 19th of August 1727- As he had no convenient place where he could make use of so long a telescope as Mr. Molineux's, lie contented himself with one of but little more than half the length, namely, of 12 feet and a hall, the other being 24 feet and a half long, judging, from the experience he had already had, that this radius would be long enough to ABE [ 5 ] ABE adjust the instrument to a sufficient degree of exactness : and he had no reason afterwards to change his opinion; for by all his trials he was very well satisfied, that when it was carefully rectified, its situation might be securely depended on to half a second. His instrument being fixed, he immediately began to observe such stars as he judged most proper to give him any light into the cause of the motion already mentioned. There was a sufficient variety of small ones, and not less than twelve (hat he could observe through all seasons of the year, as they were bright enough to be seen in the day- time, when nearest the sun. When the year was completed, he began to examine and compare his observations; and having pretty well sa- tisfied himself as to the general laws of the phenomena, he then endeavoured to find out the cause of them. He was already convinced that the apparent motion of the stars was not owing to a nutation of the earth's axis. The next idea/that occurred to him, was an alteration "in the direction of the plumb-line, by which the instrument was constantly adjusted ; but this, upon trial, proved in- sufficient. He then considered what refraction might do; but here also he met with no satisfaction; At length, through an. amazing sagacity, he conjectured that all the phenomena hitherto mentioned, proceeded from the pro- gressive motion of light, and the earth's annual motion in its orbit : for he conceived, that if light were propagated in time, the apparent place of a fixed object would not be the same when the eye is at rest, as when it is moving in any other direction except that of the line passing through the object and the eye ; and that when the eye is moving in different directions, the apparent place of the object would be different. He considered this matter in the following manner. He imagined c a to be a ray of light, falling perpendicularly on the line b d : then, if the eye be at rest at a, the object must ap- pear in the direction ac, whether light be propagated in time, or instantaneously. But if the eye be moving from b towards a, and light be propagated in time, with a velocity that is to the velocity of the eye, as a c to ab; then, light moving from c to a, while the eye moves from b to a, that particle of it by which the object will be discerned, when the eye in its motion comes to a, is at c when the eye is at b. Joining the points b,c, he supposed the line bc to be a tube, inclined to the line bd in the angle L) A x> c b d, and of such a diameter as to admit of but one particle of light : then it was easy to conceive, that the particle of light at c, by which the object must be si-en when the eye arrives at a, would pass through the tube bc, so inclined to the line bd, and accompanying the eye iu its motion from b to a ; and that it would not come to the eye, placed behind such a tube, if it had any other inclination to the line bd. But if, instead of sup- posing bc so small a lube, we conceive it to be the axis of a larger; then, for the same reason, the particle of light at c cannot pass through that axis, unless it be inclined to b n in the same angle cbd. In like manner, if the eye move the contrary way, from i) towards a, with the same velocity ; then the tube must be inclined in the angle line. Although therefore I lie true or real place of an object, bc perpendicular to. the line in which the eye is moving, yet the visible place will not be so ; since that must doubtless be in the direc- tion of the tube. But the difference between the true and apparent place, will be, ceteris paribus, greater or less, according to the different proportions between the velocity of light and that of the eye : so that, if we could suppose light to be propagated in an instant, then there would be no difference between the real and visible place of an object, though the eye were in motion; for in that case, ac being infinite with respect to ab, the angle ajcb, which is the difference between the true and visible place, vanishes^ But if light be propagated in time, which was then allowed by most philosophers, then it is evident, from' the foregoing considerations, that there will always be a difference between the true and visible place of an object, except when the eye is moving either direct- ly towards, or from the object. And in all cases, the sine of the difference between the true and visible place of the object, will be to the sine of the visible inclination of the object to the line in which the eye is moving, as the velocity of the eye, is to the velocity of light. If light moved only 1000 times faster than the eye, and an object, supposed to be at an infinite distance, were really placed perpendicularly over the plane in which the eye is moving ; it follows, from what has been said, that the apparent place of such object will always be inclined to that plane, in an angle of 89° 56' { ; so that it will constantly appear 3 \ from its true place, and will seem so much less inclined to the plane, that way towards which the eye tends. That is, if a c be to a b or a d, as 1000 to 1, the angle abc will be S.9° 56' i, and the angle ACS 3'i, and bcd or 2acb will be 7', if the direction of the motion of the eye be contrary at one time to what it is at another. If the earth revolve about the sun annually, and the velocity of light were to the velocity of the earth's mo- tion in its orbit, as 1000 is to 1 ; then it is easy to con- ceive, that a star really placed in the pole of the ecliptic, would to an eye carried along with the earth, seem to change its place continually ; and, neglecting the small difference on account of the earth's diurnal revolution on its axis, it would seem to describe a circle about that pole, every where distant from it by 3 i. So that its longitude would be varied through all the points of the ecliptic every year, but its latitude would always remain the same. Its right ascension would also change, and its de- clination, according to the different situations of the sun in respect of the equinoctial points ; and its apparent distance from the north pole of the equator, would be 7' less at the autumnal, than at the vernal equinox. The greatest alteration of the place of a star, in the pole of the ecliptic, or, which in effect amounts to the same thing, the proportion between the velocity oflightand the earth's motion in its orbit, being known, it will not be difficult to find what would be the difference, on this ac- count, between the true and apparent place of any other star at any time: and, on the contrary, the difference be- tween the true and apparent place being given, the pro- portion between the velocity of light, and the earth's mo- tion in its orbit, may be found. After the history of this, curious discovery, related by the author (in the Philos. Trans, of thai year), he gives the results of a multitude of accurate observations, made on a great number of stars, at all seasons of the year. From all which observations, and the foregoing theory, he ABE [ 6 ] ABE found that every star, in consequence of the earth's mo- tion in its orbit and the progressive motion of light, ap- pears to describe a small ellipse in the heavens, the trans-^ verse axis of which is equal to the same quantity for every star, namely 40" nearly; and that the conjugate axis of the ellipse, for different stars, varies as the sine of the star's latitude; that is, radius is to the sine of the star's latitude, as the transverse axis to the conjugate axis : and consequently a star in the pole of the ecliptic, , its latitude being there 90°, whose sine is equal to the ra- dius, will appear to describe a small circle about that pole as a centre, whose radius is equal to 20 . He also gives the following law of the variation of the star's decli- nation : if a denote the angle of position, or the angle at the star made by two great circles drawn from it through the poles of the ecliptic and equator, and b another angle, whose tangent is to the tangent of a, as radius is to the sine of the star's latitude ; then b will be equal to the dif- ference of longitude between the sun and the star, when the true and apparent declination of the star are the same. And if the sun's longitude in the ecliptic be reckoned from that point in which it is when this happens ; then the difference between the true and apparent declination of the star, will be always as the sine of the sun's longitude from that point. It will also be found that the greatest difference of declination that can be between the true and apparent place of the star, will be to 20", the semitrans- verse axis of the ellipse, as the sine of a to the sine of b. The author then shows, by the comparison of a num- ber of observations made on different stars, that they ex- actly agree with the theory deduced from the progressive motion of light, and that consequently it is highly proba- ble that such motion is the cause of those variations in the situation of the stars. From which he infers, that the parallax of the fixed stars is much smaller than hither- to supposed, by those who pretended to deduce it from ob- servations. He thinks he may venture to say that, in the stars he had observed, the parallax does not amount to 2'' ; nay, that if it had amounted to 1", he should certainly have perceived it, in the great number of observations that he made, especially of y Draconis : which agreeing with the hypothesis, without allowing any thing for paral- lax, nearly as well when the sun was in conjunction with, as in opposition to, this star, it seems very probable that its parallax is not so much as one second ; and conse- quently that it is above 400000 times farther from us than the sun. From the greatest variation in the place of the stars, namely 40", Dr. Bradley deduces the ratio of the velocity of light, in comparison with that of the earth in its orbit. In the preceding figure, a c is to ab, as the velocity of light to that of the earth in its orbit, the angle acb being iqual to 20" ; so that the ratio of those velocities is that of radius to the tangent of 20", or of radius to the arc of 20", since in very small angles the tangent has no sensible dif- ference from the arc itself: but the radius of a circle is equal to the arc of 57°-^ nearly, or equal to 206260" ; therefore the velocity of light is to the velocity of the earth, as 206"260 to 20, or as 10313 to 1. And hence also the time, in which light passes over the space from the sun to the earth, is easily deduced; for this time will be to one year, as a ii or 20" to 36'0°< or the whole circle ; that is, 36'0° : 20" : : 365^ days : 8 m 7 s , that is, light will pass from the sun to the earth in 8 minutes, 7 seconds; and this will be the same, whatever may be. the distance of the sun. See Abridg. Philos. Trans, vol. ~ , p. 30S, and vol. 9, p. 417. Dr. Bradiey having annexed to his theory the rules or formulae for computing the aberration of the fixed stars in declination and right ascension ; these rules have been va- riously demonstrated, and reduced to other practical forms, by Clairaut, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1737; by Simpson, in his Essays in 1740; by Fontaine, in 1744; and by several other persons. The re- sults of these rules are as follow : Every star appears to describe in the course of a year, by means of the aberra- tion, a small ellipse, whose greater axis is 40", and the less axis, perpendicular to the ecliptic, is equal to 40" multiplied by the sine of the star's latitude, the radius being 1. The eastern extremity of the longer axis, marks the apparent place of the star, on the day pf the opposi- tion ; and the extremity of the less axe, which is farthest from the ecliptic, marks its situation three months after. The greatest aberration in longitude, is equal to 20" di-^ vided by the cosine of its latitude, or multiplied by its secant. And the aberration for any time, is equal to 20" multiplied by the cosine of the elongation of the star found for the same time, and divided by the cosine of its latitude, or multiplied by its secant. This aberration is subtractive in the first and last quadrants of the argument, or of the difference between the longitudes of the sun and star; and additive in the second and third quadrants. The greatest aberration in latitude, is equal to 20" multi- plied by the sine of the star's latitude. And the aberra- tion in latitude for any time, is equal to 20" multiplied by the sine of the star's latitude, and also by the sine of the elongation. The aberration is subtractive before the opposition, and additive after it. The greatest aberration in declination, is equal to 20" multiplied by the sine of the angle of position a, and di- vided by the sine of b the difference of longitude between the sun and star when the aberration in declination is no- thing. And the aberration in declination at any other time, will be equal to the greatest aberration multiplied by the sine of the difference between the sun's place at the given time and his place when the aberration is nothing. Also the sine of the latitude of the star, is to radius, as the tangent of a the angle of position at the star, is to the tangent of b, the difference of longitude between the sun and star when the aberration in declination is nothing. The greatest aberration in right-ascension, is equal to 20" multiplied by the cosine of a the angle of position, and divided by the sine of c the difference in longitude, be- tween the sun and star when the aberration in right-as- cension is nothing. And the aberration in right-ascension at any other time, is equal to the greatest aberration mul- tiplied by the sine of the difference between the sun's place at the given time, and his place when the aberration is nothing. Also the sine of the latitude of the star is to radius, as the cotangent of a the angle of position, to the tangent of c. In the first article of Mr. Simpson's Essays (an. 1740), is given a geometrical demonstration of a star's apparent path, resulting from the motion of light combined with the earth's motion in its annual orbit ; accompanied with rules thence deduced for practical calculations. Another curious demonstration of the same was given by Dr. Brook Taylor in the year 1729, as soon as Dr. Bradley's discovery was known. It is preserved in Robins's Tracts, vol. 2, p. 27t>, and is as follows. — Let abc be the orbit of ABE [ 7 ] ABE L the earth, in which it moves from Bloc and a, round the. sun in d. Then, the earth being in c, if the,, tangent cf, be drawn, and on the transverse axis a b as a diame- ter the circle aebf be described, ed being drawn and continued to g, de is perpen- dicular to the tangent ec; and therefore the velocity of the earth in e, is to the ve- locity in c, reciprocally as db to d e; that is, directly as ad to dg, since the rectan- gles under adb and edg are equal. Now c ii being drawn from the earth in c, toward the true place of any star, take ci to ad as the velocity of light to the velocity of the earth in b. Through I draw k i l in a situation perpendicular to a b, and making ki equal to- a d, and il equal to db, on the diameter kl describe the circle k m l n parallel to the plane acbf. Lastly, make the angle under K I o equal to that under a dg, which is nearly the arithme- tical mean between the mean and true dis- tance of the earth from the aphelion, and draw co. — Now k i being in a situation perpendicular to ab, and the angles under kio, adg equal, 01 will be equal to dg, and be situated perpendicular to ge, and therefore is parallel to ce, or to the direction of the earth's motion in c ; and is to ki, as the velocity of the earth, in c, to its velocity in b. Consequently, since ki or a d is to c I as the velocity of the earth in b is to the velocity of light, by equality 01 is to i c, as the velocity 'of the earth's motion in c to the velocity of light. There- fore the star will be seen from the earth at c in the direc- tion co. Hence it follows, that every fixed star is viewed from the earth as moving in a circle parallel to the plane of the ecliptic, the diameter of that circle which is parallel to the lesser axis of the earth's orbit being divided by the true place of the star, in the same proportion, as the greater axis of the earth's orbit is divided by the sun. Aberration of the Planets, is equal to their geocen- tric motion, or the space they appear to move through as seen from the earth, during the time that light employs in passing from the planet to the earth. Thus, in the sun, the aberration in longitude is constantly 20", that being the space moved by the sun, or, which is the same thing, by the earth, in S m 7 s , that being the time in which light passes from the sun to the earth, as we have seen in the foregoing article. In like manner, knowing the. distance of any planet from the earth, by proportion it will be, as the distance of the sun is to the distance of the planet, so is 8 m 7 3 to the time of light passing from the planet to the earth : then computing the planet's geocentric motion in this time, that will be the aberration of the planet, whether it be in longitude, latitude, right-ascension, or declination. It is evident that the aberration will be greatest in the longitude, and very small in latitude, because the planets deviate very little from the plane of the ecliptic or path of the earth ; so that the aberration in the latitudes of the planets, is commonly neglected, as insensible ; the greatest in Mercury being otdy 4"-y, and much less in the other planets. As to the aberrations in declination and right- ascension, they must depend on the situation of the planet in the zodiac. The aberration in longitude, being equal to the geocentric motion, will be more or less according as that motion is; it will therefore be least, or nothing at all, Saturn - 27' •0 Jupiter - ,29 •8 Mars 37 •8 Venus 43 •2 Mercury 59 The Moon § when the planet is stationary ; and greatest in the supe- rior planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, &c, when they are in opposition to the sun ; but in the inferior planets, Venus and Mercury, the aberration is great- est at the time of their superior conjunction. These maxima of aberration for the several planets, when their distance from the sun is least, are as annexed, viz, for And between these numbers and nothing, the aberrations of the planets, in longitude, vary according to their si- tuations. But that of the sun varies not, being constantly 20", as has been before observed. And this may alter his declination by a quantity, which varies from to near 8"; being greatest or 8" about the equinoxes, and vanishing in the solstices. The methods of computing these, and the formulas for all cases, are given by M. Clairaut, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 174-6, and by M. Euler in the Berlin Memoirs, vol. 2, for 1746. Aberration, in Optics, is the deviation or dispersion of the rays of light, when reflected by a speculum, or re- fracted by a lens, by which they are prevented from meet- ing or uniting in the, same point, called the geometrical fo- cus, but are spread over a small space, and produce a con- fusion of images. This aberration is either lateral or longitudinal : the lateral aberration is measured by a perpendicular to the axis of the speculum or lens, drawn from the focus to meet the refracted or reflected ray : the longitudinal aberration is the distance, on the axis, be- tween the focus and the point where the ray meets the axis. The aberrations are very amply treated in Smith's Complete System of Optics, in 2 volumes 4to. There are two species of aberration, distinguished ac- cording to their different causes : the one arises from the figure of the speculum or lens, producing a geometrical dispersion of the rays, when these are perfectly equal in all respects : the other arises from the unequal refrangibility of the rays of light themselves ; a discovery that was made by Sir Isaac Newton, and for this reason it is often called the Newtonian aberration. As to the former spe- cies of aberration, or that arising from the figure, it is well known that if rays issue from a point at a given distance, then they will be reflected into the other focus of an ellipse having the given luminous point for one focus, or directly from the other focus of an hyperbola ; and will be various- ly dispersed by all other figures. But if the luminous point be infinitely distant, or, which is the same, the inci- dent rays be parallel, then they will be reflected by a para- bola into' its focus, and variously dispersed by all other fi- gures. But those figures are very difficult to make, and therefore curved specula are commonly made spherical, the figure of which is generated by the revolution of a cir- culararc, which produces an aberration of all rays, whether they are parallel or not, and therefore it has no accurate geometrical focus which is common to all the rays. Let bvf represent a con- cave spherical speculum, whose centre is c; and let ab, ef be incident rays pa- rallel to the axis cv. Be- cause the angle of incidence ABE [ 8 ] ABE is equal to the angle of reflection in all cases, therefore if the radii c b, cv be drawn to the points of incidence, and thence b d making the angle cbd equal to the angle cba, and f« making the angle cfg equal to the angle cfe; then bd, fg will be the reflected rays, and d,g, the points where they meet the axis. Hence it appears that the point of coincidence with the axis, is equally distant from the point of incidence and the centre: for because the angle c b t> is equal to the angle cba, which is equal to the alternate angle b c d, therefore their op- posite sides cd, db are equal : and in like manner, in any other, G f is equal to g c. And hence it is evident that when b is indefinitely near the vertex v, then d is in the middle of the radius cv ; and the nearer the incident ray is to the axis c v, the nearer will the reflected ray come to the middle point d ; and the contrary. So that the aberration dg of any ray efg, is always more and more, as the incident ray is farther from the axis, or the incident point f from the vertex v; till when the distance v i is 60 degrees, then the reflected ray falls in the vertex v, making' the aberration equal to the whole length dv. And this shows the reason why specula are made of a very small segment of a sphere, namely, that all their re- flected rays may arrive very near the middle point or fo- cus d, to produce an image the most distinct, by the least aberration of the rays. And in like manner for rays re- fracted through lenses. In spherical lenses, M. Huygens has demonstrated that the aberration from the figure, in different lenses, is as follows. 1. In all plano-convex lenses, having their plane sur- face exposed to parallel rays, the longitudinal aberration of the extreme ray, or that remotest from the axis, is equal to f of the thickness of the lens. 2. In all plano-convex lenses, having their convex sur- face exposed to parallel rays, the longitudinal aberration of the extreme ray, is equal to £ of the thickness of the lens. So that in this position of the same plano-convex lens, the aberration is but about one-fourth of that in the former ; being to it only as 7 to 27. 3. In all double convex lenses of equal spheres, the aberration of the extreme ray is equal to j of the thick- ness of the lens. 4. In a double convex lens, the radii of whose spheres are as 1 to 6, if the more convex surface be exposed to parallel rays, the aberration from the figure is less than in any other spherical lens ; being no more than -J.J of its thickness. ,t But the foregoing species of aberration, arising from (he figure, is very small, and easily remedied, in compa- rison with the other, arising from the unequal rcfrangibi- lity of the rays of light; insomuch that Sir Isaac New- ton shows in his Optics, p. 84 of the 8vo edition, that if the object-glass of a telescope be plano-convex, the plane side being turned towards the object, and the diameter of the sphere, to which the convex side is ground, be 100 feet, the diameter of the aperture being 4 inches, and the ratio of the sine of incidence out of glass into air, be to that of refraction, as 20 to 31; then the diameter of the Circle of aberrations will in this case be only 7TT ^ J ^ 5T parts of an inch : while the diameter of the little circle, through which the same rays arc scattered by unequal refrangibility, will be'aboul the 56th part of the aperture of the object-glass, which here is 4 inches. And there- lore the error arising from the spherical figure of the glass, is to the error arising from the different refrangibi- lity of the rays, as yr o 9 Va o t0 tt> that is as I to 544y. So that it may seem strange that objects appear through telescopes so distinct as they do, considering that the er- ror arising from the different refrangibility, is almost in- comparably larger than that of the figure. Newton how- ever solves the difficulty by observing that the rays, under their various aberrations, are not scattered uniformly over all the circular space, but collected infinitely more dense in the centre than in any other part of the circle ; and that, in the way from the centre to the circumference, they grow more and more rare, so as at the circumfe- rence to become infinitely rare; and, by reason of then- rarity, they are not strong enough to be visible, unless in the centre, and very near it. In consequence of the discovery of the unequal re- frangibility of light, and the apprehension that equal re- fractions must produce equal divergencies, in every kind of medium, it was supposed that all spherical object- glasses of telescopes would be equally affected by the dif- ferent refrangibility of light, in proportion to their aper- ture, of whatever materials they might be constructed : and therefore, that the only improvement that could be made in refracting telescopes, was that of increasing their length. So that Sir Isaac Newton, and other persons after him, despairing of success in the use and fabric of lenses, directed their chief attention to the construction of reflecting telescopes. However, about the year 1747, M. Euler applied him- self to the subject of refraction ; and pursued a hint suggested by Newton, for the design of making object- glasses with two lenses of glass inclosing water between them ; hoping that, by constructing them of different ma- terials, the refractions would balance one another, and so the usual aberration be prevented. Mr. John Dollond, an ingenious optician in London, minutely examined this scheme, and found that M. Euler's principles were not satisfactory. M. Clairaut likewise, whose attention had been excited to the same subject, concurred in opinion that Euler's speculations were more ingenious than useful. This controv rsy t which seemed to be of great import- ance in the science of optics, engaged also the attention of M. Klingenstierna of Sweden, who was led to make a careful examination of the Sth experiment in the second part of Newton's Optics, with the conclusions there drawn from it. The consequence was, that he found (hat the rays of light, in the circumstances there mentioned, did not lose their colour, as Sir Isaac had imagined. This hint of the Swedish philosopher led Mr. Dollond to re- examine the same experiment : and after several trials it appeared, that different substances caused the light to di- verge very differently, in proportion to their general re- fractive powers. In the year 1757 therefore he procured wedges of different kinds of glass, and applied them to- gether so, that, the refractions might be made in Contrary directions, that he might discover whether the refraction and divergency of colour would vanish together. The result of his first trials encouraged him to persevere; for he discovered a difference tar beyond his hopes in the qualities of different kinds of glass, with respect to then- divergency of colours. The Venice glass and English crown glass were found to be nearly allied in this respect: the common English plate glass made the rays diverge, more ; and the English Hint glass most of all. But, with- out inquiring into the cause of this difference, he pro- ABE [ 9 ] A B S ceeded to adapt wedges of crown glass, and of white flint glass, ground to different angles, to each other, so as to refract in different directions; till the refracted light was entirely free from colours. Having measured the refrac- tions of each wedge, he found that the refraction of the white glass, was to that of the crown glass, nearly as 2 to 3: and he hence concluded in general, that any two wedges made in this proportion, and applied together so as to refract in contrary directions, would refract the light without any aberration of the rays. Mr. Dollond's next object was to make similar trials with spherical glasses of different materials, with the view of applying his discovery to the improvement of tele- scopes : and here he perceived that, to obtain a refraction of light in contrary directions, the one glass must be con- cave, and the other convex ; and the latter, which was to refract the most, that the rays might converge to a real focus, he made of crown glass, the other of white flint glass. And as the refractions of spherical glasses are in- versely as their focal distances, it was necessary that the focal distances of the two glasses, should be inversely as the ratios of the refractions of the wedges ; because that, being thus proportioned, every ray of light that passes through this compound glass, at any distance from its axis, will constantly be refracted, by the difference be- tween two contrary refractions, in the proportion re- quired ; and therefore the different refrangibility of the light will be entirely removed. But in the applications of this ingenious discovery to practice, Mr. Dollond met with many and great difficul- ties. At length however, after many repeated trials, by a resolute perseverance, he succeeded so fur as to construct refracting telescopes much superior to any that had hi- therto been made ; representing objects with great di- stinctness, and in their true colours. M. Clairaut, who had interested himself from the be- ginning in this discovery, now endeavoured to ascertain the principles of Mr. Dollond's theory, and to lay down rules to facilitate the construction of these new tele- scopes. With this view he made several experiments, to determine the refractive power of different kinds of glass, and the proportions in which they separated the rays of light: and from these experiments he deduced several theorems of general use. M. dAlembcrt made likewise a great variety of calculations to the same purpose; and he showed how to correct the errors to which these tele- scopes are subject, sometimes by placing the object-glasses at a small distance from each other, and sometimes by using eye-glasses of different refractive powers. But though foreigners were hereby supplied with the most ac- curate calculations, they were very defective in practice; and the English telesco.pes, made, as they imagined, with- out any precise rule, were greatly superior to the best of their construction. M. Euler, whose speculations had first given occasion to this important and useful inquiry, was very reluctant in admitting Mr. Dollond's improvements, because they militated against a prc-conceived theory of his own. At last however, after several altercations, being convinced of their reality and importance by M. Clairaut, he assent- ed ; and he soon after received further satisfaction from the experiments of M. Zeiher, of Petersburg. M. Zeiher showed by experiments, that it is the lead, in the composition of glass, which .ivesit this remarkable Vol. I. property, namely, that while the refraction of the mean rays is nearly the same, that of the extreme rays consi- derably differs. And, by increasing the lead, he produced a kind of glass, which occasioned a much greater separa- tion of the extreme rays than that of the flint glass used by Mr. Dollond, and at the same time considerably in- creased the mean refraction. M. Zeiher, in the course of his experiments, made glass of minium and lead, with a mixture also of alkaline salts; and he found that this mixture greatly diminished the mean refraction, while it made hardly any change in the dispersion : and he at length obtained a kind of glass greatly superior to the flint glass of Mr. Dollond, for the construction of tele- scopes ; as it occasioned three times as great a dispersion of the rays as the common glass, while the mean refrac- tion was only as l'6l to 1. Other improvements were also made on the new or achromatic telescopes by the inventor Mr. John Dollond, and by his son Peter Dollond ; which may be seen under the proper words. For various dissertations also on the subject of the aberration of light, colours, and the figure of the glass, see Philos. Trans, vols. 35, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55, 60; Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences of Paris, for the years 1737, 1746', 1752, 1755, 1756, 1757, 176'2, 1764, i?65, 1767, 1770; the Berlin Acad. 1746, 1762, 1766; Swed. Mem. vol. 16; Com. Nov. Petripol. 1762; M. Euler's Dioptrics ; M. d'Alembert's Opuscules Math.; M. de Rochon Opuscules; &c, &c. ABRIDGING, in Algebra, is the reducing a compound equation, or quantity, to a more simple form of expres- sion. This is done either to save room, or the trouble of writing a number of symbols ; or to simplify the expres- sion, and ease the memory, or to render the formula more easy and general: So the equation j 3 — ar' i + abx — ubc = 0, by putting p =a, q = ab, and r—abc, becomes x 3 — px 2 ■+■ qx — r = 0. And the equation x- ■+- (a -t-b) x = 0, by putting p=a + b, and q = — , becomes x 2 -t-/>x — q = 0. ABSCISS, Abscisse, or Abscissa, is a part or seg- ment cut off a line, terminated at some certain point, by an ordinate to a curve; as a 1' or bp. A P B A P B So that the absciss may either commence at the vertex of the curve, or at any other fixed point. And it may be taken either upon the axis or diameter of the curve, or upon any other line given in position. Hence there are an infinite number of variable absciss- es, terminated at the same fixed point at one end, the other end being at any point of the given line or diameter. When an absciss and its corresponding ordinate are considered together, they are called the co-ordinates of the curve. In the common parabola, each ordinate pq has but one absciss, ap; in the ellipse or circle, the ordinate has two abscisses, av, bp, lying on the opposite sides of it; and in the hyperbola, the ordinate pq has also two abscisses, but they lie both on the same side of it. That is, in ge- C A B S [ 10 ] ABU neral, a line of the second kind, or a curve of the first kind, may have two abscisses to each ordinate. But a line of the third order may have three abscisses to each ordinate; a line of the fourth order may have four; and so on. The use of the abscisses is, in conjunction with the or- dinates, to express the nature of the curves, either by some proportion or equation including the absciss and its ordinate, with some other fixed invariable line or lines. Every different curve has its own peculiar equation, or property, by which it is expressed, and different from all others : and that equation or expression is the same for every ordinate and its abscisses, whatever point of the curve be taken. So, in the circle, the square of any or- dinate is equal to the rectangle of its two abscisses, or a r . p b = pq"; in the parabola, the square of the ordi- nate is equal to the rectangle of the absciss and the para- meter ; in the ellipse and hyperbola, the square of the or- dinate is always in a certain constant proportion to the rectangle of the two abscisses, namely, as the square of the conjugate to the square of the transverse, or as the parameter to the transverse axis ; and so other properties in other curves. When the natures or properties of curves are ex- pressed by algebraic equations, any general absciss, as ap, is commonly denoted by the letter x, and the ordi- nate pq by the letter y; the other or constant lines being represented by other letters. Then the equations express- ing the nature of these curves are as follow ; namely, for the circle - - dx — x 2 = y 2 , where d is the diameter ab; parabola - px = y 2 , where p is the parameter ; ellipse - t" 1 : c 2 : : tx—x^-.y 2 , f where t is the transverse, hyperbola t" : c l : : tx -+- x" 2 :y 2 , \ and c the conjugate axis. But if the abscisses are taken from the centre; then in the circle - - b 2 — x- = y' 2 , ") . , . ^, . . n- > a ji {a ' -2. . 2 I where h is the semiaxis, ellipse - b- : c 1 : : b 2 — x :ir, > ,, ■•• .■ . » . ' , , n t. .. i, J , V and c the semiconiusate. hyperbola o: c ::x i — tr:y 2 , J J o"^ - Or we may likewise employ the parameter p in the equation to the ellipse and hyperbola ; then in the ellipse - t :p: : tx — x-:y -,\ when theabscisscs arc taken hyperbola tip:: x 2 ±lx :y' 2 ,$ from the vertex, ellipse - f.p:: \&~ x l -.y*, 1 when tire abscisses are taken hyperbola ( :p :: x 2 ~ -P :f, \ from the centre, where i is the transverse axis, and p the parameter. ARSIS, Ai'.sks, AnsiDi.s. Sec Arsis, tkc. - ABSOLUTE Filiation, in Astronomy, is the sum of ihe optic and excentric equations. The apparent inequa- lity of a planet's motion, arising from its not being equally distant from the earth at all times, is called its optic equation*; and this would subsist even if the planet's real motion were uniform. The excentric inequality is caused by the planet's motion being not uniform. To illustrate this, conceive the sun to move, or to appear to move, in the circumference of a circle, in whose centre the earth is placed. It is manifest, that if the sun move uniformly in this circle, he must appear to move uniformly to a spectator at the earth; and in this case there will be no optic nor excentric equation. But suppose the earth to be placed out of the centre of the circle: then, though the sun's motion should be really uniform, it would not appear to be so, being seen from the. earth; and in this case there would bean optic equation, without an excen- tric one. But if we imagine the sun's orbit not to be circular, but elliptical, and the earth in its focus; it will be full as evident that the sun cannot appear to have a uniform motion in such ellipse ; so that his motion will then be subject to two equations ; that is, the optic equa- tion, and the excentric equation. See Equation, and Optic Inequality. Absolute Number, in Algebra, is that term or mem- ber of an equation that is completely known, and which is equal to all the other, or unknown terms, taken toge- ther ; and is the same as what Vieta calls the homoge- neum comparationis. ' So, of the equation x' 2 -+• l6x — 36 = 0, or x 2 -+- l6\r = 36", the absolute number, or known term, is 36. Absolute Gravity, Motion, Space, Time, fyc. See the respective substantives. ABSTRACT Mathematics, otherwise called pure mathematics, is that which treats of the properties of magnitude, figure, or quantity, absolutely and generally considered, without restriction to any species in particu- lar: such as Arithmetic and Geometry. In this sense, abstract, or pure mathematics, is opposed to mixed ma- thematics, in which simple and abstract properties, and the relations of quantities, primitively considered in pure mathematics, are applied to sensible object* ; as in astro- nomy, hydrostatics, optics, &c. Abstract Nmnber, is a number, or collection of units, considered in itself, without being applied to denote a col- lection of any particular and determinate things. So, for example, 3 is an abstract number, so far as it is not applied to something: but when we say 3 feet, or 3 per- sons, the 3 is no longer an abstract, but a concrete num- ber. ABSURD, or Absuudum, a term commonly used in demonstrating converse propositions ; a mode of demon- stration, in which the proposition intended is not proved in a direct manner, by principles before laid down ; but it proves that the contrary is absurd or impossible; and so indirectly, as it were, proves the proposition itself. The 4th proposition in the first book of Euclid, is the first in which he makes use of this mode of proof; where he shows that if the extremities of two lines coincide, those lines will coincide in all their parts, otherwise they would inclose a space, which is absurd or contrary to the 10th axiom. Most converse propositions are proved in this way, which mode of proof is called reductio ad absurdum. ABUNDANT Number, in Arithmetic, is a number whose aliquot parts, added all together, make a sum which is greater than the number itself. Thus 12 is an abundant number, because its aliquot parts, namely 1, 2, A C A [ 11 1 \ C A .3, 4, 6, when added together, make 16, which is greater than the number 12 itself. An abundant number is opposed to a deficient one, which is less than the sum of its aliquot parts taken to- gether, as the number 14, whose aliquot parts, 1, 2, 7, make no more than 10; and to a perfect number, which is exactly equal to the. sum of all its aliquot parts, as the number (5, which is equal to the sum of 1, 2, 3, its ali- quot parts. ACADEMICIAN, a member of a society called an academy, instituted for the promotion of arts, sciences, or natural knowledge in general. ACADEMICS, an ancient sect of philosophers, who followed the doctrine of Socrates and Plato, as to the uncertainty of knowledge, and the incomprehensibility of truth. Academic, in this sense, amounts to much the same with Platonist ; the difference between them being only in point of time. Those who embraced the system of Plato, among the ancients, were called Academici, academician or academic; whereas those who did the same since the restoration of learning, have assumed the denomination of Platonists. There are usually reckoned three sects of academics ; though some make five. The ancient academy was that of which Plato was the chief. Arcessilas, one of Plato's successors, introducing some alterations into the philoso- phy of this sect, founded what is called the second aca- demy. The establishment of the third, called also the new academy, is attributed to Lacydes, or rather to Car- neades. Some authors add a fourth, founded by Philo ; and a fifth, by Antiochus, called the Antiochan, which tempered the ancient academy with Stoicism. The ancient academy doubted of every thing ; and carried this principle so far as to make it a doubt, whe- ther or no they ought to doubt. It was a kind of a prin- ciple with them, never to be certain or satisfied of any thing; never to affirm or to deny any thing, either for true or false. The new academy was somewhat more reasonable ; they acknowledged several things for truths, but without at- taching themselves to any with entire assurance. These philosophers had found that the ordinary commerce of life and society was inconsistent with the absolute and universal doubtfulness of the ancient academy : and yet it is evident that they looked upon things rather as pro- bable, than as true and certain: by this amendment thinking to secure themselves from those absurdities into which the ancient academy had fallen. ACA.DEMIST, the same as Academician. ACADEMY, Academia, in Antiquity, a fine villa or pleasure-house, in one of the suburbs of Athens, about a mile from the city; where Plato, and the wise men who followed him, held assemblies for disputes and philoso- phical conference; which gave the name to the sect of Academies. The house took its name, Academy, from one Academus, or Ecademus, a citizen of Athens, to whom it originally belonged : he lived in the time of The- seus; and here he used to have gymnastic sports or ex- ercises. The. academy was further improved by Cimon, and adorned with fountains, trees, shady walks, &c, for the convenience of .the philosophers and men of learning, who lieie met to^jjjfer and dispute for their mutual improve- ment. It \te|fturrounded with a wall by Ilipparchus, the son of Pisistratus; and it was also used as'the bnry- ing-place for illustrious persons, who had deserved well of the republic. It was here that Plato taught his philosophy; and hence it was that all public places, destined for the as- semblies of the learned and ingenious, have been since called Academies. — Sylla sacrificed the delicious walks and groves of the academy, which had been planted by Cimon, to the ravages of war; and employed those very trees in constructing machines to batter the walls of the city which they had adorned, — Cicero too had a villa, or country retirement, near Puzzuoli, which he called by the same name, Academia. Here he used to entertain his philosophical friends ; and here it was that he composed his Academical Questions, and his books De Naturd De- orum. Academy, among the moderns, denotes a regular so- ciety or company of learned persons, instituted under the protection of some prince, or other public authority, for the cultivation and improvement of arts or sciences. Some authors confound Academy with University; but though much the same in Latin, they are very different things in English. An university is properly a body com- posed of graduates in the several faculties; of professors, who teach in the public schools ; of regents or tutors, and students who learn under them, and aspire likewise to degrees. Whereas, an academy is not intended to teach, or profess any art or science, but to improve it : it is not for novices to be instructed in, but for persons of learning to confer in, and communicate their lights and discove- ries to each other, for their mutual benefit and improve- ment. The first modern academy we read of, was established by Charlemagne, by the advice of Alcuin, an English monk : it was composed of the most intelligent men of the court, the emperor himself being a member. In their academical conferences, every person was to give some account of the ancient authors he had read; and each one assumed the name of some ancient author, that pleased him most, or some celebrated person of antiquity. Alcuin, from whose letters we learn these particulars, took that of Flaccus, the surname of Horace; a young lord, named Augilbert, took that of Homer; Adelard, bishop of Corbie, was called Augustin ; Recluse, bishop of Mentz, was Dametas; and the king himself, David. Since the revival of learning in Europe, academics have multiplied greatly, most nations being furnished with several, and from their communications the chief im- provements have been made in the arts and sciences, and in cultivating natural knowledge. There are now acade- mies for almost every art, or species of knowledge; but we shall give a short account only of those institutions of this kind, which regard the cultivation of mathematical or philosophical subjects, which are the proper and pecu- liar objects of our undertaking. Italy abounds more in academies than any other coun- try ; there being enumerated by Jarckius not less than five hundred and fifty; and even to the amount of twenty- five in Milan itself. These are, however, mostly of a pri- vate and inferior nature. The first academy of a philosophical kind was esta- blished at Naples, in the house of Raptista Porta, about the j ear 1560, under the name of Academia Secretorum Naturae; being formed for the improvement of natural and mathematical knowledge. This was succeeded by the C 2 A C A [ 12 ] A C A -Academy of Lyncei, founded at Rome by prince Fre- derick Cesi, towards the end of the same century. It was rendered famous by the notable discoveries made by seve- ral of its members ; among whom was the celebrated Ga- lileo Galilei. Several other academies contributed also to the ad- vancement of the sciences ; but it was by speculations, rather than by repeated experiments on the phenomena of nature: such wire the academy of Bessarian at Rome, and that of Laurence de Medicis at Florence, in the 15th century; and in the l6lh those of Infiammati at Padua, of Vegna Juoli at Rome, of Ortolani at Placentia, and of Umidi at Florence, were constituted. The first of those studied fire and pyrotechnia; the second, wine and vine- yards ; the third, pot-herbs and gardens; the fourth, wa- ter and hydraulics. To these may be added that of Ve- nice, called La Veneta, and founded by Frederick Bado- ara, a noble Venetian; another in the same city, of which Campegio, bishop of Feltro, appears to have been the chief; also that of Cosenza, or La Consent! na, of which Bernadin Telesio, SertOrio Quatromanni, Paulus Aquinas, Julio Cavalcanti, and Fabio Cicali, celebrated philoso- phers, were the chief members. The compositions of all these academies, of the Kith century, were good in their kind ; but none of them comparable to those of the Lyncei. Academy del Cimento, that is, of Experiments, arose at Florence, some years after the death of Torricelli, namely in the year l6'57, under the protection of prince Leopold of Tuscany, afterwards cardinal de Medicis, and brother to the Grand Duke Ferdinand the Second. Gali- leo, Toricelh, Aggiunti, and Viviani had prepared the way for it: and one of its chief members was Paul del Buono, who in 1657 invented the instrument for trying the in- compressibility of water, which was a thick globular shell of gold, having its cavity filled with water; the globe be- ing compressed by a strong screw, the water came through the pores of the gold, rather than yield to the strong compression : there were also, Alphonsus Borelli, well known for his ingenious treatise DeMotu Animalium, and ' other works; Candide del Buono, brother of Paul ; Alex- ander Marsilli, Vincent Viviani, Francis Rhedi, and the Count Laurence Magalotti, secretary of the academy, who published a volume of their curious experiments in 1667, under the title of Saggi di Naturali Esperienze ; a copy of which being presented to the Royal Society, it was translated into English by Mr. Waller, and published at London, in 4to, 16"84: being A curious collection of tracts, containing ingenious experiments on the pressure of the^air, on the compressing of water, on cold, heat, ice, magnets, electricity, odours, the motion of sound, projectiles, light, &c, &c. But we have heard little or nothing more of the academy since that time. It may not be improper to observe here, that the Grand Duke Ferdinand, above mentioned, was himself no mean philo- sopher and chemist, and that he invented thermometers, pf which the construction and use may be seen in the collection of the academy del Cimento. Academy degl' Inquieti, at Bologna, incorporated af- terwards into that della traccia in the same city, foUowcd the example of that del Cimento. The members met at the house, of the abbot Antonio Sampieri ; and here Ge- miniano Montana™, one of the chief members, made ex- cellent discourses on mathematical and philosophical sub- nets, some parts of which were published in lC0'7, under the title of Pensieri Fisico-Mathematici. This academy afterwards met in an apartment of Eustachio Manfredi ; and then in that of Jacob Sandri ; but it arrived at its chief lustre while its assemblies were held in the palace Marsilli. Academy of Rossano, in the kingdom of Naples, called La Societa Scientijica Rossanese degl' Incuriosi, was founded about the year 1540, under the name of Navi- ganti; and was renewed under that of Spensierati, by Ca- millo Tuscano, about the year 160O. It was then an academy of belles-lettres ; but was afterwards transformed into an academy of sciences, on the solicitation of the learned abbot Don Giacinto Girnma; who, being made president under the title of promoter-general, in 1695, gave it a new set of regulations. He divided the acade- micians into several classes, namely, grammarians, rheto- ricians, poets, historians, philosophers, physicians, ma- thematicians, lawyers, and divines; with a separate class for cardinals and persons of quality. To be admitted a member, it was necessary that the candidate should have degrees in some fapulty. Members, in the title of their books, are not allowed to use the name Academist without a written permission from the president, which is not granted till the work has been examined by the censors of the academy. This permission is the highest honour the academy can confer; since they hereby, as it were, adopt the work, and engage to answer for it against any criti- cisms that may be made upon it. The president himself is not exempt from this law : nor is any academician per- mitted to publish any thing against the writings of ano- ther, without leave obtained from the society. There have been several other academies of sciences in Italy, but they have not long subsisted, for want of the support of the reigning princes. Such were at Naples that of the Investiganti, founded about the year 1679, by the marquis d'Arena, Don Andrea Concubletto ; and that which, about the year 16"£)S, met in the palace of Don Lewis della Cerda, the duke de Medina, and wceroy of Naples : at Rome, that of Fisico-Matematici, which in IfjScj met in the house of Signior Ciampini : at Verona, that of Aletqfili, founded the same year by Signior Joseph Gazola, and which met in the house of the count Sercn- ghi della Cucca: at Brescia, that of Filesotici, founded the same year for the cultivation of philosophy and ma- thematics, and terminated the year following: that of F. Francisco Lana, a Jesuit of great skill in these sciences: and lastly, that of Fisico-Critici at Sienna, founded in l6yi, by Signior Peter Maria Gabrielli. Some other academies, still or lately subsisting in Italy, repair with advantage the loss of the former. One of the principal is the academy of Filarmonici at Verona, sup- ported by the marquis Scipio Maifei, one of the most learned men in Italy; the members of which academy, though they cultivate the belles-lettres, do not neglect the sciences. The academy of Ricovrati at Padua still sub- sists with reputation; in which, from time to time, learned discourses arc held on philosophical subjects. The like may be said of the academy of the Mtiti di Reggio, at Modena. At Bologna is an academy of sciences, in a flourishing condition, known by the name of The Institute of Bologna; which was founded in 1712 by count Mar- sigli, for cultivating physics, mathematics, medicine, che- mistry, and natural history. The history of it is written by M. de Limicrs, from memoirs furnished by the founder himself. Among the. new academics, thai which ranks A C A t 13 ] A C A first, after the Institute of Bologna, is given to that of the Countess Donna Clelio Grillo Boromeo, one of the most learned ladies of the age, to whom Signior Ginima dedi- cates his literary history of Italy, She had lately esta- blished an academy of experimental philosophy in her palace at Milan ; of which Signior Vallisnieri was nomi- nated president, and had already drawn up the regula- tions for it, though we do not find it has ever taken place. In the number of these academies may also be ranked the assembly of the learned, who of late years met at Ve- nice in the house of Signior Cristino Martinelli, a noble Venetian, and a great patron of learning. Academia Cosmogrqfica, or that of the Argonauts, was instituted at Venice, at the instance of F. Coronelli, for the improvement of geography ; the design being to procure exact maps, geographical, topographical, hydro- graphical, and ichnographical, of the celestial as well as terrestrial globe, and their several regions ot parts, toge- ther with geographical, historical, and astronomical de- scriptions, accommodated to them : to promote which purposes, the several members oblige themselves, by their subscription, to take one copy or more of each piece pub- lished under the direction of the academy; and to ad- vance the money, or part of it, to defray the charge of publication. To this end three societies were settled, namely at Venice, Paris, and Rome ; the first under F. Moro, provincial of the Minorites of Hungary; the se- cond under the abbot Laurence au Rue Payenne au Ma- rais ; the third under F. Ant. Baldigiani, Jesuit, professor of mathematics in the Roman college ; to whom those addressed themselves who were willing to engage in this design. The Argonauts numbered near 200 members, in the different countries of Europe ; and their device is the terraqueous globe, with the motto Plus ultra. All the globes, maps, and geographical writings of F. Coronelli have been published at the expense of this academy. The Academy of Aputists, or Impartial Academy, deserves to be mentioned on account of the extent of its plan, including universally all arts and sciences. It holds from time to time public meetings at Florence, where any person, whether academician or not, may read his works, in whatever form, language, or subject; the academy re- ceiving all with the greatest impartiality. In France there are many academies for the improve- ment of arts and sciences. F. Mersenne, it is said, gave the first idea of a philosophical academy in France, about the beginning of the seventeenth century, by the confe- rences of mathematicians and naturalists, held occasion- ally at his lodgings; at which Des Cartes, Gassendus, Hobbes, Roberval, Pascal, Blonde], and others, assisted. F. Mersenne proposed to each of them certain problems to examine, or certain experiments to be made. These private assemblies were succeeded by more public ones, lormed by M. Monmort, and M. Thevenot, the cele- brated traveller. The French example animated several Englishmen of rank and learning to erect a kind of phi- losophical academy al Oxford, towards the close of Crom- well's administration; which after the restoration was erected, by public authority, into a Royal Society : an account of which sec under the word. The English ex- ample, in its turn, animated the French. In 16'60 Louis xiv, assisted by the counsels of M. Colbert, founded an academy of sciences at Paris, called The Academie Royate des Sciences, or Royal Academy of Sciences, for the improvement of philosophy, mathema- tics, chemistry, medicine, belles-lettres, &c. Among the principal members, at the commencement in 1666*, were the respectable names of Carcavi, Huygens, Roberval, Frenicle, Auzout, Picard, Buot, Du Hamel the Secretary, and Mariotte. There was a perfect equality among all the members, and many of them received salaries from the king. By the rules of the academy, every class was to meet twice a week ; the philosophers and geometricians were to meet, separately, every Wednesday, and then both together on the Saturday, in a room of the king's library, where the philosophical and mathematical books were kept : the history class was to meet on the Monday and Thursday, in the room of the historical books : and the class of belles-lettres on the Tuesday and Friday : and on the first Thursday of every month all the classes met together, and by their secretaries made a mutual report of what had been transacted by each, during the preced- ing month. In 16S>9 ; on the application of the president, the abbe Bignon, the academy received, under royal authority and protection, a new form and constitution ; by the articles of w'hich, the academy was to consist of four sorts of members, namely honorary, pensionary, associates, and eleves. The honorary class to consist of ten persons, and the other three classes of twenty persons each. The pre- sident to be chosen annually out of the honorary class, and the secretary and treasurer to be perpetual, and of the pensionary class. The meetings to be twice a week, on the Wednesday and Saturday; besides two public meetings in the year. Of the pensionaries, or those who receive salaries, three to be geometricians, three astronomers, three mechanists, three anatomists, three botanists, and three chemists, the other two being the secretary and treasurer. Of the twenty associates, of which twelve to be French, and eight might be foreigners, two were to cultivate geome- try, two astronomy, two mechanics, two anatomy, two botany, and two chemistry. Of the twenty eleves, one to be attached to each pensionary, and to cultivate his pe- culiar branch of science. The pensionaries and their eleves to reside at Paris. No regulars nor religious to be admitted, except into the honorary class: nor any person to be admitted a pensioner who was not known by some considerable work, or some remarkable discovery. In 17l6 the Duke of Orleans, then regent of France, by the king's authority made some alteration in their con- stitution. The class of ele\es was suppressed; and in- stead of them were instituted twelve adjuncts, two to each of the six classes of pensioners. The honorary mem- bers were increased to twelve : and a"class of six free as- sociates was made, who were not under the obligation of cultivating any particular branch of science, and in this class only could the regulars or religious be admitted. A president and vice-president to be appointed annually from the honorary class, and a director and sub-director annually from that of the pensioners. And no person to be allowed to make use of his quality of academician, in the title of any of his books that he published, unless such book were first approved by the academy. The academy had for a device or motto, Invenit et perficit. And the meetings, which were formerly held in the king's library, since the year 1699 were held in a fine hall of the old Louvre. Finally, in the year 1785, the king confirmed, by let- ters patent, dated April 23, the establishment of the aca- A C A [ 14 ) A C A demy of sciences, making the following alterations, and adding classes of agriculture, natural history, mineralogy, and physics; incorporating the associates and adjuncts, and limiting the number of members to six each class, namely three pensioners and three associates ; by which the former received an increase of salary, and the latter approached nearer to becoming pensioners. By the articles of this instrument it was ordained, that the academy shall consist of eight classes, 1st geometry, 2d astronomy, 3d mechanics, 4th general physics, 5th anatomy, 6th chemistry and metallurgy, 7th botany and agriculture, and' 8th natural history and mineralogy. That each class shall remain irrevocably fixed at six members; namely, three pensioners and three associates, independent however of a perpetual secretary and trea- surer; of twelve free-associates and of eight associate strangers or foreigners, the same as before, except that the adjunct-geographer for the future to be called the as- sociate-geographer. The classes at first to be filled by the following persons, namely, that of geometry by Messieurs de Borda, Jeau- rat, Vandermonde, as pensioners ; and Messieurs Cousin, Meusnier, and Charles, as associates : that of astronomy by Messieurs le Monnier, de la Lande, and le Geutil, as pensioners ; and Messieurs Messier, de Cassini, and Da- gelat, as associates : that of mechanics by Messieurs l'abbe Bossut, l'abbe Rochon, and de la Place, as pensioners ; and Messieurs Coulomb, le Gendre, and Perrier, as as- sociates: that of general physics by Messieurs Leroy, Brisson, and Bailly, as pensioners; and Messieurs Monge, Mechain, and Quatremere, as associates: that of ana- tomy by Messieurs Daubluton, Tenon, and Portal, as pensioners ; and Messieurs Sabatier, Vicq-d'azir, and Broussonet, as associates : that of chemistry and metal- lurgy by Messieurs Cadet, Lavoisier, and Beaumc, as pensioners; and Messieurs Cornette, Berthollet, and Four- croy, as associates: that of botany and agriculture by Messieurs Guettard, Fougeroux, and Adanson, as pen- sioners ; and Messieurs de Jussieu, de la Marck, and Des- fontaines, as associates : and that of natural history and mineralogy by Messieurs Desmaretz, Saye, and l'abbe de Gua, as pensioners ; and Messieurs Darcet, l'abbe Hauy, and l'abbe Tessicr, as associates. All names respectable in the commonwealth of letters; and from whom the world might expect still further improvements in the se- veral branches of science. The late M. Rouille de. Meslay, counsellor of the par- liament of Paris, founded two prizes, the one of 2500 livres, the other of 2000 livres, which the academy dis- tributed alternately every year: the subjects of the former prize respecting physical astronomy ; and of the latter, navigation and commerce. The world is highly indebted to this academy for the many valuable works they have executed, or published, both individually and as a body collectively, especially by their memoirs, making upwards of a hundred volumes in 4to, with the machines, indexes, &c. in which may be found most excellent compositions in every branch of science. They published a volume of these memoirs every year, with the history of the academy, and eloges of re- markable, men lately deceased : also a general index to the volumes every ten years. An alteration was intro- duced into the volume for 178.3, which it seems was to be continued in future, by remitting, in the history, the minutes or extracts from the registers, containing some preliminary account of the subjects of the memoirs: but still however retaining the eloges of distinguished men, lately deceased. M. l'abbe Rozier also published, in four quarto vo- lumes, an excellent index of the contents oi all the volumes, and the writings of all the members, from the beginning of their publications to the year 1770; with convenient blank spaces for continuing the articles in writing. Their history also, to the year l6g7, was written bv M. Du Hamel; and after that time continued from \Wi to year by M. Fontenelle, under the following titles, Du Hamel Historia Regias Academias Scientiarum, Paris 4ii>. Histoirede l'Academie Royale des Sciences, avec les Me- moires de Mathematique et de Physique, tirez des Reois- tres de l'Academie, Paris, 4to. Histoire de l'Academie Royale -des Sciences depuis sou etablissement en 1666 jusqu'en 169*}, en 13 tomes, 4to. A new history* from the institution of the academy, to the period from when. ■- M. de Fontenelle commences, has been formed; with a series of the works published under the name of this aca- demy, during the first interval. The French revolution, however, gave occasion to the new-modeling of the Academy in 1793, as well as an al- teration in its name. (See Institute.) The memoirs of the academy are comprehended in 139 volumes, 4to ; viz. 11 vols, from its foundation in lo'o'f), to its renewal in 1699; 92 vols, from 1699 to 1790; 11 vols, of me- moirs presented to the academy, 9 vols, of prizes, 9 of tables, and 7 of drawings of machines. Besides the academies in the capital, there were a oreat many in other parts of France. The Academie Royale, at Caen, was established by letters patent in the year 1705; but it had its rise fifty years earlier, in private conferences, held first in the house of M. de Brieux. M. de Segrais retiring to this city, to spend the rest of his days, restored and gave new lustre to their meetings. In 1707 M. Foucault, intendant of the generality of Caen, procured the king's letters patent for erecting them into a perpetual academy, of which M. Foucault was to be protector for the time, and the choice afterwards left to the members, the number of whom was fixed to thirty, chosen for this time by rtl. Foucault. But besides the thirty original members, leave was given to add six supernumerary members, from the ecclesiastical communities in that city. At Toulouse was the Academic des jeux flcraax, com- posed of forty persons, the oldest of the kingdom : be- sides an academy of sciences and belles-lettres, founded in 1750. At Monfpelier, the royal society of sciences; which, after 1708, was united with the royal academy of sciences at Paris. Other academies were also established; at Rourdcaux, founded in 1703; at Soissons in 1674, at Marseilles in 1726, at Lyons in 1700, at Pau in Beam iiv 1721, at Montauban in 1744, at Angers in 1685, at Amiens in 1750, at Villcfranche in 1(>'79, at Dijon in 1740, at Nimes in 1.633) at Bcsanc on in 1752, at Chalons in 1775, nt Rochelle in 1734, at Bcziers in 17-3, at Rouen in 1744, at Metz in 176*0, at Arras in 1773, &c. The number of these academies is continually augmenting ; and even in such towns as have no academies, the. literati form them- selves into literary societies, having nearly the same ob- jects and pursuits. A C A [ 15 ] A C A In Germany and other parts of Europe there are va- rious academies of sciences, &c. The Academie Royule des Sciences et dcs Belles- Lettres of Prussia, was founded at Berlin, in the year 1700, by Fre- deric i. king of Prussia, of Which the celebrated M. Leib- nitz was the first president, and its great promoter. The academy received a new form and a hew set of statutes in 1710 ; by which it was ordained, that the president shall be one of the counsellors of state; and that the members be divided into four classes; the first to culti- vate physics, medicine, and chemistry ; the second, ma- thematics, astronomy, and mechanics; the third, the German language, and the history of the country; and the fourth, oriental learning, particularly as it may con- cern the propagation of the gospel among infidels. That each class elect a director for themselves, who shall hold his post for life. That they meet in the castle called the New Marshal, the classes to meet in their turns, one each week. And that the members of any of ihe classes have free access into the assemblies of the rest. Several vo- lumes of their transactions have been published in Latin, from time to time, under the title of Miscellanea Beroli- nensia. In 1743 Frederic n. king of Prussia made great alte- rations and improvements in the academy. Instead of a great lord or minister of state, who had usually presided over the academy, he wisely judged that office would be better filled by a man of letters; and he honoured the French academy of sciences by fixing upon one of its members for a president, namely M. Maupertuis, a dis- tinguished character in the literary world, and whose con- duct in improving the academy was a proof of the sound judgment of the king, who at the same time made new regulations for the academy, and took the title of its Pro- tector. From that time the transactions of jhe academy have been published annually, under the title of Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres a Berlin, much in the manner of those of the French aca- demy of sciences, and in, the French language ; particu- larly enriched with the compositions of the celebrated Euler, and other learned men. Besides the ordinary pri- vate meetings of the academy, it has two public ones in ihe year, in January and May ; at the latter of which is given a pfize gold medal, of the value of 50 ducats, or about 20 guineas. The subject of the prize is succes- sively physics, mathematics, metaphysics, and general li- terature. For the academy has this peculiar circum- stance, that it embraces also metaphysics, logic, and mo- rality ; having one class particularly appropriated to these objects, called the class of Speculative Philosophy. Imperial Academy of Petersburg. This academy was projected by the czar Peter 1, commonly called Peter the Great, who in so many other instances also was instru- mental in raising Russia from the state of barbarity in which it had been immerged for so many ages. Having visited France in 1717, and among other things informed himself of the advantages of an academy of arts and sci- ences, he resolved to establish one in his new capital, whither he had drawn by noble encouragements several learned strangers, and made other preparations, when his death prevented him from fully accomplishing that ob- ject, in the beginning of the. year 1725. Those prepara- tions and intentions however were carried into execution the same year, by the establishment of the academy, by his consort the czarina Catharine, who succeeded him. And soon after the academy composed the first volume of their works, published in 1728, under the title of Com- mentarii Academise Scientiarum Imperialis Pelropolita- nas; which they continued almost annually till 174-6, the whole amounting to 14 volumes, which were published in Latin, and the subjects divided and classed under the fol- lowing heads, namely mathematics, physics, history, and astronomy. Their device a tree bearing fruit not ripe, with the modest motto Paullatim. Most part of the strangers who composed this academy being dead, or having retired,- it was rather in a languish- ing state at the beginning of the reign of the empress Eli- zabeth, when the count Rasomowski was happily ap- pointed president, who was instrumental in recovering its vigour and labours; This empress renewed and altered its constitution, by letters patent dated July 24, 1747, giving it a new form and regulations. It consists of two chief parts, an academy, and a university, having regu- lar professors in the several faculties, who read lectures as in our colleges. The ordinary assemblies are held twice a week, and public or solemn ones thrice in the year; in which an account is given of what has been done in the private ones. The academy lias a noble build- ing for their meetings, &c, with, a good apparatus of in- struments, a fine library, observatory, &c. Their first volume, after this renovation, was published for the years 1747 and 1748, and they have been since continued from year to year, now to a great number of volumes, under the title of Novi Commentarii Academia: Scientiarum Im- perialis Petropolitanae. They are printed in the Latin language, and contain many excellent compositions in all the sciences, especially the mathematical papers of the late excellent M. L. Euler, which always made a consi- derable portion of every volume. The subjects are classed under heads in the following order, mathematics, physico- mathematics, physics, which include botany, anatomy, &c, and astronomy; the whole prefaced by historical extracts, or minutes, relating to each paper or memoir, after the manner of the volumes of the French academy; but wanting however the eloges of deceased eminent men. Their device is a heap of ripe fruits piled on a table, with the motto En addit Fructus a?tate recentes. After the death of Euler, in 178.!, who had been many years the president, that important literary office was, by the empress Catharine, conferred on the princess Daschkof. Imperial and Royal Academy of Sciences and Belles- Lettres, at Brussels. This academy was founded in the year 1773; and serveral volumes of their memoirs have been published. Royal Academy of Sciences, at Stockholm, was insti- tuted in 1739, and since that time it has published a great many volumes of transactions, quarterly, in Svo, in the Swedish language. For an account of the Royal Society of London, and several other similar institutions, see the words Journal, Society, &c American Academy of Arts and Sciences, was esta- blished in 1780 by the council and house of representa- tives in the province of Massachusct's Bay, for promoting the knowledge of the antiquities of America, and the natural history of the country ; for determining the uses to which its various natural productions may be applied ; for encouraging medicinal discoveries, mathematical dis- quisitions, philosophical inquiries and experiments, astro- nomical, meteorological, and geographical observations, C 16 ] A C C and improvements in agriculture, manufactures, and com- merce ; and, in short, for cultivating every art and sci- ence, which may tend to advance the interest, honour, dignity, and happiness, of a free, independent, and virtu- ous people. The members of this academy are never to be less than forty, nor more than two hundred. Academy is also used among us for a kind of colle- giate school, or seminary ; where youth are instructed in the liberal arts and sciences in a private way: now indeed it is used for all kinds of schools. Frederic i, king of Prussia, established an academy at Berlin in 1703, for educating the young nobility of the court, suitable to their extraction. The expence of the students was very moderate, the king having undertaken to pay the extraordinaries. This illustrious school, which was then called the academy of princes, has now lost much of its first splendour. The Romans had a kind of military academies esta- blished in all the cities of Italy, under the name of Campi Martis. Here the youth were admitted to be trained for war at the public expense. And the Greeks, besides aca- demies of this kind, had military professors, called Tac- tici, who taught all the higher offices of war, &c. We have three royal academies of this kind in England, the expenses of which are defrayed by the government; the one at Woolwich, for the artillery and military engi- neers; another at Portsmouth, for the navy; and the third at Sandhurst near Bagshot, called the Royal Military College, for educating officers for the army in general. (See College.) The first was established by his majesty king George n, by warrants dated April the 30th and No- vember the 18th, 1741, for instructing persons belonging to the military part of the ordnance, in the several bran- ches of mathematics, fortification, N &c, proper to qualify them for the service of artillery and the office of engi- neers. This institution is under the direction of the ma- ster-general and board of ordnance for the time being : and at first the lectures of the masters in the academy were attended by the practitioner-engineers, with the offi- cers, Serjeants, corporals, and private men of the artillery, besides the cadets. At present, however, none are educated there but the gentlemen cadets, to the number of ISO. The master-general of the ordnance is always captain of the cadets' company, and governor of the academy ; under him are a lieutenant-governor, and an inspector of of studies. The masters have been gradually increased, from two or three at first, now (in IS 14) to almost twenty; namely, a professor of mathematics, and six or seven other mathematical masters, a professor of fortification, and two assistants, two drawing-masters, two French ma- sters, with masters for fencing, dancing, and chemistry. This institution is of the greatest consequence to the state, and it is hardly credible that so important an object should be accomplished at so trifling an expense. The Royal Naval Academy at Portsmouth was founded by George i, in 1722, for instructing young gentlemen in the sciences useful for navigation, to educate them for the royal navy. The establishment is under the direction of the board of admiralty, who give salaries to the different masters, by one of whom the students are bonrded and lodged, the expense of which is defrayed by their own faendi, nothing being supplied by the government but their education.— This academy has been lately new-mo- deled, and its name changed to the Royal Naval College. See College. ACANTHUS, in Architecture, the leaves of a plant which forms the ornament of the capital of the Corin- thian order. See Abacus. ACCELERATED Motion, is that which receives fresh accessions of velocity; and the acceleration may be ei- ther equable or variable: if the accessions of velocity be always equal in equal times, the motion is said to be equably or uniformly accelerated : but"if the accessions, in equal times, either increase or decrease, then the mo- tion is unequably or variably accelerated. Acceleration is directly opposite to retardation, which denotes a diminution of velocity. Acceleration' comes more particularly under consi- deration in physics, in respect to the descent of heavy bodies, falling freely towards the centre of the earth. That bodies are accelerated in their descent is evident . from various circumstances, which immediately strike the eye of an attentive observer: thus, the greater the height from whence a body falls, the greater impression it makes on the object upon which it impinges; and this increase of action upon the fixed body, must necessarily arise from an increase of velocity in the moving one, or from its acceleration. Before the law of gravitation was known, which is now generally acknowledged to be the immediate cause of the acceleration of bodies, various fantastical hypotheses were advanced to account for this phenomenon; some ascribing it to the action of the at- mosphere ; others to a very subtile fluid, which they in- troduced for that particular purpose; others again, attri- buted it to a kind of instinct in bodies, by means of which they accelerated their motion as they approached towards the centre of the earth, that being considered as the place appropriated to their element : these and various other hypotheses of a similar nature are now entirely rejected, and would be wholly unworthy of being mentioned, did they not serve to show how much the knowledge of man is increased, and the solid foundation upon which the modern philosophy is established, when compared with the vague and hypothetical theories of the ancients. Leaving therefore all such visionary causes of accele- ration, and only admitting the existence of such a force as gravity, so evidently inherent in all bodies, without re- gard to what may be the cause of it, the whole mystery of acceleration will be cleared up. Consider gravity then, with Galileo, only as a cause or force which acts continually on heavy bodies; and it will be easy to con- ceive that the force of gravitation, which determines bo- dies to descend, must by a necessary consequence acce- lerate them in falling. A body then having once begun to descend, by the im- pulse of gravity will continue to descend by Newton's first law of nature, even though the first cause of its de- scent should cease. But besides this determination to move, impressed upon it by the first cause of motion, and which would be sufficient to continue to infinity the de- gree of motion already begun, new impulses are continu- ally superadded by the same cause ; which continues to act upon the body already in motion, in the same manner as if it had remained at rest. There being now then two causes of motion, acting both in the same direction ; it necessarily follows, that the motion which they unitedly produce, must be more considerable than that which either could produce separately. And as long as the motion is thuscontinued, the samecausc still operating to increase it, the descent must necessarily be continually accelerated. A C C r 17 ] Supposing then that gravity, from whatever principle it arises, acts uniformly upon all bodies at the same distance from the centre of the earth ; and conceive the time which a heavy body takes in falling to the earth, to be divided into indefinitely small equal parts; gravity will impel the body toward the centre, in the first indefinitely short instant of the descent; and if after this we suppose the action of gravity to cease, the body will continue per- petually to advance uniformly toward the earth's centre, with an indefinitely small velocity, equal to that which resulted from the first impulse. But if we suppose that the action of gravity still con- tinues the same after the first impulse ; in the second in- stant, or small part of time, the body will receive a new impulse toward the earth, equal to that which it received in the first instant; and consequently its velocity will be doubled; in the third instant, it will be tripled; in the fourth, quadrupled ; in the fifth, quintupled ; and so on continually: for the^mpulse made in any preceding in- stant, is no ways altered by that which is made in the fol- lowing one ; but they are, on the contrary, always accu- mulated on each other. So that the instants of time being supposed indefinitely small, and all equal, the velocity acquired by the falling body, will be, at every instant, proportional to the times from the beginning of the descent ; and consequently the velocity will be proportional to the time in which it is produced. So that if a body, by this constant force, ac- quire a velocity of 32£ feet in one second of time; it will acquire a velocity of tj4j feet in 2 seconds, 9^i feet in 3 seconds, 12S| in 4 seconds, and so on. Further, all bodies, great or small, acquire, by the force of gra- vity, the same velocity in the same time. For every equal particle of matter being endued with an equal impelling force, namely its gravity or weight, the sum of all the forces, in any compound mass of matter, will be propor- tional to the sum of all the weights, or quantities of mat- ter to be moved ; consequently, the forces and masses moved, being thus constantly increased in the same pro- portion, the velocities generated will be the same in all bodies, great or small. That is, a double force moves a double mass of matter, with the same velocity that the single force moves the single mass ; and so on. Or other- wise, the whole compound mass falls all together with the same velocity, and in the same manner, as if its particles were not united, but as if each fell by itself, separated all from one another. And thus all being let go at once, they would fall together, just as if they were united into one mass. The foregoing law of the descent of falling bodies, namely, that the velocities are always proportional tjo the times of descent, as well as the following laws concern- ing the spaces passed over, &c, were first discovered and taught by the great Galileo, and that nearly in the fol- lowing manner. Because the constant velocity with which any body moves, or the space it passes over in a given time, as sup- pose one second, being multiplied by the time, or num- ber of seconds it is in motion, expresses the space passed over in that time ; and the area or space of a rectangular figure being denoted by the length multiplied by the breadth ; therefore the space so run over, may be consi- dered as a rectangle compounded of the time and velo- city, that is a rectangle of which the time denotes the length, and the velocity the breadth. Suppose then a to Vol. I. A C C A, H to be the heavy body which descends, and a b to de- note the whole time of its descent; which let be di- vided into a certain num- ber of equal parts, denoting intervals or portions of the t K. given time, as AC, CD, de, &c; and imagine the body to descend, during the time expressed by the first of the divisions ac, with a certain uniform velocity arising from the force of gravity acting on it, which let be denoted by A F, the breadth of the rectangle c F ; then the space run through during the time denoted by AC, with the velo- city denoted by af, will be expressed by the rectangular space cf. Now the action of gravity having produced, in the first moment, the velocity af, in the body, before at rest; in the first two moments it will produce the velocity c g, the double of the former ; in the third moment, to the velocity c a will be added one degree more, by which means will be produced the velocity D h, triple of the first; and so of the rest; so that, during tlie whole time a b, the body will have acquired the velocity bk. Hence, taking the divisions of the line ab at pleasure; for ex- ample, the divisions AC, CD, &c, for the times; the spaces run through during those times, will be as the areas or rectangles cf, dg, &c; and so the space described by the moving body during the whole time a b, will be equal to all the rectangles, that is, equal to the whole indented space a b k i h g f. And thus it would happen if the in- crements of velocity were produced at the end of certain portions of time; for instance at c, d, &c; so that the degree of motion remains the same to the instant that a new acceleration takes place. By conceiving the divisions of time to be shorter, for example but half as long as the former, the indentures of the figure will be proportionably more contracted, and it will approach nearer to a triangle; and if these divisions be supposed infinitely small, that is, if increments of the velocity be supposed to be acquired continually, and at each indivisible particle of time, which is really the case, the rectangles so successively produced, will form a tri- angle, as a bc ; the whole time a b consisting of minute portions a 1, 1 2,2 3, &c; and the area of the triangle A ' ?■ 3 4 S 6 7 B a bc, of all the minute surfaces, or trapeziums, which answer to the divisions of the times ; the area of the whole triangle abc, will denote the space run through during the whole time a b ; and the area of any smaller triangle a 7 g, denoting the space run through during the corre- sponding time a 7. But the triangles a 1 a, a 7 g, &c, being similar, have their areas to each other as the squares of their like sides a 1, a 7, &c ; and consequently the spaces gone through, in any times counted from the be- ginning, arc to each other as the squares of the times. Hence, in any right-angled triangle, as a b c, the one side ab represents the time, the other side bc the velo- city acquired in that time, and the area of the triangle the space described by the falling body. D .\cc £ is ] A C C Prom the preceding demomtration is also drawn this other general theorem, in motions that are uniformly ac- celerated; namely, that a body descending with a uni- formly accelerated motion, describes in the whole time of its descent, a space, which is exactly the half of that which it would describe uniformly in the same time, with the velocity it has acquired at the end of its accelerated fall. For it has been shown that the whole space which the falling body has run through in the time a b, is re- presented by the triangle ABC; the last velocity being EC; and the space which the body would run through uniformly in the same time a b, constantly with the said greatest velocity bc, is represented by the rectangle a B C D : but it is well known that the rectangle aecd is douole the triangle abc; and therefore the latter space run through, is double the former ; that is, the space run through by the accelerated motion, is just half of that which the body would describe in the same time, moving uniformly with its last-acquired velocity. Hence then, from the foregoing considerations are de- duced the following general laws of uniformly accelerated motions, namely, • 1st That the velocities acquired, are constantly pro- portional to the times ; in a double time a double velo- city, &c. 2d. That the spaces described in the whole times, each counted from the commencement of the motion, are pro- portional to the squares of the times, or to the squares of the velocities; that is, in twice the time, the body will describe 4 times the space ; in thrice the time, it will de- scribe 9 times the space ; in quadruple the time, It) times the space ; and so on. In short, if the times are proportional to the numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, the spaces will be as 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, &c, which are the squares of the former, bo that, if a body, by the natural force of gravity, fall through the space of KVjJj. feet in the first second of time ; then in the first 2 seconds of time it will fall .through 4 tirhcs as much, or 64| feet ; in the first 3 seconds it will fall 9 times as much, or 144^ feet; and so on. And as Lhe spaces fallen through are as the squares of the times, or of the veloci- ties; therefore the times, or the velocities, are proportion- al to the square roots of the spaces. 3d. The spaces described by falling bodies, in a series of equal instants or intervals of time, will be as the odd numbers - - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9> & c > which are the differences of7 , , „ ,/• „,. t „ .. u i Mi 4, 9, 16, 25, &c, the squares or whole spaces 3 that is, the body which has run through 16-^ feet in the first second, will in the next second run through 48| feet, in the third second 80 T S T , and so on. 4th. A body having fallen through any space in a cer- tain time, it will have acquired a velocity equal to double that space ; that is, in an equal time, with the last velo- city acquired, if uniformly continued, it would pass over just double the space. So, if a body fall through l6 T 'j feet in the first second of time, it acquires a velocity of 32-j feet in a second; that is, if the body move uniformly for one second, with the velocity acquired, it will pass over 324, feet in ibis one second: and if in any time the body fall through 100 feet ; then in another equal time, if it move uniformly with the last acquired velocity, it will pass over 200 feet. And so on. But, as the method of demonstration used by Galileo, by means of infinitely small parts forming a regular tri- angle, though very ingenious, is not so elegant as might be wished, the areas of triangles being rather unnatural representations of the spaces descended by falling u< dies; the same may be otherwise demonstrated thus: Let the whole time of a body's free descent be divided into any number of parts, calling each of these parts I ; and let a denote the velocity acquired at the end of the first part of time; then will 2a, 3a, 4«, &c, represent the velo- cities at the end of the 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, part of time, be- cause the velocities are as the times; and for the sanre reason £a, ■§«, \a, &c, will be the velocities at the middle point of the first, second, third, &c, part of time. But now as the velocities increase uniformly, the space de- scribed in any one of these parts of time, may be consi- dered as uniformly described with its middle velocity, or the velocity in the middle of that part of time; and there- fore, multiplying those mean velocities each by their com- mon time 1, we have the same fractions -§- a > l a > i a -> & c > for the spaces passed over in the s(jec. ssive parts of the time; that is, the space jam the first time, |a in the se- cond, |// in the third, and so on: then add these spaces successively to one another, and we obtain £a, %a, \a, \£a, &c, for the whole spaces described from the begin- ning of the motion, to the end of the first, second, third, &c, portion of time; namely \a space in one time, 4 a in 2 times, -|a in 3 times, and so on : and it is evident that these spaces are as the numbers 1, 4, 9, l6» & c > which are as the squares of the times. And from this mode of demonstration, all the proper- ties above-mentioned evidently following ; *. e. the whole spaces - ^a, 4or, \a, &c, are as the squares of the times - 1, 2, 3, &c, that the separate spaces - -|a, 4 a > ? a > &c, described in the successive times, 1 „ . c .u jj . > 1, 3, o, &c, are as the odd numbers - j and that the velocity a acquired in any time 1, is double the space \a described in the same time. As the laws of acceleration are very important, I shall here insert the two following propositions, sent me by my learned friend Mr. Abram Robertson, of Christ Church College, Oxford, in which those laws are demonstrated in a manner somewhat different. "Proposition I. — If from the point p in the straight line a B, the points m, n begin to move at the same time, namely, m towards a with a motion uniformly retarded, and n from rest towards B with a motion uniformly ac- celerated ; and if the velocity of m decreases as much as the velocity of n increases in the same time; then the space m n is generated by a uniform motion, equal to the velocity with which m begins to move. M P N A ! 1 ! B For, by hypothesis, whatever is lost in the velocity of M by retardation, is added to the velocity of n by acce- leration : the joint velocities therefore of m and n, must always be equal. But it is by the joint velocities of m and n that the space m n is generated. Consequently mn is generated by a uniform motion, which is evi- dently equal to the velocity with which m begins to move. "Proposition II. — If a point begins to move in the direction of a straight line, and continues to raove in the same direction with a velocity uniformly accelerated; the space passed over in any given time, will be equal to half A C C [ 19 ] A C C the space passed over in the same time with the velocity with which the acceleration ends. Let the point D begin to move from a towards B, along the straight line ab, with a motion uniformly accele- rated ; the space a d passed over, is equal to half the space which the point would pass over, in the same time with the acquired velocity ;it d. D -B Let the points itf, n begin to move in the straight line ge, at the same time, with equal velocities uniformly ac- celerated ; m beginning to move from a, and n from p; and at the same time that m comes to the point p, let N come to h. Then as m and n move with equal veloci- M P N G l ! •- H ties, uniformly accelerated, it is evident that the spaces, which they pass over in the same time, are equal to one another ; consequently the space G p is equal to the space ph. Now as m begins to move from G with a velocity uniformly accelerated, it will arrive at p with an acquired velocity. Hence it is evident, if it be supposed to begin to move from P with this acquired velocity, and proceed toward G with a velocity uniformly retarded in the same degree that it was accelerated when it began to move from g, that it will pass over the same space g p in the same time. Therefore, supposing the two points M, n to begin to move from P at the same time, namely the point m be- ginning to move with the acquired velocity mentioned above, and proceeding towards G with the velocity uni- formly retarded, described above; and the point n as be- fore with the velocity uniformly accelerated : then, as the acceleration and retardation are uniform, they will be equal in equal spaces of time. Again; as h is retarded in the same degree that it was accelerated when it began to move from g, that is, in the same degree that n is ac- celerated, by the former prop, mn is generated by an uniform velocity. But when the point M arrives at G, its velocity becomes equal to or nothing; and at the time that M arrives at g, n arrives at h with the acquired velocity. Therefore, as the velocities of m and n taken jointly are equal, and consequently uniform, the space g h is passed over with the velocity of n at 11, in the same time that ph is passed over by n beginning to move from p with a velocity uniformly accelerated to H. But ph is half of g II. " Hence the prop, is manifest." And hence the other laws of the spaces, before-men- tioned, easily follow. Since the spaces descended are as the squares of the times, and the abscisses of a parabola are as the squares of the ordinates, therefore the relation of the times and spaces descended may be very well represented by the ordinates and abscisses of that figure. Thus, if a b be the axis of the parabola \bdfh, and AC a tangent at the veitex perpendicular to the K a C e & C axis, be divided into any number of equal parts a a, ac, ce, &c, to re- present the times; and if there be drawn ab, cd, ef, &c, parallel to the axis: then, if ab be the space descended in the time a a, c d will be the space descended in the time a c, and ef the space descended in the time ac, and so on continually; because, by this pro- perty of the parabola, ab, cd, ef, &c, are to each other respectively as a a 2 , ac 2 , ac ! , &c. From the properties above demonstrated, are derived the following practical formulas or theorems. Namely. if g denote the space passed over in the first second of time, by a body urged by any constant force, denoted by 1, and t denote the time or number of seconds in which the body passes over any other space s, and v the velocity acquired at the end of that time ; then, from the foregoing laws, we have v == 2 g t, and * = g t- ; and from these two equations result the following general formulas: ■ = 2, 70, and 72, a premium for the elucidation of this subject, but Euler himself could find nothing in the theory of attraction, which could explain this acceleration; and the learned began almost to conclude, that the difference between the ancient and modern observations was to be regarded as doubtful, and it was very possible that the Arabs, who formed the most substantial proof, might be mistaken ; but M. Delambre, having calculated in 1783 the observa- tions made by M. le Paute d'Agelet at the Military Aca- demy, has found a new proof of this singular phenomenon. We were impatiently waiting for theory's giving us a satis- factory account of it, when M. Laplace, whoso ingenious- ly explained in 1786 the secular equations of Jupiter and Saturn, succeeded so far, after several attempts, as to re- duce that of the moon to the laws of universal weight. It is the diminution which exists for many centuries in the equation of the solar orbit, that is the cause of this inequality in the moon: but as the diminution, produced by the attraction of planets, will become, in the revolu- tion of ages, a real augmentation, so what appears now to us an acceleration in the moon's motion, will likewise be- come a retardment, and it is n 'thing more than a periodi- cal inequality. M. Laplace finds it eleven seconds for the first century, and as this increases within a little as the square of the time, so for the year 720 before our .Era, the nearest date for the most ancient observations that have reached us, it produces a difference that per- fectly agrees with the observation. It is to M. Laplace, therefore, we owe a confirmation of the attraction of ce- lestial bodies, which will prove, as useful, as it is ingenious and learned. [ 22 ] A C C Thus then the moon's mean motion appears to accele- rate continually ; and the accelerations appear to be in the duplicate ratio of the times. The acceleration for the end of the 17th century was about 9"; so that the whole motion of the moon during the 17th century must be increased 9", to obtain its motion during the 18th ; and as much must be taken from it, or added to the computed longitude, to obtain its motion during the l6th ; and the double of this must be taken from the motion during the l6th, to obtain its motion during the 15th, &c. — To ex- plain the theory, it must be corisidered that the lunar pe- riod which we observe, is not that which would have ob- tained, had the moon been influenced by the earth alone. We should not have known that her natural period was increased, had the disturbing action of the sun remained unchanged ; whereas this varies, and that in the inverse triplicate ratio of the earth's distance from the sun, and is therefore greater in our winter, when the earth is nearer to the sun. This is the source of the annual equation, by which the lunar period in January is made to exceed that in July nearly 24 minutes.' The angular velocity of the moon in general is diminished by T y 5 , and this numerical coefficient varies inversely as the cube of the earth's dis- tance from the sun. If this ratio be expanded into a se- ries arranged according to the sines and co-sines of the earth's mean motion, making the earth's mean distance 1, then the series will contain a term equal to T ^ of this velocity multiplied by \ of the square of the earth's ex- centricity. Had this excentricity remained constant, this product would also be constant, and would still be confounded with the general diminution, making a con- stant part of it : but it is known that the excentricity of the earth's orbit diminishes, and its diminution is the re- sult of the universality of the Newtonian law of the plane- tary deflections. Though this diminution is exceedingly small, its effect on the lunar motion becomes sensible by accumulation in the course of ages. The excentricity di- minishing, the diminution of the moon's angular motion must also diminish, that is, the angular motion must in- crease. During the 18th century, the square of the earth's ex- centricity has diminished 0'0000015S25, the mean distance from the sun being 1. In that time this has increased the moon's angular motion 0'00000001285. As this aug- mentation is gradual, we must multiply the angular mo- tion during the century by the half of this quantity, in order to obtain its accumulated effect. This will be found to be 9" very nearly ; which exceeds that deduced from a most careful comparison of the motion in the last two cen- turies, only by a fraction of a second ! While the diminu- tion of the square of the excentricity of earth's orbit can be supposed proportional to the time, this effect will be as the squares of the times. When this theory is compared with observations, the coincidence is wonderful indeed. The effect on the moon's motion is periodical, as the change of the solar excentricity is, and its period in- cludes millions of years. Its effect on the moon's lon- gitude will amount to several degrees before the se- cular acceleration change to a retardation. Encyclo- pedia Brit. By the solution of this problem, which had for a long time engaged the attention of mathematicians, M. Laplace has given the last degree of perfection to theoretical astro- nomy ; as there is now no anomaly, or irregularity, in the motion of the heavenly bodies, that is not satisfac- torily accounted for, on the simple Newtonian laws of gravitation. ACCELERATIVE Fo^ice, 8fc, the same as Accele- rating. ACCESSIBLE, something that may be approached, or to which we can come. In Surveying, it is such a place as will admit of having a distance or length of ground measured from it; or such a height or depth as can be measured by actually applying a proper instru- ment to it. For the means of doing which, see Altim e- TRY, LONGIMETRY, Or HeJGHTS-AN D-DlSTA N CES. ACCIDENS, Accident, Philos. Per Accidens is a term often used among philosophers, to denote what does not follow from the nature of a thing, but from some accidental quality of it : in this sense it stands opposed to per se, which denotes the nature and es- sence of a thing. Thus, fire is said to burn per se, or considered as fire, and not per accidtns; but a piece of iron, though red-hot, only burns per acciderts, by a quality accidental to it, and not considered as iron. ACCIDENTAL, something that partakes of the na- ture of an accident ; or that is indifferent, or not essential to its subject. — Thus, whiteness is accidental to marble, and sensible heat to iron. Accidental Colours, so called by M. Buffon, are those which depend on the affections of the eye, in contra- distinction to such as belong to light itself. The impressions made upon the eye, by looking sted- fastly on objects of a particular colour, are various ac- cording to the single colour, or assemblage of colours, in the object; and they continue for sometime after the eye is withdrawn, and give a false colouring to other objects that are viewed during their continuance. M. Buffon has endeavoured to trace the connection between these ac- cidental colours, and those that are natural, in a variety of instances. M. d'Arcy contrived a machine for measu- ring the duration of those impressions on the eye ; and from the result of several trials he inferred, that the effect of the action of light on the eye continued about S thirds of a minute. The subject has also been considered by M. dcla Hire, and M. Aepinus, &c. See Mem. Acad. Paris 174-3, and 176'5; Nov. Com. Petrop. vol. 10; also Dr. Priestley's Hist, of Discoveries relating to Vision, pa. 6"31. Accidental Point, in Perspective, is the point in which a right line drawn from the eye, parallel to another right line, cuts the picture or perspective plane. Let ab be the line given to be put in per- spective, cfd the pic- ture or perspective plane, and e the eye: draw ef parallel to ab ; so shall F be the accidental point of the line a B, and indeed of all lines parallel to it, since only one parallel to them, namely ef, can be drawn from the' same point e: and in the accidental point f, there concur or meet the representations of all the parallels to a b, when produced. It is called the accidental point, to distinguish it from the principal point, or point of view, where a line drawn from the eye perpendicular to the perspec- tive plane, meet* this plane, and which is the acci- A C H [ ] A C H dental point to all lines that are perpendicular to the same plane. ACCLIVITY, the slope or steepness of a line or plane inclined to the horizon, taken upwards; in contradistinc- tion to declivity, which is taken downwards. So, the as-' cent of a hill, is an acclivity ; the descent of the same, a declivity. Some writers on fortification use acclivity for tains: though more commonly the word talus is used to denote the slope, whether in ascending or descending. ACCOMMODATION, in Physics, or Philosophy, the application of one thing to another by analogy. ACCOMPANIMENT, in Music, denotes either the different parts of a piece of music for the different instru- ments, or the instruments themselves which accompany a voice, to sustain it, as well as to make the music more full. The Accompaniment is used in recitative, as well as in song; on the stage, as well as in the choir, &c. The ancients had likewise their accompaniments on the theatre ; and they had even different kinds of instruments to accompany the chorus, from those which accompanied the actors in the recitation. The accompaniment among the moderns, is often a different part, or melody, trom the song it accompanies. But it is disputed whether it was so among the ancients. Organists sometimes apply the word to several pipes, which they occasionally touch to accompany the treble ; as the drone, the flute, &cc. ACCOMPT. See Account. ACCORD, according to the modern French music, is the union of two or more sounds heard at the same time, and forming together a regular harmony. Accords are divided into perfect and imperfect; and again into consonances and dissonances. Accord is more commonly called Concord; which see. AccoiiD is also spoken of the state of an instrument, when its fixed sounds have among themselves all the just- ness that they ought to have. AQCOUNT, or Accompt, in Arithmetic, &c, a calcu- lation or computation of the number or order of certain things; as the computation of time, &c. There are va- rious ways of accounting; as, by enumeration, or telling one by one ; or by the rules of arithmetic, addition, sub- traction, &c. Account, in Chronology, is nearly synonymous with style. Thus, we say the English, the foreign, the Julian, the Gregorian, the Old, or the New account, or style. We account time by years, months, &c ; the Greeks ac- counted it by olympiads ; the Romans, by indictions, lustres, &c. ACCRETION, in Physics, the growth or increase of an organical body. ACHLRNER, or Acharner, in Astronomy, a star of the first magnitude in the southern extremity of the con- stellation Eridanus, marked a. by Bayer. Its longitude for 1761, X 11° 55' 1"; and latitude south 59° 22' 4". ACHILLES, a name given by the schools to the prin- cipal argument alleged by each sect of philosophers in behalf of their system. In this sense we sa\, this is his Achilles; that is, his master-proof : alluding to the strength and importance of the hero Achilles among the Greeks. Zeno's argument against motion is peculiarly termed Achilles. That philosopher made a comparison between the swiftness of Achilles and the slowness of a tortoise, pretending that a very swift animal could never overtake a slow one that was before it, and that therefore there is no such thing as motion : for, said he, if the tortoise were one mile befoic Achilles, and the motion of Achilles 100 times swifter than that of the tortoise, yet he would never overtake it ; and for this reason, namely, that while Achilles runs over the mile, the tortoise will creep over one hundredth part, of a mile, and will be so much the foremost ; again, while Achilles runs over this T -J^th part, the tortoise will creep over the 100th part of that -p^th part, and will still be this last part the foremost ; arid so on continually, according to an infinite series of 1 00th parts : from which he concluded that the swifter could never overtake the slower in any finite time, but that they must go on approaching to infinity. But this sophism lay in Zeno's considering as an infinite- time, the sum of the infinite series of small times in which Achilles could run over the infinite series of spaces, I -1- _i 1- —^--^ ■+- -nrssooo & c > not knowing that the sum of this infinite series is equal to the finite small quantity 1^ of a mile, and that therefore Achilles will overtake the tortoise when the latter has crawled over J^th part of a mile. ACHROMATIC, in Optics, without colour; a term which, it seems, was first used by Dr. Bevis, to denote telescopes of a new invention, contrived to remedy aber- rations and colours. See Aberration and Telescope^ Achromatic Telescope, a singular species of refract- ing telescope, said to be invented by the late Mr. John Dollond, optician to the king, and since improved by his son Mr. Peter Dollond, and others. Every ray of light passing obliquely from a rarer into a denser medium, changes its direction towards the per- pendicular; and every ray passing obliquely from a den- ser into a rarer medium, changes its direction from the perpendicular. This bending of the ray, caused by the change of its direction, is called its refraction ; and the quality of light which subjects it to this refraction, is called its refrangibility. Every ray of light, before it is refracted, is white, though it consists ofanumber of com- ponent rays, each of which is of a different colour. As soon as it is refracted, it is separated into its constituent rays, before mentioned, which, from that time, proceed diverging from each other, like emanations from a centre: and this divergency is caused by the different refrangibility of the component rays, in such sort, that the more the original or component ray is refracted, the more will the compounding rays diverge when the light is refracted by one given medium only. Hence it has been concluded, that any two different mediums, that can be made to pro- duce equal refractions, will necessarily produce equal di- vergencies : whence it should also follow, that equal and contrary refractions should not only destroy each other, but that the divergency of the colours caused by one re- fraction, should be corrected by the other; and that, to produce refraction which would not be affected by the different refrangibility of light, is impossible. But Mr. Dollond proved, by many experiments, that these conclusions are not well founded : from his ex- periments it appeared, that a ray of light, after equal and contrary refractions, was still spread into eomponent rays differently coloured : in other words, that two different mediums may cause equal refraction, but different diver- gency ; and equal divergency, with different refraction. It follows therefore, that refraction mav be produced, which is not affected by the different refrangibility of light; in other words, that, if the mediums be different, different refractions may be produced, though at the same time the divergency caused by one refraction., shall be A C H C J A C H exactly counteracted by the divergency caused by the other; and so an object may be seen through medium - which, together, cause the rays to converge, without ap- pearing of different colours. This is the foundation of Mr. Dollond's improvement of refracting telescopes. By subsequent experiments he found, that different kinds of glass differed greatly in their refractive qualities, with respect to the divergency of co- lours. At the same time he found that crown glass causes the least divergency, and white flint the most, when they are wrought into forms that produce equal refractions. He therefore ground a piece of white flint glass into a wedge, the angle of which was al#ut 25 degrees; and a piece of crown glass to another, whose angle was about 29 degrees ; and these he found Tefracted nearly alike, but that their divergency of -colours was very different. After this, he ground several other pieces of crown glass to wedges of different angles, till he got one that was equal, in the divergency it produced, to that of a wedge of flint glass of 25 degrees; so that when they were put together, in such a manner as to refract in contrary directions, the refracted light was perfectly free from co- lour; then measuring the refractions of each wedge, he found that that of the white-flint glass, was to that of the crown glass, nearly as 2 to 3. And hence any two wedges, made of these two substances, and in this proportion, would, when applied together so as "to refract in contrary directions, refract the light without any effect arising from the different refrangibility of the component rays. Therefore, to make two spherical glasses that refract the light in contrary directions, one must be concave, and the other convex ; and as the rays, after passing through both, must meet in a focus, the excess of the refraction must be in the convex one : and as the convex is to re- fract most, it appears from the experiment that it must be made of crown glass ; and as the concave is to refract least, it must be made of white flint. And farther, as the refractions of spherical glasses are in an inverse ratio of their focal distances, it follows, that the focal distances of the two glasses should be in the ra- tio of the refractions of the wedges: for, being thus pro- portioned, every ray of light that passes through this combined glass, at whatever distance it may be from its axis, will constantly be refracted by the difference be- tween two contrary refractions, in the proportion required ; and therefore the effect of the different refrangibility of light will be prevented. The removal of this impediment, however, produced another: for the two glasses, which were thus combined, being segments of very deep spheres, the aberrations from the spherical surfaces became so considerable, as greatly to disturb the distinctness of the image. Yet, consider- ing that the surfaces of spherical glasses admit of great variations, though the focal distance be limited; and that by these variations their aberration might be made more or less at pleasure ; Mr. Dollond plainly saw that it was possible to make the aberrating of any two glasses equal; and that, as in this case the refractions of the two glasses were contrary to each other, and their aberrations being equal, these would destroy each other. Thus he obtained a perfect theory of making object- glasses, to the apertures of which he could hardly per- ceive any limits: for if the practice could answer to the. theory, they must admit of apertures of great extent, and consequently bear great magnifying powers. The difficulties of the practice are, however, still 1 :. y considerable. For first, the focal distances, as well as the particular surfaces, must be proportioned with the utmost accuracy to the densities and refracting powers of the glasses, which vary even in the same kind of glass, when made at different times. Secondly, there are four sur- faces to be wrought perfectly spherical. However, Mr. Dollond could construct refracting telescopes on these principles, with such apertures and magnitying powers, under limited lengths, as greatly exceed any that were produced before, in forming the images of objects bright, distinct, and uninfected with colours about the edges, through the whole extent of a very large field or compass of view; of which he has given abundant and undeni- able testimony. See Telescope. The defects which were, yet unremedied in Mr. Dol- lond's telescopes, have called forth the exertions of other philosophers, and many contrivances have been invented. Father Boscovich, to whom every branch of optics is much indebted, has displayed much ingenuity in his at- tempts for this purpose. But the philosopher whose ex- ertions have been attended with most success, and who appears to have made the most important discovery, in this branch of science, since the time of Newton, is Dr. Robert Blair, regius professor of astronomy in Edinburgh. By a judicious set of experiments, ably conducted, he has proved, that the quality of dispersing the rays in a greater degree than crown glass, is not confined to a few mediums, but is possessed by many fluids, and by some of them in a most extraordinary degree. He has shown, that though the greater refrangibility of the violet rays than of the red, when light passes from any medium into a vacuum, may be considered as a law of nature; yet, in the passage of light from one medium into another, it depends entirely on the qualities of the mediums as to which of these rays shall be the most refrangible, or whe- ther there shall be any difference in their refrangibility. In order to correct the observation arising from difference of refrangibility among the rays of light, he instituted a set of experiments, by which he detected a very singular and important quality in the muriatic acid. In all the dispersive mediums hitherto examined, the green rays, which are the mean refrangible in crown glass, were found among the less refrangible ; but in the muriatic acid, he found that these same rays made a part of the more re- frangible. This discovery led to complete success in removing the great defect in optical instruments, viz, that dissipation or aberration of the rays which arises from their unequal refrangibility, and has hitherto rendered it impossible to converge all of them to one point, either by single or op- posite refractions. A fluid, in which the particles of ma- rine and metalline particles hold a due proportion, at the same time that it separates the extreme rays of the spec- trum much more than crown glass, refracts all the. orders of the rays in the same proportion that glass does: and hence rays of all colours, made to diverge by the refrac- tion of the glass, may either be rendered parallel, by a subsequent refraction made in the confine of the glass and this fluid ; or, by weakening the refractive density of the fluid, the refraction which takes place in the Confine of it and glass, may be rendered as regular as reflection, without any the least colour whatever. The doctor, it seems, has a telescope, not above 15 inches in length, with a compound object-glass of this kind, which equals in all A C I [ 25 ] A C O respects, if it does not surpass, the best of Dollond's 42 inches long. Of this object-glass, a figure may be seen in the 3d volume of the Transactions of the Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh ; to which volume the reader must be referred for a full and clear account of the experiments which led to this discovery, as well as of the important purposes to which it may be applied. A judicious abridg- ment of this paper may also be seen in Nicholson's Jour- nal, vol. i, 4lo. p. 1. In the Gentleman's Magazine (1790, p. 890) a paper was published on the refracting telescope, by a person who signs Veritas, in which the invention is ascribed to another person, not heretofore mentioned, in these words: " As the invention has been claimed by M. Eu- ler, M. Klingenstierna, and some other foreigners, w£ ought, for the honour of England, to assert our right, and give the merit of the discovery to whom it is due; and therefore, without farther preface, I shall observe, that the inventor was Chester More Hall, Esq. of More-hall, in Essex, who, about 1729, as appears by his papers, consi- dering the different humours of the eye, imagined they were placed so as to correct the different refrangibility of light. He then conceived, that if he could find substances having such properties as he supposed these humours might possess, he should be enabled to construct an ob- ject-glass that would show objects colourless. After many experiments, he had the good fortune to find those pro- perties in two different kinds of glass; and making them disperse the rays ©f light in different directions, he suc- ceeded. About 1733 he completed several achromatic object-glasses, though he did not give them this name, that bore an aperture of more than 2-J inches, though the focal length did not exceed 20 inches ; one of which is now in the possession of the Rev. Mr. Smith, of Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place. This glass has been examined by several gentlemen of eminence and scientific abilities, and found to possess the properties of the present achro- matic glasses. " Mr. Hall used to employ the working opticians to grind his lenses; at the same time he furnished them with the radii of the surfaces, not only to correct the different re- frangibility of rays, but also the aberration arising from the spherical figure of the lenses. Old Mr. Bass, who at that time lived in Bridewell precinct, was one of these working opticians, from whom Mr. Hall's invention seems to have been obtained. " In the trial at Westminster-hall about the patent for making achromatic telescopes, Mr. Hall was allowed to be the inventor; but Lord Mansfield observed, that 'It was not the person that locked up his invention in his scrutoire that ought to profit by a patent for such an in- vention, but he who brought it forth for the benefit of the public' This, perhaps,- might be said with some degree of justice, as Mr. Hall was a gentleman of property, and did not look to any pecuniary advantage from his disco- very ; and consequently it is very probable that he might not have an intention to make it generally known at that lime. " That Mr. Ayscough, optician on Ludgate Hill, was in possession of one of Mr. Hall's achromatic telescopes in 1754, is a fact which at this time will not be disputed" ACHRONICAL, or Achronycal. See Acron ychal. ACIDS. All those substances which impress the or- gans of taste with a sharp, 6dur; and cooling sensation, Vol. I. are commonly denominated acids. But as there aresom^ bodies destitute of this property, which are nevertheless classed by all chemical writers as acids, this popular cha- racteristic must be abandoned as essential, for one that is more comprehensive. The characteristic properties of acids may be enume- rated as follows : 1. When taken into the mouth they occasion a sour taste. - 2. They change certain vegetable blue colours to red ; such as tincture of litmus, or syrup of violets ; and re- store the blue colours which have turned green, or the red colours which have been turned blue, by an alkali. 3. They have a stronger affinity for alkalies, than they have for any other substance. 4. They unite with earths, with alkalies, and metallic oxyds, forming the numerous and very important classes of neutral, earthy, and metallic salts. As this article is entirely chemical, it does not accord with our plan to extend it to any considerable length ; we shall therefore content ourselves with giving the most approved arrangement of acids, referring the reader, for farther information on this important subject, to Thom- son's Chemistry. See also Aikin's and Nicholson's Che- mical Dictionaries, Encycloped. Method., Lavoisier's Ele- ments of Chemistry, Priestley on Air, Fourcroy Systeme de Connois. Chimiq. &c. &c. MODERN ARRANGEMENT OF ACIDS. States of Oxygenation. 11/ 2nd 3d Sulphureous Sulphuric Nitrous Nitric ...... ""? Phosphorus Phosphoreous Phosphoric ?™.?1 i Carbon Carbonic Arsenious With simple radicals Bases Sulphur Amt Arsenic Molyldena ^Chrome ("Acetous With double radicals r Cation and f ; Hydrogen J ] in different | L proportions I Arsenic Molybdic Chromic Acetic Tartaric Citric Oxalic Malic Gallic Bonzoic Succinic Saccholactic Formic Sebacic f Prussic '(.Lithic f Muriatic JFIoric (^ Boracic With f Carbon, Hy- C triple ra-< drogen, and< ... dieals L Awl. {_ With f ^Muriatic Oxymuriatic. unknown < radicals ^ ACOUSTICS, the doctrine or theory of hearing, and of sound. Sturmius, in his Elements of Universal Mechanics, treating of Acoustics, after examining into the nature of sounds, describes the several parts of the external and in- ternal ear, and their several uses and connexions with, each other ; and from thence deduces the mechanism of hearing : and lastly, he treats of the means of adding an intensity of force to the voice and other sounds; and ex- plains the nature of echoes, otacoustic tubes, and speak- ing trumpets. See Sound, Ear, Voice, and Echo. Dr. Hook, in the preface to his Micrography, asserts that the lowest whisper,' by certain means, may be heard at the distance of a furlong ; and that he knew a way by which it is easy to hear dny one speak through a wall of three feet thick ; also that by mean's of an extended wire, A C O [ 2S ] A C R sound may be conveyed to a very great distance, almost in an instant. The ancients seem to have considered sounds under no other point of view than that of music ; that is to say, as affecting the ear in an agreeable manner. It is even very doubtful whether they were acquainted with any thing more than melody, and whether they had any art similar to what we call composition. The modems, by studying the philosophy of sounds, so much neglected by the ancients, have given birth to a new science distin- guished by the name of acoustics, which has for its ob- ject the nature of sounds, and treats also of the theory of hearing, and the best means of assisting that sense. This science is divided by some writers into diacoustics, which explain the properties of those sounds that come directly from the sonorous body to the ear ; and cata- coustics, which treats of reflected sounds ; but such dis- tinction does not appear to be of any real utility. On many particulars connected with this science opi- nions are still much divided; and a sufficient number of experiments have not been made to determine what is es- sential to the nature of a vehicle of sound ; how it is transmitted, reflected, or destroyed, in many instances; or whether its velocity be uniform or variable.. Thus, with respect to these vehicles ; as a bell or other sonorous body when struck in vacuo transmits no sound, it therefore necessarily follows that air is such a vehicle, or that some subtle fluid is contained in its composition which performs the office of transmitting sound : this last seems the more probable, because we know, that air is not the only vehicle, nor the best, for this transmission ; and on this supposition it follows, that bodies of any density or texture will transmit sound more or less perfect, ac- cording to the quantity of this fluid contained in them. The aqueducts constructing at Paris have lately given M. Biot an opportunity of making some interesting ex- periments on the propagation of sound through solid bo- dies, being on a larger scale than any hitherto attempted. The total length of the pipes was 3118 feet. A blow with a hammer at one extremity was heard at the other, pro- ducing two distinct sounds, the interval of which, mea- sured in more than 200 trials, was 2 - 5". And according to the experiments of the academy, the time of propaga- tion of sound to this distance through the air should be 2'79", from which deducting 2 , 5" the interval observed, we have '29" for the time that sound was in being propa- gated through the solid substance to the distance above stated. These experiments were afterwards varied; the result however generally agreed with that above stated. Some have considered the electrical fluid as the agent by which this office is performed ; it has however been objected to by others, and many ingenious arguments have been advanced on both sides, but without coming to a satisfactory conclusion. One thing however is certain, that whatever the fluid may be, the sound we hear is pro- duced by the stroke that the sounding body makes against it, and is thence conveyed to the organ of hearing. But the manner in which this conveyance is made is still dis- puted : whether the sound be diffused into air in circle beyond circle, like the waves of water when we disturb the smoothness of its surface by dropping in a stone, or whether it travels alorg, like rays diffused from a centre, somewhat in the swift manner that electricity runs along a rod of iron, are questions which have greatly divided the opinions of the learned. Newton was of the former opinion ; but John Bernou- illi confessed, that he did not understand this part of the Principia — and attempted to give a more perspicuous de- monsuation of his own, that might confirm and illustrate the Newtonian theory ; but the subject seemed to reject elucidation ; for his theory is obviously wrong, as D'A- lembert has proved in his treatise, on fluids. The Newtonian theory has however found an able ad- vocate in the ingenious Dr. Young, of Trinity College, Dublin, who has given a clear, explanatory, and able de- fence of the 47th proposition of the 2d book of the Prin- cipia, which has been considered the most objectionable ; and some late -experiments have contributed in a great degree to remove the difficulties with which this subject is clouded, and which will be explained in their proper places. iSee the articles Chord, Echo, Elastic strin &, Ear, Sound, Transmission, Velocity, Vi- bration, &c. ACRE, is a measure of land, containing, by the ordi- nance for measuring land, made in the 33d and 34th of Edward I, l6'0 perches or square poles of land ; and as the statute length of a pole is 54 yards, or lu'-J- feet, therefore the acre will contain 4840 square yards, or 43560 square feet. The chain with which land is com- monly measured, and which was invented by Gunter, is 4 poles or 22 yards in length ; and therefore the acre is just 10 square chains. Further, as a mile contains 1760 yards, or 80 chains in length, therefore the square mile contains 640 acres. The acre, in surveying, is divided into 4 roods, and the the rood is 40 perches. The French acre, arpent, is equal to li English acre ; The Strasburg contains about \ an English acre ; The Welch acre contains about 2 English acres ; The Irish acre contains 1 ac. 2 r. 19-^ p. English. The Scotch acre is near \\ English, being equal to 6150 square yards. Sir William Petty, in his Political Arithmetic, reckons that England contains 39 million acres: but Dr. Grevc shows, in the Philos. Trans. No. 330, that England con- tains not less than 46" million acres. Whence he infers that England is above 46 times as large as the province of Hol- land, which it is said contains but about one million of acres. By a statute of the 31st of Elizabeth, it is ordained, that if any man erect a cottage, he shall annex four acres of land to it. But this statute was repealed by the Kith of Geo. in. cap. 32. ACROATICS, a name given to Aristotle's lectures in the more difficult and nice parts of philosophy ; to which none but his disciples and intimate friends were admitted; whereas the exoteric were public or open to all. ACRONYCHAL, or Acronycal, in Astronomy, is said of a star or planet, when it is opposite to tin' sun. It is from the Greek axfow^of, the point or extremity of night, because the star rose at sun-set, or the beginning of = night, and set at sun-rise, or the end of night ; and so it shone all the night. The acronychal is one of the three Greek poetic ri- sings and settings of the stars; and stands distinguished from Cosmicafand Heliacal. And by means of which, for want of accurate instruments, and other observations, they might regulate the length of their year. ACUOTERIA, or Acroters, in Architecture, small pedestals, usually without bases, placed on pediments, and serving to support statues. Those at the extremities ACT c ] ACT ought to be half the height of the tympanum; and that in the middle, according to Vitruvius, one eighth part move. Acroteria also are sometimes used to signify figures, whether of stone or metal, placed as ornaments or crown- ings, on the tops of temples, or other buildings. It is also sometimes used to denote those sharp pina- cles or spiry battlements, that stand in ranges about flat buildings, with rails and balustres. ACTION, in Mechanics or Physics, a term used to de- note, sometimes the effort which a body or power exerts against another body or power, and sometimes it denotes the effects resulting from such effort. Action is either instantaneous or continued ; that is, either by collision or percussion, or by pressure. These two sorts of action are heterogeneous quantities, and are not comparable, the smallest action by percussion ex- ceeding the greatest action of pressure, as the smallest surface exceeds the longest line, or as the smallest solid exceeds the largest surface : thus, a man by a small blow with a hammer, will drive a wedge below the greatest ship on the stocks, or under any other weight; that is, the smallest percussion overcomes the pressure of the greatest weight. These actions then cannot be measured the one by the other, but each must have a measure of its own kind, like as solids must be measured by solids, and sur- faces by surfaces : time being concerned in the one, but not in the other. It is one of the laws of nature, that action and reaction are always equal, and contrary to each other in their di- rections. Therefore, if a body be urged at the same time by equal and contrary forces, it will remain at rest. But if one of these forces be greater than its opposite one, mo- tion will ensue towards the part which is least urged. The actions of bodies on each other, in a space that is carried uniformly forward, are the same as if the space were at rest; and any powers or forces that act upon bodies, so as to produce equal velocities in them in the same, or in parallel right lines, have no effect on their mutual actions, or relative motions. Thus the motion of bodies on board of a ship that is carried uniformly for- ward, are performed in the same manner as if the ship were at rest. And the motion of the earth about its axis has no effect on the actions of bodies and agents at its surface, except so far as it is not uniform and rectilineal. In general, the actions of bodies upon each other, depend not on their absolute, but relative motion. Quantity of Action, in Mechanics, a name given by Maupertuis, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sci- ences of Paris for 1744, and in those of Berlin for 1746, to the continual product of the mass of a body, by the space which it runs through, and by its celerity. He lays it down as a general law, that in the changes made in the stalo t a body, the quantity of action necessary to pro- duce such change is the least possible. This principle he applies to the investigation of the laws of refraction, and even to what he calls the laws of rest, that is, of the equilibrium or equipollency of pressures ; and even to the modes of acting of the Supreme Being. In this way Maupertuis attempts to connect the meta- physics of final causes with the fundamental truths of nuchanics ; to show the dependence of the collision of both elastic and hard bodies, upon one and the same law, which before had always been referred to separate laws ; and to reduce the laws of motion, and those of equili- brium, to one and the same principle. But this quantity of motion, or of action, of Mauper- tuis, which is defined to be the product of the mass, the space passed over, and the celerity, comes to the same thing as the mass multiplied by the square of the velo- city, when the space passed over is equal to that by which the velocity is measured ; and so the quantity of force will be proportional to the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity; since, the space is measured by the velo- city continued for a certain time. In the same year that Maupertuis communicated the idea of his principle, Euler, in the supplement to his book, intitled Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas maximi vel minimi proprietate gaudentes, demonstrates, that in the tra- jectories which bodies describe by central forces, the ve- locity multiplied by what the foreign mathematicians call the element of the curve, always makes a minimum: which Maupertuis considered as an application of his principle to the motion of the planets. It appears from Maupertuis's Memoir of 1744, that it was his reflections on the laws of refractions, that led him to the theorem above mentioned. The principle which Fermat, and after him Leibnitz, made use of, in account- ing for the laws of refraction, is sufficiently known. Those mathematicians asserted, that a particle of light, in its passage from one point to another, through two mediums, in each of which it moves with a different velocity, must do it in the shortest time possible; and from this principle they have demonstrated geometrically, that the particle cannot go from the one point to the other in a right line; but being arrived at the surface that separates the two mediums, it must alter its direction in such a manner, that the sine of its incidence shall be to the sine of its refraction, as its velocity in the first medium is to its velocity in the second : whence they deduced the well known law of the constant ratio of those sines. This explanation, though very ingenious, is liable to this pressing difficulty, namely, that the particle must approach towards the perpendicular, in that medium where its velocity is the least, and which consequently resists it the most: which seems contrary to all the me- chanical explanations of the refraction of bodies, that have hitherto been advanced, and of the refraction of light in particular. Sir Isaac Newton's manner of accounting for it, is the most satisfactory of any that has hitherto been offered, and gives a clear reason for the constant ratio of the sines, by ascribing the refraction to the attractive force of the mediums; from which it follows, that the densest mediums, whose attraction is the strongest, should cause the ray to approach the perpendicular; a fact confirmed by experiment. But the attraction of the medium could not cause the ray to approach towards the perpendicular, without increasing its velocity ; as may easily be demon- strated. Thus then, according to Newton, the refraction must be towards the perpendicular, when the velocity is increased : contrary to the law of Fermat and Leibnitz. Maupertuis has attempted to reconcile Newton's expla- nation with metaphysical principles. Instead of suppo- sing, with Fermat and Leibnitz, that a particle of light proceeds from one point to another in the shortest time possible; he contends that a particle of light passes from one point to another in such a manner, that the quantity of action shall be the least possible. This quantity of action, says he, is a real expense, in which nature is al- ways frugal. In virtue of this philosophical principle he E2 A C U [ 1 ADD discovers, that not only the sines are in a constant ratio, but also that they are in the inverse ratio of the velocities, according to Newton's explanation, and not In the direct ratio, as had been asserted by Fermat and Leibnitz. Now according to this principle, the time, that is, the space divided by the velocity, should be a minimum ; so that calling the space run through in the first medium s, with the velocity v, and the space run through in the se- cond medium s, with the velocity v, we shall have - ■+■ - = a minimum : hence — t- s = 0, or - = — -. V V ' V V ' V V Now it is easy to perceive, that the sines of incidence and refraction are to each other, as s to — s; whence it fol- lows, that those sines are in the direct ratio of the veloci- ties v, v ; which is exactly what Fermat makes it. But in order to have those sines in the inverse ratio of the velo- cities, it is only supposing vs -h vs = 0; which gives sv + n' or s x v -+- s x v a minimum: which is Mau- pertuis's principle. In the Memoirs of the Academy of Berlin, above cited, may be seen all the other applications which Maupertuis has made of this principle. And however unfounded his metaphysical basis of it may be, as also the idea he has an- nexed to the quantity of action, it will still hold good, that the product of the space by the velocity is a mini- mum in some of the most general laws of nature. ACTIVE, the quality of an agent for communicating motion or action to some body. In this sense the word stands opposed to passive: thus we say an active cause, active principle, &c. — Sir Isaac Newton shows, that the quantity of motion in the world must be always decreas- ing, in consequence of the vis inertia?, &c. So that there is a necessity .for certain active principles to recruit it : such he takes the cause of gravity to be, and the cause of fermentation ; adding, that we see but little motion in the universe, except what is owing to these active prin- ciples. ACTIVITY, the virtue or faculty of acting. As the activity of an acid, a poison, &c : the activity of fire ex- ceeds all imagination. — According to Sir Isaac Newton, bodies derive their activity from the principle of attrac- tion. Sphere of Activity, is the space which surrounds a body, as far as its efficacy or virtue extends to produce any sensible effect. Thus we say, the sphere of activity of a loadstone, of an electric body, &c. ACUBENE, in Astronomy, the Arabic name of a star of the fourth magnitude, in the southern claw of Cancer, marked a bv Bayer. Its longitude for 176 1, SI 10° IS' 9", south latitude 5° 5' 56". ACUTE, or sharp; a term opposed to obtuse. Thus, Acute, Angle, in Geometry, is that which is less than a right angle ; and is measured by less than 90", or a quan- drant of a circle. As the angle abc. c ; E F H" - Acute angle Triangle, is that whose three angles are all acute; and is otherwise called an oxygenous triangle. As the triangle def. Acu iz-iungled Cone, is that whose opposite sides make an acute angle at the vertex, or whose axis, in a right cone, makes less than half a right angle with the side. As the cone gh I. Pappus, in his Mathematical Collections, says, this name was given to such a cone by Euclid and the ancients, before the time of Apollonius. And they called an AcvTE-angled Section of a Cone, an Ellipsis, which was made by a plane cutting both sides of an acute-angled cone ; it being not known that such a section could be generated from any cone whatever, till it was shown by Apollonius. Acute, in Music, is understood of a tone, or sound, which is high, sharp, or shrill, with regard to some other: in which sense the word stands opposed to grave. And both these sounds are independent of loudness or force : sa that the tone may be acute or high, without being loud ; and loud without being high or acute. For both the af- fections of acute and grave, depend entirely on the quick- ness or slowness of the vibrations by which they are produced. — Sounds considered as grave and acute, that is, in the relation of gravity .and acuteness, constitute what is called tune, the foundation of all harmony. ADAG-IO, in Music, one of the terms used by the Ita- lians to express a degree or distinction of tinie. Adagio denotes the slowest time except grave. Sometimes the word is, repeated, as udugio, adagio, to denote a still slower time than the former. Adagio'also signifies a slow movement, when used sub- stantively., . , ADAR, in the Hebrew Chronology, is the 6th month of their civil year, but the 12th of their ecclesiastical year. It contains only 29 days ; and it answers to our February ; but sometimes entering into the month of March, accord- ing to the course of the moon. ADDITION, the uniting or joining of two or more quantities together. Addition, in Arithmetic, is the first of the four funda- mental rules or operations of that science; and. consists in finding a number equal to several others taken together, or in finding the most simple expression of a number ac- cording to the. established- made of notation; and the quantity so found is named their. sum.. The sign or character of addition is -t-, and is called plus. Thjs character is set between the. quantities to be added, to denote their sum: thus, 3 -+- 6 = 9> that is, 3 plus 6 are equal to 9- Simple numbers are either added as above; or 6 else by placing them under one another, as in the 4 margin, and adding them together, one after an- 2 other, beginning at the bottom : thus 2 and 4 make ~[a 6, and 6 make 12. ,, Numbers consisting of several figures arc added, by first ranging the numbers in columns under each other, placing always the numbers of the snme denomination under each other, that is, units under units, tens under tens, and so on; and then adding up each column sepa- rately, beginning at the right hand, selling down the sum of each column below it, unless it amount to ten or some number of tens, and in that case setting down only the overplus, and carrying one for each ten to the next co- lumn. Thus, to acid 451 and 326, sstf} tl,at is { Sum 777 = 400 4- 50 -+- 1 300 -+- 20 h- 6 700 -h 70 ■+- 7 ADD [ sy ] ADD 329 1562 20347 712048 734286 26 16 11 3 734286 Also to add the numbers 329 ■+■ 1562 •+- 20347 ■+■ 71204S ; set them down as in the margin, and beginning at the lowest number on the right hand, say 8 and 7 make 15, and 2 make 17, and 9 make 26" ; set down 6, and carry- 2 to the next column, saying 2 and 4 make 6, and 4 make 10, and 6 make 16, and 2 make 18 ; set down 8, and carry 1, saying 1 and 3 make 4, and 5 make 9, and 3 make 12; set down 2, and carry 1, saying 1 and 2 make 3, and 1 make 4, which set down ; then 1 and 2 make 3 ; and 7 is 7 to set down : so the sum of all toge- ther is 734286. Or it is the same as the sums of the columns set, under one. another, as in the margin, and then, these added up in the. same manner. When a great number, of sep,arate c sums pr numbers are to be added,, as in, long accounts,' it is easier to break or separate them into two or. more parcels, which are added up severally, and then their sums added together for the total sum.' And thus also the truth of the addition may be proved, by dividing the numbers into parcels different ways, as the totals must be the same in both cases when the operation is right. Another method of proving addition was given by Dr. Wallis, in his Arithmetic, as well. as by Lucas de Burgo, and probably by former authors, also,. by. casting out the nines, which method of proof extends also to the. o.ther.rules of arithmetic. The method is ..this. :. add .the figures of each line of numbers together severally, casting, out always 9 from the sums..as they, arise. in. so, adding, carrying the overplus to the next figure, and setting at the end of each £ 5 W 3 line what is overthenineornin.es;. then 339 do the same by thesum-total, as alsoby 1562 the former excesses of 9> so shall the 20347 last excesses be equal when the work is 712048 right. Thus, the former example | -'349Sh' will be proved as annexed : When the numbers are of. different denominations; as pounds, shillings, and pence; or yards,- feet, and inches; place the numbers of the same kind under, each other, as pence under pence, shillings under shillings, &c ; then add each column separately, and carry the overplus as before, from one column to another. As in the following examples : 1. s. d. Yards. Feet. Inches. 271 12 3 271 10 3 94 14 7 36 2 7 42 5 10 14 2 5 408 12 8 sums 323" 0~ 3 Addition of Vulvar Fractions, is performed by bring- ing all the proposed fractions to the same denomination, when necessary, and all compound fractions and mixed numbers to simple fractions ; then reduce all the fractions to a common denominator, and the sum of the numerators placed over the common denominator will be the answer MJUght. S*T * + *= *• And f + f + T = T = If And £ + \ = % -h £ = £ = l*f, And4 + fof£ = 4 + -! = 4 = * = lJ. When the fractions are of different denominations, some farther operations are necessary : thus, Add. }o +|l + |s together. Here | o = f x y =? \ l s . I7S _ 3 73 9 ,. — Trrs — itc s — 371-0496 25-213 1-704 924-61 •0962 *.■■ = and Y ■+■ 6 T ° -+- 17«. 9d- || Ans. Addition of Decimals, is performed in the same man ner as that of- whole numbers, placing the numbers of the same denomination under each other, in which case the de- cimal separating points will range straight in one column.; as in this example, to add together these numbers 371-0496 •+■ 25-213 ■+- 1-704 -+- 924-61 -t- "0962. 1322-6728 Addition of Circulating. Decimals is performed by changing each of them into its equivalent vulgar fraction, and finding the sum of such fractions. — For the method of changing, recurring or circulating decimals to vulgar frac- tions, see Circulating Decimals. ADDITION in Algebra, is the uniting or incorporating of indeterminate quantities denoted, by letters into one contracted expression. The operation is performed by connecting the quantities together.with' their proper signs, and collecting all similar quantities into one sum ; namely, by adding their co-efficient's together if their signs are the same, but subtracting them when different. . Thjus, the quantity a added to the quantity^, makes a. r -h b; and a added to — b, gives a — b; also the com pound., quantity (5a — b) added to (4a + 3b) produces the sum (9a + 26). See the following examples : 5xy 4ax — xy — 4a* $xy 2ax — 3x* + 5xy ■+■ -~5x 2 •+■ Gx-y 1 -4x 2 .y — 2axy ~3x*y 6x' 2 y* — Jx'y — 2axy 150 -j- 2** 4y 2 4/ 2ax 50 - 100 -+- 6x\ 33* lab 4a»6 2 — 3a* -20^ iab ■+■ 2a 2 6 2 — 7xy-h x 2 h- 4?xy — i s ■+-- 3xy — ax 2 — 2ay* ■+■ ax 2 4>ax- -+- ix l ■+■ 5xy 7y 3 ' -1- 7y* — 2ay 2 Addition of Algebraic Fractions, is performed by the same rule, as has been given for addition of vulgar frac- tions ; as will be seen by the following examples : Ex J x ~* ' x+3 — ' ?a: ~~ 28 ax +9 _ 10^—19 ' ' 3 ''7 • ~" ' ai "*" 'Ji ~ 21 ns ' x.2.y + ^— + 7y - -^— = 8y + ^ Ans. Addition of Surds. In this rule all the given quan- tities must be reduced to the same denomination, or to the same radical, if that can be done ; then addin« or uniting the rational parts, and subjoining the common surd. Otherwise connecting them with their own signs. So y'S + v'lS = ^/(4 x 2) + ^{9 x 2) = 2^2 + 3^2 = 5v/2 = v/50; and v/ 12 -t- ^/27 = a/ (4 x 3) + v/(9 x 3) = 2 V '3', -t- 3^/3 = 5^/3 = v/75; and v^50 + J75 = ^/(25 x 2) •+■ \/(25- x 3) = 5^2 + 5^/3 = (v/2 + ^3)5; but of ^5 and ^/6 the sum is set down^/5 -fr y/6, be- cause the terms are incommensurable, .and not reducible to a common surd. Addition of Logarithms. See Logarithms. Addition of Ratios, the same as composition of ratios; which see. ADDITIVE, denotes something to be added to another, in contradistinction to something to be taken away or A D H [ 30 subtracted'. So astronomers speak of additive equations, and geometricians of additive ratios. ADELARD, or Athelard, was a learned monk of Bath, in England, who flourished about the year 1130, as appears by some manuscripts of his in Corpus Christi, and Trinity Colleges, Oxford. Vossius says he was universally learned in all the sciences of his time ; and that, to acquire all sorts of knowledge, he travelled into France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Egypt, and Arabia. He wrote many books himself, and translated others from different languages : thus he translated, from Arabic into Latin, Euclid's Elements, at a time before any Greek copies had been discovered; also Erichiafarim, on the seven planets. He wrote a book on the seven liberal arts, another on the astrolabe, another on the causes of natural compositions, besides several on physics and on medicine. Though Vossius refers to Oxford for some of these ma- nuscripts, it would yet seem they were not to be found there in Wallis's time ; for the Doctor, speaking of this author, and other English authors and travellers about the same age, says, " A particular account of these travels of Shelley and Morley was a while since to be seen in two prefaces or two manuscript books of theirs in the library of Corpus-Christi College in Oxford, but hath lately (by some unknown hand) been cut out, and carried away ; which prefaces (one or both of them) did also make men- tion of the travels of Athelardus Bathoniensis, and are, to that purpose, cited by Vossius out of that manuscript copy. Whoever hath them, would do a kindness (by some way or other) to restore them, or at least a copy of them." Wallis's Algebra, pa. 6. ADELM, Aldhelmus, or Althelmus, a learned Englishman, who flourished about the year 680. He was first abbot of Malmsbury, and afterward bishop of Shir- burn. He died in the year 709, in the monastery of Malmsbury. — Adelm was the son of Kenred or Kenten, who was the brother of Ina, king of the West Saxons in England. Besides certain books on theology, he compo- sed several on the mathematical sciences, &c ; as Arith- metic, and Astrology, and librum de philosophorum disci- plinis. See Bede's History, lib. 5. cap. 19- He is also mentioned by Bale and William of Malmsbury. ADERAIMIN, or Aloeraimin, the Arabic name of a star of the third magnitude, in the left shoulder of Ce- pheus marked a by Bayer. Its longitude for 176l, T 9" 30' 8", north latitude 68° 56' 20". ADFECTED, see Apeected. ADHESION, Adherence, in Physics and Chemis- try, a species of attraction which takes place between the surfaces of bodies, that are either similar or dissimi- lar, and which in a certain degree connects them to- gether; thus, water adheres to the fingers, mercury to gold, two pieces of lead or brass to each other, &c. Hence arises an important distinction between two words, that in a loose and popular sense are often confounded, that is, Adhesion and Cohesion. — The former denotes an union to a certain point between two similar or dissimilar substan- ces ; and the latter, that which retains together the com- ponent particles of the same mass. The proximate cause of adhesion, has been variously stated by different philosophers. James Bernoulli attribu- ted it to the pressure of the air; but this was afterwards found to be incorrect by some experiments made by Mr. Hauksbee; and it has since been proved, that the power of adhesion is proportional to the number of touching ] A D H points, and this depends on the figure of the particles of which the body is formed ; and in solid bodies on the degreein which their surfaces are polished and compressed. Dr. Brook Taylor first observed, in 1713, the ascent of water between two planes of glass; this led him to make several experimeuts on the adhesive power of surfaces ; from which he concluded that the degree of this force might be measured by the weight required to separate them. This idea was taken up and pursued with consi- derable success by M. de Morveau (now M. Guyton). He procured cylinders, or rather plates, of different me- tals in their highest state of purity, which were made per- fectly circular, highly polished, and furnished with a small ring fixed to their centre, each plate being exactly an inch in diameter. Those plates were in turn suspended to the arm of an assay balance, and being exactly coun- terpoised by weights placed in the scale attached to the opposite arm, were applied to mercury in a vessel about i of an inch below them. After sliding them along the surface to prevent any air from lodging between them and the mercury, weights were successively added to the scale attached to the opposite arm, till the adhesion be- tween the plate and the mercury was broken : and fresh mercury was used for each experiment. The results of which are exhibited in the following table. Gold adheres to mercury with a force of 446 grains. Silver 429 Tin 41S Lead 397 Bismuth 372 Zinc 204 Copper 142 Antimony (regulus) 126 Iron 115 Cobalt 8 These experiments clearly proved, as indeed had been before done by Hauksbee, that the atmosphere was not the agent or cause of adhesion ; for had this been the case, it is evident that, the surfaces being the same in each expe- riment, the force of adhesion in each must have been equal also. The above method has been since pursued to greater lengths, and with more accuracy by M. Ach- ard and others, who took into their account the tempera- ture of the fluids. And from the result of these inter- esting experiments we may conclude — That there exists a tendency to adhesion between many, and probably between all substances in nature, absolutely indepen- dent of atmospherical or any other external pressure; that the force of this adhesion between solids is in the order of their chemical affinities ; and between solids and fluids in an inverse ratio to the thermometrical tem- perature, and in a direct ratio to the squares of the sur- faces; also that every solid adheres with a peculiar force to each fluid ; that this force is truly expressed by the weight necessary to break the adhesion, in all cases where the solid comes out clear from the fluid ; but that when any particles of the fluid adhere to the solid, the. weight of the counterpoise is then expressive of the mixed force of adhesion between the surface of the solid and the fluid, and of the cohesion between the component particles of the latter. In order to keep a connected view of this subject in its progress towards perfection, such experiments only have been related as most materially tended to the accomplish- ment of that desirable end; and consequently many iu- IOL [ 31 ] IE L vious and entertaining experiments have not been men- tioned. As, however, some of these may afford a degree of satisfaction and amusement to the reader, we have de- tailed a few of the most interesting ones, as they are re- lated by Musschenbroek and Martin. The former, in his Philosophy, as translated by Colson, relates that two cylinders of glass, whose diameters were not quite two inches, being heated to the degree of boiling water, and joined together by means of melted tallow lightly put be- tween them, adhered with a force of 130 pounds: lead of the same diameter, and in similar circumstances, adhered with a force of 275 pounds, and soft iron with a force of 300 ppunds. And Martin, in his Philosophia Britan- nica, vol. ], says, that with two leaden balls, not weigh- ing above a pound each, nor touching on more than —^ of a square inch of surface, he has lifted more. than 130 pounds weight : the balls being first very finely planed with the edge of a sharp pen-knife, and then equally pressed together with a considerable force, and a gentle turn of the hand. The force of adhesion between two brass plates, of about 44 inches diameter, and smeared with grease or fat, is so powerful, as to require more than the .strength of two strong men to separate them. Those who wish to see more on this subject, may consult to advan- tage the Supplement to Encyclopedia Britannica, art. Chemistry, and Rees' Cyclopedia, art. Adhesion ; as also the two works above mentioned. ADHIL, in Astronomy, a star, of the 6th magnitude, on the garment of Andromeda, under the last star in her foot. ADJACENT, whatever lies immediately by the side of another. Adjacent Angle, in Geometry, is said of an angle when it is immediately contiguous to another, so that they have both one common side. And the term is more particularly used when the two angles have not only one common side, but also when the other two sides form one continued right line. Adjacent Bodies, in Physics, are understood of those that are near, or next to, some other body. ADJUTAGE, or rather AJUTAGE; which see. ADSCRIPTS, in Trigonometry, is used by some ma- thematicians, for the tangents of arcs. Vieta calls them also prosines. ADVANCE-Fosse, In Fortification, a ditch thrown round the esplanade or glacis of a place, to prevent its being surprised by the besiegers. — The ditch sometimes made in that part of the lines or retrenchments nearest the enemy, to prevent him from attacking them, is also called the advance-fosse. — The advance-fosse should al- ways be full of water, otherwise it will serve to cover the enemy from the fire of the place, if he should become master of it. Beyond the advance-fosse it is usual to construct lunettes, redouts, &c. ADVENT, Adventus, in the Calendar, the time imme- diately preceding Christmas; and was anciently employed in pious preparation for the adventus, or coming on, of the feast of the Nativity. Advent includes four Sundays, or weeks; commencing either with the Sunday which falls on St. Andrew's day, namely the 30th day of November, or the nearest Sunday to that day, either before or after. /EOLIIMLE, JEolipita, in Hydraulics, a hollow ball of metal, with a very small hole or opening ; chiefly used to show the convertibility of water into elastic steam. The best way of fitting up this instrument, is with a very slen- der neck or pipe, to screw on and off, for the convenience of introducing the water into the inside; for, by un- screwing the pipe, and immerging the ball in water, it readily fills, the hole being pretty large ; and then the pipe is screwed on. But if the pipe do not unscrew, its orifice is too small to force its way in against the included air; and therefore to expel most of the air, the ball is heated red-hot, and suddenly plunged with its orifice into water, which will then rush in till the ball is about two- thirds filled with it. The water having been introduced, the ball is set upon the fire, which gradually heats the contained water, and converts it into elastic steam, this rushes out by the pipe with great violence and noise ; and thus continues till all the water is so discharged ; though not with a constant and uniform blast, but by sudden ones : and the stronger the fire is, the more elastic will the steam be, and the greater the force of the blast. Care should be taken that the ball be not set upon a violent fire with very little water in it, and that the small pipe be not stopped with any thing; for in such case, the included elastic steam will suddenly burst the ball with a very dan- gerous explosion. This instrument was known to the ancients, being men- tioned by Vitruvius, lib. 1, cap. 6. It is also treated of, or mentioned, by several modern authors; as Descartes, in his Meteor, cap. 4; and Father Mersenne, in prop. 29 Phasdom. Pneumat. uses it to weigh the air, by first weighing the instrument when red-hot, and having no wa- ter in it ; and afterwards weighing the same when it be- comes cold. But the conclusion gained by this means, cannot be quite accurate, as there is supposed to be no air in the ball when it is red-hot ; whereas it is shown by Varenius, in his Geography, cap. 19, sect. 6, prop. 10, that the air is rarefied but about 70 times ; and conse- quently the weight obtained by the above process, will be about one-70th too small, or more or less according to the intensity of the heat. Descartes, and others, have made use of this instru- ment, to account for the natural cause and production of the wind. And hence its name, jEolipila, q. d. pila .Eoli, iEolus' ball. In Italy it is said that the jEolipile is often used to cure smoaky chimneys: for, being hung over the fire, the blast arising from it carries up the loitering smoke along with it. And some have imagined that the aeolipile might be employed as bellows to blow up a fire, having the blast from the pipe directed into the fire: but experience would soon convince them of their mistake; for it would ra- ther blow the fire out than up, as it is not air, but rarefied water, that is thus violently blown through the pipe. jEOLUS, in Mechanics, a small portable machine, in- vented by Mr. Tidd, for refreshing and changing the air in rooms which are made too close. The machine is adapted to supply the place of a square of glass in a sash- window, where it works with little or no noise, on the principle of the sails of a mill, or a smoke-jack ; and thus admitting an agreeable quantity of air, at a convenient part of the room. iEoLUs's Harp, or Molian Harp, an instrument so named, from its producing an agreeable melody, merely by the action of the wind. Neither the inventor, nor the date of the invention, of this instrument is accurately known. Kircher, in his Magia Phenotactica und Phonur- a;oL [ 32 ] A E R gia, has given the first description of it ; and hence the invention of it has by some authors been attributed to him. Its construction is extremely simple, as it consists of little more than a number of cat-gut or wire strings, dis- tended in parallel lines taver a box of thin deal, having a top of the same thin wood, with sounding-holes. Then the strings being tuned in unison, and the instrument placed in a proper situation for receiving a current of air, as an open window, &c, it produces by the tremulous motion which the wind communicates to the strings, a soft murmuring, and pleasing combination of sounds. The late Rev. W. Jones, constructed an iEolian harp on an improved plan ; the strings of which, instead of being on the outside, are fixed .to a sounding-board with- in the box, and the wind is admitted to them through an horizontal aperture. In this form the instrument is port- able and mays be used in the open air. Several attempts to explain the principles of the wild harmony of this instrument have been made by different authors : of these Ur. Young's is considered as the most satisfactory, which is here sub- joined. The particles of a current of air, which strike against the middle point of a stretched elastic string, will move the whole string from its rectilinear position; and as no breeze continues of the same strength for any con- siderable time; although it be sufficient to remove the string from its rectilineal position, yet, unless it be very rapid and violent, it will not be able to keep it bent; and consequently a 'vibration will ensue, and pulses in the air will be excited, which will produce the tone of the entire. string. But if the current of air be too strong and rapid, when the string is bent from the rectilineal po- sition it will not be able to recover that position, but will continue bent, like the cordage of a ship in a brisk gale. However, though the whole string cannot perform its vi- brations, the subordinate aliquot parts may, which will be of different lengths in different cases according to the rapidity of the breeze. Thus, when the velocity of the current of air increases so as to prevent the vibration of the whole string, those particles which strike against the middle points of the halves of the string agitate .those halves ; and as these vibrate in half the time that the whole string does, notwithstanding the breeze may be too rapid to admit of the vibration of the whole string, yet it can have no more effect in preventing the motion of the halves, than it would have on the whole were its tension quadruple;' for the times of vibrations of strings of dif- ferent lengths, agreeing in other circumstances, are directly as' the lengths ; and in strings of different tensions, and agreeing in other circumstances, inversely as the square roots of the tensions (see Chord): and therefore, their vibrations may become strong enough to excite such pulses as will affect the drum of the ear : and the same may be said of the other aliquot divisions of the string. Those particles which strike against such points of: the string as are not in the middle or aliquot parts, will inter- rupt and counteract each other's vibration, as is the case of sympathetic and secondary tones, and therefore will not produce a sensible effect. When .ZEolian notes arc heard, which arc not produced by any submultiples of the string, they are very transitory, and immediately vary their pitch, till they coincide with the notes the next above or below them, which are produced by the exact aliquot parts of the whole string: and thus the harmony is never interrupted by long-continued discords. iERA, in Chronology, is the same as epoch, or epocha, and means a fixed point of time, from which to begin a computation of the years ensuing. The word is some- times also written era in ancient authors. Its origin is contested, though it is commonly supposed that it had its rise in Spain, others say from the Arabs. Some imagine that it is formed from a. er. a. the abbreviations of the words, annus erat Augusti, or from a. e. r. a. the initials of the words annus erat regni Augusti, because the Spa- niards began their computation from the time that their country came under the dominion of Augustus. Others derive it from as, brass, the tribute money with which Augustus taxed the world. It is also said that ara origi- nally signified a number stamped on money to determine its current value ; and that the ancients used as or ara as an article, as we do the word item, to each particular of an account ; and hence it came to stand for a sum or number itself. jEra also means the way or mode of accounting time. Thus we say, such a year of the Christian aera, &c. Spanish JEra, otherwise called the year of Caesar, was introduced after the second division of the Roman pro- vinces, between Augustus, Anthony, and Lepidus, in the 714th year of Rome, the 4676th year of the Julian pe- riod, and the 38th year before Christ. In the 447th year of this aera, the Alani, the Vandals, Suevi, &c, entered Spain. It is frequently mentioned in the Spanish affairs; their councils, and other public acts, being all dated ac- cording to it. Some say it was abolished under Peter iv, king of Arragon, in the year of Christ 135S, and the Christian aera introduced instead of it. But Mariana ob- serves that it ceased in the year ol Christ 1383, under John 1, king of Castile. The like was afterwards done in Portugal. Christian ./Era. ■ It is generally allowed by Chronolo- gers, that. the. computation of time from the birth of Christ, was only introduced. in the sixth century in the reign of Justinian ; and it is commonly ascribed to Dio- nysius Exiguus. This aera came then into use in deeds, &c; before which time, either the olympiads, or the year of Rome, or that of the reign of the emperors, was used for such purposes. 1 See an account of the other principal aeras under the word Epoch. AERIAL Perspective; is that which represents bodies diminished and weakened, in proportion to their distance from the eye. Aerial Perspective chiefly relates to the colours of ob- jects, whose force and lustre it diminishes more or less, to make them appear as if more or less remote. It is founded upon this, that the longer the column of air an object is seen through, the more feebly do the visual rays emitted from it affect: the. eye. AliROGRAPIIY,. a description of the air, or atmo- sphere, cits limits, dimensions, properties, &c. AEROLITHS, or. Aerolites, i. e. Air-stonr$, or stones from the atmosphere, are those compound kind of masses which sometimes fall from the atmosphere, in all countries, and which are therefore, often called meteoric stones. — The descent of any such bodies was for a long time doubted, the popular opinion that attested the rea- lity being mostly regarded as a vulgar prejudice ; but the fact has. been often proved of late, in such a manner as to leave no reasonable doubt of the existence of the phe- nomenon. Sec an account of many of these descents, A E.R C 33 ] A E R described in my paper on this subject, in the Abridg. of these bodies, exhibits a collection of some of the best Philos. Trans, vol. 6, pa. 100, as well as several other ac- authenticated instances of the falling of stones, and other counts there referred to. substances, from the atmosphere, thathave been observed, The following table, drawn up by M. Izaron, a philo- with the times when they fell, and the authorities or sopher who has paid considerable attention to the history names of the persons on whose evidence the facts rest. Substan ces fa lien . Shower of sulphur .... Shower of stones Shower of stones Places where they fell. Sodom and Gomorrah.. At Rome At Rome In Lucania Inltaly Near the river Negos,Thrace In Thrace Abakaick, Siberia Ensisheim, Upper Rhine ... Near Padua, in Italy Mount Vaiser, Provence ... Copenhagen Duchy of Mansfeld Iceland Macedonia Quesnoy Atlantic Ocean Brunswick Niort, Normandy Near Tabor, Bohemia Liponas in Bresse Near Verona At Luce, in Le Maine Aire, in Artois In Le Cotentin Near Roquefort Environs of Agen Sienna, Tuscany Wold-Cottage, Yorks In Portugal Sales, near Ville-Franche... Sale, dept. of the Rhone ... Benares, East Indies America L'Aigle, Normandy 2d year of 78th Olympiad Year before J. C. 452 Very old Nov. 7th, 1492 In 1510 Shower of iron Shower of Mercury A very large stone Three large stones Mass of iron, 14 quintals... Large stone, 260lbs About 1200 stones; one") 120lbs. another of rjOlbs.j Another, of 59lbs Sulphurious rain The same Shower of viscid matter .... Stone of 72lbs Shower of tire Shower of sand for 15 hours Shower of sulphur A stony mass Shower of stones Two stones, \vt. 20lbs Two do. 200 and 300lbs ... A stone of 74-lbs A stone A stone Shower of stones Extensive do About 12 stone Large stone of 5Glbs A stone of lOlbs A stone of 20lbs A stone of 20lbs Shower of stones Mass of iron, 70 cubic ft.... Somestones,froml0tol7lbs To this list might be added many more instances, and cent fusion. Besides, several of these singular substances among them several of more recent date. Of these have been very carefully examined and analysed by Four- masses, the larger kinds have been seen as luminous bo- croy, Howard, Bournois, Lavoisier, Vauquelin, and other dies moving with very great velocities, descending in ob- eminent chemists and naturalists in Europe; and it has 1-ique directions, commonly with a loud hissing noise, re- been found that all the substances examined agree very sembliijfl that of a mortar shell, or cannon ball, or ra- nearly in nature and composition, having the same com- ther that of an irregular hard mass, violently projected ponent materials, and in nearly the same proportions: Through the air; surrounded by a blaze or flame, tapering thus, the stones examined by Count de Bournon and Mr. off to a narrow stream in the hinder part; they are heard Howard, were found to consist of four distinct substances, to explode or burst, and even to fly in pieces, the larger a peculiar martial pyrites, a number of globular and el- parts going foremost, and the smaller following in succes- liptical bodies, also of a peculiar nature, and an earthy sion : they arc thus seen to fall on the earth, striking it cement surrounding the other component parts. The na- •..ilb great violence; and, on examining the place of the ture of the metallic particles was the same in all, being fall, the paru are found scattered about, being still con- in each an alloy of iron and nikel. In the pyrites, nikel siderably warm, and mostly entered several inches deep as well as iron was detected ; and the easy decomposition in the earth. But their most remarkable character is, of the pyrites, by muriatic acid, afforded a distinguishing that they have a perfect resemblance to one another, character of that substance. The globules contained mag- They are always found to be different from the neigh- nesia, silica, with oxides of nikel and iron. The earthy Louring bodies, and show in every case the same appear- cement consisted of the same substances nearly in the ance of semimetallic matter, coated on the outside with same proportions. With regard to the proportions of a thin black incrustation, and bearing strong marks of re- these constituents, the celebrated stone which fell at 1 n- Voi- 1. y Times of their fall. Year before J. C. I898 Under Tullius Hostilius .... Consuls C. Martius & M. ? Torquatus ) Year bef. defeat of Crassus Nov. 27, 1627... In 1646 In 1658 In 1695 January 1706 .... Jan. 4th, 1717 ... April 6, 1719.... October 1721 .... In 1750 July 3d, 1753.... September 1753.. In 1762 Sept. 13, 1768... In 1768 In 1768 July 1789 July 24, 1790.... July 1794 Dec. 13, 1795 ... Feb. 19, 1796.... March 12, 1798 March 17, 1798 , Dec. 19, 179S... April 5, 1800.... April 20, 1803... Testimonies. Moses Livy J. Obsequens Pliny Dion Pliny Ch. of Count Marcellin Pallas, Chladni, &c Butenschoen Cardin, Varait Gassendi Olaus Wormius Spaugenberg Muschenbroeck Paul Lucas Geoffrey le Cadet Pere le P'euillee Siegesber Lalande B. de Born Lalande Acad, de Bourd Bachelay Gurson de Boyaval Morand Darcet, jun. Lomet, &c St. Amand, Baudin, &c Earl of Bristol Capt. Topham Southey De Dree Lelievre & De Dree J. Lloyd Williams Philos. Magazine Fourcroy A E R [ 34 j A £ R sisheim, in Alsace, in 1492, and those which fell at 1'Ai- gle, in France, in 1803, were found to yield, by the ana- lyses of Fourcroy and Vauquelin, the proportions follow- ing, "»»z, »' Ensisheim. L'Aigle. 56-0 .of silica 54 36 9 3 2 1 105 30-0 oxyd of iron :i2-0 magnesia .... 2-4 nikel * 3 - 5 sulphur 1'4 lime 105-3 It likewise appears that the specific gravities of these bodies are nearly alike, and such as greatly to exceed all the known ordinary stones, and approach that of the me- tallic ores. Thus, the specific gravity of the Ensisheim stone was 3233 Benares 3352 Sienna 3418 Gassendi's 3456 Yorkshire 3508 Bachelay's - 3535 of such parts as that of water is 1000. These common and constant characters indicate, with strong evidence, a common origin. Yet, it is to be re- marked, that iron is hardly ever found in the metallic state in terrestrial bodies : volcanic bodies only contain- ing it in the state of oxyd. Nikel is also very rare, being never found on the surface of the earth. Whence it ap- pears natural to conclude, that aerolites have an origin foreign to our globe, or at least that they are not pro- duced by phenomena that have been commonly observed. Various hypotheses have therefore been devised to ac- count for the origin of these stones. Some philosophers think that they are nothing else than small planets, that circulate in space after the manner of the other celestial bodies ; and which, when found engaged in the earth's at- mosphere, become there inflamed, by the resistance and friction they experience ; that they lose little by little their velocity, and at length fall to the earth by their gravitation. Mr. King, Sir Wm. Hamilton, and others, consider these stones as concretions actually formed in the atmosphere: while others have imagined such phae- nomena as resulting from electricity. But, in my Abridg. of the Philos. Trans, (vol 6, p. 100), I have shown not only that it is possible, but even highly probable, that they may have been projected on the earth by lunar vol- canoes. On subjecting this idea to calculation, it has been found that a projectile force only the triple of that sometimes given to cannon balls, would be sufficient to carry a body out of the sphere of the moon's influence, so that flu terrestrial gravitation would draw it towards our ph.net. Nor is it at all improbable, that lunar vol- canoes might impress such a force on a body, since ter- restrial volcanoes can communicate a much greater im- pulsion. This opinion acquires a fresh degree of proba- bility from the recent observations of M. Schroeter on the mc on, with respect to lh<- great height of some of the lunar volcanoes, and the frequent variations observed on the surface of that globe. Thus, then, the probability of this origin of the aerolites appears to be greatly in fa- vour of this last opinion ; though, in the present state of our knowledge of these substances and of meteorology, it is not possible as yet to decide. For accounts of the pliaenomena of many aerolites, the inquisitive reader may consult Mr. Howard's valuable paper in the Philos. Trans, for the year 1S02, as well as my dissertation above re- ferred to. A EROLOGY, the doctrine or science of the air, and its phajnomena, its properties, good and bad qualities, &c. It is much the same with the foregoing word, Aerography. AEROMETRY, Aeromclria, the science of measuring the air, its powers and properties; comprehending not only the quantity of the air itself, as a fluid body, but also its pressure or weight, its elasticity, rarefaction, con- densation, &c. The term is not much used at present; this branch of natural philosophy being usually called pneumatics, which see. Wolfius, late professor of mathematics at Hall, having reduced several properties of the air to geometri- cal demonstrations, first published at Leipsic his Elements of Aerometry, in the German language, and afterwards more enlarged in Latin, which have since been inserted in his Cursus Mathematicus, in five volumes in 4to. AERONAUTICA, the pretended art of sailing through the air, or atmosphere, in a vessel, sustained as a ship in the sea. AEROSTATICA, is properly the doctrine of the weight, pressure, and balance of the air and atmosphere. AEROSTATION, in its proper and primary sense, de- notes the science of weights suspended in the air; but in the modern application of the term, it signifies the art of navigating or floating in the air, both as to the prac- tice and principles of it. Hence also the machines which are employed for this purpose, are called aerostats, or ae- rostatic machines; and which, on account of their form, are otherwise called air-balloons. Also aeronaut is the name given to the person who navigates or floats in the air by means of such machines. Principles of Aerostation. The fundamental prin- ciples of this art have been long and generally known, as well as speculations on the theory of it ; but the success- ful application of them to practice seems to be altoge- ther a modern discovery. These principles chiefly respect the weight or pressure, and elasticity of the air, with its specific gravity, and that of the other bodies to be raised or floated in it : the particular detail of which principles may be seen under the respective words in this dictionary. Suffice it therefore in this place to observe, that any body which is specifically lighter than the atmosphere, will bo buoyed up by it, and ascend, as wood, or a cork, or a blown bladder, ascends in water. And thus the body would continue to ascend to the top of the atmosphere, if it were every where of the same density as at the sur- face of the earth. But as the air is compressible and elastic, its density decreases continually in ascending, on account of the diminished pressure of the superincumbent air, at the higher elevations above the earth ; and there- fore the body will ascend only to that height where the air is of the same specific gravity with itself; there the body will float, and move along with the wind or current of air which it may meet with at that place. This body then is an aerostatic machine, of whatever form or na- ture it may be. And an air-balloon is a body of this kind, the whole mass of which, including its covering and contents, and the weights annexed to it, is of less weight than the same bulk of air in which it rises. We know of no solid bodies however that arc light enough thus to ascend and float in the atmosphere ; and AER [ 35 ] AER therefore recourse must he had to some fluid -or aeriform substance. Among these, that which is called hydrogen gas, or in- flammable air, is the most proper of any that has hitherto been discovered. It is very elastic, and from 6 to 10 or 12 times lighter than common atmospheric air at the surface of the earth, according to the different methods of preparing it. If therefore a sufficient quantity of this gas be inclosed in a very thin bag or covering, the weight of the two together will be less than the weight of the same bulk of common air; and consequently this compound mass will rise in the atmosphere, and continue to ascend till it attain a height at which the atmosphere is of the same specific gravity as itself; where it will remain or float with the current of air, as long as the inflammable air does not escape through the pores of its covering. And this is an inflammable-air balloon. Another way is to make use of common air, rendered lighter by warming it, instead of the inflammable air. Heat, it is well known, rarefies and expands common air, and consequently lessens its specific gravity; and the di- minution of its weight is proportional to the heat applied. If therefore the air, inclosed in any kind of a bag or co- vering, be heated, and consequently dilated, to such a de- gree, that the excess of the weight of an equal bulk of common air, above the weight of the heated air, be greater than the weight of the covering and its appendages, the whole compound mass will ascend in the atmosphere, the same as in the former case ; till, by the cooling and con- densation of the included air, the balloon shall gradually contract and descend again, unless the heat is renewed or kept up. And such is a heated-air or fire balloon, other- wise called a Montgolfier, from its inventor. Now it has been discovered, by various experiments, that one degree of heat, according to the scale of Fahren- heit's thermometer, expands the air about one five-hun- dredth part ; and therefore that it will require about 500 degrees, or nearer 484 degrees of heat, to expand the air to just double its bulk. Which is a degree of heat far above what it is practicable to give it on such occasions. And therefore, in this respect, common air heated, is much inferior to hydrogen gas. But, before entering more particularly into this sub- ject, it will be proper to give a short historical account of its rise and progress, with the various experiments and aerial voyages, that have been made of later years by di- vers aeronauts. History of Aerostation. Various schemes for rising in the air, and passing through it, have been devised and attempted, both by the ancients and moderns, and that upon different principles, and with various success. Of these, some attempts have been upon mechanical princi- ples, or by virtue of the powers of mechanism : and such are conceived to be the instances related of the flying pi- geon made by Archytas, the flying eagle and fly by Re- giomontanus, and various others. Again, some projects have been formed, by attaching wings to some part of the human body, which were to be moved either by the hands or feet, by the help of mechanical powers; so that, stri- king the air with them, after the manner of the wings of a bird, the person might raise himself in the atmosphere, and transport himself through it, in imitation of that ani- mal. But of these, and various other devices of the like nature, a particular account will be given under the arti- cle artificial jlying, as belonging rather to that species or principle of motion, than to our present subject of aero- station, which is properly the sailing or floating in the air by means of a machine rendered specifically lighter than that element, in imitation of aqueous navigation, or the sailing upon the water in a ship, or vessel, which is speci- fically lighter than the water. The first rational account upon record, for this kind of sailing, is perhaps that of our countryman Roger Bacon, who died in the year 1292. He not only affirms that the art is practicable, but assures us that he himself knew how to make an engine, in which a man sitting might be able to carry himself through the air like a bird; and he far- ther affirms, that there was another person who had tried it with success. The secret it seems consisted in having a couple of large thin shells, or hollow globes, of copper, exhausted of air ; so that the whole being thus rendered lighter than air, they would support a chair, in which a person might sit. Bishop Wilkins too, who died in 1672, in several of his works, makes mention of similar ideas being entertained by divers persons. " It is a pretty notion to this purpose, says he, (in his Discovery of a New World, prop. 14), mentioned by Albertus de Saxonia, and out of him by Francis Mendoza, that the air is in some part of it navi- gable. And that upon this statick principle, any brass or iron vessel (suppose a kettle), whose substance is much heavier than that of the water; yet being filled with the lighter air, it will swim upon it, and not sink." And again, in his Dedalus, chap. 6, " Scaliger conceives the framing of such volant automata to be very easy. Volantis columbas machinulam, cujusautorem Archytam tradunt, vel facil- lime profiteri audeo. Those ancient motions were thought to be contrived by the force of some included air: So Gellius, Ita erat scilicet libramentis suspensum, et aura spiritus inclusa, atque occulta consitum, &c. As if there had been some lamp, or other fire within it, which might produce such a forcible rarefaction, as should give a mo- tion to the whole frame." From which it would seem that Bishop Wilkins had some confused notion of such a thing as a heated-air balloon. Again, F. Francisco Lana, in his Prodroma, printed in 1670, proposes the same method with that of Roger Ba- con, as his own thought. He considered that a hollow vessel, exhausted of air, would weigh less than when filled with that fluid ; he also reasoned that, as the capacity of spherical vessels increases much faster than their surface, if there were two spherical vessels, of which the diameter of one is double the diameter of the other ; then the ca- pacity of the former will be equal to 8 times the capacity of the latter, but the surface of that only equal to 4 times the surface of this : and if the one sphere have its diame- ter equal to triple the diameter of the other, then the ca- pacity of the greater will be equal to 27 times the capa- city of the less, while its surface is only 9 times greater: and so on, the capacities increasing as the cubes of the diameters, while the surfaces increase only as the squares of the same. And from this mathematical principle, fa- ther Lana deduces, that it is possible to make a spherical vessel of any given matter, and thickness, and of such a size as, when emptied of air, it will be lighter than an equal bulk of that air, and consequently that it will as- cend in that element, together with some additional weight attached to it. After stating these principles, fa- ther Lana Computes that a round vessel of plate brass, 14 feet in diameter, weighing 3 ounces the square foot, will F2 A E R [ 36 ] A E R only weigh 1848 ounces ; whereas ^i quantity of air of the same bulk will weigh 2155f ounces, allowing only one ounce to the cubic foot ; so that the globe will not only ascend in the air, but will also carry up a weight of 307f ounces: and by increasing the bulk of the globe, without increasing the thickness of the metal, he adds, a vessel might be made to carry a much greater weight. Such then were the ingenious speculations of learned men, and the gradual approaches towards the perfection of this art. But one thing more was yet wanted : though acquainted in some degree with the weight of any quan- tity of air, considered as a detached substance, it seems they were not aware of its great elasticity, and the uni- versal pressure of the atmosphere ; by which pressure, a globe of the dimensions above-described, and exhausted of its air, would immediately be crushed inwards, fcr want of the equivalent internal counter pressure, to be sought for in some element, much lighter than common air, and yet nearly of equal pressure or elasticity with it; a pro- perty or circumstance attending iuflammable gas, and also common air when considerably heated. It is evident then, that the schemes of ingenious men hitherto must have gone no farther than mere specula- tion ; otherwise they could never have recorded fancies, which, on the first attempt to put in practice, must have manifested their own insufficiency, b)'an immediate failure of success. For, instead of exhausting the vessel, it must either be filled with common air heated, or with some other equally elastic and lighter fluid. So that upon the whole it appears., that the art of traversing the air, is an invention of our own time ; and the whole history of it is comprehended within a very short period. Mr. Cavendish was the first who discovered with any degree of accuracy the specific gravity of inflammable air ; and his experiments and observations upon it, are published in the 56th volume of the Philosophical Trans- actions for the year 1766. Soon after this discovery of Mr. Cavendish, it occurred to the ingenious Dr. Black of Edinburgh, that if a blad- der, or other vessel, sufficiently light and thin, were filled with this air, it would form altogether amass lighter than the same bulk of atmospheric air, and consequently that it would ascend in it. This idea he mentioned in his che- mical lectures in the year 1767 or 1768; and he further proposed to exhibit the experiment, by filling the allantois of a calf with such air. The allantois, however, was not prepared just at the time when he was at that part of his lectures, and other avocations afterwards prevented his de- sign : so that, considering it only as an amusing experi- ment, and being fully satisfied of the truth of so evident an effect, he contented himself with barely mentioning the experiment from time to time in his lectures. About the year 1777 or 1778 it also occurred to Mr. Cavallo, that it might be possible to construct a ves- sel, which, when filled with inflammable air, would as- cend in tin' atmosphere: and there is no doubt but that similar ideas occurred to many other persons, of so evi- dent a consequence of Mr. Cavendish's discovery. But it seems to have been Mr. Cavallo who first actually at- tempted the experiment, in which however be succeeded no further than in being able to raise soap bubbles of two or three inches diameter : a thing which had been done by children for their arpusemi nt from time immemorial. These experiments Mr. Cavallo made, in the beginning of the year 178?, and an account o( them was read at a public meeting of the Royal Society on the 20th of June of that year. From which it appears that he tried blad- ders and paper of various kinds. But the bladders, how- ever thin they were made by scraping, &c, were still found too heavy to ascend in the atmosphere, when iully inflated with the inflammable air: and in using China paper, he found that this air passed through its pores, like water through a sieve. So that, having faded of success by blowing the same air into a thick solution of gum, thick varnishes, and oil paint, he was obliged to rest satisfied with soap-balls or bubbles, which, being filhd with in- flammable air, by dipping the end of a small glass tube, connected with a bladder containing the air, into a thick solution of soap, and gently comprising the bladder, as- cended rapidly, and broke against the ceiling of the room. Here, however, it seems the matter might have rested, had it not been for experiments made in France soon after, by the two brothers Stephen and Joseph Montgol- fier, on principles suggested, not by the levity of inflam- mable air, which probabl) the)' had never heard of, but by that of smoke ami clouds ascending in the atmosphere. These two brothers it seems were natives of Annonay, a town in the Vivarais, about 36 miles from Lyons ; and that in their youth, Stephen, the elder, had assiduously studied the mathematics, but the other had applied him- self more particularly to natural philosophy and che- mistry. Theywere not intended for any particular way of business, but the death of a brother obliged them to put themselves at the. head of a considerable paper manu- factory at Annonay. In the intervals of time allowed by their business they amused themselves in several philoso- phical pursuits, and particularly with the experiments in aerostation, of which we are now to give some account. It would be perhaps impossible to know all the particular steps and ideas which finally produced this discovery : but it has been said that the real principle, on which the ef- fect of the aerostatic machine depends, was unknown even for a considerable time after its discovery: that Montgol- fier attributed the effect of the machine, not to the rare- faction of the air, which is the true cause, but t" a cer- tain gas, specifically lighter than common air, which was supposed to be developed from burning substances, and which was commonly called Montgulfier's gas. Be this however as it may, it is well known that the two brothers began to think of the experiment of the aerostatic ma- chine about the middle or the latter part of the year 17S2. The natural ascension of the smoke and the clouds in the atmosphere, suggested the first idea; and to imitate those bodies, or to inclose a cloud in a bag, and let the hitter be lifted up by the buoyancy of the former, was the first project of those gentlemen. Accordinsly, the first experiment was made at Avignon by Stephen, about the middle of November 1782. Having prepared a bag of fine silk, in the shape tit a paralhlopi- pedon, and of about 40 cubic feet in capacity, he applied burning paper to an aperture in the bottom, which rare- fied the air, and thus formed a kind of cloud in the bag; and when it became sufficiently expanded, it ascended ra- pidly to the ceiling. Soon afterwards the experiment was repeated with the same machine at Annonay, by the two brothers, in the open air; when the bag ascended to '.he height of about 70 feet. Encouraged by this success, they constructed another machine, of about 650 cubic feet capacity , which, when inflated as before, broke the cords which A E R [ 37 ] A E R confined it, and after ascending rapidly to the height of less than two minutes, to the height of 3123 feet: the about 600 feet, descended and fell on the adjoining weight of the balloon, when it went up, being 35 pounds ground. With another larger machine, of 37 feet diame- less than that of an equal bulk of common air. After ter, they repeated the experiment on the 25th of April, floating in the air for about three quarters of an hour, it which answered exceedingly well : the machine had such fell in a field at 15 miles from the place of its ascent ; force ot ascension, that, breaking abruptly from its con- where, as we may easily imagine, it occasioned great finemerrt of ropes, it rose to the height of more than 1000 amazement to the peasants who found it. Its fall was feet, and then, being carried by the wind, descended and owing to a rent in the covering, probably occasioned by fell at a place about three quarters of a mile from the the superior elasticity of the inflammable air, over that place of its ascension. The capacity of this machine. was of the rare part of the atmosphere to which it had as- equal to above 23 thousand cubic feet, and, being nearly cended. globular, when inflated, it measured 1 17 English feet in circumference. The covering was formed of linen, lined with paper; and its aperture at the bottom was fixed to a wooden frame, of about 4 feet square, or 16 feet in sur- face. When filled with vapour, which it was conjectured In consequence of this brilliant experiment, number- less small balloons were made, mostly of gold-beater's skin, from 6 and y to IS or 20 inches diameter; their cheapness putting it in the power of almost every family to satisfy its curiosity relative to the new experiment; might be about half as heavy as common air, it was ca- and in a few days balloons were seen flying all about Pa pable of lifting up about 490 pounds, besides its own ris, whence they were soon alter sent abroad, weight, which, together with that of the wooden frame, M. Joseph Montgolfier repealed an experiment with was equal to about 500 pounds. With this machine the a machine of his construction before the commissaries of next experiment was publicly performed at Annonay, on the Academy of Sciences, on the 11th and 12th ot Sep- the 5th of June 1783, before a great multitude of spec- tember. The machine was about 74 feet high, and 43 tators. -The flaccid bag whs suspended on a pole 35 feet feet in diameter; it was made of canvass, covered with high; straw and chopped wool were burned* under the paper both within and without, and weighed 1 000 pounds, opening at the bottom; the vapour, or rather smoke, soon It was' filled with rarefied air in 9 minutes, and in one inflated the bag, so as to distend it in all its parts; and trial the weight of 8 men was not sufficient to keep it this enormous mass ascenrled in the air with such velocity, down. It was not suffered to go up, as it had been in- that in less than ten minutes it reached the height of above tended for exhibition before the Royal Family, a few days 6 thousand feet ; when a breeze carried it in an horizon- after. By the violence of the rain, however, which fell tal direction to the distance of near a mile and a half, about this time, it was so much spoiled, that he thought where it descended gently to the ground. proper te construct another for that purpose, in which he As soon as the news of this experiment reached Paris, used so great dispatch, that it was completed in the short the philosophers of that cit\, conceiving that a new spe- space of four days. This machine was constructed of cies of gas, of about half the weight of common air, had cloth made of linen and cotton thread, and painted with been discovered by Messrs. Montgolfier; and knowing water colours both within and without. Its height was that the weight of inflammable air was but aoout the 8 60 feet, and diameter 43 feet. Having made the neces- or 10th part of the weight of common air, they justly sary preparation for inflating it, the operation was begun concluded that inflammable air would answer the purpose about one o'clock on the 19th of the same month, be- of this experiment better than the gas of Montgolfier, and fore the king and queen, the court, and the inhabitants of accordingly they resolved to make trial of it. the place, as well as all the Parisians who could procure A subscription was opened by M. Faujas de St. Fond, a conveyance to Versailles. The balloon was soon filled, towards defraying the expense of the experiment. A suf- ficient sum of money having soon been raised, Messrs. Roberts were appointed to construct the machine, and M. Charles, professor of experimental philosophy, to su- perintend the work. After a considerable time spent, and surmounting many difficulties in obtaining a sufficient quantity of this gas, and searching out a substance light and in 1 1 minutes after the commencement of the ope- ration, the ropes being cut, it ascended, bearing up with it a wicker cage, containing a cock, a duck, and a sheep, the first animals that ever ascended into the atmosphere with ah aerostatic machine. Its power of ascension, or the weight by which it was lighter than an equal bulk of common air, allowing for the animals and their cage, was enough for the covering, they at length constructed a 696 pounds. The balloon rose to the height of 1440 feet; globe of the silk called lutestring, which was rendered im- and being driven hy the wind for about 8 minutes, it gra- pervious to the inclosed air by a varnish of elastic gum or dually descended, in consequence of two large rents made caeutchouc, dissolved in some kind of spirit or essential in the covering by the wind, and fell in a wood at the dis- oil. I he diameter pf this globe was about 13 feet; and tance of about two miles from Versailles. The animals it had only one aperture, like a bladder, to which a stop cock was adapted : the weight of this covering, when empty, together with that of the stop cock, was 25 pounds. On the 23d of August 1783, they began to fill the globe; but this, being their first attempt, was attended landed again as safe as when they went up, and the sheep was found feeding. The success of this experiment induced M. Pilatre de Rozier, with a philosophical intrepidity which will be re- corded with applause in the history of aerostation, to offer with many obstructions and disappointments, which took himself as the first adventurer in this aerial navigation. up two or thn < days to overcome. At length, however, For this purpose, M. Montgolfier constructed a new ma- it was prepared for exhibition, and on the 27th it was chine, of an oval shape, in a garden of the fauxbourg St. carried to the Champs de Mars, a spacious open ground Antoine; its diameter being about 48 feet, and height 74 in the front of the Military School, where, after intro- feet. To the aperture in the lower part was annexed a ducing some more inflammable air, and disengaging it wicker gallery about three feet broad, with a ballustrade from the cords by which it was held down, it rose, in of three feet high. From the middle of the aperture an A E 11 L ] A E R iron grate, or brazier, was suspended by chains, descend- ing from the sides of the machine, in which a fire was lighted for inflating the machine; and towards the aper- ture port-holes were opened in the gallery, through which anv person, who might venture to ascend, might feed the fire on the grate with fuel, and regulate at pleasure the di- latation of the air inclosed in the machine : the weight of the whole being upwards of 1600 pounds. On the 15th of October 1783, the fire being lighted, and the balloon in- flated, M. P. de Rozier placed himself in the gallery, and, to the astonishment of a multitude of spectators, ascended as high as the length of the restraining cords would permit, which was about 84 feet from the ground, and there kept the machine afloat near 5 minutes, by repeatedly throw- ing straw and wool upon the fire : the machine then de- scended gradually and gently, through a medium of in- creasing density, to the ground ; and the intrepid adven- turer assured the admiring spectators that he had not ex- perienced the least inconvenience in this aerial excursion. This experiment was repeated on the 17th with nearly the same success; and again several times on the 19th, when M. Rozier, by a partial ascent and descent, several times repeated, evinced to the multitude of observers, that the machine may be made to ascend and descend at the plea- sure of the aeronaut, by merely increasing or diminishing the fire in the grate. The balloon having been hauled down, by the ropes which always confined it, M. Gironde de Villette placed himself in the gallery opposite to M. Rozier, and the machine being suffered to ascend, it ho- vered for about 9 minutes over Paris, in the sight of all its inhabitants, at the height of 330 feet. And on their de- scending, the marquis of Arlandes ascended with M. Ro- zier much in the same manner. In consequence of the report of these experiments, signed by the commissaries of the Academy of Sciences, it was ordered that the annual prize of 600 livres should be given to Messrs. Montgolfier for the year 1783. In the experiments above-recited, the machine was al- ways secured by long ropes, to prevent its entire escape : but they were soon succeeded by unconfined aerial navi- gation. For this purpose, the same balloon, of 74 feet in height, was conveyed to La Muette, a royal palace in the Bois de Boulogne : and all things being ready, on the 21st of November 1783, M. Rozier and the marquis d'Ar- landes took their post in opposite sides of the gallery, and at 2 o'clock the machine was abandoned to the element, when it ascended calmly and majestically in the atmo- sphere. On reaching the height of about 280 feet the in- trepid aeronauts waved their hats to the astonished multi- tude : but they soon after rose too high to be distinguish- ed, their greatest height being estimated at 3000 feet. At first they were driven, by a north-west wind, horizon- tally over the river Seine and part of Paris, taking care to clear the steeples and high buildings by increasing the fire; and in rising they met with a current of air which carried them southward. Having thus passed the Boule- vard, and finally desisting from supplying the fire with fuel, they descended very gently in a field beyond the new Boulevard, a little more than 5 miles from the palace deLa Muette, having been between 20 and 25 minutes in the air. The weight of the whole apparatus, including that of the two travellers, was between 160O and 1700 pounds. Notwithstanding the rapid progress of aerostation in France, it is remarkable that we have no authentic ac- count of any experiments of this kind being attempted in other countries. Even in our own island, where all 3 - and sciences find an indulgent nursery, and many their birth, no aerostatic machine was seen before the month of November 17S3. Various speculations have, been made on the reasons of this strange neglect of so novel and bril- liant an experiment. But none seemed to carry any show of probability except that it was said to be discou- raged by the leader of a philosophical society, expressly instituted for the improvement of natural knowledge, for the reason, as it was said, that it was the discovery of a neighbouring nation. Be this however as it may, it is a fact that the first aerostatic experiment was exhibited in England by a foreigner unconnected and unsupported. This was a count Zambeccari, an ingenious Italian, who happened to be in London about that time. He made a balloon of oiled-silk, 10 feet in' diameter, weighing only 11 pounds : it was gilt, both for ornament, and to render it more impermeable to the inflammable air with which it was to be filled. The balloon, after having been publicly shown for several days in London, was carried to the Ar- tillery Ground, and there being about three-quarters filled with inflammable air, and having a direction inclosed in a tin box for any person by whom it should afterwards be found, it was launched about one o'clock on the 25th of November 1783. At half past 3 it was taken up near Petworlh in Sussex, 48 miles distant from London ; so that it tfavelled at the rate of near 20 miles an hour. Its- descent was occasioned by a rent in the silk, the effect of the rarefaction of the inflammable air, when the balloon ascended to a rarer part of the atmosphere. The French philosophers having executed the first aerial voyage with a balloon inflated by heated air, re- solved to attempt a similar voyage with a balloon filled with inflammable air, which seemed to be preferable to dilated air in every respect, the expense of preparing it only excepted. A subscription was opened however to defray that expense, which was estimated at about ten thousand livres ; and the balloon was constructed by Messrs. Roberts, of gores of silk, varnished with a solution of elastic gum. Its form was spherical, and it measured 274- f" eet ' n diameter. The upper hemisphere was covered by a net, which was fastened to a hoop encircling its mid- dle, and called its equator. To this equator was suspend- ed by ropes a car or boat, covered with painted linen, and beautifully ornamented, which swung a few feet below the balloon. To prevent the bursting of the ma- chine by the expansion of the inflammable air in a rarer medium, or to cause the balloon to descend, it was fur- nished with a valve, which might be opened by means of a string descending from it, for discharging a part of the in- ternal air, without admitting the external to enter : And the car was ballasted with bags of sand, for the purpose of lightening it occasionally, and causing it to ascend : so that by letting some of the air. escape through the valve, they might descend ; and by discharging some of their sand ballast, ascend. To this balloon was likewise an- nexed a long pipe by which it was filled. The apparatus for this purpose consisted of several casks placed round a large tub of water, each having a long tin lube, that ter- minated under a vessel or funnel, which was inverted into the water of the tub, and communicated with the long pipe annexed to the lower part of the balloon. Iron filing; and diluted vitriolic acid being put into the casks, the inflammable air which was produced from these ma- terials, passed through the tin tubes, thence through the A E R [ 39 ) A E K water of the tubs to the inverted funnel, and so through opposite to that of the aeronauts; from winch it is infer- tile pipe into the balloon. When inflated, the weight of red that there were two currents of air at different heights the common air which was equal in bulk to the balloon^ above the earth. was 77H pounds; also the power of ascension, or weight just necessary to keep it from ascending, was 20 pounds, and weight of the balloon, with its car, passengers, and all its appendages, was 6044 pounds, making in all 6'24£ In the month of December this year, several experi- ments were made at Philadelphia in America with air- balloons, by Messrs. Rittenhouse and Hopkins. They constructed and filled a great many small balloons, and pounds : and this taken from 771-| pounds, the weight of connected them together; by which a man went up se- common air displaced, leaves 14<7 pounds for the weight veral times, and was drawn clown again ; and finally, the of the inflammable air contained in the balloon, and ropes being cut, he ascended to the height of 100 feet, and which is to 77 1-i. pounds, the weight of the same bulk of floated to a considerable distance; but, being afraid, he common air, nearly as 1 to 5\; that is, the inflammable cut open the balloons with a knife, and so descended, air used in this experiment was 5£ times lighter than com- About the close of this year small balloons were sent mon air. up in many places, and were become very common in The first of December was fixed on for the display of some parts of France and England. In the beginning of this grand experiment; and every preparation was the year following, their number and magnitude increased made for conducting it with advantage. The garden of considerably. Some of the more remarkable ones were the Thuilleries at Paris was the scene of operation ; as follow : — On the 19th of January M. Joseph Montgol- which was soon crowded and encompassed with a prodi- fier, accompanied by six other persons, ascended from gious multitude of observers. Signals were given, from Lyons with a rarefied-air balloon, to the height of 1000 time to time, by the firing of cannon, waving of flags, &c: yards. This was the largest machine that had been hi- and a small montgolfier was launched, for showing the therto made, being 131 feet high, and 104 feet in diame- direction of the wind, and for the amusement of the people ter: it was formed of a double covering of linen, with previous to the general display. At a quarter betore 1 three layers of paper between them; and it weighed, when o'clock, M. Charles and one of the Roberts, having seated it went up, 1600 pounds, including the gallery, passe'n- themselves in the boat attached to the balloon, and being gers, &c. It was at first intended for six passengers; but furnished with proper instruments, cloathing, and provi- before it went up, it was not judged safe to freight it with sions, left the ground, and ascended with a moderate velo- city to the height of about 600 yards; the surrounding multitude standing silent with fear and amazement ; while the aerial navigators at this height made signals of their safety. When they left the ground, the thermometer, ac- cording to Fahrenheit's scale stood at 59° ; and the baro- meter, at 30 - 18 inches: at the utmost height to which more than three : however, no authority nor solicitations could prevail upon any of the six to quit their place, nor even to cast lots which three should resign their preten- sions : so that the spectators saw them all ascend with terror and anxiety ; and to add to their distress, when the ropes were cut, and the machine had ascended a foot or two from the ground, a seventh person suddenly they ascended, the barometer fell to 27 inches ; from leaped into the gallery, and the fire being increased, the .vhich they deduced their height as above, to be 600 whole ascended together. To add to the terror of the yards, or one third part of a mile. During the rest of scene, after being in the air about 15 minutes, a Jarge the voyage the quicksilver in the barometer was generally rent of about 50 feet in length was made by the balloon between 27 and 27'6'5 inches, rising and falling, as part taking fire, in consequence of which it descended very ra- of the ballast was thr< wn out, or some of the inflammable pidly to the ground, though fortunately without injury to air escaped from the balloon. The thermometer generally any of the aeronauts. stood between 53 and 57 degrees. Soon after their as- On the 22d of February an inflammablo-air balloon cent, they remained stationary for some time: they then was launched from Sandwich in Kent. It was but a moved horizontally in a direction n.n.w.: and having small one, being only 5 feet in diameter ; but it was ren- crossed the Seine, and passed over several towns and vil- dered remarkable by being the first machine that crossed lages, to the great amazement of the inhabitants, they de- scended in a field, about 27 miles from Paris, at three- quarters past 3 o'clock ; so that they had travelled at the rate of near 15 miles an hour, without feeling the least in- convenience. The balloon still containing a considerable quantity of inflammable air, M. Charles re-ascended alone, and it was computed he went to the height of 3100 yards, or near 2 miles, the barometer being then at 20 English inches : having amused himself in the air about 33 mi- the sea from England to France. It was found in a field at Warneton, about 9 miles from Lisle in French Flan- ders, two hours and a half after it left Sandwich, the dis- tance being about 74 miles; so that it floated at the rate of about 30 miles an hour. The chevalier Paul Andrcani, of Milan, was the first aerial traveller in Italy. The chevalier himself was at the sole expense of this machine, but was assisted in the construction by two brothers of the name of Gerli. They all three ascended together near Milan on the 25th of nutes, he pulled the string of the valve, and descended at February, and remained in the atmosphere about 20 mi- 3 miles distance from the place of his ascent. All the in- nutes, when they descended, all their fuel being exhaust- convenience he experienced in his great elevation, was a ed. This machine was a montgolfier, of a spherical shape, dry sharp cold, with a pain in one of his ears and a part and about 68 feet in diameter. From calculations made of his face, which he ascribed to the dilatation of the in- on the power of this, and other machines of the same ternal air: a circumstance that usunlly happens to per- sort, it appears that the included air is rarefied commonly sons uho suddenly change the density of their atmosphere, but about one-third, or that the included warm air either by ascending into a larer, or descending into a den- weighs about two thirds of the same bulk of the external ser one The small balloiui, launched at the beginning by or common air. M. Montgolfier, was found to have moved in a direction The next aerial voyage was performed on the 2d oi A E R [ 40 ] AER March 178*, by M. Jean Pierre Blanchard, a man who has since that time made more voyages than any other person, except M. Garnerin, and who has attained great celebrity by being the first who has floated in the air over the channel from England to France. M. Blanchard it seems had for many years been in pursuit of mechanical means for flying through the air ; but on hearing of the late invented air-balloons, he dropped his former pursuits, and turned his attention to them. He accordingly con- structed a balloon uf 27 feet diameter, to which a boat was suspended, with two wings, and a rudder to steer it by, as also a large parachute spread horizontally between the boat and the balloon, designed to check the fall in case the balloon should burst. The machine being filled with in- flammable air, he ascended, from the Champs de Mars a* Paris, to the height of near 2 miles ; and after floating in the air for an hour and a quarter, he descended at Billan- court, near Seve, having experienced by turns heat, cold, hunger, and an excessive drowsiness. It appears from his own account, and as might have been expected, that the wings and rudder of his boat had little or no power in turning the balloon from the direction of the wind. Jn the course of this year, 1784, aerostatic experi- ments and aerial voyages became so frequent, that the li- mits of this article will not allow of any thing farther than mentioning those that were attended with any remarkable circumstances. On the 25th of April, Messrs. de Mor- veau and Bertrand ascended from Dijon, with an inflam- mable-air balloon, to the height of near 2 miles and a half, where the thermometer marked 25°. They were in the air an hour and 25 minutes, in which time they floated 18 miles. On the 20th of May, four ladies and a gentleman as- cended from Paris, in a large montgolfier, above the highest buildings, and remained suspended there a consi- derable time, the balloon being confined by ropes from flying away. On the 23d of May, M. Blanchard, with the same bal- loon as before, ascended from Rouen, to such height that the mercury in the barometer stood at 20 57 inches, which on the earth had been at 30* 1 6. It was observed that in this voyage M. Blanchard's wings or oars could not turn him aside from the direction of the wind. On the 4th of June M. Fleurant and Madame Thible, the first lady who made an aerial voyage, ascended at Lyons in a machine of 70 feet diameter. They went to the height of 8500 feet, and floated about 2 miles in 45 minutes. On the 14th of June, M. Coustard de Massi and M. Mouchet ascended at Nantes to a great height, with a bal- loon of 32' feet diameter, filled with inflammable air ex- tracted from zinc ; and they floated to the distance of 27 miles in 58 minutes. On the 23d of June, the first aerial traveller M. Rozier, accompanied with M. Prouts, ascended at Versailles, in the p'esence of the royal family and the king of Sweden, with a large montgolfier, whose diameter was 7.9 feet, and it-, height 91 feet and a half. They floated to the distance of 36' miles in three- quarters of an hour, when they de- scended, which is at the rate of 48 miles an hour. Incon- v quence of this experiment, the king granted to M. de Rozier a pension of 2000 livres. On the 15th of July the dukeof Chartres, the two bro- thers Roberts, and a fourth person, ascended from the. park of St. Cloud, with an inflammable-air machine, of an oblong form, its diameter being 34 feet, and its length, which went in a direction parallel to the horizon, was 55t feet: they remained in the atmosphere 45 minutes, in the greatest fear and danger. The machine contained an in- terior small balloon, filled with common air, by means of which it was proposed to cause the machine to ascend or descend without the loss of any inflammable air or ballast : and the boat was furnished with a helm and oars, which were intended to guide it. Three minutes after ascending, the machine was lost in the clouds, and involved in a dense vapour. A violent agitation of the air, resembling a whirlwind, greatly alarmed the aeronauts, turned the machine three times very rapidly, and gave it such shocks as prevented them from using any of their instruments for managing the machine. After many struggles, with great difficulty they tore about 7 or 8 feet of the lower part of the covering, by which the inflammable air escaped, and they descended to the ground with great rapidity, though without any hurt. At the place of departure the baro- meter stood at 30 - 12 inches, and at their greatest eleva- tion it descended to 24 '36 ; so that their ascent was nearly a mile. On the 18th of July, M. Blanchard, with a Mr. Boley, made his third voyage with the same balloon as he had be- fore, and rose so high as to sink the barometer from 30 - l to 25"34 inches, answering to a height of about 4600 feet. In 2 hours and a quarter they floated 45 miles, which is at the rate of 20 miles an hour. In this voyage M. Blan- chard thought that he was able to turn the machine with his wings, and to make it ascend and descend at pleasure. After descending, it is said the balloon remained all the night at anchor full of air ; and that the next day se- veral ladies amused themselves by ascending successively to the height of 80 feet, the length of the ropes by which it was anchored. In the course of this summer two persons had nearly- lost their lives by ascending with machines of heated air. The one in Spain, on the 5th of June, by the ma- chine taking fire, was much burnt, and so hurt by the fall that his life was long despaired of. The latter having as- cended a few feet, the machinery entangled under the eaves of a house, which broke the ropes, and the man fell about twenty feet : the machine presently took fire, and was consumed. 'Other montgolfiers were also burned about London, by taking fire, through the defects of their construction. The first aerial voyage performed in England was by one Vincent Lunardi, a native of Italy, who ascended from the Artillery Ground, London, with an inrlamina- blc-air balloon on 15th of September. His machine was made of oiled silk, painted in alternate stripes of blue and red ; and its diameter was 33 feet. From a net, which covered about two thirds of the balloon, 45 cords de- scended to a hoop hanging below it, to which the gallery was attached. The machine, had no valve; and its neck, which terminated in the form of a pear, was the aperture through which the inflammable air was introduced, and through which it might be let out. (The balloon was filled with air produced from zinc by means of diluted vi- triolic acid. And when the aeronaut departed at 2 o'clock he took up with him a dog, a cat, and a pigeon. After throwing out some sand, to clear the houses, he ascended to a considerable height ; ami the direction of his motion at first was north-west by west ; but as the balloon rose, higher, it came into another current of air, which carried A E R [ « ] AER it nearly north. In the course of his voyage the thermo- meter was as low as 29°, and the drops of water which had collected round the balloon were frozen. About half after 3 he descended very near the ground, and landed the cat, which was almost dead with cold : then rising, he prosecuted his voyage, till at 10 minutes past 4 o'clock he landed near Ware in Hertfordshire. He ascribes his descent to the action of his oars ; but as he was under the necessity of throwing out ballast in order to re- ascend, his descent was more probably occasioned by the loss of inflammable air. The longest and most interesting voyage performed about this time, was that of Messrs. Roberts and M. Colin Hullin, who ascended at Paris, at noon on the 19th of September, with a balloon, filled with inflammable air, which was 27f feet in diameter, and 46| feet long, the machine being made to float with its longest part parallel to the horizon, and having a boat of near 17 feet long at- tached to it. The boat was fitted up with several wings or oars, shaped like an umbrella; and they ascended at 12 o'clock with 450 pounds of sand ballast, and after va- rious manoeuvres finally descended, at 40 minutes past 6 o'clock, near Arras in Artois, 150 miles from Paris, having still 200 pounds of ballast remaining in the boat. In one part they found the current of air uniform from 600 to 4200 feet high, which it seems was their greatest height, and the fall of the barometer had been near 5'6 de- grees. They found that by means of their oars they could accelerate their course a little in the direction of the. wind, when it moved slowly, which may be true ; but there is great reason to doubt of the accuracy of their ex- periments by which they pretended to cause their path to deviate about 22 degrees from the wind, going with a con- siderable velocity. The second aerial voyage in England, was performed by Mr. Blanchard, and Mr. Sheldon, professor of ana- tomy to the Royal Academy, being the first Englishman who ascended with an aerostatic machine. They ascended at Chelsea the loth of October, at 9 minutes past 12 o'clock. Mr. Blanchard having landed Mr. Sheldon at about 14 miles from Chelsea, re-ascended alone, and finally landed near Rumsey in Hampshire, about 75 miles from London, having gone nearly at the rate of 20 miles an hour. The wings used on this occasion it seems pro- duced no deviation from the direction of the wind. Mr. Blanchard sffid that he ascended so high as to feel a great difficulty of breathing: and that a pigeon, which flew a\vay from the boat, laboured for some time to sustain it- self with its wings in the rarefied air, but after wandering a good while, returned, and rested on the side of the boat. On the 4th of October, Mr. Sadler, an ingenious trades- man at Oxford, ascended at that place with an inflamma- ble-air balloon, of his own construction and filling. And again on the 12th of the same month he ascended at Ox- ford, and floated to the distance of 14 miles in 17 minutes, which is at the rate of near 50 miles an hour. The 30th of November this year Mr. Blanchard's fifth aerial voyage, still with his old machine, was performed in company with Dr. J. Jeffries, a native of America. Their voyage was about 21 miles; and it does not appcart hat the greatest action of their oars produced any effect in di- recting the course of the balloon. On the 4th of January, 1785, a Mr. Harper ascended at Birmingham with an inflammable-air balloon, and went to the distance of 50 milts in an hour and a quarter: he Vol. 1. suffered no other inconvenience than a temporary deafness, and what might be expected from the changes of wet and cold. The thermometer descended from 40 to 28 degrees. On the 7th of January, Mr. Blanchard, accompanied by Dr. Jeffries, performed his sixth aerial voyage, by ac- tually crossing the British channel from Dover to Calais, with the same balloon which had five times before carried him successfully through the air. They ascended with only 30 pounds of sand ballast, besides their provisions, some books, instruments, and other necessaries. The ma- chine parted with the gas very rapidly, and their ballast was soon all exhausted; after which, from time to time they threw out every thing else in the boat, to prevent themselves from dropping into the sea. In this way they disposed of all their provisions, their books and instru- ments, and finally with part of their clothes. This how- ever bringing them near the French coast, they gradually ascended, cleared the cliffs and houses, and landed in the forest of Guiennes. In consequence of this voyage, the king of France presented M. Blanchard with a gift of 12000 livres, and granted him a pension of 1200 livres a year. On the 19th of January, Mr. Crosbie ascended at Dub- lin in Ireland with an inflammable-air balloon to a great height. He rose so rapidly, that he was out of sight in 3 minutes and a half. By suddenly opening the valve, he descended just at the edge of the sea, as he was driving to- wards the channel, being unprovided for properly passing over to England. On the 23d of March, Count Zambeccari and Admiral Sir Edward Vernon ascended at London, and sailed to Horsham in Sussex, at the distance of 35 miles in less than an hour. The voyage proved very dangerous, owing to some of the machinery about the valve being damaged, which obliged them to cut open some part of the balloon when they were about 2 miles perpendicular height above the earth, the barometer having fallen from 30 - 4 to 20 - 8 inches. In descending, they passed through a dense cloud, which felt very cold, and covered them with snow. The observations they made were, that the balloon kept perpetually turning round its vertical axis, sometimes so rapidly as to make each revolution in 4 or 5 seconds ; that a peculiar noise, like rustling, was heard among the clouds, and that the balloon was greatly agitated in the descent. On May the 5th, Mr. Sadler, and William Windham, esq. member of parliament for Norwich, ascended at Moulsey-hurst. The machine took a south-east course, and the current of air was so strong, that they were in great danger of being driven to sea. They had the good fortune however to descend near the conflux of the Thames and Medway, not a mile from the water's edge. By an accident they lost their balloon: for while the aeronauts were busied in securing their instruments, the country people, whom they had employed in holding down the machine, suddenly let go the cords, when the. balloon instantly ascended, and was driven many miles out to sea, where it fell, and was taken up by a trading vessel. It was afterwards restored again, and another voyage made with it from Manchester to Pontefract, in which Mr. Sadler was still more unfortunate; for no person being near when he descended, and not being able to con- fine the balloon by his own strength, he was dragged by it over trees and hedges ; and at last was forced to quit it at the utmost peril of his life; after which it rose again, G A E R [ 42 J A E R and was out of sight in a few minutes. It was afterwards found near Gainsborough. On the 12th of May, Mr. Crosbie ascended, at Dublin, as high as the tops of the houses ; but soon descended again with a velocity that alarmed all the spectators for his safety. On his stepping out of the car, in an instant Mr. M'Guire, a college youth, sprang into it, on which the balloon ascended with him to the astonishment of the beholders, and presently he was carried with great velo- city towards the channel in the direction of Holyhead. This being observed, a crowd of horsemen pursued full speed the course he seemed to take, and could plainly perceive the balloon descending into the sea. Lord H. Fitzgerald, who was among the foremost, instantly dis- patched a swift-sailing vessel mounted with oars, and all the boats that could be got, to the relief of the gallant youth ; whom they found almost spent with swimming, just time enough to save his life. The fate of M. Pilatre de Rozier, the first aerial travel- ler, and his companion M. Romain, has been much la- mented. They ascended at Boulogne the 15th of June, with intent to cross the channel to England : for the first 20 minutes they seemed to take the proper direction ; when presently the whole apparatus was seen in flames, and the unfortunate adventurers fell to the ground from the height of more than a thousand yards, and were killed on the spot, their bones being broken, and their bodies crushed in a shocking manner. The machine in which they as- cended, consisted of a spherical balloon, 37 feet in diameter, filled with inflammable air ; and under this was suspended a small montgolfier, or fire balloon, of 10 feet diameter; the gallery which suspended the aeronauts, was attached to the net of the upper balloon by cords, which were fast- ened to a hoop rather larger than the montgolfier, and de- scended perpendicularly to the gallery. The montgolfier was intended to promote and prolong the ascension, by rarefying the atmospheric air. On the 19th of July, at 20 minutes past 2 o'clock, Mr. Crosbie a third time ascended at Dublin, with intent to cross the channel to Holyhead in England. The usual form of the boat had been changed, for a capacious wicker basket, of a circular form; and round its upper edges were fastened a great many bladders, which were in- tended to render his gallery buoyant, in case of a disaster at sea. About 300 pounds of ballast were put into the basket, but he discharged half a hundred on his first rise. At first a current of air carried him due west; but it soon changed his course to north-east, pointing towards Whitehaven. At upwards of 40 miles from the Irish shore, he found himself within sight of both lands, and he said it was impossible to give an adequate idea of the beau- ties which the scenery of the sea, bounded by both lands, presented. He rose at one time so high, that by the in- tense cold his ink was frozen, and the mercury sunk quite into the hall of the thermometer. He was sick, and felt a strong prepulsion on the tympanum of the ears. At his utmost height he thought himself stationary ; but on libe- rating some gas, he descended to a current of air blowing north, and extremely rough. He now entered a thick cloud, and encountered strong blasts of wind, with thunder and lightning, which brought him rapidly towards the sur- face oi the water. Here the balloon made a circuit, but falling lower, the water entered his car, and he lost his notes of observation. All his endeavours to throw out ballast were of no avail ; the force of the wind plunged him into the ocean ; and with much difficulty he put on his cork jacket. The propriety of his idea was now very manifest in the construction of his boat ; as by the admis- sion of the water into the lower part of it, and the suspen- sion of his bladders, which were arranged at the top, the water, added to his own weight, became proper ballast ; and the balloon maintaining its poise, it became a power- ful sail, by means of which, and a snatch-block to his car, he went before the wind as regularly as a sailing ves- sel. In this situation he found himself inclined to eat, and he took a little fowl. At the distance of a league he discovered some vessels crowding after him ; but as his progress outstripped all their endeavours, he lengthened the space of the balloon from the car, which gave a check to the rapidity of his sailing, and he was at length over- taken and saved by the Dunieary barge, which took him on board, and steered to Dunieary, towing the balloon after them. A similar accident happened to Major (now General) Money, who ascended at Norwich, on the 22d of July, at 20 minutes past 4 in the afternoon; when meeting with an improper current, and not being able to let himself down, on account of the smallness of the valve, he was driven out to sea, where, after blowing about for near two hours, he dropped into the water. Here the struggles were as- tonishing which he made to keep the balloon up, which was torn, and hung only like an umbrella over his. head. A ship was once within a mile, but, whether from want of humanity, or by mistaking the balloon for a sea monster, they sheered off, and left him to his fate: but a boat chased him for two hours, till just dark, and then bore away. He now gave up all hopes, and began to wish that Providence had given him the fate of Rozier, wither than such a lingering death. Exerting himself however to preserve life as long as possible, by keeping the ballcon floating over his head, to keep himself out of the water, into which nevertheless he sunk gradually inch by inch, as it lost its power, till he was at length breast deep in water, when he was taken up by a revenue cutter, at half past eleven at night, but so weak that he was obliged to be lifted out of the car into the ship. About the latter end of August, the longest aerial voyage hitherto made, was performed by Mr. Blanchard, who ascended at Lisle, accompanied by ihe Chevalier de L'Epinard, and travelled 300 miles in their balloon before it descended. On this occasion, as on some former ones, Mr. Blanchard made trial of a parachute, like a large um- brella, invented to break the fall in case of an accident happening the balloon: with this machine he dropped a dog from the car soon after his ascension, which descended gently and unhurt. On the Sth of September, Thomas Baldwin, esq. ascend- ed from the city of Chester, and descended at Rixton- Moss, at 25 miles' distance, after a voyage of 2- hours and a quarter. The greatest perpendicular altitude ascended was about a mile and a half, and the aeronaut computed that in some parts of the voyage he moved at the rate of 30 miles an hour. Mr. Baldwin published a very circum- stantial account of his voyage, with many ingenious philo- sophical remarks relating to aerostation, of which subject his book may be considered as one of the best treatises yet given to the public. October the 5th, Mr. Lunardi made the first aerial voyage in Scotland. He ascended at Edinburgh, and, after various turnings, landed near Cupar in Fife, having de- A E R [ 43 ] AER scribed a track of 40 miles over the sea, and 10 over the land, in an hour and a half. The mercury in the baro- meter sunk as low as 18*3 inches at his greatest elevation. November the 19th, the celebrated Blanchard ascended at Ghent to a great height, and after many dangers de- scended at Delft without his car> which he cut away to lighten, the machine when he was descending too rapidly, and slung himself by the cords to the balloon, which served him then in the nature of a parachute. On his first ascent, when he was almost out of sight, he let down a dog, by means of a parachute, which came easily to the ground. November the 25th, Mr. Lunardi ascended at Glasgow, and in two hours it is said he described a track of 125 miles. It is further remarkable that, being overcome with drowsiness, he slept for about 20 minutes in the bot- tom of the car, during this voyage. In order to obviate the danger of a fill, arising from any accident happening to the balloon, some experiments were made with a parachute first by Mr. Blanchard, who performed several other excursions in different parts of Europe, and made some improvements in the parachute, wings, &c. An account of the two following voyages performed by him will be best related in Mr. Blanchard's own words, taken from his letter, dated Leipsick, Octo- ber the 9th, 1787, to the editors of the Paris Journal. " I did not mention," says he, " in your interesting pa- per, my ascension at Strasburg on the 26th of last Au- gust: the weather was so horrible, that I mounted only for the sake of contenting the astonishing crowd of stran- gers, assembled there from all parts of the country. The only remarkable thing that occurred at that time, was the following circumstance : At the height of about 2000 yards, or a mile and half a quarter, I let down a dog tied to the parachute, which, instead of descending gently, was forcibly carried by a whirlwind above the clouds. I met him soon after, bending his course directly down- wards : when he perceived mc, he began to bark a little, and I was going to take hold of the parachute, when an- other whirlwind lifted him again to a great height. I lost him for about 6 minutes, and perceived him afterwards, with my telescope, as if sleeping in the cradle or basket belonging to the machine. Continually agitated, and im- petuously tossed through every point of the compass, by the violence of the different currents of air, I determined to end my voyage on the other side of the Rhine, after having passed vertically over Zell. I descended at a small village, with an intention to be assisted a little, and about thirty men soon came within reach of the balloon very a-propos, and fixed me to the ground. The wind was so violent that anchors or ropes would have been of no ser- vice. I had however added to the large aerostatic globe a smaller one, of 60 pounds ascensional force, which would have contributed to fix me, when once I let it loose; but, notwithstanding this precaution, the men's as- sistance was very necessary to me. The parachute was yet wavering in the air, and did not come down till 12 minutes after." "I perfcrmed my 27th ascension at Leipsick the 2flth of September, in the midst of an incredible number of specta- tors, forming one of the most brilliant assemblies I ever be- held. The sky was as clear and serene as possible, and the air so calm that many of my friends, and multitudes of others, could follow me on horseback, and even on foot. I was •sometimes so near them that they thought they could reach me, but I could soon find the means of rising ; and once, when they had actually taken hold of the cords, to see me float with the strings in their hands, I suddenly cut them, and mounted again in the air. All these amusing evolu- tions were in sight of the town and its environs. At length I yielded to the earnest solicitations of the company, and entered the town. The next day I emptied the inflamma- ble air into another globe, with which I intended to try some experiments ; and I let it off with a cradle, in which a dog was fixed. The balloon, having reached a considera- ble height, made an explosion in its under part, as I had imagined it would, having previously disposed it in a proper manner for that purpose ; by which means the little ani- mal fell gently to the ground." " The day before yesterday having repeated this experi- ment, I prepared the globe in such a manner as to cause an explosion in its upper part, and added a parachute with two small dogs fixed to it. They went so high that, notwithstanding the serenity of the sky, the. balloon was lost in its immense expanse. Telescopes of the best sort became useless, and 1 began to be apprehensive for the death of the little animals, on account of the severity of the cold. They descended however about two hours after, quite safe and well, in the town of Delitzsch, 3 miles from Leipsick. I went yesterday to claim them, and found them again over the town in the air with the parachute. Such experiments had been already tried many times in the course of the day, and some officers had thrown them from the top of a steeple,in the sightof all the inhabitants, of Delitzsch, from which they descended safe." We shall conclude this historical sketch with a short account of the aerial voyages performed by M. Garnerin, in London, in 1802. His first ascent in London was on June 29th, accompanied by Captain Sowden : they rose from Ranelagh, and alighted near Colchester, in less than three quarters of an hour, having in that short period tra- velled full 60 miles. During this voyage the aeronauts did not experience any inconvenience from the rapidity of their motion, until they began to descend, when they were much affected by the boisterousness of the wind: their descent was attended with danger, and occupied some minutes. On the 2 1st of September, M. Garnerin undertook the singular and desperate experiment of ascending with an air balloon, and descending in a parachute. He ascended from St. George's Parade, North Audley-street, and de- scended safe into a field near the small-pox hospital at Pancras. The balloon was as usual made of oiled silk, covered with a net, from which ropes proceeded that ter- minated in, or were fixed to, a single rope, a few feet below the balloon, and to this rope the parachute was fastened in the following manner. The parachute was about 30 feet in diameter; and seve- ral ropes of about 30 feet in length, which proceeded from its edge, terminated in a common joining, from which shorter ropes proceeded, and to the extremities of these a circular basket was attached, in which M. Garnerin placed himself. Now the single rope that has been said above to proceed from the balloon, passed through a hole in the centre of the parachute, and through tin tubes, which were placed one after another, and was lastly fast- ened to the basket; so that when the balloon was in the air, by cutting this rope, the parachute with the basket would be separated from it, and in falling downwards would naturally open by the resistance of the air. The G2 A E R t 44 ] AER use of the tin tubes was to let the rope slip off with the greater certainty, and to prevent it from getting entangled with any part of the machinery belonging to the bal- loon. About 6 o'clock, every thing being ready, M.Garnerin placed himself in the basket, and ascended majestically amidst the acclamations of innumerable spectators. The weather was the clearest and pleasantest imaginable, the wind blew a gentle breeze from w by s, and in about S minutes the balloon and parachute had ascended to an immense height, when M. Garnerin, in the basket, could scarcely be perceived. While every spectator was con- templating the grand sight before them, M. Garnerin cut the rope, and in an instant he was separated from the balloon, trusting his safety to the parachute. At first, viz, before the parachute opened, he fell with a great ve- locity ; but as soon as it was expanded, which took place almost immediately after, the descent became very gentle and gradual. In this descent a remarkable circumstance was ob- served, namely, that the parachute with the appendage of cords and basket, soon began to vibrate like the pen- dulum of a clock, and the vibrations were so great, that more than once the basket with M. Garnerin seemed to lie horizontally, which to the spectators appeared ex- tremely dangerous: however, the extent of the vibrations diminished as he approached the ground. On coming to the earth the aeronaut experienced some pretty severe shocks, and when he came out of the basket he was much discomposed; but he soon recovered his spirits, and sus- tained no material injury from this desperate undertaking. For several figures of balloons, see plate 1. Practice of Aerostation. The first consideration in the practice of aerostation, is the form and the size of the machine. Various shapes have been tried and proposed, but the globular, or the egg-like figures, are the most pro- per and convenient, for all purposes ; and this form also will require less cloth or silk than any other shape of the same capacity ; so that it will both come cheaper, and have a greater power of ascension. The bag or cover of an inflammable-air balloon, is best made of the silk stuff called lustring, varnished over. But for a montgolfier, or heated-air balloon, on account of its great size, linen cloth has been used, lined within or without with paper, and varnished. Small balloons are made either of varnished paper, or simply of paper unvarnished, or of gold-beater's skin, or such-like light substances. With respect to the form of a balloon, it will be neces- sary that the operator remember the common proportions between the diameters, circumferences, surfaces, and so- lidities of spheres; for instance, that of different spheres, the circumferences are as the diameters ; that the surfaces are as the squares of the diameters ; and the solidities as the cubes of the same : that any diameter is to its circum- ference as 7 to 22, or as 1 to 3f ; so that if the diameter of a balloon be 35 feet, its circumference will be 1 10 feet. And if the diameter be multiplied by the circumference, the product will be the surface of the sphere; thus 35 multiplied by 110 givers 3850, which is the surface of the same sphere in square feet : and if this surface be divided by the breadth of the stuff, in feet, which the balloon is to be made of, the quotient will be the number qf feet in length necessary to construct the balloon ; so if the stuff be 3 feet wide, then 3850 divided by 3, gives 1283J- feet, or 428 yards nearly, the requisite quantity of yard-wide stuff, to form the balloon of 35 feet diameter. Hence also, by knowing the weight of a given piece of the stuff, as of a square foot, or square yard, it is easy to find the weight of the whole bag, namely by multiplying the sur- face, in square feet or yards, by the weight of a square foot or yard : so if each square yard weigh 1 pound, then the whole bag will weigh 428 pounds. Again, the capa- city, or solid contents, of the sphere, will' be found by multiplying £ of the surface by the diameter; which gives 22458 cubic feet for the capacity of the said balloon, that is, it will contain, or displace, 2245S cubic feet of air. From the content and surface of the balloon, so found, is to be derived its power of ascension, thus : On an average, a cubic foot of common air weighs li ounce, and therefore to the number 22458, which is the content of our balloon, adding its ypart, we have 26950 ounces, or l6S4 pounds, for the weight of the common air dis- placed or occupied by the balloon. From this weight must be deducted the weight of the bag, namely 428 pounds, and then there remains a power of ] 256 pounds. If inflammable air be used, as it is of different weights, from ^ to -j% or ■?? the weight of common air, according to the modes of preparing it : let us suppose for instance, that it is ■£ of the weight of common air; then £ of 1684 is 26l pounds, which is the weight of the bag full of that air; which being taken from 1250, leaves y tnen divide the quadrant or <)Q degrees by the number of parts 9, and the quo- tient 10 is the number of degrees in each part; and hence the arcs AC, Aa, ac, &c, will be respectively 90°, SO , 70°, &c; and, cd being radius, the several breadths ab, cd, ef, &c, will be respectively the sines of 80°, 70°, 60°, &c, which are here placed op- posite to them, the ladius being 1. Therefore, when it is proposed to cut out slips for a globe of a given diameter; compute the circumference, and make ab or AC a quar- ter of that circumference, and c d of any breadth, as 3 feet, or 2 feet, or any other quantity; then multiply each of the decimal numbers, set opposite the figure, by that quantity, or breadth of CD, so shall the products be the several breadths ab, cd, ef, &c. Various schemes have been devised for conducting bal- loons in any direction, whether vertical or sideways. As to the vertical djrections, namely upwards or downwards, the means are obvious, viz, in order to ascend, the aero- naut throws out some ballast ; and that he may descend, he opens a valve in the top of his machine by means of a string, to let some of the gas escape ; or if it be a mont- golfier, he increases or diminishes the fire, as he would ascend or descend. But to direct the machine in a side or horizontal course, is a very difficult operation, and what has hitherto not been accomplished, except in a small degree, and when the current of air is very gentle indeed. The difficulty of moving the balloon sideways, arises from the want of wind blowing upon it ; for as it floats along with the current of air, it is relatively in a calm, and the aeronaut feels no more wind than if the machine were at rest in a perfect calm. For this reason, for greater accuracy, including the allowances depending on the different states of the thermometer, see under the word Atmosphere, where the more accurate rules are given at large. The best way to make up the whole coating of the bal- loon, is by different pieces or slips joined lengthways from end to end, like the pieces composing the surface of a geo- graphical globe, and contained between one meridian and another, or like the slices into which a melon is usually cut, and supposed to be spread flat out. Now the edges that can be hoped for, is to be attempted by means of oars ; and how small the effect of these must be, may ea- sily be conceived from the rarity of the medium against which they must act, and the great magnitude of the ma- chine to be forced through it. We can easily assign what force is necessary to move a given machine in the air with any proposed velocity. From very accurate experiments I have determined, that a globe of 6] inches in diameter, and moving with a velocity of 20 feet per second of time, suffers a resistance from the air which is just equal to the of such pieces cannot be exactly described by a pairof weight or pressure of one ounce Averdupois : and further, compasses, not being circular, but flatter or less round that with different surfaces, and the same velocity, the re- than circular arches ; but if the slips are sufficiently nar- sistances are directly proportional to the surface nearly, a AER [ 46 ] AER double surface having a double resistance, a triple sur- face a tripie resistance, and so on; and also, that with dif- ferent velocities, the resistances are proportional to the squares of the velocities nearly, so that a double velocity produced a quadruple resistance, and 3 times the velo- city 9 times the resistance, and so on. And hence we can assign the resistance necessary to move a given balloon, with any velocity. Thus, take the balloon as before of 35 feet diameter; then by comparison as above it is found that this globe, if moved with the velocity of 20 feet per second, or almost 14 miles per hour, will suffer a resist- ance equal to 371 pounds; to move it at the rate of 7 miles an hour, the resistance will be 68 pounds ; and to move it 3^ miles an hour, the resistance will be 1 7 pounds ; and so on: and with such force must the aeronauts act on the air in a contrary direction, to communicate such a motion to the machine. But, if the balloon move through a rarer part of the atmosphere, than that at the surface of the e.arth, as J-, or £, &c, rarer, and consequently the resistance be less in the same proportion ; yet the force of the oars will be diminished as much ; and therefore the same difficulty still remains. In general, the aeronaut must strike the air, by means of his oars, with a force just equal to the resistance of the air on the balloon, and therefore he must strike that air with a velocity which must be greater as the surface of the oar is less than the resisted surface of the globe, but not in the same propor- tion, because the force is as the square of the velocity. Now, suppose the aeronaut act with an oar equal to 100 square feet of surface, to move the balloon above mentioned at the rate of 20 feet per second, or 14 miles an hour ; then must he move this oar with the great velo- city of 62 feet per second, or near 43 miles per hour : and so in proportion for other velocities of the balloon. Whence it is highly probable, that it will never be in the power of man to guide such machine with any tolerable degree of success, especially when any considerable wind blows, which is almost always the case. The compositions for varnishing balloons have been va- riously modified ; but upon the whole, the most approved appears to be the bird-lime varnish of M. Faujas St. Fond. Mr. Blanchard used a varnish made of elastic ro- sin, known commonly by the name of India rubber, dis- solved in five times its weight of rectified essential oil of turpentine; which is also held in great esteem. " The methods of obtaining inflammable air for filling balloons is generally, by applying acids to certain metals, by exposing animal, vegetable, and some mineral substan- ces, in a close vessel to a strong fire, or by transmitting the vapour of certain fluids through red-hot tubes. In the first of these methods, iron, zinc, and vitriolic acid, are the materials most generally used. The vitriolic acid must be diluted by five or six parts of water. Iron may be expected to yield in the common way 1700 times its own bulk of gas; or one foot of inflammable air to be produced by A\ ounces of iron, the same weight of oil of vitriol, and 22£ ounces of water. Six ounces of zinc, an equal weight of oil of vitriol, and 30 ounces of water, are necessary for producing the same quantity of gas. And here it should be observed, that the turnings or chippings of great pieces of iron, as of cannons, &c, are preferable to the filings of that metal. The weight of the inflammable air thus obtained, by means of acid of vitriol, is in the common way of procuring it, gene- rally about one seventh part of the weight of common air ; but with the necessary precautions, for philosophical experiments, less than one tenth of the weight of common air. Two other sorts of elastic fluids are sometimes ge- nerated with the inflammable air, which may be sepa- rated from it, by passing the gas through water, in which quick lime has been dissolved. The water will absorb these fluids, cool the inflammable air, and prevent its over heating the balloon when introduced into it. Inflammable air may be obtained at a much cheaper rate by the action of fire upon various substances ; but the gas that they yield is not so light as that produced by the effervescence of acids and metals. The substances proper for this are, pit-coal, asphaltum, amber, rock-oil, and other minerals ; wood and particularly oak, camphor- oil, spirits of wine, ether, and animal substances; all of which yield air in different degrees, and of various specific gravities : but pit-coal is the preferable substance. Another method of obtaining inflammable air was dis- covered by M. Lavoisier, and also by Dr. Priestley; which is, by making the steam of boiling water pass through the barrel of a gun, kept red-hot by burning coal. Dr. Priestley used, instead of the gun barrel, a red-hot tube of brass, upon which the steam of water has no effect ; and which he filled with the pieces of iron se- parated by the boring of cannon ; and by this means he obtained an inflammable air yyth part the weight of com- mon air. But of these three methods, the former is the only one that can be safely depended on for obtaining proper gas for filling large balloons ; and here it has been recommended to use zinc instead of iron turnings, be- cause the white vitriol, the salt produced by the union of the vitriolic acid and zinc, is much more valuable than the green sort produced by the union of the same acid with iron. But though this is undoubtedly the case, it will certainly be found upon trial, that the superior price of the zinc, will be more than an equivalent for all the advantage that can be derived from the additional price of the white vitriol. The method of filling balloons, being merely mechani- cal, is omitted in this place ; but ample information on this, and many other particulars, may be met with in se- veral books expressly written on the subject; as in Ca- vallo's History and Practice of Aerostation, Svo, 1785; in Baldwin's Airopaidia, Svo, 1786; and the Description des Experiences, &c, par M. Faujas St. Fond. See also an ingenious and learned treatise on the mathematical and physical principles of Air-balloons, by the late Dr. Damen, professor of philosophy and mathematics in the University of Leyden, entitled, Physical and Mathema- tical Contemplations on Aerostatic Balloons, &c; in Svo, at Utrecht, 1784. It has often been discussed, says the former of these gentlemen, whether the preference should be given to ma- chines raised by inflammable air, or to those raised by heated air. Each of them has its peculiar advantages and disadvantages ; a just consideration of which seems to de- cide in favour of those made with inflammable air. The principal comparative advantages of the other sort are, that they do not require to be made of so expensive ma- terials; that they are filled with little or no expense; and that the combustibles necessary to fill them are found al- most every where; so that, when the stock of fuel is ex- hausted, the. aeronaut may descend and recruit it again, in order to proceed on his voyage. But then this kind of machines must be made larger than the other, to take up A F F [ 47 ] AGE the same weight; and the presence of a fire is a conti- nual trouble, as well as danger: in fact, among the many aerial voyages that have been made and attempted with such machines, very few have succeeded without an in- convenience, or an accident; and some indeed have been attended with dangerous and even fatal consequences ; from which the other kind is in a great measure exempt. But, on the other hand, the inflammable-air balloon must be made of a substance impermeable to the subtle gas : the gas itself cannot be produced without a considerable expense; and it is not easy to find the materials and ap- paratus necessary for the production of it in every place. However, it has been found that an inflammable-air bal- loon, of 30 feet in diameter, may be made so close as to sustain two persons, and a considerable quantity of bal- last, in the air for more than 24 hours, when properly managed ; and possibly one man might be supported by the same machine for three days: and it is probable that the stuff for these balloons may be so far improved, as to be quite impermeable to the gas, or very nearty so ; in which case, the machine, once filled, would continue to float for a long time. At Paris they have already attained to a great degree of perfection in this point ; and small balloons have been kept floating in a room for many weeks, without losing any considerable quantity of their levity : but the difficulty lies in the large machines : for in these, the weight of the stuff itself, with the weight and stress of the ropes and boat, and the folding them up, may easily crack and rub off the varnish, and make them leaky. With regard to the uses to which balloons can be ap- plied, it must be observed, that the perfection of all arts, and the application of them to the useful purposes of man, have always been progressive, and not the immediate result of a fortunate discovery; if therefore at present no great advantages have been derived from the art of aero- station, we ought not to despair, nor discourage any future attempts, which it is to be hoped may prove more suc- cessful in this respect. But even in the present incom- plete state of this art, some advantages have been derived from it. Thus, the French ascribe to the elevation of a balloon, and the information obtained in consequence of thus reconnoitring the army of the enemy, the signal vic- tory gained in the battle of Fleurus in 1794- Balloons may likewise serve to explore and ascertain the nature of the air in the higher regions of the atmosphere. One of the finest experiments made on this point, is that of Gay- Lusac, who being elevated in a balloon to the height of nearly eight miles, the greatest ever attained by any per- son, brought some atmospheric air from those regions, which, on being analysed, was found to furnish the prin- ciples of oxygen, azote, hydrogen, and carbonic acid gas, in the same proportions as at the surface of the earth. In fact, the application of these machines to the advance- ment of our knowledge of the various phaenomena in me- teorology, stands prominent, as perhaps the only means of maturing our acquaintance with causes yet known only by their effects. .ESTIVAL, see Estivae. iESTUARY, or Estuary, in Geography, an arm of the sea, running up a good way into the land. Such as Bristol channel, many of the friths in Scotland, and such- like. ^THER, see Ether. AFFECTED, or Adfected, Equation, in Algebra, is an equation in which the unknown quantity rises to two or more several powers or degrees. Such, for exam- ple, is the equation j 3 - p.v' 1 ■+- q-c = r, in which there are three different powers of x, namely, x\ i*, and x. The term, affected, is also used sometimes in algebra, when speaking of quantities that have coefficients. Thus, in the quantity la, a is said to be affected with the co- efficient 2. It is also said, that an algebraic quantity is affected with the sign -t- or—, or with a radical si and the thermometer at 51°. The medium of all these is about 832 or 833 to 1, when reduced to the pressure of 30 inches of the barome- ter, and the mean temperature 55° of the thermometer. Upon the whole therefore, it may be safely concluded that, when the barometer is at 30 inches, and the ther- mometer at the mean temperature 55°, the density or gravity of water, is to that of air, as 833^ to 1, that is as ^^2 to 1, or as 2500 to 3 ; and that for any changes in the height of the barometer, the ratio varies proportion- ally ; also that the density of the air is altered by the -,-J^th part'for every degree of the thermometer above or below temperate. This number, which is a very good medium among them all, we have chosen with the fraction -£, because it gives exactly 1\ ounce for the mean weight of a cubic foot of air, the weight of the cubic foot of water being just 1000 ounces averdupois, and that of quicksilver equal to 13600 ounces. Air, then, having been shown to be a heavy fluid sub- stance, the laws of its gravitation and pressure must be the same as those of water and other fluids ; and conse- quently its pressure must be proportional to its perpendi- cular altitude. Which is exactly conformable to experi- ment; for on removing the Torricellian tube to different heights, where the column of air is shorter, the column of quicksilver which it sustains is shorter also, and that nearly at the rate of 100 feet for -j^. of an inch of quick- silver. And on these principles depend the structure and use of the barometer. From the same principle it likewise follows that air, like other fluids, presses equally in all directions. And hence it happens, that soft bodies endure this pressure without change of figure, and hard or brittle bodies with- out breaking; being equally pressed on all parts : but if the pressure be taken off, or diminished, on one side, the effect of it is immediately perceived on the other. See Atmosphere, for the total quantity of effects and pres- sure, and the laws of different altitudes, &c. From the weight and fluidity of the air, jointly consi- dered, many effects and uses of it may easily be deduced. By the combination of these two qualities, it closely in- vests the earth, with all the bodies upon it, constrin»ing and binding them down with a great force, namely a pressure equal to about 15 pounds upon every square inch. Hence, for example, it prevents the arterial vessels of plants and animals from being too much distended by the impetus of the circulating juices, or by the elastic force of the air so copiously abounding in them. For hence it happens, that on a diminution of the pressure of the air, in the operation of cupping, we see the parts of the body grow tumid, which causes an alteration in the circulation of the fluids in the capillary vessels. And the same cause hinders the fluids from transpiring through the pores of their containing vessels, which would other- wise cause the greatest debility, and often destroy the ani- mal. To the same two qualities of the air, weight and fluidity, is owing the mixture of bodies contiguous to one another, especially fluids ; for several liquids, as oils and salts, which readily mix of themselves in air, will not mix at all in vacuo. With many other natural phenomena. 3. Elasticity. Another quality of the air, from whence arise a multitude of effects, is its elasticity; a quality by which it yields to the pressure of any other bodies, by contracting its volume; and dilates and expands itself again on the removal or diminution of the pressure. This quality is the chief distinctive property of air, the other two being common to all fluids. Of this property we have innumerable instances. Thus, for example, a blown bladder being squeezed in (he hand, we find a sensible resistance from the included air; and, on taking off the pressure, the compressed parts immedi- ately restore themselves to their former round figure. AIR [ 5! ] A I R And on this property of elasticity depend the structure and uses of the air-pump. Every particle of air makes a continual effort to dilate itself, thus acting forcibly against all the neighbouring particles, which also exert .the like force in return ; but if their resistance happen to cease, or be weakened, the particle immediately expands to an immense extent. Hence it is that thin glass bubbles, or bladders, filled with air, and placed under the receiver of an air-pump, will, on pumping out the air, burst asunder by the force of the air which they contain. So likewise a close flaccid bladder, containing only a small quantity of air, being put under the receiver, swells as the receiver is exhausted, " and at length appears quite full. And the same thing happens by carrying the flaccid bladder to the top of a very high mountain. The same experiment shows that this elastic property of the air is very different from the elasticity of solid bo- dies, and that their dilatation arises from a different cause. For when air ceases to be compressed, it not only dilates, but occupies a far greater space, and exists under a volume immensely larger than before ; whereas solid elastic bodies only resume their former figure. It is plain that the weight or pressure of the air does not at all depend on its elasticity, and that it is neither more nor less heavy than if it were not at all elastic. But from its being elastic, it follows, that it is susceptible of a pressure, which reduces it to such a space, that the force of its elasticity, which re-acts against the pressing weight, is exactly equal to that weight. Now the law of the elasticity is such, that it increases in proportion to the density of the air, and that its density increases in pro- portion to the forces or weights which compress it. Now, there is a necessary equality between action and re-ac- tion ; that is, the gravity of the air, which effects its com- pression, and the elasticity of it, which gives it its ten- dency to expansion, are equal. So that, the elasticity increasing or diminishing, in the same proportion as the density increases or diminishes, that is, as the distances among its particles decrease or increase; it is no matter whether the air be compressed, and retained in any space, by the weight of the atmo- sphere, or by any other cause; as in either case it must endeavour to expand with the same force. And there- fore, if such air as is near the earth be inclosed in a ves- sel, so as to have no communication with the external air, the pressure of such inclosed air will be exactly equal to that of the whole external atmosphere. And accordingly we find that quicksilver is sustained to the same height, by the elastic force of air inclosed in a glass vessel, as by the whole pressure of the atmosphere. — And on this prin- ciple of the condensation and elasticity of the air, de- pends the structure and use of the air-gun. That the density of the air isalways directlyproportion- al to the force or weight which compresses it, was proved by Boyle and Mariotte, at least as far as their experi- ments go on this head : and Mr. Mariotte has shown that The same rule takes place in condensed air. However, this is not to be admitted as scrupulously exact; for when air is very forcibly compressed, so as to be reduced to ^lh of its ordinary bulk, the effect does not answer pre- cisely to the rule ; for in this case the air begins to make a. greater resistance, and requires a stronger compression, than is given by the above proportion. And hence it ap- pears, that the particles of air cannot, by means of any possible weight or pressure, however great, be brought into perfect contact, or that it cannot thus be reduced to a solid mass ; and consequently, that there must be a li- mit to which this condensation of the air can never ar- rive. The same remark is true with regard to the rare- faction of air, namely, that in very high degrees of rare- faction, the elasticity is decreased rather more than in proportion to the weight or density of the air : and hence there must also be a limit to the rarefaction and expan- sion of the air, by which it is prevented from expanding to infinity. To what degree air is susceptible of condensation, by compression, is not certainly known. Mr. Boyle con- densed it 13 times more than in its natural state, by this means : others have compressed it into -^th part of its ordinary volume ; Dr. Hales made it 38 times more dense, by means ofa press; but by freezing water in a hollow cast-iron ball or shell, he reduced it to 1522 times less space than it naturally occupies; in which state it must have been of almost double the density or specific gravity of water: And as water is not compressible, except in a very small degree, it follows from this experiment, that the particles of air must be of a nature very different from those of water ; since it would otherwise be impos- sible to reduce air to a volume above 800 times less than in its common state ; there is however some reason to doubt of the accuracy of this experiment, as has been asserted by Dr. Halley, from some experiments performed in London, and others at Florence by the Academy del Cimento, that it may be safely concluded that no force what- ever is capable to reduce air into a space 800 times less than that which it naturally occupies near the surface of the earth, at least by pressure. But others, and particularly M. Amontons, in the Memoirs of the French Academy, maintain, that there is no affixing any limits to its con- densation ; that greater and greater forces will reduce it into less and less compass ; and that it is only elastic in virtue of the fire it contains ; and that, as it is impossible ever absolutely to drive out all its fire, it is impossible ever to make the utmost condensation. We may further add, that the air contained in nitre, is probably condensed about lrjOO times. See my Tracts, vol. 3, p. 303. The elasticity of the air exerts its force equally in all directions; and when it is at liberty, and freed from the cause which compressed it, it expands equally on all sides, and in consequence always assumes a spherical figure in the interstices of the fluids in which it is lodged. This is evident in liquors placed in the receiver of an air-pump, by exhausting the air; at first there appears a multitude of exceeding small bubbles, like grains of fine sand, dis- persed through the fluid mass, and rising upwards; and as more air is pumped out, they enlarge in size; but still they continue round. Also if a plate of metal be im- merged in the liquor, on pumping, its surface will be seen covered over with small round bubbles, composed of the air which adhered to it, now expanding itself. And for the same reason it is that large glass globes are always blown up of a spherical shape, by blowing air through an iron tube into a piece of melted glass at the end of the pipe. The expansion of the air, by virtue of its elastic pro- pert)', when only the compressing force is taken off, or diminished, is found to be surprisingly great ; and yet we are far from knowing the utmost dilatation of which it is capable. In several experiments made by Mr. Boyle, it H2 A I R t 3 A I R expanded first into 9 times its former space ; then into 31 tiroes ; then into 60, and then into 150 times. After- wards, it was brought to dilate into S000 times its first space; then into 10000, and at last even into 13679 times its space ; and all this solely by its own natural ex- pansive force, by only removing the pressure, but without the help of fire. And on this principle depends the con- struction and use of the Manometer. The elasticity of the air, under one and the same pres- sure, is still farther increased by heat, and diminished by cold, and that, by some late accurate experiments made by Sir George Shuckburgh, at the rate of the 440th part of its volume nearly, for each degree of the variation of heat, from that of temperate, in Fahrenheit's thermo- meter. Mr. Hauksbee observed, that a portion of air inclosed in a glass tube, when the temperature was at the freezing point, formed a volume which • was to that of the same quantity of air in the greatest heat of summer in England, as 6 to 7- And it has been found by several experiments, that air is expanded i of its natural bulk by applying the heat of boiling water to it. Dr. Hales found that the air in a retort, when the bot- tom of the vessel just became red-hot, was dilated into double its former space; and that in a white, or almost melting heat, it filled thrice its former space : but Mr. Robins found that air was expanded, by means of the white or fusing heat of iron, to 4 times its former bulk. See also several ingenious experiments on the elasticity of the air, in the Philos. Trans, for the year 1777, by Sir George Shuckburgh and Colonel Roy. This properly explains the common effect observed on bringing a close flaccid bladder near the fire to warm it ; when it is presently found to swell as if more air were blown into it. And on this printiple depends the struc- ture and office of the thermometer. M. Amontons first discovered that, with the same heat, air will expand in a degree proportioned to its density. And on this foundation the ingenious author has formed a discourse, to prove " that the spring and weight of the air, with a moderate degree of warmth, may enable it to produce even earthquakes, and others of the most vehe- ment commotions of nature." He computes, that at the depth of the 74th part of the earth's radius below the sur- face, the natural pressure of the air would reduce to the density of gold; and thence infers that all matter below that depth, is probably heavier than the heaviest metal that we know of. And hence again, as it is proved that the more the air is compressed, the more does the same degree of fire increase the force of its elasticity ; we may infer that a degree of heat, which in our orb can pro- duce only a moderate effect, may have a very violent one in such lower orb ; and that, as there are many degrees of heat in nature, beyond that of boiling water, it is pro- bable there may be some whose violence, thus assisted by the density of the air, may be sufficiently powerful to tear asunder the solid globe. Mem. de PA cad. 1703. Many philosophers have supposed that the elastic pro- perty of the air depends on the figure of its corpuscles, which they take to be ramous: some maintain that they are so many minute flocculi, resembling fleeces of wool: others conceive them rolled up like hoops, and curled like wires, or shavings of wood, or coiled like the springs of watches, and endeavouring to expand themselves by virtue of their texture. But Sir Isaac Newton (Optics, Qu. 31, &c,) explains the matter in a different way : such a contexture of parts he thinks by no means sufficient to account for that ama- zing power of elasticity observed in air, which is capable of dilating itself into above a million of times more space than it occupied before: but, he observes, as it is known that all bodies have an attractive and a repelling power ; and as both these are stronger in bodies, the denser, more compact, and solid they are; hence it follows that when, by heat, or any other powerful agent, the attractive force is overcome, and the particles of the body separated so far as to be out of the sphere of attraction ; the repelling power, then commencing, makes them recede from each other with a strong force, proportionable to that with which they before cohered ; and thus they become per- manent air. And hence, he says, it is, that as the particles of air are grosser, and rise from denser bodies, than those of transient air, or vapour, true air is more ponderous than vapour, and a moist atmosphere lighter than a dry one. And M. Amontons makes the elasticity of air to arise from the fire it contains; so that by augmenting the de- gree of heat, the rarefaction will be increased to a far greater degree than by a mere spontaneous dilatation. The elastic power of the air becomes the second great source of the remarkable effects of this important fluid. By this property it insinuates itself into the pores of bo- dies, where, by means of this virtue of expanding, which is so easily excited, it must put the particles of those bo- dies into perpetual vibrations, and maintain a continual motion of dilatation and contraction in all bodies, by the incessant changes in its gravity and density, and conse- quently its elasticity and expansion. This reciprocation is observable in several instances, particularly in plants, in which the trachea? or air-vessels perform the office of lungs; for, as the heat increases or diminishes, the air alternately dilates and contracts, and so by turns compresses the vessels, and eases them again; thus promoting a circulation of their juices And hence it is found that no vegetation or germination is carried on in vacuo. It is from the same cause too, that ice is burst by the continual action of the air contained in its bubbles. Thus too, glasses and other vessels are frequently cracked, when their contained liquors are frozen ; and thus also large blocks of stone, and entire columns of marble, some- times split in the winter season, from some little bubble of included air acquiring an increased elasticity : and for the same reason it is that so few stones will bear to be heated by a fire, without cracking into many pieces, by the increased expansive force of some air confined within their pores. From the same source arise also all putre- faction and fermentation ; neither of which can be car- ried on in vacuo, even in the best-disposed subjects. And even respiration, and animal life itself, are supposed, by many authors, to be conducted, in a great measure, by the same principle of the air. And as we find such great quantities of air generated by the solution of animal and vegetable substances, a good deal must constantly be raised from the dissolution of these elements in the sto- mach and bowels. In fact, all natural corruption and al- teration seem to depend on air; and even metals, parti- cularly gold, only seem to be durable and incorruptible, in so far as they are impervious to air. Composition, &c, of the air. We have already ob- A I R [ 53 ] A I R served, that for many ages the air we breathe was consi- dered as a simple homogeneous fluid : various exhalations and particles of bodies arising from the earth were indeed observed to mix with it, and on these its different degrees of salubrity were supposed to depend ; but the aeriform fluid itself was never, till within a few years, known to be a compound substance. This point however has been clearly ascertained by the discoveries of modern che- mists, particularly those of Priestley, Black, Caven- dish, Lavoisier, Fourcroy, &c. P'rom the united testimo- nies of these discoveries we learn, that atmospheric air-is composed of at least two species of air, or elastic fluids, which are called vital air, or oxygen gas, and azotic gas. The former is the great agent in respiration and combus- tion ; and upon the proper proportion of both depends the purity of the atmosphere. The latter possesses con- trary qualities, is noxious to animals, and incapable of maintaining combustion. The proportion of these in 100 parts of atmospheric air, is commonly about 26 or 27 parts of oxygen gas, and 74 or 73 parts of azotic gas, by weight ; or about 22 parts of the former, and 78 of the latter, in bulk. These two gases however, though they constitute the principal part of atmospheric air, are not the only ones that enter i»to its composition ; for beside the numerous particles of water and other substances, it contains about 1 part in 100 of carbonic acid gas, and a still smaller quantity of hydrogen gas; and from experiments made upon air brought from the higher regions of the atmo- sphere, by means of air-balloons, these constituent parts of it were found in nearly the same proportion as at the surface of the earth. For further particulars on this sub- ject, see Azote, Gas, Oxygen, &c. For the resistance of the air, see Resistance. Air-Balloon. See Aerostation. Air-Gun, in Pneumatics, is a machine for propel- ling bullets with great violence, by the sole means of con- densed air. The first account we meet with of an air-gun, is in the Elemens d'Artillerie of David Rivaut, who was preceptor to Louis xifi. of France. He ascribes the invention to Marin, a burgher of Lisieux, who presented one to Henry iv. '■ To construct a machine of this kind, it is only neces- sary to take a strong vessel of any sort, into which the air is to be thrown or condensed by means of a syringe, or otherwise, the more the better; then a valve is suddenly opened, which lets the air escape by a small tube in which a bullet is placed, and which is thus violently forced out before the air. It is evident then that the effect is produced by virtue of the elastic property of the air; the force of which, as has been shown in the last article, is nearly proportional to its condensation ; and therefore the greater quantity that can be forced into the engine, the greater will be the effect. Now this effect will be exactly similar to that of a gun charged with powder, and therefore we can easily form a comparison between them : for inflamed gun-pow- der is nothing more than very condensed elastic air; so that the two forces are exactly similar. It is shown by Mr. Robins, in bis New Principles of Gunnery, that the fluid of inflamed gun-powder, has, at the first moment, a force of elasticity equal to about 1000 times that of common air; and I have shown (vol. 3 of my Tracts) that the first force of the inflamed powder i9 often more than 2000 times that of the common air. Therefore it is necessary that air should be condensed a 1000 or 2000 times more than in its natural state, to produce the same effect as gun-powder. But then it is to be considered, that the velocities with which equal balls are impelled, are directly proportional to the square roots of the forces; so that if the air in an air-gun be condensed only 10 times, the velocity it will project a ball with, will be, by that rule, -j%th of that arising from gun-powder ; and if the air were condensed 20 times, it would communicate a velocity of £th of that of gun-powder. But in reality the air-gun shoots its ball with a much greater proportion of velocity than as above, and for this reason, namely, that as the reservoir, or magazine of condensed air, is commonly very large in proportion to the tube which con- tains the ball, the density of the air is very little altered by expanding through that narrow tube, and consequently the ball is urged all the way by nearly the same uniform force as at the first instant ; whereas the elastic fluid ari- sing from inflamed gun-powder is but very small in pro- portion to the tube or barrel of the gun, occupying at first indeed but a very small portion of it next the but- end ; and therefore, by dilating into a comparatively large space, as it urges the ball along the barrel, its elastic force is proportionally more weakened, and it acts always less and less on the ball in the tube. From which cause it happens, that air condensed into a good large machine only 10 times, will shoot its ball with a velocity but little inferior to that given by the gun-powder. And if the valve of communication be suddenly shut again by a spring, after opening it to let some air escape, then the same collection of it serves to impel many balls, one after another. In all cases in which a considerable force is required, and consequently a great condensation of air, it will be requisite to have the condensing syringe of a small bore, perhaps not more than half an inch in diameter: other- wise the force to produce the compression will become so great, that the operator cannot work the machine: for, as the pressure against every square inch is about li pounds, and against every circular inch, or a circle of 1 inch diameter, about 12 pounds, if the syringe be one inch in diameter, when one injection is made, there will- be a resistance of 12 pounds against the piston; when 2, of 24 pounds; and when 10 are injected, there will be a force of 120 pounds to overcome; whereas 10 in- jections act against the half-inch piston, whose area is but £ of the former, with | of the forGe only, namely, 30- pounds; and 40 injections may be made with such a sy- ringe, as well as 10 with the larger. Air-guns are of various constructions: an easy and portable one is represented in Plate 2, fig. 1, whick is a section lengthways through the axis, to show the inside. It is made of brass, and has two barrels : the inner barrel da of a small bore, from which the bullets are dis- charged ; and a larger barrel escdr, on the outside of it. In the stock of the gun there is a syringe s»NJS f whose rod m draws out to take in air; and' by pushing it in again, the piston sn drives the air before k, through the valve p E, into the cavity between the two barrels. The ball k is put down into its place in the small barrel,, with the rammer, as in another gun. There is another valve at st, which,, being opened by the trigger o, per- mits the air to coma behind the ball, so as to drive it out with great force. If this valve be opened and shut sud- A I R C 54 ] AIR denly, one charge of condensed air may make several dis- charges of bullets ; because only part of the injected air then goes out at a time, and another bullet may be put into the place k: but if the whole air be discharged on a single bullet, it will impel it more forcibly. This dis- charge is effected by means of a lock (fig. 2) when fixed to its place as usual in other guns; for the trigger being pulled, the cock will go down, and drive a lever which opens the valve. Dr. Macbride (Exper. Ess. p. 81) mentions an improve- ment of the air-gun, made by Dr. Ellis; in which the chamber for containing the condensed air is not in the stock, which renders the machine heavy and unwieldy, but has five or six hollow spheres belonging to it, of about 3 inches diameter, fitted to a screw on the lpck of the gun. These spheres are contrived with valves, to confine the air which is forced into their cavities, so that a ser- vant may carry them ready charged with condensed air : and thus the gun of this construction is rendered as light and portable as one of the smallest fowling-pieces. Fig. 3 represents one made by the late Mr. B. Martin of London, and now by several of the mathematical in- strument and gun-makers of the metropolis ; which, for simplicity and perfection, perhaps exceeds any other that has been contrived, a is the gun-barrel, of the size and weight of a common fowling-piece, with the lock, stock, and ramrod. Under the lock, at b, is a round steel tube, having a small moveable pin in the inside, which is push- ed out when the trigger a is pulled, by the springwork within the lock ; to this tube b is screwed a hollow cop- per ball, perfectly air-tight. This copper ball is fully charged with condensed air by means of a syringe, before it is applied to the tube b. Hence, if a bullet be rammed down in the barrel, the copper ball screwed fast at b, and the trigger a be pulled ; the pin in b then will forcibly push open a valve within the copper ball, and let out a portion of the condensed air; which will rush up through the aperture of the lock, and forcibly act against the bullet, driving it to the distance of 60 or 70 yards, or farther. If the air be strongly condensed at every dis- charge, only a portion of the air escapes from the ball ; therefore, by re-cocking the piece, another discharge may be made; and this repeated 15 or 1 6 times. An addi- tional barrel is sometimes made, and applied for the dis- charge of shot, instead of the ball above described. Sometimes the syringe is applied to the end of the bar- rel c (fig. 4) ; the lock and trigger shut up in a brass case d; and the trigger pulled, or the discharge made, by pull- ing the chain b. In this contrivance there is a round chamber for the condensed air at the end of the spring at e, and it has a valve acting in a similar manner to that of the copper ball. When this instrument is not in use, the brass case d is made to slide off, and the instrument then beconres a walking-stick : from which circumstance, and the barrel being made of cane, or brass, &c, it has been called the Air-cane. The head of the cane unscrews and takes off at a, where the extremity of the piston-rod in the barrel is shown. An iron rod is placed in a ring at the end of this, and the air is condensed in the barrel in a manner similar to that of the gun as above; but its force and action is not near so strong as in the gun. Magazine AiR-Gwn. This is an improvement of the common air-gun, made by an ingenious artist, L. Colbe. By his contrivance, ten bullets arc so lodged in a cavity, near the place of discharge, that they may be succes- sively drawn into the barrel, and shot so quickly, as to be nearly of the same use as so many ditTerent guns: the only motion required, after the air has been injected, be- ing that of shutting and opening the hammer, and cock- ing and pulling the trigger. Fig. 5 is a longitudinal sec- tion of this gun, as large in every part as the gun itself; and as much of its length is shown as is peculiar to this construction ; the rest of it being like the ordinary air- gun, ee is part of the stock; g is the end of the in- jecting syringe, with its valve h, opening into the cavity ffff between the barrels, kk is the small or shooting barrel, which receives the bullets, one at a time, trom the magazine D e, being a serpentine cavity, in which the bul- lets b, b, b, &c, are lodged, and closed at the end D ; whence, by one motion of the hammer, they are brought into the barrel at I, and thence are shot out by the open- ing of the valve v, which lets in the condensed air from the cavity fff into the channel vki, and so along the inner barrel k k k, whence the bullet is discharged, si si m k is the key of a cock, having a hole through it ; which hole, in the present situation, makes part of the barrel k k, being just of the same bore: so that the air, which is let in at every opening of the valve v, comes behind this cock, and taking the ball out of it, carries it forward, and so out of the mouth of the piece. To bring in another bullet to succeed I, which is done in an instant, bring the cylindrical cavity of the key of the cock, which made part of the barrel kkk, into the situation ik, so that the part I may be at k; then turn- ing the gun upside-down, one bullet next the cock will fall into it out of the magazine, but will go no farther into this cylindrical cavity, than the two little pieces ss will permit it; by which means only one bullet at a time will be taken in to the place I, to be discharged again as before. A more particular description of the several parts may be seen in Desaguliers' Exper. Philos. vol. ii. pa. 399 et seq.. Aiu-Pumf, in Pneumatics, is a machine for exhausting the air out of a proper vessel, and thus making what is commonly called a vacuum ; though in reality the air in the receiver is only rarefied to a certain decree, so as to take, off the ordinary effects of the atmosphere. By this machine we learn, in some measure, what our earth would be without air; and how much all vital, generative, nu- tritive, and alterative powers depend upon it. The principle on which the air-pump is constructed, is the spring or elasticity of the air; as that on which the common, or water pump is formed, is the effect of its gravity : the one gradually exhausting the air from a ves- sel by means of a piston, with a proper valve, working in a cylindrical barrel or tube ; and the other exhausting water in a similar manner. The invention of this instrument, to which the present age is indebted for so many fine discoveries, is ascribed to Otto Guericke, the celebrated magistrate of Magdeburg, who exhibited his first public experiments with it, before (he emperor and the states of Germany, at the breaking up of the imperial diet at Ratisbon, in the year l67>4-. But it was not till the year 1672 that Guericke published a description of the instrument, with an account of his experiments, in his Experimenta Nova Magdeburgica de Vacuo Spatia : though an account of them had been pub- lished by Schottus in 1057, in his Mechanica Ilydraulico Pneumatica, by his consent. AIR [ 55 ] A I R Dr. Hooke and M. Duhamel ascribe the invention of the air-pump to Mr. Boyle. But that great man frankly confesses that Guericke was beforehand with him in the execution. Some attempts, he assures us, he had indeed made on the same foundation, before he knew any thing of what had been done abroad : but the information he afterwards received from the account given by Schottus, enabled him, with the assistance of Dr. Hooke, after two or three unsuccessful trials, to bring his design to matu- rity. The product of their labours was a new air-pump, much more easy, convenient and manageable, than the German one. And hence, or rather from the great va- riety of experiments to which this illustrious author ap- plied the machine, it was afterwards called Machina Boyliana, and the vacuum produced by it, Vacuum Boy- lianum. Structure of the Air-Pump. Most of the air-pumps that were first made consisted of only one barrel, or hollow cylinder, of brass, with a valve at the bottom, opening inwards; and a moveable embolus or piston, having like- wise a valve opening upwards, and so exactly fitted to the barrel, that when it is drawn up from the bottom, by means of an indented iron rod or rack, and a handle turning a small indented wheel, playing in the teeth of that rod, all the air is drawn up from the cavity of the barrel : there is also a small pipe opening into the bottom of the barrel, by means of which it communicates with any proper vessel to be exhausted of air, which is called a receiver, from its office in receiving the subjects on which experiments are to be made in vacuo: the whole being fixed in a convenient frame of wood-work, where the end of the pipe turns up into a horizontal plate, on which the receiver is placed, just over that end of it. The other parts of the machine, being only accidental circumstances, chiefly respecting conveniency, have been diversified and improved from time to time, according to the address and several views of the makers. That of Otto Guericke was very rude and inconvenient, requiring the labour of two strong men, for more than two hours, to extract the air from a glass, which was also placed un- der water; and which allowed of no change of subjects for experiments. Mr. Boyle, from time to time, removed several of these inconveniences, and lessened others : but still the work- ing of his pump, which had but one barrel, was labori- ous, by reason of the pressure of the atmosphere, a great part of which was to be removed at every lift of the pis- ton, when the exhaustion was nearly completed. Various improvements were successively made in the machine, by the philosophers about that time, and soon after, who cultivated this new and important branch of pneumatics; as Papin, Mersenne, Mariotte, and others; but still they laboured under a difficulty of working them, fr6m the circumstance of the single barrel, till Papin, in his fur- ther improvements, removed that inconvenience, by the use of a second barrel and piston, contrived to rise, as the other fell, and to fall as that rose; by which means, and the great improvements made by Mr. Hauksbee, the pressure of the atmosphere on the descending piston, al- ways nearly balanced that of the ascending one; so that the winch, which worked them up and down, was easily moved by a very gentle force with one hand : and besides, the exhaustion was hereby made in less than half the time. Some of the Germans, and others also, made improve- ments in the air-pump, and contrived it to perform the counter office of a condenser, in order to examine the properties of the air depending on its condensation. Mr. Boyle contrived a mercurial gauge or index to the air-pump, which is described in his first and second Phy- sico-Mechanical Continuations, for measuring the degrees of the air's rarefaction in the receiver. This gauge is si- rnilar to the barometer, being a long glass lube, having its lower end immersed in an open bason of quicksilver, but its other end, which was open also, communicating with the receiver: which being exhausted, this tube is equally exhausted of air at the same time, and the ex- ternal air presses the quicksilver up into the tube, to a height proportioned to the degree of exhaustion. Mr. Vream, an ingenious pneumatic operator, made an improvement in Hauksbee's air-pump, by reducing the alternate up-and-down motion of the hand and winch, to a circular one. In his method, the winch is turned quite round, and yet the pistons are alternately raised and de- pressed: by which the trouble of shifting the hand back- wards and forwards, as well as the loss of time, and the shaking of the pump, are prevented. The air-pump, thus improved, is represented in plate iii, fig. 1; where oo is the receiver to be exhausted, ground truly level at the bottom, set over a hole in the plate, from which descends the bent pipe hh to the cistern dd, with which the two barrels a a communicate, where the pistons are worked by a toothed wheel, by turning the handle b b; thus the racks cc, with the pistons, are worked" alternately up and down. II is the gauge tube, immersed in a bason of quicksilver m at the bottom, and communi- cating with the receiver at top ; from which however it may be occasionally disengaged, by turning a cock. And n is another cock, by turning of which, the air is again let in to the exhausted receiver ; into which it is heard to rush with a considerable hissing noise. Notwithstanding the great excellency of Mr. Hauksbee's air-pump, it was still subject to inconveniences, from which it was in a great measure relieved by some contri- vances of Mr. Smeaton, which are described at large in- the Philos. Trans, for the year 1752. The principal im-_ provements suggested by Mr. Smeaton, relate to the gauge, the valves of the piston, and the piston going closer down to the bottom of the barrel; for his pump has only one. By the last of these, the air was extracted more perfectly at each stroke. By the second, he remedied an inconve- nience arising from the valve hole of the piston being too wide properly to support the bladder valve which covered it: instead of the usual circular orifice, Mr. Smeaton per- forated the piston with seven small and equal hexagonal holes, one in the centre, and the other six around, forming together the appearance of a transverse section of a ho- ney-comb; the bars. or divisions between which served to support the pressure of the air on the valve. His gauge consists of a bulb of glass, of a pear-like shape, and ca- pable of holding about half a pound of quicksilver: it is open at the lower end, the other terminating in a tube hermetically sealed : and it has annexed to it a scale, di- vided into parts of about T V of an inch, and answering to the 1000th part of the whole capacity. During the ex- haustion of the receiver, the gauge is suspended in it by a wire; but when the pump has been worked as much as necessary, the gauge is pushed down, till the open end be immersed in a bason of quicksilver placed below. The air is then let into the receiver again, and the quicksilver is driven by it from the bason, up into the gauge, till th« A I R [ 56 ] A I R air remaining in it become of the same density as that without; and as the air always takes the highest place, the tube being uppermost, the expansion is determined by the number of divisions occupied by the air at the top. This air-pump is made to act also as a condensing engine, as some German machines had done before, by the very simple operation of turning a cock. By means of this gauge, Mr. Smeaton judged that his machine was incomparably better than any former one, as it seemed to rarefy the air in the receiver 1000, or even 2000 times, while the best of these only rarefied it about 140 times : and as an implicit confidence was placed in Mr. Smeaton's accuracy, it was generally understood in this light, till the fallacy was accidentally detected in the manner related at large by Mr. Nairne in the Philos. Trans, for the year 1777. This accurate and ingenious artist wanting to make trial of Mr. Smeaton's pear-gauge, executed an air-pump of his improved construction, in the best manner possible; which, in various experiments made with it, appeared, by the pear-gauge, to rarefy the air to an amazing degree indeed, being at times from 4000 to 10000, or 50000, or even 100000 times rarefied. But, on measuring the same expansion by the usual long and short tube gauges, which both accurately agreed toge- ther, he found that these never showed a rarefaction of more than fjOO times : widely different from the same as measured by the pear or internal gauge, by experiments often repeated. ' Finding,' says Mr. Nairne, 'still this dis- agreement between the pear-gauge and the other gauges, I tried a variety of experiments ; but none of them ap- peared to me satisfactory, till one day in April 1776, when showing an experiment with one of these pumps to the honourable Henry Cavendish, Mr. Smeaton, and several other gentlemen of the Royal Society, the two gauges dif- fered some thousand times from one another, Mr. Caven- dish accounted for it in the following manner. " It ap- peared, he said, from some experiments of his father's, Lord Charles Cavendish, that water, whenever the pres- sure of the atmosphere on it is, diminished to a certain degree, is immediately turned into vapour, and is as im- mediately turned back again into water on restoring the pressure. This degree of pressure is different according to the heat of the water : when the heat is 72° of Fahren- heit's scale, it turns into vapour as soon as the pressure is no greater than that of three quarters of an inch of quicksilver, or about l-40th of the usual pressure of the atmosphere ; but when the heat is only 41°, the pressure must be reduced to that of a quarter of an inch of quick- silver before the water turns into vapour. It is true, that water exposed to the open air, will evaporate at any heat, and with any pressure of the atmosphere; but that eva- poration is entirely owing to the action of the air upon it; whereas the evaporation here spoken of is performed without any assistance from the air. Hence it follows, that when the receiver is exhausted to the above-men- tioned degree, the moisture adhering to the different parts of the machine will turn into vapour, and supply the place of the air, which is continually drawn away by the working of the pump; so that the fluid in the pear-gauge, as well as that in the receiver, will consist in a great mea- sure of vapour. Now letting the air into the receiver, all the vapour within the pear-gauge will be reduced to wa- ter, and only the real air will remain uncondensed ; con- sequently the pear-gauge shows only how much real air is left in the receiver, and not how much the pressure or spring of the included fluid is diminished ; whereas the common gauges show how much the pressure of the in- cluded fluid is diminished, and that equally, whether it consist of air or of vapour." Mr. Cavendish having ex- plained so satisfactorily the cause of the disagreement be- tween the two gauges, Mr. Nairne considered that, if he were to avoid moisture as much as possible, the two gauges should nearly agree. And in fact they were found to do so, each showing a rarefaction of about 600, when all moisture was perfectly cleared away from the pump, and the plate and the edges of the receiver were secured by a cement, instead of setting it upon a soaked leather, as in the usual way. But, by future experiments, Mr. Nairne found that the same excellent machine would not exhaust more than 50 or fjO times, when the receiver was set upon leather soaked in water, the heat of the room being about 57°. And from hence he concludes, that the air-pump of Otto Gucricke, and those contrived by Mr. Gratorix and Dr. Hooke, and the improved one by Mr. Papin, both used by Mr. Boyle, as also Hauksbee's, Gravesande'sj Muschenbroeck's, and those of all who have used water in the barrels of their pumps, could never have exhausted to more than between 40 and 50, if the heat of the place was about 57°- And though Mr. Smeaton, with his pump, where no water was in the barrel, but where leather soak- ed in a mixture of water and spirit of wine was used on the pump-plate, to set the receiver upon, may have ex- hausted all but a thousandth, or even a ten-thousandth part of the common air, according to the testimony of his pear-gauge; yet so much vapour must have arisen from the wet leather, that the contents of the receiver could never be less than a 70th or 80th part of the density of the atmosphere. But when nothing of moisture is used about this machine, it will, when in its greatest perfection, rarefy its contents of air about 600 times. It is evident that, by means of these two gauges, we can ascertain the several quantities of vapour and permanent air which make up the contents of the receiver, after the exhaustion is made as perfect as can be ; for the usual ex- ternal gauge determines the whole contents made up of the vapour and air, while the pear-gauge shows the quan- tity of real permanent air; consequently the difference is the quantity of vapour. The principal cause which prevents this pump from ex- hausting beyond the limit above mentioned, is the weak- ened elasticity of the air within the receiver, which, de- creasing in proportion as the quantity of the air within is diminished, becomes at last incapable of lifting up the valve of communication between the receiver and the bar- rel ; and consequently no more air can then pass from the former to the latter. Several ingenious persons have used their endeavours to remove this imperfection in the best air-pumps. Among these it seems that one Mr. Haas has succeeded tolerably well; having by means of a contrivance to open the communication valve in the bottom of the barrel, made his machine so correct, that when every thing is in the greatest perfection, it rarefies the contents of the re- ceiver as far as 1000 times, even when measured by the exterior gauge. The description of this machine, and an account of some experiments performed with it, are given by Mr. Cavallo in the Philos. Trans, for the year 1783. But the imperfections it seems have more recently been removed by an ingenious contrivance of Mr. Cuthbertson, a mathematical instrument maker at Amsterdam, now of A I R C »7 ] A I R London, whose air-pump has neither cocks nor valves, the barrel or cylinder, and therefore always in the same and is so constructed, that what supplies their place has proportion : so that by thus repeating the operation a the advantages of both, without the inconveniences of number of times, the air is rarefied to any proposed de- either. He has also made improvements in the gauges, gree, or till it has not elasticityenough to open the valve of by means of which he determines the height of the mer- the piston or of the barrel, after which the exhaustion cury in the tube, by which the degree of exhaustion is in- cannot be any farther carried on : the gauge, in compa- dicated, to the hundredth part of an inch. And to obvi- rison with the barometer, showing at any time what ate the inconvenience of the elastic vapour arising from the degree of exhaustion is, according to the particular the wet leather, upon which the receiver is placed, for nature and construction of it. common experiments, he recommends the use of leather But supposing no vapour from moisture, &c, to rise in dressed with alum, and soaked in hog's lard, which he the receiver, the degree of exhaustion, after any number of found to yield very little of this yapour ; but when the strokes of the piston, may be determined by knowing the utmost degree of exhaustion is required, his advice is, to respective capacities of the barrel and the receiver, inclu- dry the receiver well, and set it upon the plate without ding the pipe, &c. For as we have seen above that every any leather, only smearing its outer edges with hog's lard, stroke diminishes the density in a constant proportion, or with a mixture of three parts of hog's lard and one of namely as much as the whole content exceeds that of the oil. But indeed the use of the leather has long been laid cylinder or barrel ; consequently the sum of as many di- aside by our English instrument-makers, a circumstance minutions as there are strokes of the piston, will show the which probably had not come to Mr. Cuthbertson's know- whole diminution by all the strokes. So, if the capacity ledge. An account of this instrument, and of someexpe- of the barrel be equal to that of the receiver, in which the riments performed with it, was published at Amsterdam in communication pipe is always to be included ; then, the the year 17S7; from which it appears that, by a coinci- barrel being half the sum of the whole contents, half the dence of the several gauges, a rarefaction of 1200 times air will be drawn out at one stroke; and consequently the was shown ; but when the. atmosphere was very dry, the remaining half, being dilated through the whole or first ca- exhaustionhasbeensocomplete,thatthegaugeshaveshown pacity, will be of only half the density of the first : in the air in the receiver to be rarefied above 2400 times. like manner, after the second stroke, the density of the There are made also by different persons, portable, or remaining contents will be only half that of the former, small air-pumps, of various constructions, to set upon a that is only £ of the original density : continuing this ope- table, to perform experiments with. In these, the gauge ration, it follows that the density of the remaining air will is varied according to the fancy of the maker, but com- be i, after 3 strokes of the piston, -^, after 4 strokes, T ' T , rnonly it consists of a bent glass tube, like a syphon, open after 5 strokes, and so on, according to the powers of the only at one end. The gauge is placed under a small re- ratio ~; that is, such power of the ratio as is denoted by ceiver communicating, by a pipe, with the principal one the number of the strokes. In like manner, if the barrel leading from the general receiver to the barrels. The close be j- of the whole contents, that is, the receiver double of end of the gauge, of 3 or 4 inches long, before the exhaus- the barrel, or f of the whole contents ; then the ratio of tion, has the quicksilver forced close up to the top by the diminution of density being f, the density of the contents, pressure of the air on the open end ; but when the ex- after any number of strokes of the piston, will be denoted haustion is considerably advanced, it begins to descend, by such power of f whose exponent is that number ; and then the difference of the heights of the quicksilver in namely, the density will be § after one stroke, (f ) 2 or £ the two legs, compared with the height in the barometri- after two strokes, (f ) 3 orX after 3 strokes, and in general cal tube, determines the degree of exhaustion : so, if the it will be (§•)" after n strokes: the original density of the difference between the two be one inch, when the barome- air being 1. Hence then, universally, if s denote the sum ter stands at 30, the air is rarefied 30 times ; but if the difference be only half an inch, the rarefaction is 00 times, and so on. See Plate Hi. fig./2. The Use of the Air-Pump. In whatever manner or form this machine is made, the use and operation of it are al- ways the same. The handle, or winch, works the rackbar and piston up and down in the. barrel; by which means a barrel of the contained air is drawn out at every stroke of the piston, in the following manner: by pushing the piston down to the bottom of the barrel, where the air is prevented from escaping downwards, by its elasticity it opens the valve of the piston, and escapes upwards ; then raising the piston up, the external atmosphere shuts down its valve, and a vacuum would be made below it, but for the air in the receiver, pipe, &c, which now raising the valve in the bottom of the barrel, rushes in and fills it again, till the whole air in the receiver and barrel be of one uniform density, but less than it was before the stroke, in proportion as the sum of all the capacities of the recei- ver, pipe, and barrel together, is to the same sum wanting of the contents of the receiver and barrel, and r that of the receiver only without the barrel, and n any number of strokes of the piston ; then, the original density of the air being 1, the density after n strokes will be (— ) or—, namely the n power of the ratio -. So, forexample,if the capacity of the receiver be equal to 4 times that of the bar- rel ; then their sum s is 5, and r is 4 ; hence the density of the. contents after 30 strokes, will be (-f-) 30 , or the 30th power of£, which is -jj-y nearly ; so that the air in the re- ceiver is rarefied 808 times. See also the Mcmoires de l'Acad. Royale des Sciences for the years I693 and 1705. From the same formula, namely (-) = d the density, we easily derive a rule for finding the number of strokes of the piston, necessary to rarefy the air any number of times, or to reduce it to a given density d, that of the na- tural air being 1. For since (— ) = d, by taking the Io- dic barrel. And thus the air in the receiver is diminished at each stroke of the piston, by the quantily or content of garithm of this equation, it is n x log. of— == log. of d; Vol. I. . * A I R Ior. d. [ 58 ] A J U g.r— log.s ; that is, divide the log. i i 1°G* ^ and hence n = - 2 — = l°g-- of the proposed density by the log. of the ratio of the re- ceiver to the sum of the receiver and barrel together, and the quotient will show the number of strokes of the piston requisite to produce the degree of exhaustion required. So, for example, if the receiver be equal to 5 times the bar- rel, and it be proposed to find how many strokes of the piston will rarefy the air 100 times; then r ==;. 5, s .=: 6, d = -rJ^, whose log. is — 2, and - = -, whose log. is — •07Q1 8; therefore = 251 nearly, which is thenum- •* ' -07918 * J ber of strokes required. And, farther, the same formula reduced, will give us the proportion between the receiver and barrel, when the air is rarefied to any degree by an assigned number of strokes of the piston. For since (-) = d the density, therefore, extracting the n root of both sides, it is - = \/d: that is, the n root of the density is equal to the ratio of the receiver to the sum of the receiver and barrel. So, if the density d be -j4a> an ^ the number of strokes n = 7 ; then the 7th root of -j-Jj- is \; which shows that the re- ceiver is equal to half the receiver and barrel together, or that the capacity of the barrel is just equal to that of the receiver. Some of the principal effects and phenomena of the air-pump, are the following: That, in the exhausted re- ceiver, heavy and light bodies fall equally swift : so, a guinea and feather fall from the top of a tall receiver to the bottom exactly together. That most animals die in a minute or two : but however, That vipers and frogs, though they swell much, live an hour or two ; and after being seemingly quite dead, come to life again in the open air. That snails survive about 10 hours; efts, or slow- worms, two or three days ; and leeches five or six. That oysters live for 24 hours. That the heart of an eel taken out of the body, continues to beat for great part of an hour, and that more briskly than in the air. That warm blood, milk, gall, &c, undergo a considerable intumescence and ebullition. That a mouse or other animal may be brought, by degrees, to survive longer in a rarefied air, than naturally it does. That air may retain its usual pressure, after it is become unfit for respiration. That the eggs of silk-worms hatch in vacuo. That vegetation stops. That fire extinguishes; the flame of a candle usually going out in one minute ; and a charcoal in about five minutes. That red-hot iron, however, seems not to be affected ; and yet sulphur or gun-powder are not lighted by it, but only fused. That a match, after lying seemingly extinct a long time, revives again on re-admit- ling the air. That a flint and steel strike sparks of fire as copiously, and in all directions, as in air. That magnets, and magnetic needles, act the same as in air. That the Miiokc of an extinguished luminary gradually settles to the bottom in a darkish body, leaving the upper part of the receiver clear and transparent; and that on inclining the vessel sometimes to one side, and sometimes to another, the fume preserves its surface horizontal, after the nature of other fluids. That heat may be produced by attrition. That camphire will not take fire; and that gun-powder, though sonic of the grains of a heap of it be kindled by a burning glass, will not give fire to the contiguous grains. That glow-worms lose their light in proportion as the air is exhausted, and at length become totally obscure ; but on re-admitting the air, they presently recover it all. That a bell, on being struck, is not heard to ring, or very faintly. That water freezes. But that a syphon will not run. That electricity appears like the aurora borealis. With multitudes of other curious and important particu- lars, to be met with in the numerous writings on this ma- chine, namely, besides the Philos. Transactions of most academies and societies, in the writings of Torricelli, Pascal, Mersenne, Guericke, Schottus, Boyle, Hooke, Du- hamel, Mariotte, Hauksbee, Hales, Muschenbroeck, Gravesande, Desaguliers, Franklin, Cotes, Helsham, and a great many other authors. Air-Vessel, in Hydraulics, is a vessel of air contained within some water engines, which being compressed, by forcing in a considerable quantity of water, will, by its uni- form spring, force it out at the pipe in a constant uninter- rupted stream, to a great height. Air-vessel too, in the improved fire engines, is a me- tallic cylinder, placed between the two forcing pumps: by the action of the pistons the water is forced into this ves- sel, through two other pipes, with valves; then the air, previously contained in it, is compressed by the water, in proportion to the quantity admitted, and this, by its spring, forces the water through a pipe by a constant and equal stream ; whereas in the common squirting engine, the stream is discontinued between the several strokes. AJUTAGE, or Adjutage, in Hydraulics, part of the apparatus of a jet d'eau, or artificial fountain : being a kind of tube fitted to the aperture or mouth of the cis- tern, or the pipe ; through which the water is to be played in any direction, and in any shape or figure. It is chiefly the diversity in the ajutage, that makes the different kinds of fountains. So that, by having several ajutages, to be applied occasionally, one fountain is made to have the effect of many. Mariotte, Gravesande, Desaguliers,andBuat, have written pretty fully on the nature of ajutages, or spouts for jets d'eau, and especially the former. He affirms, from expe- riment, that an even polished round hole, made in the thin end of a pipe, gives a higher jet than either a cylindrical or a conical ajutage ; but that, of these two latter how- ever, the conical is better than the cylindrical figure. See his Traite du Mouvement des Eaux, part 4. The quantity of water discharged by ajutages of equal area, but of different figures, is the same. And for like figures, but of different sizes, the quantity discharged, is di- rectly proportional to the area of the ajutage, or to the square of its diameter, or of any side or other linear di- mension: so, an ajutage of a double diameter, or side, will discharge 4 times the quantity of water; of a triple diameter, 9 times the quantity; and so on; supposing them at an equal depth below the surface or head of water. But if the ajutage be at different depths below the head, then the celerity with which the water issues, and consequently tlic quantity of it run out in any given time, is directly proportional to the square root of the altitude of the head, or depth of the hole : so at 4 times the depth, the celerity and quantity is double; at <) times the depth, triple ; and so on. It has been found that jets do not rise quite so high as the head of water ; owing chiefly to the resistance of the air against it, and the pressure of the upper parts of the ALB C 59 ] A L F jet upon the lower : and for this reason it is, that if the di- Vection of the ajutage be turned a very little from the per- pendicular, it is found to spout rather higher, than when the jet is exactly upright. It is found by experiment too, that the jet is higher or lower, according to the size of the ajutage ; that a circular hole of about an inch and a quarter in diameter, jets highest ; and that the nearer that size, the better. Expe- rience also shows, that the pipe leading to the ajutage, should be much larger than it; and if the pipe be a long one, that it should be wider the farther it is from the ajutage. For the other circumstances relating to jets and the is- suing of water under various circumstances, see Exhaus- tion, Flux, Fountain, Jet d'Eau, &c, to which they more properly belong. ALBATEGNI, an Arabic prince of Batan in Mesopo- tamia, who was a celebrated astronomer, about the year of Christ 880, as appears by his observations. He is also called Muhammed ben Geber Albatani, Mahomet the son of Geber, and Muhamedes Aractensis. He made astro- nomical observations at Antioch, and at Racah or Aracta, a town of Chaldea, which some authors call a town of Syria or of Mesopotamia. He is highly spoken of by Dr. Halley, as a vir admirandi acuminis, ac in administrandis observationibus exercitatissimus. Finding that the tables of Ptolemy were imperfect, he computed new ones, which were long used as the best among the Arabs : these were adapted to the meridian of Aracta or Racah. Albategni composed injArabic a work under the title of The Science of the Stars, comprising all parts of astronomy, according to his own observations and those of Ptolemy\ This work, translated into Latin by Plato of Tibur, was published at Nuremberg in 1537, with some additions and demonstrations of Regiomontanus; and the same was reprinted at Bologna in 1645, with this author's notes. Dr. Halley detected many faults in these editions: Philos. Trans, for 1693, N° 204. In this work, Albategni gives the motion of the sun's apogee since Ptolemy's time, as well as the motion of the stars, which he makes 1 degree in 70 years. He made the longitude of the first star of Aries to be 18° 2'; and the obliquity of the ecliptic 23° 35'. And upon Albategni's observations were founded the Alphonsine tables of the moon's motions; as is observed by Nic. Muler, in the Tab. Frisicae, pa. 248. ALBERTUS Magnus, a very learned man in the 13th century, who, among a multitude of books, wrote several on the various mathematical sciences, as Arithmetic, Geo- metry, Perspective or Optics, Music, Astrology and As- tronomy, particularly under the titles, de sphasra, de astris, de astronomia, item speculum astronomicum. Albertus Magnus was born at Lawingen on the Danube, in Suabia, in 1205, or according to some in 1193 ; and he died at a great age, at Cologn, November lfl, 1280. Vossius and other authors speak of him as a great genius, and deeply skilled in all the learning of the age. His writings were so numerous, that they make 21 volumes in folio, in the Lyons edition of l6l5. He has passed also for the author of some writings relating to midwifery, &c, under the title of De natura rerum, and De secretis mu- lierum, in which there are many phrases and expressions unavoidable on such a subject, which gave great offence, and raised a clamour against him as the supposed author, and inconsistent with his character, being a Dominican friar, and sometime bishop of Ratisbon ; which dignity however he soon resigned, through his love for solitude, to enter again into the monastic life. But the advocates of Albert assert, that he was not the author of either of these two works. It must be acknowledged however, that there are, in his Comment on the Master of Sentences, some questions concerning the practice of conjugal duty, in which he has used some words rather too gross for chaste and delicate ears : but they allege what he himself used to say in his own vindication, that he came to the knowledge of so many monstrous things at confession, that it was impos- sible to avoid touching upon such questions. Albert was certainly a man of a most curious and inquisitive turn of mind, which gave rise to other accusations against him ; such as, that he laboured to find out the philosopher's stone ; that he was a magician ; and that he made a ma- chine in the shape of a man, which was an oracle to him, and explained all the difficulties he proposed : the com- mon cant accusations of those times of ignorance and su- perstition. But having great knowledge in the mathema- tics and mechanics, by his skill in these sciences he pro- bably formed a head, with springs capable of articulate sounds ; like the machines of Boetius and others. John Matthaeus de Luna, in his treatise De Rerum In- ventoribus, has attributed the invention of fire-arms to Albert ; but in this he is refuted by Naude, in his Apolo- gic des grands hommes. ALBUMAZAR, otherwise called Abuassar, and Ja:phar, was a celebrated Arabian philosopher and as- trologer, of the 9th or 10th century, or according to some authors much earlier. Blancanus, Vossius, &c, speak of him as one of the most learned astronomers of his time, or astrologer, which was then the same thing. He wrote a work De Magnis Conjunctionibus Annorum Revolutioni- bus, ac eorum Perfectionibus, printed at Venice in 1515, at the expense of Melchior Sessa, a work chiefly astrolo- gical. He wrote also Introductio in Astronomiam, printed in the year 1489- And it is reported that he observed a comet in his time, above the orb of Venus. ALDEBARAN, the Arabian name of a fixed star, of the first magnitude, just in the eye of the sign or constel- lation Taurus, or the bull, and hence it is popularly called the bull's eye. For the beginning of the year 1800, its Right Ascension is 66° 6' 5l'-'l0 Annual variation in ar 51'31 Declination 16 5 52 00 N. And Annual variat. in Decl. 8*30 ALDERAIMIN, a star of the third magnitude in the right shoulder of the constellation Cepheus. ALDHAFERA, or Aldhaphra, in the Arabian Astro- nomy, denotes a fixed star of the third magnitude, in the mane of the sign or constellation Leo, the lion. ALEMBERT (John le Rond d'). See Dalembert. ALFECCA, or Alfeta, a name given to the star com- monly called Lucida Coronas. ALFRAGAN, Alfercsani, or Faroani, a cele- brated Arabic astronomer, who flourished about the year 800. He was so called from the place of his nativity, Fergan, in Sogdiana, now called Maracanda, or Samar- cand, anciently a part of Bactria. He is also called Ah- med (or Muhammed) ben-Cothair, or Katir. He wrote 1 2 A L G [ 60 ] A L G the Elements of Astronomy, in 30 chapters or sections. In this work the author chiefly follows Ptolemy, using the same hypotheses, and the same terms, and frequently citing him. There are three Latin translations of Alfragan's work. The first was made in the 12th century, by Joannes His- palensis; and was published at Ferrara in 1493, and at Nuremberg in 1537, with a preface by Melancthon. The second was by James Christman, from the Hebrew ver- sion of James Antoli, and appeared at Frankfort in 1590. Christman added to the first chapter of the work an am- ple commentary, in which he compares together the ca- lendars of the Romans, the Egyptians, the Arabians, the Persians, the Syrians, and the Hebrews, and shows the correspondence of their years. The third and best translation was made by Golius, professor of mathematics and Oriental languages at Ley- den : this work, which came out in 166*9, after the death of Golius, is accompanied with the Arabic text, and many learned notes upon the first nine chapters ; for this author was not spared to carry them farther. ALGAROTI, commonly called Count Algaroti, a ce- lebrated Italian of the last century, well skilled in Archi- tecture and the Newtonian philosophy, &c. Algaroti was born at Padua, but in what year has not been mentioned. Led by curiosity, as well as a desire of improvement, he travelled early into foreign countries; and was very young when he arrived in Fiance in 1736. It was here that he composed his Newtonian Philosophy for the Ladies, as Fontenelle had done his Cartesian Astronomy, in the work entitled The Plurality of Worlds. He was much noticed Dy the king of Prussia, who conferred on him many marks of his esteem. He died at Pisa the 23d of May, 1764, and gave orders for his own mausoleum, with this inscrip- tion upon it ; Hie jacet Algarotus, sed non omnis. He was esteemed to be well skilled in painting, sculpture, and architecture. His works, which are numerous, and on a variety of subjects, abound with vivacity, elegance, and wit : a collection of them has lately been made, and printed at Leghorn ; but that for which he is chiefly en- titled to a place in this work is his Newtonian Philo- sophy for the Ladies, a sprightly, ingenious, and popular work. ALGEBRA is usually understood to be a general me- thod of resolving mathematical problems by means of equations. Or, it is a method of performing the calcu- lations of all kinds of quantities by means of general signs or characters. At first, numbers and things were ex- pressed by their names at full length; butafterwards these were abridged, and the initials of the words used instead of them ; and, as the art advanced farther, the letters of the alphabet came to be employed as general representa- tions of all kinds of quantities. Other marks were also gradually introduced, to express all sorts of operations and combinations ; so as to entitle it to different appella- tions—as, universal arithmetic, and literal arithmetic, and the arithmetic of signs. The etymology of the name, Algebra, is given in vari- ous ways. It is, however, pretty generally considered, that the word is Arabian, and that from those people we had the name, as well as the art itself, as is testified by Lucas de Burgo, the first European author on this art, whose treatise was printed, and who also refers to former authors and masters, from whose writings he had learned it. The Arabic name he gives it, is Alghebra e Almu- cabala, which is explained to signify the art of restitution and comparison, or opposition and restoration, or resolu- tion and equation, all which agree well enough with the nature of this art. Some, however, derive it from various other Arabic words ; as from Geber, a celebrated philo- sopher, chemist, and mathematician, to whom also they ascribe the invention of this science : and some derive it from the word Geber, which, with the particle al, makes Algeber, which is purely Arabic, and signifies the reduc- tion of broken numbers or fractions to integers. But Peter Ramus, in the beginning of his algebra, says, " the name algebra is Syriac, signifying the art and doc- trine of an excellent man. For Geber, in Syriac, is a name applied to men, and is sometimes a term of honour, as master or doctor among us. That there was a certain learned mathematician, who sent his algebra, written in the Syriac language, to Alexander the Great, and he named it Almucabala, that is, the book of dark or myste- rious things, which others would rather call the doctrine of algebra. And to this day the same book is in great estimation among the learned in the oriental nations, and by the Indians who cultivate this art it is called aljabra, and alboret; though the name of the author himself is- not known." But Ramus gives no authority for this sin- gular paragraph. It has, however, on various occasions been distinguished by other names. Lucas Paciolus, or de Burgo, in. Italy, called it l'Arte Magiore: ditta dal vulgo la Regola de la Cosa over Alghebra e Almucabala; calling it lArte Magiore, or the greater art, to distinguish it from common arithmetic, which is called l'Arte Mi- nore, or the lesser art. It seems too that it had been long and commonly known in bis country by the name Regola de la Cosa, or Rule of the Thing ; whence came our rule of coss, cosic numbers, and such-like terms. Some of his countrymen followed his denomination of the art : but other Italian and Latin writers called it Regula rei et census, the rule of the thing and the product, or the root and the square, as the unknown quantity in their equations commonly ascended no higher than the square or second power. From this Italian word ce?isus, pro- nounced chensus, came the barbarous word senzus, used by the Germans and others, for quadratics; with the se- veral zenzic or square roots. And hence %>, 3 , {£, which are derived from the letters r, z, c, the initials of res, zenzus, cuius, or root, square, cube, came to be the signs or characters of these words : like as KI and »/, derived from the letters R, r, became the signs of radi- cally. Later authors, and other nations, used some the one of those names, and some another. It was also called spe- cious arithmetic by Vieta, on account of the species, or letters of the alphabet, which he brought into general use; and by Newton it was called universal arithme- tic, from the manner in which it performs all arith- metical operations by general symbols, or indeterminate quantities. Some authors define algebra to be the art of resolving mathematical problems : but this is the idea of analysis, or the analytic art in general, rather than of algebra, which is only one particular species of it. Indeed, alge- bra properly consists of two parts : first, the method of calculating magnitudes or quantities, as represented by letters or other characters; and secondly, the manner A L G [ 61 ] ALG of applying these calculations in the solution of pro- blems. In algebra, as applied to the resolution of problems, the first business is to translate the problem out of the common, into the algebraic language, by expressing all the conditions and quantities, both known and un- known, by their proper characters, arranged in an equa- tion, or several equations if necessary, and treating the unknown quantity, whether it be number, or line, or any other thing, in the same way as if it were a known one : this forms the composition. Then the resolution, or ana- lytic part, is the disentangling the unknown quantity from the several others with which it is connected, so as to re- tain it alone on one side of the equation, while all the other, or known quantities, are collected on the other side, and so giving the value of the unknown one. And as this disentangling of the quantity sought, is performed by the converse of the operations by which it is connected with the others, taking them always backwards in the con- trary order, it hence becomes a species of the analytic art, and is called the modern analysis, in contradistinc- tion to the ancient analysis, which chiefly respected geo- metry, and its applications. There have arisen great controversies and sharp dis- putes among authors, concerning the history of the pro- gress and improvements of algebra; arising partly from the partiality and prejudices which are natural to all na- tions, and partly from the want of a closer examination of the works of the older authors on this subject. From these causes it has happened, that the improvements made by the writers of one nation, have been ascribed to those of another; and the discoveries of an earlier author, to some one of much later date. Add to this also, that the peculiar methods of many authors have been described so little in detail, that our information derived from such histories is but very imperfect, and amounting only to some general and vague ideas of the true state of the arts. To remedy ibis inconvenience therefore, and to reform this article, 1 have taken the pains carefully to read over in succession all the older authors on the subject, which I have been able to meet with, and to write down dis- tinctly a particular account and description of their se- veral compositions, as to their contents, notation, im- provements, and peculiarities ; from the comparison of all which, 1 have acquired an idea more precise and ac- curate than it was possible to obtain from other histories, and in a great many instances very different from them. The full detail of these descriptions would employ a vo- lume of itself, and would be far too extensive for this place: I must therefore limit this article to a very brief abridgment of my notes 1 , remarking only the most mate- rial circumstances in each author; from which a general idea of the chain of improvements may be perceived, from the first rude beginnings, down to the more perfect state; from which it will appear that the discoveries and im- provements made by any one single author, are scarcely ever either very great or numerous; but that, on the con- trary, the improvements are almost always very slow and gradual, from former writers, successively made, not by great leaps, and after long intervals of time, but by gra- dations which, viewed in succession, become almost im- perceptible. Of Diopiiantus's Algebra. As to the origin of the analytic art, of which algebra is a species, it is doubt- less as old as any science in the world, being the natural method by which themind investigates truths, causes, and theories, trom their observed effects and properties. Ac- cordingly, traces of it are observable in the works of the earliest philosophers and mathematicians, the subject of whose enquiries most of any require the aid of such an art. And this process constituted their analytics. Of that part of analytics, however, which is properly called algebra, the oldest treatise which has come down to us, is that of Diophantus of Alexandria, who flourished about the year 150 after Christ, and who wrote, in the Greek language, 13 books of algebra or arithmetic, as mention- ed by himself at the end of his address to one Diony- sius, though only 6 of them have hitherto been printed; and an imperfect book on multangular numbers, namely, in a Latin translation only, by Xilander, in the year 1575, and afterwards in 1621 and l6'70 in Greek and Latin by Gaspar Bachet. These books, however, do not contain a treatise on the elementary parts of algebra, but only col- lections of difficult questions relating to square and cube numbers, and other curious properties of numbers, with their solutions. And Diophantus only prefaces the books by an address to Dionysius, for whose use it was pro- bably written, in which he just mentions certain precog- nita, as it were to prepare him for the problems them- selves. In these remarks he shows the names and gene- ration of the powers, the square, cube, 4th, 5th, 6th, &c, which he calls dynamis, cubus, dynamodinamis, dynamo- cubus, cubocubus, according to the sum or addition of the indices of the powers; and he marks these powers with the initials thus J v , x.", $8", Sk", kyF, &c : the un- known quantity he calls simply agiSpo;, ?iumerus, the num- ber; and in the solutions he commonly marks it by the final thus s ; also he denotes the monades, or indefinite unit, by jj.". Diophantus then remarks on the multipli- cation and division of simple species together, showing what powers or species they produce; declares that minus (Xsii/i;) multiplied by minus produces plus (uitafav) ; but that minus multiplied by plus, produces minus; and that the mark used for minus is /p, namely the ^ inverted and curtailed; but he uses no mark for plus, but a word or conjunction copulative. As to the operations, viz, of addition, subtraction, mul- tiplication, and division of compound species, or those connected by plus and minus, Diophantus does not teach, but supposes his reader to know them. Tie then remarks on the preparation or simplifying the equations that are derived from the questions, which we cull reduction of equations, by collecting like quantities together, adding quantities that are minus, and subtracting such as are plus, called by the moderns transposition, so as to bring the equation to simple terms, and then depressing it to a lower degree by equal division, when the powers of the unknown quantity are in every term : which preparation, or reduction of the complex equation, being now made, or reduced to what we call a final equation, Diophantus goes no farther, but barely says what the root or res ignota is, without giving any rules for finding it, or for the re- solution of equations; thereby intimating that such rules were to be found in some other work, done cither by him- self or others. Of the body of the work, lib. 1 contains 43 questions, concerning one, two, three, or four unknown numbers, having certain relations to each other, viz, concerning A L G [ 62 ] A L G their sums, differences, ratios, products, squares, sums and differences of squares, &c, &c; but none of them con- cerning either square or cubic numbers. Lib. 2 contains 36 questions. The first 5 questions are concerning two numbers, though only one condition is given in each ques- tion; but he supplies another by assuming the numbers in a given ratio, viz, as 2 to 1. The 6th and 7th contain each two conditions : then in the 8th question he first comes to treat of square numbers, which is this, to divide a given square number into two other squares ; and the 9th is the same, but performed in a different way : the rest, to the end, are almost all about one, two, or three squares. Lib. 3 contains 24 questions concerning squares, chiefly including three or four numbers. Lib. 4 begins with cubes; the first of which is this, to divide a given number into two cubes whose sides shall have a given sum : here he has occasion to cube the two binomials 5 ■+- n and 5 — n; the manner of doing which shows that he was acquainted with the composition of the cube of a binomial; and many other places manifest the same thing. Only part of the questions in this book are concerning cubes; the rest are relating to squares. Two or three questions in this book have general solutions, and the the- orems deduced are general, and for any numbers indefi- nitely ; but all the other questions, in all the four books, are employed in finding only particular numbers. Lib. 5 is also concerning square and cube numbers, but of a more difficult kind, beginning with some that relate to numbers in geometrical progression. Lib. 6 contains 26 propositions, concerning right-angled triangles; such as to make their sides, areas, perimeters, &c, &c, squares or cubes, or rational numbers, &c. In some parts of this book it appears, that Diophantus was acquainted with the composition of the 4th power of the binomial root, as he sets down all the terms of it; and, from his great skill in such matters, it seems probable that he was ac- quainted with the composition of other higher powers, and with other parts of algebra, besides what are here treated of. At the end is part of a book, in 10 proposi- tions, concerning arithmetical progressions, and multan- gular or polygonal numbers. Diophantus once mentions a compound quadratic equation; but the resolution of his questions is by simple equations, and by means of only one unknown letter or character, which he chooses or as- sumes so ingeniously, that all the other unknown quanti- ties in the question are easily expressed by it, and the final equation reduced to the simplest form which it seems the question can admit of. Sometimes he substitutes for a number sought immediately, and then expresses the other numbers or conditions by it: at other times he substitutes for the sum or difference, &c, and thence derives the rest, so as always to obtain the expressions in the simplest form. Thus, if the sum of two numbers be given, he substitutes for their difference ; and if the difference be given, he substitutes for their sum : in both cases he has the two numbers easily expressed by adding and subtract- ing the half sum and half difference ; and so in other cases he uses other similar ingenious notations. In short, the chief excellence in this collection of questions, which seems to be only a set of exercises to some rules which had been given elsewhere, is the neat mode of substitution or notation ; which being once made, the reduction to the final equation is easy and evident: and there he leaves the solution, only mentioning that the root or agripos is so much. On the whole, this work is treated in a very able and masterly manner, manifesting the utmost address and knowledge in the solutions, and inducing a persuasion that the author was deeply skilled in the science of alge- bra, to some of the most abstruse parts of which these questions or exercises relate. However, as he contrives his assumptions and notations so as to reduce all his con- ditions to a simple equation, or at least a simple quadra- tic, it does not appear what his knowledge was in the re- solution of compound or affected equations. But though Diophantus was the first author on algebra that we now know of, it was not from him, but from the Moors or Arabians that we received the knowledge of al- gebra in Europe, as well as that of most other sciences. And it is matter of dispute who were the first inventors of it ; some ascribing the invention to the Greeks, while others say that the Arabians had it from the Persians, and these from the Indians, as well as the arithmetical method of computing by ten characters, or digits; but the Ara- bians themselves say it was invented among them by one Mahomet ben Musa, or son of Moses, who it seems flourished about the 8th or 9th century. It is more pro- bable, however, that Mahomet was not the inventor, but only a person well skilled in the art; and it is further probable, that the Arabians drew their first knowledge of it, either from the Indians, or from Diophantus and other Greek writers, as they did that of geometry and other sciences, which they improved and translated into their own language; and from them it was that Europe re- ceived these sciences, before the Greek authors were known to us, after the Moors settled in Spain, and after the Europeans began to hold communication with them, and began to travel among them to learn the sciences. And according to the testimony of Abulpharagius, in the year 963, the arithmetic of Diophantus had been trans- lated into Arabic by Mahomet ben-yahya Buziani. But whoever were the inventors and first cultivators of alge- bra, it is certain that the Europeans first received the knowledge, as well as the name, from the Arabians or Moors, in consequence of the close intercourse which subsisted between them for several centuries. And it ap- pears that the art was pretty generally known, and much cultivated, at least in Italy, if not in Spain, as well as other parts of Europe also, long before the invention of printing, as many writings on the art are still extant in the libraries of manuscripts; and the first authors, presently after the invention of printing, speak of many former writers on this subject, from whom they learned the art. . Or the Indian Algebra. Some notices have lately been obtained of the science of algebra among the In- dians ; and it is very probable that, through the inter- course of learned Englishmen with that country, we shall receive still more considerable information on that head. There has long existed cause to suspect that the princi- ples of this art came to Europe through the Arabians and Moors, as well as the Indian numeration and arithmetic ; and every extension of our concerns among them, serves further to increase the probability of that opinion. For more than a century past, evidence has been received in Europe, at various times, of the existence of very learned works on astronomy among the Indians. Such notices were first imported by certain learned Frenchmen, and communicated through the Memoirs of the Academy; whence a very ingenious and learned account of such works was given in the Astronomic Indienne of the unfor- tunate M. Bailly. Since then, many other valuable com- A L G [ 63 ] A L G munications have been made by several of our own learned countrymen, belonging to the Bengal Society, and other persons curious in the sciences; as sir William Jones, Samuel Davis, esq., Edward Strachey, esq., and many others. Hence the strongest evidence has been obtained, that, at a period several thousand years (at least three or four) before the Christian era, the Indians must have possessed very correct astronomical observations and rules of calculation ; rules that require a considerable know- ledge uf geometry and of trigonometry, both plane and spherical; and even accompanied with regular tables of sines and versed sines : at a time when all Europe was in a state of gross barbarity, if it was at all inhabited. See a valuable paper in the 2d volume of the Asiatic Re- searches, by Samuel Davis, Esq. on the Astronomical Computations of the Hindus; also two learned disserta- tions on the Indian Astronomy and Trigonometry, by Professor Playfair, in the Edinburgh Philosophical Trans- actions, vols. ii. and iv. What we have now, however, particularly to attend to, is the algebra of that country. It has long been thought that a people, possessing so much knowledge of many other branches of mathematical science, could not well be unacquainted with algebra; and we have now received incontestable proofs of their very critical skill in that branch. Several specimens of such works have been seen in that country, both in the native language and in Per- sian translations. Some of the latter are also now in the hands of S. Davis, esq. of Portman Square, one of the directors of the East-India Company, with a partial translation into English ; and similar translations of some others have been sent to England by Mr. Edward Stra- chey, before mentioned. And as 1 have been favoured with the perusal of these, I am enabled to give some ac- count of them. The first of these communications, by Mr. Strachey, of the Bengal civil establishment, is a printed account of some observations on the originality, extent, and import- ance, of the mathematical science of the Hindoos; with extracts from Persian translations of the Lilawati or Lee- lawuttee, and the Beej Gunnit; or the Bija Ganita, as it is written by Mr. Davis. These two works, Mr. Strachey informs us, were both written by Bhasker Acharij, a fa- mous Hindoo mathematician and astronomer, who lived about the beginning of the 13th century of the Christian era; the latter of these two treatises being on algebra, with some of its applications ; and the former on arith- metic, and algebra, and mensuration or practical geo- metry. The Beja or Bija Ganita was translated into Per- sian in 1634, by Utta Ulla Rushcedee, at Agra or Dehli probably; and the Leelawuttee in 1587, by the ce- lebrated Fyzee. It is well known, Mr. Strachey says, that the only Per- sian science is Arabian, and that the Arabs had much of their mathematical knowledge from the Greeks ; it is cer- tain, however, that they had their arithmetic from the In- dians, and most likely their algebra was drawn from the same source; but the time, and other circumstances re- specting the introduction of these sciences among the Arabs, is unknown. It appears, however, that the first account of any Indian mathematical science among the Arabs, was of their astronomy, which was known in the reign of Al Mamoon. In later times, many Mahomme- dans have had access to the Hindoo books ; accounts of several are in the Ayeen Ackbery, and in D'Herbelot. Abul Fuzl gives a list of Sanscrit books, which were trans- lated into Persian in Akbar's time; among which the Leelawuttee is the only mathematical work. From a comparison of the algebra of the Arabians and Greeks, and that of the modern Europeans, with the Per- sian translations of the Beja Ganita and Lelawati, it would probably appear, that the algebra of the Arabs is quite different from that of Diophantus, and not taken the one from the other : that if the Arabs did learn from the Indians, as is most probable, they did not borrow largely from them ; that the Persian translations of the Beej Gunnit and Leelawuttee, contain principles, which are sufficient for the solution of any propositions in the Arabian, or in the Diophantine algebra; that these trans- lations contain propositions, which are not to be solved on any principles that could be supplied by the Arabian or the Diophantine algebra; and that the Hindoos were farther advanced in some branches of this science than the modern Europeans, with all their improvements, till the middle of the eighteenth century. These premises are exemplified by several extracts from the Lilawati and the Beja Ganita, too long to be repeated here, but are to be seen in my Tracts, vol. 2, p. 154, &c; where we trace many instances of the Hindoos' know- ledge in geometry, and in mensuration, as well as in the various parts of algebra, as far as compound quadratic equations inclusively, and that after a more perfect man- ner, in some respects, than our own practice. On Indeterminate Problems of the Second Degree, Diophan- tus, and the Bija Ganita. The l6th question of the 6th book of Diophantus, is as follows : — " Having two numbers given, if one of these drawn into a certain square, and the other subtracted from the pro- duct, make a square; it is required to find another square, greater than the former, which shall do the same thing. For instance, given the two numbers 3 and 11, and a certain square 25, which drawn into 3, and II taken from the product, leaves the square of 8 ; to find another square greater than 25 having the same property. Put its side In -*- 5, then its square is 1q + 10n -i- 25; triple of this diminished by 11 leaves 3Q -f 30n -+• 64 equal a square ; let its side be 2n — 8, which gives n =62; then 62 + 5 = 67 is the side, and 4489 the square sought." In the Bija Ganita this problem is solved very generally and scientifically, by the assistance of another, which was unknown in Europe till the middle of the 17th century; and first applied to questions of this nature by Euler, in the middle of the 18th century. — With the affirmative sign, the Bija Ganita rule for finding new values of ax" -+- b ■=y l , is this : Suppose ag- ■+- b = h 2 a particular case : find m and n such that air •+- 1 = wj 2 ; then is x = mg 4- nh, and y = mil ■+■ ang. Geueral methods, according to the Hindus, for the so- lution of indeterminate problems of the first and second degrees, are found in the 4th and 5th chapters of the Bija Ganita, which diner much from Diophantus's work. It contains, a great deal of knowledge and skill, which the Greeks had not; such as, the use of an indefinite number of unknown quantities, and the use of arbitrary marks to express them; a good arithmetic of surds; a perfect theory of indeterminate problems of the first degree; a very extensive and general knowledge of those of the se- cond degree; a perfect acquaintance with quadratic equa- tions, &c. The arrangement and manner of the two works A L G [ 64 ] A L G are as different as their substance: the one constitutes a any powers raised from multinomial surd roots, some- regular body of science; the other does not: the Bija thing like our method of finding the number of combina- Ganita is quite connected and well digested, and abounds tions. Next follow questions about squares; such a* in general rules, which suppose great learning; the rules (using our own notation), finding QJx°-+- 1, and 6lx" + 1, are illustrated by examples, and the solutions are perform- and 13a: 2 — 1, &c, squares ; also a general way or method edwith skill. Diophant us, though not entirely without me- to make expressions of this kind ax~ + b squares, thod, gives very few general propositions, being chiefly re- Then questions are treated producing simple equations ; markable for the dexterity and ingenuity with which he with the application to some questions about triangles, makes assumptions for the simple solution of his questions. Then more questions about squares ; as, to find x±y and The former teaches algebra as a science, by treating it syste- xy both squares; also x 3 +y 3 and x 2 -t-jr both squares, matically; the latter sharpens the wit, by solving a variety Next, some questions producing quadratics. Some- of abstruse and complicated problems in an ingenious thing is also said of a cubic; but it seems to hint that it manner. The author of the Bija Ganita goes deeper into cannot be solved generally : a straight ruler is mentioned, his subject, treats it more abstractedly, and more me- which it is suspected may allude to some mechanical me- thodically, though not more acutely than Diophantus. thod of solution, for there is an omission in the transla- The former has every characteristic of an assiduous and lion. Then more about squares; such as, to find learned compiler ; the latter of a man of genius in the in- x—y 7 both 7i 2 fancy of science. x^-t-y 2 j squares ; 7x 2 — By Besides the foregoing remarks, derived chiefly from the x—y-t-2\ SQuares . x °~y printed notices of Mr. Strachey, I have lately been favour- z + y -t- 2 J 4 ' x"-i-y ed with communications of several other curious particu- lars relating to the same two books, by S. Davis, esq. The late Mr. Reuben Burrow collected, in India, many oriental manuscripts on the mathematical sciences, both in the Sanscrit and the Persian languages, the latter being translations only of the former : most of these he bequeath- ed by will to one of his sons there, but with an injunc -y 7 both 7x*+By 2 7 both r+^1 +y 2 1 squares; lx 2 - 8y* + 1 ) squares ; x +y J sc l uares > , J- squares in whole numbers; - — a whole number, &c, &c. b Lastly, more indeterminate questions. In short, a great part is about indeterminate, and what we call questions of the Diophantine kind, yet without any one being the very same as in that author; which alone seems to show a dif- ferent origin; besides, they are mostly treated in a very tion not to be delivered to him till he should have learned different way; and several of them are not easy. those languages and the sciences. But one or two of these Burrow left to his friend Mr. Dal by, mathematical professor at the Royal Military College, Farnham. These are now in Mr. Dal by 's possession, being the Persian translations of the Bija Ganita and Lilawati, with an at- tempt at an English translation of some parts of them by Mr. Burrow; but these attempts being mostly interlinea- There are three or four questions about light-angled tri- angles, done algebraically ; and here one might have ex- pected to have found Eucl. 47, I» quoted ; but, instead of that, a reference is made to the " figure of wedding chair." But from these, and many other parts of their writings, we perceive that they were possessed of, not this property only, but most others the same as in our geometry; and tions written with a black-lead pencil, are in danger of here it was probably that Pythagoras acquired his mathe- being obliterated. Mr. Strachey also, lately arrived matical knowledge, which he carried back with him, and from India, has an entire English translation of the Bija, taught to his countrymen. The results of the operations of which he has favoured me with the perusal, and be- by the cipher 0, are the same as we make them : the quo- sides communicated by letter many descriptive remarks tient" Burrow at first translated "infinite," but after- of those works, from all which sources I have collected the following curious particulars, till such time as he may be pleased to give the whole work to the public. The first work is called the Beej, or the Beej Gunnit (as they are pronounced, but written Bija Ganita), and seems to have been translated into Persian about the year l6"34. The Persian introduction calls it " Beej Gunnit, the author Bhasker Acharya, author of the Lila- wati." It is there also said, that " this excellent method of computation was translated from the Hindu into Per- sian, and is called the Book of Composition and Resolu- tion ;" and " that it is not written in any book, Persian or Arabic." The two words litre translated " composition and resolution," arc elsewhere simply called "algebra." wards crossed it with his pencil, and substituted " cannot be comprehended :" probably it means unbounded, or unas- signable. Respecting this notation in this ms. it appears that un- known quantities are represented by letters or characters, which they call " colours." Thus, when only one un- known is used, it is denoted by a character called " Ma- jool;'' when two unknowns enter into the computation, the second is " Aswad" (black); a third is Neelok" (blue); the fourth yellow, &c. The unknown, or quantity sought, is called technically the tltingi meaning emphatically the thing about which the question or enquiry is made. All their marks, denoting words expressing the operation, arc Arabian. And it is remarkable that the first Italian wri- The two Persian words for " Beej Gunnit," are totally different from them ; so that the 'Persians and Arabians u>1 f ™ al S ebra : used * word °[ the same import tor the have adopted the meaning, not the pronunciation, of the unknown quantity, viz, cosa, the thing.; whence, in Lu Sanscrit. Part of the ms. is a commentary on the origi- ro P e ' thc sclence came \° be o c ' llled the cossic art, an. nal Hindu work, by the Persian translator. The work consists of five parts. It commences with explaining affirmatives and negatives, which he characte- rises by two terms denoting existing and non-existing, also properly and debt. Then follow the first rules, as with us. Next, surds are given at great length; and there seems here a general method of finding the number of surds in such quantities cossic numbers, &c. There is also a character set next an unknown, to de- note its square; another for the cube, &c: also a mark for the square root ; and one for the cube root: but there does not appear to be any thing answering to a vinculum used in compound quantities. The higher powers are formed, and named, by repealing and combining these A L G [ 65 1 A L G -3x ■ Qy -I3.gr + «W -8y -+- 'ix 1 -2xy + 2x _3x + 2y |-2 marks; so, the 4th power is called the square square ; the 5th power, the square cube; the 6th power, the cube cube; and so on, meaning those powers multiplied toge- ther, i For equality they use the expression " I equalize," or " equalizing," and, indeed, all their operations are ex- pressed in words at length. When unknowns are multiplied together, they are placed next one another, in our manner; though there seems occasionally to be a mark for product. It is ob- servable too that the affirmative, or the negative sign, and the coefficient, are always placed on contrary sides of the unknown, not-i-2xy, as with us, but Ixy-v, oi + xyl; this latter is in the Persian way, as they read from right to left ; but the Hindus from left to right, like the Europeans. But, though the Persians write from right to left, they do not use, or translate the Sanscrit numerals backwards; a circumstance which renders the opinion very probable, that the Persians derived their numeration characters and calculation from the Indians, but probably at second hand through the Arabians. Compounds are multiplied as we fill the multiplication +4y table: for example, to mul- _ tiply — 3x->-2y — 2 by-t-iy — j:+1, they proceed as in the -+- 1 margin, and afterwards collect the products. In the process of their solutions, there is no distinct ar- rangement of the different steps, as in the modern alge- bra; but it is carried on without any breaks in the lines, something like de Burgo, or Bombelli, &c. ' The language is written in the first person, as, — I do so and so— I then equalize — next I multiply, &c. We have already noticed their method of resolving com- pound quadratic equations, the same as ours, by comple- ting the square ; and better than ours in such cases as ax 1 -+- bx = c, when the first term has a coefficient a, which does not divide the two b and c, by which they avoid the operation in fractions. In imitation of this, also, I see they have a method of completing the powers in some cases of cubics and biquadratics: Thus, having the cubic equation x 3 ■+■ 1 2x = 6x 2 -+- 35 ; first subtracting 6V, gives x 3 — 6x 2 -h 12x = 35 ; next subtracting 8, gives x 3 — 6x 2 + I2x — 8=2T, which completes the binomial cubic, and the roots are x — 2 = 3, or x = 5. Again, having given the imperfect biquadratic x A — 400x — 2»°— 9999j a case which it is not very obvious how to bring it to a complete power, but which is managed with much address, in this manner. First add 400x-i-l to both sides, this gives x 4 — 2x i ->- 1 = 10000 + 400x, where the first side is a complete square, and the roots are x 1 — 1 = v/(10000+-400x) ; but as the latter side is not a complete square, the author goes back again, and tries another course ; thus, to the original equation he adds 4x 1 -i-400x+ 1, which gives * 4 -h2x 2 -<- 1 = 4x 2 -h400x + 10000, two complete squares, the roots of which are x -t- l=2x-t- 100 ; again, subtract 2x, and it becomes x 2 — 2x + 1 = 100, which are. again two complete squares, the roots of which are x— 1 = 10, and hence x = 1 1. And this process has some resemblance to that which ■was afterwards practised, if notimitated, by Lewis Ferrari. It appears, however, that the Indians had no general me- thod for all equations of these two (towers, but only de- pended on their own ingenuity for artfully managing some particular cases of them; for, at the conclusion of the above process, the author emphatically adds, "The solu- VOL. I. tion of such questions as these depends on correct judg- ment, aided by the assistance of God." At the conclusion of the first book occur some curious circumstances in the solution of certain problems in the application of algebra to geometry, particularly some re- lating to right-angled triangles, by which it appears that they were well acquainted with the most remarkable pro- perties in Euclid's Elements, some of which are cited under names peculiar to themselves, and sometimes, Mr. Strachey thinks, by numbers of the books and proposi- tions in Euclid's collection, unless these last references have been added by the translator, or some transcriber, which is to be suspected. In the 3d book the author comes to treat of questions and equations having several unknown quantities in them. These he directs to exterminate one after another, much after our modern way, till they are reduced to one un- known oidy. The number of independent equations are stated to be equal to the number of the unknown quan- tities; but when there are not so many equations, the de- fect is supplied by assuming values for as many of the un- known quantities, &c, as with us. The unknown quan- tities are represented and called by so many different cha- racters and names, as is our own practice also. We de- note them usually by the letters x, y, z, &c ; the Hindus by different, colours, or letters, or other marks also. " Thus," says our author, " suppose the first unknown, and the 2d black, and the 3d blue, and the 4th yellow, and the 5th red, and the 6'th green, and the 7th parti-coloured, and so on, giving whatever names you please to the un- known quantities which you wish to discover; and if, in- stead of these colours, other names are supposed, such as letters, and the like, it may be done. For what is re- quired, is to find out the unknown quantities, and the ob- ject in giving names, is that you may distinguish the things required." In this 3d book occur many examples of making cer- tain analytical 'expressions to be squares and cubes, &c. These are mostly very curious, many of them difficult, and often involving several unknown quantities; they are ge- nerally solved in a masterly way, and that very different from the manner of Diophantus. The two other books are on similar indeterminate problems, but gradually more and more complex and difficult. Besides the above, there are many curious things in the Bija Ganita, and It may be presumed, adds Mr. Strachey, that the Hindu books contain much interesting matter re- specting this branch of algebra; it is probable that they have some system of continued-fractions; and perhaps methods of approximation, and theories of series and equa- tions. From the rules of the 5th book, and their applica- tion, there is some ground for an opinion, that the Hindus may have had a knowledge of curves, and much of the application of mathematics to natural philosophy. On the whole, il would seem that the origin of algebra, as well as of arithmetic, was probably Indian. We have however as yet but little certain information on this sub- ject. It has been said that the Arabs ascribe the invention of algebra to the Greeks ; but the algebra of Diophantus is widely different from that of the Arabs; and it is very doubtful whether the Greeks ever had any other than that of Diophantus. If there be any doubt of Diophantus's algebra being of Greek origin, it may be worthy of remark, that at Alexandria he might have had the means of access K A L G [ 66 ] A L G to Indian literature. The Bija Ganita is indeed of com- paratively modern date; but we must not forget that it is extracted from other books, as stated by Mr. Davis, in the Asiatic Researches, in a very learned article on the cycle of 60 years. And it is not unlikely that there are old Hindu treatises, from which not only the Bija Ganita, but even the algebra of Diophantus, and that of the Arabs, may have been derived. The other work, the Lilawati, as before mentioned, is on arithmetic, mensuration, &c. In the introduction, we find lhat " the collector of the book Lilawati was Bhasker Acharya, of Bidder city," on the northern confines of Hindustan. And "though the date of it is not known, yet in another book, made in the year 1 105 of Salbahan, the reason of making the Lilawati is given." In the Ayeen Akbery (a Persian work on the manners, history, laws, &c, of the Hindus, translated by Gladwin), we find " that Acharya among the followers of Jine, is one who explains any difficulties that may occur to noviciates;" and there- fore we may conclude that Bhasker was an instructor in mathematics. Now, the Salbahan, according to the Hindu chronology, commenced Anno Dom. SO; hence this book must have been written in 1 185. But all that can be inferred from this is, that in 1185 they did not know when Bhasker lived. The Lilawati begins with the first rules of arithmetic, and goes through fractions, the extraction of roots, &c, with a good deal of what we should call alligation. Like us, they mark every 3d figure from the place of units, in extracting the cube root. A part towards the end is upon " forms," somewhat similar it seems to our permutations. The numeral figures are nearly the same shape as those mentioned in p. 8 of Wallis's Algebra. From which it appears that our present figures have been derived from them, by gradual and successive alter- ations in the shape, by different transcribers. And hence it appears also, that these figures, as well as their use, and the arts of arithmetic, algebra, &c, have come to us from India, in their progress through Persia, Arabia, Africa, Spain, Italy, &c; and that we ought rather to call them Indian figures, &c, than Arabian. Translation of Fyzi's Preface to the Lilawati. " By order of the king Akber, Fyzi translates into Per- sian, from the Indian language, the book Lilawati, so famous for the rare and wonderful arts of calculation and mensuration. He (Fyzi) begs leave to mention, that the compiler of this book was Bhascara Acharya, whose birth place, and the abode of his ancestors, was the city of Biddur, in the country of theDeccan. Though the date of compiling this work is not mentioned, yet it may be nearly known from the circumstance, that the author made an- other book on the Construction of Almanacks, called Kurrun Kuttohul, in which the date of compiling it is mentioned to be 1105 years from the date of the Saliuahn, an era famous in India. From that year, to this, which is the 32nd Jlahi year, corresponding with the Hejira year 99$> there have passed 37-3 years." (answering nearly to 1585 of the Christian era). " It is said that the composing the Lilawati was occa- sioned by the following circumstance. Lilawati was the name of the author's (Bhascara's) daughter, concerning whom it appeared, from the qualities of the Ascendant at her birth, that she was destined to pass her life unmarried, and to remain without children. The father ascertained a lucky hour for contracting her in marriage, that she might be firmly connected, and have children. It is said that when that hour approached, he brought his daughter and his intended son near him. He left the hour cup on the vessel of water, and kept in attendance a time-know- ing astrologer, in order that when the cup should subside in the water, those two precious jewels should be united. But, as the intended arrangement was not according to destiny, it happened that the girl, from a curiosity natural to children, looked into the cup, to observe the water coming in at the hole; when by chance a pearl separated from her bridal dress, fell into the cup, and, rolling down to the hole, stopped the influx of the water. So the astrolo- ger waited in expectation of the promised hour. When the operation of the cup had thus been delayed beyond all moderate time, the father was in consternation, and ex- amining, he found that a small pearl had stopped the course of the water, and that the long-expected hour was passed. In short, the father, thus disappointed, said to his unfortunate daughter, I will write a book of your name, which shall remain to the latest times — for a good name is a second life, and the ground-work of eternal ex- istence." Fyzi's preface then proceeds : " The arrangement of this translation was made with the assistance of men learned in this science, particularly the astrologers of the Deccan. Some Indian words, for which corresponding expressions were not to be found in books of this science, have been retained, as they were in the Indian language. The work has been divided into an Introduction, some Rules, and a Conclusion." Introduction. In this part are given explanations of some expressions in the science of calculation; with the meaning of certain terms employed in operations of the art of numbers ; the divisions and terms of money, weights, measures, time, and mensurations; some of which are cu- rious, as bearing some analogy to our own, of which they might possibly be the origin. The grain, or barleycorn, is given by the author, as the element of weights as well as measures. Thus, two barleycorns make 1 Soorkh. The breadth of 8 barleycorns is the quantity of 1 finger; 2+ fingers make the Arm or cubit; and 10 cubits make a Bamboo or rod, nearly the same as our own. The ele- ment of time, is given thus: The time in which a word of two letters, as Ta or Ka, can be uttered 10 times, " neither slowly nor quickly," is called Pran ; then 0" prans make 1 Pul; 6'0 puis I Ghurry; and O'O ghurrys one day and night. So that it hence appears that, 60 ghurrys are = our 24 hours 1 ghurry -'=•-. .24 minutes 1 pul - ' = - ' 24 seconds 1 pran - = - 4 seconds 1 ka uttered in ■§ of a second. ON THE ARABIAN ALGEBRA. Mr. Strachey says, " the Greek algebra may be seen in Diophantus, who is the only Greek writer on the subject that we have heard of. — The Indian algebra may be seen in Bija Ganita, and in the Lilawati, by the author of the Bija: and as the Persian translations of these works con- tain a degree of knowledge, which did not exist in any of the ordinary sources of science, extant in the time of the translators, they may be safely taken as Indian, and of an- cient origin. To give some idea of the algebra of the Ara- bians, by which we may be enabled to judge whether, on the one hand, it could have been derived from Diophantus, or, on the other, that of the Hindus could have been ALG [ 67 ] ALG taken frorri them, the work entitled Khulasat-ul-Hisab, may be taken as a specimen ; especially because there is a part of this book which marks the limits of algebraical knowledge, in the time of the writer. " We have seen that the first European Algebraists learnt of the Arabians ; but no account has been given of the nature, the extent, and the origin of Arabian algebra. No distinct abstract or translation of any Arabic book, on the subject, has appeared in print; nor has it been established beyond controversy, who taught the Arabians. The Khulasat-ul-Hisab is of considerable repute in India: 'it is thought to be the best treatise on algebra, and it is almost the only book on the subject read there. I select- ed it, because I understood that, as well as the shortest, it was the best treatise that could be procured. Besides ge- neral report, I was guided by the authority of Maulavi Roshen Ali, an acknowledged good judge of such matters, who assured me that, among the learned Moslems, it was considered as a most complete work, and that he knew of no Arabian algebra beyond what it contained. In the Sulafat-ul-Asr, a book of biography, by Nizam-ul-din- Ahmed, there is this account of Baha-ul-drn, the author of the Khulasat-ul-Hisab. ' He was born at Balbec, in the month of D'hi lhaj, 953 Hijri, (anno Chr. 1575) and died at Isfahan in Shawal, 1031/ (anno Chr. 1653). Mention is made of many writings of Baha-ul-din, on re- ligion, law, grammar, &c, a treatise on astronomy, and one on the astrolabe. In this list of his works, no notice is taken of his great treatise on algebra, the Behr-ul- Hisab, which is alluded to in the Khulasat-ul-Hisab. Mawlavi Roshen Ali tells me the commentators say, it is not extant. There is no reason to believe that the Arabians ever knew more than appears in Baha-ul-din's book, for their learning was at its height long before his time. " From what has been stated it will appear, that from the Khalasat-ul-Hisab, an adequate conception may be formed of the nature and extent of the algebraical know- ledge of the Arabians; and hence I am induced to hope, that a short analysis of its contents will not be unaccept- able here. I deem it necessary here to state that, possess- ing nothing more than the knowledge of a few words in Ara- bic, I made the translation, from which the following sum- mary is abstracted, from the viva voce interpretation into Persian of Maulavi Roshen Ali, who perfectly understood the subject and both languages, and afterwards collated it with a Persian translation, which was made about 60 years after Baha-ul-din's death, (anno Chr. 1713), and which Roshen Ali allowed to be perfectly correct. " The work, as stated by the author in his preface, con- sists of an introduction, 10 books, and a conclusion. The introduction contains definitions of arithmetic, of number, which is its object, and of various classes of numbers. The author distinctly ascribes to the Indian sages the invention of the nine figures, to express the numbers from 1 to 9- Book 1 comprises the arithmetic of integers. The rules enumerated under this head are, Addition, Duplation, Subtraction, Halving, Multiplication, Division, and the Extraction of the Square Root. The method of proving the operation, by casting out the 9's is described under each of these rules. The author gives the following re- markable definitions of multiplication and division : viz, ' Multiplication is finding a number such, that the ratio which one of the factors bears to it, shall be thesame which unity bears to the other factor; and division is finding a number, which has the same ratio to unity, as the dividend has to the divisor.' " For the multiplication of even tens, hundreds, &c, into one another, the author delivers the following rule, which is remarkable in this respect, that it exhibits an application of something resembling the indices of logari- thims." ' Take the numbers as if they were units, and multiply them together, writing down the product, Then add the numbers of the ranks together, the place of units being 1, that of tens 2, &c; subtract 1 from the sum, and call the remainder the number of the rank of the product.' This is similar to our own practice in such cases, when we say, Multiply the significant numbers to- gether, and subjoin to their product all the ciphers that are in both factors." There next follow several other ingenious contrivances, and compendiums, such as, To multiply figures between 5 and 10. To multiply units into numbers between units and 20. To multiply together numbers between 10 and 20. To multiply numbers between 10 and 20 into com- pound numbers between 20 and 100. To multiply num- bers between 20 and 100, where the digits in the place of tens are the same. To multiply numbers between 10 and 100, when the digits in the place of tens are different. To multiply two unequal numbers, whose sum is even ; from the square of the half sum subtract the square of the half difference. For multiplying numbers consisting each of several places of figures, the method described by this author, under the name of Shabacah, or network, and il- lustrated by the following example, has some resemblance to the operation by Napier's bones; where, inst«ad of our way, the method is, to set down the whole of each product in the alternate chequers, then add up the columns diagonal wise. On the other rules, nothing is delivered differing so much from those contained in our common books of arithmetic, as to require particular mention. Book 2d contains the arithmetic of fractions. Book 3d, the rule of three, or to find an unknown number by four proportionals. Book 4th delivers the rule of position, both single and double, or to find an unknown number by assuming a number once or twice, and comparing the errors. Book 5th gives the method of finding an unknown number by reversing all the steps of the process described in the question. This last rule has a near affinity to the reduction of equations in algebra, and might very naturally lead to the invention of algebra itself, being easily and generally applicable to the solution of questions usually given in the rules of position, and in the reduction of equa- tions. For instance, taking the first example in Double Position, in vol. 1, of my Course of Mathematics: viz, What number is that, which being multiplied by 6, the product increased by 18, and the sum divided by 9, the quotient shall be 20 ? Now, beginning with the last result 20, and performing in a retrograde order all the reverse operations, they will be thus : because the last operation was dividing by 9, to give the result 20; and multiplication being the reverse of division, therefore multiply the result 20 by the 9, and it gives 180; then because the next preceding operation was adding IS, therefore subtracting 18 from the ISO, leaves 16'2 ; lastly, because the next preceding operation was multiplying by 6, therefore divide the 162 by 6, and it gives 27, which must be the number sought, or that K2 A L G [ first begun with. The proof is thus : 27 * 6 = l62, then 162 -(-18 = 180, and 180-^9=20. Or thus, expressing all the operations by their respective marks or characters, — ;now first multiplying by the divisor it will give — 9, gives27 +6+18; then subtracting the increase 18, leaves 27 + 6: and lastly, dividing by the divisor 6, must give the first or number required. And this natural process is exactly the same as the ge- neral rule laid down at the beginning of Simple Equations in the same volume, as the most general and natural method for the reduction of all equations. Thus, assuming x for the number sought, in the same example : then by the question, = 20; multiply by 9, and it becomes - - 6 .r-i-18 = ISO; subtract IS, and it is - - - - 6:c = l62: lastly, divide by 6, and it gives - - x = 27- So that the mode of operation is exactly the same in all these ways. Book 6th treats of Mensuration. The introduction contains geometrical definitions. Chap. 1 treats on the mensuration of rectilinear surfaces. Under this head, the two following articles are deserving of notice. 1st, To find the point in the base of a triangle, wh'ere it will be cut by a perpendicular, let fall from the opposite angle. Call the greatest side the base ; multiply the sum of the two less sides by their difference; divide the product by the base, and subtract the quotient from the base ; half the remainder will show the point on the base, where the perpendicular falls towards the least side. This property will easily be recognized as similar to that which we usually employ in resolving that case in plane trigonome- try when the three sides are given, probably borrowed from the orientals ; it is also the same property as that in the 35th theorem of my Geometry. 2nd, To find the area of an equilateral triangle. Mul- tiply the square of a quarter of the square of one of the sides by 3 ; then the square root of the product is the area. That is, the side being a, its square is or, the quar- ter of 'this is $a?, the square of which is -^a 4 , multiplied by3, it is-j%a 4 ,its root *J -j%a 4 is the area. This is naturally derived from the property of right-angled triangles, and, by extracting the roots, soon reduces to £a\/3, the same as our own rule for the same purpose. Chap. 2nd treats on the mensuration of curvilinear sur- faces. We here find the same rule for the area of the circle, as one of those employed by ourselves, for the same purpose, viz, multiply the square of the diameter by 11, and divide the product by 14. Chap. 3d, on the mensuration of solids, contains nothing sufficiently remarkable to merit particular notice. This chapter concludes with the following sentence : ' The de- monstrations of all these rules are contained in my greater work entitled Bahr-ul-IIisab (the ocean of calculations), may God grant me grace to finish it.' Book the 7th treats on Practical Geometry. Of which, the first chapter is on levelling, for the purpose of making canals. In this are described the plummet- level, and the water-level, on the same, principle with our spirit-level. The 2nd chapter is on the mensuration of heights, ac- cessible and inaccessible. Under the former of these heads arc delivered the common methods, by bringing the top of a pole (whose height is known) in a line between the 8 ] A L G eye and the top of the height required ; or by viewing the image of the top in a horizontal mirror; also by taking the proportion between a perpendicular stick of known length, and its shadow; or by taking the length of the shadow of the height when the sun's altitude is 4-5 de- grees. The concluding method is this : ' Place the index of the astrolabe at the mark of 45°, and stand at a place where the height of the object is seen through the sights;' then measure from the place where you stand, to the place where a stone would fall from the top; add your own height, and the sum is the quantity required. For the mensuration of inaccessible heights, the follow- ing rule is delivered : " Observe the top of the object through the sights, and mark on what shadow-line (di- vision) the lower end of the index falls. Then move the index a step forward or backward, and advance or recede till you see the top of the object again. Measure the distance between your stations, and multiply by 7 if the index is moved a Dhil-Kadam, and by 12 if it is moved a Dhil-Asba, according to the shadow lines on the astro- labe ; this is the quantity required." The 3d chapter is on measuring the breadth of rivers and depth of wells. Stand on the bank of the river, and through the two sights look at the opposite bank ; then turn round and look at any thing on the land side, keeping the astrolabe even : the distance from the observer to the place is the same as the breadth of the river. Book 8th is on finding unknown quantities by algebra. In this book are two chapters. The first is introductory, chiefly relating to the formation and operation of powers of the unknown quantity, thus. Call the unknown quan- tity Shai (thing), its product into itself Mai (possession), the product of Mai into Shai, Cab (a die or cube), of Shai into Cab, Mal-Mal ; of Shai into Mal-i-Mal, Mai-Cab ; Shai into Mal-i-Cab, Cab-i-Cab ; and so on, without end. For one Cab write two Mais, and of these two Mais one becomes Cab ; afterwards both Mais become Cab. Thus the 7th power is Mal-i-Mal-i-Cab, and the 8th Mal-i-Cab- i-Cab, in the Oth Cab-i-Cab-Cab, and so on. All these powers are in continued proportion, either ascending or descending. Thus the ratio of Mal-i-Mal to Cab, is like (or similar or equal to) the ratio of Cab to Mai, of Mai to Shai, and of Shai to 1, and of 1 to 1 divided by Shai, and of 1 divided by Shai to 1 divided by Mai, and of 1 divided by Mai to 1 divided by Cab, and of 1 divided by Cab to 1 divided by Mal-i-Mal. All this means, that all the terms in the successive powers are in continued propor- tion, viz, in our notation, 11 1 1 j 3 . o — , -ti — ■ — > I) x, x "> x > a > & c > x r .V x ', x", X 3 , X*. &c. or x *, x , x To multiply one of these powers by another. If they are both on the same side, (viz, of unity) add the expo- nents of their powers together ; the product will have the same denomination as this sum. For example, to multi- ply Mal-i-Cab by Mal-i-Mal-i-Cab, the first is the 5th power, and the other is the 7th ; the result then is Cab-i- Cab-i-Cab-i-Cab, or four Cabs, which is the 12th power. If the factors are on different sides, the product will be the excess cm the side of the greater. — So, the product of 1 divided by Mal-i-Mal into Mal-i-Cab, is Shai; and the product ol I divided by Cab-i-Cab-Cab into Cab-i-Mal-i- Mal, is 1 divided by Mai. And if the factors are at the same distance (from 1), the product' is 1. The author A L G I 6g ] A L G adds, " The particulars of the methods of division, with extraction of roots, and other rules, I have given in my greater book." " The rules of algebra which have been discovered by learned men are six, and they relate to number and Shai and Mai." That is, to n and x and x% including what we call simple and quadratic equations. Chapter II. On the Six Rules of Algebra. To find unknown quantities by algebra depends on acuteness and sagacity, with an attentive consideration of the terms of the question, and a successful application of the invention to such things as may serve to bring out the quantity required. Call the unknown quantity Shai (the Thing), and proceed with it according to the terms of the question^ till the operation ends with an equation. Let that side where there are negative quantities be made per- fect, adding the negative quantity to the other side, which is called restoration, Jebr, (hence doubtless, with the article Al, comes the name Algebra.) Let those things which are of the same kind, and equal on both sides, be thrown away which is called opposition {dlakabalah). Equality is either of one species to another, which is of three kinds, called simple (Mufridal), or of one species to two species, which is of three kinds, called compound (Muktarinati) . Case 1st. Mufridal. When number is equal to things (ax=n); divide the number by the coefficient of the thing, and the unknown quantity will be found. Example. A person admitted that he owed to Zaid 1000 and one half of what he owed Amer; also that he owed Amer 1000 all but half of what he owed to Zaid. Call Zaid's debt Shai (x). Then Amer's debt is 1000 wanting half of Shai (1000 — -ix); and Zaid's is 1500 wanting a fourth of Shai (1500 — |r). This is equal to Shai (1500 — ix = x). After Jebr, 1500 is equal to one Shai and a quarter of Shai (1500= l^x). So for Zaid is 1200, and for Amer 400. Case 2nd. Multiples of Shai equal to multiples of Mai (ax = bx'). Divide the coefficient of the thing by that of Mai; the quotient is the unknown quantity (- = x). Ex, ample. Some sons plundered their father's inheritance, which consisted of Dinars. One took 1, another 2, the third 3, and so on increasing by 1. The ruling power took back what they had plundered, and divided it among them in equal shares, by which each received 7. How many sons were there, and how many Dinars? Suppose the number of Sons Shai (x), and take the sum of the ex- tremes, viz, 1 and Shai (1 -)-x). Multiply them by half of Shai (4*) ; tli is is the number of dinars (■§! -+- ^r ) ; for the sum of any series of numbers in arithmetical progres- sion, is equal to the product of the sum of the two ex- tremes, into half the number of terms. Divide the num- ber of the Dinars by Shai (x), which is the number of the sons, the quotient according to the terms of the ques- tion, will be 7{ix- -+• ^x) _^x = 7). Multiply 7 by Shai (r), the divisor, 7 Shai is the product, which is equal to ^ Mai and -J- Shai (7x =^x ! ■+■ {x). Alter Jebr and Muka- baluh, 1 Mai is equal to 13 Shai (x l = 13x); Shai then is 13 (x = 13); and this is the number of sons. Multiply this by 7, and the number of Dinars will be found 91. It is added, that questions of this kind may be solved by position. " Thus, suppose the number of sons to be 5, the first error is 4 in defect ; then suppose it to he 9> the second error is 2 in defect. The first Mafudh is 10, and the second is 36; their difference is 26, and the difference of the errors is 2." — " Another method, which is short, is this: Double the quotient (7) is 14; subtract 1, and the result (13) is the number of sons." Case 3d. Number equal to Mai (n=rax 2 ). Divide the number by the coefficient of the Mai; the root of the quo- tient (,/- = x is the unknown quantity. Example. A person admitted that he owed Zaid the greater of two sums of money, the sum of which was 20, and the product 96. Suppose one of them to be 10 and Shai (10 -1- x), and the other 10 wanting Shai (10 — x). The product, which is 100 all but Ma^lOO — x 2 ) is equal to 96; and after Jebr and Mukabalah, 1 Mai is equal to 4 (x 2 = 4), and Shai equal to 2 (x = 2). One of the sums then is 8, and the other 12, which is the debt of Zaid. Here, by substitu- ting for the half-sum and half-difference the equation, comes out a simple one. -First Case of Maktarinal. Number equal to Mai and Shai (ax 2 ->-bx = n). Complete the Mai to unit if it is deficient, or reduce it to the same if it exceeds, and reduce the number and Shai in the same ratio, by dividing all by the coefficient of the Mai. Then square one half the coefficient of the Shai, and add this square to the number. From the root of the sum subtract half the co- efficient of the Shai, and the unknown will remain. An example follows as usual : and the method is evidently the same as ours at present. Case 2nd. Shai equal to number and Mai (bx = x' 2 -t- n). After completing or rejecting, subtract the number from the square of half the coefficient of Shai ; then add the root of the remainder to half the coefficient of the Shai, or subtract the former from the latter, and the result is the unknown quantity. This also is the same as the present method, and both the two roots are noticed in this case, by taking the root of the known quantity either positive or negative. An example is added as usual. Case 3d. Mai equal to number and Shai (x 2 = n •+- bx). After completion or rejection, add the square of half the coefficient of the Shai to the number, and add the root of the sum to half the coefficient of the Shai ; this is the un- known quantity. Example. What number is that which being subtracted from its square, and the remainder addr ed to its square, is 10? Subtract Shai from Mai and go on with the operation, than 2 Mai all but Shai is equal to 10 (2x- — x = 10) ; and after Jebr and Radd, Mai is equal to 5 and half of Shai (x' 2 = 5 + ix). The square of half the coefficient of Shai and 5, is 5 and half an eighth (5-jJg-), and its root is Si; to this add £, the result 2£ is the num- ber sought. Book 9th, contains 12 rules respecting the properties of numbers. As, 1st. To find the sum of the products multiplied into itself and into all numbers below it. Add 1 to the number; and multiply the sum by the square of the number; half the product is the number sought. 2nd. To add the odd numbers in their regular order. Add 1 to the last number, and take the square of half the sum. 3d. To add the even numbers from 2 upwards. Multi- ply half the last even number by a number greater by 1 than that half. 4th. To add the squares of the numbers in order. Add 1 to twice the last number, and multiply a 3d of the sum, by the sum of the numbers. A L G [ 70 ] A L G 5th. To find the sum of the cubes in succession. Take the square of the sum of the numbers. 6th. To find the product of the roots of two numbers. Multiply one by the other, and the root of the product is the answer. 7th. To divide the root of one number by that of an- other. Divide one by the other, the root of the quotient is the answer. 8th. To find a perfect number ; that is, a number which is equal to the sum of its aliquot parts, (Eucl. book 7, def. 22). The rule is that delivered by Euclid, book 9, prop. 36. 9th. To find a square in a given ratio to its root. Di- vide the first number of the ratio by the second ; the square of the quotient is the square required. 10th. If any number be multiplied and divided by ano- ther, the product multiplied by the quotient, is the square of the first number. 1 1th. The difference of two squares is equal to the pro- duct of the sum and difference of the roots. 12th. If two numbers be divided by each other,and the quotients multiplied together, the result is always 1. Book 10th contains 9 practical examples, all of which are capable of solution by simple equations, or by posi- tion, or by retracing the steps of the operation, and some of them by simple proportion; so that it is needless to specify them. The conclusion, which marks the limits of algebraical knowledge in the age of the writer, is here given entire, in the author's words. " Conclusion. There are many questions in this sci- ence which learned men have to this time in vain attempted to solve; and they have stated some of these questions in their writings, to prove that this science contains difficul- ties, to silence those who pretend they find nothing in it above their ability, to warn arithmeticians against under- taking to answer every question that may be proposed, and to excite men of genius to attempt their solution. Of these I have selected seven. — 1st. To divide 10 into two parts, such, that when each part is added to its square root, and the sums are multiplied together, the product is equal to a supposed number. — 2d. What square number is that, which being increased or diminished by 10, the sum and remainder are both square numbers? — 3d. A person said he owed to Zaid 10 all but the square root of what he owed to Amer, and that he owed Amer 5 all but the square root of what he owed Zaid. — 4th. To divide a cube number into two cube numbers. — 5th. To divide 10 into two parts such, that if each is divided by the other, and the two quotients are added together, the sum is equal to one of the parts. — 6th. There are three square numbers in continued geometric proportion, such, that the sum of the three is a square number. — 7th. There is a square, such, that when it is increased and diminished by its root and 2, the sum and the difference are squares. — Know, reader, that in this treatise I have collected in a small space the most beautiful and best rules of this science, more than were ever collected before in one book. Do not underrate the value of this bride; hide her from the view of those who are unworthy of her, and let her go to the house of him only who aspires to wed her." From the preceding account of this Arabian treatise on Algebra, the Khulasat-ul-Hisab, of Baha-ul-din, which is esteemed the best in that language, we pretty clearly per- ceive what was the state of science in that nation ; that it was much the same as the first treatises among the Italians, derived directly from the former ; but that it was much inferior to the same science among the Indians. It does not appear that the Arabians used algebraic notation or abbreviating symbols ; that they had any knowledge of the Diophantine algebra, or of any but the easiest and ele- mentary parts of the science. We have si en that Baha- ul-din ascribes the invention of the numeral figures, in the decimal scale, to the Indians ; as is done indeed by all the Arabic and Persian books of arithmetic. The following is an extract from a Persian treatise of arithmetic in Mr. Strachey's possession. " The Indian sages wishing to express numbers conveni- ently, invented these nine figures, t f Tfil V A 1 ) The first figure on the right hand they made stand for units, the second for tens, the third for hundreds, the fourth for thousands. Thus, after the third rank, the next following is units of thousands, the second tens of thousands, the third hundreds of thousands, and so on. Every figure therefore in the first rank is the number of units it expresses; every figure in the second, the num- ber of tens which the figure expresses; in the third, the number of hundreds; and so on. When in any rank a figure is wanting, write a cipher like a small circle (°) to preserve the rank. Thus, ten is written 10, a hundred 100, five thousand and twenty-five 5025." In short, of the Indian algebra, in its full extent, the Arabians seem to have been ignorant; but most likely they had their algebra from the same source as their arithmetic. The Arabian and Persian treatises on algebra, like the first and old European ones, begin with arith- metic, called in those treatises the arithmetic of the Indi- ans, and have a second part on algebra; but.no notice is taken of the origin of the latter. Most likely their alge- bra, being numeral, was considered by the authors as a part of arithmetic. Though part only of the Khulasat-al-Hisab, Mr. Stra- chey says, is concerning algebra, the rest, relating to arith- metic and mensuration, must be thought not wholly un- connected with the subject. It is to be hoped that ere long we shall have either translations from the Sanscrit of the Bija Ganita and Lilawati, or perfect accounts from the originals; and that other Hindu books of algebra will be found, and made known to the world. But in the mean time the Persian translations will be found well deserving of attention ; observing carefully to distinguish between what is interpolated, and what is original. From the preceding account of this Arabic treatise, also, is clearly seen the origin of the name of Algebra, being an Arabic compound, viz, of the article «/, and jebr, which denotes one of the modes of reducing the equations, viz, by transposing or adding the negative terms, to make them all affirmative. For a fuller account of the Indian and Arabian algebra, see my Tracts, vol. 2, p. 151, &c. Of algebra in italy and other parts of Eu- rope. We have seen that algebra had probably its rise in Hindustan, as well as our present numeration and arith- metic, all the rules of it having been (bund in the ancient Mss. of that country, much the same, in matter and form, as they appear in the first Italian authors; and among these, the two rules of false position, which are nearly al- A L G [ 71 ] A L G lied to algebra, and the extension of which probably led to, and ultimately became, the art of algebra itself. Hence it appears that these arts passed successively into Persia, Arabia, Africa, and Europe. In this last quarter it seems doubtful, whether their introduction was first into Spain or into Italy: the probability would appear to be on the side of the former, as it would most likely be introduced by the Moors on their settlement in the peninsula in the Sth, 9th, and 10th centuries ; whence it might be com- municated to Gaul and Germany and England, &c. This route is rendered the more probable by the circumstance, that the early state of the algebraic art in these countries was very different, and even more perfect, in several re- spects, than that in Italy, in the contemporary stages. And yet, on the other hand, against this probability of the first introduction of the art into Spain by means of the Moorish conquest, it may reasonably be objected, that it does not appear that the Arabians themselves had cultivated it at a ti me so early as the date of that conquest ; and besides that we have not heard of any early works on Algebra having ever been found in the Spanish peninsula. It appears, however, at any rate, that Italy received the art by a different route, though probably at a later date, viz, immediately from the eastern Arabians themselves, without the knowledge of any other source or communi- cation : and hence it was natural for the Italians to as- cribe the invention of the art to that people. It has usually been thought, that the first introduction of algebra into Italy, was about the 14th century. But we have lately, viz, in 1797, been favoured with a new and very diffuse history of algebra, by Sig. Cossali, in two large volumes, 4to, by which it appears, that the art was first imported into Italy, from the east, by Leonard Bo- nacci, of Pisa, who composed his arithmetic in the year 1202, and again in 1228; adding the algebra at the end, as a part of it. In ^his work of Cossali's, accounts are given of several other old authors, as well Italian as Arabian and Persian, &c, among which some were much earlier than Leonard: as, a Mohamed ben Musa or Moses, called also Mohamed of Buziani, a place in Corasan, near the south-east point of the Caspian Sea. This Mohamed, it seems, in the year 959, travelled eastward to the confines of India, to learn the mathematical sciences, and afterwards to teach them ; and who, according to Abulfaragio,in the year 9°9i wrote a Commentary on Diophantus ; he wrote also Demonstra- tions of the Propositions in the same; and another work on the Universal Logistic Art, in three books. It seems, however, that it was Leonard Bonacci, of Pisa, who first introduced the art in Italy, as before mentioned. Leonard's work, it appears, was a very orderly and regu- lar treatise on arithmetic and algebra, as far as it was then known; teaching and demonstrating all the rules, and il- lustrating them with many examples; being also much occupied with questions about square and cube numbers, like those of Diophantus, or rather like what we have seen and described among the Indians and Arabians. — In algebra, Leonard distinguished three kinds of numbers, viz, the absolute known number in any question; then the unknown number, which he calls radice, the root; and its square, which lie calls census in Latin, or censo in Italian; for his algebra extended only to the solution of equations of tin; 1st and 2d degree, the same as that ofi the Indians and Arabians. The language in which the work was written, was in barbarous Latin, or something i between Latin and Italian, when the language of the country was changing from the one to the other. In treating his subject, Leonard had no such notation as is used by modern authors; on the contrary, he expressed every thing, both the quantities and the several operations, by their names, or words at full length. Those equations he treated of in six different forms, which are as follow, when expressed in the modern notation. 1st, x* = ax; 2d, x 2 = ra; 3d, ax=zn; 4th, x 2 -+- ax = n; 5th, x 2 = ax s-n; 6th, x 2 -t-rc = ax ; where x denotes the radice, or quantity sought, x 2 - its censo or square, a the number mul- tiplying x, and n the absolute known number; and where it is remarkable that he places the terms, more or less, on the one side or the other, so as they may be all affirma- tive : all which cases and forms are exactly the same as before given by their masters the Arabians, &c. Now omitting the simple forms, as including but little remarkable, we shall only consider the compound ones, or the solution of quadratic equations, by the method of completing the square, which Leonard founds on geome- trical demonstration, as follows: — In the first case, if x 2 -+- ax = n, then the rule is x = ^/(|a' 2 •+■ n) — ^a ; which he thus demonstrates. Demonslr. If upon a right line bc, a. ar t> greater than ^a, the square a BCD be constructed, on the sides of which there are taken the parts cg, ch, df, be, each equal to \a, and drawing the right lines eh, fg, intersecting in 1, they form the square igch = i« 2 . " '*" Supposing ei = af=ea = if=bg = dh, to denote the required quantity x; then will the square ai orof ei = x 3 , the rectangle bi = ^ax = also to the rectangle id. There- fore thewhole squareABCD ~x 2 -t-ax-i- i« 2 : but x 2 ■+■ ax = n; therefore is the same square a BCD = n -i-ia 2 : con- sequently the side bc = */{n ■+■ ia 2 ); and the quantity sought x = bc — gc = bc — \a = */(ii -+- ^a z )—ia. 2ndly. If x z = ax ■+■ n; then will x = \/(^o' 2 -+- n) ■+• •£«• Demonstr. Let the right line BC = x, and the square upon it abcd = x 1 . If ce be taken = a, and the perp. ef = x. Then the rectangle f.d = ax. Therefore the remaining rectangle ae=b. But ae = ab x be = bc x be; therefore n = bc x be == be 2 -(-BEX EC. If EC be bisected in G, then will n ■+- eg 2 = be 1 ■+- Hence y/{n -+- eg 2 ) = be -+- eg ; and gc -+- */{n •+- eg 2 ) = GC -+- bg. So that, it being GC = EG=-£a, and BC = x, it will be \a ■+- \/{n -t- ±ar) = x. 3dly. Let x- ■+■ n = ax. — Here he says, if £ n, then is x = \a — v^Ci" 2 ~ n )i or =i a + v/d^ 1 -n). Demonstr. Draw ab representing a, bisected in g, and unequally di- vided in d; and upon one of the unequal parts, supposed = x,if there be made a square = x 2 . Now, if, in the first place, it be formed on the less part db, supposed = x; let fe be produced to r, till fi be = ab, and let ai be drawn. Then the whole rectangle af = ab x bf= ax; hence, taking away the square be s= x*, there remains the rectangle ae = ad x de = ad x db=)i; and adding to both the square gd 2 , gives ad x db +gd 1 = b+gd". But, by Eucl. 11. 5, it A L<5 C 72 ] ALG is ad x db + gd 2 = bg 1 ; therefore bg 8 = ?j ■+■ gd 2 ; hence bc'-ji =gd ! , and v/(bg 2 — n) = gd; then bg — ■v/(bG- — n) =BG-GD= DB, Or ■§» — v/(^ 2 — «) = X. — If the square x"' be constituted on the greater part ad, considered as = x; then by a like process it will be •v/(ag- -b)=gd; hence AG -+- ^/(ag* — n) = AG ■+■ gd = ad, that is ■£« -t- is /(±a 7 ' — n) = x. Thus we see that Leonard derived the rules for quadra- tic equations from geometrical considerations, and even the double values in the possible case of x" -hn = ax; as it is probable his predecessors had done, and as we find his successors Lucas de Burgo and others did also. And this method shows the reason why these writers never ad- mitted those values of x, in which n is greater than ±ar. We farther find, that neither Leonard, nor the Arabians, nor Indians, made any use of the form x* ■+■ ax ■+- n = 0, nor of the negative roots of the two forms x % + ax = n, and x* = ax •+• n : it being Harriot who first departed from the usual custom (of equalizing the positive terms to the positive in an equation), by placing all the terms on one side, with their signs ■+■ or — , and made = on the other side, thus x 2 ± ax ± n = ; and it was Cardan who had the honour of showing that, of the two forms x~ ■+- ax = n, and x* = ax -+- n, the negative root of the one is the positive root of the other. It appears that Leonard Pisanus was well skilled in the various ways of reducing equations to their final simple state, by all the usual methods; as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, powers and roots, to free them from radicals, &c. He was also well acquainted with the modes of substitution, so as to bring out the equation in the lowest degree ; such as, in cases of two unknown quan- tities, instead of finding either of them separately, he would first search out their sum or difference. So, for instance, in this problem, " To divide the number 10 into two such parts, that from the greater part taking its own square- root, and to the less part adding its square root, the two results should be equal." Now, in this case, if in the common way x be made to denote one of the parts, as the greater suppose, then 10 — x will denote the less part, and the equation will be x — ^/x = 10 — x ■+■ y'C 10 ~ x )i tnc reduction of which leads to a complete equation of the 4th degree. But, instead of this method, Leonard employs the way of the half-sum and half-difference, as used by Diophantus and the Arabians and Hindus, which has been accounted by some persons an artifice of the modern algebraists. Thus, if x be put to denote the half-difference of the two parts; then 5 being their half-sum, 5 +a; will be the greater, and 5 — x the less, and the equation will be 5 + x — */ {5 -h x) =z 5 — x + */ (5 — x), which re- duces to a final quadratic, as is done by this author. From Pisa, as from a centre, it seems the art gradually spread through Tuscany and all Italy; in consequence of which, many other authors in that country had respectable names before the period of the art of printing. So, we read that Raffaello Canacci, a Florentine mathematician, was author of a " Ragionamentodi Algebra," who praises another that preceded him, named Guglielmo di Lunis; of whom Canacci writes, at the beginning of his Ragiona- mento, " La regola dell' algibra,la quale regolaGhughelmo di Lunis la translato d'Arabico a nostra lingua;" whence »ome have thought, though without probability, that the honour of having made Italy acquainted with algebra was due to Guglielmo di Lunis, rather than to Leonardo Bo- unce! di Pisa. Many other early authors are mentioned. Bombelli, in the preface to his book, writes that a work of Mohamed ben Musa had been shown, but it was of little value. And it is said that Lucas de Burgo, the first au- thor in print, was instructed in this science at Venice, by Domanico Bragadini, successor in the public chair to the learned Paolo della Pergola, his preceptor, who died in 1366. Proceed we now to the consideration of the books of Lucas de Burgo, and other authors, whose works we are possessed of in print. LUCAS PACIOLUS, OR DE BURGO. It was chiefly among the Italians that this art was first ' cultivated in Europe. And, the first author whose works were in print, was Lucas Paciolus, or Lucas de Burgo, a cordelier, or minorite friar. He wrote several treatises of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, which were printed in the years 1470, 1476, 14S1, 1487, and in 1494 his prin- cipal work, entitled Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni, et Proportionalita, which is a very masterly and complete treatise on those sciences, as they then stood. In this work he mentions various former writers, as Eu- clid, St. Augustine, Sacrobosco or Halifax, Boetius, Pro- docimo, Giordano, Biagio da Parma, and Leonardus Pi- sanus, from whom he learned those sciences. The order of the work is, 1st arithmetic, 2d algebra, and 3d geometry. Of the arithmetic, the contents, and the order of them, are nearly as follow. First, of num- bers figurate, odd and even, perfect, prime and composite, and many others. Then of common arithmetic in seven parts, namely, numeration or notation, addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, division, progression, and extraction of roots. Before him, he says, duplation and mediation, or doubling and halving, were accounted two rules in arithmetic; but that he omits them, as being included in multiplication and division. He ascribes the present no- tation and method of arithmetic to the Arabs ; and savs that according to some the word Abaco is a corruption of Modo Arabico, but that according to others it was from a Greek word. This, however, must be a mistake; for though the Italians had those arts from the Arabs, these latter had them probably from the Indians. All those primary operations he both performs and demonstrates in various ways, many of which are not in use at present; proving them not only by what is called casting out the nines, but also by casting out the sevens, and otherwise. In the extraction of roots. he uses the initial 1*2 for a root; and when the roots can be extracted, he calls them dis- crete or rational ; otherwise surd, or indiscrete, or irra- tional. The square root is extracted much the same way as at present, namely, dividing always the last remainder by double the root found ; and so he continues the surd roots continually nearer and nearer in vulgar fractions. Thus, for the root of 6, he first finds the nearest whole number 2, and the remainder 2 als6; then*£. or •§ is the first correction, and 2i the second root: its square is 6^-, therefore ^ divided by 5, or -j 1 ^, is the next correction, and 2^ minus T %, or 2^ is the Sd root: its square is 6^^, therefore ^g divided by 4^, or -r^o; is the 3d correc- tion, which gives 2- I ~ F 8 5 ' 5 for the 4th root, whose square exceeds 6 by only T84 { (;05 : and so on continually : and this process he calls approximation. He observes that fractions, which he sets down the same way as we do at present, are extracted, by taking the root of the denomi- nator, and of the denominated, for so he calls the nume- rator : and when mixed numbers occur, he directs to re- A L G [ 73 ] A L G ducc the whole to a fraction, and then extract the roots of its two terras as above: as if it be 12|-; this he reduces to ■tj 9 , and then the roots give £ or 3| : in like manner he finds that 4-§ is the root of 20| ; 5|- the root of 30| ; " and so on (he adds) in infinitum;" which shows that he knew how to form the series of squares by addition. He then extracts the cube root, by a rule much the same as that which is used at present ; from which it appears that he was well acquainted with the co-efficients of the binomial cubed, namely, 1, 3, 3, 1; and he directs how the opera- tion may be continued " in infinitum" in fractions, like as in the square root. After this, he describes geometrical methods for extracting the square and cube roots instru- mentally : he then treats professedly of vulgar fractions, their reductions, addition, subtraction, and other opera- tions, much the same as at present : then of the rule-of- three, gain-and-loss, and other rules used by merchants. Paciolus next enters on the algebraical part of this work, which he calls " L'Arte Magiore; ditta dal vulgo la Regola de la Cosa, over Alghebra e Almucabala :" which last name he explains by restauratio et oppositio, and assigns as a reason for the first name, that it treats of things above the common affairs in business, which make the arte minore. Here he mistakenly ascribes the inven- tion of algebra to the Arabians ; and he says that the Ara- bian algebra means in Italian position, or rather opposi- tion. He denominates the series of powers, with their marks or abbreviations, as n°. or numero, the absolute or known number; co. or coxa, the thing or 1st power of the unknown quantity; ce. or censo, the product or square; cu. or cubo, the cube, or 3d power; ce. ce. or censo de censo, the square-squared, or 4-th power ; p°. r". or primo reluto, or 5th power ; ce. cu. or censo de cubo, the square of the cube, or 6th power; and so on, compounding the names or indices according to the multiplication of the numbers 2, 3, &c, and not according to their sum or ad- dition, as used by Diophantus, with the Arabians and In- dians. He describes also the other characters made use of in this part, which are for the most part no more than the initials or other abbreviations of the words themselves, after the manner of the Indians; as for T$L radici, the root; §£. §£. radici de radici, the root of the root; §!. u. radici universale, or radici legata, or radici unita ; VjL cu. radici cuba; and q3 quantita, quantity; p for piu or plus, and m for meno or minus; and he remarks that the necessity and use of these two last characters are for con- necting, by addition or subtraction, different powers to- gether; as 3 co. p. 4 ce. m. 5 cu. p. 2 ce. ce. m. 6 n'. that is, 3 cosa, piu 4 censa, meno 5 cubo, piu 2 censa-censa, mono 6" numeri, or, as we now write the same thing, 3x -i- 4r 2 — 5x 3 ■+■ 2x 4 — 6". He first treats very fully of proportions and proportio- nalities, both arithmetical and geometrical, accompanied with a large collection of questions concerning numbers in continued proportion, resolved by a kind of algebra. He then treats of el Cataym, which he says, according to some, is an Arabic or Phenician word, and signifies the Double Rule of False Position : but he here treats of both single and double position, as we do at present, dividing the el Cataym into single and double, as the Arabians and Indians did. He gives also a geometrical demonstration of both the cases of the errors in the. double rule, namely, when the errors are both plus or both minus, and when the one error is plus and the other minus; and adds a large collection of questions, as usual. He then goes Vol. I. through the common operations of algebra, with all the variety of signs, as to plus and minvts ; proving that, in multiplication and division, like signs give plus, and unlike signs give minus. He next treats of different foots in in- finitum, and the extraction of roots ; giving also a copious treatise on radicals or surds, as to their addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, and division, and that both in square roots and cube roots, and in the two together, much the same as at present. He makes here a digression concern- ing the 15 lines in the 10th book of Euclid, treating them as surd numbers, and teaching the extraction of the roots of the same, or of compound surds or binomials, such as of 23 p g! 448, or of gt IS p fy 10 ; and gives this rule, among several others, namely : Divide the first term of the binomial into two such parts, that their product may be i of the number in the second term ; then the roots of those two parts, connected by their proper sign p or m, is the root of the binomial ; as in this 23 p VjL 448, the two parts of 23 are 7 and 16, whose product, 112, is \ of 448, therefore their roots give 4 p §J 7 for the root §£ u. 23 p |Z 448. He next treats of equations both simple and quadratic, or simple and compound, as he calls it ; and this latter he performs by completing the square, and then extract- ing the root, just as usual. He also resolves equations of the simple 4th power, and of the 4th combined with the 2d power, which he treats the same way as quadra- tics; expressing his rules in a kind of bad verse, and giv- ing geometrical demonstrations of all the cases, the same as those of Leonard of Pisa, before described. He uses both the roots or values of the unknown quantity, in that case of the quadratics which has two positive roots; but he takes no notice of the negative roots in the other two cases. As to any other compound equations, such as the cube and any other power, or the 4th and 1st, or 4th and 3d, &c, he gives them up as impossible, or at least he says that no general rule has yet been found for them, any more, he adds, than for the quadrature of the circle. — The remainder of this part is employed on rules in trade and merchandise, such as Fellowship, Barter, Exchange, Interest, Composition or Alligation, with various other cases in trade. And in the third part of the work, he treats of Geometry, both theoretical and practical. From this account of Lucas de Burgo's book, we may perceive what was the state of algebra about the year 1500, in Europe ; and probably it was much the same in Africa and Arabia, whence the Europeans had it. It appears that their knowledge extended no farther than quadratic equations, of which they used only the positive roots ; that the)' used only one unknown quantity ; that they had no marks or signs for either quantities or operations, except- ing only some few abbreviations of the words or names themselves; and that the art was only employed in resolv- ing certain numeral problems. So that either the orientals had not carried algebra beyond quadratic equations, or else the Europeans had not learned the whole of the art, as it was then known to the former. And indeed it is not impossible but this might be the case : for whether the art was brought to us by an European, who, travelling into the East, there learned it; or whether it was brought to us by those people ; in either case we might receive the art only in an imperfect state, and perhaps far short of the degree of perfection to which it had been carried by their best authors. And this suspicion is rendered rather pro- bable by the circumstance of an Arabic manuscript, said L A L G [ 74 ] ALG to be on cubic equations, deposited in the library of the university of Leyden by the celebrated Warner, bearing a title, which in Latin signifies Omar Ben Ibrahim al'Gha- jamcei Algebra cubicarum cequationum, sire de problematum solidorum resolutions At any rate, however, we have found that the Hindus, if not the Arabians, treated of problems including several unknown quantities, with ap- plications of algebra to geometrical and to indeterminate problems. FERREUS AND CARDAN. After the publication of the books of Lucas de Burgo, the science of algebra became more generally known, and improved, especially by many persons in Italy ; and about this time, or soon after, namely, about the year 1505, the first rule was there found out by Scipio Ferreus, for re- solving one case of a compound cubic equation. But this science, as well as other branches of mathematics, was most of all cultivated and improved there by Hier- onymus Cardan of Bononia, a very learned man, whose arithmetical writings were the next that appeared in print, namely, in the year 1539, i" n i ne books, in the Latin lan- guage, at Milan, where he practised physic, and read pub- lic lectures on mathematics; and in the year 1545 came out a 10th book, containing the whole doctrine of cubic equations, which had been in part revealed to him by Tar- talea, about the time of the publication of his first nine books. And as it is only this 10th book which contains the new discoveries in algebra, I shall here confine myself to it alone, as it will also afford sufficient occasion to speak of his manner of treating algebra in general. This book is divided into 40 chapters, in which the whole science of cubic equations is most amply and ably treated. Chap. 1, treats of the nature, number, and properties, of the roots of equations, and particularly of single equations that have double roots. He begins with a few remarks on the in- vention and name of the art : calls it Ars Magna, or Cosa, or Rules of Algebra, after Lucas de Burgo and others : says it was invented by Mahomet, the son of one Moses, an Arabian, as is testified by Leonardus Pisanus; and that he left four rules or cases, which only included quadratic equations: that afterwards three derivatives were added by an unknown author, though some think by Lucas Pacio- lus; and after that again three other derivatives, for*the cube and 6th power, by another unknown author; all which were resolved like quadratics : that then Scipio Ferreus, professor of mathematics at Bononia, about 1505, found out the rule for the case cubum et rerum numero aqualium, or, as we now write it, x l ■+■ bx = c, which he speaks of as a thing admirable: that the same thing was next afterwards found out, in 1535, by Tartalea, who re- vealed it to him, Cardan, after the most earnest entreaties : that finally, by himself and his quondam pupil Lewis Fer- rari, the cases were greatly augmented and extended, namely, by all that is not here expressly ascribed to others; and that all the demonstrations of the rules are his own, except only three adopted from Mahomet for the quadratics, and two of Ferrari for cubics. Cardan then delivers some remarks, showing that all square numbers have two roots, the one positive, and the other negative, or, as he calls them, vera et ficla, true and fictitious or false ; so the ivstimatio rei, or root, of <), ' s ci- ther 3 or — 3 ; of i6 it is 4 or — 4; the 4th root of 81 is 3 or —3; and soon for all even denominations ox powers. And the same is remarked on compound cases of even powers that arc added together; as if x' 1 + 3x' J = 28, then the sestimatio x is = 2 or — 2 ; but that the form x* ■+ 12 = 7x 2 has four answers or roots, in real numbers, two plus and two minus, viz, 2 or — 2, and */3 or — -y/3; while the case x 4 -+- 12 = 6x 2 has no real roots ; and the case x 1 = 2x' 2 -+- 8 has two, namely, 2 and — 2; and in like manner for other even powers. So that he includes both the positive and negative roots; but rejects what we now call imaginary ones. I here express the cases in our mo- dern notation, for brevity sake, as he commonly expresses the terms by words at full length, calling the absolute or known term the numero, the 1st power the re*, the 2d the quadratum, the 3d the cubum, and so on, using no mark for the unknown quantity, and only the initials p and m for plus and minus, and §£ for radix or root. The res he sometimes calls positio (as derived from the like quantity in the rule of position), and quanlitas ignota; and in sta- ting or setting down his equations, he as well as Lucas de Burgo before him, sets down the terms on that side where they will be plus, and not minus. On the other hand, he remarks that the odd denomina- tions, or powers, have only one ffistimatio, or root, and that true or positive, but none fictitious or negalhe, and for this reason, that no negative number raised to an odd power, will give a positive number; so of 2x = 16, the root is S only; and if 2x 3 = 16, the root is 2 only : and if there be ever so many odd denominations, added together, equal to a number, there will be only one asstimalio or root; as if x 3 + 6x = 20, the only root. is 2. But that when the signs of some of the terms are different, as to • plus and minus, they may have more. roots; and he shows certain relations of the coefficients, when they have two or more roots : so the equation x 3 + 10' = 12x has two Kstimatios, the one true or 2, and the other fictitious or — 4, which he observes is the same as ihe true ajstimatio of the case x 3 = 12x -i- \6, having only the sign of the ab- solute number changed from the former, the 3d root 2 being the same as the first, which therefore he does not count. He next shows what are the relations of the co- efficients when a cubic equation has three roots, ot which two are true, and the 3d fictitious, which is always equal to the sum of the other two, and also equal to the true root of the same equation with the sign of the absolute number changed: thus, in the equation x 3 + 9 = I2x, the two true roots are 3 and */5^ — !■£, and the fictitious one is — *J b\ — 1t> which last is the same as the true root of x 3 = 12x +9, viz, y/ 5% + !•£; and he here in- fers generally that the fictitious asstimatio of the case x 3 •+■ c = bx, always answers to the true root of x 3 = bx -+- c. Cardan also shows what the relation of the coefficients is, when the case has no true roots, but only one fictitious root, which is the same as the true root of the reciprocal case, formed by changing the sign of the absolute number. Thus, the case x 3 -t- 21 = 2x has no true root, and only one false root, viz, — 3, which is the same as the true root of x 3 = 2x -t- 21 : and he shows in general, that changing the sign of the absolute number in such cases as want the 2d term, or changing the signs of the even terms when it is not wanting, changes the signs of all the three roots, which he also illustrates by many examples; thus, the roots of x 3 -h 1 lx a = 72, are -+- y^40 - 4, and —3, and — ^40 — 4; and the roots of x' h- 72 = 11. r% are — ^/40 -+- 4, and -+- 3, and ■+■ ^/40 + 4. And he further observes, that the sum of the three roots, or the difference between the true and fictitious . roots, is equal to 11, the coefficient of the 2d term, lie A L G C 75 ] A L G also shows how certain cubic cases have one, or two, or three roots, according to circumstances : that the case x 4 -t-d = bx z has sometimes four roots, and sometimes none at all, that is, no real ones : that the case x 3 ■+■ bx = ax a ■+■ c may have three true aestimatios, or positive roots, but no fictitious or negative ones ; and for this reason, that the odd powers of minus being minus, and the even powers plus, the two terms x 3 -+- bx would be negative, and equal to a positive sum ax z ■+• c, which is absurd : and further, that the case x 3 ■+■ ax 2 -+- bx = c has three roots, one plus and two minus, which are the same, with the signs changed, as the roots of the case x 3 -+• bx -+- c = ax\ He also shows the relation of the coefficients when the equation has only one real root, in a variety of cases : but that the case x 3 ■+- c = ax 2, -+- bx has always one negative root, and either two positive roots, or none at all ; the number of roots failing by pairs, or the impossible roots, as we now call them, being always in pairs. Of all these circumstances Cardan gives a great many particular examples in numeral coefficients, and subjoins geometrical demonstrations of the properties here enumerated ; such as, that the two corresponding or reciprocal cases have the same root or roots, but with different signs or affections ; and how many true or positive roots each case has. On the whole, it appears from this short chapter, that Cardan had discovered most of the principal properties of the roots of equations, and could point out the number and nature of the roots, partly from the signs of the terms, and partly from the magnitude and relations of the co- efficients. He shows in effect, that when the case has all its roots, or when none are impossible, the number of its positive roots is the same as the number of changes in the signs of the terms, when they are all brought to one side : that the co-efficient of the 2d term is equal to the sum of all the roots positive and negative collected together, and consequently that when the 2d term is wanting, the posi- tive roots are equal to the negative ones : and that the signs of all the roots are changed, by changing only the signs of the even terms: with many other just remarks concerning the nature of equations. In chap. 2, Cardan enumerates all the cases of com- pound equations of the 2d and 3d order, namely 3 qua- dratics, and 19 cubics; with 44 derivatives of these two, that is, of the same kind, with higher denominations. In chap. 3 are treated the roots of simple cases, or sim- ple equations, or at least that will reduce to such, having only two terms, the one equal to the other. He directs to depress the denominations equally, as much as they will, according to the height of the least; then divide by the number or coefficient of the greatest ; and lastly extract the root on both sides. So if 20x 3 =lSOx s , then 20= ISO* 2 , and i = x 2 , and x = \. Chap. 4 treats of both general and particular roots, and contains various definitions and obsorvations concerning them. It is here shown, that the several cases of quadra- tics and cubics have their roots of the following forms or kinds, namely, that the case x 1 = ax ■+■ b has its root of this kind a/ 19 -+■ 3, x 2 ■+■ ax = b has its root of this kind v/)9 — 3, x 1 -+- b = ax has two roots like 3-f-.y/2 and 3 — y/2, x 3 = bx ■+- c has its root of this kind ?/4 ■+■ \/2, x 3 -+- bx = c has its root of this kind */4 — 1/2, # 3 = ax z -+. c has this kind of root i/ 1 6 -+- 2 •+- 1/ 4, x 3 •*- ax"- = c has this kind of root l/\6 — 2 -+- (/4, where the three parts l/\ 6, 2, ?/4, are in continual pro- portion. Chap. 5 treats of the asstimatio of the lowest degree of compound cases, that is, affected quadratic equations ; giving the rule for each of the three cases, which consists in completing the square, &c, as at present, and which was the method given by the Arabians and Hindus; and proving them by geometrical demonstrations from Eucl. i, 43, and ii, 4 and 5 ; in which he makes some improve- ment on the demonstrations of Mahomet. And hence it appears that the work of this Arabian author was in be- ing, and well known in Cardan's time. Chap. 6, on the methods of finding new rules, contains some curious speculations concerning the squares and cubes of binomial and residual quantities, and the propor- tions of the terms of which they consist, shown from geo- metrical demonstrations, with many curious remarks and properties, forming a foundation of principles for investi- gating the rules for cubic equations. Chap. 7 is on the transmutation of equations, showing how to change them from one form to another, by taking away certain terms out of them; as x 3 ■+- ox 2 — c, to x 3 = bx -+- d, &c. The rules are demonstrated geometri- cally ; and a table is added, of the forms into which any given cases will reduce ; which transformations are ex- tended to equations of the 4th and 5th order. And hence it appears that Cardan knew how to take away any term out of an equation. Chap. 8 shows generally how to find the root of any such equation as this, ax m = x" ■+■ b, where m and n are any ex- ponents whatever, but n the greater ; and the rule is, to separate or divide the coefficient a into two such parts z and a — z, as that the absolute number b shall be equal to (a — z).z n — m , the product of the one part a — z, and the — — power of the other part: then the root x is = i z"— m . The rule is general for quadratics, cubics, and all the higher powers : and could not have been formed with- out the knowledge of the composition of the terms from the roots of the equation. Chap. 9 and 10 contain the resolution of various ques- tions producing equations not higher than quadratics. Chap. 1 1 is on the case or form x 3 -+- 3bx = 2c. Cardan now comes to the actual resolution of the first case of cu- bic equations. He begins with relating a short history of the invention of it, observing that it was first found out, about thirty years before, by Scipio Ferreus, of Bononia, and by him taught to Antonio Maria Florido, of Venice, who having a contest afterwards with Nicolas Tartalea, of Brescia, it gave occasion to Tartalea to find it out him- self, who after great entreaties taught it to Cardan, but suppressed the demonstration. By help of the rule alone, however, Cardan of himself discovered the source or geo- metrical investigation, which he gives here at large, from Euc. ii, 4. In this process he makes use. of the Greek letters a, S, y, $, &c, to denote certain indefinite numbers or quantities, to render the investigation general ; which may be considered as the first instance of such literal no- tation in algebra. He then gives the rule in words at length, which comes to this, i=|/[ v '(c ! + i J ) + ( i ] —i/[\/(c 2 ' ■+■ b 3 )— c]; illustrating it by a variety of ex- amples ; in the resolution of which, he extracts the cubic roots of such of the binomials as will admit of it, by some rule which he had for that purpose ; such as x 3 -+- 6x = 20, where x =1/(^108 + 10) - 1/ (^108 - 10) = ( giv- ing two roots. He shows also how to find the second root, when the first is known, independent of the foregoing case. From this relation of these two cases he deduces several corollaries, one of which is, that the sestimatio or root of the casey 3 = 3by ■+■ 2c, is equal to the sum of the roots of the case x 3 -+- 2c = 3bx. As in the example y =s l6y -+- 21, whose aestimatio is \/9i ■+■ li> which is equal to the sum of 3 and y^i ~ ] tj tne tw0 roots of the case x' -t- 21 == l6*x ; In chapters 14, 15, and 16, he treats of the three cases, which contain the 2d and 3d powers, but wanting the 1st power, according to all the varieties of the signs; which he performs by exterminating the 2d term, or that which contains the 2d power of the unknown quantity x, by sub- stituting^ ± | the coefficient of that term for x, and so reducing these cases to one of the former. In these chap- ters Cardan sometimes also gives other rules ; thus, for the case x 3 + 3ax z = 2c, find first the sestimatio y of the case y> == 3ay +n/2c, then is x = y* — 3a : also for the case x 3 + 2c =z Sax 1 , first find the two roots of y z ■+- 2c, — 3ay$/2c, then is x = ^— - the two values of x according to the two values of y. He here also gives another rule, by which a second aestimatio or root is found, when the first is known, namely, if e be the first aestimatio, or value of x in the case x 3 •+- 2c = 3ax", then is the other value of x = Wl(3 a ~ e ) ■ ( 3a -*- 3( 0] ■+- i( 3a ~ 0- In chapters 17, 1 8, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, Cardan treats of the cases in which all the four terms of the equation are present ; and this he always effects by taking away the 2d term out of the equation, and so reducing it to one of the foregoing cases which want that term, giving always geo- metrical investigations, and adding a great many examples of every case of the equations. Chap. 24 is on the 44 derivative cases; which are only higher powers of the forms of quadratics, and cubics. Chap. 25, on imperfect and special cases ; containing many particular examples when the coefficients have cer- tain relations among them, with easy rules for finding the roots ; also 8 other rules for the irreducible case a 3 = bx ■+■ c. Chap. 26, in like manner, contains easy rules for biqua- dratics, when the coeflicicnts have certain special rela- tions. Then the following chapters, from chap. 27 to chap. 38, contain a great number of questions and applications of various kinds, the titles of which are these: De transitu capituli specialis in capitulum speciale; De operationibus radicum pronicarum sen mixtarum et Allellarum ; De regula modi ; De regula Auria; De regula Magna, or the method of finding out solutions to certain questions; De regula mjuulis positionis, being a method of substituting for the half sum and half difference of two quantities instead of the quantities themselves ; De regula inaqualiter ponendi, scu proportionis ; De regula medii ; De regula aggregati ; De regula libera positionis; De regula falsum ponendi, in which some quantities come out negative ; Quomodo exci- dant partes et denominations multiplicando. Among the foregoing collection of questions, which are chiefly about numbers, there are some geometrical ones, being the ap- plication of algebra to geometry; such as, In aright- angled triangle, given the sum of each leg and the ad- jacent segment of the hypotenuse, made by a perpendicu- lar from the right angle, to determine the area, &c ; with other such geometrical questions, resolved algebraically. Chap. 39, De regula qua pluribus posilionibus invenimus ignotam quantitatem ; which is employed on biquadratic equations. After some examples of his own, Cardan gives a rule of Lewis Ferrari's, for resolving all biquadratics, namely, by means of a cubic equation, which Ferrari in- vestigated at his request, and which Cardan here demon- strates, and applies in all its cases. The method is very general, and consists in forming three squares, thus: first, complete one side of the equation up to a square, by add- ing or subtracting some multiples or parts of some of its own terms on both sides, which it is always easy to do : 2d, supposing now the three terms of this square to bebut one quantity, viz, the first term of another square to which this same side is to be completed, by annexing the square of a new and assumed indeterminate quantity, with double the product of the roots of both ; which evi- dently forms the square of a binomial, consisting of the assumed indeterminate quantity and the root of the first square: 3d, the other side of the equation is then made to become the square of a binomial also, by supposing the product of its 1st and 3d terms to be equal to the square of half its 2d term; for it consists of only three terms, or three different denominations of the original unknown quantity: then this equality will determine the value of the assumed indeterminate quantity, by means of a cubic equation, and from it, that of the original ignota, by the equal roots of the 2d and 3d squares. Here we have a notable example of the use of assuming a new indetermi- nate quantity to introduce into an equation, long before Des Cartes was born, who made use of a like assumption for a similar purpose. And this method is very general, and is here applied to all forms of biquadratics, either having all their terms, or wanting some of them. To il- lustrate this rule, I shall here set down the process in one of his examples, which is this,! 1 -1- 4x -+- 8 = 10.i'-. Now first subtract 2x* ■+■ 4x -t- 7 from both sides, then the first becomes a square, viz, x A — 2x 2 -+- 1 or (x* — 1)"= 8x 2 — 4x — 7. Next assume the indeterminate y, and sub- tract 2y (x- — 1) — y 1 from both sides, making the first side again a square, viz, (x — I) 2 — 2y (x — 1) -t-y 3 or (x* - 1 - yY = (8 - 2j0 x- - 4x +• y s -1- ty — 7, Of this latter side, make the product of the 1st and 3d terms equal to the square of half the 2d term, that is, (8 — 2y) . (y 1 ■+■ 2y — 7) = 2% which reduces toy 3 + 30 = 2$r ■+- loy ; the positive roots of which are y = 2 or ^15 : and hence, using 2 for y, the equation of equal squares be- comes (x 1 — 1 — y/ 2 or(x' 2 — 3) a = 4x s — 4x -+- 1, the roots of which give x 2 — 3 = 2x ~ 1 ; and hence x 2 = 2x •+• 2, or x ■+■ 2x = 4; the two positive roots of which are ^/5 ■+■ 1 and ^/ 5 — 1, which are two of the values of x in the given equation x' -1- 4x ■+■ 8 = 10x 2 . The other roots he leaves to be tried by the reader. The 40th, or last, chap, is entitled, On modes of general supposition relating to this art; with some rules of an un- A L G C 77 ] A L G usual kind; and aestimatios or roots of a nature different from the foregoing ones. Some of these are as follow : If x 3 =r ax 2 ■+■ c, and x — a = y, and x : y : : c : d; then isy 3 ■+- uy l -= d. Secondly, if x z -+■ ax 1 = c, and y 3 = ay 2 •+■ c, then is x ■+■ a : y — a : : y 2 : x 2 . Thirdly, when x 3 -+- c = ax 2 , the square will be taken away, by putting x = y + ^a ; and then the equation be- comes y 3 -t- c — 2(jO) 3 = \(^y. Cardan adds some other remarks concerning the solu- tions of certain cases and questions, all evincing the accu- racy of his skill, and the extent of his practice ; he then concludes the book with a remark concerning a certain transformation of equations, which quite astonishes us, to find that the same person who, through the whole work, has shown such a profound and critical skill in the na- ture of equations, and the solution of problems, should yet be ignorant of one of the most obvious transmutations attending them, namely, increasing or diminishing the roots in any proportion. Cardan having observed that the form x 3 = bx -+■ c may be changed into another similar one, viz, y 3 = - y ■+■ \/-, of which the coefficient of the term y is the quotient arising from the coefficient of x divided by the absolute number of the first equation; and that the absolute number of the 2d equation, is the root of the quotient of \ divided by the said absolute number of the first ; he then adds, that finding the aestimatio or root of the one equation from that of the other is very difficult, valde difficilis. It is matter of wonder that Cardan, among so many transmutations, should never think of substituting, instead of x in such equations, another positio or root, greater or less than the former in any indefinite proportion, that is, multiplied or divided by a given number; for this would have led him immediately to the same transformation as he makes above, and that by a way which would have shown the constant proportion between the two roots. Thus, instead of x in the given form x 3 =s bx ■+- c, substi- tute dy, and it becomes d 3 y 3 = bdy -+- c; and this divided b c by d 3 becomes y 3 = j 2 y -+- •» ; and here if d be taken = i/c, it becomes y 3 = -y ■+- ^/ -; the very transformation in question, and in which it is evident that x is = y^/c, and y : Instead of this, Cardan gives the following strange way of finding the one root x from the other y, when this latter is by any means known; viz, Multiply the first given equation by y 2 x ■+■ 1, then add — 3 to both sides, and lastly extract the roots of both, which can al- ways be done, as they will always be both of them squares ; and the roots will give the value of x by a quadratic equation. Thus, x 3 = bx •+■ c multiplied byy 2 x + 1 gives then y 2 x* ■+- x 3 ss by"x 2 -h (cy 1 -+- b) a? c; add t = by 2 h ;. i' + (i + cy 2 ) x -+- c; and y'x- ■+■ the roots are yx 2 -+- — = n/[(by 2 -h -^5) x 2 ■+- (b -+- cy 2 ) x -+■ c] ; and this 2d side of the equation, he says, will al- ways have a root also. It is indeed true, that it will have an exact root; but the reason of it is not obvious, which is, because^ is the root of the equation y 3 = -y ■+• \/-. Cardan has not shown the reason why this happens ; but I apprehend he made it out in this manner, viz, simi- lar to the way in which he forms the last square in the case of biquadratic equations, namely, by making the pro- duct of the 1st and 3d terms equal to the square of half the 2d term : thus, in the present case, it is 4c (by 2 -+■ — ;) = (b + cy 2 ) 2 , which reduces to y 3 = ~y ■+■ */- the equa- tion in question. Therefore taking y the root of the equation^ 3 = -y + „J ' c ; and substituting its value in the (b •+- cy*) x ■+■ c, this becomes quantity {by 2 + ±) x 2 a complete square. Of Cardan's Libellus de Aliza Regula. Subjoined to the above treatise on cubic equations, is this Libellus de Aliza Regula, or the algebraic logistics, in which the au- thor treats of some of the more abstruse parts of arithme- tic and algebra, especially cubic equations, with many more attempts on the irreducible case x 3 = bx ■+■ c. This book is divided into 60 chapters; but I shall only set down the titles of some few of them, whose contents re- quire more particular notice. Chap. 4. De modo redigendi quantitates omncs, qua di- cuntur latera prima, ex decimo Euclidis in compendium.- He treats here of all Euclid's irrational lines, as surd numbers, and performs various operations with them. Chap. 5. De consideration binomiorumet recisorum, Ifc; ubi de aslimatione capitulorum. Contains various opera- tions of multiplying compound numbers and surds. Chap. 6. De operationibus p: et m: (i. e. ■+■ and — ) secundum communem usum. Here it is shown that, in mul- tiplication and division, plus always gives the same signs, and minus gives the contrary signs. So also in addition, every quantity retains its own sign ; but in subtraction they change the signs. That the \/ -+-, or the square root of plus, is -1- ; but the \/ — , or the square root of minus is nothing as to common use : (but of this below.) That 1/ — is — , as \/ — 8 is — 2. That a residual, composed of ■+• and — may have a root also composed of -+- and - : so ^/(5 - ^/24) is = ^3 - £ x required. So,of this equation x 3 = 10a: 3 1 -i- 24; the two parts are 9 and 1, andtheir 3+9or 12=^c, roots 3 and 1 , and their sum 4 = x, as 1 = 3 + 1 = 4, in the margin. Again, take x 3 = 6x -+- 1. Here he in- vents a new notation to express the root or radix, which he calls solida, viz, x = ^/solida 6 in i, that is, the roots of the two parts of 6, so that each part multiplied by the root of the other, the two products may be i or \c. Then to free this from fractions, and make the operation easier, multiply that root by some number, as suppose 4, that is, the square part 6 by the square of 4, and the solid part •£ by the cube of 4; then x = \*/ solida 96 in 32. Now, by a few trials, it is found that the parts are nearly 95-| and i, which give too much, or 95t£j and ^, which give too little, and thereof 95f£ and T \ are still nearer. Divide both by 4 2 or 16, then 5-J-f£ and -^ are the quotients. And the sum of their roots, or x = >/^fH + V'xfs ' s near 'y trie value of the root x. Chap. 42. De duplici cequatione comparanda in capitulo cubi et numeri cequalium rebus. Treats of the two positive roots of that case, neglecting the negative one; and show- ing, not only that the case has two such roots, but that the same number may be the common root of innumera- ble equations. Chap. 57. De tractatione astimationis generaliscapitidi x 3 = bx ■+- c. Cardan here again resumes the consideration of the irreducible case, making ingenious observations upon it, but still without obtaining the root by a general rule. In this place also, as well as elsewhere, he shows how to form an equation in this case, that shall have a given binomial root, as suppose ^/m ■+- n, where the equa- tion will be x* = (m ■+■ 3ra 2 ) x ■+■ 2n(m — n 2 ), having ^/m -+- n for one root, namely the positive root. From which it appears that he was well acquainted with the composition of cubic equations from given roots. Chap. 59. De ordine et exemplis in binomiis secundo et quinto. Contains a great many numeral forms of the same irreducible case x 3 = bx ■+■ c, with their roots ; from which are derived these following cases, with many cu- rious remarks. As, when x 3 = ( c -+- 1) x + c, then x = ^/( c -+■ £) + i- x 3 = (|c + 4) x + c, then x = 1/ (£c -+- $)-»-$• x 3 = (|c •+• 9) x -+- c, then x = \/(|c ■+■ |) p*- 1. x 3 = (Jc ■+• 16) x *■ c, then x = work, laying down rules for all forms and x 3 -t- c 3= br,) varieties of cubic equations, having all their terms, or wanting any of them, and having all possible varieties of signs ; demonstrating all these rules Geometri- cally ; and treating very fully of almost all kinds of trans- formations of equations, in a manner before unknown. 2d, It appears that he was well acquainted with all the roots of equations that are real, both positive and ne- gative; or, as he calls them, true and fictitious; and thathe made use of them both occasionally. Healso showed that the even roots of positive quantities, are either posi- tive or negative ; that the odd roots of negative quantities, are real and negative ; but that the even roots of them are impossible, or nothing as to common use. He was also acquainted with the 3d, Number and nature of the roots of an equation, and that partly from the signs of the terms, and partly from the magnitude and relation of the coefficients. He also knew, 4th, That the number of positive roots is equal to the number of changes of the signs of the terms. 5th, That the coefficient of the second term of the equation, is the difference between the positive and nega- tive roots. 6th, That when the second term is wanting, the sum of the negative roots is equal to the sum of the posi- tive roots. 7th, How to compose equations that shall have given roots. 8th, That, changing the signs of the even terms, changes the signs of all the roots. 9th, That the number of roots failed in pairs ; or what we now call impossible roots were always in pairs. 10th, To change the equation from one form to another, by taking away any term out of it. 11th, To increase or diminish the roots by a given quantity. It appears also, 12th, That he had a rule for extracting the cube root of such binomials as admit of extraction. 13th, That he often used the literal notation a, b, c, d, &c. 14th, That he gave a rule for biquadratic equations, suiting all their cases; and that, in the investigation of that rule, he made use of an assumed indeterminate quan- tity, and afterwards found its value by the arbitrary as- sumption of a relation between the terms. A L G [ 79 ] A L G 15th, That he applied algebra to the resolution of geo- metrical problems. And, lf>th, That he was well acquainted with the difficulty of what is called the irreducible case, viz, r 3 = bx -+- c, upon which he spent a great deal of time, in attempting to overcome it. And though he did not fully succeed in this case, any more than other persons have done since, he nevertheless made many ingenious observations about it, laying down rules for many particular forms of it, and showing how to approximate very nearly to the root in all cases whatever. Cardan died at Rome in the year 1575. OJ? TARTALEA.' Nicholas Tartalea, or Tartaglia, of Brescia, was con- temporary with Cardan, and was probably older than he was ; but I do not know of any book of algebra published by him till the year 1546, the year after the date of Cardan's work on Cubic Equations, when he printed his Quesiti et Invention! diverse, at Venice, where he residi d as a public lecturer on mathematics. This work is dedicated to our king Henry the 8th of England, and consists of nine books, containing answers to various questions which had been proposed to him at different times, concerning mechanics, statics, hydrostatics, &c ; but it is only the 9th, or last book, that we shall have occasion to take notice of in this place, as it contains all those questions which relate to arithmetic and algebra. These are all set down in chronological order, forming a pretty collection of questions and solutions on those sub- jects, with a short account of the occasion of each of them. Among these, the correspondence between him and Cardan forms a remarkable part, as we have here the history of the invention of the rules for cubic equations, which he communicated to Cardan, under the promise, and indeed oath, to keep them secret, on the 25th of March, 1539- But, notwithstanding his oath, finding that Cardan published them in 1545, as above related, it seems Tartalea published the correspondence between them, in revenge for his breach of faith ; and it elsewhere appears, that many other sharp bickerings passed between them on the same account, which only ended with the the death of Tartalea, in the year 1557- • It seems it was a common practice among the mathe- maticians, and others, of that time, as in most other times, to send to each other curious and difficult questions, as trials of skill; and to this circumstance it is that we owe the principal questions and discoveries in this collection, as well as many of the best discoveries of other authors. The collection now before us contains questions and solu- tions, with their dates, in a regular order, from the year 1521, and ending in 154-1, in 42 dialogues, the last of which is with an English gentleman, namely, Mr. Richard Wentworth, who it seems was no mean mathematician, and who learned some algebra, &c, of Tartalea, while he resided at Venice. The questions at first are mostly very easy ones in arithmetic, but gradually become more diffi- cult, and exercising simple and quadratic equations, with complex calculations of radical quantities : all showing that he was well skilled in the art of algebra as it then stood, and that he was very ingenious ill applying it to the solution of questions. Tartalea made no alteration in the notation or forms of expression used by Lucas de Burgo, calling the first power of the unknown quantity, iri his language, cosa, the second power censa, the third cubo, &c, and writing the names ofall the operationsin words atlcngth, without using any contractions, except the initial ]£, for root or radicality. So that the only thing remarkable in this collection, is the discovery of the rules for cubic equa- tions, with the curious circumstances attending the same. The first two of these were discovered by Tartalea in the year 1530, namely, for the two cases x 2 H- ax* = c, and x 3 = ax' z -+- f, as appears by Quest. 14 and 25 of this collection, on occasion of a question then proposed to him by one Zuanni de Tonini da Coi or Colle, John Hill, who kept a school at Brescia. And from the 25th question we learn, that he discovered the rules for the other two cases x 3 -+- bx = c, and x 3 — bx -+- c, on the 12th and 13th of February, 1535, at Venice, where he had come to reside the year before. And the occasion of it was this : There was then at Venice one Antonio Maria Fiore or Florido, who, by his own account, had received from his preceptor Scipio Farreo, about thirty years before, a general, rule for resolving the case x 3 -t- bx = c. Being a captious man, and presuming on this discovery, Florido used to brave his contemporaries, and by his insults provoked Tartalea to enter into a wager with him, that each should propose to the other 30 different questions; and that he. who soonest resolved those of his adversary, should win from him as many treats for himself and friends. These questions were to be proposed on a certain day at some weeks dis- tance ; and Tartalea made such good use of his time, that eight days before the time appointed for delivering the pro- positions, he discovered the rules both for the case x 3 -+- bx = c, and the case x 3 = bx ■+■ c. He therefore proposed several of his questions, so as to fall either on this latter case, or on the cases of the cube and square, expecting that his adversary would propose his in the former. And what he suspected fell out accordingly ; the consequence of which was, that on the day of meeting Tartalea resolved all his adversary's questions in the space of two hours, without receiving one answer from Florido in return ; to whom, however, Tartalea generously remitted the forfeit of the 30 treats won of him. Question 31 first brings us acquainted with the corre- spondence between Tartalea and Cardan. This corre- spondence is very curious, and would well deserve to be given at full length in their own words, if it were not too long for this place. I may enlarge farther upon it under the article Cubic Equations; but must here be content with a brief abstract only. Cardan was then a respectable phy- sician, and lecturer in mathematics, at Milan ; who having nearly finished the printing of a large work on arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, and having heard of Tartalea's dis- coveries in cubic equations, he was very desirous of draw- ing those rules from him, that he might add them to his book before it was finished. For this purpose, he first ap- plied to Tartalea, by means of a third person, a bookseller, whom he sent to him, in the beginning of the year 1539, with many flattering compliments, and offers of his ser- vices and friendship, &c, accompanied with some critical questions for him to resolve, according to the custom of the times. Tartalea however refused to disclose his rules to any one ; as the knowledge of them gained him great reputation among all people, and gave him great advan- tage over his competitors for fame, who were commonly afraid of him on account of those very rules. He only sent Cardan therefore, at his request, a copy of the 30 questions which had been proposed to him in the con- test with Florido. Not to be rebuffed so easily, Cardan next applied, in A L G [ 80 ] A L G the most urgent manner, by letter, to Tartalea ; which however procured from him onty the solution of some other questions proposed by Cardan, and of a few of the questions that had been proposed to Florido, but none of their solutions. Finding he could not thus prevail, with all his fair promises, Cardan then fell upon another scheme. There was at Milan a certain Marquis dal Vasto, a great patron of Cardan, and, it was said, of learned men in general. Cardan conceived the idea of making use of the influence of this nobleman to draw Tartalea to Milan, hoping that then, by personal entrea- ties, he should succeed in drawing the long-concealed rules from him. Accordingly he wrote a second letter to Tartalea, much in the same strain with the former, strongly inviting him to come and spend a few days in his house at Milan, and representing that, having often com- mended him in the highest terms to the marquis, this no- bleman desired much to see him ; for which reason Car- dan advised him, as a friend, to come to visit them at Mi- lan, as it might be greatly to his interest, the marquis be- ing very liberal and bountiful ; and he besides gave Tar- talea to understand, that it might be dangerous to offend such a man by refusing to come, who might, in that case, take offence, and do him some injury. This manoeuvre had the desired effect : Tartalea on this occasion laments to himself in these words, " By this I am reduced to a great dilemma ; for if I go not to Milan, the marquis may take it amiss, and some evil may befall me on that ac- count; I shall therefore go, though very unwillingly." When he arrived at Milan, however, the marquis was gone to Vigeveno ; and Tartalea was prevailed on to stay three days with Cardan, in expectation of the marquis re- turning ; at the end of which time he set out from Milan, with a letter from Cardan, to go to Vigeveno to that no- bleman. While Tartalea was at Milan the three days, Cardan plied him by all possible means, to draw from him the rules for the cubic equations ; and at length, just as Tartalea was about to depart from Milan, on the 25th of March, 1539, he was overcome by the most solemn protestations of secrecy that could be made. Cardan says, " I shall swear to you on the holy evangelists, and by the honour of a gentleman, not only never to publish your inventions, if you reveal them to me; but I also promise to you, and pledge my faith as a true Christian, to note them down in cyphers, so that after my death no other person may be able to understand them." To this Tartalea replies, " If I refuse to give credit to these as- surances, I should deservedly be accounted utterly void of belief. But as I intend to ride to Vigeveno, to see his excellency the marquis, as I have been here now these three days, and am weary of waiting so long; whenever I return therefore, I promise to show you the whole." Cardan answers, " Since you determine at any rate to go to Vigeveno to the marquis, I shall give you a letter for his excellency, that he may know who you are. But now before you depart, I entreat you to show me the rule for the equations, as you have promised." " I am content," says Tartalea : " but you must know, that to be able on all occasions to remember such operations, I have brought the rule into rhyme; for if I had not used that precau- tion, I should often have forgot it; and though my rhymes are not very good, I do not value that, as it is sufficient that they serve to bring the rule to mind as often as I re- peat them. I shall here write the rule with my own hand, that you may be sure I give you the discovery exactly." X 3 -+- bx = C,~l x 3 = bx -+- c, > I 3 ■+- c = bx, J These rude verses contain, in rather dark and enigmatical language, the rule for these three cases, viz, bx = c,T which differ however only in the sign of one quantity, an'l the rule amounts to this: Find two numbers, z and y, such that their difference in the first case, and their sum in the 2d and 3d, may be equal to c the absolute number, and their product equal to the cube of -i of b the coefficient of the less power; then the difference of their cube roots will be equal to x in the first case, and the sum of their cube roots equal to x in the 2d and 3d cases : that is, taking z —y = c in the first case, or z -+- y = c in the 2d and 3d, and zy = (|A) 3 ; then i =£/z — \/y in the first case, and x = %/z -+- %/y in the other two. At parting, Tartalea, fails not again to remind Cardan of his obliga- tion : " Now your excellency will remember not to break your promised faith, for if unhappily you should insert these rules either in the work you are now printing, or in any other, though you should even give them under my name, and as of my invention, I promise and swear that I shall immediately print another work that will not be very pleasing to you." " Doubt not," says Cardan, " but that I shall observe what I have promised : Go, and rest secure as to that point; and give this letter of mine to the marquis." It should seem, however, that Tartalea was much displeased at having suffered himself to be worried as it were out of his rules ; for as soon as he quitted Mi- lan, instead of going to wait upon the marquis, he turned his horse's head, and rode straight home to Venice, saying to himself, " By my faith I shall not go to Vigeveno, but shall return to Venice, come of it what will." After Tartalea's departure, it seems Cardan applied him- self immediately to resolving some examples in the cubic equations by the new rules, but not succeeding in them ; for indeed he had mistaken the words, as it was very easy to do in such bad verses, having mistaken (j-i) 3 for \b 3 , or the cube of -| of the coefficient, for | of the cube of the coefficient; accordingly we find him writing to Tarta- lea in 14 days after the above, blaming him much for his abrupt departure without seeing the marquis, who was so liberal a prince, he said, and requesting Tartalea to re- solve him the example x 3 -t- 3x = 10. This Tartalea did to his satisfaction, rightly guessing at the nature of his mistake ; and concludes his answer with these emphatical words, " Remember your promise." On the 12th of May following, Cardan returns him a letter of thanks, together with a copy of his book, saying, " As to my work, just finished, to remove your suspicion, I send you a copy, but unbound, as it is yet too fresh to be beaten. But as to the doubt you express lest 1 may print your inventions, my faith, which I gave you with an oath, should satisfy you; for as to the finishing of my book, that could be no security, as I could always add to it whenever I please. But on account of the dignitv of the thing, I excuse you for not relying on that which you ought to have done, namely, on the faith of a gentleman, instead of the finish- ing of a book, which might at any time be enlarged by the addition of new chapters; and there are besides a thousand other ways. But the security consists in this, that there is no greater treachery than to break one's faith, and to aggrieve those, who have given us pleasure. And when you shall try me, you will find whether I be your friend or not, and whether I shall make an ungrate- ful return for your friendship", and the satisfaction you have given me." A L G [ 31 ] A L G It was within less than two months after this, however, that Tartalea received the alarming news of Cardan's showing some symptoms of breaking the faith he had so lately pledged to him ; this was in a letter from a quon- dam pupil of his, in which he writes, " A friend of mine at Milan has written to me, that Dr. Cardano is composing another algebraical work, concerning some lately-disco- vered rules ; hence I imagine they may be those same rules which you told me you had taught him ; so that I fear he will deceive you." To which Tartalea replies, " I am heartily grieved at the news you inform me of, concerning Dr. Cardano of Milan ; for if it be true, they can be no other rules but those I gave him ; and there- fore the proverb truly says, ' That which you wish not to be known, tell to nobody.' Pray endeavour to learn more of this matter, and inform me of it." Tartalea, after this, kept on the reserve with Cardan, not answering several letters he sent him, till one written on the 4th of August the same year, 1539, complaining greatly of Tartalea's neglect of him, and farther request- ing his assistance to clear up the difficulty of the irredu- cible case x 3 = bx ■+■ c, which Cardan had thus early been embarrassed with : he says that when (|6) 3 exceeds (-|c) 2 , the rule cannot be applied to the equation in hand, because of the square root of the negative quantities. On this occasion Tartalea turns the tables on Cardan, and plays his own game back upon him ; for being aware of the above difficulty, and unable to overcome it himself, he wanted to try if Cardan could be encouraged to ac- complish it, by pretending that the case might be done, though in another way. He says thus to himself, " I have a good mind to give no answer to this letter, no more than to the other two. However I will answer it, if it be but to let him know what I have been told of him. And as I perceive that a suspicion has arisen concerning the difficulty or obstacle in the rule for the case x 3 = bx -+- c, I have a mind to try if he can alter the data in hand, so as to remove the said obstacle, and to change the rule into another form, though I believe indeed that it cannot be done ; however there is no harm in trying." — " M. Hieronime, I have received your letter, in which you write that you understand the rule for the case x 3 = bx ■+■ c; but that when (\b) 3 exceeds {\c) 2 , you cannot resolve the equation by following the rule, and therefore you request me to give you the solution of this equation x 3 = 9.c -)- 10. To which I reply, that you have not used a good method in that case, and that your whole process is entirely false. And as to resolving you the equation you have sent, I must say that I am very sorry that I have already given you so much as I have done ; for I have been informed, by a credible person, that you are about to publish another algebraical work, and that you have been boasting through Milan of having disco- vered some new rules in algebra. But, take notice, that if you break your faith with me, I shall certainly keep my word with you, nay, I even assure you to do more than I promised." In Cardan's answer to this he says, " You have been misinformed as to my intention to pub- lish more on algebra. But I suppose you have heard something about my work De Mysteriis .flitcrnitatis, which you take for some algebra I intend to publish. As to your repenting of having given me your rules, 1 am not to be moved from the faith J promised you for any thing you say." To this, and many other things contained in the tame letter, Tartalea returned no answer, being still Vol. I. suspicious of Cardan's intentions, and declining any more correspondence with him. This however did not discourage C. for we find him writing again to T. on the 5th of January, 1540, to clear irp another difficulty which had occurred in this business, namely, to extract the cube root of the binomials, ot which the two parts of the rule always consisted, and for .which purpose it seems C. had not yet found out a rule. On this occasion he informs T. that his quondam compe- titor Zuanne Colle had come to Milan, where, in some contests between them, Colle gave Cardan to understand that he had found out the rules for the two cases x 3 -t- bx = c, and x 3 = bx ■+■ c, and further that he had disco- vered a general rule for extracting the cube roots of all such binomials as can be extracted ; and that, in parti- cular, the cube root of ./108 -+- 10 is ,/3 * 1, and that of y' 108 — 10 is ./3—1, and consequently that ^/(./lOS + 10) - ^/(v/lOS - 10) is = 0/3 + 1) - (,/3 - 1) = 2. He then earnestly entreats T. to try to find out the rule, and the solution of certain other questions which had been proposed to him by Colle. By this letter T. is still more confirmed in his resolutions of silence ; so that, without returning any answer, he only sets down among his own memorandums some curious remarks on the contents of the letter, and then concludes to himself, " Wherefore I do not choose to answer him again, as I have no more affection for him than for M. Zuanne, and therefore I shall leave the matter between them." Among those remarks he sets down a rule for extracting the cube root of such binomials as can be extracted, and that is done from either member of the binomial alone, thus : Take either term of the binomial, and divide it into two such parts that one of them may be a complete cube, and the other part exactly divisible by 3 ; then the cube root of the said cubic part will be one term of the required root, and the square root of the quotient arising from the division of •£ of the 2d part by the cube root of the first, will be the other member of the root sought. This rule will be better understood in characters thus : let m be one member of the given binomial, whose cube root is sought; and let it be divided into the two parts « 3 end $b, so that a 3 ■+■ 3b be = m ; then is a ■+- 9p> 5> > & c , form a geometrical progression from unity; and that the natural series of numbers 0, 1,2, 3, &c, from 0, are the exponents of the cossic powers ; and he, for the first time, expressly calls them exponents : thus, Exponents, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. Powers, 1, %,, 5, ft, 33, ss, 3 ft, &c. And he shows the use of the exponents, in multiplication, division, powers, and roots, as we do at present; viz, ad- ding the exponents in multiplication, and subtracting them in division, &c. And these operations he demonstrates 2, I, 0") * 4, 2, o( f c \ 8 40 tki where it is plain that he always counts the exponent of the unknown quantity in absolute term. Chap. 5. Of irrational cossic numbers, and of surd or negative numbers. In this treatise of radicals or irra- tionals, he first uses the character */ to denote a root, and sets after it the mark of the power whose root is intended; as ^/ 3 20 for the square root of 20, and ^/ $.20 for the cube root of the same, and so on. He treats here also of negative numbers, or what he calls surd or fictitious, or numbers less than 0. On which he takes occasion to ob- serve, that when a geometrical progression is continued downwards below 1, then the exponents of the terms, or the arithmetical progression, will go below into nega- tive numbers, and will yet be the true exponents of the former ; as in these, Expon. —3, —2, —1, 0, 1, 2, 3, Pow. *, i, i, 1, 2, 4, S, And he gives examples to show that these negative expo- nents perform their office the same as the positive ones, in all the operations. Chap. 6. On the perfection of the Rule of Algebra, and of Secondary Roots. In the reduction of equations, he uses a more general rule than those who had preceded him, who detailed the rule in a multitude of cases; in- stead of which, he directs to multiply or divide the two sides equally, to transpose the terms with -+- or — , and lastly to extract such root as may be denoted by the ex- ponent of the highest power. As to secondary roots, Cardan treated of a 2d- ignota or unknown, which he called quantitas, and denoted it by the initial q, to distinguish it from the first. But here Stifelius, for distinction sake, and to prevent one root from being mistaken for others, assigns literal marks to all of them, as a, b, c, d, &c, and then performs all the usual operations with them, joining them together as we do now, except that he subjoins the initial of the power, in- stead of its numeral exponent : thus, 3a into 9b makes 27ab, 33 into 4b makes 123b, 2?? into 4a5 makes 8 #A, 1a squared makes 1a5> 6 into 3c makes 18c, 2a3 into 5a makes 10am, &c, &c, 8ff a5 divided by 4ft makes 2a3, &c, The square root of 25a5 is 5a, &c, Also 2a added to 2% makes 2% + 2a, and 2a subtr. from 'Z c if makes 2 % — 2a. M2 A L G [ 84 ] A L G And lie shows how to use the same, in questions concern- ing several unknown numbers ; where he puts a different character for each of them, as ty, a, b, c, &c ; he then makes out, from the conditions of the question, as many equations as'there are characters ; from these he finds the value of each letter, in terms of some one of the rest; and so, expelling them all but that one, reduces the whole to a final equation, as we do at present. The remainder of the book is employed with the solu- tions of a great number of questions, to exercise all the rules and methods; some of which are geometrical ones. From this account of the state of Algebra in Stifelius, it appears that the improvements made by himself, or other Germans, beyond those of the Italians, as contained in Cardan's book of J 539) were as follow : 1st. He introduced the characters ■+-, — , */, for plus, minus, and root, or radix, as he calls it. 2d. The initials <^, 5, f£, &c, for the powers. 3d. He treated all the higher orders of quadratics by the same general rule. 4th. He introduced the numeral exponents of the powers, —3, — 2, — 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, &c, both positive and ne- gative, so far as integral numbers, but not fractional ones; calling them by the name exponens, exponent : and he taught the general uses of the exponents, in the several operations of powers, as we now use them, or the loga- rithms. 5th. And lastly, he used the general literal notation a, b, C, D, &c, for so many different unknown or general quantities. OF SCHEUBELIUS. John Scheubelius published several books on Arithme- tic and Algebra. The one now before me, is entitled Al- gebra? Compendiosa Facilisque Descriptio, qua depromun- tur magna Arithmetices miracula. Authore Johanne Scheubelio Mathematicarum Professore in Academia Tu- bingensi. Parisiis 1552. But at the end of the book it is dated 1551. The work is most beautifully printed, and is a very clear though succinct treatise; and both in the form and matter much resembles a modern printed book. He says that the writers ascribe this art to Diophantus, which is the first time that I find this Greek author men- tioned by the modern algebraists: he further observes, that the Latins call it Regula Rei et Census, the rule of the thing and the square, or of the 1st and 2d power; and the Arabs, Algebra. His characters and operations are much the same as those of Stifelius, using the signs and characters +, — , a/, and the powers &, fy, 3jpt, &c, where the character & is used for 1 or unity, or a number, or the power ; prefixing also the numerical co- efficients; thus 44«3 ■+• 11 3 ■+■ 31 & — 53 p£. He uses also the exponents 0, I, 2, 3, &c, of the powers, the same way as Stifelius, before him. He performs the al- gebraical calculations, first in integers, and then in frac- tions, much the same as we do at present. Then of equa- tions, which lie says may be of infinite degrees, though he treats only of two, namely the first and second orders, or what we call simple and quadratic equations, in the usual way, taking however only the positive roots of these; and adverting to all the higher orders of quadra- tics, namely, x\ ax 1 , b ; and ,t", «.r 3 , b ; and x", ax\ b ; &c. Next follows a tract on surds, Imth simple and com- pound, quadratic, cubic, binomial, and residual. Here he first marks the notation, observing that the root is ci- ther denoted by the initial of the word, or, after some authors, by the mark a/:, viz, the sq. root */:, the cube root vv^/ :, and the 4th root, or root of the root thus v1 / :, which latter method he mostly uses. He then gives the Arithmetic of surds, in multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. In these last two rules he squares the sum or difference of the surds, and then sets the root to the whole compound, which he calls radix collecti, what Cardan calls radix universalis. Thus a/12 4- a/ 20 is ra. col. 32 ± 4/96O. But when the terms will reduce to a common surd, he then unites them into one number; as 4/27 h- ♦/ 12 is equal a/75. Also of, cubic surds, and 4th roots. In binomial and residual surds, he remarks the different kinds of them which answer to the several irrational lines in the 10th book of Euclid's elements ; and then gives this general rule for extracting the root of any binomial or residual a± b, where one or both parts are surds, and a the greater quantity, namely, that the square root of it is ^ a+ «A'--'-) ± >/? ~* / '°'-*% which he illustrates by many examples. This rule will only succeed however, so as to come out in simple terms, in certain cases, namely, either when a' 2 — b" is a square, or when a and a/ (a 2 — b 2 ) will reduce to a common surd, and unite : in all other cases the root is in two compound surds, instead of one. He gives also another rule, which comes however to the same thing as the former, though by the words of them they seem to be different. Scheubelius wrote much about the time of Cardan and Stifelius. And as he takes no notice of cubic equations, it is probable he had neither seen nor heard any thing about them ; which might very well happen, the one living in Italy, and the other in Germany. And besides, I know not if this be the first edition of Scheubel's book: it is rather likely it is not, as it is printed at Paris, and he himself was professor of mathematics at Tubingen in Germany. ROBERT KECOItDE. To this ingenious man we are indebted for the first trea- tise on algebra, then named the Cossic Art, in the English language ; but his meritorious labours, like those of the greatest benefactors of mankind, appear to have been ill requited, since, after removing to the capital, he died un- der confinement for debt in the Fleet-prison. In his book on Arithmetic he is styled " teacher of mathematics and practitioner in physic at Cambridge." It was for many ages the custom to unite the title as well as the practice of medicine with those of chemistry, alchymy, mathema- tics, and astrology, by the .Moors, and after them by the Europeans, and is still continued among the almanac- makers. And it is remarkable, that as the Moors were not less famed in Europe for their skill in medicine, than their dexterity in calculation, the term Physician and Al- gebraist appear at first to have been regarded as almost synonymous. Thus, it is curious to remark, that in the celebrated romance of Don Quixote, published about this time, the bachelor Samson Carrasco, who in his ren- counter with the knight was thrown from his horse, and had his ribs broken, sent in quest of an Algebrista to heal his bruises. The first part of his Arithmetic was published in 1552; and the second part in ISSJlj under the title of " The Whetstone of Witte, which is the seconde pane of Arith- metike: containing the Extraction of Ilootes: The Cossikc Practise, with the llulc of Equation : and the Workes of A L G [ Si ] A L G Surde Nombers." The work is in dialogue between the master and scholar; and is nearly after the manner of the Germans, Stifelius and Scheubelius, but especially the latter, whom he often, quotes, and takes examples from. The chief parts of the work are, 1st, The proper- ties of abstract and figurate numbers. 2d, The extrac- tion of the square and cube roots, much the same as at present. Here, when the number is not an exact power, but having some remainder over, he either continues the root into decimals as far as he pleases, by adding to the remainders always periods of ciphers ; or else makes a ■vulgar fraction for the remaining part of the root, by taking the remainder for the numerator, and double the root for the denominator, in the square root ; but in the cube root he takes, for the denominator, either the triple square of the root, which is Cardan's rule, or the triple square and triple root, with one more, which is Scheu- bel's rule. 3d, Of Algebra, or " Cossike Nombers." He uses the notations of powers with their exponents the same as Stifel, with all the operations in simple and com- pound quantities, or integers and fractions. And he gives also many examples of extracting the roots of compound algebraic quantities, even when the roots are from two to six terms, in imitation of the same process in numbers, just as. we do at present ; which is the first instance of this kind that I have observed. As of this quantity : Square Root. 255ff I- 80.5-2655- 144^ + 815 (5 tf + 85-9?.. 4th, " The Rule of Equation, commonly called Alge- ber's Rule." He here, first of any, introduces the charac- ter =, for brevity sake. His words are, "And to avoid the tediouse repetition of these woordes : is equalle to : I will sette as I doe often in woorkeuse, apaire of paralleles, or gemowe lines of one lengthe, thus : =, bicause noe 2 thynges can be moare equalle." He gives the rules for simple and quadratic equations, with many examples. He gives also some examples in higher compound equations, with a root for each of them, but gives no rule how to find it. 5th, "Of Surde Nombers." This is a very ample treatise on surds, both simple and compound, and surds of various degrees, as square, cubic,and biquadratic, marking the roots in Scheubel's manner, thus: */, ^/, vy/- He here uses the names bimedial, binomial, and residual; but says they have been used by others before him, and indeed by Lucas de Burgo, as in cart. 120, edit. 1494. — Hence it appears that the things which chiefly are new in this author, are these two, viz, 1. The extraction of the roots of compound algebraic quantities. 2. The use of the- sign of equality, or ==. OF PELETARIUS. The first edition of this author's algebra was printed in 4to at Paris, in 1558, under this title, Jocobi Peletarii Ce- nomani, de occulta parte Numerorum, quam Algebram vocant. Lib. duo. In the preface he speaks of the supposed authors of Al- gebra, namely Geber, Mahomet the son of Moses, an Ara- bian, and Diophantus. But he thinks the art older, and mentions some of his contemporary writers, or a very little before him, as Cardan, Stifel, Scheubel, Chr. Januarius ; and a little earlier again, Lucas Paciolus of Florence, and Stephen Villafrancus a Gaul. Of the two books, into which the work is divided, the first is on rational, and the second on irrational or surd quantities; each being divided into many chapters. It will be sufficient to mention only the principal articles. He calls the series of powers humeri creati, or derived numbers, or also radicals, because they are all raised from one root or radix. He names them thus, radix, quadratus, cubus, quadrato-quadratus, or biquadratus, supersolidus, quadrato-cubus, &c; and marks them thus fy, q, $, qq, ss > 9pt) bss, fyc. Of these he gives the following series in numbers, having the common ratio 2, with their marks set over them, and the exponents set over these again, in an arithmetical series, beginning at 0, thus: 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 $ 9 K- qq ^ q& bss qqq 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 &c. And he shows the use of the exponents, the same as Stifel and Scheubel; like them also he prefixes coefficients to quantities of all kinds, as also the radical ^/. But he does not follow them in the use of the signs ■+- and — , but employs the initials p and m for the same purpose. After the operations of addition, &c, he performs involution, and evolution also, much the same way as at present: thus, in powers, raise the coefficient to the power required, and multiply the exponent, or sign, as he calls it, by 2, or 3, or 4, &c, for the 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, power; and the reverse for extraction : and hence he observes, if the number or coefficient will not exactly extract, or the sign do not exactly divide, the quantity is a surd. After the operations of compound quantities, and frac- tions, and reduction of equations, namely simple and quadratic equations, as usual, in chap. 16, De Invcniendis generatim Radicibus Denominatorum, he gives a method of finding the roots of equations among the divisors of the absolute number, when the root is rational, whether it be integral or fractional ; for then, he observes the root al- ways lies hid in that number, and is some one of its di- visors. This is exemplified in several instances, both of quadratic and cubic equations, and both for integral and fractional roots. And he here observes, that he knows not of any person who has yet given general rules for the solution of cubic equations ; which shows that when he wrote this book, either Cardan's last book was not pub- lished, or else it had not yet come to his knowledge. Chap. 17 contains, in a few words, directions for bring- ing questions to equations, and for reducing these. He here observes, that some authors call the unknown num- ber res, and others the positio; but that he calls it ra- dix, or root, and marks it thus §J : hence the term, root of an equation. But it was before called radix by Stifelius. Chap. 21 if seq. treat of secondary roots, or a plurality of roots, denoted by a, is, c, &c, after Stifelius. The 2d book contains the like operations in surds, or irrational numbers, and is a very complete work on this subject indeed. He treats first of simple or single surds, then of binomial surds, and lastly of trinomial surds. He gives here the same rule for extracting the root of a bino- mial and residual as Scheubelius, viz, \/ (a ± b) = a + ^/iar-lr) a -^{a'-l?) . 4/ ^—t ;± t/ — ■ -. In dividing by a binomial or residual, he proceeds as all others before him had done, namely, reducing the divisor to a simple quantity, by multiplying it by the same two terms with the sign of one of them changed, that is by the binomial if it be a residual, or by the same residual if it be a bino- ALG [86 mial ; and -multiplying the dividend by the same thing : thus — t =— -. x =-7 = — =3*/5+o. ^/5— 2 ^/5 — 2 v/5+2 5 — 4 And, in imitation of this method, in division by trinomial surds, he directs to reduce the trinomial divisor first to a binomial or residual, by multiplying it by the same trino- mial with the sign of one term changed, and then to re- duce this binomial or residual to a simple nominal as above; observing to multiply the dividend by the same quantities as the divisor. Thus, if the divisor be 4 -f- »/1 — ^/3 ; multiplying this by 4 -+- 1/2 -+- 1/3, the product is 15 -+- 8»/2; then this binomial multiplied by the residual 15 — 8^2, gives 225 — 12S or 97 for the simple divisor: and the dividend, whatever it is, must also be multiplied by the two 4 -i- */2 -+- ,y/3 and 15 — 8^/2. Or in general if the divisor bea + ^/b — */c; multiply it by a -+- ^/b -+- */c, which gives (a -+- \/b) 2 — c = a? -t- b — c + 1a*Jb; then multiply this by - - or -v b — c — Za^/b, and it gives ----- (a 2 -+- b — c) s — 4a 2 Z>, which will be rational, and will all collect into one single term. But Tartalea must have been in possession of some such rule as this, as one of the questions he proposed to Florido was of this nature, namely to find such a quantity as mul- tiplied by a given trinomial surd, shall make it rational : and it appears, from what is done above, that, the given trinomial being a -+- ^/b — y'c, the answer will be (a ■+- */b ■+- ,/c) x (a 2 + b - c ■+- 2y/b). Chap. 24 shows the composition of a cube of a binomial or residual, and thence remarks on the root of the case or equation 1 (t p 3§t equal to 10, which he seems to know something about, though he had not Cardan's rules. Chap. 30, which is the last, treats of certain precepts relating to square and cubic numbers, with a table of such squares and cubes from all numbers to 140 ; also showing how to compute them both, by adding always their dif- ferences. He then concludes with remarking that there are many curious properties of these numbers, one of which is this, that the sum of any number of the cubes, taken from the beginning, always makes a square number, the root of which is the sum of the roots of the cubes ; so that the series of squares so formed, have for their roots 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, &c, whose diff. are the natural n os 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. Namely, 1 3 =1 2 ; 1 3 h-2 3 = 3 ! ; l 3 + 2 3 + 3 3 =6 2 , &c. Or in general, 1 3 -+- 2 3 -+■ 3 3 - - - n 3 = (1 ■+■ 2 ■+■ 3--- n) 2 = [•£«. (n -+- 1)Y = £ra 1 ty ■+■ !)*• This work of Peletarius is a very ingenious and masterly composition, treating in an able manner of the several parts of the subject then known, excepting the cubic equations. But his real discoveries, or improvements, may be reduced to these three, viz. 1st. That the root of an equation is one of the divisors of the absolute term. 2d. He taught how to reduce trinomials to simple terms, by multiplying them by compound factors. 3d. He taught curious precepts and properties concern- ing square and cube numbers, and the method of con- structing a series of each by addition only, namely by ad- ding successively their several orders of differences. PETER RAMUS. Peter Ramus wrote his arithmetic and algebra about the year 1560. His notation of the powers is thus, /, (/, e, bq, being the initials of latus, quadratus, cubus, biqua- J ALG dratus. He treats only of simple and quadratic equations. And the only thing remarkable in his work, is the first ar- ticle, pn the name and invention of Algebra, which we have noticed at the beginning of this history. OF PEDRO NUGNEZ OR NUNEZ, OR IN LATIN NOSIUS. Peter Nunez or Nonius, was a very ingenious and emi- nent physician and mathematician, for the time in which he lived. He was born in 1497, at Alcazar in Portugal, and died in 1577, at 80 years of age. He was professor of mathematics in the university of Coimbra, where he pub- lished several ingenious and useful pieces on different bran- ches of the mathematics, as may be seen by the account of his life given in the 2d vol. of this Dictionary; but it is only with his Algebra that our business is at present. This work he had composed in Portuguese, but trans- lated it into the Castilian tongue, when he resolved on making it public, which he thought would render his book more useful, as this language was more generally known than the former. The dedication, to his former pupil, prince Henry, was dated from Lisbon, Dec. 1, 1564; and the work contains 341 leaves, equal to 682 closely printed pages, in the Antwerp edition of 1567, inSvo; the folios being numbered only on one side. The work is very methodically and plainly treated ; being divided into regular and distinct chapters or sec- tions; leading the reader gradually through the several operations of computation, in integers and fractions, in powers and roots, in surds and in proportions, &c. The rules for dignities or powers are given; and these he de- nominates from the product of their indices; thus, for the powers of 2, with their names, and denominations under them : 2 4 S 16 32 64 Co. Ce. Cu. Ce. Ce. Re. p°. Ce. Cu. or Cu. Ce. &c. 1-234 5 6 where the 6th denomination is called Ce. Cu. or Cu, Ce. that is Censo-Cubo or Cubo-Censo, meaning the square cubed or the cube squared, the index 6 denoted by 2 x 3, the product of the indices of the powers; after the man- ner of the former European authors, Lucas de Burgo, Tar- talea, and Cardan. And exactly after the manner of these also is his practice in every other part, with little or no variation, as far as he goes, which is to quadratic equa- tions; without treating on cubics, further than giving some account of the dispute between Tartalea and Cardan concerning their invention; and that in such a manner as shows he did not very well understand them. Like those authors are his names and rules for Raizes, roots or radi- cals, which he sometimes calls Sorda, surds. In their marks or signs also ; as R for root ; p for -+- ; m for minus ; R. u. for root universal, instead of the vinculi used by the moderns; also L for ligature or composition, such as L. R. 9 with R 4, composed of 3 which is R 9, and of 2 which is R 4, making 5. He places likewise the name of the root after the R; as R. cu. 25. tii. R. cu. 15. p. R. cu. 9; that is, $/25 -$/l5 +$/9. After all the usual preparatory rules, Nunez then treats of equations, simple and quadratic, in the common way, and giving geometrical demonstrations of the rules, as had been done before. He then applies these equations in the solution of a great number of examples, of questions or problems, first in numbers or arithmetic, and then in geo- metrical problems or figures; in which he proceeds or- derly through the several kinds; as squares, rectangles, ALG C 8 7 3 ALG triangles, rhombs, rhomboids, trapeziums, pentagons, &c: all which he calls by the same names as at present. The content of a figure too he calls its Area, as, Do Burgo did before him ; and after the same author also he gives the geometrical demonstration of the common rule for finding the area of a triangle from the three sides given. He treats on the inscription of circles and squares in triangles of va- rious kinds ; and the division of triangles into several parts in different ways. In an address to his readers, at the end of the book, Nunez informs them what are the authors whose books, on his subject, are to be found in Spain, which consist only of De Burgo, Tartalea, and Cardan ; stating his ideas on the merits of their works, with critical remarks on many world ; and he says that they had already translated fiVe books, of the seven which were then extant, being as yet hindered by other avocations from completing the work. He then adds the following strange circumstance, viz, that they had found that in the said work the Indian authors are often cited; by ivhich he learned that this science was known among the Indians before the Arabians had it : a paragraph the more remarkable as I have never understood that any other person could ever find, in Diophantus, any reference to Indian writers : and I have examined his work with some attention, for that purpose. Probably the copy which Bombelli saw, contained marginal remarks by Pla- nudes, or some other scholiast, making mention of the In- dian works on the science, or some such remarks ; which parts of them, in which he more particularly approves of might be mistaken for part of the text of Diophantus. those of Tartalea. Upon the whole, the merit of Nunez, Bombeili's work is divided into three books. In the in this art, consists chiefly, or wholly, in having given a first, are laid down the definitions and operations of very neat and orderly treatise on it, after the manner of powers and roots, with various kinds of radicals, simple those authors; but without having made any improve- and compound, binomial, residual, &c ; mostly after the ments or inventions of his own, in the art. On this occasion it is very remarkable to observe, that Nunez appears not to have been at all acquainted with any of the Germanic authors, several of whom were con- temporaries of Tartalea and Cardan, and who treated the subject in a better manner, in some respects, than these did. Another thing may be here noticed on this occa- sion, as remarkable ; not only that we have never heard of any other early writers on this subject, in Spain or Portu- gal ; but that we have never heard of writings on it by the Moors, who occupied great part of that peninsula during several centuries, by whom we have always been taught to believe that the arts of arithmetic and algebra were brought into that country. — Had that people left any such works in the country, would not some of them have been found in some of the great cities or the universities, or could ihey yet be in existence there ? — Or could the peo- ple have carried all their books away with them when they were expelled from the country ? BOMBELLI. Raphael Bombeili's Algebra was published at Bologna in the year 1572, in the Italian language. In a short, but neat, introduction, he first adverts, in a few words, to the great excellence and usefulness of arithmetic and algebra. He then laments that it had hitherto been treated in so imperfect and irregular a way; and declares it his intention to remedy all defects, and to make the science and prac- tice of it as easy and perfect as may be. And for this purpose he first resolved to procure and study all the former authors. He then mentions several of these, with a short history or character" of them ; as Mahomet the son of Moses, an Arabian; Leonard Pisano; Lucas de Burgo, the first printed author in Europe ; Oroncius ; Scribelius; Boglione Francesi ; Stifelius in Germany; a certain Spaniard, perhaps meaning Nunez or Nonius; and lastly Cardan, Ferrari, and Tartalea; with some others since, whose names he omits. He then adds a curious paragraph concerning Diophantus: he says that some years since there had been found, in the Vatican library, a Greek work on this art, composed by a certain Dio- phantus, of Alexandria, a Greek author, who lived in the time of Antoninus Pius; which work having been shown to him by Mr. Antonio Maria Pazzi Reggiano, public lec- turer on mathematics at Rome; and finding it to be a good work, these two formed the design of giving it to the is the same as (p + q) 2 ; and p ot^/( v /(- + ! rules and manner of former writers, excepting in some few instances, which I shall here take notice of. And first of his rule for the cube root of binomials or residuals, which, for the sake of brevity, may be expressed in modern no- tation as follows: let ^/b ■+- a be the binomial, the term */b being greater than a ; then the rule for the cube root of 4/b + a comes to this, p — re (square), cube (cube) ; and the first of them, ®, the prime quantity, which he observes is also meta- phorically called the racine or root, (the mark of which is also */,) because it represents the root or origin from which all other quantities spring or arise, called the polences or powers of it. He condemns the terms sursolids, and numbers absurd, irrational, irregular, inexplicable, or surd, and shows that all numbers are denoted the same way, and are all equally proper'expressions of some length or magnitude, or some power of the same root. He also rejects all the compound expressions of square-squared, cube-squared, cube-cubed, &c; and observes that it is best to name them all by their exponents, as the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, &c, power or quantity in the series. And on his extension of the new notation he justly observes, that what was before obscure, laborious, and tiresome, will by these marks be clear, easy, and pleasant. He also makes the notation of algebraic quantities more general in their coefficients, including in them not only integers, as 3 ©, but also fractions and radicals, as £ ©, and i/2Q), Vol. I. &ci He has various other peculiarities in his notations ; all showing an original and inventive mind. A quantity of several terms, he calls a multinomial, and also binomial, trinomial, &c, according to the number of the terms. He uses the signs ■+- and — , and sometimes : for equality ; also x for division of fractions, or to multiply crosswise thus, f x f : 44. He teaches the generation of powers by 2 means of the annexed table of numbers, 3 3 which are the coefficients of all the terms, 464 except the first and last. And he makes 5 10 10 5 use of the same numbers also for extract- 6 15 20 15 6 ing all roots whatever : both which things &c. had first been done by Stifelius. In ex- tracting the roots of non-quadrate or non-cubic numbers, he has the same approximations as at present, viz, either to continue the extraction indefinitely in decimals, by add- ing periods of ciphers, or by making a fraction of the re- mainder in this manner, viz, ^/u = n - and l/s =; — nearly, - r ■" nearly ; where n is the nearest An -t- An + 1 exact root of n ; which is Peletarius's rule, and which differs from Tartalea's rule, as this wants the 1 in the de- nominator. And in like manner he goes on to the roots of higher powers. He then treats of equations, and their inventors, which according to him are thus : Mahomet, son of Moses, an Arabian, )■»."• ^ . . j ., ' ' < its derivatives, invented these - - - )_ , ..-.v^ ' (_ © egale a @, © . And some unknown author, the derivatives of this. o 1 .u . j ..i S ©egale a ® @, borne unknown author invented these < x 1 ■ ^ ^ I ©egale a © ©. But afterwards he mentions Ferreus, Tartalea, Cardan, &c, as being also concerned in the invention of them. Lewis Ferrari invented - (£. egale d © © ® 0'- He says also that Diophantus once resolves the case © egale 08®. In his reduction of equations, which is full and masterly, he always places the highest power on. one side alone, equal to all the other terms, set in their order, on the other side, whether they be -+- or—. And he demonstrates all the rules both arithmetically aud geo- metrically. In cubics, he gives up the irreducible case, as hopeless: but says that Bombelli resolves it by plus of minus, and minus of minus: thus, if 1 © = 30 © ■+■ 36, then 1® =(/(18 + of -26) •+■2/(18 -of- 26), that is, 1® ={/(lS + 26y/-l) 4-^/(18 — 26^—1). He resolves biquadratics by means of cubics and quadratics. In quadratics, he takes both the two roots, but looks for no more than two in cu- bics or biquadratics. He gives also a general method of approaching indefinitely near, in decimals, to the root of any equation whatever ; but it is very laborious, being little more than trying all numbers, one after another, finding thus the 1st figure, then the 2d, then the 3d, &c, among these ten characters 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9- And finally he applies the rules, in the resolution of a great many practical questions. Though a general air of originality and improvement runs through the whole of Stevinus's work, yet his more remarkable or peculiar inventions, may be reduced to these few following : viz, 1st. He invented not only a new character for the un- known quantity, but greatly improved the notation of N A L G [ 90 ] A L G powers, by numeral indices, first given by Stifelius as to integral exponents; which Stevinus extended to fractional and all other sorts of exponents, thereby denoting all kinds of roots the same way as powers, by numeral exponents. A circumstance hitherto thought to be of much later in- vention. 2d. He improved and extended the use and notation of coefficients, including in them fractions and radicals, and all sorts of numbers in general. 3d. A quantity of several terms, he called generally a multinomial; and he denoted all nomials whatever by particular names expressing the number of their terms, bi- nomial, trinomial, quadrinomial, &c. 4th. A numeral solution of all equations whatever, by one general method. Besides which, he hints at some unknown author as the first inventor of the rules for cubic equations; by whom may perhaps be intended the author of the Arabic manu- script treatise on cubic equations, given to the library at Leyden by the celebrated Warner. VIETA. Most of Vieta's algebraical works were written about or before the year lfjOO, but some of them were not publish- ed till after his death, which happened in the year l603, in the 63d year of his age. And his whole mathematical works were collected together by Francis Schooten, and elegantly printed in a folio volume in l6i6. Of these, the algebraical parts are as follow : <" 1. Isagoge in Artcm Analyticam. 2. Ad Logisticen Speciosam Notas Priores. 3. Zeteticorum libri quinque. 4. De iEquationum Recognitione, et Emendatione. 5. De Numerosa Potestatum ad Exegesin Resolutione. Of all these I shall give a particular account, especially in such parts as contain any discoveries, as we here meet with more improvements and inventions on the nature of equations, than in almost any former author. And first of the Isagoge, or Introduction to the Analytic Art. In this short introduction Vietalays down certain praecognita in this art ; as definitions, axioms, notations, common pre- cepts or operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, with rules for questions, &c. From which we find, 1st, That the names of his powers are latus, qua- dratum, cubus, quadrato-quadratum, quadrato-cubus, cubo-cubus, &c; in which he follows the method of Dio- phantus, and not that derived from the Arabians. 2d, That he calls powers pure or adfected, and first here uses the terms coefficient, affirmative, negative, specious lo- gistics or calculations, homogeneum comparationis, or the absolute known term of an equation, homogeneum, adfcc- tionis, or the 2d or other term which makes the equation adfected, &c. 3d, That he uses the capital letters to de- note the known as well as unknown quantities, to render his rules and calculations general ; namely the vowels a, e, I, o, v, Y for the unknown quantities, and the con- sonants, b, c, d, &c, for the known ones. 4th, That he uses the sign -t- between two terms for addition ; — for subtraction, placing the greater before the less ; and when it is not known which term is the greater, he places = be- tween them for the difference, as we now use ~ ; thus a = n is the same as a ~ b ; that he expresses division by placing the terms like a fraction, as at present ; though he was not first in this. But that he uses no characters for multiplication or equality, but writes the words them- selves, as well as the names of all the powers, as he uses no exponents, which causes much trouble and prolixity in the progress of his work ; and the numeral coefficients set after the literal quantities, have a disagreeable effect. II. Ad Logisticen Speciosam Nota Prioi'es. These con- sist of various theorems concerning sums, differences, pro- ducts, powers, proportionals, &c, with the genesis of powers from binomial and residual roots, and certain pro- perties of rational right-angled triangles. III. Zeteticorum libri quinque. The zetetics or ques- tions, in these 5 books, are chiefly from Diophantus, but re- solved more generally by literal arithmetic. And in these questions are also investigated rules for the resolution of quadratic and cubic equations. In these also Vieta first uses a line drawn over compound quantities, as a vincu- lum. IV. De JEquationum Recognitione, et Emendatione. These two books, which contain Vieta's chief improvements in algebra, were not published till the year l6l5, by Alex- ander Anderson, a learned and ingenious Scotchman, with various corrections and additions. The 1st of these two books consists of 20 chapters. In the first six chapters, rules are drawn from the zetetics for the resolution of quadratic and cubic equations. These rules are by means of certain quantities in continued proportion, but in the solution they come to the same thing as Cardan's rules. In the cubics, Vieta sometimes changes the negative roots into affirmative, as Cardan had done, but he finds only the affirmative roots. And he here refers the irreducible case to angular sections for a solution, a method which had been mentioned by Bombelli. Chap. 7 treats of the general method of transforming equations, which is done either by changing the root in various ways, namely by substituting another instead of it which is either increased or diminished, or multiplied or divided, by some known numbeF, or raised or depressed in some known proportion ; or by retaining the same root, and equally multiplying all the terms. Which kinds of transformation, it is evident, are intended^to make the equation become simpler, or more convenient for solu- tion. And all or most of these reductions and transfor- mations were also practised by Cardan. Chap. 8 shows what purposes are answered by the fore- going transformations; such as taking away some of the terms out of an equation, and particularly the 2d term, which is done by increasing or diminishing the root by the coefficient of the 2d term, divided by the index of the first : by which means also the affected quadratic is re- duced to a simple one. And various other effects are produced. Chap. 9. shows how to deduce compound quadratic equations from pure ones, which is done by increasing or diminishing the root by a given quantity, being one appli- cation of the foregoing reductions. Chap. 10, the reduction of cubic equations affected with the 1st power, to such as are affected with the 2d power ; by the same means. In chap. 11, by the same means also the 2d term is re- stored to such cubic equations as want it. In chap. 12, quadratic and cubic equations are raised to higher degrees, by substituting for the root, the square or cube of another root divided by a given quantity. In chap. 13, affected biquadratic equations arc deduced from affected quadratics in this manner, when expressed in the modern notation . If a 2 h- ba sa z, then shall a 4 -+■ b 3 -t- 2bz . a = z l -t- b 5 z. A L G [ 91 ] Fot since a* -t- ba = z, therefore a 2 = z — 6a, and its square is a 4 = z 2 — 2baz -t- b 2 a 2 : but b 3 a 2 = b 2 z — B 3 A, therefore a 4 = z 2 — 2baz -+- b 2 z — b 3 a, or a 4 ■+■ b 3 + 2bz . a = z 2 ■+- B 2 Z. And in like manner for the biquadratic affected with its other terms. And in a similar manner also, in chap. 14, affected cubic equations are deduced from the affected quadratics. In chap. 15 it is shown that the quadratic ba — a 2 = z has two values of the root a, or has ambiguous roots, as he calls them ; and also that the cubics, biquadratics, &c, which are raised or deduced from that quadratic, have also double roots. Having in the foregoing chapters, shown how the coef- ficients of equations of the 3d and 4th degree are formed from those of the 2d degree, of the same root ; and that certain quadratics, and others raised from them, have double roots j then in the l6th chap. Vieta shows what relation those two roots bear to the coefficients of the two lowest terms of an equation consisting of only three terms. Chap. 17 contains several theorems concerning quan- tities in continued geometrical progression. Which are preparatory to what follows, concerning the double roots of equations, the nature of which he expounds by means of such properties of proportional quantities. Chap. 18, JEquationum ancipitum constitutive/, ; treating of the nature of the double roots of equations. Next follows the 2d of the pieces published by Alexan- der Anderson, namely, De Emendalionc Mquationum, in 14 chapters. Chap. 1. Of preparing equations for their resolution in numbers, by taking away the 2d term ; by which affected quadratics are reduced to pure ones, and cubic equations affected with the 2d term are reduced to such as are af- fected with the 3d only. Several examples of both kinds of equations are given. He here too remarks on the method of taking away any other term put of an equa- tion, when the highest power is combined with that other term only ; and this Vieta effects by means of the co- efficients, or, as he calls them, the uncias of the power of a binomial. All which was also performed by Cardan for the same purpose. Chap. 2 De transmutatiene II §wtov — zkcctov, qua reme- dium est adversus vitium negationis. Concerning the trans- formations by changing the given root a for another root i, which is equal to the homogencum comparationis divided by the first root a ; by which means negative terms are changed to affirmative, and radicals are taken out of the equation when they are contained in the homogeneum comparationis. Chap. 3. De Anastrophe, showing the relation between the roots of correlate equations ; whence, having given the root of the one equation, that of the other becomes known. Chap. 4. De Isomccria, adversus vitium fractionis. To take away fractions out of an equation. Thus, it a 3 -*- —a = z. Put a = — ; then e 3 ■+■ bde =zd 3 . Chap. 5. De Symmetrica Climactismo, adversus vitium asymmctrice. To take away radicals or surds out of equa- tions, by squaring, &c, the other side of the equation. Chap. 6. To reduce biquadratic equations by means of cubics and quadratics, by methods which are small varia- tions from those of Ferrari and Cardan. A L G Chap. 7. The resolution of cubic equations by rules which are the same with Cardan's. Chap. 8. De Canonica Mquationum transmutatione, ut co- efficientes subgraduales sint quce prascribuntur. To trans- mute the equation so that the coefficient of the lower term, or power, may be any given number, he changes the root in the given proportion, thus : Let A be the root of the equation given, e that of the transmuted equation, B the given coefficient, and x the required one ; then take a ==— , which substitute in the given equation, and it is done. — He commonly changes it so, that x may be 1 ; which he does, that the numeral root of the equation may be the easier found ; and this he here performs by trials, by taking the nearest root of the highest power alone : and if that does not turn out to be" the root of the whole equation, he concludes that it has no rational root. Chap. 9- To reduce certain peculiar forms of cubics to quadratics, or to simpler forms, much the same as Cardan had done. Chap. 10. Similium reductionum continuatio. Being some more similar theorems, when the equation is affected with all the powers of the unknown quantity a. Chap. 11, 12, 13 relate also to certain peculiar forms of equations, in which the root is one of the terms of a cer- tain series of continued proportionals. Chap. 14, which is the last in this tract, contains in four theorems, the general relation between the roots of an equation and the coefficients of its terms, when all its roots are positive. And from these last four theorems itappears, that Vieta was acquainted with the composition of these equations, that is, when all their roots are positive, for he never ad- verts to negative roots; and from other parts of the work it appears, that he was not aware that the same proper- ties will obtain in all sorts of roots whatever. "But it is not certain in what manner he obtained these theorems, as he has not given any account of the investigations, though that was usually his way on other occasions ; but he here contents himself with barely announcing the theo- rems, and for this strange reason, that he might at length bring his work to a conclusion. To this piece is added, by Alexander Anderson, an Appendix, containing the construction of cubic equa- tions by the trisection of an angle, and a demonstration of the property referred to by Vieta for this purpose. De Numerosa Potestatum Purarum Resolutione. Vieta here gives some examples of extracting the roots of pure powers, in the way that had been long before practised, by pointing the number into periods of figures according to the index of the root to be extracted, and then proceed- ing from one period to another, in the usual way. De Numerosa Potestatum adfectarum Resolutione. And here, in close imitation of the above method for the roots of pure powers,' Vieta extracts those of adfected ones ; or finding the roots of affected equations, placing always the homogeneum comparationis, or absolute term, on one side, and all the terms affected with the unknown quan- tity, and their proper signs, on the other side. The method is very laborious, and is but little more than what was before done by Stevinus on this subject, depending not a little on trials. The examples he uses are such as have either one or two roots, and indeed such as are af- fected commonly with only two powers of the unknown quantity, and which therefore admit only of these two N 2 • A L G [ ] A L G varieties as to the number of roots, namely according as the higher of the two powers is affirmative or negative, the homogeneum comparationis, on the other side of the equa- tion, being always affirmative ; and he remarks this general rule, if the higher power be negative, the equation has two roots, otherwise only one ; that is, affirmative roots ; for as to negative and imaginary ones, Vieta knew nothing about them, or at lea6t he takes no notice of them. By the foregoing extraction, Vieta finds both the greater and less root of the two that are contained in the equation, and either of them that he pleases ; having first, for this pur- pose, laid down some observations concerning the limits within which the two roots are contained. Also, having found one of the roots, he shows how the other root may be found by means of another equation, which is a degree lower than the given one; though not by depressing the gi-yen equation, by dividing it as is now done ; but from the nature of proportionals, and the theorems relating to equations, as given in the former tracts, he finds the terms of another equation, different from that last mentioned, from the root &c of which, the 2d root of the original equation may be obtained. In the course of this work, Vieta makes also some ob- servations on equations that are ambiguous, or have three roots; namely, that the equation lc — 6q-i-11n = 6, or as we write it x 3 — 6x~ + 1 lx = 6, is ambiguous, when the 2d term is negative, and the 3d term affirma- tive, and when J of the square of 6, the coefficient of the 2d term, exceeds 11, the coefficient of the 3d term, and has then three roots. Or in general, if x 3 — ax' 2 ■+■ bx = c, and \a?> b, the equation is ambiguous, and has three roots. He shows also, from the relation of the coefficients, how to find whether the roots are in arithmetical progres- sion or not, and how far the middle root differs from the extremes, by means of a cubic equation of this form x 3 — bx = c. In all or most of which remarks he was pre- ceded by Cardan. — Vieta also remarks that the case x 3 — 9x i |t- 24x = 20, has three roots by the same rule, viz, 2, 2, 5, but that two of them are equal. And further, that when §«* is = b, then all the three roots are equal, as in the case x 3 — 6x 2 ■+• 12x = 8, the three roots of which are 2, 2, 2. But when -j-a' is less than b, the case is not ambiguous, having but one root. And when ab =sc, then a = x is one root itself. Many curious notes are added at the end, with remarks on the method of finding the approximate roots, when they are not rational, which is done in two ways, in imi- tation of the same thing in the extraction of pure powers, viz, the one by forming a fraction of the remainder after all the figures of the homogeneum comparaiionis are ex- hausted ; the other by increasing t In- root of the equation in a 10 fold, or 100 fold &c, proportion, and then di- viding the root which results by 10, or 100, &c: and this is a decimal approximation. And Vieta observes, that the roots will be increased 10 or 100 fold, &c, by adding the corresponding number of ciphers to the coefficient! of the 2d term, double that number to the 3d, triple the same number to the 4th, and so on. So if the equation were lc h- 4q ■+- 6n = 8, then lc -t- 40q -+- 600 n = 8000 will have its root 10 fold, and lc •+- 400Q + 00000 N = 8000000 will have it 100 fold. Besides the foregoing algebraical works, Vieta gave va- rious constructions of equations by means of circles and fight lines, and angular sections, which may be consi- dered as an algebraical tract, or a method of exhibiting the roots of certain equations having all their roots affir- mative, and by means of which he resolved the celebrated equation of 45 powers, proposed to all the world by Adri- anus Romanus. Having now delivered a particular analysis of Vieta's algebraical writings, it will be proper, as with other au- thors, to collect into one view the particulars of his more remarkable peculiarities, inventions, and improvements. And first it may be observed, that his writings show great originality of genius and invention, and that he made alterations and improvements in most parts of algebra; though in other parts and respects his method is inferior to some of his predecessors ; as, for instance, where he neglects to avail himself of the negative roots of Cardan; the numeral exponents of Stifelius, instead of which he uses the names of the powers themselves; or the frac- tional exponents of Stevinus; or the commodious way of prefixing the coefficient before the quantity or factor; and such like circumstances ; the want of which gives his Algebra the appearance of an age much earlier than its own. But his real inventions of things before not known, may be reduced to the following particulars. 1st. Vieta introduced the general use of the letters of the alphabet, to denote indefinite given quantities; which had only been done on some particular occasions before his time. But the general use of letters, for the unknown quantities, was before pretty common with Stifelius and his successors. Vieta uses the vowels a, e, i, o, u, y for the unknown quantities, and the consonants, b, c, d, &c, for known ones. 2d. He invented, and - introduced, many expressions or terms, several of which are in use to this day : such as coefficient, affirmative and negative, pure and adfected or affected, uncis, homogeneum adfectionis, homogeneum comparationis, the line or vinculum over compound quan- tities, thus a -+- b. And his method of setting down his equations, is to place the homogeneum comparationis, or absolute known term, on the right-hand side alone, and on the other side all the terms which contain the unknown quantity, with their proper signs. 3d. In most of the rules and reductions for cubic and other equations, he made some improvements, and varia- tions in the modes. 4th. He showed how to change the root of an equation in a given proportion. 5. lie derived or raised the cubic and biquadratic, &c, equations, from quadratics ; not by composition in Har- riot's way, but by squaring and otherwise multiplying certain parts of the quadratic. And as some quadratic equations have two roots, therefore the cubics and others raised from them, have also the same two roots, and no more. And hence he comes to know what relation these two roots bear to the coefficients of the two lowest terms of cubic and other equations, when they have only 3 terms, namely, by comparing them with similar equations so raised from quadratics. And, on the contrary, what the roots are, in terms of such coefficients. 6". He made some observations on the limits of the two roots of certain equations. 7. He stated the general relation between the roots of certain equations and the coefficients of its terms, when the terms are alternately plus and minus, and none of them arc wanting, or the roots all positive. 8. He extracted the roots of affected equations, by a method of approximation similar to that for pure powers. 0. He gave the construction of certain equations, and A L G [ 93 ] L G exhibited their roots by means of angular sections; be- fore adverted to by Bombelli. OF ALBERT GIRARD. Albert Girard was an ingenious Dutch or Flemish ma- thematician, who died about the year 16'33. He pub- lished an edition of Stevinus's Arithmetic in l625, aug- mented with many notes; and the year after his death was published, by his widow, an edition of the whole works of Stevinus, in the same manner, which Girard had left ready for the press. But the work which entitles him to a particular notice in this history, is his " Invention Nouvelle en l'Algebre, tant pour la solution des equa- tions, que pour recognoistre le nombre des solutions qu'el- les recoivent, avec plusieurs choses qui sont necessaires a la perfection de ceste divine science;" which was printed at Amsterdam l6"29, in small quarto, in 6'3 pages, viz, 49 pages on arithmetic and algebra, and the rest on the measure of the superficies of spherical triangles and po- lygons, by him then lately discovered. In this work, Girard first premises a short tract on Arithmetic; in the notation of which he has something peculiar, viz, dividing the numbers into the ranks of mil- lions, billions, trillions, &c. He next delivers the common rules of algebra, not only in integers and fractions, but radicals also; with the no- tation of the quantities and signs. In this part he uses sometimes the letters a, b, c, &c, after the manner of Vieta, but more commonly the characters of Stevinus, viz, ©, ®, ©, , &c, for the powers of the unknown quantity, with their roots (J), @, ©, , ®, &c, used by Stevinus ; and some times the more usual marks of the roots, as «/ or \J , y/, \/ , &c; prefixing the coefficients, as 6 -- , or 3^/3", or 2ti.-. I n tfifi signs he follows his pre- decessors so far as to have ■+■ for plus, — or -f- for mi- nus, = for general or indefinite difference, a ■+■ b for the sum, a — b or a = b for the difference, ab the product, and - for the quotient of a and B. He lises the paren- theses ( ) for the vinculum or bond of compound quan- tities, as is now commonly practised ; as a(ab ■+■ Bq), or %/ (a. cub. — 3Aqn); and he introduces the new characters ff for greater than, and § for less titan ; but he uses no cha- racter for equality, only the word itself. Girard gives a new rule for extracting the cube root of binomials, which however is in a good measure tentative, and which he explains thus: To extract the cube root of 72 + v /5120. The squares of the terms < e, on their difference 64, and its cube root 4. Which shows that the difference between the squares of the terms required is 4; and the rational part 72 being the greater, the greater term of the root will be rational also ; and further, that the greater 9 .,. terms of the power and root arc commen- „ ,. surable, as also the two less terms. Then . ,. n u j t li u i 4 ■+■ V 12 having made a table as in the margin, where , /o\ the square of the rational term always ex- ' ^ ~ ceeds that of the other, by the number 4 above mention- ed, one of these binomials must be the cubic root sought, if the given quantity have such a root ; and it must be pne of these four forms; for it is known to be carried far enough by observing that the cube root of 72 is less than 5, and the cube root of 5120 less than 21; indeed, this being the case, the last binomial is excluded, as evidently too great; and the first is excluded because one of its terms is 0; therefore the root must be either 3 ■+■ */ 5 or 4 ■+■ ^/12. And to know whether of these two it must be, try which of them has its two terms exact divisors of the corresponding terms of the given quantity; then it is found that 3 and 4 are both divisors of 72, but that only 5, and not 12, is a divisor of 5120; therefore 3 ■+■ */5 , is the root sought, which upon trial is found to answer. It is remarkable here, that Girard uses 4 ■+■ y'SO instead of 4 h-,^/12, and 5 -f- ,^20. instead of 5 -t- ,y/20, con- trary to his own rule. Girard then gives distinct and plain rules for bringing questions to equations, and for the reduction- of those equations to their simplest form, for solution, by the usual modes, and also by the way called by Vieta Isomcria, multiplying the terms of the equation by the terms of a geometrical progression, by which means the roots are altered in the proportion of 1 to the ratio of the progres- sion. He then treats of the methods of finding the roots of the several kinds of equations, quadratic, cubic, &c; and adds remarks on the proper number of conditions or equations for limiting questions. The quadratics are re- solved by completing the square, and both the positive and negative roots are taken; and he observes that some- times the equation is impossible, as © equ. 6® — 25, whose roots, he adds, are 3 -+- y / — l6 and 3 — */ — 16. The cubic equations he resolves by Cardan's rule, ex- cept the irreducible case, which he the first of any re- solves by a table of sines; the, other cases he also re- solves by tables of sines and tangents ; and adds geome- trical constructions by means of the hyperbola or the tri- seclion of angles. He next adds a particular mode of resolving all kinds of equations, that have rational roots, on the principle of the roots being divisors of the last or absolute term, as before mentioned by Peletarius ; and then gives the method of approximating to other roots that are not rational, much in the same way as Stevinus. Having found one root of an equation, by any of the former methods, by means of it he depresses the equation one degree lower, then finds another root, and so on till they are all found ; for he shows that every algebraic equation, admits of as many solutions or roots, as there are units in the index of the highest power, which roots may be either positive or negative, or imaginary, or, as he calls them, greater than nothing, or less than nothing, or involved ; so the roots of the equation 1 © equ. 7® — 6, are 2, 1, and — 3; and the roots of the equation l©equ. 4® — 3 are, 1, and 1, and — 1 ■+- s/ — 2, and — 1 — v/-2. Jn depressing an equation to lower degrees, he does not use the method of resolution of Harriot, but that which is derived from the general relation of the roots and coeffi- cients of the terms, which he here fully and universally states, viz, that the coefficient of the 2d term is equal to the sum of all the roots ; that of the 3d iterm equal to the sum of all the products of the roots, taken two by two ; that of the 4th term, the sum of the products, taken three by three; and so on, to the last or absolute term, which is the continual product of all the roots; a property which was before stated by Vieta, as to the equations that have all their roots positive ; and here extended by Girard to all kinds of roots whatever: but how either Vieta or he came, by this property, no where appears that I know of. From this general property, among other deductions, Girard shows how to find the sums of the powers of the A L G roots of an equation; thus, let a, e, c, tj, &c, be the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, coefficient, after the first term, or the sums of the products taken one by one, two by two, three by three, &c ; then, in all kinds of equations, a ) 2 2 f roots, Aq-2B (IZ J squares, a cub. — 3ab +3c C-Sj cnbes > Aqq — 4AqB -+- 4ac -t- 2Bq — 4dJ s2 (. biquadrates. Girard next explains the use of negative roots in geo- metry, showing that they represent lines only drawn in a direction contrary to those representing the positive roots;' and he remarks that this is a thing hitherto unknown. He then terminates the algebra by some questions having two or more unknown quantities. And he subjoins to the whole a tract on the mensuration of the surfaces of sphe- rical triangles and polygons, by him lately discovered. From the foregoing account it appears that, 1st, He was the first person who understood the general doctrine of the formation of the coefficients of the powers, from the sums of their roots, and their products, &c. 2d, He was the first who understood the use of negative roots in the solution of geometrical problems. 3d, He was the first who spoke of the imaginary roots, and understood that every equation might have as many roots, real and imaginary, and no more, as there are units in the index of the highest power. And he was the first who gave the whimsical name of quantities less than no- thing to the negative ones. 4th, He was also the first who discovered the rules for summing the powers of the roots of any equation. OF HARRIOT. Thomas Harriot, an excellent astronomer, philosopher, and mathematician, was born at Oxford in 1500. After taking the degree of bachelor of arts in 1579, he accom- panied the famous Sir Walter Raleigh in an expedition to Virginia, where the first English establishment was made. Harriot here drew the map of the country, and in 1588 gave a relation of the voyage. Being returned to his country, it appears that he gave himself up entirely to the study of the mathematics, and especially to that of algebra. He remained not long unknown to the earl of Northumberland, a great encourager of the sciences, who maintained several learned men, such as Rob. Hues, Wal- ter Warner, and Nathaniel Tarporley. This enlightened nobleman entertained Harriot in his house, with a salary of <£300 sterling a-year, a great sum in those times; and in this situation it was that Harriot finished his days, in the year 1621, at 6l years of age. It appears by Kepler's letters, that he held a correspondence with this astrono- mer, chiefly on the theory of the rainbow. Harriot's ma- nuscripts, lately discovered in the castle of the earl of Egremont, inform us of many of his astronomical obser- vations, and particularly of those of the spots in the sun as early as the beginning of December lfjlO, while the first of those of Galileo were not made before the prece- ding month. So that Harriot must then either have made himself a telescope, or procured one from Holland. He made in the same year also, observations on Jupiter's sa- tellites, and on the remarkable comets of the years 1607' and 1618. His Algebra was left behind him unpublished, as well as those other papers, at his death, which happened in the year l6'21, as before mentioned, and but 6" years after the first publication of the principal parts of Victa's Al- gebra, by Alexander Anderson ; so that it is probable that [ 94 ] A L G Harriot's Algebra was written long before this time, and indeed that he had never seen these pieces. Harriot's Algebra was published by his friend Walter Warner, in the year 1631 : and it would doubtless be highly grateful to the learned in these sciences, if his other curious algebraical and astronomical works were published, from his original papers in the possession of the earl of Egremont, to whom they have descended from Henry Percy, the earl of Northumberland, that noble Maecenas of his day. The book is in folio, and entitled Artis Analyticas Praxis, ad JEquationes Algebraicas nova expedita, et general! methodo, resolvendas ; a work in all parts of it showing marks of great genius and originality, and is the first instance of the modern form of algebra, in which it has ever since appeared. It is prefaced by 18 definitions, which are these : 1st, I.ogistica Speciosa ; 2d, Equation; 3d, Synthesis; 4, Analysis; 5, Composi- tion and Resolution ; 6, Forming an Equation ; 7, Re- duction of an Equation; 8, Verification; 9, Numerosa et Speciosa; 10, Excogitata ; 1 1, Resolution ; 12, Roots; 13 and 14, The kinds and generation of equations by mul- tiplication, from binomial roots or facturs, called original equations : as a -t- h\ = : + l-a — ca — Zjc, a + i\ = naa + laa + tea a H- c| -f- caa — Ida a — d\ — daa — (da — bed; where he puts a for the unknown quantity, and the small consonants, b, c, d, &c, for its literal values or roots. 15,The first form of canonical equations, which aie derived from the above originals, by transposing the hoinoge- neum, or absolute term, thus aa -+- ba — ca = -+- be, &C. 16", The secondary canonicals, formed from the primary by expelling the 2d term, thus aa = -+- bb, or aaa — bba — bca — cca = -+- bbc -+- bcc. 17, That these are called canonicals, because they are ad- apted to canons or rules for finding the numeral roots, &c. 18, Reciprocal equations, in which the homogeneum is the product of the coefficients of the other terms, and the first term, or highest power of the root, is equal to the product of the powers in the other terms, as aaa — caa -+- bba = ■+■ bbc. After these definitions, the work is divided into two principal parts; 1st, of various generations, reductions, and preparations of equations for their resolution in the 2d part. The former is divided into 6 sections as follows. Sect. 1. Logistices Speciosa; exemplified in the 4 ope- rations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divi- sion ; as also the reduction of algebraic fractions, and the ordinary reduction of irregular equations to the form pro- per for the resolution of them, namely, so that all the un- known terms be on one side of the equation, and the known term on the other, the powers in the terms ranged in or- der, the greatest first, and the first or highest power made positive, and freed from its coefficient; as aa ■+- ba =cd; or aaa •+■ baa — cda = — c'd. In this part he explains some unusual characters which he introduces, namely, = for equality, as a = b. > for majority, as a > b, < for minority, as « < b; but the first had been before introduced by Robert Re- corde. A L G [ 95 ] A L G Sect. 2. The generation of original equations from bi- nomial factors or roots, and the deducing of canonicals from the originals. He supposes that every equation has as many roots as dimensions in its highest power; then supposing the values of the unknown letter a in any equa- tion to be b, c, d,f, &c, that is a = b, and a == c, and a = d, &c; by transposition, or equal subtraction, these become a — b = 0, and a — c = 0, and a — d = 0, &c, or the same letters with contrary signs for negative values or roots; then two of these binomial factors, multiplied together, give a quadratic equation, three of them a cu- bic, four of them a biquadratic, and so on, with all the terms on one side of the equation, and on the other side, since, every binomial factor being = 0, the conti- nual product of all of them must also be = 0. And these operations are carried through all the cases of the 2d, 3d, and 4th powers, as to the varieties of the signs ■+■ and —, and the proportions of the roots as to equal and unequal, with the reciprocals, &c. From which are made evident, at one glance of the eye, all the rela- tions and properties between the roots of equations, and the coefficients of the terms. Sect. 3. JEquationum canonicarum secundariarum a pri- mariis reductio per qradus alicujus parodici sublationem ra- dice supposilitiainvar/ata manente. Containing a great many examples of preparing equations, by taking away the 2d, 3d, or any other of the intermediate terms, which is done by making the positive coefficients in that term, equal to the negative ones, by which means the whole term va- nishes, or becomes equal to nothing. They are extended as far as equations of the 5th degree ; and at the end are collected, and placed in regular order, all the secondary canonicals, so reduced; so that by the uniform law which is visible through them all, the series may be continued to the higher degrees as far as we please. Sect. 4. JEquationum canonicarum tarn primnriarum , quam secundariarum, radicum des/gnalio. A great many literal equations are here set down, and their roots as- signed from the form of the equation, that is, all their po- sitive roots; for their negative roots are not noticed here; and it is every w here proved that they cannot have any more positive roots than these, and consequently the rest are negative. That those are roots, he proves by substi- tuting them instead of the unknown letter a in the equa- tion, when they make all the terms on one side come to the same thing as the homogeneum on the other side. Sect. .5. In qua aquationum communium per canonicarum mquipollentium, radicum numerus determinatur. On the number of the roots of common equations, that is the po- sitive roots. This Harriot determines by comparing them with the like cases found among his canonical forms, which two equations, having the same number of terms with the same signs, and the relations of the coefficients and homogeneum correspondent, he calls equipollents. And whatever was the number of positive roots used in the composition of the canonical, the same, he infers, is the number in the proposed common equation. It is re- markable that, in all the examples here used, the number of positive roots is just equal to the number of the changes in the signs from ■+■ to — and from — to +, which is a circumstance, though not here expressly mentioned, that could not escape the observation, or the eye, of any one, much less of so clear and comprehensive a sight as that of Harriot. In this section are contained many ingenious disquisi- tions, concerning the limits and magnitudes of quantities, with several curious lemmas laid down to demonstrate the propositions by, which lemmas are themselves de- monstrated in a pure mathematical way, from the magni- tudes themselves, independent of geometrical figures ; such as, 1, If a quantity be divided into any two unequal parts, the square of half the quantity will be greater than the product of the two unequal parts. 2, In three con- tinueoVproportionals, the sum of the extremes is greater than double the mean. 3, In four continued proportio- nals, the sum of the extremes is greater than the sum of the two means. 4, In any two quantities, one-fourth the square of the sum of the cubes, is greater than the cube of the product of the two quantities. 5, Of any two quantities q and r, then ^ T {qq -+• qr -t- rr) 3 > \{qqr -+- qrr) 2 . 6, If any quantity be divided into three unequal parts, the square of £ of the whole quantity is greater than y of the sum of the three products made of the three unequal parts. 7, Also the cube of the j part of the whole, is greater than the solid or continual product of the three unequal parts. Sect. 6. JEquationum communium reductio per gradus ali- cujus parodici exclusionem el radicis supposititia mutationem. Here are a great many examples of reducing and trans- forming equations of the 2d, 3d, and 4th degrees; chiefly either by multiplying the roots of equations in any pro- portion, as was done by Vieta, or increasing or diminish- ing the root by a given quantity, after the manner of Car- dan. The former of these reductions is performed by multiplying the terms of the equation by the correspond- ing terms of a geometrical progression, the first term be- ing 1, and the 2d term the quantity by which the root is to be multiplied. And the other reduction, or trans- forming to another root, which may be greater or less than the given root by a given quantity, is performed com- monly by substituting e -+- or — b for the given root a, by which the. equation is reduced to a simpler form. Other modes of substitution are also used ; one of which is this, viz, substituting — — — ore + — for the root a in the given equation aaa ^ 3.bba =s 2.ccc, by which it re- duces to this quadratic form e fi =j- 2cV = — b c \ from which Cardan's forms are immediately deduced; namely, e = ^/3) c 3 — */c s ± !»", and therefore a or e ± — = •v/3) e 3 + v^c 6 ±b 6 ± v/3) c 3 - v/c 6 ± b 6 ; where he de- notes the cubic or 3d root thus, \/o), but without any vinculum over the compound quantities. In this section, Harriot makes various remarks as they occur: thus, he remarks, and demonstrates, that eee — 3.bb = — ccc — 2bbb is an impossible equation, or has no affirmative root. He remarks also that the three cases of the equation aaa — S.bba = -t- 2.ccc are similar to the three conic sections; namely to the hyperbola when c -> b, to the parabola when c = b, or to the ellipsis when c< b, and for which reason this case is not generally re- soluble in species. Having thus shown how to simplify equations, and pre- pare them for solution, Harriot enters next upon the se- cond part of his work, being the Exegetice Numerosa, or the numeral resolution of all kinds of equations by a general method, which is exemplified in a great number of equations, both simple and affected, as far as the 5th power inclusive; and they are commonly prepared, by ALS t ] A L G the foregoing parts, by freeing them from their 2d term, &c. These extractions are explained and performed in a way different from that of Vieta ; and the examples are first in perfect or terminate roots, and afterwards for irra- tional or interminate ones, to which Harriot approxi- mates, by adding always periods of ciphers to the given number or resolvend, as far as necessary in decimals, which are continued and set down as such, but with their proper denominator 10, or 100, or 1000, &c. He then concludes the work with Canones Directorii, which form a collection of the cases or theorems for making the foregoing numeral extractions, ready arranged for use, under the various forms of equations, with the factors necessary to form the several resolvends and sub- trahends. And from a review -of the whole work, it appears that Harriot's inventions, peculiarities, and improvements in algebra, may be comprised in the following particu- lars. 1st. He introduced the uniform use of the small let- ters, a, b, c, d, &c, viz, the vowels a, e, &c for unknown quantities, and the consonants b,c,d,f, &c for the known ones; which he joins together like the letters of a word, t» represent the multiplication or product of any number of these literal quantities, and prefixing the numeral co- efficient as we do at present, except only separated by a point, thus 5.bbc. For a root, he set the index of the root after the mark ^/; as */3) for the cube root. He also introduced the characters -> and <, far greater and less; and in the reduction of equations, he arranged the operations in separate steps or lines, setting the explana- tions in the margin on the left hand, for each line. By which, and other means, he may he considered as the in- troducer of the modern state of algebra, which quite changed its form under his hands. 2d. He showed the universal generation of all the com- pound or affected equations, by the continual multiplica- tion of as many simple ones, or binomial roots ; thereby plainly exhibiting to the eye the whole circumstances of the nature, mystery and number of the roots of equa- tions ; with the composition and relations of the coeffi- cients of the terms ; and from which many of the most important properties have since been deduced. 3d. He greatly improved the numeral exegesis, or ex- traction of the roots of all equations, by clear and expli- cit rules and methods, drawn from the foregoing genera- tion or composition of affected equations of all degrees. of oughtred's clavis. Oughtred was contemporary with Harriot, but lived a long time after him, as he died only in 1660, at S7 years of age. His Clavis was first published in l6'3I, the same year in which Harriot's Algebra was published by his friend Warner. In this work, Oughtred chiefly follows Vieta, in the notation by the capitals a, b, c, d, &c, in the designation of products, powers, and roots, though with some few variations. His work may be compre- hended under the following particulars. 1. Notation. This extends to both algebra and arith- metic, vulgar and decimal. The algebra chiefly after the manner of Vieta, as abovesaid. And he separates the de- cimals from the integers thus 21\5<7, which is the first time I have observed such a separation, and the decimals set down without their denominator. 2. The commou rules or operations of arithmetic and algebra. In algebraic multiplication, he either joins the letters together like a word, or connects them by the mark x , which is the first introduction of this character of multiplication: thus a x a or aa or .\q. But omitting the vinculum over compound factors, used by Vieta. He introduces here many neat and useful contractions in multiplication and division of decimals : as that common one of inverting the multiplier, to have fewer decimals, and abridge the work; that of omitting always one figure at a time, of the divisor, for the same purpose ; dividing by the component factors of a number instead of the num- ber itself; as 4 and 6 for 24; and many other neat con- tractions. He states his proportions thus 7-9 ■'■ 28.36, and denotes continued proportion thus -ff ; which is the first time I have observed these characters. 3. Invents and describes various symbolical marks or abbreviations, which are not now used. 4. The genesis and analysis of powers. Denotes powers like Vieta, and also roots, thus \/q6, */c20, i/qq2±, &c; and muchrin his manner too performs the numeral ex- traction of roots. He here gives a table of the powers of the binomial a ■+■ e as far as the 10th power, with all their terms and coefficients, or uncia? as he calls them, after Vieta. . 5. Equations. He here gives express and particular di- rections for the several kinds of reductions, according as the form of the equation may require. He uses the letter u after ,y/, for universal, instead of the vinculum of Vieta. And he observes that the signs of all the terms of the powers of a ■+■ e are positive, but those of a — e are al- ternately positive and negative. 6. Next follow many properties of triangles and other geometrical figures ; and the first instance of applying algebra to geometry, so as-to investigate new geometri- cal properties ; also, after the algebraical resolution of each problem, he commonly deduces and gives a geome- trical construction adapted to it. He gives also a good tract on angular sections. 7. The work concludes with the numeral solution of affected equations, in which he follows the manner of .Vieta, though he is more explicit. OF DESCARTES. Descartes's Geometry was first published in 1637, be- ing six years after the publication of Harriot's Algebra. That work was rather an application of algebra to geo- metry, than the science either of algebra or geometry itself, purely and properly so called. And yet he made improvements in both. We must observe, however, that all the properties of equations, &c, which he sets down, are not to be considered as even meant by himself for new inventions or discoveries ; but as statements and enume- rations of properties, before known and taught by other authors, which he is about to make some use or applica- tion of, and for which reason it is that he mentions those properties. Descartes's Geometry consists of three books. The first of these is, De Problematibus, qua; construi possunt, adhihendo tantum rectas linens et circulos. He here ac- commodates or performs arithmetical operations by geo- metry, supposing some line to represent unity, and then, by means of proportionals, showing how to multiply, di- vide, and extract roots, by lines. He next describes the notation he uses, but not because it is a new one, for it is the same as had been used by former authors, viz, a -t- b for the addition of a and b, also a — b for their subtrac- A L G [ 97 ] A L G tion, ab multiplication, — division, an or a 2 the square of a, a 3 its cube, &c: also l/.iP ■+- b* for the square root of a 2 -i- 6 2 , and ^/c.a^ — fc 3 ■+- abb for the cube root, &c, with a bar over the quantities. He then observes, after Stifelius, that there must be as many equations as there are unknown lines or quantities; and that they must be reduced all to one final equation, by exterminating all the unknown letters except one ; when the final equation will appear like these, 2 30 b, or Si; 30 — az ■+■ b 1 , or s 3 30 ■+■ az- -+- tfz — c 3 , or s' 30 ■+- az* h- 6-z 2 - where the sign of ■£/> in the two quadratics must be the same as the sign of p in the given equation, and in the 1st quadratic the sign of -|- must be the same as the sign of q, but in the 2d quadratic the contrary. Then if there be found tho root yy of this cubic equation y 6 . 2py* -+- *lr W — 11 33 °> where the sign 2p is the same as ofp in the given biquadratic, but the sign of 4r contrary to that of r in the same; then the valueof y, hence deduced being substituted for it in the two quadratic equations' and their two pairs of roots taken, they will be the four roots of the proposed biquadratic. And thus also he O A L G { 93 ] A L G hints, may equations of the 6th power be reduced to those of the 5th, and those of the 8th power to those of the 7th, and so on. Descartes does not give the investi- gation of this rule; but it has evidently been done, by assuming indeterminate quantities, after the manner of- Ferrari and Cardan, as coefficients of the terms of the two quadratic equations, and after multiplying the two toge- ther, determining their values by comparing the resulting terms with those of the proposed biquadratic equation. After these reductions, which are only mentioned for the sake of the geometrical constructions which follow, by simplifying and depressing the equations as much as they will admit, Descartes then gives the construction of solid and other higher problems, or of cubic and higher equations, by means of parabolas and circles; where he observes, that the false roots are denoted by the ordinates to the parabola lying on the contrary side of the axis to the true roots, as before mentioned by Girard. Finally, these constructions are illustrated by various problems concerning the trisecting of an angle, and the finding of two or four mean proportionals; which concludes this in- genious work. From the foregoing analysis may easily be collected the real inventions and improvements made in algebra by Des- cartes. His work, as has been observed before, is not al- gebra itself, but the application of algebra to geometry, and the algebraical doctrine of curve lines, expressing and explaining their nature by algebraical equations ; and, on the contrary, constructing and explaining equa- tions by means of the curve lines. What respects the geometrical parts of this tract we shall have occasion to advert to elsewhere ; and therefore shall here only enu- merate the circumstances which belong more peculiarly to the science of algebra, which I shall distinguish into the two heads, of improvements, and inventions. And 1st. Of his improvements. — That he might fit equations the better for their application in the construction of pro- blems, Descartes mentions, as it were by-the-by, many things concerning the nature and reduction of equations, without troubling himself about the first inventors of them, stating them in his own terms and manner, which is commonly more clear and explicit, and often with im- provements of his own. And under this head we find that he chiefly followed Cardan, Vieta, and Harriot, but espe- cially the last, and explains some of their rules and dis- coveries more distinctly, and varies but a little in the no- tation, putting the first letters of the alphabet for the known, and the latter letters for the unknown quantities; also r* for aaa, &c; and 30 for =. But Herigone used the numeral exponents in the same manner some years before, as well as several older authors. Descartes ex- plained or improved most parts of the reductions of equa- tions, in their various transmutations, the number and na- ture of their roots, true and false, real and what he deno- minates imaginary, called involved by Girard; and the depression of equations to lower degrees. 2d. As to his inventions and discoveries in algebra, they may he com prised in these particulars : namely, the ap- plication of algebra to the georiietry of curve lines, the constructing equations of the higher orders, and a rule for resolving biquadratic equations by means of a cubic and two quadratics. Having now traced the science of algebra from its ori- gin and rude state, down to its modem and more polished form, in which it has ever since continued, with very little variation ; having analysed all or most of the prin- cipal authors, in a chronological order, and deduced the inventions and improvements made by each of them ; from this time the authors both become too numerous, and their improvements too inconsiderable, to merit a detail in the same minute and circumstantial way: and besides, these will be better explained in a particular manner under the word or article to which each of them severally belongs. It may therefore now suffice to enu- merate, or announce only in a cursory way, the chief im- provements and authors on algebra down to the present time. After the publication of the Geometry of Descartes-, a great many other ingenious men followed the same course, applying themselves to algebra and the new geometry, to the mutual improvement of them both ; which was done chiefly by reasoning on the nature and forms of equations, as generated and composed by Harriot. Before proceed- ing upon these, however, it is but proper to take notice here of Fermat, a learned and ingenious mathematician, who was contemporary and a competitor of Descartes, for his brightest discoveries, which he was in possession of before the geometry of Descartes appeared. Namely, the application of algebra to curve lines, which he ex- pressed by an algebraical equation, and by them con- structed equations of the 3d and 4th orders; also a me- thod of tangents, and a method de maximis et minimis, which approach very near to the method of fluxions or increments, which they strikingly resemble, both in the manner of treating the problems, and in the algebraic no- tation and process. The particulars of which, see under the proper heads. Besides these, Fermat was deeply learned in the Diophantine problems, and the best edition of Diophantus's Arithmetic, is that which contains the notes of Fermat on that ingenious work. But to return to the successors of Descartes. His geo- metry having been published in Holland, several learned and ingenious mathematicians, of that country, presently applied themselves to cultivate and improve it; as Schoo- ten, Hudde, Van-Heuraet, De Witte, Slusius, Huygens, &c; besides M. de Beaune, and perhaps some others in France. Francis Schooten, professor of mathematics in the uni- versity of Leyden, was one of the first cultivators of the new geometry. He translated Descartes's geometry out of French into Latin, and published it in 10*4y, with his commentary on it, as also Brief Notes of M. de Beaune; both of them containing many ingenious and useful things. And in 10*59 he gave a new edition of the same, in two volumes, with the addition of several other ingenious pieces: as, two posthumous tracts of de Beaune, the one on the nature and constitution, the other on the limits of equations, showing how to assign the limits between which are contained the greatest and least roots of equations, extended and completed by Erasmus Bartholine : two letters of M. Hudde on the reduction of equations, and on the maxima and minima of quantities, containing many ingenious rules; among which are some concerning the drawing of tangents, and on the equal roots of equa- tions, which he determines by multiplying tin' terms of the equation by the terms of any arithmetical progression, being one of the terms, tin equation is commonly de- pressed one degree lower; also a tract of Van Heuraet on the rectification of curve lines; the elements of curves by Dc Witte ; Bertholinc's principles of universal mathc- A L G [ 99 ] A-L G matics, or introduction to Descartes's geometry, which had before been published by itself in 1651 ; and to the end of the work is added a posthumous piece of Schoo- ten's (for he died while the 2d vol. was printing) entitled Tractatus de concinnandis demonstrationibus geometricis ex calculo algebraico. Schooten also published, in 1657, Exercitationes Mathematics;, in which are contained many curious algebraical and analytical pieces, among others of a geometrical nature. An elaborate commentary on Descartes's . geometry was .also published by F. Rabuel, a Jesuit ; and James Bernoulli, enriched with notes, an edition of the same, printed at Basil in 169 — . The celebrated Huygens also, among his great discove- ries, very much cultivated the algebraical analysis : and he is often cited by Schooten, who relates divers inven- tions of his, while he was his pupil. Slusius, a canon of Liege, published in 165$, Mesola- bum, seu duas mediae propor. per circulum et ellips. vel hyperb. infinitis modis exhrbita:; by which, any solid pro- blem may be constructed by infinite different ways. And in 1668, he gave a second edition of the same, with the addition of the analysis, and a miscellaneous collection of curious and important problems, relating to spirals, cen- tres of gravity, maxima and minima, points of inflexion, and some Diophantine problems ; all showing him deeply skilled in algebra and geometry. There have been a great number of other writers and improvers of algebra, of which it may suffice slightly to mention the chief part, as in the following catalogue. In 1619 several pieces of Van Collen, or Ceulen, were translated out of Dutch into Latin, and published at Ley- den by W. Sneli ; among which are contained a particular treatise on surds, and his proportion of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. In Irj21 Bachet published, in Greek and Latin, an edi- tion of Diophantus, with many notes. And another edi- tion of the same was published in ]670, with additions by Fermat. In lrj24 Bachet's Problemes Plaisans et Delectables, being curious problems in mathematical recreations. In l6'34 Herigone published, at Paris, the first course of mathematics, in 5 vols. 8vo; in the 2d of which is con- tained a good treatise on algebra; in which he uses the notation by small letters, introduced by the algebra of Harriot, which was published three years before, though the rest of it does not resemble that work, and one would suspect that Herigone had not seen it. The whole of this piece bears evident marks of originality and ingenuity. Besides ■+- for plus, he uses *o for minus, and 2|2 for equality, with several other useful abbreviations and marks of his own. In the notation of powers, he does not re- peat the letters like Harriot, but subjoins the numeral exponents to the letter, as Descartes did two years after- wards. And Herigone uses the same numeral exponents for roots, as ^/3 for the cube root. In 16.35 Cavalcrius published his Indivisibles; which proved a new aera in analytics, and gave rise to other new modes of computation in analytics. About lfi40, et seq. Roberval made several notable im- provements in analytics, which are published in the early volumes of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences; as, I, A tract on the composition of motion, and a method of tangents. 2, De recognitionc cequationum. 3, De gco- metrica planarum et cubicarum asquationum resolutione. 4, A treatise on indivisibles, &c. In 1643 De Billy published Nova Geometries Clavis Algebra. And in 1670 Diophantus Redivivus. He was an author particularly well skilled in Diophantine pro- blems. In ) 644. Renaldine published, in 4to,Opus Algebraicum, both ancient and modern, with mathematical resolution'" and composition. And in l665, in folio, the same, greatly enlarged, or rather a new work, which is very heavy and tedious. In this work Renaldine uses the parentheses (a? 4- h?) as a vinculum, instead of the line over, as u~ -+- I)-. In 1655 was published Wallis's Arifhmelica Infinite- rum, being a new method of reasoning on quantities, or a great improvement on the indivisibles of Cavalcrius, and which in a great measure led the way to infinite series, the binomial theorem, and the method of fluxions. Wallis hear, treats ingeniously of quadratures and many other problems, and gives the first expression for the quadrature of the circle by an infinite series. Another series is here added for the same purpose, by the Lord Brouncker, the first pres. of the R. S. In 1659 was published, at Zurich in Switzerland, Alge- bra Rhonii Germanice ; which was, in 1 668, translated into English by Mr. Thomas Branckcr, with additions and alterations by Dr. John Pell. In 1661 was published in Dutch, a neat piece of Al- gebra by Mr. Kinckhuysen ; which Sir Isaac Newton, while he was professor of mathematics at Cambridge, made use of and improved, and he meant to republish it, with the addition of his method of fluxions and infinite series ; but was prevented by the accidental burning of some of his papers. In 1665 or 1666 Sir Isaac Newton made several of his brightest discoveries, though they were not published till afterwards : such as the binomial theorem ; the method of fluxions and infinite series ; the quadrature, rectifica- tion, &c, of curves ; to find the roots of all kinds of equa- tions, both numeral and literal, in infinite converging se- ries ; the reversion of series, &c. Of each of which a particular account may be seen in their proper articles. In 1666 M. Frenicle gave several curious tracts con- cerning combinations, magic squares, triangular numbers, &c ; which were printed in the early volumes of the Me- moirs of the Academy of Sciences. In 1668 Thomas Brancker published a translation of Rhonius's Algebra, with many additions by Dr. John Pell, who used a peculiar method of registering the steps in any algebraical process, by means of marks and abbre- viations in a small column drawn down tlie margin, by which each line, or step, is clearly explained, as was be- fore done by Harriot in words at length. This book con- tains a valuable table of prime numbers. In 1668 Mercator published his Logarithmotechnia, or method of constructing logarithms; in which he gives the quadrature of the hyperbola, by means of an infinite series of algebraical terms, found by dividing a simple algebraic quantity by a compound one, and for the first time that this operation was given to the public, though Newton had before that expanded all sorts of compound algebraical quantities into infinite series. In the same year was published James Gregory's' Exercitationes Geometricte, containing, among other 02 A L G [ 100 ] A L G things, a demonstration of Mercator's quadrature of the hyperbola, by the same series. And in the same year was published, in the Philoso- phical Transactions, Lord Brouncker's quadrature of the hyperbola, by another infinite series of simple rational terms, which he had been in possession of since the year 1657, when it was announced to the public by Dr. Wallis. Lord Brouncker's series for the quadrature of the circle had been published by Wallis in his Arithmetic of Infi- nites, as before mentioned. In 1669 Dr. Isaac Barrow published his Optical and Geometrical Lectures, abounding with profound re- searches on the dimensions and properties of curve lines; but particularly to be noticed here for his method of tan- gents, by a mode of calculation similar to that of fluxions, or increments, from which these differ but little, except in the notation. Of these lectures, the 13th merits the most special notice, being entirely employed on equa- tions, and delivered in a very curious way. He there treats of the nature and number of their roots, audi the limits of their magnitudes, from the description of lines accommodated to each, viz, treating the subject as a branch of the doctrine of maxima and minima, which in the opinion of some persons is the right way of consider- ing them, and as far preferable to the so much boasted in- vention of the generation of equations from each other, explained by Harriot and Descartes. In 1673 was published, in 2 vols, folio, Elements of Algebra, by John Kersey ; a very ample and complete work, in which Diophantus's problems are fully ex- plained. In 1675 were published Nouveaux Elcmens des Mathe- matiques, par J. Prestet, pretre : a prolix and tedious work, which he presumptuously dedicated to God Al- mighty. About 1677 Leibnitz discovered his Methodus Diffc- rentialis, or else made a variation in Newton's Fluxions, or an extension of Barrow's method, for it is not certain which. He gave the first instance of it in the Leipsic Acts for the year 1684. He also improved infinite series, and gave a simple one for the quadrature of the circle, in the same acts for 1682. But this series had before been found by Mr. James Gregory, viz, in l6'71. In 1 682 Ismael Bulliald published, in folio, his Opus Novum ad Arithmeticam Infinitorum, being a large am- plification of Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinites. In 1683 Tschirnausen gave a memoir, in the Leipsic Acts, concerning the extraction of the roots of all equa- tions in a general way ; in which he promised too much, as the method did not succeed. In 1684 came out, in English and Latin, 4to, Thomas Baker's Geometrical Key, or Gate of Equations Unlocked ; being an improvement of Descartes's construction of all equations under the 5th degree, by means of a circle and only one and the same parabola for all equations, using any diameter instead of the axis of the parabola. In J 685 was published, in folio, Wallis's Treatise of Algebra, both Historical and Practical, with the addition of several other pieces ; exhibiting the origin, progress, anil advancement of that science, from time to time. It cannot be denied that, in this work, Wallis has shown too much partiality to the Algebra of Harriot. Yet, on the other hand, it is as true, that M. de Gua, in his account of it, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1741, has run at least as far into the like extreme on the con- trary side, with respect to the discoveries of Vieta ; and both these I believe from the same cause, namely, the want of examining the works of all former writers otf algebra, and specifying their several discoveries; as has been done in the course of this article. In 1687 Dr. Halley gave, in the Philos. Trans, the con- struction of cubic and biquadratic equations, by a para- bola and circle; with improvements on what had been done by Descartes, Baker, &c. Also, in the same Trans- actions, a memoir on the number of the roots of equations, with their limits and signs. In 169O was published, in 4to, by M. Rolle, Traite d'Algebre; in 1699, Une Methode pour la Resolution d(^ Problemes indetermines; and in 1704, Memoires sur l'in- verse des tangents ; and other pieces. In 1690 Joseph Raphson published Analysis iEqua- tionum Universalis ; being a general method of -approxi- mating to the roots of equations in numbers. And in 1715 he published the History of Fluxions, both in En- glish and Latin. In I69O was also published, in 4 vols 4to, Dechale's Cursus seu mundus mathematicus; in which is a piece of algebra, of a very old-fashioned sort, considering the time when it was written. About 1692, and at different times afterwards, De Lagny published many pieces on the resolution of equa- tions in numbers, with many theorems and rules for that purpose. In 1693 was published, in a neat little volume, Synopsis Algebraica, opus posthumum Johannis Alexandri. In 1694 Dr. Halley gave, in the Philos. Trans, an in- genious tract on the numeral extraction of all roots, with- out any previous reduction. And this tract is also added to some editions of Newton's Universal Arithmetic. In 1695 Mr. John Ward, of Chester, published, in 8vo, A Compendium of Algebra, containing plain, easy, and concise rules, with examples in an easy and clear way. And in 1706 he published the first edition of his Young Mathematician's Guide, or a plain and easy introduction to the mathematics: a book which is still in great request, especially with beginners, and which has been ever since the ordinary introduction of the greatest part of the ma- thematicians of this country. In 1696 the Marquis de l'Hopital published his Analyse des infiniment petits ; and gave several papers to the Leipsic Acts and the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. He left behind him also an ingenious treatise, which was published in 1707, entitled Traite analytique des Sections Coniques, et de la construction des lieux geometriques. In 1697, .and several other years, M. Ab. Demoivre gave various papers in the Philos. Trans, containing im- provements in algebra; viz, in 1697, a method of raising an infinite multinomial to any power, or extracting any root of the same. In 16*98, The extraction of the root of an infinite equation. In 1707, Analytical solution of certain equations of the 3d, 5th, 7th, &c, degree. In 1722, Of algebraic fractions and recurring series. In 1738, The reduction of radicals into more simple forms. Also in 1730, he published Miscellanea analytica de se- riebus et quadraturis, containing great improvements in series, &c. In 16'9S Mr. Richard Sault published, in 4to, A Now Treatise of Algebra, apply'd to numeral questions and A L G [ 101 ] A LG geometry. With a converging series for all manner of Adfectcd Equations. The scries here alluded to, is Mr. Raphson's method of approximation, which had been lately published. In 1699 Hyac. Christopher published at Naples, in 4to, De constructione Eequationum. In 1702 was published Ozanam's Algebra; which is chiefly remarkable for the Diophantine analysis. He had published his mathematical dictionary in 1691, and in l6'93 his course of mathematics, in 5 vols. 8vo, con- taining also a piece on algebra. In 1704, Dr. John Harris published his Lexicon Tech- nicum, the first dictionary of arts and sciences : a very plain and useful book, especially in the mathematical articles. And in 1705, a neat little piece on algebra and fluxions. In 1705 M. Guisnee published, in 4to, his Application de l'algebre a la geometrie : a useful book. In 1706 Mr. William Jones published his Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos, or a new introduction to the mathematics : a very useful compendium in the mathe- matical sciences. And in 1711 he published, in 4to, a collection of sir Isaac Newton's papers, entitled Analysis per quantitatum series, .fluxiones, ac differentias : cum enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis. . In 1707 was published, by Mr. Whiston, the first edi- tion of sir Isaac Newton's Arithmetica Universalis: sive de compositione et resolutione arithmetica liber : and many editions have been published since. This work, it seems, was the text-book used by our great author in his lectures, while he was professor of mathematics in the university of Cambridge. And though it was never in- tended tor publication, it contains many and great im- provements in analytics ; particularly in the nature and transmutation of equations; the limits of the roots of equations; the number of impossible roots; the invention of divisors, both surd and rational ; the resolution of problems, arithmetical and geometrical ; the linear con- struction of equations ; approximating to the roots of all equations, &c. To the later editions of the book is com- monly subjoined Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of equations. As the principal parts of this work are not adapted to the circumstance of beginners, there have been published commentaries upon it by several persons, as s'Gravesande, Castillion, Wilder, &c. In 1708 M.Reyneau published his Analyse Dernontree, in 2 vols, 4to. And in 1714, La Scieenc du Calcul, &c. In 1709 was published an English translation of Alex- ander's Algebra. With an ingenious appendix by Hum- phry Ditton. In 1715 Dr. Brooke Taylor published his Methodus Incrementorum : an ingenious and learned work. And in the Philos. Trans, for 1718, An improvement of the method of approximating to the roots of equations in numbers. In 1717 M. Nicole gave, in the memoirs of the aca- demy of sciences, a tract on the calculation of finite dif- ferences. And in several following years, he gave various other tracts on the same subject, and on the resolution of equations of the 3d degree, and particularly on the ir- reducible case in cubic equations : those tracts are ground- ed on a production of M. Leibnitz in the year l6'77- Also in 1717 was published a Treatise on Algebra by Philip Ronayne. Also in 1717 Mr. James Sterling published Lineae tertii Ordinis; an ingenious work, containing good im- provements in analytics. And in 1730, Methodus Diffe- rentialis : sive tractatus de summations et interpolatione serierum infinitarum : with great improvements on infi- nite series. In 1726 and 1729 Maclaurin gave, in the Philos. Trans, tracts on the imaginary roots of equations. And after- wards was published, from his posthumous papers, his Treatise on Algebra, with its application to curve lines. In 1727 came out s'Gravesande's Algebra, with a speci- men of a commentary on Newton's universal arithmetic. In J 728 Mr. Campbell gave, in the Philos. Trans, an ingenious paper on the number of impossible' roots of equations. In 1732 was published Wolfius's Algebra, in his course- of mathematics, in 5 vols, 4to. In 1735 Mr. John Kirby published his arithmetic and algebra. And in 1748 his doctrine of ultimators. In 1740 were published Mr. Thomas Simpson's Essays; in 1743 his Dissertations, and in 1757 his Tracts ; in all which are contained several improvements in series and other parts of algebra. As also in his Algebra, first print- ed in 1745, and in his Select Exercises, in 1752. Also in 1740 was published professor Saunderson's Ele- ments of Algebra, in 2 vols, 4to; being a very useful work for beginners. In 1741 M. de la Caille published Lecons de mathe- matiqucs; ou elcmens d'algebre et de geometrie. Also in 1741, in the Memoirs of the academy of sci- ences, were given two articles by M. deGua, on the num- ber of positive, negative, and imaginary roots of equations. With an historical account of the improvements in al- gebra; in which he severely censures Wallis for his par- tiality: a circumstance in which he himself is not less faulty. In 1746 M. Clairaut published his Elemens d'algebre, in which are contained several improvements, especially on the irreducible case in cubic equations ; chiefly after the manner of Leibnitz and Nicole. He has also several good papers on different parts of analytics, in the Memoirs of the academy of sciences. In 1747 M. Fontaine gave, in the Memoirs of the aca- demy of sciences, a paper on the resolution of equations. Besides some analytical papers in the memoirs of other years. In I76l M. Castillion published, in 2 vols, 4to, Newton's universal arithmetic, with a large commentary. In 1763 Mr. Emerson published his Increments. In 1764 his Algebra, &c. In 1764 Mr. Landen published his Residual Analysis. In 176'5 his Mathematical Lucubrations. And in 1780 his Mathematical Memoirs. All containing good improve- ments in infinite series, &c. In 1770 was published, in the German language, Ele- ments of Algebra by M.Euler, which havebcensince trans- lated into French and English. And in 1774 a French translation of the same. The memoirs of Berlin and Pe- tersburg academies also abound with various improve- ments in series and other branches of analysis, by this ce- lebrated mathematician. In 1775 was published at Bologna, in 2 vols, 4to, Com- pendio d'Analisi di Girolamo Saladin. In 1797 wa s published, by Signor Cossali, in the Italian language, in 2 vols, 4to, a very elaborate history of tho origin of the first introduction of algebra into Italy, and A L G C 102 ] A L G of its progress and more early improvements among his countrymen. In this work, the author clearly shows, what however was well known long before, that the science was imported into Italy from the Arabians ; but he seems erroneously to ascribe the very invention of algebra to these latter people, from his ignorance of the discove- ries lately made of the writings on this science among the Hindus. LE GENDRE. M. Le Gendre published in 1798, at Paris, in 1 vol 4to, his Essai sur la Theorie des Nombres, in which all the most interesting properties of numbers are recorded, and faithfully attributed to their respective authors, which is I believe the first book of any importance that was dedi- cated to this particular subject. The work is divided into four parts, each containing several theorems besides an Introduction at considerable length ; and at the end of the book are added several tables relating to the particu- lar forms of divisors which belong exclusively to certain algebraical formula?, the use and application of which are explained in the body of the work. The Introduction treats of the particular forms under which prime numbers are contained, and the number of the latter is proved to be infinite. It is also demonstrated that no algebraical formula can express prime numbers only. Lastly, the number of prime numbers b, contained between unity and any given number a, is shown to be very nearly expressed by b = — : . Parti Contains an explanation of Continued Fractions, and their application to various cases in the indetermi- nate analysis ; among others, a general solution is given in integer numbers to every possible indeterminate equation of the second degree, and a method ofjudgingof the pos- sibility, or impossibility of such equations; this solution, however, is due to La Grange. The second part commences with the demonstration of several general properties of numbers, most of which are mentioned under that article in this Dictionary. The rest of this part is employed in discovering the forms of divi- sors which belong exclusively to certain algebraical for- mulae, and the application of them for finding prime num- bers, with an explanation of the law of reciprocity be- tween the latter. Part 3. Here numbers are considered as decomposed into three squares, and many properties relating to them are demonstrated. Every number is shown td be the sum of one, two, or three triangular numbers, which is the first demonstration that was given to this part of the celebrated theorem of Fermat. The fourth part contains the demonstration of some other properties, in which the possibility and impossibi- lity of various formulae are demonstrated with regard to their being particular powers, thus x 3 ± y 3 = z 3 is impos- sible, as also x 1 ±y = z*, and generally x n ±y n = 2 n is impossible, when n is greater than 2, but this last has never yet been demonstrated. In the course of this work some new symbols are occa- sionally introduced, which however our limits will not permit us to explain. Several other works have been published by the same author, but as they do not properly fall under this ar- ticle, they are omitted. GAUSS. Soon after the above Essays appeared, M. Gauss pub- lished a similar work in Latin, afterwards translated into French in 1 vol, 4to, under the title of Recherches Arith- metique. The subject of which is much the same as the former, these two able mathematicians having undertaken the same task at nearly the same time, without knowing each other's intentions ; but here the subject is carried to a greater length than in the former. M. Gauss has by an extension of his analysis been able to express the side of a polygon of 17 sides inscribed in a circle by means of a quadratic equation, which was before thought to be impossible ; and the same method may be applied to other polygons when the number of their sides is a prime num- ber of a particular form. There are likewise some hints given for forming a table of logarithms, or numbers which may be employed in algebra to great advantage, as com- mon logarithms are in arithmetical computations. In this work many new symbols are introduced, such as 5E for congruity, that is a= b (to modulus c), when a ± b is divisible by c, and many others, which cannot be properly understood without an attentive perusal of the work itself. We are informed by M. Gauss that he had another work in hand, which will carry this interesting subject much farther. . ARBOGAST. M. Arbogast, professor of mathematics at Strasburgh, published in 1800, in 1 vol, 4to, a work entitled Du Cal- cul des Derivations, which is appropriated entirely to the doctrine of series; where their transformation, summation, interpolation, and reversion, as also various other particu- lars relating to this intricate branch of analysis, are treated of in a manner, as new and ingenious, as it is profound and learned. By the method here introduced many dif- ficulties are surmounted relating to the higher branches of astronomy, which the Calcul Differential was inade- quate to encounter with success. It seems, however, that some hints of this method was first given by Dr. Waring in his Meditationes Analytical, and which, perhaps, fur- nished Arbogast with the germ of his idea. In this work many new characters are introduced, not to re- present quantities, but the operations performed upon them. Thus, let P (a -+- x) be any function of the bino- mial a ■+• x, we can expand this function in a series pro- ceeding according to the powers of x, in this form, F (a + x) = a -+■ bx h X 2, h <- x 3 &c. Now, we 11 ' 1.2 ■ 1.2.3 know that a = ra, that b is derived from a, or from Fa; c from b, d from c &c, by the same law ; therefore, if we conceive the manner in which we derive b from a, in the same manner we may derive c from b, d from c, &c. Thus representing by D, the operation that must be per- formed on Fa in order to obtain b, we shall have b — l> la, c = d'm, d = D 3 Fa &c ; so that the above series may , , , „ ■ lira n'vii . be expressed thus, r((i + .v) = Fa + — — x -+- -— - r" ■+• . X 1 &C 14,8.3 It is however impossible to give any thing like an ade- quate idea of the method, or notation, employed in this profound work, in the narrow limits to which we arc un- der the necessity of confining our observations, which have already exceeded the bounds we had at first prescribed to this article. Besides the foregoing, there have been many other authors who have given treatises on algebra, or who have A L I C 103 ] ALL made improvements on series and other parts of algebra ; part is such, as being taken or repeated a certain number of as Schonerus, Coignet, Salignat, Laloubere, Hemischius, times, exactly makes up, or is equal to the whole. So Degraave, Mescher, Henischius, Roberval, the Bernoul- 1 is an aliquot part of 6", or of any other whole number ; lis, Malbranche, Agnesi, Wells, Dodson, Manfredi, Beg- 2 is also an aliquot part of 6, being contained just 3 times nault, Bezout, Bossut, Rowning, Maseres, Waring, Lorg- in 6; and 3 is also an aliquot part of 6, bejna contained na, de la Grange, de la Place, Bertrand, Kuhnius, Hales, just 2 times ; so that all the aliquot parts of 6 are 1, 2 3. and many other authors. Dr. Waring and the Rev. Mr. All thealiquot parts of any number may be thus found : Vince, of Cambridge, have both given many improve- Divide the given number by its least divisor; then divide ments and discoveries in series, and in other branches of the quotient also by its least divisor; and so on, always analysis. Those of Mr. Vince are chiefly contained in dividing the last quotient by its least divisor, till the quo- the latter volumes of the Philos. Trans.; where also are tient 1 is obtained ; and all the divisors, thus taken, are several of Dr. Waring's : but the bulk of this gentleman's the prime aliquot parts of the given number. Then mul- improvcments are contained in his separate publications, tiply continually together these prime divisors viz every particularly the Meditationes Algebraicas published in two of them, every three of them, -every four of them, &c; 1770; the Proprietates Algebraicarum Curvarum, in 1772; and the products will be the other or compound aliquot and the Meditationes Analytical in 1776. parts of the given number. So, if the aliquot parts of 60 For a more enlarged history of algebra, see my Tracts, be required ; first divide it by 2, and the quotient is 30 : vol.2, tract33. then 30 divided by 2 also gives 15, and 15 divided by 3 Algebraical, something relating to algebra. Thus gives 5, and 5 divided by 5 "gives 1 : so that all the prime we say algebraical solutions, curves, characters or sym- divisors or aliquot parts are 1,2, 2, 3,5. Then the com- bols, &c. pound ones, by multiplying every two, are 4, 6, 10, 15; Algebraical Curve, is a curve in which the general and every three 10, 20, 30. So that all the aliquot parts relation between the abscisses and ordinates can be ex- of the given number 60, are 1, 2 3, 4 5 6, 10 12 15 pressed by a common algebraical equation. These are 20, 30. — In like manner it will be found that all the ali- also called [geometrical lines or curves, in contradistinction quot parts of 360, are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 10 12 15 to mechanical or transcendental ones. 18, 20, 24, 30, 06, 40, 45, 60, 72, 180. ALGEBRAIST, a person skilled in algebra. ALLEN (Thomas), a celebrated mathematician of the ALGENEB, or Algenib", a fixed star of the second l(uh century. He was born at Uttoxeter in Staffordshire, magnitude, on the right side of Perseus. in 1542 ; was admitted a scholar of Trinity college, Ox- ALGOL, or Medusa's Head, a fixed star of the third ford, in 156l ; where he took his deoree of master' of arts magnitude, in the constellation Perseus. ALGORAB, a fixed star of the third magnitude, in the right wing of the constellation Corvus. ALGORITHM, is similar to logistics, signifying the art of computing in any particular way, or about some par- in 1567. In 1570 he quitted his college and fellowship, and retired to Glocester hall, where he studied very closely, and became celebrated for his knowledge in antiquity, philosophy, and mathematics. He received an invitation from Henry earl of Northumberland, the great friend and ticular subject ; or the common rules of computing in patron of mathematicians, and he spent some time at the any art. As the algorithm of numbers, of algebra, of inte- earl's house ; where he became acquainted with thoseable gers, of fractions, of surds, &c ; meaning the common mathematicians Thomas Harriot, John Dee, Walter War- rules for performing the operations of arithmetic, or al- ner, and Nathaniel Torporlcy. Robert earl of Leicester, gebra, or fractions, &c. too, had a great esteem for Allen, and would have con- ALHAZEN, Allacen, or Abdilazum, was a ferred a bishopric upon him; but his love for solitude and learned Arabian, who lived in Spain about the year 1 100, retirement made him decline the offer. His great skill in according to his editor Risner, and Weidler. He wrote the mathematics gave occasion to the ignorant and vulgar upon astrology; and his work on optics was printed in to look upon him as a magician or conjurer. Allen was Latin, at Basil, in 1572, under the title of Optics Thesau- very curious and indefatigable in collecting scattered ma- rus, by Risner. Alhazen was the first who showed the nuscripts relating to history, antiquity, astronomy, philo- importance of refractions in astronomy, so little known to sophy, and mathematics: which collections have been the ancients. He is also the first author who has treated quoted by several learned authors, and mentioned as in the on the twilight, upon which he wrote a work, in which he Bibliotheca Alleniana. He published in Latin the second likewise speaks of the height of the clouds. and third books of Ptolemy, Concerning the judgement of ALIDADE, an Arabic name for the label, index, or the Stars, or, as it is usually called, of the quadripartite ruler, which is moveable about the centre of an astrolabe, construction, with an exposition. He wrote also notes quadrant, &c, and carrying the sights or telescope, and on many of Lilly's books, and some on John Bale's work, by which are shown the degrees cut off the limb or arch De scriptoribus Maj. Britannia?. He died at Glocester " of the instrument. hall in 1632, at 90 years of age. ALIQUANT part, is that part which will not exactly Mr. Burton, the author of his funeral oration, calls him measure or divide the whole, without leaving some re- the very soul and sun of all the mathematicians of his age. mainder. Or the aliquant part is such, as being taken or And Selden mentions him as a person of the most exten- repeated any number of times, docs not make up the sive learning and consummate judgment, the brightest or- whole exactly, but is either greater or less than it. Thus nament of the university of Oxford. Camdonlilso says 4 is an aliquant part of 10 ; for 4 twice taken makes 8, he was skilled in most of the best arts and sciences, which is less than 10; and three times taken makes 12, A. Wood has also transcribed paTt of his character from which is greater than 10. a manuscript in the library of Trinity college, in these ALIQUOT part, is such a part of a number as will words: "He studied polite literature with great appli- exactly divide it without a remainder. Or the aliquot cation; he was strictly tenacious of academic discipline; AIL C 104 ] A L M always highly esteemed both by foreigners and those of the university, and by all of the highest stations in the church of England, and the university of Oxford. He was a sa- gacious observer, an agreeable companion, &c." See Wood, vol. i, p. 492. ALLIGATION, one of the rules in arithmetic, by which are resolved questions which relate to the compounding or mixing together of divers simples or ingredients, being so called from alligare, to tie or connect together, probably from certain vincula, or crooked ligatures, commonly used to connect or bind the numbers together. It is probable that this rule came to us from the Moorish or Arabic writers, as we find it, with all the other rules of arithmetic, in Lucas de Burgo, and other early authors in Europe. Alligation is of two kinds, medial and alternate. Alligation medial is the method of finding the rate or quality of the composition, from having given the rates and quantities of the simples or ingredients. The rule of operation is this : multiply each quantity by its rate, and add all the products together ; then divide the sura of the products by the sum of the quantities, or whole compound, and the quotient will be the rate sought. For example; Suppose it were required to mix together 6 gallons of wine, at 5s. a gallon ; 8 gallons, at 6s. the gallon; and 4 gallons, at 8s. the gallon; and to find the worth or value, per gallon, of the whole mixture. GalU s. products. Here -6x5= 30 8x6= 48 _4 x 8 = 32 whole comp. 18 110 sum of prod. Then 18 ) 110 ( 6^. or 6±s. is the rate sought. 108 Alligation alternate is the method of finding the quantities of ingredients or simples, necessary to form a compound of a given rate. The rule of operation is this : 1st, Place the given rates of the simples in a column, under each other. 2d, Con- nect or link with a continued line, each rate which is less than the proposed compound rate, with one or any num- ber of those that are greater; and every greater rate with one or any number of the less. 3d, Write the difference between the given compound rate and that of each simple opposite the rates with which they are linked. 4th, Then if only one difference stand opposite any rate, it will be the quantity belonging to that rate ; but when there are several, their sum will be the quantity. For example, Suppose it were required to mix together gold of various degrees of fineness, viz, of 19, of 21, and of 23 carats fine, so that the mixture shall be of 20 carats fine. Here, Rates Diffs. f2l)---l Comp. rate 20 J 19' 1+3 I23) ---1 That is, there must be an equal quantity of 21 and 23 carats fine, and 4 times as much of 19 carats fine. Various limitations, both of the compound and the ingredients, may be conceived ; and in such cases, the differences are to be altered proportionally. Questions of this sort are however commonly best and easiest resolved by common algebra, of which they form Sum of Diffs. 1 of 21 carats fine, 4 of 19 carats fine, 1 of 23 carats fine. a species of indeterminate problems, as they admit of many, or an indefinite number of answers. There is recorded a remarkable instance of a discovery made by Archimedes, both by alligation and specific gra- vity at the same time, namely, concerning the crown of Hiero, king of Syracuse. The king had ordered a crown to be made of pure gold; but when brought to him, a suspicion arose that it was mixed with alloy of either silver or copper, and the king recommended it to Archi- medes to discover the cheat,' without defacing the crown. Archimedes, after long thinking on the matter, without lighting on the means of doing it, being one day in the bath, and observing how his body raised the water higher, conceived the idea that different metals of the same weight would occupy different spaces, and so raise or expel dif- ferent quantities of water. Upon which he procured two other masses, each of the same weight with the crown, the one of pure gold, and the other of alloy; then im- mersing them all three, separately, in water, and observing the space each occupied, by the quantity it raised the water, he thence computed the quantities of gold and alloy contained in the crown. ALLIOTH, a star in the tail of the great bear. The word in Arabic denotes a horse ; and they gave this name to each of the three stars, in the tail of the great bear, as they are placed like three horses, thus arranged for the purpose of drawing the waggon commonly called Charles's wain, represented by the four stars on the body of the same constellation. ALMACANTAll, or Almicantar, from the Arabic almocantharat, are circles parallel to the horizon, and conceived to pass through every degree of the meridian ; serving to show the height of the sun, moon, or stars, &c ; and are the same as the parallels of altitude. Almacantae's Staff, was an instrument formerly used at sea for observing the sun's amplitude at rising or set- ting, and thence to determine the variation of the com- pass, &c. ALMAGEST, the name of a celebrated book composed by Ptolemy; being a collection of a great number of the observations and problems of the ancients, relating to geometry and astronomy, but especially the latter. Being the first work of this kind which has come down to us, and containing a catalogue of the fixed stars, with their places, besides numerous records and observations of eclipses, the motions of the planets, &c, this work will ever be held dear and valuable to the cultivators of astro- nomy. In the original Greek it is called . C A Or, with one rod cf only. Plant it at such a place c, that the eye at the ground, or near it, at l, may see the tops f and b, in a right line : then, having measured ic, ia, cf, the 4th proportion to these will be the altitude ab sought. Or thus, by means of shadows. Plant a rod ab perpen- dicularly at a, and measure its shadow ac, as also the shadow ac of the object ab, at the same instant; then the 4th proportional to ac, ab, ac will be the altitude ab sought. For the angles at b and c being equal, the triangles are similar. .6 Or thus, by means of optical reflection. Place a vessel of water, or a mirror or other reflecting surface, horizontal at c; and go to such a distance, i>, that the eye e may see the image of the top of the object in the mirror at c: then, by similar figures, cd : de : : ca : ab the altitude sought. This depends on a property in optics, namely, that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflec- tion, that is, the angle bca is equal to the angle ecd; and the angles at a and d being right angles, the two tri- angles are similar: hence the above proportion. See Optics. P2 ALT [ 103 ] ALT IB Then, from the angle c taking the angle d, leaves the angle cbd ; hence As sine £. cbd : sine JL. d : As rad. : sine Z. acb : : cb cd : cb; and ; ab, the altitude. And for a balloon, or cloud, or other moveable object c, let two observers at a and b, in the same plane with c, take at the Or thus, by the geometrical square. Which consists of a plain piece of board, a foot square, one of the sides of which, as gf, is divided into a number of equal parts, and having a plumb line suspended at the angular point E, with two sights or a telescope placed on the side de; and then the whole fixed to a stand at d. At any place, as at c, fix the stand, and turn the square about the cen- tre of motion, d, till the eye there see the top of the ob- ject through the sights or telescope on the side de of the square, and note the number of divisions cut off the other same time the angles a and ...--' side by the plumb line eg : then, by similar triangles, as B) and measure the distance ^i i ! ef : fg : : dh : hb ; to which add ah or cd, for the AB between them; then A B n whole height ab. If the side gf be divided into 100 calculate the altitude cd exactly as in the last example, equal parts, we have only to multiply the length of dh It must however be by mere accident that a, b, and c, in feet by the number of parts cut off by the plumb line, a re in the same vertical plane; and consequently this and to cut off two figures from the product for decimals; method, though it be true in theory, is of no use in prac- and we shall have the height of bh in feet. tice: we will therefore show how the altitude may be ob- ftained when the observers are not in a plane with the object. #i* In this case, there must be three observers, who take ij3-'' : i^Wu *^ e angle of elevation at the same instant, being at given D«K ^&p distances from each other in the same right line, as at a, jfc_ |_ b, and c, in the annexed figure; now admitting those C A three angles to be known, it is required to find the altitude To measure the altitude of an accessible object trigonome- of the balloon. trically. At any convenient station, c, with a quadrant, Demit the perpendicular dp theodolite, or other graduated instrument, observe the to the horizontal plane acp, angle of elevation acb above the horizontal line ac : and draw the other lines as in and measure the distance AC Then, a being a right the figure. Make /, t', t", re- angle, it will be, as radius is to the tangent of the angle c, present respectively the nat so is ac to ab sought. If ac be not horizontal, but an inclined plane; then the angle above it must be observed at two stations c and d in a right line, and the distances ac, cd both mea- sured. Then, from the angle c take the angle d, and there remains the angle cbd ; hence in the triangle bcd, are given the angles and the side DC, to find the side cb ; and then in the triangle abc, are given the two sides ca and cb, with the included angle c, to find the third side ab. cotan. of the angles observed at a, B, and c ; also put ab = a, BC = b, and ac =c; and call dp=jt. Then ap == tx, bp = t'x, and cp = t x : hence from the common principles of geometry we find dv — \Z-jp — -rrj Ce )« Or thus, measure only the distance ac, and the angles a and c: then, in the triangle abc, are given all the angles and the side ac, to find the side ab. To measure the altitude of an inaccessible object, as a hill, cloud, or other body. This is commonly done, by observing the angle of its altitude at two stations, and measuring the distance between them. Thus, for the height a a of a hill, measure the distance cd at the foot of it, and observe the quantity of the two angles c and d. forthealtitudesought. IfZ.A = Z.B, then iip=/ ,.,_ „, i if Z.B = /.c, then dp = ^ ." ■ ,; and if a = b, then will dp = */— —, — —, =j - v it" — t- — t" To find the height of an object, by knowing the utmost distance at which its top can be just seen in the horizon. As, suppose the top n of a tower fii can I be just seen from E when the distance e f \ is '25 miles, supposing the circumference ^ of the earth to be 25000 miles, or the radius 3979 miles or 2100yi20 feet. First, as 25000 : 25 : : 360° : 21' 36" equal to the angle c. ; then as radius : sec. Z. g : : eg : bh, which will be found to be 21009536 feet; from which take eg or gf, anil there remains 4lS feet, for 111 the height of the tower sought. — Or rather thus, as 10000000 radius : 1<)8 = sec. io — radius : : 21009120 = eg : 4l6 = fji, as before. ALT [109 Or the same may be found easier thus : The horizon dips nearly 8 inches or | of a foot at the distance of 1 mile, anil according to the square of the distance for other distances; therefore as 1* or 1 : 25 2 or 625 : : f : f of 625 or 4l6 feet, the same as before. Or conversely, to find the distance r.F, from the known height Fit : Here | : 1, or as 2 : 3 : : 416 : 625, the square root of which gives 25 miles, for the distance if. That is, in general, take the square root of \ of the alti- tude, in feet, for the distance in miles. There is a very easy method of taking great terrestrial altitudes, such as mountains, or the heights to which bal- loons ascend, &c, by means of the difference between the heights of the mercury in the barometer observed at the bottom and top of the same. Which see under the article Barometer. Altitude of the Eye, in Perspective, is a right line let fall from the eye, perpendicular to the geometrical plane. Altitude, in Astronomy, is the arch of a vertical circle, measuring the height of the sun, moon, star, or other ce- lestial object, above the horizon. This altitude may be either true or apparent. The ap- parent altitude, is that which appears by sensible observa- tions, made at any place on the surface of the earth. And the true altitude, is that which results by correcting the apparent, on account of refraction and parallax. The quantity of the refraction is different at different altitudes; and the quantity of the parallax is different according to the distance of the different luminaries: in the fixed stars, this is too small to be observed ; in the sun, it is but about Sf seconds; but in the moon it is about 52 minutes. Altitudes are observed by a quadrant, or sextant, or by the shadow of a gnomon or high pole, and by va- rious other ways, as may be seen in most books of astro- nomy. Meridian Altitude, is an arch of the meridian, intercepted between ■e/' any point in it and the horizon. So, if ho be the horizon, and hezo the meridian; then the arch he, or the angle hce, is the meridian altitude of an object in the meridian at the point e. Altitude, or elevation, of the Pole, is the angle ocp, or arch op of the meridian, intercepted between the ho- rizon and pole p. This is equal to the latitude of the place ; and it may be found by observing the meridian altitude of the polar star, when it is both above and below the pole, and taking half the sum, when corrected on account of refraction. Or the same may be found by the declination and meri- dian altitude of the sun. Altitude, or elevation, of the equator, is the angle hce, or arch he of the meridian, between the horizon and the equator at E ; and it is equal to zp the co-latitude of the place. Altit ude of the Tropics, the same as what is otherwise called the solstitial altitude ol the sun, or his meridian al- titude when in the solstitial points. Altitude, or height, of the horizon, or of stars, &c, seen in it, is the quantity by which it is raised by re- fraction. Refraction of Altitude, is an arch of a vertical circle, U7 ] ALT by which the true altitude of the moon, or a star, or other object, is increased by means of the refraction; and is different at different altitudes, being nothing in the zenith, and greatest at the horizon, where it is about 33'. Parallax of Altitude, is an arch of a vertical circle, by which the true altitude, observed at the centre of the earth, exceeds that which is observed on the surface ; or the difference between the an- gles J lm and j ik of altitude there ; and is equal to the angle I ]) l, formed at the moon or other body, and subtended by the radius il of the earth. It is evident that this angle is less, as the luminary is farther distant from the earth ; .and also less, for any one luminary, as it is higher above the horizon ; being greatest there, and nothing in the zenith. Altitude of the Nonagesimal, is the altitude of the CjOth degree of the ecliptic, counted upon it from where it cuts the horizon, or of the middle or highest point of it which is above the horizon, at any time; and is equal to the angle made by the ecliptic and horizon where they in- tersect at that time. Altitude of the cone of the earth's or moon's shadow, the height of the shadow of the body, made by the sun, and measured from the centre of the body. To find it, say, As the tangent of the angle of the sun's apparent semi- diameter, is to radius, so is 1 to a 4th proportional, which will be the height of the shadow, in semidiameters of the body. So, the greatest height of the earth's shadow, is 217'8 semidiameters of the earth, when the sun is at his greatest distance, or his semidiameter subtends an angle of about 15' 47"; and the height of the same is 210 7 semidiame- ters of the earth, when the sun is nearest the earth, or when his semidiameter is about 16' 10," — And propor- tionally between these limits, for the intermediate di- stances or semidiameters of the sun. The altitudes of the shadows of the earth and moon, are nearly as 1 1 to 3, the proportion of their diameters. Altitude of motion, is a term used by Dr. YVallis, for the measure of any motion, estimated in the line of direc- tion of the moving force. Altitude, in speaking of fluids, is more frequently ex- pressed by the term depth. The pressure of fluids, in every direction, is in proportion to their altitude or depth. And on this principle is constructed the sea-gage, for find- ing the depth of the water of the ocean. See Gage. Altitude of the mercury, in the barometer and ther- mometer, is marked by degrees, or equal divisions, placed by the side of the tube of those instruments. The altitude of the barometer, or of the mercury in its tube, at London, is usually comprised between the limits of 2S and 31 inches; and the mean height, observed lor every day in several years, is found nearly 29'S7 inches. Altitude of the pyramids- in Egypt, was measured so long since as the time of Thales, which he effected by means of their shadow, and that of a pole set upright be- side them, making the altitudes of the pole and pyramid proportional to the lengths of their shadows, l'lutarch has given an account of the manner of this operation, which is one of the first geometrical observations we hav< an exact account of. A M I [ no j A M O Altitude, circles of, parallels of, quadrant of, fyc. See the respective words. Equal Altitude Instrument, is an instrument used to observe a celestial object, when it has the same or an equal altitude, on both sides of the meridian, or before and after it passes the meridian: an instrument very use- ful in adjusting clocks, &c, and for comparing equal and apparent time. AMALGAM, in Chemistry and the Arts, a mixture or alloy of mercury with any of the other metals. — For a description of the amalgam used by electricians, and the method of preparing it, see Electricity. AMBIENT, encompassing round about; as the bodies which are placed round any other body, are called am- bient bodies, and sometimes circum-ambient bodies; and the whole mass of the air or atmosphere, because it en- compasses all things on the face of the earth, is called the ambient air. AMBIGENAL Hyperbola, a name given by Newton, in his Enumeratio linearum tertii ordinis, to one of the triple hyperbolas egf of the second order, having one of its infinite legs, as eg, falling within the angle acd, formed by the asymptotes ac, CD, and the other leg gf falling without that angle. AMBIT, of a figure, in Geometry, is the perimeter, or line, or sum of the lines, by which the figure is bounded. AMBLIGON, or Ambligostal, in Geometry, signifies obtuse-angular, as a triangle which has one of its angles obtuse, or consisting of more than 90 degrees. AMICABLE numbers, denote pairs of numbers, of which each of them is mutually equal to the sum of all the ali- quot parts of the other. So the first or least pair of ami- cable numbers are 220 and 284 ; all the aliquot parts of which, with their sums, are as follow, viz, of 220, they are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55, 110, their sum being ... - 284; of 284, they are 1, 2, 4, 71, 142, and their sum is 220. The 2d pair of amicable numbers are 6232 and 636S, which have the same properties. The 3d pair of amicable numbers are 17296 and 18416, which have also the same property as above. And the 4th pair of amicable numbers are 9363584 and 9437056. The 1st, 3d, and 4th pairs of amicable numbers were found out by F.Schooten,sect.9 of his Excrcitationes Ma- thematicae, who I believe first gave the name of amicable to such numbers, though their properties it seems had be- fore been treated of by Rudolphus, Descartes, and others. To find the first pair, Schooten puts 4jt and tyz, or a"x and a 2 yz for the two numbers, where a = 2; then making each of these equal to the sum of the aliquot parts of the other, gives two equations, from which are found the values of a; and 2; and consequently, assuming a pro- per value for y, the two amicable numbers themselves A-x and 4yz. In like manner for the other pairs of such numbers; in which he finds it necessary to assume l6,r and \6yz or »■ s. AMONTONS (William), an ingenious French expe- rimental philosopher, was born in Normandy the 31st <>i August 1663. While at the grammar-school, he by sick- ness contracted a deafness that almost excluded him from the conversation of mankind. In this situation he applied himself to the study of geometry and mechanics; with which he was so delighted, that it is said he refused to try any remedy for his disorder, either because he deemed it incurable, or because it increased his attention to his studies. Among other objects of his study, were the arts of drawing, of land-surveying, and of building; and shortly after he acquired some knowledge of those more sublime laws by which the universe is regulated. He studied with great care the nature of barometers and thermometers ; and wrote his treatise of Observations and Experiments concerning a new Hour-glass, and concerning Barometers, Thermometers, and Hygroscopesj as also some pieces in the' Journal des Savans. In 1087 , be presented n in w hy- groscope to the Academy of Sciences, which was much approved. He recommended a methodol conveying in-' teiligence to a great distance in a short spaceoftime: this was by making signals from one person to another, placed at as great distances from each other as they could see the signals by means of telescopes. When the Royal Academy ANA [ 1M } ANA was new regulated in 1699> Amontons was chosen a mem- ber of it, as an eleve under the third Astronomer; and he read there his New Theory of Friction, in which he hap- pily cleared up an important object in mechanics. In fact he had a particular genius for making experiments : his notions were just and delicate : and he knew how to prevent the inconveniences of his new inventions, and had a wonderful skill in executing them. He died of an in- flammation in his bowels, the 11th of October 1705, being only 42 years of age. The eloge of Amontons may be seen in the volume of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 1705, Hist. pa. 150. And his pieces contained in the different volumes of that work, which are pretty numerous, and on various subjects, as the. air, action of fire, barome- ters, thermometers, hygrometers, friction, machines, heat, cold, rarefactions, pumps, &c, may be seen in the volumes for the years 1696, l6'99, 1702, 1703, 1704, and 1705. AMPHISCil, or Amphiscians, are the people who inhabit the torrid zone; which are so called, because they have their shadow at noon turned sometimes one way and sometimes another, namely, at one time of the year to- wards the north, and at the other towards the south. AMPLITUDE, in Gunnery, the range of a projectile, or the right line upon the ground subtending the curvilinear path in which it moves. Amplitude, in Astronomy, is an arch of the horizon, intercepted between the true east or west point, and the centre of the sun or a star at its rising or setting: so that the amplitude is of two kinds; ortive or eastern, and occi- duous or western. Each of these amplitudes is also either northern or southern, according as the point of rising or setting is in the northern or southern part of the horizon : and the complement of the amplitude, or the arch of dis- tance of the point of rising or setting, from the north or south point of the horizon, is the azimuth. The amplitude is of use in navigation, to find the varia- tion of the compass or magnetic needle. And the rule to find it is this; As the cosine of the latitude is to radius, so is the sine of the sun's or star's declination, to the sine of the amplitude. So in the latitude of London, viz, 51° Si', when the sun's declination is 23° 28'; then cos. 51° 31' the lat. - — 97939907 sin. 23 2S the decl. - ■+■ 9-6001181 sin. 39 47 the ampl. - 9'806l274 That is, the sun then rises or sets 39° 47' from the east or west point, to the north or south according as the decli- nation is north or south. Magnetictil Amplitude, is an arch of the horizon.con- tained between the sun or star, at the rising or setting, and the magnctical east or west point of the horizon, pointed out by the magnetical compass, or the amplitude or azi- muth compass. And the difference between this magne- tical amplitude, so observed, and the true amplitude, as computed in the last article, is the variation of the com- pass. So if, for instance, the magnetical amplitude be ob- served, by the compass, to be 6l° 47', at the time when it is computed to be - 39 47, then the difference - - 22 is the variation west. ANABIBAZOtV, a name sometimes given to the dra- gon's tail, or northern node of the moon. ANACAMPTICS, or the science of the reflections of sounds, frequently used in reference to echoes, which are said to be sounds produced anacamptically, or by reflec- tion^ And in this sense it was used by the ancients for that part of optics which is otherwise called Catoptrics. ANACHRONISM, in Chronology, an error in compu- tation of time, by which an event is placed earlier than it really happened. Such is that of Virgil, who makes Dido to reign at Carthage in the time of ./Eneas, though, fe reality, she did not arrive in Africa till 300 years after the taking of Troy. An error on the other side, by which a fact is placed later, or lower than it should be, is called a parachronism. But in common use, this distinction, though proper, is not attended to; and the word anachronism is used indiffe- rently for the mistake on both sides. ANACLASTICS, or Anaclatics, an ancient name for that part of optics which considers refracted light; being the same as what is more usually called diop- trics. See the Compendium of Ambrosius Rhodius, lib. 3. Optica;, pa. 3S4. & seq. Anaclastic Curves, a name given by M. de Mairan to certain apparent curves formed at the bottom of a vessel full of water, to an eye placed in the air; or the vault of the heavens, seen by refraction through the at- mosphere. M. de Mairan determines these curves by a principle not admitted by all authors ; but Dr. Barrow, at the end of his Optics, determines the same curves by other principles. ANALEMMA, a planisphere, or projection of the sphere, orthographically made on the plane of the meridian, by perpendiculars from every point of that plane, the eye supposed to be at an infinite distance, and in the east or west point of the horizon. In this projection, the solstitial colure, and all its parallels, are projected into concentric circles, equal to the real circles in the sphere; and all circles whose planes pass through the eye, as the horizon and its parallels, are projected into right lines equal to their diameters; but all oblique circles arc projected into ellipses, having the diameter of the circle for the trans- verse axis. This instrument, having the furniture drawn on a plate of wood or brass, with an horizon fitted to it, is used for resolving many astronomical problems; as the time of the sun's rising and setting, the length and hour of the day, &c. It is also useful in dialling, for laying down the signs of the zodiac, with the lengths of days, and other matters of furniture, upou dials. The oldest treatise we have on the analemma, was writ- ten by Ptolemy, which was printed at Rome 156'2, with a commentary by F. Commandine. Pappus also treated of the same. Since that time, many other authors have treated very well of the analemma; as Aguilonius, Ta- quet, Dechales, Witty, &c. ANALOGY, the same as proportion, or equality, or similitude of ratios. Which see. ANALYSIS, is, generally, the resolution of any thing into its component parts, in order to discover it or its com- position. And in mathematics it is properly the method of resolving problems, by reducing them to equations. Analysis may be distinguished into the ancient and the modern. The ancient analysis, as described by Pappus, is the method of proceeding from the thing sought as taken for granted, through its consequences, to something that»is really granted or known; in which sense it is the reverse of synthesis or composition, in which we lay that down A N A [ US ] ANA first which was the last step of the analysis, and tracing tht: steps of the analysis back, making that antecedent here which was consequent there, till we arrive at the thing sought, which was taken or assumed as granted in the first step of the analysis. This chiefly respected geo- metrical inquiries. The principal authors on the ancient analysis, as re- counted by Pappus, in the 7th book of his Mathematical Collections, are Euclid in his Data, Porismata, et de Locis ad Superficiem; Apollonius de Sectione Rationis, de Sectione Spatii, de Tactionibus, de Inclinationibus, de Locis Planis, et de Sectionibus Conicis ; Aristoeus, de Locis Solidis; and Eratosthenes, de Mediis Proportionali- bus : from which Pappus gives many examples in the same book. To these authors we may add Pappus himself. The same sort of analysis has also been well cultivated by many of the moderns ; as Fermat, Viviani, Ghetaldus, Snellius, Huygens, Simson, Stewart, Lawson, Playfair, Leslie, &c, and more especially Hugo d'Omerique, in his Analysis Geometrica, in which he has endeavoured to restore the analysis of the ancients. And on this head, Dr. Pemberton tells us, " that sir Isaac Newton used to censure himself for not following the ancients more closely than he did; and spoke with regret of his mistake, at the beginning of his mathematical studies, in applying himself to the works of Descartes, and other' algebraical writers, before he had considered the Elements of Euclid with that attention so excellent a writer deserves:, that he highly approved the laudable attempt of Hugo d'Omerique to re- store the ancient analysis." In the application of the ancient analysis in geometri- cal problems, every thing cannot be brought within strict rules; nor any invariable directions given, by which we may succeed in all cases; but some previous preparation is necessary, a kind of mental contrivance and construc- tion, to form a connexion between the data and qusesita, which must be left to every one's judgment to find out; being various, according to the various nature of the pro- blems proposed. Right lines must be drawn in particular directions, or of particular magnitudes; bisecting perhaps a given angle, or perpendicular to a given line; or perhaps tangents must be drawn to a given curve, from a given point; or circles described from a given centre, with a given radius, or touching given lines, or other circles; or such-like operations. Whoever is conversant witli the works of Archimedes, Apollonius, or Pappus, well knows that they founded their analysis on some such previous ope- rations; and the great skill of the analyst consists in dis- covering the most proper affections on which to found his analysis: for the same problem may often be effected in many different ways : of which it may be proper to give here an example or two. Let there be taken, for instance, this problem, which is the 155th prop, of the 7th book of Pappus. From the extremities of the base a b, of a given seg- ment of a circle, required to draw two lines ac, bc, meet- ing at. a point c in the circumference, so that they shall have a given ratio to each other, suppose that of F to o. The solution of this problem, as given by Pappus, is thus. Analysis. < Suppose the thing done, and that the point C is found: and let CD be drawn a tangent to the circle at c, and meet- ing the line ab produced in the point d. Now by the hypothesis ac : bc : : r : g, and also ac 1 : bc* : : da de, as may be thus proved. Since dc touches the cir6le, and bc cuts it, the angle bcd is equal to bac by Euc. iii 32 ; also 'he angle d is common to both the triangles d c a, d c b ; these are there- fore similar, and so, by vi 4, da : dc : : dc : db, and hence da" : dc' 2 : : da : db by cor. vi 20. But also, by vi 4, da : ac : : dc : cb, and by permutation da : dc : : ac : bc, or da 2 : dc 2 : : ac 2 : bc 2 ; and hence, by equality, ac- : bc 2 : : da : db. But the ratio of ac x to bc' 2 is given, because the ratio of ac to bc is given, and consequently that of da to db is given. Now since the ratio of da to db is given, there- fore also, by Data vi, that of da to ab, and hence, by Data ii, da is given in magnitude. And here the analysis properly ends. For it having been shown that da is given, or that a point d may be found in ab produced, such, that a tangent being drawn from it to the circumference, the point of contact will be the point sought; we may now begin the composition,, or synthetical demonstration ; which must be done by finding the point d, or laying down the line a d, which, it was affirmed, was given, in the last step of the analysis. Synthesis. Construction. Make as r 2 : g 2 : : ad : »b, (which may be done, since ab is given, by making it as f 2 — g 1 : g* : : ab : db, and then by composition it will be as f 2 : g' 2 : : ab : db); then from the point d, thus found, draw a tangent to the circle, and from the point of contact c drawing ca and cb, the thing is done. Demonstration. Since, by the constr. f' 2 : G J : : ad : db, and also ad : db : : ac 2 : bc 2 , which has beep al- ready demonstrated in the analysis, and might be here proved in the same manner. Therefore f' 2 : g 2 : : AC 1 : bc 2 , and consequently f : g : : ac : bc 3. E. D. Here we see an instance of the method of resolution and composition, as it was practised by the ancients, the solution here given being that of Pappus himself. But as the method of referring and reducing every thing to the Data, and constantly quoting the same, may appear now to be tedious and troublesome: and indeed it is unne- cessary to those who have already made themselves ma- sters of the substance of that valuable book of Euclid, and have by practice and experience acquired a facility of reasoning in such matters: 1 shall therefore now show how we may abate something of the rigour and strict form of the ancient method of solution, without diminish- ing any part of its admirable elegance and perspicuity. And this may be done by means of another solution, of the many more which might be given, of the same pro- blem, as follows. An a lysis. Let us again suppose that the thing is done, viz, 1C : BC ; : F : O, and let there, be drawn nil making the angle ami equal to the angle aci\, and meeting ac produced in ii. Then, the angle a being also common, the two triangles abc and abii are equiangular, and therefore, by vi 4, ac : bc : : ah : Bii, in a given ratio; and, « ANA C US ] ANA beinc given, therefore bh is given in position and magni- tude. ' Synthesis. Construction. Draw eh making the angle abh equal to that which may be contained in the given segment, and take ab to bh in the given ratio of f to c. Draw ach, and bc. Demonstration. The triangles abc, abh are equiangu- lar, therefore, vi 4, AC : cb : : ab : bh, which is the given ratio by construction. Modern Analysis, consists chiefly of- algebra, arith- metic of infinites, infinite series, increments, fluxions, &c; of each of which a particular account may be seen under their respective articles. These form a kind of arithmetical and symbolical ana- lysis, depending partly on modes of arithmetical computa- tion, partly on rules peculiar to the symbols made use of, and partly on rules drawn from the nature and species of the quantities they represent, or from the modes of their existence or generation. The modern analysis is a general instrument, by which the finest inventions, and the greatest improvements, have been made in mathematics and philosophy, for two cen- turies past. It furnishes the most perfect examples of the manner in which the art of reasoning should be employ- ed ; it gives to the mind a wonderful skill for discovering things unknown, by means of a small number that are given ; and by employing short and easy symbols fo_r ex- pressing ideas, it presents to the understanding things which otherwise would seem to lie above its sphere. By this means, geometrical demonstrations may be greatly abridged ; a long train of arguments, in which the mind cannot, without the greatest effort of attention, discover ' the connexion of ideas, is converted into visible symbols; and the various operations which they require, are simply effected by the combination of those symbols. And, what is still more extraordinary, by this artifice, a great number of truths are often expressed in one line only: in- stead of which, by following the ordinary way of expla- nation and demonstration, the same truths would occupy whole pages or volumes. And thus, by the bare contem- plation of one line of calculation, we may understand in a short time whole sciences, which otherwise could hardly be comprehended in several years. It is true that Newton, who best knew all the advan- tages of anal} sis in geometry and other sciences, laments, in several parts of his works, that the study of the an- cient geometry is abandoned or neglected. And indeed the method employed by the ancients in their geometrical writings, is commonly regarded as more rigorous than that of the modern analysis : and though it be greatly in- ferior to the latter, in point of dispatch and facility of in- vention; it is nevertheless highly useful in strengthening the mind, improving the reasoning faculties, and in ac- customing the young mathematician to a pure, clear, and accurate mode of investigation and demonstration, though by a long and laboured process, which he would with difficulty have submitted to if his taste had before been vitiated, as it were, by the more piquant sweets of the modern analysis. And it is principally on this that the complaints of Newton are founded, who feared lest by the too early and frequent use of the modern analysis, the science of geometry should lose that rigour and purity which characterise its investigations, and the mind become debilitated by the facility of our analysis. This great man Vol. I. was therefore well founded, in recommending, to a certain extent, the study of the ancient geometricians : for, their demonstrations being more difficult, give more exercise to the mind, accustom it to a closer application, of life. But there is beside this, from all eternity, another principle, an infinite and incorporeal spirit, who gave motion to these particles; in virtue of which, such as were homogeneal united, and such as were heterogeneal separated according to their different kinds. All things being thus put into motion by the spirit, and every thing being united to such as are si- milar, those that had a circular motion produced heavenly bodies, the lighter particles ascending, while those that were heavier descended. The rocks of the earth, being drawn up by the whirling force of the air, took fire, and became stars, beneath which the sun and moon took their stations. — It was said he also wrote upon the quadrature of the circle; the treatise on which, Plutarch says, he composed during his imprisonment at Athens. ANAXIMANDER, a very celebrated Greek philoso- pher, was born at Miletus in the 42d Olympiad ; for, ac- cording to Apollodorus, he was 64 years of age in the 2d year of the 58th Olympiad. He was one of the first who publicly taught philosophy, and wrote upon philosophical subjects. He was the kinsman, companion, and disciple ofThales. He wrote also upon the sphere and on geome- try, &c. And he carried his researches into nature very far, for the time in which he lived. It is said that he dis- covered the obliquity of the zodiac; that he first pub- lished a geographical table ; that he invented the gnomon, and set up the first sun-dial in an open place at Laceda?- mon. He taught that infinity of things was the prin- cipal and universal element ; that this infinite always pre- served its unity, but that its parts underwent changes; that all things came from it ; and that all were about to return to it. By this obscure and indeterminate princi- ple he probably meant the chaos of other philosophers. He held that the worlds are infinite ; that the stars are composed of air and fire, which are carried about in their spheres, and that these spheres are gods ; and that the earth is placed in the midst of the universe, as in a common centre. Farther, that infinite worlds were the produce of infinity; and that corruption proceeded from separation. ANAXIMENES, an eminent Greek philosopher, born at Miletus, the friend, scholar, and successor of Anaxi- mander. He diffused some degree of light upon the ob- scurity of his master's system. He made the first prin- ciple of things to consist in the air, which he considered as infinite or immense, and to which he ascribed a per- petual motion ; that this air was the same as spirit or God, since the divine, power resided in it, and agitated it. The stars were as fiery nails in the heavens ; the sun a flat plate of fire ; the earth an extended flat sur- face, &c. ANDERSON (Alexander), one of the brightest or- naments of the mathematical world, who flourished about 200 years ago. It appears that he was born at Aberdeen in Scotland, towards the latter part of the l6th century, and he was professor of mathematics at Paris in the early part of the 17th, where he published several ingenious works in geometry and algebra, b6th of his own, and of his friend Vieta's. He published his 1. " Supplementum Apollonii Redivivi ; sive analysis problematis hactenus desiderati ad Apollonii Pergasi doc- trinam 7T£f< vavtrawv, a Marino Ghetaldo Patritio Ragusino hujusque, non ita pridem restitutam. In qua exhibetur mechanice aequalitatum tertii gradus sive solidarum, in quibus magnitudo omnino data, asquatur homogeneas sub altero tantum coefficiente ignoto. Huic subnexa est va- riorum problematum practice." Paris, l6l2, in 4to. 2. " AirioAoyia: Pro Zetetico Apolloniani problematis a se jam pridem edito in supplemento Apollonii Redivivi. Ad clarissimum et ornatissimum virum Marinum Ghe- taldum Patritium Ragusinum. In qua ad ea quae obiter mihi perstrinxit Ghetaldus respondetur, et analytices clarius detegitur." Paris, 1615, in 4to. 1 > 3. " Francisci Vietae Fontenacensis de Aequationura Recognitione etEmendationeTractatusduo." Paris, l6l5, in 4to ; with a Dedication, Preface, and an Appendix, by Anderson. 4. " Ad Angularium Sectionum Analyticen Theo- remata KaQoMKoregcc. A Francisco Vieta Fontenacensi, excogitata, at absque ulla demonstratiolie ad nos trans- missa, jam tandem demonstrationibus confirmata. Opera et studio Alexandri Andersoni Scoti." Parisiis, l6l5, in 4to. 5. " Vindicia? Archimedis. Sive, Elenchus Cyclometrias nova 5 , a Philippo Lansbergio nuper edita;. Per Alexan- drum Andersonum Scotum." Parisiis, 1616, in 4to. 6. " Alexandri Andersoni Scoti Exercitationum Mathe- maticarum Dicas Prima. Continens, Qua?stionum ali- quot, quae nobilissimorum turn hujus turn veteris sevi, Mathematicorum ingenia exercuerc, Enodationem." Pa- risiis, 1619, in 4to. All these pieces, of this excellent geometrician, are re- plete with the finest specimens of pure geometrical exer- cises that have perhaps ever been produced by any au- thors, ancient or modern. So that it is to be lamented that the limits of this work will not admit of giving the full account of all the particulars contained in them, which I had prepared indeed expressly for that purpose. Besides these, I am not aware of any more publications of our author, though perhaps there may have been others. Indeed from the last piece, it fully appears that he had at least written, if not published, another, viz. A treatise on the mensuration of solids, perhaps with a reference to gauging; as, in several problems, where he critically ex- amines the treatise on cask-gauging of Kepler, our author often refers to his own work on stereometry, which I have not learned had ever been published. Q-2 A N D [ 116 ] A N E Alexander was cousin-german to a Mr. David Anderson, of Finshaugh, a gentleman who also possessed a singular turn for mathematical and mechanical knowledge. This mathematical genius appears to have been hereditary in the family of the Andersons, and from them transmitted to their descendants of the name of Gregory in the same country: the daughter of the said David Anderson having been the mother of the celebrated mathematician James Gregory, and who herself first instructed her son James in the elements of the mathematics, on observing in him, while yet a child, a strong propensity to those sciences. The time either of the birth or death of our author Alexander, has not come to my knowledge. ANDERSON (Robert), an ingenious mathematician, who flourished in the latter half of the 17th century, and was much noticed and encouraged in those studies by the mathematical John Collins, among others, so often men- tioned in the early labours of the Royal Society. Mr. Anderson was not in the profession of mathematics, or of those other branches which it appears he usefully culti- vated and improved ; but was a silk-weaver by trade, and must have been a person of some consideration and sub- stance, as he was able to make, at his own charge, some thousands of experiments with cannon, for improving the art of gunnery; which he did in a considerable degree, as appears by the tracts on that art which he published, as deduced from those experiments ; viz, The Genuine Use and Effects of the Gun, in 1674 ; To Hit a Mark, in 1690 ; and, To Cut the Rigging, &c. in 1691, all in 4to. He published also, Stereometrical Propositions, variously applicable, but particularly intended for Gauging: in small 8vo, 166S. This little work is an elaborate treatise on the measurement, of all kinds of solids that can be generated by the rotation of circles and the conic sections, or the ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola; viz, all spheres, spheroids, conoids, and spindles, &c, with their segments, zones, ungulas, &c. ANDROMEDA, in Astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, representing the figure of a woman almost naked, her feet at a distance from each other, and her arms extended and chained ; being one of the ori- ginal 48 asterisms, or figures under which the ancients comprehended the stars, as derived to us from the Greeks, who probably had them from the Egyptians or Indians, and who, it is suspected, altered their names, and accom- panied them with fabulous stories of their own. Accord- ing to them, Cepheus, the father of Andromeda, was obliged to give her up to be devoured by a monster, to preserve his kingdom from the plague ; but that she was delivered by Perseus, who slew the monster, and espoused her. And the family were all translated by Minerva to heaven, the mother being the constellation Cassiopeia. She is sometimes called, in Latin, Penea, Mulier cate- nala, Virgo devota, &c. The Arabians, whose religion did not permit them to draw the figure of the human body on any occasion whatever, have changed this constellation into the figure of a sea-calf. Schickard has changed the name for that of the Scripture name Abigail. And Schiller has also changed the figure of the constellation, for that of a sepulchre, and calls it the Holy Sepulchre. This constellation contains about 27 stars, that are visible to the naked eye ; of which the principal arc, a Andromeda's head ; (3 in the girdle, and called Mirach or Mizar ; y on the south foot, and named Alamak, and .sometimes Alhamcs. The number of stars placed in this constellation, by the catalogue of Ptolemy is 23, by that of Tycho Brahe also 23, by that of Hevelius 47, and by that of Flam- steed 66. ANEMOMETER, an instrument for measuring the force of the wind. An instrument of this sort, it seems, was first invented by Wolfius, in the year 1708, and first published in his Areometry in l'OJ), also in the Acta Eruditorum, of the same year ; afterwards in his Mathematical Dictionary, and in his Elem. Matheseos. He says he tried the good- ness of it, and observes that the internal structure may be preserved, so as to measure the force of running water, or that of men or horses when they draw or pull. The ma- chine consists of sails, a, b, c, like those of a wind-mill, against which the wind blows, and by turning them about raises an arm k with a weight l upon it, to different angles of elevation, shown by the index m, according to the force of the wind. (Plate iii. fig. 3.) ' Mr. Leutmann improved on Wolfius's anemometer, by placing the sails horizontal, instead of vertical, which are easier then to move, and turn whatever way the wind blows. Mr. Benjamin Martin also (Plate iii. fig. 5) improved on the same. He made the axis like the fusee of a watch, having a cord winding upon it, with two weights at the ends, which make always a balance to the force of the wind on the sails. See his Philos. Britan. And M. D'Ons-en-Bray invented a new anemometer, which of itself expresses on paper, not only the several wiirds that have blown during the space of 24 hours, and at what hour each began and ended, but also their dif- ferent velocity. See Mem. Acad. Scienc. an. 1734. In the Philos. Trans, another anemometer is described, in which the wind being supposed to blow directly against a flat side, or board, which moves along the graduated arch of a quadrant, the number of degrees it advances shows the comparative force of the wind. In the same Transactions, for the year 1766, Mr. Alex. Brice describes a method, successfully practised by him, of measuring the velocity of the wind, by means of that of the shadow of clouds passing over a plane upon the earth. Also in the same Transactions, for the year 1775, Dr. Lind gives a description of a very ingenious portable Wind-Gauge, by which the force of the wind is easily measured ; and which seems to have been suggested by a hint of Dr. Hales, in his Description of Ventilators, pa. 12, and described in the Huetiana, long before Dr. Lind's time. A brief description of the principal parts of it here follows. This simple instrument consists of two glass tubes, ab, CD (Plate iii. fig. 4), which should not be less than 8 or 9 inches long, the bore of each being about -^ of an inch diameter, and connected together by a small bent glass tube ab, only of about -^ of an inch diameter, to check the undulations of the water caused by a sudden gust of wind. On the upper end of the leg ab is fixed at right angles to it a thin metal tube, and having its mouth open to receive the wind blowing horizontally into it. The two tubes, or rather the two branches of the tube, arc connected to a steel spindle kl, by slips of brass near the top and bottom, on the sockets of which at e mu\f, by the wind blowing in at the orifice at iy the whole in- strument, turns easily about the spindle, which is fixed into a block by a screw in its bottom. When the instru- A N E [ H7 ] A N G ment is used, a quantity of water is poured in, till the tubes are about half full; then exposing the instrument to the wind, by blowing in at the orifice f, it forces the water down lower in the tube ab, and raises it so much higher in the other tube; then the distance between the surfaces of the water in the two tubes, estimated by a scale of inches and parts hi, placed by the sides of the tubes, will be the height of a column of water whose weight is equal to the force or momentum of the wind, blowing or striking against an equal base. And as a cubic foot of water weighs 1000 ounces, or 62-| pounds, the 12th part of which is 5^- or 5| pounds nearly, therefore for every inch the surface of the water is raised, the force of the wind will be equal to so many times 5j- pounds on a square foot. Thus, suppose the water stand 3 inches higher in the one tube, than in the other; then 3 times 5-j, or 15-f- pounds, is equal to the pressure or force of the wind on the surface of a square foot. This instrument of Dr. Lind's, measures only the force or momentum of the wind, but not its velocity. How- ever, the velocity of the wind may be deduced from its force so obtained, by help of some experiments performed by me at the Royal Military Academy, in the years 17S6, 1787, and 1788 ; from which it appears that a plane sur- face of a square foot suffers a resistance of 12 ounces, or |- of a pound, from the wind, when blowing with a velo- city of 20 feet per second ; and that the force is nearly as the square of the velocity. Hence then, taking the force of 15| pounds, above found, for the force of the wind when it sustains 3 inches of water, and taking the square roots of the forces, it will be, as */■% : \/15y : : 20 : o,lj- the 4th proportional, that is a velocity of Ql-j feet per second, or 62 miles per hour, is the rate or velo- city at which the wind blows, when it raises the water 3 inches higher in the one tube than the other. And far- ther, as the said height is as the force, and the force as the square of the velocity, we shall have the force and velocity, corresponding to several heights of the water in the one tube, above that in the other, as in the following table. Table of the corresponding height of water, force of the wind on a square foot, and its velocity per hour. In one instance, Dr. Lind found, that the forceofthe wind was such as to be equal to 34-;% pounds, on a square foot; and this by pro- portion, in the follow- ing table, will be found to answer to a velocity of 93 miles per hour. Height of Force of Velocity of wind per nour. water. wind. Inches. Pounds. Wiles. of 13.. 18-0 of 2-6 25-6 1 5-2 36-0 2 104 50-8 3 15-6' 62-0 4 20-8 7C0 5 26-0 80-4 6 31-25 880 7 36-5 95-2 8 41-7 I0r6 9 46-9 1080 10 52-1 113-6' 11 57-3 119-2 12 62-5 1240 Sec also Wind- Gauge. ANEMOSCOPE, is sometimes used to denote a ma- chine invented to foretell the changes of the wind, or weather ; and sometimes for an instrument showing by an index what the present direction of the wind is. Of this latter kind, it seems, was that used by the ancients, as described by Vitruvius ; and we have many of them at present in large or public buildings, where an index with- inside a room or hall, points to the name of the quarter from which the wind blows without; which is simplv ef- fected by connecting an index to the lower end of the spin- dle of a weather-cock. It has been observed that hygroscopes made of cat-out or such like, prove very good anemoscopes ; seldom failing by the turning of the index, to foretell the shifting of the wind. See accounts of two different anemoscopes; one by Mr. Pickering, vol.43 Philos. Trans, the other by Mr. B. Martin, vol.2 of his Philos. Britan. Otto Guericke also gave the title anemoscope to a ma- chine invented by him to foretell the change of the wea- ther, as to rain and fair. It consisted of the small wooden figure of a man, which- rose and fell in a glass tube, as the atmosphere was more or less heavy. Which was only an application of the common barometer, as shown by M. Couriers in the Acta Eruditorum for l6"84. ANGLE, Angulus, in Geometry, the opening or mutual inclination of two lines, or two planes, meeting in a point, called the vertex or angular point. Such as the angle formed by, or between the two lines ab and Ac, at the vertex or angular point a. — Also the two lines ab and ac^ are called the legs or the sides of the angle. A e EC I W & Angles are sometimes denoted, or named, by the singles letter placed at the angular point, as the angle a ; and some- times by three letters, as kac, placing always that of the vertex in the middle. The former method is used when only one angle has the same vertex;, and the latter method it is necessary to use when several angles have the same vertex, to distinguish them from one another. The measure of ah angle, by which its quantity or mag- nitude is expressed, is an arch, as be, described from the centre a, with any radius at pleasure, and contained be- tween its legs ab and AC. — Hence angles are compared and distinguished by the ratio of the arcs which subtend them, to the whole circumference of the circle; or by the number of degrees contained in the arc de by which they are measured, to 36o, the number of degrees in the whole circumference of the circle. And thus an angle is said to be of so many degrees as are contained in the arc de, by which it is measured. Hence it matters not with what radius the are is de- scribed, for the arcs de, de, being similar, they have the- same ratio as their respective radii or circumferences, and therefore they contain the same number of degrees. — Hence it follows, that the quantity or magnitude of the angle remains still the same, though the legs be ever so much increased or diminished. — And thus, in similar figures, the like or corresponding angles are equal'. The taking or measuring of angles T is an operation of great use and extent in surveying, navigation, geography, astronomy, &c. And the instruments chiefly used for this purpose, are quadrants, sextants, octants, theodolites, circumfcrentors, &c. Mr. Hadley invented an excellent instrument for taking the larger kind of angles,, where' A N G [ H8 ] A N G much accuracy is required, or where the motion of the object, or any circumstance causing an unsteadiness in the common instruments, renders the observations diffi- cult, or uncertain. And Mr. Dollond contrived an in- strument for measuring small angles: See Hadlei/'s Qua- drant, Micrometer, and the Philos. Trans. Numbers 420, 425, and vol. 48. To measure the Quantity of an Angle. 1. On paper. Apply the centre of a protractor to the vertex a of the angle, so that the radius may coincide with one leg, as" ab ; then the degree on the arch that is cut by the other leg ac, will give the measure of the angle required. Or thus, by a line of chords. Take off the chord of 60 with a pair of compasses ; and with that radius, from the centre a, describe an arc, as de. Then take this arc de between the compasses, and apply the extent to the scale of chords, which will give the degrees in the angle as before. M. De Lagny gave, in several memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences, a new method of measuring angles, which he called Goniometry. The method consists in mea- suring with a pair of compasses, the arc which subtends the proposed angle ; not by applying its extent to a pre- constructed scale of chords, but in the following manner: From the angular point as a centre, with a pretty large radius, describe a circle, producing one leg of the angle backwards to cut off a semicircle ; then search out what part of the semicircle the arc is which measures the given angle in this manner ; viz. take the extent of this arc with a very fine pair of compasses, and apply it several times to the arc of the semicircle, to find how often it is con- tained, with a small part remaining over ; in the same manner take the extent of this small part, and apply it to the first arc, to find how often it is contained in it ; and what remains this 2d time, apply in like manner to the first remainder; then the 3d remainder apply to the 2d, and so on, always counting how often the last remainder is contained in the next foregoing, till nothing remain, or till the remainder is insensible, and too small to be measured. Then, beginning at the last, and returning backwards, make a series of fractions, of which the nu- merators are always 1, and the denominators are the number of times each remainder is contained in its next remainder, with the fractional part more, as derived from the following remainder ; then the last fraction, thus ob- tained, will show what part the given angle is of ISO , or the semicircle ; and being turned into degrees &c, will be the measure of the angle, and nearer, it -is asserted, than it can be obtained by any other means ; whether it be measuring, or calculating by trigonometrical tables. — Thus, if it be required to measure the angle gfh: With a large radius describe the semicircle giii, meeting the leg fg produced in i ; then take the extent of the arc on in the compasses, and applying it from a upon the se- micircle, suppose it contains 4 times to the point 4, and the part 4i over; take 4i and apply it from H to 1, so that hg contains 4i once, and 1g over; also apply this re- mainder to the former 4i, and it is contained 5 times, from 4 to 5, and 5l over; and lastly the remainder 5i is just twice contained in the former remainder 1G or 12, with- out any remainder. Here then, the series of quotients, or numbers of times contained, arc 4, 1, 5, 2; therefore, be- ginning at the last, the first fraction is •£, or the last re- mainder is half the preceding one; and the 2d fraction is -z or -X- • the 3d is — or -H ; and the fourth is — or if ; 5§ , . ] fl 4 T L that is, the arc gh is |i of a semicircle, or the angle gfh is -if of two right angles, or of 180°, which is equi- valent to 37 j- degrees, or 37° 8' 34"f. 2. On the ground. Place a surveying instrument with its centre over the angular point to be measured, turning the instrument about till 0, the beginning of its arch, fall in the line or direction of one leg of the angle; then turn the index about to the direction of the other leg, and it will cut off from the arch the degrees answering to the given angle. To plot or lay down any given angle, either on paper or on the ground, may be performed in the same manner; and the method is farther explained under the articles Plotting and Protracting, also under the names- of the several instruments. To bisect a given angle, as suppose the angle lkm. From the centre k, with any radius, describe the arc isi ; then with the centres L and m, describe two arcs intersecting in n ; and draw the line kn, which will bisect the given angle lkm, dividing it into the two equal angles lkn, mkn. To trisect an angle, see Trisection, and Angular Sections. • Angles are of various kinds and denominations. With regard to the form of their legs, they are divided into rectilinear, curvilinear, and mixed. Rectilinear, or right-lined Angle, is that whose legs are both right lines; as the foregoing angle mkl. Curvilinear Angle, is that whose legs are both of them curves. Mixt, or mixtilinear Angle, is that of which one leg is a right line, and the other a curve. With regard to their magnitude, angles are again di- vided into right and oblique, acute and obtuse. Right Angle, is that which is formed by one line per- pendicular to another ; or that which is subtended by a quadrant of a circle. As the angle bac. — Therefore the measure of a right angle is a quadrant of a circle, or 90°; and consequently all right angles are equal to each other. Oblique Angle, is a common name for any angle that is not a right one; and it is either acute or obtuse. Acute Angle, is that which is less than a right angle, or less than 00 degrees; as the angle bad. . Obtuse Angle, is greater than a right angle, or whose measure exceeds 90 degrees ; as the angle bae. With regard to their situation in respect of each other, angles are distinguished into contiguous, adjacent, vertical, opposite, and alternate. Contiguous Angles, are such as have the same vertex, and one leg common to both. As the angles bad, cad, which have ad common. Adjacent Angles, are those of which a leg of the one produced forms a leg of the other: as the angles GFH and IFH, which have the legs if and fg in a straight line. — Hence, adjacent angles are supplements to each other, making together 180 degrees. And therefore if one of A N G [ "9 ] A N G these be given, the other will be known by subtracting the given one from 180 degrees. Which property is use- ful in .surveying, to find the quantity of an inaccessible angle; viz, measure its adjacent accessible one, and sub- tract this from ISO degrees. H/ Vertical or opposite 'Angles, are such as have their legs mutually continuations of each other; as the two angles a and b, or c and d. — The property of these is, that the vertical or opposite angles are always equal to each other, viz, /ia-= /.b, an'd Z.c = Ad. And hence the quantity of an inaccessible angle of a field, &c, may be found, by measuring its accessible opposite angle. Alternate Angles, are those made on the opposite sides of a line cutting two parallel lines; so, the angles eand/, or, g and h, are alternates. And these are always equal to each other; viz, the/.e =A/j or ^-g = £-h. External Angles, are the angles of a figure made without it, by producing its sides; as the angles i, k, l,m. All the external angles of any right-lined figure, taken to- gether, are equal to 4 right angles; and the external an- gle of a triangle is equal to both the internal opposite ones taken together; also any external angle of a trape- zium inscribed in a circle, is equal to the internal oppo- site angle. Internal Angles, are the angles within any figure, made by the sides of it ; as the angles n, o, p, q. — In any right- lined figure, an internal angle as n, and its adjacent ex- ternal angle k, together make two right angles, or 180 degrees; and all the internal angles ji, o, p, q, taken to- gether, make twice as many right angles, wanting 4, as the figure has sides ; also any two opposite internal an- gles of a trapezium inscribed in a circle, taken together, make two right angles, or 180 degrees. Homologous, or like Angles, are such, angles in two figures, as retain the same order in both. Angle at the centre, is that whose vertex is in the cen- tre; as the angle afc, formed by two radii af, fc, and it is measured by the arc a DC. — An angle at the centre, as afc, is always double the angle abc at the circumfe- rence, standing on the same arc adc ; and all angles at the centre are equal that stand upon the same or equal arcs : also all angles at the centre arc proportional to the arcs they stand upon ; and so also are all angles at the circumference. Angle at the circumference, is that whose vertex is somewhere in the circumference of a circle; as the an- gle ABC. Angle in a segment, is that whose legs meet the extre- mities of the base of the segment, and its vertex is any- where in its arch ; as the angle b is in the segment abc ; and is comprehended between two chords ab and bc. — An angle at the circumference is measured by half the arc adc on which it stands; and all the angles abc, aec, in the same segment, are equal to each other. Angle in a semicircle is an angle at the circumference standing on a semicircle, or on a diameter. — An angle in a semicircle, is a right angle ; in' a greater segment, the angle is less, and in a less segment is greater, than a rioht angle. Angle of a segment, is that made by a chord with a tangent, at the point of contact. So ihk is the angle of the less segment imh, and ihl, the angle of the greater segment inh. — And the measure of each of these angles, is half the alternate or supplemental segment, or equal to the angle in it; viz, the /.ihk = Z.INH, and the ^.IHL == Z.IMH. Angle out of the centre, as g, is one whose vertex is not in the centre of the circle. — And its measure is half the sum -%a + ^b of the arcs intercepted by its legs when it is within the circle, or half the difference \a — $b when it is without. Angle of a semicircle, is the angle which the diameter of a circle makes with the circumference. Euclid de- monstrates that this is less than a right angle, but greater than any acute angle. Angle of contact, is that made, by a curve line and a tangent to it, at the point of contact; as the angle ihk. It is proved by Euclid, that the angle of contact between a right line and a circle, is less than any right-lined angle whatever; though it does not therefore follow that it is of no magnitude or quantity. This has been the subject of great disputes among geometricians, in which Peleta- rius, Clavius, Taquet, Wallis, &c, bore a considerable share; Peletarius and Wallis contending that it is no an- gle at all, against Clavius, who rightly asserts that it is not absolutely nothing in itself, but only of no magnitude in comparison with a right-lined angle, being a quantity of a different kind or nature; like as a line in respect to a surface, or a surface in respect to a solid, &c. And since his time, it has been proved by sir Isaac Newton, and others, that angles of contact can be compared to each other, though not to right-lined angles, and wJiat. A N G C 120 ] A N G the proportions are which they bear to each other. Thus, Angle, in Trigonometry. See Triangle, Trigono- the circular angles of contact ihk, ihl, are to each metry, Sinu, Tangent, Sfc. other in the reciprocal subduplicate ratio of the diameters Angle, in Mechanics. — Angle of Direction, is that hm, hn. And hence the circular angle of contact may which is comprehended between the lines of direction of be divided, by describing intermediate circles, into any two conspiring forces. number of parts, and in any proportion. And if, instead Angle of Elevation, is that which is comprehended of circles, the curves be parabolas, and the point of con- between the line of direction and any plane on which the tact H or o the common vertex of their axes; the angles projection is made, whether horizontal or oblique. of contact will then be reciprocally in the subduplicate An gle of Incidence, is that made by the line of di- ratio of their parameters. But in such elliptical and hy- rection of an impinging body, at the point of impact. As perbolical angles of contact, these will be reciprocally in the angle abc. the subduplicate of the ratio compounded of the ratios Angle of Reflection, is that made by the line of direc- of the parameters, and the transverse axes. Moreover, if tion of the reflected body, at the point of impact. As the toq be a common parabola, to the axis op, and tangent angle dbe. vow, and whose equation is 1 x i=j s , on —y*> where Instead of the angles of incidence and reflection bein<* x is the absciss op, and y the ordinate pq, the parameter estimated from the plane on which the body impinges, being 1: and if or, os, &c, be other parabolas to the sometimes the complements of these are understood, viz, same axis, tangent, and parameter, their ordinate y being as estimated from a perpendicular to the reflecting plane; as the two angles abf and DBF. F b K PR, or PS, &c, and their equations x = y 3 , x =y\ x = y 5 , &c : then the series of angles of contact will be in suc- cession infinitely greater than each other, viz, the angle of contact woq infinitely greater than woe, and this in- finitely greater than wos, and so in infinitum. • And farther, between the angles of contact of any two of this kind, may other angles of contact be found ad infinitum, which shall infinitely exceed each other, and Angle, in OpticsV — Visual or Optic Angle, is the angle yet the greatest of them be infinitely less than the smallest included between the two rays drawn from the two ex- right-lined angle. So also x 2 =y 3 , x 3 = y i , x i =y s , &c, treme points of an object to the centre of the pupil of the denote a series of curves, of which every succeeding one eye : as the angle hgi. The apparent magnitude of ob- makes an angle with its tangent, infinitely greater than the jects, when their distance cannot be compared, is greater preceding one ; and the least of these, viz, that whose or less, according to the angle under which they appear, equation is x 2 = y 3 , or the semicubical parabola, is infi- — Objects seen under the same or an equal angle, appear nitely greater than any circular angle of contact. equal. — But there is an exception to this rule in the case Angles are again divided into plane, spherical, and of the heavenly bodies, which are really seen under a solid. less angle in the horizon than when they have attained Plane Angles, are all those above treated of ; which any sensible degree of elevation (see Refraction); are defined by the inclination of two lines in a plane, notwithstanding which, it must have been observed by meeting in a point. every one that they appear larger in the horizon, than in Spherical Angle, is an angle formed on the surface of any other part of their course ; this becomes still more a sphere by the intersection of two great circles ; or, it is sensible if we observe the distance of two stars at their the inclination of the planes of those circles. rising, and again when they are near the zenith, their ap- The measure of a spherical angle, is the arc of a great parent distance in the former case being considerably circle of the sphere, intercepted between the two planes greater than in the latter, yet if their angular distance be which form the angle, and which cuts the said planes at measured by a sextant, it will be found to increase as their right angles. For their properties, &c, see Sphere, distance from the zenith decreases. (See Apparent Mag- Spiierical, and Spherical Trigonometry. nitude.) Solid Angle, is the mutual inclination of more than The least visible angle, or least angle under which a two planes, or plane angles, meeting in a point, and not body can be seen, according to Dr. Hooke, is one mi- contained in the same plane; like the angles or corners nute ; but Dr. Jurin shows, that at the time of his debate with Hevelius on this subject, the latter could probably discover a single star under so small an angle as 20". But bodies are visible under smaller angles as they are more bright or luminous. Dr. Jurin states the grounds of this controversy, and discusses the question at large, in his Essay on distinct and indistinct Vision, published in Smith's Optics, pa. 148, et seq. Angle of the interval, of two places, is the angle sub- tended by two lines directed from the eye to those places. Angle of incidence, or reflection, or refraction, &c. See the respective words Incidence, Reflection, Re- fraction, &c. Angle, in Astronomy. — Angle of Commutation. See Commutation. Anclb of elongation, or Angle at the Earth. Sec Elongation. of solid bodies. For their measure, properties, &c, see Solid Angle. Angles of other less usual kinds and denominations, are also to be found in some books of Geometry. As, Horned Angle, angulus cormitus, that which is made by a right line, whether a tangent or secant, with the circum- ference of a circle. Lunular Angle, angulus lunuluris, is that which is formed by the intersection of two curve lines, the one con- cave, and the other convex. Cissoid Angle, angulus cissoides, the inner angle made by two spherical convex lines intersecting each other. Sistroid An gle, angulus sistroides, is that which is in the form of a sistrum. Pelccoid Angle, angulus pclecoides, is that in the form of a hatchet. ANU [ 121 ] A N G Parallactic Angle, or the parallax, is the angle made Angle of the curtin, or of the flank, is the angle giii, at the centre of a star, or the sun, &c, by two lines drawn, made between the curtin and the flank, the one to the centre of the earth, and the other to its Angle of the epaule, or shoulder, is the angle agh, surface. See Parallactic, and Parallax. made by the flank and the face of the bastion. ■ Angle of the position of the sun, of the sun's apparent Angle of the tenaille, or exterior flanking angle, is the semi-diameter, &c, See the respective words. angle akb, made by the two rasant lines of defence, or Angle at the sun, is the angle under which the distance the faces of two bastions produced, of a planet from the ecliptic is seen from the sun. Angle of the counterscarp, is the angle made by the Angle of the East. See Nonagesimal. two sides of the counterscarp, meeting before the middle Angle of obliquity, of the ecliptic, or the angle of of the curtin. inclination of the axis 'of the earth to the axis of the An tus. flanking inward, is the, angle made by the flank- ecliptic, is now nearly 23° 28'. See Obliquity, and J n g line with the curtin. Ecliptic Angle forming the flank, is that consisting of one flank Angle of longitude, is the angle which the circle of a and one demigorge. star's longitude makes with the meridian, at the pole of the ecliptic. Angle of right ascension, is the angle which the circle of a star's right ascension makes with the meridian at the pole of the equator. Angle, in Navigation. Angle of the rhumb, or loxo- dromic angle. See Rhumb and Loxodromic Angles, in Fortification, are understood of those form- ed by the several lines used in fortifying, or making a place defensible. These are of two sorts ; real and imaginary. — Real an- Angle forming the face, is that composed of one flank and one face. Angle of the moat, is that made before the curtin, where it is intersected. Re-entering, ox re-entrant Angle, is that whose vertex is turned inwards, towards the place ; as h or l. Saliant, or sortant Angle, is that turned outwards, ad- vancing its point towards the field ; as a or g. Dead Angle, is a re-entering angle, which is not flanked or defended. Angle of a wall, in Architecture, is the point or cor- bv the number of sides in the regular polygon. A 3 K. gles are those which actually exist and appear in the ner where the two sides or faces of a wall meet, works. Such as the flanked angle, the angle of the epaule, ANGUINEAL Hyperbola, a name given by Sir Isaac angle of the flank, and the re-entering angle of the coun- Newton to four of his curves of the second order, viz, terscarp. Imaginary, or occult angles, are those which species 33, 3+, 35, 36, expressed by the equation ay 2 -+- ey are only subservient to the construction, and which exist = _ a x 3 -+- be" ■+■ ex ■+- d ; being hyperbolas of a ser- no 'more after the fortification is drawn. Such as the pontine figure. See Curves. angle of the centre, angle of the polygon, flanking angle, ANGULAR, something relating to, or that hath angles, saliant angle of the counterscarp, &c. At a distance, angular bodies appear round ; the angles Angle of, or at, the centre, is the angle formed at the and small inequalities disappearing at a much less distance centre of the polygon, by two radii drawn from the cen- than the bulk of the body. tre to two adjacent angles, and subtended by a side of it, ANGULAR Motion, is the motion of a body which as the angle acb. This is found by dividing 360 degrees moves circularly about a point; or the variation in the angle described by a line, or radius, connecting a body with the centre about which it moves. — Thus, a pendu- lum has an angular motion about its centre of motion ; and the planets have an angular motion about the sun.— Two moveable points m and o, of which the one describes the arc mn, and the other the arc op, in the same time, have an equal, or the same angular motion, though the real motion of the point o be much greater than that of the point m, viz, as the arc op is greater than the arc mn. The angular motions of revolving bodies, as of the \ / planets about the sun, are reciprocally proportional to £•'' their periodic times. And they are also, as their real or Angle of the Polygon, is the angle intercepted between absolute motions directly, and as their radii of motion two sides of the polygon; as dab, or abe. This is the inversely, supplement of the angle at the, centre, and is therefore found by subtracting the angle c from 180 degrees. ' angles into some or to trisect an Angular motion is also a kind of compound motion composed of a circular and a rectilinear motion ; like Angle of the Triangle, is half the angle of the poly- the wheel of a coach, or other vehicle. "on; as cab or cba ; and is therefore half the supple- Angular Sections, the dividing ot ment of the angle c at the centre. ™ mb " of ec l ual P aits J as > t0 blsect > Angle of the Bastion, is the angle fag, made by the angle, &c. two faces of the bastion. And is otherwise called the flanked angle. Diminished Angle, is the angle bag, made by the meeting of the exterior side of the polygon with the lace /, a of the bastion. Vol. I. Euclid taught how to bisect an angle, viz, in prop. 9, book 1 ; but his geometry goes not farther. The other ancients after him endeavoured to trisect an angle; in which attempt, as Euclid's geometry failed them, they had recourse to the conic sections, which had been ad- R ANN [ 122 ] mitted into geometry, by means of which, and a problem in Apollonius's Inclinations, they effected the trisection; which was equivalent to solving a cubic equation. Pap- pus, in the 34th, and following props, of book 4, treats of the trisection ; and in the 36th et seq. of any section in general. Many of the moderns have also treated of an- gular sections ; as, Vieta, Alex. Anderson, Wallis, Briggs, l'Hopital, Guisne, Emerson, &c. See Section and Trisection, &c. ANNUAL, in Astronomy, something that returns every year, or which terminates with the year. Ann ual motion of the earth. See Earth. Annual argument of longitude. See Argument. Annual epacts. See Epact. Annual equation of the mean motion of the sun and moon, and of the moon's apogee and nodes. See Equa- tion. ANNUITIES, any periodical incomes, arising from money lent, or from houses, lands, salaries, pensions, &c; payable from time to time ; either annually, or at other intervals of time. Annuities may be divided into such as are certain, and such as depend on some contingency, as the continuance of a life, &c. See Life Annuities. Annuities are also divided into annuities in possession, and annuities in reversion; the former meaning such as have commenced ; and the latter such as will not com- mence till some particular event has happened, or till some given period of time has elapsed. Annuities may be farther considered as payable either yearly, or half yearly, or quarterly, &c. The present value of an annuity, is that sum, which, being improved at interest, will be sufficient to pay the annuity. The present value of annuity certain, payable yearly, is calculated in the following manner. — Let the annuity be 1/'. and let r denote the amount of \l. for a year, or 1/. increased by its interest for one year. Then, 1 being the present value of the sum r, and having to find the present value of the sum 1, it will be, by proportion thus, r : 1 : : 1 : - the present value of 1/. due a year hence. And for the same reason - is the present value of a pounds due a year hence; the present value being always in direct pro- portion to the yearly payment. So that, in what follows, we shall only consider the annuity as 1/. ; and whatever results are thus obtained, being multiplied by a, will cor- respond to an annuity of a pounds. Now since- is the present value of 11, due a year hence, so likewise -3 will be the present value of 1/. due 2 years hence ; for r : 1 : : - : — . So also -j, -^ -r, &c, will be the present value of 1/. due at the end of 3, 4, 5, &c, years, respectively ; and in general, — will be the value of li. to be received after the expiration of n years. Consequently the sum of all these, or-H-- ; -t--T-+--i-t- 1 "-. " ' r 1 r 1 r &c, continued to n terms, will be the present value of all then years annuities. And the value of the perpetuity, is the sum of the series continued to infinity. But this scries, it is evident, is a geometrical progres- sion, the first term and common ratio being each -, and the number of its termsw; therefore the sum s of all the terms, or the present value of all the annual payments, ■*" r— 1 r— 1 ,jr» ' When the annuity is a perpetuity, it is plain that the last quantity — vanishes, and therefore x — also va- nishes ; consequently the expression becomes barely « = ; that is, is the present value of the perpetuity of an annuity of 1/. per aim. and consequently will be the present value of the perpetuity of a pounds per ann.; hence any annuity divided by the interest of 1/. for one year, is the value of the perpetuity. So, if the rate of in- terest be 5 per cent, and yearly paj'ments, then xs * a - a = 20a is the value of the perpetuity. Also J -f- a = 25a is the value of the perpetuity at 4 per cent. And ^-f^ 2 - a = 33-|a is the value of the perpetuity at 3 per cent, in- terest. And so on. If the annuity is not to be entered on immediately, but after a certain time, as in years; then the present value of the reversion is equal to the difference between two pre- sent values, the one of the first term of m years, and the other for the end of the last term n : that is, equal to the difference between x —and x r— 1 r— 1 ?" r— 1 r— 1 1 1 11 — , or = — x ( -). Annuities certain differ in value, as they are made pay- able yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly. And by proceeding as above, using the interest or amount of a half year, or a quarter, as those for the whole year were used, the fol- lowing set of theorems will arise ; where r denotes, as be- fore, the amount of \l. and its interest for a year, and ?i the number of years, during which, any annuity is to be paid ; also P denotes the perpetuity , Y denotes x —the present value of the annuity supposed payable yearly, 11 the present value of the same when it is payable half-yearly, and o_ the same when payable quar- terly ; or universally, m the present value when it is pay- able every m part of a year. Theor. 1. y = p — p Theor. 2. 11 = p — p Theor. 3. q = p — p Theor. 4. m = p — r r + m—\' Exam. 1. — Let the rate of interest be 4 per cent, and ■the term 5 years; and consequently r = 1 , 04, n = 5, p = 25a ; also let m = 12, or the interest payable monthly in theorem 4 : then the present value of an annuity of a pounds a year, for 5 years, according as it is supposed payable yearly, or every half year, or every quarter, or every month or -jij-th part of a year, will be as follows: y =3 25 — 25 x -821.028 = 4'451S 11 = 25 - 25 x -S20348 = 4-4,013 q = 25 — 25 x -81.0543 = 4-5114 M = 25 - 25 x -8180.06 = 4-5251 Exam. 2. Supposing the annuity to continue 25 ANN [ 123 ] ANN years, the rate of interest and every thing else being as be- fore; then the values of the annuities for 25 years will be y = 25 - 25 x -375118 = 15-6221 h = 25 - 25 x -371527 = 15-7118 q = 25 - 25 x -363709 = 15-7573 m = 25 - 25 x -36S477 = 157881 Exam. 3. And if the term be 50 years, the values will be Y = 25 - 25 x -140713 = 21-4822 h = 25 — 25 x -13S032 = 21-5492 q = 25 - 25 x -136685 = 21-5829 m = 25 - 25 x -135775 = 2T6056' Exam. 4. Also if the terra be 100 years, the values will be Y = 25 - 25 x -019800 = 24-5050* h = 25 - 25 x -019053 = 24'5237 q = 25 - 25 x -018683 = 24'5329 m = 25 - 25 x -018435 = 24-5391 Hence the difference in the value by making periods of payments smaller, for any given term of years, is the more as the intervals are smaller, or the periods more frequent. The same difference is also variable, both as the rate of interest varies, and also as the whole term of years n varies ; and, for any given rate of interest, it is evident that the difference, for any periods m of payments, first increases from nothing as the term n increases, from 0, to some certain finite term or value of n, when the difference d is the greatest or a maximum ; and that afterwards, as n increases more, that difference will continually decrease to nothing again, and vanish when n is infinite : also the term or value of n, for the maximum of the difference, will be different according to the periods of payment, or value of m. Annuities may also be considered as in arrears, or as forborn, for any number of years ; in which case each payment is to be considered as a sum put out to interest for the remainder of the term after the time it becomes due. And as ]/. due at the end of 1 year, amounts to r at the end of another year, and to r 2 at the end of the 3d year, and to r 3 at the end of the 4th year, and so on ; therefore, by adding always the last year's annuity, or 1, to the amounts of all the former years, the sum of all the annuities and their interests, will be the sum of the fol- lowing geometrical series, 1 -t- r -)- r 2 -t- r 3 -t- r 4 - to r°-i, continued till the last term be r"- 1 , or till the number of terms be n, the number of years the annuity is forborn. But the sum of this geometrical progression is , which therefore is the amount of 11. annuity for- born for n years. And this quantity being multiplied by a instead of 1, will produce the amount for the annuity a. But the amounts of annuities, or their present values, are easiest found by the two following tables of numbers for the annuity of 1/. ready computed from the foregoing principles. Table 1. — Continued. The Amount of an Annuity of it. at Comp. Interest. << at 3 per 3-i per 4 per 4^ per 5 per 6 per 6 cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. 6-46841 6-55015 6-63298 6-71689 6-80191 6-97532 7 7-65246 7-77941 7-89829 8-01915 8-14201 8-39384 8 8.89234 9-05169 9-21423 9-38001 9-54911 9-89747 9 10-15911 10-36850 10-58280 10-80211 11-02656 11-49132 10 11-46388 11-73139 12-00611 12-28821 12-57789 13-18079 11 12-80780 13-14199 13-48635 13-84118 14-20679 14-97164 12 14-19203 14-60196 15-02581 15-46403 15-91713 16-86994 13 15-61779 16-11303 16-62684 17-15991 17-71298 18-88214 14 17-08632 17-67699 18-29191 18-93211 19-59863 21-01507 15 18-59891 19-29568 20-02359 20-78405 21-57856 23-27597 16 20-15688 20-97103 21-82453 22-71934 23-65749 25-67253 17 21-76159 22-70502 23-69751 24-74171 25-84037 28-21288 18 23-41444 24-49969 25-64541 26-85508 28-13238 30-90565 19 25-11687 26-35718 27-67123 29-06356 30-53900 33-75999 20 26-87037 28-27968 29-77808 31-37142 33-06595 36-78559 .'1 28-67649 30-26947 31-96920 33-78314 35-71925 39-99273 22 30-53678 32-32890 34-24797 36-30338 38-50521 43-39229 23 32-45288 34-46041 36-61789 38-93703 41-43048 46-99583 24 34-42647 36-66653 39-08260 41-68920 44-50200 50-81558 25 36-45926 38-94986 41-64591 44-56521 47-72710 54-86451 26 38-55304 41-31310 44-31174 47-57064 51-11345 59-15638 27 40-70963 43-75906 47-08421 50-71132 54-66913 63-70577 28 42-93092 46-29063 49-96758 53-99333 58-40258 68-52811 29 45-21885 48-91080 52-96629 57-42303 62-32271 73-63980 30 47-57542 51-62268 56-08494 61-00707 66-43885 79-058 19 31 50-00268 54-42947 59-32834 64-75239 70-76079 84-80168 32 52-50276 57-33450 62-70147 68-66625 75-29883 90-88978 33 55-07784 60-34121 66-20953 72-75623 80-06377 97-34316 34 57-73018 63-45315 69-85791 77-03026 85-06696 104-18375 35 60-46208 66-67401 73-65222 81-49662 90-32031 111-43478 36 63-27594 70-00760 77-59831 86-16397 95-83632 119-12087 3/ 66-17422 73-45787 81-70225 91-04134 101-62814 127-26812 38 69-15945 77-02889 85-97034 96-13820 107-70955 135-90421 39 72-23423 80-72491 90-40915 101-46442 1 14-09502 145-05846 40 75-40126 84-55028 95-02552 107-03032 120-79977 154-76197 41 78-66330 88-50954 99-82654 112-84669 127-83976 165-04768 42 8202320 92-60737 104-8 1 960 118-92479 135-23175 175-95054 43 85-48389 96-84863 110-01238 125-27640 142-99334 187-50758 44 89-04841 101-23833 115-41288 131-91384 151-14301 199-75803 45 92-71986 105-78167 121-02939 138-84997 159-70016 212-74351 46 96-50146 110-48403 1 26-87057 146-09821 168-68516 226-50812 47 100-39650 115-35097 132-9453S 153-67263 178-11942 241-09861 48 104-40840 120-38826 139-26321 161-58790 188-02539 256-56452 49 108-54065 125-60185 145-83373 169-85936 198-42666 272-95840 SO 112-79687 130-99791 152-66708 178-50303 209-34801 290-33590 51 117-18077 136-58284 159-77377 187-53566 220-8 154C 308-75606 5 2 121-69620 142-36324 167-1647:. 196-97477 232-85617 328-28142 53 126-34708 148-34595 174-8513 206-83863 245-49895 348-97831 54 131-13750 154-5380C 182-8453( 217-14637 258-7739:, 370-91701 Table 1. The Amount of an Annuity of ll. at Comp. Interest. 7 r i at 3 per s\ per 4 per 4 i i jer 1 * p er 6 per cent. rent. 1-00000 cent. j cent. cent. 1 -00000 1 -00000 1-00000 1-00000 1-00000 :> 2.03000 2-03500 2-04000 2-04500 2-05000 2-06000 a 3-09090 3-10623 3-12160 3-13703 3-15250 3-18360 A 4-18363 4-21494 4-24646 4-27819 4-31013 4-37462 5 5-30914 5-36247 5-41632 5-470711 5-52563 5-63709 The Use of Table I. To find the Amount of an annuity forborn any number of years. Take out the amount from the 1st table, for the proposed years and rate of interest; then multiply it by the annuity in question ; and the product will be its amount, for the same number of years, aud rate of in- terest. — And the converse, to find the rate or time. Exam. 1. To find how much an annuity of 50/. will amount tc in 20 years at 3| per cent, compound interest. — On the line of 20 years, and in the column of 3i per cent, stands 28-27968, which is the amount of an annuity of 1/. for the 20 years; and therefore 28-27968 multiplied by 50, gives 1413984/. or 1413/. 19s. Sd. for the answer. Exam. 2. In what time will an annuity of 20/. amount to 1000/. at 4 per cent, compound interest ? — Here the amount of 1000/. divided by 20/. the annuity, gives 50, the amount of 1/. annuity for the same time and rate. R2 ANN [ '24 ] A N O Then, the nearest tabular number in the column of 4 per cent, is 49 96758, which standing on the line of 28, shows that 28 years is the answer. Exam, 3. If it be required to find at what rate of in- terest an annuity of 20/. will amount to 1000/. forbom for 28 years. — Here 1000 divided by 20 gives 50 as be- fore. Then looking along the line of 28 years, for the nearest to this number 50, we find 49-96758 in the column of 4 per cent, which is therefore the rate of interest re- quired^ ■ Table II. The present Value of an Annuity of 1 /■ t< at a pe cer 0-97087 1-91347 2-82861 3-71710 4-57971 5-41719 6-23028 7-01969 7-78611 8-53020 9-25262 9-95400 10-63496 11-29607 11-93794 12-56110 13-1)612 13-75351 14-32380 14-87747 15-41502 15-9369-' 16-44361 16-93554 17-41315 17-87684 18-32703 18-76411 19-18845 19-60044 20-00043 20-38877 20-76579 21-13184 A 2 P' r cent. 0-96618 1-89969 2-80164 3-67308 4-51505 5-32855 6-11454 6-87396 7-60769 8-31661 9-00155 9-66333 10-30274 10-92052 11-51741 12-09412 12-6513 13-18968 13-70984 14-21240 14-69797 15-1671 4 per 4j per cent. cent. 0-96154 1-88610 2-77509 3-62990 4-45182 5-24214 6-00205 6-73274 7-43533 8-11090 8-76048 9-38507 9-98565 10-56312 11-11839 11-65230 12-16567 12-65930 13-13394 13-59033 14-02916 . 14-45112 15-62041 14-85684 16-05837 15-24696 16-48151 0-95694 1-87267 2-74896 3-58753 4-38998 5-15787 5-89270 6-59589 7-26879 7-91272 8-52892 9-11858 9-68285 10-22283 10-739 11-23402 1 6-89035 17-28536 17-66702 18-03577 18-39205 18-73628 19-06887 19-39021 19-70068 15-32208 15-98277 21-48722 20-00066 21-83225 20-29049 22-16724 20-57053 22-49246 20-84109 39 22-80822 21-10250 23-11477 23-41240 23-70"! 36 23-98 1 90 24-25427 24-51871 24-77545 25-0247 1 2667 I 50 1 66 25-7297,0 25-95J23 26- 1 S624 26-37499 54126-57 76 0-95238 1-85941 2-72325 3-54595 4-32948 5-07569 5-78637 6-46321 7-10782 7-72173 8-30641 8-86325 9-39357 9-89864 10-37966 10-83777 11-70719 11-27407 12-15999 11-68959 12-59329 12-08532 00794 12-46221 21-35507 21-59910 21-83483 2-06269 2-28279 22-49545 22-70092 22-89944 23-09 1 24 23-27656 3-45562 i-62862 1-79576 23-95726 24-11330 16-32959 16-66306 16-98371 17-29203 17-58849 17-87355 8-14765 18-41120 18-66461 18-90828 19-14258 19-36786 19-58448 19-79277 19-99305 20-18563 20-37079 20-54884 20-72004 20-88465 21-04294 21-19513 21-34147 21-48218 21-61749 21-74758 21-87267 21-99296 13-40472 13-78442 14-14777 14-49548 14-82821 15-14661 15-45130 15-74287 16-02189 16-28889 16-54439 16-78889 1 7-02286 17-24676 17-46101 16-37419 17-66604! 16-54685 12-8211,5 13-16300 13-48857 13-79864 14-09394 14-37519 4-6430 14-89813 15-14107 15-37245 15-59281 1 5-80268 16-00255 16-19290 17-86224 18-04999 18-22966 18-40158 8-56611 8-72355 18-87421 19-01838 19-15635 19-28837 19-41471 19-53561 19-65130 19-76201 19-8679 19-96933 20-06634 20-15918 16-71129 16-86789 17-01704 17-15909 17-29437 17-42321 17-54591 17-66277 17-77407 17-88007 17-98102 18-07716 18-1687 0-94340 1-83339 2-67301 3-46511 4-21236 4-91732 5-58238 6-20979 6-80169 7-36009 7-88687 8-38384 8-85268 9-29498 9-71225 10-10590 10-47726 0-82760 11-15812 11-46992 11-76408 •04158 12-30338 12-55036 12-78336 13-00317 13-21053 13-40616 13-59072 13-76483 '13-92909 |14-08404 14-23023 14-36814 14-49825 14-62099 14-73678 14-84602 14-94907 15-04630 15-13802 1 5-22454 15-30617 15-38318 15-45583 18- .9 1 I8-U898 18-41807 1 8-49340 18-5651 5 15-52437 15-58903 1 5-65003 15-70757 15-76186 15-81308 15-86139 15-90697 15-94998 Tii b Use of Table II. Exam- 1. To find the present value of an annuity of 50/. which is to continue 20 years, at 3f- per cent. — By the table, the present value of 1/. for the same rate and time, is 14-21240; therefore 14*2124 x 50 = 710-62/. or 710/. 12s. 4d. is the present value sought. Exam. 2. To find the present value of an annuity of 20/. to commence 10 years hence, and then to continue for 40 years, or to terminate 50 years hence, at 4 per cent, interest. — In such cases as this, it is plain we have to find the difference between the present values of two equal annuities, for the two given times; which therefore will be effected by subtracting the tabular value of the one term from that of the other, and multiplying by the annuity. Thus, tabular value for 50 years 21 482 18 tabular value for 10 years 8-1 1090 the difference 13-37128 mult, by - - 20 gives - - 2674256 or - - 267l.%s.6d. the answer. The foregoing observations, rules, and tables, contain all that is important in the doctrine of annuities certain. And for further information, reference may be had to arithmetical writings, particularly Malcolm's Arithmetic, page 595; Simpson's Algebra, sect. 16; Dodson's Mathe- matical Repository, page 298, &c ; Jones's Synopsis, ch. 10 ; Philos. Trans, vol. lxvi, page 109. For what relates to the doctrine of annuities on lives, see Assurance, Complement, Expectation, Life Annuities, Reversions, &c ANNULETS, in Architecture, are small square mem- bers, in the Doric capital, placed under the quarter round. Annulet is also used for a narrow flat moulding, com- mon to other parts of a column, as well as to the capital ; and so called, because it encompasses the column around. In which sense annulet is frequently used for baguette, or little astragal. ANNULUS, a species of Voluta. See also Ring-. ANOMALISTICAL Year, in Astronomy, called also periodical year, is the space of time in which the earth, or a planet, passes through its orbit. The anomalistical, or common year, is somewhat longer than the tropical year ; by reason of the precession of the equinox. And the apses of all the planets have a like progressive motion ; by which it happens, that a longer time is neces- sary to arrive at the aphelion, which has advanced a little, than to arrive at the same fixed star. For example, the tropical revolution of the sun, with respect to the equinox, is - - - 365^ 5 h 4S m 45 s ; but the sidereal, or return to the same star, - 365 6 9 101 and the anomalistic revolution is 305 6 15 20, because the sun's apogee advances each year 65"| with respect to the equinoxes, and the sun cannot arrive at the apooee till he has passed over the 6'5"| more than the re- volution of the year answering to the equinoxes. To find the anomalistic revolution, say, -\s the whole secular motion of a planet minus the motion 61 Us aphelion, is to 100 years or 3155760000 seconds, so is 300°, (o the duration of the anomalistic revolution. ANOMAL* lUS, is something irregular, or lhat deviates, from the ordinary rule and method of other things of the same kind. ANOMALY, in Astronomy, is an irregularity in the motion of a planet, by which it deviates from the aphelion or apogee ; or it is the angular distance of the planet from A N O [ «S5 ] A N O the aphelion or apogee ; that is, the angle formed by the line of the apses, and another line drawn through the planet. Kepler distinguishes three kinds of anomaly ; mean, eccentric, and true. - Mean or Simple Anomaly, in the ancient astronomy, is the distance of a planet's mean place from the apogee. Which Ptolemy calls the angle of the mean motion. But in the modern astro- nomy, in which a planet p is considered as describing an ellipse apb about the sun s, placed in one focus, it is the time in which the planet moves from its aphe- lion a, to the mean place or point of its orbit. Hence, as the elliptic area asp is proportional to ""■ ■■" the time in which the planet describes the arc ap, that area may represent the mean anomaly. — Or, if pd be drawn perpendicular to the transverse axis ab, and meet the circle in d described on the same axis ; then the mean anomaly may also be represented by the circular trilineal asd, wnich is always proportional to the elliptic one asp, as is proved in my Mensuration, pr 8, page 223, 4th edition — Or, drawing sg perpendicular to the radius DC produced ; then the mean anomaly is also proportional to sg ■+■ the circular arc ad, as is demonstrated by Keil in his Lect. Astron. — Hence, taking dh = so, the arc ah, or angle ach will be the mean anomaly in practice, as expressed in degrees of a circle, the number of those degrees being to 360', as the elliptic trilineal area asp, is to the whole area <e are antiparallels with respect to ab and ac; also these latter are antiparallels with regard to the two former. — See also Subcontra,ry. It is a property of these lines, that each pair cuts the other into proportional segments, taking them alternately, VIZ, AB : ac : : ae : ad : : de and fe : fc : : fb : fd : : db ANTIPODES, in Geography, are the inhabitants of two places on the earth which lie diametrically opposite to each other, or that walk feet to feet; that is, if a line be continued down from our feet, quite through the cen- tre of the earth, till it arrive at the surface on the other side, it will fall on the feet of our Antipodes, and vice versa. Antipodes are 180 degrees distant from each other every way, on the surface of the globe ; they have equal latitudes, the one north and the other south, but they differ by 180 degrees of longitude: they have there- fore the same climates or degrees of heat and cold, with the same seasons and length of days and nights ; but all of these at contrary times, it being day to the one, when it is night to the other, summer to the one when it is win- ter to the other, &c : they have also the same horizon, the one being as far distant on the one side, as the other on the opposite, and therefore when the sun, &c, rises to the one, it sets to the other. The Antipodes to London are a part a little south of New Zealand. It has been said that Flato first started the notion of A P H [ 127 ] API Antipodes, and gave them the name; which is likely enough, as he conceived that the earth was of a globular figure. But there have been many disputes on this point, the fathers of the church having greatly opposed it, espe- cially Lactantius and Augustine, who pretended to laugh at it, and were greatly perplexed to think how men and trees should hang pendulous in the air with their feet up- permost, as they thought must be the case in the other hemisphere. ANT1SCIANS, or ANTISCII, in Geography, are peo- ple who dwell in the opposite hemispheres of the earth, as to north and south, and whose shadows at noon fall in con- trary directions. This term is more general than antoeci, with which it is often confounded. The Antiscians stand contradistinguished from Periscians. ANTCECI, see Antecians. APERTURE, .in Optics, is the hole next the object- glass of a telescope or microscope, through which the light and the image of the object come into the tube, and are thence conveyed to the eye. Aperture is also under- stood of that part of the object-glass itself which covers the former, and which is left pervious to the rays. A great deal depends on having a just aperture. — To find it experimentally: apply several circles of dark pa- per, of various sizes, on the face of the glass, from the breadth of a straw, to such as leave only a small hole in the glass ; and with each of these, separately, view some distinct objects, as the moon, stars, &c ; then that aper- ture is to be chosen through which they appear the most distinctly. Huygens first found the use of apertures to conduce much to the perfection of telescopes ; and he found by ex- perience (Dioptr. prop. 56) that the best aperture for an object-glass, for example of 30 feet, is to be determined by this proportion, as 30 to 3, so is the square root of 30 times the distance of the focus of any lens, to its proper aperture : and that the focal distances of the eye-glasses are proportional to the apertures. And M. Auzout says he found, by experience, that the apertures of telescopes ought to be nearly in the subduplicate ratio of their lengths. It has also been found by experience that ob- ject-glasses will admit of greater apertures, if the tubes be blacked within side, and their passage furnished with wooden rings. It is to be noted, that the greater or less aperture of an object-glass, does not increase or diminish the visible area of the object; all that is effected by this, is the admit- tance of more or fewer rays, and consequently the ap- pearance of the object more or less bright. But the largeness of the aperture or focal distance, causes the ir- regularity of its refractions. Hence, in viewing Venus through a telescope, a much less aperture is to be used than for the moon, or Jupiter, or Saturn, because her light is so bright and glaring. And this circumstance somewhat invalidates and disturbs Auzout's proportion, as is shown by Dr. Hook, Philos. Trans. No. 4. Apertuee in Hydraulics. See Hydraulics. APHELION, or Apiielium, in Astronomy, that point in the orbit of the earth, or a planrt, in which it is at the greatest distance from the sun. Which is the point a (in the fig. to the art. Anomaly) or extremity of the trans- verse axis, of the elliptic orbit, farthest from the focus s, where the sun is placed; and diametrically opposite to the perihelion B, or nearer extremity of the same axis. In the Ptolemak system, or in the supposition that the sun moves about the earth, the aphelion becomes the apogee. The times of the aphelia of the primary planets, may be known by their apparent diameter appearing the small- est, and also by their moving slowest in a given time: and the same of the moon's apogee. Calculations and me- thods of finding them have been given by many astrono- mers, as Riccioli, Almag. Nov. lib. 7, sect. 2 and 3; Wol- fius, Elem. Astron. § 659; Dr. Halley, Philos. Trans. No. 128; Sir 1. Newton, Princip. lib. 3, prop. 14; Dr. James Gregory, Astron. lib. 3, prop. 14; Keil, Astron. Lect. ; De la Lande, Memoires de l'Acad. 1755, 1757, 1766, and in his Astron. liv. 22; also in the writings of MM. Eu- ler, D'Alembert, Clairaut, &c, on attraction ; Vince's Astron.; vol. i, p. 133; and Gregory's Astron. p. 220. The aphelia of the planets are not fixed ; for their mu- tual actions on one another keep those points of their orbits in a continual motion, which is greater or less in the different planets. This motion is made in consequentia, or according to the order of the signs ; and Sir I. Newton shows that it is in the sesquiplicate ratio of the distance of the planet from the sun, that is, as the square root of the cube of the distance. The quantities of this motion, as well as the place of the aphelion for a given time, are variously given by dif- ferent authors. Kepler states them, for the year 1700, as in the following table. Planets. Aphelion". Mercury Vf 8° 25' 30" Venus ZZ 3 24 27 Mars tij 51 29 Jupiter =2: S 10 40 Saturn £ 28 3 48 The Earth sb S 25 30 By De la Hire they are given as follows, for the same year 1700. Planets. Aphelion. Annual Motion. Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn And Lalande states them as follows, for the year 1750. Annual Motion. 1' 45" 1 IS 1 7 47 1 10 JCP 13° 3' 40" 1' 39 zz 6 56 10 1 20 nj, o 35 25 1 7 =s= 10 17 14 1 34 t 29 14 41 1 22 Planets Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn The Earth Aphelion. S 9 130 33' 10 8 5 1 6 10 8 29 13 28 22 53 3S Secular Motion. 1° 57' 40" 4 10 1 51 1 43 2 23 1 49 40 20 20 TO Planets. Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Herschel And for the year 1800, they are thus : Aphelion. 140 20' 7 2 11 29 16 50" 1 4 20 11 31 Secular Motion. • 33' 21 51 34 50 29 45" 40 33 7 APHELLAN, the name of a bright star in the constel- lation Gemini. APHRODISIUS, in Chronology, denotes the eleventh month in the Bithynian year, commencing on the 25th July in ours. APIAN or Aitian (Peter), called in Gerrr A P I C 128 ] A P O newitz, a celebrated astronomer and mathematician, was born at Leisnig or Leipsick in Misnia, 1495, and became professor of mathematics at Ingolstadt, in 1524, where he died in the year 1552, at 57 years of age. Apian wrote treatises on many of the mathematical sciences, and greatly improved them ; more especially astronomy and astrology, which in that age were much the same thing; also geometry, geography, arithmetic, &c. He particularly enriched astronomy with many in- struments, and observations of eclipses, comets, &c. His principal work was the Astronomicum Osarcum, pub- lished in folio at Ingolstadt in 1540, and which contains a number of interesting observations, with the descriptions and divisions of instruments. In this work he predicts eclipses, and constructs the figures of them in piano. In the 2d part of the work, or the Meteoroscopium Planum, he gives the description of the most accurate astronomical quadrant, and its uses. To it are added observations of five different comets, viz, in the years 1531, 1532, 1533, 1538, and 1539; where he, first shows that the tails of comets are always projected in a direction from the sun. Apian also wrote a treatise on Cosmography, or Geo- graphical Instruction, with various mathematical instru- ments. This work Vossius says he published in 1524, and that Gemma Frisius republished it in 1540. But Weidler says he wrote it only in 1530, and that Gemma Frisius published it at Antwerp in 1550 and 1584, with observations of many eclipses. The truth may be, that perhaps all these editions were published. In 1533 he made, at Norimberg, a curious instrument, which from its figure he called Folium Populi ; which, by the sun's rays, showed the hour in all parts of the earth, and even the unequal hours of the Jews. In 1534 he published his Inscriptiones Orbis* In 1540, his Instrumentum Sinuum, sive Primi Mo- bilis, with 100 problems. Beside these, Apian was the author of many other works : among which may be mentioned the Ephemerides from the year 1534 to 1570: Books upon Shadows: Arithmetical Centilogues : Books upon Arithmetic, with the Rule of Coss (Algebra) demonstrated : On Gauging : Almanacs, with astrological directions: A book on Con- junctions: Ptolemy, with very correct figures, drawn in a quadrangular form: Ptolemy's works in Greek: Books of Eclipses : the works of Azoph, a very ancient astro- loger: the works of Gebre: the Perspective of Vitello: of Critical Days, and of the Rainbow: a new Astronomical and Geometrical Radius, with various uses of Sines and Chords: Universal Astrolabe of Numbers: Maps of the World, and of particular countries : &c, &c. Apian left a son, who many years afterwards taught mathematics at Ingolstadt, and at Tubinga. Tycho has preserved (Progymn. p. 6'43) his letter to the Landgrave of Hesse, in which he gives an opinion on the new star in Cassiopeia, of the year 1572. One of the comets observed by Apian, viz, that of 1532, had its elements nearly the same as of one observed 128$ years after, viz, in l66'l, by Hcvelius and other astro- nomers; and hence Dr. llalley judged that they were the same comet, and that therefore it might be expected to appear again in the beginning of the year 1789- , But it was not found that it returned at this period, though the astronomers then looked anxiously for it ; and it is doubtful whether the disappointment might be owing to its passing unobserved, or to any errors in the observations of Apian, or to its period being disturbed and greatly al- tered by the actions of the superior planets, &c. APIS, musca, the Bee, or Fly, in Astronomy, one of the southern constellations, containing 4 stars. APOGEE, Apogccum, in Astronomy, that point in the orbit of the sun, moon, &c, which is farthest distant from the earth. It is at the extremity of the line of the apses; and the point opposite to it is called the perigee, where the distance from the earth is the least. The ancient astronomers, considering the earth as the centre of the system, chiefly regarded the apogee and pe- rigee : but the moderns, placing the sun in the centre, change these terms for the aphelion and perihelion. — The apogee of the sun, is the same thing as the aphelion of the earth ; and the perigee of the sun is the same as the perihelion of the earth. The manner of finding the apogee of the sun or moon, is shown by Ricciolus, Almag. Nov. lib. 3, cap. 24; by Wolfius in Elem. Astr. § 6'l S ; by Cassini, De la Hire, and many others : see also Memoires de 1'Academie, the Philos. Trans, vol. 5, 47, &c. The apogee and perigee, or the higher and lower apses, would be two fixed points, if the moon, or planet, were only acted on by the single body about which they revolve in an elliptic orbit. But, by the compound actions of the other planets, those points become changed, as if the orbit itself had a motion about its lower focus. The moon,, in particular, has her regular orbit about the earth disturbed, and that in an irregular manner, according to their different positions with regard to the earth. The quantity of motion in the apogee may be found by comparing two observations of it made at a great distance, of time ; converting the difference into minutes, and divi- ding them by the number of years elapsed between the two observations; the quotient gives the annual motion of the apogee. Thus, from an observation made by Hip- parchus in the year before Christ 140, by which the sun's apogee was found o° 30' of n ; and another made by Ric- ciolus, in the year 1646, by which it was found 7° 26' of S5 ; the annual motion of the apogee is found to be 1' 2". And the annual motion of the moon's apogee is about I s I0« 39' 52". But the moon's apogee moves unequably. When she is in the syzygy with the sun, it moves forwards; but in the quadratures, backwards; and these progressions and regressions are not equable, but it goes forward slower when the moon is in the quadratures, or perhaps goes re- trograde ; and when the moon is in the syzygy, it goes for- ward the fastest of all. — See the articles Aphelion, Apsis, and Laplace; also Newton's Theory of the Moon, for more upon this subject, and his Princip. lib. i. pr. 43, 44, 45. APOLLODORUS, a celebrated architect, under Tra- jan and Adrian, was born at Damascus, and flourished about the year of Christ 100. He had the direction of the stone bridge which Trajan ordered to be built over the Danube in the year 104, which was esteemed the most magnificent of all the works of that emperor. Adrian, one day as Trajan was discoursing with this architect on the buildings he hud raised at Rome, would neods give his judgment, in which he showed that he knew no- thing of the matter. Apollodorus turned upon him blunt- ly, and said to him, Go paint Citruls, for you are very ig- norant of the subject we are talking on. Adrian at this time boasted of his painting Citruls well. This was the A P O r 129 3 A P O first step towards the ruin of Apollodorus; a slip which he was so far from attempting to retrieve, that he even added a new offence, and that too after Adrian was ad- vanced to the empire, on the following occasion : Adrian sent to him the plan of a temple of Venus; and though he asked his opinion, yet to show that he had no need of him, and that he did not mean to be directed by it, the temple was already built. Apollodorus wrote his opinion very freely, and remarked such essential faults in it, as the emperor could neither deny nor remedy. He showed that it was neither high enough nor large enough; that the statues in it were disproportioned to its bulk : for, said he, if the goddesses should have a mind to rise and 'go out, they could not do it. This put Adrian into a great pas- sion, and prompted him to the destruction of Apollodorus. He banished him at first; then under the pretext of cer- tain supposed crimes, of which he had him accused, heat last put him to death. APOLLONIUS, of Perga, a city in Pamphylia, was a celebrated geometrician, who flourished in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes, about 2+0 years before Christ ; being about 16*0 years after Euclid, and 49 years later than Ar- chimedes. He studied a long time in Alexandria under the disciples of Euclid ; and afterwards he composed se- veral curious and ingenious geometrical works, of which only his books of Conic Sections are now extant, and even these are not perfect. For it appears from the author's de- dicatory epistle to Eudemus, a geometrician in Pergamus, that this work consisted of S books; only 7 of which however have come down to us. From tlie Collections of Pappus, and the Commentaries of Eutocius, it appears that Apollonius was the author of various pieces in geometry, on account of which he acepjired the title of the Great Geometrician. His Conies was however the principal of them. Some have thought that Apollonius appropriated the writings and discoveries of Archimedes ; Hcraclius, who wrote the life of Archi- medes, affirms it; though Eutocius endeavours to refute him. But though if should be allowed a groundless sup- position, that Archimedes was the first who wrote upon conies, yet as his treatise on that subject was greatly esteemed, it is highly probable that Apollonius would avail himself of the writings of that author, as well as others who had gone before him; and, upon the whole, he has the honour of explaining a difficult subject better than had been done before ; having made several im- provements, both in Archimedes's problems, and inEuclid. His work was doubtless the most perfect of the kind among the ancients, and in some respects even among the moderns. Before Apollonius, it had been customary, as we are informed by Eutocius, for the writers on conies to require three different kinds of cones to cut the diffe- rent sections from, viz, the parabola from a right-angled cone, the ellipse from an acute, and the hyperbola from an obtuse cone; because they always supposed the sec- tions made by a plane cutting the cones to be perpen- dicular to the side of them : but Apollonius cut his sec- tions all from any one cone, by only varying the incli- nation or position of the cutting plane; an improvement that has been followed by all other authors since his time, lint that Archimedes was acquainted with the. same man- ner of cutting any cone, is sufficiently proved, against liuto'oiu's, Pappus, and others, by Guide Ubaldus, in the beginning of his Commentary on the 2d book of Archi- uedes's F.quiponderantes, published at Pisa in 1588. Vol.. I. The first four books of Apollonius's Conies only have come down to us in their original Greek language ; but the next three, the 5th, 6th, and 7th, in an Arabic ver- sion ; and the 8th not at all. These have been com- mented on, translated, and published by various authors. Pappus, in his Mathematical Collections, has left some account of his various works, with notes and lemmas up- on them, and particularly on the conies. And Eutocius wrote a regular elaborate commentary on the propositions of several of the books. The first four books were badly translated by Joan. Baptista Memmius. But a better translation of them in Latin was made by Commandiue, and published at Bo- nonia in 1566 ; — Vossius mentions an edition of the Co- nies in l650 ; the 5th, 6th, and 7th books being recovered by Golius. — Claude Richard, professor of mathematics in the imperial college of his order at Madrid, in the year 1632, explained, in his public lectures, the first four books of Apollonius, which were printed at Antwerp in l6'55, in folio. — The Grand Duke Ferdinand the 2d, and his brother Prince Leopold de Medicis, employed a pro- fessor of the Oriental languages at Rome to translate the 5th, 6th, and 7th books into Latin. These were pub- lished at Florence in l66l, by Borelli, with his own notes, who also maintains that these books are the Ge- nuine production of Apollonius, by many strong autho- rities, against Mydorgius and others, who suspected that these three books were not the real production of Apol- lonius. As to the 8th, some mention is made of it in a work of Golius's, where he states that it had not been trans- lated into Arabic ; because it was wanting in the Greek copies from which the Arabians translated the others. But the learned Merscnnc, in the preface to Apollonius's Conies, printed in his Synopsis of the Mathematics, quotes the Arabic philosopher A ben Nedin for a work of his about the year 4-00 of Mahomet, in which is part of that 8th book, and who asserts that all the books of Apol- lonius are extant in his language, and even more than arc enumerated by Pappus ; and Vossius says he has read the same; De Scientiis Mathematicis, pa. 55. — A neat edi- tion of the first four books in Latin was published by Dr. Barrow, in 4to, at London in l675. — A magnificent edition of all the 8 books was published in folio, .by Dr. Halley, at Oxford in 1710; together with the Lem- mas of Pappus, and the Commentaries of Eutocius. The first four in Greek and Latin, but the latter four in Latin only, the 8th book being restored by himself. — The other writings of Apollonius, mentioned by Pappus, are, 1. The Section of a Ratio, or Proportional Sections, two books. 2. The Section of a Space, in two books. 3. Determinate Section, in two books. 4. The Tangencics, in two books. 5. The Inclinations, in two books. 6 The Plane Loci, in two books. The contents of all these are mentioned by Pappus, and many lemmas are delivered relative to them ; but none, or very little of these books themselves have descended down to the moderns. From the account however that has been given of their contents, many restorations ha\e been made of these works, by the modern mathematicians, as follow : viz, Vie/a, Apollonius Gallus. The Tangcncies. Puiis, 1600, in4to. S A P O [ 130 Determinate Section, ] A P P Snellius, Apollonius Batavus. Lugd. 1601, 4to. Snellius, Sectio Rationis et Spatii. 1607. Ghetaldus, Apollonius Redivivus. The Inclinations. Venice, 16c 7, 4to. GhetnLnu, Supplement to the Apollonius Redivivus. Tangencies. l607. Ghetuldus, Apollonius Redivivus, lib. 2. l6l3. Alex. Anderson, Supplem. Apol. Redivivi. Inclin. Paris, 1.612, 4to Alex. Anderson, Pro Zetetico Apolloniani problematis a se jam pridem edito in Supplemento Apollonii Redivivi. Paris, 16'15, 4to. Schooten, Loca Plana restituta. Lug. Bat. 1656. Fermat, Luca Plana, 2 lib. Tolos. l679, folio. Halley, Apol. de Sectione Rationis libri duoex Arabico MS. Latine versi duo restituti. Oxon. 1706, 8vo. Simson, Loca Plana, libri duo. Glasg. 1749, 4to. Simson, Sectio Determinat. Glasg. 1776, 4to. Horsley, Apol Inclinat. libri duo. Oxon. 1770, 4to. Lawson, The Tangencies, in two books. Lond. 1771, 4to. Lateson, Determinate Section, two books. Lond. 1772, 4to. Wales, Determinate Section, two books. Lond. 1772,4to. P. Giannini, Sectio Determinat. Parma, 1773, 4to. Burrow, The Inclinations. Lond. 1779* 4to. APONO (Peter de) a learned astronomer and phi- losopher, was born at Apono near Padua, about the year 1250. He described the Astrolabium Planum, by which were shown the equations of the celestial houses, for any hour and minute, and for any part of the world : it was published at Venice in 1502. He acquired the name of the Conciliator, on account of a book of his, in which he reconciles the writings of the ancient philosophers and physicians ; the book was published at Venice in 1483. He resided at Padua, where, from his practising medicine, and his skill in astronomy, he fell under the suspicion of magic. He died in 1 3 16, at 66 years of age. APOPHYGE, in Architecture, is a concave part or ring of a column, lying above or below the flat member; and it owes its origin to the ring by which the ends of wooden columns were hooped, to prevent them from split- ting. APOTOME, the remainder or difference between two lines or quantities which are only commensurable in power. Such is the difference between 1 and v /2, or the difference between the side of the square and its diagonal. The term is used by Euclid ; and a pretty full expla- nation of such quantities is given in the tenth book of his Elements, where he distinguishes six kinds of apotomes, ijnd shows how to find them all geometrically. Apotomf. Prima, is when the greater term is rational, and the difference of the squares of the two is a square number : as the difference 3 — a/ 5. Apo 1 ome Secundtt, is when the less number is rational, and the square root of the difference 1 of the squares of the. two terms, has to the greater term, a ratio expressible in numbers ; such is y/ 18 — 4, because the difference of the squares 18 mid 16 is 2, and a/2 is to a/1% as a/ 1 to a/9 or as 1 t' 3 ' Apoi'nj] e Tenia, is when both the terms are irrational, and, a^ in ihe -.econd, the square root of the difference of then sq'uan'S, has to the greater term, a rational ratio: as y/24 — ^/ 1 S ; for the difference of their squares 24 and IS is 6, and y'O is to ^/24 as ^1 to v'*) or as l t0 »• Apotome Siuarta, is when the greater term is a rational number, and the square root of the difference of the squares of the two terms has not a rational ratio to it : as 4 — */5, where the difference of the squares 16 and 3 is 13, and v/13 has not a ratio in numbers to 4. Apotome Siuinta, is when the, less term is a rational number,and the square root of the difference of the squares of the two has not a rational ratio to the greater : a^ a/6 — 2, where the difference of the squares 6 _and 4 is 2, and ^/2 to a/6 or y^l to a/3 or 1 to a/3 is not a rational ratio. Apotome Sexta, is where both terms are irrational, and the square root of the difference of their squares has not a rational ratio to the greater ; as a/6 — »/2 ; where the difference of the squares 6 and 2 is 4, and ^4 to a/6 ,or 2 to a/6, is not a rational ratio. The doctrine of apotomes, in lines, as delivered by Eu- clid in the tenth book, is a very curious subject, ind has always been much admired and cultivated by all mathe- maticians who have rightly understood this part of the elements ; so that Peter Ramus has greatly exposed his judgment by censuring that book. And the first alge- braical writers in Europe commonly employed a consi- derable portion of their works on an algebraical exposition of it, which led them to the doctrine of surd quantities; as Lucas de Burgo, Cardan, Tartalea, Stifelius, Peletarius, &c, &c. See also Pappus, lib. 4, prop. 3, and the introduc. to lib. 7- And Dr Wallis's Algebra, pa. 109. Apotome, in Music, is the difference between a greater and less semitone, bein- expressed by the ratio: if 128 to 125. APPARENT, that which is visible, or evident to the eye, or the understanding. Apparent Conjunction of the planets, is when a right line, supposed to be drawn through their centres, passes through the eyeof the spectator,and not through thecentre of the earth. — And, in general, the apparent conjunction of any objects, is when they appear or are plao d in the same right line with the eye. Apparent lt/turle Diameter, Distance, Horizon, Mag- nitude, Motion, Place, Time, &c. See the respective sub- stantives, for the quantity and measure of it. The apparent state of things, is commonly very different from their real state, either as to distance, figure, magni- tude, position, &c, &c. Thus, Apparent Diameter or Magnitude, as for example of the heavenly bodies, is not the real length of the diameter, but the angle which they subtend at the eye, or under which they appear. And hence, the angle, or apparent ex- tent, diminishing with the increased distance of the object, a very small object, as ab, may have tin same apparent diameter as a very large one fg ; and indeed the objects have all the same apparent diameter, that are contained in the same angle, feg. And if these are parallel, the real magnitudes are directly proportional to their distances. <; JE. B D But the apparent magnitude varies, not only by the di- stance, but also by the position of it. So, if (he object cd be changi d from the direct position, to the oblique one cd, its apparent magnitude would then be only the angle CErfj instead ol the angle ced. APP [ 131 } A P P A I B i# ,! V •. c a 15 If tbe eye e be placed between two parallels ab, cd, these parallels will appear to converge, or come nearer and nearer to each other, the farther they are continued out, till at last they will appear to coincide in that point where the sight terminates, which will happen when the optic angle bed becomes equal to about one minute of a degree, the smallest angle under which a common object " is distinctly visible. — Also the apparent magnitudes of the same object fg or bd, seen at different distances, that is the angles i'eg, bed, are in a less ratio than the recipro- cal ratio of the distances, or the distance increases in a greater ratio than the angle or apparent magnitude dimi- nishes. But when the object is very remote, or the optic angle is very small, as one degree or thereabouts, the angle then varies nearly as the distance reciprocally. But though the optic angle be the usual or sensible mea- sure of the apparent magnitude of an object, yet habit, and the frequent experience of looking at distant objects, by which we know that they are larger than they appear, has so far prevailed on the imagination and judgment, as to cause this too to have some share in our estimation of apparent magnitudes ; so that these will be judged to be more than in the ratio of the optic angles. The apparent magnitude of the same object, at the same distance, is different to different persons, and different ani- mals, and even to the same person, when viewed in dif- ferent lights ; all which may be occasioned by the different magnitudes of the eye, causing the optic angle to differ as that is greater or less: and since, in the same person, the more light there comes from an object, the less is the pu- pil of the eye, looking at that object ; therefore the optic angle will also be less, and consequently the apparent mag- nitude of the object. Every one must have experienced the truth of this, by looking at another person in a room, and afterwards abroad in the sunshine, when he always appears smaller than in a room where the light is less. So also, objects elevated in the air, having more light coming from them than when they are upon the ground, or near it, may appear less in the former case than in the latter; thu* the ball of the cross on the top of St. Paul's church, which is 6* feet in diameter, appears less than an object of the same diameter seen at the same distance below, near the ground. And this is, by some, supposed to be the reason why the sun and moon appear so much larger when seen in the horizon, where their beams are weak, than when they are more elevated, and their light stronger. This apparent variation in the magnitude of the hea- venly bodies, which is mentioned under the article optic angle, is a very singular phenomenon, which has engaged the attention of many eminent philosophers; and various attempts have accordingly been made to explain the cause from which it arises; the most satisfactory of which ap- pears to be the following. In judging of the magnitude of a body, we do not es- timate it from the angle only under which we perceive it, but also from its distance, and this distance is estimated by a comparison with that of other objects. Now there is nothing between us and the moon, when she is near the zenith, from which to draw that comparison, and there- fore, deceived by the absence of intermediate bodies, we involuntarily conclude that she^s nearer to us than when we observe her rising or setting in the horizon, beyond hills, valleys, forests, and other objects, which we know to be at a considerable distance; and hence it happens, that seeing this, and the other heavenly bodies, always under the same angle, and conceiving them to be sometimes near and sometimes more remote, our senses are de*- ceived, and we attribute to them, alternately, a greafer and less magnitude. That this is the cause of the phenomenon is demon- strable from the following circumstance, that the illusion ceases as soon as we lose srght of other objects. To prove this, it will be sufficient to observe any of the heavenly bodies through a tube, or through a small hole pierced in a card; in either case, they will appear no larger in the. horizon than in the zenith, because the smallness of the aperture prevents us from seeing any other object than that on which the observation is made, and consequently all means of comparison are destroyed. Again, if the eye be placed in a rare medium, and view an object through a denser, as glass or water, having plane surfaces; the object will appear larger than it really is: and contrariwise, smaller. And hence it is that fishes, and other objects, seen in the water, by an eye in the air, always appear larger than they are. — In like manner, an object will appear larger when viewed through a globe of glass or water, or any transparent convex spherical segment; and, on the contrary, it will appear smaller when viewed through a concave of glass or water. See Magnitude, Apparent; also Robins's Tracts, vol. 2, p. 225, &c. Apparent Distance, is that distance which we jud^e an object to be from us, when seen afar off. This is com- monly very different from the true distance ; because we are apt to think that all very remote objects, whose parts cannot well be distinguished, and which have no other vi- sible objects near them, are at the same distance from us ; though perhaps they may be thousands or millions of miles off; as in the cases of the sun and moon and stars.. The apparent distances of objects are also greatly altered by the refraction of the medium through which they are seen. Apparent Figure, is the figure or shape which aw ob- ject is seen under when viewed at a distance ; and is often very different from the true figure. For a straight line, viewed at a distance, may appear but as a point; a sur- face, as a line; and a solid, as a surface. Also these mav appear of different magnitudes, and the surface and solid of different figures, according to their situation with re- spect to the eye : thus, the arc of a circle may appear a straight line; a square, a trapezium, or even a triangle; a circle, an ellipsis; angular magnitudes, round ; and a sphere, a circle. Also all objects have a tendency to roundness and smoothness, or appear less angular, as their distance is greater': for, as the distance is increased, the smaller angles and asperities first disappear, by subtend- ing a less angle than one minute; after these, the next larger disappear, for the same reason ; and so on conti- nually, as the distance is more and more increased ; the object seeming still more and more round and smooth. So, a triangle, or square, at a great distance, shows only as a round speck; and' the edge of the moon appears round and regular to the eye, notwithstanding the hills and valleys oil her surface. And hence it is also, that S2 A P P [ 132 ] A P P near objects, as a range of lamps, or such like, seen at a great distance, appear to be contiguous, and to form one uniform continued magnitude, by the intervals between them disappearing, from the smallness of the angles sub- tended by them. Apparent Motion, is either that motion which we perceive in a distant body that moves, the eye at the same time being either in motion or at rest; or that motion which an object at rest seems to have, while the eye itself only is in motion. The motions of bodies at a great distance, though really moving equally, or passing over equal spaces in equal times, may appear to be very unequal and irregular to the eye, which can only judge of them by the muta- tion of the angle at the eye. And motions, to be equally visible, or appear equal, must be'directly proportional to the distances of the objects moving. Again, very swift motions, as those of the luminaries, may not appear to be any motions at all, but like that of the hour hand of a clock, on account of the great distance of the objects : and this will always happen, when the space actually passed over in one second of time, is less than about the 14000th part of its distance from the eye ; for the hour hand of a clock, and the stars about the earth, move at the rate of 15 seconds of a degree in one second of time, which is only the 13751 part of the. radius or distance from the eye. On the other hand, it is possible for the motion of a body to be so swift, as not to appear any mo- tion at all; as when through the whole space it describes there constantly appears a continued surface o'r solid, as it were generated by the motion of the object, as when any thing is whirled very swiftly round, describing a ring, &c. Also, the more oblique the eye is to the line which a distant body moves in, the more will the apparent motion differ from the true one. So, if a body revolve with an equable motion in the circumference of the circle abcd &c, and the eye be at e in the »'. . ^ ™ plane of the circle; as the body moves from a to b and c, it seems to move slower and slower along the line alk, till when the body arrives at c, it appears at rest at k ; then while it really moves from c by D to F, it appears to move quicker and quicker from k by l to a, where its motion is quickest of all ; after this it appears to move slower and slower from a to n, while the body moves from v to it : there be- coming stationary again, it appears to return from n to a in the straight line, while its real motion is from h by i to a in the circle. And thus it appears to move in the line kn, by a motion continually varying between the least, or nothing, at the extremes k and N, and the greatest of all at the middle point a. Or, if the motion be referred to the concave side of the circle, instead of the line km, the appearances will be the same. If an eye move directly forwards Q. P from e to o, &c; any remote ob- ject at rest at p, will appear to move the contrary way, or from r to q, with the same velocity. But if the object P move the same way, and e ' o t^ E with the same velocity as the eye ; it will seem to stand still. If the object have a less velocity than the eye, it will appear to move back towards Q with the difference of the velocities ; and if it move faster than the eye, it will ap- pear to move forwards from q, with the ; arae difference of the velocities. And so likewise when the object p moves contrary to the motion of the eye, it appears to move backwards with the sum of the motions of the two. And. the truth of all this is experienced by persons sitting in a boat moving on a river, or in a wheel-carriage when run- ning fast, and viewing houses or trees, &c, on the sbore or side of the road, or other boats or wheel- carriages also i» motion. Apparent Place of an object, in Optics, is that in which it appears, when seen in or through glass, water, or other refracting mediums; which is commonly different from the true place. So, if an object be seen in or through glass, or water, either plane or concave, it will appear nearer to the eye than its true place ; but when seen through a convex glass, it appears more remote. Apparent Place of the Image of an object, in Catoptrics, is that where the image of an object made by the reflection of a speculum appears to be; and the optical writers, from Euclid downwards, give it as a general rule, that this is where the reflected rays meet the perpendicular to the speculum drawn from the object: so that if the speculum be a plane, the apparent place of the image will be at the same distance behind the speculum, as the eye is before it ; if convex, it will appear behind the glass nearer to the same; but if concave, it will appear before the speculum. And yet in some cases there are exceptions to this rule, as is shown by Kepler in his Paralipomena in Vitellionem, prop. 18. See also Wollius Catoptr. § 51, 1SS, 233, 234. Apparent Place of a Planet, &c, in Astronomy, is that point in the surface of the sphere of the fixed stars, where the centre of the luminary appears from the sur- face of the exirth. APPARITION, in Astronomy, denotes a star's or other luminary's becoming visible, which before was hid. So, the heliacal rising, is rather an apparition than a proper rising. APPEARANCE, in Perspective, is the representation or projection of a figure, body, or the like object, on the perspective plane.— The appearance of an objective right line, is always a right line. See Perspective. — Having given the appearance of an Opake body, and of a lumi- nary, to find the appearance of the shadow ; see Shadow. Appearances, in Astronomy, &c, are more usually called phenomena and phases. — In Optics, the term di- rect appearance is used for the view or sight of any object by direct rays; without either refraction or reflection. APPLICATE, Applicata, Ordinate Appi.icate, in Geometry, is a right line drawn to a curve, and bisected by its diameter; This is otherwise called an Ordinate j which see. Applicate Number. See Concrete. Application, the act of applying one thing to ano- ther, by approaching or bringing them nearer together. So a longer space is measured by the continual application of a less; as a foot or yard by an inch, && And motion is determined by a successive application of any thing to different parts of space. Application is sometimes used, both in arithmetic and geometry, for the rule or operation of division, or what is similar to it in geometry. Thus, 20 applied to, A P P [ 133 ] A PP or divided by 4, gives 5. And a rectangle ab, applied to it; and, making no difference between the known and un- r • 4 , ,., ... . "l> .i r known quantities, consider how they depend upon, or are a line c, gives the 4th proportional — , or another line , , M \, ^, ■ J , ■■ i iT » r ' c' related to, one another; that it may be perceived what which, with the given line c, will contain another rectan- quantities, if they are assumed, will, by proceeding syn- gle which shall be equal to the former rectangle ab. And thetically, give the rest, and that in the simplest manner. this is the sense in which Euclid uses the term, lib. 6, And in this comparison, the geometrical figure is to be pr. 28. , feigned and constructed at random, as if all the parts were Application, in Geometry, is also used fof the act or actually known or given; and any other lines drawn that supposition of putting or placing one figure upon another, may appear to conduce to the easier and simpler solution to find whifiher they be equal or unequal ; which seems to of the problem. Having considered the method of com- be the primary way in which the mind first acquires both putation, and drawn out the scheme, names are then to the idea and proof of equality. And in this way Euclid, be given to the quantities entering into the computation, and other geometricians, demonstrate some of the first or that is, to some few of them, both known and unknown ; leading properties in geometry. Thus, if two triangles from which the rest may most naturally and simply be have two sides in the one triangle equal to two sides in derived or expressed, by means of the geometrical proper- the other, and also the angle included by the same sides ties of figures, till an equation be obtained, by which the equal to each other; then are the two triangles equal in value of the unknown quantity may be derived by the all respects: for by conceiving the one triangle placed on, ordinary methods of reduction of equations, when only or applied to the other, it is proved that they coincide or one unknown quantity is in the notation ; or till as many exactly agree in all their parts. And the same happens equations are obtained as there are unknown letters in if, of two triangles, one side and the two adjacent angles the same. of the one triangle, are equal, respectively, to one side For example, suppose it were and the two corresponding angles of the other. Thus also required to inscribe a square in a it may be proved that the diameter of a circle divides it given triangle. Let abc be the into two equal parts, as also that the diagonal of a square given triangle; and suppose defg or parallelogram bisects or divides it into two equal parts, to be the required square; also Application of one science to another, as of algebra draw the perpendicular bp of the to geometry, is said of the use made of the principles and triangle, which will be given, as properties of the one, for augmenting. and perfecting the well asall the sides of it. Then, con- A. D P G- ' ' C other. Indeed all arts and sciences mutually receive aid sideringthat the triangles bac, bef are similar, it will be from each other. But the application here meant, is of proper to make the noiation as follows, viz, making the a more express and limited nature; as will appear by base AC = b, the perpendicular bp = p, and the side of what follows. the square de or ef = x. Hence then bq = bp — ed Application of Algebra or of Analysis to Geometry. = p _ x ■ consequently, by the proportionality of the The first and principal applications of algebra, were to parts of those two similar triangles, viz, bp : AC : : bq : arithmetical questions and computations, as being the first EF) hisp:b::p — x:x; then, multiply extremes and and most useful science in all the concerns of human life, means &c, there arises px == bp — bx, or bx -+- px=; bp, Afterwards algebra was applied to ceometry and all the , bp ' . , ' L \ ,.. ' . '.., " .' . ■ „u • * " tl v »• flu and x =— , the side of the square sought; that is, a other sciences in their turn. 1 he application of algebra h+p' , to geometry, is of two kinds; that which regards the plane fourth proportional to the base and perpendicular, and or common geometry, and that which respects the higher the sum of the two, taking this sum for the first term, or geometry, or the nature and properties of curve lines. ac ■+- bp : bp : : ac : ef. The first of these, or the application of algebra to com- Evitmp. 2. In a right-angled triangle, having given the mon geometry, is concerned in the algebraical solution of perimeter, or sum of all the sides, and the perpendicular geometrical problems, and finding out theorems in geo- let fall from the right angle on the hypothenuse, to deter- metrical figures, by means of algebraical investigations mine the sides of the triangle. or demonstrations. This kind of application has been Let abc represent the tri- madc from the time of the earliest writers on algebra, as angle, and bd the given perpen- Diophantus, the Indians and Arabians, Lucas de Burgo, dicular. Also put bd = p, ab Cardan, Tartalea, &c, &c, down to the present times. = x, ec -=3/, ac = z, and the Some of the best precepts and exercises of this kind of sum of the sides = s. Now then application, are. to be met with in Newton's Universal we have three unknown quanti- Arithmetic, and in Simpson's Algebra and Select Exer ciscs. Geometrical problems are commonly resolved more directly and easily by algebra than by the geometrical analysis, especially by young beginners; but then the :/Mhcsis, or construction and demonstration, is most ele- gant as deduced from the latter method. Now it com- monly happens, that the algebraical solution succeeds best in such problems as respect the sides and other lines in geometrical figures ; while, on the contrary, those pro- blems in which angles arc concerned, are best effected by the geometrical analysis. Newton gives these, among many other remarks on this branch. Having any problem ties, and therefore we must establish three equations before it will be possible to pro- ceed in the solution, which are as follows; x- -4- y — z: Euclid prop. 47, book I. xy = pz. Euclid prop. 8, book 4. x -t- y h- z .— .s. ■ By the question, From the first and second equation we find .r ! -+- Ixy -t- y = z 2 -1- Izp, or x -+- y = s/ (z 1 ■+■ 2pz) ; but x •+■ y — s — ;, by the third equation; therefore, l/'{z* -+-'2pz) =s—z, or by squaring both sides and transposing (2p + 2s) z = ?, hence s = t^ — . Having thus found the value of z, 'ip- proposed: compare together the quantities concerned in we may proceed to find x and y, and consider s as A P P C 13* ] A P P known quantity, only substituting in the final expressions its value determined as above. This may be done by means of any two of the original equations, but the first and second are the most proper for this purpose; from them we determine at once sr 4 -f- 2xy -t- y 2 = z * ■+■ 2ps, or x -hy = ^(z 2 + 2pz) ; x 2 — 2xy ■+■ y 2 = z* — 2/>z,or x -y = /{^- 2 P Z )> and y = -IVO 2 •+- 2pz) — i\Z(.z 2 _ ^P 3 ) > and now re ' establishing the value of 2 as determined above, the sides of the triangle will be as follows: ab = vtc—) + — ] + V[(— ) ]; *&<&?& vcc— )- — 1; The other branch of the application of algebra to geo- metry, was introduced by Descartes, in his Geometry, which is the new or higher geometry, and relates to pro- perties of curve lines. In this branch, the nature of the curve is expressed or denoted by an algebraic equation, which is thus derived : A line is conceived to be drawn, as the diameter or some other principal line about the curve; and on any indefinite points of this, other lines are erected perpendicularly, which are called ordinates, while the parts of the first line cut off by them, are called ab- scisses. Then, calling any absciss x, and its correspond- ing ordinate y, by means of the known nature, or relations of the other lines in the curve, an equation is derived, in- volving x and y, with other given quantities in it. Hence, as x and y are common to every point in the primary line, that equation, so derived, will belong to every position or value of the absciss and ordinate, and so is properly con- sidered as expressing the nature of the curve in all points of it; and is commonly called the equation of the curve. In this way it is found that any curve line has a pecu- liar form of equation belonging to it, and which is dif- ferent from that of every other curve, either as to the number of the terms, the powers of the unknown letters x and y, or the signs or coefficients of the terms of the equation. Thus, if the curve line hk be a circle, of which hi is part of the diameter, and IK a perpendicular ordinate : then putting hi = x, ik =-y, and/) = the diameter, the equation of the circle will be px — x 2 = y 2 . But if hk be an ellipse, an hyperbola, or parabola, the equation of the curve will be different, and for all the four curves, will be respectively as follows, viz, for the circle - - px — x 2 =y 2 , for the ellipse - - «r_?r2- ,fi px — px ■+■ And, for the hyperbola for the parabola - px - - = y 2 , where t is the transverse axis, and ]> its parameter. in like manner for other curves. Sec Absciss. This way of expressing the nature of curve lines, by al- gebraic equations, has given occasion to the greatest im- provement and extension of the geometry of curve lines; for thus, all the properties of algebraic equations, and their roots, are transferred and added to curves, whose abscisses and ordinates have similar properties. Indeed the benefit of this sort of application is mutual and reci- procal, the known properties of equations being transferred ab b ? - 2 a ab to the curves that they represent; and, on the contrary, the known properties of curves are transferred to their re- presentative equations. See Curves. Application of Geometry to Algebra. Besides the use and application of the higher geometry, for obtaining the nature and roots of equations, and for finding the values of those roots by the geometrical construction of curve lines, even common geometry may be made subser- vient to the purposes of algebra. Thus, to take a very plain and simple instance, if it were required to square the binomial a + i; by forming a square, as in the an- nexed figure, whose side is equal to a ■+■ b, or the two lines or parts added together denoted by the letters a and b ; and then drawing two lines parallel to the sides, from the points where the two parts join, it will be immediately perceived that the whole square of the compound quantity a ■+■ b, is equal to the squares of both the parts, together with two rectangles under the two parts, or a 2 and b 2 and "air, that is the square of a -t- b is equal to a 2 ■+- 6 1 •+■ 2ab, as derived from a geometrical a b figure or construction. And in this very manner it was, that the Arabians, and the early F,uropean writers on al- gebra, derived and demonstrated the common rule for re- solving compound quadratic equations. And thus also, in a similar way, it was, that Tartaleaand Cardan derived and demonstrated all the rules for the solution of cubic equations, using cubes and parallelopipedons instead of squares and rectangles. And many other instances might be given of the use and application of geometry in algebra. Application of Algebra and Geometry to Mechanics. This is founded on the same principles as the application of algebra to geometry. It consists principally in repre- senting by equations the curves described by bodies in motion, by determining the equation between the spaces which the bodies describe, when actuated by any forces, and the times employed in describing them, &c. A fa- miliar instance also of the application of geometry to me- chanics, maybe seen at thearticle Acceleration, where the perpendiculars of triangles represent the times, the bases the velocities, and the areas the spaces described by bodies in motion; a method first given by Galileo. In short, as velocities, times, forces, spaces, &c, may be re- presented by lines and geometrical figures; and as these again may be treated algebraically 1 it is evident how the principles and properties, of both algebra and geometry, may be applied to mechanics, and indeed to all the other branches of mixed mathematics. Application of Mechanics to Geometry. This consists chiefly in the use that is sometimes made of the centre of oravity of figures, for determining the contents of solids described by those figures. This is called the ccntrobaric method. Application of Geometry and Astronomy to Geogra- phy. This consists chiefly in three articles. 1st, In de- termining the figure of the" globe we inhabit, by means of geometrical and astronomical operations. 2d, In deter- mining the positions of places, by observations of latitudes and longitudes. 3d, In determining, by geometrical ope- rations, the position of such places as arc not far distant from one another. Geometry and Astronomy are also of great use in Na- vigation. A P P [ 13S ] A P P Application of Geometry and Algebra to Physics or Natural Philosophy. This application we owe to Newton, whose philosophy may therefore be called the geometri- cal or majhematical philosophy; and on this application are founded all the physico-mathematical sciences. Here a single observation or experiment will often produce a whole science : so, when we know, as we do by ex- perience, that the rays of light, in reflecting, make the angle of incidence equal to the angle of reflection ; we thence deduce the whole science of catoptrics : for, that connected by parallels or lines of communication.— The besieged commonly make counter-approaches, to inter- rupt and defeat the approaches of the besiegers. The ancients made their approaches towards the place besieged, much after the same manner as the moderns. Folard shows, that they had their trenches, their paral- lels, saps, &c; which, though usually thought of modern invention, it appears, have been practised long before, by the Greeks, Romans, Asiatics, &c. APPROXIMATION, a continual approach, still nearer experiment once admitted, catoptrics becomes a science and nearer, to a root or any quantity sought. — Methods purely geometrical, since it is reduced to the comparison of continual approximation for the square roots and cube of angles and lines given in position. And the same in roots of numbers, have been employed by algebraists and many other sciences. arithmeticians, from Lucas de Burgo down to the present Application of one thins; to another, in general, is time. And the later writers have given various approxi- employed to denote the use that is made of the former, to mations, not only for the roots of higher powers, or all understand or to perfect the latter. Thus, the applica- simple equations, but for the roots of all sorts of com- tion of the cycloid to pendulums, means the use made of pound equations whatever: especially Newton, Wallis, the cycloidal curve for improving the doctrine and use of Raphson, Halley, De Lagny, Lagrange, &c, &c; all of pendulums. them forming a kind of infinite series, either expressed or APPLY. This term is used two different ways, in geo- understood, converging nearer and nearer to the quantity nietry. sought, according to the nature of the process. 1st, It signifies to transfer or place a given line, either It is evident that if a number proposed be not a true in a circle or some other figure, so that the extremities of square, that no exact square root of it can be found, ex- the line shall be in the perimeter of the figure. plicable by rational numbers, whether integers or frac- 2d, It is also used to express division in geometry, or tions: therefore, in such cases, we must be content with to find one dimension of a rectangle, when the area and the other dimension are given. As the area ab applied to the line c, is — . APPROACH, the curve of equable approach. This approximations, or coming continually nearer and nearer to the truth. In like manner, for the cubic and other roots, when the proposed quantities are not exact cubes, or other powers. The most easy and general mode of approximation, for was a problem first proposed by Leibnitz, namely, to find an y power above the square, is perhaps by the rule of a curve, down which a body descending by the force of Double Position, or, what is sometimes called, the Me- oravity, shall make equal approaches to the horizon in thod of Trial-and-error; which sec under its own name. qual portions of time. It has been found by Bernoulli and others, that the curve is the second cubical parabola, placed with its vertex uppermost, and which the descend- in" bou\ must enter with a certain determinate velocity. -Varignon rendered the question general for any law of And among all the rules for finding the roots of pure powers, of which there are many, I believe the best is that which was discovered by myself, and given in the first vo- lume of my Mathematical Tracts, (printed in J 786) in point of ease, both of execution and for remembering gravity, by which a body may approach towards a given it. Which is this: if n denote any nurnber, out of point by equal spaces in equal times. And Maupertuis also resolved the problem in the case of a body descend- ing in a medium which resists as the square of the velo- city. See Hist, del' Acad, des Sciences for l6"99and 1730. Method of Approaches, a name given by Dr. Wallis, in his Algebra, to a method of resolving certain problems /hich is to be extracted the root whose index is denoted by r, and if n be the nearest root first taken; then will n be the required root of n very (r + i) N + (r (r— I) N + (r -t- ljra r nearly ; or as r — I times the given number added to r •+• 1 times the nearest power, is to r h- 1 times the given relating to square numbers, &c. This is done by first number added to r — 1 times the nearest power, so is the assigning certain limits to the quantities required, and assumed root n, to the required root, very nearly. Then then approaching nearer and nearer, till a coincidence is this last value of the root, so found, if one still nearer is obtained. — In this sense, the method of Trial-and-error, wanted, is to be used for n in the same theorem, to repeat or double rule of False Position, may be considered as a method of approaches. APPROACHES, in Fortification, the several works made by the besiegers, lor advancing or getting nearer to a fortress or pbice besieged. Such as the trenches, mines, cube, or to find the cube root of the number 2 saps, lodgrrfents; batteries, galleries, cpaulments, &c. - Approaches, or Lines of Approach, are particularly used for trenches dug in the ground, and the earth thrown up on tin side towards the place besieged; under the de- fence or shelter of which, the besiegers may approach without lusj, to raise batteries, and plant guns, &c, to batter u. — The lines of approach are commonly carried oil, in ii aigzag bum, parallel to the opposite faces of the besieged work, or nearly so, that they may not be en- filaded by the guns from the enemy. And they are also the operation with it. And so on, repeating the operation as often as necessary. Which theorem includes all the rational formula; of Halley and De Lugny. For example, suppose it were required to double the Here r = 3 ; consequently r -+- 1=4, and r — I = 2; and therefore the general theorem becomes — -. x n or 2N 4- 4n ' N + x n for the cube root of n ; or as s + 2» 3 : n 3 -h n 3 : : n : the root sought nearly. Now, in this case, N = 2, and therefore the nearest root n is 1, and its cube n 3 = 1 also : hence n + 1n i = 2 + 2=4, and 2n -+- n' = 4+1 = 5; therefore, as 4 : 5 : : 1 : 4 or 14- = 1-25 tho A P P [ 136 ] A P P and the terras will be thus; x 2 = 64 -+- l6e -+- : 5 — 5x = — 40 — 5c - 31 = - 31 the sum is — 7" ■+■ 1 1 ~ -+- z° = 0, gures. And by taking f#§ For a new value of n, and re- Then, rejecting f, it is 1 Is — J — 0, and i peating the process again, a great many more figures may &c, or = '6' nearly. ■ quently r 3 = *-££ ; hence n and 2n therefore as 378 1-259921, which ->- ~ n £ ■*■ -54 SS 1 * » 3 = 4 + W = \V. „, 381, or as 120 : 127 : : £• : r« T the cube root of 2, true in all the fi- 7 = -6363, be found. Of the Roots of Equations by Approximation.— Ste- ■vinus and Vieta gave methods for finding values, always nearer and nearer, of the roots of equations. And Ough- tred and others pursued and improved the same. These however were very tedious and imperfect, and required a different process for every degree of equations. But New- ton introduced, not only general methods for expressing radical quantities by approximating infinite series, but also for the roots of all sorts of compound equations what- ever, which are both easy and expeditious, and which will be more particularly described under their respective arti- cles. His method of approximating, is in substance this: First take a value of the root as near as may be, by trials, either greater or less ; then assuming another letter to de- note the unknown difference between this and the true va- lue, substitute into the equation the sum or, difference of the approximate root and this assumed letter, instead of the unknown letter or root of the equation, which will produce a rfgw equation having only the assumed small difference for its root or unknown letter; and find, from this equation, a near value of this small assumed quantity. Assume then another letter for the small difference be- tween this last value and the true one, and substitute the sum or difference of them into the last equation, by which will arise a third equation, involving the second assumed quantity; whose value is found as before. Proceeding thus as far as we please, all the near values, connected to- gether by their proper signs, will form a series approach- ing still nearer and nearer to the true root of the first or proposed equation. The approximate values of the seve- ral small assumed differences, may be found in different ways: Newton's method is this: As the quantity sought is small, its higher powers decrease more and more, and therefore neglecting them will not lead to any great error. He therefore neglects all the terms having in them the 2d and higher powers, leaving only the 1st power and the ab- solute known term; from which simple equation he al- ways finds the value of the assumed unknown letter nearly, in a very simple and easy manner. Halley's method of doing the same thing, was to neglect all the terms above the squ;ue or 2d power, and then to find the root of the remaining quadratic equation ; which would indeed be a nearer value of the assumed letter than Newton's was, but then it is much more troublesome to perform. — Raphson has another way, which is a little varied from that of Newton's again, which is this: Having found a near value of the first assumed small quantity or difference, by this he corrects the first approximation to the root of the pro- fjpsed equation; and then, assuming another letter for the next, or smaller difference, he introduces it into the origi- nal equation in the same way as before. And thus he proceeds, from one correction to another, employing al- ways the fust proposed equation to find them, instead of the successive iu w equations used by Newton. For example, let it be required to find the. root of the < q nation x ! — j.r = 31, or x- — 5x — 3 1 = : — lleie the rootx, it is evident, is nearly = 8; for x therefore take S -+- z, and substitute S ■+ c for x iu the given equation Assume now z = •& -t- y: the* z- = -36" -f- V2y -f-jr 11; = 6'6 + Uy the sum — -04 ■+• \2'2y ■+- y 1 = 0, — where y = = -00327S nearlv. . j i ■>■■_> Hence then, collecting all the assumed difference*, with their signs, it is found that x = 8 -t- z ■+■ y = S -t- -6 ■+■ •003278 = 8-60327S the root of the equation required, by Newton's method. The same by Rqpksoa's '•■'■ay, ' First x = S -i- z ; then x 2 = 6'4 -+- 1 6z -+- ;- — 5x = — 40 — 5s -31 = - 31 the sum — 7 -+- lis -t-c" = t) : hence z = - t \ = '6 nearly, a-s before, and x = 8 +se S'6 nearly. .Assume it x = S'6 ■+- y; then x- = 73-96 '■+- 17/23/ ■*? y — 5x = — 43 — by — 31 = -31 the sum — -04 ■*■ I2'2y •+- y- = ; hence y = — = "00327 S nearly, and x = S'6 ■+- y = S*60327S, as before. And in the same manner Newton performs the approxi- mation for the roots of literal equations, that is, equa- tions having literal coefficients ; so the root of this equation y 1 -+- axy -tr a'y — x 3 — 2« 3 = 0, is X xr I31ar 50o.i ' y = a- &c. 64« 612a" lfi:jS4(i See also a memoir on this method by the Marquis de Courtivron, in the Memoires de l'Academie for 1744. Other Methods of Approximation. Besides the fore- going general methods, other particular ways of .approxi- mating, for various purposes, have been given by many different persons. — As lor example, methods of approxi- mating, by series, to the roots nf cubic equations belong- ing to the irreducible case, by Nicole in the same Me- nioires de l'Acatleniie, by M. Clairaut in his Algebra, and by myself in the Philos. Trans, for 17S0. See also seve- ral parts of Simpson's works, or my Tracts vol. f, and my Course of Mathematics, vol. 1 ; or the treatise on nume- rical equations by Lagrange. Also the methods of infi- nite series by \V;illis, Newton, Gregory, Mefcator, &C, may be considered as approximations, in quadratures, and other branches of the mathematics, many instances of which may be seen in N\'ul lis,'s Algebra, and other books : ■ — Likewise the method of exhaustions of the ancients, by which Archimedes and others have approximated to the quadrature and rectification of the circle, ecc, which was performed by continually bisecting the sides of polygons, both inscribed in a circle and circumscribed about it; by which means the stun ol thesides of I he like polygons ap- proach continually liearej antl nearer together, and the circumference of the circle is nearly a mean between the two sums. See alsti EQUATIONS. APS [ 137 ] AQ V APPULSE, in Astronomy, means the near approach of two luminaries to each other, so as to be seen, for in- stance, within the same telescope. The appulses of the planets to the fixed stars have al- ways been very useful to astronomers, as serving to fix and determine the places of the former. The ancients, wanting an easy method of comparing the planets with the ecliptic, which is not visible, had scarce any other way of fixing their situations, but by observing their track among the fixed stars, and marking their appulses to some of those visible points. See Hist. Acad. Scienc. for 1710, pa. 417- And Philos. Trans. No. 369, where Dr. Halley has given a method for determining the places of the pla- nets, by observing their near appulses to the fixed stars. See also Philos. Trans. No. 76, pa. 36l, and Mem. Acad. Scienc. for 1708, where Flamsteed and De la Hire have given observations of the moon's appulses to the Pleiades. See also Flamsteed's Historia Coelestis, where a multitude of observations of appulses, or small distances, of the moon and planets, from the fixed stars, are recorded. And Dr. Halley has published a map or planisphere of the starry zodiac, in which are accurately laid down all the stars to which the moon's appulse has ever been observed in any part of the world. See Philos. Trans. No. 369 ; or my Abridg. vol. 6, pa. 530. APRIL, the 4th month of the year according to the common computation, and the 2d from the vernal equi- nox. — The word is derived from Aprilis, of aperio, I open; because the earth, in this month, begins to open her bo- som for the production of vegetables. — In this month the sun travels through part of the signs Aries and Taurus. APRON, in Gunnery, a piece of thin or sheet lead, used to cover the vent or touch-hole of a cannon. APSES, or Apsides, in Astronomy, are the two points in the orbits of planets, where they are at their greatest and least distance from the sun or the earth. The point at the greatest distance being called the higher apsis, and that at the nearest distance the lower apsis. Also the higher apsis is more particularly called the aphelion, or the apo- gee ; and the lower apsis, the perihelion, or the perigee. The diameter which joins these two points, is called the line of the apses or of the apsides ; it passes through the centre of the orbit of the planet, and the centre of the sun or the earth ; and in the modern astronomy this line makes the longer or transverse axis of the elliptical orbit of the planet. In this line is counted the excentricity of the orbit ; being the distance between the centre of the orbit and the focus, where is placed the sun or the earth. The foregoing definitions suppose the lines of the great- est and least distances to lie in the same straight line ; which is not always precisely the case ; as they arc some- times out of a right line, making an angle greater or less than ISO degrees, and the difference from 180 degrees is called the motion of the line of the apses: when the an- gle is less than 180 degrees, the motion of the apses is said to be contrary to the order of the signs ; on the other hand, when the angle exceeds 180 degrees, the motion is according to the order of the signs. Different means have been employed to determine the motion of the apses. Dr. Keil explains, in his Astronomy, the method used by the ancients, who supposed the orbits of the planets to be perfectly circular, and the sun out of the centre. But since it has been discovered that they describe elliptic orbits, various other methods have been devised for determining it. Dr. Halley has given one, Vol. I. which supposes to be known only the time of the planet's revolution, or periodic time. Seth Ward has also given a determination from three different observations of a planet, in any three places of its orbit: but his method being founded on an hypothesis not strictly true, Euler has given ■ one much more exact in vol. 7 of the Petersburg Com- mentaries. See various ways explained in the Astronomy of Keil and Monnier. Newton has also given, in the Principia, an excellent method for determining the same motion, on the supposi- tion that the orbits of the planets differ but little from circles, which is the case nearly. That great philosopher shows, that if the sun be immoveable, and all the planets gravitate towards him in the inverse ratio of the squares of their distances, then the apses will be fixed, or their motion nothing ; that is, the lines of greatest and least distance will form one right line, and the apses will be di- rectly opposite, orat 180 degrees distance from each other. But, because of the mutual tendency of the planets to- wards each other, their gravitation towards the sun is not precisely in that ratio ; and hence it happens, that the apses are not always exactly in a right line with the sun. And Newton has given \a very elegant method of deter- mining their motion, on the supposition that we know the force which is thereby added to the gravitation of the planet towards the sun, and that this additional force is always in that direction. Dr. Chas. Walmesley has a trear tise on theTheoriedu Mouvamens des Apsides, in 8vo. APSIS. See Apses. APUS or Apous, Avis Indica, in Astronomy, a constel- lation of the southern hemisphere, situated near the south pole, between the triangulum australe and the chameleon, and supposed to represent the bird of paradise. Also supposed to be one of the birds named Apodes, as having no feet. The number of stars contained in this constellation are, 11 in the British Catalogue, in Bayer's" Maps 12, and a still greater number in La Caille's Catalogue; the princi- pal star being but cf the 4th or 5th order of magnitude. See Ccelum Australe Stelliferum, and the Memoires de l'Acad. for 1752, pa. 569. AQUARIUS, in Astronomy, one of the celestial con- stellations, being the eleventh sign in the zodiac, reckon- ing from Aries, and is marked by the character zx, repre- senting part of a stream of water, issuing from the vessel of Aquarius, or the water-pourer. This sign also gives name to the eleventh part of the ecliptic, through which the sun moves in part of the months of January and February. The poets feign that Aquarius was Ganymede, whom Jupiter ravished under the shape of an eagle, and carried away into Heaven to serve as a cup-bearer, instead of Hebe and Vulcan ; whence the name. Others hold, that the sign was thus called, because that when it appears in the horizon, the weather commonly proves rainy. The stars in the constellation Aquarius are, in Ptole- my's Catalogue 45, in Tycho's 41, in Hevelius's 47, and in Flamsteed's 108. See the article Constellation ; also Catalogue. AQUEDUCT, or Aquteduct, that is to say, ductus aqua;, a conduit of water, is a construction of stone «r timber built on uneven ground, to preserve the level of water, and convey it, by a canal, from one place to ano- ther. — Some aqueducts are under ground, being conducted through hills, &c ; and others are raised above ground, and supported on arches, to conduct the water ovlil valleys, &c. A II A [ 133 ] ARC The Romans were very magnificent in their aqueducts ; having some that extended a hundred miles, or more. Frontvnus, a man of consular dignity, who had the direc- tion of the aqueducts under the emperor Nerva, speaks of nine that emptied themselves through 13,594 pipes, of an inch diameter. And it is observed by Vigenere, that in the space of 24 hours, Rome received from these aque- ducts not less than 500,000 hogsheads of water. The chief aqueducts now in being, are these : 1st, that of the Aqua Virginia, repaired by pope Paul iv; 2d, the Aqua Felice, constructed by pope Sixtus v, and is called from the name lie assumed before he was exalted to the papal throne; 3d, the Aqua Paulina, repaired by pope Paul v, in the year l6ll; and 4'tbly, the aqueduct built, by Louis xiv, near Maintenon, to convey the river Bure to Versailles, which is perhaps the largest in the world ; being 7000 fa- thoms long, elevated 2560 fathoms in height, and contain- ing 242 arcades. See Philos. Trans, for 1685, No. 171; or my Abridg. vol. 3, pa. l6'7 and 231. AQUEOUS Humour, or the watry humour of the eye, is the first or outermost, and the rarest of the three humours of the eye. It is transparent and colourless, like water ; and it fills up the space that lies between the cornea tunica, and the crystalline humour. AQUILA, the Eagle, or the Vulture as it is sometimes called, is a constellation of the northern hemisphere, usu- ally joined with Antinous. It is one of the 48 old con- stellations, according to the division of which Hipparchus made his Catalogue of the Fixed Stars, and which are described by Ptolemy. The number of stars in Aquila, and those near it, now in the later-formed constellation Antinous, amount to 15 in Ptolemy's Catalogue, to 19 in Tycho's, to 42 in that of Hevelius, and to 71 in Flam- steed's. But in Aquila alone, Tycho counts only 12 stars, and Hevelius 23 ; the principal star being Lucida Aquila, and is between the 1st and 2d magnitude. The Greeks, as usual, relate various fables of this constellation, to make the science appear as of their own invention. ARA, the Altar, one of the 4S old constellations, men- tioned by the ancient astronomers, and is situated in the southern hemisphere; containing only 7 stars in Ptolemy's Catalogue, and 9 in that of Flamsteed; none of which exceed the 4th magnitude. ARATUS, celebrated for his Greek poem entitled $a<- veasva, the Phenomena, flourished about the 127th Olym- piad, or near 300 years before Christ, while Ptolemy Phi- ladelphia reigned in Egypt. Being educated under Dio- nysius Heracleotes, a Stoic philosopher, he espoused the principles of that sect, and became physician to Antigo- nus Gonatus, the son of Demetrius Poliorcetes, king of Macedon. The Phenomena of Aratus gives him a title to the character of an astronomer, as well as a poet. In this work he describes the nature and motion of the stars, and shows their various dispositions and relations; he de- scribes the figures of the constellations, their situations in the sphere, the origin of the names which they bear in Greece and in Egypt, the fables which have given rise to them, the rising and setting of the stars, and he indicates the manner of knowing the constellations by their respec- tive situations. The poem of Aratus has been commented on and trans- lated by many authors: of whom, among the ancients, were Cicero, Germanicus Ca;sar, and Festus Avienus, who made Latin translations of it; apart of the former of which is still extant. Aratus must have been much es- teemed by the ancients, since we find so great a number of scholiasts and commentators on him ; among whom are Aristarchus of Samos, the Arjstylli the geometricians, Apollonius, the Evseneti, Crates, Numenius the gramma- rian, Pyrrhus ot Magnesia, Thales, Zeno, and many others, as may be seen in Vossius, p. 156; Suidas ascribes seve- ral other works to Aratus. Virgil, in his Georgics, has translated or imitated many passages from this author: Ovid speaks of him with admiration, as well as many others of the poets. And St. Paul has quoted a passage from him ; which is in his speech to the Athenians (Acts xvii. 28.) where he tells them that some of their own poets have said, "For we are also his offspring," these words being the beginning of the 5th, line of the Phenomena of Aratus. His modern editors are as follow : Henry Stephens pub- lished his poem at Paris in 1566, in his collection of the poets, in folio. Grotius published an edition of the Phe- nomena at Leyden in quarto, l600, in Greek and Latin, with the fragments of Cicero's version, and the translations of Germanicus and Avienus ; all which the editor has il- lustrated with curious notes. Also a neat and correct edition of Aratus was published at Oxford, 1672, in 8vo. with the Scholia. AR.EOMETER, see Areometer. ARC, or Arch ; which see. ARCADE, in Architecture, denotes an opening in the wall of a building formed by an arch. ARC-BOUTANT, is a kind of arched buttress, formed of a fiat arch, or part of an arch, abutting against the feet, or sides of another arch or vault, to support them and prevent them from bursting or giving way. ARCH, Arc, Arcus, in Geometry, a part of any curve line ; as, of a circle, or ellipsis, or the like. It is by means of circular arcs, or arches, that all an- gles are measured; the arc being described from the an- gular point as a centre. For this purpose, every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 degrees, or equal parts; and an arch, or the angle it subtends and measures, is es- timated according to the number of those degrees it con- tains: thus, an arc, or angle, is said to be of 30 or SO, or 100 degrees. Of late years the French mathematicians have divided the circle into 400 degrees, or the quadrant into 100, called the centigrade division. Circular arcs are also of great use in finding of fluents. Concentric Arcs, are such as have the same centre. Equal Arcs, are such arcs, of the same circle, or of equal circles, as contain the same number of degrees. These have also equal chords, sines, tangents, &c. Similar Arcs, of unequal circles, &c, are such as con- tain the same number of degrees, or that are the like part or parts of their q\ respective whole circles. Hence, in concentric circles, any two radii cut off, or intercept, similar arcs mn and op. — Similar arcs are proportional to the radii lm, lo, or to the whole cir- cumferences. — Similar arcs of other like curves, are also like parts of the wholes, or determined by like parts similarly posited. Of the Length of Circular A RCS. The lengths of circular arcs, as found and expressed in various ways, may be seen in my large Treatise on Mensuration, pa. 88 et seq. 4th edi- tion: some Of which are as follow. The radius of a circle being 1 ; and of any arc a, if the tangent be t, the sine s, ARC [ 133 ]- ARC tie cosine c, and the versed sine v: then the arc a will be truly expressed by several series, as follow, viz, the arc a = t — 1 t* -+- 4* s — -fi 7 + IP &c. V 1.3 s 2.4.5 S 1.3 zr 1.3.5 a = 4 .-r a = s -+• t ° e &c. C = a/2v X (1 -t- 3-14159&C &C. 2.3 2 2.4.5 2 3 2.4.6. d = "01745329 &c x d; where d denotes the number of degrees in the given arc. Also a = — - — nearly ; where c is the chord of the arc, and c the chord of half the arc ; whatever the radius is. To find the length of the arc of any curve. Put x = the absciss, y = the ordinate, of the arc z, of any curve what- ever. Put z = ■v/C* 2 ■+■ y z ) 5 then, by means of the equa- tion of the curve, find the value of x in terms of y, or of j in terms of x, and substitute that value instead of it in the above expression z = \Z(x"~ -t-y 1 ); hence, taking the flu- ents, they will give the length of the arc z, in the terms of x or y. Arc, in Astronomy. Of this, there are various kinds. Thus, the latitude, elevation of the pole, and the declina- tion, are measured by an arc of the meridian; and the lon- gitude, by an arc of a parallel circle, &c. Diurnal Aitc of the sun, is part of a circle parallel to the equator, described by the sun in his course from his ri- sing to the setting. And his Nocturnal Arc is of the same kind ; excepting that it is described from setting to rising. Arc of Progression, or Direction, is an arch of the eclip- tic, which a planet seems to pass over, when its motion is direct, or according to the order of the signs. Arc of Relrogradation, is an arch of the ecliptic, de- scribed while a planet is retrograde, or moves contrary to the order of the signs. Arc between the Centres, in eclipses, is an arc passing from the centre of the earth's shadow, perpendicular to the moon's orbit, meeting her centre at the middle of an eclipse. — If the aggregate of this arc and the apparent semi- diameter of the moon, be equal to the semi-diameter of the shadow, the eclipse will be total for an instant, or without any duration; and if that sum be less than the radius of the shadow, the eclipse will be total, with some duration; but if greater, the eclipse will be only partial. Arc of Vision, is that which measures the sun's depth below the horizon, when a star, hefore hid by his rays, be- gins to appear again. — The quantity of this arc is not al- ways the same, but varies with the latitude, declination, right ascension, or descension, and distance, of any planet or star. Ricciol. Almag. vol. 1, pa. 42. However, the fol- lowing numbers will serve nearly for the stars and planets. Table exhibiting the Arc of Vision of the Planets and Fixed Stars. PLANETS. FIXED STARS. Magnitude. Mercury - v - - 10° 0' 1 - - 12° Venus - - - - 50 2 - . 13 Mars - - - - 11 30 3 - . 14 Jupiter - - - 10-0 4 . . 15 Saturn - - - 11 5 - . \6 6 - - 17 Arch, in Architecture, is a concave structure, raised or turned upon a mould, called the centering, in form of the arch of a curve, and serving as the inward support of some superstructure. Sir Henry Wotton says, An arch is nothing but a narrow or contracted vault; and a vault is a dilated arch. Arches are used in large intercolumniations of spacious buildings; in porticoes, both within and without temples; in public halls, as ceilings, the courts of palaces, cloisters, theatres, and amphitheatres. They are also used to cover the cellars in the foundations of houses, and powder maga- zines ; also as buttresses and counter-forts, to, support large walls laid deep in the earth ; for triumphal arches, gates, windows, &c ; and, above all, for the foundations of bridges and aqueducts. And they are supported by piers, butments, imposts, &c. Arches are of several kinds, and are commonly deno- minated from the figure or curve of them; as circula'r, el- liptical, cycloidal, catenarian, &c, according as their curve is in the form of a circle, ellipse, cvcloid, catenary, &c. There are also other denominations of circular arches, according to the different parts of a circle, or manner of placing them. Thus, Semicircular Arches, which are those that make an eNact semicircle, having their centre in the middle of the span or chord of the arch ; called also by the French builders, perfect arches, and arches en plein centre. The arches of Westminster Bridge are semicircular. Scheme Arches, or skene, are those which are less than semicircles, and are consequently flatter arches, contain- ing 120, or 90, or 60, degrees, &c. They are also called imperfect and diminished arches. Arches of the third and fourth point, or Gothic arches; or, as the Italians call them, diterzo and quarto acuto, be- cause they always meet in an acute angle at top. These consist of two excentric circular arcs, meeting in an angle above, and are drawn from the division of the chord into three or four more parts at pleasure. Of this kind are many of the arches in churches and other old Gothic buildings. Elliptical Arches, usually consist of semi-ellipses. These were formerly much used instead of mantle-trees in chimneys; and are still employed, from their bold and beautiful appearance, for many purposes, and particularly for the arches of a bridge, like that at Black-Friars, both for their strength, beauty, convenience, and cheapness. Straight Arches, are those which have their upper and under edges parallel straight lines, instead of curves. These are chiefly used over doors and windows; and have their ends and joints usually pointing towards one common centre. Aucii is particularly used for the space between the two piers of a bridge, intended for the passage of the water, boats, &c. Arch of equilibration, is that which is in equilibrium in all its parts, having no tendency to break in one part more than in another, and which is therefore safer and stronger than any other figure. Every particular figure of the cxtrados, or upper side of the wall above an arch, requires a peculiar curve for the under side of the arch itself, to form an arch of equilibration, so that the incum- bent pressure on every part may be proportional to the strength or resistance there. When the arch is equally thick throughout, a case that can hardly ever happen, then the catenarian curve is the arch of equilibration; but in no other case: and therefore it is a great mistake in some authors to suppose that this curve is the best figure for arches in all cases; when iti reality it is commonly the T 2 K— A R C [ 140 ] ARC worst. This subject is fully treated in my Collection of supported as in the last article, and pointing all to the Tracts, tract 1, on the Principles of Bridges, pr. xi, exam. 2, same centre; none of them can sink, till the supporters or where the proper intrados is investigated for every extra- butments give way, because they want room in that situa- dos, so as to form an arch of equilibration in all cases tion to descend perpendicularly. But this is a weak struc- wliatever. It there appears that, when the upper side of ture; because the supporters are subject to too much im- wall is a straight horizontal line, as in the annexed figure, pulsion, especially where the line is long ; for which reason the form of straight arches is seldom used, excepting over doors and windows, where the line is short, and the side walls strong. In order to fortify the work, therefore, we must change not only the figure of the materials, but also their position.— 4th, If the materials be shaped wedge-like, and be disposed in form of an arch, and pointing to some, centre ; in this case, neither the pieces of the said arch can sink downwards, for want of room to descend perpen- dicularly ; nor can the supporters or butments suffer much violence, as in the preceding flat form: for the convexity will always make the incumbent rather rest upon the supporters, than thrust or push them outwards. His rea- soning, however, afterwards, on the effect of circular and other arches, is not accurate, as he attends only to the side pressure, without considering the effect of different vertical pressures. The chief properties of arches of different curves may be seen in the 2d sect, of my Tract on the Principles of Bridges, above quoted. It there appears that none, except the mechanical curve of the arch of equilibration, can ad- mit of a horizontal line at top : that this arch is of a form both graceful and convenient, as it may be made higher or lower at pleasure, with the same span or opening : that all other arches require extrados that are curved, more or less, either upwards or downwards : of these, the elliptical arch approaches the nearest to that of equilibration, for equality of strength and convenience ; and it is also the best form for most bridges, as it can be made of any height to the same span, its hanches being at the same time sufficiently elevated above the water, even when it is very flat at top : elliptical arches also look bolder and lighter, are more uniformly strong, and much cheaper than most others, as they require less materials and labour. Of the other curves, the cycloidal arch is next in quality to the elliptical one, for those properties, and lastly the circle. As to the others, the parabola, hyperbola, and catenary, they are quite inadmissible in bridges that consist of se- veral arches; but may, in some cases, be employed for a bridge of one single arch, which may be intended to rise very high, as in such cases they are not much loaded at the hanches. See also Bridge, and Magazine. Av.cn Mural. See Mural Arch. ARCHER, or Sagittarius, one of the constellations of the See my Tracts, vol. i, art. 1. northern hemisphere, and one of the twelve signs of the The doctrine and use of arches are neatly delivered by zodiac, placed between the Scorpion and Capricorn. See sir Henry VVotton, though he is not always mathematically Sagittarius. accurate in the principles. He says ; 1st, All matter, un- ARCHIMEDES, one of the most celebrated Anathema* less impeded, tends to the centre of the earth in a perpen- ticians among the ancients, who flourished about 28J)years dicular line. 2d, All solid materials, as bricks, stones, before Christ, being about 1 10 years later than Euclid. &c, in their ordinary rectangular form, if laid in numbers, He was born at Syracuse in Sicily, and was related to one by the side of another, in a level row, and their ex- Hiero, according to Plutarch, the then king of that city, treme ones sustained between two supporters; those in by his father. In his youth, he devoted himself to the the middle will necessarily sink, even by their own gravity, study of geometry ; and in his maturer years, he travelled much more if forced down by any superincumbent weight. intoEgypt, whither the Greeks usually resorted in the pur- To make them stand, therefore, either their figure or their suit of science. After un absence of several years, which position must be altered. — 3d, Stones, or other materials, he spent in the society of Conon and other eminent men, being figured cuneatim, or wedge-like, broader above than and during which time he gave very promising indications below, and laid in a level row, with their two extremes of his future fame, he returned to his own country; and the equation of the curve is thus expressed, l 0g . of ^^- aJ) KI Or PC = y = h X ■ rrrf jr ; log. of 2— where h = aq, w = ci, a = dk, c = kq. Or ci = w = ; n = the number whose log. is 2K d cy+A,andA = log. of a, and c =- x log. of ^ — — . And hence, when a, h,'c, are any given numbers, a ta- ble is formed for the corresponding values of iv and y, by which the curve is constructed for any particular occa- sion. Thus supposing a or dk = 6, h or aq = 50, and c or kq = 46 ; then the corresponding values of ki and ic, or horizontal and vertical lines, will be as in this table. Table for constructing the Curve of Equilibration. Value of Value of Value of Value of Value of Value of KI IC. KI. IC. KI. IC. O 6-000 21 10381 36 21-774 2 6-035 22 J 0-858 37 22-948 4 6-144 23 11-368 38 24-190 6 6-324 24 11-911 39 25-505 8 6-580 25 12'489 40 26-894 10 6-914 26 13'106 41 28-364 12 7-330 27 13-761 42 29919 13 7-571 28 14-457 43 31-563 14 7-834 29 15'19S 44 33-299 15 8-120 30 15980 45 35-135 16 8-430 31 16-811 46 37-075 ! u 8-766 32 17-693 47 39-126 ' 18 9-168 33 18-627 48 41-293 19 9-517 34 19-617 49 43-581 1 20 9-934 35 20-665 50 46-000 ARC L «1 ] ARC then continued his studies with the greatest assiduity. Such indeed were the ardour and intenseness of his appli- cation to mathematical science, that he prosecuted his studies to the neglect both of food and sleep, and improved the minutest circumstance that occurred into an occasion of making very important and useful discoveries. The mathematical genius of Archimedes set him with such di- stinguished excellence in the view of the world, as render- ed him both the honour of his own age, and the admira- tion of posterity. He was indeed the prince of the ancient mathematicians, being to them what Newton is to the mo- derns, to whom in his genius and character he bears a very near resemblance. He was frequently lost in a kind of reverie, so as to appear hardly sensible ; he would study for days and nights together, neglecting his food ; and Plu- tarch tells us that he used to be carried to the baths by force. Many particulars of his life, and works, mathe- matical and mechanical, are recorded by several of the ancients, as Polybius, Livy, Plutarch, Pappus, &c. He was equally skilled in all the sciences, astronomy, geome- try, mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, &c, in all of which he excelled, and made many and great discoveries. Archimedes, it is said, made a sphere of glass, of a most surprising contrivance and workmanship, exhibiting the motions of the heavenly bodies in a very pleasing manner. Claudiai) has an epigram on this invention, which has been thus translated : When in a glass's narrow space confin'd, Jove saw the fabric of th' almighty mind, He smil'd, and said, Can mortals' art alone, Our heavenly labours mimic with their own ? The Syracusan's brittle work contains Th' eternal law. that through all nature reigns. Fram'd by his art, see stars unnumber'd burn, And in their courses rolling orbs return : His sun thiuugh various signs describes the year; And every month his mimic moons appear. Our lival's laws his little planets bind, And rule their motions with a human mind. Salmoneus could our thunder imitate, But Archimedes can a world create. Many wonderful stories are told of his discoveries, and of his very powerful and curious machines, &c. Hiero once admiring them, Archimedes replied, these effects are nothing, " But give me," said he, " some other place to fix a machine on, and I will move the earth." He fell upon a curious device for discovering the deceit which had been practised by a workman, employed by the king to make a golden crown. Hiero, hating a mind to make an offering to the gods of a golden crown, agreed for one of great value, and weighed out the gold to the artificer. After some time he brought the crown home of the full weight ; but it was afterwards discovered or suspected that a part of the gold had been stolen, and the like weight of silver substituted in its stead. Hiero, being angry at this im- position, desired Archimedes to take it into consideration, how such a fraud might be certainly discovered. While engaged in the solution of this difficulty, he happened to go into the bath ; where observing that a quantity of water overflowed, equal to the bulk of his body, it presently oc- curred to him, that Hiero's question might be answered by 3 like method : upon which he leaped out, and ran home- ward, crying out Et>fi;xa! gSfijxa ! I have found it! 1 have found it ! He then made two masses, each of the same weight as the crown, one of gold and the other of silver : this done, he rilled a vessel to the brim with water, and put the silver mass into it, upon which a quantity of water overflowed equal to the bulk of the mass; then taking the mass of silver out he filled up the vessel again, measuring the water exactly, which he put in; this showed him what measure of water answered to a certain quantity of silver. He then tried the gold in like manner, and found that it caused a less quantity of water to overflow, the gold being less in bulk than the silver, though of the same weight. He then filled the vessel a third time, and putting in the crown itself, he found that it caused more water to over- flow than the golden mass of the same weight, but less than the silver one; so that, finding its bulk between the two masses of gold and silver, and that in certain known pro- portions, he hence computed the real quantities of gold and silver in the crown, and so manifestly discovered the fraud. Archimedes also contrived many machines for useful and beneficial purposes; among these, engines' for launching large ships ; screw pumps, for exhausting the water out of ships, marshes, or overflowed lands, as Egypt, &c, which they would do from any depth. But he became most famous by his curious contrivances, by which the city of Syracuse was so long defended, when besieged by the Roman consul Marcellus ; showering up- on the enemy sometimes long darts, and stones of vast weight, and in great quantities ; at other times lifting their ships up into the air, that had come near the walls, and dashing them to pieces by letting them fall down again; nor could they find their safety in removing out of the reach of his cranes and levers, for there he contrived to fire them with the rays of the sun reflected from burning glasses. However, notwithstanding all his art, Syracuse was at length taken by storm, or by corrupting the guards. "What gave Marcellus the greatest concern," says Plutarch, "was the unhappy fate of Archimedes, who was at that time in his museum ; and his mind, as well as his eyes, so fixed and intent upon some geometrical figures, that he neither heard the noise and hurry of the Romans, nor perceived the city to be taken. In this depth of study and con- templation, a soldier came suddenly upon him, and com- manded him to follow him to Marcellus; which he refu- sing to do, till he had finished his problem, the soldier, in a rage, drew his sword, and ran him through." Livy says he was slain by a soldier, not knowing who he was, while he was drawing schemes in the dust: that Marcellus was grieved at his death, and took care of his funeral ; and made his name a protection and honour to those who could claim a relationship to him. His death it seems happened about the 142d or 143d Olympiad, or 210 years before the birth of Christ. According to Tzetzes he lived 75 years. When Cicero was quesfor for Sicily, he discovered the tomb of Archimedes, all overgrown with bushes and bram- bles ; which he caused to be cleared, and the place set in order. There was a sphere and cylinder cut upon it, with an inscription, but the latter part of the verses quite worn out. Many of the works of this great man are still extant, though the greatest part of them are lost. The pieces re- maining are as follow : 1. Two books on the Sphere and Cylinder.— 2. The Dimension of the Circle, or proportion between the diameter and the circumference.— 3. Of Spi- ral lines. — 4. Of Conoids and Spheroids. — 5. Of Equipon- derants, or Centres of Gravity. — 6. The Quadrature of the Parabola. — 7. Of Bodies floating on Fluids. — 8. Lemma- ta. — 9. Of the Number of the Sands. «W ARC [ 142 ] ARC Araoncr the works of Archimedes which are lost, may He determined also the relation between the circle and the be reckoned the descriptions of the following inventions, ellipse, with that of their similar parts. And it is proba- which may be gathered from himself and other ancient ble that he also attempted the hyperbola ; bat it is not to authors. 1. His account of the method which he employ- be expected that he met with any success, since approxi- ed to discover the mixture of gold and silver in the crown, mations to its area are all that can be given by the various mentioned by Vitruvius, — 2. His description of the Coch- methods that have since been invented, leon, or engine to draw water out of places where it is Besides these figures, he determined the measures of the stagnated, still in use under the name of Archimedes's spiral, described by a point moving uniformly along a right Screw. Athenaeus, speaking of the prodigious ship built line, the line at the. same time revolving with a uniform by the order of Hiero, says, that Archimedes invented the angular motion ; determining the proportion of its area to cochleon, by means of which the hold, notwithstanding its that of the circumscribed circle, as also the proportion of depth, could be drained by one man. And Diodorus Si- their sectors. cuius says, that he contrived this machine to drain Egypt, Throughout the whole works of this great man we every and that by a wonderful mechanism it would exhaust the where perceive the deepest design, and the finest invention, water from any depth. — 3. The Helix, by means of which, He seems to have been, with Euclid, exceedingly careful Athenseus informs us, he launched Hieio's great ship. — of admitting into his demonstrations nothing but princi- 4. The Trispaston, which, according to Tzetzes and Ori- pies perfectly geometrical and unexceptionable : and basius, could draw the most stupendous weights. — 5. The though his' most general method of demonstrating the re- machines, which, according to Polybius, Livy, and Plu- lations of curved figures to straight ones, be by inscribing tarch, he used in thedefence of Syracuse against IMarcellus, polygons in them; yet to determine those relations, he consisting of Tormenta,Balistae,Catapults, Sagittarii,Scor- does not increase the number, and diminish the magni- pions, Cranes, &c. — 6. His Burning Glasses, with which tude, of the sides of the polygon ad infinitum, but from he set fire to the Roman galleys. — 7. His Pneumatic this plain fundamental principle, allowed in Euclid's Ele- and Hydrostatic engines, concerning which subjects he ments, (viz, that any quantity may be so often multiplied, wrote some books, according to Tzetzes, Pappus, and Ter- or added to itself, as that the result shall exceed any tullian. — 8. His Sphere, which exhibited the celestial mo- tions. And probably many others. A whole volume might be written on the curious me- thods and inventions of Archimedes, that appear in his mathematical writings now extant only. He was the first who squared a curvilineal space ; unless Hypocrates must be excepted, on account of his lunes. In his time the co- proposed finite quantity of the same kind,) he proves that to deny his figures to have the proposed relations, would involve an absurdity. And when he demonstrated many geometrical properties, particularly in the parabo- la, by means of certain progressions of numbers, whose terms are similar to the inscribed figures ; this was still done without considering such series as continued ad in- nic sections were admitted into geometry, and he applied Jinitum, and then collecting or summing up the terms of himself closely to the measuring of them, as well as other such infinite series. figures. Accordingly, he determined the relations of There have been various editions of the existing wri- spheres, spheroids, and conoids, to cylinders and cones; tings of Archimedes. The whole of these works, together and the relations of parabolas to rectilineal planes, whose with the Commentary of Eutocius, were found in their quadratures had long before been determined by Euclid, original Greek language, on the taking of Constantinople, He has left us also his attempts upon the circle : he proved whence they were brought into Italy ; and here they were that a circle is equal to a right-angled triangle, whose found by that excellent mathematician John Muller, base is equal to the circumference, and its altitude equal otherwise called Regiomontanus, who brought them into to the radius ; and consequently, that its area is equal to the rectangle of half the diameter and half the circum- ference; thus reducing the quadrature of the circle to the determination of the ratio between the diameter and cir- cumference; which determination however has never yet Germany : where they were, with that Commentary, published long afterwards, viz, in 1544, at Basil, being most beautifully printed in folio, both in Greek and Latin, by Hervagius, under the care of Thomas Gechauff Vena- torius. — A Latin translation was published at Paris 1557, been done. Being disappointed of the exact quadrature by Pascalius Hamellius. — Another edition of the whole, of the circle, for want of the rectification of its circumfe- in Greek and Latin, was published at Paris 1615, in folio, rence, which all his methods would not effect, he proceed- by David Rivaltus, illustrated with new demonstrations ed to assign a useful approximation to it : this he effected and commentaries : a life of the author is prefixed ; and by the numeral calculation of the perimeters of the in- at the end of the volume is added some account, by way scribed and circumscribed polygons; from which calcu- of restoration, of our author's other works, which have lation it appears, that the perimeter of the circumscribed been lost; viz, The Crown of Hiero; the Cochleon or regular polygon of 192 sides, is to the diameter-, in a less Water Screw ; the Helicon, a kind of endless screw ; the ratio than that of 3f or 3f § to 1 ; and that the perimeter Trispaston, consisting of a combination of wheels and of the inscribed polygon of £)6 sides, is to the diameter, in axles; the Machines employed in the defence of Syracuse; a greater ratio than that of 3f£ to 1 ; consequently, that the Burning Speculum ; the Machines moved by Air and the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, lies be- Water; and the Material Sphere. — In lG75, Dr. Isaac tween these two ratios. Now the first ratio, of 3-f to 1, Barrow published a neat edition of the works, in Latin, reduced to whole numbers, gives that of 22 to 7, for at London, in 4to ; illustrated, and succinctly demon- 3y : 1 : : 22 : 7; which therefore is nearly the ratio of the strated in a new method. — But the most complete of any, circumference to the diameter. From this ratio between is the magnificent edition, in folio, lately printed at the the circumference and the diameter, Archimedes com- Clarendon press, Oxford, 17£)2. This edition was pre- putcd the approximate area of the circle, and he found pared ready for the press by the learned Joseph Torclli, , that it is to the square of the diameter, as 11 is to 14. of Verona, with his preface, and in that state presented to ARC [ 143 ] ARC llie University of Oxford. The Latin translation is a new Fortification, is the art of strengthening and fortify-in" one. We find here also Eutocius's Commentary on some places, to secure them from the insults or attacks of ene- ofthe-pieces, and notes on the whole. An account of the mies, and the violence of arms ; by erecting forts castles life and writings of Torelli is prefixed, by Clemens Sibi- and other fortresses, with ramparts, bastions &c. The liati. And at the end a large appendix is added, in two authors who have chiefly excelled in this art are Coehorn parts; the first being a Commentary on Archimedes's Pagan, Vauban, Scheiter, Blondel, and Montalembert. paper on Bodies that float on Fluids, by the Rtv. Abram Naval Architecture, or Ship-build in", is the art of Robertson of Christ-Church College, who had the care of constructing ships, galleys, and other vessels proper to float this edition; and the latter is a large collection of various on the water. readings in the manuscript works of Archimedes, found ARCHITRAVE, is that part of a column which bears in the library of the late king of France, and of anotherat immediately on the'capital. It, is the lowest member of Florence, as collated with theBasiledition above mentioned, the entablature, and is supposed to represent the principal There are al-o extant other editions of certain parts of beam in timber buildings, in which it is sometimes called the works of Archimedes. Thus, Commandine published, the Reason-piece, or Master-piece. Also, in, chimneys it in 4to, at Bologna- 1 565, the two books concerning Bodies' is called the Mantle-piece; and the Hyperthyron over that float on Fluids, with a Commentary. Commandine the jaumbs of doors, or lintels of windows, published also a translation of the Arenarius. And Borelli Architrave Cornice. See Corkice. published, in folio, at Florence, l66l, Archimedes's Liber Architrave doors, are those which have an archi- Assumptorum, translated into Latin from an Arabic ma- trave on the jaumbs, and over the door; on the cap piece nuscript copy. This is accompanied with the like trans- if straight; or on the arch, if the top be curved, lation, from the Arabic, of the 5th, 6th, and 7th books of Architrave windows, of timber, are usually an o»ee Apollonius's Conies. Mr. G. Anderson published (in Svo. raised out of the solid timber, with a list over it: though Lond. 1784) an English translation of the Arenarius of sometimes the "mouldings are struck, and laid on; and Archimedes, with learned and ingenious notes and illus- sometimes they are cut in brick. trations. Dr. Wallis published a translation of the Are- AKCHIVAULT or Archivolt, the contour of an narius. Lastly, the translation of Torelli's work into the arch ; a band or frame adorned with mouldings, running French language, by F. Peyrard, in 2 vols, 8vo, at Paris, over the faces of the voussoirs or arch-stones, and bearin in 18 — , and 1808. And there may be other editions be- side the above; but these are all that I have seen, or know of. Archimedes's Screw. See Screw of Archimedes. Archimedes's Burning-glass. See Bvrk mo -glass. ARCHITECT, a person skilled in architecture, or the art of building; who forms plans and designs for edifices, conducts the work, and directs the various artificers em- ployed in it. The most celebrated architects are, Vitruvius, Palladio, upon the imposts. ARCHYTAS, of Tarentum, a celebrated mathemati- cian, cosmographer, and Pythagorean philosopher, whom Horace calls Maris ac Terra;, numeroque carentis Arenaj, Mensorem. He flourished about 400 years before Christ ; and was the master of Plato, Eudoxus, and Philolaus. He gave a me- thod of finding two mean proportionals between two given Scamozzi, Serlio, Vignola, Barbaro, Cataneo, Alberti, lines, and thence the duplication of the cube, by means Viola, Inigo Jones, De Lorme, Perrault, S. Lc Clerc, Sir of the conic sections. His skill in mechanics was such, Christopher Wren, the Earl of Burlington, &c. that he was said to be the inventor of the crane and the ARCHITECTURE, Architectura, the art of planning screw; and he made a wooden pigeon that could fly about, and building or erecting any edifice, so as properly to an- when it was once set off, but it could not rise again of it- swer the end proposed, for solidity, conveniency, and self, after it rested. He wrote several works, though none beauty; whether houses, temples, churches, bridges, halls, of them are now extant, particularly a treatise rfsg ) tb theatres, &c, &c. — Architecture is divided into civil, mili- Havro;, De Universo, cited by Simplicius in Aristot. tary, and naval or marine Civii Architecture, is the art of designing and erect- ing edifices of every kind for the uses of civil life in every capacity ; -as churches, palaces, private houses, &c ; and it has been divided into five orders or manners of buildino, under the names of the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite, Categ. It is said he invented the ten categories. He ac- quired great reputation both in his legislative and mili- tary capacity; having commanded an army seven times without ever being defeated. He was at last shipwrecked, and drowned in the Adriatic sea. ARCTIC Circle, is a lesser circle of the sphere, parallel to the equator, an'd passing through the north pole of the There were many authors on architecture among the ecliptic, or distant from the north or arctic pole, by a Greeks and Romans, before Vitruvius ; but he is the first quantity equal to the obliquity of the ecliptic, which was whose work is entire and extant, lie lived in the reigns formerly estimated at23 Q 30', but its mean quantity is now of Julius Ca?sar and Augustus, and composed a complete 23° 28' nearly. This, and its opposite, the antarctic circle, system of architecture, in ten books, which he dedicated are also called the polar circles, where the longest day and to this prince. The principal authors on architecture longest night are 24 hours, and within all the space of these since Vitruvius, are Philander, Barbaras, Salmasius, Bal- circles, at one time of the year, the sun never sets, and at dus, Alberti, Gauricus, Dernoniosius, Perrault, De the opposite season he never rises for some days, more or l'Orme, Rivius, Wotton, Serlio, Palladio, Strada, Vignola, Scamozzi, Dieussart,Catanei, Freard, De Cam bray, Blon- del, Goldman, Sturmy, Wolfius, De Rosi, Uesgodetz, Baratteri, Mayer, Gulielumus, Ware, &c, &c. See also Architect. less according as the place is nearer the pole. Arctic Pole, the north pole of the world, and so called from aproj, ursa, the bear, from its proximity to the constellation of that name. ARCTURUS, a fixed star of the first magnitude, bc- Mililary Architecture, otherwise more usually called tween the thighs, of the constellation Bootes. So called «.^ ARE [ 144 ] A R G from af-tro;, bear, and ci^d, tail ; as being near the bear's be contained in the immense sphere of the fixed stars, tail. This star is twice mentioned in the book of Job, viz ix. 9, and xxxviii. 32, by the name Aish, if the translation be right; and by many of the ancients under its Greek name Arctium. The-Greeks gave the fabulous history of this star, or constellation, to this purport : Calisto, who was afterwards, in form of the great bear, raised up into a constellation, they tell us, brought forth a son to Jupiter, whom they called Areas. That Lyacon, when Jupiter afterwards came to visit him, cut the boy in pieces, and served him up at table. Jupiter, in revenge, as well as by way of punishment, called down lightning to consume the palace, and turned the monarch into a wolf. The limbs of the boy were gathered up, to which the god gave life again, and he was taken and educated by some of the people. His mother, who was all this time a bear in the woods, fell in his way : he chased her, ignorant of the fact, and, to avoid him, she threw herself into the temple of Jupiter : he followed her thither to destroy her ; and this being death by the laws of the country, Jupiter took them both up into heaven, to prevent the punishment, making her the constellation of the great bear, and con- verting the youth into this single star behind her. Dr. Kornsby, theSavilian Professor of Astronomy, con- cludes that Arcturus is the nearest star to our system visi- ble in the northern hemisphere, because the variation of its place, in consequence of a proper motion of its own, is more remarkable than that of any other of the stars ; and by comparing a variety of observations respecting both the quantity and direction of the motion of this star, he in- fers, that the obliquity of the ecliptic decreases at the rate of oS" in 100 years ; a quantity which nearly corresponds to the mean of the computations framed by Euler, La- lande, and Laplace, on the principles of attraction. Philos. Trans, vol. 63. AREA, in general, denotes any plain surface to walk upon ; and derived from arere, to be dry. Area, in Architecture, denotes the space or site of ground on which an edifice stands. It is also used for inner courts, and such like portions of ground. Area, in Geometry, denotes the superficial content of any figure. The areas of figures are estimated in squares and parts of squares. Thus, suppose a rectangle efgh have its length eh equal to 4 inches, or feet, or yards, &c, and its breadth ef equal to 3 ; its area will then be 3 times 4, or 12 squares, each side of which is respec- tively one inch, or foot, or yard, &c. The areas of other particular figures may be seen under their respective names. The areas of all similar figures, are in the duplicate ratio, or as the squares of their like sides, or of any like linear dimensions. — Also the law by which the planets move round the sun, is regulated by the areas described by a line connecting the sun and planet ; that is, the time in which the planet describes, or passes over, any arc of its elliptic orbit, is proportional to the elliptic area de- scribed in that time by the said line, or the sector con- tained by the said arc and two radii drawn from its extre- mities to the focus in which the sun is placed. Area, in Optics. See Field. ARENARIUS, the name of a book of Archimedes, in which he demonstrated, that not only the sands of the earth, but even a greater quantity of particles than could I 1 V " I might be expressed by numbers, in a way by him invented and described. This notation proceeds by certain geo- metrical progressions; and in denoting and producing certain very distant terms of the progression, he here first of any one makes use of a property similar to that of lo- garithms, viz, adding the indices of the terms to find the index of their product. See Archimedes. AREOMETER, Arsometrum, an instrument to mea- sure the density or gravity of fluids. The areometer, or water-poise, is commonly made of glass; consisting of a round hollow ball, which termi- nates in a long slender neck, hermetically sealed at top ; having first as much running mercury put into it, as will serve to balance or keep it swimming in an erect position. The stem, ,or neck, is divided into degrees or parts, which arc numbered, to show, by the depth of its descent into any liquor, the lightness or density of it : for that fluid is heaviest in which it sinks least, and lightest in which it sinks deepest. Another instrument of this kind is described by Hom- berg of Paris, in the Memoirs of the Acad of Sciences for the year 1699 ; also in the Philos.Trans. N 3 262, where a table of numbers is given, expressing the density of various fluids, as determined by this instrument both in summer and winter. By this table it appears that the density, or specific gravity of quicksilver and distilled water, in the two seasons, were as follow, viz, in summer as 13"6l to 1, in winter as - 13'53 to 1; and the medium of these two is as 13'57 to 1. See the Philos. Trans, vol. 36, or my Abridg. vol.7, for the description and use of another new areometer. See also Hydrometer. AREOMETRY, the science of measuring the gravity and density of fluids. See the Philos. Trans, vol. 68, for an essay on areometry, &c. Also my Abridgement, vol. 14. AREOSTYLE, in Architecture, a sort of intercolum- nation in which the columns were placed at a great dis- tance from one another. ARGETENAR, a star of the fourth-magnitude, in the flexure of the constellation Eridanus. ARGO NAVIS, or the ship, is a constellation of fixed stars, in the southern hemisphere, being one of the 48 old constellations. The number of stars in this constellation, arc, in Ptolemy's catalogue 45, in Tycho Brahe's 11, in Flamsteed's 64. The Greeks tell us, that this was the noted ship in which the Argonauts performed that celebrated expedi- tion, which has been so famous in all their history. ARGUMENT, in Astronomy, is an arch given, by which another arch is foundinsomc proportion toit. Hence, Argument of Inclination, or Argument of Latitude, of any planet, is an arc of a planet's orbit, intercepted between the .ascending node, and the place of the planet from the sun, numbered according to the succession of the signs. Menstrual Argument of Latitude, is the distance of the moon's true place from the sun's true place. — By this is found the quantity of the real obscuration in eclipses, or how many digits are darkened in any place. Annual Argument of the ?>ioon's apogee, or simply, Annual Argument, is the distance of the sun's place from the place of the moon's apogee ; that is, the arc of the ecliptic comprised between those two places. A R I [ 145 ] A R I ARIES, or the Ram, in Astronomy, one of the con- moon: this was translated into Latin, and commented on stellations of the northern hemisphere, being the first of by Commandine, who first published it with Pappus's Ex- the old twelve signs of the zodiac, and marked V in imi- planations, in 1572. Dr. Wallis afterwards published it tation of a ram's head. It gives name to a twelfth part of in Greek, with Commandine's Latin version, in 1088, and the ecliptic, which the sun enters commonly about the which he inserted again in the 3d volume of his Mathe- 20th of March. — The stars of this constellation in Ptole- my's catalogue are 18, in Tycho Brahe's 21,' in Hevelius's 27> and in Flamsteed's 66: but they are mostly very small, only one being of the 2d magnitude, two of the 3d magnitude, and all the rest smaller. The fabulous account of this constellation, as given by the Greeks, is to this effect. That Nephele gave Phryxus, her son, a ram, which bore a golden fleece, as a guard against the greatest dangers. Juno, the step-mother both of him and Helle, laid designs against their lives; but matical Works, printed in folio at Oxford, 1659. The piece was animadverted on by Mr. Foster, in his Mis- cellanies. There is another piece which has gone under the name of Aristarchus, on the Mundane System, its parts, and motions, published in Latin by Roberval, and by Mersenne, in his Mathematical Synopsis. But this piece is censured, by Menagius (in Diog. Laert.), and Des- cartes, in his Epistles, as a fictitious piece of Roberval's, and not the genuine work of Aristarchus. ARISTOTELIAN, something that relates to the phi Phryxus, remembering the admonition of his mother, took losopher Aristotle. Thus we say, an Aristotelian dogma, his sister with him, and getting upon the back of the ram, the Aristotelian school, &c. they were carried to the sea. The ram plunged in, and the youth was carried over; but Helle dropping off, was drowned, and so gave name to the Hellespont. When he arrived in Colchis, iEeta the king received him kindlv ; Aristotelian Philosophy, the philosophy taught by Aristotle, and maintained by his followers. It is other- wise called the Peripatetic Philosophy, from their prac- tice of teaching while they were walking. — The principles and, sacrificing the ram to Jupiter, dedicated the fleece to of Aristotle's philosophy, the learned agree, are chiefly laid the god ; which was afterwards carried off by Jason. The down in the four books de Coelo. Instead of the more an- animal itself, they say, Jupiter snatched up into the hea- cient systems, he introduced Matter, Form, and Privation, vens, and made of it the constellation Aries. They have as the principles of all things ; but it does not seem that other fables also to account for its origin. But it is most he derived much benefit from them in natural philosophy, probable that the inventors of this sign, placed it there as And his doctrines are, for the most part, so obscurely ex- the father of those animals which are brought forth about pressed, that it has not yet been satisfactorily ascertained, the time the sun approaches to that part of the heavens, what were his sentiments on some of the most important and so marking the beginning of spring. subjects. He attempted to refute the Pythagorean doc- Aries also denotes a battering ram; being a military trine concerning the two-fold motion of the earth; and engine with an iron head, much used by the ancients, to pretended to demonstrate, that the matter of the heavens batter and beat down the walls of places besieged. See is ungenerated, incorruptible, and not subject to any al- • Ram, and Battering Ram. teration : and he supposed that the stars were carried ARISTARCHUS, a celebrated Greek philosopher and round the earth in solid orbs. astronomer, was a native of the city of Samos; but of what date is not exactly known ; it must have been how- ever before the time of Archimedes, as some parts of his writings and opinions are cited by that author, viz, in his Arcnarius; he probably flourished about 420 years be- ARISTOTELIANS, a sect of philosophers, so called, from their leader Aristotle, and are otherwise called Peri- patetics. — The Aristotelians and their dogmata prevailed for a long while, in the schools- and universities; even in spite of all the efforts of the Cartesians, Newtonians, and fore Christ. He held the opinion of Pythagoras as to the other corpuscularians. But the systems of the latter have system of the world, but whether before or after him, is un- at length gained the ascendency ; and the Newtonian phi- certain, teaching that the sun and stars were fixed in the losophy in particular is now very generally received. heavens, and that the earth moved in a circle about the sun, at the same time that it revolved about its own centre or axis. He taught also, that the annual orbit'of the earth, compared with the distance of the fixed stars, is but as a point. On this head Archimedes says, " Aristarchus, the Samian, confuting the notions of astrologers, laid down ARISTOTLE, a Grecian philosopher, the son ofNico- machus, physician to Amyntas king of Macedonia, .was born 384 years before Christ, at Stagira, a town of Mace- donia, or, as others say, of Thrace ; from which he is also culled the Stagirite. Not succeeding in the profession of arms, to which it seems he first applied himself, he turned certain positions, from which it follows, that the world is his views to philosophy, and at 17 years of age entered much larger than is generally imagined ; for he lays it himself a disciple of Plato, and attended in the academy down, that the fixed stars and the sun are immoveable; till the death of that philosopher. Aristotle then retired and that the earth is carried round the sun in the circum- to Atarna, where the prince Hermias gave him his dauoh- ference of a circle. On which account, though he might ter to wife. Repairing afterwards to the court of kinr of forces. But if the motions be not always in the same ratio, then the intersections will not be in the diagonal of a parallelogram. 5. On the variable motions, to cause the intersections to describe the periphery of a circle. 0, or 3540, which is Lix'. Again, 60 times 6'0, or 3000, was called Scxagena A R 1 [ 149 3 A R I Secunda, and marked with two dashes, thus i"; twice 3600, thus n"; and ten times 3600, thus x"; &c. And in this way tha notation was continued to any length. But when a number less than sixty was to be joined with any of the sexagesimal integers, their proper expression was annexed without the dash: thus 4 times 00 and 25, isiv'xxv; the sum of twice 60 and 10 times 3600 and 15, is x"u'xv. So near did the inventor of this method approach to the Arabic notation : instead of the sexagesimal progression, he had only to substitute decimal ; and to make the signs of numbers, from 1 to 9, simple characters, and to intro- duce another character, which should signify nothing by itself, but serving only to fill up places. — The Sexagenas Jntegrorum were soon laid aside, in ordinary calculations, after the introduction of the Arabic notation ; but the sexagesimal fractions continued till the invention of deci- mals, and indeed are still used in the subdivisions of the degrees of circular arcs and angles; except by the French, who now divide their circles into 400°; and were it not for the difficulty in overcoming the prejudices for old esta- blished customs, this method would doubtless be generally introduced, as it is much better in practice than that in common use. Sam. Reyher has invented a kind of sexagenal rods, in imitation of Napier's bones, by means of which the sexa- gesimal arithmetic is easily performed. A good treatise on the Greek or Sexagenary Arith- metic has lately (1808) been given by M. Delambre, in F. Peyrard's French translation of the works of Archi- medes ; and a very good account is given of the same in the Edinburgh Review, vol. 18, pa. 185. Specious Arithmetic, is that which gives the calculus of quantities as designed by the letters of the alphabet : a method which was more generally introduced into alge- bra, by Vieta; being the same as literal arithmetic, or al- gebra. — Dr. Wallis has joined the numeral with the lite- ral calculus; by which means he has demonstrated the rules for fractions, proportions, extraction of roots, &c ; of which a compendium is given by himself, under the ti- tle of Elementa Arithmetics, in the year l6'98. Tabular Arithmetic, is that in which the operations of multiplication, division, (kc,"are performed by means of tables calculated for that purpose : such as those of Her- wart, in l6l0; and my tables of powers and products, pub- lished by order of the Commissioners of Longitude, in 1781. Tetractic Arithmetic, is that in which only the four characters 0, 1,2, 3, are used. A treatise of this kind of arithmetic is extant, by Erhard or Echard Weigel. But both this and binary arithmetic are little better than cu- riosities, especially with regard to practice ; as all num- bers are much more compendiously and conveniently ex- pressed by the common decuple scale. Vulgar, or Common Arithmetic, is that which relates to integers and vulgar fractions. Universal Arithmetic, is the name given by Newton to the science of algebra ; of which he left at Cambridge an excellent treatise, being the text-book drawn up for the use of his lectures, while he was professor of mathematics in that university. ARITHMETICAL, something relating to, or after the manner of arithmetic. Arithmetical Complement, of a logarithm, is what the logarithm wants of 10*00000 &c ; and the easiest way to find it is, beginning at the left hand, to subtract every fi- gure from 9, and the last from 10. So, the arithmetical complement of 8-2501396 is 17498604.— It is commonly used in trigonometrical calculations, when the first term of a proportion is not radius ; in that case, adding all to- gether, the logarithms of the 3d, 2d, and arithmetical com- plement of the 1st term. Arithmetical Instruments, or Machines, are instru- ments for performing arithmetical computations; such as Napier's bones, scales, sliding rules, Pascal's machine, &c. Arithmetical Mean, or Medium, is the middle term of three 1 quantities in arithmetical progression ; and is al- ways equal to half the sum of the extremes. So, an arith- metical mean between 3 and 7, is 5 ; and between a and b, is \a -+- f b. Also, an arithmetical mean among any number of quan- tities, is often found by adding the quantities all together, and then dividing the sum by the number of the terms. So, of the six numbers 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, the sum is 30, which divided by 6, gives 5, for the mean or medium a- mong them all. Arithmetical Progression^ a series of three or more quantities that have all the same common difference : as 3, 5,7, &c, which have the common difference 2; and a, a -+- d, a ■+■ Id &c, which have all the same difference d. In an arithmetical progression, the chief properties are ' these : 1st, The sum of any two terms, is equal to the sum of every other two that are taken at equal distances from the two former, and equal to double the middle term when there is one equally distant between those two: so, in the series 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c, 0-t-6=l-+-5=2+4 = twice 3 or 6. — 2d, The sum of all the terms of any arith- metical progression, is equal to the sum of as many terms of which each is the arithmetical mean between the ex- tremes; or equal to half the sum of the extremes multi- plied by the number of terms: so, the sum of these ten terms 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, is ^ii x 10, or * 5, which is 45: and the reason of this will appear by invert- ing the terms, setting them under the former terms, and adding each two together, which will make double the same series; thus 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, inverted 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, sums 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9; where the double series being the same number of 9's, or sum of the extremes, the single series must be the half of that sum. — 3d, The last, or any term, of such a series, is equal to the first term, with the product added of- the com- mon difference multiplied by 1 less than the number of terms, when the series ascends or increases ; or the same product subtracted when the series descends or decreases: so, of the series 1, 2, 3, 4, &c, whose common difference is 1, the 50th term is I -+- 1 x 49, or 1 ■+■ 49, that is 50; and of the series 50, 49, 48, &c, the 50th term is 50 — 1 x 49, or 50 — 49, which is 1. Also, if a denote the least term, s the greatest term, d the common difference, n the number of the terms, and s the sum of them all ; then the principal properties are expressed by these equa- tions, viz, 2 =? a -+- d(n — 1), a =z — d(n — 1), s = (a -+- z)|», s = [z - id(n - 1)] n, s = \a -1- \d(n — 1)] n. ARM [ 150 ] ARM Also, when the first term a, is or nothing; the theorems become 2 = d (n — 1), and s = \zn. Arithmetical Proportion, is when the difference be- tween two terms, is equal to the difference between two other terms. So, the four terms, 2, 4, 10, 12, are in a- rithmetical proportion, because the difference between 2 and 4, which is 2, is equal to the difference between 10 and 12. — The principal property, besides the above, and which indeed depends upon it, is this, that the sum of the first and last, is equal to the sum of the two means : so 2 -+■ 12, or the sum of 2 and 12, is equal to 4 + 10, or the sum of 4 and 10, which is 14. Arithmetical Ratio, is the same as the difference of any two terms : so, the arithmetical ratio of the series 2, 4, 6", 8, is 2 ; and the arithmetical ratio of a and b, is a — b. Arithmetical Scales, a name given by M. Buffon, in the Memoirs of the Acad, for 1741, to different progres- sions of numbers, according to which, arithmetical com- putations might be made. It has already been remarked above, that our common decuple scale of numbers was probably derived from the number of fingers on the two hands, by means of which the earliest and most natural mode of computation was performed; and that other scales of numbers, formed in a similar way, but of a different number of characters, have been devised ; such as the bi- nary and tetractic scales of arithmetic. In the memoir above cited, Buffon gives a short and simple method to find, at once, the manner of writing down a number given in any scale of numbers whatever ; with remarks on dif- ferent scales. The general effect of any number of cha- racters, different from ten, is, that by a smaller number of characters, any given number would require more places of figures to express or denote it by, but then arith- metical calculations, by multiplication and division, would be easier, as the small numbers 2, 3, 4, &c, are easier to use than the larger 7, 8, 9 ; and by employing more than ten characters, though any given number would be ex- pressed by fewer of them, yet the calculations in arith- metic would be more difficult, as by the larger numbers 11, 12, 13, &c. It is therefore concluded, on the whole, that the ordinary decuple scale is a good convenient me- dium among them all, the numbers expressed being tole- rably short and compendious, and no single character re- presenting too large a number. The same might also be said, and perhaps more, of a duodecimal scale, by twelve characters, which would express all numbers in a more compendious way than the decuple one, and yet no single character would represent a number too large to compute by; as is confirmed by the now common practice of ex- tending the multiplication table, in school books, to 12 numbers or dimensions, each way, instead of 10; and every person is taught, with sufficient ease, to multiply and divide by 11 and 12, as easily as by 8 or 9 or 10. Another convenience might be added, namely, that the number 12 admitting of moresubmultiplcs than the num- ber 10, there would be fewer expressions of interminate fractions in that way than in decimals. So that on all accounts, it is very probable that the duodecimal would be the best of any scale of numbers whatever. Aritii m etica l Triangle. SceTuiANGLE Arithmetical. ARMED. A magnet or loadstone is said to be armed, when it is capped, cased, or set in iron or steel ; to make it take up a greater weight ; and also readily to distin- guish its poles. It is surprising, that a little iron fastened to the poles of a magnet, should so greatly improve its power, as to make it even 150 times stronger, or more, than it is na- turally, or when unarmed. The effect however, it seems, is not uniform ; but that some magnets, by arming, gain much more, and others much less, than one would ex- pect; and that some magnets even lose some of their effi- cacy by arming. In general however, the thickness of the iron armour ought to be nearly proportioned to the natural strength of the magnet ; giving thick irons to a strong magnet, and to the weaker ones thinner : so that a magnet may easily be over-loaded. The usual armour of a load-stone, in form of a right- angled parallelopipedon, consists of two thin pieces of iron or steel, of a square figure, and of a thickness propor- tioned to the goodness of the stone ; the proper thickness being found by trials; always filing it thinner and thin- ner, till the effect be found to be the greatest possible. — The armour of a spherical load-stone, consists of two steel shells, fastened together by a joint, and covering a good part of the convexity of the stone. This also is to be filed away, till the effect is found to be the greatest. Kircher, in his book De Magnete, says, that the best way to arm a load-stone, is to drill a hole through the stone, from pole to pole, in which is to be placed a steel rod of a moderate length : this rod, he asserts, will take up more weight at the end, than the stone itself when armed in the common way. And Gasscndus and Cabsus prescribe the same method of arming. But Muschen- broek found, by repeated trials, that the usual armour, al- ready mentioned, is preferable to Kircher's; and he gives the following directions for preparing it. When, by means of steel filings and a small needle, the poles of a magnet have been discovered, he directs that the adjacent parts should be rubbed or ground into parallel planes, without shortening the polar axis ; and the magnet may be after- wards shaped into the figure of a cube or parallelopipedon, or any other figure that may be more convenient. Plates of the softest iron are then prepared, of the same length and breadth with the whole polar sides of the magnet : the thickness of which plates, so as that they may admit and convey the greatest quantity of the magnetic virtue, is to be previously determined by experiment, in a man- ner which he prescribes for the purpose. A thicker piece of iron is to be annexed at right angles to these plates, which is called pes armatura?, the foot or base of the ar- mour: then the plates, nicely smoothed and polished, arc to be firmly attached to each of the polar sides, while the thicker part or base is brought into close contact with the lower part of the magnet. In this way, he says, almost all the magnetic virtue issuing from the poles, enters into the armour, is directed to the base, and condensed by means of its roundness, so as to sustain the greatest weight of iron. Phys. Exper. and Geom. Dissert. 1729, pa. 131. ARMILLARY Sphere, a name given to the artificial sphere, composed of a number of circles of metal, wood, or paper, which represent the several circles of the system of the world, put together in their natural order. It serves to assist the imagination to conceive the disposition of the heavens, and the motion of the celestial bodies. This sphere is represented at Plate 2, Fig. 0", where P and Q represent the poles of the world, ad the equator, el the ecliptic and zodiac, tagd the meridian, or the solstitial colure, t the earth, fg the tropic of cancer, ax the tropic of Capricorn, mn the arctic circle, ov the ant- A S C [ W aTctic, n and o the poles of the ecliptic, and es the horizon. The Armillary sphere constructed by Dr. Long, in Pem- broke-hall, Cambridge, was 18 feet in diameter; and will contain more than 30 persons sitting within it, to view, as from a centre, the representation of the celestial spheres. The lower part of the sphere, which is not visible to Eng- land, is cut off; and the whole apparatus is so contrived, that it may be turned round with as little labour as is em- ployed to wind up a common jack. See also Mr. Fergu- son's sphere, in his Lectures, p. 194. Armillary Trigonometer,za instrument first contrived by Mr. Mungo Murray, and improved by Mr. Ferguson, consisting of five semicircles ; viz, meridian, vertical cir- cle, horizon, hour circle, and equator ; so adapted to each other by joints and hinges, and so divided and graduated, as to serve for expeditiously resolving many problems in astronomy, dialling, and spherical trigonometry. The drawing, description, and method of using it, may be seen in Ferguson's Tracts, pa. 80, &c. ARTILLERY, the heavy equipage of war; compre- hending all sorts of large fire-arms, with their appurte- nances ; as cannon, mortars, howitzers, carronades, balls, shells, petards, musquets, carbines, &c; being what is otherwise called Ordnance. The term is also applied to the larger instruments of war used by the ancients, as the catapult, balista, battering-ram, &c. The term Artillery, or Royal Artillery, is also applied to the persons employed in that service ; as also to the art or science itself; and formerly it was used for what, is otherwise called Pyrotechnia, or the art of fire-works, with the apparatus and instruments belonging to the same. There have been many authors on the subject of artil- lery; the principal of which are, Bucherius, Braunius, Tartalea, Collado, Sardi, Ul'ano, Hanzelet, Digges, Mo- retti, Simienowitz, Mieth, d'Avelour, Manesson, Mallet, St. Julien ; and the later authors, of still more conse- quence, are Belidor, St. Remy, le Blond, Valiere, Moro- gue, Puget, Coudray, Robins, Muller, Eukr, Antoni, Tig- nola, Scheele; to which may be added the extensive and accurate experiments published in the 2d and 3d volumes of my Tracts, and in the Philos. Trans, for 177S. Park of Artillery, is that place in a camp which is set apart for the artillery, or large fire-arms. Traile or Train of Artillery, a number of pieces of ordnance, mounted on carriages, with all their furniture fit for marching. To this commonly belong mortars, can- non, balls, shells, &c— There arc trains of artillery in most of the royal magazines; as in the Tower, at Ports- mouth, Plymouth, &c, but, above all, at Woolwich, from whence the ships commonly receive their ordnance, and where they are all completely proved before they are re- ceived into the public service. The officers and men of the artillery were formerly called also the Train of Artillery, but are now called the Royal Regiment of Artillery; consisting at present of ten bat- talions, and several troops of Horse or Cavalry Artillery. ASCENDING, in Astronomy, a term used to denote any star, or degree, or other point of the heavens, rising above the horizon. Ascending Latitude, is the latitude of a planet when going towards the north. Ascending Node, is that point of a planet's orbit where it crosses the ecliptic, in proceeding northward. It is otherwise called the Northern Node, and is denoted by 1 ] this character A S C representing a node, or knot, with the larger part upwards ; and the same character reversed is used to denote the opposite, or Descending Node Q . Ascending Signs, are such as are upon their ascent, or rise, from the nadir or lowest point of the heavens, to- wards the zenith, or highest point. ASCENSION-Day, otherwise called Holy Tliursday, is a festival of the church, held 10 days before Whit-sunday, in memory of our Saviour's Ascension. ASCENSION, in Astronomy, is either Right or Oblique. Right Ascension of the sun, or of a star, is that de- gree of the equinoctial, accounted from the beginning of Aries, which rises with them, in a right sphere. — Or, Right Ascension, is that point of the equinoctial, counted as be- fore, which comes to the meridian with the sun or star, or other point of the heavens. And the reason of thus re- ferring it to the meridian, is, because this is always at right angles to the equinoctial ; whereas the horizon is so only in a right or direct sphere. — The right ascension stands opposed to the right descension ; and is similar to the lon- gitude of places on the earth. All the fixed stars, &c, which have the same right ascension, that is, which are at the same distance from the first point of Aries, or, which comes to the same thing, which are in the same meridian, rise at the same time in a right sphere, that is, to the peo- ple who live at the equator. And if they be not in the same meridian, the difference between their times of rising, or of coming to the meridian of any place, is the precise difference of their right ascension.* — But, in an oblique sphere, where the horizon cuts all the meridians obliquely, different points of the same meridian never rise or set to- gether: so that two or more stars on the same meridian, or having the same right ascension, never rise or set at the same time in an oblique sphere; and the more oblique the sphere is, the greater is the interval of time between them. To find the right ascension of the sun, stars, &c, by trigonometry, say, As radius is to the cosine of the sun's greatest declination, or obliquity of the ecliptic, so is the tangent of the sun's or star's longitude, to the tangent of the right ascension. Right Ascension of the Mid-heaven, often used by as- tronomers, especially in calculating eclipses by means of the nonagesimal degree, is the right ascension of that point of the equator which is in the meridian; and it is equal to the sum of the sun's right ascension and the horary angle or true time reduced to degrees, or to the sum of the mean longitude and mean time. Oblique Ascen sion, is an arch of the equator intercept- ed between the first point of Aries, and that point of the equator which rises together with the star, &c, in an ob- lique sphere.— The oblique ascension is counted from west to east ; and is greater or less, according to the vari- ous obliquity of the sphere. — To find the oblique ascen- sion of the sun, see Ascensional and Globe. The Arch of Oblique Ascension, is ah arch of the horizon intercepted between the beginning of Aries, and the point of the equator which rises with a star or planet, in an ob- lique sphere; and it varies with the latitude of the place. Refraction of Ascension and Descension. See Re- fraction. ASCENSIONAL Difference, is the difference be- tween the right and oblique ascension of the same point on the surface of the sphere. Or it is the time the sun rises or sets before or after 6 o'clock. A S C [ 152 ] ASP To find the ascensional difference, having given the sun's declination and the latitude of the place, say, As ra- dius is to the tangent^of the latitude, so is the tangent of the sun's declination, to the sine of the ascensional differ- ence sought. The sun's ascensional difference converted into time, shows how much he rises before, or sets after, 6 o'clock. When the sun has north declination, the right ascension is greater than the oblique ; but the contrary, when the sun has south declination ; and the difference, in either case, is the ascensional difference. ASCENT, the motion of a body from below tending upwards ; or the continual recess of a body from the earth, or from some other centre of force. And it is opposed to descent, or motion downwards. An acclivity is also sometimes called an ascent, as a declivity is called a descent. The Peripatetics attributed the spontaneous ascent of bodies to a principle of levity, inherent in them. But the moderns have demonstrated that there is no such thing as spontaneous levity; and they show, that whatever ascends, does so by virtue of some external impulse or extrusion. Thus it is that smoke, and other rare bodies, ascend in the atmosphere; and oil, light woods, &c, in, water; not by any inherent principle of levity, but superior gravity, or .pressure of the medium in which they ascend and float. The ascent of light bodies in heavy mediums, is produ- ced after the same manner as the ascent of the lighter scale of a balance. It is not that such scale has an internal principle, by which it immediately tends upwards ; but it is impelled upwards by the preponderancy of the other scale ; the excess of the weight in the one having the same effect, by augmenting its impetus downwards, as so much real levity in the other: because the tendencies mutually oppose each other, and action and reaction are always equal. — See this farther illustrated under the articles Fluid, and Specific Gravity. Ascent of Bodies on Inclined Planes. See the doctrine and laws of them under Inclined Plane. Ascent of Fluids, is particularly understood of their rising above their own level, between the surfaces of nearly contiguous bodies, or in slender capillary glass tubes, or in vessels filled with sand, ashes, or the like porous sub- stances. Which is an effect that takes place as well in va- cuo, as in the open air, and in bent, as well as straight tubes. Indeed some fluids ascend swifter than others, as spirit of wine, and oil of turpentine; and some rise after a different manner from others. The phenomenon, with its causes, &c, in the instance of capillary tubes, will be treated more atlarge under Capillary Tube. As to planes: Two smooth polished plates of glass, metal, stone, or other matter, being placed almost conti- guous, have the effect of several capillary tubes, and the fluid rises in them accordingly: the same may be said of a vessel filled with sand, &c; the various small interstices of which form, as it were, a kind of capillary tubes. So that the same principle accounts for the appearance in tliem all. And to the same cause may be ascribed the ascent of the sap in vegetables. And on this subject Sir Isaac Newton says, " If a large pipe of glass be filled with sifted ashes, well pressed together, and one end dipped into stagnant water, the fluid will ascend slowly in the ashes, so as in the space of a week or fortnight, to reach the height of 30 or 40 inches above the stagnant water. This ascent is wholly owing to the action of those particles of the ashes which are on the surface of the elevated water ; those within the water attracting as much downwards as up- wards: it follows, that the action of such particles is very strong ; though being less dense and close than those of glass, their action is not equal to that of glass, which keeps quicksilver suspended to the height of 60 or 70 inches, and therefore acts with a force which would keep water suspended to the height of above 60 feet. By the same principle, a sponge sucks in water, and the glands in the bodies of animals, according to their several natures and dispositions, imbibe various juices from the blood." Op- tics, pa. 367. Again, if a drop of water, oil, or other fluid, be dropped upon a glass plane, perpendicular to the horizon^ so as to stand without breaking, or running off; and another plane touching it at one end, be gradually inclined towards the former, till it touch the drop ; then will the drop break and move along towards the touching end of the planes ; and it will move the faster in proportion as it proceeds far- ther, because the distance between the planes is constantly diminishing. And after the same manner, the drop may be brought to any part of the planes, either upward or downward, or sideways, by altering the angle of incli- nation. Lastly, if the same planes be so placed, as that two of their sides meet, and form a small angle, the other two being only kept apart by the interposition of some thin body; and thus immerged in a fluid, tinged with some co- lour to render it visible ; the fluid will ascend between the planes, and that the highest where the planes are nearest; so as to form a curve line which is found to be a true hy- perbola, of which one of the asymptotes is the line of the fluid, the other being a line drawn along the touching sides. And the physical cause of all these phenomena, is the same power of attraction. Ascent of Vapour. See Cloud and Vapour. Ascent, in Astronomy, &c. See Ascension. Ascii, are those inhabitants of the globe, who, at cer- tain times of the year, have no shadow. Such are the in- habitants of the torrid zone, who twice a year having the sun at noon in their zenith, have then no shadow. ASELLI, two fixed stars of the fourth magnitude, in the constellation Cancer. ASH-Wednesday, the first day of Lent, supposed to have been so called from a custom in the church, of sprinkling ashes that day on the heads of penitents then admitted to penance. ASPECT, is the situation of the stars and planets in re- spect of each other. Or, in Astrology, it denotes a certain configuration and mutual relation between the planets, arising from their situations in the zodiac, by which it is supposed that their powers are mutually either increased or diminished, as they happen to agree or disagree in their active or passive qualities. Though such configurations may be varied and combined a thousand ways, yet only a few of them are considered. Hence, Wolfius more accu- rately defines aspect to be, the meeting of luminous rays emitted from two planets to the earth, cither posited in the same right line, or including an angle which is an ali- quot part, or some number of aliquot parts, of four right angles, or of 300 degrees. The doctrine of aspects was introduced by the astrolo- gers, as the foundation of their predictions. And hence Kepler defines aspect to be, an angle formed b) the rays of two planets meeting on the earth, capable of exciting some natural power or influence. ASS [ 153 ] ASS The ancients reckoned five aspects, viz. conjunction, sex- tile, quartile, trine, and opposition. Conjunction is denoted by this character 6 , and is when the planets are in the same sign and degree, or have the same longitude. Sextile is denoted by #, and is when the planets are distant by the 6th part of a circle, or 2 signs, or 60 de- grees. . Quartile is denoted by D , and is when the planets are distant $ of the circle, or 90 degrees, or 3 signs. Trine is denoted by A, and is when the planets are di- stant by | of the circle, or 4 signs, or 120 degrees. Opposition is denoted by g , and is when the planets are in opposite points of the circle, or differ by J the circle, or 6 signs, or ISO degrees of longitude. Or their characters and distances are as in this following tablet. NAME. CHARACTER. DISTANCE. Conjunction • 6 00= s Sextile - - - * 60 = 2 Quartile - - - D 00 = 3 Trine - - - A 120 = 4 Opposition - - 8 180 = 6 These intervals are reckoned according tothe longitudes of the planets ; so that the aspects are the same, whether the planet be in the ecliptic or out of it. ASPERITY, signifies the inequality or roughness of the surface of any body; by which some parts of it are more prominent than the rest, so as to hinder the. hand, &c, from passing over it with ease and freedom ; and thus producing what is called friction. — Asperity, or roughness, stands qpposed to smoothness, evenness, &c. According to the relations of Vermausen, the blind man so celebrated for distinguishing colours by the touch, it seems that every colour has its peculiar degree and kind of asperity. He makes black the roughest, as it is the dark- est of colours ; but the others are not smoother in propor- tion as they are lighter; that is, the roughest do not al- ways reflect the least light : for, according to him, yellow is two degrees rougher than blue, and as much smoother than green. See Colours. ASSIGNABLE Magnitude, is used for any finite mag- nitude that can be expressed or denoted. And, Assignable Ratio, for any expressible ratio. ASSUMPTION, a feast celebrated in the Romish church, in honour of the miraculous ascent of the Holy Virgin, as they describe it, body and soul, into heaven. It is kept on the 15th of August. ASSURANCE on Lives, a compact by which security is granted for the payment of a certain sum of money on the expiration of the life on which the policy is given, in consideration of such a previous payment made to the as- surer as is accounted a sufficient compensation for the loss and hazard to which he exposes himself: The sum at which this compensation should be valued, depends principally on these two circumstances, viz. 1st, On the rate of interest given for the use of money; and 2d| On the probability of the duration of the life assured, and .the values of annuities. For, 1st, If the interest of money be high, the value of the insurance will be pro- portionally low, and the contrary; because the higher the rate of interest, the less will be the present value which amounts to a certain proposed sum in any given time. Also, if the probability of the duration of life be high, the value of the assurance will again be proportionally low, Vol. I. and the contrary; because the longer the time is, the less will be the principal which will amount to "any assigned sum. Thus, if it be required to know the premium or present value, to be given for 100 pounds to be received at the end of any time, as suppose 10 years; then, if the interest of money be at the rate of 5 per cent, the answer, or present premium, would be 6ll 7s lOd; but at 4 per cent, it would be 6?l lis Id; and at 3 per cent, it would amount to 74/ &s id. Again, suppose it were required to assure 100/ on a life, for any time, for instance 1 year; that is, let 100/ be supposed to be payable a year hence, provided $, life of a given age fails in that time : here it is evident that, whatever be the rate of interest, the less the probability of the life failing within the year, the kss the risk is, and the less the premium ought to be. In effect, the rate of interest being 5 per cent, if it were sure that the life would fail in that year, the value of the assurance would be the same as the present value of 100/. payable at the end of the year, which is 95/ 4s Qd. But, if it be an equal chance whether the life does or does not fail in the year, in which case the probability of failing is ■§; then the- value of the assurance will be but half the former value, or 47/ 12s 4|d. Or if the odds against its failing be as 2 to 1, that is, if one person out of every 3 die at the age of the proposed life, the probability of dying being only j, the value of the assurance will be y of the first value, or 31/ 14s lid. And if the odds be 19 to 1, or one person die out of 20, of that age, the pro- bability of dying will be ^, and the value of the assu- rance will also be ^ of the first value, or 4/ 1 5s 3d nearly. Lastly, if only one person die out of 50 at the given age, the probability of dying will be 3?^, and the value of the assurance will be accordingly only T ^ of the. first sum, or 1/ 18* Id: the interest of money being all along consi- dered as after the rate of 5 per cent. — Now, according to Dr. Halley's table of observations, one person dies out of 3, at the age of 87 ; one in 20 at the age of 64 ; and one in 50 at the age of 39 : It follows, therefore, that the va- lue of the assurance of 100/. for one year, on a life aged 87, is 31/ 14s lid; on a life aged 64, it is 4/ 15s 3d; and on a life aged 39, it is 1/ 18s Id: reckoning interest at 5 per cent. But if interest were rated at 3 per cent, these values would be 32/ 7s 3d, and 4/ 17s Id, and 1/ 18s lOd. When a life is assured for any number of years ; the premium or value may be paid, either in one single pre- sent payment; in consequence of which the sum assured will become payable without any farther compensation, whenever, within the given term, the life shall happen to drop: or the value may be paid in annual payments, to be continued till the failure of the life, should that happen within the term; or, if not, till the determination of the term. And the determination of the value of assurance, in all cases, is to be made out from the rules for computing annuities on lives; the principal writers on which a.reHallcy, De Moivre, Simpson, Smart, Kersseboom, De Parcieux, Price, Morgan, Maseres, and Baily. See also Life An- nuties, Reversion, &c. Assurances may be made either on single lives ; as above explained; or they may be made on any number of joint lives, or on the longest of any lives ; that is, an assurer may bind himself to pay any sums at the extinction of any joint lives, or the longest of any lives, or at the ex- tinction of any one or two of any number of lives. There are further assurances on survivorships ; by which is meant an obligation, for the value received, to pay a given sum ASS [ 154 ] A S S or annuity, provided a' given life shall survive any other given life or lives. For which see Survivorship. The principal offices for making these insurances, in England, are the London and the Royal Exchange Assu- rance Offices ; the Amicahle Society, incorporated for a per- petual Assurance Office ; the Society for equitable Assu- rances on Lives and Survivorships; the Westminster So- ciety for granting Annuities and insuring Money on Lives; the Phcenix fire-office; the Westminster fire-office; the Life-assurance Society, for widows and female relations ; the British fire-office; the Pelican life-insurance; the Laud- able Society, for widows; the Imperial Insurance Company; the Globe; the Albion; the Rock ; the Provident Institu- tion; the Philanthropic; the Hope; the County fire-office ; the Eagle; the London Life Association; and the Atlas. Most of these offices, besides various extensive compa- nies in the country, make also insurances on houses, goods, ships, &c, from fire and damages, &c. These articles of assurances are commonly divided into 3 classes : first, com- mon assurances, which are made at 2s per cent, per annum ; 2d, hazardous assurances, at 3s; and 3dly, doubly hazard- ous, at 5* per cent, per annum : and the mode of classifi- cation may be learned from the proposals of any of the companies. Besides these rates, a duty of It 6d on every 100/ was imposed in 1782, which was increased in 1797 to 2s per cent, and in ] 804 to 2s 6d per cent. From the produce of this duty, an estimate has been formed of the total amount of property assured from fire in Great Bri- tain, which appears to have been at several periods nearly as follows : In 1785 =£125 millions. 1789 1793 1797 1801 1806 142 167 184 223 260 As to the assurances on lives, the premium or rates of the different companies are nearly alike ; as indeed they must be if founded on correct principles, and equally ad- vantageous to the public; and the following tables of the rates are nearly the, same in all. A Table of Premiums for assuring the Sum of one hundred Pounds upon the Life o " any healthy Person, from the Age of Eight to Sixty-seven. Age. For 1 Year. For 7 Years at an annual Payment of For the whole Life at an annual Pay- ment of 1 s d I S d / s d 8 to 14 17 9 1 1 5 1 17 7 15 17 11 1 2 11 1 18 7 10 19 2 1 4 7 1 19 8 17 1 1 2 I 6 1 2 8 18 1 3 3 1 7 5 2 1 8 19 1 5 1 S 2 2 S 20 1 7 3 1 9 5 2 3 7 21 1 S 10 1 10 1 2 4 6 22 1 9 3 1 10 6 2 5 4 23 1 9 8 111 2 3 24 1 10 2 111 6 2 7 1 25 1 10 7 1 12 1 2 8 1 26 111 1 1 12 7 2 9 1 ■27 111 7 1 13 2 2 10 1 28 1 12 1 113 9 2 11 1 29 1 12 8 1 14 4 2 12 3 30 113 3 1 14 II 2 1 3 5 31 1 13 9 1 15 7 2 14 7 The Table Continu ed. Age. For 1 Year. For 7 annua Years at an] Payment of For th at an e who eLife lPay- f s d / s d / s d 32 14 4 1 16 3 2 15 9 33 15 1 16 10 2 17 1 34 15 8 1 17 8 2 18 5 35 16 4 1 18 10 2 19 10 36 17 1 19 7 3 1 4 37 17 9 2 8 3 2 10 38 IS 6 2 I 9 3 4 6 39 19 3 2 ■ 2 11 3 6 2 40 2 8 2 4 1 3 7 11 41 2 2 2 5 4 3 9 9 42 2 3 6 2 6 6 3 11 8 43 2 4 6 2 7 9 3 13 8 44 2 5 6 2 9 2 3 15 9 45 2 6 S 2 10 10 3 17 11 46 2 7 10 ■2 12 6 4 2 47 2 9 2 14 4 4 2 7 48 2 10 3 2 16 4 4 5 I 49 2 12 3 2 18 6 4 7 10 50 2 15 1 3 8 4 10 s 51 2 17 4 3 2 8 4 13 6 52 2 19 I 3 4 9 4 16 5 53 3 1 3 7 4 19 7 54 3 3 3 9 5 5 2 10 55 3 5 3 12 5 6 4 56 3 7 3 3 14 8 5 10 1 51 3 9 8 3 17 6 5 14 58 3 12 3 4 6 5 18 2 59 3 15 1 4 3 8 6 2 8 60 3 18 1 4 7 1 6 7 4 61 4 1 5 4 10 1 1 12 4 62 4 3 11 4 15 6 17 9 63 4 7 8 4 19 8 7 3 7 64 4 10 9 5 4 10 7 9' 10 65 4 15 2 5 10 10 7 16 9 66 5 1 5 17 7. 8 4 1 67 5 5 6 6 5 2 8 12 1 A Table of annual Premiums payable during the joint Continuance of two lives for assuring one hundred Pounds, or an equivalent Annuity on the Contingency of one Life's surviving the other. Ages. [Annuity . equivalent to Life to be assured. Life against which the Assurance is to be made. Premium. ] 00/, to be paid from the Death of the Life assured, during the Remainder ol the oilier Life. / .< d / * ,1 10 10 1 S 6 5 1 1- 6 20 1 9 1 6 14 10 30 1 8 3 7 14 11 40 1 7 3 9 5 6 50 1 6 11 11 13 60 1 6 15 13 5 70 1 4 11 23 1 3 80 1 3 4 40 1 S 20 10 1 16 6 5 (ill 20 1 17 6 4 1 30 1 15 9 7 40 114 8 8 4 11 50 113 6 10 1 9 60 112 1 13 7 70 1 10 6 IS 12 S SO 1 8 3 30 u o ASS The Table continued. [ 1M-] AST Life to be assured. 30 Life against which the Assurance is to he made. 00 07 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 4-0 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 4 2 18 16 13 19 19 18 15 12 9 5 1 1 17 13 7 1 15 16 18 .16 14 10 2 9 17 1 2 18 15 8 10 5 6 9 11 10 7 9 2 10 2 11 10 4 11 10 1 1 10 I 10 10, 7 6 9 1 3 7 4 10 II 9 10 7 6 8 8 9 Annuity equivalent 1 00/, to be paid from the Death of the Life assured, during the Remainder of the other Life. I 5 5 8 6 2 9 6 19 6 8 3 8 10 6 13 18 12 10 30 9 3 5 3 6 5 19 9 6 16 8 8 1 9 16 6 12 14 3 18 5 6 29 19 10 5 1 4 5 16 2 6 12 2 7 16 9 9 12 8 12 6 8 17 11 5 28 12 6 4 19 3 5 12 10 6 7 7 7 10 10 12 17 27 4 5 6 7 9 12 17 27 A Table ol animal Premiums pay able during the Conti- nuance of two join Lives for assuring one hundred Pounds, to be paid n hen either of the Lives shj 11 drop. Age.; Age ( s d Atro. Arc.; / a d Age. Age. I s d 10 10 'j 17 1 15 30 3 17 6 20 .55 6 10 2 15 3 1 1 35 4 3 1 60 7 10 2 20 3 5 7 10 4 10 4 67* 9 13 9 25 3 9 3 45 4 19 5 25 25 4 10 30 3 13 9 50 5 1 1 3 30 4 5 35 3 1') 55 6 6 1 35 4 10 3 40 4 1, 10 60 7 6 40 4 17 4 45 4 15 1 1 67 9 9 5 45 5 6 2 50 5 7 10 20 20 3 13 11 50 5 17 10 55 6 2 8 25 3 17 5 55 6 12 6 60 7 2 9 30 4 1 9 60 7 12 5 67 9 6 3 35 4 7 3 67 9 15 9 l'5 15 3 5 40 4 14 6 30 30 4 8 11 20 3 9 6 45 5 3 i. 35 4 14 1 2 3 3 13 1 50 5 15 4 40 5 I I The Table continued. Age. Age. I s d Age. Age. / s (/ Age. Age. l s d 30 45 5 9 6 35 67 10 1 2 45 67 10 I 1 J 50 6 1 .40 40 5 11 9 50 50 '7 7 S 55 1 6 15 5 45 5 19 9 55 8 3 60 7 15 50 6 10 8 60 8 18 2 67 9 18 1 55 7 4 5 67 10 18 10 35 35 4 19 60 8 3 4 55 55 8 12 2 40 5 5 6 67 10 5 6 60 9 9 45 5 13 10 45 45 6 7 4 67 11 8 5 50 6 5 50 6 17 9 60 60 10 4 9 55 6 19 2 55 7 11 07 12 2 1 60 7 18 00 8 9 6 67 67 13 15 8 From the above specimen of premiums, the reader will easily judge of the proportional premium for any interme- diate age. ASTE11ISM, the same with constellation, or a collec- tion of many stars, which are usually represented on globes by some particular image or figure, to distinguish the stars which compose this constellation from those of others. ASTRiEA, a name given by some to the sign Virgo, by others called Erigone, and sometimes Isis. The poets feign that Justice quitted heaven to reside on earth, in the. golden age; but, growing weary of the iniquities of mankind, she left the earth, and returned to heaven, placing herself in that part of the zodiac called Virgo, where she became a constellation of stars, and from her orb still looks down on the ways of men. Ovid. Metam. lib. i. ver. 149. ASTRAGAL, in Architecture, a small round moulding, which encompasses the top of the fust or shaft of a column, like a ring or bracelet. The shaft always terminates at top with an astragal, and at bottom with a fillet, which in this place is called ozia. Astragal, in Gunnery, is a kind of ring or moulding on a piece of ordnance, at about half a foot distance from the muzzle or mouth ; serving as an ornament to the gun, as the former does to a column. ASTRAL, something belonging to or depending on the •stars. Astral Year, or Sidereal Year, See Year. ASTRO DICTICUM, an astronomical instrument in- vented by M. Weighel, by means of which many persons shall be able to view the same star at the same time. ASTROLABE, from aa-njg, star, and Xayi.Za.vui, I take; alluding to its use in taking, or observing, the stars. The Arabians call it in their tongue astharlub; a word formed by corruption from the common Greek name. This name was originally used for a system or assemblage of the several circles of the sphere, in their proper order and situation with respect to each other. And the ancient instruments were much the same as our armillary spheres. The first and most celebrated of this kind, was that of Hipparchus, which he made at Alexandria, the capital of Egypt, and lodged in a secure place, where it served for divers astronomical operations. Ptolemy made the same use of it: but as the instrument had several inconveni- ences, he contrived to change its figure, though perfectly natural, and agreeable to the doctrine of the sphere; and to reduce the whole astrolabe to a plain surface, to which he gave the name of the Planisphere. Hence, Astrolabe is used among the moderns for a Plani- sphere, or a stereographic projection of the circles of the sphere on the plane of one of the great circles; which is usually either the plane of the equinoctial, the eye being then placed in the pole of the world ; or that of the meri- X 2 AST [ 156 ] AST dian, the eye being supposed in the point of intersection of " That the heavens are one great volume or book, wherein % the equinoctial and horizon ; or on that of the horizon. God has written the history of the world ; and in which The Astrolabe has been treated at large by Stoffler, Gem- every man may read his own fortune, and the transactions ma Frisius,- Clavius, and our poet Chaucer, who wrote a of his time. The art," say they, " had its rise from the same Ion" and learned tract upon it, and indeed on the whole people as astronomy itself: while the ancient Assyrians, practice of astronomy, as the art stood in his day. For a whose serene unclouded sky favoured their celestial obser- farther account of the nature and kinds of it, see the arti- vations, were intent on tracing the paths and periods of the cle Planisphere. heavenly bodies, they discovered a constant, settled rela- Astrolabe, or Sea Astrolabe, more particularly de- tion of analogy, between them and things below; and notes an instrument chiefly used for taking altitudes at sea; hence were led to conclude these to be the Parcse, the De- ~as the altitude of the pole, the sun, or the stars. stinies so much talked of, which preside at our births, and The common Astrolabe, represented Plate 2, fig. 7, con^ dispose of our future fate." sists of a large brass ring, about 15 inches in diameter, " The laws therefore of this relation being ascertained whose limb, or a convenient part of it, is divided into de- by a series of observations, and the share each planet has grees and minutes. It is fitted with a moveable label or therein; by knowing the precise time of any person's na- index, which turns upon the centre, and carries two sights; tivity, they were enabled, from their knowledge in astro- and having a small ring, at a, to hang it by in time of ob- nomy, to erect a scheme or horoscope of the situation of servation. the planets, at that point of time; and hence, by consi- To make use of the Astrolabe in taking altitudes; sus- deririg their degrees of power and influence, and how each pend it by the ring a, and turn it to the sun, &c, so as that was either strengthened or tempered by some other, to com- the rays may pass freely through both the sights r and G; pute what must be the result thereof.'' then will the label cut or point out the altitude on the di- Judicial Astrology, it is commonly said, was invented in vided limb. There a-re many other uses of the Astrolabe; Chalda;a, and from thence transmitted to the Egyptians, of which Clavius, Henrion, and others have written very Greeks, and Romans; though some insist that it was of largely. Egyptian origin, and ascribe the invention to Cham. But The Astrolabe, though now come into disuse, is by ma- it is to the Arabs that we owe it. At Rome the people ny .esteemed equal to any other instrument for taking the were so infatuated with it, that the astrologers, or, as they altitude at sea; especially between the tropics, where the were then called, the mathematicians, maintained their sun comes near the zenith. - ground in spite of all the edicts of the emperors to expel ASTROLOGICAL, something relating to Astrology. them out of the city. ■ See Genethliaci. ASTROLOGY, the pretended art of foretelling future Among the Indians, the bramins, who introduced and events, from the positions, aspects, and influences of the practised this art in the East, have hereby made themselves heavenly, bodies. The word is compounded of ounftfg, star, the arbiters of good and evil hours, which gives them great and Aoyoj, discourse; whence, in the literal sense of the authority: they are consulted as oracles; and they have term, astrology should signify no more than the doctrine taken care always to sell their answers at good rates, or science of the stars: this indeed was its original accep- The same superstition has prevailed in more modern ages tation, and constituted the ancient astrology ; which con- and nations. The French historians remark, that in the sisted formerly of both the branches now called astronomy time of queen Catharine de Medicis astrology was so much and astrology, under the name of the latter only; and for in vogue, that the most inconsiderable thing was not to be the sake of making judiciary predictions it was, that astro- done without consulting the stars. And in the reigns of nomical observations, properly so called, were chiefly made king Henry in and iv of France, the predictions of astro- by the ancients. And though the two branches be now logers were the common theme of the court conversation, perfectly separated, and that of astrology almost univer- And this predominant humour in that court was well ral- sally rejected by men of real learning, this has but lately lied by Barclay, in his Argenis, lib. 2, on occasion of an been the case, as their union subsisted, in some degree, astrologer, who had undertaken to instruct king Henry in from Ptolemy till Kepler, who had a strong bias towards the event of a war which was then threatened by the tac- tile ancient astrology. tion of the Guises. Astrology may be divided into two branches, natural History of Astrology. — Nothing could be more vain, ri- and judiciary. , diculous, and absurd, than the pretended science of astro- To Natuual Astrology belongs the predicting of logy; yet nothing, perhaps, could possibly have led men natural effects; such as the changes of weather, winds, to a more diligent inquiry info, and finally to a knowledge storms, hurricanes, thunder, floods, earthquakes, &c. But of, the laws that regulate the motions of the heavenly bo- this art properly belongs to Physiology, or Natural Philo- dies. Thus it has been said, tint astrology was the daugh- sophy ; and is only to be deduced, a posteriori, from phe- ter of ignorance, and the mother of astronomy; and cer- nomena and observations. And for this kind of astrology tainly, if it was not the offspring of passive ignorance, it it is that Mr. Boyle makes an apology in his History of the Air. Its foundation and merits may be gathered from what is said under the articles Air, Atmosphere, and What her. Judicial, or Judiciary Astrology, which is what is com- monly and properly called astrology, is that which pro- must be acknowledged to have derived its origin from the natural vanity and credulity of the human mind, aided perhaps by the coincidence of some accidental circum- stances, such as an eclipse, the appearance of a comet, or other celestial phenomenon, at the time of any remarkable calamity, the death of a prince, or the defeat of an army ; fesses to foretel moral events, or suchas have a dependence which being once observed, nothing more was necessary, on the free will and agency of man ; as if they were pro- in this infant stale of the reasoning faculty of man, to lead duccd or directed by the stars. him to a belief that all great events were connected with The professors of this kind of astrology maintain, the motion of the heavenly bodies, that the death of princes- AST [ m ] AST was always announced by some celestial phenomenon; and finally, that every man had his destiny written in the hea- vens, in which might be read all the physical and political events of his life. Whether or not, astronomical observations were made, before they were thought necessary to astrological predic- tions, we have now no means of'determiningj but at all events, we know that many were made with no other view, and in consequence of which the knowledge of astronomy was advanced, if it did not derive its immediate origin from astrology. It is also probable, that to the same frivolous motive, we are indebted for the preservation of so many of the learned works of Greece, which have been handed down to us. For, as a celebrated author justly observes, " What could be the charms of truth, purely geometrical, to a people sunk for so many ages in the deepest abyss of ignorance and superstition :" but that arithmetic, geome- try and even optics, such as it was, were the necessary" steps to astronomy, and this again was the preliminary to every astrological prediction? In this respect astrology, if not the mother of astronomy, was at least its nurse, and the preserver of many of the other sciences: for which reason its name may still be preserved from that oblivion which, considered as a science, it so justly merits. At what time, or in what country this pretended science first ori- ginated, are alike unknown ; or whether it may not have been invented, neglected, and revived, in diflerent coun- tries, at different periods, according as the sciences were in their infancy, plenitude, or decline. Indeed the latter seems the most probable, as there were diflerent modes of drawing horoscopes in different nations; which seems to indicate that they had not all obtained it from one and the same original. However this may be, we find its traces in the ancient records and manuscripts of every nation, where those records are to be found ; in India, China, Chal- dea, Greece, Egypt, Arabia, and Europe. In short, in every country where the sciences have been introduced, the footsteps of astrology are likewise to be discovered. In India the pretended knowledge of astrology, or the art of divination, remained entirely with the bramins, who were too cunning to promulgate its mysteries, being aware that it would be the most probable means of detect- ing the imposition, and their interest was too much in- volved in the deception, for them not to be anxious to keep the secret to themselves: it was not only in their hands a source of emolument and riches, but likewise a conveni- ent instrument for securing the reverence of the people. They not only professed a knowledge of judicial astrology, but also as it regarded meteorology; publishing yearly an almanac or panjamgam, in which every week, and hour, both of day and night, were set aside for performing cer- tain avocations in agriculture and other concerns of life : they annually presented to the prince a prediction of events for the following year; and such as were found to deceive three times were condemned to silence, but the others who were fortunate in their predictions, enjoyed every distinc- tion that was due to such profound knowledge. The Chi- nese had, and still continue to have, their astrologers; and many records, both of judicial, and natural or meteorolo- gical astrology of very great antiquity, still remain. The following is a remarkable instance of the estimation in which aerology was held in China, and of the brutal bar- barity and ignorance of their cmpcrorTsin-chi-hoang, who in the year 246, after having re-united under one head all the little states, into which the empire had been divided by intestine broils, and presuming tb&t the sword was suf- ficient to secure what it had already acquired, he ordered every book to be burnt, except those relating to agricul- ture, medicine, and astrology ; three sciences which, it thus appears, he thought equally serviceable to the nation; while all those relating to history and pure astronomy were de- stroyed in the barbarous conflagration. But of all the pro- fessors of this doctrine, none appear to have been so cele- brated as the Chaldeans, even the name of Chaldean and Astrologer became as it were synonymous ; and according to their records it has been practised among them for thou- sands of ages : even taking their years for days, which, ac- cording to some modern authors, is what they are supposed to represent, they amount to more than 2000 years before the birth of Christ. Zoroaster is said to have been the founder of astrology among the Chaldeans ; he was follow- ed by Hostanes, from whom the Greeks and Egyptians are supposed to have received this doctrine. Belezes, another noted Chaldean astrologer, became famous for having pre- dicted to Arbases the victory that he afterwards gained over Sardanapalus, a prediction by no means difficult, when we consider the tyranny and debauchery of the lat- ter, which caused him to be abhorred and despised, botli by his troops and his nation. But thus it frequently hap- pened, that the prediction of an event, which required only a little foresight and knowledge of mankind to know nearly to a certainty the result, was the means of raising men to celebrity, and they were generally too cunning to unde- ceive the wondering multitude. As to the Greeks, it does not appear that they were so much infatuated with the be- lief of judicial astrology, as the nations we have already mentioned; but to what is called meteorological astrolo- gy, they paid particular attention ; various predictions ofc this kind having been given in the Greek calendars by Eu- doxus, Callippus, Aratus, Hipparchus, and other authors of eminence. It is along time after this, that we find some account of the destiny of particular men pretended to be predicted from an inspection of the stars. We must not however omit to mention, that there are two works on the subject of judicial astrology under the name of Ptolemy;, but it appears there is some reason to suspect that they arc not his works, and for the honour of the author of the Almagest, it is to be hoped they are not. Next to the Chaldeans, the Egyptians were certainly the most celebrated astrologers; their belief in this doc- trine being carried to the highest degree of enthusiasm r all that we suppose to depend upon our will, or on our determination, they believed to be connected with the mo- tion of the stars, and that our destinies are written in the- heavens, wherein may be read our thoughts, inclinations, constitutions, and every event of our lives. Till about the commencement of the Christian rera,ora little before, astrology was circumscribed to the East r and; to Egypt ; but about this time it invaded the Roman em- pire, and Rome itself was inundated with the professors of this imaginary science. It, was in vain that the senate issued decrees against them, under the name of Chaldeans,, astrologers, or mathematicians, they having arrogated to themselves the latter appellation; thus degrading one of the noblest sciences, by associating it with their ridiculous doc- trine: but notwithstanding these decrees, they still main- tained themselves, through the support which they expe- rienced from individuals, and some even gained great ce- lebrity for their pretended knowledge and ability, as Ni- gidius I'tgilus Trassylus, the astrologer to Tiberius; Ta- AST [ 158 ] AST runtius Firmanus, the friend both of Cicero and Varro ; and particularly the poet Manilius, whose poem entitled Astronomicon sire Matheseos, lib. viii, published in 1551, with some Greek and Arabian works of the same kind, is a sort of course of judicial astrology, having scarcely any thing in il relating to pure astronomy. Nigidius became celebrated for predicting to Ocfavius, father of Augustus, that the infant would be one day master of Rome. Tras- syluswas the constant attendant of Tiberius; and all those persons whom the latter had reason, or thought that he had reason to fear, he caused their horoscope to be drawn, and if, as it frequently happened, their stars announced them to be ambitious, or that they had any pretensions to the empire, they were put to death : such was the effect of this most abominable, and disgusting doctrine; and who knows how many may thus have innocently suffered death, from such predictions, through the tyranny, ignorance, and superstition of princes, and the rulers of nations? Un- der these circumstances, astrologers could not fail of hav- ing a complete ascendency over the people; as it must have been very dangerous to offend those, who could make the stars say what they pleased, to gain the favour of their prince, or to gratify their own private revenge. It should be observed that this art was not always limited to pre- dicting events from certain periods of time being given, but they performed also the converse of the' proposition ; that is, by knowing the events, they pretended to discover the time ; this indeed was an easier problem, at least they were not so likely to be belied by the event, as frequently happened in other cases. Thus Varro having demand- ed of Firmanus the time of the birth of Romulus, from the events recorded of his life, the astrologer discovered that he was conceived the first year of the second Olympiad, about 3 o'clock of the 23d day of the Egyptian month Cha?ac, that is, the 23d of December, and that he was born under the influence of the sun, the 21st of Septem- ber following; and moreover, that Rome was founded by him on the 9th of April, when the moon was in the sign libra: hence also he determined the fate of the city; for cities and towns had their horoscopes as well as men ; such was the pitch to which this most ridiculous science was carried. The Arabs are another people who made a considerable figure in the history of judicial astrology. All the know- ledge they had of astronomy was made entirely subservient to that doctrine, and their history is filled with traits on this subject; a circumstance which rjroves their great pre- dilection for this pretended science. The number of Arabian authors, who have written on astrology, would form a long catalogue; but we shall only mention some of the most celebrated. Such were Mesalah and Alchindi, both Jews; and Ali-ben-rodoam, who was so much admired by Cardan ; Alcabitilis, whoseTwork was published in 1502 in quarto, and afterwards in folio in 1 503 and 1512; Alfarabius; Alboacen; Aliaben Ragel ; Albubator; Almansor; and a great number of others, worthy of the obscurity in .which they tire placed at this day. Jacob Alchindi the Jew enjoyed great celebrity un- der the reign of Almanson; but the Arabs, jealous of the favour which he experienced, accused him of magic, which led tn a violent dispute between him and a mosulam doctor, till at last they defied each other's art. This being put to the test, these two learned professors each drew a circle about himself, to which they attributed a magical power; and thus posited, the doctor, by way of challenge, wrote two words on a piece of paper which he sealed up and de- livered to the calif, and defied Alchindi to divine what they were : this was no easy task for Jacob ; but still he cun- ningly applied himself to his books and instruments; and then, with all the importance of self-consequence, answer- ed, that the first of these words was a plant, and the other an animal ; the calif having opened the paper, he, and all present, were struck with astonishment to find the words ussa, mousa. This lucky guess gave Jacob such a decided advantage over his confounded adversary, that Albuma- zar, one. of the doctor's pupils, was so much hurt at the disgrace of his master, that hiding a dagger under his cloak, he was going to kill Alchindi; when the latter, no doubt apprised of his design, called out with a stern voice, " You come to slay me ; quit this design and the poniard that you carry, and I will teach you astronomy." Astonished at these words he let fall the dagger, and became one of Alchindi's most zealous disciples, and afterwards one of the most celebrated astrologers. He wrote a treatise on the conjunction of the planets, in order to read, as it were, the destiny of the earth ; to find the time of its origin, and the end of the world. He predicted the fates of the dif- ferent religions; the Christian religion was to subsist for 1460 years, that of Mahomet 544 years; but all these predictions, like most others of a similar nature, have been contradicted by facts. In 1179, the Arabian astrologers predicted for the year 1186, a dreadful inundation, and such terrible tempests, that would overthrow every thing in their course, in con- sequence of a conjunction of five planets, and a great eclipse of the sun. During seven years alarm was spread in every quarter; but at length the time arrived, and no- thing extraordinary having been observed, it gave decided- ly the lie both to the prediction and the art; but notwith- standing this, the people still continued to pay the same reverence to the science and its professors as formerly, nothing being sufficient to open the eyes of the infatuated multitude. The Europeans having received their first notions of astronomy from the Arabians, it was to be expected that they would partake also of their superstitious belief in as- trology. Indeed in all those obscure ages which preceded the regeneration of the arts, none seemed to doubt of the influence of the stars on the destiny of man, and most of those who studied or cultivated astronom}', had no other object in view, than its application to astrological pre- dictions. But what must be our opinion of the church of Rome, when we find one of its cardinals so much infatuated with his belief in this doctrine, that he actually drew the horo- scope of Jesus Christ, from a pretended knowledge that he professed to have of the moment of his birth ; and this be- ing what may be called predicting after the event, he failed not to find written in the heavens all the circumstances of his life and death. And the manner in which he endea- voured to defend himself from the charge ol impiety al- leged against him was equally as ridiculous as the asser- tiop itself. Among the most celebrated astrologers of Europe, we find many, whose works on other subjects have done ho- nour 10 themselves and to their country, and it is to be wished that they had confined their labours only to these subjects. Such were Hegiomontaiius, Camerarius, Car- dan, Argoli, Mori 11, Tycho Brahe, and his patron and friend count Rantzau; to these we may add, Xjuide AST [ 159 ] A S T Botanus de Forli, who was the author of six treatises on Astrology; Stoffler, who published for many years an ephe- meris containing astrological predictions. In his almanac for 1499, ne announced for the year 1514 a terrible in- undation throughout Europe, on account of the conjunc- tion of the superior planets in the sign pisces : but this, as also a similar one by Virdungus, was, when the time arri- ved, most completely belied by the events, for these years were rather more dry than usual. These ephemerids were similar to our present Moore's almanac, which to the dis- grace of the country still carries on this species of decep- tion, and which, notwithstanding its many and palpable contradictions, is at this day regarded as the oracle of wis- dom among the greater part of our peasantry. But perhaps none of those above cited, except Tycho Brahe, was so enthusiastically devoted to astrology as Car- dan. He even, in imitation of the Roman cardinal, at- tempted from the configuration of the heavens to draw the horoscope of Christ; and many other of his notions were equally absurd and ridiculous. He firmly believed in the influence of the stars on the fates and destinies of kingdoms. Thus Butler says : " Cardan believ'd great states depend Upon the tip o' th' bear's tail's end ; That as she whisk'd it t'wards the sun, Strow'd mighty empires up and down." He drew his own horoscope ; and it has been said that he even starved himself, in order that the time of his death should not give the lie to his doctrine; but this is not true, for he died before the time that his stars had predict- ed for that event. Junctinus is another who has written largely on this subject ; he was astrologer to Catharine de Medicis, at the same time that he was almoner to the duke of Anjou; and a column was erected to him in the Halle au Ble; but he died at last in indigent circumstances at Lyons; au event which he did not probably foresee not- withstanding his astrological skill. To these we may far- ther aud the famous John Dee, who acted in the capacity of astrologer to queen Elizabeth, by whom he was consult- ed as to the time propitious for her coronation ; and his friend and companion Kelly, another of the heroes that Butler has introduced in that character, " Kelly did all his fates upon, The devil's looking-glass, a stone." From which we may conclude, thai he dealt a little in the magical way, beside his more common occupation of astrology. But count Rantzau, and his ally TychoBrahe, were pel haps the most zealous defenders of astrology ; the latter having written largely in defence of the truth of this science, the tendency of which was to show its connexion with the christian religion, and the impiety in doubting of the truth of its doctrine. Even Kepler was in some mea- sure addicted to astrology, as appears from several of his letters to his friends, where he is seriously discussing the best method of drawing an horoscope: he was not how- ever so violent and during. as Stoffler, and Cardan; making hardy and dangerous predictions, which dishonoured both the art and artist. Morin, who was born in 1583, was the last astrologer of any note, and whose attempts to defend the doctrine of as- trology may be considered as the last efforts of this expi- ring art; he was an outrageous opponent to the Copemican system, with respect to the motion of the earth, and is said to have laboured 30 yeuis at liis Astrologia G allied, and predicted the death pf his adversary the learned Gas- sendi, a number of times ; but the latter seemed lo rise from under his frequent afflictions, in order to give the lie to Morin's doctrine. He even foretold the death of Louis xiii, who never was in better health than at the time an- nounced by Morin for his death : finally, his works and his predictions being generally contradicted by the events, they were despised and ridiculed by all his contemporaries who had any reputation in the sciences, and his favourite doctrine seemed to lose ground, as the truth of the modern system of astronomy became more generally acknow- ledged. That a nian of this description, an astrological bi- got, should so strongly combat the idea of the motion of the ear.th, is by no means surprising ; because the old system of astronomy was much more favourable to the doctrine of astrology than the modern. Indeed it was to this sys- tem having finally prevailed over the obstacles that igno- rance and superstition had raised against it, that was the principal cause of plunging astrology into that contempt it so justly merited. For as soon as it was known that the earth was not the centre.of the universe; that it was only one of the little satellites of the sun ; that instead of the sun and stars turning about the earth, it turned on its own axis to receive the light and heat of that lu- minary ; and finally, that the fixed stars are placed at an immense distance, that even startles the imagination; — how could it for a moment be admitted, that all this vast machine was subordinate to this little globe of earth, and be designed only to preside over the destinies of its inha- bitants ! Morin died in 1656, since which time astrology has been declining; and at this day there is not a man of science in Europe who is not fully aware of the absurdity of this pre- ' tended doctrine. But in the East, astrology still preserves its credit ; and astronomy is only cultivated there, so far as it is thought necessary for astrological purposes; for the Turks can no more be persuaded that the Europeans study astronomy without believing in astrology, than imagine that ws can examine the inscriptions and ruins of antiquity, without searching for treasure. It may be thought that too much has been said on this subject, that even its name ought not to be introduced into- books of science ; and certainly, were it not for the benefit that astronomy has derived from it, and the respectability of many authors who, unfortunately for their memoirs,, have been its admirers aud supporters,it would long before this have been lost in total oblivion, and even its name would not have been remembered by philosophers. But those circumstances cannot fail of giving it some interest when we are contemplating the progress of human know- ledge, and when we reflect, that without this superstitious stimulus, we might still have remained ignorant of those grand and sublime laws, that regulate the motion of the heavenly, bodies, and preserve unimpaired, the universal harmony of our planetary system. ASTROMETEOROLOOIA, the art of foretelling the weather, and its changes, from the aspects and configura- tions of the moon and planets: a species of astrology distin- guished by some under the denomination of meteorological astiolosy. ASTRONOMICAL, something relating to Astronomy. Astronomical Calendar, Characters, Column, Horizon r Hours, Month, Quadrant, Ring-Dial, Sector, Tables, Te- lescope, Time, Year. Sjee the several substantives. Astronomical Observations. Of these there are re- A S T f 160 1 AST cords, or mention, in almost all ages. It is said that the Chinese have observations for a course of many thousand years. But of these, as well as those of the Indians, we have yet had but little benefit. But the observations of most of the other ancients, as Babylonians, Greeks, &c. among which those of Hipparchus make a principal figure, are carefully preserved by Ptolemy, in his Almagest. About the year 8S0, Albategni, a Saracen, applied him- self to the making of observations ; in which he was fol- lowed by others of the same nation, as well as Persians and Tartars j among whom were Nassir-Eddin-Ettusi, Arzachel, who also constructed a table of sines, and Ulug Beigh. In 1457 Regiomontanus undertook the province at Nuremberg; and his disciples, J. Werner and Ber.Wal- ther, continued the same from 1475 to 1504. Their ob- servations were published togetherin 1544. — In 1509, Co- pernicus, and after him the landgrave of Hesse, with his as- sistants Rothman and Byrge, observed ; and after them Tycho Brahe, assisted by the celebrated Kepler, from 1582 to l601. — All the foregoing observations, together with Tycho's apparatus of instruments, are contained in the Historia Coelestis, published in 1672, by order of the em- peror Ferdinand. — In 1651, was published at Bononia, by Ricciolus, Almagestum Novum, being a complete body of ancient and modern observations, which he so named after the work of the same nature by Ptolemy. — Soon after, He- velius, with a magnificent and well-contrived apparatus of instruments, described in his Machina Coelestis, began a course of observations. It has been objected to him, that he only used plain sights, and could never be brought to take the advantage of telescopic ones ; which occasioned Dr. Hooke to write animadversions on Hcvelius's instru- ments, printed in 1674, in which he too rashly despises them, on account of their inaccuracy: but Dr. Halley, who at the instance of the Royal Society went over to Dantzick in the year l679j to inspect his instruments', ap- proved of their justness, as well as of the observations made with them. See Sights.— Our two countrymen Jer. Horrox and Will. Crabtree, are celebrated for their ob- servations from the year 1635 to lfj45, who first observed the transit of Venus over the sun in the year 1630. — They were followed by Flamsteed, Cassini the father, and son, Halley, de la Hire, Roemer, and Kirchius. — We have also now had published the accurate observations of Dr. Brad- ley and of Dr. Maskelyne ; as also those of the French and other observatories, with the observations of many in- genious private astronomers, which are to be found in the Transactions and Memoirs of the various Philosophical Societies. — There have been also observations of many other eminent astronomers; as, Galileo, Huygens, and our countryman Harriot, whose very interesting observations have lately .been brought to light by the earl of Egrcmont, and count Bruhl, though they have not been thought fit to be published. Other publications of celestial observations, are those of Cassini, LaCaiIlc,Monnier, Lalande, Herschel, &c. — See farther under Celestial Observations, Cata- logue, Observatory, &c. Astronomical Place of a star or planet, is its longi- tude, or place in the ecliptic, reckoned from the beginning of aries, in consequential or according to the order of the sign?. ASTRONOMICALS, a name used by some writers for sexagesimal fractions ; on account of their use in astrono- mical calculations. ASTRONOMICUS Radius. See Radius. ASTRONOMY, the doctrine of the heavens, and their phenomena. Astronomy is properly a mixed mathematical science, by which we become acquainted with the celes- tial bodies, their motions, periods, eclipses, magnitudes, distances, and other phenomena. Some, however, under- stand the term astronomy in a more extensive sense, as comprising in it the theory of the universe, with the pri- mary laws of nature : in which sense it seems to be rather a branch of physics than of mathematics. History of Astronomy. — The invention of astronomy lias been variously given, and ascribed to several per- sons, several nations, and several ages. Indeed it is pro- bable that mankind never existed without some know- ledge of astronomy amongst them. For, besides the mo- tives of mere curiosity, which are sufficient of themselves to have excited men to a contemplation of the glorious and varying celestial canopy, it is obvious that some parts of the science answer such essential purposes to mankind, as to make the cultivation of it a matter of indispensible necessity. — Accordingly we find traces of it in various nations, and records of its cultivation by the earliest inhabitants. Josephus informs us, that the sons of Seth employed themselves in the study of astronomy, and that they engraved their observations on two pillars, one of brick and the other of stone, in order that they might be preserved from the destruction which Adam had foretold should come upon the earth. He also relates that "Abra- ham gave lectures in astronomy and arithmetic to the Egyptians," " which," he says, " they knew nothing of, till Abraham brought them from Chaldea to Egypt, and from thence they passed to the Greeks." Berosus also observes, " that Abraham was a great and just man, and famous Wr his celestial observations." The same author ascribes to the antediluvians a knowledge of the astronomical cycle of 600 years, which may be supposed to mean the period in which the sun and moon came again into the same situa- tion with regard to the nodes, apogee of the moon, &c. " This period," says Cassini, " of which we find no intima- tion in any monument of any other nation, is the most ac- curate of the kind that ever was invented : for it brings out the solar year more exactly than that of Hipparchus and Ptolemy ; and the lunar month within about one second of what is determined by modern astronomers." If the an- tediluvians had such a period of 600 years, they must have known the motions of the sun and moon more exactly than their descendants knew them some ages after the flood. The accounts however which we have of these matters, anterior to the flood, do not carry with them the degree of credibility that would justify a more particular mention of them ; nor would a more copious detail conduct us to any certain conclusion of the age or country where the science of astronomy first originated, or by whom it was first methodised and extended. Whatever credibility these uncertain testimonies of the ancients may possess ; certain it is that most authors are agreed that the commencement of the science originated either in Chaldea, Egypt, or In- dia; all of which nations pretended to a very high anti- quity, and equally claimed the honour of producing the first cultivators of this science. The Chaldeans in parti- cular boasted of their temple, and enormous tower of Be- lus, which has been thought by some to have been an as- tronomical observatory ; and no less of their famous as- tronomer and philosopher Zoroaster, whom they placed 500 years before the destruction of Troy. While the Egyptians, with similar ostentation, vaunted of their Col- AST [ 161 ] AST leges of priests, which were the depots of every species of knowledge ; and of the monument of Osymandyas, in which tradition asserts, there was a golden circle of 365 cubits in circumference, and one cubit thick, divided into 365 equal parts according to the days of. the year, and containing the heliacal risings and settings of the stars for each day, &c. It is indeed evident that both Chaldea and Egypt were countries very proper for astronomical observations, on account of the extended flatness of the country, and the purity and serenity of the air. The tower of Belus, or of Babel, being of a great height, was probably an astrono- mical observatory ; and the lofty pyramids of Egypt, what- ever they were originally designed for, might perhaps an- swer the same purpose; at least, they show the skill of this people in practical astronomy, as they are all placed with their four fronts exactly facing the cardinal points of the compass. For it is hardly possible, that they should have placed them in that striking position, and with such a degree of exactness, without some particular reason; and this being the case, it will follow, that they were ac- quainted with the correct method of drawing a meridian line, which is a matter of more difficulty than is generally supposed: it being well known that Tycho Brah6, the most able astronomer of his time, committed an error of several minutes in tracing that of the observatory of Ura- nisburg. The Chaldeans certainly began to make observations soon after the confusion of languages, as appears from the observations found there on the taking of Babylon by Alexander; and probably much earlier. It hence appears that they had determined, with tolerable exactness, the length both of a periodical and synodical month. They had also discovered, that the motion of the moon was not uniform; and they even attempted to assign those parts of the orbit in which the motion is quicker or slower. We are also assured by Ptolemy that they were not unac- quainted with the motion of the moon's apogee and nodes, the latter of which they supposed made a complete revo- lution in 6585| days, or a little more than 18 years, and that it contained 223 complete lunations, which period is called the Chaldean Saros. From Hipparchus, the same author also gives us several observations of lunar eclipses made at Babylon above 720 years before Christ. And Aristotle informs us, that they had many occultations of the planets and fixed stars by the moon; a circumstance which led them to conceive that eclipses of the sun were to be attributed to the same cause. They had also no in- considerable share in arranging the stars into constella- tions. Nor had even those eccentric bodies the comets escaped their observation : for both Diodorus Siculus and Appollinus Myndicus, Seneca informs us, accounted these to be permanent bodies, having stated revolutions as well as the planets, but in much more extensive orbits: al- though others of them were of opinion, that the comets were only meteors raised very high in the air, which, blazing for a while, disappear when the matter of which they consist is consumed or dispersed. The art of dialling was also practised among them long before the Greeks' were acquainted with that science. Herodotus says, that the Greeks were made acquainted with the use of the Pole and Gnomon through the medium of the Babylonians ; the latter of which seems to have been the most ancient instrument made use of in astronomy. The Egyptians, it appears from various circumstances, Vol. 1. laid claim to nearly the same critical pretensions in the knowledge of astronomy as the Chaldeans. ' Herodotus ascribes their knowledge in the science to Sesostris; pro- bably not the same whom Newton makes contemporary with Solomon, as they were acquainted with astronomy at least many hundred years before that Eera. We learn, from the testimony of some ancient authors, many parti- culars relative to the state of their knowledge in this sci- ence; such as, that they believed the figure of the earth was spherical; that the moon was eclipsed by passing through the earth's shadow, though it does not certainly appear that they had any knowledge of the true system of the universe; that they attempted to measure the mag- nitude of the earth and sun, though their methods of as- certaining the latter were very erroneous; and that they even pretended to foretel the appearance of comets. Diodorus Siculus also informs us that the Egyptians discovered that the planets had sometimes a direct, and sometimes a retrograde motion, and at others were sta- tionary: that they made the sun move in a circle inclined to the equator, and in a contrary direction to the diurnal motion. The idea of dedicating the seven days of the week to the planets, is also ascribed to the Egyptians. We are also further informed by Mr. E. Barnard, that these people discovered that the stars had an annual mo- tion of 50" 9"' 45"" in a year (Phil. Trans. No. 15§) : and by Macrobius that the Egyptians made the planets revolve about the sun in the same order as is ascribed to them by us: but it does not appear at what time the planets were first discovered to be of a different nature from, the fixed stars nor by whom. They were also acquainted, as is generally supposed, with several other branches of this science, as indeed were the Chaldeans; which will appear from the first notions they entertained of the system of the world, and the agreement which has been found among several ancient measures of the circumference of the earth. Many other nations, it is true, have claimed the honour of the original cultivation of this science ; but among the various observations of the ancients which have been transmitted to us, none appear of greater antiquity than those of the Chinese. The most remarkable of these is a conjunction of live of the planets which, according to their annals, is said to have taken place in the reign of their emperor Tcheun-hiu, about 2500 years before Christ. They also mention an eclipse of the sun, which happened in the constellation Scorpio about the year 2150 of the same aera ; and which is said to have proved fatal to two Chinese astronomers, of the names of Ho and Hi, who were condemned to death by the emperor Tchong-kang, on account of their omitting, through negligence and in- toxication, to announce the precise time at which it ar- rived. And from these data, apparently well attested, se- veral eminent astronomers have endeavoured to discover whether these events could have possibly happened about the time here mentioned ; but the subject is attended with too many difficulties to afford any satisfactory result. Most of the accounts which we have of the Chinese astronomers have come from the Jesuit missionaries. 1 hey inform us, that the Chinese were originally taught the sci- ence of astronomy by their first emperor Fo-hi, who is supposed by some to be the same with Noah. He also constructed astronomical tables, and gave the figures of <>he heavenly bodies. In the reign of the emperor Hpang-ti, about 20.97 years before Christ, Yuchi likewise observed the pole-star and the constellations circumscribing it. He Y AST [ ifio 3 AST also constructed a sphere with several fixed and moveable circles ; and was the author of an instrument by winch he could fir.d the four cardinal points, without any refer- ence to the heavens ; which was probably the same as a compass. Nearly about this time the cycle of 60 years was also established, and it is asserted by F. Gaubril, that for more than a century A. C. the Chinese had dis- covered the obliquity of the ecliptic, with the theory of eclipses : and that they were, long before that, acquainted with the true length of the solar year, the method of ob- serving meridian altitudes of the sun by the shadow of a anomon, and of deducing from thence his declination, and the height of the. pole. The same missionary also says, that the Chinese have yet remaining some books of astro- nomy, which were written about 200 years before Christ; from which it appears, that the Chinese had known the daily motion of the sun and moon, and the times of the revolutions of the planet", many years before that period. Du Halde likewise informs us, that Tcheou-cong, the most skilful astronomer that ever China produced, lived more than a thousand years before Christ ; that he passed whole nights in observing the celestial bodies, and arrang- ing them into constellations, &c. At present, however, the state of astronomy is but very low in that country, al- though it be cultivated at Peking, by public authority, in like manner as in most of the capital cities of Europe. The inhabitants of Japan, of Siam, and of the Mogul's empire, have also been acquainted with astronomy from time immemorial ; and the celebrated observatory at Be- nares, is a monument both of the ingenuity of the people, and of their skill in that science. According to Porphyry, astronomy must have been of very ancient standing in the east. He informs us that, when Babylon was taken by Alexander, there were brought from thence celestial observations for the space of Jg03 years ; which therefore must have commenced within 115 years after the flood, or within 15 years after the building of Babel. — Epigenes, according to Pliny, affirmed that the Babylonians had observations of 720 years engraven on bricks. — Again, Achilles Tatius ascribes the invention of astronomy to the Egyptians ; and adds, that their know- ledge of that science was engraven on pillars, and by that means transmitted to posterity. M. Bailly, in his elaborate history of ancient and mo- dern astronomy, endeavours to trace the origin of this sci- ence among the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Persians, Indians and Chinese, to a very early period. And thence he main- tains, that it was cultivated in Egypt and Chaldea 2800 years before Christ; in Persia, 3209; in India, 3101; and in China, 29^2 years before that a;ra. He also appre- hends, that astronomy had been studied even long before these distant periods, and that we are only to date its re- vival from thence. In investigating the antiquity and progress of astronomy among the Indians, M. Bailly examines and compares four different sets of astronomical tables of the Indian philoso- phers, namely that of the Siamese, explained by M. Cas- sini in lfi8<); that brought from India by M. le Gentil of the Academy of Sciences; and two other manuscript ta- bles, found among the papers of the late M. de Lisle ; all ol whicli he found tn agree very accurately, and referring to the meridian of Benares, above mentioned. It appears that the fundamental epoch of the Indian astronomy, is a conjunction of the sun and moon, which took place at the amazing distance of 3102 years before Chr'st : and JM. Baillj' informs us that, by our most accurate astronomical tables, such a conjunction did really happen at that time. He further observes that, at present, the Indians calculate eclipses by the mean motions of the sun and moon ob- served 5000 years since ; and that their accuracy, with re- gard to the solar motion, far exceeds that of the best Gre- cian astronomers. They had also settled the lunar mo- tions by computing the space through which that lumi- nary had passed in 1,600,984 days, or a little more than 4383 years. M. Bailly also informs us, that they make use of the cycle of 19 years, the same as that ascribed by the Greeks to Meton; that their theory of the planets is much better than Ptolemy's, as they do not suppose the earth in the centre of the celestial motions, and believe that Venus and Mercury move round the sun ; and that their astronomy agrees with the most modern discoveries as to the decrease of the obliquity of the ecliptic, the ac- celeration of the motion of the equinoctial points, &c. In the 2d vol. of the transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, is also a learned and ingenious dissertation on the astronomy of the Brahmins of India, by Mr. Pro- fessor Playfair ; in which the great accuracy and high an- tiquity of the science, among them, is reduced to the greatest probability. It hence appears, that their tables and rules of computation have peculiar reference to an epoch, and to observations, 3 or 4 thousand years before Christ; and many other instances are there adduced, of their critical knowledge in the other mathematical sci- ences, employed in their precepts and calculations. Astronomy, it seems too, was not unknown to the Ame- ricans ; though in their division of time, they made use only of the solar, and not of the lunar motions. And that the Mexicans, in particular, had a strange predilection for the number 13, by means of which they regulated al- most every thing : their shortest periods consisted of 13 days; their cycle of 13 months, each containing 20 days; and their century of 4 periods, of 13 years each: and this excessive veneration for the number J 3, arose, according to Siguenza, from its being the number of their greater gods. And it is very remarkable, that the Abbe Clavigero asserts it as a fact, that, having discovered the excess of a few hours in the solar above the lunar year, they made use of intercalary days, to bring them to an equality, as esta- blished by Julius Caesar in the Roman Calendar; but with this difference, that, instead of one day every 4 years, they interposed 13 days every 52 years, which products the same effect. This science however fell into great decay with the Egyptians, and in the time of the emperor Augustus, it was entirely extinct among them. From Chaldea and Egypt the science of astronomy passed into Phenicia, which this people applied to the purposes of navigation, steering their course by the north polar star ; and hence they became masters of the sea, and of almost all the commerce in the world. The Greeks, it is probable, derived their astronomical knowledge chiefly from the Egyptians and Phoenicians, by means of several of their countrymen who visited these nations, for the purpose of learning the different sciences. Newton supposes that most of the constellations were in- vented about the time of the Argonautic expedition; but it is more probable that tliey were, at least the greater part of them, of a much older date, and derived from other nations, though clothed in fables of their own in- vention or application. Several of the constellations are AST C 163 ] AST mentioned by Hesiod and Homer, the two most ancient writers among the Greeks, and who lived about 870 years before Christ. Their knowledge in this science, however, was greatly improved by Thales the Milesian, and other Greeks, who travelled into Egypt, and brought from thence the chief principles of the science. Thales was born about 640 years before Christ ; and he, first of all among the Greeks, observed the stars, the solstices, the eclipses of the sun and moon, and predicted the same. And the same was farther cultivated and extended by his successors Anaximander, Anaximanes, and Anaxagoras ; but most especially by Pythagoras, who was born 577 years before Christ, and having resided for several years in Egypt, &c, brought from thence the learning of these peo- ple, taught the same in Greece and Italy, and founded the sect of the Pythagoreans. He taught that the sun was in the centre of the universe; that the earth was round, and people had antipodes ; also that the moon reflected the rays of the sun, and was inhabited like the earth ; that comets were a kind of wandering stars, disappearing in the further parts of their orbits ; that the while colour of the milky-way was owing to the united brightness of a great multitude of small stars; and he supposed that the distances of the moon and planets from the earth, were in certain harmonic proportions to one another. Philolaus, a Pythagorean, who flourished about 450 years before Christ, asserted the annual motion of the earth about the sun. He was persecuted for propagating this opinion, and obliged to fly ; and it is a circumstance worthy of remark, that Galileo lost his liberty for main- taining the same. Not long after, the diurnal motion of the earth on her own axis, was taught by Hicetas, a Syra- cusan. About the same time flourished at Athens, Meton and Euctemon, where they observed the summer solstice 432 years before Christ, and observed the risings and set- tings of the stars, and what seasons they answered to. Meton also invented the cycle of 1<) years, which still bears his name. The next astronomer was Eudoxus the Cnidian, and scholar of Plato, who lived about 370 years before Christ, and was accounted one of the most skilful astronomers and geometricians of antiquity, being esteemed the in- ventor of many of the propositions in Euclid's Elements, and having introduced geometry into the science of astro- nomy. He travelled into Asia, Africa, Sicily, and Italy, for improvements in astronomy; and we are informed by Pliny, that he determined the annual year to contain 365 days 6 hours, and also the periodical times of the planets, anil made other important observations and discoveries. Calippus flourished soon after Eudoxus, and his celestial sphere is mentioned by Aristotle ; but he is better known by his invented period of 76", containing 4 corrected Me- tunic periods, and which commenced at the summer sol- stice in the year 330 before Christ. About his time the knowledge of the Pythagorean system was carried into Italy, Gaul, and Egypt, by certain colonies of Greeks. However, the introduction of astronomy into Greece is represented by Vitiuvius in a manner somewhat different. He maintains, that Berosus, a Babylonian, brought it im- mediately from Babylon itself, and opened an astronomi- cal school in the isle of Cos. And Pliny says, that in con- sideration of his wonderful predictions, the Athenians erected him a statue in the gymnasium, with agilded tongue. But if this Berosus be the same with the author of the Chaldaichistories, he must have lived before Alexander. After the death of this conqueror, the sciences flourished chiefly in Egypt, under the auspices of Ptolemy Phila- delphus and his successors. He founded a school there, which continued to be the grand seminary of learning, till the invasion of the Saracens in the year of Christ 650. From the founding of that school, the science of astro- nomy advanced considerably. Aristarchus, about 270 years before Christ, strenuously asserted the Pythagorean system, and gave a method of determining the sun's di- stance by the dichotomy of the moon. — Eratosthenes, who was born at Cyrene in the year 271 before Christ, mea- sured the circumference of the earth by means of a gno- mon ; and being invited to Alexandria, from Athens, by Ptolemy Euergetes, and made keeper of the royal library there, he set up for that prince those armillary spheres, which Hipparchus and Ptolemy the astronomer afterwards employed so successfully in observing the heavens. He also determined the distance between the tropics to be -j-} of the whole meridian circle, which makes the obliquity of the ecliptic in his time to be 23° 51y . — The celebrated Archimedes likewise cultivated astronomy, as well as geo- metry and mechanics : he determined the distances of the planets from one another, and constructed a kind of pla- netarium or orrery, to represent the phenomena and mo- tions of the heavenly bodies. The next ancient astronomer that deserves our most grateful acknowledgements, for the number of his correct observations, as well as the important conclusions he de- rived from them, is Hipparchus. This celebrated astrono- mer was the first who cultivated all the branches of this science ; his first labours were directed to the obliquity of the ecliptic, observed by Eratosthenes, which he found to be perfectly correct ; and this was afterwards confirm- ed by Ptolemy. He next attempted to determine the length of the tropical year; a thing which had not been done by his predecessors, as he conceived, with that de- gree of accuracy as the importance of it deserved : this he did by observing the interval of the return of the sun to the same tropic or equinox : he imagined that if he could get two corresponding observations, after a great number of revolutions, the error would be proportionally diminished ; which was the method employed by future astronomers, in determining the mean motions of all the planets ; a discovery of very high importance in this sci- ence. He compared the observation of a solstice by Ari- starchus, with one made by himself, at the interval- of 145 years, and found that this happened half a day sooner than it ought to have done, if the year consisted of 365^ days, as the Greeks believed before him. Thus then he deter- mined the tropical year to be 36'5 d 5 h 55 m 12*, being nearly 44 minutes too great. He constructed the first so- lar tables, of which any mention is made in ihc history of astronomy ; and discovered the excentricity of the sun's orbit : he also considered the motion of the moon, and attempted to estimate the exact time of her revolu- tion, by a comparison of ancient eclipses ; he likewise dis- covered the excentricity of her orbit, as indeed he did that of all the planets : he found that the moon's motion was not uniform, that she moved slower in the apogee of her orbit than in the perigee, and that there was a mo- tion of anticipation of her nodes : he collected the ac- counts of the Egyptians and Chaldeans relative to eclip- ses ; and calculated all that were to happen for 600 years to come. It is also to this celebrated astronomer that \vc are indebted for the discovery of the principle of the eqtia- Y2 AST' [ 104 ] AST 'ion of time, and the equally important one of the preces- sion of the equinoxes : he found that the stars changed their declinations, but not their latitudes, and on which account he referred them to the ecliptic. He also knew that an eclipse of the sun varied on different parts of the earth ; and thus discovered that the moon had a parallax; and this suggested to him a method of determining the sun's distance from the earth more accurately than any of his predecessors had done; he also enriched geography with many discoveries, and was the first writer that we are acquainted with on spherical trigonometry; but his chief work is a catalogue which he made of the fixed stars, to the number of 1022, with their longitudes, latitudes, and apparent magnitudes ; which, with most of his other observations, are preserved by Ptolemy in his Almagest. After this period it may be remarked, that little pro- gress was made in this science from the time of the last- mentioned astronomer to that of Ptolemy, who was born at Ptolemais in Egypt, in the first century of Christianity, and who made the greatest part of his observations at the celebrated school of Alexandria in that country. Profit- ing by those of Hipparchus, and other ancient astrono- mers, he formed a system of his own, which, though er- roneous, was followed for many ages by all nations. He compiled a great work, called the Almagest, a name given it by the Arabs: but which was originally entitled MeycL- Xtj ivvrafrc, or Great Construction. From its containing the observations and collections of Hipparchus, Timocha- ris, and others his predecessors in astronomy, it will ever be valuable to the professors of that science. Thus did the .Alexandrian school continue to be enriched, and to gain celebrity in science, for more than five centuries; when (as has been observed) an event the most calami- tous, and the most disgraceful to its perpetrators, laid in ruins its valuable library, and consumed in one hour the labours of all the most celebrated astronomers of that period. But it deserves to be remarked, that the very people who destroyed those admirable treasures of learn- ing and invention, became afterwards the protectors of science and literature, and cultivated astronomy with the greatest ardour. Geography likewise is much indebted to Ptolemy for his meritorious services in collecting all the determina- tions of the latitudesand longitudes of places then known, and for his fundamental principle of the methods of pro- jections for constructing geographical charts; which was scarcely known before his time. The Almagest was pre- served from the lamentable conflagration of the Alexan- drine library by the Saracens, and translated out of Greek into Arabic in the year S27, and from thence into Latin in 1230. The Greek original was not known in Europe till the beginning of the 15th century, when it was brought from Constantinople, then taken by the Turks, by George, a monk of Trabczond, by whom it was translated into Latin ; and various other editions have since appeared. During the long period from the year 800 till the be- ginning of the 14th century, the western parts of Europe were involved in the utmost ignorance and barbarity, while the Arabians, profiting by the books they had pre- served from the wreck of the Alexandrine library, culti- vated and improved all the sciences, and particularly that of astronomy, in which they had many able professors and authors. The caliph Al Mansur first introduced a taste lor the sciences into his empire. His grandson Al Ma- mas, who ascended the throne in S 14, was a great cn- courager and improver of the sciences, and especially of astronomy. Having constructed proper instruments, he made many observations; determined the obliquity of the ecliptic to be 23° 35'; and under his auspices a degree of the circle of the earth was measured a second time in the plain of Singar, on the border of the Red Sea. About the same time Alferganus wrote elements of astronomy ; and the science was from hence greatly cultivated by the Ara- bians, but principally by Albategnius, who flourished about the year 880, and who greatly reformed astronomy, by comparing his own observations with those of Ptolemy : hence he computed the motion of the sun's apogee from Ptolemy's time to his own ; settled the precession of the equinoxes at one degree in 70 years; and fixed the obli- quity of the ecliptic at 23° 35'. The tables which he composed, for the meridian of Aracta, were long esteemed by the Arabians. After his time, though the Saracens had many eminent astronomers, several centuries elapsed with- out producing any very valuable observations, excepting those of some eclipses observed by Ebn Younis, astrono- mer to the caliph of Egypt, by means of which the quan- tity of the moon's acceleration since that time may be de- termined. Other eminent Arabian astronomers, were, Arzachcl a Moor of Spain, who observed the obliquity of the eclip- tic: he also improved trigonometry by constructing ta- bles of sines, instead of chords of arches, dividing the dia- meter into 300 equal parts. And Alhazen, his contem- porary, who wrote upon the twilight, the height of the clouds, the phenomenon of the horizontal moon, and who first showed the importance of the theory of refractions in astronom}'. Ulug Beg, grandson of the celebrated Tartar prince Ta- merlane, was a great proficient in practical astronomy ; he had very large instruments, particularly a quadraivt of about ISO feet high, with which he made good observa- tions. From these he determined the latitude of Samer- cand, his capital, to be 39° 37' 23"; and composed astro- nomical tables for the meridian, of the san.e so exact, that they differ very little from those constructed afterwards by Tycho Brahe ; but his principal work was his Cata- logue of the fixed stars, made also from his own observa- tions in the year 1437. During this period, almost all Europe was immersed in gross ignorance. But the settlement of the Moors in Spain introduced the sciences into Europe; from which time they have continued to improve, and to be communicated from one people to another, to the present time, when as- tronomy, and all the sciences, have arrived at a very emi- nent degree of perfection. The emperor Frederick n, about 1230, first began to encourage learning; restoring some decayed universities, and founding a new one in Vienna: he also caused the works of Aristotle, and Pto- lemy's Almagest, to be translated into Latin; and from the translation of this work we may date the revival of astronomy in Europe. Two years after this, John de Sa- cro Bosco, that is, of Halifax, likewise compiled, from Ptolemy, Albategnius, Alferganus, and other Arabic as- tronomers, his wurk De Sp/taru, which was held in the greatest estimation lor 300 years after, and was honoured with commentaries by Cltivius and other learned men. [rj 1240, Alphonso, king of Castile, not only cultivated as- tronomy himself, but greatly encouraged others; and by the assistance of several learned men he corrected (he ta- bles of Ptolemy, and composed those which were denomi- AST [ 105 ] AST natcd from him the Alphonsine Tables. About the same time also, Roger Bacon, an English monk, wrote several tracts relative to astronomy, particularly of the lunar as- pects, the solar rays, and the places of the fixed stars. And, about the year 1270, Vitello, a Polandef, composed a treatise on optics, in which he showed the use of re- fractions in astronomy. Also our poet Chaucer, who was born in 1328, wrote a large and learned work on the As- trolabie, as he calls it, and indeed on practical astronomy in general, detailing all the precepts very particularly and orderly. Little other improvement was made in astronomy till the time of Purbach, who was born in 1423. He com- posed new tables of sines for every 10 minutes, making the radius 60, with four ciphers annexed. He construct- ed spheres and globes, and wrote several astronomical tracts; as, a commentary on Ptolemy's Almagest; some treatises on Arithmetic and Dialling, with tables for vari- ous climates; new tables of the fixed stars reduced to the middle of that century ; and he corrected the tables of the planets, making new equations to them where the Al- phonsine tables were erroneous. In his solar tables, he placed the sun's apogee in the beginning of Cancer; but retained the obliquity of the ecliptic 23° 334-', as deter- mined by the latest observations. He also observed some eclipses, made new tables for computing them, and had ' just finished a theory of the planets, when he died, in 1462, being only 39 years of age. Purbach was succeeded in his astronomical and mathe- matical labours by his pupil and friend, John Muller, com- monly called Regirtmontanus, from Monteregio, or Ko- ningsberg) a town of Franconia, where he was born, lie completed the epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest, which Pur- bach had begun; and after the death of his friend, was in- vited to Home, where he also made many astronomical ob- servations. Being returned to Nuremberg in 1471, by the encouragement of a wealthy citizen named Bernard Wal- ther, he made several instruments for astronomical obser- vations, among which was an armillary astrolabe, like that used in Alexandria by Hipparchus and Ptolemy, with which he made many observations, using also a good clock, which was then but a late invention. He also made cphe- merides for 30 years to come, showing the lunations, eclipses, &c ; and, the art of printing having then been lately invented; he printed the works of many of the most celebrated ancient astronomers. He wrote the Theory of the Planets and Comets, and a treatise on triangles, still in repute { >r several good theorems; computing the table of sines for every single minute, to the radius 1000000, and introducing the use of tangents also into trigonometry. Af- ter his deaih, which happened at Rome in 1476, being only 40 years of a;>e, Walther collected his papers, and conti- nued the astronomical observations till his own death also. The obs rvations of both were collected by order of the se- nate of Nuremberg, and published there in 1544 by John Schoner: they were also afterwards published in 1618 by Sir-llius, at the end of the observations made by the Land- grave of Hesse ; and lastly with those of Tycho Brahe in Walther was succeeded, as astronomer at Nuremberg, by John Werner, a clergyman. He observed the motion of the comet in 1500; and wrote several tracts on geome- try, astronomy, and geography in a masterly manner; the jn6st remarkable of which, are those concerning the mo- tion of the Sth sphere, or of the fixed stars: in this tract, by comparing his own observations, made in 1514, with those of Ptolemy, Alphonsus, and others; he showed that, the motion of the fixed stars, since called the precession of the equinoxes, is 1° 10' in 100 years. Pie made also the first star of Aries 26° distant from the equinoctial point, and the obliquity af the ecliptic only 23° 28'. He also constructed a planetarium, representing the celestial motions according to the Ptolemaic hypothesis ; and pub- lished a translation of Ptolemy's Geography, with a com- mentary, in which he first proposed the method of finding the longitude at sea by observing the moon's distance from the fixed stars; now so successfully practised for that purpose. Werner died in 1528, at 60 years of age. The next astronomer of eminence after the celebrated characters just mentioned, was Nicholas Copernicus, who was born at Thorn, in Prussia, January 19th, 1472., He is peculiarly deserving of notice, for having restored the old Pythagorean system, of the world, which had conti- nued to be universally neglected from the time of Ptole- my, and which is now so Universally received throughout all the civilised countries of Europe. After much time spent in meditation on the various systems, and an atten- tive examination of all the hypotheses of his predecessors, he found that a circular motion of the planets about the earth was insufficient to solve the phenomena ; and he. could not admit the revolution of these bodies about an imaginary centre, which the doctrine of epicycles incul- cated. He therefore sought for a happier expedient, and was soon led to the establishment of his own system, by the opinions which he found had been suggested by other astronomers, lie learnt that Philolaus had placed the sun in the centre, and that Nicetas had given the earth a rotation about its axis; "the previous knowledge of which was, doubtless, of the greatest utility in facilitating his laudable enquiries. The notion of placing the most glo- rious luminary in the heavens in the centre, could not but strike him with delight, it being so natural an idea ; but, to bring it forward as the basis of a system, supported by such new and demonstrative arguments in its favour, was a circumstance of much greater moment. Speaking of its merits, he says, " By long observations, I discovered that if the motions of the planets be compared with that of the earth, and be, estimated according to the times in which they perform their revolutions, not only their seve- ral appearances will follow from this hypothesis, but it will so connect the order of the planets, their orbits, mag- nitudes, and distances, and even the apparent motion of the fixed stars, that it will be impossible to remove one of these bodies out of its place without disordering the rest, and even the whole frame of the universe." Having formed the rudiments of his system, he applied himself with the greatest assiduity to the improvement of it, by making numerous observations, and comparing them with those of his predecessors. By these he constructed new tables, which, with the true system of. the universe, were given in his great work of astronomy, entitled Astronomia In- staurata. But, in consequence of the dread of persecu- tion from religious bigots, and violent opposition from others under tiie denomination of astronomers, the pub- lication of this valuable performance was protracted, and the priming of it delayed till the year 1543, when Schouer and Osiander undeitook the care of it, and the work came out under the title of Revolutioncs Orbium Ccelestium, AST [ 166 ] AST a copy of which Copernicus received a few hours before chair of Cassiopeia ; which induced him, like Hipparchus his dissolution, which happened on the 23d of. May, 1543, on a similar occasion, to make a new catalogue of the in the 71st year of his age. stars; which he did to the number of 777, and adapted After the death of Copernicus, the science and prac- their places to the year 1600. In the year 1576, by fa- tice of astronomy were greatly improved by many other vour of the king of Denmark, he built his new observa- persons, as Schoner, Nonius, Appian, Gemma Frisius, tory, called Uraniburg, on the small island Huenna, op- Rothman, Byrgius, the Landgrave of Hesse, &c. — Scho- positc to Copenhagen, and which he very amply furnished ner reformed and explained the calendar, improved the with many large instruments, some of them so divided as methods of makine celestial observations, and published a to show single minutes, and in others the arch might be treatise on cosmography ; but he died four years after Co- read off to 10 seconds. One quadrant was divided ac- pernicui. Nonius, or Nunez, wrote several works on ma- cording to the method invented by Nonius, that is, by 47 thematics, astronomy and navigation, and invented some concentric circles; but most of them were divided by dia- useful and more accurate instruments than formerly; one gonals, a method of division invented by a Mr. Richard of these was the astronomical quadrant, on which he di- Chanceler, an Englishman. Tycho employed his time at vided the degrees into minutes by a number of concentric circles; the first of which was divided into 90 equal parts or degrees, the second into 89, the third into S8, and so on, to 46; so that, the index of the quadrant always falling upon or near one of the divisions, the minutes Uraniburg to the best advantage, till the death of the king; when, falling into discredit, he was obliged to re- move to Holstein ; and he afterwards found means of in- troducing himself to (he Emperor Rodolph, with whom he continued at Prague till the time of his death in 1601. would be known by an easy computation. Nunez wrote It is well known that Tycho was the inventor of a system also a tract on the Twilight; and a neat treatise on Alge- of astronomy, a kind of semi-Ptolemaic, which he vainly bra; besides other pieces. — The chief work of Appian, endeavoured to establish instead of the Copernican or true the Cesarean Astronomy, was published at Ingoldstat in system. His works, however, which are very numerous, 1540 ; in which he shows, how to observe the places of show that he was a man of great abilities; and his disco- the stars and planets by the astrolabe ; to resolve astrono- veries, together with those of Purbach and Regiomonta- mical problems by certain instruments; to predict eclip- nus, were collected and published together in l621, by ses, and to describe the figures of them; and the method Longomontanus, the favourite disciple of Tycho. of dividing and using an astronomical quadrant: at the While Tycho resided at Prague with the emperor, he end are added observations of 5 comets, one of which has prevailed on Kepler, who had formerly been his disciple been supposed the same with that observed by Hevelius, and assistant at Holstein, and from his conduct and abi- and if so, it ought to have returned again in the year lities had rendered himself dear to him, to leave the uni- 1789; — but it was not observed then. Gemma Frisius versity of Glatz, and to come to him, which he did with wrote a commentary on Appian's Cosmography, accom- his family and library in 1600: but Tycho dying in 1601, panied with many observations of eclipses : he also in- Kepler enjoyed during his life the title of mathematician vented the astronomical ring, and several other instru- to the Emperor, who ordered him to finish the tables of ments, useful in taking observations at sea; and was also Tycho Brahe, which he did accordingly, and published the first who recommended a time-keeper for determining them in l627 under the title of Rodolphine. He died the longitude at sea. — Rheticus gave up his professorship about the year 1630 at Ratisbon, where he was soliciting of mathematics at Wittemberg, that he might attend the the arrears of his pension. From his own observations, astronomical lectures of Copernicus; and, for improving and those of Tycho, Kepler discovered several of the true astronomical calculations, he began a very extensive work, laws of nature, by which the motions of the celestial bo being a table of sines, tangents, and secants, to a very large radius, and to every 10 seconds, or A of a minute ; which was completed by his pupil Valentine Otho, and published in 1594. dies are regulated. He discovered that all the planets revolved about the sun, not in circular, but in elliptical or- bits, having the sun in one of the foci of the ellipse; that their motions were not equable, but varying, quicker or About the year 156l, William iv, Landgrave of Hesse slower, as they were near to the sun or farther from him; Cassel, applied himself to the study of astronomy, having but that this motion was so regulated, that the areas de- furnished himself with the best instruments that could scribed by the variable line drawn from the planet to the then be made: with these he made a great number of ob- sun, are equal in equal times, and always proportional to servations, which were published by Snellius in l6l8, and the limes of describing them. He also discovered, by tri which were preferred by Hevelius to those of Tycho Brahe From these observations he formed a catalogue of 400 stars, with their latitudes and longitudes, adapted to the beginning of the year 1593. The next astronomer of note was Tycho Brahe, a noble Dane, who, from his assiduous attention to this science, became one of the greatest observers that ever existed: he. began his observations about the same time with the Landgrave of Hesse, above mentioned, and ob- served the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn; but finding the usual instruments very inaccurate, he con- als, that the cubes of the distances of the planets from the sun, were in the same proportion as the squares of their periodical times of revolution. By observations also on comets, he concluded that they moved in very excen- tric orbits, and crossing those of the planets in all direc- tions, but which he could not then determine. These dis- coveries, and many others which are to be found in his writings, but of which no traces arc discoverable in the annals of antiquity, will lor ever immortalize his fame, and render his history interesting to the most distant ages. In Kepler's time there were many other good proficients Mrucled many others, much larger and exacter, with in astronomy ; as Edward Wright, Baron Napier, John which he applied himself diligently to observe the celes- Bayer, &c. Wright made several good meridional obser- tial phenomena. In 1571 he discovered anew star in the vations of the sun, with a quadrant of 6 feeUadnw, iuthe AST [ 167 ] AST years 1594, 159-5, and 1596; from which he greatly im- proved the theory nf the sun's motion, and computed more accurately his declination than any person had done be- fore. In 1599 he published also an excellent work en- titled " Certain Errors in Navigation discovered and de- tected," containing a method which has commonly, though erroneously, been ascribed to Mercator. — To Napier we owe some excellent theorems and improvements in sphe- rics, besides the ever-memorable invention of logarithms, one of the most useful ever made in the art of numbering, and of the greatest use in all the other mathematical sci- ences. — Bayer, a German, published his Uranomelriu, be- ing a complete celestial atlas, or the figures of all the con- stellations visible in Europe, with the stars marked on them, and the stars also accompanied by names, or theletters of the Greek alphabet; a contrivance by which the stars may easily be referred to with distinctness and prescision. The .next astronomer, whose labours deserve to be particularly recorded, is Galileo, who was born at Florence in the year 1564'. He discovered the laws by which bodies falling freely are accelerated, and meditated deeply on their motions in general. From the valuable dis- coveries he made in this branch of physico-mechanical sciences, Newton and Huygens were afterwards enabled to derive the most complete and satisfactory theories of the planetary motions. Bein<» informed of the invention of the telescope, an ever-memorable instrument, and to which we are indebted for the most brilliant discoveries, and all the accuracy to which the science of astronomy has attained, he, by duly considering the principles of re- fraction, constructed one himself of far superior power, by which he discovered the inequalities of the moon's sur- face, the satellites of Jupiter, and the ring of Saturn; also spots on the sun, by which he determined the revolution of that luminary about ils axis: he also found that Venus exhibited the same phases as the moon ; and discovered that nebulas and the galaxy were full of small stars. He was also a warm defender of the Copernican system, for which he was cruelly persecuted by a congregation of cardinals, who made him abjure, upon his knees, in the most solemn manner, a truth which nature and his own conviction had shown to be infallible. He was afterwards imprisoned in the inquisition at Florence, where he was born; and died in the year 1642, leaving behind him many works which testify his great skill in the sciences. The history of astronomy, about this period, also offers us many names of very respectable observers; among whom may be noticed Mercator, Mam-blycus, Homelius, and Stevin, abroad; and in England, Thomas and Leo- nard Digges, John Dee, Robert Flood, Harriot, &c ; the latter of whom, who had hitherto only been distinguished as an algebraist, made nearly the same discoveries as Galileo, and at as early a period, if not more so, as appears by his papers not yet printed, in the possession of the Earl of Egremont. After whom, Mr. Horrox, a young astronomer of great talents, made considerable, discoveries and improvements in this science. In 1633 he discovered that the planet Venus would pass over the sun's disc on the 24th of November I639, an event which he announced only to his friend Mr. Crabtrec; and these two were the only persons in the world that observed this transit, which was also the first time it had ever been seen by human eyes. Mr. Horrox made also many other useful obser- vations, and had even formed a new theory of the moon, taken notice of by Newton; but his early death, in the beginning of the year 1640, put a stop to his useful and valuable labours. The next discoveries to Kepler's and Galileo's, were those of Huygens. This celebrated genius was the first who applied pendulums to clocks, a discovery as brilliant and advantageous as ever was presented to astronomy. He was also the first who found that the singular appear- ances of Saturn are produced by a ring by which the pla- net is surrounded; and from his great assiduity in observ- ing it, he was led to the discovery of one of its satellites. To this memorable man, also, we are indebted for some of the most useful theorems on centrifugal forces; and, had he had an idea of combining them with his enquiries into the developement of curves and the laws of Kepler, Newton had certainly not been the first to announce to the world the universal law of gravitation; but these are the things in which discoveries generally consist. Next flourished Hevelius, Burgomaster of Dantzic, who furnished an excellent observatory in his own house, where he observed the spots and phases of the moon, from which observations he compiled his Selcnogruphia ; anil published an account of his apparatus in his work entitled Machina Cmkstis, a book now very scarce, as most of the copies were accidentally burnt, with the whole house and appa- ratus, in 1079. Hevelius died in 168S, aged 76. About this time the celebrated Dr. Hooke invented other instruments with telescopic sights, and censured those of Hevelius, which occasioned a sharp dispute between them ; to settle which, the celebrated Dr. Halley was- sent over to Hevelius to examine his instruments. The two as- tronomers made several observations together, very much to their satisfaction, and among them was one of an occul- tation of Jupiter by the moon, when they determined the diameter of the latter to be 30' 33". Before the middle of the 17th century the construction of telescopes had been greatly improved, particularly by Huygens and Fontana. The former constructed one of 123 feet, with which he long observed the moon and pla- nets, and discovered that Saturn was encompassed with a ring. With telescopes, also, of 200 and 300 feet focus, Cassini saw five satellites of Saturn, with his zones or belts, and likewise the shadows of Jupiter's satellites pass- ing over his body. In 1 666 Azout applied a micrometer to telescopes, to measure the diameters of the planets and other small distances in the heavens ; but an instrument of this kind had been invented before, by Mr. Gascoigne, though it was but little known abroad. To obviate the difficulties of the great lengths of re- fracting telescopes and the aberration of the rays, it is said that Mersene first started the idea of making telescopes of reflectors, instead of lenses, in a letter to Descartes; and in 1663 James Gregory of Aberdeen showed how such a telescope might be constructed. After some time spent also by Newton, on the construction of both sorts of telescopes, he discovered the great inconvenience which arises to refractors from the different rcfrangibility of the. rays of light, and for which he could not then find a re- medy; and therefore, pursuing the other kind, in the year l6'72 he presented to the Royal Society two reflectors, which were constructed with spherical speculums, as he could not procureother figures. The inconveniences, how- ever, arising from the different refrangibility of the raysof light, have since been fully obviated by the ingenious Mr. Dollond. Towards the latter part of the 1 7th, and be- ginning of the 18th century,practical astronomy, it seems, AST C 163 ] AST rather languished. But at the same time the speculative part was carried to the highest perfection by the immor- tal Newton in his Principia, and by the Astronomy of David Gregory. Soon after this, however, great improvements of astro- nomical instruments began to take place, particularly in Britain. Mr. Graham, a celebrated mechanic and watch- maker, not only improved clocks and watch work, but also carried the accuracy of astronomical instruments -to a surprising degree. He constructed the old 8 feet mural arch at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and a small equatorial sector for making observations out of the meri- dian; but he is chiefly to be noticed for contriving the zenith sector of 24 feet radius, and afterwards one of 12i feet, with which Dr. Bradley discovered the aberration of the fixed stars. The reflecting telescope of Gregory and Newton was also greatly improved by Mr. Hadley, who presented a very powerful instrument of that kind to the Royal Society in 1719- The same gentleman has also immortalized his memory by the invention of the reflect- ing quadrant or sector, now called by his name, which he presented to the society in 173), and which is now used so universally at sea, especially where nice observations, are required. It appears, however, that an instrument simi- lar to this in its principles had been invented by Newton; and a description with a drawing of it given by him to Dr. Ilalley, when he was preparing for his voyage in 1701, to discover the variation of the needle. It has also been as- serted, that a Mr. Godfrey, of Philadelphia in America, made the same discovery, and the first instrument of this kind. About the middle of this century, the construct- ing and dividing of large astronomical instruments were carried to great perfection by Mr. John Bird ; and re- flecting telescopes were not less improved by Mr. Short, who also first executed the divided object-glass micro- meter, which had been proposed and described by M. Louville and others. Mr. Dollond also brought refract- ing telescopes to the greatest perfection, by means of his acromatic glasses; and, lately, the discoveries of Herschel are owing to the amazing powers of reflectors of his own construction. Thus the astronomical improvements in the ISth cen- tury have been chiefly owing to the foregoing inventions and improvements in the instruments, and to the esta- blishment of regular observatories in England, France, and other parts of Europe. Roemer, a celebrated Danish astronomer, first made use of a meridional telescope ; and, by observing the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, he first discovered the progressive motion of light, concerning which he read a dissertation before the Academy of Sci- ences in Paris in 1675. — Mr. Flamsteed was appointed the first Astronomer Royal at Greenwich in 16*75. He ob- served,' for 44 years, all the celestial phenomena, of the sun, moon, planets, and fixed stars, of all which he gave an improved theory and tables, viz, a catalogue of 3000 stars with their places, to the year 1689; also new solar tables, and a theory of the moon according to Horrox; likewise, in Sir Jonas Moore's System of Mathematics, ho gave a curious tract on the doctrine of the sphere, show- ing how, geometrically, to construct eclipses of the sun and moon, as well as occultations of the fixed stars by the moon. And it was on. his tables that Hallcy's tables and Newton's theory of the moon were also constructed. Cassini, also, the firit French Astronomer Royal, very much distinguished himself, making many observations on the sun, moon, planets, and comets, and greatly improved the elements of their motions. He also erected the gno- mon, and drew the celebrated meridian line in the church of Petronia at Bologna. In 1719 Mr. Flamsteed was succeeded by Dr. Halley, as Astronomer Royal at Greenwich. The Doctor had been sent, at the early age of 21, to the island t>f St. He- lena, to observe the southern stars, and make a catalogue of them, which was published in 1679- In 1705 he pub- lished his Synopsis Astronomicc Cometica, in which he ven- tured to predict the return of a comet in 1758 or 1750. He was the first who discovered the acceleration of the moon, and he gave a very ingenious method for finding her parallax by three observed phases of a solar eclipse. He also published, in the Philosophical Transactions, many learned papers, and among them some that were concerning the use that might be made of the next transit of Venus in determining the distance of the sun from the earth. He composed tables of the sun, moon, and all the planets, which are still in great repute; with which he compared the observations he made of the moon at Green- wich, amounting to near 1500, and noted the differences. He recommended the method of determining the longi- tude by tffc moon's distances from the sun and certain fixed stars; a method which had before been noticed, and which has since been carried into execution, more parti- cularly at the instance of the late Astronomer Royal, Dr. Maskelyne. About this time a dispute arose concerning the figure of the earth. Sir Isaac Newton had determined, from a consideration of the laws of gravity, and the diurnal mo- tion of the earth, that the figure of it was an oblate sphe- roid, or flatted at the poles; but Cassini had determined, from the measures of Picart, that the figure was an oblong spheroid, or lengthened at the poles. To settle this dis- pute, it was resolved, under Lewis xv, to measure 2 de- grees of the meridian ; one near the equator, and the other as near the pole as possible. For this purpose, the Royal Academy of Sciences sent to Lapland Mess. Maupertuis, Clairault, Camus, and Le Monier, &c; and, on the south- ern expedition were sent Mess. Godin, Condamino, and Bouguer, to whom the king of Spain joined Don George Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa. These set out in 1735, and returned at different times in 1744, 1745, and 1746"; but the former party, who set out only in 1736', returned theyear following, having both fulfilled their commissions. Picart's measure was also revised by Cassini and De la Caille, which, after his errors .were correcte'l, was found to agree very well with the other two; and the result of the whole served to confirm the determination of the figure before laid down by Newton. On the southern ex- pedition, it was found that the attraction of the great mountains of Peru had a sensible effect on the plumb-line of one of their largest instruments, deflecting it 7 or 8 se- conds from the true perpendicular. On the death of Dr. Halley, in 1742, he was succeeded by Dr. Bradley as Astronomer Royal at Greenwich. The accuracy of his observations enabled him to detect tin 1 smaller inequalities in the motions of the planets and fixed stars. The consequence, of this accuracy was, the disco- very of the aberration of light, the nutation of the earth's axis, and a much greater degree of perfection in the lunar tables. He also observed the places, and computed the AST [ 169 ] A S T elements of the comets which appeared in the years 1723, 1730, 17*3, and 1757. He made new and accurate tables of the motions of Jupiter's satellites; and from a multitude of observations of the luminaries, he constructed a most accurate table of refractions, with a general rule for com- puting them. Also, with a very large transit instrument, and a new mural quadrant of S feet radius, constructed by Mr. Bird in 1750, he made an immense number of observations, for settling the places of all the stars in the British catalogue, together witb near 1500 places of the moon, the greater part of which he compared with Mayer's tables. Dr. Bradley died in 1762. In the year 1760 all the learned .Societies in Europe made preparations for observing the transit of Venus over the sun, which had been predicted by Dr. Halley more than 80 years before, with the use that might be made of it in determining the sun's parallax, and the distances of the planets from the sun. The same exertions were also repeated, to observe the transit in 1769, by sending ob- servers to different parts of the world, for the more con- venience in observing. From the whole, Mr. Short com- puted that the sun's parallax was nearly 8-f- seconds, and consequently the distance of the sun from the earth about 24114- of the earth's diameters, or 96 millions of miles. Dr. Bradley was succeeded, in 1762, in his office of Astro- nomer Royal, by Mr. Bliss, Savilian professor of astrono- my ; who being in a declining state of health, did not long enjoy it. But, dying in 1765, was succeeded by Dr. Maske- lyne, the late Astronomer Royal, who discharged the duties of that office with the greatest honour to himself, and be- nefit to the science. In January 1761 this gentleman was sent by the Royal Society, at a very early age, to the Island of St. Helena, to observe the transit of Venus over the' sun, and the parallax of the star Sirius. The first of these objects partly failed, by clouds preventing the sight of the 2d internal contact; and the 2d also, owing to Mr. Short having suspended the plumb-line by a loop hom the neck of the central pin. However, our astrono- mer indemnified himself by many other valuable observa- tions : Thus, at St. Helena, he observed the tides; the horary parallaxes of the moon; and the going of a clock, to find, by comparison with its previous motion which had been observed in England, the difference of gravity at the two places : also, in going out and returning, he practised the method of finding the longitude by the lunar distances taken with a Hadley's quadrant, making out rules for the use of seamen, and taught the method to the officers on board the ship ; which he afterwards explained in a letter to the secretary of the Royal Society, inserted in the Philos. Trans, for the year 176?, and still more fully af- terwards, in the British Mariner's Guide, which he pub- lished in the year 1763. He returned from St. Helena in the spring of 176'2, after a stay there of 10 months ; and in September 1763 sailed for the island of Barbadoes, to .settle the longitude of the place, and to compare Mr. Harrison's watch with the time there, when this gentleman should bring it out: another object was also to try Mr. Irwin's marine chair, which he did in his way out. While at Barbadoes, he also made, many other observations; and among them, several relating to the moon's horary paral- laxes, not yet published. Returning to England in the latter part of the year 1764, he was appointed in 176*5 to succeed Mr. Bliss as Astronomer Royal, and immediately recommended to the Board ol Longitude the lunar method Vol. I. of finding the longitude, and proposed to them the project of a Nautical Almanac, to be calculated and published to facilitate that method : this they agreed to, and the first volume was published for 176"7, and which continued till his death under his direction, to the great benefit of navi- gation and universal commerce. A multitude of other useful writings by this gentleman are inserted iu the volumes of the Philos. Trans.; and par- ticularly, in consequence of a proposal made by him to the Royal Society, the noble project was formed of mea- suring very accurately the effect of some mountain on the plumb-line, in deflecting it from the perpendicular; and the mountain of Schihallien, in Scotland, having been found the most' convenient in this island for the purpose, at the request of the Society he went into Scotland to conduct the business, which he performed in the most accurate manner; showing that the sum of the deflections on the two opposite sides was about 11|. seconds of a degree; and proving, to the satisfaction of the world, the universal attraction of all matter: from the data resulting from which measures I have computed the mean density of the whole matter in the earth, and have found it to be nearly 5 times that of common water. Besides many learned and valuable papers in the Philosophical Transactions, the most assiduous exertions in the duties of the observa- tor}', as abundantly appears by the curious and volumi- nous observations which he has given to the public, the world is particularly obliged to his endeavours with the Board of Longitude, for the publication of the Nautical Ephemeris, and the method of observing the longitude, by the distances of the moon and stars, now adopted by all nations, and by which the practice of navigation has been brought to the greatest perfection. Dr. Maskelyne died the 9th of February 1811, and has been succeeded in his office by Mr. John Pond. The discoveries of Dr. Herschel form a new jera in astronomy. He first, in 1781, began with observations on the periodical star in ColloCeti, and a new method of measuring the lunar mountains, none of which he made more than half a mile in height : and, having constructed telescopes vastly more powerful than any former ones, he proceeded to other observations, Concerning which he has had several papers printed in the Philosophical Trans- actions; as, On the rotation of the planets round their axes; On the parallax of the fixed stars ; Catalogues of double, triple, &c stars ; On the proper motion of the sun and solar system ; On the remarkable appearances of the solar regions of the planet Mars, &c, &c; and, above all, his discovery of a new primary planet, on the 13th of March 17S1 , which he called the Georgian planet; though at first named the planet Herschel by the French and fo- reign astronoineis, but lately, and more generally, Uranus; by which, and its six satellites, he has greatly enlarged the bounds of the solar system, this new planet being more than twice as far from the sun as the planet Saturn. M. Piazzi, astronomer royal at Palermo, on Jan. 1, 1801, the first day of the 19th century, discovered another pla- net, moving in an intermediate orbit between Mars and Ju- piter. It had long been conjectured by Maclaurin, Bax- ter, Lambert, Bode, Zach. and others, that there was a primary planet within this space; and the discovery has answered to some of these conjectures in a very ex- traordinary manner. This planet is now distinguished by the name Ceres ; though it would perhaps be better to call this, and all the new planets, by the names of their A S T [ 170 ] AST respective discoverers. Another new and small planet was discovered by Dr. Olbers of Bremen, on March 28, 1802 : it is called Pallas, and is distant from Mars nearly the same as Ceres, their orbits indeed intersecting each other. — Juno is also another very small planet, in the same in- terval, discovered by M. Harding, at Lilienthal, on Sept. 1, 1804 ; and is a little farther distant than Ceres and Pal- las. A foarth of these *mall planetary bodies was disco- vered by Dr. Olbers the 29th of March, 1807, which is denoted by the name of Vesta. And indeed it is highly probable that, as astronomical instruments are improved, new discoveries of this kind will be made, and our system be enlarged by the discovery of planets making their ex- cursions even beyond the orbit of the planet Uranus, or Herschel, as well as some within the orbit of Mercury. In the labours of scientific men on physical astronomy, the most distinguished names after Newton, are Maclau- rin, Clairaut, Simpson, Euler, Walmesley, Dalembert, Fri- si, Lagrange, Landen, and Laplace. Simpson, in his tracts, directed his attention to the theory of the moon. He showed that the effects of such forces as are proportional to the cosine of an arc r, are explicable by means of the cosines of that arc and of its multiples ; and thus deter- mined a very important point : for, since it hence appears, that no terms enter into the equation of the moon's orbit, but whatby a regular increase and decrease do, after a certain time, return to their former values ; it is therefore evident that the mean motion, and the greatest quantities of the several equations, receive no change from gravity. Frisi, in his Cosmographia, applied a similar mode of rea- sonipg to the variations in the obliquity of the ecliptic; which he thus showed to be confined within certain limits. Laplace was conducted farther: in the general movement of a system of bodies, such as is actually exemplified in nature, every thing is in motion; not only every body, but the plane or position of every orbit. The mutual ac- tions of the planets change the positions of the planes in which they revolve; being perpetually made, to depart by a small quantity, from side to side, each from that plane in which it would go on continually, if their mutual ac- the first who deduced, from his solution of the problem, a complete set of lunar tables, far more accurate than any former ones. Their accuracy, however, was exceeded by another set produced by Tobias Mayer of Gottingen, and founded on a comparison of Euler's solution with correct observations. The problem of finding the longitude at sea, which was now understood to depend so much on the ex- actness with which the moon's place could, be computed, gave much additional value to these researches, and esta- blished a very close connexion between the conclusions of theory and the art of navigation. Mayer's tables were re- warded by the Board of Longitude in England; and Eu- ler's, at the suggestion of Turgot, by the Board of Longi- tude in France. TShus the lunar theory was brought to a h"igh degree of accuracy ; the tables constructed by means of it giving the moon's place true to £ a minute. Yet there remained still one inequality in the moon's motion, for which the prin- ciples of gravitation seemed to afford no account; this was what is known by the name of the moon's acceleration. Various attempts were made to explain that phenomenon by Halley, and others : it was at last satisfactorily eluci- dated by Laplace, who thus gave the finishing touch to the theory of the moon, nearly a century after it had been pro- pounded in the first edition of the Prjncipia. See Acce- leration of the Moon. That branch of the theory of disturbing forces which re- lates to the action of the primary planets on one another, was successfully cultivated between 1740 and 1780. In the course of these researches, the change in the obliquity of the ecliptic came first to be perfectly recognized, and ascribed to the action of the planets, on the earth. Euler proved, independently of Frisi, that the change in this obli- quity is periodical ; that it is not a constant diminution, but a slow and small oscillation, never exceeding 2° alto- gether on both sides of a mean quantity, by which it al- ternately increases and diminishes in the course of periods, which are not all of the same length, but by which, in the course of ages, a compensation ultimately takes place. Lagrange, struck with the circumstance that the calcu- tions were to cease. The calculus of Laplace, in the first " lus had never given any inequalities but such as were pe- book of his Mecanique Celeste, shows that the inclinations of these orbits, in the planetary system, are stable, or that the planes of the orbits oscillate a little, to and fro, on each side of a fixed and immoveable plane This plane is shown to be one, on which, if every one of the bodies of the sy- stem be projected by a perpendicular let fall upon it, and if the mass of each body be multiplied into the area de- scribed in a giv^n time by its projection on the said plane', the sum of all these products shall be a maximum. The celebrated problem of the three bodies, engaged in succession the attention of many eminent philosophers. The problem is this : Having given the masses of three bo- dies, projected from three points given in position, with velocities give i.i their quantity and direction; and sup- posing the bodies to gravitate to one another, with forces thai are as their masses directly, and the squares of their distances inverselj ; to find the lines described by those bodies, and their position at any given instant. Or, the problem may be rendered universal, by assuming any num- ber of bodies above three. To resolve the problem gene- rally, according to either of these enunciations, exceeds the powers even of the, most refined analysis : but, under he Condi ti . presented by nature, much has been done by Clairaul Dalembert, Kuler, and others. Clairaut was riodical, applied himself to the investigation of a general question, from which he found, by a method pecuriar to himself, and independent of any approximation, that the inequalities produced by the mutual action of the planets, must in effect be all periodical ; that such changes are con- fined within narrow limits; that none of the planets ever has been, nor ever can be a comet, moving in a very ex- centric orbit; but that the planetary system oscillates as it were round a medium state, from which it never deviates far : that amid all the changes which arise from the mu- tual actions of the planets, two things remain perpetually the same, viz, the length of the greater a> i.-- of the ellipse described by the planet, and its periodical time round the sun; or, which is the same thing, the mean distance of each planet from the sun, and its mean motion, both re- main constant. The plnne of the. orbit varies, the species of the ellipse and its excentricity change, but ncyer, by any means whatever, the greater axis of the ellipse, or the time of the entire revolution of the planet. The discovery of this great principle, which may be considered as the bul wark that secures the Stability of our system, and excludes all nccess to confusion and disorder, must render the name of Lagrange for ever memorable in science, and ever n - vercd by those who delight in the contemplation of what- AST [ 171 ] AST ever is excellent and sublime. After Newton's discovery by virtue of a force varying inversely as the squares of the of the elliptic orbits of the planets from gravitation, La- distances, and directly as the masses grange's discovery of their periodical inequalities, is doubt- less the noblest truth in physical astronomy; and, in re- spect of the doctrine of final causes, it may be regarded as the greatest of all. Nearly allied to this truth, is the following theorem, re- sulting from one of Laplace's investigations : If the mass of each planet be multiplied into the square of the excen- The sun agrees with the fixed stars in the property of emitting light continually, and in retaining constantly its relative situation, with very little variation : it is probable also that these bodies have many other properties in com- mon. The sun is therefore considered as a fixed star com- paratively near us: and from the same analogy it is in- ferred that the stars are possessed of gravitation, and of the tricity of its orbit, and this product into the square root of other general properties of matter ; they are supposed to the axis of the same orbit, the sum of all these quantities, emit heat as well as light ; and it has with reason been when added together, will remain for ever the same: this conjectured, that they serve to cherish the inhabitants of a sum is of a constant magnitude, which the mutual action multitude of planetary bodies revolving about them, of the planets cannot change. Hence, no one of the ex- The sun, like many other stars, has probably a progres- centricities can ever increase to a greater magnitude : for, sive motion, which, from a comparison of the apparent mo- as the mass of each planet is given, as well as the axis of tions of a great number of the stars, is supposed to be di- its orbit, the square of the excentricity in each is multi- rected towards the constellation Hercules. It is beyond plied into a given coefficient, and the sum of all the pro- all question that many of the stars have motions peculiar ducts so formed is incapable of change. Hence, therefore, to themselves, and it is not certain that any of them are we have an ''her general property, indicating the stability without such motions : it is therefore highly probable that of our system within narrow limits. Yet it does not fol- the sun may have such motion ; and indeed Dr. Herschel low that this permanency is necessary and unavoidable, has confirmed this conjecture by arguments that are al- under every possible constitution of the planetary orbits : most demonstrative. for, if the planets did not all move the same way; if their Besides this progressive motion, the sun is subject to a orbits were not all nearly circular ; if their excentricities small change of place, dependent on the situations of the were not small » or if the law of planetary deflection planetary bodies; which was long inferred from theory were different; the permanency of the preceding quantity only, but which has been actually demonstrated by mo- could not obtain. Such permanency depends on con- dern observations. Supposing all the planets to be in con- ditions which are not necessary in themselves, and is junction, or nearly in the same direction from the sun, the therefore an argument of design in the construction of the common centre of inertia of the system is then at the di- universe. stance of about a diameter of the sun from his centre, or The subject of the tides had its true theory sketched by half a diameter without his surface: and since the centre Newton, but was not completed till long after his time, of inertia of the whole system must be undisturbed by any The state of neither mechanical nor mathematical science reciprocal actions of the bodies composing it, the sun must was such in his time as would enable any one to determine describe an irregular orbit round this centre, his greatest the motions of a fluid, acted on by three gravitations, and having besides a rotatory motion. The dissertations of D. Bernoulli, Euler, and Maclaurin, which shared the prize with that of P. Cavalleri on the principle of vortices, were excellent: but the first man who felt himself in pos- session of all the principles required in this arduous inves- tigation, was Laplace, who, in the years 1775, 1779> and 179Q, communicated to the Academy of Sciences a series distance from it being equal to his own diameter. The sun revolves on his axis in 25 days 10 hours, with respect to the fixed stars; this axis is directed towards a point about half way between the pole-star and Lyra, the plane of the rotation being inclined a little more than 7 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. The direction of this motion is from west to east; and all the rotations of the different bodies which compose the solar system, as far of memoirs on this subject, which he has united and ex- as they have been ascertained, are in the same direction tended in the 4th book of the Mecanique Celeste. See The time, and direction of the sun's rotation is ascer- Tides; as also Edinb. Review, N°22. — The precession of tained by the change in the situation of the spots, which the equinoxes is another interesting subject, to which the attention of Frisi, Walmesley, Simpson, Dalembc it, Landen, Milner, M. Young, and Robertson, have been successively directed. — See the articles, Comets, Eclipses, Gravi- tation, Moon, Planets, Satellites, Sun, Solar . System, Tides, and the several planets Mercury, Ve- n us, &C, tiC. On the Solar System. The most conspicuous of all the celestial bodies is the sun, that magnificent luminary occupying the centre of the system whicS comprehends our earth, with a variety of are often visible on his disc; and which some astronomers suppose to be elevations, but others, apparently with bet- ter reason, to be-excavations or deficiencies in the lumi- nous matter covering the sun's surface. These poirits arc often observed to appear and disappear, and they are in the mean time liable to great variations; but they are gene- rally found about the middle parts of the sun's surface. Lalande imagined that they were parts of the solid body of the sun, which by some agitations of the luminous ocean, with which he conceived the sun to be surrounded, are left nearly or entirely bare. Dr. Wilson and Dr. Hnschel are Jthenprimary and secondary planets, and a still greater disposed to consider this ocean as consistingjather of a number of comets. — The sun is a body nearly spherical, flame, than of a liquid substance ; and Dr. Herschel attri- whose diameter is about 883,250 English miles, nearly 4 butes the spots to the emission of an aeriform fluid, not times the distance of the. moon from the earth. Situated yet in combustion, which displaces the general luminous nearly at the centre of the system of the planets, it exerts atmosphere, and which is afterward to serve as fuel for on th'em all a remarkable influence: it heats them, it en- supporting the process: hence he supposes the appearance lightens them, and enchains them in their elliptical orbits, of copious spots to be indicative of the approach of warm A S'T [ 172 ] AST seasons cm the surface nf the earth, and he has attempted to maintain this opinion by historical evidence. Whatever be the cause of these spots, by their often continuing du- ring the whole time of the rotation, they have given oc- casion, by observations, to determine the duration of that period, as above mentioned. The planetary system comprises at least 30 bodies, without including comets. Among these 30 bodies, the sun is the only one which is really phosphoric, or that shines with a lustre which is, properly speaking, its own. All the others are opake ; that is, they intercept the lumi- nous fluid, and are only visible by the reflected light. 1 1 of these bear the name of primary planets ; the other IS are known under that of satellites or secondary planets. The planets perform their revolutions about the sun in elliptical curves, differing but little from circles, and of which the centre of the sun (or rather the common centre of inertia of the whole system) occupies one of the foci. Commencing with that which is nearest the sun, they have the following disposition: Mercury, Venus, Terra or the Earth, Mars, Ceres or Piazzi, Pallas or Others 1 , Juno or Harding, Vesta or Olbers-, Jupiter, Saturn,'and Uranus or Herschel. See plate 31. Each of the planetary orbits is in a plane which passes through the sun's centre. The earth's orbit is named the ecliptic; which is conceived as indefinitely prolonged on all sides ; and astronomers observe the situations of the planes of the other orbits by referring them to this. All the planets move in their orbits from west to east, perform, their revolutions each in equal times, and in an orbit always at the same mean distance from the sun. The velocities in their orbits are variable, being quicker in the parts nearer the sun, and proportionally slower when far- ther off, in such sort that equal areas are described by the radius vector, or line connecting the sun and the planet in its motion. Mercury and Venus are nearer the sun than the earth is ; on which account they are called inferior or interior planets. Those which are farther from the sun than the earth, are called superior or exterior planets. The inferior planets can never be in opposition to the sun (see Opposition) ; but they will be found twice in conjunction with that luminary during the course of their sidereal revolution : first, when they come between the sun and the earth, making the inferior conjunction; and again, when the sun is between the planet and the earth, making the superior conjunction. See Conjunction. The inferior planets present different phases, when they are viewed with telescopes: these appearances are more perceptibk for Venus than for Mercury, and they depend on the proper motion of those planets. If this motion be combined with that of the earth in its orbit, which is ef- fected more slowly by reason of its greater distance from the sun, new appearances will arise, such as the direct mo- tion of those planets in the inferior conjunction, and their retrograde motion in the superior conjunction. See Re- trograde. The orbits of the superior planets are above or include that of the earth; at the same time that the velocity of The earth is greater than those of the superior planets. Hence it results that the earth, in its motion, passes be- tween these planets and the sun; which causes them to appear in opposition to that luminary. In the opposition (Ivy have a motion apparently retrogrades but it is direct in the conjunction, as that of Venus and Mercury is in their superior conjunctions. Some of the planets, as the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, have satellites or moons, which revolve round thosv primaries, as these do about the sun. Thus, the earth ha- 1 moon or satellite, Jupiter 4, Saturn 7, and Uranus 6. See Moon and Satellites. With respejet to these satellites or secondary planets, tile following remarkable circumstance takes place. Our moon, with the 4 satellites of Jupiter, and.l of Saturn's, are found by observation to turn about an axis, in the same time as they respectively revolve a bout their primaries. And though it has not yet been ascertained from observations whether the same be true for the other satellites. of Saturn, and those of Uranus; yet, from the uniformity which obviously pervades the system, it is concluded that the same is true for all the secondaries. The planet Saturn is encompassed with a thin flat ring, or, as it is now found, with two rings, lying one within the other edgewise towards the planet, and detached from it, having their planes passing through the centre of Saturn. If a circular annulus be cut out of a card, and divided into two parts by a concentric circle, leaving the inner breadth about 3 times that of the outer ; and a ball be then put within, of such a size, that the space between the ball and the annulus may be a little larger than the breadth of the annulus, a representation will thus be obtained of Saturn and his two rings. That side next the sun is bright, like the body of the planet. The rings revolve in their own plane; and, not being of a regular figure, their centre of inertia is at a small distance from the centre of Saturn. M. Laplace computed the time of their rotation to be 10 h 33 nl 36 s ; nearly agreeing with the time found by Dr. Hers- chel from observation. If the mean distances, either of the planets or of their satellites, be compared with the duration of their sidereal revolutions, it will be easy to trace the beautiful relation discovered by Kepler; namely, that while several bodies turn about the same point, the squares of the periodical times are respectively as the cubes of their mean distances from that point: and, by combining this law with the theory of Huygens, viz, that when the squares of the periodical times, of several bodies circulating about the same point, are respectively as the cubes of the distances from that point, the central forces which animate, them, are in the inverse ratio of the squares of the same distances; it will be easy to discover the law of gravitation ; and, as it were, to unveil the. mechanism of the planetary system. The following tables exhibit a brief view of the solar sys- tem, according to the latest and correct account. I. Duration of the Sidereal Revolutions of the Planets, or of their Periodic Times. Mercury 87*969255 days. Venus 224-700817 The Earth ------ 365-256384 Mars -------- 686-979579 Ceres, or Piazzi - - - - 1680-000000 Pallas, or Olbers 1 - - - - 1681000000 Juno, or Harding - - - - 2007'50000O Ditto, by Burckhardt - - - 1582-000000 Vesta, or Olbers* Jupiter ■ 4332-602208 Saturn -10759077213 Uranus, or Herschel - - - 30689-000000 AST C i If. Greater Semiaxes of the Planetary Orbits, or their Mean Distances from the Sun, that of the Earth (which is about <)5 millions of miles) being denoted by unity. Mercury 0-387100 Venus 0723332 The Earth ------- 1-000000 Mars -,--.- ■». • - •■- - - 1-523693 Ceres --------- 2776/55 Pallas 2-77690S Juno 287673 L Ditto, by Burckhardt - - - - 2657000 Jupiter 5.202778 Saturn 9-538785 Uranus 19- 1.83475 III. Relations of Excentricity to the Greater Semiaxis 1. Mercury - (for 17 50) - - 0-205513 Venus ditto - - 0-006885 The Earth ditto - - 0-016814 Mars ditto - - 0-093088 Ceres - (for 1&05) f ' 0-790000 Pallas ditto - - 0-246300 Juno ditto - - 0-250000 Jupiter - (for 1750) - - 0-048077 Saturn ditto -. ■ - 0056223 Uranus ditto - - 0-046683 IV. Inclination of Orbits to the Ecliptic. Mercury - (for 1750) - - - 7-0000 Venus ditto - - - 3-3930 The Earth ditto - - - 00000 Mars ditto - - - 1-8501 Ceres - (for 1805) - - - 10-6167 Pallas ditto -. . - 337500 Juno ditto - - - 21-0000 Jupiter - (for 1750) - - - 1-3172 Saturn ditto - - - 2-49S6 Uranus ditto - - - 0-7706 V. Diameters of the Planets, that of the Earth (7914 Eng- lish miles) being assumed as Unity. Mercury - . _ 7 Jupiter llf Venus - - - - 12. Saturn - - - - 10,% The Earth - - 1 His Ring .- - - 23i Mars - - " " ? Uranus - - - - 3f Ceres - - 1 00 The Moon - f- Pallas - - " " 7TT The Sun - - - 112 T 9 r Juno - - 100 " " rrz VI. Rotations of the Planets. <1 h m Mercury ----- unknown Venus 23 20 The Earth 23 56 T \ The Moon 27 7 43,% Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus The Sun 24 40 9 56 10 17 unknown 25 10 The masses of the planets have been found from princi- ples as follow : The forces that urge two bodies, moving circularly, are in a ratio composed of the masses, the dis- tances from the centre, and the inverse square of the pe- riodic times (see Central Forces): whence it results, that the gravity of one of the satellites towards its planet, is to that of the earth towards the sun, as the mean dis- tance of the satellite from the centre of its planet, divided by the square of its periodic time, is to the mean distance 73 ] AST of the earth from the sun, divided by the square of its pe- riodic time : or, expressing these gravitating tendencies by G,g, the mean distances by r, r, the periodic times by t, r, it is g : g : : ^ : -. But, denoting by m the mass of the sun, and by m, that of the planet about which the satellite revolves, by the nature of gravitation it is g : s : : - • — • .1 r R r M m , r 3 r 3 therefore— : ^ : : — : -; consequently— : -= : : m : m. TV R" r * J T t- By applying this result to the planets which have satel- lites, it is easy to find the value of their masses ; for, we know the radii of the orbits of the satellites, as well as the length of their sidereal revolutions, or their periodic times. Therefore, taking the cubes of the radii of these orbits, and dividing them successively by the squares of the perio- dic times, the quotients will give the values of the masses of the bodies, about which the satellites revolve. As to the planets which have not satellites, Laplace has deduced the values of the masses of Venus and Mars, from the secular diminution of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the acceleration of the moon's mean motion. The mass of Mercury was inferred from its volume, supposing the den- sities of that planet and the earth reciprocally as their mean distances from the sun. Mecanique Celeste, torn. 3, p. 64. Exposition du Systeme du Monde, ed. 2, p. 193. Thus was deduced the following table. VII. Masses of the Planets, that of the Sun being taken for Unity. Mercury -»---. J 2025810 Venus ------- 3831U0 The Earth - ----- - — !— 329620 Mars — - — 1846082 Jupiter ------- r 1067 Saturn ------- -J — 3359 Uranus ------- 19504 The Moon ------ 22578970 The densities of bodies being in the direct ratio of their masses, and theinverse ratio of the volumes ; and in bodies nearly spherical, the volurnes being as the cubes of their radii ; it results that the densities are then as the masses divided by the cubes of the radii. By this process the fol- lowing numbers are found for the mean densities of the planets, that of the sun being assumed as unity ; viz, to the sun 1 . to water I . Mercury - - - - 10-1743 - - - 12-'912 Venus 5-0446 - - - 6-402 The-Earth - - - - 3'9393 - - - 5000 Mars 2-6734 - - ■ - 3393 Jupiter - - - - 08601 - - - 1-092 Saturn - - - - 0-4951 - - - 0-628 Uranus - - - - 0-1376 - - - 0'174 The Moon - - - 2-4656 - - - 3-129 The Sun - - - - 1-0000 - - - l-26'9 Where the first column of numbers denotes the propor- tion of the densities of the planets to the sun considered as unity. Then multiplying these by 1-2692 = , we J J ° y • y 3-9-192 A S Y C 174 ] A S Y obtain the last column of numbers, denoting the densities of the planets in respect of that of water 1. See my Tracts, vol. 2, p. 64, 66. • Besides the bodies which revolve completely round the sun, within the limits of our observation, there are others, of which we only conclude from analogy that they perform such revolutions. These are the comets ; they generally appear Attended by a nebulous light, either surrounding them as a coma, or stretched out to a considerable length as a tail ; and they sometimes seem to consist of such light only. Their orbits are so excentric, that in their remoter situations the comets are no longer visible to us, though at other times they approach much nearer to the sun than any of the planets ; for the comet of 1680, when at its perihelion, was at the distance of only -| of the sun's dia- meter from his surface. Their tails are often of great ex- tent, appearing as a faint light, directed always nearly op- posite to the sun. It is quite uncertain of what substance they consist ; and it is difficult to determine which of the conjectures concerning them is the least improbable. For further particulars, see Comet. Lists and historical accounts of the principal writings and authors on astronomy are contained in Weidler's His- tory of Astronomy, which is brought down to the year 1/37. There is also Bailly's excellent History of astro- nomy, ancient and modern. For this purpose, consult also the following authors, viz, Adam, Vossius, Bayle, Chauffepie, Costard, Perraut, the chronological table of Riccioli, and that of Sherburn, at the end of his edition of Manilius ; also the first volume of Lalande's astronomy. The more modern, and popular books on elementary astro- nomy, are very numerous, and well known : as those of Ferguson, Long, Emerson, Vince, Leadbetter, Brent, Keil, -Whiston, Wing, Street, Gregory, &e, &c. ASTROSCOPE, a kind of astronomical instrument, composed of two cones, on the surface of which are de- lineated the constellations, with their stars, by means of which Jhese may easily be known in the heavens. The astroscope was invented by William Shukhard, professor of mathematics at Tubingen, on which he published a treatise in 1698. ASTROSCOPIA, the art of observing and examining the stars, by means of telescopes; and other instruments, to discover their nature and properties. ASTROTHEMATA, the placesor positions of the stars, in an astrological scheme of the heavens. ASTROTHESIA, is used by some for a constellation or collection of stars in the heavens. ASTRUM, or Astron, a constellation, or assemblage of stars; in which sense it is distinguished from Aster, which denotes a single star. Some apply the term, in a more particular sense, to Sirius the Great Dog, or rather to the large bright star in his mouth. ASYMMETR-Y,the want of proportion, otherwise call- ed Incommensurability, or the relation of two quantities which have no common measure; as between 1 and ^/2, or the side and diagonal of a square. ASYMPTOTIC, is properly a, right line, which approaches continually nearer and neater to some curve, whose asym- ptote it is said to be, in such a manner, that when they are both indefinitely produced, they are nearer together than by any assignable finite distance; or it may be considered as a tangent to the curve, when conceived to be produced to an infinite distance. Two curves are also said to be asymptotical, when (hey thus continually approach inde- finitely to a coincidence: thus, two parabolas, placed with their axes in the same right line, are asymptotes to each other. Of lines of the second kind, or curves of tke first kind, viz. the conic sections, only the hyperbola has asymptotes, which are two in number. All curves of the second kind have at least one asymptote; but they may have three. Those of the third kind may have 4 asymptotes, those of the fourth kind 5 ; and so on for every order of curves whatever; viz, that they have as many asymptotes as the equations expressing them have dimensions, and no more. The conchoid, cissoid, and logarithmic curve, though not reputed geometrical curves, have each one asymptote. And the branch or leg of a curve that has an asymptote, is said to be of the hyperbolic kind. The nature of asymptotes will be easily conceived from the instance of that of the conchoid. Thus, if abc &c be part of a conchoid, and the line mn be so drawn, that the parts fb,gc,hd, ie, &c, of right lines, drawn from the pole p, P to the curve bcd, be equal to each other; then will the line mn be the aymptote of the curve: because the per- pendicular cc is shorter than FB, and v>d than cc, &c; so that the two lines continually approach; yet the points se &c can never coincide. Asymptotes of the Hyperbola are thus described. Suppose a right line de drawn to touch the curve in any point a, and equal to the conjugate de of the diameter acb drawn to that point a, viz, ad or ae equal to the semiconjugate cd or ce ; then the two lines cdf, ceh, drawn from the centre c, through the points D and e, are the two asymptotes of the curve. .N fi /fc^ >-i The parts of any right line, lying between the curve of the common hyperbola and its asymptotes, are equal to one another on both sides, that is, gG =ha. In like manner, in hyperbolas of the second kind, if there be drawn any right line cutting both the curve and its three asymptotes in three points, the sum of the two parts of that right line extended in the same direction from any two of the asymp- totes to two points of the curve, is equal to the third part which extends in the contrary direction from the third asymptote to the third point of the curve. If ad k be an hyperbola of any kind, whose nature, with regard to the curve and asymptote, is expressed by this general equation x m i/ n = a x a m+ ", where x is = cf, and y = fg drawn any where parallel to the other asymptote en; and the parallelogram CFGI be completed: Then in — n is to n, as this parallelogram cfgi is to the hyper- bolic space fc.k, contained under the determinate line re. with the asymptote fk and the curve c. k, both indefinitely continued towards k. So that, if m be greater than ft, the said asymptotic space is finite and quadrable : but when m — n, as in the common or conic hyperbola, then m — u A T L [ J75 ] A T M = 0, the ratio of that space to the said parallelogram, is as n to : that is, the hyperbolic space is infinitely great, in respect of the finite parallelogram : and when m is less than n, then, m — n being negative, the asymptotic space is to the determinate parallelogram, as a positive number is to a negative one, and is what Dr. Wallis calls more than infinite. Asymptote of the Logarithmic Curve. If lmn be the logarithmic curve, qon an asymptote, lq and MP ordinates, mo a tangent, and po the subtangent, which in this curve is a constant quantity. Then the indeterminate space lmnq is equal to lq x po, the rectangle under the ordinate lq and the constant subtangent po ; and the solid generated by the rotation of that curve space about the asymptote nq, is equal to half the cylinder, whose al- titude is the said constant subtangent po, and the radius of its base is lq. Asymptotes, by some mathematicians, are distinguish- ed into various orders. The asymptote is said to be of the. first order, when it coincides with the bas.e of the curvili- near figure : of the 2d order, when it is a right line pa- rallel to the base : of the 3d order, when it is a* right line oblique to the base : of the 4-th order, when it is the com- mon parabola, having its axis perpendicular to the base : and, in general, of the n -t- 2 order, when it is a parabola whose ordinate is always as the n power of the base. The asymptote is oblique, to the base, when the ratio of the first fluxion of the ordinate to the fluxion of the base, ap- proaches to an assignable ratio, as its limit; but it is pa- rallel to the base, or coincides with it, when this limit is not assignable. The doctrine and determination of the asymptotes of curves, isacurious part of the higher geometry. Fontenelle has given several theorems relating to thi-. subject, in his Geometric de I' Infini. See also Stirling's Lima: Tertii Or- dinis, prop.vi, where the subject of asymptotes is learnedly treated ; and Cramer's Introduction d I' analyse des lii>nes courbes, art. 147 fy SCl ]- f° r an excellent theory of asym- ptotes of geometrical curves and their branches. Likewise Maclaurin's Algebra and his Fluxions, book i, chap. 10, where he has carefully avoided the modern paradoxes con- cerning infinites and infinitesimals. But the easiest way of determining asymptotes, it seems, is by considering them as tangents to the curves at an infinite distance from the he- ginningof the absciss; that is, when theabscissxisinfinitein the equation of the curve, and in the proportion of x toy, or in that of the subtangent to the ordinate. The areas bounded by curves and their asymptotes, though indefinitely extended, have sometimes limits to which they may approach indefinitely near: and this hap- pens in hyperbolas of all kinds, except the first or Apollo-* nian, and in the logarithmic curve; as was observed above. But in the common hyperbola, and many other curves, the asymptotical area has no such limit, but is infinitely great.-^-Solids, too, generated by hyperbolic areas, re- volving about their asymptotes, have sometimes their li- mits; and sometimes they may be produced till they ex- ceed any given solid. — Also the surface of such solid, when supposed to be infinitely produced, is either finite or infi- nite, according as the area of the generating figure is finite or infinite. ATLANTIDES, a name given to the Pleiades, or seven stars, sometimes also called Vergiliae. They were thus called, as being supposed by the poets to have been the daughters either of Atlas or his brother Hesperus, who were translated to heaven. ATMOSPHERE, is that invisible elastic fluid which surrounds the earth to an unknown height, and partakes of all its motions. — It received its name from the Greeks, in consequence of the vapours which are continually mix- ing with it. Neither the properties nor the composition of the at- mosphere seem to have occupied much of the attention of the ancients. Aristotle considered it as one of the four elements, situated between the regions of water and fire, and mingled with two exhalations, the dry and the moist ; the former of which he considered the cause of thunder, lightning, and wind; while the second produced rain, hail, and snow. The ancients in general seemed to have con- sidered the blue colour of the sky as essential to the at- mosphere ; and several of their philosophers believed that air was the constituent principle of other bodies, or at least that air and other bodies are mutually convertible into each other. But these opinions floated merely in a state of vague conjecture, till the matter was explained by the sagacity of Hales, and of those philosophers who followed the career that he had opened to them. It was not till the time of Lord Bacon, who first taught mankind to investigate natural phenomena correctly, that the nature of the atmosphere began to be elucidated with precision. Galileo introduced the study, by showing that the air had heaviness, a point which was soon after in- ' vestigated completely by his pupil Torricelli, Pascal, &c. Many other of its mechanical properties were afterwards discovered by Boyle, Mariotte, Hooke, Newton, Derham, &c^ but as these belong to the subject of Pneumatics, a more particular mention of them shall be made in the ar- ticles which they respectively constitute. The opinions of the ancient chemists, concerning the component parts of the atmosphere, are too vague to merit any particular notice. Boyle however, and his contem- poraries, put it beyond doubt, that the atmosphere, con- tained, two distinct substances, viz, an elastic fluid distin- guished by the name of air ; and water in the state of va- pour. Besides these two bodies, it was supposed also that the atmosphere contained a great variety of other sub- stances, which were continually mixing with it, from the earth, and which often altered its properties, and rendered it noxious or fatal. Since the discovery however of car- bonic acid gas, by Dr. Black, it has been ascertained that this elastic fluid always constitutes a part of the atmo- sphere. The constituent parts of the atmosphere, there- fore, are, — 1. air; 2. water; 3. carbonic acid gas; 4. un- known bodies. That part of the composition of the atmosphere called air, has not till very lately been perfectly recognised : it seems to have been used at first to denote the atmosphere in general, and was considered for many ages merely as a simple, homogeneous, and elementary fluid; but philoso- phers afterwards restricted it to the elastic fluid which con- stitutes the greatest and most important part of the atmo- sphere, excluding water and other foreign bodies, which are occasionally found mixed with it. For many years, all permanently elastic fluids were considered as air, from whatever combinations they were extricated, and supposed to possess exactly the same properties as the air of the at- mosphere; and it was not till the discoveries of Cavendish and Priestley had determined the peculiar properties of a A T M [ 176 ] A T M variety of elastic fluids, that philosophers became sensible that there existed various species of them. In consequence of this discovery, the word air became generic, and was applied by Priestley, and the British and Swedish philo- sophers in general, to all permanently elastic fluids; while the air of the atmosphere was distinguished by the epithets of common or atmospheric air: but Macquer thought pro- per to apply the term gas to all permanently elastic fluids except common or atmospheric air, and to confine the term air to this last fluid, an acceptation of the word which is now universally adopted by all philosophers: the word air therefore now denotes common or atmospheric air, and all other permanently elastic fluids are denominated gases. For the knowledge of .the component parts of air, we are indebted to the labours of those philosophers in whose hands chemistry advanced with such rapidity, during the last 40 years of the 18th century. The first step was made by Dr. Priestley in 1774, by the discovery of oxygen gas. This gas, according to the prevailing notions of the time, he considered as air totally deprived of phlogiston. Hence he considered common air as oxygen gas combined with an indefinite portion of phlogiston, varying in purity accord- ing to that portion ; being also the purer the smaller the quantity of phlogiston it contained. Scheele also analysed the air, and found, from a process distinct from Priestley, that it was composed of two different elastic fluids, similar to those discovered by Priestley : the oxygen gas of Priest- ley he called empyreal air, and azotic gas he denominated foul air. Lavoisier was also conducted to the same con- clusion by another different process; and thus was atmo- spheric air confirmed to be a compound of oxygen and azotic gas. _ • This point being established, it next became a question of considerable consequence to determine the proportion of these two ingredients in any given bulk of air, and to ascertain whether that proportion is in every case the same : accordingly the most eminent philosophers engaged them- selves in this determination. Mr. Cavendish, by improving the eudiometer employed by Priestley and Fontana, was enabled to ascertain correctly the constituents of air (See Eudiometeii): he found that, by mixing together oxygen gas and azote in various proportions, he should at last be able. to determine the absolute quantity of oxygen in air: for since azotic gas, one of the component parts ot that fluid, cannot be separated by any substance with which chemists are acquainted; the analysis of air can only be attempted by exposing it to the action of those bodies which have the property of absorbing its oxygen. By these bodies, the oxygen gas is separated, and the. azote left be- hind, and the proportion of oxygen may be ascertained by the diminution of bulk; which being once known, it is easy to ascertain the proportion of azotic gas, and thus to deter- mine the relative quantity of the component parts of air. Therefore, to find the absolute quantity of oxygen in air, he mixed togdthe'r oxygen gas and azote in various pro- portions, and at last found that a mixture of 5 measures of the purest oxygen which he could procure, with If) mea- sures of azote, was just as much diminished by nitrons gas, as the same bulk of atmospheric air. Hence lie concluded that air is composed of 5 parts of oxygen and 1J) of azote, of every 24 measures of atmospheric air; which gives for its composition percent. 7,') , 10 azote, and ?0 84 oi oxygen ; or very nearly 21 per cent, of oxygen gas. The trials made by others, to discover the true quantity of oxygen in air, have all ended in the same result as that obtained by Mr. Cavendish, whenever the experiment was made with pre- cision. They all indicate that common air consists very nearly of 21 parts of oxygen, and 79 of azote; and prove that in whatever place or altitude, above the surface of the earth, the experiment is made, the same proportion of its constituents is always manifested, let the state of the at- mosphere be what it may. Gay Lussac examined air brought from an altitude of 6000 feet in a balloon, and found its constituents precisely the same as the air at the earth's surface. The next ingredient in the composition of the atmo- sphere, which claims our particular notice, is water; for since it is now fully confirmed that the atmosphere always contains some portion of this fluid, it deserves to be explain- ed in what state this comparatively heavier fluid exists in the air, and the quantity which a given bulk of the atmo- sphere contains precisely, if possible, made known. With respect to the state in which water exists in air, two opi- nions have been formed, each of which has been supported by the most eminent philosophers. 1. Water may be dis- solved in a"ir in the same manner as a salt is held in solution by water. 2. It may be mixed with air in the state of steam or vapour, after having been converted into vapour. The first of these opinions was hinted at by Dr. Hooke, in his Miqographia, and afterwards proposed by Dr. Halley; but it was much more developed by M. Le Roy, of Montpclier, in 1751. Dr. Hamilton of Dublin also made known the same discoveries about the same time. The phenomena in general coincide remarkably well with this theory. "The quantity of water which air is capable of holding in solu- tion, is increased by every augmentation of temperature, and diminished by cold, which is precisely analogous to almost all other solvents. These analogies, and several others which will easily suggest themselves to the reader, have induced by far the greater number of philosophers to adopt this opinion. The second theory, namely that water exists in a state of vapour, is strongly confirmed by the experiments of Saus- sure, and the reasoning of Dr. Black : but it is to Mr. Dal- ton that we are indebted for the most precise information on this subject, and the perfect establishment of its rea- lity. He demonstrated that the water existing in air pos- sesses precisely the same degree of elasticity that it docs when in the state of vapour, in a vaeuum, at the same tem- perature; from which it follows irresistibly that it exists in air not in the state of water, but of an elastic fluid or vapour. The first who attained any thing like precision, in at- tempting to measure the quantity of water in the atmo- • sphere, was Saussure. This ingenious philosopher has shown in his Hygrometrical Essays, that an English cubic foot of air, when -saturated with water, at the temperature of 66°, contains only about S grains troy of that liquid, or about -p'jth of its weight. But the experiments of Mr. Dal- ton were susceptible of far greater precision, and reflect much credit on his talents as a philosopher. His results ate these : — 1. That the quantity ol vapour in the atmosphere is variable. 2. That in the torrid /.one its force of elasticity varies from On' to one inch of mercury, :;. That in Britain it seldom amounts to 0(i, but is often as great as O'S du- ring summer. 4. That in winter it is frequently as low as O'l of an inch of mercury. From these tacts, the absolute quantity of water contained in the atmosphere, at any given ATM [ 177 ] ATM time, might be correctly ascertained, provided we were cer- very eminent philosophers; since it is well known that, be- tain-that the density and elasticity of vapours follow the sides those large quantities of the electrical matter, with same law as that of gases, as is extremely likely to be the which the clouds are generally charged in a thunder storm, case. If so, the vapour will vary from -g^th to -j-ygth part the atmosphere is never wholly destitute of the electric of the atmosphere. Dalton supposes that the medium fluid. A person electrified negatively may satisfy him- quantity of vapour held in solution at once in the atmo- self of this by extending his arm in the open air, and pre- sphere, may amount to about y^th of its bulk. See Man- senting a long sharp needle with its point upwards; for Chester Memoirs, vol. 3. the electric matter collected from the remoter air will ap- With regard to the next constituent part. of the atmo- pear luminous as it converges to the point of the needle, sphere, carbonic acid gas, it will be first proper to remark, Mr. Canton's balls are likewise an excellent contrivance that its existence was first determined by Dr. Black, im- for the same purpose, and may be made use of, not only mediately after he had ascertained the nature of that pe- for determining the electricity of the atmosphere in gene- culiar fluid. The exposure of a pure alkali, or alkaline ral, but the positive or negative quality of it. According earth, to the atmosphere, having been observed to be the to this ingenious philosopher, desiccated atmospheric air, cause of a gradual conversion of it into a carbonate, by when heated, becomes negatively electric; and when the absorption of carbonic acid gas, rendered unavoidable cooled, the electricity is of the positive kind, even when the inference (as soon as the difference between a pure al- the air is not permitted to expand or -contract; and the kali and its carbonate had been ascertained to depend upon expansion or contraction of atmospheric air occasions that acid) that carbonic acid gas existed in the atmosphere, changes in its electrical state. This fact has not only been proved for the atmosphere near Beccaria informs us, that the electricity of the atmosphere the surface of the earth, but established for the greatest is always positive during the day, and in dry weather; but heights accessible to man. Saussure found it at the top of always negative when a bright or serene atmosphere suc- Mount Blanc, the highest point of theold continent; which ceeds dark and moist weather: that the quantity of it in- is covered with eternal snow, and not exposed to the in- creases after the rising of the sun, and during his progress ; fluence of vegetables or animals. Humbolt has more lately and that its augmentation is the more considerable as the ascertained the existence of this gas in air brought by M. moisture of the air diminishes; but it decreases in the Garnerin, fr.>m an aerial excursion into the atmosphere not evening. In days equally dry, the degree of electricity at less than 4280 feet above the surface of the earth; which noon was proportional to the degree of heat; and in a is a fact sufficient to prove that the presence of carbonic serene atmosphere with little wind, axonsiderable quan- acid in air does not depend on its vicinity to the earth. tity of the electrical matter commonly arose after sun-set The difficulty of separating this gas from air, has render- during the precipitation of the dew. Thick fogs were ob- ed it no easy matter to determine, with accuracy, the rela- served, during their ascent into dry air, to carry with them a live quantity of it in a given bulk of air. From the experi- considerable quantity of the electric matter. Andtheelec- ments of Humbolt it appears to vary from '005 to '01. Mr. tricity was always stronger when his rods were higher, and Dalton's experiments give the quantity much smaller; he the strings which were extended and insulated in the open concludesthat aircontains only ^-^.th of it bulk of carbo- air were longer. See his Essay on Atmospheric Electri- nic acid gas. Hence, and from the results of other ex- periments, it is inferred, that the bulk of carbonic acid in air, does not exceed much the , -500th part of the atmo- sphere. city annexed to the English translation of his Artificial Electricity. Mr. Cavallo, from numerous experiments and observa- tions, infers, that there is in the atmosphere at all times a From all. which we conclude, that the average propor- quantity of electric matter: — that the electricity of the at- tion of each of these three distinct elastic fluids, forming mosphere and of fogs is always positive : — that in general chiefly the whole body of the atmosphere, is, — .98-9 Air. l'O Vapour - l Carbonic acid. 100 It is indeed true that other bodies, besides the three elas- tic fluids just mentioned, have been suspected in the at- the strongest electricity is observable in thick fogs, and also in frosty weather; and the weakest when it is cloudy and warm, and rain approaches ; — that it does not seem to be less by night than by day; and that it is stronger in places more elevated, than in those which are lower. See his complete Treatise on Electricity, vol. 2. p. 42. edit. 4. Among the celebrated men who have engaged in the mosphere; as, for instance, hydrogen gas, and carburetted cultivation- of this science, few have enjoyed the advan hydrogen; but as no satisfactory accounts concerning tages of observing the phenomena attending atmospherical their quantities have yet been ascertained, or that would electricity of M. Saussure, or indeed who have possessed a justify any particular notice of them in this place, we will more extensive acquaintance with meteorology in genera), therefore content ourselves by barely mentioning them, f° r enabling him to illustrate these phenomena by appo- and refer our readers for the little information we have site observations. He confirms the fact, noticed by others, been able to collect respecting them, to their proper ar- and previously known, that aerial electricity varies accord- ticles. The electric matter, and other substances raised in g to the situation, being generally strongest in elevated from bodies on the earth's surface, by effluvia, exhala- an d insulated places, and not observable under trees, in tions, &c, are always distinguishable; and, being ex posed to the continual action of the sun, give rise to in- numerable operations, sublimations, separations, composi- tions, digestions,' fermentations, putrefactions, &c. Thom- son's Chem. vol. 4. Electricity of the Atmosphere. The'subject of at- streets, houses, &c. But it is not so much the height as the situation of the places which determines the degree of electricity: for the projecting angle of a high hill, he says, will often exhibit a stronger electricity than the plain at the top of the hill, as there are fewer points of the former to deprive the air of its electricity. The intensity of the mospherical electricity has engaged the attention of many atmospherical electricity is also subject to a great variety Vox.. I. ^ 2 A ATM [ '78 ] ATM of changes, of which some depend on obvious circum- stances, while others are altogether inexplicable ; they are sometimes so rapid, says Saussure, as to preclude all possi- bility of noting them down. When rain falls, without a storm, these changes are not so sudden; but with respect to the intensity of the electric force, they are excessively irregular; while the quality of it is more constant. Rain or snow almost always gives positive electricity. In cloudy weather, without rains or storms, the electricity generally follows the same laws as in serene weather. Its intensity is most commonly diminished by strong winds, which blend the different strata of the atmosphere, cause them to sub- side towards the ground, and thus distribute the electricity uniformly between the earth and the air. The various modifications of electricity in the atmosphere, are observed with the greatest advantage in serene weather. M. Saus- sure found in winter, and in such weather, that the elec- tricity was generally weakest in the evening, when the dew had fallen, and so continued till sun-rise; afterwards its intensity augmented by degrees, sometimes sooner and sometimes later ; but usually before noon it attained a certain maximum, from which it again declined till the fall" of the dew, when it would be sometimes stronger than it had been during the whole day ; after which, it would again gradually decrease during the whole night; but it was never quite destroyed in weather perfectly serene. Hence it may be inferred, that atmospherical electricity, like the waters of the ocean, is subject to a flux and re- ■ flux; which produce an increase and diminution twice in 24 hours. The same author also remarks, after numerous experiments made on evaporation, that this which ap- peared to be the vehicle that conveys electric matter into the atmosphere, from silver and china always produced negative electricity'; and from iron and copper generally positive electricity : and hence it may be inferred, that electricity is positive with those bodies that are capable of decomposing water, or of being decomposed themselves by their contact with the water; and negative with all those that are not at all decomposed or altered. As to the producing causes or sources of atmospherical electricity, we may observe in general, that they may be reduced to four, viz, friction, evaporation, heat and cold, and condensation and expansion : and with respect to the changes and modifications to which the atmospherical elec- tricity is continually subject, they may be attributed to the operation of the various causes that produce them, and to the chemical processes that are constantly carried on by means of the various ingredients that compose the atmo- sphere. For further observations on this subject, consult the authors from whence these particulars were chiefly taken; also Mr. Read's very ingenious work, entitled a Sum- mary View of the Spontaneous Electricity of the Earth and Atmosphere. Sec also the articles Hail, Rain, Snow, Lightning, and those of other meteors. Figure of the Atmosphf.iie. — As the atmosphere en- velops all parts of the surface of our globe, it is evident, if they both continued at rest, and were not endowed with a diurnal motion about their common axis, that the atmo- sphere would be exactly globular, according to the laws of gravity; for all the parts of the surface, of a fluid in a state of rest, must be equally removed from its centre. But as the earth and the ambient parts of the atmosphere re- volve uniformly together about theiraxis, thedifferentparts of both have a centrifugal force, the tendency of which is more considerable, and that of the centripetal less', as the parts are more remote from the axis; and hence the figur* of the atmosphere must become an oblate spheroid ; since the parts that correspond to the equator are farther re- moved from the axis, than the parts which correspond to the poles. Besides, the figure of the atmosphere must, on another account, represent a flattened spheroid, namely because the sun strikes more directly the air which en- compasses the equator, and is comprehended between the two tropics, than that which pertains to the polar regions; whence it follows, that the mass of air, or part of the at- mosphere, adjoining to the poles, being less heated, can- not expand so much, nor reach so high. Yet, notwith- standing, as the same force which contributes to elevate the air, diminishes its pressure on the surface of the earth, higher columns of it about the equatorial parts, all other circumstances being the same, may not be heavier than those about the poles. In the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy for 1788, Mr. Kirwan has an ingenious dissertation on the fi- gure, height, weight, &c, of the atmosphere. He observes that, in the natural state of the atmosphere, that is, when the barometer would every where, at the level of the sea-, stand at 30 inches, the weight of the atmosphere, at the surface of the sea, must be equal all over the globe; and in order to produce this equality, as the weight proceeds from its density and height, it must be lowest where the density is greatest, and highest where the density is least; that is, highest at the equator and lowest at the poles, with several intermediate gradations. Though the equatorial air however be less dense to a certain height than the polar, yet at some greater heights it must evidently be more dense: for since an equatorial and polar column are equal in total weight or mass, the lower part of the equatorial column, being more expanded by heat &c than that of the polar, must have less mass, and therefore a proportionably greater 'part of its mass must be found in its superior section; so that the lower extremity of the superior section of the equatorial column is more compressed, and consequently denser, than the corresponding part of the polar column. The same thing is to be understood also of the extra-tropical columns with respect to each other, where differences of heat prevail. Hence, in the highest regions of the atmosphere, the denser equatorial air, not being supported by the collate- ral extra-tropical columns, gradually flows over, and ex- pands itself towards the north and south. These superior tides consist chiefly of inflammable air, as it is much lighter than any other, and is generated in great plenty between the tropics ; it furnishes the matter of the aurora borealis and australis, by whose combustion it is destroyed, otherwise its quantity would in time be- come too great, and the weight of the atmosphere annually increased ; but its combustion is the primary source of the greatest perturbations of the atmosphere. See an in- genious work on the Atmosphere by II. Robertson, M. D. in 2 vols. 8vo, 1808. Weight or Pressure of the Atmosphf.iie. — That the mass of the atmosphere has weight, and consequently presses upon bodies exposed to its action, is a fact which has been asserted by almost all philosophers, both ancient and modern. But it was only by means of the experi- ments made with pumps and the barometrical tube, by Galileo and Torricelli, that we have been convinced of its reality, and enabled to ascertain the precise measure and quantity of that pressure. Thus, it is found that the pres- ATM C 179 ] ATM sure of the atmosphere sustains a column of quicksilver, in the tube of the barometer, of about 30 inches in height; it therefore follows, that the whole pressure of the atmo- sphere is equal to the weight of a column of quicksilver, of an equal base, and 30 inches height: and because a cubical inch of quicksilver is found to weigh nearly half a pound avoirdupois, therefore the whole 30 inches, or the weight of the atmosphere on every square inch of surface, is almost equal to 15 pounds. Again, it has been found" that the pressure of the atmosphere balances', in the case of pumps &c, a column of water of about 34-J feet high ; and, the cubical foot of water weighing just 1000 ounces, or 6"2£ pounds, 34|- times 62-£, or 21581b, will be the weight of the column of water, or of the atmosphere on a base of one square foot ; and consequently the 144th part of this, or 15lb nearly, is the weight of the atmosphere on a square inch ; the same as before. Hence Mr. Cotes computed that the pressure of this ambient fluid on the whole surface of the earth, is equivalent to that of a globe of lead of 60 miles in diameter. And hence also it ap- pears, that the pressure upon the human body must be very considerable ; for as every square inch of surface sustains a pressure of 15 pounds, every square foot will sustain 144 times as much, or 2l6o pounds; then, if the whole surface of a man's body be supposed to contain 15 square feet, which is pretty near the truth, he must sus- tain 15 times 2l60, or 32400 pounds, that is nearly 14-|- tons weight, for his ordinary load. By this enormous pres- sure we should undoubtedly be crushed in a moment, if all parts of our bodies were not filled either with air or some other elastic fluid, the spring of which is just suffi- xient to counterbalance the weight of the atmosphere. But whatever this fluid may be, it is certain that it is just able to counteract the weight of the atmosphere, and no more: for, if any considerable pressure be superadded to that of the air, as by going into deep water, or the like, it is always severely felt, at least when the change is made suddenly; and if, on the other hand, the pressure of the atmosphere be taken oft" from any part of the human body, as the hand for instance, when put over an open receiver, from which the air is afterwards extracted, the weight of the external atmosphere then prevails, and we imagine the hand strongly sucked down into the glass. The difference in the weight of the air which our bo- dies sustain at one time more than another, is also very considerable; this difference in the same situation arises from changes in the state of the atmosphere, and it most frequently takes place in countries at some distance from the equator; and as the barometer varies at times from 28 to 31 inches, or about one tenth of the whole quantity, it follows that this difference amounts to about a ton and a half on the whole body of a man, which he therefore may sustain at one time more than at another. On the increase of this natural weight, the weather is commonly fine, and we feel ourselves in better spirits and more alert and ac- tive ; but, on the contrary, when the weight of the air di- minishes, the weather is generally moist and foggy, and people feel a listlessness and inactivity about them. And hence it is no wonder that persons suffer very much in their health from such changes in the atmosphere, espe- cially wIk'M they take place very suddenly, for it is to this circumstance chiefly that a sensation of uneasiness and in- disposition is to be attributed; thus, when the variations of the barometer and atmosphere are sudden and great, we feel the alteration and its effect on our bodies and spi- rits very much ; but when a change of this kind is gradual, we are scarcely sensible of it, owing, undoubtedly, to the power with which the body is naturally endowed, of ac- commodating itself to this alteration in the state of the air, as well as to the change of many other circumstances of life, the body requiring a certain interval of time to ef- fect the alteration in its state, proper to that of the air &c. Thus, in going up to the tops of mountains, where the pressure of the atmosphere is diminished two or three times more than on the plain below, little or no inconve- nience is felt from the rarity of the air, if it be not mixed with other noxious vapours &c ; because that, in the as- cent the body has had sufficient time to accommodate it- self gradually to the slow variation in the state of the at- mosphere : but, when a person ascends with a balloon very rapidly to a great height in the atmosphere, he feels a difficulty in breathing and an uneasiness of body; and the same is also true of an animal when inclosed in a re- ceiver, and the air suddenly drawn or pumped out of it. So likewise, on the condensation of the air, we feel little or no change in ourselves, except when the alteration oc- curs suddenly, as in very rapid changes in the weather, and in descending to great depths in a diving-bell, &c. I have often heard the late unfortunate Mr. Spalding speak of his experience on this point : he always found it abso- lutely necessary to descend with the bell very slowly, and that only from one depth to another, resting a while at each depth before he began to descend farther : he first de- scended slowly for about 5 or 6 fathom, and then stopped a while; he felt an uneasiness in his head and ears, which increased more and more as he descended, till he was ob- liged to stop at the depth above mentioned, where the density of the air was nearly doubled ; having remained there a while, he felt his ears give a sudden crack, and after that he was soon relieved from any uneasiness in that part, and it seemed as if the density of the air was not al- tered. He then descended 30 feet more, with the same precaution and similar sensations, being again relieved in the same manner, after remaining awhile stationary at the next stage of his descent, where the density of the air was tripled. And thus he continued proceeding to a great deptlu always with the same circumstances, repeated at every 5 or 6 fathoms, and adding the pressure of one more atmosphere at every period of the progress. It is not easy to assign the true reason for the variations that happen in the gravity of the atmosphere in the same place. In places within the tropics, where these varia- tions are not very considerable, the chief cause seems to be the heat of the sun, as the barometer constantly sinks about half an inch every day, and rises to its former sta- tion again in the night. But in the temperate zones the- barometer ranges from 28 to near 31 inches, showing, by its various altitudes, the changes that are about to take place in the weather. If we could know, therefore, the causes by which the weather is influenced ; we should also know those by which the gravity of the atmosphere is af- fected. These may perhaps be reduced to immediate ones, viz, au emission of latent heat from the vapour contained in the atmosphere, or of electric fluid from the same, or from the earth ; as it is observed that they both produce the same effect with the solar heat in the tropical climates, viz, to rarefy the air, by mixing with it, or setting loose a lighter fluid, which did not before act in such large pro- portion in any particular place. Temperature of the Atmosphere. — To no part of natural 2 A 2 AT M [ 180 ] A T M and experimental philosophy, has the attention of learned men been directed with greater assiduity, than that which respects the various states of the atmosphere in regard to temperature : many reasons have been adduced, as well as theories proposed, to account fur these phenomena, and numerous experiments made to ascertain the precise de- grees of variation, at different seasons, and in different si- tuations, both at sea and land. Among the writers who have rendered themselves conspicuous in these investiga- tions, are Dr. Hales, M. Bouguer, Marietta, Halley, De Luc, Saussure, Mairan, Raymond, Playfair, Kirwau, and Darwin. Theyallagree, that the principal alterationsin the state of the atmosphere are effected by means of the sun's heat, and that arising from the condensation of vapour : it was from the former fact that the ancient philosophers of Greece and Rome concluded (though too abruptly) that the torrid zone under a vertical sun, and the frigid zone where its rays fall very obliquely, were .uninhabitable: time corrected this mistake, and presented new phenome- na, which it has been found difficult to explain. The hottest days are frequently felt in the coldest climates; and the greatest cold, as well as perpetual snow, are found in countries bordering on, or even immediately under, the equator. Dr. Halley has indeed proved, that abstracting from the intervention of fogs, mists, and mountains of ice, the hottest weather might in summer take place even un- der the poles; the duration of the sun's light more than compensating for the obliquity of its direction, (see Heat) ; but as many physical causes obstruct the activity of the solar rays in these and other regions, it was still necessary i to recur to some other cause. At length M. de Mairan (Mem. Acad. Paris, 1719 and 1767) discovered, that the rigour or intensity of the cold in winter, is tempered by the heat imparted to the atmosphere by the earth itself; which heat, probably possessed from its origin, is preserved and renewed by the incessant influences of the sun, to which one half of its surface is constantly exposed : hence it must follow, that the / temperature of the atmosphere de- pends on the capacity of the earth to receive and retain heat, and for communicating it to the surrounding me- dium. But as the earth is composed of land and water, it should be considered that the capacities of these consti- tuent parts, for receiving both heat and cold, are very "dif- ferent. Land, particularly when dry, receives heat from the sun's rays very readily, but transmits it through its own substance to great depths very slowly; and on the other hand water, by reason of its transparency, receives heat very slowly, but diffuses what it receives more rea- dily. The experiments of Dr. Hales, and those of other philosophers, to ascertain the degrees of heat of the earth at different depths, and at various times of the year, ap- pear to confirm the idea that the surface of the earth is much heated during the summer, but that the heat de- scends very slowly, a great part of it being communicated to the air; and that during the winter, the earth gives out to the air the heat which it had received during the sum- mer; also that wet summers must be succeeded by cold winters. Mariotte, also obtained nearly the same results: lie found that the earth is gradually healed during the summer, and as gradually cooled during the winter months; and that at the distance of a few feet under the surface, it is constantly warmer than the external air; and the excess was found to remain till April, when the sur- face, is again heated by the sun's rays, and slowly trans- mits its heat downwards. Hence it appears, that at the distance of about 80 or 90 feet below the surface, provided there be a communication with the external air, or at a, less depth if there be no such communication, the temper- ature of the earth admits of very slight variation, and ge- nerally approaches to the mean annual heat. From which it has been inferred, that the temperature of spring is nearly the same as the annual temperature, and varies very little. These facts tend to prove very satisfactorily, that the heat of the earth does not increase as we descend below its surface, but at the greatest depths it is nearly the same as the mean annual temperature of the latitude. We have observed, that land is capable of receiving heat and cold much more readily than water. To which pur- pose Dr. Raymond found, in the neighbourhood of Mar- seilles, land frequently heated to l60°; but he never ob- served that the sea was hotter than 77°; and in winter he frequently observed the earth cooled down to 14° or 15% but the sea never lower than 44° or 45°: Mem. de la So- ciet. de Med. de Paris, an. 1778, p. 70. From these facts therefore, it must follow, that the atmosphere which lies over the sea should maintain a more uniform temperature, than that over the land ; and this is found to be the fact ; nor is it difficult ,to give a satisfactory explication of it. During summer, the temperature of the sea on its surface is constantly diminished by the process of evaporation ; and in the winter, when the superficial water is cooled, it descends by its augmented gravity to the bottom, and its place is occ.upied by water of a higher temperature. Thus alternate changes of heavier and lighter air proceed, and the winter elapses before the atmosphere has diminished the temperature of the water below a certain degree. Between the mean annual temperature of the atmosphere over the ocean, and that of countries situated at a considerable di- stance from it, there is a very perceptible difference. As- the sea is never heated to the same degree as the land, the mean temperature of summer over the sea may -be consi- dered as lower than that over the land. In winter, when the force of the sun's rays is weakened, the sea imparts its heat to the atmosphere much more readily than the earth - y therefore the mean temperature on sea, at this reason, is higher than on land ; and in cold countries, this differ- ence in the evolution of heat is so very considerable, that it more than counterbalances the difference which takes place in summer ; insomuch that, in high latitudes, the mean annual temperature at sea ought to exceed that on land. In latitudes distant from the equator, islands are warmer than continents, because they participate more of the tem- perature of the sea. Countries that lie southward of any sea, are warmer than those that have the sen to the south of them, at least in our hemisphere, because the winds that should cool them in winter are tempered by passing to them from that sea; and those that are northward of the sea, are cooled in summer by the breezes that issue from it; but a northern or southern bearing of the sea renders a country warmer than if it lay cither to the east or west. Tracts of land which are covered with tries and Luxuriant vegetables, arc much colder than (hose which have less surface of vegetable matter; for though living vegetables alter their temperature slowly and with difficulty, yet the evaporation from their numerous surfaces is much greater than from the same space of laud uncovered with vegela- bles; and besides, when they are tall and close, as forests, they exclude the sun's rays, and shelter the winter snows from the wind and sun. From some experiments of Mr. ATM [ 181 ] ATM Williams (Philad. Trans, vol. 2, p. 150), it appe ars that fo- As to the effect of elevation on the temperature of the rests discharge one third more vapour into the atmosphere, atmosphere, we may observe, that as heat is propaoated than the same space of ground would do if actually covered through the atmosphere chiefly by communication and with water. From this reasoning, it seems that woody contact with the earth, lofty mountains of limited sur- countries are much colder than those that arc open and face cannot warm it to any considerable decree as they cultivated. With regard to the heat afforded from the receive the sun's rays more obliquely, and communicating condensation of vapour, we need not expatiate very con- less with the common mass of the earth, are less heated siderably, since it is well known that vapour contains a than plains. Hence it happens that the steepest moun- great quantity of such matter. This heat produces no tains are always the coldest. Before M. Bououer demon- other effect but that of making it assume an aerial ex- strated and, laid open the true causes of the diminution of panded form, until the vapour is condensed into a liquid ; heat on the tops of mountains, many hypotheses were as- and during this condensation, a quantity of sensible heat sumed to account for this phenomenon; but this cele- is let loose, which warms the surrounding atmosphere, brated philosopher has shown, that there is no necessity for This condensation is frequently occasioned by the attrac tion of an electrical cloud; and hence proceeds the sultri- ness which we often experience before rain. The following is a view of the annual temperature of different places according to the order of their latitudes. North Lat. Longitude. Mean Annual Heat. t> ' o ' Wadso in Lapland 70 i 36 Abo - - - „ - 6'0 27 22 18 e 40-00 Petersburg - 59 56 30 24 e 38-S Upsal - 59 51 17 47 e 41-88 Stockholm - 59 2C IS 00 e 42-39 Solyskamski - 59 oc 54 00 e 36-2 Edinburgh 55 57 3 00 w 47-7 Francker - - " .- 53 OC . 5 42 E 52-6 Berlin - 52 32 13 31 E 49-0 Lyndon in Rutland 52 30 03 w 4S-03 Leyden - 52 10 4 32 e 52-25 London " - - 51 31 51-9 Dunkirk - 51 02 2 O'e 5 4\9 Manheim - 49 27 9 02 e 51-5 Rouen -» 49 26 1 00 w 51 Ratisbon - 48 56 12 05 e 49-35 Paris .... 48 50 2 25 e 52 Troyes in Champaigne - 48 IS 4 10 e 5317 Vienna - 48 '12 16 22 e 51-53 Dijon - 47 19 4 57 e 52 8 Nantes .... 47 13 1 28 E. 5553 Poitiers - 40" 39 30 e 53-8 Lausanne - - - - 46 31 6 50 e 4S-S7 Padua .... 45 23 12 OOe 5 2-2 Rhodez in Guienne 45 21 2 -39 E 52-9 Bourdeaux - 44 50 36 w 576 Montpelier - 43 36 3 53-e 6'0-S7 Marseilles - 43 19 5 27 e 6'l-8 Mount Louis, in Rousillon 42 00 2 40 e 44-5 Cambridge, in New England 42 25 71 00 w 50-3 Philadelphia - - 39 56 75 09 w 52.5 Pekin -"'-•-- 39 54 116 29 u 55-5 Algiers .... 36 49 2 J7e 72-0 Grand Cairo - - - - 30 00 31 23 e 73 Canton - 23 00 113 OOe 75-14 Tivoli, in St. Domingo - 19 00 74 Spanish Town, in Jamaica IS 15 76 38 w SI Manilla » - - 14 36 120 5Se "S-4 Fort St. George ... 13 00 87 OOe 31-3 Pondicherry - - - 12 00 South Lat. 67 00 e S8-0 Falkland Islands - . - 51 00 66 00 w 17'4 Quito - - - . . 13 77 50 w j'2 recurring to any dubious suppositions for an explication of the fact, as will evidently appear from his account of what was experienced on the mountains of Peru. He says, " It was proper, in order to explain this subject, to consi- der the short duration of the sun's rays, which cannot strike the different sides of mountains but for a 1 few hours, and even this not always. A horizontal plain, when the~ sun is clear, is exposed, at mid-day to the perpendicular and undiminished action of these rays, while they fall but obliquely on a plain not much inclined, or on the sides of a high pile of steep rocks. But let us conceive for a mo- ment an insulated point, half the height of the atmosphere, at a distance from all mountains, as well as from the clouds which float in the air. The more a medium is transparent, the less heat it ought to receive by the immediate action of the sun. The free passage which a very transparent body allows to the rays of light, shows that its small par- ticles are hardly touched by them. Indeed, what impres- sion could they make on it when they pass through almost .without obstruction? Light, when it consists of parallel rays, does not, by passing through a foot of free atmospheric air near the earth, lose an hundred-thousandth part of its force. From this we may judge how few rays are weak- ened, or can act upon this fluid, in their passage through a stratum of the diameter, not of an inch or line, but of a particle ; yet the subtilty or transparency are still greater at greatet heights, as was obvious in the Cordilleras when we looked at distant objects. Lastly, the grosser air is heated below by the contact or neighbourhood of bodies of greater density than itself, which it surrounds and on which it rests; and the heat may be communicated by small de- grees to a certain distance. The inferior part of the at- mosphere by this means contracts daily a very consider- able degree of heat, and may receive it in proportion to its density or bulk; but it is evident that the same thing can- not happen at the distance of a league and a half or two leagues above the surface of the earth, though the light may be there something more active. The air and wind, therefore, at this height, must be extremely cold, and colder in proportion to its elevation." Saussure adopts this theory, and adds the following fact, to prove that the force of the sun's rays, considered abs- tractedly and independently of any extrinsic source of cold, is no less powerful on mountains than on plains, viz r that the power of burning lenses and mirrors is the same at all heights. For ascertaining this fact, he procured a burning glass so weak in its effect, that at Geneva it would just set fire to tinder. This glass -was carried to the summit of Mount Saleve, 3000 feet high, and it there produced the same effect, and with greater ease. Hence he concluded that the principal source of cold on the tops of mountains is their being perpetually surrounded by an* ATM [" 182. •] ATM atmosphere which cannot be much heated by the rays of to the works containing them ; viz, the 76th vol. of the the sun, on account of its transparency, or by their reflec- Phil. Trans, for Mr. James Six's, and the same Trans, for lion from the earth, by reason of its distance; but he 17S0 and 1781, for Dr. Wilson's: also see Rees's new edit; wished also to know whether the direct solar rays had the same power on the top of a high mountain as on the plain below, while the body on which they acted was placed in such a manner as to be unaffected by the surrounding air. With this view he instituted a set of experiments, from which he deduced the following conclusions, viz, that a difference of 777 toises in height, diminishes the heat which the. rays of the sun are able to communicate to a body exposed to the external air, 14° of the thermo- meter; that it diminishes the heat of a body partially ex- posed only 6°; and that it augments by 1° the heat of a third body completely defended from the air. Hence it appears, that the atmosphere counteracts the operations of the solar rays in producing heat, by 2. power which is exerted at all distances, from the surface to the higher regions. Dr. Darwin, from his experiments and observations, in- fers, that there is good reason for concluding that in all circumstances where air is mechanically expanded, it be- comes capable of attracting the fluid matter of heat from other bodies in contact with it. Now, as the vast region of air which surrounds our globe is perpetually moving along its surface, rising up the sides of mountains, and descending into the valleys ; as it passes along, it must be perpetually varying the degree of heat, according to the elevation of the country it traverses: for, in rising to the summits of mountains, it becomes expanded, having so much of the pressure of the superincumbent atmosphere taken away; and when thus expanded, it attracts or ab- sorbs heat from the mountains in contiguity with it; and, when it descends into the valleys, and is compressed into less compass, it again gives out the heat it has acquired to the bodies it comes ill contact with. The same thing must happen to the superior regions of the atmosphere, which are regions of perpetual frost, as has lately been evinced by the aerial navigators. When large districts of a^r, from the lower parts of the atmosphere, arc raised two or three miles high, they become so much expanded by the great diminution of the pressure over them, and thence become so cold, that hail or snow is produced by the precipitation of the vapour: and as there is, in these high regions of the atmosphere, nothing else for the expanded air to acquire heat from after it has parted with its vapour, the same de- gree of cold continues, till the air, on descending to the earth, acquires its former, state of condensation and of warmth. The Andes, almost under the line, rests its base on burning sands: about its middle height is a most plea- sant and temperate climate covering an extensive plain, on which is built the city of Quito; while its forehead is en- circled with eternal snow, perhaps coeval with the moun- tain., Yet, according to the accounts of Don Ulloa, these three discordant climates seldom encroach much on each other's territories. The hot winds below, if they ascend, become cooled by their expansion; and hence they cannot affect the snow upon the summit; and the cold winds that sweep the summit become condensed as they descend, and of a moderate temperature before they reach the fertile plains of Quito. Many oilier experiments to this purpose were also made by M. Pictet of Geneva, Dr. Wilson of Glasgow, and Mr. James Six; but as our limits will not permit us to give ob- servations of this kind in detail, we beg to refer our readers of his Cyclopedia, art. Atmosphere. Height and Density of the Atmosphere. Various at- tempts have been made to ascertain the height to which the atmosphere extends above the earth. These com- menced soon after it was discovered, by means of the Tor- ricellian tube, that air is endued with weight and pressure. And had not the air an elastic power, but were every where of the same density, from the surface of the earth to the extreme limit of the atmosphere, like water, which is equally dense at all depths, it would be a very easy mat- ter to determine its height from its density and the column of mercury which it would counterbalance in the barome- trical tube : for, it having been observed that the weight of the atmosphere is equivalent to a column of about 30 inches or 2i feet of quicksilver, and the density of the for- mer to that of the latter, nearly as 1 to 11040; therefore the height of the uniform atmosphere would be 11040 times 2{ feet, that is 27600 feet, or little more than 5 miles and a quarter. But the air, by its elastic quality, expands and contracts; and it being found by repeated experiments in most nations of Europe, that the spaces it occupies, when compressed by different weights, are reciprocally propor- tional to those weights; or, that the more air is pressed, so much the less space it takes up; it follows that the air in the upper regions of the atmosphere must become con- tinually more and more rare, as the height of it increases, and thus, according to that law, must necessarily be ex- tended to an indefinite height. Now, if we suppose the height of the whole to be divided into innumerable equal parts., the quantity of each part will be as its density; and the weight of the whole incumbent atmosphere being alsb as its density; it follows, that the weight of the incum- bent air is every where as the quantity contained in the subjacent part; which causes a difference between the weights of each two contiguous strata of air. But, by a theorem in the doctrine of proportion, when a magnitude is continually diminished by the like part of itself, and the remainders the same, they will express a series of continued quantities decreasing in geometrical progression : therefore if, according to the supposition, the altitude of the air, by the addition of new parts into which it is divided, do con- tinually increase in arithmetical progression, its density will be diminished, or, which is the same thing, its gravity will be decreased, in continued geometrical progression. And hence, again, it appears that, according to the hypothesis of the density being always proportional to the compressing force, the height of the atmosphere must necessarily be ex- tended indefinitely. And, farther, as an arithmetical scries adapted to a geometrical one, is analogous to the logarithms of the said geometrical one; it follows therefore. that the altitudes are proportional to the logarithms of the densities or weights of air; and that any height taken from the earth's surface, which is the difference of two altitudes to the top of the atmosphere, is proportional to the difference of the logarithms of the two densities there, or to the logarithm of the ratio of those densities, or their corresponding com- pressing forces, as measured by the two heights of the ba- rometer there. This law was first observed and demon- strated by Dr. Ilalley, from the nature of the hyperbola; and afterwards by Dr. .lames Gregory, by means of the lo- garithmic curve. See. Philos. Trans. N" 1 81, or my Abridg. vol. 3, p. 300, and Greg. Astron. lib. v, prop. 3. A T M [ 183 ] A T M It is now easy, from the foregoing property, and two or three experiments, or barometrical observations, made at known altitudes, to deduce a general rule to determine the absolute height answering to any density, or the density an- swering to any given altitude above the earth. And ac- cordingly, calculations have been made upon this plan by many philosophers, particularly by the French ; but it ha- ving been found that the barometrical observations did not correspond with the altitudes a9 measured geometrically, it was suspected that the upper parts of the atmospherical regions were not subject to the same laws with the lower ones, in regard to the density and elasticity. And indeed, when it is considered that the atmosphere is a heteroge- neous mass of particles of all sorts of matter, some elastic, and others not, it is not improbable but this may be the case, at least in the regions very high in the atmosphere, which it is likely may more copiously abound with the elec- trical fluid. Be this however as it may, it has lately been discovered that the law above given, holds very well tor all such altitudes as are within our reach, or as far as to the tops of the highest mountains on the earth, when a correc- tion is made for the difference of the heat or temperature of the air only; as was fully evinced by M. de Luc, in a long series of observations, in which he determined the al- titudes of hills, both by the barometer and by geometrical measurement, from which he deduced a practical rule for determining the allowance to be made for the difference of temperature. See his Treatise on the Modifications of the Atmosphere. Similar rules have also been deduced from accurate experiments, by Sir George Shuckburgh and Ge- neral Roy, both concurring to show, that such a rule for the altitudes and densities holds true for all heights that are accessible to us, when the elasticity of the air is cor- rected on account of its density : and the result of their ex- periments showed that the difference of the logarithms of the heights of the mercury in the barometer, at two sta- tions, when multiplied by 10000, is equal to the altitude in English fathoms, of the one place above the other; that is, when the temperature of the air is about 31 or 32 de- grees of Fahrenheit's thermometer; and a certain quantity more or less, according as the actual temperature is diffe- rent from that degree. But it may here be shown that the same rule can be de- duced independent of such a train of experiments as those above, and that from a single observation of the density of the air at the surface of the earth alone. Thus, let d de- note the density of the air at one place, and d the density at the other; both measured by the column of mercury in the barometrical tube: then the difference of altitude between the two places, will be proportional to the log. of D — the log. of d, or to the log. of -. But as this formula ° ° a expresses only the relation between different altitudes, and not the absolute quantity of them, assume some indetermi- nate but constant quantity h, which multiplied into the expression log. -, may be equal to the real difference of altitude a, that is a = h x log. of -. Then, to determine ° d the value of the general quantity h, let us take a case in which we know the altitude a which corresponds to a known density d; as for instance, a = 1 foot, or 1 inch, or some such small altitude: then because the density D may be measured by the pressure of the whole atmosphere, or the uniform column of 27600 feet, when the temperature is 55°; therefore 27600 feet will denote the density d at the lower place, and 27599 the less density d at 1 foot above , , , , r 27600 , . , . , it; consequently 1 = fi x log. ot — - — , which is nearly , M3429448 1 ,- , . , . , = h x or by the nature ot logarithms; and 27600 63551 J ° hence we find h = 63551 feet; which gives us this formula for any altitude a in general, viz, a = 63551 x lo^. of — o o d J or« = 63551 x log. of - feet, or 10592 x log. of - fa- thoms; where m denotes the column of mercury in the tube at the lower place, and m that at the upper. This formula is adapted to the mean temperature of the air 55°: but it has been found, by the experiments of Sir Geo. Shuckburgh and General Roy, that for every degree of the thermometer, different from 55°, the altitude a will vary by its 435th part; hence, if we would change the factor A from 10592 to 10000, because the difference 592 is nearly the 18th part of the whole factor 10592, or sufficiently so for all practical purposes, and 18 the 24th part of 435 ; therefore the change of temperature, answering to the change of the factor />, is 24°, which -reduces the 55° to 31°. So that, a = 10000 x log. of - fathoms, is the ea- m siest expression for the altitude, and answers to the tempe- rature of 31°, or very nearly the freezing point: and for every degree above that, the result must be increased by so many times its 435th part, and diminished when below it. From this theorem it follows, that, at the height of 3f miles, the density of the atmosphere is nearly 2 times rarer than it is at the surface of the earth ; at the height of 7 miles, 4 times rarer; and so on, according to the following table : Height in miles. Number of times rarer. U - - - - 2 I 14 21 28 35 •42 49 56 63 70 4 16 6* 256 - 1024 4096 - 16384 - 65536 262144 1048576 And, by pursuing the calculations in this table, it might be easily shown, that a cubic inch of the air we breathe would be so much rarefied at the height of 500 miles, that it would fill a sphere equal in diameter to the orbit of Sa- turn. .Hence we may perceive how very soon the air becomes so extremely rare and light, as to be utterly imperceptible to all experience ; and that hence, if all the planets have such atmospheres as our earth, they will, at the distances of the planets from one another, be so extremely attenuated, as to give no sensible resistance to the planets in their mo- tion round the sun, for many, perhaps hundreds or thou- sands of ages to-come. Even at the height of 50 miles, it is so rare as to have no sensible effect on the rays of light: for it was found by Kepler, and Lahire after him, who computed the height of the sensible atmosphere from the duration of twilight, and from the magnitude of the ter- restrial shadow in lunar eclipses, that the effect of the at- mosphere to reflect and intercept the light of the sun, is- A T M [ 184 ] A T M only sensible to the altitude of between 40 and 50 miles: and at that altitude we may collect, from what has been already said, that the air is above 10000 times rarer than at the surface of the earth. It is well known that the twi- light begins and ends when the centre of the sun is about 18 degrees below the horizon, or only 17° 27', by subtract- ing 33' for refraction, which raises the sun so much higher than he would be. And a ray coming from the sun in that position, and entering the earth's atmosphere, is refracted and bent into a curve line in passing through it to the eye. M.Lahire took great pains to demonstrate, that, supposing the density of the atmosphere proportional to its weight, this curve is a cycloid ; he also says, that if the ray be a tanoent to the atmosphere, at the point of impact, the di- ameter of its generating circle will be the height of the at- mosphere; and that this diameter increases, till at Mast, when the rays are perpendicular, it becomes infinite, or the circle degenerates into a right line, This reasoning sup- poses that the refracting surface of the atmosphere is a plane; but since it is in reality a curve, he observes that these cycloids become in fact epicycloids. Herman how- ever detected the error of M. Lahire, and showed that this curve is infinitely extended, and has an asymptote. And it is observed by Dr. Brook Taylor, in his Method. Increm. pa. l68,'&c, that this curve is one of the most intricate and perplexed that can well be proposed. The same in- genious author also computes, that the refractive power of the air is to the force of gravity at the surface of the. earth, as 320 millions to 1. The extreme rarity of the atmosphere at considerable distances from the earth's surface, such as those of 40 or 50 miles, bounding the production of twilight, has much perplexed philosophers in accounting for meteors which, whatever be their origin, whether electrical or otherwise, are observed at a much greater elevation than that to which the refractive power of the atmosphere extends. A very remarkable one of this kind was observed by Dr. Halley in the month of March 1719, the altitude of which he computed at between 69 and 73J English miles ; its di- ameter 2800 yards, or more than a mile and a half; and its velocity about 350 miles in a minute.- Others, ap- parently of the same kind, but whose altitude and velocity were still greater, have been observed ; particularly that very remarkable one, of August 18th 17S3, whose distance from the earth could not be less than QO miles, and its di- ameter at least, as large as the former, while its velocity was certainly not less than 1000 miles in a minute. Now, from analogy of reasoning, it seems very probable, that the meteors which appear at such great heights in the air, are not essentially different from those which are seen on or near the surface of the earth. The difficulty with re- "ard to the former is, that at the great heights above-men- tioned, the atmosphere ought not, according to computa- tion, to have any density sufficient to support flame, or to propagate sound ; and yet such meteors are commonly succeeded by one explosion or more, and it is said are even sometimes accompanied with a hissing noise as they pass over our heads. The meteor of 1710 was not only very bright, seeming for a short time to turn night into day, but was attended with an explosion that was heard over the whole island of Britain, causing a violent con- cussion in the atmosphere, and seeming to shake the earth itself: and yet, in the regions in which this meteor moved, the air ought to have been 300 thousand times rarer than the air wc breathe, or 1000 times rarer than the vacuum commonly made by a good air-pump. Dr. Halley offers a conjecture, indeed, that the vast magnitude of such bo- dies might compensate for the thinness of the medium in which they moved. But appearances of this kind are, by others, attributed to electricity; though the circumstances of them cannot well be reconciled to that cause ; for the meteors move with various degrees of velocity; and though the electrical fire easily pervades the vacuum of an air- pump, yet it does not in that case appear in bright well- defined sparks, as in the open air, but rather in lon<^ streams resembling the aurora borealis; and from some late experiments it has been concluded that the electric fluid cannot even penetrate, or be apparent in a perfect vacuum. Of the Refractive and Reflective Power of the Atmo- sphere. It has been observed above, that the atmosphere has a refractive power, by which the raj-s of light are bent from the right-lined direction, as in the case of the twi- light; and many other experiments manifest the same vir- tue, which is the cause of various phenomena. Alhazen, the Arabian, who lived about the year I 100, seems to have been more inquisitive into the nature of refraction than for- mer writers. But neither Alhazen, nor his follower Vitellio were acquainted with its just quantity, nor was it known to any tolerable degree of exactness, before Tycho Brahe, with his accustomed diligence, settled this point. This celebrated philosopher however did not discover, nor in- deed did Kepler, in what manner the rays of light were refracted by the atmosphere. Tycho thought the refrac- tion was chiefly caused by dense vapours, very near the earth's surface: while Kepler placed the cause wholly at the. top of the atmosphere, which he thought was uniformly dense ; and thence he determined its altitude to he little more than that of the highest mountains. But the true- constitution of the density of the atmosphere, deduced af- terwards from theTorricellian experiment, afforded ajuster idea of these refractions, especially after it appeared, by a repetition of Mr. Lowthorp's experiment, that the re- fractive power of the air is proportional to its density. By this variation in the density and refractive power of the air, a ray of light, in passing through the atmosphere, is con- tinually refracted at every point, and thereby made to die- scribe a curve, and not a straight line, as it would have done were there no atmosphere, or were its density uniform. The atmosphere has also a reflective power; and this power is the means by which objects are enlightened so uniformly on all sides. The want of this power would occasion a strange alteration in the appearance of things ; the shadows of which would be so very dark, and their sides enlightened by the sun so very bright, that probably we could see no more of them than their bright halves ; so that for a view of the other halves, wc must turn them half round; or if immoveable, must wait till the sun could come round upon them. Such a pellucid unretlective at- mosphere would indeed have been very commodious for astronomical observations on the course of the. sun and planets among the fixed stars, visible by day as well as by night; but then such a sudden transition from darkness to light, and from light to darkness, immediately on the rising and setting of the sun, without any twilight, and even on turning to or from the sun at noon day, would have been very inconvenient and offensive to our eyes. However, though the atmosphere be greatly assistant in the illumination of objects, yet it must also be observed that it stops a great deal of light. By M. Bouguer's ex- ATM t 185 ] ATM periments, it seems that the light of the moon is often 2000 times weaker in the horizon, than at the altitude of 66 de- grees ; and that the proportion of her light at the altitudes of 66 and 19 degrees, is about 3 to 2 ; and the lights of the sun must bear the same proportion to each other at those heights; which Bouguer made choice of, as being the meridian heights of the sun, at the summer and winter solstices, in the latitude of Croisic in France. Smith's Optics, Rem. 95. — For the atmosphere of the sun, moon, and planets, see the respective articles. Atmosphere of Solid or Consistent Bodies, is a kind of sphere formed by the effluvia, or minute corpuscles, emit- ted from them. Mr. Boyle endeavours to show, that all bodies, even the hardest and most coherent, as gems, &c, have their atmospheres. Atmosphere, in Electricity, denotes that medium which is conceived to be diffused over the surface, as is generally supposed, of electrified bodies, and to some di- stance around them, and consisting of effluvia issuing from them ; by which, other bodies immerged in it become en- dued with an electricity contrary to that of the body to which the atmosphere belongs. This was first noticed at a very early period in the history of this science by Otto Guericke, and afterwards by the academicians del Cimento, ■who contrived to render the electric atmosphere visible, by means of smoke attracted by and uniting itself with a piece of amber, and gently rising from it,, but vanishing as the amber cooled. Dr. Franklin exhibited this electric atmo- sphere with greater advantage, by dropping rosin on hot iron plates held under electrified bodies, from which the smoke arose and encompassed the bodies, giving them a very beautiful appearance. But the theory of electric at- mospheres was not well explained and understood for a considerable time ; and the investigation led to many cu- rious experiments and observations. The experiments of Mr. Canton and Dr. Franklin prepared the way for the conclusion that was afterwards drawn from them by Mess. Wilcke and Epinus, though they retained the common opi- nion of electric atmospheres, and endeavoured to explain the phenomena by that means. The conclusion was, that the electric fluid, when there is a redundancy of it in any body, repels the electric fluid in any other body, when they are brought within the sphere of each other's influence, and drives it into the remote parts of the body, or quite out of it, if there be any outlet for that purpose. By atmosphere, Epinus says, no more is to be under- stood than the sphere of action belonging to any body, or the neighbouring air electrified by it. Sig. Beccaria unites in the same opinion, that electrified bodies have no other atmosphere than the electricity communicated to the neigh- bouring air, and which goes with the air, and not with the electrified bodies. Mr. Canton also, having relinquished the opinion that electrical atmospheres were composed of elfluvia from excited or electrified bodies, maintained that they only result from an alteration in the state of the elec- tric fluid contained in it, or belonging to the air surround- ing these bodies to a certain distance ; for instance, that excited glass repels the electric fluid from it, and conse- quently beyond that distance makes it more dense ; where- as excited wax attracts the electric fluid existing in the air nearer to it, making it rarer than it was before. In the course of experiments that were performed on this occa- sion, Mess. Wilcke and Epinus succeeded in charging a plate of air, by suspending large boards of wood covered with tin, with the flat sides parallel to one another, and at Vol. I. some inches asunder: for they found, on electrifying one of the boards positively, that the other was always ne- gative ; and a shock was produced by forming a communi- cation between the upper and lower plates. Beccaria has largely considered the subject of electric atmospheres, in his Artificial Electricity, p. 179 &e, Eng. edit. See also Dr. Priestley's Hist, of Electricity, vol.ii. sect. 5; and Ca- vallo's Electricity, p. 241. Atmosphere, Magnetic, Sfc, is understood of thesphere within which the virtue of the magnet, &c, acts. Atmospheric Stones. See Aeroliths. Atmospheric Tides, certain periodical changes of the atmosphere, similar, in some respects, to those of the, oCean, and produced, in a great measure, by the same causes. There are two kinds of motion in the atmosphere which come under this denomination ; the first is occasioned by the joint influence of the sun and moon on the, body of air with which we are surrounded, in the same manner as they act upon the mass of water, and cause the flux and reflux of the ocean ; the second is produced by the heat of the sun alone, which exerting upon the air its well known power of rarefaction and expansion, gives rise to those perpetual changes in the atmosphere, which follow him in his course, though such changes are not altogether ob- servable or appreciable by us. The former of these are termed by the Abbe Mann attraction tides, and the latter heat tides. The tides of attraction, like those of the ocean, and from the like grounds, have at the.same time, at two opposite ends of the globe, projecting parts, and these lie almost in that line which might be drawn from the centre of the earth to that of the moon. The heat tides, on the other hand, can take place only on one point of the globe, that is, in the point to which the sun is vertical. Their projecting parts will be directed towards that luminary, and nearly follow its movements. Bacon, and the most eminent philosophers who have since written on the wind, unanimously observe, that the periods of the year most exposed to it are the two equi- noxes ; that storms are most frequent at (fie times of new and full moon, anil particularly those which happen near the equinoxes; that at periods otherwise calm, a small breeze always takes place atliigh water; and that a small movement in the atmosphere is each time perceived a little after noon and midnight. For the investigation of this subject, the abbe lays down the following principles. 1. The elasticity of fluids is in the inverse ratio of their density. 2. The force or elasti- city of the air expands and contracts itself in the direct ratio of the weight with which it is loaded, and diffuses itself in the inverse ratio of the force with which it is compressed. 3. The air is rarefied, or diffuses itself, in the direct ratio of the quantity of heat which acts upon it. 4. The air, as well as all fluids in general, has a tendency to put itself in equilibrium, and does not rest till it has obtained it. Our limits preclude the possibility of following the abbe in the application of these principles to the various phenomena of the subject in question; we therefore ie- commend to the attention of our readers the whole of his observations on the flux and reflux of the atmosphere, in- serted from the Brussels Trans, in Tilloch's Phil. Mag. vol. 5. In the 7th vol. of that work is a paper On a pe- riodical Variation of the Barometer, &c, by LukeJIoward, esq. to which we also refer; and conclude by noticing the observations made by Uumbolt near the equatov : " I have 2B ATT [. 186 ] ATT lead," says he, "in theTransactions of the Bengal Society, that the barometer rises and falls there regularly every 24 hours. Here, in South America, its motion is more asto- nishing: there are four atmospherical tides every 24 hours, which depend only on the attraction of the sun ; the mer- cury falls from 9 o'clock in the morning till 4 in the after- noon ; it rises from 4 till 11 o'clock ; it falls from 11 till half past 4 in the morning; and reascends from that time till 9 o'clock; neither winds, storms, nor earthquakes have any influence on this motion." See farther Laplace, Ex- position du Systeme du Monde, liv. 4, ch.12. ATOM, a particle of matter indivisible on account of its solidity, hardness, and impenetrability; which preclude all division, and leave no vacancy for the admission of any foreign force to separate it into parts. As atoms are the first matter, it is necessary they should be indissolvable, that they may be incorruptible. Newton adds, It is also required that they be immutable, that the world may con- tinue in the same state, and bodies be of the same nature now as formerly. ATOMICAL Philosophy, or the doctrine of atoms, a system which accounted for the origin and formation of things, from the hypothesis that atoms are endued with weight and motion. This philosophy was first taught by Moschus, some time before the Trojan war ; but it was most cultivated by Epicurus; whence it is called the Epi- curean philosophy. ATTRACTION, or Attractive Power, a general term used 'to denote the cause, power, or principle, by which all bodies mutually tend towards each other, and cohere, till separated by some other power. The laws, phenomena, &c, of attraction, form the chief subject of Newton's philosophy, being the principal agent of nature, in almost all her wonderful operations. The principle of attraction, in the Newtonian sense of it, appears to have been first surmised by Copernicus. " As for gravity," says he, " I consider it as nothing more than a certain natural appetence (appetcnlia) which the Creator has impressed upon all the parts of matter, in or- der to their uniting or coalescing into a globular form, for their better preservation ; and it is probable that the same power is also inherent in the sun and moon, and planets, that those bodies may constantly retain that round form in which we see them." De Revol. Oib. Ccelest. lib. i, cap. 9- Kepler calls gravity a corporeal and mutual affection be- tween similar bodies, in order to their union. Ast. Nov. in Introd. And he pronounced more positively, that no bo- dies whatever were absolutely light, but only relatively so; and consequently that all matter was subjected to the power and law of gravitation. Ibid, The first in this country who adopted the notion of at- traction was Dr. Gilbert, in his book De Magnete ; and the next was the celebrated Lord Bacon, in his Nov. Or- gan, lib. ii, aphor. 30, 45, 48. fylv. cent, i, e.xp. 33; also in his treatise De Miotic, particularly under the articles of the 9th and the 13th kinds of Motion. In France it was received by Fermat and Roberval; and in Italy by Galileo and Borelli. But before Newton none appear to have had clearer ideas of the doctrine of universal gravitation, or to have approached so near the application of it to the laws of na- ture, as Dr. Ilooke. This celebrated man, in his work entitled " An Attempt to prove the Motion of the Earth," seems to have embraced it in nearly the whole of its ge- nerality. The hypothesis on which the system of the world is there explained, is grounded on the three following piin- ciples : 1. That all the celestial bodies have not only an attraction or gravitation towards their propel centres, but that they mutually attract each other within their sphere of activity. 2. That all bodies which have a simple and direct motion, continue to move in a direct line, if some force which operates without ceasing does not constrain them to describe a circle, an ellipse, or some other more complicated curve. 3. That attraction is so much the more powerful, as the attracting bodies are nearer to each other. Newton makes use of the word attraction, in com- mon with the school philosophers, but at the same time very studiously distinguishes between the ideas. The an- cient attraction was conceived to be a kind of quality in- herent in certain bodies themselves, and arising from their particular or specific forms. But the Newtonian attrac- tion is a more indefinite principle ; denoting not any par- ticular kind or mode of action ; nor the physical cause of such action; but only a general tendency, a conatus ac- cedendi, to whatever cause, physical or metaphysical, such effect be owing; whether to a power inherent in the bo- dies themselves, or to the impulse of an external agent. Accordingly, that author remarks, in his Philos. Nat. Prin. Math. " that he uses the words attraction, impulse, and propension to the centre, indifferently; and cautions the reader not to imagine that by attraction he expresses the modus of the action, or its efficient cause, as if there were any proper powers in the centres, which in reality are only mathematical points ; or as if centres could attract." Lib. 1, p. 5. So, he " considers centripetal powers as attrac- tions; though, physically speaking, it were perhaps more just to call them impulses, lb. p. 14". He adds, "that what he calls attraction may possibly be effected by impulse, though not a common or corporeal impulse, or after some other manner unknown to us." Optics, p. 322. Attraction, if considered as a quality arising from the specific forms of bodies, ought, together with sympathy, antipathy, and the whole tribe of occult qualities, to be exploded. But when these are set aside, there will remain innumerable phenomena of nature, and particularly the gravity or weight of bodies, or their tendency to a centre, that argue a principle of action seemingly distinct from impulse; where, at least, there is no sensible impulsion concerned. Nay, what is more, this action, in some re- spects, differs from all impulsion we know of; impulse being always found to act in proportion to the surfaces of bodies ; whereas gravity acts according to their solid con- tent, and consequently it must arise from some cause that penetrates or pervades the whole substance of them. This unknown principle, (we mean in respect of its cause, for its phenomena and effects are most obvious, with all its species and modifications,) is called attraction ; being a general name, under which may be ranged all mutual ten-' dencies, where no physical impulse appears, and which consequently cannot be accounted for on any known laws of nature. And hence arise divers particular kinds of attraction ; as Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity, &c, which are so many different principles, acting by different laws; and only agreeing in this, that we do not perceive any physical causes of them : but that, as to our senses, they may really arise from some power or efficacy m such bodies, by which they are enabled to act even upon distant bodies; though our reason absolutely disallows of any such action. ATT [ 187 ] ATT Attraction may be divided, with respect to the law it observes, into two kinds. 1. That which extends to a sensible distance. As the attraction of gravity, which is found in all bodies; and the attractions of magnetism and electricity, found only in particular bodies. The several laws and phenomena of each, see under their respective articles. ' The attraction of gravity, called also among mathema- ticians the centripetal force, is one of the greatest and most universal principles in nature. We see and feel it operate on bodies near the earth, and find by observation that the same power (i. e. a power which acts in the same manner, and by the same rules, viz, always proportionally to the quantities of matter, and inversely as the squares of the di- stances) does also obtain in the moon, and the other planets, both primary and secondary, as well as in the comets; and ■even that this is the very power by which they are all re- tained in their orbits, &c. And hence, as gravity is found in all the bodies which come under our observation, it is easily inferred, by one of the established rules of philoso- phising, that it obtains in all others. And since it is found to be proportional to the quantity of matter in any body, it must exist in every particle of it: and hence it is proved that every particle in nature attracts every other particle. From this attraction arises all the motion, and conse- quently all the mutation, in the universe. By this heavy bodies descend, and light ones are made to ascend : by this also projectiles are directed, vapours and exhalations rise, and rain, &c, fall : also from the same cause rivers glide, the ocean swells, the air presses, &c. In short, the motions and forces arisingfrom this principle, constitute the subject of that extensive branch of mathematics, called mechanics or statics, with the parts or appendages of it, as hydrostatics, pneumatics, hydraulics, &c. 2. That which does not extend to sensible distances. Such is found to obtain in the minute particles of which bodies are composed, attracting each other at or extremely near the point of contact, with forces often much supe- rior to that of gravity, but which at any distance decrease much faster than the power of gravity. This power is ge- nerally called the attraction of cohesion, as being that by which the atoms or insensible particles of bodies are united into sensible masses. This latter kind of attraction claims Sir Isaac Newton for its discoverer ; as the former does for its improver. The laws of motion, percussion, &c, in sensible bodies, under various circumstances, as falling, projected, &c, ascertain- ed by the. later philosophers, do not reach those more re- cluse, intestine motions in the component particles of the same bodies, on which the changes of the texture, colour, properties, &c, depend. So that our philosophy, if it were only founded on the principle of gravitation, and even car- ried as far as this would lead us, would still be deficient. But besides the common laws of sensible masses, the mi- nute parts they are composed of are found subject to some others, which have but lately been noticed, and are even yet imperfectly known. Newton himself; to whose happy penetration we owe the hint, is satisfied with establishing that there are such motions in the minima naturae, and that they flow from certain powers or forces, not reducible to any of those in the great world. He shows that, by virtue of these powers, " the small particles act on one another even at a distance ; and that many of the phenomena of nature result from this action. Sensible bodies, we have already observed, act on one another several ways; and as we thus perceive the tenor and course of nature, it appears highly probable that there may be other powers of the like kind ; nature being always uniform and consistent with herself. Those just mentioned, reach to sensible distances, and b3 r that means have been observed by vulgar eyes; but there may be others which reach to such small distances as have hitherto escaped observation; and it is probable electricity may reach to such distances, even without be- ing excited by friction." The great author just mentioned proceeds to confirm the reality of these suspicions by a great number of phe- nomena and experiments, which plainly argue such powers and actions between the particles, for example of salts and water, oil of vitriol and water, aquafortis and iron, spirit of vitriol and saltpetre, and most other chemical opera- tions. He also shows, that these powers, &c, are unequally strong between different bodies; stronger, for instance, be- tween the particles of salt of tartar and those of aqua- fortis than those of silver, between aquafortis and lapis calaminaris than iron, between iron and copper than silver or mercury. Thus spirit of vitriol acts on water, but more on iron or copper, &c. And the other experiments are innumerable which countenance the ex- istence of such principle of attraction in the particles of matter. These actions, by virtue of which the particles of the bodies above-mentioned tend towards each other, the au- thor calls by a general indefinite name, attraction ; a name equally applicable to all actions by which distant bodies tend towards each other, whether by impulse, or by any other more latent power : and hence he accounts for an infinity of phenomena which would be otherwise inexpli- cable from the principle of gravity. "Thus," adds Newton, " will nature be found very con- formable to herself, and very simple; performing all the great motions of the heavenly bodies by the attraction of gravity, which intercedes those bodies, and almost all the small ones and their constituent parts, by some other at- tractive power diffused through their particles. Without such principles, there could have been no such thing as motion ; and without the continuanceof it, motion would soon perish, there being otherwise a great decrease or di- minution of it, which is only supplied by these active prin- ciples." It need not be said how unjust it was, in the generality of foreign philosophers, to declare against a principle which furnishes so beautiful a view, for no other reason but bo cause they could not conceive how one body should act on another at a distance. It is indeed true, that philoso- phy allows of no action but what is by immediate contact and impulsion ; for how can a body exert any active power where it does not exist ? Yet we see effects, without per- ceiving any such impulse ; and where effects are observed, there must exist causes, whether we perceive them or not. But we may contemplate such effects, without entering into the consideration of the causes, as indeed it seems the bu- siness of a philosopher to do : for to exclude a number of phenomena which we see, would be to leave a great chasm in the history of nature; and to argue about actions which we do not see, would be to raise castles in the air. It fol- lows therefore, that the phenomena of attraction are mat- ter of physical consideration, and as such entitled to a, share in the system of physics; but that their causes will only become so when they become sensible, that is when they appear to be the effect of some other higher causes ; 2 B 2 ATT C 188 ] ATT for a cause is no otherwise seen than as itself is an effect, so that the first cause must needs be always invisible ; we are therefore at liberty to suppose the causes of attractions what we please, without any injury to the effects. The il- lustrious author himself seems to be a little indetermincd as to the causes; inclining sometimes to attribute gravity to the action of an immaterial cause (Optics, p. 34-3, &c.) and sometimes to that of a material one, lb. p. 3'25. In his philosophy, the research into causes is the last thing, and never comes under consideration till the laws and phenomena of the effect be settled; it being to these phenomena that the cause is to be accommodated. The cause even of any, the grossest and most sensible action, is not adequately known. How impulse or percussion itself produces its effects, that is, how motion is communicated from one body to another, or by what agency it is conti- nued after it is communicated, confounds the deepest phi- losophers. Yet impulse is received not only into philoso- phy, but into mathematics ; and accordingly the laws and phenomena of its effects make the chief part of common mechanics. The other species of attraction, therefore, in which no impulse is observable, when their phenomena are suffi- ciently ascertained, have the same title to be promoted from physical to mathematical consideration ; and this without any previous inquiry into their causes, to which our conceptions may not be proportionate. Our great philosopher, then, far from adulterating sci- ence with any thing foreign or metaphysical, as many have reproached him with doing, has the glory of having thrown every thing of this kind out of his system, and of having opened a new source of more sublime mechanics, which, duly cultivated, might be of far greater extent than all the mechanics yet known : it is hence therefore that we must expect to learn the manner of the changes, productions, generations, corruptions, &c, of natural things; with all that scene of wonders opened to us by the operations of chemistry. Some of our own countrymen have prosecuted the dis- covery with laudable zeal. Dr. Keil particularly has en- deavoured to deduce some of the laws of this new action, and applied them in resolving several of the more general phenomena of matter, as cohesion, fluidity, elasticity, soft- ness, fermentation, coagulation, &c : and Dr. Freind, se- conding his endeavours, has made a farther application of the same principles, to account for almost all the pheno- mena that chemistry presents. So that some philosophers are inclined to think that the new mechanics should seem already raised to a complete science, and that nothing now etui occur but what we have an immediate solution of, from the principles of attractive forces. Hut this seems a little too precipitate : a principle so fertile should have been further explained ; its particular laws, limits, &c, more industriously detected and laid down, before we had proceeded to the application. At- traction in the gross is so complex a thing, that it may solve a thousand different phenomena alike. The notion is t j vi t one degree more simple and precise than action it- s' ll; and, till its properties be more fully ascertained, it Wi re better to apply it less, and study it more. It may be added', that some of Newton's followers have been Charged with falling into that error which he industrious- K avoided, viz, of considering attraction as a cause or active property in bodies, not merely as a phenomenon or , Bei r Certain attempts have lately been made to assign the- probable or possible cause of gravitation, but too absurd to merit more particular notice. For the laws, properties, &c, of the different kinds of attraction, see their particular articles, Cohesion, Gra- vity, Magnetism, &c. Attraction, Centre of. See Centre of Attraction. 'Attraction of Mountains. This is but a late disco- very, and must be esteemed a complete confirmation of the Newtonian theory of universal gravitation. According to that system, an attractive power is exerted, not only be- tween those large masses of matter the sun and planets, but likewise between all comparatively smaller bodies, and even between the smallest particles that compose them. Agreeably to this hypothesis, a heavy body, which gravi- tates or tends toward the centre of the earth, ought like- wise, though in a less degree, to be attracted and to tend laterally towards a neighbouring mountain on the earth's surface. So that, a plumb-line, for instance, of a quad- rant, hanging near such a mountain, ought to be drawn a little aside, from the perpendicular direction, in conse- quence of the attractive power of the quantity of matter, of which it is composed, acting in a direction different from that exerted by the whole mass of matter in the earth, and with a proportionally inferior degree of force. Though Sir Isaac Newton had long ago hinted at an ex- periment of this kind, and had remarked, that "a moun- tain of an hemispherical figure, 3 miles high, and 6 broad, would not by its attraction draw the plumb-line 2 mi- nutes out of the perpendicular;" yet no attempt to ascer- tain this matter by actual experiment was made, till about the year 173S ; when the French academicians, particu- larly Messrs. Bouguer and Condamine, who were sent to Peru to measure a degree of the meridian at the equator, attempted to discover the attractive power of Cbimboraco, a mountain in the province of Quito. According to their observations, made under unfavourable circumstances, that mountain exerted an attraction equal to S". Though this experiment was not perhaps sufficient to prove satis- factorily even the reality of an attraction, much less the precise quantity of it; yet it does not appear that any steps had been since taken to repeat it. In the year 1772, the astronomer royal, Dr. Maskelyne, made a proposal for this purpose to the Royal Society : and in 1 774-, he was deputed to make the trial, accom- panied with proper assistants, and provided with accurate instruments. The mountain Schehallien, situated nearly in the centre of Scotland, was chosen as the most proper then found in this island. The observations were made by observing the meridian zenith distances of some fixed stars near the zenith, by means of a zenith sector of 10 feet ra- dius; first on the south, and then on the north side of the hill, the greatest length of which was considerably extend- ed in the east and west direction. It is plain, that if the mass of matter in the hill should exert any sensible attraction, it would cause the plumb- line of the sector, through which the observer viewed a star in the meridian, to deviate from its perpendicular si- tuation, and would attract it contrarywise at the two op- posite stations, thus doubling the effect. On the south side the plummet would be drawn to the northward, by the attractive power of the hill placed on the north side of it ; and on the north side, a contrary and equal deflection of the plummet would take place, by the like attraction of the hill, now to the southward of it. The apparent zenith di- ATT stances of the stars must be affected contrarywise ; those being increased at the one station, which were diminished at the other ; and the correspondent quantities of the de- flection of the. plumb-line must give the observer the sum of the contrary attractions of the hill, acting on the plum- met at the two stations ; and the half of which will of course indicate the attractive power of the hill. The various operations requisite for this experiment lasted' about 4 months ; and from them it appears, that the sum of the two contrary attractions of the hill, in the two temporary observatories, which were successively fixed half way up the hill (where however the effect of the at- traction would not be the greatest), was found to be 1 1"'6; the half of which therefore, or 5"'S, is the mean attraction of the mountain, at that height. The inferences drawn from these experiments may be reduced to the following: 1. It appears that the' mountain Schehallien exerts a sensible attraction ; therefore, by the rules of philosophi- sing, we are to conclude, that every mountain, and indeed every particle of the earth, is endued with the same pro- perty, in proportion to its quantity of matter. 2. The law of the variation of this force, in the in- verse ratio of the squares of the distances, as laid down by Sir Isaac Newton, is also confirmed by this experiment. For, if the force of attraction of the hill, had been only to that of the earth, as the matter in the hill is to that in the earth, and had not been greatly increased by the near approach to its centre, the attraction of it must have been wholly insensible. But now, by only supposing the mean density of the earth to be double of that in the hill, which seems very probable from other considerations, the attrac- tion of the hill will be reconciled to the general law of the variation of attraction, in the inverse duplicate ratio of the distances, as deduced by Sir Isaac Newton from the com- parison of the motion of the heavenly bodies, with the force of gravity at the surface of the earth ; and the analogy of nature will be preserved. 3. We may now therefore be allowed to admit this law, and to acknowledge, that the mean density of the earth is about double of that at the surface; and conse- quently that the density of the internal parts of the earth, is much greater than near the surface. Hence also, the whole quantity of matter in the earth, will be at least as great again, as if it had been all composed of matter of the same density with that at the surface ; or will be about 4 or 5 times as great as if it were al.l composed of water. This conclusion is totally contrary to the hypothesis of some naturalists, who suppose the earth to be only a large hol- low shell of matter; supporting itself from the property of an arch, with an immense vacuity in the midst of if. Rut, were that the case, the attraction of mountains, and even smaller inequalities in the earth's surface, would be very great, contrary to experiment, and would affect the measures of the degrees of the meridian much more than we find they do; and the variation of gravity, in different latitudes, in going from the equator to the poles, as found by pendulum*, would not be near so regular as experiments have shown it to be. 4. As mountains are, by these experiments, found capa- ble of producing sensible deflections in the plumb-lines of astronomical instruments ; it becomes a matter of great importance, in the mensuration of meridional degrees, ci- ther to choose places where the irregular attractions of the elevated parts may be small ; or where, by their situation, [ 180 ] A T W they may compensate or counteract each other's effects. Sec Philos. Trans, vol. 65; or my Abridg. vol. 13, p. 702. Besides what is above related of this grand experiment, and its results, as it was necessary, so a great deal more was done, than what yet appears by that account. For, though the experiment showed the quantity of deviation in the plumb-line, from its due position, to be 5"'8, and thereby proved the fact of the universal attraction or gra- vitation of matter, yet this was all that it proved ; for as to the mean density of the whole matter in the earth, as above noticed, much more remained to be done, what is there said having been partly from anticipation by a near guess, or rather from the results of accurate calculations which I was at that very time employed in xnaking, and which results I was in the habit of communicating to Dr. Maskelyne, while he was composing his account of the ex- periment. In fact, to deduce from the experiment the real mean density of the earth, was, from the first project- ing of the experiment, considered as a very important part of the business ; and in order to this, it was necessary to procure a very minute and correct survey and measure- ment of the mountain, from which to calculate theoreti- cally the effect of the attraction of every particle of matter contained in its composition. Accordingly, Dr. Maske- lyne, with his assistants, made accurate measurements of the hill, with numerous sections, both horizontal and ver- tical ; by means of which, an exact model of it could be made, and the distance and position of every point in it could be ascertained. This survey Dr. M. brought to the committee of the R. Soc. along with the observations of the plumb-line before mentioned; but he declined under- taking the laborious calculations of the attractions of the matter in the hill, which were necessary to show the real mean density of the earth ; calculations which would pro- bably occupy four times as much labour and time as had been employed in making the experiment and survey. Accordingly, at the request of the Royal Society, I un- dertook this arduous task, and, after aboutayear's labour, delivered to that body an account of my computations and results, which gave universal satisfaction ; which account was printed in the 68th volume of the Philos. Trans. It has also been printed at large in the 2d volume of my Tracts, where it is proved that the mean density of the whole earth is near 5 times the density of water, or almost double the density of the rocks near the earth's surface. ATTRITION, the striking or rubbing of bodies against one another, so as to throw off some of their superficial particles : such as the grinding and polishing of bodies. Or simply the act of rubbing: as when amber and other electric bodies are rubbed, to make them attract, or emit their electric force. ATWOOD (George) F. R. S. a celebrated mathemati- cian and philosopher, was educated at Westminster school; after which ho studied at Trinity college, Cambridge, where he was afterwards for some time a tutor, and many years fellow of that college. He was very celebrated also for his courses of lectures, on several branches of experi- mental philosophy, which he read in the university, with neat illustrations by means of a large and excellent col- lection of instruments; several of which were of his own contrivance; particularly a very ingenious one, exhibiting the theories respecting the rectilinear motion of bodies which are acted on by constant forces. Of these lectures, he published a vory neat Syllabus; also, in 1784, he pub- lished, in one large volume in Svo, A Treatise on the Reo AVE C 190 ] AVI tilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies ; a learned and in- genious work, but not treated in the most simple and per- spicuous manner. Mr. A. communicated some learned and ingenious papers to the Royal Society, which were printed in their Transactions : viz, 1. On the Mensuration of a certain Angle. 2.0n the Times of Vibration of Watch Balances. 3. The Theory of Floating Bodies. 4. The Stability of Ships : all of them in some degree liable to the like imputation with the foregoing; as well as the two Tracts on the subject of Arches and Bridges, in 1801 and 1804; to him apparently a new study; as most of the pro- perties which occurred to him, though common and well known to other writers, he unfortunately fancied to be new discoveries. The whole composition being indeed strongly indicative of the feeble state of body and mind, in which Mr. A. had lingered during some years before his death; which happened in 1807, at 62 years of age. The late minister, Mr. Pitt, having been one of Mr. A's auditors at Cambridge, gave him, in 1784, it is said, a si- necure place of 500/. a-year, which he enjoyed during the remainder of his life. It is also said, that the same mini- ster employed him in financial calculations for the public service, in the latter years of his life, till such time as the declining state of his health rendered him incapable of se- vere application. Avant-Foss, or Ditch of the Counterscarp, in Fortifi- cation, is a wet ditch surrounding the counterscarp, on the outer side, next to the country, at the foot of the gla- cis. It would not be proper to have such a ditch if it could be laid dry, as it would then serve as a lodgment for the enemy. AVENPACE, a philosopher among the Saracens that invaded Spain, who flourished in the 12th century, and was a follower of Aristotle. He wrote a commentary on Euclid, as well as philosophical and theological epistles. He was also intimately conversant with the Peripatetic philosophy, and applied it to the illustration of the Isla- mic system of theology, and to the explanation of the Ko- ran ; and on this account he was suspected of heresy, and thrown into prison at Corduba. It is said that he was poisoned at Fez, in the year of the Hegira 533, A. D. 1 138 ; or according to others, 525, A. D. 1.130. Averuoes, or Aben-Roes, a very subtile Arabian philosopher, who flourished about the end of the 11th century, when the Moors had possession of part of Spain. He was the son of the high priest and chief judge of Cor- duba or Cordova in Spain ; but educated in the university of Morocco, where he was professor, and where he died in 1206, having there studied natural philosophy, medicine, mathematics, law, and divinity. After the death of his fa- ther, he enjoyed his posts in Spain, to which was after- ward added that of judge of Morocco and Mauritania, where having settled deputies, he returned to his duty in Spain. Notwithstanding he was very rich, and had a large income, his liberality to men of letters in necessity, whether they were his friends or his enemies, kept him al- ways in debt. He was afterwards deprived of these means of emolument, and thrown into prison for heresy, by the vile instigations of his enemies ; but the oppressions of the judge who succeeded him, caused him to be restored to his former employments. This philosopher has been highly celebrated for his per- sonal virtues. Such was kis temperance, that he partook only once a day of the plainest food. In his application, he was unremitting and indefatigable; allowing himself no other recreation in the course of the day than tke change of several literary occupations, for those of poetry or history, and spending whole nights in study. In the exercise of forbearance, meekness, and self-command, he was signally exemplary. When a servant employed by an enemy intruded upon him in one of his public lectures, and whispered some abusive language, Averroes, with per- fect self-possession, turned round to him, and said, "Well, well;" and proceeded with his business. This servant waited on him next day to implore his pardon for the in- sult he had offered him. " God forgive thee," said Aver- roes, " thou hast publicly shown me to be a patient man ; and as for thine injury, it is not worthy of notice." He then gave him money, and dismissed him with this admoni- tion ; " What thou hast done to me, do not to another." He was extremely fond of the works of Aristotle., and wrote commentaries upon them ; whence he was styled the Commentator, by way of eminence. He also wrote many other pieces ; among which is a work on the Whole Art of Physic ; an Epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest, which Vossius dates about the year 1 149 ; also a Treatise of Astrology, which was translated into Hebrew by R. Jacob Ben Samson, and said to be extant in the French regal li- brary. He likewise wrote several poems, and many ama- tory verses, but these last he destroyed when he grew old. His other poems are lost, except a small piece, in which he says, " that when he was young, he acted against his reason ; but that when he was in years, he followed its dictates ;" upon which he utters this wish, " Would to God I had been born old, and that in my youth I had been in a state of perfection!" As to religion, his opi- nions were, that Christianity is absurd ; Judaism, the re- ligion of children ; Mahometanism, the religion of swine. AVICENA, Avicenne, or Avicenes, an eminent writer, who has been accounted the prince of Arabian phi- losophers and physicians. He was born at Assena, near Bokhara, in 978; and died at Hamadan in 1036, being 58 years of age. The first years of Avicena were employed on the study of the Belles Lettres and the Koran, and at ten years of age he was perfect master of the hidden senses of that book. Then applying to those of logic, philosophy, and mathematics, he made a rapid progress. After studying under a master the first principles of logic, and the first 5 or 6 propositions of Euclid's elements, he became disgust- ed with the slow manner of the schools, applied himself alone, and soon accomplished all the rest by the help of the commentators only. Possessed with an extreme avidity to be acquainted with all the sciences, he studied medicine also. Persuaded that this art consists as much in practice as in theory, he sought all opportunities of seeing the sick; and afterwards confessed that he had learnt more from such experience than from all the books he had read. Being now in his l6th year, and already celebrated for being the light of his age, he determined to resume his studies of philoso- phy, which medicine, &c, had made him for some time neglect : he spent a year and a half in t|iis painful indus- try, without ever sleeping a whole night together. At the age of 21, he conceived the bold design of incorporating, in one work, all the objects of human knowledge; which he carried into execution in an Encyclopedia of 20 vo- lumes, to which he gave the title of the Utility of Utilities. Many wonderful stories are related of his skill in medi- cine, and the cures which he performed. Several princes A U R t 19' ] AUE had been taken dangerously ill, and Avicenes was the only one that could discover the cause of their disorders and the mode of curing them. His reputation increased daily, and all the princes of the East desired to retain him in their families, and in fact he passed through several of them. But the irregularities of his conduct sometimes lost him their favour, and threw him into great distresses. His excesses in pleasures, and his infirmities, made a poet say, who wrote his epitaph, that the profound study of philosophy had not taught him good morals, nor that of medicine the art of preserving his own health. After his death however, he enjoyed so great a reputa- tion, that till the 12th century his works of philosophy and medicine were preferred to those of all his predeces- sors. Even in Europe his works were the only writings in vogue in the schools. They were very numerous, and va- rious, the titles of which are as follow : 1. Of the Utility and Advantage of the Sciences, in 20 books. — 2. Of In- nocence and Criminality, 2 books. — 3. Of Health and Re- medies, 18 books. — 4. On the Means of preserving Health; 3 books. — 5. Canons of Physic, 14 books. — 6. On Astro- nomical Observations, 1 book. — 7. On Mathematical Sci- ences. — 8. Of Theorems, or Mathematical and Theologi- cal Demonstrations, 1 book. — 9- On the Arabic Language, and its Properties, 10 books. — 10. On the Last Judgment. — 11. On the Origin of the Soul, and the Resurrection of Bodies. — 12. On the end we should propose to ourselves in Harangues and Philosophical Argumentations. — 13. Demonstration of the Collateral Lines in the Sphere. — 14. Abridgment of Euclid. — 15. On l'inity and Infinity. — 16. On Physics and Metaphysics. — 17 '• On Animals and Ve- getables, &c. — 18. Encyclopedia, 20 volumes. AUGUST, the Sth month of the year, containing 31 days. In the ancient Roman calendar it was called sexti- lis, as being the 6th month from March, with which their year began ; but changed to its present name by the em- peror Augustus, who gave it his own name on account of his having obtained many victories and honours in that month. AVOIRDUPOIS Weight, a weight used in England for weighing all the larger and coarser kinds of goods ; as groceries, cheese, butter, flesh, wool, salt, hops, &c, and all metals except gold and silver. Avoirdupois weight is tiius divided, viz. 16 dr. or drams make 16' oz. - - - - - 112 lb. 20 cwt. - - - - 1 ounce, marked oz. 1 pound, - - lb. 1 hundred weight, cwt. 1 ton - ton. The Avoirdupois ounce is less than the Troy ounce, in the proportion of 700 to 76'8, but the Avoirdupois pound is greater than the Troy pound in the proportion of 700 to 576; for 1 lb Avoird. is = 7000 grains Troy, but lib Troy is = 5760 grains Troy, also 1 oz Avoird. is = 4374 grains Troy, and 1 oz Troy is = 480 grains Troy. AURIGA, the Waggoner, a constellation in the nor- thern hemisphere, consisting of 14 stars in Ptolemy's ca- talogue; but in Tycho's, 27; in Hevclius's, 40; and in the Britannic catalogue, 66. This is one of the 48 old asterisms, mentioned by all the most ancient astronomers. It is represented by the ligure of an old man, in posture somewhat like sitting, with a goat and her kids in his left hand, and a bridle in his right. AURORA, the morning twilight ; or that faint light which appears in the morning when the sun is within 18 degrees of the horizon. AURORA BOREALIS, Northern Light, or Stream- ers; a kind of meteor appearing in the northern part of the heavens, mostly in the winter season, and in frosty weather. It is usually of a reddish colour, inclining to yellow, and sends out frequent coruscations of pale light, which seem to rise from the horizon in a pyramidical un- dulating form, and shooting with great velocity up to the zenith. It appears often in form of an arch, which is partly bright, and partly dark, but generally transparent. And the matter of it is not found to have any effect on the rays of light, which pass freely through it. Dr. Hamil- ton observes, that he could plainly discern the smallest speck in the Pleiades through the density of those clouds which formed part of the Aurora borealis in 1763, with- out the least diminution of its splendour, or increase of twinkling. Philos. Essays, p. 106. Sometimes it produces an Iris. Hence M. Godin judges, that most of the extraordinary meteors and phenomena in the skies, related as prodigies by historians, as battles and the like, may probably enough be reduced to the class of Aurora; Boreales. Hist. Acad. R. Scienc. for 1762, p. 405. This kind of meteor never appears near the equator; but it seems is frequent enough towards the south pole, like as towards the north, having been observed there by voyagers. See Philos. Trans. No. 46l, and vol. 54; also Forster"s ac- count of his voyage round the world with Captain Cook, where he describes their appearance as observed for several nights together, in sharp frosty weather, which was much the same as those observed in the north, excepting that they were of a lighter colour. In the Shetland Isles these phenomena are the constant attendants of clear evenings, and afford great relief to the inhabitants among the gloom of the long winter nights: they are called there, the merry dancers. The same kind of ap- pearances are also seen in the northern latitudes of Sweden and Lapland, where they are particularly beautiful, and afford light to travellers during the whole night. In Hud- son's Bay the aurora borealis diffuses a variegated splen- dour, which is said to equal that of the full moon. In the north-eastern parts of Siberia, according to the description of Gmelin (lieise durch Siberien, vol. 3, p. 135) cited and translated by Dr. Blagden (Phil. Trans, vol. 74, pa. 228) those northern lights arc observed to begin with single bright pillars, rising in the north, and almost at the same time in the north-east, which, gradually increasing, com- prehend a large' space of the heavens, rush, about from place to place with incredible velocity, and finally almost cover the whole sky up to the zenith, producing an appearance as if a vast tent were expanded in the heavens, glittering with gold, rubies, and sapphire. A more beautiful spec- tacle cannot be painted ; but whoever should see such a northern light for the first time, could not behold it with- out terror. For, however grand the illumination may ap* pear, it is attended, as I have learnt from the relation of many persons, with as much hissing, cracking, and tumult, as if the largest fire-works were playing off. To describe what they then hear, they make use. of the expression " spolochi, chodjat," that is, the raging heat is passing. The hunters who pursue the white and blue foxes in the confines of the icy sea, are often overtaken in their courses by these northern lights ; their dogs are then so much frightened, that they will not move, but lie obstinately on the ground till the noise has passed. Commonly clear and ADR [192 calm weather follows this kind of meteor. I have heard this account, not from one person only, but confirmed by the uniform testimony of many, who have spent part ot several years in these very northern regions, and inhabited different countries, from the Yenisei to the Lena; so that no doubt of its truth can remain. This seems, indeed, to be the real birth-place of the aurora borealis. It seems that meteors of this kind have appeared some- times more frequently than others. They were so rare in England, or else so little regarded, that none are recorded in our annals since that remarkable one of Nov. 14, 1574, till the surprising aurora borealis of March 6, 17l6, which appeared for three nights successively, but by far more strongly on the first ; except that five small ones were observed in the year 1707 and 1708. Hence it would seem, that the air, or earth, or both, are not at all times dis- posed to produce this phenomenon. 1 The extent of these appearances is also very great : that in March 17 16 was visible from the west of Ireland to the confines of Russia and the east of Poland, extending at least near 30 degrees of longitude, and from about the 50th degree in latitude, over almost all the north of Europe ; and in all places, at the same time, it exhibited the like wondrous appearances. Father Boscovich has determined the height of an aurora borealis, which was observed by the Marquis of Polini the 1 6th of December 1737, to have been S25 miles high ; and Bergman, from a mean of 30 computations, makes the average height of the aurora bo- realis amount to 70 Swedish, or 469 English miles. But Euler supposes the height to be several thousands of miles ; and Mairan also assigns to them a very elevated region. Many attempts have been made to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Dr. Halley imagines that the watery vapours, or effluvia, exceedingly rarefied by subterraneous fire, and tinged with sulphureous streams, which many na- turalists have supposed to be the cause of earthquakes, may also be the cause of this appearance; or that it is produced by a kind of subtile matter, freely pervading the pores of the earth, and which, entering into it nearer the southern pole, passes out again with a similar force into the sether, at the same distance from the northern. This subtile mat- ter, by becoming more dense, or having its velocity in- creased, may perhaps be capable of producing a small de- gree of light, after the manner of effluvia from electric bodies, which, by a strong and quick friction, emit light in the dark, to which sort of light this seems to have a great affinity. Philos. Trans. No. 347. See also Mr. Cotes's de- scription of this phenomenon, and his method of explain- ing it, by streams emitted from the heterogeneous and fer- menting vapours of the atmosphere, in Smith's Optics, p. 6'9; or my Philos. Trans. Abr. vol. 5, p. 477. The celebrated M. de Mairan, in an express treatise on the Aurora Borealis, published in 1731, supposes its cause to be the zodiacal light, which, according to him, is no other than the sun's atmosphere: this light happening, on some occasions, to meet the upper parts of our atmo- sphere about the limits where universal gravity begins to act more forcibly towards the earth than towards the sun, falls into our air to a greater or less depth, as its specific gravity is greater or less, compared with the air through which it passes. See Tract. Phys. et Hist, de 1'Aurore Bo- reale. Suite des Mcmoircs de l'Acad. R. des Scien. 1731. Also Philos. Trims. No. 433. However, Euler is of a different opinion: he does not think that the cause of the aurora borealis is owing to ] A U R the zodiacal light, as M. de Mairan supposes, but to parti- cles of our atmosphere, driven beyond its limits by the impulse of the solar light. And on this supposition he en- deavours to account for the phenomena observed concern- ing this light. He supposes the zodiacal light and the tails of comets to be owing to a similar cause. But from the period that the identity of lightning and the electric matter was determined, philosophers have been naturally led to seek for the explication of aerial meteors in the principles of electricity; and there is now no doubt but most of them, and especially the aurora borealis, are. electrical phenomena. Besides the more obvious and known appearances which constitute a resemblance be- tween this meteor and the electric matter by which light- ning is produced, it has been observed that the aurora oc- casions a very sensible fluctuation in the magnetic needle; and that when it has extended lower than usual in the at- mosphere, the flashes have been attended with various sounds of rushing and hissing, especially in Russia and the other more northern parts of Europe, as noticed by Sig. Beccaria and M. Messier. Mr. Canton, soon after he had obtained electricity from the clouds, offered a conjecture, that the aurora is occasioned by the flashing of electric fire from positive towards negative clouds at a great dis- tance, through the upper part of the atmosphere, where the resistance is least: and he supposes that the aurora which happens at the time when the magnetic needle is disturbed by the heat of the earth, is the electricity of the heated air above it; and this appears chiefly in the north- ern regions, as the alteration in the heat of the air in those parts is the greatest. Nor is this hypothesis improbable, when it is considered that electricity is the cause of thun- der and lightning; that it has been extracted from the air at the time of the aurora borealis; that the inhabitants of the northern countries observe it remarkably strong when a sudden thaw succeeds very cold severe weather; and that the tourmalin is known to emit and absorb the elec- tric fluid only by the increase or diminution of its heat. Positive and negative electricity in the air, with a proper quantity of moisture to serve as a conductor, will account for this and other meteors, sometimes seen in a serene sky. Mr. Canton has since contrived to exhibit this meteor by means of the Torricellian vacuum, in a glass tube about 3 feet long, and scaled hermetically. When one end of the tube is held in the hand, and the other applied to the con- ductor, the whole tube is illuminated from end to end, and continues luminous without interruption for a consider- able time after it has been removed from the conductor. If, after this, it be drawn through the hand either way, the light will be remarkably intense through the whole length of the tube; and though a great part of the electri- city be discharged by this operation, it still flashes at in- tervals, when held only at one extremity, and kept quite still; but if at the same time it be grasped by the other hand in a different place, strong flashes of light dart from one end to the other; and these continue 24 hours or more, without a fresh excitation. Sig. Beccaria conjectures that there is a constant and regular circulation of the electric fluid from north to south; and he thinks that the aurora, borealis may be this electric matter performing its circu- lation in such a state, of the atmosphere as renders it. vi- sible, or approaching nearer than usual to the earth : though probably this is not the mode of its operation, as the meteor is observed in the southern hemisphere with the same appearances as in the northern. Dr. Franklin A U R [ 'S3 ] A U T supposes, that the electric fire discharged into the polar regions, from many leagues of vaporised air raised from the ocean between the tropics, accounts for the aurora bo- realis; and that it appears first, where it is first in motion, namely, in the most northern part; and the appearance proceeds southward, though the fire really moves in the opposite direction. Franklin's Exper. and Obs. 1769, pa. 49. Philos. Trans, vol. 48, pa. 358, 7S4; lb. vol. 51, pa. 403. LetteredeH'Ellettricismo, pa. 269; or Priestley's Hist - of Electricity. See also an ingenious solution of this phe- nomenon, on the same principles, by Dr. Hamilton, in his Philos. Essays. Mr. Kirwan (in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, ann. 17SS), lias some ingenious re- marks on the aurora borealis et australis. He gives his reasons for supposing the rarefaction of the atmosphere in the polar regions to proceed from them, and these from a combustion of inflammable air caused by electricity. He observes, that after an aurora borealis the barometer commonly falls, and high winds from the south generally follow. To the same purpose it is observed by Mr. Wynn (Phil. Trans, vol. 73), that the appearance of an aurora borealis is a sure indication of a hard gale of wind from the south or south-west. This occurred without fail in 23 instances; and he thinks that the splendor of these phenomena will enable the. observer to form some judgement concerning the ensuing tempest. If the aurora is bright, the gale will come on within 24 hours, but will be of no long duration : if the light be faint and dull, the gale will be less violent, and longer in gathering, but will continue longer. His observations were made in the English Channel, where such winds are very dangerous; and, by attending to the aurora, he says, that he often escaped, when others were nearly shipwrecked. Observations of this kind would serve to lessen the dangers of navigation. M. Libes has suggested a new theory, in his Nouv. Diet, de Physique, which, it seems, is adopted by most of the northern philosophers. In his opinion, electric light is not the cause of the aurora borealis ; nor has electricity itself any further influence on their existence, than as it fixes the aeriform substances, whose combination occasions the meteor. This philosopher's theory is founded on the following principles: — 1. If we excite the electric spark in a mixture of azotic and oxygen gas, there will result nitric acid, or nitrous acid, or nitrous gas, according to the relation that subsists between the gases which compose the mixtur*. 2. Nitric acid, when exposed to the sun, assumes more colour and volatility. M. Libes placed a receiver over a salver containing nitric acid, and exposed to the action of the solar rays. Some minutes after, the acid appeared coloured, and the receiver filled with red and volatile va- pours, which were sustained in it a long while, and diffused a light similar to that of the aurora borealis. 3. In flasks which contain nitrous acid, a ruddy and volatile vapour is always perceived above the vapour. 4. Nitrous gas, in contact with atmospheric air, exhales ruddy vapours, which fly off into the atmosphere. 5. The hydrogen, which is disengaged from the earth's surface, rises, till it occupies, in the higher regions of the atmosphere, a place determined by its specific gravity. 6. The solar heat has very little activity in the polar regions. These several principles rest on observations and expe- riments made with great exactness, and most of them too Vol. I. well known to need being here described. Now it is plain, from a simple combination of these tacts, 1st, that the pro- duction of hydrogen must be next to nothing in the polar regions; 2dly, that the higher regions of the polar atmo- sphere contain very little if any hydrogen ; 3dly, that when- ever there is a re-establishment of equilibrium of the elec- tric fluid in the polar atmosphere, this fluid can only find in its passage a mixture of azot and oxygen; 4 thly, that the electric spark ought to fix and combine these gaseous substances; 5thly, that from this combination must result a production of nitrous acid, or of nitric acid, or of ni- trous gas, according to the relation subsisting between the oxygen and azot, that constitute the mixture; 6'thly, that the production of either of those acids, or of the gas, will give birth to red and volatile vapours, whose elevation in the atmosphere will form the meteor known by the name of the aurora borealis. After removing some general ob- jections to these preliminary notions, M. Libes then ap- plies them to the phenomena as generally observed of that meteor. AURUM Fulminans, a preparation from gold, which being thrown into the fire, it explodes with a violent noise like thunder. The matter is produced by dissolving gold in aqua regia, and precipitating the solution by oil of tar- tar per deliquium, or volatile spirit of sal ammoniac. The powder being washed in warm water, and dried to the con- sistence of a paste, is afterwards formed into small grains of the size of hempseed. It is inflammable, not only by fire, but also by a gentle warmth ; and gives a report much louder than that of gun- powder. A single grain laid on the point of a knife, and lighted at a candle, explodes with a greater report than a musquet: and a scruple of this powder, it is said, acts more loudly than half a pound of gunpowder ; and yet it is said that, by mixture, it does not increase the elastic force of fired gunpowder. Dr. Black attributes the increase of weight, and also the explosive property of this powder, to adhering fixable air. — This is a very dangerous prepa- ration, and should be used with great caution. AUSTRAL, the same with Southern. Thus, Austral signs, are the last 6 signs of the zodiac; and are so called because they are on the south side of the equinoctial. AUSTRALIS Corona. See Corona Australis. AusxaALis Piscis, the Southern Fish, is a constella- tion of the southern hemisphere. See Piscis Australis. AUSTRIACASydeua, in Astronomy, a name ascribed by Maupertuis to the spots in the sun, as supposing them to be small stars between the sun and us. AUTOLYCUS, a Greek mathematician and astrono- mer, of Pitane, in /Eolia, who flourished a*bout 320 years before Christ. He was preceptor in mathematics to Ar- cesilaus, who was also a disciple of Theophrastus, the suc- cessor of Aristotle. That he was eminent in mathematical learning, appears from two of his works that are extant; viz, a treatise On the Moveable Sphere, published by Dasypodius, in Greek and Latin, Svo, at Strasburg, in 1572; and in a Latin translation in the Synopsis Ma- thematica of Merscnnus, published in 4to, at Paris, in l6'42 ; and also a treatise On the Rising and Setting of the Stars, edited with the former work by DasypouUis. Diog. Laert. Vit. Arcesil. Fabr. Bib. Grasc. toni. 2, p. 89. Montucla Hist. Mathem. 1 torn. p. 192. AUTOMATON, a seemingly self-moving machine ; or one so constructed, by means of weights, levers, pulleys, springs, &c, as to move for a considerable time as it it 2C A U T C W ] A U T were endued with animal life. And according to this de- scription, clocks, watches, and all machines of that kind are automatons. It is said, that Archytas of Tarentum, 400 years before Christ, made a wooden pigeon that could fly ; that Archi- medes also made such-like automatons; that Regiomonta- nus made a wooden eagle that flew forth from the city, met the emperor, saluted him, and returned; also, that he made an iron fly, which flew out of his hand at a feast, and returned again after flying about the room; that Dr. Hooke made the model of a flying chariot, capable of sup- porting itself in the air. Many other surprising automa- tons we have been eye-witnesses of, in the present age : thus, we have seen figures that could write, and perform many other actions in imitation of animals: M. Vaucan- son made a figure that played on the flute; the same gen- tleman also made a duck, which was capable of eating, drinking, and imitating exactly the voice of a natural one; and, what is still more surprising, the food it swallowed was evacuated in a digested state, or considerably altered on the principles of solution ; also the wings, viscera, and bones, were formed so as strongly to resemble those of a living duck; and the actions of eating and drinking showed the strongest resemblance, even to the muddling the water with its bill. M. Le Droz of la Chaux de Fonds, in the province of Neufcfratel, has also executed some very cu- rious pieces of mechanism ; one was a clock, presented to the king of Spain, which had, among other curiosities, a sheep that imitated the bleating of a natural one; and a dog watching a basket of fruit, that barked and snarled when any one offered to take it away; besides a variety of human figures, exhibiting motions truly surprising. But all these seem to be inferior to M. Kempell's chess-player, which may truly be considered as the greatest master- piece in mechanics that ever appeared in the world. " So it certainly would have been," said my esteemed friend, Thos. Collinson, esq. (nephew of the late ingenious Peter Collinson, esq, F. R. S.) had its scientific movements de- pended merely on mechanism. " Being slightly acquaint- ed with M. Kempell when he exhibited his chess-playing figure in London, I called on him about five years since at his house at Vienna (another gentleman and myself be- ing then on a tour on the continent). The baron (for I think he is such) showed me some working models which he had lately made — among them an improvement on Arkwright's cotton-mill, and also one which he thought an improvement on Boulton and Watt's last steam-engine. I asked him after a piece of speaking mechanism which he had shown me when in London. It spoke as before, and I gave the same word as I gave when I first saw it, Exploitation, which it distinctly pronounced with the French accent. But 1 particularly noticed, that not a word passed about the chess-player; and of course I did not ask to sec it. In the progress of the tour I came to Dresden, where, becoming acquainted with Mr. Eden, our envoy there, by means of a letter given me by his brother, lord Auckland, who was ambassador when I was at Madrid, he obligingly accompanied me in seeing several things worthy of attention. And he intro- duced iny companion and myself to a gentleman of rank and talents, named Joseph Freidrick Freyherc, who seems completely to have discovered the vitality and soul of the chess-playing figure. This gentleman courteously pre- sented me with a treatise lie had published, dated at Dres- den, Sept. 30, 1789, explaining its principles, accompanied with curious plates neatly coloured. This treatise is in the German language ; and 1 hope soon to get a translation of it. A well-taught boy, very thin and small of his age (suffi- ciently so that he could be concealed in a drawer almost immediately under the chess-board,) agitated the whole. Even after this abatement of its being strictly an automa- ton, much ingenuity remains to the contriver. — This dis- covery at Dresden accounts for the silence about it at Vienna; for I understand, by Mr. Eden, that Mr. Freyhere had sent a copy to Baron Kempell : though he seems un- willing to acknowledge that Mr. F. has completely ana- lysed the whole. " I know that long and uninteresting letters are formi- dable things to men who know the value of time and sci- ence ; but as this happens to be upon the subject, forgive me for adding one very admirable piece of mechanism to those you have touched upon. When at Geueva, I called upon Droz, son of the original Droz of la Chaux de Fonds, where I also was. He showed me an oval gold snuff- box, about (if I recollect right) 4 inches and a half long, by 3 inches broad, and about an inch and a half thick. It was double, having an horizontal partition ; so that it may be considered as one box placed on another, with a lid, of course, to each box : one contained snuff — in the other, as soon as the lid was opened, there rose up a very small bird, of green enamelled gold, sitting on a gold stand. Im- mediately this minute curiosity wagged its tail, shook its- wings, opened its bill of white enamelled gold, and poured forth, minute as it was (being only three quarters of an inch from the beak to the extremity of the tail) such a. clear melodious song, as would have filled a room of 20 or 30 feet square with its harmony. Droz agreed to meet me at Florence ; and we visited the Abb6 Fontana toge- ther. He afterwards joined me at Rome, and exhibited his bird to the pope and the cardinals in the Vatican pa- lace, to the admiration, I may say, to the astonishment, of all who saw and heard it." Another extract from a second letter on the same sub- ject, by Mr. Collinson, is as follows: " Permit me to speak of another automaton of Droz's, which several years since he exhibited in England ; and which, from my personal acquaintance, 1 had a commodious opportunity of parti- cularly examining. It was a figure of a man, I think, the size of life. It held in its hand a metal style ; a card of Dutch vellum being laid under it. A spring was touched, which released the internal clock-work from its stop, when the figure immediately began to draw. Mr. Droz, happening once to be sent for in a great hurry to wait upon some considerable personage at the west end of the town, left me in possession of the keys, which opened the recesses of all his machinery. He opened the drawing- master himself, wound it up, explained its leading parts, and taught me how to make it obey my requirings, as it had obeyed his own: Droz then went away. After the first card was finished, the figure rested. I put a second; and so on, to five separate cards, all different subjects; but five or six was the ex lent of its delineating powers. The fust card contained, I may truly say, elegant portraits and like- nesses of the king and queen, facing each other; and it was curious to observe with what precision the figure lifted up his pencil, in the transition of it from one point of the draft to another, without making the least slur whatever : for instance, in passing from the forehead to the eye, nose, and chin; or from the waving curls of the hair to the ear, &C. 1 have the cards now by me, &c, &C,'" A X I [ 195 ] A X I To the preceding account of such surprising accounts of automata, may be added, that we have lately seen ex- hibited at Springs-Gardens, in London, by a Mr. Maliar- det, similar and other such mechanical contrivances; viz, the singing-bird, and the figure of a young man that wrote many words and lines, and drew very neatly several figures as above described. There were also several others, equally curious; as a tumbling figure, which performed surprising evolutions about a horizontal, wire; also a spider resem- bling a living one, and which crept all over the table; and the musical lady, being one that much resembled life, by its motions and respirations, &c, and naturally per- forming some fine pieces on the piano-forte, &c. AUTUMN, the third season of the year, when the har- vest and fruits are gathered in. This begins at the de- scending equinox, which, in the northern hemisphere, is when the sun enters the sign Libra, or about the 22d day of September; and it ends, when winter commences, about the same day in December. Autumnal, something belonging to autumn. Thus, Autumnal Equinox, the time when the sun enters the descending point of the ecliptic, where it crosses the equi- noctial ; and is so called, because the nights and days are then equal. Autumnal Point, the point of the ecliptic answering to the autumnal equinox. Autumnal Signs, are the signs Libra, Scorpio, Sagit- tary, through which the sun passes during the autumn. AUZOUT, or Azout, (Adrian), a French mathemati- cian of the 17th century, and one of the earliest members of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, was born at Rouen, and died in l6§3. Some have ascribed to him the honour of having invented the micrometer; but he is more justly entitled to the praise of having contributed to the improve- ment of it, in pursuance of the ideas suggested by M. Huygens, and the Marquis of Malvasia. He published a treatise on this subject in 1667, which was afterwards in- serted in the Memoirs of the Academy for 1693, torn. 6, Auzout was also concerned with M. Picard in the impor- tant discovery of the method of applying the telescope to the quadrant, which has been highly useful to astrono- mers. He published An Ephemeris of the Comet of 1665 ; also, A Letter to the Abbe Charles on the Observations of Campani, in 1665; and some Remarks on the Machine of Hooke, mentioned in the article Automaton. These two last pieces are also contained in the 6th volume of the Memoirs of the Academy. Montucla, Hist. Mathem. torn. 2, p. 569 — 572. AXIOM, a self-evident truth, or a proposition immedi- ately assented to, when the terms of it are properly un- derstood. Such as, that the whole is greater than its part; that a thing cannot be and not beat the same time; and that any whole is equal to all its parts taken together. Some axioms are in effect, strictly speaking, no other than identical propositions. Thus, to say that all right angles are equal to each other, is as much as to say, all right angles are right angles; such equality being implied in the very definition, or the very name or term itself. Axiom is also an established principle in some art or science. Thus, it is an axiom in physics, that nature does nothing in vain ; that effects are proportional to their causes ; &c. It is an axiom in geometry, that two things equal to the same thing, are also equal to each other; that if to two equal things equals be added, the sums will be equal. And it is an axiom in optics, that the angle of in- cidence is equal to the angle of reflection. In this sense also the general laws of motion are called axioms; as, that all motion is rectilinear, that action and reaction are equal, &c. These particular axioms, it may be observed, do not however immediately arise from any first notions or ideas, but are deduced from certain hypotheses ; this is particu- larly observed in physical matters, wherein, as several ex- periments contribute to make one hypothesis, so several hypotheses contribute to one axiom. The axioms of Euclid are general propositions ; and so are the axioms of the Newtonian philosophy; but these two kinds of axioms have very different origins. The former appear true upon a bare contemplation of our ideas; whereas the latter are the result of the most labo- rious induction ; and therefore " ought not," as Lord Ba- con says, " to be admitted upon conjecture or even upon the authority of the learned ; but as they are the general principles and grounds of all learning, they should be can- vassed and examined with the most scrupulous attention." AXE or AXIS, in Geometry, the straight line in a plane figure, about which it revolves, to produce or gene- rate a solid. Thus, if a semicircle be moved round its dia- meter at rest, it will generate a sphere, whose axis is that diameter. And if a right-angled triangle be turned about its perpendicular at rest, it will describe a cone, whose axis is that perpendicular. Axis is yet more generally used for a right line con- ceived to be drawn from the vertex of a figure'to the mid- dle of the base. So the Axis of a circle or sphere, is any line drawn through the centre, and terminated at the circumference, on both sides. Axis of a cone, is the line from the vertex to the centre of the base. Axis of a cylinder, is the line from the centre of the one end to that of the other. Axis of a conic section, is the line from the principal vertex, or vertices, perpendicular to the tangent at that point. The ellipsis and hyperbola have each two axes, which are finite and perpendicular to each other; but the parabola has only one, and that infinite in length. Transverse Axis, in the Ellipse and Hyperbola, is the diameter passing through the two foci, and the two princi- pal vertices of the figure. In the hyperbola it is the shortest diameter, but in the ellipse it is the longest. Conjugate Axis, or Second Axis, in the Ellipse and Hy- perbola, is the diameter passing through the centre, and perpendicular to the transverse axis ; and is the shortest of all the diameters, as the transverse axis is the longest. Axis, of a curve line, is still more generally used for that diameter which has its ordinates at right angles to it, when that is possible. For, like as in the conic sections, any diameter bisects all its parallel ordinates, making the two parts of them on both sides of it equal; and that dia- meter which has such ordinates perpendicular to it, is an Axis : So, in curves of the second order, if there be any two parallel lines each meeting the curve in three points ; the right line which cuts these two parallels so, that the sum of the two parts on one side of the cutting line, be- tween it and the curve, is equal to the third part termi- nated by the curve on the other side, then the said line will in like manner cut all other parallels to the former two lines, viz, so that, of every one of them, the sum of the two parts, or ordinates, on one side, will be equal to the 2C2 A X I [ 196 ] A X I third part or ordinate on the other side. Such cutting line then is a diameter; and that diameter whose parallel ordinates are at right angles to it, when possible, is an Axis. And the same for ether curves of still higher or- der's, Newton, Enumeratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis, sect. 2, art. I. Axis, in Astronomy. As the Axis of the world, is an imaginary right line conceived to pass through the centre of the earth, and terminating at each end in the surface of the mundane sphere. About this line, as an axis, the sphere, in the Ptolemaic system, is supposed daily to re- volve. Axis of the Earth, is the line connecting its two poles, and about which the earth performs its diurnal rotation, from west to east. This is a part of the axis of the world, and always remains parallel to itself during the motion of the earth in its orbit about the sun, and perpendicular to the plane of the equator. Axis of a Planet, is the line passing through its centre, and about which the planet revolves. — The Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus, it is known from obser- vation, move about their several axes ; and the like mo- tion is easily inferred of the other three, Mercury, Sa- turn, and the Georgian planet. Axis of the Horizon, Equator, Ecliptic, Zodiac, &c, are right lines passing through the centres of those circles, perpendicular to their planes. Axis of a Magnet, or Magnetical Axis, is a line pass- ing through the middle of a magnet, lengthwise; in such manner, that however the magnet be divided, provided the division be made according to a plane passing through that line, the magnet will then be cut into two loadstones. And the extremities of such lines are called the poles of the stone. Ax*is, in Mechanics. — The axis of a balance, is the line upon which it moves or turns. Axis of Rotation, of any solid, is'the line about which the body really revolves, when it is put in motion. The impulse given to a homogeneous sphere, in a direction which does not pass through its centre, will cause it to re- volve constantly round the diameter, which is perpendicu- lar to a plane passing through its centre, and the line of direction of the impressed force. New forces acting on all its parts, and of which the result passes through its centre, will not change the parallelism of its axis of rota- tion. Thus it is that the axis of the earth remains always nearly parallel to itself, in its revolution round the sun, without its being necessary to suppose, with Copernicus, an annual motion of the poles of the earth round those of the ecliptic. If the body possess a certain figure, its axis of rotation may change every instant. The determination of these changes, whatever may be the forces acting on the bodies, is one of the most interesting problems of mecha- nics, respecting hard bodies, on account of its connexion with the precession of the equinoxes, and the libration of the moon. The solution of this problem has led to a cu- . rious and very useful result, namely, that in all bodies there exist three axes perpendicular to each other, round which the body may turn uniformly when not solicited by external forces. On this account these axes are properly called the three principal axes of rotation. Axis of Oscillation, is a line parallel to the horizon, passing through the centre, about which a pendulum vi- brates, and perpendicular to the plane in which it oscil- lates. Axis in Peritrochio, or Wheel and axle, is one of ther five mechanical powers, or simple machines; contrived chiefly for the raising of weights to a considerable height, as water from a well, &c. This machine con- sists of a circle ab, concentric with the base of a cylinder, and moveable together with it about its axis cd. This cylinder is called the axis; and the cir- cle, the peritrochium; and the radii, or spokes, which are sometimes fitted immediately into the cylinder, without any circle, the scytalas. About the axis winds a rope, or chain, by means of which great weights are raised by turning the wheel. — The axis in pe- ritrochio takes place in the motion of every machine, in which a circle may be conceived as described about a fixed axis, concentric with the plane of a cylinder about which it is placed; as in Crane-wheels, Mill-wheels, Cap- stans, &c. — The chief properties of the Axis-in-peritrochio, are as follow : 1. If the power f applied in the direction af a tangent to the circumference, or perpendicular to the spoke, be to a weight E, as the radius of the axis c e is to the radius of the wheel ad, or the length of the spoke; the power will just sustain the weight; that is, the power and the weight will be in equilibrio, when they are' in the reciprocal pro- portion of their distance from the centre. 2. When the wheel moves, with the power and weight ; the velocities, of their motion, and the spaces passed over by them, will be both in the same proportion as above, namely, directly proportional to their distances from the centre, and reciprocally proportional to their own weights when they are in equilibrio. 3. A power and a weight being given, to construct an axis-in-peritrochio, by which it shall be sustained and raised. Let the axis be taken large enough to support the weight and power without breaking: then, as the weight is to the power, so make the radius of the wheel to the ra- dius of the axis. Hence, if the power be very small in respect of the weight, the radius of the wheel will be vastly great. For example, suppose the weight 4050, and the power 50; then the radius of the wheel will be SI times that of the axis ; which would be a very inconvenient size. But this inconvenience is obviated by increasing the number of the wheels and axes; making One to turn another, by means of teeth and pinions. And to find the effect of a number of wheels and axes, thus turning one another, multiply together, all the radii of the axes, and all the radii of the wheels, and then it will be, as the pro- duct of the former is to the product of the latter, so is the power to the weight. So, if there be 4 wheels and axes, the radius of each axis being 1 foot, and the radius of each wheel 3 feet; then the continual product of all the wheels is 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 or 81 feet, and that of the axis only 1 ; therefore the effect is as 81 to 1, or the weight is 81 times the power. And, on the contrary, if it be required to find the diameter of each of four equal wheels, by which a weight of 40501b shall be balanced by a power of 50lb, the diameter of each axis being 1 foot: dividing 4050 by 50, the quotient is 81, extract the 4th root of 81, or twice A Z I [ 197 ] A Z O the square root, and it will give 3, for the diameter of the lotir wheels sought. Axis of a vessel, is that quiescent right line passing through the middle of it, perpendicular to its base, and equally distant from its sides. Axis, in Optics. — Optic axis, or zimeil axis, is a ray passing through the centre of the eye, or falling perpendi- cularly on the eye. Axis of a lens, or glass, is the axis of the solid of which the lens is a segment. Or the axis of a glass, is- the line joining the two vertices or middle points of the two oppo- site surfaces of the glass. Axis of Incidence, in Dioptrics, is the line passing through the point of incidence, perpendicularly to the re- fracting surface. Axis of Refraction, is the line continued from the point of incidence or refraction, perpendicularly to the refract- ing surface, along the farther medium. AZIMUTH, of the sun, or star, &c, is an arch of the horizon, intercepted between the meridian of the place, and the azimuth or vertical circle passing through the sun or star; and is equal to the angle at the zenith formed by the said meridian and vertical circle. Or it is the com- plement to the eastern or western amplitude. — The azi- muth is thus found by trigonometry; As radius is to the tangent of the latitude, So is the tangent of the altitude of the sun or star, To the cosine of the azimuth from the south, at the time of the equinox. Azimuth, magnetical, an arch of the horizon contained between the magnetical meridian, and the azimuth or ver- tical circle of the object; or its apparent distance trom the north or south point of the compass. This is found by observing the sun, or star, &c, with an azimuth com- pass, when it is 10 or 15 degrees high, either before or after noon. Azimuth Compass, an instrument for finding either the magnetical azimuth or amplitude of a celestial object. The description and use of this instrument, see under the article Compass. Azimuth Dial, a dial whose stile or gnomon is per- pendicular to the plane of the horizon. Azimuth, or Vertical Circles, are great circles of the sphere-intersecting each other in the zenith and nadir, and cutting the horizon at right angles. — These azimuths are represented by the rhumbs on common sea charts; and on the globfe by the quadrant of altitude, when screwed in the zenith. On these azimuths is counted the height of the sun, or stars, &c, when out of the meridian. AZOTIC GAS, the same as the phlogisticated air of Scheele and Priestley, or the mephitic air of Lavoisier, or ' the nitrogen gas of Chaptal, and some other French che- mists. This gas was discovered in 1772, by Dr. Ruther- ford of Edinburgh ; and many of its properties were ascer- tained by Cavendish, Kirwan, and Priestley. It is nearly of the same specific gravity as common air, or perhaps a very little heavier, being indeed only atmospheric air deprived of its oxygen ; and hence its noxious quality of presently extinguishing flame and animal life ; as in unused wells or cellars, and close places of stagnant air. B. B A C TJ ACK-Staff, an instrument formerly used for taking -* J the sun's altitude at sea; being so called because the back of the observer was turned towards the sun when he made the observation, ft was sometimes called Davis's quadrant, from its inventor Captain John Davis, a Welch- man, and a celebrated navigator, who produced it about the year 1590. This instrument consists of two concentric arches of box-wood, and three vanes : the arch of the longer radius B AC is of 30 degrees, and the other of 60 degrees, making be- tween them 90 degrees, 6r a quadrant: also the vane a at the centre is called the horizon-vane, that on the arch of 60" at B the shade- vane, and that on the other arch at c the sight-vane. To use the Back-Staff. — The shade-vane is to be set' upon the 60 arch, at an even degree with some latitude, less by 10 or 15 degrees than the complement of the sun's altitude is judged to be; also the horizon-vane be- ing put on at a, and the sight-vane on the 30 arch fg, the observer then turns his back to the sun, lifts up the instrument^ and looks through the sight-vane, raising or falling the quadrant, till the shadow of the upper edge of the shade-vane fall on the upper edge of the slit in the horizon-vane ; and then if he can see the horizon through the said slit, the observation is exact, and the vanes are rightly adjusted : But if the sea appear instead of the ho- rizon, the sight-vane must be moved downward towards f; or if the sky appear, it must be moved upward to- wards g; thus trying till it comes right : the observer next examines how many degrees and minutes are cut by that edge of the sight-vane that answers to the sight-hole, and to them he adds the degrees cut by the upper edge of the shade vane ; the sum of which is the sun's distance from the zenith, or the complement of his altitude; that is, of his upper limb when the superior end of the shade-vane is used in the observation, or of his lower limb when the lower part of that vane is used ; therefore in the former case add l6 minutes, the sun's semidiameter, and subtract B A C C 198 ] B A C 16 minutes in the latter case, to give the zenith distance or co-altitude of the sun's centre. Mr. f'lamsteed contrived a glass lens, or double convex, to be placed in the middle of the shade-vane, which throws a small bright spot on the slit of the horizon-yane, instead of the shade ; which is a great improvement, if the glass be truly made ; for by this means, the instrument may be used in hazy weather, and a much more accurate observation made at all times. BACON (Roger), a celebrated English monk of the Franciscan order, was born near Ilchester in Somerset- shire, in the year 1214. He commenced his studies at Oxford ; whence he removed to the university of Paris, which at that time was esteemed the centre of learning; and where it appears he made such progress in the sci- ences, that he was esteemed the glory of that university, and was there greatly caressed by several of his country- men, particularly by Robert Groothead or Grouthead, af- terwards bishop of Lincoln, his great friend and patron. Having taken the degree of doctor of divinity, he returned to England in 1 240, and took the habit of the Franciscan order, being then about 2f) years of age; but according to some he became a monk before he left France. He now pursued his favourite study of experimental philosophy with unremitting ardour and assiduity. In this pursuit, in experiments, he informs us he spent, in the course of 20 years, no less than 2000/. in the purchase of instru- ments and scarce bsoks, an amazing sum in those days, but which was generously furnished him by some of the heads of the university, to enable him the better to pur- sue his noble researches. By such extraordinary talents and rapid progress in the sciences, which in that ignorant age were so little known to the rest of mankind, while they raised the admiration of the more intelligent few, could not fail to excite the envy of his illiterate fraternity, whose malice against him was the more inflamed by the freedom with which he treated the clergy in his writings, in which he spared neither their ignorance nor their immorality : these therefore found no difficulty in possessing the vulgar with the notion of Bacon's communication with evil spi- rits. Under this pretence he was restrained from reading lectures to the young students in the university, and at length so closely confined as to be debarred from all in- tercourse with his friends, and from receiving a necessary supply of food. These efforts of malevolence and cruelty, whatever might have been the real or pretended causes from which they originated, could not however deprive this great man of the esteem and respect to which his di- stinguished talents and character entitled him. Such was the high opinion entertained by the cardinal bishop of Sa- bina, who was the pope's legate in England, of his genius and merit, that he requested from him a complete copy of all his works. As he. was restrained, by the prohibition of his own fraternity, from communicating any of his works to any person whatever, he at first declined complying with the cardinal's request ; but as soon as he heard that the cardinal-legate was raised to the pontifical dignity, under the name of Clement iv, he signified to him by let- ter his readiness to perform what his holiness had desired ; and the pope assured him of protection against any inter- ference of his own order. Bacon immediately began to collect, arrange, and improve the pieces he had already written : and having digested them into one volume, under the title of" Opus Majlis" (the greater work,) lie sent it to the pope in the year 1267, by a special messenger, whose name was John of Paris, and who was his own favourite disciple. This John of Paris was a poor boy, of promi- sing talents, taken by Bacon under his tuition, in order to try by experience the efficacy of his -peculiar mode of in- struction; and as the result of it he observes, " that there was no room to conceive any high notions of the Perfection of human wisdom, when it was possible in a year'* time to teach a young man all that, with the utmost industry and application, a zealous inquirer after knowledge was able either to attain or discover in the space of 20 or even 40 years. The pope was so gratified with the present of this learned work, that it procured for Bacon extraordinary- favour and encouragement in his studies. With the life of the enlightened and liberal Clement iv, terminated the tranquillity of this philosopher ; for. under the pontificate of Nicholas in, and with the sanction of his authority, Jerom de Esculo, or de Ascoli, general of the Franciscan order, prohibited the reading of his works, and sentenced him to imprisonment. The pretended cause of this severity has been sought by some writers in certain tracts of Bacon on necromancy, astrology, and alchemy; but the true reason was most probably that dread of inno- vation, which Bacon's improvements in science caused in the minds of bigoted or interested persons. Bacon con- tinued in prison 10 years; but on the accession of Jerom de Esculo to the papal see, under the name of Nicholas iv, he attempted to conciliate the favour of the pope, by presenting to him a treatise " On the means of avoiding the infirmities of old age." What effect this had on the pope does not appear; it did not at least produce an im- mediate discharge : however, towards the latter end of his reign, by the interposition of some noblemen, Bacon ob- tained his liberty ; and afterwards spent the remainder of his life in the college of his order, where he died in the year 1294, at 80 years of age, and was buried in the Franciscan church. Such are the few particulars which the most diligent researches have been able to discover concerning the life of this very extraordinary man. Bacon's printed works are, 1. Epistola Fratris Rogeri Baconis de Secrctis Operibus Artis et Natura;, et de Nul- litate Magia: Paris, 1542, in 4to. Basil, 1593, in 8vo. 2. Opus Majus; London, 1733, in fol. -published by Dr. Jebb. 3. Thesaurus Chemicus ; Francf. l603 and l620. These printed works of Bacon contain a number of essays, which have been considered as distinct books in the cata- logue of his writings by Bale, Pitts, &c ; but there remain also in different libraries several manuscripts not yet pub- lished. By an attentive perusal of his works, the reader is asto- nished to find that this great luminary of the 13th century was deeply skilled in all the arts and sciences, and in many of them had made the most important inventions and dis- coveries. He was, says Dr. Peter Shaw, beyond all com- parison the greatest man of his time, and he might per- haps stand in competition with the greatest that have ap- peared since. It is wonderful, considering the ignorant age in which he lived, how he came by such a depth of knowledge on all subjects. His writings are composed with that elegance, conciseness, and strength, and adorned with such just and exquisite observations on nature, that, among all the chemists, we do not know his equal. In his chemical writings, he attempts to show how imperfect metals may be ripened into perfect ones ; making, with Geber, mercury the common basis of all metals, and sul- phur the cement. BAG [ 199 ] B A C His other physical writings show no less genius and force of mind. In his. treatise Of the Secret Works of Art and Nature, he shows that a person perfectly acquainted with the manner observed by nature in her operations, would be able to rival, and even to surpass her. In another piece, Of the Nullity of Magic, he shows with great sagacity and penetration, whence the notion of it sprang, and how weak all pretences to it are. From a perusal of his works, adds the same author, we find Bacon was no stranger to many of the principal discoveries of the present and past ages. The ingredients and effects of gunpowder he was doubtless acquainted with ; and thunder and lightniflg, he tells us, may be produced by art ; for though sulphur, nitre, and charcoal, when separate have no sensible effect, yet when mixed together in due proportion, and closely confined, and fired, they yield a loud report. A more precise de- scription of gunpowder cannot be given in words. He also mentions a sort of unextinguishable fire prepared by art; which shows he was not unacquainted with phosphorus: and that he had some 'notion of the rarefaction of the air, and the structure of an air-pump, is past contradiction. He was the miracle, says Dr. Friend, of the age he lived in, and the greatest genius, perhaps, for mechanical know- ledge, that ever appeared in the world since Archimedes. He appears also to have been master of the whole science of optics : he has accurately described the uses of reading- glasses, and shown the way of making them. Dr. Friend adds, that he also describes the camera obscura, and all sorts of glasses, which, magnify or diminish any object, or bring it nearer to the eye, or remove it farther off. Bacon says himself, that he had great numbers of burning-glasses : and that there were none ever in use among the Latins, till his friend Peter de Mahara Curia applied himself to the making of them. That the telescope was not unknown to him, appears from a passage where he says, that he was able to form glasses in such a manner, with respect to our sight and the objects, that the rays shall be refracted and reflected wherever we please, so that we may see a thing under what angle we think proper, either near or at a di- stance, and be able to read the smallest letters at an incre- dible distance, and to count the dust and sand from the greatness of the angle under which we see the objects; and also that we shall scarce see the greatest bodies near us, on account of the smallness of the angle under which we view them. His skill in astronomy was also very great: he discovered that error which occasioned the reformation of the calendar; one of the greatest efforts, according to Dr. Jebb, of human industry : and his plan for correcting it was followed by pope Gregory xm, with this varia- tion, that Bacon would have had the correction to begin from the birth of our Saviour, whereas Gregory's amend- ment reaches no higher than the Nicene council. BACON (Francis), baron of Verulam, viscount of St. Albans, and lord high chancellor of England under king James I. He was born in 1560, being son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, lord keeper of the great seal in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Anne daughter of Sir Anthony Cook, emi- nent for her skill in the Latin and Greek languages. He gave even in his infancy tokens of what he would one day become; and Queen Elizabeth had many times occasion to admire his wit and talents, and used to call him her young lord keeper. He studied the philosophy of Aris- totle at Cambridge; where he made such progress in ge- neral literature, that at 16 years of age he had run through the whole circle ol the liberal arts as they were then taught, and even began to perceive those imperfections in the reign- ing philosophy which he afterwards so effectually exposed, and thence not only overcame that tyranny which checked the progress of true knowledge, but laid the foundation of ' that free and useful philosophy which has since opened a way to so many glorious discoveries. On his leaving the university, his father sent him to France; where, before he was 19 years of age, he wrote a general view of the state of Europe : but his father dying, he was obliged suddenly to return to England; where he applied himself to the study of the common law, at Gray's-inn. His merit at length raised him to the highest dignities in his profession, namely, those of attorney-general, and lonl-high-chancel- lor. But being of an easy and liberal disposition, his ser- vants took advantage of that temper, and of their situation under him, by accepting presents in the line of-his profes- sion. Being abandoned by the king, he was tried by the house of lords, for bribery and corruption, and by them sentenced to pa}' a fine of 40,000/, and to remain prisoner in the Tower during the king's pleasure. The king how- ever soon after remitted the fine and punishment: but his misfortunes had given him a distaste for public affairs, and he afterwards mostly lived a retired life, closely pursuing his philosophical studies and amusements, during which time he composed the greatest part of his English and La- tin works. Though even in the midst of his honours and employments he forgot not his philosophy, but in l6"20 published his great work Novum Organum. After some years spent in his philosophical retirement, he died in 1626, being 66 years of age. The chancellor Bacon is one of those extraordinary geniuses who have contributed most to the advancement of the sciences. He clearly perceived the imperfection of the school philosophy, and pointed out the only means of reforming it, by proceeding in the opposite way, from ex- periments to the discovery of the laws of nature. Addison has said of him, That he had the sound, distinct, compre- hensive knowledge of Aristotle, with all the beautiful light graces and embellishments of Cicero. Mr. Walpole calls him the Prophet of Arts, which Newton was afterwards to develope ; and adds, that his genius and his works will be universally admired as long as science exists. He did not yet, said another great man, understand nature, but he knew and pointed out all the ways that lead to her. He very early despised all that the universities called phi- losophy; and used every exertion in his power that they should not disgrace her by their quiddities, their horrors of a vacuum, their substantial forms, and such-like im- pertinencies. He composed two works for perfecting the sciences. The former On the Dignity and Augmentation of the Sci-" ences. In this he shows the state in which they then were, and points out what remains to be discovered for perfect- ing them ; condemning the method employed by Aristotle, of reversing the natural order of things. He here also proposes his celebrated division of the sciences. To remedy the faults of the common logic, Bacon com- posed his second work, the New Organ of Sciences, above mentioned. He. here teaches a new logic, the chief end , of which is to show how to make a good inference, as that of Aristotle's is to make a syllogism. Bacon was 18 years in composing this work, and he always esteemed it as the chief of his compositions. The pains which Bacon bestowed on the sciences in ge- neral, prevented him from making any considerable appli- B A I [ 800 ] B A I cations to any one in particular: and as ho knew that na- tural philosophy is the foundation of all the other sciences, he chiefly endeavoured to give perfection to it. He there- fore proposed to establish a new system of physics, reject- ing the doubtful principles of the ancients. For this pur- pose he took the resolution of composing every month a treatise on some branch of physics ; and accordingly be- gan with that of the winds ; after which he gave that of heat ; next that of motion ; and lastly that of life and death. But as it was impossible that one man alone could so compose the whole circle of sciences with the same pre- cision-after having given these patterns, to serve as a mo- del for those who might choose to labour on his principles, he contented himself with tracing in a few words the de- sign of four other tracts, and with furnishing the materials, in" his Silva Silvarum, where he has amassed a vast num- ber of experiments, to serve as a foundation for his new physics. In fact, no one before Bacon understood any thing of the experimental philosophy; and of all the physical experiments which have been made since his time, there is scarcely one that is not pointed out in his works. This great precursor of philosophy was also an elegant writer, an historian, and a wit. His moral essays are va- luable, but are formed more to instruct than to please. There are also many excellent things in his work On the Wisdom of the Ancients, in which he has moralized the ' fables which formed the theology of the Greeks and Ro- mans. He wrote also The History of Henry the 7th king of England, by which it appears that he was no Jess a great politician than a great philosopher. Bacon had also some other writings, published at diffe- rent times; the whole of which were collected together, and published at Frankfort, in the year l665, in a large folio volume, with an introduction concerning his life and writings. Another edition of his works was also publish- ed at London in 1740; the enumeration of which is as below : 1. De Uignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum. 2. Novum Organum Scientiarum, -sive Judicia vera de Interpretatione Naturae; cum Parasceve ad Historiam Naturalem et Experimentalem. 3. Phenomena Universi, sive Historia Naturalis et Ex- perimentalis de Ventis ; Historia Densi et Rari ; Historia Gravis et Levis ; Historia Sympathies et Antipathice Re- rum; Historia Sulphuris, Mercurii, et Salis; Historia Vita et Mortis; Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis de Forma Calidi ; De Motus, sive Virtutis activse variis spe- ciebus ; Ratio inveniendi causas Fluxus et Refluxus Ma- ris ; &c, &c. 4. Silva Silvarum, sive Historia Naturalis. 5. Novus Atlas. 6. Historia Regni Henrici vn Angliae Regis. 7. Sermones Fulo.les, Ethici, Politici, Oeconomici. 8. De Sapientia Veterum. BACULF, in Fortification, a kind of portcullis, or gate, made like a pit-fall, with a counterpoise, and supported by two great stakes. It is usually made before the corps de garde, near the gate of a place. BACULOMEI'RY, the art of measuring either acces- sible or inaccessible linos, by the help of baculi, staves, or rods. Schweuter has explained this art in his Goometria Practica; and the rules of it are delivered by Wolfius, in his Elements: Ozanam also gives an illustration of the principles of haculometry. BAILLY (Jean Sylvain), a celebrated French astro- nomer, historiographer, and politician, was born at Paris the 15th of September 1736, and has figured as one of the greatest men of the age, being a member of several acade- mies, and an excellent scholar and writer. He enjoyed for several years the office of keeper of the king's pictures at Paris. About the year 1762, the theory of Jupiter's satellites became a particular object of his inquiries ; and, in the competition for this prize question, he had a for- midable rival in La Grange, generally considered as one of the greatest mathematicians in Europe. The results of his investigations were afterwards collected into a trea- tise, and published in 1 vol. 4to; also in 1766, when it was preceded by a History of the Astronomy of these Satellites. In the Journal Encyclopedique for May and July 1773, he addressed a letter to M. Bernoulli, astronomer royal at Berlin, on some discoveries relative to these satellites, which he had disputed. In 170S he published the eulogy of Leibnitz, which obtained the prize at the Academy of Berlin, where it was printed. In 1770 he printed at Pa- ris, in 8vo, the eulogies of Charles the 5th, also of Lecaille, of Leibnitz, and of Corneille. This last had the second prize at the Academy of Rouen, while that of Moliere had the same honour at the French Academy. M. Bailly was admitted into the Academy as Adjunct the 29th of January 1763, and as Associate the 14th of July 1770. In 1771 he was a. candidate, under the pa- tronage of Buffon, for the office of Secretary; but the in- terest of Condorcet, and the influence of Dalembert, pre- vailed in favour of Condorcet. Of the Academic Fran- poise, he was chosen Secretary in 1754; and he was ad- mitted in the following year into the Academy of Inscrip- tions and Belles Lettres, the only instance since Fontenelle of the same person being at once a member of all the three Academies. Jn 1775 came out at Paris, in 4to, his His- tory of the Ancient Astronomy, in 1 vol: in 1779 the History of Modern Astronomy, in 2 vols: and in 1787 the History of the Indian and Oriental Astronomy, being the 2d vol. of the Ancient Astronomy. M. Bailly 's memoirs, published in the volumes of the Academy, are as follow : Memoir upon the Theory of the Comet of 1759. Memoir upon the Epoques of the Moon's motions at the end of the 17th century. First, second, and third Memoirs on the Theory of Ju- piter's Satellites; 1763. Memoir on the Comet of 1762 ; vol. for }?G3. Astronomical Observations, made at Noslon ; 17oV. On the Sun's Eclipse of the 1st of April, 1/64. On the Longitude of Polling; 1/64. Observations made at the Louvre from 1760 to 1764 ; 1765. On the cause of the Variation of the Inclination of the Orbit of Jupiter's second Satellite ; l?6o. On the Motion of the Nodes, and on the Variation of the Inclination of Jupiter's Satellites; 1766. On the Theory of Jupiter's Satellites, published by M. Bailly, also according to the Tables of their Motions and of those of Jupiter, published by M. Jeaurat ; 17 66. Obscrvatioi.son the Opposition of the Sun ami Jupiter ; 1768. On the Equation of Jupiter's Centre, and on some other Elements of the Theory of that Planet ; 1768. On the Transit, of Venus over the Sun, the 3d of J U Be 1769; and on the Solar Eclipse the 4th of June the same year: 1709. B A I [ 201 ] B A K i. In the beginning of the revolution in France, in 1789, Mi Bailly took an active part in that business, and was so popular and generally esteemed, that he was chosen the first president of the States General, and of the National Assembly, and was afterwards for two years together the Mayor of Paris ; in both which offices he conducted him- self with great spirit, and gave general satisfaction. He soon afterward however experienced a sad reverse of fortune; being accused by the ruling party of favour- ing the king, he was condemned for incivism and for want- ing to overturn the Republic ; in consequence he died by the guillotine at Paris, November 12, 1793, at 57 years of age. BAINBRIDGE (John), an eminent physician, as- tronomer, and mathematician, was born in 1582, at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire. He studied at Cam- bridge, and having taken his degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts, he returned to Leicestershire, where for some years he kept a grammar-school, and at the same time practised physic ; employing his leisure hours in stu- dying mathematics, especially astronomy, which had been his favourite science from his earliest years. By the ad- vice of his friends, he removed to London, where he was admitted a fellow of the College of Physicians. His de- scription of the comet which appeared in 1618, greatly raised his character, and procured him the acquaintance of Sir Henry Savile, who, in l6l9, appointed him his first professor of astronomy at Oxford. On his removal to this university, he entered a master-commoner of Merton col- lege; the master and fellows of which appointed him ju- nior reader of Linacer's lecture in l6ol, and superior reader in 1635. At the age of 40 he began the study of Arabic, with an intention of publishing correct editions of the ancient astronomers. Before completing that work however he died, in the year 1643, at 6,1 years of age. Dr. Bainbridge wrote many works, but most of them have never been published ; those that were published, were the three following, viz: 1. An Astronomical Description of the late Comet, from the 18th of November l6l8, to the l6th of December fol- lowing; 4to, London, l6l9- — This piece was only a spe- cimen of a larger work, which the author intended to pub- lish in Latin, under the title of Cometographia. 2. Procli Sphaera, Ptolemaei de Hypothesibus Planeta- rum liber singularis. To which he added Ptolemy's Ca- non Regnorum. He collated these pieces with ancient manuscripts, and gave a Latin version of them, illustrated with figures: printed in 4to, 1620. 3. Canicularia. A treatise concerning the Dog-star, and the Canicular Days: published at Oxford in l648, by Mr. Greaves, together with a demonstration of the he- liacal rising of Sirius, the dog-star, for the parallel of Lower Egypt. Dr. Bainbridge also undertook this work at the request of Archbishop Usher, but he left it imperfect; being prevented by the breaking out of the civil war, or by death. There were also several dissertations of his prepared and committed to the press the year after his death, but the edition of them was never completed. The titles of them are as follow: 1st, Antiprognosticon, in quo MxvriKy; Astrological, Coelrstium Domorum, et Triplicitatum Commentis, mag- nisque Saturni et Jovis (cujusmodi anno l623,et 1643, contigerunt, et vicesimo fere quoque dcinceps anno, ratis Vol. I. naturse legibus recurrent) Conjunctionibus innixs, Vanitas breviter detegitur. 2nd, De Meridionorum sive Longitudinum Differentiis inveniendis Dissertatio. 3d, De Stella Veneris Diatriba. Besides the foregoing, there were several other tracts, never printed, but left by his will to Archbishop Usher; among whose manuscripts they are preserved in the library of the college of Dublin. Among which are the following : 1. A Theory of the Sun. 2. A Theory of the Moon. 3. A Discourse concerning the Quantity of the Year. 4. Two volumes of Astronomical Observations. 5. Nine or ten volumes of Miscellaneous Papers relating to Mathematical Subjects. BAKER (Thomas), a mathematician of some emi- nence, was born at Ilton in Somersetshire, in 1625. He entered on his studies at Oxford in 1640, where he remain- ed seven years. He was afterwards appointed vicar of Bishop's-Nymmet in Devonshire, where he lived astudious and retired life for many years, chiefly pursuing the ma- thematical sciences, of which he gave a proof of his criti- cal knowledge, in the book he published, concerning the general construction of biquadratic equations, by a para- bola and a circle ; the title of which book at full length is, " The Geometrical Key; or the Gate of Equations un- locked : or a new Discovery of the Construction of all Equations, howsoever affected, not exceeding the 4th de- gree, viz, of Linears, Quadratics, Cubics, Biquadratics, and the finding of all their Roots, as well False as True, without the use of Mesolabe, Trisection of Angles, with- out Reduction, Depression, or any other previous prepa- rations, of equations by a circle, and any (and that one only) Parabole, &c:" 1684, 4to, in English and Latin. There is some account of this work in the Philos. Trans, an. 16S4. And a little before his death, the Royal Society sent him some mathematical queries ; to which he re- turned such satisfactory answers, as procured the present of a medal, with an inscription honourable and respectful. Mr. Baker died at Bishop's-Nymmet, 1690, in the 65th year of his age. BAKER (Henry), an ingenious and diligent natura- list, was born in London about the beginning of the 18th century. He was brought up under an eminent bookseller, but being of a philosophical turn of mind, he quitted that line of business soon after the expiration of his apprentice- ship, and engaged himself in teaching deaf and dumb persons to speak and write &c, in which occupation, in the course of his life, he acquired a handsome fortune. For his amusement he cultivated various natural and phi- losophical sciences, particularly botany, natural history, and microscopical subjects, in which he especially excelled, having, in the year 1744, obtained the Royal Society's gold medal, for his miscroscopical experiments on the crystallizations and configurations of saline particles. He had also various papers published in the Philos. Trans, of the Royal Society, of which he was a worthy member, as well as of the Societies of Antiquaries, and of Arts. He was author of many pieces, on various subjects, the princi- pal of which were, his Treatise on the Water Polype, and two Treatises on the Microscope, viz, T/ic Microscope made easy, and Employment for the Microscope, which have gone through several editions. Mr. Baker married Sophia, youngest daughter of the celebrated Daniel Defoe, by whom he had two sons, one 2D B A L [ 202 ] B A L of whom, Henry Erskine Baker, was the author of the first edit, of the little work called, The Companion to the Play-house. He terminated an honourable and useful life, at his apartments in the Strand, on the 25th of November 1774, being then upwards of 70 years of age. BAKER's Central Rule, for the Construction of Equations; is a method of constructing all equations, not exceeding the 4-th degree, by means of a given parabola and a circle, without any previous reduction of them, or first taking away their second term. See Central Rule. BALANCE, one of the six simple powers in mechanics, chiefly used in determining the equality or difference of weight in heavy bodies, and consequently their masses or quantities of matter. The balance is of two kinds, the ancient and modern. The ancient or Roman balance, called also Statera Ro- mana, or Steelyard, consists of a lever or beam, moveable on a centre, and suspended near one of its extremities. The bodies to be weighed are suspended from the shorter end, and their weight is shown by the division marked on the beam, where the power or constant weight, which is moveable along the lever, keeps the steelyard in equili- bria This balance is still in common use for weighing heavy bodies. The modern balance, now commonly used, consists of a lever or beam suspended exactly at the middle, and having scales hung from the two extremities, to receive the weights to be weighed. In either case the lever is called the jugum or the beam, and its two halves on each side the axis, the brachia or arms; also the line on which the beam turns, or which divides it in two, is called the axis; which when consi- dered with regard to the length of the brachia, is esteemed only a point, and called the centre of the balance, or centre of motion : the extremities where the weights are applied, are the points of application or suspension; the handle by which the balance is held, or by which the whole apparatus is suspended, is called trutina; and the slender part perpendicular to the beam, by which is deter- mined cither the equilibrium or preponderancy of bodies, is called the tongue of the balance. From these descriptions we easily gather the charac- teristic distinction between the Roman balance and the common one, viz, that in the Roman balance, there is one constant weight used as a counterpoise, the point where it is suspended being varied ; but, on the contrary, in the common balance or scales, the point of suspension remains the same, and the counterpoise is varied. The principle of both of them may be easily understood from the gene- ral properties of the lever, and the following observations. See Lever. The beam abc, the principal part of the balance, is a lever of the first kind ; but instead of resting on a fulcrum, it is suspended by a handle, &c, fastened to its centre of motion b : and hence the mechanism of the balance de- pends on the same theorems as that of the lever. Conse- quently as the distance between the centre of motion and the place of the unknown weight, is to the distance be- tween the same centre and the place of the known weight, so is the latter weight to the former. So that the un- known weight is discovered by means of the known one, and their distances from the common centre of motion ; viz, if the distances from the centre be equal, then the two weights will be equal also, as in the common balance ; but if the distances be unequal, then the weights will also be unequal, and in the very same proportion, alternately, the less weight having so much the greater distance, as in the steelyard. The Common "Balance or Scales. The two brachia ab, bc, should be exactly equal in length, and in weight also when their scales d and e are fixed on their ends; the beam should hang exactly level or horizontal in the case of an equipoise; for which purpose the centre of gravity of the whole should tail a little below the centre of motion, and but a little, that the balance be sufficiently sensible to the least variation of weight : the friction on the centre should also be as small as possible. The Steelyard. Having taken a proper bar of steel ab, tapering at the longer end, and very strong- at the other, suspend it by a centre c near the shorter or thicker end, so that it may exactly balance itself in equilibrio, and prepare a constant weight 1 to weigh with: then hang on any weight, as one pound for instance, at the shorter arm, and slide the con- stant weight backwards and forwards upon the longer arm, till it be just in equilibrio with the former; and there make a notch and number 1, for the place of 1 pound: take off the lib, and hang a two pound weight in its stead at the shorter arm ; then slide the constant weight back on tfce longer arm, till the whole come again into a state of equi- librium, making a notch at the place of the constant weight and the number 2, for the place of 21 b. Pro- ceed in the same manner for all other weights, o, 4, 5, &c; as also for the intermediate halves and quarters, &c, if it be necessary; always suspending the variable weights at the end of the shorter arm, shifting the constant weight so as to balance them, and marking and numbering thcplaces on the longer arm where the constant weight always makes a counterpoise. The use of the steelyard is hence very evident: the thing whose weight is required being suspend- ed by a hook at the short end, move the constant weight backwards and forwards on the longer arm, till the beam is balanced horizontally: then look what notch the con- stant weight is placed at, and its number will show the weight of the body that was required, nc is the handle and tongue; F the centre of motion ; eg a scale sometimes hung on at the end by the hook u. B A L The Bent-Lever Balance. f 203 ] B A L This instrument operates by a fixed weight, c, increas- ing in power as it ascends along the arc fg of a circle, and pointing by an index to the number or division of the arc which denotes the weight of any body put into the scale at E. And thus one constant weight serves to weigh all others, by only varying the position of the arms of the balance, instead of varying the places or points of suspen- sion in the arms themselves. The Deceitful, or False Balance. This operates in the same manner as the steelyard, and cheats or deceives by having one arm a little longer than the other; though the deception is not perceived, because the shorter arm is made somewhat heavier, so as to compensate for its shortness, by which means the beam of the balance, when no weights are in the scales, hangs horizontal in equilibrio. The con- sequence of this construction is, that any commodity put in the scale of the longer arm, requires a greater weight in the other scale to balance it ; and so the body is fallacious- ly accounted heavier than it really is. But the trick will easily be detected by making the body and the weight change places, removing them to the opposite scales, when the weight will immediately be seen to preponderate. The true weight of any thing may however be found out by means of the false balance, in this manner: viz, Weigh the body first in the one scale, next in the other; then take a mean proportional between the two different weights thus indicated, and that will be the. true weight re- quired. Thus, suppose the two false weights be 7 and &f; the product of these two is 36, the square root of which, 6, is the true weight. Or, half the sum of the two false weights, 7 and 5-f, which in this case is 6-^, will commonly be very near the true weight, though always a very little too much. Assay-Balance. This is a very nice balance, used in de- termining the exact weights of very small bodies. Its structure is but little different from the common sort ; ex- cept that it is made of the best and hardest steel, and made to turn with the smallest weight. For an account of se- veral balances, which have been constructed by different persons for delicate experiments, consult the 06th vol. of the Phil. Trans., also the same work for 17.09, part 2. See also Nicholson's Chemistry, chap. 6, and Parkinson's System of Mechanics. Hydrostatical Balance. This is an instrument for de- termining the specific gravity of bodies. See Hydrosta- tical," and Specific Gravity. Balance, in Astronomy, the same as Libra. Balance of a Clock or Watch, is that part which, by its motion, regulates and determines the beats. The circular part of it is called the Rim, and its spindle the Verge ; there belong to it also two. pallets or nuts, that play in the fangs of the crown-wheel : in pocket-watches, that strong stud in which the lower pivot of the verge plays, and in the middle of which one pivot of the crown-wheel runs, is called the Potence; the wrought piece which covers the balance, and in which the upper pivot of the balance plays, is the cock; and the small spring in the new pocket-watches is called the Regulator. Balance of Forces, in Mechanics. See Compound Motion. BALCONY, a prefecture in the front of a house, or other building, commonly supported by pillars or consoles, and encompassed by a ballustrade. BALL, any spherical, globular, or round body. Ball, in the military art, signifies all sorts of bullets for fire-arms, from the pistol up to the largest cannon. Cannon balls are made of cast-iron ; but the musket and pistol-balls of lead, as these are both heavier under the same bulk, and do not furrow the barrels of the pieces. Ball of a Pendulum, is the weight at the bottom of it; and is sometimes, especially in shorter pendulums, called the Bob. Balls of Fire, in Meteorology. See Fire Balls. Balls, in Electricity, invented by Mr. Canton, are two pieces of cork, or pith of elder-tree, nicely turned in a lathe to the size of a small pea, and suspended by very deli- cate threads. They are used as electrometers, and are of excellent use to discover small degrees of electricity ; and to observe its changes from positive to negative, or the re- verse; as also to estimate the force of a shock before the discharge, so that the operator shall always be able to tell very nearly beforehand what the explosion will be, by knowing how high he has charged his jars. BALLISTA, a military engine much used by the an- cients for throwing stones, darts, and javelins; it somewhat resembled our cross-bows, but m'uch larger and stronger* The word is Latin, signifying a cross-bow; but is derived from the Greek fia,\\u>, to shoot, or throw. Vcgetius informs us, that the ballista discharged darts with such violence and rapidity, that nothing could resist their force: and Alhenaeus adds, that Agistratus made one of little more than 2 feet in length, that shot darts 500 paces. Authors have often confounded the ballista with the catapulta, attributing to the one what belongs to the other. According to Vitruvius, the ballista was made after divers manners, though all were used for the same purpose : one sort was framed with levers and bars; another with pulleys; some with a crane; and others again with a toothed wheel. Marccllinus describes the. ballista thus : A round iron cylinder is fastened between two planks, from which reaches a hollow square beam placed cross-wise, fas- tened with cords, to which are added screws. At one end of this stands the engineer, who puts. a wooden shaft, or arrow, with a large head, into the cavity of the beam; this done, two men bend the engine, by drawing some wheels; when the top of the head is drawn to the utmost end of the cords, the shaft is driven out of the ballista, tkc. The ballista is ranked by the ancients among the sling 2 D 2 B A L [ 204 ] BAR kind, and its structure and effect reduced to the principles of that instrument ; whence it is called by Hero and others, Funda, and Fundibulus. Gunther calls it Balearica ma- china, as a sling peculiar to the Balearic islands. — Perrault, in his notes on Vitruvius, gives a new contrivance of a like engine for throwing bombs without powder. Fig. 1, Plate v, represents the ballista used in sieges, ac- cording to Folard : where 2, 2, denote the base of the bal- lista; 3, 4, upright beams; 5, 6, transverse beams; 7, 7, the two capitals in the upper transverse beam, (the lower transverse beam has also two similar capitals, which can- not be seen in this transverse figure) ; 9, 9, two posts or supports for strengthening the transverse beams; 10, 10, two skains of cords fastened to the capitals; 11, 11, two arms inserted between the two strands, or parts of the skains; 12, a cord fastened to the two arms; 13, darts which are shot by the ballista; 14, 14, curves in the up- right beams, and in the concavity of which cushions are fastened, in order to break the force of the arms, which strike against them with great force when the dart is dis- charged : l6, the arbor of the machine, in which a straight groove or canal is formed to receive the darts, in order to their being shot by the ballista; 17, the nut of the trigger, 18, the roll or windlass, about which the cord is wound; 19, a hook, by which the cord is drawn towards the cen- tre, and the ballista cocked ; 20, a stage or table on which the arbor is in part sustained. Ballista, in Practical Geometry, the same, as the geo- metrical cross, called also Jacob's Staff. See CB.oss-Staff. BALLISTIC Pendulum, an ingenious machine invent- ed by Benjamin Robins, for ascertaining the velocity of military projectiles, and consequently the force of fired gun- powder. It consists of a large block of wood, annexed to the end of a strong iron stem, having a cross steel axis at the other end, placed horizontally, about which the whole vibrates together like the pendulum of a clock. This ma- chine being at rest, a piece of ordnance is pointed straight towards the wooden block, or ball of this pendulum, and then discharged : the consequence is this ; the ball dis- charged from the gun strikes and enters the block, and causes the pendulum to vibrate more or less according to the velocity of the projectile, or the force of the blow ; and by observing the extent of the vibration, the force of that blow becomes known, or the greatest velocity with which the block is moved out of its place, and consequently the velocity of the projectile itself which struck the blow and urged the pendulum. A more minute and particular description may be seen in my Tracts, vols. 2 & 3, where are given the various rules for using it, and for computing the velocities, with a mul- titude of accurate experiments performed with cannon balls, by means of which the most useful and important conclusions have been deduced in military projectiles and the nature of physics. In those Tracts are detailed at great length many experiments of the same kind, by dis- charging cannon balls at various distances from the block ; from which have resulted the discovery of a complete se- ries of the resistances of the air to balls passing through it with all degrees of velocity, from up to 2000 feet in a second of time. Other writers on this subject are Euler, Antoni, Le Roy, Darcy, &c. Sec also Robins's Mathematical Tracts. BALLISTICS, is used by some for projectiles, or the art of throwing heavy bodies. Mcrsenne has published a trea- tise on the projection of bodies, under this title. BALLOON, or Ballon, in a general sense signifies any spherical hollow body. Thus, with chemists, it denotes a round short-necked vessel, used to receive what is dis- tilled by means of fire: in architecture, a ball or globe on the top of a pillar, &c : and among engineers, a kind of bomb made of pasteboard, and played off in fireworks, in imitation of a real iron bomb-shell. ^jV-Balloon. See Aerostation. BALLUSTER, a small kind of column or pillar, used for ballustrades. BALLUSTRADE, a series or row of ballusters, joined by a rail; serving for a rest to the arms, or as a fence or inclosure to balconies, altars, staircases, &c. BAND, in Architecture, denotes any flat low member, or moulding, that is broad, but not very deep. The word face sometimes means the same thing. BANQUET, or Banquette, in Fortification, a little foot-bank, or elevation of earth, forming a path along the inside of a parapet, for the soldiers to stand upon to dis- cover the counterscarp, or to fire on the enemy in the moat, or in the covert way. It is commonly about 3 feet wide, and a foot and a half high. BARITONO, in Music, a voice of low pitch between a tenor and bass. BARLOWE (William), an eminent mathematician and divine, of the l6"th century. He was born in Pem- brokeshire, his father (William Barlowe) being then bishop of St. David's. In 1500 he was entered commoner of Ba- liol college, Oxford; and in 1564, having taken a degree in arts, he left the university, and went to sea; but in what capacity is uncertain : however he thence acquired consi- derable knowledge in the art of navigation, as his writings afterwards showed. About the year 1 573, he entered into orders, and became prebendary of Winchester,_and rector of Easton, near that city. In J 588 he was made preben- dary of Litchfield, which he exchanged for the office of treasurer of that church. He afterwards was appointed chaplain to prince Henry, eldest son of king James the First; and, in 1614, archdeacon of Salisbury. Barlowe was especially remarkable for having been the first writer on the nature and properties of the loadstone, 20 years be- fore Gilbert published his book on that subject. He was the first who made the inclinatory instrument transparent, and to be used with a glass on both sides. It was Barlowe also who suspended it in a compass-box, where, with 2 ounces weight, it was made fit for use at sea. He also found out the difference between iron and steel, and their tempers for magnctical uses. He likewise discovered the proper way of touching magnetical needles; and of piecing and cementing of loadstones; and also why a loadstone, being double-capped, must take up so great a weight. Barlowe died in the year 1625.- — His works are as follow : 1. The Navigator's Supply, containing many things of principal importance belonging to ilavigation, and use of diverse Instruments framed chiefly for that purpose. Lond. 1597, 4to; dedicated to Robert earl of Kssex. 2. Magnetical Advertisement, or Diverse pertinent Ob- servations and improved Experiments concerning the na- ture and properties of the Loadstone. Lond. 10' 16", 4to. 3. A Brief Discovery of the idle Animadversions of Mark Ridley, M. D. upon a treatise entitled Magnetical Advertisements. Lond. I6'l8, 4to. In the first of these pieces, Barlowe gave a demonstra- tion of Wright's or Mercator's division of the meridian BAR [ line, as communicated by a friend ; observing that " This manner of carde has been publiquely extant in print these thirtie yeares at least [he should have said 2S only], but a cloude (as it were) and thicke miste of ignorance doth keepe it hitherto concealed : And so much the more, be- cause some who were reckoned for men of good knowledge, have by glauncing speeches (but never by any one reason of moment) gone about what they could to disgrace it." . This work of Barlowe's contains descriptions of several instruments for the use of Navigation, the principal of which is an Azimuth Compass, with two upright sights; and as the author was very curious in making experiments on the loadstone, he treats well and fully upon the Sea- Compass. He also treated still farther on the same instru- ment in his second work, the Magnetical Advertisement. BAROMETER, an instrument for measuring the weight or pressure of the atmosphere ; and by that means the va-, riations in the state of the air, foretelling the changes in the weather, and measuring heights or depths, &c. This instrument is founded on what is called the Torri- cellian experiment, related below, and commonly consists of a cylindrical glass tube, open at one end; which being first filled with quicksilver, and then inverted with the open end downwards into a bason of the same, the mercury de- scends in the tube till it remains at about the height of 29 or 30 inches, according to the weight or pressure of the atmosphere at the time, which is jflst equal to the weight of that column of the quicksilver. Hence it follows that, if by any means the pressure of the air be altered, it will be indicated by the rising or falling of the mercury in the tube; or if the barometer be carried to a higher station, the quicksilver will descend in the cylinder, but when car- ried to a lower place, it will rise higher in the tube, ac- cording to the difference of elevation between the two places. History of the Barometer. — About the beginning of the 17th century, when the doctrine of a plenum was in vogue, it was a common opinion among philosophers, that the ascent of water in pumps was owing to what they called nature's abhorrence of a vacuum; and that in consequence fluids might be raised by suction to any height whatever. But an accident having discovered, that water could not be raised in a pump unless the sucker reached to within 33 feet of the water in the well, it was conjectured by Ga- lileo, who flourished about that time, that there might be some other cause of the ascent of water in pumps, or at least that the effect of this abhorrence was limited to the finite height of 33 feet. Being unable to satisfy himself on this head, he recommended the consideration of the dif- ficulty to Torricelli, who had been his disciple. After some time Torricelli fell upon the suspicion that the pressure of the atmosphere was the cause of the ascent of water in pumps; that a column of water 33 feet high was a just counterpoise to a column of air, of the same base, and which extended up to the top of the atmosphere; and that this was the true reason why the water did not follow the sucker any farther. And this conjecture was soon alter confirmed by various experiments. Torricelli con- sidered, that if a column of water 33 feet high were a coun- terpoise to a whole column of the atmosphere, then a co- lumn of mercury of about 2 feet and a half high would also be a counterpoise to it, since quicksilver is nearly 14 times heavier than water, and so the 14th part of the height, or 2 feet and a half, very nearly, would be as heavy as the column of water. This reasoning was soon verified ; for having tilled a glass tube with quicksilver, and inverted it 205 ] BAR into a Tjason of the same, the mercury presently descended till its height, above that in the bason, was about two feet and a half, just as he had estimated. And this is what has, from him, been called the Torricellian experiment. The new opinion, with this confirmation of it, was readily acquiesced in by most of the philosophers, who repeated the experiment in various ways. Others however still adhered to the old doctrine, and raised several pre- tended objections against the new one ; such as that there was a film' or imperceptible rope of mercury, extended through the upper part of the tube, which retained the co- lumn of mercury, and kept it from falling into that in the bason. This and other objections were however soon over- come by additional confirmations of the true doctrine, par- ticularly by varying the elevation of the place. It was hinted by Descartes and Pascal, that if the mercury be sustained in the tube by the pressure of the atmosphere, by carrying it to a higher situation, it would descend lower in the tube, having a shorter column of the atmosphere to sustain it, and vice versa. In consequence of which, Pascal engaged his brother-in-law, M. Perier, to try that experiment for him, being more conveniently situated for that purpose than he was at Paris. This he accordingly executed, by observing the height of the quicksilver in the tube, first at the bottom of the Puy de Dome, a mountain in Auvergne, and then at several stations, or dif- ferent altitudes, in ascending, by which it was found that the mercury fell lower and lower all the way to the top of the mountain ; by this means confirming the truth of the doctrine relating to the universal pressure of the atmo- sphere, and the consequent suspension of the mercury in the tube of the barometer. Thus, by the united endeavours of Torricelli, Descartes, Pascal, Mersenne, Huygens, and others, the cause of the suspension of the quicksilver in the tube of the barometer became pretty generally established. It was some time however after this general consent, be- fore it was known that the pressure of the air was various at different times, in the same place. This could not how- ever remain long unknown, as the frequent measuring of the column of mercury, must soon show its variations in altitude; and experience and observation would presently show that those variations in the mercurial column, were always succeeded by certain changes in the weather, as rain, wind, frosts, &c. Hence this instrument soon came into use as the means of foretelling the changes of the weather; and on this account it obtained the name of the weather-glass, as it did that of barometer from its be- ing the measure of the weight or pressure of the air. We may now proceed to take a view of its various forms and uses. The Common Barometer. This is represented at fig. 1, plate iv, in the same form as it was invented by Torricelli. ab is a glass tube, of |, or |, or i inch wide, the more the better, and about 34 inches long, being hermetically seal- ed at the top a, and the open end b immersed in a bason of quicksilver cd, which is also the better the wider it is. To fill this, or any other barometer ; take a clean new glass tube, of the dimensions above named, and pour into it well purified quicksilver, with a small funnel, either of glass or paper, in a fine continued stream, till it wants about half an inch or an inch of being full ; then stop- ping it close with the finger, invert it slowly, and the air in the empty part will ascend gradually to the other end, collecting in its ascent such other small air-bubbles as unavoidably get mto the tube among the mercury, wheu BAR [ 206 ] BAR filling it with the funnel : and thus continue to invert it the tube may Lie afterwards emptied, and filled even with several times, turning the two ends alternately upwards, cold mercury, and will be found nearly as free from the till all the air-bubbles are collected, and brought up to air as before : the mercury in the tube thus prepared, will the open end of the tube, or till the part filled shall ap- rise higher than in those of the common sort, and the ba- pear, without speck, like a fine polished steel rod. This rometers will more nearly correspond with each other, done, pour in more quicksilver, to fill the empty part whereas there will be a difference of 6 or 8 lines in the entirely, and so exclude all air from the tube: then, stop- ascent of the mercury in the common barometers. When ping the orifice again with the finger, invert the tube, and this operation is completed, the mercury generally re- immerse the finger and end, thus stopped, into. a bason of mains suspended at the top, and will not descend to its like purified quicksilver; in this position withdraw the proper level without shaking the tube to bring it down, finder, so shall the mercury descend in the tube to some The tubes, which should not be chosen less than 3 feet long, place, as e, between 28 and 31 inches above that in the may now be filled to their proper length. This barometer bason at f, these being the limits between which it always is commonly fitted up in a neat mahogany case, together stands in this country on the common surface of the earth, with a thermometer and hygrometer, as represented in Then measure, from the surface of the quicksilver in the plate 4, fig. 13. bason at F, 28 inches to g, and 31 inches to h, dividing As the scale of variation is but small, being included the space between them into inches and tenths, which are within 2 inches in the common barometer, several contri- marked on a scale placed against the side of the tube; vances have been devised to enlarge the scale, or to render and the tenths are subdivided into hundredth parts of an the motion of the quicksilver more sensible. inch by a sliding index carrying a vernier or nonius. (See Descartes first suggested a method of increasing the sen- art. Vernier.) These 3 inches, between 28 and 31, so sibility, which" was executed by Huygens. This was ef- divided, will answer for all the ordinary purposes of a sta- fected by making the barometrical tube end in a pretty tionary or chamber barometer ; but for experiments on large cylindrical vessel at top, into which was inserted al- altitudes and depths, it is proper to have the divisions car- so the lower or open end of a much finer tube than the ried on somewhat higher, and a great deal lower down, former, which was partly filled with water, to give little In the proper filling and otherwise fitting up of the baro- obstruction by its weight to the motion of the "mercury, meter, several circumstances are to be carefully noted ; while it moved through a considerable space of the very as, that the bore of the tube be pretty wide, to allow the fine tube by a small variation of the mercury below it, and freer motion of the quicksilver, without being impeded so rendered the small changes in the state of the air very by an adhesion to the sides ; that the bason below it be sensible. But the inconvenience was this, that the air con- also tolerably large, at least 10 times larger in diameter tained in the water gradually disengaged itself, and escaped than that of the tube, in order that the surface of the mer- through into the vacuum in the top of the small tube, till cury at f may not sensibly rise or fall with that in the tube; it was collected in a body there, and by its elasticity pre- fer the numbers marked in the scale annexed to the tube, venting the free rise of the fluids in the tubes, spoiled the denote their distance from a certain fixed point, and there- instrument as a true barometer. And this, it may be ob- fore cannot truly indicate the height of the column above served by-the-bye, is the reason why a water barometer the mercury in the vessel, unless its surface coincides with cannotsucceed. This barometer ishere represented in fig. 2, this point, and be immoveable; also, that the bottom of where CD is the vessel, in which are united the upper or the tube be cut off rather obliquely, that when it rests on small water tube AC, with the lower or mercurial one cb. the bottom of the bason there may be a free passage for To remedy this inconvenience, Huygens thought of pla- the quicksilver; and that, to have the. quicksilver very cing the mercury at top, and the water at bottom, which pure, it is best to boil it in the tube, in order to expel the he thus contrived, adg (fig. 3) is a bent tube hermeti- air from it, which may be done by the following simple cally sealed at a, but open at G, of about one line in di- process. Having procured a tube of 21 lines or 3 lines in ameter, and passing through the two equal cylindrical ves- bore, and about half a line in thickness, fill it with mer- sels bc, ef, which are about 20 inches apart, and of 15 cury within' two inches of the. top, and hold it with the lines diameter, their length being 10. The mercury being sealed end lowest, in an inclined position, over a chafing- put into the tube, will stand between the middle of the dish of burning charcoal, presenting first the sealed end vessels ef and bc, the remaining space to a being void to the fire, and moving it obliquely over the chafing-dish, both of air and mercury. Lastly, common water, tinged As the mercury is heated, the air-bubbles will assume an with a 6th part of aqua regia, to prevent its freezing, is appearance like so many studs on the inner surface of the poured into the tube fg, till it rises a foot above the mer- tube, and gradually rushing into one another, ascend to- cury in bf. To prevent the water from evaporating, a wards the higher parts of the tube, which are not heated; drop of oil of sweet almonds floats on the top of it. But here they are condensed and almost disappear, and after the column of water will be sensibly affected by heat and repeated emigrations they acquire a bulk by their union, cold, and consequently the accuracy of the instrument will which enables then) at length to escape. When the mer- be spoiled, For which reason other contrivances have cury boils, its parts Strike against each other, and been made, as below. against the sides of the tube, with such violence, that a The Horizontal or Rectangular Barometer, fig. 4, was in- person unaccustomed to this operation is ready to appre- vented by .). Bernoulli and Cassini ; where All is a pretty hend their force to bo sufficient to break the tube. The wide cylindrical part at the top of the tube, which tube mercury is thus freed from all heterogeneous particles is bent at right angles at C, the lower part of it en being contained in it, together with their surrounding atmo- turned into the horizontal direction, and closed above at spheres, and the air which lines the inside of the tube, a, but open at the lower end D, where the mercury can- which cannot be expelled in any other way, is discharged ; not run out, being opposed by the pressure of the atmo-' when this last-mentioned stratum of air is thus expelled, sphere. This and the foregoing contrivance of Huygens BAR [ 207 ] BAR are founded on a theorem in hydrostatics, viz, that fluids of the same base, press according to their perpendicular altitude, not according to the quantity of their matter; so that the same pressure of the atmosphere sustains the quicksilver that fills the tube acd, and the cistern b, as would support the mercury in the tube alone. Hence, having fixed upon the size of the scale, as suppose the ex- tent of 12 inches, instead of the 3, in the common baro- meter from 28 to 31, that is 4 times as long; then the area of a section of the cylinder .ab must be 4 times that of the tube, and consequently its diameter double, since the areas of circles are as the squares of their diameters : then for every natural variation of an inch in the cylinder ab, there will be a variation of 4 inches in the tube CD. — But on account of the attrition of the mercury against the sides of the glass, and the great momentum from the quick motion in CD, the quicksilver is apt to break, and the rise and fall is no longer equable ; and besides, the mercury is apt to be thrown out of the orifice at d by sudden mo- tions of the machine. The Diagonal Barometer of Sir Samuel Moreland, fig. 5, is another method of enlarging the natural scale of 3 inches perpendicular, or cd, by extending it to any length bc in an oblique direction. This is liable in some degree to the same inconvenience, from friction and breaking, as the horizontal one: and hence it is found that the diagonal part bc cannot properly be bent from the perpendicular more than in an angle of 45°, which only increases the scale nearl3' in the proportion of 7 to 5. Dr.Hooke's Wheel Barometer, fig. 6. This was invented about l6oS, and is meant to render the alterations in the air more sensible. Here the barometer-tube has a large ball ab at top, and is bent up at the lower or open end, where an iron ball G floats on the top of the mercury in the tube, to which is connected another ball h by a cord, hanging freely over a pulley, turning an index kl about its centre. When the mercury rises in the part l'G, it raises the ball, and the other ball descends and turns the pulley with the index round a graduated circle from N towards m and p; and the contrary way when the quicksilver and the ball sink in the bent part of the tube. Hence the scale is easily enlarged 10 or 12 fold, being increased in pro- portion of the axis of the pulley to the length of the index kl. But then the friction of the pulley and axis is some obstruction to the free motion of the quicksilver. Con- trivances to lessen the friction &c, may also be seen in the Philos. Trans, vol. .52, art. 29, and vol. ()0, art. 10. The Steelyard Barometer, for so that may be called which is represented by fig. 7, which enlarges the scale in the proportion of the shorter to the longer arm of the steel- yard, ab is the barometer tube, closed at a and open at b, immersed in a cylindrical glass cistern cd, which is but very little wider than the tube ab is. The barometer tube is suspended to the shorter arm of an index like a tons, in l6$5. It consists of a single conical tube ab, hung up by a thread, the larger or open end downwards, and having no vessel or cistern, because the conical figure supplies that, and the column of mercury sustained is al- ways equal to that in the common barometer tube; which is effected thus : when the pressure of the air is less, the mercury sinks-down to a lower and wider part of the tube, and consequently the altitude of its column will be less ; and on the contrary, by a greater pressure of the atmo- sphere, the mercury is forced up to a higher and narrower part, till the length of the column cd be equal to that in the tube of the common barometer. — The inconvenience of this barometer is, that as the bore must be made very small, to prevent the mercury from falling out by an ac- cidental shake, the friction and adhesion to the sides of the tube prevent the free motion of the mercury. Mr. Roivning's Compound Barometers. This gentleman has several contrivances for enlarging the scale, and that in any proportion whatever. One of these is described in the Philos. Trans. No. 427, and also in his Nat. Philos. part 2; and another in the same part,, which is here re- presented at fig. 0. abc is a compound tube, hermeti- cally sealed at a, and open at c; empty from a to d, fill- ed with mercury from thence to b, and from hence to e with water. Hence by varying the proportions of the two tubes af and fc, the scale of variation may be changed in any degree. The Marine Barometer. This was first invented by Dr. Hooke, to be used at sea, being contrived so as not to be affected or injured by the motion of the ship. His con- trivance consisted of a double thermometer, or a couple of tubes half filled with spirit of wine ; the .one sealed at both ends, with a quantity of air included ; the other seal- ed at one end only. The former of .these is affected only by the warmth of the air; but the other is affected both by the external warmth and by the variable pressure of the atmosphere. Hence, considering the spirit thermo- meter as a standard, the excess of the rise or fall of the other above it will show the increase or decrease of the pressure of the atmosphere. This instrument is described by Dr. Halley, in the Philos. Trans. No. 269, where he says of it, " I had one of these barometers with me in my late southern voyage, and it never failed to prognosticate and give early notice of all the bad weather we had, so that I depended thereon, and made provision accordingly; and from my own experience I conclude, that a more use- ful contrivance hath not for this long time been offered for the benefit of navigation." — Dr. Hooke also contrived an- other barometer, similar to that of Mr. Rowning above described. The Rev. J. Wilson has also described a me- thod of insuring the sensibility of the barometer ad libi- tum. See Nich. Journal, No. 9, new series. Mr. Nairne, an ingenious artist in London, has lately invented a new kind of Marine Barometer; which differs steelyard, moving on the fulcrum e, and the extremity of from the common barometer by having the lower part of its longest arm pointing to the divisions of a graduated arch, with which index the tube is nearly in cquilibrio. When 'the pressure of the atmosphere is lessened, the mer- cury descends out of the tube into the cistern, which raises the tube and the shorter arm of the index, and conse- quently the extremity of the longer moves downwards, and passes over a part of the graduated arch. And on the contrary this moves upwards when the pressure of the atmosphere increases. TIlc Pendant Barometer, fig.8, was invented by M.Amon- the tube, for about 2 feet in length, made very small, to check the vibrations of the mercury, which would other- wise arise from the motions of the ship. This is also assist- ed by being fixed in gimbals, by a part which subjects it to be the least affected by such motions. Another sort of Marine Barometer has also been in- vented by M. Passementc, an ingenious artist at Paris. This contrivance consists only in twisting the middle of the tube into a spiral of two revolutions; by which contri- vance the impulses which the mercury receives from the BAR [ 208 ] motions of the ship are destroyed, by being transmitted in contrary directions. Messrs. W. and S. Jones of London, have also con- structed two excellent Marine Barometers, which seem to be well adapted to the purposes intended. The Statical Baroscope, or Barometer, of Mr. Boyle, &c. This consists of a large glass bubble, blown very thin, and then balanced by a small brass weight. Hence these two bodies being of unequal bulk, the larger will be. very much affected by a change of the density of the medium, but the less not at all that is perceptible : so that, when the atmo- sphere becomes denser, the ball loses more of its weight, and the brass weight preponderates ; and contrariwise when the air grows lighter. Mr. Cabell's Baroscope, or Barometer. This is described in the Philos. Trans, vol. 24, and seems to be the most sensible and exact of any. It is thus described : Suppose Aucn (Fi<*. 10) a bucket of water, wherein is placed the baroscope xrezyosm, which consists of a body xrsm, and a tube ezyo, which are both concave cylinders, made of tin, or rather glass, and communicating with each other. The bottom of the tube zy has a leaden weight to sink it, so that the top of the body may just swim even with the sur- face of the water by the addition of some grain weights on the top. When the instrument is forced with its mouth downwards, the water ascends into the tube to the height yu. To the top is added a smalt concave cylinder, or pipe, to keep the instrument from sinking down to the bottom : md is a wire: and mS, de are two threads oblique to the surface of the water, which perform the office of diago- nals : for while the instrument sinks more or less by an alteration in the gravity of the air, there where the surface of the water cuts the thread is formed a small bubble, which ascends up the thread while the mercury of the common baroscope ascends, and vice versa. It appears from a calculation which the author makes, that this instrument shows the alterations in the air 1200 times more accurately than the common barometer. He observes, that the bubble is seldom known to stand still even for a minute ; that a small blast of wind, which can- not be heard in a chamber, will sensibly make it sink; and that a cloud passing over it always makes it descend, &c. While some have been increasing the sensibility of the barometer by enlarging the variations, others have endea- voured to make it more convenient by reducing the length of the tube. M. Amontons, in l688, first proposed this alteration in the structure of barometers, by joining seve- ral tubes to one another, alternately filled with mercury and with air, or some other fluid ; and the number of these tubes may be increased at pleasure : but the con- trivance is perhaps more ingenious than useful. M. Mairan's reduced Barometer, which is only 3 inches long, serves the purpose of a manometer, in showing the dilatations of the air in the receiver of an air-pump; and instruments of this kind are now commonly applied to this use. The Portable Barometer, is so contrived that it may be carried from one place to another without being disor- dered. The end of the tube is tied up in a leathern bag not quite full of mercury ; which being pressed by the air, forces the mercury into the tube, and keeps it suspended at its proper height. This bag is usually inclosed in a box, through the bottom of which passes a screw, by means of which the mercury may be forced up to the top of the tube, and prevented from breaking it by dashing BAR against the top when the instrument is removed from one station to another. It seems Mr. Patrick first made a contrivance of this kind : but the portable barometer has received various improvements since; and the most com- plete of this kind has been described by M. De Luc ? in his Recherches, vol. 2, pa. 5 &c, together with the appa- ratus belonging to it, the method of construction and use, and the advantages attending it. Improvements have also been suggested by Sir George Shuckburgh, and Col. Roy, which have been carried into execution, with farther im- provements also, by Mr. Ramsden, and other ingenious artists in London. Sir Henry Englefield has likewise much simplified the portable barometer, reducing its weight to less than a pound and a half. See Nicholson's Journal, No. 55; Phi- los. Mag. No. 117; or Retrospect of Discoveries, No. 13. Fig. 11 represents this instrument, as inclosed in its mahogany case by means of three metallic rings aaa. This case is a hollow cone, so shaped within as to contain steadily the. body of the barometer, and is divided into three branches from b to c, forming three legs or supports for the. instrument when observations are making, and sustaining it at the part d of the case, as it appears in Fig. 12, by an improved kind of gimbals, in which its own weight renders it sufficiently steady at any time. A thermometer is always attached to the instrument, as a necessary appendage to it, being fastened to the body at h, and sunk into the surface of the frame, to preserve it from injury; the degrees of this thermometer are marked on two scales, one on each side of it, viz, the scale of Fahrenheit, and that of Reaumur; the freezing point of the former being at 32, and of the latter at 0. Also on the right-hand side of these two scales there is a third, called a scale of correction, placed oppositely to that of Fahrenheit, with the word add and subtract marked, which shows the necessary correction of the observed altitude of the mercury at any given temperature of the air, indicated by the thermometer. The Common Chamber Weatherglass, is also usually fitted up in a neat mahogany frame, and other embellishments, to make it an ornamental piece of furniture. It consists of the common tube barometer, with a thermometer by the side of it, and an hygrometer at the top, as exhibited in fig. 13. To the foregoing may be added a new sort of Barome- ter, or Weather Instrument by the Sound of a Wire. This is mentioned by M. Lazowski in his tour through Switzer- land : it is as yet but in an imperfect state, and was lately discovered thereby accident. It seems that a clergyman, though near-sighted, often amused himself with firing at a mark, and contrived to stretch a wire so as to draw the mark to him to see how he had aimed. He observed that the wire sometimes sounded as if it vibrated like a musical chord ; and that after such soundings, a change always en- sued in the state of the atmosphere ; from whence he came to predict rain or fine weather. On making farther ex- periments, it was found that the sounds were most distinct when extended in the plane of the meridian. And ac- cording to the weather which was to follow, it was found that the sounds were more or less soft, or more or less con- tinued ; also fine weather, it is said, was announced by the tones of counter-tenor, and rain by those of bass. It has been said that M. Volta mounted 15 chords in this way at Pavia, to bring this method to some precision, but no ac- counts have yet appeared of the success of his observations. BAR [ ] BAR Humbolt, the celebrated traveller, contrived a portable barometer, composed of several parts, which could be ea- sily put together, and which should correct itself at each observation, like an astronomical instrument. In this ba- rometer the tube is distinct from the scale; and when this breaks, its place can be supplied by another, even on the top of a mountain. The Phenomena and Observations of the Barometer. — The phenomena of the barometer are various; but authors are not yet agreed upon the causes of them ; nor is the use of it, ,as a weather-glass, yet perfectly ascertained, though daily observations and experience lead us still nearer to precision. Mr. Boyle observes, that the phenomena of the barometer are so precarious, that it is exceedingly difficult to form any certain general rules concerning the rise and fall of the mercury. Even that rule fails which seems to hold the most generally, viz, that the mercury is low in high winds. The best rules however that have been tleduced by several authors are as follow : Dr. Halley's Rules for judging of the Weather. 1. In cairn weather, when the air is inclined to rain, the mercury is commonly low. 2. In serene, good, and settled weather, the mercury is generally high. 3. Upon very great winds, though they be not accom- panied with rain, the mercury sinks lowest of all, accord- ing to the point of the compass the wind blows from. 4. The greatest heights of the mercury are found upon easterly or north-easterly winds, other circumstances alike. — The above four observations made by Dr. Halley in England appear to be most universal, as they were found by Mr. Melander to lat. 39°, and by M. deLuc to lat. 46°. 5. In calm frosty weather, the mercury commonly stands high. 6. After very great storms of wind, when the mercury has been very low, it generally rises again very fast. 7. The more northerly places have greater alterations of the barometer than the more southerly, near the equator. 8. Within the tropics, and near them, there is little or no variation of the barometer, in all weathers. For in- stance, at St. Helena, it is little or nothing, at Jamaica but 3-10ths of an inch, and at Naples the variation sel- dom exceeds an inch ; whereas in England it amounts to 2 inches and a half, and at Petersburgh to 3-j nearly. Dr. Beal, who followed the opinion of M. Pascal, ob- serves that, casteris paribus, the mercury is higher in cold weather than in warm : and in the morning and evening usually higher than at mid-day. — That in settled and fair weather, the mercury is higher than either a little before or after, or in the rain; and that it commonly descends lower after rain than it was before it. And he ascribes these effects to the vapours with which the air is charged in the former case, and which are dispersed by the falling rain in the latter. If it chance to rise higher after rain, it is usually followed by a settled serenity. And that there are often great changes in the air, without any perceptible alteration in the barometer. Mr. Patrick's Rules for judging of the Weather. — These are esteemed the best of any general rules hitherto made. 1. The rising of the mercury presages, in general, fair weather ; and its falling, foul weather, as rain, snow, high winds, and storms. 2. In very hot weather, the falling of the mercury in- dicates thunder. Vol. I.. 3. In winter, the rising forebodes frost: and in frosty weather, if the mercury fall 3 or 4 divisions, there will certainly follow a thaw. But in a continued frost, if the mercury rises, it will certainly snow. 4. When foul weather happens soon after the falling of the mercury, expect but little of it; and on the contrary, expect but little fair weather when it proves fair shortly after the mercury has risen. 5. In foul weather, when the mercury rises much and high, and so continues for 2 or 3 days before the foul weather is quite over, then expect a continuance of fair weather to follow. 6. In fair weather, when the mercury falls much and low, and thus continues for 2 or 3 days befors the rain comes ; then expect a great deal of wet, and probably high winds. 7. The unsettled motion of the mercury, denotes un- certain and changeable weather. 8. You are not so strictly to observe the words engraved on the plates, as the mercury's rising and falling ; though, in general it will agree with them. For if it stands at much rain, and then rises up to changeable, it presages fair weather ; though not to continue so long as if the mercury had risen higher. And so, on the contrary, if the mer- cury stood at fair, and falls to changeable, it presages foul weather; though not so much of it as if it had sunk lower. 'Upon these rules of Mr. Patrick, the following remarks are made by Mr. Rowning; who also observes, that it is not so much the absolute height of the mercury in the tube that indicates the weather, as its motion up and down : wherefore, to pass a right judgment of what weather is to be expected, we ought to know whether the mercury is actually rising or falling ; to which end the following rules are of use. 1. If the surface of the mercury be convex, standing higher in the middle of the tube than at the sides, it is a sign that the mercury is then rising. 2. But if the surface be concave, or hollow in the mid- dle, it is then sinking. And, 3. If it be plain, or rather a little convex, the mercury is stationary : for mercury being put into a glass tube, es- pecially a small one, naturally has its surface a little con- vex, because the particles of incrcury attract one another more forcibly than they are attracted by glass. Farther, 4. If the glass be small, shake the tube; then if the air be grown heavier, the mercury will rise about half a 10th of an inch higher than it stood before ; but if it be grown lighter, it will sink as much. And, it may be added, in the wheel or circular barometer, tap the instrument gently with the finger, and the index will visibly start forwards or backwards according to the tendency of the fluid to rise or fall at that time. This proceeds from the mer- cury's adhering to the sides of the tube, which prevents the free motion of it till it be disengaged by the shock : and therefore when an observation is to be made with such a tube, it ought to be first shaken ; for sometimes the mer- cury will not vary of its own accord, till the weather is present which it ought to have indicated. To the foregoing rules may be added the following ad- ditional ones, deduced from later and more close observa- tion of the motions of the barometer, and the consequent changes in the air in this country. 1. In winter, spring, and autumn, the sudden falling of the mercury, and that for a large space, denotes high winds and storms ; but in summer it presages heavy 2E BAR c 3 BAR showers, and thunder: and it always sinks lowest of all for great winds, though not accompanied with rain ; though it falls more for wind and rain together than for either of them alone. Also, if, after rain, the wind change into any part of the north, with a clear and dry sky, and the mer- cury rise, it is a certain indication of fair weather. 2. After very great storms of wind, when the mercury has been low, it commonly rises again very fast. In settled fair and dry weather, except the barometer sink much, expect but little rain; for its small sinking then, is only for a little wind, or a few drops of rain; and the mercury soon rises again to its former station. In a wet season, suppose in hay-time and harvest, the smallest sinking of the mercury must be regarded; for when the constitution of the air is much inclined to showers, a little sinking in the barometer then denotes more rain, as it never then stands very high. And, if in such a season it rises sud- denly, very fast, and high, expect not fair weather more than a day or two, but rather that the mercury will fall again very soon, and an immediate rain follow : the slow gradual rising, and keeping on to do so for 2 or 3 days, are most to be depended on for a week's fair weather. And the unsettled state of the quicksilver always denotes un- certain and changeable weather, especially when the mer- cury stands any where about the word changeable on the scale. 3. The greatest heights of the mercury, in this country, are found upon easterly and north-easterly winds ; and it may often rain or snow, the wind being in these points, and the barometer sinks little or none, or it may even be in a rising state, the effect of those winds counteracting. But the mercury sinks for wind, as well as rain, in all the other points of the compass; but rises as the wind shifts about to the north or the east, or between those two points : but if the barometer should sink with the wind in that quarter, expect it soon to change from thence; or else, should the fall of the mercury be much, a heavy rain is then likely to ensue, as it sometimes happens. Cause of the Phenomena of the Barometer. To account for the foregoing phenomena of the baro- meter, many hypotheses have been framed, which may be reduced to two general heads, viz, mechanical and chemi- cal. The chief writers on these causes, are Pascal, Beal, Wallis, Garcin, Garden, Lister, Halley, Garsten, Labile, Mariotte, Le Cat, Woodward, Leibnitz, De Mairan, Bam- berger, 1). Bernoulli, Muschenbroek, Chambers, Ue Luc, Black, &c : and an account of most of their hypotheses may be seen at large in M. De Luc's Recherches sur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere, vol. 1, chap. 3 ; see also the Philos. Trans, and various other works on this subject. It may suffice to notice here slightly a few of the principal of them. Dr. Lister accounts for the changes of the barometer from the alterations by heat and cold in the mercury it- selfi; contracting by cold, and expanding by heat. But this, it is now well known, is quite insufficient to account for the whole of the effect. The changes in the weight or pressure of the atmosphere must therefore be regarded as the principal cause of those in the barometer. But then, the difficulty will be to as- sign the cause of, that cause, or whence arise those alter- ations that take place in the atmosphere, which are some- times so great as to alter its pressure by the 10th part of the whole quantity. It is probable that the winds, as driven about in different directions, have a great share in them; vapours and exhalations, rising from the earth, may also have some share; and some perhaps the flux and re- flux occasioned in the air by the moon ; as well as some chemical causes operating between the different particles of matter. Dr. Halley thinks the winds and exhalations sufficient; and on this principle gives a theory, the substance of which may be comprised in what follows: 1st, That the winds must alter the weight of the air in any particular country; and this, either by bringing toge- ther a greater quantity of air, and so loading the atmo- sphere of any place ; which will be the case as often as two winds blow from opposite parts, at the same time, to- wards the same point : or by sweeping away some part of the air, and giving room for the atmosphere to expand it- self ; which will happen when two winds blow opposite ways from the same point at the same time : or lastly, by cutting off the perpendicular pressure of the air ; which is the case when a single wind blows briskly any way ; it being found by experience, that a strong blast of wind, even made by art, will render the atmosphere lighter; and hence the mercury in a tube below it, as well as in others more distant, will considerably subside. See Philos. Trans. No. 292. 2dly, That the cold nitrous particles, and even the air itself condensed in the northern regions, and driven else- where, must load the atmosphere, and increase its pressure. 3dly, That heavy dry exhalations from the earth must increase the weight of the atmosphere, as well as its elastic force; as we find the specific gravity of menstruums in- creased by dissolved salts and metals. 4thly, That the air being rendered heavier by these and the like causes, is thence better able to support the va- pours ; which being also intimately mixed with it, make the weather serene and fain Again, the air being made lighter from the contrary causes, it becomes unable to sup- port the vapours with which it is replete ; these therefore precipitating, are collected into clouds, the particles of which in their progress unite into drops of rain. Hence, he infers, it is evident that the same causes which increase the weight of the air, and render it more able to support the mercury in the barometer, do likewise pro- duce a serene sky, and a dry season; and that the same causes which render the air lighter, and less able to sup- port the mercury, do also generate clouds and rain. But these principles, though well adapted to many of the particular cases of the barometer, seem however to fall short of some of the principal and most obvious ones, besides being liable to several objections. For first, If the wind were the sole agent in effecting these alterations, we should have no sensible alterations without a sensible wind, nor any wind without some alter- ation of the barometer; both which are contrary to ex- perience. 2dly, If two winds be supposed blowing from the same place, viz, London, opposite ways, viz, N. l". and s. w. there will be two others blowing from opposite points, viz, N. w. and s. E. to the same place; which two last will balance tho first, and bring as much air towards the point as the others swept from it. This follows from the laws of fluidity. 3dly, If the wind were the sole agent, the alterations in the height of the mercury would only be relative, or topical ; there would be still the same quantity supported at several places taken collectively; thus, what a tube at BAR [ 211 ] BAR London lost, another at Paris, or at Pisa, or at Zurich, would gain. But we find the very contrary true in fact ; for, from all the observations hitherto made, the barome- ters in several parts of the globe rise and fall together; so that it must be some alteration in the absolute weight of the atmosphere that accounts for the rise and fall of the mercury. Lastly, setting aside these popular phenomena, the mer- cury's fall before, and rise after rain, seem to be inexpli- cable on the ground of this hypothesis : for suppose two contrary winds sweeping the air from over London ; we know that few if any of the winds reach above a mile high ; all therefore that they can do, will be to cut off a certain part of the column of air over London : if the consequence of this be the fall of the mercury, yet there is no apparent reason for the rain's following it. The va- pours indeed may be let lower, but it will only be till they come into an air of the same specific gravity with them- selves ; and there they will be suspended as before. Leibnitz accounted for the fall of the mercury before rain on another principle, viz, That as a body specifically lighter than a fluid, while it is sustained by it, adds more weight to that fluid than when, by being reduced in bulk, it becomes specifically heavier, and descends; so the va- pour, after it is reduced into the form of clouds, and de- scends, adds less weight to the air than it did before ; and hence the mercury sinks in the tube. — But here, granting that the drops of rain formed from the vapours always in- creasing in size as they fall lower, were continually acce- lerated also in their motion, and The Barometer applied to the Measuring of Altitudes. The secondary character of the barometer, namely, as an instrument for measuring accessible heights or depths, was first proposed by Pascal and Descartes, as has been before observed ; and succeeding philosophers have been at great pains to ascertain the proportion between the fall of the barometer and the height to which it is carried; as Halley, Mariotte, Maraldi, Scheuchzer, J. Cassini, D.Ber- noulli, Horrebow, Bouguer, Shuckburgh, Roy, and more especially by De Luc, who has given a critical and histo- rical detail of most of the attempts that have at different times been made for applying the motion of the mercury plained certain phenomena from a principle similar to that in the barometer to the measurement of accessible heights. on which Dr. Darwin has so much insisted: Botanic And for this purpose serves the portable barometer, before Garden, I. notes p. 79, &c. described, (fig. 11 and 12, plate 4,) which should be made ' That the falling of the barometer may proceed from with all possible accuracy. Various rules have been given a decomposition of the atmosphere occurring around or by the writers on this^subject, for computing the height near that part of the globe where we are placed, which ascended from the given fall of the mercury in the tube of will occasion the electricity of the atmosphere to be re- the barometer, the most accurate of which was that of Dr. pelled upwards in fine lambent portions; or driven down- Halley, till it was rendered much more'so by the indefati- wards or upwards in more compacted balls of fire; or gable researches of De Luc, by introducing into it the cor- lastly, to be carried along with the rain, &c, in an imper- rections of the columns of mercury and air, on account of ceptible manner to the surface of the earth: the precipi- heat. Other corrections and modifications of the same tation of the watery parts generally very soon takes place, may be seen inserted under the article Atmosphere, which diminishes the real gravity of the atmosphere, and also by the decomposition of some of the more active parts, the air loses part of that elastic and repulsive power which it scr eminently possessed, and will therefore press with less force on the mercury of the barometer than before, by which means a fall ensues. ' That the cause of the currents of air, or winds, may also be this way accounted for: and in very severe storms, where great decompositions of the atmosphere take place, this is particularly evident, such as generally occur in one cury in the barometer tube at the bottom, and m that at or more of the West-India islands at one time, a great loss the top of the hill, or other eminence; which lengths may where the most correct rule, is deduced from one single ex- periment only. The Rule for computing Altitudes, is this, Viz, 10000 x log. of - is the altitude in fathoms, in the ' ° m temperature of 31°: and for every degree of the thermo- meter above that, the result must be increased by so many times its 435th part, and diminished when below it: in which theorem m denotes the length of the column of mer- of real gravity, together with a considerable diminution of the spring of the air immediately ensues ; hence a current commences, first in that direction whence the air has most gravity, or is most disposed to undergo such a change; but it being soon relieved of its superior weight or spring on that side, by the decomposition going on as fast as the wind arrives on the island, it immediately veers to another point, which then rushes in mostly with an increase of of any height or depth, proposed to be measured; together force; thus it goes on till it has blown more than half way with the temperature of the mercury by means of the ther- round the points of the compass during the continuation momcler attached to the barometer, and also the temper* of the hurricane. For in this manner the West-India phe- ture of the air in the shade by another thermometer which be expressed in any one and the same sort of measures, whether feet, or inches, or tenths, &c, and either English, or French, or of any other nation; but the. result in this case is always in fathoms, of English feet each. And the Precepts, in words, for the practice of measuring altitudes by the barometer, are these following: 1st, Observe the height of the barometer at the bottom nomena, as well as the alteration of the wind during heavy rains in this country, can only be properly accounted for.' See remark No. 4. Mr.C.'s 4th aphorism is, ' That the heaviest rains, when of long continuance, generally begin with the wind blow is detached from the barometer. 2dly, Let the same thing be done also at the top of the said height or depth, and as near the time of the former as possible. And let those altitudes of mercury be reduced to the same temperature, if it be thought necessary, by cor- ing easterly, when it gradually veers round to the south ; retting either the one or the other, viz, augmenting the and that the rain does not then begin to cease til) the wind height of the mercury in the colder temperature, or dimi- BAR [ 213 ■] BAR nishing that in the warmer, by its 9600th part for every decree of difference between the two ; and the altitudes of mercury so corrected, are those which are denoted by m and m in the algebraic formula above. 3dly, Take out the common logarithms of the two heights of mercury, so corrected, and subtract the less from the greater, cutting oft" from the right hand side of the remain- der three places for decimals; so shall those on the left be fathoms in whole numbers, the tables of logarithms being understood to be such as have 7 places of decimals. 4thly, Correct the number last found, for the difference of the temperature of the air, as follows : viz, Take half the sum of the two temperatures of the air, shown by the detached thermometers, for the mean one ; and for every degree which this differs from the standard temperature of 31°, take so many times the 435th part of the fathoms above found, and add them if, the mean temperature be more than 31°, but subtract them if it be below 31°; so shall the sum or difference be the true altitude in fathoms, or being multiplied by 6, it will give the true altitude in English feet. Example 1. Let the state of the barometers and thermo- meters be as follows, to find the altitude: viz. Thermometers. Baromet detached. attached. 57 57 29'68 lower 42 43 25'28 upper ean 49£ dif. 14 As 96OO mean 49-| stand. 31 dif. Til 14 29-68 cor. "04 •U4- m = 29-64 - 471S7S2 m = 25-28 - 4027 771 As 435 : 18i : : 6'91'01 1 : 29-38S cor. add 29'3S8 the altitude^ sous altitude") ight is j 720-399 fathoms, or 4322'394 feet. Example 2. To find the altitude of a hill, when the state of the barometer and thermometer, as observed at the bot- tom and summit of the same are as follows: viz, Thermometers. Barometers. detached. 35 31 mean 33 attached. 41 38 dif.ir 2945 26-82 As 96OO mean 33 stand. 31 dif. 2 29-45 •01 M = 29-44 m = 26-82 As 435 : 2 : : cor. add the altitude sought is •01 logs. 4689378 4284588 404-790 rs6 1-86 ") 406-65 fathoms. j o r 2439-90 feet. See this rule investigated under the article Pneuma- tics, at the end. N. B. The mean height of the barometer in London, on an average of two observations in every day of the year, kept at the house of the Royal Society, for many years past, is 29-88; the medium temperature, or height of the thermometer, according to the same, being 58°. But the medium height at the surface of the sea, according to Sir Geo. Shuckburgh (Philos. Trans. 1777, p. 586) is 30-04 inches, the heat of the barometer being 55°, and of the air 62°. See a learned paper in vol. 1 of the Trans, of the R. Soc. of Edinburgh, " on the Causes which affect the Accuracy of Barometrical Measurements; by John Play- fair, A. M. F. R. S. Edin. and Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh ;" also, another by Dr. Da- men, late Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy in the University of Leyden, entitled " Dissertatio Physica et Mathematica de Montium Altitudine Barometro Metienda. Accedit Refractionis AstronomicasTheofia," in Svo, at the Hague, 1783. Also other corrections and modifications that have been given by several philosophers, as Robison, Trembley, Englefield, Prony, Laplace, &c. We shall now conclude this subject by an account of the height of some of the most remarkable mountains, &c, on the earth, above the surface of the ocean, in feet. Mount Puy de Dome, in Auvergne, the first? ,„„„ > Alps ) 5 ic de los Reyes } C ^ic du Medi - f „ V - >icd'Ossano -f Py re ™ees -j _ ^anegou -J {_ mountain measured by the barometer, Mount Blanc Monte Rosa Aiguille d'Argentine - » Monastery of St. Bernard Mount Cenis - Pic de los Reyes Pic du Medi - . Picd'Ossann -Y ty^ees Cane^ Lake of Geneva Mount ./Etna - Mount Vesuvius Mount Hecla, in Iceland Snowden - Ben Moir Ben Laurs - Ben Gloe - - ■ Shihallien Ben Lomond - - • Tinto - - - - Table-Hill, Cape of Good Hope, Gondar city, in Abyssinia, Source of the Nile Pic of Teneriffe Chimboracou - - - Cayambourou Antisana - Pichinha City of Quito - Caspian Sea below the Ocean 15662 15084 13402 794:* 9212 7620 9300 11700 8544 1232 10954 3938 4S87 3555 3723 385S 3472 3461 3180 2342 3454 8440 8082 14026' 19595 19391 19290 15070 9977 306 BAROSCOPE, a machine for showing the alterations in the weight or pressure of the atmosphere. See Barome- ter. BARREL, an English vessel or cask," containing 36 gallons of beer-measure, or 32 gallons of ale-measure. The barrel of beer, vinegar, or of liquor preparing for vinegar, ought to contain 34 gallons, according to the standard of the ale quart. Barrel, in clock-work, is the cylinder about which the spring is wrapped. BARRICADE, or Barricado, a military term for a fence, or retrenchment, hastily made with vessels, or bas- kets of earth, carts, trees, stakes, or the like, to preserve an army from the shot or assault of an enemy. BARRIER, a kind of fence made at a passage, retrench- ment, gate, or such like, to stop it up against an enemy. BARROW (Isaac), avery eminent mathematician and divine of the 17th century, was born at London in Octo- BAR [ 214 ] BAR ber, 1630, being the son of Thomas Barrow, then a linen- draper of that city, but descended from an ancient family in Suffolk. He was first placed at the Charter-house school for two or three years; where his behaviour afforded but little hopes of success in the profession of a scholar, being much addicted to fighting, and promoting it among his school-fellows ; but on removal to Felsted in Essex, his disposition took a different turn, and he applied himself with great assiduity to his studies, in which he made very rapid advancement. He was first admitted a pensioner of Peter-house in Cambridge; but when he came to join the university in Feb. 1645, he was entered at Trinity-college. In 1647 he was chosen a scholar of the house., and sub- scribed the engagement; but afterwards repenting what he had done, he went back and struck out his name from the list. At this period he began to apply himself with great diligence to the study of all parts of literature, espe- cially natural philosophy. He afterwards turned his at- tention to the profession of physic, and made considerable progress in anatomy, botany, and chemistry : he next stu- died divinity; then chronology, astronomy, geometry, and the other branches of the mathematics ; with what success, his writings afterwards most eminently showed. In l6'4-9 he was chosen fellow of his college. When Dr. Duport resigned the chair of Greek professor, he recommended his pupil Mr. Barrow for his successor, who, in his probationary exercise, showed himself equal to the character that had been given of him by this gen- tleman; but being suspected of favouring Arminianism, he' was not preferred. This disappointment, it appears, de- termined him to quit the college, and visit foreign coun- tries ; but such were his. finances, that he was obliged to dispose of his books, to enable him to execute that design. He left England in June 1655, and visited France, Italy, Turkey, &c. At several places, in the course of this tour, he met with much kindness and liberal assistance from the English ambassadors, &c, which enabled him to benefit the more from it, by protracting his stay, and prolonging his journey. He spent more than a year in Turkey, and returned to England by way of Venice, Germany, and Hol- land, in 1659. At Constantinople he read over the works of St. Chrysostom, once bishop of that see, whom he pre- ferred to all the other fathers. On his return home Barrow was episcopally ordained by bishop Brownrig ; and in 1660, he was chosen to the Greek professorship at Cambridge. In 1 662 he was elected professor of geometry in Gresham-college ; in which sta- tion he not only discharged his own duty, but supplied also the absence of Dr. Pope the astronomical professor. Among his lectures, some were on the projection of the sphere and perspective, which are lost; but his Latin ora- tion, previous to his lectures, is still extant. About this time Mr. Barrow was offered a good living; but the con- dition annexed, of teaching the patron's son, made him refuse it, as thinking it too likeasimoniacal contract. On the 20th of May 1663 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, in the first choice made by the council after their charter. The same year the executors of Mr. Lucas hav- ing, according to his appointment, founded a mathemati- cal lecture at Cambridge, they selected Mr. Barrow for the first professor; and though his two professorships were not incompatible with each other, he chose to resign that of Gresham-college, which he did May the 20th, 1664 ; and at the same time his Greek professorship also. In 1669 he resigned the mathematical chair to his learned friend Mr. Isaac Newton, having determined to quit the study of mathematics altogether for that of divinity. On leaving his professorship, he had only his fellowship of Trinity-college, till his uncle gave him a small sinecure in Wales; and Dr. Seth Ward, bishop of Salisbury, conferred on him a prebendary in his church. In the year 1670 he was created doctor in divinity by mandate; and, on the promotion of Dr. Pearson, master of Trinity-college, to the see of Chester, he was appointed to succeed him by the king's patent, bearing date the 13th of Feb. 1672; on which occasion the king was pleased to say, " he had given it to the best scholar in England." In this his majesty did not speak from report, but from his own knowledge; the doctor being then his chaplain, he used often to converse with him, and, in his humorous way, would call him an "unfair preacher," because he exhausted every subject, and left no room for others to come after him. In l6'75 he was chosen vice-chancellor of the university; and he omitted no endeavours for the good of that society, nor in the line of his profession as a divine, for the promotion of piety and virtue : but his useful labours were abruptly terminated by a fever on the 4th of May, l677, in the 47th year of his age. He was interred in Westminster Abbey, where a monument, adorned with his bust, was soon after erected by the contribution oi his friends. Dr. Barrow's works are very numerous, and indeed va- rious — mathematical, theological, poetical, &c, and such as do honour to the English nation. They are principally as follow: 1. Euclidis Elementa. Cantab. 1655, in 8vo. 2. Euclidis Data. Cantab. 1657, in 8vo. 3. Lectiones Optica? xviii. Lond. 1669, 4to. 4. Lectiones Geometrica xiii. Lond. 1670, 4to. 5. Archimedis Opera, Apollonii-Conicorum libri iv,The- odosii Sphericorum lib.iii;nova methodo illustrata,et suc- cincte demonstrata. Lond. 1675, in 4to. The following were published after his decease, viz: 6. Lectio, in qua theoremata Archimedis de sphaira et cylindro per methodum indivisibilium investigata, ac bre- viter investigata, exhibentur. Lond. l67S, 12mo. 7. Mathematica3 Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis academisCantabrigiensis, an. 1664, 5, 6, &c. Lond.l683. 8. All his English works, in 3 volumes. Lond. l683, folio. — These are all theological, and were published by Dr. John Tillotson. 9. lsaaci Barrow Opuscula; viz, Determinationes, Con- dones ad Clerum, Orationes, Poemata, &c, volumen quar- tum» Lond. l6'87, folio. Dr. Barrow left also several curious papers on mathe- matical subjects, written in his own hand, which were communicated by Mr. Jones to the author of" The Lives of the Gresham Professors," a particular account of which may be seen in that book, in the Life of Barrow. Several of his works have been translated into English, and published : as the Elements and Data of Euclid; the Geometrical Lectures; the Mathematical Lectures; and accounts of some of them were also given in several vo- lumes of the Phil OS. Trans. It is remarkable, that Dr. Barrow's method of drawing tangents to curves is exactly similar to that by the method of fluxions, the difference being only in the notation: via, he considered the elemental triangle, formed by the dis- tance and the difference of two indefinitely near ordinatcs, with the element of the curve, as similar to the triangle formed by the ordinate, the tangent, and the subtangent; BAR [ 2'5 ] B A S which thence he found by this proportion : As the difference of the ordinates is to their distance, so is the ordinate to the subtangent. Dr. Barrow must ever be esteemed, in all the subjects which exercised his pen, a person of the clearest percep- tion, the finest fancy, the soundest judgment, the pro- foundest thought, and the closest and most nervous reason- ing. " The name of Dr. Barrow (says the learned Mr. Granger) will ever be illustrious for a strength of mind and a compass of knowledge that did honour to his country. He was unrivaled in mathematical learning, and especially in the sublime geometry ; in which he has been excelled only by his successor Newton. The same genius that seemed to be born only to bring hidden truths to light, and to rise to the heights or descend to the depths of science, would sometimes amuse itself in the flowery paths of po- etry, and compose verses both in Greek and Latin. He at length gave himself up entirely to divinity; and parti- cularly to the most useful part of it, that which has a ten- dency to make men wiser and better." Several good anecdotes are told of Barrow, as well of his great integrity, as of his wit, and bold intrepid spirit and strength of body. His early attachment to fighting when a boy is some indication of the latter; to which may be added the two following anecdotes: In his voyage be- tween Leghorn and Smyrna, the ship was attacked by an Algerine pirate, which, after a stout resistance, they com- pelled to sheer off, Barrow keeping his post at the gun to the last. And when Dr. Pope in their conversation asked him, " Why he did not go down into the hold, and leave the defence of the ship to those to whom it did belong?" He replied, " It concerned no man more than myself: I would rather have lost my life, than to have fallen into the hands of those merciiess infidels." There is another anecdote told of him, which showed not only his intrepiditv, but an uncommon goodness of dis- position, in circumstances where an ordinary share of it would have been probably extinguished. Being once on a visit at a gentleman's house in the country, where a large mastiff was kept, as he was going out one morning before day (for he w;is a very early riser) the fierce animal that used to be chained up during the day, and let loose at night for the security of the house, perceiving a strange person in the garden at that unusual time, set upon him with great fury. The doctor caught him by the throat, grappled with him, and throwing him down, lay upon him : once he thought of killing him ; but he altered his reso- lution, on recollecting that this would be unjust, since the dog did only his duty, and he himself was in fault for rambling out of his room before it was light. At length he called out so loud, that he was heard by some of the family, who came presently out, and released the doctor and the dog from their disagreeable situation. BARS, in Music, are the spaces quite through any com- position, separated by upright lines drawn across the five horizontal lines, each of which either contains the same number of notes of the same kind, or so many other notes as will make up a like interval of time; for all the bars, in any piece, must be of the same length, and played in the same time. BARS, in Architecture, are long slender piecesof wood, or iron, used to keep things secure, and at their proper assigned distances. BARTER, or Truck, is the exchanging of one com- modity for another; and forms a rule in the commercial part of arithmetic, by which the commodities are properly calculated and equalled, by computing first the value of the commodity which is given, and then the quantity of the other which will be adequate to the same sum. Example. How much wine at 70/ per pipe must be given in barter for 500 loads of timber at 2/ 5s per load ? First find the value of the commodity whose quantity is given; thus, 500 loads at 2/ 5s per load. 2 1125 the value of the timber: hence, to find what quantity of wine at 70/ per pipe will amount to this sum, say, as 701 : 1 pipe : : 1 125/ : l6 pipes 9 gal- lons the quantity sought. BARTHOLINE (Erasmus), a mathematician and phi- losopher, in the latter part of the 17th century, who died in 1698, at 73 years of age. He was successively pro- fessor of mathematics and philosophy at Copenhagen ; and attained the rank of counsellor of state. He published De Cometis, an. 1664 et 1665, Opusculum ex observa- tion! bus Hafniae habitis adornatum. Hafniffi, 4to. Also, Experimenta Crystalli Islandici, 1670, in 4to; and De Aere Hafniensi, l679> > n 8vo. BASE, or Basis, in Chemistry, is a term applied bythe old chemists to designate those substances of a fixed, inert, passive nature, which combined with, and were acted on, by more volatile or active menstrua. Thus, the alkalies, earths, and metallic oxyds, which form compound salts, by uniting with acids, were called the bases of these salts. Mo- dern chemists, though they maintain, that in every combi- nation the nisus or force of affinity between two ingredients is mutual and equal, have yet retained the term for the sake of precision, to express either species or families of salts which differ with regard to the acid, but agree as to the' alkali, earth, or metallic oxyd which they contain. Thus, salts with a base of potash, include all those species which are formed by the combination of the various acids with the particular alkali, potash. Again, salts with an alka- line base comprehend the three families of salts with bases of potash, soda, or ammonia, as distinguished from the other salts with earthy or metallic bases. The utility, therefore, of this mode of expression is evi- dent; for though the compound salts are usually divided into genera according to their acids, as sulphats, nitrats, muriats, &c, yet it is often desirable to arrange them ac- cording to their oth?r element or base, for which the La- voisierian nomenclature has not particularly provided. The term base is also used on other occasions as a me- thod of denoting species; as when we say sulphuric acid is composed of oxygen united with the base of sulphur; the vegetable acids, of oxygen and a compound base of hy- drogen and carbon. Sometimes also the word base is ap- plied in a more indefinite manner, as in the expressions, phos- phat of lime is the base of animal bone, azot is the base of muscular fibre, where it means merely the characteristic or principal part. BASE, Basis, in Architecture, denotes the lower part of a column or pedestal. The base of columns is diffe- rently formed in different orders : Thus, the Tuscan base consists only of a single tore, besides the plinth : the Doric has an astragal more than the Tuscan : the Ionic has a large tore over two slender scotias, separated by two B A S [ 216 ] B A S astragals : the Corinthian has two tores, two scotias, and two astragals : the Composite has an astragal less than the Corinthian : the Attic base has two tores and a scotia, and is proper for either the Ionic or Composite columns. Base, in Geometry, the lowest side of any figure. Any side of a figure may be considered as its base, according to the position in which it may be conceived as standing; but commonly it is understood of the lowest side : as the base of a triangle, of a cone, cylinder, &c. Base Line, in Perspective, denotes the common section of the picture and the geometrical plane. Base Ring, of a cannon, is the great ring next behind the vent or touch-hole. Base, Alternate. See Alternate. BASEMENT, in Architecture, a continued base, ex- tended a considerable length, as about a house, a room, or other piece of building. BASILIC, in the ancient Architecture, was a large hall, or "court of judicature, where the magistrates sat to ad- minister justice. BASILICA, or Basilicus, the same asRegulns, or Cor Leonis, being a fixed star of the first magnitude in the con- stellation of Leo. BASILISK, in the older artillery, was a large piece of ordnance so called from its resemblance to the supposed serpent of that name. It threw an iron ball of 200 pounds weight; and was in great repute in the time of Solyman emperor of the Turks, in the wars of Hungary; but it is now grown .out of use in most parts of Europe. Paulus Jovius relates the terrible slaughter made in a Spanish ship by a single ball from one of these basilisks; after pass- ing through the beams and planks in the ship's head, it killed upwards of 30 men. And Maffeus speaks of basi- lisks made of brass, each of which required 100 yoke of oxen to draw them. — More modern writers also give the name basilisk to a much smaller and sizeable piece of ord- nance, made of 15 feet long by the Dutch, but of only 10 by the French, and carrying a ball of 48 pounds. The largest size of cannon now used by the English, are the 32- pounders. BASIS, in Geometry, the same as Base. BASS, in Music, that part of a concert which is the most heard, which consists of the gravest, deepest, and longest sounds : it is played on the largest pipes or strings of common instruments ; or on instruments larger than ordinary for the purpose ; by some it is esteemed the'basis and principal part in music, and by others as scarcely ne- cessary in some tunes. BASSANTIN (James), a Scotch astronomer of the l6th century, born in the reign of Janles the 4th of Scot- land. He was a son of the Laird of Bassantin in the Merse. After finishing his education at the university of Glasgow, he travelled through Germany and Italy, and then settled in the university of Paris, where he taught mathematics with great applause. Having acquired some property in this employment, he returned to Scotland in 1562, where he died 6 years after. From his writings it appears he was no inconsiderable astronomer, for the age in which he lived ; but, according to the. fashion of the times, he was greatly addicted to ju- dicial astrology. It was doubtless to our author that Sir .Tames Mclvil alludes in his Memoirs, when he says that his brother Sir Robert, when he was using his endeavours to reconcile the two queens Elizabeth and Mary, met with one Bassantin, a man learned in the high sciences, who told him, " that all his travels would be in vain ; for," said he, " they will never meet together; and next, there will never be any thing but dissembling and secret hatred for a while, and at length captivity and utter wreck to our queen from England." He added, " that the kingdom of England at length shall fall, of right, to the crown of Scotland : but it shall cost many bloody battles ; and the Spaniards shall be helpers, and take a part to themselves for their labour." Aprediction inwhich Bassantin partly guessed right, which it is likely he was enabled to do from a judicious conside- ration of probable circumstances and appearances. Bassantin's works are, 1. Astronomia Jacobi Bassantini Scoti, opus absolu- tissimum, &c; ter. edit. Latine et Gallice. Genev. 1599- fol. This is the title given it byTornoesius, who translated it into Latin from the French, in which language it was first published. 2. Paraphrase de 1' Astrolabe, avec une amplification de l'usage d'Astrolabe. Lyons 1555. Paris l6l?, Svo. 3. Mathematica Genethliaca. 4. Arithmetica. 5. Musica secundum Platonem. 6. De Mathesi in Genere. BASTION, in the modern fortification, a large mass of earth at the angles of a work, connecting the curtains to each other; and answers to the bulwark of the ancients. It is formed by two faces, two flanks, and two demigorges. The two faces form the saliant angle, or angle of the bas- tion ; the two flanks form with the faces, the epaules or shoulders; and the union of the other two ends of the flanks with the curtains forms the two angles of the flanks. Curtain- The first introduction of bastions into fortification, is not precisely defined. However, they were well known soon after the year 1500; for Tartalea gives a plan of Turin, which had been completely fortified for some time with four bastions, in his Quesiti et Inventioni diverse, published in 1546. If the angle of the bastion be less than 60°, it will be too small to give room for guns; and besides so acute as to be easily beaten down by the enemy's guns : to which may be added, that it will either render the line of de- fence too long, or the flanks too short; it must therefore be more than 6o° ; but whether or no it should be a right angle, some intermediate angle between 60 and 90°, or even whether or no it should exceed 90°, is still disputed, though those are generally preferred which are not much less than 90°, and not exceeding 120 or 130°. Hence it follows that a triangle can never be fortified ; because either some or all of the angles will be cither 60°, or less than 60. Bastions are of various kindjj solid, void, regular, &c. Solid Bastions, are those that are entirely filled up with earth to the. height of the rampart, without any void space towards the centre. BAT [ 217 ] BAT Void or Hollow Bastion, has the rampart and parapet ranging only round the flanks and spaces, so that a void space is left within towards the centre, where the ground is so low that if the rampart he taken, no retrenchment can be made in the centre, but what will lie under the fire of the besieged. Regular Bastion, is that which has its due proportion of faces, flanks, and gorges. Deformed ov Irregular Bastion, iswhen the irregularity of the lines and angles throws the bastion out of shape; as when it wants one of the demigorges, one side of the in- terior polygon being too short, &c. Demi Bastion, or Half Bastion, also otherwise called an Epaulment, has but one face and flank. Double Bastion, is when one bastion is raised within, and upon the plane of another bastion. Flat Bastion, is one built in the middle of the curtain, whenit is too long to be- defended by the usual bastions at the extremities. Composed Bastion, is when the twosides of the interior polygon are very unequal, which makes the gorges also unequal. Out Bastion, is that which has a re-entering angle at the point, and is sometimes called a Bastion with a Tenail/e, whose point is cut off, making an angle inwards, and two points outwards. This is used when the saliant angle would be too sharp, or when water or some other impediment prevents it from being carried out to its full extent. BASTON, or Batoon, in Architecture, a moulding in the base of a column, called also a Tore, or Torus. BATTARDEAU, or Cofferdam, in bridge-building, is a case of piling, &c, without a bottom, fixed in the bed of the river, by which to lay the bottom dry for a space large enough to build the pier on. When it is fixed, its sides reaching above the surface of the river, the water is drawn out by pumps, &c, and it is in like manner kept dry till the pier is built up ; and then the materials of the cofferdam are drawn up. See my Tracts, vol. i, p. 100. BATTEN, a name given by workmen to a scantling or piece of wooden stuff, about an inch thick, and from 2 to 4 inches broad; of a considerable butindeterminatelength. BATTERING, the attacking a place, work, or the like, with heavy artillery. Battering-Raw, a military engine used for beating down walls before the invention of gunpowder and the mo- dern artillery. It was no other than a long heavy beam of timber, armed with an iron head, something like the head of a ram. This being pushed violently with constant suc- cessive blows against a wall, gradually shakes it with a vibratory motion, till the stones are disjointed and the wall falls down. There were several kinds of battering-rams : the first was rude and plain, which the soldiers carried in their arms by main force, and so struck the head of it against the wall. The second was slung by a rope about the middle to another beam lying across upon a couple of posts; which was the kind described by Joscphus as used at the siege of Jerusalem. A third sort was covered with a shell or screen of boards, to defend the men from the stones and darts of the besieged upon the walls, and thence called Testudo Arictaria. And Felibien describes a fourth sort of battering-ram, which ran upon wheels; and was the most perfect and effectual of them all. Vitruvius affirms, that the battering-ram was first in- vented by the Carthaginians, while they laid siege to Cadiz ; yet Pliny assures us, that the ram was invented or used at Vol. I. the siege of Troy; and that it was this that gave occasion to the fable of the wooden-horse. The ram soused by the Carthaginians was of the most simple construction, being the one first mentioned. Pephasmenos, a Tyrian, after- wards contrived to suspend it with ropes; and lastly, Po- lydus, the Thessalian, mounted it on wheels, at the siege of Byzantium, under Philip of Macedon. It has been sus- pected that the walls of Jericho, mentioned in the Book of Joshua, were beaten down with this instrument ; the ram's horns there mentioned, and by means of which they were overthrown, being no other than the horns of the battering- ram. Plutarch relates, that Marc Anthony, ,m the Parthian war, made use of a ram SO feet long: and Vitruvius af- firms that they were sometimes 106, and even 120 feet long ; which must have given an immense force to this en- gine^ The ram required 100 soldiers to work* and ma- nage it atone time; who being exhausted, another century relieved them ; by which means it was kept playing con- tinually. See fig. 2, plate v, which represents the batter- ing-ram suspended in its open frame; in which 3 denotes the form of the head, fastened to the enormous beam 2, by three or four bands (4) of iron, of about four feet in breadth. At the extremity of each of these bands was an iron chain (5), one end of which was fastened to a hook (6), and to the last link at the other extremity was firmly bound a cable, which ran along the whole length of the beam to the end of the ram 7, where these cables were bound together as fast as possible with small ropes. To the end of these cables was likewise fastened another, that consisted of several strong cords platted together to a cer- tain length, and then running single (8), at each of which were placed several men, to balance and work the machine. 10 is the chain or cable by which the ram was hung to the cross beam ( 1 1), fixed on the top of the frame ; and 12 is the base of the machine. The unsuspended ram differed from this only in the manner of working it; as it moved on small wheels upon another large beam, instead of being slung by a chain or cable. Mr. Altwood, in his Mechanics, p. 26*5, has compared the effects of a battering-ram to that of a 24-pounder ; ' the metal extremity of the ram, or the head of it, he sup- poses to be of the same magnitude as the shot: "In or- der," says he, " that the ball may have, the same effect in making a breach in a wall, the weight of the ram must exceed that of the ball in the proportion of about 1700', to the square of the velocity with which this engine could be made to impinge against a wall, expressed in feet; if this may be estimated at about 10 feet in a second, the pro- portion of the weights will be that of about 28^0000 to 100, or 2S.O00 to 1 : the- weight of the battering-ram must therefore be equal to 34-6 ton. In this case the battering- ram and the cannon-ball, moving with the velocities of 10 feet and 1700 feet respectively in a second, would have the same effect in penetrating the substance of an opposed obstacle; but it is probable that the weight of the ram never amounted to so much as is above described, and con- sequently the effects of the cannon-ball to cut down* walls by making a breach in them, must exceed those of the ancient battering-rams : but the momentum of these, or the impetus whereby they communicated a shock to the whole building, was far greater than the utmost force of cannon-balls; for if the weight of the battering-ram were no more than 170 times greater than that of a cannon- 2F B A [ 218 ] BAT ball, cacti moving' with iis respective velocity; the mo- menta of both would be equal : but as it is certain, that the weight of these ancient machines was far more than 170 times our heaviest cannon-balls," it follows that their momentum or impetus, to shake or overturn walls, &c, was far superior to that which is exerted by modern ar- tillery. And since the strength of fortifications will in ge- neral be proportioned to the means which can be used for their demolition, the military walls of the moderns have been constructed with less attention with regard to their solidity and massy weight, than the ancients thought a necessary defence against the power of the ram ; that sort of cohesive firmness of texture which resists the penetration of bodies being now more necessary than in ancient times: but it is manifest that even now, solidity or weight in for- tifications also is of material consequence, to the effectual construction of a wall or battery." BATTERY, in the Military Art, a place raised to plant cannon upon, to play with more advantage on the ene- my. It consists of an epaulment or a breast-work, of about 8 feet high, and 18 or 20 feet thick. In all batteries, the open spaces through which the muz- zles of the cannon are pointed, arc called Embrazures, and the distances between the embrasures, Merlons. The guns are placed on a platform composed of planks &c, ascend- ing a little from the parapet, to check the recoil, and that the gun may be the easier brought back again to the pa- rapet : they are placed from 12 to 16 feet distant from one another, that the parapet may be strong, and the gunners have room to work. Mortar Batteries differ from the others, in that the slope of the parapet is inwards, and is without embra- sures, the shells being fired quite over the parapet, com- monly at an angle of 45 degrees elevation. Open Battery, is nothing more than a number of can- non, commonly field-pieces, ranged in a row abreast of one another, perhaps on some small natural elevation of the ground, or an artificial bank a little raised for the purpose. Covered or Masked Battery, is when the carinon and gunners are covered by a bank or breast-work, commonly made of brush-wood, faggots, and earth, called a fascine battery. Sunk or Buried Battery, is when its platform is sunk, or let down into the ground, so that trenches must be cut into the earth opposite the muzzles of the guns, to serve as embrasures to fire through. This is mostly used on the first making of approaches in besieging and battering a place. Ricochet Battery, so called by its inventor M. Vau- ban, and first used at the siege of Aeth in 1697. It is a method of firing with a very small quantity of powder, and a little elevation, so as just to fire over the parapet; and then the shot will roll along the opposite rampart, dismounting the cannon, and driving or destroying the troops. In a siege, they are generally placed at about 300 feet before the first parallel, perpendicular to the faces produced which they are to enfilade. Ricochet practice is not confined to cannon alone; small mortars and how- itzers may effectually be used for the same purpose. They are of singular use in action to enfilade the enemy's ranks; for when the men perceive the shells rolling about with their fuses burning, expecting them to burst every mo- ment, the bravestamong them will not havecourage to wait their approach, and face the havoc of their explosion. Cross Batteries, are two batteries playing athwart each other upon the same object, funning an angle there, and battering to more effect, because what one battery shakes, the other beats down. Battkry d'Enfi'adc, is one that scours or sweeps the whole length of a straight line. Battery en Ec/iarpe, is one that plajs obliquely. Battery de Meverse, or Murdering Buttery, is one that plays upon the enemy's back. Camerade or Joint Battery, is when several guns plav upon one place at the same time. Battery, in Electricity, is a combination of coated surfaces of glass, commonly jars, so connected together that they may be charged at once, and discharged by a common conductor. Mr. Gralath, a German electrician, first contrived to increase the shock by charging several phials at the same time. — Dr. Franklin, having analyzed the Leyden phial, and found that it lost at one surface the electric fire received at the other, constructed a battery of eleven large panes of sash window glass, coated on both sides, and so connected that the whole might be charged together, and with the same labour as one single pane; then by bringing all the giving sides into contact with one wire, and all the receiving sides with another, he contrived to unite the force of all the plates, and by that means to discharge them at once. — Dr. Priestley describes a still more complete battery. This consists of (14 jars, each 10 inches long, and 2J inches in diameter, all coated within an inch and a half of the top, forming in the whole about 31 square feet of coated surface. A piece of very fine wire is also twisted about the lower end of the wire of each jar, to touch the inside coating in several places ; and it is put through a pretty large piece of cork, within the jar, to prevent any part of it from touching the side, by which a spontaneous discharge might be made. Each wire is turned round so as to make a loop at the upper end ; and through these loops passes a considerably large brass rod with knobs, each rod serving for one row of the jars ; and these rods are made to communicate together by a thick chain laid over them, or as many of them as may be wanted. The jars stand in a box, the bottom of which is covered with a tin plate; and a bent wire touching the plate passes through the box, and appears on the outside. To this wire is fastened any conductor designed to com- municate with the outside of the battery ; and the dis- charge is made by bringing the brass knob into contact with any of the knobs of the battery. When a very great force is required, the size or number of the jars must be increased, or two or more batteries may be used. — But the largest and most powerful battery of all, is that employed by Dr. Van Marum, to the great electrical machine, con- structed for Teyler's museum at Haarlem. This grand battery consists of a great number of jars coated as above, to the amount of about 130 square feet; and the effects of it, which are truly astonishing, are related by Dr. Van Marum in his description of this machine, and of the ex- periments made with it, at Haarlem 1785, &c. See also Franklin's Expcr. and Observ. and Priestley's History of Electricity. Battery or Pile, in Galvanism, is an apparatus em- ployed for accumulating the electricity of galvanism, which is produced by the mutual agencies of certain metallic and carbonaceous substances, and peculiar fluids. It was in- vented by the celebrated Volta, from whose labours the. new science of galvanism has derived many advantages, BAY [ 219 ] B E A and much improvement. Mr. Henry, in his valuable Epitome of Chemistry, gives the following easy directions for the construction of this pile : " Procure at a brazier's or coppersmith's,. 30, 40, or 50 pieces of zinc, or speltre, cast in sand, of the size of half-crowns or shillings, but rather thicker. A corresponding number of half- crowns or shillings will also be required, according to the sizes of the pieces of zinc that may be employed. Let an equal number of pieces of woollen cloth be cut, of a cir- cular shape to correspond with the pieces of zinc, and steep these in a strong solution of common salt in water. Then dispose the three substances alternately, in the fol- lowing order ; silver, zinc, moistened cloth ; silver, zinc, &c ; till a sufficient number of these triplicates, not less than 20 or 30, have been thus arranged, the silver termi- nating the pile at top. In order to facilitate the touching of the bottom piece of silver, it may be well to put under it a slip of tinfoil, or Dutch leaf, which may project a few inches. Next let the hands be moistened with salt and water; and on touching the piece of tinfoil with one hand, the uppermost piece of silver with the other, a shock will- pass through the arms, which will be strong in proportion to the number of pieces of zinc &c employed." Of late, copper has been used instead of silver, on account of its being cheaper ; and solutions of muriate of ammonia (sal- ammoniac), of nitrous acid and of muriatic acid, have been substituted for the solution of common salt with in- creased effect. Any two metallic substances which are perfect conductors of electricity will answer the purpose, on condition that the interposed fluid is capable of oxy- dating at least one of them. Various forms of this battery have been adopted by different philosophers ; but none have been brought into such general use as the galvanic trough invented by Mr. Cruicshank, of Woolwich. " It consists of a box of baked wood, in which plates of copper and zinc, or of silver and zinc, soldered together at their edges, are cemented in such a manner as to leave a number of water-tight cells corresponding to the number of the series." The common voltaic pile, on account of the loss of moisture, generally loses its electrical action in a few days, and this cannot be renewed without the trouble of reconstruction ; but by Mr. Cruieshank's contrivance, which becomes active on merely filling the cells with the proper saline fluids, and freeing it when necessary from oxyd by muriatic acid, greater permanency is secured, much trouble is prevented, and much time saved. A very powerful galvanic pile is that of M. Pepys, ju- nior; for a description of which the reader may consult the Phil. Mag. No. 57. See also Galvanism. BATTLEMENTS, in Architecture, are notches or in- dentures in the top of a wall or other building, like em- brasures, to look through. BAY, in Geography, denotes a small gulf, or an arm of the sea stretching up into the land ; being larger in the middle within, than at its entrance, called the mouth of the bay. BAYER (John), a German lawyer and astronomer, flourished the latter part of the l6th and beginning of the 17th century, but in what particular year or place he was born, is not known; his name however will be ever me- morable in the annals of astronomy, on account of that great and excellent work which he first published in the year 1603, under the title of Uranometria, being a com- plete celestial atlas, or large folio charts of all the con- stellations, with a nomenclature collected from the different tables of astronomy, ancient and modern, together with, the useful invention of denoting the stars in every constel- lation by the letters of the Greek alphabet, in their order, and according to the order of their magnitude in each con- stellation. By means of these marks, the stars of the hea- vens may, with as great facility, be distinguished and re- ferred to, as the several places of the earth are by means of geographical tables ; and as a proof of the usefulness of this method, our celestial globes and atlasses have ever since retained it ; and hence its general use through all the literary world. Astronomers, in speaking of any star in the constellation, denote it by saying it is marked by Bayer, a, or j3, or y, &c. Bayer lived many years after the first publication of this work, which he greatly improved and augmented by his constant attention to the study of the stars. At length, in the year 1(>27, it was republished under a new title, viz, Coelum Stellatum Christianum, or the Christian Stellated Heaven, or the Starry Heavens Christianized : far in this work, the heathen names and characters, or figures of the constellations are rejected, and others, taken from the Scriptures, inserted in their stead, to circumscribe the re- spective constellations. This was the project of one Ju- lius Schiller, a civilian of the same place. But this at- tempt was too great an innovation, to find success, or a general reception, which might occasion great confusion. And, we even find in the latter editions of this work, that the ancient figures and names were restored again; at least so I find them in two editions, of the years 1654, and l66T, whif a degree of the meridian near Turin, which he carefully executed between the years 176'0 and 1764. He also published Essays on the Cause of Storms and Tempests on the meridian of Turin, &c. This philosopher, no less respected for his virtues than his knowledge, died at Turin in an advanced age, May 22, 1781. BED, of a Gredt Gun, a plank laid between the cheeks of the carriage, on the middle transum, for the breech of the gun to rest upon. Bed, or Stool, of a mortar, a thick and strong planking on which a mortar is placed, hollowed a little to receive the breech and trunions, BED-MOULDING, in Architecture, a term used by workmen for those members in a cornice, which are placed below the coronet, or crown. It usually consists of these four members,. an ogee, a list, a large boultinc, and an- other list under the coronet. BEES, in Naval Architecture, denote pieces of elm plank bolted to the outward ends of bowsprits. BRIGHTON (Henry), f. h.s., was a respectable ma- thematician and mechanist, being well skilled in machi- nery, and followed the profession of a civil-engineer, be- ing indeed the most eminent one of his time. He was the intimate friend of Dr. Desaguliers, who received from him many valuable communications in mechanics, engines, &c, some of which may be seen in several parts of the 2d vol. of the Doctor's Course of Experimental Philosophy, parti- cularly at pp. 43 1 , 437, 449, 46 1 , 472, 497, 534, 539, &c. He communicated to the Royal Society also a curious let- ter, containing a Description of the Water- Works at Lon- don Bridge; printed in the Philos. Trans, vol. 37, p. 5; or my Abridg. vol. 7, p. 442. It is probable that Mr. B. died in 1743 or 1744, as it appears he conducted the Ladies' Diary for the Stationers' Company, from 1714 to 1744 inclusively; discharging that trust with such satisfaction to the company, that they permitted his widow to enjoy it for many years afterwards, by employing a deputy to compile that useful annual lit- tle book. In this almanac, for the year 1721, Mr. B. in- serted a curious table of calculations on the steam-engine. BEL1DOR (Bernard Forest de), an engineer in the service of France, but born in Catalonia in lo'9S. He was professor in the new school of artillery at la Fere, where he published his course of mathematics for the use of the artillery and engineers. He was the first who seri- ously considered the quantity of gunpowder proper for charges, and reduced it to 2-3ds the quantity. He was named Associate in the Academy of Sciences in 1751; and died Sept. 8, 176l, at 63 years of age. His works that have been published, are : 1. Sommaire d'un Cours d'Architecture militaire, civile, et hydraulique, in 12mo, 1720. 2. Nouveau Cours de Mathematiques, &c. in 4to, 1725. 3\ La Science des Inu6nieurs, in 4to, 1729. 4. Le Bombardier Francois, in 4to, 1734. 5. Architecture Hydraulique, 4 vols, in 4to, 1737- 6. Dictionnaire pbrtatif de l'lngenieur, in 8vo. 7- Traite des Fortifications, 4 vols, in 4to. Besides several pieces inserted in the volumes of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, for the years 1737, 1750, 1753, and 1756. BELLATRIX, in Astronomy, a ruddy, glittering star of the 2d magnitude, in the left shoulder of Orion. lis name is from the Latin helium, as being anciently sup- posed to have great influence in kindling wars, and form- ing warriors. BELLOWS, a machine so contrived as to exspire and inspire the air by turns, by enlarging and contracting its capacity. This machine is used in chambers and kitchens, in forges, furnaces,, and founderies, to blow up the fire: it serves also for organs and other pneumatic instruments, to give them a proper supply of air. All these are of va- rious constructions according to" their different purposes; but in general they are composed of two flat boards, some- times of an oval, sometimes of a triangular figure: two or more hoops, bent according to the figure of the boards, are placed between them ; a- piece of leather, broad in the middle, and narrow at both ends, is nailed on the edges of the boards, which it thus unites together; as also in the hoops which separate the. boards, that the leather may the easier open and fold again : a tube of iron, brass, or copper, is fastened to the undermost board, and there is a-valve within that covers the hole in the underboard, to keep the air from escaping! BELTS, Fascite, in Astronomy, two zones or girdles surrounding the planet Jupiter, brighter than any of the rest of his body, and terminated by parallel lines. They arc observed however to be sometimes broader and some- B E R [ ] B E R times narrower, and not always occupying exactly the same part of the disc. Jupiter's belts were first observed and described by Huygens, in his Syst. Saturn. Dark spots have often been observed on the belts of Jupiter ; and M. Cassini observed a permanent one on the northern side of the most southern belt, by which he determined the length of Jupiter's days, or the time in which the pla- net revolves upon its axis, which is 9h- 56m. Some astro- nomers suppose that these belts are seas, which alternately cover and leave bare large tracts of the planet's surface : and that the spots are gulfs in those seas, which are sometimes dry and sometimes full. But Azout conceived that the spots are protuberances of the belts; and others again are of opinion that the transparent and moveable spots are the shadows of Jupiter's satellites. Cassini also speaks of the belts of Saturn ; being three dark, straight, parallel bands, or fascia, on the disc of that planet. But it does not appear that Saturn's belts adhere to his body, as those of Jupiter do ; but rather that they are large dark rings surrounding the planet at a distance. Some imagine that they are clouds in the atmosphere of Saturn, though it would seem that the middlemost is the shadow of his ring. BENDING, the reducing a body to a curved or crook- ed form. The bending of boards, planks, &c, is effected by means of heat, whether by boiling or otherwise, by which their fibres are so relaxed that they may be bent into any figure. Bernoulli has a discourse on the bending of springs, or elastic bodies. And Amoutons gives several experiments concerning the bending of ropes. The friction of a rope bent or wound about an immoveable cylinder, is sufficient, with a very small power, to sustain very great weights. BERENICE'S Hair; see Coma Berenices. BERKELEY (George), the virtuous and learned bi- shop of Cloyne in Ireland, was born in that kingdom, at Kilcrin, the 12th of March l6S4. After receiving the first part of his education at Kilkenny school, he was admitted a pensioner of Trinity College, Dublin, at 15 years old ; and chosen fellow of that college in 1707. The first public proof he gave of his literary abilities was in his Arithmetica absque Algebra aut Euclide demon- strata: which from the preface it appears he wrote before he was 20 years old, though he did not publish it till 1707. It is followed by a Mathematical Miscellany,' containing observations and theorems inscribed to his pupil Samuel Molineux. In 1709 came out the Theory of Vision ; which of all his works appears to do the greatest honour to his sagacity ; being the first attempt that ever was made to distinguish the immediate and natural objects of sight, from the con- clusions we have been accustomed from infancy to draw from them. The boundary is here traced out between the ideas of sight and touch ; and it is shown, that though ha- bit has so connected these two classes of ideas in the mind, that they are not without a strong effort to be separated from each other, yet originally they have no such con- nexion: insomuch, thata person born blind, and suddenly made to see, would at first be utterly unable to tell how any object that affected his sight would affect his touch ; and particularly would not from sight receive any idea of distance, or external space, but would imagine all objects to be in his eye, or rather in his mind. Next to his Theory of Vision, in the year 1710 appeared The Principles of Human Knowledge; and in 1713 Dia- logues between Ilylas and Philonous: the object of both which pieces is, to prove that the commonly received no- tion of the existence of matter, is false ; that sensible ma- terial objects, as they are called, are not external to the mind, but exist in it, and are nothing more than impres- sions made upon it by the. immediate act of God, accord- ing to certain rules called laws of nature. For acuteness of parts and beauty of imagination, few authors can vie with Berkeley: his writings excited uni- versal admiration, and his company was courted even by men of opposite parties, who also concurred in recommend- ing him. For Steele he wrote several papers in the Guar- dian, and at his house became acquainted with Pope, with whom he always lived in friendship. Swift recommended him to the celebrated earl of Peterborough, who being ap- pointed ambassador to the king of Sicily and the Italian States, took Berkeley with him as chaplain and secretary in 1713, with whom he returned to England the year fol- lowing. His hopes of preferment expiring with the fall of queen Anne's ministry, he some time after embraced an offer made him by Ashe, bishop of Clogher, of accompanying his son in a tour through Europe. At Paris he visited the illustrious Malebranche, whom he found in his cell cook- ing in a small pipkin a medicine for an inflammation of the lungs, with which he was afflicted ; and as they en- gaged in a conversation onBerkeley's system, Malebranche in the heat of disputation, raised his voice so high, and in- dulged the natural impetuosity of his temper to such a de- gree, that he brought on an increase of his disorder, which carfied him off a few days after. During four years' ab- sence from England, he not only visited those places which ' fell within the grand tour, but some that are less frequent- ed, and with great industry collected materials for a natu- ral history of those parts, but which were unfortunately lost in his passage to Naples. He arrived at London in 1721 ; and being much concerned for the miseries of the nation, brought on by the disastrous South-sea scheme of 1720, he published the same year An Essay towards pre- venting the ruin of Great Britain : reprinted in his Miscel- laneous Tracts. The path leading to the highest company being now open, Pope introduced him to Lord Burlington, by whom he was recommended to the Duke of Grafton, then appoint- ed lord-lieutenant of Ireland, who took Berkeley over as one of his chaplains in 1721. The latter part of this year he obtained the degrees of bachelor and doctor in divinity : and the year following he had a very unexpected increase of fortune from the death of Mrs. Vanhomligh, the cele- brated Vanessa, to whom he had been introduced by Swift : this lady had intended Swift for her heir; but perceiving herself to be slighted by him, she left her fortune, of 8000/, between her two executors, of whom Berkeley was one. In 172-1 he was promoted to the deanery of Deny, worth 1100/ a year. In 1725 he published A Proposal for converting the sa- vage Americans to Christianity, by a college to be erected in the Summer Isle«, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda, which lias also been reprinted in his Miscellaneous Tracts. The proposal was well received, at least by the king; and he obtained a charter lor founding the college, with a par- liamentary grant of 20,000/ towards carrying it into exe- cution: but he could never get the money, it being other- wise employed by the ministry: so that after two years' stay in America on this business, he was obliged to ro- turn, and the scheme consequently expired. B E It [ 223 ] BEfl In 1732 he published The Minute Philosopher, in 2 volumes Svo, against Freethinkers. In 1733 he was made bishop of Cloyne ; and might have been removed in 1745, by Lord Chesterfield, to Clogher; but declined it. Here- sided constantly at Cloyne, where he faithfully discharged all the offices of a good bishop, yet continued his studies with unabated attention. About this time he engaged in a controversy with the mathematicians, which excited the highest interest in the literary world ; the occasion of it was this: Mr. Addison had given the bishop an account of the behaviour of their common friend, Dr. Garth, in his last illness, which was equally unpleasing to both these advocates.of revealed re- ligion. For when Addison went to see the doctor, and began to discourse, with him seriously about another world, "Surely, Addison," replied he, "I have good rea- son not to believe those trifles, since my friend Dr. Halley, who has dealt so much in demonstration, has assured me, that the doctrines of Christianity are incomprehensible, and the religion itself an imposture." The bishop there- fore took up arms against Halley, and addressed to him, as to an Infidel Mathematician, a discourse called The Analyst; with a view of showing that mysteries in faith were unjustly objected to by mathematicians, who he thought admitted others much greater, and even falsehoods in science, of which he endeavoured to prove that the doc- trine of Fluxions furnished a clear example. This attack gave occasion to Robins's Discourse concerning the Me- thod of Fluxions, to Maclaurin's Fluxions, and to other smaller works on the same subject ;■ but the direct answers to the Analyst were made by a person under the name of Philalethes Cantabrigiensis, but commonly supposed to be Dr. Jurin, whose first piece was, Geometry no Friend to Infidelity, 1734. To this the bishop replied in A Defence of Freethinking in Mathematics ; with an Appendix con- cerning Mr. Walton's Vindication, 1735 ; which drew a se- cond answer the same year from Philalethes, under the title of The Minute Mathematician, or The Freethinker no just Thinker, 1735. Other writings in this controversy, besides those before mentioned, were, 1. A Vindication of Newton's Principles of Fluxions against the objections contained in the Analyst, by J. Wal- ton, Dublin, 1735. 2. The Catechism of the Author of the Minute Philoso- pher fully answered, by J.Walton, Dublin, 1735. 3. Reasons for not replying to Mr. Walton's Full Answer, in a letter to P. T. P. by the author of the Min.ute Philo- sopher, Dublin, 1735. 4. An Introduction to the Doctrine of Fluxions, and Defence of the Mathematicians against the objections of the author of the Analyst, &c. Lond. 1736. 5. A newTreatise of Fluxions; with answers to the prin- cipal objections in the Analyst, by James Smith, A. M. Lond. 1737- 6. Mi-. Robins's Discourse of Newton's Methods of Flux- ions, and of Prime and Ultimate Ratios, 1735. 7- Mr. Robins's Account of the preceding Discourse, in the Repub. of Letters, for October 1735. 8. Philalethes's Considerations upon some passages con- tained in two letters to the author of the Analyst &c, in Repub. of Letters, Novemb. 1735. 9. Mr. Robins's Review of some of the principal objec- tions that have been made to the doctrine of Fluxions &c, Repub. of Letters for Decern. 1735. 10. Philalethes's Reply to ditto, in the Repub. of Letters, Jan. 1736. 1 1. Mr. Robins's Dissertation, showing that the account of the doctrines of Fluxions &c, is agreeable to the real sense and meaning of their great Inventor, &c, Repub. of Letters, April 1736. 12. Philalethes's Considerations upon ditto, in Repub. of Letters, July 1736. 13. Mr. Robins's Remarks on ditto, in Repub. of Let- ters, Aug. 1736. 14. Mr. Robins's Remaihderof ditto, in an Appendix to the Repub. of Letters, Sept. 1736. 15. Philalethes's Observations upon ditto, in an Appendix to the Repub. of Letters, Nov. 1736. 16. Mr. Robins's Advertisement in Repub. of Letters, Decemb. 1736. 17. Philalethes's Reply to ditto, in an Appendix to the Repub. of Letters for Decern. 1736. IS. Some Observations on the Appendix to the Repub. of Letters for Decern. 1736, by Dr. Pemberton, in the Works of the Learned for Feb. 1737. With some smaller pieces in the same. In 1736 Bishop Berkeley published "The Querist, a dis- course addressed to magistrates, occasioned by the enor- mous licence and irreligion of the times;" and manypther things afterward of a smaller kind. In 1744 appeared his celebrated and curious book, "Siris; a Chain of Philoso- phical Reflections and Inquiries concerning the virtues of Tar-water." It received a second impression, with addi- tions and emendations, in 1747; and was followed by Far- ther Thoughts on Tar-water, in 1752. In July the same year he removed, with his lady and family, to Oxford, partly to superintend the education of a son, but chiefly to indulge the passion for learned retirement, which had always strongly possessed him. He would have resigned his bishopric for a canonry or headship at Oxford; but it was not permitted him. Here he lived highly respected, and collected and printed the same year all his smaller pieces in Svo. But this happiness did not long continue, being suddenly cut off by a palsy of the heart, Jan. 14, 1753, in the 69th year of his age, while listening to a ser- mon that his lady was reading to him. The excellence of Berkeley's moral character is fully attested by his writings : he was certainly a very amiable as well as a very learned man ; and it is thought that Pope scarcely said too much, when he ascribed " To Berkeley every virtue under heaven." BERME, in Fortification, a small space of ground, 4 or 5 feet wide, left without the rampart, between it and the side of the moat, to receive the earth that rolls down from the rampart, and prevent its 'falling into and filling up the ditch. — Sometimes, for greater security, the berme is pal- lisadoed. BERNARD (Dr. Edward), a learned English astro- nomer, critic, and linguist, was born at Perry St. Paul, near Towcester, the 2d of May 16'3S, and educated at Mer- chant-Taylor's school, whence he was removed in l655 to St. John's college, Oxford. Having laid in a good fund of classical learning at school, in the Greek and Latin lan- guages, he applied himself very diligently at the university to the study of history, the Eastern languages, and mathe- matics under the celebrated Dr. Wallis. In 1668 he went to Leydcn, to consult some Oriental manuscripts left to that university by Joseph Scaliger and Levin Warner, and espe- B E R [ 224 ] B E R cially the 5th, 6th, and 7th books of Apollonius Pergseus's Conies, brought from the East by the celebrated Golius. These he transcribed and brought to Oxford, with a view of publishing them, but was obliged to relinquish that de- sign for want of proper encouragement. This however was afterwards carried into effect by Dr. Halley in 1710, with the addition of the Sth book, which he supplied by his own ingenuity and industry. On his return to Oxford, he examined and collated the most valuable manuscripts in the Bodleian library. In 1669, the celebrated Christopher Wren, Savilian professor of astronomyat Oxford, having been appointed surveyor-ge- neral of his majesty's works, and being much detained at London by thisemployment, obtained leave to namea deputy at Oxford. He accordingly fixed on Mr. Bernard, which engaged the latter in a more particular application to the study of astronomy. But in l673 he was appointed to the professorship himself, which Wren was obliged to resign, as, by the statutes of the founder, Sir Henry Saville, the pro- fessors are not allowed to hold any other office either ec- clesiastical or civil. About this time a scheme was set on foot at Oxford for collecting and publishing the works of the ancient mathematicians. Mr. Bernard, who had first formed the project, collected all the old books published on that subject since the invention of printing, together with all the manuscripts he could get from the Bodleian and Savilian libraries, which he arranged in order of time, and according to the matter they contained; of these he drew up a synopsis; and as a specimen he published a few sheets of Euclid, containing the Greek text, and a Latin version, with Proclus's commentary in Greek and Latin, and learned scholia and corollaries. The synopsis itself was published by Dr. Smith, under the title of Veterum Ma- thematicorumGra;corum,Latinorum,et Arabum, Synopsis. Mr. Bernard undertook also an edition of the Parva Syntaxis Alexandrina ; in which, besides Euclid, are con- tained the small treatises of Theodosius, Menelaus, Ari- starchus, and Hipsicles ; but it never was published. In l6'76 he was sent to France, as tutor to the dukes of Grafton and Northumberland, sons to king Charles the 2d by the duchess of Cleveland, who then lived with their mother at Paris: but the simplicity of his manners not suiting the gaiety of the duchess's family, he returned about a year after to Oxford, and pursued his studies with his usual ardour and great success. In 1691, being pre- sented to the rectory of Brightwell in Berkshire, hequitted his professorship at Oxford, in which he was succeeded by David Gregory, professor of mathematics at Edinburgh. In the year 1696, he undertook a voyage to Holland, to attend the sale ofGolius's manuscripts, as he had once before done at the sale of Heinsius's library ; and soon after his return to England, he fell into a languishing con- sumption, which put an end to his life, the 12th of January ]6'g6', in the 58th year of his age. Besides his works already mentioned, he was author .of many other compositions. He composed tables of the longitudes, latitudes, right-ascensions, ecc, of the fixed stars: and wrote Observations on the Obliquity of the Ecliptic; and other pieces inserted in the Philosophical Transactions. I Ie wrote also, 1. A Treatise of the Ancient Weights and Measures. 2. Chronologise Samaritanas Synopsis, in two tables. ;5. Testimonies of the Ancients concerning the Greek Version of the old Testament by the Seventy. And several other learned works. Besides a great num- ber of valuable manuscripts left at his death. BERNARD (Dr. James), professor of philosophy and mathematics, and minister of the Walloon church at Ley- den, was born September the 1st l65S, at Nions in Dau- phine. Having studied at Geneva, he returned to France in 1679) a nd was chosen minister of Venterol, a village in Dauphin^; but some time after he was removed to the church of Vinsobres in the same province. To avoid the persecutions against the protestants in France, he went into Holland, where he was appointed one of the pensi- onary ministers of Ganda. He here published several po- litical and historical works. And in l699 he began the Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, which continued till December J710. In 1705 he was chosen minister of the Walloon church at Leyden ; and about the same time, Mr. de Voider, professor of philosophy and mathematics at Leyden, having resigned, Mr. Bernard was appointed his successor; upon which occasion the university also presented him with the degrees of doctor of philosophy and master of arts. In 1716 he published a supplement to Moreri's dictionary in 2 volumes folio. The same year be resumed his Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettrfes ; which he continued till his death, which happened the 27th of April 17 18, in the 60th year of his age. BERNOULLI (James), a celebrated philosopher and mathematician, born at Basil the 27th of December 1654- Having taken his degrees in that university, he applied himself to divinity agreeably to the entreaties of his father, but against his own inclination, which led him to astro- nomy and mathematics. He gave very early proofs of his genius for these sciences, and soon became a geometrician, without a preceptor, and almost without books; for if one by chance fell into his hands, he was obliged to con- ceal it, to avoid the displeasure of his father. This situa- tion induced him to choose for his device, Phaeton dri- ving the chariot of the sun, with these words, Invito patre sidera verso, " I traverse the stars against my father's will :" alluding particularly to astronomy, to which he then chiefly applied himself. In 1676 he began his travels. When he was at Geneva, he fell upon a method to teach a young girl to write who had been blind from her infancy. At Bourdeaux he com- posed universal gnomonic tables ; but they were never pub- lished. He returned from France to his own country in 16"S0. About this time there appeared a comet, the re- turn of which he foretold ; he wrote also a small treatise upon it. Soon after this he went into Holland', where, he applied himself to the study of the new philosophy. Hav- ing visited Flanders and Brabant, he passed over to Eng- land ; where he formed an acquaintance with the most, eminent men in science, and attended their philosophical meetings. He returned to his native country again in 16*82; and exhibited at, Basil a course of experiments in natural philosophy and mechanics, which consisted of a variety of new discoveries. The same year he published his Essay on a new System of Comets ; and the year follow- ing, his Dissertation on the Weight of the Air. About this time Leibnitz having published, in the Ada Lnulitoruni at Leipsic, some essays on his new Calculus Differentialis, but concealing the art and method of it, Bernoulli and his brother John soon discovered, from what they saw, its beauty anil extent: this induced them to endeavour to un- ravel the secret; which they did with such success, that. B E R [ 225 } B E R Leibnitz declared that the invention belonged to them as much as to himself. In l6"87 James Bernoulli succeeded to the professorship of mathematics at Basil; a trust which he discharged with great applause; and his reputation drew many foreigners from all parts to attend his lectures. In 1699 he was ad- mitted a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of Paris; and in 1701 the same honour was also conferred on him by the Academy of Berlin: in both of which he published several ingenious compositions, about the years 1702,-3, and-4. He wrote likewise several pieces in the Acta Eruditorum of Leipsic, and in the Journal des Spa- vans. His intense application to study brought on him the gout, and by degrees a slow fever, which terminated his life the 16th of August 1705, in the 51st year of his age — Archimedes having found out the proportion of a sphere and its circumscribing cylinder, ordgred them to be engraven on his monument: in imitation thereof Bernoulli appointed that a logarithmic spiral curve should be in- scribed on his tomb, witli these words, Eadem mutata re- surgo; in allusion to the hopes of the resurrection, which are in some measure represented by the properties of that curve, which he had the honour to discover. James Bernoulli had an excellent genius for invention and elegant simplicity, as well as a close application. He was eminently skilled in all the branches of the mathema- tics, and contributed much to the promotion of the new analysis, infinite series, &c. He carried to a great extent the theory of the quadrature of the parabola ; the geo- metry of curve lines, of spirals, of cycloids, and.epicycloids. His works, that had been published, were collected, and printed in 2 volumes 4to, at Genevain 1744. At the time of his death he was occupied on a great work entitled De Arte Conjectandi, which was published in 4to in 1713. It contains an elegant and most excellent introduction to Infinite Series, &c. This posthumous piece is omitted in the collection of his works above mentioned. BERNOULLI (John), the brother of James, last men- tioned, and a celebrated mathematician, was born at Basil the 7th of August l66'7. His father intended him for trade; but his own inclination was at first for the belles- lettres, which however, like his brother, he forsook for that of mathematics. He laboured with his brother to discover the method used by Leibnitz in his essays on the Differential Calculus, and gave the first principles of the Integral Calculus. Our author, with Messieurs Huygens and Leibnitz, was the first who gave the solution of the problem proposed by James Bernoulli, concerning the ca- tenary, or curve formed by a chain suspended by its two extremities. John Bernoulli had the degree of doctor of physic at Basil, and two years afterward was named professor of ma- thematics in the university of Groningen. It was here that he discovered the mercurial phosphorus or luminous baro- meter, occasioned by friction of mercury against glass in a vacuum ; and whore he also resolved the problem pro- posed by his brother concerning Jsoperiinqtricals. On the death of James, the professor at Basil, our au- thor returned to his native country, against the pressing in- vitations of the magistrates of Utrecht to come to that city, and of the university of Groningen, who also wished to re- tain him. The Academic Senate of Basil soon appointed him to succeed his brother, without assembling competi- tors, and contrary to the established practice: an appoint- ment which he held during his whole life. Vol. I. In 1714 was published his treatise on the management of ships; and in 1730, his memoir on the elliptical figure of the planets which gained the prize of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. The same academy also divided the prize, for their question concerning the inclination of the planetary orbits, between our author and his son Daniel. John Bernoulli was a member of most of the academies of Europe, and received as a foreign associate of that -of Paris in 1699. After a long life spent in constant study and the improvement of all the branches of the mathema- tics, he died full of honours the 1st of January 1748, in the 81st year of his age. Of five sons which he had, three pursued the same study with himself. One died before him ; the two others, Nicholas and Daniel, he lived to see become eminent and respected in mathematical science. The writings of this great man were dispersed through the periodical memoirs of several academies, as well as in many separate treatises. And the whole of them were care- fully collected and published at Lausanne and Geneva, 1742, in 4 volumes, 4to. BERNOULLI (John), son of the preceding, was born at Basil, Jan. 17, 1695, and died at Petersburg!], July 26, 1 726. He was licentiate of law, professor of law at Berne ; and afterwards professor of mathematics at Petersburg, and member of the Institute of Bologna. BERNOULLI (Nicholas), nephew of the two first named, was professor of mathematics at Padua, after- wards of logic, and then of law at Basil. He was member of the Academy of Sciences and Belles-Letters at Berlin, and also of the Royal Society of London, and of the Insti- tute of Bologna ; was born at Basil, Oct. 10, l687, where he also died the 29th of Nov. in the year 1759. BERNOULLI (Daniel), a celebrated physician and philosopher, son of John, and nephew of James, was born at Groningen Feb. the 9th, 1700, where his fa- ther was then professor of mathematics. He was first de- signed for trade, but his genius led him to other pursuits. He passed some time in Italy ; and at 24 years of age he declined the honour offered him of becoming president of an academy intended to have bet-n established at Genoa. He spent several years with great credit at Petersburg; and in 1733 returned to Basil, where his father was then professor of mathematics; and here our author successively filled the chair of physic, of natural and of speculative phi- losophy. In his work Exercitationes Mathematics, 1724, he took the only title he then had, viz, " Son of John Bernoulli," and never would suffer any other to be added to it. This work was published in Italy, while he was there on his travels; and it classed him in the rank of inventors. His work entitled Hydrodynamica, was published in 4to at Argentoratum or Strasbourg, in 1738. Daniel Bernoulli wrote a multitude of other pieces, which have all been published either in the Mem. of the Acad, of Sciences at Paris, or in those of other Academies. He gained and divided tin prizes from the Academy of Sciences at Paris, which were contended for by the most illustrious mathematicians in Europe. The only person who has had similar success is Euler, his countryman, dis- ciple, rival, and friend. His first prize he gained at 24 years of age. In 1734 he divided that with his father re- specting the inclination of the orbits of the planets; which hurt the family union ; for the father considered the con- test itself as a want of respect ; and the son did not suf- ficiently conceal that he thought (what was really the case) 2G B E V [ 226 ] B E Z his own piece better than his father's. And besides, he de- clared for Newton, against whom his father had contend- ed all his life. Jn 1740 our author divided the prize, " On the Tides of the Sea," with Euler and Maclaurin. The Academy at the same time rewarded a fourth piece, the chief merit of which was that of being Cartesian; but this was the last public act of adoration paid by the Academy to the authority of the author of the Vortices, which it had already obeyed too long. In 1 748 Daniel Bernoulli succeeded his father John in the Academy of Sciences, who had succeeded his brother James ; this place, since its first erection in 1699, having never been without a Bernoulli to fill it. Ou,r author was extremely respected at Basil ; and to bow to Daniel Bernoulli, when they>met him in the streets, was one of the first lessons which every father gave to his child. He was a man of great simplicity and modesty of manners. He used to tell two little adventures, which he said had given him more pleasure than all the other ho- nours he had received. Travelling with a learned stran- ger, who, being pleased with his conversation, asked his name; " [ am Daniel Bernoulli," answered he with great modesty; "and I," said the stranger(who thought he meant to laugh at him) " am Isaac Newton." Another time, having to dine with him the celebrated Koenig, the mathe- matician, who boasted, with some degree of self-compla- cency, of a difficult problem he had resolved with much trouble, Bernoulli went on doing the honours of his table, and when they went to drink coffee he presented Koenig with a solution of the problem more elegant than his own. After a long, useful, and honourable life, Daniel Ber- noulli died the 17th of March, 1782, in the 83d year of his age. BERNOULLI (James), another mathematical branch of the foregoing celebrated family. He was born at Basil in October 1759; being the son of John Bernoulli, and grandson of the first John Bernoulli, before mentioned, and the nephew of Daniel Bernoulli last noticed. Our author's elder brother John, who still lives at Berlin, is also well known in the republic of science, particularly for his as- tronomical labours. The gentleman to whom this article relates, was educated, as most of his relations had been, for the profession of the law : but his genius led him very early into the study of mathematics; and at 20 years of age he read public lec- tures on experimental philosophy in the university of Basil, for his uncle Daniel Bernoulli, whom he hoped to have succeeded as professor. Being disappointed in this view, he resolved to leave his native place, and to seek his for- tune elsewhere; hence he accepted the office of secretary to Count Breuner, the emperor's envoy to the republic of Venice; and in this city he remained till the year 1786, when, on the recommendation of his countryman, M.Fuss, he was invited to Petersburg to succeed M. Lexell in the academy there, where he continued till his death, which happened the 3d of July 1789, at not quite 30 years of age, and when he had been married only two months, to the youngest daughter of John Albert Euler, the son of the celebrated Leonard Euler. BETELGELSE, a fixed star of the first magnitude in the right shoulder of Orion. BICV1S (John, m. d.), an able astronomer, was born October 31, 1695, near Old Sarum in Wiltshire. He was entered at Christ-Church College, Oxford, where he ap- plied himself diligently, not only to the study of physic, for which he was designed, but to other sciences, particu- larly astronomy and optics, in which he became a consi- derable proficient. After taking the degree of m. d. he left the university, and devoted himself almost entirely to pursuits connected with astronomy. In 1738 he made an excellent collection of astronomical instruments for a new observatory, which he had erected at Newington Green, in Middlesex. Here he became an indefatigable observer, often observing the transits of 160 stars in one night. — About 1745 the doctor undertook the laborious task of arranging a work called Uranographia Britannica, or an Exact View of the Heavens, on 52 plates, similar to Bay- er's work representing the constellations, &c. The plates, which would have done great honour as well to the nation as Dr. Bevis, were engraven but never published, the doc- tor having consigned the management of them to a person who became a bankrupt. Dr. Bevis was the real author of a great many works which have been well received by the public, but which his modesty prevented him from taking the merit of. It is to him we are indebted for the publication of Dr. Halley's Astronomical Tables, after they had been printed more than 20 years: having supplied some auxiliary tables, and the precepts for using them, he favoured the public with the whole in the year 1749. In Mr. Simpson's Essays, p. 10, are delivered practical rules for finding the aberration, which were drawn up and given him by Dr. Bevis, with examples of the correction applied to several stars, which he had carefully observed with pro- per instruments; by which he proved, first of any one, that the phenomena are as conformable in right ascension, as Dr. Bradley, who made this great discovery, found they were in declination. Several pieces by the doctor were inserted in the few numbers that were published of a work called the Mathematical Magazine, by Messrs. Whitchell and Moss; particularly a curious paper on the satellites of Venus, and several sheets of a new mathematical dic- tionary. Dr. Bevis enriched the Philosophical Transactions with 27 valuable papers, from vol.40 to vol. 59 inclusive: The only pieces which appeared separately with his name, besides these papers in the Transactions, were two pam- phlets, the one entitled The Satellite's Sliding Rule, for de- termining the immersions and emersions of Jupiter's four satellites. The other was An Experimental Enquiry con- cerning the Contents, Qualities, and Medicinal Virtues, of the Two Mineral Waters lately discovered at Bagnigge- Wells, near London, 1760. He was the first who appro- priated the term achromatic to the curious telescopes in- vented by Mr. Dollond. On the death of Mr. Bliss in 1765, Dr. Bevis was a candidate with Dr. Maskelyne for the honourable and important situation of Astronomer Royal. Soon after which, he removed from Newington to the Temple, London, where he followed his occupation as a physician, and continued to make astronomical obser- vations. Here he died, Nov. 6, 177', at 76 years of age; his death having been occasioned by a fall he received a short time before, in going too hastily from his instrument to the clock wljen observing the sun's meridian altitude. BEZOUT (Stephen), a celebrated Trench mathema- tician, Member of the Academies of Sciences and the Ma- rine, and Examiner of the Guards of the Marine and of the Elevc-s of Artillery, was born at Nemours the 31st of March, 1730. In the course of his studies he met with some books of geometry, which gave him a taste, for that science; and the Elogos of Fontcnellc, which showed him the honours that attended tuknts and the love of the sci- B I A [ ] B I N ences. His father in vain opposed the strong attachment of young Bezout to the mathematical sciences. April 8, 1758, he was named adjoint-mechanician in the French Academy of Sciences ; having before thut sent them two ingenious memoirs on the integral calculus, and given other proofs of his proficiency in the sciences. In 1763 he was named to the new office of Examiner to the Marine, and appointed to compose a Course of Mathematics for their use ; and in 1768, on the death of M.Camus, he succeeded as Examiner of the Artillery Eleves. Bezout fixed his attention mtore particularly to the reso- lution of algebraic equations; and he first found out the solution of a particular class of equations of all degrees. This method, different from all former ones, was general for the cubic and biquadratic equations, and just became particular at those of the fifth degree. At this work of finding the roots of equations, our author laboured from 1762 till 1779, when he published it. He composed two courses of mathematics; the one for the Marine, the other for the Artillery. The foundation of these two works was the same; the applications only being different, ac- cording to the two different objects : these courses have every where been held in great estimation. In his office of Examiner, he discharged the duties with great atten- tion, care, and tenderness. A trait of his justiee and zeal is remarkable in the following instance: During an exami- nation which he held at Toulon, he was told that two of the pupils could not be present, being confined by the small-pox : he himself had never had that disease, and he was greatly afraid of it; but as he knew that if he did not see these two young men, it would much impede their ad- vancement, he ventured therefore to their bed-sides, to ex- amine them, and was happy to find them so deserving the hazard he had made for their benefit. M. Bezout lived thus several years, beloved of his fa- mily and friends, and respected by all, enjoying the fruits and the credit of his labours. But the trouble and fatigues of his offices, with some personal chagrins, had reduced his strength and constitution; he was attacked by a malig- nant fever, of which he died Sept. 27, 1783, in the 54th year of his age, regretted by his family, his friends, the young students, and by all his acquaintance in general. The books published by him were : 1. Course of Mathematics for the use of the Marine, with a Treatise on Navigation; 6 vols, in 8vo. Paris, 1764. 2. Course of Mathematics for the Corps of Artillery; 4 vols, in 8vo, 1770. 3. General Theory of Algebraic Equations, 1779. His papers printed in the volumes of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, are: 1. On curves whose rectification depends on a given quantity, in the vol. for 1758. 2. On several classes of equations that admit of an al- gebraic solution, 1762. 3. First vol. of a course of mathematics, 17(54. 4. On certain equations, &c. 1764. 5. General resolution of all equations, 1765. 6. Second vol. of a course of mathematics, 1765. 7. Third vol. of the same, 1766. 8. Fourth vol. of the same, 1767. £)■ Integration of differentials, &c. vol. 3, Sav. Etr. 10. Experiments on cold, 1777. BIANCHINI (Francis), a very learned Italian philo- sopher and mathematician of the J 7th century, was born at Verona the 13th of December, 1662. He was highly esteemed by the learned, and was a member of several academies; and was even the founder of that at Verona, called the Academy of Aletofili, or Lovers of Truth. He went to Rome in l684; and was made librarian to Cardi- nal Ottoboni, who was afterwards Pope by the name of Alexander the Sth. He entered into the church, and he- came canon of St. Mary de la Rotondo, and afterward of St. Lawrence in Damaso. Bianchini was author of several learned and ingenious dissertations. In 1 697 he- published La Istoria universale provata con monumenti, et figurata con simboli de gli an.- tichi. In 1701 Pope Clement the 11th named him secre- tary of the conferences for the reformation of the calendar ; in which situation he published in 1703, De Calendario et Cyclo Caesaris, ac de Canone Paschali sancti Hypoliti, Maityris, Disscrtationes duas. Bianchini was employed likewise to construct the large gnomon in the church of the Chartreux at Rome, on which he published an ample dissertation entitled, De Nummo et Gnomone Clementino. The research concerning the parallax and the spots of Ve- nus occupied him a long time; but his most remarkable discovery is that of the parallelism of the axis of Venus in her orbit. He was employed 8 years in preparing means for tracing a meridian line through the whole extent of Italy, but he never commenced this undertaking. He was admitted a foreign Associate in the Paris Academy of Sciences, in 1706; and had many astronomical disserta- tions inserted in their Memoirs, partieularly in those of the years 1702, 1703, 1704, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1713, and 17 18. — Bianchini died the 2d of March, 1729, in the 67th year of his age. BILLION, in Numeration, the same as a million mil- lions; as much as to say bismillion or bimillion, or by fur- ther contraction, billion. BILLY (James De), of Compeigne, a Jesuit, died in 1679 at Dijon, aged 77- He was a respectable mathema- tician, and published some good works in that science; as, 1. Nova Geometrise Clavis Algebra. Paris, 1643, in 4to. 2. Tabulse Lodoiceas de Doctrina Eclipseon. Divions, 1656, in 4to. 1 3. De Proportionc Harmonica Tractatus. Paris, 1658, in 4to. 4. Diophantis Geometria, ex Grasco versa, in qua per ra- tioncs Euclidianas efficiuntur Problemata, qua? ille Ratio- nibus Algebraicis enodavit. Paris, l660, in 4to. 5. Opus Astronomicum. In which he explained the hy- potheses and motions of the stars, and every thing relating to the theory and practice of astronomy. Dijon, l66l, in 4to. 6. Crisis Astronomica, de Motu Cometarum. In which he refuted the rectilinear hypothesis, and discovered a new system of comets. Dijon, 1666, in 8vo. 7. Diophantes Redivivus. Lyons, 1670, in 8vo. 8. Doctrina; Analyticae inventum novum. Contained in the Commentaries on Diophantus, composed by M. Fer- mat. Toulouse, 1671, in folio. BIMEDIAL Line, is the sum of two medials. Euclid reckons two of these bimcdials, in pr. 38 and 39, lib. x; the first is when the rectangle is rational, which is contained by the two medial lines whose sum makes the bimedial; and the second when that rectangle is a medial, or contained under two lines that are commensurable only in power. BINARY Number, that which is composed of two units. 2 G 2 B I N [ 228 ] B I N Binary Arithmetic, that in which two figures or cha- racters, viz. 1 and 0, only are used; the cipher multiplying every thing by two, as in the common arithmetic by 10: thus, L is one, 10 is 2, 1 1 is 3, 100 is 4, 101 is 5, 110 is 6, 111 is 7, 1000 is 8, 1001 is 9, 1010 is ten; being founded on the same principles as common arithmetic. This kind of arithmetic was invented by Leibnitz, who pretended that it is better adapted than the common arithmetic, for discovering certain properties of numbers, and for constructing tables ; but he does not venture to recommend it for ordinary use, •on account of the great number of places of figures requi- site to express all numbers, even very small ones. Jos. Pe- lican, of Prague, has more largely explained the principles and practice of the binary arithmetic, in a book entitled Arithmeticus Perfcctus, qui tria numerare nescit : 1712. And De Lagni proposed a new system of logarithms, on the plan of the binary arithmetic; which he finds shorter, and more easy and natural than the common ones. BINOCLE, or Binocular Telescope, is one by which an object is viewed with both eyes at the same time. It consists of two tubes, each furnished with glasses of the same power, by which means it has been said to show ob- jects larger and more clearly than a monocular or single telescope; though this is probably only an illusion, occa- sioned by the stronger impression which two equal images, alike illuminated, make upon the eyes": they arc however more embarrassing than useful. This telescope has been chiefly treated of by the fathers Reita and Cherubin of Orleans. — There are also microscopes of the same kind, though but little, used, being subject to the same inconve- niences as the telescopes. BINOMIAL, a quantity consisting of two terms or mem- bers connected by the sign 4- or — , viz, plus or minus; as a -t- b, or 3a — 2c, or a z ■+■ b, or x" — 2^/c, &c ; de- noting the sum or the difference of the two terms. When either term is negative, the binomial is sometimes called a residual, and by Euclid an apotome. The term bino- mial was first introduced by Lucas de Burgo. See his Arith. carta 120, edit. 1404. Binomial Line, or Surd, is that in which at least one of the parts is a surd. Euclid enumerates six kinds of bi- nomial lines or surds, in the 10th book of his Elements, which are exactly similar to the 6 residuals or apotomes there treated of also, and of which an account is given un- der the art. Apotojie, which see. Those apotomes be- come binomials by only changing the sign of the latter, term from minus to plus, which therefore are as below. Euclid's 6 Binomial Lines. 1st binomial 3 -+- ^/5, 2d binomial ^/lS ■+• 4, 3d binomial v/24 ■+- ^/IS, 4th binomial 4 -+■ ^/3, 5th binomial */6 -+- 2, 6th binomial ^/6 ■+■ »/2. To extract the Square Root of a Binomial, as of a -+- ^/b, or /3 + */jft — v^ + 1 the cube root, the same as before. Bombelli's Rule for the Cube Root of the Binomial a + t/~ b. First find l/(a' ! ■+■ b); then, by trials, search out a number c, and a square root */d, such that the sum of their squares c' ■+■ d may be = 3 v /(n -h b), and also c 3 — 3cd =: a; then shall c ■+- >J — d be the cube root of a ■+■ */ — b sought. For example, to find the cube root of 2 ■+■ •v/ ' — 121 1 herey/(« i ■+■ b) =^/12. r > = 5; then taking c = 2, and d = 1, it is C* -+- d = 5 = \/ (a' -t- b) and c 3 — 3cd B I N [ 229 '] B I N &c. •'0 a/5 ■v/20 — s — 6 = 2 = a, .as it ought ; therefore 2 + ^ — 1 is the cube root of 2 -t- ^/ — 121 . — Bombelli gave also a rule for the cube root of the binomial a -+- ^/b, but it is good for nothing. Albert Girard's Rule for the Cube Root of a Binomial. This is given in his Invention Nouvelle en l'Algebre, and is explained by him thus: Let 72 ■+■ ^/5I20 be the given binomial whose cube root is sought. The square of 72 the greater term is 5184 and of the less term is 5120 their difference 64 its cube root 4, which 4 must be the difference between the squares of the two terms of the root sought; and as the rational part 72 of the given binomial is the greater term, therefore the ra- tional part of the required root will be the greater part also ; consequently the root sought must be one of the binominals here set in the margin, where the difference of the squares of the terms is always 4, as required ; and to find out the true one, proceed thus: The first, 2 -+- */0 must be rejected, because one term of it is or nothing; also because 5 exceeds the cube root of 72, or ^/'20 exceeds the cube root of v/5120, therefore 5 -t- v^20, and all after it must be rejected likewise ; so that the root must be either 3 ■+• */5 or 4 -+- \/l'2, if the given quantity has a binomial root : to know which of these is to be taken, it must be considered that the rational term of the root must measure the rational term given ; and also the irrational term of the root must measure the irrational term given; then, on examination it is found that both -5 and 4 measure or divide the 72 without a remainder, but that only the ); 1. C os.- (z + 720°) ; &c, there will arise several distinct answers to the question, agreeably to the remark made above. BiieoMiAL Curve, is a curve whose ordinate is expressed by a binomial quantity ; as the curve whose ordinate is x 3 - x b ■+- dxfy. Stirling, Method. Diff. pa. 58. Binomial Theorem, is Used to denote the celebrated theorem given by Sir I. Newton for raising a binomial to any power, or for extracting any root of it by an approxi- mating infinite series. It was known by Stifelius, and others, about the beginning of the l6th century, how to raise the integral powers, not barely by a continued mul- tiplication of the binomial given, but also by a table of numbers formed by Stifelius^ which showed by inspection the coefficients of the terms of any power of the binomial, contained within the limits of the table ; but still they could not independent of a table, and of any of the lower powers, raise any power of a binomial at once, by determining its te|tns one from another only, viz, the 2d term from the 1st, the 3d from the 2d, and so on as far as we please, by a ge- neral rule ; and much less could they extract general al- gebraic roots in infinite series by any rule whatever. For though the nature and construction of that table, which is composed of figurate numbers, was so early known, and employed in raising powers, and extracting roots ; yet it was only by raising the numbers one from another by continual additions, and then taking them from the table when wanted ; till Mr. Briggs first pointed out the way of raising any line in the table by itself, without any of the preceding lines; and thus teaching to raise the terms of any power of a binomial, independent of any of the other powers; and so gave the substance of the binomial theo- rem in words, wanting only the algebraic notation in sym- bols ; as is shown at large at pa. 78 of the historical intro- duction to my Mathematical Tables. Whatever was known however of this matter, related only to pure or integral powers, no one before Newton having thought of extract- ing roots by infinite series. He happily discovered that, by considering powers and roots in a continued series, roots being as powers having fractional exponents, the same bi- nomial series would equally serve for them all, whether the index should be fractional or integral, or whether the series be finite or infinite. The truth of this method how- ever was long known only by trial in particular cases, and by induction from analogy ; nor does it appear that even Newton himself ever attempted any direct proof of it : however, various demonstrations of the theorem have since been given by the more modern mathematicians, some of which are by means of the doctrine of fluxions, and others, more legally, from the pure principles of algebra only : for a full account of which, see pa. 228, &c, of my Mathe- matical Tracts, vol. 1. This theorem was first discovered by Sir I. Newton in 1669, and sent in aletter of June 13, 1676, to Mr. Olden- burg, Secretary to the Royal Society, to be by him com- municated to Mr. Leibnitz ; and it was in this form : m m m in — n , m — Qn „ . (p -*-pq)n =pu n — aq h — bq ■+■ — - — cq -+- &c: where p + pq signifies the quantity whose root, or power, or root of any power, is to be found ; p being the first term of that quantity; q the quotient of all the rest of the terms divided by that first term ; and - the numeral index of the power or root of the quantity p ■+■ pq, whether it be integral or fractional, positive or negative ; and lastly a, b, c, d, &c, are assumed to denote the several terms in their order as they are found, viz, a = the first term pT, b = the 2d term -aq, c =: the third term bq, and so on. As Newton's u ' in 3 general notation of indices was not commonly known, he takes this occasion to explain it; and then he gives many examples of the application of this theorem, one of which is the following. T Ex. 1. To find the value of t/(c x -+■ X s ) or (c 5 ■+■ a: 2 ) 5 , that is, to extract the square root of c 1 •+■ x 2 in an infinite series. Here p = c x ,q =^, m = 1, and n = 2; therefore ™ . -| , m x" in — n — x" " " ^ ' ' n " 2c' 2k " 8c 3 ' &c ; therefore the root sousrht isc h s + m ■- 2C Be 3 16c 5 12SC -f- &c. A variety of other examples are also given in the same place, by which it is shown that the theorem is of univer- sal application to all sorts of quantities whatever. — This theorem is sometimes represented in other forms, as Pnx :1h q -i • q ■+■ n " n in * n ■+■ &c ; which conies to the same thing OP Or thus j?u ■+■ m ~ " P TT* &c; where the binomial is On * ' ' r)n. In another letter to Mr. Oldenburg, of Oct. 24, 1676"* Newton explains the train of reasoning by which he ob- tained the said theorem, as follows : " In the beginning of my mathematical studies, when I was perusing the works of the celebrated Dr. Wallis ' (see his Arith. of Infinites, prop. J 18, and 121, also his Algebra, chap. 82), and con- siderili" the series by the interpolation of which he exhi- bits the area of the circle and hyperbola; for instance, in this scries of curves, whose common base or axis is r, and the ordinates respectively (1 — ar*J* (1 — J*) , (1 — xx)\ (1 —-")', (I — xx)\ &c; I perceived that if the areas of the alternate curves, which are x - -J~r 3 , x — fr 3 -t- -fx 5 , x — far 3 ■+■ ft' - j-r 7 , &c; could be interpolated, we should be able to ob- tain the areas of the intermediate ones; the first of which, (I — xx) , is the area of the circle: now in order to this, it appeared that in all the series the first term was x; that the 2d terms Ji 3 , }x 3 , |.r 3 , }x\ &c, were in arithmetical B I N [• 231 ] B I N progression ; and consequently that the first two terms of (1 — if)", will be produced jay the continued multiplier all the series to be interpolated would be X — — , X——, X — — , &C. 8 ' 3 3 ' " Now for the interpolation of the rest, I considered that the denominators, 1, 3, 5, 7, &c, were in arithme- tical progression ; and that therefore only the numeral coefficients of the numerators were to be investigated. But these in the alternate areas, which are given, were the same with the figures of which the several powers of 11 consist; viz, of 11°, 11", ll 2 , ll 3 , &c ; that is, the first 1 , the second 1 , 1 the third 1, 2, 1 the fourth 1, 3, 3, 1 the fifth 1, 4, 6, 4, 1 &c. " I enquired therefore how, in these series, the rest of the terms may be derived from the first two being given ; and I found that by putting ra for the 2d figure or term, the rest would be produced by the continued multiplication of Che terms of this series, m — m— 1 m — 1 m — 3 m — £ „ I * ~~ 2 3~~ 4 5 2d term m = 4 ; then shall -, or 6, be the 3d term; and 6 x — - — , or 4, -a 3 the 4th term; and 4 x - or 1, the 5th term; and 1 x — ■ — , or 0, the 6th; which shows that in this case the series terminates. " This rule therefore I applied to the series to be in- terpolated. And since, in the series for the circle, the 2d term was —- I put m = ■£, which produced the terms i-3 " Kor instance, if the m — 1 or ; x or -t- — ; -+- — x or — — ; and so on ad infinitum. And hence I found 128 that the required area of the circular segment is _ if! _ ill _ ~hiL — t^ 1 " _ k. c X 3 5 7 9 " And in the same manner might be produced the in- terpolated areas of the other curves : as also the area of the hyperbola and the other alternates in thisseries (i + xxy, (i ■+- xxy, (i -+- xxy, (1 + xx) T , &c. And in the same way also may other series be interpolated, tion of the terms of this series m — 1 m — 2 m nr? 3 —j- x 3 x — — & c . " Thus, for example, there would be found (1 - xx)^ = l-Ii ! -|r«- _^. T * &c. (1 - xx)* - l - | x 2 *■ | x 4 .«- ,ij x 6 &c. (1 -xx)i = i-^ x \-^xy-^x s Scc. " Thus then I discovered a general method of reducing radical quantities into infinite series, by the theorem which I sent in the beginning of the former letter, before I knew the same by the extraction of roots. " But having discovered that way, this other could not long remain unknown: for to prove the truth of those operations, I multiplied 1 — £x 2 — §x 4 — -j-'-jX 6 &c, by itself, and the product was 1 — x 2 , all the rest of the terms vanishing after these, in infinitum. In like manner, 1 t i x ' — %x 4 — -JT* 6 & c ' twice multiplied by itself, pro- duced 1 — x 2 . But as this was a certain proof of those conclusions, so I was naturally led to try conversely whe- ther these series, which were thus known to be the roots of the quantity 1 — x 2 , could not be extracted out of it after the manner of arithmetic; and upon trial I found it to succeed. The process for the square root is here set down 1 - x 2 (1 - 4.x 2 - |x 4 - -^x« &c. 1 - x 2 — X 2 -*- ix 4 — i — r r* — -i X" — "These methods being found, I laid aside the other way by interpolation of series, and used these operations only as a more genuine foundation. Neither was I igno- rant of the reduction by division, which is so much easier." See Collins's Commercium Epistolicum. And this is all the account that Newton gives of the invention of this theorem, which is engraved on his mo- nument in Westminster Abbey, as one of his greatest dis- coveries. Francis Maseres, Esq. (Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer) has communicated the following observations on the Bino- mial theorem, and its demonstration; viz, About the year and that too if they should be taken at the distance of iu'6'6 the celebrated Sir Isaac Newton discovered that, if two or more terms. m were put for any whole number whatsoever, the coeffr " This was the way then in which I first entered upon cients of the terms of the »ith power of 1 *■- x would be these speculations; which I should not have remembered, but that in turning over my papers a few weeks since, I chanced to turn my eyes on those relating to this matter. " Having proceeded so far, I considered that the terms (1 - xx)°, (1 - xx)*, (1 - xx)% (1 - xx) T , &c, that is, 1 1 - x 1 1 — 2x 2 -+■ x 4 " 1 — 3x 2 -+- 3x* — x", &c, might be interpolated in the same manner as the areas generated by them : and for this, nothing more was required but to omit the de- nominators 1, 3, 5, 7» &c, in the terms expressing the areas; that is, the coefficients of the terms of the quantity to be interpolated (1 — xx)^, or (1 — xx) r , or generally strate it. m m m — l m — 1 m — 2 &c; (m - 1) , which will be the 1 }> till we come to the term last term. But by what particular means he discoTered this proposition, he has not told us, nor has he even at- tempted to give a demonstration of it. Dr. John Wallis, of Oxford, informs us (in his Algebra, chap. 85, pa. 319) that he had endeavoured to find this manner of generating these coefficients one from another, but without success; and he was greatly delighted with the discovery, when he found that Mr. Newton had made it. But he likewise has omitted to give a demonstration of it, as well as Sir Isaac Newton ; and probably he did not know how to demon- b r n [ 232 ] B I N Newton, after having discovered this rule, for generating the coefficients of the powers of 1 ■+■ x when the indices of those powers were whole numbers, conjectured that the same might possibly obtain also when the indices were fractions. He therefore resolved to try whether it would or not, by applying it to such indices in a few easy in- stances, and particularly to those of \ and \, which, if the rule served in the case of fractional indices, would enable him to find series equal to the values of (1 -+- i) T and (1 ■+■ xfs, or the square-root and the cube-root of the bi- nomial quantity 1 ■+■ x. And, when he had in this man- ner obtained a series for (1 + x) T , which he suspected to be equal to (1 •+■ x) T , or the square root of I + x, he mul- tiplied the said series into itself, and found that the pro- duct was l+i; and when he had discovered in like man- ner a series for (1 -+- x)? he multiplied the same twice into itself, and found that the product was 1 ■+- x; and thence he concluded that the former series was really equal to the square-root of 1 -t- x, and that the latter series was really equal to its cube-root. And from these and a few more such trials, in which he found the rule to answer, he concluded universally that the rule was always true, whe- ther the index m stood for a whole number or a fraction of any kind, as %, f, f , h f, f , or, in general, t After the discovery of this rule by Sir Isaac Newton, and the publication of it by Dr. Wallis, in his Algebra, chap. 85, in the year 1685, (which I believe was the first time it was published to the world at large, though it was inserted in Sir Isaac Newton's first letter to Mr. Olden- burg, the secretary to the Royal Society, dated June 13, 1676, and the said letter was shown to Mr. Leibnitz, and probably to some other of the learned mathematicians of that time) it remained for some years without a demon- stration, either in the case of integral powers or of roots. At last however it was demonstrated in the case of integral powers by means of the properties of the figurate numbers, by that learned, sagacious, and accurate mathematician Mr. James Bernoulli, in the 3d chapter of the 2d part of his excellent treatise De ArteConjectandi, or, On the Art of forming reasonable Conjectures concerning Events that depend on Chance ; which appears to me to be by far the best-written treatise on the doctrine of Chances that has yet been published, though M. Demoivre's book on the same subject may have carried the doctrine something fur- ther. This treatise of James Bernoulli's was not published till 8 years after his death, which happened in August 1705; but there is reason to think that it was composed in the latter 5 or 6 years of the preceding century, and even that some parts of it, or some of the propositions in- serted therein, had been discovered by the author in the years 1689, 169O, 1691, and 1692. For the first part of his very curious tract, entitled, Positiones Arithmetica; de Seriebus Infinitis, was published at Basil or Basle in Swit- zerland in the year l689; and the second part of the said Positiones (in the 19th Position of which those properties of the figurate numbers from which the binomial theorem may be deduced, are set down) was published at the same place in the year 1692. But the demonstrations of those properties of the figurate numbers, and of the binomial theorem, which depends upon them, were never I believe communicated to the public till the year 1713, when the luthor's posthumous treatise De Arte Conjcctandi made its appearance. These demonstrations are founded on clear and simple principles, and afford as much satisfaction as can well be expected on this subject. But the full dis- play and explanation of these principles,and the deduction of the said properties of the figurate numbers, and ulti- mately of the Binomial theorem, from them, is a matter of considerable length. It will therefore not be improper to give a shorter proof of the truth of this important theorem, that shall not require a previous knowledge of the properties of the figurate numbers, but yet shall be equally conclusive with that which is derived from those properties. Now this may be done in the manner following. Let us suppose that the coefficients of the terms of the first six powers of the Binomial quantity 1 -1- x have been found, upon trial, to be such as would he produced by the 1 general expressions m ?n m — 1 m ra — 1 m — 2 . ' l' 1 2 ' 1 2 " 3 ' ' by substituting in them first 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, and lastly 6 instead of m. This may easily be tried by first raising 1 + 1 to the 6th power, by repeated multiplications in the common way, and afterwards finding the terms of the powers by means of the said general ex- pressions above ; which will be found to produce the very same terms as arose from the multiplications. After these trials we shall be sure that those general expressions are the true values of the coefficients of the powers of 1 •+- x at least in the said first six powers. And it will therefore only remain to be proved that, since the rule is true in the said first six powers, it will also be true in the next fol- lowing, or the 7th power, and consequently in the 8th, 9th, and 10th powers, and in all higher powers whatso- ever. Now, if the coefficients of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and other following terms of 1 +r) be denoted by the letters a, b, c, d, &c, respectively, it is evident from the nature of multiplication, that the coefficients of the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and other following terms of the next higher power of 1 ■+■ x, to wit, 1 -+- x\ will be equal to a, a ■+■ b, b ■+■ C, c + d, &c, respectively, or to the sums of every two contiguous coefficients of the terms of the preceding series which is = 1 -+- x 1 . This will appear from the operation of multiplication, which is as follows: a ■+■ b'x,+ ex' 2 -+- dx 3 -+- ex* ■+- &c 1 -+- x bx dx* bx* dx' Ike &c. Therefore, if 1 -+- xj bx be equal to the series - ex 2 ■+■ dx 3 ■+• ex* -<- &c, then 1 will be equal to the scries a ■+■ a ■+- b . r ■+- b ■+- c . x- ■+■ c •+• d . x 3 ■+• &c. Now let n be = m •+- 1. We shall then have to prove that, if the coefficients a, b, c, d, &c, be respectively , m m m — 1 m 7)1 — 1 vi — 1 o equal to ),-,-• -5-1 - ■ -3- • — -' &c - the coefficients «, a -*- b, b ■+■ c, &c, will be respectively n n n — 1 n n — 1 n — 2 equal to 1, -, T . — , T . — • — , cW. And to do which, there is nothing more required than to collect together every two terms of the former of these two series, and then substitute into these sums, n instead BIQ C of m •+- 1, when there will immediately come out the terms of the latter series, as above, viz, — \ n , n n n — 1 „ a 1-1- .r =1-1 X -\ . ' X' ■+- &C Q. E. D. ' 112 For several other demonstrations of the Binomial Theo- rem, see my new Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 228, &c. BIPARTIENT, is a number that divides another into two equal parts without a remainder. So 2 is a bipartient to 4, and 5 a bipartient to 10. BIPART1TION, is a division into two equal parts. BIQUADRATE, or Biquadratic Power, is the squared square, or 4th power of any number or quantity. Thus l6 is the biquadrate or 4th power of 2, or it is the square of 4 which is the 2d power of 2. Biquadratic Root, of any quantity, is the square root of the square root, or the 4th root of that quantity. So the biquadratic root of l6 is 2, and the biquadratic root of 81 is 3. Biquadratic Equation, is that which rises' to 4 di- mensions, or in which the unknown quantity rises to the 4th power ; as x 4 ■+- ax 3 -+- bx~ •+■ ex -+■ d = 0. Any biquadratic equation may be conceived to be ge- nerated or produced from the continual multiplication of four simple equations, as (x — p) x (x — q) x (x — r) x (x - s) = ; or from that of two quadratic equations, as (x 2 -+- px -+- q) x (x 2 ■+- rx -t- s) = ; or, lastly, from that of a cubic and a simple equation, as (x — p) x (r 3 -+- qx* ■+• rx -t- s) = : which was the invention of Harriot. And on the contrary, a biquadratic equation may be resolved into four simple equations, or jnto two quadratics, or into a cubic and a simple equa- tion, having all the same roots with it. 1. Ferrari's Method for Biquadratic Equations. The first resolution of a biquadratic equation was given in Cardan's Algebra, chap. 39, being the invention of his pupil and friend Lewis Ferrari, about the year 1540. This is effected by means of a cubic equation, and is indeed a method of depressing the biquadratic equation to a cubic, which Cardan demonstrates, and applies in a great variety of examples. The principle is very general, and consists in making one side of the equation a square, by help of some multiples or parts of its own terms and an assumed unknown quantity ; which it is always easy to do; and then the other side is made to be a square also, by as- suming the product of its 1st and 3d terms equal to the square of half the 2d term ; for it consists only of three terms, or three different denominations of the original let- ter; then this equality will determine the value of the as- sumed quantity by a cubic equation: other circumstances depend on the artist's judgment. But the method will be farther explained by the following examples, extracted from Cardan's book. Ex. 1. Given x 4 h- 6x 2 ■+■ 36 = 60x, to be resolved. Add 6x 2 to both sides of the equation, so shall r 1 + I 2x 2 + 36' or (x 2 -i- 6) 2 = 6V ■+- 60x. Assume^, and add (x 2 ■+■ 6) 2y ■+- y 2 to both sides, then is (x 2 + 6) 2 + 2j/(x 2 + 6) -i- f = 6x 2 + 60x + 2y{x 2 + 6) + y\ or (x 2 ■+- 6 ■+■ y)" = (6 ■+• 2y)x 2 •+- 60x + 12y ■+•/. Make now the 1st x 3d term = isq. 2d, this gives (6 + 2y) . {\2y +/) x 2 = 900x 2 , or/ -i- 15/ -i- 36y = 450; and hence y =£/(287i + ^80449^) +>/(287i - y/SQU9i) - 5. From which x may be found by a quadratic equation. Vol. I. 233 ] BIQ For, because (6 ■+■ 2y) . (I2y ■+■ y) . x 2 = 900 x\ (6 ■+■ 2y) . x 2 ■+■ 60x ■+■ \2y + y", becomes a square, whose root is evidently equal to x^/(6 -+• 2y) ■+■ *J (12y -t- /) ; and since (x' 2 -+• 6 ■+■ y)' 2 = (6 -i- 2y)x 2 -i- 60x -+■ I2y ■+- y 1 , their roots are also equal, that is x 2 -t- 6 ■+■ y = x - y/(6 ■+■ 2y) ■+• \/(12y -t-y z ), a quadratic equation. Ex. 2. Given x 4 = x -+- 2. Before applying Ferrari's method to this example, Cardan resolves it by another way as follows: subtract I,' from both sides of the equation, then is x 4 — 1 = x -+- 1 ; di- vide by x -+- 1, then is x 3 — x 2 -t- x ~ 1 = 1, or x 3 -+- x = x 2 ■+- 2; and hence x =l/(^/ v w 2916 -i 7 ) + I. 54 y 3 But to resolve it by Ferrari's rule : Because x 4 = x ■+- 2 ; therefore x 4 -+- 2yx 2 ■+- y"- or (x 2 ■+- y)- = 2yx" ■+- x •+- (2 ■+- y 1 ) ; hence 2y 3 -+- 4y, = £, or y 3 -+- 2y = \ ; and the root is , ' .2075 1 . .„, .2075 1 . a v w 6912 W . v w 6912 16' by means of which x is found by a quadratic equation. Ex. 3. Given x 4 -+■ 32x* + 16 = 48x — Add 240, then x 4 ■+- 32X 1 + 250 or (x 2 + l6) 2 = 4Sx +. 240; complete square again, then (x 2 ■+- l6) z + 2j/ . (x 1 4- 16) + y* = 2yx z + 48x + (j/ 1 ■+- 32y ■+- 240); make the last side a sq. by the rule, which gives y 3 + 32y* + 240,y = 24 x 12 = 288. Put now z =y h- lOf , and the last transforms to z 3 = 101J-2 ■+- 420^£; then the value of z found from this, gives the value of y, and hence the value of x as before. 2. Descartes's Rule for Biquadratic Equations. Another solution was given of biquadratic equations by Descartes, in the 3d book of his Geometry. In this solu- tion he resolved the given biquadratic equation into two quadratics, by means of a cubic equation, in this manner: First, let the 2d term or 3d power be taken away out of the equation, after which it will stand thus, x 1 ■+ px~ ■+■ qx ■+■ r = 0. Find y in this cubic equation y° + 2/y 4 ". the values off , T ,, i \x- — yx + iy' + ip + — = x in these 1 J * J r 2y two quadra-) „ . d q tics. (* 2 +^ + f/ + i/>-^ = o, so shall these values of x be the roots of the given biqua- dratic equation. Ex: Let the equ. be x A — 17x 2 — 20x — 6 = 0. Here p = — 17, J2. 3. Euler's Method for Biquadratic Equations. The celebrated Leonard Eulcr has also given, in the 6th volume of the Petersburg Ancient Commentaries, for the year 1738, an ingenious and general method for resolving equations of all degrees, by means of the equation of the next lower degree, and among them that of the biquadratic equation by means of the cubic; and this last was also given more at laige in his treatise of Algebra, translated from the German into French in 1774, in 2 volumes Svo. The method is this: Let x' — ax 2, — bx — c = 0, be the 2 H . . . „. i ...„ j j _> y 1 — q 1 = ; and then b r q I C34 ] BI Q given biquadratic equation, wanting the 2d term. Take /= \a, g=-^aa -+- \c, and k ±s'*J )h ; with which values of/, g, h, form the cubic equation e 3 — fz l -+- gz — h = 0. Then find the three roots of this cubic equation, and let them be called p, q, r. So shall the four roots of the pro- posed biquadratic be these following, viz, AVhen |i is negative : y/P + V'l ~ \/ r > • v7- - s/q -*■ \A> — x /p ■+- ^/q ■+- x/r, - Vp - y/q - v r - 25x 2 ■+- 60x - 36 = 0. When |6 is positive : 1st. a/p +■ x/q -+- */r 2d. y7> -+• l/q — ^/r 3d. y> — v/g -i- - ■/? — \ /r Ex. Let the equ. be x 4 ■ Here a == 25, & = — 60, and c = 36; . , - 25 62S 769 , , 225 therefore /= — , g = — ■+- 9 = — , and ft = — . 210 10 4 Consequently the cubic equation will be 2 3_ 2 i 2 * + 7 -£?~_ 2 if = 2 16 4 The three roots of which are z = - = p, and s = 4 = o, and z=z — =.r\ and the roots 4 r 4 of these are vO 5 — lb a/? = 2 or §, x/ 7 " = t- Hence, as the value of \b is negative, the four roots are let r — Ji-i-4 .1 — 1 2d. x = |_4 + ^. = 2; 3d. !c= T | + f + (= 3, 4th. i=-|-f-|.= -6. 4. Simpson s Rule for Biquadratic Equations. Mr. Simpson gave a general rule for the solution of bi- quadratic equations, having all its terms, in the 2d edit, of hisAlgebra, pa. 150, published in 1755, in which the given equation is also resolved by means of a cubic equation, as well as the two former ways ; and it is investigated on the principle, that the given equation is equal to the difference between two squares; being indeed a kind of generaliza- tion of Ferrari's method. Thus, he supposes the given equation, viz, x 4 -+- px 3 ■+■ qx 2 •+■ rx -+- s = (x 2 -+- \px -+- a) 2 — (bx ■+- c) 2 ; then from a comparison of the like terms, the values of the assumed letters are found, and the final equation becomes a 3 — I9A 2 ■+■ k\ — \l = 0, where k = fpr — s, and I .-= fr 2 ■+■ s . (£ p 2 — q). The value of a being found in this cubic equation, those of B and c will be had from their general values, viz, b = \/{2\ -+- %p 2 — q), and c = . Hence, finally, the root x will be obtained from the assumed equation (x 2 •+- \px -+- a) 2 — (bx -+- c) 2 = 0, or x 2 -+- %px ■+- a s= fuic (which always is the case when the value of x is taken such, that the given biquadratic becomes equal to nothing), in four several values. Ex. Given the equ. x 4 — 6x 3 — 58x 2 — 1 14x — 11=0. Here p = — 6, q = — 58, r = — 114, and s = — 11, whence k or Ipr — $ = 182, I or }r 2 ■+■ * . ($ p 2 — q) = 2512; and therefore the cubic equation becomes a 3 -1- 29a 2 + 182a - 1256 = 0, the root of which is a = 4. Hence then b or V2a -+- §p 2 — q = \/7$, and c or v —- = v/27 : 2B v then the quadratic equation becomes x 2 — 3x ■+■ 4 =.± *\/75 ± ^/27 ; which solved gives x= U±2{v/3 + V(17±lli*/3), or = U±2£V3-\/(l7 ±11*^3), exhibiting all the 4 roots of the given equation according to the variations of the signs. Mr. Simpson here subjoins an observation which is to- tally erroneous, viz, that f The value of a, in this equation, will be commensurate and rational (and therefore the easier to be discovered), not only when all the roots of the given equation are commensurate, but when they are irrational and even impossible ; as will appear from the example subjoined." It must indeed appearsingular that he should have adduced such a reason for the proof of a proposition without any foundation; and it is wonderful that he fell upon no examples that refuted it, as the instances in which it holds true, are so few, in comparison with the number of those in which it fails. By methods similar to most of the foregoing ones, Dr. Waring gave very general investigations of such rules for biquadratics, in his Meditationes Algebraica?, published in 1770. Note. In any biquadratic equation having all its terms, if ■!■ of thesquare of the coefficient of the 2dterm be greater than the product of the coefficients of the 1st and 3d terms, or |- of the square of the coefficient of the 4th term be greater than the product of the coefficients of the 3d and 5th terms, or ■* of the square of the coefficients of the 3d term greater than the product of the coefficients of the 2d and 4th terms; then all the roots of that equation will be real and unequal ; but if either of the said parts of those squares be less than cither of those products, the equation will have imaginary roots. For the construction of biquadratic equations, sec Con- struction. See also Descartes's Geometry, with theCom- mentaries of Schooten and others; Baker's Geometrical Key; Slusius's Mcsolabium; 1' Hospital's Conic Sections; Wolfius's Elementa Matheseos ; &c. Biquadratic Parabola, a curve of the 3d order, ha- ving two infinite legs, and expressed by one of these three equations, viz, a 3 x =j/ 4 , as in fig. 1, a s x =y — a 2 y 2 , as in fig. 2, ra 3 x =y — (a + b) . y 2 — aby 2 , as in fig. 3 ; where x = ap the absciss, y = pq the ordinate, b = ab, c = ac, and a = a certain given quantity. But the most general equation of this curve is the fol- lowing, which belongs to fig. 4, viz, 'R A ay = x 4 4- bx 3 ■+■ cx 2 -t- dx + c; where x = Ap or ap the absciss, and — j/ or ■+■ y is the ordinate put or I'M, also a, b, c, d, e, are constant quanti- ties'; the beginning of the absciss being at any point a in the indefinite line A p." But if the beginning of the absciss a be at the point where this line intersects the curve, as in fig. 5, then the BIS [ 335 ] B L A nature of the curve will be defined by this equation a x pm =Ap x sp x c/> x Dp, wherever the point p is taken in the infinite line rs. When the curve has no serpentine part, as fig. 6, the equation is more simple, being in this case barely a x pm = Ap l x ps 2 . See CwRVE-Lmes, and Geometrical Lines. BIQUINTILE, an aspect of the planets when the di- stance between them is 144 degrees, or twice the 5th part of 360 degrees. BISECTION, or Bissection, the division of a quan- tity into two equal parts, otherwise called bipartition. BISSEXTILE, or Leap-year, a year consisting of 366 days, and happening every 4th year, in consequence of the addition of 1 day to the month of February, when that month consists of 29days. And this is done to compensate for the 6 hours which the sun takes up nearly in his course, more than the 365 days commonly allowed for it in other years. The day thus added was by Julius Caesar appointed to be the day before the 24th of February, which among the Romans was the 6th of the calends, and which on this occasion was reckoned twice ; whence it was called the Bissextile. By the statute De anno bissextile, 21 Hen. 3d, to prevent misunderstandings, the intercalary day and that next be- fore it are to be accounted as one day. To find what year of the period any given year is ; di- vide the given year by 4 ; then if remains, it is leap-year; but if any thing remain, the given year is so many after leap-year. But the astronomers concerned in reforming the calendar in 1582, by order of Pope Gregory the 1 3th, observing that in 4 years the bissextile added 44 minutes more than the sun spent in returning to the same point of the ecliptic; and computing that in 1 33 years these supernumerary mi- nutes would form a day; to prevent any changes being thus insensibly introduced into the seasons, directed, that in the course of 400 years there should be three scxtiles retrenched ; so that every centesimal year (which is a leap- year according to the Julian account), is a common year in the Gregorian account, unless the number of centuries can be divided by 4 without a remainder. So 1600 and 2000 are bissextile; but 1700, 1800, and lf)00 are com- mon years. The Gregorian computation has been received in most foreign countries ever since the reformation of the calendar in 1582; excepting some northern countries, as Russia, &c. And by act of parliament, passed in 1751, it com- menced in all the dominions under the crcwn of Great Britain in the year following ; it being ordered by that act that the natural day next following the 2d of September, should be accounted the 14th; omitting the intermediate ] 1 days of the common calendar. The supernumerary day, in leap-years, being added at the end of the month of February, and called the 29th of that month. The centesimal year 1800 having been a common year, instead of a bissextile, from that time there are now 12 days difference between the old and new style, and so will continue till the year 1900, when the difference between will be one day more, and so on, at every centesimal year which is not exactly divisible by 4. BLACK, a colour so called, or rather a privation of all colour. This, it appears, arises from such a peculiar tex- ture and situation of the superficial parts of a black body, that they absorb all or most of the rays of light, reflecting little or none to the eye ; and hence it happens that black bodies, thus imbibing the rays, are always found to be hotter than those of a lighter colour. Dr. Franklin observes that black clothes heat more, and dry sooner in the sun than white clothes ; that therefore black is a bad colour for clothes in hot climates ; but a fit colour for the linings of ladies' summer hats; and that a chimney painted black, when exposed to the sun, will draw more strongly. Frank- lin's Experim. &c. — Dr. Watson, the present bishop of Landaff, covered the bulb of a thermometer with a black coating of Indian ink, and the consequence was that the mercury rose 10 degrees higher. Philos. Trans, vol. 63, pa. 40; and the same thing has since been evinced by the experiments of Mr. Leslie and other philosophers. — And a virtuoso of some credit assured Mr. Boyle, that in a hot climate by blacking the shells of eggs, and exposing them to the sun, he had seen them thus well roasted. BLACKNESS, the quality of a black body, as to co- lour; arising from its stifling or absorbing the rays of light, and reflecting little or none. In which sense it stands di- rectly opposed to whiteness; which consists in such a tex-' ture of parts, as indifferently reflects all the rays thrown upon it, of whatever colour they may be. Descartes, it appears, first rightly distinguished these causes of black and white, though he might be mistaken with respect to the general nature of light and colours. — Sir Isaac Newton shows, in his Optics, that to produce black colours, the corpuscles must be smaller than for ex- hibiting those other colours ; because, where the sizes of the component particles of a body arc greater, the light reflected is too much for constituting this colour; but when they are somewhat smaller than is requisite to reflect the white, and very faint blue of the first order, they will reflect so small a portion of light, as to appear intensely black; and yet they may perhaps reflect it variously to and fro within them so long, till it be stifled and lost. And hence it appears, why fire, or putrefaction, by di- viding the particles or substances, turn them black ; why small quantities of black substances impart their colours very freely, and intensely, to other substances, to which they are applied ; the minute particles of these, on account of their very great number, easily overspreading the gross particles of others. Hence it also appears, why glass ground very elaborately on a copper-plate with sand, till it be well polished, makes the sand, with what is rubbed off from the' copper and glass, become very black ; also why blacks commonly incline a little towards a blueish colour; as may be seen by illuminating white paper with light reflected from black substances, when the paper usually appears of a blueish white; the reason of which is, that black borders on the obscure blue of the first order of colours, and there- fore reflects more rays of that colour than of any other; and lastly, why black substances sooner than others be- come hot in the sun's light, and burn; an effect which rriay proceed partly from the multitude of refractions in a little space, and partly from the easy commotion among such minute particles. BLAGRAVE (John), an eminent mathematician, who 2 II 2 B L A [ 236 ] B L I flourished in the l6th and 17th centuries. He was the second son of John Blagrave, of Bulmarsh-court, near Sunning in Berkshire, descended from an ancient family in that country. From a grammar-school ut Reading he was sent to St. John's-college in Oxford, where he applied himself chiefly to the study of mathematics. From hence he retired to his patrimonial scat of Southcote-lodge, near Reading, where he spent the rest of his life, in a retired manner, without marrying, that he might have more lei- sure to pursue his favourite studies; which he did with great application and success. After a life thus spent in study, and in acts of benevolence to all around him, he died in the year l6ll ; and was buried at Reading in the church of St. Lawrence, where a sumptuous monument was erected to his memory. He left the bulk of his fortune to the posterity of his three brothers, which were very numerous. There have been mentioned various acts of his beneficence in private life, for the encouragement of learning, the reward of merit, and the relief of distress. Some of these were the result of a quaint, humorous disposition, discovered chiefly in his legacies. One of these was 10 pounds left to be annually disposed of in the following manner: On Good-friday, the churchwardens of each of ihe three parishes of Reading send to the town-hall " one virtuous maid who has lived five years with her master;" there, in the presence of the magistrates, these three virtuous maids throw dice for the 10 pounds. The year following the two losers are re- turned with a fresh one, and again the third year, till each has had three chances. He also left an annuity to SO poor widows, who should attend annually on Good-friday also, and hear a sermon, for the preaching of which he left 10 shillings to the minister. He took care also for the maintenance of his servants, rewarding their diligence and fidelity, and providing amply for their support. Thus it appears he was not more remarkable for his scientific know- ledge, than for his generosity and philanthropy. His works are, 1. A Mathematical Jewel. Loud. 15S5, folio. 2. Of the Waking and Use of the Familiar- Stall'. Lond. 1590, 4to. 3. Astrolabium Uranicum Generale. Lond. 1596, 4 to. 4. The Art of Dyalling. Lond. 1609, 4to. BLAIR (John), an eminent chronologist, was born and educated at Edinburgh. Afterward, coining to Lon- don, he was for some time usher of a school in Hedge-lane. In 1754 he first published The Chronology and History of the World, from the Creation to the year of Christ 1753, illustrated in 56' tables. In 1755 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1761 of the Society of Anti- quaries. In 1756' he published a 2d edition of his Chro- nological Tables, and in 1768 an improved edition of the same, with the addition of It Maps of Ancient and Mo- dern Geography, for illustrating the Tables of Chronology and History; to which is prefixed a Dissertation on the Progress of Geography. In 1/57 he was appointed chap- lain to the Princess Dowager of Wales, and Mathematical Tutor to the Duke of York ; whom he attended in 170'3 111 a tour to the continent, from which they returned the year after. Dr. Blair had successively several good church preferments: as a prehendal stall at Westminster; tin- vi- carage ol Hinckley, and the rectory of Burton CqggleS in Lincolnshire, all in lj6l; the vicarage ol St. Pride's in London, in 1771, in exchange for that of Hinckley; the rectory of St. Jcibn the Evangelist in Westminster, in 177(>, in exchange for the vicarage of St. Bride's; in the same year the rectory of Horton near Colebrooke, Bucks. Dr. Blair died the 24th of Juue, 1782. BLIND, an epithet applied to an animal deprived of the use of eyes; or one from whom light, colours, and all the glorious objects of the visible creation, are intercepted by some natural or accidental cause. BLINDNESS; a privation of the sense of sight. The ordinary causes of blindness are, some external violence, vicious conformation, growth of a cataract, gutta serena, small-pox, &c; or a decay of the optic nerve; an instance of which we have in the Academy of Sciences, where, on opening the eye of a person long blind, it was found that the optic nerve was extremely shrunk and decayed, and without any medullain it. The more extraordinary causes of blindness are malignant stenches, poisonousjuices drop- ped into the eye, baneful vermin, long confinement in the dark, &c. We find various compensations for blindness, or substi- tutes for the use of eyes, in the wonderful sagacity of many blind persons, related by Zaphnius in his Oculus Artifici- alis, and others. In some the defect has been supplied by a most excellent gift of memory; others by a delicate nose or the sense of smelling ; others by a very nice ear ; and others again by an exquisite touch, or sense of feeling, which they have possessed in great perfection. Some have been able to perform many sorts of curious works in the nicest and most dexterous manner. Aldro- vandus speaks of a sculptor, who had become blind at 20 years of age, and yet lOyearsafterwards he made a perfect marble statue of Cosmo 11 de Medicis, and another of clay like pope Urban viii. Bartholin speaks of a blind sculp- tor in Denmark, who, by mere touch, distinguished perfectly well every kind of wood, and even colours; and father Grimaldi relates an instance of the same kind; besr t; the blind organist, lately living in Paris, who it was said did the same thing. What seems more extraordinary still, we are told by authors of good report, of a blind guide, who used to conduct the merchants through the sands and de- serts of Arabia; and a not less marvellous instance is now existing in this country, in oue John Metcalf, near Man- chester, who became quite blind at a very early age; and yet passed many years of his life as a waggoner, and occa- sionally, as a guide in different roads during the night, or when the paths were covered with snow; and, what is stranger still, his present occupation is that of surveyor and projector of highways in difficult and mountainous parts, particularly about Buxton, ami the Peak in Derbyshire. There are also many instances of blind men who have been highly distinguished for their mental and literary ta- lents, not to speak of the poets Homer, Milton, Ossian, &c; of these we have a remarkable instance in ihe late Dr. Sanderson, professor of mathematics in the uniwisiry of Cambridge, and in Dr. Henry Mpyes, public lecturer in philosophy, who both of them lost their sight by tlieMiiall- pox at an age before they had any recollection ; these men were well skilled in all branches of tin' matheniatic* phi- losophy, optics, .Sic, which they taught will) 'hi ■■ 1 , ..test. reputation ; In siiii s the n oiuini, 111 ol fame w hich ihe for- mer has left behind him in his mathematical and philoso- phical works. Another instance ol these verj extraordi- nary characters is likewise evinced in the present day, in Mr. John Cough of Middleshow, near Kendal, who, though blind from his infancy, has nevertheless acquir- ed not only a very extensive knowledge in almost all the B L O [ 237 ] B L U branches of the mathematics, but also in botany and che- mistry. The effects of a sudden recovery of sight in such as have been born blind, are also 1 very remarkable. Devoid of the experience of distance and figure arising from sight, they are liable to the greatest mistakes in this respect; so much that it has been said they could not distinguish by the mere sight between a cube and a globe, without first touching them. Mr. Boyle mentions a gentleman that was blind, who having been restored to sight at IS years of age, was nearly distracted with joy. See Boyle's works abridg. vol. 1, p. 4. See also a remarkable case of this kind in the Tatler, No. 55, vol. 1. And the gentleman couched by Mr. Che- selden had no ideas of colour, shape, or distance: though he knew the colours asunder in a good light during his blind state, yet when he saw them after he had been couched, the faint ideas he had of tliem before, were not sufficient for discriminating them afterwards. As to dis- tance, his ideas were so deficient, that he thought all the objects he saw touched his eyes, as what he felt did his skin; and it was a considerable time before he could re- member which was the dog and which the cat, though often informed, without feeling them. BLINDS, or Blindes, in Fortification, a kind of de- fence usually made of oziers or branches interwoven, and laid across between two rows of stakes, about a man's height, and 4 or 5 feet asunder. They are used particu- larly at the heads of trenches, when these are extended in front towards the glacis, serving to defend the workmen, and prevent the enemy from overlooking them. BLOCKADE, is the blocking up of a place by posting troops in all the avenues and roads leading to it, to prevent farther supplies of men and provisions to the besieged, and thus starving them out, without forming any regular siege or attacks. BLONDEL (Francis), a celebrated French mathe- matician and military engineer, was born at Ribemond in Picardy in 1 6' X 7 - While he was yet but young, he was chosen Regius Professor of Mathematics and Architecture at Paris. Not long after he was appointed governor to Lewis-Henry de Lomenix, Count de Brienne, whom he ac- companied in his travels from 1652 to 16'55, of which he published an account. He enjoyed many honourable em- ployments, both in the navy and army; and was intrusted with the management of several negociations with foreign princes. He arrived at the dignity of marshal de camp, and counsellor of state, and had the honour to be appoint- ed mathematical preceptor to the dauphin. He was a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, director of the Academy of Architecture, and lecturer to the Royal, Col- lege, in all which lie supported his character with dignity and applause. Blondcl was no less versed in the knowledge of the belles lettres than in the mathematical sciences, as appears by the comparison he published between Pindar and Horace. He died at Paris the 22d of February l6"86\ in the 69th year of his age. His chief mathematical works were, 1. Cours d' Architecture. Paris, 1675, in folio. 2. Resolution des Quarre I'rincipaux Problemes d'Ar- chitecture. Paris, \6?6, in folio. 3. Hi3toired'u Calcndrier Elomain. Paris, IfJ82, in 4to. 4. Cours de Mathema/tiqucs. Paris, 1083, in4to. 5. L'Art ile jcttcr (lis Bombes. La llaye, 1()S5, in 4to. Besides A New Method of fortifying Places, and other works. Blonde! had also many ingenious pieces inserted in the Memoirs of the French Academy of Sciences, particularly in the year 1666. BLOW, in a general sense, denotes a stroke given either with the hand, a weapon, or an instrument. The effect of a blow is estimated like the force of percussion, and ex- pressed also by the velocity of the body multiplied by its weight. BLOWING of a Fire-arm, is when the vent or touch- hole is run or gullied, atid becomes wide, so that the powder will flame out. BLUE, one of the seven primitive colours of the rays of light, into which they are divided when refracted through a glass prism. See Newton's Optics, &c. See also Chro- matics. BLUENESS, that quality of a body, as to colour, from which it is called blue; depending on such a size and tex- ture of the parts that compose the surface of a body, as disposes them to reflect only the blue or azure rays of light to the eye. The biueness of the sky is thus accounted for by De la Hire, after Da Vinci; viz, that a black body viewed through a thin white one, gives the sensation of blue, like the immense-expanse viewed through the air illuminated and whitened by the sun. For the same reason he says it is, that soot mixed uith white, makes a blue; for that white bodies, being always somewhat transparent, when mixing with a black behind, give the perception of blue. ■From the same principle too he accounts for the biueness of the veins on the surface of the skin, though the blood they are filled with be a deep red. In the same manner was the blue colour of the sky ac- counted for by many other of the earlier writers, as Fro* mondus, Funccius, Otto Guericke, and many others, with several of the more modern writers, Wolfius, Muschen- broek, &c. But in the explication of this phenomenon by Newton, he observes, that all the vapours, when they begin to condense and coalesce into natural particles, become first of such a magnitude as to reflect the azure rays, be- fore they can constitute clouds of any other colour. This being therefore the first colour they begin to reflect, must be that of the finest and most transparent skies, in which the vapours are not yet arrived at a grossness sufficient to re- flect other colours. Bouguer however ascribes this biueness of the sky to the constitution of the air itself, being of such a nature that these fainter-coloured rays are incapable of making their" way through any considerable tract of it. And as to the blue shadows which were first observed by Buffon in the year 1742, he accounts for them by the aerial colour of the atmosphere, which enlightens these shadows, and in which the blue rays prevail ; while the red rays are not re- flected so soon, but pass on to the remoter regions of the atmosphere. And the Abbe Mazeas accounts for the phe- nomenon of blue shadows by the diminution of light; ob* serving that, of two shadows which were cast upon a white wall from an opaque body, illuminated by the moon and by a candle at the same time, that from the candle was, somewhat red, while the other from the moon was blue. See Newton's Optics, pa. 22S ; Bouguer Traits d'Optique pa. 308; Kdinb. F.ss. vol. % pa. 75; or Priestley's Hist, of Vision &c, pa. 436". BLUNDERBUSS, in the Military Art, ashortkind of fire-arm, with a large bore, contrived to carry a number of pistol or musket bullets at once. The blunderbuss is proper BOD [238 to do execution in a crowd, or to make good any narrow 1 BOD BLUNDEVILLE (Thomas), of Newton Flotman, a writer on navigation near the end of the 16th century. In his Briefe Description of Universal Mappes and Cardes, first printed in 1589, he gives an account of Gerrard Mer- cator's universal map, observing that Bernard Putean of Bruges had published in 1579, one altogether like it. And though Blundeville is so particular, as to set down num- bers expressing the distances between each parallel of lati- tude in those maps, yet beseems to slight them, by saying, that no better rules than those given by Ptolemy can be devised : but, in the after editions of his book, Blundeville omitted the commendation he had given of Ptolemy's me- thod of delineating an universal map. But Blundeville's chief work seems to be his Exercises, written in 1593, the 4th edit, in 1613, 4to, 800 pages, containing treatises of Arithmetic ; tables of Sines, Tangents, and Secants ; Cos- mographie; Description and Use. of the Globes, Mappes, Cardes, Astrolabe, Navigation, &c. BOB of a Pendulum, the same as the ball or weight; which see. BODY, in Geometry, is a figure conceived to be ex- tended in all directions, or what is usually said to consist of length, breadth, and thickness ; being otherwise called a Solid." A body is conceived to be formed or generated by the motion of a surface ; in the same manner as a surface is by the motion of a line, and a line by the motion of a point. — Similar bodies, or solids, are in proportion to each other, as the cubes of their like sides, or linear dimensions. Body, in Physics, or Natural Philosophy, is a solid, ex- tended, palpable substance; of itself merely passive, or ra- ther being tenacious either of motion or rest, but capable of any sort of motion or figure. Body is composed, according to the Peripatetics, of mat- ter, form, and privation; according to the Epicureans and Corpuscularians, of an assemblage of hooked, heavy atoms ; according to the Cartesians, of a certain extension ; and according to the Newtonians, of a system or association of solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, moveable particles, ranged or disposed in a certain manner; from which arise bodies of various kinds, and distinguished by particular names: these elementary or component particles of bodies, they assert, must be perfectly hard, so as never to wear or break in pieces; which, Newton observes, is necessary, in order to the world's persisting in the same state, and bodies continuing of the same nature and texture in several ages. Body of a piece of Ordnance, the part contained between the centre of the trunnions and the cascabel. This should always be more fortified or stronger than the rest, to sus- tain ihe first or greatest effort of the powder. SeeCANNON. Bony of the Place, in Fortification, denotes either the buildings inclosed, or more generally the inclosure itself. Thus to construct the body of the place, is to fortify or in- close the place with bastions and curtains. Body of a Pump, the thickest part of the barrel or pipe of a pump, within which the piston moves. Bodies, Regular or Platonic, are those which have all their sides, angles, and planes, similar and equal. Of these there are only 5 ; viz, the Tetraedron, contained by 4 equilateral triangles; the Hexaedron or cube, by 6 squares; the Octaedron, by 8 triangles; the Dodecaedron, by 12 pentagons; and the Icosaedroi), by 20 triangles. To form the five Regular Bodies. Let the annexed figures be exactly drawn on pasteboard, or stiff paper, and cut out by the extreme or bounding lines: then cut the others, or internal lines, only half through, so that the parts may be turned up by them, and then glued or otherwise fastened together with paste, seal- ing-wax, &c ; so shall they form the respective body marked with the corresponding number ; viz, n° 1 the te- traedron, k° 2 the hexaedron or cube, u°3 the octaedron, n°4 the dodecaedron, and n°5 theicosaedron. To find the Superficies or Solidity of the Regular Bodies. 1 . Multiply the proper tabular area (taken from the fol- lowing table) by the square of the linear edge of the solid, for the superficies. 2. Multiply the tabular solidity by the cube of the linear edge, for the solid content. Table of the Surfaces and Solidities of the five Regular Bodies, the linear edge being 1. No. 61 Faces Names Surfaces. Solidities 4 6 8 12 | 20 Tetraedron Hexaedron Octafdron Dodecaedron Icosaedron 1 73205 6-00000 :>-46'4 1 20-64573 S'()o'025 0-11785 1 -ooooo 0-47140 7-66313 2-18169 B O I [ 239 ] B O I For more particular properties, see each respective word. See also my large Mensuration, pa. 185, edit. 4. These bodies were called Platonic, because they were said to have been invented, or first treated of, by Plato, who conceived certain mysteries annexed to them. Bodies, Descent of. See Acceleration. BOETH1US, or BOETIUS, (a.m.t.s.), a Roman philosopher and mathematician, was descended of a patri- cian family, and born at Padua in the 5 th century . He studied at Athens, where he adopted the opinions of Ari- stotle ; and, returning to Rome, was raised to the rank of senator and patrician, and even to the consulate, in 4S7. On the entry of Theodoric, king of the Goths into Rome, 500, Boethius pronounced his panegyric, in the name of the senate. He was consul in 510 and 511 ; but, in 523, having remonstrated against the violence of Theodoric, he was accused to that prince of having conspired with the emperor Justin against the Goths; and, being seized with his father-in-law Symeuacbus, he was conducted to Padua, and there beheaded by order of Theodoric, in 524, after 6' months' imprisonment. — Besides some books on mystical divinity, Boethius wrote 5 books on the Consolation of Philosophy, said to have been composed to soften the rigour of his confinement ; a work which has been trans- lated into most other languages, particularly into Anglo- Saxon, by the illustrious Alfred. It seems that in his time they had the use of the Arabian arithmetic, with their ten numeral characters, which he employed, and from which our present numerals have been derived by several succes- sive variations. BOFFRAND (Germain), a celebrated French archi- tect and engineer, was born at Nantes in Bretagne, in 1667. He was brought up under Harduin Mansarad,who trusted him with conducting his greatest works. Boffrand was admitted into the French Academy of Architecture in 1709. Many German princes chose him for their archi- tect, and raised considerable edifices on his plans. His manner of building approached that of Palladio ; and there was much of grandeur in all his designs. As engi- neer and inspector-general of bridges and highways, he directed and constructed a number of canals, sluices, bridges, and other mechanical works. He published a curious and useful book, containing the general principles of his art; with an account of the plans, profiles, and ele- vations of the principal works which he executed in France and other countries. Boffrand died at Paris in 1755, dean of the Academy of Architecture, first engineer and inspector-general of the bridges and highways, and architect and administrator of the general hospital. BOILING, or Ebullition, the bubbling up of any fluid by the application of heat. This is, in general, oc- casioned by the discharge of an elastic vapour through the fluid, which is then said to boil; and the same appearance is observed, whether it be that of common air, fixed air, or steam, &c. It is proved by Dr. Hamilton of Dublin, in his Essay on the ascent of vapour, that the boiling of water is occasioned by the lowermost particles of it being heated and rarefied into vapour, or steam ; in consequence of this diminution of their specific gravity, they ascend through the surrounding heavier fluid with great velocity, agitating and throwing up the body of water in their ascent, and giving it the tumultuous motion called boiling. That this is occasioned by clastic steam, and not by par- ticles of fire or air, as some have imagined, iseasily proved by the following simple experiment: Take a common drinking-glass filled with hot water, and invert it into a vessel of the same; then, as soon as the water in the vessel begins to boil, large bubbles will be seen to ascend in the glass, by which the water in it will be displaced, and there will soon be a continued bubbling from under its edge: but if the glass be then drawn up, >.o that its mouth may just touch the water, and a cloth wetted in cold water be applied to the outside, the elastic steam within it will be instantly condensed, on which the water will ascend so as nearly to fill it again. Some small parts of air &c, that may happen to. be lodged in the fluid, may also perhaps be expelled, as well as the rarefied steam. And this is particularly recommended as a method of purifying quick- silver, for more accurately making barometers and ther- mometers. If a vessel containing water be placed over a, steady fire, the water will grow continually hotter, till it reaches the limit of boiling; after which, the regular ac- cessions of heat are wholly spent in convertingit intosteam, or the steam carries off the heat as fast as it is generated by the fire. The water therefore remains at the same de- gree of temperature, however fiercely it may boil ; the only difference is, that with a strong fire it sooner boils, and more quickly evaporates. Hence the reason why a vessel full of water, and plunged into the centre of a larger one, which is likewise filled with that fluid, barely acquires the boiling heat, but will never actually boil. We commonly annex the idea of a certain very great degree of heat to the boiling of liquids, though often with- out reason; for different liquids boil with different degrees of heat ; and any one given liquid also, under different pressures of the atmosphere. Thus, a vessel of tar being set over the fire till it boils, it is said a person may then put his hand into it without injury: and by putting water under the receiver of an air-pump, and applying the flame of a candle or lamp under it, it will be found, by gradually exhausting the receiver, that the water is made to boil with less and less degrees of heat : and without ap- plying any heat at all, the water, oreven the moistureabout the bottom or edges of the receiver, will rise in an elastic vapour up into it, when the exhaustion is nearly completed. Spiritof wine boils still sooner in vacuo than water. And Dr. Freind gives a table of the different times required to make several fluids boil by the same heat. See also Philos. Trans. N° 122. Every particular liquid has a fixed point of the ther- mometer, at which boiling takes place, and this is called the boiling point of the liquid. Thus, water begins to boil when heated to 212 degrees of Fahrenheit's scale. A strong heat makes it boil more rapidly, but does not in- crease its temperature: a fact which wasfirst observed by Dr. Hooke. The annexed table i_ .ii-i- L c Bodies, Boilinir point, shows the boiling point 01 a num- „ , D1 „„ ber of liquids, under the common Ammonia 140 pressure ot 30 inches of the baro- . , , , ,_,- 1 . e- " « . ii-i Alcohol - - - 1/0 meter; tor the heat and boiling .., „.„ point are found to depend on the ^^ ^.^ " 23Q degree of pressure upon the 1,- Nitric aci() . . 248 quid. When the pressure is dimi- c , , • ■ , .,,_ 1 , , ., ,■ • , , •, . ! Sulphuric acid - oOO 111s bed, the liquid boils at a lower mi ??, 1 , . , Phosphorus - - 554 temperature; when it is increased, , V i c . .- ?rn .\ , ' . ' Oil of turpentine 560 a limber temperature is neccs- c , , ' .__ ' . ..... p Sulphur - - - 570 sary to produce ebullition. From jj^.^j . . g 00 the experiments of Professor Ro- Mc _ . . gg binson, it appears that, in a J vacuum, all liquids boil at about 145° lower than in open BOM [ 240 J BON air, under a pressure of 30 inches of mercury : therefore water would boil in vacuo at 6l° and alcohol at 34-°. In Papin's digester, the temperature of water may be raised to 300 or 400 degrees, without ebullition ; but the mo- ment that the pressure is removed, the boiling commences with the greatest violence. The mixture of various salts with water affects its boiling point considerably ; as appears from Mr. Achard's expe- riments recorded in the Berlin Memoirs for 1785. He found thata saturated solution of muriat of soda raised the boiling point 10'35 degrees; one of muriat of ammonia raised it 979 degrees; one of carbonat of -potass raised it 1 f -2 degrees ; while a small quantity of borax lowered it 1-35 degrees; ditto ofsulphat of magnesia lowered it2 - 47 degrees ; and sulphat of lime in any proportion lowered it 2 - 02 degrees. BOMB, in Artillery, a shell or hollow ball of cast-iron, having a large vent, by which it is filled with gun-powder, and which is fitted with a fuze or hollow plug to give fire by, when thrown out of a mortar, &c. About the time when the shell arrives at the intended place, the composi- tion in the pipe of the fuze sets fire to the powder in the shell, which blows it in pieces, to the great annoyance of the enemy, by killing the people, or firing the houses, &c. They are now commonly called Shells simply, in the Eng- lish artillery. These shells, or bombs, are of various sizes, from that of 17 or 18 inches diameter downwards. But these very large ones are not used by the English, that of 13 inches diame- ter being the greatest size now employed by them; the weight, dimensions, and other circumstances of the 13-inch shells, and of those downwards, are as in the following table. Diameter of the Shell. Weight of the Shell. Powder to fill them. Powder to burst them into most pieces. 13 inch 10 8 5f Royal 4f Cohorn lbs. 195 89 46 14i A lb. oz. 9 4§ 4 14§ 2 3§ 1 1§ 8 lb. 02. 7 8 3 4 2 14 7 Mr. Muller gives the following proportion for all shells. Dividing the diameter of the mortar into 30 equal parts, then the other dimensions, in SOths of that diameter, will be thus: Diameter of the bore, or mortar 30 Diameter of the shell .... 29* Diameter of the hollow sphere - - 21 Thickness of metal at the fuze hole - - . - 3 J Thickness at the opposite part - - 5 Diameter of the fuze hole - 4 Weight of shell empty .... T » T °.rf Weight of powder to fill it - » - - xri^ where d denotes the cube of the diameter of the bore in inches. — But shells have also lately been made of the same thickness of metal throughout. In general the windage, or difference between the di- ameter of the shell and mortar, is -^ of the latter ; also the diameter of the hollow part of the shell is T 7 5 of the same. Bombs are thrown out of mortars, or howitzers ; but they may also be thrown out of cannon; and a very small sort are thrown by the hand, which are called granados : and the Venetians at the siege of Candia, when the Turks had possessed themselves of the ditch, used large bombs without any piece of ordnance, barely rolling them down upon the enemy along a plank set aslope, with ledges on the sides to keep the bomb directly forward. Mr.Blondel,in his Artdejetter des Bom bes, says the first bombs were those thrown into the city of Watchtendonch in Guelderland, in 1588 ; and they arc described by our countryman Lucar, in his book on Artillery published this same year 15SS; though it is pretended by others that they were practised near a century before, namely at the siege of Naples in 1495. They only came into common use, however, in 1&34, and then only in the Dutch and Spanish armies. It is said that one Malthus, an English engineer, was sent forfrom Holland by Lewis the 14lh, who used them for him with much success, particularly- at the siege of Cohoure in l6"42. The art of throwing bombs, or shells, constitutes one of the chief branches of Gunnery, founded on the theory of projectiles, and the quantities and laws of the force of gun- powder. And the principal writers on this art are Mess. Blondel, Guisnee, De Ressons, De La Hire, &c. Bomb-Chest, is a kind of chest usually filled with bombs, and sometimes only with gunpowder, placed under ground, to be blown up into the air with those who stand upon it; being set on fire by means of a saucissee fastened at one end. But they are now much out of use. BOMBARD, an ancient piece of ordnance, now out of use. It was very short and thick, with a large mouth ; some of which threw balls of 300 pounds weight, requi- ring the use of cranes to load them. The Bombard is by some called basilisk, and by the Dutch donderbus. To bombard, is to attack by throwing of bombs, or shells. BOMBARDIER, a person em ployed in throwing bombs orshells. He adjusts thefuze, and loads and tires the mortar. BOND (Henry), was an intelligent mathematician, and a teacher of navigation at Ratcliff, near London, in the early part of the 17th century In the course of his nautical concerns he interested himself much about the magnetical needle, its variation and inclination. The varia- tion of the magnetic needle was first observed by John Moir, then by Ecim. Gunter, next by Hen. Gallibrand, and then by our author Bond. In the year 1657 there was no variation at London : before that time it had been eastwards, as observed by several of those persons, but gra- dually decreasing, or the needle moving westwards, till it pointed due north in that year l6~57; ever since it has been travelling westwards, but at unequal rates, till now, in 1S12, it has arrived at above 24° west variation, and ap- pears to be nearly stationary, after which it will probably return eastward again ; according to which rate of motion, the magnetic needle, or pole, appears to perform an entire circular revolution ill about 620 years. Besides the changeable variation east and west, the needle was also found to have a changeable inclination, or dip below the horizon; and on this last change it was that Mr. Bond founded his method of finding the longitude; win, h how- ever has failed, as might be expected. On this method he published a book, called The Longitude found, printed at London 1676, in 4to. He here states, as bis prediction, after many boasting and empirical pretensions, what would be the latitude, and longitude, and the inclination of the needle, in many of the most noted places on the earth, in the year lo'7<>; also another table of the latitude of the magnetic pole, answering to every 5 minutes in the incli- nation of the needle. He also had inserted in the Philos. BOO C 241 ] BOR Trans. No. 40, of the year l6'68, or pa. 282, vol. 1, of my Abridgment, a table of the needle's variation at London, for every year from l668 to 17l6", when he states it at 9° i?i'. Dr. Birch states that Sir Charles Cavendish, brother to William, marquis, and afterwards duke of Newcastle, in an original letter of his from Antwerp, Nov. 13, 1()48, to Mr. John Pell, then professor of mathematics at Breda, men- tions Mr. Bond as an old mathematician at London-, a humble man, who speaks, says he, very meanly of himself, and " yet he found an easy and short demonstration of that proposition concerning spherical triangles, which Mr. Dughtred demonstrated first, who told me, Mr. Bond's demonstration was shorter." Sir Charles adds, that Mr. Bond was in hopes of finding the longitude by the load- stone ; and his treatise on that subject, entitled "The Longitude found," was printed at London 1676, in 4to. Bond's scheme for the longitude was soon opposed, a book being published at London in l6"78, called "The Longitude not found," written by one Bcckborrow. And indeed as Bond's hypothesis did not in anywise answer its author's sanguine expectations, Dr. Halley also undertook this affair ; and from a multitude of observations concluded, that the magnetic needle was influenced by four poles. His speculations on this subject are in the Philos. Trans. No. 148 and 195. But this wonderful phenomenon seems to have hitherto eluded all researches. However, Dr. Halley, in 1700, published a general map, on which were deli- neated curve lines, showing the paths where the magnetic needle had the same variation. The positions of these curves will indeed continually suffer alterations, requiring Areas; Arctophylax, Arcturus-Minor, Bubulcus, Buhu- lus, Canis-Latrans, Clamator, Jcarus, Lycaon, Philome- tus, Plaustri-Custos, Plorans, Thegnis, and Vociferator ; by Hesychius it is called Orion, and by the Arabs, Ara- mech, or Archamech. Schiller, instead of Bootes, makes the figure of St. Sylvester; Schickhard, that of Nimrod ; and Weigehus, the three Swedish crowns. See Wolf Lex Math. p. 266. BORDA (Charles), a celebrated French mathema- tician and philosopher, died in 1799, hi the 64th year of his age; in whom the National Institute, and the Parisian Board of Longitude, lost one of their most learned and active members. Borda very early gave proofs of his eminent mathematical talents ; as appears by his many ex- cellent tracts inserted in the Memoirs of the Royal- Aca- demy of Sciences, on a variety of abstruse subjects; on hy- draulics, on the resistance of fluids, on water-wheels, on pumps, on the projection of military shells, and their re- sistance by the air, &c. In 1771and 1772, by order of the kins, he accompanied La Crenne and Pingre, on a literary voyage to various coasts of Europe, Africa, and America, for improving the science of geography, and for trying several new nautical instruments, time-pieces, and methods of finding the longi- tude. The three travellers afterwards published coniointfy in 2 vols 4to, 1778, an account of the fruits of their nu- merous researches ; in which Borda's share was certainly not the smallest. The results of this expedition are also recorded in the Memoirs of the Academy for the year 1773 In the year 1787, he published his much-esteemed De- scnption and Use of the Circle of Reflection ; in which h c to be corrected from time to time, as they have since been revived and recommended the use of the specular circle for the years 174* and 1756, by two ingenious persons, which had been proposed in 1756 by Tobias Mayer R /' William Mountaine and James Dodson; the latter of whom died not long after he had been chosen, for his me- rit, mathematical master at Christ's Hospital, in London. RONES, Napier's. See Napier. BONING, iir Surveying and Levelling, &c, is the pla- cing three or more rods or poles, all of the same length, in or upon the ground, in such a manner, that the tops of them be all in one continued straight line, whether it be horizontal or inclined, so that the eye can look along the tops of them all, from one end of the line to the other. BONNET, in Fortification, a small work of two faces, having only a parapet, with two rows of palisadoesat about 10 or 12 feet distance. It is commonly placed before the salliant angle of the counterscarp, and having a communi- cation with the covered way, by means of a trench cut through the glacis, and palisadoes on each side. Bonnet d PrStre, or Priest's Cap, is an outwork, hav- ing three salliant angles at the head, besides two inwards. It differs from the double tenaille only in this, that its sides, instead of being parallel, become narrower, or closer, at the gorge, and opening at the front ; from whence it is tailed Queue d'aronde, or swallow's tail. BOOTES, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, and one of the 48 old ones ; having 23 stars in Ptolemy's catalogue, 28 in Tycho's, 34 in Bayer's, 52 in Hevelius's, and 54 in Flamstecd's ; of which one, in the skirt of the coat, is of the first magnitude, and called Arcturus. Bootes is represented as a man in the posture of walking; his light hand grasping a club, and his left extended up- wards, and holding the cord of the two dogs which seem barking at the Great Bear. This constellation is called by various other names ; as Vol. I. by Tobias Mayer. Borda was the founder of the schools of naval architecture in France: he first conceived the project, aud formed the plan of instruction, with the regulations for those semi- naries. By his exertions too, a uniformity in the building of the ships was introduced, according to the principles of Euler, by which improvement, an equality of sailing was effected in all the ships of the royal navy. Hence, the form of the French ships, being constructed on mathematical principles, is clearly preferable to that of the ships of the other naval powers ; being the most advantageous, and the best adapted for fast sailing, and for manoeuvring. Borda also brought into use Mayer's old method of measuring terrestrial angles, applied it to astro- nomical observations, and, for that purpose, invented a new construction of circles, with double moveable tele- scopes, which have been used in the new measurement of degrees in France. He was also the inventor of the in- genious mensuration rod, with which the new station-lines were measured; and he had the chief share in the reform of weights and measures; of which he was so zealous a promoter, that he printed, at his own expense, Tables of Sines, &c, on the decimal system. In 1792 he determined, with an accuracy perhaps never before attained, the length of the pendulum vibrating seconds at Paris. In 1797 % e find his name in the list of candidates for the office of Director of the French Republic. BORE, of a gun, or other piece of ordnance, is the chase cylinder, or hollow part of the piece. BORliAL Signs, are the first six signs of the Zodiac or those on the northern side of the equinoctial; viz the signs cretary of the Royal Society ; of Dr. Wallis; of the then iate learned Mr. Boyle, and lamented the loss sustained by his death to the commonwealth of learning. Mr. Bax- ter, in his Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, makes frequent Use of our author's book De Motu Anima- lium, and tells us, that he was the first who discovered that the force exerted within the body prodigiously ex- ceeds the weight to be moved without, or that nature em- ploys an immense power to move a small weight. He ac- knowledges, however, that Dr. James Keil had shown that Borelli was mistaken in his calculation of the force of the muscle of the heart ; but that he nevertheless ranks him with the most authentic writers, and Says he is seldom mis- taken : and, having remarked, that it is so far from being true that great things are brought about by small powers, that, on the contrary, a stupendous power is manifest in the most ordinary operations of nature, he observes that the ingenious Borelli first observed this in animal motion ; and that Dr. Stephen Hales, by a course of experiments in his Vegetable Statics, had shown the same in the force of the ascending sap in vegetables. And this circumstance, that nature employs a very great power, or force, in the animal frame, to move a small weight, we may here ob- serve, is owing to the levers in the animal frame being all necessarily of the third kind, the power acting very near the centre of motion, and the weight at a comparatively great distance from it. Aftera course of unceasing labours, Borelli died at Pan- taleon of a pleurisy, the 31st of December l679> at 72 years of age. Beside several books 'on physical subjects, Borelli pub- lished the following mathematical ones : viz, 1. Apollonii Pergaei Conicoruin Lib. 5, C, and 7- Floren. 1661, fol. 2.TheoriseMedicorurn Planetarum ex causisphysicisde- ductae. Fior. 1666, 4to. 3. De ViPercussionis. Bologna, l66'7, 4to. — This piece Was reprinted, with his celebrated treatise De Motu Ani- malium, and that other De Motionibus Naturalibus, in 1686. 4. Euclidcs Rcstitutus, &c. Pi>a, 1668, 4to. Rome in 1679, in 12mo, at the end of the 3d edition of his Euclides Restitutus. 10. De Motu Animalium. Pars prima in 1680, and Pars altera in 1681, 4to. — These were reprinted at Leyden 16S5, revised and purged from many errors ; with the ad- dition of John Bernoulli's Mathematical Meditations con- cerning the Motion of the Muscles. 11. At Leyden, I686, in 4to, a more correct and accu- rate edition, revised by J. Broen, M. d. of Leyden, of his two pieces, De Vi Percussionis, et De Motionibus de Gra- vitate pendentibus. BORELLI (Peter), who flourished about the middle of the l6th century, appears to have been a native of Mid- dleburg, capital of the island of Waleheren and all Zea- land; and was counsellor and physician in ordinary to his most Christian majesty. He wrote two treatises on the telescope and microscope, printed at the Hague, inl655 and 165(3. The former is a very full and particular trea- tise on the history of the invention of those very useful in- struments; which, by a train of strong evidence he ascribes to Zachariah Jansen, a spectacle-maker of Middleburg, in. 1590. He gives a particular account of the pretensions-, that have been ascribed to all the other persons that have been named as the inventors; the whole forming a very, interesting history of the invention. The chief body of evi- dence it seems he received from a Wm. Borelli, of the same- city, some time ambassador in England; but whether any. relation of Peter's does not appear. The first volume consists of two parts : the former treat- ing of the invention itself; and the latter of the fabric,, construction, and uses of the instruments. The second volume contains the account and appearances of one hun- dred minute objects, as viewed by the microscope. The volumes are both neatly printed in 4to, by Adrian Vlacq, at the Hague. BOSCOVICH (Roger Joseph), an eminent mathe- matician and philosopher, was born May 11th, 1711, at Ragtisa. He studied Latin grammar in the schools which were taught by the Jesuits in his native city, until 1725, when, in consistence with a maxim of the Jesuits to send their most eminent pupils to Rome for the completion of their education, lie was removed to that city. After this he soon acquired very great reputation for his eminent at- tainments in divinity and science: at three successive pe- riods he became professor of mathematics and astronomy at Rome, at Pavia, and at Milan. When the order of Je- suits was suppressed he was invited to Paris, and received the place of director of the optical instruments of the ma- rine. Previous to this however he had been employed, in conjunction with Mayer, in measuring a degree of the meri- dian in Italy, and correcting the maps of the Papal estate. He published, in 1755, an interesting account of the expe- dition in which these objects were effected, lie had also been employed in adjusting a disagreeable! affair between the republic of Lucca and the regency of Tuscany, and in a B O TJ [ 243 ] Boa similar business between the republic of Ragusa and the court of Great Britain, which brought him to London, where he soon became acquainted with the most eminent of the English philosophers. During his stay he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and he dedicated to that learned body his Poem on Eclipses, which contains a neat compendium of astronomy. He remained at Paris 10 years, where he was much respected ; but, being a fo- reigner, his celebrity was envied: this; together with the irreligion which then prevailed among many of the French philosophers, was disagreeable to him, so that he obtained leave of absence to revisit his friends in Italy. The first place he resided at for any considerable length of time in Italy, was Bassano, where he published his Opuscules, in five volumes 4to, composed in Latin, Italian, and French; and containing a variety of elegant and ingenious disqui- sitions connected with astronomical and optical science. From Bassano our author went to Rome, and thence to Milan, where he took up his abode; being in the neigh- bourhood of his favourite observatory at Brera. Here he continued to enjoy the pleasures of study, and occasi- onally the society of many respected friends. His unwil- lingness to leave Italy, and at the same time a solicitude to avoid the charge of ingratitude from the French nation, occasioned him great perplexity of mind, which was followed by deep melancholy, a disordered imagina- tion, and at length direct madness. During the heat of delirium, he frequently exclaimed that he would die poor and inglorious. He had indeed some short lucid moments, and once there were hopes of his recovery ; but he soon re- lapsed, and an imposthume, breakirtg in his breast, put an end to his mortal life the 13th of Feb. 1787, in his 76th year. He was interred decently, but without pomp, in the parochial church of S. Maria Pedrone. " Such was the exit," says Fabroni, " of this sublime genius, whom Rome honoured as her master; whom all Italy regarded as her ornament; and to whom Greece would have erected a statue, had she for want of space been obliged even to throw down some of her heroes." The works of this me- morable man are the following: — 1. Elements of Mathe- matics, with a Treatise on Conic Sections. 2. His many Dissertations published during his professorship in the Ro- man College. 3. His Account of the. Survey of the Pope's Estate. 4. A curious and elegant Poem on Solar and Lu- nar Eclipses. 5. The five volumes published at Bassano. S. His Hydronamical Pieces. 7. A Theory of Natural Philosophy. BOUGUER (Peter), a celebrated French mathemati- cian, was born at Croisic, in Lower Bretagne, the 10th of February 1698. He was the son of John Bouguer, Pro- fessor Royal of Hydrography, a tolerably good mathema- tician, and author of A complete Treatise on Navigation. Young Bouguer was accustomed to learn mathematics from his father, from the time he was able to speak, and thus became :i proficient in those sciences while he was yet a child. He was sent very early to the Jesuits' college at Valines, where he had the honour to instruct his regent in the mathematics, at eleven years of age. Two year9 after this he had a public contest with a pro- fessor of mathematics, on a proposition which the latter had advanced erroneously ; and he triumphed over him ; on which the professor, unable to bear the disgrace, left the country. Two years after this, when young Bouguer had not yet finished his studies, he lost his father; whom he was ap- pointed to succeed in his office of hydrographer, after a public examination of his qualifications; being then only 15 years of age; an occupation which he discharged with great respect and dignity at that early age. At the age of 28 in 1727 he obtained the prize proposed by the Academy of Scienpes, for the best way of mastinc of shjps. This first success of Bouguer was soon after fol- lowed by two others of the same kind ; he successively gained the prizes of 1729 and 1731; the former, for the best manner of observing at sea the height of the stars; and' the latter, for the most advantageous way of observing the declination of the-magnetic needle, or the variation of the compass. In 1729, he gave an Optical Essay upon the Gradation of Light; a subject quite new, in wr^ch he examines the intensity of light, and determines its degrees of diminution in passing through different pellucid mediums, and parti- cularly that of the sun in traversing the earth's atmosphere. Mairan gave an extract of this first essay in the Journal des Savans, in 1730. During this year, 1730, he was removed from the port of Croisic to that^of Havre, which brought him into ft, nearer connection with the Academy of Sciences, in which he obtained, in 1731, the place of associate geometrician, vacant by the promotion of Maupertuis to that of pen- sioner; and in J735 he was promoted to the office of pen- sioner-astronomer. The same year he was likewise sent on the commission to South America, along with Messieurs Godin, Condamine, and Jeussieu, to determine the mea- sure of the degrees of the meridian, and the figure of the earth. In this painful and troublesome business, of 10 years' duration, chiefly among the lofty Cordelier moun- tains, our author determined many other new circum- stances, besides the main object of the voyage; such as the expansion and contraction of metals and other substances, by the sudden and alternate changes of heat and cold among those mountains; observations on the refraction of the atmosphere from the tops of the same, with the singu- lar phenomenon of the sudden increase of the refraction, when the star can be observed below the line of the level ; the laws of density of the air at different heights, from ob- servations made at different points of these enormous moun- tains; a determination that the mountains have an effect on a plummet, though he did not assign the exact quan- tity of it; a method of estimating the errors committed by navigators in determining their course; a new construction of the log for measuring a ship's way ; with several other useful improvements. Other inventions of Bouguer, made upon different oc- casions, were as follow : The heliometer, being a telescope with two object glasses, affording a good method of mea- suring the diameters of the larger planets with ease and exactness: his researches on the figure in which two lines or two long ranges of parallel trees appear : his experiments on the famous reciprocation of the pendulum : and those; upon the manner of measuring the force of light: &c, Sze. The close application which Bouguer made to study, undermined his health, and terminated his life the 15th of August 1758, at 60 years of age. — His chief works, that have been published, arc, 1. The Figure of the Earth, determine/:l by the observa- tions made in South America; 1749, in 4to. 2. Treatise on Navigation and Pilotage; Paris, 1752, 212 B O U [ 244 ] BOU in 4to, This work has been abridged by M. La Caille, in 1 volume, 8vo, 1768. 3. Treatise on Ships, their Construction and Motions; in 4to, 1756. 4. Optical Treatise on the Gradation of Light; first in 1729 ; then a new edition in 1760, in 4to. His papers that were inserted in the Memoirs of the Academy, are very numerous and important : as, in the Memoirs for 172o, On the Comparison of the force of the solar and lunar light with that of candles. — 1731, Obser- vations on the curvilinear motion of bodies in mediums. — 1732, On the new curves called the Lines of Pursuit. — 1733, To determine the species of conoid, to be constructed on a civen base which is exposed to the action of a fluid, so that the impulse may be the least possible. — Determi- nation of the orbit of comets. — 1734, Comparison of the two laws which the earth and the other planets must ob- serve under the figure which gravity causes them to take. — On the curve lines proper to form the arches in domes. — 1735, Observations on the equinoxes. — On the length of the pendulum. — 1736, On the length of the pendulum in the torrid zone. — On the manner of determining the figure of the earth by the measure of the degrees of latitude and longitude. — 1739, On the astronomical refractions in the torrid zone. — Observations on the lunar eclipse of the Sth of September 1737, made at Quito. — 1744, Short account of the vo3'age to Peru, by the members of the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences, to measure the degrees of the meridian near the equator, and from thence to determine the figure of the earth. — 1745, Experiments made at Quito, and di- vers other places in the torrid zone, on the expansion and contraction of metals by heat and cold. — On the problem of the masting of ships. — 1746", Treatise on ships, their structure and motions. — On the impulse of fluids upon the fore parts of pyramidoids having their base a trape- zium. — Continuation of the short account given in 1744, of the voyage to Peru for measuring the earth. — 1747, On a new construction of the log, and other instruments for measuring the run of a ship. — 1748, On the diameters of the larger planets. The new instrument called a Helio- meter, used for determining them ; with observations of the sun. — Observation on the eclipsie of the moon the 8th of August 1748. — 1749, Second memoir on astronomical refractions, observed in the torrid zone, with remarks on the manner of constructing the tables of them. — Figure of the earth determined by MM. Bouguer and Condamine, with an abridgment of the expedition to Peru. — 1750, Ob- servation of the lunar eclipse of the 13th of December 1750. — 1751, On the form of bodies most proper to be assumed for their revolution, when they are urged at one of their extremities, or any other point. — On the moon's parallax, with the estimation of the changes caused in the parallaxes by the figure of the earth. — Observation of the lunar eclipse, the 2d of December 1751. — 1752, On the operations made by seamen, called Corrections. — 1753, Observation of the passage of Mercury over the sun, the 6th of May 1753. — On the dilatations of the air in the at- mosphere. — New treatise of navigation, containing the theory and practice of pilotage, or working of ships. — 1754, Operations, &c, for distinguishing, among the dif- ferent determinations of the degree of the meridian near Paris, that which ought to be preferred. — On the direction winch the string of a plummet takes. — Solution of the chief problems in the working of ships. — 1755, On the ap- parent magnitude of objects. — Second memoir on the chief problems in the working of ships. — 1757, Account of the treatise on the working of ships. — On the means of mea- suring the light. — 1758, His Eulogy. In the volumes of the prizes given by the academy, are the following pieces by Bouguer: In vol. 1, on the masting of ships. — Vol. 2, On the me- thod of exactly observing at sea the height of the stars; and the variation of the compass. Also on the cause of the inclination of the planets' orbits. BOULTINE, in Architecture, a convex moulding, of a quarter of a circle, and placed next below the plinth in the Tuscan and Doric capital. BOURNE (Wm.), was a useful and ingenious writer on navigation about the middle of the l6th century. In 1567 was published what he calls " Rules of Navigation," as ap- pears from his Almanac, printed in 1571. And in 1577 was published his " Regiment for the Sea," designed as a supplement to Cortes, whom he often quotes. Besides many things common with others, Bourne gives a table of the places and declinations of 32 principal stars, by which to find the latitude and hour; as also a larger tirie-table than that published by Leonard Digges, in 1556. He shows, by considering the irregularities in the moon's mo- tion, the errors of thesailorsin findingher age bytheepact; as also in their determining the hour from observing on what point of the compass the sun and moon appeared. He advises, in sailing towards high latitudes, to keep the- reckoning by the globe; as there the plane chart errs most. He despairs of our ever being able to find the longitude by any instrument, unless the variation of the compass should be caused by some such attractive point as Cortes had imagined. Though of this he doubts: and as he 'had shown how to find the variation of the compass at all times, he advises to keep an account of the observations, as useful to discover the place of a ship : which advice the famous Simon Stevin prosecuted at huge, in a treatise pub- lished at Leyden in 1599, entitled "Portuum investigan- dorum Ratio Metaphrasto Hugone Grotio;" the substance of which was the same year printed at London, in English, by Edw. Wright, entitled " The Haven-finding Art." But the most remarkable thing in this ancient tract is, the describing of the way by which our sailors estimated the rate a ship made in her course, by an instrument called the Log ; an instrument so named from the wooden log that floats in the water, while the time is reckoned during which the line fastened to it is veering out. The origin of this device is not known; and it seems no further mention was made of it till 1607, inan East-India voyage, published by Purchas; but from that time its name occurs in other voyages, among his collections. And henceforward it was often noticed, by foreigners as well as our own authors; as by Gunter in 1623, Snellius in 1 624, Metius in Hi31, Oughtred in l6'33, Herigone in 1634, Saltonstall in 1636, Norwood in 1637, Fournier in 1643; and indeed by most succeeding writers on navigation of every country. And it still continues to be in use as at first, though attempts have often been made to improve it, and other contrivances proposed to supply its place. Many of these have suc- ceeded in quiet water, but proved useless in a troubled sea. See our article Log. A following edition of this book was revised by the au- thor; among the additions to which, he enlarges on the account of the log-line; and at the end subjoins a " Hy- BOY [ 245 ] BOY drographical Discourse touching the (ive several Passages sue their studies: here our author resumed his acquaint- into Cathay." Bourne published other tracts also; as, one ance with the elements of the mathematics, which he had entitled '* Inventions or Devises;" where he describes a commenced at Eton when 10 years old, on account of an method, by wheel- work, of measuring the velocity of a ship illness which prevented his other usual studies. at sea; an artifice which he attributes to one HumfreyCole. In the autumn of 1641 he quitted Geneva, and travelled BOW, an offensive weapon made of wood, horn, steel, through Switzerland and Italy to Venice, whence he re- or other elastic matter, by which arrows are thrown with turned again to Florence, where he spent the winter stu- great force. This instrument was of very general use dying the Italian language and bistorj, and also the works among the ancients, and is still found among all savage of the celebrated astronomer Galileo, who died in a village nations unacquainted with the use of fire-arms. There are near this city during Mr. Boyle's residence here, two species of the Bow, the Long and the Cross Bow. About the end of March l6'42,he set out from Florence, The Long Bow is simply a bow, or a rod, with a string visited Rome and other places in Italy, then returned 4o' fastened to each end of it, to the middle of which the end the south of France. At Marseilles, in May 164,2, Mr. of an arrow being applied, and then drawn by the hand, Boyle received letters from his father, which informed him on suddenly quitting the hold, the bow returns by means that the rebellion had broken out in Ireland, and with what of its elasticity, and impels the arrow from the string with difficulty he had procured 250/ then remitted to help him great violence. The old English archers were famous for and his brother home. This remittance however never the long bow, by means of which they gained many vkto- reached them, and they were obliged to return to Geneva ries in France and other countries. with iheir governor Mr. Marcombes, who contrived on his The Cross Bow, called also Arbalest or Arbalet, is a bow own credit, and by selling some jewels, to raise money strung and set in a shaft of wood, and furnished with a enough to bring them to England, where they arrived in trigger; serving to throw bullets, darts, and large arrows, 1644. On their arrival theyVound that their father was &c.' The ancients had large machines for throwing many dead, and had left our author ihe manor of Stalbridec in arrows at once, called Arbalets, or Balistoe. The force of a bow may be calculated on this principle, that its spring, i. e. the power by which it restores itself to its natural position, is always proportional to the space or distance it is bent or removed from it. England, with some other considerable estates in Ireland. From this time Mr. Boyle's chief residence, for some years at least, was at his manor of Stalbridge, whence he made occasional excursions to Oxford, London, &c ; ap- plying himself with great industry to various kinds of stu- Bow, a mathematical instrument formerly used at sea dies, but especially to philosophy and chemistry; and for taking the sun's altitude. It consisted of a large arch seizing every opportunity of cultivating the acquaintance divided into 90 degrees, fixed on a statf, and furnished with of the most learned men of his time. He was one of the three vanes, viz, a side vane, a sight vane, and another members of that small but learned body of men, in l645, called the horizon vane. who, when all academical studies were interrupted by the Bow-Compass, an instrument for drawing arches of very civil wars, secreted themselves ; and held private meetings, large circles, for which the common compasses are too first in London, afterwards at Oxford, to cultivate subjects small. It consists of a beam of wood or brass, with three of natural knowledge on that plan of experiment which long screws that govern or bend a lath of wood or steel to Lord Bacon had delineated. They styled themselves then any arch. The Philosophic College; but after the restoration, when BOX and Needle, the small compass of a theodolite, they were incorporated, and distinguished openly, they took circumferentor, or plain-table. the name of the Royal Society. BOYAU, in Fortification, a ditch covered by a para- In the summer of 1654 he retired to settle at Oxford, pet, and serving as a communication between two trenches, the Philosophical Society being removed from London to' It runs parallel to the works of the body of the place, and that place, that he might enjoy the conversation of the serves as a line of contravallation, both to hinder the sal- other learned members/his friends, who had retired thither, lies of the besieged, and to secure the miners. When it is such as Wilkins, Wallis, Ward, Willis, Wren, &c. It was a particular cut running from the trenches, to cover some during his residence here that he improved that admirable spot of ground, it is drawn so as not to be enfiladed or engine the air-pump; and by numerous experiments was scoured by the enemy's shot. enabled to discover several qualities of the air, so as to lay BOYLE (Robert), one of the greatest philosophers, as a foundation for a complete theory. He declared against well as best men, that any country has ever produced, was the philosophy of Aristotle, as having in it more of words the 7th son and the 14th child of Richard earl of Cork, than things; promising much, but performing little; and and was born at Lismorc in the province of Munster in giving the inventions of men for indubitable proofs, in- Ireland, the 25th of January, 1026-7; the very year of the stead of building on observation and experiment. He was death of the learned Lord Bacon, whose plans of experi- also so zealous for this true method of learning by experi- . mental philosophy our author afterwards so ably seconded, ment, and so careful about it, that though the Cartesian While very young, he was instructed in his father's house philosophy then made a great interest in the world, yet be to read and write, and to speak French and Latin. In could never be persuaded to read the works of Descartes, 1635, when only 8 years old, he was sent over to England for fear he should be amused and led away by plausible to be educated at Eton school. Here he soon discovered accounts of things founded on conjecture, and merely hy- an extraordinary force of understanding, with a disposition pothetical. But philosophy, and inquiries into nature to cultivate and improve it to the utmost. though they engaged his attention deeply, did not occupy After remaining at Eton between 3 and 4 years, his fa- him entirely;- as he still continued to pursue critical and ther sent o'ur author and his brother Francis, in 1638, on theological studies. He had offers of preferment to enter their travels upon the continent. They passed through into holy orders, by the government, after the restoration. France to Geneva, where they settled for some time to pur- But he declined the offer, choosing rather to pursue his. BOY C 246 ] BOY .studies as a layman, in such a manner as might be most effectual for the support of religion ; and began to com- municate to the world the fruits of these studies. These productions were very numerous and important, as well as'various: the principal of which, as well as of some other memorable occurrences of his life, were nearly in the following order : In ld60 came out, I. New experiments, physico-me- chanical, touching the spring of the air and its effects. — 2. Seraphic love ; or some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discoursed of in a letter to a friend. A work which it has been said was owing to his courtship of a lady, the daughter of Cary earl of Mon- mouth ; though our author was never married. — 3. Cer- tain physiological essays and other tracts, in l66l. — 4. Sceptical chemist, 1662; reprinted about the year 1 679, with the addition of divers experiments and notes on the producibleness of chemical principles. In the year 1660, the Royal Society being incorporated hy king Charles the 2d, Mr. Boyle was named one of the council; and as he might justly be reckoned among the founders of that learned body, so he continued one of the most useful and industrious of its members during the whole course of his life. His next publications were, 5. Considerations touching the usefulness of experimental na- tural philosophy, 1663. — 6. Experiments and considera- tions upon colours ; to which was added a letter, contain- ing Observations on a diamond that shines in the dark, 1663. This treatise is full of curious and useful remarks on the hitherto unexplained doctrine of light and colours; in which he shows great judgment, accuracy, and pene- tration; and which may be said to have led the way for Newton, who made such brilliant discoveries in that branch of physics. — 7. Considerations on the style of the holy Scriptures, 1663. This was an extract from a larger work, entitled An essay on Scripture; which was afterwards published by Sir Peter Pett, a friend of Mr, Boyle's. In l664 he was elected into the company of the royal miners -, and was all this year occupied in prosecuting va- rious good designs, which was probably the reason that he did not publish any works in this year. Soon after came out, 8. Occasional reflections upon several subjects, 1665. This piece exposed our author to the censure of the celebrated Dean Swift, who, to ridicule these dis- courses, wrote A Pious Meditation upon a Broomstick, in the Style of the honourable Mr. Boyle. — 9- New experi- ments and observations upon cold, 1665. — 10. Hydrosta- tical paradoxes made out by new experiments, for the most part physical and easy, 1666. — 11. The origin of forms and qualities, according to the corpuscular philoso- phy, 1666*.— Both in this and the former year, our author Communicated to his friend Mr. Oldenburg, then secre- tary to the Royal Society, several curious and excellent short pieces of his own, on a great variety of subjects, and others transmitted to him by his learned friends, which are printed in the Philosophical Transactions. In the year 1668 Mr. Boyle resolved to settle in London for life ; and for that purpose he removed to the house of his sister, the Lady Ranelagh, in Pail-Mall. This removal was to the great benefit of the learned in general, and par- ticularly of the Royal Society, to whom he gave great and continual assistance;, as abundantly appears by the several pieces communicated to them from time to time, and printed in their Transactions. To avoid improper waste of time, he had set hours in the day appointed for receiv- ing such persons as wanted to consult him, either for their own assistance, or to communicate new discoveries to him i and he besides kept up an extensive correspondence with the most learned men in Europe ; so that it is wonderful how he could bring out so many new works as he did. His next publications were, 12. A continuation of new experiments touching the weight and spring of the air ; to which is added, A discourse of the atmosphere of con- sistent bodies, l66"9- — 13. Tracts about the cosmical qua- lities of things ; cosmical suspicions ; the temperature of the subterraneous regions; the bottom of the sea; to which is prefixed an introduction to the history of par- ticular qualities, I669. — 14. Considerations on the useful- ness of experimental and natural philosophy, the 2d part, I67I. — 15. A collection of tracts on several useful and important points of practical philosophy, 1671. — 16. An essay on the origin and virtues of gems, 16'72. — 17- A cot- lection of tracts on the relation between flame and air ; and several other useful and curious subjects, 16"72 ; besides furnishing, in this and the former year, a number of short dissertations on various topics, addressed to the Royal Society, and inserted in their Transactions. — 18. Essays on the strange subtilty, great efficacy, and deter- minate nature, of effluvia; with a variety of experiments on other subjects, 1673. — 19. The excellency of theology compared with philosophy, 1673- This discourse was written in the year 1665, while our author, to avoid the great plague which then raged in London, was forced to go from place to place in the country, having little or no opportunity of consulting his books. — 20. A collection of tracts on the saltness of the sea, the moisture of the air, the natural and. preternatural state of bodies; to which is prefixed a dialogue concerning cold, 1674. — 21. A col- lection of tracts containing suspicions about hidden qua- lities of the air; with an appendix touching celestial mag- nets ; animadversions on Mr. Hobbes's problem concern- ing a vacuum ; a discourse of the cause of attraction and suction, 1674. — 22. Some considerations about the rea- sonableness of reason and religion ; by T. E. (the final letters of his names). To which is annexed a discourse about the possibility of the resurrection ; by Mr. Boyle, 1675. The same year several papers communicated to the Royal Society, among which were two upon quick- silver growing hot with gold. — 23. Experiments and notes about the mechanical origin or production of particular qualities, in several discourses on a great variety of sub- jects, and among the rest on electricity, 1676. — He then communicated to Mr. Hook a short memorial of some ob- servations madeon an artificial substance that shines with- out any preceding illustration ; published by Hook in his Lectiones Cutlerianaj. — 24. Historical account of a de- gradation of gold made by an anti-elixir. — 25. Aerial noctiluca; or some new phenomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance, 1680. This year the Royal Society, as a proof of the just sense of his great worth, and of the constant and particular services which through a course of many years he had done them, made choice of him for their president ; but he being extremely, and, as he says, peculiarly tender in point of oaths, de- clined that honour. — 26. Discourse of things above rea- son ; inquiring, whether a philosopher should admit any such, 1681. — 27- New experiments and observations on the icy noctiluca; to which is added_a chemical paradox, grounded on new experiments, making it probable that chemical principles are transmutable, so that out of 0110 BOY [ 247 J BRA of them others may be produced, 1682. — 28. A continu- ation of new experiments, physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects, 1682. — 29. A short letter to Dr. Beale, in relation to the making of fresh water out of salt, 1683. — 30. Memoirs for thena- tural history of human blood, especially the spirit of that liquor, 16*84. — 31. Experiments and considerations about the porosity of bodies, 1684. — 32. Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters, &c,l6'85.^ — 33. An essay on the great effects of even languid and un- heeded motion, &c, 16"8>. — 34. Of the reconcileableness of specific medicines to tile corpuscular philosophy, &c, 1685. — 35. Of the high veneration man's intellect owes to God, peculiarly for his wisdom and power, 16S5. — 36'. Free inquiry into the vulgarly received notion of nature, l686.-^37. The martyrdom of Theodora and Didymia, 16"S7 ; a work he had drawn up in his youth. — '38. A dis- quisition about the final causes of natural things, and about vitiated light, lG'SS. Mr. Boyle's health declining very fast, he abridged greatly his time given to conversations and communica- tions with other persons, that he might ha\e more time to prepare for the press some others of his papers,, before his death, which were as follow : — 39- Medicina Hydrostatica, &c, I69O.— 40. The Christian virtuoso, &c, 16*90.— 4L Experimentaet Observationes Phvsiea:, &c, 1691 ; which is the last work that he published. Mr. Boyle died on the last day of December of the same year, 1691, in the 6*5th year of his age, and was bu- ried in St. Martin's church in the Fields, Westminster; his funeral sermon being preached by Dr. Gilbert Burnet, bi- shop of Salisbury; in which he displayed the excellent qualities of our author, with many circumstances of his life, &c. But as the limits of this work will not allow us to follow the bishop in the copious and eloquent account he has given of this great man's abilities, we must content ourselves with adding the following short eulogium by the celebrated physician, philosopher, and chemist, Dr. Bocr- haave; who, after having declared Lord Bacon to be the father of experimental philosophy, asserts, that, " Mr. Boyle, the ornament of his age and country, succeeded to the genius and inquiries of the great chancellor Verulam. Which," says he, " of Mr. Boyle's writings shall I recom- mend? All of them. To him we owe the secrets of fire, air, water, animals, vegetables, fossils : so that from his works may be deduced the whole system of natural knowledge." Mr. Boyle left also several papers behind him, which have been published since his death. Beautiful editions of all his works have been printed at London, in 5 volumes folio, and 6 volumes 4to. Dr. Shaw also published in 3 volumes 4to, the same works " abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of Physics, Statics, Pneumatics, Natural History, Chemistry, and Medicine;" to which he has prefixed a short catalogue of the philo- sophical writings, according to the order of time when they were first published, as follows: Physico-mechanical experiments on the spring and weight of the air - - l66l The Sceptical Chemist - - 16*6*1 Physiological Lssays - - 1662 History of Colours - - l66"3 Usefulness of Lxperimcntal Philosophy - 1663 History of Cold - - 16*6'5 Historical Paradoxes - - 1666 Origin of Forms and Qualities - 166*6" Cosmical Qualities - - 1670 The admirable Rarefaction of the Air - 1670 The Origin and Virtues of Gems - 1672 The Relation betwixt Flame and Air - 1672 Effluviums - - - 1673 Saltness of the Sea - - 1674 Hidden Qualities of the Air - - 16*74 The Excellence, &c, of the Mechanical Hypo- thesis ... 1674 Considerations on the Resurrection - 1675 Particular Qualities - - J 676 Aerial Noctiluca - - 16S0 Icy Noctiluca - - - 16'SO Things above Reason - - 16*81 Natural History of Human Blood - 1684 Porosity of Bodies - - 1684 Natural History of Mineral Waters - 1684 Specific Medicines - - l685 The High Veneration due to God - l6"85 Languid Motion - - - l685 The Notion of Nature - - 1685 Final Causes -•-.'>- 16S8 Medicina Hydrostatica - - , 16*90 The Christian Virtuoso - - 169*0 Experimenta et Observationes Physical I69I. Natural History of the Air - - 16*92 Medicinal Experiments - -"• 1718 BRACE, in Architecture, denotes a piece of timber framed in with bevel-joints; serving to keep the building from swerving either way. BRACHMINS, or Braciimans, a branch of the an- cient Gymnosophists, or philosophers of India, remarkable for the severity of their lives and manners. BRACKET, in Building, denotes a kind of wooden stay,, in form of a knee or shoulder, serving for the support of shelves, &c, or a cram ping-iron, which serves as a stay in timber-work. BRADLLY (Dr. James), a celebrated English astro- nomer, the third son of William Bradley, was born at Sher- borne in Gloucestershire in the year l6'92. He was fitted for the university at Northleach, in the same county, ax the boarding-school of Mr. lies and Mr. Bricc. From: thence he was sent to Oxford, and admitted a commoner of Baliol college, March 15, 1710; where he took the degree of bachelor the 14th of October 1714, and of mas- ter of arts the 21st of January, 17l6. His friends intend- ing him for the church, his studies were regulated with that view; and as soon as he was of a proper age to receive holy orders, the bishop of Hereford,. who had entertained great esteem for him, gave him the living of Bridstow, and: soon after he was inducted to that of Landewy Welfrey in; Pembrokeshire. He was nephew to Mr. Pound, a gentleman well known in the learned world, by many excellent astronomical and. other observations, and who would have enriched it much, more, if the journals of his voyages had not been burnt at Pudor Condor, when the place was set on fire, and the English who were settled there cruelly massacred, Mr.. Pound himself very narrowly escaping with his life. With this gentleman, at Wanstcad, Mr. Bradley passed all the time that he could spare from the duties of his function,, being then sufficiently acquainted witb the mathematics to improve by Mr. Pound's conversation. It may easily be imagined that the example and conversation of this gentle- man did not render Bradley more fond of his profession, to ■ BRA [ 248 ] BRA which he had before no great attachment: he continued however as yet to fulfil the duties of it, though at this time he bad made such observations as laid the foundation of those discoveries which afterwards distinguished him as one of the greatest astronomers of his age. These observations gained him the notice and friendship of the lord-chancel- lor Macclesfield, Mr. Newton, afterwards Sir Isaac, Mr. Halley,and many other members of the Royal Society into which he was soon after elected a member. Soon after, the chair of Savilian professor of astronomy at Oxford became vacant, by lhe death of the celebrated Dr. John Keil; and Mr. Bradley was elected to succeed him on the 31st of October, 1721, at 29 years of age: his colleague being Mr. Halley, who was professor of geometry on the same foundation. On this appointment Mr. Brad- ley resigned his church livings, and applied himself wholly to the study of his favourite science. In the course of his observations, which were innumerable, he discovered and settled the laws of the alterations of the fixed stars, from the progressive motion of light, combined with the earth's annual motion about the sun, and the nutation of the earth's axis, arising from the unequal attraction of the sun and moon on the different parts of the earth. The former of these effects is called the Aberration of the fixed stars, the theory of which he published in 1727; and" the latter the Nutation of the earth's axis, the theory of which appeared in 1747, deduced from 20 years' assiduous observations, by which he communicated to the world two of the finest discoveries in modern astronomy, making a memorable epoch in the history of that science. See Aberration and Nutation. In 1730 Bradley succeeded Mr. Whiteside, as lecturer in astronomy and experimental philosophy in the Museum at Oxford; which was a. considerable emolument to him, and which he enjoyed till within a year or two of his death, when the ill state of his health induced him to resign it. Our author always preserved the esteem and friendship of Dr. Halley; who, being worn out by age and infirmities, thought he could not do better for the service of astrono- my, than procure for Mr. Bradley the place of regius pro- fessor of astronomy at Greenwich, which he himself had many years possessed with the greatest reputation. With this view he wrote many letters, desiring Mr. Bradley's permission to apply for a grant of the reversion of it to him, and even offered to resign it in his favour, if it should be thought necessary; but Dr. Halley died before he could accomplish this kind object. Bradley however obtained the place, by the interest of lord Macclesfield, who was afterwards president of the Royal Society; and upon this appointment the university of Oxford conferred on him a diploma. The appointment of astronomer royal at Greenwich, which was dated the 3d of February, 1741-2, placed our author in his proper sphere; and he pursued his observa- tions with unwearied diligence. However numerous the collection of astronomical instruments at that observatory, it was impossible that such an observer as Dr. Bradley should not desire to increase them, as well to answer those particular views, as in general to make observations with greater exactness. In the year 1748, therefore, he took the opportunity of the visit of the Royal Society to the observatory, annually made to examine the instruments and receive the professor's observations for the year, to repre- sent so strongly the necessity of repairing the old instru- ments and providing new ones ; that the society thought proper to make application to the king, who was pleased to order 1000 pounds for that purpose. This sum was laid out under the direction of Bradley, who, with the as- sistance of the l?ro celebrated Mr. Graham and Mr. Bird, furnished the observatory with as complete a collection of astronomical instruments, as the most skilful and dili- gent observer could desire. Our author being thus fur- nished with such assistance, pursued his observations with great assiduity during the rest of his life; an immense num- ber of which was found after his death, in 13 folio vo- lumes, and were presented to tht, university of Oxford in 1776, on condition of their printing and publishing them. During Dr. Bradley's residence at the Royal Observa- tory, the living of the church at Greenwich became va- cant, and was ottered to him: upon his refusing to accept it, from a conscientious scruple, " that the duty of a pas- tor was incompatible with his other studies and necessary engagements," the king was pleased to grant him a pension of 250/ over and above the astronomer's original salary (100/) from the Board of Ordnance, " in consideration (as the sign manual, dated the 15th Feb. 1752, expresses it) of his great skill and knowledge in the several branches of astronomy and other parts of the mathematics, which have proved so useful to the trade and navigation of this king- dom ;" a pension which has been regularly continued to the astronomers royal ever since. About 1748, our author became entitled to bishop Crew's benefaction of 30/ a year, to the lecture reader in experi- mental philosophy at Oxford. He was elected a member of the academy of Sciences at Berlin in 1747 ; of that at Paris, in 1748; of that at Petersburg, in 1754; and of that at Bologna, in 1757. He was married in the year 1744, but never had more than one child, a daughter. By his unremitting application to study and obser- vations, he became afflicted, for near two years before his death, with a violent oppression on his spirits, which inter- rupted his useful labours. This distress arose chiefly from an apprehension that he should outlive his rational facul- ties; but this so much dreaded evil never came upon him. In June 1762 he was seized with a suppression of urine, occasioned by an inflammation in the reins, which termi- nated his existence the 13th of July following. His death happened at Chalford in Gloucestershire, in the 70th year of his age; and he was interred at iMinchinhampton in the same county. As to the character of Dr. Bradley, he was remarkable for a placid and gentle modesty, very uncommon in per- sons of an active temper and robust constitution. Though he was a good speaker, and possessed the rare but happy art of expressing his ideas with the utmost precision and clearness, yet no man was a greater lover of silence, for he never spoke but when he thought it absolutely neces- sary. Nor was he more inclined to write than to speak, as he has published very little: he bad a natural diffidence, which made him always afraid that his works might injure his character; so that he suppressed many which might have been worthy of publication. His papers, which have been inserted in the Philos. Trans, arc, 1. Observations on the Comet of 1723, vol. 33, p. 41. — 2. The Longitude of Lisbon and of the Fort of New York from VVansted and London determined by the Eclipse of the First Satellite of Jupiter, vol. 34, p. 85. — 3. An Ac- count of a new discovered Motion of the Fixed Stars, vol. 35, p. 637. — 4. On the Going of Clocks with Isochronical BRA I 249 ] BRA Pendulums, vol. 38, p. 302. — 5. Observations on the Co- met of 1736-7, vol. 40, p. 111. — 6. On the Apparent Mo- tion of the Fixed Stars, vol. 45, p. 1. — 7- On the Occu.l- tation of Venus by the Moon, the 15th of April, 1751, vol. 46, p. 201.— 8. On the Comet of 1757, vol. 50, p.408. — 9- Directions for Using the Common Micrometer, vol. 62, p. 46. BRADWARDIN (Thomas), a skilful mathematician and divine, was born at Hartfield in Sussex, about the close of the 13th century. He was educated at Merton-college, Oxford, where he took the degree of doctor of divinity. It has been said he was professor of divinity at Oxford ; that he was chancellor of the diocese of London, and con- fessor to Edward the 3d, whom he constantly attended during his war with France. After his return from the field, he was made prebendary of Lincoln, and afterward archbishop of Canterbury. He died at Lambeth in the year 1349, forty days after his consecration. His works a.10, 1. De Causa Dei, printed in London, l6l8, published by J. H. Savil. — 2. De Geometria Speculativa, &c. Pa- ris, 1495, 1512, 1530.— 3. De ArithmeticaPractica. Paris, 1502, 1512* — 4. De Proportionibus. Paris, 1495. Venice, 1505, folio. — 5. De QuadrataturaCirculi. Paris, 1495, fol. BRAHE' (Tycho), a celebrated astronomer, descended from a noble family, originally of Sweden, but settled in Denmark, was born the 14th of December 1546, at Knudstorp in the count)' of Schonon, near Helsimbourg. He was taught Latin when 7 years old, and studied 5 years under private tutors. His father dying while he was very young, his uncle, George Brahe, having no children, adopted him, and sent him, in 1559, to study philosophy and rhe- - toric at Copenhagen. The great eclipse of the sun, on the 21st of August 1650, happening at the precise time the astronomers had foretold, he began to consider astronomy as something divine; and purchasing the tables of Stadius, he gained some notion of the theory of the planets. In 1562 he was sent by his uncle to Leipsic to study the law, where his acquirements gave manifest indications of ex- traordinary abilities. His natural inclination however was to the study of the heavens, to which he applied him- self so assiduously, that, notwithstanding the care of his tutor to keep him close to the study of the law, he made use of every means in his power for improving his know- ledge of astronomy; he purchased with his pocket-money whatever books he could meet with on this subject, and read them with great attention, procuring assistance in difficult cases from Bartholomew Scultens, his private tutor ; and having procured a small celestial globe, he took opportunities, when his tutor was in bed, and when the weather was clear, to examine the constellations in the heavens, to learn their names from the globe, and their motions from observation. After a course of 3 years study at Leipsic, his uncle dying, he returned home in 1565. In this year a differ- ence arising between Brahe and a Danish nobleman, they fought, and our author lost part of his nose cutoff by a blow in the contest. This defect he so artfully supplied with one rriade of precious metal and wax, that it was not perceivable. About this time he began to apply him- self to chemistry, proposing nothing less than to obtain the philosopher's stone. But becoming greatly disgusted to see the liberal arts despised, and finding his own relations and friends uneasy that he applied himself to astronomy, as thinking it a study unsuitable to a person of his quality, Vol. I. he went to Wirtemberg in 1566, from which the breaking out of the plague soon occasioned his removal to Rostock" and in 1569 to Augsburg, where he was visited by Peter Ramus, then professor of astronomy at Paris, and who greatly admired his uncommon skill in this science. In 1571 he returned to Denmark; and was favoured by his maternal uncle, Steno Billes, a lover of learning, with a convenient place at his castle of Herritzvad near Knudstorp, for making his observations, and buildin" a laboratory. And here it was he discovered, in 1573, a new star in the constellation Cassiopeia. But soon after, his marrying a country girl, beneath his rank, occasioned' so violent a quarrel between him and his relations, that the king was obliged to interpose to reconcile them. In 1574, by the king's command, he read lectures at Copenhagen on the theory of the planets. The year fol- lowing he began his travels through Germany, and pro- ceeded as far as Venice. He then resolved to remove his family, and settle at Basil ; but Frederick the 2d, king of Denmark, being informed of his design, and unwilling to lose a man who was capable of doing so much honour to his country, he promised to enable him to pursue his stu- dies, and bestowed on him for life the island of Huen in the Sound, and engaged that an observatory and labora- tory should be built for him, with a supply of money for carrying on his designs: accordingly the first stone of the observatory was laid the 8th of August 1576, under the name of Uranibourg. The king also gave him a pension of 2000 crowns out of his treasury, a fee in Norway, and a. canonry of Roshild, which amounted to 1000 more. This situation he enjoyed about 20 years, pursuing his obser- vations and studies with great industry: here he kept al- ways in his hoiise ten or twelve young men, who assisted him in his observations, and whom he instructed in astro- nomy and mathematics. And it was also at this place that he received a visit from James vi, king of Scotland, afterwards James 1 of England, having come to Denmark to espouse Anne, daughter of Frederick 11. This king made our author some noble presents, and wrote a copy of Latin verses in his praise. Brahe's tranquillity however in this happy situation was at length fatally interrupted. Soon after the death of King Frederick, by the aspersions of envious and male- volent ministers, he was deprived of his pension, fee, and canonry, in 1596. Being thus rendered incapable of sup- porting the expenses of his establishment, he quitted his favourite Uranibourg, and withdrew to Copenhagen, with some of his instruments, and continued his astronomical observations and chemical experiments in that city, till the same malevolence procured from the new king, Charles iv, an order for him to discontinue them. This induced him to fall upon means of being introduced to the em- peror Rodolphus, who was fond of mechanism and chemi- cal experiments: and to smooth the way to an interview, Tycho now published his book, Astronomia instaurata Mechanica, adorned with figures, and dedicated it to the emperor. That prince received him at Prague with great civility and respect; gave him a magnificent house, till he could procure one for him more fit for astronomical observations; he also assigned him a pension of 3000 crowns; and promised him a fee for himself and his de- scendants. Here then he settled in the latter part of 1598, with his sons and scholars, and among them tho celebrated Kepler, who had joined him. But he did not 2 K BRA [ 250 ] B R E long enjoy this happy situation; for, about 3 years alter, he died, on the 24th of October l601, of a retention of urine, in the 55th year of his age, and was interred in a magnificent manner in the principal church at Prague, where a noble monument was erected to his memory; leaving, besides his wife, two sons and four daughters. On the approach of death, he enjoined his sons to take care that none of his works should be lost; exhorted the students to attend closely to their exercises ; and recommended to Kepler the finishing of the Rodolphine tables, which he had constructed for regulating the motion of the planets. Brahe's skill in astronomy is universally known; and he is famed for being the inventor of a new system of the planets, which he endeavoured, though without suc- cess, to establish on the ruins of that of Copernicus. He was very credulous with regard to judicial astrology and presages. If he met an old woman when he went out of doors, or a hare upon the road on a journey, he would turn back immediately, being persuaded that it was a bad omen : also, when he lived at Uranibourg, he kept in his house a madman, whom he generally placed at his feet at table; for as he imagined that every thing spoken by mad persons presaged something, he carefully observed all that this man said ; and because it sometimes proved true, he fancied it might always be depended on. He was of a very irritable disposition : a mere trifle would put him in a passion ; and against persons of the first rank, whom he thought his enemies, lie openly discovered his resentment. He was very apt to rally others, but highly provoked when the same liberty was taken with himself. — The prin- cipal part of his writings, according to Gassendus, are, 1. An account of the New Star, which appeared Nov. 11th, 1572, in Cassiopeia; Copenh. 1573, in 4to. — 2. Ah Oration concerning the Mathematical Sciences, pro- nounced in the university of Copenhagen, in the year 1574 : published by Conrad Aslac, of Bergen in Norway. — 3. A treatise on the Comet of the year 1577, immedi- ately after it disappeared. Nine years afterwards he re- vised it, and added a 10th chapter; printed at Urani- bourg, 15S9- — 4. Another treatise on the New Phenome- na of the heavens. In the first part of which he treats of the Restitution, as he calls it, of the sun, and of the fixed stars. And in the 2d part, of a New Star, which had then made its appearance. — 5. A collection of Astronomical Epistles: printed in 4to, at Uranibourg in 1596; at Nu- remberg in 1602 ; and at Frankfort in 1610. It was de- dicated to Maurice Landgrave of Hesse ; because there is in it a considerable number of letters of the Landgrave William his father, and of Christopher Rothmann, the ma- thematician of that prince, to Tycho, and of Tycho to them. — 6. The Mechanical Principles of Astronomy re- stored : Wandesburg, 1598, in folio. — 7. An Answer to the Letter of a certain Scotchman, concerning the comet, in the year 1577- — S. On the composition of an Elixir for the plague; addressed to the emperor Rodolphus. — 9. An Elegy on his Exile: Rostock, 1614, 4to.— 10. The Rodolphihe Tables ; which he had not finished when he died; but were revised, and published by Kepler, as Ty- cho had desired. — 11. An Accurate Enumeration of the Fixed Stars: addressed to the emperor Rodolphus.— 12. A complete Catalogue of 1000 of the fixed Stars; which Kepler has inserted in the Rodolpihe Tables. — 13. Histo- na Ccelestis ; or a History of the Heavens; in two parts. The ist contains the Observations he had made at Urani- bourg, in 16 books; the latter contains the Observations made at Wandesburg, Wittemberg, Prague, &c. ; in 4 books. — 14. Is an Epistle to Caster Pucer; printed at Co- penhagen l6()8. BRANCKER, or BRANKER (Thomas), an eminent mathematician of the 17th century, son of Thomas Brancker some time bachelor of arts in Exeter-college, Oxford, was born in Devonshire in 1 636, and was ad- mitted butler of the said college, Nov. 8, 1652, in the 17th year of his age. In 1 655, June the 15th, he took the degree of bachelor of arts, and was elected probatio- nary-fellow the 30tli of the same month. In 1658, April the 22d, he took the degree of master of arts, and became a preacher ; but after the Restoration, refusing to conform to the ceremonies of the church of England, he quitted his fellowship in 1-662, and retired to Chester: but not long after, he became reconciled to the service of the church, took orders from a bishop, and was made a mini- ster of Whitegate. He had however, for some time, en- joyed great opportunity and leisure for pursuing the bent of his genius in the mathematical sciences; and his skill both in the mathematics and chemistry procured him the favour of Lord Brereton, who gave him the rectory of Til- Stan. He was afterward chosen master of the well-en- dowed school at Macclesfield, in that county, where he spent the few remaining years of his life, which was ter- minated by a short, illness in 1676, at 40 years of age; and was interred in the church at Macclesfield. Brancker wrote a piece on the Doctrine of the Sphere, in Latin, which was published at Oxford in 1662; and in 1668 he published at London, in 4to, a translation of Rhonius's Algebra, with the title of An Introduction to Algebra; which treatise having been communicated to Dr. John Pell, he received from him some assistance towards improving it; which he generously acknowledges in a let- ter to Mr. John Collins ; with whom, and some other gen- tlemen, proficients in this science, he continued a cone- spondence during his life. BREACH, in Fortification, a gap or opening made in any part of the works of the town, by the cannon or mines of the besiegers, with intent to storm or attack the place. BREAKING Ground, in Military Affairs, is beginning the works for carrying on the siege of a place ; more es- pecially the commencement of digging trenches, or ap- proaches. BREAST-WORK, in the Military Art, is an elevation of earth thrown up around a fortified place or post, to conceal or protect the garrison, and which is at the same time so strong that the enemy's shot cannot pierce through it. See Pa it a pet. BREECH of a Gun, the hinder part, from thecascabel to the lower part of the bore. BREREWOOD (Edward), a learned mathematician and antiquary, was the son of Robert Brerewood, a repu- table tradesman, who was three times mayor of Chester, Our author was born in that city in 156*5, where he was educated in grammar erudition at the free-school ; and was afterward admitted, in 15SI, of Brazen-nose college, Oxford, where he soon acquired the character of a hard student; as he has shown in liis commentaries on Aristo- tle's Ethics, which he produced about the age of 21. In the year 1596 he was chosen the fust professor of astronomy in Gn slum-college, being one of the two who, at the desire of the electors, were recommended to them B R I C 251 ] BRI by the university of Oxford. He loved retirement, and entirely devoted himself to the pursuit of knowledge. And though he never published any thing himself, yet he was very communicative, and ready to impart what he knew, to others, either in conversation or in writing. His retired situation at Gresham-college being agreeable, it did not appear that he had any other views, but continued there the remainder of his life, which was terminated by a fever the 4th of November 1613, at 48 years of age, in the midst of his pursuits, and before he had taken proper care to collect and digest his learned labours ; which how- ever were not lost; being reduced to order, and published after his death. These were little or nothing mathemati- cal, being of a miscellaneous nature, on the several sub- jects of Weights, Money, Languages, Religion, Logic, the Sabbath, Meteors, the Eye, Ethics, &c. BRIDGE, a w^ork of carpentry or masonry, built over .a river, canal, or the like, for the convenience of passing from one side to the other ; and may be considered as a road over water, supported by one or more arches, and these again supported by proper piers or butments. Be- sides these essential parts, may be added the paving at top, the banquet, or raised footway, on each side, leaving a sufficient breadth in the middle for horses and carriages, also the parapet wall either with or without a balustrade, or other ornamental and useful parts. The breadth of a bridge for a great city should be such, as to allow an easy passage for three carriages and two horsemen abreast in the middle way, and for 3 foot passengers in the same manner on each banquet : but for other smaller bridges, a less breadth may suffice. Bridges'are commonly very difficult to execute, on ac- count of the inconvenience of laying foundations and wall- ing under water. The earliest rules and instructions for building of bridges are given by Alberti, in his Archit. 1, 8. Other rules were afterwards laid down by Palladio, Serlio, and Scamozzi, which are collected by Blondel, in his Cours d'Archit. pa. 6'29, &c. The best of these rules were also given by Goldman, Baukhurst, and in Hawkes- moor's History of London Bridge. M. Gautier has a con- siderable volume expressly on bridges, ancient and mo- dern. See also Riou's Short Principles for the Architec- ture of Stone Bridges ; as also Emerson, Muller, Labelye, and my own Principles of Bridges, in the 1st vol. of my Tracts, besides neat accounts in the various new Ency- clopaedias, as well as several French authors. The conditions required in a bridge are, That it be well designed, commodious, durable, and suitably decorated. It should be of such a height as to be quite convenient for the passage over it, and yet easily admitting through its arches the vessels that navigate under it, and also the wa- ter, even at high tides and floods; the neglect of this pre- cept has caused the destruction of many bridges. Bridges are commonly continued in a straight direction perpen- dicular to the stream; though some think they should be made rather convex towards the stream, the better to resist floods, &c. And bridges of this sort have been executed in some places, as Pont St. Esprit near Lyons. Again, a bridge should,not be made in too narrow a part of a navi- gable river, or one that is subject to tides or floods: because the breadth being still more contracted by the piers, this will increase the depth, velocity, and fall of the water under the arches, and endanger the whole bridge and navigation. There ought to be an uneven number of arches, or an even number of piers; both that the middle of the stream or chief current may flow freely without the interruption of a pier ; and that the two halves of the bridge, by gradually rising from the ends to the middle, may there meet in th t; highest and largest arch ; and also, that by being open in the middle, the eye in viewing it may have a better com- mand and look directly through there. When the middle and ends are of different heights, their difference however ought not to be great in proportion to the length, that the ascent and descent may be easy; and in that case also it is more beautiful to make the top in one continued curve than two straight lines forming an angle in the middle. Bridges should rather be of few and large arches, than of many smaller ones, if the height and situation will possi- bly admit of it ; for this will leave passage for the water and navigation, and be a great saving in materials and la- bour, as there will be fewer piers and cejitres, and the arches &c will require less materials ; a remarkable in- stance of which appears in the difference between the bridges of Westminster and Blackfriars, the expense of the former being more than double the latter. For the proper execution of a bridge, and making an estimate of the expense &c, it is necessary to have three plans, three sections, and an elevation. The three plans are so many horizontal sections, viz, 1st a plan of the foundation under the piers, with the particular circum- stances attending it, whether of gratings, planks, pile&, &c ; the 2d is the plan of the piers and arches ; and the 3d is the plan of the superstructure, with the paved road and banquet. The three sections are vertical ones; the 1st of them a longitudinal section from end to end of the bridge, and through the middle of the breadth ; the 2d a transverse one, or across it, and through the summit of an arch ; and the 3d also across, but taken upon a pier. The elevation is an orthographic projection of one side or face of the bridge, or its appearance as viewed at a distance, showing the exterior aspect of the materials, with the manner in which they are disposed, &c. For the figure of the arches, some prefer the semicircle, though perhaps without any just reason; others the el- liptical form, as having many advantages over the semi- circular; and some talk of the catenarian arch, though its pretended advantages are only chimerical ; but the arch of equilibration is the only perfect one, so as to be equally strong in every part : see my Principles of Bridges. The piers are of divers thickness, according to the figure, spun, and height of the arches; as may be seen in the work above mentioned. With the Romans, the repairing and building of bridges were committed to the priests, thence named Pontifices ; next to the censors, or curators of the roads; but at lust the emperors took the care of the bridges to themselves. Thus the Pons Janiculensis was built of marble by Anto- ninus Pius ; the PonsCestius was restored by Gordian ; and Arian built a new one, which was called after his own name. In the middle age, bridge-building was reckoned among the acts of religion ; and, towards the end of the 12th century, St. Benezet founded a regular order of hos- pitallers, under the name Pontifices, or bridge-builders, whose office was to assist travellers, by making bridges, settling ferries, and receiving strangers into hospitals, or houses, built on the banks of rivers. We read of an hos- pital of this kind at Avignon, where the hospitallers re- sided under the direction of their first superior St. Benezet : and the Jesuit Raynaldus has a treatise on St. John the bridge-builder. 2 K 2 B R I [ 252 ] B R I Among the bridges of antiquity, that built by Trajau over the Danube is the most magnificent. It was de- molished by his next successor Adrian, the ruins of which are still to be seen in the middle of the Danube, near the city Warhel in Hungary. It had 20 piers, of square stone, each of which was 150 feet high above the foundation, 60 feet in breadth, and 170 feet distant from one another, which is the span or width of the arches ; so that the whole length of the bridge was more than 1530 yards, or one mile nearly. In France, the Pont de Garde is a very bold structure; the piers being only 13 feet thick, yet serving to support an immense weight of a triplicate arcade, and joining two mountains. It consists of three bridges, one over another; the uppermost of which is an aqueduct, which carries water to Nismes. The aqueduct bridge of Alcantara, near the city of Lis- bon, which was finished in 1732, is also a very magnifi- cent piece of workmanship ; it consists of 35 arches, the largest of which is 227 feet high, and 10SJ feet wide. The bridge of Avignon, which was finished in the year 1188, consists of IS arches, and measures 1340 paces, or about 1000 yards in length. Over the several canals at Venice are laid nearly 500 bridges of different sizes ; the greater number of them are of stone. The chief of these, called the Rialto, is cele- brated as a master-piece of art : it consists of one flat and bold arch, nearly 100 feet span, and only 23 feet high above the water; it was built in 1591 from a design of Michael Angelo. The breadth of the bridge, which is 43 feet,. is divided by two rows of shops into three narrow streets, that in the middle being the widest ; and there is in the centre an open arch-way, by which the three streets communicate with one another. At each end of the Ri- alto is an ascent of 56 steps; the view from its summit is very' lively and magnificent. The whole interior of the shops and the bridge is of marble. The foundation ex- tends 90 feet, and rests upon 12000 elm piles. This structure cost the republic 250,000 ducats. Poulet also mentions a bridge of a single arch, in the city of Munster in Bothnia, much nobler than that of the Rialto at Venice. Yet these are nothing to a bridge in China, built, from one mountain to another, consisting only of a single arch, 400 cubits long, and 500 cubits high, whence it is called the flyingbridge; a figure of which is given in thePhilos. Trans. Kircher also speaks of a bridge in the same country 360 • perches long without any arch, but supported by 300 pillars. There are many bridges of considerable note in our own country. The triangular bridge at Crowland in Lincoln- shire, is esteemed the most ancient Gothic structure re- maining entire in the kingdom; and was erected about the year 860. London bridge is on the old Gothic structure, with 20 small locks or arches, each of about 20 feet wide ; but there are now only IS open, two having lately been thrown into one in the centre, and another on one side is con- cealed or covered up. It is 900 feet long, 6*0 high, and 74 wide ; the piers are from 25 to 34 feet broad, with star- lings projecting at the ends : so that the greatest water- way, when the tide is above the starlings, was 450 feet, scarce half the breadth of the river; and below the star- lings, the water-way was reduced to ly4feet, before the late opening of the centre. London bridge was first built with timber between the years 993 and 1016 ; and it was repaired, or rather rebuilt wi'th timber in 11 63. The stone- bridge was begun in 1176, and finished in 1209- It im- probable there were no houses on this bridge for upwards of 200 years ; since we re33, folio. 10. Two letters to Archbishop Usher. 11. Mathematica ab Antiquis minus Cognita. — This is a summary account of the most observable invention of modern mathematicians, communicated by Mr. Briggs to Dr. George llakewill, and published by him in his Apo- logie; Lond. folio. Besides these publications, Briggs wrote some other pieces, that have not been printed : as, (1.) Commentaries on the Geometry of Peter Ramus. (2.) Duaj Epistolae ad celeberrimum virura Chr. Sever. Longomontanum. One of these letters contained some remarks on a treatise of Longomontanus, about squaring the circle; and the other a defence of arithmetical gco- . metry. (3.) Animadverses Geometries : 4to. (4.) De eodem Argumento: 4 to. — These two were in the possession of the late; Mr. Jones. They both contain a great variety of geometrical propositions, concerning the properties of many figures, with several arithmetical com- putations, relating to the circle, angular sections, &c. — The two following were also in possession of Mr. Jones: (5.) A treatise of Common Arithmetic; folio. (6.) A letter to Mr. Clarke of Gravesend, dated 25 Feb. 1606 ; with which he sends him the description of a ruler called Bedwell's rider, witb directions how to use it. BRIGGS (William), an eminent physician in the lat- ter part of the 17th century, was born at Norwich, for which town his father was four times member of parlia- ment. He studied at the university of Cambridge; and afterwards travelled into France, where he attended the lectures of the famous anatomist Vieussens, at Monlpe- lier. On his return he published his Ophthalmographia, in 1676. The year following he was made doctor of me- dicine at Cambridge, and soon after fellow of the College of Physicians at London. In lo'S2 he resigned his fellow- ship to his brother: and the same year his Theory of Vi- sion was published by Hooke. The enduing year he sent to the Royal Society a continuation of that discourse, which was published in their Transactions ; and the same year he was appointed physician to St. Thomas's Hospi- tal. In 16S4 he communicated to the Royal Society two remarkable cases relating to vision, which were likewise printed in their Transactions; and in J 685 he published a Latin version of his Theory of Vision, at the desire of Mr. Newton, afterwards Sir Isaac, then professor of ma- thematics at Cambridge, with a recommendatory epistle from him prefixed to it. He was afterwards made physi- cian in ordinary to King William, and continued in great esteem for his skill in his profession till his death, which happened the 4th of September 1704. Briggs's Logarithms, that species of them in which I is the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, or the logarithm of 10. See Logarithms. BROKEN Number, the same as Fraction; which see. Broken Ray, or Ray of Refraction, in Dioptrics, is the line into which an incident ray is refracted or broken, in crossing the second medium. BROUNCKER, or BROUNKER (William), Lord Viscount, of Castle Lyons in Ireland, son of Sir William Brounker, afterwards made viscount in 16"45, was born about the year 16'20. He very early discovered a genius for mathematics, in which he afterwards became very eminent. He was made doctor of physic at Oxford, June 23, l6'46. In 1657 and 16"5S, he was engaged in a cor- respondence by letters on mathematical subjects with Dr. John Wallis, who published them in his Comniercium Epistolicum, printed l6'58, at Oxford. Brounker was one of the nobility and gentry who signed the remarkable declaration concerning king Charles 11, published in April 1660. , ^ After the Restoration, Lord Brounker was made chancel- lor and keeper of the great seal to the queen, also one of the commissioners of the navy, and master of St. Kathe- rine's hospital near the Tower of London. He was one of those great men who first formed the Royal Society, of which he was by the charter appointed the first president in l662: which office he held, with great advantage to the society, and honour to himself, till the anniversary election, Nov. 30, 1677, when he was succeeded by Sir Joseph Williamson. He died at his house in St. James's- street, Westminster, the 5th of April 1684; and was suc- ceeded in his title by his younger brother Marry, who died in January 1687. Lord Brounker had several papers inserted in the Phi- losophical Transactions, the chief of which were, ]. Ex- periments concerning the Recoiling of Guns. — 2. A Series for the Quadrature of the Hyperbola; which was the first series of the kind on that subject. — 3. Several of his let- ters to Archbishop Usher were also printed in Usher's Let- ters; as well as some to Dr.' Wallis, in his Commercium Epistolicum, above mentioned ; particularly an approxi- mation to the circular area by means of continued frac- tions, of which he was the first inventor. BROWN (Sir William), a noted physician and mis- cellaneous writer of the 18th century. He first settled BUL [ 256 ] BUR at Lynn in Norfolk, where he published a translation of of the world, according to Philolaus, an ancient philo- Dr. Gregory's Elements of Catoptrics and Dioptrics ; to sopher and astronomer. Afterward, in the year 1645, he which he added, 1. A Method for finding the Foci of all Specula and Lenses universally ; as also Magnifying or Lessening a given object by a given Speculum or Lens, in any assigned proportion. — 2. A Solution of those Pro- blems which Dr. Gregory has left undemonstrated. — 3. A particular account of Microscopes and Telescopes, from Mr. Huygens ; with the discoveries made by Catoptrics and Dioptrics. . " • Having acquired a competence by his profession, he removed" to Queen's-square, Ormond-street, London, where he resided till his death, in 1774, at 82 years of a»e ■ leaving by his will two prize-medals to be annually contended for by the Cambridge poets. Sir William Brown it seems was a very facetious man ; and a great number of his lively essays, both in prose and verse, were printed and circulated among his friends. The active part taken by him in the contest with the licen- tiates in 1768, occasioned his being introduced by Mr. Foote in his Devil upon Two Sticks. — Upon Foote's exact representation of him with his identical wig and coat, tall figure, and glass stiffly applied to his eye, he senthim a com- plimentary card for having so happily represented him; but as he had forgot the muff, he sent him his own. — This good- natured way of resenting disarmed Foote completely. — He used to frequent the annual ball at the ladies' board- ing-school, Queen-square, merely as a neighbour, a good- natured man, and a lover of youthful company. A dig- nitary of the church being there one day to see his daughter dance, and finding this upright figure stationed in the room, told him he believed he was Hermippus Re- divivus who lived anhclitu puellarum. — When he lived at Lynn, a pamphlet was written against him ; which he nailed up against his house-door. — At the age of 80, on St. Luke's day 1771, he came to Batson's coffee-house in his laced coat and band, and fringed white gloves, to in- troduce himself to Mr. Crosby, then lord mayor. A gen- tleman present observing that he looked very well, he re- plied, he had neither wife nor debts. BRUIN (John de), a respectable mathematician and philosopher, was born at Gorcum in 1620; and having pursued a course of philosophy at Leyden, and prose- cuted his studies at Bois-le-Duc and Utrecht, he removed to Leyden, where he taught mathematics. He afterwards became professor at Utrecht, and besides his official du- ties made dissertations in private, and read lectures on Grotius's treatise De Jure Belli et Pacis. He was di- stinguished by his attachment to experimental philosophy, and°by his observations in astronomy. He published dis- sertations De vi altrice; De corporum gravitate et levi- tate; De cognitione Dei naturali ; De kicis causa et ori- oine &c. He had a dispute with Isaac Vossius, to whom he wrote a letter printed at Amsterdam in l6'63, wherein he criticises Vossius's book De natura et proprietate lu- cis; and strenuously maintains the hypothesis of Des- cartes. He died in 16'75, after he had been professor 23 years. BULLIALD (Ismael), an eminent astronomer and mathematician, was born at Laon in the Isle of France in l6'05. He travelled in his youth, for the sake of im- provement, and gave very early proofs of his astronomical ocnius. Riccioli styled him, Astronomus profunda! inda- ginis. He first, published lii.s dissertation entitled, Philo- laus, sive de vero Systcmate Mundi ; or his true system set forth his Astronomia Philolaica, grounded upon the hypothesis of the earth's motion, and the elliptical orbit described by the planet's motion about a cone. To which he added tables entitled, Tabula; Philolaica;: a work which Riccioli says ought to be attentively read by all students of astronomy. — He considered also the hypothe- sis or approximation of Bishop Ward, and found it not to agree with the planet Mars ; and he showed, in his de- fence of the Philolaic astronomy against the bishop, that from fouT observations made by Tycho on the planet Mars, that planet in the first and third quarters of the mean anomaly, was more forward than it ought to be ac- cording to Ward's hypothesis; but in the 2d and 4th qua- drant of the same, the planet was not so far advanced as that hypothesis required. He therefore set about a cor- rection of the bishop's hypothesis, and made it answer more exactly to the orbits of the planets, which were most excentric, and introduced what is called, by Street in his Caroline Tables, the Variation : these tables were calcu- lated from this correction of Bulliald's, and exceeded all others in exactness that had before been published. This correction is, in the judgment of Dr. Gregory, a very- happy one, if it be not set above its due place; and be ac- counted no more than a correction of an approximation to the true system : for by this means we are enabled to gather the coequate anomaly a priori arid that directly from the means, and the observations are well enough an- swered at the same time; which, in Mercator's opinion, no one had effected before. — It is remarkable that the el- lipsis which he has chosen for a planet's motion, is such a one as, if cut out of a cone, will have the axis of the cone passing through one of its foci, viz, that next the aphelion. In 1657 was published his treatise De Lineis Spiralibus, Exerc. Geom. et Astron. Paris, 4to. In 1 682 came out at Paris, in folio, his large work entitled, Opus novum ad Arithmeticam Infinitorum ; a work which is a diffuse am- plification of Dr. Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinites, and which Wallis treats of particularly in the SOth chapter of his Historical Treatise of Algebra. He wrote also two Admonitions to Astronomers ; the first, concerning a new star in the neck of the Whale, appearing at some times, and disappearing at others; the second, concerning a ne- bulous star in the northern part of Andromeda's girdle, which had not been noticed by any of the ancients. This star also appeared and disappeared by turns. And as these phenomena were new and surprising, he strongly re- commended the observing them to all that might be curi- ous in astronomy. BURGO (Lucas Pacioli de), a celebrated author on arithmetic and algebra, who flourished in the 15th cen- tury; and whose works on those subjects were the first that we have in print. See an account of them in the article Algebra. BURNING, the action of fire on some pabulum or fuel by which its minute parts are put into a violent motion, and some of them, assuming the nature of fire, fly off in orbem, while the rest are dissipated in vapour, or reduced to ashes. BuitNiis'C-G/rtss, or Burning-Mirror, a machine by which the sun's rays are collected into a point; and by that means their force and effect are extremely heightened, so as to burn objects placed in it. Burning-glasses arc of two kinds, convex and concave. BUR [ 257 ] BUR The convex ones are lenses, which, acting according to the Piece of Pompey's Pillar vitrifies, the black part in 50 sec. laws of refraction, incline the rays of light towards the the white part in 54 axis, and unite them in a point or focus. The concave Copper ore in - 8 ones are mirrors or reflectors, whether made of polished Bone calcines in 4, and vitrifies in - - - 33 metal or silvered glass, and which acting by the laws of An emerald melts into a substance like a torquois stone ; reflection, throw the rays back into a point or focus before a diamond weighing 4 grains loses J of its weight; the as- the glass. bestos vitrifies, as all other bodies will do if kept long The use of burning-glasses, it appears, is very ancient, enough in the focus; but when once vitrified, the mirror many of the old authors recording some effects of them. ca ^g° no further with them. PhiLos. Trans, vol. 4, p. 10,8 Diodorus Siculus, Lucian, Dion, Zpnaras, Galen, Anthe mius, Eustatius, Tzetzes, and others, relate that by means of them Archimedes set fire to the Roman fleet at the siege of Syracuse. Tzetzes is so particular in his account of this matter, that his description suggested to Kircher the me- thod by which it was probably accomplished. That au- thor says that " Archimedes set fire to Marcellus's navy by means of a burning-glass composed of small square mirrors, moving every way upon hinges; which, when placed in the sun's rays, directed them upon the R.oman fleet, so as to reduce it to ashes at the distance of a bow- shot." And the burning power of reflectors is mentioned in Euclid's Optics, theor. 31. Again, Aristophanes, in his comedy of The Clouds, introduces Socrates as examining Strepsiades about a method he had discovered of getting clear of his debts. He replies, that " he thought of ma- king use of a burning-glass which he had hitherto used in kindling his fire; for should they bring a writ against me, I'll immediately place my glass in the sun at some little dis- tance from it, and set it on fire." Pliny and Lactantius have also spoken of glasses that burn by refraction. The former Tschirnhausen's reflecting mirrors produced equally- surprising effects; as they may be seen described in the Acta Erudit. for 1687, p. 52. And other persons have made very good ones of wood, straw, paper, ice, and other substances capable of taking a proper form and polish. Every lens, whether convex, plano-convex, or convexo- convex, collects the sun's rays, dispersed over its convex- ity into a point by refraction; and it is therefore a burn- ing-glass. The most considerable of this kind is that made by Tschirnhausen, and described in the same Acta Erudit. The diameters of his lenses are from 3 to 4 feet, having the focus at the distance of 12 feet, and its diameters an inch and a half. To make the focus more vivid, the rays are collected a second time, by a second lens parallel to the first, and placed at such a distance that the diameter of the cone of rays formed by the first lens is equal to the diameter of the second; so that it receives them all, and the focus is reduced from an inch and a half to half the quantity, and consequently its force is quadrupled. This glass vitrifies tiles, slates, pumice-stones, &c, in a moment. It melts sulphur, pitch, and all rosins, under water; the calls them balls or globes of crystal or glass, which being ashes of vegetables, woods, and other matters, are trans exposed to the sun, transmit a heat sufficient to set fire to cloth, or corrode the dead flesh of those patients who stand in need of caustics ; and the latter, after Clemens Alexandrinus, observes that fire may be kindled by inter- posing glasses filled with water between the sun and the object, so as to transmit the rays to it. Among the ancients, the most celebrated burning-mir- rors were those of Archimedes and Proclus; by the former was burnt the fleet of Marcellus, as above mentioned ; and by the latter, the navy of Vitellius, besieging Byzantium, "IV."/^ 1 , i"-" i"" V' ,„„„ ,• . r, 3 . , ' v . about 11| inches diameter: six of them are placed con- according to £onaras was burnt to ashes. ,. * , , ., _ t , c ■ . • *, c , tiguous to, and round the 7th, forming a kind ot sphen- muted into glass, and every thing applied to its focus is either melted, changed into a calx, or into fumes. The author observes that it succeeds best when the matter ap- plied is laid on a hard charcoal well burnt. But though the force of the solar rays be thus found so surprising, yet the rays of the full moon, collected by the same burning-glass, do not show the least increase of heat. Sir Isaac Newton presented a burning-glass to the Roy- al Society, consisting of 7 concave glasses, so placed, that all their foci join in one physical point. Each glass is Among the moderns, the most remarkable burning- glasses, are those of Magine, of 20 inches diameter; of Se- patala of Milan, near 42 inches diameter, and which burnt at the distance of 15 feet; of Settalaof Villette; ofTschirn- hausen, of Buffon, of Trudaine, and of Parker. Villette, a French artist at Lyons, made a large mirror, which was bought by Tavernier, and presented to the king of Prussia ; a second, bought by the king of Denmark; a cal segment, whose subtense is about 34| inches: the com- mon focus is about 22| inches distant, and about an inch in diameter. This glass vitrifies brick or tile in 1 second, and melts gold in 30 seconds. M. Buffon also made a variety of very powerful burn- ing-glasses, both as mirrors and as lenses ; but at length concluded with one which is probably of the same nature with that of Archimedes, and consisted of 400 mirrors re- third, presented to the Royal Academy by the king of fleeting their rays all to one point, and with which he France; and a fourth came to England, and was publicly shown. This mirror is 47 inches wide, being a segment of a sphere of 76 inches radius; so that its focus is about •38 inches from the vertex ; and its substance is a compo- sition of tin, copper, and tin-glass. Some of its effects were as follow : A silver sixpence melted in A George the lst's halfpenny in - and runs with a hole in Tin melts in - Oast iron in - Slate in - A fossil shell calcines in - liut. I. sec. 71 16 34 3 16 3 7 could melt lead and tin at the distance of 140 feet; and with others he consumed substances at the distance of 210 feet. SeePhilos. Trans, vol.44; Buffon's Hist. Nat. Suppl. vol. 1 ; or Montucla's Hist, des Math. vol. 1, p. 246. It appears there is no solid substance capable of resisting the efficacy of modern burning-glasses; though water, &c, are not affected by them at all. Thils, Messrs. Macquer and Baume have succeeded in melting small portions of platina by means of a concave glass 22 inches diameter, and 28 inches focus, though this metal is not fusible by the strongest fires that can be excited in furnaces, or sus- tained by any chemical apparatus. Yet it was long since observed, by the Academicians del Cimento, that spirit-of- 2 L BUR [ 258 ] BUT wine could not be fired by any burning-glass which they used; and notwithstanding the great improvements these instruments have since received, M. Nollet has not been able, by the most powerful burning-mirrors, to set fire to any inflammable liquors whatever. Howevey, a large burning-lens, for fusing and vitrifying such substances as resist the fires of furnaces, and espe- cially for the application of heat in vacuo, and in certain other circumstances in which heat cannot be applied by other means, has long been a desideratum with persons concerned in philosophical experiments: and this it ap- pears is now in a great measure accomplished by Mr. Par- ker, an ingenious glass-manufacturer in Fleet-street, Lon- don. His lens is made of flint-glass, and is 3 feet in dia- meter ; but when fixed in its frame, exposes a surface of 32 inches in the clear ; the length of the focus is 6 feet 8 inches, and its diameter one inch. The rays from this large lens are received and transmitted through a smaller, of 13 inches diameter in the clear within the frame, its focal length 29 inches, and diameter of its focus 3-8ths of an inch: so that this second lens increases the power of the former more than 7 times, or as the square of 8 to the square of 3. From a great number of experiments made with this lens, the following are selected to serve as specimens of its powers : Substances Fused. Scoria of wrought iron Common slate - Silver, pure . - Platina, pure - Nickell Cast iron, a cube - Kearsh - Gold, pure n Crystal pebble - - - - Cank, or terra ponderos$ - Lava r Asbestos - Bar iron, a cube - Steel, a cube - - - - Garnet - Copper, pure - Onyx - Zeolites - Pumice-stone - Oriental emerald - Jasper - White agate - Flint, oriental - - - - Topaz, or chrysolite - Common limestone - White rhomboidal spar Volcanic clay - - - - Cornish moorstone - Rough cornelian - Rotten-stone - Time Wgt. in Sec. n Grs. 2 12 2 10 3 20 3 10 3 16 3 10 3 10 4 20 6 7 7 10 7 10 10 10 12 10 12 10 17 10 20 33 20 10 23 10 24 10 25 2 25 10 30 10 30 10 45 3 55 10 60 10 60 10 60 10 75 10 SO 10 Burning Zone, or Torrid Zone, the space within 23| decrees of the equator, both north and south. BURROWS (William), a writer on the subject of navigation in the l6th century. His " Discourse of the Variation of the Compass or Magnetic Needle," is sub- joined to Norman's " Newe Attractive." Burrows had been a famous navigator, having used the sea from 1 5 years of age, and for his merit was promoted to be controller of the navy by Queen Elizabeth. He shows how to determine the variation several ways, setting down many observations of it, made by an azimuth compass of Norman's invention, but improved by himself. He demonstrates the falsehood of the rules used to find the latitudes by the guard-stars. He particularizes many errors in the then sea-charts, oc- casioned by the neglect of the variation ; adding, " But of these coasts (towards the north) and of the inwarde partes of the countries of Russia, Muscovia, &c, I have made a perfect plat and description, by myne owne experience in sundrie voiages and travailes, bothe by sea and lande, to and fro in these partes, which I gave to her majestie in anno 157S." And lastly, he justly blames Coignet's in- strument, called a Nautical Hemisphere ; but speaks too severely against the writers on navigation. BUSHEL, a measure of capacity for dry goods; as- grain, pulse, fruits, &c, containing 4 pecks, or 8 gallons, or £ of a quarter. By act of parliament, made in 1697, it was ordained that " Every round bushel with a plain and even bottom, being made 18| inches wide throughout, and 8 inches deep, shall be esteemed a legal Winchester bush- el, according to the standard in his majesty's exchequer." Now a bushel being thus made will contain 2150'42 cu- bic inches, and consequently the corn gallon contains only 268* cubic inches. — The weight of a bushel of good corn, or pulse, &c, is Commonly accounted to be as follows ; viz, of Wheat - - 60 lb. avoirdupois. Rye 56 Barley - - 50 Beer, or Big - 44 Oats 40 Pease - - 60 Beans - - 60 Potatoes (heaped) 56 But some experienced persons say that the bushel of good wheat weighs and produces as below ; viz, Bushel of wheat weighs - - 63 lb. Yields of meal 62 Loss in grinding ... 1 Bran in the meal - 6 BUTMENTS, are those supporters, or props, by which the feet of arches or the extremities of bridges arc sup- ported; and should be made very strong and firm. BUTTRESS, is an arch, or a mass of masonry, serving to support the sides of a building, wall, or the like, on the outside. See Arch, and Arch-Boutant. [ 259 ] c. C A L /"^AISSON, in Architecture, a kind of chest or flat-bot- ^■^ tomed vessel, in which the pier of a bridge is built, then sunk to the bottom of the water, and the sides loos- ened and taken off from the bottom, by a contrivance for that purpose; the bottom of the caisson being left under the pier as a foundation to it. The caisson is kept afloat till the pier is built above the height of low-water mark; and for that purpose, its sides are either made of more than that height at first, or else gradually raised to it as it sinks by the weight of the work, so as always to keep its top above water. Mr. Labelye tells us, that the caissons in which he built some of the piers of Westminster bridge, contained 150 load of fir timber, of 40 cubic feet each, and that it was of more tonnage or capacity than a 40-gun ship of war. Caisson, in Military Affairs, is sometimes used for a chest ; and in particular for a bomb or shell chest, and is used as a superficial mine, or fourneau. This is done by filling a chest either with gunpowder and loaded shells, or else with shells alone, and burying it in a spot where an enemy, besieging a place, is expected to come, and then firing it by a train to destroy the men. CALAMUS Pastoralis, in Music, the Shepherd's Pipe; an ancient musical instrument, the origin of the flute, at first made of a straw or reed. CALCULATION, the act of computing several sums, by adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, &c. From calculus, in allusion to the practice of the ancients, who used calculi, or little stones, in making computations, in taking suffrages, and in keeping accounts, &c; as we now use counters, figures, &c. Calculation is more particu- larly used to signify the computations in astronomy, tri- gonometry, &c, for making tables of astronomy, of loga- rithms, ephemcrides, finding the times of eclipses, and such like. CALCULATOR, a person who makes or performs cal- culations. — It is also the name of a machine constructed by Mr. Ferguson, in the shape of an orrery, for exhibiting the motions of the earth and moon, and resolving a varie- ty of astronomical problems.' See his Astron. 4to, p. 265, or 8vo, p. 393. CALCULATORES were anciently accountants who reckoned their sums by calculi, or little stones, or coun- ters. — In ancient canons too we find a sort of diviners or enchanters, censured under the denomination of Calcula- tores, probably so called from their calculating nativities. CALCULUS denotes primarily a small stone, pebble, or counter, used by the ancients in making calculations or computations, taking of suffrages, playing at tables, and the like. Calculus denotes now a certain way of performing mathematical investigations and resolutions. Thus, we say the Arithmetical or Numeral Calculus, the Algebrai- cal Calculus, the Differential Calculus, the Exponential Calculus, the Fluxional Calculus, the Integral Calculus, the Literal or Symbolical Calculus, &c; for which, see each respective word. Arithmetical or Numeral Calculus, is the method of C AL performing arithmetical computations by numbers. See Arithmetic, and Number. Algebraical, Literal, or Symbolical Calculus, is the me- thod of performing algebraical calculations by letters or other symbols. See Algebra. Differential Calculus, is the arithmetic of the indefi- nitely small differences of variable quantities; a mode of computation much used by foreign mathematicians, and introduced by Leibnitz, as similar to Newton's method of Fluxions. See Differential &c. Exponential Calculus, is the applying the fluxional or differential methods to exponential quantities ; such as , or x , or ay , &c. See Exponential. Fluxional Calculus, is the method of fluxions, invent- ed by Newton. See Fluxions. Integral Calculus, or Summatorius, is a method of in- tegrating, or summing up differential quantities ; and is si- milar to the finding of fluents. See Integral and Fluent. Calculus Literalis, or Literal Calculus, is the same with algebra, or specious arithmetic, so called from its using the letters of the alphabet ; in contradistinction from nume- ral arithmetic, in which figures are used. CALENDAR, or Kalendar, a distribution of time as accommodated to the uses of life ; or an almanac, or table, containing the order of days, weeks, months, feasts, &c, occurring in the course of the year : it is so called from the word Calendaj, which among the Romans denoted the first days of every month, and anciently was written in large characters at the head of each month. See Al- manac, Calends, Month, Time, Year, &c. In calendars, the days were originally divided into oc- toades, or eights; but afterwards, in imitation of the Jews and Orientals, they were divided into hebdomades, or sevens, for what we now call a week : which custom, Sca- liger observes, was not in use among the Romans till after the time of Theodosius. Divers calendars are established in different countries, according to the different forms of the year, and distribu- tions of time: as the Persian, the Roman, the Jewish, the Julian, the Gregorian, &c, calendars. — The ancient Ro- man calendar is given by Ricciolus, Struvius, Danet, and others ; in which we perceive the order and number of the Roman holy-days and work-days. — The Jewish calendar was fixed by Rabbi Hillel, abouttheyear 360 ; from which time the days of their year may be reduced to those of the Julian calendar. — The three Christian calendars are given by Wolfius in his Elements of Chronology ; as also the Jewish and Mohamedan calendars. Other writers on the calendars are Victa, Clavius, Scaliger, Dlondel, &c. The Roman Calendar was first formed by Romulus, who distributed time into several periods for the use of his followers and people under his command. He divided the year into 10 months, of 304 days; beginning on the first of March, and ending with December. Numa reformed the calendar of Romulus. He, added the months of January and February, making it to com- 2 L 2 C A L [ 260 ] C A L mence on the first of January, and to consist of 355 days. But as this was evidently deficient of the true year, he or- dered an intercalation of 45 days to be made every 4 years, in this manner, viz, Every 2 years an additional month of 22 days, between February and March ; and at the end of each two years more, another month of 23 days ; the month thus interposed, being called Marcedonius, or the intercalary February. Julius Caesar, with the aid of Sosigenes, a celebrated as- tronomer of those times, further reformed the Roman ca- lendar, whence arose the Julian calendar, and the Julian or old stvle. Finding that the sun performed his annual course in 365 days and a quarter nearly, he divided the year into 365 days, but every 4th year 366 days, adding a day to the 23d of February, which being the 6th of the calends, and thus reckoued twice, gave occasion to the name Bissextile, or what we also call leap-year. This calendar was further reformed by order of the pope, Gregory xin; from whence arose the term Gregorian ca- lendar and style, or what is now called the new style, which is now observed by almost all nations in Europe. The year of Julius was too long by nearly 11 minutes, which amounts to about 3 days in 400 years; the pope therefore, by the advice of Clavius andCiaconius, ordained that there should be omitted a day in every 3 centuries out of 4 ; so that every century, which would otherwise be a bissextile year, is made to be only a common year, excepting only such centuries as are exactly divisible by 4, which happens once in 4 centuries. See Bissextile. This reformation of the calendar, or the new style, as we call it, commenced in the countries under the popish in- fluence, on the 4th of October 1582, when 10 days were omitted at once, which had been over-run since the time of the council of Nice, in the year 325, by the surplus of 11 minutes each year. But in England it only commenced in 1752, when 11 days were omitted at once, the 3d of September being accounted the 14th that year ; as the sur- plus minutes had then amounted to 11 days. And now, since the year 1800, another day has been added on ac- count of the odd minutes; so that now our new style dif- fers from the old bv 12 days. Julian Christian Calendar, is-that in which the days of the week are determined by the letters a,b, c, r>,E,F, g, by means of the solar cycle; and the new and full moons, particularly the paschal full moon, with the feast of Easter, and the other moveable feasts depending on it, by means of golden numbers, orlunarcycles, rightly disposed through the Julian year. See Cycle, and Golden Number. In this calendar, it is supposed that the vernal equinox is fixed to the 21st day of March,; and that the golden numbers, or cycles of 19 years, constantly indicate the places of the new and full moons; though both are erro- neous ; and from hence arose a great irregularity in the time of Easter. GrejotvVm Calendar, is that which, bymcansof epacts, rightly disposed through the several months, determines the new and full moons, with the time of Easter, and the moveable feasts depending on it, in the Gregorian year. This differs therefore from the Julian calendar, both in the form of the year, and in as much as epacts are substi- tuted instead of golden numbers. See Epact. Though the Gregorian calendar be more accurate than the Julian, yet it is not without imperfections, as Scaliger and Calvisius have fully shown; nor does it appear pos- sible to devise any one that shall be quite perfect. Yet the Reformed Calendar, and that which is ordered to be observed in England, by act of parliament made the 24th of George ii, come very near to the point of accuracy : For, by that act it is ordered that "Easter-day, en which the rest depend, is always the first Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon, or next after the 21st day of March ; and if the full-moon happens on a Sunday, Easter- day is the Sunday after." Reformed, or Corrected, Calendar is that which, re- jecting all the apparatus of golden numbers, epacts, and dominical letters, determines the equinox, and the paschal full moon, with the moveable feasts depending on it, by computation from astronomical tables. This calenda\- was introduced among the protestant states of Germany in the year 1700, when 11 days were omitted in the month of February, to make the corrected style agree with the Gregorian. This alteration in the form of the year, they admitted for a time ; in expectation that, the true quantity of the tropical year being at length more accurately de- termined by observation, the Romanists wduld agree with them on some more convenient intercalation. French New Calendar, is quite of a different form of calendar from all others. It commenced in France on the 22d of September 179-'j soon after the change of govern- ment. At the time of printing this (viz, in July 1794), it does not certainly appear whether this new calendar will be made permanent or not; but merely as a curiosity in the science of chronology, a very brief notice of it may here be added, as follows. The year, in this calendar, commences at midnight the beginning of that day in which fall the true autumnal equi- nox for the observatory of Paris. The year is divided into 12 equal months, of 30 days each; after which 5 supple- mentary days are added, to complete the 305 days ot the ordinary year : these 5 days do not belong to any month. Each month is divided into three decades of 10 days each ; distinguished by 1st, 2d, and 3d decade. All these are named according to the order of the natural numbers, viz, the 1st, 2d, 3d, Ike, month, or day of the decade, or of the supplementary days. The years which receive an inter- calary day, when the position of the equinox requires it, which we call embolismic or bissextile, they call olympic ; and the period of four, years, ending with an olympic year, is called an olympiade; the intercalary day being placed after the ordinary (we supplementary days, and making the last day of the olympic year. Each day, from mid- night to midnight, is divided into 10 parts, each part into 10 others, and so on to the last mcasui able portion of time. In this calendar the months and days have new names. The first three months of the year, of which the autumn is composed, take their etymology, the first from the vintage which takes place from September to October, and is called Vendemaire; the second, Brumaire, from the mists and low fogs, which show as it were the transudation of nature from October to November: the third, I rimaire, from the various colds which are generally felt from November to December. The three winter months take their etymo- logy, the first, Nivose, from the snow which whitens the earth from December to January; the second, Pluviose, from the rains which usually fall in greater abundance from January to February; the third, V'entose, from the wind which dries the earth from February to March. The three spring months take their etymology, the first, Ger- CAL I M\ ] C A L minal, from the fermentation and developement of the sap from March to April ; the second, Floreal, from the blow- ing of the flowers from April to May ; the third. Prairial, from the smiling fecundity of the meadow crops from May to June. Lastly, the three summer months take their ety- mology, the first, Messidor, from the appearance of the wa- ving ears of corn and the golden harvests which cover the fields from June to July; the second, Thermidor, from the heat, at once solar and terrestrial, which inflames the air from July to August; the third, Fructidor, from the fruits gilt and ripened by the sun from August to Septem- ber. Thus, the whole 12 months are, Autumn. Spring. Vendemaire Germinal Brumaire Floreal Frimaire. Prairial. Winter. Summer. Nivose Messidor Pluviose Thermidor Ventose. Fructidor. From these denominations it follows, that by the mere pronunciation of the name of the month, every one readily perceives three things and all their relations, viz, the kind of season, the temperature, and the state of vegetation : for instance, in the word germinal, his imagination will easily conceive, by the termination of the word, that the spring commences ; by the construction of the word, that the elementary agents are busied ; and by the signification of the word, that the buds unfold themselves. As to the names of the days of the week, or decade of 10 days each, which they have adopted instead of seven, as these bear the stamp of judicial astrology and heathen mythology, they are simply called from the first ten num- bers; thus, Primidi Sextidi Duodi Septidi Tridi Octidi Quartidi Nonidi Quintidi Decndi. In the almanac, or annual calendar, instead of the mul- titude of saints, one for each day in the year, as in the popish calendars, they annex to every day the name of some animal, or utensil, or work, or fruit, or flower, or ve- . yetable, &c, appropriate and most proper to the times. This calendar however was changed for the old one again, with the change of the form of government. For the ca- lendars of the Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, Syrians, Persians, Mahomedans, Ethiopians, &c, see the article Year. Calendar Mont/is, the solar months as they stand in the calendar, viz, January 31 days, &c. The number of days in each month may be suggested to the memory by the following canon : "Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; February has twenty-eight alone, And all the rest have thirty-one." Astronomical Calendar, an instrument engraven upon copper-plates, printed on paper, and pasted on board, with a brass slider which carries a hair, and shows by inspec- tion the sun's meridian altitude, right ascension, declina- tion, rising, setting, amplitude, &c, to a greater exactness than can be shown by the common globes. CALENDS, Cakndce, in the Roman Chronology, de- noted the first days of each month ; being so named from KtzXew, (caleo) 1 call, or proclaim ; because that, before the publication of the Roman Fasti, and counting their mouths by the motion of the moon, a priest was appointed to ob- serve the first appearance of the new moon ; who, having seen her, gave notice to the president of the sacrifices lo offer one; and calling the people together, he proclaimed unto them how they should reckon the days until the nones; pronouncing the word Caleo 5 times if the nones should happen on the 5th da3', or seven times if they hap- pened on the 7th day of the month. The calends were reckoned backwards, or in a retro- grade order: thus, for example, the first of May being the calends of May, the last or 30th day of April was the pridie calendarum, or2d of the calends of May; the 29th of April the 3d of the calends, or before the calends: and so back to the 1 3th, where the ides commence ; which are likewise numbered backwards to the 5th, where the nones begin ; and also reckoned after the same manner to the first day of the month, which is the calends of April. Hence conies this rule to find the day of the calends answering to any day of the month, viz, Consider how many days of the month are yet remaining after the day proposed, and to that number add 2, for the number of or from the calends. For example, suppose it were the 23d day of April, it would then be the 9th of the calends of May : for April containing 30 days, from which 23 being taken, there remains 7 ; to which 2 being added, makes the sum 9. And the reason for this addition of the constant number 2, is because the last day of the month is called the 2d of the calends of the month following. CALIBER, or Caliper, is the thickness or diameter of a round body, particularly the bore or width of a piece of ordnance, or that of its ball. Caliber Compasses, or Caliper Compasses, or simple Calipers, a sort of compasses made with bowed or arched legs, the better to take the diameter of any round body ; as the diameters of balls, or the bores of guns; or the diameter, and even the length of casks, and such like. The best sort of calipers usually contain the following ar- ticles, viz, 1st, the measure of convex diameters in inches &c; 2d, of concave diameters; 3d, the weight of iron shot of given diameters ; 4th, the weight of iron shot for given gun bores ; 5th, the degrees of a semicircle; Oth, the proportion of troy and avoirdupois weight; 7th, the pro- portion of English and French; feet and pounds weight; 8th, factors used in circular and spherical figures; 9>h, tables of the specific gravities and weights of bodies ; 10th, tables of the quantity of powder necessary for the proof and service of brass and iron guns ; 11th, rules for com- puting the number of shot or shells in a complete pile; 12th, rules for the fall or descent of heavy bodies; 13th,. rules for the raising of water ; 14th, rules for firing artih- lery and mortars; 1 5th, a line of inches ; lfith, logarith- mic scales of numbers, sines, versed sines, and tangents; 17th, a sectoral line of equal parts, or the line of lines;, 18th, a sectoral line of planes and superficies; and lf»th, a sectoral line of solids. Calippic, Period, in Chronology, a period of 76 years, continually recurring; at every repetition of which, it was supposed, by its inventor Calippus, an Athenian as- tronomer, that the mean new and full moons would al- ways return to the same day and hour. About a century before, the golden number or cycle of. 1£) years had been invented by Meton, which Calippus finding to contain 19 of Nabonassar's year, 4 days and £|£, to avoid fractions he quadrupled it, and so produced) C A L c ] C A L his period of 76' years, or 4 times 19; after which he supposed all the lunations &c would regularly return to the same hour. But neither is this exact, as it brings them too late by a whole day in 225 years. CALORIC, in the new Chemical Nomenclature, is that supposed material substance which possesses the power of exciting the feeling of heat in the animal body; or it is the matter and the cause of heat. The general properties of caloric are the following : If it be considered as material, it must be a substance of ex- treme subtlety and tenuity, entirely imponderable by hu- man instruments, derived immediately from the sun toge- ther with light, and like light obeying certain and similar laws of reflection and refraction, and also elicited by com- bustion and by various other instances of chemical action, percussion or collision, friction, the electric spark, galva- nism, &c: when uncombined, moving with immense velo- city in every direction, and constantly tending to an equi- librium ; penetrating all bodies in nature with more or less facility, and thereby enlarging their dimensions, without increasing their weight : when combined, probably enter- ing into chemical union with other bodies, and thereby constituting the different states of liquid, vapour, or gas : and lastly, when applied suddenly to the animal body, oc- casioning the sensations of warmth, heat, or, in greater in- tensity, burning. Sec the articles Light and Heat. Caloric, then, is a word used to denote that substance by which the phenomena of heat are produced ; and the same as was formerly termed igneous fluid, matter of heat, and other analogous denominations. There are perhaps few subjects respecting which a more remarkable versati- lity of general opinion has been evinced, than with regard to the existence or non-existence of this principle. Are the physical effects of heat produced by the operation of a material fluid, sui generis ? or is heat merely an affec- tion, consisting in internal vibrations and collisions of its particles, or in some other mode of corpuscular action, of which we are ignorant, and is there consequently no such thing as caloric ? These are the questions that have di- vided the opinions of many of the ablest philosophers of both ancient and modern times ; but though different opi- nions still prevail on this subject, yet the former of these hypotheses seems to be most generally received. Among the ancients who supposed the materiality of heat, may be reckoned Zeno and Cicero : the latter, in his book De Natura Deorum, says expressly, that heat is combined with water, as its liquefaction sufficiently proves; and that it cannot freeze nor congeal into snow or hoar-frost, with- out suffering that heat to escape, &c, &c: which is very nearly the idea that we have of it at the present day ; and indeed this appears to have been the most prevailing opi- nion till the time of Lord Bacon, who, in his work De Forma Calidi, considers heat as the effect of an intestine motion, or mutual collision of the particles of the body heated ; an expansive uiuluhitory motion in the minute particles of the body, by which they tend with some rapi- dity towards the circumference, and at the same time in- cline a little upwards; which idea was also with some modifications adopted by Descartes, Newton, Boyle, and the other mechanical philosophers of the succeeding age. The general opinion however among chemists, was still in favour of the materiality of heat; and as chemistry be- came more generally known, so this opinion gained strength, till Count Rumford by some experiments seemed to show, that heat was imponderable, and capable of being produced, ad infinitum, from a finite quantity of matter, which again threw some doubt on this question ; and though these results appear, in some degree, to have been confuted by subsequent experiments, yet is the matter at present undecided, and will probably always be involved in some obscurity. We cannot here enter into the merits of the particular arguments that have been advanced on both sides of this intricate and interesting inquiry ; but we shall enumerate a few of the principal experiments that have been made on this subject, and shall then leave the reader to draw his own conclusion, as to the materia- lity or immateriality of heat, or the cause of heat ; or, in other words, of the existence or non-existence of that substance which is defined by the term Caloric. It is known, that when water freezes, a portion of heat is given out by it during the congelation, which is so consi- derable, that if we were to conceive it to be transmitted to, and imbibed by an equal quantity of water at the tem- perature of 32° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, the latter would be heated to no less than 140°, or to 172°; if therefore heat were a ponderable substance, it might be imagined that a given quantity of water would become lighter when frozen in a vessel hermetically sealed. This circumstance therefore induced some philosophers to as- certain, if possible, the ponderability of caloric, and thus to decide the question on which so many opinions had been formed. Of the experiments made for this purpose, that of Dr. Fordyce seems to have been conducted with the greatest caution. He took a glass globe, three inches in diameter, with a short neck, and weighing 451 grains ; poured into it 1700 grains of water from the New River, London, and then sealed it hermetically. The whole of which then weighed 2150-|4 grains, at the temperature of 32°: this was then put for 20 minutes into a freezing mixture of snow and salt, till some of it was frozen, and was then taken out, and wiped perfectly dry with a linen cloth, and next with a clean dry piece of washed leather; and being then immediately weighed, it was found to be ■~ s th of a grain heavier than before : this was repeated five times, at each time more of the water was frozen, and more weight gained ; and when the whole was frozen, it was found to have gained -rg-ths of a grain; but the tem- ■ perature of the globe, and contained ice, by having been kept in the frozen mixture, had been reduced to 12° of Fahrenheit's thermometer: and on allowing it to rise to 32°, it was found to weigh -^th of a grain more than when the water was fluid. The beam in this experiment was so adjusted that it would mark -^-^ of a grain. By this result therefore it appears that water by freez- ing, an operation in which it evolves caloric, becomes heavier, and that of course the addition of caloric to a body renders it absolutely lighter ; which if admitted goes to prove, that caloric counteracts the cll'ect of gravitation, as it does that of contiguous attraction or affinity. This experiment was repeated by Morvcau and Chaussier, and with the same result, the water being heavier after it had been frozen in glass vessels hermetically sealed, than it was before when in its fluid state. This subject soon attracted the attention of Lavoisier; and his experiments, which were published in the Me- moirs of the French Academy, led him to conclude that the weightof bodies is mil at all altered by healing or cool- ing them, and Consequently that caloric produces no sen- sible change in the weigh! ot bodies. Count Rumford also made similar experiments, and was at first led to the same C A L [ 263 ] C A L conclusion as Dr. Fordyce ; but afterwards, by varying the experiments, be had reason to suppose that he had been mistaken in the first instance, and he finally came to the same conclusion as Lavoisier. Hence then we may conclude from these experiments, and others of a simi- lar nature which have been made on this subject, that if caloric be possessed of weight, it exists at least in such a state of rarity, that its gravity cannot be ascertained by experiment. But Count Rumford went still further, and endeavoured to prove that an inexhaustible supply of heat may be produced from a finite quantity of matter ; and that therefore heat must be an effect arising from some species of corpuscular action among the constitu- ent particles of the body, agreeably to the notions of Bacon. This experiment was conducted in the following manner. The Count caused a cylinder of brass to be turned 7f inches in diameter, and P'S inches long, which was bored like a cannon with a caliber 3 P 7 inches in dia- meter, and 7'i inches deep; so that the bottom was 2"6 inches in thickness. The hollow cylinder contained 385^ cubic iiiches of brass, and weighed 113M3lbs avoirdupois. By means of the engine used for boring cannon in the ar- senal of Munich, a blunt borer, or flat piece of hardened steel, 4 inches long, 0'6~3 inch thick, and 3-i inches wide, was kept with one of its extremities, whose area was about 2y square inches, pressed against the bottom of this hol- low cylinder on the inside, with a force of about 10,000lbs avoirdupois, while the latter was turned about its axis, with a velocity of 32 revolutions in a minute. In one experiment, the cylinder was covered on the outside with a coating of thick flannel, to prevent the access of heat from the atmosphere ; and in another, the borer was made to work through a collar of leathers, so as to prevent ac- cess of air also to the interior of the bore ; and in a third, the whole cylinder was immersed in water, the borer still working through a collar of leathers, so as to prevent the access of the water to the interior of the bore; again, in a fourth, the collar of leathers was removed, and the wa- ter had access to the bottom of the interior of the bore where the friction took place. The result was, that in all these cases heat was generated by the friction in suffi- cient quantity to cause about 26-4-lbs of ice-cold water to boil in two hours and a half; or at about the same rate as that at which it would have been produced by 9 large wax candles. The capacity of brass for heat, or its power of producing it by friction, did not appear to be diminish- ed, and it seemed that this generation of heat would have gone on for ever, if the friction had been continued, or that the source of it was inexhaustible. Now any thing which an insulated body, or a system of bodies, can continue to supply without limitation, cannot possibly be a material substance; and hence the conclusion was, that heat must be an effect arising from some species of cor- puscularaction among the constituent particles of the body. Some other experiments of M. Pictet, Mr. Davy, and other celebrated chemists, seem to be in favour of the con- clusions drawn by Count Rumford from those above stated ; but there are others, that appear to contradict this principle, some of which were made by the Count himself. If heat arise only from the corpuscular motion of the particles of the body, it would follow that no heat could be produced, but in those cases where motion could be communicated; whence again heat could not be derived through a vacuum. But Count Rumford, by a very satis- factory experiment, has shown that heat may be commu- nicated through a Torricellian vacuum, in which there could be nothing to communicate or propagate motion ; for though such a vacuum may be not quite complete, yet the matter of it must be in such a state of rarity, as to prevent us from supposing for a moment, that it is capable of exciting motion in the particles of the body placed in it; and consequently, that the conclusion drawn from the- boring experiment was inaccurate : and a recent discovery made by Dr. Herschel, has at last nearly put an end to- the dispute; by demonstrating that caloric is not a pro- perty of matter, but a peculiar substance; or at least that we have the same reason for considering it as a substance, as we have for believing light to be material. Dr. Herschel had been employed in making observa- tions on the sun by means of telescopes ; and to prevent the inconvenience arising from the heat, he used coloured glasses; but these glasses, when they were deep enough co- loured to intercept the light, very soon cracked and broke to pieces; which circumstance induced him to examine the heating power of the different coloured rays. He there- fore made each of them in its turn fall upon the bulb of a thermometer, near which two other thermometers were placed to serve as a standard ; and the number of degrees that the thermometer exposed to the coloured ray rose above the other two thermometers, indicated the heating power of that ray. Pie thus found, that the most refran- gible rays have the least heating power; this power gra- dually increasing as the refrangibility di- minishes. The heating power of the Violet = 16 green, violet, and red rays, as determined Green = 22'4 by these experiments are expressed by Red = 55 Dr. Herschel, by the annexed numbers. It struck Dr. Herschel as very remarkable, that the il- luminating power and the heating power of the solar rays should follow such different laws : the first existing in greatest perfection in the middle of the spectrum, and di- minishing as we approach either extremity ; but the second constantly increasing from the violet end, and being greatest at the red end. This led him to suspect, that probably the heating power did not stop at the termination of the visible spectrum, but is continued beyond it; he therefore placed the thermometer completely without the boundary of the red ray, but still in the line of the spectrum; and it rose still higher than when exposed to the red ray : and on shifting the thermometer still furtherit continued to rise; the rise not reaching its maximum till the thermometer was half an inch beyond the visible spectrum : when shift- ed still further, it sank a little, but the power of heating did not cease at the distance of an inch and a half from the real ray. These experiments were afterwards repeated and fully confirmed by Sir Henry Englerield, in the presence of some very good judges. The apparatus was very different from that of Dr. Herschel, being contrived on purpose to obviate certain objections which had been made, to the conclusion drawn by that celebrated philosopher ; and the bulbs of the thermometers were mostly blackened. The following are the results of these experiments. Thermometer in the blue ray rose in 3™ from 55° to 56° green - - 3 - 54 - 58 yellow - - 3 - 56 - 62 full red - 11 - 56 - 72 confines of red 2i - 58 - 73] beyond the visible light 24 - 61 - 79 C A L [ 264 ] C A L The thermometer with its bulb blackened, rose muA more when placed in the same circumstances, than the -thermometers whose bulb was either naked, or whitened with paint ; as is shown in the following table : R , f black thermometer in 3™ from 5S° to 6l° ' \ white thermometer 3 - 55 - 58 p. , l~ black thermometer 3 - 59 - 6-i \ white thermometer 3 - 58 - 5S-£ Confines of ( black thermometer 3 - 59-71 red \ white thermometer 3 - 57i 60i Both Dr. Herschel and Sir H. Englefield take notice of a faint blush of red, of a semi-oval form, visible when the rays beyond the end of the spectrum were collected by a lens. From these experiments it follows, that there are rays emitted from the sun which produce heat, but have not the power of illuminating; and that these are the rays that produce the greatest quantity of heat: and conse- quently caloric is emitted from the sun in rays, and the rays of caloric are not the same with the rays of light. We have thus enumerated many of the principal expe- riments that have been made, in order to prove the mate- riality or immateriality of heat ; and without insisting fur- ther on ihis subject, on which prubably the present state of knowledge is insufficient for forming a decided opinion. It seems however that, under all the circumstances attend- ing this inquiry, we ought rather to consider it as a mate- rial substance ; because of the two theories, that which supposes it to be so is by far the most intelligible, the most agreeable to the analogy of nature, and the least ex- ceptionable ; and we shall accordingly regard it as an elastic fluid, sui generis, capable of pervading, with vari- ous degrees of facility, all the solid bodies with which we are acquainted, and of being imbibed and retained by them in different proportions, according to their respective degrees of specific attraction, or capacity for it. It will easily be conceivced, that from the elasticity and power of pervading other substances, which we have attri- buted to this fluid, it must necessarily follow that when a body is by any means charged with a larger quantity of it than is proportional to its mass and capacity, when com- pared with those of other bodies in its vicinity ; the sur- plus will be communicated to those other bodies, until the density of the fluid in every body in the system be- comes equal ; in like manner as a quantity of air thrown into one of a number of vessels communicating with cich other, will pass from it to the others, until it becomes dis- tributed among them all, in proportion to their respecti\e capacities; or till it becomes of equal density in them all : and this state of density or compression of the calo- ric is called its temperature. The celerity and facility with which (his fluid pervades different substances, are however extremely various, as may be shown by the following experiment. Take a small cylindrical earthen or wooden vessel, between three and four inches in diameter, and insert into it, through holes drilled in its bottom for that purpose, several wires about •yth of an inch in diameter, and 6 or 7 inches long, of equal size in every respect, but of different metals, as gold, silver, copper, iron, brass, and zinc; and also two small rods, one of glass and the other of wood, of equal dimensions with the wire ; so that they may each of them project about ^ an inch on the inside of the vessel ; the nlher parts being on the outside, and forming a kind of btand for i(. Dip a portion of the lower extremities of these wires into melted wax, so that they may become equally coated with it ; and when the wax has cooled, fill the vessel with a heated fluid, as boiling water, or melted lead, and observe the intervals between the time of filling it, and the melting of the wax ; which intervals, will in- dicate the relative conducting power of the substances. We shall now conclude this article by a slight investi- gation of the effects arising from the condensation or ra- refaction of this fluid in bodies : by the former their tem- perature is elevated, or they are heated ; and by the latter it is depressed, or they become cooled. In our investigation of the most universal operations in nature, we generally find that the more immediate instru- ments employed for the production of the effects which we perceive, are two counteracting powers, by whose co-ope- ration, and mutual counterpoise, the necessary equilibrium is preserved, and the purposes of their creation effected, with greater regularity than would probably result from the employment of a single agent. Thus, gravity is, as we know, counteracted by inertia; and the effects of cohesion, a no less universal principle than gravity, are in like man- ner restrained and modified by the agency of caloric: and as without inertia, all the celestial bodies would be drawn together into some one part of extended space; so without heat, all the matter in the universe would become a con- gealed and concrete mass; and fluidity and organization, vegetation, and life, would have no existence. Solids be- come first expanded, and then liquified, by its influence, and liquids assume the aeriform state. It is essential to the idea of a solid body, that it should in a certain degree resist both compression and dilatation; that is, that its particles should repel each other when brought nearer to- gether, and attract each other when further separated, within certain limits; and it is incontrovertible that they can only remain in a quiescent state, by the equilibrium of these opposite forces. The latter of these consti- tutes cohesion, and the existence of the former is probably attributable to the substance of which we are now speak- ing. But be this as it may, it is at least a fact, that the repulsive energies of these corpuscles are increased, and the sphere of action enlarged by its influence, for the body becomes expanded ; that is, this equilibrium no longer takes place, unless its molecular are removed fur- ther from each other than when it was at a lower tempe- rature. Elevate its temperature still further, and the body fuses ; that is, the attractive power of its particles becomes annihilated, or wholly counteiacted, and they are only kept together, like a quantity of shot, by the action of gravity, operating independently on each. Increase still the action of heat on the body, and the sphere of repulsion of its parti- cles, or the distance to which this power operates, again becomes much further extended, perhaps infinitely so, and is therefore sufficient to overpower the action of gravity, and the body becomes resolved into an elastic fluid. We. know of no power that is capable of resisting this univer- sal solvent: gold itself may be expanded into vapour by the action of heat; and as these ellects are always produ- cible by the same cause, so is it at least probable, that the converse of; this is also true; that whenever a substance is formed in a stale of fluidity, it is attributable solely to this cause, and that the abstraction of the caloric, by which it' is held in solution, would again reduce it ton solid. Mercury is, we know, capable, of congelation; and the at- mosphere itself would probably become a concrete body, if we could deprive it of all, or the greater part of its heat . CAM [ Hence then we arrive at a very distinctive and appro- priate definition of caloric ; that it is that substance, or affection of matter, which is the cause of fluidity, in all or the greater part of the bodies that we meet with in that state. For a fuller and more detailed account of caloric and its various properties, see Murray's or Thomson's Chemis- try; and for the ancient opinionson this subjectsee Heat. CAMBER-BEAM, a piece of timber cut arch-wise, or with an obtuse angle in the middle. They are commonly used in platforms, as for church-roofs, and other occasions where long timbers are wanted to lie at a small slope. A camber-beam is much stronger than another of the same dimensions; for being laid with the hollow side down- wards, and having good butments at the ends, they serve for a kind of arch. CAMELEON, one of the constellations of the southern hemisphere, near the south pole, and invisible in our lati- tude. There are ten stars marked in this constellation in Sharpe's catalogue. CAMELOPARDALUS, a new constellation of the northern hemisphere, formed by Hevelius, consisting of 32 stars first observed by him. It is situated between Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Perseus, the Two Bears, and Draco ; and it contains 58 stars in the British catalogue. CAMERA Molia, a name given by Kircher to a con- trivance for blowing the fire, for the fusion of ores, with- out bellows. This is effected by means of water falling through a funnel into a close vessel, which sends from it so much air or vapour, as continually blows the fire.. See Hooke's Philos. Coll. No. 3, pa. 80. Camera Lucida, a contrivance of Dr. Hooke to make the image of any thing appear on a wall in a light room, either by day or night. See Philos. Trans. No. 38, pa. 741. Another camera lucida has lately been introduced by William Hyde Wollaston, M. D. secretary of the Royal Society. Camera Obscura, or Dark Chamber, an optical ma- chine or apparatus, representing an artificial eye, by which the images of external objects, received through a double convex glass, are shown distinctly, and in their native co- lours, on a white ground placed within the machine, in the focus of the glass. The first invention of the camera obscura is ascribed to John Baptista Porta. See his Ma- gia Naturalis, lib. 17, cap. .6, where he largely describes the effects of it. See also the end of Gravesande's Per- spective, and other optical writers, for the construction and uses of various sorts of camera obscuras. This machine serves for many useful and entertaining purposes. For example, it is very useful in explaining the nature of vision, representing a kind of artificial eye: it exhibits very diverting spectacles; showing images per- fectly like their objects, clothed in their natural colours, but more intense and vivid, and at the same time accom- panied with all their motions ; an advantage which no art can imitate: and by this instrument, a person unacquaint- ed with painting, or drawing, may delineate objects with the greatest accuracy of drawing or colouring. Theory of the Camera Obscura. The theory and prin- ciple of this instrument may be thus explained. If any object ab radiate through a small aperture L, upon a white ground opposite to it, within a darkened room, or box, &c ; the image of the object will be painted on that ground in an inverted position. For, by the smallness of the aperture, the rays from the object will cross each other Vol. I. there, the image of the point a being at a, and that of b at b ; so that the whole object ab will appear inverted, as at ab. And as the corresponding rays make eq^ual an- gles on both sides of the aperture, if the ground be pa- rallel to the object, their heights will be to each other di- rectly as their distances from the aperture. Construction of a Camera Obscura, in which the images of external objects shall be represented distinctly, and in their genuine colours, either in an inverted or an erect si- tuation. 1st, Darken a chamber that has one of its win- dows looking towards a place containing various objects to be viewed, leaving only a small aperture open in .one shutter. 2d, In this aperture fit a proper lens, either pla- no-convex, or convex on both sides; the convexity form- ing a small portion of a large sphere. But note, that if the aperture be made very small, as of the size of a pea, the objects will be represented even without any lens at all. 3d, At a proper distance, to be determined by trials, stretch a paper or white cloth, unless there be a white wall at that distance, to receive the images of the objects: or the best way is to have some plaster of Paris cast on a convex mould, so as to form a smooth concave surface, and of a curvature and size adapted to the lens, to be placed occasionally at the proper distance. 4th, If it be desired to have the objects appear erect, instead of in- verted, this may be done either by placing a concave lens between the centre and the. focus of the first lens; or by reflecting the image from a plane speculum inclined to the horizon in an angle of 45 degrees ; or by having two lenses included in a draw-tube, instead of one. That the images be clear and distinct, it is necessary that- the objects be illuminated by the sun's light shining upon them from the opposite quarter : so that, in a west- ern prospect, the images will be best seen in a forenoon,- an eastern prospect the afternoon, and a northern prospect about noon ; a southern aspect is the least eligible of any. But the best way of any is, if the lens be fixed in a pro- per frame, on the top of a building, and made to move ea- sily round in all directions, by a handle extended to the person who manages the instrument ; the images being then thrown down into a dark fbom immediately below it, on a horizontal plaster of Paris ground a little concave: for thus a view of all the objects quite around may easily be taken in the space of a few minutes; as in the case of the excellent camera obscura placed on the top of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. The objects will be seen brighter, if the spectator first wait a few minutes in the dark. Care should also be taken, that no light escape through any chinks ; and that the ground be not too much illuminated. It may further be observed, that the greater distance there is between the aperture and the ground, the larger the images will be; but then at the same time the brightness is weakened more and more with the increase of distance. 2 M CAM [ 266 ] C A M To construct a Portable Camera Obscura. 1st, Provide a small box or chest of dry wood, about 10 inches broad, and 2 feet long or more, according to the size of the lenses. 2d, In one side of it, as bd, fit a sliding tube ef with two lenses; or, to have the image at a less distance from the tube, with three lenses, convex on both sides; the diame- ter of the two outer ones to be about 7 inches, but that of the inner to be less, as 4-J or 5 inches. 3d, At a proper distance, within the box, set up perpendicularly an oiled paper gh, so that images thrown upon it may appear on the other side. 4th, In the opposite side, ati, make a round hole, for a person to look conveniently through with both eyes. Then if the tube be turned towards the objects, and the lenses be placed by trials at the proper distance, by sliding the tube in and out, the objects will be seen de- lineated on the paper, erect as before. The machine may be better accommodated for draw- ing, by placing a mirror to pass from g to c; for this will reflect the image upon a rough glass plane, or an oiled pa- per, placed horizontally at ab; and a copy of it may there be sketched with a black-lead pencil. Another Portable Camera Obscura is thus made. 1st, On the top of a box or chest raise a little turret hi, open to- wards the object ab. 2d, Behind the aperture, incline a small mirror ab at an angle of 4-5 degrees, to reflect the rays a« and u& upon a lens g convex on both sides, and included in a tube gl. Or the lens may be fixed in the aperture. 3d, At the distance of the focus of this lens place a table, or board ef, covered with a white paper, to receive the image ab. Lastly, In mn make an oblong aperture to look through ; arid an opening may also be made in the side of the box, for the convenience of drawing. This sort of camera is easily changed into a show-box, for viewing prints, &c: placing the print at the bottom of the box, with its upper part inwards, where it is enlight- ened through the front, left open for this purpose, either by day or candle-light; and the print may be viewed through the aperture in hi. — A variety of contrivances for this purpose may be seen described in Harris's Optics, b. ii. sect. 4. — Mr. Storer has also procured a patent for an instrument of this kind, which he calls a delineator; being formed of two double convex lenses and a plane mir- ror, fitted into a proper box. One lens is placed close to the mirror, making with it an angle of 45 decrees; the othef being placed at right angles to the former, and fixed in a moveable tube. If the moveable lens be directed to- wards the object which is to be viewed or copied, and mo- ved nearer to or farther from the mirror, till the imaoe is distinctly formed on a greyed glass, laid upon that surface of the upper lens which is next the eye, it will be found m'ore sharp and vivid than those formed in the common in- struments; because the image, is received so near the up- per lens. And by increasing the diameter and curvature of the lenses, the effect will be much heightened. CAMPANI (Matthew), an eminent Italian optician, born in the diocese of Spoletto, in the 17th century, but resided chiefly at Rome, where he was very eminent for his mechanical contrivances of optical and philosophical instruments, and for several books on such subjects; par- ticularly relating to pendulums, or timepieces, for the lon- gitude; also to spectacles, and to telescopes, of which it is said he made the very best and largest of his time. It is said it was by his telescopes that the first Cassini made his best observations and chief discoveries in the heavens; and they still show at Paris, among the astronomical antiqui- ties, several of Campani's object-glasses, of 8, 10, and 12 inches diameter. He was curate at Rome, and much re- spected. CAMPANI (Joseph), younger brother and pupil to Matthew", above mentioned, was also very skilful in mecha- nics and physic, and executed his brother's plans with great ingenuity. They were both living in ]6"78. CAMUS (Chakles-Stephen-Lewis), a celebrated French mathematician, examiner of the Royal Schools of Artillery and Engineers, secretary and professor of the Royal Academy of Architecture, honorary member of that of the Marine, and fellow of the Royal Society of London, was born at Cressy en Brie, the 25th of August l6"99. His early ingenuity in mechanics and his own entreaties, in- duced his parents to send him to study at a college in Pa- ris, at 10 years of age; where in the space of two years his progress was so great, that he was able to give lessons in mathematics, arid thus to defray his own expenses at the college, without any further charge to his parents. By the assistance of the celebrated Varignon, young Camus soon ran through the course of the higher mathematics, and ac- quired a name among the learned. He made himself more particularly known to the Academy of Sciences in 1727, by his' memoir on the subject of the prize which they had proposed for that year, viz, " To determine the most ad- vantageous way of masting ships;" in consequence of which he was named that year Adjoint-Mechanician to the Aca- demy; and in 1730 he was appointed professor of archi- tecture. In less than three years after, he was honoured with the secretaryship of the same; and the ISth of April 1733, he obtained the degree of Associate in the Academy, where he distinguished himseli greatly by his memoirs on living forces, or bodies in motion acted on I)}' forces, on the figure of the teeth of wheels and pinions, on pump work, and several other ingenious memoirs. In 1736 he was sent, in company with Messieurs Clai- CAN [ ] CAN raut, Maupertuis, and Monnier, on the celebrated expedi- tion to measure a degree at the north polar circle; in which he rendered himself highly useful, not only as a mathema- tician, but also as a mechanician and aa artist, branches for which he had a remarkable talent. In 1741 Camus had the honour to be appointed Pen- sioner-Geometrician in the Academy ; and the same year he invented a gauging-rod and sliding-rule, proper at once jo gauge all sorts of casks, and to calculate their contents. About the year 17*7 he was named Examiner of the Schools of Artillery and Engineers: and, in 1756, one of the eight mathematicians appointed to examine by a new measurement, the base which had formerly been measured by Picard, between Villejuifve and Juvisi ; an operation in which his ingenuity and exactness were of great utility. In 1765 M. Camus was elected a fellow of the Royal So- ciety of London; and died the 4th of May 17<5S, in the 69th year of his age; being succeeded by the celebrated d'Alembert in his office of Geometrician in the French Aca- demy; and leaving behind him a great number of manu- script treatises on various branches of the mathematics. The works published by M. Camus are : 1. Course of Mathematics for the use of the Engineers, 4 vols, in Svo. 2. Elements of Mechanics. 3. Elements of Arithmetic. And his memoirs in the volumes of the Academy are: 1. Of Accelerated Motions by living forces: vol. for 1728. 2. Solution of a Geomet. Prob. of M. Cramer: 1732. 3. On the figure of the teeth and pinion's in clocks: 1733. 4. On the action of a musket-ball, piercing a pretty thick piece of wood, without communicating any consi- derable velocity to it: 1738. 5. On the best manner of employing buckets for raising water: 1739. 6. A Problem in Statics: 1740. 7- On an Instrument for gauging of vessels: 1741. 8. On the Standard of the Ell Measure: 174fj. 9. On the tangents of Points common to several branches of the same curve: 1747. 10. On the operations in measuring the distance between the centres of the pyramids of Villejuifve and Juvisi, to discover the best measure of the degree about Paris: 1754. 1 1. On the Masting of Ships : Prize torn. 2. 12. The Manner of working Oars: Mach. torn. 2. 13. A Machine for moving many Colters at once: Mach. torn. 2. CANAL, in general, denotes a long, round, hollow in- strument, through which a fluid matter may be conveyed. In which sense, it amounts to the same as what is other- wise called a pipe, tube, channel, &c. Thus the canal of an aqueduct, is the part through which the water passes; which, in the ancient works of this kind, is lined with a coat of mastic of a peculiar composition. Canal more particularly denotes a kind of artificial river, often furnished with locks and sluices, and sustained by banks or mounds. They are contrived for divers pur- poses: some for forming a communication between one place and another; as the canals between Bruges and Ghent, or between Brussels and Antwerp: others for the decoration of a garden, or house of pleasure ; as the canals of Versailles, I-'ontainbleau, St. James's Park, &c : and others are made for draining wet and marshy lands; which last, however, are more properly called water-gangs, drains, ditches, &c. It is needless to enumerate the many advantages arising from canals and artificip.l navigations. Their utility is now so apparent, that most nations in Europe give the highest encouragement to undertakings of this kind, wherever they are practicable. Nor did their advantages escape the ob- servation of the ancients ; for in the earliest accounts of society we read of attempts to cut through large isthmuses, to make communications by water, either between one sea and another, or between different nations, or distant parts of the same nation, where land-carriage was tedious and expensive. Egypt is full of canals, dug to-receive and distribute the waters of the Nile, at the time of its inundation. They are dry the rest of the year, except the Canal of Joseph, and four or five others, which may be ranked as consi- derable rivers. There were also subterraneous canals, or tunnels, dug by an ancient king of Egypt, by which those lakes, formed by the inundations of the Nile, were con- veyed into the Mediterranean Sea. A new canal for conveying the waters of the Nile from Ethiopia into the Red Sea without passing into Egypt, was projected by Albuquerque, viceroy of India for the Por- tuguese, to render Egypt barren and unprofitable to the Turks. And M. Gaildereau attributes the frequency of the plague in Egypt, of late days, to the decay or stopping up of the canals; which happened upon the Turks be- coming masters of the country. Herodotus relates, that the Cnidians, a people of Coria, in Asia Minor, designed to cut through the isthmus which joins that peninsula to the continent; but were supersti- tious enough to give up the undertaking, because it was interdicted by an oracle. Several kings of Egypt attempted to join the Red Sea to the Mediterranean ; a project which Cleopatra was very fond of. This canal was begun, according to Herodotus, by Necus son of Psammeticus, who desisted from the at- tempt on an answer from the oracle, after having lost 120 thousand men in the enterprise. It was resumed and com- pleted by Darius son of Hystaspes, or, according to Dio- dorus and Strabo, by Ptolemy Philadelphus ; who relate that Darius relinquished the work on a representation made to him by unskilful engineers, that the Red Sea, being higher than the land of Egypt, would overflow and drown the whole country. It was wide enough for two galleys to pass abreast, and its length was four days sailing. Dio- dorus adds, that it was also called Ptolemy's river; that this prince built a city at its mouth on the Red Sea, which he called Arsinoe, from the name of his favourite sister; and that the canal might be cither opened or shut, as oc- casion required. Diod. Sic. lib. 1 ; Strabo, Geog. lib. 17; Herod, lib. 2. Soliman the 2d, emperor of the Turks, em- ployed 50 thousand men in this great work; which was completed under the caliphate of Omar, about the year 635 ; but it was afterwards allowed to fall into neglect and disrepair ; so that it is now difficult to discover any traces of it. Hist. Acad. Scienc. ann. 1703, pa. 110. Both the Greeks and Romans intended to make a canal across the Isthmus of Corinth, which joins the Morea and Achaia, for a navigable passage by the Ionian Sea into the Archipelago. Demetrius, Julius Caisar, Caligula, and Nero, made several unsuccessful efforts to open this pas- sage. But as the ancients were entirely ignorant of the use of water-locks, their whole attention was employed in making level cuts, which is probably the chief reason why they so often failed in their attempts. Charlemagne formed 2 M 2 CAN [26 a design of joining the Rhine and the Danube, to make a communication between the Ocean and the Black Sea, by a canal from the river Almutz which discharges itself into the Danube, to the Reditz, which falls into the Maine, which last falls into the Rhine near Mayence or Mentz : for this purpose he employed a prodigious number of work- men; but he met with so many obstacles from different quarters, that he was obliged to relinquish the attempt. In China there is scarce a town or village without the advantage either of an arm of the sea, a navigable river, or a canal, by which means navigation is rendered so com- mon, that there are almost as many people on the water as the land. The great canal of China is one of the won- ders of art, extending from north to south quite across the empire, from Pekin to Canton, a distance of 825 miles, and was made upwards of 900 years ago. Its breadth and depth are sufficient to carry barks of considerable burthen, which are managed by sails and masts, as well as towed by hand. On this canal it seems the emperor employs near ten thousand ships. It passes through, or by, 41 large cities; there are in it 75 vast locks and sluices, to keep up the water, and pass the ships where the ground will not admit of sufficient depth of channel, besides se- veral thousand draw- and other bridges. Indeed, F. Ma- gaillane assures us, there are passages by canals from one end of China to the other, for the length of 6Y)0 French leagues : and that a person may go from one end of the empire to the other, either by canals or rivers, except a single day's journey by land in crossing a mountain. The French at present have many fine canals. That of Briere, otherwise called the Canal of Burgundy, was begun under Henry iv, and finished under the direction of Car- dinal Richelieu in the reign of Louis xm.- This canal makes a communication between the Loire and the Seine, and so to Paris. It extends 1 1 French great leagues from Briere to Montargis, and has 42 locks upon it. The Canal of Orleans was begun in l6'75, for establish- ing a communication also between the Seine and the Loire. It is considerably shorter than that of Briere, and has only 20 sluices. The Canal of Bourbon was but lately undertaken: its design is to make a communication from the river Oise to Paris. But the greatest and most useful work of this kind, is the junction of the Ocean with the Mediterranean by the Canal of Languedoc, called also the Canal of the Two Seas. It was proposed in the reigns of Francis i, and Henry iv, and was begun and finished under Louis xi v ; having been planned by Francis Riquet in I he year l6"6'6\ and finished before his death, which happened in 1680. It begins with a large reservoir 4000 paces in circumference, and 24 feet deep, which receives many springs from the mountain Noire. The canal is about 200 miles in length, extending from Narbonne loTholouse, being supplied by a number of rivulets in the way, and furnished with 104 locks or sluices, of abdut 8 feet rise each. In some places it is carried over bridges and aqueducts of vast height, which give passage underneath to other rivers; and in some places it is cut through solid rocks for a mile together. The new canal of the lake Ladoga, cut from Volhowa to the Neva, by which a communication is made between the Baltic, or rather Ocean, and the Caspian Sea, was begun by the czar Peter the 1st, in 1 7 J i> : by means of which the English and Dutch merchandise is easily con- ] CAN veyed into Persia, without being obliged to double the Cape of Good Hope. There was a former canal of com- munication between the Ladoga lake and the river Wolga, by which timber and other goods had been brought from Persia to Petersburg; but the navigation of it was so dan- gerous, that a new one was undertaken. The Spaniards have several times had in view the dig- ging a canal through the Isthmus of Darien, between North and South America, from Panama to Nombre de Dios, to make a ready communication between the Atlantic and the South Sea, and thus afford a straight passage to China and the East Indies. In the Dutch, Austrian, and French Netherlands, there is a great number of canals: that from Bruges to Ostend carries vessels of 200 tons. But it would be an endless task to describe the numberless canals in Holland, Ger- many, Russia, &c. We will therefore only take a vie\y of those in our own country. In England, that ancient canal from the river Nyne, a little below Peterborough, to the river Witham, three miles below Lincoln, called by the modern inhabitants Caerdike, may be ranked among the monuments of the Roman gran- deur, though it is now most of it filled up. Morton will have it made under the emperor Domitian. Urns and medals have been discovered on the banks of this canal, which appear to confirm that opinion. Yet some authors take it to be a Danish work. It was 40 miles in length ; and, so far as appears from the ruins, must have been very broad and deep. Notwithstanding that early beginning, it is but very lately that canals have been revived in this country. They are now however become very numerous, particularly in the counties of York, Lincoln, and Cheshire. Most of the counties between the mouth of the Thames and the Bristol Channel are connected, either by natural or ar- tificial navigations; those upon the Thames and Isis reach- ing within 20 miles of those upon the Severn. The canal for supplying London with water by means of the New River, was projected and begun by Mr. Ed- ward Wright, author of the celebrated treatise on Navi- gation, about the yeai\l6'0S ; but finished by Mr. (after- wards Sir Hugh) Middleton, five years after. This canal commences near Ware, in Hertfordshire, and takes a course of 60 miles before it reaches the cistern at Islington, which supplies several water-pipes that convey it to the city and parts adjacent. In some places it is 30 feet deep, and in others it is conveyed over a valley between two hills, by means of a trough supported by wooden arches, and rising above 23 feet in height. The Dukeof Bridgewater'sCanal, projected and executed under the direction of Mr. Brindley, was begun about the year J 759. It was first designed only for conveying coals to Manchester, from a mine in the duke's estate; but lias since been applied to many other useful purposes of in- land navigation. This canal begins at a place called Worsley Mill, 7 miles from Manchester, where a bason is made capable of holding all the boats, and a great body of water which serves as a reservoir or head to the naviga- tion. The canal runs through a hill by a subterraneous passage, large enough for admitting long Sat- bottomed boats, which are towed by a rail on each hand, mar three quarters of a mile, to the coal-works. There the passage divides into two channels, one of which goes off 300 yards to the right, and the other as many to the left; and both may be continued at pleasure. The passage is in some CAN [ 26 9 J CAN places cut through the solid 'rock, and ill others arched over with brick ; and air-funnels, some of which are near 37 yards perpendicular, are cut, at certain distances, through the rock to the top of the hill. The arch at its entrance is about 6' feet wide, and about 5 feet .high from the surface of the water ; but widens within, so that in some places the boats may pass one another, and at the pits it is 10 feet wide. When the boats are loaded and brought out of the bason, five or six of them are linked together, and drawn along the cabal by a single horse, and thus reaching Manchester in a course of 9 miles. It is broad enough for two barges to pass or go abreast; and on one side there is a good road for the passage of the people, and the horses or mules employed in the work. Tlie canal is raised over public roads by means of arches; and-it passes over the navigable river Irwell near 50 feet above it; so that large vessels in full sail pass under the canal, while the duke's barges are at the same time passing over them. This canal joins that which passes from the river Mersey towards the Trent, taking in the whole a course of 34 miles. The Lancaster Canal begins near Kendal, and terminates near Eccleston, comprehending the distance of 72| miles. The canal from Liverpool to Leeds is 108-j miles in length: that from Leeds to Selby, 23J miles; from Chi- chester to Middlewich, 265 miles; from the Trent to the Mersey, 88 miles ; from the Trent to the Severn, 4-6| miles. The Birmingham Canal joins this near Wolverhampton, and is 24f miles: the Droitwich Canal is b\ miles: the Coventry Canal, commencing near Lichfield, and joining that of the Trent, is 36'J miles : the Oxford Canal breaks off from this, and is 82 miles: the Chesterfield Canal joins the Trent near Gainsborough, and is 41- miles. A communication is now formed, by means of this in- land navigation, between Kendal and London, by way of Oxford ; between Liverpool and Hull, by the way of Leeds; and between the Bristol Channel and the Humber, by the junction formed between the Trent and the Severn. Other schemes have been projected, which the present spirit of improvement will probably soon carry into execution, of opening a communication between the German and Irish seas, so as to reduce a hazardous navigation of more than 800 miles by sea, into a little more than 1 50 miles by land, or inland navigation; and also of joining the lsis with the Severn ; besides many other canals in various parts of England. In Scotland, a navigable canal between the Forth and Clyde, which divides that country into two paits, was me- ditated upon mote than a century since, for transports and small ships of war. It was again projected in the ye;ir 1722, and a survey made; but nothing more was done tiil 176"l, when the then Lord Napier, at his own expense, had a survey, plan, and estimate, made on a small scale. In 1764, the trustees for fisheries, &c, in Scotland, procured another survey, plan, and estimate, of a canal 5 feet deep, which was to cost 79,000 pounds. In 1766, a subscrip- tion was obtained by a number of the most respectable merchants in Ghisgow, for making a canal 4 feet deep and 24 feet in breadth; but when the bill was nearly obtained in parliament, it was given up on account of the smallness of the scale, and a new subscription set on foot for a canal 7 feet deep, estimated at 150,000 pounds. This obtained the sanction of parliament; and the work was begun in 1768, by Mr. Smeaton the engineer. The extreme length of the canal from the Forth to the Clyde is 35 miles, be- gi lining at the. mouth of the Carron, and eliding at Dalmure Burnfoot on the Clyde, 6 miles below Glasgow, rising and falling 160 feet by means of 39 locks, 20 on the east side of the summit, and 19 on the west, as the tide does not ebb so low in the Clyde as in the Forth by 9 feet; and it was deepened to upwards of 8 feet. This canal was finish- ed a few years since, after having experienced some inter- ruptions and delays, for want of resources, and is esteemed the greatest work of the kind in this island. Vessels draw- ing S feet water, with 19 feet in the beam and 73 feet in length, pass with ease; and the whole enterprise displays the art of man in a high degree. To supply the canal with water was of itself a very great work. There is one reser- voir of 50 acres 24 feet deep, and another of 70 acres 22 feet deep, in which many rivers and springs terminate, which it is expected will afford sufficient supply of water at all times. ' The Practice of Canal Digging and Inland Navigations. The particular operations necessary for making artificial navigations depend upon a variety of circumstances. The situation of the ground; the vicinity or connexion of it with rivers; the ease or difficulty with which a proper quantity of water can be obtained: these and many other circumstances necessarily produce great variation in the structure of artificial navigations, and augment or diminish the labour and expense of- executing them. When the ground is naturally level, and unconnected with rivers, the execution is easy, and the navigation is not liable to be dis- turbed by floods: but when the ground risi j s and falls, and cannot be reduced to a level, artificial methods of raising and lowering vessels must be employed; which also vary according to circumstances. Sometimes a kind of temporary sluices are employed, to raise boats over falls or shoals in rivers, by a very sim- ple operation. Two pillars of mason-work, with grooves, are fixed, one on each bank of the river, at some distance below the shoal. The boat having passed these pillars, strong planks are let down across the river by pulleys into the grooves; by which means the water is dammed up to a proper height for allowing the boat to pass up the rivev over the shoal. The Dutch and Flemings at this day sometimes, when obstructed by cascades, form an inclined plane or rolling- bridge upon dryland, along which their vessels are drawn from the river below the cascade, into the river above it. This, it is said, was the only method employed by the an- cients, and is still sometimes used by the Chinese. These rolling-bridges consist of a number of cylindrical rollers which turn easily on pivots. And a mill is commonly built near; so that the same machinery may serve the dou- ble purpose of working the mill and drawing up vessels. But in the present improved state of inland navigation, the^e falls and shoals are commonly surmounted by means of what are called locks or sluices. A lock is a bason placed lengthwise in a river or canal, lined with walls of masonry on each side, and terminated by two gates placed across the canal, where there is a cascade or natural fall of the country; and- so constructed, that the bason being filled with water by an upper sluice to the level of the waters above, a vessel may ascend through the upper gate ;. or the water in the lock being reduced to the level of the water at the bottom of the cascade, the vessel may descend through the lower gate : for when the waters are brought to a level on either side, the gate on that side may be easily opened. But as the lower gate is strained in proportion to the CAN C 270 ] CAN depth of water it supports, when the perpendicular height of the water exceeds 12 or 13 feet, it becomes necessary to have more locks than one. Thus, if the fall be l6 feet, two locks are required, each of 8 feet fall ; and if the fall be 25 feet, three locks are necessary, each having 8 feet 4 inches fall. — It is evident that the side-walls of locks should be made very strong : and where the natural foun- dation is bad, they should be founded on piles and plat- forms of wood. They should likewise slope outwards, in order to resist the pressure of the earth from behind. To illustrate this by representations : Plate 6, fig. 1, is a perspective view of part of a canal, with several locks, &c; the vessel L being wilhin the lock AC. — Fig. 2 is an elevation or upright section along the canal ; the vessel l about to enter. — Fig. 3, a like section of a lock full of water; the vessel l being raised to a level with the water in the superior canal. — And fig. 4 is the plan or ground section of a lock : where l is a vessel in the inferior canal ; C, the under gate ; a, the upper gate ; gh, a subterraneous passage for letting water from the superior canal run into the lock ; and kf, a subterraneous passage for water from the lock to the interior canal. x and t (fig. 1) are the two flood-gates, each of which consists of two leaves, pressing against one another, so as to form an obtuse angle, the better to resist the pressure of the water. The first (x) prevents the water of the su- perior canal from falling into the lock; and the second (y) dams up and sustains the water in the lock. These flood- gates ought to be very strong, and to turn freely on their hinges. They should also be made very tight and close, that as little water as possible may be lost. And, to make them open and shut with ease, each leaf is furnished with a long lever a 6, a6; cb, cb. By the subterraneous passage gh (fig. 2, 3, 4) which descends obliquely, by opening the sluice g, the water is let down from the superior canal d, into the lock, where it is stopped and retained by the gate c when shut, till the water in the lock be on a level with the water in the su- perior canal d ; as represented in fig. 3. When, on the other hand, the water contained by the lock is to be let out, the passage gh must be shut, by letting down the sluice g ; the gate a must also be shut, and the passage kf opened by raising the sluice K. A free passage being thus given to the water, it descends through kf, into the inferior canal, until the water in the lock be on a level with the water in the inferior canal b; as represented in fig. 2. Now suppose it be required to raise the vessel l (fig. 2) from the inferior canal b to the superior one D. If the lock be full of water, the sluice c. must be shut, as also the gate a, and the sluice k opened, so that the water in the lock may run out till it becomes level with the water in the inferior canal b. When the water in the lock is on a level with the water at b, the leaves of the gate c are opened by the levers cb, which is easily performed, the water on each side of the gate being in equilibrio ; the vessel then sails into the luck. After this, the gate c and the sluice k are shut, and the sluice g opened, in order to fill the lock, till the water in the lock, and consequently the vessel, be upon a level with the water in the superior canal d; as is represented in fig. 3. The gate a is then opened, and the vessel passes into the canal d. Again, let it be required to make a vessel descend from the canal d into [he inferior canal B. If the lock be empty as in lig. 2, the gate c and sluice k must be shut, and the upper sluice g opened, so that the water in the lock may rise to a level with the water in the upper canal d. Then, opening the gate a, the vessel will pass through into the lock. This done, shut the gate a and the sluice G ; then open the sluice k, till the water in the lock be on a level with the water in the inferior canal ; this done, the gate c is opened, and the vessel proceeds into the ca- nal b, as was required. Other contrivances have lately been made for raising and lowering the vessels between the under and upper canal. CANCER, the Crab, one of the twelve signs of the zo- diac, usually drawn on the globe in the form of a crab, and in books of astronomy denoted by a character resembling the number sixty-nine, turned sideways, thus ss. The number of stars in the sign Cancer, Ptolemy makes 13, Tycho 15, Bayer and Hevelius 29, and Flamsteed S3. Tropic of Cancer, a little circle of the sphere parallel to the equinoctial, and passing through the beginning of the sign Cancer. CANDLEMAS, or the Purification, a feast of the church, held on the 2d of February, in memory of the pu- rification of the Virgin; taking its name of Candlemas, either from the number of lighted candles used by the Ro- mish church in the processions of this day, or because that the church then consecrated candles for the whole year. CANES Venatici, the Hounds, or the Greyhounds, one of the new constellations of the northern hemisphere, which Hevelius has formed out of the unformed stars of the old catalogues. These two dogs are further distinguished by the names of Asterion and Chara. They contain 23 stars according to Hevelius, but 25 in the British catalogue. CANICULAR, a name given, by many of the earlier astronomers to the constellation which we call the Lesser Dog, and Canis Minor, but some Procyon and Antecanis. See Canis Minor. It is also used for one of the stars of the constellation Canis Major; called also simply the Dog-star ; and by the Greeks 'S.sigio;, Sirius. It is situated in the mouth of the constellation, and is the largest and brightest of all the stars in the heavens. From the heliacal rising of this star, that is, its emersion from the sun's rays, which now hap- pens with us about the 11th of August, the ancients rec- koned their DiesCaniculares, or Dog-days. The Egyptians and Ethiopians began their year at the heliacal rising of Canicula; reckoning to its rise again the next year, which is called the Annus Canarius. CANICULAR Days, or Dog-days, denote a certain number of days, before and after the heliacal rising of ca- nicula, or the dog-star, in the morning. The ancients imagined that this rising of the star occasioned the sultry weather usually felt in the latter part of the summer, or dog-days ; with all the distempers of that sickly season : Homer's II. lib. 5, v. 10, and Virgil's^n. lib. 10, v. 270. Some authors say, from Hippocrates ami Pliny, that the day this star first rises in the morning, the sea boils, wine turns sour, dogs begin to grow mad, the bile increases and irritates, and all animals grow languid ; also that the diseases it usually occasions in men, are burning fevers, dysenteries, and phrensies. The Romans sacrificed a brown dog every year to Canicula at his rising, to ap- pease its rage. All this however arose from the ground- less idea that the dog-star, so rising, was the occasion of the. extreme heat and the diseases of that season : for the rising of the star not only varies, in any one year, as the latitude varies, but is always later and later every year in all latitudes ; so that in time the star may, by the same C A N [ 271 ] C A N rule, be charged with bringing frost and snow, when he rises in winter. The dog-days were commonly reckoned about 40, viz, 20 days before and 20 days after the heliacal rising ; and almanac-makers have usually set down the dog-days in their almanacs to the changing^ time of the star's rising, by which means they had at length fallen considerably after the hottest time of the year, till of late we have ob- served an alteration of them in the almanacs,'and very properly, from July 3 to August 11. For, by the dog- days, the ancients meant to express the hottest time of the year, which is commonly during the month of July, about which time the dog-star rose heliacally in the time of the most ancient astronomers that we know of: but the pre- cession of the equinoxes has carried this heliacal rising in- to a much later and cooler part of the year ; and because Hesiod tells us that the hot time of the year ends on the 50th day after the summer solstice, which brings us to about August 10 or M', the above alteration appears to be \cry proper. Canicular Year, denotes the Egyptian natural year, which was computed from one heliacal rising of Canicula to the next. This year was also called annus canarius, and annus cynicus ; and by the Egyptians themselves the Sethicyear, from Seth, by which name they called Sirius. Some call it also the heliacal year. This year consisted ordinarily of 365 days, and every 4th year of 366 ; by which means it was accommodated to the civil year, like the Julian account. And the reason why they chose this star, in preference to others, to compute their time by, was not only the superior brightness of that star, but be- cause in Egypt its heliacal rising was a time of very sin- gular note, as coinciding with the greatest augmentation of the Nile, the reputed father of Egypt. Ephestion adds, that from the aspect of canicula, its colour, &c, the Egyp- tians drew prognostics concerning the rise of the Nile; and according to Florus, predicted the future state of the year. So it is no wonder that the first rising of this star was observed with great attention. Bainbrigge, Canicul. cap. 4, p. 26. CANIS Major, the Great Dog, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, below the feet of Orion, and one of the old 4S constellations. The Greeks, as usual, have many fables of their own about the exaltation of the dog into the skies; but the origin of this constellation, as well as its other name Sirius, lies more probably anion" the Egyptians, who carefully watched the rising of this°star, and by it judged of the swelling of the Nile, calling the star the sentinel and watch of the year; and hence, ac- cording to their manner of hieroglyphic writing, repre- sented it under the figure of a dog. They also called the Nile Siris; and hence their Osiris. The stars in thisconstellation, Ptolemy makes29; Tycho however observed only 13, and Hevelius 21 ; but in Flam- steed's catalogue they are 31. Camis Minor, a constellation of the northern hemi- sphere, just below Gemini, and is one of the 48 old con- stellations. The Greeks fabled that this is one of Orion's hounds; but' the Egyptians were most probably the in- ventors of this constellation, and they may have given it this figure to express a little dog, or watchful creature, go- ing before, as conductor of the larger, or rising before it : and hence the Latins have called it Antecanis, the star before the dog. The stars in this constellation are, in Ptolemy's cata- logue 2, the principal of which is the star Procyon; in Tycho's, 5; in Hevelius's, 13; and in Elamsteed's, 14. CANNON, in Military Affairs, a long round hollow engine, made of iron or brass, &c, for throwing balls, &c, by means of gunpowder. The length is distinguished into three parts ; the first reinforce, the second reinforce, and the chase: the inside hollow where the charge is lodged, being also called the chase, or bore. But for the several parts and members of a cannon, see Astragal, Base- king, Bore, Breech, Cascabel, Chase, Muzzle, Ogee, Rein force-ring, Trunnions, &c. See also Gun, and Gunnery. \ Cannon were first made of several bars of iron adapted to each other lengthways, and hooped together with strong iron rings. They were employed in throwing stones and metal of several hundred weight. Others were made of thin sheets of iron rolled up, and hooped : and on emer- gencies they have been made of leather, with plates of iron or copper. They are now constituted of cast-iron or brass; being cast solid, and the tube bored out of the middle by means of a very strong machine for that purpose. When or by whom cannon were first invented is uncertain. Larrey makes brass cannon the invention of J. Owen; and asserts that the first known in England, were in 1535 ;. and further that iron cannon were first cast here in 1547. He acknowledged that cannon were known before; and re- marks that at the battle of Cressy, in 1346, there were 5 pieces of cannon in the English army, which were the first ever seen in France. Mezeray also observes, that King Edward struck terror into theFrench army, by 5 or6pieces of cannon ; it being the first time they had met such thun- dering machines. In the list of aids raised for the redemption of King John of France, in 1308, mention is made of an officer in the French army called Master of the King's Cannon, and of his providing 4 large cannon for the garrison of Harfleur. But Father Daniel, in his Life of Philip of Valois, produces a proof from the records of the chamber of accounts at Paris, that cannon and gunpowder were used in the year 1338. And D ( u-Cange even finds mention of the same engines in Froissart, and other French historians, sometime earlier. The Germans carry the invention of cannon farther back, and ascribe it to Albertus Magnus, a Dominican, monk, about the year 1250. But Isaac Vossius finds cannon in China upwards of 1700 years ago; being used, by the emperor Kitey, in the year of Christ 85. The an- cients too, of Europe and Asia, had their tier)' tubes, or Cannae, which being loaded with pitch, stones, and iron; balls, were exploded with a vehement noise,, smoke, arid* great effect. Cannon were formerly made of a very great length,.which rendered them exceedingly heavy, and their use very troublesome and Confined. But it has lately been found by experiment, that there is very little added to the force of the ball by a great length of the cannon; and therefore they have very properly been much reduced both in their length and weight, and rendered easily manageable on all occa- sions. They were formerly distinguished by many hardi and terrible names, but are now only named from the weight of their ball;, as a 6 pounder, a 12 pounder, a 24 pounder, or a 36 pounder, which is the largest size now. used by the English for battering. CANON, in Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, &c, is a general rule for resolving all cases of a like nature with the: CAN [ 272 ] CAN present inquiry. Thus the last step of every equation is a canon, and if turned into words, becomes a rule to re- solve all cases or questions of the same kind with that pro- posed: Tables of sines, tangents, &c, whether natural or arti- ficial, are also called canons. Canon, in Ancient Music, is a method of determining the intervals of musical notes. Ptolemy, rejecting the Ari- stoxenian way of measuring the intervals in music by the magnitude of a tone, formed by the difference between a diapente and a diatessaron, thought that they should be distinguished by the ratios which the sounds terminating those intervals bear to one another, when considered ac- cording to their degree of acuteness or gravity ; which, be- fore Anstoxenus, was the old Pythagorean method." He therefore made the diapason consist in a double ratio ; the diapenfe consist in a sesquialterate ; the diatessaron, in a sesquitertian ; and the tone itself, in a sesquioctave; and all the other intervals, according to the proportion of the sounds that terminate them : therefore, taking the canon, for a determinate line of any length, he shows in what man- ner it must be cut, to represent the respective intervals : and this method answers exactly to experiments in the dif- ferent lengths of musical chords. From this canon, Ptolemy and his followers have been called Canonici ; as those of Aristoxenus were called Musici. Canon, in Modern Music, is a short composition of two or more parts, in which one leads and the other fol- lows; and is a fugue so bound up, or restrained, that the following part or parts must precisely repeat the same notes, with the same degrees rising or falling, which were expressed by the, leading part; it is therefore tied to so strict a rule, that it is called canon. Pascal Canon, a table of the moveable feasts, showing the day of Easter, and the other feasts depending on. it, for a cycle or period of 19 years. It is said that the Pascal Canon was the calculation of Euscbius of Cassarea, and that it was made by order of the council of Nice. CANOPUS, a name given by some of the old astrono- mers to a star under the 2d bend of Eridanus. These writers say that the river in the heavens is not the Eridanus, but the Nile, and that this star commemorates an island made by that river, which was called by the same name. Canopus is also the name of a bright star of the first magnitude in the rudder of Argo, one of the southern constellations. Its situation, as given by several authors, at different times, is as follows: Authors Dates Longit. Lat. Rt. Aseen. Declin. So. F. Thomas Jan. 1682 8° 05 52' 75° 15' 93° 32' 20" S2° 31' 33" F. Noel 1697 93 54 52 29 for. Halley 1700 10 52 72 49 F. Feuille Mar. 1709 52 30 4 CANTALIVERS, in Architecture, arc the same with modillions, except that the formerare plain, and the latter carved. They are both a kind of cartouses, set at equal distances under the corona of the cornice of a building. CANTON (John), an ingenious natural philosopher, was born at Stroud, in Gloucestershire, in 1718; and was placed, when young, under the care of Mr. Davis, an able mathematician of that place, with whom he learnt the rudiments of arithmetic, &c. He next proceeded to higher parts of the mathematics, and particularly to algebra and astronomy, in which he had made a considerable progress, when his father took him from school and set him to learn his own business, which was that of a broad-cloth weaver. This circumstance did not check his zeal for acquiring knowledge. All his leisure time was devoted to the assi- duous cultivation of science; and he had now acquired a sufficient knowledge of astronomy to calculate lunar eclipses and other phenomena, and to construct various kinds of sun-dials, which he did at times when he ought to have slept, and without the knowledge of his father,- who feared that the prosecution of such studies might injure his health. It was during this discouragement, and at these hours, that he computed, and cut upon stone, with no better an instrument than'a common knife, the lines of a large upright sun-dial, on which, beside, the hour of the day, were shown the sun's rising, his place in the ecliptic, and some other particulars. When this was finished and made known to his father, he permitted it to be placed against the front of his house, where it excited the admi- ration of several neighbouring gentlemen, and introduced young Canton to their acquaintance, which was followed by the offer of the use of their libraries. In the library of one of these gentlemen he found Martin's Philosophical Grammar, which was the first book that gave him a taste for natural philosophy. In the possession of another gen- tleman he first saw a pair of globes ; a circumstance that afforded him great pleasure, from the great ease with which he could resolve those problems he had hitherto been ac- customed to compute. Among other persons with whom our author became acquainted in early life, was Dr. Henry Miles of Tooting; who perceiving that he possessed abilities too promising to be confined within the narrow limits of a country town, prevailed on his father to permit him to come to London. Accordingly he arrived at the metropolis the 4th of March 1737, and resided with Dr. Miles at Tooting till the 6th of May following; when he articled himself, for the term of 5 years, as an assistant to Mr. Samuel Watkins, master of an academy in Spital Square. In this situation his in- genuity, diligence, and prudence, were so distinguished, that on the expiration of his servitude in Ma}' 1742, he was taken into partnership with Mr. Watkins for 3 years ; which gentleman he afterwards succeeded in the school, and there continued during his whole life. Towards the end of 1745, electricity received a great improvement by the discovery of the famous Leyden phial. This event turned the thoughts of most of the philoso- phers of Europe to that branch of natural philosophy; and Canton, who was one of the first to repeat and to pursue the experiment, found his endeavours rewarded by many discoveries. — Towards the end of 174£), he was engaged with his friend, the late ingenious Benjamin Robins, in making experiment? to determine the height to which rockets may be made to ascend, and at what distance their light may be seen. — In 1750 was read at the Royal So- ciety Mr. Canton's " Method of making Artificial Mag- nets, without the use of, and yet far superior to, any natu- ral ones." This paper procured him the honour of being elected a member of the Society, and the present of their gold medal. The same year he was complimented with the degree of M. A. by the university of Aberdeen. And in 1751 he was chosen one of the council of the Royal Society. In J75'2, our philosopher was so fortunate as to be the first person in England who, by attracting the electric fire from the clouds during a thunder-storm, verified Dr. Franklin's hypothesis of the similarity of lightning and electricity. Next year his paper entitled " Electrical Ex- CAN [ 273 ] CAP periments, with an attempt to account for their several phenomena," was read at the Royal Society; in which Mr. Canton mentions his having discovered, by many ex- periments, that some clouds were in a positive, and some in a negative state of electricity: a discovery which was also made by Dr. Franklin in America much about the same time. This circumstance, together with our author's constant defence of the doctor's, hypothesis, induced that excellent philosopher, on his arrival in England, to pay Mr. Canton a visit, and gave rise to a friendship which ever after continued between them. — In the Ladies' Diary for 1756, our author answered the prize query that had been proposed in.the preceding year, concerning the meteor called shooting-stars. The solution, though only signed a. m. was so satisfactory to his friend, the excellent ma- thematician Mr. Thomas Simpson, who then conducted that ingenious and useful little work, that he sent Mr. Canton the prize, accompanied with a note, in which he said he was sure that he was not mistaken in the author of it, as no correspondent besides him, could have given that answer. — Our philosopher's next communication to the public was a letter in the Gentleman's Magazine for September 1759, on the electrical properties of the tour- malin, in which the laws of that wonderful stone are laid down in a very concise and elegant manner. On the 13th of December in the same year, was read at the Royal So- ciety, An attempt to account for the Regular Diurnal Variation of the Horizontal Magnetic Needle ; and also for its Irregular Variation at the time of an Aurora Borealis. A complete year's observations of the diurnal variations of the needle are annexed to the paper. — Nov. 5, 176l, our author communicated to the Royal Society an ac- count of the Transit of Venus of the 6th of June that year, observed in Spital-square; and in 1762 a letter addressed by him to Dr. Franklin was read, containing some remarks on Mr. Delaval's electrical experiments. On the l6th of Dec. the same year, another curious addition was made by him to philosophical knowledge, in a paper entitled Experiments to prove that Water is not Incompressible. And on Nov. 8, the year following, were read before the Society, his farther Experiments and Observations on the Compressibility of Water, and some other Fluids. These experiments are a complete refutation of the famous Florentine experiment, which so many philosophers have mentioned as a proof of the incompressibility of water. For this communication he received the Society's gold medal. In 1768 our author communicated to the Society, An easy method of making a phosphorus that will imbibe and emit light like iheBolognian Stone ; with experiments and observations. When he first showed to Dr. Franklin the instantaneous light acquired by some of this phosphorus from the near discharge of an electrified bottle, the doctor immediately exclaimed, " And God said, Let there be light, and there was light." The Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's having, in a letter, dated March 6, 1769, requested the opinion of the Royal Society relative to the best method of fixing electrical conductors to preserve that cathedral from injury by light- ning, Mr. Canton was one of the committee appointed to take the letter into consideration, and to report their opi- nion thereon. The gentlemen who joined Injn in this bu- siness were, Mr. Delaval, Dr. Franklin, Dr. Watson, and Mr. Wilson. Their report was made on the 8th of .June following; and the mode roeonimendeif by them has been Vol.1. carried into execution. Our author's last communication to' the Royal Society, was a paper read Dec. 21, 170Q, containing Experiments to prove that the Luminousness of the Sea arises from the Putrefaction of its animal Sub- stances. Besides the papers above mentioned, Mr. Canton wrote a number of others, both in the earlier and the latter parts of his life, which appeared in several publications, and particularly in the Gentleman's Magazine. — He died of a dropsy, the 22d of March, 1772, in the 54th year of his age CAPACITY, is the solid content of any body. Also our hollow measures for corn, beer, wine, &c, are called measures of capacity. Capacity, in the Modern Doctrine of Heat, signifies the proportional capability of a given quantity of any sub- stance to absorb and retain caloric; or that disposition or property by which various bodies respectively require more or less of this fluid to superinduce any given temperature in a given mass. See Caloric and Temperature. CAPE, or Promontory, is any high land runnin-j out with a point into the sea; as Cape Verde, Cape Horn, the Cape of Good Hope, &c. CAPELLA, a bright star of the first magnitude, in the left shoulder of Auriga. CAPILLARY Tubes, in Physics, are very minute pipes, whose canals are exceedingly narrow; being so called from their resemblance to a hair in smallness. Their usual dia- meter may be from -^ to 3?^ of an inch : though Dr. Hooke assures us that he drew tubes in the flame of a lamp much smaller, and resembling a spider's thread. The Ascent of Water, fyc, in capillary tubes, is a noted phenomenon in philosophy. Take several small glass tubes, of different diameters, and open at both ends; immerse them a little way in water, and the fluid will be seen to stand higher in the tubes than the surface of the water without, and higher as the tube is smaller, almost in the reciprocal ratio of the diameter of the.tube; and that both in open air and in vacuo. The greatest height to which Dr. Hooke ever observed the water to stand, in the smallest tubes, was 21 inches above the surface in the vessel. From this property, of a higher ascent in smaller tubes, a neat experiment exhibits a pleasing appearance in this manner: Select a number of these glass tubes all different in their diameter, from the very smallest to the largest size; fix these against a small piece of board, all parallel and near to each other, with their lower ends all on a level, and so as that the tubes may succeed each other in a re- gular gradation, from the smallest to the largest; then dip the whole machine into water with the lower ends equally immersed, and it will be seen that, by the fluid ascending to different heights in the tubes, the tops of the columns will appear to form a regular curve line, being highest in the smallest tube, and lowest in the largest; and if the water be a little tinged with cochineal, or ink, 6ec, it will render the effect more visible and pleasing. — A more pleas- ing variety of this experiment js made in the following manner: Take two equal square pieces of perfectly flat glass, of any convenient size, 6' or 8 inches, for instance, on each side; connect two of their equal edges close together by any means, but separate their opposite edges a little from each other, by fixing a small .bit of chip, &c, be- tween them, so as to give the two the appearance of a very thin wedge, which will represent, and have the effect of, 2 N CAP an infinite number of contiguous tubes as disposed paral- lel to the said closed 'and opened edges; for then, on dip- ping the bottoms in the colon it-.: water, this will be seen _to ascend up between the two planes, highest on the side next their closed edges, but gradually lower towards the opposite sides, the top of the fluid forming a regular hy- perbolic curve line, to which the closed edges and the bot- tom are seen as the asymptotes. This ascent and suspension of the water in the tube, is by Dr. Jurin, Mi. Hauksbee, and other philosophers, as- cribed to the attraction of the periphery of the concave surface of the tube, to which the uppersurface of the water is contiguous and adheres. This does not however happen uniformly the same in all fluids, some standing higher than others; and in quicksil- ver the contrary takes place, as that fluid stands lower within the tube than its surface in the vessel, and the lower as the tube is smaller. See Philos. Trans. No. 355, &c, or Cote's Hydr. and Pneum. Lect. p. 265. But these effects suppose that the. tubes are used in the clean state in which they are naturally presented ; for, by certain precautions, mercury may be shown to have a like elevation above the level. And if the interior of these tubes be coated over with greasy matter, such as oil or tallow, the usual effect will not take place, as the fluid will retain its level. Ann her phenomenon of these tubes is, that such of them as would only naturally discharge water by drops, when electrified, yield a contrnued and accelerated stream ; and the acceleration is proportional to the smallness of the tube: indeed, the effect of electricity is so considerable, that it produces q continued stream from a very small tube, out of which the water had not before been able to drop. Priestley's Hist. Electr. 8vo, vol. 1, p. 171, ed. 3d. The celebrated philosopher, Laplace, has written pretty fully on the theory of this capillary attraction, confirming the opinion of Jurin and Hauksbee, &c, above mentioned, and explaining it by mathematical calculations, in the Supplement to the 10th book of his Celestial Mechanics, on Capillary Attraction. On this subject, see also Dr. Young's paper on the cohesion of fluids, in the Philos. Trans, for 1805, or in his Natural Philos. vol. 2; or Gre- gory's Mechanics, vol. l,p. 393; or, translation of Haiiy's Nat. Philos. vol. 1, p. 158; Nicholson's Journal, Nos. 74, 76, N. S.; or Retrospect of Philosophical Discoveries, No. 10. Among the various methods of determining the diame- ter of a uniform capillary tube, the following appears the best and most accurate. Pour into the tube a certain quantity of mercury, whose weight in troy gKiins is iv, and measure carefully the length, /, of the tube which it oc- cupies, then is the diameter, d = -0192523 „/-. For the specific gravity of mercury beingl3568, a cubic inch weighs 3435-16' grains: hence, 1 : d^l x '785398 :: 3435'l6 grains :w: . Whence, multiplying extremes and means, &c, we get d = - ciples, the one metaphysical, the other physical. The metaphysical one is this : I think, therefore I am, or I exist: the physical principle is, that nothing exists but substances. Substance he makes of two kinds; the one a substance that thinks^ the other a substance extended : so that actual thought and actual extension make the es- sence of substance. The essence of matter being thus fixed in extension, Des Cartes concludes that there is no vacuum, nor any possibility of it in nature; but that the universe is abso- lutely full : by this principle, mere space is quite ex- cluded ; for extension being implied in the idea of space,, matter is so too. Des Cartes defines motion to be the translation of a bodv from the neighbourhood of others that are in con- tact with it, and considered as at rest, to the neighbour- hood of other bodies : by which he destroys the distinc- tion between motion that is absolute or real, and that which is relative or apparent. He maintains that the same quantity of motion is always preserved in the uni- verse, because God must be supposed to act in the most constant and immutable manner. And hence also he de- duces his three laws of motion. See Motion. On these principles, Des Cartes explains mechanically how the world was formed, and how the present phenome- na of nature came to arise. He supposes that God created matter of an indefinite extension, which he separated into small cubic portions or masses, full of angles : that he impressed two motions on this matter; the one, by which each part revolved about its own centre; and another, by Which an assemblage, or system of them, turned round a common centre. From whence arose as many different vortices, or eddies, as there were different masses of- mat-- ter, thus moving about common centres. The consequence of these motions in each vortex, ac- cording to Des Cartes, is as follows : The parts of matter could not thus move and revolve among one another, with- out having their angles gradually broken ; and ; this conti- nual friction of parts and angles must produce three ele- ments: the first of these, an infinitely fine, dust, formed of the angles broken off; the second, the spheres remaining, after all the angular parts are thus removed ; and those particles not yet rendered smooth and spherical, but still retaining some of their angles, and hamous parts, form the third element. Now the first orsubtilest element, according to the laws of motion, must occupy the centre of each system, or vorr- C A R 278 ] CAS tcx, by reason of the small ness of its parts : and this is the matter which constitutes the sun, with the fixed stars above, and the fire below. The second element, made up of spheres, forms the atmosphere, and all the matter be- tween the earth and the fixed stars ; in such sort, that the largest spheres are always next the circumference of the vortex, and the smallest next its centre. The third ele- ment, formed of the irregular particles, is the matter that composes the earth, and ;:11 terrestrial bodies, together with comets, spots in the sun, &c. He accounts for the gravity of terrestrial bodies from the centrifugal force of the ajther revolving- round the earth: and on the same general principles he pretends to explain the phenomena of the magnet, and to account for all the other operations in nature. The Cartesian system has received many alterations and amendments; ingenious men, for full a century, employing their talents in reforming one part, and new-modelling another; but it is now generally acknowledged that the foundation was faulty, and the superstructure erroneous ; so that the fabric, though allowed to be. a work of genius, is abandoned to neglect and ruin, and is pointed at as a memorial of philosophical presumption. CARTOUCHE, in the Military Art, a case of wood, about 3 inches thick at the bottom, girt with marlin, hold- ing about 400 musket balls, besides 6 or 8 balls of iron of a pound weight, to be fired from howitzers for the defence of a pass, &c. CARTRIDGE, in the Military Art, the charge or load of a fire-arm, wrapped up in a thick paper, pasteboard, or parchment, to be the more readily charged, or conveyed into the piece. Cartridges of cannon and mortars are usually in cases of pasteboard, or tin, sometimes of wood half a foot long ; taking up the place of the bullet in the piece to whose caliber the diameter is proportioned. Those of muskets, pistols, and small-arms, only contain the charge of powder, with a ball wrapped up in thick paper. Flannel cartridges are now preferred, because they do not retain the fire, and are therefore less liable to acci- dents in loading. A parchment cap is made to cover them, in order to prevent the dust of powder from passing through them, which is taken off before they are put into the piece. Cartridge-box, a case of wood or turned iron, co- vered with leather, holding a dozen musket-cartridges. It is worn upon a belt, and hangs a little lower than the right pocket-hole. CARY (Robert), a learned English chronologer and divine, was born at Cockington, in the county of Devon, about the year 1615. He took his degrees in arts, and ll. d. in Oxford. After returning from his travels he was presented to the rectory of Portlemouth, near Kingsbridge in Devonshire: but not long after he was drawn over by the presbyterian ministers to their part)', and chosen mo- derator in that part of the second division of the county of Devon, which was appointed to meet at Kingsbridge. And yet, on the restoration of Charles the 2d, he was one of the first to congratulate that prince on bis return, and soon after was preferred to the archdeaconry of Exelcr; but from which he was however some lime afterward ejected. The remainder of his days he spent at his rectory at Portle- mouth, and died in 16'88, at 73 years of age. — He pub- lished Palcelogia Chronica, a chronological account of an- cient time, in three, parts: l, Didactical; 2, Apodidacti- cal; 3, Canonical: in 1677. CASATI (Paul), a learned Jesuit, bom at Placentia in l6l7- He entered early among the Jesuits; and after having taught mathematics and divinity at Rome, he was sent into Sweden to Queen Christina, whom he prevailed on to embrace the popish religion. His writings are as follow : 1. Vacuum Proscriptum. — 2. Terra Machinis mota. — 3. Mechanicorum, libri octo. — 4. De Igne Dissertationes, — 5. De Angelis Disputatio Theolog. — 6. Hydrostaticae Dissertationes. — 7- Optica? Disputationes. Itisremarkable that he wrote this treatise on optics at 88 years of age, and after he was blind. He was also author of several books in the Italian language. CASCABEL, the knob or button of metal behind the ' breech of a cannon, serving as a kind of handle by which to elevate and direct the piece; to which someadd the fillet and ogees as far as the base- ring. CASEMATE, or Cazemate, in Fortification, a kind of vault or arch, of stone-work, in that part of the flank of a bastion next the curtain; serving as a battery, to defend the face of the opposite bastion, and the moat or ditch. It is now seldom used, because the batteries of the enemy are apt to bury the artillery of the casemate in the ruins of the vault : beside, the great smoke made by the discharge of the cannon, renders it intolerable to the men. So that, instead of the ancient covered casemates, later engineers have contrived open ones, only guarded by a parapet, &c. Casemate, or Casement, in Architecture, a hollow moulding, which some architects make ■§. of a circle, and others i s Casement is also used for a small moveable win- dow, usually within a larger, being made open to turn on hinges. CASERNS, orCAZERNS,in Fortification, small rooms, or huts, erected between the ramparts and the houses of fortified towns, or even on the ramparts themselves ; to serve as lodgings for the soldiers on immediate duty, to ease the garrison. CASE-Shot, or Cannister-Siiot, are a number of small balls put into a round tin cannister, and so shot out of great guns. These have superseded, and been sub- stituted instead of, the grape-shot, which have been laid aside. > CASSINI (John-Dominic), an eminent astronomer, was born of noble parents, at a town in Piedmont in Italy, June 8, 1625. After laying a proper foundation in his i studies at home, he was sent to continue them in a college of Jesuits at Genoa. He had an uncommon turn for Latin poetry, which he exercised so very earl)', that some of his poems were published when he was but 11 year.. old. At length he met with books of astronomy, which he read with great eagerness. Pursuing the bent of his in - clinations in this way, he soon acquired -a very extensive knowledge of thesubject, and in HioO thesenate of Bologna, invited him to be their public mathematical professor, Cassini was but 2 i years of age when he went'to Bologna, where he taught mathematics, and made celestial obser- vations with great ease and assiduity. — In l6'S2 a comet • appeared, which he observed with great accuracy ; and he discovered that counts were not bodies accidentally gene- rated in the atmosphere, as had been supposed, but of the same nature, and probably governed by the same laws, as the planets. The same year he resolved an astronomical problem, which Kepler and Bulliald had given up as in- solvable ; viz, to determine geometrically the apogee and excentricity of a planet, from its true and mean place. — CAS [ 279 ] CAS In 1653, when a church in Bologna was repaired and en- larged, he obtained leave of the senate to correct and settle a meridian line, which had been drawn by an astronomer in 1575 — in 1657 he attended, as an assistant, a noble- man, who was sent to Rome to compose some differences, which had arisen between Bologna and Ferrara, from the inundations of the Po ; and he showed so much skill and judgment in the management of the affair, that in l66'3 the pope's brother appointed him inspector general of the fortifications of the castle of Urbino: and he had after- wards committed to him the care of all the rivers in the ecclesiastical state. Meanwhile he did not neglect his astronomical studies, but cultivated them with great care. He made several discoveries relative to the planets Mars and Venus, parti- cularly the revolution of Mars about his axis: but the point he had chiefly in view, was to settle an accurate theory of Jupiter's satellites; which, after much labour and observation, he happily effected, and published it at Rome, among other astronomical pieces, in 1 666. Picard, the French astronomer, getting Cassini's tables of Jupiter's satellites, found them so very exact, that he conceived the highest opinion of his skill ; and from that time his fame increased so fast in France, that the governs ment desired to have him a member of the Academy. Cas- sini however could not quit his station without leave of his superiors ; and therefore the king, Lewis the 14th, re- quested of the pope and the senate of Bologna, that Cassini might be permitted to come into France. Leave was granted for 6 years; and he came to Paris in the begin- ning of 1669, where he was immediately made the king's astronomer. When this term of 6 years was nearly ex- pired, the pope and the senate of Bologna insisted on his return, on pain of forfeiting his revenues and emoluments, which had hitherto been faithfudy remitted to him: but the minister Colbert notwithstandiv.tr prevailed on him to stay, and he was naturalized in 1&73; the year in which he was married. The Royal Observatory of Paris had been finished some time. The occasion of its being built was this: In 1638, the celebrated Mersenne was the chief institutor and pro- moter of a society, where several ingenious and learned men met together to talk upon physical and astronomical subjects; amopg whom were Gassendi, Descartes, Mon- mort, Thevenot, Bulliald, our countryman Hobbes, &c: and this society was kept up by a succession of learned men for many years. At length the government consider- ing that a number of such men, acting in a body, would succeed much better in the promotion of science, than if they acted separately, each in his particular art or pro- vince, established under the direction of Colbert, in 1666, the Royal Academy of Sciences: and for the advancement of astronomy in particular, erected the Royal Observatory at Paris, and furnished it with all kinds of instruments that were necessary to make observations. The founda- tion of this noble pile was laid in l667, and the building completed in l6'70. Of this observatory, Cassini was ap- pointed the first inhabiter; which he took possession of in Sept. 1671., In 1672 he endeavoured to determine the parallax oCMars and the sun : and in l677 he proved that the diurnal rotation of Jupiter about his axis was per- formed in .9 hours 58 minutes, from the motion of a spot in one of his larger belts : also in l684 he discovered four satellites of Saturn, besides that which Huygcns had ob- served. In 1693 he published a new edition of his Tables of Jupiter's Satellites, corrected by later observations. In 1695 he took a journey to Bologna, to examine the meridian line, which he had fixed there in lfJ55 ; and he showed, in the presence o.f eminent mathematicians, that it had riot varied in the least, during that 40 years. In 1700 he continued the meridian line through France, which Picard had begun, to the very southern limits of that country. Our author resided at the royal observatory for more than 40 years, making many excellent and useful disco- veries. The titles of his publications occupy nearly 5 pages in the closely printed index of Rozier, and conse- quently far exceed our bounds even to enumerate in this place. He had die misfortune in his latter years to be de- prived of his sight; and he ended a useful and honourable life September 14th 1712, at the age of 87 years. CASSINI (James), a celebrated French astronomer, and member of the several Academies of Sciences of France, England, Prussia, and Bologna, was born at Pan.-, Feb. 18, 1677, being the younger son of John-Dominic Cassini, above mentioned, whom he succeeded as astronomer at the royal observatory, the elder son having lost his life at the battle of La Hogue. After his first studies in his father's house, in which it is not to be supposed that mathematics and astronomy were neglected, lie was sent to study philosophy at the Maza- rine college, where the celebrated Varignon was then pro- fessor of mathematics; from whose assistance young Cas- sini profited so well, that at 15 years of age he supported a mathematical thesis with great honour. At the age of 17 he was admitted a member of the Academy ot Sciences; and the same year he accompanied his father in his jour- ney to Italy, where he assisted him in the verification of the meridian at Bologna, and other measurements. On his return he made other similar operations in a journey into Holland, where he discovered some errors in the mea- sure of the earth by Snell, the result of which was com- municated to the Academy in 1702. He also visited England in 1696, where he was made a member of the Royal Society. — In 1712 he succeeded his father as astro- nomer royal at the observatory. — In 1717 he gave to the Academy his researches on the distance of the fixed stars, in which he showed that the whole annual orbit, of near 200 millions of miles diameter, is but as a point in com- parison of this distance. The same year he communicated also his discoveries concerning the inclination of the orbits of the satellites in general, and especially of those of Sa- turn's satellites and ring. — In 1725 he undertook to deter- mine the cause ot the moon's libration. In 1732 an important question in astronomy exercised the ingenuity of our author. His father had determined, by his observations, that the planet Venus made one com- plete revolution about her a:sis in 23 hours : and M. Bian- chini had published a work in 1729, in which he settled the period of the same revolution at 24 days 8 hours. From an examination of Bianchini's observations, which were upon the spots in Venus, he discovered that he had intermitted his observations for the duration of 3 hours, from which cause he had probably mistaken new spots for the old ones, and so had been led into the mistake. He soon afterwards determined the nature and quantity of the ac- celeration of the motion of Jupiter, at half a second per year, and of that of the retardation of Saturn at two mi- nutes per year ; that these quantities would go on increas- ing for 2000 years, and then would decrease again. — In CAS [ 280 ] CAS 1740 he published his Astronomical Tables ; and his Ele- ments of Astronomy; both of which are very extensive and accurate works. Though astronomy was the principal object ot our au- thor's consideration, he did not confine himself absolutely to that branch, but made occasional excursions into other fields. We owe also to him, for example, Experiments on Electricity, or the light produced by friction ; Experi- ments on the recoil of fire-arms ; Researches on the rise of the mercury in the barometer at different heights^ above , the level of the sea ; Reflections on the perfecting of burn- ing-glasses; and other memoirs. The French Academy had properly judged that one of its most important objects, was the measurement of. the earth. In 1669 Picard measured a little more than a de- gree of latitude to the north pf Paris; but as that extent appeared too small from which to conclude the whole cir- cumference with sufficient accuracy, it was resolved to continue that measurement on the meridian of Paris to the north and south, through the whole extent of the country. Accordingly, in 16S3, M. Lahire continued that on the northside of Paris, and the older Cassini that on the south side. The latter was assisted in 1700 in the con- tinuation of this operation by his son James. The same work was farther continued by the same Academicians; and finally the part left unfinished by Lahire in the north, was finished in 171S by our author, with the late Maraldi, and Lahire the younger. These operations produced a considerable degree of pre- cision. It appeared also, from this measured extent of 6 degrees, that the degrees were of different lengths in diffe- rent parts of the meridian ; and in such sort that our author concluded, in the volume published for 171S, that they decreased more and more towards the pole, and that therefore the figure of the earth was that of an oblong spheroid, having its axis longer than the equa- toriafdiameter. He also measured the perpendicular to the sarrfe meridian, and compared the measured distance with the differences of longitude, as before determined by the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites ; whence he inferred, that the length of the degrees of longitude was smaller than it 'would be on a sphere, and that therefore again the figure of the earth was an oblong speroid ; contrary to the deter- mination of Newton by the theory of gravity. In conse- quence of these assertions of our author, the French go- vernment sent two different classes of mathematicians, the one to measure a degree at the equator, and the other at the polar circle ; and the comparison of the whole deter- mined the figure to be an oblate spheroid, contrary to Cassini's determination. After a long and laborious life, our author James Cas- sini lost his life by a fall in April 1756', in the 80th year of his age, and was succeeded in the Academy and Obser- vatory by his second eon Cesar-Francois de Tliury. He published A Treatise on the Magnitude and Figure of the Earth ; as also The Elements or Theory of the Planets, with tables ; besides a great number of papers ill the Me- moirs of the Academy, from the year 16.99 to '755. CASSINI de Tiiuiiy (Cesar-Fuancois), a celebra- ted French astronomer, director of the observatory, and member of most of the learned societies of Europe, was born at Paris June 17, 1 7 14, being the second son of James Cassini, whose occupations and talents our author inhe- rited and supported with great honour. lie received his first lessons in astronomy and mathematics from MM. Ma- raldi and Camus; and his progress was so great, that at 10 years of age he was able to calculate the phases of the total eclipse of the sun of 1727- At the age of 18 he accom- panied his father in his two journeys undertaken for draw- ing the perpendicular to the observatory meridian, from Strasbourg to Brest. From'that time a general chart of France was devised ; for which purpose it was necessary to traverse the country by several lines, parallel and per- pendicular to the meridian of Paris, and our author was intrusted with this business. He did not content himself with the measure of a degree by Picard ; suspecting even that the measures which had been taken by his father and grandfather were not exempt from some errors the imper- fections of their instruments at least would be liable to, he a8<); to which is added Mr. Sharp's catalogue of the southern stars not visible in our hemisphere, set down for the year 1720'. See vol. 3 of his Historia Ccelestis, in which are printed the catalogues of l'(()lemy,UlughBeigh,Tyeho. the Prince of Hesse, and Heve- lius; with an account of each of them in the Prolegomena. CAT [ 283 ] CAT The first catalogue, we believe, that was printed in the new or second form, according to the order of the right ascensions, is that of Lacaille,. given in his Ephemerides for the 10 years between 1755 and 1765, and printed in 1755. It contains the right ascensions and declinations of 307 stars,which are rectified to the beginning of the year 1750. — In 1757, Lacaille published his Astronomise Fun- damenta, containing a catalogue of the right ascensions and declinations of 398 stars, likewise adapted to the be- ginning of 1750. — And in 1763, the year after his death, was published the Caelum Australe Stelliferum of the same author ; containing a catalogue of the places of 1942 stars, all situated to the southward of the tropic of Ca- pricorn, and observed by him while he was at the Cape of Good Hope, in 1751 and 1752; their places being also suited to the beginning of 1750. — In the same year was published his Epltemerides for the 10 years between 1765 and 1775 ; in the introduction to which are given the places of 515 zodiacal stars, all deduced from the obser- vations of the same author; and adjusted to the beginning of the year 1765. In the Nautical Almanac for 1773, is given a catalogue of 387stars, in right ascension, declination, longitude, and latitude, derived from the observations of the late cele- brated Dr. Bradley, and adapted to the beginning of the year 1760. This small catalogue, and the results of about 1200 observations of the moon, are all that the pub- lic have yet seen of the multiplied labours of this most ac- curate and indefatigable observer, though he has now (1814) been dead upwards of 52 years. , In 1775 was published a thin volume entitled Opera Inedita, containing several papers of the lateTobias Mayer, and among them a catalogue of the right ascensions and declinations of 998 stars, which may be occulted by the moon and planets ; the places being adjusted to the be- ginning of the year 1756. At the end of the first volume of Astronomical Obser- vations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, published in 1776, Dr. Maskelyne, the late Astronomer Royal, gave a catalogue of the places of 34 principal stars, in right ascension and north-polar distance, adapted to the beginning of the year 1770. These being the result of several years' repeated observations, made with the ut- most care and the best instruments, may be presumed to be exceedingly accurate. In 1782, M. Bode, of Berlin, published a very exten- sive catalogue of 5058 of the fixed stars, collected from the observations of Flamsteed, Bradley, Hevelius, Mayer, Lacaille, Messier, Monnier, D'Arquier, and other astro- nomers; all rectified to the beginning of the year 1780 ; and accompanied with a Celestial Atlas, or sets of maps of the constellations, engraved in a most delicate and beautiful manner. To these may be added, Dr. Herschel's catalogue of double stars, printed in the Philos. Trans, for 1782 and 1783; Messier's nebulse and clusters of stars, published in the Connoissance des Temps for 1784; and Herschel's catalogue of the same kind, given in the Philos. Trans, for 1786, and other years. In 1789, the Rev. Francis Wollaston published A Spe- cimen of a General Astronomical Catalogue, in Zones of North-polar Distance, and adapted to Jan. 1, 179°- These stars are collected from all the catalogues before- mentioned, from that of Hevelius downwards. This work contains five distinct catalogues; viz, Dr. Maskclyne's new catalogue of 36 principal stars ; a general catalo :: z : a, that is, the fluxion of the axis, is to the fluxion of the ordinate, as the length of the curve, is to the given quantity a; where x = aq, y = PQ, and 2 = ap. This, and the other properties of the curve, will plainly appear from the fol- lowing considerations : First, supposing the curve hung up by its two points b and c, against a perpendicular or up- right wall : then, every lower part of the curve being kept in its position by the tension of that which is immediately above it, the lower parts of the curve will retain the same position unvaried, by whatever points it is suspended above; thus, if it were fixed to the wall by the point f, or G, &c, the whole curve cab will remain just as it was ; for the tensions at f and o have the same effect on the other parts of the curve, as when it is fixed by those points: and hence it follows that the tension of the curve at the point a, in the horizontal direction, is a constant quantity, whether the two legs or branches of the curve, on both sides of it, be longer or shorter; which constant tension at a let be denoted by the quantity fit. Now, because any portion of the curve, as ap, is kept in its position by three forces, viz, the tensions at its ex- tremities a and p, and its own weight, of which the ten- sion at a acts in the direction ah or po, and the tension at p acts in the direction of vp, and the weight of the line xt/{aa -+- 22), or x = \/f~ give x = \/(a 2 -+- s 2 ). But •; and the fluents of these at the vertex of the curve, where x = 0, and 2 = 0, this becomes = 1/ {a 1 -+- 0) =a; and therefore, by correction, the true equation of the flu- ents is j: = \/(«" -+- s 2 ) — a, or a -+- x = \,/(a 2 + z~) : and hence also 2 = \/[{a + x)- — a~~\ = ^/('2ux -+■ x~), and a = - : either of which is the equation of the curve, in terms of the arc and its absciss; from this it appears that a -+- x is the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, whose two legs are a and 2. So that, if in qa and ha pro- duced, there be taken ad = a, and ae = the curve z or ap; then will the hypothenuse de be = a ■+- .r or dq, And hence, any two of these three, a, x, s, being given, the third is given also. Again, from the first simple property, viz, *-.y : : z: a, or ax = zj, by substituting the value of s above found, it becomes ax = i*/(2ax -+- x' 2 ), or»= —. -r-: and the fluent of this equation is y = 2s x hyp. log. of [^/x -+- \/{2a -+- x)]. But at the vertex of the curve, where x = and y = 0, this becomes = 2« x hyp. log. of *J1a; therefore the correct fluent is y = 2« x hyp. log. of — y — ; an equation to the curve also, in terms of x and y, but not in simple algebraic terms. This last equation however may be brought to much simpler terms in different ways; as first, by squaring the logarithmic quantity and dividing its coefficient by 2, then y = a x ^/(2ax + .r 3 ) hyp. log. of ■ = a x hyp. log. : and 2dly, by multiplying both numerator and denomina- tor by \/(2a ■+■ x) — */x, then squaring the product, and dividing the coefficient by 2, which gives y = a x hyp. log. : + x , , (: x .t) 3 . . : + .1 — ; — - = a x hyp. 105. -, 5 = a x hyp. I02. . 47. This work contains Exercises on the method of Indivisi- C A V [ 288 ] C A V bles; Answers to the objections of Guldini; The use of In- divisibles in cossic powers or algebra, and in considera- tions concerning gravity; with a miscellaneous collection of problems. CAVALLO (Tiberius), f. r. s. was born in the city of Naples the 30th of March 1749. His father, who was an eminent physician, died when Tiberius was scarcely 11 years of age. His relations continued to give him a libe- ral education; and as he was intended for a commercial life, with that view tliey sent him to England. He arrived in London in 1771, and continued in this country during the rest of his life. Here his inclination led him to pur- sue scientific studies, the rudiments of which he had re- ceived at the university of Naples, and he attained to a considerable rank in several of the more fashionable and popular physical sciences. In March 1799, he was elected member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Naples ; and in December the same year he was elected home mem- ber of the Royal Society of London ; where he died the 26th of December 1809, at 60 years of age. Besides several ingenious papers inserted in the Philos. Trans., Mr. C. published separate and very interesting volumes on various popular and useful subjects: as, A Complete Treatise of Electricity in Theory and Practice, 1 vol. 8vo. 1777 (enlarged to 3 vols, in 1793). — An Essay on the Theory and Practice of .Medical Electricity, 1 vol. 8vo. 17S0. — A Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, and other Permanently Elastic Fluids, with an Intro- duction to Chemistry, 1 vol. 4to, 17S1. — The History and Practice of Aerostation ; 1 vol. Svo, 1785. — Mineralogical Tables; folio, (accompanied with an 8vo explanatory pamphlet) 1785. — A Treatise on Magnetism, in Theory and Practice; I vol. Svo, 1787- — Description and Use of the Telescopical mother-of-pearl Micrometer; Svo, 1793. —An Essay on the Medicinal Properties of Factitious Airs, with an Appendix on the nature of Blood ; 1 vol. 8vo, 1798, many of which have gone through several edi- tions. CAUDA Capricorni, a fixed star of the -1th magnitude, in the tail of Capricorn; called also by the Arabs, Dineb Algedi ; and marked y by Bayer. Cauda Ceti, a fixed star of the 3d magnitude; called also by the Arabs, Dineb Kaetos ; marked /3 by Bayer. Cauda Cygni, a fixed star of the 2d magnitude in the Swan's tail ; called by the Arabs, Dineb,Adigege, or Elde- giagich ; and marked a. by Bayer. Cauda Delphini, a fixed star of the 3d magnitude, in the tail of the Dolphin ; marked £ by Bayer. Cauda Draconis, or Dragon's tail, the moon's southern or descending node. Cauda Leonis, a fixed star of the first magnitude in the Lion's tail ; called also by the Arabs, Dineb Eleccd ; and marked /3 by Bayer. It is called also Lucida Cauda. Cauda Ursce Mujoris, a fixed starof the"3d magnitude, in the tip of the Great Bear's tail ; called also by the Arabs, Alalioth, and Benenath ; and marked jj by Bayer. Cauda Una Blinoris, a fixed star of the 3d magnitude, at the end of the Lesser Bear's tail; called also the Pole Star, and by the Arabs, Aliukabah ; and marked a byTBayer. CAVENDISH (Henry), f. r.s. son of the late Lord Charles Cavendish, was bom Oct. 10, 1731, and died Feb. 24, 1810, consequently in his 79th year. Mr. C lived and died a bachelor ', devoting the whole hours and atten- tions of his long life mosl assiduously in cultivating the sciences, mathematical, physical, chemical, &c, in all which he excelled in a ver}' eminent degree. His genius and labours were rewarded with the most brilliant disco- veries and improvements in the various branches of science; the records of which are chiefly to be found in the volumes of the Philos. Trans. He had studied, and rendered him- self familiarly conversant with, every part of Newton's philosophy; the principles of which he applied, 40 years ago, to an investigation of the laws on which the pheno- mena of electricity depend. Pursuing the same research, on the occasion of the first experiments with the torpedo, he gave a satisfactory explanation of the remarkable powers of electrical fishes; pointing out that distinction between common and animal electricity, which has since been amply confirmed by the brilliant discoveries in Gal- vanism. Having very early turned his attention to pneu- matic-chemistry, in 1766 he ascertained the extreme levity of inflammable air, now called hydrogen gas; a discovery on which are founded many curious experiments, particu- larly that of aerial navigation. In the same line of science, he made the important discovery of the composition of water, by the union of two airs; which laid the founda- tion of the modern system of chemistry, which rests prin- cipally on this fact, and that of the decomposition of water, announced soon afterwards by M. Lavoisier. As the purity of atmospherical air had been a subject of controversy, Mr. C. contrived essential improvements in the method of performing experiments with the eudio- meter; by means of which he was the first who showed, that the proportion of pure air, in the atmosphere, is nearly the same in all open places. The other, and much larger portion of our atmosphere, he sagaciously conjectured to be the basis of the acid of nitre ; an opinion which he soon brought to the test, by an ingenious and laborious experi- ment, completely proving its truth; whence this air has now very generally obtained the name of nitrogen. So many and great discoveries spread his fame throughout Europe, and he was universally considered as one of the greatest philosophers of the age. Among the labours of his latter days, was the nice and difficult experiment, by a mode and instrument contrived by the late Rev. John Michell, by which he determined the mean density of the earth, in a result not widely dif- ferent from what was obtained in the more perfect way by the attraction of mountains. This density forms an ele- ment of consequence in delicate calculations of astronomy, as well as in geological inquiries. Even in the last year of his life, he proposed and described improvements in the manner of dividing large astronomical instruments, which promise very great advantages. These pursuits, together with reading, of various kinds, by which he acquired a deep insight into almost every topic of general knowledge, formed the whole occupation of his life, and indeed constituted his sole amusement. The love of truth alone was sufficient lo till his mind. From his attachment to such occupations, and the con- stant resource he found in them, together with a shyness and diffidence natural to his disposition, his habits had, from early life, been secluded, lit- manners were mild — his mind firm — his nature benevoleni and complacent. He was liberal, without being profuse: and charitable, with- out ostentation. CAVETTO, a hollow member or moulding, containing a quadrant of a circle, and having an effect just contrary to that of a. quarter round. It is used as an ornament 111 cornices. CEN [2 CAULICOLES, Cauliculi, in Architecture, are those 8 lesser branches or stalks in the Corinthian capital, which spring out from the four greater principal caules or stalks. CAUSE, Physical, that which produces. a sensible cor- poreal effect. Thus, the sun is a physical cause of light. Others define a physical cause to be that which produces its effects by a physical virtue, or natural influence. CAUSTIC CjUitVE, in the higher geometry, is a curve forlned by the concourse or coincidence of the rays of light, when either reflected, or refracted, from some other curve. Every curve therefore has its twofold caustic: accord- ingly, caustics are divided into catacaustics, and diacaus- ties; the one formed by reflection, the angle of reflection being equal to that of incidence ; the other by refraction. See the two articles Catacaustics and Diacaustics. To pursue the doctrine of caustics, as it relates to .op- tics, consult Haiiy's Philosophy, vol. 2 ; and as a branch of the doctrine of curves, consult the writers on fluxions, as Hays, or Hodgson, or Stone, &c. CAZEMATE. See Casemate. CAZERN. See Casern. CEGlNUS,a fixed star of the 3d magnitude, in the left shoulder of Bootes; and marked y by Bayer. CELERITY, is the velocity or swiftness of a body in motion ; or that affection of a body in motion by which it can pass over a certain space in a certain time. CELESTIAL Globe, &c. See Globe, &c. CELLAR1US (Christopher), a learned geographer and historiographer of the 17th century. He was born in 1638, at Smalcalde in Franconia, where his father was minister. Our author was successively rector of the col- leges at Weymar, Zeits, and Mersbourg, and professor of eloquence and history in the university founded by the king, of Prussia at Hall in 1 693, where he composed the greatest part of his works. His great application to study hastened the infirmities of old age ; for it has been said, he would spend whole days and nights together over his books, without any attention to his health, or even the calls of nature. He died in 1707, at 69 years of age. Cellarius was author of a great number of books, on various subjects ; but those for which he has a place here, are his geographical works, which are as follow: 1. Notitia Orbis Antrqui, 2 vols, in 4to; and is esteemed the best work extant on the ancient geography. 2. Atlas Ccelestis; in folio. 3. Historia Antiqua, 2 vols, in 12mo ; being an abridge- ment of universal history. CENTAURUS, the Centaur, one of the 48 old constel- lations, being a southern one, and is in form half man and half horse. It is fabled by the Greeks that it was Chiron the Centaur, who was the tutor of Achilles and Esculapius. The stars of this constellation are, in Ptolemy's catalogue 37, in Tycho's 4, and in the Britannic catalogue, with Sharpe's appendix, 35. CENTER, and Centering. See Centre, and Cen- tring. CENTESM, the 100th part of any thing. CENTIGRADE, the division into grades or degress by hundredth parts, called also Centesimals, contracted into Ccntemeg, on still more contracted Cents. The Nort"n'-American states have their money (dollars), divided into hundredth parts or cents. And the French nation have lately divided all their money, weights, and Vol. I. ] C E N measures, decimally ; which is allowed to be the base way. They have even divided the circular quadrant into cents, for trigonometrical uses, on the centigrade way, having 100 in the quadrant, while we have 90 : there- fore the magnitude of their degree, is to that of ours, as 9 to 10; but the number of their degrees to the number of ours, as 10 to 9 : hence, to change French degrees into English, diminish them by one-tenth, or multiply them by 9, and cut off one figure for a decimal: and to find the number of French degrees answering to a given number of English, annex a cipher to the latter, then divide them by 9- The French have also their centigrade thermometer, &c. In that instrument they divide the distance between the freezing and boiling points into 100, which we divide into 180; therefore the length of their thermomelrical de- gree, is to the length of ours, as 180 to .100, or as 18 to 10, or 9 to 5 ; and the number of theirs to the number of ours, as 10 to IS, or 5 to 9; therefore, to change French ther- mometer degrees into English, multiply the former by 9* and divide by 5 : so, to find the English degrees answering to 15 French, the 5th of 15 is 3, then 3 x 9 = 27 are the English degrees answering to 15 French : but as the French. freezing point is at 0, and ours at 32, therefore 27 + 32 = 59 is the point or degree on the English thermometer, an- swering to that of 1 5 on the French. CENTRAL, something relating to a centre. Thus we say central eclipse, central forces, central rule, &c. Central Eclipse, is when the centres of the luminaries exactly coincide, and fall directly in a line with the eye. Central Forces, are forces having a tendency directly towards or from some point or centre; or forces which cause a moving body to lend towards, or recede from, the centre of motion. And accordingly they are divided into two kinds, in respect to their different relations to the centre, and hence are called centripetal, and centrifugal. The doctrine of central forces constitutes a consider- able branch of the Newtonian philosophy, and has been greatly cultivated by mathematicians, on account of its extensive use in the theory of gravity, and other branches of physico-mathematical science. In this doctrine, it is supposed that matter is equally indifferent to motion or rest, or rather that it always re- sists any attempt to change its state; or that a body at rest never moves itself, and that a body in motion never of itself changes either the velocity or the direction of its mo- tion; but that every motion would continue uniformly, and its direction rectilinear, unless some external force 01 resistance affected it or should act upon it. Hence, whe*; a body at rest always tends to move, or when the velocity of any rectilinear motion is continually accelerated or re : tarded, or when the direction of a motion is continually changed, and a curve line is thereby described, it is sup posed that these circumstances proceed from the influence of some power that acts incessantly ; which power may be measured, in the first case, by the pressure of the quies- cent body against the obstacle which prerents it from moving, or by the velocity gained or lost in the second case, or by the flexure of the curve described in the 3d case ; due regard being had to the time in which these effects are produced, and other circumstances, according to the principles of mechanics. Now the power or force of gravity produces effects of each of these kinds, which fall under our constant observation near the surface of the earth ; for the same power which render* bodies heavy, 2P C E N [ *90 ] CEN while they are at rest, accelerates their motion when they descend perpendicularly; or retards them when they as- cend; and bends the track of their motion into acurveline, when they are projected in a direction oblique to that of their gravity. But we can judge of the forces or powers that act on the celestial bodies by effects of the last kind only. And hence it is, that the doctrine of central forces is of so much use in the theory of the planetary motions. Sir I. Newton has treated of central forces in lib. 1, sec 2, of his Principia, and has demonstrated this fundamental theorem of central forces, viz, that the areas which re- volving bodies describe by radii drawn to an immoveable centre, lie in the same immoveable planes, and are pro- portional to the times in which they are described. Prop. 1. It is remarked by a late eminent mathematician, that this law, which was originally observed by Kepler, is the onlygeneral principle in the doctrine of centripetal forces; but since this law, as Newton himself has proved, cannot hold in cases where a body has a tendency to any other than one and the same point, there seems to be wanting some law that may serve to explain the motions of the moon and satellites which gravitate towards two different centres: the law he lays down for this purpose is, that when a body is urged by two forces tending constantly to two fixed points, it will describe, by lines drawn from the two fixed points, equal solids in equal times, about the line joining those fixed points. See Machin, on the Laws of the Moon's Motion, in the Postscript. This short trea- tise is published at the end of the English translation of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia. See also a demonstration of this law by Mr. William Jones, in the Philos. Trans, vol. 5Q. Very learned tracts have also been since given, when the motion respects, not two only, but several cen- tres, by many ingenious authors, and practical rules de- duced from them for computing the places &c of planets and satellites; as by Lagrange, Laplace, Waring, &c, &c. See Berlin Memoirs ; those of the Academy of Sciences at Paris ; and the Philos. Trans, of London. M. Demoivre gave elegant general theorems relating to central forces, in the Philos. Trans, and in his Miscel. Analyt. 231. — Let mpq be any given curve, in which a body moves : let P be the place of the body at any time; s the centre of force, or the point to which the central force acting on the body is always directed; pg the radius of curvature at the point p; and st perpendicular to the tangent pt ; then will the centripetal force be every where proportional to the quantity • —3. Vid. ut supra. M. Varignon has also given two general theorems on this subject in the Memoirs of the Acad. an. 1700, 1701 ; and has shown their application to the motions of the planets. See also the same Memoirs, an. 1706, 1710. Mr. Maclaurin has also treated the subject of central forces very ably and fully, in his Treatise on Fluxions, art. 416 to 493 ; where he gives a great variety of expres- sions for these- forces, and several elegant methods of in- vestigating thern. Laws of Centra i. Forces. 1.1 be followingis a very clear and comprehensive rule, fc>r which wc arc obliged to the Marquis de I'Hopital : Suppose a body of any determinate weight to revolve uni- formly about a centre, with any given velocity ; find from what height it must have fallen, by the force of gravity, to acquire that velocity ; then, as the radius of the circle it describes, is to double that height, so is its weight to its centrifugal force. So that, if b be the body, or its weight or quantity of matter, v its velocity, and r the radius of the circle described, also g = 16^ feet ; then, by the laws of falling bodies we have4g 2 : z? 2 :: g : — theheightdue to the velocity v; and by rule r :— : : b : — = f the cen- trifugal force. Hence, if the centrifugal force be equal to the gravity, the velocity is equal to that acquired by fall- ing through half the radius. 2. The central force of a body moving in the periphery of a circle, is as the versed -p A D (t sine am of the indefinitely small arc ae; or it is as the square of that arc ae direct- ly, and as the diameter ae inversely. For am is the space through which the body is drawn from the tan- gent in the given time, and 2am is the proper measure of the intensity of the central force. But, ae being very small, and therefore nearly equal to its chord, we shall have by the nature of the circle AE 3 ab : ae : : ae : am = — . AB 3. If two bodies revolve uniformly in different circles; their central forces are in the duplicate ratio of their velo- cities directly, and the diameters or radii of the circles in- ■ ' .. . - V 3 J) 3 V 3 t' 3 versely; that is, f :/:: — :—::—:—. J d d n r For the force, by the last article, is as — or — ; and the ve- J AB D locity v is as the space ae uniformly described. 4. And hence, if the radii or diameters be reciprocally in the duplicate ratio of the velocities, the central forces will be reciprocally in the duplicate ratio of the radii, or directly as the 4th power of the velocities; that is, if V 2 : » 2 : : r : r, then f :/::»•-: r' 2 : : v 4 : »\ 5. The central forces are as the diameters of the circles directly, and squares of the periodic times inversely. For if c be the circumference described in the time t, with the velocity v; then the space c = tv, or v = - ; hence, using this value of v in the 3d rule, it becomes F : / : : — „ : —= : : — r : - : : — r : ii since the diameter DT df T J I' T t is as the circumference. 6. If two bodies, revolving in different circles, be acted on by the same central force; the periodic times are in the subduplicate ratio of the diameters or radii of the cir- cles; for when p =/, then — j = -., and d : d : : i 3 : 1°, T* t~ or t : t : : ^/d : ^/d : : v 'r : v'r. 7. If the velocities be reciprocally as the distances from the centre, the central forces will be reciprocally as the cubes of the same distances, or directly as the. cubes of the velocities. That is, if v : v : : r : r, then is F :/: : r 3 : 3 3 3 7- r v' J n J r' 1 n" 13 r j : : v J : tr. lot E ; f : : — : - : : - : — ; ; r; : r j : : C E N C 201 ] C E N 8. If the velocities be reciprocally in the subduplicate ratio of the central distances, the squares of the times will be as the cubes of the distances : thus, if v 2 : » 2 : : r : r, then is t 2 : / 2 : : r 3 : r 3 . For by 3d and 5th — : -::—:-, and (by this) = :,, and hence t 2 : t- : : r 3 : r 3 . 9- Therefore, if the forces be reciprocally as the squares of the central distances, the squares of the periodic times will be as the cubes of the distances ; or when f : f : : r 2 : k~, then is t 2 : t 2 : : r 3 : r 3 . For by 5th, f : / : : -j- : -, and by this f :/ : : r* : r 2 , theref. — : - : : r 2 : r% and hence r f T z : t z : : R 3 : r 3 . Exam. From this, and some of the foregoing theorems, may be deduced the velocity and periodic time of a body revolving in a circle, at any given distance from the earth's centre, by means of its own gravity. Put g = 1 6^ feet, the space described by gravity, at the surface, in the first second of time, viz, = am in the foregoing fig. and by rule 2 ; then putting r = the radius ac; it is ae = \/(ab x am) = y"2gr the velocity in a circle at its surface, in one second of time; and hence, putting c = S'lilSy &c, the circumference of the earth being 2cr = 25,000 miles, or 132,000,000 feet, it will be , equally distant from their respective centres. For these are as two equal weights suspended at equal distances irpna the point of suspension; in which case they will equi- ponderate, and rest in auy position. © - Gb 2. If the centres of gravity of two bodies, a and b, be connected by the right line ae, the distances ac and bc, from the common centre of gravity c, are reciprocally as the weights or bodies a and B ; that is, ac : bc : : b : a. See this demonstrated under the article Lever. Hence, if the weights of the bodies a and b be equal, their common centre of gravity c will be in the middle of the right line ab, as in the foregoing article. Also since a : B : : bc : ac, therefore a x ac = b x bc; whence it appears that the powers of equiponderating bodies arc to be estimated by the product of the mass multiplied by the distance from the centre of gravity; which product is usually called the momentum of the weights. Further, from the foregoing proportion, by composition it will be a -T- b : a : : ab : bc, c* a -+- b : B : : ab : ac. So that the common centre of gravity c of two bodies will be found, if the product of one weight by the whole di- stance between the two, be divided by the sum of the two weights. Suppose, for example, that a = 12 pounds, b == 4lb, and ab = 36" inches : then lfj : 12 : : 36 : 27 = bc, and consequently AC = 9, the two distances from the common centre of gravity. v ff v % s ©~Q—^ ' 3. The common Centre of Gravity of three or more given bodies or points a, b, c, d, &c, will be thus determined. — If the given bodies lie all in the same straight line ad ; by the last article, find p the centre of gravity of the two a and b, and q the centre of gravity of c and d ; then, considering p as the place of a body equal to the sum of a and B, and q as the place of another body equal to both c and d, find s the common centre of gravity of these two sums, viz, a -+- b collected in P, and c -+- d united in q ; so shall s be the common centre of gravity of all the four bodies, a, b, c, d. And the. same for any other number of bodies, always consideringthesum of any number of them as united or placed in their common centre of gravity, when found. Otherwise, thus. Take the distances of the given bodies from some fixed point as v, calling the distance va = a, vb = b, vc = c, vd = d, and the distance of the centre of gravity vs = x; then sa = x — a, sb = x — b, sc = c — x, kd = d — x, and by the nature of the lever a . (x — a) -+■ b . (x — b) = c (c — x) -+- d (d — x) ; hence ax -+- bx -i- cx -+- dx = \a -+■ b6 -+- cc ■+• vd, and x = = vs the distance sought; which A+t+C+D therefore is equal to the sum of all the momenta, divided by the sum of all the weights or bodies. Or thus. When the bodies arc not in the same straight lino, connect them with the lines ah, cd ; then, as before, find v the common centre of a and B, and <} the common centre of c and d; then, conceiving a and b united in p, CEN [ 295 ] CEN and c and d united in q, find s the common centre of p and Q, which will be the centre of gravity of the whole. Or the bodies may be all reduced to any line vhb, &c, drawn in -any direction whatever, by perpendiculars bb, cc, &c, let fall thereon from the centres of gravity of those bodies; and then the common centre 5 in this line, as before, will be at the same distance from v as the true centre s is; and consequently the perpendicular from s will pass through s the real centre. 4. From the foregoing general expression, viz, ha + b6 + cc + &c , c . c x = , for the centre ot gravity 01 any A + B + C -f- &C ' ° J J system of bodies, may be derived a general method for finding that centre in any body; for a, b, c, &c, may be considered as the elementary parts of any body, whose sum or mass is 11 = a + b + c &c, and ah, sb, cc, &c, are the several momenta of all these parts, viz, the product of each part multiplied by its distance from the fixed point v. Hence then, in any body, find a general ex- pression for the sum of the momenta, and divide it by the content of the body, so shall the quotient be the distance of the centre of gravity from the vertex, or from any other fixed point, from which the momenta are estimated. A C B 5. Thus, in a right line ab, all the particles which com- pose it may be considered as so many very small weights, each equal to x, which is therefore the fluxion of the weights, or of the line denoted by x. So that the small weight x multiplied by its distance from a, viz x, is xx the momentum of that weight x; that is, xx is the fluxion of all the momenta in the line ab or x; and therefore its flu- ent f.r 2 is the sum of all those momenta; which being di- vided by x the sum of all the weights, gives \x or £ab for the distance of the centre of gravity c from the point a ; that is, the centre c is in the middle of the line ab. 6. Also in the parallelogram, whose axis or length dT> ab = x, and its breadth de = b; drawing de parallel and indefi- nitely near de, the areola (/dec = • bx will be the fluxion of all the A weights, which multiplied by its distance x from the point a, gives bxx for the fluxion of all the mo- j r = the chord lon ; also, by the last article, the distance of the centre of gravity of the arc lmn is CM x aed cy , , ay = — ; hence the arc lmn or LUMJ multiplied byi gives -^ the fluxion of all the weights or mass, and this multiplied by — the distance of the common centre of gravity, gives — the fluxion of the momentum ; the flilent of which, viz — divided by — , the fluent of the ar J 2r' mass, gives '-^ for the distance of the centre of gravity of the sector clmn from the centre c; and when y = r, it becomes — = cg for that of the sector cabd proposed ; 3a 1 r ; being § of a 4th proportional to the arc of the sector, its chord, and the radius of the circle. Hence, when the sector becomes a semicircle, the last expression becomes — = — or •£ of a 3d proportional to a quadrantal arc and the radius. Or it is equal to — = '4244r from the centre c ; where p = 3 - 14l6\ So op * that the distanced the centre of gravity of the sector, is just equal to % of that of its arc. 12. In the Cone add, Putting a = dc, b = area of tliebase aeb, and x = Dc'anyva- riable altitude; then as a 3 :* 2 : : b: bx — =z area aeb ; hence the fluxion of the mass is — r whose fluent, a" ' or the solid, is — ; and the fluxion of the momentum is — -, whose fluent is — ; then this fluent di- vided by the former fluent, the whole weight or mass, gives |x or 'Idc for the distance of the centre of gravity of the cone Vab, or f DC for that of the cone dab "below the vertex v. And the tame is the distance in any other pyramid. So that all pyramids of the same altitude, have the same cen- tre of gravity. 13. General Scholium to the foregoing articles, for the place of the centre of gravity in geometrical figures. (1). The centre of gravity of every geometrical figure, lies in its axis or diameter, being that line which is drawn from the middle of the base of one end, to the middle of the opposite end, or to the opposite angle or vertex; because this line bisects all the ordinates or sections parallel to the said base or ends. And the distance of the centre of gravity, as measured on that axis, either from the base or from the vertex, is for the several figures as below. (2). The centre of gravity is in the middle of that axis, or length, or equally distant from both ends, or coinciding with the centre of magnitude in all regular figures, or such as have all the said parallel sections equal ; such as right lines, all parallelograms and prisms, all regular plane po- lygons and solid polyhedrons, also the circle and sphere. (3). In a triangle and paraboloid, it is ■§■ of the axis from the base, or f from the vertex. (4). In a parabola it is -| from the base, or 4 from the vertex. (5). In a circular arc, it is from the centre of the cir- cle, a 4th proportional to the arc, its chord, and the ra- dius of the circle, viz, — . a (6). In a circular sector, the distance from the centre is, or | of the said 4th proportional to the arc, chord, and radius. (7). In a semicircle the distance from the centre is — , or f of a third proportional to the arc and radius. (8). In a circular segment, the distance from the cen- tre is ' or -i- of the cube of the chord divided by 12 area xl * the area of the segment, or T ' T of a 4th proportional to the said area, the square of the chord, and the same chord. (9). In any pyramid or cone, it is £ from the base, or ^ from the vertex. (10). In the hemisphere, or hemispheroid, it is J from the base, or T from the vertex. (11). In the segment of a sphere, or of a spheroid, the distance from the base is — ^—, h ; where h denotes the 6d— th height of the segment, and d the whole diameter or axis. (12). In the segment of an hyperbolic conoid, the di stance from the base is — -.If, where % and d are the 6(1 + ill samo as above, viz, the height of the segment and tln< whole diameter or axis. (13). In any figure, composed of two parts, or for any two bodies: find the centre of gravity of each of the two bodies, or two parts, and connect these two centres by a light line, in which line will lie the common centre of gravity of the compound body; and the distance of that ccntro from the centre of each body, or each part, will be CEN regulated by this proportion, viz, that each distance is re- ciprocally proportional to the mass or weight, or content of each body ; or, as the sum of the contents of the two bodies, or of the whole compound mass, is to the whole distance of the two centres, so is each particular body or part, to the distance from the centre of the other body or part. 14. To determine the Centre of Gravity in any Body me- chanically . Lay the body on the edge of any thing, as a triangular prism, or such like, moving it backwards and forwards till the parts on both sides are in equilibrio ; then is that line just in, or under the centre of gravity. Balance it again in another position, to find another line passing through the centre of gravity ; then the intersection of these two lines will be the centre required. The same may be done by laying the body on an hori- zontal table, as near the edge as possible without its fall- ing, and that in two positions, as lengthwise and breadth- wise : then the common intersection of the two lines con- tiguous to the edge, will be its centre of gravity. Or it may be done by placing the body on the point of a style, &c, till it rest in equilibrio. It was by this method that Borelli found that the centre of gravity in a human body is between the nates and pubis ; so that the whole gravity of the. body is collected into the place of the genitals; an instance of the wisdom of the Creator, in placing the membrum virile in the part which is the most convenient for copulation. The same otherwise: thus, Hang the body up by any point; then a plumb-line hung over the same point, will pass through the centre of gravity ; because that centre will always descend to the lowest point when the body comes to rest, which it cannot do except when it falls in the plumb-line. Therefore, marking that line upon it, and suspending the body by another point, with the plum- met, to find another such line, the intersection of the two will give the centre of gravity. Or thus. Hang the body by two strings from the same tack, but fixed to different points of the body ; then a plummet, hung by the same tack, will fall on the centre of gravity. In the 4th volume of the New Acts of the Academy of Petersburg, is the demonstration of a very general theo- rem concerning centres of gravity, by M. Lhuilier; a particular example only of the general proposition will be as follows : Let a, b, c, be the centres of gravity of three bodies; a, b, c their respective masses, and Q their common centre of gravity. Let right lines qa, qb, qc, be drawn from the common centre to that of each body, and the latter be connected by right lines ab, AC, and bc; then qa 2 x a -h qb 2 x b -t- qc 2 x c = ah ., nc j he. AB- X ; -+- AC' X ■ -+- BC' X ; a+b+c - a + b + c a + b+c Uses of the Centre of Gravity. This point is of the greatest use in mechanics, and many important concerns in life; because the place of that centre is to be considered as the place of the body itself, in computing mechanical effects ; as in the oblique pressures of bodies, banks of earth, arches of bridges, and such like. The same centre is even useful in finding the superficial andsolid contentsof bodies ; forit isagencral rule, that the superficies or solid generated by the rotation of a line or plane about any axis, is always equal to the product of the said line or plane drawn into the circumference or path described by the centre of gravity. For example, it Vol. I. [ 297 ] CEN was found above at art. 1 1, that in a semicircle, the di- stance of the centre of gravity from the centre of the cir- and therefore the path of that centre, or the 3 P circumference described by it while the semicircle re- volves about its diameter, is §r; also the area of the- semi- circle is ipr 2 ; hence the product of the two is fpi' 3 ; which, it is well known, is equal to the solidity of the sphere ge- nerated by the revolution of the semicircle. And hence also is obtained another method of finding mathematically the centre of gravity of a line or plane, from the contents of the superficies or solid generated by it. For if the generated superficies or solid be divided by the generating line or plane, the quotient will be the cir- cumference described by the centre of gravity; and con- sequently this divided by 2p gives the radius, or distance of that centre from the axis of rotation. For example, in the semicircle, whose area is ipr°-, and the content of the sphere generated by it fpr 3 ; here the latter divided by the former is fr, and this divided by 2p gives — for the distance of the centre of gravity from the axis, or from the centre of the semicircle, the same as before. The pro- perty last mentioned, relative to the relation between the centre of gravity and the figure generated by the revolu- tion of any line or plane, is mentioned by Pappus, in the preface to his 7 th book ; and Father Guldini has more fully demonstrated it in his 2d and 3d books on the Cen- tre of Gravity. The principal writers on the centre of gravity are Ar- chimedes, Pappus, Guldini, Wallis, Casatus, Carre, Hays, Wolfius, &c. See also ray Mensuration, p. 382, 4th edit. Centre of Gyration, is that point in which if the whole mass be collected, the same angular velocity will be generated in the same time, by a given force acting at any place, as in the body or system itself. This point dif- fers from the centre of oscillation, inasmuch as in this latter case the motion of the body is produced by the gra- vity of its own particles, but in the case of the centre of gyration the body is put in motion by some other force acting at one place only. To determine the Centre of Gyration, in any body, or system of bodies composed of the parts a, b, c, &c, moving about the point s, when urged by a force/ acting at any point p. See the following figure. Let a be that centre ; then, by mechanics, the angular velocity generated in the f ■ sp , , system by the force/, is as-— r^— r^-^e!Tc' md ' by the same, the angular velocity of the matter placed all in the noint r is ^-^ 3 5 then since these two are 1 (A -t- B ■+- c &c) X sir" to be equal, their equation will give sr = >/- B 2 ■+- C . SC B &C for the distance of the centre of gyration sought, below the axis of motion. Now because the quantity a . sa 2 -+- b . sb 2 -+- &c is = sg. so . b, where g is the centre of gravity, o the centre of oscillation, and b the whole body or sum of a, b, c, &c ; therefore it follows that sr 2 = sg . so; that is, the dis- tance of the centre of gyration, is a mean proportional be- tween those of gravity and oscillation. And hence also, if p denote any particle of a body, placed at the distance d from the axis of motion j then is sum of all the pa? , , , , sr = : — : whence the point r may bc dctrr- budy b mined in bodies by means of Fluxions. 2Q GEN The distance of the centre of gyration from the point or axis of motion, being a mean proportional between the dis- tances of the centres of gravity and oscillation lrom the sam« axis. Hence, when any two of these distances is known, the third may readily be determined. The distance srt of the centre of gyratrbn from the axis of rotation in several bodies will be as follows : 1. In a right line, or thin cylinder, revolving about the end, sr = length x ^/$. 2. The plane of a circle, or cylinder, revolving about the plane from every particle axis, sr = radius x ^\. in the body; a suppo- 3. The periphery of a circle, about the diameter, sr = sition which will not al- radius x ,^/\. 4. A wheel with a very thin rim, revolving about its axle, sr = radius. 5. The plane of a circle, about the diameter, su = \ radius. 6. The surface of a sphere, about the diameter, sr = radius xv/f. ,'.''•' 7. A globe, about the diameter, sr = radius x */%, S. A cone, about the axis, sr = radius x y/-^. Cent-re of Inertion. See Centre of Gravity [ 2 9 8 ] C E N of Fluxions, where it is introduced as one of the examples of that method. See Haves, Carue, Woluus, Simp- son, Fluxions, &c. To determine thejCentrc of Oscillation, in any Compound Mass or Body mn, or of any System of Bodies a,b, c, &c. Let mn be the plane of vibration, to which plane con- ceive all the matter to be reduced by letting fall perpendiculars to this ter the vibration of the body, because the parti- cles are still at the same distance from the axis of motion. Let o be the centre of oscillation, and G the centre of gravity; through the axis s draw sgo, and the horizontal line st ; then from every particle a, b, c, &c, let fall per- Centre of Magnitude, is the point which is equally pendiculars A«and xp, b/> and Br/, cc and cr, &c, to these distant from all the similar external parts of a body. This two lines ; and join sa, sb, sc ; also draw got and on per- is the same as the centre of gravity in- homogeneal bodies pendicular to ST. that can be cut into like and equal parts according to Now the forces of the weights a, b, c, to turn the body their length, as in a cylinder or any other prism. about the axis, are a . sp, B . sr/, — c . sr ; and, by rfle- Centre of Motion, is the point about which any body, chanics, the forces opposing or resisting that motion are or system of bodies, moves, in a revolving motion. a . s a 2 , b . SB 2 , c . sc" ; therefore the angular velocity ge- Centre of Motion oiaship, is the point upon whicha ves- , , . a . sp + b ■ s o — c ■ sr ,., , ... i ,, ,■ •» '■■• ■■. r .. r nerated by the whole system is 3 —, — ■—,. Inlike sel oscillates or rolls, when put in motion. J J a. sa' + b.sb -+- c. sc Centre of Oscillation, is that point in the axis or line manner, the angular velocity which any bod)' or particle of suspension of a vibrating body, or system of bodies, in p, situated in o, generates in the system, by its weight, is which if the whole matter or weight be collected, the vi- p^m Qr sn or j^ because of the similar triangles sgot, brations will still be performed in the same time, and with p. so so- so. so' the same angular velocity, as before. Hence, in a com- son. But, by the conditions of the problem, the time and angular velocity are alike in both these cases ; therefore •these two expressions must be equal to each other, that is, sm a . sa + b . so — c . sr , . , — , and consequently pound pendulum, its distance from the point of suspension is equal to the length of a simple pendulum whose oscilla- tions are isochronal with those of the compound one. Mr. Huygens, in his Horologium Oscillatorium, first showed how to find the centre of oscillation. At the be- ginning of his discourse on this subject, he says, that Mer- sennus first proposed the problem to him while he was yet very young, requiring him to resolve it in the cases of sec- tors of circles suspended by their angles, and by the mid- dle of their bases, both when they oscillate sideways and flatways; as also for triangles and the segments of circles, either suspended from their vertex or the middle of their bases. But, continues he, not having immediately disco- vered any thing that would open a passage into this busi Again, by mechanics, B . sr/ — c . sf is equal sg a . sp + b . su — c . sr the sum of the forces a . sp -t (a -+- b ■+- c) sot the force of the same matter collect- ed all into its centre of gravity g ; therefore A . SA 3 + B . SB 3 + C . SC 3 ... . , , . . , so = — - _ , _, — , which is the distance of the (A -t- •«0 centre of oscillation o below the axis of suspension. Farther, because it was found under the article Centre of Gravity, that (a ■+■ b -+- c) . so = a . sa ■+- b . sb ■+- c. sc, . , A .SA 3 -+- B.SB 3 -|- C. SC 3 . . ,. ness, I was repulsed at first setting out, and stopped from therefore so = A . sa + B . s „ + c . sc is the same distance a farther prosecution of the subject; till being farther in- of , ne ccnlre f oscillation; where any of the products cited to it in adjusting the motion of the pendulums of my A _ sa> B _ s ^ & c are to De considered negative when the clock, I surmounted all difficulties, going far beyond Dcs- po j nts a> ft ; &c lie above the point s, or where the axis cartes, Fabry, and others, who had done the thing in a p asscs through few of the most easy cases only, without any sufficient de- monstration ; and solving not only the problems proposed by Mersenne, but many others that were much more dif- ficult, and showing a general way of determining this cen- tre, in lines, superficies, and solids. In the Leipsic Acts for 1691 and 1714, this doctrine is handled by the two Bernoullis: and the same is also done by Herman, in his treatise De Motu Corporum Solidorum ct Kluidorum. It may also be seen in treatises on the. Inverse Method Again, because, by Fuel. II. 12 and 13, sa 2 = sg 2 -t- ga' 1 — 2sg . on, and sb 2 = sg* -1- gb 2 -1- 2sg . cb, and sc 2 = so 2 ■+- gc 2 + 2sg . cc, &c ; and since by Mechanics, the sum of the last terms is no- thing, namely — 2sg . aa ■+■ 2sg . g4 ■+- 2sg.gc&c=0; therefore the sum of the others, or a . sa 2 •+■ B . SB 1 &c = ( A -1-11 &C) SG* + A . GA 1 -Hl-CPZ + C. GC 2 &.C, OT = I) . SG 2 + A . GA 2 ■+- B . (ill" -I- C .GC 2 &C ; where b denotes the body, or sum A -+- B -t- C &c of all C E N [ b . SG GO = the parts: this value then being substituted in the nume- rator of the 2d value of so above-found, it becomes b . so 3 ■+- a . ga 3 -f- b , Grr &c so = ; , or b . SG A . GA 2 + B . GB 3 &C SO = SG H — - ; b . SG From which it appears that the centre of oscillation is always below the centre of gravity, and that the difference ,. , , . A.GA 3 + B.GB 3 &.C or distance between them is Go = It follows also from hence, that sg A . GA 3 + B . GB 3 &C , , . . i — ; that is, the rectangle sg . go is always " the body b ' ° J the same constant quantity; wherever the point of suspen- sion s is placed, since the point g and the bodies a, b, &c, are constant. Or go is always reciprocally as sg, that is go is less as sg is greater; and the points g and o coin- cide when sg is infinite; but when s coincides with G, then go is infinite, or o is at an infinite distance. To find the Centre of Oscillation by means of Fluxions. From the premises is derived this general method for the centre of oscillation, viz, let a: be the abscissa of an oscilla- ting body, and y its corresponding ordinate or section; then will the distance so of the centre of oscillation below the axis of suspension s, be equal to the fluent of^x 2 * divided by the fluent of yxx. So that, if from the nature or equa- tion of any given figure, the value of y be expressed in terms of x, or otherwise, and substituted in these two fluxions; then the fluents being taken, and the one divided by the other, the quotient will be the distance to the cen- tre of oscillation in terms of the absciss x. But when the body is suspended by a very fine thread of a given length a, then the fluent of (a + x) 2 . yx divided by the fluent of (a ■+■ x)yx gives the distance of the same centre of oscillation below the point of suspension. Ex. For example, in a right line, or rectangle or cy- linder or any other prism, whose constant section hy, or the constant quantity u; then yr** is ax 2 x, whose fluent is -j-ax 3 ; also yxx is aix, whose fluent is lax' 1 ; and the quotient of the former -Jar 3 divided by the latter fax 2 , is f j: for the distance of the centre of oscillation below the vertex in any such figure, namely having every where the same breadth or section, that is, at two-thirds of its length. . In like manner the centre of oscillation is found for various figures, vibrating flatways, and are as they are ex- pressed below, viz, Nature of the Figure. When suspended by Vertex. Isosceles triangle \ of its altitude Common Parabola f of its altitude Any Parabola x its altitude. As to figures moved laterally or sideways, or edge- ways, that is about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure, the finding the centre of oscillation is some- what difficult; because all the parts of the weight in the same horizontal plane, on account of their unequal dis- tances from the point of suspension, do not move with the same velocity; as is shown by Huygens, in his Horol. Oscil. He found, in this case, the distance of the centre of oscillation below the axis, viz, In a circle, - - £ of the diameter: In a rectangle, susp. by one angle, -| of the diagonal : In a parabola, suspi by its vertex, -f axis The same snap, by mid. of base, $ axis Ju a sector of a circle - - - In a cone C E N radius base 3 • - - - 4 axis h — : 3 5 axis ■Sr 2 - - - - e h , where r is r the rad. added to the length ol \ param. +• 4- param, rndius i -luii'd In a sphere - - - the radius, and g = a the thread. See also Simpson's Fluxions, art. 183 &c. To find the Centre of Oscillation Mechanically or Experi- mentally. Make the body oscillate about its point of sus- pension ; and hang up also a simple pendulum of such a length that it may vibrate or just keep time with the other body : then the length of the simple pendulum is equal to the distance of the centre of oscillation of the body below the" point of suspension. Or it will be still better found thus: Suspend the body very freely by the given point, and make it vibrate in small arcs, counting the vibrations it makes in any portion of time, as a minute, by a good stop-watch ; and let that number of oscillations made in a minute be called n : then shall the distance of the centre of oscillation be so = — inches. For, the length of the pendulum vi- brating seconds, or 60 times in a minute, being 39f inches, and the lengths of pendulums being reciprocally as the square of the number of vibrations made in the same time,. therefore re* : 60* : : 39r : > the length of the pendu- lum which vibrates n times in a minute, or the distance of the centre of oscillation below the axis of motion. Centre of Percussion, in a moving body, is that point where the percussion or stroke is the greatest, in which the whole percutient force of the body is supposed to be collected ; or about which the impetus of the parts is ba- lanced on every side, so that it may be stopped by an im- moveable obstacle at this point, and rest on it, without acting on the centre of suspension. 1 . When the percutient body revolves about a fixed point, the centre of percussion is the same with the centre of os- cillation ; and is determined in the same manner, viz, by considering the impetus of the parts as so many weights ap- plied to an inflexible riiiht line void of gravity; namely, by dividing the sum of the products of the forces of the parts multiplied by their distances from the point of suspension, by the sum of the forces. And therefore what has been above shown of the centre of oscillation, will hold also of the centre of percussion, when the body revolves about a fixed point. For instance, that the centre of percussion in a cylinder is at f of its length from the point of suspen- sion, or that a stick of a cylindrical figure, supposing the centre of motion at the hand, will strike the greatest blow at a point about two-thirds of its length from the hand. — See the investigation at large in my Course of Mathematics, p. 44. 2. But when the body tnoves with a parallel motion, or all its parts with the same celerity, then the centre of per-' cussion is the same as the centre of gravity ; for the mo- menta ara: the products of the weights and celerities ; and to multiply equiponderating bodies by the same velocity, is the same thing as to take equimultiples; but the equimul- tiples of equiponderating bodies do also equiponderate; therefore equivalent momenta are disposed about the cen- tre of gravity, consequently in this case the two centres coincide, and what is shown of the one will hold in the other. Centre of Percussion, in a fluid, is the same as out of il. 2 t v > 2 CEN [ 300 ] CEN Centre of a Parallelogram, the point in which its dia- gonals intersect. Centre of Position. See Centre of Gravity. Centre of Pressure, of a fluid against a plane, is that point against which a force being applied, equal to the whole pressure, but in a contrary direction, it will keep the surface at rest. It is evident that, on a plane parallel to the horizon, or on any plane where the pressure is uni- form, the centre of pressure coincides with the centre of - gravity of the plane. But for other cases, it will be found by the following method. To find the Centrcof Pressure of any Plane Surface. Let abcd be the surface of the fluid, vw, the plane ; which being pro- duced, let CDbeits intersection with the surface, p the centre of pressure, and g the centre of gravity; and con- ceive the whole plane to be divid- ed into an indefi- nite number of ex- tremely small parts of which one is x : draw pq, Gg, xv, perpendicular to the surface, and pa, an, xm perpendicu- lar to cd; and join Qffi, gn, vm, then it is manifest that the triangles VQa, Ggn, xvm are similar. Now, by the princi- ples of hydrostatics, the pressure on x, perpendicular to vw, is as a: x xv; and by mechanics, its effect to turn the plane about cd, is as x x xv x xm; but an : Gg : : xm : xv =a xm x — ; hence the effect of the pressure at x, to turn en the plane about cd, is as x x xm 1 x — ; therefore the whole 1 ' Gil effect is as the sum of all the x x xm* x — . But if a = GI2 the area of vw, the whole quantity of pressure on vw = a x Gg; therefore the effect of the pressure at p, to turn the plane about cd, is as jxGgn pa. Hence a x Gg x pa = sum of all the x x xm 1 x — ; consequently i of all the x x xm? x • <3g- Hence it appears, that p is at the same distance from cd as the centre of percussion is, cd being the axis of suspen- sion. They do not however in general coincide or lie in the same line, that is, in the line «G ; for the efficacy of the pressure at or, to turn the plane about kg, is as x x xv x run (or since xv varies as xm), as x x xm x mn; but the sum of all the * x xm x mn, is not generally = 0, therefore the whole pressure will not necessarily balance itself upon the line on. The situation of the line pa must be determined by making thesum of all the x x xm x mn = 0, which in any particular case may be done by a fluxional process. It is not therefore true, in general, that the centres of pressure and percussion are the same point. Cent he of a Regular Polygon, or Regular Body, is the same as that of the inscribed, or circumscribed circle or ipherfe. Centre of Rotation, is that point about which a body, otherwise at liberty, revolves or tends to revolve when it is acted upon unequally at different points, or by a force the direction of which does not pass through its centre of gravity. M. J. Bernoulli was the first who published any thing on this subject; and he first found the point about which a body at rest would begin to revolve when struck by another body, and he called this point the centre of spon- taneous rotation, to distinguish it from the centre of forced rotation. He observed however that D. Bernoulli had discovered the same; he has also mentioned the curve de- scribed by that point in the progressive motion of the body, and has described a method of inquiry by which the ve- locity of the bodies may be found after the stroke. Mr. Vince has treated this subject much at large, and with great perspicuity, in the Philos. Trans, vol. 70, for 1780, p. 540, &c. Centre of a Sphere, is the same as that of its genera- ting semicircle, or the middle point of the sphere, from whence all right lines drawn to the superficies, are equal. Centre of Spontaneous Rotation, is that point which re- mains at rest the instant a body is struck, or about which the body begins to move. .The term was first used by John Bernoulli to distinguish this centre from the centre of forced rotation, or that about which a body is compelled to re- volve, such for instance as the point of suspension of a pendulum. See Centre of Rotation. Centring of an Optic Glass, the grinding it so as that the thickest part be exactly in the middle. Cassini the younger has a discourse expressly on the ne- cessity of well centring" the object glass of a large tele- scope, that is, of grinding it so as that the centre may fall exactly in the axis of the telescope. Mem. Acad. 1710. Indeed, one of the greatest difficulties in grinding large optic glasses is, that in figures, so little convex, the least difference will throw the centre 2 or 3 inches out of the middle. And yet Dr. Hooke remarks, that though it were better the thickest part of a long object glass were exactly in the middle, yet it may be a very good one when it is an inch or two out of it. Philos. Trans, No. 4. CENTRING, or Centering, in Building, denotes the frame of timber by which the brick or stone work of arched vaulting is supported during its erection, and from which it receives its form and curvature. For their de- scription and properties, see the Principles of Bridges, in my new Tracts, vol. 1, p. 105. CENTRIFUGAL Machine, a curious machine invented by a Mr. Erskine, for raising water by means of a centri- fugal force, combined with the pressure of the atmosphere. This machine consists of a large tube of copper, &c, in the form of a cross, placed perpendicularly in the water, and resting at the bottom on a pivot. At the upper part of the tube is a horizontal toothed wheel, which touches the teeth of another in a vertical position ; so that by the aid of a double winch the whole machine is moved round with very great velocity. Near the bottom of the perpendicular part of the tube is a valve opening upwards; and near the two extremities, but on the contrary sides of the arms, or cross part of the tube, are two other valves opening outwards. These two valves are kept shut by means of springs, till the machine is put in motion, when the centrifugal velocity of the water fbrccs them open, and discharges itself into a cis- tern or reservoir placed there for that purpose. On the upper part of the arm are two holes, which are closed by pieces that screw into the metal of the tube. Before the machine can work, these holes must be opened, and water poured in through them, till the whole tube be full; by these means all the air is forced out of the machine, and, C E N [ 301 J C E R the water supported in the tube by means of the valve at the bottom. The tube being thus filled with water, and the holes closed by their screw caps, it is turned round by the winch, when the water in the arms of the tube acquires a centrifugal force, opens the valves near the extremities of the arms, and flies out with a velocity nearly equal to that of the extremities of the said arms. Centrifugal Force, is that by which a body revolving about a centre, or about another body, endeavours to re- cede from it. And CENTRIPETAL Force, is that by which a moving body is perpetually urged towards a centre, and made to revolve in a curve instead of a right line. Hence, when a body revolves in a circle, these two forces, viz, the centrifugal and centripetal, are equal and contrary to each other, since neither of them gains upon the other, the body being in a manner equally balanced by them. But when, in revolving, the body recedes farther from the centre, then the centrifugal exceeds the centripetal force ; as in a body revolving from the lower to the higher apsis, in an ellipse, and respecting the focus as the centre. And when the revolving body approaches nearer to the centre, the centrifugal is less than the centripetal force; as while the body moves from the farther to the nearer extremity of the transverse axis of the ellipse. It is one of the established laws of nature, that all motion is of itself rectilinear, and that the moving body never re- cedes from its first right line, till some new impulse be superadded in a different direction; after that new impulse the motion becomes compounded, but it is still rectilinear, though not in the same line or direction as before. To movcin a curve it must receive a new impulse in a diffe- rent direction every moment, a curve not being reducible to any number of finite right lines. If then a body, con- tinually drawn towards a centre, be projected in a line that does not pass through that centre, it will describe a curve; in every point of which, as a, it will endeavour to recede from the curve, and proceed in the tan- gent ad; and if nothing hindered, it would actually proceed in it; so as in the same time in which it de- scribes the arch ae, it would re- cede the length of the line de, perpendicular to ad, by its centrifugal force: or, being projected in the direction ad, but continually drawn out of its direction into a curve by a centripetal force, so as to fall below the line of direction by the perpendicular space de; then the centrifugal or centripetal force is as this line of deviation de, supposing the arch ae indefinitely small. The doctrine of centrifugal forces was first mentioned by Huygens, at the end of his HorologiumOscillatorium, pub- lished in 1673, and demonstrated in the volume of his Posthumous Works ; as also by Guido Grando, who gave a few easy cases in bodies revolving in the circumference of circles. But Newton, in his Principia, was the first vvho fully prosecuted this doctrine; at least as far as regards the conic sections. After him there have been several other writers on thissubject; as Leibnitz, Varignon, in the Mem. B^>NJ 3000, &c. Characters used in Arithmetic and Algebra. The first letters of the alphabet, a, b, c, &c, denote given quantities; and the last letters, z,y, x, &c, represent such as arc unknown or sought. Stifelius first used the capitals a, b, c, &c, for the unknown or required quan- tities After that, Vieta employed the capital vowels a, 2 11 C H A [ 306 ] C H A B, I, o, u, y, tor the unknown or required quantities, and the consonants b, c, d, &c, for known or given numbers. Harriet changed Vieta's capitals into the small letters, viz, a, e, i, 6, u, for unknown, and b, c, d, &c, for known quan- tities. And Descartes changed Harriot's vowels for the latter letters z, y, x, &c, and the consonants for the leading letters, a, b, c, d, &c. Newton denotes the several orders of fluxions of variable quantities by as many points over the latter letters ; as, of x, y, z; as x,y, sc are the 1st fluxions, x, y, a are the 2d fluxions, i, y, ~ are the 3d fluxions. And Leibnitz denotes the differentials of the same quanti- ties by prefixing d to each of them, thus dx, dy, dz. PoweYs of quantities are denoted by placing the index or exponent after them, towards the upper part; thus a 2 is the 2d power, a 3 the third power, and a n the n power of a. Diophantus marked the powers by their initials, thus &*, x y , $8', $x y , kk", &c, for dynamis, cubus, dynamody- namis, &c, or the 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, powers; and the same method has been practised by several of the early writers, since the introduction of algebra into Europe: but the first of them, as Paciolus, Cardan, &c, used no mark for powers, but the words themselves. Stifel, and others about his time, used the initials or abbreviations ty, 5, $, 55' &c, of res or coss, zenzus, cubus, zenzizenzus, &c, barba- rous corruptions of the Italian cosa, census, cubo, censi- census, &c. But he used also numeral exponents, both po- sitive and negative, to the general characters or roots a, b, c, &c. Bombelli made use of a half circle thus ^ as a general character for the unknown or quantity required to be found in any question, and the several powers <»f it he denoted by figures set above it; thus *i-, •!,, sL, are the 1st, 2d, 3d powers of w ; which powers he called dig- nities. Stevinus used a whole circle for the same unknown quantity, with the numeral index within it, and that both integral and fractional ; thus ©, ®, ©, ©, are the 0, 1, 2, 3 powers of the general quantity O; also @, ©, ©, he uses as the square root, cube root, 4th root of the same; and ©, the cube root of the square, and ©, the square root of the cube, and so on. And these fractional exponents were adopted and farther practised by his commentator Albert Girard. So that Stevinus ought to be esteemed the first person who render- ed general the notation of all powers and roots in the same way, the former by integral, and the latter by fractional exponents. Harriot denoted his powers by a repetition of the letters; thus a, aa, aaa, &c. And Descartes, instead of this, set the numeral index at the upper part of the let- ters, as at present, thus a, a 2 , a 3 , &c ; though, I am in- formed, by such as have seen Harriot's posthumous papers, that he also there makes use of exponents. The character ^/ is the sign of radicality, or of a root, being derived from the initial r. or r, which was used at first by Paciolus, Cardan, &c. This character y', I find first used by Stifel, in 1544, and by Robert Recorde in 1557. The bare character y/ denotes the square root only ; but at first they prefixed the initial of the name after it, to denote the several roots: as ^ q the quadrate or square r<»>t, .y/c the cube root, &c. But the numeral indices of the root were prefixed by Albert Girard, exactly the same as lh«y are used at present, viz, \/ , \/ , */, the 2d, 3d, or 4th root. The character represents addition, and a positive quantity. At first the word itself was used, plus, piu. or the initial p. by Paciolus, Cardan, Tartalea, &c. And the character -<- for addition occurs in Stifelius. — is the character of subtraction, and denotes also «f, negative quantity; which also first occurs in the same au- thor Stifelius. Before that, the word minus, mene, or the initial m. was used. Other characters have also been sometimes used by other authors, for addition and subtrac- tion ; but they are now obsolete. x is the character of multiplication, and was intro- duced by Oughtred. -f- representing division, was introduced by Dr. Pell. Division is also denoted like a fraction, thus - or — = 2. b a = denotes equality, and was used by Robert Recorde. Descartes employs x> for the same purpose. The character : : for proportionality, or equality of ra- tios, was introduced by Oughtred; as was also the mark -— continued proportion. > for greater, and < for less, were used by Harriot. And -3 and -H were used by Oughtred for the same pur- poses. Dr. Pell used ©- for involution, and Lv for evolution. 00 denotes a general difference between any two quan- tities, and was used by Dr. Wallis. The Parenthesis ( ), as a vinculum, was invented by Albert Girard, and used in such expressions as these, \/(72 ■+■ v/5120), and b (bj -t- cq), both for universal roots, and multiplication, &c. The straight-lined vinculum, , was used by Vieta for the same purpose ; thus a — b in b -f- c. Characters in Geometry and Trigonometry. D A Square /. An Angle A A Triangle L_ A Right angle □ A Rectangle _]_ Perpendicular O or © A Circle U Parallel. CHARGE, in Electricity, in a strict sense, imports the accumulation of the electric matter on one surface of an electric, as the| Leyden phial, a pane of glass, &r, while an equal quantity passes off from the opposite surface. Or, more generally, electrics are said to be charged, when the equilibrium of the electric matter on the opposite surface is destroyed, by communicating one kind of electricity on one side, and the contrary kind to the opposite side: nor can the equilibrium be restored till a communication be made by means of conducting substances between the two opposite surfaces : and when this is done, the electric is said to be discharged. The charge properly refers to one side, in contradistinction from the other; since the whole quantity in the electric is the same before and after the process of charging; and the operation cannot succeed, unless what is gained on one side is lost by the other, by means of conductors applied to it, and communicating ei- ther with the earth, or with a sufficient number of non-> electrics. To facilitate the communication of electricity to an electric plate, &c, the opposite surfaces are coated with some conducting substance, usually with tin-foil, within some distance of the edge; in consequence of which the electricity communicated to one part of the coating is readily diffused through all parts of the surface of the elec- tric in contact with it; and a discharge is easily made by forming a communication with any conductor from one coating to the other. If the opposite coatings approach C H A. too near each other, the electric matter forces a passage from one surface to the other before the charge is com- plete. And some kinds of glass have the property of con- ducting the electricity over the surface, so that they are altogether unfit for the operation of charging and dis- charging. If indeed the charge he too high, and the glass plate or phial too thin, the attraction between the two op- posite electricities forcesapassage through theglass, making a spontaneous discharge, and the glass becomes unfit for farther use. See Conductors, Electrics, Leyden Phial, &c. Charge, in Gunnery, the load of a piece of ordnance, or the quantity of powder and ball, or shot, with which it is prepared for execution. The charge of powder, for proving guns, is equal to the weight of the ball ; but for service, it is \ or \ the weight oftheball, orstillless; and indeed in most cases of service, the quantity of powder used is too great for the intended execution. In the British navy, the allowance for 32- pounders is but -^ of the weight of the ball. For it is pro- bable that, if the powder in all ship guns was reduced to | the weight of the ball, or even less, it would be a con- siderable advantage, not only by saving ammunition, but by keeping the guns cooler and quieter, and at the same time more effectually injuring the vessels of the enemy. With the present allowance of powder, the guns are heated, and their tackle and furniture strained; and all this only to render the ball less efficacious ; for a ball which can but just pass through a piece of timber, and in the passage loses almost all its motion, is found to rend and fracture it much more, than when it passes through with considerable velocity. See Robins's Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 290, 291 ; and my own Tracts, vols. 2 and 3. Again, the same author observes, that the charge is not to be determined by the greatest velocity that may be pro- duced; but that it should be such a quantity of powder as will produce the least velocity necessary for the purpose in view; and if the windage be moderate, no field-piece should ever be loaded with more than £, or at the utmost 4- of the weisht of its ball in powder; nor should the charge of any battering piece exceed -j of the weight of its bullet. lb. pa. 266. Different charges of powder, with the same weight of ball, produce different velocities in the ball, which are in the subduplicate ratio of the weights of powder ; and when the weight of powder is the same, and the ball varied, the velocity produced is in the reciprocal subduplicate ratio of the weight of the ball : which is agreeable both to theory and practice. See my paper on Gunpowder in the Philos. Trans. 1 778, pa. 50 ; and my Tracts, vols. 2 and 3. But this is on a supposition that the gun is of an inde- finite length ; whereas, on account of the limited length of guns, there is some variation from this law in practice, as well as in theory ; in consequence of which it appears that the velocity of the ball increases with the charge only to a certain point, which is peculiar to each gun, where the velocity is the greatest; and that by farther increasing the charge, the velocity gradually liminishes, till the bore is quite full of powder. By an easy fluxionary process it is found that, calling the length of the bore of the gun b, the length of the charge producing the greatest velocity, ought to be , or about * of the length of the bore; 2'7182H1&28 where 2718281823 is the number whose hyp. log. is 1. But, for several reasons, in practice the length of the charge [ 307 ] C H A producing the greatest velocity, falls short of that above mentioned, and the more so as the gun is longer. From many experiments I have found the length of the charge producing the greatest velocity, in guns of various lengths of bore, from 15 to 40 calibers, as follows: Length of Bore Length of Charge for greatest Veloc. 3 T5- in Calibers 15 20 30 40 YE 3 -rs 3 CHARLES'S WAIN, a name by which some of the as- tronomical writers, in our own language, have called Ur- sa Major, or the great bear; though some writers say the lesser bear. Indeed both of the two bears have been called waggons or wains, and by the Latins, who have followed the Arabians, two biers, Feretrum majus et minus. CHART, or Sea-Chart, a hydrographical or sea map, for the use of navigators ; being a projection of some part of the sea in piano, showing the sea coasts, rocks, sands, bearings, &c. Fournier ascribes the invention of sea-charts to Henry son of John king of Portugal. These charts are of various kinds, the Plain chart, Mercator's or Wright's chart, the Globular chart, &c. In the construction of charts, great care should be ta- ken that the several parts of them preserve their position to one another, iu, the same order as on the earth ; and it is probable that the finding out of proper methods to do this, gave rise to the various modes of projection. There are many ways of constructing maps and charts ; but they depend chiefly on two principles. First, by con- sidering the earth as a large extended flat surface; and the charts made ob this supposition are usually called Plain Charts. Secondly, by considering the earth as a sphere; and the charts constructed on this principle are sometimes called Globular Charts, or Mercator's Charts, or Reduced Charts, or Projected Charts. Plain C/irtrts have the meridians, as well as the paral- lels of latitude, drawn parallel to each other, and the de- grees of longitude and latitude everywhere equal to those at the equator. And therefore such charts must be de- ficient in several respects. For, 1st, SinCe in reality all the meridians meet in the poles, it is absurd to represent them, especially in large charts, by parallel right lines. 2dly, As plain charts show the degrees of the several pa- rallels as equal to those of the equator, therefore the di- stance of places lying east and west, must be represented much larger than they really are. And 3dly, In a plain chart, while the same rhumb is kept, the vessel appears to sail on a great circle, which is not the case. Yet plain charts made for a small extent, as a few degrees in length and breadth, may be tolerably exact, especially for any part within the torrid zone; and even a plain chart made for the whole of this zone will differ but little from the truth. Mercator's Chart, like the plain charts, has the meri- dians represented by parallel right lines, and the degrees of the parallels or longitude, every where equal to those at the equator; so that they are increased more and more, above their natural size, as they approach towards the pole; but then the degrees of the meridians, or of latitude, are increased in the same proportion at the same part; so that the same proportion is preserved between them as on the globe itself. This chart has its name from that of the au- thor, Girard Mercator, who first proposed it for use in the year 1556, and made the first charts of this kind ; though 2R2 CHA [ 308 ] CHE they were not altogether on true or exact principles, nor does it appear that he perfectly understood them. Nei- ther indeed was the thought originally his own, viz, of lengthening the degrees of the meridian in some propor- tion, for this was hinted by Ptolemy near two thousand years ago. It was not perfected however till Mr. Wrightlirst demonstrated the same about the year 15.90, and showed a ready way of constructing this chart, by enlarging the meridian line by the continual addition of the secants. See his Correction of Errors in Navigation, published in 1599- Globular Chart, is a projection so called from the con- formity it bears to the globe itself; and was proposed by Messrs. Senex, Wilson, and Harris. This is a meridional projection, in which the parallels are equidistant circles, having the pole for their common centre, and the meri- dians curvilinear and inclined, so as all to meet in the pole, or common centre .of the parallels. By which means the several parts of the earth have their proper proportion of magnitude, distance, and situation, nearly the same as on the globe itself; which renders it a good method for geo- graphical maps. Selenographic Charts, are particular descriptions of the appearances, spots, and maculae of the moon. Topographic Charts, are draughts of some small parts only of the earth, or of some particular place, without re- gard to its relative situation, as London, York, &c. For the Construction of Charts, see Geography, Maps, Projection, &c. CHASE, of a Gun, is its bore or cylinder. CHAULNES (The Duke de), a peer of France, re- markable as an astronomer and mathematician, was born at Paris, Dec. 30, 1714. — At an early period he dis- covered a singular taste and genius for the sciences ; and in the tumults of armies and camps, he cultivated mathe- matics, astronomy, mechanics, &c. He was named hono- rary academician the 27th of February 1743, and few members were more punctual in attending the meetings of that body ; where he often brought different constructions and corrections of instruments of astronomy, of dioptrics, and achromatic telescopes. These researches were followed with a new parallactic machine, more solid and convenient than those that were in use ; together with many reflec- tions on the manner of applying the micrometer to those telescopes, and of measuring exactly the value of the parts of that instrument. The Duke of Chaulnes proposed many other works of the same kind, when death surprised him the 23d Sept. 1769. He had several papers published in the volumes of Me- moirs of the Academy of Sciences, as follow : 1. Observations on some Experiments in the 4th part of the 2d book of Newton's Optics: .an. 1755. — 2. Ob- servations on the Platform fordividingmathematical instru- ments : 1765. — 3. Determination of the distance of Arc- turus from the sun's limh, at the summer solstice : 1765. — 4. On some means of perfecting astronomical instru- ments : 1765. — 5. On some experiments relative to diop- trics : 1767. — 6. The art of dividing mathematical instru- ments : 1768 — 7. Observations on the Transit of Venus, .lune 3, 176£). — 8. New method of dividing mathematical and astronomical instruments. CHAUSE TRAPPES, or Caltrops, or Crowsfeet, are iron instruments of spikes about 4 inches long, made like a star, in such a manner that whichever way they fall, one point stands always upwards, like a nail. They are usu- ally thrown and scattered into moats and breaches, to gall the horses' feet, and stop the hasty approaches of the enemy. CHAZELLES (John-Matthew), a French mathe- matician and engineer, was born at Lyons in 1657, and educated there in the college of Jesuits, from whence he removed to Paris in 1675. He first became acquainted with Du Hamel, secretary to the Academy of Sciences, and through him with Cassini, who employed him with himself at the Observatory, where Chazelles greatly im- proved himself, and also assisted Cassini in the measure- ment of the southern part of the meridian of France. Ha- ving, in l6S4, instructed the Duke of Montemar in the ma- thematical sciences, this nobleman procured him the ap- pointment of hydrography-professor to the galleys of Mar- seilles. In discharging the duties of this department, he made numerous geometrical and astronomical observations, from which he drew a new map of the coast of Provence. — He also performed many other services in that depart- ment, and as an engineer, along with the armies and naval expeditions. To make observations in geography and astronomy, he undertook also a voyage to the Levant, and among other things he measured the pyramids of Egypt, and found the four sides of the largest of them exactly to face the four cardinal points of the compass. He made a report of his voyage, on his return, to the Academy of Sciences, upon which he was named a member of their body in 1695, and had many papers inserted in the vo- lumes of their Memoirs, from 1603 to 1708. Chazelles died at Marseilles the lfjth of January 1710. CHEMIN des Ronds, in Fortification, the way of the rounds, or a space between the rampart and the low para- pet under it, for the rounds to go about it. CHEMISE, a wall that lines a bastion, or ditch, or the like, for its greater support and strength. CHEVAL de Frise, pi. Chevaux de Frise, or Friseland Horse, so called because it was first used in that country. It consists of a joist or piece of timber, about a foot in diameter, and 10 or 12 long, pierced and transversed with a great number of wooden spikes of 5 or 6 feet in length, and armed or pointed with iron. It is also called turnpike, or tourniquet, and is chiefly used to stop a breach, defend a passage, or make a retrenchment to stop the cavalry. CHEVRETTE, in Artillery, an engine to raise guns or mortars into their carriage. It is formed of two pieces of wood of about 4 feet long, standing upright upon a third, which is square. The uprights are about a foot asunder, and pierced with holes exactly opposite to one another, to receive a bolt of iron, which is put in cither higher or lower at pleasure, to serve as a support to a handspike by which the gun is raised up. CHEYNE (George), a British physician and mathe- matician, was born in Scotland, l6'71, and educated at Edinburgh under Dr. Pitcairn. He passed his youth in close study and great abstemiousness; but on coming to London, at 30 years of age, lie suddenly changed his whole manner of living; which had such an effect on his consti- tution, that his body grew to an immense size, weighing it is said 448 pounds. From this load of oppression how- ever he was afterwards in a great measure relieved, by means of a milk and vegetable diet, which reduced his weight to about one-third of what it had been, and restored him to a good stale of health ; by which his life was pro- longed to the 72d year of his age. Dr. Cheync was author of various medical and other tracts, and of a treatise on the Inverse method of Flux- CHO C 309 ] C H. R ions, under the title of Fluxionum Methodus Inversa; sive quantitatum fluentiura leges generaliores : in 4to, 1703. Upon this book Demoivre wrote some animadversions in an 8vo vol. 1704; which were replied to byCheynein 1705. Besides this work, he published Philosophical Principles of Religion, natural and revealed. Also the English Ma- lady, or a Treatise on Nervous Diseases. CHILIAD, an assemblage of several things ranged by thousands. It was particularly applied to tables of loga- rithms, because they were at first divided into thousands. Thus, in the year 1624, Mr. Briggs published a table of logarithms for 20 chiliads of absolute numbers; afterward, he published 10 chiliads more; and lastly, one more; making in all 31 chiliads. CHILIAEDRON, a solid figure having a thousand faces. CHILIAGON, a regular plane figure of a thousand sides and angles. CHORD, a right line connecting the two extremes of an arch ; so called from its resem- blance to the chord or string of a bow; as ab, which is common to the two parts or arches adb, aeb that make up the whole circle. The chords have several properties: 1. The chord is bisected by a perpendicular cf drawn to it from the centre. — 2. Chords of equal arcs, in the same or equal circles, are equal to each other. — 3. Unequal chords have to one another a less ratio than that of their arcs. — 4. The chord of an arc, is a mean proportional between the diameter and the versed sine of that arc. Scale or Line of Chords. See Plane Scale. Chord, or Cord, in Music, denotes the string or line by whose vibrations the sensation of sound is excited; and by whose divisions the several degrees of tune are deter- mined. Chords of gold wire in harpsichords, yield a sound almost twice as strong as those of brass ; while chords of steel impart a feebler sound than those of brass. To divide a Chord ab in the most simple manner, so as to exhibit all the original concords. Divide the given line into two equal parts at c; then sub- divide the part cb into two equal parts at d, and again the part CD into two equal parts at e. Here a c to a b is an octave; AC to ad a fifth ; ad to ab a fourth ; ac to ae a greater third, and ae to ad a. less third; ae to eb a greater sixth, and ae to ab a less sixth. Malcolm's Trea- tise of Music, ch. 6. sec. 3. See Monochord. To find the number of V ibrations made by a Musical Chord or Siring in a given time; having given its weight, length, and tension. Let / be the length of the chord in feet, 1 its weight, or rather a small weight fixed to the middle and equal to that of the whole chord, and w the tension, or weight by which the chord is stretched. Then shall the time of one vibration be expressed by V V / ^T7 () » fin d consequently -^-v'-y- will be the number of vibrations per second. For example, suppose iv = 28800, or the tension equal to 28800 times the weight of the chord, and the length of it 3 feet; then the last theorem gives 354 nearly for the number of vibrations made in each second of time.— But if w were 14400, there would be- made but 250 vibrations per second ; and if w were only 288, there would be no more than 35i|- vibrations per second. See my Tracts, vol. 3, prob. 21 & 22, pa. 240'. On the supposition that chords or strings are perfectly elastic, the following proportions have been deduced ma- thematically. 1. If the length of the chord and the tend- ing force be given, the inflecting force will be nearly as the space through which the chord is bent. 2. If the length of the string and the space through which it is bent be given, the inflecting force is as the tension. 3. If the tend- ing force, and the space through which the chord is bent be given, the inflecting force is inversely as the length of the chord. 4. If the diameter of the chord, and the ten- sion be given, the times of vibration are as the length of the chord : on which principle the monochord is founded. 5. If the tension and length of the chord be given, the time of vibration is as the diameter of the chord. 6. If the di- ameter, and length of the chord be given, the time of vi- bration is inversely as the square root of the tension. Chord, in Music, is also used for the union of two or more sounds uttered at the same time, and forming toge- ther a complete harmony. Chords are divided into perfect and imperfect. In the perfect chord we have the third, fifth, and octave of the fundamental sound : they are also subdivided into major and minor, according as the thirds which enter into their composition are flat or sharp. Imperfect chords are those in which the sixth, instead of the fifth, prevails ; and in general all those whose lowest arc not their fundamental sounds. Chords are again divided into consonances and disso- nances. The consonances are the perfect chord, and its derivatives. Every other chord is a dissonance. A table of both, according to the system of M. Rameau, may be seen in Rousseau's Musical Dictionary, vol. 1, pa. 27- CHROMATIC, a species of music which proceeds by semitones and minor thirds. The word is derived from the Greek ^wpa, which signifies colour, and perhaps the shade or intermediate shades of colour, which mingle and connect colours, like as the small intervals in this scale easily slide or run into each other. Boethius and Zarlin ascribe'the invention of the chro- matic genus to Timotheus, a Milesian, in the time of Alex- ander the Great. The Spartans banished k their city on account of its softness. The character of this genus, ac- cording to Aristides Quintillianus, was sweetness and pathos. CHROMATICS, is that part of optics which explains the several properties of the colours of light, and of natu- ral bodies. Before the time of Newton, the notions concerning co- lour were very vague and extravagant. The Pythagoreans, called colour the superficies of bodies : Plato said that it was a flame issuing from them : According to Zeno, it is the first configuration of matter: And Aristotle said it was that which made bodies actually transparent. Descartes- accounted colour a modification of light, and he imagined that the difference of colour proceeds from the prevalence of the direct or rotatory motion of the particles of light. Grimaldi, Dechales, and many others, conjectured that the differences of colour depended on the quick or slow vibrations of a certain elastic medium pervading the uni- verse. Rohault conceived, that the different colours were made by the rays of light entering the eye at different an- gles with respect to the optic axis. And Dr. Hooke ima~ C H R C 310 ] C H R gined that colour is caused by the sensation of the oblique or uneven pulse of light ; which being capable of but two varieties, he concluded there could be no more than two primary colours. Sir I. Newton, in the year 1 666, -began to investigate this subject ; when finding that the coloured image of the sun, formed by a glass prism, was of an oblong, and not of a circular form, as, according to the laws of equal re- fraction, it ought to be, he conjectured, that light is not ho- mogcneal; but that it consists of rays of different colours, and endued with divers degrees of refrangibility. And, from a further prosecution of his experiments, he conclu- ded that the different colours of bodies arise from their re- flecting this or that kind of rays most copiously. This method of accounting for the different colours of bodies soon became generally adopted, and still continues to be the most prevailing opinion. It is hence agreed that the light of the sun, which to us appears white and perfectly homogeneal, is composed of no less than seven different colours, viz. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and violet or indigo : that a body which appears of a red co- lour, has the property of reflecting the red rays more pro- fusely than the rest ; and so of the other colours, the orange, yellow, green, &c: also that a body which appears black, instead of reflecting, absorbs all or the most part of the rays that fall upon it; while, on the contrary, a body which appears white, reflects the greatest part of all the rays indiscriminately, without separating them one from another. The foundation of a rational theory of colours being thus laid, the next inquiry was, by what peculiar mecha- nism, in the structure of each particular body, it was ren- dered capable of reflecting one kind of rays more than ano- ther ; and this is attributed, by Sir I. Newton, to the den- sity of these bodies. Dr. Hooke had remarked, that thin transparent substances, particularly soap-water blown into bubbles, exhibited various colours, according to their thin- ness ; and yet, when they have a considerable degree of thickness, they appear colourless. And Sir Isaac himself had also observed, on compressing two prisms hard toge- ther, in order to make their sides (which happened to be rather convex) to touch one another, that in the place of contact they were both perfectly transparent, as if they had been but one continued piece of glass : but round the point of contact, where the glasses were a little separated from each other, rings of different colours appeared. And when he afterwards, further to elucidate this matter, cm- ployed two convex glasses of telescopes, pressing their con- vex sides upon each other, he observed several series of circles or rings of such colours, different, and of various intensities, according to their distance from the common central pellucid point of contact. As the colours were thus found to vary according to the different distances between the glass plates, Sir Isaac conceived that they proceeded from the different thickness of the plate of air intercepted between the glasses; this plate of air being, by the mere circumstance of thinness or thickness, disposed to reflect or transmit the rays of this or that particular colour. Hence he concluded, that the colours of all natural bodies depend on their density, or the magnitude of their component particles : and hence also he constructed a table, in which the thickness of a plate necessary to reflect any particular colour, was ex- pressed in millionth parts of an inch. From a great variety of such experiments, and observa- tions upon them, our author deduced his theory of co- lours. And from which it appears that every substance in nature is transparent, provided it be made sufficiently thin ; as gold, the densest substance we know of, when re- duced into thin leaves, transmits a blueish-green light through it. If we suppose any body therefore, as gold for instance, to be divided into a vast number of plates, so thin as to be almost perfectly transparent ; it is evident that all, or the greatest part of the rays, will pass through the upper plates, and when they lose their force will be reflected from the under ones. They will then have the same number of plates to pass through which they had before penetrated; and thus, according to the number of those plates through which they are obliged to pass, the object appears of this or that colour, just as the rin^s of colours appeared different in this experiment of the two plates, according to their distance from one another, or the thickness of the plate of air between them. This theory of colours has been illustrated and con- firmed by various experiments, made by other philoso- phers. Mr.E. II. Delaval produced similar effects by the infusion of flowers of different colours, and also by the in- timate mixture of the various metals with glass, when they are reduced to very fine parts ; the denser metals impart- ing to the glass the less refrangible colours, and the lighter ones those colours that are more easily refrangible. Dr. Priestley and Mr. Canton also, by laying very thin leaves or slips of the metals upon glass, ivory, wood, or metal, and -passing an electrical stroke through them, found that the same effect was produced, viz, that the substrated was tinged with different colours, according to the distance from the point of explosion. However, the Abbe Mazeas and M. du Tour contend- ed, that the colours between the glasses are not to be as- cribed to the thin stratum of air, since they equally pro- duced them by rubbing and pressing together two flat glasses, which cohered so strongly that it required the greatest force to move or slide them over each other. Sec Priestley's History of Vision. Of Newton's 8t/i Ejper. in the Id Hook of Optics. The event of this experiment, which has been contra- dicted by repetitions of the same by other philosophers, having been the occasion of much controversy ; and rela- ting to a material part of the doctrine of chromatics, it will not be improper here to give an account of what has passed concerning it. Newton found, that when light, by contrary refractions through different mediums, is so cor- rected, that it emerges in lines parallel to the incident rays, it continues ever after t<6 be white. But that if the emer- gent rays be inclined to the incident ones, the whiteness of the emerging light will, by degrees, in passing on from the place of emergence, become tinged at its edges with colours. And these laws he inferred from experiments made by refracting light with prisms of glass, placed with- in a prismatic vessel of water. By theorems deduced from this experiment he infers, that the refraction of the rays of every sort, out of any medium into air, are known by having the refraction of the rays of any one sort : and also, that the refraction out of one medium into another is found, whenever we have the refractions out of them both, into any third medium. Now the same experiment, having been since performed by other persons, and turning out contrary to what is sta- ted above, has occasioned rather free reflections to be thrown on Newton concerning it; but which however ha\e C H R [ 311 ] C H R been very satisfactorily obviated by Mr. Peter Dollond, in a pamphlet on this subject; as we shall show below. In the first place then, M. Klingenstierna, a Swedish philosopher, having in the year 1755 considered the con- troversy between Euler and Mr. John Dollond, relative to the refraction of light, formed a theorem of his own, from geometrical reasoning, by which he was induced to believe that the result of Newton's experiment could not be as he has represented ; except when the angles of the refracting mediums are small. See the paper on this matter by Klin- genstierna in the pamphlet above cited by Mr. Peter Dol- lond. This paper of Klingenstierna being communicated to Mr. John Dollond by Mr. Mallet, to whom it was sent for that purpose, made Dollond entertain doubts concerning Newton's report, of the result of his experiment, and de- termined him to have recourse to experiments of his own, which he accordingly made in the year 1757< as follows. Having cemented two glass planes together by their edges, so as to form a, prismatic vessel, when closed at the ends or bases; and the edge being turned downward, he placed it in a glass prism with one of its edges upward, filling up the vacancy with clear water; so that the refrac- tion of the prism was contrived to be contrary to that of the water, iu order that a ray of light, transmitted through both these refracting mediums, might be affected by the difference only between the two refractions. As he found the water to refract more or less than the glass prism, he diminished or augmented the angle between the glass plates, till the two contrary refractions became equal, which he discovered by viewing an object through this double prism. For when it appeared neither raised nor depressed, he con- cluded that the refractions were equal, and that the emer- gent rays were parallel to the incident ones. Now, according to the prevailing opinion, he observes, that the object ought to have appeared through this double prism in its natural colour ; for if the difference of refrangibility had been in all respects equal, in the two equal refractions, they would have rectified each other. But this experiment fully proved the fallacy of the re- ceived opinion, by showing that the divergency of the light by the glass prism, was almost double of that by the water; for the image of the object, though not at all re- fracted, was yet as much infected with prismatic colours, as if it had been seen through a glass wedge only, having its angle near 30 degrees. This experiment is the very same with that of New- ton's above-mentioned, notwithstanding the result was so strikingly different. Mr. Dollond plainly saw however, that if the refracting angle of the water-vessel could have admitted of a sufficient increase, the divergency of the coloured rays would have been greatly diminished, or entirely rectified ; and that there would have been a very great refraction without colour, as he had already pro- duced a great discolouring without refraction: but the inconveniency of so large an angle as that of the prismatic vessel must have been, to bring the light to an equal di- vergency with that of the glass prism, whose angle was about 60 degrees, rendered it necessary to try some expe- riments of the same kind with smaller angles. Accordingly he procured a wedge of plate-glass, whose angle was only y degrees ; and, using it under the same circumstances, he increased the angle of the water-wedge, in which it was placed, till, the divergency of the light by the water was equal to that by the glass; that is, till the image of the object, though considerably refracted by the excess of the refraction of the water, appeared neverthe- less quite free from any colours proceeding from the dif- ferent refrangibility of the light. Many conjectures were made as to the cause of so great a difference in the results of the same experiment; but none that gave any great satisfaction; till it was after- wards shown to be probably owing to the nature of the glass then used by Newton. This conjecture is made by Mr. Peter Dollond, son of John, the inventor of the achro- matic telescope, in a pamphlet by him published in defence of his father's invention, against the misrepre- sentations of some persons who have unjustly attempted to give the invention to other philosophers, who them- selves never imagined that they had any just claim to it. After a full and satisfactory vindication of his father, Mr. P. Dollond then adds, " I now come to a more agreeable part of this paper, which is, to endeavour to reconcile the different results of the Sth experiment of the 2d part of the 1st book of New- ton's Optics, as related by himself, and as it was found by Dollond, when he tried the same experiment, j Sn the year 1757. Newton observes, that light, as often \as by con- trary refractions it is so corrected, that it emergeth in lines parallel to the incident, continues ever after to be white. Now Dollond says, when he tried the same ex- periment, and made the mean refraction of the water equal to that of the glass prism, so that the light emerged in lines parallel to the incident, he found the. divergency of the light by the glass prism to be netlrly double to what it was by the water prism. The light appeared to be so evidently coloured, that it was directly said by some per- sons who were present, that if Newton had actually made the experiment, he must have perceived it to have been so. Yet who could for a moment doubt the veracity of New- ton ? or feel indifferent in vindicating if possible the as- sertion of such a character? Many conjectures were there- fore made by different persons. Mr. Murdoch in par- ticular gave a paper to the Royal Society in defence of Newton ; but it was such as very little tended to clear up the matter. Philos. Trans, vol. 53, p. 192. — Some have supposed that Newton made use of water strongly im- pregnated with saccharum saturni, because he mentions sometimes using such water, to increase the refraction, when he used water prisms instead of glass prisms. New- ton's Opt. p. 62. — And others have thought that he tried the experiment. with so strong a persuasion in his own mind, that the divergency of the colours was always in the same proportion to the mean refraction, in all sorts of refracting mediums, that he did not attend so much to that experiment as he ought to have done, or as he usually did. None of these conjectures having appeared at all satisfactory, I have therefore endeavoured to discover the true cause of the difference, and thereby show, how the experiment may be made to agree with Newton's de- scription of it, and to get rid of those doubts, which have hitherto remained to be cleared up. " it is well known, that in Newton's time the English were not the most famous for making optical instruments: telescopes, opera-glasses, &c, were imported from Italy in great numbers, and particularly from Venice; where they manufactured a kind of glass which was much more proper for optical purposes than any made in England at C H R C 312 ] CUR that time. The glass made at Venice was nearly of the same refractive quality as our own crown-glass, but of a much better colour, being sufficiently clear and transpa- rent for the purpose of prisms. It is probable that New- ton's prisms were made with this kind of glass ; and it appears to be the more so, because he mentions the spe- cific gravity of common glass to be to water as 2'58 to 1, Newton's Opt. p. 247, which nearly answers to the specific gravity we find the Venetian glass generally to have. Hav- ing a very thick plate of this kind of glass, which was pre- sented to me about 25 years ago by the late Professor Allemand, of Ley den, and which he then informed me had been made many years ; I cut a piece from this plate of glass to form a prism, which I conceived would be similar to those made use of by NevUon himself. I have tried the Newtonian experiment with this prism, and find it answers so nearly to what Newton relates, that the dif- ference which remains may very easily be supposed to arise from any little difference which may and does often happen in the same kind of glass made at the same place at different times. Now the glass prism made use of by Dollond to try the same experiment, was made of English flint-glass, the specific gravity of which I have never known to be less than 322. This difference in the densities of the prisms, used by Newton and Dollond, was sufficient to cause all the difference which appeared to the two expe- rimenters in trying the same experiment. " From this it appears, that Newton was accurate in this experiment as in all others, and that his not having discovered that which was discovered by Dollond so many years afterwards, wai owing entirely to accident ; for if his prism had been made of glass of a greater or less density, he would certainly have then made the discovery, and re- fracting telescopes would not have remained so long in their original imperfect state." See Achromatic, and Tele- scope. Mr. Delaval's experiment on the colours of opaque bodies. — Besides the experiments of this gentleman, before-men- tioned, on the colours of transparent bodies, he has also published an account of some made upon the permanent colours of opaque substances, the discovery of which must be of the utmost consequence in the arts of colour-making and dyeing. The changes of colour in permanently coloured bodies, our author observes, are produced by the same laws that take place in transparent colourless substances ; and the experiments by which they are investigated consist chiefly of various methods of uniting the colouring particles into larger masses, or dividing them into smaller ones. Sir Isaac Newton made his experiments chiefly on transparent substances ; and in the few places where he treats of others, he acknowledges his want of experiments. He makes the following remark however on those bodies which reflect one kind of light and transmit another, viz, that if these glasses or liquors were so thick and massy that no light could get through them, he questioned whether they would not, like other opaque bodies, appear of one and the same, colour in all positions of the eye; though he could not yet affirm it from experience. Indeed it was the opinion of this great philosopher, that all coloured matter reflects the rays of light, some reflecting the more refrangible rays most copiously, and others those that are less so ; and that tins is at once the true and only reason of these colours. He was likewise of opinion that opaque bodies reflect the light from their anterior surface, by some power of the body evenly diffused over and external thereto. With re- spect to transparent coloured bodies, he thus expresses himself: "A transparent body which looks of any colour by transmitted light, may also appear of the same colour by reflected light; the light of that colour being reflected by the farther surface of that body, or by the air beyond it : and then the reflected colour will be diminished, and perhaps cease, by making the body very thick, and pitch- ing it on the back-side, to diminish the reflection of its farther surface, so that the light reflected from the tingeing particles may predominate. In such cases the colour of the reflected light will be apt to vary from that of the light transmitted." To investigate the truth of these opinions, Mr. Delaval entered upon a course of experiments with transparent coloured liquors and glasses, as well as with opaque and semitransparent bodies. And from these experiments he discovered several remarkable properties of the colouring matter ; particularly, that in transparent coloured sub- stances it does not reflect any light; and when, by inter- cepting the light which was transmitted, it is hindered from passing through such substances, they do not vary from their former colour to any other, but become en- tirely black. This incapacity of the colouring particles of transparent bodies to reflect light, being deduced from very numerous experiments, may therefore be taken as a general law. It will appear the more extensive, if it be considered that, for the most part, the tingeing particles of liquors, or other transparent substances, are extracted from opaque bo- dies; that these bodies owe their colours to those particles, in the same manner as the transparent substances ; and that by the loss of them they are also deprived of their colours. Notwithstanding these and many other experiments, the theory of colours is not yet determined with certainty ; and it must be acknowledged that very strong objections might be brought against every hypothesis on this subject that has been invented. The discoveries of Newton however are sufficient to justify the following Aphorisms. Aphorism 1. All the colours in nature arise from the rays of light. 2. There are seven primary colours, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. 3. Every ray of light may be separated into these seven primary colours. 4. The rays of light, in passing through the same me- dium, have different degrees of rcfrangibility. 5. The difference in the colours of light arises from its different rcfrangibility: that which is the least refrangible producing red; and that which is the most refrangible, violet. 6. By compounding any two of the primary, as red and yellow, or yellow and blue, the intermediate colour, orange or green, may be produced. 7. The colours of bodies arise from their dispositions to reflect one sort of rays, and to absorb the others: those that reflect the least refrangible rays appearing red ; and those that reflect the most refrangible, violet. 8. Such bodies as reflect two or more sorts of rays, ap- pear of various colours. 9. The whiteness of bodies arises from their disposition to reflect all the rays of light promiscuously. C H R [3 10. The blackness of bodies proceeds from their inca- pacity to reflect any of the rays of light. — And from theii thus absorbing all the rays of light that are thrown upon them, it arises, that black bodies when exposed to the sun, become hot sooner than all others. Of the Diatonic Scale of Colours. — Newton, in the course of his investigations of the properties of light, discovered that the lengths of the spaces occupied in the spectrum by tha seven primary colours, exactly correspond to the lengths of chords that sound the seven notes in the dia- tonic scale of music : which is made evident by the fol- lowing experiment. B a b r d r S Q Ai ;d F g h ■ ■ i * I »' E 1 » 3 » 3. S3. l 2 T^ T T * t 9 - . ± On a paper, in a dark chamber, let a ray of light be largely refracted into the spectrum abcdef, marking upon it the precise boundaries of the several colours, as a, b, c, &c; and across the spectrum draw the perpendicular lines ag, bh, &c. Then it will be found that the spaces, by which the several colours are bounded, viz, BagF con- taining the red, abhg containing the orange, bcik contain- ing the yellow, &c, will be in exact proportion to the di- visions of a musical chord for the notes of an octave ; that is, as the intervals of these numbers 1 , -| , |-, \ , f , | , T ^., \. CHRONOLOGICAL, belonging to chronology. Chronological Characters, are characters by which times are distinguished. Of these, some are natural, or astronomical ; others are artificial or historical. The na- tural characters are such as depend on the motions of the stars or luminaries; as eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, the different aspects of planets, &c. And the artificial cha- racters are those that have been invented and established by men ; as the solar cycle, the lunar cycle, &c. Histo- rical Chronological Characters are those supported by the testimonies of historians, when they fix the dates of cer- tain events to certain periods. CHRONOLOGY, the art of measuring and distinguish- ing time; with the doctrine of dates, epochs, eras, &c. The measurement of time in the most early periods, was by means of the seasons, or the revolutions of the sun and moon. The succession of Juno's priestesses at Argos served Hellanicus for the regulation of his narrative ; while Epho- rus reckoned his matters by generations. Even in the his- tories of Herodotus and Thucydides, there are no regular dates for the events recorded ; nor were there any endea- vours to establish a fixed era until the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus, who attempted it by compaiingand correct- ing the dates of the olympiads, the kings of Sparta, and the succession of the priestesses of Juno at Argos. Era- tosthenes and Apollodorus digested the events related by them, according to the succession of the olympiads and of the Spartan kings. The chronology of the Latins is still more uncertain. The records of the Romans were destroyed by the Gauls; and Fabius Pictor, the most ancient of their historians, was obliged to borrow the chief part of his information from the Greeks. In other European nations the chrono- logy is still more imperfect, and of a later date : and even in modern times a considerable degree of confusion and inaccuracy has arisen, from the want of attention in the Vol. I. 13 ] C H R historians to ascertain the dates and epochs with preci- sion. Hence it is evident, how necessary a proper system of chronology must be for the right understanding of history, and also how difficult it must be to establish such a sys- tem. For this purpose, however, several learned men have spent much time, particularly Julius Africanus, Eusebius ofCa?sarea, George Cyncelle, John of Antioch, Dennis, Petau, Clavius, Calvisius, Scaliger, Vieta, Newton, Usher, Simson, Marsham, Helvicus, Vossius, Strauchius, Blair, Playfair, and Hales. A system of this kind is founded, 1st, On Astronomical observations, especially of the eclipses of the sun and moon, combined with calculations of the years and eras of dif- ferent nations. 2d, The testimonies of credible authors. 3d, Such epochs in history as are so well attested and de- termined, that they have never been controverted. 4th, Ancient medals, coins, monuments, and inscriptions. The most obvious division of time, is derived from the apparent or real revolutions of the luminaries, the sun and moon. Thus, the apparent revolution of the sun, or the real rotation of the earth on her axis causing the sun to appear to rise and set, constitutes the vicissitudes of day and night, which must be evident to the most' bar- barous and ignorant nations. The moon, by her revolu- tion about the earth, and her changes, as naturally and ob- viously forms months ; while the great annual course of the sun through the several constellations of the zodiac, points out the larger division of the year. The Day is-divided into hours, minutes, &c; while the month is divided into weeks, and the year into months, having particular names, and a certain number of days. — See a particular account of each of these under the respec- tive words. Besides the natural divisions of time arising immedi- ately from the revolutions of the heavenly bodies, there are others which are formed from some of the less obvious consequences of these revolutions, and are called Cycles, or circles. The most remarkable of these are, 1, The Solar Cycle, or cycle of the sun, a period or revolution of 28 years, in which time the days of the months return to the same days of the week, the sun's place to the same signs and degrees of the ecliptic on the same months and days, and the leap-years begin the same course over again with respect to the days of the week on which the days of the months fall. 2, The Lunar Cycle, or cycle of the moon, commonly called the Golden Number, is a revolu- tion of 19 years; in which time the conjunctions, opposi- tions, and other aspects of the moon, are on the same days of the months as they were 19 years before,and within an hour and a half of the time of the day. The Indiction, or Roman lndiction, is a period of 15 years, used only by the Romans for indicating the times of certain payments made by the subjects to the republic. The Cycle of Easter, called also the Dionysian Period, is a revolution of 532 years, and is produced by multiplying the solar cycle 28, by the lunar cycle 19- The Julian Period, is a revolution of 7980 years, and is produced from the continual multiplication of the three numbers 28, 19, 15, of the three former cycles, viz, the solar, lunar, and indiction. As there are certain fixed points in the heavens, from which astronomers begin their computations, so there are certain points of time, from which historians begin to reckon; and these points or roots of time are called Eras 2S C H R [ 314 ] C H R or Epochs. The most remarkable of these are, those of the Creation, the Greek Olympiads, the building of Rome, the era of Nabonnassar, the death of Alexander, thebirth of Christ, the Arabian Hegira, or flight of Mahomet, and the Persian Jesdegird. All of which, with some others of less note, have their beginnings fixed by chronologers to the years of the Julian period, to the age of the world, and to the years before and after the birth of Christ. The testimony of authors is the second principal part of historical chronology. Though no man has a right to be considered as infallible, it would however be making a very unfair judgment of mankind, to treat them all as dupes or impostors; and it would be an injury offered to public integrity, to doubt the veracity of authors univer- sally esteemed, and facts that are truly worthy of belief. When the historian is allowed to be completely able to judge of an event, and to have no intent of deceiving by his relation, his testimony cannot be refused. The Epochs form the 3d principal part of chronology ; being those fixed points in history that have never been contested, and of which there cannot reasonably be any doubt. Notwithstanding that chronologers fix upon the events which are to serve as epochs, in a manner quite ar- bitrary ; yet this is of little consequence, provided the dates of these epochs agree, and that there is no contra- diction in the facts themselves. Medals, Monuments, and Inscriptions, form the last of the four principal parts of chronology; and this study is but of very modern date, scarcely more than 200 years having elapsed since close application has been made to the study of these. To the celebrated Spanheim we owe the greatest obligations, for the progress that is made in this method ; and it is by the aid of medals that M. Vail- lant has composed his judicious history of the kings of Syria, from the time of Alexanderthe Great to thatofPom- pey. Nor have they been of less service in elucidating all ancient history, especially that of the Romans ; and even sometimes that of the middle ages. Besides the foregoing general account, there are some few systems of chronology which may deserve some more particular notice, as follows. Sacred Chronology. There have been various systems relating to sacred chronology ; which is not to be wondered at, as the three chief copies of the Bible give a very dif- ferent account of the first ages of the world. For while the Hebrew text reckons about 4000 years from the crea- tion to the birth of Christ, and to the flood 1656 years ; the Samaritan makes the former much longer, though it reckons from the creation to the flood only 1307 years; and the Septuagint removes the creation of the world to 6000 years before Christ, and 2250 years before the flood. Many attempts have been made to reconcile these diffe- rences; though none of them are quite satisfactory. Wal- ton and Vossius give the preference to the account of the Septuagint; while others have defended the Hebrew text. See an abstract of the different opinions of learned men on this subject, in Strauchius's Brev. Chron. translated by Sault, p. l66and 176. The Chinese Chronology. No nation has boasted more of its antiquity than the Chinese : but though they be al- lowed to trace their origin as far back as the deluge, they have few if any authentic records of their history for so long a period as 500 years before the Christian era. This indeed may be owing to the general destruction of ancient remains by the tyrant Tsin-chi-hoang, in the year 213, or some say 246, before Christ. From a chronology of the Chinese history (for which we are obliged to an illustrious Tartar who was viceroy of Canton in the year 1724, and of which a Latin translation was published at Rome in 1730), we learn that the most remote epoch of theChinese chronology does not surpass the first year of Guel-lie- wang, or 424 years before our vulgar era. And this opinion is confirmed by the practice of two of the most approved historians of China, who admit nothing into their histories previous to this period. The Chinese, in their computation, make use of a cycle of 60 years, called kia-tse, from the name given to the first year of it, which serves as the basis of their whole chronology. Every year of this cycle is marked with two letters which distinguish it from the others; and all the times of the emperors, for upwards of 2000 years, have names in history common to them with the corresponding years of the cycle. Philos. Trans. Abridg. vol. 9, pa. 343. According to M. Freret, in his Essays, the Chinese date the epocha of Yao, one of their first emperors, about the year 2145, or 2057, before Christ; and they reckon that their first astronomical observations, and the composition of their calendar, preceded Yao 150 years : whence it is inferred that the era of their astronomical observations coincides with that of the Chaldeans. But later authors date the rise and progress of the sciences in China from the grand dynasty of Tcheou, about 1200 j'ears before the Christian era, and show that all historical relations of events prior to the reign of Yao are fabulous. Mem. de l'Histoire des Sciences, &c. Chinois. vol. 1, Paris 1776. The Hindu Chronology. The Hindus employ, in their chronology, certain large periods, called Yoogs or Yergs. These are 4 in number, the last of which, called cali yug, or kalee yug, is only now attended to, and began 3101 be- fore the Christian era. It comprehends within it the fol- lowing, viz, The era of Bikramajit, which began 3045 years before Christ, Salaban, 78 years after Christ, Bengal, not strictly Hindu, cycle of 60 years : the present began ISO? of Christ. Their solar-sidereal year contains 365 d 6 h 12 m 30 s , and their tropical year 36'5 d 5 h 50 m 35 3 . They divide the zodiac into 2S lunar, and into 12 solar constellations or signs ; and their astronomical year commences when the sun arrives at the first point of Aries. The length of their months is determined by the time employed by the sun in passing through each sign, and they are accordingly longer in the apogee, and shorter in the perigee ; that which cor- responds with the higher apsis being 31 d 14 h 3*) m , and that with the lower 29 a 8" 21 m . For civil purposes, they count the days by the age of the moon that happens to fall within each month, and often from the simple phase of the moon. Their fasts and festivals, like those of the Jews and Chris- tians, being regulated by the lunar revolutions, they there- fore employ a lunar year. This they make to consist of 12 months, of 30 lunar days, or each semi-lunation of 15 days, which are somewhat shorter than the natural day. The commencement of the solar day is counted from sun- rise, and the interval till the next sun-rise, is divided into 60 equal parts, each equal to 24 of our minutes. The subdivisions also follow the sexagesimal scale. The days of the week arc denominated from the planets, as with the Europeans, and their arrangement is the same also, proceeding from the sun and moon, to Mars, Mer- cury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, Friday, or Vcnus's CHR C 315 ] CHR day, appears as the first of the week in their calculations, and probably because the cali yug began on that day; but in common, the week is considered by the Hindus as be- ginning with Sunday. From the view of their astronomy and chronology, they appear to be quite astrological; and they further appear to be the parents or originals of those of the Europeans and other nations. For more particular information, see the Philos. Trans. Abridg. vol. 16, p. 742, and vol. 17, p. 250. Babylonian, Egyptian, and Chaldean Annals. These, M. Gibert has attempted to reduce to our chronology, in a letter published at Amsterdam in 1743. He begins with showing, by the authorities of Macrobius, Eudoxus, Varro, Diodorus Siculus, Pliny, Plutarch, St. Augustin, &c, that by a year, the ancients meant the revolution of any planet in the heavens; so that it might consist sometimes of only one day. Thus, according to him, the solar day was the astronomical year of the Chaldeans ; and so the boasted period of 473,000 years, assigned to their obser- vations, is reduced to 1297 years 9 months; the number of years which, according to Eusebius, elapsed from the first discoveries of Atlas in astronomy, in the 384th year of Abraham, to the march of Alexander into Asia in the year 1682 of the same era. And the 17,000 years added by Berosus to the observations of the Chaldeans, reduced in the same manner, will give 46 years and 6 or 7 months; being the exact interval between Alexander's march, and the first year of the 123d Olympiad, or the time to which Berosus carried his history. Epigenius ascribes 720,000 years to the observations preserved at Babylon ; but these, according to M. Gibert's system, amount only to 1971 years 3 months ; which differ from Callisthenes's period of 1903 years, allotted to the same observations, only by 68 years, the period elapsed from the taking of Babylon by Alexander, which terminated the latter account, and to the time of Pto- lemy Philadelphus, to which Epigenius extended his ac- count. The Newtonian Principles of Chronology. — Sir Isaac New- ton has shown, that the chronology of ancient kingdoms is involved in the greatest uncertainty : that the Europeans in particular had no chronology before the Persian em- pire, which commenced 536 years before the birth of Christ, when Cyrus conquered Darius theMede : that the antiquities of the Greeks are full of fables, because their writings were in verse only, till the conquest of Asia by Cyrus the Persian; about which time prose was intro- duced by Pherecides Syrius and Cadmus Milesius. After this time several of the Greek historians introduced the computation by generations. The chronology of the Latins was still more uncertain : their old records having been burnt by the Gauls 120 years after the expulsion of their kings, or 64 years before the death of Alexander the Great, answering to 3S8 before the birth of Christ. The chrono- logers of Gaul, Spain, Germany, Scythia, Sweden, Britain, and Ireland, are of a still later date. For Scythia, beyond the Danube, had no letters till Ulphilas, their bishop, formed them, about the year 276. Germany had none till it received them from the western empire of the Latins, about the year 400. The Huns had none in the days of Procopius, about the year 526. And Sweden and Norway received them still later. Newton, after a general account of the obscurity and delicts of the ancient chronology, observes that, though many of the ancients computed by successions and gene- rations, yet the Egyptians, Greeks, and Latins, reckoned the reigns of kings equal to generations of men, and three of them to a hundred, and sometimes to 120 years; and this was the foundation of their technical chronology. He then proceeds from the ordinary course of nature, and a detail of historical facts, to show the difference between reigns and generations ; and that, though a generation from father to son may at an average be reckoned about 33 years, or three of them equal to J 00 years, yet, when they are taken by the eldest sons, three of them cannot be esti- mated at more than about 75 or 80 years ; and the reigns of kings are still shorter; so that 18 or 20 years may be allowed a just medium. Sir Isaac then fixes on four re- markable periods, viz, the return of the Heraclidse into the Peloponnesus, the taking of Troy, the Argonautic ex- pedition, and the return of Sesostris into Egypt, after his wars in Thrace ; and he settles the epoch of each by the true value of a generation. To instance only his estimate of that of the Argonautic expedition : Having fixed the return of the Heraclida3 to about the 159th year after the death of Solomon, and the destruction of Troy to about the 76th year after the same period, he observes, that Her- cules the Argonaut was the father of Hyllus, the father of Clerdius, the father of Aristomachus, and the father of Aristodemus, who conducted the Heraclidae into Pelopon- nesus; so that reckoning by the chief of the family, their return was four generations later than the Argonautic ex- pedition, which therefore happened about 43 years after the death of Solomon. This is further confirmed by an- other argument : y£sculapius and Hercules were Argo- nauts: Hippocrates was the 18th inclusively from the for- mer by the father's side, and the 19th from the latter by the mother's side: now, allowing 28 or 30 years to each of them, the 17 intervals by the father, and the 18 inter- vals by the mother, will on a medium give 507 years; and these, reckoning back from the commencement of the Pe- loponnesian war, or the 431st year before Christ, when Hippocrates began to flourish, will place the Argonautic expedition in the 43d year after the death of Solomon, or 937 years before Christ. The other kind of reasoning, by which Newton endea- vours to establish this epoch, is purely astronomical. The sphere was formed by Chiron and Musaeus, for the use of the Argonautic expedition, as is plainly shown by several of the asterisms referring to that event: and at the time of the expedition the cardinal points of the equinoxes and solstices were placed in the middle of the constellations Aries, Cancer, Chela;, and Capricorn. This point is esta- blished by Newton from the consideration of the ancient Greek calendar, which consisted of 12 lunar months, and each month of 30 days, which required an intercalary month. Of course this luni-solar year with the intercalary month, began sometimes a week or two before or after the equinox or solstice; and hence the first astronomers were led to the before-mentioned disposition of the equi- noxes and solstices : and that this was really the case, is confirmed by the testimonies of Eudoxus, Aratus, and Hipparchus. Upon these principles Sir Isaac proceeds to argue in the following manner. In the end of the year l6'89 the star called the Prima Arietis, was in V 28° 51', with north latitude 7° 8' 58"; and the star called the Ultima cauda; Arietis was in 8 19° 3' 42", with north la- titude 2° 34' 5" ; consequently the equinoctial eolure at this time cut the ecliptic in 8 6° 44'; and by this he reckons that the equinox had then gone back 36° 44' since 2S2 CHR [ 316 ] the time of the Argonautic expedition. But it recedes 50' in a year, or 1° in 72 years, and consequently 36° 44' in 2645 years ; and this, counted backwards from the begin- ning of 1690, will place this expedition about 25 years after the death of Solomon. But as there is no necessity for allowing that the middle of the constellations, accord- ing to the general account of the ancients, should be pre- cisely the middle between the prima Arietis and ultima Cauda?, our author proceeds to " examine what were those stars through which Eudoxus made the colures to pass in the primitive sphere, and in this way to fix the position of the cardinal points." Now from the mean of five places lie finds, that the great circle, which in the primitive sphere, described by Eudoxus, or which at the time of .the Argonautic expedition was the equinoctial colure, did in the end of l6$9 cut, the ecliptic in q 6° 29' 15". In the same manner our author determines that the mean place of the solstitial colure is SI 6° 28' 46", and as it is at right angles with the other, he concludes that it is rightly drawn. And hence he infers that the cardinal points, in the interval between that expedition and the year l689, have receded from those colures-1 1 6° 29'; which, allow- ing 72 years to a degree, amounts to 2627 years; and these counted backwards, as above, will place the Argo- nautic expedition 43 years after the death of Solomon. Our author has, by other methods also of a similar nature, established this epoch, and reduced the age of the world 500 years. This elaborate system has not escaped censure; Mess. Freret and Souciet having both attacked it, and on much the same ground : but the former has confounded "reigns and generations, which are carefully distinguished in this system. The astronomical objections of both have been answered by Sir Isaac Newton himself, and by Dr. Halley. Philos. Trans, abr. vol. 7, pa. 172, 19 1 ; Newton's Chro- nol. ch. 1. CHRONOMETER, is any instrument or machine used in measuring time ; such as dials, clocks, watches, &c. The term is however more particularly used for a kind of clock, so contrived as to measure a small portion of time, even to the l6th, or the 40th part of a second ; one of this latter kind I have seen, made by an ingenious ar- tist; but it could not be stopped to the 10th part of the proposed degree of accuracy. There is a description of one also in Desagulier's Experimental Philosophy, invent- ed by the late ingenious Mr. George Graham ; which might be of great use for measuring small portions of time in astronomical observations, the time of the fall of bodies, the velocity of running waters, &c. But long intervals of time cannot be measured by it with sufficient exact- ness, unless its pendulum be made to vibrate in a cycloid; for otherwise it is liable to err considerably, as is the case of all clocks with short pendulums that swing in large arches of the circle. Various other contrivances, besides clocks, have been used for measuring time for some particular purposes. See a musical chronometer described in Malcolm's Trea- tise of Music, pa. 407. The excellent watches that have lately been made, for the purpose of finding the longitude, by the ingenious artists, Harrison, Arnold, Mudge, Emery, Hardy, &c, are sometimes called chronometers, also time- keepers. CHRONOSCOPE, a word sometimes used" for a pen- dulum, or machine, to measure time. CHRYSTALLINE. See Crystalline. C I R CIMA, or Sim a, in Architecture, a member, or mould- ing, called also ogee, and cimatium. CINCTURE, in Architecture, is a ring or list around the shaft of a column, at its top and bottom. CINTRE, in Building, the same as Centre; which see. CIPHER, or Cypher, one of the numeral characters, or figures, thus formed 0. The word comes from the Hebrew saphar, to number. ' The cipher of itself signifies nothing, or implies a pri- vation of value; but when combined with other numeral characters, it alters their value in a tenfold proportion, for every cipher so annexed; viz, when set after a figure in common integral arithmetic, it increases its value in that proportion, though it has no effect when placed be- fore or to the left-hand side of such figures ; but on the contrary, in decihial arithmetic, it decreases their value in that proportion when set before the figures, yet makes no alteration in their value when placed after them. Thus, 5 is five, but 50 is fifty, and 500 is five hundred ; whereas 05, or 005, &c, is still but 5 or five. Also - 5 is five tenths, but '05 is five hundredths, and "005 is five thousandths ; whereas - 50, or '500, &c, is still but '5 or five tenths. The invention and use of the cipher, as in the common arithmetic and notation of numbers, is one of the happiest devices that can be imagined ; and is ascribed to the In- dians, by the Arabians, by whom it was made known to Europe at the revival of literature. CIRCLE., a plane figure, bounded by a curve line which returns into itself, called its circumference, and which is every where equally distant from a certain point within, called its centre. The circumference or periphery itself is sometimes called the circle, but improperly, as that name denotes the space contained within the circumfer- ence. — A circle is described with a pair of compasses, fixing one foot in the centre, and turning the other round to trace out the circumference. The circumference of every circle is supposed to be divided into 360 equal parts, called degrees, and marked °; each degree into 60 minutes or primes, marked ' ; each minute into 6'0 seconds, marked"; and so on. So 24° 12' 15" 20'", is 24 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds and 20 thirds. Circles have many curious properties, some of the most important of which are the following. 1. The circle is the most capacious of all plain figures, or contains the greatest area within the same perimeter, or has the least perimeter about the'same area; being the limit and last of all regular polygons, having the number of its sides infinite. 2. The area of a circle is always less than the area of any regular polygon circumscribed about it, and its cir- cumference always less than the perimeter of the polygon. But on the other hand, its area is always greater than that of its inscribed polygon, and its circumference greater than the perimeter of the said inscribed polygon. How- ever/ the area and perimeter of the circle approach al- ways nearer and nearer to those of the two polygons, as the number of the sides of these is greater ; the circle being always limited between the two polygons. 3. The area of a circle is equal to that of a triangle whose base is equal to the circumference, and perpendi- C I R [ 317 ] C I R * ular equal to the radius. And therefore the area of the circle is found by multiplying half the circumference by half the diameter, or the whole circumference by the whole diameter, and taking the 4th part of the product; as de- monstrated by Archimedes. 4. Circles, like other similar plane figures, are to one another, as the squares of their diameters. And the area of the circle is to the square of the diameter, as 11 to 14 nearly, as proved by Archimedes; or as '7S54 to 1 more nearly ; or still more nearly as ■7853981633,9744830961,5660845819,8757210492, 9234984377,6455243736,1480769541,0157155224, 965700S706,335529266'9,9553702l62,S31S07666l, 7734611 + tol; as it has been found by modern mathematicians. In Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinites are contained the first infinite series for expressing the ratio of a circle to the square of its diameter : viz, 1st, The circle is to the square of its diameter, a x 3 x 5 x5x7x7 & c as 2x4x4 x6x6x8&c'( discovered by Wallis , , 9 95 49 „ f himself; or 1 to - x — x — &c, \ ' -, by Ld. Brounker; •2 + &c. &c to 1, by (4x5 2x4*6x7 Sir I. Newton; or as 1— ^ + j. — ^. + i — T r T &c to I, by Gregory and Leibnitz ; and a great many other forms of series have been invented also by other authors to express the same ratio between the circle and circumscribed square. 5. The circumferences of circles are one to another, as their diameters, or radii. Hence, as the areas of circles are proportional to the rectangles of their radii and circum- ferences; the quadrature of the circle will therefore be effected by the rectification of its circumference; that is, if the true length of the circumference could be found, the true area could be determined also. But while several mathematicians have endeavoured to investigate the true area and circumference, others have even doubted of the possibility of the same. Of this latter opinion is Dr. Isaac Barrow: towards the end of his 15th mathematical lecture he says, he is of opinion, that the radius and circumference of a circle, are lines of such a nature, as to be not only incommensurable in length and square, but even in length, square, cube, biquadrate, and all other powers to infinity: for, continues he, the side of the inscribed square is in- commensurable to the radius, and the square of the side of the inscribed octagon is incommensurable to the square of the radius ; and consequently the square of the octago- nal perimeter is also incommensurable to the. square of the radius: and thus the ambits of all regular polygons, in- scribed in a circle, may have their superior powers incom- mensurate with the co-ordinate powers of the radius; whence the last polygon, that is, the circle itself, appears to have its periphery incommensurate with the radius ; which, if true, will put a final stop to the quadrature of the circle, since the ratio of the circumference to the ra- dius is altogether inexplicable from the nature of the thing, and consequently the problem requiring the explication of iuch a ratio, is impossible to be solved, or rather it requires that for its solution which is impossible to be apprehended. He concludes by observing that this great mystery cannot be explained in a few words: but if time and opportunity had permitted, he would have endeavoured to produce many things for the elucidation and confirmation of this conjecture. Newton also, in bock 1 of his Principia, has attempted to demonstrate the impossibility of the general quadrature of oval figures, by the description of a spiral, and likewise the impossibility of determining, by a finite equation, the intersections of that oval and spiral, which must be the case, if the oval be quadrable. And several other authors have attempted to demonstrate the impossi- bility of the general quadrature of the circle by any means whatever. On the other hand, many mathematicians not only believe in the possibility of the quadrature of the cir- cle, but some have even professed to have discovered the same, and have published to the world their pretended dis- coveries: of which no one has rendered himself more con- spicuous than our countryman Mr. Hobbes, though a great scholar, and of excellent understanding in other matters. See Quadrature. The approximate quadrature of the circle however, or the determination of the ratio between the diameter and the circumference, is what the mathematicians of all ages have successfully attempted, and with different degrees of accuracy, according to the improved state of science. Archimedes, in his book de Dimensione Circuli, first gave a near value of that ratio in small numbers, being that of 7 to 22, which are still used as very convenient numbers for this purpose in common measurements. Other and nearer ratios have since been successively assigned, but in larger numbers, as 106 to 333, or 1 13 to 355,, or 1702 to 5347, or 1815 to 5702, &c, which are each more accurate than the foregoing: and se- veral of these same ratios, as well as others, have lately been found in the mathematical books of the Hindus, ac- counts of which may be seen in my Tracts, vol- 2, pa. 158, &c. Vieta, in his Universalium Inspectionum ad Canonum Mathematicum, published' 1579, hy means of the inscribed. and circumscribed polygons of 393216 sides, has carried the ratio to ten places of figures, showing that if 'the dia- meter of a circle be 1000 &c, the circumference will be greater than 314,159,265,35, but less than 314,159,265,37. And Van Colen, in his book De CirCulb et Adscripts, has, by the same means, carried that ratio to 36 places of fi- gures; which were also recomputed and confirmed by Willebrord Snell. After these, that indefatigable computer Mr. Abraham Sharp extended the ratio to 72 places of. figures, in a paper, published about the year 1706, by means of the. series of Dr. Halley, from the tangent of an arc of 30 degrees. And the ingenious Mr. Machin also carried the same to a hundred places, by other series, de- pending on the differences of arcs whose tangents have certain relations to one another. Sec this method explain- ed in my Mensuration, pa. 89, 4th edit. ; or my new Tracts,, vol. 1, pa. 266. And, finally, M. De Lagny, in the Me- moiresde l'Acad. 1719) by means of the tangent of the arc of 30 degrees, has extended the same ratio to the astonish- ing length of 12S places of figures; finding, that, if, the- diameter be 1000 &c, the circumference will be C I R [ 318 ] C I R 31415,92653,58979,32384,62643,38327,95028, 84197,l6939,93751,05820,97494,45923,07S 16, 40628,62089,98628,03482,53421, 17067.9S214, 80865,13272,30664,70938,446 ■+• or 447 - From such methods as the foregoing, a variety of series have been discovered for the length of the circumference of a circle, such as the following, viz, If the diameter be J, the circumference c will be variously expressed thus, c = 4 x (1 _- + -__ + --_+--- &c), 4 &c), *■ ~" 2.3 2.4.5 C ^' And many other series might here be added. See my Mensuration in several places; also my paper on such se- ries in the Philos. Trans. 1776, or my new Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 268; Euler's Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum; and many other authors. 6. Some of the more remarkable properties of the cir- cle are as follow : If two lines ab, cd cut the circle, and intersect within it, the angle of in- tersection e is measured by half the sum of the intercepted arcs AC, PB. But if the lines intersect without the circle, the angle e is measured by half the difference of the intercepted arcs AC, DB. 7. The angle at the centre of a cir- cle is double the angle at the circum- ference, standing on the same arc ; and all angles in the same segment are equal. Also the angle at the centre is measured by the arc it stands upon, and the angle at the circumference by half the same arc. 8. If the chords fg, in intersect each other at right angles, the sums of the opposite arcs are equal; viz, fh -+- gi = FI -+- GH. 9. If one side no of a trapezium in- scribed in a circle be produced out, the external angle lop, will be equal to the internal opposite angle M. 10. Any angle, as rqs, formed by a tangent QR and chord qs, is mea- sured by half the arc of the chord qs, and is equal to any angle t in the al- ternate segment qts. '11. If vw be a diameter, and xzy a chord perpendi- cular to it; then is xz or zy a mean proportional between the segments vz, zw. So that if d de- note the diameter vw, x the absciss vz, and y the ordinate zx ; fhen is y" = {d — x) x ior = edit. 8vo. These beautiful spots, produced by the moderate charge of a large battery, discharged between two smooth sur- faces of metals, or semi-metals, lying at a small distance from each other, consist of one central spot, and several concentric circles, which are more or less distinct, and more or fewer in number, as the metal on which they are marked is more easy or difficult of fusion, and as a greater or less force is employed. They are composed of dots or cavities, which indicate a real fusion. If the explosion of a battery, issuing from a pointed body, be repeatedly taken on the plain surface of a. piece of metal near the point, or be received from the surface on a point, the me- tal will be marked with a spot, consisting of all the pris- matic colours disposed in circles, and formed by scales of the metal separated by the force of the explosion. Circular Velocity, a term in Astronomy, signifying that velocity of a planet, or revolving body, which is measured by the arch of a circle. Circulating Decimals, called also recurring or re- peating decimals, are those in which a figure or several fi- gures are continually repeated. They are distinguished into single and multiple, and these again into pure and mixed. A pure single circulate, is that in which one figure only is repeated ; as '222 &c, and is marked thus - 2. A pure multiple circulate, is that in which several figures are continually repeated ; as -232323 &c, marked •23 ; and '524524 &c, marked '524. A mixed single circulate, is that which consists of a ter-l minate part, and a single repeating figure; as 4'222 &c, or 4s'2. And A mixed multiple circulate, is that which contains a ter- minate part with several repeating figures; as 45 - 524. That part of the circulate which repeats, is called the repetend : and the whole repctend, supposed infinitely continued, is equal to a vulgar fraction, whose numerator is the repeating number, or figures, and its denominator the same number of nines : so '2 is = $; and -23 is = U ; and -524 is = £§*. It seems it was Dr. Wallis who first distinctly consi- dered, or treated of infinite circulating decimals, as he C 3S3 ] CIR himself informs us in his Treatise of Infinites. Since his time many other authors have treated on this part of arith- metic ; the principal of these, however, to whom the art is mostly indebted, are Messrs. Brown, Cunn, Martin, Emer- son, Malcolm, Donn, and Henry Clarke, in whose writings the nature and practice of this branch of arithmetic may be fully seen, especially in the last-mentioned ingenious author. CIRCUMFERENCE, in a general sense, denotes the line or lines bounding any figure. But it is commonly used in a more limited sense, to denote the curve line which bounds a circle, and which is otherwise called the periphery; the boundary of a right-lined figure, being ex- pressed by the term perimeter. The circumference of a circle is every where equidi- stant from the centre. And the circumferences of different circles are to one another as their radii or diameters, or the ratio of the diameter to the circumference is the same in every circle, which is nearly as 7 to 22, as it was found by Archimedes, or, more nearly, as 1 to 3-1416. Under the article Circle may be seen various other approxima- tions to that ratio, one of which is carried to 128 places of figures, viz, by M. De Lagny. The circumference of every circle is supposed to be di- vided into 360 equal parts, called degrees. — Any part of a circumference is called an arc or arch; and a right line drawn from one end of an arc to the other, is called its chord. — The angle at the circumference is equal to half the angle at the centre, standing on the same arc ; and therefore it is measured by the half of that arc. CIRCUMFERENTOR, a particular instrument used by surveyors for taking angles. It consists of a brass cir- cle and index all of one piece ; the diameter of the circle is commonly about 7 inches ; the index about 14 inches long, and an inch and a half broad. On the circle is a card or compass, divided into 360 degrees; the meridian line of which answers to the middle of the breadth of the index. On the limb, or circumference of the circle, is soldered a brass ring ; which, with another fitted with a glass, forms a kind of box for the needle, which is sus* pended on a pivot in the centre of the circle. There are also two sights to screw on, and slide up and down the index, as also a spangle and socket screwed on the underside of the circle, to receive the head of the three-legged staff. To take, or observe, the Quantity of an single by the Cir- cumferentor. The angle proposed being ekg ; place the instrument at k, with the flower-de-luce of the card to- wards you ; then direct the sights to e, and observe what degrees are cut by the south end of the needle, which let be 295 ; then, turning the instrument about on its stand, direct the sights to c, noting again what degrees are cut by the south end of the needle, which suppose are 213. This done, subtract the less number from the greater, viz, 2T2 CIS [ 324 ] C L A 213 from-295, and the remainder, or 82 degrees, is the quantity of the angle ekg sought. CIRCUMGYRATION, is the revolving motion of any body about a centre ; as of the planets about the sun, &c. CIRCUM-Polar Stars, are those stars which, by rea- son of their vicinity to the pole, move round it, without setting. CIRCUMSCRIBED Figure, is a figure which is drawn about another, so that all its sides or planes touch the lat- ter or inscribed figure. The area and perimeter of every polygon that can be circumscribed about a circle, are greater than those of the circle ; and the area and perimeter of every inscribed po- lygon, are less than those of the circle ; but they approach always nearer to equality as the number of sides is greater. And on these principles Archimedes, and some other au- thors since his time, attempted the quadrature of the cir- cle; which is nothing else, in effect, but the measuring the area or capacity of a circle. Circumscribed Hyperbola, is one of Newton's hyper- bolas of the 2d order, that cuts its asymptotes, and con- tains the parts cut off within its own space. CIRCUMVALLATION, or Line of Oircumvallation, in the Art of War, is a trench, bordered with a parapet, thrown up around the besieger's camp, as a security against any army that may attempt to relieve the place, as well as to prevent desertion. CIRCUMVOLUTION, in Architecture, the torus of the spiral line of the Ionic order. CISSOID, is a curve line of the second order, invented by Diocles for the purpose of finding two continued mean proportionals between two other given lines. The gene- ration or description of this curve is as follows : On the extremity b of the diame- ter ab of the circle aob, erect the indefinite perpendicular cbd, to which from the other extremity a draw several lines, cutting the circle in i,o,n, &c; and on these lines set off the corresponding equal distan- ces, viz, hm = ai,fo = ao, and cl = an, &c ; then, the curve line drawn through all the points M, o, L, &c, is the cissoid of Diocles, who was an ancient Greek geometrician. This curve is, by Newton, reck- oned among the defective hyperbo- las, being the 42d species in his Enu- meratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis. And in bisAppendix deEquationum Constructione Lincari, at the end of his Arithmctica Universalis, he gives another elegant method of descri- bing this curve by the continual mo- tion of a square ruler. Other me- thods have also been devised by different authors for the same thing. The Properties of the Cissoid are the following: 1. The curve has two infinite legs amol, Ainol meeting in a cusp a, and tending towards the indefinite line cbd, which is their common asymptote. 2. The curve passes through o and o, points in the cir- cle equally distant from a and 15; or it bisects each semi- circle. 3. Letting fall perpendiculars MP, IK from any corre- sponding points 1, m; then is ap = bk, and am = hi, because ai = jih. 4. ap : pb : : MP 1 : ap ! . So that, if the diameter ab be == a, the absciss jp = i, and the ordinate pm =y; then is a: : a — x : : y* : x", or x 3 = (a — x) x y 1 , which is the equation of the curve. 5. Sir Isaac Newton, in his last letter to M. Leibnitz, has shown how to find a right line equal to one of the legs of this curve, by means of the hypeibola; but he there sup- pressed the investigation, which however may be seen in his Fluxions. 6. The whole infinitely long cissoidal space, contained between the infinite asymptote cbd, and the curves loao/ &c, of the cissoid, is equal to triple the generating circle. aoboa. — See more of this curve in Dr. Wallis's Works, vol. 1, pa. 545. CIVIL Day. See Day. Civil Month. See Month. Civil Year, is the legal year, or annual account of time which every government appoints to be used within its own dominions. It is so called in contradistinction from the natural year, which is measured exactly by the revolution of the heavenly bodies. CLAIRAUT (Alexis-Claude), a celebrated French mathematician and academician, was born at Paris the 1 3th of May 1713, and died the 17th of May 1765, at 52 years of age. His father, a teacher of mathematics at Paris, was his sole instructor; and such was the progress of our author under him, that at the early age of 4 years, he could read and write. The letters of the alphabet he taught him in the figures of Euclid's Elements. At 9 years of age he studied Guisniie's Application of Algebra to Geo- metry; at 10 De l'Hopital's Conie Sections; and between 12 and 13 he read a memoir to the Academy of Sciences concerning 4 new geometrical curves of his own invention. About the same time he laid the first foundation of his work upon curves that have a double curvature, which he finished in 1729, at lfj years of age. He was named Ad- joint-Mechanician to the Academy in 1731, at the age of 18, Associate in 1733, and Pensioner in 1738. During his connexion with the Academy, he had a great number of learned and ingenious communications inserted in their Memoirs, besides several other works which he published separately; the list of which is as follows: 1. On Curves of a Double Curvature; in 1730, 4to. 2. Elements of Geometry; 1741, 8vo. 3. Theory of the Figure of the Earth; 1743, 8vo. 4. Elements of Algebra; 1746, Svo. 5. Tables of the Moon; 1754, Svo. His papers inserted in the Memoirs of the Academy are too numerous to be particularized Jiere; but they may be found from the year 1727, for almost every year till 1762; being upon a variety of subjects, astronomical, mathema- tical, optical, &c. CLARKE (Dr. Samuel), a celebrated English divine, philosopher, and metaphysician, was born at Norwich the 1 1th of Oct. 1675. He was the son of Edward Clarkr, esq, alderman of that city, and for several years one of its repre- sentatives in parliament. He received instruction in classi- cal learning at the free-school of that town; and in 1691 removed thence to Caius-college, Cambridge, where his shining abilities soon began to display themselves. — Though the philosophy of Descartes was at that time the C L A [ 3 25 .] C L A established system of the university, yet Clarke's sagacity soon discovered its imperfections, and led him to the belief of one more solid and rational, viz, the new system of New- ton: this he soon mastered ; and in order to his first degree of arts, performed a public exercise in the schools upon a question taken from it. He greatly contributed to the establishment of the Newtonian philosophy by an excel- lent translation of Rohault's Phvsics, with notes, which he finished before he was 22 years of age, a book which had been for some time the system used in the university, and founded on Cartesian principles. This was first published in the year 1697, and it soon after went through several other editions, all with improvements. Mr. Whiston relates that, in that year, 1697, while he was chaplain to Dr. Moore, bishop of Norwich, he met with young Clarke, then wholly unknown to him, at a cof- fee-house in that city, where they entered into a conver- sation about the Cartesian philosophy, particularly Ro- hault's Physics, which Clarke's tutor, as he tells us, had put him upon translating. " The result of this conversa- tion was," says Whiston, " that I was greatly surprised that so young a man as Clarke then was, should know so much of those sublime discoveries, which were then almost a se- cret to all but a few particular mathematicians. Nor did I remember (continues he) above one or two at the most, whom I had then met with, that appeared to knolf so much of that philosophy as Mr. Clarke." He afterwards turned his thoughts to divinity; and hav- ing taken holy orders, in 1698 he succeeded Mr. Whiston as chaplain to Dr. Moore, bishop of Norwich, who was ever after his constant friend and patron. Soon after he published some theological treatises; and-Bishop Moore gave him the rectory of Drayton, near Norwich, with a lectureship in that city. In 1704, he was appointed to preach Boyle's lecture; and the subject he chose was, The Being and Attributes of God. He succeeded so well in this, and gave so much satisfaction, that he was appoint- ed to preach the same lecture the next year, when he chose for his subject, The Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion. These sermons were first printed in two volumes, in 1705 and 1706, and contained some remarks on such objections that had been made by Hobbes and Spinoza, and other opposers of natural and revealed religion. In the 6th edition was added, A Discourse concerning the Con- nexion of the Prophecies of the Old Testament, and the application of them to Christ. About this time, Mr. Whiston informs us, he discovered that Mr. Clarke (having read much of the primitive wri- ters) began to suspect that the Athanasian doctrine of the Trinity was not the doctrine of those early ages; and it was* particularly remarked of him, that he never read the Atha- nasian Creed at his parish church. In the midst of his theological labours, Mr. Clarke found time to show his regard to mathematical and philosophi- cal researches, with his exact knowledge and skill in them. And his natural affection and capacity for these studies were not a little improved by the friendship of Newton ; at whose request he translated his Optics into Latin in 1706. With this version Sir Isaac was so highly pleased, that he presented him with the sum of 500/ or 100/ to each of his 5 children. The same year, also, Bishop Moore procured for him the rectory of St. Bennett's, Paul's Wharf, in London; and soon after carried him to court, and recommended him to the favour of Queen Anne. She appointed him one of her chaplains in ordinary; and also presented him to the rec- tory of St. James's, Westminster, when it became vacant in 1709. On this occasion he took the degree of d. d. when the public exercise which he performed for it at Cambridge was highly admired. In 1715 and 1716", Dr. Clarke had a dispute with the celebrated Leibnitz, concerning the principles of natural philosophy and religion; and a collection of the papers which passed between them "was published in 1717. This work was addressed to Queen Caroline, then princess of Wales, who was pleased to have the controversy pass through her hands. It related chiefly to the subjects of liberty and necessity. About the year 1718 he was presented by the lord Lech- mere to the mastership of Wigston's hospital in Leicester- shire. In 1724 and 1725 he published 18 sermons, preached on several occasions. In 1727, on the death of" Newton, he had .the offer of succeeding him as Master of the Mint, a place worth from 12 to 15 hundred a year; but to this secular preferment he could not reconcile him- self, and therefore absolutely refused it. In 172S was published, A Letter from Dr. Clarke to Mr. Benjamin Hoadley, occasioned by the Controversy relating to the Proportion of Velocity and Force of Bodies in Motion, which was printed in the Philosophical Transactions, No. 401. Dr. Clarke died the 17th of May, 1729, in the 54th year of his age. Queen Caroline took great pleasure in the doctor's con- versation and friendship ; seldom a week passed in which she did not receive some proof of the greatness of his ge- nius and the force of his understanding. As to the character of Dr. Clarke, he is represented as possessing one of the most amiable and affectionate dispo- sitions, remarkably free and easy in his conversation, cheer- ful afld even playful in his manner. Bishop Hare says ofi him, " He was a man who had all the good qualities that could meet together to recommend him. He was pos- sessed of all the parts of learning that are valuable in a clergyman, in a degree that few possess any single one. He had joined to a good skill in the three learned lan- guages a great compass of the best philosophy and ma- thematics, as appears by his Latin works; and his English fines are such a proof of his own piety and of his know- ledge in divinity, and have done so much service to religion, as would make any other man, that was not under a sus- picion of heresy, secure of the friendship of all good churchmen, especially the clergy. — Much more may be seen, related in his praise, by Bishop Hoadley, Dr. Sykes, and Mr. Whiston, in their Memoirs of his life. CLAVIUS (Chuistopheh), a German Jesuit, was born at Bamberg in Germany, in 1537. He became a very studious mathematician and elaborate writer; his works, when collected, and closely printed, making 5 large folio volumes, being a complete body or course of mathematics. They are mostly elementary, with commentaries on Euclid and others, possessing very little of invention of his own. His talents and writings have been variously spoken of, and it must be acknowledged that they are heavy and elaborate. He was invited to Rome, to assist, with other learned men, in the reformation of the calendar, by Pope Gregory, of which he afterwards undertook a defence against Sca- liger, Vieta, and others, who attacked it. He died at Rome the 6th of February, 1612, at 75 years of age, after CLE [ 32fi ] CLE more than 50 years close application to the mathematical sciences. CLEF, or Cliff, in Music, a mark at the beginning of the lines of a song, which shows the tone or key in which the piece is to begin. Or, it is a letter marked on any line, which explains and points out the name of all the rest. Anciently, every line had a letter marked for a clef; but now a letter on one line suffices; since by this all the rest are. known, reckoning up and down, in the order of the letters. It is called the clef, or key, because that thereby are known the names of all the other lines and spaces; and consequently the quantity of every degree or interval. But because every note in. the octave is called a key, though, in another sense, this letter marked is called peculiarly the signed clef; since, being written on any line, it not only signs and marks that one, but it also explains all the rest. By clef, therefore, for distinction sake, is meant that let- ter, signed on a line, which explains the rest; and by key, the principal note of a song, in which the melody closes. There are three of these signed clefs, c,f, g. The clef of the highest part in a song, called treble, or alt, is g, set on the second line, reckoning upwards. The clef of the bass, or the lowest part, is/, on the 4th line upwards. For all the other mean parts, the clef is c, sometimes on one, and at others on another line. Indeed, some that are really mean parts, are sometimes set with the g clef. It must however be observed, that the ordinary signatures of clefs bear little resemblance to those letters. Mr. Mal- colm is of opinion that it would be well if the letters them- selves were used. Kepler takes great pains to show, that the common signatures are only corruptions of the letters they represent. The clefs are always taken fifths to one another. So the clef/ being lowest, c is a fifth above it, and g a fifth above c. When the place of the clef is changed, which is not fre- quent in the mean clef, it is with a design to make the sys- tem comprehend as many notes of the song as possible, and so to have the fewer notes above or below it. So that, if there be many lines above the clef, and few below it, this purpose is answered by placing the clef in the first or second line; but if there be many notes below the clef, it is placed lower in the system. In effect, according to the relation of the other notes to the clef note, the particular system is taken differently in the scale, the clef line ma- king one in all the variety. But still, in whatever line of the particular system any clef is found, it must be understood to belong to the same of the general system, and likewise to be the same indivi- dual note or sound in the scale. By this constant relation of clefs, we learn how to compare the several particular systems of the several parts, and to know how they com- municate in the scale, that is, which lines are unison and which are not ; for it is not to be supposed that each part has certain bounds, within which another may never enter — some notes of the treble, for example, must be low- er than some of the mean parts, or even of the bass. There- fore, to join together into one system all the parts of a com- position written separately, the note of each particular part must be placed at the same distances above and below the proper clef, as they stand in the separate system: and be- cause all the notes that are consonant, or heard together, must stand directly over each other, that the notes belong- ing to each part may be distinctly ascertained, they may be made with such differences as shall not confound or alter their significations with respect to time, but only show their relation to this or that part. Thus we shall discover in what manner the parts change and pass through one another; and which, in every note, is highest, lowest, or unison. Jt must here be observed, that for the performance of an} 1 single piece, the clef only serves for explaining the in- tervals in the lines and spaces : so that it need not be re- garded what part of any greater system it is; but the first note may be taken as high or low as we please. For as the proper use of the scale is not to limit the absolute de- gree of tone, so the proper use of the signed clef is not to bound the pitch at which the first note of any part is to be taken, but to determine the tune of the rest, with respect to the first; and considering all the parts together, to de- termine the relation of their several notes by the relations of their clefs in the scale : thus, their pitch of tune being determined in a certain note of one part, the other notes of that part are determined by the constant relations of the letters of the scale, and the notes of other parts by the re- lations of their clefs. In effect, for performing any single part, the clef note may be taken in an octave, that is, at any note of the same name; provided we do not go too high or too low for find- ing the rest of the notes of a song. But in a concert of several parts, all the clefs must be taken, not only in the relations, but also in the places of the system abovemen- tioned, that every part may be comprehended in it. The natural and artificial note expressed by the same letter, as c and eft, are both set on the same line or space. When there is no character of flat or sharp, at the begin- ning with the clef, all the notes are natural; and if in any particular place the artificial note be required, it is denoted by the sign of a flat or sharp, set on the line a space before that note. If a sharp or flat be placed at the beginning in any line or space with the clef, all the notes on that line or space are artificial ones; that is, are to be taken a semitone higher or lower than they would be without such sign. And the same affects all their octaves above and below, though they be not marked so. In the course of the song, if the natu- ral note be sometimes required, it is signified by the cha- racter ^. CLEPSYDRA, a kind of water-clock, or an hour-glass serving to measure time by the fall of a certain quantity, commonly out of one vessel into another. — There have been also clepsydrae made with quicksilver; and the term is also used for hour-glasses of sand. By this instrument the Egyptians measured their time ' and the course of the sun. Also Tycho Brahe, in mo- dern times, made use of it to measure the motion of the stars, &c; and Dudley used the same contrivance in ma- king all his maritime observations. The use of clepsydrae is very ancient. They were pro- bably invented in Egypt under the Ptolemies; though some authors ascribe the invention of them to the Greeks, and others to the Romans. Pliny informs us, that Scipio Na- sica, about 150 years. before Christ, gave the first hint for the construction of them : and Pancirollus lias particu- larly described them. According to his account, the clep- sydra was a vessel made of glass, with a small hole in the bottom, edged with gold: in the upper part of this vessel CLE [ 327 ] C L I a line was drawn, and marked with the 12 hours : the ves- sel was filled with water, and a cork with a pin fixed in it Moated on the surface, pointing to the first hour; and as the water sunk in the vessel by issuing out of the small hole, the pin indicated the other hours as it descended. The same kind of instruments were also used by the Hin- dus, for measuring time ; and from the invention might come into all the countries westward from them. See my Tracts, vol. 2, p. 178. Clepsydrae were chiefly used in the winter; as sun-dials served for the summer. They had however two great de- fects; the one, that the water ran out more or less easily, as the air was more or less dense; the other, that the wa- ter flowed more rapidly at the beginning, than towards the conclusion when its quantity and pressure were much de- creased. Amontons has invented a clepsydra which, it is said, is free from both these inconveniences ; and the same effect is produced by one described by Mr Hamilton, in the Philos. Trans, vol. 44, pa. 171, or my Abridg. vol. 9, pa. 236. Varignon also, in the Memoires del'Acad. 1699, delivers a general geometrical method of making clepsy- dras, or water-clocks, with any kind of vessels, and with any given orifices for the water to run through. Vitruvius, in lib. 9 of his Architecture, treats of these instruments ; and Pliny in chap. 6"0, lib. 7, says that Sci- pio Nasica was the first who measured time at Rome by clepsydra, or water-clocks. Gesner, in his Pandects, pa. 91) gives several contrivances for these instruments. Solomon de Caus also treats on this subject in his Reasons of Moving Forces, &c. So also does Ozanam, in his Ma- thematical Recreations, in which is contained a Treatise on Elementary Clocks, translated from the Italian of Do- minique Martinelli. There is likewise a treatise on Hour- Glasses by Arcangelo Maria Radi, called Nova Scienza de Horologi Polvere. See also the Technica Curiosa of Gas- per Schottus; and Amsntons Remarques et Experiences Physiques sur la Construction d'une nouvelle Clepsydre, exempte des defauts des autres. CLERC (John le), a celebrated writer and universal scholar, was born at Geneva in 1657. After passing through the usual course of study at Geneva, he went to France in 1678; but returning the year after, he took holy orders. In 1682 Lc Clerc visited England, to learn the language : but the smoky air of London not agreeing with his constitution, he soon returned to Holland, where he settled ; and was appointed professor of philosophy, po- lite literature, and the Hebrew tongue, in the school at Amsterdam. Here he long continued to read lectures ; for which purpose he drew up and published his Logic, Ontology, Pneumatology, and Natural Philosophy. He published also Ars Critica ; a Commentary on the Old Testament; a Compendium of Universal History ; an Ec- clesiastical History of the first two centuries ; a French translation of the New Testament, and other works. In 1686, he began, jointly with M.dc la Crose, his Bibliothe- que Universellc et Historique, in imitation of other lite- rary journals ; which was continued to the year 1693, making 26 volumes. In 1/03 he commenced his Biblio- theque Choisie, and continued it to 1714, when he began another work on the same plan, called Bibliotheque Anci- < nne et Moderne, which he continued to the year 1728 ; all of 1 hem justly esteemed excellent stores of useful know- ledge, lie published also, in 1713, a small treatise on Practical Geometry, in 2 vols, small Svo, called Pratique de la Geometrie, sur le papier et sur le terrain. In 1728 he was seized with a palsy and fever; and after spending the last six years, of his life with little or no understand- ing, he died in 1736, at 79 years of age. CLIFF, in Music, the same as Clef, which see. CLIMACTERIC, a critical year in a person's life. According to some, this is every 7th year : but others allow it only to those years produced by multiplying 7 by the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, .9- These years, observe they, bring with them some remarkable change with respect to health, life, or fortune: the grand climacteric is the 63d year; but some add also the 81st to it : the other remark- able climacterics are the 7th, 21st, 35th, 49th, and 56th. CLIMATE, or Clitne, in Geography, a part of the sur- face of the earth bounded by two lesser circles parallel to the equator; and of such a breadth, as that the longest day in the parallel nearer the pole exceeds the longest day in that next the equator, by some certain space, as half an hour, or an hour, or a month. The beginning of a climate, is a parallel circle in which the day is the shortest; and the end of the climate, is that in which the day is the longest. The climates there- fore are reckoned from the equator to the pole ; and are so many zones or bands, terminated by lines parallel to the equator : though, in strictness, there are several climates, or different degrees of light or temperature, in the breadth of one zone. Each climate only differs from its contigu- ous ones, in that the longest day in summer is longer or shorter, by half an hour, for instance, in the one place than in the other. As the climates commence at the equator, at the beoin- ning of the first climate, that is at the equator, the day is just 12 hours long; but at the end of it, or at the begin- ning of the 2d climate, the longest day is 12 hours and a half long; and at the end of the 2d, or beginning of the 3d climate, the longest day is 13 hours long; and so of the rest, as far as the polar circles, where the hour cli- mates terminate, and month climates commence. And as an hour climate is a space comprised between two paral- lels of the equator, in the first of which the longest day exceeds that in the latter by an hour; so the month climate is a space contained between two circles parallel to the polar circles, and having its longest day longer or shorter than that of its contiguous one, by a month, or 30 days. But some authors, as Riccioli, make the longest - day of the contiguous climates to differ by half hours, to about the latitude of 45 degrees; then to differ by an hour, or sometimes 2 hours, to the polar circle ; and after that by a month each. See tables of climates in Vare- nius, chap. 25, prop. 13. The ancients, who confined the climates to what they thought the habitable parts of the earth, reckoned only- seven, the middles of which they made to pass through some remarkable places ; as the 1st through Meroe, the 2d through Sienna, the 3d through Alexandria, the 4th through Rhodes, the 5th throughRome, the 6th through Pontus, and the 7th through the mouth of the Borysthe- nes. But the moderns, who have sailed farther towards the poles, make 30 climates on each side. Vulgarly the term climate is bestowed on any country or region differing from another cither in respect of the seasons, the quality of the soil, or even the manners of the inhabitants; without any regard to the length of the.' longest day. Abulfeda, an Arabic author, distinguishes. C L O 328 ] C L O the first kind of climates by the term Real Climates, and the latter by that of Apparent Climates. CLOCK, a machine now constructed in such a manner, and so regulated by the uniform motion of a pendulum, •as to measure time, and all its subdivisions, with great exactness. Before the invention of the pendulum, a ba- lance, not unlike the fly of a kitchen-jack, was used in- stead of it. — They were at first called nocturnal dials, to distinguish them from sun dials, which showed the hour by the shadow of the sun. The invention of clocks with wheels is ascribed to Pa- cificus, archdeacon of Verona, in the 9th century, on the credit of an epitaph quoted by Ughelli, and borrowed by him from Panvinius. Others attribute the invention to Boethius, about the year 510. Mr. Derham however reduces clock-work to a much older date; ranking Archimedes's sphere, made 200 years before Christ, as mentioned by Claudian, and that of Po- sidonius, mentioned by Cicero, among machines of this kind: not that either their form or use were the same with those of modern mechanics ; but that they had their mo- tion from some hidden weights, or springs, with wheels or pulleys, or some such clock-work principle. In the Disquisitiones Monasticae of Benedictus Haef- ten, published in the year 1644, we are informed, that clocks were invented by Silvester iv, a monk of his or- der, about the year 998,' as Dithmarus and Bozius have also shown ; for before that time, they had nothing butsun- dials and clepsydras for pointing out the hour. — Conrade Gesner, in his Epitome, pa. 604, says, that Richard Wal- lingford, an English abbot of St. Albans, who flourished in the year 1326, made a wonderful clock by a most ex- cellent art, the like of which could not be produced by all Europe. — Moreri, under the word Horologe du Palais, observes, that Charles v, called the wise king of France, ordered at Paris the first large clock to be made by Henry de Vie, whom he sent for from Germany, and set it upon the tower of his palace, in the year 1372. —John Froissart, in his Histoire- et Chronique, vol. 2, ch. 28, says, the duke of Bourgogne had a clock, which sounded the hour, taken away from the city of Courtray, in the year 1382 : and the same thing is said by Wm. Pa- radin, in his Annates de Bourgogne. Clock-makers were first introduced into England in 1368, when Edward m granted a licence for three artists to come over from Delft in Holland, and practise their occupation in this country. The water-clocks, or clepsydra?, and sun-dials, have both a much better claim to antiquity. The French an- nals mention one of the former kind, sent by Aaron king of Persia, to Charlemagne, about the year 807, which it would seem bore some resemblance to the modern clocks : it was of brass, and showed the hours by 12 little balls of the same metal, which at the end of each hour fell upon a bell, and made a sound. There were also figures of 12 cavaliers, which at the end of each hour came out through certain apertures, or windows, in the side of the clock, and shut them again, &c. The invention of pendulum clocks is owing to the happy industry of tlie 1 7 th century; and the honour of that discovery is disputed between Galileo and Huygcns. The latter, who wrote an excellent volume on the subject, declares it was first put in practice in the year 1657, and tkc description of it printed in 1658. Becher, De Nova Temporis dimetiendi Theoria, anno 1680, contends for Galileo ; and relates, though at second-hand, the whole history of the invention; adding that one Trefler, clock- maker to the father of the then grand duke of Tuscany, made the first pendulum clock at Florence, under the di- rection of Galileo Galilei, a pattern of which was brought to Holland. And the Academy del Cimento expressly observes, that the application of the pendulum to the movement of a clock was first proposed by Galileo, and put in practice by his son Vicenzo Galilei, in 1649. But whoever may have been the inventor, it is certain that the invention never flourished till it came into the hands of Huygens, who insists, that if ever Galileo thought of such a thing, he never brought it to any degree of perfection. The first pendulum clock made in England was in the year l662, by one Fromantil, a Dutchman. Among the modern clocks, those ofStrasburg and Lyons are very eminent for the richness of their furniture, and the variety of their motions and figures. In the former, a cock claps his wings, and proclaims the hour : the angel opens a door, and salutes the Virgin, &c. In the latter, two horsemen encounter, and beat the hour upon each other : a door opens, and there appears on the theatre the Virgin, with Jesus in her arms ; the Magi, with their retinue, marching in order, and presenting their gifts ; two trum- peters sounding all the while to proclaim the procession. These however are far excelled by two that have lately- been made by English artists, as a present from the East- India company to the emperor of China. These two clocks are in the form of chariots, in each of which a lady is placed, in a fine attitude, leaning her right hand on a part of the chariot, under which appears a clock of curious workmanship, little larger than a shilling, that strikes and repeats, and goes for eight days. On the lady's finger sits a bird, finely modelled, and set with diamonds and rubies, with its wings expanded in a flying posture, and actually flutters for a considerable time, on touching a diamond button below it; the body of the bird, in which are contained part of the wheels that animate it as it were, is less than the l6th part of an inch. The lady holds in her left-hand a golden tube little thicker than a large pin, on the top of which is a small round box, to which is fixed a circular ornament not larger than a sixpence, set with diamonds, which goes round in three hours in a constant regular motion. Over the lady's head is a double um- brella, supported by a small fluted pillar not thicker than a quill, and under the larger of which a bell is fixed at a considerable distance from the clock, with which it seems not to have any connexion ; but from which a commu- nication is secretly conveyed to a hammer, that regularly strikes the hour, and repeats the same at pleasure, by touching a diamond button fixed to the clock below. At the feet of the lady is a golden dog ; before which, from the point of the chariot, are two birds fixed on spiral springs, the wings and feathers of which are set with stones of various colours; and they appear as if flying away with the chariot, which, from another secret mo- tion, is contrived to run in any direction, either straight or circular, &e ; while a boy, that lays hold of the cha- riot behind, appears also to push it forwards. Above the umbrella are flowers and ornaments of precious Stones; and it terminates with a flying dragon set in the same manner. The whole is of gold, most curiously executed, and embellished with rubies and pearls. C L O [ ] CLO The ingenious Dr. Franklin contriver! a clock to show the hours, minutes, and seconds, with only three wheels and two piniops in the whole movement. The dial-plate had the hours engraven on it in spiral spaces along two diameters of a circle, containing four times fjO minutes. The index goes round in lour hours, and points out the minutes from any hour by which it has passed to the next following hour. The small hand, in an arch at top, goes round once in a minute, and shows the seconds. The clock is wound up by a line going over a pulley, on the axis of the great wheel, like a common 30-hour clock. Many of these very simple machines have since been con- structed, that measure time exceedingly well. This clock is subject, however, to the inconvenience of requiring fre- quent winding, by drawing up the weight; as also to some uncertainty as to the particular hour shown by the index. Mr. Ferguson proposed to remedy these inconveni- ences by another construction, which is described in his Select Exercises, pa. 4. This clock will go a week with- out winding, and always shows the precise hour; but, as Mr. Ferguson acknowledges, it has two disadvantages which do not belong to Dr. Franklin's clock : when the minute hand is adjusted, the hour plate must also be set right, by means.of a pin : and the smallness of the teeth in the pendulum wheel will cause the pendulum ball to describe but small arcs in its vibrations; and therefore the momentum of the ball will be less, and the times of the vibrations will be more affected by any unequal im- pulse of the pendulum wheel on the pallets. Besides, the weight of the flat ring, on which the seconds are engraven, will load the pivots of the axis of the pendulum wheel with a great deal of friction, which ought by all possible means to be avoided. To remedy this inconvenience, the seconds plate might be omitted; Mr. Ferguson also contrived a clock, showing the ap- parent diurnal motions of the sun and moon, the age and phases of the moon, with the. time of her coming to the meridian, and the times of high and low water ; and all this by having only two wheels and a pinion added to the common movement. See, his Select Exercises before men- tioned. In this clock the figure of the sun serves as an hour index, by going round the dial-plate in 24 hours ; and a figure of the moon goes round in 24 h. 50| min. the time of her going round in the heavens from any me- ridian to the same meridian again. A clock of this kind was adapted by Mr. Fcrguscm to the movement of an old watch. See also a description and drawing of an astro- nomical clock, showing the apparent daily motions of the sun, moon, and stars, with the times of their rising, south- ing, and setting; the places of the sun and moon in the ecliptic, and the age and phases of the moon for every duy in the year, in the same book, p. IQ. There have been several treatises upon clocks ; the prin- cipal of which are the following: Hieronymus Cardan, de Varictate Rerum, libri 17. — Conrade Dasypodius, De- scriptio Ilorologii Astronomici Argentinensis in summa Templi erecti. — Guido Pancirollus, Antiqua deperdita et nova reperta. — L'Usage du Cadran, ou dc l'Horloge Phy- sique Universellc, par Galilee, Mathematicien du Due de Florence. — Oughtred's Opuscula Mathematica. — Huy- gens's Horologium Oscillatoriuin. — Pendule perpctuelle, par 1'Abbe de Hautefeuille. — J..]. Bechcri Theoriaet Ex- perientia de nova Temporis dimetiendi Ratione et Horo- logiorum Constructione. — Clark's Oughtrcdus explica- tes, ubi de Constructione Horologiorum. — Horological Vol. I. Disquisitions. — Iiuygens's Posthumous Works.-— Sully's Regie Artificielle du Temps, &c. — Serviere's Recueil d'Ou- vrages Curieux. — Dcrham's Artificial Clock-maker. — Ca- mus's Trailes des Forces Mouvantes. — Alexandre's Traite General des Horologies. — Also Treatises and Principles of Clock-making, by Hatton, Cuming, &c, &c. CLOUD, a visible collection of vapours, suspended in the atmosphere. Though it be generally allowed that the, clouds are formed from the aqueous vapours, which before were so closely united' with the atmosp'here as to T)e invisible; it is however not easy to account for the long continuance of some very opaque clouds without dissolving ; or to as- sign the reason why the vapours, when they have once be- gun to condense, do not continue to do so till they at last fall to the ground in the form of rain or snow, &c. It is now known, that a separation of the latent heat from the water, of which vapour is composed, is attended with a condensation of that vapour in some degree ; in such case, it will first appear as a smoke, mist, or fog; which, if in- terposed between the sun and earth, will form a cloud ; and the same causes continuing to operate, the cloud will produce rain or snow. It is however abundantly evident that some other cause, besides mere heat or cold, is con- cerned in the formation of clouds, and the condensation of atmospherical vapours. This cause is esteemed in a great measure the electrical fluid : indeed electricity is now so generally admitted as an agent in all the great opeT rations of nature, that it is no wonder to find the forma- tion of clouds attributed to it; and this has accordingly been given by Beccaria as the cause of the formation of all clouds whatsoever, whether of thunder, rain, hail, or snow. Brit whether the clouds arc produced, that is, the at- mospheric vapours rendered visible, by means of electri- city or not, it is certain that they do often contain the electric fluid in prodigious quantities, and many terrible and destructive accidents have been occasioned by clouds very highly electrified. The most extraordinary instance of this kind perhaps on record happened in the island of Java, in the East-Indies, in August, 1772. On the 11th of that month, at midnight, a bright cloud was observed covering a mountain in the district called Cheribou, and several reports like those of a gun were heard at the same time. The people who dwelt on the upper part of the mountain not being able to fly fast enough, a great part of the cloud, eight or nine miles in circumference, detached itself under them, and was seen at a distance, rising and falling like the waves of the sea, and emitting globes of fire so luminous, that the night became as bright as day. The effects of it were astonishing ; every thing was de- stroyed for 20 miles round ; the houses were demolished; plantations were buried in the earth; and 2140 people lost their lives, besides 1500 head of cattle, and a vast number of horses, goats, &c. Another remarkable in- stance of the dreadful effects of electric clouds, which happened at Malta the 2J)th of October 1757, is also re- lated in Brydone's Tour through Malta. The height of the clouds is not usually great; the sum- mits of high mountains being commonly quite free from them, as many travellers have experienced inpassing these mountains. It is found that the most highly electrified clouds descend lowest, their height being often not more than 7 or 800 yards above the earth's surface ; and some- times thunder-clouds appear actually to touch the ground 2 U C L U I 330 ] C O F with one of their edges; but the generality of clouds are suspended at the height of a mile, or little more, above the earth. The motions of the clouds, though often directed by the wind, are not always so, especially when thunder is about to ensue. In this case they are seen to move very slowly, or even to appear quite stationary for some time. The reason of this probably is, that they are impelled by two -opposite streams of air nearly of equal strength; and in such cases it appears that both the aerial currents ascend to a considerable height ; for Messrs. Charles and Robert, while endeavouring to avoid a thunder-cloud, in one of their aerial voyages with a balloon, could find no altera- tion in the course of the current, though they ascended to the height of 4000 feet above the earth. In some cases the motions of the clouds evidently depend on their elec- tricity, independent of any current of air whatever. Thus, in a calm and warm day, small clouds are often seen meet- ing each other in opposite directions, and setting out from such short distances, that it cannot be supposed that any opposite winds are the cause. Such clouds, when they meet, instead of forming a larger one, become much smaller, and sometimes entirely vanish ; a circumstance most probably owing to the discharge of opposite electri- cities into each other. And this serves also to throw some light on the true cause of the formation of clouds; for if two clouds, the one electrified positively, and the other negatively, destroy each other on contact, it follows that any quantity of vapour suspended in the atmosphere, will, while it retains its natural quantity of electricity, remain invisible, but becomes a cloud when electrified either plus or minus. The shapes of the clouds arealso probably owing to their electricity; for in those seasons in which a great commo- tion has been excited in the atmospherical electricity, the clouds are seen assuming strange and whimsical forms, that are continually varying. This, as well as the meet- ing of small clouds in the air, and vanishing upon contaet, is a sure indication of thunder. The uses of the clouds are evident, as from them pro- ceeds the rain that fructifies the earth, and without which, according to the present state of nature, the whole surface of the earth would soon become a mere desert. They are also useful as a screen interposed between the earth and the scorching rays of the sun, which are often so power- ful as to destroy the grass and other tender vegetables. In the more secret operations of nature also, where the elec- tric fluid is concerned, the clouds bear a principal share; and chiefly serve as a medium for conveying that fluid from the atmosphere into the earth, and from the earth into the atmosphere: in doing which, when electrified to a great degree, they sometimes produce very terrible effects; an instance of which is related above. See the articles At- mospherical Electricity, Evaporation, Rain, &c. CLOUTS, in Artillery; are thin plates of iron nailed on that part of the axle-tree of a gun-carriage which comes through (he nave, and through which the linspingoes. CLUVIER, or Cluverius, (Philip), a celebrated geographer, was born at Dantzic in 1580. After an edu- i cation at home, he. travelled into Poland, Germany, and the Netherlands, to improve himself in the knowledge of the law. Rut, when at Leyden, Joseph Scaliger persua- ded him to give way to his genius for geography. In pur- suance of this advice, Cluvier visited the greatest part of the European states. He was well skilled in many lan- guages, speaking ten with facility, viz, Greek, Latin, Ger- man, French, English, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, and Bohemian. On his return to Leyden, he taught there with great applause ; and died in l6"23, being only 43 years of age, justly esteemed the first geographer who had put his researches in order, and reduced them to certain prin- ciples. He was author of several ingenious works in geo- graphy, viz : 1. De Tribus Rhcni Alveis. 2. Germania Antiqua. 3. Italia Antiqua, Sicilia, Sardinia, et Corsica. 4. Introductio in Universam Geographiam. COASTING, is that part of Navigation in which the places are not far asunder, so that a ship may sail in sight of land, or within soundings, between them. COCHLEA, one of the five Mechanical powers, other- wise called the Screw ; being so named from the resem- blance a screw bears to the spiral shell of a snail, in Latin Cochlea. See Screw, and Mechanical Powers. COCK of a Dial, the pin, stile, or gnomon. COEFFICIENTS, in Algebra, are numbers, or given quantities, usually prefixed to letters, or unknown quan- tities, by which it is supposed they are multiplied ; and so, with such letters, or quantities, making a» product, or co- efficient production ; whence the name. Thus, in 3a the coefficient is 3, in bx it is b, and in cr 1 it is<\ If a quantity have no number prefixed, unity or 1 is understood ; as a is the same as la, and be the same as lbc. The name coefficient was first given by Vieta. In any equation so reduced as that its highest power or term has 1 for its coefficient; then the coefficient of the 2d term is equal to the sum of all the roots, both positive and negative ; so that if the 2d term is wanting in an equa- tion, the sum of the positive roots of that equation is equal to the sum of the negative roots, as they mutually balance and cancel each other. Also the coefficient of the 3d term of an equation is equal to the sum of all the reef- angles arising by the multiplication of every two of the roots, how many ways soever they can be combined by twos; as once in the quadratic, 3 times in the cubic, 6 times in the biquadratic equation, &c. And the coeffi- cient of the 4th term of an equation, is the sum of all the solids made by the continual multiplication of every three of the roots, how often soever such a ternary can be had ; as once in a cubic, 4 times in a biquadratic, 10 times in an equation of 5 dimensions, &c. And thus it goes on infi- nitely. Coefficients of the same Order, is a term sometimes used for the coefficients prefixed to the same unknown quantities, in different equations. Cax ■+■ by -+- cz = m, Thus in the equations -J dx -+- ey -+- ft = n, igx +■ hy ■+- kz = p, the coefficients a, d, g, are of the same order, being the coefficients of the same letter x ; also b, e, h, are of the same order, being the coefficients ofy; and so on. O/DpowVeCoEFFiciENTS, such as are taken each from a different equation, and from a different order of coefficients. Thus, in the foregoing equations, a, e, k, or u, h,f, or d, b, k, &C, are opposite coefficients. OEI.KSTIAL. See Celestial. COFFER, in Architecture, a square depressurc or sink- ing, in each interval between the modillions of the Corin- thian cornice; usually filled up with a rose) sometimes with a pomegranate, or other enrichment. C O H [ 331 ] C O H Coffer, in Fortification, denotes a. hollow lodgment, athwart a dry moat, 6 or 7 feet deep, and 16 or 18 broad. The upper part of it is made of pieces (xf timber, raised 2 feet above the level of the moat ; the elevation having hur- dles laden with earth for its covering, and serving as a pa- rapet with embrazures. The coffer is nearly the same with the caponiere, except- ing that this last is sometimes made beyond the counterscarp on the glacis, and the coffer always in the moat, taking up its whole breadth, which the caponiere does not. It dif- fers from the traverse and gallery, in chat these are made by the besiegers, and the coffer by the besieged. The besieged commonly make use of coffers to repulse the besiegers, when they endeavour to pass the ditch. And, on fhe other hand, the besiegers, to save themselves from the fire of these coffers, throw up the earth on that side towards the coffer. ' Coff ER-Dams, or Batardeaux, in Bridge-building, are inclosures formed for laying the foundation of piers, and for other works in water, to exclude the surrounding water, and so prevent it from interrupting the workmen. These inclosures are sometimes single, and sometimes double, with clay rammed between them; sometimes they are made with piles driven close together, and sometimes the piles are notched or dove-tailed into one another; but the moat usual method is, to drive piles with grooves in them, at the distance of five or six feet from each other, and then boards are let down between them, after which the water is pumped out. COGGESHALL'S Sliding-Rule, an instrument used in Gauging, and so called from its inventor. See the descrip- tion and use under Sliding-/?u/<;. COHESION, in Natural Philosophy, as distinguished from adhesion, is that species of attraction which, uni- ting particle to particle, retains together the component parts of the same mass or kind. Or it is that action or power by which the homogeneous particles of bodies are kept attached to each other. This power was first considered by N cw 'ton as one of the properties essential to all matter, and the cause of all that variety observed in the texture of different terrestrial bodies. He docs not attempt to investigate the nature of this power, but wisely contents himself with calling it a mutual attraction peculiar to the particles of matter. His words arc as follow : " The particles of all hard homoge- neous bodies, which touch one another, cohorewith a great force; to account for which, some philosophers have re- course to a kind of hooked atoms, which in effect is no- thing else but to beg the thing in question. Others ima- gine that the particles of bodies are connected by rest, i.e. in effect by nothing at all; and others by conspiring mo- tions, i.e. by a relative rest among themselves. For-my- sclf, it rather appears to me, that, the particles of bodies cohere by an attractive force, whereby they tend mutually toward each other: which force, in the very point of con- tact, is very great ; at little distances is less, and at a little tarther distance is quite insensible." It is uncertain in what proportion this force decreases as the distance increases : Desaguliers conjectures, from some phenomena, that it decreases as tin biquadratic or 4th power of the distance, so that at twice the distance it acts 16 times more weakly, &c. " Now if compound bodies be so hard, as by experience we find some of them to be, and yet have a great many hidden pores within them, and consist of parts only laid together ; no doubt those simple particles which have no pores within them, and which were never divided into parts, must be vastly harder. For such hard particles, gathered into a mass, cannot possibly touch in more than a few points; and therefore much less force is required to sever them, than to break a solid particle, whose parts touch throughout all their surfaces, without any interme- diate pores or interstices. But how such hard particles, only laid together, and touching only in a few points, should come to cohere so firmly, as in fact we find they do, is inconceivable; unless there be some cause, whereby they are attracted and pressed together. Now the smallest particles of matter may cohere by the strongest attrac- tions, ana! constitute larger, whoseattracting force is feebler: and again, many of these larger particles cohering, may constitute others still larger, whose attractive force is still weaker; and so on for several successions, till the progres- sion end in the biggest particle, on which the operations in chemistry, and the colours of natural bodies depend; and which by cohering compose bodies of a sensible magni- tude." Again, the opinion maintained by many, is that which is so strongly defende/1 by J. Bernoulli, De Gravitate jEthe- ris; who attributes the cohesion of the parts of matter to the uniform pressure of the atmosphere : confirming this opinton by the known experiment of two polished marble planes, which cohere very stongly in the open air, but easily drop asunder in an exhausted receiver. However, if two plates of this kind be smeared with oil, to fill up the pores in their surfaces, and prevent the lodgment of air, and one of them be gently rubbed upon the other, they will adhere so strongly, even when suspended in an ex- hausted receiver, that the weight of the lower plate will not be able to separate it from the upper one. And though this theory might serve tolerably well to explain the co- hesion of compositions, or greater collections of matter; yet it falls far short of accounting for that first cohesion of the atoms, or primitive corpuscules, of which the par- ticles of hard bodies are composed ; for a body does not fall in pieces in the exhausted receiver. Again, some philosophers have positively asserted, that the powers, or means, arc immaterial, by which matter coheres; and, in consequence of this supposition, they have so refined upon attractions and repulsions, that their systems appear but little short of scepticism, or denying the existence of matter altogether. A system of this kind is adopted by Dr. Priestley, from Messrs. Boscovich and Michell, to solve some difficulties concerning the New- tonian doctrine of light. See his History of Vision, vol. ] , pa. 392. "The easiest method," says Priestley, " of solving all difficulties, is to adopt the hypothesis of Mr. Boscovich, who supposes that matter is not impenetrable, as has been perhaps universally taken for granted; but that it con- sists of physical points only, endued with powers of at- traction and repulsion in the same manner as solid matler is generally supposed to be : provided therefore that any body moves with a sufficient degree of velocity, or has a sufficient momentum to overcome any powers of repul- sion that it may meet with, it will find no difficulty in ma- king its way through any body whatever; for nothing else will penetrate each other but powers, such as we know do in fact exist in the same place, and counter- balance or over-rule each other. The most obvious dif- ficulty, and indeed almost the only one, that attends this hypothesis, as it supposes the mutual penetrability of 2U2 C O H [ 332 ] C O H matter, arises from the idea of the nature of matter, and the perplexity we meet with in attempting to force two- bodies into the same place. But it is demonstrable, that the first obstruction arises from no actual contact of mat- ter, but from mere powers of repulsion. This difficulty •we can overcome ; and having got within one sphere of repulsion, we fancy that we are now impeded by the solid matter itself. But the very same is the opinion of the generality of mankind with respect to the first obstruction. Why, therefore, may not the next be another sphere of repulsion, which may only require a greater force than we can apply to make it yield without disordering the arrangement of the constituent particles ; but which may- be overcome, by a body moving with the astonishing 've- locity of light." Other philosophers have supposed that the powers, both of gravitation and cohesion, are material ; and that they are only different actions of the ethereal fluid, or elemen- tary fire. In proof of this doctrine, they allege the ex- periment with the Magdeburg hemispheres, as they are called. The pressure of the atmosphere, we know, is, in this case, capable of producing a very strong cohesion ; and if there be in nature any fluid more penetrating, as well as more powerful in its effects, than the air we breathe, it is possible that what is called the attraction of cohesion may in some measure be an effect of the action of that fluid. Such a fluid as this is the element of fire. Its ac- tivity is such as to penetrate all bodies whatever : and in the state in which it is commonly called fire, it acts ac- cording to the quantity of solid matter contained in the body. In this state it is capable of dissolving the strong- est cohesions observed in nature. Fire, therefore, being able to dissolve cohesions, must also be capable of causing them, provided its power be exerted for that purpose, which possibly it may be, when we consider its various modes or appearances, viz, as fire or heat, in which state it consumes, destroys, and dissolves ; or as light, when it seems deprived of that destructive power; and as the electric fluid, when it attracts, repels, and moves bodies, in a great variety of ways. In the Philos. Trans, for 1777 this hypothesis is noticed, and in some measure adopted by Mr. Henley. " Some gentlemen (he observes) have supposed that the electric matter is the cause of the co- hesion of the particles of bodies. If the electric matter be, as I suspect, a real elementary fire inherent in all bo- dies, that opinion may probably be well founded ; and perhaps the soldering of metals, and the cementation of iron, by fire, may be considered as strong proofs of the truth of their hypothesis." But whatever the cause of cohesion may be, its effects are evident and certain. The different degrees thereof, constitute bodies of different forms and properties. Thus, Newton observes, the particles of fluids, which do not co- here too strongly, and are small enough to render them susceptible of those agitations which keep liquors in a fluor, arc most easily separated and rarefied into vapour, and make what the chemists call volatile bodies ; being rarefied with an easy heat, and again condensed with a moderate cold. Those that have grosser particles, and so are less susceptible of agitation, or cohere by a stronger attraction, are not separable without a greater degree of heat; and some of them not without fermenta- tion ; and these constitute what the chemists call fixed bodies. Air, in its fixed state, possesses the interstices of solid substances, and probably serves as a bond of union to their constituent parts ; for when these parts are separated, the air is discharged, and recovers its elasticity. And this kind of attraction is evinced by a variety of familiar ex- periments ; as, by the union of two contiguous drops of mercury; by the mutual approach of two pieces of cork, floating near each other in a bason of water; by the ad- hesion of two leaden balls, whose surfaces are scraped and joined together with a gentle twist, which is so considera- ble, that, if the surfaces are about a quarter of an inch in diameter, they will not be separated by a weight of 100 lb . by the ascent of oil or water between two glass planes, so as to form the hyperbolic curve, when they are made to touch on one side, and kept separate at a small distance on the other; by the depression of mercury, and by the rise of water in capillary tubes, and on the sides of glas* vessels ; also in sugar, sponge, and all porous substances And where this cohesive attraction ends, a power of re- pulsion begins. To determine the force of Cohesion, in a variety of different substances, many experiments have been made, and par- ticularly by Professor Muschenbroek. The adhesion of polished planes, about two inches in diameter, heated in boiling water, and smeared with grease, required the fol 4 - lowing weights to separate them : Cold Grease Hot Grease Plane of Glass - 1301b - 3001b Brass - 150 - 800 Copper - 200 - 850 Marble - 225 - 600 Silver - 150 - 250 Iron ' -. 300 • -. 950 But when the brass planes were made to adhere by other sorts of matter, the results were as in the following table : With Water - - 12 ox Oil - - IS Venice Turpentine - 24 Tallow Candle - - 800 Rosin - - 850 Pitch - - 1400 In estimating the Absolute Cohesion of solid pieces of bodies, he applied weights to separate them according to their length : his pieces of wood were long square paral- lelopipedons, each side of which was '26 of an inch, or about J, and they were drawn asunder by the following weights : Fir - - 600 lb Elm ' - - 950 Alder - - 1000 Linden-tree - - 1000 Oak - - 1150 Beech - - 1250 Ash - - 1250 He tried also wires of metal, 1-1 Oth of a Hhinland inch in diameter : the metals and weights were as follows : Of Lead - - 29$ lb Tin - - 40$ Copper - - 299* Yellow Brass - - 36'0 Silver - - 370 Iron - - 450 Gold - - 500 lie then tried the Relative Cohesion, or the force with which bodies resist an action applied to them in a direction COL [ 333 ] COL Pine 9* Fir 9 Beech 7 Elm 9 Oak 8| Alder 9i perpendicular to their length. For this purpose he fixed pieces of wood by one end into a square hole in a metal plate, and hung weights towards the other end, till they broke at the hole: the weights and distances from the hole are exhibited in the following table : Distance Weight :. - 36f oz. 40 561 44 48 48 See his Elem. Nat. Philos. cap. 19. The inquisitive reader may further consult Ritter on Cohesion ; Gilbert's Journal, iv, 1 ; Benzenberg on Co- hesion, xvi, 76; Fontana on Solidity and Fluidity, Soc. Ital. i, 89 ; and Dr. T. Young on the Cohesion of Fluids, in the Philos. Trans. 1S05, or in the 2d vol. of his Nat. Philos. COIGNET (Michael), a writer on navigation, and a native of Antwerp, who flourished in the latter part of the l6th century, and died in 1623. He published a work on navigation hi the Flemish language; which was after- wards enlarged, and published in French, under the title of "Instruction nouvelle des Points plus excellents et ne- cessaires touchant l'Art de Naviger." This served as a supplement to Medina's book on the same subject, whose mistakes are well exposed by Coignet. In treating of the sun's declination, he took notice of the gradual decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic, a point long disputed, but now settled from the theory of attraction, as well as long observation. He also described the cross-staff with three transverse pieces, which he mentioned as being then in common use among mariners ; but he preferred that of Gemma Frisius. He mentioned likewise some instruments of his own invention, which however are now quite disused. As the old sea-table, above noticed, erred more and more in advancing towards the poles, he set down another, to be used by such as sailed beyond the 60th degree of lati- tude. At the end of the book is delivered a method of sailing on a parallel of latitude, by means of a ring dial, and a 24-hour glass; on which the author very much values himself. COLD, the privation of heat, or the opposite to it. As it is supposed that heat consists in a particular mo- tion of the parts of a hot body, hence the nature of cold, which is its opposite, is deduced ; for it is found that cold extinguishes, or rather abates heat ; hence it would seem to follow, that those bodies are cold, which check and restrain the motion of the particles in which heat consists. In general, cold contracts most bodies, and heat ex- pands them : though there are some instances to the con- trary, especially in the extreme cases or states of these qualities of bodies. Thus, though iron, in common with other bodies, expand with heat, yet, when melted, it is always found to expand in cooling again. So also, though water always is found to expand gradually as it is heated, and to contract as it cools, yet in ,the act of freezing, it suddenly expands again, and that with a most enormous force, capable of rending rocks, or bursting the very thick shells of metal, ike. A computation of the force of freezing water has been made by the Florentine Acade- micians, from the bursting of a very strong brass globe or shell, by freezing water in it ; when, from the known thickness and tenacity of the metal, it was found that the expansive power of a spherule of water only one inch in diameter, was sufficient to overcome a resistance of more than 27,000 pounds, or 13 tons and a half. See also ex- periments on bursting thick iron mortar-shells by freezing water in them, by Major Edward Williams of the Royal Artillery, in the Edinb. Philos. Trans, vol.2. Such a prodigious power of expansion, almost double that of the most powerful steam-engines, and exerted in so small a mass, seemingly by the force of cold, was thought a very powerful argument in favour of those who sup- posed that cold, like heat, is a positive substance. Dr. Black's discovery of latent heat, however, has now af- forded a very easy and natural explication of this phe- nomenon. He has shown, that, in the act of congelation, water is not cooled more than it was before, but rather becomes wanner: that as much heat is discharged, and passes from a latent to a sensible state, as, had it been applied to water in its fluid state, would have heated it to 135°. In this process, the expansion is occasioned by a great number of minute bubbles suddenly produced. For- merly these were conjectured to be cold in the abstract; and to be so subtile, that, insinuating themselves into the substances of the fluid, they augmented its bulk, at the same time that, by impeding the motion of its particles on each other, they changed it from a fluid to a solid. But Dr. Black shows that these are only air extricated during the congelation ; and to the extrication of which he ascribes the great expansive force exerted by freezing wa- ter. The only question therefore now remaining, is, by what means this air comes to be extricated, and to take up more room than it naturally does in the fluid. To this it may be answered, that perhaps part of the heat which is discharged from the freezing water, combines with the air in its unelastic state, and, by restoring its elasticity, gives it that extraordinary force, as is seen also in the case of air suddenly extricated in the explosion of gun- powder. Cold also usually tends to make bodies electric, which are not so naturally, and to increase the electric proper- ties of such as are so. And it is farther found, -that all substances do- not transmit cold with equal facility; but that the best conductors of electricity, viz, metals, are also the best conductors of cold. It may farther be added, that when cold has been carried to such an extremity as to render any body an electric, it then ceases to conduct the cold so well as before. This is exemplified in the practice of the Laplanders and Siberians; where, to ex- clude the extreme cold of the winters from their habita- tions the more effectually, and to admit at the same time a small portion of light, they cut pieces of ice, which in the winter season must always be electric in those coun- tries, and place them in their windows ; which they find to be much more effectual in keeping out the cold, than any other substance. Cold is the destroyer of all vegetable life, when increased to an excessive degree. It is found that many garden plants and flowers, which seem to be very stout and hardy, go off at a little increase of cold beyond the ordinary stan- dard. And in severe winters, nature has provided the best natural defence for the corn-fields and gardens,. by a co- vering of snow, which preserves such parts green and healthy as are under it, while such as are not covered by it are either killed or greatly injured. Dr. Clarke is of opinion, that cold is owing to certain nitrous, and other saline particles, endued with particular COL [ 33* ] COL figures proper to produce sucH effects. Hence, sal-am- rnoniac, saltpetre, or salt of urine, and many other volatile and alkalizate salts, mixed with water, very much increase its degree of cold. In the Philos. Trans, number 274, M. Geoffroy relates some remarkable experiments with re- gard to the production of cold. Four ounces of sal-am- moniac dissolved in a pint of water, made his thermometer descend 2 inches and £ in less than 15 minutes. An ounce of the same salt put into 4 or 5 ounces of distilled water, made the thermometer descend 2 inches and i. Half an ounce of sal-ammoniac mixed with 3 ounces of spirit of nitre, made the thermometer descend 2 inches and T S T ; but, on using spirit of vitriol instead of nitre, it sunk 2 inches and f . In this last experiment it was remarked, that the vapours raised from the mixture had a consider- able degree of heat, though the liquid itself was so extreme- ly cold. Four ounces of saltpetre mixed with a pint of water, sank the thermometer an inch and \; but a like' quantity.of sea salt sank it only ■£ of an inch. Acids al- ways produced heat, even common salt with its own spirit. Volatile alkaline salts produced cold in proportion to their purity, but fixed alkalies heat. But a far greater degree of cold produced by the mix- ture of salts and aqueous fluids, was that shown by Hom- berg; who gives the following receipt for making the ex- periment-: Take a pound of corrosive sublimate, and as much sal-ammoniac ; powder them separately, and mix the powders well; put the mixture into a phial, pouring upon it a pint and a half of distilled vinegar, shaking all well together. This composition becomes so cold, that it can scarce be held in the hand in summer; and it hap- pened, as M. Homberg was making the experiment, that the matter froze. The same thing once happened to M. Geoffroy, in making an experiment with sal-ammoniac and water, but it never was in his power to make it succeed a second time. If, instead of making these experiments with fluid water, it be taken in its congealed state of ice, or rather snow, degrees of cold will be produced greatlj' superior to any that have yet been mentioned. A mixture of snow and common salt sinks a Fahrenheit's thermometer to 0; pot- ashes and pounded ice sank it 8 degrees farther; two af- fusions of spirit of salt on pounded ice, sank it 14| below 0; and by repeated affusions of spirit of nitre M. Fahren- heit sank it to 40° below 0. This is the ultimate degree of cold which the mercurial thermometer will measure; for the mercury itself begins then to congeal; and there- fore recourse must afterwards be had to spirit of wine, naphtha, or some other fluid that will not congeal. The greatest degree of cold hitherto produced by artificial means, has been SO below 0; which was done at Hud- son's Bay by means of snow and vitriolic acid, the ther- mometer standing naturally at 20° below 0. Indeed greater degrees of cold than this have been supposed: Mr. Martin, in his Treatise on Heat, relates, that at Kirenga in Siberia, the mercurial thermometer sunk to 1)8° below 0; and Professor Braun at Petersburg, when he made the first experiment of congealing quicksilver, fixed the point of congelation al 350° below 0; but from later experi- ments it has been more accurately determined, that 40 n below is the freezing point of quicksilver. The most remarkable experiment however was made by Mr. Walker of Oxford, with spirit of nitre poured ( n Glauber's salt, the effect of which was found to be similar to that of the same spirit poured on ice or snow; ai»d the addition of sal-ammoniac rendered the cold still more in- tense. The proportions of these ingredients recommended by Mr. Walker, are concentrated nitrous acid two parts by weight, water one part; of this mixture, cooled to the temperature of the atmosphere, 18 ounces; of Glauber's salt, a pound and a half avoirdupoise ; and of sal-ammo- niac, 12 ounces. On adding the Glauber's salt to the ni- trous acid, the thermometer fell 52°, viz, from 50 to —2; and on the addition of the sal-ammoniac it fell to — 9. Thus Mr. Walker was able to freeze quicksilver without either ice or snow, when the thermometer stood at 45°; viz, by putting the ingredients in 4 different pans, and in- closing these within each other. Excessive degrees of cold also occur naturally in many- parts of the globe in the winter season. Though the thermometer in this country seldom de- scends so low as 0, yet in the winter of 17S0, Mr. Wilson of Glasgow observed, that a thermometer laid on the snow sunk to 25° below 0; and Mr. Derham, in the year 1708, observed in England, that the mercury stood within one- tenth of an inch of its station when plunged into a mix- ture of snow and salt. At Petersburg, in 1732, the ther- mometer stood at 28° below 0; and when the French aca- demicians wintered near the polar circle, they observed the thermometer at 33° below ; and in the Asiatic and American continents still greater degrees of cold are often observed. Lately, Professor Leslie, of Edinburgh, has fro- zen water, merely by evaporation in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump; and, it is said, he can freeze mercury in the same way. Mercury has also been frozen by Dr. Marcct, by the evaporation of ether. See Nicholson's Journal, v.34, pa. 119; also the article Freezing in thi* Dictionary. Further, a paper of Dr. Marcer/s was read at the Royal Society, July 8, 1813, on the intense degree of cold produced by the sulphuret of carbon. From the au- thor's experiments it appears that this liquor is the most evaporable of all known fluids, or at least to produce, by its evaporation, the most intense degree of cold. If the bulb of a spirit-thermometer, closely enveloped in fine flannel, or cotton wool, be moistened with the fluid, its temperature falls to about 0; but if the thermometer be exposed to the effect of a vacuum, by being enclosed in the receiver of a good air-pump, it sinks to — 80°, in a minute or two. The congelation of mercury in glass tubes may therefore be most quickly and easily performed by this process at all seasons, and under any atmospheric temperature. In the last bulletin of the retreat of the French from Moscow, in November and December 1812, the cold, tl\eie stated at 16 and IS below freezing, is perhaps to be under- stood as being on the scale of Reaumur. The thermometer most in use through England is Fahrenheit's; and upon that scale the cold above mentioned by the French would be from 8 to 1 1 below zero; a degree in England very rarely known, but common enough amidst the horrors ot Russia; where, in 1773, the Empress Catharine made the famous experiment on the ordnance shell, of the largest dianii'ter, IS inches. The shell was filled with water, in her pre- sence, as she states, and in less than an hour the whole was so frozen as to burst, and with no small explosion! — " Avec beaucoup de fracas ! " Some leu- years before, there had been another curious experiment by Prince Oi- loffj who, in a foundation for a massy brick coach gateway to his court-yard, in a soil so loose and wet, that piles must have been driven, filled so many corresponding ca- vities with water, on which, when turned by the frost into COL [ 335 ] COL columns, he raised the projected superstructure ! And tit that time (1773) it had lasted four years, and so might be likely to last for ever ! The words of the report are, " Une porte cochere voutee en briques, et tres solide ! Elle ex- iste depuis quatre ans; et elle existera, je crois, jusqu'a cc qu'on l'abatte!" The effects of these extreme degrees of cold are very sur- prising. Trees are burst, rocks rent, and rivers and lakes frozen several feet deep : metallic substances blister the skin, like red-hot iron: the air, when drawn in by breath- ing, hurts the lungs, and excites a cough: even the effects of fire in a great measure seems to cease; and it is observed, that though metals are kept for a considerable time before a. strong fire, they will still freeze water when thrown upon them. When the French mathematicians wintered at Tor- nea in Lapland, the external air, when suddenly admitted into their room's, converted the moisture of the air into whirls of snow ; their breasts seemed to be rent when they breathed it, and the contact thereof was intolerable to their bodies; and the spiric of wine, which had not been highly rectified, burst some of their thermometers by the conge- lation of the aqueous part. Extreme cold often proves fatal to animals in those countries where the winters are very severe; thus 7000 Swedes perished at' once in attempting to pass the mountains which divide Norway from Sweden. But it is not necessary that the cold, in order to destroy human life, should be so very intense as has just been mentioned; it is only requisite to be a little below 32° of Fahrenheit, or the freezing point, accompanied with snow or hail, from which shelter cannot be obtained. The snow which falls upon the clothes, or the uncovered parts of the body, then melts, and by a continual evaporation carries off the animal heat to such a degree, that a sufficient quantity is not left for the support of life. In such cases, the peraon first feels himself extremely chill and uneasy; he turns listless, un- willing to walk or use exercise to' keep himself warm, and at last turns drowsy, sits down to refresh himself with sleep, but awakes no more. See Freezing. A striking illustration of these effects of cold is related by captain Cook, in an occurrence which took place du- ring a botanical excursion of Sir Joseph Banks and Dr. Solander among the hills of Terra del Fuego. The party, consisting of 11 persons, were overtaken by darkness, and obliged to spend the night on the hills, during extreme cold. Dr. Solander, who had more than once crossed the mountains which divide Sweden from Norway, well knew that extreme cold, especially when joined with fatigue, pro- duces a torpor and sleepiness that are almost irresistible; he therefore conjured the company to keep moving, what- ever pains it might cost them, and whatever relief they might be promised by an inclination to rest: " Whoever sits down," said he, " will sleep; and whoever sleeps, will wake no more.''' Thus at once admonished and alarmed, they set forward ; but while they were still upon the naked rock, and before they had got among the bushes, the cold became suddenly so intense, as to produce (he effect that had been most dreaded ; Dr. Solander himself was the first who found the inclination, against which he had warned others, irresistible, and insisted upon being suffered to lie down. Mr, Banks entreated and remonstrated in vain ; down he lay upon the ground, though it was covered with snow; and it was with great difficulty that his friend kept liim from sleeping. Richmond also, one of the black ser- vants, began to linger, having suffered from the cold in the same manner as the Doctor. Mr. Banks therefore sent 5 of the company forward to get a fire ready at the first con- venient place they could find; and himself, with 4 others, remained with the Doctor and Richmond, whom partlyby persuasion and entreaty, and partly by force, they brought in; but when they had got through the greater part of the birch and swamp, they both declared they could go no farther. Mr. Banks had recourse again to entreaty and expostulation, but they produced no effect. When Rich- mond was told that if he did not go on he would in a short time be frozen to death, he answered that he desired no- thing but to lie down and die. The Doctor did not so ex- plicitly renounce his life; he said he was willing to go on, but that he must first take some sleep, though he had be- fore told the company that to sleep was to perish. Mr. Banks and the rest found it impossible to carry them, and there being no remedy, they were both suffered to sit down, being partly supported by the bushes, and in a few minutes they fell into a profound sleep. Soon after some of the people who had been sent forward returned with the wel- come news, that a fire was kindled about a quarter of a mile farther on the way. Mr. Banks then endeavoured to wake Dr. Solander, and happily succeeded ; but, though he had not slept five minutes, he had almost lost the use of his limbs, and the muscles were so shrunk, that his shoes fell from his feet ; — he. consented to go forward with such assistance as could be given him ; but no attempts to relieve poor Richmond were successful. He, together with ano- ther black left with him, died. Several others began to lose their sensibility, having been exposed to the cold and snow near an hour and a half, but the fire recovered them. See Captain Cook's first Voyage; also Rees's Cy- clopaedia, art. Cold. COLLECTOR, in Electricity, is a small appendage to the prime conductor of the electrical machine, and gene- rally consisting of pointed wires, affixed to that end of the prime conductor which stands contiguous to the glass globe, or cylinder, or other electric of the machine. Its office is to receive the electricity, whether positive or ne- gative, from the excited electric, much more readily than the blunt end of the prime conductor would be able to receive it, without that appendage. COLLEGE (Royal Military), was instituted in 1799» under the direction of 12 commissioners, a governor, and professor of mathematics. It consists of two depart- ments; the senior, established first at High Wycombe, audi the junior at Great Marlow, in Buckinghamshire, each under the care of a commandant, supcrintendant, and ad- jutant, and under the instruction of a number of able ma- sters in different branches of science. But in the year 1813 the senior department has been removed to Farnham, and the junior to Sandhurst, near Bagshot, Surrey. The pupils in the senior department are young officers who have received their commissions; those in the junior de- partment are gentlemen cadets, amounting to about 3 or 400 in number, are educated and fitted for commissions in the army, each cadet payin'g a certain annual sum, to- wards the expense of his education and maintenance, &c. College, Navrrf, the new name of the Nftval Academy at Portsmouth. See Academy. COLLIMAT10N, Line of, in a telescope, is a line pass- ing through the intersection of those wires that are fixed in the focus of the object-glass, and the centre of the same glass. COLLINS (John), an eminent accountant and mathe- COL [ 336 ] COL matician, was born at Wood Eaton near Oxford, March 5, lt>24. He received his education from his father, a dis- senting minister, and at 16 years of age was put appren- tice to a bookseller at Oxford ; but soon after the com- mencement of the civil wars he became a clerk of the Prince of Wales's kitchen. In this situatiou;be was under the superintendence of Mr. Marr, a good mathematician, and famous for the dials with which he adorned the king's gardens. From hence he travelled abroad, to prosecute his favourite stud)'; and on his return he took upon him the profession of an accountant, and published, in the year l6'52, a large work entitled, An Introduction to Merchants Accompts; which was followed by several other publica- tions on different branches of accounts. In l6'58, he pub- lished a treatise called The Sector on a Quadrant; con- taining the description and use of four several quadrants, each accommodated to the making of sun-dials, &c; to which he afterwards added an appendix concerning re- flected dialling, from a glass placed reclining. — In l65£), he published bis Geometrical Dialling ; and the same year also his Mariner's Plain Scale new plained.— (Collins now became a Fellow of the Royal Society inLondon, to which he made various communications; particularly some in- genious chronological rules for the calendar, printed in the Philos. Trans, number 46, for April 1669: also a cu- rious dissertation concerning the resolution of equations in numbers, printed also in the Trans, for March 1671 .' an elegant construction of the curious problem, Having given the mutual distances of three objects in a plane, with the angles made by them at a fourth place in that plane, to find the distance of this place from each of the three former, vol. 6, pa. 2093: and thoughts about some defects in algebra, vol. 14, pa. 375. Collins wrote also several commercial tracts, highly ac- ceptable to the public; viz, A Plea for bringing over Irish cattle, and keeping out the fish caught by foreigners: — For the promotion of the English fishery : — For the work- ing of the Tin-mines : — A discourse on Salt and Fishery. He was frequently consulted in nice and critical cases of accounts, of commerce, and engineering. On one of these occasions, being appointed to inspect the ground for cut- ting a canal or river between the Isis and the Avon, he con- tracted a disorder by drinking cider when he was too warm, which ended in his death the 10th of November 16'83, at 59 years of age. Mr. Collins was a very useful man to the sciences, keep- ing up a constant correspondence with the most learned men, both at home and abroad, and promoting the publi- cation of many valuable works, which, but for him, would never have been introduced to the public; particularly Dr. Barrow's optical and geometrical Lectures; his abridg- ment of the Works of Archimedes, Apollonius, and Theo- dosius; Branker's translation of Rhronius's Algebra, with Dr. Pell's additions, &c; which were procured by his fre- quent solicitations. After a considerable time had elapsed, his papers were all delivered into the hands of the learned and ingenious Mr. William Jones, f. r. s, among which were found ma- nuscripts, on mathematical subjects, of Briggs, Oughtrcd, Barrow, Newton, Pell, and many others. From a variety of letters from these, and many other celebrated mathe- maticians, it appears that Collins spared neither pains nor expense to procure what tended to promote real science : and even many of the late discoveries in physical know- ledge are indebted to him for their improvement; for while he excited some to make known every new and useful invention, he employed others to improve them. Sometimes he was peculiarly useful, by showing where the defect was in any useful branch of science, pointing out the difficulties attending the inquiry, and at other times setting forth the advantages, and keeping up a spirit and warm desire for improvement. Mr. Collins was also as it were tlie register of all the new improvements made in the mathematical sciences; the magazine to which the curious had frequent recourse : in so much that he ac- quired the appellation of the English Mersennus. If some of his correspondents had not obliged him to conceal their communications, there could have been no dispute about the priority of the invention of a method of analysis, the honour of which evidently belongs to Newton ; as appears undeniably from the papers printed in the Commercium Epistolicum D. Joannis Collins et aliorum de Analyst promota; jussu SocietatisRegia? in lucem editum, 1712; a work that was composed from the letters in the pos- session of our author. Collins's Quadrant. See Quadrant. COLLISION, is the percussion or striking of bodies against each other. Striking bodies are considered either as elastic, or non-elastic. They may also be cither both in motion, or one of them in motion and the other at rest. When non-elastic bodies strike, they adhere together as one mass ; which, after collision, either remains at rest, or moves forward as one body. But when elastic bodies strike, they always separate after the stroke. The prin- cipal theorems relating to the collision of bodies, are the following : -1. If any body impinge or act obliquely on a plane sur- face; the force or energy of the stroke, or action, is as the sine of the angle of incidence. Or the force upon the sur- face, is to the same when acting perpendicularly, as the sine of incidence is to radius. 2. If one body act on another, in any direction, and by any kind of force ; the action of that force on the second body is made only in a direction perpendicular to the sur- face on which it acts. 3. If the plane, acted on, be not absolutely fixed, it will move, after the stroke, in the direction perpendicular to its surface. 4. If a body a strike another body b, which is either at rest, or else in motion, either towards a or from it; then the momenta, or quantities of motion, of the two bodies, estimated in any one direction, will be the very same after the stroke that they were before it. ABC O ; o- ■ 1 Thus, first, if a with a momentum of 10, strike B at rest, and communicate to it a momentum of 4, in the direction ab. Then there will remain in a only a momentum off) in that direction: which together with the momentum of n, viz 4, makes up still the same momentum between them as before. — But if B were in motion before the stroke, with a momentum of 5, in the same direction, and receive hum a an additional momentum of 2: then "the motion (if a after the stroke will be 8, and that of n, 7 ; which toge- ther make 15, the same as 10 and 5, the motions before the stroke. — Lastly, if the bodies move in opposite direc- tions, and meet each other, namely a with a motion of 10, and n, of 5; and a communicate to b a motion of 6' in the direction ab of its motion: then, before the stroke, the whole motion from both, in the direction a b, is 10— 5, or COL [ 5: but after the stroke the motion of a is 4 in the direc- tion ab, and the motion of b is 6 — 5, or 1, in the same direction ab; therefore the sum 4-1-1, or 5, is still the same motion from both as it was before. 5. If a hard and fixed plane be struck either by a soft or a hard unelastic body ; the body will adhere to it. But if the plane be struck by a perfectly elastic body, it will rebound from it withthesame velocity with which itstruck the plane. 6. The effect of the blow of the elastic body, upon the plane, is double to that of the non-elastic one ; the velo- city and mass being the same in both. 7. Hence, non-elastic bodies lose, by their collision, but half the motion that is lost by elastic bodies ; the masses and velocities being equal. )C 8. If an elastic body a impinge upon a firm plane de at the point b, it will rebound from it in an angle equal to that in which itstruck it; or the angle of incidence will be equal to the angle of reflection : namely, the angle abd = CBE. e 9. If the non-elastic body b, moving with the velocity v in the direction b6, and the body 6 with the velocity v, strike each other, the direction of the motion being in the line BC ; then they will move after the stroke with a com- mon velocity, which will be more or less according as, be- fore the stroke, 6 moved towards b, or from b, or was at rest; and that common velocity, in each of these cases, will be as follows : viz, when b moved from b, B + b BV — bv when b moved towards b, s + b when b was at rest. For example, if the bodies or weights, b and b, be 5lb and 31b ; and their velocities v and v, 60 feet and 40 feet per second; then 300 and 120 will be their momenta bv and bv, and 8 = b •+- b the sum of the weights. Conse- quently the common velocity after the stroke, in the three cases above-mentioned, will be thus, viz, 000 + 120 420 „„ T . , _ -> = — or 52J in the first case, 8 8 ' 300 — 120 160 „„ T . , , -; — = — or 22| in the second case, 300 — - - - or 371. in the third case. 10. If two perfectly clastic bodies impinge on each other; their relative velocity is the same both before and after the impulse; that is, they will recede from each other with the same velocity with which they approached and met. It is not meant however by this theorem, that each body will have the very same velocity after the impulse as it had before; for that will be varied according to the relation of the masses of the two bodies ; but that the velocity of the one, after the stroke, will be so much increased, and the other decreased, as to have the same difference as before, Vol. I. 337 ] COL in one and the same direction. So, if the elastic body b move with the velocity v, and overtake the elastic body b, moving the same way, with the velocity v; then their re- lative velocity, or that with which they strike, is only v— 0; and it is with this same velocity that they separate from each other after the stroke : but if they meet each other, or the body b move, contrary to the body b; then they meet and strike with the velocity v -+• v, and it is with the same velocity that they separate again, and recede from each other after the stroke : in like manner, they would separate with the velocity v of b, if b were at rest before the stroke. Also the sum of the velocities of the one body, is equal to the sum of the others. But whether they move forwards or backwards after the impulse, and with what particular velocities, are circumstances that depend on the various masses and velocities of the bodies before the stroke, and are as specified in the next theorem. 11. If the two elastic bodies b and b move directly to- wards each other, or directly from each other, the former with the velocity v, and the latter with the velocity v; then, after their meeting and impulse, the respective velo- cities of b and b in the direction bc, in the three cases of motion, will be as follow : viz, 2bu + (b— b)v ., , . r ■ — the velocity of b, B + b J ' — ^ — the velocity of b, B + b J when the bodies both moved towards c before the stroke ; and — 2fo + (B— b)v , , . e - — the velocity of b, B+b . . 2BV + (B — b)v , , . c , ; the velocity 01 0, B + b . . when b moved towards c, and b towards b before the stroke; also, B — b . , . x v the velocity of b, a + b x v the velocity of b, when b was at rest before the stroke. . 12. The motions of bodies after impact, that strike each other obliquely, are thus determined. •pqv jE ; : ^s. g!--- -— ^qi '"£ 'Si' Va?\^ % \ / g| ^^oj C^ ; F Let the two bodies b, b, move in the oblique direction^ ba, 6a, and strike each other at a, with velocities which are in proportion to the lines ba, 6a. LetCAH represent the plane in which the bodies touch in the point of con- course; to which draw the perpendiculars bc, 6d, and complete the rectangles ce, df. Now the motion in ba is resolved into the two bc, ca; and the motion in 6a is re- solved into the two bv, da; of which the antecedents bc, 6d are the velocities with which they directly meet, and the consequents ca, da arc parallel, and therefore by these the bodies do not impinge on each other, and conse- quently the motions according to these directions will not be changed by the impulse; so that the volocitics with which the bodies meet, arc as bc or ea, and 6d or ia. U COL [ 338 ] COM The motions therefore of the bodies B, b, directly striking each .other with the celerities ea, fa, will be determined by art. 11 or 9, according as the bodies are elastic or non- elastic; which being done, let AG be the velocity, so de- termined, of one of them, as a ; and since there remains also in the same body a force of moving in the direction parallel to be, with a velocity as be, make ah equal to be, and complete the rectangle gh : then the two mo- tions in ah and ag, or hi, are compounded into the dia- gonal a i, which therefore will be the path and celerity of the body b after the stroke. And after the same manner is the motion of the other body b determined after the im- pact. 13. The state of the common centre of gravity of bodies is not affected by the collision or other actions of those bodies on each other. That is, if it were at rest before their collision, so will it be also at rest after collision : and if it were moving in any direction, and with any velocity, before collision; it will do the very same after collision. See more on this subject under the article Percussion. COLONNADE, a peristyle of a circular figure; or a" series of columns disposed in a circle, and insulated within- side. COLOUR, a property inherent in light, by which, ac- cording to the various sizes of its parts, or from some other cause, it excites different vibrations in the optic nerve; which, propagated to the' sensorium, affect the mind with different sensations. See the doctrine of colours fully ex- plained under Chromatics. See also Optics, Achromatic, and Telescope. COLSON (John), a respectable mathematician, who flourished about the beginning of the 18th century, and who appears to have been a Cambridge scholar. We first notice him as author of some papers in the Philos. Trans, viz, one in vol. 25 (an. 1707) on The Universal Resolution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations; .a second in vol. 34, on Negative-Affirmative Arithmetic; and 3dly, in vol.39, on the Construction and Use of Spherical Maps. He was also author of several separate works; as, The British Hemisphere, being a map of a new contrivance, in the form of a half globe, of about 15 inches in diameter, but comprehending the whole known surface of the habitable earth, the city of London being the centre or vertex of the map. In 1736 he published a translation from the Latin of Sir Isaac Newton's Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series, with a large comment on the whole work, consist- ing of annotations, illustrations, and supplements. At the date of this publication Mr. Colson was in the situation of master of Sir Joseph Williamson's free mathematical school at Rochester, and a f. r. s. Three years after this we find he succeeded Mr. Sanderson as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a situation which he held for 20 years, after which he was succeeded, in 1759, by Dr. Waring; though Mr. Colson lived till Dec. 20, 1760. The character of our author seems to have been chiefly that of minute precision and patient laborious industry. His paper on the solution of cubic and biquadratic equa- tions above-mentioned, is founded nearly on the idea of the solution by Descartes, by assuming the biquadratic as equal to the product of two quadratics with indeterminate coefficients. The construction of the equations also, by means of the circle and parabola, is in imitation of the like constructions of Descartes in his Geometry, and of Mr. Baker in his Geometrical Key. Mr. Colson, it seems, was so well pleased with the Analytical Institutions of theSig- nora Agnesi, that he made an entire translation of that lady's work, from the Italian, the copy of which was found among his papers, and published at the expense of Mr. Baron Maseres in 2 volumes 4to. COLUMBA Noachi, Noah's Dove, a small constellation in the southern hemisphere, consisting of 10 stars. COLUMN, in Architecture, a round pillar, made to support or adorn a building. The column is the principal part of an architectonical order, and is composed of three parts, the base, the shaft, and the capital ; each of which is subdivided into a num- ber of lesser parts, called members, or mouldings. Columns are different according to the different orders in which they are used ; and also according to their mat- ter, construction, form, disposition, and purpose. The proportion of the length of each to its diameter, and the diminution of the diameter upwards, are diversly stated by different authors.. The medium of them is nearly as fol- lows : The Tuscan is the simplest and shortest of all : its height 3i diameters, or 7 modules; and it diminishes 5 part of its diameter. The Doric is more delicate, and adorned with flutings; its height 1\ or S diameters. The Ionic is more delicate still, being 9 diameters long. It is distinguished from the rest by the volutes, or curled scrolls in its capital, and by its base, which is peculiar to it. The Corinthian is the richest and most delicate of all the columns, being 10 diameters in length, and adorned with two rows of leaves, and stalks or stems, from whence spring out small volutes. The Composite column is also 10 diameters long, its capital adorned with rows of leaves like the Corinthian, and with angular volutes like the Ionic. COLURES, are two great circles imagined to intersect at right angles in the poles of the world, and to pass, the one through the equinoctial points Aries and Libra, and the other through the solstitial points Cancer and Capri- corn; whence they are called the Equinoctial and Solsti- tial Colures. By thus dividing the ecliptic into four equal parts, they mark the four seasons, or quarters of the year. It is a matter of dispute over what part of the back of Aries the equinoctial colure passed in the time of Hip- parchus. Newton, in his Chronology, takes it to have been over the middle of this constellation. Souciet insists that it passed over the dodecatemorion of Aries, or mid- way between the rump and first of the tail. There are some observations in the Philos. Trans, number 466, con- cerning the position of this colure in the ancient sphere, from a draught of the constellation Aries, in the Aratasa published at Leyden and Amsterdam in l6"52, which ap- pears to confirm Newton's opinion ; but the antiquity and authority of the original draught may still be questioned. COMA Berenices, Berenice's Hair, a modern con- stellation of the northern hemisphere; composed of un- formed stars between the Lion's tail and Bootes. It is said that this constellation was formed by Conon, an astronomer, to console the queen of Ptolemy Eueigetes, for the loss of a lock of her hair, which was stolen out of the temple of Venus, where she had dedicated it on ac- count of a victory obtained by her husband. The stars in this constellation are, in Tycho's cata- logue 1*, in Hevelius's 21, and in the Britannic cata- logue -13. . COMBINATIONS, denote the alternations or vuiia- COM [ 339 ] COM tions of any number of quantities, letters, sounds, or the ^like, in all possible ways. Mersenne give* the combina- tions of all the notes and sounds in music, as far as 64; the sum of which amounts to a number expressed by 90 places of figures. And the number of possible combina- tions of the 24 letters of the alphabet, taken first two by two, then three by three, and so on, according to Prestet's calculation, amounts to 1391724288887252999425128493402200. Father Truchet, in Mem. de l'Acad. shows, that two square pieces, each divided diagonally into two colours, may be arranged and combined 64 different ways, so as to form as many different kinds of chequer-work : a circum- stance worthy the attention of masons, paviours, &c. Doctrine o/Combinations. I. Having given any number of things, with the number in each combination ; to find the number of combinations. 1. When only two are combined together. One thing admits of no combination. Two, a and b, admit of one only, viz, ab. Three, a, b, c, admit of three, viz, ab, ac, be. Four admit of six, viz, ab, ac, ad, be, bd, cd. Five admit of ten, viz, ab, ac, ad, ae, be, bd, be, cd, ce, de. Whence it appears that the numbers of combinations, of two and two only, proceed according to the triangular numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, &c, which are produced by the continual addition of the arithmetical series 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. So that if n be the number of things, then the general formula for expressing the sum of all their » ■ - i -ii , n ■ ( n — *) combinations by twos, will be . J ' 1 .'2 Thus, if n = 2 ; this becomes —— = 1. If re = 3; it is 3 ' 2 - - =3. 2 If n = 4; it is — — - - = 6. &c. 2 2. When three are combined together ; then Three things admit of one order, abc. Four admit of 4 ; viz, abc, abd, acd, bed. Five admit of 10 ; viz, abc, abd, abe, acd, ace, aide, bed, bee, bde, cde. And so on according to the first pyramidal numbers 1, 4, 10, 20, &c, which are formed by the con- tinual addition of thle former, or triangular numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, &c. And the general formula for any number n of combinations, taken by threes, is,- x x '■. So, if n = 3: it is -i^— = 1. 1.2.3 If n = 4; it is — — — = 4. If» = 5; it is 5 — ^= 10. &c'. Proceeding thus, it is found that a general formula for any number n of things, combined by in at each time, is s = - - x ~ . x '?—■ — x &c, continued to m factors, 12 3 4 ' or terms, or till the last factor in the denominator be m. So, in 6 things, combined by 4's, the number of com- , ■ . bmations is = 1 5. 3. By adding all these series together, their sum will be the whole number of possible combinations of n things combined both by twos, by threes, by fours, &c. And as the said scries are evidently the coefficients of the power n of a binomial, wanting only the first two 1 and n; there- fore the said sum, or whole number of all such combina- tions, will be (1 ■+- l) n - n - 1 , or 2" — n — 1 . Thus if the number of things be 5 ; then 2 s — 5 — 1 = 32 — 6 = 26. II. To find the number of Changes and Alterations which any number of quantities can undergo, when combined in all possible varieties of ways, with themselves and each other, both as to the things themselves, and the Order or Position of them. One thing admits but of one order or position. Two things may be varied four ways; thus, aa, ab, ba, bb. Three quantities, taken by twos, may be varied nine ways; thus, aa, ab, ac, ba, ca, bb, be, cb, cc. In like manner four things, taken by twos, maybe varied, 4 2 or l6 ways; and 5 things, by tw.os, 5' 2 or 25 ways ; and, in general, n things, taken by twos, may be changed or va- ried n 2 different ways. For the same reason, when taken by threes, the changes will be n'°; and when taken by fours, they will be n 4 ; and so generally, when taken by n's, the changes will be n n . Hence, then, adding all these together, the whole num- ber of changes, or combinations in n things, taken both by 2's, by 3,'s, by 4's, &c, ton's, will be the sum of the geo- metrical series, n -+- n 2 ■+- n? -+- n* n n , which sum is = n n — 1 x n. 71 — 1 For example, if the number of things n be 4; this gives 4* — 1 255 x 4 = — x 4 =;840. 4—1 3 And if n be 24, the number of letters in the alphabet ; the theorem gives ^x 2 4 = (24"-l) ^ = 1391724288S87252999425128493402200. In so many different ways, therefore, may the 24 letters of the alpha- bet be varied or combined among themselves, or so many different words may be made out of them. COMBUST, or Combustion, is said of a planet when it is in conjunction with the sun, or not distant from it above half their disc. But according to Argol, a planet is Combust, or in Combustion, when it is within 8|° of the sun. COMBUSTION, in Chemical and Natural Philosophy, a term denoting the decomposition of certain substances accompanied by light and heat. When a stone or a brick is heated, it undergoes no change, except an augmentation of temperature; and when left to itself it soon cools again, and becomes as at first. But with combustible bodies the case is very different. When heated to a certain degree in the open air, they sud- denly become much hotter of themselves ; continue for a considerable time intensely hot, sending out a copious stream of caloric and light to the surrounding bodies. This emission after a certain period begins to diminish, and at last ceases altogether. The combustible has now under- gone a complete change; it is converted into a substance possessing very different properties, and no longer capable of combustion. Thus, when charcoal is kept for some time at the temperature of about 800°, it kindles, becomes in- tensely hot, and continues to emit light and caloric for a long time. When the emission ceases, the charcoal has all disappeared, except an inconsiderable residuum of ashes; being almost entirely converted into carbonic acid gas, which makes its escape, unless the experiment be conduct- ed in proper vessels. If it be collected, it is found to ex^ cced greatly in weight the whole of the charcoal consumed. 6 J 2XJ GO M [ 340 ] C M Previous to the 17th century, the theory of combustion was but little understood or attended to. Since that pe- riod the labours of Bacon and Boyle, and Hooke and Mayow, together with those of Stahl and Lavoisier, have thrown much light on the subject, particularly the theory of Lavoisier, which is by far the most rational that have yet been offered to the public. He corrects the errors of his predecessors, and has advanced before them one very important stop; but many new steps are still wanting to render his theory of combustion complete. It explains indeed, in a satisfactory manner, why during the process of combustion the burning body gradually wastes away; but it gives no explanation of the constant emission of heat and light, though a circumstance as worthy of attention as the wasting of the body. Dr. Thomson, admitting the truth and accuracy of the Lavoiserian theory as far as it proceeds, divides the bodies which occupy the attention of chemists into: — 1. Com- bustibles; 2. Supporters of combustion; and 3. Incom- bustibles.' The combustibles, or those bodies which in common lan- guage are said to burn, may be divided into, 1. Simple combustibles; 2. Compound combustibles; and 3. Com- bustible oxides. Simple combustibles are, sulphur, phos- phorus, carbon, hydrogen, and all the metals, except per- haps gold, silver, and mercury. Compound combustibles consist of compounds formed by the simple combustibles uniting together two and two; and combustible oxides are composed of one or more simple combustibles combined with a dose of oxygen. These oxides may be arranged under two heads: viz-, those containing only a single base combined with oxygen may therefore be termed simple combustible oxides; and those containing more than one base may therefore be termed compound combustible ox- ides. The simple combustible oxides are only four in number : namely, oxide of sulphur, oxide of phosphorus, charcoal, and carbonic oxide gas. All the simple com- bustible oxides are by combustion converted into acids. The compound combustible oxides include by far the greater number of combustible bodies; for almost all the animal and vegetable substances belong to them, and the double base is usually carbon and hydrogen. The supporters of combustion are a set of bodies which are not of themselves, strictly speaking, capable of under- going combustion, but which are absolutely necessary for the process. All the supporters known at present are six; viz, — 1. Oxygen gas; 2. Air; 3. Gaseous oxide of azote; 4. Nitrous gas; 5. Nitric acid ; and 6. Oxy-muriatic acid. There are other substances to which the author gives the name of partial supporters ; but all supporters contain one common principle, namely, oxygen. The incombustible bodies are neither capable of under- going combustion themselves, nor of supporting the com- bustion of bodies that are. Of course they are not imme- diately connected with combustion; but they arc noticed here because some of the alkalies and earths which belong to this class possess certain properties in common with combustibles, and are capable of exhibiting phenomena somewhat analogous to combustion ; phenomena which Dr. Thomson describes under the title of semi-combustion. From these observations it is obvious, that in every case of combustion there must be present a combustible and a supporter; and Lavoisier ascertained beyond a doubt, that, during the process, the combustible always unites with the. oxygen oi the supporter. This new compound Dr. Thom- son calls a product of combustion ; and maintains that every such product is either water, or an acid, or a metallic ox- ide. He admits indeed that other bodies sometimes make their appearance during combustion; but affirms that these, on examination, will be found neither to be products, nor to have undergone combustion. See Nicholson's Journal, vol.2, 2d series; also Dr. Thomson's Chemistry. CO MITT, a heavenly body in the planetary region, ap- pearing suddenly, and again disappearing; and during the time of its appearance moving in a proper, though very excentric orbit, like a planet. Comets are vulgarly called Blazing Stars, and have this to distinguish them from other stars, that they are usually attended with a long train of light, tending always oppo- site to the sun, and being of a fainter lustre, the farther it is from the body of the comet. And hence arises a po- pular division of comets, into three kinds, viz, bearded, tailed, and hairy comets ; though in reality, this division rather relates to the several circumstances of the same comet, than to the phenomena of several. Thus, when the comet is eastward of the sun, and moves from him, it is said to be bearded, because the light precedes it in the manner of a beard : when the comet is westward of the sun, and sets after him, it is said to be tailed, because the train of light follows it in the manner of a tail : and lastly, when the sun and comet are diametrically opposite, the earth being between them, the train is hid behind the body of the comet, excepting the extremities, which, be- ing broader than the body of the comet, appear as it were around it, like a border of hair, or coma, from which it is called hairy, and a comet. But there have been comets whose disc was as clear, round, and well defined, as that of Jupiter, without either tail, beard, or coma. Of the Nature of Comets. — Philosophers and astrono- mers, of all ages, have been much divided in their opinions as to the nature of comets. Their strange appearance has always been matter of terror to the vulgar, who have uniformly considered them as evil omens, and forerunners of war, pestilence, &c. Diodorus Siculus and Apollinus Myndius, in Seneca, inform us, that many of the Chal- deans held them to be lasting bodies, having stated revo- lutions as well as the planets, but in orbits vastly more extensive; on which account they arc only visible while near the earth, but disappear again when they go into the higher regions. Others were of opinion, that the comets were only meteors raised very high in the air, which blaze for a while, and disappear when the matter of which they consist is consumed or dispersed. Some of the Greeks, before Aristotle, supposed that a comet was a vast heap or assemblage of very small stars meeting together, by reason of the inequality of their mo- tions, and so uniting into a visible mass, by the union of all their small lights ; which must again disappear, as those stars separated, and each proceeded in its course. Pythagoras, however, accounted them a kind of planets or wandering stars, disappearing in the superior parts of their orbits, and becoming visible only in the lower parts of them. But Aristotle held, that comets were only a kind of transient fires, or meteors, consisting of exhalations raised to the. upper region of the air, and there set on fire ; far below the course of the moon. Seneca, who lived in the first century, and who had seen two or three comets himself, plainly intimates that he thought them above the moon; and argues strongly against COM [ 341 ] C O M those who supposed them to be meteor;., or maintained other absurd opinions concerning them ; declaring his be- lief that they were not tires suddenly kindled, but the eternal productions of nature. He points out also the only way to arrive at a certainty on this subject, viz, by collecting a number of observations concerning their ap- pearance, in order to discover whether they return peri- odically or not. " For this purpose," he observes, "one age is not sufficient ; but the time will come when the na- ture of comets and tjieir magnitudes will be demonstrated, and the routes they take, so different from the planets, ex- plained. Posterity will then wonder, that the preceding ages should be ignorant of matters so plain and easy to be known." For a long time this prediction of Seneca seemed not like'ly to be fulfilled ; and Tycho Brahe was the first among the moderns, who restored the comets to their true rank in the creation ; for after diligently observing the comet of 1577, and finding that it had no sensible diurnal parallax, he assigned it its true place in the planetary re- gions. See his book De Cometa anni 1577- Before this, however, there were various opinions con- cerning them. In the dark and superstitious ages, comets were held to be forerunners of every kind of calamity, and it was supposed they had different degrees of malig- nity, according to the shape they assumed ; whence also they were differently denominated. Thus, it was said that some were bearded, others hairy ; that some represented a beam, sword, or spear ; others a target, &c ; whereas modern astronomers acknowledge only one species of co- mets, and account for their different appearances from their different situations with respect to the sun and the earth. Kepler, in other respects a very great genius, indulged the most extravagant conjectures, not only concerning comets, but the whole system of nature in general. , The planeis he imagined were huge animals swimmiiig round the sun ; and the comets monstrous and uncommon ani- mals generated in the celestial spaces. A still more ridiculous opinion, if possible, was that of John Bodin, a learned Frenchman in the l6th century; who maintained that comets "are spirits, which having lived on the earth innumerable ages, and being at last ar- rived on the confines of death, celebrate their last triumph, or are recalled to the firmament like shining stars ! This is followed by famine, plague, &c, because the cities and people destroy the governors and chiefs who appease the wrath of God." — Others again have denied even the exist- ence of comets, and maintained that they were only false appearances, occasioned by the refraction or reflection of light. Hevelius, from a great number of observations, pro- posed it as his opinion, that the comets, like the solar ma- cula? or spots, are formed or condensed out of the grosser exhalations of his body ; in which he diffcre but little from the opinion of Kepler. James Bernoulli, in his Systema Cometarum, imagined that comets were no other than the satellites of some very distant planet, which was itself invisible to us on account of its distance, as were also the satellites unless when in a certain part of their orbits. Descartes advances another opinion : He conjectures that, comets are only stars, formerly fixed, like the rest, in the heavens; but which becoming gradually covered with macula: or spots, and at length wholly deprived of their light, cannot keep their places, but are carried off by the vortices of the circumjacent stars; and in proportion to their magnitude and solidity, moved in such a manner, as to be brought nearer the orbof Saturn; and thus com- ing within reach of the sun's light, rendered visible. But the absurdity of all these hypotheses now abun- dantly appears from the observed phenomena of comets, and from the doctrine of Newton, which is as follows : The comets, he says, are compact, solid, fixed, and du- rable bodies; in fact a kind of planets, which move in very oblique and excentric orbits, every way with the greatest freedom; persevering in their motions, even against the course and direction of the planets: and their tail is a very thin and slender vapour, emitted by the head or nu- cleus of the comet, ignited or heated by the sun. This theory of the comets at once solves their principal pheno- mena, which are as below. The Principal Phenomena of the Comets. 1. First then, those comets which move according to the order of the signs, do all, a little before they disap- pear, either advance slower than usual, or else go retro- grade, if the earth be between them and the sun; but more swiftly, if the earth be placed in a contrary part. On the other hand, those which proceed contrary to the order of the signs, move more swiftly than usual, if the earth be between them and the sun ; and more slowly, or else re- trograde, when the earth is in a contrary part. — For since this course is not among the fixed stars, but among the planets ; as the motion of the earth either conspires with them, or goes against them ; their appearance, with re- spect to the earth, must be changed ; and, like the pla- nets, they must sometimes appear to move swifter, some- times slower, and sometimes retrograde. 2. So long as their velocity is increased, they nearly move in great circles; but towards theend of their course, they deviate from those circles; and when the earth pro- ceeds one way, they go the contrary way. Because, in the end of their course, when they recede almost directly from the sun, that part of the apparent motion which a- rises from the parallax, must bear a greater proportion to the whole apparent motion. 3. The comets move in ellipses, having one of their fo- ci in the centre of the sun ; and by radii drawn to the sun, describe areas proportional to the times. Because they do not wander precariously from one fictitious vor- tex to another ; but, making a part of the solar system, return perpetually, and run a constant round. Hence, their elliptic orbits being very long and excentric, they become invisible when in that part which is most remote from the sun. And from the curvity of the paths of co- mets, Newton concludes, that when they disappear, they are. much beyond the orbit of Jupiter; and that in their perihelion they frequently descend within the orbits of Mars and the inferior planets. 4. The light of their nuclei, or bodies, increases as they recede from the earth towards the sun; and on the con- trary, it decreases as they recede from the sun. Because, as they are in the regions of the planets, their access to- wards the sun bears a considerable proportion to their whole distance. 5. Their tails appear the largest and brightest, imme- diately after their transit through the region of the sun, or after their perihelion. Because then, their heads being the most heated, will emit the most vapours. — From the light of the nucleus we infer their vicinity to the earth, COM [ and that they are by no means in the region of the fixed stars, as some have imagined ; since, in that case, their heads would be no more illuminated by the sun, than the planets are by the fixed stars. 6. The tails always decline from a just opposition to the sun towards those parts which the nuclei or bodies pass over, in their progress through their orbits. Because all smoke, or vapour, emitted from a body, in motion, tends obliquely upwards, still receding from that part to- wards which the smoking body proceeds. 7. This declination, ceteris paribus, is the smallest when the nuclei approach nearest the sun : and it is also less near the nucleus, or head, than towards t«he extremity of the tail. Because the vapour ascends more swiftly near the hrad of the comet, than in the higher extremity of its tail; and also when the comet is nearer the sun, than when it-is farther off. 8. The tails are somewhat brighter, and more distinctly defined in their convex, than in their concave part. Be- cause the vapour in the convex part, which goes first, being somewhat nearer and denser reflects thelight more copiously. g. The tails always appear broader at their upper ex- tremity, than near the centre of the comet. Because the vapour in a free space continually rarefies and dilates. 10. The tails are always transparent, and the smallest stars appear through them; because they consist of infi- nitely thin vapour. The Phases of Coynets. — The nuclei, which are also call- ed the heads, and bodies, of comets, viewed through a telescope, exhibit faces very different from those of the fixed stars or planets. They are liable to apparent alte- rations, which Newton ascribes to changes in the atmo- sphere of comets: and this opinion was confirmed by ob- 342 ] COM And from these observations it was that Hevelius formed his opinion, that comets are like macula; or spots formed out of the solar exhalations. Of the Magnitude of Comets. — The estimates that have been given of the magnitude of comets by Tycho Brahe, Hevelius, and other astronomers, are not very accurate; as it does not appear that they distinguished between the nucleus and the surrounding atmosphere. Thus Tycho computes that the true diameter of the cometin 1577, was in proportion to the diameter of the earth, as 3 to 14; and Hevelius made the diameter of the comet of 1652, to that of the earth, as 52 to 100. But the diameter of the atmosphere is often 10 or la times as great as that of the nucleus : the former, in the comet of l6'82, was measured by Flamsteed, and found to be 2', when the diameter of the nucleus alone was only 11 or 12". Though some co- mets, estimated by a comparison of their distance and ap- parent magnitude, have been reckoned much larger than the moon, and even equal to some of the primary planets. The diameter of that of 17-14, when at the distance of the sun from us, measured about 1', which makes its diameter about three times that of the earth : at another time the diameter of its nucleus was nearly equal to that of the planet Jupiter. Of the Tails of Comets. — There have been various con- jectures about the nature of the tails of comets, the prin- cipal of which are those of Newton, and his followers. Newton shows that the atmospheres of comets will furnish vapour sufficient to form their tails. This he argues from their wonderful rarefaction in our air at a distance from the earth ; which is such that a cubic inch of common air, expanded to the rarity of that at the distance of half the earth's diameter, or 4000 miles, would fill a space servations. of the comet in 1744; Hist. Acad. Scienc. . larger than the whole region of the stars. Since then the 1744. Sturmius says that, observing the comet of l6"S0 with a telescope; it appeared like a coal dimly glowing, or a rude mass of matter illuminated with a dusky fumid light, less sensible towards the extremes than in the mid- dle; whereas a star appears with a round disc, and a vivid H s ht - Of the comet of \66l, Hevelius observes, that its body was of a yellowish colour, very bright and conspicuous, but without any glittering light: in the middle was a dense ruddy nucleus, almost equal to Jupiter, encompassed by a much fainter, thinner matter. February 5th, its head was somewhat larger and brighter, and of a gold colour ; butjts light more dusky than that of the stars: and here the nucleus appeared divided into several parts. Feb. 6th, the disc was lessened ; the parts of the nucleus still ex- isted, though less than before : one of them, on the lower part of the disc, on the left, much denser and brighter than the rest; its body round, and representing a very lu- cid small star: the nucleus still encompassed with ano- ther kind of matter. Feb. 10th, the head somewhat more obscure, and the nucleus more confused, but brighter at top than bottom. Feb. 13th, the head diminished much both in size and splendor. March 2d, its roundness a lit- tle impaired, and its edges lacerated, &c. March 2Sth, very pale, and exceeding thin; its matter much dispersed; and no distinct nucleus at ail appearing. Weigelius, who s:iw the comet of l6'64, as also the moon, and a small cloud in the horizon illuminated by the sun at the same time, observi d, that through the telescope the moon appeared of a continued luminous surface: but the comet very different ; being exactly like the small cloud. coma, or atmosphere of a comet, is ten times higher than the surface of the nucleus, from the centre; the tail, ascending still much higher, must necessarily be immensely rare: so that it is no wonder the stars are visible through it. Now the ascent of vapours into the tail of the comet, he supposes to be occasioned by the rarefaction of the matter of the atmosphere at the time of the perihelion. Smoke, it is observed, ascends the chimney by the impulse of the air in which it floats; and air, rarefied by heat, ascends by the diminution of its specific gravity, carrying up the smoke along with it: in the same manner then it may be supposed that the tail of a comet is raised by the sun. The tails therefore thus produced in the perihelions of comets, will go oft' along with their head, into remote re- gions; and either return from thence, together with the comets, after a long series of years ; or rather be there lost, and vanish "by little and little, and the comet be left bare; till at its return, descending towards the sun, some short tails arc again gradually produced from the head : which afterwards, in the perihelion, descending into the sun's atmosphere, will be immensely increased. Newton farther observes, that the vapours, when thus dilated, rarefied, and diffused through all the celestial le- gions, may probably, by means of their own gravity, be gradually attracted down to the planets, and become in- termingled with their atmospheres. He adds that this in- termixture, may be useful and necessary for the conserva- tion of the water and moisture of the planets, dried up or consumed in various ways. And I suspect, adds our au- thor, that the spirit, which makes the finest, subtilest, and COM [ 343 ] COM best part of our air, and which is absolutely requisite for the life and being of all things, is derived principally from the comets. — On this principle there may appear to be some foundation for the popular opinion of presages from comets; since the tail of a comet thus intermingled with our atmosphere, may produce changes very sensible in ani- mal and vegetable bodies. It may here be added, that another use which Newton conjectures comets may be designed to serve, is that of recruiting the sun with fresh fuel, and repairing the con- sumption of his light by the streams continually sent forth in every direction from that luminary. In support of this conjecture he observes, that comets in their perihelion may suffer a diminution of their projectile force, by the resistance of the solar atmosphere ; so that by degrees their gravitation towards the sun may be so far increased, as to precipitate their fall into his body. Various opinions have been entertained respecting the generation of the tails of comets. Apian, Tycho Brahe, and some others, think they are produced by the sun's rays transmitted through the nucleus of the comet, which they supposed was transparent, and there refracted as in a glass lens, so as to form a beam of light behind the co- met. Descartes accounted for the phenomenon of the tail by the refraction of light from the head of the comet to the spectator's eye. Mai ran supposes that the tails are formed from the luminous matter composing the sun's at- mosphere : and M. De Lalande combines this hypothesis with that of Newton recited above. But Mr. Rowning, not satisfied with Newton's opinion, accounts for the tails of comets in the following manner: It is well known, says he, that when the sun's light pas-.es through the atmo- sphere of any body, as the earth, that which passes on one side, is by the refraction made to converge towards that which passes on the opposite side; and this convergeucy is not wholly effected either at the entrance of the light into the atmosphere, or at its egression from it ; but be- ginning at its entrance, it increases in every point of its progress: It is also agreed, that the atmospheres of the comets are very large and dense : he therefore supposes that by such time as the light of the sun has passed through a considerable part of the atmosphere of the comet, the rays are so far refracted towards each other, that they then begin sensibly to illuminate it, or rather the vapours floating in it; and so render that part they have yet to pass through, visible to us: and that this portion of the atmosphere of a comet thus illuminated, appears to us in form of a beam of the sun's light, and passes under the denomination of a comet's tail. Rowning's Nat. Philos. part 4. chap. 1 1 . M. Euler, Mem. Berlin, torn. 2, pa. 117, thinks there is a great affinity between the tails of comets, the zodiacal light, and the aurora borealis, and that the common cause of all of them, is the action of the sun's light on the atmo- spheres of the comets, of the sun, and of the earth. He supposes that the impulse of the rays of light on the at- mosphere of a comet, may drive some of the finer parti- cles of that atmosphere far beyond its limits; and that this force of impulse combined with that of gravity to- wards the comet, would produce a tail, which would al- ways be in opposition to the sun, if the comet did not move. But the motion of the comet in its orbit, and about an axis, must vary the position and figure of the tail, giving it a curvature, and deviation from a line join- ing the centres of the sun and comet; and that this devia- tion will be greater, as the orbit of the comet has the greater curvature, and as the motion of the comet is more rapid. It may even happen, that the velocity of the co- met, in its perihelion, may be so great, that the force of the sun's rays may produce a new tail, before the old one can follow; in which case the comet might have two or more tails. The possibility of this is confirmed by the comet of 1744, which was observed to have several tails while it was in its perihelion. Dr. Hamilton urges several objections against the New- tonian hypothesis; and concludes that the tail of a comet is formed of matter which has not the power of refract- ing or reflecting the rays of light ; but that it is a lucid or self-shining substance: and from its similarity to the au- rora borealis, that it is produced by the same cause, and is properly an electrical phenomenon. Dr. Halley like- wise was doubtless inclined to this hypothesis, when he said, that the streams of light in an aurora borealis so much resembled the long tails of comets, that at first sight they might well be taken for such : and that this light seems to have a greater affinity to that which the effluvia of electric bodies emit in the dark. Philos. Trans. No. 347. Hamilton's Philos. Essays, pa. 91- The Motion of Comets. — If it be supposed that the paths of comets are perfectly parabolical, as some have ima- gined, it will follow that, being impelled towards the sun by a centripetal force, they descend as from spaces infi- nitely distant; and that by their falls they acquire such a velocity as will carry them off again into the remotest re- gions, never more to return. But the frequency of their appearance, and their degree of velocity, which does not exceed what they might acquire by their gravity towards the sun, seem to put it past doubt that they move like the planets, in elliptic orbits, though exceedingly excentric ; and so return again after very long periods. The apparent velocity of the comet of 1472, as ob- served by Regiomontanus, was such as to carry it through 40° of a great circle in 24 hours : and it was observed that the comet of 1770 moved through more than 45° in the last 25 hours. Respecting the return of comets there have been dif- ferent opinions. Newton, Flamsleed, Halley, and other English astronomers, appear quite satisfied of the return of these bodies. Cassini and some of the French think it highly probable; but De la Hire and others oppose it. Those on the affirmative side suppose that the comets de- scribe orbits prodigiously excentric, insomuch that '.ve can observe them only in a very small part of their revolu- tion : out of this, they are lost in the immensity of space; hid not only from our eyes, but our telescopes: that small part of their orbit next us passing sometimes within those of all the inferior planets. Cassini gives the following reasons in favour of the re- turn of comets. 1. It is found that they move a consi- derable time in the arch of a great circle, when referred to the fixed stars, that is, a circle whose plane passes through the centre of the earth; deviating but a little from it chiefly towards the end of their appearance; a de- viation however common to them with the planets. — -2. Comets, as well as planets, appear to move so much the faster as they arc nearer the earth ; and when they are at equal distances from their perigee, their velocities are nearly the same. By subtracting from their motion the COM [ 344 ] C O M apparent inequality of velocity occasioned by their different distance from the earth, their equal motion might be found : but we should not still be certain that this is their true motion; because they might have considerable in- equalities, not distinguishable in that small part of their orbit visible to us. It is rather probable that their real motion, as well as that of the planets, is unequal in itself ; and hence we have a reason why the observation made during the appearance of a comet, cannot give the just period of its revolution. — 3. There are no two different planets whose orbits cut the ecliptic in the same angle, and whose nodes are in the same points of the ecliptic, and having the same apparent velocity in their perigee : con- sequently, two comets seen at different times, yet agreeing in all those three circumstances, can only be one and the same comet. Not that this exact agreement, in these cir- cumstances, is absolutely necessary to determine their identity : for the moon herself is irregular in all of them, so that it appears there may be cases in which the same comet, at different periods of revolution, may disagree in these points. As to the objections against the return of comets, the principal is that of the unfrequency of their appearance, with regard to the number of revolutions assigned to them. In 1702 there was a comet, or rather the tail of one, seen at Rome, which M. Cassini takes to be the same with that observed by Aristotle, and again lately in the year 1 668 ; which would imply a period of 34 years : Now, it may appear strange that a star which has so short a revolution, and of consequence such frequent returns, should be so seldom seen. Again, in April of the same year 1702, a comet was observed by Messrs. Bianchini and Maraldi, which the latter supposed was the same with that of 1664, both on account of its motion, velocity, and direction. M. de la Hire thought it had some relation to another he had observed in 169S, which Cassini refers to that of 1652; which would make it a period of 43 months, and the number of revolutions between 1652 and 1692, 14: now, it is hard to suppose, that in this age, when the heavens are so narrowly watched, a star should make 14 revolu- tions unperceived ; especially such a star as this, which might appear above a month together ; and consequently be often disengaged from the crepuscula. For this reason M. Cassini is very reserved in maintaining the hypothesis of the return of comets, and only proposes those for pla- nets where the motions are easy and simple, and are solved without straining, or allowing any irregularities. M. de la Hire proposes one general difficulty against the whole system of the return of comets, which would seem to prevent any comet from returning as a planet ; which is this; that by the disposition necessarily given to their courses, they ought to appear as small at first as at last ; and always increase till they arrive at their nearest proxi- mity to the earth; or if they should chance not to be ob- served, as soon as they are capable of being seen, it is yet hardly possible but they must often show themselves be- fore they have arrived at their full magnitude and bright- ness: but, adds he, none were ever yet observed till they had arrived at it. However, the appearance of a comet in the month of October 1723, while at a great distance, so as to be too small and dim to be viewed without a tele- scope, as well as the observations of several others since, may serve to remove this obstacle, and set the com ets still on the same footing with the planets. It is a conjecture of Newton, that as those planets which are nearest to the sun, and revolve in the least or- bits, are the smallest ; so among the comets, such as in their perihelion come nearest the sun, are the smallest, and revolve in the least orbits. Of the Writings and Lists of Comets. There have been many writings on the subject of co- mets, beside the notices of historians as to the appearance of certain particular ones. Regiomontanus first showed how to find the magnitudes of comets, their distance from the earth, and their true place in the heavens. His 16 problems De Cometa; Mag- nituiline, Longitudine, ac Loco, are to be found in a book published in the year 1 544, with the title of Scripta Joan- nis Regiomontank Peter Apian observed and wrote on the comets of 1631, 1632, &c. Other writers are Tycho Brahe, in his Pro- gymnasmata Astronomia? Instauratas. — Kepler, of the co- met in the year 1607, and deCometis Libelli tres. — Ric- ciolus, in his Almagestum Novum, published 1651, enu- merates 154 comets cited by historians down to the year l6lS. — Hevelius's Prodromus Cometicus, containing the history of the comet of the year 1664. Also his Cometo- graphia. — Lubienietz, in a large folio work expressly on this subject, published 1667, extracts, with immense la- bour, from the passages of all historians, an account of 415 comets, ending with that of 1665. — Dr. Hooke, in his Posthumous works. — M. Cassini's little Tract of Comets. — Sturmius's Dissertatio de Cometarum Natura. — New- ton, in his Principia, lib. 3 ; who first assigned their pro- per orbits, and by calculations compared the observations of the great comet of 168O with his theory. — Dr. Halley, in his Synopsis Cometica, in the Philos. Trans. No. 218, &c ; who computed the elements and orbits of 24 comets, and who first ventured to predict the return of one in 17-59, which happened accordingly. — De Lalande, Theo- rie des Cometes, 1759; also, in his Astronomie, vol.3 — Clairaut, Th6orie du mouvement des Cometes, 1760. — D'Alembert, Opuscules Mathfematiques, vol. 2, pa. 97. — M. Albert Euler, 1762. — Sejour, Essai sur les Cometes, 1775.— Besides Boscovich, De la Grange, De la Place, Frisi, Lexel, Barker, Hancocks, Cole, with many others. — And M. Pringre's Com6tographie, in 2 vols. 4to, 1784; in which is contained the most ample list of such conies as have been well observed, and their elements computed, to the number of 67. And accounts of a very few more that have been observed since that time, may be. seen in the Mem. de l'Acad. and in the Philos. Trans. A very in- genious and ample work on comets is also published by Sir Henry Englefield, entitled, On the determinations of the Orbits of Comets. The whole list of comets that have been noticed, on re- cord, amount to upwards of 500, but the following is a complete list of all that have been properly observed, and their elements computed, the mean distance of the earth from the sun being supposed 100,000. COM [ 345 ] COM TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS OF COMETS. 83? 1231 1264 .1299 1301 1337 1456 1472 1531 1.532 1533 1556 1577 1580 I<582 1585 1590 1593 1596 1607 1618 1618 1652 1661 1664 1665 1672 1677 1678 1680 1682 16S3 1684 1686 1689 1698 1699 1702 1706 1707 1723 1729 Ascending Node 6 26 33 13 30 5 19 5 2S 45 3 17 8 1 5 abou 2 24 21 6 22 18 30 II 46 19 25 20 27 5 44 25 42 25 52 18 57a 19 8 7 21 7 7 4 43 1 7 43 5 15 31 5 14 15 10 12 13 10 15 37 1 20 21 9 23 25 Inclin. of Orbit Vol 16 l 28 10 22 31 21 14 18 2 27 31 26 49 11 40 2 2 2 2 2 59 1 53 1 57 21 17 20 48 23 23 8 28 15 "ll 20 35 10 23 45 8 27 44 10 21 46 6 9 25 13 12 13 II 1 22 8 1 22 47 1 22 50 4 8 43 4 7 55 14 16 10 10 35 10 10 33 10 10 17 I. 1 ] about 6 5 36 30 30 25 68 57 70 about 32 11 32 H 17 56 5 20 17 56 32 36 35 49 32 7 74 33 64 40 64 52 61 28 59 29 6 4 29 41 87 58 55 12 52 10 17 2 21 28 37 34 79 28 32 36 21 19 76 5 83 22 79 3 3 4 60 56 61 7 58 40 61 20 61 23 17 56 17 42 83 11 65 49 31 22 69 17 11 46 69 20 4 30 55 14 55 14 88 50 88 36 88 38 30 20 31 13 49 59 77 2 76 58 70 53 19 3 14 48 21 5 45 3 20 about 7 59 20 10 1 1 15 34 10 1 39 3 21 7 27 16 8 50 9 22 19 6 19 12 5 23 11 27 8 51 6 55 26 19 18 16 28 31 2 16 10 18 20 2 14 28 19 3 25 59 4 10 41 2 11 55 1 17 4 17 37 10 27 46 8 22 40 8 22 44 8 23 27 8 23 43 8 22 40 10 2 53 10 1 36 2 25 30 7 28 62 2 17 1 8 23 45 9 51 2 31 18 41 12 29 12 36 17 4 19 55 19 58 1 30 1 27 1 12 52 10 22 17 10 22 40 10 27 22 Perihel. Dist. 58000 94776 44500 41081 31793 45700 40666 64450 58550 54273 56700 50910 20280 66390 1S342 59628 59553 22570 4006 109358 57661 8911 51293 54942 58680 51298 37975 84750 44851 102575 10649 69739 2S059 123801 6l2f 617 656 592 603 58328 58250 56020 96015 32500 1689 69129 74400 64590 42581 42686 86350 85974 85904 102655 102565 99865 406980 426140 416927 Time of Perihelion March Jan. July March Oct. June June Feb. Aug. Oct. June April Oct. Nov. May New Oct. Feb. July Aug. Oct. Aug. Nov. Nov. Jan. Dec. April March May Aug. Dec. Sept. July June Sept. Dec. Oct. Jan. March Jan. Dec. Jan. Sept. June 17 6 31 8 22 a bout 2 7 1 1 8 22 28 23 24 21 19 22 16 20 21 20 20 19 28 15 28 14 6 16 7 9 Style 7 20 8 4 18 14 10 20 8 16 16 4 17 3 8 13 12 16 26 24 4 12 24 5 1 9 6 1 26 14 15 17 23 17 21 18 18 14 8 14 22 13 3 8 10 16 15 1 15 18 17 13 9 13 14 30 5 30 5 12 12 15 15 1 27 16 23 7 25 11 23 Calculated by Ret. Dir. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Pingre Pingre Dunthorn Pingre Pingre Pingre Halley Pingre Pingre" Halley Halley Halley Douwes Halley Halley Halley Pingre Pingre Pingre Halley Halley La Caille Halley Pingre Halley Pingre Halley Halley Halley Halley Halley Halley Halley Douwes Halley Halley Euler Newton Pingre Halley Halley Halley Halley Halley Pingre Halley La Caille La Caille La Caille Struyck Houtteryn La Caille Struyck La Caille Douwes Bradley Douwes La Caille Maraldi 2Y COM t 346 ] C O M 1737 1739 1742 1743 1743 1744 1747 1748 1748 1757 1758 1750 1759 1759 17C2 1763 1764 1766 1766 1769 Ascending Node Inclin. of | Orbit 10-10 52 10 10 33 7 16 22 27 18 27 25 5 35 5 33 5 38 5 43 16 9 9 32 5 47 5 29 5 42 8 11 8 21 5 16 15 45 15 47 ]5 46 15 51 16 5 1 15 46 1 15 48 1 15 49 1 15 49 4 26 58 4 27 19 4 27 19 22 52 22 46 22 52 4 40 4 13 4 6 4 4 4 7 20 50 23 48 1 23 46 1 23 49 1 23 49 1 23 49 1 23 46 1 24 7 1 23 45 4 19 40 4 19 39 4 19 40 2 19 51 2 19 20 18 56 19 20 18 58 18 35 19 2 26 23 5 4 11 14 23 25 1 25 2 25 3 77 19 77 1 18 21 55 53 55 43 67 4 66 59 66 52 56 35 61 44 68 14 67 11 66 51 2 16 2 20 45 48 47 9 47 4 47 5 47 18 47 50 47 11 47 8 47 18 47 14 77 57 79 6 79 6 85 27 85 35 85 28 56 59 12 50 12 39 12 48 12 41 68 19 17 38 17 40 17 35 17 38 17 39 17 40 17 29 17 41 79 7 78 59 79 3 4 52 4 42 85 22 84 45 85 12 85 40 85 3 72 41 52 54 40 50 11 8 40 38 40 43 40 47 10 16 27 10 22 37 10 25 55 3 12 34 12 39 7 33 7 32 7 35 7 39 16 42 10 49 7 33 7 26 7 38 2 58 3 2 42 8 6 34 6 17 13 6 17 6 6 17 10 6 17 18 6 17 19 6 17 12 6 17 13 6 17 15 6 17 16 9 10 6 9 7 9 7 5 4 Perihel. Dist. Time of Perihelion 2 58 2 39 2 49 2 36 8 27 38 10 3 14 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 23 34 23 24. 1 23 38 4 18 25 19 4 15 22 15 15 14 24 13 43 14 30 24 52 15 15 4 23 15 8 2 18 4 24 6 4 24 14 4 24 11 394927 408165 22282 67160 67358 76555 76550 76568 76530 75766 73668 76890 76620 76545 838 II 83501 52057 22206 22322 22250 22156 22192 22222 22223 . 22200 22176 229388 219859 219851 84066 84150 84040 65525 33754 33907 33797 33932 21535 58255 58490 58360 58380 58350 5829S 59708 58234 80139 •79851 8020S 96599 96 180 101415 101249 101065 100686 100936 49876 55522 50532 33275 12376 12287 12258 May June Jan. June Feb. Feb. Jan. Sept. March March Feb. March April June Oct. June March 22 11 25 9 30 9 17 11 17 10 8 5 8 4 8 5 8 8 1 22 7 4 7 22 8 5 8- 7 10 21 10 21 20 21 Calculated by Nov. Dec. Dec. May Nov. Feb. Feb. April Oct. 9 28 12 3 10 3 7 28 20 29 .1 2S 19 18 2 21 8 21 10 21 10 12 14 12 14 12 13 12 13. 12 13% 12 13 13 10 12 13 27 27 2 27 1 16 21 16 13 29 28 15 29 2 2S 2 2S 7 1 20 12 14 17 9 22 21 7 13 7 12 7 13 Dir. Ret. Ret. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Kies De l'Isle Bradley • Zanotti La Caille Struyck Le Monnier La Caille Zanotti Euler Euler Wrigt Klinkenberg Houtteryn Struyck La Caille Klinkenberg Bets and Bliss- Maraldi La Caille Zanotti Cheseaux Euler Pingre Klinkenberg Hiorter Cheseaux Maraldi La Caille Maraldi Le Monnier La Caille Struyck Bradley La Caille Pingre De Ratte Pingre Messier Lai and e Maraldi La Caille La Caille Klinkenberg Klinkenberg Bailly Pingre La Caille Chappe La Caille Chappe Maraldi Lalande Bailly Klinkenberg Struvck Pingre Pingre Pingrr Pingre Lalande Wallot Cassin, jun- COM [ 347 ] COM 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1779 1781 1781 1781 1783 1784 1784 1785 1785 1786 1787 1788 1788 1790 1790 1790 1792 1795 1796 1797 Ascendin Node 25 7 25 3 25 11 19 41 25 5 24 42 25 14 25 3 25 5 25 6 16 39 13 39 15 29 4 15 4 4 14 30 4 12 .56 4 12. "o 4 12 17 4 16 14 4 12 4 14 22 3 18 42 27 51 27 50 8 12 43 4 1 16 4 3 15 4 3 35 4 1 12 4 1 5 6 57 6 o 50 6 1 22 6 50 25 3 25 6 25 4 4 4 4 4 30 4 4 9 2 25 13 23 1 17 23 24 14 26 50 26 52 24 12 4 34 14 23 16 52 7 11 11 21 42 5 26 12 8 27 9 1 3 11 6 10 46 II 29 11 1113 23 17 17 2 10 29 17 4- 2 9 Inclin. of Orbit 40 49 40 41 41 1 29 41 40 41 41 28 40 43 40 50 40 50 40 47 1 44 1 41 1 47 1 55 1 49 31 26 11 15 11 17 19 61 25 62 36 62 36 61 21 61 13 82 48 82 49 82 21 83 32 26 32 24 32 26 53 56 53 15 53 48 5 16 81 43 27 13 53 9 51 9 47 55 70 14 87 32 50 54 48 16 12 28 64 53 31 54 56 58 63 52 39 47 24 17 20 3 24 42 64 55 50 36 43 52 4 24 11 4 24 9 ■ 4 24 '33 4 13 15 4 24 7 ■ 4 25 46 4 24 22 4 24 16 4 24 11 4 24 16 U 26 7 11 25 5 11 26 7 11 22 51 7 14 1 1 29 45 11 26 16 11 26 26 II 26 13 11 25 57 11 26 19 6 28 23 3 13 28 3 13 48 3 IS 6 2 15 36 2 21 40 2 20 43 2 15 16 2 14 58 10 16 28 10 16 48 10 17 26 10 17 22 2 27 14 2 27 13 2 27 14 8 6 30 8 6 19 8 6 21 5 22 17 5 28 13 7 29 11 16 3 1 1.5 25 2 20 44 10 28 55 3 19 52 9 27 30 5 9 26 7 44 3 9 8 23 12 2 15 3 21 45 9. 3 43 1 6 30 5 13 37 5 7 37 5 15 34 6 12 44 I 19 35 3 14 59 Perihel. Dist. 12272 12289 12100 15880 12303 '11640 12280 12264 12269 12274 62959 65800 62955 64456 71717 64946 67438 67689 62872 63100 62758 52824 90576 90188 101814 113390 123800 121550 113010' 112530 142525 142525, 1 42600* 142860 71322 71313 71319 9781 10047 9926 1027558 944040 77586 96101 156530 70786 65053 114340 42730 41010 34891 106301 76691 75810 106328 79796 129300 22700 25800 21500 157800 52545 4847G Time of Perihelion Oct. Aug. Aug. Nov. April Feb. Sept. Aug. Jan. Sept. March Jan. July Nov. Nov. Jan. April Jan. April July May Nov. Jan. May Jan. Dec. April July April 7 14 7 14 7 12 16 10 7 14 7 11 7 18 7 15 7 16 7 16 9 10 22 9 8 9 25 2 12 21 13 13 14 9 1 9 4 8 19 22 6 18 22 19 1 18 21 5 11 2 12 2- 19 5 p 5 9 14 4 14 18 15 5 15 11 4 3 4 2 4 2 30 20 30 16 30 18 13 27 6 7 5 29 13 15 6 21 5 9 21 27 8 8 9 7 22 10 20 10 7 20 9 15 5 28 8 21 6 13 14 14 23 15 15 14 19 2 20 9 3 4 12 Dir. Dir. Dir. Ret. Dir. Dir. Dir. Dii Dir. Ret. Dir." Dir." Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Ret. Dir. Calculated by Ret. Dir. 2Y 2 Prosperin Audiffredi Slop Zanotti Asclepi Lambert Widder Euler Lexell Pingre Pingre Pingre Prosperin Prosperin Prosperin Widder Lexell Pingre Slop Lambert Rittenhouse Pingre Pingre Prosperin Lalande Pingre Lambert Scultz Lexell Pingre De Saron De Saron Boscovich Mechain De Saron Mechain D'Angos Lexell Lexell Mechain Boscovich La Place Mechain Mechain Mechain Mechain Chev. d'Angos Mechain Mechain Mechain P. de Saron Mechain Mechain De Saron Mechain Lalande Zach Bouvard Prosperin Olbers Bouvard Burckhardt COM [ 348 ] C O M 1798 1799 1799 1801 1803 1804 1805 1805 1807 Ascending Node " 8 9 31 3 9 32 3 9 27 3 9 34 10 26 49 1 14 2S 10 10 17 5 26 48 5 26 50 11 15 7 8 10 35 S 26 46 Inclin. of Orbit 42 23 50 56 50 57 50 51 77 2 21 20 57 56 29 56 44 15 58 16 25 63 11 Perihelion 1 4 30 3 39 3 39 3 36 6 10 20 6 3 49 2 8 28 45 28 54 29 19 24 56 Perihel. Dist. 7796S 83987 84018 62581 26170 109420 107117 107227 37567 89159 64648 Time of Perihelion Dec. Sept. Dec. Aug. Sept. Feb. Feb. Nov. Dec. Sept. 31 13 7 6 7 6 7 4 25 22 8 13 9 21 13 14 13 16 IS 31 6 18 8 Ret. Ret. Dir. Dir. Calculated by Burckhardt Mechain Von Zach Burckhardt Mechain Burckhardt Mechain Gauss Legend re Legendre Olbers M. Facio has suggested, that some of the comets have their nodes so very near the annual orbit of the earth, that if the earth should happen to be found in that part next the node at the time of a comet's passing by ; as the ap- parent motion of the comet will be immensely swift, so its parallax will become very sensible; and its proportion to that of the sun will be given : whence, such transits of comets will afford the best means of determining the dis- tance between the earth and sun. The comet of 1472, for instance, had a parallax above 20 times greater than the sun's; and if that of l6l8 had come down in the beginning of March to its descending node, it would have been much nearer the earth, and its parallax much more notable. But hitherto none has threatened the earth with a nearer appulse than that of 1680: for Dr. Halley finds, by calculation, that Nov. 11th, at 1 h. 6 min. afternoon, that comet was not more than one semidiameter of the earth to the northward of the earth's path ; at which time had the earth been in that part of its orbit, the comet would have had a parallax equal to that of the moon. — What might have been the consequence of so near an appulse, a contact, or lastly, a shock of these bodies ? Mr. Whiston says, a deluge ! To determine the Place and Course of a Comet. — Observe the distance of the comet from two fixed stars, whose lon- gitudes and latitudes are known : then with the distances thus found, calculate the place of the comet by spherical trigonometry. Longomontanus shows an easy method of finding and tracing out the places of a comet mechanically, which is, to find two stars in the same line with the comet, by stretch- ing a thread before the eye over all the three; then do the same by two other stars and the comet: this done, take a celestial globe, or a planisphere, and draw a line upon it first through the former two stars, and then through the latter two; so shall the intersection of the two lines be the place of the comet at that time. If this be repeated from time to time, and all the points of intersection connected, it will show the path of the comet in the heavens. The last comet which has been observed, was that of 1807. It was distinctly seen by the naked eye for many weeks in September and October. Its elements are as re- corded above; to whic.li it may be added that its diameter, according to Dr. Herschel, is 538 miles. The following observations on this comet have also been published by M. Hurckhardt, of the Institute, on Sept. 22, 1 80? ■ " The comet approached nearest the sun on the 1 2th ol September,at 10 o'clock in the evening; itwasthen dis- tant 3y millions of leagues from the sun, and 54 from the earth. Since that time the distance of the comet from the sun has increased, but its distance from the earth will diminish till the middle of October, when its least distance will exceed 41 millions of leagues. ' It is not probable that the comet will become more visible, as it loses some- what more of its light by receding from the sun, than it gains by approaching nearer the earth. In general, the orbit of this comet is such, that it can never approach very near the earth. The body of the comet appears to be se- parated from the luminous matter, which surrounds it in the shape of a parabola. This phenomenon, which has not been perceived in other comets, has been ascertained by the observations of all the astronomers in Paris, and without doubt will not escape the notice of other astro- nomers. It does not follow, however, that the body of the comet is wholly separated from the luminous appearance, as the space that seems empty may be filled up by parti- cles less luminous than the rest." COMETARIUM, a machine adapted to give a repre- sentation of the revolution of a comet about the sun. It is so contrived as, by elliptical wheels, to show the unequal motion of a comet in every part of its orbit. The comet is represented by a small brass ball, carried by a radius vector, or wire, in an elliptical groove about the sun in one of its foci ; and the years of its period are shown by an index moving with an equable motion over a graduated silvered circle. See a particular description, with a figure of it, in Fergusson's Astron. Svo. pa. 400. COMMANDINE (Frederick), a celebrated mathe- matician and linguist, was born at Urbino in Italy, in 1509; and died in 1575, at 66" years of age. He was fa- mous for 'his learning and knowledge in the sciences. To a great depth, and just taste in the mathematics, he joined a critical skill in the Greek language, a happy conjunction that well qualified him for translating and expounding the writings of the Greek mathematicians. And accordingly, with a most laudable zeal and industry, he translated and published several of their works, to which no former writer had done that good office. On which account, Francis Moria, duke of Urbino, who was very conversant in those sciences, proved a very affectionate patron to him. He is greatly applauded by Bianchnnus, and other writers; and he justly deserved their encomiums. Of his own works he published the following: 1. Commentarius in Planisphasrium Ptolemaei: 1 558, in 4to. 2. DeCentroGravitatis Solid. Bonon. 1565, in 4to. • 3. Horologiorum Descriptio: Rom. 1562, in 4to. He translated and illustrated with notes, the following C O M [ 34 9 ] C O M works, most of them beautifully printed in 4to, by the cele- brated printer Aldus : 1. Archimedis Circuli Dimensio; de Lineis Spiralibus; Quadratura Parabola?; deConoidibus et Sphairoidibus; de Arena? Numero : 1558. 2. Ptolemaei Planispha j rium;etPlanisph. Jordani: 1558. 3. Ptolemoai Analemma: 1562. 4. Archimedis de iis quse vehuntur in aqua: 1565. 5. Apollonii Pergasi Conicorum libri quatuor, una cum Pappi Alexandrini Lemmatibus, et Commentariis Eutocii Ascalonitee, &c: 1566. 6. Machometes Bagdadinus de Superficierum Divisioni- bus: 1570. 7. Elementa Euclidis: 1572. 8. Aristarchus de Magnitudinibus et Distantiis Solis et Lunae: 1572. 9. Heronis Alexandrini Spiritualium liber: 1583. 10. Pappi Alexandrini Collectiones Mathem. 1588. COMMANDING Ground, in Fortification, an eminence or rising ground, overlooking any post or strong place. — This is of three sorts; 1st, A Front Commanding Ground, or a height opposite to. the face of the post, which batters upon its front: 2dly, A Reverse Commanding Ground, or an eminence that can play upon the rear or back of the post : 3dly, An Enfilade Commanding Ground, or an eminence in flank which can, with its shot, scour the whole length of a straight line. COMMENSURABLE Quantities, or Magnitudes, are such as have some common aliquot part, or which may' be measured or divided, without a remainder, by one and the same measure or divisor, called their common measure. Thus, a foot and a yard are commensurable, because there is a third quantity that will measure each, viz, an inch; which is 12 times contained in the foot, and 36 times in the yard. — Commensurables are to each other, as one ra- tional whole number is to another; but incommensurables are not so : and therefore the ratio of commensurables is rational, but that of incommensurables, irrational; hence also the exponent of the ratio of commensurables is a rational number. COMMENSURABLE Numbers, whether integers, or fractions, or surds, are such as have some other number, which will measure or divide them exactly, or without a remainder. Thus, 6 and 8. are commensurable, because 2 measures or divides them both. And § and |, or -^ and J>z are commensurable fractions, because the fraction £ or -jij, &c, will measure them both ; and in this sense, all fractions may be said to be commensurable. Also the surds 2^/2 and 3i/2 are commensurable, being measured by a/2, or being to each other as 2 to 3. Commensurable in Power. Euclid says, right lines are commensurable in power, when their squares are mea- sured by one and the same- space or superficies. COMMON, is applied to an angle, line, measure, or the like, that belongs to two or more figures or other things. As a common angle, a common side, a common base, a common measure, &c. Common Measure, or divisor, is that which measures two or more numbers without a remainder. So of 8 and 12, a common measure is 2, and so is 1. The greatest Common Measure is the greatest number that can measure two other numbers.. So of 8 and 12, the greatest common measure is 4. To find the greatest common measure of two numbers. Di- vide the greater term by the less; then divide the divisor by the remainder, if there be any; and so on continually, always dividing the last divisor by the last remainder, till nothing remains; then is the last divisor the greatest com- mon measure sought. Thus, to find the greatest common measure of Sl6 and 1488. Sl6) 1488 ( 1 816 , 672) 816 ( 1 6'72 144" ) 6"2 ( 4 576 96 ) 144 ( 1 96 The common measure, 48 ) 96 ( 2 • 96 Therefore 48 is the greatest common measure of 81.6 and 1488, thus: 4S ) 816 (17 4S ) 14SS (31 48 ' 144 336 4S 336 4S The common measure is useful in fractions, to reduce a fraction to its least terms, by dividing those that are given, by their greatest common measure. So -j^Vf reduces to II-, by dividing 8l6 and 1488 both by their greatest com- mon measure 48. COMMUNICATION of Motion, that act of a moving body, by which it gives motion, or transfers its motion to another body. Father Mailebranche considers the com- munication of motion as something metaphysical; that is, as not necessarily arising from any physical principles, or any properties of bodies, but flowing from the immediate agency of God. The communication of motion results from, and is an evidence of the impenetrability and inertia of matter, as such; unless we admit the hypothesis of the penetrability of matter, advanced by Boscovich and Michell, and ascribe to the power of repulsion those effects which have been usually ascribed to its solidity and actual resistance. Newton shows that action and reaction are equal and opposite; so that one body striking or acting against ano- ther, and thence causing a change in its motion, does itself undergo the very same change in its own motion, the con- trary way. And hence, a moving body striking directly another at rest, it loses just as much of its motion as it communicates to the other. For the laws and quantity of motion so communicated, either in elastic or non-elastic bodies, see Collision. COMMUTATION, Angle of, is the distance between the sun's true place seen from the earth, and the place of a planet reduced to the ecliptic: which therefore is found by taking the difference between the sun's longitude and the heliocentric longitude of the planet. COMPANY, Rule of, or Rule of Fellowship, in Arithr metic, is a rule by which arc determined the true shares of profit or loss, due to the several partners, or associates, in any enterprise, or trade, in due proportion to the stock contributed by each, and the tfme it was employed. To do which properly, see the Rule of Fellowship. COMPARTMENT, a design composed of several dif- C O M [ 350 ] C O M ferent figures, disposed with symmetry; to adorn a parterre, a cieling, pannel of joinery, or -the like. COM PARTITION, the useful and graceful distribution of the whole ground-plot of an edifice, into rooms of office, and of reception, or entertainment. COMPASS, or Mariner's Compass, is an instrument used at sea by manners to direct and ascertain the course of their ships. It consists of a circular brass box, which con- tains a paper card with the 32 points of the compass, or winds, fixed on a magnetic needle that always turns to the north, excepting a small deviation, which is variable at different places, and at the same place at different times. See Variation of the Compass. The needle with the card turns on an upright pin fixed in the centre of the box. To the middle of the needle is fixed a brass conical socket or cap, by which the card hanging on the pin turns freely round the centre. The top of the box is covered with a glass, to prevent the wind from disturbing the motion of the card. The whole is inclosed in another box of wood, where it is sus- pended by gimbals, or brass hoops, to keep the card in a horizontal position during the various motions of the ship. The whole ought to be so placed in the ship, that the middle section of the box, parallel to its sides, may be pa- rallel to the middle section of the ship along its keel. The invention .of the compass is ascribed by some wri- ters to Flavio Gioia, or'Flavio of Malphi, about the year 1302 ; and hence it is that the territory of Principato, the part of the kingdom of Naples where he was born, has a compass for its arms. He divided his compass only into 8 points. Others are of opinion that the invention is due to the Chinese; and Gilbert, in his book De Magnete, affirms that Marcus Paulus, a Venetian, making a journey to China, brought back the invention with him in 1260. YVhat strengthens this conjecture is, that at first they used the compass, in the same manner as the Chinese still do, viz, letting it float on a small piece of cork, instead of suspend- ing it on a pivot. It is also added, that their emperor Chi- ning'us, a celebrated astrologer, had a knowledge of it 1120 years before Christ. The Chinese divide their compass only into 24 points. But Ludi Vertomanus affirms, that when he was in the East Indies, about the year 1500, he saw a pilot of a ship direct his course by a compass, fas- tened and framed as those now commonly used. And Bar- lov?, in his book called The Navigator's Supply, anno 1597, informs us, that in a personal conference with two East Indians, they affirmed, that instead of our compass, they use a magnetical needle of 6* inches, and longer, upon a pin in a dish of white China earth, filled with water; in the bottom of which they have two cross lines for the 4 principal winds, the rest of the divisions being left to the skill of their pilots. Also in the same book he observes, that the Portuguese, in their first discovery of the East Indies, got a pilot of Mahinde, who brought them from thence in 33 days, within sight of Calicut. But Fauchette relates some verses of Guoyot de Pro- vence, who lived in France about the year 1200, which seem to make mention of the compass under the name of Marinette, or Mariner's Stone; which show it was used in France near 100 years before either the Malfitc or Vene- tian one. The French even lay claim to the invention, from tin- fleur de lis with which most people distinguish the north point of the card. With as much reason Dr. Wallis ascribe-, it u> the English, from its name Compass, by which name most nations call it, and which he observes is used in many parts of England to signify a circle. The mariner's compass long continued very rude and im- perfect, but at length received great improvement from the invention and experiments of Dr. Knight, who discovered the useful practice of making artificial magnets ; and the further emendations of Mr. Smeaton, and Mr. M'Culloch, by which the needles are larger and stronger than former- ly, and instead of swinging in gimbals, the compass is sup- ported in its very centre upon a prop, and the centres of motion, gravity, and magnetism, are brought almost all to the same point. After the discovery of that most useful property of the. magnet, or loadstone, viz, its giving a polarity to hardened iron or steel, the compass was many years in use before it was known in anywise to deviate from the poles of the world. About the middle of the l6th century, so confident were some persons that the needle invariably pointed due north, that they treated with contempt the notion of the variation, which about that time began to be suspected. However, careful observations soon discovered that in England, and its neighbourhood, the needle pointed to the eastward of the true north line; and the quantity of this deviation being known, mariners became as well satisfied as if the compass had none; because the true course could readily be obtained by making allowance for the true va- riation. From succeeding observations it was afterwards disco- vered, that the deviation of the needle from the north was not a constant quantity, but that it gradually diminished, and at last, namely, about the year 1657, it was found that the needle pointed due north at London, and has ever since been going to the westward, till now the variation is upwards of two points of the compass : indeed it was 22° 41' about the middle of the year 1781, as appears by the Philos. Trans, pa. 225, for that year, and is probably now somewhat more, which it would be of consequence to know. So that in any one place it may be suspected the varia- tion has a kind of libratory motion, traversing through the north, to unknown limits eastward and westward. But the settling of this point must be left to time and future ex- periments. Since the above was printed in the former edi- tion of this work, the magnetic observations have been par- tially resumed by the Royal Society; inconsequence, the variation of the needle was there found to be (in September 1811) 24° 14' west, and the dip or inclination 70° 32f. See Variation, also Inclination, and Dip. Also for a further description of different compasses and their uses, see that useful book, Robertson's Navigation, vol. 2, pa- 231. The Azimuth Compass differs from the common sea com- pass in this, that' the circumference of the card, or box is divided into degrees; and there is fitted to the box an in- dex with two sights, which are upright pieces of brass, placed diametrically opposite to each other, having a slit down the middle of them, through which the sun or star is to be viewed at the time of observation. The Use of the Azimuth Compass, is to take the bearing of any celestial object, when it is in, or above the horizon, that from the magnetical azimuth or amplitude, the varia- tion of the needle' may be known. Sec Azimuth, and Am i'i.itude. The figure of the compass card, with the names of the 32 points or winds, are as in fig. 5, plate 8; where other G O M [ 351 ] COM compasses are also exhibited. See also a new one in the or pencil, put in its place. There are in use compasses of Supplement to Gavallo's Treatise on Magnetism. various kinds and contrivances, adapted to the various As there are 32 whole points cpjite around the circle, purposes they are intended for; as, which contains 360 degrees, therefore each point of the Compasses, of Three Legs, or Triangular Compasses; compass contains the 32d part of 36*0, that is 1 1-f- degrees, the construction of which is like that of the common eom- or 11° 15'; consequently the half point is 5° 37' 30", and passes, with the addition of a third leg or point, which has the quarter point 2° 48' 45". . a motion every way. Their use is to take three points at The points of the compass are otherwise called rhumbs; once, and so to form triangles, and lay down three po- and the numbers of degrees, minutes, and seconds, made by every quarter point with the meridian, are exhibited in the following table : A Table of Rhumbs, showing the Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds, that every Point and Quarter-point of the Compass makes with the Meridian. NbyE NEbN P.s.c,, 48 45 37 30 26 15 15 3 45 52 30 41 15 30 18 45 7 30 56 15 22 30 11 15 48 45 4 37 30 4 26 15 4 15 -o 5 3 45 5 52 30 5 41 15 5 30 6 18 45' 6 7 30 6 56 15 6 45 7 33 45 7 22 30 7 11 15 7 sitions of a map to be copied at once. Beam Compasses' consist of a long straight beam or bar, carrying two brass cursors ; one of these being fixed at one end, the other sliding along the beam, with a screw to fasten it on occasionally. To the cursors may be screwed points of any kind, whether steel, jiencils, or the like.. To the fixed cursor is sometimes applied an adjusting or micrometer screw, by which an extent is obtained to very great nicety. The beam compasses are used to draw large circles, to take great extents, or the like. Bow Compasses, or Bows, are a small sort of com- passes, that shut up in a hoop, which serves for a handle. Their use is to describe arcs or circumferences with a very small radius. Caliber Compasses. See Caliber. Clockmakers Compasses, are jointed like the common compasses, - with a quadrant or bow, like the spring com- passes, only of different use, serving here to keep the in- strument firm at any opening. They are made very- strong, with the points of— their legs of well-tempered steel, as being used to draw or cut lines in pasteboard, or copper, &c. Cylindrical and Spherical Compasses, consist of four branches, joined in a centre, two of them being circular and two flat, a little bent at the ends. The use of them is to take the diameter, thickness, or caliber of round or cy- lindrical bodies ; as cannons, balls, pipes, &c. There are also spherical compasses, differing in nothing from the common ones, but that their legs are arched ; serving to take the diameters of round bodies. Another sort of compasses also has lately been invented for measuring the diameter of round bodies, as balls, &c, which consist of two flat pieces of metal set at right angles on a straight bar or beam of the same ; the one piece be- liding thereon, so far as just to Compass Dials, are small dials, fitted in boxes, for the pocket, to show the hour of the day by the direction of ing fixed,~and the other the needle that indicates how to place, them right, by receive the round body between them; and then its di- turning the dial about till the cock or stile stand directly ameter, or distance between the two pieces, is shown by over the needle. But these can never be very exact, be- the divisions marked on the beam. cause of the variation of the needle itself; unless that Elliptical Compasses, are used to draw ellipses or variation be allowed for, in making and placing the in- ovals of any kind. The instrument consists of a beam ab strument. (Plate 8, fig. 6,) about a foot long, bearing three cursors ; COMPASSES, or Pair of Compasses, a mathematical to one of which may be screwed points of any kind; and instrument for describing circles, measuring amd dividing to the bottom of the other two are riveted two sliding lines or figures, &c. dove-tails, adjusted in grooves made in the cross branches The common compasses consist of two sharp-pointed of the beam. The dove-tails having a motion every way, branches or legs of iron, steel, brass, or other metal, by turning about the long branch, they go backward and joined together at the top by a rivet, about which they forward along the cross; so that when the beam has gone move as on a centre. Those compasses are of the best half-way round, one of these will have moved the whole kind in which the pin or axle, on which the joint turns, is length of one of the branches; and when the beam has made of steel, and also half the joint itself, as the opposite gone quite round, the same dove-tail has gone back the metals wear more equally : the points should also be made whole length of the branch. The same is understood of of hard steel, well polished ; and the joint should open the other dove-tail. and shut with a smooth, easy, and uniform motion. In Note, the, distance between the two sliding dove-tails, is some compasses, the points arc both fixed ; but in others, the distance between the two foci of the ellipse ; so that one is made to take out occasionally, and a drawing-pen, by changing that distance, the ellipse will be more circular COM [ 352 ] COM or slender. Under the ends of the branches of the cross, are placed four steel points to keep it fast. The use of this compass is easy : by turning round the lourr branch, the pen, pencil, or other points will draw the ellipse required. Its figure shows both its use and construction. German Compasses have their legs a little bent out- wards, near thetop; so that when shut, the points only meet. Hair Compasses are so contrived withinside by a small adjusting screw to one of the legs, as to take an ex- tent to a hair's breadth. Proportional Compasses are those whose joint lies, not at the end of the legs, but between the points termi- nating each leg. These are either simple, or compound. In tbe former kind the centre, or place of the joint is fixed; so that one pair of these serves only for one proportion. Compound Proportional Compasses have the joint or centre moveable. They consist of two parts or sides of brass, which lie upon each other so exactly as to appear but one when they are shut. These sides easily open, and move about the centre, which is itself moveable in a hollow canal cut through the greatest part of their length. To this centre on each side is fixed a sliding piece, of a small length, with a fine line drawn thereon serving as an index, to be set against other lines or divisions placed up- on the compasses on both sides. These lines are, 1, A line of lines; 2, a line of superficies, areas, or planes, the numbers on which answer to the squares of those on the line of lines ; 3, a line of solids, the numbers on which answer to the cubes of those on the line of lines ; 4, a line of circles, or rather of polygons to be inscribed in circles. These lines are all unequally divided, the first three from 1 to 20, and the last from 6 to 20. The use of the first is to divide a line into any number of equal parts ; by the 2d and 3d are found the sides of like planes or solids in any given proportion ; and by the 4th, circles are divided into any number of equal parts, or any polygons inscribed in them. See Plate 8, fig. 7- Spring Compasses, or Dividers, are made of hardened steel, with an arched head, which by its spring opens the legs ; the opening being directed by a circular screw fast- ened to one of the legs, let through the other, and worked with a nut. Trisecting Compasses, for the trisecting of angles me- chanically, for which purpose they were invented by M. Tarragon. The instrument consists of two central rules, and an arch of a circle of 120 degrees, immoveable, with its radius: the radius is fastened with one of the central rules, like the two legs of a sector, that the central rule may be carried through all the points of the circumference of the arch. The radius and rule should be as thin as possible; and the rule fastened to the radius should be hammered cold, to be more elastic; and the breadth of the other central rule must be triple the breadth of the radius : in this rule also is a groove, with a dove-tail fastened on it, for its motion ; there must also be a hole in the centre of each rule. Turn-up Compasses, a late contrivance to save the trouble of changing the points ; the body is like the com- mon compasses ; and towards the bottom of the legs with- outsidc, are added two other points, besides the usual ones ; the one carrying a drawing-pen point, and the other a port-crayon ; both being adjusted to turn up, to be used or not, a8 occasion may require. COMPLEMENT in general, is what is wanting, or necessary, to complete sonie certain quantity or thing. As, the Complement of an arch or angle, as of 90° or a qua- drant, is what any given arch or angle wants of it; so the complement of 50° is 40°, and the complement of 100° is — 10°, a negative quantity. — The complement to ISO is usually called the supplement, to distinguish it from the complement to 90°, properly so called.- — -The sine of the complement of an arc, is contracted into the word cbsine ; the tangent of the complement, into cotangent ; &c. Arithmetical Complement, is what a number or loga- rithm wants of unity or 1 with some number of ciphers. It is best found, by beginning at the left-hand side, and subtracting every figure from 9) except the last, or right- hand figure, which must be subtracted from 10. So, the arithmetical comp. of the log. 9'5329714, by subtracting from 9's, &c, is 0'46702S6\ The arithmetical complements are much used in opera- tions by logarithms, to change subtractions into additions, which are more conveniently performed, especially when there are more than one of them in the operation. Complement, in Astronomy, is used for the distance of a star from the zenith ; or the arc contained between the zenith and the place of a star which is above the ho- rizon. It is the Same as the complement of the altitude, or co-altitude, or the zenith distance. Complement of the Course, in Navigation, is the quan- tity which the course wants of 90°, or 8 points, viz, a quar- ter of the compass. Complement of the Curtain, in Fortification, is that part of the anterior side of the curtain, which makes the demigorge. Complements of the Line of Defence, is the remainder of that line, after the angle of the flank is taken away. Complements of a Parallelogram, or in a Parallelogram. are the two lesser parallelograms, made by drawing two right lines parallel to each side of the given parallelogram, through the - same point in the diagonal. So p and Q are the complements in the parallelogram abcd. In every case, these complements are always equal, viz, the parallelo- gram p = Q. Complement of Life, a term much used, in the doe- trine of Life Annuities, by De Moivre, and, according to him, it denotes the number of years which a given life wants of 86, this being the age which he considered as the utmost probable extent of life. So 56 is the complement of 30, and 30 is the complement of 56. That author supposed an equal annual decrement of life through all its stages, till the age of 86. Thus, if there be 56" persons living at 30 years of age, it is supposed that one will die every year, till they be all dead in 56 years. This hypothesis in some cases is near the truth, for the value of single lives. Demoivre had another hy- pothesis, that of life decreasing in geometrical progression, for calculating the value of joint lives; but more inac- curate than the former. See Life Annuities; De Moi- vre's Treatise on Annuities, pa. 83 ; Simpson's Life An- nuities; Price on Reversionary Payments, pa. 1; and Baily's Life Annuities. COMPOSITE Number, is one that is compounded of, € O M [ 353 ] COM or made up by the multiplication of two other numbers, greater than 1, or which can be measured by some other number greater than 1. As 12, which is composed, or compounded of 2 and 6, or 3 and 4, viz, by multiplying together 2 and 6, or 3 and 4, both products making the same number 12; which therefore is a composite number. Composites are opposed to prime numbers, or primes, which cannot be exactly measured by any other number except unity ; or be produced by multiplying together two other factors. Composite Numbers between themselves, are the same with commensurable numbers, or such as have a common mea- sure or factor ; as 15 and"12, which have the common term 3. The doctrine of Prime and Composite numbers is pretty fully treated in the 7th and 8th books of Euclid's Elements. Composite Numbers, in musical calculations, are such as are composed by the multiplication of the prime in- tegers 2, 3, 5. All primes larger than these, or com- posite numbers into which such enter, are not musical numbers, but are irrational, or surd, in a musicar sense. Composite Order, in Architecture, is the last of the five orders of columns; and is so called, because its capital is composed out of those of the other orders. Thus, it borrows a quarter-round from the Tuscan and Doric ; a double row of leaves from the Corinthian ; and volutes from the Ionic. Its cornice has single modillions, or dentils; and its column is 10 diameters in height. This order is also called the Roman order, and Italic order, as having been invented by the Romans, like as the other orders are denominated from the people among whom they had their rise. COMPOSITION, is a species of reasoning by which we proceed from things that are known and given, step by step, till we arrive at such as were before unknown or re- quired ; viz, proceeding upon principles self-evident, on definitions, postulates, and axioms, with a previously de- monstrated series of propositions, step by step, till it gives a clear knowledge of the thing to be known or demon- strated. Composition, otherwise called the synthetical method, is opposed to Resolution, or the analytical me- thod, and is chiefly used by the ancients, Euclid, Apol- lonius, &c. See Pappus ; also the term Analysis. Composition of forces, or of motion, is the union or as- semblage of several forces or motions that are oblique to one another, into an equivalent one in another direction. J. When several forces or motions are united, that act in the same line of direction, the combined force or motion will be in the same line of direction also. But when ob- lique forces arc united, the compounded force takesanew di- rection, different from both, and is either a right line or a curve, according to the nature of the forces compounded. 2. If two compounding motions be both equable ones, whether equal to each other or not, the line of the com- pound motion will be a straight one. Thus, if the one equable in the direction ab be suffi- cient to carry a body over the space ab in any time, and the other equable motion sufficient to pass over ac in the same time ; then by the compound mo- tional- both acting on the body together, it would in the same time pass over the diagonal ad of the parallelogram abdc. For because the motions are uniform, Vol. I. any spaces -Ab, ac passed over in the same time, are pro- portional to the velocities, or to ab and ac ; and conse- quently all the points a, d, d, d, of the path are in the same right line. 3. And though the compounding motions be not equa- ble, but variable, either accelerated or retarded, provided they do but vary in a similar manner, the compounded mo- tion will still be in a straight line. Thus, suppose for in- stance, that the motions both vary in such a manner, as that the spaces passed over in the same time, whether they be equal to each other or not, are both as the same power n of the time; then ab" : ac" : : Ab" : ac", and hence ab : ac : : a* : ac, and therefore, as before, aA/d is still a right line. 4. But if the compounding motions be not similar to each other, as when the one is equable and the other va- riable, or when they are varied in a dissimilar manner, then the compounded motion is in some curve line: so if the motion in the one direction ef be in a less proportion, with respect to the time, than that in the direction eg is then the path will be a curve line e/jh convex towards ef; butif the motion in ef be in a greater proportion than that in eg, then the path of the compound motion will be a curve ezh concave towards ef : that is, in general, the curvilineal path is convex towards that direction in which the motion is in the less proportion to the time. Hence, for a particular instance, if the mo- tion in the direction ef be a motion of projection, which is an equable motion, and the motion in the direction eg that arising from gravity, which is a uniformly accelerated motion, or in proportion to the squares of the times; then is eg as oh 2 , and Eg as g!f, that is eg : Eg : : or : gA% which is the property of the parabola ; and therefore the path e/(H of any body projected, is the common parabola. 5. If there be three forces united, or acting against the same point a at the same time, viz, the force or weight b in the direction ab, and the forces or tensions in the di- rections ac, a d ; and if these three forces mutually balance each other so as to keep the common point a in equilibrio, then are these forces directly proportional to the respective sides of a triangle, formed by drawing lines parallel to the directions of these forces; or indeed perpendicular to those directions, or making any one and the same angle with them. So that, if be be drawn parallel, for instance, to ad, and meet ca produced in e, forming the triangle abe, then are the three forces in the directions ab, ac, ad, respec- tively proportional to the sides ab, ae, be. And this theorem, with its corollaries, Dr. Keil observes, is the foundation of all the new mechanics of M. Varignon; 2Z COM [ 354 ] COM by help of which may the force of the muscles be com- puted, and most of the mechanic theorems in Borelli, De Motu Animalium, may immediately be deduced. And hence also may any number of forces be compounded to- gether into one only. See Collision, Composition of Forces, &c. Composition of Numbers and Quantities. See Com- bination. Composition of Proportion, according to the 15th de- finition of the 5th book of Euclid's Elements, is when, of 4 proportionals, the sum of the 1st and 2d is to the 2d, as the sum of the 3d and 4th is to the 4th: as if it be a : b : : c : d, then by composition a -t- b : b : : c + d : d. Or, in numbers, if 2 : 4 : : 9 : IS, then by composition 6 : 4 : : 27 : IS. Composition of Ratios, is the adding of ratios toge- ther; which is performed by multiplying together their corresponding terms, viz, the antecedents together, and the Consequents together, for the antecedent and consequent of the compounded ratio; like as the addition of logarithms is the same thing as the multiplication of their correspond- ing numbers. Or, if the terms of the ratios be placed fraction-wise, then the addition or composition of the ra- tios is performed by multiplying the fractions together. Thus, the ratio of a : b, or of 2 : 4, added to the ratio of c : d, or of 6 : S, makes the ratio of ac : bd, or of 12 : 32; and so the ra- tio of ac to bd is said to be compounded of the ratios of a to b, and c to d. So likewise, if it were required to compound together the three ratios, viz, of a to b, c to d, and e to /; then - x - x - = — - are the terms of the b d f bdf compound ratio; or the ratio of ace to bdf Is compounded or made up of the ratios of a to b, c to d, and e to/. Hence, if the consequent of each ratio be the same as the antecedent of the preceding ratio, then is the ratio of the first term to the last, compounded, or made up of all the other ratios, viz, the ratio of a to e, equal to the sum of all the ratios of a to b, of b to c, of c to d, and of d to e: for — x — x — x — = - the terms or exponents of the b c d e e compounded ratio. Hence also, in a series of continual proportionals, the ratio of the first term to the third is double of the ratio of the first to the second, and the ratio of the 1st to the 4th is triple of it, and the ratio of the 1st to the 5th is quadruple of it, and so on ; that is, the exponents are double, triple, qua- druple, &c, of the first exponent: as in the series 1, a, a", a 1 ', a*, &c ; where the ratio I to a 1 is double, of 1 to a 3 triple, &c, of the ratio of 1 to a; or the exponent of a?, a?, a 4 , &c, double, triple, quadruple, &C, of a. COMPOUND Interest, called also Interest upon In- terest, is that which, is reckoned not only upon the princi- pal, but on the interest itself forborn, which thus becomes a sort of secondary principal. If ;• be the amount of 1 pound for 1 year, that is the sum of the principal and interest together for one year; then is r 2 the amount for 2 years, and r 3 the amount for 3 years, and in general j' the amount for t years; that is r l is the sum or total amount of all the principals and interests to- gether of 1/ for the whole time or number of years c; con- sequently, if p be any other principal sum, forborn fori years, then its amount in that time at compound interest, is a =pr*. The Rule' therefore in words is this: to one pound add its interest for one year, or half \ ear, or for the first time at which the interest is reckoned; raise the sum r to the power denoted by the time or number of terms; then this power multiplied by the principal, or first sum lent, will produce the whole amount. For example, To find how much 50/ will amount to in 5 years at 5 per cent, per annum, compound interest. — Here the interest of 1/ for 1 year is '05, and therefore, r =. ] - 05 ; hence the 5th power of it for 5 years, is r 5 = T2762S &c; multiply this by p or - 50 gives the amount/))' or 63'S14/ or 631 \6s o~d for the amount sought. If the compound interest, or amount of any sum, be required for the parts of a year, it may be determined as follows : 1. When the time is any aliquot part of a year. Rule. Find the amount of 1/ for 1 year as before, and that root of it which is denoted by the aliquot part will be the amount of \l for that time; which multiplied by the principal, will be the amount of the given sum re- quired. 2. When the time is not an aliquot part of a year. Rule. 1. Reduce the time into days, and the 365th root of the amount of 1/ for 1 year, is the amount of the same sum for one. day. 2. Raise this amount to that power whose index is equal to the number of days, and it will be the amount of U for the given time. 3. Multiply this amount by the principal, and it will be the amount of the given sum required. Note. The readiest way of extracting the roots, espe- cially high ones, is by logarithms, thus : Divide the loga- rithm of the rate, or amount of 1/, for a year, by the de- nominator of the given aliquot part, and the quotient will be the logarithm of the root sought. But Compound Interest for any given number of whole years, is best computed by means of such a table as the following, being the amounts of \l for any number of years, and at several rates of compound interest. As an example of the use of this table, suppose it were required to find the amount of 250/ for 35 years at 4 per cent, compound interest. In the column of 4 per cent, and line of 35 years, is 3'y46oo, which multiplied by the principal ojves ----- 986'52250 or - ----- - 986/ 10s 5|tf, which is the amount sought. Note. By a bare inspection of this table, it appears how many years are required for any sum of money to double itself, at any rate of compound interest; viz, by looking in the columns when the amount becomes the number 2. So it is found that at theseveral rates the re- spective times requisite- for doubling any sum, ate lie trl thus; viz, Rate 3 3* 4 14 5 (>' Years 23* 20* 171 15| I'M 12 Table of the Amount Years and COM [ 855 ] of 1 / at Compound Interest for many several Rates of Interest. COM k! at a per 3^ pir | 4 per j 4j per 5 per b per ? cent. cent. cent. J cent. cent. cent. 1 1-03000 1-03500 1 1-04000 j 1-04500 1-05000 1 -06000 2 1 -06090 1-07123 1 1-08160 1-09203 1-10250 1-12360 3 1-09273 1-10872 1-12486 1-14117 1-15763 1-19102 4 1-12551 1-14752 1-16986 1-19252 1-21551 1-26248 5 1-15927 1-18769 1-21665 1-24618 1-27628 1-33823 6 1-19405 1-22926 1-26532 1-30226 1-34010^ 1-41852 7 1-22987 1-27228 1 -3 1 593 1-36086 1-40710 1-50363 8 1-26677 1-31681 1-36857 1-42210 1-47746 1-59385 9 1-30477 1-36290 1-42331 1-48610 1-55133 1-68948 ID 1-34392 1-41060 1-48024 1-55297 1-62890 1-79085 11 1-38423 1-45997 1-53945 1-62285 1-71034 1-89830 12 1-42576 1-51107 1-60103 1-69588 1-79586 2-01220 13 1-46853 1 -56395 1-66507 1-77220 1-88565 2-13293 14 1-51259 1-61869 1-73168 1-85194 1-97993 2-26090 15 1-55797 1-67535 1-80094 1-93528 2-07893 2-39656 16 1-60471 1-73399 1-87298 2-02237 2-18287 2-54035 17 1-65285 1-79468 1-94790 2-11338 2-29202 2-69277 18 1-70243 1-85749 2-02582 2-20848 2-40662 2-85434 19 1-75351 1-92250 2-10685 2-30786 2-52695 3-02560 20 1-80611 1-98979 2-19112 2-41171 2-65330 3-20714 •21 1-86029 2-05943 2-27877 2-52024 2-78596 3-39956 22 1-91610 2-13151 2-36992 2-63365 2-92526 3-60354 23 1-97359 2-20611 2-46472 2-75217 3-07152 3-81975 24 2.03279 2-28333 2-56330 2-87601 3-22510 4-04893 25 2-09378 2-36324 2-66584 3-00543 3-38635 4-29187 26 2-15659 2-44596 2-77247 3-14068 3-55567 4-54938 27 2-22129 2-53157 2-88337 3-28201 3-73346. 4-82235 28 2-28793 2-62017 2-99870 3-42970 3-92013 5-11169 23 2-35657 2-71 188 3-11865 3-58404 4-11614 5-41839 30 2-42726 2-80679 3-24340 3-74532 4-32194 5-74349 31 2-50008 2-90503 3-37.313 3-91386 4-53804 6-08810 32 2-57508 3-00671 3-50806 4-08993 4-76494 6-45339 33 2-65234 3-11194 3-64838 4-27403 5-00319 6-84059 34 2-73191 3-22086 3-79432 4-46636 5-25335 7-25103 35 2-81386 3-33359 3-94609 4-66735 5-51602 7-68609 36 2-89828 3-45027 4-10393 4-87738 5-79182 8-14725 37 2-98523 3-57103 4-26809 5-09686 6-08141 8-63609 38 3-07478 3-69601 4-43881 5-32622 6-38548 9-15425 39 3-16703 3-82537 4-61637 5-56590 6-70475 9-70351 40 3-26204 3-95926 4-80102 5-81636 7-03999 10-28572 41 3-35990 4-09783 4-99306 6-07810 7-39199 10-90286 42 3-46070 4-24126 5-19278 6-35162 7-76159 11-55703 43 3-56452 4-38970 5-40050 6-63744 8-14967 12-25045 44 3-67145 4-54334 5-61652 6-93612 8-55715 12-98548 45 3-78160 4-70236 5-84118 7-24825 8-98501 13-76461 46 3-89504 4-86694 6-07482 7-57442 9-43426 14-59049 47 4-01190 5-03728 6-31782 7-91527 9-90597 15-46592 48 4-13225 5-21359 6-57053 8-27146 10-40127 16-39387 49 4-25622 5-39606 6-83335 8-64367 10-92133 17-37750 50 4-38391 5-58493 7-10668 903264 11-46740 18-42015 COMPOUND Motion, that motion which is the effect of several conspiring powers or forces, viz, such forces as are not directly opposite to each other: as when the ra- dius of a circle is considered as revolving about a centre, and at the same time a point moving along it ; which pro- duces a kind of a spiral for the path of the point. And hence it is easily perceived, that all curvilinear motion is com- pound, or the effect of two or more forces ; though every compound motion is not curvilinear. It is a popular theorem in Mechanics, that in uniform compound motions, the velocity produced by the con- spiring powers or forces, is to that of either of the two compounding powers separately, as the diagonal of a pa- rallelogram, according to the direction of whose sides they act separately, is to either of the sides. See Composition of Motion, and Collision. Compound Numbers, those composed of the multipli- cation of two or more numbers: as J 2, composed of 3 times 4. See Composite. Compound Pendulum, that which consists of several weights constantly keeping the same distance, both from each other, and from the centre about which they oscil- late. Compound Quantities, in Algebra, -arc such as are con- nected together by the signs -+- or — . Thus, a -+- b, or a — c -+- d, or aa — la, are compound quantities. Com- pound quantities are distinguished into binomials, tri- nomials, quadrinomials, &c, according to the number of terms in them ; viz, the binomial having two terms ; the trinomial, three ; the quadrinomial, 4 ; &c. Also, those that have more than two terms, are called by the general name of multinomials, as also polynomials. Compound Ratio, is that which is made, by adding two or more ratios together ; viz, by multiplying all their antecedents together for the antecedent, and all the consequents together for the consequent of the com- pound ratio. So 6" to 72 is a ratio compounded of the ratios 2 to 6, and 3 to 12; because — = - x — ■ 73 6 12 also ab to cd is a ratio compounded of the ratio of a to c, and b to d ; for — - = - x -. See Composition of Ratios, cd c d COMPRESSION, the act of pressing, or squeezing something, so as to bring its parts nearer together, and make it occupy less space. Compression differs from condensation as the cause from the effect, compression be- ing the action of any force on a body, without regarding its effects ; whereas condensation denotes the state of a body that is actually reduced into a less bulk, and is an effect of compression, though it may be effected also by other means. Nevertheless, compression and condensation are often confounded. Pumps, which the ancients imagined to act by suction, do in reality act by compression ; the piston, in working in the narrow pipe, compresses the inclosed air, so as to enable it, by the force of its increased elasticity, to raise the valve, and make its escape ; on which, the balance being destroyed, the pressure of the atmosphere on the stagnant surface, forces up the water in the pipe, thus evacuated of its air. It was long thought that water was not compressible in- to less bulk : and it was believed, till lately, that after the air had been purged out of it, no art or violence was able to press it into less space. In an experiment made by the Academy del Cimento, water, when violently squeezed, made its way through the fine pores of a globe of gold, ra- ther than yield to the compression. But the ingenious Mr. Canton, attentively considering this experiment, found that it was not sufficiently accu- rate to justify the conclusion which had always been drawn from it; since the Florentine philosophers had no method of determining that the alteration of figure in their globe of gold, occasioned such a diminution of its internal capacity, as was exactly equal to the quantity of water forced into its pores. To bring this matter therefore to a more accurate and decisive trial, he procured a small glass tube of about two feet long, with a ball at one end, of an inch and a quarter in diameter. Having filled the ball and part of the tube with mercury, and brought it exactly to the heat of 50° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, he marked the place where the mercury stood in the Mtbe, 2Z2 C O M [ 356 ] CON which was about six inches and a half above the ball ; he then raised the mercury by heat to the top of the tube, and there seated the tube hermetically; then on reducing the mercury to the same degree of heat as before, it stood in the tube T 3 ^ of an inch higher than the mark. The same experiment was repeated with water exhausted of air, instead of mercury, and the water stood in the tube -f%3_ of an inch above the mark. Since the weight of the atmosphere on the outside of the ball, without any coun- terbalance from within, will compress the ball, and equally raise both the mercury and water, it appears that the water expands -^^ of an inch more than the mercury by removing the weight of the atmosphere. Having thus de- termined that water is really compressible, he proceeded to estimate the degree of condensation corresponding to any given weight. For this purpose he prepared another ball, with a tube joined thereto ; and finding that the mer- cury in .j% 3 o of an inch of the tube was the hundred thou- sandth part of that contained in the ball, he divided the tube accordingly. He then filled the ball and part of the tube with water exhausted of air; and leaving the tube open, placed this apparatus under the receiver of an air- pump, and observed the degree of expansion of the water answering to any degree of rarefaction of the air ; and again by putting it into the glass receiver of a condensing engine, he noted the degree of condensation of the water corresponding to any degree of condensation of the air. He thus found, by repeated trials, that, in a temperature of 50*, and.when the mercury has been at its mean height in the barometer, the water expands one part in 21740; and is as much compressed by the weight of an additional atmosphere ; or the compression of water by twice the weight of the atmosphere, is one part in 10870 of its whole bulk. Should it be objected, that the compressibility of the water was owing to any air which it might be supposed to contain, he answers, that more air would make it more compressible; he therefore let into the ball a bubble of air, and found that the water was not more compressed by the same weight than before. In some further experiments of the same kind, Mr. Can- ton determined that water is more compressible in winter than in summer; but he observed the contrary in spirit of wine, and oil of olives. The following table was form- ed, when the barometer was at 29 inches and a half, and the thermometer at 50 degrees. Compression of Spirit of wine Oil of olives Rain water Sea water Mercury He infers that these fluids are not only compressible, but elastic ; and that the compressions of them, by the same weight, are not in the inverse ratio of their densities, or specific gravities, as might be supposed. Phil. Trans, vol.lii. 176'2, art. 103; and vol. liv. 176'4, art. 47- The compression of tlie air, by its own weight, is sur- prisingly great : but the air may be still farther compress- ed by art. See Elasticity of Air. This immense com- pression and dilatation, Newton observes, cannot be ac- counted for in any other way, but by a repelling force, with which the particles of air are endued; by virtue of which, when at liberty, they mutually recede from each other. onth pts. Spec, grav 66 846 48 918 46' 1000 40 1028 3 13595 He also further informs us, that this repelling power is stronger and more sensible in air, than in other bodies ; because air is generated out of very fixed bodies, but not without great difficulty, and by the help of fermentation : now those particles always recede from each other with the greatest violence, and are compressed with the "reatest difficulty, which, when contiguous, cohere the most strongly. See Air-, Attraction, Cohesion, Dilatation, and Repulsion. COMPUTATION, the manner of accounting and esti- mating time, weights, measures, money, &c. See Cal- culation, which it is also used for. CONCAVE, an appellation used in speaking of the inner surface of hollow bodies, more especially of spherical or circular ones. Concave glasses, lenses, and mirrors, have either one side or both sides concave. The- property of all concave lenses is, that the rays of light, in passing through them, are deflected, or made to recede from one another; as in convex lenses they are inflected towards each other; and that the more as the con- cavity or convexity has a smaller radius. Hence parallel rays, as those of the sun, b}' passing through a concave lens, become diverging; diverging rays are made to di- verge more; and converging rays are made either to con- verge less, or to become parallel, or; go out diverging. And hence it is, that objects viewed through concave lenses, appear diminished; and the more so, as they are portions of less spheres. See Lens. Concave mirrors have the contrary effect to lenses : they reflect the rays which fall on them, so as to make them approach more to, or recede from each other, than before, according to the situation of the object; and that the more as the concavity is greater, or as the radius of concavity is less. Hence it is that concave mirrors mag- nify objects that are presented to them ; and that in a greater proportion, as they are portions of smaller spheres. And hence also concave mirrors have the effect of burnin<* glasses. See Mirror, and Burning-Glass. CONCAVITY, that side of a figure or body which is hollow. — An arch of a curve has its concavity turned all the same way, when the right lines that join airy two of its points are all on the same side of the arch. Archimedes, intending to include in his definition such lines as have rectilinear parts, says, a line has its concavity turned one way, when the right lines that join any two of its points, are either all on one side of it, or while some fall upon the line itself, none fall on the opposite side. Archim. de Sphajr. et Cyl. Def. 2; and Maclaurin's Flux- ions, art. 180. . When two lines that have their concavity turned the same way, have the same extremes, and the one includes the other, or has its concavity towards it, the perimeter of that which includes, is greater than that which is included. Archiin. ib. ax. 2. CONCENTRIC, having the same centre. It is opposed to excentric, or having different centres. The word is chiefly used in speaking of round bodies and figures, such as circular, and elliptic ones; but it may also be used for polygons that are drawn parallel to each oilier, from the same centre. — Nonius's method of graduating instruments consists in describing with the same quadrant 45 concen- tric arches, dividing the outermost into 90 equal parts, the next into 89, and so on. CON C 3S7 ] CON CONCHOID, or Cofchiles, the name of a curve in- vented by Nicomedes. It was much used by the ancients in the construction of solid problems, as appears by what Pappus says. — It is thus constructed : ap and bd beingtwo lines intersecting at right angles; from p draw a number of other lines pfde, &c, on which take always de = df = ABorBC; so shall the curve line drawn through all the points e, e, e, be the first conchoid, or that of Nico- medes; and the curve drawn through all the other points f, f, f, is called the second conchoid ; though in reality, they are both but parts of the same curve, having the same pole p, and four infinite legs, to which the line dbd is a common asymptote. £ , E.A gj ***' The fixed point p is called the pole or centre of the conchoid. And the line ed is calted the directrix. To determine the equation of the curve : putAB = BC = DE = DF = a, PB ■= b, BG = EH = X, and GE = BH =zy\ then the equation to the first conchoid will be x" 1 x (b -+- x) x -h x l y L — a' 1 x (J+ x) 2 , or X* -+- 2bx 3 -+- b 2 x 2 •+• x 2 y 2 = arb 2 ■+- 2irbx -+- a?x 2 ; and, changingonly the sign of x, as being negative in the other curve, the equation to the 2d conchoid will be x"' x (b — x) 2 -+■ x 2 y 2 =a z x (6 — a:) 2 or x* — 2bx 3 + b z x 2 ■+■ x 2 y 2 = a z b 2 — 2a z bx ■+■ a 2 x 2 . Of the whole conchoid, expressed by these two equa- tions, or rather one equation only, with different signs, there are three cases or species ; as first, when BC is less than bp, the conchoid will be as in fig. 1 ; when bc is equal to bp, the conchoid will be as in fig. 2; and when bc is greater than bp, the conchoid will be as in fig. 3. Newton approves of the use of the conchoid for trisect- ing angles, or finding two mean proportionals, or for con- structing other solid problems. Thus, in the Linear Con- struction of equations, towards the end of his Universal Arithmetic, he says, " The ancients at first endeavoured in vain at the trisection of an angle, and the finding of two mean proportionals by a right line and a circle. Af- terwards they began to consider several other lines, as the conchoid, the cissoid, and the conic sections, and by some of these to solve these problems." Again, " Either there- fore the trochoid is not to be admitted at all into geo- metry, or else, in the construction of problems, it is to be preferred to all lines of a more difficult description: and there is the same reason for other curves; for which rea- son we approve of the trisections of an angle by a con- choid, which Archimedes in his Lemmas, and Pappus in his Collections, have preferred to the inventions of all others in this case; because we ought either to exclude all lines, besides the circle and right line, out of geometry, or admit them according to the simplicity of their descrip- tions, in which case the conchoid yields to none, except the circle/' Lastly, " That is arithmetically more sim- ple which is determined by the more simple equations, but that is geometrically more simple which is determined by the more simple drawing of lines; 1 and in geometry, that ought to be reckoned best which is geometrically most simple: wherefore I ought not to be blamed, if, with that prince of mathematicians, Archimedes, and other an- cients, I make use of the conchoid for the construction of solid problems." CONCRETE Numbers are those that are applied to ex- press or denote any particular subject; as 3 men, 2 pounds, &g. Whereas, if nothing be connected with a number, it is taken abstractedly or universally: thus, 4 signifies only an aggregate of 4 units, without any regard to a par- ticular subject, whether men or pounds, or any thing else. CONCURRING, or Congruent Figures, in Geo- metry, are such as, being laid upon one another, do ex- actly correspond to, and cover one another, and conse- quently must be equal among themselves. Thus, trian- gles having two sides and the contained angle equal, each to each, are congruent or equal to each other in all respects. CONDAMINE (Charles Marie de la), a French mathematician, and chevalier of the order of St. Lazare. He was born at Paris in 1701 ; and began his career in the military service; but, soon yielding to his inclination for natural curiosities, he travelled over the East. After- wards, in 1735, 1736", &c, he was employed, along with M. Godin, Bouguer, and other mathematicians, to mea-. sure the meridian in Peru, near Quito; from which he re- turned by the river Amazon, through vast dangers and difficulties, as may be seen in the account he published of the voyage, which was not finished under the course of ten years. After in some degree recovering his health he travelled through Italy and England, &c, and died in 1774. Condamine was admitted into the Academy of Sciences in 1730, the French Academy in 176*0, and was also a member of several foreign academies. The published works of Condamine are, 1. Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale, 1745, Svo. 2. Figure de la Terre, 1749> in 4to. 3. Voyage a l'Equateur, avec le Supplement, ct l'Hi- stoire des Piramides de Quito, 1751 and 1752, 2 vols. 4to. 4. Three "Memoirs on Inoculation, and Letters on the same subject. Besides numerous scientific articles in most of the vo- . lumes of Memoirs of" the Academy of Sciences, from the year 1731 to 1768 inclusively. CONDENSATION, is the compressing or reducing a body into a loss bulk or space; by which means it is ren- dered more dense and compact. Compression and Con- densation (though sometimes used the one for the other) differ in this; viz, that the former denotes a diminution of bulk occasioned by the application of external force; whereas, the latter expresses the same effect when pro- duced without that external application, as is the case with most bodies in cooling. But the word Condensation has been more commonly used for denoting the conver- sion of vapour into water, or of vapours in general into liquids. Notwithstanding this definition, it is to be remarked, that in every case of condensation, or of the contraction of a body into a narrower space, the effect is produced by CON [ 358 ] CON the escape of something; and in bodies which appear to be the simplest in nature, the contraction which they un- dergo in cooling, is occasioned by the escape of the ca- loric, which the present.state of philosophical knowledge reckons among the elementary substances. But the re- verse of this is not always true; viz, bodies are not always contracted in their dimensions when the caloric escapes from them ; and such has been found to be the case with water, with iron, and with some other substances in cer- tain temperatures. It is however evident that condensation in general con- sists in bringing the parts closer to each other, and increa- sing their contact, whatever may be their form or state of previous existence, or the means by which it is effected : in opposition to rarefaction, which renders the body lighter and looser, -by setting the parts farther asunder, and di- minishing their contact, and of consequence their cohesion. Air condenses, either by cold, or by pressure, but much more by the latter; and most of all by chemical process. Water condenses also under the same circumstances of ac- tion ; but it suddenly expands by congelation : indeed al- most all matter, both solids and fluids, has the same pro- perty of condensation by those means. See Compres- sion. So also vapouris condensed, orconverted into water, by distillation, or naturally in the clouds. The way in which vapour commonly condenses, is by the escape of the caloric. On touching it, the vapour parts with this heat: and on doing so, it immediately loses the proper charac- teristics of vapour, and becomes water. But though this be the most common and usual way in which vapour in general is condensed, yet nature certainly proceeds after another manner; since we often observe the vapours most plentifully condensed when the weather is really warmer than at other times. — -Most bodies are susceptible of three successive states of existence ; namely, the solid, the li- quid, and the elastic or vaporous ; and all these are ef- fected by the introduction of caloric. During every one of those states, a different degree of condensation is pro- duced by the intermediate gradations of temperature, viz, such as are not quite sufficient to induce a different state of existence in the body concerned. Thus, a quantity of the vapour of water, which at the temperature of 242° (Fahrenheit's thermometer), and under the mean gravity of the atmosphere, occupies the space of 3600 cubic inches; if it be gradually cooled until the temperature becomes equal to about 212°, its bulk will be contracted so as to occupy the half of the space it did before, viz, about 1800 cubic inches. If the temperature be lowered below212°, the vapour will be condensed into liquid water, which will occupy the space of not more than a single cu- bic inch. If the cooling be continued, the water will be contracted in its bulk, but not very regularly (that is, the decrements of bulk will not be exactly proportional to the decrements of heat) until the temperature descends to a- bout 42°. Below that degree the water, instead of con- tracting its bulk, is expanded by further cooling; viz, by a further abstraction of caloric. This is a very remark- able property of water, on which some interesting pheno- mena of nature are depending. The water, though cx- paudinghelow the temperature of 42°, still continues fluid, as far as about the temperature of 32°; but below this last-mentioned point, by further cooling it becomes a solid, namely, ice ; and in this form water occupies a greater space than it did in a liquid state. Since the enlargement of the bulk of water commences at about the temperature of 42°. which is ten degrees above the point of melting ice, commonly called the freezing point, which is 32°, it is evident that the particles of water begin to arrange themselves in a particular order long be- fore the freezing takes place. And, by following the ana- logy, it may be supposed that in every state of existence, the particles of bodies have, more or less, a tendency to arrange themselves in a certain order; to which tendency the irregularities in the condensations of bodies are pro- bably to be attributed. CONDENSER, a pneumatic engine, or syringe, by which an extraordinary quantity of air may be forced into a given space; so that frequently ten atmospheres, or ten times as much air as the space naturally contains, without the engine, may be thrown in by means of it, and its egress prevented by valves properly disposed. The condenser is made either of metal or glass, and either in a cylindrical or globular form, into which the air is thrown with an injecting syringe. The receiver, or ves- sel containing the condensed air, should be made very strong, to bear the force of the air's elasticity thus in- creased ; for which reason it is commonly made of brass. When glass is used, it will not bear so great a condensa- tion of air; but then the experiment will be more enter- taining, as the effect may be viewed of the condensed air upon any subject put therein. CONDITION, Equations of, in the Integral Cal- culus, are certain equations of this form, - = -, useful in * y x ascertaining whether a proposed fluxion will admit of tinite integration, or a finite'fluent. This method was given by M. Clairaut, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 1740, and may be explained in this manner. When a given fluxional equation is very complex, it is often difficult to determine whether it be intcgrable or not ; the object of this method is then to ascertain that point. In order to which, Clairaut demonstrates, that if there be a fluxional equation of the first order, expressed generally by these two terms ax + bj), where a denotes all the terms or quantities that multiply ■*, and b all those that multiply y, being fluxions of x and y ,• and if in such equation, there be taken the fluxion of a, making y only variable; next in like manner the fluxion of b, making ar only variable ; then if that fluxion of a when divided by y, give the same result as the fluxion of b when divided by x, the proposed equation will be integrated. Suppose, for instance, the general proposed quantity be ax m y n : its fluxion is amx ml y n x -t- any "' l x m y. Here then a is amx m ~'y", and b is any'"' x m . Now, by taking the fluxions of these two quantities again, making only y vari- able in a, and x only in B, striking out j in the former, and •* from the latter, there results the same quantity amnx m ''y"~ l . This rule is expressed more briefly by these kinds of symbols: if the fluxion of ax -+- ny be inte- arable, then must^ =-, that is, the fluxion of a, making ° y x a only y variable, and dividing byy, will be equal to the fluxion of B, making only X variable, and dividing by x. Clairaut shows, in like manner, that in a fluxional ex- pression from three variables, x, y, z, thus expressed, £x -+- ny ■+■ cz, in order that it may be intcgrable, these. three following equations must be true, i = -1 and - = ?, y x z. x and -r = -.; whence it is sufficiently suggested that if there CON [ 359 be a fluxional expression from four variables, it must be satisfied by six such equations, viz, as many as are the combinations of 4 things by 2 at a time; and so on for more complex cases. And this is what is meant by Equa- tions of Condition. For example, suppose the fluxional expression x^/y ■+■ .tv . t ayx . -£y ayf/x — -— be proposed, which is sufficiently complex not to be easily judged whether it be integrable or not. Here, taking all the terms that multiply x, they give */y — 2 = A, and all the terms that multiply j give — a^/x = B. Then taking the fluxion of a, making ] CON 'Wv V.V only y variable, and suppressing y, taking ' the fluxion of b, making only x variable, and dividing by ■*, gives also — ; -, the same as the for- mer; that is, 4 = -, and consequently the proposed ex- pression is quadrable. Hence the integration is easy and evident, for it is only to integrate either a* making?/ constant, or bj> making x ; that is either x*/v : — or —. ajl/x, both of which v J 3x1 i^/y J v give, by their integration, the same quantity x^/y — ay %/x, which is therefore the fluent of the proposed fluxion ■ / x y -s, a v x vv 3a; 3 CONDORCET (John-Anthony Nicholas de Ca- ritat, Marquis of), member of the Institute of Bologna, of the Academies of Turin, Berlin, Stockholm, Upsal, Phi- ladelphia, Petersburg, Padua, &c, and secretary to tiie Academy of Sciences at Paris, was bom at Ribemont in Picardic, the 17th of September 1743. His early attach- ment to the sciences, and progress in them, soon rendered him a conspicuous character in the commonwealth of let- ters. He was received as a member of the Academy of Sciences at 25 years of age, namely, in March 1769, as Adjunct-Mechanician; afterwards, he became Associate in 1770, Adjunct-Secretary in 1773, and sole Secretary soon after, which he enjoyed till his death, or till the dis- solution of the Academy by the Convention. Condorcet soon became an author, and that in the most sublime branches of mathematics. He published his Es- sais d Analyse in several parts ; the first part in 17(55, at 22 years of age ; the second, in 1767 ; and the third, in 1768. These works are chiefly on the Integral Calculus, or the finding of Fluents, and make one volume 4to. He published the Eloges of the Academicians or mem- bers of the Academy of Sciences, from the year 1666 till 1700, in several volumes. He wrote also similar Eloges of the Academicians who died during the time that he dis- charged the important office of Secretary to the Academy; as well as the very useful histories of the different branches of science commonly prefixed to the volumes of Memoirs, till the volume for the year 17S3, when it is to be la- mented that so useful a part of the plan of the Academy was discontinued. I lis other memoirs contained in the volumes of the Aca- demy, are the following. 1. Tract on the Integral Calculus; 1765. 2. On the problem of Three Bodies; 1767. 3. Observations on the Integral Calculus; 1767- 4. On the Nature of Infinite Series; on the Extent of the Solutions which they give; and on a new method of Ap- proximation for Differential Equations of all Orders; 1769. 5. On Equations for Finite Differences; 1770. 6. On Equations for Partial Differences; 1770. 7- On Differential Equations; 1770. 8. Additions to the foregoing Tracts; 1770. 9- On the Determination of Arbitrary Functions which enterthelntegralsof Equations to Partial Differences ; 1 771. 10. Reflexions on the Methods of Approximation hi- therto known for Differential Equations; 1771. 11. Theorem concerning Quadratures ; 1771. 12. Inquiry concerning the Integral Calculus; 1772. 13. Calculation of Probabilities, part 1 and 2; 1781. 14. Continuation of the same, part 3 ; 1782. 15. Ditto, part 4; 1783. 16. Ditto, part 5; 1784. 'Condorcet had the character of being a very worthy honest man, and a respectable author, though perhaps not a first-rate one, and produced an excellent set of Eloges of the deceased Academicians, during the time of his se- cretaryship. A late French political writer has observed of him, that he laboured to succeed to the literary throne of d'Alembert, but that he cannot be ranked among illus- trious authors ; that his works have neither animation nor depth, and that his style is dull and dry ; that some bold attacks on religion and declamations against despotism have chiefly given a degree of fame to his writings. On the breaking out of the troubles in France, our au- thor took a decided part on the side of the people, and steadily maintained the cause he had espoused amid all the shocks and intrigues of contending parties; till, under the tyranny of Robespierre, he was driven from the con- vention, being one of those members proscribed on the 31st of May 1793, and he died March 28, 1794. The manner of his death is thus described by the public prints of that time. He was obliged to conceal himself with the greatest care for the purpose of avoiding the fate of Bris- sot and the other deputies who were executed. He did not however attempt to quit Paris, but concealed himself in the house of a female, who, though she knew him only by name, did not hesitate to risk her own life for the pur- pose of preserving that of Condorcet. In her house he remained till the month of March 1794, when it was ru- moured that a domiciliary visit was to be made, which obliged him to leave Paris. Though he had neither pass- port nor civic card, he escaped through the barrier, and arrived at the plain of Mont Rouge, where he expected to find an asylum in the country-house of an intimate friend. Unfortunately this friend had set out for Paris, where he was to remain for three days. — During all this period, Condorcet wandered about the;. fields and in the woods, not daring to enter an inn on account of not having a civic card. Half dead with hunger, fatigue, and feary and scarcely able to walk on account of a wound in his foot, he passed the night under a tree. At length his friend returned, and received him with great cordiality; but as it \vas deemed imprudent that he should enter the house in the day-time, he returned to the woods till night. In this short interval between morning and night his caution forsook him, and he went to an inn at Clamars, where he ordered an omlette. His torn clothes, his dirty cap, his meagre and pale countenance, and the greediness with which he devoured the omlette, fixed the attention of the persons in the inn, aniong whom was a member of the revolutionary committee of Cla- CON [ 360 ] CON mars. This man conceiving him to be Condorcet, who had effected his escape from the Bicetre, asked him whi- ther he was going, and whether he had a passport. The confused manner in which he replied to these questions, induced the member to order him to be conveyed before the committee, who, after an examination, sent him to the district of Boury la Reine. He was there interrogated again; and the unsatisfactory answers which he gave, de- termined the directors of the district to send him to pri- son on the succeeding day. — During the night he was con- fined in a kind of dungeon. On the next morning, when his keeper entered with some bread and water for him, he found him stretched on the ground without any signs of life. On inspecting the body, the immediate cause of his death could not be discovered, but it was conjectured that he had poisoned himself. Condorcet indeed always car- ried a dose of poison in his pocket; and he said to the friend who was to have received him into his house, that he had been often tempted to make use of it, but that the idea of a wife and daughter, whom he loved tenderly, re- strained him. During the time that he was concealed at Paris, he wrote a history of the Progress of the Human Mind, in two volumes. CONDUCTOR, in Electricity, a term first introduced in this science by Dr. Desaguliers, and used to denote those substances which are capable of receiving and trans- mitting electricity ; in opposition to electrics, in which the matter or virtue of electricity may be excited and ac- cumulated, or retained. The former are also called non- electrics, and the latter non-conductors. And all bodies are ranked under one or other of these two classes, though none of them are perfect electrics, nor perfect conductors, so as wholly to retain, or freely and without resistance to transmit the electric fluid. To the class of conductors, belong all metals and semi- metals, ores, and all fluids (except air and oils), together with the substances containing them, the effluvia of fla- ming bodies, ice (unless very hard frozen), and snow, most saline and stony substances, charcoals, of which the best are those that have been exposed to the greatest heat, smoke, and the vapour of hot water. It seems probable that the electric fluid passes through the substance, and not merely over the surfaces of metal- lic conductors ; because, if a wire of any kind of metal be covered with some electric substance, as resin, sealing- wax, &c, and ajar be discharged through it, the charge will be conducted quite as well as without the electric coating. Some philosophers have even alleged, that electricity will pervade a vacuum, and be transmitted through it al- most as freely as through the substance of the best con- ductor : but Mr. Walsh found, that the electric spark or shock would no more pass through a perfect vacuum, than through a piece of solid glass. In other instances how- ever, when the vacuum has been made with all possible care, the experiment has not succeeded. It may also be observed, that many of the forementioned substances are capable of being electrified, and that their conducting power may be destroyed and recovered by dif- ferent processes : for example, green wood is a conduc- tor; but baked, it becomes a non-conductor; again its conducting power is restored by charring it; and lastly it is destroyed by reducing this to ashes. Again, many electric substances, as glass, resin, air, &c, become conductors by being made very hot : however, air heated by glass must be excepted. See, on this subject, Priestley's Hist, of Electricity, vol. 1 ; Franklin's Letters &c, pa. 96 and 262, edit. 1769; & Cavallo's Complete Treat, of Electr. chap. 2 ; Henley's Exper. and Obser. in Electr. also Philos. Trans, vol.67, p. 122; and elsewhere in the different volumes of the Transactions. Prime Conductor, is an insulated conductor, so con- nected with the electrical machine, as to receive the elec- tricity immediately from the excited electric. Mr. Grer first employed metallic conductors in this way, in 1734- ; and these were several pieces of metal suspended on silken strings, which he charged with electricity. M. Du Fay fastened to the end of an iron bar, which he used ashisprime conductor, a bundle of linen threads, to which, he ap- plied the excited tube; but these were afterwards changed for small wires suspended from a common gun-barrel, or other metallic rod. In the present advanced state of the science, this part of the electrical apparatus has been considerably im- proved. The prime conductor is made of hollow brass, and usually of a cylindrical form. Care should be taken, that it be perfectly smooth and round, without points and sharp edges. The ends of the conductor are spherical; and it is necessary, that the part most remote from the electric should be made round and much larger than the rest, the better to prevent the electric matter from escaping, which it always endeavours most to do at the greatest di- stance from the electric : and the other end also should be furnished with several pointed wires or needles, either suspended from, or fixed to an open metallic ring, and pointing to the globe, or cylinder, or plate, to collect the electricity. It is best supported by pillars of solid glass, covered with sealing-wax or good varnish. Prime conductors of a large size are usually made of paste- board, covered with tin-foil or gilt paper; these being use- ful for throwing off a longer and denser spark than those of a smaller size: they should terminate in a smaller knob or obtuse edge, at which the sparks should be solicited. Mr. Naime prepared a conductor 6 feet in length, and 1 foot in diameter, from which he drew electrical sparks at the distance of 16, 17, or 18 inches; and Dr. Van Ma- rum still far exceeded this, with a conductor of 8 inches diameter, and upwards of 20 feet long, formed of different pieces, and applied to the large electrical machine in Tey- ler's Museum at Haerlem, the most powerful machine of the kind ever yet constructed. But the size of the con- ductor is always limited by that of the electric, there be- ing a maximum which the size of the former should not exceed ; for it may be so large, that the dissipation of the electricity from its surface may be greater than that which the electric is capable of supplying. Dr. Priestley recommends a prime conductor of polish- ed copper, in the form of a pear, supported by a pillar and a firm basis of baked wood : this receives its fire by a long arched wire of soft brass, which may be easily bent, and raised or lowered to the globe : it is terminated by an open ring, in which some sharp-pointed wires are suspended. In the body of this conductor are holes for the insertion of metalline rods. This, he observes, collects the fire per- fectly well, and retains it equally every where. See Phi- losoph. Transact, vol. 6±, art. 7 ; and Hist. Elect, vol. 2, §2. Mr. Henley has contrived a new kind of prime conduce C O N [ 361 ] CON or, which, from its use, is called the luminous conductor. It consists of a glass tube ]8 inches long, and 2 inches diameter. The tube is furnished at both ends with brass caps and ferrules about 2 inches long, cemented and made air-tight, and terminated by brass balls. In one of these caps is drilled a small, hole, which is covered by a strong \alve, and serves for exhausting the tube of its air. Within the tube at each end there is a knobbed wire, projecting to the distance of 2 inches and a half from the brass caps. • To one of the balls is' annexed a fine-pointed wire for re- ceiving and collecting the electricity, and to the other a ■wire with a knob or ball for discharging it. The conduc- tor, thus prepared, is supported on pillars of sealing-wax or glass. Resides the common purposes of a 'prime con- ductor to an electrical machine, this apparatus serves to exhibit and ascertain the direction of the electric matter in its passage through it. See a figure of this conductor in the Philos. Trans, with a description of experiments, &c, with it, vol. 64, pa. 403. Conductors of Lightning, are pointed metallic rods, fixed to the upper parts of buildings, to secure them from strokes of lightning. ' These were invented and proposed by Dr. Franklin for this purpose, soon after the identity of electricity and lightning was ascertained; and they ex- hibit a very important and useful application of modern discoveries in this science. This ingenious philosopher, having found that -pointed bodies are better fitted for re- ceiving and throwing off the electric fire, than such as are terminated by blunt ends or flat surfaces, and that metals are the readiest and best conductors, soon discovered that lightning and electricity resembled each other in this and other distinguishing properties : he therefore recommended a pointed metalline rod, to be raised some feet above the highest part of a building, and to be continued down into the ground, or the nearest water. The lightning, should it ever come within a certain distance of this rod or wire, would be attracted by it, and pass through it, preferably to any other part of the building, and be conveyed into the earth or water, and there dissipated, without doing any damage to the building. Many facts have occurred to evince the utility of this simple and apparently trifling apparatus. And yet some electricians, of whom Mr. Wil- son was the chief, have objected to the pointed termina- tion 1 of this conductor; preferring rather a blunt end: because, they pretend, a point invites the electricity from the clouds, and attracts it at a greater distance than a blunt conductor. Philos. Trans, vol. 54, pa. 234; vol. 63, pa. 49; and vol. 68, pa. 232. This subject has indeed been very accurately examined and discussed ; and pointed conductors are almost uni- versally, and for the best reasons, recommended as the most proper and eligible. A sharp-pointed conductor, as it attracts the electric matter of a cloud at a greater di- stance than the other, draws it off gradually : and by con- veying it away gently, and in a continued stream, prevents an accumulation and a stroke; whereas a conductor with a blunt termination receives the whole discharge of a cloud at once, and is much more likely to be exploded, when- . ever a cloud comes within a striking distance. To this may be added experience; for buildings guarded by either natural or artificial conductors terminating in a point, have very seldom been struck by lightning; but others, having flat or blunt terminations, have often been struck and damaged by it. The best conductor for this purpose, is a rod of iron, Vol. I. or rather of copper, as being a better conductor of elec- tricity, and less liable to rust, about 3 quaiters of an inch thick, which is either to be. fastened to the walls of a building by wooden cramps, or supported by wooden posts, at the distance of a foot or two from the wall ; though less may do : its upper end should terminate in a pyramidal form, with a sharp point and edges ; and, when made of iron, gilt or painted near the top, or else pointed with copper ; and be elevated 5 or 6 feet above the highest part of the building, or chimneys, to which it may be fastened. The lower end should be driven 5 or 6 feet into the ground, and directed from the foundations of the building, or continued till it communicates with the nearest water: and if this part be made of lead, it will be less apt to decay. When the conductor is formed of different pieces of metal, care should be taken that they are well joined : and it is farther recommended, that a communi- cation be made from the conductor by plates of lead, 8 or 10 inches broad, with the lead on the ridges and gutters, and with the pipes that carry down the rain, which should be continued to the bottom of the building, and be made to communicate either with water or moist earth, or with the main pipe which supplies the house with water. If the building be large, two, three, or more conductors should be applied to different parts of it, in proportion to its extent. Philos. Trans, vol. 64, pa. 403. Chains have been used as conductors for preservinu- ships; but as the electric matter does not pass readily through the links composing them, copper wires, a little thicker than a goose-quill, have been preferred, and are now generally used. They should reach 2 or 3 feet above the highest mast, and be continued down in any conve- nient direction, so as always to touch the sea water. Phi- los. Trans, vol. 52, pa. 633. See also Franklin's Letters &c 1769, pa. 65, 124, 479, &c ; and Cavallo's Electr. ch. 9. ' For the Construction and management of Electrical Kites, and Conductors or Machines for drawing electricity from the clouds, see Priestley's Hist, of Electr. vol. 2 pa. 103, edit. 1775. CONE, a kind of round pyramid, or a solid body hav- ing a circle for its base, and its sides formed by right lines drawn from the circumference of the base to a point at top, being the vertex or apex of the cone. Euclid defines a cone to be a solid figure, whose base is a circle, and is produced by the entire revolution of a right-angled triangle about its perpendicular leo-, called the axis of the cone. If this leg, or axis, be greater than the base of the triangle, or radius of the circular base of the cone, then the cone is acute-angled, that is, the angle at its vertex is an acute angle ; but if the axis be less than the radius of the base, it is an obtuse-angled cone; and if they be equal, it is a right-angled cone. But Euclid's definition only ex- tends to aright cone, that is, to a cone whose axis is perpendicular or at right-angles to its base; and not to oblique ones, in which the axis is in- clined to the same, the general defi- nition, or description of which may be this : If a line va continually pass through the point v, turning on that point as a joint, and the lower part of it be carried round the cir- cumference aec of a circle; then the space inclosed between that circle CON [ 362 ] CON and the path of the line, is a cone. The circle abc is the base of the cone; v is its vertex; and the line vd, from the vertex to the centre of the base, is the axis of the cone. Also the other part of the revolving line, pro- duced above v, will describe another cone wacb, called the opposite cone, and having the same common axis produced Dvsf, and vertex v. Properties of the Cone. — l.The area or surface of every right cone, exclusive of its base, is equal to a triangle whose base is the periphery, and its height the slant side of the cone. Or, the curve superficies of a right cone, is to the area of its circular base, as the slant side is to the radius of the base. And therefore, the same curve sur- face of the cone is equal to the sector of a circle whose radius is the slant side, and its arch equal to the circum- ference of the base of the cone. 2. Every cone, whether right or oblique, is equal to one-third part of a cylinder of equal base and altitude; and therefore the solid content is found by multiplying the base by the altitude, and taking | of the product; and hence also all cones of the same or equal base and altitude, arc equal. 3. Though the solidity of an oblique cone be obtained in the same manner as that of a right one, it is otherwise with regard to the surface, since this cannot be reduced to the measure of a sector of a circle, because all the lines drawn from the vertex to the base arc not equal. See a Memoir on this subject, by M. Euler, in the Nouv. Mem. de Petersburg, vol. 1. Dr. Barrow has demonstrated, in his Lectiones Geometrical, that the solidity of a cone with an elliptic base, forming part of a right cone, is equal to the product of its surface by a third part of one of the perpendiculars drawn from the point in which the axis of the right cone intersects the ellipse; and that it is also equal to ■§■ of the height of the cone multiplied by the el- liptic base : consequently that the perpendicular is to the height of the cone, as the elliptic base is to the curve sur- face. For the curve surface of all the oblique parts of a cone, see my Mensur. pa. 174, &c. 4. To find the Curve Surface of the Frustum of a Cone. Multiply half the sum of the circumferences of the two ends, by the slant side, or distance between these circum- ferences. 5. For the Solidity of the Frustum of a Cone, add into one sum the areas of the two ends and the mean propor- tional between them, multiply that sum by the perpendi- cular height, and •§■ of the product will be the solidity. See also my Mensuration, pa. 136, &c. 6. The Centre of Gravity of a cone is | of the axis di- stant from the vertex. Cones of the Higher Kinds, are those whose bases are circles of the higher kinds; and are generated, like the common cone, by conceiving a line turning on a point or vertex on high, and revolving round the circle of the higher kind. Cone of Rays, in Optics, includes all the several rays which fall from any point of a radiant object, on the sur- face of a glass. Double Cone, ox Spindle, in Mechanics, is a solid form- ed of two equal cones joined at their bases. If this be laid on the lower part of two rulers, making an angle with each other, and elevated in a certain degree above the ho- rizontal plane, the cones will roll up towards the superior ends, and appear to ascend, though in reality its centre of gravity descends perpendicularly lower. CONFIGURATION, the exterior surface or shape that bounds bodies, and gives them their particular figure. CONFUSED Vision. See Vision. CONGELATION, or Freezing, the act of fixing the fluidity of any liquid, by cold, or the application of cold bodies: in which it differs from coagulation, which is produced by other causes. See Freezing, Frost, ' and !ce. CONGRUITY, in Geometry, is applied to lines and figures, which exactly correspond- when laid over each other; as having the same terms, or bounds. It is as- sumed, as an axiom, that those things are equal and simi- lar, betw'een which there is acongruity. Euclid, and most geometricians alter him, demonstrate great part of their elements from the principle of congruity: though Leib- nitz and Wolfius substitute the notion of Similitude in- stead of that of congruity. CONIC Sections, are the figures made by cutting a cone by a plane. 2. According to the different positions of the cutting plane, there arise five different figures or sections, viz, a Triangle, a Circle, an Ellipse, a Parabola, and an Hyper- bola: the last three of which only are peculiarly called conic sections. 3. If the cutting plane pass through the vertex of the cone, and any part of the base, the section will evidently be a Triangle; as vab. 4. If the plane cut the cone pa- rallel to the base, or make no angle with it, the section will be a Circle, as AED. 5. The section dab is an Ellipse, when the cone is cut obliquely through both sides, or when the plane is inclined to the base in a less anule than the side of the cone is. 6. The section is a Parabola, when the cone is cut by a plane parallel to the side, or when the cutting plane and the side of the cone make equal angles with the base. 7. The section is an Hyperbola, when the cutting plane makes a greater angle with the base than the side of the cone does. And if the plane be continued to cut the op- posite cone, this latter section is called the opposite hyper- bola to the former; as due. CON 8. The Vertices of any section, arc tlie points where the cutting plane meets the opposite sides of the cone, or the sides of the vertical triangular section ; as a and b.— Hence, the el- lipse and the opposite hyperbolas have each two vertices ; but the pa- rabola only one ; unless we consider the other as at an infinite distance. 9- The Axis, or Transverse Dia- meter, of a conic section, is the line' or distance ab between the vertices. — Hence the axis of a parabola is in- finite in length. 363 ] CON 10. The Centre c, is the middle point of the axis. — Hence the centre of a parabola is infinitely distant from the vertex. And of an ellipse, the axis and centre lie within the curve ; but of an hyperbola, without. 11. A Diameter is any right line, as ab or de, drawn through the centre, and terminated on each side by the curve : and the extremities of the diameter, or its inter- sections with the curve, are its Vertices. — Hence all the diameters of a parabola are parallel to the axis, and infi- nite in length ; because drawn through the centre, a point at an infinite distance. And hence also every diameter of the ellipse and hyperbola has two vertices ; but of the pa- rabola, only one; unless we consider the other as at an in- finite distance. 12. The Conjugate to any diameter, is the line drawn through the centre, and parallel (o the tangent of the curve at the vertex of the diameter. So fg, parallel to the fan- gent at i>, is the conjugate to de; and hi, parallel to the tangent at a, is the conjugate to ab. — Hence the conju- gate hi, of the axis a b, is perpendicular to the same; but the conjugates of other diameters arc oblique to them. 13. An Ordinate to any diameter, is a line parallel to its conjugate, or to the tangent at its vertex, and terminated by the diameter and curve. So dk and el are ordinales to the axis ab ; and mn and no ordinates to the diameter de. — Hence the ordinates of the axis are also perpendi- cular to it ; but of other diameters, the ordinates are ob- lique to them. 14. An Absciss is any part of a diameter, contained between its vertex and an ordinate to it; as ak or bk, and dnoi'en. — Hence, in the ellipse and hyperbola, every ordinate has two abscisses ; but in the parabola, only one ; the other vertex of the diameter being infinitely distant. 15. The Parameter of any diameter, is a third propor- tional to that diameter and its conjugate, in the ellipse and hyperbola, or to any absciss and its ordinate in the para- bola. 16. The Focus is the point in the axis where the ordi- nate is equal to half the parameter : as K and l, where dk or el is equal to the semiparameter. — Hence, the ellipse and hyperbola have each two foci ; but the parabola only one. — The foci, or burning points, were so called, because ail rays are united or reflected into one of them, which pro- ceed from the other focus, and are reflected from the curve. d H a I 17. If dae, fbg, be two opposite hyperbolas, having ab for their first or transverse axis, and ab for their second or conjugate axis; and if due,fbg-be two other opposite hyperbolas, having the same axes, but in the contrary or- der, viz, ab their first axis, and ab their second; then these two latter curves dae, fbg, are called the Conjugate Hy- perbolas to the former two, dae, fbg; and each pair of opposite curves mutually conjugate to the other. 18. And if tangents be drawn to the four vertices of the curves, or extremities of the axis, forming the inscribed rectangle hikl; the diagonals hck and icl, of this rect- angle, are called the Asymptotes of the curves. 19. Scholium. The rectangle inscribed between the four conjugate hyperbolas, is similar to a rectangle circum- scribed about anellipse, by drawing tangents, in like man- ner, to the four extremities of the two axes ; also the asymptotes or diagonals in the hyperbola, are analogous to those in the ellipse, cutting this curve in similar points, and making the pair of equal conjugate diameters. More- over, the whole figure, formed by the four hyperbolas, is as it were, an ellipse turned inside out, cut open at the extremities D, E, r, G, of the said equal conjugate dia- meters, and those four points drawn out to an infinite di- stance, the curvature being turned the contrary way, but the' axes, and the rectangle passing through their extre- mities, remaining fixed, or unaltered. Further if there be placed or conjoined four cones, in such a manner* as to have all their vertices meet in a com- mon point, also all their axes in the same plane, and their sides touching and coinciding through their whole length, in two lines crossing in the said common vertex point ; then if these four cones be all cut by one plane, parallel to the common plane of their four axes, the section will exhibit a very beautiful appearance of four hyperbolic sections, of which each pair of opposite ones are equals, and each pair has also the resemblance of what are usu- ally called the conjugates to the other pair; but are not really so, except only when the four cones are all equal ; in which case the four hyperbolic sections are all equal also. From the foregoing definitions arc easily derived the fol- lowing general corollaries to the sections. Ellipse. Hyperbola. Parabola, / 3 A2 CON [ 364 ] CON 20. Corol. 1. In the ellipse, the semiconjugate axis, CD, or ce, is a mean proportional between co and cp, the parts of the diameter op of a circular section of the cone, drawn through the centre c of the ellipse, and parallel to the base of the cone. For de is a double ordinate in this circle, being perpendicular to op as well as to ab. 21.- In like manner, in the hyperbola, the length of the semiconjugate axis, CD or ce, is a mean proportional be- tween co and cp, drawn parallel to the base, and meeting the sides of the cone in o and p. Or, if ao' be drawn pa- rallel to the side vb, and meet PC produced in o', making co' = co; and on this diameter o'p a circle be drawn pa- rallel to the base: then the semiconjugate cd or ce will be an ordinate of this circle, being perpendicular to o'p as well as to ab. Or, in both figures, the whole conjugate axis de is a mean proportional between qa and br, parallel to the base of the cone. See my Conic Sections, pa. 6. In the parabola, both the transverse and conjugate are infinite; for ab and br are both infinite. 22. Corol. 2- In all the sections, as will be equal to the parameter of the axis, if qg be drawn making the angle aqg equal to the angle bar. In like manner Bg will be equal to the same parameter, if rj be drawn to make the angle BRg = the angle abq. 23. Corol. 3. Hence the upper hyperbolic section, or section of the opposite cone, is equal and similar 'to the lower one. For the two sections have the same transverse or first axis ab, and the same conjugate or second axis de, which is the mean proportional between aq and br; and they have also equal parameters ag, Bg. So that the two opposite sections make, as it were, but the two oppo- site ends of one entire section or hyperbola, the two being everywhere mutually equal and similar. Like the two halves of an ellipse, with their ends turned the contrary way. 24. Corol. 4. And hence, though both the transverse and conjugate axis in the parabola be infinite, yet the for- mer is infinitely greater than the latter, or has an infinite ratio to it. For the transverse has the same ratio to the conjugate, at the conjugate has to the parameter, that is, as an infinite to a finite quantity, which is an infinite ratio. The peculiar properties of each particular curve, will be best referred to the particularwords Ellipse, Hyper- bola, Parabola ; and therefore it will only be proper here to notice a few of the properties that are common to all the conic sections. Some other General Properties. 25. From the foregoing definitions, &c, it appears, that the conic sections are in themselves a system of regular curves, naturally allied to each other; and that one is changed into another perpetually, when it is either in- creased, or diminished, in infinitum. Thus, the curvature of a circle being ever so little increased or diminished, passes into an ellipse ; and again, the centre of the ellipse going off infinitely, and the curvature being thereby dimi- nished, is changed into a parabola ; and lastly, the curva- ture ofa parabola beingevcr so little changed, there ariseth the first of the hyperbolas; the innumerable species of which will all of them arise orderly by a gradual diminu- tion of the curvature; till this quite vanishing, the last hyperbola ends in a right. line. Hence it is manifest, that -•very regular curvature, like that of a circle, from the circle itself to a right line, is a conical curvature, and is distinguished with its peculiarname, according to the divers degrees of that curvature. 26". That all diameters in a circle and ellipse intersect one another in the centre of the figure within the section: that in the parabola they are all parallel among them- selves, and to the axis : but in the hyperbola, they inter- sect one another, without the figure, in the common centre of the opposite and conjugate sections. 27- In the circle, the latus rectum, or parameter, is double the distance from the vertex to the focus, which is also the centre. But in ellipses, the parameters are in all proportions to that distance, between the double and qua- druple, according to their different species. While, in the parabola, the parameter is just quadruple that distance. And, lastly, in hyperbolas the parameters are in all pro- portions beyond the quadruple, according to their various kinds. 28. The first general property of the conic sections, with regard to the abscisses and ordinates of any diameter, is, that the rectangles of the abscisses are to each other, as the squares of their corresponding ordinates. Or, which is the same thing, that the square of any diameter is to the square of its conjugate, as the rectangle of two abscisses of that diameter, to the square of the ordinate which divides them. That is, in all the figures, the rect But as in the parabola the infinites cb and eb are in a ratio of equality, for this curve the same property becomes ac : ae : : CD" : ef s , that is, in the parabola, the abscisses are as the squares of their ordinates. Or, when one of the ordinates is the semiconjugate Gil, dividing the diameter equally in the centre, the same gene- ral property becomes, ag . gb or ag 2 : ac . cb : : Gir . cd' 2 , or ab' j : in' 2 : : ac . cb : cd' 2 . 29. Hence is derived the equation of the curves of the conic sections; thus, putting the diameter a b = d , its con- jugate 111 = c, absciss AC =zx, and its ordinate cd =y; then is the other absciss cb = d — x in the ellipse, ord-t- x in the hyperbola, or d in the parabola; and hence the last analogy above, becomes d' 1 : c' 2 : : x{d IP x) or tlx ^f x'-:y, or d'-y- = c\dx ^F x ~) ' s tno general equation for all the conic sections ; and, in particular it is dty = c'(dx — x' 2 ) in the ellipse, d quadratic equation, or an affected equation of the 2d rank, by the intersections of a light line with a circle, or any of the conic sections, which are all lines of the 2d order; and which may be cut, by the right line, in two points, thereby giving the two roots of the qua- dratic equation. A cubic equation may he constructed by the intersection of the right line with a line of the Sid order: and so on. But if, instead of the right line, some other line of a higher order be used ; then the 2d line, whose intersec- tions with the former are to determine the loots of the equation, may be taken as many dimensions lower, as the former is taken higher. And, in general, an equation of any degree will be constructed by the inu (-sections of two lines whose dimensions, multiplied together, produce the dimension of the given equation. Thus, the intersections of a circle with the conic sections, or of these with each other, will construct biquadratic equations, or those of CON [ 369 ] CON the 4th power, because 2 x 2 = 4.; and the intersections of the circle or conic sections with a line of the 3d order, will construct equations of the 5th and 6th power; and so on. — For example, To construct a Simple Equation. This is done by re- solving the given simple equation into a proportion, or finding a third or fourth proportional, &c. Thus, 1. If the equation be ax = be; then a : b : : c : x = — , the fourth proportional to a, b, c. 2. If ax = b z : then a : b : : b : x = — , a third propor- tional to a and b. 3. If ax = b" — then, since b' 2 x (6 — c), it will be a :b -+■ c : : b — c : a fourth proportional to a, b -+- c and b - 4. If ax = b 1 ■+■ c 2 ; then construct the right-angled triangle abc, whose base is 6, and perpendicular is c, so shall the square of the hypothenuse be b 2 -+- c' 2 , which call h 2 ; then the (ft + equation i3 ax = li 2 , and x : proportional to a and /(. h? , a third To construct a Quadratic Equation. 1. If it be a simple quadratic, it may be reduced to this form x 2 = ab; and hence a : x : : x ; b, or x =t/ab a mean proportional between a and b. P. Therefore upon a straight line take ..•*"" I ""••. ab = a, and bc = 6; then upon the diameter ac describe a semicircle, ; a \ 3 \ and raise the perpendicular bd to A B C meet it in d; so shall bd be = x the mean proportional sought between ab and bc, or between a and b. • 2. If the quadratic be affected, let it first be x 2 -+- Zax = b 2 ; then form the right-angled triangle abc, whose base ab is a, and perpendicular bc is b; and with the centre a and radius ac describe the semicircle dce; so shall db and be be the two roots of the given quadratic equation x 2 -+- 2ax = b 2 . 3. If the quadratic be x 2 — lax = b 1 , then the con- struction will be the very same as of the preceding one x 2 ■+- lax = b 2 . 4. But if the form be lax — x 2 = b 2 : form a right- ;mgled triangle whose hypothenuse ro is a, and perpen- dicular Gil is b; then with the radius FG and centre p describe a semicircle igk ; so shall ih and 11 k be the two roots of the given equation lax — x 2 = b 2 , or x z — 2ax = — b 2 . See Maclaurin's Algebra, part 3, cap. 2, and Simpson's Algebra, pa. 267. To construct Cubic and Biquadratic Equations. — These are constructed by the intersections of two conic sections ; for the equation will rise to 4 dimensions, by which are. dtrfcrmined the ordinatts from the 4 points in which these conic sections may cut one another ; and the conic sec- tions may be assumed in such a manner, as to make this Vol. I. equation coincide with any proposed biquadratic : so that the ordinates from these 4 intersections will be equal to the roots of the proposed biquadratic. When one of the intersections of the conic section falls upon the axis, then one of the ordinates vanishes, and the equation, by which these ordinates are determined, will then be of 3 dimen- sions only, or a cubic; to which any proposed cubic equation may be accommodated. So that the three re- maining ordinates will be the roots of that proposed cubic. The conic sections for this purpose should be such as are most easily described ; the circle may be one, and the pa- rabola is usually assumed for the other. Vieta, in his Canonica Recensione Effectionum Geome- tricarum, and Ghetaldus, in his Opus Posthumum de Re- solutione et Compositione Malhematica, as also Descartes, in his Geornetria, have shown how to construct simple and quadratic equations. Descartes has also shown how to construct cubic and biquadratic equations, by the in- tersection of a circle and a parabola : And the same has been done more generally by Baker, in his Clavis Geonie- trica, or Geometrical Key. But the genuine foundation of all these constructions was first laid and explained bv Slusius in his Mesolabium, part 2. This doctrine is also pretty well handled by Lahire, in a small treatise, call- ed La Construction des Equations Analytiques, annexed to his Conic Sections. Newton, at the end of his Algebra, has given the construction of cubic and biquadratic equa- tions mechanically ; as also by the conchoid and cissoid, as well as the conic sections. See also Dr. Halley's Con- struction of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations ; Colson's, in the Philos. Trans. ; the Marquis de l'Hospital's Traite Analytique des Sections Coniques ; Maclaurin's Algebra, part 3, c. 3, &c. CONTACT, the relative state of two things that touch each other, but without cutting or entering; or whose surfaces join to each other without any interstice. The contact of curve lines or surfaces, with either straight or curved ones, is only in points; and yet these points have different proportions to one another, as is shown by Mr. Robartes, in the Philos. Trans, vol. 27, pa. 470 ; or my Abr. vol. 5, pa. 678. Because few or no surfaces are capable of touching in all points, and the co- hesion of bodies is in proportion to their contact, those bodies will adhere fastest together, that are capable of the greatest contact. Angle of Contact, is the opening between a curve line and a tangent to it, particularly the circle and its tangent ; as the angle formed at a be- tween b a and ac, at the point of con- tact a. It is demonstrated by Eu- clid, that the line ca standing perpen- dicular on the radius da, touches the circle only in one point: and that no right line can be drawn between the tangent and the circle. Hence, the angle of contact is less than any rectilinear angle ; and the angle of the semicircle between the radius da and the arch ab, is greater than any rectilinear acute angle. This seeming paradox of Euclid has exercised the wits of ma- thematicians: it was the subject of a long controversy be- tween Peletarius and Clavius; the former of whom main- tained that the angle of contact is heterogeneous to a rec- tilinear one, as a line is to a surface; the latter maintained the contrary. Dr. Wallis has a formal treatise on the 3B CON [ 370 ] COP angie of contact, and of the semicircle ; where, with other great mathematicians, he approves of the opinion of Pele- tarius. CONTENT, a term often used for the measurement of bodies and surfaces, whether solid or superficial ; or the capacity of a vessel and the area of a space; being the quantity either of matter or space included within certain bounds or limits. CONTIGUITY, the relation of bodies touching one another. CONTIGUOUS, a relative term, understood of things so disposed, that their" surfaces touch each other. Contiguous Angles, are such as have one leg or side common to each angle ; and are otherwise called adjacent angles; in contradistinction to those made by continuing their legs through the point of contact, which are called opposite or vertical angles. CONTINENT, a terra firma, main-land, or a large ex- tent of country, not interrupted by seas : so called, in op- position to island, peninsula, &c. Ourearth is usually divided into two grand continents, the old and the new : the old continent comprehends Eu- rope, Asia, and Africa ; the new continent comprehends North and South America. Since the discovery of New Holland and New South Wales, it is a doubt with many whether to call that vast country an island or a continent. CONTINGENT Line, the same with tangent line, in Dialling, being the intersection of the planes of the dial and equinoctial, and at right angles to the substilar line. CONTINUAL, or Continued Proportionals, are a series of three or more quantities compared together, so that the ratio is the same between every two adjacent terms, viz. between the 1st and 2d, the 2d and 3d, the 3d and 4th, &c. As 1, 2,4, S, 10, &c, where the terms con- tinually increase in a double ratio; or 12, 4, 4 , |-, where the terms decrease in a triple ratio. A scries of continual or continued proportionals, is otherwise called a Progression. Continued Fractions. See Fractions. Continued Quantity, or Body, is that whose parts are joined and united together. Continued Proportion, is that in which the conse- quent of the first ratio is the same with the antecedent of the second ; as in these, 3 : 6* : : 6 : 12. See Continual Proportion. On the contrary, if the consequent of the first ratio be different from the antecedent of the second, the propor- tion is called Discrete : as 3 : 6 : : 4 : 8. CONTRACTION, in Arithmetic, is the shortening or contracting certain operations, as in Multiplication, Divi- sion, Extraction of the Square Root, &c : the method for which see under the respective heads. CONTRA-Harmonical Proportion, that relation of three terms, in which the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the 2d and 3d, as the 3d is to the first; Thus, for instance, 3, 5, and 6, are numbers con- tra-harmonically proportional ; for 2 : 1 : : 6 : 3. CONTRA-Muuii, in Fortification, is a little wall built before another partition wall, to strengthen it, so that it may receive no damage from the adjacent buildings. CONTRATE-Wiieel, is that wheel in watches which is next to the crown, whose teeth and hoop lie contrary to those of the other wheels ; from whence comes its name. CONTRAVALLATION, Line of, in Fortification, is a trench, guarded with a parapet; being made by the be- siegers, between them and the place besieged, to .secure themselves on that side, and stop the sallies of the garri- son. It is made beyond the reach of musket-shot from the town ; sometimes going quite around it, and some- times not, as occasion may require. The besiegers lie be- tween the lines of circumvallation and contravallation : but it is now seldom used. CONVERGING Curves. . See Curve. Converging, ot'Convergent Lines, in Geometry, are those that continually approximate, or whose distance becomes continually less and less the farther they are con- tinued, till they meet: in opposition to divergent lines, whose distance becomes continually greater. Lines that converge the one way, diverge the other. Converging Rays, in Optics, are such as incline to- wards one another in their passage, and in Dioptrics, are those rays which, in their passage out of one medium into another of a different density, aie refracted towards one another; so that, if far enough continued, they will meet in a point or focus. Converging Series, a series of terms or quantities, that always decrease the further they proceed, or which tend to a certain magnitude or limit: in opposition to diverging series, or such as become larger and larger continually. -See Series. CONVERSE. A proposition is said to be the converse of another, when, after drawing a conclusion from some- thing first supposed, we return again, by making a suppo- sition of what had before been concluded, and draw from thence as a conclusion what before was made the supposi- tion. Thus, when it is supposed that the two sides of a triangle are equal, and thence demonstrate or conclude that the two angles opposite to those sides are equal also ; then Jhe converse is to suppose that the two angles of a triangle are equal, and thence to prove or conclude that the sides opposite to those angles are also equal. CONVERSION, or Convertendo, is when there are four proportionals, and it is inferred, that the first is to its excess above the 2d, as the 3d to its excess above the 4th : according to Euclid, lib. 5, def. 17. Thus, if it be - - S: then convertendo, or by conversion, - S : Or if there be - r a : then convertendo, or by conversion, a : a — b CONVEX, round or curved and protuberant outwards, as the outside of a globular body. Convej!: Lens, Mirror, &c. See Lens, Mirror, &c. CONVEXITY, the exterior or outward surface of a convex or round body. COORDINATES, in the Higher Geometry, is the gene- ral term used, when the absciss and ordinates of a curve arc considered connectedly, whether they are at right angles with eacli other or not ; and the nature of a curve is de- termined by the equation between its coordinates. COPERNTCAN, something relating to Copernicus. As, the Copeunican Sphere. See SPHE-KE. Copernican System, is that system of the world, in which it is supposed that the sun is at rest in the centre, and the earth and planets all moving around him in their own orbits. Here it is supposed, that the heavens and stars are at rest; and the diurnal motion which they ap- pear to have, from east to west, is imputed to the earth's diurnal motion from west to east. 6 : : 4 : 3 2 : : 4 : 1 b : : c : d : c : c — d COP [ 371 ] COR This system was maintained by many of the ancients; particularly Ecphantus, Seleucus, Aristarchus, Philolaus, Cleanthes Samius, Nicetas, Heraclides Ponticus, Plato, and Pythagoras; from the last of whom it was anciently called the Pythagoric, or Pythagorean System. The same system was also held by Archimedes, in his book of the number of the Grains of Sand ; but after him it became neglected, and even forgotten, for many ages; till about .300 years since, when Copernicus revived it; from whom it took the new name of the Copernican System. See the next article. COPERNICUS (Nicholas), an eminent astronomer, was born at Thorn in Prussia, January 19, 1 473. He was instructed in the Latin and Greek languages at home; and afterward sent to Cracow, where he studied philo- sophy, mathematics, and medicine: though his genius was naturally turned to mathematics, which he chiefly stu- died, and pursued through all its various branches. He set out for Italy at 23 years of age ; stopping at Bologna, that he might converse with the celebrated as- tronomer of that place, Dominic Maria, whom he assisted for some time in making his observations. From hence he passed to Rome, where he was presently considered as not inferior to the famous Regiomontanus. Here he soon acquired so great a reputation, that he was chosen pro- fessor of mathematics, which he taught there for a long time with the greatest applause ; and here also he made some astronomical observations about the year 1500. Afterward, returning to his own country, he began to apply his fund of observations and mathematical know- ledge, to correcting the system of astronomy which then prevailed. He set about collecting all the books that had been written by philosophers and astronomers, and to ex- amine all the various hypotheses they had invented* for the solution of the celestial phenomena ; to try if a more symmetrical order and constitution of the parts of the world could not be discovered, and a more just and ex- quisite harmony in its motions established, than what the astronomers of those times so generally admitted. But of all their hypotheses, none pleased him so well as the Pythagorean, which made the sun to be the centre of the system, and supposed the earth to move both round the sun, and also round its own axis. He thought he dis- cerned much beautiful order and proportion in this; and that all the embarrassment and perplexity, from epicycles and excentrics, which attended the Ptolemaic hypotheses, would here be entirely removed. He began to consider this system, and to write upon it, when he was about 35 years of age. He carefully con- templated the phenomena, made mathematical calcula- tions, examined the observations of the ancients, and made new ones of his own ; till, after more than 20 years chiefly spent in this manner, he brought his scheme to perfection, establishing that system of the world which goes by his name, and is now universally received by all philosophers. This system however was at first considered as a most dangerous heresy, and his work had long been finished and perfected, before he could be prevailed on to give it to the world, notwithstanding being strongly urged to it by his friends. At length, yielding to their entreaties, it was printed, and he had but just received a perfect copy, when he died the 24th of May 1543, at 70 years of age ; by which it is probable be was happily relieved from the violent fanatical persecutions of the church, which were but too likely to follow the publication of his astrono- mical opinions; and which indeed was afterwards the fate of Galileo, for adopting and defending them. This work of Copernicus, first printed at Norimbcrg in folio, 1543, and of which there have been other editions since, is in- titled De Revolutionists Orbium Ccelestium, being a large body of astronomy, in 6 books. When Rheticus, the disciple of our author., returned out of Prussia, he brought with him a tract of Coperni- cus, on plane and spherical trigonometry, which he had printed at Norimberg, and which contained a table of sines. It was afterward printed at the end of the first book of the Revolutions. An edition of our author's great work was also published in 4to at Amsterdam in 1 6" 1 7 , under the title of Astronomia lnstaurata, illustrated with notes by Nicolas Muler of Groningeff: COPERNICUS, the name of an astronomical instru- ment, invented by Whiston, to show the motion and phe- nomena of the planets, both primary and secondary. It is founded on the Copernican system, and therefore called by his name. COPPER, is a malleable and ductile metal, of a pale- red colour, with a tinge of yellow. It is soluble with effervescence in nitrous acid, to which it gives a sky-blue, colour: on the addition of liquid ammonia, a green pre- cipitate is thrown down, which is resoluble in an excess of ammonia, forming a very rich purplish-blue fluid, and from this, if slightly supersaturated with muriatic acid, the copper is again precipitable in its metallic form, by a bar of clean iron. See Aikin's Chemical Dictionary, Ar- ticle Copper. COR Caroli, Charles's Heart, an extra-constellated star of the 2d magnitude in the northern hemisphere, be- tween the Coma Berenices and Ursa Major; so called by Sir Charles Scarbbrough, in honour of King Charles I. Cor Hydr*, the Hydra's Heart, a star of the 2d magnitude, in the Heart of the constellation Hydra. Cor Leonis, Lion's Heart, or Regulus, a star of the first magnitude in the constellation Leo. Cor Scorpii. See Antares. CORBEILS, in Fortification, are little baskets about a foot and a half high, 8 inches broad at the bottom, and 12 at the top; which being filled with earth, are set against one another on the parapet, or elsewhere, leaving cer- tain port-holes, from whence to fire under cover upon the enemy. CORBEL, in Architecture, the representation of a bas- ket, sometimes seen on the heads of caryatides. Corbel, or Corbil, is also used, in Building, for a short piece of timber placed in a wall, with its end pro- jecting out 6 or 8 inches, as occasion serves, in the man- ner of a shouldering-piece. CORBET, the same as Corbel. CORDON, in Fortification, a row of stones jutting out between the rampart and the basis of the paraptt, like the tore of a column. The cordon ranges round the whole fortress, and serves to join the rampart, which is a- slope, and the parapet, which is perpendicular, more a- greeably together. In fortifications raised of earth, this space is filled up with pointed stakes instead of a cordon. CORDS, in Music, arc the sounds produced by an in- strument or the voice. CORIDOR, or Corridor, in Fortification, is the co- vert-way lying entirely round the whole compass of the 3B2 COR t 372 ] COR works of a place, between the outside of the moat and the pullisadoes, being about 20 yards broad. Cokidor, is also used, in Architecture, for a gallery, or long aisle, around a building, leading to several cham- bers at a distance from each other, sometimes wholly in- closed, and sometimes open on one side. CORINTHIAN Order, of Architecture, is the 4th in order, or the 5th and last according to Scamozzi and Le Clerc. This order was invented by an Athenian archi- tect, and is the richest and most delicate of them all ; its capital is adorned with rows of leaves, and of S volutas, which support the abacus. The height of its column is 10 diameters, and its cornice is supported by modillions. CORNEA Tunica, the second coat of the eye; so call- ed from its substance resembling the horn of a lantern. This is situated in the fore-part ; and is surrounded by the sclerotica. It has a greater convexity than the rest of the eye, and is a portion of a small sphere, or rather spheroid, and consolidates the whole eye. CORNICE, Corniche, or Cornish, the third and uppermost part of the entablature of a column, or the uppermost ornament of any wainscoting, &c. COROLLARY, oi-Consectary, a consequence drawn from some proposition or principles already advanced or demonstrated, without the aid of any other proposition : thus from this theorem, That a triangle which has two equal sides, has also two equal angles, this consequence may be drawn, That a triangle which hath the three sides equal, has also its three angles equal. — What is now call- ed a corollary, was by the earlier geometers named a Porism. CORONA, Crown or Crowning, in Architecture, the flat and most advanced part of the cornice ; so called be- cause it crowns the cornice and entablature: by the work- men it is called the drip, as serving by its projecture to screen the rest of the building from the rain. CORONA, in Optics, a luminous circle, usually co- loured, which is seen round the sun, moon, or largest pla- nets. See Halo. Corona Borealis, or Septentrionalis, the Northern Crown or Garland, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, being one of the 48 old ones. It contains S stars accord- ing to the catalogue of Ptolemy, Tycho, and Hevelius ; but according to the Britannic Catalogue, 21. Corona Australis, or Meridionalis, the Southern Crown, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, whose stars in Ptolemy's catalogue are 13; in the British catalogue, 12. CORPUSCLE, the diminutive of corpus, used to ex- press the minute parts, or particles, that constitute natu- ral bodies; meaning much the same as atoms. Newton shows a method of determining the sizes of the corpuscles of bodies, from their colours. CORPUSCULAR Attraction, denotes that power by which the minute component particles of bodies are uni- ted, and adhere to each other. It may be distinguished into attraction of aggregation, viz, that power by which the homogeneous particles of bodies are united ; and at- traction of affinity or of composition, viz, that power by which the heterogeneous particles of bodies are united. Corpuscular Philosophy, that scheme or system of physics, in which the phenomena of bodies are accounted for, from the motion, rest, position, &c, of the corpuscles or atoms of which bodies consist. The Corpuscular philosophy, which now flourishes un- der the name of the mechanical philosophy, is very an- cient. Leucippus and Democritus taught it in Greece; from them Epicurus received it, and improved it; and from him it was called the Epicurean Philosophy. Leucippus, it is said, received it from one Mochus, a Phenician physiologist, before the time of the Trojan war, and the~first who philosophized about atoms: which Mo- chus is, according to the opinion of some, the Moses of the Scriptures. After Epicurus, the corpuscular philosophy gave way to the peripatetic, which became the popular system. Thus, instead of atoms, were introduced specific and sub- stantial forms, qualities, sympathies, &c, which amused the world, till Gassendus, Charleton, Descartes, Boyle, Newton, and others, retrieved the corpuscularian hypo- thesis ; which is now become the basis of the mechanical and experimental philosophy. Boyle reduces the principles of the corpuscular philo- sophy to the 4 following heads. 1. That there is but one universal kind of matter, which is an extended, impenetrable, and divisible substance, com- mon to all bodies, and capable of all forms. — On this head, Newton finely remarks thus : " All things consi- dered, it appears probable to me, that God in the begin- ning created matter in solid, hard, impenetrable, move- able particles; of such sizes and figures, and with such other properties, as most conduced to the end for which he formed them : and that these primitive particles, being solids, are incomparably harder than any of the sensible porous bodies compounded of them ; even so hard as never to wear, or break in pieces : no other power being able to divide what God made one in the first creation. While these corpuscles remain entire, they may compose bodies of one and the same nature and texture in all ages: but should they wear away, or break in pieces, the nature of things depending on them would be changed : water and earth, composed of old worn particles, of fragments of par- ticles, would not be of the same nature and texture now, with water and earth composed of entire particles at the beginning. And therefore, that nature may be lasting, the changes of corporeal things are to be placed only in the various separations, and new associations, of these per- manent corpuscles." 2. That this matter, in order to form the vast variety of natural bodies, must have motion in some, or all its assignable parts; and that this motion was given to matter by God, the creator of all things ; and has all manner of directions and tendencies. — "These corpuscles (says New- ton) have not only a vis inertia?, accompanied with such passive laws of motion as naturally result from that force; but also are moved by certain active principles ; such as that of gravity, and that which causes fermentation, and the cohesion of bodies." 3. That matter must also be actually divided into parts; and each of these primitive particles, fragments, or atoms of matter, must have its proper magnitude, figure, and shape. 4. That these differently sized and shaped particles, have different orders, positions, situations) and postures, from whence all the variety of compound bodies arises. CORRECTION of a Fluent. See Fluent. CORRIDOR. SeeCoiuuou. CORTES (Martin), a Spanish author on Navigation, who flourished in the middle of the lo'th century. In 1551 COS [ 373 3 COT was, published at Seville, his book entitled, Breve de la Twickenham, Jan. 10, 1782, in the 72d year of his age. Sphera y de la Arte de Nauegar con nueuos Instrumentos Mr. Costard was a man of great learning ; deeply read in y Reglas; which he says he composed at Cadiz in 1545. divinity and astronomy; well versed in the Greek, and a In the dedication to the emperor, Cortes boasts that he perfect master of the Hebrew and other oriental languages, was the first who had reduced navigation into a Compen- — His private character was amiable, and his correspon- dium, enlarging much on what he had performed. He briefly and clearly exposed the errors of plane-charts, and seemed to reflect on what had been said against the varia- tion of the compass by Medina, when he advised the rhari- ner, rather to be guided by experience, than to mind sub- dence with the literati was extensive both at home and abroad. He had a great veneration for the Greeks and their literature; and was generally skilled in the learning of most of the ancient nations. Besides various publica- tions on divinity, &c, he was author of the History of tie reasonings. Besides, he endeavoured to account for Astronomy, 4to, 1767, with its application to geography, this variation, in imagining the needle to be influenced by history, and chronology. His communications to the a magnetic pole (which he called the Point Attractive) different from that of the world ; a notion which has been farther prosecuted by others. — A translation of Cortes's book by Richard Eden, was, on the recommendation of that great navigator Steven Burrough, and the encourage- ment of the Society for making discoveries at sea, pub- lished at London in 156l. CORVUS, the Raven, a southern constellation, fabled by the Greeks, as taken up to heaven by Apollo, to whom it tattled that the beautiful maid Coronis, the daughter of Phlegeos, and mother of Esculapius by Apollo, played the deity false with Ischys, under a tree upon which the animal happened to be perched. The stars in this con- stellation, in Ptolemy's and Tycho's catalogues, are 7; but in the Britanniccatalogue, 9- COSECaNT*COSINE,COTANGENT,COVERSED Royal Society, which are chiefly on astronomical subjects, are -contained invbls. 43, 44,48 and 6'8of the Philosophical Transactions. COTES (Roger), a very eminent mathematician, phi- losopher, and astronomer, was born July 10, l6S2, at Burbach in Leicestershire, where his father Robert was rector. He was first placed at Leicester school ; where, at 12 years of -age, he discovered a strong inclination to the mathematics. This being observed by his uncle, the Rev. Mr. John Smith, he gave him all the encouragement he could; and prevailed on his father to send him for some time to his house in Lincolnshire, that he might assist him in those studies: and here he laid the founda- tion of that deep and extensive knowledge in that science, for which he was afterwards so deservedly famous. He was hence removed to St. Paul's school, London, where SINE, are the secant, sine, tangent, and versed sine of the he made a great progress in classical learning ; and yet he complement of an arch or angle ; Co being, in this case, a found so much leisure as to support a constant eorrespon- contraction of the word complement, and was first intro- dence with his uncle, not only in mathematics, but also in duced by Gunter. COSM1CAL Aspect, among astrologers, is the aspect of a planet with respect to the earth. Cosmical Rising, or Setting, is said of a star when it rises or sets at the same time when the sun rises. But, according to Kepler, to rise or set cosmically, is metaphysics, philosophy, and divinity. His next remove was to Trinity-college, Cambridge, where he took his de- grees, and became fellow. Jan. 1 706, he was appointed professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy, on the foundation of Dr. Thomas Plume, archdeacon of Rochester; being the first only simply to rise or set, that is, to ascend above, or de- that enjoyed that office, to which he, was unanimously scend below, the horizon ; as much as to say, to rise or chosen, on account of his high reputation and merits. He set to the world. . entered into orders in 1713; and the same year, at the COSMOGONY, the science of the formation of the uni- desire of Dr. Bentley, he published at Cambridge the se- verse ; as distinguished from cosmography, which is the cond edition of Newton's Mathematica Principia ; insert- science of the parts of the universe, supposing it formed, ing all the improvements which the author had made to and in the state as we behold it ; and from cosmology, that time. To this edition he prefixed an excellent pre- which reasons on the actual arid permanent state of the face, in which he pointed out the true method of philoso- world as it now is; whereas cosmogony reasons on the phizing, showing the foundation on which the Newtonian variable state of the world at the lime of its formation. philosophy was raised, and refuting the objections of the COSMOGRAPHY, the description of the world; or Cartesians and all other philosophers against it. the art that teaches the construction, figure, disposition, The publication of this edition of Newton's Principia and relation of all the parts of the world, with the manner added greatly to his reputation ; nor was the high opinion of representing them on a plane. It consists chiefly of two the public now conceived of him in the least diminished, parts; viz, Astronomy, which shows the structure of the but rather much increased, by several productions of his heavens, with the disposition of the stars; and Geography, own, which afterward appeared. He gave in the Philos. which shows those of the earth. Transactions, two papers, viz, 1, Logometria, in vol. 29; COSMOLOGY, the science of the world in general. and a Description of the great fiery meteor that was seen COSS, Rule of, meant the same as Algebra, by which March 6, 1716, in vol. 31. name it was for some time called, when first introduced This extraordinary genius in the mathematics died, to into Europe through the Italians, who named it Regola de the great regret of the university, and all the lovers of the cosa, the Rule of the thing; the unknown quantity, or sciences, June 5, 1716", in the very prime of his life, being that which was required in any question, being called cosa, not quite 34 years of age. the thing; the terms whence we have Coss, and Cossic Mr. Cotes left behind him some very ingenious, and in- numbers, &c. deed admirable tracts, part of which, with the Logometria COSTARD (George), was born at Shrewsbury 1710, above mentioned, were published, in 1722, by Dr. Robert and educated at Wadham-college, Oxford, of which he Smith, his cousin and successor in his professorship, aftcr- became a fellow and a tutor; he died at his vicarage at wards master of Trinity-college, under the title of Har- GOV C 374 ] c o u monia Mensurarum, which contains a number of very in- it is usual for the besieged to palisade it along the middle* genious and learned works : See the Introduction to my and undermine it on all sides. Logarithms. He wrote also a Compendium of Arith- COVING, in Building, is when houses are built pro- metic ; on the Resolution of Equations; on Dioptrics; jecting over the (Hfcund plot, and the turned prefecture and on the Nature of Curves. Besides these pieces, he formed into an arch. drew up, in the time of his lectures, a course of Hydro- Coving Cornice, is one that has a large casemate or statical and Pueumatical Lectures, in English, which we published also by Dr. Smith in 8vo, 1737, and are held in great estimation. So high an opinion had Sir Isaac Newton of our au- thor's genius, that he used to say, " If Cotes had lived, we might have known something." COTESIAN theorem, in Geometry, an appellation used hollow in it. COUNT-Wheel, is a wheel in the striking part of a clock, moving round once in 12 or 2-A hours. It it some- times called the locking-wheel, because it has usually ] 1 notches in it at unequal distances from one another, to make the clock strike. COUNTER-Approaches, in Fortification, lines or for an elegant property of the circle discovered by Mr. trenches made by the besieged, where they come out to at Cotes. The theorem is this: If the factors of the binomial a c ttsX^ be required, the index c being an integer number. With the centre o, and radius AO = a, describe a circle, C J) — C and divide its circumference into as many equal parts as there are units in 2c, at the points a, b, c, d, &c ; then in the radius, produced if necessa^, take op = x, and from the point p, to all the points of division in the circum- ference, draw the lines pa, pb, pc,&c; so shall these lines taken alternately, be the factors sought; viz, pb x pd x pf &c = o c -+■ x c , and tack the lines of the besiegers in form. Counter-Battery, a battery raised to play on an- other, to dismount the guns, &c. Counter-Breast-work, the same as Fausse-Braye. Counter-Forts, Buttresses, or Spurs, are pillars of masonry serving to prop or sustain walls, or terraces, subject to bulge, or be thrown down. Counter-Fugue, in Music, is when fugues proceed contrary to one another. Counter-Guard, in Fortification, a work commonly serving to cover a bastion. It is composed of two faces, forming a salient angle before the flanked angle of a bas- tion. ^ CoUNTER-HARMONICAL. SeeCoNTRA-HARMONICAL. Counter-Mine, a subterraneous passage, made by the besieged, in search of the enemy's mine, to give air to it, to take away the powder; or by any other means to frustrate the effect of it. Counter-Part, a term in Music, only denoting that one part is opposite to another: so, the bass and treble are counter- parts to each other. Counter- Point, in Music, the art of composing har- pa x pc x pe &c = a c ~ -c c , viz,a c — x c ori c according as the point p is within or without the circle, mony ; or disposing and concerting several parts so toge- For instance, if c = 5, divide the circumf. into 10 equal ther, as that they may make an agreeable whole, parts, and the point p being within the circle, then will Counter-Poise, any thing serving to weigh against an- other; particularly a piece of metal, usually of brass or iron, making an appendage to the Roman statera, or steel- yard. It is contrived to slide along the beam; and from the division at which it keeps the balance in equilibrio, the weight of the body is determined. It is sometimes called the Pear, on account of its figure ; and Mass, by reason of its weight. Rope-dancers make use of a pole by way of counterpoise, to keep their bodies in equilibrio. COUNTERSCARP, is that side of the ditch that is 0A 5 -+- OP = BP X DP X FP X HP'X KP, and oa s — op 5 = ap x cp x ep x gp x ip. In like manner, if c = 6, having divided the circum- ference into 12 equal parts, then will * 0A b •+- 0P°= BP X DP X FP X HP X KP X MP, OA° — OP°=AP X CP X EP X GP X IP X LP. The demonstration of this theorem may be seen in Dr. Pemberton's Epist. de Cotesii inventis. See also Dr. Smith's Theoremata Logometrica and Trigonometrica, added to Cotes's Harm. Mens, pa, 114; De Moivre Mis- next the country; or properly the talus that supports the eel. Analyt. pa. 1 7 ; Waring's Letter to Dr. Powell, pa. 39, earth of the covert-way : though by this word is often inl- and Simpson's Essays, p. 113. derstood the whole covert-way, with its parapet and glacis. By means of this theorem, the acute and elegant au- And so it must be understood when it is said, The enemy thor was enabled to make a farther progress in the inverse lodged themselves on the counterscarp. method of Fluxions, than had been done before. But in Counter-Sw allows-tail, is an outwork in Fortifi- tbe application of his discovery there still remained a li- cation, in form of a single tenaille, wider towards the place, mitation, which was removed by Dcmoivre. Vide ut or at the gorge, than at the head, or next the country, supra. Counter-tenor, one of the mean or middle parts of COVERT-Way, in Fortification, a space of ground music; so called, as being opposite to the tenor. IcTel with the adjoining country, on the outer edge of the COURSI''., in Navigation, the point of the compass, or ditch, ranging quite round all the works. This is other- horizon, which a ship steers on; or the angle which the wise called the Corridor, and has a parapet with its ban- rhumb-line on which it sails makes with the meridian; quette and glacis, which form the height of the parapet. It being sometimes reckoned in degrees, and sometimes in is sometimes also called the Counterscarp, because it is on points of the compass. the edge of the scarp. — One of the greatest difficulties in When a ship sails either due north or south, she sails on a siege, is to make a lodgment on the covert-way ; because a meridian, makes no departure, and her distance and dif- CRA [ 375 ] CRA ference of latitude are the same. When she sails due east or west, her course makes right-angles with the meridian, and she sails either upon the equator, or a parallel to it; in which case she makes no difference of latitude, but her distance and departure are the same. But when the ship sails between the cardinal points, on a course making al- ways the same oblique angle with the meridians, her path is then the loxodromic curve, being a spiral cutting all the meridians in the sameangle, and terminating in the pole. Hence arises a kind of geographical, or nautical para- dox; at least to those who have but a limited knowledge of those subjects ; which is this. If we suppose two places having different latitudes and longitudes, and that a person leaves one of those places on a certain point of the compass, bearing directly towards the other; and having arrived there, leaves this last place upon the direct oppo- site point of the compass to that on which he first set out, it will be found on his pursuing this course, that he will never return again to the place whence he first departed ; but will leave it more or less on the right or left, according to the relative situations of the two places. The cause of this deviation from bis original track is however easily explained : for in. the first case, as the tra- veller is supposed to go directly from one place to the other, he does not continue, in any two successive in- stances, to pursue the same point of the compass; where- as on his return, he is considered as constantly observing the same point, and hence arises the deviation in question. For the same reason, if a vessel depart from a port situ- ated in north latitude, and constantly pursue the same north-easterly, or north-westerly course, it will cominually approach towards the north pole in a spiral traced on the "terrestrial surface, but it will never arrive there, however far the voyage may be pursued. And exactly the same thing will take place with respect to the south pole, if the course be directed towards the south-east, or south-west. COURTAIN. See Curtin. CRAB, in Mechanics, an engine used for mounting guns on their carriages. See Gin. Crab, oh ship-board, is a wooden pillar, having its lower end let down through the ship's decks, and resting on a socket, like the capstan : in its upper end are three or four holes, at different heights, through the middle of it, one above another, to receive long bars, against which men act by pushing or thrusting. — It is employed to wind-in the cable, and for other purposes requiring a great mecha- nical power. The Crab with three claws is used to launch ships, and to heave them into the dock, or off the. key. CRABTRLE (Wm.), an ingenious English astronomer, who resided at Broughton near Manchester in Lancashire, in the early part of the 17th century. He was the friend of the congenial young astronomer Horrox, near Liver- pool, with whom he carried on a learned astronomical cor- respondence for the several years l6'36', 16'37, 16'38, 1639, 1640; by which means he was very instrumental in en- couraging Mr. Horrox to prosecute his useful astronomical observations and writings. A collection of those of Mr. Crabtree, mostly for the same years as tljose above, was published by Dr. Wallis, along with the works of his friend Horrox, in one vol. 4to, 1672. A long and learned letter of his to Mr.Gascoigne (the inventor of the Micrometer), on the nature and appearances of the solar spots, in the Pbilos. Trans, vol. 27, and in my Abridg. vol.5, pa. 6'2o". CltAIG (Rev. John), f.r.s, a respectable Scotch di- vine and mathematician, who it seems settled some time at Cambridge, but was afterwards vicar of Gillingham, in Dorsetshire, whence he commonly addressed his letters to the Royal Society. In 1685 he had a dispute with John Bernoulli, on the quadrature of curve lines and curvili- near figures. He had also another difference with that great mathematician on an algebraic equation ; but after- wards finding himself wrong, he candidly acknowledged it in the Philosophical Transactions. He wrote several good pieces on mathematical subjects, partly published sepa- rately, and several published in the Philos. Trans, as also the translation of them from the Latin in my Abridgement, where a catalogue of them may be seen, in the index at the end of the iSth or last volume; being, 1. Quadratures of curves geometrically irrational. — 2. Quadrature of the logarithmic curve. — 3. On the curve ofquickest descent. — 4. On the solid of least resistance. — 5. Method of deter- mining the quadrature of figures. — 6. Solution of Ber- noulli's problem on curves. — 7. On the length of curve lines. — S. Method of making logarithms. — 9. On the head of a monstrous calf. And his separate publications are, 1. Methodus figu- rarum quadraturas, &c, anno l6S5, 4to. — 2. De quadra- turis et locis, &c, an. l6j)3, 4to. — 3. De calculo fluenti- um, et de Optica analytica, &c, an. 17 IS, 4to. — 4. The- logia; Christianas principia mathematica, l6'99, and after- wards printed at Leipsic, with a learned preface. The ob- ject of this curious tract, is to apply mathematical calcu- lation to the credibility of the Gospel history ; and on this principle he maintains that the Christian religion must end, according to the doctrine of chances, annodom.3150, at which time Christ will make his second appearance. This work was answered by the abbe Hauteville, in a piece entitled, The Christian religion proved by facts. CRAMKR (Gab kiel), an eminent Swiss mathemati- cian, was born at Geneva in 1704, and died 1752. He was made professor of mathematics at 19 years of age, and was author of several good works; as, his Theory of Curve Lines, 1750, 4to ; he simplified the art of reducing the equations of a problem to the smallest number possible. To him the world owes the useful labour of collecting and publishing the works of James and John Bernoulli. He possessed a fund of knowledge in physics and the belles lettres, and rendered himself famous throughout Europe by his progress and skill in mathematics. CRANE, a machine used in building, and in commerce, for raising large stones and other weights. Perrault, in his notes on Vi.tru.vius, makes the crane the same with the corvus, or raven, of the ancients. The modern crane consists of several members or pieces, the principal of which is a strong upright beam, or arbor, firmly fixed in the ground, and sustained by eight arms, coming from the extremities of four pieces of wood laid across, through the middle of which the foot of the beam passes. About the middle of the arbor the arms meet, and are mortised into it : its top ends in an iron pivot, on which is borne a transverse piece, advancing out to a good di- stance like a crane's neck; whence the name. The mid- dle and extremities of this are again sustained by arms from the middle of the arbor: and over it passes a rope, or chain, to one end of which the weight is fixed ; She other is wound about the spindle of a 1 wheel, which, turned, draws the rope, and that heaves up the weight; to be af- terwards applied to any side or quarter, by the mobility of the transverse piece on the pivot, C R E [ 376 ] CRE Several improvements of this useful machine are men- tioned in Desaguliers's Exper. Philos. pa. 17S & seq. par- ticularly how to prevent the inconveniences arising from sudden jerks, as well as to increase its force by using a double axis in peritrochio, and two handles. The Crane is of two kinds ; in the first kind, called the rat-tailed crane, the whole machine, with the load, turns upon a strong axis: in the second kind, the gibbet alone moves on its axis. See Desaguliers, as above, for a par- ticular account of the different cranes, and of the gradual improvements they have received. See also the Supple- ment to Ferguson's Lectures, pa. 3, &c; or Philos. Trans, vol. 54, pa. 24, for a description of a new and safe crane, with four different powers adapted to different weights. Crane is the name of a southern constellation. See Grus. Crane is also a popular name for a syphon. CRANK, a contrivance in machines, in manner of an elbow, only of-a square form ; projecting out from an axis, or spindle; and serving, by its rotation, to raise and fall the pistons of engines for raising water, or the like. CRATER, the Cup, a constellation in the southern he- misphere; whose stars, in Ptolemy's catalogue, are 7 ; in Tycho's, 8; in Hcvelius's, 10; and in the Britannic cata- logue, 31. CREEK, a part of a haven, where any thing is landed from the sea. It is also said to be a shore or bank on which the water beats, running in a small channel from any part of the sea. CREPUSCULUM, Twilight; the time from the .first dawn or appearance of the morning, to the rising of the sun ; and again, between the setting of the sun, and the last remains of day. The Crepusculum, or twilight, it is supposed, usually begins and ends when the ^un is about 18 degrees below the horizon ; for then the stars of the 6th magnitude dis- appear in the morning, and appear in the evening. It is of longer duration in the solstices than in the equinoxes, tut it islongerin an oblique sphere, than in a right one; be- cause, in those cases the sun, by the obliquity of his path, is longer in ascending through 18 degrees of altitude. Twilight is occasioned by the sun's rays refracted in our atmosphere, and reflected from the particles of it to the eye. For let a be the place of an observer on the earth adl, ab the sensible' hori- zon, meeting in b the circle cbm bounding that part of the atmosphere which is ca- pable of refracting and re- flecting light to the eye. It is plain that when the sun is under this horizon, no direct rays can come to the eye at a : but the sun being in the refracted line CG, the parti- cle c will be illuminated by the direct rays of the sun; and that particle may reflect those rays to a, where they enter the eye of the spectator. And thus the sun's light illuminating an innumerable multitude of particles, may be all reflected to the. spectator at a. — From B draw bd touching the circle adl in d; and let the sun be in the line nn at s : Then the ray SB will be reflected into ba, and will enter the eye, because the angle of incidence dbe is equal to the angle of reflection abe : And this will be the first ray that reaches the eye in the morning, when the dawning begins; or the last that falls upon the eye at night, when the twilight ends: for when the sun goes lower down, the particles at b can be no longer illuminated. Kepler indeed assigns another cause of the crepusculum, viz, the luminous matter or atmosphere about the sun ; which, arising near the horizon, in a circular figure, exhi- bits the crepusculum; in no wise, he thinks, owing to the refraction of the atmosphere. — The sun's luminous atmo- sphere indeed, though neither the sole nor principal cause of twilight, may lengthen its duration, by illuminating our air, when the sun is too low to reach it with his own light. Gregor. Astr. lib. 2, prop. 8. The depression of the sun beloiv the horizon, at the begin- ning of the morning, or end of the evening twilight, is deter- mined in the same manner as the arch of vision ; viz, by observing the moment when the aii: first begins to shine in the morning, or ceases to shine in the evening ; then find- ing the sun's place for that moment, and thence the time till his rising in the horizon, or from his setting in it in the evening. It is now generally agreed that this depth is about 18 degrees upon an average. — Alhazen found it to be 13°; Tycho, 17°; Rothmann, 24°; Stevenius, 18°; Cassini,'15°; Riccioli, in the equinox in the morning 16°, in the evening 20° 30'; in the summer solstice in the morn- ing 21° 25', in the winter solstice in the morning 17° 25'. Nor is this difference among the determinations of astro- nomers to be wondered at; the cause of th« crepusculum being inconstant : for, if the exhalations in the atmosphere be either more copious, or higher, than ordinary ; the morning twilight will begin sooner, and the evening hold longer than ordinary: for the more copious the exhalations are, the more rays will they reflect, consequently the more will they shine; and the higher they are, the sooner will they be illuminated by the sun. On this account too, the evening twilight is longer than the morning, at the same time of the year in the same place. To this it may be added, that, in a denser air the refraction is greater; and that not only the brightness of the atmosphere is variable, but also its height from the earth : and therefore the twi- light is longer in hot weather than in cold, in summer than in winter, and also in hot countries than in cold, other cir- cumstances being the same. But the chief differences are owing to the different situations of places on the earth, 01 to the difference of the sun's place in the heavens. Thus, the twilight is longest in a parallel sphere, and shortest in a right sphere, and longer to places in an oblique sphere, in proportion as they are nearer to one of the poles; a cir- cumstance which affords relief to the inhabitants of the more northern countries, in their long winter nights. And the twilights are longest in all places of north latitude, when the sun is in the tropic of cancer; and to those in south latitude, when he is in the tropic of Capricorn. The time of the shortest twilight is also different in different la- titudes; in England, it is about the beginning of October and of March, when the sun is in the signs t£± and >£. For the method of determining it by trigonometry, see Gregor. Astron. lib. 2, prob. 41 . See also Robertson's Na- vigation, book 5, prob. 12. — Hence, from what has been said, it appears that when the difference between the sun's declination and the depth of the equator is less than 18°, so that the sun does not descend more than 18° below the ho- rizon ; the crepusculum will continue the whole night, as is the case in England from about the 22d of May to the 22d of July. Given the latitude of the place, and the sun's declination ; CRO [ 3 77 ] CRO to find the beginning of the morning, and end of the evening twilight. — In the oblique-angled spherical triangle zps, arc given zp the colatitude, ps the co. declination, and zs = 108°, being the Sum of 90° the quadrant and 18° the depression at the extremity of the twi- light. Then, by spherical trigonome- try-, calculate the angle zps the hour- angle from noon ; which changed into time, at the rate of 15° for an hour, gives the time from noon at the begin- ning or end of twilight. See Robertson, ubi supra. Of the Height of the sensible Atmosphere, as determined from the duration of twilight, see Keil's Astron. Lect. lect. 20, pa. 235, ed. 1721; or Long's Astron. vol. 1, pa. 26'0 ; where it is determined that the height at which the atmosphere is dense enough to reflect the rays of light, is about,42 miles. CRESCENT, the newmoon, which, as it begins to recede from the sun, shows a small rim of light, terminating in horns or points, which increase till it becomes full, and round in the opposition. The term is sometimes also used for the same figure of the moon in her wane, or decrease, but improperly; both because the horns are then turned towards the west, and because the figure is on the decrease ; the crescent pro- perly signifying increase, from cresco, I grow. CRONICAL. See Acronical. CRONOS, a name given to Saturn by some of the old astronomical writers. CROSIER, four stars, in form of a cross ; by the help of which, those that sail in the southern hemisphere find the antarctic pole. CROSS, in Surveying, is an instrument consisting of a brass circle, divided into 4 equal parts, by two lines cross- ing each other in the centre. At each extremity of these lines is fixed a perpendicular sight, with small holes below each slit, for the better discovering of distant objects. The cross is mounted on a staff, or stand, to fix it in the ground, and is very useful for measuring small pieces of land, and taking offsets, &c. Ex. Suppose it be required to survey the field abcde with the Cross. Measure along the diagonal line ac, and ob- serve, with the Cross, w.hen you are perpendicularly op- posite to the corners, as at f, g, h, and from thence mea- sure the perpendiculars fe, gb, hd. When you think you are nearly opposite a corner, set up the cross, with one of the bars or cross lines in the direction ac; then look through the sights of the other cross bar for the corner, as b; if it be seen through them, the cross is fixed in the right place ; if not, take it up and move it backward or forward in the line ac, till the point b be seen through those sights ; and then you have the true place of the per- pendicular. Invention of the Cross, Inventio Ciucis, an ancient feast, which is still retained in our calendar, and solemnized on the 3d of May, in memory of the finding of the true cross of Christ, it is said, deep in the ground, on Mount Calva- ry, by St. Helena, the mother of Constantine ; where she erected a church for the preservation of part of it: the Vol. I. rest being brought to Rome, and deposited in the church of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem. Exaltation of the Cross, an ancient feast, held on the 14th of September, in memory of this, that Heraclitus re- stored to Mount Calvary the true cross, in 6'42, which had been carried off, 14 years before, by Cosroes kin" of Per- sia, on his taking Jerusalem from the emperor Phocas. This feast is still retained in our calendar, on Sept. 14, un- der the name of Holy Rood, or Holy Cross. Cross-Mu.ltiplicatiok, a method t)f. lOinc. used chiefly by artificers in multiplying feet 6 8 and inches by feet and inches, or the like; "50 q so called, because the factors are multiplied g g § crosswise, thus : ' 7. — : — : 60 8 Cross-Staff, or Fore-Staff, was a nautical instru- ment of box, or pear-tree, consisting of a square staff', of about 3 feet long, having each of its faces divided like a line of tangents, and having 4 cross pieces of unequal lengths to fit on to the staff, the halves of these being as the radii to the tangent lines on the faces of the staff. — The instrument was used in taking the altitudes of the celestial bodies at sea. It seems to have been pretty ancient, and was described by John Werner of Nuremberg, in his Annota- tions on the 1st book of Ptolemy's Geography, printed in 1514, recommending it for observing the distance between the moon and some star, for the purpose of determining helongitude. See Fore-Staff. CROUSAZ (John Peter de), a learned philosopher and mathematician, was born at Lausanne in Switzerland, April 13, 1663 ; where he died in 1748, at 85 years of age. Having made great progress in mathematics and the philosophy of Descartes, he travelled into Geneva, Hol- land, and France. He was successively professor in seve- ral universities ; and at length was chosen governor to Prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel, nephew to the king of Sweden. Crousaz was author of many works, in various branches ; belles-lettres, logic, philosophy, divinity, &c, &c; but the most esteemed of them are, 1. His Logic; the best edition of which is that of 1741, in 6* vols. 8vo. — 2. A Treatise on Beauty. — 3. A Treatise on Education, 2 vols, 12mo. — 4. A Treatise on the Human Understanding. — 5. Several Treatises on Philosophy and Mathematics; as a Treatise on Motion, &c, with several papers inserted in the Memoirs of the. French Academy of Sciences. CROW, in Mechanics, an iron lever, made with a sharp point at one end, and two claws at the other ; being used in heaving and purchasing great weights, &c. 1 CROWN, in Astronomy, a name given to two constel- lations, the southern and the northern. Crown, in Geometry, a plane ring included between two parallel or concentric peripheries of unequal circles. The area of this is obtained, by multiplying its breadth by the length of a middle, periphery, which is an arithme- tical mean between the two peripheries that bound it ; or by multiplying half the sum of the circumferences by half the difference of the diameters; or lastly, by multiplying the sum of the diameters by the difference of the diameters, and this last product by '7854. See my Mensuration, pa. 110, 4th. edit. Crown-Pos*, is a post in some buildings standing up- right in the middle, between two principal rafters ; and from which proceed struts or braces to the middle of each 3C CUB [ 378 ] C U B rafter. It is otherwise called a King-post) or King's-piece, Of Joggle-piece. Cs.ows-W/ieel, of a Watch, is the upper wheel next the balance, or that which drives the balance. Crow ys -Work, in fortification, is an out-work running into the field; designed to keep off the enemy, gain some hill, or advantagecus post, and cover the other works of the place. It con>ists of two demi-bastions at the ex- tremities, and an entire bastion in the middle, with cur- tains. Crowned Horn-work, is a horn- work with a crown- work before it. CRYSTALLINE Humour, is a thick compact humour of the eye, in form of a flattish convex lens, placed in the middle of the eye, and serving to make that refraction of the rays of light which is necessary to have them meet in the retina, and form an image there, by which vision may be performed. Crystalline Heavens, in the Old Astronomy, two orbs imagined between the primum mobile and the firma- ment, in the Ptolemaic system, which supposed the hea- vens solid, and only susceptible of a single motion. King Alphonsus of Arragon, it is said, introduced the Crystallines, to explain what was called the motion of trepidation, or titubation. — The first Crystalline, accord- ing to Regiornontanus, &c, serves to account for the slow motion of the fixed stars; by which they advance a de- gree in about 70 years, according to the order of the signs, or from west to east ; which occasions a precession of the equinox. The 2d serves to account for the motion of libration, or trepidation ; by which the celestial sphere librates from one pole towards the other, causing a differ- ence in the sun's greatest declination. CTESIB1US, orCTESEBES, a mathematician of Alexan- dria, who was contemporary with Ptolemy king of Egypt, in the l65th olympiad, about 120 years before Christ. He was possessed of a very great strength of imagination, which placed him at once in a situation much above that which his birth otherwise entitled him toexpect, being the son of a barber in that city. His memory is particu- larly cherished as the inventor of the pump. He also in- vented an hydraulic organ, though the circumstances that led to the discovery were purely accidental. On lower- ing a mirror in his father's shop, he observed that the coun- terpoise, which was included in a cylinder, produced a sound, by driving the air before it; and on examining the phenomenon more strictly, he conceived the idea of making an instrument, in which sounds should be produ- ced by means of the action of water driving the air before it, which invention was afterwards carried into effect by the emperor Nero. Ctesibius was the inventor likewise of the clepsydra, or water-clock, by means of water falling upon a wheel, or a train of wheels, which were turned by it. The wheels communicated their motion to a small wooden image, which, by being gradually raised, pointed with an index to the proper hours, that were engraved on a column near the machine. This invention, it is highly pro- bable, led to that "I hour-glasses, or sand-glasses, for mea- suring time, Which seems an imitation of the clepsydra. Ctesibius was also author of a treatise, " Geodesia, or the Art of dividing and measuring Bodies," which is said to be preserved in the library of the Vatican. Ctesirius' Pump. See Pump. CUBATURE, or Cuiiation, of a solid, is the measu- ring the space contained in it, or rinding the solid content of it, or finding a cube equal to it. The cubature regards the content of a body, as the qua- drature does the superficies or area of a figure. CURE, a regularsolid body, inclosed by six cqualsides or faces, which are squares. — A die is a small cube. It is also called a hexaedron, because of its six sides, and is the 2d of the five Platonic or Regular bodies? The cube is supposed to be generated by the motion of a square plane, along a line equal and perpendicular to one of its sides. To desci. je a Rete, or Net, for forming a cube, or with which it may be covered. See Body {regular). To determine the Surface and Solidity of a Cube. — Mul- tiply one side by itself, which will give one square or face; then this multiplied by 6, the number effaces, will give the whole surface. Also multiply one side, twice by itself, that is, cube it, which will give the solid content. Duplication of a Cube. See Duplication. Cubes, or Cubic Numbers, are formed by multiply- ing any numbers twice by themselves. So the cubes of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. are 1, 8, 27, 64, 12.5, 2l6, &c. The third differences of the cubes of the natural num- bers are all equal to each other, being the constant num- ber 6". For, let to 3 , n 3 , p 3 , be any three adjacent cubes in the natural series as above, that, is, whose roots m, n, p, have the common, difference 1 ; then because n = to -+- 1, theref. n? = to 3 -t- 3m r -+- 3m 4- I, p =r n ■+■ 1, theref. p 3 = ?j 3 ■+• 3n z =+■ 3n -+- 1 ; so that the difference between the 1st and 2d, and between the 2d and 3d cubes, are w 3 — to 3 = 3»r -+■ 3m -+- 1,7 .i_ , . i-o- , , „ o „ ,'!• the 1st differences ; p 3 — n 3 = 3« ■+■ 3» -i- 1 , j and the dif. of these differences, is 3(n 2 — to 2 ) ■+■ 3(n — to) = 3{n ■+- to) . {n — to ) + 3 (n — to), or since n — m = 1, it becomes 3(n •+- to) -+- 3 = 3(« -+■ to -)-!)= 6(to 4- 1), the 2d difference. In like manner the next 2d dif. is 6(ri -+- 1) : hence the dif. of these two 2d diffs. is 6(n — m) = 6, which is therefore the constant 3d difference of all the series of cubes. And hence the series of cubes will be formed by addition only, viz, adding always the 3d dif. 6 to find the column or series of 2d diffs, then these added always for the 1st dill's, and lastly these always added for the cubes them- selves, as below : 3d Difs. 2d Difs. 1st Difs. Cubes 6 6 1 6 12 7 I 6 18 19 R ■ 6 24 37 27 6 30 6i 64 6 36' ftl" 125 6 42 127 ^216 6 48 169 343 Peletarius, among various speculations concerning square and cubic numbers, shows that the continual sums of the cubic numbers, whose roots are 1, 2, S, &c, form the se- ries of squares whose roots are 1 , 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, &c. Thus, 1 = 1 = I'. l + 8 = 9 = S% 1+ 8 -*- 27 = 36 = 6\ i h- 8 ■+- 27 ■+■ 64 = 100 = 10 2 , &e. CUB [ 379 ] CUB Or, in general, I 3 -4- 2 3 -t- 3 3 + 4 3 &c, to» 3 = (1 + 2 ■+■ 3 gebra. The rule is this : Put a = ■£/>, and 4 =|?; then + 4 . . . ft} 2 , whose root is •§■». (re -+- 1). by Cardan's method the root is It is also a pretty property, that any number, and the x =y/[6 -h*/(b* •+- a 3 )] -t- 3 /^ — v/(* 2 -+- a 3 )] ; or if there cube of it, being divided by 6', leave the same remainder; be puts=£/[6-t- -/(&* -+- a 3 )], and d — z /[b — ^/{li l + a 3 )], the series of remainders being 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, continually then s ■+■ d = x, the 1st or Cardan's root, repeated. Or that the differences between the numbers and their cubes, divided by 6, leave always remaining; and the quotients, with their successive differences, form the several orders of figurate numbers. Thus, also ■ and • ■ - — -*/ -3 is the 2d root, s — d . — tv ■ ■3 is the 3d root. Num. Cubes. Difs. Quot. lD.f. ■2 Dif. 1 1 2 8 6 1 1 1 3 27 24 4 3 2 4 64, 6o 10 6 3 5 125 120 20 10 4 6 216 210 35 15 5 7 343 336 56 21 6" See a large table - of cubes and squares, with their roots, &c, in the first volume of my Tracts, at the end. The Cube of a Binomial, is equal to the cubes of the two parts or members, together with triple of the two pa- rallelopipedons under each part and the square of the other; viz, (a ■+■ b) 3 = a 3 ■+■ 3a'b ■+■ 3ab 2 -+- 6 3 . And hence the common method of extracting the cube root. Cubic Equations, are those in which the unknown quan- tities rise to three dimensions; as i 3 = a, or x 3 -t- ax 2 = b, or x 3 -t- ax" 1 ■+■ bx = c, &c. All cubic equations may be reduced to this form, x 3 -hpx = q; viz, by taking away the 2d term, when there is one; which is done by substituting, in the given equation z — -J-a for x. / All cubic equations have three roots ; which are either all real, or else one only is real, and the other two imagi- nary ; for all roots become imaginary by pairs. But the nature of the roots, as to real and imaginary, is known partly from the sign of the co-efficient p, and partly from the relation between p and q : for the equation has always two imaginary roots when p is positive ; it has also two imaginary roots when/) is negative, provided (ip) 3 be less (kq) 1 , or 4/r 3 less than 27'f ; otherwise the roots are all real ; namely, whenever p is negative, and ip 3 either therefore r = c -t- d =4, Ihe 1st root; and Now the first of these, or Cardan's root, is always a real root, though it is not always the greatest root, as it has been commonly mistaken for. And yet this rule always exhibits the root in the form of an imaginary quantity when the equation has no imaginary roots at all ; but in the form oi a real quantity when the equation has two ima- ginary roots. See the reason of this explained in my Tract above cited, art. 47. As to the other two roots, viz, — i - IT*/ ~ 5, though, in their general form they have an imaginary appearance ; yet, by substituting cer- tain particular numbers, they come out in a real form in all such cases as they ought to be so. But, after the first root is found by Cardan's rule, the other two roots may be found, or exhibited, in several other different ways; some of which are as follow : Let p denote the 1st, or Cardan's root, and v and w the other two roots : then is v -+- w = — r, and vwr = q ; and the resolution of these two equations will give the other two roots d and w, by a quadratic equation. Or resolve the quadratic equation x 2 -+- tx h* r 2 -+- p = 0, and its two roots will be those sought. Or the same two roots will be either -ir + fv/(-p - -)and-fr- i ancl rf=v / (2-v / ~ 121 ) =2 —«/ — 1: equal to, or greater than 27q 2 . Every cubic equation of the above form, viz, wanting the 2d term, has both positive and negative roots, and the greatest root is always equal to the sum of the two less roots; viz, either one positive root equal to the sum of the two negative ones, or else one negative root equal to — — jj— ± - — -4/ — 3 = — 2 + \/3, the other two roots. Ex. 2. If x 3 - 6x = 4 : here a = — 2, and 6=2; therefore ^/(b 1 -+- a') =^/(4 - 8) = */ — 4 = 2^/- 1, .5=^(2 4- 2s 2 v q determines the affection of the roots, as to positive and roots. negative. See my Tract on Cubic Equations in the Philos. 2 - Another method for the roots of the equation Trans, for 1780, and in my new Tracts, vol. 2, tract 28. * 3 + P X = 9' ' s bv means of infinite series, as shown at art. 68, and seq. of my Tract above cited ; whence it ap- pears that the roots are exhibited in various forms of scries as follow : viz, 2J/Jx ( 1 _■ -H£l _ 2 - 5 - 8c * &c) v 3.64** ' for the 1st root, and To find the Values of the Roots of Cubic Equations. Having reduced the equation to this form x 3 +px = q, its root may be found in various ways : the first of these, is that which is called Cardan's Rule, by whom it was first pub- lished, but invented by Ferrcus and Tartalea. Sec Al- 3C2 CUB [ 8801 ] CUB a , , , 2r- 2.5.8c* , . and secants, in my Course of Mathematics, vol. 3, p. 181, _ ^ A x ( , _____ _ .^ &c) 185j & _ ' c s/ ~ A (i j. 2 ^ 4 „ . 4. Again, the several methods of approach, or approxi- j/V ^ T 3.6.96" a. 6. 9. 12. is/* mation, for the roots of all affected equations, which have for the two other roots : where a = §p, b = \q, and <■ = been use( | j n various ways by Stevin,Vieta, Newton, Halley, >/{b l -h a 3 ). And similar series, for the solution of cubic Raphson, and others. equations, were also employed by .M. Leibnitz of Hanover, f t h ese may De a _ded the method of Trial-and-error, in the year 1677. Various other series for the same or of Double Position, one of the easiest and best of any. purpose may also be seen in my Tract, so often before Of this method, let ttiere be taken the last example, viz, cited. x 3 ■+- 18x = 6, in which it is evident that x is very nearly 3. A third method for the roots of cubic equations, is equa ( to t f Dut a little less; take it therefore x = "33 ; by angular sections, and the table of sines. It .vas first thenx 3 -t- 1 8x = 5*975937, but should be 6", and there- hinted by Bornbelli, in his Algebra, that angles are trisected f ore the error is -024063 in defect. by the resolution of cubic equations. Afterwards Vieta Again suppose .r = -34; then X s ■+■ lSx = 6^159304, gave the resolution of cubics, and the higher equations, by w hich is -1 59304 in excess, angular sections. Next, Albeit Girard, in his Invention -34 x -024063 ■+- -3 3 x -159 304 _ 60752 Nouvelle en l'Algebre, shows how to resolve the inedu- therefore -024063 -t- -159104 ~* IS3307 3313, cible case in cubics by a table of sines : and healso con- the root as before very nearly. structs the same, or finds the roots, by the intersection of The method of icsolving all the cases of cubic equations the hyperbola and circle. Halley and Demoivre also by the tables of sines, tangents, and secants, are thus given gave rules and examples of the same kind of resolutions by Dr. Maskelyne, p. 57, Taylor's Logarithms, by a table of sines. And, lastly, Mr. Anthony Thacker " The following method is adapted to a Cubic equation, invented, and Mr. William Brown computed, a large set wanting the second term; therefore, if the equation has the of similar tables, for resolving affected quadratic and cubic second term, it must be first taken away in the usual man- equations, with their application to the resolution of bi- ner. There are four forms of cubic equations wanting the quadratic ones. See Irreducible Case. Also the re- second term, whose roots, according to known rules equi- solution of these cases, by the tables of sines, tangents, valent to Cardan's are as follow : l S t. X >+px-q = --x__ ^[|-1-^+g>}-y[-i+^+^)], 2d. ^p+^O x= L Vi -'L + y(L +£)] _ y [I t ^H.i)], 3d . x'-.px- 9 = o x= yt|-.^(f-g)]Vi/c'--/(^-g)J, 4th. x 3 -px + q =0 x = -$/[£ -V(i* - £)] - f [f -V(£ T %)■}. The roots of the first and second forms are negatives of signs belong to the third form, and the lower signs to the each other ; and those of the third and fourth are also ne- fourth form. gatives of each other. The first and second forms have _, , . , only one root each. The third and fourth forms have also " ° 3 , . ', , ■ „, , .- , ,a' f \- Forms 1st and 2d. Log. - -t- 10 x log.- = log. only one root each, when the quadratic surd ^/ ( J — —)i* * - 3 • , ■ , 4 1 • 2 ? . loz. tan. (45° — ■§::)+ 20 . _ possible ; but have three roots each when that surd is lm- tan.z; and — ■ = log. tan. tu Ihen log. possible. 4 u The roots of all the four forms may, in all cases, be * = ! log- j- + log. cot. 2a— 10; and x will be affirma- easily computed as follows : t ; ve ; n tne fl rst f ornl) an( - negative in the second form. Forms Ut and 2d. Put q - x (-)* = tang. 2; and Forms 3d -„_ 4 , A . t x i og . jj. + 10 - log. £ being less $/[tan. (45° -42)]= tan. a. Then x = ±>/j * cot. than 10 (which is case first) or log . otherwise its reciprocal f x (-)* =s cos. z. Then, x — 1 fog. i£ -t- 10- log. sin. 2u; and x will be affirma- Case 1st. - x f-y < unity. Put ^/[tan. (45° - i 2)] tive in the third form ' and negative in the 4th form. _,. . An „ , Case 2d. Here x has three values. = tan. u. Then x = ± a/ — x cosec. 2a ; where the up- 4p s ' . ., 3 . c . , . . 1st. Log. + x =ilog. -7- -f- log. cos. - — 10, per sign belongs to the third lorm, and the lower sign to ° - ° 3 j the fourth form. 2(] _ Lo „. -r x — « W. ii + fog. cos. (fi0° - -), Ccisc 2d. - x („-) T > unity. Then x has three values in ap z 9 3 3d. Log. Ti = i l°g- "j" + log- cos. (60° -t- -) - 10; each form, viz, x ■= ±^ x cos. ~ = Ts/~ x cos. , vherc the uppe r signs belong to the third form, and the /r. x \ -1- /"/> //?„n 2 v , . lower signs to the fourth form ; that is, the first value of x (600 _ _) _ qp ^_ x cos . (6o o + _j . whcre thc uppcr . n the thjrd form . s pos . t . vC) and . te ^^^ and thha CUB [ 381 ] C U N values negative ; and the first value of x in the fourth form is negative, and its second and third values affirmative." See also Irreducible Case. .. For the construction of cubic equations, see Con- struction. Cubic Foot, of any thing, is so much of it as is con- tained in a cube whose side is one foot. Cubic Hyperbola, is a figure expressed by the equation xy' 1 = a, having two asymptotes, and consisting of two hy- perbolas, lying in the adjoining angles of the asymptotes, and not in the opposite angles, like the Apollonian hy- perbola^ being otherwise called by Newton, in his Enu- meratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis, an hyperbolismus of a parabola ; and is the 65th species of those lines according to him. Cubic Numbers. See Cubes. Cubic Parabola, a curve, as bcd, of the 2d order, hav- ing two infinite legs cb, cd, tending contrary ways. And if the absciss, ap or x, touch the curve in c, the relation between the absciss and ordinate, viz, a P =.r, and pm = y, is expressed by the equation y = ax 3 -t- bx 2 -+- ex -+■ d ; or when a coincides with c, by the equation^ = ax 3 , which is the simplest form of the equation of this curvd. If the right line ap (fig. 2) cut the cubical parabola in three points a, b, c ; and from any point p there be drawn the right line or ordinate pm, cutting the curve in one point m only: then will pm be always as the solid ap x bp x cp ; which is an essential property of this curve. And hence it is easy to construct a cubic equation, as x 3 ■+• d'x = b 1 , by the intersection of this curve and a right line. See the Construction of a cubic equation by means of the cubic parabola and a right line, by Dr. Wal- lis, in his Algebra: As also the Construction of equations of 6' dimensions, by means of the cubic parabola and a cir- cle, by Dr. Halley, in a lecture formerly read at Oxford. Tlie curve of this parabola cannot be rectified, not even by means of the conic sections. But a circle may be found equal to the Curve Surface, generated by the rotation of the curve am about the tangent ap to the principal ver- tex a. Let mn be an ordinate, and mt a tangent at the point m; and let pm be parallel to an. Divide mn in the point o, so that mo be to on as tm to mn. Then a mean proportional between tm -+- on and | of an will be the radius of a circle, whose area is equal to the superfi- cies described by that rotation, viz, of am about ap. M. — a — The Area of a Cubic Parabola is \ of its circumscribi parallelogram. Cubic Root, of any number, or quantity, is such a quantity as being cubed, or twice multiplied by itself, shall produce that which was given. So, the cubic root of 8 is 2, because 2 3 or 2 x 2 x 2 is equal to 8. The common method of extracting the cube root, founded on the property given above, viz, (a ■+■ b) 3 =o 3 ■-(- Zu x b -+- 3ab 2 -t- b 3 , is found in every book of common arithmetic, and is as old at least as Lucas de Burgo, where it is first met with in print. Other methods for the cube root may be seen under the article Extraction of Roots, particularly this one, viz, the cube root of n, or \/n — x a, very nearly, or 2a 3 •+■ n: 2n ■+■ a 3 l/n the cube root of n nearly; where n is any number given whose cube root is sought, and a 3 is the nearest complete cube to n, whether greater or less. For example,. Suppose it were proposed to double the cube, or, which comes to the same thing, to extract the cube root of the number 2. Here the nearest cube is 1, whose cube root is \ also, that is, a 3 = 1, and a = J, also n = 2; therefore 2a 3 -h n 2b -t a 3 a 4 = 5 : : 1 : | = l"25. = ?/2 nearly. But, for a nearer value, assume now a =-. i., or a 3 = U* ; then is 2a 3 -+- n = y° + 2 = ^, and 2n + a 3 = 4 ■+■' 3 W = W ! hen ce 378 : 381 : : £ : «££ or 1-25.992 1 = v/2, or the cube root of 2, which is true in the last place of decimals— And this is the simplest and easiest method for the cube root of any number. See its investigation in my new Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 210. , Every number or quantity has three cubic roots, one that is real, and two imaginary: So, the cube root of 1 is either I, or - 1+ ^~ 3 , or - ' ~^~ ' ; and if r be the real root of any cube r 3 , the two imaginary cubic roots of it will be - -- + ^ 3 r, and - ?~^ ~ 3 . r . for any one of these being cubed, gives the same cube r 3 . Cubing of a Solid. See Cubature. Cubo-cube, the 6th power. Cubo-cubo-cube, the 9th power. CUBIT, a measure equal to the distance from the elbow of a man to the extremity of his fingers; and commonly estimated at half a yard, or 18 inches. CULMINATION, the passage of a star or planet over the meridian, or that point of its orbit which it is in at its greatest altitude. Hence a star is said to culminate, when it passes the meridian. To find the time of a Star's culminating. Estimate the time nearly; and find the right ascension, both of the sun and star, corrected for this estimated time; then the dif- ference between these right ascensions, converted into solar time, at the rate of 15 degrees to the hour, gives the time of southing. See an example of this calculation every year in White's Ephemeris, pa. 45. CULVERIN, was the name of a piece of ordnance; but is now disused. CUNTiTTE. See Cuvette. CUNEUS. See Wedge. CUN1TIA (Maria), a lady of Silesia, who was famous for her extensive knowledge in many branches of learning but more particularly in mathematics and astronomy, o"i which she wrote several ingenious treatises; particularly one entitled Urania Propitia, printed in 1650, in Latin and German, and dedicated to Ferdinand the 3d, emperor C U R [ 382 ] CUR of Germany. In this work are contained astronomical tables of great ease ami accuracy, founded on Kapler's hy- pothesis. But notwithstanding her merit shines with such peculiar lustre as to reflect honour on her sex, history does not inform us of the. time of her birth or death. CURRE.NT, a stream or flux of water in any direction. The Setting; of the current, is that point of the compass towards which the waters run; and the Drift of a current is the rate it runs an hour. Currents in the sea, are either natural and general, as arising from the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis, or the tides, &c ; or accidental and particular, caused by the waters being driven against promontories, or into gulphs and streights; whence they are forced back, and thus dis- turb the natural Mux of the sea. The currents are so violent under the equator, where the motion of the earth is greatest, that they hurry vessels very speedily from Africa to America, but absolutely pre- vent their return the same way : so that ships are forced to run as far as the 40th or 45th degree of north latitude, to fall into the return of the current again, to bring them home to Europe. It is shown by Governor Pownal, that this current performs a continual circulation, setting out from the. Guinea coast in Africa, for example, thence crossing straight over the Atlantic Ocean, and so setting into the Gulph of Mexico by the south side of it ; then sweeping round by the bottom of the Gulph, it issues out by the north side of it, and thence takes a direction north- easterly along the coast of North America, till it arrive near Newfoundland, where it is turned by a whirling mo- tion backward across the Atlantic again, upon the coasts of Europe, and thence southward to the coast of Africa, from which it commenced. In the streights of Gibraltar, the currents set in by the south side, sweep along the coast of Africa to Egypt, by Palestine, and return by the northern side, or European coasts, and issue out again by the northern side of the streights. In St. George's Channel too they usually set eastward. The great violence and danger of the sea in the Streights of Magellan, is attributed to two contrary cur- rents setting in, one from the south and the other from the north sea. Currents are of some consideration in the art of navi- gation, as a ship is either accelerated or retarded by them in her course, according as the set is with or against the ship's motion. If the ship sail along the direction of a cur- rent, it is evident that the velocity of the current must be added to that of the vessel as observed by the log, because in this estimation the water is supposed to be at rest; but if her course be directly against the current, it must for the same reason be subtracted : and if she sail athwart it, her motion will be compounded with that of the current; and her velocity augmented or retarded, according to the angle of her direction with it; that is, she will proceed in the diagonal of the parallelogram formed according to the two lines of direction, and will describe or pass over that diagonal in the same time in which she would have de- scribed either of the sides, by the separate velocities. Tor suppose a rdc be a parallelogram, the diagonal of which is ad. Now if the. wind alone would drive the. ship from A to b, in the same time as the current alone would drive it from a to c: then, as the wind neither helps nor hinders the ship from coming towards the line CD, the current will bring it there in the same, time as i ftl.e wind did not act: and as the current neither helps nor hinders the ship from coming towards the line bd, the wind will bring it there in the same time as if the current did not act: therefore the ship must, at the end of tnat time, be found in both those lines, that is, in their meeting n : consequently the ship must have passed from a to D in the diagonal ad. See Comvosition of Forces. See the Sailing in Currents largely exemplified -in Ro- bertson's Navigation, vol. 2, book 7, sect. 8. Currents, Under, are those currents which run at a certain depth below the surface of the water, and in a contrary direction. Dr. Smith, in the lull vol. of the Philosophical Transactions, relates an experiment made in the Baltic Sound, which was communicated to him by an able seaman, who was present at the time it was made. Being at that place in one of his majesty's frigates, they went with their pinnace into the mid-stream, where they were carried away violently by the current.' But having sunk a large basket by means of iron shot placed in it, and having at the same time a rope affixed to it, the mo- tion of the boat, which was then drifting with the current, was checked ; and by sinking the basket still lower and lower, the motion of the boat was more and more re- tarded, until it was finally driven in a contrary direction to that of the upper current, which last did not appear to extend to a greater depth than that of four or five fa- thoms ; and as the upper current was stronger, the nearer it was to the surface; so the under current appeared to be more rapid, as the depth increased. Dr. Smith derives another argument in favour of an under current at the Straits, from the ossing between the north and south Foreland, where it runs tide and half tide; viz, it is cilhej ebb or flood in that part of the Downs, three hours before it is so off at sea; a certain sign that, though the tide of flood runs above, the tide of ebb must run below, that is, close to the ground ; and on the contrary, when it is ebb tide above, it will be flowing below. Currents of Air. See Wind. CURSOR, a small piece of brass &c, that slides ; as, the piece in an equinoctial ring dial that slides to the day of the mouth ; or the .little ruler or label of brass sliding in a groove along the middle of another label, representing the horizon in the analemma; or the point that "slides along the beam compass ; &c. CURTATE Distance, is the distance of a planet's place from the sun, reduced to the ecliptic : or. the interval be- tween the sun and that point where a perpendicular, let fall from the planet, meets the ecliptic. CURTATION, the interval between a planet's distance from the sun, and the curtate distance. From the fore- going article it is easy to find the curtate distance; whence the manner of constructing tables of curtation is obvious ; the quantity of inclination, reduction, and curtation of a planet, depending on the argument of latitude. Kepler, in his Rodolphine Tables, reduces the tables of them all into one, under the title of Tabula Latitudinal ia\ CURTIN, Curtain, or Courtine, in Fortification, that part of a wall or rampart that joins two bastions, or lying between the flank of one and that of another. — The curtain is usually bordered with a parapet 5 feet high; behind which the soldiers stand to lire upon the covert- way, and into the. moat. CURVATUIU', of a Line, is its bending, or flexure ; by which it becomes a curve, of any peculiar form and pro- CUR [ 383 ] CUR perties. Thus, the nature of the curvature of a circle is such, as that every point in the periphery is equally distant from a point within, called the centre; and so the curva- ture of the same circle is every where the same; but the curvature in all other curves is continually varying. — The curvature of a circle is so much the more, as its radius is less, being always reciprocally as the radius, for the curvature of a circle is its deviation from the tangent in a very small arc ; and this deviation is equal to the versed sine of the arc, which is reciprocally as the radius. And, in like manner, the curvature of other curves is measured by the reciprocal of the radius of a circle having the same degree of curvature as itself, at some certain point. livery curve recedes from its tangent by its curvature, the measure of which is the same as that of the angle of contact formed by the curve and tangent. Now the same tangent ab is common to an infinite number of circles, or other curves, all touching it and each other in the same point of contact c. So that any curve dce may be touch- ed by an infinite number of different circles at the same point c; and some of these circles fall wholly within it, be- ing more curved, or having a greater curvature than that curve; \yhile others fall without it near the point of con- tact, or between the curve and tangent at that point, and being thus less deflected from the tangent than the curve is, they have a less degree of curvature there. Conse- quently there is one, of this infinite number of circles; which neither falls below it nor above it, but, being equally deflected from the tangent, coincides with it most intimately of all the circles ; and the radius of this circle is called the Radius of Curvature of the curve ; also the circle itself is called the Circle of Curvature, or the Osculatory circle of that curve, because it touches it so closely that no other circle can be drawn between it and the curve. As a curve is separated from its tangent by its flexure or curvature, so it is separated from the osculatory circle by the increase or decrease of its curvature; and as its curvature is greater or less, according as it is more or less deflected from the tangent, so the variation of curvature is greater or less, according as it is more or less separated from the circle of curvature. It appears however, from the demonstration of geome- tricians, that circles may touch curve lines in such a man- ner, that there may be indefinite degrees of more or less intimate contact between the curve and its osculatory cir- cle ; and that a conic section may be described that shall have the same curvature with a given line at a given point, and the same variation of curvature, or a contact of the same kind with the circle of curvature. If we conceive-the tangent of any proposed curve to be a base, and that a new line or curve be described, whose ordinate, on the same base or absciss, is a 3d proportional to the ordinate and base of the first ; this new curve will determine the chord of the circle of curvature, by its in- tersection with the ordinate at the point of contact ; and it will also measure the variation of curvature, bytneans of the tangent of the angle in which it cuts that circle : the less this angle is, the closer is the contact of the curve and circle of curvature; and of this contact there may be indefinite degrees. For example, let emh be any curve, to which ex is a tangent at the point e ; then let there be always taken mx : et : : ex : tk, and through all the points k draw the curve bkf; then from the point of contact e draw eb parallel to the ordinate tk, meeting the last curve in b; and finally, describe a circle erqb through the point b and touch- ing ex in e; and it shall be the oscu- latory circle to the given curve emu. And the contact of em and er is al- ways the closer, the less the angle kbq is. See Maclaurin's Fluxions, art. 366. Hence it follows, that the contact of the curve emh and its osculatory circle, is closest, when the curve bk touches the arch bq in b, the angle bex being given; and it is farthest from this, or most open, when bk touches the right line be in b. Hence also there may be indefinite degrees of more and more intimate contact between a circle and a curve. The first degree is when the same right line touches them both in the same point; and a contact of this sort may take place between any circle and any arch of a curve. The 2d is when the curve emh and circle erb have the same curvature, and the tangents of the curve bkf and circle bqe intersect each other at b in any assignable angle. The contact of the curve em and circle of curvature eii at e, is of the 3d degree, or order, and their osculation is ot the 2d, when the curve bkf touches the circle bqe at b, but so as not to have the same curvature with it. The contact is of the 4th degree, or order, and their oscu- lation of the 3d, when the curve bkf has the same curva- ture with the circle bqe at b, but so as that their contact is only of the 2d degree. And this gradation of more and more intimate contact, or of approximation towards coin- cidence, may be continued indefinitely, the contact of em and er at e being always of an order two degrees closer than that of bk and bq at b. There is also an indefinite variety comprehended under each order: thus, when em and er have the same curvature, the angle formed by the tangents of bk and bq admits of indefinite variety, and the contact of em and er is the closer the less that angle is. And when that angle is of the same magnitude, the contact of em and er is the closer, the greater the circle of curvature is. When bk and bq touch at b, they may touch on the same or on different sides of their common tangent; and the angle of contact kbq may admit of the same variety with the angle of contact mer ; but as there is seldom occasion for considering those higher degrees of more intimate contact of the curve emh and circle of curvature erb, Maclaurih calls the contact or osculation of the same kind, when, the chord eb and angle bex being given, the angle contained by the tangents of bk and bq is of the same magnitude. When the curvature of emh increases from e towards H, and consequently corresponds to that of a circle gradu- ally less and less, the arch em falls within er, the arch of the osculatory circle, and bk is within bq. The con- trary happens when the curvature of em decreases from e towards n, and consequently corresponds to that of a circle which is gradually greater and greater, the arch em falls without er, and bk is without bq. And ac- cording as the curvature of em varies more or less, it is more or less unlike to the uniform curvature of a circle; CUR [ 384 ] CUR the arch of the curve emu separates more or less from the arch of the osculatory circle erb, and the angle contained by the tangents of bkf and bqe at B, is greater or less. Thus the quality of curvature, as it is called by Newton, depends on the angle contained by the tangents of bk and bq at b ; and the measure of the inequability or variation of curvature, is as the tangent of this angle, the radius be- ing given, and the angle bet being a right one. The radii of curvature of similar arcs in similar figures, are in the same ratio as any homologous lines of these figures; and the variation of curvature is the same. See Maclaurin, art. 370. When the proposed curve emh is a conic section, the new line bkf is also a conic section ; and it is a right line when emh is a parabola, to the axis of which the ordi- nates-TK are parallel, bkf is also a right line when emh is an hyperbola, to one asymptote of which the ordinate tk is parallel. When the ordinate eb, at the point of contact e, in- stead of meeting the new curve bk, is an asymptote to it, the curvature of em is less than in any circle ; and this is the case in which it is said to be infinitely small, or that the radius of curvature is infinitely great. And of this kind is the curvature at the points of contrary flexure in lines of the 3d order. When the curve bk passes through the point of contact e; the curvature is greater than in any circle, or the ra- dius of curvature vanishes; and in this case the curvature is said to be infinitely great. Of this kind is the curvature at the cusps of the lines of the 3d order. As to the degree of curvature in lines of theod and higher orders, see Maclaurin, art. 379 ; also art. 380, when the proposed curve is mechanical. As curves which pass through the same point have the same tangent when the first fluxions of the ordi nates are equal, so they have the same curvature when the 2d fluxions of the ordinate are likewise equal ; and half the chord of the osculatory circle that is intercepted between the points where it intersects the ordinate, is a 3d proportional to the right lines that measure the 2d fluxion of the ordinate and first fluxion of the curve, the base being supposed to flow uniformly. When a ray revolving about a given point, and terminated by the curve, becomes perpendicular to it, the first fluxion of the radius vanishes ; and if its 2d fluxion vanish at the same time, that point must be the centre of curvature. The same may be said, when the angular motion of the ray about that point is equal to the angular motion of the tangent of the curve ; as the an- gular motion of the radius of a circle about its centre is always equal to the angular motion of the tangent of the circle. Hence the various properties of the circle may suggest several theorems for determining the centre of curvature. See art. 396 of the said book, also the following, con- cerning the curvature of lines that are described by means of right lines revolving about given poles, or of angles that either revolve about such poles, or are carried along fixed lines. It is to be observed that, as when a right line intersects an arc of a curve in two points, if by varying the position of that line the two intersections unite in one point, it then becomes the tangent of the arc; so when a circle touches a curve in one point, and intersects it in another, if, by va- rying the centre, this intersection join the point of contact, the circle has then the closest contact with the arc, and be- comes the circle of curvature; but it still continues to in- tersect the curve at the same point where it touches it, that is, where the same right line is their common tangent, un- less another intersection join that point at the same time. In general, the circle of curvature intersects the curve at the point of osculation, only when the number of the suc- cessive orders of fluxions of the radius of curvature, that vanish when this radius comes to the point of osculation, is an even number. It has been supposed by some, that two points of con- tact, or four intersections of the curve and circle of curva- ture, must join to form an osculation. But Mr. James Bernoulli justly insisted, that the coalition of one point of contact and one intersection, or of three intersections, was sufficient. In which case, and in general., when an odd number of intersections only join each other, the point where they coincide continues to be an intersection of the curve and circle of curvature, as well as a point of their mutual contact and osculation. See Maclaurin's Flux, art. 493. From these principles may be determined the circle ot curvature at any point of a conic section. Thus, suppose aemhg be any conic section, to the point e of which the circle or radius of curvature is to be found. Let et be a tangent at e, and draw egb and the tangent hi parallel to the chords of the circle of curvature; then take eb to eg as El" to hi 2 ; or, when the section has a centre o, as in the ellipse and hyperbola, as the square of the semi-diame- ter oa parallel to et, is to the square of the semi-diame- ter oa parallel to eb ; and a circle eb described on the chord eb that touches et, will be the circle of curvature sought. When bet is a right angle, or eb is the diameter of the circle of curvature, eg will be the axis of the conic section, and eb will be the parameter of this axis; also when the point G, where the conic section cuts eb, and the point B, are on the same side of e, then emg will be an ellipsis, and eg the greater or less axis, according as kg is greater or less than eb. The propositions relating to the curvature of the conic sections, commonly given by authors, follow without much difficulty from this construction. 1. When the chord of curvature, thus found, passes through the centre of the conic section, it will then be equal to the parameter of the diameter tjiat passes through the point of contact. 2. The square of the semi-diameter oa, is to the rect- angle of half the transverse and hall the conjugate axis, as the radius of curvature cr. is to oa. And therefore the cube of the semi-diameter 00, parallel to the tangent et, is equal to the solid contained by the radius of curvature ce, and the rectangle of the two semiaxes. 3. The perpendicular to either axis bisects the angle CUR [ 385 ] made by the chord of curvature, and the common tangent of the conic section and circle of curvature. 4. The chord of the osculatory circle that passes through the focus, the diameter conjugate to that which passes through the point of contact, and the transverse axis of the figure, are in continued proportion. 5. When the section is an ellipse, if the circle of curva- ture at e meet oa in d, the square of Ed will be equal to twice the square of oa. Hence Ed : oa : :^/2 : 1. Which gives an,y = de, z = ae, and r = ce the radius of curvature; then is x.d = x, de =y, and ec = x. Now, by sim. tri. the 3 lines CUR 4!/ e )i (a de , Ee , y > z > GC , ce; X = ge y; Ed are respectively as the three therefore - - i and the fluxion of this last equation is GC.X ■+■ GC .X =z GE ,y -t- GEJ* , or because gc = — bg, it is GC . X — EG . X = GE . y ■+■ GE . y. But, since the two curves ae and be have the same curva- ture at the point E, their abscisses and ordinates have the same fluxions at that point, that is Ed or x is the flux- ion both of ad and bg, and de ox y is the fluxion both of DEand ge. In the above equation therefore substitute x for bg, andi for se, and it becomes GC . X — XX — GE .y -f- jy , or - gc . x — ge . ij = x* + y- or z z . Now mult, the three terms of this equation respectively by these three quantities, -^-, ■ — , , which areequal, and it becomes yi — xj) = — or ; and hence r== - . JX CE r yi-xf which is the general value of the radius of curvature for all curves whatever, in terms of the fluxions of the absciss and ordinate. Farther, as in any case either x or y may be supposed to flow equably, that is, either x oxy constant quantities, or £ ory = to nothing, by this supposition either of the terms in the denominator of the value of r may be made to vanish. So that when * is constant, the value of r is — 77-) but = ^-^r when y is constant. -Xj y x For example, suppose it were required to find the ra- dius or circle of curvature to any point of a parabola, its vertex being a, and axis ad. — Now the equation of the curve is ax = y*; hence ax = 'Jyy, and a'x = 2_r, suppo- sing constant ; hence r or Vol. I. W 0I ~W~ 1S ~~ or ~vi~' the g eneral va - lue of the radius of curvature for any point E, the ordinate to which cuts off the absciss ad = x. ■ Hence, when x or the absciss is nothing, the last expres- sion becomes barely — y a = ia = r, for the radius of cur- vature at the vertex of the parabola; that is, the diameter of the circle of curvature at the vertex of a parabola, is equal to a the parameter of the axis. See Circle of Curvature. Variation o/Curvature. See Variation. Double Curvature, is used for the curvature of a line, which twists so that all the parts of it do not lie in the same plane. Such as the rhumb-line, or loxodromic curve. CURVE, a line whosfrseveral parts proceed bowing, or tend different ways ; in opposition to a straight line, all whose parts have the same course or direction. The doctrine of curves, and of the figures and solids ge- nerated from them, constitute what is called the higher geometry. In a curve, the line ad, which bisects all the parallel lines mn, is called a Diameter; and the point a, where the diameter meets the curve, is called the Vertex : if ad bisect all the parallels at right ^ angles, it is called the Axis. The parallel lines MS are called Ordi- natesjor Applicates ; and their halves, pm, or pn, Semi-erdi- nates. The portion of the diameter ap, between the vertex,or any other fixed point, and an ordinate, is called the Ab* sciss : also the concourse of all the diameters, if they meet all in one point, is the Centre. This definition of the dia- meter, as bisecting the parallel ordinates, respects only the conic sections, or such curves as are cut only in two points by the ordinates; but in the lines of the 3d order, which may be cut in three points by the ordinates, then the dia- meter is that line which cuts the ordinates so, that the sum of the two parts that lie on one side of it, shall be equal to the part on the other side : and so on for curves of higher orders, the sum of the parts of the ordinates on one side of the diameter, being always equal to the sum of the parts on the other side of it. Curve lines are distinguished into Algebraical or Geo- metrical, and Transcendental or Mechanical. Algebraical or Geometrical Curves, are those in which the relation of the abscisses ap, to the ordinates pm, can be expressed by a common algebraic equation. And Transcendental or Mechanical Curves, are such as cannot be so defined or expressed by an algebraical equa- tion. See Transcendental Curve. Thus, suppose, for instance, the curve be the circle * and that the radius AC = r, the absciss AP = r, and the ordi- nate TM=y; then, because the nature of the circle is such, that the rectangle ap x pb is always = p>5H% therefore the equation is x . (2r — j;) = y*, or Irx — x~ =y 1 , defining this curve, which is therefore an algebraical or geometrical line. Or, suppose cp = x; then is cm* — cp J = pm'', that is r- — x- = y'~ ; which is another form of the equation of the curve. 3 D CUR [ 386 ] C U 11 The doctrine of curve lines in general, as expressed by algebraical equations, was first introduced by Descartes, ■who called algebraical curves geometrical ones; as admit- ting none else into the construction of problems, nor con- sequently into geometry. But Newton, and after him Leibnitz and Wolfius, are of another opinion ; and think, that in the construction of a problem, one curve is not to be preferred to another for its being defined by a more simple equation, but for its being more easily described. Algebraical or geometrical lines are best distinguished into orders according to the number of dimensions of the equation expressing the relation between its ordinates and abscisses, or, which is the same thing, according to the number of points in which they may be cut by a right line. And curves of the same kind or order, are those whose equa- tions rise to the same dimension. Hence, of the first or- der, there is the right line only ; of the 2d order of lines, or the first order of curves, are the circle and conic sec- tions, being 4 species only, viz, dx — x" = y 2 the circle, ~~. {dx — x 2 ) =y 2 the ellipse, -=- . (dx -+- x 1 ) =y' 2 the hy- perbola, and dx = y' 2 the parabola ; the lines of the 3d order, or curves of the 2d order, are expressed by an equa- tion of the 3d degree, having three roots; and so on. Of these lines of the 3d order, Newton wrote an express trea- tise, under the title of Enumeratio Linearum Tertii Ordi- nis, showing their distinctive characters and properties, to the number of 72 different species of curves : «but Mr. Stirling afterwards added four more to that number; and Mr. Nic. Bernoulli and Mr. Stone added two more. Curies of the 2d and other higher feW*,Newton observes, have parts and properties similar to those of the 1st kind : Thus, as the conic sections have diameters and axes; the lines bisected by these are ordinates ; and the intersection of the curve and diameter, the vertex : so, in curves of the 2d kind, any two parallel right lines being drawn to meet the curve in 3 points; a right line cutting these parallels so, as that the sum of the two parts between the secant and the curve on one side, is equal to the 3d part termina- ted by the curve on the other side, will cut, in the same manner, all other right lines parallel to these, and that meet the curve in three points, that is, so as that the sum of the two parts on one side, will still be equal to the 3d part on the other side. These three parts therefore thus equal, may be called Ordinates, or Applicates ; the cut- ting line, the Diameter; and where it cuts the ordinates at right angles, the Axis; the intersection of the diameter and trie curve, the Vertex; and the concourse of two di- ameters, the Centre ; also the concourse of all the diame- ters, the Common or General Centre. Again, as an hyperbola of the first kind has two asym- ptotes ; that of the 2d has 3 ; that of the 3d has 4 ; &c : and as the parts of any right line between the conic hyper- bola and its two asymptotes, are equal on either side ; so, in hyperbolas of the 2d kind, any right line cutting the curve and its three asymptotes in three points; the sum of the two parts of that right line, extended from any two asymptotes, the same way, to two' points of the curve, will be equal to the 3d part extended from the 3d asymptote, the contrary way, to the 3d point of the curve. Again, as in the conic sections that are not parabolical, the square of an ordinate, i.e. the rectangle of the ordi- nates drawn on the contrary sides of the diameter, is to the rectangle of the parts of the diameter terminated at the vertices of an ellipse or hyperbola, in the same proportion as a given line called the latus rectum, is to that part of the diameter which lies between the vertices, and called the latus transversum ; so, in curves of the 2d kind, not parabolical, the product under three ordinates, is to the product under the three parts of the diameter cut off at the ordinates and the three vertices of the figure, in a given ratio : in which, if there be taken three right lines situated at the three parts of the diameter between the ver- ' tices of the figure, each to each ; then these three right lines may be called the Latera Recta of the figure ; and the parts of the diameter between the vertices, the Latera Transversa. And, as in a conic parabola, which has only one vertex to one and the same diameter, the rectangle under the or- dinates is equal to the rectangle under the part of the diameter cut off at the ordinates and vertex, and a given right line called the latus rectum : so, in curves of the 2d kind, which have only two vertices to the same diameter, the product under three ordinates, is equal to the product under two parts of the diameter cut oft' at the ordinate? and the two vertices, and a given right line, which may therefore be called the Latus Transversum. Further, as in the conic sections, where two parallels, terminated on each side by a curve, are cut by two other parallels terminated on each side by a curve, the 1st by the 3d, and the 2d by the 4th; the rectangle of the parts of the 1st is to the rectangle of the parts of the 3d, as that of the 2d is to that of the 4th ; so, when four such right lines occur in a curve of the 2d kind, each in three points ; the product of the parts of the 1st, will be to that of the parts of the 3d, as that of the 2d to that of the4th. Lastly, the legs of curves, both of the 1st, 2d, and higher kinds, are either of the parabolic or hyperbolic kind: an hyperbolic leg being that which approaches in- finitely towards some asymptote; and a parabolic one, that which has no asymptote. These legs are best distinguished by their tangents ; for, if the point of contact go off to an infinite distance, the tangent of the hyperbolic leg will coincide with the asymptote ; and that of the parabolic leg, recede infinitely, and vanish. Therefore the asymptote of any leg is found, by seeking the tangent of that leg to a point infinitely di- stant ; and the direction of an infinite leg is found, by seeking the position of a right line parallel to the tangent, where the point of contact is infinitely remote, for this line tends that way towards which the infinite leg is di- rected. Reduction of Curves of the 2d kind. Newton reduces all curves of the 2d kind to four cases of equations, expressing the relation between the ordinate and absciss, viz, in the 1st case, xy 2 -+- ey = ax 3 -+■ bx" -+- ex ■+■ d ; in the 2d, - xy = ax 3 -+- bx* -+■ ex + d ; in the 3d, - y l = ax 3 -i- bx" -+- ex -+- d ; in the 4th, - y = ax 3 + bx" ■+■ ex -t- d. See Newton's Enumeratio, sect. 3; and Stirling's Lineee, &c, p. S3. Enumeration of the Curves of the 2d kind. Under these four cases, the author brings a great num- ber of different forms of curves, to which he gives different names. An hyperbola lying wholly within the angle of the asymptotes, like a conic hyperbola, he calls an In- scribed Hyperbola; that which cuts the asymptotes, and contains the parts cut off within its own periphery, a CUR t 387 ] CUR Circumscribed Hyperbola ; that which has one of its in- finite legs inscribed and the other circumscribed, he calls Ambigenal ; "that whose legs tend towards each other, and are directed the same way, Converging; that where they tend contrary ways, Diverging ; that where they are con- vex different ways, Cross-legged ; that applied to its asymptote with a concave vertex, and diverging legs, Con- choidal ; that which cuts its asymptote with contrary flexures, and is produced each way into contrary legs, Anguineous, or Snake-like ; that which cuts its conjugate across, Cruciform ; that which returning around cuts itself, Nodated ; that whose parts concur in the angle of contact, and there terminate, Cuspidated ; that whose con- jugate is oval, and infinitely small, i.e. a point, Pointed ; that which, from the impossibility of two roots, is without either oval, node, cusp, or point, Pure. And in the same manner he denominates a parabola Converging, Diverging, Cruciform, &c. Also when the number of hyperbolic legs exceeds that of the conic hyperbola, that is more than two, he calls the hyperbola Redundant. Under those 4 cases the author enumerates 72 different curves : of these, 9 are redundant hyperbolas, without di- ameters, having three asymptotes including a triangle ; the first consisting of three hyperbolas, one inscribed, another circumscribed, and the third ambigenal, with an oval ; the 2d, nodated; the 3d, cuspidated; the 4th, pointed ; the 5th and 6th, pure ; the 7th and 8th, cruciform ; the 9th or last, anguineal. There are 12 redundant hyper- bolas, having only one diameter: the 1st, oval; the 2d, nodated ; the 3d, cuspidated ; the 4th, pointed ; 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, pure; the 9th and 10th, cruciform; the 11th and 12th, conchoidal. And to this class Stirling adds 2 more. There are 2 redundant hyperbolas, with three diameters. There are 9 redundant hyperbolas, with three asymptotes converging to a common point; the 1st being formed of the 5th and 6th redundant parabolas, whose asymptotes include a triangle; the 2d formed of the 7 th and 8th ; the 3d and 4th, oflhe9th ; the 5this form- ed of the 5th and 7th of the redundant hyperbolas, with one diameter; the 6th, of the 6th and 7th ; the 7th, of the 8th and 9th ; the 8th, of the 10th and 11th ; the 9th, of the 12th and 13th : all which conversions are effected, by diminishing the triangle comprehended between the asym- ptotes, till it vanish into a point. Six are defective parabolas, having no diameters : the 1st, oval; the 2d, nodated ; the 3d, cuspidated ; the 4th, pointed; the 5th, pure; &c. Seven are defective hyperbolas, having diameters : the 1st and 2d, conchoidal, with an oval ; the 3d, nodated ; the 4th, cuspidated, which is the cissoid of the ancients ; the 5th and 6th, pointed ; the 7th, pure. Seven are parabolic hyperbolas, having diameters : the 1st, oval ; the 2d, nodated ; the 3d, cuspidated ; the 4th, pointed; the 5th, pure ; the 6th, cruciform; the 7th, an- guineous. Four are parabolic hyperbolas ; four are hyperbolisms ot the hyperbola: three, hyperbolas of the ellipsis : two, hyperbolisms of the parabola. Six are diverging parabolas ; the 1st, a trident; the 2d, oval; the 3d, nodated; the 4th, pointed ; the 5th, cus- pidated (which is Neil's parabola, usually called the semi- cubical parabola); the 6th, pure. Lastly, one, commonly called the cubical parabola. Mr. Stirling and Mr. Stone have shown that this enu- meration is imperfect, the former having added four new species of curves to the number, and the latter two, or rather these two were first noticed by Mr. Nic. Bernoulli. Also Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Geo. Sanderson have found some new, species ; though some persons dispute the reality of them. See the Genesis Curvarum per Umbras, and the Ladies' Diary 1788 and 1789, the prize question. Organical Description of Curves. — Sir Isaac Newton shows that curves may be generated by shadows. He says, if upon an infinite plane, illuminated from a lucid point, the shadows of figures be projected ; the shadows of the conic sections will always be conic sections ; those of the curves of the 2d kind, will always be curves of the 2d kind ; those of the curves of the 3d kind, will always be curves of the 3d kind ; and so on ad infinitum. And, like, as the projected shadow of a circle generates all the conic sections, so the 5 diverging parabolas, by their shadows, will generate and exhibit all the rest of the curves of the 2d kind : and thus some of the most simple curves of the other kinds may be found, which will form, by their shadows upon a plane, projected from a lucid point, all the other curves of the same kind. And in the French Memoirs may be seen a demonstration of this pro- jection, with a specimen of a few of the curves of the 2d order, which may be generated by a plane cutting a solid formed from the motion of an infinite right line along a diverging parabola, having an oval, always passing through a given or fixed point above the plane of that parabola. The above method of Newton has also been pursued and illustrated with great elegance by Mr. Murdoch, in his treatise entitled Newtoni Genesis Curvarum per Umbras, seu Perspectiva? Universalis Elementa. Mr. Maclaurin, in his Geometria Organica, shows how to describe several of the species of curves of the 2d order, especially those having a double point, by the motion of right lines and angles: but agood commodious description by a continued motion of those curves which have no double point, is ranked by Newton among the most diffi- cult problems. Newton gives also other methods of de- scription, by lines or angles revolving above given poles; and Mr. Brackenridge has given a general method of de- scribing curves, by the intersection of right lines moving about points in a given plane. See Philos. Trans. No. 437, or my Abr. vol. 8, pa. 5; and some particular cases are demonstrated in his Exerc. Geometrica de Curvarum De- scriptione. Curves above the Id Order. The number of species in the higher orders of curves increase amazingly, those of the 3d order only it is thought amounting to some thousands, all comprehended under the following ten particular ecpja- tions, viz, 1 . y •+- fx-y" -t- gxy 3 h- hx 2 y -+- iy 2 ■+• hxy -+• ly, or 2. y' -n/xy' -+- gxy + hxy 2 -+- ixy -t- ky, or 3. x 2 y 2 -t-fy 3 ■+• gxy •+■ hy 3 -+- ky, or 4. x 2 y 2 -t-fy 3 -+- gy 2 ■+■ hxy + iy, or 5. y 3 +fxy" ■*■ gx-y -+- hy, or 6. y 5 -hfxy 2 + gxy -+■ hy = ax A -+- bx 3 -+- ex 2 ■+• dx h- e\ or 7. / ■+• ex 3 y + fxy 3 -+- gxy" ■+■ hy 2 ■+■ ixy ■+- ky, or 8. x'y -+- exy 3 + fx 2 y -+- gy 2 -*- hxy ■+■ iy, or 9. x'y -hey 3 + fxy 2 -t- gxy -h hy, or 10. x 3 y + T&S> TErW> &c. , As the denominator of a, decimal is always one of the numbers 10, 100, 1000, &c, the inconvenience of writing these denominators down may be avoided, by placing a proper distinction before the figures of the numerator only, to distinguish them from integers, for the value of each place of figures will be known in decimals, as well as in integers, by their distance from the 1st or unit's place of integers, having similar names at equal distances, as ap- pears by the following scale of places, both in decimals and integers: . &C 8888888. 88S888&C -C _C -C ,C .£ J= CTT3-OT3 3 V V c 3 3 o -o $ 5? S3 ~* C 3 3 3 ^ 3 O O O g The mark of distinction for decimals, called thesepara- trix, has been various at different times, according to the fancy of different authors; sometimes a semi parenthesis, or asemicrotchet, or a perpendicular bar, or the same with a line drawn under the figures, or simply this line itself, &C ; but it is usual now to write cither a comma or a full point near the bottom of the figures; 1 place the point mar tin- upper part of the figures, in which I follow the practice of Sir I. Newton; a method which prevents the eparatrix from being confounded with mere marks of , ictuation, and which method is now used by the most 1 I mathematicians. since which time, this has commonly made a part in most treatises on arithmetic. To reduce any Vulgar fraction, or parts of any thing, as suppose |-, to a decimal fraction of the same value; add ciphers at pleasure to the numerator, and divide by the denominator : thus, 8 ) 3-000 ■375=1; and therefore - 375 or -j-Vtfs- is a decimal of the same value with the proposed vulgar fraction f. Some vulgar fractions can never be reduced into deci- mals without defect ; as ■§•, which by division is -33333 &c infinitely. Such numbers are very properly called cir- culating decimals, and repetends, because of the continual return of the same figures. Sec Repetends and Circu- lates. The common arithmetical operations are performed the same way in decimals, as they are in integers ; regard being had only to the particular notation, to distinguish the fractional from the integral part of a sum. Thus, in Addition and Subtraction of decimals, all figures of the same place or denomination are set directly under each other, the separatrix, or decimal points, forming a straight column. The operation of addition, or subtraction, is then performed the same as in integers. In Multiplication of decimals set down the numbers, and multiply them as in integers ; and point off from the product as many places for decimals as there arc decimals in both factors; pre- fixing ciphers if necessary. In Division, set down the numbers and divide also as in integers; making as many decimals in the quotient, as those in the dividend exceed those in the divisor. Examples are numerous and common in most books of arithmetic. • Decimal Scales, are any scales divided decimally, or by tens. INCLINATION, in Astronomy, is the distance of the sun, star, planet, Sec, from the equinoctial, either north- ward or southward; being the same with latitude in geo- graphy, or distance from the equator. Declination is either Teal or apparent, according as the real or apparent place of the point or object is considered. DEC [ 397 ] The declination of any point s is an arch of the meri- dian se, contained between the given point and the equi- noctial eq. The declination of a star &c, is found by- knowing or observing the latitude of y the place, i. e. the height of the pole, and then the meridian altitude of the star, &c ; hence the difference be- tween the co-latitude and the altitude of the star &c, is the declination, viz, the difference between eh the co-la- titude, and SH the altitude, is ES the declination. For example, Tycho found at Uranibourg the meridian altitude of Cauda Leonis, viz, hs = 50° 59' 00" the co-latitude is ... he = 34 5 45 remains the declin. north - -' es = 16* 53 15 To find the Sim's Declination at any time; having given his place in the ecliptic ; the rule is, as radius is to the sine of the sun's longitude, so is the sine of the greatest de- clination, or obliquity of the ecliptic, to his present decli- nation sought. In constructing tables of declination of the sun, planets, and stars, regard should be had to refraction, aberration, nutation, and parallax. By' comparing ancient observations with the modern, it appears that the declination of the fixed stars is variable; and that differently in different stars; for in some it increases, and in others decreases, and that in different quantities. Circles ©/"Declination., are great circles of the sphere passing through the poles of the world, on which the de- clination is measured; and consequently are the same as meridians in geography. Parallax of Declination, is an arch of the circle of declination, by which the parallax in altitude increases or diminishes the declination of a star. Parallels of Declination, are lesser circles parallel to the equinoctial. The tropic of Cancer is a parallel of de- clination at 23° 28' distance from the equinoctial north- ward ; and the tropic of Capricorn is the parallel of decli- nation as far distant southward. Refraction of the Declination, an arch of the circle of declination, by which the declination of a star is increased or diminished by means of the refraction. Declination of the Compass, or Needle, is its devia- tion from the true meridian. See Variation. Declination of a Vertical Plane, or Wall, in Dial- ling, is an arch of the horizon, comprehended cither be- tween the plane and the prime vertical-; when it is counted from the east or west; or between the. plane and the meri- dian, if it be reckoned from the north or south. DECLINATOR, or Declinatory, an instrument in dialling, by which the declination, inclination, and recli- nation of planes are determined. DECLINERS, or Declining Dials, are those which cut obliquely, either the plane of the prime vertical, or the plane of the horizon. The use of declining vertical dials is very frequent; be- cause the erect walls of houses, on which dials arc com- monly drawn, mostly decline from the cardinal points. But incliners and recliners are very rare. DECLIVITY, a sloping or oblique descent. DECREMENT, Equal, of Life. See Complement of Life. Decrements are the small parts by which a variable and decreasing quantity becomes l< ss and less. The inde- finitely small decrements are proportional to the fluxions, DEE See Fluxions : als Iw- which ill this case are negative. crements. DECUPLE, a term of relation or proportion in arith- metic, implying a tenfold change or scale of variation, or one thing 10 times as much as another. DECUSSATION, aterm in Geometry and Optics, signi- fying the crossing of any two lines or rays &c : or the ac- tion itself of crossing. — The rays of light decussate in the crystalline, before they reach the retina. — Many of the lines of the 3d order decussate themselves. See Newton's Enumeratio, &c. DEE (John), a famous mathematician and astrologer, was born at London 1527. In 1542 he was sent to St. John's-college, Cambridge. After five years close appli- cation to study, chiefly in the mathematical and astrono- mical sciences, he went over to Holland, to visit some ma- thematicians on the Continent ; whence, after a year's ab- sence, he returned to Cambridge, and was there elected one of the Fellows of Trinity-college, then first erected by King Henry the 8th. In 154-S he left England a second time, his stay at home being rendered uneasy to him, by the suspicions that were entertained of his being a con- jurer, arising chiefly from his application to astronomy, and from some of his mechanical, inventions. He now visited the university of Louvain ; where he was much caressed, and visited by several persons of high rank. After two years he went into France, and read lectures, in the college of Rheims, on Euclid's Elements. In 1551, he returned to England, and was introduced to King Edward, who assigned him a pension of 100 crowns, which he afterward relinquished for the rectory of Upton- on-Severn. But soon after the accession of Queen Mary, holding some correspondence with her sister Elizabeth, he was accused of practising against the queen's life by en- chantment : on which account he suffered a tedious con- finement, and was several times examined ; tdl, in the year 1555, he obtained his liberty by an order of council. When Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne, Dee was consulted concerning a propitious day for the coronation: on which occasion he was introduced to the queen, who made him great promises, which were but ill performed. In 1564, he made another voyage to the continent, to pre- sent a book which he had dedicated to the Emperor Maxi- milian, lie returned to England the same year; but in 1571 we find him in Lorrain ; where, being dangerously ill, the queen sent over two physicians to his relief. Having once more returned to his native country, he set- tled at Mortlake in Surrey, where hecontinued hisstudies with much ardour, and collected agreat library of printed books and manuscripts, with a number of instruments; most of which were afterwards destroyed by the mob, as belonging to one who dealt with the devil. In 1578, the queen being much indisposed, Mr. Dee was sent abroad to consult with German physicians and philosophers (astrologers no doubt) on the occasion; though some have said she employed him as a spy ; pro- bably he acted in a double capacity. We next find him again in England, where he was soon after employed in a more rational service. The queen, desirous to be informed concerning her title to those countries which had been discovered by Englishmen, ordered Dee to consult the an- cient records, and to furnish her with proper geographical descriptions. Accordingly, in a short time,*he presented to the queen at Richmond, two large rolls, in which tlu> discovered countries were geographically descubed audi DEF [ 3y8 ] D E F historically illustrated. His next employment was the cover the place, are called the defences, or covers of the reformation of the calendar, on which subject he wrote a place : and when the cannon have beaten down or ruined rational and learned treatise, preserved in the Ashrnolean these works, so that the men cannot fight under cover, the library at Oxford Hitherto the extravagancies of flur eccentrical philoso- pher seem to have been tempered with a tolerable propor- tion of reason and science; but henceforward he is to be considered as a mere necromancer and credulous alehy- mist. In the year 1581 he became acquainted with one Edward Kelly, by whose assistance he performed divers incantations, and maintained a frequent imaginary inter- course with spirits and angels ; one of whom made him a present of a black speculum (a polished piece of cannel- coal), in which these appeared to him as often as he had occasion for them, answering his questions, &c. Hence Butler says, " Kelly did all his feats upon The devil's looking-glass, a stone." In 1583 they became acquainted with a certain Polish nobleman, then in England, named Albert Laski, a person equally addicted to the same ridiculous pursuits : he was so charmed with Dee and Kelly, that he persuaded them to accompany him to his native country; by whose means they were introduced to Rodolph king of Bohemia; who, though a credulous man, was soon disgusted with defences of the place are said to be demolished. Line o/"Defence, is that which flanks a bastion, being drawn from the flank opposite to it. The line of defence should not exceed a musket shot, i. e. 120 fathoms : in- deed Melder allows 130, Scheiter 140, Vauban and Pagan !50. Line of Defence, greater, or fichant, is a line drawn from the point of the bastion to the concourse of the op- posite flank and curtin. Line of Defence, lesser, or rasant, ovjlanquant, is the face of the bastion continued to the curtin. DEFERENT, or Deferens, in the Ancient Astrono- my, an imaginary circle, which, as it were, carries about the body of a planet, and is the same with the excentric ; being invented to account for the excentricity, perigee, and apogee of the planets. DEFICIENT Hyperbola, is a curve having only one asymptote, though two hyperbolic legs running out infi- nitely by the side of the asymptote, but contrary ways. See Curve. This name was given to the. curves by Newton, in his Enumeratio Linearum tertii Ordinis. There are 6 differ- their nonsense. They were afterwards introduced to the entspecies ofthem, which have no diameters, expressed by- king of Poland, but with no better success. Soon after this they were entertained at the castle of a rich Bohe- mian nobleman, where they lived for some time in great affluence ; owing, as they asserted, to their art of transmu- tation by means of a certain powder in the possession of Kelly. Dec, now quarrelling with his companion, quitted Bo- hemia, and returned to England, where he was once more graciously received by the queen ; who, in 1595, made him warden of Manchester college, in which town he "re- sided several years. In l6'04 he returned to his house at Mortlakc, where he died in 1608, at 81 years of age; leaving a huge family and many works behind him. The books that were printed and published by Dee, are, l.,Propoeilumata Aphoristica, &c. in 155S, in 12mo. — 2. Monas Hieroglyphics ad Regem Romanorum Maximi- lianum : 1564. — 3. Epistola ad eximium ducis Urbini mathematicum, Fredericum C^mandinum, prefixa libel- lo Machomeli Bagdadini de auperlicierum Divisionibus &c; 1570. — 4. The British Monarchy, otherwise called, The Petty Navy Royal ; 1576". — 5. Preface Mathemati- cal to the English Euclid, published by Henry Billingsley, 1570: certainly a very curious and elaborate composi- tion, and where he says, many more arts are wholly in- vented by name, definition, property, and use, than either the Grecian or Roman mathematicians have left to our knowledge. — 6'. Divers and many annotations and inven- tions dispersed and added after the 10th book of English Euclid ; 1570. — 7. Epistola prefixa Ephemcridibus Joannis Feldi a 1557, cuirationem dcclaraverat Ephemerides con- scribendi. — 8. ParallaticceCommentationis Paxeosquc Nu- cleus quidam ; 1573. This catalogue of Dee's printed and published works is to be found in his Compendious Rehearsal &c, as well as in his letter to Abp. Whitgift : and from the same places might be transcribed more than 40 titles of books unpub- lished, which he had written. DEFENCE, in Sieges, is used for any thing that serves to preserve or screen the soldiers, or the place. So the parapets, Hanks, cusemates, ravelins, and out-works, that thecquation xyy -+- ey = — ax 3 ■+■ bx 2 -+- ex -t- d, the term ax i being negative. When the equation ax 1 = bx 3 -+- ex 2 •+■ dx ■+- -^ee has all its roots real and unequal, the curve has an oval joined to it. When the two middle roots are equal, the oval joins to the legs, which then cut one another in shape of a noose. When three roots are equal, the nodus is changed into a very acute cusp or point. When, of three roots with the same sign, the two greatest are equal, the oval vanishes into a point. When any two roots arc imaginary, there is only a pure serpentine hyperbola, without any oval, decussation, cusp, or conjugate point; and when the terms b and d are wanting, it is of the 6th species. There are also 7 different species of these curves, having each one diameter, expressed by the above equation when the term ey is wanting : according to the various conditions of the roots of the equation ax 3 = bx* ■+• ex -+- d, as to their reality, equality, their having the same signs, or two of them being imaginary. Deficient Numbers, are those whose aliquot parts added together, make a sum less than the whole number: as 8, whose parts 1, 2, 4, make only 7; or the number 16", whose parts 1, 2, 4, S make only 15. DEFILE, in Fortification, a narrow line or passage through which troops can pass only in file, making a small front, so that the enemy may easily stop their maich, and charge them with the more advantage, as the front and rear cannot come to the relief of one another. DEFINITION, an enumeration, or specification of the chief simple ideas of which a compound idea consists, in order to ascertain or explain its nature and character. Definitions are of two kinds; the one nominal, or of the name; the other real, or of the thing. Nominal Definition, is an enumeration of such known characters as are sufficient for distinguishing any proposed thing from others; as is that of a square, when it is said that it is a quadrilateral, equilateral, rectangular figure. Real Definition, a distinct notion, explaining the ge- nesis of a thing: that is, how the thing is made or done : D E G [•399 ] D E G is is this definition of -a circle, viz, that it is a figure de- scribed by the motion of a right iine about a fixed point. DEFLECTION, the turning any thing aside from its former course, by some adventitious or external cause. — The word is often applied to the tendency of a ship from her true course, by reason of currents, &c, which turn her out of her right way. Deflection of the Rays of Light, is a property which Dr. Hooke observed in l6'75. He found it different both from reflection and refraction ; and that it was made per- pendicularly towards the surface of the opacous body. This is the same property which Newton calls inflection : and by others it is called diffraction. DEGREE, in Algebra, is used in speaking of equations, when they are said to be of such a degree, according to the highest power of the unknown quantity. If the index of that power be 2, the equation is of the 2d degree; if 3, it is of the 3d degree, and so on. Degree, in Geometry or Trigonometry, is the 3(30th part of the circumference of any circle; for every circle is considered as divided into 3(50 parts, called degrees; which are marked by a small ° near the top of the figure; thus 45° is 45 degrees. The degree is subdivided into 60 smaller parts, called minutes, meaning first minutes; the minute into 60 others called seconds; the second into 60 thirds; &c. Thus 45° 12' 20" must be. read 45 degrees, 12 minutes, 20 seconds. The magnitude or quantity of angles is reckoned in de- grees ; for because of the uniform curvature of a circle in all its parts, equal angles at the centre are subtended by equal arcs, and by similar arcs in peripheries of different diameters ; and an angle is said to be of so many degrees, as are contained in the arc of any circle comprehended between the legs of the angle, and having the angular point for its centre. Thus we say an angle of 90°, or of 45° 24', or of 12° 20' 30". It is also usual to say, such a star is so many degrees above the horizon, or declines so many degrees from the equator ; or such a town is situate in so many degrees of latitude or longitude. — A sign of the ecliptic, or zodiac, contains 30 degrees. The division of the circle into 360 degrees is usually ascribed to the Egyptians, probably from the circle of the sun's annual course, or according to their number of days in the year, allotting a degree to each day. It is a conve- nient number too, as admitting of a great many aliquot parts, as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; &c. The sexagesimal subdi- vision, however, has often been condemned as improper, by many eminent mathematicians, as Stevinus, Oughtred, Wallis, Briggs, Gellibrand, Newton, &c; who advisea de- cimal division instead of it, or else that of centesms ; as the degree into 100 parts, and each of these into 100 parts again, and so on. Stevinus even holds, that this division of the circle which he contends for, obtained in the wise age, in saeculo sapienti. Stev. Cosmog- lib. 1, def. 6. And several large tables of sines &c have been constructed according to that plan, and published, by Briggs, Newton, and others. And I myself have carried the idea still much farther, in a memoir published in the Philos. Trans, of 1783, containing a proposal for a new division of the qua- drant, viz, into equal decimal parts of the radius; by which means the degrees or divisions of the arch would be the real lengths of the arcs, in terms of the radius: and I have since computed those lengths of the arcs, with their sines, &c, to a great extent and accuracy. See my new Tracts, vol. 2, pa. 122. The French mathematicians have lately calculated their new Trigonometrical Tables on an entire decimal division of arcs; viz, first dividing the qua- drant into 100 degrees, and these into decimals of degrees. But it appears by Mr. Crabtree's letter to Mr. Gascoigne (inventor of the micrometer) Aug. 7, 1640, that both these gentlemen, as well as their mutual friend Mr. Horrox, had projected those tables by a complete decimal division, the whole arch being divided into 100,000,000 parts. See Philos. Trans, vol. 27, pa. 230 ; or my Abridg. vol. 5, pa. 631. Degree of Latitude, is the space or distance on the me- ridian through which an observer must move, to vary his la- titude by one degree, or to increase or diminish the dis- tance of a star from the zenith by one degree ; and which, on the supposition of the perfect sphericity of the earth, is the 360th part of the meridian. The quantity of a degree of a meridian, or other great circle, on the surface of the earth, is variously determined by different observers; and the methods made use of are also various. Eratosthenes, 250 years before Christ, first determined the measure of a degreeof the meridian, between Alexan- dria and Syene on the borders of Ethiopia, by measuring the distance between those places, and comparing it with the difference of a star's zenith distances in the same places ; and found it to be 694f stadia. Posidonius, in the time of Pompey the Great, by means of the different altitudes of a star near the horizon, taken at different places under the same meridian, compared in like manner with the distance between those places, de- termined the length of a degree to be only 600 stadia. Ptolemy fixes the degree at 6S| Arabic miles, counting 7\ stadia to a mile. The Arabs themselves, who made a computation of the diameter of the earth, by measuring the distance of two places under the same meridian, in the plains of Sennar, by order of Almamon, make it only 56" miles. Kepler determined the diameter of the earth by the distance of two mountains, and makes a degree 13 German miles; but his method is far from being accu- rate. Snell, by seeking the diameter of the earth from the distance between two parallels of the equator, finds the quantity of a degree, by one method 5706*4 Paris toiscs, or 342384 feet ; by another tneth. 57057 - toises, or 342342 feet. The mean between which two numbers, M. Picard found by mensuration, in 166*9, from Amiens to Malvoisin, to be the most accurate, and he makes the quantity of a de- gree 57060 toises, or 342360 feet. However, M.Cassini, at the king's command, in the year 1700, repeated the same labour, and measuring the space of 6° 18', from the ob- servatory at Paris, along the meridian, to the city of Col- lioure in Roussillon, that the greatness of the interval might diminish the error, found the. length of the degree equal to 57292 toises, or 343742 Paris feet, amounting to 365184 English feet. And this account nearly agrees with that of our coun- tryman Norwood, who, about the year 16'35, measured the distance between London and York, and found that distance to be 905751 English feet; the difference of lati- tude being 2° 28'; hence, he determined the quantity of one degree at 367196 English feet, or 57300 Paris toises, or 69 miles, 288 yards. See Newt. Princ. Phil. prop. 19 ; and Hist. Acad. Scienc. anno 1700, pa. 153. M. Cassini, the son, completed the work of measuring the whole arc of the, meridian through France, in 1718 ; D E G [ 400 ] D E G to perform which, he divided the meridian of France into two arcs, which he measured separately. The one from Paris to Collioure gave him 57097 toises ; the other from Paris to Dunkirk - - ' 5696O ; and the whole arc from Dunkirk to Collioure 57060, the same as Picard's. M. Muschenbroek, in 1700, resolved to correct the er- rors of Snell, and found by particular observations, that the degree between Alcmaer and Bergen-op-zoom contained 57033 toises. Messieurs Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Monnier, and Outhier of France, were sent on a northern expedition, and began their operations, assisted by M. Celsus, an emi- nent astronomer of Sweden, in .Swedish Lapland, in July 1736, and finished them by the end of May following. They obtained the measure of that degree, whose middle point was in lat. 66° 20' north, and found it 57439 toises, when reduced to the level of the sea. About the same time another company of philosophers was sent to South America, viz, Messieurs Godin, Bouguer, and Condamine of France, with whom were Don Jorge Juan, and Don Antonio de Ulloa of Spain. They left Europe in 1735, and began their operations in the province of Quito in Peru, about October 1736', and finished them, after many interruptions, about 8 years after. The Spanish gentle- men published a separate account, and assigned for the measure of a degree of the meridian at the equator 56768 toises. M. Bouguer makes it 56753 toises, when reduced to the level of the sea; and M. Condamine states it at 56749 toises. M. Lacaille, being at the Cape of Good Hope in 1752, found the length of a degree of the meridian in lat. 33" IS' 30" south, to be 57037 toises; but in 1755, fa- ther Boscovich found the length of a degree in lat. 43° north to be 56972 toises, as measured between Rome and Rimini in Italy. In the year 1740, Messrs. Cassini and Lacaille again examined the former measures in France, and, after making all the necessary corrections, found the measure of a degree, whose middle point is in lat. 49° 22' north, to be 57074 toises; and in the lat. of 45°, it was 57050 toises. In 1764, F. Beccaria completed the measurement of a portion of the meridian near Turin; from which it is de- duced that the length of a degree, whose middle lat. is 44° 44' north, is 57024 Paris toises. At Vienna, 3 degrees of the meridian were measured ; and the medium, for the latitude of 47° 40' north may be taken at 57091 Paris toises. See an account of this mea- surement, by father Joseph Liesganig, in the Philos. Trans. 1768, pa. 15. In the same vol. there is also an account of the mea- surement of a part of the meridian in Maryland and Pen- sylvania, North America, 1766, by Messrs. Mason and Dixon ; from which it appears that the length of a degree whose middle point is 39° 12' north, is 36376*3 English feet, or 56904^ Paris toises. From the trigonometrical survey of England and Wales, completed in 3 802, under the direction of Lieut. -col. Mudge, four degrees of the meridian were measured ; the mean latitude of which was 51° 29' 54|", and the mean length of a degree 69-1457 English miles. The rcmeasurcment of a degree in Lapland, as a cor- rection of the former French operations, was performed during the years 1801, 1802, and 1803, by the Swedish mathematicians, Ofvcrboom, Swanberg, llolinquist, and Polander; and from the account of their operations, pub- lished by M. Swanberg, the length of the degree in lat. 66° 20' 10", is 69-2689 English miles. From a compa- rison of this result, with those from the measurements taken in Peru, the East Indies, and France, M. Swanberg de- duces a mean of -^ for the elliptic) ty, and 3y63'26 miles for the equatorial radius of the earth. In 1803 Colonel Lambton also measured a degree in the East Indies, north lat. 12° 32', which he made 6S7445 miles. But the latest measurement of this nature is that of the meridian, comprised between Barcelona in Spain and the Belearic isles. This meridian had before been measured by Messrs. Mechain and Delambre, from Dun- kirk to Barcelona, and the two French mathematicians Biot and Arago, with the Spanish commissioners Chaix and Roderiguez, were appointed to continue the line to the small island of Formentera. The lat. of this island was found to be 38° 40', that of Dunkirk 51° 5'; and the di- stance between the two places 137443873 metres: hence a degree is equal to 6S'769 English miles; and its middle latitude 44° 52f. ' The following table, collected from the preceding ac- counts, shows at one view the several lengths of a degree, as measured in various parts of the earth, with the line of its measurement, the country in which it was measured, the names of the measurers, and the lat. of the middle point : Date. Latitude. Length, miles. Measurers. Countries, 1525 490 20'n. 68-763 M. Furnel France 1620 52 4n. 66-91 Snell Holland 1685 53 15n. 69-545 Norwood England 1644 75-066 Riccioli Italy 1669 49 22n. 68-945 Picard France 171s 49 22n. 6>li9 Cassini France 1737 66 20 n. 69'403 Maupertuis Lapland 1740 49 22n. 69-121 7 Cassini & France 1740 45 On. 69-092 3 Lacaille France 1744 6S-751 Juan &c. Peru 1744 6S-732 Bouguer Peru 1744 6S-713 Condamine Peru 1752 33 18s. 69-076 Lacaille CapeofG.H. 1755 43 On. 6S-998 Boscovich Italy 1764 44 44n. 69-061 Beccaria Italy 1766 47 40 n. 69-142 Leisganig Germany 1768 39 12 N. 6S-S93 Mason & D. America 1S02 51 30n. 69-146 Mudge England 1803 66 20n. 69-292 Swanberg Lapland 1S03 12 32n. 6S743 Lambton India 1808 44 52n. 68-769 Biot and Ar. France The difference between Swanberg's and Maupertuis' re- sult, taken in the same place, was owing it seems to the latter having omitted to allow for the difference of level in the measurement base, above the sea. — On the whole, it seems the length of the middle degree, or 46° of lat. may be accounted 69^ miles. The method of obtaining the length of a degree of the terrestrial meridian, is to measure a certain distance upon it by a series of triangles, whose angles may be found by observation, connected with a base, the length of which may be taken by an actual survey, or otherwise; and to observe the different altitudes of some star at the two ex- tremities of that distance, which gives the difference of la- titude between them: then, by proportion, as this diffe- rence, of latitude is to one degree, so is the measured length; D E G [ 401 ] DEM to the length of one degree of the meridian sought; which method was first practised by Eratosthenes, in Egypt. See Earth, Geography, and the beginning of this ar- ticle; also Dr. r F. Young's Philos. vol. 2, for a list of wri- tings on this subject. Jt appears that the meridional degrees of an ellipsoid in- crease from the equator to the pole very nearly as the square of the sine of the latitude. And the length of the degree at any point, is to the length at the equator, accu- rately as the cube of a line drawn parallel to the plumb line, from a point in the axis equidistant from the centre with the equator, and terminating in a point of the plane of the equator, to the cube of the line drawn from this point to the true pole. Or, if e be the ellipticity, and s the sine of the latitude, the length of the degree will vary as (1 + (2e -f- ee)xx)^. Degree of Longitude, is the space between two meri- dians that make an angle of 1° with each other at the poles; the quantity or length of which is variable, according to the latitude, being every where as the cosine of the lati- tude; viz, as the cosine of one lat. is to the cosine of ano- ther, so is the length of a degree in the former lat. to that in the latter; and from this theorem is computed the fol- lowing Table of the length of a degree of long, in different latitudes, supposing the earth to be a perfect sphere. Degr English Degr English Degr English lat. miles. lat. miles. lat. miles. 69-07 31 59-13 61 33-45 I 69-06 32 58-51 62 3240 2 69 03 33 57-87 63 31-33 3 68-97 34 57-20 64 30-24 4 68-90 35 56-51 65 29-15 5 68-81 36 55-S1 66 2S-06 6 68-62 37 55-10 67 26-96 7 68-48 38 54-37 68 25-85 8 68-31 39 53-62 69 24-73 9 68-15 40 52-85 70 23-60 10 67-95 41 52-07 71 22 47 11 67-73 42 51-27 72 2132 12 67-48 43 50-46 73 20-17 13 67-21 44 49-63 74 19-02 14 66-95 45 48-78 75 17-86 15 06-65 46 47-93 76 16-70 10' 66-31 47 47-06 77 15-52 17 65-98 4S 46-16 78 14-35 18 65-62 49 45-20 79 13-17 19 65-24 50 44-35 80 11 '98 20 64-84 51 43-42 81 10-79 21 64-42 52 42-48 82 9-59 22 63-97 53 41-53 83 8-41 23 63-51 54 40-56 84 721 24 63 03 55 39-58 85 6-00 25 62 53 56 38-58 86 4-81 26 62-02 57 37-58 87 3-fil 27 61-48 58 36-57 88 241 28 60-93 59 35-51 89 121 29 60-35 60 34-50. 90 000 30 59-75 Note, This table is computed on the supposition that the length of the degrees of llie equator are equal to those of the meridian at the medium latitude of 45°, which length is 6.9-i't English miles nearly. But, taking the earth as a spheroid, the degree of longi- tude may be found, in any given latitude /, by saying, Vol.. I. 1st. As the equatorial diameter is to the polar, so is tang. (90° — I), to tang, of an angle a : then 2d. As radius, to sine of a, so is the length of a degree of the equator to the length of a degree on the parallel of the given latitude. DEINCLINERS, orDEiNciiNOG Dials, are such us both decline and incline, or recline, at the same time. Suppose, for instance, a plane cutting the prime vertical circle at an angle of 30°, and the horizontal plane at an angle of 24°, the latitude of the place being 52° ; a dial drawn on this plane, is called a deinclincr. DELIAC AL Problem, a celebrated problem among the ancients, concerning the duplication of the cube. DELISLE. See Lisle (De). DELPHINUS, the Dolphin,& constellation of the north- ern hemisphere ; whose stars, in Ptolemy's catalogue, are 10; inTycho's the same; in Hevelius's 14 ; and in Flam- steed's 18. DEMETRIUS, a Cynic philosopher, and disciple of Apollonius Thyaneus, in the age of Caligula. That em- peror wishing to gain the philosopher to his interest by a large present, he refused it with indignation, saying, " It- Caligula wishes to bribe me, let him send ihe his crown." Vespasian was displeased with his insolence, and banished him to an island. The cynic derided the punishment, and bitterly inveighed against the emperor. Demetrius lived to a very great age. And Seneca observes, that " nature had brought him forth t'o show mankind that an exalted genius can live securely without being corrupted by the vice of the surrounding world." HEMI-Bastion, in Fortification, that which has only one face and one flank. DzMi-Cannon, and Dem i-Culverin, names of certain species of cannon, now no longer used. Demi-Ctoss, an instrument used by the Dutch to take the altitude of the sun or a star at sea; instead of which we use the cross-staff, or fore-staff. DEMi-Gorge, is half the gorge or entrance into the bastion ; not taken directly from angle to angle, where the bastion joins to the curtin, but from the angle of the flank to the centre of the bastion ; or the angle the two curtins would make, were they thus protracted to meet in the bastion. DzMi-Lune, or Hulf-moon, an outwork consisting of two faces, and two little flanks. It is often built before the angle of a bastion, and sometimes also before the curtin; though now it is very seldom used. DEMOCRITUS, one of the greatest philosophers of antiquity, was born at Abdera, a town of Thrace, about the 80th olympiad, or about 400 years before Christ. His father, says Valerius Maximus, was able to entertain the army of Xerxes; and Diogenes Laertius adds, upon the testimony of Herodotus, that the king, in requital, presented him with some Magi and Chaldeans. From these, it seems, Dcmocritus received the first part of his education; and from them, while yet a boy, he learned theology and astronomy. He next applied to Leucippus, from whom he learned the system of atoms and a vacuum. His father dying, he and his two brothers divided his ef- fects. Dcmocritus made choice of that part which con- sisted in money, as being, though the least share, the most convenient for travelling ; and it is said that his portion amounted to more than 100 talents, which is near 20 thousand pounds sterling. His extraordinary inclination for knowledge and the sciences, induced him to travel into all parts of the world where he might find learned men. 3F D E M [ 402 ] DEN He went to visit the priests of Egypt, from whom he learn- ed geometry : he consulted the Chaldean and Persian philosophers; and it is said that he penetrated even into India and Ethiopia, to confer with the Gymnosophists. In these travels he wasted his substance; after which, at his return he was obliged for some time to he maintained by hii brother. Settling himself at Abdera, he there go- verned in the most absolute manner, by virtue of his con- summate wisdom. The magistrates of that city made him a present of 500 talents, and erected statues to him, even in his lifetime ; but being naturally more inclined to con- templation than delighted with public honours and em- ployments, he withdrew into solitude and retirement. Democritus always laughed at human life, as a conti- nued farce, which made the people think he was mad ; on which they sent for Hippocrates to cure him : but that celebrated" physician having discoursed with the philoso- pher, told the people that he had a great veneration for Democritus ; and that, in his opinion, those who esteem- ed themselves the most healthy, were the most distem- pered. It is said, though with little probability, that De- mocritus put out his own eyes, that he might meditate more profoundly on philosophical subjects. He died, ac- cording to Diogenes Laertius, in the 36lstyear before the Christian era, at 109 years of age. He was the author of many books, which are lost ; from which Epicurus bor- rowed his philosophy. DEMOIVRE (Abraham), a celebrated mathemati- cian, of French original, but who spent most of his life in England. He was born at Vitri in Champagne, 1667. On account of the revocation of the edict of Nantes, in l6'85, he determined, with many others, to take shelter in England ; where he perfected his mathematical studies, the foundation of which he had laid in his own country. A mediocrity of fortune obliged him to employ his talent in this way in giving lessons, and reading public lectures, for his better support : in the latter part of his life too, he chiefly subsisted by giving answers to questions in chances, play, annuities, &c, and it is said most of these responses were delivered at a coffee-house in St. Martin's-lane, where he spent most of his time. The Principia Mathe- matica of Newton, which chance is said to have, thrown in his way, soon convinced Demoivre how little he had ad- vanced in the science he professed. This induced him to Tedouble his application ; which was attended by a con- siderable degree of success ; and he soon became con- nected with, and celebrated among, the first-rate mathe- maticians. His eminence and abilities in this line, opened him an entrance into the Royal Society of London, and into the Academies of Berlin and Paris. By the former his merit was so well known and esteemed, that they judged him a fit person to decide the famous contest be- tween Newton and Leibnitz, concerning the invention of Fluxions. Demoivre died at London Nov. 1754, at 87 years of age. The Philosophical Transactions of London contain several of his papers, and all of them interesting, viz. in llir-volumes 1.9, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 2£), 30, 32, 40, 41, 43. lie published also some very respectable works, viz, 1. Miscellanea Analytica, de Seriebus et Quadraturis &c ; 1730, in 4to. But perhaps he has been more gene- rally known by his 2. Doctrine of Chances; or, Method of Calculating the Probabilities of Events at Play. This work was first printed, 1718, in 4to, and dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton : it was reprinted in 1738, with great alterations and im- provements; and a third edition was afterwards printed. 3. Annuities on Lives; first printed 1724, in 8vo. — In 1742 the ingenious Thomas Simpson (then only 33 years of age) published hisDoctrineof Annuities and Reversions; in which he paid some handsome compliments to our au- thor. Notwilhstandingwhich, Demoivre presently brought out a second edition of his Annuities, in the preface to which he passed some harsh reflections upon Simpson. To these the latter gave a handsome and effectual answer, 1743, in An Appendix, containing some Remarks on alate book on the same subject, with answers to some personal and malignant misrepresentations, in the preface thereof. At the end of this answer, Mr. Simpson concludes, "Lastly, I appeal to all mankind, whether, in his treatment of me, he has not discovered an air of self-sufficiency, ill-nature and inveteracy, unbecoming a gentleman." Here it would seem the controversy dropped : Mr. Demoivre published the 3d edition of his book in 1750, without any farther no- tice of Simpson, but omitted the offensive reflections that had been in the preface. DEMONSTRATION^ certain or convincing proof of some proposition: such as the demonstrations of the pro- positions in Euclid's Elements. The method of demon- strating in mathematics, is the same with that of drawing conclusions from principles in logic. Indeed, the demon- strations of mathematicians are no other than series of en- thymemes ; every thing is concluded by force of syllogism, only omitting the premises, which either occurof their own accord, or are recollected by means of quotations. DENDROMETER, an instrument lately invented by Messrs. Duncombe and Whittel; so called, from its use in measuring trees. DENEB, an Arabic term, signifying tail; used by astro- nomers as a name to some of the fixed stars, but especially for the bright star in the Lion's tail. DENOMINATOR, of a Fraction, is the number or quantity placed below the line, which shows the whole in- teger, or into how many parts it is supposed to be divided by the fraction; as that which gives denomination or name to the parts of the fraction. Thus, in the fraction -j?t (five-twelfths) the number 1 2 is the denominator, and shows that the integer is here divided into 12 parts, or that it consists of 12 of those parts of which the numerator con- tains 5. Also b is the denominator of the fraction -. b Denomin ator of a Ratio, is the quotient arising from the division of the antecedent by the consequent. Thus, 6 is the denominator of the ratio 30 to 5, because 30 di- vided by 5 gives 6. It is otherwise called the exponent of the ratio. DENSITY, that property of bodies by which they con- tain a certain quantity of matter, under a certain bulk or magnitude. Accordingly, a body that contains more mat- ter than another, under the same bulk, is said to be denser than the other, and that in proportion to the quantity of matter; or if the quantity of matter be the same, but un- der a less bulk, it is said to be denser, and so much the more so as the bulk is less. So that, in general, the density is directly proportional to the mass or quantity of matter, and reciprocally or inversely proportional to the bulk or magnitude under which it is contained. The quantities of matter in bodies, or at least the pro- portions of them, are known by their gravity or weight; every equal particle of matter being endowed with an equal DEN [ 403 ] D E P gravity, it is inferred that equal masses or quantities of matter have an equal weight or gravity; and unequal masses have proportionally unequal weights. So that, when body, or mass, or quantity of matter is spoken of, we are to understand their weight or gravity. From the foregoing general proportion of the density of bodies, viz, that it is as the mass directly, and as the bulk inversely, may be inferred the proportion of the masses, or of the magnitudes; viz, that the mass or quantity of matter is in the compound ratio of the bulk and density; ticity of the air, when the thermometer is at 31°, and b be any other height of the barometer, when the thermometer is at t degrees ; then in this case, b is the measure of the elasticity, and — ; b is the measure of the density of the air. Density of the Planets. In homogeneous, unequal, spherical bodies, the gravities on their surfaces are as their diameters when the densities are equal, or the gravities are as the densities when the bulks are equal; therefore, a>id that the bulk or magnitude is as the mass directly, and i» spheres of unequal magnitude and density, the gravity is in the compound ratio of the diameters and densities, or the densities are as the gravities divided by the diameters. Knowing therefore the diameters of the planets by obser- vation and comparison, and the gravities at their surface by means of the revolution of the satellites, the relation of their densities becomes known. And as I have found the mean density of the earth to be nearly 5 times that of water (my new Tracts, vol. 2, Tract 27) ; hence the densities of the planets, with respect to water, become known, and are as below : the density inversely. Hence, if b, b be two bodies, or masses, or weights ; and d, d their respective densities; also m, vi their magnitudes, or bulks : Then the theorems above are thus expressed, B , B viz, Da-, and b oc dm, .and m a -; M D B b or d : d : : - : -, and Bib:: dm : dm, &c ; M m D Bm . B DM , M Bd or - = — , and - = — , and - = ,— . a wm b dm m bD No body is absolutely or perfectly dense; or no space is perfectly full of matter, so as to have no vacuity or in- terstices; on the contrary, it is the opinion of Newton, that even the densest bodies, as gold, &c, contain but a small portion of matter, and a very great portion of va- cuity; or that it contains a great deal more of pores or empty space, than of real substance. It has been observed above, that the relative density of bodies may be known by their weight or gravity; and hence the most general way of knowing those densities, is by ac- tually weighing an equal bulk or magnitude of the bodies, whether solid or fluid ; if solid, by shaping them to the same neal, the densities here determined are supposed to be the figure and dimensions; if fluid, by filling the same vessel mean densities, or such as the bodies would have if they with them, and weighing it. were homogeneal, and of the same mass of matter and For fluids, there are also other methods of finding their magnitude, density: as 1st, by making an equilibrium between them DENTICLES, or Dentils, are ornaments in a cornice, in tubes that communicate; for, the diameters of the tubes cut after the manner of teeth. These are mostly affected being equal, and the weights or quantities of matter also in the Ionic and Corinthian orders ; and of late also in the equal, the densities will be inversely as the altitudes of the Doric. The square member on which they are cut, is liquids in them, that is inversely as the bulk. called the Dcnticule. 2dly, The densities of fluids an: also compared together DEPARTURE, in Navigation, is the easting or west- by immerging a solid in them ; for if the solid be lighter ing of a ship, with regard to the meridian she departed or than the liquids, the part immerged by its own weight sailed from. Or, it is the difference in longitude, either will be inversely as the density of the fluid; or if it be east or west, between the present meridian the ship is un- heavier, and sink in the liquids, by weighing it in them ; der, and that where the last reckoning or observation was then the weights lost by the body will be directly propor- made. This departure, any where but under the equator, Water The Sun Mercury Venus The Earth Mars The Moon Jupiter Saturn Herschel Densities. 1 5 3f 3tV H 1* As it is not likely that any of these bodies are homoge- tional to the densities of the fluids Density of the Air, is a property that has much en- gaged the attention of the later philosophers, since the dis- covery of the Torricellian experiment, and the air-pump. must be accounted according to the number of miles in a degree proper to the parallel the ship is in. — The De- parture, in Plane and Mcrcator's Sailing, is always repre- sented by the base of a right-angled plane triangle, where By means of the barometer it is demonstrated, that the air the course is the angle opposite to it, and the distance is of the same density at all places at the same distance sailed is the hypothenusc, the perpendicular or other leg from the level of the sea, provided the temperature, or de- being the difference of latitude. And then the theorem gree of heat, be the same. Also the density of the air al- for finding it, is always this : As radius is to the sine of ways increases ill proportion to the compression, or the the course, so is the distance sailed, to the departure, compressing forces. And hence the lower parts of the at- DEPHLOGISTICATED Air. See Oxygen. inosphere are always denser than the upper : yet the den- DEPRESSION of Equations, in Algebra, is the re- sity of the lower air is not exactly proportional to the ducing them to lower degrees; as, from biquadratics to weight of the atmosphere, by reason of heat and cold, cubics, or from cubics to quadratics. It is only in some which make considerable alterations as to rarity and den- certain cases that this can be performed; as 1st, When bity; so that the barometer measures the elasticity of the tliere can be found a compound binomial measure, or air, rather than its density. If the height of the barometer divisor of the given equation, of which one term is the un- be considered as the measure both of the density and elas- known letter or quantity ; then the other part of the 3F2 D E ¥ t 404 ] SEP divisor is one root of the equation, and the whole equation This being the case, it is evident that we shall not alter bein<* divided by the divisor, the quotient is the equation the value of the equation by writing — x instead of x; depressed one degree lower. So, for example, if the equation be x 3 — 6x z + 11* — 6 = 0; and it be discovered that x is = 2, then x — 2 will be the divisor, by which dividing the given equation, it is depressed to the quadratic x * _ 4, x -t- 3 == o, the two roots of which are 1 and 3. So that all the three roots of the given cubic equation, are, 1, 2, 3. — Or, if the given equation were x 3 — bx x — arx -+- a" b=zO, and it be found that b is one root of it, or that x — b is a divisor; then making the division, the quotient, x° — a 2 =» 0, is the depressed equation, the two roots of which are x == ■+- a or — a: so that the three roots are •+■ a, —a, h- b. 2d. If an equation contain equal roots, these may be found, and the equation reduced as many degrees or dimen- sions lower, as there are equal roots. For if the original equation x n — fix 11 "" 1 -+- bx r "' 2 — &c = 0, have m equal roots, then nx°~' — (n — l)qx?~* ■+-.(« — 2)bx n ~ 3 — &c = 0, has m — 1 of those roots, as may be readily shown. Hence, when there are two equal roots, the two equations have a common measure of this form (x — r)™" 1 , (r being one of the roots,) which may be obtained in the usual way, and thus m roots of the original equation may be known. Then divide this equation by (x — r) m , and the resulting equa- tion, of n — m dimensions, contains the other roots. Thus, let the cubic x 3 — ax* -+- bx — c = 0, have two equal roots ; then 3x 2 — lax + b = has one of them ; and the two equations have a common measure, which is a simple equation : the quantities 3x 3 — Sax 1 ■+- 3bx — 3c, and 3x z — 2ax -t- b, have also the same common measure, which being found, we have \{6b — 2a'') x — |(6c — ab) for a divisor of the equation x 3 — ax 1 -+- bx — c = ; this , ■ be — ab „. divisor being also put = 0, gives x = — j. Thus two ° r ' ° 6b — 2a" roots of the equation are discovered; and, since a is the sum of all the roots, the 3d root is the difference between a and the sum of the two equal roots. If two roots of the equatiun be of the form -+- a, —a, differing only in their signs; change the signs of the roots, and the resulting equation has two roots, — a, -+- a ; thus we have two equations with a common measure, x 2 — a 2 , which may be found, and the equation depressed, as in the former case. To be more particular:— There being only certain cases in which this depression can be effected, viz, 1st. When there is any known relation between two or more of the roots; and, 2dly. When the equation is reciprocal, that is, when each of the terms of the equation, which are equally distant from the first and last terms, have equal co-efficients ; under which form therelationofeach pairof roots becomesknown. With regard to the first, it seldom happens that any known relation subsists between the roots of an equation if the roots themselves are unknown, except it be that of equality, we shall therefore only consider it under this point of view; namely, when two or more of the roots are equal, having either like, or contrary signs ; referring the reader, for further information on this subject, to Lacroix' Complement des Elemens d'Algebre, art. 38 ; and lo Waring's Meditationes Algeb. cap. 3. 1. When an equation has two equal roots, with con- trary signs, it may be depressed two degrees. Let there be given the equation X s — pr' 1 — qx 3 ■+- rx 2 -i- sx — t = 0, which we are sup- posed to know contains two equal roots with contrary signs. which gives us, — x s — px* ■+■ qx 3 -t- ri' — sx — t = 0, Or x 5 -I- px* — qx 3 — rx x + si + / = 0, Also X s — px* — qx 3 -+- rx z ■+■ sx — t = 0, being the given equation. Now these two equations have a common measure, which, being obtained by the usual method, will be found to involve the 2d power ofx; whence the equal roots may be determined, and the whole equation being divided by this commun measure, will give us the depressed equation. We may also discover the value of the equal roots in equations, not exceeding the 5th degree by the addition and subtraction of the above equations, for by the former we obtain 2x ! — 2qx 3 -+- 2sx = 0, orx' — qx x ■+■ s = 0, and by the latter — 2px i ■+- 2 Therefore — qx .t - p x 2 — 2t = 0, or x 4 x 2 h — = 0. P P -+• s = 1 2 ■*■-",. whence we have P P x = +*/(- — —), which are the two equal roots, and con- r -pr sequently x 2 — ( — ) =0 is a divisor of the original equa- tion, which may thus be depressed to a cube, containin;; the other three roots. Suppose, for example, our given equation had been x s — 3x 4 — 17x 3 -i- 27x 2 ■+• 52x-- 6"0 = 0. Then p — o,q — \7,r = l 27,s = 52, t =z6o -, And x = ±*/{ _ ) = ± 2; the whole equation therefore being divided by x 2 — 4 = 0, gives x 3 — 3x 2 — 3x ■+- 15 = 0, which is a cubic equation, in which are contained the other three roots. And exactly in the same manner may any other equa- tion of this kind be depressed two degrees. 2. When two or more of the roots are equal, having like signs, the equation may be depressed as many degrees as there are equal roots. Let x* — px z + qx — r = 0, be an equation having two equal roots with like signs, and let a and b represent those roots; then we shall have the two following identical equa- tions : a 3 — prr ■+- qa — r ==:0, b 3 — pb J -+■ qb — r = 0, whence we draw (a 3 — t 3 ) — p(a" —b") -t- = 4, q ss 5, r — 2; and *"- - VI _ one of the equal roots is 1 ; the third root « 7 - 2/i" therefore is /> — 2 = 4 — 2 = 2, and the three roots sought are 1, 1, and 2. D E P [ 405 ] DEE We should have obtained exactly the same result, by express the side of a regular 17-sided polygon inscribed in considering that an equation having two equal roots, is a circle, by a quadratic equation; which was before necessarily divisible by a factor of the form x 1 — Zax -+■ or, thought impossible. This curious piece of analysis has where a represents one of the equal roots: and if three been translated into French under the title of Recherchcs of the roots are equal, the equation has a divisor of the Arithmetiques, and is highly deserving of an attentive form x 3 — Sax" -+- 3a x x — a 3 , and so on, for any number perusal. of equal roots : thatis, an equation may always be depressed Depression of the Pole. So many degrees &c as you as many degrees as there are equal roots contained in it. sail or travel from the pole towards the equator, so many 3 Reciprocal equations may be depressed to others of it is said you depress the pole, because it becomes so much half the original dimension, when the highest power of lower, or nearer the horizon. the unknown quantity is even. Let the given reciprocal Depression of a Star, or of the Sun, is its distance be- equation be x 1 ■+■ pr" •+- qx a h- px ■+• 1=0; and dividing low the horizon ; and is measured by an arc of a vertical this by x\ we obtain I + p 1 + a 4- V p ~- + 4 = ; C * rcle ' interce P ted between the horizon and the place of J 'i ' r ' r r the star, whence it is evident, that if a be one of the roots of this Depression of the Visible Horizon, or Dipofthe Hori- zon, denotes its sinking or dipping below the true horizon- tal plane, by the observer's eye being raised above the sur- face of the sea ; in consequence of which, the observed al- titude of an object is by so much too great. Thus, the eye being at E,the height is ae above the surface of the earth, whose centre is c ; then eh is the real horizon, and e/( the visible one, below the former by the angle we.Ii, by reason of the elevation 1 ae of the eye. To compute the Depression or Dip of the Horizon. In the right-angled triangle ce/j, are given c/ttlie earth's radius = 21000000 feet, and the hypothenuse ce = the radius increased by the height at. of the eye; to find the angle c which is = the angle iieA, or the depression sought; viz, as c/i : ce : : radius : eecant Z. c, or, as ce : ch : : radius : cosine /_ c. By either of these theorems are computed the numbers in the following table, which shows the depression or dip of the horizon of the sea, for different heights of the eye, from 1 foot to 100 feet. equation, - is also a root ; and in the same manner if b be one of its roots, then - is the other: and so on, for equa- b ' tions of higher dimensions. We may therefore consider the given equation as gene- rated from the product (x -+- a) . (x -t — ) . (x ■+■ b) . (x -t- -), or from the quadratic factors (a- + x(a +i) + 1) . (x 2 + x(b '■+■ i) + 1), or making a h — = m, and b -+- - = n, the above becomes ° a b (r 2 -+- mx -+- 1) . (x° ■+• nx ■+- 1) = x 4 -+- {in -+- n)x 3 ■+• (2 -+■ mnfx 7, -t- (m -+■ n)x -t- 1 = 0, and equating the coefficients we have m •+■ n =p, mn = q — 2, whence m — n = \Z{p"~ — 4y 4- 8), m = \p -+- l 2 — 4ty + 8). Thus m and n are found by a quadratic, that is, by an equation of half the original dimension. As to a and b, those are now readily determined : for since a h — = m, we have a = \m +v/(J»<" — 1); and since b -+- - = ??,we derive b = \n i-s/d" 2 — !)■ Suppose, for example, our equation was x 4 -t- 5£x 3 -+- lOix 2, -i- 5-^-x -i- 1 = 0. Here/; = 5|, and q = 10|, whence in = \p -+- \\/ {p L — 4 2, and 4.. And in the same manner may any other equation of this kind be depressed to half its original dimension. When the highest power of the unknown quantity is un- even, then -1- 1 or — 1 is a root of the equation, as is evi- -+- l)x 3 + (/j + 5 + \)x- ■+■ {p •+- l)x -t- 1 = 0, pa. 1. See also Levelling. which is still reciprocal, and may therefore be depressed DEPTH, the opposite of Height, and one of the dimen- toa quadratic by the method already employed. M.Gauss, sions of bodies, or of space. Sec Heioht, Altitude, in his Disquisitiones Arithmetical, which is mentioned un- Elevation, &zc. der the article Algebra, has shown that every equation of DERHAM (Dr. William), an eminent English phi- two terms, of which the exponent is a prime number, may losopher and divine, was born at Stowton, near Worces- be rationally decomposed into othci ■equations, the degrees ter, 1G57, and educated in Trinity-college, Oxford. In of which are indicated by the prim.- factors of the given l6'82, he was presented to the vicarage of Wargrave in exponent minus 1, by means of which he has been able to Berkshire; and, in 1689, to the valuable rectory of Up- Height Dip of Height Dip of Height Dip of of the tlie of the the of the the eye horizon eye horizon eye horizon feet / at 66 years of age. He was a member of several foreign academies, and cor- responding member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris ; from which academy he obtained the prize, pro- posed by them for the best account of electricity. He communicated a multitude of curious and valuable papers to the Royal Society, from the year 1714 to 1743, or from vol. 29 to vol.42. Besides those numerous communications, he published a valuable Course of Experimental Philosophy, 1734, in 2 large vols. 4to. ; and gave an edition of David Gregory's Elements of Catoptrics and Dioptrics, with an Appendix on Reflecting Telescopes, 8vo, 1735. This appendix contains some Original Letters that passed between Sir Isaac New- ton and* Mr. James Gregory, relating to those telescopes. He gave also an English translation of Gravesande's Na- tural Philosophy, in 2 large volumes in 4to, 1747. A son of Dr. D. was long an officer in the corps of Royal Artil- lery, was a great favourite with his majesty, and died at an advanced age, colonel of one of the then four regiments or battalions of that corps, about the year 1775. Recollecting all these favourable circumstances; that Dr. D. was much noticed by tho learned and the great, and possessed two church livings, wc cannot account for D E S [ 407 3 D E S She circumstance of his dying in obscurity and indigence : yet such it would seem was the case ; at least, if we may credit the poet Cawthorne, who, speaking of the neglected Desagullers, asks, ** How he who taught two gracious kings to view All Boyle ennobled, and all Bacon knew, Died in a cell, without a friend to save, Without a guinea, and without a grave." DESCARTES. See Cartes. DESCENDING, a going or moving from above, down- wards. — There are ascending and descending stars, and ascending and descending degrees, &c. Descending Latitude, is the latitude of a planet in its return from the nodes to the equator. DESCENSION, in Astronomy, is either Right, or 0- blique. Right Descension, is a point, or arch, of the equa- tor, which descends with a star, or sign, below the hori- zon, in a right sphere ; and Oblique Descension, is a point, or arch, of the equa- tor, which descends at the same time with a star, or sign, below the horizon, in an oblique sphere. Descensions, both right and oblique, are counted from the first point of Aries, or the vernal intersection, accord- ing to the order of the signs, i.e. from west to east. And, as they are unequal, when it happens that they answer to equal arcs of the ecliptic, as for example to the 12 signs of the zodiac, it follows, that sometimes a greater part of the equator rises or descends with a sign, in which case the sign is said to ascend or descend rightly: and sometimes again, a less part of the equator rises or sets with the same sign, in which case it is said to ascend or descend ob- liquely. See Ascension. Refraction of the Descension. See Refraction. Descensional Difference, is the difference between the right and oblique descension of the same star, or point of the heavens. Descent, or Fall, in mechanics, &c, is the motion, or tendency, of a body towards the centre of the earth, either directly or obliquely. Bodies may be considered either as freely descending, as in a vacuum, or as resisted by some external force, as an opposing body, or a fluid medium, &c. 1st, If the body 6 descend freely, and per- pendicularly, by the force of gravity; then the motive force urging it downwards, is equal to its whole weight 6; and the quantity of matter being b also, the accelerative force, will be — or I. b 2dly, If the body b, descending, be opposed by some mechanical power, suppose a wedge or inclined plane, that is, instead of pursuing the perpendicular line of gravity, it is made to descend in a sloping direction down the inclined plane : then if the natural sine of the angle the plane makes with the horizon be s, the motive force urging the body down the plane will be bs; and therefore the accelerative force is— ors; which is less than in the b former case in the proportion of .s to 1. 3dly, A body immersed in a fluid, loses as much of its weight, as is equal to the weight of a like bulk of the fluid ; and when descending, it loses the same, besides the obstruction arising from the cohesion of the parts of the medium, and the opposing force of the particles struck, which last produces a greater or less resistance, according to the velocity of the motion. But, the weight of the body being b, and that of a like bulk of the fluid medium m, the motive force urging the body to descend, is only b — m ; that is, the body only falls by the excess of its- weight above that of an equal bulk of the fluid Hence the power that sustains a body in a medium, is equal to the excess of the absolute weight of the body above an equal bulk of the medium. Thus, a piece of copper weighing 47|lb, loses 5 ^lb. of its weight in water: and therefore a power of 42lb, will sustain it in the water. 4thly, If two bodies have the same specific gravity, the less the bulk of the descending body is, the more of its gravity does it lose, and the slower does it descend, in the same medium. For, though the proportion of the specific gravity of the body to that of the fluid be still, the same, whether the bulk be greater or less, yet the smaller the body, the more the surface is, in proportion to the mass; and the more the surface, the more the resistance of the parts of the fluid, in proportion. 5thly, If the specific gravities of two bodies be different; that which has the greatest specific gravity will descend with greater velocity in the air, or resisting medium, than the other body. Thus, a ball of lead descends swifter than wood or cork, because it loses less of its weight, though in a vacuum they both fall equally swift. The cause of this descent, or tendency downwards, has been greatly controverted. Two opposite hypotheses have been advanced ; the one, that it proceeds from an inter- nal principle, and the other from an external one: the first is maintained by the Peripatetics, Epicureans, and the Newtonians ; and the latter by the Cartesians and Gassen- dists. See also Acceleration. Laws of Descent of Bodies. 1st, Heavy bodies, in an unresisting medium, fall with an uniformly accelerated motion. For, it is the nature of all constant and uniform forces, such as that of gra- vity at the same distance from the centre of the earth, to generate or produce equal additions of velocity in equal times. So that, if in one second of time there be pro- duced a certain velocity, in 2 seconds there will be dou- ble that velocity, in 3 seconds triple, and so on, the de- gree or quantity of velocity being always proportional to the length of the time. 2d, The space descended by an uniform gravity, in any time, is just the half of the space that might be uniformly described in the same time by the last acquired velocity at the end of that time, if uniformly continued. For, as the velocity increases uniformly in - an arithmetic progres- sion, the whole space descended by the variable velocity, will be equal to the space that would be described wilh the middle velocity uniformly continued for the same time; and this again will be only half the space thatwould be described with the last velocity, also uniformly conti- nued for the same time, because the last velocity is dou- • ble of the middle velocity, being produced in a double time. 3d, The spaces descended by an uniform gravity, in different times, are proportional to the squares of the times, or to the squares of the velocities. For the whole space descended in any time, consists of the. sums of all the particular spaces, or velocities, which are in arithme- tical progression ; but the sum of such an arithmetical progression, beginning at 0, and having the last term and the number of terms the same quantity, is equal to half D E S [ 408 ] D E T the square of the last term, or of the number of terms ; therefore the whole sums are as the squares of the times, or of the velocities. This theory of the descents by gravity was first disco- space a heavy body will descend through in one second ; the very same as before. 4th, For any other constant force, instead of the per- pendicular free descent by gravity, find by experiment, vered and tau°ht by Galileo, who afterwards confirmed or otherwise, the space descended in one second by that the same by experiments; which have often been repeated force, and substitute that instead of 16-jJj. for the value of in various ways by many other persons since his time, as gin these formula; : or, if the proportion of the force to Grimaldi, Riccioli, Huyoens, Newton, and many others, - the force of gravity be known, let the value of g be al- all confirming the same The experiments of Grimaldi and Riccioli were made by dropping a number of balls, of half a pound weight, from the tops of several towers, and measuring the times of falling by a pendulum. Ricciol. Almag. Nov. torn. 1, lib. 2, cap. 21, prop. 4. An abstract of their experiments is exhibited here below: Vibrations of the pendulum The time Space at the end of the Sp.ce descended each time 5 50 Rom. feet 10 Rom. feet 10 10 1 40 40 30 15 20 2 3 30 20 90 lGo 50 70 25 4 10 250 90 b' 1 O 15 15 12 2 6'0 45 18 3 135 75 24 4 240 105 The space descended by a heavy body in any given time, being determined by experiment, is sufficient, in connexion with the preceding theorems, for determining every inquiry concerning the times, velocities, and spaces descended, depending on a uniform force of gravity. From many accurate experiments made in England, it has been lered in the same proportion, and the same formulae will still hold good. So, if the descent be on an inclined plane, making, for instance, an angle of 30° with the ho- rizon ; then, the force of descent upon the plane being always as the sine of the angle it make.s with the horizon, which in the present case will be as the sine of 30°, that is, as \ the radius ; therefore the, value of g will be but half the former, 8J T , in all the foregoing formulae. Or, if one body descending perpendicularly draw an- other after it, by means of a cord sliding over a pulley ; then it will be, as the sum of the two bodies is to the de- scending body, so is 16^ to the value oPg in this case; which value of it being used in the said formula?, they will still hold good. And in like manner for any other constant forces whatever. 5th, The time of the oblique descent down any chord of a circle, drawn either from the uppermost point or lowermost point of the circle, is equal to the perpendicu- lar descent through the diameter of the circle. 6th, The descent, or vibration, through all arcs of the same cycloid are equal, whether great or small. 7th, But the descent, or vibration, through unequal arcs of a circle, are unequal ; the times being greater in the greater arcs, and less in the less. 8th, For Descents by Forces that are variable, see Forces, &c. See also Inclined Plane, Cycloid, Pendulum, &c. Line of Swiftest Descent, is that which a body, falling found that a heavy body descends freely through ] 6 feet , t[]e ac[ion of ; describes in the shortest time pos . 1 inch, or lo^ feet, in the first second of time; and con- jjjie f rom one eiv sequently, by theorem 2, the velocity gained at the end of 1 second, is 32-J- feet per second. Hence, by the same, and theorem 3, the velocity gained in any other time t is 32^, and the space descended is l6^C. So that, if v denote the velocity, and s the space due to the time t, and there be put g = 16-^; then is v = 2gt = Zt/gs = — . = ge = = ifo. en point to another. And this line, it is proved by philosophers, is the arc of a cycloid, when the one point is not perpendicularly over the other. See Cycloid. DESCRIBENT, a term in Geometry, signifying a line or superficies, by the motion of which a superficies or solid is described. DETENTS, in a clock, are those stops which, by be- ing lifted up or let down, lock and unlock the clock in striking. DETENT-W7at »t the i vertex ; which has only one solution: or this, '1 o find an ter, therefore as 3-1 4lC : 1 : : 1 : ^^ which is the time isoscc i cs t ,.jangle whose area and perimeter are given ; of descending through 1.9 T 9 y inches, or half the length of which admits of two solutions. But if it had only been the pendulum ; and "the spaces being as the squares of the required to describe an isosceles triangle on a given base, , l „ „ „ -. then it is evident that an infinite number of such triangles times, we have as ^^ : I 2 : : 10^ : l 9r % x 3"14l6 2 might havc becn con?tructed) am | therefore, the problem = 193 inches, or l6" feet 1 inch, which therefore is the would havc been an indeterminate one. D E V [ 409 _ ] DEW Determinate Section, the name of a Tract, or General Problem, written by the ancient geometrician Apollonius. None of this work has come down to us, excepting some extracts, and an account of it by Pappus, in the preface to the 7th book of his Mathematical Collections. He there says that the general problem was, " To cut an in- finite right line in one point so, that, of the segments con- tained between the point of section sought, and given points in the said line, either the square on one of them, or the rectangle contained by two of them, may have a given ratio, either to the rectangle contained by one of them and a given line, or to the rectangle contained by two of them." Pappus further informs us, that this Tract of Apollo- nius was divided into two books; that the first book con- tained 6 problems, and the second 3; that the 6 problems of the first book contained 16 epitagmas, or cases, respect- ing the dispositions of the points ; and the second book Q. Further, that of the epitagmas of the 6 problems of the first book, 4 were maxima, a.nd one a minimum : that the maxima are at the 2d epitagma of the 2d problem, at the 3d of the 4th, the 3d of the 5th, and the 3d of the 6th ; but that the minimum was at the 3d epitagma of the 3d problem. Also, that the second book contained three de- terminations ; of which the 3d epitagma of the 1st pro- blem, and the 3d of the 2d were minima, and the 3d of the 3d a maximum. Moreover, that the first book had 27 lemmas, and the 2d book 24 ; and lastly, that both books contained 83 theorems. From such account of the contents of this Tract, and the lemmas, also given by Pappus, several persons have attempted to restore, or recompose what they thought might be nearly the form of Apollonius's tract, or the sub- ject of each problem, case, determination, &c ; among whom are, Snellius, an eminent Dutch mathematician of the 17th century; a translation of whose work was pub- lished in English by Mr. John Lawson, in 1772, together with a new restoration of the whole work by his friend Mr. William Wales. A more complete restoration is given in Dr. Simson's posthumous works, in 1776 ; as also by P. Giannini, at Parma, 1773. DEVIATION, in Astronomy. See Nutation. Deviation of a falling body from its perpendicular di- rection. When the notion of the revolution of the earth about its axis was revived by Copernicus, various objec- tions were started against it by the adherents of the old system ; and among others, it was asserted that, if the earth did really turn on its 6wn axis, it would have fol- lowed as a natural consequence, that a stone or other heavy body, being let fall from an eminence, as the top of a tower, must have struck the earth at a considerable di- stance from its foot towards the west; for as the motion of the earth was from west to east, they conceived that it must necessarily have passed through a space towards the east, greater or less, according to the height of the tower, or to the time the body was in falling, before the latter reached the ground ; and as, from experiments, this was tound not to be the case, they considered it as an unan- swerable objection to the Copernican system. But as soon as the laws of motion became better known, and the composition of forces was properly understood, it was tound that, contrary to the opinions of those objectors, instead of the stone falling considerably to the westward of i he tower, it ought to fall a little to the east of it, which is what experiments have since confirmed to be the case. Vol. I. And this is what is now generally understood by the de- viation of a falling body. This phenomenon is the natural consequence of the first law of motion, namely, that every body has a tendency to preserve its state, whether it be in motion or at rest. Thus, a bullet let fall from the topmast of a ship, will fall in a direction parallel to the mast, whatever may be the velo- city of the vessel, and to those on board it will have the appearance of a perpendicular descent, notwithstanding its real path is that of the curve of a parabola, the same as if it had been projected from a state of rest with a velo- city equal to that of the ship. With respect to a body falling from the top of a tower, the only difference is that, by reason of the revolution of the earth, the higher a body is elevated, the greater will be its velocity, because it describes a greater circle in the sainji time; therefore the body having previously to its fall ac- quired a greater velocity, from west to east, than the foot of the tower has, it will naturally be carried a little to- wards the east. Thus the same circumstance that was considered as an unanswerable objection to the modern system of astronomy, may be now regarded as an addi- tional evidence of its truth. This fact is confirmed by experiment. M. Guglielmini was the first who drew the attention of philosophers to this subject. On causing bodies to fall from a height of 241 feet, he found a deviation of 8 lines to the east from the vertical. M. Benzenberg, professor of physics and astronomy at Dusseldorp, made 2S experiments with balls well turned and polished, which were dropped from a height of 262 French feet, and which at a medium pro- duced 5 lines of deviation to the east: the theory gives 4*6 lines. And the last experiments made at Bologna, by Gu- glielmini, give nearly the same results. Yet so many are the causes of inaccuracy in the experiments, and so small the deviation required by the theory, that we hesitate in laying much stress on the results of these philosophers. Of the truth of the theory, however, there can be no doubt : we may therefore here notice M. Laplace's ultimate theo- rem. Let h denote the height from which the body falls, g = the space fallen by gravity in the first second, a = the angle of the earth's rotation in the same time, at the rate of 360° -4- 0'99727 in a day, and c= cosine of the lati- tude of the place, also d the deviation towards the east : then is the deviation d = ^ach^/-. (Bulletin des Scien- ces, N° 75.) — In this theorem, the value of the angle a is 15"'0411, or nearly 15'; and as a small arc is nearly equal to its sine or tangent, therefore the value of a is the sine of 15" to radius 1; that is, a = -000072725, the log. of which is 5 , 86l666l, which will be useful in computing by the above theorem. DEW, a thin light insensible mist, or rain, ascending with a slow motion, and falling while the sun is below the horizon. To us it appears to differ from rain, as less from more. Its origin and matter are doubtless from the va- pours and exhalations that rise from the earth and water. See Exhalation. Some define it a vapour liquefied, and let fall in drops. M. Huet, in one of his letters, asserts that, dew does not fall, but rises ; and others have adopted the same opinion. M. du Fay made several experiments, first with glasses, then with pieces of cloth stretched horizontally at different heights ; and he found that the lower bodies, with their under surfaces, were wetted before those that were placed 3G DEW [ 410 ] D I A higher, or their upper surfaces. And Du Fay and Mus- chenbroek both found, that different substances, and even different colours, receive the dew differently, and some little or not at all. From the principles laid down under the article Eva- poration, the several phenomena of dews are easily ac- counted for. Such as, for instance, that dews are more copious in the spring, than in the other seasons of the year; there being then a greater stock of vapour in readi- ness, than at other times, by reason of the small expense of it in the winter's cold and frost. Hence it is too, that Egypt, and some other hot countries, abound with dews throughout all the heats of summer ; for the air there be- ing too hot to constipate the vapours in the day-time, they never gather into clouds; and hence they have no rain : lut in climates that are excessively hot, the nights are re- markably cold ; so that the vapours raised after sun-set, are readily condensed into dews. It is natural to conclude, from the different substances which are combined with dew, that it must be either salu- tary or injurious, both to plants and animals. It is not easy to ascertain the quantity of dew that rises every night, or in the whole year, because of the winds which disperse it, the rains which carry it down, and other inconveniences : but it is known that it rises in greater abundance after rain than after dry weather, and in warm countries than in cold ones. There are some places in which dew is observed only to ascend, and not to fall : and others again in which it is carried upwards in greater plenty than downwards, being dispersed by the winds. Dr. Hales made some experiments, to determine the quantity of dew that falls in the night; and for this pur- pose, on the 15th of August, at 7 in the evening, he filled two glazed earthen pans with moist earth ; the dimensions of the pans being, 3 inches deep, and 12 inches diameter: and he observes, that the moister the earth, the more dew falls on it in a night; and that more than a double quan- tity of dew falls on a surface of water, than on an equal surface of moist earth. These pans increased in weight, by the night's dew, ISO grains; and decreased in weight, by the evaporation of the day, 1 oz 2S2 grs : so that 540 grains more are evaporated from the earth every 24 hours in summer, than the dew that falls in the night ; i. e. in 21 days near 26 ounces from a circular area of a foot di- ameter. Now if ISO grains of dew, falling in one night on such an area, which is equal to 113 square inches, be equally spread on the surface, its depth will be the 159th part of an inch. He likewise found that the depth of dew in a winter's night was the 90th part of an inch. If therefore we allow 159 nights for the extent of the sum- mer's dew, it will in that time amount to one inch in depth ; and reckoning the remaining 206 nights for the extent of the winter's dew, it will produce 2'28 inches depth ; and the dew of the whole year will amount to 328 inches depth. But the quantity which evaporated in a fair summer's day from the same surface, being 1 oz and 282 grs, gives the 40th part of an inch deep for eva- poration, which is 4 times as much as fell at night. Dr. Hales observes, that the evaporation of a winter's day is nearly the same as in a summer's day ; the earth's greater moisture in winter compensating for the sun's greater heat in summer. Ilales's Vegetable Statics, vol.1, p. 52 of the 4th edit. Sec Evaporation. Signer Beccaria made several experiments to demon- strate the existence of the electricity that is produced by dew. He observes in general, that such electricity took place in clear and dry weather, during which no strong wind prevailed ; and that it depends on the quantity of the dew, as the electricity of the rain depends on the quantity of the rain. He sometimes found that it began before sun-set; at other times not till 11 o'clock at night. Arti- ficial Electricity, Appendix, letter 3. DE WIT (John), the famous Dutch pensionary, was born at Dort, in l6"25 ; where he prosecuted his studies so diligently, that at 23 years of age he published Elements Curvarum Linearum, one of the deepest books in mathe- matics at that time. After taking his degrees, and tra- velling, he, in 1650, became pensionary of Dort, and di- stinguished himself very early in the management of public affairs, which soon after raised him to the rank of pen- sionary of Holland. After rendering the greatest benefits to his country in many important instances, and serving it in several high capacities, with the greatest ability, dili- gence, and integrity, by some intrigues of a party, it is said, he and his brother were thrown into prison, from whence they were dragged by the mob, and butchered with the most cruel and savage barbarity. D1ACAUSTIC Curve, or the Caustic by Refraction, is a species of caustic curves, the genesis of which is in the fol- lowing manner. Imagine an infinite number of rays ba, em, bi), &c, issuing from the same luminous point B, re- fracted to or from the perpendicular mc, by the given curve amd ; and so that ce, the sines of the angles of in- cidence cme, be always to cg the sines of the refracted angles cmg, in a given ratio; then the curve hfn that touches all the refracted rays ah, mf, dn, &c, is called the Diacaustic, or Caustic by Refraction. N 5/ DIACOUSTICS, or Diaphonics, the consideration of the properties of sound refracted in passing through different mediums ; that is, out of a denser into a more subtile, or out of a more subtile into a denser medium. See Sound. DIAGONAL, is a right line drawn across a figure, from one angle to another; and is sometimes called a diameter. It is used chiefly in quadrilateral figures, viz, in parallelo- grams and trapeziums. 1. Every diagonal, as AC, divides a B_ parallelogram into two equal parts or \ triangles abc, adc. 2. Two diagonals, ac, bd, drawn in a parallelogram, bisect each Other; as a ill the point e. 3. Any line, as FG, drawn through the middle of the diagonal of a parallelogram, is bisected by it at the point e; and it divides the parallelogram into two equal parts, Bl'GC and AFCD. 4. The diagonal of a square is incommensurable with its side. D I A [ 411 ] t> I A 5. The complements about the diagonal of any paral- lelogram are equal to each other. 6. In any parallelogram, the sum of the squares of the four sides is equal to the sum of the squares of the two diagonals. 7. In any trapezium, the sum of the squares of the four sides is equal to the sum of the squares of the two dia- gonals, together with 4 times the square of the distance be- tween the middle points of the diagonals. 8. In any trapezium, the sum of the squares of the two diagonals, is double the sum of the squares of two lines bi- secting the two pairs of opposite sides. 9- In any quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, the rect- angle of the two diagonals is equal to the sum of the two rectangles under the two pairs of opposite sides. Diagonal Scale. See Scales. DIAGRAM, is a scheme for the explanation or demon- stration of any figure, or of its properties. DIAL, or Sun-Dial, an instrument for measuring time by means of the sun's shadow. Or, it is a draught or de- scription of certain lines on the surface of a body, so that the shadow of a style, or ray of the sun through a hole, should touch certain marks at certain hours. Sun-Dials are doubtless of great antiquity. But the first upon record is, it seems, the dial of Ahaz, who began to reign 400 years before Alexander, and within 12 years of the building of Rome : it is mentioned in Isaiah, chap. 38, ver.S. Several of the ancients are spoken of, as the construc- tors of dials; as Anaximenes Milesius, Thales, &c. Vi- truvius mentions one made by the ancient Chaldee histo- rian Berosus, on a reclining plane, almost parallel to the equator. Aristarchus Samius invented the hemispherical dial. And there were at the same time some spherical ones, with a needle for a gnomon. The discus of Aristar- chus was an horizontal dial, with its rim raised up all around, to prevent the shadow from stretching too far. It was late before the Romans became acquainted with dials. The first sun-dial at Rome was set up by Papyrius Cursor, about the 460th year of the city; before which time, Pliny says, there is no mention of any accountof time but by the sun's rising and setting: the first dial was set up near the temple of Quirinus ; but being inaccurate, about 30 years after, another was brought out of Sicily by the consul M. Valerius -Messala, which he placed on a pillar near the Rostrum ; but neither did this show time truly, because not made for that latitude; and, after using it 99 years, Martius Philippus set up another more exact. The diversity of sun-dials arises from the different si- tuation of the planes, and from the different figure of the surfaces on which they are described ; whence they be- come denominated Equinoctial, Horizontal, Vertical, Po- lar, Direct, Erect, Declining, Inclining, Reclining, Cy- lindrical, &c. For the general principles of their con- struction, see Dialling. Dials are distinguished into Primary and Secondary. Primary Dials, are such as are drawn either on the plane of the horizon, and thence called horizontal dials ; or perpendicular to it, and called vertical dials; or else drawn on the polar and equinoctial planes, though neither horizontal nor vertical. Secondary Dials, are all those that are drawn on the ;ilanes of other circles, besides those last mentioned; or those which either decline, incline, recline, or deincline. Each of these again is divided into several others, as: Equinoctial Dial, is that which is described on an equinoctial plane, or one parallel to it. Horizontal Dial, is described on an horizontal plane, or a plane parallel to the horizon. — This dial shows the hours from sun-rise to sun-set. South Dial, or an Erect, Direct South Dial, is that de- scribed on the surface of the prime vertical circle facing towards the south. — This dial shows the time from 6 in the morning till 6 at night. North D14.L, or an "Erect, Direct North Dial, is that which is described on the surface of the prime vertical pointing northward. This dial only shows the hours be- fore 6 in the morning, and after 6 in the evening. East Dial, or Erect, Direct East Dial, is that drawn on the plane of the meridian, directly to the east. — This can only show the hours till 12 o'clock. West Dial, or Erect, Direct West Dial, is that described on the western side of the meridian. — This can only show the hours after noon. Consequently this, and the last pre- ceding one, will show all the hours of the day between them. Polar Dial, is that which is described on a plane pass- ing through 'the poles of the world, and the east and west points of the horizon. It is of two kinds; the first di- rected towards the zenith, and called the upper; the lat- ter, down towards the nadir, called the lower. The polar dial therefore is inclined to the horizon in an angle equal to the elevation of the pole. — The upper polar dial shows the hours from 6 in the morning till 6 at night, and the lower one shows the hours before 6 in the morning, and after 6 in the evening, viz, from sun-rise and till sun-set. Declining Dials, are erect or vertical dials which de- cline from any of the cardinal points; or they are such as cut either the plane of the prime vertical, or of the hori- zon, at oblique angles. Declining dials are of very frequent use; as the walls of houses, on which dials are mostly drawn, commonly de- viate from the cardinal points. Of declining dials there are several kinds, which are de- nominated from the cardinal points which they are nearest to; as decliners from the south, and from the north, and even from the zenith. Inclined Dials, are such as arc drawn on planes not erect, but inclining, or leaning forward towards the south, or southern side of the horizon, in an angle, either greater or less than the equinoctial plane. Reclining Dials, are those drawn on planes not erect, but reclined, or leaning backwards from the zenith to- wards the north, in an angle greater or less than the polar plane. Dcinclined Dials, are such as both decline and incline, or recline. — These last three kinds of dials are very rare. Dials without Centres, are those whose hour lines con- verge so slowly, that the centre, or point of their con- course, cannot be expressed on the given plane. Quadrantal Dial. See Horodictkal Quadrant. Reflecting Dial. See Reflecting Dial. Cylindrical Dial, is one drawn on the curve surface of a cylinder. This may first be drawn on a paper plane, and then pasted round a cylinder of wood, &c. It will show the time of the day, the sun's place in the ecliptic, and his altitude at any time of observation. There are also Portable Dials, or on a Card, and Uni- versal Dials on a Plain Cross, &c. Refracted Dials, are such as show the hour by means of some refracting transparent fluid. 3G2 D I A [ 412 ] D I A RingDiAL, is a small portable dial, consisting of a brass ring or rim, about 2 inches in diameter, and one- third of an inch in breadth. In a point of this rim there is a hole, through which the sun-beams pass, and form a bright speck in the concavity of the opposite semi-circle, which gives the hour of the day in the divisions marked within it. When the hole is fixed, the dial only shows true about the time of the equinox. But to have it perform through- out the whole year, the hole is made moveable, the signs of the zodiac, or the days of the month, being marked on the convex side of the ring ; hence, in using it, the move- able hole is set to the day of the month, or the degree of the zodiac the sun is in ; then suspending the dial by the little ring, turn it towards the sun, and his rays through the hole will show the hour on the divisions within side. Universal, or Astronomical Ring-DiA.z., is a ring dial which shows the hour of the day in any part of the earth ; whereas the former is confined to a certain latitude. Its figifre see represented below. It consists of two rings or flat circles, from 2 to 6 inches in diameter, and of a proportionable breadth &c. The outward ring a represents the meridian of any place you are at, and contains two divisions of go degrees each, diametrically opposite to each other, the one serving from the equator to the north pole, the other to the south pole. The inner ring represents the equator, and turns exactly within the outer, by means of two pivots in each ring at the hour of 12. Across the two circles is placed a thin reglet or bridge, with a cursor c, sliding along the middle of the bridge, and having a small hole for the sun to shine through. The middle of this bridge is conceived as the axis of the world, and the extremities as the poles: on the one side are drawn the signs of the zodiac, and on the other the days of the month. On the edge of the meridian a piece slides, to which is fitted a small ring to suspend the instrument by. In this dial, the divisions on the axis are the tangents of the angles of the sun's declination, adapted to the semi- diaincter of the equator as radius, and placed on either side of the centre : but instead of laj ing them down from a line of tangents, a scale of equal parts may be made, of which 1000 shall answer exactly to the length of the semi- axis, from the centre to the inside of the equinoctial ring; and then 43+ of these parts may be laid down from the centre towards each end, which will limit all divisions on the axis, because 434 is the natural tangent of 23° 28 r * And thus, by a nonius fixed to the sliding piece, and ta- king the sun's declination from an ephemeris, and the tan- gent of that declination from the table of natural tangents, the slider may be always set true within 2 minutes of a degree. This scale of 434 equal parts might be placed directly against the 23° 28' of the sun's declination, on the axis, instead of the sun's place, which is there of little use. By this means the slider might be set in the usual way, to the day of the month, for common use ; or to the natural tangent of the declination, when great accuracy is re- quired. To use this Dial: Place the line a (on the middle of the sliding piece) over the degree of latitude of the place, as for instance 5 If degrees for London: put the line which crosses the hole of the cursor to the degree of the sign, or day of the month. Open the instrument so as that the two rings be at right angles to each other, and suspend it b}' the ring H, that the axis of the dial, represented by the middle of the bridge, may be parallel to the axis of the earth. Then turn the flat side of the bridge towards the sun, so that his rays, striking through the small hole in the middle of the cursor, may fall exactly on a line drawn round the middle of the concave surface of the inner ring ; in which case the bright spot shows the hour of the day in the said concave surface of the ring. Nocturnal or Night-DiAh, is that which shows the hour of the night, by the light, or shadow projected from the moon or stars. Lunar or Moon Dials may be either purposely described and adapted to the moon's motion ; or the hour may be found on a sun-dial by the moon shining upon it, thus: Observe the hour which the shadow of the index points at by moon-light ; find the days of the moon's age in the ca- lendar, and take 3-4ths of that number, for the hours to be added to the time shown by the shadow, to give the hour of the night. The reason of which is, that the moon comes to the same horary circle later than the sun by about three quarters of an hour every day ; and at the time of new moon the solar and lunar hours coincide. Dial Planes, are the plane superficies on which the hour lines of dials are drawn. Tide Dial. See Tide Dial. DIALLING, the art of drawing dials on any kind of surface, whether plane or curved. Dialling is wholly founded on the first motion of the heavenly bodies, and chiefly the sun; or rather on the diurnal rotation of the earth : so that the elements of sphe- rics, and spherical trigonometry, should be understood, before a person attempts to enter upon the doctrine of dialling. The principles of dialling may be aptly deduced from, and illustrated by, the phenomena of a hollow or trans- parent sphere,as of glass. Thus, suppose ttrcp to repre- sent the earth as transparent; and 'its equator ;is divided into 24 equal parts, by so many meridian semicircles a, b,c, d, e, &c, one of which is the geographical meridian of any given place, as London, which it is supposed is at the point o; and if the hour of 12 were marked at the equator, both on that meridian and the opposite one, and all the rest of the hours in order on the other meridians, those meridians would be the hour circles of London : he- , cause, as the sun appears to move round the earth, which is in the centre of the visible heavens, in 24 hours, he will pass from one meridian to another in one hour. Then, if D I A [ 413 ] D I A the sphere had an opake axis, as PEp, terminating in the poles p and p, the shadow of the axis, which is in the same plane with the sun and with each meridian, would fall upon every particular meridian and hour, when ,the sun came to the plane of the opposite meridian, and would consequently show the time at London, and at all other places on the same meridian. If this sphere were cut through the middle by a solid plane abcd in the rational horizon of London, one half of the axis ep would be above the plane, and the other half below it ; and if straight lines were drawn from the centre of the plane to those points where its circumference is cut by the hour circles of the sphere, those lines would be the hour lines of an horizontal dial for London; for the shadow of the axis would fall upon each particular hour line of the dial, when it fell upon the like hour circle of the sphere. If the plane which cuts the sphere be upright, as afcg, touching the given place, for example, London, at F, and directly opposite to the meridianof London, it will then be- come the plane of an erect direct south dial; and if right lines be drawn from its centre E, to those points ol its circum- fefence where the. hour circles of the sphere cut it, these will be the hour lines of a vertical or direct south dial for London, to which the hours are to be set in the figure, contrary to those on an horizontal dial ; and the lower half v.p of the axis will cast a shadow on the hour of the day in this dial, at the same time that it would fall upon the like hour circle of the sphere, if the dial plane was not in the way. If the plane, still facing the meridian, be made to in- cline, or recline, any number of degrees, the hour circles of the sphere will continue to cut the edge of the plane in those points to which the hour lines must be drawn straight from the centre; and the axis of the sphere will cast a shadow on these lines at the respective hours. The like will still hold, if the plane be made to decline by any num- ber of degrees from the meridian towards the east or west ; provided the declination be less than QO degrees, or the inclination be less than the co-latitude of the place; and the axis of the sphere will be the gnomon: otherwise, the axis will have no elevation above the plane of the dial, and cannot be a gnomon. Thus it appears that the plane of every dial represents the plane of some great circle on the earth, and the gnomon the earth's axis ; the vertex of a right gnomon the centre of the earth or visible heavens; and the plane of the dial is just as far from this centre as from the vertex of the stile. The earth itself, compared with its distance from the sun, is considered as a point ; and therefore, if a small sphere of glass be placed upon any part of the earth's sur- face, so that its axis be parallel to the axis of the earth, and the sphere have such lines upon it, and such planes within it, as above described ; it will show the hours of the day as truly as if it were placed at jhe earth's centre, and the shell of the earth were as transparent as glass. Fergu- son, lect. 10. The principal writers on Dials, and Dialling, are the fol- lowing: Vitruvius, in his Architecture, cap. 4 and 7, lib. g: Sebastian Munster, his Horolographia: John Dryander de Horologiorum varia Compositione : Conrade Gesner's Pandectse: Andrew Schoner's Gnomonicaj; Fred. Com- mandine de Horologiorum Descriptione : Joan. Bapt. Bc- nedictus de Gnomonum Umbrarumque Solarium Usu : Joannes Georgius Schomberg, Exegesis Fundamentorum Gnomonicorum : Solomon de Caus, Traile des Horologes Solaires: Joan: Bapt. Trolta, Praxis Horologiorum : De- sargues, Maniere Universelle pour poser l'Essieu et placer les Heurcs et autres Choses aux Cadrans Solaires : Ath. Kircher, Ars magna Lucis et Umbrae: Hallum, Explicatio Horologii in Horto Regio Londini : Trat:tatus Horologi- orum Joannis Mark: Clavius, Gnomonices de Horologiis; in which he demonstrates both the theory and the opera- tions afterthe rigid manner of the ancient mathematicians: Dechales, Ozanam, and Schottus, gave much easier trea- tises on this subject; as did also Wolfius in his Elementa: M. Picard gave a new method of making large dials, by calculating the hour lines; and M. Lahire, in his Dial- ling, printed in l6"83, gave a geometrical method of draw- ing hour lines from certain points, determined by observa- tion. Everhard Walper, in 1025, published his Dialling, in which he lays down a method of drawing the primary dials on very simple principles; and the same principles arc also described at length by Sebastian Minister, in his Rudimenta Mathematica, published in 1 651. In 1672, Sturmius published a new edition of Walper's Dialling, with tlie addition of a whole second part, concerning in- clining and declining dials, &c. In 1708, the same work was re-published, with Sturmius's additions, and likewise a 4th part, containing Picard's and Lahire's methods of drawing large dials, which forms much the best and ablest work on the subject. Paterson, Michael, and Muller, have each written on Dialling, in the German language: Coetsius, in his Iiorologiographia Plana, printed in lGSty: D I A [ 414 ] D I A Gauppen, in his GnomonicaMechanica: Lcybourn, in his Dialling: Bion, in his Use of Mathematical Instruments: Wells, in his Art of Shadows. There is also a treatise by M. Deparceux, 1740. Mr. Ferguson has also written on the same subject, in his Lectures on Mechanics; besides Emerson, in his Dialling; and Mr. W. Jones, in his In- strumental Dialling. See also my Recreations, vol. 3. Universal Dialling Cylinder, is represented in fig. 2, plate ix, where abcd is a glass cylindrical tube, closed at both ends with brass plates, in the centres of which a wire or axis efg is fixed. The tube is either fixed to an hori- zontal board n, so that its axis may make an angle with the board equal to that which the earth's axis makes with the horizon of any given place, being thus parallel to the axis of the earth; or it may be made to move on a joint, and elevated for any particular latitude. The 21 hour lines are drawn with a diamond on the outside of -the glass, equidistant from each other, and parallel to the axis. The xn next b stands for midnight, and the xn next the board h for noon. When the axis of this instrument is elevated according to the latitude, and the board set level, with the line hn in the plane of the meridian, and the end towards the north ; the axis ErG, when the sun shines on the in- strument, will serve as a gnomon or stile, and cast a sha- dow on the hour of the day among the parallel hour lines. As the plate ad at the top is parallel to the equator, and the axis efg perpendicular to it, right lines drawn from the centre to the extremities of the parallels will be the hour lines of an equinoctial dial,, and the axis will be the stile. An horizontal plate efput down into the tube, with lines drawn from the centre to the several parallels, cutting its edge, will be an horizontal dial for the given latitude; and a vertical plate gc, fronting the meridian, and touching the tube with its edge, with lines drawn from its centre to the parallels, will be a vertical south dial : the axis of the instrument serving in both cases for the stile of the dial: and if a plate be placed within the tube, so as to decline, incline, or recline, by any given number of degrees, and lines be drawn, as above, a declining, inclining, or recli- ning dial will be formed for the given latitude. If the axis with the several plates fixed to it be drawn out of the tube, and set up in sunshine in the same position as they were in the tube, ad will be an equinoctial dial, ef an horizontal dial, and gc a vertical south dial ; and the time of the day will be shown by the axis efg. If the cylinder were wood, instead of glass, and the parallel lines drawn upon it in the square, and f the axis of the cylinder would be its stile. Thus also inclining, declining, or reclining dials might be easily constructed, for any given latitude. Ferguson, ubi supra. Dialling Globe, is an instrument made of brass, or wood, with a plane fitted to the horizon, and an index ; particularly contrived to draw all sorts of dials, and to give a clear exhibition of the principles of the art. Dialling Lines, or Scales, are graduated lines, placed on rules or the edges of quadrants, and other instruments, to expedite the construction of dials. The principal of these lines are, 1. A scale of six hours, which is only a double tangent, or two lines of tangents each of 45 de- grees, joined together in the middle, and equal to the whole line of sines, with the declination set against the meridian altitudes in the latitude of London, suppose, or any place for which it is made : the radius of which line of sines is equal to the dialling scale of six hours. 2. A line of latitudes, which is fitted to the hour scale, and is made by this canon : as the radius is to the chord of go degrees; so are the tangents of each respective degree of the line of latitudes, to the tangents of other arcs: and. then the natural sines of those arcs are the numbers, which, taken from a diagonal scale of equal parts, will graduate the divisions of the line of latitude to any radius. The line of hours and latitudes is generally for pricking down all dials with centres. For the method of constructing these scales, see Scale. Dialling Sphere, is an instrument made of brass, with several semicircles sliding over each other, on a moveable horizon, to demonstrate the nature of the doctrine of spherical triangles, and to give a true idea of the drawing of dials on all lands of planes. DIAMETER, of a Circle, is a right line passing through the centre, and terminated at thecircumference on both sides. The diameter divides the circumference, and the area of the circle, into two equal parts. And half the diameter, or the semi-diameter, is called the radius. For the proportion between the diameter and the cir- cumference of a circle, see Circle and Circumfe hence. Diameter, of a Conic Section, or Transverse Diameter, is a right-line passing through the centre of the section, or the middle of the axis. — The diameter bisects all ordi- nates, or lines drawn parallel to the tangent at its vertex. See Conic Sections. Conjugate Diameter, is a diameter, in Conic Sections, ame manner, it would serve to facilitate the operation of parallel to the ordinatcs of another diameter, called tin making these several dials. The upper plate with lines drawn to the several intersections of the parallels, which appears obliquely in fig. 2, would be an equinoctial dial as in fig. 3, and the axis perpendicular to it be its stile. An horizontal dial for the latitude of the elevation of the axis might be made, by drawing out the axis and cutting the cylinder, as at efgh, parallel to the horizontal board h ; the section would be elliptic as in fig. 4. A circle might be described on the centre, and lines drawn to the divi- sions of the ellipse would be the hour lines; and the wire put in its place again, as e, would be the stile. If ibis cy- linder were cut by a plane perpendicular to the horizontal board ii, or to the line sun, beginning at g, the plane of the section would be elliptical as in fig. 5, and lines drawn to the points of intersection of the parallels on its edge would be the hour lines of a vertical direct south dial, which might be made of any shape, either circular or transverse; or parallel to the tangent at the vertex of this other. Diameter, of any Curve, is a right line which divides two other parallel right lines, in such manner that, in each of them, all the segments or ordinatcs on one side, between the diameter and different points of the curve, are equal to all those on the other side, according to Newton's defini- tion of a Diameter. But some define a diameter to be that line, whether right or curved, which bisects all the parallels drawn from one point to another of a curve. So that in this way every curve will have a diameter; and hence the curves of the 2d order have, all of them, either a right-lined diameter, oi else the curves of some one of the conic sections for diameters. And many geometrical curves of the higher orders, may also have for diameters, curves of more infe- rior orders. D I A [ 415 ] D I F Diameter of Gravity, is a right line passing through the centre of gravity. Diameter, in Astronomy. The diameters of the hea- venly bodies are either apparent, i. e. such as they appear to the eye; or real, i. e. such as they are in themselves. The apparent diameters are best measured with a mi- crometer, and are estimated by the measure of the angle they subtend at the eye. These are 'different in different circumstauccs and parts of the orbits, or according to the various distances of the luminary; being in the inverse ratio of the distance. The sun's vertical diameter is found by taking the height of the upper and lower edge of his disk, when he is in the meridian, or near it; correcting the altitude of each edge on account of refraction and parallax; then the dif- ference between the true altitudes of the two, is the true apparent diameter sought. Or the apparent diameter may be determined by observing, with a good clock, the time which the sun's disc takes in passing over the meridian: and here, when the sun is in or near the equator, the fol- lowing proportion may be used ; viz, as the time between the sun's leaving the meridian and returning to it again, is to 360 degrees, so is the time of the sun's passing over the meridian, to the number of minutes and seconds of a degree contained in his apparent diameter: but when the sun is in a parallel at some distance from the equator, his diameter measures a greater number of minutes and se- conds in that parallel than it would do in a great circle, and takes up proportionally more time in passing over the meridian; in which case we have this proportion: as ra- dius is to the cosine of the sun's declination, so is the time of the sun's passing the meridian reduced -to minutes and seconds of a degree, to the arc of a great circle which measures the sun's apparent horizontal diameter. See Transit. The sun's apparent diameter may also be taken by the projection of his image in a dark room. There are seve- ral ways of finding the apparent diameters of the planets; but the most certain method is that with the micrometer. In these diameters considerable errors were made by the more ancient astronomers; but, according to the best of the modern observations, those diameters are as below : viz, the sun's diameter is found to vary from 32' 3S"6 in January, to 3l' 33"8 in July: the apparent diameter of the moon varies from about 29' 28" to 33' 36"; her real diameter being about 2180 miles. The apparent diame- ters of the planets, when at their respective mean distances from the earth, are as follow : Mercury, Venus", Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Herachel, 11" 58" 27" 39" 18" 3" 54."'. And from these apparent diameters, with the respective .distances from the Earth, the real diameters of the sun and planets have been determined in English miles as below: Mercury, Venn,, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Herschcl, Sun, 3224 7687 4189 89170 7904'2 35112 883246. Observations on the planets Herschel/Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and the Earth, prove that there is a sensible diffe- ence between their equatorial and polar diameters; and it is probable that there is a like difference between the diameters of the other planets, but this has not yet been determined by observation. The mean apparent diameters • it the planets, as seen from the sun, have been thus given: Mercury, Venus, Eartli, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Herschel, 20" 30" 17" 10" 37" 16" 4". Diameter of a Column, is its thickness just above the base. From this the module is taken, which measures all the other parts of the column. Diameter of the Diminution, is that taken at the top of the shaft. Diameter of the Swelling, is that taken at the height of one third from the base. DIAPASON, a musical interval, otherwise called an octave, or eighth; so called, because it contains all the possible diversities of sound. If the lengths of two strings be to each other as 1 to 2, the tensions being equal, their tones will produce an octave. DIAPENTE, is- the perfect fifth, or second of the con- cords, making an octave with theDiatessaron. The lengths of the chords are as 3 to 2. DIAPHANOUS Body or Medium, one that is trans- lucent, or through which the rays of light easily pass ; as water, air, glass, talc, fine porcelain, &c. See Trans- parency. DIAPHONICS, is sometimes used for the science of re- fracted sound, as it passes through different mediums. DIASTYLE, a sort of edifice, in which the pillars stand at such a distance from one another, that three diameters of their thickness are allowed for the intercolumniation. DIATESSARON, is the perfect fourth; or a musical interval, consisting of one greater tone, one lesser, and one greater semitone. The lengths of strings to sound the di- atessaron, are as 3 to 4. DIATONIC, a term signifying the ordinary soit of mu- sic, which proceeds by tones or degrees, both ascending and descending. It contains or admits only the greater and lesser tone, and the greater semitone. DIESIS, a division of a tone, less than a semitone ; or an interval consisting of a lesser, or imperfect semitone. The Diesis is the smallest and softest change, or inflexion, of the voice imaginable. It is also called a feint, and is expressed by a St. Andrew's cross, or saltier. DIFFERENCE, is the excess by which one magnitude or quantity exceeds another. When a less quantity is subtracted from a greater, the remainder is otherwise called difference. Ascensional Difference. See Ascensional. Difference of Latitude, in Geography, &c, is an arch of the meridian included between the parallels of latitude in which any two places lie. When the latitudes are both north or both south, the less lat. taken from the greator leaves the difference of latitude; but when the one lat. is north, the other south, their sum shows the dif. of lat. Difference of Longitude, of two places, is an arch of the equator contained between the meridians of those two pliices, or the measure of the angle formed by their me- ridians. When the longitudes are both east or both west, the one taken from the other leaves the dif. of longitude; but when the one is east and the other west, they are then to. be added together for the dif. of longitude. DIFFERENTIAL, an indefinitely small quantity, part, or difference. By some, the Differential is considered as infinitely small, or less than any assignable quantity; and also as of the same import as fluxion. It is called a Dif- ferential, or Differential Quantity, because, often consi- dered as the difference between two quantities ; and as such it is the foundation of the Differential Calculus. Newton useil the term Moment in a like sense, as being the momentary increase or decrease of a variable quantity. M. Leibnitz and others call it also an infinitesimal. D I [ 416 Sec ] D I F Differential of the 1st, 2d, id, $c, degree. Different 10 -Differential. Differential Calculus, is a method of differencing quantities. See Differential Method, Calculus, and Fluxions. Differentio-Differential Calculus, is a method of differencing differential quantities. As the sign of a dif- ferential is the letter d prefixed to the quantity, as dx the differential of x ; so tiiat of a differential of dx is ddx, and the differential of ddx is dddx, &c ; similar to the fluxions x, x, x, &c. Thus we have degrees of differentials. The differential of an ordinary quantity, is a differential of the first order or degree, as dx; that of the 2d degree is ddx ; that of the 3d degree is dddx, &c. The rules for diffe- rentials, are the very same as those for fluxions. See Fluxions. Differential, in Logarithms. Kepler calls the loga- rithms of tangents, Differentiales ; which we usually call artificial tangents. Differential Equation, is an equation involving or containing differential quantities; as the equation 3x 2 dx — laxdx -+- aydx -+■ axdy = 0. Some mathemati- cians, as Stirling, &c, have also applied the term differen- tial equation in another sense, to certain equations de- fining the nature of series. Differential Method, a method of finding quanti- ties by means of their successive differences. This method is of very general use and application, but especially in the construction of tables of numbers, and the summation of series, &c. It was first used, and the rules of it laid down, by Briggs, in his Construction of Logarithms and other Numbers, much the same as they were afterwards taught by Cotes, in his Constructio Tabularum per Diffe- rentias ; as is shown in the Introduction to my Logs, pa. 69 et seq. See Briggs's Arithmetica Logarithmica, cap. 12 and 13, and his Trigonometria Bri'tannica. The method was next treated in another form by New- ton, in the 5th Lemma of the 3d book cf\his Principia, and in his Methodus Differentialis, published by Jones in 1711, with the other tracts of Newton. This author here treats it as a method of describing a curve of the parabolic kind, through any given number of points. He distinguishes two cases of this problem; the first, when the ordinates drawn from the given points to any line given in position, are at equal distances from one another ; and the 2d, when these ordinates are not at equal distances. He has given a solution of both cases, at first without demonstration, which was afterwards supplied by himself and others: see his Methodus Differentialis above mentioned ; and Stir- ling's Explanation of the Newtonian Differential Method, in the Philos. Trans. N° 36"2 ; Cotes, Dc. Methodo Dif- ferential Newtoniana, published with his Harmonia Men- surarum ; Herman's Phoronomia; and Lc Scur and Jac- quier, in their Commentary on Newton's Principia. It may be observed, that the methods there demonstrated, by some of these authors, extend to the description of any algebraic curve through a given number of points, which Newton, writing to Leibnitz, mentions as a problem of the greatest use. By this method, some terms of a series being given, and conceived as placed at given intervals, any intermediate term may be found ; which therefore gives a method for interpolations. Briggs's Arith. Log. ubi supra ; Newton, Mcth. Differ, prop. 5 ; Stirling, Methodus Differentialis. Thus also may any curvilinear figure be squared nearly, having some few of its ordinates. Newton, ibid. prop. 6 ; Cotes De Method. Differ.; Simpson's Mathematical Dis- sert, pa. 115. And thus may mathematical tables be con- structed by interpolations : Briggs, ibid. Cotes Cano- notechnia. The successive differences of the ordinates of parabolic curves, becoming ultimately equal, and the in- termediate ordinate required being determined by these differences of the ordinates, is the reason for the name Differential Method. To be a little more particular.— The first case of New- ton's problem amounts to this: A series of numbers, placed at equal intervals, being given, to find any inter- mediate-number of that series, when its interval or distance from the first term of the series is given. Subtract each term of the series from the next following term, and call the remainders first differences; then subtract, in like man- ner each of these differences from the next following one, calling these remainders 2d differences ; again, subtract each 2d difference from the next following, for the 3d dif- ferences ; and so on : then if a be the 1st term of the series, d' the first of the 1st differences, d" the first of the 2d differences, d'" the first of the 3d differences, &c; and if jc be the interval or distance between the first term of theseries and any term sought, T,thatis, let the number of terms from a to t, both included, be = x + 1 ; then will the term sought, T, be = X „ X X — 1 ,„ X X— 1 X— 2 ,„, - AH d H . d H . . a , &C. 112 12 3 Hence, if the differences of any order become equal, that is, if any of the diffs. d", d'", &c, become = 0, the above series will give a finite expression £or t, the term sought; it being [evident, that the series must terminate when any of the diffs. d", d'", &c, become = 0. It is also evident that the co-efficients - , - . , 1 1 a ' &c of the differences, are the same a6 the terms of the bi- nomial theorem. For Example, Suppose it were required to find the log. tangent of 5' l" 12'" 24"", or 5' l"/^, or 5' l"'2066, &c. Take out the log. tangents to several minutes and se- conds, and take their first and second differences, as below : 5' 0" 5 1 - . ■- 5 5 2 - - 5 5 3 - - .*! Here a = 7' 1 6-1 141 7; x = mean second difference d" = - Tang. 7-l6'26'96'4 7-1641417 7-1655821 7'l6'70l7S 14453 14404 14357 d" —49 47 n xa" d' = 14404; and the Hence - - 71641417 - - - 2977 Theref. the tang, of 5' 1" 12'" 24"" is 7" 1644398 Hence may be deduced a method of finding the sums of the terms of such a series, calling its terms a, d, cp , &c. For, conceive a new series having its 1st term = 0, its 2d = a, its 3d = a -+■ b, its 4th = a h- b -h C, its 5th = A + B + C+ r>, and so on ; then it is plain that assigning one term of this series, is finding the sum of all the terms a, is, c, d, &c. Now since these terms are the differences of the sums, 0, a, a ■+■ 11, a ■+■ « ■+■ c, &c ; DIG [4 and as some of the differences of a, b, c, &c, are = by supposition ; it follows that some of the differences of the sums will be = ; and since in the series a -i d' -+- i — . d" &c, by which a term was assigned, a repre- sented the 1st term ; d' the 1st of the 1st differences, and x the interval between the first term and the last; we are to write instead of a, a instead of d', d! instead of d", d" instead of d'", &c, also x -+• 1 instead of x ; which being done, die series expressing the sums will be + X -+- 1 X + 1 X „ X + 1 X 1-1™ , a -i- . —a -+• • — . d , ccc. 1 1 2 12 3 Or, if the real number of terms of the lines be called s, that is, if z = x -+- 1 , or x = z — 1 , the sum of the series will be az -+- — .- — d' -+- -. .- — —d" &c. See De 12 12 3 Moivre's Doct. of Chances, pa. 59, 60; or his Miscel. Analyt. pa. 153; or Simpson's Essays, pa. 95. For Example. To find the sum of six terms of the se- ries of squares 1 -t- 4 -t- 9 -t- 16 -t- 25 -H 36, of the natural numbers. 17 ] D I G Terms 1 4 .9 16 25 Here a = 1, d' = 3, d" = 2, d'" &c = 0, and z = 6 ; therefore the sum is 6 •+• £, £. 3 -+- $,-§, f . 2 =6 "-+■ 45. -^ 40 = 91 the sum required, viz, of 1 -+- 4 -1- 9 -+- 16 -+- 25 + 36. A variety of examples may be seen in the places above cited, or in Stirling's Methodus Differentialis, &c. As to the Differential method, it may be observed, that though Newton and some others have treated it as a method of describing an algebraic curve, at least of the parabolic kind, through any number of given points; yet the con- sideration of curves is not at all essential to it, though it may help the imagination. The description of a parabo- lic curve through given points, is the same problem as the finding of quantities from their given differences, which may always be done by algebra, by the resolution of simple equations. See Stirling's Method. Differ, pa. 97. This ingenious author has treated very fully of the diffe- rential method, and shown its use in the solution of some difficult problems. See also Series. Differential Scale, in Algebra, is used for the scale of relation subtracted from unity. See Recurring Series. DIFFRACTION, a term first used by Grimatdi, to denote that property of the rays of light, which others have called Inflection ; the discovery of which is attributed by some to Grimaldi, and by others to Dr. Hooke. D1GBY [Sir Ken elm), a celebrated English philoso- pher, was born at Gothurst in Buckinghamshire, 1603. He was the descendant of an ancient family : his great- grandfather, with six of his brothers, fought valiantly at Bosworth-field on the side of Henry 7th, against Richard the 3d. His father, Sir Everard, engaged in the gunpowder plot against James the 1st, for which he was beheaded ; but the son was restored to his estate, and had afterwards several appointments under King Charles the 1st, who granted him letters of reprisal against the Vene- tians, from whom he took several prizes with a small fleet which he commanded. He fought the Venetians near the Vol.1. port of Scanderoon, and bravely made his way through them with his booty. In the beginning of the civil wars, he exerted himself greatly in the king's cause, and was afterwards imprisoned, by order of the parliament; but was set at liberty in 1643. He afterwards compounded for his estate ; but being banished from England, he retired to France, and was sent on two embassies to Pope Innocent the 10th, from the queen, widow to Charles the 1st, whose chancellor he then was. On the restoration of Charles the 2d, he re- turned to London ; where he died in 1(565, at 6*2 years of age. Digby was a great lover of learning, and translated several authors into English, as well as published several works of his own; as, 1. Observations upon Dr. Brown's Religio Medici, 1643. — 2. Observations on part of Spen- ser's Fairy Queen, 1644.— 3. A Treatise of the Nature of Bodies, 1644. — 4. A Treatise declaring the Operations and Nature of Man's Soul, out of which the Immortality of reasonable souls is evinced : works that discover great penetration and extensive knowledge. He applied much to chemistry ; and found out several useful medicines, which he distributed with a liberal hand. He particularly distinguished himself by his sympathetic powder for the cure of wounds at a distance; his discourse concerning which made great noise for a while. He held several conferences with Descartes, about the nature of the soul, and the principles of things. At the beginning of the Royal Society, he became a distinguished member, being one of the first council. And he had at his own house regular levees or meetings of learned men, to im- prove themselves in knowledge, by conversing with one another. This eminent person was, for the early pregnancy of his talents, and his great proficiency in learning, compared to the celebrated Picus de Mirandola, who was one of the wonders of human nature. Yet his knowledge, thouoh various and extensive, probably appeared greater than it really was; as he had all the powers of elocution and ad- dress to recommend it. He knew how to shine in a circle, either of ladies or philosophers ; and was as much attended to when he spoke on the most trivial subjects, as when he spoke on the most important. It has been said that one of the princes of Italy, who had no child, was desirous that his princess should bring him a son by Sir Kenelm, whom he esteemed a just model of perfection. DIGGES (Leonard), an ingenious mathematician in the l6th century, was descended from an ancient family, and born at Digges-court in the parish of Barham in Kent ; but in what year is not known ; and died about the year 1574. He was educated for some time at Oxford, where he laid a good foundation of learning ; but retiring from thence, he prosecuted his studies, and became an excellent mathematician, a skilful architect, and an expert sur- veyor of land, &c. He composed several books : as, 1. Tectonicum: briefly showing the exact Measuring, and speedy Reckoning of all manner of Lands, Squares, Tim- ber, Stones, Steeples, &c ; 1 556, 4to. ; this was augmented and published again by his son Thomas Digges, in 1592 ■ and also reprinted in 1647. — 2. A Geometrical Practical Treatise, named Puntometria, in three books, which ho left in manuscript ; but after his death, his son supplied such parts of it as were obscure and imperfect, and pub- lished it in 1 5.9 1 , folio; subjoining, " A Discourse Geo- metrical of the live regular and Platonic bodies, containing 3 11 D I G [ 418 ] D I M sundry theoretical and practical propositions, arising by mutual conference of these solids, Inscription, Circum- scription, and Transformation." — 3. Prognostication Ever- lasting of right good effect: or Choice Rules to judge the weather by the Sun, Moon, and Stars, &c;in4to, 1555, 1556, and 1564 : corrected and augmented by his' son, with divers general tables, and many compendious rules, in4to, 1592. DIGGES (Thomas), only son of Leonard Digges, after a liberal education from his tenderest years, went and studied for some time at Oxford ; and by the improve- ments he made there, and the subsequent instructions of his learned father, became one of the best mathematicians of his age. When Queen Elizabeth sent some forces to assist the oppressed inhabitants of the Netherlands, Mr. Digges was appointed muster-master-general of them ; by which he became well skilled in military affairs; as his writings afterwards showed. He died in 1595. Mr. Digges, beside revising, correcting, and enlarging some pieces of his father's, already mentioned, wrote and published the following learned works himself: viz, 1. Ala? sive Seals Mathematical: or Mathematical Wings or Ladders, 1573, 4to. A book which contains several de- monstrations for finding the parallaxes of any comet, or other celestial body, with a correction of the errors in the use of the radius astronomicus.— 2. An Arithmetical Military Treatise, containing so much of Arithmetic as is necessary towards military discipline, 1579i 4to. — 3. A Geometrical Treatise, named Stratioticos, requisite for the perfection of Soldiers, 1579, 4to. This was begun by his father, but finished by himself. They were both re- printed together in 1590, with several additions and amend- ments, under this title: " An Arithmetical Warlike Treatise, named Stratioticos, compendiously teaching the Science of Numbers, as well in Fractions as Integers, and so much of the'Rules and Equations- Algebraical, and Art of Numbers Cossical, as are requisite for the profession of a souldier. Together with the Moderne militaire disci- pline, offices, lawes, and orders in every well-governed campe and armic, inviolably to be observed." At the end of this work there are two pieces ; the first, " A brieie and true report of the proceedings of the Earle of Ley- cester, for the reliefe of the towne of Sluce, from his ar- rival at Vlishing, about the end of June 1587, untill the surrendrie thereof 26 Julii next ensuing. Whereby it shall plainelie appear, his excellencie was not in anie fault for the losse of that towne :" the second, " A briefe dis- course what orders were best for repulsing of foraine forces, if at any time they should invade us by sea in Kent, or elsewhere." — 4. A perfect Description of the Celestial Orbs, according to the most ancient doctrine of the Pythagoreans, &c. This was placed at the end of his father's " Prognostication Everlasting, &c." printed in 1592, 4to. — 5. A humble Motive for Association to main- tain the religion established, 1601, 8vo. To which is added, his Letter to the same purpose to the archbishops and bishops of England.— 6. England's Defence: or, A Treatise concerning Invasion. This is a tract of the same nature with that printed at the end of his Stratioticos, and called, A briefe Discourse, &c. It was written in 1599, but not published till l686. — 7. A Letter print- ed before Dr. John Dee's ParallaticaJ Commentationis praxeosque nucleus quidam, 1573, 4to. — Beside these, and his Nova Corpora, he left several methematical treatises ready for the press ; which, by reason of law- suits and other avocations, he was hindered from pub- lishing. If our author was great in himself, he was not less so in his son, Sir Dudley Digges, so celebrated as a politician and elegant writer; and also in his grandson Dudley. DIGIT, in Arithmetic, one of the teti characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, by means of which all numbers are expressed. Digit, in Astronomy, is the measure by which the part of the luminaries in eclipses is estimated, being the 12th part of the diameter of the luminary. Thus, an eclipse is said to be of 10 digits, when 10 parts out of J 2 of the diameter are in the eclipsed part; when the whole of the luminary is exactly covered, the digits eclipsed are just 12; and when the luminary is more than covered, as often happens in lunar eclipses, then more than 12 digits are said to be eclipsed : Thus, if the diameter or breadth of the earth's shadow, where the moon passes through, be equal to one diameter and a half of the moon, then 18° or digits are said to be eclipsed. These digits are by Wolfius, and some others, called Digiti Ecliptici. DILATATION, a motion of the parts of a body by which it expands, or opens itself, so as to occupy a greater space. — Many authors confound dilatation with rarefac- tion ; but the more accurate writers distinguish between them ; defining dilatation to be the expansion of a body into a greater bulk, by its own elastic power; and rare- faction, the like expansion produced by means of heat. The moderns have observed, that bodies which, after being compressed, and again left at liberty, restore them- selves perfectly, do endeavour to dilate themselves with the same force by which they are compressed ; and ac- cordingly they sustain a force, and raise a weight equal to that with which they are compressed. Again, bodies, in dilating by their elastic power, exert a greater foice at the beginning of their dilatation, than towards the end ; as being at first more compressed; and the greater the compression, the greater the elastic power and endeavour to dilate. So that these three, the com- pressing power, the compression, and the elastic power, are always equal. Finally, the motion by which compressed bodies restore themselves, is usually accelerated : thus, when compress- ed air begins to restore itself, and dilate into a greater space, it is still compressed ; and consequently a new im- petus is still impressed upon it, from the dilatative cause; and the former remaining, with the increase of the cause, the effect, that is the motion and velocity, must be increa- i sed also. Indeed it may happen, that whcre.the com- pression is only partial, the motion of dilatation shall not be accelerated, but retarded ; as is evident in the com- pression of a spunge, soft bread, gauze, &c. DIMENSION, the extension of a body, considered as measurable. Hence, as we conceive a body extended, and measurable in length, breadth, and depth, dimension is considered as threefold, viz, length, breadth, and thick- ness. So a line has one dimension only, viz, length ; a superficies two, length and breadth ; and a body or solid has three, viz, length, breadth, and thickness. Dimension is also particularly used with regard to the powers of quantities in equations. Thus, in a simple equation x = a ■+■ li, the unknown quantity is only of one dimension; in a quadratic equation, .r a = « 2 ■+- &% it is of two dimensions ; in a cubic i 3 = a 3 -t- P, it is of three di- mensions ; and so on. D I O [ DIMINISHED Angle, in Fortification. See Angle. DIMINUTION, in Music, is the abating something of the fuIL value or quantity of any note. Diminution, in Architecture, is a contraction of the upper part of a column, by which its diameter is made less than that of the lower part. DINOCRATES, a celebrated ancient architect of Ma- cedonia, of whom several extraordinary things are related. He was taken, by Alexander the Great, into Egypt, where he employed him in marking out and building the city of Alexandria : here he formed a design, in which Mount Athos was to be laid out into the form of a man, in whose left hand were to be represented the walls of a great city, and all the rivers of the mount flowing into his right, and from thence into the sea. Another memorable instance of Dinocrates's architectonic skill, is his restoring and building, in a more august and magnificent man- ner than before, the celebrated temple of Diana at Epbe- sus, after Herostratus, for the sake of immortalizing his name, had destroyed it by fire. A third instance, more extraordinary and wonderful than either of the former, is related by Pliny in his Natural History ; who says he had formed a scheme for building the dome of the temple of Arsinoe at Alexandria of loadstone, in order that her image made entirely of iron should hang in the middle of it, as if it were in the air; but the king's death, and his own, prevented the execution or attempt of this project. DIOCLES, a Greek mathematician of some celebrity, but more particularly remembered for his invention of the curve called the cyssoid or the Cissoid of Diodes. See Cis- SOID. DIONYSIUS, the Periegetic, an ancient geographer and poet. Pliny says, he was a native of the Persian Alexandria, afterwards called Antioch, and at last Char- rax ; that he was sent by Augustus, to survey the eastern part of the earth. Dionysius wrote a great number of pieces, enumerated by Suidas and his commentator Eu- stathius : but his Periegesis, or Survey of the World, is the only one now extant; which may be well esteemed one of the most exact systems of ancient geography, since Pliny himself proposed it as his pattern. DIONYSIAN, or Victorian Period. See Period. DIOPIIANTINE Problems, are certain questions re- lating to square and cubic numbers, and to right-angled triangles, &c ; the nature of which were first and chiefly treated by Diophantus, in his Arithmetic, or rather Algebra. In these questions, it is chiefly intended to find com- mensurable numbers to answer indeterminate problems; which often bring out an infinite number of incommensu- rable quantities. For example, If it be proposed to find a right-angled triangle, whose three sides x,y,z are expressed by rational numbers; from the nature of the figure it is known that x x ■+■ y x — z*, where z denotes the hypothenuse. Now it is plain that x and y may also be so taken, that z shall be irrational ; for ifx = \,a.ndy = 2, then is z —t/6. Now the art of resolving such problems, consists in or- dering the unknown quantity or quantities, in such a man- ner, that the square or higher power may vanish out of the equation, and then by means of the unknown quantity in its first dimension, the equation may be resolved without having recourse toincommensurables. For example, in the equation above, x 7, -+- y 2 = I 1 , suppose z = x ■+- u, then .is x' H-y 2 = .r' J -+- 2xu -+- u 2 , out of which equation x z vanishes,. and then it is/ = 2xu ■+ u 1 , which gives x = y ~ U : hence, 419 ] D I O assuming^ and u equal to any numbers at pleasure, the three sides of the triangle will be v, y ~". and y + — or ■2u ' 2tt ' out of fractions, 2uy, and y 2 — u z , and y x + u 2 , which are all rational whenever j/and aare rational. For example, if y = 2, anda=l, then y z — u z — 3, and 2«y = 4, and y* + « 2 = 5. It is evident that this problem admits of in- finite numbers of solutions, as y or u may be assumed any numbers at pleasure. But, in questions of this kind, very few directions can be given, as the method of solution must be left, in a oreat measure, to the skill and ingenuity employed in the sub- stitution &c, for unknown quantities. Thus, a person ac- quainted with this branch of algebra, would have imme- diately substituted in the above equation, x = v' — u 2 , or x 2 = -y — 2v 2 u 2 ■+■ u A , and y = 2vu, or y 2 = ±v 2 u 2 , hence z =:v 2 ■+■ u 2 , or z 2 =v i -+- 2v 2 u 2 -+- u 2 . where v and u may be taken at pleasure. Or if the equation had been x~ — y 2 — z 2 . Then by making x 2 = (zr -+- u 2 ) 2 , and y 2 = 4s» 2 u 2 , we should have z- = (v x — u 2 ) 2 : where v and u may be taken any num- bers whatever, as before. Ex. 2. To find the general values of x and y, such, that x 2 -+- y, and x' — y, maybe both complete squares. Or, which is the same thing, to find three square numbers in arithmetical progression. First, put i ! + i) = o s ) m, „ „ „ , r , z ■" ., > Then <2,x- = w- ■+■ z 2 , and x — y = z- j ' or 2x 2 — w 2 = z 2 . Now make x = w -k-m, or 2x 2 =.2zv 2 -+- iwm -+- 2m 2 : hence z x = w 2 + 4,wm + 2m 2 , which must beacomplete square; therefore substitute z = %v ■+• r, and we obtain w 2 -t- 4tw« + 2m 2 = w 2 -+■ 2iw -+- ?•'', or (4ot — 2r) w = r 2 — 2m 2 ; hence we have w = ; 4m— it ' r* — 2rm + 2m 3 — r'+irm— 2n~ •IV •+■ 91 = 1 = w ■+- r = z = ■ 4m — 2r Or, since the denominators are equal, we may make w = r 2 — 2m 2 , x =r 2 — 2rm -+- 2m 2 , and z = — r x ■+■ 4m — 2m 2 ; where r and m may be assumed at pleasure, either integral or fractional. In the first values ofw, x, and z ; by assuming r = 6, and m — 4, we have w = 1, x = 5, and 2 = 7; and therefore 1, 25, and 49, the three square numbers required. Now some of those general expressions being once ob- tained, they may be frequently introduced to abreviate the operations in more intricate questions. For an example of which we will propose the following problem. Ex. 3. To find the values of x and y, such, that unity being added to each of them, as also to their sum, and difference, the four numbers thus arising shall be square numbers. r x ■+■ i = r- r,- , I V ■+■ 1 = n% l'irst substitute < J , „2 ) x + y -t- 1 =/> Here, we see that the three squares s 2 , I 2 , and p 2 , are in arithmetical progression, their common difference being y. The question therefore is reduced to the finding of three square numbers in arithmetical progression, whose com- mon difference ■+■ I may be a square ; therefore from the foregoing example let s 2 = (r 2 — 2»r) 2 , l 2 = (r 2 — 2nn ■+- 2m 2 ) z , p 2 = ( — r 2 ■+- 4n« — 2vi r ) 2 , which we know arc in arithmetical progression, their common difference being 4r% — 12r*m* + 8n» 3 tag ; and we have to find 4r*/». 3 112 D I O [ 420 ] D 1 O — 12r-nr ■+• &rm 2 -+- 1 a square. Substitute its root = 1 -+- 4rm 3 , and we thus obtain 1 SrV 5 = 4r 3 m — 12rW; or di- viding by 4,r z m, we have r = 4?n s ■+■ 3m : where m may be assumed at pleasure. By taking m = 1, we haver = 7, alsop 2 = 529, an d '*= 1369; again/ 1 — 1 =1368 = x, and I 2 —p 2 = 840 =y, which are the two numbers sought, r 1368 ■+- i = 37 2 , . > 840 + 1 = 29 2 the four squares being ^ 13 g 8 + 840 + x —472 ( 1368 -840+1 = 23 2 . The operations in the solution of Diophantine problems may also be frequently simplified, from certain known properties of numbers, when they are included under pe- culiar forms, particularly when the answer is required to be civen in integers ; many ingenious specimens of which maybe seen in the solution of Diophantine problems in the New Series of the Mathematical Repository, by Mr. Ley- bourn, of the Royal Military College. Another method, which is frequently adopted to consi- derable advantage, is by means of the development of certain algebraical functions ; an example of which will be seen in the following problem, Ex.4:. To find a number, from which two given squares being severally subtracted, each of the remainders may be a square. Theorem. Let ffl a and b 7, represent the given squares. Resolve f a — f b into any two unequal factors m and m' ; and * a — 4 b into any two unequal factors n and n : then will {ni 1 ■+- n z ) . (w/ z + n'-) be the number required. Demonstration. For (m? ■+■ ra 1 ) . {rri~ -+- n 1 ) f (mni -+- nra') 1 -)- (mti — rmi) 2 \or{miri — nn') z ■+■ (mn' -+- nm')' 2 , as is immediately seen by the development of the above formula;. And since \a -+- ib = mm', and \a — ±b = nri, therefore a = mm'+nn'\~ c ucntl the s uare of and b = mm — nn J n - ' each being taking from the above product, will leave a square remainder. Suppose, for example, 4 and 36 were the two squares, then- 4.1, and = 2.1, therefore (4 a ■+- 1*) , (2 2 -i- 1") = S5 the number sought ; for 85 — 4 = 8 1 = 9' i and S5- 36 = 4.9 = 7 2 . For further information on this interesting branch of algebra, the reader may consult Fermat, Bachet, Dzanam, Kersey, Saunderson, and Euler, particularly the latter, who in the 2d vol. of his Algebra has carried this subject to a considerable length, which, with the additions by La Grange, may be considered as one of the most complete pieces of Diophantine algebra. But with regard to the Theory of Numbers, which is intimately connected with the above subject, the best works are Le Gendre's Essai sur la Theorie des Nombres ; and the Recherchcs arith- metiques par M. Gauss. DIOPHANTUS, a celebrated mathematician of Alex- andria, who has commonly been reputed to be the inven- tor of algebra ; but notwithstanding his is the earliest work extant on that science, there appears to be no reason for supposing that he was the inventor of it: indeed the work itself is almost a proof to the contrary ; for though he does not mention any other authors in the course of his book, yet he evidently treats the subject as one already known. It is not certain when Diophantus lived. Some have placed him before Christ, and some after, in the reigns of Nero and the Anloinncs ; but all with equal uncertainty. It seems he is the same Diophantus who wrote the 'Canon Astronomicus, which Suidas says was commented on by the celebrated Hypatia, daughter of Theon of Alexandria- His reputation must have been very high among the an- cients, since they ranked him with Pythagoras and Euclid in mathematical learning. Bachet, in his notes upon the 5th book De Arithmeticis, has collected, from Diopliantus's epitaph in the Anthologia, the following circumstances of his life; namely, that he was married when he was 33 years old, and had a son born 5 years after ; that this son died when he was 42 years of age, and that his father did not survive him above 4 years ; from which it appears, that Diophantus lived to the age of 84 years. This epitaph as translated by Bachet is as follows : Hie Diophantus habet tumulum, qui tempora vita; Illius rnuta denotat arte tibi Egit sextantem juvenis, lanugine malas Vestire hinc ccepit parte duodecimal Septante uxori post bsec sociatur, et anno Formosus quinto nascitur inde puer Sernissem aetatis postquam attigit ille pateruae, Infelix subita morte peremptus obit Quatuor asstates genitor lugere superstes Cogitur; hinc annos illius assequere. Diophantus wrote 13 books of Arithmetic, or Algebra T which Regiomontanus, in his preface to Alfraganus, tells us, are still preserved in manuscript in the Vatican library : indeed we are informed by Diophantus himself that his work consisted of 13 books, viz, at the end of his address to Dionysius, placed at the beginning of the work, and hence Regiomontanus might be led to say the 13 books were in that library; but no more than 6 whole books, with part of a seventh, have ever been published ; and I am of opinion there are no more in being; indeed Bom- belli, in the preface to his Algebra, written 1572, says there were but 6 of the books then in the library, and that he and another person were about a translation of them. Those 6 books, with the imperfect 7th, were first pub- lished at Basil by Xylander in 1575, but in a Latin version only, with the Greek scholia of Maximus Planudes on the first two books, and observations of his own; the same books were afterwards published in Greek and Latin at Paris in l621, by Bachet, an ingenious and learned Frenchman, who made a new Latin translation of the work, and enriched it with learned commentaries ; and al- though he did not entirely neglect the notes of Xylander in his edition, yet he treated the scholiast Planudes with the utmost contempt. He seems to intimate, in what he says upon the 2Sth question of the 2d book, that the 6 books which we have of Diophantus, may be nothing more than a collection made by some novice, of such proposi- tions as he judged proper, out of the whole 13: butFahri- cius thinks there is no just ground for such a supposition. This work was afterwards (l670) revised and republished by Fermat, who added many excellent notes in addition to those of Bachet. DIOPTliR, or Dioptra, the same with the index or alhidade of an astrolabe, or oilier such instrument. Diopt'ia was an instrument invented by Hipparchu'S, which served for several use.s ; ;i s, to level water- courses ; to take the height of towers, or places at a distance ; to de- termine the places, magnitudes, and distances of the pla- nets, &c. DIOPTRICS, called also Anaclastics, is the doctrine of refracted vision ; or that part of optics which explains the D I P [ «i ] D I P effects of light as refracted by passing through different mediums, as air, water, glass, &c, and especially lenses. Dioptrics is one of the most useful and pleasant of all the human sciences ; as it brings the remotest objects near hand, enlarging the smallest objects so as to show their minute parts, and even giving sight to the blind ; and all this by the simple means of the attractive power in glass and water, causing the rays of light in their passage through them to alter their course according to the differ- ent substances of the med.ium ; whence it happens that the objects seen through them, do, in appearance, alter their magnitude, distance, and situation. The ancients -have treated of direct and reflected vi- sion ; but what we have of refracted vision, is very imper- fect. J. Baptista Porta wrote a treatise on refraction, in 9 books, but without any great improvement. Kepler was the first who succeeded in any great degree, on this sub- ject ; having demonstrated the properties of spherical lenses very accurately, in a treatise first published anno loll. After Kepler, Galileo gave somewhat of this doctrine in his Letters; as also an Examination of the Preface of Jo- hannes Pena upon Euclid's Oplics, concerning the use of optics in astronomy. Descartes also wrote a treatise on Dioptrics, commonly annexed to his Principles of Philoso- ph}', which is one of his best works ; where the true man- ner of vision is more distinctly explained than by any for- mer writer, and in which is contained the true law of re- self relates, viz, that it being his Custom to finish, and hang the needles of his compasses, before he touched them, he always found that, immediately after the touch, the north point would dip or decline downward, pointing in a direction under the horizon; so that, to balance the needle again, he was always obliged to put a piece of wax on the south end, as a counterpoise. The constancy of this effect led him, at length, to observe the precise quan- tity of the dip, or to measure the greatest angle which the needle would make with the horizon. This, in the year 1576, he found at London was 71° 50'. It is not quite certain whether the dip varies, as well as the horizontal direction, in the same place. Mr. Graham made a great many experiments with the dipping-needle in 1723, and found the dip between 74 and 75 degrees. Mr. Nairne, in 1772, found it somewhat above 72°. And by many observations made since that time at the Royal Society, the medium quantity is 72°-J. Indeed, in 1812 it is only stated at 70° 32' at the Royal Society. The trifling dif- ference between the first observations of Norman, and the last of Mr. Nairne and the Royal Society, lead to the opi- nion that the dip is unalterable; and yet it may be diffi- cult to account for the great difference between these and Mr. Graham's numbers, considering the well-known accu- racy of that ingenious gentleman. Philos. Trans, vol. 45, pa. 279> vol. 6'2, pa. 476', vol. 69, 70, 71. Sec also the description of a new dipping-needle, by Dr. Lorimer, in fraction, which was first discovered by Snell, though the the Philosophical Transactions 1775 ; and in the supple- name of the inventor is suppressed : here are also laid ment to Cavallo's Treatise on Magnetism. jpp down the properties of elliptical and hyperbolical lenses, with the practice of grinding glasses. Dr. Barrow has treated on Dioptrics in a very elegant manner, though ra- ther too briefly, in his Optical Lectures, read at Cam- bridge. Huygens's Dioptrics, is also an excellent work of its kind. Molyneux's Dioptrics is a work rather heavy and dull. Besidethese, there are several other treatises on Dioptrics, such as Hartsoeker's Essai de Dioptrique. Che- rubiu's Dioptrique Oculaire, et La Vision Parfaite. Da- vid Gregory's Elements of Dioptrics. Traber's Nervus Opticus. Zahn's Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus. Dr. Smith's Optics, which is a complete work of its kind. Wollius's Dioptrics, contained in his Elementa Matheseos Universalis. But especially the Treatise on Optics, and the Optical Lectures of Newton, in whose experiments are ^contained far more discoveries than in all the former wri- ters. Lastly, this science was perfected by Dollond's dis- covery of the achromatic glasses, by which the colours are obviated in refracting telescopes. The laws of Dioptrics are delivered under the article Refuacitox, Lens, &c ; and the application of them in the construction of telescopes, miscroscopes, and other di- optrical instruments, under the articles Telescope and Microscope. DIP of the Horizon. See Depression. DippiNG-iVterf/f, or Indinntory Needle, a magnetical needle, so hung, as that, instead of playing horizontally, and pointing out north and south, one end dips, or inclines to the horizon, and the other points to a certain degree of elevation above it. The inventor of the dipping-needle was Robert Nor- man, a compass-maker ;,t Ratcliffe, about the year 15S0 : this is not only testified by his own account, in his New Attractive, but also by Dr. Gilbert, Mr. William Bur- rowes, Mr. Henry Bond, and other writers of that time, or soon after it. The occasion of the discovery he him- It is certain however, from many experiments and ob- servations, that the dip is different in different latitudes, and that it increases in going northward. It appears from a table of observations made with a marine dipping-nee- dle of Mr. Nairne's, in a voyage towards the north pole, in 1773, that in latitude 60° IS' the dip was 75° 0', in latitude 70 45 the dip was 77 52, in latitude SO 12 the dip was 81 52, and in latitude 80 27 the dip was 82 2£. See Phipps's Voyage, pa. 122. See also the Observations of Mr. Hutchins, made in Hudson's Bay and Straits, Phi- los. Trans, vol. 65, pa. 129- Burrowes, Gilbert, Ridley, Bond, &c, endeavoured to apply this discovery of the dip to the finding of the lati- tude; and Bond, going still farther, first of an}' proposed finding the longitude by it; but for want of observations and experiments, he could not go any length. Mr. Whis- tou, being furnished with the further observations of Co- lonel Windham, Ur. Halley, Mr. Pound, Mr. Cunning- ham, M. Noel, M. Feuille, and his own, made great im- provements in the doctrine and use of the dipping-needle, brought it to more certain rules, and endeavoured in good earnest to find the longitude by it. For this purpose, he observes, JsJ;, That the true tendency of the north or south end of every magnetic needle, is not to that point of the hori- zon, to which the horizontal needle points, but. towards' an- other, directly under it, in the same vertical, and in differ- ent degrees under it, in different ages, and at different places. 2dly, That the power by which the horizontal needle is governed, and all our navigation usually directed, it is proved is only one quarter of the power by which the dipping-needle is moved ; which should render the latter far the more effectual and accurate instrument. 3dly, That a dipping-needle of a foot long will plainly show an> alteration of the angle of inclination, in these parts of the' n i r [ 422 ] D I R world, in half a quarter of a degree, or 1\ geographical miles; and a needle of 4 feet, in 2 or 3 miles; i.e. sup- posing these distances taken along, or near a meridian. 4thl y rA dipping-needle, 4 feet long, in these parts of the world, will show an equal alteration along a parallel, as another of a foot long will show along a meridian ; l. e. that will, with equal exactness, show the longitude, as this the latitude. This depends on the position of the lines of equal dip^ in these parts of the world, which are found to lie about 14 or 15 degrees from the parallels. Hence he argues, that as we can have needles of 5, 6, 7, 8, or more feet long, which will move with strength sufficient for exact observation ; and since microscopes may be applied for viewing the smallest divisions of degrees on the limb of the instrument, it is evident, that the longitude at laud may thus be found to less than 4 miles. And as there have been many observations made at sea with the same instrument by Noel, Feuille, &c, which have determined the dip usually within a degree, some- times within \ or \ of a degree, and this with small nee- dles, of 5 or 6, or at the most 9 inches long ; it is inferred, that the longitude may be found, even at sea, to less than half a quarter of a degree. This premised, the observa- tion itself follows. To find the Longitude or Latitude by the Dipping-Needle. —If the lines of equal dip, below the horizon, be drawn on maps, or sea-charts, from good observations, it will be easy, from the longitude known, to find the latitude; and from the latitude known, to find the longitude either at sea or land.— Suppose, for example, a person travelling or sailing along the meridian of London, should find that the angle of dip, with a needle of one foot, was 75°; the chart will show that this meridian, and the line of dip, ,meet in the latitude of 53° 1 1'; which is therefore the la- titude sought.— Or if he be travelling or sailing along the parallel of London, i. e. in 51° 31' north latitude, and find the angle of dip 74°; then this parallel, and the line of this dip, will meet on the map in 1° 46' of east longitude from London ; which therefore is the longitude sought. Many other persons have uselessly endeavoured to de- termine the longitude of places from the dip of the mag- netic needle. One among this number, was Mandilo, a Genois pilot, who contrived a small weight for measuring the degree of inclination of the needle ; and though no- thing could be much more absurd, he continued in his opinion to the last, and died under the persuasion that he had truly discovered a method of determining the lon- gitude, and that justice had not been done him, nor his merits fairly appreciated. DIRECT, in Arithmetic, is when the proportion of any terms, or quantities, is in the natural or direct order in which they stand; being the opposite to inverse, which considers the proportion in the inverted order of the terms. So, 3 : 4 : : 6' : 8 directly ; or 3 : 4 : : 8 : 6 inversely. Rule of Three Direct, is when both pairs of terms are in direct proportion. Direct, in Astronomy. A planet is said to he direct, or its motion direct, when it goes forward by its proper motion in the zodiac, according to the succession or order of the signs; or when it appears so to do, to an observer standing on the earth. Whereas it is said to be, or to move, retrograde, when it appears to go the contrary way, or backward j and to be stationary, when it seems not to move either way. Direct Dials. See Dial and Dialling. Direct, in Optics. Direct vision is that performed by direct rays; in contradistinction to vision by refracted, or reflected rays. Direct vision is the subject of optics, which prescribes the laws and rules of it. Direct Rays, are those which pass on in right lines from the object to the eye, without being turned out of their rectilinear direction by any intervening body, either opaque or pellucid ; or without being either reflected or refracted. Direct Sphere. See Right Sphere. DIRECTION, in Astronomy, the motion and other phenomena of a planet, when direct. Line of Direction, in Gunnery, is the direct line in which apiece is pointed. Sometimes a line of direction is marked on the upper side of the gun, by a small notch or slit, or knob, in the base and muzzle rings: but, unless the two wheels of the carriage stand equally high, this line will be fallacious; for which reason gunners com- monly find a. new line of direction every time, by means of a plummet. Line of Directiost, in Mechanics, denotes the line in which a body moves, or endeavours to proceed, i Angle of Direction, is that comprehended between the lines of direction of two conspiring powers. Quantity of Direction, is used for the proSuct arising from multiplying the velocity of the common centre of gravity, in a system of bodies, by the sum of their masses. In the collision of bodies, the quantity of direction is the same both before and after the impulse. Direction of the Loadstone, that property by which the magnet, or a needle touched by it, always presents one of its ends towards one of the poles of the world, and the opposite end to the other pole. This is also called the po- larity of the magnet or needle. The attractive property of the magnet was known long before its directive; and the directive long before the inclinatory. Number of Direction, is the number of days that Sep- tuagesima Sunday falls after the 17th of January. See Number. DIRECTLY, in Geometry: We say two lines lie di- rectly against each other, when they are parts of the same right line : also quantities are said to be directly propor- tional, when the proportion is according to the order of the terms; in contradistinction to inversely, or recipro- cally proportional, which is taking the proportion contrary to the order of the terms. In Mechanics, a body is said to strike or impinge di- rectly against another body, when the stroke is in a di- rection perpendicular to the surface at the point of impact. And a sphere, in particular, strikes directly against an- other, when the line of direction passes through both their centres. DIRECTRIX, a particular right line, perpendicular to the axis of a conic section, and much referred to by the authors who demonstrate the properties ot those curves from the description of them in piano. Thus, the indefi- nite right line A n is the direc- trix, and is so placed, that if any point f be assumed without it, and while the line in revolves about F as a centre, a point d moves in it in such a manner, that its distance from v shall al- ways be to en, its distance from the line as, in a constant D I S [ 423 ] D I S K F \ w B u \ H \l ratio ; then the curve vd, described by the point d, is a conic section. And the curve is an ellipse, or a parabola, or an hyperbola, according as fd is less than, equal to, or greater than, CD, or fv than va. The constant ratio of fd to CD, or of fv to va, is called the determining ratio. In the ellipse, the distance av of the directrix from the vertex, is greater than vf the distance of the focus from the vertex ; in the parabola av is equal to vf; but.in the hyperbola av is less than vf. Directrix, in a Parabola, a line perpendicular to the axis produced, at the distance of the focus without the vertex ; as shown above. DIRIGENT, a term expressing the line of motion, along which a describent line, or surface, is carried in the genesis of any plane or solid figure. Thus, if the line ab move parallel to itself, and along the line ad, so that the point a always keeps in the line ad, and the point b in the line bc ; a parallelogram abcd will be formed; of which the line ab is the describent, and the line ad the dirigent. So also, if the surface abeg be supposed car- ried along the line ad, in a position always parallel to it- self at its first situation, the solid af will be formed; where the surface ae is the describent, and the line ad is the dirigent. DISC, or Disk, the body or face of the sun or moon ; such as it appears to us ; for though they be really sphe- rical bodies, they are apparently circular planes. — The diameter of the disc is considered as divided into 12 equal parts, called digits; by means of which it is, that the magnitude of an eclipse is measured, or estimated. — In a total eclipse of either of those luminaries, the whole disc is obscured, or darkened ; in a partial eclipse, only part of them. Illuminated Disc of the Earth. See Circle of Illumi- nation. Disc, in Optics, the magnitude of a telescope glass, or the width of its aperture, whatever its figure be, whether a plane, convex, meniscus, or the like. DISCHARGER, or Discharging Rod, in Electri- city, consists of a handle of glass or baked wood, a, and two bent metal rods,BB, terminating in points, and capable of be- in^ screwed into the knobs dd, which move by a joint c, fixed to the handle a. Thus it may be used either with the points or balls, as occasion requires; and by being made moveable on a joint, it may be applied to larger or smaller jars at pleasure. By bringing one of these knobs or points to one coated side of a charged electric, and the other to the other side, or to any conductor connected with it, the communication is completed between the two sides, and the electric is discharged. — For the description and use o!' a Universal Discharger, by Mr. Henly, with which many curious experiments may be performed, see Caval- lo's Electricity, pa. l64. DISCORD, the relation of two sounds which are al- ways, and of themselves disagreeable, whether applied in succession or consonance DISCOUNT, or Rebate, is used for an allowance made on a bill, or any other debt not yet become due, in consi- deration of making present payment of the bill or debt. Among merchants and traders, it is usual to allow a sum for discount that is equal to the interest of the debt, cal- culated for the time till it becomes due: but this is not the correct or just sum; for, as the true value of the dis- count is equal to the difference between the debt and its present worth, it is equal only to the interest of that pre- sent worth, instead of the interest on the whole debt. And therefore the rule for finding the true discount is this; As the amount of 100/, for the given rate and time : Is to the given sum or debt : : So is the interest of 100/, for the given rate and time : To the discount of the debt. So that, ifp be the principal or debt, J' the rate of interest per cent, and t the time ; VTt '••ft: ;.. , which is the true dis- then as 100 100 + rt prt 1 OOp count. Hence also p — —JL- j s the present r 100 + rt 100 + rt r worth, or sum to be received. For Ex. Suppose it be required to find the discount of 250/, for five months, at the rate of 5 per cent per annum interest. Here p = 250, r = 5, and t = T 5 2 or 5 months ; fh prt _ 2 50 x 5 x fe _ 250 x 25 250 i 100 + rt 100+S x,i 1400 + 25 "*~ "49 49 the discount sought. A Table of Discounts may be seen in Smart's Tables of Interest, the use of which makes calculations of discount very easy. Discount is also the name of a rule in books of Arith- metic, by which calculations of Discount are made. DISCRETE, or Disjunct, Proportion, is that in which the ratio between two or more pairs of numbers is the same, and yet the proportion is not continued, so that the ratio may be the same between the consequent of one pair and the antecedent of the next pair. Thus, if the numbers or proportion 6 : 8 : : 3 : 4 be considered : the ratio of 6 to 8 is the same as that of 3 to 4, and therefore these four numbers are proportional : but it is only discretely or disjunctly, and nbt continued; for 8 to 3 is not the same ratio as the former; that is, the pro- portion is broken off between 8 and 3, and not continued throughout, as it is in these following four numbers, which are called continual proportionals, viz, 3:6:: 12 : 24. Discrete Quantity, is such as is not continued and joined together. Such for instance is any number; for its parts, being distinct units, cannot be united into one continuum ; for in a continuum there are no actual deter- minate parts before division, but they are potentially in- finite : so that it is usually and truly said that continued quantity is divisible in infinitum. DISDIAPASON, in Music, a compound concord, in the quadruple ratio of 4 to 1, being a fifteenth or double eighth, and is produced when the voice goes from the first tone to the fifteenth. DISJUNCT Proportion. See Discrete Proportion. DISK. See Disc. DISPART, a term in Gunnery, used for a mark set upon the muzzle-ring of a piece of ordnance, of such height, that a sight-line taken from the top of the base ring near the vent or touch-hole, to the top of the dispart near the muzzle, may be parallel to the axis of the con- D I S [ 424 ] D I S cave cylinder ; for which reason it is evident, that the height of the dispart is equal to the difference between the radii of the piece at the base and muzzle-rings, or to half the difference of the diameters there. Hence comes the common method of disparting the gun, which is this : Take, with the calipers, the two diameters, viz, of the base ring and the place where the dispart is to stand, sub- tract the less from the greater, and take half the difference, which will be the length of the dispart ; this is commonly cut to that length from a small bit of wood, and so fixed upright in its place with a bit of wax or pitch. DISPERSION, in Dioptrics, is the divergency of re- fracted rays of light. Point of Dispersion, is a point from which refracted rays begin to diverge, when their refraction renders them divergent. — It is called point of dispersion, in opposition to the point of concourse, or point in which converging rays concur after refraction. But it is more usual to call the latter the focus, and the former the virtual focus. Dispersion of Light, occasioned by the refrangibility of the rays, or the nature of the refracting medium. See Aberration, and Inflection. Dr. Wollastons mode of examining refractive and di- spersive powers is described in Philos. Trans, for 1S02, or Nicholson's Journ. vol. 4, pa. 89- Extensive tables of re- fractive and dispersive powers are given in Dr. T. Young's Nat. Philos. vol. 2, pa. 296, 299- DISSIPATION, in Physics, a gradual, slow, insensible loss or consumption of the minute parts of a body ; or, more properly, the flux by which they fly oft" and are lost. See Effluvia. Circle of Dissipation or Aberration, in Optics, denotes that circular space on the retina of the eye, which is occupied by the rays of each pencil in indistinct vision : thus, if the distance of the object, or the constitution of the eye, be such, that the image falls beyond the retina, as when objects are too near ; or before the retina, when the rays have not a sufficient divergency; the rays of a pencil, instead of being collected into a central point, will be dissipated over this circular space: and, all other cir- cumstancs being alike, this circle will be greater or less-, according to the distances from the retina of the foci of refracted rays. But this circle causes no perceptible dif- ference in the distinctness of vision, unless it exceed a certain magnitude : as soon as that is the case, we begin to perceive an indistinctness, which increases as that circle increases, till at length the object is lost in confusion. This circle is also greater or less, according to the greater or less magnitude of the visible object; and though it be not easy to assign the diameter of the said circle, it seems very probable that vision continues distinct for all such distances, or so long as these circles, or the pencils of light from thorn, do not touch one another on the retina ; and the indistinctness begins when the said circles begin to interfere. It has been often observed, that a precise union of the respective rays on ihe retina, is not necessary to distinct vision ; but the first author who ascertained the fact beyond all doubt, was Dr. Jurin. See a variety of observations and experiments on this subject, in his Essay on Distinct and Indistinct Vision, in Smith's Optics, Ap- pendix. In the Philos. Trans, for 178,9, pa. 256, is an excellent paper on this subject by Dr. Maskelyne; in which he computes the diameter of the circle of dissipation at '.002667 of an inch, making it answer to an external angle of 15°, which he shows is very compatible with di- stinct vision. See also Moon, and Vision. Radius of Dissipation, is the radius of the circle of dissipation. DISSOLVENT, something that dissolves; i.e. divides, and reduces a body into its smallest parts. DISSOLUTION, is a separation of the structure of a body, into small or minute parts. According to Newton, and others, this is effected by certain powerful attractions. DISSONANCE, or Discord, is a false consonance or concord ; being produced by the mixture or meeting of two sounds which are disagreeable to the ear. DISTANCE, properly speaking, denotes the shortest line between two points, objects, &c. Distance, in Astronomy, as of the sun, planets, co- mets, &c. The Real Distances are found from the paral- laxes of the planets, &c. See Parallax, Planet, and Transit. The distance of the earth from the sun has been determined at Q5 millions of miles, by the late tran- sits of Venus : and from this one real distance, and the several relative distances, by analogy are found all the other real distances, as in the table below. The Proportional or Relative Distances of the planets are very well deduced from the theory of gravity : for Kepler has long since discovered, and Newton has demon- strated, that the squares of their periodical times are pro- portional to the cubes of their distances. Kepler's Epit. Astrom lib. 4; Newton's Principia, lib. 3, phaen. 4; and Gregory'sAstron. book 1, prop. 40. If therefore the mean distance of the earth from the sun be assumed, or sup- posed 100000, we shall then, from the foregoing analogy, and the known periodical times, obtain the relative di- stances of the other planets : thus, The Periodical Revolutions in Days and Parts. Mercurv, Venus, Earih, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Herschel, S7f|' 224^. 365* 686'!f 4332* 10759^30445. Relative Distance of the Planets. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Vesta Juno Pallas Ceres Jupiter Saturn Uranus or") Herschel } Kepler. Cass 3S806 3SS06 72413 72340 100000100000 152350 152373 520000 520290 95 1000954 ISO Halley. 3S710 72333 100000 152369 52009S 954007 Oe la Lande "38710 72333 100000 152309 23.5513 26'6'400 276500 276700 520279 954072 1908 ISO Log. of those distances. And from these relative distances, the real distance of any planet is easily found, that of the earth being known, by the following proportion, namely; as 100000 : 95000000, or as 1 to 950, so is the relative distance in the table, to the real distance required. Hence we find the real distances expressed in even mil- lions to be, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Vcsia, .Tuno, Pallas, 37 66 95 145 22.'Ve 253* 26if Ceres, Jupiler, Saturn, Iranus, 26'2-J la!! 903i 1813. For the distances of the secondary planets from the centres of their respective primaries, see Satellites* D I S [ 425 ] D I S As to that of the fixed stars, as having no sensible pa- rallax, little more can be done tbanJo guess at it. Distance of the Sun from the Moon's node, or apogee, is an arch of the ecliptic, intercepted between the sun's true place and the moon's node, or apogee. See Node. Curtate Distance. See Curtate. Distance of the Bastions, in Fortification, is the side of the exterior polygon. Accessible Distances, in Geometry, are measured with the chain, decempeda or ten-foot rod, or the like. Inaccessible Distances, are found by taking bearings to them, from the two extremities of a line whose length is given. Various ways of performing this may be seen in my Treatise on Mensuration, sect. 3, on Heights and Distances. Distance, in Geography, is the arch of a great circle intercepted between two places. To find the distance of two places, a and b, far remote from each other. Assume two stations, c and d, from which both the places a and b may be seen; and there, with a theodolite, ob- serve the quantity of the angles acd, bcd, adc, bdc, and measure any di- stance as ac. Then, in the triangle acd, there are given the angles acd, adc, and the side ac; to find the side cd. — Next, in the triangle bcd, there are given the angles bcd, bdc, and the side cd ; to find the side bc. — Lastly, in the triangle abc, there are given the angle acb, and the sides ac, cb ; to find the side ab, which is the distance sought. And in these operations, the triangles may be computed either as plane triangles, or as spherical ones, as the case may require, or according to the magnitude of the distances. The Distance of a remote object may also be found from its heights This admits of several cases, according as the distances are large or small, &c. 1st, Suppose that from the top of a tower at a, whose height ab is 120feet, there be taken the angle bac = 33°, and the angle bad = 64°t, to two trees, or other objects, c, d ; to find the distance between them cd, and the distance of each from the bot- tom of the tower at b. 11 c 1> First, rad. : tang. Z. bad : : ab next, rad. : tang. Z. bac : : ab bd = 251-585, bc = 77-929, their difference is the distance cd — 173'650'. 2d, Suppose it be required to find the distance to which an object can be seen, by knowing its altitude; ex.gr. the Peak of Teneriffe, whose height is said to be 3 miles above the level of the sea, supposing the circumference of the earth 25,000 miles, or the diameter 7958 miles. Let fg be the radius = 3.979, ef = 3 the height of the mountain, and ei a tangent to the earth at the point h, which is the farthest point to which the top of the mountain e can be seen. Here, in the right-angled triangle egh, are given the hy pothenuse EG = 39S2, and the leg GH = 3979 ; to find the other leg 11 e= 154| miles = the distance sought nearly. Or, rather, as eg : gii : : rad. : cosin. C r. = 2° 13' 4 ; then as 360° : 2° 13'i : : 25,000 : 154| miles = the arch of dist. 11 f sought, the same as before. Vol. I. 3d, If the eye, instead of being in the horizon at H, were elevated above it at 1, any known height, as suppose 264 feet, or ^th of a mile, as on the top of a high emi- nence; then the mountain can be seen much farther off along the line IE, and the distance will be the two tan- gents ih and he, or rather the two arcs kh and nr. Hence, as above, as ig : gh : : rad. : cosin. ^igh = 17'f-; then as 36"0° : 17'f : : 25,000 : 20 miles = the arc kh : this added to the former arc hf = 1541, makes the whole arc kf = 174§ miles, for the whole distance to which the top of the mountain can be seen in this case. Apparent Distance, in Optics, that distance which we judge an object is placed at when seen afar off. This is usually very different from the true distance ; because we are apt to think that all very remote objects, whose parts cannot well be distinguished, and which have no other ob- ject in view near them, are at the same distance from us, though perhaps the one is thousands of miles nearer than the other, as is the case with regard to the sun and moon. M. Cahire enumerates five circumstances, which assist us in judging of the distance of objects ; viz, their appa- rent magnitude, the strength of the colouring, the direction of the two eyes, the parallax of the objects, and the di- stinctness of their small parts. On the contrary, Dr. Smith maintains, that we judge of distance principally, or solely, by the apparent magnitude of objects ; and con- cludes universally, that the apparent distance of an object seen in a glass, is to its apparent distance seen by the naked eye, as the apparent magnitude to the naked eye is to its apparent magnitude in the glass. But it was long since ob- served by Alhazen, that we do not judge of distance merely by the angle under which objects are seen; and Mr. Robins clearly shows that Dr. Smith's hypothesis is contrary to fact, in the most common and simple cases. Thus, if a double convex glass be held upright before some luminous object, as a candle, there will be seen two images, one erect, and the other inverted ; the first is made simply by reflexion from the nearest surface ; the second by re- flexion from the farther surface, the rays undergoing a re fraction from the first surface both before and after the reflexion. If this glass has not too short a focal distance, when it is held near the object, the inverted image will appear larger than the other, and also nearer; but if the glass be carried off from the object, though the eye remain as near to it as before, the inverted image will be dimi- nished so much faster than the other, that at length it will appear much less than it, but still nearer. Here, says Mr. Robins, two images of the same object are seen under one view, and their apparent distances immediately compared ; and it is evident that those distances have no necessary connexion with the apparent magnitude. This experi- ment may be made still more convincing, by sticking a piece of paper on the middle of the lens, and viewing it through a short tube. He observes further, that the ap- parent magnitude of very distant objects is neither deter- mined by the magnitude of the angle only under which they are seen, nor is the exact proportion of that angle compared with their true distance, but is compounded also with a deception concerning that distance; so that if we had no idea of difference in the distance of objects, each would appear in magnitude proportional to the angle under which it was seen ; and if our supposition of the di- stance were always just, our idea of their magnitude would be unvaried, in all distances; but in proportion as we err in our conception of their distance, the greater angle sug- 31 D I S t 426 ] DIT gests a greater magnitude. By not attending to this com- pound effect, Mr. Robins apprehends that Dr. Smith was led into his mistake. Dr. Porterfield has made several remarks on the five methods of judging concerning the distance of objects above recited from M. Lahire ; and he has also added to them one more, viz, the conformation of each eye. See Circle of Dissipation. This, he says, can be of no use to us, with respect to objects that are placed without the limits of distinct vision. But the greater or less confusion with which the object appears, as it is more or less re- moved from those limits, will assist the mind in judging of its distance; and the more confused it appears, the farther we shall imagine it to be from us. However, this confu- sion has its limits ; for when an object is placed at a cer- tain distance from the eye, to which the breadth of the pupil bears no sensible proportion, the rays proceeding from a point in the object may be considered as parallel ; in which case, the picture on the retina will not he sensi- bly more confused, though the object be removed to a much greater distance. The most universal, and often the most sure means of judging of the distance of objects, he says, is the angle made by the optic axes : our two eyes are like two different stations, by the assistance of which, distances are talj.en ; and this is the reason why those per- sons who have lost the sight of one eye so frequently miss their mark in pouring liquor into a glass, snuffing a can- dle, and such other actions as require that the distance be exactly distinguished. With respect to the method of judging by the apparent magnitude of objects, he observes that this can only serve when we are otherwise acquainted with their real magnitude. Thus he accounts for the de- ception to which we are liable in estimating distances, by any extraordinary magnitudes that terminate them; as, in travelling towards a large city, castle, or cathedral, we fancy they are nearer than they really are. Hence also, animals and small objects seen in a valley contiguous to large mountains, or on the top of a mountain or high building, appear exceedingly small. Dr. Jurin accounts for the last-recited phenomenon, by observing that we have no distinct idea of distance in that oblique direction, and therefore judge of them merely by their pictures on the eye. Dr. Porterfield observes, with respect to the strength of colouring, that if we are assured they are of a similar co- lour, and one appears more bright and lively than the other; we judge that the brighter object is the nearer. When the small parts of objects appear confused, or do not appear at all, we judge that they are at a great di- stance, and vice versa; because the image of any object, or part of an object, diminishes as the distance of it in- creases. Finally, we judge of the distance of objects by the number of intervening bodies, by which it is divided into separate and distinct parts; and the more this is the case, the greater will the distance appear. Thus distances upon uneven surfaces appear less than upon a plane, be- cause the inequalities do not appear, and the whole appa- rent distance is diminished by the parts that do not appear in it; and thus the banks of a river appear contiguous as viewed at a distance, when the river is low and not seen. Accidens de la Vue, pa. 358. Smith's Optics, vol. 1, pa. 52, and Rem. pa. 51. Robins's Tracts; vol. 2, pa. 230, 247, 251. Porterfield on the Eye, vol. 1, pa. 105, vol. 2, pa. 387- See Priestley's Hist, of Vision, pa. 205, and pa. 0'»9. Distance, in Navigation, is the number of miles or leagues that a ship has sailed from any point or place. See Sailing. Line of Distance, in Perspective, is a right line drawn from the eye to the principal point: as the line of, drawn between the eye at o, and the principal point f ; which being perpendicular to the plane, pq is therefore the distance of the eye from that plane. Point of Distance, in Perspective, is a point in the ho- rizontal line at the same distance from the principal point, as the eye is from the same. Such are the points p and q, in the horizontal line pq, whose distance from the prin- cipal point f, is equal to that of the eye from the same point. DISTINCT Base, in Optics, is that distance from the pole of a convex glass, at which objects, beheld through it, appear distinct and well defined : so that the distinct base is the same with what is otherwise called the focus. The distinct base is caused by the collection of the rays proceeding from a single point in the object, into a single point in the representation: and therefore concave glasses, which do not unite, but scatter and dissipate the rays, can have no real distinct base. Distinct Vision. See Vision. DITCH, in Fortification, called also Foss, and Moat, is a trench dug round the rampart, or wall of a fortified place, between the scarp and counterscarp. Ditches are either dry, or wet, that is having water in them ; both of which have their particular advantages. The earth dug out of the ditch serves to raise the rampart. The ditch in front should be of such breadth as that tall trees may not reach over it, being from 12 to 24 falhoms wide, and 7 or S feet deep. The ditches on the sides are made smaller ; but the most general rule is perhaps, that the dimensions of the ditch should be such as that the earth dug out may be sufficient to build the rampart of a proper magnitude. The space sometimes left between the rampart and ditch, being about 6" or 8 feet, is called the berm, or list, serving to pass and repass, and lo prevent the earth from rolling into the ditch. DITONE, in Music, an interval comprehending two tones, a greater and a less. The ratio of the sounds that form the ditonc, is 4 to 5 ; and that of the semi-ditonc, 5 tofj. DITTON (Humphrey), an eminent mathematician, was born at Salisbury, May 29, l675. Being an only son, and his father observing in him an extraordinary good capacity, determined to cultivate it with a good edu- cation. For this purpose he placed him in a reputable private academy ; on quitting of which, at the desire of his father, though against his own inclination, he engaged in the profession of divinity, and began to exercise his function at Tunbridgc in the county of Kent, where he continued to preach some years ; during which time he married a lady of that place. But a weak constitution, and the death of his father, induced Mr. Ditton to quit that profession ; and at the persuasion of Dr. Harris and Mr. Whiston, both eminent mathematicians, he engaged in the study of mathematics, a science to which he had always a strong inclination. In the prosecution of this science, he was much encouraged by the. success and applause he received ; being greatly esteemed by the chief professors of it, and particularly by D I T [ 427 ] r> i v Sir Isaac Newton, by whose interest and recommendation he was elected master of the new Mathematical School in Christ's Hospital ; where he continued till his death, which happened in 1715, in the 40th year of his age, much re- gretted by the philosophical world, who expected many useful and ingenious discoveries from his assiduity, learn- ing, and penetrating genius. Mr. Ditton published several mathematical and other tracts, as below. — 1. Of the Tangents of Curves, &c. Philos. Trans, vol. 23. 2. A Treatise on Spherical Catoptrics, published in the Philos. Trans, for 1705 ; from whence it was copied an'd reprinted in the Acta Eruditorum, 1707, and also in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. 3. General Laws of Nature and Motion ; 8vo, 1705. Wolfius mentions this work, and says that it illustrates and renders easy the writings of Galileo, Huygens, and the Principia of Newton. It is also noticed by La Roche, in the Memoires de Literature, vol. 8, pa. 46. 4. An Institution of Fluxions, containing the first Prin- ciples, Operations, and Applications, of that admirable Method, as invented by Sir Isaac Newton; 8vo, 1/06. This work, with additions and alterations, was again pub- lished by Mr. John Clarke, in the year 1726. 5. In 1709 he published the Synopsis Algebraica of John Alexander, with many additions and corrections. 6. His Treatise on Perspective was published in 1712. In this work he explained the principles of that art mathe- matically ; and besides teaching the methods then gene- rally practised, gave the first hints of the new method af- terward enlarged upon and improved by Dr. Brook Taylor; and which was published in the year 1715. 7. In 1714, Mr. Ditton published several pieces, both theological and mathematical ; particularly his Discourse on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and The New Law of Fluids, or a Discourse concerning the Ascent of Liquids, in exact Geometrical Figures, between two nearly con- tiguous Surfaces. To this was annexed a tract, to demon- strate the impossibility of thinking or perception being the result of any combination of the parts of matter and mo- tion : a subject which was much agitated about that time. To this work also was added an advertisement from him and Mr. Whiston, concerning a method for discovering the longitude, which it seems they had published about half a year before. This attempt probably cost our au- thor his life ; for though it was approved and counte- nanced by Sir Isaac Newton, before it was presented to the Board of Longitude, and the method has since been suc- cessfully put in practice, in finding the longitude between Paris and Vienna, yet that board determined against it: so that the disappointment, together with some public ridi- cule (particularly in some verses written by Dean Swift), affected his health, that he died the ensuing year, 1715. In an account of Mr. Ditton, prefixed to the German translation of his Discourse on the Resurrection, it is said that he had published, in his own name only, another method for finding the longitude ; but this Mr. Whiston denied; However, Raphael Levi, a learned Jew, who had studied under Leibnitz, informed the German editor, that he well knew that Ditton and Leibnitz had corresponded on the subject; and that Ditton had sent to Leibnitz a delineation of a machine he had invented for that pur- pose; which was a piece of mechanism constructed with many wheels like a clock, and which Leibnitz highly ap- proved of for land use; but doubted whether it would answer on ship-board, on account of the motion of the ship. DIVERGENT Point. See Virtual Focus. Divergent, or Diverging Lines, in Geometry, are those whose distance is continually increasing. — Lines which diverge one way, converge the other. Divergent, or Diverging, in Optics, is particularly applied to rays which, issuing from a radiant point, or having, in their passage, undergone a refraction, or re- flexion, do continually recede farther from each other. In this sense the word is opposed to convergent, which implies that the rays approach each other, or that they tend to a centre, where they intersect, and, being con- tinued, go on diverging. Indeed all intersecting rays, or lines, diverge both ways from the centre, or point of inter- section. Concave glasses render the rays diverging; and convex ones, converging. — Concave mirrors make the rays con- verge ; and convex ones, diverge.— It is demonstrated in Optics, that as the diameter of a pretty large pupil does not exceed \ of a digit; diverging rays, flowing from a radiant point, will enter the pupil as parallel, to all in- tents and purposes, if the distance of the radiant from the_ eye amount to 40,000 feet. See Focus, Light, and Vision. Diverging Hyperbola, is one whose legs turn their convexities toward each other, and run out contrary ways. See Hyperbola. Diverging Parabola. See Diverging Parabola. Diverging Series, is a series whose terms always become larger the farther they are continued. DIVIDEND, in Arithmetic, is the number given to be divided by some other number, called the divisor. Or it is the number given to be divided, or separated, into a certain number of equal parts, viz. as many as the divisor contains units; and the number of such equal parts is called the quotient. Or, more generally, the dividend contains the divisor, as many times as the quotient contains unity. — The dividend is the numerator of a fraction, whose deno- minator is the divisor, and the quotient is the value of the fraction. Thus, | =4, and -f = '75. DIVING. The art, or act of descending under water, to considerable depths, and remaining there for a certain time. The uses of diving are very considerable, parti- cularly in the fishing for pearls, corals, sponges, &c. Various methods have been proposed, and engines con- trived, to render the business of diving more safe and easy. The great point in all these, is to furnish the diver with fresh air, without which he must either make but a short stay, or perish. Those who dive for sponges in the Medi- terranean, help themselves by carrying down sponges dipt in oil in their mouths; but considering the small quantity of air that can be contained in the pores of a sponge, and how much that little will be contracted by the pressure of the incumbent water, it is evident that such a supply can- not be very useful ; since it is found by experiment, that a gallon of air included in a bladder, and by a pipe reci- procally inspired and expired by the lungs, becomes unfit for respiration in little more than one minute; for though its elasticity be but little altered in passing the lungs, yet it loses its vivifying spirit, and is rendered unfit for the support of animal life. Dr. Halley assures us, a naked diver, without a sponge, cannot remain above two minutes inclosed in water; nor much longer with one, without suf- focating; nor, without long practice, near so long: pcr- 3 I 2 D I V [ 428 ] D I V sons unaccustomed to diving generally begin to be suffo- cated in about half a minute. Besides, if the depth be considerable, the pressure of the water on the vessels makes the eyes blood-shotten, and frequently occasions a spitting of blood : hence, where there has been occasion to con- tinue long at the bottom, some have contrived double flexible pipes, to circulate air down into a cavity inclo- sing the diver, as with armour, both to furnish air, and to bear off the pressure of the water, and give leave to his breast to dilateupon inspiration ; the fresh air. being forced down one of the pipes with bellows, and returning by the other, not unlike to an artery and vein. But this method is impracticable when the depth ex- ceeds three fathoms ; the water embracing the bare limbs so closely, as to obstruct the circulation of the blood in them; and withal pressing so strongly on all the junctures where the armour is made tight with leather; thatif there be the least defect in any of them, the water rushes in, and instantly fills the whole engine, to the great danger of the diver's life. Di viNG-BeW, is a machine contrived to remedy all these inconveniencies. In this the diver is safely conveyed to any reasonable depth, and may stay more or less time under the water, as the bell is greater or less ; and it is most conveniently made in form of a truncated cone, the smaller base being closed, and the larger open; being weighed with lead, and so suspended, that it may sink full of air, with its open basis downward, and as near as may be in a situation parallel to thehorizon, so as to close with the surface of the water all at once. The diver sitting under this machine, sinks down with the included air to the depth desired ; and if the cavity of the vessel can contain a ton of water, a single man may remain a full hour, without much inconvenience, at five or six fathoms deep ; but the lower he goes, still the more the included air contracts itself, according to the weight of the water that compresses it ; so that at thirty-three feet deep, the bell becomes half-full of water; the pres- sure of the incumbent fluid being then equal to that of the atmosphere; and at all other depths, the space occupied by the compressed air in the upper part of its capacity, is to the space filled with water, as thirty-three feet to the depth of the surface of the water in the bell below its com- mon surface; and this condensed air, being taken in with the breath, soon insinuates itself into all thecavilies of the body, and has no ill effect, provided the bell be permitted to descend so slowly as to allow time for that purpose. One inconvenience that attends it, is found in the ears, within which there are cavities which open only outwards, and that by pores so small, as not to give admission even to the air itself, unless they be dilated and distended by a considerable force ; hence, on the first descent of the bell, a pressure begins to be felt on each ear, which by degrees becomes painful, till the force overcoming the obstacle, that constringes these pores, yields to the pressure, and letting some condensed air slip in, presently ease ensues; the bell descending lower, the pain is renewed, and after- wards it is again eased in the same manner. But the greatest inconvenience of this engine is, that the water en- tering it, contracts the bulk of air into so small a compass, that it soon heats, and becomes unfit for respiration: so that there is a necessity for its being drawn up to recruit it; besides the uncomfortable situation of the diver, who is almost covered with water. To obviate the difficulties of the diving-bell, Dr. Halley, to whom we owe the preceding account, contrived some further apparatus, by which not only to recruit and re- fresh the air from time to time, but also to keep the water wholly out of it at any depth; which he effected after the following manner: — His diving-bell (plate ix, fig. 6) was of wood, 3 feet wide at top, 5 feet at bottom, and 8 feet high, containing about 63 cubic feet in its concavity, coated externally with lead so heavy, that it would sink empty ; a particular weight being distributed about its bottom r, to make it descend perpendicularly, and no otherwise. In the top was fixed a meniscus glass d, concave downwards, like a window, to let in light from above ; with a cock, as . at b, to let out the hot air ; and a circular seat, as at lm, for the divers to sit on: and below, about a yard under the bell, was a stage suspended from it by three ropes, each charged with a hundred weight, to keep it steady, and for the divers to stand upon to do their business. The ma- chine was suspended from the mast of a ship by a sprit, which was secured by stays to the mast-head, and was di- rected by braces to carry it overboard clear of the side of the vessel, and to bring it in again. To supply air to this bell when underwater, he had two barrels, as c, holding 36 gallons each, cased with lead, so as to sink empty, each having a bung-hole at bottom, to let in the water as they descended, and let it out again as they were drawn up. In the top of the barrels was an- other hole, to which was fixed a leathern pipe, or hose, well prepared with bees wax and oil, long enough to hang below the bung-hole; being kept down by a weight for that purpose ; so that the air driven to the upper part of the barrel by the influx of the water, in the descent, could not escape up this pipe, unless the lower end were lifted up. These air-barrels were fitted with tackle, to make them rise and fall alternately, like two buckets; being directed in their descent by lines fastened to the under edge of the bell: so that they came readily to the hand of a man placed on the stage, to receive them ; who taking up the ends of the pipes, as soon as they came above the surface of the water in the barrels, all the air included in the upper part of it was blown forcibly into the bell; the water taking its place. One barrel thus received, and emptied; on a signal given, it was drawn up, and at the same time the other letdown; by which alternate succession, fresh air was furnished so plentifully, that the learned Doctor himself was one of five, who were all together in nine or ten fa- thoms deep of water for above an hour and a half, without the least inconvenience ; the whole cavity of the bell being perfectly dry. All the precaution he observed, was, to be letdown gra- dually about 12 feet at a time, and then to stop, and drive out the water that had entered, by taking in three or four barrels of fresh air, before he descended farther. And, being arrived at the depth intended, he let out as much of the hot air that had been breathed, as each barrel would replace with cold, by means of the cock B, at the top of the bell, through whose aperture, though very small, the air would rush with so much violence, as to make the surface of the sea boil. Thus he, found any thing could be done that was re- quired to l>e done underneath; and by taking off the stage, he could, for a space as wide as the circuit of the bell, lay the bottom of the sea so far dry as not to be over shoes in, water. Besides, by the glass vvinirrw so much light was, D I V [ 429 ] B I V transmitted, that when the sea was clear, and especially when the sun shone, he could see perfectly well to write or read, much more to fasten or lay hold of any thing under him that was to be taken up ; and by the return of the air-barrel he often sent up orders written with an iron pen on a plate of lead, directing how he would be moved from place to place. At other times, when the water was troubled and thick, it would be as dark as night below ; but in such cases he was able to keep a candle burning in the bell. Dr. Halley observes, that they were subject to one in- convenience in this bell ; they felt at first a small pain in their ears, as if the end of a tobacco-pipe were thrust into them ; but after a little while there was a small puff of air, with a little noise, and they were easy. This he supposes to be occasioned by the condensed air shutting up a valve leading from some cavity in the ear, full of common air.; but when the condensed air pressed harder, it forced the valve to yield, and filled every ca- vity. One of the divers, in order to prevent this pressure, stopped his ear with a pledget of paper ; which was pushed in so far, that a surgeon fouqd considerable difficulty in extracting it. The same author intimates, that by an additional con- trivance he has found it practicable for a diver to go out of the bell to a good distance from it ; the air being con- veyed to him in a continued stream by small flexible pipes, which servehimasaclueto direct him back again to the bell. For this purpose, one end of these pipes, kept open against the pressure of the sea by a small spiral wire, and made tight without by painted leather and sheep's guts drawn over it, being open, was fastened in the bell, as at p, to re- ceive air, and the other end was fixed to a leaden cap on the man's head, reaching down below his shoulders, open at bottom, to serve him as a little bell, full of air, for him to breathe at his work, which would keep out the water from him, when at the level of the great bell, because the density of the air in both was the same : but when he stooped down lower than the level of the great bell, he shut the cock f, to cut off the communication between the two. Phil. Trans, abr. vol. vi. pa. 258, 522. The air in this bell would serve him for a minute or two; and he might instantly change it, by raising himself above the great bell, and opening the cock f. The diver was furnished with a girdle of large leaden weights, and clogs of lead for the feet, which, with the weight of the leaden cap, kept him firm on the ground ; he was also well clothed with thick flannels, which being first made wet, and then warmed in the bell by the heat of his body, kept off the chill of the cold water for a considerable time, when he was out of the bell. Mr. Martin Triewald, f. it. s, and military architect to the king of Sweden, contrived to construct a diving-bell on a smaller scale, and at a less expense, than that of Dr. Halley, and yet capable of answering the same pur- poses. This bell, ab (fig. 7-) sinks with leaden weights DD, suspended from the bottom of it. It is made of cop- per, and tinned all over on the inside; and it is illumi- nated by three strong convex lenses cog, defended by the copper lids it mi. The iron plate e serves the diver to stand upon, when he is at work; and this is suspended by the chains i ft, at such a distance from the bottom of the bell, that when he stands upright, his head is just above the water within it, where he has theadvantage of air more proper for respiration, than when he is much higher up; but as there is occasion for the diver to be wholly in the bell, and consequently his head in the upper part of it, Mr. Triewald also contrived, that even there, after he has breathed the hot air as long as he can, by means of a spiral copper tube placed close to the inside of the bell, he may draw the cooler and fresher air from the lower- most parts; for which purpose a flexible leather pipe, about two feet long, is fixed to the upper end of the tube at b ; and to the other end of the pipe is fastened an ivory mouth-piece, for the diver to hold in his mouth, by which to respire the air from below. We shall only remark, that as air rendered effete by respiration is somewhat hea- vier than common air, it must naturally subside in the bell; but it may probably be restored by the agitation of the sea-water, and thus become more fit for respira- tion. See Fixed Air, Phil. Trans, abr. vol. viii. pa. 634. Or Desaguliers's Exper. Phil. vol. ii. pa. 220, &c. Several other persons have practised with diving-machines, on the same principles. The famous Corn. Drcbell had- an expedient in some respects superior even to the diving-bell, if what is related of it be true. He contrived not only a vessel to be rowed under water, but also a liquor to be carried in the vessel, which supplied the place of fresh air. The vessel was made for King James the 1st, carrying 12 rowers, besides the passengers. It was tried in the river Thames ; and one of the persons in that submarine navigation, then living, told it one, from whom Mr. Boyle had the relation. As to the liquor, Mr. Boyle assures us, he discovered by a physician, who married Drebell's daughter, that it was used from time to time, when the air in that submarine boat was clogged by the breath of the company, and ren- dered unfit for respiration : at which time, by unstopping the vessel full of this liquor, he could speedily restore to the troubled air such a proportion of vital parts, as would make it serve again a good while. The secret of this li- quor Drebell would never disclose to above one person,, who himself assured Mr. Boyle what it was. Boyle's Exp. Phys-. Mech. of the Spring of the Air. We have had many projects of diving-machines, arfd diving-ships of various kinds, which have proved abor- tive. Divi-NG-Bludi/er, a term used by Borelli for a machine which he contrived for diving under water to great depths,, with considerable facility, which he prefers to the com- mon diving-bell. The vesica, or bladder, as it is usually called, is of brass or copper, and about two feet in dia- meter, which is to contain thediver's head; and thisis fixed to a goat's skin habit, exactly fitted to the shape, of the body of the person. Within this vesica there are pipes, by means of which a circulation of air is contrived ; and the person carries an air-pump by his side, by means of which he may make himself heavier or lighter, as the fishes do, by contracting or dilating their air-bladder: by this means, the objections all other diving-machines are liable to are obviated, and particularly that of the air;, the moisture by which it is clogged in respiration, and by which, it is rendered unfit for the same use again, 'being here taken from it by its circulation through the pipes, to the- sides of which it adheres, and leaves the air as free as be- fore. Borelli Opera Posthuma. DIVINI (Eus-tachio), an ingenious Italian artist,, very eminent for his telescopes, though, it seems, inferior to Campani. He wrote a book (published at the Hague 10'6O, in '; its superficies - = l(>V(2 — |\/5); :.nd its soliditv - = J . - 3 v :jo The side of a dodecahedron inscribed in a sphere, is equal to the greater part of the side of a cube inscribed ,n the same sphere, cut in extreme and mean propor- tion. — If a line be cut according to extreme and mean ratio, and the less segment be taken for the side of a do- Vol. I. decahedron, the greater segment will be the side of a cube inscribed in the same sphere. — The side of the cube is equal to the right line which subtends the angle of a pen- tagon of the dodecahedron, inscribed in the same spheie. See Polyhedron; also my Mensur. pa. 188, &c. DODSON (James), was an ingenious and very indus- trious mathematician, as well as author of several useful books; but we are acquainted with very few particulars of his life. He was some time master of the Royal Ma- thematical School in Christ's Hospital, London. His publications chiefly were, 1. The Antilogarithmic Canon, folio, 1742. — 2. The Calculator, a collection of useful tables, large, 8vo, 1747- — 3. Mathematical Repository, being a collection of analytical questions and solutions, in 3 vols. 12mo. an. 1748, 1753, 1755. DOG, a name common to two constellations, called the Great and Little Dog ; but more usually Canis Major, and Canis Minor. DOLLOND (John), the celebrated optician, was born in Spitalfields, in June, 1706: his parents were French protestants, who quitted Normandy at the revocation of the edict of Nantz, in 1685. The first years of Mr. Dollond's life were employed at the loom ; but, being of a very studious and philosophic turn of mind, his leisure hours were engaged in mathe- matical pursuits ; and though by the death of his father, which happened in his infancy, his education gave way to the necessities of his family, yet at the age of fifteen, be- fore he had an opportunity of seeing works of science or elementary treatises, he amused himself by constructing sun-dials, drawing geometrical schemes, and solving problems. Under- the pressure of a close application to business for the support of his family, he found time, by abridging the hours of his rest, to extend his mathemati- cal knowledge, and made a considerable proficiency in optics and astronomy, to which he now principally de- voted his attention, having in the earlier stages of his lite prepared himself for the higher parts of those subjects, by a correct knowledge of algebra and geometry. He also acquired a very respectable knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages. He designed his eldest son, Peter Dollond, for the same business with. himself ; and for several years they carried on their manufacture together in Spitalfields ; but the em- ployment neither suited the expectations nor disposition of the son, who, having received much information on mathematical and philosophical subjects, from the in- struction of his father, and observing the great value which was set upon his father's knowledge in the theory of optics by professional men, determined to apply that knowledge to the benefit of himself and his family ; and ac- cordingly, under the directions of his father, commenced optician. Success attended every effort; and in the year 1752, John Dollond, embracing the opportunity of pur- suing a profession congenial with his mind, joined his son, and in consequence of his theoretical knowledge, soon be- came a proficient in the practical parts of optics. His first attention was directed to improve the com- bination of the eye-glasses of refracting telescopes; and having succeeded in his system of four eye-glasses, he proceeded one step further, and produced tele.scopes fur- nished with five eve-glasses, which considerably surpassed the former; and of which he gave a particular account in a paper presented to the Royal Society, and which was printed in the Philos. Trans, vol. 48, pa. 103. 3K D O L [ 434 ] D O M Soon after this he made a very useful improvement in Mr. Saver/ s micrometer: for, instead of employing two entire object-glasses, as Mr. Savery and M. Bnuguer bad done, he used only one glass cut into two equal parts, one of them sliding or moving laterally by the other. This was considered to be a great improvement, as the micrometer could now be applied to the reflecting tele- scope with much advantage, and which Mr. James Short immediately did. An account of the same was given to the Royal Society, in a paper, which was afterwards printed in the Philos. Trans, vol. 48, pa. 178. Mr. Dbllond's celebrity in optics now became uni- versal ; and the friendship and protection of the most eminent men of science flattered and encouraged his pur- suits. Surrounded by these enlightened men, in a state of mind prepared for the severest investigation of philo- sophic truths, and in circumstances favourable to liberal inquiry, Mr. Dollond engaged in the discussion of a sub- ject, which at that time not only interested this country, but all Europe. Sir Isaac Newton had declared, in his Treatise on Optics, page 1 112, " That all refracting sub- stances diverged the prismatic colours in a constant pro- portion to their mean refraction ;" and drew this conr elusion, " that refraction could not be produced without colour;" and consequently, " that-no improvement could be expected in the refracting telescope." No one doubted the accuracy with which Sir Isaac Newton had made the experiment; yet some men, particularly M. Euler and others, were of opinion that the conclusion which Newton had drawn from it, went too far, and maintained, that in very small angles refraction might be obtained without colour. Mr. Dollond was not of that opinion, but de- fended Newton's doctrine with much learning and inge- nuity, as may be seen by a reference to the letters which passed between Euler and Dollond on that occasion, and which were published in the Philos. Trans, vol. 48, pa. 287, and contended that, " If the result of the experi- ment had been as described by Sir Isaac Newton, there could not be refraction without colour." A mind constituted like Mr. Dollond's could not re- main satisfied with arguing in this manner from an ex- periment made by another, but determined t6 try it him- self: and accordingly, in the year 1757, he began the examination ; and, to use his own words, with " a reso- lute perseverance," continued during that year, and a great part of the next, to bestow his whole mind on the subject, until in the month of June, 1758, he found, after a complete course of experiments, the result to be very different from that which he expected, and from that which Sir Isaac Newton had related. He discovered " the difference, in the dispersion of the colours of light, when the mean rays are equally refracted by different mediums." The discovery was complete, and he imme- diately drew from it this practical conclusion, " That the object-glasses of refracting telescopes were capable of being made without being affected by the different refran- gibility of the rays of light." His account of this experi- ment, and of others connected with it, was given to the Hoyal Society, and printed in their Transactions, vol. .50, pa. 733, and he was presented, in the same year, by that learned body, with Sir Godfrey Copley's medal, as a re- ward of his merit, and a memorial of the discovery, though not at that time a member of the Society. This discovery no way affected the points in dispute between Euler and Dollond, respecting the doctrine ad- vanced by Sir Isaac Newton. A new principle was in a manner found out, which had no part in their former reasonings, and it was reserved for the accuracy of Dol- lond to have the honour of making a discovery which had eluded the observation of Newton. This new principle being now established, he was soon able to construct object-glasses, in which the different refrangibility of the rays of light was corrected, and the name of achromatic given to them by the late Dr. Bevis, on account of their being free from the prismatic colours. As usually happens on such occasions/ no sooner was the achromatic telescope made public, than the rivalship of foreigners, and the jealousy of philosophers at home, led them to doubt of its reality ; and Euler himself, in his paper read before the Academy of Sciences at Berlin, in the year 1764, says, " I am not ashamed frankly to avow, that the first accounts which were published of it, ap- peared so suspicious^ and even so contrary to the best established principles, that I could not prevail upon my- self to give credit to them ;" and he adds, " I should never have submitted to the proofs which Mr. Dollond produced to support this strange phenomenon, if M. Clairaut, who must at first have been equally surprised at' it, had not most positively assured me, that Dollond's experiments were but too well founded." And when the fact could no longer be disputed, they endeavoured to find a prior inventor, to whom it might be ascribed, and several conjecturers were honoured with the title of discoverers. In the beginning of the year 176l, Mr. Dollond was elected Fellow of the Royal Society, and appointed op- tician to- his majesty, but did not live to enjoy those ho- nours long; for on the 30th of November, in the same year, as he was reading a new publication by M. Clairaut, on the theory of the moon, and on which he had been in- tently engaged for several hours, he was seized with apoplexy, which rendered him immediately speechless, and occasioned his death in a few hours afterwards. Besides Mr. Peter Dollond, whom we have had occa- sion to mention in the course of this memoir, his family, at his death, consisted of three daughters and a son, who, possessing the name of his father, and, we may add, a portion of the family abilities, carries on the optical busi- ness, in partnership with his elder brother. Sec also the articles Achromatic and Telescope. DOME, is a round, vaulted, or arched roof, of a church, hall, pavilion, vestibule, stair-case, &c, by way of crowning, or acroter. — In plate 7, is represented the plan and elevation of a dome constructed without cen- tring, by Mr. S. Bunce ; viz, fig. 1 the plan, and fig. 2 the elevation. The first course consists of the stones marked 1, 1, 1, &c, of different sizes, the large ones ex- actly twice the height of the small ones, placed alternately, and forming intervals to receive the stones marked 2, 2, 2. The other courses are continued in the same manner, ac- cording to the order of the figures to the top. It is evident, from the convergingorwedgc-like form of the intervals, that the stones they receive can only be inserted from the outside, and cannot fall through : there- fore the whole dome may be built without centring or temporary support. To break the upright joints, the stones may be cut of the form marked in fig. 3 ; and those marked 16', 17, &c, near the key-stones, may be enlarged as at fig. 4. . For the mathematical theory of Domes, see my new Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 63, &c. D O M [ 436 ] DOR DOMINICAL Letter, otherwise called the Sunday Letter, is one of these first seven letters of the alphabet, abcdefg, used in almanacs,] &c, to mark or denote the Sundays throughout the year. The reason for using seven letters, is because that is the number of days in a week ; and the method of using them is this : the first letter a is set opposite the 1st day of the year, the 2d letter b opposite the 2d day of the year, the 3d letter c opposite the 3d day of the year, and so on through the seven letters ; after which they are repeated over and over again, all the way to the end of the year, the letter a denoting the Sth day, the letter b the 9th, &c. Then, whichever of the letters so placed, falls opposite the first Sunday in the year, the same letter, it is evident, will fall opposite every future Sunday throughout the year, because the number of the letters is the same as the num- ber of days in the week, being both 7 in number ; that is, in common years ; but in leap-years, an interruption of the order takes place in them. For, on account of the intercalary day, either the letters must be thrust out of their places for the whole year afterwards, so as that the letter, for example, which answers to the 1st of March, shall likewise answer to the 2d, &c ; or else the intercalary day must be denoted by the same letter as the preceding one. This latter expedient was judged to be the best, and accordingly all the Sundays in the year after the inter- calary day .have another Dominical letter. The Dominical letters were introduced into the ca- lendar by the primitive Christians, instead of the nundinal letters in the Roman calendar ; and in this manner were those seven letters set opposite the days of the year, to denote the days in the week, in most of our common almanacs, till the year 1771, when the initial letters of the days of the week were generally introduced instead of them, excepting the Sunday letter itself, which is still retained. From the foregoing account it follows, that, 1st, As the common year consists of 365 days, or 52 xveeks, and one day over ; the letters go one day back- wards every common year : so that in such a year, if the beginning or first day fall on a Sunday, the next year it will fall on a Saturday, the next on a Friday, and so on. Consequently, if g be the Dominical letter for the present year, r will be that for the next year; and so on in a re- trograde order. 2d, As the bissextile or leap-year consists of 366 days, or 52 weeks, and 2 days over, the beginning of the year next after bissextile goes back 2 days. Whence, if in the beginning of the bissextile year the Dominical letter were g, that of the following yea^r will be e. 3d, Since in leap-years the intercalary day falls on the 24th of February, in which case the 24th and 25th days are considered as one day, and denoted by the same letter ; after the 24th day of February the Dominical letter goes back one place: thus, if in the beginning of the year the Dominical letter be e, it will afterwards change to the letter F for the remaining Sundays of the year. With us, however, this day is now added at the end of February, and from thence it is that the change takes place. 4th, As every fourth year is bissextile, or leap-year, and as the number of letters is 7; the same order of Dominical letters only returns in 4 limes 7, or 28 years ; which, without the interruption of bissextiles, would re- turn in 7 years. 5th, Hence the invention of the solar cycle of 28 years ; on the expiration of which the Dominical letters are restored successively to the same days of the month, or the same order of the letters returns. To find the Dominic a l Letter of any given year. Find the cycle of the sun for that year, as directed under Cycle ; and the Dominical letter is found corresponding to it. When there are two letters, the proposed year is bissextile ; the former of them serving till the end of February, and the latter for the rest of the year. The Dominical letter for any year of the present cen- tury may be found thus : To the number of years since the date 1800, add their fourth part, plus 2; and divide the sum by 7, then sub- tract the remainder from 7, and the last number will be that answering to the Dominical letter ; that is, if the remainder be 1, it answers to a, 2 to b, &c, and to G. ■ Suppose, for example, we wanted the Dominical letter for the year 1833. Here 33 + 8 + 2=43, being divided by 7, leaves a re- mainder 1, which taken from 7, gives 6; answering to F, which therefore is the Dominical letter for that year. When the year is bissextile, that is, when the date of it is divisible by 4, then the letter obtained from this rule is that used from February to the end of the year, and the Sunday letter from the beginning of the year, to the end of February, will be that, next in order in the alphabet, unless the former is G, in which case the latter will be a. By the reformation of the calendar under Pope Gre- gory the 13th, the order of the Dominical letters was again disturbed in the Gregorian year; for the year 1582,. which had g for its letter at the beginning, by retrench- ing 10 days after the 4th of October, came to have c: by which means the Dominical letter of the ancient Ju- lian calendar is 4 places before that of the Gregorian, the letter a in the former answering to d in the latter. DONJON. See Dungeon. DONN (Benjamin), a respectable mathematician, was born at Bideford, in Devonshire, in 1729. He kept a school in that town for some years, and while there, made a complete survey and map of the county, for which he received a premium of 100/. from the society for promoting arts and commerce. He also published his Mathematical Essays in Svo, which had a favourable re- ception, and procured him the office of keeper of the library at Bristol ; where he also kept a flourishing aca- demy for some years. In 1771 he printed an Epitome of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, 12mo; and in 1774, a work, entitled, The British Mariner's Assistant, being a collection of tables for nautical purposes. In 17.96 he was appointed to the sinecure office of master of mechanics to the king. Besides the books above men- tioned, he published also treatises on Arithmetic, Book- keeping, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Mr. Donn died in 1798, leaving behind him the character of an ingenious and worthy man. DORADO, a southern constellation, not visible in our latitude; called also Xiphias, or the Sword-fish. Its stars, in Sharp's catalogue, are 6. DORIC Order of Architecture, is the second of the five orders, being placed between the Tuscan and the Ionic. The Doric seems the most natural, and best pro- portioned, of all the orders;, all its parts being founded on the natural position of solid bodies; for which reason it is most proper to be used in great and massy buildings, 3 K 2 D R A. [ «6 ] DUG as the outside of churches and public places. The Doric order has no ornaments on its base nor its capital. Its column is 8 diameters high, and its frieze is divided be- tween triglyphs and metopes. DORMER, or Dormant, in Architecture, denotes a window made in the roof of a building, or above the en- tablature ; being raised upon the rafters. DOUBLE Horizontal Dial, one with a double gnomon, the one pointing out the hour on the outer circle, the other, on the stereographic projection drawn upon it. This dial rinds the meridian, the hour, the sun's place, rising, setting, &c, and many other problems of the globe. Double Point, in the Higher Geometry, is a point which is common to two parts or legs, or branches of some curve of the 2d or higher order : such as, an in- finitely small oval, or a cusp, or the cruciform intersec- tion, &c, of such curves. See Newton's Enumeratio Linearum, &c, de Curvarum Punctis Duplicibus. Double Stars. See Star. Double r of Electricity, is an instrument capable of augmenting a very small quantity of electricity, so as to render it more than sufficiently manifest, by means of an electrometer, or even capable of affording sparks. The invention of this instrument is due to the Rev. Abraham Bennet; the description of which is contained in the second part of the 77th. volume of the Philosophical Transactions; and in the same Transactions, for the year 17S8, Mr. Cavallo has given an account, at considerable length, of his experiments and observations on this instru- ment, as improved by himself, and also in its original form; from which he concludes, " that the invention of the doubler is very ingenious, but its use cannot be depended on ;" that is to say, for ascertaining small quantities of electricity, because though no electricity be communi- cated to the plates of the instruments, yet by the usual process of doubling, a certain quantity of it will be pro- duced. For the description of a very ingenious instru- ment for this purpose, by Mr. Nicholson, see Philosophi- cal Transactions for the year 1788. Doubling a Cape, or Point of Land, in Navigation, signifies the coming up with it, passing by it, and leaving it behind the ship. The Portuguese pretend that they lirst doubled the Cape of Good Hope, under their admiral Yasquez de Garaa ; but there are accounts in history, particularly in Herodotus, that the Egyptians, Carthagi- nians, &c, had done the same long before them. DOUCINE, in Architecture, is an ornament on the highest part of the cornice, or a moulding cut in the figure of a wave, half convex, and half concave. DRACHM, or Dram, is the name of a small weight used with us, and is of two kinds, viz, the 8th part of an ounce in Apothecaries' weight, and the l6th part of an ounce in Avoirdupois weight. DRACO, the Dragon, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, whose origin isvariouslv tabled by the Greeks; some of them representing it as the Dragon which guarded the Hesperian fruit, or golden apples, but being killed by Hercules, Juno, as a reward for its faithful services, took it up to heaven, and so formed this constellation: while others say, that in the war of the giants, this Dragon was brought into the combat, and opposed to Minerva, .when the goddess taking the Dragon in her hand, threw him, twisted as he was, up to the skies, and fixed him to the axis of the heavens, before he had time to unwind his con- tortions. The stars in this constellation are, according to Pto- lemy, 31; according to Tycho, 32 ; Hevelius, 40; Bayer, 33 ; and Flamsteed, SO. DRAGON, in Astronomy. See Dracq. Dragon's Head, and Tail, are the nodes of the planets, but more particularly of the moon, being the points in which the ecliptic is intersected by her orbit, in an angle of about 5° 18'. One of these points is northward, the moon then beginning to have north latitude ; and the other southward, where she commences south latitude; the for- mer point being represented by the knot Q for the head, and the other by the same reversed, or JJ for the tail. And near these points it is that all eclipses of the sun and moon happen. These intersections are not always in the same two point" of the ecliptic, but shift by a retrograde motion, at the rate of 3' 1 1" per day, and completing their circle in 18 years 2-25 days. DRAGOH-Beams, in Architecture, are two strong braces or struts, standing under a breast-summer, and meeting in an angle on the shoulder of the king-piece. DRAM. See Drachm. DRAUGHT- Conpasses, those provided with several moveable points, to draw fine draughts in architecture, &c. See Compass. DRAUGHT- J/oo&s, are large hooks of iron, fixed on the cheeks of a gun-carriage, two on each side, one near the trunnion hole, and the other at the train. DRAW -Bridge, a bridge made after the manner of a floor, to be drawn up, or let down, as occasion requires, before the gate of a town or castle. DRIFT, Shoot, or Thrust of an Arch, is the push or force it exerts. Drift, in Navigation, denotes the angle which the line of a ship's motion makes with the nearest meridian, when she drives with her side to the wind and waves, and is not governed by the power of the helm ; and also the distance which the ship drives on that line, so called only in a storm. DRIP, in Architecture. See Larmier. DUCTILITY, a property of certain bodies, by which they are capable of being beaten, pressed, drawn, or stretched forth, without breaking; or by which they are capable of great alterations in their figure and dimensions, and of gaining in one way as they lose in another. Such are metals, which, being urged by the hammer, gain in length and breadth what they lose in thickness; or, being drawn into wire through holes in iron, become longer as they are made more slender. Such also are gums, glues, resins, and some other bodies; which, though not malle- able, may yet be denominated ductile, in as much as, when softened by water, fire, or some other menstruum, they may be drawn into threads. Some bodies are ductile both when they are hot and cold, and in all circumstances: such are metals, and es- pecially gold and silver; other bodies are ductile only when they have a certain degree of heat; such as glass, and was, and such like substances : Others again are ductile only when cold, and brittle when hot ; as some kinds of iron, viz, those called by workmen redshort, as also brass, and some metallic alloys. The cause of ductility is very obscure; as depending much on hardness, a quality whose nature we know very little about. It is true, it is usual to account for hard- ness from the force of attraction between the particles of the hard body ; and for ductility, from the particles of (he D U C [ 437 ] D U C ductile body being as it were jointed, and entangled with each other. But without dwelling on any fanciful hypo- theses about ductility, we may amuse ourselves with some truly amazing circumstances and phenomena of it, in the instances of gold, glass, and spiders' webs. Observing, however, that the ductility of metals decreases in the fol- lowing order: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead. Ductility of Gold. One of the properties of gold is, to be the most ductile of all bodies ; of which the gold- beaters and gold-wire-drawers, furnish us with abundant proof. Fa. Mersenne, M. Rohaulf, Dr. Halley, &c, have made computations of it : but they trusted to the reports of the workmen. M. Reaumur, in the Memoiresde l'Aca- demie Royale des Sciences, an. 1713, took a surer way; he made the experiment himself. A single grain of gold, he found, even in the common gold leaf, used in most of' our gildings, is extended into 36' and a half square inches ; and an ounce of gold, which, in form of a cube, has not half an inch for its side, is beaten under the hammer into a surface of 146 and a half square feet; an extent almost double to what could be done in former times. In Fa. Mersenne's time, it was deemed prodigious, that an ounce of gold should form 1600 leaves; which, together, only made a surface of 105 square feet. But the distension of gold under the hammer (however considerable), is nothingto that which it undergoes in the drawing-iron. There are gold leaveSj in some parts scarce tne jjtoot P art of an inch thick; but 71 V' art of an inch is a considerable thickness, in comparison of that of the gold spun. on silk in our gold thread. To conceive this prodigious ductility, it is necessary to have some idea of the manner in which the wire-drawers proceed. The wire, and thread that we commonly call gold thread, &c, (which is only silver wire gilt, or covered over with gold) is drawn from a large ingot of silver, usually about thirty pounds weight. This they form into a cylinder, or roll, about an inch and a half in diameter, and twenty-two inches long, and cover it with the leaves prepared by the gold-beater, laying one over another, till the cover is a deal thicker than that in our ordinary gilding; and yet, even then, it is very thin ; as will be easily conceived from the quantity of gold that is used for gilding the thirty pounds of silver, which seldom exceeds two ounces; and, fre- quently, little more than one. In effect, the full thick- ness of the gold on the ingot rarely exceeds ^^ or T ^ part ; and sometimes not -j-g'-gs- part of an inch. The ingot is then successively drawn through the holes of several irons, each smaller than the other, till it bens fine as, or finer than, a hair. Every new hole lessens its diameter; but it gains in length what it loses in thick- ness; and of course increases in surface: yet the gold still covers it; it follows the silver in all its extension, and never leaves the minutest part bare, not even to the mi- croscope. How inconceivably therefore must it be at- tenuated while the ingot is drawn into a thread, whose diameter is 9000 times less than that of the ingot. M. Reaumur, by exact weighing, and rigorous calculation, found, that one ounce of the thread was 3232 feet long; and the whole ingot 1163520 feet, Paris measure, or ; the equatorial diameter, or Observers. Places. La, udes. p— n. 8. Bouguer Equator 0° 0' Bouguer Porto Bello 9 34 741-S Green Otaheitee i7 29 563-2 ?ia Bouguer San Domingo 18 av 5£> J -0 Abbe de la 1 Caille } Cape of ") Good Hope J 33 55 7315 - - - - Paris 48 50 585-1 ihr TheAcadeO Pello 66 48 565-9 TST9 micians j - Capt. Phipps .... 79 50 47V2 TTX " By this table it appears, that the observations in the middle parts of the globe, setting aside the single one at the Cape, are as consistent as could reasonably be ex- EAR [ 443 ] EAR the greater axis of the ellipse, being ao; let e and f be two places where the measure of a degree has been taken ; these measures are proportional to the radii of curvature in the ellipse at those places ; andifcQ, cr be conjugates to the diameters whose vertices are e and f, cq will be to cr in the subtriplicate ratio of the radius of curvature at e, to that at f, by Cor. 1, prop. 4. part 6 of Milnes's Conic Sections, and therefore in a given ratio to one ano- ther; also the angles qcp, ,rcp are the latitudes of e and F ; so that, drawing qv parallel to vp, and qxtw to An, these angles being given, as well as the ratio of cq to cr, the rectilinear figure cvqxy is given in species ; and the ratio of vc 2 — zc 2 (= qx x xw) to rz 2 — ■ qv z (= rx x xs) is given, which is the ratio of CA'tocp 2 ; therefore the ratio of ca to cp is given. Hence, if the sine and cosine of the greater latitude, be each augmented in the subtriplicate ratio of the mea- sure of the degree in the greater latitude, to that in the lesser, then the difference of the squares of fhe augmented sine, and the sine of the lesser latitude,- will be to the difference of the squares of the cosine of the lesser lati- tude and the augmented cosine, in the duplicate ratio of the equatorial to the polar diameter. For cq, being taken in cq equal to cr, and qv drawn parallel to qv, cv and vq, cz and zk will be the signs and cosines of the respec- tive latitudes, to the same radius; and cv, vq will be the augmentations of cv and cq, in the ratio named. Hence, to find the ratio between the two axes of the earth, let e denote the greater, and f the lesser of the two latitudes, m and n the respective measures taken in each; and let p denote v 2 + sin* e — sin 3 f ~ greater axi: It also appears by the above problem, that when one of the degrees measured, is at the equator, the cosine of the latitude of the other being augmented in the subtriplicate ratio of the degrees, the tangent of the latitude will be to the tangent answering to the augmented cosine, in the ratio of the greater axis to the less. For supposing e the place out of the equator; then if the semi-circle pbnnp be described, and /c joined, and mo drawn parallel to ac : co is the cosine of the latitude to the radius cp, and cy that cosine augmented in the ratio before-named ; yq being to y/, that is c« to en or cp, as the tangent of the angle ycq, the latitude of the point e, to the tangent of the angle ycl, belonging to the augmented cosine. Thus, if m represent the measure in a latitude denoted by e, and n the measure at the equator, let a denote an angle whose measure is , .M . tan. A . lesser axis cos. e x i/ — . Then is = -. * N taa, E greateraxis But m, or the length of a degree, obtained by actual mensuration in different latitudes, is known from the fol- lowing table: Names. * Eatit. Value of M. toises. Swanberg and assoc. 66° 20' m= 57209 Cassini and 7 49 22 'm = 57074 LaCaillc j 45 00 m = 57050 Boscovich 43 00 M =5()»72 DelaCaillc - 33 18 M =57037 Bouguer and assoc. \ on M —56757 measur. at equator J Now, by comparing each of the first five with tfTe 6th or last, there are obtained 5 results, each showing the relation of the axes or diameters; the arithmetical means of all of which gives that ratio as 1 to - 996747, which is the ratio of 308 to 307. But if the last of the four re- sults be omitted, the medium among the other four gives the ratio of 1 to 0-996876, or of 320 to 319, which is probably nearest the truth. Now the magnitude, as well as the figure of the earth, that is the polar and equatorial diameters, may be de- duced from the foregoing problem. For, as half the latus rectum of the greater axis ah is the radius of curvature at a, it is given in magnitude from the degree measured there, and thence the axes themselves are given. Thus, the circular arc whose length is equal to the radius being 57'29578 degrees, if this number be multiplied by 56757 toises, the measure of a degree at the equator, the product, will be the radius of curvature there, or half the latus rectum of the greater axis ; and this is to half the lesser axis in the ratio of the less axis to the greater, that is, as 319 to 320; whence the two axes are 6524252 and 654.4704 toises, or790l and 7926 English miles; and the difference between the two axes about 25 miles. See Robertson's Navigation, vol. 2, pa. 206 &c. See also Suite des Mem. de l'Acad. 1718, pa. 247; and Maclaurin's Fluxions, vol. 2, book 1, ch. 14. Also the later measure- ments of the French Institute, of Swanberg, of Colonel Mudge, &c, &c. And nearly the same ratio is deduced from the lengths of pendulums vibrating in the same time, in different la- titudes; provided it be allowed that the meridians are real ellipses, or the earth a true spheroid, which however can only take place in the case of an uniform gravity in all parts of the: earth. Thus, in the new Petersburg Acts, for the years, 1788 and 1789, are accounts and calculations of experiments relative to this subject, by M. Krafft. These experiments were made at different times, and in various parts of the Russian empire. This gentleman has collected and com- pared them, and drawn the proper conclusions from them: thus he infers that the length x of a pendulum that swings seconds in any given latitude A, and in a temperature of 10 degreesof Reaumur's thermometer, may be determined by this equation: 1 = 439-178 -+- 2"32I sine 2 A, lines of a French foot, or x — 39'0045 -+- 0206 sine 2 A, in English inches, in the temperature of 53 of Fahrenheit's thermo- meter. This expression nearly agrees, not only with all the experiments made on the pendulum in Russia, but also with those of Mr. Graham in England, and those of Mr. Lyons in 79° 50' north latitude, where he found its length to be 43T3S lines. It also shows the augmentation of gravity from the equator to the parallel of a given latitude A: for, putting g for the gravity under the equator, g for that under the pole, and y for that under the latitude A, M. Krafft finds ,y = (1 -1- 00052848 sine 1 \)g; and there- fore G = 1-0052S48£. From this proportion of gravity under different lati- tudes, the same author infers that, in case the earth is a homogeneousellipsoid,itsoblateness must be T -i T ; instead of -jj 5 , which ought to be the result of this hypothesis: but on the supposition that the earth is a heterogeneous ellipsoid, he finds its oblateness, as deduced from these experiments, to be^-J 7 ; which agrees with that resulting from the measurement of some of the degrees of the meri- dian nearly. This confirms an observation of M. Laplace, that, if the hypothesis of the earth's homogeneity be given ' 3 L 2 EAR 444 ] EAR up, then theory, the measurement of degrees of latitude, and experiments with the pendulum, all agree in their re- sult with respect to the oblateness of the earth. See Me- moires de l'Acad. 17S3, pa. 17, and ids later works. In the Philos. Trans, for 1791, pa. 236, Mr.Dalby has given some calculations on measured degrees of the meri- dian; whence he infers, that those degrees measured in middle latitudes, will answer nearly to an ellipsoid whose axes are in the ratio assigned by Newton, viz, that of 230 to 229- And as to the deviations of some of the others, viz, towards the poles and equator, he thinks they are caused by the errors in the observed celestial arcs. On the supposition that the earth's figure is that of an oblate spheroid, it has been shown, 1st, That a degree of the earth's equator, is the first of two mean proportionals, between the last and first degrees of latitude. 2d, If the equatorial diameter be to the polar axis, as ISO to 179; the lat. in which the degree of lat. is equal to a degree of the equator, will be 54° 4S' 24". If the proportion be 230 to 229, the lat. comes out 54° 45' 3l". 3d, If the pro- portion be ISO to 179, the lat. where the degree of the meridian is equal to a degree of a circle whose diameter is equal to the earth's axis, will he 35° 20' 30" ; assuming the proportion 230 to 229, that lat. will be 35° 19' 25". (Horsley's Tracts, p.394, &c.) M. Swanberg observes, that occultations of the fixed stars by the moon is another method by which the figure of the earth may be determined : and M. Treisnecker, after comparing a great number of these occultations, concludes from them that the ellipticity of the earth is T ^. The excellent mathematician and astronomer Laplace, in his Mecanique Celeste, has calculated the ellipticity of the earth, from the effect of precession and nutation, to be tj-$; which is nearly ah arithmetical mean among those obtained from occultations of the stars, and the vibrations of the pendulum. The theory of the moon also gives y^j- for the ellipticity. The preceding ellipticities of the earth, expressed in parts of its equatorial diameter, with their authors, and the principles from which they were derived, may be ex- hibited in one view, as follows: Authors. Huygens - Newton - Maupertuis, &c Swanberg Clairaut - Treisnecker Laplace - Elliptii Principle Theory of gravity. Mensuration of arcs. Rotatory motion. Vibration of pendulum. Occult, of stars. Precession and nutation. Theory of the moon. The variety in the preceding results presents an in- teresting circumstance, as it indicates something in the figure and conformation of the earth, which is not yet un- derstood, and naturally gives rise to the following im portant and intricate questions, to which all the accumu- lated knowledge of the present times has not been able to obtain complete solutions. Is the earth a spheroid of ro- tation ? Are the northern ami southern nemispheiesequa- and similar to each other f What is the ratio of an arc of the meridian, measured in a given latitude, to the whole meridian ? It is perhaps no improbable conjecture, that the effects of precession and nutation, with the vibrations of the pendulum, will be found among the most accurate means of determining, at least, the general outlines of our globe. Tacquet draws some pleasing inferences, in the form of paradoxes, from the round figure of the earth ; as, 1st, That if any part of the surface of the earth were quite plane, a man could no more walk upright upon it, than on the side of a mountain. 2d, That the traveller's head goes a greater space than his feet ; and a horseman than a footman; as moving in a greater circle. 3d, That a ves- sel, full of water, being raised perpendicularly, some of the water will be continually flowing out, yet the vessel still remain full ; and on the contrary, if a vessel of water be let perpendicularly down, though nothing flow out, yet it will cease to be full : consequently there is more water contained in the same vessel at the foot of a moun- tain, than on the top ; because the surface ot the water is formed into a segment of a smaller sphere below than above. Tacq. Astron. lib. 1, cap. 2. Changes of the Earth. Mr. Boyle suspects that there are great, though slow internal changes, in the mass of the. earth. He draws hfs jirguments from the varieties observed in the change of the magnetic needle, and from the ob- served changes in the temperature of climates. But as to the latter, there is reason to suspect that he could not have diaries of the weather sufficient to direct his judge- ment. Boyle's Works abr. vol. 1, pa. 292, &c. Magnetism of the Earth. The notion of the mag- netism of the earth was started by Gilbert; and Boyle supposes magnetic effluvia moving from one pole to the other. See his Works abr. vol. 1 , pa. 285, 290 Dr. Knight also thinks that the earth may be considered as a great loadstone, whose magnetical parts are disposed in a very irregular manner; and that the south pole of the earth is analogous to the north pole in magnets, that is T the pole by which the magnetical stream enters. See Magnet. He observes also, that all the phenomena attending the direction of the needle, in different parts of the earth, in a great measure correspond with what happens to a needle, when placed on a large terrclla ; if we make al- lowances for the different dispositions of the magnetical parts, with respect to each other, and consider the south pole of the earth as a north pole with regard to magnetism. The earth might become magnetical by the iron ores it contains, for all iron ores are capable of magnetism ; and that a great part of the earth consists of iron is rendered probable by its great medium, specific gravity, being nearly 5 times that of water. It is true, the globe might notwithstanding have remained unmagnetical, unless some cause had existed capable of making that repellent mat- ter producing magnetism move in a stream through the earth. Now the doctor thinks that such a cause does exist. For if the earth revolves round the sun in an ellipsis, and the south pole of the earth is directed towards the sun, at the time of its descent towards it, a stream of repellent matter will thence be made to enteral the smith pole, and issue out at the north. And he suggests, that the earth being in its perihelion iiv winter may be one reason why magnetism is stronger in this season than in summer. The cause, here assigned for the earth's magnetism must continue, and perhaps improve it, from year to year. EAR [ 445 ] EAR Hence the doctor thinks it probable, that the earth's mag- netism has been improving ever since the creation, and that this may be one reason why the use of the compass was not discovered sooner. See Dr. Knight's attempt to demonstrate, that all the phenomena in nature may be explained by Attraction and Repulsion, prop. 87- Magnitude and Constitution of the Earth. This has been variously determined by different authors, both an- cient and modern. The usual way has been, to measure the length of one degree ofthe meridian, and multiply it by 360, for the whole circumference. See Degree. Diogenes Laertius informs us, that Anaximander, a scholar of Thales, who lived about 550 years before the birth of Christ, was the first who gave an account of the circum- ference of the sea and land ; and it seems his measure was used by succeeding mathematicians, till the time of Eratosthenes. Aristotle, at the end of lib. 2 De Coelo, says, the mathematicians who have attempted to mea- sure the circuit of the earth, make it 40000 stadiums ; which it is thought is the number determined by Anaxi- mander. Eratosthenes, who lived about 200 years before Christ, was the next who undertook this business ; which, as Cleomedes relates, he performed by taking the sun's zenith distances, and measuring the distance between two places under the same meridian; by which he deduced for the whole circuit about 250000 stadiums, which Pliny states at 31500 Roman miles, reckoning each at 1000 paces. But this measure was considered to be false by many of the ancient mathematicians, and particularly by Hippar- chus, who lived 100 years afterwards, and who added 25000 stadiums to the circuit of Eratosthenes. Possidonius, in the time of Cicero and Pompey the Great, next measured the earth, viz, by means ofthe al- titudes of a star, and measuring a part of a meridian; from which he concluded that the circumference was 240000 stadiums, according to Cleomedes, but only 180000 according to Strabo. Ptolemy, in his Geography, says that Marinus, a cele- brated geographer, attempted something of the same kind ; and in lib. 1 , cap. 3, he mentions that he himself had tried to perform the same thing in a manner different from any others before his time, which was by means of places un- der different meridians : but he does not say how much he made the number; for he still made use of the number 180000, which had been before employed. Snellius relates, from the Arabian geographer Abel- fedea, who lived about the year 1300, that about the year S00, Almaimon, an Arabian king, having collected to- gether some skilful mathematicians, commanded them to find out the circumference of the earth. Accordingly they made choice of the fields of Mesopotamia, where they measured under the same meridian from north to south, till the pole was depressed one degree lower: which measure they found equal to 56 miles, or 56f : so that according to them the circuit of the earth is 20l60or 20340 miles. It was a long time after this, before any more attempts of this kind were made. At length, however, Snell, above mentioned, professor of mathematics at Leyden, about the year 1620, with great skill and labour, by mea- suring large distances between two parallels, found one degree equal to 28500 perches, each of which is 12 Rhin- land feet, amounting to 19 Dutch miles, and so the whole periphery 6 8 40 miles; a mile being, according to him, 1500 perches, or 18000 Rhinland feet. See his treatise called Eratosthenes Batavus. The next that undertook this measurement, was Richard Norwood, who in the year 1635, by measuring the dis- tance from London to York with a chain, and- taking the sun's meridian altitude, June 11th old style, with a sex- tant of about 5 feet radius, found a degree contained 367200 feet, or 69 miles and a half and 14 poles; and thence the circumference of a great circle of the earth is a little more than 25036 miles, and the diameter a little more than 7966 miles. See the particulars of this mea- surement in his Seaman's Practice. The measurement of the earth by Snell, though very ingenious and troublesome, and much more accurate than any of the ancients, being still thought by some French mathematicians liable to certain small errors, the busi- ness was renewed, after Snell's manner, by Picard and other mathematicians, by the king's order; using a qua- drant of 3f French feet radius; and they thus found a de- gree contained 342360 French feet. See Picard's treatise, La Mesure de la Terre. M. Cassini the younger, in the year 1700, by the king's command also, renewed the business with a quadrant of 10 feet radius, for taking the latitude, and another of 3f feet for taking the angles of the triangles; and found a degree,' from his calculation, contained 57292 toises, or almost 69$ English miles. Several other measurements have been taken, the best of which are the following, with the corresponding mean semidiameter annexed, in English miles. Ulloa and Condamine - - 3957"7 miles. Cassini and Lacaille - - 3957'1 Lacaille .... 3954"7 Boscovich - 3955*0 Liesganig .... 3958*2 General Roy - - - 3956'8 Major Lambton - 39565 The medium among all these is nearly 3957 miles, which may be taken for the mean semidiameter of th, earth. And supposing the solar parallactic angle to be 8"-6, it will be, as sin. 8"'6 : radius : : 3957 : 9 5 millions of miles nearly, the earth's distance from the sun. Hence the mean circumference is 2486*2 miles, which gives 69-rj miles for the medium length of a degree of a great circle. See the results of many other measurements under the article Degree, and from the preceding part of the pre- sent article. From the mean of all which, the following dimensions may be taken as near the truth: the circumference - 4862 miles, the diameter - - 27914 miles, the superficies - 196757900 square miles, the solidity - 25952320OOOO cubic miles. Also the seas and unknown parts of the earth, by a mea- surement of the best maps, contain l6t)522026 square miles, the inhabited parts 38922180; of which Europe contains 4456065 ; Asia, 10768823; Africa, 9654807; and America, 14110874. The terraqueous globe has two motions, besides that on which the precession of the equinoxes depends ; the one diurnal around its own axis in the space of 24 hours, which constitutes the natural day; the other annual, about the sun, in an elliptical orbit or track, in 365 days 6 hours, constituting the year. From the former arise the diversities of day and night; and from the latter, EAR [ 446 ] E A R the vicissitudes of seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The terraqueous globe is distinguished into three parts or regions, viz, 1st, The external part or crust, being that from which vegetables spring and animals are nursed. 2d, The middle, or intermediate part, which is possessed by fossils, extending further than human labour ever yet penetrated. 3d, The internal or central part, which is utterly unknown to us, though by many authors supposed of a magnetic nature ; by others, a mass or sphere of fire ; by others, an abyss or collection of waters, surrounded by the strata of earth ; and by others, a hollow, empty space, inhabited by animals, who have their sun, moon, planets, and other conveniences within the same. But others di- vide the body of the globe into two parts, viz, the external part, called the cortex, including the internal, which they call the nucleus, being of a different nature from the former, and. possessed by fire, water, or more likely by a consider- able portion of metals, and probably mostly iron, as it has been found, by my calculation, that the mean density of the whole earth is near double the density of common stone. See my determination of it, Philos. Trans. 177S, pa. 7S1 ; or my Tracts, vol. 1, tract 26. The external part of the globe either exhibits inequali- ties, as mountains and valleys ; or it is plane andjevel ; or hollowed into channels, fissures, &c, where rivers, lakes, and seas, flow in all directions. These inequalities in the face of the earth most naturalists suppose have arisen from a rupture or subversion of it, by the force either of the subterraneous fires or waters. The earth, in its natural and original state, it has been supposed by Descartes, and after him, Burnet, Stcno, Woodward, Whiston, and others, was perfectly round, smooth, and equable ; and they account for its present rude and irregular form, prin- cipally from the great deluge. See Deluge. In the external, or cortical part of the earth, there ap- pear various strata, supposed the sediments of several floods; the waters of which, being replete with matters of divers kinds, as they dried up, or oozed through, deposited these different matters, which in time hardened into strata of stone, sand, coal, clay, &c. Dr. Woodward has considered the circumstances of these strata with great attention, viz, their order, numher, and situation with respect to the horizon, depth, inter- sections, fissures, colour, consistence, &c. He ascribes the origin and formation of them all, to the great flood, &c. At that terrible revolution he supposes that all sorts of terrestrial bodies had been dissolved and mixed with the waters, forming all together a chaos or confused mass. This mass of terrestrial particles, intermixed with Water, he conceives was at length precipitated to the bottom ; and that generally according to the order of gravity, the heaviest sinking first, and the lightest afterwards; by which means the strata were formed of which the earth consists; which, attaining their solidity and hardness by degrees, have continued so ever since. These sediments, he further concludes, were at first all parallel and con- centrical ; and the surface of the earth formed of tlietn, perfectly smooth and regular ; but that in course of time, clivers changes arising, from earthquakes, volcanoes, &C, the order and regularity of the strata was disturbed and broken, anil the surface of the earth by such means brought to the irregular form in which it now appears. M. Do Bufi'on surmises that the earth, as well as the other planets, are parts struck oil' from the body of the sun by the collision of comets ; and that when the earth assumed its form, it was in a stale of liquefaction by fire. But this cannot be granted-; for if they were struck off from the body of the sun, they would move in orbits that would always pass through the sun, instead of having the sun for their focus, or centre, as they are now found to have ; so that having been struck off they would fall down into the sun again, terminating their career as it were after one revolution only. > Besides these, various other hypotheses have been ad- vanced, all 'of them however more or fess liable to ob- jections ; as must always be the case with conclusions drawn from uncertain data. We may however particu- larize Dr. James Mutton's treatise, on this subject, as one deserving the most attention, and from which much use- ful information may be derived. Earth, in Astronomy, is one of the primary planets, according to the system of Copernicus, or Pythagoras ; its astronomical character or mark being © : but ac- cording to the Ptolemaic hypothesis, it is the centre of the system. For, whether the earth move or remain at rest, that is, whether it be fixed in the centre, having the sun, the heavens and stars moving round it from east to west ; or, these being at rest, whether the earth only moves from west to east, is the great article that distin- guishes the Ptolemaic system from the Copernican. Motion of the Earth. It has already been observed that, besides the small motion of the earth which causes the precession of the equinoxes, the earth has two great and independent motions; viz, the one by which it turns round its own axis, in the space of 2-1 hours nearly, which causes the continual succession of day and night ; and the other an absolute motion of its whole mass in a large orbit about the sun, having that luminary for its centre, so that its axis keeps always parallel to itself, inclined in the. same angle to its path, and by that means causing the vicissitudes of seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It is indeed true that, as to sense, the earth appears to be fixed in the centre, with. the sun, stars and heavens moving round it every day; and such, doubtless would be considered as the true nature of the motions in the first early ages of mankind, as they arc still by the rude and unlearned. But to a thinking and learned mind, the contrary will soon appear. Indeed there are traces of the knowledge of these mo- tions in the earliest age of the sciences. Cicero, in his Tusc. Quaest. says that Nicetas of Syracuse first disco- vered that the earth had a diurnal motion, by which it revolved round ils axis every 24 hours; and Plutarch, de Placit. Philosoph. informs us that Philolaus discovered its annual motion round the sun ; also Aristarchns, about 100 years after Philolaus, alludes to the motion of the earth in stronger and clearer terms, as we are assured by Archimedes, in his Arenarius. And the same, we are further assured, was the opinion and doctrine of Pythagoras. But the religious opinions of the heathen world pre- vented this doctrine from being more cultivated. For, Aristnrchus being accused of Bacrilegc l>\ Cleanthes for moving Vesta and the tutelar deities of the universe out of, their places, the philosophers were obliged to dissemble, and seem to relinquish so perilous a position. Many ages aftewards, Nic. Cusanus revived the ancient system, in his Doct. de Pignorant. and asserted the mo- tion of the earth : but the doctrine gained very little ground till Ihe time of Copernicus, who showed its great - K A R [ 3 E A S utility and advantages in astronomy; and who had imme- diately all the philosophers and astronomers on his side, that dared to differ from the crowd, and were not afraid of ecclesiastical censure, which was not less dangerous under the Christian dispensation, than it, had been under that of the heathen. For, because certain parts of Scrip- ture make mention of the stability of the earth, and of the motion of the sun, as the rising and setting, &c, the fathers of the church thought their religion required that they should defend, with all its power, what they con- ceived to-'be its doctrines, . and to censure and punish every attempt at innovation on those points. There is now however no doubt that in such instances the expres- sions are only to be considered as accommodated to ap- pearances, and the vulgar notions of things. -By the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis, the same phenomena must take place as if it had no such motion, that is, as if the sun and stars revolved about it. For, turning round from west to east, cau=es the sun and all the visible heavens to have the appearance of moving the contrary way, or from east to west, as we daily see them. So that, when in its rotation it has brought the sun or a star to appear just in the horizon in the east, they are then said to be rising; and as the earth continues to revolve more and more towards the east, other stars seem to rise and advance westwards, passing the meridian of the observer, when they are due south from him, and at their greatest altitude above his horizon; after which, by a continuance of the same motions, viz, of the earth's rotation eastwards, and the luminaries' apparent counter motion westwards, these decline from the meridian, or south point, towards the west, where being arrived, they are said to set and descend below it; and so on contino ally from day to day; thus making it day while the sun is above the horizon, and night while he is below it. While the earth is thus revolving on its axis, it is at the same time carried by its-proper motion in its orbit round the sun, as one of the planet?, namely, between the orbits of Venus and Mars, having the orbits of Venus and Mercury within its own, or between it and the sun, in the centre, and those of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, &c, without or above it; which are therefore called superior planets, and the others the inferior ones; which is called the annual motion of the earth, because it is performed in a year, of 365 days 6 hours nearly ; or rather 36'5 days 5 hours 49 minutes, from either equinox or solstice to the same again, which completes the tropical year; but from any fixed star to the same again, as seen from the sun, in 365 days 6 hours p minutes, which is called the sidereal year. The figure of this orbit is elliptical, having the sun in one focus, the mean distance being about 95 millions of miles,, which is upon the supposition that the sun's parallax is about 8"y, or the angle under which the earth's semi-diameter would appear to an observer placed in the sun : and the excen- tricity of the orbit, or distance of the sun, in the focus, lrom the centre of this elliptic orbit, is about ^th of the mean distance. Now this annual motion is performed in such a man- ner, t hat the earth's axis is every where parallel, or in the same direction in every part of the orbit; by which means it happens, that at one time of the year the sun enlightens more ot the north polar parts, and at the opposite season of the year more of the southern parts, thus showing all the varieties of seasons, spring, summer, autumn and win- ter; which may be illustrated in the following manner: Let the candle I (fig. 1, plate x) represent the sun, about which the earth e, or f, &c, is moved in its elliptical or- bit abcd, or ecliptic, and cutting the equator abed in the nodes e and g : then, suspending the terrella by its north pole, and moving it, so suspended, round the ecliptic, its axis will always be parallel to its first position, and the various seasons will be represented at the different parts of the path. Thus, when the earth is at 25 or f, the en- lightened half of it includes the south pole, and leaves the north pole in darkness, making our winter; at g it is spring, and the two poles are equally illuminated, and the days are every where of the same length ; at it or Y? it is our summer, the north polar parts being in the illuminated hemisphere, and the southern in the dark one; lastly, at e it is autumn, the poles being equally illuminated again, and the days of equal length every where. Earth, its Quantity of Mutter, Density, and Attractive Power. Though the relative densities of the earth and most of the other planets have been known a considerable time, it is but very lately that we have come to the know- ledge of the absolute gravity or density of the whole mass of the earth. This I have calculated and deduced from the observations made by Dr.Maskelyne, (late Astronomer Royal,) at the mountain Schehallien, in the years 1774,-5, and -6. The attraction of that mountain on a plummet, being observed on both sides of it, and its mass being com- puted from a number of sections in all directions, and consisting of stone; these data being then compared with the known attraction and magnitude of the earth, nave by proportion its mean density, which is to that of water nearly as 5 to 1, and to common stone as 2 to 1 : from which very considerable mean density, it may be presumed that the internal parts contain some great quantities of metals. From the density, thus found, its quantity of matter becomes known, being equal to the product of its density by its magnitude. From various experiments too, we know that its attractive force, at the surface, is such, that bodies fall there through a space of l6-J T feet in the first second of time : whence the force at any other place, ei- ther within or without it, becomes known ; for the force at any part within it (supposing it every where uniform) is directly as its distance from the centre ; but the force of any part without it, reciprocally as the square of its distance from the centre. EAST, one of the cardinal points of the horizon, or of the compass, being the middle point of it between north and south, on that side where the sun rises, or the point in which it is intersected on that side by the prime vertical. EASTER, a feast of the church, held in memory of our Saviour's resurrection. This feast has been annually celebrated ever since the time of the apostles, and is one of the most considerable festivals in the Christian calendar; being that which regulates and determines the times of all the other moveable feasts. The rule for the celebration of easter, fixed by the council of Nice, in the year 325, is, that it be held on the sunday which falls upon, or next after, the full moon which happens next after the 21st of March ; that is, the Sunday which falls upon, or next after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. The reason of which decree was, that the Christians might avoid celebrating their easter at the same lime with the Jewish passover, which, ac- cording to the institution of Moses, was held the very day of the full moon. E A S [ 448 ] e c r-i To find Easter according to the Old, or Julian Style. In the annexed table, find the golden number, with the day of the paschal full moon, and the sunday letter annexed ; compare this letter with the dominical letter of the given year, that it may appear how many days are to be added to the day of the paschal full moon, to give easter-day. For Example. In the year 1715, the dominical letter is B, and the golden number is 6, opposite to which stands April 10 for the day of the paschal full moon ; opposite to which is the sunday letter b, which happening to be the same with that of the given year, that day is a sunday ; and therefore easter will fall 7 days after, viz, on the 17th of April. But in this computation, the vernal equinox is supposed fixed to the 21st of March; and the cycle of 19 years, or golden numbers, is supposed to point out the places of the new and full moons exactly ; both which suppositions are errone- ous: so that the Julian easter never happens at its due time, unless by accident. For instance, in the above example the Sea, Gold. Paschal full Dom. Num moon. letter. 1(5 March 21 C 5 22 D 23 E 13 24 F 2 25 G 26 A 10 27 B 28 C IS 29 D 7 30 E 31 F 15 April 1 G 4 2 A 3 B 12 4 C I 5 D 6 E 9 7 F S G 17 9 A 6 10 B 11 C U 12 D 3 13 E 14 F 11 15 G 16 A 19 17 B 8 18 C For Example. For the year 1813, the golden number is 9; against which stands April the 15th, and the next Sunday let- ter, which is c, below that, stands opposite April 18,' which is therefore the easter-day for the year 1813. Though the Gregorian ca- lendar be much preferable to the Julian, it is yet not without its defects. It cannot, for in- stance, keep the equinox al- ways fixed on the2 1st of March, but it will vary between the 19th and the 23d. To which we may add, that the full moon happening on the 20th of March, might sometimes be paschal ; yet it is not allowed as such in the Gregorian computation; as on the contrary, the full moon of the 22d of March may be allowed for paschal, which it is not. Scaliger and Calvisius have also pointed out other in- accuracies in this calendar. An excellent paper on this subject by the Earl of Macclesfield, may be seen in the Philos. Trans, vol.40, pa. 417; or my Abridg. vol. x, pa. 33. Easter Term. See Term. EBBING and Flowing of See Tides. Gold. Paschal full Sund. Num. moon. letter. 14 March 21 C 3 22 D 23 E 11 24 F 25' G 19 26 A 8 27 B 28 C 16 29 D 5 30 £ 31 F 13 April 1 G 2 2 A 3 B 10 4 C 5 D IS 6 E 7 7 F 8 G 15 9 A 4 10 B 11 C 12 12 D 1 13 E 14 F 9 15 G 16 A 17 17 B 6 18 C the vernal equinox falls on the 10th of March, eleven days ECCENTRIC. See Excentric. before the rule supposes it; and the paschal full moon on ECCENTRICITY. See Excentricity. the 7th of April, or 3 days earlier than was supposed : ECHO, a sound reflected, or reverberated from some and therefore easter-day should be held on the 10th of body, and thence returned or repeated to the ear. — For April, instead of the 17th. an echo to be heard, the ear must be in the line of reflec- This error had grown to such a height, that Pope Gre- tion; that the person who made the sound, may hear the gory the 13th thought it necessary to correct it; and ac- echo, it is necessary he should be in a perpendicular to cordingly, in the year 1582, by the advice of Aloysius Li- the place which reflects it ; and for a multiple or tautolo- lius and others, he ordered 10 days to be thrown out of gical echo, it is necessary that there should be a number October, to bring the vernal equinox back again to the of walls and vaults, rocks and cavities, either placed be- 21st of March : and hence arise the terms Gregorian ca- hind each other, or fronting each other. Those murmurs lendar, Gregorian year, &c. in the air, that are occasioned by the discharge of great This correction however did not entirely remove the guns, &c, are a kind of indefinite echoes, and are pro- error; for the equinoxes and solstices still anticipate 28' duced from the vaporous particles suspended in the atmo- 20" in every 100 Gregorian years; but the difference is so sphere, which resist the undulations of sound, and rever- inconsiderable as not to amount to a whole day, or 24 berate them to the ear. hours, in less than 5082 Gregorian years. There can be no echo, unless the direct and reflex The Gregorian, or New Style, was not introduced into sounds follow one another at a sufficient distance of time; England till the year 1752, when eleven days were thrown for if the reflex sound arrive at the ear before the imprcs- out, viz, between the 3d and 14th of September, the error sion of the direct sound ceases, it will not be doubled, but amounting then to that quantity. only rendered more intense. Now if we allow that 9 or 10 To find EasteK according to the New or Gregorian syllables can be pronounced in a second, in order to pre- Style, till the Year 1900 exclusive. serve the sounds articulate and distinct, there should be Look for the golden number of the year in the first co- about the 9th part of a second between the times of their lumn of the table, against which stands the day of the appulse to the ear ; or, as sound flies about 1 142 feet in a paschal full moon ; thenlook in the 3d column for the sun- second, the said difference should be £ of 1 142, or 127 day letter, next after the day of the full moon, and the feet ; and therefore every syllable will be reflected to the day of the month standing against that sunday letter is car at the distance of about 70 feet from the reflecting easter-day. When the full moon happens on a sunday, body; but as, in the ordinary way of speaking, 3 or 4 syl- thenthe next sunday after is easter-day. lables only are uttered in a second, the speaker, that he E C H [ j E C L may have the echo returned as soon as they are expressed, should stand about 500 feet (rum the reflecting body ; and so in proportion for any "other number of syllables. Mersenne allows for a monosyllable the distance of 69 feet; Morton, £)0 feet; for a dissyllable 105 feet, a trisyl- lable l6"0 feet, -a tetrasyllable. 182 feet, and a pentasyllable 204 feet. Nat. Hist. Northampton, cap. 5, pa. 35S. From what has been said, it follows that echoes may be applied for measuring inaccessible distances. Thus, Mr. Derham, standing on the banks of the. Thames, opposite to Woolwich, observed that the echo of a single sound was reflected back from the houses in 3 seconds; consequently the sum of the direct and reflex rays must have been 1 142 x 3=3426" feet, and the half of it, 1/13 feet, the breadth of the river in that place. It also follows, thai the echoing body being removed far- ther off, it reflects more of the sound than when nearer; which is the reason why some echoes repeat but one syl- lable, or one word, and some many. Of these, some are tonical, which onty return a voice when modulated into some particular musical tone; and others polysyllabical. That fine echo in Woodstock park, Dr. Plot assures us, in the day-time will return very distinctly 17 syllables, and in the night 20. Nat. Hist. Oxf. cap. 1, pa. 7- Echoing bodies may be so contrived, and placed, as that reflecting the sound from one to the other, a multiple echo, or many echoes, shall arise. — At Rosneath, near Glasgow, in Scotland, there is an echo that repeats a tune played with a trumpet three times completely and distinctly. — At the sepulchre of Metella, wife of Crassus, there was an echo, which repeated what a man said five times. — Some authors mention a tower at Cyzicus, where the echo is repeated seven times, and one at Brussels, that answers 15 times. But the finest echo we read of, is that mentioned by Barthius, in his notes on Statius's Thebais, lib. 6", ver. 30, which repeated the words a man uttered 17 times. This was on the banks of the Naha, between Coblentz and Bin- gen. And whereas, in common echoes, the repetition is not heard till some time after hearing the words spoken, or the notes sung ; in this, the person who speaks, or sings, is scarce heard at all ; but the repetition very clearly, and always in surprising varieties; the echo seeming some- times to approach nearer, and sometimes farther off'; some- times the voice is heard very distinctly, and sometimes scarce at all: one person hears only one voice, and another several; one hears the echo on the right, and the other on the left, &c. Addison, and other travellers in Italy, mention an echo at Simonctta palace, near Milan, still more extraordinary, returning the sound of a pistol 56' times. The echo is heard behind the house, which has two wings ; the pistol is discharged from a window in one of these wdngs, the sound is returned from a dead wall in the other wing, and heard from a window in the back-front. See Addis. Tra- vels, pa. 32; Misson. Voyag. d'ltal. torn. 2, pa. 1()6"; Philos. Trans. N° 480, pa. 220. Again, a multiple echo may be made, by so placing the echoing bodies, at unequal distances, as that they may re- flect all oneway, and not one on the other ; by which means, a manifold successive sound will be heard; one clap of the hands like many; one ha like a laughter; one. single word like many of the same tone and accent ; and so one musical instrument like many of the same kind, imi- tating each other. Vol. I. Lastly, Echoing bodies may be so. contrived, that from any one given sound, they shall produce many echoes, different both as to tone and intension. By which means a musical room may be so contrived, that not only one in- strument playing in it shall seem many of the same sort and size, but even a concert of different ones ; this may be contrived by placing certain echoing bodies so, as that any note played, shall be returned by them in 3ds, 5ths, and Sths. Echo is also used for the place where the repetition of the sound is produced, or heard. This is either natural or artificial. The place where the speaker stands is called the centrum phonicuni; and the object orplace that returns the voice, the centrum phonocampticum. Echo, in Architecture, is applied to certain vaults and arches, mostly of elliptical or parabolical figures; used to redouble sounds, and produce artificial echoes. — The me- thod of making them is taught by F. Blancani, in his Echo- metria, at the end of his book on the Sphere. One of the finest echoes in England, is that commonly called the whispering-gallery, in the dome of St. Paul's, London; and another inGloucester cathedral. See Wiiis- v erin g- Places. Vitruvius tells us, that in divers parts of Greece and Italy there were brazen vessels, artfully ranged under the seats of the theatres, to render the sound of the actors' voices more clear, and make a kind of echo; by which- means, every one of tire prodigious multitude of persons, present at those spectacles, might hear with ease and pleasure. ECL1PSAREON, an instrument invented by Mr. Fer- guson for showing the phenomena of eclfpses; as to their time, quantity, duration, progress, &c. Ferguson's Astron., or Philos. Trans, vol. 4S, pa. 520. ECLIPSE, a privation of the light of one of the lumi- naries, by the interposition of some opaque body, either between it and the eye, or between it and the sun. The ancients had terrible ideas of eclipses; supposing them pre- sages of some dreadful events. Plutarch assures us, that at Rome it was not allowed to talk publicly of any na- tural causes of eclipses ; the popular opinion running so strongly in favour of their supernatural production, at least those of the moon; for as to those of the sun, they had some idea that they were caused by the interposition of the moon between us and the sun ; but were at a loss for a body to interpose between us and the moon, which they thought must be the way, if the eclipses of the moon were produced by natural causes. They therefore made a great noise with brazen instruments, and set tip loud shouts, during eclipses of the moon ; thinking by that means to ease her in labour: wdience Juvenal, speaking of a talkative woman, says, " Una laboranti poterit succurrere lunse." Others attributed the eclipse of the moon to the arts of magicians, who, by their enchantments, plucked her out of heaven, and made her skim over the grass. The natives of Mexico keep fast during the time of eclipses; and particularly their women, who beat and abuse themselves, drawing blood from their arms, &c;' imagi- ning the moon has been wounded by the sun, in some quar- rel between them. The Chinese have an idea that eclipses are occasioned by great dragons, who are ready to devour the sun and moon; and therefore when they perceive an eclipse, they rattle drums and brass kettles, till they think the monster, terrified by the noise, lets go his prey. The superstitious notions entertained of eclipses, have 3 M ECL [ 450 ] E C L been sometimes of considerable advantage, as was the case ■with Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America, who, being driven on the island of Jamaica in the year 1493, and" distressed for want of provisions, was refused relief by the natives; but having threatened them with a plague, at the same time foretelling an eclipse as a token of it, which happened according to his prediction, the bar- barians were so terrified, that they strove who should be the first in bringing hirn supplies, throwing them at his feet, and imploring his forgiveness. But the most striking circumstance of this kind was the prediction of an eclipse of the sun byThales, the great father of astronomy, which happened, according to Mayer's calculation, on the 17th ot May, 603 years before Christ, at the moment that Cyax- ares king of the Medes, and Aliathos king of the Lydians, were preparing for battle; but alarmed at the appearance of the eclipse, they immediately laid down their arms, and negociated a peace : and thus ignorance, which is often so injurious to the happiness of man, may, in this instance, be said to have largely contributed towards it. Duration of an Eclipse, is the time of its continuance, or the time between the immersion and emersion. Immersion, or Incidence, of an Eclipse, is the moment when the eclipse begins, or when part of the sun, moon, or planet first begins to be obscured. Emersion, or Expurgation, of an Eclipse, is the time when the eclipsed luminary begins to re-appear, or emerge out of the shadow. Quantity of an Eclipse, is the part of the luminary eclipsed. To determine this part, it is usual to divide the diameter of the luminary into 12 equal portions, called digits; whence the eclipse is said to be of so many digits, according to the number of them contained in that part of the diameter which is eclipsed or obscured. Eclipses are divided, with respect to the luminary eclipsed, into Eclipses of the sun, of the moon, and of the sa- tellites; and with respect to the circumstances, into total, partial, annular, central, &c. Annular Eclipse, is when the whole is eclipsed, except a ring, or annulus, which appears round the border or edge. Central Eclipse, is one in which the centres of the two luminaries and the earth come into the same right line. Partial Eclipse, is when only a part of the luminary is eclipsed. And a Total Eclipse, is that in which the whole luminary is darkened. Eclipse of the Moon, is a privation of the light of the moon, occasioned by the interposition of the body ot the earth directly between the sun and moon, and so inter- cepting the sun's rays that they cannot arrive at the moon, to illuminate her. Or, the obscuration of the moon may be considered as a section of the earth's conical shadow, by the moon passing through some part of it. The manner of this eclipse is represented in this figure, where s is the sun, E the earth, and m or m the moon. Lunar eclipses only happen at the time of full moon; because it is only at that lime the earth is between the sun and moon: nor do they happen every full moon, because of the -obliquity of the moon's path with respect to the - sun's, or more properly the earth's; but only in such full moons as happen either at the intersection of those two paths, called the moon's nodes, or very near them ; viz, when the moon's latitude, or distance between the centres of the earth and moon, is less than the sum of the apparent semi-diameters of the moon and the earth's shadow. The chief Circumstances in Lunar Eclipses are the. fol- lowing: — 1. All lunar eclipses are universal, or visible in all parts of the earth which have the moon above their ho- rizon; and are every where of the same magnitude, with the same beginning and end. — 2. In all lunar eclipses, the eastern side is what first immerges and emerges again, i.e. the left-hand side of the moon as we look towards her from the north ; for the proper motion of the moon being swifter than that of the earth's shadow, the moon ap- proaches it from the west, overtakes and passes through it with the moon's east side foremost, leaving the shadow be- hind, to the westward. — 3. Total eclipses, and those of the longest duration, happen in the very nodes of the ecliptic; because the section of the earth's shadow, then falling on the moon, is considerably larger than her disc. There may, however, be total eclipses within a small distance of the nodes ; but their duration is the less as they are farther from it; till they become only partial ones, and at last, none at all. — 4. The moon, even in the middle of an eclipse, has usually a faint appearance of light, resembling tarnished copper; which Gassendus, Ricciolus, Kepler, &c, attribute to the light of the sun, refracted by the earth's atmo- sphere, and so transmitted thither. — Lastly. She becomes sensibly more dim and pale, before entering into the real shadow; owing to a penumbra which surrounds that sha- dow to some distance. Jstronomy of Lunar Eclipses, or the method of calcu- lating their times, places, magnitudes, and other pheno- mena. The 1st preliminary is to find the length of the earth's conical shadow; which may be found either from the distance between the earth and sun, and the proportion of their diameters, or from the angle of the sun's apparent magnitude at the time. Thus, suppose the semiaxis of the earth's orbit $5, 000000 miles, and the excentricity of the orbit 1,377000 miles, making the greatest distance 96,377000 miles, or 24194 semidiameters of tEe earth; and the sun's semidiameter being to the earth's, as 112 to 1; then as ad : be : : db : ec, that is, 111 : 1 :: 21194 : 21S semidiameters of the earth = ec the length of the earth's shadow. Otherwise, suppose the an«lc aes, or the sun's apparent semidiameter be 15' 56", and the angle bae, or the sun's parallax 8"6", then is their difference, or the angle ace = 15'47'4"; hence, as tan<\ 15' 47"4": radius : : be or 1 : 21S nearly = ce, the same distance as before. Hence, as the moon's least dis- tance from the earth is scarce 50 semidiameters, and the greatest not more than 64, the moon, when in opposition to the sun, in or near the nodes, will fall into the earth's shadow, and will be eclipsed, as the length of the shadow is almost 4 times the moon's distance. 2. To find the apparent semidiameter of the earth's shadoiv, in the place where the moon passes through it, at any given time. Add together the sun and moon's parallaxes, and from the sum subtract the apparent semidiameter of the sun; so shall the remainder be the apparent semidia- meter of the shadow at the place of the moonV passage. For example, the 28lh of April 1790, at midnight, the E C L t 4S1 ] ECL moon's parallax is 6l' 9", to which add 8 6" or 9"* for the sun's parallax, from the sum 6l' IS" take 15' 56", the sun's apparent semidiameter, and the remainder 43' 22 is the semidiameler of the shadow at the place where the moon passes through at that time. But some omit the sun's parallax, as of no consequence; and increase the apparent semidiameter of the shadow by one. whole minute, for the shadow of the atmosphere ; which would give the semidiameter of the shadow, in the case above, 46' 13". 3. There must also be had, the true distance of the moon from the node, at the mean opposition; and the true time of the opposition, with the true place of the sun and moon, reduced to the ecliptic ; also the moon's true latitude at the time of the true opposition; the angle of the moon's way with the ecliptic, and the true horary mo- tions of the sun and moon: from which all the circum- stances of her eclipse may be computed by common arith- metic and trigonometry. To Construct an Eclipse of the Moon. — Lei ew be a part of the ecliptic, and c the centre »of the earth's shadow, through which draw perpendicular to ew, the line cn towards the north, if the moon have north lati- tude at the time of the eclipse, or cs southward, if she have south latitude. Make the angle bcd equal to the angle of the moon's way with the ecliptic, which may be always taken at 5° 35', on an average, without sensible error; and bisect this angle by the right linecF; in which line it is that the true equal time of opposition of the sun and moon falls, as given by the tables. From a convenient scale of equal parts, representing u< minutes of a degree, take the moon's lati- tude at the true time of full moon, and set it from c to g, on the line cf; and through the point G, at right angles to CD, draw the right line hkgli for the path of the moon's centre. Then is l the point in the earth'sshadow, where the moon's centre is at the middle of the eclipse ; c. the point where her centre is at the tabular time of her being full ; and k the point where her centre is at the instant of her ecliptic op- position : also i the moon's centre at the moment of im- mersion, and h her centre at the end of the eclipse. With the moon's semidiameter as a radius, and the points i, L, H, as centres, describe circles for the moon at the be- ginning, middle, and end of the eclipse. Finally, the length of the line of path in, measured on the same scale, will serve to determine the duration of the eclipse, viz, by saying, As the moon's horary motion from the sun is to ih : : 1 hour or 60 min. to the whole dura- tion of the eclipse. To Compute a Lunar Eclipse. This will be very easy from the foregoing construction. For, 1st, in the triangle col, right-angled at l, there are given the hypothenuse co = the moon's latitude at the time of full moon, and the angle GCL = the half of 5° 35'; to find the legs cl and LG. — 2d, In the right-angled triangle cm. or CIL, are given the leg cl, and hypothenuse cn or CI, the sum of the seniidiameters of the moon and the earth's shadow; to rind lh or li, half the difference of the sun's and moon's motions during the time of the eclipse.— 3d, As the dif- ference of the horary motions of the luminaries is to one hour, or 60 min. : : hl to the semiduration of the eclipse, and : : gl to the difference between the opposition and mid- dle of the eclipse; this last therefore taken from the time of full moon, gives the time of the middle of the eclipse ; from which subtracting the time in li, or semiduration before found, gives the beginning of the eclipse ; or add the same, and it gives the end of it. — Lastly, from cothe semidiameter of the shadow, take cl, and there remains lo ; to which add lp, the moon's semidiameter, when ne- cessary, the sum of which is op the quantity eclipsed. Note, When the moon's distance from the node exceeds 12°, there can be no eclipse of the moon ; or, more accu- rately, the limit is from 104- to 12/^ degrees, according to the distances of the sun, earth, and moon. Eclipse of the Sun, is an occupation of the sun's body, occasioned by the interposition of the moon between the earth and sun. On which account it is by some consi- dered as an eclipse of the earth, since the light of the sun is hid from it by the moon, whose shadow involves a part of the earth. The manner of a salar eclipse is represented in this figure; where s is the sun, m the moon, and CD the earth, rmso the moon's conical shadow, travelling over a part of the earth cod, and making a complete eclipse to all the inhabitants residing in that track, but no wdiere else; ex- cepting that for a large space around it there is a fainter shade, included within all the space icds, which is called the Penumbra. Hence, solar eclipses happen when the moon is in con- junction with the sun, or at the new moon, and also in the nodes or near them, the limit being about 17 degrees on each side of it; and such eclipses only happen when the latitude of the moon, viewed from the earth, is less than the sum of the apparent seniidiameters of the sun and moon; because the moon's way is oblique to the ecliptic, or sun's path, making an angle of nearly 5° 35' with it. In the nodes, when the moon has no visible latitude, the occultation is total; and with some continuance, when the disc of the moon in perigee appears greater than that of the sun in apogee, and its shadow is extended beyond the surface of the earth ; and without continuance at small distances when the cusp, or point of the moon's shadow, barely touches the earth. Lastly, out of thenodes, but near them, the eclipses are partial. The other circumstances of solar eclipses are, 1. That none of them are universal ; that is, none of them are seen throughout the whole hemisphere which the sun is then above; the moon's disc being too small and much too near the earth, to hide the sun from its whole disc. Com- monly the moon's dark shadow covers only a spot on the earth's surface, about 180 miles broad when the sun's 3M 2 ECL [ .«2' ] ECL distance is greatest, and the moon's least. But her partial shadow, or penumbra, may then cover a circular space of 4900 miles in diameter, within which the sun is more or less eclipsed, as the places are nearer to or farther trom the centre of this shadow. In this case the axis of the shade passes through the centre of the earth, or the new moon happens exactly in the node, and then it is evident that the section of the shadow is circular ; but in every other case the conical shadow is cut obliquely by the surface of the earth, and the section is an oval, and very nearly a true ellipsis. 2. Nor does the eclipse appear the *ame in all parts of the earth, where it is seen; but when in one place it is total, in another it is only partial. Farther, when the moon appears much less than the sun,- as is chiefly the case when she is in apogee and the sun in perigee, the vertex of the lunar shadow is then too short to reach the earth; for though the moon be in a central conjunction with the sun at this time, yet she is not large enough to cover his whole disc, but lets his limb appear like a lucid ring or bracelet, and so causes an annular eclipse. 3. A solar eclipse does not happen at the same time, in all places where it is seen ; but appears more early to the western parts, and later to the eastern ; as the motion of the moon, and consequently of her shadow, is from west to east. 4. In most solar eclipses the moon's disc is covered with a faint light; which is attributed to the reflexion of the light from the illuminated part of the earth. Lastly, In total eclipses of the sun, the moon's limb is seen surrounded by a pale circle of light; which some astronomers consider as an indication of a lunar atmo- sphere ; but others as the atmosphere of the sun, because it has been observed to move equally with the sun, and not with the moon ; and besides, it is generally believed that the moon is without any atmosphere, unless it be one that is very small, and very rare; which latter supposi- tion may now beconsidered as a fact well established, being confirmed by a vast number of attentive observations. To determine the Bounds of a Solar Eclipse. If the moon's parallax were inconsiderable, the bounds of a solar eclipse would be determined in the same manner as those of a lunar; but as it has a- sensible parallax, the method of proceeding is a little different, viz. 1. Add together the apparent semidiameters of the lu- minaries, both in apogee and perigee; which gives 33' b" for the greatest sum of them, and 3U' 31" fur the least sum. 2. Since the parallax diminishes the northern latitude and augments the southern, therefore let the greatest pa- rallax in latitude be added to the former sums, and also subtracted frorn them : thus in each case there will be had the true latitude, beyond which there can be no eclipse. This latitude being given, the moon's distance. from the nudes, beyond which eclipses cannot happen, is found as for a lunar eclipse. This limit is nearly between lO'i and IS-j degrees distance from the nodes. To find the Digits eclipsed. Add the apparent semidia- meters of the luminaries into one sum ; from which sub- tract the moon's apparent latitude; the remainder is the scruples, or parts of the diameter eclipsed. Then say, As the scmidiameter of the sun is to the scruples eclipsed; so arc 6' digits reduced into scruples, viz, 30*0 scruples or minutes, to the digits &c eclipsed. To determine the Duration of a Solar EcLIPSfiB. Find the horary motion of the moon from the sun, for one hour before the conjunction, and another hour after : then say, As the former horary motion is to the seconds in an hour, so are the scruples of half duration (found as in a lunar eclipse') to the timeof ihimersion; and as the latter horary motion is to the same seconds, so are the same scruples of half duration to the time of emersion. Lastly, Adding the times of immersion and emersion together, the aggregate is the total duration. The moon's apparent diameter when largest, exceeds the sun's when least, only by 2' of a degree; and in the greatest solar eclipse that can happen at any time and' place, the total darkness cannot continue any longer than whilst the moon is moving through this 2' from the sun in her orbit, which is about 4 minutes -of time : for the mo- tion of the shadow on the earth's disc is equal to the moon's motion from the sun, which on account of the earth's rotation on its axis in the same direction, or east- ward, is about 30f minutes of a degree every hour, at a mean rate ; but so much of the moon's orbit is equal to 30^- degrees. of a great circle on the earth, because the cir- cumference of the moon's orbit is about 6*0 times the cir- cumference of the earth; and therefore the moon's shadow goes 30-4 degrees, or 1830 geographical miles in an hour, or 30i. miles in a minute. To determine the Beginning, Middle, and End, of a Solar Eclipse. From the moon's latitude, for the time of con-. junction, find the arch gl (last fig. but one), or the dis- tance of the greatest obscurity. Then say, As the horary motion of the moon from the sun, before the conjunction, is to 1 hour ; so is the distance of the greatest darkness, to the interval of time between the greatest darkness and the conjunction. Subtract this interval, in the 1st and 3d M| quarter of the anomaly, from the time of the conjunc- ^ tion ; and in the other quarters, add it to the same; then the result will be the time of thegreatest darkness. Lastly, from the time of the greatest darkness subtract the time of incidence, and add it to the time of emersion; the diffe- rence in the first case will be the beginning ; and the sum, in the latter case, the end of the eclipse. To Calculate Eclipses of the Sun. 1-. Find the mean new moon, and thence the true one; with the place of the luminaries for the apparent time of the true one. — 2. For the apparent time of the true new moon, compute the ap- parent time of the new moon observed. — 3. For the ap- parent time of the new moon seen, compute the latitude seen. — 4. Thence determine the digits eclipsed. — 5. Find the times of the greatest darkness, immersion, and emer- sion. — 6". Thence determine the beginning and ending of the eclipse. From the foregoing problems, it is evident that all the trouble and fatigue of the calculus arises from the paral- laxes of longitude and latitude, without which, the calcu- lation of solar eclipses would be the same with that of lunar ones. See the Construction and Calculation of Eclipses by Fhunsteed, in Sit Jonas Moore's System of Mathematics, and in Ferguson's Astronomy, &c. In the Philos. Trans. N° 4>6), isa contrivance to repre- sent solar eclipses, by means of the terrestrial globe, by M. Segu< r, professor of mathematics at Gottingen. And Mr. Ferguson titled a terrestrial globe, so as to show the time, quantity , duration, and progress of solar eclipses, at any place of the earth where tiny are visible; which he calls the Eclipsareon. lie has also given a large ca- talogue of ancient and modem eclipses, including those re- - E C L [4; corded in history, from 721 years -before Christ, to A. d. 1485; also computed eclipses from 1485 to 1700, and all the eclipses visible in Europe from 1700 to 1800. See his Astron. The "Number q/Eclipess, of both luminaries, in any year, cannot be less than two, nor more than seven ; the most usual number is 4, and it is rare to have more than 6. The reason of which limitation is obvious; because the sun passes by both the nodes but once in -a year; un- less he pass by one of them in the beginning of the year; in which case he will pass by the sameagain a little before the end of the year; because the nodes move backwards lg-y degrees every year, so that the sun will come to either of them 173 days after the other : if either node. be within 17° of the sun at the time of new moon, the sun. will be eclipsed ; and at the subsequent opposition, the moon will be eclipsed in the other node, and come round to the next conjunction before the former node be 17° beyond thesun, and eclipse him again. When three eclipses happen about either node, the like number commonly happens about the opposite one ; as the sun comes to it in 173 days after- ward, and 6 lunations contain only 4 days more. Thus there may be two eclipses of the sun, and one of the moon, about each of the nodes. But when the. moon changes in either of the nodes, she cannot be near enough the other node, at the next full, to be eclipsed ; and in 6 lunar months afterward she will change near the other node; in which case there cannot be more than two eclipses in a year, both of the sun. Period of Eclipses, is the period of time in which the same eclipses return again ; and as the nodes move back- wards lQj degrees every year,, they must shift through every point of the ecliptic in IS years and 225 days ; and this would 'be the regular period of their return, if any complete number of lunations were finished without afrac- tion ; but this is not the case. However, in 223 mean lu- nations, after thesun, moon, and nodes have been once in a line of conjunction, they return so nearly to the same state again, as that the same node which was inconjunction with the sun and moon at the beginning of the first of these lunations, will be within 2S' 12" of the line of conjunction with the sun and moon again, when the last of these luna- tions is completed ; and in this period there will be a re- gular return of eclipses for many ages. To the mean time of any solar or lunar eclipse, by adding this period, or J 8 Julian years 1 1 days 7 hours 43 minutes 20 seconds, when the last day of February in leap-years is 4 times included, or a day less when it occurs 5 times, we shall have the mean time of the return of thesame eclipse. Inan inter- val ol'O'syu mean lunations, containing 557 years 21 days 18 hours 30 minutes 11 seconds, the sun and node meet so nearly, as to be distant only 11 seconds. The Use of Ecu pses. In astronomy, eclipses of the moon determine the spherical figure of the earth ; they also show that the sun is larger than the earth, and the earth than the moon. Eclipses also, that are similar in all cir- cumstances, and that happen at considerable intervals of time, serve to ascertain the period of the moon's motion. In geography, eclipses discover the longitude of different places ; for which purpose those of the moon are the more useful, because they are more often visible, and the same lunar eclipse is of equal magnitude and duration at all places where it is seen. In chronology, both solar and lunar eclipses serve i> determine exactly the time of any past evi n'. 3 ] E G L The following is a list of all the solar eclipses visible in this country till the year 2000 ; the times adapted to Lei- cestershire, the middle of England. A Table of all the Solar Eclipses that will be visible till the Year 2000. Dates. Beginning. Middle. End. V gits. h. m. s. h. m. s. ll. III. s. de£ . m. 5 S 16 Nov. 1 9, m 8 18 28 9 25 28 10 36 28 9" 38 1818 May 5, ill 5 58 21 6 53 21 7 52 51 5 1S20 Sept. 7, a 1 3 39 2 36 39 3 58 39 11 20 1823 July 8, m 5 15 30 5 35 30 5 55 50 56 1820 Dec. 29, m 10 18 116 8 13 38 6 41 1833 July 17, m 5 3 10 5 55 10 .6 50 55 36 1836 May 15, a 2 1 1 3 29 1 4, 4S 1 11 18 1841 July 18, a 2 36 29 2 43 17 2 50 2 of 1S42 JulyS, m 4 51 45 5 44 15 6 40 15 8 54' 1845 May 6, m 8 30 25 9 51 55 11 19 55 6 15 1846 April 25, a 5 44 38 6 21 8 6 56 8 2 ' 21 1847 Oct. 9, m 6 22 3S 7 36 38 8 48 38 11 1S51 July 28, a 1 57 11 3 5 11 4 10 41 9 43 1858 Mar. 15, m 11 29 30 12 52 2 2 12 11 30 1860 July 18, a 1 34 30 2 45 3 52 30 9 12 1861 Dec. 31, a ] 50 43 2 46 13 3 37 58 5 1863 May 17, a 5 37 50 6 27 20 7 12 35 3 46 1865 Oct. 19, a 3 55 58 5 9 5S 6 17 28 7 36 1866 Sept. 28, a 4 39 14 5 33 14 6 32 44 5 3 I867 March 6,m 8 7 26 9 21 2 6 10 40 26 8 42 1870 Dec. 22, 111 11 15 28 12 32 58 1 48 28 9 36 1873"Maj 26, m 7 53 4li 8 46 46 9 43 16 3 43 1874 Oct'. 10, 111 8 55 7 10 13 37 11 04 37 6 IS 1875 Sept. 20, a 6 57 32 57 58 57 33 1880 Dec. 30, a 1 44 46 2 40 16 3 33 16 4 24 1882 May 17, 111 6 15 59 6 54 14 7 31 59 '2 18 1887 Aug. 19,m 3 25 22 4 15 22 5 7 52 11 58 1890 June 17, m 8 20 29 9 23 29 10 30 29 4 39 1891 June 6, a 4 57 56 5 40 26 6 20 26 3 1899 June 8, m 4 48 5 31 6 14 20 3 13 1905 Aug. 30, m 11 54 52 1 8 42 2 19 42 9 30 1908 June 28, a 5 10 5 42 6 12 30 1 20 1912 April 17, in 10 48 12 12 23 12 1 45 12 11 30 1914 Aug. 2, in 10 38 58 11 52 58 1 6 28 8 9 1916 Fell. 3 a 4 21 10 5 21 40 6 18 10 12 1919 Nov. 22, a 3 20 32 4 17 32 5 10 32 3 1920 Nov. 10, a 3 53 6 5 1 36 3 36 7 3 1921 April s, m 7 39 1 8 52 51 10 9 31 to 48 1922 Mar. 28, a 1 15 25 2 8 55 2 59 25 2 16 1925 Jan. 24, a 2 47 29 3 52 49 4 54 9 10 1927 June 29,m 4 29 11 5 24 41 6 25 41 11 6 1928 Nov. 12,m 7 47 4 8 35 .4 9 27 4 2 42 1 929 Nov. 1 , m 10 59 16 11 36 6 12 10 36 59 1936 June 1 9, m 3 55 40 4 42 10 5 32 10 6 42 1939 April 19, a 5 32 52 6 24 22 7 12 52 4 42 1942 Sept. 10, a 3 26 6 4 14 36 5 6 3 54 1945 July 9, a 47 57 2 2 57 3 13 57 7 49 1919 A](il28,ni 6 44 44 7 40 44 8 41 34 4 27 1952 Feb. 25, in 8 38 3 9 11 38 9 46 8 1 29 1954 June 30, m 11 20 2 12 38 32 2 11 2 9 39 1959 Oct. 2, in 11 26 1 12 24 1 1 21 31 4 5 1961 Fell. 15, hi 6 39 10 7 40 40 8 46 40 11 25 1966 May 20, in 8 33 7 9 36 7 10 43 7 f 17 1968 Sept. 22, m . 9 30 18 10 27 18 11 27 48 4 7 1971 Felj.25, ni 8 37 3S 9 41 38 10 48 38 7 54 1972 July 10, a 7 3 7 52 8 21 22 9 3 2'2 6 4 1973 Dec. 24, a 3 10 6 4 19 36 5 22 36 5 56 1975 May 11, m 5 38 26 6 34 56 7 3i 26 6 48 1976 April 29, m 9 42 10 19 10 Jl 1 2 1982 Dec. 15, m 7 23 28 8 29 28 5 41 28 5 18 1984 May 30, a 5 24 59 6 23 29 7 17 59 6 19 1994 May 10, a 5 52 31 6 50 31 ! 7 45 31 5 55 1996 Oct. 12, a 1 9 18 2 23 18 1 3 42 7 15 1999 Auir. 1 1,111 9 10 52 10 2" 52 1 11 47 32 1 1 24 Eclipses of the Satellites. Sea Satellites of Jupiter. — The principal circumstances here observed are, 1. That the satellites of Jupiter undergo two or three kinds of eclipses ; the first of which are proper, being such as hap- pen when Jupiter's body is directly interposed between them and the sun; which eclipses happen almost every day. Various authors have given tables for computing E C L [ 454 ] ECL eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter; as Flamsteed, Cassini, Wargentin, &c. The second sort are occultations, rather than observa- tions ; when the satellites, coming too near the body of Jupiter, are lost in his light; which Riccioli calls occidere zeusiace, setting joviall)'. In which case, the nearest or first satellite exhibits a third kind of eclipse; being ob- served like a round macula, or dark spot, transiting the disc of Jupiter, with a motion contrary to that of the sa- tellite ; like as the moon's shadow, projected on the earth, will appear to do, to the lunar inhabitants. The; eclipses of Jupiter's satellites furnish very good means of finding the longitude at sea. Those especially of the first satellite are much surer than the eclipses of the moon, and they also happen much oftener : the manner of applying them is also very easy. In the Philos. Trans, for 1786, Mr. Pigott gave a preferable method by the lu- nar transits. See Longitude. ECLIPTIC, in Astronomy, a great circle of the sphere couceived to pass through the middle of the zodiac. It is sometimes called the via solis, or sun's path, being the track which he appears to describe among the fixed stars ; though more properly it is the apparent path of the earth, as viewed from the sun, and thence called the heliocentric- circle of the earth. It is called the ecliptic, because all the eclipses of the sun or moon happen when the moon crosses it, or is nearly in oneoflhosetwo parts of her orbit where it crosses the ecliptic, which points are called the moon's nodes. Upon the ecliptic are marked and counted the 12 ce- lestial signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, &c; and also the longi- tude of the planets and stars. Its situation is oblique with respect to the equator, which it cuts in two opposite points, viz, the beginning of Aries and Libra, being directly op- posite to each other, and called the equinoxes, making one half of the ecliptic to the north, and the other halt' on the south side of the equator ; the two extreme points of it, to the north and south, which are opposite to each other, and at a quadrant distance from the equinoctial points both ways, arc called the solstices, or solstitial points, or also the two tropics, which are at the beginning of Cancer and Capricorn, being at the farthest distance of any points of it from the equator, which distance is the measure of the sun's greatest declination, and is the same with the obliquity of the ecliptic, or (he angle it makes with the equator. This obliquity of the ecliptic is not permanent, but is continually varying, by the ecliptic approaching nearer and marer to a parallelism with the equator, at the rate at prcstntof 42"'6 in 100 years, as is deduced from an- cient and modern observations compared together ; and as the mean obliquity of the ecliptic was 23° 28' about the end of the year 1788, or beginning of 1789, by adding ■426" of a secoml for each preceding year, or subtracting the same for each following year, the mean obliquity will be found nearly, fot any year either before or since that period. The quantity however of this change is variously stajed by different authors. Hipparchus, almost two thou- sand years since, observed the obliquity of the ecliptic, and found it about 23° 51'; and all succeeding astronomers, to the present time, having observed the same, have found it always less and less ; being now rather under 23° 28' ; a difference of about 23' in 1950 years ; which gives a me- dium of 70" in 100 years. There is no doubt, however, that the diminution is variable. It is now well known that this change in the obliquity of the ecliptic, is wholly owing to the actions of the planets upon the earth, and especially the planets Venus and Ju- piter, but chiefly the former. See Lagrange's excellent paper on this subject in the Memoirs of the French Aca- demy for 1774- ;Cassini's in 177S ; and Lalande's Astron. vol. 3, art. 2737- According to Lagrange, who proceeds upon theory, the annual change of obliquity is variable, and has its limits : about 2000 years ago, he thinks it was after the rate of 'about 38" in 100 years; that it is now, and will be for 400 years to come, 56" per century ; but 2000 years hence, 49" per century. According to Cassini, who computes from observations of the obliquity between the years 1739 and 1778, the annual change at present is 6'0" or 1' in 100 years. But according to Lalande, the diminution is at the rate, of 42"'6 per century ; while Dr. Maskelyne makes it 50" in the same time. But later observations and the calculations of Laplace, give now 52"' 1 for the mean secular variation. Besides the diminution of the obliquity of the ecliptic, at the above rate, which arises from a change of the ecliptic itself, it is subject to two periodical inequalities, the one produced by the unequal force of the sun in causing the precession of the equinoxes, and the other depending on the nutation of the earth's axis. See the Explanation and Use of Dr. Maskelyne's Tables and Observations, pa. vi, where he shows how to calculate those inequalities ; and also, from his own observations, determines the mean ob- liquity of the ecliptic to the beginning of 'the year 176~9, to be 23° 28' 9"-7. To find the Obliquity of the Ecliptic, or the greatest de- clination of the sun: — About the time of the summer sol- stice observe very carefully the sun's zenith distance for several days together; then the difference between this distance and the latitude of the place, will be the obliquity sought, when the sun and equator are botli on one side of the place of observation ; but their sum will be the obli- quity when they are on different sides of it. Or, it may be found by observing the meridian altitude, or zenith distance, of the sun's centre, on the days of the summer and winter solstice; then the difference of the two will be the distance between the tropics, the half of which will be the obliquity sought. By the same method too, the declination of the sun from the equator for any other day may be found ; and thus a table of his declination for every day in the year might be constructed. Thus also the declination of the stars might be found. The observations of astronomers of all ages, on the ob- liquity of the ecliptic, have been collected together ; and although some of them may not be quite accurate, yet they sufficiently show the gradual and continual decrease of the obliquity from the times of the earliest observations down to the present time. The chief of those observations may be seen in the following table ; where the- firsl co- lumn contains the name- of the observer, or author ; the 2d, the year before or after Christ; and the 3d, the obliquity of the ecliptic for the time. See l'tolem. Aim. lib. 1, cap. 10; [liccioli Aim. vol. i, lib. 3, cap. 27; Flamsteed, Proleg. Hist. Ccel.vol. 3; Phi- los. Trans. N° l6S ; ibid. vol. 63, pt. 1 ; Long's Astron. vol. I, cap. l6j Memoirs of the Acad. an. 1716', 1734, 176"2, 176'7, 177 I, 1778 ; ActaErud. Lipsi;e, 1719; Naut. Aim. 1779; Maskelyne's Observ. Explan. pa.vi ; &c. Se< Laplace. E C L [ E C L Table exhibiting the Degree of Obliquity of the Ecliptic at various Times, as determined from ancient and modern Observations. Table of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic for Forty Centuries, with its Secular Variation. Authors' Names. Years before Christ. Obliquity. Pytheas - - - - 324 'is 49 23 Eratosthenes and Hipparchus 230 & 140 ^fier Christ 23 51 20 Ptolemy 140 23 48 45 Almahmon - 832 23 35 Albategnius - 880 23 35 Thebat - 911 23 33 30 Abul Wasi and Hamed 999 23 35 Persian Tables in Chrysococea 1004 23 35 Albatrunius - 1007 23 3.5 Arzachel - - 1104 23 33 30 Almaeon - - - - 1140 23 33 30 Choja Nassir Oddin 1290 23 30 Prophatius the Jew 1300 23 32 Ebn Shattir - _ - 1363 23 31 Purbach and Regiomontanus - 1460 23 30 Ulugh Beigh 1463 23 30 17 Walther - 1476 23 30 Ditto corrected by refraction, &c. 23 2y 8 Werner -'-.-'. 1510 23 28 30 Copernicus - 1525 23 28 24 Egnatio Danti ... 1570 23 29 Prince of Hesse ... 1570 23 31 Rothmann and Byrge - 1570 23 30 20 Tycho Brahe - - - 1584 23 31 30 Ditto corrected ... 23 29 Wright - 1594 23 30 Kepler .... 1627 23 30 30 Gassendus - - - 1630 23 31 Ricciolus .... 1646 23 30 20 Ditto corrected - - - . 1655 23 29 Hevelius .... 1653 23 30 20 Ditto corrected - - - 1661 23 28 52 Cassini - 1655 23 29 15 Montons, corrected, &c 1660 23 29 3 Richer corrected 1672 23 28 52 La Hire. .... 1686 23 29 Ditto corrected - - - ,. ' 23 29 28 Flamsteed ... 1690 23 29 Bianchini ... 1703 23 28 25 Roemer - 1706 23 28 41 Louville - - 1715 23 28 24 Godin .... 1730 23 28 20 Bradley - # 1750 23 28 18 Mayer .... 1756 '23 28 16 Maskelyne 1769 23 23 10 Hornsby .... 1772 23 28 8 Nautical Almanac 1779 23 23 7 Ditto .... 1800 23 27 50 Dr. Maskelyne's observations 1800 23 27 56-0 Piazzi .... 1800 23 27 56'3 Mr. Pond ... - 1800 23 27 56'5 Delambie with repeating circle"! ofBorda, mean of many bun- {- 1800 23 27 57 died observations - - J English and French astronomers 1812 23 27 42 Mean Obliquity. Secular Variation. A.C. ' 900 23° 50' 26"-2 SOO 23 49 39 -6 46"-9 700 23 48 52 -7 47 -2 600 23 43 5 -5 . 47-5 500 .23 47 13-0 47 -9 400 23 46 30-1 48 -2 300 23 45 41 -9 48-5 200 23 44 53 -4 48 -9 100 23 44 4'5 49 -1 23 43 15-4 49 '3 A.D. 100 23 42 26 • 1 49 '7 200 23 41 36-4 49-9 300 23 40 46 -5 50-1 400 23 39 56 -4 50'3 500 23 39 6-1 50-5 600 23 38 15-6 50-8 700 23 37 24-8 51 -0 800 23 36 33 -8 51 -1 900 23 35 42 -7 51 '3 1000 23 34 51 -4 51 -4 1 100 23 34 0-0 51 -5 1200 23 33 8 -5 51 -7 1300 ,23 32 16-8 51 -8 1400 23 31 25-0 51 -9 1500 23 30 33-1 52 -Q 1600 23 29 41 -1 52-0 1700 23 28 49'1 52 '1 1800 23 27 57 -0 52 -1 1900 23 27 5 -0 52-1 2000 23 26 12-8 52-2 2100 23 25 20 -6 52-3 2200 23 24 28 -3 52-2 2300 - 23 23 36 -1 52-2 2400 23 22 43 -9 52-2 2500 23 21 51-7 52-2 2600 23 20 59 -5 52-1 2700 23 20 7 "4 52-1 2800 23 19 15-3 52-1 2900 23 18 23'3 52 '0 3000 23 17 31 3 52'0 According to an ancient tradition of the Egyptians, mentioned by Herodotus, the ecliptic had formerly been perpendicular to the equator: they were led into this no- tion by observing, for a long series of years, that the ob- liquity was continually diminishing; or, which amounts to the same thing, that the ecliptic was continually ap- proaching to the equator. Hence they took occasion to suspect that those two circles, in the beginning, had been as far oft' each other as possible, that is, perpendicular to each other. Diodorus Siculus relates, that the Chaldeans reckoned 403,000 years from their first observations to the time of Alexander's entering Babylon. This enormous account may have some foundation, on the supposition that the Chaldeans deduced it from the diminution of the obliquity of the ecliptic at the rate of a minute in 100 years. M. de Louville, taking the obliquity, such as it must have been at the time of Alexander's entrance into E L A [ 45G ] E L A Babylon, and going back to the time when the ecliptic, at that rate, must have been perpendicular to the equator, actually finds 402,942 Egyptian or Chaldean years; which is only 58 years short of that epocha. Indeed there is no way so probable of accounting for the fabulous an- tiquity of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, &c, as from the sup- position of long periods of very slow celestial motions, a small part of which they had observed, and from which they calculated the beginning of the period, making the world and their own nation to commence together. Or perhaps they sometimes counted months or days for years. Ecliptic, in Geography, a great circle on the terres- trial globe, in the plane of, or directly under, .the celestial ecliptic. Ecliptic, Eclipticus, something belonging to the eclip- tic, or to eclipses ; as ecliptic conjunction, opposition, &c. Ecliptic Bounds, or Limits, are the greatest distances from the nodes at which the sun or moon can be eclipsed ; namelv, near 18 degrees for the sun, and 12 degrees for the moon. Ecliptic Digits, Digiti ecliptici. See Digits. Poles of the Ecliptic, are the two opposite points of the sphere which are each every where equally distant from the ecliptic, viz, 90°. The distance of the poles of the ecliptic from the poles of the equator, or of the world, is always equal to the varying distance of the obliquity of the ecliptic, which for the year 1800 was, according to Dr. Maskelyne, 23° 27' 56"-f5. Reduction to the Ecliptic. See Reduction. EFFECT. The result or consequence of the application of a cause, or agent, on some subject. It is one of the great axioms in philosophy, that effects are always pro- portional to the powers of their adequate causes. EFFECTION, denotes the geometrical construction of a proposition. The term is also used in reference to pro- blems and practices ; which, when they are deducible from, or founded on some general propositions, are called the geometrical effection of them. EFFERVESCENCE, is popularly used for a light ebullition, or a brisk intestine motion, produced in a liquor by the first action of heat, with any remarkable separation of its parts. EFFICIENT Cause, is that which produces an effect. See Cause and Effect. Efficients, in Arithmetic, are the numbers given for an operation of multiplication, and are otherwise called the factors. Hence the term coefficients in algebra, which are the numbers prefixed to, or that multiply the letters or algebraic quantities. EFFLUVIUM, a flux or exhalation of minute particles from any body ; or an emanation of subtile corpuscles from a mixed, sensible body, by a kind of motion of transpiration. ELASTIC, an appellation given to all bodies endow.ed with the property of elasticity or springiness. Elastic Body, is that which changes its figure, and yields to any impulse or pressure, but endeavours by its own nature and force to restore the same again ; or, it is a body of such a nature thai, when compressed or con- densed, it will make an effort to set itself at liberty, and to repel the body that constrained it: such, for instance, as a bow, or a sword-blade, ike, which are easily bent, but presently return to their former figure and extension. All bodies partake of this property in some degree, though perhaps none arc perfectly elastic, as none are found to restore themselves with a force equal to that with which they are compressed. The principal phenomena observable in clastic bodies, are, 1. That an elastic body (i. e. a body perfectly elastic, if any such there be) endeavours to restore itself with the same force with which it is pressed or bent. 2. Air elastic body exerts its force equally towards all sides; though the effect is chiefly found on that side where the resistance is weakest; as is evident in the case of a gun exploding a ball, a bow shooting out an arrow, &c. — 3. Elastic bo- dies, in whatever manner they are struck or impelled, are inflected and rebound after the same manner : thus a bell yields the same musical sound, in whatever manner, or on whatever side it be struck ; the same of a tense or musical chord; and a body rebounds from a plane in the same angle in which it meets or strikes it, making the angle of incidence equal to the angle of reflection, whether the in- tensity of the stroke be great or small. — 4. A perfectly fluid body cannot be elastic, if it be allowed that its parts cannot be compressed. — 5. A body perfectly solid, can- not be elastic; because, having no pores, it is incapable of being convpressed. — ()'. The elastic properties of bodies seem to differ, according to their greater or less density or compactness, though not in an equal dearee : thus, metals are rendered more compact and elastic by being ham- mered: tempered steel is much more elastic than soft steel ; and the density of the former is to that of the latter as 7809 to 7738. Cold condenses solid bodies, and ren- ders them more elastic ; while heat, that relaxes them, has the opposite effect : but, on the contrary, air, and other elastic fluids, are expanded by heat, and rendered more elastic. — For the laws of motion and percussion in elastic bodies, see Motion, and Percussion. Elastic Curve. See Catenaria. Elastic Fluids. See Air, Electricity, Gas, Elas- tic Vapours, &c. Elastic Gum. The same as Caoutchouc, or Indian Rubber. Elastic Vapours, or Fluids, are such as may be com- pressed mechanically into a less space, and which resume their former state when the compressing force is with- drawn ; such as atmospheric air, and all the aerial fluids, with all kinds of fumes raised by means of heat, whether from solid or fluid bodies. Of these, some remain elastic only while a considerable degree of heat is applied to them, or to the substance which produces them ; while others continue elastic in every degree of cold that has yet been observed. Of the former kind, are the vapours of water, spirit of wine, mer- cury, sal-ammoniac, and all kinds of sublimable salts : of the latter, those of spirit of salt, mixtures of vitriolic acid and iron, nitrous acid, and various other metals, and in short the several species of aerial fluids indiscriminately. The elastic force with which any one of these fluids is endowed, has not yet been calculated, as being ultimately greater than any obstacle we can put in its way. Thus, on compressing atmospheric air, we find that for some liitle time at first it easily yields to any force applied ; but at every succeeding moment the resistance becomes stronger, and a greater and greater force must be applied, to com- press it further. As the compression goes on, the vessel containing the aii becomes hot; hut no power whatever has yet been able in any degree to destroy the elasticity of ELA r 457 ] E L E the contained fluid ; for, upon removing the pressure, it is always found to occupy the very same space that it did before. The case is the same with the steam of water, to which a sufficient heat is applied to keep it from condens- ing into water again. Elasticity, or Elastic Force, that property of bodies by which they restore themselves to their former figure, after any external pressure. The cause or principle of this important property, elas- ticity, is variously accounted for. The Cartesians ascribe it to a subtile matter making an effort to pass through pores that are too narrow for it. Thus, say they, in bend- ing or compressing a hard elastic body, as a bow, for in- stance, its parts recede from each other on the convex side, and approach on the concave one : consequently the pores are contracted or straitened on the concave side; and, if they were before round, are now perhaps oval : so that the materia subtilis, or matter of the second element, endeavouring to pass out of the pores thus straitened, must make an effort, at the same time, to restore the body to the state it was in when the pores were cylindrical, i.e. before the bow was bent : and in this consists its elasticity. Other later philosophers account for elasticity much after the same manner as the Cartesians ; with this differ- ence only, that instead of the subtile matter of the Carte- sians, these substitute ether, or a fine ethereal medium that pervades all bodies. Others, setting aside the precarious notion of a materia subfilis, account for elasticity from the great law of na- ture, attraction, or the cause of the cohesion of the parts of solid and firm bodies. Thus, say they, when a hard body is struck or bent, so that the component parts are moved a little from each other, but not quite disjointed or broken off, or separated so far as to be out of the power of that attracting force by which they cohere ; they must, on removing the external violence, spring back to their former natural state. Others again resolve elasticity into the pressure of the atmosphere : for a violent tension, or compression, though not so great as to separate the constituent particles of bo- dies far enough to let in any foreign matter, must )et occa- sion many little vacuola between the separated surfaces; so that on the removal of the force they will close again by the pressure of the aerial fluid upon the external parts. Lastly, Others attribute the elasticity of all hard bodies to the power of resilition in the air included within them; and so make the elastic force of the air the principle of elasticity in all other bodies. See Desaguliers's Exper. Philos. vol. 2, pa. 38, &c. The Elasticity of Fluids is accounted for from their particles being all endowed with a centrifugal force ; whence Sir Isaac Newton demonstrates, prop. 23, lib. 2, that particles, which naturally avoid or fly off from one another by such forces as are reciprocally proportional to the distances of their centres, will compose an clastic fluid, discovered by Lord Bacon, and farther established by Ga- lileo. Its existence is thus proved by the latter philoso- pher: An extraordinary quantity of air being intruded, by means of a syringe, into a hollow ball or shell of glass or metal, till such time as the ball, with its accession of air, weigh considerably more in the balance than it did before ; then, opening the mouth of the ball, the air rushes out, till the ball sink to its former weight. Hence he inferred, that just as much air had issued out, as com- pressed air had been compressed' in. Air therefore re- turns to its former degree of expansion, on removing the force that compressed or resisted its expansion ; and con- sequently it is endowed with an elastic force. It may be added, that as the air is found to rush out in every situa- tion or direction of the orifice, the elastic force acts every way, or in every direction alike. See Air, and Atmo- sphere. The cause of elasticity in air has been usually ascribed to a repulsion between its particles ; but what is the cause of that repulsion ? The term repulsion, like that of at- traction, requires to be defined; and probably it will be found in most cases to be the effect of the action of some other fluid. Thus, it is found that the elasticity of the at- mosphere is very considerably affected by heat. Supposing a quantity of air heated to such a degree as to raise Fahrenheit's thermometer to 212, it will then occupy a considerable space ; but if it be cooled again to such a degree, as to sink the thermometer to 0, it will shrink up to less than half the former bulk. The quantity of repul- sive power therefore acquired by the air, while passing from one of these states to the other, is evidently owing to the heat added to it, or taken away from it. Nor does there seem to be any reason to suppose, that the quantity of elasticity or repulsive power it still possesses, is owing to any other cause than the fire contained in it. The sup- position that repulsion is a primary cause, independent of all others, has given rise to many erroneous theories, and very much embarrassed philosophers in accounting for the phenomena of elasticity. The elasticity of the air is not only proportional to its density, but is always equal to the force which compresses it, because these two forces exactly balance each other. This elasticity, in the atmospheric air, is measured by the height of the barometer at any time, allowing for its heat or temperature, after this rate, viz, the 434th part for each degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer, above or below some mean temperature, as 55° ; for by that part of the whole it is that air expands or contracts, or else increases or de- creases in its elasticity, for each degree of the thermome- ter. Sir Geo. Shuckburgh, in the Philos. Trans, for 1777,- pa. 56 1. ELECTIONS, or Choice, signify the several different ways of taking any number of things proposed, either se- parately, or as combined in pairs, in threes, in fours, &c; not as to the order, but only as to the number and variety of them. Thus, of the things a, b, c, d, e, &c, the elec- whose density is proportional to its compression ; and vice versa, if any fluid be composed of particles that fly off or' tions of avoid one another, and have its density proportional to its one thing are (a,) 1 = 2* — 1, compression, then the centrifugal forces of those particles will be reciprocally proportional to the distances of their centres. Elasticity of the Air is the force with which that element endeavours to expand, and with which it does actually dilate itself, on removing the force that com- presses it. The elasticity or spring of the air was first Vol. I. two things are (a, b, ab) 3 = 2 2 — 1, three things are (a, b, c, ab, ac, be, abc) 7 = 2 3 — 1, &c ; and of any number, n, all the elections are 2" — 1 ; that is, one less than the power of 2 whose exponent is n, the number of single things to be chosen, either separately or in combination. See Combination. ELECTRIC, in Physics, is a term applied to those sub- 3 N E L E [ 458 ] E L E stances in which the electric fluid can be excited, and accumulated, without transmitting it; and which are therefore called non-conductors. They are also called original Electrics, and Electrics per se. The word is de- rived from yteTtrpov, amber, one of the most observable non-conductors, and the only one known to the ancients. To this class alsp belong glass, and all vitrifications, even of metals ; all precious stones, of which the most trans- parent are the best ; resins, and resinous compositions ; sulphur, and baked wood; all bituminous substances, wax, silk, and cotton; all dry animal substances, as feathers, wool, hair, &c ; also paper, white sugar, and sugar-candy; likewise air, oils, chocolate, calces of metals and semi- metals, the ashes of animal and vegetable substances, the rust of metals, all dry vegetable substances, and stones, of which the hardest are the best. Substances of this kind may be excited, so as to exhi- bit the electric appearances of attracting and repelling light bodies, emitting a spark of light, attended with a snapping noise, and yielding a current of air, the sensation of which resembles that of a spider's web drawn over the face, &c, and a smell like that of phosphorus ; and this exciting may be either produced by friction, or by heating and cooling, or by melting, and pouring one melted substance into another. — The term is peculiarly applied to the elec- tric, viz, the globe, or cylinder, Sec, used in electrical machines, for collecting the fluid by friction. Electric a I. Air Thermometer, an instrument contrived by Mr. Kinnersley of Philadelphia, and used in determin- ing the effects of the electrical explosion upon air ; a de- scription of which may be seen in Franklin's Letters, &c, pa. 3S9, 4to, 176"9. Electrical Apparatus, consists of glass tubes, about 3 feet long, and an inch and a half in diameter, one of which should be closed at one end, and furnished at the other end with a brass cap and stop-cock, to rarefy or condense the inclosed air ; sticks of sealing-wax, or tubes of rough glass, or glass tubes covered with sealing-wax, or cylinders of baked wood for producing the negative elec- tricity; with proper rubbers, as black oiled silk, with amalgam upon it for the former, and soft new flannel, or hare-skins, or cat-skins, tanned with the hair on, for the latter; coated jars, or plates of glass, either single, or combined in a battery, for accumulating electricity ; me- - tal rods, as dischargers; an electrical machine; electro- meters, and insulated stools, supported by pillars of glass, covered with sealing-wax, or baked wood, varnished or boiled in linseed oil. Electrical Atmosphere, is a stream or mass of the electric fluid which surrounds an excited or electrified body, to a certain distance. Electrical Balls. See Balls, and Electrometer. Electrical Batten/, consists of a number of coated jars, placed near each other in a convenient manner. These being charged, or electrified, and connected with each other, are then suddenly exploded or discharged, with a prodigious effect. Sec Battery. Electrical Bells, are a set of bells mounted in a pe- culiar manner, so as to be rung by means of the action of the electric fluid. Fig. 10, plate vii, represents a set of bells of this kind; when the chipper is suspended from the fly bed, the axis of which rests in a small hole on the top of the glass pillar ef; the upper part of the axis moves freely on, and is supported by a hole in the brass piece gs, and bells of different tones arc placed round the board /iik. This apparatus being placed near the cylinder, the prime conductor being removed, will, when the machine is in action, be put in motion, the clapper of which striking the bells in succession, produces an agreeable harmony. Electric Experiments, are certain experiments made by means of an electric machine and apparatus; some- times in order to discover the nature and properties of the electric fluid, and at others for the amusement of the operator or by-standers. But, in a work like the present, it is impossible to give any thing like a complete set of experiments : we have however selected the following ; and must refer the reader, for others, to Adams's, Caval- lo's, and Cuthbertson's works on this subject. Experiment 1. Put the machine in action, connect the cushion by a chain with the ground, and those bodies which communicate with the positive conductor will be electrified positively. Connect the positive conductor with the earth by a chain, take off the chain from the cushion, and those bodies which communicate with the cushion, or negative conductor, will be electrilied nega- tively. Exper. 2- Connect the positive conductor by a chain with the table; turn the cylinder, and the cushion will be found to be negatively electrified. Take the chain off from the positive conductor, and both will exhibit signs of electricity ; but any electrified body, which is attracted by the one, will be repelled by the other. If the)' are brought sufficiently near to each other, sparks will pass between them, and they will act on each other stronger than on any other bodies. If they are connected toge- ther, the electricity of the one will destroy that of the other; for though the fluid seems to proceed from the cushion to the conductor, the two, when thus conjoined, will exhibit no signs of electricity, because the fluid is continually circulating from one to the other, and is there- fore kept always, in the. same state. We see, by this experiment, that electric appearances are produced both in the electric which is excited, and the substance by which it is excited, provided that sub- stance be insulated ; but their electric powers are directly reverse of each other, and may be distinguished by oppo- site effects. Expcr. 3. If the cushion and the conductor are both in- sulated, it is observed, that the less electric fluid is ob- tained, the more perfect the insulation is made. ■ The moisture, which is at all times floating in the air, together' with the small points, from which it is im- possible totally to free the cushion, do not permit it So be perfectly insulated, so as to afford no supply of electric matter to the cushion. If the air, and other parts of the apparatus, are very dry, little or no electricity will be produced under the above-mentioned circumstances. From this experiment it is inferred, that the electric powers do not exist in the electrics themselves, but are produced from the earth by the excitation of electrics; or that the electric matter on the prime conductor is not produced by the friction of the cylinder against the cushion, but is collected by that operation from it, and from those bodieswhich arc connected with il. Exper. 4. Touch a pair of insulated pith balls with an excited glass tube, they will become electrilied, and will separate from each other; the balls are electrified posi- tively, and are therefore attracted by excited wax, and repelled by excited glass. As those light substances, which possess the same electric power, repel each other ;. E L E [ 459 ] ELE we can easily discover whether they are electrified posi- tively or negatively, by presenting an excited stick of sealing-wax or glass to them. If they are attracted by the glass, they are negatively, if repelled by it, they ai - e po- sitively electrified; on the contrary, if repelled by the excited wax, they are negative, if attracted, positive. In ascertaining the nature of the electric powers, we must avoid bringing the bodies to be tried near each other suddenly ; or one with a strong electricity near another which is weakly so; as it may render the experiment doubtful, by attracting, and not repelling the light body. Exper. 5. Insulate a long metallic rod, suspend a pair of pith balls from each end of it, place one of the ends at about two inches from the prime conductor, the other end as far from it as possible, electrify the conductor, and the electric fluid in the rod will be driven to that end which is furthest from the conductor; so that one end will be electrified negatively, the other end positively, as will be seen by the balls. Exper. 6. Fix the end of a wire, having feathers at- tached to it, in the small hole which is at the end of the prime conductor; turn the cylinder, and the feathers, which are connected with the wire by linen threads, will separate from each other ; the fibrous and downy parts will become turgid, and expand in a pleasing manner, and in a variety of directions. Present a metallic point, or the finger, or any other conducting substance, to the feathers, the downy parts thereof will immediately collapse, the divergence of the feathers will cease, and they will approach each other, and cling round the non-electric body. The feathers separate from each other, and tend to- wards unelectrified bodies, from the effort made by the electricity which is communicated to them to diffuse itself, and the resistance it meets with from the air. Exper. 7. Fix the end of the wire into the hole at the end of the conductor, as before, having now two pith balls attached, instead of the feathers ; put the machine in action, and the two small balls will recede from each other. Bring a conducting substance within the sphere of their action, and they will fly towards it ; touch the con- ductor with a non-electric, and they will immediately come together. The balls do not always diverge so much as might be expected, from the action of their atmospheres, because they are influenced by that of the conductor. 'i lie balls, or feathers, will separate, &c, in the same manner, if they are annexed to a negative conductor. Exper. 8. Present a fine thread towards an electrified conductor ; when it is at a proper distance, it will fly to- wards, and stick to the conductor, and convey the electric fluid from it to the hand ; remove the thread to a small distance from the conductor, and it will fly backwards and forwards with great velocity and in a very pleasing manner : present the same thread towards one that hangs from the conductor, they will attract and join each other, llring a nonelectric body, as a brass ball, near these threads, the ball will repel that held by the hand, and attract that which is fixed to the conductor : the upper thread renders the brass ball negative, and therefore goes towards it ; while the under thread, which is also nega- tive, is repelled. Let the ball be brought near the lower part of the under one, audit will be attracted by it. The junction of the threads arises from the effort the electric fluid makes to diffuse itself through them. Exper. 9. Place a square piece of leaf brass or silver on the under plate, hold this parallel to the upper one, at about 5 or 6 inches from it ; turn the machine, and the leaf will then rise up into a vertical situation, and remain between the two plates, without touching either of them. Present a metal point towards the leaf, and it will imme- diately fall down. Place a brass ball at the end of the conductor, and when the- leaf of brass is suspended be- tween the plate and ball, moye the plate round the ball, and the leaf will also move round without touching either plate or ball. Exper. 10. Place two wires directly under, and parallel, to each other; suspend one from the conductor, let the other communicate with the table ; then a light image placed between these, will, when the conductor is elec- trified, appear like a kind of electrical rope-dancer. Exper. 11. Put a pointed wire into one of the holes which are at the end of the conductor, hold a glass tumbler over the point, covering it with your hands, which serve as a temporary coating; then electrify the con? ductor, and turn the tumbler round, that the whole in- terior surface may receive the fluid from the point ; place a few pith balls on the table, and cover them with this glass tumbler, the balls will immediately begin to leap up and down as if they were animated, and will continue to move for a considerable time. Exper. 12. Connect one end of a chain with the outside of a charged jar, and let the other end lie on the table, place the end of another piece of chain at about one quarter of an inch distant from the former; then set a decanter of water on these separated ends, and on making the discharge through the chain, the water will appear perfectly and beautifully luminous. Exper. 13. Let any person stand on an insulated stool, and connect himself by a wire or chain with the prime conductor, arrd he will then exhibit the same appearances which are observed in the conductor, and will attract light bodies, give the spark, &c, and thus afford a pleasing mode of diversifying every experiment. It is however absolutely necessary, to the complete success of this ex- periment, that no part of the clothes touch the floor, table, &c, and that the glass feet be carefully dried; a sheet of dry brown paper placed under the stool will be found of considerable service, by rendering the insulation more complete. If the insulated person lav his hands on the clothes of one that is not so, especially if they are woollen, they will both feel as it were many pins pricking them, as long as the cylinder is in motion. Exper. 14. Place the brass ball of a coated jar in con- tact with the prime conductor, while the outside com- municates with the table, turn the cylinder, and the bottle will in a little time be charged. Now to discbarge the jar, that is to restore it to its natural state, bring one end of a conducting substance in contact with the outside coating, and let the other be brought near the knob of the jar which communicates with the inside coating, and a strong explosion will take place, the electric light will be visible, and the report very loud. 'Charge the. jar again, then touch the outside coating with one hand, and the knob with the other, by which means the bottle will be discharged, and a sudden peculiar sensation will be perceived, which is called the electric shock. The shock, when it is taken in this manner, generally affects the wrists, elbows) and breast; and when it is strong it re- 3 N 2 ELE [ 460 ] ELE ambles a universal blow. This peculiar sensation is probably owing to the two-fold and instantaneous action of the electric fluid, which enters and goes out of the body, and the various parts through which it passes, at one "and the same instant. It has been also observed, that nature has appointed a certain modification of the electric fluid in all terrestrial bodies, which we violate in our experiments; when this violation is small, the powers of nature operate in a gentle manner, to rectify the disorder we have introduced; but when the deviation is considerable, the natural powers restore the original constitution with extreme violence. If several persons join hands, and the first touches the outside of a charged jar, and the last the knob, the bottle will be discharged, and they will all feel the shock at the same instant ; but the greater the number of persons are that take a shock, the weaker are its effects. The force of the shock is in proportion to the quantity of coated surfaces, the thinness of the glass, and the power of the machine ; or the effect of the Leyden phial is in- creased in proportion as we destroy the equilibrium on the surfaces. Exper. 15. A cork ball, or an artificial spider, made of burnt cork with legs of linen thread, suspended by silk, will play between the knobs of two bottles, one of which is charged positively, the other negatively, and will in a little time discharge them. Exper. l6. A ball suspended on silk, and placed be- tween two brass balls, one proceeding from the outside, and the other from the inside of a Leyden jar, when the bottle is charged, will fly from one knob to the other ;and by thus conveying the fluid from the inside to the outside of the bottle, will soon discharge it. Exper. 17. Take a glass tube, round which, at small, but equal distances from each other, pieces of tin-foil are pasted in a spiral form from end to end; this tube is in- closed in a larger one, fitted with brass caps at each end, which are connected with the tin-foil of the inner tube. Hold one end in the hand, and apply the other near enough to the prime conductor to take sparks from it, a beautiful and lucid spot will then be seen at each separa- tion of the tin-foil ; which multiply, as it were, the spark taken from the conductor ; for if there was no break in the tin-foil, the electric fluid would pass off unperceived. Exper. 18. To take the electric spark with a metal point, screw a pointed brass wire into one end of a spiral tube, and present it to the conductor while the machine is in action ; then a strong spark will pass between the con- ductor and the point. Exper. 19. Take a clean dry glass tube, of about a quarter of an inch bore, and insert a pointed wire in this tube, keep the pointed end at some distance from the end of the tube, at the same time let the other end be con- nected with the ground, bring the former towards the prime conductor, and strong zig-zag sparks, attended with a peculiar noise, will pass between the conductor and the point. Exper. 20. The Luminous Word. This experiment is exactly on the same principles as Experiment 17. The word is formed by the small separations made in the tin- foil, which is pasted on a piece of glass, that is fixed in a frame of baked wood, having a brass ball at one end. To make the experiment, hold the frame in the hand, mid present the ball to the conductor, the spark received on this will be communicated to the tin-foil, and follow it in all its windings, till it arrives at the hook, whence it is conveyed to the ground by a chain : and thus the lucid appearance at each break exhibits a word in characters of fire. Electrical Fluid, is a fine rare fluid which issues from, and surrounds, electrified bodies. Electrical Kite, an instrument contrived by Dr. Franklin, to verify his hypothesis of the identity of elec- tricity and lightning. It consisted of a large thin silk handkerchief, extended and fastened at the four corners to two slender strips of cedar, and accommodated with a tail, loop, and string, so as to rise in the air like a paper kite. To the top of the upright stick of the cross^yas fixed a very sharp-pointed wire, rising a foot or more above the wood ; and to the end of the twine, next the hand, a silk ribband was tied. From a key suspended at the junction of the twine and silk, when the kite is raised during a thunder-storm, a phial may be charged, anxl electric fire collected, as is usually done by means of an excited glass tube or globe. Philos. Trans, vol.47, pa.565, or Franklin's Letters, pa. Ill and 112. — Kites made of paper, covered with varnish, or with well boiled linseed oil, to preserve them from the rain, with a stick and cane bow, like the common ones used by boys, will answer the purpose extremely well, and are very useful in deter- mining the electricity of the atmosphere. See Con- ductor. Electrical Machine, a piece of mechanism in which an electric body, such as glass, sulphur, resin, &c, is subjected to friction, in order to excite in it that power which is commonly known under the name of electricity. It would be useless to trace this machine through all its various forms and improvements, which the ingenuity and industry of philosophers have given to it; we shall therefore limit ourselves to describing and exhibiting some of the most approved constructions, which may be enu- merated as follows. Description of the most useful Electrical Machines. Fig. 1, plate xi, represents Dr. Priestley's machine, which is a very extensively useful one, described in his History of Electricity ; in which g is the globe, or electric ; /the rubber; in the two pillars d, d, of baked wood, are several Uioles to receive the spindles of different globes or cylinders, several of which may be put on together, to in- crease the electricity : Mm is the prime conductor, being a copper tube, supported on a stand of glass or baked wood. Dr. Watson's machine, for using several globes at once, to accumulate a great quantity of electricity, is represented fig. 2. Fig. 3 represents a very portable electrical machine invented by Mr. Read, and improved by Mr. Lane, a is- the glass cylinder, moved vertically by means of the pulley at the lower end of the axis, the pulley being turned by the large wheel B parallel to the table : there are also se- veral pulleys, of different sizes, eitherof which may be used, according as the motion is required to be quicker or slower. The conductor c is furnished with points to collect the fluid, and is screwed to the wire of a coated jar d. The figure shows also the manner of applying Mr. Lane's elec- trometer to this machine. Electrical machines have of late years undergone some very essential alterations and improvements; both from the suggestions of private electricians, and the inventions of Messrs. Adams, Nairne, and Jones, instrument-makers in London; some of which are as follow: E L E [ 46i ] E L E Fig. 4 represents a very convenient machine for practice, some general and practical directions necessary to be ob- Thc frame of this machine consists of the bottom board served for the preservation and proper management of abcd; which, when the machine is used, must be fasten- them, in making experiments. ed to the table by two metal cramps, ef are two round pillars, of baked wood, which support the cylinder g by the axles of the brass or wooden caps n, turned sometimes by a simple winch I, and sometimes by a pulley and wheel, as in the next fig. The rubber is fixed to a glass pillar k, which is fastened to a wooden basis l at the bottom. The conductor s is usually made of brass or tin japanned, and is insulated by a glass pillar, screwed into a wooden basis or foot, most conveniently placed parallel to the cylinder. Fig. 5 represents an electrical machine, with a con- ductor in the shape of a t ; and an improved medical ap- paratus, where it is necessary to give the shock in the arms, or any other particular part of the body. Fig. 6 shows Mr. Nairne's patent machine for medical purposes. Its glass cylinder is about 7 inches in diame- ter, and 12 long, with two conductors parallel to it. The rubber is fastened to the conductor r; and consists of a cushion of leather stuffed, having a piece of silk glued to its under part. The conductors are made of tin, and co- vered with black lacker, each of them containing a large coated glass jar, and likewise a smaller one, or a coated tube, which are visible when the caps nn are removed. To each conductor is fixed a knob o, for the occasional suspension of a chain to produce positive or negative elec- tricity. That part of the winch c which acts as a lever in turning the cylinder, is of glass. Thus every part of the machine is insulated, the cylinder itself and its brass caps not excepted; by which means very little of the electri- city is dissipated, and hence of course the effects are likely to be the more powerful : the inventor has also adapted to this machine some flexible conducting joints, a discharging electrometer, &c, for the practice of medical electricity. The large electrical machine placed in Teyler's Museum at Harlem, was constructed by Mr. John Cuthbertson, an English instrument-maker; and it has, for the electric, two glass plates of 65 inches diameter, made of French glass, as this is found to produce the most electricity next to English flint glass, which could not be made of a sufficient size : these plates are set on the same horizontal axis, at the distance of 74- inches, and are excited by 8 rubbers, each 15£ inches long; and both sides of the plates are covered witfl a resinous substance to the distance of l6| inches from the centre, both to strengthen the plates, and to pre- vent any electricity from being carried off by the axis. Its battery of jars contains 225 square feet of coated surface, and its effects are astonishingly great; as a proof of which we mention the following particulars: The sensation com- monly called the spider's web, when this machine is in action, is felt by the by-standers at the distance of 8 feet from the prime conductor. A thread 6 feet long, suspended perpendicularly, was sensibly attracted by the prime conductor at the distance of 38 feet, and a pointed wire presented to the prime conductor appeared luminous even at the distance of 28 feet. A single spark from the prime conductor melted a considerable length of gold leaf. And a Leyden phial, containing about a square foot of coated surface, was fully charged by about half a revolu- tion of the plates, so as to discharge itself; and by repeated trials it was found that, in one minute's time, this phial discharged itself 76, 78, and frequently even 80 times in a minute. Having thus described the electrical machines of the most approved construction, it only remains to add Moisture and dust, but particularly the former, being detrimental to the power of an electrical machine, it be- comes necessary lo guard against both, as much as may be practicable ; hence when not actually in use, the machine should be kept in a dry and clean place, and at least the glass part of it should not be suffered to remain dirty and soiled. If it has been long neglected, the operator, in or- der to render it ready for use, must, in the first place, re- move the rubber; he must then place the machine at a moderate distance from the fire, so as to render every part ot it perfectly dry, but not too warm. This done, and the dust removed, the glass part must be repeatedly rubbed with a clean and warm handkerchief, or towel; the rubber likewise must be cleaned, removing all the old amalgam that may ha\e adhered to it. The glass plate, or cylin- der, in its rotation frequently contracts some dark spots or concretions on its surface, which tend to diminish its power, and which must therefore be removed. Previously to replacing the rubber, the following operation generally contributes towards increasing the excitation. It consists in touching the cylinder with the bottom of a tallow can- dle, in streaks parallel to the axis of the cylinder, then rub the cylinder again with a dry warm linen cloth, taking care that this cloth be not very old, for in that case it is apt to leave filaments about the glass and about the rest of the machine. This done, the rubber is fixed in its place, and its supporter being properly adjusted as to pressure, as also a chain suspended from the rubber, connecting it with the floor of the room, then the machine is ready for opera- tion, except the application of the amalgam, in which the following directions must be observed. Formerly the amalgam was spread upon the rubber; but experience has shown that it is much better for it to be fixed clean in its place, and then to apply the amalgam upon a piece of leather, to the surface of the cylinder, while this is revolving in its usual direction; for by this means the revolution of the plate or cylinder will carry from the leather a sufficient quantity of the amalgam, and will deposit it upon the rubber. The leather with the amalgam need not be applied longer than the cylinder makes 10 or 12 revolutions, moving the leather at the same time, backward and forward, from one end of the cylinder to the other, in order that the amalgam may be equally dis- tributed. Now if the cylinder be turned, and a hand or the ends of the fingers be presented to it, a crackling noise, which is accompanied with luminous brushes and dense sparks of the electric fire, will be observed, particularly in a dark room, which appearances indicate that the ma- chine is in good action; then, the prime conductor being situated in its proper place, you may proceed to perform the experiments. During the performance of which, the electrified part of the machine is apt to attract dust from all quarters, which the operator must guard against as much as possible, by frequently wiping those parts with a clean and perfectly dry cloth, or silk handkerchief. The amalgam which we have mentioned above is gene- rally composed of 1 part of zinc, and 4 or 5 parts of quicksilver,whicharcamalgamated in thefollowing manner; Let the quicksilver be heated to about the degree of boil- ing water; then, the zinc being already melted in a cru- cible, pour the quicksilver first into a wooden box, and immediately after the melted zinc. Then shut the bos, E L' E I 4C2 F. L F. and shake it lor about half a minute. After this you must wait till the amalgam is quite cold, or nearly so, when yau may mix some grease with it by trituration. It the melted rinc be poured into the quicksilver when cold, a very small portion of the former will be amalgamated, the iv>t remaining in lumps of different sizes. The above is the method recommended by M. Cavallo, but Mr. Cuthbertson gives the following directions for pre- paring amalgam. Take one part of tin and zinc, melt them in a crucible, and pour them on two parts of mercury, which put into a wooden box made for the purpose; and shake the box till the metals are cold. The amalgam is then to be pulverised in a metal mortar to a very fine powder, and afterwards mixed with a sufficient quantity of hogs-lard, to make it into a paste. Electrical Phial. See Leyden Phial. Electrical Rubber. See Electrical Apparatus, and Electrical Machine. Electhical Shock, is the sudden explosion between the opposite sides of a charged electric ; so called because if the discharge be made through the body of an animal, it occasions a sudden motion by the contraction of the mus- cles through which it passes, accompanied with a disagree- able sensation. The force of this shock is proportioned to the quantity of coated surface, the thinness of the glass, and the power of the machine by which it is charged. Its velocity is almost instantaneous, and it has not been found to take up the least sensible time in passing to the greatest distances. It has however been observed that the electrical shock is weakened by being communicated through several per- sons in contact witli,one another. Indeed it is obstructed in its passage, even through the best conductors, as it will prefer a short passage through the air to a long one through the most perfect conductors; and if the circuit be inter- rupted, either by electrics, or very imperfect conductors of a moderate thickness, the shock will rend them in its passage, disperse them in every direction, and exhibit the appearance of a sudden c>>pansion of the air about the cen- tre of the shock. A strong shock made to pass through or over the. belly of a muscle, forces it to contract; and sent through a small animal hody, deprives it instantly of life, and hastens putrefaction. It gives polarity to magnetic needles, reverses their poles, and produces effects precisely similar, though inferior in degree, to those of lightning. Electrical Star. See Star. ELECTRICITY, or Electrical Force, is that power or property, which was first observed in amber, the lyneu- rium, or tourmalin, and which sealing-wax, glass, and a variety of other substances, called electrics, are now known to possess, of attracting light bodies, when excited by heat or friction; and which is also capable of being communi- cated in particular circumstances to other bodies. Electricity also denotes the science, or that part of natural philosophy, which proposes to investigate the nature and effects of this power. From vjAsxrf ov, the Greek name for amber, is derived the term electricity, which is now very extensively applied, not only to the power of attracting light bodies inherent in amber, but to other similar powers, and their various effects, in whatever bodies they reside, or to whatever bodies they may be communicated. Muschcn- broek and jEpinus have observed a considerable analogy, in a variety of particulars, between the powers of electri- city and magnetism; and they have also pointed out many instances in which they differ. History of Electricity. — The property which am- ber possesses of attracting light bodies, was observed bv Thales of Miletus, 600 years before Christ, who concluded from hence that it was animated. But the first person who expressly mentioned this substance, was Theophrastus, about 300 years before Christ. The attractive property of amber is also occasionally noticed by Plinv, and other naturalists, particularly Gassendus, Sir Kenelm Digby, and Sir Thos. Brown. But it was generally apprehended that this quality was peculiar to amber and jet, and perhaps agate, till Dr. Gilbert, a native of Colchester, and a phy- sician in London, published his treatise De Magnete, in the year 1600. Dr. Gilbert made many considerable experi- ments and discoveries, considering the then infant state of the science. He enlarged the list both of electrics, and of the bodies on which they act; and remarked, that a dry air was most favourable to electrical appearances, while a moist air almost annihilates the electric virtue : he also observed the conical figure assumed by electrilied drops of water. He considered electrical attraction separately from repulsion, which he thought had no place in electricity, as a phenomenon similar to the attraction of cohesion, and he imagined, that electrics were brought into contact with the bodies on which they act by their effluvia, excited by fric- tion. The ingenious Mr. Boyle added to the catalogue of elec- tric substances; but he thought that glass possessed this power in a very low degree: he found; that the electricity of all bodies, in which it might be excited, was increased by wiping and warming them before they were rubbed ; that an excited electric was acted on by other bodies as strongly as it acted upon them : that diamonds rubbed against any kind of stuff, emitted light in the dark; and that feathers would cling to the fingers, and to other sub- stances, after they had been attracted by electrics. He ac- counted for electrical attraction, by supposing a glutinous effluvia emitted from electrics, which laid hold of small bodies, in its way, and carried them back to the body from which it proceeded. Otto Guericke, the celebrated inventor of the air-pump, lived about the same time. This ingenious philosopher discovered, by means of a globe of sulphur, that a body once attracted by an electric, was next repelled, and that it continued in this state of repulsion till it was touched by some other body; he also observed the sound and light produced by the excitation of his globe; and that bodies immerged in electrical atmospheres tire themselves electrilied, with an electricity opposite to that of the at- mosphere. The light emitted by electrical bodies was, soon after, observed to much greater advantage by Dr. Wall, who ascribes the light to the electrical property which they possess ; and he suggests a similarity between the effects of electricity and lightning. Sir Isaac Newton was not inattentive to this subject: he observed that excited glass attracted light bodies on the side opposite to that on which it was rubbed; and he ascribed the action of electric bodies to an elastic fluid, which freely penetrates glass, and the emission of it to the vibratory motions of the parts of excited bodies. Mr. flawksbee wrote on this subject in the year 1709, when a new tcra commenced in the history of this science, lie first took notice of the great electrical power of glass, and the light proceeding from it ; though others had be- fore observed the light proceeding from other electrilied E L E [ 463 ] E L E substances : he also noted the noise occasioned by it, with a variety of phenomena relating to electrical attraction and repulsion. He first introduced a glass globe into the electrical apparatus, to which circumstance many of his important discoveries may be attributed. After his time there was an interval of near 20 years in the progress of this science, till Mr. Stephen Grey estab- lished a new eera in the history of electricity. To him we owe the important discovery of communicating the power of native electrics to other bodies, in which it cannot be excited, by supporting them on silken lines, hair lines, cakes of resin or glass; and also a more accurate distinc- tion than had hitherto been made between electrics and non-electrics: he likewise showed ithe effect of electricity on water much more obviously than Gilbert had done in the infancy of this science. The experiments of Mr. Grey were repeated by M. du Fay, member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, to which he added many new experiments and discoveries of his own. He observed, that electrical operations are obstruct- ed by great heat, as well as by a moist air; that all bodies, both solid and fluid, would receive electricity, when placed on warm or dry glass, or sealing-wax; that those bodies which are naturally the least electric, have the greatest degree of electricity communicated to them by the ap- proach of the excited tube. He transmitted the electric virtue through a distance of 1256 feet; and first observed the electric spark from a living body, suspended on silken lines, and noted several circumstances attending it. M. dn Fay also established a principle, first suggested by Otto Guericke, that electric bodies attract all those that are stances: which was first done by Dr. Ludolf, in the be- ginning of the year 1744, who, with sparks excited by the friction of a glass tube, kindled the ethereal spirit of Fro- benius. Winkler did the same by a spark from his own finger, by which he kindled French brandy, and other spirits, after previously healing them. Mr. Gralath fired the smoke of a candle just blown out, and so lighted it again; and Mr. Boze fired gun-powder, by means ofitsin» flammable vapour. It was also at this time Ludolf the younger demonstrated, that the luminous barometer was made perfectly electrical by the motion of the quicksilver. The electrical star and electrical bells were also of Ger- man invention. From this period Dr. Watson considerably distinguished himself in the pursuit of this science ; he fired a variety of substances by the electrical spark, and first discovered that they are capable of being fired by the repulsive power of electricity. In the year 1745, the accumulation of the electrical power in glass, by means of the Leyden phial, was first discovered. See Leyden Phial : and for the me- thod practised about this time, of measuring the distance to which the electrical shock may be conveyed, see Elec- trical Circuit. Dr. Watson discovered that the glass tubes and globes do not contain the electric matter in themselves, but only serve as first-movers or determiners, as he expresses it, of that power ; which was also con- firmed towards the end of 1/46, by Mr. Benjamin Wilson, who made the same discovery, that the electric fluid does not come from the globe, but from the earth, and other non- electric bodies about the apparatus. Dr. Watson also dis- covered what Dr. Franklin observed about the same time not so, and repel them as soon as they are become elec- in America, and called the plus and minus elecfricity trie, by the vicinity or contact of the electric body. He likewise inferred from other experiments, that there were two kinds of electricity; one of which he called the vitreous, belonging to glass, rock crystal, &c; and the other resinous, as that of amber, gum-lac, &c, which are distinguished by their repelling those of the same kind, and attracting each other. He farther observed, that communicated electri- city had the same property as the excited ; and that elec- tric substances attract the dew more than conductors. Mr. Grey, resuming his experiments in 1734, suspended several pieces of metal on silken lines, and found that by electrifying them they gave sparks; which was the origin of metallic conductors: and on this occasion he discovered a cone or pencil of electric light, such as is now known to issue from an electrified point. And from other ex- periments he concluded that the electric power seems to be of the same nature with that of thunder and lightning. Dr. Desaguliers succeeded Mr. Grey in the prosecution of this branch of philosophy. The account of his first experiments is dated in 1739, and to him we owe those technical terms of conductors or non-electrics, and electrics perse; he also first ranked pure air among the electrics per se, and supposed its electricity to be of the vitreous kind. After the year 1742, in which Dr. Desaguliers con- cluded his experiments, the subject was taken up and pur- sued in Germany : the globe was substituted for the tube, which had been used ever since the time of Hawksbec, He likewise showed that theclectricmatter passed through the substance of the metal of communication, and not merely over the surface. The history of medical electri- city commenced in the year 1747 ; but we are under the necessity of omitting many experiments, and conclusions drawn from them, by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Smeaton, and Dr. Miles in England, and by the Abbe Nollet, with regard to the effect of electricity on the evaporation of fluids, on solids, and on animal and other organized bodies, in France. While the philosophers of Europe were busily employed in electrical experiments and pursuits, those of America, and Dr. Franklin in particular, were equally industrious, and no less successful. His discoveries and observations in electricity were communicated in several letters to a friend; the first of which is dated in 1747, and the last in 1754; the particulars of his system may be seen under the articles, Theory of Electricity, Leyden Phial, Points, Charging, Conductors, Electrics, &c. The similarity between electricity and lightning had been suggested by several writers: and Dr. Franklin first proposed a method of bringing the matter to the test of experiment, by raisins; an electrical kite; by which means he succeeded in collecting electrical fire from the clouds, in 1752, one month after the same theory had had been verified in France, and without knowing what had been done there : and to him we owe the practical application and a cushion was soon after used as a rubber, instead of of this discovery, in securing buildings from the damage the hand ; it was also about this time that cylinders be- gan to be used. instead of the globes; and some of the German electricians made use of many globes at the same time. By thus increasing the electrical power, they were the first who succeeded in setting fire to inflammable sub- of lightning, by erecting metallic conductors. Si-e Con- ductors, and Lightning. In the subsequent period of the history of electricity, Mr. Canton in England, and Signior Beccaria in Italy, acquired distinguished reputation. They both discovered, E L E [ 464 ] £L>E independently of each.other, that air is capable of receiv- their several treatises on the subject of electricity, any of iiiff electricity by communication, and of retaining it when received. Mr. Canton also, towards the latter end of the year 1753, pursued a series of experiments, which proved that the appearances of positive and negative electricity, which had hitherto been deemed essential and unchange- able properties of different substances, as of glass and seal- ing-wax for instance, depend on the surface of the electrics, and that of the rubber. This hypothesis, verified by nu- merous experiments, occasioned a controversy between Mr. Canton and Mr. Delaval, who still maintained that these different powers depended entirely on the substances themselves. About this time also some curious experi- ments were performed by four of the principal electricians of that period, viz. Dr. Franklin, and Messrs. Canton, Wilcke, and jEpinus, to ascertain the nature of electric at- mospheres ; the resultof which see under that article. The theory of two electric fluids, always co-existent and coun- teracting each other, though not absolutely independent, was maintained by a course of experiments on silk stock- ings of different colours, communicated to the Royal So- ciety by Mr. Symmer, in the year 1759, and which were farther pursued by Mr. Cigna of Turin, who published an account of them in the Memoirs of the Academy at Turin for the year 1765. Many instances occur in the history of the science about this time, of the astonishing force of the electric shock, in melting wires, and producing other similar ef- fects: but the most remarkable is an experiment of S. Beccaria,in which he thus revivified metals. Several ex- periments were also made by Dr. Watson, Mr. Smeaton, Mr. Canton, and others, on the passage of the electric fluid through a vacuum, and its luminous appearance, and on the power possessed by certain substances of retaining the light communicated to them by an electric explosion. Mr. Canton, S. Beccaria, and others, made many experiments to identify electricity and lightning, to ascertain the state of the atmosphere at different times, and to explain the various phenomena of the aurora borealis, water-spouts, hurricanes, &c. on the principles of this science. Those who are desirous of farther information with re- spect to the history of electrical experiments and disco- veries, may consult Dr. Priestley's History and Present State of Electricity. This author however, is not merely an historian : his work contains many original experiments and discoveries made by himself. He ascertained the conducting power of charcoal and of hot glass, the elec- tricity of fixed and inflammable air, and of oil; the dif- ference between new and old glass, with respect to the diffusion of electricity over its surface; the lateral explo- sion in electrical discharges; a new method of fixing cir- cular-coloured spots on the surfaces of metals, and the most probable difference between electrics and conductors, &.C. The science is also greatly indebted to many other persons, either for their experiments and improvements in it, or for treatises and other writings upon it ; as Mr. Henley, to whom we owe several curious experiments and observations on the electrical and conducting quality of different substances, as chocolate, vapour, &c, with the reason of the difference between them ; the fusion of pla- tina ; the nature of the electric fluid, and its course in a discharge; the method of estimating the quantity of it in electrical bodies by an electrometer ; the influence of points ; &c, &c. Also Messrs. Van Marum, Van Swinden, Ferguson, Cavallo, Lord Mahon, Nairnc, &c, &c, for which may be consulted with advantage for the experi- ments and principles of the science. Medical Electricity. It is natural to imagine that a power of such efficacy as that of electricity would soon be applied to medical purposes; especially, since it has been found invariably to increase the sensible perspira- tion, to quicken the circulation of the blood, and to pro- mote the glandularsecretion : accordingly, many instances occur in the latter period of the history of this science, in which it has been applied with considerable advantage and success. And among the variety of cases in which it has been tried, there are none where it has been found pre- judicial, except those of pregnancy and the venereal dis- ease. In most disorders, in which it has been used with perseverance, it has given at least a temporary and partial relief, and in many it has effected a complete cure. Nu- merous instances of this kind may be seen in the Philos. Trans., and the writings on this science by Messrs. Lovet, Westley, Ferguson, Cavallo, &c, &c. Theory of Electricity. It is hardly necessary to re- cite the ancient hypotheses on this subject ; such as that of the sympathetic powder of the Peripatetics; that of unctuous effluvia emitted by excited bodies, and return- ing to them again, adopted by Gilbert, Gassendus, Sir Kenelm Digby, &c; or that of the Cartesians, who ascribed electricity to the globules of the first elements, discharged through the pores of the rubbed substance, and in their return carrying with them those light bodies, in whose pores they were entangled: these hypotheses were framed in the infancy, not only of this science, but of philosophy in general, and have long since been deservedly exploded. In the more advanced state of electricity there have been two principal theories, each of which has had its advo- cates. The one, is that of two distinct electric fluids, re- pulsive with respect to themselves, and attractive of one another, adopted by M. du Fay, on discovering the two opposite species of electricity, viz, the vitreous and re- sinous, and since new-modelled by Mr. Symmer. It is supposed that these two fluids are equally attracted by all bodies, and exist in intimate union in their pores; and that in this state they exhibit no mark of their existence. But that the friction of an electric by a rubber separates these fluids, and causes the vitreous electricity of the rubber to pass to the e'lectric, and then to the prime conductor of a machine, while the resinous electricity of the conductor and electric is conveyed to the rubber: and thus the quality of the electric fluid, possessed by the conductor and the rubber, is changed, while the quantity remains the same in each. In this state of separation, the two electric fluids will exert their respective powers; and any num- ber of bodies charged with cither of them will repel each other, attract those bodies that have less of each parti- cular fluid than themselves, and be still more attracted by bodies that are wholly destitute of it, or that are over- charged with the contrary. According to this theory, the electric spark makes a double current ; one fluid passing to an electrified conductor from any substance presented to it, while the same quantity of the other fluid passes from it; and when each body receives its natural quantity of both fluids, the balance of the two powers is restored, and both bodies are unelectrified. For a farther account of the explication of some of the principal phenomena of electricity by this theory, sec Dr. Priestley's History, vol. 2, § 3. E L E [ 465 ] E L E The other theory is commonly distinguished under the denomination of positive and negative electricity, being first suggested by Dr. Watson, but digested, illustrated, and confirmed by Dr. Franklin; and since that it has been known by the appellation of the Franklinian hypothesis. It is here supposed that all the phenomena of electricity depend on one fluid, sui generis, extremely subtile and elastic, dispersed through the pores of all bodies, by which the particles of it are as strongly attracted as they are re- pelled by one another. When bodies possess their natu- ral share of this fluid, or such a quantity as they can re- tain by their non-attraction, it is then said they are in an unelectrified state ; but when the equilibrium is disturbed, and they either acquire an additional quantity from other bodies, or lose part of their own natural share by commu- nication to other bodies, they exhibit electrical appear- ances. In the former case it is said they are electrified positively, or plus ; and in the other negatively, or minus. This electric fluid, it is supposed, moves with great ease in those bodies that are called conductors, but with ex- treme difficulty and slowness in the pores of electrics ; whence it happens, that ail electrics are impermeable to it. It is further supposed that electrics contain always an equal quantity of tins fluid, so that there can be no sur- charge or increase on one side, without a proportionate de- crease or loss on the other, and vice versa; and as the electric does not admit the passage of the fluid through its pores, there will be an accumulation on one side, and a corresponding deficiency on the other. Thus when both sides are connected together by proper conductors, the equilibrium will be restored by the rushing of the redun- dant fluid from the overcharged surface to the exhausted one. Thus also, if an electric be rubbed by a conduct- ing substance, the electricity is only conveyed from one to the other, the one giving what the other receives ; and if one be electrified positively, the other will be electrified negatively, unless the loss be supplied by other bodies connected with it, as in the case of the electric and insu- lated rubber of a machine. This theory serves likewise to illustrate the other phenomena and operations in the science of electricity. Thus, bodies differently electrified will naturally attract each other, till they mutually give and receive an equal quantity of the electric fluid, and the equilibrium is restored between them. Beccaria sup- poses, that this effect is produced by the electric matter making a vacuum in its passage, and the contiguous air afterwards collapsing, and so pushing the bodies toge- ther. The influence of points, in drawing or throwing off the electric fluid, depends on the less resistance it finds to en- ter or pass off through fewer particles than through a greater number, whose resistance is united in fiat or round surfaces. The electric light is supposed to be part of the electric fluid, which appears when it is properly agitated ; and the sound of an explosion is produced by vibrations, occasioned by the air's being displaced by the electric fluid, and again suddenly collapsing. As to the nature of the electric fluid, philosophers have entertained very different sentiments: some, and among them Mr. Wihou, have supposed that it is the same with the ether of Sir Isaac Newton, to which the phenomena of attraction and repulsion are ascribed; while the light, smell, and other sensible qualities of it, are referred to the grosser particles of bodies, driven from them by the forci- ble action of this ether; and other appearances are ex- V'OL. I. plained by means of a subtile medium diffused over the surfaces of all bodies, and resisting the entrance, and exit of the ether; which medium, it is supposed, is the same with the electric fluid, and is more rare on the surfaces of conductors, and more dense and resisting on those of elec- trics : but Dr. Priestley remarks that, though they may possess some common properties, they have others essen- tially distinct; the ether is repelled by all other matter, whereas the electric fluid is strongly attracted by it. •Others have had recourse to the element of fire ; and from the supposed identity of fire and the electric fluid, as well as from the similarity of some of their effects, the. latter has been usually called the electric fire: but most electricians have supposed that it is a fluid sui generis. Mr. Cavendish has published an attempt to deduce and explain some of the principal phenomena of electricity in a mathematical and systematic manner, from the nature of this fluid, considered as composed of particles that re- pel each other, and attract the particles of all other mat- ter, with a force inversely as some less power of the di- stance than the cube, while the particles of all other mat- ter repel each other, and attract those of the electric fluid, according to the same law. Philos. Trans, vol. 61, pa. 5S4 — 667- And a similar hypothesis and method of reason- ing was also proposed by M. iEpinus, in his Tentamen Theoria: Electricitatis et Magnetism!. Dr. Priestley concludes, from experiments which he made, that the electric matter either is phlogiston, or con- tains it, since he found that both produced similar effects. And Mr. Henley also apprehends, that the electric fluid is a modification of that element, which, in its quiescent state, is called phlogiston; in its first active state, electri- city; and when violently agitated, fire. Perhaps we may be allowed to enlarge our views, and consider the sun as the fountain of the electric fluid, and the zodiacal light, the tails of comets, the aurora borealis, lightning, and ar- tificial electricity," as its various and not very dissimilar modifications. On this subject, see Priestley's Hist, of Electr. vol. 2, part 3, § 1, 2, 3 ; Wilson's Essay towards an Explication of the Phenomena of Electricity, &c ; Wil- son and Hoadley's Obs. ccc, pa, 55, 1753 ; Freke's Essay on the Cause of Electricity, 17-16' ; Priestley on Air, vol. I, pa. 1S6\274, &p; Philos. Trans, vol. 67, pa. 129; Eales's Letters, on the same subject; and Cavallo's Electricity. EEECTllOMETER, is an instrument that measures the quantity, and determines the quality of electricity, in any electrified body.. Previous to the invention of instruments of this kind, Mr. Canton estimated the quantity of elec- tricity in a charged phial, by presenting the phial with one band to an insulated conductor, and giving it a spark, which he took off with the other ; proceeding in U.is man- ner till the phial was discharged, when he determined tj.ie height of tlie charge by the number ol spaiks. Electro- meters are of various kinds: as 1, the single thread ; 2, the cork or pith balls; .;, the quadrant ; and 4, the dis- charging electrometer, <\c The 1st, or most simple electrometer, is a linen thread, called by Dr. Desaguliers, the thread of trial; which, be- ing brought near an electrified body, is attracted by it : but this does little more than determine whether the body is in any degree electrified or not; without determining with aii)' precision its quantity, much less the quality of it. The Abbe Nollct used two threads, showing tin de- gree of electricity by the angle of their di.vergencj exhi- bited in their shadow on a board placed behind them. 3 O H L E [ 466 ] E L E Mr. Canton's electrometer consisted of two balls of cork, or pith of elder, about the size of a small pea, sus- pended by fine linen threads, about 6 inches long, which may be wetted in a weak solution of salt. (See fig. 7.) If the box containing these balls be insulated, by placing it on a drinking- glass, &c, and an excited smooth glass tube be brought near them, they will first be attracted by it, and then be both repelled, from the glass, and from each other; but if excited wax be applied to them, they will gradually approach and come together; and vice versa. This apparatus will also serve to determine the electricity of the clouds and air, by holding them at a sufficient di- stance from buildings, trees, &c ; for if the electricity of the clouds or air be positive, their mutual repulsion will increase by the approach of excited glass, or decrease by the approach of amber or sealing-wax ; and on the con- trary, if it be negative, their repulsion will be diminished by the former, and increased by the latter. See Philos. Transact, vol. 48, part 1 and 2, for an account of Mr. Canton's curious experiments with this apparatus. It two balls of this kind be annexed to a prime conductor, they will serve to determine both the degree and quality of its electrification, by their mutual repulsion and diver- gency. The Discharging Electrometer (fig. 3, plate xi.) was in- vented by Mr. Lane. It consists of brass work g, the lower part of which is enclosed in the pillar f, made of baked wood, and boiled in linseed oil, and bored cylindri- cally about two-thirds of its length; the brass work is fixed to the pillar by the screw h, moveable in the groove i ; and through the same is made to pass a steel screw 1, to the end of which, and opposite to k, which is a po- lished hemispherical piece of brass, attached to the prime conductor, is fixed a ball of brass m, well polished ; and to this screw is annexed,a circular plate o, divided into 12 equal parts. The use of this electrometer is to discharge a jar d, or any battery connected with the conductor, without a discharging rod, and to give shocks successively of the same degree of strength ; on which account it is very fit for medical purposes. Now, if a person holds a wire fast- ened to the screw h in one hand, and another wire fixed to e, which is a loop of brass wire passing from the frame of the machine to a tin-plate, on which the phial d stands, he will perceive no shock, while k and m are in contact; and the degree of the explosion, as well as the quantity of electricity accumulated in the phial, will be regulated by the distance between K and M. Philos. Trans, vol. 57, pa. 451. — Mr. Henley much improved Mr. Lane's electro- meter, by taking away the screw, the double-milled nut, and the sharp-edged graduated plate, and adding other things in their stead. Mr. Henley's discharger of this kind has two tubes, one sliding within the other, to lengthen and accommodate it to larger apparatus. The Quadrant Electrometer of Mr. Henley, consists of a stem, terminating at its lower end with a brass ferrule and screw, for fastening it on any occasion; and its up- ber part ends in a ball. Near the top is fixed a graduated semicircle of ivory, on the centre of which the index, be- ing a very light rod with a cork ball at its extremity, reaching to the brass ferrule of the stem, is made to turn on a pin in the brass piece, so as to keep near the gra- duated limb of the semicircle. When the electrometer is not electrified, the, index hangs parallel to the stem ; but as soon as it begins to be electrified, the index, repelled by the stem, begins to move along the graduated edge of the semicircle, and so mark the degree to which the con- ductor is electrified, or the height to which the charge of any jar or battery is advanced. 1 (See fig. S.) M. Cavallo also contrived several ingenious electrome- ters, for different uses ; as may be seen in his Treatise on Electricity, pa. 370, &c, and in the Philos, Trans, vol. 67, pa.^48 and 399. ELECTROPHOR, or Electropmorus, an instru- ment for showing perpetual electricity ; which was in- vented by M. Volta, of Como, near Milan, in Italy. The machine consists of two plates, fig. 9, one of which r is a circular plate of glass, covered on either side with some resinous electric, and the other a is a plate of brass, or a circular board, coated with tin-foil, and furnished with a glass handle I, which may be screwed into its centre by means of a socket. Now, if the plate r be excited by rub- bing it with new white flannel, and the plate a be applied to its coated side, a finger, or any other conductor, will receive a spark on touching this plate; and if the plate a be then separated, by means of the handle I, it will be found strongly electrified, with an electricity contrary to that of the plate r. Then replacing the plate a, touching it with the finger, and separating it again, it will be found electrified as before, and give a spark to any conductor, attended with a snapping noise; and by this means a coated phial may be charged. The same phenomena may repeatedly be exhibited, without any renewed excitation of the electric plate r ; the electric power of r having continued for several days, and even weeks, after excita- tion ; though there is no reason to imagine that it is per- petual. M. Cavallo prepares this machine by coating the glass plate with sealing-wax ; and the late Mr. Adams, philoso- phical-instrument-maker, prepared them with plates form- ed from a composition of two parts of shell-lac, and one of Venice turpentine, without any glass. The action of this plate depends on a principle discovered and illustrated by the experiments of Franklin, Canton, Wilcke, and iEpi- nus, viz, that an excited electric repels the electricity of another body, brought within its sphere of action, and gives it a contrary electricity. Thus the plate a, touched by a conductor, while in contact with the plate r, which is negatively electrified, it will acquire an additional quan- tity of the electric fluid from the conductor; but if.it were in contact with a plate electrified positively, it would part with its electricity to the conductor connected with it. See an account of several curious experiments with this machine, by Mr. Henley, M. Cavallo, and Dr. In- genhousz, in the Philos. Trans, vol. 66", pa. 513 ; vol. 6*7, pa. 116 and 389; and vol. 6'S, pa. 1027 and 1049. ELEMENTARY, something that relates to the princi- ples or elements of bodies, or sciences ; as Elementary Air, Fire, Geometry, Music, &c. ELEMENTS, the first principles of which all bodies and things are composed. These are supposed few in number, unchangeable, and by their combinations produ- cing that extensive variety of objects to be met with in the works of nature. Democritus stands at the head of the elementary philosophers, in which he is followed by Epi- curus, and many others after them, of the Epicurean and corpuscular philosophers. Among those who consider matter, or the elements, as corruptible, some assert that there is only one element in nature, while others maintain that there are several. Of the former, the principalarcHeraclilus, who considers fire E L E [ 467 J E L E as this element; Anaximenes asserts that it is air; Thales Milesius says water, and Hesiod earth. Hesiod is fol- lowed by Bernardin, Telesius; and Thales by many of the chemists. Among those who admit several corruptible elements, the principal are the Peripatetics; who, after their leader Aristotle, contend for four elements, viz, lire, air, water, and earth. Aristotle took the notion from Hippocrates; Hippocrates- from Pythagoras ; and Pythagoras from Ocellus Lucanus, who- it seems was the first author of it, or from the orientals. The modern chemists, however, do not acknowledge any particular number of elements, but freely admit into this class all substances that have not been decomposed. An element is therefore merely one of the last results of chemical analysis ; and in denominating substances ele- mentary or simple, we consider them as such only with regard to the present state of chemical science. It is not probableany one of the simplest bodies with which we are acquainted, is really and essentially elementary, and it is at best needless to enter into an enquiry in which there are no facts to rest on for support. Elements, a term also used for the first grounds and principles of arts and sciences ; as the Elements of geome- try, Elements of mathematics, &c. So Euclid's Elements, or simply the Elements, as they were anciently and pecu- liarly named, denotes the treatise on the chief properties of geometrical figures by that author. The Elements of mathematics have been delivered by several authors in their courses, systems, &c. The first work of this kind is that of Herigon, in Latin and French, and published in 1634, in 5 tomes; which con- tains Euclid's Elements and Data, Apollonius, Theodo- sius, &c ; with the modern elements of arithmetic, alge- bra, trigonometry, architecture, geography, navigation, optics, spherics, astronomy, music, perspective, &c. The work is remarkable for this, that a kind of real and universal characters are used throughout; so that the demonstrations may be understood by such as only re- member the characters, without any dependence on lan- guage or words at all. Since Herigon, the elements of the several parts of mathematics have been also delivered by many others ; particularly the Jesuit Schottus, in his Cursus Mathema- ticus, in l6"74; De Chales, in his Cursus, l6"74; Sir Jonas Moore, in his New System of Mathematics, in lCSl; Ozanam, in his Cours de Mathematique, in 1 6*99; Jones, in his Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos, in 170(5 ; and many others, but above all, Christ. Wolfius, or Wolf, in his Elementa Matheseos Universal, in 2 vols -ilo, the 1st published in 1713, and the 2d in 1713 ; a very excel- lent work of the kind. Another edition of the work was published at Geneva, in 5 vols 4to, of the several dates 1732, 1733, 1735, 173-8, and 1741- The Elements of Euclid, as they were the first, so they still continue to be the best system of geometry yet extant. They are contained in 15 books, of which nume- rous editions and commentaries have been published. Proclus wrote a commentary on this work, and Orontius Fineus gave a printed edition of the first 6 books, in 1 530, with notes, to explain Fuclid's sense. Peletarius did the same in 1557- Nic.Tartaglia also, about the same time, made a comment on all the 15 books, with the addition of many things of his own. And the same was also done by Billingsley in 1570; and by Flussates Caudalla, a French nobleman, in the year 157S, with -considerable additions as to the comparison and inscriptions of solid bodies; which work was afterwards republished with a prolix commentary, by Clavius. But the first who trans- lated them into Latin, while they were yet unknown to the European nations, was Adhelard, or Adelard, a learned Englishman, who performed this task in the 12th century. Commandine also gave a good edition of this work, and in 1703 Dr. Gregory published an edition of the whole works of Euclid, in Greek and Latin. But it would be endless to notice all the editions of this celebrated per- formance that have been given ; some of the best of these however are those of Tacquet, Ozanam, Whiston, Stone, Playfair, Ingram, and more particularly that of Dr. Rob. Simson, of Glasgow. Beside these there are several other writers on geome- try, who have not followed Euclid strictly either in form or arrangement ; as it is thought by some, that in the present state of mathematical knowledge, a system of geometry less tedious and prolix than Euclid's would be a considerable acquisition. Elements, in the Higher or Sublime Geometry, are the infinitely small parts, or differentials, of a right line, curve, surface, or solid. Elements, in Astronomy, are those principles de- duced from astronomical observations and calculations, and such fundamental numbers, as are employed in the construction of tables exhibiting the planetary motions. Thus, the elements of the theory of the sun, or rather of the earth, show its mean motion and excentricity, with the motion- of the aphelia. And the elements of the theory of the moon, relate to her mean motion, that of the node and apogee, the excentricity, the inclination of her orbit to the plane of the ecliptic; &c. For the par- ticulars of which see the respective names above men- tioned. ELEVATION, the height or altitude of any object. Elevation, in Architecture, denotes' a draught or description of the principal front or side of a building; called also its upright or orthography. Elevation, in Astronomy and Geography, is various ; as elevation of the equator, of the pole, of a star, &c. Elevation of the Equator, is the height of the equator above the horizon ; or an arc of the meridian intercepted between the equator and the horizon of the place. — The elevation of the equator and of the pole together always make up a quadrant ; the one being the complement of the other. Therefore, the elevation of the pole being found, and subtracted from 90°, leaves the elevation of the equator. Elevation of the Pole, is its height above the ho- rizon ; or that arc of the meridian which is comprehended between the equator and the horizon of the place. The elevation of the pole is always equal to the latitude of the place; that is, the arc of the meridian intercepted be- tween the pole and the horizon, is every where equal to the arc of the same meridian intercepted between the equator and the zenith. Thus the north pole is elevated 51° 3l' above the horizon of London ; and the distance, or number of degrees, is the same between London and the equator; so that London is also in 51°3l' of north latitude. Elevation of a Star, or of any other point in the sphere, is the angular height above the horizon ; or an arc of the vertical circle intercepted between the star and 3 2 ELL C 4fiS ] ELL the horizon. The meridian altitude of any such point, or its altitude when in the meridian, is the greatest possible. Elevation of a Cannon, or Mortar, is the angle which the bore or the axis of the piece makes with the hori- zontal plane. Angle o/Eleva.tiqn, is the angle which any line of direction makes above a horizontal line. Elevation is also used by some writers on Perspec- tive, for the scenography, or perspective representation iii the whole body or building. ELIMINATION, in Algebra, is that operation by which any number >i of equations, containing n unknown quantities, being given, we find one equation which in- volves only one unknown quantity ; so that by resolving this equation, we obtain the value of that unknown quantity, and retracing our steps back again, we obtain lJso the values of all the other quantities, which, in the course of the operation, are found to have certain rela- tions with, or dependence on each other. See Exter- mination. ELLIPSE, or Ellipsis, is one of the conic sections, popularly called an oval : it was first called an Ellipse or Ellipsis by Apollonius, the first and principal author on the conic sections, because in this figure the squares of the ordinates are less than, or defective of, the rectangles under the parameters and abscisses. This figure is differently defined by different authors; cither from some of its properties, or from mechanical construction, or from the section of a cone, which is the best and most natural way. Thus; Fig. 1. Fig. 2. And, secondly, that the rectangle AG x gb (fig. 3) of the abscisses, tending contrary wavs, is to gii° the square of the ordinate, as AB^to ik°, the square of the transverse- axis to the square of the conjugate, or, which is the same thing, as the transverse axis is to the parameter; beside various other properties. 3. The ellipse is also variously described from mecha- nical constructions, which also depend on some of its peculiar properties. 1st, If in the axis ae, there be taken any point I (fig. 4) ; and with the radii ai, bi, and centres f and f, the two foci, arcs be described, these arcs will intersect in certain points e, e, e, e, which will be in the curve or circumference of the figure : and thus several points i being taken in the axis ab, as many more points, e, e, &c, will be found ; then the curve line drawn through all these points e,' e, will be an ellipse. And if there be taken a thread of the exact length of the trans- verse axis ab, and the ends of the thread be fixed by pins in the two foci f and / (fig. 5) ; then moving a pen or pencil within the thread, so as to keep it always stretched, it will describe an ellipse. Or it may be de- scribed from the property of the directrix. Fig. 5. , Fig. 6. 1. An ellipse is a plane figure made by cutting a cone by a plane obliquely through the opposite sides of it; or so as that the plane makes a less angle with the base than the side of the cone makes with it; as abd fig. 1. The line ab connecting the upper and lower points of the section, is the transverse axis ; the middle of it c, is the centre; and the perpendicular to it dce, through the centre, is the conjugate axis. The parameter, or latus rectum, is a 3d proportional to the transverse and con- jugate axes; and the foci are two points in the transverse axis, at such equal distances from the centre, that the double ordinates passing through those points, and per- pendicular to the transverse, are equal to the parameter. 2. The ellipse is also variously described from some of its properties ; the principal of which are as follow: That if two lines be drawn from two certain points c and d in the axis, fig. 2, to any point e in the circumference, the sum of those two lines ce and de will be every where equal to the same constant quantity, viz, to the axis ab. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. To construct an Ellipse. There are many other ways of describing or constructing an ellipse, besides those already mentioned. 1st. If upon the given transverse axis there be described a circle agb (fig.6), to which there be drawn any ordi- nate dg, and de be taken a 4th proportional to the trans- verse, the conjugate, and the ordinate dg ; then e is a point in the curve. Or if the circle agb be described on the conjugate axis ab, to which any ordinate <%is drawn, in which taking du in like manner a 4th proportional to the conjugate, the transverse, and ordinate dg, then shall e be a point in the curve. Or, having described the two circles, and drawn the common radius cgG cutting them in g and g ; and then dgE being drawn parallel to the transverse, and dge parallel to the conjugate, the inter- section e of these two lines will be in the curve of the ellipse. And thus several points e being found, the cm ve may be drawn through them all with a steady hand. Fig. 7- Fig. 8. 2. Or take three rulers, of which the two Gil and fi (fia. 7) arc of the length of the transverse axis lk, and the third FG equal to in the distance between the foci; then connecting these, rulers so as to be moveable about the foci h and I, and about the points f and g, their in- ELL [ tersection e will always be in the curve of the ellipse; so that by moving the rulers about the joints, with a pencil passed through the slits made in them, it will trace out the ellipse lk Fig. 9- Fig. 10. 3. If one end a of any two equal rulers ab, db, (fig. 9 and 10), which are moveable about the point b, like a carpenter's joint-rule, be fastened to the ruler lk, so as to be moveable about the point a ; and if the end d of the ruler db be drawn along the side of the ruler lk, then any point e, taken in the side of the ruler db, will describe an ellipse, whose centre is a, conjugate axis 2de, and transverse axis 2ab -+- 2be. Another method of description is by the elliptical com- pass. See that article, below. The most Remarkable Properties of the Ellipse, are as follow: — 1. The rectangles under the abscisses are pro- portional to the squares of their ordinates ; or as the square of any axis, or any diameter, is to the square of its conjugate, i0 is the rectangle under two abscisses of the former, to the square of their ordinate parallel to the latter ; or again, as any diameter is to iis parameter, so is the said rectangle under two abscisses of that diameter, to the square of their ordinate. So that if d be any diame- ter, c its conjugate, p its parameter, so that p — c a -f- d, x the one absciss, d — x the other, and y the ordinate; then, as d° : c z : : x(d — x) : \f~, or d*y l = c*x(d — x) ; or as d : p : : x(d — .r) : y l , or dy l = px[d — x) . From either of which equations, called the equation of the curve, any one of the quantities may be found, when the other three are given. 2. The sum of two lines drawn from the foci to meet in any point of the curve, is always equal to the trans- verse axis; that is, ce ■+- de = ab, in the 2d fig. Con- sequently the line cg drawn from the focus to the end of the conjugate axis, is equal to ai the semi-transverse. Fig. 11. 3. If from any point of the curve, there be drawn an ordinate to either axis, and also a tan- gent meeting the axis produced; then half that axis will be a mean proportional between the distances from the centre to the two points of intersection; viz, ca a mean proportional between CD and ct ; and consequently all the tangents te, te, meet in the same point of the axis produced, which are drawn from the extremities E, e, of the common ordinates de, d-e, of all ellipses described on the same axis ab. 4. Two lines drawn from the foci to any point of the curve, make equal angles with the tangent at that point : that is, the ^.fet = £-fv,t. And hence a line drawn to bisect the angle vvf, will be perpendicular to the tan- gent and curve at the point e. 5. All parallelograms that are formed by tangents drawn 4Co ] ELL through the extremities of any diameter and its conjugate, and thus circumscribed about an ellipse, are equal to each other; and every such parallelogram is equal to the rectangle of the two axes. 6'. The sum of the squares of every pair of conjugate diameters, is equal to the same constant quantity, viz, the sum of the squares of the two axes. 7. If a circle be described upon either axis, and from any point in that axis an ordinate be drawn both to the circle and to the ellipsis; then will the ordinate of the circle be to the ordinate, of the ellipse, as that axis is to the other axis : viz, ab : ab : : dg : de, (in the 6th fig.) and ab : ab : : dg : dn. And in the same proportion is the area of the circle to the area of the ellipse, or any corresponding segments adg, ade. Also the area of the ellipse is a mean proportional between the areas of the inscribed and circumscribed cir- cles. Hence therefore, S. To find the area of an Ellipse. Multiply the two axes together, and that product by 78 54, for the area. Or, 9. To find the area of any segment ade. Find the area of the corresponding segment adg of a circle on the same diameter ab ; then say, as the axis ab : its conj. ab : : circ. seg. adg : elliptic seg. ade. 10. To find the length of the whole circumference of the' Ellipse. Multiply the circumference of the circumscribing circle by the sum of the series 3(P 3*.StP 1 — . —3 , ,. „ , &c, lor the circum- 2 3 2"'.4 2 2".4 _ .6 2 _ .4".6".8 ference; where rfis the difference between an unit and the square of the less axis divided by the square of the greater. See another series, p. 178, vol. 4, Edinb. Philos. Trans. Or, for a near approximation, take the circumference of the circle whose diameter is an arithmetical mean be- tween the two axes, or half their sum : that is, i(t + c~) x 3' 141 6 = the perimeter nearly; being about the 200th part too little ; where t denotes the transverse, and c the conjugate axis. Or, again, take the circumference of the- circle, the square of whose diameter is half the sum of, or an arithmetical mean between, the squares of the two axes: that is, \/\{t- ■+-' c-) x 3-1416 = the perimeter nearly; being about the 200th part too great. Hence combining these two approximating rules to- gether, the periphery of the ellipse will be very nearly equal to half their sum, or equal to .*[£.(/■+ c) ■+- t/U 1 ' ■+■ c *)l x 3-1416, within about the 30000th part of the truth. For the length of any particular arc, and many other parts about the ellipse, sec my Mensuration, pa. 212, 6cc, 4th edit. See also my Conic Sections, for many other properties of the ellipse, especially such as are common to the hyperbola also, or to the conic sections in'general. Infinite Ellipses. See Elliptoid. ELLIPSOID, is an elliptical spheroid, being the solid generated by the revolution of an ellipse about either axis. See Spheroid. ELLIPTIC or Elliftical, something relating to an ellipse. Elliptic Compasses, or Elliptical Compass, is an instrument for describing ellipses at one revolution of the index. It consists of a cross abgh (fig. 8.) with grooves in it, and an index ce, sliding in dovetail grooves; by which motion the end E describes the curve of an ellipse. E M B [ 470 ] M E Elliptical Conoid, is sometimes used for the spheroid, or ellipsoid. Elliptical Dial, an instrument usually made of brass, with a joint to fold together, and the gnomon to fall flat, for the convenience of the pocket. By this instrument are found the meridian, the hour of the day, the rising and setting of the sun, &c. ELLIPTICITY, of the terrestrial spheroid, is the ratio, or the difference, between the two semiaxes. It is usually expressed in terms of the greater, or radius of the equator, that is, by what fractional part this exceeds the axis or polar diameter. The quantity of this ellipticity has been variously assigned by different mathematicians. Sir Isaac Newton, supposing the earth of uniform density, gave T | ■& for the ellipticity ; Boscovich, from a mean of several ad- measurements, stated it at ^i ¥ ; Lalande at T f T ; Laplace, tkr'> Sajour, T J T ; Carouge, j^; Kraft, T |,-; and Play- fair, from a theorem of Clairaut, applied to the hetero- geneous spheroid, states it at T §^. Setting aside those which are deduced from the hypothesis of uniform density, -j-lo may be admitted as the most probable value of the ellipticity. Under the article Earth, see other propor- tions, and the manner of deducing them. Elliptoid, arj infinite or indefinite ellipse, defined by the indefinite equation ay m + n = bx m (a — x) n , where m or n are greater than I : for when they are each I, it de- notes the common ellipse. There are several kinds or degrees of elliptoids, which receive their denominations from the exponent m -+- n of the ordinate y. As the cu- bical elliptoid, expressed by «y 3 = bx 1 {a — x) ; the bi- quadratic, or sursolid ay* = bx-(q, — x) % ; &c. ELONGATION, in Astronomy, the distance of a planet from the sun, with respect to the earth ; or the angle formed by two lines drawn from the earth, the one to the sun, and the other to the planet ; or the arc mea- suring that angle: or it is the difference between the sun's place and the geocentric place of the planet. The greatest elongation, is the greatest distance to which the planets recede from the sun, on either side. This is chiefly considered in the inferior planets, Venus and Mercury; the greatest elongation of Venus being about 47 -J degrees, and of Mercury only about 27-j de- grees ; which is the reason that this planet is so rarely seen, being usually lost in the sun's beams. EMBER-Days, are certain days observed by the church at four different seasons of the year; viz, the Wednesday, friday, and Saturday next after Quadragesima Sunday, or the 1st Sunday in Lent; after Whit-sunday ; after Holy- rood, or Holycross, the 14th day of September; and after St. Lucy, the 13th day of December. The name, it seems, is derived from embers, or ashes, which it is sup- posed the primitive Christians strewed on their heads at these solemn fasts. Ember- Weeks, are those weeks in which the ember- days fall. These ember-weeks are now chiefly noticed on account of the ordination of priests and deacons ; because the canon appoints the Sundays next alter the ember-weeks for the solemn times of ordination ; though the bishops, if they please, may ordain on any Sunday or holiday. EMBOL1M/EAN, and Embolismic, Intercalary, is chiefly used in speaking of the additional months inserted by chronologists to form the lunar cycle of 1 9 years. The 19 solar years, consist of 6939 days and 18 hours, and the 19 lunar years of only 0726' days, so that it was found necessary to intercalate or insert 7 lunar months, contain- ing 209 days; which, with the 4 bissextile days happen- ing in the lunar cycle, make 213 days, and the whole 6939 days, the same as the 19 solar years, which make the lunar cycle. In the course of 19 years there are 22S common moons, and 7 embolismic moons, which are distributed in this manner, viz, the 3d, 6'th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th years, are embolismic, and so contain 384 days each. And this was the method of computing time among the Greeks; though they did not strictly observe it, as it seems the Jews did. And the method of the Greeks was followed by the Romans till the time of Julius Cassar. The embolismic months, like other lunar months, some- times contain 30 days, and sometimes only 29 days. The Embolismic Epacts are those between 19 and 29; which are so called, because, with the addition of the epact 11, they exceed the number 30: or rather, because the years which have these epacts, are embolismic ; having" 13 moons each, the 13th being the embolismic. EMBOL1SMUS, in Chronology, signifies intercalation. As the Greeks used the lunar year, which contains only 354 days; in order that they might bring it to the solar year, of 365 days, they had an embolism every two or three. years, when they added a 13th lunar month. EMBRASURE, in Architecture, an enlargement of the aperture or opening of a door, or window, within-side the wall, sloping back inwards, to give the greater play for the opening of the door, casement, &c, or to take in the more light. V Embrasures, in Fortification, are the apertures or holes through which the cannon are pointed, whether in casemates, batteries, or in the parapets of walls. In the navy, these are called port-holes. The embrasures are placed 12 or 15 feet apart from each other; being made sloping or opening outwards, from 6 to 9 feet wide on the outside of the wall, and from 2 to 3 within, to allow the gun to traverse from side to side. Their base is about 2f or 3 feet above the platform on the inside of the wall, but sloping down outwards, so as to be only about 1 \ above it on the outside; in order that the muzzle may be occa- sionally depressed, when it is necessary to point the gun in that direction. - EMERGENT Year, in Chronology, is the epoch, from which any people begin to compute their time or dates. So, our emergent year is sometimes the year of the crea- tion, but more usually the year of the birth of Christ. The Jews used that of the Deluge, or the Exodus, &c. The emergent year of the Greeks, was the beginning of the Olympic games ; while that of the Romans was the date of the Building of their City. EMERSION, in Astronomy, is the re-appearance of thesun, moon, or other planet, after having been eclipsed', or hid by the interposition of theraoon, earth, or other body. The immersions and emersions of Jupiter's first satellite, are particularly useful for finding the longitudes of places; the immersions being observed from Jupiter's conjunction with thesun, till his opposition ; and the emersions fruni the opposition till the conjunction. But within 15 days of the conjunction, both before and after it, they cannot be observed, the planet and his satellites being then lost in the sun's light. EMERSION is also used when B star, after being hid by the sun, begins to re-appear, and emerges out of his rays. Minutes or Scruples of Emeus ion, an ate of the moon's orbit, which her centre passes over, from the tjinc she EME [ 471 ] E N C begins to emerge out of the earth's shadow, to the end of the eclipse. Emersion, in Physics, the rising of any solid above the surface of a fluid that is specifically heavier than the solid, into which it had been violently immerged,orpushed. It is one of the known laws of hydrostatics, that a lighter solid, being forced down into a heavier fluid, immediately endeavours (p emerge; and that with a force equal to the excess of the weight of a quantity of the fluid above that ot an equal bulk of the solid. Thus, if the body be immerged in a fluid of double its specific gravity, it will emerge again, till half its bulk be above the surface of the fluid. EMERSON (William), a lute eminent mathemati- cian, was born in June 1701, at Hurworth, a village about three miles south of Darlington, on the borders of the county of Durham ; at least it is certain that he re- sided here from his childhood. His father Dudley Emer- son was a schoolmaster, and a tolerable proficient in the mathematics; and without his books and instructions, probably his son's genius, though eminently fitted for ma- thematical studies, might never have been unfolded : but besides his father's instructions, our author was assisted in the learned languages by a young clergyman, then curate of Hurworth, who was boarded at his father's house. Being satisfied with a moderate competence left him by his parents, he devoted himself to a studious retirement, which he thus closely pursued, in the same place, through the course of along life, being mostly very healthy, till to- wards the latter part of his days, when he was much afflicted withthestone. Towards the close, of the year 1781, being sensible of his approaching dissolution, he disposed of the whole of his mathematical library to a bookseller at York ; and on May the 20th, 1782, his lingering and painful dis- order put an end to his life at his native village, being near 8 1 years of age. Mr. Emerson, in his person, was rather short, but strong and well made, with an open countenance and ruddy com- plexion. He was of a singular turn in his behaviour, dress, and conversation; his manner and appearance being rather plain and uncourtly: he had strong natural mental parts, and could discourse sensibly on any subject, but was always positive and impatient of contradiction. He spent his whole life in close study, and writing books, from the profits of which, he redeemed his little patrimony from some original incumbrance. In his dress he was as singular as in every thing else. He possessed commonly but one suit of clothes at a time, and those very old in their appearance. He seldom used a waistcoat; and his coat he wore open before, except the lower button ; and his shirt quite the reverse of one in common use, the hind side turned foremost, to cover his breast, and buttoned close at the collar behind. He also had a kind of rusty- coloured wig, without a crooked hair in it, which pro- bably had never been tortured with a comb from the time of its being made ; and the hat lie wore had served him the greater part of his life, of which he gradually lessened the flaps, bit by bit, as it lost its elasticity, till little or no- thing but the crown remained. He sometimes walked up to London when he had any book to be published, revising sheet by sheet himself: — for trusting no eye but his own, was always a favourite maxim with him. In mechanical subjects, he always tried the propositions practically, making all the different parts himself on a small scale ; so that his house was filled with all kinds of mechanical instruments, together or disjointed. He would frequently stand up to his middle in water while fishing; a diversion he was very fond of. He used to study incessantly for some time, and then for relaxation take a ramble to some pot-alehouse, where he could getany body to drink with and talk to. He was a married man, but without children; and his wife used to spin on an old- fashioned wheel, of his own making, a drawing of which is given in his Mechanics. Mr. Emerson, from his strong vigorous mind and close application, had acquired a deep knowledge of all the branches of mathematics and physics, on every part of which he wrote good treatises, though in a rather anti- quated style and manner. He was not remarkable, how- ever, for genius or discoveries of his own, as his works show hardly any traces of original invention. He was well skilled in the science of music, the theory of sounds, and the various scales both ancient and modern; but he was a very poor performer, though he could make and re- pair some instruments, and sometimes went. about the country tuning harpsichords, as well as cleaning clocks. The following is a .list of Mr. Emerson's works ; all of them printed in Svo, excepting his Mechanics and his In- crements in 4to, and his Navigation in 12mo. 1. The Doc- trine of Fluxions. — 2. The Projection of the Sphere, or- thographic, stereographic, and gnomonical. — 3. The Ele- ments of Trigonometry. — 4. The Principles of Mechanics. — 5. A Treatise of Navigation. — 6". A Treatise on Arith- metic. — 7. A Treatise on Geometry. — 8 A Treatise of Algebra, in 2 books. — 9. The Method of Increments. — 10. Arithmetic of Infinites, and the Conic Sections, with other Curve Lines.— 11. Elements of Optics and Perspec- tive. — 12. Astronomy. — 13. Mechanics, with Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces. — 14. Mathematical Principles of Geography, Navigation, and Dialling. — 15. Commentary on the Principia, with the Defence of Newton. — 16. Mis- cellanies. Besides these, Mr. Emerson was a frequent mathema- tical correspondent in the Ladies' Diary, the Palladium, &c, in the fictitious names of Merones, Nichol Dixon, and other fanciful appellations. In the same works, some- times a riddle or a question in rhyme, showed that he was not destitute of poetical talents. EMINENT1AL £«, a term used by some algebra- ists, in the investigation of the areas of curvilineal figures, for a kind of assumed equation that contains another equation eminently, the latter being a particular case of the former. Hayes's Flux. pa. 97- ENCEINTE, a French term, in Fortification, signify- ing the whole inclosure, circumference, or compass, of a fortified place, whether built with stone or brick, or only made of earth, and whether with or without bastions, &c. ENCYCLOPAEDIA, the circle or chain of arts and sciences ; sometimes also written Cyclopasdia. Numerous are the encyclopaedias, or general dictionaries that have been published ; but our business is only with those which treat chiefly on the mathematical or philoso- phical sciences. The first dictionary of this kind, it ap- pears, was that of Dasypodius, printed in 1573, under the title of Asfyxov, seu Dictionarium mathematicarum, in quodefinitionesetdivisionescontinenturscientiarum ma- thematicarum, arithmeticae,&c,M.CouradoDasypodio au- thore; a very extraordinary work for the time of its pub- lication, and of which a new edition was printed at Stras- burg, in 1579. — I" l632 came out the work J. H. Alslcdii Encyclopedia, in 2 vols, folio : an elaborate performance; E N C [ 472 ] E N C which was followed in 16\57, by Erhardi Wegalii Idea En- cyclopaedia Mathematico-philosophicae; a work not su- perlatively interesting, even for that period. Of a similar kind is the Lexicon Math. Astron. Geomet. of Vatalis, printed at Paris in 16'6"S, 8vo ; as also the Dictionnaire Mathematique of Ozanam, printed in 1 vol. 4to, 169I- As to the works of Ger. J. Vossius (16'50), and of Beughem (l6<)4), they are Jittle more than catalogues of mathematical books. The next important step was made by Dr. Harris, in his Lexicon Technic'um, published, the 1st vol. in 170-4, the 2d in 1710.' Thisisthe earliest English work that assumes to good purpose the systematic form of a general dic- tionary, and attempts to allot to each article its compa- rative portion in the scale of science. The author pos- sessed very considerable general knowledge ; but his at- tainments as a mathematician and philosopher were most conspicuous. To the 5th edit, in 1736", a supplement was added by the booksellers, but of minor importance. — Va- rious dictionaries, comprising more or less of scientific ma- terials, were published between the times of Harris's Lex- icon and Chambers's Cyclopaedia ; such, for instance, as the Great Dictionary of the French Academy, the Dic- tionary of the Jesuits of Trevoux, the Chemical Dictionary of Johnson, the Medical ones ofBlanchard and Castellas, the Mathematical Dictionaries of Stone and Wolfius, the Sea Dictionary of Mainwaring, the Dictionary of the Bible by Calmet, the Lexicon Philosophicum of Chauvin, a work of importance, especially in the mathematics and philo- sophy of the ancients ; the Lexicon of J. Burkard Monkens, in, 1715; Jablonski's Lexicon in 1-721; and Collier's great Historical Dictionary, begun in 1694, and finished in 1727. The first edition of Chambers's Cyclopaedia came out in 1727, 2 vols, folio ; of which the public demand occa- sioned a 2d edit, in 1738, a 3d in 173y, a 4th in 1741, and a 5th in 1746. This unprecedented success induced the proprietors, at a great expense, to engage G. L. Scott and Dr. Hill to prepare a Supplement to the 6th edition, which was accordingly published in 2 additional volumes. The7th edition, completed in 17S6 in'four thick folio vo- lumes, removed the disadvantage of the double alphabets, by incorporating them into one, by the labour and skill of that able editor Dr. Ahr. Rees. From this period, dictionaries devoted to arts and sciences, as well as general dictionaries, increased very rapidly, both in number and importance; of which a few of the chief may be noticed : as, the .Medical Dictionaries of Motherby, Quincy, James, Turton, and the Edinburgh Dictionary ; the Chemical Dictionaries of Macquer, Nicholson, and the Aikins ; the Dictionaries of Gusseme and Rasches, on Numismatology ; those of Miller, Martyn, and Dickson, on Gardening ; those of Burn, Cunningham, and Jacob, 011 Law : the Marine Dictionaries of Chapman and Fal- coner; the Builder's Magazine, and Felihien's Dictionary of Architecture ; Jom belt's Dictionnaire de l'Engcnieur et de I'Arfllleur, and James's Military Dictionary; Pilking- ton's Dictionary of Painters ; Mortimer's and Postle- thwaite's Dictionariesof Trade a ml Commerce; Rousseau's, 1 lo\ Ic's, and Busby's Dictionaries ol Mumc ; our own Ma- thematical and Philosophical Dictionary; and the Diction- naire de Physique of M. Lihes. The diligence exerted by the authors of these, ami a few other dictionaries appro- priate 'I to separate branches of science, and by the editors of encyclopaedias, has operated reciprocally to improve both ; and hence it has happened, that many of such dic- tionaries, during the last 50 years, have greatly contributed to the improvement and diffusion of human knowledge. The labours of the continental encyclopaedists, during this period, are also of much importance. Among the works of the Germans may be noticed, the Universal Lex- icon of Ludwig, in 1732 — 1750, in 64 volumes ; Oekono- mische Encyclopedia, by Kriinitz, in 1773; the Encyclo- pedia der Historischen, Philosophiscen, und Mathematis- chen Wissenchaften, by Biisch,in 1775and 1795; Kliigel's Encyclopedic aller Mathematischen Wissenchaften ihre Geschichte und Litteratur, by Rosenthal, in 170,0. To these may be added, the Swedish Encyclopaedia, by Gior- well, in 1785; and the Encyclopedia Italiana ovvero Bi- bliotheca universale della umane cognizioni, at Naples in 17S8. Our neighbours the French also have the Dictionnaire universel de Mathematique et de Physique, by M. Save- rien, in 1753; the Encyclopedic, ou Dictionnaire rai- sonne des Sciences, des Arts, et des Metiers, by Diderot, Dalembert, &c, in 1754 — 1757; the Dictionnaire Porta- tif, in 1760; the Dictionnaire de Physique Portatif, in 176'3; the new edition of the Encyclopedic, by Diderot, &c, in 3j) vols, in 1778, 1779; and the Ency clopedie Me- thodique, by Dalembert, Bossut, Condorcet, Lalande, &c, which commenced in 1785, and consists of separate al- phabets, or dictionaries, for the several arts and sciences. We must now glance rapidly at the labours of British encyclopaedists since the time of Chambers ; passing over the productions of Owen, Procter, Castieau, Hall, Howard, and Kendal, with a mere notice of their names ; the only- one of which that we do not feel desirous to forget is Owen. We must however mention, with commendation, the Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, published in 1766", by Crowder, in 3 vols. 4to ; the editors of which were, the Rev. J. Scott, Trinity-college, Cambridge; Mr. Chas. Green, assistant at the royal observatory ; Mr. J. Meadcs; and Mr. Falconer, the unfortunate author of the Ship- wreck. The work last mentioned, though respectable, is far in- ferior to Chambers, who has however now had some for- midable rivals in Britain; viz, the Encyclopaedia Britan- nica, published in Edinburgh, first we believe in 176S, in 4 vols. 4to, and afterwards in 10 vols. This work seems also to have been the first that attempted the innovation of incorporating systems or treatises, along with the usual articles in the alphabetical arrangement. The 3d edition of this Encyclopaedia, superintended by Dr. Gleig, was finished in 1800; the whole with a supplement, making 20 large volumes. It contains, besides the general mat- ters treated in Chambers's work, the additional subjects of biography, history, and geography. It is a work, in many respects, of considerable excellence: it commonly ox- plains the principles and practices, in the various arts and sciences, with great correctness and perspicuity. Many of the treatises it contains, were drawn up by some of the most eminent Scotch professors, which do them great cre- dit. — The English Encyclopaedia was completed in 10 vols. 4t0, in 1803. The names of its conductors are not men- tioned; but they are commonly understood Id have been Dr. Aikin and Mr. Houlston. Its general plan is much like that of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, but much less imbued with original masterly compositions. Such is the general diffusion of knowledge in this coun- try, and so prevalent is the desire to possess a library as it were in one work, that besides two general dictionaries E N T [ 473 ] EPA just finished, no less than six others are now in course of order of a column which is over the capital, comprehend publication, viz, The Encyclopaedia Londinensis; anew edition of the Encyclopeedia Perthensis ; Brewster's Edin- burgh Encyclopaedia ; the Pantologia, or New Cyclopae- dia, by Mr. Good, Dr. O. Gregory, and Mr. Bosworth, in- cluding all English words, besides all sciences and human knowledge, to be comprised in 10 or 12 volumes; also throw the water off. ing the architrave, frize, and cornice. Entablature, or Entablement, is sometimes also used for the last row of stones on the top of the wall of a building, on which the timber and covering rest ; some- times also called the drip, because it projects a little, to a new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and Dr. Rees's New Cyclopaedia, both to be extended to several more volumes. EN DECAGON, a plane geometrical figure of eleven sides and angles, otherwise called undecagon. If each side of this figure be 1, its area will be g-3656399 = V of the tang, of 73^j. degrees, to the radius 1. See my Mensura- tion, pa. S5,&c, 4th edit. See also Regular Figure. ENFILADE, a French term in Fortification, applied to those trenches, and other lines, that are ranged in a right line, and so may be scoured or swept by the cannon length- ways, or in the direction of the line. To Enfilade, is to sweep lengthways by the firing of cannon, &c. ABatttry '^'Enfilade, is that where the cannon sweep a right line. ENVELOPE, in Fortification, is a mound of earth, sometimes raised in the ditch of a place, and sometimes beyond it, being either in form of a single parapet, or of a small parapet bordered with a parapet. These envelopes are made only to cover weak parts with single lines, with- out advancing towards the field, which cannot be done without works that require a great deal of room, such as horn-works, half-moons, &c. Envelopes are sometimes called Sillons, Contregards, Conserves, Lunettes, &c. ENUMERATION, numbering or counting. Sir Isaac Newton wrote a very ingenious treatise on the enumeration of the lines of the 3d order. EOLIP1LE. See jEolipile. EPACT, in Chronology, the excess of the solar month above the lunar synodical month; or of the solar year above the lunar year of 12 synodical months; or of several A Post, or Command ^'Enfilade, is a height from solarmonths above as manysynodical months; or of several which a whole line may be swept at once. ENGINE, in Mechanics, a compound machine, consist- ing of several simple ones, as wheels, screws, levers, or the like, combined together, in order to lift, cast, or sustain a weight, or produce some other considerable effect, so as to save either force or time. There are numberless kinds of engines; of which some are for war, as the Balista, Cata- pulta, Scorpion, Aries or Ram, &c; others for the arts of And the lunar month peace, as mills, cranes, presses, clocks, watches, &c, &c. The menstrual epact is ENGINEER is applied to a contriver or maker of any kind of useful engines or machines; or who is particularly skilled or employed in them. And he is denominated either a civil or military engineer, according as the objects of his profession respect civil or military purposes. A militaiy engineer should be an expert mathematician and draughtsman, and particularly versed in fortification and gunnery, being the person officially employed to di- rect the operations both for attacking and defending works. When at a siege the engineers have narrowly surveyed the place, they are to make their report to the general, or commander, by acquainting him which part they judge the weakest, and where approaches may be made with most success. It is their business also to draw the lines of circumvallation and contravallation ; also to mark out the trenches, places of arms, batteries, and lodgments, and in general to direct the workmen in all such opera- tions. ENHARMONIC, the last of the three kinds of music. It abounds in dieses, or the least sensible divisions of a tone. See Philos. Trans. No. 481; also Wallis's Appendix to Ptolem.pa. l6"5, l66\ ' ENNEADECATERIS, in Chronology, a cycle or pe- riod of 19 solar years, being the same as the golden num- 'ber and lunar cycle, or cycle of the moon; which see; as also Embolismic. ENNEAGON, a plane geometrical figure of 9 sides and Again, as the new moons are the same, or fall on the angles ; and is otherwise called a nonagon. If each side same day, every 19 years, so the difference between the so- of this figure be 1, its area will be 6" - 1818242 = -J of the lar and lunar years is the same every 19 years. And be- fang. of 70 degrees, to the radius 1 . See my Mensuration, cause the said difference is' always to beadded to thelunar ji;i. 8 ">, -1 1 li edit. See also the article Reg ula u Figure. year, to adjust or make it equal to the solar year ; there- F.NTABLATURE, in Architecture, is that part of the fore the said difference respectively belonging to each year Vol. I. • s 3 P " solar years above as many periods each consisting of 12 synodical months. The epacts therefore are either annual or menstrual. Menstrual Epacts, are the excesses of the civil calen- dar month above the lunar month. Suppose, for example, it were new moon on the 1st day of January: then since the month of January contains 31 days, 29 ds 12" 44 m 3'; 1 11 15 57 Annual Epacts, arc the excesses of the solar year above the lunar. Hence, As the Julian solar year is - 365 d " 6 1 ' m 0", And the Julian lunar year - 354 8 48 3S, The annual epact will be - 10 21 11 22, that is, almost 11 days. Consequently the epact of 2 years, is 22 days; of 3 years, 33 days; or rather 3, since 30 days make an embolismic, or intercalary month ; therefore, adding still 11, the epact of 4 years is 14 days; and so of the rest as in the following table, where it may be observed, that they do not become 30, or again, till the 19th year; so that at the 20th year the epact is 11 again ; and hence the cycle of epacts expires with the gol- den number, or lunar cycle of 19 years, and begins with the same again. Table of Julian Epacts. Golden Numb. Epacts. Golden Numb. Epacts. Golden Numb. Epacts. I 11 VIII 2S XV 15 II 00 IX 9 XVI 26" III 3 X 20 XVII 8 IV 14 XI 1 XVIII 19 V 25 XII 12 XIX 30") VI 6 XIII 23 or Oj VII 17 XIV 4 E P H [ 474 ] E P I of the moon's cycle, is called the epact of the said year, that is, the number to be added to the said year, to make it equal to the solar year ; and upon this mutual relation between the cycle of the moon and the cycle of theepacts, is founded this Rule for finding the Julian Epact, belonging to any year of the Moon's Cycle. — Multiply the golden number, or the given year of the moon's cycle, by 1 1, and the product will be the epact, if it be less than 30 ; but if it exceed 30, then reject as many 30's as the product contains, and the re- mainder will be the epact. Rule to find the Gregorian Epact. — 1st, The difference between the Julian and Gregorian years being equal to the difference between the solar and lunar year, or 11 days, therefore the Gregorian epact for any year is the same with the Julian epact for the preceding year ; and hence the Gregorian epact will be found, by subtracting .1 from the golden number, multiplying the remainder by 11, and re- jecting the 30's ; which rule will serve till the year 1900; but after that year, the Gregorian epact will be found by this rule: Divide the centuries of the given year by 4; multiplythe remainder by 17; and to this product add 43 times the quotient, as also the number 86, and divide the whole sum by 25, reserving the quotient: next multiply the golden number by 11, and from the product subtract the reserved quotient; so shall the remainder, after reject- ing all the 30's contained in it, be the epact sought. The following table contains the golden numbers, with their corresponding epacts, till the year 1900. Table of Gregorian Epacts. Golden Numb. Epacls. Golden Numb. Epacts. Golden Numb. Epacts.. I VIII 17 XV 4 II 11 IX 28 xvt 15 III 22 X 9 XVII 20 IV 3 XI 20 XVIII 7 V 14 XII 1 XIX IS VI 25 XIII 12 I VII 6 XIV 23 On the subject of epacts, see Wolfius's Elementa Chro- nologia? ; apud Opera, torn. 4, pa. 133; also Philos. Trans, vol. 46, pa. 417, or No. 495, art. 5. EPAULE, or Espaule, in Fortification, the shoulder of the bastion, or the angle made by the face and flank, otherwise called the angle of the epaule. EPAULEMENT, in Fortification, a side-work hastily raised, to cover the cannon or the men ; and is made either of earth thrown up, or bags filled with earth or sand, or of gabions, or fascines, &c; of which latter sort are commonly constructed the epaulements of the places of arms for the cavalry behind the trenches. Epaulement, is also used for a demi-bastion, consist- ing of a face and flank, placed at the point of a horn- work or crown-work : and a little (lank added to the sides of horn-works, to defend them when they are too long: also for the redoubts made on a right line, to fortify it. And lastly, for an orillon, or mass of earth almost square, faced and lined with a wall, and designed to cover the cannon of a casemate. EP11EMERIS, EniEMEiiiDES, tables calculated by astronomers, showing the present stale of the heavens for (very day at noon; that is, the places in which all the planets are found at that time ; differing but little from an astronomical almanac. It is from such tables as these that the eclipses, conjunctions, and aspects of the planets are computed; as also horoscopes, or celestial schemes, con- structed, &c. The following list of authors of published epheraeride* has been chiefly collected from Weidler's Hislory of As- tronomy, in 4to. 74 1. Kegiomontanus ,fiom\4T5 to 1506 Beaulieu from 1703 to 1714 Angelas — 1494, — 1500 Manfredi — 1715 — 1725 Stoefler — 149* — 1551 — 1725 — 1750 Scboner — 1533 Gbisler — 1721 — 1740 Gauricus — 1534 — 1551 — 1739 — 1756 Rheticus — 1550 Connoissance des Simi — 1554 — 1568 Temps, by Mizald — 1555 — 1557 Picard — 1679 — 1635 Pitatus — 1552 — 1562 Lefebvre — 16S6 — 170L Stadias — 1554 — 1576 Lieutaud — 1701 — 1729 Corelli — 155S — 1577 Godin — 1729 — 1735 Leovitius — 1556 — 1606 Maraldi — 1/35 — 1760 Moletius — 1564 — 1584 Lalande — 1760 —. 1775 Maginus — 1581 — 1630 Jeaurat — 1775 — 178* Scala 158S — 1600 Mechain — 1788 — 1794 Everhart 1590 — 1615 Commission — 1795 Origan Kepler — 1595 — 1617 — 1655 1620 Board of Lon- gitude }- 1796, &C, &C. '■ — — 1630 — 1636 Ephemerides Argoli 1621 — 1640 des Mouve Durret — 1637 — 1649 mensCeles — 1648 — 1700 tes, by Montebrun — 1641 — 1660 Desplaces — 1715 — 1725 Wing . — 1652 — 1672 — 1725 — 1735. Malvasia — 166* — 1667 — 1735 — 1744 Palati —, 1664 — 1670 Lacaille — 1745 — 1755 Hecker — 1666 — 1680 — 1755 — 1765 Gadbury — 1672 — 1701 — 1765 — 17*5 Mozzavachis — "1675 — 1684 Lalande — 1775 — 1784 1702 — 16S1 — • 1720 1692 1785 — 1792 Kircbius Nautical Alma- Lieutaud — 1693 — 1729 nac, by Junius — 1701 — 1703 Maskelyne — 1767 — 1814 Lahire — 1701 — 1702 | There are now published such ephemerides by the Aca- demies of several other nations; but that which is in most esteem for its accuracy and use in finding the longitude, is, the Nautical Almanac, or Astronomical Ephemeris, pub- lished in England by the Board of Longitude, under the direction of the astronomer royal, which commenced with. the year 1767, by Dr. Maskelyne : besides many other, smaller annual ephemerides, by White, Partridge, Parker, and many more. EPICHARMUS, an ancient poet and philosopher, born in Sicily, was a scholar of Pythagoras, and flourished in the time of Hiero, in whose reign it is said he introduced comedy at Syracuse. He also wrote treatises on philoso- phy and medicine; but none of his works have been pre- served. He died at 90 years of age, according to Laertius, who has preserved four verses inscribed on his statue. EPICURUS, a celebrated ancient philosopher, was born at Gargettium in Attica, v in the 109th Olympiad, ofi about 340 years before Christ. He settled at Athens in a fine garden he had bought ; where he lived with liis friends in much tranquillity, and educated a great number of dis- ciples ; who lived all in common with their master. His school was never divided, but his doctrine was followed as an oracle; and the respect which his disciples paid to his memory is admirable; his birth-day being kept even in Pliny's time, and the month he was born in was ob- served as a continued festival; his picture was also dis- played in numberless places. He wrote a great many books, and valued himself upon making no quotations. He raised the atomical system to great reputation, though he E P I [ 475 1 E P 1 was not the inventor of it, but only made some change in that of Democritus. As to his doctrine concerning the supreme good or happiness, it was very liable to be misre- presented, and some ill effects proceeded from thence, which discredited his sect, though undeservedly. He was charged with perverting the worship of the gods, and in- citing men to debauchery. But he did not forget himself on this occasion : he published his opinions to the whole world; wrote some books of devotion; recommended the veneration of the gods, sobriety, and chastity, living in an exemplary manner, and conformably to the rules of philo- sophical wisdom and frugality. Gassendus has given us all that he could collect from the ancients concerning the person and doctrine of this philosopher; by whom we are informed that he died of a suppression of urine, at the age of 72 years. Epicurean Philosophy, the doctrine, or system of phi- losophy, maintained by Epicurus and his followers; which consisted of three parts; Canonical, physical, and ethical. The first respected the canons or rules of judging; in which soundness and simplicity of sense, assisted by some natural reflections, chiefly formed his art. His search after truth proceeded only by the senses ; to the evidence of which he gave so great a certainty, that he considered them as an infallible rule of truth, and termed them the first natural light of mankind. In the 2d part of his philosophy he laid down atoms, space, and gravity, as the first principles of all things. He asserted the existence of a God, whom he-accounted a blessed immortal being, but who did not concern himself with human affairs. As to his ethics, he made the supreme good of man to consist in pleasure, and consequently supreme evil in pain. Nature itself, says he, teaches us this truth ; and prompts us from our birth to procure whatever gives us pleasure, and to avoid that which gives us pain. To this end he proposes a remedy against the sharpness of pain, which is to divert the mind from it, by turning our whole attention upon the p easures we have formerly enjoyed. He held that the wise man must be happy, as long as he is wise: pain, by not depriving him of his wisdom, cannot deprive him of his happiness : from which it would seem that his pleasure consisted rather in intellectual than in sensual enjoyments: though this is a point strongly contested : pro- bably in both. EPICUREANS, the sect of philosophers holding or following the principles and doctrine of Epicurus. As the nature of the pleasure, in which the chief happiness of man is supposed to be seated, is a great problem in the morals of Epicurus, there hence arise two kinds of Epicu- reans, the rigid and the remiss : the first were those who understood Epicurus's notion of pleasure in the best sense, and placed all their happiness in the pure pleasures of the mind, arising from the practice of virtue: while the loose •or remiss Epicureans, taking the words of that philoso- pher in a gross sense, placed all their nappiness in bodily pleasures or debauchery. EPICYCLE, in the ancient Astronomy, a little circle having its centre in the circumference of a greater one: or a small orb or sphere, which being fixed in the de- ferent of a planet, is carried along with it, and yet, by its own peculiar motion, carries the planet fastened to it round its proper centre. — It was by means of epicycles that Ptolemy and his followers solved the various pheno- mena of the planets, but more especially their stations and retrogradations. EPICYCLOID, is a curve generated by the revolution of a point of the periphery of a circle, which rolls along or upon the circumference of another circle, either on the convex or concave side of it. When a circle rolls along a straight line, a point in its circumference describes the curve called a cycloid. But if, instead of the right line, the circle roll along the circumference of another circle, either equal to the former or not, then the curve described by any point in its circumference is what is called the epicycloid. If the generating circle roll along the convexity of the circumference, the curve is called an upper, or exterior epicycloid ; but if along the concavity, it is called a lower, or interior epicycloid. Also the circle that re- volves is called the generant ; and the arc of that circle along which it revolves, is called the base of the epicy- cloid. Fig. 1. Fis-2. Thus, in the above figure, geif is the exterior epicy- cloid, and ge¥ the interior epicycloid, to the former of which eb is the generant, and gbf the base, and to the latter the circle fh is the generant, having the arc gf for its base. The honour of the invention of this curve is due to M. Roemer, a celebrated Danish astronomer, who did not treat of it as a purely geometrical speculation ; but as one of great utility, being, as he thought, the form which ought to be given to the teeth of wheels, in machinery, in order to diminish the friction of them against each other, and to render the action of the powers more equal. This idea occurred to M. Roemer while he was in Paris about the year l6"74, notwithstanding M. Lahire, i n 1694, published a work upon this subject, and seems to lay claim to the indention; but he was justly confuted by Leibnitz, who was in Paris during the visit of the Danish mathematician Roemer, and knew both of the invention and its application to mechanical purposes. Sir Isaac Newton and John Bernoulli have each consi- dered the nature and properties of this curve, which are both numerous and interesting ; but our limits will only admit the insertion of some of those which are more par- • ticularly deserving of attention. It is a remarkable pro- perty of circular epicycloids, that they are sometimes geometrical, though the common cycloid, which is much more simple in appearance, as a right is more simple than a curve, is always mechanical, or transcendental. The cases where the epicycloid is geometrical, are those in which there is a numerical ratio between the circum- ferences of the circle which forms the base, and the gene- rant ; for where there is no rational ratio between them, the curve becomes mechanical. It is also a remarkable property of epicycloids, whether they be geometrical or transcendental, that they are al- ways rectifiable, at least in the case where the describing point is taken in the circumference of the generating 3 P 2 E P I [ 476 ] E P O circle. Thus, the curve of the epicycloid gef, is to 4 times the diameter of the generating circle be, as the sum of the diameters of the two circles, is to that of the base. But if the epicycloid is inferior, as Teg, then instead of the sum of the diameters we must take their difference. It may also be observed, as a curious circumstance, that when the diameter of the generant is equal to half that of the circle forming the base, as in fig. 2; then the epicycloid degenerates into a right line, describing the diameter of the latter circle. We may also further re- mark, that when the describing point is taken either within or without the generant, the length of the epicy- cloid is equal to the circumference of an ellipse, which is easily constructed. '" As to the areas of epicycloids, they are determined from the following proportion. As the radius of the circle forming the base, is to 3 times that radius plus twice that of the generant ; so is the circular segment bi, to the epicycloidical space bvs ; or, so is the whole area of the generant, to the entire area of the epicycloid fegb. Dr. Halley has also given a general proposition for the measuring of all cycloids and epicycloids : which is this, the area of a cycloid, or epicycloid, either primary, or contracted, or prolate, is to the area of the generating circle; and also the areas of the parts generated in those curves, to the areas of analogous segments of the circle; as the sum of double the velocity of the centre and the velocity of the circular motion, is to this velocity of the circular motion. See the Demonstr. in the Philos. Trans. No. 218, or my Abridg. vol.4, pa. 47. Spherical Epicycloids are formed by a point of the revolving circle, when its plane makes a constant angle with the plane of the circle on which it revolves. Messrs. Bernoulli, Maupertuis, Nicole, and Clairaut, have de- monstrated several properties of these epicycloids, in Hist. Acad. Sci. for 1732. Epicycloids. Parabolic, Elliptic, &c. If a parabola roll upon another equal to it; its focus will describe a right line perpendicular to the axis of the quiescent parabola : also the vertex of the rolling para- bola will describe the cissoid of Diocles; and any other point of it will describe some one of Newton's defective hyperbolas, having a double point in the like point of the quiescent parabola. In like manner, if an ellipse revolve upon another el- lipse, equal and similar to it, its focus will describe a' circle, whose centre is in the other focus, and consequently the radius is equal to the axis of the ellipsis; and any other point in the plane of the ellipse will describe a line of the 4th order. The same may be said also of an hyperbola, revolving upon another, equal and similar to it; for one of the foci will describe a circle, having its centre in the other focus, and the radius will be the principal axis of the hyperbola; and any other point of the hyperbola will describe a line, of the 4th order. Concerning these lines, see Newton's Principia, lib. 1 ; also Lahire's Memoires de Mathematique &c, where he shows the nature of this line, and its use in mechanics ; see also Maclaurin's Geometria Organica; the Philos. Trans. No. 217, pa. 113 ; and No. 218, pa. 125. EPIPHANY, a Christian festival, otherwise called the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, observed on the 6th of January, in honour of the appearance of Christ to the three magi or wise men, who came to adore him and bring him presents. EPISTYLE, in the ancient Architecture, a term used by the Greeks for what we call the architrave, viz, a massive stone, or a piece of wood, laid immediately over the capital of a column. EPOCH, or Epochs, a term or fixed point of time, whence the succeeding years are numbered or reckoned. Different nations make use of different epochs. The Christians chiefly use the epoch of the nativity or incarna- tion of Jesus Christ ; the Mahometans, that of the He- gira; the Jews, that of the Creation of the World, or that of the Deluge; the ancient Greeks, that of the Olym- piads; the Romans, that of the Building of their City ; the ancient Persians and Assyrians, that of Nabonassar ; &c. The doctrine and use of epochs is of very great extent in chronology. To reduce the years of one epoch to those of another, i. e. to find what year of one corresponds to a given year of another ; a period of years has been in- vented, which, commencing before all the known epochs, is, as it were, a common receptacle of them all, called the Julian Period. To this period all the epochs are re- duced ; that is, the year of this period when each epoch commences, is so determined; that, adding the given year of one epoch to the year of the period corresponding with its rise, and from the sum subtracting the year of the same period corresponding to the other epoch, the re- mainder is the year of the required epoch. Epoch of Christ, is the common epoch throughout Europe, commencing at the supposed, time of his nativity, December 25 ; or rather, according to the usual ac- count, from his circumcision, or the 1st of January. The author of this epoch' was an abbot of Rome, one Dionysius Exiguus, a Scythian, about the year 507 or 527- Dionysius began his account from the conception or incarnation, usually called the Annunciation, or Lady- Day; which method obtained in the dominions ofGreal Britain till the year 1752, before which time the Diony- sian was the same, as the English epoch: but in that year the Gregorian calendar having been admitted by act ol parliament, they now reckon from the first of January,. as in the other parts of Europe, except in the court of Rome, where the epoch of the Incarnation still obtains for the date of their bulls. EOU [ 477 1 EOU A Table of the Years of the most remarkable Epochs or Eras and Events. N. B. The years before Christ, are those before the reputed year of his birth, and not reckoned back from the first year of his age, as is generally done in such tables. The Creation of the World -------- The Deluge, or Noah's flood - -• Assyrian monarchy founded by Nimrod - - - - - The birth of Abraham -------- Kingdom of Athens founded by- Cecrops - - - - - Entrance of the Israelites into Canaan ------ The destruction of Troy -------- Solomon's temple founded -------- The Argonautic expedition -------- Lycurgus formed his laws -------- Arbaces, first king of the Medes ------- Olympiads of the Greeks began ------- Rome built, or Roman Era -------- Era of Nabonassar --------- First Babylonish captivity, by Nebuchadnezzar - - - - The 2d ditto, and birth of Cyrus ------- Solomon's temple destroyed - - - - Cyrus began to reign in Babylon ------- Peloponnesian war began ------ Alexander the Great died - - - - " Captivity of 100,000 Jews by Ptolemy- - - - , - Archimedes killed at Syracuse ------- Julius Caesar invaded Britain . - - - - He corrected the calendar - - - " . The true year of Christ's birth - - - - - The Christian Era begins here. Dionysian, or vulgar era of Christ's birth . . - - - Christ crucified, Friday April 3d ------ - Jerusalem destroyed --------- Adrian's wall built in Britain ------- Dioclesian A*.poch, or that of Martyrs - - - - . - The council of Nice --------- Constantino the Great died -------- The Saxons invited into Britain -------- Hegira, or flight of Mohammed ------- Death of Mohammed -------- The Persian Yesdegird -------- Sun, Moon, and Planets h, %> 6* , S , g '» =£=> SL ' cn fl ' om tue eartn Art of printing discovered - -.- The Reformation begun by Martin Luther - - The Calendar corrected by Pope Gregory . - - - - Oliver Cromwell died - - - - -.- Sir Isaac Newton born, Dec. 25 ------- Made President of the Royal Society, ------ Died, March 20th New Planet discovered byHcrschel Julian Year of the Years before Period. World. Christ. 706 4007 2362 1656 2351 2537 1831 2167 27J4 2008 1999 3157 2451 1556. 3262 2556 1451 3529 2823 1184 3701 2995 1012 3776 3070 937 3829 3103 884 383S 3132 875 393 S 3232 775 3901 3255 752 396'7 320'1 746 410/ 3401 606 ~ 4114 3408 599 4125 3419 588 4177 3471 536 42S2 3576 - 431 4390 3684 323 4393 3687 320 4506 3800 207 4659 3953 54 466'7 396l 46 4709 4003 4 Years since Christ. 4717 4007 4746 4040 33 4783 4077 70 4S33 4127 120 4997 4291 284 5038 4332 325 5050 4344 337 5158 4452 445 5335 4629 622 5343 4637 630 5344 463S 631 5899 5193 11S6 6153 5447 1440 6230 5524 1517 6295 5589 1582' 6371 566*5 165S 6355 5619 1642 6416 5710 1703 6440 5734 1727 6494 5788 17SI EPROUVETTE, in Gunnery, is a machine for showing the strength or quality of gunpowder. Eprouvcttes have been made of various kinds and shapes. The best is that described in my Tracts, vol. 3, pa. 153. EQUABLE Motion, Celerity, Velocity, &C, is that which is uniform, or without alteration, or by which equal spaces are passed over in equal times. Hence, thespaces, passed over in equable motions, are proportional to the times. So that if a body pass over 20 feet in 1 second of time, it will pass over 40 feet in 2 seconds, and so on. Equably Accelerated or Retarded, &c, is when the mo- tion or change is increased or decreased by equal quan- tities or degrees in equal times. EQUAL, a term of relation between different things, but of the same kind, magnitude, quantity, or quality.— Wolfius defines equals to be those things that may be substi- tuted for each other, without any alteration of their quan- tity. — It is an axiom in mathematics &c, that two things which are equal to the same thing, arc also equal to each other. And if equals be equally altered, by equal ud- dition, subtraction, multiplication, division, &c, the re- sults will be also equal. E Q U [ 47S ] Equal Circles, are those whose diameters are equal. Equal Angles, are those whose sides are equally in- clined, or which are measured by similar arcs of circles. Equal Lines, are lines of the same length. Equal Plane Figures, are those whose areas are equal; whether the figures be of the same form or not. Equal Solids, are such as are of the same space, capa- city, or solid content; whether they be of the same kind or not. Equal Curvatures, are such as have the same, or equal radii of curvature. Equal Ratios, are those whose terms are in the same proportion. Equal, in Optics, is said of things that are seen under equal angles. EQUALITY, the exact agreement of two things in re- spect to their quantity. Those figures are equal which may occupy the same space, or ttiay be conceived to pos- sess the same space, by the flexion or transposition of their parts. See a learned discourse upon this subject, by Dr. Barrow, in his 11th and 12th Mathematical Lectures. Equality, in Algebra, the relation or comparison be- tween two quantities that are really or effectually equal. See Equation. — Equality, in Algebra, is usually denoted by two equal parallel lines, as = : thus 2 ■+■ 3 = 5, i. e. 2 plus 3, are equal to 5. This character = was first in- troduced by Robert Recorde. Descartes, and some others after him, use the mark oe instead of it: as 2 -+- 3 oc 5. Equality, in Astronomy. Circle of Equality, or the Equant. See Circle, and Equant. Ratio or Proportion of Equality, is that between two equal numbers or, quantities. Proportion of Equality evenly ranged, or ex cequo or- dinata, is that in which two terms, in a rank or series, are proportional to as many terms in another series, compared to each other in the same order, i. e. the first of one rank to the first of another, the 2d to the 2d, &c. Proportion of Equality evenly disturbed, called also ex aquo perturbata, is that in which more than two terms of one rank, are proportional to as many terms of another, compared to each other in a different and interrupted or- der; viz, the 1st of one rank to the 2d of another, the 2d to the 3d, &c. EQUANT, or Equant, in Astronomy, a circle for- merly conceived by astronomers, in the plane of the de- ferent, or excentric; for regulating and adjusting certain motionsofthe planets, and reducing them more easily to a calculus : but in the modern astronomy they are not used. ' EQUATED Anomaly. See Anomaly. Equated Bodies. On Gunter's Sector are sometimes placed two lines, answering to one another, and called the lines of equated bodies ; being situated between the lines of superficies and solids, and are marked with the letters D, i, c, s, o, t, to signify dodecahedron, icosahedron, cube, sphere, octahedron, and tetrahedron. The uses of these lines arc, 1st, When the diameter of the sphere is given, to find the sides of the five regular •bodies, each equal to that sphere ; 2d, From the side of any one of those bodies being given, to find the diameter of the sphere, and the sides of the other bodies, which shall be each" equal to the first given body. So that when the sphere is given, take its diameter, and apply it on the (sector in the points s, s; but when one of the other five bodies is given, apply its side over in its proper points; E Q U then the parallels taken from between the points of the other bodies, or sphere, will be the sides or diameter, equal severally to the sphere or body first given. EQUATION, in Algebra, an expression of equality between two different quantities ; or two quantities, whe- ther simple or compound, with the mark of equality be- tween them : as 2 + 3 = 7 — 2; or 2 x 3 = 6; or 5 x 3 = 30-r2; or a -t- b =zc; or x- -+■ ax = b ; &c. When the two sides of the equation are the same, the expression becomes an identity, as 5 = 5, ora = a, &c. Sometimes the quantities are placed all on one side, and made equal to 0, or nothing, on the other side ; as 5 — 5 = 0, or a ^- b = : which is no more than setting down the difference of two equal quantities equal to nothing, — The character or sign usually employed to denote an equation, is = , which is placed between the two equal quantities, called the two sides of the equation. The Terms of an Equation, are the several quantities or parts of which it is composed. Thus, of the equation a -+■ b = c, the terms are a, b, and c : and the tenor or im- port of the expression is, that some quantity represented by c, is equal to two others represented by a and b. Equations are either simple or affected or compound. A Simple Equation is that which has only one power of the unknown quantity : as a -+- x = 36, or ax z = bc, or a 3 -+- 2x 3 = 5b, &c; where x denotes the unknown quan- tity, and the other letters known ones. An Affected, or Adfected, or Compound Equation, con- tains two or more different powers: as x 2 -+- ax = b, or x 3 — 4x 2 -+- 3x = 25, &c. Again, equations are denominated from the highest power contained in them ; as quadratic, cubic, biquadratic, &c. Thus, A Quadratic Equation, is that in which the unknown quantity rises to two dimensions, or to the square or 2d power : as x 1 ■+■ 20x = 200, or x x — ax = b. A Cubic Equation, is that in which the unknown quantity is of three dimensions, or rises to the 3d power : as x 3 = 25, or x 3 — 2x a = 27, or x 3 — ax 2, -+- bx = c. A Biquadratic Equation, is that in which the unknown quantity is of 4 dimensions, or rises to the 4th or biqua- dratic power : as x 4 = 25, or x* — 20x = 10, or x* -I- ax 3 -t- ftx 2, ■+- ex = d. And so on for other higher orders of equations. The Root of an Equation, is the value of the un- known letter or quantity contained in it. And this value being substituted in the terms of the equation instead of that letter or quantity, will cause both sides to vanish, or will make the one side exactly equal to the other. So the root of the equation 3x -+• IS = 24, is 2; for by using 2 for x, it becomes 3 x 2 ■+- IS = -+■ 18 = 24. Every equation has as many roots as it has dimensions, or as it contains units in the index of the highest power, when the powers are all reduced to integral exponents. So the simple equation of the 1st power, has only one root; but the quadratic has 2, the cubic 3, the biqua- dratic 4, &c. Thus the two roots of this equation x- — 4x= — 3 are 1 and 3 ; for either of these substi- tuted for x makes x" — 4x = — 3. Also the three roots of x 3 — 4x 3 — 1 lx = - 30, or x 3 — 4.r 2 -l]r + 30= 0, arc 2, 5, and — 3; as will appear by substituting each of these instead of x in the equation, by which means it will always be found to be equal to 0. And so of others. On the Relation between the Roots of Equations, and the EQ U L 479 ] EQ u Coefficients of their Terms. — In every equation, when the terms are ranged in order according to the order of the powers, the greater before the less ; .the first term or highest power being freed of its coefficient, by dividing all ( the terms of the equation by it, and all brought to one side, and made equal to nothing on the other side, then it will appear in this form, n n — 1 » a — 2 n — 3 „ x ■+■ ax -t- bx -+- ex . . . . = ; and the relations between the roots and coefficients, are as follow : 1st, The coefficient a of the 2d term, is equal to the sum of all the roots. 2d, The coefficient b of the 3d term, is equal to the sum of all the products of the roots that can be made by multiplying every two of them together. 3d, The coefficients c, d, e, &c, of the following terms, are respectively equal to the sum of the products of the roots made by multiplying every three together, or every four together, or every five together, &c, the signs of all the roots being changed, as will be seen when we treat of the Generation of Equations. The roots of equations are positive or negative, and real or imaginary. Thus, the two roots of the equation x z — 4x = — 3, are 1 and 3, real and both positive ; but the roots of the equation x z — 4x 2 — 1 lx =r — 30, are 2, 5, and — 3, viz, real, two positive and one negative; and the roots of the equation x 3 -+- 9x = 10, are 1 and — -J i -r tj — 39, one real and positive, and two imaginary. On the Generation of Equations. — This is only the mul- tiplying of certain assumed simple equations together, to produce compound ones, with intent to show the nature of these ; a method which was invented by Harriot, and is as follows: Suppose x to denote the unknown quantity of any equation, and let the roots of that equation, or the values of x, be, a, b, c, d, &c ; that is x =a, and x=b, and x = c, &c ; or x — a = 0, and x — 6=0, andx — c = 0, &c; then multiply these last equations together, thus, x — a =0 x - b =0 '-*} x -+- ab = . . . =0 a 1 ab 1 1 — 6 > x 2 + ac > x — abc = c) be) — d =0 i*- abed = ab~\ a~\ ac I abc "1 b I 3 be I 2 abd [ 'fx 5 — , ^x 2 — , \: ad J acd [ dj be | dbcj dej Now the roots of these equations are a, b, c, d, &c; and it is obvious that the sum of all the roots is the co- efficient of the 2d term, the sum of all the products of every two is the coefficient of the 3d term, the sum of all the products of every three that of the 4th term, and so on, to the last term, which is the continual product of all the roots; and the same law may always be observed, whatever be the dimension denote the first payment, and t the time till it is due ; also p = another payment, and t = its time; and if r denote one year's interest of it; next, putting a = t , andc = Ti ■ pt + pt pr pr then \a — \- pecially in the more excentric orbits. The method of performing this, has been shown by Newton, Gregory, Keil, Machin, Lacaille, and others, by methods little dif- fering from one another; which consist principally in find- ing a certain intermediate angle, called the excentric ano- maly; having known the mean anamoly, and the dimen- sions of the sun's orbit. The mean anomaly is easily found, by determining the exact time when the sun is in the aphelion, and using the following proportion, viz, As the time of a tropical revolution, or solar year, Is to the interval between the aphelion and given time, So is 360 degrees, to the degrees of the mean anomaly. Or it may be found by taking the sun's mean motion at the given time out of tables. To find the Excentric Anomaly, say, As the aphelion distance, Is to the perihelion distance ; So is the tangent of half the mean anomaly, To the tangent of an arc. Which arc added to half the mean anomaly, gives the excentric anomaly. Then, To find the True Anomaly, say, As the square root of the aphelion distance, Is to the square root of the perihelion distance ; So is the tangent of half the excentric anomaly, To the tangent of half the true anomaly. Then, the difference between the true and mean ano- maly, gives the equation of the centre, sought. Which is subtractive, from the aphelion to the perihelion, or in the first 6 signs of anomaly ; and additive, from the perihelion to the aphelion, or in the last 6 signs of anomaly; and hence called Prosthapheresis. By this problem a table may easily be formed. When the equations of the centre for every degree of the first 6 signs of mean anomaly are found, they will serve also for the degrees of the last 6 signs, because equal anomalies are at equal distances on both sides of their apses. There- fore set these equations orderly to theirsigns and degiees 3 Q EQU [ 482 ] EQU of anomaly ; the first 6 being reekoned from the top of the table downwards, and signed subtract; the last 6, for which the same equations serve, in a contrary order, be- in" reckoned from the bottom upwards, and marked add. Let also the difference between every adjacent two equa- tions, called tabular differences, be set in another column. Hence, from these equations of the centre, augmented or diminished by the proportional parts of their respective tabular differences, for any given minutes and seconds, may easily be deduced equations of the centre to any mean anomaly proposed. See Robertson's Elem. of Na- vig. book 5, pa. 286, 290, 295, and 308, where such a ta- ble of equations is given. Euler has particularly considered this subject, in the Mem. de l'Acad. de Berlin, torn. 2, pa. 225 et seq. where he resolves the following problems : 1. To find the true and mean anomaly corresponding to the planet's mean distance from the sun ; that is, where the planet is in the extremity of the conjugate axis of its orbit. — 2. The excentricity of a planet being given, to find the escentric anomaly corresponding to the greatest equation.— 3. The excentricity being given, to find the mean anomaly corresponding to the greatest equation. — 4. From the same data, to find the true anomaly corre- sponding to this equation. — 5. From the same data, to find the greatest equation. — 6*. The greatest equation be- ing given, to find the excentricity. Euler observes, that this problem is very difficult, and that it can only be resolved by approximation and tenta- tively, in the manner he mentions : but if the excentricity be not great, it may then be found directly from the greatest equation. Thus, if the greatest equation be = m, and the excentricity = n ; then is m = 2n -) — — n -+- — 2 4 .3 2 6 .3.5.7 n = \tn — tif — t 2".3 2'".3.5 equation m must be expressed in parts of the radius, which- may be done by reducing the angle m into seconds, aud adding 4 - 6855749 to the log. of the resulting num- ber, which will be the log. of the number m. The mean anomaly to which this greatest equation corresponds, will be x = 90° -+- -I- tn -Trtn 3 x-m % — &c. Whence, * 2. 3 2. 9 5 if 90° be added to £ of the greatest equation, the sum will be the mean anomaly sufficiently exact. Euler subjoins a table, by which may be found the greatest equations, with the mean and excentric anoma- lies corresponding to these greatest equations for every 100th part of unity, which he supposes equal to the great- est excentricity, or when the transverse and distance of the foci become infinite. The last column of the table gives also the logarithm of that distance of the planet from the sun where its equation is greatest. By means of this table, any excentricity being given, the corresponding greatest equation will be found by interpolation. But the principal use of the table is to determine the excentricity when the greatest equation is known ; and without this help Euler thinks the problem cannot be resolved. Equation of Time-, denotes the difference between mean and apparent time, or the reduction of the apparent unequal time, or motion of the sun or a planet, to equal and mean lime, or motion; or the equation of time is the difference between the sun's mean motion, and his right ascension. Apparent time is that which takes its begin- ning Tom the passage of the sun's centre over the raeri- ■ &c ; and by reversion &c. Where the greatest dian of any place ; and had the sun no motion in the ecliptic, or was his motion reduced to the equator or ii* right ascension uniform, he would always return to the meridian after equal intervals of time. But his apparent motion in the ecliptic being continually varying, and his motion in right ascension being rendered further unequal on account of the obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator, it follows from these causes that the intervals of his return to the meridian become unequal, and the sun will gradu- ally come too slow or too soon to the meridian for an equable motion, such as that of clocks and watches ought to be ; and this retardation or acceleration of the sun's coming to the meridian, is called the equation of time. Now, computing the celestial motions according to equal time, it is necessary to turn that, time back again into apparent time, that they may correspond to observa- tion : on the contrary, any phenomenon being observed, the apparent time of it must be converted into equal time, to have it correspond with the times marked in the astro- nomical tables. The equation of time is nothing at four different times in the year, at which time the whole mean and unequal motions exactly agree; viz, about the 15th of April, the loth of June, the 31st of August, and the 24-th of Decem- ber : but at all other times the sun is cither too fast or too slow for mean, equal, or clock time, by a certain num- ber of minutes and seconds, which at the greatest is 16'' 14", and happens about the 1st of November ; every other day throughout the year having a certain quantity of this difference belonging to it ; which however is not exactly the same every year, but only every 4th year ; for which reason it is necessary to have 4 tables of this equation, viz, one for each of the four years in the period of leap-years. Instead of these, we shall insert here, one general equation of time, according to the place of the sun, in every point of the ecliptic: where it is to be observed, that the sign of the ecliptic is placed at the tops of the columns, and the particular degree of the sun's place, in each sign, in the first and last columns ; and in the angle of meeting in. all the other columns, is the equation of time, in minutes and seconds, when the sun has any particular longitude: supposing the obliquity of the ecliptic 23° 2S', and the sun's apogee in 9° of 25. The equations with the sign -h, are to be added to, and those with the sign — are to be subtracted from, the apparent time, to give the mean time. The preceding sign, whether it be -h or — , at the top of any column, belongs to all the numbers or equations in that column till the sign changes; after which, the remainder of the column takes the contrary sign. The equation answering to any point of longitude be- tween one degree and another, or any number ol minutes or parts of a degree, is to be found by proportion in the usual way, viz, as 1° or 6*0', is to that lumber of minutes, so is the whole difference in the equation, from the given whole degree of longitude to the next degree, to the pro- portional part of it answering to the given number of minutes. See Tables of the Equation of Time computed for every year, in the Nautical Almanac, by a method pro- posed and illustrated by Dr. Maskelyne, late astronomer royal, viz, by taking the difference between the sun's true right ascension and his mean longitude, corrected by the equation of the equinoxes in right ascension, and turning it into time at the rate of 1 minute of time to 15. of light ascension. Philos. Trans. vol.54, pa. 330". E Q U L 483 ] EQU Table of the Equation of Time, for every Degree of the Sun's Longitude. 'b cy. 8 1 n 2 <£, 3 a 4 «5! 5 === 6 "I 7 t 8 V? 9] xc; 10 X 11 © $ m s m s m s m s ni s m s m 8 m s m s IB s m s m s °P 7-)-36 1- - 9 3- -51 1-1-13 5 +57 2+20 7- 38 15- -31 13- -33 1- 11 1 1 +-28 14+ 19 1 7 17 1 23 3 47 I 26 5 59 2 4 7 58 15 39 13 17 42 11 45 14 13 . 1 2 6 58 1 36 3 41 1 40 6 1 4S 8 19 15 40 13 1.2 12 1 14 6 2 3 6 39 1 48 3 37 1 53 6 1 1 31 S 40 15 52 12 42 0+17 12 17 13 59 3 4 6 20 2 3 32 2 7 6 1 1 14 9 1 15 57 12 23 46 12 32 13 51 4 5 6 1 2 11 3 26 2 20 6 56 9 21 16 2 12 4 1 16 12 46 13 43 a 6 5 42 2 22 3 19 J2 33 5 59 38 9 41 16 6 11 44 1 45 12 59 13 34 (i 7 .5 24 2 32 3 12 2 45 5 57 20 10 1 16 9 11 23 2 14 13 12 13 24 7 8 5 5 2. 42 3 4 2 58 5 54 1 10 20 16 11 11 1 2 43 13 24 13 14 8 9 4 47 2 51 2 56 3 11 5 si 0- -18 10 39 16 13 10 39 3 11 13 35 13' 3 9 10 4 28 3 2 47 3 23 5 47 37 10 57 16 13 10 16 3 39 13 45 12 51 10 11 4 9 3 8 2 38 3 35 5 42 57 11 15 16 1:3 9 53 4 7 13 54 12 39 11 12 3 50 3 16 2 29 3 46 5 37 1 17 1 1 33 16 12 9 29 4 35 14 2 12 27 12 13 3 32 :i 23 'J 19 3 58 5 31 1 38 11 51 16 10 9 5 5 2 14 9 12 14 13 14 .1 13 3 30 2 8 4 9 5 24 1 53 12 8 16 7 8 40 5 29 14 16 12 ' 14 15 2 55 3 36 I 57 4 19 5 17 2 19 12 25 16 4 3 14 5 56 14 22 11 46 15 16 2 37 3 41 1 46 4 29 5 9 2 40 12 41 16 7 48 6 22 14 27 11 31 16 17 2 19 3 46 1 35 4 39 5 1 3 1 12 57 15 55 7 22 6 48 14 31 11 16 17 18 2 1 3 50 I 23 4 48 4 52 3 22 13 12 15 49 6 5 5 7 13 14 35 11 1 IS 19~ 1 43 3 53 1 1 1 4 57 4 43 3 44 13 27 15 42 6 28 7 37 14 38 10 46 19 20 1 26 3 56 59 5 5 4 33 4 5 13 42 15 35 6 8 1 14 40 10 30 20 21 1 9 3 58 46 5 13' 4 22 4 26 13 56 15 26 5 32 8 24 14 41 10 14 21 22 ' 52 4 34 5 20 4 11 4 47 14 9 15 17 5 4 8 47 14 42 9 58 22 23 36 4 1 21 5 27 3 59 5 9 14 21 15 7 4 36 9 9 14 41 9 41 23 24 20 4 1 8 5 33 3 46 5 30 14 33 14 56 4 8 9 31 14 40 9 24 24 25 4 4 1 + 5 5 39 3 33 5 52 14 44 14 4+ 3 39 9 53 14 39 9 6 25 20 0- -11 4 19 5 44 3 19 6 13 14 53 14 31 3 10 10 14 14 37 8 48 26 27 26 3 59 31 5 48 3 4 6 35 15 5 14 17 2 41 10 34 14 34 8 30 27 28 40 3 57 46 5 52 2 50 6 56 15 14 14 3 2 11 10 53 14 30 8 12 28 29 53 3 54 59 5 55 2 35 7 17 15 23 13 48 1 41 1-1 11 14 25 7 54 29 30 I 9 3 51 1 13 5 57 '2 20 7 28 15 31 13 33 1 11 11 28 14 19 7 36 30 EQUATOR, in Geography, a great circle of the earth, The circle in the heavens conceived directly over the equa- equally distant from its two poles, and dividing it into tor, is the equinoctial. See Equinoctial. Thegreatest two equal parts, or hemispheres, the northern and south- height of the equator above the horizon, is equal to the ern. The equator is sometimes simply called the line, latitude of the place. Table for turning Degrees and Minutes into Time, and tlt^Contrary. D. H. M. D. H. M. D. | H M. D. H. M. D. h . M. D. H . M. D. H. M. D. H. M. D. H. M. Mi M. S. M. M. S. M. 1 M . s. ' M. M. S. M. M. S. M. W . S. M. M. S. M. M. S. M. M. S, 1 4 21 1 24 41 2 44 61 4 4 81 5 24 101 6 44 121 S 4 141 9 24 161 10 44 2 8 22 I 28 42 2 48 02 4 8 82 5 28 102 6 48 122 8 8 142 9 28 162 10 48 3 12 23 1 32 43 2 52 63 4 12 83 5 32 103 6 52 12.'i 8 12 143 9 32 163 10 52 1 16 24 1 36 44 2 56 04 4 16 84 5 36 104 6 56 124 8 16 144 9 36 164 10 56 5 20 25 1 40 4.5 3 65 4 20 85 5 40 105 7 125 8 20 145 9 40 165 11 6 24 26 1 44 46 3 4 66 4 24 86 5 44 106 7 4 126 8 24 146 9 44 166 11 4 7 28 27 1 48 47 3 8 §7 4 28 87 5 48 107 7 8 127 8 28 147 9 4S 167 11 3 8 32 28 I 52 48 3 12 68 4 32 88 5 52 108 7 12 12S 8 32 148 9 52 168 11 12 9 36 29 1 56 49 3 16 69 4 36 89 56 109 7 16 12y 8 36 149 9 56 169 11 16 10 40 30 2 50 3 20 70 4 40 90 6 110 7 20 130 8 40 150 10 170 1 1 20 11 44 31 2 4 51 3 24 71 4 44 91 6 4 1 11 7 2't 131 8 44 151 10 4 171 11 24 n 48 32 2 8 52 3 28 7 2 4 48 92 6 8 112 7 2S 132 8 48 152 10 S 172 11 28 13 52 33 2 12 53 3 32 73 4 52 93 6 12 113 7 32 133 8 52 153 10 12 173 11 32 14 56 34 2 16 54 3 36 7 1 4 56 94 6 16 114 7 36 134 S 56 154 10 16 174 11 36 15 1 35 2 20 55 3 40 7 5 5 95 6 20 115 7 40 135 9 155 10 20 175 1 1 40 16 1 4 36 2 24 56 3 44 76 5 4 96 6 24 116 7 44 136 9 4 156 10 24 176 11 44 17 1 8 37 2 28 57 3 48 77 5 8 97 6 28 117 7 48 137 9 8 157 10 28 177 11 48 18 1 12 !38 2 32 58 3 52 7 8 5 12 98 6 32 118 7 52 138 9 12 158 10 32 178 11 52 19 1 16 1 30 2 36 59 3 56 79 5 16 99 6 36 119 7 56 139 9 16 159 10 36 179 11 56 20 1 '20 140 2 40 60 4 80 5 20 100 6 40 120ls 140 9 20 1601 10 40 180 12 3Q 2 EQU [ 484 ] As one whole revolution of the earth, or of the 36"0° of the equator, is performed in 24 hours, which is at the rate of 15° per hour ; hence the number of degrees of the equator, answering to any other given time, or the time answering to any given number of degrees of the equator, will be easily found by proportion, viz, as l h : 15° : : any time : its degrees, or as 15°: l h : : any degrees: their time. And thus is computed the foregoing table for turning time into degrees of the equator, and the contrary. EQUATORIAL, Universal, or Portable Observa- tory, is an instrument intended to answer a number of useful purposes in practical astronomy, independently of any particular observatory. It may be employed in any steady room or place, and it performs most of the useful problems in the science of astronomy. The following is the description of one lately invented by Mr. Ramsden, and named the Universal Equatorial, the description of which was given by the Hon. Stewart Mackenzie. The principal parts of this instrument (fig. 2, plate viii.) are, 1st, The azimuth or horizontal circle a, which re- presents the horizon of the place, and moves on a long axis b, called the vertical axis. 2d, The equatorial or hour-circle c, representing the equator, placed at right angles to the polar axis r>, or the axis of the earth, upon which it moves. 3d, The semicircle of declination e 3 on which the telescope is placed, and moving on the axis of declination, or the axis of motion of the line of collima- tion F ; which circles are measured and divided as in the following table : EQU Measures of the se- veral circles and || Limb di- vided to Non. of 30 gives Divid. on limb into Divided by Non. into divisions on them «.= seconds. pts. of Inc pts. of Inc. Azimuth orl horizontal \ 5-1 15' 30" 45 th 1350th circle J Equatorial "1 or hour f 5-1 15', or 1 m. 30" 2" 45th 1350th circle J intime Vertical se-1 micirclc for ! declination f 5- 15' r 30" 42d 12(50th orlatitude. J 4th, The telescope, is an achromatic refractor with a triple object-glass, whose focal distance is 17 inches, and its aperture 2*4.5 inc., and it is furnished with 6' different eye-tubes; so that its magnifying powers extend from 44 to 1 68. The telescope in this equatorial may be brought parallel to the polar axis, as in the figure, so as to point to the pole-star in any part of its diurnal revolution; and thus it has been observed near noon, when the sun has shone very bright. 5lh, The apparatus for correcting the error in altitude occasioned by refraction, which is applied to the end of the telescope next the eye-glass, and consists of a slide G moving in a groove or dove-tail, and carrying the several eye-tubes of the telescope, oil which slide there is an index Corresponding to five small divisions engraved on the dove-tail; a very small circle, called the refraction circle n, moveable by a finger-screw at the ex- tremity of the end of Ihe telescope next the eye-glass ; which circle is divided into hull' minutes, one whole revo- lution of it being equal to 3' 18", and by its motion it raises the centre of the cross hairs on a circle of altitude; and also a quadrant i of l\ inc. radius, with divisions on each side, one expressing the degree of altitude of the ob-- ject viewed, and the other expressing the minutes and seconds of the error occasioned by refraction, correspond- ing to that degree of altitude. To this quadrant is con- nected a small round level k, which is adjusted partly by the pinion that turns the whole of this apparatus, and partly by the index of the quadrant ; forwhich purpose the refraction circle is set to the same minute &c, which the index points to on the limb of the quadrant ; and if the minute &c, given by the quadrant, exceed the 3' IS" contained in one entire revolution of the refraction circle, this must be set to the excess above one or more of its entire revolutions; then the centre of the cross hairs will appear to be raised on a circle of altitude to the additional height which the error of refraction will occasion at that altitude. The principal adjustment in this instrument, is that of making the line of collimation to describe a portion of an hour-circle in the heavens : in order to which, the azimuth circle must be truly level ; the line of collimation, or some corresponding line represented by the small brass rod m parallel to it, must be perpendicular to the axis of its own proper motion'; and this last axis must be per- pendicular to the polar axis. On the brass rod m there is occasionally placed a hanging level n, the use of which will appear from the following directions : The azimuth circle may be made level by turning the instrument till one of the levels be parallel to an imaginary line joining two of the feet screws; then adjust that level with these two feet screws ; turn the circle 180°, or half round ; and if the bubble be not then right, correct half the error by the screw belonging to the level, and the other half error by the two foot screws, repeating this operation till the bubble come right ; then turn the circle 90° from the two former positions, and set the bubble right again, if it be wrong, by the foot screw at the end of the level ; when this is clone, adjust the other level by- its own screw, and the azimuth circle will be truly level. The hanging level must then be fixed to the brass rod by two hooks of equal length, and made truly parallel to it: for which purpose, the polar axis must be made perpen- dicular or nearly perpendicular to the horizon; then ad- just the level by the pinion of the declination semicircle : reverse the level, and if it be wrong, correct half the er- ror by a small steel screw that lies under one end of tho level, and the other half error by the pinion of the decli- nation-semicircle, repeating the operation lill the bubble be right in both positions. To make the brass rod, on which the level is suspended, at right angles to the axis of motion of the telescope, or line of collimation, make the polar axis horizontal, or nearly so ; set the declina- tion semicircle to O 1 , aiid turn the hour-circle till the bubble be properly adjusted; then turn the declination- circle to 00° ; adjust the bubble by raisino; or depressing the polar axis (first by hand till it be nearly right, after- wards tighten with an ivory key the socket which runs on thearch with the polar axis, and then apply the same ivory key to the adjusting screw at the end of the said arch till the bubble be properly adjusted) ; then turn the declination-circle to the opposite .90° ; ami if I he level he not then right, Correct half the error by the aforesaid ad- justing screw at the end of the arch, and the other half error by the two screws that raise or depress the end ot the brass rod. The polar axis remaining nearly horizontal as before, and the declination-semicircle at 0°, adjust the EQU [ 485 ] EQ U bubble by the hour-circle; then turn the declination- semicircle to 90°, and adjust the bubble by raising or depressing the polar axis ; then turn the hour-circle 12 hours; and if the bubble be wrong, correct half the error by the polar axis, and the other half error by the two pair of capstan screws at the feet of the two supports on one side of the axis of motion of the telescope; and thus this axis will be at right angles to the polar axis. The next adjustment, is to make the centre of the cross hairs remain on the same object, while the eye-tube is turned quite round by the pinion of the refraction apparatus : in order to perform this, set the index on the slide to the first division on the dove-tail; and set the division marked IS" on the refraction-circle to its index ; then look through the telescope, and with the pinion turn the eye-tube quite round ; then if the centre of the hairs do not remain on the same spot during that revolution, it must be corrected by the four small screws, 2 and 2 at a time, which will be found upon unscrewing the nearest end of the eye-tube that contains the first eye-glass ; repeating this correction till the centre of the hairs remain on the spot looked at during a whole revolution. To make the line of collima- tion parallel to the brass rod on which the level hangs, set the polar axis horizontal, and the declination-circle to §0°, adjust the level by the polar axis; look through the telescope on some distant horizontal object, covered by the centre of the cross hairs : then invert the telescope, which is done by turning the hour-circle half round; and if the centre of the cross hairs do not cover the same ob- ject as before, correct half the error by means of the upper and lower of the 4 small screws at the eye-end of the large tube of the telescope; this correction will give a second object now covered by the centre of the hair : which must be adopted instead of ' the first object ; then invert the telescope as before; and if the second object be not covered by the centre of the hairs, correct half the error by the same two screws as were used before : this correction will give a third object, now covered by the centre of the hairs, which must be adopted instead of the second object; repeat this operation till no error re- mains ; then set the hour-circle exactly to 12 hours, the declination-circle remaining at 90° as before ; and if the centre of the cross hairs do not cover the last object fixed on, set it to that object by the two remaining small screws at the eye-end of the large tube, and then the line of collimation will be parallel to the brass rod. For recti- fying the nonius of the declination and equatorial circles, depress the telescope as many degrees &c below 0° or m on the declination-semicircle, as are equal to the comple- ment of the latitude; then elevate the polar axis till the bubble be horizontal ; and thus the equatorial circle will be elevated to tlic co-latitude of the place: set this circle to 6 hours; and adjust the level by the pinion of the declination-circle ; now turn the. equatorial circle exactly 12 hours from the last position ; and if the level be not right, correct one half of the error by the equatorial circle, and the other hall by the declination-circle: then turn the equatorial circle back again exactly 12 hours from the last position; and if the level be still wrong, repeat the correction as before, till it be right, when turned to cither position : which being done, set the nonius of the equatorial circle exactly to 6 hours, and the nonius of the declination-circle exactly to 0°. The principal uses of this equatorial are, 1st, To find the meridian by one observation only ; For which purpose, elevate the equatorial circle to the co-la- titude of the place, and set the declination-semicircle to the sun's declination. for the day and hour of the day re- quired; then move the azimuth and hour-circles both at the same time, either in the same or in contrary direction, till you bring the centre of the cross hairs in the teles- cope exactly to cover the centre of the sun ; then, the in- dex of the hour-circle will give the apparent orsolar time at the instant of observation ; and thus the time is known, though the sun be at a distance from the meridian ; after which turn the hour-circle till the index points precisely to 12 o'clock, and lower the telescope to the horizon, in or- der to observe some point there in the centre of the glass ; and that point is the meridian mark, found by one obser- vation only. The best time for this operation is 3 hours before, or 3 hours after, 12 at noon. 2d, To point the telescope to a star, though not on the meridian, in full day-light. — Having elevated the equatorial circle to the co-latitude of the place, and set the declina- tion-semicircle to the star's declination, move the index of the hour-circle till it points to the precise time at which the star is then distant from the meridian, found in the tables of "the right ascension of the stars, and the star will, then appear in the glass. Besides these uses, peculiar to this instrument, it may also be applied to all the purposes to which the principal astronomical instruments are applied ; such as a transit instrument, a quadrant, and an equal-altitude instru- ment, &c. Seethe description and drawing of an equatorial teles- cope, or portable observatory, invented by Mr. Short, in the Philos. Trans. No. 493, or vol. 46, pa. 242; and another by Mr. Nairnc, vol. 6l, pa. 107 ; also the descrip- tion by Sir Geo. Shuckburgh, in the Philos. Trans, vol. S3, pa. 67 ; or my Abridg. vol. 17, pa. 299- EQUIANGULAR Figure, is one that has all its angles equal among themselves ; as the square, and all regular polygons. An equilateral figure inscribed in a circle, is always equiangular. But an equiangular figure inscribed in a circle, is not always equilateral, except when it has an odd number of sides: If the sides be of an even num- ber, then they may either be all equal, orelse half of them will be equal to each other, and the other half to each; other, the equals being placed alternately. See the de- monstration in my Mathematical. Miscellany, pa. 272. .Equiangular, is also said of any two figures of the same kind, when each angle of the one is equal to a cor- responding angle in the other, whether each figure, sepa- rately considered in itself, be an equiangular figure or not,, that is, having all its angles equal to each other. Thus,, two triangles are equiangular to each other, if, ex.gr. one angle in each be of 30°, a second angle in each of 50°, and the third angle of each equal to 100 degrees. — Equi- angular triangles have not ■ their like sides necessarily equal, but only proportional to each other; but such tri- angles being always similar to each other. EQUICRURAL Triangle, is one that has two of its sides-, equal to each other ; but is more usually called an Isos- celes triangle. EQUICULUS,Equuleus, or Eqvvs Minor, aconstel- lation of the northern hemisphere. See Equuleus. EQUI DIFFERENT, are such things as have equal dif- ferences, or arithmetically • proportional. If the terms have all the same difference, viz, the 1st and 2d, the 2d and 3d, the 3d and 4th, &c, they are said to be continually, E Q U [ 486 ] E O U equidifferent ; as the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12, &c, where the common difference is 3. But if the several different cou- plets only have the same difference, as the 1st and 2d, the 3d and 4th, the 5th and 6th, &c, they are said to be dis- cretely equidifferent ; as the terms 3 and 6, 7 and 10, 9 and 12, &c. See Arithmetical Progression and Pro- portion. EQUILATERAL Figure, is one that has all its sides equal to each other. Such as the square, and all regular polygons, or a triangle that has all its angles equal. See Equiangular. Equilateral Hyperbola, is that which has the two axes equal to each other, and every pair of conjugate dia- meters also equal to each other. The asymptotes also are at right angles to each other, and make each half a right angle with either axis. Also, such an hyperbola is equal to its conjugate hyperbola, as well as to its opposite hy- perbola ; so that all the four conjugate hyperbolas are mu- tually equal to each other. Moreover, as the 3d proportional to the two axes is the parameter; therefore, in such a figure, the parameter and two axes are all three equal to one another. Hence, as the general equation to hyperbolas is y 1 = - (tx+x' 2 ) or = V (tx + x*), where t is the transverse axis, c the conjugate, p the parameter, x the absciss, and y the ordinate; then making t, c, and p all equal, the equation, for the equi- lateral hyperbola, becomes y 2 = tx + x' 2 ; differing from the equation of the circle only in the sign of the term x z , which in the circle is tx — x 2 , when t is taken to repre- sent the diameter of the circle. EQUILIBRIUM, is an equality between two equal forces acting in opposite directions; so that they mutually balance each other ; like the two equal arms, or scales, of a balance, &c. " Equilibrium, in solid bodies, forms a considerable part of the science of Statics. And Equilibrium of fluids, a considerable part of the doctrine of Hydrostatics. EQUIMULTIPLES, the products of quantities equally multiplied. Thus3« and 3b are equimultiples of a and b; and mc and md are equimultiples of c and d. Equimultiples of any quantities, have the same ratio as the quantities themselves. Thus a : b : : Sa : 3b : : ma : mb. EQUINOCTIAL, a' great circle in the heavens under which the equator moves in its diurnal motion. The poles of this circle are the poles of the world, and it divides the sphere into two equal parts, the northern and southern. It cuts the horizon of any place, in the east and west points; and at the meridian its elevation above the hori- zon is equal to the co-latitude of the place. It has also various other properties ; as, ]. When the sun is in this circle, the days and nights in all parts of the earth are equal; because he then rises due east, and sets due west. Hence it has the name equi- noctial. All stars which are under this circle, or have no declination, also rise due east, and set due west. — 2. All people living under this circle, or upon the equator, or line, have their days and nights at all times equal to each other. — 3. From this circle, on the globe, is counted, upon the meridian, the declination in the heavens, and the lati- tude on tiie earth. — 4. Upon the equinoctial, or equator, is counted the longitude, making in all 360°, that is, 180° east, and 180° west. — 5. And as the time of one whole revolution is divided into 24 hours; therefore 1 hour an- swers to 15°, or the 24th part of 360°. Hence, 1° of longitude answers to 4 min. of time, 15' ----- - - to 1 min. of time, l'--- ----to 4 sec. of time, &c. 6. The shadows of objects situated under this circle are cast to the southward one half of the year, and to the northward during the other half; and twice in a year, viz, at the time of the equinoxes, the sun at noon casts no shadow, being exactly in their zenith. Equinoctial Colure, is the great circle passing through the poles of the world and the equinoctial points, or first points of Aries and Libra. Equinoctial Dial, is one whose plane is parallel to the equinoctial. Its properties or principles are : 1. The hour-lines are all equally distant from each other, viz, 15°; and the style is a straight pin, or wire, set up in the centre of the circle, perpendicular to the plane of the dial. 2. The sun shines upon the upper part of this dial-plane from the 21st of March to the 22d of September, and on the under part the other half of the year. Some of these dials are made of brass, &c; and set up in a frame, to be elevated to any given latitude. Equinoctial Points, ilk the two opposite points where the ecliptic and equinoctial cross each other; the one point being in the beginning of Aries, and called the ver- nal point, or vernal equinox; and the other in the begin- ning of Libra, and called the autumnal point, or autumnal equinox. — It is found by observation, that the. equinoctial points, and all the other points of the ecliptic, are con- tinually moving backwards, or in antecedentia, i. e. west- wards. This retrograde motion of the equinoctial points, arises from the Precession of the equinoxes, and is made at the rate of 50| seconds every year nearly. Sec Pre- cession, also the preface to the Nautical Almanac for the year 1797. EQUINOXES, the times when the sun enters the equinoctial points; that is, about the 21st of March and 22d of September: the former being the vernal or spring equinox, and the latter ihe autumnal equinox. — As the sun's motion is unequal, being sometimes quicker and sometimes slower, it hence happens that there are about 8 days more from the vernal to the autumnal equinox, or while the sun is on the northern side of the equator, than while he is in moving through the southern signs, from the autumnal to the vernal equinox, or on the southern side of the equator. According to the observations of M.Cassini, the sun is 186' d 14 h 53 m in the northern signs, and only 178 14 56' in the southern signs, so that 7 23 57 is their diff, or nearly S days. EQUINUS Barbatus, a kind of comet. See Hivpeus. EQUITANGIyNTIAL Curve, is one that was first con- structed by Mr. J. Perks, the tangent of which is always equal to a constant line. It is the involute of the caie- naria; and is also the curve of traction to a straight line. — For the various properties of this curve, its mechanical construction, its relation to the catenaria, and its use in dividing the meridian in Mercator"s projection, we refer to the Philos. Trans. No. 8*5 : set' also Brougham's paper on Porisms, in the Philos. Trans, vol. SS; or my Abridg. vol. 18, pa. 354, for other curious properties of this curve. EQUULEUS, Equiculus, and Equus Minor, Equi lectio, the House's Head, one of the 48 old constellations, in the northern hemisphere. Its stars in Ptolemy's Cata- E T H [ 487 ] EVA ogue are 4, in Tycho's 4, in Hevelius's 6, and in Flam- limpid and colourless liquor, of a hot pungent taste, steed's 10. highly fragrant,, and so volatile that it can hardly be ERATOSTHENES, a learned Greek philosopher of poured fronvone vessel to another without much loss by Cyrene, and librarian of Alexandria under Ptolemy Euer getes, king of Egypt. He was learned in all the sciences, and first discovered a method of measuring the earth's magnitude ; whence he was called the Cosmographer and Surveyor of the Universe. He gave a mechanical solution to the famous problem of doubling the cube. And he gave a method of finding prime numbers, in arithmetic, com- monly called Eratosthenes' Sive, a learned account of which is given by Dr. Horsley, in the Philos. Trans, of 1772; or in niy Abridgment, vol. 13, pa. 314. Some of his works remain, which were printed at Oxford, in Greek, 1672, Svo. Eratosthenes died about 194 before the year Christ, at 81 years of age. ER ECT Vision. See Vis I ok . Erect Dials, such as stand perpendicular to the hori- evaporation, the purest portion of it assuming the state of elastic fluid. When exposed to a cold of — 46°, c-ther freezes and crystallizes. In moderate temperatures it is not affected by oxygen gas or common air ; but when kindled in a state of vapour, it burns rapidly with a fine white flame, and leaves behind a trace of charcoal. In the state of vapour it detonates with common air and oxygen gas. EVAPORATION, the act of dissipating the humidity of a body in fumes or vapour; differing from exhalation, which is properly a dispersion of dry particles issuing from a body. — Evaporation is usually produced by heat, and by the change of air : thus, common salt is formed by evaporating all the humidity from the brine or salt water; which evaporation is either performed by the heat of the zon, and are of various kinds ; as erect direct, when they sun, as in the salt-works on the sea-coast, &c ; or by means of fire, as at the salt-springs, &c : and it is well known how useful a brisk wind is in drying wet clothes, or the surface of the ground ; while in a calm, still atmosphere, they dry extremely slow. But, though evaporation be generally considered as an effect of the heat and motion of the air, yet M. Gauteron, in the Memoires de l'Acad. des Scienc. an. 1705, shows, that a quite opposite cause may have the same effect, and that fluids lose more of their parts in the severest frost than when the air is moderately warm : thus, in the great frost of the year 1708, he found that the greater the cold, the more considerable the evaporation ; and that ice itself lost full as much as the warmer liquors that did not freeze. There are indeed few subjects of philosophical investi- gation that have occasioned a greater variety of opinion than the theory of evaporation, or of the ascent of water in such a fluid as air, between 8 and 9 hundred times lighter than itself, to different heights, according to the different densities or states of the atmosphere; in which case it must be specifically lighter than the air through which it ascends. The Cartesians account for it by sup- posing, that by the action of the sun upon the water, small particles of the water are formed into hollow spheres and tilled with the materia sublilis, which renders them specifi- cally lighter than the ambient air, so that they are buoyed up by it. Dr. Nicuwentyt, in his Religious Philosopher, c'ont. 19, and several others, have alleged, that the sun emits par- ticles of fire, which adhere to those of water, and form molecula;, or small bodies, lighter than an equal bulk of air, which consequently ascend till they come to a height where the air is of the same specific gravity with them- selves; and that these particles being separated from the fire with which they are incorporated, coalesce and de- scend in dew or rain. Dr. Halley has advanced another hypothesis, which has been more generally received : he imagined, that by the action of the sun on the surface of the water, the aqueous particles are formed into hollow spherules, that are filled with a liner air highly rarefied, so as to become specifi- cally lighter than the external air. Philos. Trans. No. 192, or my Abridg. vol. 3, pa. 427. Dr. Desagulicrs, dissatisfied with these hypotheses, pro- poses another in the Philos. Trans. No. 407, or Abridg, vol. 7, pa. 323. See also his Course of Experimental Philosophy, vol. 2, pa. 336. He supposes that heat acts, face exactly one of the four cardinal points, east, west, north, south ; and erect declining, when they decline from the cardinal points. See Dial. To Erect a Perpendicular, is a popular problem in practical geometry, and denotes to raise a perpendicular from a given line, &c, as distinguished from demitting or letting fall a perpendicular on a line, &c, from some point out of it. See Perpendicular. ERIDANUS, the River, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, and one of the 48 old asterisms. The stars in this constellation, in Ptolemy's catalogue, are 34, in Tycho's 19, and in the British catalogue S4. ERRATIC, an epithet applied to the planets, which are called erratic or wandering stars, in contradistinction to the fixed stars. ESCALADE, or Scalade, a furious attack on a wall or a rampart; carried on with ladders, to pass the ditch, or mount the rampart; without proceeding in form, breaking ground, or carrying on regular works to secure the men. ESPAULE, or Epaule. See Epaule. ESPLANADE, in Fortification, called also Glacis, a part which serves as a parapet to the counterscarp, or covert way ; being a declivity or slope of earth, com- mencing from the top of the counterscarp, and losing it- self insensibly in the level of the champaign. Esplanade means also the ground which has been le- velled from the glacis of the counterscarp, to the first houses ; or the vacant space between the works and the houses of the town. The term is also applied, in the general, to any piece of ground that is made flat or level, and which before had some eminence that incommoded the place. ESTIVAL Occident, Orient, or Solstice. See Occi- dent, Orient, Solstice. ESTUARY, an arm of the sea; a frith ; or the mouth of a lake or river in which the tide reciprocates. ETHER, an element more fine and subtile than air; or air refined and sublimed ; or the matter of the highest re- gions above. Ether, in Chemistry, a certain very light, volatile, fragrant, inflammable liquor, procured by distillation, by heat, from a mixture of alcohol, and sulphuric or some other acid, in equal quantities. The specific gravity of ether, is from 0'725 to 0-632, according to its different degrees of purity. It appears a E V A [-' ] E V A more powerfully on water than on common air; that the same degree of heat which rarefies air two-thirds, will rarefy water nearly 14,000 times ; and thafrfe very small degree of heat will raise a steam or vapour from, water, even in winter, while it condenses the air; and thus the particles of water are converted into vapour by being made to repel each other strongly, and, deriving electricity from the particles of air to which they are contiguous, are repelled by them and by each other, so as to form a fluid which, being lighter than the air, rises in it, according to their relative gravities. The particles of this vapour retain their 1 repellent force for a considerable time, till, by some diminution of the density of the air in which they float, they are precipitated downwards, and brought within the sphere of each other's attraction of cohesion, and so join again into drops of water. Many objections have been urged against this opinion; as, by Mr. Clare, in his Treatise of the Motion of Fluids, pa. 2Q4; and by Mr. Rowning in his System of Philoso- phy, part 2, diss. 6; to which Dr. Hamilton has added the two following, viz, That if heat were the only cause of evaporation, water would evaporate faster in a warm close room, than when exposed in a colder place, where there is a constant current of air; which is contrary to experi- ence; and that the evaporation of water is so far from de- pending on its being rarefied by heat, that it is carried on even while water is condensed by the coldness of the air, till it freezes ; and since it evaporates even when frozen into hard ice, it must also evaporate in all the lesser de- grees of cold. And therefore heat does not seem to be the principal, much less the only cause of evaporation. Others have more successfully accounted for the phe- nomena of evaporation on another principle, viz, that of solution; having shown, from a variety of experiments, that what we call evaporation, is nothing more than a gra- dual solution of water in air, produced and supported by the same means, viz, attraction, heat, and motion, by which other solutions are effected. It seems however that the Abbe Nollct first started this opinion, in his Lecons de Physique Experimentale, pub- lished in 1743, without pursuing it much further: he there only conjectures that the air of the atmosphere may serve as a solvent or sponge, with regard to the bodies that encompass it, and receive into its pores the vapours and exhalations that are detached from the masses to which they belong in a fluid state; and he accounts for their as- cent on the same principles with the ascent of liquors in ca- pillary tubes. On his hypothesis, the condensation of the air contributes, like the squeezing of a sponge, to their descent. Dr. Franklin, in a paper of Philosophical and Meteoro- logical Observations, Conjectures, and Suppositions, de- livered to the Royal Society about the year 1/47, and read in 1756, suggested a similar hypothesis: he observes, that air and water mutually attract each other; and hence he concludes, that water will dissolve in air, as salt in water; every particle of air assuming one or more particle of water ; and when too much is added, it precipitates in rain. But as there is not the same contiguity between the particles of air as there is between those of water, the so- lution of water in air is not carried on without a motion of the air, so as to cause a fresh accession of dry particles. A small degree of heat so weakens the cohesion of the particles of water, that those on the surface easily quit it, and adhere to the particles of air : a greater degree of heat is necessary to break the cohesion between water and air ; for its particles being by heat repelled to a greater distance from each other, they thereby more easily keep the parti- cles of water, that are annexed to them, from running into cohesions that would obstruct, refract, or reflect the heat: and hence it happens that when we breathe in warm air, though the same quantity of moisture may be taken up from the lungs as when we breathe in cold air, yet that moisture is not so visible. On which principles he ac- counts for the production and different appearances of fogs, mists, and clouds. And he adds, that if the particles of water bring with them electrical fire when they attach themselves to air, the repulsion between the particles of water electrified, joins with the natural repulsion of the air to force its particles to a greater distance, so that the air being more dilated, it rises and carries the water up with it; which mutual repulsion of the particles of air is increased by a mixture of common fire in the particles of water. When air, loaded with surrounding particles of water, is compressed by adverse winds, or by being driven against mountains, &c, or condensed by taking away the fire that assisted it in expanding, then the particles will ap- proach one another, and the air with its water will descend as a dew ; or if the water surrounding one particle of air come in contact with the water surrounding another, they will coalesce and form a drop, producing rain; and since it is a well-known fact, that vapour is a good conductor of electricity, as well as of common fire, it is reasonable to conclude with Mr. Henley, that evaporation is one great cause of the clouds becoming at times surcharged with this fluid. Philos. Trans, vol. 67, pa. 134. See also vol. 55, pa. 182; or Franklin's Letters and Papers on Philo- sophical Subjects, pa. 42, &c, and pa. 182, ed. 1769. M.le Roi, of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, has also advanced the same opinion, and supported it by a variety of facts and observations in the Memoirs for the year 1751. He shows, that water undergoes in the air a real dissolution, forming with it a transparent mixture, and possessing the same properties with the solutions of most salts in water ; and that the two principal causes which promote the so- lution of water in the air, are heat and wind ; that the hotter the air is, within a certain limit, the more water it will dissolve; and that at a certain degree of heat the air will be saturated with water; and by determining at dif- ferent times the degree of the air's saturation, he estimates the influence of those causes on which the quantity depends that is suspended in the air in a state of solution. Ac- cordingly, the air, heated by evaporating substances to which it is contiguous, becomes more rare and light, rises and gives way to a denser air ; and, by being thus removed, contributes to accelerate the evaporation. The fixed air contained in the internal parts of evaporating bodies, put into action by heat, seems also to increase their evapora- tion. The wind is another cause of the increase of eva- poration, chief!)' by changing and renewing the air which immediately encompasses the evaporating substances; and from the consideration of these two causes combined, it - appears why the quantity of vapour raised in the night is less than that raised in the day, since the air is then both less heated and less agitated. To the objection urged against this hypothesis, on account of the evaporation of water in a vacuum, this ingenious writer replies, that the water itself contains a great quantity of air, which gra- dually disengages itself, and causes the evaporation ; and that it is impossible that a space containing water which evaporates should remain perfectly free from air. To this EVA [ 489 ] EVA objection Dr. Dobson of Liverpool replies, that though air heavier by the cold, fall down in thin flakes of snow appears, by unquestionable experiments, to be a chemical *' solvent of water, and, as such, is to be considered as one cause of its evaporation; heat is another cause, acting without the intervention of air, and producing a copious evaporation in an exhausted receiver ; agreeably to an ex- periment of Dr. Irving, who says, that in an exhausted re- ceiver water rises in vapour more copiously at" 180° of Fahrenheit's thermometer, than in the open air at 212°, its boiling point. Dr. Dobson further adds, that water may exist in air in three different states; in a state of perfect solution, when the air will be clear, dry, and heavy, and its powers of solution still active; in a state of beginning precipitation, when it becomes moist and foggy, its powers of solution are diminished, and it becomes lighter in pro- portion as its water is deposited ; and also, when it is com- pletely precipitated, which may happen either by a slower process, when the dissolved water falls in a drizzling rain, or by a more sudden process, when it descends in brisk showers. Philos. Trans, vol. 67, pa. 257 ; and Phipps's Voyage towards the North Pole, pa. 211. Dr. Hamilton, professor of philosophy in the university of Dublin, transmitted to the Royal Society in 1765, a long dissertation on the nature of evaporation, in which he proposes and' establishes this theory of solution ; and though other writers had been prior in their conjectures, and even in their reasoning on this subject, Dr. Hamilton assures us, that he has not represented any thing as new which he was conscious had ever been proposed by any one before him, even as a conjecture. Dr. Hamilton hav- ing evinced the agreement between solution and evapora- tion, concludes, that evaporation is nothing more than a gradual solution of water in air, produced and promoted by attraction, heat, and motion, just as other solutions are effected. In order to account for the ascent of aqueous vapours into the atmosphere, this ingenious writer observes, that the lower beds of the air being pressed by the weight of the upper beds against the surface of the water, and conti- nually rubbing upon it by its motion, attracts and dissolves those particles with which it is in contact, and separates them from the rest of the water. And since the cause of solution in this case is the stronger attraction of the par- ticles of water towards the air than towards each other, those that are already dissolved and taken up, will be still further raised by the attraction of the dry air that lies over them, and thus they will diffuse themselves, rising gra- dually higher and higher, and so leave the lower strata of air not so much saturated but that it will still be able to dis- solve and take up fresh particles of water ; which process is greatly promoted by the motion of the wind. When the vapours are thus raised and carried by the winds into the higher and colder parts of the atmosphere, some of them will coalesce into small particles, which slightly at- tracting each other, and being intermixed with air, will form clouds ; and these clouds will float at different heights, according to the quantity of vapour borne up, and the degree of heat in the upper parts of the atmo- sphere: and thus clouds are generally higher in summer than in' winter. When the clouds are much increased by a continual addition of vapours, and their particles are driven close together by the force of the winds, they will run into drops heavy enough to fall down in rain. If the clouds be frozen before their particles are gathered into drops, small pieces of them, being condensed and made Vol. I. When the particles are formed into drops before they are frozen, they become hailstones. When the air is replete with vapours, and a cold breeze springs up, which checks the solution of them, clouds are formed in the lower parts of the atmosphere, and compose a mist or fog, which usually happens in a cold morning, and is dispersed when the sun has warmed the air, and made it capable of dis- solving these watery particles. Southerly winds commonly bring rain, because, being warm and replete with aqueous vapours, they are cooled by coming into a colder climate ; and therefore they part with some of them, which preci- pitate in rain : whereas northerly winds, being cold, ami acquiring additional heat by coming into a warmer cli- mate, are ready to dissolve and receive more vapour than they before contained ; and therefore are commonly at- tended with fair weather. Changes of the air, with respect to its density and rarity, as well as its heat and cold, will produce contrary effects in the solution of water, and the consequent ascent or fall of vapours. Several experiments have been made which prove that air, when rarefied, cannot keep so much water dissolved in it as it does in a more condensed state; and therefore when the atmosphere is saturated with water, and changes from a denser to a rarer state, the high and colder parts of it will let go some of the water before it is dissolved, forming new clouds, and disposing them to fall down in rain : but a change from a rarer to a denser state will stop the precipitation of the water, and enable the air to dissolve, either in whole or in part, some of those clouds that were formed before, and render their par- ticles less apt to run into drops and fall down in rain : on this account, we generally find that the rarefied and con- densed states of the atmosphere are respectively attended with rain or fair weather. See more on this subject in the Philos. Trans, vol. 55, pa. 146; or Hamilton's Philoso- phical Essays, pa. 33. , Dr. Halley, before mentioned, furnished several expe- riments on the evaporation of water ; the result of which is contained in the following articles : 1. That water salted to about the same degree as sea-water, and exposed to a heat equal to that of a summer's day, did, from a circular surface of about 8 inches diameter, evaporate at the rate of 6 ounces in 24 hours : whence by a calculus he finds that, in such circumstances, the water evaporates l-10th of an inch deep in 12 hours : which quantity, he observes, will be found abundantly sufficient to furnish all the rains, springs, dews, &c. By this experiment, every 10 square inches of surface of the water, yield in vapour, per diem, a cubic inch of water : and each square foot half a wine pint ; every space of 4 feet square, a gallon ; a mile square, 6914 tons; and a square degree, of 69 English miles, will evaporate 33 millions of tons a day; and thus the whole Mediterranean, which is computed to contain 160 square degrees, will yield at least 5 280 millions of tons each day. Philos. Trans. No. 189 ; or m y Abridg. vol. 3, pa. 387- — 2. A surface of S square inches, evaporated purely by the natural warmth of the weather, without either wind or sun, in the course of a whole year, 16292 grains of water, or 64 cubic inches; consequently, the depth of water thus evaporated in one year, amounts to 8 inches. But this being too little to answer the experiments of the French, who found that it rained 19 inches of water in one year at Paris ; or those of Mr. Townley, who found the annual quantity of rain in Lancashire above 40 inches ; 3 R E U C t 490 ] E U D he therefore concludes, that the sun and wind con- tribute more to evaporation than any internal heat or agi- tation of the water. In effect, Dr. Halley fixes the an- nual evaporation of London at 4S inches ; and Dr. Dob- son states the same for Liverpool at 3f5| inches. Philos. Trans, vol. 67, pt 252. 3. The effect of the wind is very considerable, on a double account ; for the same observations show a very singular quality in the vapours of water, viz, that of ad- hering to the surface that exhaled them, which they clothe as it were with a fleece of vaporous air ; which once in- vesting the vapour, it afterwards rises in much less quan- tity. Whence the quantity of water lost in 24 hours, when the air is very still, was very small, in proportion to what went off when there was a brisk gale of wind abroad to dissipate the fleece, and make room for the emission of vapour; and this, even though the experiment was made in a place as secure from the wind as could be contrived. Moreover, this fleece of water, hanging to the surface of waters in still weather, is the occasion of very singular ap- pearances, by the refraction of the vapours differing from and exceeding that of common air; whence every thing appears more lofly, or raised above its usual level, as houses, steeples, ships, &c. 4. The same experiments show that the evaporation in May, June, July, and August, which are nearly equal, are about three times as great as those in the months of November, December, January, and February. Philos. Trans. No. 212, or my Abridg. vol. 3, pa. 6'58. Dr. Brownrigg, in his Art of making common salt, pa. 189, fixes the evaporation of some parts of England at 738 inches during the months of May, June, July, and August; and the evaporation of the whole year at more than 140 inches. But the evaporation of the four summer months at Liverpool, on a medium of 4 years, was found to be only 18-88 inches. Also Dr. Hales calculates the greatest annual evaporation from the surface of the earth in Eng- land- at 6-66 inches; and therefore the annual evaporation from a surface of water, is to the annual evaporation account of Pappus and Proclus, was born at Alexandria, in Egypt, where he flourished and taught mathematics with great applause, under the, reign of Ptolemy Lagos, about 280 years before Christ. Some Arabian historians, however, inform us, that he was born at Tyre, that his father's name was Naucrates, an inhabitant of Damas.— The particular place of his nativity appears, therefore, to be uncertain ; but whether or not Alexandria had the ho- nour of giving birth to this celebrated mathematician, all historians agree that he flourished and taught mathema- tics there, at the time abovemeiitioned ; which city, from that period to the conquest of it by the Saracens, seems to have been the residence, if not the birth-place, of all the most eminent mathematicians of that time. Euclid re- duced into regularity and order all the fundamental prin- ciples of pure mathematics, which had been delivered down by Thales, Pythagoras, Eudoxus, and other mathe- maticians before him, and added many others of his ovvrt : on which account it is said he was the first who reduced arithmetic and geometry into the form of a science. He likewise applied himself to the study of mixed mathema- tics, particularly to astronomy and optics. His works, as we learn from Pappus and Proclus, are the Elements, Data, Introduction to Harmony, Pheno- mena, Optics, Catoprics, a Treatise on the Division of Superficies, Porisms, Loci ad Superficiem, Fallacies, and. Four books of Conies. The most celebrated of these, is the first work, the Elements of Geometry ; of which there have been numberless editions, in all languages ; and a fine edition of all his works, now extant, was printed in J 703, by. David Gregory, Savilian professor of astronomy at Oxford. The Elements, as commonly published, consist of 15 books, of which the last two, it is suspected, are not Euclid's, but acomment of Hypsicles of Alexandria, who lived 200 years after him. They are divided into three parts, viz, the Contemplation of Superficies, Numbers, and Solids: the first 4 books treat of planes only ; the 5th of. the pro- portions of magnitudes in general ; the 6th of the propor- tion of plane figures; the 7th, 8th, and 9th, give us the from the surface of the earth at Liverpool, nearly as 6 to fundamental properties of numbers ; the 10th contains the 1. Philos. Trans, vol, 6'7, ubi supra. In the Transactions of the American Philosophical So- ciety, vol. 3, pa. 125, there is an ingenious paper on eva- poration, by Dr. VVistar : where he shows that evapora- tion arises when the moist body is warmer than the medium it is inclosed in: and, on the contrary, it acquires moisture from the air, the colder the body is. This carrying off, and acquiring of moisture, it is shown, is by the passage of heat out of the body, or into it. EUCLID, of Megara, a celebrated philosopher and logician; he was a disciple of Socrates, and nourished about 400 years before Christ. The Athenians having prohibited the Jvlegarians from entering their city on pain of death, this philosopher" disguised himself in women's clothesto attend the lectures of Socrates. After the death of Socrates, Plato and other philosophers went toEuclid at Me- gara, to shelter themselves from the tyrants who governed Athens. Euclid admitted but one chief good ; which he at different times called God, or the Spirit, or Providence. This philosopher has, by some, been confounded with Euclid of Alexandria, the prince of geometricians; but independently of the different subject of their writings, it is well known that Euclid of Megara flourished at least a century before Euclid of Alexandria was born. Euclid, the celebrated mathematician, according to the theory of commensurable and incommensurable lines and spaces ; the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, treat of the doctrine of solids. There is no doubt but, before Euclid, Elements of Geo- metry were compiled by Hippocrates of Chios, Eudoxus, Leon, and many others, mentioned by Proclus in the be- ginning of his second book; for he affirms that Euclid new- ordered many things in the Elements of Eudoxus, com- pleted many things in those of Theatetus, and besides strengthened such propositions as before were' WO slightly, or but superficially established, with the most firm and convincing demonstrations. ' History is silent as to the time of Euclid's death, or his age. But Pappus represents him as a person of a coui- teotis and agreeable behaviour, and in great esteem with Ptolemy Lagos, king of Egypt; who one day asking him, whether there was not any shorter way of coming at geo- metry than by his Elements, Euclid is said to have an- swered, " that there was no royal road to geometry." EUDIOMETEB, an instrument for determining the purity of the, air, or the quantity of pure and dephlogisti- cateii or vital air contained in it, chiefly by means of its. diminution on a mixture with nitrous air. Instruments of this kind were first made, in consequence of the experiments and discoveries of Dr. Priestley, for de- E U D I 4 9 i ] E U D termining the salubrity of different kinds of air. That wri- ing the two airs. — 2. A small glass phial, to serve as a tor having discovered, that when nitrous air is mixed with measure, and is about one-third the size of the receiver. — any other air, their original bulk is diminished; and that 3. A small pair of scales that may weigh very exactly.- — the diminution is nearly, if not exactly, in proportion to 4. Several glass bottles, for containing the nitrous or its salubrity ; he was hence led to adopt nitrous air as a other air to be used, and which may supply the place of true test of the purity of respirable air; and nothing more the recipient when broken. The method of using this in- seemed to be necessary but an easy, expeditious, and ac- curate method of estimating the, degree of diminution in different cases ; and for this purpose, the eudiometer was contrived ; of which several kinds have been invented, the principal of which are the following. ' I. The eudiometer originally used by Dr. Priestley is a divided glass tube, into which, after having filled it with common water, and inverted it into the same, one mea- strument is as follows: — The receiver is to be- filled with water, closed exactly with its glass stopper, wiped dry on the outside, and then weighed very accurately. Being*" then immerged in a vessel of water, and held with the mouth downwards, the stopple is removed., and, by means of a funnel, two measures of common and one of nitrous air are introduced into it, one after another: these, dimi- nish as soon as they come into contact; in consequence of sure or more of common air, and an equal quantity of ni- which the water enters the recipient in proportionable trous air, are introduced by means of a small phial, which quantity. After being stopped and well shaken, to pro- is called the measure; and thus the diminution of the vo- mote the diminution, the receiver is to be opened again lume of the mixture, which is seen at once by means of the under water ; then stopped and shaken again, and so on graduations of the tube, instantly discovers the purity of for three times successively, after which the bottle is stopped the air required. ■ for the last time under water, then taken out, wiped very II. The discovery of Dr. Priestley was announced to clean and dry, and exactly weighed as before. It is plain the public in the year 1772; and several persons, both at that now, the bottle being filled partly with elastic fluid home and abroad, presently availed themselves of it, by and partly with water, it must be lighter than when quite framing other more accurate instruments. The first of full of water; and the difference between those two weights, these was contrived by M. Landriani; a description of shows nearly what quantity of water would fill the space which is given in the 6th volume of Rosier's Journal, for occupied by the diminished elastic fluid. But, in making the year 1775- It consists of a glass tube, fitted, by grind- experiments with airs of different degrees of purity, the ing, to a cylindrical vessel, to which are joined two glass said difference will be greater when the diminution is less, cocks and a small bason; the whole being fixed to a wooden or when the air is less pure, and vice versa; by which frame. In this instrument quicksilver is used instead of means the comparative purity between two different kinds water; though that is attended with an inconvenience, be- of air is determined. cause the nitrous air acts upon the metal, and renders the VI. But as this method, notwithstanding the encomi- «xperiment ambiguous. urns bestowed on it by the inventor, is subject to several III. In 1777, Mr. Magellan published an account of errors and inconveniences; to remedy all these, another three eudiometers invented by himself, consisting of glass instrument was invented by M. Cavallo; the description vessels of rather difficult construction, and troublesome of which, being long, may be seen in his Treatise on the to use. M. Cavallo observes, that the construction of all Nature and Properties of Air, pa. 344. the three is founded on a supposition, that the mixture of Other constructions of the eudiometer have also been nitrous and atmospherical air, having continued for some given by Mr. Cavendish and Mr. Scheele. For further in- time to diminish, afterwards increases again; which it seems formation, see Magellan's Letter to Dr. Priestley, contain- is a mistake: nor do they give accurate or uniform results, ing the Description of a Glass Apparatus, &c, and of New 1 in experiments made with nitrous and common air of pre- Eudiometers, &c, 1777, pa. 15, &c; Priestley's Exp. and cisely the same quality. Obs. on Air, vol. 3, preface and appendix ; the methods of IV. A preferable and very accurate method of discover- Dr. Ingenhousz in Philos. Trans, vol. 66, art. 15 ; see also ing the purity of the air by means of a eudiometer, is re- the Philos. Trans, vol. 73 ; and Cavallo's Treatise on Air, commended by M.Fontana. The instrument is originally pa. 274, 315, 3 16, 317, 328, 340, 344, and 348. nothing more than a divided glass tube, though the inven- EUDOXUS, of Cnidus, a city of Caria in Asia Minor, tor afterwards added to it a complicated apparatus, per- flourished about 370 years before Christ. He learned geo- haps of little or no use. The first simple eudiometer con- metry from Archytas, and afterwards travelled into Egypt sisted only of a glass tube, uniformly cylindrical, about 18 to learn astronomy and other sciences. There he and inches long, and 3-4ths of an inch diameter within-side, Plato studied together, as Laertius informs us, for the the outside being marked with a diamond at such dis- space of 13 years; and afterwards came to Athens, fraught tances as are exactly filled by equal measures of elastic with all sorts of knowledge, which they had learned from fluids: and when any parts of these divisions are required, the priests. Here Eudoxus opened a school; which he the edge of a ruler, divided into inches and smaller parts, supported with so much glory and renown, that even Plato, is held against the tube, so that the first division of the though his friend, is said to have envied him. Eudoxus ruler may coincide with one of the marks on the tube, composed Elements of Geometry, from which Euclid li- The nitrous and atmospherical air are introduced into this berally borrowed, as mentioned by Proclus. Cicero calls tube, in order to be diminished, and thence the purity of Eudoxus the greatest astronomer that had ever lived : and the atmospheric air ascertained. Petronius says, he spent the latter part of his life upon the V. M. Saussure of Geneva also invented a eudiometer, top of a very high mountain, that he might contemplate the which he thinks is more exact than any of those before stars and the heavens with more convenience and less in- described; the apparatus of which is as follows: I. A cy- terruption : and we learn from Strabo, that there were lindrical glass bottle, with a ground stopple, containing some remains of his observatory at Cnidus lo be seen even about 5{ ounces of air, which serves as a receiver for mix- in his time. He died in the 53d year of his age. 3R 2 E U L £ 492 ] E U L EVECTION, is used by some astronomers for the li- bration of the moon; being an inequality in her motion, by which, at or near the quadratures, she is not in a line drawn through the centre of the earth to the sun, as she is at the syzygies,or conjunction and opposition, but makes an angle with that line of about 2° Si'. The motion of the moon about her axis only is equable, which rotation is performed exactly in the same time as she revolves about the earth; for which reason it is that she turns always the same face towards the earth nearly, and would do so exactly were it not -that her menstrual motion about the earth, in an elliptic orbit, is not equable; on which ac- count the moon, seen from the earth, appears to liberate, a little upon her axis, sometimes from east to west, and sometimes from west to east ; or some parts in the eastern limb of the moon go backwards and forwards a small space, and some that were conspicuous, are hid, and then appear again. The term Evection is used by some astronomers to denote that equation of the moon's motion, which is pro- portional to the sine of double the distance of the moon from the sun, diminished by the moon's anomaly : this equation is not yet accurately determined ; some state it at 1° 30', others at 1° 16', &c. It is the greatest of all the moon's equations, except the equation of the centre. EVEN Number, is that which can be divided into two equal whole numbers; such as theseries of alternate num- bers, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, &c, and is therefore properly expressed by the form In. EVENLY Even Number, is that which can be twice di- vided by 2, and therefore is expressed by the form 4ra. Evenly Odd Number, is that which can be only divided by 2 once, the quotient being an odd number, and is therefore of the form 4n -+- 2.= 2 {m+ 1), that is, the quo- tient is of the form 2/J-+-1, which is therefore necessarily an odd number. EVERARD's Sliding Rule, a particular sort of rule in- vented by Mr. Thomas Everard, for the purpose of gaug- ing. See Sliding Rule. EULER (Leonard), one of the most celebrated ma- thematicians of the 18th, or perhaps of any other century. He was a native of Basil, and was born April 15, 1707. The years of his infancy were passed at Richen, where his father was minister. He was afterwards sent to the uni- versity of Basil; and as his memory was astonishingly re- tentive, and his application regular, he performed his aca- demical tasks with great rapidity; and all the time that he saved by this, was consecrated to the study of mathema- tics, which soon became his favourite science. The early progress he made in this branch of study, added fresh ar- dour to his application ; by which he likewise obtained a distinguishing mark of the attention and esteem of professor John Bernoulli, who was then one ofthe most eminent ma- thematicians in Europe. In 1723, M. Euler took his degree as master of arts; and delivered on that occasion a Latin discourse, in which he drew a comparison between the philosophy of Newton and the Cartesian system, which was received with the greatest applause. At his father's desire, he next applied himself to the study of tluvlogy and the oriental languages: and though these studies were foreign to his predominant propensity, his success was considerable even in this re- spect: however, with his father's consent, he afterwards returned to mathematics as his principal object. In con- tinuing to avail himself of the counsels and instructions of M.Bernoulli, he contracted an intimate friendship with his two sons Nicholas and Daniel; and it was chiefly in con- sequence of these connexions that he afterwards became the principal ornament of the philosophical world. The project of erecting an academy at Petersburg, which had been formed by Peter the Great, was executed by Catharine the 1st ; and the two young Bernoullis being invited to Petersburg in 1725, promised Euler, who was desirous of following them, that they would use their en- deavours to procure for him an advantageous settlement in that city. In the mean time, by their advice, he made close application to the study of philosophy, to which he made happy applications of his mathematical knowledge, in a dissertation on the nature and propagation of sound, and an answer to a prize question concerning the masting of ships; to which the Academy of Sciences adjugded the accessit, or second rank, in the year 1727- From this lat- ter discourse, and other circumstances, it appears that Euler had very early embarked in the curious and useful study of naval architecture, which he. afterward enriched with so many valuable discoveries. The study of mathe- matics and philosophy however did not solely engage his attention, as he in the mean time attended the medical and botanical lectures of the professors at Basil. Euler's merit would have given him an easy admission to honourable preferment either in the magistracy or univer- sity of his native city, if both civil ami academical honours had not been there distributed by lot. This being against him in a certain promotion, he left his country, set out for Petersburg, and was made joint professor with his coun- trymen Hermann and Daniel Bernoulli, in the university of that city. At his first setting out in his new career, he enriched the academical collection with many memoirs, which excited a noble emulation between him and the Bernoullis ; an emulation that always continued, without either degene- rating into a selfish jealousy, or producing the least altera- tion in their friendship. It was at this time that he car- ried to new degrees of perfection the integral calculus, in- vented the calculation by sines, reduced analytical opera- tions to a greater simplicity, and thus was enabled to throw new light on all the parts of mathematical science. In 1730, Euler was promoted to the professorship of natural philosophy; and in 1733 he succeeded his friend D. Bernoulli in the mathematical chair. In 1735, a pro- blem was proposed by the academy, which required ex- pedition, and for the calculation of which some eminent mathematicians had demanded the space of some months. The problem was undertaken by Euler, who completed the calculation in three days, to the great astonishment of the academy : but the violent and laborious efforts that he made to accomplish it, threw him into a fever, that en- dangered his life, and deprived him of the use ol his right eye, which afterwards brought on a total blindness. The Academy of Sciences at Paris, which in 1738 had adjudged the prize to his memoir Concerning tin- Nature and Properties of Fire, proposed for the year 1740 the im- portant subject of the Tides of the Sea; a problem whose solution comprehended the theory of the solar system, and required the most arduous calculations. Kuler's solution of this question was adjudged a master-piece of analysis and geometry; and it was more honourable for him to share the academical prize with such illustrious competi- tors as Maclaurin and Daniel Bernoulli, than to have carried it away from rivals of less magnitude.' Seldom, if E U L [ 4Q3 ] E U L ever, did such a brilliant competition adorn the annals of gree, which are furnished by mathematical principles, he the academy; and perhaps no subject, proposed by that learned body, was ever treated with such force of reason- ing and accuracy of investigation, as that which here dis- played the philosophical powers of this extraordinary tri- umvirate. In the year 1741, Euler was invited to Berlin to direct and assist the academy that was there rising into fame. On this occasion he enriched the last volume of the Mis- cellanies (Melanges) of Berlin with five memoirs, which form an eminent, perhaps the principal, figure in that col- lection. These were followed, with amazing rapidity, by a great number of important researches, which are dis- persed through the memoirs of the Prussian academy ; a volume of which has been regularly published every year since its establishment in 1744. The labours of Euler will appear more particularly astonishing, when it is con- sidered, that while he was enriching the academy of Berlin with a profusion of memoirs, on the deepest parts of ma- thematical science, contained always under .some new points of view, and often replete with sublime truths, and sometimes discoveries of great importance ; he still con- tinued his philosophical contributions to the Petersburg academy, whose memoirs display the marvellous fecun- dity of his genius. / It was with great difficulty that this extraordinary man, in 176'6, obtained permission from the king of Prussia to return to Petersburg, where he wished to pass the re- mainder of his days; but soon after his return, which was graciously rewarded by the munificence of Catharine the 2d, he was seized with a violent disorder, which ended in the total loss of his sight: a cataract, formed in his left eye, which had been essentially damaged by the loss of the other. eye, and too close an application to study, deprived him entirely of the use of that organ. It was in this distressing situation that he dictated to his servant, a tailor's apprentice, who was absolutely devoid of mathe- matical knowledge, his Elements of Algebra ; which by their intrinsic merit in point of perspicuity and method, and the unhappy circumstances in which they were com- reduced them to the three ordinates, which determine the place of the moon: and he divided into classes all the-in- equalities of that planet, as far as they depend either on the elongation, of the sun and moon, or on the excentri- city, or the parallax, or the inclination of the lunar orbit. All these means of investigation, employed with such art and dexterity as could only be expected from a genius of the. first order, were attended with the greatest success ; and it is impossible to observe without admiration, such immense calculations on the one hand, and on the other the ingenious methods employed by this great man to abridge them, and to facilitate their application to the real motion of the moon. But this admiration will become astonishment, when we consider at what period and in what circumstances all this was effected. It was when our author was totally blind, and consequently obliged to ar- range all his computations by the sole powers of his me- mory and his genius : it was when he was embarrassed in • his domestic affairs by a dreadful fire, that had consumed great part of his substance, and forced him to quita ruined house, every corner of which was known to him by habit, which in some measure supplied the want of sight. It was in these circumstances that Euler composed a work which alone was sufficient to render his name immortal. Some time after this, the famous oculist Wentzell, by couching the cataract, restored sight to our author; but the joy produced by this operation was of short duration. Some instances of negligence on the part of his surgeons, and his own impatience to use an organ, whose cure was not completely finished, deprived him a second time and tor ever of his sight : a relapse which was also accompanied with tormenting pain. With the assistance of his sons, however, and of Messrs. Krafft and Lexell, he continued his labours : neither the infirmities of old age, the loss of his sight, nor the acutencss of the pain, could quell the ardour of his genius. He had engaged to furnish the Aca- demy of Petersburg with as many memoirs as would be sufficient to complete its acts for 20 years after his death. In the space of 7 years he transmitted to the Academy posed, have equally excited the wonder and applause of above 70 memoirs, and above 200 more, left behind him the learned. This work, though purely elementary, plainly were revised and completed by a friend. Such of these exhibits the proofs of an inventive genius; and it is pe haps here alone that we meet with acomplcte theory of the Diophantine analysis. About, this time M. Euler was honoured by the Aca- demy of Sciences at Paris with the place of one of the foreign members of that learned body; after which, the academical prize was adjudged to three of his memoirs, Concerning the Inequalities in the Motions of the Planets. The two prize questions proposed by the same Academy for 1770 and 1772 were designed to obtain from the la- bours of astronomers a more-perfect Theory of the Moon. M. Euler, assisted by his eldest son, was a competitor for these prizes, and obtained them both. In this last me- moir, he reserved fur further consideration several inequa- lities of the moon's motion, which he could not determine in his first theory, on account of the complicated calcula- tions in which the method he then employed had engaged him. He afterwards revised his whole theory, with the assistance of his son and Messrs. Krafft ami Lexell; and pur- sued his researches till he had constructed the new tables, which appeared, together with the great work, in 1772. Instead of confining himself, as before, to the fruitless in- tegration of three differential equations of the second de- memoirs as were of ancient date were separated from the rest, and form a collection that was published in the year 1783, under the title of Analytical Works. The general knowledge of our author was more exten- sive than could well be expected, in one who had pursued, with such unremitting ardour, mathematics and astronomy as his favourite studies. He had made a very consider- able progress in medical, botanical, and chemical science. What was still more extraordinary, he was an excellent scholar, and possessed in a high degree what is generally called erudition. He had attentively read the most emi- nent writers of ancient Rome; the civil and literary hisr tory of all ages and all nations was familiar to him ; and foreigners, who were only acquainted with his works, were •astonished to find in the conversation of a man, whose long life seemed solely occupied in mathematical and phy- sical researches and discoveries, such an extensive ac- quaintance with the most interesting branches of litera- ture. In this respect, no doubt, he was much indebted to a very uncommon memory, which seemed to retain every idea that was conveyed to it, either from reading or from meditation. He could repeat the jEneid of Virgil, from the beginning to the end, without hesitation, and indi- E V O E 494 ] E " V O cate ttie first and last line of every page of the edition he used. _ Several attacks of a vertigo, in the beginning of bep- tember 1783, which did not prevent his computing the motions of the aerostatic globes, were however, the fore- runners of his mild passage out of this life. While he was amusing himself at tea with one of his grand-children, he was struck with an apoplexy, which terminated his illus- trious career at 70' years of age. M. Euler's constitution was uncommonly strong and vigorous. His health was good; and the evening of his long life was calm and serene, sweetened by the fame that follows genius, the public esteem and respect that are never withheld from exemplary virtue, and several domes- tic comforts, which he was capable of feeling, and therefore deserved to enjoy. The catalogue of his works has been printed in 50 pages, 14 of which contain the manuscript works. — The printed ones consist of works published separately, and works to be found in the memoirs of several Academies, viz, in 38 volumes of the Petersburg Acts (from 6 to 10 papers in each volume); — in several volumes of the Paris Acts; — in 2(5 volumes of the Berlin Acts (about 5 papers to each volume); — in the Acta Eruditorum, in 2 volumes ;— in the Miscellanea Taurinensia; — in vol. 9 of the Society of Ulyssingue; — in the Ephemerides of Berlin ; — in the Me- moires de la Societe (Economique for 1766; — and in the Philos. Trans, by seven memoirs, from vol. 44 to vol. 62. EVOLVENT, in the Higher Geometry, a term used by some writers for the involute, or curve resulting from the evolution of a curve, in contradistinction to that evolute, or curve supposed to be opended or evolved. See Evo- lute, and Involute. EVOLUTE, in the Higher Geometry, a curve first pro- posed by M. Huygens, and since much studied by many eminent mathematicians. It is any curve supposed to be evolved or opened, by having a thread wrapped close upon it, fastened at one end, and beginning to evolve or unwind the thread from the other end, keeping stretched the part evolved, or wound off; then this end of the thread will describe another curve called the Involute. Or the same involute is described in the contrary way, by wrapping the thread upon the evolute, keeping it always stretched. 'Thus, if efgh be any curve, and ae either a part of the curve, or a right line ; then if a thread be wound close upon the curve from a to h, where it is fixed, and then be unwound from a ; the curve aefgh, from which it is evolved, is called the evolute; and the other curve abcd, described by the end of the thread, as it evolves or un- winds, is the involute. Or, if the thread hd, fixed at 11, be wound or wrapped upon the evolute hgfea, keeping it always stretched, as at the several positions of it hd, gc, fb, ea, the extremity will describe the involute curve DCBA. From this description it appears, 1. That the parts of the thread at any positions, as ea, fb, gc, hd, &c, are radii of curvature, or osculatory radii, of the involute curve, at the points a, b, c, d. 2. The same parts of the thread are also equal to the corresponding lengths ae, aef, aufg, &c, of the evolute ; that is, ae = ae is the rad. of curvature to the point a. BF = AF - ■ -. - B, CG = AG - - C, DH = AH - - D. 3. Any radius of curvature bf, is perpendicular to the involute at the point b, and is a tangent to the evolute. curve at the point f, — 4. The evolute is the locus of the centre of curvature of the involute curve. The finding the radii of evolutes, is a matter of gTeat importance in the higher speculations of geometry ; and is even sometimes useful in practice; as is shown by Huygens, the inventor of this theory, in applying it to the pendulum. Horol. Oscil. part 3. For the doctrine of the oscula of evolutes we are indebted to M. Leibnitz, who firstshowed the use of evolutes in the measuring of curva tures. Tofind the Evolute and Involute Curves, the one from the other. — For this purpose, put 2 = ab the involute curve, x = ad the absciss of the involute, y = db its ordinate, r = BC its radius of curvature, = ef the absciss of the evolute, u z=. fc its ordinate, and a = ae a given line (fig. 2 above). Then, by the nature of the radius of curvature, it is r — ... ~ . = bc = ae -+- ec; also by sim. triangles, yx — xy J ° ■ J JS-xy' Hence ef = gb — db= . .. ~ . .. — y — v ; and yx-x y * fc = ad — ae ■+- gc = x — a -+■ . .; ~ . . = u\ which are yx — xy the values of the absciss and ordinate of the evolute curve ec ; which therefore may be found when the involute is given. On the other hand, if v and'w, or the evolute be given : then, putting the given curve ec = *; since cb = ae -+• ec, or r = a -+■ s, this gives ?• the radius of curvature. Also, by similar triangles, there result these proportions, viz, !■■£> a + s . sivi'.r: -T- = — — ?) = cb, •V 5 r'u a + s . , , * : u : : r : — = « = gc ; therefore ad =s ae -+- fc g c = a ■+• u — and db = cr, — ef = —. — v — v = y; which arc the absciss and ordinate of the involute curve, and which may therefore be found, when the evolute is given. It may also bc observed that s z = v z -+- B*, and ~- = a 1 + y 1 . And either of the quantities x, y, may be supposed to flow equably, in which case the respective second fluxion x or y will be nothing, and the corresponding term in the de- nominator )'x — xy will vanish, leaving only the other E V O [ 495 ] E X C term in it; which will have the effect of rendering the ope- ration simpler. For Example. If it be required to find the evolution EC when the given involute ab is the common parabola, whose equation hpx=y 2 , the parameter being jj. Here y =s /px,j = \*»/ f -> and y== ^rv^ making £=0. ^Then, to find first ae the radius of curvature of the parabola ab at the vertex, when x = 0, the general value of the radius of curvature above given becomes y &0 _■£_ _ O +>' ) 2 _ . su (3stituting the value ofi and -xy -xy 3 (P- Wv which is the general value of ror bc, the radius of curvature, for any value of x or ad; and wherix or ad is = or nothing, the value of r, or ae, becomes then a =— ^7- — kV onlv ; or half tne parameter of the axis is the radius of curvature at the vertex of the para- bola. Again, in the general values of v and u ahove given, by substituting the values of y, y, and %, also for x, and ?p for a; those quantities become -.?•=?■ y* and u = 1 — a -+- -t—rr. = 3x ■+- \p — a = 3r. —xy ^ Hence then, comparing the values of x*in both of these, we have x 3 = -^ pv ~ = -fa vr, and conseq. Tipv 1 == 1 6V ; which is the equation between the absciss and ordinate of the evolute curve EC, showing it to be the semicubical parabola. In like manner the evolute to any other curve is found. The evolute to the common cycloid, is an equal cycloid; a property first demonstrated by Huygens, and which he used as a contrivance to make a pendulum vibrate in the curve of a cycloid. See his Horolog. Oscil. See also, on thesubject of evolute andinvolute curves, the Fluxions of Newton, Maclaurin, Simpson, DelTIopital, &c ; Wolf. Elem. Math. torn. 1, &c, &c. M. Varignon has applied the doctrine of the radius of the evolute, to that of central forces; so that having the radius of the evolute of any curve, there may be found the value of the central force of a body; which, moving in that curve, is found in the same point where that ra- dius terminates; or reciprocally, having the central force given, the radius of the evolute may be determined. Hist.de l'Acad. an. 1 700'. The variation of curvature of the line described by the evolution of a curve, is measured by the ratio of the radius of curvature of the evolute, to the radius of curvature of the line described by the evolution. See Maclaurin's Flux. art. 402, prop. 36. Imperfect Evoeute, a name given by M. Reaumur to a new kind of evolute. Mathematicians had hitherto only considered the perpendiculars let fall from the involute on the convex side of the evolute: but if other lines not perpendicular be drawn upon the same points, provided they be all drawn under the same angle, the effect will Still be the same; that is, the oblique lines will all inter- sect in the curve, and by their intersections form (he infi- nitely small sides of a new curve, to which they would be so many tangents. — Such a curve is a kind of evolute, and has its radii ; but it is an imperfect one, since the radii are not perpendicular to the first curve, or involute. Hist, de l'Acad. &c, an. 1709. EVOLUTION, in Arithmetic and Algebra, denotes the extraction of roots. In which sense it stands opposed to involution, which is the raising of powers. Evolution, in Geometry, the opening, or unfolding of a curve, and making it describe an evolvent. The equable evolution of the periphery of a circle, or other curve, is such a gradual approach of the circum- ference to rectitude, as that its parts do all concur, and equally evolve or unbend ; so that the same line becomes successively a less arc of a reciprocally greater circle ; till at last they change into a straight line.. In the Philos. Trans. No. 260, a new quadratrix to the circle is found by this means, being the curve described by the equable evo- lution of its periphery. EURYTHMY, in Architecture, Painting, and Sculp- ture, is a kind of majesty, elegance, and easiness appearing in the composition of certain members or parts of a body, building, or painting, and resulting from the fine and exact proportions of them. EUSTYLE, is the best manner of placing columns, with regard to their distance; which, according to Vitru- vius, should be 4 modules, or 1\ diameters. EUTOCIUS, a respectable Greek mathematician, of Ascalon, in Palestine, about the year of Christ 550. He was one of the most considerable mathematicians that flourished about the decline of the sciences among the Greeks, and had for his preceptor Isidorus, the principal architect of the church of St. Sophia at Constantinople. He is chiefly known however by his commentaries on the works of the two ancient authors, Archimedes and Apol- lonius. Those two commentaries are both excellent com- positions, to which we owe many useful observations in the history of the mathematics. His commentaries on Apollonius are published in Halley's edition of the works of that author; and those on Archimedes, first in the Basle edition, in Greek and. Latin, in 1543, and since in some others, as the late Oxford edition, in 1792. Of these commentaries, those rank the highest, which illustrate Archimedes's work on the Sphere and Cylinder ; in one of which we have a re- cital of the various methods practised by the ancients in the solution of the Delian problem, or that of doubling the cube. The others are of less value ; though it cannot but be regretted that Eutocius did not pursue his plan of commenting on all the works of Archimedes, with the same attention and diligence which he employed in his remarks on the sphere and cylinder. EXCENTRIC, is applied to such figures, circles* spheres, &c, as have not the same centre ; as opposed toi concentric, which have the same centre. Excentiuc, or Excentric Circle, in the ancient Ptole- maic Astronomy, was the very orbit of the planet itself which it was supposed to describe about the earth, and which was conceived excentric with it; called also the deferent. But instead of these excentric circles round the earth, the planets are now known to describe, elliptic orbits about the sun ; which accounts for all the irregulari- tiets of their motions, and their various distances from thfr eaith, ike, more justly and naturally. £ X C C 496 ] E X C Excentric, or Excentric Circle, in the ModernAstro- nomy, is the circle described from the centre of the orbit of a planet, with halt the greatest axis as a radius ; or it is the circle that circumscribes the elliptic orbit of the planet ; as the circle aqb. Excentric Anomaly, or Ano- maly oflhe Centre, is an arc aq of the excentric circle, intercepted between the aphelion a, and the right line qh, drawn through the centre p of the planet perpen- dicular to the line of the apses AB. Excentric Equation, in the Astronomy of the ancients, is an angle made by a line drawn from the centre of the earth, with another line drawn from the centre of the excentric, to the body or place of any planet. This is the same with the prosthapheresis ; and is equal to the difference, ac- counted in an arch of the ecliptic, between the real and apparent place of the sun or planet. See Equation of the Centre. Exc-entric Place of a planet, in its orbit, is the helio- centric place, or that in which it appears as seen from the sun. Excentric Place in the ecliptic, is the point of the ecliptic to which the planet is referred as viewed from the sun'; and which coincides with the heliocentric longitude. EXCENTRICITY, is the distance between the centres of two circles, or spheres, which have not the same centre. Excentricity, in the Old Astronomy, is the distance between the centre of a planet and the centre of the earth. — That the planets have such an excentricity, is allowed on all sides, being evijient from various circumstances ; and particularly from this, that the planets at some times appear larger, and at other times less ; which can only proceed from hence, that their orbits being excentric to the earth, in some parts of those orbits the planets are nearer to us, and in others more remote. And as to the excentricities of the sun and moon, it is thought they are sufficiently proved, both from eclipses, from the moon's greater and less parallax at the same distance from the zenith, and from the sun's continuing longer by 8 days in the northern hemisphere than in the southern one. , Excentricity, in the new Astronomy, is the distance cs between the sun s and the centre c of a planet's orbit ; or the distance of the centre from the focus of the elliptic orbit ; called also the Simple or Single Excentricity. When the greatest equation of the centre is given, the excentricity of the earth's orbit may be found by the fol- lowing proportion ; viz, As the diameter of a circle in degrees, Is to the diameter in equal parts; So is the greatest equation of the centre in degrees, To the excentricity in equal parts. Thus, Greatest equat. of the cent. 1° 55' 33"= 1°-925S333 &c. The diam. of a circ. being 1, its circumf. is 3-1 415.926'. Then 3-1415926 : 1 : :36(')°: 114°-5yi56'09 diam. in deg. And 114-59156'Of): 1 :: 1-9258333: 0-016806, the ex. Hence, by adding this to 1, and subtracting it from 1, gives roi6806 =: as the aphelion distance, and 0'9S3194 . = bs the perihelion distance. See Robertson's Elcm of Navig. book 5, pa. 286. Otherwise, thus : Since it is found that the sun's great- est apparent semi-diameter is to his least, as 32' 43" to 31' 3S",oras 1963" to I898"; the sun's greatest distance from the earth will be to his least, or as to SB, as I963 to 1898; of which, the half dif. is 32* = cs, and half sum 1930f =cb; therefore, as 1930i : 32 J : : 1 : :Ol6S35 = cs the excentricity, to the mean distance or semi-axis 1 ; which is nearly the same a6 before. The excentricities of the orbits of the several planets, in parts of their own mean distances 1000, and also in English miles, are as below, viz, the excentricity of the orbit of Parts. Miles. Mercury - - 210 - - 7,730,000 Venus - - 7 - - 482,000 Earth - - 17 - - 1,618,000 Mars - - 93 - - 13,486,000 Vesta - - 36 - - 8,112,500 Juno - - 254 - - 64,315,000 Pallas - - 246' - - 73,600,000 Ceres - - 78 - - 20,615,000 Jupiter - - 48 - - 23,760,000 Saturn - - 55 - - 49,940,000 Herschel - - 47f - - 86,000,000 Or the excentricities of the orbits in parts of their own mean distances 1, and the secular variations of the same, according to Laplace, are as below i Excentr. Sec. Variat. Mercury - - 020551494 - - 0-000003S7 Venus - - 0-00685298 - - 0-00006371 Earth - - 0-0l6S351S - - 0-0000416S Mars - - 009313400 - - 0.0000901 8 Jupiter - - 0-04S17S40 - - 000015935 Saturn - - 0'056l6S30 - - 0-00031240 Herschel 1 _ . 04 gg 7030 . . 0-00002507 or Uranus } Excentricities of the Orbits of the new or Telescopic Planets, are, Piazzi, or Ceres (discovered 1801) - - 0078349 Olbers, or Pallas ( - - 1S02) - - 0'2453S4 Harding, or Juno ( - - 1S04) - - 0-254944 Ditto, according to Burckhaidt - - 0-25096 Olbers 2d, or Vesta (discov. 1807) - - 0-093220 The excentricity of the moon's orbit is 0*0548553, the greater semi-axis being 1. Double Excentricity, is thedistance between thctwo foci of the elliptic orbit, and is equal to double the single excentricity above given. EXCESS (Spherical) in Trigonometry, is the excess of the sum of the three angles, of any spherical triangle, above 2 right angles. Let, a, b, C, be the angles of a sphe- rical triangle; and a, b, c, the sides opposite to the angles a, b, c, respectively ; 11= 2 right angles, and r = the ra- dius of the sphere; then the spherical excess (ce) is ascer- tained by the following theorem, first given by Simon Lhuil- lier of Geneva: Tan. |i, or tan. |(a ■+- b + c- n) = 1 o + l+t a + b — c a + c— b b + c — a. - v'Oan. r±-±-. tan.-^-r-. tan. — — . tan. — — ), 1 s s.— a s — b * — r \ , or = -V (tan. -.tan.— .tan. — . tan. a ); where j_i(h + S -t- c), half the sum of the sides. M. Puissant gives the following theorems for the excess: »=( E X H -) ars'm. 2c -4- ( — ) c 1 . sin. 2a, or [ 497 ] EXP i — (—) bk ; where b = the base, and h — the height of the triangle, also r"= the number of seconds contained in radius. In a memoir on this by Burckhardt, in vol. 7 of the Memoirs of the National Institute of France, it is shown that the same propertyequally applies to such small trian- gles on the spheroidal surface of the earth as occur in the usual geodctical operations ; as no appreciable error will arise by considering such triangles as spherical ones, nor in any whose sides are small in comparison with a great circle of the sphere. It follows, says the author, that the small triangles traced on the surface of a spheroid may be calculated on the same principles as such trian- gles traced on the surface of a sphere ; and both of therri may be reduced to rectilinear triangles, by diminishing their angles, each by a quantity equal to one-third of the area of a similar triangle, described on a sphere whose liquid bodies; and the term exhalation to the dry ones emitted from solid bodies; as earth, minerals, &c. In this sense, exhalations are dry and subtile corpuscles, or effluvia, loosened from hard terrestrial bodies, either by the heat of the sun, or the action of the air, or some other cause; being emitted upwards to a certain height in the atmosphere, where, mixing with the vapours, they help to constitute clouds, and return back in dews, mists, rains, &c. Sir Isaac Newton thinks, that true and permanent air is formed from the exhalations raised from the hardest and most compact bodies. EXHAUSTED Receiver, is a glass, or otiier vessel, applied on the plate of an air-pump, to have the air extracted out of it by the action of the pump. — Things placed in such an exhausted receiver, are said to be in vacuo. EXHAUSTIONS, or the Method of Exhaustions, is a mode of demonstration founded on the principle of exhausting a quantity by continually taking away certain parts of it. Themethod of exhaustions was frequently re- radius is = 1.— The solution of spheroidal triangles, whose sone d to by the ancient mathematicians ; as Euclid, Archi »ides are small with regard to the dimensions ofthe sphe^ Toid, depends therefore immediately on that of rectilinear triangles ; not only when the spheroid is elliptical and of revolution, but when it is in any manner irregular, pro- vided only that it differs but little from a sphere. EXCH -NGE, in Arithmetic, is the bartering or ex- changing the money of one place for that of another ; or finding what quantity of the money of. one place is equal to agiven sum of another, according to a certain course of ex- change.— The several operations in this rule are only dif- ferent applications of the Rule of Three: which may be seen in most books of arithmetic. Arbitration of Exchange, is the method of remitting to, and drawing upon, foreign places, in such a manner as shall turn out the most profitable. Arbitration is either simple or compound. Simple Arbitration respects three places only. Here, by comparing the par of arbitration between a first and second place, and between the 1st and a 3d, the rate be- tween the 2d and 3d is discovered ; whence a person can judge how to remit or draw to the most advantage, and to determine what that advantage is. Compound Arbitration respects the cases in which the exchanges among three, four, or more places are con- cerned. A person who knows at what rate \\(t can draw or remit directly, and also has advice ofthe course of ex- change in foreign parts, may trace out a path for circu- lating his money, through more or fewer of such places, and also in such order, as to make a benefit of his skill and credit : and in this lies the great ait of such negocia- tions. See Hutton's Arithmetic, pa. 105; also the arti- cles Arbitration, and the Chain Rule. EXCURSION, in Astronomy. See Elongation. Circles o/' Excursion. See Circles. EXEGESIS, or Exegetica, in Algebra, is the finding, either in numbers or lines, the roots of the equation of a problem, according as the problem is cither numeral or geometrical. EXHALATION, a fume or steam, issuing from a body, and diffusing itself in the atmosphere. The terms exhala- tion and vapour are often used indifferently ; but the more accurate writers distinguish them, appropriating the term vapour to the moist fumes raised from water and other Vol.. 1. medes, &c. And it is founded on what I uclid says in the 10th hook of his Elements ; viz, that those .quantities, are equal, whose difference is less than any assignable quan- tity. Or it may be otherwise expressed thus : two quan- tities a and b are equal, when, if to or from om of them as a, any other quantity as d be subtracted, however small it may be, the sum or difference thus obtained is re- spectively greater or less than the other quantity b : d being an indefinitively small quantity, if a -+- d be greater than b, and a — d less than b, then is a equal to b. This principle is used in the 1st prop, of the 10th book, which imports, that if from the greater of two quantities be taken more than its half, and from the remainder more than its half, and so on ; there will at length remain a quantity less than either of those proposed. On this foundation it is demonstrated, that if a regular polygon of infinite sides be inscribed in a circle, or circumscribed about it ; that the space, which is the difference bet ween the circle and the polygon, will by degrees be quite exhausted, and the circle become ultimately equal to the polygon. And in this way it is that Archimedes demonstrates, that a circle is equal to aright-angled triangle, whose two sides about the right angle are equal, the one to the semidi- ameter, and the other to the perimeter of the circle. Prop. 1 I)e Dimensione Circuit. On the method of exhaustions depends themethod of in- divisibles introduced by Cavalerius, which is but a shorter way of expressing the method of exhaustions; as also Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinites, which is a further im- provement ofthe method of indivisibles; and hence also the methods of increments, differentials, fluxions, and infinite series. See some account of the method of ex- haustions in Wallis's Algebra, chap. 73, and Ronayne's Algebra, part 3, pa. 395. EXPANSION, is the dilating, stretching, or spreading out of a body; whether from any external cause, as the cause of rarefaction, or from an internal cause, as elas- ticity. Bodies naturally expand by heat, and are con- tracted by cold ; and hence it happens that their dimen- sions and specific gravities are different in different tem- peratures and seasons of the year. Air compressed or condeused, as soon as the compressing or condensing force 3 S EXP C 498 ] EXP is removed, expands itself by its elastic power to its former tract in fixing, after having been melted, considerably dimensions. more than zinc under similar circumstances. In some few cases indeed, bodies seem to expand as they But of all known substances, those of the aerial kind cool, as water in the act of freezing: but this is owing to expand most by an equal degree of heat; and in general the extrication of a number of air bubbles from the fluid the greater quantity of latent heat that any substance con- at a certain time; and is not at all a regular and gradual tains, the more easily is it expanded : yet even here no expansion like that of metals, &c, by means of heat. Mr. general law can be observed. It is indeed certain that the Boyle, in his History of Cold, says that ice takes up a densest fluids,, such as mercury, oil of vitriol, &c, arc 12th part more space than water; but by MajorWilliams's less expansible than water, spirit of wine, or ether. Which experiments on the force of freezing water, I have found last is so easily expanded, that were it not for the pres- it occupies only about the 17th or 18th part more space, sure of the atmosphere it would be in a continual state of Transact, of the R. Soc. of Edinb. vol.2, pa. 2S. In cer- vapour. And indeed this is the case, in some measure, tain metals also, an expansion takes place when they pass with perhaps all fluids; as it-has been found, by experi- from a fluid to a solid state: but this too is not to be ac- ments with the best air-pumps, that water, and other counted any proper effect of cold, but of the arrangement fluids, ascend in vapours the more as the exhaustion is the of the parts of the metal in a certain manner ; and is there- more perfect ; from which it would seem that water would fore to be considered as a kind of crystallization. wholly rise in vapour, in any temperature, if the pressure The expansion ofditferent bodies by heat is very various; of the atmosphere was entirely taken oft. and many experiments upon it are to be met with in the After bodies are reduced to a state of vapour, their ex- volumes of the Philos. Trans, and in other places. In the pansion seems ro go on without any limitation, in pro- 48th vol. in particular, Mr. Smeaton has given a table of portion to the degree of heat applied ; though it may be the expansion of many different substances, as determined impossible to say what would be the ultimate effect uf that by experiment, from which the following particulars are principle acting upon them in this manner. 1 he force extracted. Where it is to be noted, that the quantities of with which these vapours expand on the application of expansion which answer to 180 degrees of Fahrenheit's high degrees of heat is so great, that no body or force ap- thermometer, are expressed in ten-thousandth parts of an pears to be sufficient to counteract their effects English inch, each substance being 1 foot or 12 inches in On this principle depends the construction of steam-en- length. White glass barometer tube - 100 Martial regulus of antimony - - 130 Blistered steel - - - - 13S Hard steel - - - - 147 Iron - - - - - 151 Bismuth - I67 Copper hammered - 201 Copper 8 parts, mixed with I of tin - 218 Cast brass - 225 Brass 16 parts, with tin 1 - . 229 Brass wire --._-. 232 Speculum metal ... 232 Spelter solder, viz, brass 2 parts, zinc 1 - 247 Fine pewter - 274 Grain tin - 298 Soft solder, viz. lead 2, tin 1 - - 301 Zinc 8 parts, tin 1, a little hammered - 323 Lead - 344, Zinc or Spelter ... 353 373 gines, so much employed in various mechanical opera- tions; likewise some hydraulic machines ; and the instru- ments called manometers, which show the variation of gravity in the external atmosphere, by the expansion or cendensation of a small quantity of air confined in a proper vessel. On this principle also, perpetual movements might be constructed similar to those invented by Mr. Coxe, on the principle of the barometer. And a variety of other curious machines may be constructed on the principle of aerial expansion; an account of some of which is given under the articles Hydrostatics and Pneu- matics. The construction of thermometers depends also on the principle of the expansion of fluids. See Thermometer. And for the effects of the different expansions of metals, in correcting the vibrations of pendulums, see Pendulum. The expansion of solid bodies is measured by an in- strument called the pyrometer ; and the force with which they expand is still greater than that of aerial vapours; the flame of a small candle produces an expansion in a bar of iron capable of counteracting a weight of 500 pounds. The quantity of expansion, however, is so small, that it has never been applied to the movement of any mechanical Zinc hammered |. an inch per foot By other experiments it has likewise been found that for each thermometrical degree of heat, mercury, water and air, expand the following parts of their own bulk, viz, engine. Mercury the 96"00tl,T EXPECTATION, in the Doctrine of Chances, is applied Water the 6666th > part of its bulk. " to any contingent event, on the happening of which, some Air the 435th J benefit &c, is expected. This is capable of being reduced From the foregoing table it appears, that there is no ge- to the rules of computation: for a sum of money in ex- neral rule for the degree of expansion to which bodies are pectation when a particular event happens, has a deter- subject by the same degree of heat, either from their spe- minate value before that event happens. Thus, if a person cine gravity or otherwise. Zinc, which is much lighter is to receive any sum, as 10/. when an event lakes place than lead, expands more with heat; while glass, which which lias an equal chance or probability of happening and is lighter than either, expands much less; and copper, failing, the value of the expectation is hall that sum, or which is heavier than a mixture of brass and tin, expands 5/. : but if there are 3 chances for failing, and only 1 for less. It seems also that metals observe a proportion of its happening, or 1 chance only in its favour out of all the expansion in a fluid state, quite different from what they 4 chances; then the probability of its happening is only do in a solid one : for regulus of antimony seemed to con- 1 out of 4, or J, and the value of tin' expectation is but i EXP [ 499 of 10?. which is only 21. 10s. or half the former sum. And in all cases, the value of the expectation of any sum is found by multiplying that sum by the fraction expressing the probability of obtaining it. So the value of the ex- pectation on 100/. when there are 3 chances out of 5 for obtaining it, or when the probability of obtaining it is -f-, is -f of 1001. which is 60/. And if* be any sum expected on the happening of an event, h the chances for that event happening, and/ the chances for its failling ; then, there being h chances out of/-t- h for its happening, the proba- bility will be j — =r, and the value of the expectation is- — -. Suppose, for example, that a person is entitled to 100/. if, in casting a die, he brings up an ace; and to 50/. if he brings up a six ; but in all other cases he is to have nothing, to find the value of his expectation before the die is cast. In each case the number of chances, both for happening and failing, are 6, but for the event taking place only 1 ; there- fore £ of 100/. = 161. 13s. 4id. is the value of his expecta- tion in the first case, and £ of 50/. = 8/. 6s. 8d. is its worth in the second case ; consequently, their sum 25/. is the entire value of his expectation before he undertakes to throw. See Simpson's or De Moivre's Doctrine of Chances. Expectation of Life, in the Doctrine of Life Annui- ties, is the share, or number of years of life, which a person of a given age may, on an equality of chance, expect to enjoy. By the expectation or share of life, says Mr. Simp- son (Select Exercises, pa. 273), is not here to be under- stood that particular period which a person hath an equal chance of surviving; this last being a different, and more simple consideration. The expectation of a life, to put it in the most familiar light, may be taken as the number of years at which the purchase of an annuity, granted upon it, without discount of money, ought to be valued. Which number of years will differ more or less from the period above-mentioned, according to the different degrees of mor- tality to which the several stages of life are incident. Thus it is much more than an equal chance, according to the table of the probability of the duration of life (pa. 254 ut supra), that an infant, just come into the world, arrives not to the age of 10 years ; yet the expectation or share of life due to it, on an average, is near 20 years. The reason of which wide difference, is the great excess of the probability of mortality in the first tender years of ljfe, above that respecting the more mature and stronger ages. Indeed, if the numbers that die at every age were to be the same, the two quantities above specified would also be equal ; but when the said numbers become continually less and less, the expectation must of consequence be the greater of the two. Mr. Simpson has given a table and rule for finding this expectation, pa. 255 and 273 as below. For example, if it be required to find the expectation or share of life, due to a, person of 30 years old. Opposite the given age in the first column of the table, stands 23'6 in the second col. for the years ill the expectation sought. See He Moivre's Doctrine of Chances applied to the valu- ation of annuities, pa. 288; or Dr. Price's Observations on Reversionary Payments, pa. l68,36'4, 374-, &c ; or Philos. Trans, vol. 59, pa. 89. ] EXP A Table of the Expectations of Life in London. Age. Expectation Age. Expectation. Age. Expectation. 1 27-0 28 24-6 55 142 2 32-0 29 24' 1 56 13-8 3 34-0 30 23 6 57 13-4 4 35-6 31 23-1 58 131 5 36-0 32 22-7 59 12-7 6 36-0 33 22'3 60 12-4 7 35-8 34 21-9 61 12.0 8 35-6 35 21-5 62 11-6 9 35'2 36 21-1 63 11-2 10 34-8 37 20-7 64 10-S 11 34-3 38 20'3 65 10-5 12 33-7 39 19'9 66 ioi 13 331 40 19-6 67 9-s 14 32-5 41 19-2 6s 94 15 31-9 42 18-8 69 9-1 1(5 31-3 43 18-5 70 8-8 17 30'7 44 18-1 7\ 8-4 18 30-1 45 17-8 72 8-1 19 29-5 46 17-4 73 7-8 20 28-9 47 17-0 74 7-5 2L 28-3 4S 16-7 75 7-2 22 277 49 16-3 76 6-8 23 27'2 50 160 77 .6-4 24 25-6 51 15-6 78 6-0 25 26-1 52 15-2 79 5-5 26 25-6 53 14-9 80 50 27 25-1 54 14-5 EXPERIMENT, in Philosophy, a trial of the effect or result of certain applications and motions of natural bo- dies, in order to discover something of their laws and re- lations, &c. The making of experiments is become a kind of art; and there are now many collections of them, mostly under the denomination of Courses of Experimen- tal Philosophy. Sturmius made a curious collection of the principal discoveries and experiments of the 17th cen- tury, under the title of Collegium Experimentale. Other courses of experiments have been published by Gravesande, Desaguliers, Helsham, Cotes, &c. EXPERIMENTAL Philosophy, is that which proceeds on experiments, or which deduces the laws of nature and the properties and powers of bodies, and their actions upon each other, from sensible experiments and observations. Experiments are of the utmost importance in philosophy; and the great advantages the modern physics have over the ancient, is chiefly owing to our making more "experi- ments, and then founding our theories on the results thus obtained : whereas the method of the ancients was chiefly to begin with the assumed causes of tilings, and thence ar- gue to the phenomena and effects; on the contrary, that of the modems proceeds from experiments and observations, whence the properties and laws of natural things are de- duced, and general theories are formed. Several of the ancients indeed thought as highly of ex- periments as the moderns, and practised them also. Plato omits no occasion of speaking of the advantages of them ■ and Aristotle's history of animals bears ample testimony for him. Democritus's great employment was to make ex- periments; and even Epicurus himself owes part of his glory to the same cause. Among the moderns, the making of ex-peri men ts was chiefly begun by Friar Bacon, in the 13th century, who 3 S 2 EXP [ 500 ] EXP spent a grct deal of money and labour in this pursuit. Af- of its condensation when fixed in the gunpowder, and so ter him, the lord chancellor Bacon is considered as the explodes, and produces all those terrible effects that attend founder of the present mode of philosophising by experi- the explosion. The elastic fluid generated by fired gun- ments. And his method has been prosecuted with laudable powder expandsitself with a velocity of almost 10,000 feet emulation by the Academy del Cimento, the Royal So- per second, and with a force nearly C000 limes greater ciety, the Royal Academy at Paris; by Mr. Boyle, and, than the pressure of the atmosphere on the same base, above all, by Sir Isaac Newton, with many other illustri- The electric explosions seem to be still much more ous names. strong and astonishing; as in the cases of lightning, earth- Indeed, the making of experiments, within the lastcen- quakes, and volcanoes; and even in the artificial electri- tury, is so much practised, that nothing will pass in phi- city produced by the ordinary machines. The astonish- losophy, but what is cither founded on experitnents, or ing strength of electric explosions, which is beyond all confirmed by them ; so that the new philosophy is almost possible means of measuring it, manifests itself by the many wholly experimental. tremendous effects we hear of fire-balls and lightning. Yet there are some, even among the learned, who speak In cases where the electric matter acts like common of experiments in a different manner, or perhaps rather of fire, the force of the explosions, though very great, is ca- the abuse of them, and in derision of the pretenders to this pable of measurement, by comparing the distances to practice. Thus, though Dr. Keil allows that philosophy which bodies are thrown, with their weight. This is most has received considerable advantages from those who make evident in volcanoes, where the projections of the burning experiments; yet he complains of their disingenuity, in rocks and lava manifest the immensity of the power, at the too often wresting and distorting their experiments and same time that they afford a method of measuring it: and observations, to favour some darling theories they had these explosions are owing to the extrication of aerial va- espoused. Nay more, M. Hartsoeker, in his Recueil de pours, and their rarefaction by intense heat, plusieurs Pieces de Physique, undertakes to show, that Next in strength to the aeiial vapours, are those of such as employ themselves in the making of experiments, aqueous and other liquids. Very remarkable effects of are not properly philosophers, but as it were the labourers these are observed in steam-engines; and there is one case or operators of philosophers, that work under them, and from which it has been inferred that aqueous steam is for them, furnishing them with materials to build their even much stronger than fired gunpowder. This is when systems and hypotheses on. And the learned M. Dacier, water is thrown upon melted copper : for here the explo- in the beginning of his discourse on Plato, at the head of sion is so strong as almost to exceed imagination ; and the his translation of the works of that philosopher, deals still most terrible accidents have happened, even from &o slight more severely with the makers of experiments. He breaks a cause as one of the workmen spitting in the furnace out with a kind of indignation at a tribe of idly curious where copper was melting; arising probably from a sud- people, whose sole employment consists in making expe- den decomposition of the water. Explosions happen also riments on the gravity of the air, the equilibrium of fluids, from the application of water to other melted metals, the loadstone, &c, and yet arrogate to themselves the noble though in a lower degree, when the fluid is applied in small title of philosophers. quantities, and even to common fire itself, as every person's EXPLOSION, a sudden and violent expansion of an own experience must have informed him; and this seems elastic fluid, by which it instantly throws off any obstacle to be occasioned by tfte sudden rarefaction of the water into that happens to be in the way, sometimes with astonishing steam. Examples of this kind often occur when work- force and rapidity, as the explosion of fired gunpowder, &c. men are fastening cramps of iron into stones ; where there Explosion differs from expansion, in this, that the latter sometimes happens to be a little water in the hole into is a gradual and continued power, acting uniformly for which the lead is poured ; in this case the metal will fly some certain time; whereas the former is alwa}'s sudden, out in such a manner as sometimes to burn them very se,- and only of momentary or immensurably short duration, verely. Terrible accidents of this kind sometimes occur The expansions of solid substances do not terminate in in founderies, when large quantities of melted metal is violent explosions, on account of their slowness of action, poured into wet or damp moulds. In these cases, the and the small space, through which the expanding suh- sudden expansion of the aqueous steam has thrown out stance moves; though their strength may be equally great the metal with great violence; and if any decomposition with that of the most active aerial fluids. Thus we find has taken place at the same time, so as to convert the that though wedges of wood, when wetted, will cleave aqueous vapour into an aerial one, the explosion must be solid blocks of stone, they never throw them to any dis- still greater. ranee, as is the case with gunpowder. On the other To this last kind of explosion must be referred that hand, it is seldom that the expansion of any elastic fluid which takes place on pouring cold water into boiling or bursts a solid substance without throwing the fragments of burning oil or tallow, or in pouring the latter upon the it to a considerable distance, with effects that are often very former; the water however being always used in a small terrible. quantity. — Another remarkable kind of explosion is that The greater number of explosive substances are either produced by inflammable and dephlogisticated air, when aerial, or convertible into such, and raised into an elastic mixed together, and set on fire; a circumstance that often fluid. Thus gunpowder, whose essence seems to consist in happens in coal-mines, &c. This differs from any of the common air fixed in the nitre, or at least an air of similar cases before mentioned; for here is an absolute condensa- elasticity, where it is condensed into a bulk many hundred tion rather than an expansion throughout the whole of the times less than the naturaj state of the atmosphere ; which operation ; and could the airs be made to take fire through- air being suddenly disengaged by the firing of the gun- out their whole substance absolutely at the same instant, powder, and the decomposition of its parts, it rapidly ex- there would be no explosion, but only a sudden produc- pands itself again with a force proportioned to the degree tion of heat. EXP [ 501 ] EXP Though explosions be sometimes very destructive, they above, and it was Stifelius who first called them expo- are also of considerable use in life, as in removing obsta- nents.' cles that could scarcely be overcome by any mechanical Bombelli, whose Algebra was published in 1579, de- power whatever. The principal of these are the blowing- notes the res, or unknown quantity, by this mark , and up of rocks, the separating of stones in quarries, and other the powers by numeral exponents set over it, thus : _*, £, purposes of that kind. The destruction occasioned by ^, &c. And them in times of war, and the machines formed upon the Stevinus, who published his Arithmetic in 1585, and .principle of explosion for the destruction of the human his Algebra soon afterwards, makes use of a similar me^ race, are well known; arid if we cannot call these useful, thod, but instead of ^ he uses a small circle O, within they must be allowed at least to be necessary evils. which he places the numeral exponent of the power; thus The effects of explosions, when violent, are felt at a ©, (j), ©, (§), &c : and in this way he extends his nota- considerable distance, by reason of the concussions they tion to fractional exponents, and even to radical ones; give to the atmosphere. Sir VVm. Hamilton relates, that thus (§), , 5, #, 55,73, 5tf, &c or 1, If, 3, «, 55, A 5#, &c. or !, R, q, &, qq, fs, <7#, &c. exp. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. But besides that method of representation, the same au- thors also made use of the numbers as in the last line here Exponential Equation, is one in which is contained an exponential quantity: as the equation a x = b, or x* = ab, &c. Exponential equations are commonly best re- solved by means of logarithms, viz, first taking the log. of the given equation : thus, by taking the log. of the equa- tion " x = b, it is x x log. of a = log. of b ; and hence .r = log. b ■— log. a. Also, the log. of the equation x* = ab, is x x log. x = EXT [ 502 } EXT log. ab; and then x is easily found by trial-and-error, or the double rule of position. Exponential Quantity, is that whose power is a vari- able quantity ; as the expression a x , or x x . Exponential quantities are of several degrees, and orders, according to the number of exponents or powers, one above another. Thus, o x is an exponential of the 1st order, a x , is one of the 2d order, y a x is one of the 3d order, and so on. See Bernoulli Oper. torn. 1, pa. 182, &c. EXPRESSION, in Algebra, is any algebraical quan- tity, simple or compound : as the expression, 3a, or 2ab, or \/(a~ i c' 2 ). Sometimes also called a function. EXTENSION, one of the common and essential pro- perties of body ; or that by which it possesses or takes up some part of universal space, called the place of that body. The extension of a body, is properly speaking in every direction whatever; but it is usual to consider it as extended only in length, breadth, and thickness. EXTERIOR Polygon, or Talus, is the outer or circum- scribing one. See Polygon, and Talus. EXTERMINATION, or Exterminating, in Alge- bra, is to take away certain unknown quantities from de- pending equations, so as finally to have only one equation containing one unknown quantity; whence its value may be determined, and by means of this, and the equations obtained in the extermination, all the other quantities be- come known. The rules for performing this are various, and after all, much must be left to the ingenuity of the algebraist, as the application and combination of those particular rules, de- pend, in a great measure, on the forms and nature of the equations, out of which the unknown quantities are to be exterminated. The following however may be considered as forming principles of the operation. 1. Find the value of one of the unknown letters, in terms of the other quantities, in each of the given equa- tions. Next put two of these values equal to each other; then one of these and a third, fourth, &c ; by which means one unknown quantity will be exterminated ; and in the same way others may be taken away, till there re- main only one equation and one unknown quantity, the value of which may then be found by the common rules. 2. Find the value of one of the unknown letters in one of the equations; then substitute this value of it in each of the other equations into which that letter enters, by which means it will be exterminated ; and in the same manner we may take away all but one as before. 3. Multiply or divide the given equations by such numbers, that the coefficients of one of the unknown quantities in each of the equations may be equal to each other. Then by adding or subtracting them as the case requires, that unknown quantity will be taken away. The following equations will serve to illustrate all these rules. Given ax -+- by =: n, and ex -+- dy = m. %i r ii n — hi m — (hi the lirst method, x = -: and x = -: a c therefore = - — — , or (ad — be) y = am — en, which is an equation containing only one unknown quantity. Second method. I [e re x = ^ ; and substituting this value of x in the second equation, we have ■ — i- dy = m; which gives (ad — be) y = am — en, as before. T/iird_method. By multiplying the-first equation by c, and the second by«, we obtain acx -+- bey =cn, and acx -+- ady = am ; then by subtraction we have (ad — be) y = am — en, still the same result as be- fore. See Button's Course, Simple Equat. prob. 1, pa. 227, &c. Many ingenious specimens of the different methods of extermination are given in Newton's Universal Arithme- tic, and Maclaurin's Algebra. Sec also an excellent piece on this subject under the article LI inination in the En- cyclopedia Methodique. EXTERNAL Angles, are the angles formed without a figure, by producing its sides out. In a triangle, any ex- ternal angle is equal to the sum of both the two internal opposite angles taken together: amd, in any right-lined figure, the sum of all the external angles, is equal to 4 right angles, except in the case where one of them tends inwards. In which case, that angle must be taken from the sum of the others to leave four right angles. See Hut- ton's Geom. Theor. 10 and 20. EXTR A-Constellary Stars, such as are not properly in- cluded in any constellation. EXTRA-Mundane Space, is the infinite, empty, void space, which is by some supposed to be extended beyond the bounds of the universe, and consequently in which there is really nothing existing. EXTRACTION of Roots, is finding the roots of given numbers, quantities, or equations. The roots of quanti- ties are denominated from their powers; as the square or 2d root, the cubic or 3d root, the biquadratic or 4th root, the 5th root, &c ; which are the roots of the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, &c powers. The extraction of roots has always made a part of arithmetical calculation, at least as far back as the composition of powers has been known : for the com- position of powers always led to their resolution, or ex- traction of roots, which is performed by the rules exactly reverse of the former. Thus, if any root be considered as consisting of two pans a + r, of which the former a is known, and the latter x unknown, then the square of this root is a" -+- lax -+- x*, which is its composition, and this indicated the resolution, or method of discovering the un- known part x ; for having subtracted the nearest square a° from the given quantity, there remains 2n.r ■+- x 2 or (2a ■+- x) x x; therefore divide this remainder by 2«, the double of the first member of the root, and the quotient will be nearly equal to x the other member ; thin to 2a add this quotient x, and multiply the ■sum 2a -+- x by x, and the product will make up the remaining part '2ax ■+- x* of the given power. The composition of the cubic or 3d power next pre- sented itself, which consists, of these lour terms a 3 -»- 3a*.r h- oux 1 -+- x J ; b) means of which the cube roots of num- bers have been Mi'acU'd; viz, by subtracting the nearest cube a 1 from 'I"' given power, and dividing the remainder by 3a", which givejs x nearly fir the quotient; then com- pleting the divisor up to 3a 1 ■+■ 3ax -t- x 1 , multiply it by x for the other part of the power to be subtracted. And this was the extent of the extraction of roots in the time EXT [ 503 ] EXT of Lucas de Burgo, who, from 1470 to 1500, wrote several pieces on arithmetic and algebra, which were the first works of this kind printed in Europe. It was not long however before the nature and compo- sition of all the higher powers became known, and general tables of coefficients formed for raising them ; the first of which is contained in Stifelius's Arithmetic, printed at Norimberg in 1543, where he fully explains their use in extracting the roots of all powers whatever, by methods similar to those for the square and cube roots, as above described ; and thus completed the. extraction of numeri- cal roots, at least so far as that method of resolution ex- tends. Since that time, however, many new modes of extraction have been devised, and the old method con- siderably improved. The extraction of roots of equations followed closely that of known numbers.. In De Burgo's time they ex- tracted the roots of quadratic equations, the same way as at present. Ferreus, Tartalea, and Cardan extracted the roots of cubic equations, by general rules. Soon after- wards the roots of higher equations were extracted, at least in numbers, by approximation. And the late im- provements in analytics have furnished general rules for extracting the roots, in infinite series, of all equations whatever. All which methods may be seen in most books of arithmetic and algebra ; therefore it nay be sufficient to give here a short specimen of some of the ea- siest rules for extracting the roots of quantities and equa- tions, o 1. To Extract the Square Root. Separate the given numbers into periods of two figures each, by setting a point over the place of units, another over the place of hundreds ; and so on, over every second figure, both to the left hand in integers, and to the right hand in decimals. Find the greatest square in the first period on the left hand, and set its root on the right hand of the given num- ber, after the manner of a quotient figure in division. Subtract the square, thus found, from the said period, and to the remainder annex the two figures of the next following period for a dividend. Double the root above found for a divisor, and find how often it is contained in the said dividend, exclusive of its right-hand figure, and set that quotient figure both in the quotient and in the divisor. Multiply the whole augmented divisor by the last quo- tient figure, and subtract the product from the said divi- dend ; bringing down to it the next period of the given number for a new dividend. Repeat the same process over again ; namely, find ano- ther new divisor, by doubling all the figures now found in the root; from which, and the last dividend, find the next figure of the i not as before, and so on through all the periods to the last. But the best way of doubling the root, to form the new divisor, is l.y adding the last figure always to the last divisor; as appears from the following examples. When the loot is to be carried into decimals, couplets of ciphers are to be added, instead of figures, as far as may be necessary. In which case also a considerable abbrevi- ation is made, alter the work has been carried on to half the number of figures, or one more than half, by continuing it to the other half only by the Contracted method of di- vision ; as in the following example for the square root of 2 to eight decimals, or nine places of figures. It may also not be amiss to add fir the information of ' beginners, that when there are an odd number of decimals in the number whose root is to be extracted, they should be made even, by annexing a cipher, before the operation is begun. See the following examples. . . . root 99856(31(5 9 6l I 98 l 61 6'26 6 3756 3756 2 1 ( 1-41421356 24 1 4 1 281 1 100 j 400 281 108 8 . . V root 34-7160(5-892 25 971 86'4 ' 2824 4 11900 11296 282S2 2 60400 56564 2S284) 1169 9 10760 10521 11782 2 23900 23564 336 3836 (1356 2828 100S S48 76o 141 ~19 17 2 To extract the square root of a number by continued fractions, see Continued Fractions. II. To Extract the Cube Root. Divide the given number into periods of three figures each, by setting a point over the place of units, another over the place of thousands, and so on, over every third figure, to the left hand in integers, and to the right in de- cimals. Find the nearest less cube to the first period ; and set its root in the quotient, subtracting the said cube from the first period ; and to the remainder bring down the se- cond period, which forms the resolvend. To three times the square of the root, thus found, add three times the root itself, setting this one place more to the right than the former, and call this sum the divisor. Then divide the resolvend, wanting the last figure, by the divisor, for the next figure of the root, which annex to the former; and let this last figure be called e, and the part of the root before found a. Add altogether these three products, namely, three times a square multiplied by e, thrice a multiplied by e square, and e cube, setting each of them one place more to the right than the former, and call this sum the subtra- hend ; which should not exceed the resolvend ; therefore if it do, make the last figure e less, and repeal the operation for finding the subtrahend, till one be found less than the resolvend. From the resolvend take the subtrahend, and to the re- mainder join the next period of the given number for a new resolvend; to which form a new divisor from the whole root now found, and from thence another figure of the root as above directed, and so on, till all the figures are used. After which the operation may be continued to any lengtk by bringing always new periods of three ciphers each. Suppose for ,example it were required to extract the cube root of 48228-544. EXT [ 504 ] EXT 3 x 3 2 = 27 3 x 3= 09 Divisor 279 48228-544 ( 36-4 rout 27 21228 resolvend the roots of numbers in arithmetic, as above taught. Thus, to extract the square root of 4a 1 ■*■ 12ax. ■+- 9 X *' 4ar -+- \2ax -t- 9x z ( 2a ■+■ 3a: the root 4a 2 6 = 162 6' 2 = 324 6 3 = 216 36 a = 3888 36= 108 3S98S 19606" subtrahend 15/2544 resolvend 3 x 36- x 4= 15552 "1 3 x 36 x 4'= 1728 {-add 4 3 = 643 1572544 subtrahend 0000000 remainder IIL To Extract the Cube Root, or any other Root whatever. This is easiest done by one general rule, that I have invented, and published in my new Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 210, which is to this effect: Let n be any number or power, whose nth root is to be extracted ; and let r be the nearest rational root of n, of the same kind, or R n the nearest ra- tional power to n, either greater or less than it; then shall the true root be very nearly equal to (» + l)s -+- (n — 1)r" 7 ^tt ", ,, „ x r; which rule is general for (n — 1)n ■+■ (n ■+- 1)r" & any root whose index is denoted by n. And by expound- ing n successively by all the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, this theorem will give the following particular rules for the several roots, viz, the 3n ■+■ r 1 R ; 2d or squ. root, 3d or cube root, 4th root 4n 3r +■ 2r 3 2n 4rS 3r 4 N 5th root 6th root 3n 6n x r; 7th root &c 4n 7n -1- 5r' 5n -+- 7r' 8n -i- 6k 5r 4 4r s 3n -^—7 x r, or:rr- 6r 5 ' 2k x r : R,or 4n -t- 3r 7 3n -+- 4R 7 r; 6n -1- 8r 7 &c. Or the theorem may be stated in the form of a propor- tion, thus : as (» - 1) n + (« + 1) n" : (n + 1) n + (» - 1) r" : : k : the root sought very nearly. Suppose for example it was required to find the cube root of the number 2. Here n = 2, n= 3, and the nearest power, and root are each 1. Hence 2n -t- R 3 = 4 -+- 1 = 5, and n -t- 2u ;) =2 + 2 = 4; then 4 : 5 : : 1 : | = 1"25 the first approximation. Again, taking r = £, and conseq. 11 3 rz \£J : Hence 2& -+■ R 3 = 4 ■+■ *■& = 3 -£J, and N +rf = 2 + V? = Y* > then 378 : 381 :: \ : \-l\ — 1-259921, for the cube root of 2, which is exact in the very last figure. And again by taking 4^4 '" or tne vu l ui; of R, a great many more figures may be found. IV. To Extract the Roots of Algebraic Quantities.— 'Y\\\s is done by the same rules, and in the same manner as for 4a 12ax 12ai 9* a 9x- So also the root is carried out in an infinite series, in imitation of the like extraction of numbers in infinite de- cimals : thus, the square root of a 1 -+- x* is % 1 1 * 16a 5 &C. _ x ! 2a -\ ■la x 2 x~ JL. _ X s 2a h a X* 8a 3 - 4a 3 X* X* A'* X* 8a 3 4a" Sa* 4a" . To extract the cube root of a 3 — x 3 by the general rule in the 2d article. — Here n = a? — x 3 , r = a, or r 3 = a 3 ; n -+■ 2r 3 = 3a 3 — x s , and 2n -+- r 3 = 3u 3 — 2x s ; there- fore, by the rule, 3ffl 3 — x 3 : 3a? — 2x 3 : : a : a — — ; ^r = l(C, 3a~ 9ar 27a' which is the cube root of (Plate 2, fig. S) is a strong pellucid substance, properly convex, and which, when dried, has some resemblance to a piece of transparent horn, for which reason it is called the cornea, or horny coat of the eye. 2dly ; Immediately behind this coat there is a fine clear humour which, from its similarity to water, is called the aqueous or watery humour, and is contained in the space between cu and gfe. 3dly ; In this space there is a membrane or diaphragm, called the uvea, with a hole in the middle as at f, called the pupil, of a muscular contexture for altering the di- mensions of that hole, in order to adjust or admit a due quantity of light. 4thly ; Immediately behind this diaphragm is placed a lenticular-formed substance GB, of a considerable consist- ence,, called from its transparency the crystalline humour. This is contained in a fine tunic called the choroides, and is suspended in the middle of the eye by a ring of muscu- lar fibres called the ligamentum ciliare, as at g and e ; by which means it is moved a little nearer to, or farther from, the bottom of the eye, to alter the focal distance. 5thly ;. All the remaining interior part of the eye, con- stituting the great body of it, from ghe to imk, is made up of a large quantity of a jelly-like substance, called the vitreous or glassy humour ; though it resembles glass in nothing except its transparency, it being more like the white of an egg than any other thing. Gthly ; On one side of the backward part of the eye, as at k, the optic nerve enters it from the brain, and is ex- panded over all the interior part of the eye to g and e, the expansion being named the retina. On this delicate membrane, the image im of every external object OB, is formed according to the optic laws of nature, in the fol- lowing manner. Let ob be any very distant object. Now a pencil of 3T EYE [ 506 ] EYE rays proceeding from any point L, will fall on the cornea CD, anil be refracted by the aqueous humour under it, to a point in the axis of that pencil continued out. Also the radius of convexity of the cornea being nearly j of an inch i and the sine of incidence in air to that of refraction in the aqueous humour, being nearly as 4 to 3, supposing the rays parallel, or the object very far distant, the focal distance after the first refraction, by the proper theorem (.See Optics) -^— , will be found !§• inch from the cornea: r being the radius •§- , and m to n as 4 to 3, that is as the sine of the angle of incidence, to that of refraction. The rays thus refracted by the cornea, fall converging on the crystalline humour, and tend to a point 1*228 inch behind it; also the radii of convexity in the said humour are | and £ respectively; and the sine of inci- dence to that of refraction of the aqueous into the crystal- line humour, having been found by experiments to be as 13 to 12; therefore, by this theorem md _ ;Mi+ ' ; „. > tlie focal distance after refraction in the crystalline, will be 1-02 inch from the fore, part of it: where m= 13, re = 12, r = \, and d = 1-228, The rays now pass from the crystalline to the vitreous humour still in a converging state, and the sines of inci- dence and refraction being here as 12 to 13, as found by experiment; and since the surface of the vitreous humour is concave which receives the rays, and is the same with the convexity of the hinder surface of the crystalline, the radius will be the same, viz £ of an inch. Therefore the focal distance after this third refraction will be found, by the same 1 theorem—^ , to be 6 tenths of an inch nd — ma+nr nearly, from the hinder part of the cornea : where m = 12, n= 13, r = |, and d = -82: the thickness of the lens of the cornea being nearly f of an inch. Now experience shows that the distance of the retina in the back part of the eye, behind the cornea, is nearly equal to that focal distance; and therefore it follows that all objects at a great distance have their images formed on the retina in the bottom or hinder part of the eye, and thus is distinct vision produced by this wonderful organ. When the distance of objects is not very great, the focal distance, alter the last refraction in the vitreous humour, will be alittle increased; and to do this we can move the crystalline a little nearer the cornea by means of the liga- mentuni ciliare, and thus on all occasions it may be ad- justed for a due focal distance for every distance of ob- jects, excepting that which is less than 6 or 7 inches, in persons whose sight is perfect. But many are of opinion, that this is effected by a power in the eye to alter the convexity of the crystalline humour as occasion requires; though this is rather doubtful. By what has been said it appears, that rays of light flowing from every part of an object OB, placed at a proper distance from the eye, will have an image IM thereby formed on the retina in the bottom of the eye; and since, the rays OM, Bl, which come from the extreme parts of the object, cross each other in the middle of the pupil, the position of the image in will be contrary to that of the object, or inverted, as in the ease of a lens. The apparcnl place of any part of an object is in the axis, and Conjugate focus of that pencil of rays by wjiich that part or point is formed in the, image. Thus, OM is the axis, and o the locus proper to the rays by which the point m in the image is made; therefore the sensation of the place of that part will be conceived in the mind to be at o; in like manner the idea of place belonging to the point i, will be referred in the axis IB, to the proper focus b ; therefore the apparent place of the whole image im, will be conceived in the mind to occupy all the space be- tween o and b, and at the distance al from the eye. Hence likewise appears the reason, why we see an ob- ject upright b}' means of an inverted image; for since the apparent place of every point m will be in the axis mo at o; and this axis crossing the axis of the eye hl in the pupil, it follows, that the sensible place o of that point will lie, without the eye, on the contrary side of its axis, to that of the point in the eye; and since this is true of all other parts or points in the image, it is evident that the position of every part of the object will be on the contrary side of the axis to every corresponding part in the image, and therefore the whole object oe will have a contrary po- sition to that of the image im, or will appear upright. If the convexity of the cornea CD happens not exactlv to correspond to the diameter of the eye, considered as the natural focal distance, then the image will not be formed on the retina, and consequently no distinct vision can be effected in such an eye. If the cornea be too convex, the focal distance in the eye will be less than its diameter, and the image will be formed short of the retina. Hence the reason why people having eyes thus formed are obliged to hold things very near them, to lengthen the focal distances ; and also why they use concave glasses to counteract or remedy the ex- cess of convexity, in order to view distant objects distinctly. When the eye has less than a just degree of convexity, or is too flat, as is generally the case with old people, by a natural deficiency of the aqueous humour, then the rays tend to a point or focus beyond the retina or bottom of the eye; and to supply this want of convexity in the cornea, we use convex lenses in those frames called spectacles, or visual glasses. Since the rays of light oa, b a, which constitute the visual angle oab, will, when they are intercepted by a lens, be refracted sooner to the axis ; the said angle will thereby be enlarged, and the object of course become magnified ; which is the reason why those lenses are called magnifiers, or reading-glasses. The dimensions, or magnitude, of an object ob, are judged of by the quantity of the angle oab which it sub- tends at the eye. For if the same object be placed at two different distances h and n, the angles oab, o\b, which in these two places it subtends at the eye, will be of different magnitudes, and the lineal dimensions, viz, length and breadth, will be at N and at l, as the angle o\h is to the angle oab. But the surfaces of the objects will be as the squares of those angles, and the solidities as the cubes of them. It is found by experience, that two points o, L, in any object, will not be distinctly seen by the eye, till they are near enough to subtend an angle OAL of one minute. And hence when objects, however large they may be, are so re- mote as not to be seen under an angle of one minute, they cannot properly be said to have any apparent intensions or magnitude at all : such is the ease of the large bodies of the planets, comets, and fixed stars. Hut the science of optics has supplied means of enlarging this natural small angle under which most distant objects appear, and thereby increasing their apparent magnitudes to a very EYE [ W 3 EYE surprising degree, in the instance of that noble instrument applied to the eye in using the instrument. This is usually the telescope. a lens convex on both sides; but Eustachia Divini long On the other hand, there are in creation an infinity of since invented a microscope of this kind, the power of objects, of such small dimensions, that they will not sub- which he places very greatly above that of the common tend the requisite angle, if brought to the nearest limits of sort; 6'0 the 3d part. This rule is usually distinguished into two cases, one in ■which time is concerned, or in which the stocks of part- ners are continued for different times ; and the other in which time is not considered ; the latter being called Single Fellowship, and the former Double Fellowship. Single Fellowship, or Fellowship without Time, is the case in which the times of continuance of the shares of partners arc not considered, being all the same ; and in this case, the rule will be as above, viz, As the whole stock of the partners : Is to the whole gain or loss : : So is each one's particular stock : To his share of the gain or loss. Example. Two partners, a and b, forma joint stock, of which a contributed 75/, and b 45/; with which they gain 30/: how much of it must each person have ? a ,nn on f 75 : 18/. 15s. = a's share, As 1 20 : 30 : : { . , , , , , , , ' £45 : 11/. 5s. = b s share. Double Fellowship, or Fellow'shitu>2M Time, is the case in which the times of the stocks continuing are con- sidered, because they are not all the same. In this case, the shares of the gain or loss must be proportional, both to the several shares of the stock, and to the times of their continuance, and therefore proportional to the products of the two. Hence this rule: Multiply each particular share of the stock by the time of its continuance, and add all the products together into one sum; then say, As the sum of the products : Is to the whole gain or loss : : So is each several product : To the corresponding share of the gain or loss. For Example, a had in company 50/. for 4 months, and B 60/. for 5 months ; and their gain was 24/ : how must it be divided between them ? 50 CO 4 5 300 200 300 As5O0:24 , f 200 : 5/. 12s. = a's share, ' 1 300 : 14/. 8s. = b's share. FERGUSON (James), an ingenious experimental phi- losopher, mechanist, and astronomer, was born in Banff- shire, in Scotland, 1710, of very poor parents. At the very earliest age his extraordinary genius began to unfold itself. He first learned to read, by overhearing his father teach his elder brother: and he had made this acquisition before any one suspected it. He soon discovered a pecu- liar taste for mechanics, which first arose on seeing his ] FER father use a lever. He pursued his study to a consider- able length, while he was yet very young; and made a watch in wood-work, from having once seen one. As he had at first no instructor, nor any help from books, every thing he learned had all the merit of an original discovery ; and such, with inexpressible joy, he believed it to be. As soon as his age would permit, he went to service ; in which he met with hardships, that rendered his constitu- tion feeble through life. While he was servant to a far- mer (whose goodness he acknowledges in the modest and humble account of himself which he prefixed to one of his publications), he contemplated and learned to know the stars, while he tended the sheep ; and began the study of astronomy, by laying down, from his own observations only, a celestial globe. His kind master, observing in him these marks of ingenuity, procured him the' counte- nance and assistance of some neighbouring gentlemen, through whose help and instructions he gained farther knowledge, having by these means been taught arithmetic, with some algebra, and practical geometry. He had also obtained some notion of drawing, and being sent to Edin- burgh, he there began to take portraits in miniature, -at a small price ; an employment by which he supported him- self and family for several years, both in Scotland and England, while he was pursuing more serious studies. In London he first published some curious astronomical tables and calculations; and afterwards gave public lectures in experimental philosophy, both in London and most of the country towns in England, with the highest marks of general approbation. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and was excused the payment of the admission fee and the usual annual contributions, on ac- count of his supposed inability to pay them. He enjoyed from the king a pension of 50 pounds a year, besides other occasional presents, which he privately accepted and received from different quarters, till the time of his death ; through which, and the fruits of his own labours, he died worth aboutsix thousand pounds, which astonished all his friends, who had always entertained an idea of his great poverty. His death happened in 1776", at 66 years of age, though he had the appearance of being much older. Mr. Ferguson must be allowed to have been a very uncommon genius, especially in mechanical contrivances and executions, for he constructed many machines him- self in a very neat manner. He had also a good taste in astronomy, as well as in natural and experimental philo- sophy, and was possessed of a happy manner of explaining himself in an easy, clear, and familiar way. His general mathematical knowledge, however, was little or nothing Of algebra he understood but little more than the nota- tion; and he has often told me that he could never de- monstrate one proposition in Euclid's Elements; his con- stant method being to satisfy himself, as to the truth of, any problem, with a measurement by scale and com- passes. He was a man of a very clear judgment in any thing that he professed, and of unwearied application to study : benevolent, meek, and innocent in his manners as a child : humble, courteous, and communicative; instead of pedantry, philosophy seemed to produce in him only diffidence and urbanity. The list of Mr. Ferguson's public works, is as follows : 1. Astronomical Tables and Precepts, for calculating the true times of New and Full Moons, &c ; 1763. FER t 510 ] F I G 2. Tables and Tracts, Telative to several arts and sciences; 1767. — 3. An Easy Introduction to Astronomy, for Young Gentlemen and Ladies; 2d edit. 176"£).— 4. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles ; 5th edit. 1772. — 5. Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Optics ; 4th edit. 1772. —6. Select Mechanical Exercises ; with a short Account of the Life of the author, by himself; 1773.— 7- The Art of Drawing in Perspective made easy ; 1775. — 8. An Introduction to Electricity ; 1775.— 9- Three Letters to the Rev. John Kennedy, on the Harvest Moon, 1763 and 1775. FERMAT (Peter), a celebrated mathematician and philosopher, and counsellor of the parliament of Tou- louse, where he was born towards the commencement of the seventeenth century, or just before ; and notwith- standing he d"id not make the mathematics the whole, nor even the principal part of his study, he yet obtained con- siderable celebrity for his knowledge and discoveries in this science. He had also a perfect knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages, beside several of the modern languages of Europe, as the Italian, Spanish, and Eng- lish. He also cultivated poetry, some of his works being still extant. At the same time he fulfilled the duties of his office as counsellor to the parliament of Toulouse, with assiduity and honour, enjoying the reputation of an enlightened judge. It was the custom of the time in which Fermat flou- rished, for the mathematicians of different countries to propose problems to each other for solution, and in this kind of correspondence we find him deeply engaged, par- ticularly in theorems' relating to certain properties of numbers, the demonstrations of which he generally sup- pressed, if, as is doubtful, he was in possession of them : however this may be., many of them are even now without demonstrations, and several others which were left by him in this state, would perhaps still have remained so had it not been for the ingenuity and industry of Euler, La- grange, and some other more modern mathematicians. • Fermat had a violent dispute with Descartes on the subject of Maxima and Minima of quantities, of which he was the author ; as well as on the doctrine of refraction ; and though a compromise at length took place between them, they were never good friends after; but in this Des- cartes was most to blame, as Fermat seems to have much wished for a complete reconciliation. He died in the beginning of the year l665. Besides his new edition of Diophantus, Fermat was author of 1. A Method for the Quadrature of all sorts of Parabolas.— 2. Another on Maxima and Minima : which serves not only for the determination of plane and solid problems; but also for drawing tangents to f urvc lines, finding the centres of gravity in solids, and the solution of questions concern- ing numbers: in short, a method very similar to the Fluxions of Newton. — 3. An Introduction to Geometric Loci, plane and solid. — 4. A Treatise on Spherical Tan- gencies : where he demonstrates in the solids, the same things as Vieta demonstrated in planes. — 5. A Restoration of Apollonius's two books on Plane Loci. — 6. A General Method for the dimension of Curve Lines. Besides a number of other smaller pieces, and many letters to learned men ; several of which are to be found in his Opera Varia Mathematics, printed at Toulouse, in folio, l6'7.9- FLK MENTATION, an intestine motion, arising spon- taneously among the small and insensible particles of a mixed body, thus producing a new disposition, and a different combination of those parts. Fermentation dif- fers from dissolution, as the cause from its effect, the latter being only a result or effect of the former. FESTOON, in Architecture &c, a decoration in form of a garland or cluster of flowers. FtCHANT Flank. See Flank. Fich ant Line of Defence. See Fixed Line of Defence. FiELD-.Boo&, in Surveying, a book used for setting down angles, distances, and other things, remarkable in taking surveys. The pages of the field-book may be con- veniently divided into three columns. In the middle co- lumn are to be entered the angles taken at the several stations by the theodolite, with the distances measured from station to station. And the offsets, taken with the offset-staff, on either side of the station line, are to be entered in the columns on either side of the middle column, according to their position, on the right or left, with re- spect to that line: also on the right or left of these are to be set down the names and characters of the objects, with proper remarks, &c. See a specimen in my Trea- tise on Mensuration," pa. 386, ed. 4th. See also Sur- veying. Field-Fort. See Fortine. FiELD-Pieces, are small cannon, usually carried along with an army in the field : such as,one-pounders, one-and- a-half, two-, three-, four-, six-, nine-, and 12-pounders; which, being light and small, are easily carried. FiELB-Staff, is a staff carried by the gunners, in which they screw lighted matches, when they are on service; which is called arming the field-staffs. See Linstock. Field of Fiew, or of Vision, is the whole space or ex- tent within which objects can be seen through an optical machine, or at one view of the eye without turning it. The precise limits of this space are not easily ascer- tained, for the natural view of the eye. In looking at a small distance, we have an imperfect glimpse of objects through almost the extent of a hemisphere, or at least for above 60 degrees each way from the optic axis ; but to- wards the extremity of this space, objects are very imper- fectly seen ; and the diameter of the field of distinct vision does not subtend an angle of more than 5 degrees at most, so that the diameter of a distinct image on the retina is less than -j-g-g of an inch ; but it is probably much less. Field Works, in Fortification, are those that are thrown up by an army in besieging a fortress, or by the besieged to defend the place. Such are the fortifications of camps, highways, &c. FIFTH, in Music, one of the harmonical intervals or concords ; called by the ancients diapente. The fifth is the 3d in order of the concords, and the ratio of the Chords that produce it, is that of 3 to 2. It is called fifth, because it contains five terms, or sounds, between its extremes, and four degrees; so that in the natural scale of music it comes in the 5th place, or order, from the fundamental.— The imperfect, or defective fifth, by the ancients called semidiapente, is less than the fifth by a mean semitone. FIGURATK Numhn--, are those numbers which are formed from the additi.ni of all the leading terms of suc- cessive series, beginning first with that of the natural numbers, as in the following table ; where the law of con- tinuation is manifest. FIG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56 1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 126 [ 511 ] F I G .(b-m) 1 . 2 n '. (n + !).(«+ 2) n..{n+ l) . fri + 2). (ran- 3) Here, the first series a is th'at of the natural numbers, of which the general term is n; the second series B, is that of triangular numbers, of which the general term is . If now from this general term, which is the nth 1.2 & term of the series b, there be subtracted the preceding term of the same series, which is ill — 1 ) .71 the remainder will be n, which is the nth term of the series a. Hence we shall form the nth term of the series b, by adding to the n — 1 term of the same series, the nth term of the se- ries A. The third series c is that of pyramidical numbers, the -■.0+1). (re + 2) , , and it trom this general term of which term we subtract the preceding one (n— 1) .71.(71+1) the difference will be n.{n + l) which is the nth term of the series b. Whence we may form the series c by means of the series b, as this latter is formed from the series a. And exactly in the same manner the 4th series d, of (n+l). f«+2). (n + 3) — , may which the general term is be formed from the third c, and so on of others. The general terms given above, as definitions, and from which the successive law of formation is deduced, contains the whole theory of figurate numbers, and presents, at one view, the demonstration of the general proportion men- tioned by Fermat in his notes on Diaphantus, pa.'l6, and which he considered as one of his principal discoveries. So that the figurate numbers of any order may be found without computing those of the preceding orders ; which is done by taking the successive products of as many of the terms of the arithmeticals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, in their natural order, as there arc units in the number which denominates the order of figurates required, and dividing those products always by the first product : thus, the triangular numbers are found by dividing the products 1 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 4, 4 x 5, &c, each by the 1st pr. 1x2; the first pyramids by dividing the products 1 x 2 x 3, 2 x 3 x 4, 3 x 4 x 5, &c, by the first 1 x 2 x 3. And, in general, the figurate numbers of any order n, are found by substituting successively 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, instead of x in this general expression x . x + l . ,r + 2 .x + 3 .&c , . . . ; where the factors in the nume- 1. 2 . 3 .4 . &c rator and denominator are supposed to be multiplied together, and to be continued till the number in each be less by 1 than that which expresses the order of the figu- rates required. See Maclaurin's Fluxions, art. 351, in the notes; also Simpson's Algebra, pa. 213; or Malcolm's Arithmetic, pa. 3.Q-6, where the subject of figurates is treated in a very extensive and perspicuous manner. FIGURE, in general, denotes the surface or termi- nating extremes of a body. — All finite bodies have some figure, form, or shape ; whence, figurability is reckoned among the essential properties of body, or matter : abody without figure, would be an infinite body. Figures, in Architecture and Sculpture, denote repre- sentations of things made in solid matter ; as statues, &c. Figures, in Arithmetic, are the numeral characters, by which numbers are expressed or written, as the ten digits, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, o, 0. These are usually called the Arabic, and Indian figures, from which people it is supposed they were derived, being brought into Eu- rope by the Moors of Spain, and into England about 1130, as Dr. Wallis conjectures : See his Algebra, pa. 9. How- ever, from some ancient dates, supposed to consist wholly or in part of Arabian figures, some have concluded that these figures, originally Indian, were known and used in this country at least as earlyas the 10th century. The oldest date discovered by Dr. Wallis, was on a chimney- piece, at Helmdon, in Northamptonshire, thus M133, that is 1133, Other dates discovered since, are 1030, at Colchester, in Essex; Ml6 or 1016, at Widgel-hall, near Buntingford, in Hertfordshire ; 10fl on the north front of the parish church of Rumsey in Hampshire ; and 975 over a gate- way at Worcester. Dr. Ward, however, has urged several objections against the antiquity of these dates. As no example occurs of the use of such figures in any ancient manuscript, earlier than some copies of Johannes de Sacro Bosco, who died ' in 1256, he thinks it strange that these figures should have been used by artificers so long before they appear in the writings of the, learned ; and he also disputes the fact. The Helmdon date, according to him, should be 1233; the Colchester date 14i)0 ; that at Widgel-hall has in it no Arabic figures, the 1 and 6 being i and g, the initial letters of a name ; and the date at Worcester consists, he supposes, of Roman numerals, being really mxv. See my Abridg. Philos. Trans, vol. 8, pa. 32, 31), &c. Mr. Gibbon observes (in his History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. v. pa. 321) that " under the reign of the caliph Waled, the Greek language and characters were excluded from the accounts of the public revenue. If this change was productive of the invention or familiar use of our present numerals, the Arabic cha- racters or ciphers, as they are commonly styled, this regulation has promoted the. most important discoveries of arithmetic, algebra, and the mathematical sciences." On- the other hand it may be observed that, " according to a new, though probable notion, maintained by M. de Villaison (Anecdota'GrEeca,- torn. ii. pa. 152, 157), our ciphers are not of Indian or Arabic invention. They were used by the Greek and Latin arithmeticians long before the age of Boethius. After the extinction of science in the West, they were adopted in the Arabic versions from the original manuscripts, and restored to the Latins about the 11th century." FIGURE of the Earth. See Earth. Figure of an Eclipse, in Astronomy, denotes a re- presentation on paper &c, of the path or orbit of the sun or moon, during the time of the eclipse; with the different phases, the digits eclipsed, and the beginning, middle, and end of darkness, &c. Figure, or Delineation, of the full moon, such as, viewed through a telescope with two convex glasses, is of considerable use in observations of eclipses, and conjunc- tions of the moon with other luminaries. In this fioure are usually represented the maculae or spots of the moon, marked by numbers; beginning with those that usually enter first within the shade at the time of the eclipses, and also emerge the first. FIG r sis ] F 1 G Figure, in Conic Sections, according to Apollonius, is the rectangle contained under the latus-rectum and the transverse axis, in the ellipse and hyperbola. Figure, in Fortification, is the plan of any fortified place ; or the interior polygon, &c When the sides, and the angles, are all equal, it is called a regular figure; but when unequal, an irregular one. Figure, in Geometry, denotes a surface or space in- closed on all sides ; and is either superficial or solid ; su- perficial when it is inclosed by lines, and solid when it is inclosed or bounded by surfaces. Figures are either straight, curved, or mixed, accord- in" as their bounds are straight, or curved, or both. The exterior bounds of a figure, are called its sides ; the lowest side, its base; and the angular point opposite the base, the vertex of the figure ; also its height, is. the distance of the vertex from the base, or the perpendicular let fall upon it from the vertex. For Figures, equal, equiangular, equilateral, circum- scribed, inscribed, plane, regular, irregular, similar, &c ; see the respective adjectives. Apparent Fibure, in Optics, that figure, or shape, under which an object appears, when viewed at a dis- tance. This is often very different from the true figure ; for a straight line viewed at a distance may appear but as a point; a surface as a line; a solid as a surface ; and a crooked figure as a straight one. Also, each of these may appear of different magnitudes, and some of them of different shapes, according to their situation with regard to the eye. Thus, an arch of a circle may appear a straight line ; a square or parallelogram, a trapezium, or even a triangle ; a circle, an ellipsis ; angular magnitudes, round; a sphere, a circle ; &c. Also any small light, as a candle, seen at a distance in the dark, will appear magnified, and farther off than it really is. Add to this, that when several objects are seen at a distance, under angles that are so small as to "be insensible, as well as each of the angles subtended by any one of them, and that next to it ; then all these ob- jects appear not only as contiguous, but as constituting and seeming but one continued magnitude. Figure of the Sines, Cosines, Versed-sines,. Tangents, or Secants, cfc, are figures made by conceiving the circum- ference of a circle extended out in a right line, upon every point of which are erected perpendicular ordinates equal to the sines, cosines, &c r of the corresponding arcs ; and then drawing the curve line through the extre- mity of all these ordinates ; which is called the figure of the sines, cosines, &c. It is probable that these figures took their rise from the circumstance of the extension of the meridian line by Ed- ward Wright, who computed that line by collecting the successive sums of the secants, which is the same thing as the area of the figure of the secants, being made up of all the ordinates,, or secants, by the construction of the figure. And in imitation of this, the figures of the other lines have been invented ; and by means of the figure of the secants, James Gregory showed how the logarithmic tangents may be constructed, in his Excrcitationcs Geo- metrical, 4to, 1668. Construction^ of the Figures- of Sines, Cosines, i^c Let ADii &c (fig. I) be the circle, ad an arc, de its sine, ce its cosine, ae the versed-sine, af the tangent, gh the cotangent, CI the secant, and cn the cosecant. Draw a right line aa equal to the whole circumference adgea of the circle, upon which lay off also the lengths of several arcs, as the arcs at every 10°, from at u, to 360° at the other end ate; upon these points draw per- pendicular ordinates, upwards or downwards, according as the sine, cosine, &c, is affirmative or negative in that part of the circle, and equal to them ; then drawing a curve line through the extremities of all these ordinates, it will form the figure of the sines, cosines, versed-sines, tangents, cotangents, secants, and cosecants, as in the annexed figures. Where it may be observed, that the following curves are the same, viz, those of the sines and cosines, those of the tangents and cotangents, and those of the secants and cosecants ; except in the disposition of some of their parts. Fig. I . Sines. /! Tangents. 'J a dS f Y Cotangents. Secants. e ) f \ r h ^ a ' f A a It maybe known when any of these lines, viz, the sines,, cosines, &c, are affirmative or negative, i. e. to be set up- wards or downwards, by observing the following general rules for those lines in the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th quadrants of the circle. The sines in the 1st and 2d are affirmative, in the 3d and 4th negative: The cosines x in the 1st and 4th are affirmative, in the 2d and 3d negative : The tangents in the 1st and 3d are affirmative, in the 2d and 4th negative; The cotangents in the 1st and 3d are affirmative,, in the 2d and 4th negative: The secants in the 1st and 4th are affirmative, in the 2d and 3d negative : The cosecants in the 1st and 2d are affirmative, in the 3d and 4th negative - And all the vcrsed-sincs arc affirmative. F I G [ 513 ] F I N To find the Equation and Area, Sec, to each of these Carves. Draw any ordinate de ; putting r = AC the radius of the given circle, x = ad or ad any absciss or arc, and y = de its ordinate, which will be either the sine de =: s, co- sine ce=c, versed-sine ae = v, tangent av = t, cotangent gh =r, secant cf = s, or cosecant ch = cr, according to the nature of the particular construction. Now, from the property of the circle are obtained these following gene- ral equations, expressing the relations between the fluxions of a circular arc and its sine, or cosine, &c, viz, rs — re rv r 2 t x ~ vV - »-J "" v-V -si nations made before his time, with a description of the inst ruments employed; as also of his own observations and instru- ments; a new Latin version of Ptolemy's catalogue of 1026 fixed stars; and Ulcgh-beig's places annexed on the Latin page, with the corrections : a small catalogue of the Arabs: Tycho Brahe's of about 780 fixed stars: the Landgrave of Hesse's of 3S6" : Ilcvclius's of 1534 : and a catalogue of some of the southern fixed stars nol visible in our hemisphere, calculated from the observn ions made by Dr. Halley at St. Helena, adapted to the year 1726. This work he prepared in a great measure fi r the press, with much care and accuracy : but through a natural weakness of constitution, and the advance of age, he died of a strangury before he had completed it, December the 19th, 1719, at 73 years <;f age; leaving the care of finish- ing and publishing his work to his friend Mr. Hodgson. A less perfect edition of the Historia Ceelestis had before been published, but without his consent, viz, in 1712, in one volume folio, containing his observations to the year 1705. FLANK, in Fortification, is that part of the bastion reaching from the curtain to the face ; and it defends the curtain, with the opposite face and flank. Oblique or Second Flank, or Flank of the Curtain, is that part of the curtain from which the face of the op- posite bastion can be seen, being contained between the lines rasant and fichant, or the greater and less lines of defence; or the part of the curtain between the flank and the point where the fichant line of defence terminates. Covered, Low, or Retired Flank, is the platform of the casemate, which lies hid in the bastion; and is other- wise called the orillon. Fichunt Flank, is that from which a cannon playing, _ •fires directly on the face of the opposite bastion. Rasant or Razant Flank, is the point from which the line of defence begins, from the conjunction of which with the curtain, the shot only raseth the face of the next bastion, which happens when the face cannot be dis- covered but from the flank alone. FLO [ 5'9 ] FLU Simple Fl-.ak.es, are lines going from the angle of the shoulder to the curtain; the chief office of which is for the defence of the moat and place. Flank, is also a term of war, used by way of analogy for the side of a battalion, army, &c, in contradistinction to the front and rear. So, to attack the enemy in flank, is to discover and fire upon them on one side. FLANKED, is used of something that has flanks, or may be approached on the flank. As Flanked Angle, or that formed by the two faces of the bastion, atid forming its point or angle. Flanked Line of Defence, Flanked Tmaille, &c. FLANKING, in general, is the discovering and firing upon the side of a place, body, battalion, &c. To flank a place, or other work, is to dispose it in such a manner as that every part of it may be played upon both in front and rear. FLAT Bastion, is that which is built on a right line, as on the middle of the curtain, &c. FLETCHER (Abraham), an ingenious mathema- tician, was born at Little Broughton, in Cumberland, in 1714, and brought up in his father's business, husbandry and tobacco-pipe making. He learned to read and write by his own endeavours, and afterwards taught himself arithmetic, and gradually the several branches of mathe- matics, with botany, touching the medicinal qualities of herbs. At the agpof 30 he turned schoolmaster, to which profession was added those of astrologer and country doctor; in which, by means of industry and oeconomy, the two handmaids of fortune, he was enabled to leave his family in possession of 4000/. at his death, which happened in 1793, in. the 79th year of his age. Mr. Fletcher published, in 1752, an ingenious treatise, en- titled The Universal Measurer, in one vol. 8vo ; which was afterwards (1762) much enlarged and improved, under the title of The Universal Measurer and Mechanic, being a general collection of exercises in most of the mathema- tical sciences. FLEXIBLE, is the property or quality of a body that may be bent. FLEXION, the same as Flexure. FLEXURE, or Flexion, is the bending or curving of a line or figure. When a line first bends one way, and then gradually changes to a bend the contrary way, the point where the two parts join, or where the hending changes to the other side., is called the point of inflexion, or of contrary flexure. FLIE, or Fly, thatpartof the mariner's compass on which the 32 points of the wind are drawn, and over which the needle is placed, and fastened underneath. FLOAT-.Bo«n/.s, the boards fixed to the outer rim of undershot water-wheels, serving to receive the impulse of the stream, by which the wheel is carried round. — There may be too im:ny of these boards on a wheel. It is thought to be the best rule, to have their distance asunder such, that each of them may come out of the water as soon as possible, after it has received and acted with its full impulse; or, which comes to the same thing, when the succeeding one is in a direction perpendicular to the surface of the water. Floating Bridge, is a bridge of boats, casks, &c, covered with planks, firmly bound together for the pas- sage of men, horses, or carriages, &c. FLOOD, a deluge or inundation of water. Flood, is also nsed in speaking of the lide, when it is rising or flowing up; in contradistinction to the ebb, which is when it is decreasing or running out. FLOORING, in Carpentry, is commonly understood of the boarding of the floors. The measurement of flooring is estimated in squares, of 100 square feet each, or of 10 feet on each side every way; 10 times 10 being 100. Hence, the length of the floor being multiplied by its breadth, in feet, and two figures cut off on the right- hand, gives the squares, and feet, or decimals cut off. Thus, a floor being 22 feet long, and 16 wide; then 22 x 16 = 352 square feet, or 3 - 52 squares, the content-. FLUENT, or Flowing Quantity, in th t e Doctrine of Fluxions, is the variable quantity which is considered as increasing or decreasing ; or the fluent of a given fluxion, is that quantity whose fluxion being taken, according to the rules of that calculus, shall be the same with the given fluxion. See Fluxions. Contemporary Fluents, are such as flow together or for the same time. And the same is to be understood of contemporary fluxions. — When contemporary fluents are always equal, or in any constant ratio ; then also are their fluxions respectively either equal, or in that same constant .ratio. That is, if x = y, then is i = y ; or if x :y : : n : 1, then is x.:j[ : ; n : I ; or if x = ny, then is x = ny. It is easy to find the fluxions to all the given forms of fluents ; but, on the contrary, it is difficult to find the fluents of many given fluxions ; and indeed there are numberless cases in which this cannot be effected, except it be by the quadrature and rectification of curve lines, or by logarithms, or infinite series. This doctrine, first invented by Sir Isaac Newton, was carried by him to a considerable degree of perfection, at least as to the most frequent, and most useful forms of fluents; as may be seen in his Fluxions, and in his Qua- drature-of Curves. Maclaurin, in his Treatise of Fluxions, has made several inquiries into fluents, reducible to the rectification of the ellipse and hyperbola : and Dalem- bert has pursued the same subject, and carried it farther, in theMemoires del'Acad. de Berlin, torn. 2. p. 200. To the celebrated M.Euler this doctrine is greatly indebted, in many parts of his various writings, as well as in the In- stitutio Calculi Integralis, in 3 vols 4to, Petr. 1768. The ingenious Mr. Cotes contributed very much to this doctrine, in his Harmonia Mensurarum, concerning the measures of ratios and angles, in a large collection of dif- ferent forms of fluxions, with their corresponding fluents ; which was farther prosecuted in the same way by Walmes- ley, in his Analyse des Mesures des Rapportes et des Angles, a large vol. in 4to, 1749. Besides many other authors who, by their ingenious labours, have greatly contributed to facilitate and extend the doctrine of fluents; as Emerson, Simpson, Landen, Waring, &c, in this country; Fliopital, and many other learned foreigners. Lastly, in 1785 was published at Vienna, by M. Paccassi, a German nobleman, Udhandlung uber enic neue Methode zu Integriren, being a method of integrating, or finding the fluents of given fluxions, by the rules of the direct method, or by taking again the fluxion of the given fluxion, or the 2d fluxion of the flueni sought; and then making every flowing quantity, itsfluxion, and 2d fluxion, in geometrical progression ; a method however, which, it seems, only holds true in the easiest cases or forms, whoso FLU L .020 ] FLU fluents are easily had by the most common methods : and which nearly resembles the method employed by Clai- raut, in treating what he called Equations of Condition. As it is only in certain particular forms and cases that the fluents of given fluxions can be found ; there being no method of performing this universally a priori, by a direct investigation, like finding the fluxion of a given fluent quantity ; we can do little more than lay down a few rules for such forms of fluxions as are known, from the direct method, to belong to such and such kinds of fluents or flowing quantities : and these rules, it is evident, must chiefly consist in performing such operations as are the reverse of those by which the fluxions are found to given flowing quantities. The principal cases of which are as follow : I. To find the Fluent of a simple fluxion ; or that in which there is no variable quantity, and only one fluxional quantity. This is done by barely substituting the variable or flowing quantity instead of its fluxion, and is the result or reverse of the notation only. Thus, The fluent of ax is ax. The fluent of ay ■+- 1y is ay -+- 2y. II. When any power of a flowing quantity is multiplied by the fluxion of the root. Then, having substituted, as be- fore, the flowing quantity for its fluxion, divide the result by the new index of the power. Or, which is the same thing, take out, or divide by, the fluxion of the root ; add 1 to the index of the power; and divide by the index so increased. So if the fluxion proposed be - 3x*x; Strike out x, then it is - - - 3x 5 ; add 1 to the index, and it is - 3x 6 ; divide by the index 6, and it is - -|x 6 or |x 6 ; which is the fluent of the proposed fluxion 3x i x. In like manner, the fluent of 4>axx is 2ax 2 ; 1 , |_ of 3x 2 * is 2x* ; of ax n x is x + ; n + 1 X . - 1 r -y or 2 *% is — -E or — . of (« 3 + z 3 )Vz is ^ (a 3 + a 3 ) s . III. When the root under a vinculum is a compound quan- tity ; and the index of the part or factor without the vincu- lum increased by \, is some multiple of that under the vincu- lum: Put a single variable letter for the compound root ; and substitute its powers and fluxion instead of those, of the same value, in the given quantity; so will it be re- duced to a simpler form, to which the preceding rule, can then be applied. 2 Thus, if the given fluxion be F = (a* ■+■ x 2 ) T x x; where 3, the index of the quantity without the vinculum, in- creased by 1, makes 4-, which is double of 2, the exponent of x* within the same; therefore putting 2 = o a -1- x 2 , thence x 2 = 2 — a% and its fluxion is 2xx = z; hence then x 3 x = \x*x = |« (z — «"), and the given quantity f or (a* -t- x 2 )^x 3 x is = \£*» (2 - a : ) or = &$* — iaVz; and the fluent of each term gives 1 = fV 5 * - ■Ati'z* = 3z T (-,^2 - T V); or, by substitu- ting the value of e instead of it, the same fluent is 9 Qr* £}* *y* x2 ~ ' 8Vi=) ' <>r * ( " 2+ **>* • (*""- *° s >- J V . H hen there arc several terms involving two or more variable quantities, having the fluxion of each multiplied by the other quantity or quantities : Take the fluent of each term, as if there was only one variable quantity in it, namely that whose fluxion is contained in it, supposing all the others to be constant in that term ; then if the fluents of all the terms so found, be the very same quan- tity, that quantity will be the fluent of the whole. — Thus, if- the given fluxion be xy -+- xj. Then, the fluent of xy is xy, supposing^ constant; and the fluent of xy is also xy, when x is constant; therefore the common resulting quantity xy is the required fluent of the given fluxion xy ■+■ xy. ' And, in like manner, the fluent of xyz ■+- xjz -+- xyk is xyz. V. When the given fluxional expression is in this form , , viz, a fraction including two quantities, being the fluxion of the former drawn into the latter, minus the fluxion of the latter drawn into the former, and divided by the square of the latter reduces to — = — or xyy -; y . y y then the fluent is the fraction -, or of the . . • V former quantity divided by the latter. That is, The fluent of x -^~^ is - ; - . t y and the fluent of — ^ — 7 — is — . y y Though the examples of this case may be performed by the foregoing one. Thus the given fluxion *y-w roJ „„„„ f „ *? __ *y y' of which the fluent of - is - when y is constant ; and y y the fluent of xjy~ 2 is -+- xy" 1 or - when x is constant; and therefore, by that case, - is the fluent of the whole , . y y VI. When the fluxion of a quantity is divided by the quantity itself: Then the fluent is equal to the hyperbolic logarithm of that quantity; or, which is the same thing, the fluent is equal to 2-30258509 &c, multiplied by the common log. of the same quantity. So, the fluent or x" 1 x is the hyp. log. of x; is 2 x hyp. log. of x, or = h. 1. of x i ; is a x h. 1. of x, or h. 1. of a a ; is the h. 1. of a -4- x ; is the h. 1. of a ■+- ,r 3 . a + ar VII. Many fluents may be found by the direct method of fluxions, thus: Take .the fluxion again of the given fluxional expression, or the 2d fluxion of the fluent sought; into which substitute— for x, and - for ;;, &c, b x y that is, make x, x, x, as also y, y, y, &t, in continual pro- portion, or x : x : : x : *, and y : y : :y :'y, &C ; then di- vide the square of the given fluxional expression by the 2d fluxion, just found, and the quotient will be the fluent sought in many cases. Or the same rule may be otherwise delivered thus: In the given fluxion F, write x for .<-, y for j, &c, and call die result G, taking also the fluxion of this quantity, G ; then FLU [ Ml ] FLU make g : f : : g : f, so shall the 4th proportional f be the fluent as before. And this is the rule of M. Pac- tassi. It may be proved whether this be the true fluent, by taking the fluxion of it again, which, if it agree with the proposed fluxion, will show that the fluent is right ; other- wise, it is not. Thus, if it be proposed to find the fluent of nx n ^ 1 x. Here f = ?ix n l x ; write first x for x, and it is nx n ~ l x .or nx" = g ; the fluxion of this is g = n z x n ~'x; therefore g : f : : g : f becomes n"x n ~ I x : nx n ~'x : : nx n : x" = f, the fluent sought. Again, suppose it be proposed to find the fluent of xy -+- xj. Here f = xy -+- xy; then, writing x for x } and y for j, it is xy ■+■ xy or 2xy = g ; the fluxion of which ' ixy ■+■ 2xj = g; then G : F : : g : f becomes 2xy ■+■ 2xy : xy + xy : : 2xy : xy = f, the fluent sought. See also Condition, Equations of . VIII. To find Fluents by means of a table of forms of Fluxions and Fluents. In the following table are contained the most usual forms of fluxions that occur in the practical solution of problems, with their corresponding fluents set opposite to them; by means of which, viz, comparing any proposed fluxion with the corresponding form here, the fluent of it will be found. Where it is to be noted, that the logarithms in the said forms, are the hyperbolic ones, which are found by multi- plying the common logs, by 2 - 3025850929940 &c. Also the arcs whose sine, or tangent, &c, are mentioned, have the radius 1, and are those in the common tables of sines, tangents, &c. — And the numbers m, n, &c. are to be some quantities, as the forms fail when n = 0, or m = 0, &c. Forms. Fluxions. Fluents. I n— 1 , X X 1 — x n n II i i n\ m_1 "- 1 [a 4; x ) x x ±—{a±x«r mn III mn — 1 . X x 1 x mn (a ± x a ) mna (o± x n ) m IV m— l (a ± x n ) x * - 1 (a ± *»)"■ x mna x mn X VI VII VIII IX XI m-l n-l {mxy ■+■ nxy) x y , mx ny\ m m— l . n— 1 . i— l . mx xy n z'+nx m y yz T + rx m y n z x. , . . .. m— 1 n— 1 r— 1 OT{mxyZ + nxyz-i-rxyz)x y z , ,mx ny rz or f H H ) x m v"z T * y z — or x x a ± x n a ± x n In- l. a — x n Jo— i . x m y a X™y log. of X ± — log- of a i x n -log. of afj" —— log. of — ; -r-r- n or — x arc to vers. — re an a v/(« - x°) XIV — 1, X X 1 Wof^-^^^ a/(«±0 XV — 1 . X X 2 ,x n 2 .a — ; — x arc to secant */ — , or — — x arc to cosine — , n^/a a ni/{— a ■+- x") 1 2a — x 11 or — — x arc to cosine nif/a x" XVI X 2 -j- x arc to diam. d, and vers, x a ^{dx - X 1 ) XVII x\/(dx — x 2 ) x^/(a 2 —x-) — circ. seg. to diam. d and vers, x 2 8 — circ. zone, rad. a, and height from centre x 2 ° XVIII c^x C M n log. c XIX X — 1 . xy x log. y ■+■ xy y ^ m— l. (a -+- x n ) m x x Putting s = m-t- r fa ■+- x n- ) m+1 x ln-r ,1 r— l.a r — l.r — 2.o s r — ].r-2.r-3.a% . XX ns U i — l.x n b— l.i— 2.x- n s — l.s— 2.s— 3x Jn (a -)-x n ) m + 1 x rn ,1 *+l.x n i+l.! + 2.i In s+l.s + 2.s + 3.i 3 " c _ N rraa ' U r + l.« r-H l.r-t-2.a* r+ l.j--t-2.r + 3.a 3 The Use of the foregoing Table of Forms of Fluxions and Fluents. — In the use of this table, it is to be observed, that the first column serves only to show the number of the form, as a mark of reference ; in the 2d column are the several forms of fluxions, which are of different kinds or classes ; and in the 3d or last column are the correspond- ing fluents. The method of using the table is this. Having any fluxion given, whose fluent it is proposed to find: First, compare the given fluxion with the several forms of fluxions in the 2d column of the table, till one of the forms be found that agrees with it; which is done by comparing the terms of the given fluxion with the like parts of the tabular fluxion, viz, the radical quantity of the one, with that of the other; and the exponents of the variable quan- tities of each, both within and without the vinculum ; all which, being found to agree or correspond, will give the particular values of the general quantities in the tabular form. Then substitute these particular values, for the same quantities in the general or tabular form of the fluent, and the result will be the particular fluent sought; after it is multiplied by any coefficient the proposed fluxion may have. For Example. To find thefluentof Ihefluxional expression 3 x 'i. This agrees with the first form ; and by compa- ring the fluxions, it appears that x = x, and re — 1 = j, or n = !>; which being substituted in the tabular fluent, or i . 8 -x n , gives, after multiplying by 3 the coefficient, 3 x |-x T or §x 3 for the fluent sought. Again, To find the fluent of 5xV.y/c 3 — x 3 , or 5x^ (c 3 — x 3 ) 5 . This belongs to the 2d form ; for a = c 3 , and — x n — — x 3 , re = 3 under the vinculum, and m — 1 = i, or m r= |, also the exponent re — 1 of x n_I without the vinculum, by using 3 for re, is re— 1 =2, which agrees with x 2 in the fluxion given ; and therefore all the parts of the form are found to answer. Then, substituting these values into the general fluent, (a — x") m , gives --x'fc 5 - x 3 )* = - V (c 3 - x 3 )*. Thirdly, To find the fluent of ' r * , . This agrees with the Sth form ; where ± x" = -+■ x 3 in the denominator, or re = 3 ; and the numerator x n ~ * then becomes x'\ which agrees with the numerator in the given fluxion, also a — 1. Hence then, by substituting in the general form of the fluent - logarithm of a ■+■ ,i n , it becomes \ logarithm of 1 ■+■ x 3 . IX. To find Fluents by mentis of Infinite Series. — When a finite form cannot be found to agree with a proposed FLU t fluxion, it is then usual to throw it into an infinite series, either by division, or extraction of roots, or by the bino- mial theorem, &c ; after which, the fluents of all the terms are taken separately. hence by subtraction FLU For Example. To find the fluent of Here, by dividing the numerator by the denominator, this be- comes * — 2xx + 3x' 2 x — Sx^ic -+- 8x*x &c ; and, thefluents of all the terms being taken, givex — x a -t- x J — ^ x 4 -t- -|x s &c, for the fluent sought. To Correct a Fluent. — The fluent of a given fluxion, found as above, sometimes wants a correction, to make it contemporary with that required by the problem under consideration, &c : for the fluent of any given fluxion, as x, may be either x (which is found by the rule) or it may be x + c, that is x plus or minus some constant quantity c; because both x andx 4; c have the same fluxion x : and the finding of. this constant quantity c, is called correcting the fluent. " Now this correction is to be determined from the nature of the problem in hand, by which means to know the relation which the fluent quantities have to each other at some certain point or time. Reduce therefore the general flucntial equation, found by the rules above, to that point or time ; then if the equation be true at that point, it is correct; but if not, it wants a correction, and the quantity of that correction is the difference between the two general sides of the equation when reduced to that, particular state. Hence the general rule for the correc- tion is this : Connect the constant, but indeterminate, quantity c, with one side of the fluential equation, as determined by the foregoing rules; and, in this equation, substitute for the variable quantities such values as they are known to have at any particular state, place, or time ; and then from that particular state of the equation find the value of c, the constant quantity of the correction. Example. To find the correct fluent of z = «x 3 x. First the general fluent of this is z = £ax 4 , orz = -|, or pq x pjb. And in the same manner may any solid be conceived to be described, by the motion of a variable plane parallel to itself, substituting the variable plane for the variable line ; in which case, the fluxion of the solid, at any position, is represented by the variable plane, at that position, drawn into the fluxion of the line along which it is carried. 9. Hence then it follows generally, that the fluxion of any figure, whether plane or solid, at any position, is equal to the section of it, at that position, drawn into the fluxion of the axis, or line along which the variable section is sup- posed to be perpendicularly carried ; i. e. the fluxion of the figure asp, is equal the plane pq, x pp when that figure is a solid, or to the ordinate pq x pjj when the figure is a surface. 10. It also follows, from the same premises, that, in any curve, or oblique line, aq, whose absciss is ap, and ordi- nate is pq, the fluxions of these three form a small right- angled plane triangle Qqr ; for Qr = vp is the fluxion of the absciss ap, qr the fluxion of the ordinate pq, and aq the fluxion of the curve or right line aq. And conse- quently that, in any curve, the square of the fluxion of the curve, is equal to the sum of the squares of the fluxions of the absciss and ordinate, when these two lines are at right angles to each other. 11. From the premises it also appears, that contempo- raneous fluents, or quantities that flow or increase together, which are always in a constant ratio to each other, have their fluxions also in the same constant ratio at every position. For, let ap and bq be two contemporaneous ap T=n x bq, Ap = n x By; vp = n x Q q; Q q : : n : 1, BQ : : n : 1 ; or A P p B Q q fluents, described in the same time by the motion of the and p, q; and let ap be to bq, or Ap to By, in the constant ratio of n to 1. Then is .... and .... therefore by subtraction, that is, the fluxion pjd : fluxion the same as fluent ap : fluent the fluxions and fluents are in the same constant ratio. But if the ratio of the fluents be variable, so will that of the fluxion^ be also, chough not in the same variable ratio with the former, at every position. The Notation, fyc, in Fluxions. 12. To apply the foregoing principles to the determina- tion of the fluxions of algebraic quantities, by means of which those of all other kinds are determined, it will be necessary first to premise the notation used in this science, with some observations. As, first, that the final letters of the alphabet z,y, x, iv, &c, are used to denote variable or flowing quantities; and the initial letters a, b, c, d, &c r constant or invariable ones : thus, the variable base ap of the flowing rectangular figure ABQP,at art. 6, may be re- presented by x: and the invariable altitude pq, by o : also the variable base or absciss ap, of the figures in art. 8, may be represented by x; the variable ordinate pq, by y; and the variable curve or line aq, by z. Secondly, that the fluxion of a quantity denoted by a single letter, is represented by the same letter with a point over it : Thus, the fluxion of x is expressed by *, that of y hy y, and that of a by «. As to the fluxions of constant or invariable quantities, as of a, b, c, &c, they are equal to or nothing, because they do not flow, or change their magnitude. Thirdly, that the increments of variable or flowing quan- tities, are also denoted by the same letters with a small (') over them : So the increments of x, y, z, are x, y, z. 13. From these notations, and the foregoing principles,, the quantities and their fluxions, there considered, will be denoted as below. In all the foregoing figures, put the variable or flowing line - - - ap = x r in art. 6, the constant line - - - pq = a, in ait. 8, the variable ordinate - - fQ.z=y T the variable curve or right line - - aq = z; Then shall the several fluxions be thus represented,, viz, x = vp the fluxion of the line ap, ax = PQqp the fluxion of abqp in art. 6, y x . ■= VQrp the fluxion of apq in art. 8, z = Q q = \/( x~~ h y 9 ) tne fluxion of aq, and ax = pr the flux, of the solid in art. 7, if a denote the constant generating plane pan. Also;u:= BQ in the figure to art. 1 1, and nx =o.q the fluxion of the same. 14. The principles and notation being thus laid down, we may proceed to the practice and rules of this doctrine, which consists of two principal parts, called the direct and inverse method of fluxions; viz, the direct method, which consists in finding the fluxion of any proposed fluent or flowing quantity ; and the inverse method, which consists in finding the fluent of any proposed fluxion. As to the former of these two problems, it can always be determined, and that in finite algebraic terms ; but the latter, or find- ing of fluents, only in some certain cases, except by means of infinite series. — First then, of FLU [ 5& ] FLU V :f ^ y X y x 1 4. P 2 77(c' Direct Method of Fluxions. 15. To find the fluxion of the product or rectan- gle of two variable quantities ; let AR hence ^ = zx. log. * z ° J y y ■+■ — = (by substituting y x for z) y x x • log. y ■+■ xy x ~'j, is the fluxion of the proposed exponential y x ; which therefore consists of two terms, of which the one is the fluxion of the proposed quantity considering the exponent only as constant, and the other is the fluxion of the same quantity considering the root as constant. Of Second, Third, £,c Fluxions. — Having explained the manner of considering and determining the firstfluxions of flowing or variable quantities ; it remains now to consi- der those of the higher orders, as 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, fluxions. 25. If the rate or celerity with which any flowing quan- tity changes its magnitude, be constant, or the same, at every position ; then is the fluxion of it also constantly the same. But if the variation of magnitude be continually changing, either increasing or decreasing; then will there be a certain degree of fluxion peculiar to every point or position ; and the rate of variation or change in the flux- ion, is called the fluxion of the fluxion, or the second fluxion of the given fluent quantity. In like manner, the variation or fluxion of this 2d fluxion is called the third fluxion of the hist proposed fluent quantity ; and so on. And these orders effluxions arc denoted by the fluent let- Vol. I. [ 529 ] FLU ter or quantity, with the corresponding number of points over it; viz, 2 points for the 2d fluxion, 3 for the 3d fluxion, 4 for the 4th fluxion, and so on. So the dif- ferent orders of the fluxions of x, are.*, x, &, &c ; where each is the fluxion of the one next before it. 26. This description of the higher orders of fluxions may be illustrated by the three figures at the Sth article ; where, if x denote the absciss ap, and y the ordinate pq ; and if the ordinate pq or y flow along the absciss ap orr, with an uniform motion; then the fluxion of x,'viz,i- = p/> or Qr is a constant quantity, or i= 0, in all the figures. Also, in fig. 1, in which aq is a right line, 3/ isz=rq, or the fluxion of pq, is a constant quantity, or y = : for, the angle q, = the angle a, being constant, Qr is to rq, or x toy, in a constant ratio. But in the 2d figure, rq, or the fluxion of pq, continually increases more and more; and in fig. 3 it continually decreases more and more ; and therefore in both these cases y has a 2d fluxion, being positive in fig. 2, but negative in fig. 3 : and so on for the other orders of fluxions. 27. Thus if, for instance, the nature of the curve be such, that x a is everywhere equal to a^y ; then, taking the fluxions, it is (fj = 3x"x; and, considering x as a constant quantity, and taking the fluxions again, the equations of the several orders of fluxions will be as below ; viz, the 1 st fluxions a^y = 3.r z ,r, the 2d fluxions ay =z 6xi 2 , the 3d fluxions o*y = 6x 3 , the 4th fluxions a 2 y = 0, and all the higher fluxions = or nothing. Also the higher orders of fluxions are found in the same manner as the lower ones. Thus, 3fyi ■3J/V+ 6y y z ISyyy' -t- 6y\ The 1st flux, ofy is - - its 2d flux, or flux, of 3y- ' , considered as the rect- angle of 3y 2 and y, is - J and theflux.ofthisagain.or 1 „ i: , the 3d fluxion of y 3 , is j ^ y 28. In the foregoing articles, it has been supposed that the fluents increase ; or that their fluxions are positive ; but it often happens that some fluents decrease, and that therefore their fluxions are negative : and whenever this is the case, the sign of the fluxion must be changed, or made contrary to that of the fluent. So, of the rectangle xy, when both x and y increase together, the fluxion is xy ■+• xj: but if one of them, as y, decrease, while the other, x, increases; then the fluxion of y being —y, the fluxion of xy will in that case be xy — xy. This may be illustrated by the annexed rect- angle apqii = xy, supposed to be generated by the motion of the line pq from a towards c, and by the mo- tion of the line rq from b towards a : for, by the motion of PQ, from a to- wards c, the rectangle is increased, and its fluxion is ■+■ xy ; but by the motion of hq, from b towards a, the rectangle is decreased, and the fluxion of the decrease is xj; therefore, taking the fluxion of the decrease from that of the increase, the fluxion of the rectangle ary, when x increases and y decreases, is xy — xy. For the Inverse Method, or the finding of fluents, see Fluent. And for the several applications of this science to Maxima and Minima, the drawing of Tangents, &c, see the respective articles. 3 Y X 0. y » X J L 3 i» ti FLY L 530 } F O C Since tlic first invention of this calculus by Sir I. New- ton, it has received various improvements from many emi- nent authors, particularly John Bernoulli, who treated of the fluents belonging to the fluxions of exponential ex- pressions; James Bernoulli, Craig, Cheyne, Cotes, Man- i'redi, Iliccati, Taylor, Fagnanus, Clairaut, Dalembert, Euler, Maclaurin, Condorcet, Leseur and Jacquier, Bou- ganville, Walmesley, Lagrange, Emerson, Simpson, Lan- den, Waring, &c. There are several other treaties also on the principles of fluxions, by Hayes, Newyentyt, L'Ho- pital, Hudson, Rowc, Lyons, Dealtry, &c, &c, delivering the elements of this science in an easy and familiar manner. FLY, in Mechanics, a heavy weight applied to certain machines, to regulate their motions, as in a jack; or to increase their effect, as in the coining engine, &c; by means of which the force ofthepower is not only preserved, but equally distributed throughout the revolution. The fly is either like a cross with heavy weights at the ends of its arms ; or like a heavy wheel at right-angles to the axis of motion. It may be applied to various kinds of engines, whether they be moved by men, horses, wind, or water; and it is of great use in those parts of an engine which have a quick circular motion, and where the power or resistance acts unequally in the different parts of a revolution. In this case the fly becomes a moderator, making the motion of revolution almost everywhere equal. FLYERS, in Architecture, such stairs as go straight, ■and do not wind round, nor have the steps made tapering, but equally broad at both ends. Hence, if one flight do not rise to the top of the story, &c, there is a broad half pace, and then commonly another set of flyers. FLYING, the progressive motion of a bird, or other winged animal, through the air. The parts of birds chiefly concerned in flying, are the wings and tail : by the former, the bird sustains and wafts himself along; and by the latter he is assisted in ascending and descending, to keep his body poised upright and steady. The wings are ex- tended or stretched quite out, and then struck forcibly downwards against the air, which by its resistance raises the bird upwards; then, to make another stroke, the wing, by means of its joints, readily closes in some degree, pre- senting the sharp edge of the pinion foremost to cut the air, and drawing the collapsed feathers after it like a flag, to diminish the resistance to the ascent as much as pos- sible; the wing and feathers are then stretched out hori- zontally again, and another downward stroke is given, which raises the bird still higher; and so on as far as he pleases, or at least as far as the density of the air will sus- tain him ; performing those motions of the wings very ra- pidly, that the flight may be the quicker. Artificial Flying, is that attempted by men, &c, by the assistance of mechanics. The art of flying has been attempted by several persons in all ages. Friar Bacon, about .000 years ago, not only asserts the possibility of flying, but affirms that he himself knew how to make a machine with which a man might be able to convey him- self through the air like a bird; and further adds, that it had been tried with success. Though the fact is to be doubted, if, as it was said, it consisted in the. following method ; viz, in a couple of large thin hollow copper globes, exhausted of air; which, being much lighter than air, would sustain a chair on which a person might sit. Father Francisco Lnna, in his Pr-odromo, proposes the same thing, us his own idea. lie computes, that a round vessel of plate-brass, \\ feet in diameter, weighing bounces the square foot, will only weigh 184-S ounces ; whereas a quantity of air of the same bulk will weigh near 2156 ounces ; so that the globe will not only be sustained in the air, but will carry with it a weight ot 304 ounces; and by increasing the size of the g'obe, the thickness of the metal remaining the same, he adds, a vessel might be made to carry a much greater weight. But the fallacy is obvious? a globe of the dimensions he describes, as Dr. Hooke ob- serves, would not sustain the piessure of the air, but be crushed inwards. Indeed it is not even probable that a globe can be made sufficiently thin to float in the atmo- sphere after it is exhausted of air, and yet be strong enough to sustain the compressing force of the atmosphere. But for this purpose it seems that the globe should be rilled with an air as elastic or strong as the atmosphere, and yet be very much lighter; such as is used in the mongoltiers and balloons; the former of which is filled with common air heated, so as to be more elastic, and less heavy; and the latter with inflammable air, which is as elastic as the common air, with only about one-tenth of its weight. And thus the idea of flying, or rather floating, in the air, has been realized by the moderns, using however a different kind of air. See Aerostation. The same author describes a machine for flying, invented by the Sieur Besnier, a smith of Sable, in the county of Maim See Philos. Collec. No. 1. By the foregoing method however, at best, only a me- thod of floating can be obtained, like a log floating in a current ; but not of flying, which consists in moving through the air, independent of any current ; and which must be effected by something in the nature of wings. Attempts of this latter kind also have indeed been made by several persons ; but it does not appear that any of them have been attended with such success as to induce the authors of those attempts to make them public. The philosophers in the reign of King Charles the 2d were much employed on this subject; and thecelebrated Bishop Wilkins was so confident of success in it, that he says, he does not question but in future ages it will be as usual to hear a man call for his wings, when he is going a jour- ney, as it is now to call for his boots. The story of the flight of Dasdalus is well known. Flying Pinion, is part of a cli ck having a fly or fan with which to gather the air, and so check the rapidity of the clock's motion, when the weight descends in the strik- ing part. FOCAL Distance, the distance of the focus, which is sometimes understood as its distance from the vertex, as in the parabola ; and sometimes its distance from the cen- tre, as in the ellipse or hyperbola. FOCUS, in Geometry and the Conic Sections, is ap- plied to certain points in the ellipse, hyperbola, and para- bola, where the rays reflected from all parts of tin si' curves concur or meet ; that is, rays issuing from a luminous point in the one focus, and falling on all p ints of the curves, are reflected into [he other focus, or into the line directed to the other focus, viz, into the other focus in the ellipse and parabola, and directly from it in the hyper- bola: which is the reason of the name focus, or Burn- ing-point. Hence, as the one focus of the parabola is at an infinite distance; and consequently all rays drawn from it, to any finite part of the curve about the \ertax. are parallel to one another; therefore, if rays from the sun, or any other object so distant that the rays may be considered as parallel, fall upon the curve of a parabola F O C [ 531 ] F O C or concave surface of aparaboloidul figure, those rays will all be reflected into its focus. Thus, the rays of vf, from the focus f, are reflected in the direction pf, into the other focus f, in the ellipse and parabola, and form the focus / into pq, in the hyperbola. — In all the three curves, the double ordinate cd drawn through the focus F, is the parameter of the axis, or a 3d proportional to ab and ab, the transverse and conjugate axes. — In t lie ellipse and parabola, the transverse axis is equal to the sum of the two lines pf ■+- vf, drawn from the foci to any point P in the curve ; but in the hyperbola, the transverse is equal to the difference of those two lines. That is, ab = pf ■+- P/in the ellipse and parabola, AB = PF — P/in the hyperbola. In the ellipse and parabola, the square of the distance between the foci, is equal to the difference of the squares of the two axes ; and in the hyperbola, it is equal to the sum of their squares: that is if x = ab 1 - ab z in the ellipse and parabola. f/' ! = ab 2 -+- ab 3 in the hyperbola. Therefore the two semi-axes, with the distance of the focus from the centre, form always a. right-angled triangle f«e, or A(ZE. In all the curves, the conjugate semi-axis is a mean pro- portional between the distances of either focus from either end of the transverse axis : that is, af : e« : : e« : fb, or eo 1 = af . FB. If t litre be any tangent to these curves, and two lines drawn from the foci to, the point of contact ; these two lines will make equal angles with that tangent. So, if gpg touch the curve at p ; then is the angle fpg = /.fro. If a line be drawn from either focus, perpendicularly upon a tangent ; the distance of their intersection from the centre will be equal to the semi-transverse axis. So,' if Fit or fa be perpendicular to the tangent ph ; then is eh = ea or eb. Consequently, the circle described on the diameter ab, will pass through all the points h, h. The foregoing are the principal properties that are com- mon to the foci of all the three conic sections. To which Tiiay be added the following properties which are peculiar «o the parabola : viz, In the parabola, the distance from t e focus to the vertex, is equal to | of the parameter, or half the ordinate at the focus: viz, af = £fc. Also, a line drawn from the focus to any point in the curve, is equal to the sum of the focal distance from the vertex and the absciss of the ordinate to that point : i. e. fp = af -+- ai = 2af ± Ft = cf + fi. If from any point of a pa- rabola there be drawn a tangent, and a perpendicular to it pk, both to meet the axis produced ; then the focus will be equally distant from the two intersections and the point of contact: i. e. fg = fp = fk. Also the ^.kpf= kp/. Hence also the subnormal ik is = 2af = f'c the semi- parameter. — The line drawn from the focus to any point of the curve, is equal to £ the parameter of the dia- meter to that point : i.e. fp = i the parameter of the dia- meter Tf. — If an ordinate to any diameter pass through the focus, it will be equal to half its parameter; and its absciss equal to .§ of the same parameter; or the absciss equal to half the ordinate: i.e. pl =|mn =|lm or£i,N. Focus, in Optics, is a point in which several rays meet, and are collected, after being either reflected or refracted. It is so called, because the rays being here brought toge- ther and united, their force and effect are increased, inso- much as to be able to burn ; and therefore it is that bodies are placed in this point to be burnt, or to show the effect of burning-glasses, or mirrors. — It is to be observed, how- ever, that in practice, the focus is not an absolute point, but a space of some small breadth, over which the rays are scattered ; owing to the different nature and refrangi- bility of the rays of light, and to the imperfections in the figure of the lens, &c. However, the smaller this space is, the better, or the nearer to perfection the instrument ap- proaches. Huygens shows that the focus of a lens convex on both sides, has its breadth equal to £ of the thickness of the lens. Virtual Focus, or Point of Divergence, so called by Mr. Molyneux, is the point from which rays tend, after refrac- tion or reflection; being in this respect opposed to the or- dinary focus, or point of concurrence, where rays are made to meet after refraction or reflection. Thus, the foci of an hyperbola are mutually virtual foci to each other; but, in an ellipse, they are common foci to each other; for the rays are refleeted from the other focus in the hyperbola, but towards it in the ellipse; as appears by the figures at the beginning of this article. In Dioptrics, let abc be the conca- vity of a glass, whose centre is n, and axis de: Let fg be a ray of light falling on the glass, parallel to the axis de ; this ray fg, after it has passed through the glass, at its emersion at g will not pro- ceed directly to h, but be refracted from the perpendicular dg, and will become the ray gk, which being produced to meet the axis in e, this point e is the virtual focus, as the ray is refracted directly from this point. Rules for the Foci of Lenses and Mirrors. I. la Catoptrics, or Lenses. 1. The focus of a convex glass, i.e. the point where parallel rays unite when transmitted through a convex glass whose surface is the segment of a sphere, is distant from the pole or vertex of the glass, nearly a diameter and half of the convexity. — 2. In a plano-convex glass, the focus of parallel rays is distant from the pole of the glass a diametcj of the convexky, if the segment do not 3 Y2 *U^/ \ K Aa. ■R .---""" T'' : '""----... M c fi F O C [ 532 ] F O C exceed 30 degrees. Or the rule in plano-convex glasses is, As 107 : 193 : : so is the radius of convexity : to the refracted ray taken to its concourse with the axis; which in glasses of large spheres is nearly equal to the distance of the focus taken in the axis. — 3. In double-convex glasses of the same sphere, the focus is distant from the pole of the glass about the radius of the convexity, if the segment be but 30 degrees. But when the two convexities are un- equal, or segments of different spheres, then the rule is, As the sum of the radii of both convexities : is to the radius of either convexity alone : : so is double the radius of the other convexity : to the distance of the focus. But here it must be observed, that the rays which fall nearer the axis of any glass, are not united with it so near the pole of the glass as those farther off : nor will the focal distance be so great in a plano-convex glass, when the convex side is towards the object, as when the plane side is towards it. And hence it is truly concluded, that, in viewing any ob- ject by a plano-convex glass, the convex side should always be turned outwards ; as also in burning by such a glass. II. For the Virtual Focus. 1. In concave glasses, when a ray passes through air parallel to the. axis, the virtual focus, by its first refraction, becomes at the distance of a diameter and a half of the concavity. — 2. In plano-concave glasses,- when the rays fall parallel to the axis, the virtual focus is distant from the glass, the diameter of the concavity. — 3. In plano- concave glasses, as 107 : 193 : : so is the radius of the concavity : to the distance of the virtual focus. — 4. In double concaves of the same sphere, the virtual focus of parallel rays is at the distance of the radius of the concavity. But, whether the concavities be equal or unequal, the virtual focus, or point of divergency of the parallel rays, is determined by this rule; As the sum of the radii of both concavities : is to the radius of cither concavity : : so is double the radius of the other concavity : to the distance of the virtual focus. — 5. In concave glasses, exposed to converging rays, if the point to which the incident ray converges, be farther distant from the glass than the virtual focus of parallel rays, the rule for finding the virtual focus of this ray, is this ; As the difference between the distance of this point from the glass, and the distance of the virtual focus from the glass: is to the distance of the virtual focus : : so is the dis- tance of this point of convergence from the glass : to the distance of the virtual focus of this converging ray. — 6. In concave glasses, if the point to which the incident ray converges, be nearer to the glass than the virtual focus of parallel rays, the rule to find where it crosses the axis, is this ; As the excess of the virtual focus, above this point of convergency : is to the virtual focus : : so is the distance of this point of convergency from the glass : to the distance of the point where this ray crosses the axis. III. Practical Rules for finding the Foci of Glasses. 1. To find, by experiment, the focus of a convex sphe- rical glass, being of a small sphere. Apply it to the end of a scale of inches and decimal parts, and expose it to the sun; then on the scale may be seen the bright inter- section of the rays measured out : or, fix it in the hole of a dark chamber ; and where a white paper receives (lie distinct representation of distant objects, there is the locus of the glass. — 2. For a glass of a pretty long focus, ob- serve some distant object through it, and recede from the glass till the eye perceives all in confusion, or the object begins to appear inverted; then the eye is in the focus. — 3. For a plano-convex glass: make it reflect the sun against the wall ; then on the wall will be seen two sorts of light, a brighter within another more obscure: with- draw the glass from the wall, till the bright image be in its least dimensions ; then is the glass distant from the wall about a fourth part of its focal length. — <1. For a double convex : expose each side to the sun in like manner ; and -, observe both the distances of the glass from the wall : then is the first distance about half the radius of the convexity turned from the sun ; and the second is about half the radius of the other convexity. The radii of the two con- vexities being thus known, the focus is then found by this rule; As the sum of the radii of both convexities : is to the radius of either convexity : : so is double the radius of the other convexity : to the distance of the focus. IV. To find the Foci of all Glasses Geometrically. Dr. Halley has given a general method for finding the foci of spherical glasses of all kinds, both concave and convex ; exposed to any kind of rays, either parallel, con- verging, or diverging; as follows: To find the focus of any parcel of rays diverging from, or converging to, a given point in the axis of a spherical lens, and making the same angle with it; the ratio of the sines of refraction being given. Suppose gl a lens; p a point in its surface; v its pole; c the centre of the spherical segment ; o the object, or point in the axis, to or from which the rays proceed ; and op a given ray : and suppose the ratio of refraction to be as r to s. Then making cr to co, as s to r for the im- mersion of a ray, or as r to s for the emersion (i.e. as the sines of the angles in the medium which the ray enters, to the corresponding sines in the medium out of which it comes) ; and laying en from c towards o, the point u will be the same for all the rays of the point o. Lastly, draw- ing the radius PC, continued if necessary ; with the centre r, and distance op, describe an arc intersecting pc in Q. Then the line qr, being drawn, it will be parallel to the reflected ray; and pf, being drawn parallel to it, will in- tersect the axis in the point r, the focus sought. — Or, say as cq : cp : : cr : CF, which will be the distance of the focus from the centre of the sphere. — And from this ge- neral construction, he adverts to a number of particular simple, cases. — Dr. Halley gave also a universal algebrai- cal theorem to find the focus of all sorts of optic glasses, or lenses. Sec also the Philos. Trans. No. 205, or my Abr. vol. 3, pa. 593. V. In Culoptrics, or Foci hy Reflection. These are easily found for any known curve, from this principle, that the angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. The same are also easily found by ex- periment, being exposed to any object. The increase of heat from collecting the sun's rays into a focus, has been found in many cases of burning-glasses, to be astonishingly great ; the effect being increased as the square of the diameter of the glass exceeds that of the focus. If, for instance, there be a burning-glass of 12 F O N [ 533 ] FOR inches diameter; this will collect or crowd together all the for the Vortices of Descartes; on which Voltaire says, rays of the sun which fall upon the glass into the compass " We must excuse his comedies, on account of his great of about | part of an inch: then, the areas of the two age; and hjs Cartesian opinions, as they were those of spaces being as the square of 12 to the square of £, or as his youth, when they were universally received all over the square of 96 to the square of 1, that is, as 92l6 to 1 ; Europe." it follows, that the heat in the focus will be 92l6 times' In his poetical performances and Dialogues of the Dead, greater than the sun's common heat. And this will have the spirit of Voiture was discerned, though more extended an effect as great as the direct rays of the sun would have and more philosophical. His Plurality of Worlds is a work on a body placed at the 96th part of the earth's distance singular in its kind: his design in this was, to present that from the sun; or the same as on a planet that should part of philosophy to view in a gay and pleasing dress, move round the sun at but a very little more than a dia- Fontenelle applied himself also to mathematics and na- meter of the sun's distance from him, or that would never tural philosophy ; in which he proved not less successful appear farther from him than about 36 minutes. than he had been in polite literature. Having been ap- Besides Dr. Halley's method for finding the foci, several pointed perpetual secretary to the Academy of Sciences, other authors have written upon this subject ; as Mr. he discharged that trust above 40 years with universal ap- Ditton, in his Fluxions ; Dr. Gregory, in his Elements of plause : his History of the Academy often throws great Dioptrics; M.Carre, and Guisnee, in the Memoires de light on their Memoirs, which are sometimes obscure; and l'Acad. ; Dr. Barrow and Sir I. Newton have also neat and it has been said, he was the first who introduced elegance elegant ways of finding geometrically the foci of spherical into the sciences. The Eloges, which he pronounced on glasses; which may be seen in Barrow's Optical Lectures, the deceased members of the Academy, have this peculiar FOLIATE, a name given by some to a curve of the 2d merit, that they excite a respect for the sciences as well as order, expressed by the equation 3? -+- y 3 = axy, being one for the authors. species of defective hyperbolas, with one asymptote, and On the whole, Fontenelle must be considered as the great consisting of two infinite legs crossing each other, forming master of the new art of treating abstract sciences, in a a kind of leaf. It is the 42d species of Newton's Lines of manner that make their study at once easy and agreeable: the 3d order. nor are any of his works of other kinds void of merit. All FOLKLiS (Martin), an English mathematician, phi- those talents which he possessed from nature, were assisted losopher, and antiquary, was born at Westminster, about by a good knowledge of history and languages : and he I69O; and was greatly distinguished as a member of the Royal Society in London, and of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. He was admitted into the former at 24- years of age; made one of their council two years after; named vice-president by Sir Isaac Newton himself; and, after Sir Hans Sloane, became president. Coins, ancient and mo- dern, were a great object with him ; and his last produc- tion was a book upon the English Silver Coin, from the Conquest to his own times. He died at London in 1754. Dr. Birch had drawn up materials for a life of Mr. Folkes, perhaps surpasses all men of learning who have not had the gift of invention. Besides his poetical and theatrical works, with those of belles-lettres, &c, he published Elemens de Geometrie de l'lnfini, in 4to, 1727; also the Theorie des Tourbillons Cartesiens; and Discours Moraux et Philosophiques. All his different works were collected in eleven volumes 12mo, under the title of CEuvres Diverges. FOOT, a measure of length, divided into 12 inches, and each inch supposed to contain 3 barley-corns in length. which are preserved at large in the Anecdotes of Bowyer, Geometricians divide the foot into 10 digits, and the digit pa. 562. There are many memoirs of Mr. Folkes's in tire into 10 Lines, &c. Philos. Trans, from vol.30 to vol. 46, both inclusive; viz, 1. Account of an Aurora Borealis, vol.30. — 2. Of Lieu- wenhoek's curious Microscope, vol. 32. — 3. On the Stand- ard Measures in the Capitol at Rome, vol. 39. — 4. Obser- vations of three Mock-suns, vol. 40. — 5. On the Fresh- It seems this measure has been taken from the length of the human foot; but it is of different lengths in different countries. The Paris royal foot is to the English foot, as 4263 to 4000, or nearly 16 to 15, and exceeds the English by 9f lines. The. ancient Roman foot of the Capitol con- water Polypus, vol. 42.-6. On human bones petrified, sisted of 4 palms; equal toll inches and T 7 ^ English; the vol. 43. — 7- On a passage in Pliny's Natural History, 44. — 8. On an Earthquake at London, vol. 46. — 9. Ditto at Kensington, vol. 46. — 10. Ditto at Newton, vol. 46. FOMAHAUT, or FoMALHAUT^astar of the first mag- nitude in the water of the constellation Aquarius, or in the mouth of the southern fish. Its latitude is 21° 6' 28" south, and mean longitude to the beginning of 1/60, 11 5 0° 28' 55". FONTENELLE (Bernard de), a celebrated French author, was born at Rouen in 1657, and died in 1756, having nearly attained his 100th year. He was a univer- Rhinland, or Ley den foot, used by the northern nations, is to the Roman foot, as 19 to 20. For the proportions of the foot of several nations, compared with the English, see the article Measure. SjKareFooT,isasquarewhosesideis 1 foot, or 12 inches, and consequently its area is 144 square inches. Cubic Foot, is a cube, whose side is one foot, or 1 2 inches, and consequently it contains 12 3 or 1728 cubic inches. FooT-bank, or Foor-stcp, in Fortifi. See Banquette. FORCE, Vis, or Power, in Mechanics, Philosophy, &c, denotes the cause of the change in the state of a body, sal genius : at a very early age he wrote several comedies with respect to motion, rest, pressure, &c ; as well as its and tragedies of considerable merit; and he did the same endeavour to oppose or resist any such change. Thus, at a very advanced age. Voltaire declares him the most whenever a body, which was at rest, begins to move; or universal genius the age of Lewis the 14th produced ; and when its motion is either not uniform, or not direct ; the compares him to lands situated in so happy a climate, as cause of this change in the state of the body, is what is to produce all sorts of fruits. His last comedies, though called Force, and is an external cause. Or, while a body they showed the elegance of Fontenelle, were, however, remains in the same state, either of rest, or of uniform and little fitted for the stage ; he then also produced an Apology rectilinear motion, tke cause of its remaining in such state, FOR [ 534 ] FOR is in the nature of the body, being an innate internal force, centre of oscillation, and by his dissertations, in answer and is called its inertia. t0 tr >e objections of the abbot Catalan, one of which whs Mechanical forces may be reduced to two sorts; one of published in 1684. This eminent mathematician had oe a body at rest, the other of a body in motion The force, &c, of a body at rest, is that which we con- ceive to be in it when lying on a plane, or hanging by a rtrpe, or supported by a spring, &c ; and this is called Pressure, Tension, Force, or Vis Mortua, Solicitatio, Co- natus Movendi, Conamen, &c ; which kind of force may be always measured by a weight, viz, the weight that sus- tains it. To this class of forces may also be referred cen- tripetal and centrifugal forces, though they reside in a body in motion; because these forces are homogeneous to weights, pressures, or tensions of any kind. The pressure, or force of gravity in any body, is proportional to the quantity of matter contained in it. The force of a body in motion, is a power residing in that body, so long as it-continues its motion ; by means of which, it is able to remove those obstacles which are op- posed to it ; or to lessen, destroy, or overcome the force of any other moving body, which meets it in an opposite direction ; or to surmount any the largest dead pressure or resistance, as tension, gravity, friction, &c, for some time; but which will be lessened or destroyed by such re- sistance as lessens or destroys the motion of the body. This is called Vis Motrix, Moving Force, or Motive Force, and by some late writers Vis Viva, to distinguish it from the Vis Mortua before mentioned ; and by these appella- tions, however different, the same, thing is understood by all mathematicians; namely, that power which is inherent monstrated, that in the collision of two bodies that are perfectly elastic, the sum of the products of each body multiplied by the square of its velocity, was the same after the shock as before (though the same thing is true of the sums of the products of the bodies multiplied simply by their velocities). Now that proposition is so far ge- neral as to obtain in all collisions of bodies that are per- fectly elastic : and it is also true', when bodies of a perfect, elasticity strike any immoveable obstacle, as well as when they strike one another ; or when they are constrained by any power or resistanceto move in directions different from those in which they impel one another. These considera- tions might have induced Huygens to lay it down as a ge- neral rule, that bodies constantly preserve their ascen- sional force, i.e. the product of their mass by the height to which their centre of gravity can ascend, which is as thesquare of the velocity ; and therefore, ina given system of bodies, the sum of the squares of their velocities will remain the same, and not be altered by the action of the bodies among themselves, nor against immoveable obsta- cles. Leibnitz's metaphysical system led him to think that thesame quantity of action or force subsisted in the universe; and finding this impossible, if force were esti- mated by the quantity of motion, he adopted Huygens's principle of the preservation of the ascensional force, and made it the measure of moving forces. But it is to be observed that Huygens's principle, above-mentioned, is in a moving body, and which accompanies it in whole, or general only wheji bodies are perfectly elastic : and in in part, as long as the body is in motion ; so as to displace, or to withstand opposite moving forces, or by which it overcomes any dead resistance, &c, which force is other- wise called Percussion, or Percussive Force, or Momentum. But concerning the measure of this kind of force, ma- thematicians have been divided into two parties. It is al- lowed on both sides, that the measure of this force de- pends partly on the mass of matter in the body, or its weight, and partly on the velocity of its motion ; so that on any increase of either weight or velocity, the moving force becomes greater. It is also agreed, that the velo- city being given, or being the same in two moving bodies, their forces are in proportion to their masses or weights. But, when two bodies are equal, and the velocities with which they move are different, they no longer agree about the measure of the moving force. The Cartesians and Newtonians maintain, that, in this case, the moving force is in proportion simply as the ve- locity with which a body moves; so that with a double velocity it has a double force, &c : But the Leibnitians assert, that the moving force is proportional to the square of the velocity ; so that, with a double velocity a qua- druple force will be produced, &c. Or, when the bodies are different, the former hold, that the momentum or moving force of bodies, is in the compound ratio of their weights and velocities: while the latter maintain, that it is in the compound ratio of the. weights ami squares of the velocities. Though Leibnitz was the first who expressly asserted, that the force of a body in motion is as the square of its velocity, which was in a paper inserted in the Leipsic Acts for the year lo'So", yet it is thought that Huygens led him into that notion, by some demonstrations in the 4th part eff his book Uc Ilorologio Oacillatorio, relating to the some other cases, which Maclaurin has endeavoured to distinguish: showing at the same time that no useful con- clusion in mechanics is affected by the disputes concern- ing the measure of the force of bodies in motion, which have been objected to mathematicians. Analyst, Query Q. See Maclaurin's Fluxions, vol. 2, art. 533; Huygens, Oper. torn. 1, pa. 248; &c. Leibnitz's principle was adopted by several persons ; as Wolfius, the Bernoullis, &c. Mr. Dan. Bernoulli, in his Treatise, has assumed the preservation of thevisascen- dens of Huygens, or, as others express it, the conservatio virium vivarum ; and, in Bernoulli's own expression, a?qualitas inter descensum actualem ascensumque poten- tialem, as an hypothesis of wonderful use in mechanics. But Dr. Jurin contends, that the conclusions drawn from this principle are oftener false than true. See De Con- servat. Virium Vivarum Dissert. Lond. 1744. Catalan and Papin answered Leibnitz's paper published in 1086 ; and from that time the controversy became more general, and was carried on for several years by Leibnitz, John and Daniel Bernoulli, Poleni, Wolfius, Gravesandc, Camus, Muschenbroek, &c, on one side; and Pemberton, Eames, Desaguliers, Dr. S. Clark, M. de Mai- ran, Jurin, Maclaurin, Robins, c\:e, on the other. See Act. Erud. 10\S6', 16.90, 1 6" t> i , lt>\95; Nouv. de la Rep. des Let. Sept. \686, l6"S7, art. 2; Comm. Epist. inter Leibn. et Bern. Ep.24, p. 143 ; Discourses sur les Loix de la Comm. du Mouvement, Oper. torn. 3, & Diss, de vera Notionc Virium Vivarum, ib.; Act. Petropol. torn. 1, pa. 131, &CJ Ilydronaniica, sect. 1 ; Herman, in Act. Pe- trop. torn. 1, p. 2, &c ; Polcn. deCastcllis ; Wolf, in Act. Petrop. torn. 1, p. 217, &c, and in Cosmol. Gener. ; Graves, in Journ. Lit. et Phys. Elem. Math. 1742, lib. 2, cap. 2 and 3; Memoir, de l'Acad. des Sciences, 17'18; FOR [ 535 ] FOR Muschenbr. Int. ad Phil. Nat. 1762, vol.1, p. 83 &c ; Pemb. &c, in Phil. Trans. No. 371, 375, 376, 396, 400, 401, or my Abridg. vol. 6, p.570 &c. Mairan in Mem. de l'Acad. des Sc. 1.7.28, Phil. Trans. No. 459, or Abridg. vol. 7, p. 637, Philos. Trans, vol.43, p.423 &c; Maclaurin's Ace. of Newton's Discoveries, p. 117 &c, Flux, ubi supr. and Recueil des Pieces qui ontemporte le Prix &c. torn. 1 ; Desagul. Course Exp. Philos. vol.1, p. 393 &c, vol.2, p. 49 &c; and Robins's Tracts, vol. 2, p. 135. The nature and limits of this work will not admit of a full accounfof the arguments and experiments that have been urged on both sides of the question ; but they may be found chiefly in the preceding references. A few of them however may be considered, as follows. The defenders of Leibnitz's principle, besides the argu- ments above-mentioned, refer to the spaces that bodies ascend to, when thrown upwards, or the penetrations of bodies let fall into soft wax, tallow, clay, snow, and other soft substances, which spaces are always as the squares of the velocities of the bodies. On the other hand, their op- ponents retort, that such spaces are not the measures of the force in question, which is rather percussive and mo- mentary, as those above are passed over in unequal times, and are indeed the joint effect of the forces and times. Desaguliers brings an argument from the familiar ex- periment of the balance, and the other simple mechanic powers, showing that the effect is in proportion to the ve- locity multiplied by the weight; for example, 4 pounds being placed at the distance of 6 inches from the centre of motion of a balance, and 2 pounds at the distance of 12 inches; these will have a vis viva if the balance be put into a swinging motion. Now it appears that these forces are equal, because, with contrary directions, they soon destroy each other ; and they are to each other in the simple ratio of the velocity multiplied by the mass, viz 4 x 6 = 24, and 2 x 12 — 24 also. Mr. Robins, in his remarks on J. Bernoulli's treatise, entitled, Discours sur les Loix de la Communication du Mouvemrnt, informs us, that Leibnitz adopted this opi- nion through mistake; for though he maintained that the quantity of force is always the same in the universe, he endeavours to expose the error of Descartes, who also as- serted, that the quantity of motion is always the same ; and in his discourse on this subject in the Acta Erudito- rum for 1 6*86, he says that it is agreed on by the Carte- sians, and all other philosophers and mathematicians, that there is the same force requisite to raise a body of 1 pound to the height of 4 yards, as to raise a body of 4 pounds to the height of 1 yard; but being shown how much he was mistaken in taking that for the common opinion, which would, if allowed, prove the force of the body to be as the square of the velocity it moved with, he afterwards, rather than own himself capable of such a mistake, en- deavoured to defend it as true ; since* he found it was the necessary consequence of what he had once asserted; and he maintained, that the force of a body in motion was proportional to the height from which it must fall, to ac- quire that velocity ; and the heights being as the square of the velocities, the forces would be as the masses multi- plied by them ; whereas, when a body descends by its gra- vity, or is projected perpendicularly upwards, its motion may be considered as the sum of the uniform and conti- nual impulses of the power of gravity, during its falling in the former case, and till they extinguish it in the latter. Thus when a body is projected upwards with a double ve- locity, these uniform impulses must be continued for a double time, in order to destroy the motion of the body ; and hence it follows, that the body, by setting out with a double velocity, and ascending for a double time, must arise to a quadruple height, before its motion is exhausted. But this proves that a body with a double velocity moves with a double force, because it is produced or destroyed by the same uniform power continued for a double time, and not with a quadruple force, though it rises to a qua- druple height; so that the error of Leibnitz consisted in his not considering the time, since the velocities alone are not the causes of the spaces described, but the times and the velocities together ; yet this is the fallacious argument on which he first built his new doctrine ; and those which have been since much insisted on, and derived from the indentings or hollows produced in soft bodies by others falling into them, are much of the same kind. Robins's Tracts, vol.2, p. 178. But many of the experiments and reasonings, that have been urged on both sides of this controversy, have been founded in the different senses applied to the term Force. The English and French philosophers, by the word Force, mean the same thing as they do by momentum, motion, quantity of motion, percussion, or instantaneous pressure, which is measured by the mass drawn into the velocity, and may be known by its effect ; and when they consider bodies as moving through a certain space, they allow for the time in which that space is described : whereas the Dutch, Italian, and German philosophers, who have espoused the new opinion, mean by the word Force, or Force inherent in a body in motion, that which it is able to produce ; or, in other words, the force is always mea- sured by the whole effect produced by the body in motion, until its wholeforce be entirely communicated or destroy- ed, without any regard to the timeemployed in producing this total effect. Thus, say they, if a point runs through a. determinate space, and presses with a certain given force, or intensity of pressure, it will perform the same action whether it move fast or slow, and therefore the time of the action in this case ought not to be regarded. Gravesande, Phys. El. Math. § 723 — 728. Euler observes, with regard to this dispute concerning the measure of vivid force, or living force, as it is some- times called, that we cannot absolutely ascribe any force to a body in motion, whether we suppose this force pro- portional to the velocity, or to the square of the velocity: for the force exerted by a body, striking another at rest, is different from that which it exerts in striking the same body in motion; so that this force cannot be ascribed to any body considered in itself, but only relatively to the other bodies it meets with. There is no force in a body absolutely considered, but its inertia, which is always the same, whether the body be in motion or at rest. But if tli is body be forced by others to change its state, its inertia then exerts itself as a force, properly so called, which is not absolutely determinable; because it depends on the changes that happen in thestate of the body. A second observation which has been made by some eminent writers, is, that the effect of a shock of two or more bodies, is not produced in an instant, but requires a certain interval of time. Admitting this to be the case, the heterogeneity between the vis viva and niortua, or living and dead force, willvanish; since a pressure may always be assigned, which in, the same time,, however little, FOR [ 536 ] FOR shall produce the same effect. If then the vis viva be ho- mogeneous to the vis mortua, and having a perfect mea- sure and knowledge of the latter, we need require no other measure of the former than that which is derived from the vis mortua equivalent to it. Now that the change in the state of two bodies, by their shock, does not happen in an instant, appears evidently from the experiments made on soft bodies : in these, per- cussion forms a small cavity, visible after the shock, if the bodies have ho elasticity. Such a cavity cannot certainly be made in an instant. And if the. shock of soft bodies require a determinate time, we must certainly say as much of the hardest, though this time may be so small as to be beyond all our ideas, Neither can an instantaneousshock agree with that constant law of nature, by virtue of which nothing is performed per saltum. But it is needless to in- , sist farther upon this, since the duration of any shock may be determined from the most, certain principles. The force of percussion, resulting from the pressures that bodies exert on each other, while the collision lasts, may be perfectly known, if these pressures be determined for every instant of the shock. The mutual action of the bodies begins the first moment of their' contact; and is then least; after which this action increases, and becomes greatest when the reciprocal impressions are strongest. If the bodies have no elasticity, and the impressions they have received remain, the forces will then cease. But if the bodies be elastic, and the parts compressed restore themselves to their former state, then will the bodies con- tinue to press each other till they separate. To compre- hend therefore perfectly the force of percussion, it is requi- site first to define the time the shock lasts, and then to as- sign the pressure corresponding to each instant of this time ; and as the effect of pressures in changing the state of any body may be known, we may thence come at the true cause of the change of motion arising from collision. The force of percussion therefore is no more than the opera- tion of a variable pressure during a given time; and to measure this force, we must have regard to the time, and to the variations according to which the pressure increases and decreases. Euler has given some calculations relative to these par- ticulars ; and he illustrates their tendency by this instance: Suppose that the hardness of the two bodies, a and b, is equal; and such, that being pressed together with the force of 1001b, the impression made on each is of the depth of -f-g^th .part of a foot. Suppose also that b is fixed, and that a strikes it with the velocity of 100 feet in a second; then, according to this author, the greatest force of compression will be equivalent to400lb, and this force will produce in each of these bodies an impression equal to Jy of a foot; and the duration of the collision, that is, till the bodies arrive at their greatest compression, will be about V3B of a second. M. Euler, in his calculations, supposes the hardness of a body to be proportional to the force of pressure requisite to make a given impression on it ; so that the force by which a given impression is made on a body, is in a compound ratio of the hardness of the body and of the. quantity of the impression. But he ob- serves, that regard must be had to the magnitude of the boilic s, as the same impression cannot be made on the least bodies as on the greatest, from the defect of space through which their component particles must be driven: he con- siders therefore only the least impressions, and supposes the bodies of such magnitudes, that the impressions with respect to them may be considered as nothing. What he supposes concerning the hardness of bodies, neither implies elasticity nor the want of it, as elasticity only produces a restitution of figure and impression when the pressing force ceases; but this restitution need not be here consi- dered. It is also supposed, that the bodies which strike each other, have plane and equal bases, by which they touch each other in the collision; so that the impression hereby made diminishes the length of each body. It is farther to be observed, that in M. Euler's calculations, bodies are supposed so constituted, that they may not only receive impressions from the forces pressing them, but that a greater force is requisite to make a greater impression. This excludes all bodies, fluid or solid, in which the same force may penetrate farther and farther, provided it has time, without ever being in equilibrio with the resistance : thus a body may continually penetrate farther into soft wax, though the force impelling it be not increased : in these, and the like cases, nothing is required but to sur- mount the first obstacles; which being once done, and the connexion of parts broken, the penetrating body always advances, meeting with the same obstacles as before, and destroying them by an equal force. But this celebrated genius only considers the first obstacles which exist before any separation of parts, and which are doubtless such, that a greater impression requires a greater force. Indeed this chiefly takes place in elastic bodies ; but it seems like- wise to obtain in all bodies when the impressions made on them are small, and the contexture .of their parts is not al- tered. These, things being premised, let the mass or weight of the body a be expressed in general by a, and let its velocity before the shock be that which it might ac- quire by falling from the height a. Further, let the hard- ness of a be expressed by m, and that of b by n, and let the area of the base, on which the impression is made, be cc ; then will the greatest compression be made with the force */ '(- — — x ao). Therefore, if the hard- ness of the two bodies, and the plane of their contact during the whole time of their collision be the same, this force will be as ^/a«, that is, as the square root of the vis viva of the striking body a. And as ^/ a is proportional to the velocity of the body a, the force of percussion will be in a compound ratio of the velocity and of the subdu- plicate ratio of the mass of the body striking; so that in this case neither the Leibnitian nor the Cartesian proposi- tions take place. But this force of percussion depends chiefly on the hardness of the bodies; the greater this is, the greater will the force of percussion be. If m = N, this force will be as ^/(mcc x ah), that is, in a compound sub- duplicate ratio of the vis viva of the striking body, of the hardness, and of the plane of contact. But if M, the hard- ness of one of the bodies, be infinite, the force of percus- sion will be as ^/(kcc x m); at the same time, if m=n, this force will be as x/(|ncc x ao). Therefor.', all other things being equal, the force of percussion, if the striking body be infinitely hard, will be to the force of percussion when both the bodies are equally hard, as x / '2 to 1. Euler further deduces from his calculation, that, the im- pression received by the bodies a and b will be as follows; N X Aa M X Ao . v :„ ac ./ and ; lastly on parallel and equal to the 4th ae ; then ah, be- ing jftined, i- the quantity and di- rection of a single force, which is compounded of, and equivalent to, the four first given forces; and consequently, taking ai opposite and equal to ah, then ai, balancing ah, will also balance all the four given forces. For, by the principle of the Triangle of forces, ab and ac, or bf, are compounded into .«; then at and ad, or fg, arc compounded into ag ; lastly ag and ae, or gh, are compounded into aii : and so on, if there be ever so man}' forces. Force of Running Water. This must be as the square of its velocity, or as the height from which a heavy body- must fall, to acquire that velocity; because the effect is first as the velocity of each particle, and also as the num- ber of them, which is as the velocity again. FORCER, in Mechanics, is properly a piston without a valve. For, by drawing up such a piston, the air is drawn up, and the water follows; then pushing the piston down again, the water being prevented from descending by the lower valve, is forced up to any height above, by means of a side branch between the two. — See the ways of making these in Desagulier's's Exper. Philos. vol. 2, pa. l6l &c. See also Clare's Motion of Fluids, pa. 60. Forcing Pump, one that acts, or raises water, by a forcing piston. See above. FORELAND, or Foreness, in Navigation, a point of land jutting out into the sea. Foreland, in Fortification, is a small piece of ground between the wall of a place and the moat; called also Berme and Liziere. FORE-STAFF, an instrument formerly used at sea, for taking the altitudes of the heavenly bodies. It is so called, because the observer, in using it, turns his face forward or towards the object, in contradistinction to the back-staff, with which he turns his back to the object. It is also called the cross-staff, because it consists of several pieces set across a staff. See Cn.oss-Staff. A-^HZi The fore-staff is formed of a straight square staff ae, of about 3 feet long, having each of its lour sides graduated like aline of tangents, and four crosses, or vanes, ff, ee, dd, cc, sliding upon it, of unequal lengths, the halves of which represent the radii to the lines of tangents on the different sides of the staff. The first or shortest of these, vanes, ff, is called the ten cross, or ten vane, and belongs to the 10 scale, or that side of the instrument on which the divisions begin at 3 degrees, and end at 10. The next longer cross, ee, is called the 30 cross, belonging to that side of the staff where the divisions begin at 10 degrees, and end at 30, called the 30 scale. The third vane dd, is tinned the 6'0 eros^', and belongs to that side where the divisions begin at 20 degrees, and end at 6*0. The last or longest vane cc, called the .':() cross, belongs to the side when the divisions begin at 30 degrees, and end at 90. The chief use of this instrument, is to take the height of the sun, and stars, or the distance, between two stars: and the 10, 30, 6*0, or flO cross is to be used, according as the altitude is more or less; that is, if the altitude be less than 10 degrees, the 10 cross is to be used; if above 10, but less than 30, the 30 cross is to he used ; and so on. FOR [ 53 9 ] FOR To observe an Altitude with a Fore-stuff. Apply tlie flat end of the staff to the eye, and slide one of the crosses backwards and forwards upon it, till over the upper end of the cross be just seen the centre of the sun or star, and over the under end the extreme horizon; then the degrees and minutes cut by the cross on the side of the staff pro- per to the vane in use, gives the altitude above the horizon. In like manner, for the Distance between two luminaries ; the staff being set to the eye, bring the cross just to sub- tend or cover that distance, by having the one luminary just at the one end of it, and the other luminary at the other end of it; and the degrees and minutes, in the dis- tance, will be cut on the proper side of the staff, as before. FORMULA, a theorem or general rule, or expression, for resolving certain particular cases of some problem, &c. So *s ■+■ ^d is a general formula for the greater of two quan- tities whose sum- is s and difference d; and £s — -|rf is the formula, or general value, for the less quantity. Also ^/ (dx — x 2 ) is the formula, or general value, of the or- dinate to a circle, whose diameter is d, and absciss x. FORT, a small castle or fortress; or a place of incon- siderable extent, fortified cifher by nature or art. The fort is usually encompassed with a moat, rampart, and parapet, to secure some high ground, or passage of a river ; to make good or strengthen an advantageous post; or to fortify the lines and quarters of a siege. Field Fort, otherwise called Fortin, or Fortlet,and some- times Sconce, is a small fort, built in haste, for the defence of a pass or post; but particularly constructed for the de- fence of a camp in the time of a siege, where the principal quarters are usually joined, or made to communicate with each other, by lines defended by fortins-and redoubts. Their figure and size are various, according to the nature of the situation, and the importance of the service for which they are intended ; but they are most commonly made square, each side about 100 toises, the perpendicular 10, and the faces 25; the ditch about this fort may be 10 or 12 toises wide ; the parapet is made of turf, and fraised, and the ditch pallisadoed when dry. There may be made a covert-way about this fort, or else a row of pallisadcs might be placed on the outside of the ditch. Some of these are fortified with bastions, and some with demi-bastions. — A fort differs from a citadel, as this last is erected to command and guard some town ; and from a redoubt, as it is closed on all sides, while the redoubt is open on oneside. Royal Fort, is one whose line of defence is at least 26 fathoms long. Star Fort, is a sconce or redoubt, constituted by re- entering and saliant angles, having commonly from five to eight points, and the sides flanking each other. Forts are sometimes made triangular, only with half bastions; or of various other figures, regular or irregular, and sometimes in the form of a semicircle, especially when they are situated near a river, or the sea, as at the entrance of a harbour, for the convenience of firing at ships quite around them on that side. In the construction of all forts, it should be remembered, that the figure of fewest sides and bastions, that can possibly answer the proposed defence, is always to be preferred; as works on such apian are sooner executed, and with less expense ; besides, fewer troops will serve, and they are more readily brought to- gether in case of necessity. FORTIFICATION, callcdalso Military Architecture^ the art of fortifying or strengthening a town or other place, by making certain works around it, to secure and defend it from the attacks of enemies. Fortification has doubtless been practised by all nations, and in all ages ; being at first very rude and simple, and varying in its nature and manner, according to the mode of attack, and the weapons made use of. Thus, when villages and towns were first formed, it was found necessary, for .the common safety, to encompass them with walls and ditches, to prevent any violence or sudden surprises from their neighbours. When offensive and missive weapons came to be used, walls were raised as a defence against the assailants, and look-holes or loop-holes made through the same to annoy the enemy, by- shooting arrows, &c, through them. But finding that as soon as the enemy got close to the walls, they could no- longer be seen or discomfited by the besieged, these added square towers along the wall, at proper distances from each other, so that all the intervening parts of the wall might be seen and defended from the adjacent sides of the towers. However, this manner of inclosing towns was- found to be rather imperfect, because there remained still the outer face of the towers which fronted the field, that could not be seen and defended from any other part. To remedy this imperfection, they next made the towers round instead of square, as seeming better adapted both for strength to resist the battering engines, and for being defended from the other parts of the walk. Nevertheless, a small part of these towers still remained unseen, and inca- pable of being defended, "for which reason they were again changed for square ones, as before, but with this difference, that now they presented an angle of the square outwards to the field, instead of a face or side ; and thus such a dis- position of the works was obtained, as that no part could be approached by the enemy without being seen and at- tacked. Since the use of gunpowder, it has been found neces- sary to add thick ramparts of earth to the walls, and the towers have been enlarged into bastions, as well as many other things added, that have given a new appearance to the whole art of defence, and the name of fortification, on account of the strength afforded by it, which was about the year 1500, when the round towers were changed into bastions. But notwithstanding all the improvements made in this art since the invention of gunpowder, that of attacking is still superior to it : the superiority of the besiegers' fire, to- gether with the greater number of men,sooneror later com- pels the besieged to submit. A special advantage was added to the art of attacking by M. Vauban, at the siege of Ath, in the year l6"97, viz, in the use of ricochet firing, or at a low elevation of the gun, by which the shot was made to run and roll a great way along the inside of the works, to the great annoyance of the besieged. The chief authors who have treated of fortification, since it has been considered as a particular art, are the following, and mostly in the order of time: viz, LaTreille, Alghisi, Marchi, Pasino, Ramelli, Cataneo, aud Speckle, who, as Mr. Robins says, was one of the greatest geniuses that has applied to this art: he was architect to the city of Strasburgh, and died in the year 1589 : he published a treatise on fortification in the German language, which was reprinted at Leipsic in 1736. Afterwards, Errard, who was engineer to Henry the Great of France ; Ste- vinus, engineer to the prince of Orange ; with Marolois, the chevalier de Ville, Lorini, Coehorn, the count de Pagan, and the marshal de Vauban ; which last two noble 3 Z 2 FOR [ S4e 3 FOR authors Lave contributed greatly to the perfection of the art; besides Scheiter, Mallet, Belidor, BJondel, Muller, Montalambert, &c. Also a list of several works on the art of fortification may be added, as follows: viz. Melder's Praxis Fortificatoria: Les Fortifications du Comte de Pagan: L'Ingenieur Parfait du Sieur de Ville: Sturmy's Architectura Militaris Hypothetical.: Blondel's Nouvelle Manic-re de Fortifier les Places : the Abbe de Fay's Veri- table Maniere de Bien Fortifier: Vauba'n's lngenieur Francois : Cochorn's Nouvelle Fortification tant pour un Terrain bas et humide, que sec et eleve : Alexander de Grotte's Fortification: Donatus Roselli's Fortification: Medrano's lngenieur Francois: the Chevalier de St. J u- lien's Architecture Militaire: Lwnsberg's Nouvelle Ma- niere de Fortifier les Places: an anonymous treatise in French, called Nouvelle Maniere de Fortifier les Places, tiree des Methodes du Chevalier de Ville, &c: Ozanam's Traite de. Fortification: Memoires de l'Artillerie de Su- rirey de St. Remy: Muller's treatises of Elementary and Practical Fortification: Riou's Elem. of Fortification, printed anonymously : and Montalambert's Fortification Perpendiculairc. Maxims in Fortification. From the nature and cir- cumstances of this art, certain general rules, or maxims, have been drawn, and laid down. These may indeed be multiplied to any extent, but the principal of them are the following: viz, 1. That the manner of fortifying should be accommo- dated to that of attacking. So that no one manner can be assured always to hold, unless it be assured that the man- ner of besieging is incapable of being altered. Also, to judge of the perfection of a fortification, the method of be- sieging at the time when it was built must be considered. 2. All the parts of a fortification should be equally strong on all sides, where there is equal danger; and they should be able to resist the most powerful machines used in be- sieging. 3. A fortification should be so contrived, as to be de- fended with the fewest men possible: which consideration, when well attended to, saves a great deal of expense. 4. That the defendants may be in the better condition, they must not be exposed to the enemies' artillery ; but the aggressors must be exposed to theirs. 5. All the parts of a fortification should be so disposed, as that they may defend each other. In order to this, every part ought to be flanked, i.e. seen sideways, capable of being seen and defended from some other part ; so that there be no place where an enemy can lodge himself, either unseen, or under shelter. 6. All the champaign around must lie open to the de- fendants; so that no hill or eminence be allowed, behind which the enemy might shelter himself from the guns of the furtification ; or from which he might annoy them, with his own. Hence, the fortress is to command entirely the place surrounding it ; and consequently the outworks must all be lower than the body of the place. 7. No line of defence must exceed the point-blank musket-shot, which is from 120 to 150 fathoms. 8. The more acute the angle at the centre, the stronger is the place; as consisting of the more sides, and conse- quently more defensible. 9. All the defences should be as nearly direct as possible. 10. The works that are most remote from the centre of ihe place, ought always to be open to those that are nearer. These arc the general laws and views of fortification. As to the particular ones, or such as respect the several mem- bers or parts of the work, they are given under those arti- cles respectively. Fortification is either theoretical or practical. T/ieore/zcf^FoRTiFiCATioN, consists in tracing the plans and profiles of a work on paper, with scales and compasses ; and in examining the systems proposed by different authors, to discover their advantages and defects. Practical Fortification, consists in forming a pro- ject of a work according to the nature of the ground, and other necessary circumstances, tracing it on the ground, and executing the project, with all the military buildings; as magazines, storehouses, bridges, &c. Again, fortification is either defensive or offensive. Defensive Fortification, is the art of defending a town that is besieged, with all the advantages the fortification of it will admit. And Offensive Fortification, is the same with theattack of a place, being the art of making and conducting all the different works in a siege, in order to gain possession of the place. Fortification is also used for the place fortified; or the several works raised to defend and flank it, and keep off the enemy. All fortifications consist of lines and angles, which have names according to their various of- fices. The principal lines are those of circumvallation, of contravallation, of the capital, &c. The principal angles are those of the centre, the flanking angle, flanked angle, angle of the epaule, &c. Fortifications are either durable or temporary. Durable Fortification, is that which is built and in- tended to remain a long time. Such are the usual forti- fications of cities, frontier places, &c. And a Temporary Fortification, is that which is erected on some emergent occasion, and only for a short time. Such are field-works, thrown up for the seizing and maintaining a post, or passage; those about camps, or in sieges; as circumvallations, contravallations, redoubts, trenches, bat- teries, &c. Again, fortifications are either regular or irregular. Regular Fortification, is that in which the bastions are all equal; or which is built in a regular polygon, the sides and angles of which are usually about a musket-shot from each other. A regular fortification, having the parts all equal, has the advantage of being equally defensible ; so that there are no weak places. Irregular Fortification, is that in which the bastions are unequal, and unlike; or the sides and angles not all equal, and equidistant. In an irregular fortification, the defence and strength being unequal, it is necessary to re- duce the irregular shape of the ground, as near as may be, to a regular figure: i. e. by inscribing it in an oval, instead of a circle; so that one half may be similar and equal to the other half. Marine Fortification, is sometimes used for the art of raising works on the sea-coast, &c, to defend harbours against the attacks of shipping. — See a neat treatise on Ma- rine Fortification, at the end of Robertson's Elements of Navigation. There are many modes of fortification, &c, that have been much esteemed and used ; a small specimen of a com- parative view of the principal of these, is represented in plate xii, viz, those of Count Pagan, and Mess. Vauban, Coehom, Belidor, and Blondel ; the explanation of which is as follows : FOR [ »» J FOS I. Pagan's System. a Half bastions. B Ravelin and counterguard. c Counterguards before the bastions. d The ditch. E The glacis. g The place of arms. ■ h Retired flanks. a Line of defence. 2. Vauban's System. b Angle of the bastion, or flanked aifgle. c Angle of the shoulder. d Angle of the flank. e Saliant angle. f Face of the bastion. g The flank. h The curtain. i Tenailles. k Traverses in the covert way. 3. Coehom's System. 1 Concave flanks. 2 The curtains. 3 Redoubts in the re-entering angles 4 Traverses. 5 Stone lodgments. 6 Round flanks. 7 Redoubt. 8 Coffers planked on the sides, and above covered overhead with a foot of earth. 4. Belidor's System. i Cavaliers. k Rams-horns, or Tenailles. l Retrenchments within the detached bastions. m Circular curtain. N The ravelin. p Lunettes with retired batteries. q Redoubt. r Detached redoubt. s An arrow. t Small traverses. 5. Blondel's System. I Retired battery. m Lunettes. n Ravelin, with retired bastion. o Orillons. Another, or new method of fortification has lately been proposed by M. Montalambert, called Fortification Pcr- pendiculaire, because the faces of the works are made by a series of lines running zigzag perpendicular to each other. Profile of a Fortification, is a representation of a vertical section of a work ; serving to show those dimen- sions which cannot be represented in plans, and are ne- cessary in the building of a fortification. The names and dimensions of the principal parts are as follow (see fig. 8, p. ix), where the numbers or dimensions are all expressed in feet. ab The level of the ground plane; ac = 27; cd = 18, and cw = l6§ ; also dn is parallel to ab; de = 30; ef = 2, l'G = 3, gh = 3, hi = 4£, il = 1£; LK = 18, KM = 2£, NP = 36, NO = 5, PR = 7 ; rs = 1, st = 12 or 18, ov = 9, vn = 120; mz = 3, nu = 3, mc =z 30, cd = 2 ; de = 3, ef = Z,fl = 4£, rg = 120, Ih = 1; aw The interior talus or slope of the rampart ; •we, or de, The terre-plein of ditto; fg The talus, gh the upper part, of the banquette; ' hl The interior side of the parapet ; lm The upper part of ditto ; N The cordon of 1 foot radius ; np The depth, and pre the breadth of the ditch ; oq Interior side of revetement; nr The scarp or exterior side of ditto ; st The depth of the foundation ; yz Revetement of the parapet; nu The counterscarp; mc The covert-way; ce Talus of the banquette ; ef The upper part of ditto; fh Parapet of the covert-way ; hg The glacis. Other sections are at fig. 2, pi. 14. Fortified Place, a fortress, or fortification, i.e. a place well flanked, and sheltered with works. Fortin, or Fortlet, a diminutive of the word Fort, meaning a small fort, or sconce, called also Field Fort. Star Fort in, is that whose sides flank each other, &c. FORTRESS, the same as Fort, or a Fortification. FOSTER (Samuel), an English mathematician, was born in Northamptonshire, and admitted a sizer at Ema- nuel-college Cambridge in I6'l6. He took the degree of bachelor of arts in lfjiy, and of master in 1623. He ap- plied early to the mathematics, and attained a great pro- ficiency in them, of which he gave the first specimen in 1624, in a treatise on the use of the quadrant. On the death of Mr. Gellibrand, our author was chosen to succeed him, in 1636", as astronomy-professor in Gre- sham-college, London. He quitted it again however the same year, though for what reason does not appear, and was succeeded by Mr.Mungo Murray, professor of philo- sophy at St. Andrews in Scotland. But this gentleman marrying, the professorship again became vacant, and Mr. Foster was re-elected in 1641. Mr. Foster was one of those gentlemen who held private meetings for cultivating philosophy and useful knowledge, which afterwards gave rise to the Royal Society. In 1646, Dr. Wallis, who was one of those associating gentlemen, received from Mr. Foster a theorem De triangulo spherico, which he published in his Mechanics. Neither was it only in this branch of science that he excelled, but he was also well versed in the ancient languages; as appears from his revising and correcting the Lemmata of Archimedes, which had been translated into Latin from an Arabic manuscript by Mr. Jphn Greaves. He made also several curious obser- vations on eclipses of the sun and moon, in various places; and was particularly noted for inventing, as well as improv- ing, astronomical and other mathematical instruments. After a long declining state of health, he died at Gresham- college in 16*52. His printed works are as follow ; of which the first two articles were published before his death, and the rest of them after it. > 1. The Description and Use of a small Portable Qua- drant, for the easy finding the Hour of Azimuth ; 4to, 1624. Originally published at the end of Gunter's Description of the Cross-Staffe, as an appendix to it. 2. The Art of Dialling ; 4to, 1638. Reprinted, with additions, in 1675. 3. Posthuma Fosteri ; byWingate; 4to, 1652. 4. Four Treatises of Dialling; 4to, 1654. 5. Miscellanies, or Mathematical Lucubrations. Pub- FOU [ 542 ] FOU liilied by John Twysden, with additions of his own ; and an appendix by Ley bourne ; folio, 16"59. 6. The Sector altered, and other Scales added, &c. Published by Leybourne in l66l, in 4to. There have been two other persons of the same name, who have published some mathematical pieces. The first was, FOSTER (William), a disciple of Mr. Oughtred, and afterwards a teacher of the mathematics in London. He distinguished himself by a book, which he dedicated to Sir Kenelm Digby, entitled., The Circles of Proportion, and the Horizontal Instrument, &c; 4to, 1633. — The other was, FOSTER (Mark), who lived later in point of time than either of the other two, and published a treatise entitled, Arithmetical Trigonometry: being the Solution of all the usiral Cases in Plain Trigonometry by Common Arithme- tic, without any tables whatsoever. 12mo, l6y0. FOUNDATION, that part of a building which is un- derground : or the mass which supports a building, and on which it stands : or it is the coffer or bed dug below the level of the ground, to raise a building on. FOUNTAIN, in Philosophy, a spring or source of water rising out of the ground. See Spring. Fountain, or Artificial Fountain, in Hydraulics, a machineor contrivance by which water is violently spouted or thrown up ; called also a jet d'eau. There are various kinds of artificial fountains, but all formed by a pressure of one kind or other, on the water &c, viz, either the pressure, or weight of a head of water, or the pressure arising from the spring and elasticity of the air, &c. When these are formed by the pressure of a head of water, or any other fluid of the same kind with the fountain, or jet, &c, then will this spout ufk nearly to the same height as that head, abating only a little for the re- sistance of the air, with that of the adjutage &c, in the fluid's rushing through ; but, when the fountain is pro- duced by any other force than the pressure of a column of the same fluid with itself, it will rise to such a height as may be nearly equal to the altitude of a column of the same fluid whose pressure is equal to the given force that produces the fountain. To Construct an Artificial Fountain, playing by the pres- sure of the water. This is to be effected by making a close connexion between a head or elevated piece of water, and the lower place, where the fountain is to play ; which may be done in this manner: Having a head of water, naturally, or, for want of such, make an artificial one, raising the water by pumps, or other machinery : from this head convey the water in close pipes, in any direction, down to the place where the fountain is to play ; and there let it issue through an adjutage or small hole, turned upwards, by which means it will spout up nearly as high as the head of the water it comes from, as above mentioned. To Construct an Artificial Fountain, playing by the spring or elasticity of the air. A vessel proper for a reservoir, as aij, fig. 4, plate x, is provided either of metal, or glass, or the like, ending in a small neck c, at the top : through this neck is put a tube cd, till the lower end come near the bottom of the vessel, this being about half full of water. The neck is so contrived, that a syringe, or con- densing pipe, may be screwed on the tube; by means of which a large quantity of air may be intruded through the tube into the water, out of which it will disengage itself, and emerge into the vacant part of the vessel, and lie over the surface of the water cd. Now, the water in the vessel being thus pressed by the air, which is, for ex. double the density of the external air; and the elastic force of air being proportional to its density, or to its gravitating force, the effect will be the same, as if the weight of the column of air, over the sur- face of the water, were double that of the column pressing in the tube; so that the water must be forced upwards through the tube, when the syringe is removed, with a force equal to the excess of pressure of the included air, above that of the external, that is, in this case, with a force equal to the pressure of an entire column of the atmo- sphere ; which being equal to the pressure of a column of 33 or 34 feet of water, it follows that the fountain will play to nearly 33 or 34 feet high. These aerial or aquatic fountains may be applied in different ways, so as to exhibit various appearances ; and from these alone arises the greatest part of artificial water- works: even the engine for extinguishing fire, is a foun- tain playing by the force of confined air. A Fountain spouting the water in yarious directions. Suppose ab the vertical tube, or spout, in which the wa- ter rises, (fig.5, pi. x) ; into this let several other tubes be fitted ; some horizontal, others oblique, or inclining, or reclining, &c, as at e, ii, l, n, p, &c. Then, as all water retains the direction of the aperture through which it comes, that issuing through a will rise perpendicularly; and the rest will tend different ways, describing arches of different magnitudes. Or thus : Suppose the vertical tube ab (fig. 6) through which the water rises, to be stopped at the top, as in a ; and, instead of pipes or cocks, let it be only perforated with small holes all around, or only half round its sur- face : then will" the water spout out, in all directions, through the little holes, to different distances. And hence, if the tube ab be about the height of a man, and having a turn-cock at c; on opening this cock, the spectators will be sprinkled unexpectedly with a shower. Fouktain playing by drawing the breath. Suppose ab (fig. S, plate viii), a globe of glass, or metal, in which is fitted a tube cd, having a small orifice in c, and reaching almost to d, the bottom of the globe. Then if the air be sucked, or drawn with the mouth, out of the tube CD, and the orifice c be immediately immerged under cold water, the water will ascend through the tube into the sphere. Thus proceeding, by repeated exsuctions, till the vessel be above half full of water ; then applying the mouth to c, and blowing air into the tube, on removing the mouth, the water will spout forth. — Or, if the globe be put into hot water, the air being thus rarefied, will make the water spout as before. And this kind of fountain is called Pila Hcronis, or Hero's Ball, from the name of its inventor. Fountain, whose stream ra/sts and plays a brass ball. Provide a hollow brass ball a (fig.<), pi. viii), made very thin, that its weight may not be too great for the force of the water; and let the tube bc, through which the water rises, be exactly perpendicular to the horizon. Then the ball, being laid in the bottom of the cup or bason b, will be carried up by the stream, and sustained at a considera- ble height, playing a little up and down. Fountain which spouts water inform of a shower. To the tube in which the. water is to rise, lit a spherical or lenticular head as (fig. 1, pi. alii) made of a plate of metal, and perforated at the top with a great number of small holes. The water rising violently towards ab, will be F O U [ 543 ] F O U there divided into innumerable little threads, and after- wards broken, and dispersed into the finest drops. Fountain which spreads the water infoim of a table' cloth. To the tube ab (fig. 2, pi. xiii) solder two spherical segments, c and d, almost touching each other, with a screw e, to contract or amplify the interstice or chink, at pleasure. Some choose to make a smooth and even cleft, in a spherical or lenticular head, fitted upon the tube. The water spouting through this chink or cleft will expand itself like a cloth. — And thus, the fountain may be made to spout out in the figure of men, or other animals. Fountain, which, when it has done spouting, may be turned like an hour-glass. Provide two glasses, a and b, (fig. 3, pi. xiii) to be so much the larger as the fountain is to play the longer, and placed at so much the greater distance from each other as the water is desired to spout the higher. Let cde bi a crooked tube, furnished in e with a jet ; and ghi another bent tube, furnished with a jet in i : of and kl are to be other lesser tubes, open at both ends, and reaching near the bottom of the vessels a and b, to which the tubes CD and gh are likewise to reach. Now if the vessel a be filled with water, it will descend through the tube CD ; and it will spout up through the jet e, by the pressure of the column of water CD. But unless the pipe G f were <-pen at G, to let the air run up to F, and press at the top of the surface of the water in the cavity a, the water could not run down and spout at e. After its fall again, it will sink through the little tube kl, into the vessel b, and expel the air through the tube gi. At length, when all the water is emptied out of the vessel a, by turning the, machine upside-down, the vessel b will be the reservoir, and make the water spout up through the jet i, the pipe kl supplying b with air to let the water descend in the direction ghi. Hence, if the vessels a and b contain just as much wa- ter as will be spouted up in an hour's time, we shall have a spouting clepsydra, or water-clock ; which may be gra- duated or divided into quarters, minutes, &c. Fountain of Command. This depends on the same principles with those of the former : cae (fig. 4, pi. xiii) is a vessel of water secured against the entrance of the air, except through the pipeGF, when the cock c, by which it is filled, is shut. There is another pipe edhb, going from the bottom of the water to the jet b in the bason db ; but this is stopped by the cock h. At the lowest part of the bason db, there is a small hole at i, to let tlie wa- ter of the bason db run into the bason gh under it ; there is also a small triangular hole or notch, in the bottom of the pipe fg, at g. Turn the cock h, and the fountain will play for some time, then stop, then play again alter- nately for several times together. When those times of playing and stopping are known before-hand, you may command the fountain to play ors'.op; whence its name. The cause of this phenomenon is as follows : the water coining down the pipe ediib, would not come out at b, if the air ss, above the water, were not supplied as it di- lated : now it is supplied by the pipe gf, which takes it in at the notch G, and delivers it out at r ; but after some time the water, which was spouted out at B, falling down into the bason db, rises high enough to come above the notch g, which stops the passage of the air ; so that the air W, above the water in the vessel cae, wanting a sup- ply, cannot sufficiently press, and the fountain ceases playing. — Rut when the water of nn has run down into the lower bason gh, through the hole i, till it falls below the top of the notch g, the air runs up into the upper re r ceptacle, and supplies that at ss, and the fountain plays again. This is seen a little before-hand, by a skin of wa- ter on the notch g, before the air finds a passage, and then yen may command the fountain to play. It is evident that the hole i must be less than the hole of the jet, or else all the water would run out into the lower bason, without rising high enough to stop the notch G. Fountain that begins to play upon the lighting of candles, and ceases as they go out. Provide two cylindrical vessels, ab and cd, (fig. 7, pi. xiii,) connect them by tube;, open at both ends, kl, be,&c, so that the air may descend out of the higher into the lower: to the tubes solder candle- slicks, h, &c, and to the hollow cover of the lower vessel ce, fit a little tube or jet, fg, furnished with a cock o, and reaching almost to the bottom of the vessel-. In o let there be an aperture, furnished with a screw, by which water may be poured into CD. Then, on lighting the candles H, &c, the air in the contiguous tubes becoming rarefied by the heat, the water begins to spout through gf. By the same contrivance may a statue be made to shed tears on the shining of the sun, or on lighting a candle, &c : all that is here required, being only to lay tubes from the cavity where the air is rarefied, to some other cavities placed near the eyes, full of water. A Fountain by the Rarefaction of the Air, may be made in the following manner: Let ab and cd, fig. 5, pi. xiii, be two pipes fixed to a brass head c, made to screw into a glass vessel e, which having a little water in it, is inverted till the pipe's are screwed on; then reverting it suddenly, so as to put a, the lower end of thespouting pipe ab, into a jar of water a, and the lower end of the descending pipe CD, into a receiv- ing vessel d, the water will spout up from the jar a into the tall glass vessel e, from which it will go down at the mouth, c, through cd, into the vessel D, till the water is wholly emptied out of a, making a fountain in e, into d. The rea- son of the play of the fountain is this i the pipe cd, being 2 feet 9 inches long, lets down a column of water, which rarefies the air 1-1 2th part in the vessel e, where it presses against the water spouting at b with 1- 1 2th of the force by which the water is pushed up at the hole a, by the pressure of the common air en the water in the vessel a ; so that the water spouts up into e, when the air is rarefied 1- 12th, with the difference of the pressure of the atmosphere, and the forementioned rarefied air; i.e. of 33 to 2|-, or of 12 to 1. This would raise tire water 2 feet 9 inches ; but the length of the pipe a, ofp inches, being deducted, the jet will only rise 2 feet. This, says Desaguliers, may be called a syphon fountain, where ab is the driving leg, and CD the issuing leg. Fountain of Hero of Alexandria, so called; because it was contrived by him. In the second fountain above de- scribed, the air is compressed by asyringe; in this, (see fig. 6, pl.xiii) the air, beingonly compressed by theconcealcd fall of water, makes ajet,which, after some continuance, is considered by the ignorant as a perpetual motion; because they imagine that the same rater which fell from the jet rises again. The boxes cf. and dyx, being close, we see only the bason abW, with a. hole at w, intowhich the water spouting at b falls; but that water does not come up again; for it runs down through the pipc-wx into the box dyx, whence it drives out the air, through the ascending pipe yz, into the cavity of the box ce, where, pressing up- on the water that is in it, it forces it nut through the spoilt- ing-pipe ob, as long as there is any water in ce; so that this F R A [ 544 hav- ] F R A whole play is only while the water contained in ce, hav- ing spouted out, tails down through the pipe \vx, orof the boxes c e and r> Y above one another ; the height of the wa- ter, measured from the bason abw to the surface of the water in the lower box dyx, is always equal to the height measured from the top of the jet to the surface of the water in the middle cavity at ce. Now, since the surface ce is always falling, and the water in dy always rising, the height of the jet must continually decrease, till it is shorter by the depth of the cavity ce, which is emptying, added to the depth of the cavity dy, which is always filling; and when the jet is fallen so low, it immediately ceases. The air is represented by the points in this figure. To prepare this fountain for playing, which should be done unobserved, pour in water at w, till the cavity dxy is filled ; then invert the fountain, and the water will run from the cavity dxy into the cavity CE, which may be known to be full, when the water runs out at b held down. Set the fountain up again, and, to make it play, pour in about a pint of water into the bason abw ; and as soon as it has filled the pipe wx it w ill begin to play, and continue as long as there is any water in ce. You may then pour back the water left in the bason abw, into any vessel, and invert the fountain, which being set upright again, will be made to play, by putting back the water poured out into abw; and so on as often as you please. SpoutingFovtiT a in, or Jet d'Eau, is any fountain whose water is darted forth impetuously through jets, or ajutages, and returns in form of rains, nets, folds, or the like. Fount ain-Fct, is a pen contrived to contain a quan- tity of ink, and let it flow very gently, so as to supply the writer a long time without the necessity of taking fresh ink. The fountain-pen, represented fig. S, pi. mi, consists ot gether : as If, or 12f. divers pieces of metal, f, g, h, the middle piece f carrying The artihmetic of fractions consists in the reduction, ad ger is divided; and the upper number 3, is called the Nu- merator, and shows how many of those equal parts are con- tained in the fraction. Hence it follows that as the nume- rator is to the denominator, so is the fraction itself, to the whole of which it is a fraction ; or as the denominator is to the numerator, so is the whole or integer, to the fraction : thus, the integer being denoted by 1, as 4 : 3 : : 1 : J the fraction. — And hence there may be innumerable fractions all of the same value, as there may be innumerable quan- tities all in the same ratio, viz, of 4 to 3 ; such as 8 to 6", or 12 to 9, &c. So that if the two terms of any fraction, i.e. the numerator and denominator, be either both multiplied or both divided by any number, the resulting fraction will still be of the same value : thus, |- or -| or -^ or 4-f &c, are all of the same value with each other. Fractional expressions are usually distinguished into proper and improper, simple and compound, and mixt numbers. A Proper Fraction, is thatwhose numerator is less than the denominator; and consequently the fraction is less than the whole or integer; as ^. An Improper Fraction, is when the numerator is either equal to, or greater than, the denominator; and conse- quently the fraction either equal to, or greater than, the whole integer, as ±, which is equal to the whole; or^, which is greater than the whole. Simple Fractions, or Single Fractions, are such as consist of only one numerator, and one denominator; as §, or i, or 4-f . Compound Fractions are fractions of fractions, and consist of several fractions, connected together by the word of: as f of J, or 4 of f , of |-. A Mixt Number consists of an integer and a fraction to- the pen, which is screwed into the inside of a small pipe; and this again is soldered into another pipe of the same size as the lid°Cr ; in which lid is soldered a male screw, for screwing on the cover ; as also for stopping a little hole at the place, and hindering the ink from passing through it : at the other end of the piece f isa small pipe, on the out- side of which may be screwed the top cover H. A portc- craion goes in the cover, to be screwed into the last-men- tioned pipe, to stop the end of the pipe into which the ink is to be poured by a funnei. To use the pen, the cover G must be taken off, and the pen a little shaken, to make the ink run more freely. FOURTH, in Music, one of the harmonic intervals, or concords. It consists in the mixture of two sounds, which are in the ratio of 4 to 3; i.e. of two sounds produced by chords, whose lengths are to each other as 4 to 3. FRACTION, or Broken Numher, in Arithmetic and Al- gebra, is a part, or some parts, of another number or quan- tity considered as a whole, but divided into a certain num- ber of parts; as 3-4ths, which denotes 3 parts out of 4, of any quantity. Fractions are usually divided into vulgar, decimal, duodecimal, and sexagesimal. For the last three sorts, see the respective words. Vulgar Fractions, called also simple Fractions, are usually denoted by two numbers, the one set under the other, with a small line between them : thus -J denotes the fraction three-fourths, or 3 parts out of 4, of some whole Considered as divided into 4 equal parts. The lower number 4, is called the Denominator of the fraction, showing into how many parts the whole or intc- dition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of them. Reduction o/Fractions is of several sorts; as 1. To re- duce a given whole number into a fraction of any given deno- minator. Multiply the given integer by the proposed de- nominator, and the product will be the numerator. Tims, it is found that 3 = £, and 5 = z ~. If no denominator be given, or it be only proposed to ex- press the integer fraction-wise, or like a fraction ; set 1 be- neath it, for its denominator. So3=-f-,and 5 = -f, and 7=t- 2. To reduce a given fraction to another fraction equal to it, thai shall have a given denominator. Multiply the nu- merator by the proposed denominator, and divide the pro- duct by the former denominator, then the quotient set over the proposed denominator will form the fraction required. Thus, if it be proposed to reduce -|- to an equal fraction whose denominator shall be S ; then 3 x 8 = 24, and 24 -^ + = 6 the numerator, so that f is the fraction sought, being = f , and having S for its denominator. 3. To abbreviate, or reduce fractions to lotvcr terms. Divide their terms, i.e. the numerator and denominator, by any number that will divide them without a rei lainder, so shall the quotients be the corresponding terms of a new fraction, equal to the former, but in smaller numbers. In like manner abbreviate these new term! again and so on till there be no number greater than ; that will ivide them without a remainder, and then the fraction is said to be in its least terms. Thus, to abbreviate-^; first divide both terms by 5, and the fraction becomes-^ ; next divide these by 3, and it becomes £ : so that ££= -/-i =4, '" its least terms. F R A [ 545 ] FRA To reduce a fraction at once to its lowest terms; divide both numerator and denominator by their greatest com- mon measure : to find which, see the article Common Measure. It may further be observed, that a proper fraction is" in its lowest terms, when the numerator and denominator are not both divisible by their difference, or by some sub- multiple of their difference, without a remainder. 4. Toreduce fractions toollierequivalentonesoftliesame de- nominator. Multiply each numerator, separately taken, by all the denominators except its own, and the products will be the new numerators; then multiply all the dencr- minators continually together, for the common denomi- nator, to these numerators. Thus, f and f reduce to4f and -if; and f, |, and ■£ reduce to £§, f-§> an d £§• 5. To Jind the value of a fraction, in the known parts of its integer. Multiply always thenumerator by the numberof parts of'the next inferior denomination, and divide the '") 1! ^0 (11* 9 20 16 20 l6_ 4 12 ) 4iT( 3d 48 products by the denominator. Do the same with the remainders through all the de- nominations. So to find the value of —^ of a pound sterling ; multiply 9 by 20 for shil- lings, and dividing by 16", gives 11 for the shillings ; then multiply the remainder 4 by c 12 pence, and dividing by 16 gives 3 for pence : so that 1 Is. 3d. is the value of -^l. 6. To reduce a mixt number to an equivalent improper fraction. Multiply the integer by the denominator, and to the product add the numerator, for the new numerator, to be set over- the same denominator as before. Thus 3-| becomes 2 £. 7 . To reduce an improper fraction to its equivalent whole or mixed number. Divide the numerator by the denomina- tor ; so shall the quotient be the integral part, and the re- mainder set over the denominator will form the fractional part of the equivalent mixed number. Thus *■£ reduces to 3$, and *£ = 8. 8. To reduce a compound fraction to a simple one. Mul- tiply all the numerators together for the numerator, and all the denominators together for the denominator, of the simple fraction sought. Thus, ■£ of | = $, and § of £ of -J = TTS' To reduce a vulgar fraction to a decimal. See Deci- mals. And for several other particulars concerning Re- duction, as well as the other operations in fractions; see my Arithmetic. Addition of Fractions. First reduce the fractions to their simplest form, and reduce them also to a common de- nominator, if their denominators are different; then add all the numerators together, and set the sum over the com- mon denominator, for the sum of all the fractions required. Thus, |. -+- -|- = ■§•= 1 ; And T -h x = -j-g. ■+■ |-|. = l-j. = 1-j-g.. i Subtraction of Fractions. Reduce the fractions the Thus f X * = _8 T ; And I x X x j , _ ioi ii j , T n- -J t* 7 — 48 ° — ^ — ^ lo Divide Fractions. Divide the numerator by the numerator, and the denominator by the denominator, if they will exactly divide. Thus, ^ -=- f = f . But if they will not divide without a remainder, then multiply the dividend by the reciprocal, of the divisor, that is, by the fraction obtained by inverting or changing its terms. Thus, £. -j- $ = A * f = ¥;• Algebraic Fractions, or Fractions in Species, are exactly similar to vulgar fractions, in numbers, and all the operations are performed exactly in the same way; therefore the rules need not be repeated, and it may be sufficient here to set down a few examples to the foregoing rules. Thus, 5 1. The fraction-— abbreviates to—. 6a 3 — gaar 3. ! -+- Sax ia - ' — a*x + ax' — x 3 See Common Measure. mon denominator. , a, c ad + be 5. - + - =- h d -, by dividing by 3a. , by dividing by a — x. 6. X 7. % x Id s — bx Continued Fraction, is used for a fraction whose de- nominator is an integer with a fraction, which latter frac- tion has for its denominator an integer and a fraction, and the same for this last fraction again, and so on, to any extent, whether supposed to be infinitely continued, or broken off after any number of terms. Euler, Analys; Inf. vol. 1, p. 295. orf + , 'As I 7 -)- i T -t- &C Or, using letters instead of numbers, d + « + &c. d + &c. When these series are not far extended, it is not diffi- cult to collect them by common arithmetic. Lord Brounker, it appears, was the first who consi- dered continued fractions, or at least, who applied them same as for addition; then subtract the one numerator t0 tnt3 quadrature of curves, in Wallis's Arith. Infin. prop J91, vol. 1, pa. 46"9 &c, where this author explains the manner of forming them, giving several numeral examples, in approximating ratios, as well as the general series from the other, and set the difference over the common Aq- nominator. To Multiply Fractions together. Reduce them all to the form of simple fractions, if they be not so; then mul- tiply all the numerators together for the numerator, and all the denominators together for the denominator of the product sought. Vol. I. — b a — c y -j &c, as he denotes it. Iluygens also used it for the like purpose, viz, to approxi- mate the ratios of large numbers, in his Descrip. Autom. 4 A FRA [ 546 ] FRA Planet.in Opor. Reliq. pa. 173 &c, edit. Amst. 1728. And a special treatise on Continued Fractions was given by Euler, in his Analys. Infin. vol. 1, pa. 295 &c. This subject is perhaps capable of much improvement, though it has been rather neglected, as very little use has been^made of it, except, by those authors, in approxima- ting to the value of fractions, and ratios, that are expressed in large numbers; besides a method of Goniometry by , De Lagny, explained in the Introduction to my Loga- rithms, pa. 78; as also some use I have made of it in summing very slowly converging series, in my Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 203. As to the reducing of common fractions, and ratios, that are expressed in large numbers, to continued frac- tions, it is no more than the common method of finding the greatest common measure of those two numbers, Ly dividing the greater by the less, and the last divisor always by the last remainder ; for then the several quotients are the denominators of the fractions, the numerators being always 1 or unity. Thus, to find approximating values of the fraction ^oooooooo ' 01 to the ratio of 3 141 5926535 to 10000000000, being the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, by means of a continued fraction ; or to change the said common fraction to a continued fraction : Dividing the greater term always by the less, "the same as to find the greatest common measure of the said numbers or terms, the several quotients will be 3, 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, &c, which, after the first, will be the denominators, to the common numerator 1 ; and there- fore the said fraction will be changed into this continued fraction, 3 + t + 1 " + t+ , T5~Z 4- I + T + &C. Hence, stopping at any part of these single fractions, one after another, will give several values of the proposed ra- tio, all successively nearer and nearer the truth, but al- ternately too great and too little. So, stopping at j-, it is 3| = y- = 3-1428571, too great, or 22 to 7, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter as given by Archime- des. Again, leaving off at r \, it is 3-i- = 3-^sV = Ui = 3-141509 &c, too little. But stopping at -J., it is 3 — ^—7 = 3— = 3 t j tt = |J| (the ratio of Me- tius) = 3-1415929 &c, which is rather too great. And so on, always nearer and nearer, but alternately too great and too little. And, in like manner is any algebraic fraction thrown into a continued fraction. As the fraction ojSj/J + af>d 4- art ,.,,.'.,., .. which being in like manner di- /» b' c' d' On the other hand, any continued fraction being «iven its equivalent common fraction will be found, by beoin- ning at the last denominator, or lowest end of the given continued fraction, and gradually collecting the fractions backwards, till we arrive at the first, when the whole will thus be brought to one common fraction; as was done above in collecting the fractions Y5T -t- &C. And in like manner the continued fraction cals of the former, and so will become -, 0' and hence the proposed common fraction is equal to this ter- minate continued, collects into the fraction a/SyJ + afid 4- art *&y$ 4- afid + art + lyi + bd' When the given continued fraction is an infinite one collect it successively, first one term, then two together, three together, &c, till the sum is sufficiently exact! C% if these collected sums be found to converge too slowly to the true value, having collected a fewTof the terms into successive sums, these being alternately too cr lca t and too little, the true value will be found as near as you please by the method of arithmetical means, explained inmy Tracts vol. 1, Tract 8, pa. 176*. When the denominators of a continued fraction recur in any certain order, as in the following «/SyJ + a/id + art + lyi + W' a 16 y $ vided, the quotients are -, -, -, -; which single frac- ' ' a b c d & tions being considered as denominators to other fractions whose common numerator is 1, these will be the recipro- v/ y/~ &C. ■*■ Va 4- &c its value may be computed by making it first equal to x, and then solving the equation : thus, suppose the value of the first was required ; then put the whole = x, and we get — = x, or — = .r : hence r -+■ 1 ' qr 4- qx + 1 1 +■ ~r~ 1 r + x = qrx + qx" 4- x, and $? + w =0, from which x, and consequently the value of the fraction, may be deter- mined, by solving the quadratic. In the same manner may the values of other quanti- ties, which run on in infinitum, be found if the factors recur. Example. Required the value of J a + ^h a 4- Vb 4- &c. in infinitum. Let V !~V\ by squaring both sides a J - V a 4- + &c = x j then v; Vb 4- &c ss x 1 ; and v/" Vb •+■ &c = x" — a; there- fore b + Sra h- Vb '■*■ &P = - r ' ~ 2«x 2 4- a I) -\- x = x' 1 — Qax z ■+■ «*» hence x* — 2ax' i — x 4- b = 0, whence the value of X may be found. If the letters be all equal, as +J a 4- a 4- V a Va & equation, so shall x x = a C. Put it = x, then square F R A ■V a -+- [ 547 ] F R A a + V a !+. •%/ a &c; hence X s — a = «y a ■+- V a +Vo &c) = a- the first value, because it reverts to the same quantity; and from this quadratic equation we find x = i -^^/(a + |). Again, to find the value of / v/ 7/=== squaring, we have x a x \/6 &c : putting it = x, and = a ^/ b%/ aV b ike, or = J ywbs b a*/ b &c ; then this squared, and divided by b, gives ~ = (VaWav'i^) = x; or x 4 = a' 2 4x, or x 3 = cfb, and x = \/ orb. — If b = a, or the radicals be always the same letter a, then x = J/a 3 = a. In like manner, „j V v a 6 e v aV/ iv'f &c is = v/a 4 i 1 c, or = J/a7 = a, when b and c are taken == a. Vanishing Fractions. Such fractions as have both their numerator and denominator vanish, or equal to 0, at the same time, may be called Vanishing Fractions. We are not to conclude that such fractions are equal to no- thing, or have no value ; for that they have a certain de- terminate value, has been shown by the best mathemati- cians. The idea of such fractions as these, first origi- nated in a very severe contest among some French mathe- maticians, in which Varignon and Rolle were the two chief opposite combatants, concerning the then new or differential calculus, of which the latter gentleman was a strenuous opponent. Among other arguments against it, he proposed an example of drawing a tangent to certain curves at the point where the two parts cross each other; and as the fractional expression for the subtangent, by that method, had both its numerator and denominator equal to at the point proposed, Rolle considered it as an absurd expression, and as an argument against the method of solution itself. The. seeming mystery however was soon explained, and first of all by John Bernoulli. See an ac- count of this controversy in Montucla, Hist. Math. vol. 2, pa. 366", 1st ed. Since that time, such kind of fractions have often been contemplated by mathematicians. As, by Maclaurin, in his fluxions, vol. 2, pa. 6QS : Saunderson, in his Algebra, vol. 2, art. 4()'9 : De Moivre, in Miscel. Anal. pa. 105 : Emerson, in his Algebra, pa. 212: and by many others. The same fractions have also proved a stumbling-block to more mathematicians than one, and the cause of more vio- lent controversies: witness that between Powell and Wa- ring, at the time when Mr. Maseres was a competitor of the latter for the professorship at Cambridge. In the specimen of a work published on occasion of that com- petion, by Waring, was the fraction-— — , whichhesaid became 4 when p was = 1. This was struck at by Powell, as absurd, because he said whenjj=l, then the P — p" 1 — i o ,., ,, ,,, traction — = = -. Waring replied that i — p 1-1 o a ' ■-"^- is =p •+■ p r +p 3 + p' (by common division) — 1 ■+■ 1 -i- 1 -+- I = 4, when p is = 1. See the contro- versial pamphlets that passed between those two gentlemen at that time. There are several methods of finding the value of such fractions, that have been given by the gentlemen above quoted. The one is by considering the terms of the frac- tion as two variable quantities, continually decreasing, till they both vanish together; or finding the ultimate value ot the ratio denoted by the fraction. In this way of con- sidering the matter, it appears that, as the terms of the fraetion are supposed to decrease till they vanish, or be- come only equal to their fluxions or their increments, the value of the fraction at that state, will be equal to the fluxion or increment of the numerator divided by that of the denominator. Hence then, taking the example x ~ *" " whenx=l; the fluxion of the numerator is x — dx'x, and of the denominator — x ; therefore X — 5x*X 1 — 5a ' 5.T 4 — 1 = 5x 4 — 1 = 5 - 1 = 4, the value of the fraction - i -V i — j?" — of when x = ]. i — x* -Or, thus, because x = 1 therefore — = - — — ■ then the l — x l — x fluxion of the numerator, — 4x 3 *, divided by the fluxion of the denominator, or — *, gives 4x 3 or 4, the same as before. Another method is by reducing the given expression to another, or simpler form, and then substituting the values of the letters. ' So in the above example ~ ' . or ~ J , , r 1 — X 1 — x' when x = 1 ; divide the numerator by the denominator, and it becomes 1 ■+■ x ■+- x 2 ■+- x 3 , which when x= 1, be- comes 4, for the given fraction, the same as before. — Again, to find the value of ■ -^— when x is = a, in a— >/ax which case both the numerator and denominator become = 0. Divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient is ^ ax •+- x ■+■ x^/-; which when x = a, be- comes a -+- a h- a = 3a, for the value of the fraction in that state of it. Mr. Woodhouse, in his Principles of Analytical Calcu- lation, has endeavoured to prove, that the method of ex- panding these fractions for estimating their values, is an arbitrary operation; that there is nothing contained in the significancy of such expressions which renders any such step necessary. He admits, that in the investigations of extension and of motion, we are necessitated, from the nature of the case, to compute a vanishing fraction by a process exactly similar to that just adverted to ; but con- tends the necessity of such operation when it is abstract- edly proposed to find its value. For, says he; ' Propose the question separately, what does : — become, when x = a? and the obvious answer to any mind undebauched with mathematical sophistry is = -. A different 1 J a" — n" o result can be obtained by a different process, but why ought that process to be followed ? No satisfactory an- swer can be given to this question, when it is abstractedly proposed to find its value.' In order to show somewhat the importance of this question, let us suppose that in the investigation of a problem, we obtained for the. fluent corrected 5 x x' — a' s = x T — (x 2 + u'X 1 x , what would he the value " ■ ' x — a 4 A 2 FRA [ 548 ] of z when x = a ? It is evident that a case is here pre- sented, in which the computation of a vanishing fraction becomes an abstract proposition : but does it hence fol- low, that to expand the expression for effecting such com- putation is an arbitrary process? Surely not. The bare assertion that there is>nothing contained in the significancy of the fraction which renders the expansion of the same necessary for the estimation of its value, is no proof what- ever against the truth of the method ; or that it is not a necessary step ; since if it were true, that the fraction did not contain a value in this case, such truth would evi- dently appear in the result of that operation ; that is neither more nor less than nothing would be expressed by the quotient. Now it is obvious that if hasavalue, a — a we have no other means of determining it than by ex- panding the expression : for in the form , we can derive nothing as a true and precise value of it. Let — — — be put = -.; it may be so, and we see even in this case that the fraction may be equal to some finite quan- tity; that is to say, this expression does not preclude the possibility of its having some definite value, though it af- fords no clue for computation in this particular state. Hence, since it must be granted, that a fraction and its equivalent whole number are in all cases equal to each other; it follows that if in any case a value be exhibited in one form, it is likewise contained in the other, and con- sequently must be, given to that other; therefore, the equivalent whole number of = -, having some de- a — a o s finite value, " ~° itself, has 1 also the same value. And a — a hence the true value of z, in the case where x = a is a* - ( a * + b*)i x 2a, or a x [a*/a - V O 2 + b-)]. It is not therefore true that to expand the fractions to obtain its true value, is an arbitrary operation, but a pro- cess of necessity, rendered unavoidable by something con- tained in the significancy of the expression. To admit the necessity of expanding the fraction when its quantity is to be computed, in any investigation of extension or of motion ; and to deny that necessity when it is abstractedly- proposed to find its value, is confessing, that a fraction and its equivalent whole number are to be considered equal only in particular cases, which is absurd. FRAISE, in Fortification, a kind of defence, consisting of pointed stakes, driven almost parallel to the horizon into the retrenchments of a camp, &c, to ward off and prevent any approach orscalade. FRANKLIN (Dr. Ben jamin), one of the most cele- brated philosophers and politicians of the ISth century, was born at Boston in North America in the year 1706', being the youngest of 13 f children. His father was a tal- low-chandler in Boston, and young Franklin was taken bom school at 10 years of age, to assist him in his busi- ness. In this situation he continued two years ; but dis- liking that occupation, he was bound apprentice to an elder brother, who was then a printer in Boston, but had learned that business in London, and who in the year 1721 began to print a newspaper, being the second ever pub- lished in America; the copies of which our author was sent to distribute, after having assisted in composing and printing it. On this occasion, our young philosopher en- joyed the secret and singular pleasure of being the much- admired author of many essays in this paper; a circum- F R A stance which he had the address to keep a secret even from his brother himself; and this when he was only 15 years of age. The frequent ill usage from his brother, induced our author to quit his service, which he did, at the age of 17, and went to New York. But not meeting employ- ment here, he went forward to Philadelphia, where he worked with a printer a short time; after which, at the instance of Sir Willliam Keith, governor of the province, he returned to Boston to solicit pecuniary assistance from his father, to set up a printing-house for himself at Phila- delphia, on the promise of great encouragement from Sir William, &c. His father, however, thought fit to refuse such aid, alleging that he was yet too young (18 years old) to be intrusted with such a concern ; so our author again returned' to Philadelphia without it. Upon this, Sir William said he would advance the sum that might be necessary, and our young philosopher should go to Eng- land, and purchase all the types and materials, for which purpose he would give him letters of credit. He could never however get these letters ; yet bj' dint of fair pro- mises of their being sent on board the ship after him, he sailed for England, expecting these letters of credit were in the governor's packet, which he was to receive on its being opened. In this however he was cruelly deceived, and thus he was sent to London without either monev, friends, or credit, at IS years of age.,. Under these circumstances his only resource was that of employment, which he shortly obtained, as a journey- man printer, first at a Mr. Palmer's, and afterwards with Mr. \Vatts, with whom he worked a considerable time, and by whom he was greatly esteemed, being also treated with such kindness, that it was ever after most gratefully re- membered by our philosopher. After a stay of IS months in London, he returned to Philadelphia, in 1726, with a merchant of that town, as his clerk, on a salary of 50 pounds a year. But his master dying the year after, he again engaged to direct the print- ing business of the same person with whom he had worked before'. After continuing with him the best part of a year, Franklin, in partnership with another young man, at length set up a printing-house himself. A short time previous to this, our author had gradually associated a number of persons, like himself, of a rational and philosophic turn of mind, and formed them into a club or society, to hold meetings, to converse together for their mutual improvement in all kinds of useful know- ledge, which was in high repute for many years after. Among many other useful regulations, they agreed to bring such books as they had into one place, lo form a common library. This resource being found defective, at Frank- lin's persuasion they resolved to contribute a small sum monthly towards the purchase of books for their use from London. Thus their stock began to increase rapidly; and the inhabitants of Philadelphia, being desirous of having a share in their literary knowledge, proposed that the books should be lent out on paying a small sum for the indulgence. Thus in a few years the society became rich, and possessed more books than were perhaps to be found in all the other colonies : the collection was ad- vanced into a public library ; and the other colonics, sen- sible of its advantages, began to form similar plans; whence, originated the libraries at Boston, Now York, Charlestown, &c ; that of Philadelphia being now not in- ferior to any in Europe. About 1728 or 172;), our author set up a newspaper, the second in Philadelphia, which proved very profitable, F R A [ 649 ] F R A and otherwise useful, as affording an opportunity of ma- king himself known as a political writer, by inserting seve- ral of his writings of that kind in it. In addition to his printing-house, he set up a shop to sell books and sta- tionary ; and in 1730, entering into a matrimonial en- gagement, his wife proved very useful in assisting to ma- nage the shop, &c. He afterwards began to have some leisure, both for reading books, and writing them, of which he gave many specimens from time to time. In 1732 he began to publish Poor Richard's Almanac, which was continued for many years. It was always remarkable for the numerous and valuable concise maxims which it con- tained, for thececonomy of human life, all tending to ex- hort to industry and frugality : and in the almanac for the last year, all the maxims were collected in an address to the reader, entitled, The Way to Weal th.. This has been translated into various languages, and inserted in different publications. It has also been printed on a large sheet, proper to be framed, ,and hung up in conspicuous places in all houses, as it justly deserves to be. Mr. Franklin became gradually more known for his political talents, and in the year 1736, he was appointed clerk to the Ge- neral Assembly of Pennsylvania; and was re-elected by succeeding assemblies for several years, ti!l he was chosen a representative for the city of Philadelphia ; and in 1737 he was appointed post-master of that city. In 173S, he formed the first fire-company there, to extinguish and prevent fires and the burning of houses : an example which was soon followed by other persons, and in other places. And soon after, he suggested the plan of an as- sociation for insuring houses and ships from losses by fire, which was adopted; and the association continues to this day. In the year 1744, during a war between France and Great Britain, some French and Indians made inroads on the frontier inhabitants of the province, who were un- provided for such an attack : the situation of the province was at this time truly alarming, being destitute of every means of defence. At this crisis Franklin stepped forth, and proposed to a meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia, a plan of a voluntary association for the defence of the province. This was approved of, and signed by 1200 per- sons immediately. Copies of the same were circulated through the province; and in a short time the number of signers amounted to 10,000.' Franklin was chosen co- lonel of the Philadelphia regiment; but he did nof think proper to accept of the honour. Pursuits of a different nature now occupied the greatest part of his attention for some years. Being always much addicted to the study of natural philosophy ; and the dis- covery of the Leyden experiment in electricity having rendered that science an object of general curiosity ; Mr. Franklin applied himself to it with great diligence, and soon began to distinguish himself very eminently in that way. He engaged in a course of electrical experiments with all the ardour and thirst for discovery which cha- racterized the philosophers of that.day. By these, he was enabled to make a number of important discoveries, and to propose theories to account for various phenomena ; which have been generally adopted, and which will pro- bably endure for ages. His observations he communicated, in a series of letters, to his friend Mr. Collinson ; the first of which is dated March 28, 1747- In these, he makes known the power of points in drawing and throwingoff the electric matter, which had hitherto escaped the notice !l tricians. He also made the discovery of a plus and minus, o.- of a positive and negative state of electricity; from which he explained in a satisfactory manner the phenomena of the Leyden phial, first observed by Cuneus or Muscbenbroeck, which had much perplexed philoso- phers. He showed that the bottle, when charged, con- tained no more electricity than before, but that as much was taken from one side as was thrown upon the other ; and that, to discharge the same, it was only necessary to make, a communication between the two sides, by which the equilibrium might be restored, and that then no signs of electricity would remain. He afterwards demonstrated by experiments, that the electricity did not reside in the coating, as had been supposed, but in the pores of the glass itself. After a phial was charged, he removed the coating, and found that upon applying a new coating the shock might still be received. In the year 1749", he first suggested his idea of explaining the phenomena of thun- der-gusts, and of the aurora borealis, upon electrical principles. He points out many particulars in which lightning and electricity agree ; and likewise adduces many facts, and reasoning from facts, in support of his ' positions. In the same year he conceived the bold and grand idea of ascertaining the truth of his doctrine, bv actually drawing down the forked lightning, by means of sharp-pointed iron rods raised into the region of the clouds ; whence he derived his'method of securing build- ings and ships from being damaged by lightning. It was not until the summer of 1752 that he was enabled to com- plete his grand discovery — the experiment of the electrical kite, which being raised up into the clouds, brought thence the electricity or lightning down to the earth; and M. D'Alibard made a like experiment about the same time in France, by following the track which Franklin had before pointed out. The letters which he sent to Mr. Collinson, it is said, were refused a place among the papers of the Royal Society of London ; and Mr. Collinson pub- lished them in a separate volume, under the title of New Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia, in America; which were read with avidity, and soon translated into different languages. His theories were at first opposed by several philosophers, and by the members of the Royal Society of London; but in 175.5, when he returned to that city, they voted him the gold medal which is annually given to the person who presents the best paper on some interesting subject.- He was also admitted a member of the society, and had the degree of doctor of laws conferred on him by different universities: butat this time, by reason of the war which broke out be- tween Britain and France, he returned to America, and interested himself in the public affairs of that country. Indeed he had done this long before ; for although philo- sophy was a principal object of Franklin's pursuit for se- veral years, he did not confine himself to it alone. In the year 1747 he became a member of the General As- sembly of Pennsylvania, as a burgess for thecity of Phila- delphia. Being a friend to the rights of man from his in- fancy, he soon distinguished himselfas a steady opponent ot the unjust schemes of the proprietaries. He was looked up to as the head of the opposition ; and to him have been attributed many of the spirited replies of the assembly, to the messages of the governors. His influence in the body was very great. This arose not from any superior powers of eloquence ; he spoke but seldom, and he never was known to make any thing like an elaborate harangue. His speeches often consisted of a single sentence, or of a well-told story, the moral of which was always obviously to the point. He never attempted the flowery fields of F R A [ 550 ] F R A oratory. His manner was plain and mild. His style in speaking was, like that of his writings, simple, unadorned, and remarkably concise. With this plain manner, and his penetrating and solid judgment, he was able to con- found the most eloquent and subtle of his adversaries, to confirm the opinions of his friends, and to make converts of the unprejudiced who had opposed him. With a single observation, he has rendered of no avail a long and ele- gant discourse, and determined the fate of a question of importance. In the year 1749 he proposed the plan of an academy, to be erected in the city of Philadelphia, as a foundation for posterity to erect a seminary of learning, more exten- sive and suitable to future circumstances; and in the be- ginning of 1750, three of the schools were opened, namely, the Latin and Greek school, the Mathematical, and the English schools. This foundation soon after gave rise to another more extensive college, incorporated by charter May 27, 1755, which still subsists, and in a very flou- rishing condition. In 1752, he was instrumental in the establishment of the Pennsylvania Hospital, for the cure and relief of indigent invalids, which has proved of the greatest use to that class of persons. , Having conducted himself so well as postmaster of Philadelphia, he was, in 1753, appointed deputy postmaster-general -for the whole British colonies. These being much exposed to depredations on theirfron- tier by the Indians and the French, at a meeting of com- missioners from several of the provinces, Mr. Franklin proposed a plan for the general defence, to establish in the colonies a general government, to be administered by a president-general, appointed by the crown, and by a grand council, consisting of members chosen by the representa- tives of the different colonies ; a plan which was unani- mously agreed to by the commissioners present. The plan however had a singular fate : it was disapproved of by the ministry of Great Britain, because it gave too much power to the representatives of the people ; and it was re- jected by every assembly, as giving to the president-general, who was to be the representative of the crown, an influ- ence greater than appeared to them proper, in a plan of government intended for freemen. Perhaps this rejection, on both sides, is the strongest proof that could be adduced of the excellence of the system, as suited to the situation of Great Britain and America at that time. It appears to have steered exactly in the middle, between the opposite interests of both. Whether the adoption of this plan would have prevented the separation of America from Great Britain, is a question which might afford much room for speculation. In the year 1755, General Braddock, with some regi- ments of regular troops, and provincial levies, was sent, to dispossess the French of the posts on which they had seized in the back settlements. After the men were all ready, a difficulty occurred, which had nearly prevented the expe- dition. This was the want of waggons. Franklin now stepped forward, and with the assistance of his son, in a very short time procured 150. After the defeat of Brad- dock, our author introduced into the assembly a bill for organizing a militia, and had the dexterity to gel it passed. In consequence of this act a very respectable militia was formed; and Franklin was appointed colonel of a regiment in Philadelphia, which consisted of 1200 men; in which capaoity he acquitted himself with much propriety, and was of singular service; though this militia was soon after dis- banded by order of the English ministry. In 1757, he was sent to England, with a petition tothe king and council, against the proprietaries, who refused to bear any share in the public expenses and assessments; which he got settled to the satisfaction of the state. After the completion of this business, Franklin remained at the court of Great Britain for some time, as agent for the pro- vince of Pennsylvania; and also for those of Massachu- setts, Maryland, and Georgia. Soon after this, he pub- lished his Canada pamphlet, in which he pointed out, in a very forcible manner, the advantages that would result from the conquest of this province from the Frepch. An expedition was accordingly planned and fitted out, and the command given to General Wolfe ; the success of which is well known. He now divided his time indeed between philosophy and politics, rendering many services to both. While here, he invented the elegant musical instrument called the Harmonica, formed of glasses played on by the fingers.. In the summer of 1762 he returned to America; on his passage to wdiich he observed the singular effect produced by the agitation of a vessel, containing oil floating on water: the upper surface of the oil remaining smooth and undisturbed, while the water was agitated with the utmost commotion. On his return he received the thanks of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, which having annually elected him a member in his,absence, he again took his seat in this body, and continued a steady defender of the liberties of the people. In IJbl, by the intrigues of the proprietaries, Franklin lost his seat in the assembly, which he had possessed for " 14 years; but was immediately appointed provincial agent to England, for which country he presently set out. In 1766 he was examined before the parliament relative to the stamp-act; which was soon after repealed. The same year he made a journey into Holland and Germany; and another into France; being everywhere received with the greatest respect by the literati of all nations. In 1773 he attracted the public attention by a letter on the duel be- tween Mr. Whately and Mr. Temple, concerning the pub- lication of Governor Flutchinson's letters, declaring that he was the person who had discovered those letters. On the 29th °' January next year, he was examined before the privy-council, on a petition he had presented long before, as agent for Massachusetts Bay, against Mr. Hutchinson: but this petition being disagreeable to ministry, it was pre- cipitately rejected, and Dr. Franklin was soon after re- moved from his office of postmaster-general for America. Finding now all efforts to restore harmony between Great Britain and her colonies useless, he returned to America in 1773; just after the commencement of hostilities. Being named one of the delegates to the Continental Congress, he had a principal share in bringing about the revolution and declaration of independency on the part of the colonics. In 1776 he was deputed by Congress to Canada, to nego- ciatc with the people of that country, and to persuade them to throw off the British yoke; but the Canadians had been so much disgusted with the hot-headed zeal of the New Englanders, who had burnt some of their chapels, 1h.1t ihey refused to listen to the proposals, though enforced by all the arguments Dr. Franklin could make use of. On his return to Philadelphia, Congress, sensible how much he was esteemed in France, sent him thither to put a finishing hand to the private negoci.ations of Mr. Silas Deane; and this important commission was readily ac- cepted by the doctor, though then in the 7 1st year of his age. The event is well known; a treaty of alliance and commerce was signed between France and America; and F R E [ r,5i ] FRE M. Le Roi assorts, that the doctor had a great share in the transaction, by strongly advising M. Maurepas not to lose a single moment, if he wished to secure the friendship of America, and to detach it from the mother-country. In 1777 he was regularly appointed plenipotentiary from Congress to the French court; but obtained leave of dis- mission in 1780. Having at length seen the full accom- plishment of his wishes by the conclusion of the peace in 1783, which gave independency to America, he became desirous of revisiting his native country. He therefore re- quested to be recalled; and, after repeated solicitations, Mr. Jefferson was appointed in his stead. On the arrival of his successor, he repaired to Havre de Grace, and crossing the channel, landed at Newport in the Isle of Wight ; whence, after a favourable passage, he arrived safely at Philadelphia in September 1785. He was re- ceived amidst the acclamations of a vast multitude, who flocked from all parts to see him, and who conducted him in triumph to his own house; where in a few days he was visited by the members of the Congress and the principal inhabitants of Philadelphia. He was afterward twice chosen president of the Assembly of Philadelphia; but his increasing infirmities obliged him to ask permission to re- tire, and to spend the remainder of his life in tranquillity; which was granted, in 1788. After this, the infirmities of age increased fast upon him ; he became more and more afflicted with the gout and the stone, till the time of his death, which happened the 17th of April 1790, about 11 at night, at 84 years of age ; leaving one son, governor Wil- liam Franklin, a zealous loyalist, who resided in London, on a pension from the English government, till his death in the year 1813;. and a daughter, married to Mr. William Bache, merchant in Philadelphia. Doctor Franklin was author of many .tracts on electri- city, and other branches of natural philosophy, as well as on politics, and miscellaneous subjects. He had also many papers inserted in the Philosophical Transactions, from vol. 47 to vol. 6-1. FREEZli, or Frize, in Architecture, a large flat mem- ber, being that'part of the entablature of columns that se- parates the architrave from the cornice. FREEZING, or Congelation, the fixing of a fluid body into a firm or solid mass by the abstraction of its caloric : in which sense the term is applied to water when it freezes into ice ; to metals when they resume their solid state, af- ter being melted by heat; or to glass, wax, pitch, tallow, &c, when they harden again after having been rendered fluid by heat. But it differs from crystallization, which is rather a separation of the particles of a solid from a fluid, in which it had been dissolved more by the moisture than the action of heat. , The process of congelation is always attended with the emission of heat or caloric, as is found by experiments on the freezing of water, wax, spermaceti, ike ; for in such cases it is always found, that a thermometer dipt into the fluid mass, keeps continually descending as this cools, till it arrive at a certain point, being the point of freezing, which is peculiar to each fluid, where it is rather station- ary, and then rises for a little, while the congelation pro- ceeds. But by what means it is that fluid bodies should thus be rendered solid by cold, or loss of caloric ; or fluid by the absorption of ibis substance; or what is introduced into the bodies by either of these principles, are matters which philosophers have never' yet been able to discover, or to satisfy themselves upon. The following phenomena however ate usually observed. Water, and some other fluids, suddenly dilate and expand in the act of freezing, so as to occupy a greater space in the form of ice than be- fore, in consequence of which it is that'ice is specifically lighter than the same fluid, and floats in it. And the de- gree of expansion of water, in the state of ice, is by some authors computed at about T J W of its volume. Oil how- ever is an exception to this property, and quicksilver too, which shrinks and contracts still more after freezing. Boyle relates several experiments of vessels made of metal, very thick and strong; in which, when filled with waler, close stopped, and exposed to the cold, the w'ater being expanded in freezing, and not finding either room or vent, burst the vessels. A strong barrel of a gun, filled with water, and close stopped and frozen, was rent the whole length. Huygens, to try the force with which water ex- pands when freezing, filled a cannon with it, whose sides were an inch thick, and then closed up the mouth and vent, so that none could escape; the whole being exposed to a strong freezing air, the water froze in about 12 hours,., and burst the piece in two places. Mathematicians have ■ computed the force of the ice upon this occasion; and they say, that such a force would raise a weight of 27720 pounds. Lastly, Major Edward Williams, of the Royal Artillery, made many experiments on the force of freezing water at Quebec, in the years 1784 and 1785. He filled all sizes of iron bomb-shells with this fluid, then plugged, the fuze hole close up, and exposed them to the strong freezing air of the winter in that climate; som'etimes driv- ing in the iron plugs as hard as possible with a sledge ham- mer; and yet they were always thrown out by the sudden expansion of the water in the act of freezing, like a ball shot by gunpowder, sometimes to the distance of 4 or 500 feet, though they weighed nearly 3 pounds; and when the plugs were screwed in, or furnished with hooks or barbs, to lav hold of the inside of the shell by, so that they could not possibly be forced out, in this case the shell was always split in two, though the thickness of the metal of the shell was an inch and three quarters. It is further re- markable, that through the circular crack, round about the shells, where they burst, there stood - out a thin film or sheet of ice, like a fin ; and in the cases when the plugs were projected by freezing water, there suddenly issued out from the fuze-hole, a bolt of ice, of the same diame- ter, and stood over it to the height sometimes of S inches and a half. And hence we need not be surprised at the effects of ice in destroying the substance of vegetables and trees, and even splitting rocks, when the frost is carried to excess. See other similar instances in the article Cold. It is also observed that water loses of its weight by freezing, being found lighter after thawing again, than be- fore it was frozen. And indeed it evaporates almost as fast when. frozen, as when it is fluid. We likewise find it asserted, that water 'does not freeze in vacuo; requiring for that^purpose the presence and contiguity of the air. But this circumstance is liable to some doubt, and it may be suspected that the degree of cold has not been carried far enough in these particular instances; as it is found that mercury in thermometers has even been frozen, though it requires a vastly greater de- gree of cold to freeze this fluid than water. Besides, the assertion has been lately disproved by the experiments of Professor Leslie and Dr.Marcet, &c, who have frozen not water only, but even mercury, in the exhausted receiver, and that only by simple evaporation. That water which has been boiled freezes more readily than that which has not been boiled ; and that .'. slight FRE [ 552 ] FRE commotion of the fluid disposes it to freeze more speedily ; having sometimes been cooled several degrees below the freezing point, without congealing when kept quite still, but suddenly freezing into ice on the slightest agitation. That the water, being covered over with a surface of oil of olives, does not freeze so readily as without it; and that nut oil absolutely preserves it under a strong frost, when olive oil would not. That rectified spirit of wine, nut oil, and oil of turpen- tine, seldom freeze. That the surface of the water, in freezing, appears all wrinkled; the wrinkles being sometimes in parallel lines, and sometimes like rays, proceeding from a centre to the circumference. See the articles Congelation", Cold, and Ice. Freezing Mixture, a preparation for the artificial con- gelation of water, and other fluids. According to Mr. Boyle, all kinds of salts, whether alkaline or acid ; and even all spirits, as spirit of wine, &c ; as also sugar, and saccharum saturni, mixed with snow, are capable of freez- ' ing most fluids; and the same effect is produced, in a very high degree, by a mixture of oil of vitriol, or spirit of nitre, with snow. The same is also remarked by M. Homberg of ecpjal quantities of corrosive sublimate, and sal ammoniac, with four times the quantity of distilled vinegar. Boerhaave gives a method of producing artificial frost without either snow or ice : we must have for this purpose, at any season of the year, the coldest water that can be procured'; this is to be mixed with a proper quantity of any salt (sal ammoniac will answer the intention best), at the rate of about 3 ounces to a quart of water. Another quart of water must be prepared in the same manner with the first; the salt, by being dissolved in each, will make- file water much colder than it was before. The two quarts are then to be mixed together, and this will make them colder still. Two quarts more of water prepared and mixed in the same manner are to be mixed with these, which will increase the cold to a much higher degree in all. The whole of this operation is to be carried on in a cold cellar ; and a glass of common water is then to be placed in the vessel of the fluid thus artificially cooled, and it will be turned into ice in the space of 12 hours. There is also a method of making artificial ice by means of snow, without any kind of salt. For this purpose fill a small pewter di*h with water, and upon that set a common pewter plate filled, but not heaped, with snow. Bring this simple apparatus near the fire, and stir the snow in the plate : the snow will dissolve, and the ice will be formed on the back of the plate, which was set in the dish of water. M. Reaumur tried the effect of several salts, and exa- mined the various degrees of cold by an ice thermometer, which being placed in the fluid to be frozen, showed very exactly the degree of cold by the descent of the spirit. Nitre, or saltpetre, usually passes for a salt that may be very serviceable in these artificial congelations; but the experiments of this gentleman prove that this opinion is erroneous. The most perfectly refined saltpetre employed in the operation sunk the spirit in the thermometer only ',i\ degrees below the fixed point. Less refinqd nitre de- pressed the thermometer lower, and gave a greater degree of cold ; owing to the common or sea-salt that it contains when less pure, which has a greater effect than the pure saltpetre itself. Two parts of common salt being mixed with three parts of powdered ice in very hot weather, the spirit in the ther- mometer immediately descended 15 degrees, which is half a degree lower than it would have descended in the severest cold of our winters. M. Reaumur then tried the salts all round, determining with great regularity and exactness,what was the degree of cold occasioned by each in a °iven dose. Among the neutral salts, none produced a greater decree of cold than the common sea salt. Among the alkalies, sal ammoniac sunk the thermometer only to 13 decrees. Pot-ashes sunk it just as low as well-refined saltpetre. For the common uses of the table, the ice is not re- quired to be very hard, or such as is produced by lone continuance of violent cold: it is rather desired to be like snow. Saltpetre, which is no very powerful agent in freez- ing, is therefore more fit for the, purpose than a more po- tent salt. It is not necessary that the congelation should be very suddenly made ; but that it may retain its form as long as may be, when made, is of great importance. If it be desired to have ices very hard and firm, and very sud- denly prepared, then sea salt is of all others most to be chosen for the operation. The ices thus made will be very hard, but they will soon run. Pot-ashes afford an ice of about the hardness that is usually required. This forms indeed very slowly, but then it will preserve a long time. And common wood-ashes will perform the business very nearly in the same manner as the pot-ashes; but for this purpose, the wood which is burnt, ought to be fresh. The strong acid spirits of the neutral salts act much more powerfully in these congelations than the salts them- selves, or indeed than any simple salt can do. Thus, spi- rit of nitre mixed with twice its quantity of powdered ice, immediately sinks the spirit in the thermometer to 19 de- grees, or 4 degrees more than that obtained by means of sea salt, the most powerful of all the salts in making arti- ficial cold. A much greater degree of cold may be given to this mixture, by piling it round with more ice mixed with sea salt. This gives a redoubled cold, and sinks the thermometer to 24 degrees. If this whole matter be co- vered with a fresh mixture of spirit of nitre and ice, a still greater degree of cold is produced, and so on; the cold being by this method of fresh additions to be increased almost without bounds: but it is to observed, that every addition gives a smaller increase than the former. It is very remarkable in the acid spirits, that though sea salt is so much more powerful than nitre in substance in producing cold, yet the spirit of nitre is much stronger than that of sea salt; and another not less wonderful phe- nomenon is, that spirit of wine, which is little else than liquid fire, has as powerful an effect in congelations, or very nearly so, as the spirit of nitre itself. The several liquid substances which produce cold, in the same manner as the dry salts on being mixed with ice, are much more speedy in their action than the salts : be- cause they immediately and much more intimately come into contact with the particles of the ice, than the salts can. Of this nature are spirit of nitre, spirit of wine, &c. To produce the expected degree of cold, it is always ne- cessary -that the ice and the additive matter, whatever it may be, should both rush together, and intimately uniting, form one clear fluid. It is hence that no new cold is pro- duced with oil, which, though it melts the ice, yet can- not mix itself into a homogeneous liquid with it, but must always remain floating on the surface of the water that is produced by the melting of the ice. Mem. Acad. Scienc. Par. 1 734. It has been discovered, that fluids standing in a current of air, grow by this means much colder than before. Fall- FRE [ 553 ] PRE renheit had long since observed, that a pond, which stands quite calm, often acquires a degree of cold much beyond what is sufficient for freezing, and yet no congelation en- sued : but if a slight breath of air happens in such a case to glide over the surface of the water, it stiffens the whole in an instant. It has also been discovered, that all sub- stances become colder by the evaporation of the fluids they contain, or with which they are mixed. If both these methods therefore be practised on the same body at the same time, they will increase the cold to almost any de- gree of intenseness we please. Most extraordinary instances of artificial freezing have since been made in Russia and at Hudson's Bay, and other parts, by which quicksilver was frozen into a solid massof me- tal. This indeed had before been effected by the natural cold of the atmosphere alone, in Siberia. In the winter of 1733, Professor Gmelin, with two other gentlemen of theRussian academy, were sent by Anne Ivanouna, the new empress, to explore and describe the different parts of her Asiatic dominions, with the communication of Asia and America. In the same season of the year 1734-5, M. Gmelin being at Yeneseisk in 5S° 30' north lat. and 92° long, east from Greenwich, first observed such a descent of the mercury, as must have been attended with congelation, being far be- low its freezing point, now fixed at —40 of Fahrenheit's thermometer. " Here," says he, " we first experienced the truth of what various travellers have related, with respect found it at —102 ; but ascending with such rapidity, that in the space of half an hoar it had risen to — 19°. This phenomenon, which appeared so surprising, doubtless de- pended on the expansion of the mercury frozen in the bulb of the thermometer, and which, now melting, forced upwards the small thread in the stem. Similar appea'r- ances were observed afterwards, when the thread of quick- silver in the thermometer was separated about 6 degrees. A second instance, where a natural congelation of mer- cury has certainly been observed, is recorded in the Trans- actions of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, as made by Mr. Andrew Hellant. The weather, in Ja- nuary 1760, was remarkably cold in Lapland ; so that on the 5th of that month, the thermometers fell to —75, — 12S, or lower; on the 23d and following days they fell to— 58, —79)— 92, and below -238 entirely into the ball. This was observed at four different places in Lapland, si- tuated between the 65th and 7Sth degrees of north lat. and the 21st and 28th degrees of east longitude. But the congelation of quicksilver, by an artificial freez- ing mixture, was first observed, and put beyond doubt, by Mr. Joseph Adam Braun, professor of philosophy at Petersburg. This gentleman, wishing to try how many degrees of cold he could produce, availed himself of a good opportunity, which offered for that purpose, on the 14th of December 1759, when the mercury in the thermometer stood in the natural cold at —34, which it is now known to tKe extreme cold of Siberia; for, about the middle of is only 5 or 6 degrees above its point of congelation. As- December, such severe weather set in, as we were sure had never been known in our time at Petersburg. The air seemed as if it were frozen, with the appearance of a fog, which did not suffer the smoke to ascend as it issued from the chimneys. Birds fell from the air as dead, and froze immediately, unless they were brought into a warm room. Whenever the door was opened, a fog suddenly formed round it. During the day, short as it was, parhelia and haloes about the sun were frequently seen; and in the night mock moons, and haloes about the moon. Finally, our thermometer, not subject to the same deception as the senses, left us no doubt of the excessive cold ; for the quick- silver in it was reduced, on the 5th of January, old style, to —120° of Fahrenheit's scale, lower than it had ever been observed in nature." The next instance of congelation occurred at Yakutsk, in (52° north lat. and 150° east longitude. The weather here was unusually mild for the climate, yet the thermometer fell to —72°; and one person informed the professor by a note, thai the mercury in his barometer was frozen. He hastened immediately to his house to behold such a sur- prising phenomenon ; but though he was witness to the fact, observing that the mercury did not continue in one column, but was divided in different places as into little cylinders, which appeared frozen, yet the. prejudice he had entertained against the possibility of the congelation, would not allow him to believe it. Another set of observations, in the course of which the mercury must frequently have been congealed, were made by Professor Gmelin at Kirenga-fort, in .57|- north hit., and 108 east long. ; his thermometer, at different times, standing at — 108, —86, — 100, — 113, and many other intermediate degrees ; in the course of the winter of 1 737-8. On the 27th of November, after the thermometer had been standing for two days at —46°, he observed it sunk at noon to — 10S. Suspecting some mistake, after he had noted down the observation, he instantly ran back, and Vol. I. sisting this natural cold therefore, with a mixture prepared of aquafortis and pounded ice, his thermometer was sunk to —6<). Part of the quicksilver must now have been really congealed, but unexpected by him, and he only thought of pursuing his object of producing still greater degrees of cold ; and having expended all his pounded ice, he was obliged to use snow instead of it. With this fresh mixture the mercury sunk to —100, —240, and —350°. Taking the thermom&ter out, he found it whole, but the quicksilver fixed, and it continued so for 12 minutes. On repeating the experiment, with another thermometer which had been graduated no lower than —220, all the mercury sunk into the ball, and became solid as before, and did not re-ascend till after a still longer interval of time.' Mr. Braun now suspected that the quicksilver was really frozen, and prepared for making a decisive experiment. This was accomplished on the 25th of the same month, and the bulb of the thermometer broken as soon as the metal was con- gealed ; when it appeared that the mercury was changed into a solid and shining metallic mass, which flatted and extended under the. strokes •, a pestle, being rather less hard than lead, and yielding a dull sound like that metal. Mr. yEpinus made similar experiments at the same lime. employing as well thermometers as tubes of a larger bore; in which last he remarked, that the quicksilver fell sensibly on being frozen, assuming a concave surface, and also, that the congealed pieces sunk in fluid mercury: also, in their further experiments, they invariably found that the mercury sunk lower when the whole of it was congealed, than if any part of it remained fluid: all showing that, contrary to water, mercury contracted in freezing. It was further observed, that the mercury when congealed looked like the most polished .silver, and when beaten flat, it was easily cut with a penknife, like soft thin sheet lead. The fact being thus established, and fluidity no longer to be considered as an essential property of quicksilver, Mr. Braun communicated an account of his experiments 4 B FRE [ 554 ] FRE to the Petersburg academy, on the 6th of September menon we speak of. On the 6th and 7th of December ] 760 ; of which a large extract was inserted in the Philos. Trans, vol. 52, pa. 156. He afterwards declared that he never suffered a winter to pass without repeating the ex- periment of freezing quicksilver, and never failed of suc- cess when the natural cold was of a sufficient strength for the purpose ; and this degree of natural cold he supposes at —10 of Fahrenheit; though some commencement of the congelation might be perceived when the temperature of the air was as high as -1- 2. The results of all his experiments were, that with the abovementioned frigorific mixtures, and once with rectified spirits and snow, when the natural cold was at —28°, he congealed the quicksilver, and discovered that it is a real metal, that melts with a very small degree of heat. How- ever, not perceiving the necessary consequence of its great contraction in freezing, he always confounded its point of congelation, with that of its greatest contraction in freez- ing, and thus marked the former a great deal too low. In the process of his observations, Mr. Braun found that double aquafortis was more effectual than spirit of nitre; but with this simple spirit, which seldom brings the mercury Ipwei than — 148, this metal may be frozen in the following manner : Six glasses being filled wilh'snow as usual, and the thermometer placed in one of them, the spirit of nitre was poured upon it; when the mercury would fall no lower in this, the thermometer was removed to the second, and so on to the third and fourth, in which fourth immersion the mercury was congealed. Mr. iEpinus gives the following direction for using the fuming spirit of nitre : Take some of this spirit, cooled as much as possible, and put it into a wine-glass till it be about half full, filling it up with snow, and stirring them till the mixture become of the consistence of pap ; by which means you obtain, almost -in an instant, the ne- cessary degree of cold for the freezing of quicksilver. It is remarked by Mr. Braun, that by the mixture of snow and spirit of nitre, which congealed the mercury, he never was able to bring thermometers, filled with the most highly rectified spirit of wine, lower than —148: so that the cold which will freeze mercury, will not freeze spirit of wine; and therefore spirit thermometers are the most fit to determine the degree of coldness in frigorific mixtures, till we can construct solid metallic thermome- ters with sufficient accuracj'. This author tried the ef- fects of different fluids in his frigorific compositions : he always found that Glauber's spirit of nitre and double aquafortis were the most powerful; and from a number of experiments made when the temperature of the air was between 21 and 28 of Fahrenheit, he concludes, that spirit of salt poured upon snow increased the natural cold 36°; spirit of sal ammoniac, 12; oil of vitriol, 42; Glauber's spirit of nitre, 70; aquafortis, 48; simple spirit of nitre, 36; dulcified spirit of vitriol, 2f; Hoffman's anodyne liquor, 38 ; spirit of hartshorn, 12; spirit of sul- phur, 12; spirit of wine rectified, 24; camphorated spirit, IS; French brandy, 14; and several kinds of wine increased the natural cold to 7, 8, or 'J degrees. The most remarkable congelation 0/ mercury, by na- tural cold, that has ever been observed, was that related by Dr. Peter Simon Pallas, who had been sent by the empress of Russia, with some other gentlemen, on an ex- pedition similar to that of M.Gmclin. Being at Kras- noyarsk in the year 1772, in north lat. 56° 3 & c > beingexperimentson the congelation of quicksilver in England, by Mr. Richard Walker, where he proves that mercury may be frozen not only' in Eng- land in summer, but even in the hottest climate, at any season of the year, and without the application of ice or snow. About the year 1810, Professor Leslie, of Edinburgh, simply by evaporation, succeeded in freezing water in- closed in an exhausted receiver, to promote a quick eva- poration. The water is placed over an open vessel, con- taining sulphuric acid, which absorbs the vapour as it ex- hales from the water ; the whole being inclosed within the receiver of an air-pump, the water cools as the exhaustion proceeds ; and is ultimately changed into ice. Mr. Leslie afterwards succeeded in freezing mercury by a similar pro- cess ; viz, by investing the bulb of a mercurial thermo- meter with a thin coat of ice, and exposing this to the joint effect of exhaustion and of sulphuric acid. Dr. Ma"rcet too has since effected the congelation of mercury with great facility and quickness, wmply by sub- stituting the evaporation of ether, instead of that of water, in the process. See the particulars in Nicholson's Journal, vol.34, p. 119. Dr. W. H. Wollaston has even succeeded in freezing water at a distance from the mixture. His method con- sists of a tube, with a ball at each end, bent at right angles : one of the balls contains a little water ; and the remainder of the space is to be as perfect a vacuum as can be obtained. When this instrument has been successfully exhausted, if the empty ball be immersed in a freezing mixture of salt and snow, the water in the other ball, though at the distance of 2 or 3 feet, will be frozen solid in the course of a very few minutes. The vapour contained in the empty bait is condensed by the common operation of cold, and the vacuum produced by this condensation gives opportunity for a fresh quantity to arise from the opposite ball, with proportional reduction of its tempera- ture. See Philos. Trans. 1S13, pt. 1. Freezing Point, denotes the point or degree of cold, shown by a mercurial thermometer, at which certain fluids begin to freeze, or, when frozen, at which they begin to thaw again. On Fahrenheit's thermometer, this point is at -f-32 for water, and at —40 for quicksilver; these fluids congealing at those two points respectively. It would also be well if the freezing points for other fluids were ascertained, and the whole arranged in a table. It may here be proper to remark, that though the freez- ing point of water be 32°, yet it may be cooled down in favourable circumstances considerably below that tempera- ture, before it begins to shoot into crystals. Experiments were made on this subject by Mairan and Fahrenheit ; but it is to Sir Charles Blagden that we are indebted for the fullest investigation of it. He succeeded in cooling water down to 21° before it froze, by exposing it slowly to the action of freezing mixtures. The experiment suc- ceeds best when the water tried is well purged of its air. It ought also to be transparent ; for opaque bodies floating therein cause it to shoot into crystals when only a few de- grees below the freezing point. When a piece of ice is thrown into water thus cooled, it causes it instantly to shoot out into crystals. The same effect is produced by throwing the liquid into a tremulous motion ; but not by stirring it. It freezes also when cooled down too suddenly. Freezing Rain, or Raming Ice, a very uncommon sort of shower which sometimes falls during winter. A remarkable shower of this kind happened in December 1672, in the west of England : of which some accounts arc given in the Philos. Transact. No. 90. This rain, as soon as it touched any thing above ground, as a bough, or the like, immediately settled into ice ; and by enlarging and multiplying the icicles, it broke all down with its weight. The rain that fell on the snow, immediately con- gealed, without sinking in the snow at all. It made also an amazing destruction of trees, beyond any thing in all history. " Had it concluded with some gust of wind," said a gentleman on the spot, " it might have been of ter- rible consequence. Having weighed the sprig of an ash- tree, the wood of which was just three quarters of a pound, the ice upon it amounted to 16 pounds. Some were frighted with the noise in the air; till they discerned it was the clatter of icy boughs dashing against each other." Dr. Bcale observes, that there was no considera- ble frost perceived on the ground during the whole of the shower; from which he concludes, that a frost maybe very fierce and dangerous on the tops of some hills, while 4B 2- F RI [ .w6 ] F R t in other places it keeps at some feet above the ground ; and may wander about very furiously in some places, and be remiss in others not far off. This rain was followed by glowing heats, and a great forwardness of vegetation. FRLNICLE (Bernard), a celebrated French mathe- matician of the 17th century. He was the contemporary angle, or on an horizontal support and between two upright pins; or best of all between little wheels, called friction wheels, moveable on their respective axes: for by this con- trivance, the friction is transferred from the circumfe- rence of those wheels to their pivots, and is so much less as these are smaller. In like manner the attrition or re- and companion of Descartes, Fermat, and the other learned sistance may be still farther diminished, by makin^ the ax- mathematicians of their time. He was admitted Geome- is of those wheels rest upon other friction wheels that tur-, trician of the French Academy in }666; and died in 1675. round with them. This was long since recommended by Frenicle had many papers inserted in the Ancient Memoirs P. Casabus ; and experience confirms the truth of it. Hence of the Academy, of l6'6"6", particularly in vol. 5 of that collection, viz, l.A method of resolving problems by Ex- clusions. — 2. Treatise of right-angled Triangles in Num- bers. — 3. Short tract on Combinations. — 4. Tables of JMagic Squares — 5. General method of making Tables of Magic Squares also it is, that a pulley moveable on its axis resists less than if it were fixed, and the cord sliding over the circum- ference. And the same may be observed of the wheels of coaches, and other carriages. Indeed about 40 years ago friction balls or rollers were -placed within the naves of carriage-wheels by some persons, particularly a Mr. Varlo; FRESCO, is a sort of painting which is made upon the and lately Mr. Garnett had a patent for an improved man- plastering of walls before it is dry FRIABILITY, the quality of a body that is friable. FRIABLE, a quality of bodies by which they are ren- dered tender and brittle, easily crumbled or reduced to powder between the fingers; their force of cohesion being such as easily exposes them to such solution. Such are pumice, and all calcined stones, burnt alum, &c. It is supposed that friability arises from hence, that the ner of applying friction wheels to any axis, as of carriages, blocks or pulleys, scale beams, &c, in which the inclosed wheels or rollers are kept always at the same distance by- connecting rods or bars. From these principles, with the assistance of the higher geometry, Olaus Roemer determined the figure of the teeth of wheels, that should make the least resistance pos- sible, which he found should be epicycloids. And the same body consists wholly of dry parts irregularly combined, was afterwards demonstrated by Lahire, and Camus and which are readily separated, as having nothing unc- M. Amontons by experiment attempted, to settle a tuous or glutinous to bind them together. foundation for the precise calculation of the quantity of FRICTION, the act of rubbing or grating the surfaces friction; which M. Parent, endeavoured to confirm from of bodies against or over each other, called also attrition, reasoning and geometry. Amontons' principle is, that the —The phenomena arising from the friction of divers bo- friction of two bodies depends only on the weight or force dies, under different -circumstances, are very numerous with which they press each other, being always more or and considerable. Mr. Hawksbee gives a number of ex- less in proportion to that pressure; esteeming it a vulgar periments of this kind ; particularly of the attrition or fric- error, that the quantity of friction has any dependence on tion of glass, under various circumstances; the result of the extent of the surface that is rubbed, or that the fric- which was, that it yielded light, and became electrical, tion increases with the surface; arguing that it will re- Indeed all bodies by friction are brought to conceive heat; quire the same weight to draw along upon aplane, apiece many of them to emit light ; particularly a cat's back, su- of wood on its narrow edge, as on its broad and flat side; gar, beaten sulphur, mercury, sea- water, gold, copper, &c, because, though on the broad side there be 4 times thenum- but above all diamonds, which when briskly rubbed against ber of touching particles, yet each particle is pressed with jlass, gold, or the like, yield a light equal to that of a live coal when blowed by the bellows. Friction, in Mechanics, denotes the resistance amov- ing body meets with from the surface on which it moves. Friction arises from the roughness or asperity of the sur- but -J- of the weight bearing on those of the narrow side; and since 4 times the number multiplied by i- of the weight is equal to i of the number multiplied by 4 times the weight, it is plain that the effect, that is, the resistance, is equal in both cases, and therefore requires the same face of the body moved on, and that of the body moving : force to overcome it for such surfaces consisting alternately of eminences and On the first proposal of this paradox, M. Lahire very cavities, either the eminences of the one must be raised properly had recourse to experiments, as the best test, had over those of the other, or they must be both broken and they been judiciously performed: such as they were, how- worn off : but neither can happen without motion, nor can ever, they succeeded in favour of this system. He laid motion be produced without a force impressed. Hence the several pieces of unpolished wood on a rough table, whose force applied to move the body is either wholly or partly sizes were unequal ; and afterwards placed weights on them, spent on this effect; and consequently there arises a re- so as to render them all equally heavy : and he found that sistance, or friction, which will be greater as the eminen- the same precise force, or weight, applied to them by a ces are greater, and the substance the harder,- and as the small pulley, was required to put each in motion, not- body, by continual rubbing, becomes more and more po- withstanding the inequality of the surfaces. The experi- lished, the friction in consequence diminishes. meiit succeeded in tliesame manner with pieces of marble, As the friction is less in a body that rolls, than when on a marble table. After this, by reasoning, M. Lahire it slides, hence in machines, lest the friction should em- gave a physical solution of the effect. And M. Amontons ploy a great part of the power, care is to be taken that no settled a calculus of the value of friction, with the loss sus- part ofthe machine slide along another, if it can be avoided; tained by it in machines, on the foundation of this new but rather that they roll, or turn upon each other, or at principle. In wood, iron, lead, and brass, which are the leastslideas little as possible. With this view it may be chief materials used in machines, he makes the resistance proper to lay the axes of cylinders, not in a groove or con- caused by friction to be nearly the same in all, when those cave matrix, as usual, but between two cheeks forming an materials are anointed with oil or fat : and the quantity of F ft I MM* ] F H I this resistance^ independent of the magnitude of the sur- face, he finds nearly equal to a third part of the weight of the body moved, or of the force with which the two bodies are pressed together. Others have asserted that if the sur- faces be hard and well polished, the friction will be less than a third part of the weight; bu-t if the parts be soft or rugged, it will be much greater. It was farther observed, that in the cylinder moved on two small gudgeons, or on a small axis, the friction would be diminished in the same proportion as the diameter of these gudgeons is less than the diameter of the cylinder; because in this case, the parts on which the cylinder moves and rubs, will have less velo- city than the power which moves it in the^ame propor- tion, which is in effect making the friction to be propor- tional to the velocity. So that, from the whole of then- observations, this general proposition is deduced, viz, That the resistances arising from friction, are to each other in a ratio compounded of the pressures of the rubbing parts, and the velocities of their motions. Principles which, it is now known from better experiments, are both erroneous; notwithstanding the hypothesis of M. Amontons has been adopted, and attempted to be confirmed by Camus, Desa- guliers, and others. M. Muschenbroek and the abbe Nollet, however, on the other hand, have concluded from experiments, that the friction of bodies depends on the magnitude of their sur- face, as well as on their weight. Though the former ob- serves, that in small velocities the friction varies very nearly as thevelocity, but that ingreatvelocities the propor- tion increases faster : he has also attempted to prove, that by augmenting the weight of a body, the friction does not always increase exactly in the same ratio. Introd. ad Phil. Nat. vol. l,c. .9; and Lect. Phys.E.xp. torn. l,p. 241. Hel- sham and Ferguson, from the same kind of experiments, have endeavoured to prove, that the friction does not vary by changing the quantity of surface on which the body moves; and the latter of these asserts, that the friction in- creases very nearly as the velocity ; and that by increas- ing the weight, the friction is also increased in the same ratio. Indeed there is scarce any subject of experiment, with regard to which, different persons have formed such various conclusions. Of those who have written on the theory, no one has established it altogether on true prin- ciples, till the experiments lately made by Mr. Professor Vince of Cambridge: Euler, whose theory' is extremely elegant, and would have been quite satisfactory had his principles been founded on good experiments, supposes the friction to vary in proportion to the velocity of tiie body, and its pressure upon the plane; neither of which is true: and others, though they have justly imagined that friction is a uniformly retarding force, have yet retained the other supposition, and so rendered their solutions not at all ap- plicable to the cases for which they were intended. For these reasons a new and ingenious set of experiments was successfully instituted by the Rev. Mr.Vince, Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the university of Cambridge, which are published in the 75th vol. of the Philos. Trans. p.-l65. The object of these experiments was to determine, 1st, Whether friction be a uniformly retarding force. — 2d, The quantity of friction. — 3d, Whether friction varies in proportion to the pressure or weight. — 4th, Whether the friction be the same, on whichever of its surfaces a body moves. The professor says, " The experiments were made with the utmost care and attention, and the several results agreed so very -exactly with each other, that I do not scruple to pronounce them to be conclusive."— "A plane was adjusted parallel to the horizon, at the extremity of which was placed a pulley, which could be elevated or depressed in order to render the string which connected the body and the moving force parallel to the plane or horizon. A scale accurately divided was placed by the side of the pulley perpendicular to the horizon, by the side of which the moving force descended; on the scale also was placed a moveable stage, which could be ad- justed to the space through which the moving force de- scended in any given time, which time was measured by a well regulated pendulum clock vibrating seconds. Every thing being thus prepared, the following experiments were made to ascertain the law of friction. But let me first observe, that if friction be a uniform force, the difference between it and the given force of the moving power must be also uniform, and therefore the moving body must descend with a uniformly accelerated velocity, and consequently the • spaces described from the beginning" of the motion must be as the squares of the times, just as when there was no fric- tion, only they will be diminished on account of the fric- tion." Accordingly the experiments are then related, which are performed agreeably to these ideas, and from them are deduced these general, conclusions, which may be consi- dered as established and certain facts or maxims, viz, 1st, That friction is a uniformly retarding force in hard bodies; and is not subject to alteration by the velocity; except when the body is covered with cloth, woollen, &c, in which case the friction increases a little with thevelocity. 2dly,- Friction increases in a less ratio than the quantity of matter, or weight of the body. This increase however is different for the different bodies, more or less; nor is it yet sufficiently known, for any one body, what proportion the increase of friction bears to the increase of weight. 3dly, The smallest surface has the least friction; the weight being the same. But the ratio of the friction to the surface is not yet accurately known. It is observed, that the professor's experiments con- sisted in determining how far the sliding bodies would be drawn, in given times, by a weight hanging freely over a pulley. This method would both show him if the friction were a constant retarding force, and the other conclusions above stated. For, as the spaces described by any con- stant force, in given times, are as the squares of the times; and as the weight drawing the body is a constant force, if the friction, which acts in opposition to the weight, should also be a constant force, then their difference, or the force by which the body is urged, will also be constant, in which case the spaces described ought to be as the squares of the times; which happened accordingly in the experiments. Mr. Vince adds some remarks likewise on the nature of the experiments which have been made by others." These, he observes, the authors " have instituted, to find what moving force would just put a body at rest, in mo- tion : and they concluded from thence, that the acceleru- tive force was then equal to the friction ; but it is mani- fest, that,any force which will put a body in motion must be greater than the force which opposes its motion, other- wise it could not overcome it; and hence, if there were no other objection than this, it is evident that the friction could not be very accurately obtained ; but there is an- other objection, which totally destroys the experiment, so far as it tends to show the quantity of friction, which is, the strong cohesion of the body to the plane when it lies F R I [ 558 ] FRO at rest." This he confirms by several experiments, and then adds, " From these experiments therefore it appears, how very considerable the cohesion was, in proportion to the friction when the. body was in motion: it being, in one case almost -f, and in another it was found to be very nearly equal to the whole friction. All the conclusions therefore deduced from the experiments, which have been instituted to determine the friction from the force necessary to put a body in motion (and I have never seen any de- scribed but upon such a principle) have manifestly been totally false; as such experiments only show the resistance which arises from the cohesion and friction conjointly/' Philos. Trans, vol. 75, pa. 165. • Emerson, in his Principles of Mechanics, deduces from experiments the following remarks relating to the quantity of friction : When a cubic piece of soft wood, of 8 pounds weight, moves upon a smooth plane of soft wood, at the . rate of 3 feet per second, its friction is about ■§■ of the weight; but if the plane be rough, the friction is little less than half the weight: on the same supposition, when both the pieces of wood are very smooth, the friction is about A of the weight : the friction of soft wood on hard, or of hard wood upon soft, is f-or-|. of the weight ; of hard wood upon hard wood, y or A ; of polished steel moving on steel or pewter, ?; moving on copper or lead, J of the weight. He observes in general, that metals of the same kind have more friction than those of different kinds ; that lead makes much resistance ; that iron or steel running in brass makes the least friction of any; and that metals oiled' make the friction less than when polished, and twice as little, as when unpolished. Desaguliers also observes that, in M. Camus's experiments on small models of sledges in actual motion, there are more cases in which the friction is less than where it is more than -J of the weight. See a table, exhibiting the friction between va- rious substances, formed from his experiments in Desag. Exp. Philos. vol. 1, pa. 193 &c; also pa. 133 to 138, and pa. 1S2 to 254, and pa. 45S to 4,60. On the subject of friction, sec several vols, of the Philos. Trans, as vol. 1, pa. 206; vol. 34, pa. 77; vol. 37, pa. 394; vol. 53, pa. 139, &c. FRIDAY, the Gth day of the week, so called from Friga, or Friya, a goddess worshipped by the Saxons on this day. Jt is a fast-day in the church of England, in memory of our Saviour's crucifixion, unless Christmas-day happen to fall on Friday, which is always a festival. Good Friday, the Friday next before Easter, repre- senting the clay of our Saviour's crucifixion. FRIGID Zone, the space about either pole of the earth to which the sun never rises for one whole day at least in their winter. These two zones extend to about 23f de- grees everyway from the pole considered as their centre. FRIGORIF1C, in Physics, something belonging to, or that occasions cold. — Some philosophers, as Gassendus, and other corpuscularians, denying cold to be a mere pri- vation, or absence of heat, contend that there are actual frigorific corpuscles or particles, as well as fiery ones: whence proceed cold and heat. But later philosophers allow of no other frigorific particles beside those nitrous salts, &c, which float in the air in cold weather, and oc- casion freezing. FRISI, or I'RISIUS (Gumma), appears to have been a native of the Flemish Netherlands, and flourished the beginning of the l6"th century. As Werner had proposed to find the longitude by observations on the moon; so Gemma Frisi, in a tract entitled, De Principiis Astrono- mice et Cosmographiaj, printed at Antwerp 1530, advised keeping the time by means of small clocks or watches, for the purpose, then, as he says, lately invented-. He also contrived a new kind of cross-staff, described in his tua- tise De Radio Astronomico et Geometrico, printed at the same place 1545, and in his additions to Peter Apiau's Cosmography, gives the figure of an instrument, he calls a nautical quadrant, as very useful in navigation, promising to write largely on the subject : accordingly, in , hi, eg, are directly proportional to - ca, cii, cb, therefore these are reciprocally propor. to ad, iif, be; and consequently the curve dfe is an hyperbola, whose centre is c, and asymptotes AC and kl : so that the figure of the fusee is the solid generated by an equilateral hyper- bola about its asymptote. See also Martin's Mathem. Instit. vol. 2, pa. 364. Fusee, Fuse, or Fuze, in Artillery, is a wooden tap or tube used to set fire to the powder in a bomb-shell- The bore of this tube is filled with a composition, of sul- phur one part, saltpetre 3 parts, and mealed powder 3, 4, or 5 parts. The tube is driven hard into the hole in the shell, having first cut it to the exact length, answering to the time of the intended flight of the shell, so that, the composition in the fuse catching fire by the discharge of the shell from the mortar, it just burns down to its lower end, and so sets fire to the powder in the shell, thereby bursting it at the moment when it arrives at the end of its range or flight. FUST, in Architecture, the shaft of a column, or that part comprehended between the base and the capital,, called also the Naked. FUZE, or Fuzee. See Fusee. [ 563 j G. GAG GAG /^JlABIONS, in Fortification, arc large cylindrical bas- ^"^ kets, open at both ends, made of ozier twigs, of 3 or 4 feet in diameter, and from 3 to 6 feet high. These, being filled with earth, are sometimes used as merlons for the batteries, and sometimes as a parapet for the lines of ap- proach, when the attacks are carried on through a stony or rocky ground, and to advance them with extraordinary vigour. They serve also to make lodgments in some posts, and to secure other places from the shot of the enemy; who, on their part, endeavour to burn and destroy the gabions, by throwinglighted pitch-faggots among them. GABLE, or GA~BLE-end, of a house, is the upright triangular end, from the cornice or eaves to the top of its roof. GAGE, in Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, &c, is an instru- ment for ascertaining measures of various kinds. Gage of the Air-pump, is adapted for showing the de- gree to which the air is rarefied, or the receiver is exhaust- ed, at any time by the air-pump. This is either the com- mon barometer-gage, both long and short, or the pear- gage, which at first was thought a great improvement, but afterwards it was discovered that its seeming accuracy was founded on a fallacy, which gave an erroneous indica- tion of exhaustion. See AiR-pump. Gage of the Barometer, is a contrivance for estimating the exact degree of the rise and fall of the mercury in the tube of that instrument. It is well known that while the mercury rises in the tube, it sinks in the cistern, and vice versa; and consequently, the divisions on the scale, fixed near the top of the tube, had their distance from the sur- face of' the mercury in the cistern always various; from which there must often happen errors in determining the height of the mercury in the tube. To remedy this incon- venience, a line is cut upon a round piece of ivory, which is fixed near the cistern : this line is accurately placed at a given distance from the scale; for example, at 27 inches; and a small float of cork, with a cylindrical piece of ivory fixed to its upper surface, on which a line is cut at the exact distance of 2 inches from the under side of the cork, is left to play freely on the quicksilver, and the cylinder works in a groove made in the other piece. From this construction it appears, that if these marks are made to coincide, by raising or lowering the screw which acts on the quicksilver, then the divisions on the scale will ex- press the true measure of the distance from the surface. Gage of the Condenser, is a glass tube of a particular construction, adapted to the condensing engine, and de- signed to show the exact density and quantity of the air contained at any time in the condenser. See Desaguliers's Kxper. Philos. vol. 2, pa.394. Sea Gage, an instrument for sounding the depth of the sea. Several kinds of these have been invented, by Dr. Hales, Dr. Desaguliers, and others. Formerly, the ma- chines for this purpose consisted of two bodies, the one specifically lighter, and the other specifically heavier, than the water, so joined together, that as soon as the licavy one came to the bottom, the lighter should get loose from it, and emerge ; and the depth was to be estimated by the time the compound was in falling from the top to the bottom of the water, together with the time the lighter body was in rising, reckoned from the disappearing of the machine, till the emergent body was seen again. But no certain conclusion could be drawn from so precarious and incomplete an experiment. But that invented by Drs. Hales and Desaguliers was of a more exact nature, depending on the pressure of the *fluid only. For as the pressure of fluids, in all directions, is the same at the same depth, a gage which discovers what the pressure is at the bottom of the sea, will show what the true depth of the sea is in that place, whether the^ time of the machine's descent be longer or shorter. Dr. Hales, in his Vegetable Statics, describes his gage for estimating the pressures made in opaque vessels ; where hcThey being poured over the surface of mercury in an open vessel, rises upon the surface of the mercury as it is pressed up into a tube whose lower orifice is immersed into the honey and mercury, and whose top is hermetically sealed. Now, as by the pressure, the air in the tube is condensed, and the mercury rises, so the mercury comes down again when the pressure is taken off, and would leave no mark of the height to which it had risen ; but the honey (or treacle, which does better) which is upon the mercury, sticking to the inside of the tube, leaves a mark, which shows the height to which it had risen, and conse- quently gives the quantity of pressure, and the height of the surface of the fluid. Desaguliers's addition to this machine, consisted in a contrivance to carry it, down to the bottom of the sea by means of a heavy weight, which was immediately disen- gaged by striking the bottom, and the gage, made very light for the purpose, re-ascended to the top. Dr. Hales afterwards made more experiments of this kind, and proposed another sea gage for vast depths, which is described in the Philos. Trans. No. 405, and is to this effect. Suppose a pretty long tube of copper or iron, close at the upper end, to be let down into the sea, to any depth, the water will rise in the tube to a height bearing a certain proportion to the depth of the sea, to which the machine is sunk. And this proportion is as follows : 33 feet of sea water being nearly equal to the mean pressure of the atmosphere, therefore at 33 feet deep, the air in the tube will be compressed into half the length of the tube, or the water will rise and fill one half of the tube ; in like manner, at 66 feet deep, the water will occupy §. of the tube; at 99 feet deep it will fill | of the tube; at 132 feet deep it will fill ■£ of the tube ; and so on. Hence therefore, by knowing the height to which the water rises in the tube, there will be known the consequent depth of the sea. But, in very great depths, the scale near the top of the tube would be so small, and the divisions so close, that there would be no accuracy in the experiment, unless the tube were of a very great length, and this again would render it both liable to be broken, and quite impractica- ble. To remedy this inconvenience, the Doctor made the following contrivance: To the bottom of the tube he screwed a large hollow globe of copper, with a small ori- fice, or a short pipe at bottom of the globe, to lot in the 4 C 2 GAL [ 564 ] GAL water; by which means he had a very great quantity. of air, and the scale enlarged. See also Desagul. Exp. Phil. vol.2, pa. 224 and 241. Bucket Sea Gage, is an instrument contrived also by Dr. Hales, to find the different degrees of coolness and saltness of ihe sea, at different depths. This gage consists of a common pail or bucket, with two beads ; each of which has a round hole in the middle, about 4 inches in diameter, covered with square valves opening upward. That these heads may both open and shut together, there is a small iron rod, having one end fixed to the upper side of the lower valve, and the other end to the lower side of the upper valve: so that as the bucket descends with its sinking weight into the sea, both the valves may open by the force of the water, which by that means has a free passage through the bucket. But when the bucket is drawn up, then both the valves shut by the force of the water at the upper end of the bucket ; and consequently the bucket will be filled with the lowest sea water to which it has descended, and immediately the mercurial thermo- meter, fixed within it, is examined, to see the degree of temperature ; and the degree of saltness is afterwards as- certained at leisure. Philos. Trans. No. 9, pa. 149, and No. 24, pa. 447- Lord Charles Cavendish adapted a thermometer for the temperature of the sea water, at different depths. See Philos. Trans, vol. 50, pa. 300, and Phipps's Voyage to- wards the North Pole, pa. 142, &c. Agueo-mercurial Gage, is the hame of an apparatus contrived by Dr. Hales, and applied, in various forms, to the branches of trees, to determine the force with which they imbibe moisture. Vegetable Statics, vol. 1 , ch. 2, pa. 84. Sliding Gage, a tool used by mathematical-instrument- makers, for measuring and setting off distances ; consisting of a beam, tooth, sliding socket, and the shoulder of the socket. Tide Gage, an instrument used for determining the height of the tides, by Mr. Bayly, in the course of a voy- age towards the south pole, &c, in the Resolution and Ad- venture, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775. This instrument consisted of a glass tube, whose internal dia- meter was 7-10ths of an inch, lashed fast to a 10-foot fir rod, divided into feet, inches, and parts ; the rod being fastened to a strong post fixed firm and upright in the water. At the lower end of the tube was an exceeding small aperture, through which the water was admitted. In consequence of this construction, the surface of the water in the tube was so little affected by the agitation of the sea, that its height was not altered the 10th part of an inch, when the swell of the sea was 2 feet; and Mr. Bayly was certain, that with this instrument he could discern a difference of the 10th of an inch in the height of the tide. Water Gage. See Altitude, and Hydrometer. Wind Gage, an instrument for measuring the force of the wind upon any given surface. Several of these gages arc of former invention ; but there is one lately invented by Dr. Lind, which is described in the Philos. Trans, vol. 65- See several also under the article Anemometer. GAGER. See Gauger. GAGING. See Gauging. GALAXY, or Milky-Way, or Via Lactea, in Astronomy, that long, whitish, luminous track, which appears to en- compass the heavens like a swath, scarf, or girdle ; and which is easily seen in a clear night, especially when the moon is not up. It is of a considerable, though unequal breadth ; being also in some parts double, but in others single. The galaxy passes through many of the constel- lations in its circuit round the heavens, and keeps its ex- act place or position with respect to them. There have been various strange and fabulous stories and opinions concerning the galaxy. The ancient poets, and even some of the philosophers, speak of it as the road or way by which the heroes went to heaven. But the Egyptians called it the Way of Straw, from the story of its rising from burning straw, thrown behind the goddess Isis in her flightfrom the giant Typhon. While the Greeks, who affect to derive every thing in the heavens from some of their own fables, have two origins for it ; the one, that .luno, without perceiving it, accidentally gave suck to Mercury when an infant, but that as soon as she turned her eyes upon him, she forced him from her, and as the nipple was drawn from his mouth, the milk streamed about for a moment and formed the galaxy. The other relates, that the infant Hercules being laid by the side of Juno when asleep, on waking she gave him the breast; but soon perceiving who it was, she threw him from her, and the heavens were marked by the wasted milk. Other philosophers however gave it a different turn, and different origin : these esteemed it to be a tract of liquid fire, spread in this manner along the skies : and others again, supposing a celestial region beyond all that was vi- sible, and imagining that fire, at some time let loose from thence, was to consume the world, made this a part of thatcelestial fire, and appealed to it as a presage of what would surely happen. This diffused brightness they con- sidered as a crack in the vault or wall of heaven, and fan- cied this aglimrnering of the celestial fire through it, and that there required nothing more than the undoing of this crack by some accident in nature, or by the will of the gods, to make the whole frame start, and let out the fire of destruction. Aristotle makes the galaxy a kind of meteor, formed from a collection of vapours, drawn into that part by cer- tain large stars disposed in the region of the heavens an- swering to it. Others, finding that the galaxy was per- ceived in most parts of the globe, that it always corre- sponded to the same fixed stars, and that it was situated far above the highest planets, set Aristotle's opinion aside, and placed the galaxy in the firmament or region of the fixed stars; thence concluding that it was nothing else but an assemblage of an infinite number of minute stars. And since the. invention of telescopes, this opinion has been abundantly confirmed. For, by directing a good telescope to any part of the milky way, we perceive an innumerable multitude of very small stars, where before was only ob- served a confused whiteness, arising from the assemblage and union of their joint light ; like as an}' thing powdered with fine white powder, at a distance we only observe the confused whiteness, but on examining it very near we perceive all the small particles of the powder separately ; as Milton finely expresses it, " A broad and ample road, whose dust is gold, And pavement stars, as stars to thee appear, Seen in the galaxy, that milky way, Which nightly, as a circling zone thou seest Powder'd with stars." There are other similar appearances in the heavens; as the nebula;, or nebulous stars, and certain whitish parts about the south pole, called Magellanic clouds, which are GAL [ 565- ] GAL all of the same nature, appearing to be vast clusters of small stars when viewed through a telescope, which are too faint to affect the eye singly. M. le Monnier however, not being able to discover more stars in this space, than in other parts of the heavens, dis- putes the opinion above recited, as to the reason of the whiteness, and supposes that this and the nebulous stars are occasioned by some other kind of matter. Inst. Ast. pa. 60. And Dr. Herschel has lately announced some- thing of a similar opinion. See Philos. Trans, vol. 81, or my Abridg. vol. 17, pa. 18. GALILiil (Galileo), a most excellent philosopher, mathematician and astronomer, was born at Pisa in Italy, in 1564. From his infancy he had a strong propensity to philosophy and mathematics, which he indulged with such success that in 1592 he was chosen professor of mathe- matics at Padua. While he was professor there, visiting Venice, then famous for the art of glass-making, he heard that in Holland a glass had been invented, through which very distant objects were seen distinctly as if near at hand. This was sufficient for Galileo ; his curiosity was raised, and his attention immediately engaged in considering what must be the form of such a glass, and the manner of making it. The result of his inquiry was the invention of the telescope, produced merely from this hint, without having seen the Dutch glass. All the discoveries he made in astronomy were easy and natural consequences of this invention, which opening a way, till then unknown, into the heavens, thence brought to light the finest discoveries. One of the first of these, was that of 4 of Jupiter's satel- lites, which he called the Medicean stars or planets, in honour of Cosmo the 2d, grand-duke of Tuscany, who was of that family. Cosmo sent for our astronomer from Padua, and made him professor of mathematics at Pisa in l6ll ; and soon after inviting him to Florence, gave him the office and title of principal philosopher and mathema- tician to his highness. Our author had been but a few years atFIorence, before the Inquisition began to be very troublesome concerning his opinions. Having observed some solar spots in 1612, he printed that discovery the following year at Rome ; in which, and in some other pieces, he ventured to assert the truth of the Copernican system, and brought several new arguments to confirm it. For these he was cited be- fore the Inquisition at Pome, in l6l5: after some months imprisonment, he was released, and sentence pronounced against him, that he should renounce his heretical opinions, and not defend them by word or writing, or insinuate them into the minds of any persons. But having after- wards, in 1632, published at Florence his Dialogues of the two Great Systems of the World, the Ptolemaic and Copernican, he was again summoned before the holy-office, and committed to the prison of that ecclesiastical court at Rome. The inquisitors convened in June that year; and in his presence pronounced sentence against him and his books, obliging him to abjure his errors in the most so- lemn manner; committed him to the prison of their office during pleasure; and enjoined him, as a saving penance, for three years to come, to repeat once a week the seven penitential psalms; reserving to themselves, however, the power of moderating, changing, or taking away, altogether or in part, the said punishment and penance. On this sentence he was detained in prison till l6'34; and his , Dialogues of the System of thoWorld were burnt at Rome. Galileo lived ten years after this period; 7 of which were employed in making still further discoveries with his te- lescope. But by the continual application to that instru- ment, added to an injury of sight from the nocturnal air, his eyes grew gradually weaker, till he became totally blind in 16'39- He bore this calamity with patience and resignation, worthy of a great philosopher. The loss nei- ther broke his spirit, nor stopped the course of his studies. He supplied the defect by constant meditation; by which means he prepared a large quantity of materials, and be- gan to arrange them by dictating his ideas; when, by a distemper of three months continuance, wasting away by degrees, he expired at Arcetri near Florence, in January l642, being the 78th year of his age. Galileo was in his person of small stature, though of a venerable aspect, and vigorous constitution. His -conver- sation was affable and free, and full of pleasantry. He took great delight in architecture and painting, and de- signed extremely well. He played exquisitely on the lute; and whenever he spent any time in the country, he took great pleasure in husbandry. His learning was very ex- tensive ; and he possessed in a high degree a clearness and acuteness of wit. From the time of Archimedes, nothing had been done in mechanical geometry, till Galileo, who being possessed of an excellent judgment, and great skill in the most abtruse points of geometry, first extended the boundaries of that science, and began to reduce the resist- ance of solid bodies to its laws. Besides applying geome- try to the doctrine of motion, by which philosophy be- came established on a sure foundation, he made surpris- ing discoveries in the heavens, by means of his telescope. He made the evidence of the Copernican system more sen- sible, when he showed, from the phases of Venus, like to those of the moon, that Venus actually revolves about the sun. He proved the rotation of the sun on his axis, from many observations on the spots contained on its surface; and thence the diurnal rotation of the earth became more credible. The satellites that attend Jupiter in his revolu- tion about the sun, represented, in Jupiter's smaller sys- tem, a just image of the great solar system; and rendered it more easy to conceive how the moon might attend the earth, as a satellite, in her annual revolution. By dis- covering hills and cavities in the moon, and spots in the sun constantly varying, he showed that there was not so great a difference between the celestial bodies and the earth, as had been vainly imagined. Our author likewise rendered no less service to science by treating, in a clear and geometrical manner, the doc- trine of motion, which has justly been called the key of nature. The rational part of mechanics had been so much neglected, that hardly any improvement was made in it for almost 2000 years. But Galileo has given us fully the theory of equable motions, and of such as are uniformly accelerated or retarded, and of these two com- pounded together. He, first of any, demonstrated that the spaces described by heavy bodies, from the beginning of their descent, are as the squares of the times ; and that a body, projected in any direction not perpendicular to the horizon, describes a parabola. These were the be- ginnings of the doctrine of the motion of heavy bodies, which has been since carried to so great a height by New- ton. In geometry, he invented the cycloid, or trochoid ; though the properties of this curve were afterwards chiefly demonstrated by his pupil Torricelli. He invented (he simple pendulum, and made use of it in his astronomical experiments : he had also thoughts of applying it to clocks; GAL [ 566 ] GAL but did not execute that design : the glory of that inven- tion was reserved for his son Vicenzio, who made the ex- periment at Venice in l6±9; andHuygens afterwards car- ried the same to perfection. Our author was likewise pro- jector of the machine, with which the Venetians render their Laguna fluid and navigable. He also discovered the gravity of the air, and endeavoured to compare it with that of water ; besides laying the foundation for several other inquiries in natural philosophy. In short, such was the character of this memorable genius, that he was not only esteemed and followed by philosophers, but was honoured by persons of the greatest distinction of all nations. Galileo had scholars that were worthy of so great a master, by whom the gravitation of the atmosphere was fully established, and its varying pressure accurately and conveniently measured, by the column of quicksilver of equal weight sustained thereby in the barometrical tube. The elasticity of the air,' by which it perpetually endea- vours to expand itself, and, while it admits of condensa- tion, resists in proportion to its density, was a phenomenon of a new kind (the common fluids having no such pro- perty), and was of the utmost importance to philosophy. These principles opened a vast field of new and useful knowledge, and explained a great variety of phenomena, which had been accounted for before that time in a very absurd manner. It seemed as if the air, the. fluid in which men lived from the beginning, had been then but first dis- covered. Philosophers were every where busy inquiring into its various properties and their effects : and valuable discoveries rewarded their industry. Of the great num- ber who distinguished themselves on this occasion, may be mentioned Torricelli and Viviani in Italy, Pascal in France, Otto Guerick in Germany, and Boyle in Eng- land. Our author wrote a number of treatises, many of which were published in his life-time. Most of them were also collected after his death, and published by Mendessi in 2 vols. 4to, under the title of L'Opere di Galileo Galilei Lynceo, in \6d6. Some of these, with others of his pieces, were translated into English and published by Thomas Salisbury, in his Mathematical Collections, in 2 vols folio. A volume also of his letters to several learned men, and solutions of several problems, were printed at Bologna in 4to. His last disciple, Vincenzo Viviani, who proved a very eminent mathematician, methodized a work of his master's, and published it under this title, Quinto libro dc gli Element! d'Euclidi, &c ; at Florence in 1674, 4to. Viviani published also other writings of Galileo, being ex- tracts from his letters to a learned Frenchman, where he gives an account of the works which he intended to have published, and a passage from a letter of Galileo dated at Arcetri, Oct. 30, 1035, to JohnCamillo, a mathematician of Naples, concerning the angle of contact. Besides all these, he wrote many other pieces, which were unfortu- nately lost through his wife's devotion ; who, solicited by her confessor, gave him leave to peruse her husband's ma- nuscripts; of which he destroyed and took away as many as he said were unfit for publication. GALLERY, in Architecture, a covered place in a building, much longer than broad; which is usually placed in the wings of the building, and serving to walk in as well as to place pictures. It denotes a small aisle, or walk, serving as a common passage to several rooms placed in a line, or row. Gallery, in Fortification, a covered walk, or passage, made across the ditch of a besieged town, with timbers fastened in the ground and covered over. GALLON, an English measure of capacity, for things both liquid and dry, containing 2 pottles, or 4 quarts, or 8 pints. But those pints and quarts, and consequently the gallon itself, are different, according to the quality of the things measured : the wine gallon, for instance, contains 231 cubic inches, and holds Sib, 5-foz, avoirdupois., of pure water; the beer and ale gallon contains 282 cubic inches, and holds 101b, 3-jOZ of water; and the gallon dry measure, for grain, meal, &c, contains 26"Sf cubic inches, and holds C)]b, lljoz of water. GALLOPER, in Artillery, the name of a carriage serv- ing for the very small guns, and having shafts so as to be drawn without a limber. GALVANISM, one of the most interesting branches of modern philosophy, which derives its name from its illus- trious discoverer, Professor Galvani, late of Bologna: it comprises all those electrical phenomena arising from the chemical agency of certain metals with different fluids. The following circumstance is said to have given rise to this very curious branch of philosophical inquiry. Pro- fessor Galvani had long been considered as one of the most able lecturers in the university to which he belonged; a character that he owed to his accurate knowledge of ana- tomy, chemistry, and other philosophical subjects: one day, while engaged in some experiments in his laboratory, a frog, which had been prepared for the purpose of making soup for his wife, who was sick, was laid on the same table where his electrical apparatus were placed ; when one of his assistants in the experiments, by accident or design, brought the point of a scalpel near the crural nerves of the frog, lying not far from the conductor. In an instant the muscles of its limbs were agitated with strong convulsions. The experiment was repeated, the fact ascertained, and a great many ingenious experiments were put in execution, by which he investigated the law of nature, of which ac- cident had thus given him a glimpse; and the success of his inquiries has immortalized his name. His publication on the subject was printed for the in- stitute at Bologna in 17.91, entitled, Aloysii Galvani de veribus Electricitatis in motu musculari Commentarius; which work immediately excited the attention of philoso- phers both in Italy and in other countries; and the ex- periments were repeated and extended. Galvani, soon af- ter he had ascertained the power of electricity on the limbs of dead frogs, and other animals, was led to a fur- ther discovery, that a similar effect might be produced without the assistance of any visible electrical agent; that .is, by the mere action of a metallic substance; and after making a number of experiments on this head, he ascer- tained, that the convulsions were produced only when dis- similar metals were employed. These experiments, as be- fore observed, were repeated by many philosophers ; none, however, added any thing new to what Galvani had dis- covered, excepting the celebrated Volra, of whom we shall have frequent occasion to speak in the following pages: thisgreat improvement took place in the year 1800; after which time, many other philosophers pursued this subject with very great success and applause; and none with more than Professor' Davy, of the Royal Institution: Dr. Wpllaston ami Mr. Nicholson likewise have done them- selves considerable honour, by the number and accuracy of their experiments, and the consequent developement of many new principles connected with this science; and GAL [ 5C7 ] Mr. Wm.Cruickshank, a celebrated English chemist, by his invention of the galvanic trough, seems to have fur- nished the means of increasing the power of the galvanic fluid to its greatest possible extent. Having thus given a slight view of the discoverer and subsequent improvers of this interesting science, we shall proceed to explain, as much at length as our limits will admit, the nature of its action, and the principal experi- ments that are necessary, in order to form a connected idea of its several effects. The discoveries of Galvani, as before observed, were made chiefly with dead frogs; the limbs of which, by GAL zinc seem to be rather the best; though silver and tin, or copper and zinc, and some other combinations, are not much inferior. If part of the nerve proceeding from a prepared limb be wrapped up in a piece of tinfoil, or only laid upon zinc; and a piece of silver laid with one end upon the bare muscle, and with the other on the above- mentioned tin or zinc ; the motion of the prepared limb will be very vigorous. The two metals may be so placed, as not to be in contact with the preparation; but in any part of the circuit; which may be completed by means of other conductors, as water, &c. In a similar manner, the action of the calvanic fluid means of electricity, acquired a tremulous motion, and may be made sensible on the human body. & Thus, let 1 generally a certain degree of extension; but this effect is man lay a piece of metal, as zinc, upon his tongue;' and ( likewise, sensible, in a greater or less degree, on any other recently dead and skinned animal; though it is much more perceptible in cold-blooded creatures. The manner in which Dr. Galvani made his first experiments, was as fol- lows : he skinned the legs of a frog recently dead, and left them attached to a small part of the spine, but separated from the rest of the body; and any other limb may be prepared in a similar manner ; that is, the limb must be deprived of its integuments, and the nerve which belongs to it must be partly laid bare. If the limbs thus prepared, for instance, (he legs of a fro", be so situated, tl^it a little electricity may pass through them, whether it be by the immediate contact of an electrical body, or by the action of an electric atmo- sphere ; as when the preparation is placed within a cer- tain distance of an electrical machine, and a spark is taken piece of some other metal, as silver, under his tongue; then by forming the communication between these two metals, either by bringing their outer edges in contact, or by the interposition of some other piece of metal, he will perceive a peculiar sensation, a kind of irritation, ac- companied with a cool and subacid taste, not much unlike that which is produced by artificial electricity. The sen- sation seems to be more distinct, when the metals are of the usual temperature of the tongue; and on making the communication between the two pieces, the taste will be perceived more sensibly. The effect is rather more re- markable when the zinc touches the tongue in a small part, and the silver jn a great portion of its surface, than when the contrary have place; that is, when ihe zinc touches more than the silver. Instead of the tongue, the two metals also may be placed in contact with the 3 roof of from the prime conductor; the prepared legs will be in- the mouth, as far back as possible, and on completing the slantly affected with a kind of spasmodic contraction, and communication, a similar effect will be produced sometimes so strong as to jump a considerable way. The like movements may be produced in the prepared animal, without the aid of any apparent electrical agent. In an animal recently dead, detach one end of a nerve from the surrounding parts, taking care to cut it not too near its insertion, into the muscle; remove the integu- ments from over the muscles that depend on that nerve; then take a piece of metal, as a wire, and touch the nerve with one extremity of it, and the muscles with the other extremity; on doing which, the prepared limbs will move in the same manner, as when electricity is made to pass through them. This, however, is not the most effectual wayof formingthecommunication, though it will generally succeed ; and the experiment will answer, whether the Different persons are variously affected with this appli- cation of metals; with some, the sensation of taste is so slight, as scarcely to be perceptible ; while with others it is very strong, and even disagreeable. The above experiment, which is one of the most simple that can be devised, was accidentally made about 6'0 years back, by a person of the name of Sultzer, who stated the fact in the following terms. If a piece of lead, and a similar piece of silver, be laid together; and the edges of both be brought in contact with the tongue, a taste is perceived similar to that of vitriol of iron, at the same time that the metals applied separately produce no effect. The ob- server of this experiment docs not appear to have been at all surprised with its result: for at that time the doctrine preparation be laid upon conductors, or on electrics. But of vibrations was employed to explain all natural pheno- if the communication between the nerve and the muscle mena ; and he therefore concluded, that some peculiar be formed by nonconducting bodies, such as glass, wax, silk, &c, then no motion will ensue. The conducting communication between the muscles and the nerve may consist of one or more pieces; and of the same, or, which is much better, of different bodies, connected together, as metals, water, a number of persons, and even of wood : but it must be observed, that the va- rious bodies which form this circuit must be placed with full and perfect contact with each other, which is done by pressure, or by the interposition of water, &c. The less perfect conductors will answer only at first, when the prepared animal retains its vigour; but when the power begins to diminish, as it will after a few hours, then the more perfect conductors only will answer, and even these will produce various effects. The most effectual way of producing those; movements, is. by the application of two metals, of which silver and vibration took place on the application of the metals; and as every body was satisfied with this explanation, no'thiii" further was thought of the experiment ; and thus a promi- nent fact had slept in obscurity, from the time of Sultzer to, the time of Galvani. Having seen how the galvanic operation may be made sensible to the taste, by a similar application it may be made visible to the sight; thus, let a person in a dark place, put a piece of tinfoil on the bulb of one of his eyes, and a piece of silver, as a spoon, or the like, in his mouth; then on completing the communication between the spoon' and the tinfoil, a faint flash of white light will appear be- fore his eyes : but this experiment may bo performed in a more convenient manner, by placing a piece of zinc be- tween the upper lip aud the gums, as high up as possible, and a silver piece of money on the tongue; for when tlio two metals are made to communicate,, either by the inume- GAL [ 568 ] GAL diate contact of their ed^es, or by the interposition of good often as a communication was made between each end of conductors, the flash of li«ht will be visible as before; but the pile; and as long as the pieces of cloth remained moist, by continuing the contact of the two metals, the appear- An account of this discovery was communicated to the ance of lioht^is not continued, it being only visible at the Royal Society, and published in the Philosophical Trans- moment the contact takes place ; and sometimes, though actions ; but we do not hear of this celebrated philosopher but rarely, at the instant of separation: it may therefore making any farther discovery, after the invention of the be repeated at pleasure, by disjoining, and again Connect- pile, and ascertaining the nature and extent of its eflects ing the two metals. on animals. For a considerable time after the first discovery made A Voltaic pile similar to that we have been describing, by Galvani, little more was known of its nature and its eflects, than what is above stated ; and it was doubtful, whether the convulsions in the animal's limbs, and the sensations produced upon the human body, were owing to an electrical property, peculiar to the animal parts, which it was thought might be conducted through the metals from one part to the other ; or to a small quantity of elec- tricity, which might be supplied by the metals them- selves : Galvani himself was of the former opinion, and en- thusiastic in the application of the electrical theory to animal economy; and particularly when he found the metallic substances were capable of exciting muscular motion, he was confirmed in his opinion, that the inherent electricity of the animal was transmitted from the nerve to the muscles by the metals employed. About this time, however, Signior Volta took up the subject, adopting a theory of a different nature; which, though not strictly true, has contributed principally to its rapid advancement. Instead of supposing, as Galvani did, that the electricity belonged to the animal, he con- sidered it as inherent in the different metals ; which idea was truly fortunate for the cause of philosophy ; for the very hypothesis of Galvani prevented him from deriving any farther knowledge of the science ; because if the elec- tricity belonged to the animal, no greater power was likely to be produced, than what two pieces of metal could ef- fect ; but on Volta's hypothesis, since he conceived the action to be in the metals; it followed, or at least it was highly probable, that by increasing their number, thoir effect would also be increased in the same proportion. He therefore repeated the experiments of Galvani, and found that when two pieces of metal of different kinds were placed in different parts of an animal ; at the same time that the metals were brought in contact, or were con- nected by a metallic arc ; as often as the contact was made, convulsions were observed : he also found that the greatest effect was produced, when the metals were zinc and silver; and when several pieces of metals were employed, having pieces of wet cloth between them, the effect appeared to be increased as the number of pairs ; and hence his idea of the pile. This important discovery of accumulating the effects of this species of electricity, was made by Volta in 1800, and has hence been denominated the Voltaic pile. The apparatus first made by Volta, consisted of a number of pairs of zinc and silver plates, separated from each other by pieces of wet cloth, the arrangement being as follows ; viz, zinc, silver, wet cloth ; zinc, silver, wet cloth, and so on : the silver plates were chiefly silver coins, the plates of zinc, and pieces of wet cloth being of the same size ; and he found the action of these combined pairs, to be much more powerful when the pieces of cloth were moist- ened with a solution of common salt, instead of pure wa- ter : a pile consisting of forty pairs, he found to possess the power of giving a pretty smart shock, similar to that of a small electric jar , and that this effect took place, as is represented, plate vii,fig. 6; it consists of pieces of silver, about the size of half-crowns ; pieces of zinc of an equal size; and pieces of cloth, or leather, or other bibulous substance, a little less in diameter than the metallic- plates ; these last being soaked in water, or any other proper fluid. These pieces are disposed in the order, silver, zinc, wet cloth; as indicated by the letters s, z, w; the pieces of cloth, or leather, must be well soaked in the fluid; but before- they are applied, they should be squeezed, in order that the superfluous fluid may not run down the outside of the pile, or insinuate itself between the contigu- ous pieces of silver and zinc. Those pieces of cloth, par- ticularly if soaked in plain water, lose their moisture very soon, so that they can seldom last longer than for a day or two, after which the pile must be decomposed, the metallic pieces cleaned, those of cloth soaked again; and the whole arranged as before. The three rods r, it, n, are of glass, or of baked wood, the piece o, slides freely up and down the rods, which serves to prevent the Killing of the plates : but when such a pile is to be very powerful, viz, to consist of many plates, the best method is to form two, three, or more piles; and to join them by pieces of metal, as c, c, fig. o ; where two piles are j her, so that a is the negative ex- tremity, ami b is the?' oilier, or positive extremity of the whole arrangement, or of 'the two piles, considered as one; that is, a is a silver plate, and b the zinc. It may also be observed, that copper may be substituted for the silver, without much decrease of the effect. It was with piles similar to what we have been descri- bing, but consisting of a greater or less number of plates that galvanic experiments were first made in this country by Messrs. Nicholson and Carlisle, and many important chemical truths were developed by thisfroeans. At length Mr. Cruickshank, after having employed the Voltaic pile for various experiments, fell upon the happy idea of the galvanic trough. This consists of a box of baked wood, of a width and depth agreeable to the size of the plates, and of convenient length for handing about ; the inside being furnished With grooves, passing across the side and bottom, for the reception of the metallic plates, and at such a distance, that when these ate cemented into the grooves, the trough may be divided into a number of cells, about |- of an inch wide ; each of the plates being compound; viz, consisting of two plates, one of zinc, and the other of silver or copper, soldered together ; and the order in which they were placed was such, that all the zinc sides of the plates faced one way, and the. copper sides the other : in fact, the trough was the pile placid horizontally, the cells being for the reception of a fluid, to answer the purpose of the pieces of wet cloth. The ce- mentation of the metallic pieces into the sides and bottom of the vessel, must be so accurate, as not to permit the fluid to pass from one cell to another; the proper cement for this purpose being made, by melting together 5 parts of resin, 4 of bees-wax, and 2 parts of powdered red ochre : GAL [ 569 ] GAL. two or more such batteries may be joined together, in or- der to increase the effect, as in the foregoing case of the double pile. See fig. 7, pi. vii, which represents a single battery; with its communicating rods. The action of all these batteries is the greatest, when they are first completed, or filled with the fluid ; and it declines in proportion as the metal is oxidated, orthe lluid loses its power : therefore, after a certain time the fluid must be changed, and the metallic pieces cleaned, by re- moving the oxidated surface ; which may be done, either by filing or by rubbing them with sand, or sand paper ; or by immersing them for a short time in diluted mu- riatic acid, ana then wiping them with a coarse cloth : the last method is to be preferred for the trough; wiping them by means of a stick, which may be introduced be- tween them, with a piece of cloth upon it. Having thus described the construction of the best and most simple galvanic arrangements, we shall proceed to state the effects of these combinations, in a popular manner; but omitting as much as possible those experi- ments that are purely of a chemical nature; as these are not only too numerous to be inserted in the space we have assigned for this article, but they are also incongruous with the plan of the present work ; and we must therefore refer the curious reader, who wishes for particular infor- mation on this /Very interesting branch of philosophical in- quiry, to the following works, viz, Rees's Cyclopcedia, and the professed chemical treatises, for more ample accounts. The various powers of different simple galvanic circles may be ascertained, by applying them to such animal pre- parations as have their irritability more or less exhausted. Thus, M. Volta in his letter to Gren, says, " If you take a frog, the bead of which has been cut off, and which has been deprived of all life, by thrusting a needle into the spinal marrow, and immerse it without skinning, or taking out the bowels, or any other preparation, into twoglasses of water, the rump into one and the legs into the other, it will be strongly agitated and violently convulsed, when you connect the water in both glasses, by a bow formed of very different metals, such as silver and lead ; or, what is better, silver and zinc ; but this will not be the case when the two metals are less different in regard to their powers, such as gold and silver, silver and copper, copper and iron, tin and lead ; but what is more, the effect will be fully produced on this so little prepared frog, when you immerse in one of the two glasses, the end of a bow merely of tin or zinc ; and into the other glass, the other end of this bow, which lias been rubbed over with a little alkali : and you may perform the experiment still better with an iron bow, one end of which has been covered with a drop or thin coat of nitrous acid ; but it will succeed beyond all expectation, when you take a silver bow, hav- ing a little sulphurate of potass adhering to its extremity." It had long been asserted, that porter, and some other liquors, when drank out of pewter pots, had a different taste, from what they had when drank out of a glass or earthenware; but it was little expected, that this was a truth intimately connected with so interesting a branch of philosophy; though, now, there is no doubt of the fact. A similar, but more evident effect, may be made sensible by the following experiment. If a tin bason be filled with soap-suds, lime water, or a strong ley (which last is the best) ; and if you then lay hold of the bason with both hands, having first moistened them with pure water, and Vol. I. apply the tip of your tongue to the fluid in the bason, you will immediately be sensible of an acid taste on your tongue, which is in contact with the alkaline liquor. This taste is very perceptible, and for the moment pretty strong; but it is afterwards changed into a different one, less acid, but more saline and pungent, until at iast, it becomes alkaline, and sharp, in proportion as the fluid acts more upon the tongue. In the foregoing part of this article, other experiments have been noticed, made by single combinations of dif*- ferent metals ; we shall therefore now attend to those that are made by means of the more powerful apparatus, such as we have already described ; viz, the Voltaic pile ; and the trough or battery, invented by Mr. Cruickshank. These powerful combinations not only convulse the pre- pared limbs of a frog, or produce the appearance, of a flash of light before the human eye, but they exhibit all the phenomena of electricity, in a very considerable de- gree : an arrangement of the kind we have described, will give the shock ; it affects the electrometer, shows a lu- minous spark, accompanied with an audible report; it burns metallic, and other bodies ; and continues in action for a very considerable time ; viz, until the chemical ac- tion between the component parts of the battery be quite exhausted. Some of which effects are enumerated in the following paragraph. If you take a Voltaic pile, consisting only of 20 repeti- tions of simple combinations, and touch with one hand one extremity of the pile, as at b, fig. 5, and apply the other hand to the other extremity, as at a; a very slight shock will be perceived, like that which is communicated by a Leyden phial weakly charged; and it will be scarcely felt beyond the fingers, or at most the wrists; but the shock is felt as often as the contact is renewed ; and if you continue the hands in contact with the extremities b and a, a slight but continued irritation will be perceived : and when the hand, or other part of the body, which touches the extremity of the battery, is excoriated or wounded, this sensation becomes disagreeable, and rather painful; but as the dry skin of the human body is seldom capable of conducting this shock, the touching fingers should be well moistened with water ; and it will be still better to immerse a wire, that proceeds from one extre- mity of the battery, in a bason of water, wherein may be plunged one hand ; grasping, at the same time, with the other hand well moistened, a large piece of metal, as a large silver spoon ; by which means the shock will be felt more distinctly. Instead of one person, several may join hands, (which must be all well moistened,) and on completing the circuit, they will all feel the shock at the same time, as with an electrical discharge : but the strength of it is thus much diminished by passing through the several persons, as it is in general by passing through bodies that are not perfect conductors. The shock of a battery, containing 50 or 60 pairs of 1 combinations of silver or copper and zinc will be felt as high as the elbows ; and the combined effect of five or six such batteries will of course be much greater, and such as few men would be willing to receive. From the foregoing experiment it appears, that between the effects resulting from the common electrical machines, and those produced with the pile, there is this difference ; that in the forrncr, the effects are annihilated at the instant of contact ; while in the other, they remain as long as the 4 D GAL [ 670 ] G A It contact is continued. The pile once charged, becomes thus a reservoir of electricity, which, without the aid, and as it were without the knowledge, of the operator, fills it- self spontaneously; regains continually what is taken from it ; and would be inexhaustible, if the humid bodies, of which the pile is composed, could be prevented from losing their moisture. If a wire, proceeding from one extremity of a pretty strong galvanic pile, be made to communicate with the in- side coating of a common Leyden phial or electrical bat- tery ; and a wire which proceeds from the other ex tre-. mity of the pile, be made to communicate with' the outside coating of the same jar or battery ; the latter will become weakly, but almost instantaneously charged, in the same manner as would have been done with a few turns of the electrical machine; and with that charge you may either give the shock, or effect an electrometer, &c. In fact, every experiment convinces, more and more, that a gal- vanic battery produces a vast quantity of electric fluid, which is but little condensed ; and indeed it would be im- possible to suppose that the electric fluid could proceed in a very condensed state, from an arrangement of bodies, which, whether more or less, are however all good con- ductors of electricity; for if the fluid was much con- densed at one extremity of the battery, and much rarefied at the other extremity, the condensation would soon be made through the pile itself: and indeed it is difficult to comprehend, why this compensation does not take place in all cases. Having mentioned above, that the charge of a galvanic pile or battery may be communicated to a common electric battery, it is scarcely necessary to observe, that the same may be communicated to a condenser or a mul- tiplier; and from hence to the electrometer ; and if the pile consists of 200 repetitions, the electrometer will be affected by simple contact. Tiie spark or the discharge of an electric battery, when sent through thin inflammable bodies that are in contact with the common or oxygen air, sets them on fire, and consumes them with wonderful activity: it also fires gun- powder, hydrogen gas, phosphorus, and other combustible matter: it also renders red hot, fuses, and consumes, very slender metallic wires, and metallic leaves. The method of employing the power of the battery for such purposes, is shown at fig. 7, where ab represents a powerful galvanic battery ; acdf is a wire which commu- nicates with the first plate of the battery a ; bkiiig is another wire, which communicates with the last plate at b ; de and hi are two glass tubes, through which those wires pass, and into which they are fastened sufficiently steady : these tubes serve to move the wires by ; or if the operator applies his fingers to the middle part ot those tubes, he may move the wires wherever he pleases, with- out the fear of receiving a shock, If the two extremities v, g, are brought sufficiently near to each other, the spark will be seen between them ; and it is between those extre- mities, that the combustible substances, or metallic leaf, is to be placed, in order to be fired or consumed ; and in the figure is shown the situations of the wires, as they must be posited, in order to accomplish the firing of gunpowder, or the fusion of metals, &c, &c. A battery, consisting of 200 puirs of metallic plates, viz, copper and zinc, each five inches square, will melt 3 inches of very fine iron wire; and a platina wire about T-f T of an inch in diameter, may be melted into a globule by the same ap- paratus ; and more powerful effects will of course be pro- duced from the combination of two or more such batteries. Under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, the gal- vanic battery acts less powerfully than in the open air; but its effect is increased in oxygen air. The Hash of light that appears before the eye ot the experimenter, when the eye itself, or some other part not very remote from it, is put in the circle of a galvanic combination, does not ap- pear much greater when a. battery is employed, than when two plates are applied in the same manner; which experiment has been already mentioned ; but when the battery is used, the sensation of a flash may be produced in various ways. If one hand or both be placed in per- fect contact with one extremity of the battery, and al- most any part of the face be brought into contact with the other extremity of the battery ; the flash will appear very distinctly, the operator being in the dark, or keeping his eyes shut. This flash appears veiy strong, when a wire, that proceeds from one extremity of the battery, is held between the teeth and rests on the tongue, while the other wire is held in the hand ; and in this case, the lips and tongue are convulsed, the flash appears before the eyes, and a very pungent taste is perceived in the mouth. If any part of the human body forming part of the circuit of a galvanic battery be kept some time in that si- tuation, the irritation or numbness is more or less distinct, and more or less painful, according to the sensibility of the parts concerned. The above are some of the most popular experiments that are made by means of a galvanic battery ; but by far the greater number of those that have been made have been directed to chemical purposes, and the results that have thus been obtained are truly curious and interest- ing: an extensive field has thus been opened for chemical research, too vast for human conception, by the intro- duction of this powerful agent ; and more discoveries have through its means been made in one year than per- haps any one century can boast. But these experiments, as we before observed, do not properly belong to a work of this nature ; we have therefore endeavoured, without introducing them, to given familiar idea of the nature and power of this wonderful agent. GARDliCAUT, or Guard du Cord, in a watch, is that which stops the fusee, when wound up, and for that end is driven up by the spring. Some call it guard-cock ; others guard du Gut. GARRISON Guns, ^uch as arc mounted and used in a garrison, consisting of the following weights, viz, the 42, 32, 24, 18, 12, Q> and 6 pounders; being made either of brass or iron. Table of the Weight and Dimensions of Garrison Guns. B. ass Garrison Guns. i. in Garrison Guns. Shot Length Wim«1i'. Shot Lengili Weight, II,. f. in. Cw. qr. Il>. lb. f. in. Civ. qr. lb. 42 10 ()-l. 82 i) 8 56' 32 1) 2 49 2 18 24 9 8 48 24 S 4 37 18 9 o 30' 18 7 a 27 3 12 7 8 24 12 6 7 18 2 9 7 18 .9 a o 13 3 6 G l 12 6 5 3 9 i o 4 5 4 8 GAS C 571 ] GAS GAS. The term gas (with the exception of the common the same with the fluid called lixed air; and some other ■air we breathe) is used to signify any permanently elastic factitious airs; and from him has been employed by •e\halation afforded in chemical processes. It was ori- modern philosophers as a general name for all the fluids ginally given by Van Helmont to the vapour of charcoal, about which areology is conversant. Table, showing the absolute weights and specific gravities of gases, and the quantity of each absorbed by water. Temperature 60° Fahrenheit, Haromeler 29-8. B. denotes Brisson ; Cr.Cruickshank; D. Davy; Dal. Dalton; Dei. Deiman ; H. Henry; K. Kirwan; S.Shuckburgh;! T. Thomson; Th. Thonard ; Tr. Tromsdorff. Nitric acid -------- Sulphurous -------- Vapour of ether ------- Muriatic acid -------- Vapour of alcohol ----,-- Nitrous oxide ------- Carbonic acid ------- Ditto ditto Muriatic acid -------- Sulphuretted hydrogen - - - - - Nitric oxide -------- Ditto ditto -------- Oxygen gas -------- Sulphuretted hydrogen Oxygen gas -------- Atmospheric air - - - - - - - Azotic gas -------- Ditto Carbonic oxide ------- defiant gas .--,---.--- Hydro carburet from stagnant water - Ditto from coal ------- Ditto from ether ------- Ammonia --------.- Ditto Arsenicated hydrogen gas - - - - Hydro carburet from alcohol - - - Ditto from water over ignited charcoal Hydrogen gas -------- Phosphuretted hydrogen ------ Weight of 1 00 cubic inches in grains. 76 70215 62-1* 59-8 51-5 50-1 46-5 45-5 44-7 38-17 37 34-3 34'74 34-286 34 31 30-535 30-45 30 28-18 20-66 20-2 20 18-16 18 16 14-5 26-13 Specific Gravity. Water, the Air the Standard at 1000. Slandard. Authorlt y- 3- 2-75 1-985 1-84 1-802 1-765 1 -465 1-36 1-39 1-36 1-35 1-2279 1-21 1-20 1-185 0-715 0-713 0-6499 2425 2240 2250 1929 2100 1615 1500 1470 1430 1231 1193 1105 1127 1142 1103 1000 985 980 967 905 666 650 645 535 5S0 529 516 468 84 D. K. Dal. K. Dal. K. " D. B. T. K. D. D. K. K. S. K. D. Cr. Dei. Dal. Dal. Cr. K. D. Tr. Cr. Cr. K. Number of cubic inches tbSorbed by 100 inches of water. 86 108 5I5CO 5 108 ' 3-7 1-53 201 12.5 1.40 47500 1-61 2-14 T. H. H. H. H. Dal. H. The following 'are the experiments made by professor Jacquin of Vienna on the different gases, as the vehicle of sounds. — A glass-bell being furnished with a metallic stopper cemented to a neck at the top ; and in the bore of this cock within the glass, a small flute or pewter (etain) about six inches in length was fixed. The glass being then placed on the shelf of the pneumatic vessel, and filled with any particular kind of gas, a bladder also filled with the same gas, and provided with a cock, was adapted to the external aperture of the cock belonging to the bell- glass. In this disposition of the apparatus the flute was made to sound by gently pressing the bladder. Compara- tive experiments were also made with atmospheric air, oxygen,, hydrogen, carbonic acid, and nitrous gas. The intensity of the sound did not vary; but when compared with that produced by atmospheric air, the oxygen gas af- forded a sound half a tone lower ; azotic gas, prepared by diffrrent methods, constantly gave a sound half a tone lower; hydrogen gas gave nine or eleven tones higher; carbonic acid gas gave one third lower; and nitrous gas also very nearly a third lower. A mixture of oxygen ga s and azote, in the proportion contained in atmospheric air» afforded the tone of this last ; that is to say, it was half a tone higher than each of the component parts alone. When the two gases were not uniformly mixed, the sound was abominably harsh. Chladni intends to give a fuller account of these interesting experiments. Journal de Physique, vol. 4, N. S. p. 57. GASC01GNE, an ingenious young astronomer of Lan- cashire, who, about the year 1640, made many curious observations on some astronomical objects, and greatly improved that science, by the invention of the microme- ter, and by applying telescopic sights to astronomical quadrants. See accounts of his inventions in the article Micrometer. See also my Abridg. of the Philos. Trans, vol. i, p. 169, 1<)5, and vol. x, p. 369. Mr. Gascoigne was slain in the civil wars in the time of Charles I. GASSENDI (Peter), one of the most febrated phi- losophers France has produced, was .born at Cl • 4 D 2 GAS [ 57a ] G A U about 3 miles from Digne in Provence, in the year 1592. When a child, he took great delight in gazing at the nioon and stars whenever they appeared: This pleasure often drew him into bye-places, that he might feast his eyes freely and undisturbed ; by which means his parents had him often to seek, with many anxious fears and apprehen- sions. In consequence of this promising disposition, he was sent to the best schools, to cultivate it with the in- structions of the first masters. He profited so well by these aids, that he was invited to be professor of rhetoric at Digne, before he was quite 16 years of age. After fill- ing this office three years, upon the death of his master at Aix, he was appointed to succeed him as professor of phi- losophy. After a few years residence here, he composed his Paradoxical Exercitations ; which coming to the hands of Nicholas Peircsc, that great patron of learning joined with Joseph Walter, prior of Valette, in promoting him ; and, having entered into holy orders, he was first made canon of the church of Digne and doctor of divinity, and then warden or rector of the same church. Our author's fondness for astronomy grew up with his years ; and his reputation daily increasing, he was ap- pointed the king's professor of mathematics at Paris in 1645. . This institution being chiefly intended for astro- nomy, Gassendi read lectures on that science to a crowded audience. However, he did not long enjoy this situation ; for a dangerous cough and inflammation of the lungs ob- liged him, in l6±7, to return to Digne for the benefit of his native air. Having thus, and by the intermission of his studies, recovered his health, he again returned to Pa- ris in l6'53 ; where, after first writing and publishing the lives of Tycho Brahe, Copernicus, Purbach, and Regio- montanus, in 1654 he again renewed his astronomical la- bours, with the design of completing the system of the heavens. But while he was thus employed, too intensely for the feeble state of his health, he relapsed into his former disorder, under which, with the aid of too copious and numerous bleedings, by order of three physicians, he expired in the year 1655, at 63 years of age. Gassendi wrote against the metaphysical meditations of Descartes; and divided with that great man the philoso- phers of his time, almost all of whom were either Carte- sians or Gassendists. To his knowledge in philosophy and mathematics, he joined profound erudition and deep skill in the languages. He wrote, 1. Three volumes on Epi- curus's philosophy; and six others, which contain his own philosophy. — 2. Astronomical Works. — 3. The lives of Nicholas de Pciresc, Epicurus, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Purbach, and Regiomontanus. — 4. Epistles, and other treatises. All his works were collected together, and printed at Lyons in 1658, in 6' volumes folio. Gassendi was the first person who saw the transit of Mercury over the sun, viz, Nov. 7, 1031 ; as Ilorrox first predicted and showed the transit of Venus. — His library was large and valuable: to which he added an astronomi- cal and philosophical apparatus, which, lor their accuracy and magnitude, were purchased by the emperor Ferdi- nand ni. — it appears by his letters, printed in the 6th volume of his works, that he was often consulted by the most celebrated astronomers of his time, as Kepler, Lon- gomontanus, Snell, Ilevelius, Galileo, Kircher, Bulliald, and others: and he lias generally been esteemed one of the founders of the reformed philosophy, in opposition to the grOutldless hypotheses and empty subtleties of Ari- stotle and the schoolmen. GATE, in Architecture, a large door leading or giving, entrance into a city, town, castle, palace, or other consi- derable building. Gate, in Fortification, is made of strong planks with iron bars to oppose an enemy. They are generally made in the middle of the curtain, whence they are seen and defended by the two flanks of the bastions. They should be covered with a good ravelin, that they may not be seen or infiladed by the enemy. These gates belonging to a fortified place, are passages through the rampart, which may be shut and opened by means of doors and a port- cullis. They are either private or public. Private Gates, are those passages by which the troops can go out of the town unseen by the enemy, when they pass to and fro on the relief of the duty in the outworks, or on any other occasion which is to be concealed from the besiegers. Public Gates, are those passages through the middle of such curtains to which the great roads or public ways lead. The dimensions of these are usually about 13 or 14 feet high, and 9 or 10 feet wide, continued through the rampart, with proper recesses for foot passengers to stand in out of the way of wheel carriages. GAUGE-Line, a line on the common gauging-rod, used for the purpose of gauging liquids. See GA.UGlNG-.Rorf. GAVGn-Point, of a solid measure, is the diameter of a circle, whose area is expressed by the same number as the solid content of that measure. Or it is the diameter of a cylinder, whose altitude is 1, and its content the same as of that measure. Thus, the solid content of a wine gal- lon being 231 cubic inches; if a circle be conceived to contain so many square inches, its diameter will be 17'15 ; which is therefore the gauge-point for wine measure. And an ale-gallon containing 282 cubic inches ; by the same rule, the gauge-point for ale measure will be found to be 18'95. In like manner may the gauge-point for any other measure be determined. Hence it follows, that when the diameter of a cylinder in inches is equal to the gauge- point in any measure, given likewise in inches, every inch in its length will contain an integer of the same measure. So in a- cylinder whose diameter is 17*1 5 inches, every inch in height contains one entire gallon in wine measure ; and in another, whose diameter is 18'9o, every inch in length contains one ale gallon. GAUGER, an officer appointed by the commissioners of excise, to gauge, measure, or examine, all casks, tuns, pipes, barrels, hogsheads, of beer, wine, oil, &c. GAUGING, the art or act of measuring the capacities or contents of all kinds of vessels, and determining the quantity of fluids, or other matters contained' in them. These are principally pipes, tuns, barrels, rundlets, and other casks; also backs, coolers, vats, &c. As to the solid contents of all prismatical vessels, as cubes, parallelopipedons, cylinders, &c, they are found by multiplying the area of the base by their altitude. And the contents of all pyramidal bodies, and Cones, are equal to l-3d of the same. In gauging, it has been usual to divide casks into four varieties or forms, denominated as follows, from the sup- posed resemblance they bear to the frustums of solids of the same names: viz, • 1. The middle frustum of a spheroid, 2. The middle frustum of a parabolic spindle, 3. The two equal frustums ofa paraboloid, 4. The two equal frustums of a cone. G A U 573 ] GEL And particular rules, adapted to each of these forms, may be found in most books of gauging, and in my Men- suration, p. 436, &c. But as the form is imaginary, and only guessed at, it seldom happens that a true solution is obtained in this way ; besides which, it is very troublesome and inconvenient to have so many rules to put in prac- Mice. I shall therefore give here one rule only, from pa. 451 of that book, which is not only general for all casks that are commonly met with, but quite easy, and very accurate, as .having been often verified and proved by filling the casks with a true gallon measure. General Rule. Add into one sum, 39 times the square of the bung diameter, 25 times the square of the head diameter, and 26 times the product of those diameters ; multiply the sum by the length of the cask, and the pro- duct by the number '00034; then this last product di- vided by 9 will gwe the wine gallons, and divided by 11 will give the ale gallons. Or,(39B z ■+■ 25rr -+- 26bii) x —'-is thecontentin inches; which being divided by 231 for wine gallons, or by 282 "for ale gallons, will be the content. For Example. If the length of a cask be 40 inches, the bung diameter 32, and the head diameter 24. Here - 32 1 x 39 = 39936 and - 24? x 25 = 14400 and - 32 x 24 x 26 = 1996S the sum - 74304 multiplied by - 40 and divid. by 1 14)2972160 gives - - 26071 cubic inches ; this divided by 231 gives 112 wine gallons, or divided by 282 gives 92 ale gallons. But the common practice of gauging is performed me- chanically, by means of the gauging or diagonal rod, or the gauging sliding rule, the description and use of which here follow. Gauging, or Diagonal, Rod, is a rod or rule adapted for determining the contents of casks, by measuring the diagonal only, viz, the diagonal from the bung to the ex- tremity of the opposite stave next the head. It is a square rule, having 4 sides or faces, being usually 4 feet long, and folding together by means of joints. On one face of the rule is a scale of inches, for taking the measure of the dia- gonal; to these are adapted the areas, in ale gallons, of circles to the corresponding diameters, like the lines on the under sides of the three slides in the sliding rule, de- scribed below. And on the opposite face are two scales, of ale and wine gallons, expressing the contents of casks havi .^ the corresponding diagonals; and these are the lines which chiefly constitute the difference between this ■instrument and the sliding rule ; for all the other lines upon it are the same with those on that instrument, and are to be used in the same manner. To use the Diagonal Rod. Unfold the rod quite straight and put it in at the bung hole of the cask to be gauged, till its end arrive at the intersection of the head and oppo- site stave, or to the farthest possible distance from the bung-hole, and note the inches and parts cut by the mid- dle of the bung; then draw out the rod, and look for the same inches and parts on the opposite face of it, and an- nexed to them arc the contents of the cask, both in ale and wine gallons. For Example. Let it be required to find, by this rod, the content of a cask whose diagonal measures 34'4 inches ; which answers to the cask in the foregoing example, whose head and bung diameters are 32 and 24, and length 40 inches; for if to the square of 20, half the length, be added the square of 28, half the sum of the diameters, the square root of the sum will be 34'4 nearly. Now, to this dia- gonal 34-4, corresponds, on the rule, the content 91 ale gallons, or 111 wine gallons; which are but I less than the content found by the former general rule above given. ' Gauging Rule, or Sliding Ride, is a sliding rule parti- cularly adapted to the purposes of gauging. It is a square rule, of four faces or sides, three of which are furnished with sliding pieces running in grooves. .The lines on these faces are mostly logarithmic ones, or distances which are proportional to the logarithms of the numbers placed at the ends of them ; which kind of lines was disposed first upon rulers, by Mr. Edmund Gunter, for expeditiously performing arithmetical operations, using a pair of com- passes for taking off and applying the several logarithmic distances. Instead of the compasses, sliding pieces were afterwards added, by Mr. Thomas Everard, as more cer- tain and convenient in practice, from whom this sliding rule is often called Everard's Rule. For the more parti- cular description and uses of this rule, see my Mensura- tion, p. 429, 4th ed. The writers on gauging arc, Beyer, 'Kepler, Dechales, Hunt, Everard, Dougherty, Shettleworth, Shirtcliffe, Lead- better, Moss, &c. GAZONS, in Fortification, turfs, or pieces of fresh earth covered with grass, cut in form of a wedge, about a foot long and half a foot thick, to line or face the outside of works made of earth, to keep them up, and prevent their mouldering. GELLIBRAND (Henry), professor of astronomy at Gresham-college, was born in London the 27th of Nov. 1597. He was sent to Trinity-college, Oxford, in 1615, and took his degree jn arts 1619- He then entered into orders, and became curate of Chiddingstonc in Kent. Afterwards, taking a great fancy to mathematics, by hap- pening to hear one of Sir Henry Saville's lectures in that science, he immediately applied himself to the close study of that noble science, and relinquished his fair prospects in the church. Content with his private patrimony, which was now come to his inheritance by the death of his fa- ther, the same year he entered again a student at Oxford, making mathematics his sole employment. He made such proficiency in this science before he proceeded a. m., which was in l6'23, that he drew the attention and inti- mate friendship of Mr. Henry Briggs, then lately removed from the geometry professorship in Gresham-college to that of Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford, by the founder Sir Henry Saville, and who, upon the death of Mr. Gunter, procured for our author the professorship of astronomy in Gresham-college, to wdiich he was elected in the beginning of the year 16"27- His friend Mr. Briggs dying in 1030, before he had finished the introduction to his Trigonomctria Britannica, he recommended the com- pleting and publishing of that work to our author. Gclli- brand accordingly added a preface, and the application of the logarithms to plane and spherical trigonometry, &c, and the whole was printed at Gouda, under the care of Adrian Vlacq, in 16*33. While Mr. Gellibrand was preparing that work, he was brought into trouble in the high-commission court, by Dr. Laud, then bishop of London, on account of an almanac, GEN [ 374 ] GEN published by William Beale, servant to Mr. Gellibrand, for ibe year l631, with the approbation of his master. In this almanac, the popish saints, then usually put into calendars, were omitted, and the names of other saints and martyrs, mentioned in the Book of Martyrs, were placed hi their stead, as they stand in Fox's calendars. This, it seems, gave much offence to the bishop, and occasioned the prosecution. But when the cause came to be heard, it appeared that other almanacs of the same kind had formerly been printed ; upon which, both master and man were acquitted by Abp. Abbot and the whole court, Laud only excepted : which was afterward made one of the articles against him on his own trial. It seems Gellibrand was strongly attached to the old Ptolemaic system. For when he went over to Holland, about the printing of Briggs's book above mentioned, he had some discourse with Lansberg, an eminent brother astronomer in Zealand, who affirming that he was fully persuaded of the truth of the Copernican system ; ourau- ther observes, " that this so styled -a truth he should re- ceive as an hypothesis ; and so be easily led on to the con- sideration of the imbecility of man's apprehension, as not able rightly to conceive of this admirable opifice of God, or frame of the world, without falling foul of so great an absurdity :" so firmly was he fixed in his adherence to the Ptolemaic system. Gellibrand wrote several things after this, chiefly tending to the improvement of navigation, which would probably have been further advanced by him, had his life been continued longer; but he was untimely carried off by a fever, in 1636, at 39 years of age. The character of Mr. Gellibrand is that of a plain, plod- ding, industrious, well-intentioned man, with little inven- tion or genius. His writings are chiefly as below. 1. Trigonometria Britannica; or the Doctrine of Tri- angles, being the 2d part of Briggs's work above mentioned. — 2. A small tract concerning the longitude' — 3, A dis- course on the Variation of the Magnetic Needle; annexed to Wright's Errors in Navigation detected. — 4. Institution Trigonometrical, with its application to astronomy and navigation; 8vo, 1635. — 5. Epitome of Navigation, with the necessary tables; Svo. — 6. Several manuscripts never published; as, The Doctrine of Eclipses, A Treatise of Lunar Astronomy, A Treatise of Ship-building, &c. GEMINI, in Astronomy, the Twins ; a constellation or sign of the zodiac, the third in order, representing Cas- tor and Pollux; and it is marked thus, n. The stars in the sign Gemini are. in Ptolemy's catalogue 25, in Tycho's 25, in Mevelius's 38, and in the Britannic catalogue 85. GEMMA (Renier), commonly called Gemma Fri- sius, from his native country Friezland, a Dutch physi- cian and mathematician, who became medical professor at Lnuvain, where he died in 1558, at 50 years of age. lie wrote, 1. Methodus Arithmeticae : 2. De Usu Annuli Astronomici: 3. De Locorum describendorum Rationc, deque Distantiis corum inveniendis : 4. Demonstrationes Geometrifte de usu Radii Astronomici: 5. De Astrolabio Catholico Liber, ecc. See further under Frisi. Uemma (Cornelius), son of the former, a good astro- nomer, was born at Louvain in 1535, and died 1579- He wrote several tracts, as, De Prodigiosa Specie Naturaque Cometas: and one on the star which appeared in 1577, Antw. 1578, in Svo. GENERATE, in Music, is used to signify thcopeia- tinii of that mechanical power in nature, which every sound has in producing one or more general sounds. Thus any given sound, however simple, produces along with itself, its octave and two other sounds extremely sharp, viz, its 12th above, that is to say, the octave of its fifth; and the other the 17th above, or, in other words, the double octave of its third major. # Whether we suppose this procreation of sounds to result from an aptitude in the texture and magnitude of certain panicles in the air, for conveying to our- ears vibrations that bear those proportions one to another, as beino de- termined at once by the partial and total oscillations of any musical string; or from whatever oeconomy of nature we choose to trace it; the power of one sound thus to produce another, when in action, is said to generate. The same word is applied by Signor Tartini and his followers, to any two sounds which, simultaneously heard, produce a third. GENERATED, is used by some mathematical writers for whatever is produced by arithmetical operation, or in geometry by the motion of other magnitudes. Thus 20 is the product generated of 4 and 5 ; ab that of a and b, 4, 8, \6, &c, the powers generated of or from the root 2, and a 1 , a 3 ; a A , &c, those from the root a. So also, a cir- cle is generated by the revolution of a line about one of its extremities ; aconeby the rotation of a right-angled triangle about its perpendicular ; a cylinder by the rotation of a rectangle about one of its sides, or, otherwise, by the motion of a circle in the direction of a right line, and keep- ing always parallel to itself. GENERATING Line or Figure, in Geometry, is that which, by any kind of supposed motion, may generate, or produce, some other figure, plane, or solid. Thus a line, according to Euclid, generates a circle; or a right-angle, triangle, a cone, &c ; and thus' also Archimedes supposes his spirals to be generated by the motions of generating points and lines. The figure thus generated, is called theGenerant. It is a general theorem in geometry, that the measure of any genorant, or figure produced by any kind of motion of ^any other figure, or generating quantity, is equal to the product of this generating quantity drawn into the length of the path described by its centre of gravity, whatever the kind of motion may be, whether rotatory, or direct, &c. — In the modern analysis, or fluxions, all sorts of quantities are considered as generated by some such motion, and the quantity hereby generated is called a Fluent. GENERATION, In .Mathematics, is used for the forma- tion or production of any geometrical figure, or other quan- tities. Such as of the figures mentioned in the foregoing articles, or the generation of equations, curves, solids, &c. Generator, in Music, signifies the principal sound or sounds by which others are produced. Thus, the lowest c fur the treble of the. harpsichord, besides the octave, will strike an attentive ear with its 12th above, or G in alt. and with its 17th above, or E in alt. The c, therefore is called their generator, the G and E its products, or harmonies. But in the approximation of chords, for o, its octave he- low is substituted, which constitutes a filth from the gene- rator or lowest c; and for e, is likewise substituted its 15th below, which, with the above-mentioned c, forms a third major. To the lowest notes, therefore, exchanged for these in alt. by substitution, the denominations of pro- ducts or harmonies are likewise given, while the c retains the name of their generator. But still, according to the system of Tartini, two notes in concord, which when sounded, produce a third, may he termed the concurring generators of that third. See Generation Ilarmonique, GEO [ *75 ] GEO par M. Rameau ; see also that delineation of Tartini's system called The Power and Principles of Harmony. GENESIS, in Geometry, means much the same as ge- neration mentioned above, being the formation of a line, surface, or solid, by the motion or flux of a point, line, or surface ; as of a globe by the rotation of a semi-circle about its diameter, &c. In the genesis of figures, the line or surface which moves, is called the Dcscribent; and the line round which, or according to which, the revolution or other motion is made, the Dirigent. GEOCENTRIC, is said of a planet or its orbit, to de- note its having the earth for its centre. The moon alone is properly geocentric. And yet the motions of all the planets may be considered in respect of the earth, or as they appear from the earth, and thence called their geo- centric motions. — Hence also the terms geocentric place, or latituJe, or longitude, &c, as explained below. Geocentric Place, of a planet, is the placewhere it ap- pears to us, from the earth ; or it is a point in the ecliptic, to which a planet, seen from the earth, is referred. Geocentric Latitude, of a planet, is its latitude as seen from the earth; or the inclination of a line, connect- ing the planet and the earth, to the plane of the earth's (or true), ecliptic. Or it is the angle which the said line, (connecting the planet and the earth) makes with a line drawn to meet a perpendicular let fall from the planet to the plane of the ecliptic. Geocentric Longitude, of a planet, is the distance measured on the ecliptic, in the order of the signs, between the geocentric place and the first point of Aries. GEODESIA, is properly that part of practical geo- metry that teaches how to divide or lay out lands and fields, among several owners. Geodesia is also applied, by some writers, to all mea- surements in the field, and as synonymous with surveying. Geodesia is defined by Vitalis, as the art of measuring surfaces and solids, not by imaginary lines, as is done in geometry, but by sensible and visible things ; or by the sun's rays, &c. Geodetic al, something relating to the art of measuring the earth or land. GEOGRAPHER, a person skilled in geography. GEOGRAPHICAL, relating to geography, as Geographical Mile, the sea-mile or minute, being the 6'0lh part of a degree of a great circle. Geographical Table. See Map. GEOGRAPHY, the science that teaches and explains the nature and properties of the earth, as to its figure, place, magnitude, motions, celestial appearances, ccc, with the various lines, real or imaginary, on its surface. — Geogra- phy is distinguished from Cosmography, as a part from the whole ; this latter considering the whole visible world, both heaven and earth. And from Topography and Chorogra- phy, it is distinguished, as the whole from a part. Golnitz considers geography as either exterior or interior: but Varenius more justly divides it into general and special; or universal and particular. General or Universal Geography, is that which consi- ders the earth in general, without regard to particular countries, or the affections common to the whole globe: as its figure, magnitude, motion, land, sea, &c. Special QX Particular Geography, is that which con- templates the constitution of the several particular regions, or countries; their bounds, figure, climate, seasons, wea- ther^ inhabitants, arts, customs, language, &c. History ^Geography. The study and practice of geography must have commenced at a very early period of the world. By the accounts we have remaining, it ap- pears this science was in use among the Babylonians, Ara- bians, and Egyptians, from whom it passed to the Greeks first of any Europeans, and from these successively to the Romans, and th 4 e western nations of Europe. Hero- dotus relates that the Greeks first learned the pole, the gnomon, and the 12 divisions of the day, from the Ba- bylonians. But Pliny and Diogenes Laertius assert, that Thales of Miletus, in the 6th century before Christ, first discovered the passage of the sun from tropic to tropic, and' it is said was the author of two books, the one on the tropic and the other on the equinox; both probably de- termined by means of the gnomon ; whence he was led to the discovery of the four seasons of the year, which are determined by the equinoxes and solstices. It is however probable that he learned these things of the Egyptians, as well as his division of the year into 36"5 days. This it is said was invented by the second Mercury, surnamed Tris- megistus, who, according to Eusebius, lived about 50 years after the Exodus. Pliny expressly informs us that this discovery was made by observing when the shadow return- ed to its marks ; a sufficient proof that it was by the gno- mon. It is also said that Thales constructed a globe, and represented the land and sea upon a table of brass. Fur- ther, that Anaximander, a disciple of Thales, first drew the- figure of the earth upon a globe; and that Hecataeus, De- mocritus, Eudoxus, and others, formed geographical maps, and brought them into common use in Greece. — Meton and Euctemon observed the summer solstice at Athens, on the 27th of June 432 years before Christ, by watching nar- rowly the shadow of the gnomon, with the design of fixing the beginning of their cycle of 19 years. Timocharis and Aristillus, who began their observations about 295 B. C, it seems first attempted to fix the lati- tudes and longitudes of the fixed stars, by considering their distances from the equator, &c. One of their observations gave rise to the discovery of the precession of the equi- noxes, which was first remarked by Hipparchus about 150 years after; who also made use of their method, for deli- neating the parallels of latitude and the meridians, on the surface of the earth ; thus laying the foundation of this science as it now appears. The latitudes and longitudes, thus introduced by Hipparchus, were not however much attended to till Ptolemy's time. Strabo, Vitruvius, and Pliny, have all of them entered into a minute geographical description of the situation of places, according to the length of the shadows of the gnomon, without noticing the longitudes and latitudes. Maps at first were little more than rude outlines, and topographical sketches of different countries. The earliest on record were those of Sesostris, mentioned by Eusta- thius ; who observes, that " this Egyptian king, having tra- versed great part of the earth, recorded his march in maps, and gave copies of them not only to the Egyptians, but to the Scythians, to their great astonishment." Some have imagined with much probability, that the Jews made a map of the Holy Land, when they gave the different portions to the nine tribes at Shiloh: for Joshua tells us that they were sent to walk through the land, and that they described it in seven parts in a book ; and Josephus relates that when Joshua sent out people from the different tribes to measure, the land, he gave them, as companions, persons well skill- ed in geometry, who could not be mistaken in the truth. GEO [ 576 ] GEO The first Grecian map on record, was that of Anacsiman- der, mentioned by, Strabo, lib. 1, p. 7, supposed to be the one referred to by Hipparchus under the designation of the ancient map. Herodotus minutely describes a map made by Aristagoras tyrant of Miletus, which will serve to give some idea of the maps of those times. He relates, that Aristagoras showed it to Cleomencs kwig of Sparta, to in- duce him to attack the king of Persia at Susa, in order to re- store the Ionians to their ancient liberty. It was traced upon brass or copper, and seems to have been a mere itine- rary, containing the route through the intermediate coun- tries which were to be traversed in that march, with the rivers Halys, the Euphrates, and Tigris, which Herodotus mentions as necessary to be crossed in that expedition. .It contained one straight line called the Royal Road or High- way, which took in all the stations or places of encamp- ment, from Sardis to Susa; being 111 in the whole jour- ney, and containing 13,500 stadia, or l6S7t Roman miles of 5000 feet each. These itinerary maps of the places of encampment were indispensably necessary in'all armies and marches; and indeed war and navigation seem to be the two grand causes of the improvements, both in geography and astronomy. Athenasus cites BaHon as author of a work entitled The encampments of Alexander's march ; and likewise Amyntas to the same purpose. Pliny observes that Diognetus and Beeton were the surveyors of Alexander's marches, and then quotes the exact number of miles according to their mensuration; which he afterwards confirms by the letters of Alexander himself. The sameauthor also remarks, that a copy of this great monarch's surveys was given by Xe- nocles his treasurer to Patrocles the geographer, who was admiral of the fleets of Selcucus and Antiochus. His book on geography is often cited both by Strabo and Pliny; and it appears that this author furnished Eratosthenes with the principal materials for constructing his map of the oriental part of the world. The first attempt to reduce geography to a regular sys- tem, was made by Eratosthenes, who introduced a regular parallel of latitude, commencing at the straits of Gibraltar, and passing eastwards through the isle of Rhodes, and so on to the mountains of India, noting all the intermediate places through which it passed. In drawing this line, he was not regulated by the same latitude, but by observ- ing where the longest day was 14 hours and a half, which Hipparchus afterwards determined was the latitude of 36 degrees. This first parallel through Rhodes was ever after considered with a degree of preference, in constructing all the ancient maps; and the longitude of the then known world was often attempted to be measured in stadia and miles, according to the extent of that line, by many suc- ceeding geographers. Eratosthenes soon. after attempted not only to draw other parallels of latitude, but also to trace. a meridian at right angles to these, passing through Rhodes and Alexandria, down to Syene and Meroe; and at length he undertook the arduous task of determining the circum- ference of the globe, by an actual measurement of a seg- ment of one of its great circles. To find the magnitude of the. earth, is indeed a problem which has engaged the at- tention of astronomers and geographers ever since the sphe- rical figure of it was known. It seems Anaximander was the first among the Greeks who wrote upon this subject. Archytas of Tarentum, a Pythagorean, famous for his skill in mathematics and mechanics, also made some attempts in this way; arid Dr. Long conjectures that these are the authors of the most ancient opinion that the circumference of the earth is 400,000 stadia : Archimedes makes men- tion of the antients who estimated the circumference of the earth at only 50,003 stadia. With respect to the methods of measuring the circumfe- rence of the earth, it would appear from what Aristotle savs in his treat iseDeCcelo, that they were much the same as those used by the moderns, deficient only in the accuracy of the instruments. For in that work he says, that different stars puss through our zenith, according as our situation is more or less northerly; and that in the southern parts of the earth stars come above our horizon, which are no longer visible if we go northward. Hence it appears that there are two ways of measuring the circumference of the earth ; one by observing stars which pass through the zenith of one place, and do not pass through that of another; the other, by observing some stars which come-above the ho- rizon of one place, and are observed at the same time to be in the horizon of another. The former of these methods, which is the best, was followed by Eratosthenes at Alex- andria in Egypt, 250 years before Christ. He knew that at the summer solstice, the sun was vertical to the inhabi- tants of Syeue, a town on the confines of Ethiopia, uuder the tropic of Cancer, where they had a well made to ob- serve it, at the botlom of which the rays of the sun fell per- pendicularly the day of the summer solstice: he observed by the shadow of a wireset perpendicularly in an hemispherical bason, how far the sun was on that day at noon distant from the zenith of Alexandria; and found that distance to be equal to the 50th part of a great circle in the heavens. Then supposing Syene and Alexandria under the same meridian, he inferred that the distance between them was the 50th part of a great circle upon the earth ; and this distance being by measure 5000 stadia, he concluded that the whole circumference of the earth was 250,000 stadia. But as this number divided by 360 would give 6[)i± stadia to a degree, cither Eratosthenes himself, or some of his fol- lowers assigned the round number 700 stadia to a degree; which multiplied by 360, makes the circumference of the earth 252,000 stadia ; whence both these measures are given by different authors, as that of Eratosthenes. In the time of Pompey the Great, Posidonius determined the measure of the circumference of the earth by the 2d method above hinted by Aristotle, viz, the horizontal ob- servations. Knowing that the star called Canopns was but just visible in the horizon of Rhodes, and at Alex-' andria finding its meridian height was the 4Sth part of a great circle in the heavens, or 7i degrees, answering to the like quantity of a circle on the earth : he by considering these two places under the meridian, and the distance be- tween them 5000 stadia, concluded the circumference of the earth to be 210,000 stadia ; which is the first measure of Posidonius. But, according to Strabo, Posidonius made the measure of the earth to be 180,000 stadia, al the rate of 500 stadia to a degree. The reason of this difference is thought to be, that Eratosthenes measured the distance between Rhodes and Alexandria, and found it only 3750 stadia : taking this for a 48th part el' the earth's circum- ference, which is the measure of Posidonius, the whole cir- cumference will be 180,000 stadia. This measure wits received by Marinus of Tyre, and is usually ascribed to Ptolemy. It is to be observed, however, that this me- thod of determining the circumference of the earth is sub- ject to great uncertainty, both on account of the great refraction of the stars near the horizon, the difficulty of GEO [ 57* ] G E G measuring the distance at sea between Rhodes and Alex- andria, and by supposing those, places under the same meridian, when they are really very different. Several geographers afterwards made use of the different heights of the pole in distant places under the same me- ridian, to find the dimensions of the earth. About the year 800, the khalif Almamun had the distance measured between two places that were 2 degrees asunder, and under the same meridian in the plains of Sinjar near the Red Sea. And the result was, that the degree at one time was found equal to 56 miles, and at another 56j or 56f miles. The next attempt to ascertain the circumference of the earth was in 1525, by Fernelius, a learned philosopher of France. For this purpose, he took the height of the pole at Paris, going from thence directly northwards, till he came to the place where the height of the pole was one degree more than at that city. The length of the way was measured by the number of revolutions made by one of the wheels of his carriage; and after proper allowances for the declivities and turnings of the road, he concluded that CS Italian miles were equal to a degree on the earth. According to these methods many other measurements of the earth's circumference have since that time been made, with much greater accuracy : a particular account of which is given under the article Degree. Though the maps of Eratosthenes were the best of his time, they were yet very imperfect and inaccurate. They contained little more than the states of Greece, and the dominions of the successors of Alexander, digested ac- cording to the surveys abovementioned. He had indeed seen, and has quoted, the voyages of Pythias into the great Atlantic ocean, which gave him some faint idea of the western parts of Europe; but so imperfect, that they could not be realised into theoutlines of a chart. Strabo says he was very ignorant of Gaul, Spain, Germany, and Britain ; and he was equally ignorant of Italy, the coasts of the Adriatic, Pontus, and all the countries towards the north. Such was the state of geography, and the nature of the maps, before the time of Hipparchus. War has usually been the occasion of making or impro- ving the maps of countries; and accordingly geography made great advances from the progress of the Roman arms. In all the provinces occupied by that people, camps were every where constructed at proper intervals, and good roads made for communication between them; and thus were civilisation and surveying carried on according to system, through' the whole extent of that large empire. Every new war produced a new survey and itinerary of the countries where the scenes of action passed ; so that the materials of geography were accumulated by every ad- ditional conquest. Polybius observes, that at the begin- ning of the second Punic war, when Hannibal was pre- paring his expedition against Rome, the countriesthrough which he was to march were carefully measured by the Romans. And Julius Cassar caused a general survey of the Roman empire to be made, by a decree of the senate. Three surveyors had this task assigned them, which they completed in 25 years. The Roman itineraries that are still extant, also show what care and pains they had em- ployed in making surveys in all the different provinces of their empire; and Pliny has filled the 3d, 4th, and 5th books of his Natural History with the Geographical dis- tances that were thus measured. Other maps are also still preserved, known by the name of the Pentingerian Tables, published by Welscr and Bertius, which give a good spe- Vol. I. cimen of what Vegetius calls the Itinera Picta, for the bet- ter direction of their armies in their march. The Roman empire had been enlarged to its greatest extent, and all its provinces well known and surveyed, when Ptolemy, about 150 years after Christ, composed his system of geography. The chief materials he employed in composing this work, were the proportions of the gnomon to its shadow, taken by different astronomers at the times of the equinoxes and solstices; calculations founded on the length of the longest days ; the measured or computed distances of the principal roads contained in their surveys and itineraries ; and the various reports of travellers and navigators. All these were compared together, and di- gested into one uniform body or system ; and afterwards were translated by him into a new mathematical language, expressing the different degrees of latitude and longitude, after the invention of Hipparchus, which had continued to be neglected for 250 years. Ptolemy's system of geo- graphy, notwithstanding it was still very imperfect, con- tinued in vogue til! the last three or four centuries, within which time the great improvements in astronomy, the many discoveries of new countries by voyagers, and the pro- gress of war and arms, have contributed to bring it to a very considerable degree of perfection; the particulars of which will be found treated under their respective articles in this work. Among the moderns, the chief authors on the subject of geography are Johannes de Sacrobosco, or John Halifax, who wrote a treatise on the sphere; Sebastian Minister, in his Cosmographia Universalis, in 1559 > Clavius, on the sphere of Sacrobosco; Piccioli's Geographiaet Hydro- graphia Reformata ; Weigelms's Speculum Terras; De- chales's Geography, in his Mundus Mathematicus ; Cel- larius's Geography ;CIuverius's lntroductio in Universani Geographiam ; Leibnecht's Elementa Geographic gene- ralis ; Stevenius's Compendium Geographicum ; Wolfius's Geographia, in his Elementa Matheseos ; Busching's New System of Geography ; Gordon's, Salmon's, Guthrie's and Myers's Grammars ; Adams's Geography, ancient and modern ; and Pinkerton's Geography, lately published in two volumes 4to, with an introduction by Professor Vince of Cambridge. But the most scientific and systematical work of all is Varenius's Gographia Generalis, with Ju* rin's additions. And it is much to be wished that some gentleman of proper qualifications would publish anew edition of this admirable performance suited to the present state of the science. Dr. Playfair has recently published a System of Geography, which is in many respects a very valuable performance; and perhaps best of all, in French, Fresnoy's most excellent work. GEOLOGICAL, relating to the subject of Geology. GEOLOGY, is that part of natural philosophy which treats of the structure of the earth, in regard to the origin, constitution, and the composition of its solid contents. GEOMETER, or Geometrician j which see. GEOMETRICAL, something that has a relation to geometry, or done after the manner, or by the means of geometry. As, a geometrical construction, a geometrical curve, a geometrical demonstration, genius, line, method, geometrical strictness, &c. Geometrical Construction, of an equation, is thedraw- ing of lines and figures, so as to express by them the same, general property and relation, as are denoted by the al- gebraical equation. See Construction of Equations. Geometrical Curve or Lint?, called also an Algebraical 4E GEO [ 578 ] GEO one, is that in which the relations between the abscisses and ordinates may. be expressed by a finite algebraical equation. See Algebraical Curves. Geometrical Lines, as observed by Newton, are distinguished into classes, orders, or genera, according to the number of the dimensions of the equation that expresses the relation between the ordinates and abscisses ; or, which comes to the same thing, according to the number of points in which they may be cut by a right line. Thus, a line of the first order, is a right line, since it can be only once cut by another right line, and is expressed by the simple equation y ■+■ ax -+- b = : those of the 2d, or quadratic order, will be the circle, and the conic sections, since all of these may be cut in two points by a right line, and expressed by the equation y' ! -+- {ax -+- b) y -t- m' ■+- dx -+- e = : those of the 3d or cubic order, will be such as may be cut in 3 points by a right line, whose most general equation is y" -+- {ax -t- b) y' -t- (ex 1 •+■ dx ■+■ ?) y -*-fx 3 ■+■ gx' 1 ■+■ hx -+• i = ; as the cubical and Neilian parabola, thecissoid, &c. And a line of an infinite order, is that which a right line may cut in infinite points: as the spiral, the cycloid, the quadratrix, and every line that is generated by the infinite revolutions of a radius, or circle, or wheel, &c. In each of the above equations, x is the absciss, y its corresponding ordinate, making any given angle with it ; and a, b, c, &c, are given or con- stant quantities, affected with their signs -+- and — , of which one or more may vanish, be wanting or equal to nothing, provided that by such defect the line or equation does not become one of an inferior order. It is to be noted that a curve of any kind is denominated by a number next less than the line of the same kind : thus, a curve of the 1st order, (because the right line cannot be reckoned among curves) is the same with a line of the 2d order ;' and a curve of the 2d kind, the same with a line of the 3d order, &c. We ought likewise to ob- serve, that it is not so much the equation, as the construc- tion or description, that makes any curve, geometrical or not. Thus, the circle is a geometrical line, not because it may be expressed by an equation, but be- cause its description is a postulate: and it is not the simplicity of the equation, but the easiness of the descrip- tion, that is to determine the choice of the lines for the construction of a problem. The equation that expresses a parabola, is more simple than that which expresses a circle; and yet the circle, by reason of its more simple construction, is admitted in preference. Again, the circle and the conic sections, with respect to the dimensions of the equations, arc of the same order; and yet the circle is not numbered with them in the construction of problems, but by reason of its simple description is depressed to a lower order, viz, that of a right line ; so that it is not im- proper to express that by a circle, which may be expressed by a right line; but it is a fault to construct that by the conic sections, which may be constructed by a circle. Either, therefore, the law must be taken from the dimen- sions of equations, as observed in a circle, and so the dis- tinction betaken away between plane and solid problems; or the law must be allowed not to be strictly observed in lines of superior kinds, but that some, by reason of .their more simple description, may be preferred to others of the same order, and be numbered with lines of inferior orders. In constructions that arc equally geometrical) the most simple arc always to be preferred : and this law is so uni- versal as to be without exception. But algebraical ex- pressions add nothing to the simplicity of the construction ; the bare descriptions of the lines here are only to be con- sidered ; and these alone were considered by those geome- tricians who joined a circle with a right line. And as these are easy or hard, the construction becomes easy or hard : and therefore it is foreign to the nature of the thing, from any other circumstance to establish laws relating to constructions. Either, therefore, with the ancients, we must exclude all lines besides the circle, and perhaps the conic sections, out of geometry ; or admit all, according to the simplicity of the description. If the trochoid were admitted into geometry, we might by means of it divide an angle in anv given ratio; would it be right therefore to blame those who would make use of this line to divide an angle in the ratio of one number to another; and contend, that you must make use only of such lines as are defined by equa- tions, and therefore not of this line, which is not so de- fined ? If, when an angle is proposed to be divided, for instance, into 10001 parts, we should be obliged to bring a curve defined by an equation of more than 100 dimen- sions to perform the same ; which no body could describe, much less understand ; and should prefer this to the tro- choid, which is a line well known, and easily described by the motion of a wheel, or circle : who would not see the absurdity ? The trochoid therefore is either not to be admitted at all in geometry, or else, in the construction of problems, it is to be preferred to all lines of a more difficult descrip- ' tion; and the reason is the same for other curves. Hence the trisection of an angle by a conchoid, which Archi- medes in his Lemmas, and Pappus in his Collections, have preferred to the inventions of all others in this case, must be allowed as good ; because we must either exclude all lines, beside the circle and right line, out of geometry, or admit them according to the simplicity of their de- scriptions ; in which case the conchoid yields to none, ex- cept the circle. Equations are expressions of arithmetical computation, and properly have no place in geometry, excepting so far as quantities truly geometrical (that is, lines, surfaces, solids, and proportions) may be said to be some equal to others. Multiplications, divisions, and such like computations, are. newly received into geometry, and that unwaiily, and contrary to the first design of this science. For whoever considers the construction of pro- blems by a right line and a circle, discovered by the first geometricians, will easily perceive that geometry was in- troduced for the purpose of avoiding the tediousness of computation. For which reason the two sciences ought not to be confounded together: the ancients so carefully distinguished between them, that they never introduced arithmetical terms into geometry ; and the moderns, by blending them, have lost the simplicity in which all the elegance of geometry consists. In short, that is arithme- tically more simple, which is determined by the more sim- ple equations ; but that is geometrically tnoresimple, which is determined by the mote simple drawing of lines; and in geometry that ought to be reckoned best which is geo- metrically most simple. Newton's Arith. Uuivei's. appen- dix. See Curves. Geometrical Locus, n index to cut the horary divisions. The globe in this state serve.) equally for resolving problems in both north and south latitudes, as also in places near the' equator; whereas, in the common construction, the axis and horary circle prevent the brass meridian from being moveable quite round in the horizon. This globe is also adapted for show- ing how the vicissitudes of day and night, and the alteration of their lengths, are really occasioned by the motion of the earth: for this purpose, he divides the brass meridian, at one of the poles, into months and days, according to the sun's declination, reckoning from the pole. Therefore, by bringing the day of the month to the horizon, and rectify- * ing the globe according to the time of the day, the hori- zon will represent the circle separating light and darkness, and the upper half of theglobe theilluminated hemisphere, the sun being in the zenith. Mr. Harris also gives an ac- G L O [ S84 ] G N O count of a cheap machine for showing how the annual motion of the earth in its orbit causes the change of the sun's declination, without the great expense of an orrery. Philos. Trans. No. 456'. The late Mr. George Adams made also some useful im- provements in the construction of the globes. Besides what is usual, his globes have a thin brass semi-circle move- able about the poles, with asmall thin sliding circle upon it. On the terrestrial globe, the former of these is a moveable meridian, and the latter is the visible horizon of any par- ticular place to which it is set. But on the celestial globe, the semi-circle is a moveable circle of declination, and its small annexed circle an artificial sun or planet. Each globe has a brass wire circle, placed at the limits of the twilight. The terrestrial globe has many additional cir- cles, as well as the rhumb-lines, for resolving all the ne- cessary geographical and nautical problems : and on the celestial globe are drawn, on each side of the ecliptic, 8 parallel circles, at the distance of one degree from each other, including the zodiac; which are crossed at right- angles by segments of great circles at every 5th degree of the ecliptic, for the more readily noting the place of the moon or of any planet on the globe. On the strong brass circle of the terrestrial globe, and about 23£ degrees on each side of the north pole, the days of each month are laid down according to the sun's declination : and this brass circle is so contrived, thatthc globe may be placed with the north and south poles in the plane of the horizon, and with the south pole elevated above it. The equator, on the surface of either globe, serves the purpose of the horary circle, by means of a semi-circular wire placed in the plane of the equator, carrying two indices, one of which is occasionally to be used to point out the time. For a farther account of these globes, with the method of using them, see Mr. Adams's Treatise on their construction and use. There are also what are called Patent Globes, made by Mr. Neale; by means of which he resolves several astro- nomical problems, which do not admit of solution by the common globes. Mr. Ferguson also made several improvements of the globes, particularly one for constructing dials, and ano- ther called a planetary globe. SeePhilos. Trans, vol. 44, pa. 535, and Ferguson's Astron. pa. 291 and 292. Lastly, in the Philos. Trans, for 1789, vol. 79> P a - !> Mr. Smeaton has proposed some improvements of the ce- lestial globe, especially with respect to the quadrant of altitude, for the resolution of problems relating to the azi- muth and altitude. The difficulty, he observes, that has Recurred in fixing a semi-circle, so as to have a centre in the zenith and nadir points of the globe, at the same time that the meridian is left at liberty to raise the pole to its desired elevation, I suppose, has induced the globe-makers to be contented with the strip of thin flexible brass, called the quadrant of altitude ; and it is well known how im- perfectly it performs its office. The improvement I have attempted, is in the application of a quadrant of altitude of a more solid construction; which being affixed to a brass socket of 6ome length, and this ground, and made to turn upon an upright steel spindle, fixed in the zenith, steadily directs the quadrant, or rather arc of altitude, to its true azimuth, without being at liberty to deviate from a vertical circle to the right hand or left : by which means the azimuth and altitude are given with the same exact- ness as the measure of any other of the great circles. For a more particular description of this improvement, illus- trated with figures, see. the reference above. For the practical uses of the globes, see any of the little books on this subject. GLOBULAR, relating to, or partaking of the property or shape of the globe. As globular chart, globular pro- jection, or globular sailing, &c. Globular Chart, is a representation of the surface, or part of the surface, of the terraqueous globe on a plane: in which the parallels of latitude are circles nearlv con- centric ; and the meridians are curves bending towards the poles ; the rhumb-lines being curves also. The merits of this chart consist in these particulars, viz, that the distances between places on the same rhumb are all measured by the same scale of equal parts ; and the distance of any two places in the arch of a great circle, is nearly represented in this chart by a straight line. Land maps also, made according to this projection, would have great advantages over those made in any other way. But for sea charts for the use of navigation, Mer- cator's are preferable, as both the meridians and parallels, as also the rhumbs, are all straight lines. This projection is not new, though not much noticed till of late. It is mentioned by Ptolemy, in his Geogra- phv; and also by Blundeville, in his Exercises. For globular projection of maps or charts, see Mat. Globular Sailing, is the method of resolving the cases of sailing on principles deduced from the spherical figure of the earth. Such as Mercator's sailing, or great- circle sailing; which see. GLOSSOCOMON, in Mechanics, is a name given by Heron to a machine, composed of divers dented wheels with pinions, serving to raise huge weights. GNOMON, in Astronomy, is an instrument or appa- ratus for measuring the altitudes, declinations, &c, of the sun and stars. The gnomon is usually a pillar, or column, or pyramid, erected upon level ground, or a pavement. For making the more considerable observations, both the ancients and moderns have made great use of it, especially the former; and many have preferred it to the smaller quadrants, both as more accurate, easier made, and more easily applied. The most ancient observation of this kind extant, is that made by Pytheas, in the time of Alexander the Great, at Marseilles,' where he found the height of the gnomon was in proportion to the meridian shadow at the summer sol- stice, as 213-g- to 600 ; just the same as Gassendi found it to be, by an observation made at the same place, almost 2000 years after, viz, in the year l636\ Ricciol. Alinag. vol.1, lib. 3, cap. 14. Ulugh Beigh, king of Parthia, &c, used a gnomon in the year 1437, which was 180 Roman feet high. That erected by Ignatius Dante, in the church of St. Petronius, at Bo- logna, in the year 1576', was 67 feet high. M. C'assini erected another of 20 feet high, in the same church, in the year 1655. The Egyptian obelisks were also used as gnomons; and it is thought by some modem travellers that this was the very use thev were designed and built for; it has also been found that their four sides stand exactly facing the four cardinal points of the compass. It may be added, that the Spaniards in their conquest of Peru, found pillars of curious and costly workmanship, set up in several places, by the meridian shadows of which their amatas or pnilo- G N O [ 585 ] G N O sophers had, by long experience and repeated observations, learned to determine the times of the equinoxes ; which seasons of the year were celebrated with great festivity and rich offerings, in honour of the sun. Garcillasso de la Vega, Hist. Peru, lib. 2, cap. 22. height of which above the floor let be accurately measured with a plummet. Let the floor, or stage, be perfectly plane and horizontal, and coloured over with some white substance, to show the sun more distinctly. Upon this horizontal plane draw a meridian line passing through the Use of the Gnomon, in taking the meridian altitude of foot or centre of the gnomon, i. e. the point upon which the Sun, and thence finding the Latitude of the place.— A the plummet falls from the centre of the hole; and on meridian line being drawn through the centre of the gno- this line note the extreme points I and k of the sun's image mon, note the point where the shadow of the gnomon ter- or diameter, and from each end subtract the image of minates when projected along the meridian line, and mea- half the diameter of the aperture, viz kh and n : then sure the-distance of that extreme point from the centre of will hl be the image of the sun's diameter, which, when the gnomon, which will be the length of its shadow. Then bisected in b, gives the point on which the rays fall from having the height of the gnomon, and the length of the the centre of the sun. shadow, the sun's altitude is thence easily found. G — . Suppose, ex. gr. ab the gnomon, and ac the length of the shadow. Here, in the right-angled triangle abc, are given the base ac, and the perpendicular a b, to find the angle c, or the sun's altitude, which will be found by this analogy, as ca : ab : : radius : the tang, of Z.C, that is, as the length of the shadow is to the height of the gnomon, so is the radius to the tangent of the sun's altitude above the horizon. — The following example will serve to illus- trate this proposition : Pliny says, Nat. Hist. lib. 2, cap. 72, that at Rome, at the time of the equinoxes, the shadow is to the gnomon as S to 9 > therefore, as 8 : 9 : : 1 or ra- dius : £ = 1" 125 a tangent, to which answers the angle 48° 22, which is the height of the equator at Rome, and its complement 41° 38' is therefore the height of the pole, or the latitude of the place. Riccioli remarks the following defects in the observa- tions of the sun's height, made with the gnomon by the ancients, and some of the moderns; viz, that they ne- glected the sun's parallax, which makes his apparent al- titude less, by the quantity of the parallax, than it would be, if the gnomon were placed at the centre of the earth : 2d, they neglected also the refraction, by which the ap- parent height of the sun is a little increased : and 3dly, they made the calculations from the length of the shadow, as if it were terminated by a ray coming from the centre of the sun's disc, whereas the shadow is really terminated by a ray coming from the upper edge of the sun's disc ; so that, instead of the height of the sun's centre, their calcu- lations gave the height of the upper edge of his disc. And therefore, to the altitude of the sun found by the gnomon, the sun's parallax must be added, and from the sum must be subtracted the sun's semidiameter, and refraction, which is different at different altitudes; which being done, the correct height of the equator at Rome will be 48° 4' 13", the complement of which is the latitude, or 41° So 46". Ricciol. Geogr. Refor. lib. 7, cap. 4. Thcpreccding problem may be resolved more accurately by means of a ray of light let in through a small hole, than by a shadow, thus: Make a circular perforation in a brass plate, to transmit enough of the sun's rays to exhibit his image on the floor, or a stage ; fix the plate parallel to the horizon in a high place, proper for observation, the Vol. I. nr ^tt: — tj — r~ir Now having given the line ab, and the altitude of the gnomon ag, besides the right angle a, the angle b, or the apparent altitude of the sun's centre, is easily found, thus : as ab : ag : : radius : tang, angle b. Gnomon, in Dialling, is the style, pin, or cock of a dial, the shadow of which points out the hours. This is always supposed to represent the axis of the world, to which it is therefore parallel, or coincident, the two ends of it pointing straight to the north and south poles of the world. Gnomon, in Geometry, is a figure formed of the two complements, in a parallelogram, together with either of the parallelograms about the diameter. Thus the paral- lclogram ac being divided into four parallelograms by the two lines dg, ef parallel to the sides, forming the two complements a Band bc, with the two de, fg about the diameter in : then the two gnomons are ab ■+- BC h- de, and AB +IC + FG. Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere, is the representa- tion of the circles of an hemisphere on a plane touching it in the vertex, by the eye in the centre, or by lines or rays issuing from the centre of the hemisphere, to all the points in the surface. — In this projection of the sphere, all the great circles are projected into right lines, on the plane, of an indefinite length ; and all lesser circles that are parallel to the plane, into circles; but if oblique to the plane, then are they projected either into ellipses or hyperbolas, according to their different obliquity. It has its name from gnomonics, or dialling, because the lines on the face of every dial are from a projection of this kind : for if the sphere be projected on any plane, and upon that side of it on which the sun is to shine ; also the projected pole be made the centre of the dial, and the axis of the globe the style or gnomon, and the ra- dius of projection its height; you will have a dial drawn with all its furniture. See Emerson's Projection of the Sphere. GNOMONICS, the same as Dialling ; or the art of drawing sun and moon dials, on any given plane ; being so called, because it shows how to find the hour of the day or night by the shadow of a gnomon or style. 4F G O N £ 586 ] G O R 20 3)420 Quot. 1404. or 71. GOLDEN Number, is the particular year of the Me- tonic or Lunar Cycle. See Lunar Cycle. To find the Golden Number: Add 1 lo the given year, and di- vide the sura by 19, and what re- mains is the golden number ; unless remain, for then 19 is the golden number. Thus, the golden num- ber for the year 1812 is 8 ; as by the operation in the margin. Golden Rule, a rule so called on account of its ex- cellent use, in arithmetic, and especially in ordinary cal- culations, by which numbers are found in certain propor- tions, viz, having three numbers given, to find a 4th number in proportion. On this account, it is otherwise called The Rule of Three, and The Rule of Proportion. See Rule of Three. Having stated, or set down in a line, the three terms, in the order in which they are proportional, multiply the 2d and 3d together, and divide the product by the 1st, so shall the quotient be the answer, or the 4th term sought. — Thus, if 3 yards of cloth cost a guinea Or 21 shillings, what will 20 yards cost. Here the two prices or values must bear the same proportion to each other as the two quantities, or number of yards of cloth, i.e. 3 must bear the same proportion to 20, as 21s, the value of the former, must bear to the value 3 ; 20 : : 21 ■ 140s of the latter : and therefore the stating and operation of the num- bers will be thus. Then multiply- ing the 2d and 3d together, and dividing the product by the 1st, it gives 140s. or 71. for the answer, being the cost of 20 yards. GONIOMETRICALLwes, arelines used for measuring or determining the quantity of angles : such as sines, tan- gents, secants, versed sines, &c. Mr. Jones, in the Philos. Trans. No. 483, sect. 26", gave a paper, containing a commodious disposition of equations for exhibiting the relations of goniometrical lines ; from which a multitude of curious theorems may be derived. See also Robert- son's Elem. of Navigation, vol.1, p. 1S1, edit. 4. GON10MKTRY, a method of measuring angles, so called by M. De Lagny, who gave several papers, on this method, in the Memoircs of the Royal Acad. an. 1724, 1725, 1729- M. De Lagny 's method ofgoniomctry con- sists in measuring the angles with a pair of compasses, and that without any scale whatever, except an undivided semicircle. Thus, having any angle drawn upon paper, to be measured ; produce one of the sides of the angle backwards; then wilh a pair of fine compasses describe a pretty large semicircle, from the angular point as a centre, cutting the sides of the proposed angle, which will inter- cept a part of the semicircle. Take then this intercepted part very exactly between the points of the compasses, and turn them successively over upon the arc of the semicircle, to find how often it is contained in it, after which there is commonly some remainder: then take this remainder in the compasses, and in like manner find how often it is Con- tained in the last of the integral parts of the 1st arc, with again some remainder : find in like manner how often this last remainder is contained in the former ; and so on con- tinually, till the remainder become too small to be taken and applied as a measure. By this means he obtains a series of quotients, or fractional parts, one of another, which being properly reduced iuto one fraction, give the ratio of the first arc to the. semicircle, or of the proposed angle to two right angles, or 180 degrees, and conse- quently that angle itself in degrees and minutes. Thus, suppose the angle bac be proposed to be mea- sured. Produce b a out towards/; and from the centre a describe the semicircle abef, in which ab is the measure of the proposed angle. Take ab in the compasses, and apply it 4 times on the v semicircle, as at b, c, d, and e ; then take the remainder/, and apply it back upon ed, which is but once, viz at g ; again take the remainder^ and apply it 5 times on ge, as at //, i, k, I, and m ; lastly take the remainder me, and it is contained just 2 times in ml. Hence the series of quotients is 4, 1,5, 2 ; conse- quently the 4th or last arc em is \ the third ml or gd, and therefore the 3d arc gd is — or -A of the 2d arc ef; there- of fore again this 2d arc ef is -7-or \^ of the 1st arc ab; and consequently this 1st arc ab is -— - or -J-| of the whole 4-j-y semicircle of. But if of 180° are 37 j- degrees, or 37° 8' 34"f, which therefore is the measure of the ancle sought. When the operation is nicely performed, this an- gle may be within 2 or 3 minutes of the truth ; though M. De Lagny pretends to measure much nearer than that. It may be added, that the series effractions forms what is called a continued fraction. ■ Thus, in the example above, the continued fraction, and its reduction, will be as follow : 1 1 _I j _1 13 4 + T +i~4 + TT ~ 4Ji ~~ 63" ' 5| 1_rr the quotients being the successive denominators, and 1 always for each numerator. GORGE, or Neck, in Architecture, the narrowest part of the Tuscan or Doric capitals, lying above the shaft of the pillar, between the astragal and annulets. It is also a kind of concave moulding, serving for com- partments Sec, larger than ascotia, but not so deep. Gorge, in Fortification, is the entrance into a bastion, or a ravelin, or other out-work. The Gouge of a Bastion, is what remains of the sides of the polygon of a place, after cutting off the curtains; in which case it makes an angle in the centre of the bastion, viz, the angle made by two adjacent curtains produced to meet within the bastion. — In fiat bastions, the gorge is a right line on the curtain, reaching between the two flanks. Gouge of a Half- moon, or of a Ravelin, is the space be- tween the two ends of their faces next the place. Gouge of the other out-works, is the interval between their sides next the great ditch. All the gorges are to be made without parapets : otherwise the besiegers, having taken possession of a work, might make use of them to de- fend themselves from the shot of the place. So that they are only fortified with pallisadocs, to prevent a surprise. The Dcmi-GoKGys,, or Halfihc Gouge, is that part of GRA [ 587 ] GRA the polygon between the flank and the centre of the bas- tion. GOTHIC Architecture, is that which deviates from the manner, character, proportions, &c, of the antique; having its ornaments wild and chimerical, and its profiles incorrect. This manner of building came originally from the North, whence it was brought, in the 5th century, by the Goths into Germany, and has since been introduced into other countries. The first or most ancient style of Gothic building was very solid, heavy, massive and simple, with semicircular arches, &c: but the more modern style of the Gothic is exceedingly rich, light, and delicate ; having an abundance of little whimsical ornaments, with sharp-pointed arches formed by the intersections of dif- ferent circular segments ; also lofty and light spires and steeples, large ramified windows, clustered pillars, &c. Of this kind are our English cathedrals, and many other old buildings. GRADUATION, is used for the act of graduating, or dividing any thing into degrees. — For an account of the various methods of graduating mathematical and astrono- mical instruments, by straight and circular diagonals, and by concentric arcs, &c ; see Plain Scale, Nonius, and Vernier. And for an accountof Mr. Bird's improved method of dividing astronomical instruments, see Mural Arch. Mr. Ramsden, an ingenious mathematical instrument- maker of London, has lately published, by encouragement of the commissioners of longitude, an explanation and description of an engine contrived by him for dividing ma- thematical instruments, accompanied with proper draw- ings ; in consideration of which, the said commissioners granted him the sum of 6l5l. See his book, 4to, 1777. On the subject of dividing a foot into many thousand parts, for mathematical purposes, see Philos. Trans, vol. 2, p. 4.57, 459, 541, or my Abr. vol. 1, pa. l6l, 195, &c. And for an account of various other methods and gradu- ations, see a paper of Mr. Smeaton's in the Philos. Trans. vol. 76, for the year 17S6,pa. 1 ; being " Observations on the graduation of astronomical instruments; with an ex- planation of the method invented by the late Mr. Henry Hindley, of York, clock-maker, to divide circles into any given number of parts." Also Mr. Troughton's method and history of such operations, in the vol. for 1809. GRAHAM (George), clock- and watch-maker, the most ingenious and accurate artist in his time, was born at Gratwick, a village in the north of Cumberland, in 1675. He came up to London in l688, and was put appren- tice to a person in that profession ; but after being some time with his master, he was received, purely on ac- count of his merit, into the family of the celebrated Mr. Tompion, who treated him with a kind of parental affec- tion as long as he lived. That Mr. Graham was, with- out competition, the most eminent of his profession, is but a small part of his character : he was the best general me- chanic of his time, and had a complete knowledge of prac- tical astronomy ; so that he not only gave to various move- ments for measuring time a degree of perfection which had never before been attained, but invented several astro- nomical instruments, by which considerable advances have been made in that science : he made great improvements in those which had before been in use; and, by a wonder- ful manual dexterity, constructed them with greater pre- cision and accuracy than perhaps any other person in the Will'] A great mural arch in the observatory at Greenwich was madefor Dr. Halley, under Mr. Graham's immediate in- spection, and divided by his own hand : and from this in- comparable original, the best foreign instruments of the kind are copies made by English artists. The sector by which Dr. Bradley first discovered two new motions in the fixed stars, was of our author's invention and fabric. He comprised the whole planetary system within the compass of a small cabinet ; from which, as a model, all the modern orreries have been constructed. And when the French academicians were sent to the North, to make observations for ascertaining the figure of the earth, Mr. Graham was thought the fittest person in Europe to supply them with instruments; by which means they finished their opera- tions in one year; while those who went to the South, not being so well furnished, were very much embarrassed and retarded in their operations. Mr. Graham was many years a member of the Royal Society, to which he communicated several ingenious and important discoveries, viz, from the 31st to the 42d volume of the Philos. Transactions, chiefly on astronomical and philosophical subjects ; particular!)' a kind of horary alte- ration of the magnetic needle; a quicksilver pendulum, and many curious particulars relating to the true length of the simple pendulum, on which he continued to make ex- periments till almost the time of his death, which hap- pened in 1751, at 76' years of age. His temper was not less communicative than his genius was penetrating; and his principal view was the advance- ment of science, and the benefit of mankind. As he was perfectly sincere, he was above suspicion ; and as he was above envy, he was candid. GRANADO, in Artillery, is a small shell or hollow globe of iron, or other matter, which, being filled with powder, is fired by means of a small fusee, and thrown cither by the hand, or a piece of ordnance. As soon as it is kindled, the case flies in pieces, to the great danger of all that stand near it. Granadoes serve to set fire to close and narrow passages, and are often thrown with the hand among the soldiers, to disorder their ranks; more especi- ally in those posts where they stand thickest, as in trenches, redoubts, lodgments, &c. GRANDI (Guido), a learned Italian mathematician, was born at Cremona in l6"71 ; appointed professor of mathematics at Pisa in 1714; and died in 1742. In 1690 he published, in 4to, the demonstration of Viviani's won- derful or quadrable dome, under the title of Geometrica Divinatio Yivianiorum Problematum; a work which con- tains more than its title would lead us to expect, and in which the author remarks many other curiosities in geo- metry of the same kind, and among others, a portion of the surface of a right cone, which is perfectly quadrable, and to which he gives the name of Velum Camaldulense, he being a friar of the order of Camaldunes; from which it seems he did not know the same thing, in a more general form, had before been given by John Bernoulli, in the Leip- sic Acts. In J 70 1 , he published his demonstration of Huygens's theorems on the Logistic Curve, which that au- thor had simply announced without demonstration; being an excellent specimen of the ancient geometrical method ; in which piece also, as well as in his letter to the Jesuit Ceva, which follows it, are found several other curious and novel particulars. — Another paper of Grandi's is also in- serted in the 33d volume of the Philos. Trans., called a Handful or a Bouquet bf Geometrical Hosts, being a di ■ 4 F a G R A [ £88 ] G R A scrtation on certain curves geometrically described in a circle. This he afterwards enlarged in another treatise, published in 1/28, entitled Flores Geometrici ex Rhodo- nearum, &c. He was also author of several other miscel- laneous pieces, on the ancient and modern geometry ; as, his Quadrature of the Circle and Hyperbola by Infinite Parabolas, in 1/03 and 1710; his Dissertation on Infinites of Infinites, &c, in 1/10; an Italian edition of Euclid's Elements; and a posthumous treatise on Conic Sections, also in the Italian language, in 1 7-14. Grandi it seems was of a turbulent and quarrelsome disposition, being almost always engaged in disputes on various subjects, geometri- cal, theological, metaphysical, or philological. GRAPE-Shot, in Artillery, is a combination of small shot, put into a thick canvass bag, and corded strongly to- gether, so as to form a kind of cylinder, of a diameter suited to the intended piece of ordnance, from the smallest to the largest. The number of shot in a grape varies ac- cording to the service, or size of the guns. Of late the grape-shot have been superseded by canister-shot, and by shrapnel shells, &c, as more convenient and efficacious. GRAPHOMETER, a mathematical instrument, used in land-surveying &c, and is otherwise called Semicircle ; which see GRAVE, in Music, is applied to a sound which is in a low or deep tone. The thicker the chord or string, the more grave the tone or note; and the smaller, the acuter. Notes are supposed to be the more grave, in proportion as the vibrations of the chord are less quick. GRAVESANDE (William James), a very celebrated Dutch mathematician and philosopher, was born at Bois- le-duc, Sept. 27, l688. He studied the civil law at Ley- den, but mathematical learning was his favourite amuse- ment. When he had taken his doctor's degree, in 1707, he went and settled at the Hague, where he practised at the bar, and cultivated an acquaintance with learned men; with a society of whom he published a periodical review, entitled Le Journal Litteraire, which was continued with- out interruption from the year 1713 to the year 17-2. The parts of it written or extracted by Gravesande were chiefly those relating to geometry and physics. But he enriched it also with several original pieces entirely of his own composition ; viz, Remarks on the Construction of Pneumatical Engines: A Moral Essay on Lying: and a celebrated Essay on the Collision of Bodies; which, as it opposed the Newtonian philosophy, was attacked by Dr. Clarke, and many other learned men. In 1715, when the States sent to congratulate George the 1st, on his acces- sion to the throne, Dr. Gravesande was appointed secre- tary to the embassy. During his stay in England he was admitted a member of the Royal Society, and became in- timately acquainted with Sir Isaac Newton. On his return to Holland, he was chosen professor of mathematics and astronomy at Leydeti; where he had the honour, of first teaching the Newtonian philosophy, which was then in its infancy. He died in 1742, at 54 years of age. Gravesande was a man amiable in his private character, and respectable in his public one; for few men of letters have rendered more eminent services to their country. The ministers of the republic consulted him on all occasions when his talents were requisite to assist them, which liis skill in calculation often enabled him io df> in financial concerns. He was of great service as a decipherer, in de- tecting the secret correspondence of their enemies. And, in his own profession, none ever applied the powers of na- ture with more success, or to more useful purposes. — Of his publications, the principal are, 1. An Introduction to the Newtonian Philosophy; or, a Treatise on the Elements of Physics, confirmed by Ex- periments. This performance, being only a more perfect copy of his public lectures, was first printed in 1720 ; and went through many editions, with considerable improve- ments: the 6th edit, is in English, in 2 large vols. 4to, by Dr. Desaguliers, in 1747, under the title of Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy, confirmed by Experi- ments. 2. A treatise on the Elements of Algebra, for the use of Young Students; to which is added a Specimen of a Commentary on Newton's Universal Arithmetic; as also, A New Rule for determining the Form of an Assumed Infi- nite Series. — 3. An Essay on Perspective : This was writ- ten at 19 years of age. — 4. A New Theory of the Colli- sion of Bodies. — 5. A Course of Logic and Metaphysics. — With several smaller pieces. His whole mathematical and philosophical works, ex- cept the first-mentioned article, were collected and pub- lished at Amsterdam, in 2 vols. 4to, to which is prefixed a critical account of his life and writings, by Professor Alla- mand. GRAVIMETER, the name given by M. Guyton, to an instrument for measuring the specific gravities of bodies: he adopts this name rather than either areometer or hydro- meter, because these latter terms are grounded on the sup- position that the liquid is always the thing weighed ; whereas, with regard to solids, the liquid is the known term of comparison, to which the unknown weight is referred. Guyton's gravimeter is executed in glass, and is of a cy- lindricform, being that which requires the smallest quan- tity of fluid, and is on that account preferable, except so far as it is necessary to deviate for the security of a verti- cal position. It carries two basins, one of them superior, at the extremity of a thin stem, towards the middle of which, the fixed point of immersion is marked. The other, or lower basin, terminates in a point; it contains the bal- last, and is attached to the cylinder by two branches. The moveable suspension, by means of a hook, has the inconve- nience of shortening the lever which is to secure the verti- cal position. The cylinder of this instrument is 071 inches diameter; and (v85 inches in length. It carries in the upper basin an additional constant weight of 5'1 15 grains. These dimen- sions might be increased so as to render it capable of re- ceiving a much more considerable weight ; but this is un- necessary. M. Guyton has added a piece which he calls the plonsjeur, because in fact it is placed in the lower ba- sin when used, and is consequently entirely immersed in the fluid. It is a bulb of glass loaded with a sufficient quantity of mercury, in order that its total weight may be equal to the constant additional weight, added to the weight of the volume of water displaced by this piece. It will be readily understood that the weight being determined at the same temperature at which the instrument was origi- nally adjusted, it will jink to tin- same mark mi the stem, whether it be loaded with a constant additional weight in tin- Upper basin, or whether the effect of this weight be produced by the additional piece in the lower dish, This instrument may he used lor solids, as well as fluids, provided the absolute weight of the solid to be examined be rather less than the constant additional weight in the upper basin, which is 115 grains-. G R A [ ] GfiA For liquids of less specific gravity than water, the gra- vimeter, without the additional weight above mentioned, weighs about 459 grains, in the dimensions before laid down. It would be easy to limit its weight to the greatest accuracy. We have therefore the range of one-fifth of buoyancy, and consequently the means of ascertaining all the intermediate densities, from water to the most highly rectified spirit, which is known to bear in this respect the ratio of 8 to 10, with regard to water. When liquids of greater specific gravity than water are to be tried, the constant weight being applied below, by means of the additional piece, which weighs about 138 grains, the instrument can receive in the upper basin more than 4 times the usual additional weight, without losing the equilibrium of its vertical position. In this state it is capable of showing the specific gravity of the most concen- trated acid. It possesses also another property, which is this ; nameiy, that it may be employed as a balance to deter- mine the absolute weight of such bodies as do not exceed its additional load. And the purity of water being known, it will indicate the degrees of rarefaction and condensation, in proportion to its own bulk. To rind the specific gravity of any solid by the gravime- ter. Rule : " From the weight in the upper basin, when the instrument is properly immersed in the unknown fluid, take the weight which isplaeed with the body in the same scale at the like adjustment; the remainder is the absolute weight of the solid. Multiply this by the specific gravity of the fluid, and reserve the product. From the additional weight when the body is placed in the lower basin, take the weight when it was placed in the upper; the remainder will be the loss of weight by immersion. Divide the reserved by the loss by immersion, and the quotient will be the spe- cific gravity of the solid with regard to distilled water, at the standard temperature and pressure." To find the specific gravity of a fluid, proceed thus: " To the weight of the gravimeter add the weight required in the upper basin, to sink it in the unknown fluid. Again, To the wcightof the gravimeter add the weight required in the same manner to sink it in distilled water. Divide the first sum by the second, and the quotient will be the spe- cific gravity of the fluid in question." GRAVITATION, the exercise of gravity, or the pres- sure a body exerts on another body beneath it by its weight. This is sometimes distinguished from gravity. Thus, M. Maupcrtuis, in his Figure dclaTerrc, lakesgravity for that force by which a body would fall to the earth supposed at rest; and gravitation for the same, but diminished by the centrifugal force. It is only gravitation, or gravity thus blended with the centrifugal force, that we can usually measure by our experiments. Methods however have been found to distinguish what remains of the primitive gravity, and what has been destroyed by the centrifugal force. It is one of the laws of nature, discovered by Newton, and now received by all philosophers, that every particle of matter in nature gravitates towards every other particle ; which law is the main principle in the Newtonian philoso- phy. Bat what is called gravitation with respect to the gravitating bofly 1 , is usually called attraction with respect to the body gravitated to. The planets, both primary and secondary, as afs'd the comets, do all gravitate towards the sun, and towards each other; as well as the sun towards them; and that in proportion to the quantity of matter in each of them. The Peripatetics &c hold, that bodies only gravitate or weigh when out of their natural places, and that gravita- tion ceases when they are restored to the same, the pur pose of nature being then fulfilled ; and they maintain that the final cause of this faculty is only to bring elementary bodies to their proper place, where they may rest. But the moderns show that bodies exercise gravity even when at rest, and in their proper places. This is particularly shown of fluids ; and it is one of the laws of hydrostatics, demonstrated by Boyle and others, that fluids gravitate in proprio loco, the upper parts pressing on the lower, &c. For the laws of gravitation of bodies in fluids specifically lighter or heavier than themselves, see Specific Gra- vity. Also for the centre or line or plane of gravitation, see Centre, Line, or Plane. GRAVITY, in Physics, the natural tendency or incli- nation of bodies towards the centre. And in this sense gra- vity agrees with centripetal force. Gravity however is, by some, defined more generally as the natural tendency of one body towards another; and again by others still more generally as the mutual tendency of each body, and each particle of a body, towards all others: in which sense the word answers to what is more usually called attraction. Indeed the terms gravity, weight, centripetal force, and attraction, denote in effect all the same thing, only in different views and relations ; all which however it is very common to confound, and use promis- cuously. But, in propriety, when a body is considered as tending towards the earth, the force with which it so tends is called Gravity, Force of Gravity, or Gravitating Force; when the body is considered as immediately tending to the centre of the earth, it is called Centripetal Force ; but when we consider the earth, or mass to which the body tends, it is called Attraction, or Attractive Force; and when it is considered in respect of an obstacle or another body in the way of its tendency, on which it acts, it is called Weight. Philosophers think differently on the subject of gravity. Some consider it as an inactive property or innate powerin bodies, by which they endeavour to unite together. Others hold gravity in this sense to be an occult quality, and to be exploded assuch out of all sound philosophy. Newton, though he often calls it a vis, power, or property in bo- dies, yet explains himself, that he means nothing more by the word but the effect or phenomenon : he does not con- sider the principle, the cause by which bodies tend down- wards, but the tendency itself, which is no occult quality, but a sensible phenomenon, be its causes what they may ; whether a property essential to body, as some make it, or superadded to it, as others; or even an impulse of some body from without, as others. It is a law of nature long observed, that all bodies near the earth have a gravity or weight, or a tendency towards its centre, or at least perpendicular to its surface; which law the moderns, and especially Sir I. Newton, from cer- tain observations, have found to be much more extensive, and holding universally with respect to all known bodies and matter in nature. It is therefore at present acknow- ledged as a principle or law of nature, that all bodies, and all the particles of all bodies, mutually gravitate towards each other: from which single principle it is that Newton has happily deduced all the great phenomena of nature. Hence, Gravity may be distinguished into Particular and General. Particular Gravity, is thatwhich respects the earth, or by which bodies descend, or tend towards the centre of the earth ; the phenomena or properlies of which are as follow : — O R A [ S90 ] G R A 1. All circumterrestrial bodies do hereby tend to- same distance from the centre, are proportional to the quari- wards a point, which is either accurately or very nearly tities of matter in the bodies. the centre of magnitude of the terraqueous globe. Not General or Universal Gravity, is that by which not that it is meant that there is really any virtue or charm only the planets, but all the bodies and particles of mat- in the point called the centre, by which it attracts bodies ; ter in the universe tend towards one another. The exist- but because this is the result of the gravitation of bodies ence of the same principle of gravitation in the superior towards all the parts of which the earth consists. regions of the heavens, as on the earth, is one of the 2. This point or centre is fixed within the earth, or great discoveries of Newton, who made the proof of it as at least has been so far as any authentic history reaches, easy as that on earth. At first it would seem this was only For a consequence of its shifting, though ever so little, conjecture with him: he observed that all bodies near the would he the overflowing of the low lands on that side earth, and in its atmosphere, had the property of tending of the globe towards which it should approach. Dr. directly towards it ; he soon conjectured that it probably Halley suggests, that it would well account for the uni- extended much higher than any distance to which we versal deluge, to have the centre of gravitation removed could reach, or make experiments; and so on, from one for a time towards the middle of the then inhabited distance to another, till he at length saw no reason why world ; for the change of its place but the 2000th part it might not extend as far as the moon, by means of which of the radius of the earth, or about two miles, would be she might be retained in her orbit, as a stone in a sling is sufficient to lay the tops of the highest hills under water. retained by the hand ; and if so, he next inferred, why 3. In all places equidistant from the centre of the earth might not a similar principle exist in the otheiygreat bo- ttle force of gravity is nearly equal. Indeed all parts of dies in the universe, the sun and all the other planets, the earth's surface are not at equal distances from the cen- both primary and secondary, which might all be retained tre, because the equatorial parts are higher than the polar in their orbits, and perform their revolutions, by means parts by about 17 miles; as has been proved by the ne- of the same universal principle of gravitation. cessity of making the pendulum shorter in those places, These conjectures he soon realized and verified by ma- Wore it will vibrate seconds. In the new Petersburg thematical proofs. Kepler had discovered by contempla- Transactions, vol. 6' and 7, M. Krafft gives a formula for ting the motions of the planets about the sun, that the the proportion of gravity in different latitudes on the area described by a line connecting the sun and planet, earth's surface, which is this : as this revolved in its orbit, was always proportional to y = ( I -+- 0'0052S48 sine 2 A)g; the time of its description, or that it described equal areas where g denotes the gravity at the equator, and_y fhegra- in equal times, in whatever part of its orbit the planet vity under any other latitude A. On this subject, see also might be, moving always so much the quicker as its dis- the articles Degree, and Earth. tance from the sun was less. Audit is also found that 4. Gravity equally affects all bodies, without regard the satellites, or secondary planets, observe the same law either to their bulk, figure, or matter : so that, abstracting in revolving about their primaries. But it was soon from the resistance of the medium, the most compact and proved by Newton, that all bodies moving in any curve loose, the greatest and smallest bodies, would all descend line described on a plane, and which, by radii drawn to through an equal space in the same time; as appears from any certain point, describe areas about the point propor- the quick descent of very light bodies in an exhausted re- tional to the times, are impelled or acted on by some ceiver. The space which bodies do actually fall, in vacuo, power tending towards that point. Consequently the is 16^ feet in the first second of time, in the latitude of power by which all these planets revolve, and are retained London ; and for othertimes, either greater orless than that, in their orbits, is directed to the centre about which they the spaces descended from rest are directly proportional'to move, viz, the primary planets to the sun, and the satel- the squares of the times, while the falling body is net far from the earth's surface. 5. This power is the greatest at the earth's surface, from whence it decreases both upwards and downwards, lites to their several primaries. Newton also demonstrated, that if several bodies re- volve with an equable motion in several circles about the same centre, and that if the squares of their periodical but not both ways in the same proportion; for upwards times be in the same proportion as the cubes of their dis- the force of gravity is less, or decreases, as the square of tances from the common centre, then the centripetal the distance from the centre increases, so that at a double forces of the revolving bodies, by which they tend to their distance from the centre, above the surface, the force central body, will be in the reciprocal or inverse ratio of would be only l-4th o'l what it is at the surface; but be- the squares of the distances. Or if bodies revolve in or- low the surface, the power decreases in such sort that its bits approaching to circles, and the apses of those orbits intensity is in the direct ratio of the distancefrom the cen- be at rest, then also the centripetal forces of the revolving tre ; so that at the distance of half a semidiameter from the bodies will be reciprocally proportional to the squares of centre, the force would be but half what it is at the surface; the distances. But it had been agreed on by astronomer?, at 4 of a semidiameter the force would be j, and so on. and particularly Kepler, that both these cases obtain in 0. As all bodies gravitate towards the earth, so does the all the planets. And therefore he inferred, that the fen- earth equally gravitate towards all bodies; as well as all tripetal forces of all the planets, are reciprocally propor- bodies towards particular parts of the earth, as hills, &c, tional to the squares of the distances from the centres of which has been proved by the attraction a hill has upon their motions. a plumb line, insensibly drawing it aside. — Hence the gra- On the whole it appears, that the planets are retained vitating force of entire bodies consists of those of all their in their orbits by some power which is continually acting parts : lor, by adding or taking away any part of the mat- upon them : that this power is directed towards the Cen- ter ol a body, its gravity is increased or decreased in the tre of their motions: that the intensity or efficacy of this proportion of the quantity of such portion to tho whole power increases on an approach towards the centre, and mass. Hence also the gravitating powers of bodies, at the diminishes on receding from the same, and that in the re- G R A [ 591 ] G R A ciprocal duplicate ratio of the distances : and that, by comparing this centripetal force of the planets with the force of gravity on the earth, they are found to be perfectly alike, as may easily be shown in various instances. For ex- ample, in the case of the moon, the nearest of all the pla- nets. The rectilinear spaces described in any given time by a falling body, urged by any powers, reckoning from the beginning of its descent, are proportional to those powers. Consequently the centripetal force of the moon revolving in her orbit, will be to the force of gravity on the surface of the earth, as the space which the moon , would describe in falling during any small time, by her centripetal force towards the earth, if she had no circular motion at all, to the space a body near the earth would describe in falling by its gravity towards the same. Now by an easy calculation of those two spaces, it ap- pears that the former force is to the latter, as the square refernnggravity or weight to a native inclination in heavy bodies to be in their proper place or sphere, the centre, of the earth. And Copernicus ascribes it to an innate prin- ciple in all parts of matter, by which, when separated from their wholes, thej endeavour to return to them again the nearest way. Jn answer to Aristotle and his followers, who considered the centre of the earth as the centre of the universe, he observed that it was reasonable to think there was nothing peculiar to the earth in this principle of «ra- vity: that the parts of the sun, moon, and stars, tended likewise to each other, and that their spherical figure was preserved in their various motions by this power. °Copern. Revol. lib. 1, cap. 9. But neither of these systems assigns any physical cause of this great effect : they only amount to this, that bodies descend because they are inclined to descend. Kepler, in his preface to the commentaries concerning of the semi-diameter ofahe earth is to the square of that of the planet Mars, speaks of gravity as of a power that the moon's orbit. The moon's centripetal force therefore is equal to the force of gravity ; and consequently these forces are not different, but they are one and the same : for if they were two distinctforces, bodies acted on by the two powers conjointly would fall towards the earth with a velo- city double to that arising from the sole power of gravity. It is evident therefore that the moon's centripetal force, by which she is retained in her orbit, and prevented from flying off in tangents, is the very power of gravity of the earth extended thither. See Newton's Pnncip. lib. 1, prop. 45, cor. 2, and lib. 3, prop. 3 ; where the numeral calculation may be seen at full length. The moon therefore gravitates towards the earth, and reciprocally the earth towards the moon. And this is also further confirmed by the phenomena of the tides. The like reasoning may also be applied to the other planets. For, as the revolutions of the primary planets round the sun, and those of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn round their primaries, are phenomena of the same kind with the revolution of the moon about the earth; and as the centripetal powers of the primary are directed to- wards the centre of the sun, and those of the satellites to- wards the centres of their primaries ; and lastly, as all these powers are reciprocally as the squares of the dis- tances from the centres, it may safely be concluded that the power and cause are the same in all. Therefore, as the inoon gravitates towards the earth, and the earth towards the moon ; so do all the secondaries to their primaries, and these to their secondaries ; and so also do the primaries to the sun, and the sun to the pri- maries. Newton's Princip. lib. 3, prop. 4, 5, 6'; Greg. Astron. lib. 1, sect. 7, prop. 46 and 47. The laws of Universal Gravity are the same as those of bodies gravitating to the earth, before laid down. Cause of Gravity. Various theories have been ad- vanced by the philosophers of different ages to account for this grand principle of gravitation. The ancients, who were only acquainted with particular gravity, or the ten- dency of sublunar bodies towards the earth, aimed no fur- ther than a system that might answer the more obvious phenomena of it. However, some hints are found con- cerning the gravitation of celestial bodies, in the account given of the doctrine of Thales and his successors ; and it would seem that Pythagoras was still better acquainted with it, to which it is supposed he had a view in what he taught concerning the Harmony of the Spheres. Aristotle and the Peripatetics content themselves with mutual between bodies, and says that the earth and moon tend towards each other, and would meet in a point so many times nearer to the earth than to the moon, as the earth is greater than the moon, if their motions did not hinder it. He adds, that the tides arise from the gravity of the waters towards the moon. To him we also owe the important discovery of the analogy between the distances of the several planets from the sun, and the periods in which they complete their revolutions, viz, that the squares ot their periodic times, are always in the same proportion as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. How- ever, Kepler, Gassendi, Gilbert, and others, ascribe Gra- vity to a certain magnetic attraction of the earth ; con- ceiving the earth to be onegreat magnet, continually emit- ting effluvia, which take hold of all bodies, and draw them towards the earth. But this is inconsistent with the several phenomena. Descartes and his followers, Rohault, &c, attribute gra- vity to an external impulse or trusion of some subtile mat- ter. By the rotation of the earth, say they, all the parts and appendages of it necessarily endeavour to recede from the centre of rotation; butwhence they cannotall actually recede, as there is no vacuum or space to receive them. But this hypothesis, founded on the supposition of a ple- num, is overthrown by what has been since Droved of the existence of a vacuum. Dr. Hooke inclines to an opinion much like that of Des- cartes. Gravity he thinks deducible from the action of a most subtile medium, which easily pervades and penetrates the most solid bodies ; and which, by some motion it has, detrudes all earthly bodies from it, towards the centre of the earth. Vossius too, and many others, give partly into the Cartesian notion, and suppose gravity to arise from the diurnal rotation of the earth round its axis. See Birch's Hist, of the Royal Soc. vol. 2, pp. ~i1 and 91. Dr. Halley, despairing of any satisfactory theory, chooses to have immediate recourse to the agency of the Deity. So Dr. Clarke, from a view of several properties of gravity, concludes that it is no adventitious effect of any motion, orsubtile matter, butanoriginal and general law impressed by God on all matter, and preserved in it by some effi- cient power penetrating the very solid' and intimate sub- stance of it; being found always proportional, not to the surfaces of bodies or corpuscles, but to their solid quan- tity and contents. It should therefore be no more inquired why bodies gravitate, than how they came to be first put in motion. Annot.in Rohault. Pliys. part 1, cap. 11. G R A [ 50.2 ] G R A Gravesande, in his Introduct. ad Philos. Newton, con- tends that the cause of gravity is utterly unknown; and that we are to consider it no otherwise than as a law of nature originally and immediately impressed by the Crea- tor, without any dependence on any second law or cause at all. Of this he thinks the three following considera- tions sufficient proof. 1. That gravity requires thepresence of the gravitating or attracting body : so the satellites of Jupiter, for ex. gravitate towards Jupiter, wherever he may be. 2. That the distance being supposed the same, the velocity with which bodies are moved by the force ot gravity, depends on the quantity of matter in the attracting body ; and the velocity is not changed, whatever the hiass of the gravitating body may be. 3. That if gravity do depend on any known law of motion, it must be some im- pulse from an extraneous body ; so that as gravity is con- tinual, a continual stroke must also be required. Now if there be any such matter continually striking on bodies, it must be fluid, and subtile enough to penetrate the sub- stance of all bodies : but how shall a body subtile enough to penetrate the substance of the hardest bodies, and so rare as not sensibly to hinder the motion of bodies, be able to impel vast masses towards each other with such force ? how does this force increase the ratio of the mass of the body, towards which the other body is moved ? whence is it that all bodies move with the same velocity, the distance and body gravitated to being the same ? can a fluid which only acts on the surface, either of the bodies themselves, or their internal particles, communicate such & quantity of motion to bodies, which in all bodies shall exactly follow the proportion of the quantity of matter in them ? Mr. Cotes goes yet further. Giving a view of Newton's philosophy, he asserts that gravity is to be ranked among the primary qualities of all bodies; and deemed equally essential to matter as extension, mobility, or impenetra- bility. Praifat. ad Newt. Princip. But Newton himself disclaims this notion ; and to show that he does not take gravity to be essential to bodies, he declares his opinion of the cause ; choosing to propose it by way of query, not being yet sufficiently satisfied about it for want of experi- ments. Thus, after having shown that there is a medium in nature vastly more subtile than air, by whose vibrations sound is propagated, by which -light communicates heat to bodies, and by the different densities of which the re- fraction and reflection of light are performed ; he pro- ceeds to inquire: " Js not this medium much rarer within the dense bodies of the sun, stars, planets, and comets, than in the empty celestial spaces between them ? and in passing from them to greater distances, doth it not grow denser and denser perpetually, and thereby cause the gravity of those great bodies towards one another, and of their parts towards the bodies ; every body endeavouring to recede from the denser parts of the medium towards the rarer ? " For if this medium be supposed rarer within the sun's body than at its surface, and rarer there than at the hundredth part of an inch from his body, and rarer there than at the orbit of Saturn ; I see no reason why the. in- crease of density" should stop anywhere, and not rather be continued through all distances from the sun to Sa- turn, and beyond. " And though this increase of density may at great distances be exceeding slow : yet if the elastic force of this medium be exceeding great, it may suffice to impel bodies from the denser parts of the medium towards the rarer with all that power which we call gravity. " That the elastic force of this medium is exceeding great, may be gathered from theswiftness of its vibrations. Sounds move about 1140 English feet in a second of time, and in seven or eight minutes of time, they move about one hundred English miles: light moves from the sun to us in about 7 or 8 minutes of time, which distance is about 70000000 English miles, supposing tin- horizontal parallax of the sun to be about 12 seconds; and the vi- brations, or pulses of this medium, that they may cause the alternate fits of easy transmission, and easy reflection, must be swifter than light, and by consequence abo\e 7UO00O times swifter than sounds ; and therefore the elastic force of this medium, in proportion to its den- sity, must be above 700000 x 700000 (that is, above 4-90000000000) times greater than the clastic force of the air is, in proportion to its density : for the velocities of the pulses of elastic mediums, are in a subduplicate ratio of the elasticities and the rarities of the mediums conjointly. " As magnetism is stronger in small loadstones than in great ones, in proportion to their bulk; and gravity is stronger on the surfaceof small planets, than on those of great ones, in proportion to their bulk ; and small bodies are agitated much more by electric attraction than great ones : so thesmallness of the rays of light may contribute very much to the power of the agent by wdiich they are refracted ; and if any one should suppose, that ether (like our air) may contain particles which endeavour to recede from one another (for I do not know what this ether is), and that its particles are exceedingly smaller than those of air, or even than those of light ; the exceeding small- ness of such particles may contribute to the greatness of the force, by which they recede from one another, and thereby make that medium exceedingly more rare and elastic than air, and, of consequence, exceedingly less able to resist the motions of projectiles, and exceedingly more able to press upon gross bodies by endeavouring to expand itself." Optics, Query 21, &c. IYI. Le Sage attempts to account for the cause of gravity by the following ingenious hypothesis : " Imagine," says this author, " that through all space numberless cor- puscles or atoms, almost infinitely small, are in perpetual motion: that every corpuscle has its determined direction, and moves for ever in a straight line with a velocity far exceeding that of light. It is evident that the directions of these corpuscles may be so various, they may bethem- svlves so small, and their velocity so great, that though they follow each other at vast distances, and leave space, in reality, almost empty ; yet they may abound every where in such a manner, that in a portion of lime, almost infinitely small, a great number of them shall pass through every point of space whatsoever. On whatever point of space therefore our attention is fixed, we may consider it as a centre, to which the motions of an infinite number of atoms arc referred, either by diverging therefrom', or converging to it." This constitution ol what Le Sage calls the gravific fluid being conceived, suppose a solid body to be plunged into it of any figure whatever, larger than one of the corpuscles, and in some degree, if not entirely, im- pervious to llu-se panicles; this body will remain at rest, or at least without any progressive motion, the im- pulses of Hie particles that strike against it being equal 111 opposite directions. It may oscillate a little backward G R A [ 593 J G R A and forward, but will not be forced any considerable distance from its place. Now let there be plunged into the gravific fluid, an- other body, of any figure, and at any distance from the first. These two bodies will immediately begin to move towards each other. For the one serving to protect the other from a certain quantity of the impulsion of the corpuscles, the currents thus left without opposition ne- cessarily produce their effect, and impel the bodies to- wards each other. Their motion towards one another will be continually accelerated ; and the forces producing that acceleration will increase in proportion as the one body stops more of the currents from falling on the other ; that is, nearly as the squares of the distances diminish. Again, if the solid particles of which the bodies are made up, be impenetrable to the gravific corpuscles, but the bodies themselves, on account of their porosity, per- meable by them in a certain degree, the number of parti- cles that are stopped by each of the bodies will be, caeteris paribus, proportional to the number of solid particles, that is, to the quantities of matter in the bodies ; and hence, in general, the force urging the bodies towards each other, will be directly as their masses, and inversely as the squares of their distances. " Thus, by mechanical action," says Le Sage, " is the Newtonian law of gravi- tation explained in all its parts." In objection to this system, we advance the following, urged by Boscovich :— " In this system," says Boscovich, " no particle of the fluid returns to its place, or ever passes a second time through the same point of space. A constant supply of new particles is therefore necessary, as all those that are contained within the limits of the sen- sible universe, at any instant, must be replaced before they have entirely escaped from it, and sent forth to traverse for ever the deserts of uninhabited extension. The imagination is terrified at this constant exertion of what cannot be considered as less than creative power employed in producing existencies that, for a limited time, are to be useful ; and through all the rest of infinite duration, are to serve no purpose whatsoever." About the year 1806 several of the clergy, as well as other individuals in this country, being alarmed, it was said, at the efforts which the philosophers on the continent were making to account for the various operations of na- ture upon mere mechanical principles, with a view, as they supposed, to exclude the Deity from any concern in the government of the world, and thereby to lay a foun- dation for atheism, Mr. Vince, professor of astronomy in the university of Cambridge, was requested to examine the most plausible and generally received hypotheses, which had been framed to account for gravitation, and to give the result of his examination. The inquiry, he tells us, was favourably received, and it was suggested that it might not be improper to offer it to the Royal Society; but on being presented by his friend Dr. Maskelyne, the astronomer-royal, and not meeting that reception which would have been gratifying to the professor's feelings, and have reflected credit on the Society, he in consequence withdrew it, and submitted the paper to the opinion of the public, in a small pamphlet on this subject, printed at Cambridge, in 1806. The systems which he has there considered, are those of Descartes, Newton, Le Sage, and Bernoulli, with a slight mention of some others whose inconsistency ren- VOL. I. dered any detailed account of them unnecessary, but omitting that of Boscovich. Speaking of the system of Saussure, (which, by the bye, is that of Le Sage, given above,) he observes, that if the corpuscles there mentioned be admitted to move as the author describes them, it will follow that the moving force of each body depends on the surfaces of the bodies, whereas it ought to be as the quantity of matter in each respectively : " this consideration, therefore," continues the professor, " without entering into any further exa- mination of the hypothesis, is sufficient to show that it cannot be admitted." The hypothesis which Mr. Vince has made the subject of mathematical consideration, is that of our illustrious countryman Newton; who, as has been observed, sup- posed, that if the sun and the planets acted on each other, it must be by some intermediate and invisible substance, such as that of an elastic fluid. The professor then ad- mitting that an elastic fluid is the cause of gravity, lays down, previous to the estimation of its effects on bodies placed in it, the two following facts, as standards, to which his results are to be referred for refutation or support : 1. That the gravitation of a planet varies inversely as the square of its distance from the sun ; that is, whatever be the magnitude or density of the planet, its acceleration towards the sun varies in that ratio. 2. That a force varying inversely as the square of the distance, cannot be compounded of several forces, each of which does not vary in that ratio. On these grounds, the professor enters on the investi- gation of the hypothesis; by supposing that the density of the medium is measurable by the number of particles,, uniformly diffused on a given square area ; that the varia- tion of density at any distance d, from the sun is as d m ; and consequently the distance of the particles themselves as -r-. Then, admitting that the elastic force of thepar- ticles vary as the nth power of their distance, or as -t=j he at last obtains : n 'im — mn - - — x a 1, for the ac- ue n celerative force of the planet towards the sun at the dis- tance a from the same. " Now it is to be observed," says Mr. Vince, "that this expression is in terms off, the density of the planet; and therefore does not agree with the first given fact or law of gravitation, that law being independent of the density or magnitude. Therefore in this case, the hypothesis is ren- dered nugatory." But besides this, he states that the body will, instead of being forced towards the sun, be driven from it, even when the force varies inversely as the square of the dis- tance. Hence, and from what is afterwards demonstrated, he concludes, that it is not possible for any law of varia- tion of density, of the fluid, in terms of the distance from the sun, combined with any law of variation of the repul- sive force of the particles of the fluid in terms of their dis- tance, which can satisfy the law of gravitation. And if we were to suppose the law of density to vary in terms of any other quantities besides those expressing the distance from the sun, such quantities must enter into the law of force, and thereby make a still greater deviation from the law of the inverse square of the distance. Considering the matter therefore, in a mathematical point of view, we 4G G R A [ bQi ] G R A are justified, he says, in rejecting this hypothesis as the cause of gravitation. Mr. Playfair however, in reviewing this examination, ob- serves that, this conclusion he (Mr. Vince) next endea- vours to extend to all the laws of variation of density and of elasticity that can possibly exist, by showing that no one can be admitted that is not capable of being expressed by a single term, and consequently by the mth or' wth power of the distance. It is here, if we mistake not, that the error lies. For, though a variation of density or of elasticity, expressed thus, ax m -+- bx", cannot take place, because the force arising from it would also involve two terms, yet if one of the terms be constant, as if m = 0, and so the expression = a + bx", then the force would be expressed by one term only, viz, by the fluxion of ft.c", that is, by a quantity proportional to x n_I . Thus, for ex- ample, if a; be any distance from the sun's centre, d the density of the ether at that distance, and e its elasticity. Let d increase in the direct ratio of x, or d = ax-, and suppose e = c =c— — , where c is a constant rl d , ax quantity, that would be determined, if we knew at what distance from the sun's centre the elasticity of the ether is = 0. If, for example, it is equal to nothing at the dis- tance s from the sun's centre, or when x = s, c = , so that e = — , and the differential of this being taken, as_ ax ° gives e = — ?. Now e is the difference of elasticity for ° oar J the change of distance x ; and therefore is the force with which a small spherical body, or a single particle of mat- ter, impervious to the ether, would be impelled toward the sun ; and it varies as -3-, or in the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances from the sun. It is therefore possible that an elastic fluid may be so constituted as to produce a tendency of one body to another, varying inversely as the squares of the distances of these bodies. — For this pur- pose, there is only required an elastic fluid, of which the density is as the distance from the sun, and the elasticity as a certain given magnitude diminished by the reciprocal of that distance. There are many other hypotheses con- cerning the density and elasticity of the fluid, which will give the same result with this ; all indeed in which we have these equations, d = ax m , and e = c -. This is directly contrary to Mr. Vince's conclusion, " that it is not possible for any law of variation of the density of the fluid in terms of the distance from the sun, combined with any law of variation of the repulsive force of the particles of the fluid in terms of their distance, to satisfy the law of gravitation." See the Edinburgh Review, vol. 13, pa. 101, &c. Gravity, in Mechanics, denotes the conatus or ten- dency of bodies towards the centre of the earth. That part of mechanics which considers the equilibrium or mo- tion of bodies arising from gravity or weight, is particu- larly called Statics. Gravity is distinguished into absolute and relative. Absolute Gravity is that with which a body descends freely and perpendicularly through an unresisting me- dium. The laws of which see under Descent of Bo- dies, Acceleration, Motion, &c. Relative Gravity is that with which a body descends on an inclined plane, or through a resisting medium, or as opposed by some other resistance. The laws of which, see under the articles Inclined Plane, Descent, Fluid, Resistance, &c. Gravity, in Hydrostatics. The laws of bodies gra- vitating in fluids constitute the doctrine of Hydrostatics. Gravity is here divided into absolute and specific. Absolute or True Gravity, is the whole force with which the body tends downwards. Specific Gravity, is the relative, comparative, or ap- parent gravity in any body, in respect of that of an equal bulk or magnitude of another body ; denoting that gravity or weight which is peculiar to each species or kind of body, and by which it is distinguished from all other kinds. In this .sense a body is said to be specifically heavier than another, when under the same bulk it contains a greater weight than that other ; and reciprocally, the lat- ter is said to be specifically lighter than the former. Thus, if there be two equal spheres, each one foot in diameter ; the one of lead, and the other of wood : since the leaden one is found heavier than the wooden one, it is said to be specifically, or in specie, heavier ; and the wooden one specifically lighter. This kind of gravity is by some, called relative; in op- position to absolute gravity, which increases in proportion to the quantity or mass of the body. Laws of the Specific Gravity of Bodies. I. If two bodies be equal in bulk, their specific gravities are to each other as their weights, or as their densities. II. If two bodies be of the same specific gravity or density, their absolute weights will be as their magnitudes or bulks. III. In bodies of the same weight, the specific gravities are reciprocally as their bulks. IV. The specific gravities of all bodies are in a ratio compounded of the direct ratio of their weights, and the reciprocal ratio of their magnitudes. And hence again the specific gravities are as the densities. V. The absolute gravities or weights of bodies are in the compound ratio of their specific gravities and magnitudes or bulks. VI. The magnitudes of bodies are directly as then- weights, and reciprocally as their specific gravities. VII. A body specifically heavier than a fluid, loses as much of its weight, when immersed in it, as is equal to the weight of a quantity of the fluid of the same bulk or magnitude. — Hence, since the specific gravities are as the absolute gravities under the same bulk; the specific gra- vity of the fluid, will be to that of the body immersed, as the part of the weight lost by the solid, is to the whole weight. And hence the specific gravities of fluids, are as the weights lost by the same solid immersed in them. VIII. To find the' Specific Gravity of a Fluid, or of a Solid. — On one arm of a balance suspend a globe of lead by a fine thread, and to the other fasten an equal weight, which may just balance it in the open air. Immerse the globe into the fluid, and observe what weight balances it then, and consequently what weight is lost, which is pro- portional to the specific gravity as above. And thus the proportion of the specific gravity of one fluid to another, is determined by immersing the globe successively in all the fluids, and observing the weights lost in each, which , will be the proportions of the specific gravities of the fluids sought. G R A [ 595 ] G R A This same operation determines also the specific gravity of the solid immersed, whether it be a globe or of any other shape or bulk, supposing that of the fluid known. For the specific gravity of the fluid is to that of the solid, as the weight lost is to the whole weight. Hence also may be found the specific gravity of a body that is lighter than the fluid, as follows : IX.' To find the Specific Gravity of a Solid that is lighter than thejluid, as water, in which it is placed. — Annex to the lighter body another that is much heavier than the fluid, so as the compound mass may sink in the fluid. Weigh the heavier body and the compound mass sepa- rately, both in water and out of it ; then find how much each loses in water, by subtracting its weight in water from its weight in air; and subtract the less of these re- mainders from the greater. Then say, As this last remainder, Is to the weight of the light body in air, So is the specific gravity of the fluid, To the specific gravity of that body. X. The specific gravities of bodies of equal weight, are reciprocally proportional to the quantities of weight lost in the same fluid. And hence is found the ratio of the specific gravities of solids, by weighing in the same fluids, masses of them that weigh equally in air, and noting the weights lost by each. The specific gravities of many kinds of bodies, both solid and fluid, have been determined by various authors. Marinus Ghetaldus particularly tried the specific gravities of various bodies, especially metals ; which were taken from thence by Oughtred. In the Philos. Trans, are se- veral ample tables of them, by various authors, particu- larly those of Mr. Davis, vol.45, pa. 41 6. Some tables of them were also published by P. Mersenne, Muschen- broeck, Ward, Cotes, Emerson, Martin, &c. The following table, taken chiefly from Gregory's excellent book of Mechanics, contains the specific gravities of most of the principal bodies, both solid and fluid. The numbers express the avoirdupois ounces in a cubic foot of each body, that of distilled water being just 1000 ounces, which is here made the standard of com- parison of all the rest. Table of the Specific Gravities of Different Bodies. I. Metals. Antimony, crude - - - - 4064 . . '. . glass of - - - - 4946 .... molten - 6702 Arsenic, glass of, natural ... 3504, . . . molten .... 5763 . . . native orpiment ... 5452 Bismuth, molten .... 9823 . . . native .... 9020 . . ; ore of, in plumes - - - 4371 Brass, cast, not hammered ... 8396 . . . ditto, wire-drawn ... 8544 . .cast, common ... 7824 Cobalt, molten - - - 7812 . . . blue, glass of ... 2441 Copper, not hammered ... 7788 . . . the same wire-drawn - - 8878 . . '. ore of soft copper, or natural verdigris 3572 Gold, pure, of 24 carats - . . melted, but not hammered - - 19258 . . the same hammered - - 19362 . . Parisian standard, 22 car. not hammered 17486 Gold, Parisian standard, 22 car. hammered - 17589 guinea, of Geo. 2. - - 17150 guinea, of Geo. 3. - - - 17629 Spanish gold coin - - - 17655 Holland ducats ... 19352 trinket standard, 20 car. not hammered 15709 the same hammered - - 15775 Iron, cast ..... 7 207 bar, either hardened or not - - 7788 Steel, neither tempered nor hardened - 78331 . hardened, but not tempered ,- - 784Q . tempered and hardened - - 7SI8 . ditto, not hardened - - - 7816 Iron, ore prismatic ... _ 7355 ditto spicular - - . 5218 ditto lenticular ... 5012 Lead, molten .... 11352 . ore of cubic - - . . 7587 . ditto horned - - - - 6072 . ore of black lead ... 6745 . ditto, white lead ... 4059 . ditto, ditto, vitreous ... 6558 . ditto, red lead ... 6Q27 . ditto, saturnite ... 5925 Manganese, striated ... 4756 Molybdena ..... 473S Mercury, solid or congealed - - 15632 . . fluent .... i3 563 . . natural calx of - . - 9230 . . precipitate, per se - - 10871 . . precipitate, red - - - 8399 . . brown cinnabar - - : - 10218 . . red cinnabar - - 6902 Nickel, molten. .... 7807 . ore of, called Kupfernickel of Saxe - 6648 Platina, crude, in grains ... 15602 . purified, not hammered - - ] 9500 . ditto hammered ... 20337 . ditto wire-drawn ... 21042 . ditto rolled ... 22069 Silver, virgin, 1 2 deniers, fine, not hammered 10474 . ditto hammered ... 10511 . Paris standard ... 10175 . shilling of Geo. 2. ... 10000 . shilling of Geo. 3. ... 10534 . French coin - , - 1 0408 Tin, pure Cornish, melted, and not hardened 7291 . the same hardened ... 7299 . of Malacca, not hardened - - 7296 . the same hardened ... 7307 . ore of, red .... 6935 . ore of, black - - - ■ - - 6901 . ore of, white .... 6008 . common .... 7920 Tungsten ..... <5o66 Uranium ..... 6440 Wolfram - - - - -7119 Zinc, molten - - - - 7191 II. Precious Stones.. Beryl, or aqua-marine oriental - - 3549 . . . ditto occidental ... 2723 Chrysolite, of the jeweller - - 2782 .... of Brazil ... 2692 Crystal, pure rock of Madagascar - - 2653 .... of Brazil .... 2653 .... European - - - 2655 4, G 2 GRA Crystal, ros-ecoloured . . yellow . . -violet, or amethyst . . white amethyst ■ • . . Carthaginian . . black Diamond, white oriental . . rose-coloured oriental . . orange ditto . green ditto . blue ditto . . Brazilian . . yellow Emerald, of Peru Garnet, of Bohemia . of Syria . . . dodecaedral - . . volcanic 24 faces Girasol --.-.■ Hyacinth, common Jargon of Ceylon Quartz, crystallized . in the mass . brown crystallized . fragile . milky . fat or greasy Ruby, oriental . Spinell . Ballas . Brazillian Sapphire, oriental . . ditto white i . of Puys . . Brazilian Spar, white sparkling . red ditto green ditto , bine sparkling , green and white ditto , transparent ditto , adamantine Topaz, oriental . pistachio ditto .Brazilian . of Saxe . white ditto Vermilion - - III. Silicious Stones. Agate, oriental , onyx . cloudy . speckled . veined . stained Chalcedony, common . . transparent . . veined . . reddish . . blueish . . onyx Carnelian, pale . . speckled . . veined . onyx . . stalactite . . simple [ £>9<> 1 GRA 2670 Flint, white . 2654 . . . black . 2654 . . . veined . 2651 . . . Egyptian • 2657 . . . olive - 2654 . . . spotted - 3521 . . . onyx - 3531 . . of Rennes - 3550 . . . of England -. 3524 . . . variegated of Limosin 3525 Jade, white" - 3444 . . green . 3519 . . olive _ 2775 . . from the East Indies . 4189 . . ef Swisserland . 4000 Jasper, clear green - 4063 . brownish green - 2468 . . red . 4000 . brown . . 3687 . . yellow - 4416 . . violet . 2655 . cloudy - 2647 . . veined - 2647 . . blackish . 2640 . . blood-coloured . 2652 . . helostrope - - 2Q46 . . onyx - 4283 . . flowered, red and white 3760 ■ . . red and yellow . 3646 . . green and yellow . 3531 . . . red, green, and grey 3994 . . red, green, and yellow 3991 . . universal - 4077 . . . agate - 3131 Opal - 2595 Pearl, virgin oriental - 243S Pebble onyx . 2704 . . . of Rennes . 2693 . . English - 3105 . . veined . 2564 . . stained - 3873 Prasium - 4011 Sardonyx, pure - 4061 . . pale . 3536 . . . speckled - 3564 . . . veined . 3554 . . . onyx - 4230 . . . blackish . Schorl, black prismatic, hexaedral 2590 . . octaedral - 2638 . . tourmalin of Ceylon 2625 . . . antique basaltes - 2607 . Brazilian emerald - 2667 . . cruciform - 2632 . . . green - 2616 , . . violet of Dauphiny 2664 . . . common - 2606 Stone, paving - 26G5 . . cutlers - 2587 . grind - 2615 . . . mill - 2630 IV. Various Stones, E 2612 Alabaster, oriental white - 2623 , . . . ditto semi-transparent 2623 . . . yellow - 2598 . . . stained brown - 2613 . . . veined - 2594 2532 2612 2565 2606 2587 2664 2654 2603 2243 2950 2906 2983 2977 3389 2359 2681 2661 2691 2710 2711 2735 2696 2672 262S 2633 2816 2623 2750 2684 2732 2749 2563 2661 2114 2684 2664 2654 2609 2612 2587 2581 2603 2606 2622 2595 2595 2628 3364 3226 3054 2923 3156 32S6 3453 3296 3092 2416 2111 2143 2484 2730 2762 2699 2744 2691 G R A Alabaster, of Piedmont . of Malta . Spanish saline . of Valencia . of Malaga . ofDalias Amber, yellow, transparent yellow, opaque red green Ambergris - Amianthus, long . . . • short Asbestos, ripe .... starry Basaltes, from Giant's Causeway Bitumen, of Judea Brick - Chalk, Spanish . coarse Briancon . British Gypsum, opaque . semi-transparent . fine ditto . rhomboidal . ditto 10 faces . cuneiform crystallized Glass, green . white . bottle . Leith crystal . fluid - . of Bohemia . of Cherbourgh . of St. Cloud Granite, red Egyptian grey Egyptian beautiful red red of Dauphiny ofGirardnor violet of Gyromagny green radiated red of Semur grey of Bretagne yellowish of Carinthia, blue Hone, white razor Lapis, nephriticus lazuli, haematites calaminaris Judaicus Manati Limestone . white fluor . green Marble, green Campanian red white Cassara white Parian Pyrenean black Biscayan, Brocatelle Castilian [ 597 ] GRA 2693 Marble, Valencian 2699 . . . white Grenadan 2713 . . . Siennian - 2638 . . . Roman violet 2876 . . . African 2611 . . . violet Italian 1078 . . . Norwegian 1086 . . . Siberian 1083 . . . green Egyptian 1083 . . . Swisserland 926 .. . French 909 . . . yellow of Florence - 2313 Obsidian stone - 2578 Peat, hard .... 3073 Phosphorus - - . ' 2864 Porcelain, Seves 1104 .... Limoges - 2000 .... China 2790 Porphyry, red ... 2727 .... green 2784 ... . red, from Dauphiny 2168 • • • . red, from Cordova 2306 .... green, from ditto 2274 Pyrites, coppery ... 2311 cubical 2312 • • . ferruginous cubic 2306 . • • ditto round - - 2642 • • . ditto of St. Domingo - 2892 Serpentine, opake, green Italian 2733 .... ditto, veined black and olive 3189 • • • . ditto, red and black 3329 .... semi-transparent grained 2395 • . . . ditto, fibrous 2560 ••.. ditto, from Dauphiny, 3255 • • , • opake penetrated with water 2654 Slate, common ... 2728 • •' new .... 2761 • • black stone ... 2643 • • fresh polished - - - 2716 • • common, penetrated with water 2685 Stalactite, transparent 2684 .... opake ... 2668 Stone, pumice ... 2638 • • prismatic basaltes 2738 • • touch .... 2614 • • Siberian blue ... 2956 . • oriental ditto - - - 2876 . . common ... 2894 . . Bristol ... 3054 . . Burford 4360 • . Portland ... 5000 • . rag .... 2500 • . rotten - - 2270 . . hard paring ... 3179 . . rock of Chatillon 3156 . . clicard, from Brachet 3182 . . ditto, from Auchain 2742 . . Noire Dame ... 2724 . • St. Maur 2717 . . St. Cloud - 2838 Sulphur, native 2726 . . . molten 2695 Talc, of Muscovy ... 2650 . . black crayon " - 2700 . . ditto German 2710 2705 2678 2755 2708 2858 2728 2718 2668 2714 2649 2516 2348 1329 17.14 2146 2341 2385 2765 2676 2793 2754 2728 , 4954 4702 3900 4101 3440 2430 2594 2627 2586 3000 2669 2473 2672 2854 2186 2766 2691 2324 2478 915 2722 2415 2945 2771 2520 2510 2049 2496 2470 1981 2460 2122 2357 2274 2378 2034 2201 2033 1991 2792 2089 2246 G R A [ 598 ] G R A Talc, yellow . . _ 2655 3il of cod-fish . . . 923 black - . . . 2900 . . of olives . . . 915 • white - . . . 2704. . . of almonds, sweet . . . 917 . • volatile of mint, common . „ 898 V. Liquors Oils, Sfc. .... of sage, - . . 902 Acid , sulphuric . - - 1841 . of thyme - - . • 902 ditto, highly concentrated - - 2125 . of rosemary - - - 906 nitric . - - 1271 . of calamint - . . 912 ditto, highly concentrated - - 1580 . of cochlearia - - - 943 muriatic - - - 1194 . of wormwood - - - 907 . . red acetous - - - 1025 . of tansy - - - 933 white acetous - - - 1014 of Stragan - - - 995 distilled ditto - - - 1010 . . t . of Roman camomile . . 894 fluoric - - ■ - 1500 . ofsabine - - . 929 acetic . - - 1063' . of fennel - . . 929 phosphoric - - . 1 1558 . of fennel-seed . - - 1008 formic ~- - - 994 . of coriander-seed - • - 866 citric - - - 1035 . of carraway-seed - - - ' 905 arsenic - - - 1873 . of dill-seed - - - 913 of oranges - - - 1018 . of anise-seed - •- - 987 of gooseberries - - - 1058 . of juniper-seed - - - - 858 of grapes - - -' 1024 of cloves - - - 1036 Alcohol, commercial - - - 837 . of cinnamon - - - 1044 highly rectified - - -' 829 . . . . of turpentine - - - 870 Alcohol, mixed with water. . . of amber - - - 887 15-16ths alcohol - - - 853 . of the flowers of orange - - 880 ]4-l6ths ditto - - ■ 867 . of lavender . - - 894 13-16ths ditto - . - 882 . of hyssop - - - 8S9 12-16ths ditto • - - 895 Spirit of wine. See Alcohol. ll-16ths ditto - - '- 908 Turpentine, liquid - - - 991 10-16ths ditto - - - 920 1 Jr'me, human . . . 1011 9-16ths ditto - - - 932 Water, rain - - - - . 1000 8-16ths ditto - - - 943 . . distilled - - . 1000 # 7-lrJths ditto - - - 952 . . sea (average) - - . 1026 6-l6ths ditto - - - 960 . . of Dead-sea . . . 1240 5-l6ths ditto - - - 967 Wine, of Torrins, red - - . . . •998 4-16ths ditto - - - 973 . white - - . 788 3-16ths ditto - - - 979 . Champagne, white - - . 998 2-16ths ditto - - - 985 . Paharet . . . 1000 l-16ths ditto - - 992 . Xeret - - - . 992 Ammoniac, liquid - - - 897 . Malmsey of Madeira - . . 1038 Beer pale -' - - 1023 . 1 l. z, Or i dwts. 9|§ gr. This coin took its name, Guinea, from the circumstance of thegold of which it was first struck being brought from I hat part of Africa called Guinea, for which reason also it bore the impression of an elephant. GULA, GuEtn.E, or Gola, in Architecfure, a wavy member whose contour resembles the letter s, commonly called an ogee. GULBE, in Architecture, the same as Gorge. GULD1N (Father), was born at St. Gall in !577,.en- teied into the society of the Jesuits in 1597, after abjuring the protestant religion, and died in ]6'43. Having been sent to Rome to improve his talents, he became professor of philosophy and mathematics in that city. He also publicly taught the same sciences at Gratz, and at Vienna, where, in 16'35, Jo40, and 1 6*4 1 , his chief work was printed in a large folio volume, on the Centre of Gravity, or the Centrobaric Method, being a very elaborate geome- trical work. GULF, or Gulph, in Geography, a part of the ocean running up into the land through a narrow passage, or strait, and forming a bay within. As, the Gulf of Venice, or Adriatic Sea ; the Gulf of Arabia, or of Persia, which is the Red Sea; the Gulf of Constantinople, or the Black Sea ; the Gulf of Mexico, &c. GUN, a fire-arm, or weapon of offence, which forcibly discharges a ball or other matter through a cylindrical tube, by means of inflamed gunpowder. The term gun now includes most of the species of fire- arms ; mortars and pistols being almost the only ones ex- cepted from this denomination. They are divided into great? and small guns : the former including all that are usually called cannon, ordnance, or artillery ; and the latter musquets, firelocks, carbines, musquetoons, blun- derbusses, fowling-pieces, &c. It is not certainly known at what time these weapons were first invented. And though the introduction of guns into the western part of the world is but' of modern date, comparatively speaking, yet it is certain that in some parts of Asia they had been used for many ages before, though in a very rude and imperfect manner. Philostratus speaks of a city near the river Hyphasis in the Indies, which was said to be impregnable, and that its inhabitants were re- lations of the gods, because they threw thunder and light- ning upon their enemies; and other Greek authors, as also Quintus Curtius, mention the same thing having happened to Alexander the Great". Hence some have imagined that guns were used by the eastern nations in his time, while others suppose the thunder and lightning alluded to by those authors, were only certain artificial fire-works, or rockets, such as we know are used in ilie wars by the Indians even in the present day against the Europeans. Be ihis however as it may, it is asserted -by many modern travellers, that guns were used in China as far back as the year of Christ 85, and have continued in use ever since. The fust hint of the invention of guns in Europe, is in the works of Roger Bacon, who flourished in the 13th century. In a treatise written by him about the year 1280, he proposes to apply the violent explosive force of gun- powder to the destruction of armies. And though it is cer- tainly known that the composition of gun-powder is de- scribed by Bacon in the said work, yet the invention has usually, though improperly, been ascribed to Bartholdus Schwartz, a German inonK, who it is said discovered it only in the year 1320 ; and the invention is related in the following manner. Schwartz having, fur sonic purpose, pounded nitre; sulphur, and charcoal together, in a mor- tar, which he afterwards covered imperfectly with a stone, a spark of fire accidentally fell into the mortar, which setting the mixture on fire, the explosion blew the stone GUN [ 608 ] GUN to a considerable distance. • Hence it is probable that Schwartz might be taught the simplest method of applying it in war; for it rather seems that Bacon conceived the manner of using it to be by the violent effort of the flame unconfined, and which is indeed capable of producing astonishing effects. (See Gunpowder) Andthefigure 'and name of mortars, given to a species of old artillery, and their employment, in throwing large stone bullets at an elevation, very much favour this conjecture. Soon after the time of Schwartz, we find guns com- monly employed as instruments ofwar. Great guns were first used. These were originally made of iron bars solder- ed together, and fortified with strong iron hoops or rings ; several of which are still to be seen in the Tower of Lon- don, and in the Arsenal at Woolwich. Others were made of thin sheets of iron rolled together and hooped : and on particular emergencies some have been made of leather, and of lead, with plates of iron or copper. These first pieces were executed in a rude and imperfect manner, like the first essays of most new inventions. Stone balls were thrown out of them, and a small quantity of powder used on account of their weakness. They were of a cylindri- cal form, without ornaments, and were placed on their carriages by rings. When, or by whom they were first made, is uncertain. It is known however that the Venetians used cannon at the siege of Claudia Jcssa, now called Chioggia, in 1366, which were brought thither by two Germans, with some powder and leaden balls; as also in their wars with the Genoese in 1379. But before that period King Edward the 3d made use of cannon at the battle ofCressy in 134-6", and at the siege of Calais in 1347. Cannon were em- ployed by theTurks at the siege of Constantinople, then in possession of the Christians, in 1394, and in that of 1452, which threw a stone ball of 2001b. weight ; but they commonly burst at the first two or three firings. Louis the 12th had one cast at Tours, of the same size, which threw a ball from the Bastile to Charenton ; one of these extraordinary cannon was taken at the siege of Dieu in 1546, by Don John dc Castro, and is now in the castle of St. Julian da Barra, 10 miles from Lisbon : the length •of it is 20 feet 7 inches, its diameter at the middle 6 feet •3 inches, and it threw a ball of 1001b. weight. It has neither dolphins, rings, nor button ; is of an unusual kind of metal ; and it has a jlprge Indostan inscription on it, which says it was cast in 1400. Formerly, it was customary to dignify cannon with uncommon names. Thus, Lewis the 12th, in 1503, had 12 brass cannon cast, of an extraordinary size, called after the names of the 12 peers, of France. The Spanish and Portuguese called them after their saints. The Emperor ■ Charles the 5th, when he marched against Tunis, founded the 12 Apostles. At Milan there is a 70-pounder, called the Pimontelle ; and one at Bois-le-duc, called the Devil. A 60-pounder at Dover-castle, called Queen Elizabeth's pocket-pistol. An 80-pounder in the Tower of London, brought there from Edinburgh-castle, called Mount s-mog. An 80-pounder in the royal arsenal at Berlin, called the Thunderer. An 80-pounder at Malaga, called the Terri- ble. Two curious 60-pounders in the arsenal at Bremen, called the Messenger of bad news. And lastly an uncom- mon 70-pounder in the castle of St. Angelo at Rome, made of the nails that fastened the copper-plates which covered the ancient Pantheon, with this inscription on it, Ex clavis tcabalibus porticus Agrippte. In the beginning of the 15th century these uncommon names were generally abolished, and the following more universal ones adopted in their stead, viz, Wt . of ball, Wt. of piece in Names. Pounders. ewts about Gwt. Cannon royal, or earth oun 48 90 Bastard cannon, or| carthoun 36 79 Demi-carthoun - 24 60 Whole culverins - IS 50 Demi-culverins - 9 30 Falcon - 6 - . 2.5 f largest size - 8 IS Sacker ■? ordinary - 6 15 (, lowest sort - 5 13 Basilisk - 48 85 Serpentine '- .4 S Aspic - 2 7 Dragon .- 6 12 Syren - 60 81 Falconet - 3, 2, and 1 15,10,5 Rabinet - 1 Moyens - 10 or 12 oe. These curious names, of beasts and birds of prey, were adopted on account of their swiftness in motion, or of their cruelty ; as the falconet, falcon, sacker, and culverin, &c, for their swiftness in flying; the basilisk, serpentine, aspic, dragon, syren, &c, for their cruelty. But, at present, cannon take their names from the weight of their proper ball only. Thus, a piece that discharges a cast-iron ball of 24 pounds, is called a 24-pounder ; one that carries a ball of 12 pounds, is called-a 12-pounder: and so of the rest, divided into the following kinds, viz, Ship-guns, consisting in 42, 36, 32, 24, 18, 12,9,6, and 3-pounders. Garrison-guns, in 42, 32, 24, 18, 12, 9, and 6 pounders. Battering-guns, in 24, 18, and 12-poundcrs. Field-pieces, in 12, 9> 6, 3, 2, If, 1, and f-pounders. Mortars, it is thought, have been at least as ancient as cannon. They were employed in the wars of Italy, to throw balls of red-hot iron, stones, &c, long before the invention of shells. These last, it is supposed, were of German invention, and the use of them in war shown by the following accident. ; viz, a citizen of Venlo, at a fes- tival celebrated in honour of the duke of Cleves, throwing a number of shells, one of them fell on a house and set it on fire, by which misfortune the greatest part of the town was reduced to ashes. The first account of shells used for military purposes, is in 1435, when Naples was be- sieged by Charles the 8th. History informs us, with more certainty, that shells were projected from mortars at the siege of Wachtcndonk, in Gueldcrland, in 1588, by the earl of Mansfield ; and Cyprian Lucar wrote upon the method of filling and throwing such shells, in his Appendix to the Colloquies of Tartaglia, printed at London in 158S ; where also the compounding and throwing of carcases and various kinds of fire-works is shown. Mr. Malter, an English engineer, first taught the French the art of throwing shells, which they practised at the siege of Motte in l6'34. The method of firing red- hot balls out of mortars was first certainly put in practice at the siege of Stralsund in 16'75 by the elector of Bran- denburg: though some say in ]6.'>3 at the siege of Bre- men. Another species of ordnance has been long in use, by the name of howitzer, which is a kind of medium as to Jts GUN [ 609 ] GUN length, between the cannon and the mortar, and is a very useful piece, for discharging either shells or large balls, which is done either at point-blanc, or at a small eleva- tion, -A new species of ordnance has lately been introduced by the Carron company, and thence called a Carronade, which is only a very short howitzer, and which possesses the advantage of being very light and easy to work. The species of guns before mentioned, are now made chiefly of cast iron ; except the howitzer, which is of brass, as well as some cannon and mortars. Muskets were first used at the siege of Rhege in the year 1-521. The Spaniards were the first who armed part of their foot with these weapons. At first they were very heavy, and could not be used without a rest. They had match-locks, and did execution at a great distance. On their march the soldiers carried only the rests and am- munition, having boys to bear their muskets after them. They were very slow in loading, not only by reason of the unwieldjness of their pieces, and because they carried the powder and ball separate, but from the time it took to prepare and adjust the match; so that their fire was not near so brisk as ours is now. Afterwards a lighter match- lock musket came in use : and they carried their ammu- nition in bandeiiers, to which were hung several little cases of wood covered with leather, each containing a charge of powder. The muskets with rests were used as late as the beginning of the civil wars in the time of Charles the 1st. The lighter kind succeeded them, and continued till the beginning of the present century, when thev also were disused, and the troops throughout Europe armed with fire- locks. These are usually made of hammered iron. For the dimensions, construction, and practice of every species of gun, &c, see the several articles Cannon, Mortar, &c. Sec also Gunnery. GUNNERY, the art of charging, directing, and explo- ding fire-.arms, as cannon, mortars, muskets, &c, to the best advantage. Gunnery is sometimes considered as a part of the military art, and sometimes as a part of pyro- techny. To the art of gunnery belongs the knowledge of the force and effect of gunpowder, the dimensions of the pieces, and the proportions of the powder and ball they carry, with the methods of managing, charging, pointing, spunging. &c. Also some parts of gunnery are subject to mathematical consideration, which among mathematicians are called absolutely by the name gunnery, viz, the rules and method of computing the range, elevation, quantity of powder, &c, so as to hit a mark or object proposed, and is more particularly called Projectiles; which see. H I STO R Y (/GUKSE RY. Long before the invention of gunpowder, and of gunnery, properly so called, the art of artillery, or projectiles, was actually in practice. For, not to mention the use of spears, javelins, or stones thrown with the hand, or of bows and arrows, all which are found among the most barbarous and ignorant people, accounts of the larger machines for throw- ing stones, darts, &c, are recorded by the most ancient writers. Thus, one of the kings of Judah, 800 years bo- fore the Christian aera, erected engines of war on the towers and bulwarks of Jerusalem, for shooting arrows and great stones forthe defence of that city. 2 Chron.'xxvi. 15. Such machines were afterwards known among the Greeks and Romans by the names of Ballista, Cutapulta, &c, which produced effects by the action of a spring of a strongly twisted cordage, formed of tough and elastic animal sub- stances, no less terrible than the artillery of the moderns. Vol. I. Such warlike instruments continued in use down to the 12th and 13th centuries, and the use of bows still longer ; nor is it probable that they were totally laid aside till they were superseded by gunpowder and the modern ord- nance. • The first application of gunpowder to military affairs, it seems, was made soon after the year 1 300, for which the proposal of friar Bacon, about the year 1280, for. applying its enormous explosion to the destruction of armies, might give the_ first hint ; and Schwartz, to whom the invention of gunpowder has been erroneously ascribed, on account of the accident abovementioned under the article Gun, might have been the first who actually applied it in this way, that is in Europe ; for as to Asia, it is probable that the Chinese and Indians had something of the kind many ages before. Thus, only to mention the prohibition of fire- arms in the code of Gentoo laws, printed by the East-In- dia Company. in 1776, which seems to confirm the suspi- cion suggested by a passage in Quintus Curtius, that Alex- ander the Great found some weapons of that kind in India : Cannon in the Shanscrit idiom is called shet-aghnee, or the weapon that kills a hundred men at once. However, the first pieces of artillery, which were charged with gunpowder and stone bullets of a prodigious size, were of very clumsy and inconvenient structure and weight. Thus, when Mahomet the 2d besieged Constan- tinople in 14-53, he battered the walls with stones of this kind, and with pieces of the calibre of 1200 pounds ; which could not be fired more than four times a day. It was however soon discovered that iron bullets, of much less weight than stone ones, would be more efficacious if im- pelled by greater quantities of stronger powder. This oc- casioned an alteration in the matter and form of the can- non, which were now cast of brass. These were lighter and more manageable than the former, at the same time that they were- stronger in proportion to their bore. This change took place about the close of the 15th century. By this means came first into use such powder as is now employed over all Europe, by varying the proportion of the materials. But this change of the proportion was not the only improvement it received. The practice of grain- ing it is doubtless of considerable advantage. At first the powder had been always used in the form of fine meal, such as it was reduced to by grinding the materials together. And it is doubtful whether the first graining of powder was intended to increase its strength, or only to render it more convenient for filling into small charges and the loading of small arms, to which alone it was applied for many years, while meal-powder was still used for cannon. But at last the additional strength which the grained pow- der was found to possess, doubtless from the free passage of the air between the grains, occasioned the meal-powder to be entirely laid aside. For the last 200 years, the formation of cannon has been very little improved; the best pieces of modern artillery differing little in their proportions from those used in the time of Charles the 5th. Indeed lighter and shorter pieces have been often proposed and tried ; but though they have their advantages in particular cases, it is agreed they are not so efficacious for general service. Yet the size of the pieces has been much diminished ; the same purposes being now accomplished by smaller pieces than what were for- merly thought necessary. Thus the battering cannon now approved, arc those that formerly were called demi can- non, carrying a ball of 24 pounds weight; this weight I I GUN [ 610 ] GUN having been found fully sufficient. The method also of makinc a breach, by first cutting off the whole wall as low as possible before its upper part is attempted to be beaten down, seems to be a considerable modern improvement in the practical part of gunnery. But the most considerable improvement in the practice of artillery, is the ricochet firing, or the method of firing with small quantities of powder, and elevating the piece but a little, so that the bullet may just go clear of the parapet of the enemy, and drop into their works: for by thismeans the ball, coming to the ground at a small angle, and with a small velocity, does not bury itself, but bounds or rolls along a great way, destroying all before it. This method was first practised by M. Vauban at the siege of Aeth, in the year 1692. A practice of this kind was successfully used by the king of Prussia at the battle of Rosbach in 1757. He had several six-inch mortars, made with trunnions, Mid mounted on travelling carriages, which were fired obliquely on the enemy's lines, and among their horse. These being charged with only S ounces of powder, and elevated at one degree and a quarter, did great execution: for the_ shells rolling along the lines with burning fuses made the stoutest of the enemy to fly with precipitation. The use of fire-arms was however long known before any theory of projectiles was formed. The Italians were the first people who made any attempts at the theory, which they did about the beginning of the l6th century; and among them it appears the first who wrote professedly on the flight of cannon shot, was Nicholas Tartalia, of Brescia, the same author who had so great a share in the invention of the rules for cubic equations. In 1537 he published, at Venice, his Nova Scientia, and in 1546 his Quesiti et In- ventioni diversi, in both which he treats professedly on these motions, as well as in another work, translated into English with additions by Cyprian Lucar, under the title of Colloquies concerning the Art of Shooting in great and small Pieces of Artillery, and published at London in 1588. Tartalia determined, that the greatest range of a shot was when discharged at an elevation of 45°: and he asserted, contrary to the opinion of his contemporaries, that no part of the path described by a ball is a right line ; though the curvature in the first part of it is so small, that it need not be attended to. He compared it to the surface of the sea ; which, though it appears to be a plane, is yet doubtless incurvated round the centre of the earth. The same au- thor observes, that he invented the gunner's quadrant, for laying a piece of ordnance at any point or degree of ele- vation; and though he had but little opportunity of acqui- ring any practical knowledge by experiments, he yet gave shrewd guesses at the event of some-untried methods. The philosophers of those times also took part in the questions arising on this subject; and many disputes on motion were held, especially in Italy, which continued till the time of Galileo, and probably gave rise to his cele- brated Dialogues on Motion. These were not published till the year 1638 •, and in the interval there were publish- ed many theories of the motion of military projectiles, as well as many tables of their comparative ranges; though for the most part very fallacious, and inconsistent with the motions of these bodies. It is remarkablehowever that, during those contests, so few of those who were intrusted with the care of artillery, thought it necessary to bring their theories to the test of experiment. Mr. Robins informs us, in the preface to his New Principles of Gunnery, that he had met with no more Elevation at Points. Deg. or 1 - 7\ 2 -. 15 3 - 22 1 4 - 30 5 - 37i 6 - 45 7 - 52| s - 60 9 - 67f 10 - 75 11 - S2| than four authors who had treated experimentally on this subject. The first of these is Collado, in 164-2, who has given the ranges of a falconet, carrying a three-pound shot, to every point of the gunner's quadrant, each point being the 12th part, or 7i°. But from his numbers it is mani- fest that the piece was not charged with its usual allot- ment of powder. The result of his trials shows the ranges- at the point-blanc, and the several points of elevation, as below. Collado's Experiments. Range in paces. 268 594 794 954 1.01O * 1040 - . 1053 between the 3d and 4th between the 2d and 3d between the 1st and 2d between the and 1st fell very near the piece. The next treatise was by Win, Bourne, in 1643, in his Art of Shooting in Great Ordnance. His elevations were not regulated by the points of the gunner's quadrant, but by degrees; and he gives the proportions between the ranges at different elevations and the extent of the point- blanc shot, thus: If the extent of the point-blanc shot be represented by 1, then the proportions of the ranges at se- veral, elevations will be as below, viz. Bourne's Proportion of Ranges. Elevation. Range. 0° - - 1 5 2| 10 3| 15 - - 4f 20 . .. , .,4| and the greatest random 5| ; which greatest random, he says, in a calm day is at 42° elevation ; but according to the strength of the wind, and as it favours or opposes the flight of the shot, the elevation may be from 45° to 36°. — He does not inform us with what piece he made his trials ; though from his proportions it seems to have beenasraall one. This however ought to have been mentioned, as the relation between the extent ot different ranges varies extremely according to the velocity and density of the bullet. After him, Lldrcd and Anderson, both Englishmen also, published treatises on this subject. The former of these was many years gunner of Dover Castle, where most ot his experiments were made, the earliest of which are dated in 16-11, though his book was not published till 1 646, and was entitled The Gunner's Glass. His principles were sufficiently simple, and within certain limits very near the truth, though they were not rigorously so. He has given the actual ranges of different puces of artillery at small elevations, till under 10 degrees. His experiments are numerous, and appear to be made with great care and caution ; and he has honestly set down some, which were not reconcilable to his method : on the whole he seems to have taken more pains, and to have had a juster know- ledge of his business, than is to be found in most of his practical brethren. GUN [ 6ll ] GUN Galileo's Dialogues on Motion were printed in the year 1646. In these he pointed out the general laws observed by nature in the production and composition of motion, and was the first who described the action and effects of gravity on falling bodies : on these principles he deter- mined, that the flight of a cannon-shot, Or of any other projectile, would be in the curve of a parabola, unless so far as it should be diverted from that track by the resist- ance of the air. He also proposed the means of exami- ning the inequalities which arise from thence, and of dis- covering what sensible effects that resistance would pro- duce in the motion of a bullet at some given distance from the piece. Notwithstanding these determinations and hints of Ga- lileo, it seems that those who came after him, never ima- gined that it was necessary to consider how far the opera- tions of gunnery were affected by this resistance. Instead of this, they boldly asserted, without making the experi- ment, that no great variation could arise from the resist- ance of the air in the flight of shells or cannon shot. In this persuasion they supported themselves chiefly by con- sidering the extreme rarity of the air, compared with those dense and ponderous bodies ; and at last it became an al- most generally established maxim, that the flight of these bodies was nearly in the curve of a parabola. Thus, Robert Anderson, in his Genuine Use and Effects of the Gunne, published in 1()74, and again in his book, To hit a Mark, in 169O, relates a great many experi- ments ; but proceeding on the principles of Galileo, he strenuously asserts that the flight of all bullets is in the curve of a parabola; undertaking to answer all objections that could be brought to the contrary. The same thing was also undertaken hy-Blondel in his Art de jetter les Bombes, published in lo'S.j ; where, after long discussion, he con- cludes, that the variations from the-air's resistance are so slight, as not to deserve any notice. The same subject is treated of in the Philos. Trans No. 216", pa. 68, by Dr. Halley ; .who also, swayed by 'the very great dispropor- tion between the density of the air and that of iron or lead, thought it reasonable to believe that the opposition of the air to large metal-shot is scarcely discernible; though in small and light shot he owns that it must be accounted for. Though this hypothesis went on smoothly in specula- tion ; yet Anderson, who made a great number of trials, found it impossible to support it without some new modi- fication. For though it does not appear that he ever examined the comparative ranges of either cannon or musket-shot when fired with their usual velocities, yet his experiments on the ranges of shells thrown with velocities that were but small, in comparison of those above men- tioned, convinced him that their whole track was not parabolical. But instead of making the proper inferences from hence, and concluding that the resistance of the air was of considerable efficacy, he framed a new hypothesis; which was, that the shell or bullet at its first discharge flew to a certain distance in a right line, from the end of which line only it began to describe a parabola: and this right line, which he calls the line of the impulse of the fire, he supposes is the same for all elevations. So that, by assigning a proper length to this line of impulse, it was al- ways in his power to reconcile any two shots made at any two different angles ; though the same method could not succeed with three shots; nor indeed does he ever inform us of the event of his experiments when three ranges were tried at one time. But after the publication of Newton's Principia, it might have been expected, that the defects of the theory would be ascribed to their true cause, which is the great resistance of the air to such swift motions ; as in that work he particularly considered the subject of such mo- tions, and related the result of experiments, made on slow motions at least; by which it appeared, that in such mo- tions the resistance increases as the square of the veloci- ties, and he even hints a suspicion that it will increase above that law in swifter motions, as is now known to be the case. So far however were those who treated this subject scientifically, from making a proper allowance for the resistance of the atmosphere, that they still neglected it, or rather opposed it, and their theories still differed most egregiously from the truth. Huygens alone seems to have attended to this principle: for in the year 1690 he published a treatise on gravity, in which he gave an ac- count of some experiments tending to prove that the track of all projectiles, moving with very swift motions, wag widely different from that of a parabola. The rest of the learned generally acquiesced in the justness and sufficiency of Galileo's doctrine, and accordingly very erroneous cal- culations concerning the ranges of cannon were given. Nor was any farther notice taken, of these errors till the year 17 lfj, when Mr. Ressonp, a French officer of artil- lery, of great merit and experience, gave in a memoir to the Royal Academy, importing that, " though it was agreed that theory joined with practice did constitute the perfection of every art ; yet experience had taught him that theory was of very little service in the. use of mortars : that the works of M. Blondel had justly enough described the several parabolic lines, according to the different de- grees of the elevation of the piece; but that practice had convinced him there was no theory in the effect of gun- powder; for having endeavoured, with the greatest preci- sion, to point a mortar according to these calculations, he had never been able to establish any solid foundation upon them." — One instance only occurs in which D. Bernoulli applies the doctrine of Newton to the motions of pro- jectiles, in the Com. Acad. Petrop. torn. 2, pa. 338, &c. Besides which nothing farther was done in this science till the time of Mr. Benjamin Robins, who published a trea- tise in 1742, intitled New Principles of Gunnery, in which he treated particularly, not only of the resistance of the atmosphere, but also of the force of gunpowder, the nature and effects of different guns, and almost every thing else relating to the flight of military projectiles; and indeed he carried the theory of gunnery nearly to its ut- most perfection. The first important consideration which engaged the attention of Mr. Robins, and which is indeed the founda- tion of all other particulars relating to gunnery, is the ex- plosive force of gunpowder. M. Lahire, in the Hist. of the Acad, of Sciences for the year 1702, supposed that this force may be owing to the increased elasticity of the air contained in, and between the grains, in consequence of the heat and fire produced at the time of the explosion : a cause not adequate to the 200th part of the effect. On the other hand, Mr. Robins determined, by irrefragable experiments, that this force was owing to an elastic fluid, similar to our atmosphere, existing in the powder in an ex- tremely condensed state, which being suddenly disengaged from the powder by the combustion, expanded with an amazing force, and violently impelled the bullet, or what- ever may oppose its expansion. 4 I 2 GUN [ 6J2 ] GUN In ascertaining the intensity of this force of exploded gunpowder. Mr. Robins had recourse to several different ways, after the example of Mr. Hawksbee, related in the Fhilos. Trans. No. 295, and his Physico-Mechah. Exper. pa. 81. One of these is by firing the powder in the air thus: A small quantity of the powder is placed in the upper part of a glass tube, and the lower part of the tube is immersed in water, the water being made to rise so near the top, that only a small portion of air is left in that part where the powder is placed : then in this situation the com- munication between the upper part of the tube and the external air being closed, the powder is fired by means of a burning glass, or otherwise ; the water descends upon the explosion, and stands lower in the tube than before, by a space proportioned to the quantity of powder fired. Another method was by firing the powder in vacuo, viz, in an exhausted receiver, by dropping the grains of pow- der upon a hot iron included in the receiver. By this means a permanent elastic fluid was generated from the fired gunpowder, and the quantity of it was always in pro- portion to the quantity of powder that was used, as was found by the proportional sinking of the mercurial gage annexed to the air pump. The result of these experi- ments was, that the weight of the elastic air- thus gene- rated, was equal to T 3 W of the compound mass of the gun- powder which yielded it; and that its bulk, when cold and expanded to the rarity of common atmospheric air, was about 240 times the bulk of the powder ; and consequently in the same proportion would such fluid at first, if it were cold, exceed the force or elasticity of the atmosphere. But as Mr. Robins found, by another ingenious experiment, that air heated to the extreme degree of the white heat of iron, has its elasticity quadrupled, or is 4 times as strong ; he thence inferred that the force of the elastic air generated as above, at the moment of the explosion, is at least 4 times 240, or 960, or in round numbers about 1000 times as strong as the elasticity or pressure of the atmosphere, on the same space. Having thus determined the force of the gunpowder, or intensity of the agent by which the projectile is to be urged, Mr. Robins next proceeds to determine the effects it will produce, or the velocity with which it will impel a shot of a given weight from a piece of ordnance of given dimensions; which is a problem strictly limited, and per- fectly soluble by mathematical rules, and is'in general this: Given the first force, and the law of its variation, to determine the velocity with which it will impel a given body in passing through a given space, which is the length of (he bore of the gun. In the solution of this problem, Mr. Robins assumes these two postulates, viz, 1, That the action of the pow- der on the bullet ceases as soon as the bullet is out of the piece; and 2d, That all the powder of the charge is fired and converted into elastic fluid before the bullet is. sensibly moved from its place: assumptions which for good rea- sons are found to- be in many cases very near the truth. It is to be noted also, that the law by which the force of the elastic fluid varies, is this, viz, that its intensity is di- rectly as its density, or reciprocally proportional to the space it occupies, beingso'much the stronger as the space is less; a principle well known, anil common to all elastic fluids. On these principles then Mr. Robins resolves this problem, by means of the 3£)ili prop, of Newton's Principia. in a direct way, anil the result is equivalent to this theo- rem, when the quantities are expressed by algebraic sym- bols ; viz, the velocity of the ball .= 27130 ^ x log. \) = 190 y^- * logi); where » is the velocity of the ball, a the length of the charge of powder, b the whole length of the bore, c the spec. grav. of the ball, or wt. of a cubic foot of the same matter in ounces, d the diameter of the bore, iv the weight of the ball in ounces. For Exu?nple, Suppose a = 2^- inc., b = 45 inches, c = 11345 oz, foraballof lead, and,d = finches; then v = 27130 */(—— x log. — ) = i674 feet per second, v \226g a 7 the velocity of the ball. Or, if the wt. of the bullet be to = l/ 5 oz. =-§#oz. Then v = lOOvX '" 5 * ' 89 * log. — ) = 1,674 feet, as v s 29 x a-2 ° 7 before. " Having in this proposition, "says Mr. Robins, "shown how the velocity, which any bullet acquires from the force of powder, may be computed upon the principles of the theory laid down in the preceding propositions; we shall next show, that the actual velocities, with which bullets of different magnitudes are impelled from dif- ferent pieces, with different quantities of powder, are really the same with the velocities assigned by these computa- tions ; and consequently that this theory of the force of powder, here delivered, does unquestionably. ascertain the true action and modification of this enormous power. " But in order to compare the velocities communicated to bullets by the explosion with the. velocities resulting from the theory b}' computation ; it is necessary that the actual velocities with which bullets move, should be ca- pable of being discovered, which yet is impossible to be done by any methods hitherto made public. The only means hitherto practised by. others for that purpose, have been either by observing the time of the flight of the shot through a given space, or by measuring the range of the shot at a given elevation ; and thpnee computing, on the parabolic hypothesis, what velocity would produce this range. The first method labours under this insurmount- able, difficulty, that the velocities' of these bodies are often so swift, and consequently the time observed is so sbort, that an imperceptible error in that time may occasion an error in the velocity thus found, of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 600 feet in a second. The other method is so -fallacious, by reason of the resistance of the air (to which inequality the first is also liable), that the velocities thus assigned may not be perhaps the 10th part of the actual velocities sought. " To remedy then these inconveniences, I have in- vented a new method of finding the real velocities of bul- lets of all kinds; and this to such a decree of exactness (which may be augmented too at pleasure), that in a bullet moving with a velocity of. 17,00 I'eet ill l", the er- ror in the estimation of it need never amount to itsSOOth part; and this without any extraordinary nicety in the construction of the machine." Mr. Robins then gives an account of the machine by which he measures the velocities of the balls, which ma- chine is simply this, viz, a pendulous block'of wood sus- pended freely by a horizontal axis, against which block are to be fired the balls whose velocities are to be deter- mined. GUN [ 613 ] GUN " This instrument thus fitted, if the weight of the pen- dulum be known, and likewise the respective distances of its centre of gravity, and of its centre of oscillation, from its axis of suspension, it will thence be known what motion will be communicated to this pendulum by the percussion of a. body of a known weight moving with a known degree of celerity, and striking it in a given point; that is, if the pendulum be supposed at rest before the percussion, it will be known what vibration it ought to make in conse- quence of such a determined blow ; and, on the contrary, if the pendulum, being at rest, is struck by a body of a known weight, and the vibration, which the pendulum makes after the blow, is known, the velocity of the .striking body may from thence be determined. " Hence then, if a bullet of a known weight strikes the pendulum, and the vibration, which the pendulum makes in consequence of the stroke, be ascertained ; the velocity with which the ball moved, is thence to be known." Mr. Robins then explains his method of computing ve- locities from experiments with this machine ; which me- thod is rather troublesome and perplexed, as well as the rule's of Euler and Antoni, who followed him in these in- vestigations ; but a much simpler rule is given in my Tracts, vol.2, pa. 325, where such experiments are ex- plained at full length, and this rule is expressed by either of the two following formulas, P + b p -+- b v = 5'6727c? * ~T—s/° = 6l4"58ct' x - — , the velo- ° bir v ° bim city ; where v denotes the velocity of the ball when it strikes the pendulum, p the weight of the pendulum, b the weight of the ball, c the chord of the arc described by the vibra- tion to the radius r, g the distance below the axis of mo- tion to the centre of gravity, o the distance to the centre of oscillation, i the distance to the point of impact, and n the number of oscillations the pendulum will perform in one minute, when made to oscillate in small arcs. 'The latter of these two theorems is much the easiest, both be- cause it is free of radicals, and because the value of the radical y'o, in the former, is to be first computed from the number re, or number of oscillations the pendulum is observed to make. With such machines Mr. Robins made a great number of experiments, with musket barrels of different lengths, with balls of various weights, arid with different charges or quantities of powder. He has set down the results of 6l of these experiments, which nearly agree with the cor- responding velocities as computed by his theory of the force of powder, and which therefore establish that theory on a sure foundation. From these experiments, as well as from the preceding theory, many important conclusions were deduced by Mr. Robins; and indeed by means of these it is obvious that every thing may be determined relative both to the true theory of projectiles, and to the practice of artillery. For, by. firing, a piece, of ordnance, charged in a similar - manner, against such a ballistic pendulum from different distances, the velocity lost by passing through such spaces of air will be found, and consequently the resistance of the air, the only circumstance that was wanting to com- plete the theory of gujinery, or military projectiles; and of (Ids kind 1 have since made a great number of experi- ments vvith cannon balls, and have thereby obtained the whole series of resistances to such a ball when moving with every degree of velocity, from up to '2200 feet per se- cond of tune. In the structure of artillery, they may likewise be of the greatest use : for hence may be deter- mined the best lengths of guns; the proportions of the shot and powder to the several lengths; the thickness of a piece; soas.it may be able to confine, without bursting, any given charge of powder; as also the effect of wads, cham- bers, placing of the vent, ramming the powder, &c. For the many other curious circumstances relating to this sub- ject, and the various other improvements in the theory and practice of gunnery, made by Mr. Robins, consult the first vol. of his Tracts, collected and published by Dr. Wilson, in the year 176I, and republished with many im- portant notes, and observations, by the author of this work, in 1805, where ample information may be obtained. Soon after the first publication of Robins's New Prin- ciples of Gunnery, in 1742, the learned in several other nations, treading in his- steps, repeated and farther ex- tended the same subject, sometimes varying and enlarging the machinery; particularly Euler in Germany, D'Antoni in Italy, and Messrs. D'Arcy and LeRoy in France.- But most of these, like Mr. Robins, with small fire-arms, such as muskets and fusils. But in the year 1775, in conjunction with several able officers of the royal artillery, and- other ingenious gentle- men, was undertaken a course of experiments with the ballistic pendulum, in -which we ventured to extend the machinery to cannon shot of 1,2, and 3 pounds weight. An account of these experiments was published in the Philos. Trans, for 1778, and for which the Royal Society honoured me with the prize, of the gold medal" " These were the only experiments that I know of which had been made with cannon balls for this purpose, though the con- clusions to be deduced from such, are of the greatest im- portance to those parts of natural philosophy which are dependent on the effects of fired gunpowder; nor do I know of any other practical method of ascertaining the initial velocities within any tolerable degree of the truth. The knowledge of this velocity is of the utmost conse- quence in gunnery: by means of it, together with the law of the resistance of the medium, every thing is deter- minable relative to that science, for, besides its being an excellent method of trying the strength of different kinds of powder, it gives us the law relative to the different quantities of powder, to the different weights of shot, and to the different lengths and sizes of guns. Besides these there does not appear to be any thing wanting to answer any inquiry that can be made concerning the flight and ranges of shot, except the effects arising from the resistance ■of the medium. In these experiments the weights of the pendulums employed were from 300 to near 6'00 pounds. In that paper is described the method of constructing the machinery, of finding the centres of gravity and. oscillation of the pendulum, and of making the experiments, which are all set down in the form of a journal, with all the mi- nute and concomitant circumstances ; as also the investi- gation of the new and> easy rule, given'abuve, for com- puting the velocity of the ball from the experiments. The charges of powder were varied from 2 to 8 ounces, and the shot from 1 to near 3 pounds. And from the whole were clearly deduced these principal inferences, viz, " 1. First, That gunpowder fires almost instantaneous- ly. — 2. That the velocities communicated to balls or shot, of the same weight, by different quantities of powder, are nearly in the subduplicate ratio of those quantities: a small variation, in defect, taking place when the quanti- ties of powder became great.— 3. And when shot of dif- G tJ N [ 614 ] GUN fereht weights arc employed, with the same quantity of powder, the velocities communicated to them, are nearly in the reciprocal subduplicate ratio of their weights. — 4. So that, universally, shot which are of different weights, and impelled by die flame of different quantities of pow- de"r, acquire velocities which are directly as the square roots of the quantities of powder, and inversely as the square roots of the weights of the shot, nearly. — 5. It would therefore be a great improvement in artillery, to make use of shot of a long form, or of heavier matter ; for thus the momentum of a shot, when fired with the same weight of powder, would be increased in the ratio of the square root of the weight of the shot. — 6. It would also be an improvement to diminish the windage; for by so doing, one-third or more of the quantity of powder might be saved. — 7. When the improvements mentioned in the last two articles are considered as both taking place, it is evi- dent that about half the quantity of powder might be saved, which is a very considerable object. But im- portant as this saving may be, it seems to be still exceeded by that of the article of the guns ; for thus a small gun may be made to have the effect and execution of another of two or three times its size in the present mode,, by dis- charging a shot of two or three times the weight of its na- tural ball or round shot. And thus a small ship might discharge shot as heavy as those of the greatest now made use of. " Finally, as the above experiments exhibit the regu- lations with regard to the weights of powder and balls, when fired from the same piece of ordnance, &c ; so by making similar experiments with a gun, varied in its length, by cutting off from it a certain part before each course of experiments, the effects and general rules for the different lengths of guns may be certainly determined by them. In short, the principles on which these experi- ments were made, are so fruitful in consequences, that, in conjunction with the effects resulting from the resist- ance of the medium, they seem to be sufficient for answer- ing all the inquiries of the speculative philosopher, as well as those of the practical artillerist. In the year 1786 was published the first volume of my Tracts, in which is detailed, at great length, another very extensive course of experiments which were carried on at Woolwich in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785, by 'order of the Duke of Richmond, master-general of the ordnance. The objects of this course were very numerous, but the principal of them were the following: " 1. The velocities with which balls are projected by equal charges of powder, from pieces of the same weight and caliber, but of different lengths. " 2. The velocities with different charges of pdwder, the weight and length of the gun being the same. " 3. The greatest velocity due to guns of different lengths, to be obtained by increasing the charge as far as the resistance of the piece is capable of sustaining. " 4. The (fleet of varying the weight of the piece ; every thing else being the same. " 5. The penetration of balls into blocks of wood. *' 6" The ranges and times of flight of balls; to com- pare them with their initial velocities, for determining the resistance of the medium. " 7. The effect of wads ; of different degrees of ramming; of different degrees of windage; of different positions of the vent ; of chambers, and trunnions, and every other cir" cumstance necessary to be known for the im" provement of artillery." v All these objects were obtained in a very perfect and accurate manner ; excepting only the article of ranges, which were not quite so regular and uniform as might be wished. The balls were most of them of one pound weight; but the powder was increased from 1 ounce, up till the bore was quite full; and the p'endulum was from 600 to SOOlb. weight. The conclusions from the whole were as follow : " 1. That the former law, between the charge and ve- locity of ball, is again confirmed, viz, that the velocity is directly as the square root of the weight of powder, as far as to about the charge of S ounces : and so it would con- tinue for all charges, were the guns of an indefinite length. But as the length of the charge is increased, and bears a more considerable proportion to the length of the bore, the velocity falls the more short of that proportion. " 2. That the velocity of the ball increases with the charge to a certain point, which is peculiar to each gun, where it is greatest ; and that by farther increasing the charge, the velocity gradually diminishes, till the bore is quite full of powder. That this charge for the greatest velocity is greater as the gun is longer, but not greater however in so high a proportion as the length of the gun is ; so that the part of the bore filled with powder bears a less proportion to the whole in the long guns, than it does in the short ones; the part of the whole which is filled being indeed nearly in the reciprocal subduplicate ratio of the length of the empty part. And the other cir- cumstances as in this table. Charges producing the Greatest Velocity. Gun Lentil of Length Part of the Wt; of the Number the bore. filled. whole. powder. inches. inches. oz. 1 28-5 8-2 _4_ 12 2 38-4 9"5 A 14 3 57-7 10-7 TT 16 4 80-2 12-1 IT 18 " 3. It appears that the velocity continually increases as the gun is longer, though the increase in velocity is but very small in respect of the increase in length, the velo- cities being in a ratio somewhat less than that of the square roots of the length of the bore, but somewhat greater than that of the cube roots of the length, and is indeed nearly in the middle of the ratio between the two. " 4. The range increases in a much less ratio than the velocity, and indeed is nearly as the square root of the velocity, the gun and elevation being the same. And when this is compared with the property of the velocity and length of gun in the foregoing paragraph, we perceive that very little is gained in the range by a great increase in the length of the gun, the charge being the same. And indeed the range is nearly as the 5th root of the length of the bore ; which is so small an increase, as to amount only to about yth part more range for a double length of gun. " 5. It appears that the time of the ball's flight is nearly as the range; the gun and elevation being the same. " 6. It appears also that there is no sensible difference caused in the velocity or range, by varying the weight of the gun, nor by the use of wads, nor by different degrees of ramming, nor by firing the charge of powder in different parts of it. GUN t 615 ] GUN " 7. But a great difference in the velocity arises from a small degree of windage. Indeed with the usual established windage only, namely, about -^th of the caliber, no less than between j and -| of the powder escapes and is lost. And as the balls are often smaller than that size, it fre- quently happens that half thepowder is lost by unnecessary windage. " 8. It appears that the resisting force of wood,' to balls fired into it, is not constant. And that the depths pene- trated by different velocities or charges, are nearly as the logarithms of the charges, instead of being as the charges themselves, or, which is the same thing, as the square of the velocity. " 9- These, and most other experiments, show that balls are greatly deflected from the direction they are projected in ; and that so much as 300 or 400 yards in a range of a mile, or almost i of the range, which is nearly a deflection t>f an angle of 15 degrees. " 10. l-'inally, these experiments furnish us with the following concomitant data, to a tolerable degree of accu- racy; namely, the dimensions and elevation of the gun, the weight and dimensions of the powder ami shot, with the range and time of flight, and the first velocity of the ball. From which it is to be hoped that the measure of the resistance of the air to projectiles, may be determined, and thereby lay the foundation for a true and practical system of gunnery, which may be as well useful in service as in theory." Since the publication of thoseTracts, we have prosecuted the experiments still farther, from year to year, gradually extending o-ur aim to more objects, and enlarging the guns and machinery, till we have arrived at experiments with the6-poun 2 15 860 4100 9 4 1 5 1230 5100 12 8 I 5 1(540 6000 14| 12 15 l6'S0 6700 i5i 2 45 S6o 5100 21 The celebrated Euler added many excellent disserta- tions on the subject of gunnery, in his translation of Ro- bins's gunnery into the German language; which were again farther improved in Brown's translation of the same into English in the year 1777. See also Antoui's Examen de la Poudre; the experiments of MM. d'Arcy and Le Roy, in the Memoirs of the Academy in 1751 ; and D'Arcy's Essai d'une theorie d'artillerie in 1760: my Tracts ; and paper on the force of fired gunpowder in the Philos. Trans, for 1778 : and Thompson's paper on the same subject in 1781 : but above all, vol. 2 and S of my new Tracts, containing the concluding deductions drawn from all the experiments made at Woolwich. Of the common or parabolic theory of gunnery, Mr. Simpson gave a very neat and concise treatise in his Select Exercises. And a very ingenious treatise was also given by Mr. Reuben Burrough, in 1779; containing, not only the problems that are common on this subject, and the method of determining the maximum range on an inclined plane when the piece is situated in that plane; but also when it is placed above or below the given plane; a pro- blem of much greater difficulty, and which had not before been publicly given by any other author. Other writers on this part, are Starrat, Gray, Williams, Glenie, &c. GUNPOWDER, a composition of nitre, sulphur, and charcoal, mixed together, and usually granulated. This easily takes fire ; and when fired, it rarefies or expands with great vehemence, by means of its elastic force. — It is to this powder that we owe all the effect and action of nuns, and ordnance of all sorts. So that fortification, with the modern military art, &c, in a great measure de- pend upon it. The above definition however is not gene- ral, for instead of the nitre, it has lately been discovered that the marine acid answers much better, as to strength, but is dangerous in its use, as too liable to accidental ex- plosion. The invention of gunpowder is ascribed, by Polydore Virgil, to a chemist ; who having accidentajly put some of this composition in a mortar, and covered it with a stone, it happened to take fire, and blew up the stone. The'vet in- forms us that the person here spoken of was a monk of Fribourg, named Constantine Anelzen ; but Bellcforet and other authors, with more probability, hold it to be Bartholdus Schwartz, or Black, who discovered it, as some say, about the year 1320; and the first use of it is ascribed to the Venetians, in the year 1380, during the war with the Genoese. But there arc earlier accounts of its use, after the accident of Schwartz, as well as before it. Vol. I. For Peter Mexia, in his Various Readings, mentions that the Moors being besieged in 1343, by Alphonsus the 11th, king of Castile, discharged a kind of iron mortars upon them, which made a noise like thunder; and this is se- conded by what is related by Don Pedro, bishop of Leon, in his chronicle of King Alphonsus, who reduced Toledo, viz, that in a sea-combat between the king of Tunis and the Moorish king of Seville, about that time, those of Tu- nis had certain iron tubs or barrels, with which they threw thunderbolts of fire, Ducange adds, that there is men- tion riiade of gunpowder in the registers of the chambers of accounts in France as early as the year 1338. But it appears that Roger Bacon knew of gunpowder near 100 years before Schwartz was born. He tells us, in his Treatise De Secretis Operibus Artis et Naturae, et de Nullitate Magise, cap. 6, (which is supposed by some to have been published at Oxford in 1216", and which was undoubtedly written before his Opus Majus, in 1267), " that from saltpetre, and other ingredients, we are able to make a fire that shall burn at what distance we please." Dr. Plolt also in his History of Oxfordshire, pa. 236, assures us that these " other ingredients were explained in a MS. copy of the same treatise, in the hands of Dr. G. Langbain, and seen by Dr. Wallis, to be sulphur and wood coal." In addition to which we are told in the life of Friar Ba- con in Biographia Britannica, vol. 1, that Bacon himself has divulged the secret of this composition in a cipher, by transposing the letters of the two words in chap. xi. of the said treatise ; where it is thus expressed : sed ramen salis petras Lura mope can ubre (i. e. carbonum pulvere) et sulphuris ; et sic facies tonitrum et corruscationem, si scias artificium : and hence the biographer apprehends the words carbonum pulvere were transferred to the 6th chap- ter of Langbain's Ms. In this same chapter Bacon ex- pressly says that sounds like thunder, and corruscations, may be formed in the air, much more horrible than those that happen naturally. And farther adds, that there are many ways of doing this, by which a city or an army might be destroyed : and he supposes that by an artifice of this kind Gideon defeated the Midianites with only 300 men: Judges, chap. 7- There is also another passage to the same purpose, in the treatise De Scientia Experimen- tal!. See Dr. Jebb's edition of the Opus Majus, pa. 474. See also the life ofR. Bacon in this Dictionary. Mr. Robins, in the preface to his gunnery, apprehends that Bacon describes gunpowder not as a new composi- tion first proposed by himself, but as the application of an old one to military purposes, and that it was known long before his time. But M. Dutens carries the antiquity of gunpowder still much higher, and refers to the writings of the ancients themselves for the proof of it. " Virgil," says he, " and his Commentator Servius (/Eneid, lib. 6, v. 585), Hygi- nus (Fabul. 6l and 650), Eustathius (ad Odyss, A 234, pa. 1682, lib. 1), La Cerda (in Virgil, loc. cit!), Valerius Flaccus (lib. i. 662), and many other authors (as Raphael Volatarran. in Commentar. Cornelius Agrippa poster.Opcr. de Verbo Dei, c. 100, pal 237. — Gruteri Fax Artium Li- beral, torn. 2, pa. 1236), speak in such a manner of Sal- moneus's attempts to imitate thunder, as suggest to us that this prince used for that purpose a composition of the nature of gunpowder. Eustathius in particular mentions him on this occasion, as being so very expert in mecha- nics, that he formed machines, which imitated the noise of thunder; and the writers of fable, whose surprise in this 4 K GUN [ 618 ) GUN respect may be compared to that of the Mexicans when they first beheld the fire-arms of the Spaniards, give out that Jupiter, incensed at the audacity of this prince, slew him with lightning, as he was employing himself in launch- ing his thunder. But it is much more natural to suppose that this unfortunate prince, the inventor of gunpowder, gave rise to these fables, by having accidentally fallen a victim to his own experiments. Dion (Hist. Rom. in Ca- ligula, pa. 662) and Joannes Antiochenus (in Chronico, &c. a Valesio edita, Paris l6'34, pa. 804), report the very same thing of Caligula, assuring us that this emperor imi- tated thunder and lightning by means of certain machines, which at the same time emitted stones. Themistius also informs us that the Brachmans encountered one another with thunder and lightning, which they had the art of launchingfromonhighat a considerable distance; (Themist. Oratio 27, pa. 337). And in another place he relates, that Hercules and Bacchus, attempting to assail them in a fort where they were entrenched, were so roughly receiv- ed by reiterated strokes of thunder and lightning, that they were obliged to retire, leaving behind them an ever- lasting monument of the rashness of their enterprise. Aga- thias the historian reports of Anthemius Traliensis, that having disagreed with his neighbour Zeno the rhetorician, he set fire to his hduse with thunder and lightning. It appears from all these passages, that the effects ascribed to these engines of war., especially those of Caligula, Anthe- mius, and the Indians, could be only brought about by gunpowder. And what is still more, we find in Julius Africanus a receipt for an ingenious composition to be thrown upon an enemy, which very nearly resembles that powder. But what places this beyond all doubt, is a clear and positive passage of an author called Marcus Grascus, whose work in manuscript is in the royal library at Paris, entitled Liber Ignium. Dr. Mead had the same also in manuscript, and a copy of that is now in my hands. (See above.) The author describes several ways of encounter- ing an enemy, by launching fire upon him ; and among others gives the following. Mix together one pound of live sulphur, two of charcoal of willow, and 6 of saltpetre ; reducing them to a very fine powder in a marble mortar. He adds, that a certain quantity of this ii to be put into a long, narrow, and well compacted cover, and so dis- charged into the air. Here we have the description of a rocket. The cover with which thunder is imitated, he represents as short, thick, but half-filled, and strongly bound with packthread; which is exactly the form of a cracker. He then treats of different methods' of preparing the match, and how one squib may set fire to another in the air, by having it inclosed within it. In short, he speaks as clearly of the composition and effects of gunpowder, as any person in our times could do. I own I have not yet been able precisely to determine when this author lived, but probably it was before the time of the Arabian physician Mesne, who mentions him, and who lluurished in the beginning of the ,0th century. Nay, there is reason to believe that he is the same of whom Galen speaks ; in which case he will be of antiquity sufficient to support what I advance." It appears also from many au- thors, and many circumstances, that this composition has been known to the Chinese and Indians for thousands of years. Ste what is said on this head under the article Gun. To this history of gunpowder it may be added, that it has lately been discovered that saltpetre or nitre is not es- sential to this composition, but that its place may be sup- plied by other substances; for new gunpowder, of double the strength of the old, has lately been made in France, by the chemists in that country, without any nitre at all ; and in the year 1 790 I tried some of this new powder, that was made at Woolwich, with my eprouvette, when I found it about double the strength of the ordinary sort. This is effected by substituting, instead of the nitre, the like quantity of the marine acid. But perhaps this new composition ma}' not come into common aud general use ; both because of the great ex- pense in procuring or making the acid, and of the trouble and danger of preventing it from taking fire by the heat in the operation ; for it is found to catch fire and explode from a very small degree of heat, and without the aid of a spark. As to the Preparation of Gunpowder ; there are diver9 compositions of it, with respect to the proportions of the three ingredients, to be met with in pyrotechmcal writings ; but the process of making it up is much the sameln all. For some time after the invention of artillery, gunpow- der was of a much weaker composition than that now in use, or that described by Marcus Grascus; which was chiefly owing to the weakness of their first pieces. See Gun and Cannon. Of 23 different compositions, used at different times, and mentioned by Tartaglia in hisQues. and Inv. lib. 3, ques. 5, the first, which was the oldest, contained equal parts of the three ingredients. But when guns of modern structure were introduced, gunpowder of the same composition as the present came also into use. In the time of Tartaglia the cannon powder was made of 4 parts of nitre, one of sulphur, and one of charcoal ; and the musket powder of 48 parts of nitre, 7 parts of sulphur, and S parts of charcoal ; or of ] S parts of nitre, 2 parts of sulphur, and 3 parts of charcoal. But the modern composition is 6 parts of nitre, to one of each of the other two ingredients. Though Mr. Napier says, he finds the strength commonly to be greatest when the proportions are, nitre 3lb, charcoal about £)oz, and sulphur about 3oz. See his paper on Gunpowder in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 2. The cannon powder was in meal, and the musket powder grained. And it is certain that the graining of powder, which is a very considerable advantage, is a modern improvement. Seethe preface to Robins's Math. Tracts, pa. 32. In making gunpowder, regard is to be had to the purity or goodness of the ingredients, as well as the proportions of them; for the strength of the powder depends much on that circumstance, and also on the proper working or mixing them together. To purify the nitre, by taking away the fixt or common salt, and earthy part. Dissolve it in a quantity of hot water over the fire; then filtrate it through a flannel bag, into an open vessel, and set it aside to cool, and to crystal- lize. These crystals may in like manner be dissolved and crystallized again ; and so on, till they become quite pure and white. Then put these crystals into a dry kettle over a moderate fire, which gradually increase till it begins to smoke, evaporate, lose its humidity, and grow very white: it must be kept continually stirring with a ladle, lest it should return to its former figure, by which its greasiness would be taken away: after that, so much water is to be poured into the kettle as will cover the nitre; and when it is dissolved, and reduced to the consistency of a thick liquor, it must be continually stirred with a ladle till all GUN t 6! 9 ] GUN the moisture is again evaporated, and it he reduced to a dry and white meal. • ^ The like regard is to be had to the sulphur; choosing that which is in large lumps, clear and perfectly yellow ; not very hard, nor compact, but porous; nor yet too much shining; and if, when set on fire, it freely burns all away, it is a sign of its goodness: so likewise, if it be pressed between two iron plates that are hot enough to make it run, and in the running it appears yellow, and that which remains of a reddish colour, it is then fit for the purpose. But in case it be foul, it may be purified in this manner: melt the sulphur in a large iron ladle, or pot, over a very gentle coal fire, well kindled, but not flaming; then scum off all that rises on the top, and swims upon the sulphur ; take it presently after from the fire, and strain it through a double linen cloth, letting it pass leisurely ; so will it be pure, the gross matter remaining behind in the cloth. For the charcoal, the third ingredient, such should be chosen as is large, clear, and free from knots, well burnt, and cleaving. The charcoal of light woods is mostly pre- ferred, as of willow, and that of the branches or twigs of a moderate thickness, as of an inch or two in diameter. Dogwood is now much esteemed for this purpose. And a method of charring- the wood in a large iron cylinder has lately been recommended, and indeed proved, as yielding better charcoal than formerly. The charcoal not only concurs with the sulphur in supplying the inflammable matter, which causes the detonation of the nitre, but also greatly adds to the explosive power of it by the quantity of elastic vapour expelled during its combustion. These three ingredients, in their purest state, being pro- cured, long experience has shown that they are then to be mixed together in the proportion before mentioned, to have the best effect, viz, three-quarters of the composition to be nitre, and the other quarter made up ofequal parts of the other two ingredients; or, which is the same thing, 6 parts nitre, 1 part sulphur, and 1 part charcoal. But it is not the due proportion of the materials only, which is necessary to the making of good powder ; another circumstance, not less essential, is the mixing them well together : if this be not effectually done, some parts of the composition will have too much nitre in them, and others too little; and in either case there will be a defect of strength in the powder. Robins, pa. 119. After the materials have been reduced to fine dust, they are mixed together, and moistened with water, or vinegar, or urine, or spirit of wine, &c, and then beaten together with wooden pestles for 24 hours, either by hand, or by mills, and afterwards pressed into a hard, firm, and solid cake. When dry, it is grained or corned ; which is done by breaking the cake of powder into small pieces, and so running it through a sieve; by which means the grains may have any size given them, according to the nature of the sieve employed, either finer or coarser; and thus also the dust is separated from the grains, and again mixed with other manufacturing powder, or worked again into rakes. Powder is smoothed, or glazed, as it is called, for small arms, by the following operation: a hollow cylinder or cask is mounted on an axis, turned by a wheel; this cask is half filled with powder, and turned for 6 hours; and thus by the mutual friction of the grains of powder it is smoothed, or glazed. The fine mealy part, thus separated or worn off from the rest, is again granulated. The Nature, Effects, fye, ofPoxvder. — When the powVler is prepared as above, if the least spark be struck upon it from a steel and flint, the whole will immediately inflame, and burst forth with extreme violence. — The effect is by no means difficult to account for : the charcoal part of the grain upon which the spark falls, catching fire like tinder, the sulphur and nitre are readily melted, and the former also breaks into flame; the contiguous grains at the same time undergoing the same decomposition. Upon this point Sir isaac Newton reasons thus: The charcoal and sulphur in gunpowder easily take fire, and kindle the nitre; and the spirit of the nitre, being thereby rarefied into vapour, rushes out with an explosion much after the manner that the vapour of water rushes out of an eolipile; the sulphur also, being volatile, is converted into vapour, and augments the explosion: add, that the acid vapour of the sulphur, namely that which distils under a bell into oil of sulphur,entering violently into the fixt body of the nitre, lets loose the spirit of the nitre, and excites a greater fermentation, by which the heat is farther aug- mented, and the fixt body of the nitre is also rarefied into fume; and the explosion in consequence made more vehe- ment and quick. For if salt of tartar be mixed with gunpowder, and that mixture be warmed till it takes fire, the explosion will be far more violent and rapid than that of gunpowder alone ; which cannot proceed from any other cause, than the ac- tion of the vapour of the gunpowder upon the salt of tartar, by which that salt is rarefied. The explosion of gunpowder therefore arises from the violent action, by which all the mixture being quickly and vehemently heated, is rarefied and converted into fume and vapour; which vapour, by the violetice of that action be- coming so hot as to shine, appears in the form of a flame. M. Lahire, in the History of the French Academy for 1702, ascribes all the force and effect of gunpowder to the spring or elasticity of the air inclosed in the several grains of it, and in the intervals or spaces between the grains : the powder being kindled, sets the springs of so many little parcels of air into action, and dilates them all at once, whence the effect ; the powder itself only serving to light a fire which may put the air in action ; after which the whole is performed by the air alone. But it appears from the experiments and observations of Mr. Robins, that if this air be in its natural state at the time when the powder is fired, the greatest addition its elasticity could acquire from the flame of the explosion, would not amount to five times its usual quantity, and therefore could not suffice for the 200th part of the effort which is exerted by fired powder. To understand the force of gunpowder, it must be considered that, whether it be fired in a vacuum or in air, it produces by its explosion a permanent elastic fluid. See Philos. Trans. No. 295; also Hauksbee's Phys. Mechan. Exp. pa. SI. It also ap- pears from experiment, that the elasticity or pressure of the fluid produced by the firing of gunpowder, is, creteris pa- ribus, directly as its density. , In order to determine the elasticity and quantity of this elastic fluid, produced from the explosion of a given quan- tity of gunpowder, Mr. Robins premises, that the elas- ticity of this fluid increases by heat, and diminishes by cold, in the same manner as common air; and that the density of this fluid, and consequently its weight, is the same with the weight of an equal bulk of air, having the same elasticity and the same temperature. From these 4K2 GUN [ 620 ] GON principles, and from the experiments by which they arc established (for a detail of which we must refer to the book itself, so often cited in the preceding articles), he con- cludes that the fluid produced by the firing of gunpowder is nearly T 3 5 of the weight of the generating powder itself; and that the volume or bulk of this air or fluid, when ex- panded to the rarity of common atmospheric air, is about 244 times the bulk of the said generating powder; and which 1 have proved to be lfJOO times the bulk it occu- pied in the nitre (Tracts, vol. 3, pa. 303). Count Saluce, in his Miscel. Phil. Mathem. Soc. Priv. Taurin. pa. 125, makes the proportion as 222 to 1 ; which he says agrees with the computation of Mess. Hauksbee, Amontons, and Belidor. Hence it appears, that any quantity of powder fired in arty confined space, which it adequately fills, exerts at the instant of its explosion against, the sides of the vessel con- taining it, and the bodies it impels before it, a force at least 244 times greater than the elasticity of common air, of, which is the same thing, than the pressure of the atmo- sphere ; and this, without considering the great addition arising from the violent degree of heat with. which it is endued at that time; the quantity of which augmentation is the next head of Mr. Robins's enquiry. -He determines that the elasticity of the air is increased in a proportion somewhat greater than that of 4 to 1, when heated to the extremestheat of red hot iron ; and supposing that the flame of fired gunpowder is not of a less degree, of heat,, increa- sing the former number a little more than 4 times, makes nearly 1000; which shows that the elasticity of the flame, at the moment of explosion, is about 1000 times stronger than the elasticity of common air, or than the pressure of the atmosphere. But, from the height of the barometer, it is known that the pressure of the atmosphere upon every square inch, is on a medium 14jlb ; and therefore 1000 times this, or 147501b, is the force or pressure of the flame of gunpowder, at the moment of explosion, upon a square inch, which is very nearly equivalent to 6 tons and a half. And it is proved in my Tracts, vol. 3, that the force is more than double of this. This great force however di- minishes as the fluid dilates itself, and in that proportion, viz, in proportion to the space it occupies, it being only half the Strength when it occupies a double space, one third the strength when triple the space, and so on. Mr. Robins further supposes the degree of heat above mentioned to be a kind of medium heat; but that in the case of large quantities of powder the heat will be higher, and in very small quantities lower; and that therefore in the former case the force will be somewhat more, and in the latter somewhat less, than 1000 times the force or pres- sure of the atm jsphere. He further found that the strength of powder is the same in all variations in the density of the atmosphere. But that the moisture of the air has a great effect upon it; for the same quantity which in a dry season would dis- charge a bullet with a velocity of 1700 feet in one second, will not in damp weather give it a velocity of more than 12 or 1300 feet in a second, or even less, if the powder be bad, and improperly kept. Robins's Tracts, vol. 1, pa. 101, &c. Farther, as there is a certain quantity of water which, when mixed with powder, will prevent its firing at all, it cannot be doubted but every degree of moisture must abate the violence of the explosion ; and hence the effects of damp powder are not difficult to be accounted for. It is to be observed, however, that the moisture imbibed by powder does not render it less active when dried again. Indeed, if powder be exposed to very great damps without any caution, or when common salt abounds in it, as often happens through negligence in refining the nitre, in such cases the moisture it imbibes may perhaps be sufficient to dissolve some part of the nitre: which is a permanent da- mage that no drying can retrieve. But when tolerable care is taken in preserving powder, and the nitre it is composed of has been well purged from common salt, it will retain its force for a long time; and it is said that powder has been known to have been preserved for 50 years without any- apparent damage from its age. The velocity of expansion of the flame of gunpowder, when fired in a piece of artillery, without either bullet ot other body placed before it, is prodigiously great, viz, 7000 feet per second, or upwards, as appears from the ex- periments of Mr. Robins. But Mr. Bernoulli as well as Euler suspect it is still much greater ; though I have found it to be much the same as Mr. Robins. See my Tracts, vol. 3, pa. 306". It is this prodigious celerity of expansion of the flame of fired gunpowder, which is its peculiar excellence, and the circumstance in which it so eminently surpasses all other inventions,, either ancient or modern; for as to the momentum of these projectiles only, many of the warlike machines of the ancients produced this in a degree far sur- passing that of our heaviest cannon shot or shells ; but the great celerity given to these bodies cannot be in the least approached by any other means than the flame of powder. To prove Gunpowder. There are several ways of doing this. 1, By sight: thus, if it be too black, it is a sign that it is moist, or else that it contains too much charcoal ; so also, if rubbed upon white paper, it blackens it more than good powder does : but if it be of a kind of a2ure colour, somewhat inclining to red, it is a proof of good powder. 2, By touching : for if in crushing it with the fingers' ends, the grains break easily, and turn into dust, without feeling hard, it has too much coal in it ; or if, in pressing it under the fingers upon a smooth hard board, some grains feel harder than the rest, it denotes that the sul- phur is not well mixed with the nitre. Also by thrusting the hand into the parcel of powder, and grasping it, as if to take out a handful, you will feel whether it be dry and equally grained, by its e.vading the grasp, and running mostly out of the hand. 3, By burning : and here the method most commonly followed for this purpose with us, says Mr. Robins, is to fire a small heap of it on a clean board, and to attend nicely to the flame and smoke it pro- duces, as well as to the marks it leaves behind on the board : but besides this uncertain method, there are other contrivances made use of, such as powder-triers acting by a spring, commonly sold at the shops, and others again that move a great weight, throwing it up- wards, which is a very bad sort of epiouvettc. But these machines, says. Mr. Robins, though more perfect than the common powder-triers, are yet liable to great irregu- larities; lor as they are all moved by the instantaneous stroke of the flame, and not by its continued pressure, they do not determine the force of the fired powder with sufficient certainty and uniformity. Another method is. to judge from the range given to a large solid ball,. thrown from a very short mortar, charged with a small quantity of powder; which is also an uncertain way, both on ac- count of the great disproportion between the weight o£ GUN [ 621 ] GUN the ball and powder, and the unequal resistance of the air ; not to mention that it is too tedious to prove large quantities of powder in this way ; for, "if each barrel of powder was to be proved in this manner, the trouble of charging the mortar, and bringing back the ball each time, wouid be intolerable, and the delay so great, that' no business of this kind could ever be finished ; and if a number of barrels are received on the merit of a few, it is great odds, but some bad ones would be among them, which may prove a great disappointment in time of ser- vice." These exceptions do " noways hold," continues Mr. Robins, "against the method by which 1 have tried the comparative strength of different kinds of powder, which has been by the actual velocity given to a bullet, by such a quantity of powder as is usually esteemed a proper charge for the piece ; and as this velocity, how- ever great, is easily discovered by the motion which the pendulum acquires from the stroke of the bullet, it might seem a good amendment to the method used by the French (viz, that of the small mortar above-mentioned) to intro- duce this trial by the pendulum instead of it. But though I am satisfied, that this would be much more accurate, less laborious, and readier than the other, yet, as there is some little attention and caution required in this practice, which might render ii of less dispatch than might be con- venient, when a great number of barrels were to be sepa- rately tried, I should myself choose to practise another method not less certain, but prodigiously more expedi- tious; so that 1 could engage, that the weighing out of a small parcel of powder from each barrel should be the greatest part of the labour; and doubtless three or four hands could, by this means, examine 500 barrels in a morning : besides, the machines for this purpose, as they might be made of cast-iron, would be so very cheap, that they might be multiplied at pleasure." Robins, page 123. It is not certainly known what might be the particular construction of the eprouvette here hinted at, but it was probably a piece of ordnance suspended like a pendu- lum, as he had made several experiments with a barrel in that manner. Be this however as it may, several persons, from those ideas and experiments of Mr. Robins, have made eprouvettes on this principle, which appears to be the best of any ; and on this idea also I have lately made a machine for this purpose, which has several peculiar contrivances, and advantages over all others, both in the nature of its motion, and the divisions on its arc, &c. It is a small cannon, the bore of which is about one inch in diameter, and is usually charged with 2 ounces of pow- der, and with powder only, as a ball is not necessary, and the strength of the powder is accurately shown by the arc of the gun's recoil. The whole machine is so simple, easy, and expeditious, that, as Mr. Robins observed above, the weighing of the powder is the chief part of the trouble ; and so accurate and uniform, that the successive repeti- tions or firings with the same quantity of the same kind of powder, seldom gave a difference in the recoil of the 100th part of itself. See the construction and use of this eprouvette in my Tracts, vol. 3, tract 35. To recover damaged Powder. The method of the pow- der merchants is this: they put part of the powder on a sail-cloth, to which they add an equal weight of what is really good ; then with a shovel they mingle it well toge- ther, dry it in the sun, and barrel it up, keeping it in a dry and proper place. Others again, if it be wry bad, restore it by moistening it with vinegar, water, urine, or brandy ; they then beat it fine, sift it, and to every pound of powder add an ounce, or an ounce and a half, or two ounces (according as it is decayed), of melted nitre ; and afterwards these ingredi- ents are to be moistened and well mixed, so that nothing may be discerned in the composition, which may be known by cutting the mass, and then they granulate it as useful. In case the powder be quite spoiled, the only way is to extract the saltpetre with water, in the usual way, by boiling, filtrating, evaporating, and crystallizing; and then, with fresh sulphur and charcoal, to make it up again. On the subject of gunpowder, see also Euler on Ro- bins's Gunnery, Antoni Examen de la Poudre, Baume's Chemistry, and Thompson's Experiments in- the Philos. Trans, for 1781. GUNTER (Edmund), an excellent English mathe- matician, was born in Hertfordshire in 1581. He was educated at Westminster-school under Dr. Busby, and. from thence was elected to Christ-church college, Oxford, in 1599, where he took the degree of master of arts in l6"06", and afterwards entered into holy orders; and in 1615 he took the degree of bachelor of divinity. But be- ing particularly distinguished for his mathematical ta- lents, when Mr. Williams resigned the professorship of astronomy in Gresham-college, London, Mr. Gunter was chosen to succeed him, the 6th of March, 1619 ; where he greatly distinguished himself by his lectures and wri- tings, and where he died in 1626, at only 45 years of age, to the great loss of the mathematical world. Mr. Gunter was the author of many useful works and inventions. About the year 1606, he merited the title of an inventor, by the new projection of his Sector, which he then described in a Latin treatise, not printed however till some time afterwards. — In 161S he had invented a small portable quadrant, for the more readily finding the hour and azimuth, and other useful purposes in astronomy. — And in 16'20 or 1623, he published his Canon Triangu- lorum, or Table of Artificial Sines and Tangents, to the radius, 10,000,000 parts, to every minute of the quad- rant, being the first tables of this kind published ; together with the first 1000 of Briggs's logarithms of common num- bers, which were in later editions extended to 10,000 num- bers. — In 1622, he discovered, byexperiment madeatDept- ford, the variation or changeable declination of the mag- netic needle; his experiment showing that the declination had varied 5 degrees in the space of 42 years; and the same was confirmed and established by his successor Mr. Gellibrand. — He applied the logarithms of numbers, and of sines and tangents, to straight lines drawn on a scaleor ruler; with which, proportions in common numbers and trigonometry were resolved, by the mere application of a pair of compasses; a method founded on this property, that the logarithms of the terms of equal ratios are equi- different. This was called Gunter's Proportion, and Gun- ter's Line ; and the instrument, in the form of a two-foot scale, is still in common use for navigation and other pur- poses, and is commonly called the Gunter. He also greatly improved the sector and other instruments, for the same uses ; the description of all which he published in l624- — He introduced the common measuring chain, now constantly used in land-surveying, which is thence called Gunter's chain. — Mr. Gunter drew the lines on the dials in Whitehall-garden, and wrote the description- and use of them, by the direction of Prince Charles, iu- a small GUN [ &n ] GUN tract ; which he afterwards printed at the desire of King James, in l624. — He was the first who used the word co- sine, for the sine of the complement of an arc. He also introduced the use of arithmetical complements into the logarithmical arithmetic, as is witnessed by Briggs, cap. 15, Arith. Log. And it has been said that he first started the idea of the Logarithmic Curve, which was so called, because the segments of its axis are the logarithms of the corresponding ordinates. His works have been collected, and various editions of them have been published ; the 5th is by Mr. William Leybourne, in lo"73, containing the Description and Use of the Sector, Cross-staff, Bow, Quadrant, and other in- struments; with several pieces added by Samuel Foster, Henry Bond, and William Leybourne. Gunter's Chain, the chain in common use formea- sui-ing land, according to true or statute measure; so called from Mr. Gunter its reputed inventor. The length of the chain is 66 feet, or 22 yards, or 4 poles of b\ yards each; and it is divided into 100 links, of 7'92 inches each. This chain is the most convenient of any instrument for measuring land, because the contents 'hence computed are so easily reduced to acres. The reason of which is, that an acre of land is just equal to 10 square chains, or 10 chains in length and 1 in breadth, or equal to 100,000 square links. Hence, the dimensions being taken in chains, and multiplied together, it gives the content in square chains; which therefore being divided by 10, or a figure cut off for decimals, brings trie content to acres ; after ■which the decimals are reduced to roods and perches, by multiplying by 4 and 40. But the better way is to set the dimensions down in links as integers, considering each chain as 100 links; then, having multiplied the dimen- sions together, producing square links, divide these by 100,000, that is, cut off five places for decimals, the rest are acres, and the decimals are reduced to roods and perches, as before. Example. Suppose in measuring a rectangular piece of ground, its length be 795 links, and its breadth 480 links. Ac. Ro. 63600 31 80 ¥8 1600 4 3'26'4 40 • Per. 10 560 So the content is 3 ac. 3 roods 10 perches. Gunter's Line, a Logarithmic line, usually graduated upon scales, sectors, &c ; and so called from its inventor Mr. Gunter. This is otherwise called the line of lines, or line of numbers, and consists of the logarithms transferred upon a ruler, &c, from the tables, by means of a scale of equal parts, which therefore serves to resolve problems in- strumentally, in the same manner as logarithms do arith- metically. For, whereas logarithms resolve proportions, or perform multiplication and division, by only addition and subtraction, the same are performed on this line by turning a pair of compasses over this way or that, or by sliding one slip of wood by the side of another, &c. A line of this description has been contrived various ways, for the advantage of having it as long as possible. As, first, on the two feet ruler or scale, by Gunter. Then, in 1627 the logarithms were drawn by Wingate, on two separate rulers, sliding against each other, to save the use of compasses in resolving proportions. They were also in 1627 applied to concentric circles by Oughtred. Then in a spiral form by Mr. Milburne of Yorkshire, about the year 1650. Also, in l657, on the present common sliding rule, by Seth Partridge. Lastly, Mr. William Nicholson has proposed another disposition of them, on concentric circles, in the Philos. Trans, an. 1787, pa. 251. His instrument is equivalent to a straight rule of 28f inches long. It consists of three concentric circles, engraved and graduated on a plate of about 1J inch in diameter. From the centre proceed two legs, having right-lined edges in the direction of radii ; which are moveable cither singly, or together. To use this instrument ; place the edge of one leg at the antecedent of any proportion, and the other at the consequent, and fix them to that angle: the two legs being then moved to- gether, and the antecedent leg placed at any other num- ber, the other leg gives its consequent in the like position or situation on the lines. The whole length of the line is divided into two equal intervals, or radii, of 9 larger divisions in each radius, which are numbered from 1 to 10, the 1 standing at the the begining of the line, because the logarithm of 1 is 0, and the 10 at the end of each radius; also each of these 9 spaces is subdivided into 10 other parts, unequal ac- cording to the logarithms of numbers ; the smaller divi- sions being always lOths of the larger ; thus, if the large divisions be units or ones, the smaller are tenth-parts; if the larger be tens, the smaller are ones; and if the larger be 100's, the smaller are 10's ; &c. Use of Gunter's Line. 1. To find the product of two num- bers. Extend the compasses from 1 to either of the num- bers, and that extent will reach the same way from the other number to the product. Thus, tx) mi Itiply 7 and 5 together; extend the compasses from 1 to 5, and that ex- tent will reach from 7 to 35, the product. 2^ To divide one number by another. Extend the com- passes from the divisor to 1, and that extent will reach the same way from the dividend to the quotient. Thus, to divide 35 by 5 ; extend the compasses from 5 to I, and that extent will reach from 35 to 7, which is the quotient. 3. To find a ith proportional to three given numbers ; as suppose to 6, 9> and 10- Extend from 6 to 9, and that extent will reach from 10 to 15, which is the 4th propor- tional sought. In like manner, a 3d proportional is found to two given terms, extending from the 1st to the 2d, and then from the 2d to the 3d. 4. To find a mean proportional between two giten numbers, as suppose between 7 and 2S Extend from 7 to 28, and bisect that extent ; then its half will reach from 7 forward, or from 28 backward, to 14, the mean proportional be- tween them. — Also, to ex tract the square root, as of 25, which is only finding a mean proportional between 1 and the given square 25, bisect the distance between 1 and 25, and the half will reach from 1 to 5, the root sought. — Inlikcman- ner the cube or 3d root, or the 4th, 5th, or any higher root, is found, by taking the extent between 1 and the given power ; then take such part of it as is denoted by the index of the root, viz, the 3A part for the cube root, the 4th part for the 4th root, and so on, and that part will reach from ] to the root sought. If the line on the scale or ruler have a slider, this is to be used instead of the compasses. GUN t Gunter's Quajjrant, is a quadrant made of wood, brass, or some other substance ; being a kind of stereo- graphic projection on the plane of the equinoctial, the eye being supposed in one of the poles: so that the tropic, ecliptic, and horizon, form the arches of circles, but the hour circles other curves, drawn by means of several alti- tudes of the sun, for some particular latitude every day in the year. The use of this instrument, is to find the hour of the the day, the sun's azimuth, &c, and other common pro- blems of the sphere or globe ; as also to take the altitude of an object in degrees. See Quadrant. Gunter's Scale, usually called byseamenThe Gunter, is a large plain scale, having various lines upon it of great ' use in working the cases or questions in Navigation. This scale is usually 2 feet long, and about an inch and a half broad, with various lines upon it, both natural and loga- rithmic, relating to trigonometry, and navigation, &c. On the one side are the natural lines, and on the other the artificial or logarithmic ones. The former side is first divided into inches and tenths, and numbered from 1 to 24 inches, running the whole length near one edge. One half the length of this side consists of two plane diagonal scales, for taking off dimensions to three places of figures. On the other half or foot of this side,are contained various lines relating to trigonometry, in the natural numbers, and marked thus, viz, Rumb, the rumbs or points of the compass, Chord, the line of chords, Sine, the line of sines, Tang, the tangents, S. T. the semitangents, and at the other end of this half are Leag. leagues, or equal parts, Rumb. another line of rumbs, 623 ] GYM M. L. miles of longitude, Chor. another line of chords. Also in the middle of this foot are L. and P. two other lines of equal parts. And all these lines, on this side of the scale, serve for drawing or laying down the figures to the cases in trigonometry and navigation. On the other side of the scale are the following artifi- cial or logarithmic lines, which serve for working or re- solving those c^ses ; viz, S. R. the sine rumbs, T. R. the tangent rumbs, Numb, line of numbers, Sine, Sines, V. S. the yersed sines, Tang, the tangents, Meri. Meridional parts, E. P. Equal parts. The late Mr. John Robertson, clerk and librarian to the Royal Society, greatly improved this scale, both as to size and accuracy, for the use of mariners. He extended it to 30 inches long, 2 inches broad, and half an inch thick ; upon which the several lines are very accurately laid down by Messrs. Nairne and Blunt, ingenious instru- ment makers. Mr. Robertson died before his improved scales were published ; but the account and description of them were supplied and drawn up by his friend Mr. Wil- liam Mountaine, and published in 177S. GUTTiE, or Drops, in Architecture, are ornaments in form of little bells or cones, used in the Doric order, on the architrave, below the tryglyphs. There are usually six of them. GYMNOSOPHISTS, a set of Indian philosophers, fa- mous in antiquity ; so denominated from their going bare- foot ; as that of Peripatetics was given to those who phi- losophized walking. H A I H. H A I TIADLEY (John), a distinguished member of theRoyal Society, was elected a fellow in 1717, and died Feb. 15, 1744. He contributed many useful papers to the Royal Society, which arc. contained in their Trans, from vol. 32 to vol. 3y inclusive. But he has been chiefly cele- brated for the invention of his reflecting instrument for taking angles, commonly called the Hadley's Quadrant or Sextant, offered to the Royal Society in 1731, by which his name has been rendered immortal. Hadley's Quadrant, Sextant, &c, an excellent instru- ment so called from its inventor John Hadley, esq. See its description and use under the article Quadrant. HAIL, or Hailstones, an aqueous concretion, usually in form of white or pellucid spherules, descending out of the atmosphere. Hailstones assume various shapes, being sometimes round, at other times pyramidal, crenated, an- gular, thin, and flat, and sometimes stellated, with six radii like the small crystals of snow. It is very difficult to accouut for the phenomena of hail in a satisfactory manner ; and there are various opinions on this head. It is usually conceived that hail is formed of drops of rain, frozen in their passage through the mid- dle region. Others, as the Cartesians, take it for the fragments of a frozen cloud, half melted, and thus preci- pitated and congealed again. Signor Beccaria supposes, that it is formed in the higher regions of the air, where the cold is intense, and where the electric matter is very copious. In these circumstances, a great number of par- ticles of water are brought near together, where they are frozen, and in their descent they collect other particles ; so that the density of the substance of the hailstone be- comes less and less, from the centre ; this being formed first in the higher regions, and the surface being collected in the lower. Accordingly, in mountains, hailstones as well as drops of rain, are very small; and both agree in this circumstance, that the more intense the electricity is that forms them, the larger they are. It is frequently ob- served that hail attends thunder and lightning ; and hence Beccaria observes, that as motion promotes freezing, so the rapid motion of the electrified clouds may promote that effect in the air. Natural histories furnish us with a great variety of curious instances of extraordinary show- ers of hail. See the Philos. Trans. No. 203, 229 ; and Hist, de France, torn. 2, pa. 33 , HAL [ m } HAL HALF-Moon, in Fortification, is an outwork having only two faces, forming together a saliant angle, which is flanked by some part of the place, and of the other bas- tions. See Demilune and Ravelin. Half-Tangents, are the tangents of the half arcs. .See Scale and Semitangents. HALLEY (Dr. Edmund), a most eminent English mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, was born in the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, near London, Oct. 29, 1656'. His father, a wealthy citizen and soap-boiler, resolving to improve the promising disposition observed in his son, put him first to St. Paul's school, where he soon excelled in all parts of classical learning, and made besides a considerable advance in the mathematics; so that, as Wood observes, he had perfectly learnt the use of the celestial globe, and could make a complete dial ; and we are informed by Halley himself, that he observed the change of the variation of the magnetic needle at Lon- don in 1672, one year before he left school. In lC/3 he was was sent to Oxford, where he chiefly applied himself to mathematics and astronomy, in which he was greatly assisted by a curious apparatus of instruments, which his father, willing toencourage his son's genius, had purchased for him. At 19 years of age he began to oblige the world with new observations and discoveries (which he continued to do to the end of a very long life), by publishing " A Directand Geometrical Method of finding the Apheliaand Excentricity of the planets." Besides various particular observations, made from time, to time on the celestial phe- nomena ; he had, from his first admission into college, pursued a general scheme for ascertaining the true places of the fixed stars, and by this means to correct the errors of Tycho Brahe. His original view in this was, to carry on the design of that first restorer of astronomy, by com- pleting the catalogue of those stars from his own observa- tions ; but, on further inquiry, finding this province taken up by Hevelius and Flamsteed, he dropped that pursuit, and formed another ; which was, to perfect the whole scheme of the heavens, by the addition of the stars which lie so near the south pole, that they could not be observed by those astronomers,, as never rising above the horizon 'either at Dantzick or at Greenwich. With this intention he left the University, before he had taken any degree, and embarked for the island of St. Helena in Nov. 1676, when he was only 20 years of age, and arrived thereafter a voyage of three months. He immediately set about his task with such diligence, that he completed his catalogue, and, returning home, landed in England in Nov. 1678, after an absence of two years only. The university of Ox- ford immediately conferred upon him the degree of a. m. and the Royal Society of London elected him one of their members. In 1679 he was selected by the Royal Society to go to Dantzick, to endeavour to adjust a dispute between He- velius and Mr. Hooke, concerning the preference between plain and glass sights, in astroscopica) instruments. He arrived at Dantzick the 26th of May, when he immedi- ately, in conjunction with Hevelius, set about their astro- nomical observations, which they closely continued till the 18th of July, when Halley left Dantzick, and returned to England. In the year ]680 he undertook what is called the grand tour, accompanied by his friend the celebrated Mr. Nel- ROfJ, In the way from Calais to L'aris, Mr. Halley had a ^ight of a remarkable comet, as it then appeared a second time that year, in its return from the sun. He had, the November before, seen it in its descent : and he now hasten- ed to complete his observations upon it, by viewing it from the royal observatory of France. His design in this part of his tour was, to settle a friendly correspondence between the two royal astronomers of Greenwich and Paris ; and in the mean time to improve himself under so great a mas- ter as Cassini. From thence he went to Italy, where he spent a great part of the year l6"Sl ; but his affairs calling him home, he then returned to England. Soon after his return, he married the daughter of Mr. Tooke, auditor of the exchequer, and took up his resi- dence at Islington, where he set up his tube and sextant, and eagerly pursued his favourite study : in the society of this amiable lady he lived happily for five-and-fifty years. In 1683 he published his Theory of the variation of the Magnetical Compass ; in which he supposes the whole globe of the earth to be one great magnet, having four magnetical poles, or points of attraction, &c. The same year also he entered upon a new method of finding the longitude, by an accurate observation of the moon's mo- tion. His pursuits it seems were now a little interrupted by the death of his father, who having suffered greatly by the fire of London, as well as by a second marriage, into which he had imprudently entered, was found to have wasted his fortune. Our author however soon resumed his pursuits; for in the beginning of 1684 he turned his thoughts to the subject of Kepler's sesqui-alterate pro- portion ; when, after some meditation, he concluded from it, that the centripetal force must decrease in proportion to the square of the distance reciprocally. He found himself unable to make it out in any geometrical way, and therefore, after applying in vain for assistance to D. Hooke and Sir Christopher Wren, he went to Cambridge to Mr. Newton, who fully supplied him with what he so ardently sought. But Halley having now found an immense treasure in Newton, could not rest, till he had prevailed with the owner to enrich the public with it; and to this interview the world is in some measure in- debted for the Principia Mathematics. Philosophic Na- turaiis. That great work was published in 1686; and Halley, who had the whole care of the impression, pre- fixed to it a discourse of his own, giving a general account of the astronomical part of the book ; and also an elegant copy of verses in Latin. In l6"S7 he undertook to explain the cause of a natu- ral phenomenon, which had till then baffled the researches of the ablest geographers. It is observed that the Medi- terranean sea never swells in the least, though there is no visible discharge of the prodigious quantity of water that runs into it from nine large rivers, besides several small ones, and the constant setting in of the current at the mouth of the Straits. His solution of this difficulty gave so much satisfaction to the R. Society, that he was requested to prosecute these enquiries. He did so ; and having shown, by many accurate experiments, how that vast accession of water was actually carried off in vapours, raised by the action of the sun and wind upon its surface, he proceeded with the like success to point out the me- thod used by nature to return (he said vapours into the sea. This circulation he supposes to be carried on by the winds driving these vapours to the mountains; where being collected, they form springs, which uniting become rivulets or brooks, and many of these, again meeting in the valleys, grow into large rivers, emptying themselves at HAL [ fe ] Hal last into the sea : thus demonstrating, in the most beauti- ful and satisfactory manner, the way in which the equili- brium of receipt and expense is continually preserved in the universal ocean. He next ranged in the field of speculative geometry, where, observing some imperfections in the methods be- fore given for constructing solid problems, or equations of the 3d and 4th powers, he furnished new rules, which were both more easy and more elegant than any of the former; together with a new method of finding the number of roots of such equations, and the limits of the same. Mr. Halley next undertook to publish a more correct Ephemeris for the year lfjSS. there being then great want of proper ephemerides of any tolerable exactness, the common ones being justly complained of by Mr. Flamsteed. — In 1091 he published exact tables of the conjunctions of Venus and Mcrcur}'; and he afterwards showed one extraordi- nary use to be made of those tables, viz, for discovering the sun's parallax, and thence the true distance of the earth from the sun. — In 1692, our author produced his tables for showing the value of annuities on lives, calcu- lated from bills of mortality; and his universal theorem for finding the foci of optic glasses. But it would be endless to" enumerate all his valuable discoveries now communicated to the Royal Society, and published in the Philos. Trans, of which, for many years, his pieces were the chief ornament and support. Their various merit is thrown into one view by the writer of his eloge in the Paris Memoirs; who, having mentioned his History of the Trade-winds and Monsoons, proceeds in these terms: "This was immediately followed by his esti- mation of the quantity of vapours which the sun raises from the sea; the circulation of vapours; the origin of fountains ; questions on the nature of light and transpa- rent bodies; a determination of the degrees of mortality, in order to adjust the valuation of annuities on lives; and many other works in the sciences, relating to astronomy, geometry, and algebra, optics and dioptrics, ballistics and artillery, speculative and experimental philosophy, natu- ral history, antiquities, philology, and criticism ; being about 25 or 30 dissertations, which he produced during the 9 or 10 years of his residence at London ; and all abounding with ideas new, singular, and useful." In 169I, the Savillian professorship of astronomy at Ox- ford being vacant, he applied for that office, but without success. Whiston, in the Memoirs of his own Life, tells us from Dr. Bentley, that Halley " being thought of for successor to the mathematical chair at Oxford, bishop Stillinffleet was desired to recommend him at court; but hearing that he was a sceptic and a banterer of religion, the bishop scrupled to be concerned, till his chaplain Bentley should confer with him on the subject, which he did. But Halley was so sincere in his infidelity, that he would not so much as pretend to believe the Christian re- ligion, though he was likely to lose a professorship: and it was in consequence given to Dr. David Gregory." Halley had published his Theory of the Variation of the Magnetical Compass, as has been already observed, in 1 6'83 ; which, though it was well received both at home and abroad, he found, upon a review, liable to great and insuperable objections. Yet the phenomena of the varia- tion of the needle, upon which it is raised, being so many certain and indisputable facts, he spared no pains to pos- sess himself of all the observations relating to it he could possibly come at. To this end he procured an applica- VOL. I. tiontobemade to King William, who appointed him com- mander of the Paramour pink, with orders to search out by observations the discovery of the rule of variations, and to lay down the longitudes and latitudes of" the English settlements in America. — He set out on this attempt on the 24th of November, 1698; but having crossed the lines his men grew sickly, and his fiist-lieuteuant mutinying, he returned to England in June 16'99. Having got the lieutenant tried and cashiered, he set sail a second time in September following, with the same ship, and another .of less bulk; of which he had also the command. He now traversed the vast Atlantic ocean from one hemisphere to the other, as far as the ice would permit him to go; and having made his observations at St. Helena, Brazil, Cape Verde, Barbadoes, the Madeiras, the Canaries, the coast of Barbary, and many other latitudes, he arrived in Eng- land in September 1 700; and the next year published a general chart, showing at one view the variation of the compass in all those places. Captain Halley, as he was now called, had been at home little more than half a year, when he was sent by the king, to observe the course of the tides, with the longitude and latitude of the principal head-lands in the British chan- nel ; which having executed with his usual expedition and accuracy, he published a large map of the channel. Soon after, the Emperor of Germany resolving to make a convenient harbour for shipping in the Adriatic, Captain Halley was sent by Queen Anne to view the two ports on the coast of Dalmatia. He embarked on the 22d of No- vember 1702 ; passed over to Holland ; and going through Germany to Vienna, be proceeded to Istria; but the Dutch opposing the design, it was laid aside ; yet the em- peror made him a present of a rich diamond ring from his finger, and honoured him with a letter of recommendation, written with his own hand, to Queen Anne. It was not long after his return that he was sent again on the same business; when passing through Hanover, he supped with the Electoral Prince, who was afterwards King George the 1st, and his sister the queen of Prussia. On his ar- rival at Vienna, he had likewise the honour the same evening to be presented to the emperor, who sent his chief engineer to attend him to Istria, where they repaired the fortifications of Trieste, and added new ones. Mr. Halley returned to England in November 1703 ; and the same year he was made professor of geometry in the university of Oxford, instead of Dr. Wallis, then just deceased. On his accession to this office the university was pleased to honour him with the degree of doctor of laws. He was scarcely settled in Oxford, when he began to translate into Latin, from the Arabic, Apollonius de Sectione Rationis ; and to restore the two books De Sec- tione Spatii of the same author, which are lost, from the account given of them by Pappus ; and he published the whole work in 1706". He afterwards had a share in pre- paring for the press Apollonius's Conies ; and ventured to supply the whole 8th book, the original of which is also lost. To this work he added Serenus on the Section of the Cylinder and Cone, printed from the original Greek, with a Latin translation, and published the whole in folio 1710. Besides these, the Miscellanea Curiosa, in 3 vo- lumes 8vo, had come out under his direction in 1708. In 1713, he succeeded Doctor, afterwards Sir, Hans Sloane, in the office of secretary to the Royal Society. And, on the death of Mr. Flamsteed in 1719, he was ap- pointed to succeed him at Greenwich as astronomer-royal ; 4 L HAL [ 626 1 HAL on which occasion, that he might be more at leisure to attend the duties of this important situation, he resigned the office of secretary to the Royal Society in 1721. Though he was 63 or 64 years of age when he entered on his office at Greenwich, yet for the space of IS years he watched the heavens with the closest attention, hardly ever missing an observation during all that time, and, without any assistant, performed the whole business of the observatory himself. On the accession of the late king, the queen consort Caroline made a visit to the Royal Observatory : being pleased with every thing she saw, and understanding the smallness of the astronomer's salary (100/. a year), her majesty very graciously said that she would speak to the king to have it increased; to which Dr. Halley, alarmed, replied, " Pray your majesty do no such thing; for should the salary be increased, it might become an object of emolument to place there some unqualified needy de- pendent, to the ruin of the institution." However, un- derstanding that the Dr. had formerly served the crown as a captain in the navy, she soon after obtained a grant of his half-pay for that commission, which he accordingly enjoyed from that time during his life. An offer was also made him of being appointed mathematical preceptor to the Duke of Cumberland ; but he declined that honour, an account of his advanced age, and the duties of his office. In 1729 he was chosen a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. About 1737 he was seized with a paralytic disorder in his right hand, which, it is said, was the first attack he ever felt on his constitution: however, he came as usual, once a week, till within a very short time of his death, to meet his friends in town on Thursdays, the day of the Royal Society's meeting, at what is still called Dr.Halley's club. His paralytical disorder increasing, his strength gradually wore away, till he expired Jan. 14, 1742, in the Soth year of his age; and his corps was interred in the church-yard of Lee near Blackheath. Besides the works before mentioned, his principal pub- lications are, I. Catalogus Stellarum Australium. 2. Ta- bulae Astronomical. 3. The Astronomy of Comets. With a great multitude of papers in the Philos. Trans. from vol. 11 to vol.60. HALIFAX (John). See Holywood. HALO, or Corona, a coloured circle appearing round the body of the sun, moon, or the larger -stars. Naturalists conceive the halo to arise from a refraction of the rays of light, in passing through the fine rare vesicu- I32 of a thin vapour, towards the top of the atmosphere. Descartes observes, that the halo never appears when it rains ; whence he concludes that this phenomenon is occa- sioned by the refraction of light in the round particles of ice, which are then floating in the atmosphere ; and to the different protuberance of these particles he ascribes the variation in the diameter of the halo. Gassendi sup- poses, that a halo is occasioned in the same manner as the rainbow ; the rays of light being, in both cases, twice re- fracted and once reflected within each drop of rain or va- pour, and that the difference ■between them arises entirely from their different situation with respect to the observer. Dechales also endeavoured to show that the generation of the halo is similar to that of the rainbow ; and that the reason why the colours of the halo arc more dilute than those of the rainbow, is owing chiefly to their being form- ed, not in large drops of rain, but in very small vapour. But the most considerable and generally received theory, relating to the generation of halos, is that of Huygens. This celebrated author supposes halos, or circles round the sun, to be formed by small round grains of hail, com- posed of two different parts, the one of which is transpa- rent, inclosing the other, which is opaque : And this is the general structure actually observed in hail. He fur- ther supposes that the grains or globules, that form these halos, consisted at first of soft snow, and that they have been rounded by a continual agitation in the air, and thawed on their outside by the heat of the sun, &c. And he illustrates his ideas of their formation by geometrical figures. v Mr. Weidler endeavours to refute Huygens's manner of accounting for halos, by a vast number of small vapours, each with a snowy nucleus, coated round with a transpa- rent covering. He observes, that when the sun paints its image in the atmosphere, and by the force of its rays puts the vapours in motion, and drives them toward the sur- face, till they are collected in such a quantity, and at such a distance from the sun on each side, that its rays are twice refracted, and twice reflected, they will when they reach the eye exhibit the appearance of a halo,adorned with the colours of the rainbow; which may happen in globular pellucid vapours without snowy nuclei, as ap- pears by the experiment of hollow' glass spheres filled with water: therefore, whenever those spherical vapours are situated as before mentioned, the refractions and reflec- tions will happen every where alike, and the figure of a circular crown, with the usual order of colours, will be the consequence. Philos. Trans. No. 458. Newton's theory of halos may be seen in his Optics, pa. 155. And this curious theory was confirmed by ac- tual observation in June 1692, when the author saw by reflection, in a vessel of stagnated water, three halos, crowns, or rings of colours, about the sun, like three small rainbows concentric to his body. These crowns inclosed one another immediately, so that their colours proceeded in this continual order from the sun outward : blue, white, red ; purple, blue, green, pale yellow, and red ; pale blue, pale red. Crowns like these sometimes appear about the moon. The more equal the globules of water or ice are to one another, the more crowns of colours will appear, and the colours will be the more lively. Optics, pa. 288. There are several ways of exhibiting phenomena similar to these. The flame of a candle, placed in the midst of a steam in cold weather, or set at the distance of some feet from a glass window that has been breathed upon, while the spectator is also at the distance of some feet from an- other part of the window, or placed behind a glass receiver, when air is admitted into the vacuum within it to a cer- tain density, in each of these circumstances will appear to be encompassed by a coloured halo. Also, a quantity of water being thrown up against the sun, will, as it breaks and disperses into drops, form a kind of halo or iris, ex- hibiting all the colours of the natural rainbow. Mus- schenbroek observed, that when the glass windows of his room were covered with a thin plate of ice on the inside, the moon seen through it was surrounded with a large and variously coloured halo; which, upon opening the window, he found arose entirely from that thin plate of ice, because none was observed except through this plale. The same author concludes his account of coronas with observing, that some density of vapour, or some thickness of the plates of ice, divides the light in its transmission HAM [ 627 ] H A R either through the small globules or their interstices, iixo its separate colours ; but what that density is, or what the size of the particles which compose the vapour may be, he does not pretend to determine. Introd. ad Phil. Nat. pa. 1037. It has often been observed that a halo about the sun or moon, does not appear circular aDd concentric to the lu- minary, but oval and excentric, with its longest diameter perpendicular to the horizon, and extended from the moon farther downward than upward. Dr. Smith ascribes this phenomenon to the apparent concave vault of the sky being less than a hemisphere. When the angle 'which the diameter of a halo subtends at the eye is 45° or 46°, and the bottom of the halo is near the horizon, and conse- quently its apparent figure is most oval, the apparent ver- tical diameter is divided by the moon in the proportion of about 2 to 3 or 4, and is to the horizontal diameter drawn through the moon, as 4 to 3, nearly. — See farther on the subject of this article, Priestley's Hist, of Discoveries re- lating to Vision, pa. 596 — 6l3 ; and Smith's Optics, art. 167, 513, 526, 52", &c. HAMEL (Johx-Baptiste du), a very learned French philosopher and writer, of the 17th century, was born in Lower Normandy in l6l4. At IS years of age he pub- lished a treatise, in which he explained, in a very simple manner, and by one or two figures, Theodosius's 3 books on Spherics; to which he added a tract on trigonometry extremely perspicuous, and designed as an introduction to astronomy. He published afterwards various other works on astronomy and philosophy. Natural philoso- phy, as it was then taught, was only a collection of vague, knotty, and barren questions ; when our author under- took to establish it upon right principles, and published his Astronomia Physica. In 1666 M. Colbert proposed to Louis the 14th a scheme, which was approved of, for establishing a royal academy of sciences ; and appointed our author secretary of it. In l678, his Philosophia Vetus et Nova was printed at Paris in 4 vols, 12mo ; and in 16S1 it was en- larged and printed there in 6 vols. Hamel wrote several other pieces; and his works in this way were collected and published at Nuremberg 1GS1, in 4 volumes 4to, under the title of Opera Philosophica et Astronomica. These were highly valued at that period, though the improve- ments in philosophy since that time have rendered them of little or no use in the present. In 1697, our author resigned his place of secretary of the Royal Academy of Sciences ; in which he was suc- ceeded by M. Fontenelle. However, he published, in l6"98, Regiae ScientiarumAcademi8eHistoria,4to, in four books ; which being much approved, he afterwards augmented with two books more. This work contains an account of the foundation of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and its transactions, from 1666 to 1700, and is now the most useful of all his works. He was Regius Professor of Phi- losophy, in which office he was succeeded by M. Varignon, at his death, which happened Aug. 6, 1706, in the 93d year of his age. HAMILTON (Da. Hugh), a very respectable ma- thematician, and philosopher, was born at Knock, in the county of Dublin, March 26, IT29- He entered Trinity- college, Dublin, in November 1742, and obtained a kU luwship in that college in 1751, when he was only 22 years of age. In the year 1758, he published his well- known and much-admired Treatise on Conic Sections ; and the next year was elected Erasmus Smith's professor of natural philosophy. In the discharge of his duty as professor, he composed and published four lectures intro- ductory to the study of natural philosophy ; and in the year 1762, he wrote three philesophical essays on the ascent of vapours, the formation of clouds, rain, &c ; on the nature of the aurora borealis, and the tails of comets ; and on the principles of mechanics. Dr. Hamilton resigned his fellowship in 1764, having accepted the living of Kilmacrean, in the gift of the col- lege: in 1767, he was collated to the parish ol St. Anne'b, Dublin. This latter preferment was soon exchanged for the deanery of Armagh. In 1772, he married; and soon after published his essay on the existence and attributes of the Supreme Being. In the year 1792, he made some im- portant improvements in the construction of the barome- ter; and in 1794, drew up a paper on the power of fixed caustic alkaline salts, to preserve the flesh of animals from putrefaction. All this time he continued to attend sedu- lously and conscientiously to his duties as a parish priest. In January 1796, he was consecrated bishop of Clonfert; and about 3 years afterwards he was translated to the see of Ossory, of which he continued bishop nearly seven years. He died Dec. 1, 1805, in the 77th year of his age. The principal trait in the disposition of Bishop Hamil- ton, was unaffected humility: his chief intellectual cha- racteristic, a patient manner of thinking. His theory of the solution of water in air is now exploded, and his theory of the aurora borealis has yielded to that of M. Libes. (See Aurora Borealis). But his mechanical essays may still be read with pleasure and advantage. Dr. Hamil- ton's works have been lately collected and published by his son Alexander Hamilton, in 2 vols. 8vo ; of which, the first contains the Latin edition of the Conic Sections. HANCES, Hatches, or Hanses, in Architecture, are certain intermediate parts of arches between the key or crown and the spring at the bottom, being perhaps about one-third of the arch, and situated nearer the bottom than the top or crown ; and are otherwise called the spandrels. HANDSPIKE, or Hanspec, a lever or piece of ash, elm, or other strong wood, for raising by the hand great weights, &c. It is 5 or 6 feet long, cut thin and crooked at the lower end, that it may be forced more readily be- tween things required to be separated, or under any thing that is to be raised. It is better than a crow of iron, be- cause its length allows a better poise. HARD Bodies, are such as are absolutely inflexible to any pressure or percussion whatever: differing from soft bodies, whose parts yield and are easily moved among one another, without restoring themselves again; and from elastic bodies, the parts of which also yield and give way, but presently restore themselves again to their former state and situation. Hence, hard bodies do not bend, or indent, but break. It is probable however there are no bodies in nature that are absolutely or perfectly either hard, soft, or elastic ; but all possessing these qualities, more or less, in some degree. M. Bernoulli asserts that hardness, in the common sense, is absolutely impossible, being con- trary to the law of continuity. The laws of motion for hard bodies are the same as for soft ones, both being sup- posed to adhere together on their impact. And these two kinds of bodies might be comprised under the common name of Un-elastic. HARDENING, the giving a greater degree of hardness to bodies than they had before. There are several ways 4L2 H A R [ 688 ] H A R of hardening iron and steel ; as by hammering them, quenching them in cold water, &c. Case-HARDENING, is a superficial conversion of iron into steel, as if it were casing it, or covering it with a thin coat of harder matter. It is thus performed: Take cow- horn or hoof, vvell'dried in an oven, and beat it to powder; put equal quantities of this powder and of bay-salt into stale urine, or white-wine vinegar, and mix them well to- gether; cover the iron or steel with this mixture, and wrap it up in loam, or plate iron, so as the mixture may touch every part of the work ; then put it in the fire, and blow the coals, till the whole lump has acquired a blood- red heat, but no higher; lastly, take it out, and quench it. — See Steel, under which article are described other processes for this purpose. HARDING, a small new primary planet, called also Juno, discovered by the astronomer M. Harding. HARDNESS, or Rigidity, that quality in bodies by which their parts so cohere as not to yield inward, or give way to an external impulse, without instantly going be- yond the distance of their mutual attraction ; and there- fore are not subject to any motion in respect of each other, ■without breaking the body. There were many fanciful opinions among the ancients, concerning the cause of hard- ness ; such as heat, cold, dryness, the hooked figure of the particles of matter. The Cartesians make the hardness of bodies to consist in rest, as that of soft and fluid ones in the motion of their particles. Newton shows that the primary particles of all bodies, whether solid or fluid, are perfectly hard ; and are not ca- pable of being broken or divided by any power in nature. These particles, he maintains, are connected and kept to- gether by an attractive power; and according to the cir- cumstances of this attraction, the body is either hard, or soft, or even fluid. If the particulars be so disposed or fitted for each other, as to touch in large surfaces, the body will be hard ; and the more so as those surfaces are the larger. If, on the contrary, they only touch in small surfaces, the body, by the weakness of the attraction, will remain soft. At present, many philosophers are of opi- nion, that hardness consists in the absence or want of the action of the universal fluid, or elementary fire, among the particles of the bod}', or a deficiency of what is called latent heat; while on the contrary, fluidity, according to them, consists in the motion of the particles, in conse- quence of the action of that elementary fire. *■ Hardness appears to diminish the cohesion of bodies, in some degree, though their frangibility or brittleness does not by any means keep pace with their hardness. Thus, though glass be very hard and very brittle; yet flint is still harder, though less brittle. Among the metals, these two properties seem to be more connected, though even here the connexion is by no means complete : for though steel be both the hardest and most brittle of all the metals; yet lead, which is the softest, is not the most ductile. Neither is hardness connected with the specific gravity of bodies ; for a diamond, the hardest substance in nature, is little more than half the weight of the lightest metal. And as little is it connected with the. coldness, or electrical properties, or any other quality with which we are ac- quainted. Some bodies are rendered hard by cold, and others by different degrees of heat. Mr. Quist and others have constructed tables of the hardness of different, substances. And the manner of con- structing these tables, was by observing the order in which they were able to cut or make any impression upon one another. The following table, extracted from Magellan's edition of Cronstedt's Mineralogy, was taken from Quist, Bergman, and Kirwan. The first column shows the hard- ness, and the second the specific gravity. Hard- Spec. ness. Grav. Diamond from Ormus 20 3-7 Pink diamond 19 3-4 Blueish diamond 19 3-3 Yellowish diamond 19 33 Cubic diamond IS 3'2 Ruby 17 4"2 Pale blue sapphire 17 3-S Pale ruby from Brazil 16 35 Deep blue sapphire 16' 3-8 Topaz 15 4-2 Whitish ditto 14 3-5 Ruby spincll 13 3-4 Emerald 12 2-8 Garnet 12 4-4 Agate 12 2-6 Onyx 12 2-6 Sardonyx 12 2-6 Bohemian topaz 11 2'8 Occid. amethyst 11 2-7 Crystal 11 2-6 Carnelian 11 2-7 Green jasper 11 2-7 Schoerl 10 3-6 Tourmaline 10 30 Quartz 10 2-7 Opal - 10 2-6 Chrysolite 10 37 Reddish yellow jasper 9 2-6 Zeolyte 8 2-1 Fluor 7 3-5 Calcareous spar 6 2-7 Gypsum 5 2-3 Chalk 3 2-7 HARMONICA, Harmonics, a branch or division of the ancient music; being that part which considers the differences and proportions of sounds, with respect to acute and grave; as distinguished from rhythmica, and metrica. Mr. Malcolm has made a very industrious and learned inquiry into the Harmonica, or harmonic principles of the ancients. Harmonica, the name of a musical instrument in- vented by Dr. Franklin, consisting of the glasses, called musical glasses. — We are informed that the first hint of musical glasses is to be found in an old English book, in which a number of various amusements were described. That author directs his pupil to choose half a dozen drink- ing-glasses; to fill each of them with water in proportion to the gravity or acuteness of the sound which it is in- tended to give; and having thus adjusted them to each other, he might entertain the company with a church tunc. These were perhaps the rude hints which Mr. Puck- eridge, an Irish gentleman, afterwards improved, and after him, Mr. E. Delaval, an ingenious member of the Royal Society; and finally brought to perfection by ihecelebrated Franklin, See the history and description in his Letters, particularly in that to Beccaria. HARMON1CAL, or Harmonic, something relating to Harmony. Thus, H A R [ 629 J H A R Harmonical Arithmetic, is so much of the theory and doctrine of numbers, as relates to making the compa- risons and reductions of musical intervals, which are ex- pressed by numbers, for finding their mutual relations, compositions, and resolutions. Harmonical Composition, in its general sense, includes the composition both of harmony and melody; i. e. of music, or song, both in a single part, and in several parts. Harmonical Interval, the difference between two sounds, in respect of grave and acute: or that imaginary space terminated with two sounds differing in acuteness or gravity. HARMONICAL Curve, an imaginary kind of curve, into which it has been supposed that a musical chord would be inflected when put into such a vibratory motion as excited sound. It has been asserted by Dr. Brook Taylor, and others, that if a chord be inflected into any other form than that of the harmonic curve, it will, since those parts which are without this figure are impelled to- wards it, by an excess of force, and those within it by a deficiency, in a very short time arrive at, or very near, the form of this precise curve. But, as Dr. T. Young very properly remarks, " it would be easy to prove, if this reasoning were allowed, that the form of the curve can be no other than that of the axis, since the tending force is continually impelling the chord towards this line." Philos. Trans. 1800, pt. 1. — In theory, a musical chord is con- ceived to be a mathematical line, flexible by the least force, and elastic: and when such chord, at the limit of its vibration, assumes the form of this harmonical curve, it will vibrate to and fro in curves of the same species. — According to the investigation of Dr. Smith, the figure con- tained under the harmonical curve and its base, is of the same species as the figure of sines. From the investigation it follows : 1. That the force by which any small particle of an elastic string is impelled towards the centre of its curvature, is to the tending force, as the length of the par- ticle, is to the radius of curvature. 2. The perpendicular distance of a particle from the string in its quiescent posi- tion, is to the string's length, as the same length, is to the radius of curvature into the square of 3*14159. Hence, if any perpendicular distance dii be put = d, the string's length=«, and 3' 14 159 = c, then will the radius of curva- ture d = -pr. 3. Each particle of the string will arrive at the axis at the same instant of time. But it is all along supposed that the greatest distance of the string from the axis, bears no sensible proportion to its length. See Smith's Harmon, pa. 248, &c; also Notes to the Jesuits' Newton, torn. 2, pa. 348. Harmonical Proportion, or Musical Proportion, is that in which the first term is to the third, as the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the 2d and 3d; or when the first, the third, and the said two diffe- rences, are in geometrical proportion. Or, four terms are in harmonical proportion, when the 1st is to the 4th, as the difference of the 1st and 2d is to the difference of the 3d and 4th. Thus, 2, 3, 6, are in harmonical proportion, because 2 : 6 : : 1 : 3. And the four terms 9, 12, l6, 24 are in harmonical proportion, because 9' 24:: 3: 8 — If the proportional terms be continued in the former case, they will form an harmonical progression, or series. 1. The reciprocals of an arithmetical progression are in harmonical progression; and, conversely, the reciprocals of the harmonicals 2, 3, 6, are f, f, £, which are arith- meticals; for £• — f = £, arid f - •§. == £ also : and the reciprocals of the arithmeticals 1, 2, 3, 4, &c, are 4, \, |, ~, &c, which are harmonicals; for-f: ■§■ : : ^- — -'4:f— i; and so on. And, in general, the reciprocals of the arith- meticals a, a -+- d, a -t- 2d, a -+- 3d, &c, viz, 3d ' &c, are harmonicals; et e a' a + d' a + Id' contra. 2. If three or four numbers in harmonical proportion be either multiplied or divided by some number, the pro- ducts, or the quotients, will still be in harmonical propor- tion. Thus, the harmonicals - 6, 8, 12, multiplied by 2 give - 12, 16', 24, or divided by 2 give • - 3, 4, 6, which are also harmonicals. 3. To find a harmonical mean proportional between two- terms : divide double their product by their sum. 4. To find a 3d term in harmonical proportion to two given terms: divide their product by the difference be- tween double the 1st term and the 2d term. 5. To find a 4th term in harmonical proportion to three terms given; divide the product of the 1st and 3d by the difference between double the 1st and the 2d term. Hence, of the two terms 6 and 3, the harmonical mean is 4, the 3d harmonical proportion is 2, also to 6, 4, 3, the 4th harmonical is 2. 6. If there be taken an arithmetical mean, and a har- monical mean, between any two. terms, the four terms will be in geometrical proportion. Thus, between and 2, the arithmetical mean is 4, and the harmonical mean is 3; and hence 6' : 4 : : 3 : 2. 7- Also the arithmetical mean, the geometrical mean, and the harmonical mean, between any two terms, are three terms in continued geometrical progression. So, between 6 and 2, the arithmetical mean is 4, the geometri- cal mean is >/ 12, and the harmonical mean is 3 ; then 4 : ■v/12 :: v/12 : 3. HARMONY, in Music, the agreeable result of an union of several musical sounds, heard at one and the same time; or the mixture of divers sounds, which together have an agreeable effect on the ear. — As a 'continued succession of musical sounds produces melody, so a continued combina- tion of them produces harmony. Among the ancients, however, as sometimes also among the moderns, harmony is used in the strict sense of consonance; and so is equi- valent to the symphony. The words concord and harmony do really signify the same thing ; though custom has made a little difference between them. Concord is the agreeable effect of two sounds in consonance ; harmony the effect of any greater number of agreeable sounds in consonance. Again, har- mony always implies consonance ; but concord is also ap- plied to sounds in succession; though never but where the terms can stand agreeably in consonance. The effect of an agreeable succession of several sounds, is called melody; as that of an agreeable consonance is called harmony. Harmony is well defined, the sum or result of the com- bination of two or more concords; that is, of three or more simple sounds striking the ear altogether; and different compositions of concords constitute various degrees of of harmonicals are arithmeticals. Thus, the reciprocals harmony. The ancients seem to have been entirely un,-. H A R [ 630 ] H A R acquainted with harmony, the soul of the modern music. In all their explications of the melopoeia, the} 1 say not one word of the concert or harmony of parts. We have in- stances, indeed, of their joining several voices, or instru- ments, in consonance; but then these were not so joined, as that each had a distinct and proper melody, so making a succession of various concords ; but they were either unisons, or octaves, in every note; and so all performed the same individual melody, and constituted one song. When the parts differ, not in the tension of the whole, but in the different relations of the successive notes, it is this that constitutes the modern art of harmony. Harmony of the Spheres, or Celestial Harmony, a kind of music much spoken of by many of the ancient philo- sophers and fathers, supposed to be produced by the sweetly tuned motions of the stars and planets. This harmony they attributed to the various proportionate im- pressions of the heavenly bodies on one another, acting at proper intervals. They think it impossible that such prodigious bodies, moving with such rapidity, should be silent: on the contrary, the atmosphere, continually im- pelled by them, must yield a set of sounds proportionate to the impression it receives; and that consequently, as they run all in different circuits, and with various degrees of velocity, the different tones arisingfrom the diversity of motions, directed by the hand of the Almighty, must form an agreeable symphony or concert. They therefore sup- posed, that the moon, as being the lowest of the planets, corresponded to mi; Mercury, to fa; Venus, to sol; the Sun, to la; Mars, to si; Jupiter, to ut ; Saturn, to re; and the orb of the fixed stars, as being the highest of all, to mi, or the octave. It is thought that Pythagoras had a view to the gravita- tion of celestial bodies, in what he taught concerning the harmony of the spheres. A musical chord gives the same note as one double in length, when the tension or force with which the latter is stretched is quadruple; and the gravity of a planet L quadruple of the gravity of a planet at a double distance. In general, that any musical chord may become unison to a lesser chord of the same kind, its tension must be increased in the same proportion as the square of its length is greater; and that the gravity of a planet may become equal to the gravity of another planet nearer the sun, it must be increased in proportion as the square of its distance from the sun is greater. If there- fore we should suppose musical chords extended from the sun to each planet, that all these chords might become unison, it would be requisite to increase or diminish their tensions in the same, proportions as would be sufficient to render the gravities of the planets equal ; and from the similitude of those proportions, the celebrated doctrine of the harmony of the spheres is supposed to have been de- rived. Kepler wrote a large work, in folio, on the harmonies of the world, and particularly of that of the celestial bodies. He first endeavoured to iind out some relation between the dimensions of the five regular solids, and the intervals of the planetary spheres; and imagining that a cube, in- scribed in the sphere of Saturn, would touch by its six planes the sphere of Jupiter, and that the other four re- gular solids in like manner lifted the intervals that are be- tween the spheres of Lhe other planets, he became per- suaded that this was the true reason why the primary planets were precisely six in number, and that the author of the world had determined their distances from the sun, the centre of the system, from a regard to this analogy. But afterwards finding that the disposition of the five re- gular solids among the planetary spheres, was not agree- able to the intervals between their orbits, he endeavoured to discover other schemes of harmony. For this purpose, he compared the motions of the same planet at its great- est and least distances, and of the different planets in their several orbits, as they would appear viewed from the sun; and here he fancied that he found a similitude to the di- visions of the octave in music. Lastly, he imagined that if lines were drawn from the earth, to each of the planets, and the planets appended to them, or stretched by weights proportional to the planets, these lines would then sound all the notes in the octave of a musical chord. See his Harmonics; also Plin. lib. 2, cap. 22; Macrob. in Somn. Scip. lib. 2, cap 1; Plutarch, de Animal. Procreatione, e Tiimeo; and Maclaurin's View of Newton's Discov. book 1, chap. 2. HARQUEBUSS, a hand-gun, or a fire-arm of a proper length and weight to be borne in the arm. Hanzelet pre- scribes its proper length to be 40 calibres, or diameters of its bore ; and the weight of its ball 1 oz. and f ; its charge of powder as much. HARRIOT (Thomas), a very eminent English mathe- matician and astronomer, was born at Oxford in 1560, and died at London July 2, 1621, in the fctlst year of his age. Harriot has hitherto been known to the world only as an algebraist, though a very eminent one ; but from his manuscript papers, that have been but lately discovered by Dr. Zach, astronomer to the duke of Saxe-Gotha, it appears that he was not less eminent as an astronomer and geometrician. Dr. Zach has printed an account of those papers, in the Astronomical Ephemeris of the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences at Berlin, for the year 17S8; of which, as it is very curious, and contains a great deal of infor- mation, I shall here give a translation, to serve as me- moirs concerning the life and writings of this eminent man ; afterwards adding only some necessary remarks of my own. " I here present to the world," says Dr. Zach, " a short account of some valuable and curious manuscripts, which I found in the year 17S4, at the seat of the earl of Egre- mont, at Petworth in Sussex, in hopes that this learned and inquisitive age will either think my endeavours about them worthy of its assistance, or else will be thereby in- duced to attempt some other means of publishing them. The only undeniable proof I can now produce, of the use- fulness of such an undertaking, is by giving a succinct re- port of the contents of these materials, and briefly showing what may be effected by them. And though I come to lhe performance of such an enterprise with much less abilities than the different parts of it require, yet I trust that my love for truth, my design and zeal to vindicate the honour due to an Englishman, the author of these manuscripts, which arc the chief reasons that have influenced me in this undertaking, will serve as my excuse. " A predecessor of the family of Lord Egrernont, viz, that noble and generous earl of Northumberland, named Henry Percy, was not only a generous favourer of all good learning, but also a patron and Maecenas of the literati of his age. Thomas Harriot, the author of the said manu- scripts, Robert Hues (well known by his Treatise upon the Globes), and Walter Warner, all three eminent mathema- ticians, who were known to the carl, received from him yearly pensions ; so that when the carl was committed pri- H A R r 63* 3 H A R soner to tlje Tower of London in the year \606, our author, with Hues and Warner, were his constant companions ; and were usually called the earl of Northumberland's three Magi. " Thomas Harriot is a known and celebrated mathe- matician among the learned of all nations, by his excellent work, Artis Analyticae Praxis, ad ajquationes algebraicas nova expedita et generali methodo, resolvendas, Tractatus posthumus; Lond. l63i : dedicated to Henry earl of Northumberland; published after his death by Walter Warner. It is remarkable, that the fame and the honour of this truly- great man were constantly attacked by the French mathematicians; who could not endure that Har- riot should in any way diminish the fame of their Vieta and Descartes, especially the latter, who was openly accused of plagiarism from our author. [See Montucla's Histoire des Mathematiques, part 3, pa. 4S5 et seq. — Lettres de M. Descartes, torn. 3, pa. 457, edit. Paris 1667, in 4to. — Dictionnaire de Morreri, word Harriot. — Encyclopedie, word Algebra. — Lettres de M. de Voltaire, sur la nation Angloise, lettie 14. — Memoire de l'Abbe de Guadans les Mem. de lAcad. des Sciences de Paris pour 1741. — Jer. Collier's great Historical Dictionary, word Harriot. — Dr. Wallis's preface to his Algebra. — To which' may be added the article Algebra, in this dictionary.] " Descartes published his Geometry 6 years after Har- riot's work appeared, viz, in the year 1637- Sir Charles Cavendish, then ambassador at the French court at Paris, when Descartes's Geometry made its first appearance in public, observed to the famous geometrician Roberval, that these improvements in analysis had been already made these 6 years in England, and showed him after- wards Harriot's Artis Analyticae Praxis; which, as Ro- berval was looking over, at every page he cried out, Oui ! oui ! il l'a vu ! Yes ! yes ! he has seen it ! Descartes had also been in England before Harriot's death, and had heard of his new improvements and inventions in analysis. A critical life of this man, which his papers would enable me to publish, will show more clearly what to think upon this matter, which I hope may be discussed to the due honour of our author. " Now all this relates to Harriot the celebrated ana- lyst; but it has not hitherto been known that Harriot was an eminent astronomer, both theoretical and practical, which first appears by these manuscripts; among which the most remarkable are 199 observations of the Sun's Spots, with their drawings, calculations, and determina- tions of the sun's rotation about his axis. There is the greatest probability that Harriot was the first discoverer of these spots, even before either Galileo or Scheiner. The earliest intelligence we have of the first discovered solar srjots, is of one Joh. Fabricius Phrysius, who in the year 16*11 published at Wittemberg a small treatise, in- titled, De Maculis in Sole observatis et apparente corum cum Sole conversione narratio. Galileo, who is com- monly accounted the first discoverer of the solar spots, published his book, Istoria e Dimonstrazioni intornc alle Machic Solare eloroaccidenti,at Rome, in the year I6"l3. His first observation in this work, is dated June 2, lf)12. Angelo de Filiis, the editor of Galileo's work, who wrote the dedication and preface to it, mentions, pa. 3, that Ga- lileo had not only discovered these spots in the month of April in the year l6ll, at Rome, in the Quirinal Garden, but had shown them several months before (molti mesi innanzi) to his friends in Florence; and that the obser- vations of the disguised Apelles (the Jesuit Scheiner, a pre- tender to this first discovery) were not later than the month of October in the same year; by which the epoch of this discovery was fixed to the beginning of the year 1611. But.a passage in the first letter of Galileo's works, pa. 11, gives a more precise term to this discovery. Ga- lileo there says in plain terms, that he had observed the spots in the sun 18 months before. The date of this letter is May 24, l6l2; which brings the true epoch of this discovery to. the month of November, lfilO. However, Galileo's first produced observations are only from June 2, 1612, and those of Father Scheiner of the month of Oc- tober, in the same year. But now it appears from Har- riot's manuscripts, that his first observations of these spots are of Dec. 8, l6l0. It is not likely that Harriot could have this notice from Galileo, for I do not find this mathe- matician's name ever quoted in Harriot's papers. But I find him mentioning Josephus a Costa's book 1, chap. 2, of his Natural and Moral History of the West Indies, in which he relates that in Peru there are spots to be seen in the sun which are not to be seen in Europe. It rather seems that Harriot had taken the hint from thence. Be- sides, it is very likely that Harriot, who lived with so ge- nerous a patron to all good learning and improvements, had got the new invention of telescopes in Holland much sooner in England, than they could reach Galileo, who at that time lived at Venice. Harriot's very careful and ex- act observations of these spots, show also that he was in possession of the best and most improved telescopes of that time; for it appears he had some with magnifying powers of 10, 20, and 30 times. At least there are no earlier ob- servations of the solar spots extant than his : they run from December 8, l6T0, till January 18, lfjlo. I com- pared the corresponding ones with these observed by Ga- lileo, between which I found an exact agreement. Had Harriot had any notion about Galileo's discoveries, he cer- tain!)' would have also known something about the phases of Venus and Mercury, and especially about the singular shape of Saturn, first discovered by Galileo; but I find not a word in all his papers concerning the particular figure of that planet. " Of Jupiter's Satellites. I found among his papers a large set of observations, with their drawing, position, and calculations of their revolutions and periods. His first observation of those discovered satellites, I find to be of January IfJ, lfjlO; and they go till February 26, l6l2. Galileo pretends to have discovered them Ja- nuary 7, 16'10; so that it is not improbable that Harriot was likewise the first discoverer of these attendants of Ju- piter. " Among his other observations of the moon, of some eclipses, of the planet Mars, of solstices, of refraction, of the declination of the needle; there are most remark- able ones of the noted comets of 1607, and of 161s the latter, for there were two this year (see Kepler de Cometis, pa. 49). They were all observed with a cross-staff, by measuring their distances from fixed stars ; whence these observations are the more valuable, as comets had before been but loosely attended to : Kepler himself observed the comet of 1607 only with the naked eye, pointing out its place by a rough estimation, without the aid of an instru- ment ; and the elements of their orbits could, in defect of better observations, be only calculated by them. The observations of the comet of the year 1607, are of the more importance, even now for modern astronomy, as H A R this is the same comet that fulfilled Dr. Halley's prediction of its return in the year 1759- That prediction was only grounded on the elements afforded him by these loose ob- servations ; for which reason he only assigned the term of its return to the space of a year. The very intricate calcu- lations of the perturbations of this comet, afterwards made by M. Clairaut, reduced the limits to a month's space. But a greater light may now be thrown upon this matter by the "more accurate observations on this comet by Mr. Harriot. In the month of October 17S5, when I conversed on the subject of Harriot's papers, and especially on this comet, with the very celebrated mathematician M. Lagrange, director of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Berlin, he then suggested to me an idea, which, if brought into execution, will clear up an important point in astronomy. It is well known to astronomers how dif- ficult a matter it is, to determine the mass, or quantity of matter, in the planet Saturn ; and how little satisfactory the notions of it are, that have hitherto been formed. The whole theory of the perturbations of comets depend- ing on this uncertain datum, several attempts and trials have been made towards a more exact determination of it by the most eminent geometricians of this age, and parti- larly by Lagrange himself ; but never having been satisfied with the few and uncertain data heretofore obtained for the resolution of this problem, he thought that Harriot's observations on the comet of l607, and the modern ones of the same comet in 1759, would suggest a way of re- solving the problem a posteriori ; that of determining by them the elements of its ellipsis. The retardation of the comet compared to its period, may clearly be laid to the account of the attraction and perturbation it has suffered in the region of Jupiter and Saturn ; and as the part of it belonging to Jupiter is very well known, the remainder must be the share which is due to Saturn; from whence the mass of the latter may be inferred. In consequence of this consideration I have already begun to reduce most of Harriot's observations of this comet, in order to calcu- late by them the true elements of its orbit on an elliptical hypothesis, to complete M. Lagrange's idea upon this matter. " I forbear to mention here any more of Harriot's ana- lytical papers, which 1 found in a very great number. They contain several elegant solutions of quadratic, cubic, and biquadratic equations; with some other solutions and locageometrica, that show his eminent qualifications, and will serve to vindicate them against the attacks of several French writers, who refuse him the justice due to his skill and accomplishments, merely to save Descartes's honour, who yet, by some impartial men of his own nation, was accused of public plagiarism. " Thomas Harriot was born at Oxford, in the year 1560. After being instructed in the rudiments of lan- guages, he became a commoner of St. Mary's-Hall, where he took the degree of bachelor of arts in 1579. He had then so distinguished himself by his uncommon skill in mathematics, as to be recommended soon after to Sir Walter Raleigh, as a proper preceptor to him in that science. Accordingly that noble knight became his first patron, took him into his family, and allowed him a hand- some pension. In 1584 he went over with Sir Walter's first colony to Virginia; where he was employed in disco- vering and surveying the country, &c ; maps of which I have found (says Dr.Zach) very neatly executed among his papers. After his return he published A Brief and f 632 J H A R True Report of the Newfoundland of Virginia, of the Com- modities there found to be raised, &c ; Lond. 15SS. This was reprinted in the 3d volume of Hakluyt's Voyages : it was also translated into Latin, and printed at Frankfort in the year 1590. Sir Walter introduced him to the ac- quaintance of the Earl of Northumberland, who allowed him a yearly pension ; Wood says, of 120/. only ; but by some of his receipts, which I have found among his papers, it appears that he had 300/, which indeed was a very larne sum at that time. Wood, in his Athen. Oxon. men- lions nothing of Harriot's papers, except a manuscript in the library at Sion College, London, entitled Ephemeris Chyrometrica. I got access to this library and manu- scripts, and was indeed in hopes of finding something more of Harriot's; for most of his observations are dated from Sion College ; but I could not find any thing from Harriot himself. 1 found indeed some other papers of his friends: he mentions, in his observations, one Mr. Standish, at Oxford, and Nathaniel Torperly, who also was of the acquaintance of the Earl of Northumberland, and had a yearly pension: from the former I found two observations of the same comet of l6lS, made in Oxford, which he communicated to Mr. Harriot. " Thomas Harriot died July 2, l621. His disease was a cancerous ulcer in the lip, which some pretend he got by a custom he had of holding the mathematical brass instruments, when working, in his mouth. I found se- veral of his letters, and answers to them, from his physi- cian Dr. Alexander Rhead, who in his treatise mentions Harriot's disease. His body was conveyed to St. Christo- pher's church, in London. Over his grave was soon after erected a monument, with a large and suitable inscrip- tion, which was destroyed with the church itself by the dreadful fire of September 1666. He was but 6"0 years of age." The peculiar nature and merits of Harriot's Algebra, we have spoken largely and particularly of, under the ar- ticle Algebra. As to his manuscripts lately discovered by Dr.Zach, as above mentioned, it is with pleasure I can announce, that they are in a fair train to be published : they have been presented to the university of Oxford, on condition of their printing them; with a view to which, they have been lately put into the hands of an ingeni- ous member of that learned body, to arrange and prepare them for the press. See Wood's Athena; Oxoniensis, vol. 1. pa. 390. HARRIS (John), d. d. and f. n. s. was elected into the Royal Society about the year 1696* : became one of the secretaries in 1709, and died Sept. 7, 1719- Dr. Harris published the first real dictionary of the arts and sciences, under the title of Lexicon Technicum, in folio, l6'99, showing the state of the sciences at that time, a good account of which is given in the Philos. Trans, for 1704, and in my Abridg. vol.5, pa. 149. — Some years after, a 2d volume was added, in a new alphabet, to include the new improvements in science. A 3d volume was afterwards added, but supposed to be a compilation by the booksellers. The whole was a very useful work, and went through several editions. He had some papers inserted in the Philos. Trans, and published several other useful books: as, a neat tract on Algebra, 8yo, 1705 ; and another on Geometry and Plane Trigo- nometry, being chielly a translation from the French of Pardies, the 2d edit. 1702. About this time it seems that Dr. Harris " lived and H A R [ 633 ] H A U taught mathematics at his house in Amen Corner." He wrote also, A New short Treatise of Algebra ; with the Geometrical Construction of Equations, as far as the 4th power or Dimension: together with a specimen of the nature and algorith of Fluxions.' This tract is an- nounced to have been written primarily for the use of his auditors at the public mathematical lecture set up at the Marine Coffee-house, Birchin-lane, by. Charles Cox, Esq. m.p. for Southwark. He also published Elements of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, together with the prin- ciples of Spheric Geometry, and the several projections of the Sphere in Piano. Also The Description and Uses of the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, and of Col- lins's Pocket Quadrant, 4th edition. He was also the author of a Collection of Voyages, 2 vols, folj 1705 ; of which useful work there have been; some other edi- tions, particularly one in 1744, much improved by Dr. John Campbell. Dr. Harris appears to have been a patron of the mathe- matical Wm. Jones, Esq. the friend of Sir I. Newton, and father of the late learned Sir Wm. Jones, the celebrated Indian judge, as Mr. Jones dedicated to the Rev. Mr. John Harris his Treatise on Navigation, published in 1702, in whose house Mr. Jones says he composed his said book. HARRISON (John), a most accurate mechanic, the celebrated inventor of the famous time-keeper for ascer- taining the longitude at sea, and also of the compound or gridiron pendulum ; was born at Foulby, near Pontefract in Yorkshire, in 1693. His father was a carpenter, in which profession our author assisted; occasionally also, according to the miscellaneous practice of country artists, surveying land, and repairing clocks and watches; and young Harrison always was, from his earliest years, greatly attached to any machinery moving by wheels. In 1700 he removed with his father to Barrow in Lincolnshire ; where, though his opportunities of acquiring knowledge were very few, he eagerly improved every incident from which he might collect information ; frequently employ- ing all or great part of his nights in writing or drawing: and he always acknowledged his obligations to a clergy- man who came every Sunday to officiate in the neighbour- hood, who lent him a ms. copy of Professor Sanderson's lectures ; which he carefully and neatly transcribed, with all the diagrams. His native genius exerted itself supe- rior to these solitary disadvantages ; for in the vear 1726, he had constructed two clocks, chiefly of wood, in which he applied the escapement and compound pendulum of his own invention : these surpassed every thing of the kind then made, scarcely erring a second in a month. In 1728, he came up to London with the drawings of a machine for determining the longitude at sea, in expectation of being enabled to execute one by the Board of Longitude. On application to Dr. Halley, the astronomer-royal, he refer- red him to Mr. George Graham, who advised him to make his machine, before applying to that board. Accordingly our author returned home to perform his task; and in 1735 revisited London with his first machine; with which he was sent to Lisbon the next year, to make trial of it. In this short voyage, he corrected the dead reckoning about a degree and a half; a success which procured him both public and private encouragement. About the year 1739 he completed his second machine, of a construction much more simple than the former, and which answered much better : this, though not sent to sea, recommended Vol. I. Mr. Harrison yet stronger to the patronage of his friends and the. public. His third machine, which he produced in 1749, was still less complicated than the second, and more accurate, as erring only 3 or 4 seconds in a week. This he conceived to be the ne plus ultra of his attempts ; but by endeavouring to improve pocket-watches, he found the principles he applied to surpass his expectations 'so much, as to encourage him to make his fourth time- keeper, which is in the form of a pocket-watch, about 6 inches diameter. With this time-keeper his son made two voyages, the one to Jamaica, and the other to Barba- does ; in which experiments it corrected the longitude within the nearest limits required by the act of the 12th of Queen Anne; and the inventor had therefore, at dif- ferent times, more than the proposed reward, receiving from the Board of Longitude at different times almost. 24,000/. besides a few hundreds from the East India Com- pany, &c. These four machines were given up to the Board of Longitude. The three former were not of any use, as all the advantages gained by making them were comprehended in the last: being worthy however of pre- servation, as mechanical curiosities, they are deposited in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. The fourth machine, emphatically distinguished by the name of the time-keeper, was copied by the ingenious Mr. Kendal ; and that duplicate, during a three-years circumnavigation of the globe in the southern hemisphere by Captain Cook, answered as well as the original. The latter pa-rt of Mr. Harrison's life was employed in making a fifth improved time-keeper, on the same princi- ples with the preceding one; which, after a ten-weeks trial, in 1772, at the king's private observatory at Rich- mond, was found to have erred only 4J seconds. Within a few years of his death, his constitution visibly declined ; and he had frequent fits of the gout, a disorder that ne-ver attacked him before his 77th year. His constitution at last yielding to the infirmities of old age, he died at his house in Red-Lion Square, in 1776, at 83 years of age. Our author, like many other mere mechanics, found much difficulty in delivering his sentiments in writing (at least in the latter periods of his life, when his faculties were much impaired), in which he adhered to a peculiar and uncouth phraseology. This was but too evident in his De- scription concerning such Mechanism as will afford a nice or true Mensuration of Time, &c. 8vo, 1775. In this small work is included also an account of his new musical scale; beinga mechanical division of the octave, according to the proportion which the radius and diameter of the circle have respectively to the circumference. He had in his youth been the leader of a band of church-singers ; had a very delicate ear for music; and his experiments on sound, with a curious monochord of his own improvement, it has been said were not less accurate than those he was engaged in for the mensuration of time. HARTSOEKER (Nicholas), a Dutch philosopher, born at Gouda, in 1656'. After receiving a liberal edu- cation under his father, who was a minister under the re- monstrants, he applied himself assiduously to mathema- tics and natural philosophy, and became so eminent that Peter the Great invited him to Moscow, but he declined the honour. He became professor of philosophy at Hei- delberg, and mathematician to the Elector Palatine. He died in 1725. Hartsoeker wrote a Course of Natural Phi- losophy, in 4to; and some small pieces. ' HAUTEFEUILLE (John), an ingenious mechanic, 4 M H E A [ 634 ] H E A born at Orleans in 1674. He made a great progress in mechanics in general, but had a particular taste lor clock- work, and made several discoveries in it that were of sin- gular use. It was he, it appears, who determined the me- thod of moderating the vibration of the balance by means of a small steel spring, which has since been used. This discovery he laid before the members of the Academy of Sciences in lu~94; and these watches are, by way of emi- nence, called pendulum watches; not that they have real pendulums, but because they nearly approach to the just- ness of pendulums. Huygens has the merit of perfecting this happy invention: but having declared himself the in- ventor and obtained a patent for making watches with spiral springs, the abbe Feuille opposed the registering of it, and published apiece on the subject against Huygens. He died in 1724, at 50 years of age. Besides the above, he wrote a great many other pieces, most of which are small pamphlets, but very curious : as, 1. His Perpetual Pendulum. 2. New Inventions. 3. The Art of Breathing under Water, and the means of preserving a Flame shut up in a Small Place. 4, Reflections on machines for raising Water. 5. His Opinion on the different Senti- ments of Mallebranche and Regis, relating to the Appear- ance of the Moon when seen in the Horizon. 6. The Magnetic Balance. 7- A Placet to the king on the Longi- tude. S. Letter on the Secret of the Longitude. 9. A New System on the Flux and Reflux of the Sea. 10. The means of making Sensible Experiments that prove the Mo- tion of the Earth : and many other pieces. HAYES (Charles, Esq.), a very singular person, whose great erudition was so concealed by his modesty, that his name is known but to few, though his publications are many. He was born in 1678, and died in 176O, at 82 years of age. He became distinguished in 1704 by a Trea- tise of Fluxions, in folio, being we believe the first treatise on that science ever published in the English language; and the only work to which he ever set his name. In 1710 came out a small 4to pamphlet, in ip pages, enti- tled, A New and easy Method of determining the Longi- tude from observing the Altitudes of the Celestial Bodies. Also, in 1723, he published, The Moon, a philosophical dialogue; tending to show, that the moon is not an opaque body, but has native light of her own. To a skill in the Greek and the Latin, as well as ,the modern languages, he added the knowledge of the He- brew : and he published several pieces relating to the trans- lation and chronology of the Scriptures. During a long course of years he had the chief management of the late African company, being annually elected sub-governor. But on the dissolution of that company in 1752, he re- tired to Down, in Kent, where he spent most of t his hours in study ; from whence however he returned, in 1758, to chambers in Gray's-inn, London, where he died in 1760, as mentioned above. He left a posthumous work, that was published in 8vo, under the title of Chronographia Asiatica et iEgyptiaca, &c. HEAD, in Architecture. Heads are used as an orna- ment of sculpture or carved work, frequently serving as the key of an arch or platband, and on other occasions. HEAT, theopposite to cold, being a relative term deno- ting the property of fire, or of those bodies we denominate hot ; being in us a sensation excited by the action of fire. Heat, as it exists in the hot body, or that which con- stitutes and denominates a body hot, and enables it to produce such effects on our organs, is variously consider- ed by philosophers : some making it a quality, others a substance, and others only a mechanical affection. The former principle is given and maintained by Aristotle and the Peripatetics. While the Epicureans, and other corpus- cularians,' define heat not as an accident of fire, but as an essential power or property of it, the same in reality with it, and only distinguished from fire in the manner of our conception. Heat, therefore, on their principles, is no other than the volatile substance of fire itself, reduced into atoms, and emitted in a continual stream from ignited bodies ; so as not only to warm the objects within its reach, but also, if they be inflammable, to kindle them, turn them into fire, and conspire with them to make flame. In effect, these corpuscles, observe they, flying off from the ignited body, constitutefire while yet contained within the sphere of its flame; but when fled, or got beyond the same, and dispersed everyway, so as to escape the appre- hension of the eye, and only to be perceived by the feeling, they take the denomination of heat, inasmuch as they ex- cite in us that sensation. The Cartesians, improving on this doctrine, assert that heat consists in a certain motion of the insensible particles of a body, resembling the motion by which the several parts of our body are agitated by the motion of the heart and blood. Our latest and best writers of mechanical, experimental, and chemical philosophy, differ very considerably about heat. The chief difference is, whether it be a peculiar property of one certain immutable body, called fire, or phlogiston, or electricity; or whether it may be produced mechanically in other bodies, by inducing an alteration in their particles. The former tenet, which is as ancient as Democritus, and the system of atoms, had yielded to that of the Cartesians, and other mechanists ; but is now with great address retrieved, and improved on, by some of the latest writers, particularly Homberg, the younger Lemery, Gravesande, Boerhaave in his lectures on fire, Black, Crawford, and other chemical philosophers. That which is denominated fire, according to Boer- haave, is a body sui generis, created such ab origine, un- alterable in its nature and properties, and not either pro- ducible de novo from any other body, nor capable of being reduced into any other body, or of ceasing to be fire. This fire, he contends, is diffused equably every where, and ex- ists alike, or in equal quantity, in all the parts of space, whether void, or possessed by bodies; but that naturally, and in itself, it rs perfectly latent and imperceptible; be- ing only discovered by certain effects which it produces, and which are cognizable by our senses. These effects are heat, light, colour, rarefaction, and burning, which are all indications of fire, as being none of them producible by any other cause ; so that wherever we observe any of these, we may safely infer the action and presence of fire. But though the effect cannot be without the cause, yet the fire ma)' remain without any of these effects ; any, we mean, gross enough to affect our senses, or become ob- jects of them: and this, he adds, is the ordinary case ; there being a concurrence of other circumstances, which are often wanting, necessary to the production of such sensible effects. v Heat, according to the mechanical philosophers, es- pecially Bacon, Boyle, and Newton, is considered not as an original inherent property of any particular kind of body; but as mechanically producible in any body. The former, in an express treatise De Forma Calidi, from H E A [ 635 ] H E A a particular enumeration of the several phenomena and effects of heat, deduces several general properties of it; and hence he defines heat, an expansive undulatory mo- tion in the minute particles of the body; by which they tend, with some rapidity, towards the circumference', and at the same time inclinea little upwards. Mr. Boyle, in a treatise on the mechanical origin of heat and cold, strongly supports the doctrine of the pro- ducibility of heat, with new observations and experiments ; as in the instance of a smith briskly hammering a small piece of iron, which, though cold at the commencement, soon becomes exceedingly hot. This system is also further supported by Newton, who docs not conceive fire as any particular species of body, originally endued with such and such properties. Fire, according to him, is only a body much ignited, that is heated hot, so as to emit light copiously : what else, ob- serves he, is red-hot iron but fire ? and what else is a burn- ing charcoal but red-hot wood ? or flame itself, but red- hot smoke ? It is certain that flame is only the volatile part of the fuel heated red-hot, i. e. so hot as to shine ; and hence only such bodies as are volatile, that is, such as emit a copious fume, will flame; nor will they flame longer than they have fume to burn. In distilling hot spirits, if the head of the still be taken off, the ascending vapours will catch fire from a candle, and turn into a flame. And in the same mannerseveral bodies, much heated by motion, attrition, fermentation, or the like, will emit lucid fumes, -which, if they be copious enough, and the heat sufficiently great, will be flame; and the reason why fused metals do not flame, is the smallness of their fume; this is evident, because spilter, which fumes most copiously, does likewise flame. Add, that all flaming bodies, as oil, tallow, wax, wood, pitch, sulphur, &c, by flaming, waste and vanish into burning smoke. And do not all fixed bodies, when heated beyond a certain degree, emit light, and shine ? and is not this emission performed by the vibrating motion of their parts? and do not all bodies, which abound with ter- restrial and sulphureous parts, emit light as often as those parts are sufficiently agitated, whether that agitation be made by external fire, or by friction, or percussion, or putrefaction, or by any other cause ? Thus, sea-water, in a storm; quicksilver agitated in vacuo; the back of a cat, or the neck of a horse, obliquely rubbed in a dark place; wood, flesh, and fish, while they putrefy; vapours from putrefying waters, usually called ignes fatui ; stacks of moist hay or corn ; glow-worms ; amber and diamonds by rubbing ; fragments of steel struck off with a flint, &c, all emit light. Are not gross bodies and light convertible into each other, and may not bodies receive much of their activity from the particles of light which enter their com- position ? I know no body less apt to shine than water ; and yet water, by frequent distillations, changes into fixed earth, which, by a sufficient heat, may be brought to shine like other bodies. Let it further be considered, that the sun and stars, ac- cording to Newton's conjecture, are no other than great earths vehemently heated; for large bodies, he observes, preserve their heat the longest, their parts heating each other : and why may not great, dense, and fixed bodies, when heated beyond a certain degree, emit light so copi- ously, as by the emission and reaction of it, and the reflec- tions and refractions of the rays within the pores, to grow still hotter, till they arrive at that degree of heat which the sun is of? Their parts also may be further preserved from fuming away, not only by their fixity, but by the vast weight and density of their atmospheres incumbent on them, thus strongly compressing them, and condensing the vapours and exhalations arising from them. Hence we see warm water, in an exhausted receiver, to boil as vehemently as the hottest water exposed to the air; the weight of the incumbent atmosphere, in this latter case, keeping down the vapours, and hindering the ebullition, till it has acquired its utmost degree of heat. So also a mixture of tin and lead, put on a red-hot iron in vacuo, emits a fumeand flame ; but the same mixture in the open air, by reason of the incumbent atmosphere, does not emit the least sensible flame. Thus much for the system of the producibility of heat. On the other hand, M. Homberg, in his Essai du Soufre Principe, holds, that the chemical principle or element, sulphur, which is supposed one of the simple, primary, pre-existent ingredients of all natural bodies, is real fire ; and consequently that fire is co-eval with body. Mem. de l'Acad. an. 1705. Dr. Gravesande goes upon much the same principle. According to him, fire enters the composition of all bodies, is contained in all bodies, and may be separated or pro- cured from all bodies, by rubbing them against each other, and thus putting their fire in motion. But fire, he adds, is by no means generated by such motion. Elem. Phys. torn. 2, cap. 1. Heat, in the hot body, he observes, is an agitation of the parts of the body, made by means of the fire contained in it; by such agitation a motion is pro- duced in our bodies, which excites the idea of heat in our minds: so that heat, in respect of us, is nothing but that idea, and in the hot body nothing but motion. If such. motion expel the fire in right lines, it may give us the idea oi light ; if in a various and irregular motkm, only that of heat. Lemery, the younger, agrees with these two authors, in asserting this absolute and ingenerable nature of fire; but he extends it farther. Not contented with confining it as an element to bodies, he endeavours to show, that it is equably diffused through all space; that it is present in all places, even in the void spaces between the bodies, as well as in the insensible interstices between their parts. And this las;t sentiment falls in with that of Boerhaave above delivered. Mem. de l'Acad. an. 1713. Philosophers have lately distinguished heat into abso- lute and sensible. By absolute heat, or fire, they mean that power or element which, when it is in a certain de- gree, excites in animals the sensation of heat; and by sensible heat, the same power considered in its relation to the effects it produces^ thus, two bodies are said to have equal quantities of sensible heat, when they produce equal effects upon the mercury in the thermometer; but as bo- dies of different kinds have different capacities for con- taining heat, the absolute heat in such bodies will be dif- ferent, though the sensible heat be the same. Thus, a pound of water and a pound of antimony, of the same tempera- ture, have equal sensible heat ; but the former contains a much greater quantity of absolute heat than the latter. M. DeLuc has evinced, by a variety of experiments, that the expansions of mercury between the freezing and boil- ing points of water, correspond precisely to the quantities of absolute heat applied, and that its contractions are proportionable to the diminution of this element within these limits. And hence it may be inferred, that if the mercury were to retain its fluid form, its contractions would 4 M 2 H E A [ 636 ] H E A be proportionable to the decrements of the absolute heat, thouoh the diminution were continued to the point of total privation. But the comparative quantities of absolute heat, which are communicated to different bodies, or separated from them, cannot be determined in a direct manner by the thermometer. Some philosophers have apprehended that the quantities of absolute heat in bodies, are in proportion to their den- sities. While others, as Boerhaave, imagined that heat is equally diffused through all bodies, the. densest as well as the rarest, and therefore that the quantities of heat in bo- dies, are in proportion to their bulk or magnitude: and, at his desire, Fahrenheit attempted to determine the fact by experiment. For this purpose, he took equal quantities of the same fluid, and gave them different degrees of heat; then upon mixing them intimately -together, he found that the temperature of the mixture was a just medium, or arithmetical mean, between the two. But if this experi- the urine - ment be made with water and mercury, in the same cir- Dr. Hales, the skin - - - cumstances, viz, in equal bulks, the result will be dif- .... the.urine ... ferent, as the temperature of the mixture will not be a Mr. John Hunter, under his tongue mean between the two, but always nearer to that of the . in his rectum water than to the quicksilver; so that, when the water is his urethra at 1 inch affect us with the sense of cold ; thus making the human species a medium between the hot and cold blooded ani- mals, or at least the lowest order of the hot blooded. The heat of the human body, in its natural state, ac- cording to Dr. Boerhaave, is such as to raise the mercury in the thermometer to 92° or at most to 94° ; and Dr. Pit- cairn makes the heat of the human skin the same. Indeed it is evident that different parts of the human body, and its different states, as well as the different seasons, will make it show of different temperatures. Thus, by various experi- ments at different times, the heat of the human bod\' is made various b) - the following authors : Boerhaave and Pitcairn ... - go, Amontons --•._."_ 91*92, or 93 Sir Isaac Newton Fahrenheit and Muschenbroek, the blood Dr. Martine, the skin ... 97 or the hotter, the temperature of the mixture is above the mean, and below it when the water is the colder. And from experiments of this kind it has been inferred, that the comparative quantities of the absolute heats of these fluids, are reciprocally proportional to the changes which arc produced in their sensible heats, when they are mixed together at different temperatures: and this fact has been publicly taught, for several years, by Dr. Black and Dr. Irvine, in the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. This rule however does not apply to those substances which, in mixture, excite sensible heat by chemical action. From the experiments and reasoning employed by Dr. Crawford, it more fully appears, that the quantities of ab- solute heat in different bodies, are not as their densities ; or that equal weights of heterogeneous substances, as air and water, having the same temperature, may contain un- equal quantities of absolute heat : he also shows, that if phlogiston be added to a body, a quantity of the absolute heat of that body will be extricated ; and if the phlo- giston be separated again, an equal quantity of heat will be absorbed. So that heat and phlogiston appear to be two opposite principles in nature. But this ingenious writer has not presumed absolutely to decide the question that has been long agitated, whether heat be a substance or a quality. — He inclines to the former opinion, however, and observes, that if wc adopt the opinion, that heat is a distinct substance, or an element sui generis, the pheno- mena will be found to admit of a simple and obvious inter- pretation, and to be perfectly agreeable to the analogy of nature. See Crawford's Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat and the Inflammation of Combustible Bo- dies. Also Mr. Leslie's ingenious treatise upon heat ; Scheele's Experiments on Air and Fire; Thomson's Che- mistry, vol. 1; Boerhaave's Chemistry ; Davy's Essays; Humford's Essays, &c; Herschel's in Phil. Trans. ; several vols, of the Pliilos. Magazine, and in Nicholson's Journal. Animal Heat. The heat of animals is very various, both according to the diversity of their kinds, and the difference of the seasons : accordingly, zoologists have di- vided them into hot and cold blooded, reckoning those to be hot that are near or above our own temperature, and all Cithers cold whose heat is below ours, and consequently 95i 96 98 99 97 103 97 9Si 92 93 at 2 inches at 4 inches the ball of the thermom. at the bulb of 7 „ the urethra j ■'" For the powers of animals to bear various degrees of heat, see the Philos. Trans, vol. 65, 68, &c. There is hardly any subject of philosophical investigation that has afforded a greater variety of hypotheses, conjectures, and experiments, than the cause of animal heat. The first opinion which has very generally obtained, is, that the heat of animal bodies is owing to the attrition between the arteries and the blood. All the observations and reason- ing brought in favour of this opinion however, only show that the heat and the motion of the arteries are generally proportional to each other; without showing which is the cause, and which the effect; or indeed that either is the cause or effect of the other, since both may be the effects of some other cause. Dr. Douglas, in his Essay on the Generation of Heat in animals, ascribes it solely to the friction of the globules of blood in their circulation through (he capillary vessels. Another opinion is, that the lungs are the fountain of heat in the. human body : and this opi- nion is supported by much the same kind of arguments as the former, and seemingly to little better purpose. A third opinion is, that the cause of animal heat is owing to the action of the solid parts upon one another. And as the heart and arteries have the most motion, it has been thought natural to expect that the heat should be owing to this motion. But even this does not seem very plausible, from the following considerations: 1st, The moving parts, however we term them solid, are neither hard nor dry; which two conditions are absolutely re- quisite to make them lit to generate heat by attrition. 2d, None of their motions arc swift enough to promise heat in this way. 3d, They have but little change of surface in their attritions. And 4-thly, The moveable fibres have fat, mucilage,or liquors every way surrounding them, to prevent their being destroyed, or heated by attrition. Another cause assigned for the heat of our bodies, is that process by which our aliment and fluids are perpetually undergoing some alteration. And this opinion is chiefly supported by Dr. Stevenson, in the Edinburgh Medical H E A [ 637 ] H E A Essays, vol. 5, art. 77. The late ingenious Dr. Franklin inclines to this opinion, when he says, that the fluid fire, as well as the fluid air, is attracted by plants in their growth, and becomes consolidated with the other materials of which they are formed, and makes a great part of their substance ; that when they come to be digested, and to undergo a kind of fermentation in the vessels, part of the fire, as well as part of the air, recovers its fluid active state again, and diffuses itself on the body digesting and sepa- rating it; &c. Exper. and Obs. on Electricity, pa. 346. Dr. Mortimer thinks the heat of animals explicable from the phosphorus and air they contain. Phosphorus exists, at least in a dormant state, in animal fluids; and it is also known that they all contain air; it is therefore only ne- cessary to bring the phosphoreal and aerial particles into contact, and heat must of consequence be generated ; and were it not for the quantity of aqueous humours in ani- mals, fatal accensions would frequently happen. Philos. Trans. No. 476. Dr. Black supposes, that animal heat is generated en- tirely in the lungs, by the action of the air on the principle of inflammability, and is thence diffused over the rest of the body by means of the circulation. But Dr. Leslie urges several arguments against this hypothesis, tending to show that it is repugnant to the known laws of the animal machine ; and he advances another hypothesis instead of it, viz, that the subtile principle by chemists termed phlo- giston, which enters into the composition of natural bo- dies, is in consequence of the action of the vascular system gradually evolved through every part of the animal ma- chine, and that during this evolution heat is generated. This opinion, he candidly acknowledges, was first delivered by Dr. Duncan of Edinburgh; and that something simi- lar to it is to be found in Dr. Franklin's works, and in a paper of Dr. Mortimer's in the Philos. Trans. The last hypothesis we shall mention, is the very plau- sible one of Dr. Crawford, lately published in his Experi- mentsand Observations on Animal Heat. This ingenious gentleman has inferred, from a variety of experiments, that heat and phlogiston, so far from being connected, as most philosophers have imagined, act in some measure in opposition to each other. By the action of heat on bodies, the force of their attraction of phlogiston is diminished, and by the action of phlogiston, a part of their absolute heat is expelled. He has also demonstrated, that atmospherical air contains a greater quantity of absolute heat than the air which is expired from the lungs of animals : he makes the proportion ot.the absolute heat of atmospherical air to that of fixed air, as 67 to 1 ; and the heat of dephlogisti- cated air to that of atmospherical air, as 4 - 6 to 1 ; and observing that Dr. Priestley has proved, that the power of this dephlogisticated air in supporting animal life, is 5 t.imes as great as that of atmospherical air, he concludes that the quantity of absolute heat contained in any kind of air fit for respiration, is very nearly in proportion to its purity, or to its power of supporting animal life ; and since the air exhaled by respiration, is found to contain only the 67th part of the heat which was contained in the at- mospherical air, previous to inspiration, it is very reason- ably inferred, that the latter must necessarily deposit a very great proportion of its absolute heat in the lungs. Dr. Crawford has also shown, that the blood which passes from the lungs to the heart, by the pulmonary vein, con- tains more, absolute heat than that which passes from the heart to the lungs, by the pulmonary artery; the abso- lute heat of florid arterial blood being to that of venous blood, as Hi to 10: therefore, since the blood which is returned by the pulmonary vein to the heart has the quantity of its absolute heat increased, it must have ac- quired this heat in its passage through the lungs ; so that in the process of respiration a quantity of absolute heat is separated from the air, and absorbed by the blood. Dr. Priestley has also proved, that in respiration, phlogiston is separated from the blood, and combined with air. This theory however has been contested and disputed, and, it has been said, Dr. Crawford's experiments repeated, with contrary results. Though no regular and systemati- cal theory has yet been formed in its stead. Heat of Combustible and Inflammable Bodies. Dr. Crawford's theory with respect to the inflammation of combustible bodies, is founded on the same principles as his doctrine concerning the heat of animals. According to him, the heat which is produced by combustion, is derived from the air, and not from the inflammable body. Inflammable bodies, he says, abound with phlogiston, and contain little absolute heat; the atmosphere, on the con- trary, abounds with absolute heat, and contains little phlogiston. In the process of inflammation, the phlogiston is separated from the inflammable body, and combined with the air ; the air is phlogisticated, and affords a great proportion of its absolute heat, which, when extricated suddenly, bursts forth into flame, and produces an intense degree of sensible heat. And since it appears by calcu- lation, that the heat produced by converting atmospherical into fixed air, is such, if it were not dissipated, as would be sufficient to raise the air so changed, to more than 12 times the heat of red-hot iron, it follows, that in the "pro- cess of inflammation a very great quantity of heat is de- rived from the air. But, on the contrary, no part of the heat can be derived from the combustible body; because this body, during the inflammation, being deprived of its phlogiston, undergoes a change similar to that of the blood by the process of respiration, in consequence of which its capacity for heat is increased ; and therefore it will not evolve any part of its absolute heat, but, like the blood in its passage through the lungs, it will absorb heat. A similar theory of heat has lately been published by Mr. Elliot. See his Philosophical Observations on the senses of Vision and Hearing; to which is added an Essay on Combustion and Animal Heat, Svo, 1780. See Caloric, also Professor Leslie's late work on heat. Mr. Ezekiel Walker has given a neat account of the causes and mode of combustion, in the Philos. Magazine, vol.43, pa. 101, as follows. There are very few bodies in nature that do not contain either thermogen or photo- gen. All those bodies which are called combustibles, contain the element of light, which I call photogen, to avoid the use of ambiguous terms ; and all those bodies which are called supporters of combustion, contain the generator of heat, called thermogen for the same reason. These elements may be made to unite and produce com- bustion, or increase the temperature of bodies, by various means; as: 1st, by friction; 2dly, by percussion; 3dly, by pressure ; 4thlv, by mixture; 5thly, by increase of temperature ; and 6'tbly, by the functions of living animals and vegetables. Thermogen and photogen in a condensed state, as in a charged Leyden jar, have so strong an attraction for each other, that they will pass through any of those bodies called conductors, to a very great distance, to be united. H E A [ 638 ] H E A But when they are united to ponderable matter, they will remain mixed together for ages without producing any effect; but as soon as they are brought within a certain distanceofeach other, which may be called their striking distance, or their sphere of action, either combustion takes place, or the temperature of the body, in which they meet, is increased. The following explanations of some well- known experiments will tend to show the importance, of a theory founded on facts. Experiment 1. In a memoir read to the National Insti- tute of France, M. Biot announces the important fact, that a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases may be made to explode by mechanical compression only,independently of the electric spark. — Explanation. Oxygen and hydrogen gases would remain mixed together, for any length of time, without combining, the thermogen and photogen in them being kept at too great a distance by their bases ; but, by mechanical compression only, they are forced within their striking distance, and light and heat are produced on the same principle as combustion is produced by discharging a Leyden jar. Exper. 2. Take 6" grains of oxygenized muriate of pot- ass, and 3 grains of flour of sulphur, rub them together in a mortar, and a smart detonating noise will be pro- duced. Continue to rub the mixture hard, and the re- port will be frequently repeated, accompanied with vivid flashes of light. If the same mixture be wrapped in paper, laid on an anvil, and smartly struck with a hammer, the report will be as loud as that of a pistol. — Explan. These experiments may be explained on the same principle as the last. The two ingredients, though mixed together, produced no effect until the thermogen in one of them and the photogen in the other were forced into union, by friction or percussion. And on the same principle the effects of many other fulminating substances may be ex- plained. Exper. 3. If an ounce of strong nitrous acid be mixed with about half its weight of sulphuric acid, and poured into a little oil of turpentine, the whole will immediately burst into flame. — Explan. The thermogen and photogen in these fluids coming immediately into contact, flame is produced, without any mechanical force or increase of temperature. — Now, from this experiment it appears im- possible that water can be a compound of oxygen and hy- drogen; for, if it were, these two principles of combustion would burstinto flame like the acid and the oil. But no pressure, no increase of temperature, nor any union with combustible matter, can produce a single spark of fire from water. In short, nothing combustible is found in its composition. Exper. 4. Conibusfion may also be generated by fric- tion. Two pieces of hard wood, being smartly rubbed to- gether with great pressure, will soon burst into flame. — Explan. The first increment of caloric, by friction, is ex- cited by a portion of the thermogen of the air being forced into union with the photogen in the wood ; and by con- tinuing the operation, the temperature of the inflammable principle of the wood is increased till flame is produced. Exper. 5. When a rod of iron is laid upon an anvil, and hammered with a quick succession of heavy strokes, it soon becomes red-hot. But it cannot be strongly heated a second time by the same means, unless it be first intro- duced into a fire. — Explan. The first stroke of the ham- mer forces a small portion of the thermogen of the air into contact with the photogen of the metal, which generates the first increment of caloric; and by repeated strokes of the hammer the caloric is increased, till the rod becomes red-hot. But thephotogeu of the metal becomes exhausted by this means, and therefore cannot produce caloric a se- cond time, till it has recovered its combustible property in the fire. — -The burning of iron wire in oxygen gas, in a brilliant manner shows how iron loses its photogen, and becomes oxydized. Exper. 6. Mr. Thomas Wedgwood has shown, that it has never yet been explained, how friction produces caloric. He took a piece of common window-glass, and held the edge of it against the edge of a revolving grit-stone, when that part in contact with the stone became red-hot, and threw off hot particles which fired gunpowder. Thestone and the glass being both incombustible substances, it re- mains to be explained how caloric was produced. — Ex- plan. It has before been shown, that the electric machine creates nothing, but by friction only collects the two ele- ments which produce caloric, from the earth and the at- mosphere. Though the stone and the glass, in Mr. W.'s experiment, are both incombustible, yet it is almost a self-evident conclusion, that they collect the two elements of caloric from the air and the earth by friction, in the same manner as the electric machine. Exper. 7. It is well known, that when flint and steel are. smartly struck against each other, a spark always ensues, which is capable of setting fire to tinder or to gunpowder. The spark in this case, as was long since ascertained by Dr. Hooke, is a small particle of the me- tal, which is struck off, and takes fire during its passage through the air. This therefore, and all similar cases, belongs to the class of combustion. But light often ap- pears when two bodies aTe struck against each other, when we are certain that no such thing as combustion can hap- pen, because both the bodies are incombustible. Thus, for instance, sparks are emitted when two quartz stones are struck smartly against each other, and light is emitted when they are rubbed against each other. Many other hard stones also emit sparks by such collisions. — If they be often made to emit sparks above a sheet of white paper, there are found upon it a number of small black bodies, somewhat like the eggs of flies. These bodies are hard, but friable, and leave a black stain when rubbed on the paper. When viewed with a microscope, they seem to have been melted. Muriatic acid changes their colour to a green, as it does that of lavas. These substances evident- ly produced the sparks by being heated red-hot. — Explan. It may first be observed, that if the flint be moved over the stone very slowly, no spark is produced, nor will any spark appear if the flint barely touch the steel, though the velocity of the flint be the greatest possible : conse- quently, caloric cannot be produced by collision or fric- tion, but by velocity and pressure conjointly. — Sdl}-, By the collision of the flint and steel, the thermogen of the atmosphere is forced into union with the photogen of the metal. The combination thus produced melts the mi- nute particles of steel, struck oft' by the flint, into small globules. That this metal contains the generator of light is well known, by the burning of iron or steel wire in oxygen gas. — Sparks are emitted when two quartz stones are struck smartly against each other under water; and Mr. Kirwan affirms, that sparks are produced by the col- lision of Hint and steel under common spring water. Exper. 8. From Count Rumi'ord's experiments it ap- pears, that by a moderate degree of friction, the same H E A [ 63Q ] H E A piece of metal afforded so much caloric under water, as to keep it boiling. — Explan. This experiment may be ex- plained on the same principle as the last. Water, being a better conductor of thcrmogen than atmospheric air, cannot prevent the production of caloric by the collision • or friction of hard bodies. Heat,m Geography, is that which relates to the earth. There is a great variety in the heat of different places and seasons. Naturalists have commonly assumed it as a fact, that the nearer any place is to the centre of the earth, the hotter it is found ; but this does not appear to hold strictly true. And if it were, the effect might be otherwise ac- counted for, and more satisfactorily, than from their imagined central fire. Mr. Boyle, who had been at the bottom of some mines himself, with more, probability suspects that this degree of heat, at least in some of them, may arise from the pecu- liar nature of the minerals there produced. And he in- stances a mineral of the vitriolic kind, dug up in large quantities, in several parts of England, which, by the bare effusion of common water; will become so hot as almost to take fire. To which may be added, that such places, in the bowels of the earth, usually feel hot, from the con- fined and stagnant state of the air in them, in which the heat is retained, for want of a current or change of air to carry the heat off. On the other hand, on ascending high mountains, the air feels more and more cold and piercing. Thus, the tops of the Pike of Teneriffe, the Alps, and several other mountains, even in the most sultry countries, are found always invested with snow and ice, which the heat is never sufficient to thaw. In some of the mountains of Peru there is no such thing as running water, but all ice : plants vegetate a little about the bottom of the mountains, but near the top no vegetable can live, for the intenseness of the cold. This effect is attributed to the thinness of the air, and the little surface of the earth there is to reflect the rays, as well as the great distance of the general surface of the earth which reflects I he rays back into the atmosphere. As to the diversity in the heat of different climes and seasons, it arises from the different angles under which the sun's rays strike upon the surface of the earth. In the Philos. Trans. Abr. vol. .'3, p. 576, Dr. Hal ley has given a computation of this heat, on the principle, that the simple action of the sun's rays, like other impulses or strokes, is more or less forcible, according to the sines of the angles of incidence, or to the sines of the sun's altitudes, at dif- ferent times or places. Hence it follows, that the time of continuance, or the sun's shining on any place, being taken for a basis, and the sines of the sun's altitudes perpendicularly erected upon it, and a curve line drawn through the extremities of those perpendiculars, the area thus comprehended will be proportional to the collection of all the heat of the sun's beams in that period of time. Hence it will likewise follow, that at the pole, the col- lection of all the heat of a tropical day, is proportional to the rectangle or product of the sine of 23$ degrees into 24 hours, or the circumference of a circle, or as -f s into 12 hours, the sine of 23| degrees being nearly -,% of ra- dius. Or the polar heat will be equal to that of the sun continuing 12 hours above the horizon at 53 degrees height ; and the sun is not 5 hours more elevated than this under the equinoctial. But as it is the nature of heat to remain in the subject, after the luminary is removed, and particularly in the air, under the equinoctial, the 12 hours absence of the sun abates but little from the effect of his heat in the day; but under the pole, the long absence of the sun for 6 months has so chilled the air, that it is in a manner frozen, and after the sun has risen upon the pole again, it is long before his beams can make any impression, being ob- structed by thick clouds and fogs. From the foregoing principle Dr. Halley computes the following table, exhibiting the heat to every 10th degree of latitude, for the equinoctial and tropical sun, and from which an estimate may easily be made for the intermediate degrees. Latitude. Sign that the Sun is in. V or c£> 25 y? 20000 18341 18341 10 19696 20296 15S34 20 18794 21737 13166 30 17321 22651 10124 40 15321 23048 6944 50 12855 22991 3798 60 10000 22773 1075 70 6840 23543 80 3473 24673 90 25055 From the same principles, and table, also are deduced the following corollaries, viz, \ 1, That the equatorial heat, when the sun becomes ver- tical, is as twice the square of the radius. — 2, That at the equator the heat is as the sine of the sun's declination. — 3. That in the frigid zones, when the sun sets not, the heat is as the circumference of a circle into the sine of the altitude at 6: And consequently, that in the same lati- tude, these aggregates of heat are as the sines of the sun's declination; and at the same declination of the sun, they are as the sines of the latitudes ; and generally they are as the sines of the latitudes into the sines of declination. — 4, That the equatorial day's heat is every where as the cosine of the latitude. — 5, In all places where the sun sets, the difference between the summer and winter heats, when the declinations are contrary, is equal to a circle into the sine of the altitude at 6, in the summer' parallel; and consequently those differences are as the rectangles of the sines of the latitude and declinations. — 6, The tropical ' sun has the least force of any at the equator ; and at the pole it is greatest of all. Many objections have been urged against this theory of Dr. Halley. Some have insisted, that the effect of the sun's heat is not in the simple, but in the duplicate ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence ; like the law of the impulse of fluids. And indeed, the quantity of the sun's direct rays received at any place, being evidently as the sine of the angle of incidence, or of the sun's altitude, if the heat be also proportional to the force with which a ray strikes, like the mechanical action or impulse of any body, then it will follow that the heat must be in the compound ratio of both, that is, as the square of the sine of the sun's altitude. But this last principle is here only assumed gratis, as we do not know a priori that the heat is proportional to the furce of a striking body; and it is only experiment that can determine this point. It is certain that heat communicated by the sun to bo- H E A [ 640 ] H E A dies on the earth, depends also much upon other circum- stances beside the direct force of his rays. These must be modified by our atmosphere, and variously reflected and combined by the action of the earth's surface itself, to produce any remarkable effects of heat. So that, if it were not for these additional circumstances, it is probable the naked heat of the sun would not be very sensible. Dr. Halley himself was well apprised, that many other circumstances, besides the direct force of the sun's rays, contributed to augment or diminish the effect of this, and the heat resulting from it, in different climates; and there- fore no calculation, formed on the preceding theory, can be supposed to correspond exactly with observation and experiment. It has.a'lso been objected that, according to the foregoing theory, the greatest heat in the same place, should be at the summer' solstice, and the most extreme cold at the winter solstice ; which is contrary to expe- rience. To this objection it may be replied, that heat is not produced in bodies by the sun instantaneously, nor do the effects of his heat cease immediately when his rays are withdrawn ; and therefore those parts which are once heated, retain the heat for some time ; which, with the ad- ditional heat daily imparted, makes it continue to increase, though the sun declines from us : and this is the reason why July is hotter than June, though the sun has with- drawn from the summer tropic : as we also find it is gene- rally hotter at one, two, or three in the afternoon, when the sun has declined towards the west, than at noon, when he is on the meridian. As long as the heating particles, which are constantly received, are more numerous than those which ily away or lose their force, the heat of bodies must continually increase. So, after the sun has left the tropic, the number of particles, which heat our atmo- sphere and earth, constantly increases, because we receive more in the day than we lose at. night, and therefore our heat must also increase. But as the days decrease again,' and the action of the sun becomes weaker, more particles will be dispersed in the night than are received in the day, by which means the earth and air will gradually cool. Further, those places which are well cooled, require time to be heated again; and therefore January is mostly colder tlian December, though the sun has withdrawn from the winter tropic, and begun to emit his rays more directly upon us. But the chief cause of the difference between the heat of summer and winter is, that in summer the rays fall more directly, and pass through a less dense part of the atmo- sphere ; and therefore with greater force, or at least in greater number in the same place: and besides, by their long continuance, a much greater degree of heat is im- parted by day than can be dispersed by night. For the calculations and opinions of several other philosophers on this head, sec Keill's Astron. Lect. 8 ; Ferguson's As- tron. chap. 10; Long's Astron. § 777; Memo. Acad. Scienc. 171.9. As to the temperature or heat of our atmosphere, it may be observed that the mercury seldom falls under 16° in Fahrenheit's thermometer; but we are apt to reckon it very cold at 24°, and it, continues chilly to 40° and a little above. However, such colds have been often known to reduce it down to 0°, the beginning of the scale, or nearly the cold produced by a mixture of snow and salt, often near it, and in some places below it. Thus, the degree of the thermometer has been observed at various times and places as follows : Places Latit. Year Them Pensylvania 40° 0' 1732 5' Paris 48 50 1709 & 1710 S Ley den 52 10 1729 5 Utrecht 52 8 4 London 51 31 1709 & 1710 Copenhagen 55 43 1705 Upsal - 59 56 ■ 1732 — 1 Petersburg 59 56 — -2S Torneo 65 51 1736-7 —33 Hudson's Bay 52 24 1775 —37 The middle temperature of our atmosphere is about 4S°, being nearly a medium of all the seasons. The French make it somewhat higher, reckoning it equal to the cave of their royal observatory, or 53°. In cold countries, the air is found agreeable enough to the inhabitants while it is between 40 and i0°. But in our climate we are best pleased with the heat of the air from 50 to 60°; while in the hot countries the air is generally at a medium about 70°. With us, the air is not reckoned warm till it arrives about 64°, and it is very warm and sultry at S0°. It. is to be noted that the foregoing observations are to be under- stood of the state of the air in the shade; for as to the heat of bodies acted on by the direct rays of the sun, it is much greater: thus, Dr. Martine found dry earth heated to above 120°; but Dr. Hales found a very hot sun-shine heat'in 1727 to be about 140°; and Muschenbroek once observed it so high as 150°; but at Montpelier'the sun was so very hot, on one day in the year 1705, as to raise M. Amontons' thermometer to the mark of boiling water itself, which is our 212°. (See Temperature of the Atmo- sphere under the article Atmosphere.) It appears from the register of the thermometer kept at London by Dr. Heberden for 9 years, viz, from the end of 1763 to the end of 1772, that the mean heat at 8 in the morning was47°'4; and by another register kept at Hawk- hill near Edinburgh, that the mean heat in that place, du- ring the same period of time, was 46°. Also by registers kept in London and at Hawkhill, for the three years 1772, 1773, 1774, it appears, that the mean heat of these three years in London, at 8 in the morning, was 4S° - 5, and at 2 in the afternoon 56°, but the mean of both morning and afternoon 52°'2 ; while the mean heat at Hawkhill for the same time, at 8 in the morning was 45 0- 4 and at 2 in the afternoon 50"1 and the mean of both 47'7- The mean heal of springs near Edinburgh is found to be about 47°, and at London 51°. Philos. Trans, vol. 65, art. 44. Lastly, from the meteorological journals of the Royal Society, published in the Philos. Trans, it appears that the mean heights of the thermometer, for the ivhole years, kept without and within the house, are as below: Therm. Without Therm. Within For 1775 - 51'S - - 527 1776 - 51-1 - - 529 1777 - 51'0 - - 53-0 1778 - 52-0 - - 53-1 mean of all - 51'4 - - 52"9 Heat, Latent, is insensible, concealed, dormant as it were. ' HEAVEN, an azure transparent orb investing our earth, where the celestial bodies perform their motions. It is of divers denominations, as the highest or empyrean H E I [ 641 ] H E L heaven, the etherial or starry heaven, the planetary hea- ven, &c. Formerly the heavens were considered as solid substances, or else as spaces full of solid matter; but Newton has abundantly shown that the heavens are void of almost all resistance, and consequently of almost all mat- ter: this he proves from the phenomena of the celestial bodies; from the planets persisting in their motions, with- out any sensible diminution of their velocity ; and the comets freely passing in all directions towards all parts of the heavens. Heaven, taken in this general sense, or the whole expanse between our earth and the remotest regions of the fixed stars, may be divided into two very unequal -parts, according to the matter occupying them; viz, the atmosphere or aereal heaven, occupied by air; and the ethereal heaven, possessed by a thin and unresisting me- dium, called ether. Heaven is more particularly used, in Astronomy, for an orb, or circular region, of the ethereal heaven. The ancient astronomers assumed as many different heavens as they observed different celestial motions. All these they made solid, thinking they could not otherwise sustain the bodies fixed in them ; and of a spherical form, as being the most proper for motion. Thus they had seven heavens for the seven planets; viz, the heavens of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The 8th was for the fixed stars, which they particularly called the firmament. Ptolemy added a 9th heaven, which he called the primum mobile. After him two crystalline heavens were added by King Alphonsus, &c, to account for some irregularities in the motions of the other heavens. And lastly an empyrean heaven was drawn over the whole for the residence of the Deity ; which made the number 12. But some admitted many other heavens, according as their different views and hypotheses required. Eudoxus sup- posed 23, Calippus 30, Regiomontanus 33, Aristotle 47, and Fracastor no less than 70. The astronomers however did not much concern themselves whether the heavens they thus allowed, were real or not ; provided they served a purpose in accounting for any of the celestial motions, and agreed with the phenomena. HEAVINESS, the same as Gravity, which see. Heavy bodies do not tend precisely to the very centre of the earth, except at the poles and the equator, on ac- count of the. spheroidal figure of the earth ; their direction being every where perpendicular to the surface of the spheroid. HEGIRA, a term in Chronology, signifying the epoch, or account of time, used by the Mahomedans, who begin their computation from the day that Mahomet was forced to make his escape from the city of Mecca, which happen- ed on Friday the l6th of July 622. The years of the hegira are lunar ones, consisting only of 354 days. Hence, to reduce these years to the Julian calendar, that is, to find what Julian year a given year of the hegira answers to : reduce the year of the hegira into days, by multiplying by 354, divide the product by 365$ , and to the quotient add 622, the year the hegira com- menced. HEIGHT, the third dimension of a body, considered with regard to its elevation above the ground; or any di- stance above the earth's surface, &c. Height, of a figure, the same as its altitude, being the perpendicular from its vertex to the base. Height, of the pole, he. SoeAltitude of the Pole, &c. Vol. I. HELIACAL, something relating to the sun. Thus, Heliacal Rising, of a star or planet, is when it rises with, or at the same time as, the sun. And heliacal set- ting, the same as the setting .with the sun. Or, a star rises heliacally, when, after it has been in conjunction with the sun, and so invisible, it gets at such a distance from him, as to be seen in the morning before the sun's rising. And it is said to set heliacally, when it approaches so near the sun as to be hid by his" beams. So that, in strictness, the heliacal rising and setting are only an appa- rition and occultation. HELICE Major and Minor; the same as Ursa Major and Minor. HELICOID Parabola, or the Parabolic Spiral, is a curve arising from the supposition that the common or Apollo- nian parabola is bent or twisted, till the axis come into the periphery of a circle, the ordinate still retaining their places and perpendicular positions with respect to the cir- cle, all these lines still remainingin the same plane. Thus, the axis of a parabola being bent into the circumfer- ence bcdm, and the ordi- nates cf, dg, &c, still per- pendicular to it, then the parabola itself, passing through the extremities of the ordinates, is twisted into the curve bfg, &c, called the Helicoid, or Parabolic Spiral. Hence it is evident thatall theordinatescF, dg, &c, tend to the centre of the circle, being perpendicular to the circumference. — Also, the equation of the curve re- mains the same as when it was a parabola; viz, putting x = any circular absciss bc, and y = cf the correspond- ing ordinate, then ispx = y a , where p is the parameter of the parabola. HELIOCENTRIC Place of a Planet, is the place in which a planet would appear to be when viewed from the sun ; or the point of the ecliptic, in which a planet viewed from the sun would appear to be. And therefore the heliocentric place coincides with the longitude of a planet viewed from the sun. Heliocentric Latitude of a Planet, is the inclination ■ of the line drawn between the centre of the sun and the centre of a planet, to the plane of the ecliptic. The greatest heliocentric latitude is equal to the inclination of the planet's orbit to the plane of the ecliptic. HELIOCOMETE, Comet of the Sun, a phenomenon sometimes observed at the setting of the sun; thus deno- minated by Sturmius and Pylen, who had seen it, because it seems to make a comet of the sun, being a large tail, or column of light, fixed or attached to that luminary, and dragging after it, at its setting, like the tail of a comet. HELIOMETER, or Astuometer ; an instrument for measuring, with particular exactness, the diameters of the sun, moon, and stars. — This instrument was invented by M. Bouguer in 1747, and is a kind of telescope, con- sisting of two object-glasses of equal focal distance, placed by the side of each other, so that the same eye-Mass serves for both. The tube of this instrument is of a co- nical form, larger at the upper end, which receives the. two object-glasses, than at the lower, which is furnished with an eye-glass and micrometer. By the construction 4 N MEM [ 642 ] HER of this instrument, two distinct images of an object are formed in the focus of the eye-glass, whose distance, de- pending on that of the two object-glasses from each other, may be measured with great accuracy. Mem. Acad. Sci. 1748. Mr. Servington Savery discovered a similar me- thod of improving the micrometer, which was communi- cated to the Royal Society in 1743. HELIOSCOPE, a kind of telescope peculiarly adapted for viewing and observing the sun without hurting the eye. There are various kinds of this instrument, usually made by employing coloured glass for the object- or eye-glass, or both; and sometimes only using an eye-glass blackened by holding it over the smoke or flame of a lamp or candle, which is Huygens's way. See Dr. Hooke's treatise on Helioscopes. HELIOSTATA, an instrument invented by Dr. Grave- sande, and so called from its property of fixing the sun- beam in one position, viz, in a horizontal direction across the dark chamber while it is used. See Gravesande's Phy- sices Element. Mathematica, torn. 2, pa. 715, ed.3tia, 1742, for an account of the principles, construction and use of this instrument. HEL1SPHER1CAL Line, is the rhumb-line in naviga- tion ; being so called, because on the globe it winds round the pole heliacally or spirally, approaching always nearer and nearer to it. HELIX, a spiral line. See Spiral. HEMICYCLE, in Architecture, a term applied to se- micircular vaults. HEMISPHERE, the half of a sphere or globe, when divided in two by a plane passing through its centre. Hemisphere, in Astronomy, is particularly used for one half of the mundane sphere. The equator divides the sphere into two equal parts, called the northern and southern hemispheres. The horizon also divides the sphere into two equal parts, called the upper and lower hemi- spheres. Hemisphere is also used for a map or projection of half the terrestrial globe, or of half the celestial sphere, on a plane; being more frequently called a planisphere. The centre of gravity of a hemisphere, is five-eighths of the radius distant from the vertex. A hemisphere unites the parallel rays at the distance of four-thirds of a dia- meter from the pole of the glass. Hemispheres of Mugdeburgh, two brass concave he- mispheres, one of which is furnished with a cock, by which it may be adjusted to the air-pump. The other has a ring at the middle of its convexity, by means of which it may be suspended. When these two hemispheres are placed together, the air is drawn from within through the me- dium of the cock by the mechanism of the air-pump ; and then, the exhaustion being carried far enough, and the cock turned to prevent the admission of air from without, a considerable force is requisite to separate the hemi- spheres ; the force varying with their great circle. This fur- nishes an easy and obvious method ol proving the pressure of the air. Otto Gueriche, the inventor of the air-pump, to whom also is due this invention, made hemispheres of about a foot radius, and found that the atmospheric pressure on them was equivalent to about 5400 pounds, HENDECAGON, a figure of eleven sides, or theE decagon ; which see. HENIOCHAS, or Heniochus, a northern constel- lation, the same as Auriga, which see. HEPTAGON, in Geometry, a figure of seven sides and seven angles.— When those sides and angles are all equal, the heptagon is said to be regular, otherwise it is irregu- lar. — In a regular heptagon, the angle ^-^ c at the centre is = 5l°|, the angle x<^ dab of the polygon is = 128°£, and its half cab = 6'4°f-. Also the area is 3= the square of the side ab ! x 3 - 6'339124 or = ab 2 x Zt, where t isjj\ the tangent of the angle cab of 64°|- to the radius 1 ; or t is the root of the equation ; -A- -^ t tz - 26t to + 143< 3 - 245* 6 + 143/4 -26* z + 1 = ; or _ / * +. « _ i + ^/d- y 2 ) y the value of x and y are the roots of the equations x 6 — ! x 4 -+- i.r' 2 — ' = 0, j, s - Z *r if- -54 :0. See my Mensuration, pa. 86, 4th edition. Heptagon, in Fortification, a place fortified or strength- ened with seven bastions for its defence. Heptagon al Numbers, are a kind of polygonal num- bers in which the difference of the terms of the corre- sponding arithmetical progression is 5. Thus, Arithmeticals, 1, 6, 11, lfi, 21, 26", &c. Heptagonals, 1, 7, IS, 34, 55, 81, &c ; where the heptagonals are formed by adding continually the terms of the arithmeticals, above them, whose common difference is 5. — One property, among many others, of these heptagonal numbers is, that if any one of them be multiplied by 40, and to the product be added 9, the sum will be a square number. Thus 1 x 40 + 9 = 49 = 7';* and 7 x 40 -+- 9 = 289 = 17 2 ; and 18 x 40 ■+■ 9 = 729 = 27"; and 34 x 40 -+- 9 = 13o"9 = 37 2 ; &c. Where it is remarkable that the series of squares so formed is 7 2 > 17 2 , 27 2 , 37 2 , &c, the common difference ofwhose roots is 10, the double of the common difference of the arithmetical series, from which the heptagonals are formed. — See POLYGONALS. HEPTANGULAIl Figure, in Geometry, is one that has seven angles ; and therefore also seven sides. HERCULES, in Astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, and one of the 48 old constellations mentioned by ancient writers. The stars in this constel- lation, in Ptolemy's catalogue, are 29; inTycho's, 28; and in the Britannic catalogue, 113. HERISSON, in Fortification, a beam armed with iron spikes, having their points turned outward. It is sup- ported in the middle by a stake, having a pivot on which it turns; and serves'asa barrier to block up a passage. — Herissons arc frequently placed before gates, especially the posterns of a town or fortress, to secure those passages which must of necessity be often opened, HERMANN (Jami'.s), a learned mathematician of the HEMISPHEROIDAL, in Geometry, something that ' Academy of Berlin, and member of the Academy of Sci- approaches to the figure of a hemisphere, but is not ences at Paris, was born at Basil in 16"78. tie was agneat justly so. traveller ; and for 6" years was professor of mathematics at HEMITONE, in Music, a half note, or semi-tone. Padua. He afterwards went to Russia, being invited thi- HER c ] HER ther by the Czar in 172.4, 'as well as his compatriot Daniel Bernoulli. On his return to his native country, he was appointed professor of morality and natural law at Basil ; where he died in 1733, at 55 years of age. Hermann wrote several mathematical and philosophical pieces, in the Memoirs of different Academies, and elsewhere ; but his principal work, is the Phoronomia, or two Books on the Forces and Motions of both Solid and Fluid Bodies; 4to, 1716: a very learned work on the new mathematical physics. HliRMETIC, or Hermetical Art, a name given to chemistry, on a supposition that Hermes Trismegistiis was its inventor. HERMETICAL Philosophy, is that which undertakes to solve and explain all the phenomena of nature, from the three chemical principles, salt^ sulphur, and mercury. A considerable addition was made to the ancient herme- tical philosophy, by the modern doctrine of alkali and acid. Hermetical Seal, or Hermetical Sealing, a manner of stopping or closing glass vessels, for chemical and other operations, so very closely, that no substance can possibly exhale or escape. This is usually done by heating the neck of the vessel in the flame of a lamp, with a blow-pipe, till it be read}' to melt, and then with a pair of hot pincers twisting it close together. HERO, or Heron, the name of two celebrated mathe- maticians of the Alexandrian school, under Ptolemy Euer- cetes 11 ;one called the elder, who wrote a very ingenious treatise on various pneumatics and hydraulic machines, translated into Latin, and published in several editions and forms, since the invention of printing; first a very elegant edition by Commandine, in 4to, 1583, entitled Heronis Alexandrini Spiritalium Liber. To this was added Qua- tuor Thoremata Spiritalia, by Joan. Bapt. Aleotti ; trans- lated from Italian into Latin ; Amsterdam, 168O, in 4to. The other, called the younger, under the Emperor Hera- clius, left a Treatise on Mechanics and Mensuration, pub- lished in Latin, at Venice, 1572, in 4to, entitled Heronis Mechanici, liber de Machinis Bellicis, nee non liber de Geodassia. A Francisco Barocia, patritio Veneto latini- tate donati, multis mendis expurgati, et figuris, ac scho- liis illustrati. HERSCHEL. See Uranus. Herschel's Telescope, a curious one made by that astronomer, being a reflecting one, and the largest ever constructed, 40 feet in length. The figure of it is exhi- bited in plate xv, and thedescription as follows, abridged from the Philos. Trans, vol. 85, or from my Abridg. vol. 17, pa. 593. The telescope is placed in a situation due north and south, and the plate delineates the whole apparatus as seen by a person placed at a convenient distance from it towards the south-west. From this view the structure is sufficiently understood ; and with very little attention, the mode of pointing this immense body to any part of the heavens, will be clearly seen. We shall treat of the chief parts in their order; and first, of the tube itself. The tube is made of rolled or sheet iron, joined toge- ther without rivets, by a seaming similar to that which is used for iron funnels for stoves ; the thickness of the sheets is somewhat less than a 36th part of an inch, or it may be found more accurately by taking a square foot of it at the weight of 14 pounds. Great care was taken in so joining together the plates, of which the tube is composed, that the cylindrical form should be secured, and then the whole was coated over three < r four times with paint, in- side and outside, to secure it against the damp. The tube wus-formed at a short distance from its present place, and removed with great ease by 24 men, divided into six sets; so that two men on each side, with a pole of 5 feet long in their hands, to which was affixed a piece of coarse cloth, 7 feet long, going under the tube, and joined to a pole of 5 feet long, in i the hands of two other men, assisted in carrying the tube. The length of the tube is 39 feet 4 inches, the diameter 4 feet 10 inches; and upon a mo- derate computation it is supposed that a wooden tube for the same purpose would have exceeded this in weight by at least 3000 pounds. The length of the iron plate form- ing the tube, and composed of smaller ones 3 feet 10 inches long, and 23§ inches broad ; is nearly 40 feet, and the breadth 15 feet 4 inches. The great mirror which, by proper methods, was brought to the lower part of the tube, is made of metal, 49| inches in diameter ; but the concave part, or polished surface, is only 48 inches in diameter. Its thickness is Z\ inches ; and when it came from the cast, its weight was 2118 pounds, of which a small quantity must have beett lost in polishing. An iron ring, 4-91 inches in diameter within, 4 inches broad, and 1^ inch thick, with three strong handles to it, goes round the mirror, and a flat cover of tin is made to correspond with this ring, that the mirror may be preserved from damp ; and, by an easy contri- vance, it is taken off and fixed on at. pleasure. At the upper end the tube is open, and directed to the part of the heavens intended for observation, to which the observer's back is turned, and he, standing on the foot- board visible in the plate, looks down the tube, and per- ceives the object by rays reflected from the great mirror, through the eye-glass at the opening of the tube. Near the place of the eye-glass is the end of a tin pipe, into which a mouth-piece may be placed ; so that, during an observation, a person may direct his voice into this pipe, while his eye is at the glass. This pipe is 1# inch in dia- meter; runs down to the bottom of the tube, where it goes into a turning joint, thence into a drawing tube, and out of this into another turning joint, from which it proceeds by aset of sliding tubes towards the front of the foundation timber. The use of this tube is to convey the voice of the observer to his assistants ; for at the last place it di- vides itself into two branches, one going into the observa- tory, the other into the workman's room, ascending into both places through the floor, and being terminated in the usual shape of speaking-trumpets. Though the voice passes in this manner through a tube with many inflec- tions, and not less than 115 feet, it requires very little exertion to be well understood. To direct so immense a body to any part of the heavens at pleasure, much ingenuity, and many mechanical con- trivances are evidently necessary. The whole apparatus rests upon rollers, and care was previously taken of the foundation in the ground. This consists of concentrical circular brick walls, the outermost 42 feet, the innermost 21 feet in diameter; 2 feet 6 inches deep underground ; 2 feet 3 inches broad at bottom, and 1 foot 2 inches at the top, capped with paving-stones, about 3 inches thick, and \2\ inches broad. In the centre is a large post of oak, framed together with braces underground, and walled fast with brick-work, to make it steady. Round this 4N 2 HER [ 644 ] H E T centre, the whole frame is moved horizontally, by means of 20 rollers, 1 2 upon ihe outer, and 8 upon the inner wall. The vertical motion is given to the telescope by means of ropes and pulleys as seen in the plate, passing over the main-beam, supported by the ladders. These ladders are in length 4-9 feet 2 inches; and there is a moveable gal- lery with 24 rollers to ease its motion. The small stair- case, visible in the plate, is intended for persons, who wish to ascend into the gallery, without being obliged to go up the ladder. The ease with which the horizontal and ver- tical motions may be communicated to the tube, will be best conceived from a remark of Dr. Herschel's, that, in the year 17S9, he several times observed Saturn two or three hours before and after its meridional passage, with one single person to continue, at his directions, the ne- cessary horizontal and vertical motions. Upon the platform are visible two rooms, the one called the Observatory, 8 feet 5 inches by 5 feet 5 inches, the other called the Working-room, 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. To persons in these rooms, as has been above remarked, the observer can give his directions by means of the speaking-pipes; and in the rooms may be placed things commonly used in an observatory. From a view of the plate and the description thus given of it, the reader will form a competent idea of an instru- ment, which, with proper eye-glasses, magnifies above 6000 times, and is the largest that has ever been made. Astro- nomers in different parts of the world may be discouraged from continuing their observations, when it should seem that their discoveries must be anticipated by our observer ; but though he has so much the advantage, much is left to their labour and industry. It did not require a telescope of this magnitude to observe the object which was first dis- covered to be a planet by our astronomer, for it had been seen and taken for a fixed star by many persons in the two last centuries. And the double ring'of Saturn, which has indeed been so beautifully observed through Herschel's magnifier, had been already described by Cassini in his Memoirs. Such of our readers as wish for a more parti- cular account of this instrument will find it in the Trans- actions of the Royal Society for 17.95, second part; in which there are 18 plates, and 63 pages of letter-press, to give an ample detail of every circumstance relating to joiner's work, carpenter's work, smith's work, &c : which has attended the formation and erection of this instrument. It was completed on August the 28th, 1789, on which day the sixth satellite of Saturn was discovered. HERSE, in Fortification, a lattice or portcullice, in the form of a harrow, beset with iron spikes, to block up a gate-way, &c. HERS1LLON, or little Herse, in Fortification, is a plank armed with iron spikes, for the same use as the herse, and also to impede the march of the infantry or ca- valry. HERWART(John George), chancellor of Bavaria at the beginning of the 17th century, was descended from a Patrician family of Augsburg. He was author of several curious books. I .Tabulx Arithmetics Universale^ &c. Monach. Bavar. in large folio, 16"I0. This is per- haps a work of the most stupendous magnitude and la- bour in numeral calculations that ever was executed, con- sisting of a table of numbers closely printed on f)9<) large folio pages, for readily taking out the products and quo- tients of all numbers by inspection only ; being in fact an immense multiplication-table, of all factors or numbers, both up to 1000 each, or 1 million of products. Many examples of multiplications and divisions are prefixed, with applications to the calculations of spherical triangles. And, but for the more compendious invention of logarithms, which soon after took place, Herwart's tables would doubt- less still have been in constant use for similar purposes. — 2. Herwart also wrote an Apology for the Emperor Louis of Bavaria, against the falsehoods asserted by Bzovius. — 3. Chronologia, nova et vera, l6'l2 and \626, 2 parts, 4to.— 4. Another very singular book, which was published by his son, John Frederick Herwart, entitled, Admiranda ethicas Theologia?" Mysteria propolata, de antiquissima veterum Nationum Superstitione, &c; lG24, 4to. HESSE (William Prince of), rendered his name im- mortal by his encouragement of learning, by his studies, and by his observations, for many years, of the celestial bodies. For this purpose, he erected an observatory at Cassel, and furnished it with good instruments, well adapt- ed to that design; calling also to his assistance two emi- nent artists, Christopher Rothmannand Juste Byrge. His observations, which are of a very curious nature, were published at Leyden, in the year l6'l8, by Willebrord Snell ; and are in part mentioned by Tycho Brahe, as well in his epistles as in the 2d volume of his Progymnas- mata ; a signal example to all princely and heroic minds, to undertake the promoting the arts of peace, and ad- vancing this truly noble and celestial science. This prince died in the year 1597- HETERODROMUS Vectis, or Lever, in Mechanics, a lever in which the fulcrum, or point of suspension is be- tween the weight and the power ; being the same as what is otherwise called a lever of the first kind. HETEROGENEOUS, or Heterogeneal, literally imports things of different natures, or something that con- sists of parts of different or dissimilar kinds ; in opposition to Homogeneous. Thus, Heterogeneous Bodies, are such as have their parts of unequal density. Heterogeneous Light, that which consists of parts or rays of different refrangibility, reflcxibility, and colour. Thus, the common light of the sun, er clouds, is heteroge- neous, being a mixture of all sorts of rays. Heterogeneous Numbers, are mixed numbers, con- sisting of integers and fractions. Heterogeneous Particles, are such asare of different kinds, natures, and qualities; of which generally all bodies consist. Heterogeneous Quantities, inMathematics,are those which cannot have proportion, or be compared together as to greater and less; being of such different kind and consideration, as that one of them taken any number of times, never equals or exceeds the other. As lines, sur- faces, and solids in geometry. Heterogeneous Surds, are such as have different ra- dical signs, as a/h and£/6*J or %/ 10 and ^/20. IIETEROSCII, in Geography, are such inhabitants of the earth as have their shadows at noon projected always the same way with regard to themselves, or always con- trary ways with respect to each other. Thus, all the in- habitants without the toil id zone are 1 leteroscii, with re- gard to themselves, since any one such inhabitant has his shadow at noon always the same way, viz, always north of him in north latitude, and always south of him in south H E V [ 645 ] H E V latitude; or these two situations are Heteroscii to each other, having such shadows projected contrary ways at all times of the year. HEVELIUS (John), a very celebrated astronomer, and a burgomaster of Dantzick, was born iu that city in l6"ll. He studied mathematics under Peter Cruger, in which he made a wonderful progress. He afterwards spent several years on his travels through Holland, England, Germany, and France, for his improvement in the sciences. On his return, he constructed excellent telescopes himself, and began diligently to observe the heavens, an employ- ment he closely followed during the course of a long life, which was terminated only in l6S7, at 76 years of age. Hevelius was author of several remarkable discoveries in the heavens. He was the first who observed the phenome- non called the libration of the moon, and made several other important observations on the other planets. He also discovered several fixed stars, which he named the Firmament of Sobieski, in honour of John the 3d, king of Poland. He also framed a large catalogue of the stars, and collected multitudes of the unformed ones into new constellations. His wife was also well skilled in astro- nomy, and made a part of the observations that were pub- lished by her husband. Our author's principal publica- tions are, his Selenographia, or an exact description of the moon; in which he has engraved all her phases, and re- markable parts, distinguished by names, and ascertained their respective bounds by the help of telescopes ; contain- ing also a delineation of the several visible spots, with the various motions, changes, and appearances, discovered by the telescope, as also in the sun and other planets, 164-7. — In l654j, two epistles; one to the celebrated astrono- mer Riccioli, concerning the Libration of the Moon; and the other to Bulliald, on the Eclipses of both luminaries. —In 1656, a Dissertation, De Natura Saturni faciei, &c. — In 1668, his Cometographia, representing the whole nature of comets, their situation, parallaxes, distances, diverse appearances, and surprising motions, with a history of all the comets from the beginning of the world down to the present time; being enriched with curious sculpture of his own execution : to which he added a treatise on the planet Mercury, seen in the sun at Dantzick, May 3, 1 66 1 ; with the history of a new star appearing in the neck of Cetus, and another in the beak of Cygnus ; besides an il- lustration of some astronomical discoveries of the late Mr. Horrox, in his treatise on Venus seen in the sun, Novem- ber '34', l0*39 ; with a discourse of some curious Parase- lena and Parhelia observed at Dantzick. He sent copies of this work to several members of the Royal Society at London, and among them to Mr. Hooke, in return for which, this gentleman sent to Hevelius a description of the Dioptric Telescope, with an account of the manner of using it; and recommending it to him, as much preferable to telescopes with plain sights. This gave rise to a dispute between them,. viz, " whether distances and altitudes could be taken with plain sights any nearer than to a minute." Hooke asserted that they could not ; but that, with an in- strument of a span radius, by the help of a telescope, they might be determined to the exactness of a second. He- velius, on the other hand, insisted that, by the advantage of a good eye and long practice, he was able with his in- struments to come up even to that exactness; and, appeal- ing to experience and facts, sent by way of challenge 8 distances, each between two different stars, to be examined by Ilooke. Thus the affair rested for some time with out- ward decency, but not withoutsome inward grudge between the parties. In 1673, Hevelius published the first part of his Ma- china Coelestis, as a specimen of the exactness both of his instruments and observations; and sent several copies as presents to his friends in England, but omitting Mr. Hooke. This, it is supposed, occasioned that gentleman to print, in l6'74, Animadversions on the First Part of the Machina Coelestis; in which he treated Hevelius with a very magis- terial air, and threw out several unhandsome reflexions, which were greatly resented. This was the cause of a most violent dispute, which arose afterwards to such a height, and became so notorious, that iri lt>79 Dr. Hal- ley went, at the request of the Royal Society, to examine both the instruments and the observations made with them. Of both these, Halley gave a favourable account, in a let- ter to Hevelius ; and Hooke managed the controversy so ill, that he was universally condemned, though the prefe- rence has since been given to telescopic sights. However, Hevelius could not be prevailed on to make use of them : whether he thought himself too experienced to be inform- ed by a young astronomer, as he considered Hooke; or whether, having made so many observations with plain sights, he was unwilling to alter his method, lest he might bring their exactness into question ; or whether, being by long practice accustomed to the use of them, and not tho- roughly apprehending the use of the other, nor well un- derstanding the differenqe, is uncertain. Besides Hallev's letter, Hevelius received many others in his favour, which he took the opportunity of inserting among the astronomi- cal observations in his Annus Climactericus, printed in l685. In a long preface to this work, he speaks with more confidence and greater indignation than he had done be- fore, and particularly exclaimed against Hooke's dogma- tical and magisterial manner of assuming a kind of dictator- ship over him. This revived the contest, and excited so much interest as to occasion several other learned men to engage in it. The book itself being sent to the'Royal Society, at their request an account of it was given by Dr. Wallis; who, among other things, look notice, that, " Hevelius's obser- vations had been misrepresented, since it appeared from this book, that he could distinguish by plain sights to a small part of a minute." About the same time Mr. Mo- lyncux also wrote a letter to the Society, in vindication of Hevelius, against Hooke's animadversions. To all which, Hooke drew up a letter in answer, which was read before the society, containing many qualifying and accommo- dating expressions, but still at least expressing the supe- riority of telescopic sights over plain ones, excellent as the observations were that had been made with these. Hevelius had published in l679> the second part of his Machina Ccelestis ; but the same year, while he was at a seat in the country, he had the misfortune to have his house at Dantzick burnt down. By this calamity it is said he sustained several thousand pounds damage; having not only his observatory and all his valuable instruments and astronomical apparatus destroyed, but also a great many copies of his Machina Ccelestis, an accident which has made this second part very scarce. In I69O, were published a description of the heavens, called, Firmamentum Sobiescianum, in honour of John the 3d, king of Poland, as above mentioned ; and also Pro- dromus Astronomiae, et Nova; Tabulte Solares, una cum Catalogo Fixarum ; in which are contained the necessary preliminaries for taking an exact catalogue of the stars, H I E [ 646 ] H I G Both these works were posthumous; for Hevelius died the 28th of January l687, exactly 76 years of age, as before ob- served, and universally admired and respected; abundant evidence of which appears in a collection of letters be- tween him and many other persons, that was printed at Dantzick in l6S3. HEURAET (Vas), a respectable Dutch mathemati- cian. He contributed some pieces on the nature of equa- tions, in the commentaries published by Schoeten, on the geometry of Descartes ; and, by pursuing the analyses of that author, recommended himself to notice by his in- vention for rectifying the curve of the semicubical para- bola. In this, however, he was anticipated by the En- glish mathematician Neil, who had some years before dis- covered the rectification of that curve. But it is very probable that Van Heuraet knew nothing of Neil's disco- very ; and besides, the two methods are very different from each other. HEXACHORD, a certain interval or musical concord, usually called a sixth. HEXAEDRON, or Hexahedron, one of the five re- gular or Platonic bodies ; being indeed the same as the cube; and is so called from its having 6 faces. — The square of the side or edge of a hexahedron, is one-third of the square of the diameter of the circumscribing sphere : and hence the diameter of a sphere is to the side of its in- scribed hexahedron, as »/3 to 1. In general, if a, b, and c be put to denote, respectively the linear side, the surface, and the solidity of a hexahe- dron or cube, alsor the radius of the inscribed sphere, and ii the radius of the circumscribed one ; then we have these general equations or relations : 1. a = 1r = |kV 3 = \/i s = V c - 2. B = 24r 4 = 8R 2, = 6a 2 = 6^/c 2 . 3. c = 8r 3 = |rV3 = a 3 = ^By^E. 4: R = r.y/3 =^^3 = Wi & = W$ x V c - 5. r = § r.v/3 = |a = 1v/|b = J^/c. HEXAGON, in Geometry, a figure of six sides, and consequently of as many angles. When these are equal, it is a regular hexagon. — The angles of a hexagon are each equal to 120°, and its sides arc each equal to the radius of its circumscribing circle. Hence a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle, by applying the radius 6 times suc- cessively to the periphery, and joining with right lines the several divisions. And hence also, to describe a regular hexagon upon a given line, describe an equilateral triangle upon it, the vertex of which will be the centre of the circumscribing circle. The side of a hexagon being s, its area will be = 2'598076'2s 2 = |.s 2 x tang. 60° = §*V3. Hexagon, in Fortification, is a six-lined figuredefended by six bastions. HEXASTYLE,in the Ancient Architecture, a building with 6 columns in front. HIERO's Crown, in Hydrostatics. The history of this gold for making a crown, suspected that he had been cheated, by the workman using a greater alloy of silver than was necessary in making it ; and he aplied to Archi- medes to discover the fraud, without defacing the crown. This celebrated mathematician was led by chance to a method of detecting the imposture, and of determining precisely the quantities of gold and silver composing the crown : for he observed, when bathing in a tub of water, that the water ran over as his body entered it, and he pre- sently concluded that the quantity so running over was equal to the bulk of his body that was immersed. He was so pleased with the discovery, that it is said he ran about naked, crying out, EUfTjwa, £up y ica, / have found it; and some affirm that he offered a hecatomb to Jupiter for having inspired him with the thought. On this principle he procured a ball or mass of gold, and another of silver, exactly of the same weight with the crown ; considering, that, if the crown were of pure gold, it would be of equal bulk, and expel an equal quantity of water as the golden ball; and if it were of silver, then it would be of equal bulk and expel an equal quantity of water with the ball of silver; but of intermediate quantity, if it consisted of a mixture of the two, gold and silver. This, upon trial, he found to be the Case; and hence, by a comparison of the quantities of water displaced by the three masses, he determined the exact portions of gold and silver in the crown. Now suppose, for example, that each of the three masses weighed 100 ounces; and that on immersing them seve- rally in water, there were displaced 5 ounces of water by the golden ball, 9 ounces by the silver, and 6 ounces by the compound, or crown; that is, their respective or comparative bulks are as 5, 9> and. 6, the sum of which is 20. Then the method of operation is this : From 9 6 5 1, whose sum is 4. 100 : : 3 : 75 oz. of gold, 100 : : 1 : 25_oz. of silver. That is, the crown consisted oT 75 ounces of gold, and 25 ounces of silver. See Cotes Hydros. Lect. p. 81; or Martin's Philos. Britan. vol. 1, p. 305, &c. See also Specific, Gravity. HIGH- Water, that state of the tides when they have flowed to their greatest height, or have ceased to flow or rise. At high-water the motion commonly ceases for a quarter or half an hour, before it begins to ebb again. The times of high-water of every day of the moon's age, is usually computed from that which is observed on the day of the full or change; viz, by taking 4-5ths of the moon's age on any day of the month, and adding it to the time ot high-water on the day of the full or change ; then is the sum nearly equal to the time of high-water on the day of the month proposed. And as to the times of high-water, Take 6 rem. 3 Therefore 4 and 4 ; crown, and of the important hydrostatical proposition n the day of the full and change of the moon, at many which it gave occasion to, is as follows: Hiero, king of different places; they have been observed as they are set Syracuse, having furnished a workman with a quantity of down in the following table. H I G [ 6*7 ] H I G Table of the Times of High-tuater on the Days of the New and Fall Moons, at many different Places. Names of Plates. Countries, High -water. Names of Places. Aberdeen Scotland h 45m Dunbar Aldborough England 45 Dundee v Alderney I. . England 12 Dungasvan . Amazons River South America . 6 Dungeness . Amsterdam . Holland . S Dunkirk Amsterdam I. of . South Seas 8 30 Dunnose Andrew's St. . Scotland 2 15 Dusky Bay . Antyolt I. Denmark , Easter Isle . Antwerp . . Flanders 6 Edystone Archangel Russia . 6 • Elbe R. Arran I. Ireland 11 Embden Ashley Riv. . Carolina 45 Estaples Augustine St. . Florida 7 30 Falmouth Bajador Ca. Negroland . Flamborough H. Baltimore Ireland 4 30 C. Florida . Barfleur Ca. . France 7 30 Flushing Bayonne France 3 30 N. Foreland . Beachy-head England Foulness N. and S. Bear . Labradore . 12 Fowey Belfast Ireland 10 Fayal Isl. Bellisle France 3 30 Garonne R. Bermudas I. Bahama I. ' 7 Gibraltar Berwick England . , 2 30 C. Good Hope Blackney England . • . 6 Goree (Isle) Blanco Cap. Negroland 9 45 Granville Blavet France 3 Gravelines Bourdeaux . France 3 Gravesend Boulogne France 10 30 Groin ( Bremen Germany . 6 Guernsej^I. . Brest France 3 45 Hague . Bridlington B. England . 3 45 Halifax Brill Holland . 1 30 Hamburgh Bristol England 6 45 Hare Isle Buchaness Scotland 3 Harlem Button's Isles New Brit. 6 50 Hartlepool Cadiz Spain 4 30 Harwich Caen France 9 Havre de Grace Calais France 11 30 Holy Head . Canaria I. • . Canaries 3 Honfleur C. Cantin Barbary Hull Cape Town Caffers 2 30 Humber R. . Caskets Guernsey . 8 15 St. John's Cathness Po. Scotland 9 St. Julian (Port) Charles Town Carolina 3 Kentishnock Q. Charlotte's S. . New Zealand 9 Kinsale Cherbourg . France 7 30 Land's End . Churchill R. Hudson's Bay . 7 20 Leith Ca. Clear Ireland 4 30 Leostoff Concarneau . France 3 Lisbon Conquet France 2 15 Liverpool Coquet Isle . England . 3 Lizard Cork Ireland 6' 30 Loire (Riv.) . C. Corse Guinea 3 30 London Cromer England 7 Lundy (Isle) Dartmouth ■ England 6 30 Madeira St. David's H. Wales 6 St. Maloes . Dieppe France 10 30 Isle of Man . Dort Holland . 3 Margate Dover England 11 30 St. Mary's (Isle) Downs England 1 15 Milford Dublin Ireland . , 9 15 Mount's Bay Countries. High- water. Scotland 2* 30 m Scotland 2 15 Ireland . 4 30 England 9 45 France I. of Wight N. Zealand 9 10 45 57 Chili 2 English Channel 5 30 Germany . Germany . France 11 England England -. 5 4 30 Florida . 7 30 Holland . 45 England England England 9 6 5 45 45 15 Azores 2 20 France 3 Spain Caffers 3 Atlantic Ocean . 1 30 France 7 O Flanders England . Spain English Channel 1 3 1 30 3 30 Holland . 8 15 Nova Scotia 7 30 Germany . Canada 6 3 30 Holland . 9 England England France 3 11 9 15 Wales 1 30 France 9 England . 6 England 5 13 Newfoundland . 6 Patagonia . 4 4.5 English coast Ireland 5 15 England . Scotland 7 4 30 30 England 9 45 Portugal 2 15 England 11 15 England 7 30 France 3 England . . 3 England Atl. Ocean 5 12 15 4 France . . 6 England . . 9 England . Scilly Isles 11 3 15 45 Wales 5 15 England . 4 30 H I P C 648 ] HI P Names of Places. Countries. High- water. Names of Places. Countries. High-water. Nantes France s' 1 m Severn (Mouth.) . England 6 h 0°? Naze Norway 11 15 Sheerness England Needles England 10 15 Sierra Leone Guinea S 15 Newcastle England 3 15 Shetland I. . Scotland 3 Nieuport Flanders 12 Isle of Sky . Scotland 5 30 Nore England Spurn England 5 15 North Cape . Lapland 3 Start Point . England 6 45 Orfordness . England 9 45 Stockton England 5 is Orkneys Scotland 3 Sunderland . England 3 30 Ostend Flanders 12 Tanua Pacific Ocean 3 Placentia Newfoundland . 9 TenerifF Canaries 3 Plymouth England Texel (Isle) . Holland . 7 30 Portland England 8 15 Thames' Mouth England . . 1 30 Porto Pray a . Cape Verdes 11 Tinmouth England 3 Portsmouth . England 11 15 Torbay England 5 15 Quebec Canada 7 30 St. Valery . France 10 30 Rhee (Isle) . France . 3 Vannes France 3 45 Resolution (Bay) . Ohitahoo . .* 2 30 Ushant France 4 30 Robin Hood's B. . England 3 Waterford Ireland .6 30 Rochefort France . . v 4 15 Wells England 6 Rochelle France 3 45 Weymouth . England 7 20 Rochester England 45 Whitby England 3 Rotterdam Holland . 3 Isle of Wight England Rouen France 1 15 Winchelsea . England 45 Rye . . England 11 15 Wintertoness England 9 Sandwich England 11 30 Yarmouth England 9 45 Scarborough H. . England 3 45 New York America 3 Scilly Isles . England . 3 45 Ysughall Ireland 4 30 Senegal Negroland . 10 30 Zuric Sea Holland . 3 HIPS, in Architecture, are those pieces of timber placed at the corners of a roof. These are much longer than the rafters, because of their oblique position. Hip means also the angle formed by two parts of the roof, when it rises outwards. Hiv-Roof, called also Italian Roof, is one in which two parts of the roof meet in an angle, rising outwards : the same angle being called a valley when it sinks inwards. HIPPARCHUS, a celebrated ancient astronomer, was born at Nice in Bithynia,and flourished between the 154-th and the l63d olympiads ; that is, between 160 and 135 years before Christ ; for in this interval of time it is that his observations are dated. He is accounted the first, who from vague and scattered observations reduced astro- nomy into a science, and prosecuted the study of it systematically. Pliny often mentions him, and always with great commendation. He was the first, he tells us, who attempted to count the number of the fixed stars; and his catalogue is preserved in Ptolemy's Almagest, where they are all noted according to their longitudes and apparent magnitudes. The same author places him among those men of a sublime genius, who, by foretelling the eclipses, taught mankind, that they ought not to be alarmed at these phenomena. Thalcs was the first among the Greeks, who could discover when there was to be an eclipse. Sulpitius Gallus among the Romans began to succeed in this kind of prediction ; and he gave an essay of his skill very opportunely, the day before a battle was fought. After these, Hipparchus improved the science of eclipses very considerably : making ephemerides, or cata- logues of eclipses, for 600 years. Pliny admires him for making a review of all theslars, acquainting us with their situations and magnitudes; for by these means, observes he, posterity will bfc able to discover, not only whether they are born and die, but also whether they change their places, and whether they increase or decrease. He men- tions also a new star which was produced in his days ; and that by its motion, when it first appeared, he began to doubt whether this did not frequently happen, and whether those stars, which we call fixed, do not likewise move. Hipparchus is also memorable for being the first who discovered the precession of the equinoxes, or a very slow apparent motion of the fixed stars from east to west, by which in a great number of years they will appear to have performed a complete revolution. He endeavoured also to reduce to rule the many discoveries he made, and in- vented new instruments, by which he marked their mag- nitudes and places in the heavens : so that by means of them it might be easily observed, not only whether they appear and disappear, but also whether they pass each other, or move, and whether they increase or decrease. The first observations made by Hipparchus, were in the isle of Rhodes ; whence he got the name Rhodius; but afterwards he cultivated this science in Bithyuia and Alex- andria only. One of his works is still extant, viz, his Commentary on Aratus's Phenomena. He composed se- veral other works ; and on the whole it is agreed, that astronomy is greatly indebted to him, For laying that ra- tional and solid foundation, on which all succeeding astro- nomers have built their superstructure. HIPPOCRATES, of Chios, a respectable Greek geo- metrician, but originally it seems a merchant, who, from his honest and unsuspecting simplicity of nature, being greatly imposed on, and half ruined by the knavery of the farmers of the revenue at Byzantium (now Constantino- ple), suspended his Commerce, and repaired to Athens to retrieve his affairs, where he first became acquainted with geometry. Curiosity, or amusement, having one day H I R [ 64 9 ] HOB led him to visit one of the schools of philosophy, he so much relished the lectures on geometry, which he there heard, that he resolved to devote himself to the study of that science. He soon became a distinguished geometri- cian. The quadrature of the lunes, which he discovered, emboldened him to attempt also that of the circle. He also composed Elements of Geometry, which have not however reached our times. H1RCUS, in Astronomy, a fixed star of the first mag- nitude, the same with Capella. H incus is also used by some writers for a comet, en- compassed as it were with a 'mane, seemingly rough and hairy. HIRE (Philip de la), an eminent French mathema- tician and astronomer, was born at Paris in 1640. His father, who was painter to the king, intending him for the same occupation, taught him drawing and such branches of mathematics as relate, to it : but died when the son was only 17 years of age. Three years after this, he travelled into Italy for improvement in that art, where he spent 4 years. He applied himself also to mathematics, which at last engrossed all his attention. ' On his return to Paris, he continued his mathematical studies with great eager- ness, and afterwards published some works, which gained him so much reputation, that in i67S he was named a member of the Academy of Sciences. Colbert the minister having formed a design for a bet- ter chart or map of France than any which had then been conceived, Lahire was appointed, with Picard, to make the necessary observations for that purpose. This occu- pied him some years in several of the provinces ; and was the main object of his peregrinations. But he was not, however, unmindful of other branches of knowledge, for he philosophized on every thing that occurred, and parti- cularly on the phenomena of the variations of the mag- netic needle, and refractions, as also on the height of mountains, as determined by the barometer. In 16S3, Lahire was employed in continuing the meri- dian line, which Picard had begun in 1669. He con- tinued it from Paris northward, while Cassini carried it on to the south ; but Colbert dying the same year, the work was relinquished before it was finished. Lahire was next employed, with other members of the Academy, in taking the necessary levels for the grand aqueducts which Louis the 14th was. about to make. The great number of works published by our author, together with his continual employments, as professor of the Royal College and of the Academy of Architecture, give us some idea of the great labours he underwent. His days were always spent in study : his nights very often in astronomical observations ; seldom seeking any other re- lief from his labours, than a change of one for another. In his manner, he had the exterior politeness, circum- spection, and prudence of Italy ; on which account he appeared too reserved in the eyes of his countrymen; though he was always esteemed as a very honest disin- terested man. He died in 1718, at 78 years of age. Of the numerous works which ho published, tlie prin- cipalare, 1. Traite deMechanique ; 1665. — 2. Nouvelle Methode en Geometric pour les Sections des Superficies Coniques et Cylindriques ; 1673, 4to. — 3. De Cycloide; 1"77, 12mo. — 4. Nouveaux Elemens des Scctiones Co- niques : les Lieux Geometriqucs : la Construction, ou Ef- fection des Equations ; 1678, 12mo. — 5. La Gnomonique, &c; lo'S2, i2rno. — 6. Traite du Nivellement de M.Pi- Vol. 1. card, avec des additions ; l6"84.— 7. Sectiones Conies in novem libros distributae; l6'S5, folio. This was consi- dered as an original work, and gained- the author great reputation all over Europe. — 8. Traite du Mouvement des Eaux, &c; 1686. — 9. Tabula? Astronomies ; 16'87 and 1702, 4to. — 10. Ecole des Arpenteurs ; lo'S.9. — 11. Ve- terum Mathematicorum Opera, Grasce et Latine, plera- que nunc primum edita; 1693, folio. This edition had been begun by Thevenot; who dying, the care of finishing it was committed to Lahire. It shows that our author's strong application to mathematical and astronomical studies had not hindered him from acquiring a very com- petent knowledge of the Greek tongue. Besides these, and other smaller works, a vast number of his pieces are diffused in Journals, and particularly in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, viz, from 1666 till the year 1718. HOBBES (Thomas), a famous writer and philosopher, was bom at Malmsbury in Wiltshire, in 1588, being the son of a clergyman of that place. He completed his studies at Oxford, and was afterwards governor to the eldest so-n of William Cavendish earl of Devonshire, with whom he travelled through Fiance and Italy, applying himself closely to the study of polite literature. In 1626 his pa- tron the earl of Devonshire died ; and in 1628 his son also ; the same year Mr. Hobbcs published his translation of Thucydides in English. He soon after went abroad a second time as governor to the son of Sir Gervase Clifton; but shortly after returned, to resume his concern for the hopes of the Devonshire family, to whom he had so early attached himself; the countess-dowager having desired to put the young earl under his care, then about 13 years of age. This charge was very agreeable to Mr. Hobbes's inclinations, and he discharged the trust with great dili- gence and fidelity. In 1634 he accompanied his young pupil to Paris, where he employed his own vacant hours in the study of natural philosophy, frequently conversing with Father Mersenne, a man of great and deserved re- nown, and who corresponded with almost all the learned in Europe. From Paris he attended his pupil into Italy, where he became acquainted with the celebrated Galileo, who freely communicated his notions to him ; and from hence he returned with his ward to England. But after- wards, foreseeing the civil wars, he went to seek a retreat at Paris; where he soon became acquainted with Des- cartes, with whom he afterwards held a correspondence on, several mathematical subjects, as appears from the letters of Mr. Hobbes published in the works of Descartes. But when this philosopher printed afterwards his Medi- tations, wherein he attempted to establish points of the highest consequence from innate ideas, Mr. Hobbes toojc the liberty of dissenting from him, as did also the French king's mathematical professor, the illustrious Peter Gas- sendi, with whom Mr. Hobbes contracted a very close friendship, which was not interrupted till the death of the former. In 1642, Mr. Hobbes printed his famous book De Cive, which raised him many adversaries, who charged him with instilling principles of a dangerous tendency. Among many illustrious persons who, from the troubles in England, retired to France for safety, was Sir Charles Cavendish, brother to the duke of Newcastle: and this gentleman, being well skilled in the mathematics, proved a constant friend and patron to our author; who, by em- barking in 1645 in a controversy about squaring the circle, 40 HOD [ 650 ] H O L was become so famous by it, that in 16*47 he was recom- mended to instruct Charles prince of Wales, afterwards King Charles the 2d, in mathematical learning. During this he employed his vacant time in composing his Le- viathan, which was published in England in 1651,. After the publication of this work, he returned to England, and passed the remainder of his long life in a very retired and studious manner, in the house of the earl of Devonshire, mostly at his seat in Derbyshire, but accompanying the earl always to London, fearing to be left out of his imme- diate protection, lest he should be seized by officers from the parliament or government, on account of the freedom of his opinions in politics and religion. He received great marks of respect from King Charles the 2d at the restora- tion in l660, with a pension of 100/. a year. From that time, till his death, he applied himself to his studies, and in opposing the attacks of his adversaries, who were very numerous : in mathematical subjects, disputes rose to a great height between him and Dr. Wallis, on account of his pretended Quadrature of the Circle, Cubature of the Sphere, and Duplication of the Cube, which he obstinately defended without ever acknowledging his error. His long life was that of a perfectly honest man ; a lover of his country, a good friend, charitable and obliging. He accustomed himself much more to thinking than read- ing ; and was fond of a well-selected, rather than a large library. He had a hatred to the clergy, having been per- secuted by them on account of the freedom of his doc- trine, and having a very indifferent opinion of their know- ledge and their principles. In his last sickness he was very anxious to know whether his disease was curable ; and when intimations were given, that he might have ease, but no remedy, he said, ' I shall be 'glad to find a hole to creep out of the world at.' He died the 4th of Dec. 1679, at 91 years of age. His chief publications were, 1. An English translation of Thucydides's History of the Grecian War. — 2. De MirabilibusPecci, and Memoirs of his own Life, both in Latin verse. — 3. Elements of Phi- losophy. — 4. Answer to Sir William Davenant's Epistle, or Preface to Gondibert. — 5. Human Nature, orthe Fun- damental Elements of Policy. — 6. Elements of Law. — 7. Leviathan; or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Com- monwealth. — 8. A Compendium of Aristotle's Rhetoric. — 9. A Letter on Liberty and Necessity. — 10. The Ques- tions, concerning Necessity and Chance, stated. — 11. Six Lessons to the Professors of Mathematics, of the Institu- tion of Sir Henry Saville. — 12. The Marks of Absurd Geometry, &c. — 13. Dialogues of Natural Philosophy. — Besides many other pieces on polity, theology, mathema- tics, and other miscellaneoussubjects, to the numberof41. HOB1TS, in Gunnery. See Howitz. HODGSON (James), f. it. s. was a respectable ma- thematician in the early part of the 18th century, and some lime master of the Royal Mathematical School in Christ's Hospital, London. Besides a multitude of papers in the Philos. Trans, from vol.24 (anno 1704), to vol. 49 inclusive, he was 'also author of several mathematical works: as, 1. Treatise on Navigation, in 4to, 1706 ; 2. System of Mathematics, in 2 vols. 4to, 1723; 3. The Theory of Jupiter's Satellites, 4to, 1750 ; 4. The Doctrine of Fluxions, 4to, 1758: 5. The Valuation of Annuities upon Lives, 4to ; 6'. An Introduction to Chronology. And perhaps some others.— Mr. Hodgson was born 1672; elected f. r. s. 1703 ; and died June 25, 1755. HOGSHEAD, a measure, or vessel, of wine or oil; containing the 4th part of a tun, the half of a pipe, or 63 gallons. HOLDER (William), a learned and philosophical Englishman, was born in Nottinghamshire, educated at Cambridge, and in 1042 became rector of Blechingdon in Oxfordshire. In 1660 fe proceeded d. d., and became afterwards canon of Ely, fellow of the Royal Society, canon of St. Paul's, sub-dean of the royal chapel, and sub- almoner to the king. He was a general scholar, a very accomplished person, and a great virtuoso. — Dr. Holder greatly distinguished himself, by giving speech to a young gentleman of the name of Popham, who was born deaf. This was effected at his own house at Blechingdon in 1659; but the young man losing what he had been taught by Holder after he was called home to his friends, he was sent to Dr. Waliis, who brought him to his speech again. Holder published a book, entitled The Elements of Speech ; an essay or inquiry into the natural Production of Letters : with an appendix, concerning. persons that are deaf and dumb, 1669, 8vo. In the appendix he relates how soon, and by what methods, he brought young Pop- ham to speak. In the Philos. Trans., for July 16'70, was inserted a letter from Dr.'Wallis, in which he claims to himself the honour of bringing that gentleman to speak. By way of answer to which, in 1678, Dr. Holder pub- lished, in 4to, A Supplement to the Philos. Trans, of July 1670, with some reflections on Dr. Wallis's letter there inserted. Upon which the latter soon after pub- lished A Defence of the Royal Society, and the Philos. Trans, particularly those of July 16"70, in answer to the cavils of Dr. William Holder, 1678, 4to. Dr. Holder's accomplishments were very general. He was skilled in the theory and practice of music, and wrote A Treatise of the Natural Grounds and Principles of Harmony, l6"94, 8vo. He wrote also A Treatise con- cerning Time, with applications of the Natural Day, Lunar Month, and Solar Year, &c, 1694, 8vo. He died at Amen Corner in London, Jan. 24, 16'97> and was buried in St. Paul's. HOLLOW, in Architecture, a concave moulding, about a quarter of a circle, by some called a casement, by others an abacus. HoLLOw-Tower, in Fortification, is a rounding made of the remainder of two brisures, to join the curtin to the crillon, where the small shot are played, that they may not be so much exposed to the view of the enemy. HOLY Thursday, otherwise called Ascension-day, being the 39th day after Easter Sunday,, and kept in comme- moration of Christ's ascension into heaven. Holy Rood, or Holy Cross, a festival kept on the 14th of September, in memory of the exaltation of the holy cross. Holy Week, is the last week of Lent, called also Pas- sion week. IIOLYWOOD (John), or Halifax, or Sacrobosco, an eminent mathematician of the 12th century, whose birthplace is variously ascribed. According to Leland, Bale, and Pitts, he was born at Halifax in Yorkshire: ac- cording to Stanihurst, at Holywood near Dublin; and according to Dempster and Mackenzie, in Nithsdale in Scotland : though it is possible there might have been more than one of the name. Mackenzie, however, informs us, that having finished his studies, he entered intoorders, and became a canon regular of the order of St. Augustin H O M [ 651 ] H O O in the famous monastery of Holywood in Nitbsdale. The English biographers, on the contrary, inform us that he was educated at Oxford. They all agree however in as- serting, that he spent most of his life at Paris; where, .observes Mackenzie, he was admitted a member of the university, June 5, 1221, under the syndics of the Scotch nation ; and soon after was elected professor of mathema- tics, which he taught with applause for many years. Ac- cording to the same author, he died in 1256", as appears from the inscription on his monument in the cloisters of the convent of St. Maturine at Paris. Holywood was contemporary with Roger Bacon, but probably older by about 20 years. He wrote, 1. De Sphtera Mundi ; a work often reprinted, and illustrated by various commentators. — 2. De Anni Ratione, seu de Computo Ecclesiastico. — 3. De Algorismo, printed with Comm. Petri Cirvilli Hisp : Paris, 14£)8. The Algorismus was probably the treatise, in technical verses, which he composed on the Arabian arithmetic. HOMOCENTRIC, the same as Concentric. HOMODROMUS Vectis, or Lever, in Mechanics, is a lever in which the weight and power are both on the same side of the fulcrum, as in the lever of the 2d and 3d kind ; being so called because here the weight and power move both in the same direction, whereas in the Hetero- dromus they move in opposite directions. HOMOGENEAL, or Homogeneous, consisting of similar parts, or of the same kind and nature, in contra- distinction from Heterogeneous, where the parts are of different kinds. — Natural bodies are usually composed of homogeneous parts, as a diamond, a metal, &c. But arti- ficial bodies, on the contrary, are assemblages of hetero- geneous parts, or parts of different kinds ; as a building, of stone, wood, &c. Homogeneal Light, is that whose rays are all of one and the same colour, refrangibility, &c. Homogeneal Numbers, are those of the same kind and nature. Homogeneal Surds, are such as have one common radical sign; as */27 and \/30, or */a and */b, or 2^/c "and \/d. HOMOGENEOUS Equations, in the doctrine of Fluxions, particularly treated by John Bernoulli, for in- tegrating such forms of two fluxions of the first order, in which the sum of the dimensions of x and y, which affect x and ji, rise to the same degree in all the terms, then the indeterminates may be separated by a simple substitution, as ofyc for* : such for example as thefluxional equations (ax z ■+■ xu)x = (by; + x 2 ) i, or -7- — — = -77! —. yJ V •* ; J' ^/(xx + yy) -/(xy-yy) Then substituting, in the former of these, yz for x, and the fluxion of this for x, by reduction the equation becomes y __ + z . w j iere tnc i nc l c terminates are separated, and y b-az' the fluents may be found. In like manner the application is made to such homo- geneous equations as the following: (ax ■+- by)x + (ex -+- dy)y = 0, (ax 1 ■+• bxy ■+■ cy 2 )x + (dx z -+- exy + fy z )y = 0, (ax 3 + bx 2 y ■+■ cxy z + df) x ■+■ (ex 3 -t-fx 2 y + gxy' 1 + hy 3 )y = &c. &c. HOMOGENEUM Adfectionis, a name given by Vieta to the second term of a compound or affected equation, being that which makes it adfected. Homogeneum Comparationis, in Algebra, a name given by Vieta to the absolute known number or term in a compound or affected equation. This he places on the right-hand side of the equation, and all the other terms on the left. HOMOLOGOUS, in Geometry, is applied to the cor- responding sides of similar figures, or those that are op- posite to equal or corresponding angles, and are so called because they are proportional to each other. For all similar figures have their like sides homologous, or pro- portional to one another, also their areas or surfaces are homologous, or proportional to the squares of the like sides, and their solid contents homologous, or proportional to the cubes of the same. HOOF, or Ungula, in Geometry, is a part cut off a cylinder, or cone, &c, 'by a plane passing both through the base and part of the curve surface. It has obtained its name from its resemblance to the hoof (ungula) of a horse. For the contents and surfaces of such hoofs, see my Mensuration, pa. lfjl — 183, 4th edit. With respect to the surfaces of conic ungulas formed by planes perpendicular to the base, Father GuidoGrandi first remarked, that if a polygon be inscribed in the base of a cone, and if on each side of this polygon a plane be raised perpendicular to the base, the portion of the co- nical surface cut off towards the axis, is equal to a recti- lineal space. The portions also of the cone cut off by the above planes, towards the base, are in the same ratio as the segments of the base on which they stand. Indeed, whatever figure be inscribed in the base, if we conceive a right prismatic surface raised from the perimeter of the figure, it will cut off from the conical surface a portion, which will be to it in the same ratio, viz, that of the radius of the base to the slant height of the cone. HOOKE (Robert), a very celebrated mathematician and philosopher, was born, l6'35, at Freshwater in the Isle of Wight, where his father was minister. He was intended for the church ; but being of a weakly constitu- tion, and very subject to the liead-ach, all thoughts of that nature were laid aside. Thus left to himself, the boy followed the bent of his genius, which was turned to me- chanics; and employed his time in making little toys, which he executed with wonderful art and dexterity. He had also a good turn for drawing ; for which reason, after his father's death, which happened in l6~4S, he was placed with Sir Peter Lely ; but the smell of the oil-colours in- creasing his head-ach, he quitted painting in a very short time. He was afterwards kindly taken by Dr. Busby into his house, and supported there, while he attended West- minster-school; where he not only acquired a competent share of Greek and Latin, together with an insight into Hebrew and some other Oriental languages, but also made himself master of a good part of Euclid's Elements ; and, as Wood asserts, invented 30 different ways of flyin Dr. Horsley was translated from St. David's to the see of Rochester, with the deanery of Westminster; and in 1802, to the lucrative see of St. Asaph. In 1801 he pub- lished the first, and in 1S03 the last, of 3 octavo volumes of practical mathematics, for the use of students ; consist- ing of Euclid's Elements and Data, with notes; the pro- perties and projection of the sphere, and spherical trigo- nometry ; Archimedes on the mensuration of the circle ; a tract on the nature and use of logarithms, &c. Besides HOU [ 656 ] HOU these, numerous and important were the writings and la- bours of Dr. Horsley in theology, politics, &c, too nume- rous to be here entered into in detail. Doctor Horsley went down to Brighthelmstone in the latter end of September 1806, where he had not been two weeks, before he was seized with a complaint in the bowels, then frequent in.the place, which soon turned to a mortification ; and terminated his valuable existence on the 4th day of his illness. Though Doctor Horsley had reached the 74th year of his age, the powers both of his body and mind were so vigorous, as to promise still a con- siderable length of years; indeed he was always of a very remarkably active and energetic cast of mind, and firm compact constitution of body. Perhaps no man' of the age, possessed more of what is termed recondite learning; or was more profoundly versed in classical chronology. As a senator, he ranked in the first class; there were few important discussions in the house of lords, in which he did not participate; especially when the topics related to the hierarchical establishments of the country, or to the French revolution, or to the African slave trade, of which he was a systematic opposcr. As an orator, his voice was deep, full-toned, and commanding; his enunciation was distinct and clear; and his delivery in other respects, highly advantageous ; abating only for a remarkable mix- ture of certain guttural sounds, such as are almost pecu- liar to the inhabitants of the. county of Northumberland ; occasioned, he used to say, by the circumstance of a nurse from that part of England being "long employed in his fa- ther's family. HOSPITAL, or Hopital (William-Francis An- thony, marquis of), a celebrated French mathematician, was born of an ancient family in l66l. He was a mathe- matician almost from his infancy; for being one day at the duke of Rohan's, where some able mathematicians were speaking of a problem of Pascal's, which appeared to them very difficult, he ventured to say, that he believed he could resolve it. They were surprised at such pre- sumption in a boy of 15 : however, in a few days he sent them the solution. M. l'Hospital entered early into the army, and ^as a captain of horse; but being' very short- sighted, and on that account exposed to perpetual incon- veniences and errors, he at length quitted the army, and applied himself entirely to his favourite amusement. — He contracted a friendship with Malbranche, and took his opinion upon all occasions. — In l6S»9 he was received an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. — He was the first person in France who wrote upon New- ton's analysis, and on this account was regarded almost as a prodigy. His work was entitled l'Analyse des Infini- niens Petits, lo'oG. He engaged afterwards in another mathematical work, in which he included Les Sections Coniques, les Lieux Geometriques, la Construction des liquations, et une Theoric des Courbes Mcchaniques: but, a little before he had finished it he was seized with a fever, which carried him off, the 2d of February 1704, at 43 years of age. The work was published after his death, viz, in 1707. Six of his pieces are inserted in different vo- lumes of the Memoirs of the Academy. HOUR, in Chronology, an aliquot part of a natural day, usually the 24th, but sometimes a 12th part. With us, it is the 24th part of the earth's diurnal rotation, or the time from noon to noon, and thcrefore'it answers to 15 degrees of the whole- circle of longitude, or of 36'0 L '. The hour is divided by 6'0ths, viz, first into Co minutes, then' each minute into O'O seconds, &c. The division of the day into hours is very ancient ; as is shown by Kircher, Oedip. yEgypt. torn. 2, par. 2, class 7, cap. S. The most ancient hour is that of the 12th part of the day. Herodotus, lib. 2, observes, that the Greeks learnt from the Egyptfans, among other things, the method of dividing the day into 12 parts. And the astronomers of Cathaya, &c, still re- tain this division. The division of the day into 24 hours, was not known to the Romans before the Punic war. Till that time they only regulated their days by the rising and setting of the sun. They divided the 12 hours of their day in four; viz, Prime, which commenced at 6 o'clock, Third at 9, Sixth at 12, and None at 3. They also divided the night into four watches, each containing 3 hours. Various kinds of hours are used by chronologers, astronomers, dialists, &c. Sometimes too, Hours are divided into equal and unequal. Equal Hours-, are the 24th parts of a day and night precisely ; that is, the time in which the 15 degrees of the equator pass the meridian. These are also called equinoc- tial hours, because measured on the equinoctial ; and astro- nomical, because used by astronomers. Astronomical Hours, arc equal hours, reckoned from noon to noon, in a continued series of 24. Babylonish Hours, are equal hours, reckoned from sun- rise in a continued series-of 24. European Hours, used in civil computation, are equal hours, reckoned- from midnight; 12 from thence till noon, and 12 more from noon till midnight. Ancient or Jewish Hours, are twelfth parts of the artifi- cial day, or of the night. Hence, as it is only at the time of the equinoxes, that the artificial day is equal to the night, it is then only that the hours of the day are equal to those of the night, or to the 24th part of the natural day. From the vernal to the autumnal equinox, the hours of the day exceed those of the night; but during the interval between the autumnal and vernal equinoxes, the hours of the night are longer than those of the day. It is therefore manifest, that when it is said the third hour was about nine in the morning, and the ninth about three in the afternoon, this is not to be understood as rigorously exact. The third hour was the middle time between sun- rising and noon ; which, if the sun rose a.tfizie, was half an hour after eight; if at seven was half an hour after nine, Sfc. The following table exhibits the time of the sun-rising and setting, and the length of the Jewish hour, both of day and night; as calculated for about the middle of every Jewish month, and for the latitude of Jerusalem. Length of die Hour Names of ihe Months. Sun Sun sets. of .lay. of light. 11. a. ll- in- h. m- 1. m- Nisan, or Abib 5 4() 6 14 1 5S Ijar, or Zif - 5 20 6' 40 1 7 53 Sivan 5 7 1 10 50 Thamuez 4 56 7 4 1 11 4.9 Ab 5 10- 6 50 1 s 52 Elul - 5 36 6 21 1 4 56 Tisri,or Ethanim - (»' 6 5 54 59 1 1 Nearchevvan,or Bui (i 34 5 2<> 54 1 6" Chisleu 6 55 5 5 51 1 9 Tebcth 7 5 50 1 10 Shebat a 42 5 18 53 1 7 Adar 6 1(> 5 44 57 1 3 HUE [ &7 J HUE Italian Hours, are equal hours, reckoned from sunset, in a continued series of 24. Unequal or Temporary Hours, are 1 2th parts of the ar- tificial day and night. The obliquity of the sphere ren- ders these more or less unequal at different times; so that they only agree with the equal hours at the times of the equinoxes.. tiov R-Circles, or Horary- Circles, are great circles, meeting in the poles of the globe or world, and crbssing the equinoctial or equator at right angles; the same as meridians. They are supposed to be drawn through every 15th degree of the equinoctial and equator, each answer- ing to an hour, and dividing them into 24 equal parts; and on both globes they are supplied by the meridian hour-circle and index. HoVR-Glass, a popular kind of chronometer or clepsy- dra, serving to measure time by the descent or running of sand, water, &c, out of one glass vessel into another. The best, it is said, are such as, instead of sand, have egg- shells, well dried in the oven, then beaten fine and sifted. HovR-Lines, on a dial, are lines which arise from the intersections of the plane of the dial, with the several planes of the hour-circles of the sphere ; and therefore must be all right lines on a plane dial. HouR-Scale, a divided line on the edge of Collins's qua- drant, being only two lines of tangents of 45 degrees each, set together in the middle. Its use, together with the lines of latitude, is to draw the hour-lines of dials that have centres, by means of an equilateral triangle, drawn on the dial-planes. HOWITZ, or Howitzer, in artillery, a kind of mor- tar, or something between a cannon and mortar, partaking of the nature of both, being either a very short gun or a long mortar. It is of German invention, and is mounted on a carriage like a travelling gun-carriage, with its trun- nions placed nearly in the middle. The howilz is one of the most useful kinds of ordnance, as it can be employed occasionally either as a cannon or mortar, "discharging either shells or grape-shot, as well as balls, and so doing great execution.- They are also very easily travelled about from place to place. iHUDDE (John), a burgomaster of Amsterdam, and a respectable mathematician, who died at a great age in 1704. Having been as great in politics as in mathema- tics, he served his country in distinguished situations, and contributed, by his discoveries, to the advancement of the sciences. He applied himself particularly to the analysis of equations. One of his two letters, inserted in Schooten's Commentary on the Geometry of Descartes, contains a very ingenious method for discovering whether an equa- tion of any dimension has equal roots, and for determining those roots. In the same letters we find Hudde's methods ' of drawing tangents to curves, and of investigating the -1 maxima and minima in mathematics. HUES (Robert), was born at Little Hereford, in He- refordshire, about 1552, and studied at Oxford. He be- came eminent for his knowledge in geography, navigation, and mathematics ; which acquired him particularly the favour of that noble Maecenas, Henry carl of Northumber- land, being one of the earls so called three magi ; from whom he enjoyed a liberal pension, for the encouragement and promotion of his studies. He died in 1632, at 79 years of age, and was buried at Christ's Church, Ox- on. — His publications were chiefly two; viz. 1, Brevia- rium totius Orbis; printed several times at London, in Vol. I. Latin and English, in Svo and 12mo. — 2. De Globis ce- lest. et terrest. Tract. 2; several times printed in Latin and English, in 8vo. The first edition was printed at London 1593, in Svo. It was afterwards improved by annotations, and illustrated with figures, by Joh. Isaac Pontanus, professor of philosophy at Harderwicke, in Gel- derland, p'rinted at Amsterdam, l6l7, l6~24, &c, at Lon- don, 16'3S>, and at Oxon, l6'63, in Svo and 12mo. See Wood, vol. 1, pa. 4S9. Hues was a man of letters, and had acquired a practi- cal knowledge" of maritime affairs, by voyages at sea. Among other curious particulars, he gives a good account of the attempts that had been made at various times to measure the earth : in the epistle to Sir Walter Raleigh, he enumerates the many discoveries made by our mari- ners in different parts of the world. His book was re- ceived with great applause, and has been indeed a pattern lor such as afterwards treated on the same subject. Among other problems, he solves by the globe, the problem of determining the latitude, from two observations of the sun's altitude, when the time between the two observa- tions is given ; and in the last part of his book, he per- forms the usual questions in navigation, premising a very sensible discourse on the rhumb-lines, opposing the opi- nion of Gemma Frisius, who had asserted, that they meet in the poles. At the conclusion, he highly praises a trea- tise of Mr. Thomas Hariot, hoping it would soon be pub- lished, in which that author had treated this subject on geometrical principles, with great sagacity and judgment. But unfortunately that manuscript has not been found among the papers of that author., lately discovered by Dr. Zach. It was in this book that Hues proposed a curious nau- tical problem, which has made a considerable sensation in the mathematical world. It was in these words, as trans- lated into English : " The difference of longitude and the distance being given, how to find the rumbe, and the dif- ference of latitude." After which he adds these words : " There is not anything in all this art more difficult and hard to be found, than the rumbe out of the distance and difference of longitude given. Neither can it be done upon the globe without long and tedious practice, and many repetitions and mensurations." The next person who appears to have mentioned this problem, was Willebrord Snell, professor of mathematics at Leyden, in his Tiphys Batavus, printed in 1624, being the 34th or last proposition of the first book of that work. Snell solved this problem in an indirect way ; and it seems probable that his solution was the first that ever was given of it. The problem was afterwards proposed to the learned world, by the celebrated Dr. Halley, in the year 1696, in the Philos. Trans, vol. 19, No. 2 It); whence it was repeat- ed in the 2d vol. of the Miscellanea Curiosa in I7O8, as he had probably not seen it in either of the foregoing au- thors. Dr. Halley proposes it in the following words: " A,,ship sails from a given latitude, and, having run a certain number of leagues, has altered her longitude by a given angle; it is required to find the course steered." And he then adds, " The solution hereof would be very acceptable, if not to the public, at least to the author of this tract, being likely to open some further light into the mysteries of geometry." Since that time, this problem has been solved in an in- direct manner, by several writers on navigation, and 4P H U Y t 658 ] HYD others : — As by M. Bouguer, in his Nouveau Traite de Navigation ; by Mr. Robertson, in the 2d vol. of liis Ele- ment of Navigation ; by Mr. Emerson, in his Theory of Navigation ; by Mr. Israel Lyons, in the Nautical Alma- nack, 1772; and by M. Bezout, in his Traite de Naviga- tion ; and lately, Baron Maseres, with the assistance of Mr. Atwood, has given a direct solution of this problem, being the first direct solution that has been given of it. All which solutions may be seen in the 4th vol. of Baron Maseres's work, entitled Scriptores Logarithmic!. HUMIDITY, or moisture, the power or quality of wet- ting or moistening other bodies, and adhering to them. Fluids are moist to some bodies, and not to others. Thus, quicksilver is not moist in respect to our hands or clothes, and other substances, which it will not adhere to; but it may be called humid in reference to gold, tin-, or lead, to the surfaces of which it will presently adhere, and render them soft and moist. Even water itself, which wets almost every thing, and is the great standard of moisture and hu- midity, is not capable of wetting all things; for it stands or runs off in globular drops from any thing greased or oiled, or the leaves of cabbages, and many other plants; and it will not wet the feathers of ducks, geese, swans, and other water-fowl. HUNDRED, the number of ten times ten, or the square of 10. The place of hundreds makes the third in order in Arabic or modern numeration, being denoted thus, 100. In the Roman notation it is denoted by the letter c, being the initial of its name, Centum. Hundred Weight, or the great hundred, contains 112 pounds weight. It is subdivided into 4 quarters, and each quarter into 28 lbs. HURTERS, in Fortification, denote pieces of timber, about 6 inches square, placed at the- lower end of the platform, next to the parapet, to prevent the wheels of the gun-carriages from damaging the parapet. HUYGENS (Christian), a very eminent astronomer and mathematician, was born at the Hague in Holland, in 1629, being the son of Constantine Huygens, lord of Zuyli- chem, who had served three successive princes of Orange in the quality of secretary. He spent his whole life in cultivating the mathematics; and not in the speculative way only, but also in making them subservient to the. uses of life. From his infancy he discovered an extraordinary fondness for the mathematics; in a short time made a great progress in them ; and perfected himself in those stu- dies under professor Schooten, at Leyden. In 1649 he went to Holstein and Denmark, in the retinue of Henry count of Nassau ; and was extremely desirous of going to Sweden, to visit Descartes, who was then in that country with the queen Christina, but the count's short stay in Denmark would not permit him. — In 1651 he gave the world a specimen of his genius for mathematics, in a trea- tise entitled, Theoremata de Quadratura Hyperbola;, El- lipsis, et Circuli, ex dato Portionum Gravitatis Centro; in which he clearly showed what might be expected from him afterwards. — In 1655 he travelled into France, and took the degree of ll. d. at Angers. — In 165S he pub- lished his Horologium Oscillatoriuni, sive de Motu Pcn- dulorum, &c, at the Hague. He had exhibited in a for- mer work, entitled Brevis Institutio de Usu Horologiorum ad inveniendas Longitudines, a model of a new-invented pendulum ; but as some persons, envious of his reputation, were labouring to deprive him of the honour of the inven- tion, he wrote this book to explain the construction of it; and to show that it was very different from the pendulum of astronomers invented by Galileo. — In 1659 he published his Systema Saturninum, &c ; in which he first of any one explained the ring of Saturn, and discovered also one of the satellites belonging to that planet, which had hitherto escaped the eyes of astronomers : new discoveries, made with glasses of his own forming, which gained him a high rank among the astronomers of his time. In 1660, he took a second journey into France, and the year after passed over into England, where he commu- nicated his art of polishing glasses for telescopes, and was made Fellow of the Royal Society.- About this time the air-pump was invented, which received considerable im- provements from him. This year also he discovered the laws of the collision of elastic bodies; as did also about this time Wallis and Wren, with whom he had a dispute about the honour of this discovery. On his return to France, in l663, the minister Colbert, being informed of his great merit, settled a considerable pension on him, to engage him to fix at Paris ; to which Mr. Huygens con- sented, and staid there, from the year 1666 to l6'81, where he was admitted a member of the Academy of Sciences. All this time he-spent in mathematical pursuits, wrote se- veral books, which were published from time to time, and invented and perfected several useful instruments and ma- chines : particularly he had a dispute, about the year 160S, with Mr. James Gregory, concerning the quadra- ture of the circle and hyperbola of the latter, then just published, in which Huygens it seems had the better side of the question. But continual application gradually im- paired his health ; and though he had visited his native country twice, viz, in 1670 and l675, for the recovery of it, he was now obliged to betake himself to it altogether. Accordingly he left Paris in 168I, and retired to his own country, where he spent the remainder of his life in the same pursuits and employments. He died at the Hague, June 8, 1695, in the 6'7th year of his age, while his Cos- motheoros, or treatise concerning a plurality of worlds, was printing; so that this work did not appear till 169S. Mr. Huygens loved a quiet and studious manner of life, and frequently retired into the country to avoid interrup- tion, but did not contract that moroseness which is so commonly the effect of solitude and retirement. Pie was one of the purest and most ingenious mathematicians of his age, and indeed of any other ; and made many valuable discoveries. He was the first who discovered Saturn's ring, and a third satellite of that planet, as mentioned above. He invented the means of renrlering clocks exact, by applying the pendulum, and of rendering all its vibra- tions equal, by the cycloid. He brought telescopes to perfection, and made many other useful discoveries. He was the author of many excellent works. The prin- cipal of these arc now contained in two collections, of 2 volumes each, printed in 4to, under the care of professor Gravcsande. The first was at Leyden, in lo"82, under the title of Opera Varia ; and the second at Amsterdam, in 1728, entitled Opera Reliqua". HYADES, a cluster of 5 stars in the face of the con- stellation Taurus, or the Bull. HYALOIDES, the vitreous humour of the eye, con- tained between the tunica-retina and the uvea. HVBERNAL Occident. See Occident. Hybernal Orient. See Orient. HYDATOIDES, the watery humour of the eye, con- tained between the cornea and the uvea. H Y D [ HYDRA, a southern constellation, consisting of a number of stars, imagined to represent a water-serpent. The stars in the constellation Hydra, in Ptolemy's cata- logue, are 27; in Tycho's, 19; in Hevelius's, 31 ; and in the Britannic catalogue, 60. HYDRAULICS, the science of the motion of water and other fluids, with its application in artificial water- works of all kinds. — As to what respects merely the equi- librium of fluids, or their gravitation or action at rest, be- longs to hydrostatics. On removing or destroying that equilibrium, motion ensues; and here hydraulics com- mence. Hydraulics therefore suppose hydrostatics ; and many writers, from the near relation between them, like mechanics and statics, join the two together, and treat of them conjointly as one science. — The laws of hydraulics are given under the word Fluid. And the art of raising water, with the several machines employed for that pur- pose, are described under their several names, Fountain, Hydrocanistenum Pump, Siphon, Syringe, &c. The principal writers who have cultivated and improved hydraulics and hydrostatics, are Archimedes, in his Libris de Insidentibus Humido ; Hero of Alexandria, in his Liber Spiritualium ; Marinus Ghelaldus, in his Archimedes promotus ; Mr. Oughtred ; Jo. Ceva, in his Geometria Motus ; Jo. Bap. Balianus, De Motu Naturali Gravium, Solidorum et Liquidoi urn ; Mariotte, in his treatise of the Motion of Water and other Fluids; Boyle, in his Hydro- statical Paradoxes ; Fran. Tertius de Lanis, in his Ma- gisterium Naturae et Artis ; Lamy, in hisTraite de l'Equi- libre des Liqueurs; Rohault; Dr. Wallis, in his Mecha- nics; Dechales; Newton, in his Principia ; Guglielmini, in his Mensura Aquarum Fluentium ; Herman; Wolfius; Gravesande ; Musschenbroek; Leopold; Schottus, in his Mechanica Hydraulico-Pneumatica; Geo. Andr. Bockler, in his Architectura Curiosa Germanica ; August. Ram- milleis; Lucas Antonius Portius; Slurmy, in his treatise on the Construction of Mills; Switzer's Hydrostatics; Varignon, in the Mem. Acad. Sci. ; Jurin; Belidor ; Bernoulli; Desaguliers ; Clare; Emerson; Ferguson; Ximenes ; Bossu ; D'Alembert; Buat ; &c, &c. — See also Pumps, Steam Engines, &c. HYDRAULICO-Pneumatical, a term applied by some authors to such engines as raise water by means of the weight or spring of the air. HYDRAULIC Ram, the name of a machine by Mont- golfier, for raising water. The ingenious idea of raising water by the momentum of water itself, was first suggested by Mr. Whitehurst in the Philosophical Transactions for 1775. The same principle, in an improved form, has lately been revived in France, and has excited considerable attention both on the continent and in this country. Whatever credit there- fore is due to the inventor of the Hydraulic Ram, pro- perly belongs to our countryman Mr. Whitehurst, and Montgolfier can lay claim to nothing more than the merit of an improver. Mr. Whitehursl's machine, which is represented in fig. 1. pi. l6, was actually erected at Oulton in Cheshire, and completely answered the expectation of its inventor, am is the original reservoir, whose surface is on a level with B, the bottom of the reservoir bn. The main pipe ae, is If inches diameter, and nearly two hundred yards long, and the branch pipe ep is of such a size that the cork f is about 16 feet below the surface m of the reservoir. D is a valve box, with its valve a, and c is an air vessel, 659 J H Y D i into which are inserted the extremities m, n. of the main pipe, bent downwards to prevent the air from being driven out when the water is, forced into it. Now, since the difference of level between the cock f and the top of the reservoir am is lC feet, on opening the cock f the water will rush out with a velocity of nearly 30 feet per second. A column of water therefore 200 yards long, is thus put in motion, and though the aperture ot the cock f be small, it must have a very considerable momentum. Let the cock f be now suddenly stopped, "the water must evidently rush through the valve a into the air vessel c, and condense the included air. This condensation must take place every time the cock is opened and shut, and the included air being highly compressed, will press upon the water in the air vessel, and raise it into the reservoir bs. From this brief description of Whitehurst's machine, the reader will easily perceive its resemblance to Mont- golfier's hydraulic ram, a section of which is represented by fig. 2. r is the reservoir, us the height of the fall, and st the horizontal tube which conducts the water to the engine abiitc. e and d are two valves, and fg a pipe reaching within a very little of the bottom ce. Now let water descend from the reservoir, it will rush out at the aperture ?nn till its velocity becomes so great as to force, up the valve e. The water being thus suddenly checked, and unable to find a passage at inn, will move forwards with great violence and force towards H, and raise the valve d. A portion of water being admitted into the vessel abc, the impulse of the column of fluid is expended, the valves d and e fall, and the water rushes outat in n as before, when its motion is again stopped, and the s;ime operation repeated which has now been described. Every time therefore that the valve e closes, a portion of water will force its way into the vessel abc, and condense the air which it contains ; for the included air has no communi- cation with the atmosphere after the water is higher than the bottom of the pipe fg. This condensed air will con- sequently exert great force on the surface op of the water, and raise it in the tube fg, to a height proportioned to the elasticity of the imprisoned air. The external ap- pearance of the engine, copied from one in the possession of Professor Leslie, is exhibited in fig: 3 ; where abc is the air vessel, f the valve box, g the extremity of the valve, and m n screws for fixing the horizontal tube to the machine. A piece of brass, a, with a small aperture, is screwed on the top, when the engine is employed, to form a jet of water. From this description, it will easily be perceived that the only difference between the engines of Montgolfier and Whitehurst is, that the one requires a person to turn the cock, while the other has the advantage of acting sponta- neously. Montgolfier assures us (Journal des Mines, vol. 13, No. 73) that the honour of this invention does not belong to England, but that he is the sole inventor, and did not receive a hint from any person whatever. We leave it to the reader to determine to what degree of credit these assertions are entitled. It would appear, from some experiments of Montgol- fier, that the effect of the water-ram is equal to between -| and i of the power expended ; which renders it supe- rior to most hydraulic engines. Appendix to Brewster's Ferguson's Lectures, pa. 4 19- The principles on which the ram of Montgolfier is con- structed, are susceptible of a very extensive application : 4P 2 H Y D f 660 ] H Y D thus, it wou-ld be easy to raise other water besidis that which runs through the-ram; as for example, with a Fall of water we might by a slight modification of this machine raise water from the bottom of wells, or even of mines. Other machines analogous to Montgolfier's engine have been invented by Messrs. Sarjeant and Boulton ; and the celebrated hydraulic engine in Chemnitz in Hungary is closely allied to the ram in principle. M. Montgolficr suggests the utility of his invention in the draining of mines ; and in that case, the hydraulic ram and the Hun- garian machine would become very nearly if not altoge- ther identical as to principle. HYDRODYNAMICS, that branch of mechanical science which relates to the motion of non-elastic fluids, and the forces with which they act upon bodies opposed to them. There is no part of mechanics the true theory of which we are so little acquainted with as that which respects the motion of fluids. Nor is it strange that the knowledge we do possess of this science should be so dubious and' confined, when we consider the many powerful obstacles which continually present themselves in the cultivation of it. The mass, the figure, and the number of particles of a fluid in motion, are particulars with which we are too superficially acquainted to determine the laws of its mo- tion, with any satisfactory degree of accuracy ; and even if we were in possession of the data by which those laws might be determined, it is doubtful whether we should be much farther advanced, as it might be extremely difficult to deduce any convenient and practical results from the intricate and complex expressions which might be ob- tained from the investigation. The greatest mathemati- cians have been forced to yield to the numerous difficulties of these researches, and to confess that the methods so successfully followed in the mechanics of solid bodies, do not afford any conclusions with respect to fluids, but such as are too general and uncertain for the greater part of particular cases. Whatever we have of this science is almost exclusively due to the labours of modern analysts and geometers ; for the only work which has reached us from the ancients is that of Archimedes, in two hooks, entitled De Insidentibus humido, in which the only en- quiries respect the sinking and floating of bodies in fluids, their relative gravities, levities, situations and positions, when in equilibrio. It is indeed true that some hints, as well as rules, on the motion of fluids, are contained in a treatise attributed to Sextus Julius Frontinus, inspector of public fountains at Rome, under the emperors Nerva, Cocccius, and Trajan, entitled, De Aqua ductibus urbis Roma' commentarius; but they are not of sufficient im- portance to deserve much attention by a student in this science. Benedict Castelli was the first who opened the way to a true measure of the flux of waters, in his Trea- tise Delia Mesura dell' Aquae Current], which measure he found to depend on the area of the section and the ve- locity of the water conjointly. The most valuable and important discoveries and theorems in this department of science, are given in Sir Isaac Newton's Principia, lib. 2, pr. 36, with the comment : Dan. Bernoulli's Hydrody- namique ; D'Alembert's Traite des Fluides; D.George Juan's Examen marjtimo Tlieorico Practico ; M. Bos- sut's Hydrodynamique; Buat's Principes d' Hydraulique, and Mr. Eytelwein's Ilandbuch der Mechanick und der Jiydraulique. To which may be added an ingenious paper on the Motion and Resistance of Fluids, by Mr. Yince, in the Philos. Transact, for 1795 ; and those by the late Dr. Matthew Young in the Irish Trans. — See Hydrau- lics. HYDROGEN, the basis of what has been generally called inflammable air, and is one of the components of water. HYDROGEN Gas, an invisible elastic aeriform fluid uncondensible by any known cold, and is the only form in which pure hydrogen has ever been exhibited. The specific gravity of this gas varies considerably, according to the manner in which it has been procured. In general, when pure, it is from 6 to 10 or even, to 12 times lighter than common air, so that S times may be considered as a general average. It is one of the most inflammable sub- stances we are acquainted with ; that is to say, it com- bines with more oxygen than any other body, and occa- sions more heat by its combustion; it being a well esta- blished fact, that hydrogen and oxygen gases, whenmixed, produce the most intense heat yet known. One of the most striking properties of this gas, is that of reducing metallic oxyds to the reguline or nearly regu- line state. This is effected by the union of the hydrogen with the oxygen of the metallic oxyd, in consequence of which the hydrogen loses, its gaseous form, and with the oxygen produces water. The metallic reduction by hy- drogen gas appears to have been first noticed by Dr. Priest- ley, but the consequent production of water in these cases was suggested by the most important researches of Mr. Cavendish, on the union of hydrogen and oxygen. From tiie great levity of hydrogen gas, it has generally been used for filling air-balloons: indeed this appears the only use to which it has at present been applied. The following is the best way of procuring it : Put a quantity of filings of zinc into a vessel which has a glass tube pre- fixed ; then pour upon them sulphuric acid, diluted with 6 or 8 times its quantity of water, and an effervescence will immediately take place; the water will be decom- posed, and the oxygen of it will become united to the metal, and the hydrogen gas will be disengaged, and may be conveyed into the body pf the balloon. This gas can be procured pure only from water, which in all cases must undergo a decomposition. For the usual properties of this gas, the reader may consult with much interest Aikins's Chemical Diet. HYDROGRAPHICAL Charts or Maps, more usually called sea-charts, are projections of some part of the sea, or coast, for the use of navigation. In these are laid down all the rhumbs or points of the compass, the meridians, parallels, &c,with the coasts, capes, islands, rocks, shoals, shallows, &c, in their proper places, and proportions. For the construction and use of the several kinds of hy- drographical maps, see Chart, and Sailing. HYDROLOGY', is that part of natural history which, examines and explains the nature and properties of water in general. HYDROMETER, an instrument for measuring the properties and effects of water, as its density, gravity, force, velocity, &c. That with which the specific gravity of water is determined, is often called an aerometer, or water-poise. The general principle on which the construction anil use of tiie hydrometer depends, has been illustrated under the article Specific Gravity ; where it is shown that a body specifically lighter than several fluids, will serve to. H Y D [ 661 ] H Y D find outtheir specific gravities ; because it will sink deepest in the fluids whose specific gravity is the least. In fig. 5, pi. 14, if a b represent a small even glass tube, hermeti- cally sealed, having a scale of equal divisions marked upon it, with a hollow ball of about an inch in diameter at bot- tom, and a smaller ball c under it, communicating with the first ; and into the little ball be put mercury or small shot, before the tube is sealed, so that it may sink in water below the ball, and float or stand upright, the divisions on the stem showing how far it sinks. — If this instrument be dipped in common water, and sink to D,'it will sink only to some lower point e in "salt water ; but in port wine it will sink to some higher point f, and in brandy perhaps to b. It is evident that an hydrometer of this kind will only show that one liquid is specifically heavier than an- other; but the true specific weight of any liquid cannot be determined without a calculation for this particular in- strument, the tube of which should be truly cylindrical. Besides, these instruments will not serve for fluids whose densities are much different. Mr. Clarke constructed a new hydrometer, showing whether any spirits be proof, or above or below proof, and in what degree. This instrument was made of a ball of copper (because ivory imbibes spirituous liquors, and glass is apt to break), to which is soldered a brass wire about a quarter of an inch thick; upon this wire is marked the point to which it exactly sinks in proof spirits ; as also •two other marks, one above and one below the former, exactly answering to one-tenth above and one-tenth below proof. There are also a number of small weights made to add to it, so as to answer to the other degrees of strength besides those above, and for determining the spe- cific gravities of different fluids. Philos. Trans. Abr. vol. vii, pa. 392. Dr. Desaguliers contrived an hydrometer for determin- ing the specific gravities of different waters, to such a de- gree of nicety, that it would show when one kind of water was but the 40,000th part heavier than another. It con- sists of a hollow glass ball of about 3 inches in diameter, charged with shot to a proper degree, and having fixed in it a long and very slender wire, of only the 40th part of an inch in diameter, and divided into tenths of inches, each tenth answering to the 40,000th part, as above. See his Exper. Philos. vol.2, pa. 234. Mr. Quin and other persons have also constructed hy- drometers, with other and various contrivances, and with different degrees of accuracy; but all nearly on the same general principles. But there is one circumstance which deserves particular attention in the construction and graduation of hydrome- ' ters, for determining the precise strength of different brandies, and other spirituous liquors. Mr. Reaumur discovered, in making his spirit-thermometers, that when rectified spirit and water, or phlegm, the other constituent part of brandy, are mixed together, there appears to be a mutual penetration of the two liquors, and not merely juxtaposition of parts ; so that a part of the one fluid seems to be received into the interstices of the other; by which it happens, that if a pint of rectified spirit be added to a pint of water, the mixture will be sensibly less than a quart. The variations hence produced in the bulk of the mixed fluid render the hydrometer, when graduated in the usual way by equal divisions, an erroneous measure of its strength ; because the specific gravity of the compound is found not to correspond to the mean gravity of the two ingredients. M. Montigny constructed- a scale for this instrument, in the manner before suggested by Dr. Lewis, on actual observation of the sinking or rising of the hydro- meter in various mixtures of alcohol and water, made in certain known proportions. Hist, de l'Acad. Roy. des Sci. 1768; also Neumann's Chem. by Lewis, pa. 450, note r. M. De Luc has lately published a scheme for the con- struction of a comparable hydrometer, so that a work- man, after having constructed one upon his principles, may make all others similar to each other, and capable of indicating the same degree on the scale, when immersed in the same liquor of the same temperature. This instru- ment is proposed to be constructed of a ball of flint glass, communicating with a small hollow cylinder, containing such a quantity of quicksilver for a ballast, that the instru- ment may sink nearly to its top, in the most spirituous liquor, when heated as much as possible; to which is also attached a thin silvered tube, for a scale, &c. The whole description may be seen at large in the Philos. Trans. vol. 68, pa. .500. M. Le Roi also published a proposal for constructing comparable hydrometers. See Hist, de l'Acad. des Scien. for 1770, Mem. 7. Mr. Nicholson has made an improvement, by- which the hydrometer is adapted to the general purpose of find- ing the specific gravity, .both of solids and fluids (fig. 4, pi. 16). a is a hollow ball of copper, b a dish affixed to the ball by a short slender stem, d ; c is another dish affixed to the opposite side of the ball by a kind of stirrup. In the instrument actually made, the stem d is of hardened steel, -^of an inch in diameter, and the dish c is so heavy as in all cases to keep the stem vertical when the instru- ment is made to float in any liquid. The parts are so ad- justed that the addition of 1000 grains in the upper dish b will just sink it in distilled water (at the temperature of 6"0° of Fahrenheit's thermometer), so far that the surface shall intersect the middle of the stem d. Let it now be required to find the specific gravity of any fluid. Immerse the instrument in it, and by placing weights in the dish b cause it to float, so that the middle of its stem d shall be cut by the surface of the fluid. Then, as the known weight of the instrument, added to 1000 grains, is to the same known weight added to the weights used in producing the last equilibrium, so is the weight of a quantity of distilled water displaced by the floating instrument, to the weight of an equal bulk of the fluid under examination. Again, let it be required to find the specific gravity of a solid body, whose weight is less than 1000 grains. Place the instrument in distilled water, and put the body in the dish b. Make the adjustment of sinking the instru- ment to the middle of the stem, by adding weights in the same dish. Subtract those weights from 1000 grains, ~ and the remainder will be the weight of the body. Place now the body in the lower dish c, and add more weight in the upper dish b, till the adjustment is again obtained. The weight last added will be the loss the solid sustains by immersion, and is the weight of an equal bulk of water. Consequently the specific gravity of the solid is to that of water, as the weight of the body to the loss occasioned by the immersion. Mr. Nicholson observes, " This in- strument was found to be sufficiently accurate to give weights true to less than ^th of a grain." Nicholson's- Philosophy, vol.2, p. 16. HYDROMETR1A, Hydrometry, the mensuration, H Y D [ 662 ] H Y D of water and other fluid bodies, their gravity, force, velo- city, quantity, &c ; including both hydrostatics and hy- draulics. HYDROSCOPE, an instrument anciently used for the measure of time. It was a kind of clepsydra or water- clock, consisting of a cylindrical tube, conical at bottom : the cylinder was graduated with -divisions, to which the top of the water becoming successively contiguous, as it trickled.out of the vertex ot the cone, pointed out the hour. HYDROSTATICAL Balance, a balance contrived for the exact and easy finding the specific gravities of bodies, both solid and fluid, and thereby of estimating the degree of purity of bodies of all kinds, with the quality and rich- ness of metals, ores, minerals, &c, and the proportions in any mixture, adulteration, or the like. This is effected by weighing the body both in water, or other fluid, and out of it ; and for this purpose, one of the scales has usually a hook at the bottom, for suspending the body by some very fine thread. And the use of the instrument is. founded on this theorem of Archimedes, that any body weighed in water, loses as much of its weight as is equal to the weight of the same bulk of the water. Thus then is known the proportion of the specific gravities of the so- lid and fluid, or the proportion of their weights under the same bulk, viz, the proportion of the weight of the body weighed out of water, to the difference between the same and its weight in water. Hence also, by doing the same thing for several different solids, with the same fluid, or different fluids with the same solid, all their specific gra- vities become known. This instrument re- quires but little descrip- tion, ab is a nice ba- lance beam, with its scales c and d, turning with the small part of a grain, the one of them, d, having a hook in the bottom, to receive the loop of a horse hair &c, E, by which the body f is suspended, gh is a. jar of water, in which the body is immersed when weighing. The pieces in the scale c denote the weight of the body out of water; then, upon immerging it, put weights in the scale d to restore the balance again, and their quotient will show the specific gravity of the body. 4 There have been various kinds of the hydrostatica! ba- lance, and improvements made on it, by different persons. Thus, Dr. Desaguliers set three screws in the foot of the sland, to move any side higher or lower, till the stem be quite upright, which is known by aplummet hanging over a fixed point in the pedestal. Desag. Exp. Philos. vol. 2, pa. 1.96'. And for sundry other constructions of this in- strument, designed for greater. accuracy than the common sort, see Martin's Phil. Britan. or Gravesande's Physices - Elem. Math. torn. 1, lib. 3, cap. 3, &c. The specific gravities of small weights may be deter- mined by suspending them in loops of horse hair, or fine silken threads, to the hook at the bottom of the scale. Thus, if a guinea suspended in air weigh 129 grains, and on being immersed in water require 7\ grains to be put in the scale over it, to restore the equilibrium ; we thus find that a quantity of water of equal bulk with the guinea, weighs 7y grains, or 7'2 ; therefore dividing the 129 by the 7"2, the quotient 17"8S shows that the guinea is so many times heavier than its'bulk of water. Whence, if any piece of gold be tried, by weighing it first in air, then in water, and if, upon dividing the weight in air by the loss in water, the quotient be 17*88, the gold is good ; if the quotient be 18 or more, the gold is more fine ; but if it be less than 17'88, the gold is too much alloyed with other metal. If silver be tried in the same manner, and found to be 1 1 times heavier than water, it is very tine; if it be 1QI times heavier, it is standard ; but if less, it is mixed with some lighter metal, such as tin. When the body, whose specific- gravity is sought, is lighter than water, so that it will not quite 'sink; annex to it a piece of another body heavier than water, so that the mass compounded of the two may sink together. Weigh the denser body, and the compound mass, sepa- rately, both in water and out of it, thereby finding how much each loses in water ; and subtract the less of these, two losses from the greater; then say, As the remainder is to the weight of the lighter body in air, so is the specific gravity of water to the specific gravity of the lighter body. HYDROSTATICAL Bellows, a machine for showing the upward pressure of fluids and the hydro- £v#:v statical paradox. It consists of two thick boards, a, d, each about 1-6 or 18 inches diameter, more or less, covered or connect- ed firmly with leather round the edges, to open and shut like a common bellows, but without valves ; only a pipe, b, about 3 feet high is fixed into the bellows at e. If water be poured into the pipe at c, it will run into the bellows, gradually sepa- rating the boards, by raising the. upper one. And if several weights, as three hundred ■ weights, be laid upon the upper board, by pouring the water in at the pipe till it be full, it will sus- tain them all, though the water in the pipe should not weigh a quarter of a pound ; for the pipe or tube may be as small as we please, provided it"be but long enough, the whole effect depending upon the height, and notat all on the width of the pipe : for the proportion is always this, As the area of the orifice of the pipe is t.) the area of the bellows-board, so is the weight of water in the pipe ' to the. weight it will sustain on the board. Hence if a man stand upon the upper board, and blow into the pipe b, he will raise himself on the board; and the smaller the pipe, the easier he will be able to raise himself; then by putting his finger upon the top ot the pipe, he can support himself as long as he pleases, pro- vided the bellows be air-tight. Mr. Ferguson has described another machine, which may be substituted instead of this common hydrostatical bellows. It is however on the same principle of the hy- drostatical paradox ; and may be seen in the Supplement to his Lectures, pa. 19. HYDROSTATICAL Paradox, is a principle in hydro- statics, so called because it has a paradoxical appearance at first view : it is this ; that any quantity of water, or other fluid, how small soever, may be made to balance and support any quantity, or any weight, how great so- ever. This is partly illustrated in the last article, on the I . H Y D L ] H Y D W: hydrostatical bellows, where k appears that any weigh't whatever may be blown up and supported by the breath from a person's mouth. And the principle may be ex- plained as follows : it is well known that water in a pipe or canal, open at both ends, always rises to the same height at both ends, whether those ends be wide or narrow, equal or unequal. Thus, the «& ^„ small pipe gh being close P^-^l j'l joined to another open vessel i!|iEij;| " a i, of any size whatever ; by *™ pouring water into one of these, it will rise up in the other, and stand at the same height, or horizontal line df in both of them, and that j: ; | | |>C £#' whether they be upright, or inclined in any position. So that all the water that is in the large vessel from a to I, is supported by that which is in the small vessel from d to i| i only. And as there is no ^-^Sg^f limit to this latter one, but £ that it may be made as fine even as a hair, it hence evi- dently appears that any quantity of water may be thus supported by any other the smallest quantity. Since then the pressure of fluids is directly as their per- pendicular heights, without any regard to their quantities, it appears that whatever the figure or size of the vessels may be, if they ate but of equal heights, and the areas of their bottoms equal, the pressures of equal heights of water are equal upon the bottoms of these vessels; even though the one should contain a thousand or ten thousand times as much as the other. Mr. Ferguson confirms and illustrates this paradox by the following experiment. Let two vessels be prepared of equal heights, but very unequal contents,- such as ab and CD ; each vessel being open at both ends, and their bottoms e and f of equal widths. Let a brass bottom G and h be exactly fitted to each vessel, not to go into it, but for it to stand upon ; and let a piece of wet leather be put between each vessel and its brass bottom, to render it as close and tight as possible. Join each bottom to its vessel by a hinge d, so that it may open like the lid of a box ; and let each bottom be kept up to its vessel by equal weights w, hung to lines which go over the pulleys p, whose blocks are fixed to the sides of the vessel at /, and the lines tied to hooks at d, fixed in the brass bottoms opposite to the hinges d. In this adjustment of parts, hold one vessel upright in the hands over a bason on a table, and cause water to be poured slowly into it, till the pressure of the water bears down its bottom at the side d, and raises the weight e; and then part of the water will run out at d. Maik the height at which the surface h of the water stood in the vessel, when the bottom began to give way at d; after which, holding up the other vessel in the same manner, cause water to be poured into it ; and it will be seen that when the water rises in this vessel just as high as it did in the former, its bottom will also give way at d, and it will also lose part of the water. « The reason of this surprising phenomenon is, that since all parts of a fluid at equal depths below the surface, are equally pressed in all manner of directions, the water im- mediately below the fixed part B/will be pressed as much upward against its lower surface within the vessel, by the action of the column a^, as it would be by a column of the same height, and of any diameter whatever ; and there- fore, since action and reaction are equal and contrary to each other, the water immediately below the surface b/ will be pressed as much downward by it, as if it were im- mediately touched and pressed by a coltimn of the height Ag, and of the diameter b/; and therefore the -water in the cavity BDrffwill be pressed as much downward upon its bottom g, as the bottom of the other vessel is pressed by all the water above it. Lectures, pa. 105. HYDROSTATICS, is that science which treats of the nature, gravity, pressure, and equilibrium of fluids ; and of the weighing of solids in them. That part of the science of fluids which considers theirmotions,beingincluded under the article Hydrodynamics. Hydrostatics and hydrody- namics together constitute a branch of philosophy that is justly considered as one of the most curious, ingenious, and useful of any ; affording theorems and phenomena not only of the first use and importance, but also surpris- ingly amusing and pleasant; as appears in the numberless writings on the subject ; the principal points of which may- be found under the several particular articles of this work," as Pressure, Gravity, &c. The chief writers who have cultivated and improved this science are, Archimedes, in his Libris de Insidentibus Humido; Hero of Alexandria, in his Liber Spiritualium ; Marinus Ghctaldus, in his Archimedes promotus ; Ought" red; Jo. Ceva, in his Geometria Motus; Jo. Bap. Ba- lianus De Motu Naturali Gravium, Solidorum etLiquido- rum ; Marioke, in his treatise of the Motion of Water and other Fluids ; Boy le in his Hydrostatical Paradoxes ; Boyle in Tcrtius de Lanis, in his Magisterium Natura et Artis; Lamy, in his Traite de l'Equilibro des Liqueurs ; Rohault; Dr. Wallis, in his Mechanics; Dechales; Newton, in his Principia ; Gulielmini, in his Mensura Aquarum Fluen- tium ; Herman; Wolfius; Gravesandc ; Muschenbroek ; Leopold ; Schottus, in his Mechanica Hydraulico-Pneu- matica; Geo. Andr. Bockler, in his Architectura Curiosa Germanica ; August Rammilhis ; Lucas Antonius Portius ; Switzer; Va'rignon, in the Mem. Acad. Sci. ; Jurin; Belidor; Bernoulli ; Desaguliers ; Clare ; Emerson ; Fer- guson ; Ximenes ; Bossu ; D'Alembert; Buat ; Vince ; Olinthus Gregory, in his Mechanics, '&c, &c. HYDRUS, or Water Serpent, one of the new southern constellations, including only ten stars. H Y G [ 664 ] H Y G H YEMAL Solstice, the same with Winter Solstice. See Solstice. ' HYGROMETER, or Hygroscope, or Notiometer, an instrument for measuring the degrees of moisture in the air. There are various kinds of this instrument ; for what- ever body either swells by moisture, or shrinks by dry- ness, is capable of being formed into an hygrometer. Such are woods of most kinds, particularly deal, ash, poplar, &c. Sucli also is catgut, the beard of a wild oat, and a Jwisted cord, &c. The best and most usual contrivances for this purpose are as follow. 1. Stretch a common cord, or a fiddle-string, abd along a wall, passing it over a pulley b ; fixing it at one end a, and to the other end hanging a weight e, carrying a style or index p. Against the same wall fit a plate of metal hi, graduated, or divided into any number of equal parts; and the hygrometer &c, is complete. For it is matter of constant observation, that moisture sensibly shortens cords and strings ; and that, as the moisture evaporates, they return to their former length again- The like may be said of a fiddle-string : and hence it happens that such strings are apt to break in damp weather, if they be not slackened by the screws of the violin. Hence it follows, that the weight E will ascend when the air is more moist, and de- scend again when it becomes drier. By which means the index f will be carried up and down, and, by pointing to the several divisions on the scale, will show the degrees of moisture or dryness. 2. Or thus, for a more sensible and accurate hygrome- V ter : strain a whipcord, or catgut, over several pulleys B> c, d, E, F ; and proceed as before for the rest of the con- struction. It matters not whether the several parts of the cord be parallel to the horizon, as expressed in the an- nexed figure, or perpendicular to the same, or in any other position ; the advantage of this, over the former method, being merely the having a greater length of cord in the same compass; for the longer the cord, the greater is the contraction and dilatation, and consequently of the degrees of variation of the index over the scale, for any given change of moisture in the air. 3. Or thus : Fasten a twisted cord, or catgut, ab, by one end at a, sus- taining^ weight at b, carrying an in- dex c round a circular scale de de- scribed on a horizontal board or table. For a cord or catgut twists itself as it moistens, and untwists again as it dries. Hence, on an increase or decrease of ahe humidity of the air, the index will show the quantity of twisting or un- twisting, and consequently the increase or decrease of moisture or dryness. 4. Those Dutch toys, called weather houses, where a small image of a man, and another of a woman, are fixed upon the ends of an index, are constructed on this prin- ciple. For the index, being sustained by a cord, or twisted catgut, turns backwards and forwards, sending out the man in wet weather, and the woman in dry. 5. Or thus: Fasten one end of a cord, or catgut, ab, to a hook at a; and to the other end a ball d of about one pound weight; upon which draw two concentric circles, and divide them into any number of equal parts, for a scale ; then fit a style or index EC into a proper support at e, so as the extremity c may almost touch the di- visions of the ball. — Here the cord twisting or untwisting, as in the former case, will indicate the change of moisture, by the successive application of the divisions of the circular scale, as the ball turns round, to the index c. 6. Or an hygrometer may be made of the thin boards of ash or fir, by their swelling or contracting. But this, and all the other kinds of this instrument, above described, become in time sen- sibly less and less accurate ; till at last they lose their effect entirely, and suffer no alteration from the weather; in consequence of which, several others of another kind have been invented, much more durable, serving for many years with tolerable accuracy. They are as follow : 7. Take the mano- scope, described under that article, and instead of the exhausted ball E, substitute a sponge, or other body, that easily imbibes moisture. To prepare the sponge, it may' be proper first to wash it in water very clean ; and, when dry again, in water or vinegar in which there has been dissolved sal ammoniac, or salt of tar- tar; after which let it dry again. — Now, if the air be- come moist, the sponge will imbibe it and grow heavier, consequently will preponderate, and turn the index to- wards c ; on the contrary, when the air becomes drier, the sponge is lighter, and the index turns towards a ; and thus showing the state of the air. 8. In the last-mentioned hygrometer, Mr. Gould, in the Philos. Trans, instead of a sponge, recommends oil of H Y G [ 665 ] H Y G vitriol, which grows sensibly lighter or heavier from the being scarcely any variation in the night. 3d, That there degrees of moisture in the air; so that being saturated in is a motion even in dry weather, the wood swelling in the the moistest weather, it afterwards retains or loses its ac- morning, and shrinking in the afternoon. 4th, That the quired weight, as the air proves more or less dry. The wood, by night as well as by day, usually contracts when alteration in this liquor is so great, that in the space of 57 the wind is in the north, north-east, and east, both in da}'s it has been known to change its weight from 3 summer and winter. 5th, That by constant observation drachms to 9; and has shifted a tongue or index of a ba- of the motion and rest of the wood, with the help of a ther- lance 30 degrees. So that in this way a pair of scales may mometer, the direction of the wind maybe told nearly atford a very nice hygrometer. The same author suggests, without a weather-cock. He adds also, that even the time that oil of sulphur or campanam, or oil of tartar per deli- of the year may be known by it; for in spring it moves quiurn, or the liquor of fixed nitre, might be used iustead of the oil of vitriol. 9- This balance may be contrived in two ways ; by either having the pin in the middle of the beam, with a slender tongue a foot and a half long, pointing to the di more and quicker than in winter; in summer it is more contracted than in spring ; and has less motion in autumn than in summer. See an account of a method of constructing these and other hygrometers, in various places of the Philos. Trans. visions on an arched plate, as represented in the last as vol. 11, pa. 6'47 and 715; vol. 15, pa. 1032; vol. 43, figure. Or the scale with the liquor may be hung to the pa. 6; vol.44, pa. 95, 1 69, and 184; vol.54, pa.259; point of the beam near the pin, and the other extremity made so long, as to describe a large arch on a board placed for the purpose ; as in the figure here annexed. 10. Mr. Arderon has proposed some improvement in the sponge hygrometer. He directs the sponge a to be so cut, as to contain as large a superficies as possible, and to hang by a fine thread of silk upon the beam of a balance b and exactly balanced on the other side by another thread of silk at d, strung with the smallest lead shot, at equal distances, so adjusted as to cause an index e to point at c, the middle of a graduated archrGH, when the air is in a middle state between the greatest moisture and the greatest dryness. Under this silk so strung with shot, is placed a small table or shelf 1, for that part of the silk or shot to rest upon which is not suspended. When the moisture imbibed by the sponge increases its weight, it will raise the index, with part of the shot, from the table, and vice versa when the air is dry. Phil. Trans, vol.44, pa. 96. 11. From a series of hygroscopical observations, made with an apparatus of dealwood, described in the Philos. Trans. No. 480, Mr. Coniers concludes, 1st, That the wood contracts most in summer, and swells most in win- ter, but is most liable to change in the spring and fall. 2d, That this motion happens chiefly in the day time, there Vol. I. ol. 6T,pa. 19S; vol.63,pa. 404, &c. In myAbridg. also the General Index at the end points out the places of re- ference. 12. Dr. Hooke's hygrometer was made of the beard of a wild oat, set in a small box, with a dial plate and an index. See his Micrographia, pa. 150. 13. The doctors Hales and Desaguliers both contrived another form of sponge hygrometer, on this principle. They made an horizontal axis, having a small part of its mmm*-. length cylindrical, and the remainder tapering conicallv with a spiral thread cut in it, after the manner ofthefuzee of a watch. The sponge is suspended by a fine silk thread to the cylindrical part of the axis, upon which it winds. This is balanced by a small weight w, suspended also by a thread, which winds upon the spiral fuzee. Here, when the sponge grows heavier, in moist weather, it descends and turns the axis, and so draws up the weight, which coming to a thicker part of the axis it becomes a balance to the sponge, and its motion is shown by an attached scale. And vice versa when the air becomes drier. — Salt of tartar, or any other salt, or pot-ashes, may be put into the scale of a balance, and used instead of the sponge. Desag. Exper. Philos. vol. 2, pa. 300. 14. Mr. Ferguson made an hygrometer of a thin deal pannel ; and to enlarge the scale, and so render its vari- ations more sensible, he employed a wheel and axle, making one cord pass over the axle, which turned a wheel ten times as large, over which passed a line with a weight at the end of it, whose motion was therefore ten times as much as that of the deal pannel. The board should be changed in 3 or 4 years. See Philos. Trans, vol. 54, art. 47. 15. Mr. Smeaton gave also an ingenious and elaborate construction of an hygrometer ; which may be seen in the Philos. Trans, vol. 61, art. 24. 16. Mr. Deluc's contrivance for an hygrometer is very ingenious, and on this principle. Finding that even ivory 4 Q H Y G [ 066 ] HYP swells with moisture, and contracts with dryness, he made a small and very thin hollow cylinder of ivory, open only at the upper end, into which is fitted the under or open end of a very fine long glass tube, like that of a thermo- meter, ln'o those is introduced some quicksilver, filling the ivory cylinder, and a small part of the length Up the glass tube. The consequence is this: when moisture swells the ivory cylinder, its bore Or capacity grows larger, and consequently the mercury sinks in the fine glass tube ; and vice versa, when the air is drier, the ivory contracts, and forces the mercury higher up the glass tube. It is evident that an instrument thus constructed is in fact also a thermometer, and must necessarily be affected by the vicissitudes of heat and cold, as well as by those of dry- ness and moisture ; or that it must act as a thermometer as well as an hygrometer. The ingenious contrivances in the structure and mounting of this instrument may be seen in the Philos. Trans, vol. 63, art. 38 ; where it may also be seen how the above imperfection is corrected by some simple and ingenious expedients, employed in the original construction and subsequent use of the instru- ment; in consequence of which, the variations in the tem- perature of the air, though they produce their full effects on the instrument, as a thermometer, do not interfere with or embarrass its indications as an hygrometer. 17. In the Philos. Trans, for 179*, Mr. Deluc has given a second paper on hygrometry. This has been chiefly occasioned by a memoir of M. de Saussure on the same subject, entitled Essais sur l'Hygrometrie, in 4to, 17S3. In this work M.de S. describes a new hygrometer of his construction, on the following principle. — It is a known fact that a hair will stretch when it is moistened, and contract when dried: and M. de Saussure found, by repeated experiments, that the difference between the greatest extension and contraction, when the hair is pro- perly prepared, and has a weight of about 3 grains suspend- ed by it, is nearly one-40th of its whole length, or one inch in40. This circumstance suggested the idea of a new hygro- meter. To render these small variations of the length of the hair perceptible, an apparatus was contrived, in which one of the extremities of the hair is fixed, and the other, bear- ing the counterpoise abovementioned, surrounds the cir- cumference of a cylinder, which turns upon an axis to which a hand is adapted, marking upon a dial in large divisions the almost insensible motion of this axis. About 12 inches high is recommended as the most convenient and useful: and torenderthem portable,a contrivance is added, by which the hand and the counterpoise can be occasion- ally fixed. But, for all the reasonings of these ingenious philoso- phers on this interesting subject, and complete information, seethe Philos. Trans, an. 1791, pa. 1, and 3S9; and De- luc'sMeteorologie, vol. 1, an. 1786; as also the Monthly Review, vol. 51, pa. 224, vol. 71, pa. 213, vol. 76, pa. 3 1 6, vol. 78, pa. 236, and vol. 6', of the new series for the year 1791, !>«• 133. HYGROMETRY, the science of the measurement of the moisture of the atmosphere. The chief writings on this science are those of M. Deluc and M.de Saussure, for which see the last article. HYGROSCOPIC, is commonly used in the same sense with Hygrometer. Wolfius, however, regarding the ety- mology of the word, makes some difference. According to him, the hygroscope only shows that there arc altera- tions of the air in respect of humidity and dryness, but the hygrometer measures them. A hygroscope therefore is only an indefinite or less accurate hygrometer. HYPATIA, a very learned and beautiful lady, was born at Alexandria, about the end of the 4th century, as she flourished about the year of Christ 430. She was the daughter of Theon, a celebrated philosopher and mathe- matician, and president of the famous Alexandrian school. Her father, encouraged by her extraordinary genius, had her not only educated in all the ordinary accomplish- ments of her sex, but instructed in the most abstruse sciences. She made such great progress in philosophy, geometry, astronomy, and the mathematics in general, that she passed for the most learned person of her time. She published commentaries on Apollonius's Conies, on Diophantus's Arithmetic, and other works. At length she was thought worthy to succeed her father in that dis- tinguished and important employment, the government of the school of Alexandria; and to deliver instructions out of that chair where Ammonius, Hierocles, and many other great men, had taught before ; and this at a time when men of great learning abounded both at Alexandria and in many other parts of the Roman empire. Her fame being so extensive, and her wonh so universally acknow- ledged, it was no wonder that she had a crowded audi- tory. " She explained to her hearers (says Socrates, an ecclesiastical historian of the 5th century, born at Con- stantinople) the several sciences that go under the general name of philosophy ; for which reason there was a con- fluence to her, from all parts, of those who made philoso- phy their delight and study." The pupils of this lovely and surprising female, were not less eminent than they were numerous. One of them was the celebrated Synesius, who was afterwards bishop of Ptolemais. This ancient Christian Platonist always ex- presses the strongest, as well as the most grateful testimony of the virtue of his tutoress; never mentioning her with- out the most profound respect, and sometimes in terms of affection but, little short of adoration. But it was not Synesius only/, and the disciples of the Alexandrian school, who admired Hypatia for her virtue and learning: never was woman more caressed by the public, and yet never had woman a more Unspotted character. She was held as an oracle for her wisdom, for which she was consulted by the magistrates in all important cases; a circumstance which often drew her among the greatest concourse of men, without the least censure of her manners. In short, when Nicephorus intended to pass the highest compliment on the princess Eudocia, he thought he could not do it better than by calling her another Hypatia. While Hypatia thus reigned the brightest ornament of Alexandria, Orestes was governor of that place for the emperor Thcodosius, and Cyril was bishop or patriarch. Orestes, having had a liberal education, could not but ad- mire Hypatia; and as a wise governor often consulted her. This, together with an aversion which Cyril had against Orestes, proved fatal to the lady. About 500 monks assembling, attacked the governor one day, and would have killed him, had he not been rescued by the townsmen ; and the respect which Orestes had for Hypatia causing her to be traduced among the Christian multitude, they dragged her from her chair, tore her in pieces, and burnt her limbs. This horrible catastrophe was perpe- trated during the lent of the year 4l6. Cyril is strongly suspected of having fomented this tra- gedy. Cave indeed endeavours to remove the imputation HYP [ 667 ] HYP of so horrid an action from ihe patriach; and places it on - the Alexandrian mob in general, whom he calls " a very trifling inconstant people." But though Cyril should be allowed neither to have been the perpetrator, nor even the contriver of it, yet it is much to be suspected that he did not discountenance it in the manner he ought to have done: a suspicion which must needs be greatly confirmed by reflecting, that he was so far from censuring the vio- lence committed by the monks upon Orestes, that he after- wards received the dead body of Ammonius, one of the most conspicuous in that brutality, who had grievously wounded the governor, and who was justly punished with death. Upon this riotous ruffian, Cyril made a panegyric in the church where he was laid, in which he extolled his courage and constancy, as one that had contended for the truth ; and changing his name to Thaumasius, or the Ad- mirable, ordered him to be considered as a martyr. " How- ever (continues Socrates), the wisest part of Christians did not approve the zeal which Cyril showed on this man's behalf, being convinced that Ammonius had justly suffered for his desperate attempt." HYPERBOLA, one of the conic sections, being that which is made by a plane cutting a cone, so that, entering one side of the cone, and not being parallel to the oppo- site side, it may cut the circular base when the opposite side is ever so far produced below the vertex, or shall cut the opposite side of the cone produced above the vertex, or shall make a greater angle with the base than the oppo- site side of the cone makes; all these three circumstances amounting to the same thing, but in other words. 1. Thus, the figure dae is an hyperbola, made by a plane entering the side vq of a cone pvq at a, and either cutting the base peq when the plane is not parallel to vp, and this is ever so far produced ; or when the angle arq is greater than the angle vpq; or when the plane cuts the opposite side in b above the vertex. 2. By the hyperbola is some- times meant the whole plane of the section, and sometimes only the curve line of the section. 3. Hence, the cutting plane meets the opposite cone in b, and there forms another hyperbola d b e, equal to the former one, and having the same transverse axis ab; and the same vertices a and b. Also the two are called Opposite Hyperbolas. 4. The centre c is the middle of the transverse axis. 5. The semi-conjugate axis is cl, a mean proportional between ci and ck, the distances to the sides of the oppo- site cone, when ci is drawn parallel to the diameter pq of the base of the cone. Or the whole conjugate axis is a mean proportional between af and bh, which are drawn parallel to the base of the cone. 6. If dae and fbg be two opposite hyperbolas, having the same transverse and conjugate axes ab and ab, per- pendicularly bisecting each other; and if dae and fh« be two other opposite hyperbolas, having the same axes with the two former, but in the contrary order, viz, hav- ing ab for their first or transverse axis, and ab for their second or conjugate axis: then any two adjacent curves are called Conjugate Hyperbolas," and the whole figure formed by all the four curves, the figure of the Conjugate Hyperbolas. And if the rectangle hikl be inscribed within the four conjugate hyperbolas, touching the ver- tices a, b, a, b, and having their sides parallel and equal to the two axes; and if then the two diagonals hck, icl,< ol the parallelogram be drawn, these diagonals are the asymptotes of the curves, being lines that continually ap- proach nearer and nearer to the curves, without meeting them, except at an infinite distance, where each asymp- tote and the two adjacent sides of the two conjugate hy- perbolas may be supposed all to meet; the asymptote being there a common tangent to them -both, viz, at that infinite distance. 7. Hence the four hyperbolas, meeting and running into each other at the infinite distance, may be considered as the four parts of one entire curve, having the same axes, tangents, and other properties. 8. A diameter in general, is any line, as mk, drawn through the centre c, and meeting, or terminated by the opposite legs of the opposite hyperbolas. And if parallel to this diameter there be drawn two tangents, at m and n, to the opposite legs of the other two opposite hyperbolas, the line men joining the points of contact, is the conjugate diameter to mn, and the two mutually conjugates to each other. Or, if to the points m or n there be drawn, a tan- gent, and through the centre c the line mn parallel to it, that line will be the conjugate to mn. The points where each of these meets the curves, as m, n, m, n, are the ver- tices of the diameters; and the tangents to the curves at the two vertices of any diameter, are parallel to each other, and also to the other or conjugate diameter. ~ „ i o Or ab : — : : CD' — cb': de-, ae That is ab : p : : cd 5 — cb 2 : de 2 , where p is the pa- rameter of the diameter ab, or the 3d proportional to ab and ab, or — . AB And hence is deduced the common equation of the hy- perbola, by which its general nature is expressed. Thus, putting d = the semidiameter ca or cb, c = its semiconjugate ca or cb, p = its parameter or — , x == the absciss bd from the vertex, y =: the ordinate DE,and •a = the absciss cd from the centre: that Then is d 2 : c~ : : (2d -+- x)x : y' or d z : c 1 : : (d + v)x :y* or d 1 : c 2 : : v 2 - d 1 : / or d : p : : v z - d 1 : y- „ idx -t- a V = = — 3 a _ ° a - d ° —t--p> an y of which equations or proportions express the nature of the curve. And hence arises the name hyperbola, signi- fying to exceed, because the ratio of d 2 to c 2 , or of d top, exceeds that of Idx toy 2 ; that ratio being equal in the parabola, and defective in the ellipse, from which circum- stances these also take their names. 21. The distance between the centre and. the focus, is equal to the distance between the extremities of the trans- verse and conjugate axes. That is, cf = Act or Ab, where r is the focus. 22. The conjugate semi-axis is a mean proportional be- tween the distances of the focus from both vertices of the transverse. That is, ca is a mean between af and bf, or af : ca:: ca : bf, or af . bf = ca 2 . 23. The difference of two lines drawn from the foci, to meet ill any point of the curve, is equal to the transverse axis. That is,/E — fe = ab, where f and /are the two foci. 24. All the parallelograms inscribed between the four conjugate hyperbolas are equal to one another, and there- fore each equal to the rectangle of the two axes. That is, the parallelogram opqr = ab . tib (fig. to art. 9). 25. The difference of the squares of every pair of con- jugate diameters, is equal to the same constant quantity, viz, the difference of the squares of the two axes. That is, jiN 8 — mn 2 = ab 8 - ab 2 , (fig. to art. 6) where mn and mn are any two conjugate diameters. 26". The rectangles of the parts of two parallel lines, terminated by the curve, are to each other, as the rectangles of the parts of any other two parallel lines, any where cutting the farmer. Or the rectangles of the parts of two intersecting lines, are as the squares of their parallel dia- meters, or squares of their parallel tangents. 27- All the rectangles are equal which are made of the segments of any parallel lines, cut by the curve.and limited by the asymptotes, and each equal to the square of their parallel diameter. That is, he . ek or lie . ck = cq 2 or 28. All the parallelograms are equal, which are formed between the asymptotes and curve, by lines parallel to the asymptotes. That is, the paral. cgek = cpbq. — Hence is obtained another method of expressing the nature of the curve by an equation, involving the absciss taken on one asymptote, and ordinate parallel to the other asymptote. Thus, if x = CK,y = ke, a = cq, and b = bq the ordi- nate at the vertex b of the curve; then, by the property in this article, ab = xy, or a: x::y : b; that is, the rect- angle of the absciss and ordinate isevery where of the same magnitude, or any ordinate is reciprocally as its absciss. 29. If the abscisses cq, ck, cb, &c, taken on the one asymptote, be in geometrical progression increasing ; then shal.1 the ordinates qb, ke, lm, &c, parallel to the other asymptote, be a like geometrical progression in the same ratio, but decreasing; and all the rectangles are equal, under every absciss and its ordinate, viz, cq . qb = ck . ke = cl. lm, &c. 30. The abscisses cq, ck, cl, &c, being taken in geo- metrical progression; thespaces or asymptotic areas bqke, eklm, &c, will be all equal ; or, the spaces bqke, bqlm, &c, will be in arithmetical progression ; and therefore these spaces are the hyperbolic logarithms of those abscisses. These, and many other curious properties of the hyper- bola, may be seen demonstrated in my Treatise on Conic Sections, and several others. See also Conic Sections. Acute Hyperbola, one whose asymptotes make an acute angle. Ambigenal Hyperbola, is that which has one of its in- finite legs falling within an angle formed by the asymptotes, and the other falling without that angle. This is one of Newton's triple hyperbolas of the 2d order. See his Enu- meratio Lin. tert. Ord. See also Ambigenal. Common, or Conic Hyperbola, is that which arises from the section of a cone by a plane ; called also the Apollonian hyperbola, being that which was treated on by the first and chief author Apollonius. Conjugate Hyperbolas, are those formed or lying to- gether, and having the same axes, but in a contrary order, viz, the transverse of each equal the conjugate of theother; as the two Conjugate Hyperbolas pee and eee in the last figure but one. Equilateral, or Rectangular Hyperbola, is that whose two axes are equal to each other, or whose asymptotes make a right angle. — Hence, the property or equation of the equilateral hyperbola, is;y x = ax ■+- x 2 , where a is the axis, x the absciss, and y its ordinate; which is similar to the equation of the circle, v\z,y 2 = ax — x 2 , differing only in the sign of the second term, and where a is the diameter of the circle. Infinite Hyperbolas, or Hyperbolas of the higlter kinds, arc expressed or denned by general equations similar HYP C 670 ] HYP to that of the conic or common hyperbola, but having ge- neral exponents, instead of the particular numeral ones, but so as that the sum of those on one side of the equation, is equal to the sum of those on the other side. Such as, ay m + n = bx m {d -+- x) n , where x and y are the absciss and ordinate to the axis or diameter of the curve; or x m y n = a m + ", where the absciss x is taken on one asym- ptote, and the ordinate^ parallel to the other. As the hyperbola of the first kind, or order, viz the conic hyperbola, has two asymptotes ; that of the 2d kind or order has three; that of the 3d kind, four; and so on. Obtuse Hyperbola, is that whose asymptotes form an obtuse angle. Opposite Hyperbolas, are those, pee, Qee, having the same transverse and conjugate axes. Rectangular Hyperbola, the same as equilateral hy- perbola. Hyperbolic Arc, is the arc of an hyperbola. Put a = ca the semitransverse axe, c = ca the semiconjugate, y = an or- dinate pq to the axe drawn from the end q of the arc aq, beginning at the . . an + cc vertex a : then putting q = — , a = the hyp. log. 01 = 2*302585093 x common log. of y + ^/(cc + yy) i /y/fcc + yy) — ccA Generally, if x m y n = a m + n be an equation expressing an hyperbola of any order ; then its asymptotic area will be xy ; which space therefore is always quadrable, in all the orders of hyperbolas, except the first or common hy- perbola only, in which m and n being each 1, the deno- minator n — m becomes or nothing. Hyperbolic Conoid, a solid formed by the revolution of an hyperbola about its axis, otherwise called an- hyper- boloid. To find the Solid Content of an Hyperboloid. Let AC be the semitransverse of the generating hyper- bola, and ah the height of the solid ; then as 2ac ■+• ah is to 3ac -1- ah, so is the cone of the same base and alti- tude, to the content of the conoid. t c- y*y/(cc + yy) — SccB , &c ; then is the length of the arc aq expressed by c x (a 1.3.50* , lSc^t -\- (21c' + '\9t*)x , — - — E&c; or by — = 3 -, — x y, nearly; ■> 15^4 + (21^ -I- 91') X J1 J where t is the whole transverse axe 2ca, c = 2ca the con- jugate, x = ap the absciss, and 3/ = pq the ordinate. These and other rules may be seen demonstrated in my Mensuration, pa. 310 and 313, 4th edit. Hyperbolic Area, that included by the hyperbolic curve and other lines. Putting o=ca the semitransverse, c = ca the semicon- jugate,^ = pq the ordinate, and v = cp its distance from the centre; then is the t r 1 1 c a y + ra area apq = \vy — \ac x hyp. log. ot ■ — ; sector caq = \ac x hyp. log. of area apq =%xy x (f- jj_- ^y- - where x = a V, and z = ; ay + cv &c), •2f.T 15(2 apq = — x [E de' de* de 1 „ j = cn x da x t h- ; — 3 &c; and CD 2CD' i(CB a 4 CD 4 this last series was first given by Mercator in his Logarith- motechnia. Sec my Mensuration, pa. 315, &c, 4th edit. To find the Curve Surface of an Hyperboloid, Let ac be the semitransverse, and ab perpendicular to it, and equal to the semiconjugate of ade the generatinf hyperbola, or section through the axis of the solid. Join cb ; makecF = ca, and on ca let fall the perpendicular FG ; then with the semitransverse cg, and semiconjugate gh = ab, describe the hyperbola gik ; then as the di- ameter of a circle is to its circumference, so is the hy- perbolic frustum ilamk to the curve surface of the co- noid generated by dae. See my Mensur. pa. 328, &c, 4th edit. Hyperbolic Cylindroid, a solid formed by the revolu- tion of an hyperbola about its conjugate axis, or line through the centre perpendicular to the transverse axis. This solid is treated of in the Phil.Trans. by SirChristopher Wren, who shows some of its properlies, and applies it to the grinding of hyperbolical glasses ; affirming that they must be formed this way, or not at all. See Philos. Trans, vol. 4, pa. 96I. Hyperbolic Leg, of a curve, is that having an asym- ptote, or tangent at an infinite distance. Newton reduces all curves, both of the first and higher kinds, into hyper- bolic and parabolic legs, i.e. such as have asymptotes, and such as have not, or such as have tangents at an infinite distance, and such as have not. Hyperbolic Line, is used by some authors for what is more commonly called the hyperbola itself, being the curve line of that figure; in which sense the surface terminated by it is called the hyperbola. Hy.perbolic Logarithm, a logarithm so called as being similar to the asymptotic spaces of the hyperbola. The hyperbolic logarithm of a number, is to the common logarithm, as 2-3025850929.O40457 to 1, or as 1 to •4342944S19032518. The first invented logarithms, by Napier, are of the hyperbolic kind ; and so are Kepler's. See Logarithm. Hyperbolic Mirror, is one ground into that shape. Hyperbolic Space, the same as Hyperbolic Area. HYPERBOLICUM Acutum, a solid made by the re- volution of the infinite area or space contained between the curve of the hyperbola, and its asymptote. This pro- duces a solid, which though infinitely long and gene- HYP C 671 ] HYP rated by an infinite area, is nevertheless equal to a finite solid body; as is denominated by Torricelli, who gave it this name. HYPERBOLIFORM Figures, are such curves as ap- proach, in their properties, to the nature of the hyperbola; called also hyperboloides. HYPERBOLOIDS, are hyperbolas of the higher kind, whose nature is expressed by this equation, ay m + n = bx m (a -+- i) n . See Hyperbola. It also means the hy- perbolic conoid. See that article. HYPERBOREANS, the most northern nations, or regions, as dwelling beyond or about the wind Boreas : as the Siberians, Samoieds, &c. HYPERTHYRON, in Architecture, a sort of table, usually placed over gates or doors of the Doric order, above the chambranle, in form of a frize. HYPETHRE, in Ancient Architecture, two rows of pillars surrounding, and ten at each face of a temple, &c, with a peristyle within of six columns. HYPOGEUM,in the Ancient Architecture, a name com- mon to all the parts of a building that are under ground ; as the cellars, butteries, &c. HYPOMOCHLION, the fulcrum or prop of a lever; or the point which sustains its pressure^ when employed either in raising or lowering bodies. The hypomochlion is frequently a roller set under the lever ; or under stones or pieces of timber, &c, that they may be the more easily lifted up, or removed. HYPOTENUSE, or Hypothen use, in a right-angled triangle, is the side which subtends, or is opposite to the right angle, being always the longest of the three sides; as the side ac, opposite to the right angle b. It is a celebrated theo- rem in plane geometry, being the 47th prop, of the 1st book of Euclid, that in every right-angled tri- angle abc, the square formed on the hypo- tenuse ac, is equal to both the two squares formed upon the other two sides ab and ec ; or that ac 2 = ab 1 + bc 2 . This is particularly called the Pythagorean theorem, from its reputed inventor, Py- thagoras, who it is said sacrificed a whole hecatomb to the muses, in gratitude for the discovery. But the same thing is true of circles or any other similar figures, viz, that any figure described on the hypotenuse, is equal to the sum of the two similar figures described on both the other two sides. HYPOTHENUSE. See Hypotenuse. HYPOTHESIS, in Geometry, or Mathematics, means much the same thing with supposition, being an assump- tion of something as a condition, upon which to raise a de- monstration, or from which to draw an inference. Hypotheses, or postulatums, are considered by Dr. Barrow as propositions assuming or affirming some evi- dently possible mode, action, or motion of a thing, and that there is the same affinity between hypotheses and pro- blems, as between axioms and theorems: a problem show- ing the manner, and demonstrating the possibility of some structure, and an hypothesis assuming some construction which is manifestly possible. In disputation, false hypotheses are often employed in order to draw the antagonists into absurdities; and even in geometry, truths are often to be deduced from such false hypotheses. Every conditional, or hypothetical proposition, maybe distinguished into hypothesis and thesis : the first asserts theconditions underwhich any thing is affirmed or denied ; and the latter is the thing itself affirmed or denied. Thus, in the proposition, a triangle is half of a parallelogram, if the bases and altitudes of the two be equal; the latter part, namely, " if the bases," &c, is the hypothesis; and the former part, " a triangle is half a parallelogram," the thesis. In strict logic, we are never to pass from the hypothesis to the thesis: that is, the principle supposed must be proved to be true, before we require the consequence to be made. Hypothesis, in Philosophy, denotes a kind of system laid down from our own imagination, by which to ac- count for some phenomenon or appearance of nature. Thus, there are hypotheses to account for the tides, for gravity, for magnetism, for the deluge, &c. The real and scientific causes of natural things generally lie very deep in obscurity : observation and experiment, the proper means of arriving at them, are in most cases extremely slow; and the human mind in consequence gets verv im- patient: hence we are often induced to feign or invent something that may seem like the cause, and which is cal- culated to answer the several phenomena, so that it may possibly be the true cause. Philosophers are divided as to the use of such fictions or hypotheses, which are much less current now than they were formerly. The latest and best writers are for excluding hypotheses, and standing entirely on observation and experiment. Whatever is not deduced from phenomena, says Newton, is an hypo- thesis ; and hypotheses, whether metaphysical, or physi- cal, or mechanical, or of occult qualities, have no place in experimental philosophy. Phil. Nat. Prin. Math, in Calce. Hypothesis is more particularly applied, in astro- nomy, to the several systems of the heavens ; or the divers manners in which different astronomers have supposed the heavenly bodies to be ranged, or moved. The principal hypotheses are the Ptolemaic, theTychonic, and the Co- pernican. This last is now so generally received, and so well established and warranted by observation, that it is thought derogatory to it to call it an hypothesis. HYPOTRACHELION, in Architecture, is used for a little frize in the Tuscan and Doric capital, between the astragal and annulets; called also the colerin and gor- gerin. The word is applied by some authors in a more genera] sense, to (he neck of any column, or that part of its capital berow the astragal. J A C [ 672 J ICE I. J. JACK, in Mechanics, is an instrument in common use for raising heavy timber, or very great weights of any kind ; being a certain powerful combination of teeth and pinions; the whole inclosed in a strong wooden stock or frame bc, and moved by a winch or handle HP; the out- side appearing as in the figure an- nexed. In fig. G, pi. 14, the wheel or rack-work is shown, being the view of the inside when the stock is re- moved. Though it is not drawn in the just proportions and dimensions, for the rack ab must be supposed at least four times as long in propor- tion to the wheel Q,as the figure re- presents it; and the teeth, which will be then four times more in num- ber to have about 3 in the inch. Now if the handle up be 7 inches long, the circumference of this radius will be 44 inches, which is the di- stance or space the power moves through in one revolution of the handle: but as the pinion of the handle has but 4 leaves, and the wheel Q suppose 20 teeth, or 5 times the number, therefore to make one revolution of the wheel Q, it re- quires 5 turns of the handle, in which case it passes through 5 times 44 or 220 inches : but the wheel having a pinion R of 3 leaves, these will raise the rack 3 teeth, or one inch, in the same space. Hence then, the handle or power moving 220 times as fast as the weight, will raise or balance a weight of 220 times its own power. And if this be the hand of a man, who can sustain 100 pounds weight, he will, by help of this jack, be able to raise, or sustain a weight or force of 22000lb,'or about 10 tons weight. This machine is sometimes open behind from the bottom almost up to the wheel q, to let the lower claw, which in that case is turned up as at is, raise any weight. When the weight is drawn or pushed sufficiently high, it is kept from going back by hanging the end of the hook s, fixed to a staple, over the curved part of the handle at h. Jack is also the name of a well-known engine in the kitchen, used for turning a spit. Here the weightis the power applied, acting by a set of pulleys ; the friction of the parts, and the weight with which the spit is charged, make the force to be overcome; and a steady uniform mo- tion is maintained by means of the fly. See the fig. of this machine, pi. 14, fig. 7. Smoke Jack, is an engine used for the same purpose with the common jack, and is so called from its being moved by means of the smoke, or rarefied air, ascending the chimney, and striking against the sails of the horizontal wheel ah (plate 14, fig. 8), which being inclined to the horizon, is moved about the axis of the wheel, together with the pinion C, which carries the wheels i> and e; and B carries the chain r, which turns the spit. The wheel A is should !»• placed in the narrow part of the chimney, where the molion of the smoke is swiftest, and where also the greatest part of it must strike on the sails. The force, of this machine depends upon the draught of the chimney, and the strength of the fire. jACK-^4rc/(, is an arch of one brick thickness. J ACK-Head, a part sometimes annexed to the forcing pump. J ACOR's-Staf, a mathematical instrument for taking heights and distances; the same with the Cross-staff; which see. JAMBS, or Jaums, in Architecture, are the upright sides of chimneys, from the hearth to the mantle-tree. Also door posts, or the upright posts at the ends of the window frames. St. JAMES's Day, a festival in the calendar, observed on the 25th of July, in honour of St. James the apostle. JANUARY, the first month of the year, according to the computation now used in the West, and containing 31 days; so called by the Romans from Janus, one of their divinities, to whom they gave two faces ; because on the one side, the first day of this month looked towards the new year, and on the other towards the old one. The name may also be derived from Janua, a gate; this month, being the first of the year, may be considered as the gate or entrance of it. January and February were introduced into the year, by Nuuia Pompilius ; Romulus's year be- ginning with the month of March. JAUMS. See Jambs. ICE, a brittle transparent body, formed of some fluid, frozen or fixed by cold. The specific gravity of ice to water, is various, according to the nature and circum- stances of the water, degree of cold, &c. Dr. Irving (Pliipps's Voyage towards the North Pole) found the densest ice he could meet with about a 14-th part lighter than water. M. de Mairan found it, at different trials, 1-14-th, 18th, or 19th lighter than water ; and when the water was previously purged of air, only a 22d part. The rarefaction of ice has been supposed owing to the air-bubbles produced in ice while freezing; these, being considerably large in proportion to the water frozen, ren- der the ice so much specifically lighter. It is well known that a considerable quantity of air is lodged in the inter- stices of water, though it has there little or no elastic pro- perty, on account of the disunion of its particles ; but on these particles coming closer together, and uniting as the water freezes, light, expansive, and elastic air-bubbles are thus generated, and increase in bulk as the cold grows stronger, and by their elastic force bursts to pieces any vessel in which the water is closely contained.' Rut snow- water, or any water long boiled over the (ire, affords an ice more solid, and with fewer bubbles. Pure water long kept in vacuo and frozen afterwards there, freezes much sooner, on being exposed to the same degree of cold, than water unpurged of its air and set in the open atmosphere. And the ice made of water thus divested of its air, is much harder, more solid and transparent, and heavier than com- mon ice. But M. de Mairan, in a dissertation on ice, attributes the increase of the bulk of the water under this form, I c o r 673 j JET chiefly to a different arrangement of its parts : the icy skin on water being composed of filaments which arc found to be joined constantly and regularly atan angle of 60°, and which, by this disposition, occupy a greater volume than if they were parallel. Besides, after ice is formed, he found it continue to expand by cold; a piece of ice, which was at first only a 14th part specifically lighter than water, on being exposed some days to the frost, became a 12th part lighter ; and thus he accounts for the bursting of ice in ponds. It appears from an experiment of Dr. Hooke, in \663, that ice refracts the light less than water ; whence he in- fers, that the lightness of ice, which causes it to swim in water, is not produced merely by the small bubbles which are visible in it, but that it arises from the uniform con- stitution or general texture of the whole mass : a fact which was afterwards confirmed by M. Lahire. See Hooke's Exper. by Derham, pa. 26, Acad. Per. 1693, Mem. pa. 25. Sir Robert Barker thus describes the process of making ice in the East Indies, in a country where he never saw any natural ice; On a large plain is dug three_ or four pits, each about 30 feet square, and 2 feet deep ; the bot- toms of which arecovered, about 8 or 12 inches thick, with sugar-cane, or the stems of the large Indian corn, dried. On this bed are placed in rows a number of small shal- low unglazed earthen pans, formed of a very porous earth, a quarter of an inch thick, and about an inch and a quarter deep ; which, at the dusk of the evening, they fill with soft water that has been boiled. In the morning before sunrise the ice-makers attend at the pits, and collect what has been frozen in baskets, which they convey to the place of preservation. This is usually prepared in some high and dry situation, by sinking a pit It or 15 feet deep, which they line first with straw, and th. n with a coarse kind of blanketing. The ice is deposited in this pit, and beaten down with rammers, till at length its own accu- mulated cold again freezes it, and it forms one solid mass. The mouth of the pit is well secured from the exterior air with straw and blankets, and a thatched roof is thrown over the whole. Philos. Trans, vol. 65, pa. 252. For the force of ice and other very interesting particu- lars relating to it, see the articles Freezing, Cold, and Congelation. 1CHNOGRAPHY, in Architecture, is a transverse or horizontal section of a building, exhibiting the plot of the whole edifice, and of the several rooms and apartments in any story ; together with the thickness of the walls and partitions; the dimensions of the doors, windows, and chimneys ; the prefectures of the columns and piers, with every thing visible in such a section. Ichnographt, in Fortification, is the plan or repre- sentation of the length and breadth of a fortress; the dis- tinct parts of which are marked out, either on the ground itself, or upon paper. Ichnography, in Perspective, the view of any thing cut off by a plane parallel to the horizon, just by the base or bottom of it ; being the same with what is otherwise called tl?e plan, geometrical plan, or ground-plot, of any thing, and is opposed to Orthography or Elevation. ICOSAEDRON, or Icosahedron, one of the five regular bodies or solids, terminated by twenty equilateral and equal triangles. It may be considered as consisting of 20 equal and similar triangular pyramids, whose ver- tices meet in the centre of a sphere conceived to circum- Vol. I. scribe it, and therefore having all their heights and bases equal: hence the solidity of one of those pyramids mul- tiplied by 20, the number of them, gives the solid con- tent of the icosaedron. To form or make the Icosaedron. — Describe upon a card paper, or some other such like substance, 20 equilateral triangles, as in the figure at the article Regular Body. Cut it out by the extreme edges, and cut all the other lines half through, then fold the sides up by these ed^es, and the solid will be formed. The linear edge or side of the icosaedron being a, then will the surface be 5 a x ^/3 = S-6602540a% and the so- lidity = ^7'-^^ 2-1816950A 3 . More general equations, and relations, may be seen in my Mensuration, pa. 190, 4th edit. IDES, in the Roman Calendar, a name given to a series of S days in each month ; which, in the full months, March, May, July, and October, commenced on the loth day; and in the other months, on the 13th day; from thence reckoned backward, so as in those four months to terminate on the 8th day, and in the rest on the 6th. These came between the calends and the nones. And this way of counting is still used in the Roman Chancery, and also in the Calendar of the Breviary. JET d'eau, a French word, signifying a fountain that throws up water to some height in the air. A jet of water is thrown up by the weight of the column of water above its ajutage, or orifice, up to its source or reservoir; and therefore it would rise to the same height precisely as the head or reservoir, if certain causes were removed which prevent it from rising quite so high. For first, the velo- city of the lower particles of the jet being greater than that of the upper, the lower water strikes that which is next above it ; and as fluids press every way, by its impulse it widens,, and consequently shortens the column. Secondly, the water at the top of the jet does not immediately fall off, but forms a kind of ball or head, the weight of which depresses the jet ; but if the jet be a little inclined, or not quite upright, it will play higher, though it will not in such case be quite so beautiful. Thirdly, the friction against the sides of the pipe and hole of the ajutage, pre- vents the jet from rising quite so high, and a small one will be more impeded than a large one. And the fourth cause is the resistance of the air, which is proportional to the square of the velocity of the water nearly; and there- fore the defect in the height is nearly in the same propor- tion, which is also the same as the proportion of the heights of the reservoirs above the ajutage. Hence, and from ex- perience, it is found that a jet, properly constructed, rises to different heights according to the height of the reser- voir, as in the following table, Of the heights of reservoirs and the heights of their corresponding jets; the former in feet, and the latter in feet, and tenths of afoot. Heig) ts of Reservoirs at d their Jets. Res. Jet. Res. Jet. Res. Jet. Res. Jet. 5 4'9 12 11-6 19 17-9 26 24-1 6 5-9 13 12-5 20 18-8 27 24-9 7 &8 14 13-4 21 197 28 25-8 8 7-8 15 14-3 22 20-6 29 266 9 87 16 152 23 21-5 30 27-5 10 97 17 l6l 24 22-3 31 28-3 11 10-6 1 8 17-0 25 23-2 32 292 4R I G N [ 674 3 IMA Res. | Jet. 1 Res. | Jet. Res. Jet. Res. Jet. 33 30-0 52 j 45-2 71 593 90 72-5 34 30-S 53 46-0 72 60-0 91 73-2 35 31-6 54 467 73 607 -92 73-8 36 32-5 55 47"5 74 61-4 93 74-5 37 33-3 56 48-2 75 62- 1 94 75-2 3S 34-1 57 490 76 62-8 95 75-8 39 34-g 58 497 77 63-5 96 76-5 40 357 59 50-5 78 64-2 97 77-2 41 36-6 60 51-2 79 64-9 . 98 77-S 42 37-4 O'l 52-0 80 65-6 99 78-5 43 3S-1 62 527 81 66-3 100 79- 1 44 38-9 63 53-5 82 67-0 110 85-6 45 397 64 54-2 S3 677 120 91-9 46 40-5 65 54-9 84 68-4 130. 9S-0 47 41-3 66 557 S5 69-1 140 104 48 42-1 67 56-4 86 69-8 150 no ■ 4£l 42-9 68 57-1 87 70-5 160 116 50 437 69 57-8 88 7ri 51 44-4 70 58-6 89 71-8 Height Reservoir. feet Diam. of the Ajutage, i to | inch 10 15 . " 1 to £ - 20 - - T 25 - - ■%-—..- 30 40 - . *to£ 3 50 60 T "■ 3^ 1 SO - - '1 - 100 - - If to I*. ■ By various experiments that have been made by Ma- riotte, Desagulicrs, and others, it has been found, that if the reservoir be 5 feet high, a conduct-pipe If inch dia- meter will admit a hole in the ajutage from i to -| of an inch ; and so on as in the following table: Diam. of the Conduct-Pipe. - If inch - 2 - 2J - 24 - a* - H - '44 > - 5| or 6 - 6i or 7 - 7 or 8 But the size of-the pipe is more or less, with the distance. If it be required to keep any number of jets of given di- mensions playing, by one common conduct-pipe, the dia- meter of an ajutage must be found that shall be equal to all the small ones that are given, and from this its proper conduct-pipe. Thus, if there be 4 ajutages, each f of an inch diameter; then the square off is ■£%, which multi- plied by 4, the number of them, makes if, the square root of which is -| or 1-|, the diameter of an ajutage equal ' to all the other four ; to which in the table answers a pipe of 8 inches diameter. In general, the diameter of the conduct-pipe should be about 6 times that of the aju- tage. — See Mariotte's Mouvement des Eau.x; Desaguliers's Exper. Philos. vol. 2, pa. 127, &c ; Clare's Motion of Fluids, pa. 109; &c. JETTE, the border made round the stilts under a pier, in certain old bridges, being the same with starling, con- sisting of a strong framing of timber filled with stones, chalk, &e; to preserve the foundations of the piers from injury. IGNIS Eatuus, a common meteor, chiefly seen in dark nights about meadows, marshes, and other moist places, as also in bufying-grounds, and near dung-hills. It is known among the people by the appellations, Will with a Wisp, and Jack wftba Lantern. Dr. Shaw describes a remarkable ignis fatuus, which he saw in the Holy Land, that was sometimes globular, or in the form of the flame of a candle; and presently afterwards it spread itself so much as to involve the whole company in a pale inoffen- sive light, and then contract itself again, and suddenly disappear. But in less than a minute it would become visible as before ; or, running along from one place to another, with a swift progressive motion, would expand itself at certain intervals over more than 2 or 3 acres of the adjacent mountains. The atmosphere had been thick and hazy, and the dew on the horses' bridles was uncom- monly clammy and unctuous. In the same weather he observed those luminous appearances, which skip about the masts and yards of ships at sea, and which the sailors call corpusanse, by a conuption of the Spanish cuerpo- santo. Shaw's Travels, pa. 363. Newton calls it a vapour shining without heat; and supposed it to be of the same nature with the light issuing from putrescent substances. Willoughby and B.ay were of opinion that it is occasioned by shining insects: but all the appearances of it observed by Derham, Beccaria, and others, sufficiently evince that it must be an ignited va- pour. Inflammable air has been found to be the most common of all the factitious airs in nature; and that it is the usual product of the putrefaction and decomposition of vegetable substances in water. Signor Volta writes to Dr. Priestley, that he fires inflammable air by the electric spark, even when thr electricity is very moderate; and he supposes that this experiment explains theinflammation of the ignes fatui, provided they consist of inflammable air, issuing from marshy ground by help of the electricity of fogs, and by falling stars, which have probably an electrical origin. See Priestley's Obs. on Air, vol. 3, pa. 382 ; the Philos. Trans. Abr. vol. 7, pa. 374, &c. IGNITION, properly signifies the setting fire to any substance; but the sense is commonly restrained to that kind of burning which is not accompanied with flame, such as of charcoal, cinders, metals, stones, and other solid substances, The effects of ignition are first to dis- sipate what is called the phlogiston of the ignited body, after which it is reduced to ashes. Vitrification next fol- lows ; and lastly, the substance is totally dissipated in vapour. All these effects, however, depend on the presence of the air,- for in vacuo the phlogiston of any substanee cannot be dissipated. Neither can a body which is to- tally destitute of phlogiston be ignited in such a manner as those which contain it; for as long as the phlogiston remains, the heat is kept up in the body by the action of the external air upon it : but when the phlogiston is en- tirely evaporated, the air always destroys, instead of aug- menting the heat. Philosophers have therefore been greatly embarrassed in explaining the phenomena of igni- tion. See Phlogiston. ILLUMINATION, the act or effect of a luminous body, or a body that emits light ; sometimes also the state of another body that receives it. Circle of Illumination. , See Circle. ILLUMINATIVE Lunar Month, the space of time that the moon is visible, between one conjunction and another. IMAGE, in Optics, is the spectre or appearance of an object, made cither by reflection or refraction. In all plane mirrors, the image is of the same magnitude as the object ; and it appears es far behind the mirror as the ob- ject is before it. In convex mirrors, the image appears less than the object ; and farther distant from the centre of the convexity, than from the point of reflection. Mr. I M A [ 6 7 5 ] I M A Molyneux gives the following rule for finding the diame- ter of an image, projected in the distinct base of a convex mirror : viz. As the distance of the object from the mirror is to the distance of the image from the glass, so is the diameter of the object to the diameter of the image. See Lens, Mirror, Reflection", and Refraction. IMAGINARY Quantities, or Impossible Quantities, in Algebra, are the even roots of negative quantities; which expressions are imaginary, or impossible, or opposed to real quantities ; as ^/ — aa, or \/ — a*, &c. For, as every even power of any quantity whatever, whether positive or negative, is necessarily positive, or having the sign -+-, be- cause ■+- by H-, or — by — give equally -1- ; hence it fol- lows that every even power, as the square for instance, which is negative, or having the sign — , has no possible root; and therefore the even rootsofsuch powers or quan- tities are said to be impossible or imaginary. The mixt expressions arising from imaginary quantities joined to real ones, are also imaginary ; as a — */ — aa, or b -+- y 7 — aa. The rootsof negative quantities were, perhaps, first treated of in Cardan's Algebra. As to the uneven roots of such quantities, he shows that they are negative, and at the same time assigns them : but the even roots of them he rejects, observing that they are nothing as to common use, being neither one thing or other ; that is, they are merely imaginary or impossible. And since his time, it has gra- dually become a part of algebra to treat of the roots of negative quantities. Albert Girard, in his Invention Nou- velle en l'Algebre, pa. 42, gives names to the three kinds of roots of equations, calling them, greater than nothing, less than nothing, and envelopee, as ^/- 3: but this was soon after called imaginary or impossible, as appears by Wallis's Algebra, pa. 264 &c ; where he observes that the square root of a negative quantity, is a mean proportional between a positive and a negative quantity ; as */ — be is the mean proportional between -+- b and — c, or between — b and ■+- c; and this he exemplifies by geometrical con- structions. See also pa. 313. « The arithmetic of these imaginary quantities has not yet been generally agreed on ; viz, as to the operations of mul- tiplication, division, and involution ; some authors giving the results with -1-, and others on the contrary with the negative sign — . Thus, Euler, in his Algebra, pa. 106 &c, makes the square of \/ — 3 to be — 3, of how can y 7 — 3 x „/ — 3, which is the square of y^ — 3, be — 3 ? Again, he makes y'_ 3 x y' -t- 5 = .y/— 15. Also in division, he makes y'- 4_i.^/_ 1 tobe= A /+ 4 or 2; and y'+S-^y' — 3 = v '— 1; also that 1 or y'+l -i-\/— 1 = V / ZT 1 = ij — 1 ; consequently, multiplying the quotient rooty' — 1 by the divisor y' — 1 , must give the dividend / — 1 , . ' quantity — should occur, it may be made to dis- appear, by the substitution of a circular arch, and a pro- perty, common to both the circle and hyperbola, may be obtained. The same is to be observed of the rules which have been invented for the transformation and reduction of impossible quantities * ; they facilitate the operations of this imaginary arithmetic, and thereby lead to the know- ledge of the mostbeautiful and extensive analogy which the doctrine of quantity has yet exhibited. * The rules chiefly referred to, are those for reducing the impossible roots of an equation to the form a + By / ' — 1. Imaginary Roots, of an equation, are those roots or values of the unknown quantity in an equation, which con- tain some imaginary quantity. So the roots of the equa- tion xx -t- aa = 0, are the two imaginary quantities ■+- y 7 — aa and — y* — , aa, or -+- ny' — 1 and — at/ — 1 ; also the two roots of the equation xx -+■ ax ■+■ aa = 0, are the imaginary quantities ± ia — fay' — 3; and the three roots of the equation i 3 — 1 == 0, or £ 3 = 1, are 1, — — , and — — — : the first real, and the 2 2 two latter imaginary. Sometimes the real root of an equation may be expressed by imaginary quantities; as in the irreducible case of cubic equations, when the root is expressed by Cardan's rule; and that happens whenever the equation has no imaginary roots at all ; but when it has two imaginary roots, then the only real root is ex- 4R2 IMA [ 676 ] I M P pressed by that rule in an imaginary form. See my paper on Cubic Equations, in my Tracts, vol. 2, pa. 78. Philos. Trans, for 1780, pa. 406 &c. Albert Girard first treated expressly on the impossible or imaginary roots of equations, and stated that every equation has as many roots, either real or imaginary, as the index of the highest power denotes. Thus, the roots of the biquadratic equation x i = 4x — 3, are four, which he shows to be two real and two imaginary, viz, 1, 1, — 1 ■ + ■v/— 2, and — 1 — ^/ — 2 ; and he renders the relation general, between all the roots and the coefficients of the terms of the equation. See his Invention Nouvelle en l'Algebre, anno 1629, theor. 2, pa. 40 &c. M. Dalembert demonstrated, that every imaginary root of any equation can always be reduced to the form e+f^/— 1, where e and / are real quantities. And hence it was also shown, that if one root of an equation be - - e -*-/v — 1, another root of it will always be - - e —f\/ — 1 : and hence it appears that the number of the imaginary roots in any equation is always even, if any ; i. e. either none, or else two, or four, or six, &c. Memoirs of the Academy of Berlin, 1746. To discover how many impossible roots are contained in any proposed equation, Newton gave this rule, in his Algebra, viz, Constitute a series of fractions, whose deno- minators are the series of natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, continued to the number showing the index or expo- nent of the highest term of the equations, and their nume- rators the same series of numbers in the contrary order : and divide each of these fractions by that next before it, and place the resulting quotients over the immediate terms of the equation ; then under each of the intermediate terms, if its square multiplied by the fraction over it, be greater than the product of the terms on each side of it, place the sign -t- ; but if not, the sign — ; and under the first and last term place the sign -+- . Then will the equa- tion commonly have as many imaginary roots as there are changes of the underwritten signs, from ■+- to — , and from — to H-. So for the equation x 3 — 4a- 1 ■+■ 4* —6 = 0, the series of fractions is 3, ■§, | ; then the second divided by the first gives £ or •§•, and the third divided by the se- cond gives | also ; hence these quotients placed over the intermediate terms, the whole will stand thus, * 3 — 4x- + 4x — 6. ■+■ ■+■ — ■+■ Now because the square of the 2d term multiplied by its superscribed fraction, is '-/a 4 , which is greater than 4a 4 the product of the two adjacent terms, therefore the sign ■+■ is set below the 2d term ; and because the square of the 3d term multiplied by its overwritten fraction, is '-/a' 2 , which is less than 24*' the product of the terms on each side of it, therefore the sign — is placed under that term ; also the sign -+- is set under the first and last terms. Hence the two changes of the underwritten signs -t- -+- — rh, the one from ■+■ to — , and the other from — to 4-, show that the given equation has two impossible roots. When two or more terms are wanting together, under the place of the 1st of the deficient terms write the sign — , under the 2d the sign +, under the 3d — , and so on, al- ways varying the signs, except that under the last of the deficient terms must always be set the sign -+- , when the adjacent terms on both sides of the deficient terms have contrary signs. As in the equation + « s = 0, which has four imaginary roots ; there being four changes in the signs as written. The author remarks, that this rule will sometimes fail of discovering all the impossible roots of an equation, for some equations may have more of such roots than can be found by this rule, though this seldom happens. Mr. Maclaurin has given some account of this rule of Newton's, together with one of his own, which he says will never fail; and the same has also been done by Mr. Campbell; but none of them obtain universally. See Philos. Trans, vol.34, pa. 104, and vol.35, pa. 5 15. More accurate rules have' been since given by Dr. Waring. The real and imaginary roots of equations may be found from the method of fluxions, applied to the doctrine of maxima and minima, that is, to find such a value of x in an equation, expressing the nature of a curve, made equal to y, an abscissa which corresponds to the greatest and least ordinate. But when the equation is above 3 dimen- sions, the computation is very laborious. See Stirling's treatise on the lines of the 3d order, Schol.pr.8, pa. 59 &c. IMBIBE, is commonly used in the same sense as ab- sorb, viz, where a dry porous body takes up another that is moist. IMMENSE, that whose amplitude or extension cannot be equalled by any measure whatever, or how often soever repeated. IMMERSION, the act of plunging into water, or some other fluid. Immersion, in Astronomy, is when a star, or planet comes so near the sun, that it cannot be seen; being as it were enveloped, and hid in the rays of that luminary. Immersion also denotes the beginning of an eclipse, or of an occultation, when the body, or any part of it just begins to disappear, either behind the edge of another body, or in its shadow. As, in an eclipse of the moon, when she begins to be darkened by enteringinto the shadow of the earth : or the beginning of an eclipse of the sun, when the moon's disc just begins to cover him : or the beginning of the eclipses of any of the satellites, as those of Jupiter, by entering into his shadow : or, lastly, the beginning of an occultation of any star or planet, by passing behind the body of the moon or another planet. Ill all these cases, the darkened body is said to immerge, or to be immerged, or begin to be hid, by entering into the shade. In like manner, when the darkened body begins to appear again, it is said to emerge, or come out of darkness again. IMPACT, the simple or single action of one body upon another to put it in motion. Point of impact, is the place or point where a body acts. — Impact is either direct or oblique : if the body struck moves in the direction of the stroke, the impact is said to be direct ; but if not, it is called an oblique impact. IMPENETRABILITY, the faculty which a body has to exclude every other body from the place that it occu- pies : in such manner that two bodies, placed in contact, can never occupy less 'space than that which they filled when they were separate. Impenetrability, as it respects solid bodies, does not require to be proved, it is at once obvious; but fluids having their moleculie moveable in all directions, and yielding to every impression exerted on them, their im- penetrability does not manifest itself so perceptibly as that I M P [ 677 ] I N C of solid bodies. Taking the air for an example : it is evi- dent that so long as this fluid is not enclosed, its facility of motion causes it to admit an easy and free passage to all bodies that are urged through it; ^nd in this case ft cannot be said to be penetrated, but displaced ; for, if the air be included within the sides of a vessel, and another body be then presented to take its place, without suffering -it to escape, it will exercise its impenetrability in the same manner as solid bodies. This may be sufficiently evinced by the following very easy and simple experiment : Let a vessel be vertically detruded into another vessel filled with water to a'certain height, with its orifice downwards : the surface of the water corresponding with the orifice of the first vessel, is depressed as this vessel itself descends ; and this depression may be rendered more sensible by means of a little plate or slip of- cork, placed so as to float on the surface of the water: nevertheless, this water is not excluded by the air which occupies the immersed ves- sel ; it is always raised within it by a certain quantity which increases as the vessel is immersed to a greater depth, similar to what is observed in the diving-bell ; but it is evident that this ascension of the fluid is occasioned by the circumstance that the air is a compressible fluid, and not from any penetration of the water into the bulk of air in the vessel ; and therefore its volume is only con- tracted into a smaller space by a superior upward pressure of the surrounding water in virtue of its weight. We must here notice a difficulty which appears to re- sult from this, that when certain bodies are mingled to- gether, the volume of the mixture is less than the sum of the volumes taken separately. This happens, for example, in the mixture of equal parts of alcohol and water; the same also obtains when copper by fusion is mingled with zinc, in order to form the compound metal called brass : it is then observed that the density of the mixture is aug- mented by about its tenth part. This apparent penetra- tion is owing to the circumstance, that the moleculse of the two bodies, in consequence of their respective forma- tion, have a stronger attraction than in the two bodies taken separately ; there hence results in the figure of the pores sucli a change as diminishes the space equal to the sum of these pores. On the contrary, in the' alloy of silver with copper, a kind of rarefraction is produced, such that the volume of the mixture is somewhat greater than the sum of the capacities of the two bodies previous to fusion. IMPENETRABLE, that cannot be penetrated. IMPERFECT Number, is that whose aliquot parts, taken all together, do not make a sum that is equal to the number itself, but either exceed it, or fall short of it ; being an abundant number in the former case, and a de- fective number in the latter. Thus, 12 is an abundant imperfect number, because the sum of all its aliquot parts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, is 16, which exceeds the number 12. And 10 is a defective imperfect number, because, its aliquot parts, ], 2, 5, taken all together, make only 8, which is less than the number 10 itself. IMPERIAL Table, is an instrument made of brass, with a box and needle, and staff, &c, used for measuring of angle abc Impetus, in Gunnery, is the altitude due to the first force of projection, or the altitude through which a body by falling acquires that velocity. So that, if the velocity be v, the impetus or altitude will be a = »*-r- 64j feet. IMPOSSIBLE Quantity, or Root, the same as Imaginary ones ; which' see. Impossible Binomial; see Binomial. IMPOST, in Architecture, a capital or plinth, to a pillar, or pilaster, or pier, that supports an arch, &c. IMPROPER Fraction, is a fraction whose numerator is either equal to, or greater than, its denominator. As -f- or I or *■£ . An improper fraction is reduced to a whole or mixt number, by dividing the numerator by the deno- minator; the quotient is the integer, and the remainder set over the divisor makes the fractional part, of the value of the original improper fraction. Thus \ = 1, and f = 1-|, and '-g 9 = 3-g-. So that, when the numerator is just equal to thedenorhinator, the improper fraction is ex- actly equal to unity or 1 ; buF when the numerator is the greater, the fraction is greater than 1. IMPULSE, the single or momentary action or force by which a body is impelled ; in contradistinction to con- tinued forces ; like the blow of a hammer. IMPULSIVE, a term applied to actions by impulse. INACCESSIBLE Height or Distance, is that which cannot be approached, or measured by actual measure- ment, by reason of some impediment ; as water, &c. — See Heights and Distances. INCEPTIVE, of Magnitude, a term used by Dr. Wal- lis, to express such moments, or first principles, as, though of no magnitude themselves, are yet capable of producing such as are. See Infinite, and Indivisible. Thus, a point has no magnitude, but is inceptive of a line, which it produces by its motion. Also a line, though it has not breadth, is yet inceptive of breadth ; that is, it is capable, by its motiom, of producing a surface, which has breadth. INCH, a common English measure, being the 12th part of a foot, or 3 barley-corns in length. INCIDENCE, or Line of Incidence, in Mechanics, implies the direction or inclination in which one body strikes or acts on another. — In the incursions of two mo- ving bodies, their incidence is said to be direct or oblique, as the directions of their motion make a straight line, or an angle at the point of impact. Angle of Incidence, by some writers, denotes the angle comprehended be- tween the line of incidence, and a perpendicular to the body acted on at the point of incidence. Thus, sup- pose ab an incident line, and bf a perpendicular to the plane cb at the incident point b ; then abf is the angle of incidence, or of inclination. But, according to Dr. Barrow, and some other writers, the angle of incidence is the complement of the former, or the angle made between the incident line, and the plane acted on, or a tangent at the point of incidence : as the land. IMPERVIOUS, not to be pervaded or entered either because of the closeness of the pores, or the particular configuration of its parts. IMPETUS, in Mechanics, force, momentum, motion, &c. \t is demonstrated by optical writers, 1st, That the angle of incidence of the rays of light, is always equal to the angle of reflection; and that they lie in the same plane. And the same is proved by the writers on mechanics, con- cerning the reflection of clastic bodies. That is, the Z.abf = the Z.fbd, or the £ABC = the Zdbe.— INC [ 678 ] INC 2d, That the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction are to each other, either accurately, or very nearly, in a given or constant ratio. — 3dly, That from air into glass, the sine of the angle of incidence is to the sine of the angle of refraction, as 300 to 1.93, or nearly as 14 to 9 : and, on the other hand, that out of glass into air, the sine of the angle of incidence, is to the sine of the angle of refraction, as 193 to 300, or as 9 to 14 nearly. Incidence of Eclipse. See Eclipse, and Immersion. Axis of Incidence, is the line fb perpendicular to the reflecting plane at the point of incidence b. Cathetusof Is civesce. See Cathetus, and Reflection. Line of Incidence, in Catoptrics, denotes a right line, as ab, in which light is propagated from a radiant point a , to a point b, in the surface of a speculum. The same line is also called an incident ray. Line of Incidence, in Dioptrics, is a right line, as ab, in which light is propagated unrefracted, in the same me- dium, from the radiant point to the surface of the re- fracting body, cbe. Point o/Incidence, is the point b on the surface of the reflecting or refracting medium, on which the incident ray falls. Scruples of Incidence. See Scruples. INCIDENT Ray, is the line or ray ab, falling on the surface of any body, at b. INCLINATION, in Geometry, Mechanics, or Physics, denotes the mutual tendency of two lines, planes, or bo- dies, towards each other ; so that their directions make at the point of concourse some certain angle. Inclination of the Axis of the Earth, is the angle it makes with the plane of the ecliptic ; or the angle between the planes of the equator and ecliptic. Inclination of a Line to a Plane, is the acute angle, as cde, which the line cd makes with another line de drawn in the plane through the incident point d and the foot of a perpen- dicular -e, from any point of the line, upon the plane. Inclination of an Incident Ray, is the angle of inclina- tion, or angle of incidence. Inclination of the Magnetical Needle. See Dipping Needle. Inclination of Meridians, in Dialling, is the angle that the hour-line on the globe, which is perpendicular to the dial-plane, makes with the meridian. Inclination of the Orbit of a Planet, is the angle formed by the planes of the ecliptic and of the orbit of the planet. The quantity of this inclination for the several planets, is as follows, viz. Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Herschel Inclination of a Plane, in Dialling, is the arch of a vertical circle, perpendicular both to the plane and the horizon, and intercepted between them. Inclination of a Planet, is the arch or angle com- 6° 54' 0' 3 23 35 5 18 1 51 1 18 56 2 29 50 46 20 prehended between the ecliptic and the place of the pla- net in its orbit. The greatest inclination, or declination, is the same as the inclination of the orbit ; which see above. Inclination of a Reflected Ray, is the angle which a ray after reflection makes with the axis of inclination; as the angle fed, in the last fig. but one.' Inclination of Two Planes, is the angle made by two lines drawn in those planes perpendicular to their common intersection, and meeting in any point of that intersection. Angle of Inclination, is the same as what is other- wise called the angle of incidence. Argument of Inclination. See Argument. INCLINATIONS {Problem of), is one of the last works of Apollonius, described by Pappus, as consisting of two books. Of these, restorations have been attempted by se- veral of the moderns, with various success. 1st, By Ghe- taldus, in two books entitled Apollonius Redivivus, 4to, Venice, 1607 & 1613. — 2d, Alex. Anderson, Supplem. Apol. Rediv. Inclin. Paris, 1612, & l6l5, 4to.— 3d, Horsley, Apol. Inclin. lib. 2, Oxon, 17/0, 4to. — 4th, Reu- ben Burrow published an English edition in 1779, *to. INCLINED Plane, in Mechanics, is a plane inclined to the horizon, or making an angle with it. It is one of the simple mechanic powers, and the double inclined plane makes the wedge. 1. The power gained'by the inclined plane, is in pro- portion as the length of the plane is to its height, or as radius to the sine of its inclination ; that is, a given weight hanging freely, will balance upon the plane another weight, that shall be greater in that proportion. So, when the greater weight w on the plane, is ba- c lanced by the less weight w hanging perpendicularly, then is vj : w : : bc : AC : : sin. Z. a : radius. Or, in other words, the relative gravity of a body upon the plane, or its force in de- scending down the plane, is to its' ab- solute gravity or weight, in the same proportion of the height of the plane to its length, or of the sine of inclination to radius. 2. Hence therefore the relative gravities of the same body on different inclined planes, or their forces, to de- scend down the planes, are to each other, as the sines of the angles of inclination, to radius 1, or directly as the heights of the planes, and inversely as their lengths. 3. Hence, if the planes have the sameheight,and the absolute weights of the bodies be directly proportional to the lengths of the planes, then the forces to descend will be equal. Con- sequently, if the bodies be then con- nected by a string acting parallel to the planes, they will exactly balance each other; as in the annexed figure. 4. The relative force of gravity on the plane being in a constant ratio to the absolute weight of the body, viz, as sine of inclination to radius; therefore all the laws rela- ting to the perpendicular free descents of bodies by gra- vity, hold equally true for the descents on inclined planes; such as, that the motion is a uniformly accelerated one ; that the velocities are directly as the times, and the spaces as the square of either of them ; using only the relative force upon the plane for the absolute weight of the body, or instead of 32A feet, the velocity generated by gravity in the first second of time, using 32-is, where s is the sine of the inclination to t lie radius 1. 5. The velocity acquired by a body in descending INC C 679 ] I N C down an inclined plane ac, when the body arrives at a, is the same as the velocity acquired by descending freely down the perpendicular alti- tude bc, when it arrives at b. But the times are very different; for the time of descending down the inclined plane, is greater than down the per- pendicular, in the same proportion es the length of the plane ac, is to the height cb : and so the time of descending from any point c to a horizontal line or plane abg &c, down any oblique line, or inclined plane, is directly proportional to the length of that plane, Ca, or cd, or ce, or cb, or cf, &c. 6. Hence, if there be drawn ah perpendicular to ac, meeting cb produced in h; then the time of descending down any plane ca, is equal to the time "of descending down the perpendicular en. So that, if upon ch, as a diameter, a circle be described, the times of descent wilL be exactly equal, down every chord in the circle, begin- ning at c, and terminating any where in the circumfe- rence, as ci, ca, ck, ch, &c, or beginning any where in the circumference, and ending at the lowest point of the circle, as ch, ih, ah, kh, &c. ■ 7. When bodies ascend inclined planes, their motion is uniformly retarded ; and all the former laws for descents, " or the generation of motion, hold equally true for ascents, or the destruction of the same. Inclined Towers, are towers inclined, or leaning from the perpendicular, as those of Pisa or Bologna in Italy. See Towers. INCLINERS, are inclined dials. See Dial. INCOMMENSURABLE, Lines, or Numbers,orQuan- tities in general, are such as have no common measure, or no line, number, or quantity of the same kind, that will measure or divide them both without a remainder. Thus, the numbers 15 and \6 are incommensurable, because, though 15 can be measured by 3 and 5, and \6 by 2, 4, and 8, there is yet no single number that will divide or measure them both. — Euclid demonstrates (prop. 1 17, lib. 10) that the side of a square and its diagonal are in- commensurable to each other. And Pappus, prop. 17, lib. 4, speaks of incommensurable angles. Incommensurable in Power, is said of quantities whose 2d powers, or squares, are incommensurable. As ^/2 and t/'d, whose squares are 2 and 3, which are incom- mensurable. It is commonly supposed that the diameter and circumference of a circle are incommensurable to each other; at least their commensurability has never been proved. And Dr. Barrow surmises even that they are in- finitely incommensurable, or that all possible powers of them arc incommensurable. INCOMPOS1TE Numbers, are the same with those called by Euclid prime numbers, being such as are not composed by the multiplication together of other numbers. As 3, 5, 7, 11, &c. INCOMPRESSIBLE, incapable of being squeezed into less room. INCOMPRESSIBILITY, incapacity to be compressed into less room. — During a long period, water was consi- dered as a fluid perfectly unelastic, that is, incompressible or unyielding: and this opinion was corroborated by an experiment of the Academy del Cimento in Italy. By that experiment, the members of the academy endeavour- ed to ascertain whether water was capable of being com- pressed in any degree. For this purpose, they filled a hollow metallic globe with that fluid, and closed the ori- fice very accurately. This ball was then forcibly pressed in a proper machine; but no contraction could be ob- served, neither indeed was the apparatus capable of show- ing small degrees of compression: hence however they concluded that water was not capable of compression. This opinion prevailed till the year 176.1, when Mr. Can- ton discovered the compressibility of water, and of other liquids. He took a glass tube, having a hollow ball at one end, but open at top; he filled the ball and part of the tube with water, which he had deprived of air as much as possible; he then placed the glass thus filled under the receiver of an air-pump; and on exhausting the receiver, which removed the pressure of the atmosphere from over the water and the glass vessel, the consequence was, that the water rose a little way in the tube, that is, it expand- ed itself. He then placed the apparatus under the re- ceiver of a condensing engine, and on forcing the air into it, which increased the pressure on the water, a diminu- tion of bulk visibly took place, the water descending a little, in the tube. " In this manner," says Mr. Canton, " I have found by repeated trials, when the heat of the air has been about 50 9 , and the mercury at a mean height in the barometer, that the water will expand and rise in the tube, by removing the weight of the atmosphere, one part in 21710, and will be as much compressed under the weight of an additional atmosphere. Therefore the com- pression of water by twice the weight of the atmosphere, is one part in 10S70. Water has also the remarkable pro- perty of being more compressible in winter than in sum- 'mer, which is contrary to what I have observed both in spirits of wine and oil of olives." By the same means, and in the same circumstances, Mr. Canton ascertained compressibility in some other fluids, the results of which are as below : viz, Compression of Millionth parts. Spirit of wine - - 66 Oil of olives - - 48 Rain-water - - 46 Sea-water - - 40 Mercury - - 3 INCREMENT, is the small increase of a variable quantity. Newton, in his Treatise on .Fluxions, calls these- by the name Moments, and observes that they are proportional to the velocity or rate of increase of the flowing or variable quantities, in an indefinitely small time; he denotes them by subjoining a cipher 0, to the varying quantity whose moment or increment it is ; thus xO is the moment of x. In the doctrine of increments, by Dr. Brooke Taylor and Mr. Emerson, they are denoted by points below the variable quantities; as f Some have also represented them by accents underneath the letter, as x; but it is now more usual to express them by ac- cents over the same letter ; as x'. INCREMENTS, Method of, a branch of Analytics, in which a calculus is founded on the properties of the suc- cessive values of variable quantities, and their differences, on increments. The inventor of this method was the learned Dr. Taylor, who, in the year 1715, published a treatise upon it; and afterwards gave some further ac- count and explication of it in the Philos. Trans, as applied to the finding the sums of series. Another ingenious and easy treatise on the same, was published by Mr. Emerson, in the year 1763. The method is nearly allied to New- INC [ 6S0 ton's doctrine of fluxions, and arises put of it. Also the differential method of Mr. Stirling, which he applies to the summation and interpolation of series, is of the same nature as the method of increments, but not so general and extensive. From the method of increments, Mr. Emerson observes, " the principal foundation of the method of fluxions may be easily derived. For, as in the method of incre- ments, the increment may be of any magnitude, so in the method of fluxions, it must be supposed infinitely small ; whence all preceding and successive values of the variable quantity will be equal, from which equality the rules for performing the principal operations of fluxions are imme- diately deduced. That I may give the reader," continues he, "a more perfect idea of the nature of this method : sup- pose the abscissa of a curve to be divided into any num- ber of equal parts, each part of which is called the incre- ment of the abscissa; and imagine so many parallelo- grams to be "erected thereon; either circumscribing the curvilineal figure, or inscribed in it ; then the finding the ] INC gral. — 2. The increase of any quantity from its present value, to the next succeeding value, is called an incre- ment: or, if it decreases, a decrement. — 3. The increase of any increment, is the second increment ; and the in- crease of the 2d increment, is the 3d increment; and so on. — 4. Succeeding values, are the several values of the inte- gral, succeeding each other in regular order, from the present value ; and preceding values, are such as arise before the present value. All these are called by the ge- neral term Factors. — 5. A perfect quantity is such as contains any number of successive values without inter- mission ; and a defective quantity, is that which wants some of the successive values. Thus imisa perfect 3 3 4 5 quantity ; and x x x, an imperfect or defective one. 2 4 5 Notation. This, according to Mr. Emerson's method, is as follows ; 1. Simple integral quantities are denoted by any letters whatever, as z, y, x, u, &c. — 2. The several values of a simple integral, are denoted by the same letter with small figures under them : so if z be an integral, of all these parallelograms belongs to the method of then 2, z, 2, z, &c, are the present values, and the 1st increments. But if the parts of the abscissa be taken infi- nitely small, then these parallelograms degenerate into the curve; and then it becomes the method of fluxions, to find the sum of all, or thearea of the curve. So that the me- thod of increments finds the sum of any number of finite quantities; and the method of fluxions the sum of any infinite number of infinitely small ones: and this is the essential difference between these two methods." Again, " There is such a near relation between the method of fluxions, and that of increments, that many of the rules for the one, with little variation, serve also for the other. And here, as in the method of fluxions, some questions may be solved, and the integrals found, in finite terms; while in others we are forced to have recourse to infinite series for a solution. And the like difficulties will occur in the method of increments, as usually happen in fluxions. For while some fluxionary quantities have no fluents, but what are expressed by series ; so also some increments have no integrals, but what infinite series afford ; which will often, as in fluxions, diverge and become useless." By means of the method of increments, many curious and useful problems are easily resolved, which scarcely admit of a solution in any other way. As, suppose seve- ral series of quantities be given, whose terms are all formed according to some certain law, which is also given; the method of increments will determine a general series, which comprehends all particular cases, and from, which all of that kind may be found. The method of increments is also of great use in finding any term of a series proposed ; having the law given by which the terms are formed ; which will either be expressed in finite quantities, or by an infinite series. Another application of the method of in- crements, is to find the summation of series, which it will often effect in finite terms. And when the sum of a series cannot be had in finite terms, we must have recourse to in- finite scries ; for the integral being expressed by such a series, the sum of a competent number of its terms will give the sum of the series required. This is equivalent to transforming one series into another, converging quicker: and sometimes a very few terms of this series will give the sum of the series sought. Definitions in the Method of Increments. 1. When a quantity is considered as increasing, or de- creasing, by certain steps or degrees, it is called an Inte- 2d, 3d, &c, successive values of it; and the preceding values are denoted by figures with negative signs, thus z, 2, 2, 2, are the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th preceding values; and -1 -2 -3 --4 the figure denoting any value, is the characteristic. 3. The increments are denoted with the same letters, and points under them : thus, x is the increment of x, and •z is the increment of 2. Also x is the increment of x; and x of jt, &c. 4. The 2d, 3d, and other increments, are denoted with two, three, or more points : so z is the 2d increment of z, and * is the 3d increment of s, and so on. And these are denominated increments of such an order, according to the number of points. 5. If x be any increment, then [x] is the integral of it; also 2 [x] denotes the integral of [x], or the 2d in- tegral of x ; and 3 [x] is the 3d integral of x, or an in- tegral of the 3d order, &c. 6. Quantities written thus, x ... x mean the same asm x x, or signify that the 1 5 1234s quantities are continued from the first to the last, without break or interruption. To find the Increment of any integral, or variable quantity. Rule\. If the proposed quantity be not fractional, and be a perfect integral, consisting of the successive values of the variable quantity, which increases uniformly : Multi- ply the proposed integral by the number of factors, and change the lowest factor for an increment. So the incre- ment of a — 3x + 6z is — 3x ■+■ 6*?; for the increment of the constant quantity a is or nothing. So likewise, The increment of c x x x x, is 4c* x x x. 123 '123 The increment of ax x x, is 3a x x x. The increment of x . . . x, is (m -*- n -+- 1) . x x . . . x. — m n 1—nn- 1 n Rule 2. In fractional quantities, where the denominator is perfect, and the variable quantity increases uniformly. Multiply the proposed integral by the number of factors, and by the constant increment with a negative sign, and take the next succeeding value into the denominator. Thus, , a . — Sax The increment ol , is — • INC ] INC The increment of Rule 3. The increment o( any power, as x n is (.r -i- *)" — x n ; that is, the difference between the present value x" and the next succeeding value (x •+- f) R . And generally, the increment of any quantity whatever, is found by subtracting the present value, or ihe given quan- tity, from its next succeeding value." Also by expanding the compound quantity in a series, and subtracting x n from it, the increment will be either = ni"~' x -+- — x""" 2 x- ■+- - — : —x"~ 3 x 3 Sec, or 2 . 3 n.n — i.i ^&C. So the increment of x\ is (x -f- x )_' — x* — 4,x 3 x -+- 6x"x 2 •+- 4XX 3 -+- x\ The increment of — or x~ 3 , is • — = (x -t- x) -3 — I" 3 Ix + xf x 3 N ' = - 3x'*x -+- 6x-s x- - Wx- 6 X 3 &c AX 6x" 1 OX 3 x° &c. The increment of a x , a being constant, is a 1 — a K — a " — a* = a x . (a" — 1). The increment of — is — a*— a „x _ a* + *■ l—o- aa l '~~^ a x + x a x + x The increment of xz is rz — xz = (x -+- a?) . (z + z) — xz = zx ■+■ x z -t- x%. And so on for any form of integral whatever, subtract- ing the given quantity from its next succeeding value. So, The increment of the log. of x is log. x — log. x = log. x -t- x — log. x = log. , which, by the nature of logarithms, is — r ■+■ -=-r — -=-— &c. a; 2jt 3.ar 4.c Schol. Hence may be deduced the principles and rules of fluxions; for the method of fluxions is only a particu- lar case of the method of increments, fluxions being infi- nitely small increments; therefore, if in any form of incre- ments} the increment be taken infinitely small, the form or expression will be changed into a fluxional one. Thus, in zx -t- x? -i- xz, which is the increment of the rect- angle xz, if x and z be changed for * and z, the expression will become zx ■+■ xz -+- xz for the fluxion of xz, or only zx -)_ rz, because xz j s infinitely less than the rest. So likewise, if * be changed for * in this _ , v.n — 1 „ „ , n.n — \.n. — 2 ,. „ , 71X n "' X -f. x" -x -t- X n d x J ■2 2.3 &:c, which is the increment of x", it becomes ,,_• • n.n — l „__o •, n.n— l.n — 2 _ „ ... .n-1 x i &c, or nx n ~ ' •*, for the fluxion of the power x", as all the terms after the first will be nothing, because x * and x 3 &c are infinitely less lhan x. And thus may all the other forms of fluxions oe derived from the corresponding incre- ments. And in like manner, the finding of the integrals, is only a more general way of finding fluents, as appears in what follows. Vol. I. To find the Integral of any given Increment. Rule 1. When the variable quantity increases uniform- ly, and the proposed integral consists of the successive values of it multiplied together, or is a perfect increment not fractional : Multiply the given increment by the next preceding value of the variable quantity, then divide by the new number of factors, and by the constant increment. Example. Thus, the integral of '4c* xxx is exxxx. The integral of 3ax x x is ax x x. Rule 2. In a fractional expression, where the variable quantity increases uniformly, and the denominator is per- fect, containing the successive values of the variable quan- tity : Expunge the greatest value of the variable letter, then divide by the new number of factors, and by the con- stant increment with a negative sign. So, The integral of "• is ~ a . x ... x bx . .x 5 4 The integral of — is — '— . X . .. .X X . . . ,x -3 6 -3 5 Rule 3. Various other particular rules are given, but these and the two foregoing are all best included in the fol- lowing general table of the most useful forms of incre- ments and integrals, to be used in the same way as the si- milar table of fluxions and fluents, to which these cor- respond. A Table of Increments and their Integrals. Forms Increments. Integrals. 1 x when constant not constant x, or x, or x, or x &c. 1 1 3 x only. 2 * constant m -+- n ax — a 3 x constant (m -+- n — 2) . x .... x 4 Zx -+- xz xz zx — xz X a zz Z 6 a x x given a x c$:-i Integrals, when found from given increments, are cor- rected in the very same way as fluents, when found from given fluxions, viz, instead of each several variable quan- tity in the integral, substituting such a determinate Value of them as the) 7 are known to have in some particular case; and then subtracting each side of the resulting equation from the corresponding side of the integral the remaining equation will be the correct state of the inte- grals. For an example of the use of the method of incre- ments, suppose it were required to find the sum of any number of terms of the series 1.2 -+-2.3 4-3. 4 & c Let x be the number of the terms, and 2 the sum of them. 4 S 1 N D [ C8? ] LND Then, by the progression of the series, the last, or the x term, is xx, and the next term after that will be xx, that is % = xx, where x = I. Hence the integral is 2 = f xxx =\x .x -+- 1.1 + 2, which is the sura of x terms of the given series. So if the number of terms x be JO, this becomes \ . 10. 11 . 12 = 440, which is the sura of 10 terms of the given series 1.2h-2.3h-3.4&c. Or, when x = 100, the sum of 100 terms of the same series is {. 100. 101 . 102= 100. 101.34 = 343400. Again, to find the sum z of n terms of the series 1 -+■ — — &c. 1.3,5 8.5.7 5.7-9 Here the nth term is — — — - — — — —. in— 1 .2)1+ 1 .in + 3 Put x = 2n — 1 ; then is x = In = 2, and the nth term is — : = — ; and the n -t- lth term or * is X . X -f- 2 . X + 4 XXX — ; the general integral of which is z = = . XIX " ° 12XX 4 n But this wants a correction ; for when n = 0, then x = — 1, and the sum z = 0, and the integral becomes — i — l , . i . . . z or = = ■ ; that is is the correction, 4.1.3 12 12 which being subtracted, the correct state of the integrals , ill becomes z = — — — = — . which ix iw i x 4 . Ill + 1 . 2H -+- 3 is the sum of n terms of the proposed series. And when n is infinite, the latter fraction is nothing, and the sum of the infinite series, or the infinite" number of the terms, is accurately — . When n = 100, the sum of 100 terms of the series be- i i ~ i i comes z = ■ = — — — . 12 4.201.203 12 163212 For more ample information and application on this science, see Emerson's Increments, Taylor's Methodus ln- crementorum, and Stirling's Summatio et Interpolatio Serierum. INCURVATION of the Rays of Light. See Light, and Refraction. INDEFINITE, Indeterminate, that which has no cer- tain bounds, or to which the human mind cannot affix any. Descartes uses the word, in his Philosophy, instead of infinite, both in numbers and quantities, to signify an inconceivable number, or number so great, that an unit cannot be added to it; and a quantity so great, as not to be capable of any addition. Thus, he says, the stars, visi- ble and invisible, are in number indefinite, and not, as the ancients held, infinite ; and that quantity may be divided into an indefinite number of parts, not an infinite num- ber. — Indefinite is now commonly used for indeterminate, number or quantity, that is, a number or quantity in ge- neral, in contradistinction from some particular known and given one. IN UETERMINED,or Indeterminate, in Geometry, is understood of a quantity, which has no certain or de- finite bounds. Indeterminate Analysis, that particular branch of analysis which treats of the solution of indeterminate problems. In detkiimi Bf ate Problem, is that which admits of in- numerable different solutions, and sometimes perhaps only of a great many different answers; otherwise called aii unlimited problem. In problems of this kind the number of unknown quantities concerned, is greater than the num- ber of the conditions or equations by which they are to be found; from which it happens, that generally some other conditions or quantities are assumed, to supply the defect, which being taken at pleasure, give the same number of answers as varieties in those assumptions. As, if it were required to find two square numbers whose dif- ference shall be a given quantity d. Here, if x 2 and y~ de- note the two squares, then will x" — y 1 = d, by the ques- tion, which is only one equation, for finding two quanti- ties. Now by assuming a third quantity z, so that s = x -+■ „ the sum of the two roots; then is x = , and y — 2z J » 2 — d . . , ..,.,;„ , which are the two roots, having the difference ol their squares equal to the given quantity d, and are ex- pressed by means of an assumed quantity z ; so that there will be as many answers to the question, as there can be taken values of the indeterminate quantity z, that is, innu- merable. Again, If it were required to divide 25 into two such parts, that one of them may be divisible by 2, and the other by 3. Then, putting one of the parts sought = 2x, and the other = 3y, we shall have 2x -+- 3y = 25 ; one equation as before with two unknown quantities. By rc- 25 3j; duction, x = - ; from which we may conclude in the first place, that 3y must be less than 25 ; and conse- quently^ is less than 8. By division, x = 12 —y -t -; from which it is evident that 1 — y, or rather y — l,must be divisible by 2. Let us therefore assume a third quan- tity z, such that y — 1 = 2z; and we get y = Qz + 1 ; so that x = 12 — 2z — 1 — z = 11 — 3z. Now since y cannot be greater than S, we must not substitute any num- bers for z which would make 2; -+- I greater than 8. Con- sequently s must be less than -I-; that is to say, z cannot be . taken greater than 3 ; for which reasons, are obtained the following answers: 1 If z = 0; theny = 1, and x = 11. 2 If s = 1 j then y =3, and X = 8. 3 I f z = 2 ; then y = 5, and x = 5. 4 If z = 3 ; then y = 7, and x = 2. Hence, and from the equation it appears, that the two parts sought are I. 22 -+- 3, II. 10' ■+- 9, ill. 10 ■+• 15, iv. 4 -i- 21, the several sums of which are evidently the number given 25. Diophantus was the first writer on indeterminate pro- blems, viz, in his Arithmetic or Algebra, which was fust published in 1575 by Xilander,and afterwards in 1 6*2 1 by Bachet, with a large commentary, and many additions to it. His book is wholly upon this subject ; whence it has happened, that such kind of questions have been called by the name of Diophantine problems. Ferimit, Des- cartes, Frenicle in 'France, and Wallis and others in Eng- land, particularly cultivated this branch of algebra, on which they held a correspondence, proposing difficult questions to each other; an instance of which are those two curious ones, proposed by M. Fermat, as a challenge to all the mathematicians of Europe, viz, 1st, To find a cube number which added to all its aliquot parts shall make a square number ; and 2d, To find a square num- ber which added to a 1 its aliquot parts shall make 1 N D [ 683 ] r n d «. cubic number; which problems were answered after several ways by Dr. Wallis, as well as some others ef a different nature. See the letters that passed be- tween Dr. Wallis, the lord Brounker, Sir Kenelm Digby, &c, in the doctor's Works ; and the W orks of Fermat, which were collected and published by his son. Most authors on algebra have also treated more or less on this part of it, but more especially Kersey, Prestet, Ozanam, Kirkby, &c. But afterwards, mathematicians seemed to have forgotten such questions, if they did not even despise them as useless, when Euler drew their attention by some excellent compositions, demonstrating some general theo- rems, which had only been known by induction. M. La- grange has also taken up the subject, having resolved very- difficult problems in a general way, and discovered more direct methods than heretofore. The 2d volume of the French translation of Euler's Algebra contains an ele- mentary treatise on this branch of analysis, and, with La- grange's additions, an excellent theory of it ; treating very generally of indeterminate problems, of the first and second degree, of solutions in whole numbers, of the method of in- determinate coefficients, &c. Also, much in the same way- were such indeterminate problems treated by the Indian algebraists ; as may be seen by the account of their al- gebra given in my Tracts, vol. 2, pa. 151, &c. Finally, Mr. John Leslie has given, in the 2d volume of the Edinburgh Philos. Transactions, an ingenious paper on the resolution of indeterminate problems, resolving them by a new and general principle. " The doctrine of indeterminate equations," says Mr. Leslie, " has been sel- dom treated in a form equally systematic with the other parts of algebra. The solutions commonly given are devoid of uniformity, and often require a variety of assumptions. The object of this paper is to resolve the complicated expres- sions which we obtain in the solution of indeterminate problems, into simple equations, and to do so, without framing a number of assumptions, by help of a single prin- ciple, which, though extremely simple, admits of a very extensive application." " Let a x n be any compound quantity equal to an- other, c x d, and let m be ary rational number assumed at pleasure; it is manifest that, taking equimultiples, a x wjb = c x mT). If therefore we suppose that a = mn, it must follow that mj = c, or B = — . Thus two equations of a lower dimension are obtained. If these be capable of farther decomposition, we may assume the multiples?! and p, and form four equations still more sim- ple. By the repeated application of this principle, a higher equation, admitting of divisors, will be resolved into those of the first order, the number of which will be one greater than that of the multiples assumed. For example, in the problem, to find two rational num- bers, the difference of the squares of which shall be a given number. Let the given number be the product of a and b; then by the hypothesis, x" — y 2 =s ab j but these com- pound quantities admit of an easy resolution, for (r ■+- y) a (x — y) = a x b. If therefore we suppose r x y = ma, we shall obtain r — y c= — ; where m is arbitrary, and J m J if rational, x and y must also be rational. Hence the re- solution of these two equations gives the values of x and y, the numbers sought, in terms of m ; viz, _ m"a + b , __ m'a -b INDEX, in Arithmetic, is the same with what is other- wise called the characteristic or the exponent of a loga- rithm; being that which showsof how many places theabso- lute or natural number belonging to the logarithm consists, and of what nature it is, whether an integer or a fraction ; the index being less by 1 than the number of integer figures in the natural number, and is positive for integer or whole numbers, but negative in fractions, or in the de- nominator of a fraction; and in decimals, the negative in- dex is 1 more than the number of ciphers in the decimal, after the point, and before the- first significant figure; or, still more generally, the index shows how far the first figure of the natural number is distant from the place of units, either towards the left hand, as in whole numbers, or towards the right, as in decimals; these opposite cases being marked by the correspondent signs -+- and — , of opposite affections, the sign — being set over the index, and not before it, because it is this index only which is un- derstood as negative, and not the decimal part of the lo- garithm. Thus, in this logarithm 2'4234097, the figures of whose natural number are 2651, the 2 is the index, and being positive, it shows that the first figure of the number must be two places removed from the units place, or that there will be three places of integers, the number of these places being always 1 more than the index; so that the na- tural number will be 265- 1. But if the same index be negative, thus 2 - 4234097, it shows that the natural num- ber is a decimal, and that the first significant figure of it is in the 2d place from units, or that there is one cipher at the beginning of the decimal, being 1 less than the negative index; and consequently that the na- tural number of the logarithm in this case is -02651. Hence, by varying the natural num- ber, with respect to the decimal places in it, as in the former of the two columns here an- nexed, the index of their logarithm will vary as in the 2d column. Mr. Townley introduced a peculiar way of noting these indices, when they become negative, or express decimal figures, which is now much in use, especially in the log. sfnes and tangents, &c, viz, by taking, instead of the true index, its arithmetical complement to 10; so that, in this way, the logarithm 2-4234097 is written 8-4.234097. For the addition and subtraction of indices, see Logarithm. Index of a Globe, is a little stile fitted on to the north- pole, and turning round with it, pointing out the divisions of the hour-circle. Index of a Quantity, in Arithmetic and Algebra, other- wise called the exponent, is the number that shows to what power it is understood to be raised: as in lO^oro 3 , the figure 3 is the index or exponent of the power, signify- ing that the root or quantity, 10 or a, is raised to the 3d power. See this fully treated under Expoy ent. INDICTION, or Roman Indiction, a kind of epoch, or manner of counting time, among the Romans ; contain- ing a cycle or revolution of 15 years. The popes have dated their acts by the year of the indiction, which was fixed to the 1st of January anno domini 813, ever since Charlemagne made them sovereign ; before that time, they dated them by the vears of the emperors.— At the time of 4S2 Number. Logarithm. 265 1 - - 3-4234097 265-1 - - 2-4234097 26-51 - - 1-4234097 2-651 - - 0-4234097 •2651 - - 1-4234097 •02651 - - 2-4234097 •002651 - 3-4234097 I N D [ 684 ] INF reforming the calendar, the year 1582 was reckoned the 10th year of the indiction ; so that beginning to reckon from hence, and dividing the number of years elapsed be- tween that time and this, by 15, the remainder, with the addition uf 10, rejecting 15 if the sum be more, will be the year of the indiction. But the indiction will be easier found thus: Add 3 to the given year of Christ; divide the sum by 15, and the remainder after the division, will be the year of the indic- tion : if there be no remainder, the indiction is 15. In either of these ways, the indiction for the year 1795 is 13. INDIVISIBLES, are those indefinitely small elements, or principles, into which any body or figure may ulti- mately be divided. — A line is said. to consist of points, a surface of parallel lines, and a solid of parallel surfaces : and because each of these elements is supposed indivisible, if in any figure a line be drawn perpendicularly through all the elements, the number of points in that line, wdll be the same as the number of the elements. Whence it appears, that a parallelogram, or a prism, or il cylinder, is resolvable into elements, as indivisibles, all equal to each other, parallel, and like or similar to the base; for which reason, one of these elements multiplied by the number of them, that is the base of the figure mul- tiplied by its height, gives the area or content. And a triangle is resolvable into lines parallel to the base, but decreasing in arithmetical progression; so also do the circles, which constitute the parabolic conoid, as well as those which constitute the plane of a circle, or the surface of a cone. In all which cases, as the last or least term of the arithmetic progression is 0,and the length of the figure the same thing as the number of the terms, therefore the greatest term, or base, being multiplied by the length of the figure, half the product is the sum of the whole, or the con- tent of the figure. And in any other figure or solid, if the law of the de- crease of the elements be known, and thence the relation of the sura to the greatest term, which is the base, the whole sponding radius of the sphere, and ik that of the cone; and- the circular sections of these bodies, are as the squares of their radii; therefore the section of the cylinder is every where equal to the sum of the sections of the hemisphere and cone; and, as the number of all those sections, which is the common height of the figures, is the same, therefore all the sections, or elements, of the cylinder, will be equal to the sum of all those of the hemisphere and cone taken together; that is, the cylinder is equal to both the hemi- sphere and cone: but as the cone itself is equal to one-third part of the cylinder ; therefore the hemisphere is equal to the other two-thirds of it. The method of indivisibles was introduced byCavalerius, in l6'35, in his Geometria' Indivisibilium. The same was also pursued by Torricelii in his Works, printed l6'44 : and again by Cavalerius himself in another treatise, published in I6'47- INEQUALITY Optic. See Optic Inequality. INERTIA of Matter, in Philosophy, is defined by New- ton to be a power implanted in all matter, by which it re- sists any change endeavoured to be made in its actual state; that is, by which it becomes difficult to alter its state, either of rest or motion. This power then, agrees with the vis resistendi, or power of resisting, by which every body endeavours, as much as it can, to persevere in its own state, whether of rest or uniform rectilinear mo- tion ; which power is still proportional to the body, or to the quantity of matter in it, the same as the weight, or gra- vity of the body; and yet it is quite different from, and even independent of the force of gravity, and would be and act just the same if the body were devoid of gravity. Thus, a body by this force resists the same in all direc- tions, upwards, or downwards, or obliquely ; whereas gravity acts only downwards. Bodies only exert this power in changes brought in their state by some vis impressa, or force impressed on them. And the exercise of this power is, in different respects, both resistance and impetus ; resistance, so far as the body number of them being the altitude of the figure, then the * opposes a force impressed on it to change its state; and said sum of the elements is always the content. A cy- linder may also be resolved into cylindrical curve surfaces, having all the same height, and continually decreasing inwards, as the circles of the base decrease, on which they insist. This way of considering magnitudes, is called the method of indivisibles, which is only the. ancient method of ex- haustions, a little disguised and contracted. And it is found of good use, both in computing the contents of figures in a very short and easy way, as above instanced, and in shortening other demonstrations in mathematics ; an instance of which may here be given in that celebrated proposition of Archimedes, that a sphere is two-thirds of its circumscribed cylinder; Tims, suppose a cylinder, a hemisphere, and an inverted cone, having all the same base and altitude, and cut by an infinite number of planes nil parallel to the base, of which efg ii is one ; it is evi- dent that the square of El, the radius of the cylinder, is every where equal to the square of sf, the radius of the sphere; and also that the square of EI, or ol'sr, is equal to the sum of the squares ot ik and is, or of if and ik, be- cause i k = is; that, is, IE 1 == if 1 -+■ i k ', in every position ; but ie i> the radius ofllie cylinder, IF thecorre- impetus, as the same body endeavours to change the state of the resisting obstacle. Phil. Nat. Princ. Math lib. 1. Inertia, the same great author elsewhere observes, is a passive principle, by which bodies persist in their motion or rest, and receive motion, in proportion to the force impressing it, and resist as much as they are resisted. See Resistance. INKRTLE Vis. See Vis Inertia. INFINITE, is applied to quantities which are cither greater or less than any assignable ones. In which sense it differs but little bom the terms Indefinite and Indeter- minate. Thus, an Infinite, or Infinitely great line, denotes only an inde- finite or indeterminate line. ; or a line to which no certain bounds or, limits are prescribed. Infinite Quantities, Though the idea of magnitude infinitely great, or such as exceeds any. assignable quan- tity, does include a negation of limits, yet such magni- tudes are not all equal among themselves ; but besides in- finite length, and infinite area, there are no less than three several sorts of infinite s didiiy : all of which are quantities Stti generis ; and those of each species are in given propor- tions. — Infinite length, or a line infinitely long, may be considered, either as beginning at a point, and so infinitely extended one way : or else both ways from the same point. — As to infinite surface or area, any right line infinitely I N F [ 085 ] I N F extended both ways on a plane infinitely extended every way, divides that plane into two equal parts, one on each side of the line. But if from any point in such a plane, two right lines be infinitely extended, making an angle between them; the infinite area, intercepted between these infinite right lines, is to the whole infinite plane, as that angle is to 4 right angles. And if two infinite and parallel lines be drawn at a given distance on such an infinite plane, the area intercepted between them will be likewise infinite; but yet it will be infinitely less than she whole plane ; and even infinitely less than the angular or sec- toral space, intercepted between two infinite lines, that are inclined, though at never so small an angle ; because in the onp case, the given finite distance of the parallel lines diminishes the infinity in one of the dimensions ; whereas in a sector, there is infinity in both dimensions. And thus there are two species of infinity in surfaces, the one infinitely greater than the other. In like manner there are species of infinites in solids, according as only one, or two, or as all their three dimen- sions, are infinite ; which, though they be all infinitely greater than a finiie solid, yet are they in succession in- finitely greater than each other. — Some farther properties of infinite quantities are as follow : the ratio between a fi- nite and infinite quantity, is an infinite ratio. — If a finite quantity be multiplied by an infinitely small one, the pro- duct will be an infinitely small one; but if the former be divided by the latter, the quotient will be infinitely great. — On the contrary, a finite quantity being multiplied by an infinite!', great one, the product is infinitely great ; but the former divided by the latter, the quotient will be in- finitely little. — The product or quotient of an infinitely great or an infinitely small quantity, by a finite one, is respectively infinitely great, or infinitely little.— An infi- nitely great multiplied by an infinitely little, is a finite quantity ; but the former divided by the latter, the quo- tientis infinitely infinite. — The mean proportional between infinitely great, and infinitel little, is finite. Arithmetic of Infinities. See Arithmetic. Also Wallis's treatise on this subject; and another by Ltnerson, at the beginning of his Conic Sections; also Bulliald's trea- tise Antlimetica Infinitorum. Infinite Decimals, such as do not terminate, but go on without end; as •333&c = =§=, or '142857 &c = -f . See Repetend. Infinitely Infinite Fractions, or all the powers of the fractions whose numerator is 1 ; which are all together equal to unity, as is demonstrated byDr.Wood,in Hook's Philos. Coll. No 3, pa. 45; where some curious proper- ties are deduced from the same. Infinite Series, a series considered as infinitely conti- nued as to the number of its terms. See Srries. INFINITESIMALS, are certain infinitely or indefi- nitely small parts; as also the method of computing by them. — In the method of infinitesimals, the element by which any quantity increases or decreases, is supposed to be infinitely small, and is generally expressed by two or more terms, some ot which are infinitely less than the rest, which being neglected as of no importance, the remain- ing terms form what is called the Difference of the pro- posed quantity. Tin; terms that are neglected in this manner, as infinitely less than the other terms of the ele- ment, are the very same which arise in consequence of the acceleration, or retardation, of the generating motion, (luring the infinitely small time in which the clement is generated; so that the remaining terms express the ele- ment that would have been produced in that time, if the generating motion had continued uniform. Therefore, those differences are accurately in the same ratio to each other, as the generating motions or fluxions. And hence, though in this method, infinitesimal parts of the elements are neglected, the conclusions are accurately true with- out even an infinitely small error, and agree precisely with those that are deduced by the method of fluxions. But however safe and convenient this method may be, some will always scruple to admit infinitely little quanti- ties, and infinite orders and infinitesimals, into a science that boasts of the most evident and accurate principles, as well as of the most rigid demonstrations. In order to avuid such suppusitions, Newton considers the simultaneous in- crements of the flowing quantities as finite, and then inves- tigates the ratio which is the limit of the various propor- tions which those increments bear to each other, while he supposes them to decrease together till they vanish; which ratio is the same with the ratio of the fluxions. See Mac- laurin's Fluxions, in the Introduc. pa. 3Q &c, also art 435 to 502. INFLAMMABILITY,that property of bodies by which they kindle, or catch fire. INFLECTION, in Optics, called also Diffraction, and Deflection of the rays of light, is a property of them, by reason of which, wtien they come within a certain dis- tance of any body, they are either bent from the body, or towards it; being a kind of imperfect reflection or refrac- tion. Some writers ascribe the first discovery of this pro- perty to Grimaldi, who published an account of it, in his treatise De Luminc, Coloribus, c-t Iride, printed in 1666. But Dr. Hooke also claims the discovery of it, and com- municated his observations on this subject to the Royal Society, in l6'72. He shows that this property differs both from reflection and refraction ; and that it seems to depend on the unequal density of the constituent parts of the ray, by which the light is dispersed from the place of condensation, and rarefied or gradually diverged into a quadrant; and this deflection, he observes, is made to- wards the superficies of the opaque body perpendicularly. Newton discovered, by experiments, this inflection of the rays of light; which may be seen in his Optics. M. Lahire observed, that when we look at a candle, or any luminous body, with our eyes nearly shut, rays of light are extended from it, in several directions, to a consider- able distance, like the tails of comets. The true cause of this phenomenon, which has exercised the sagacity of Descartes, Rohault, and others, seems to be, that thV light passing among the eyelashes, in this situation of ihe eye, is inflected by its near approach to them, and there- fore enters the eye in a great variety of directions. He also observes, that he found that the beams of the stars being observed, in a deep valley, to pass near the brow of a hill, arfc always more refracted than if there were no such hill, or the observation was made on. the top of it; as if the rays of light were bent down into a curve, by passing near the surface of the mountain. Point of Inflection, or of contrary flexure, in a curve, is the point or place in the curve where it begins to bend or turn a contrary way; or which separates the concave part from the convex part, and lying between the two; or where the curve changes from-coucavc to convex, or from convex to concave, on the same side of the curve ; such as the point e in the annexed figures; where the former of I N F [ 686 ] I N S the two is concave towards the axis ad from a to e, and convex from e to f ; but, on the contrary, the latter fi- gure is convex from a to e, and concave from e to r. Hence also, from the original equatioB, — = ■?-; = i-a, the ordinate to the point of jn- T * put = the former, gives if + r 1 - x', or 3x* and hence 2j" = a 1 , anil x = «\/t> l ' ie absciss. murdered by Herod. INORDINATE Proportion, is where the order of the terms compared, is disturbed or irregular. As, for exam- ple, in two ranks of numbers, three in each rank, viz, in one rank, - - - - 2, 3, 9, and in the other rank - - 8, 24, 36", which are proportional, the former to the latter, but in a different order, viz, - - 2 : 3 : : 24 : 36, and - - 3 : o : : s : 24, then, casting out the mean terms in each rank, it is con- cluded that - - - 2 : 9 : : S : 36", that is, the first is to the 3d in the first rank, as the first is to the 3d in the 2d rank. INSCRIBED Figure, is one that has all its angular points touching the sides of another figure in which the former is said to be inscribed. Inscribed Hyperbola, is one that lies wholly within the angle of its asymptotes; as the common or conical hyperbola doth. INSTANT, otherwise called a moment, an infinitely small part of duration, or in which we perceive no suc- cession, or which takes up the time of only one idea in our mind. It is a maxim in mechanics, that no natural elfect can be produced in an instant, or without some definite time ; also that the greater the time, the greater the effect. And hence may appear the reason, why a burthen seems lighter to a person, the faster he carries it ; and why, the faster a person slides or skates on the ice, the less liable it is to break, or bend. INSTITUTE is a name which has lately been substi- tuted for academy or school. When royalty was lately abolished iu France, the several royal academies were abolished., and were all condensed into o«>e general aca- demy, under the name of the I N T [ 687 ] I N T National Institute, or Nciv Academy of Arts and Sciences. This academy was founded on a decree of the new government constitution in the year 1795. It con- sists of 268 members, half of whom reside in Paris, the other half in the departments; and to them are added 24 foreigners, as honorary members. The academy is di- vided into 3 classes, each class into sections, each section containing 12 members. 1st Class. Mathematics and natural philosophy. This class is divided into 10 sections. 1. Mathematics. 2. Me- chanical arts. 3. Astronomy. 4. Experimental philosophy. 5. Chemistry. 6. Natural history. 7. Botany. 8. Ana- tomy and animal history. 9- Medicine and surgery. 10. Animal economy, and the veterinary science. 2d Class. Morality and politics. This class consists of 6 sections. 1. Analysis of sensations and ideas. 2. Mo- rals. 3. Legislature. 4. Political economy. 5. History. 6". Geography. 3d Class. Literature and the fine arts, consisting of 8 sections. I. Universal grammar. 2. Ancient languages. 3. Poetry. 4. Antiquities. 5. Painting. G. Sculpture. 7- Architecture. 8. Music. For each class a particular room in the Louvre is ap- propriated. No person can be a member of two classes at the same time : but a member of one class may be present at the meetings of any other. Each class prints, yearly, an account of its transactions. Four times a-year public meetings are held, when the three classes meet together. At the end of each year, they give a circumstantial account to the legislative body, of the progress made in that year in the arts and sciences. The prizes given annually by each class, are published at certain times. The sums requisite for the support of the institution, are decreed yearly by the legislative body, on a requisition made by the executive directory. The first 4S members were chosen by the executive directory, to whom the choice of the remaining members was confided. To the members resident in Paris is re- served the choice, both of the department and foreign members. On a vacancy in any class, three candidates are named by the class, for the choice of the body at large. Each class is to have, at its place of meeting, a collection of the products, both of nature and art, and a library, ac- cording to its particular wants. The regulations of the institution, with respect to the times of meeting, and its employments, are to be drawn up by the body at large, and laid before the legislative assembly. INSULATE, or Insulated, a term applied to a co- lumn or other edifice, which stands alone, or free and de- tached from any adjacent wall, &c, like an island in the sea. Insulated, in Electricity, is a term applied to bodies that rue supported by electrics, or non-conductors; so that their communication with the earth, by conducting substances, is interrupted. INSURANCE, the same as Assurance ; which sec. INTAC'iVE, are right lines to which curves do conti- nually approach, and yet can never meet them, more usually railed Asymptotes. INTEGERS, ate whole numbers, as contra-distin- guished from fractions. Integers may be considered as numbers which refer to unity, as a whole to a part. INTEGRAL Number, an integer; not a fraction. Integral Calculus, in the New Analysis, is the reverse of i lie, differential calculus, and is the finding the integral from a given differential ; being similar to the inverse me- thod of fluxions, or the finding the fluent to a given fluxion. The rules for the integration of differentials, likethose for the extraction of roots, are established by inspection of the direct process by which, from given functions, differentials are derived : thus, the differential of x m or d(x m ), is mx m ~ dx; therefore, from mx dx, the integral may be found from this process: increase the index in — 1, or power of the vatiable quantity, by unity or 1, and divide by the index so increased, and by the differential of the variable quantity, for the integral required. Let d~ , be the sign of the operation by which the integral is obtain- ed, or the reverse of that operation which d indicates ; then will d~ (mx" " dx) = x m ; or, d~ d(x m ) = x m . Also, d" ' (x n dx) — Again the integrals of a x dx, e x dx ; are a x , e K ; and are obtained on the very same grounds of inspection as the above. The differentials of a ■+■ bx, a -+- b.r, & -+- bx, &c, or d(a ■+■ bx), d(d -*- bx), d(a -+- bx), &c. are dbx,dbx, dbx, &c. Hence inversely, the integrals are d~* (dbx), d~* (dbx) d (dbx) &c: where it is to be noted, that the constant quantities a, a, a", &c, are the corrections of the inte- grals ; and are determined in the same manner as those in the inverse method of fluxions, from the particular nature of the problem under discussion. It may be here observed, that as in the analysis of finites, any quantity may be raised to any degree or power ; but vice versa, the root cannot be extracted out of any number required : so in the analysis of infinites, any va- riable or flowing quantity may be differenced, but vice versa, any differential cannot be integrated. And as, in the analysis of finites, we are not yet arrived at a method of extracting the roots of all equations, so neither has the integral calculus arrived at its perfection : and as in the former we are obliged to have recourse, to approximation, so in the latter we have recourse to infinite series, where we cannot attain to a perfect integration. For the several authors on this calculus, see Fluxions. INTEGRANT \P«rAs, in Philosophy, are the similar parts of a body, or parts of the same nature with the whole; as filings of iron are the integrant parts of iron, having the same nature and properties with the bar or mass they were filed oft' from. INTENSITY, or Intension, in Physics, is the degree . or rate of the power or energy of any quality ; as heat, cold, &c. The intensity of qualities, as gravity, light, heat, &c, vary in the reciprocal ratio of the squares of the distances from the centre of the radiating quality. INTERCALARY Day, denotes the odd day inserted in the leap-year. See Bissextile. INTERCEPTED Axis, in curves, the same with what is otherwise called the absciss or abscissa. 1NTERCOLUMNATION, or Intercolumniation, is the space between column and column, which is always to be proportional to the height and bulk of the columns. From a medium, some authors have laid down, the follow- ing proportions: in the Tuscan order, the intercolumna- tion to be 4 diameters of the body of the column below; in the Doric 3, in the Ionic 2f, in the Corinthian 2|, and in the Composite 1-'-. INTEREST, is a sum reckoned for the loan or for- 1 N T [ 1 INT bearance of another sum, or principal, lent for, or due at, a certain time, according to some certain rate or propor- tion; being estimated usually at so much per cent, or by the 100. This forms a particular rule in arithmetic. The highest legal interest now allowed inEngiand, is after the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, or the 20th part of the princi- pal for the space of a year, and so in proportion for other times, either greater or less : except in the case of pawn- brokers, to whom it has lately been made legal to take a much higher interest, for one of the worst and most de- structive purposes that can be suffered in any state. Jntercst is either Simple or Compound. Simple Interest, is that which is counted and allowed upon the principal only, for the whole time of forbear- ance. — The sum of the principal and interest is called the amount. As the interest of any sum, for any time, is directly proportional to the principal sum and time ; therefore the interest of 1 pound for one year being multiplied by any proposed principal sum, and by the time of its for- bearance, in years and parts, will be its interest for that time. That is, if r = the rate of interest of 1/. per annum, p=any principal sum lent, t = the time it is lent for, and a = the amount, or sum of principal and interest; then is prt = the interest of the sum p, for the time t, at the rater; and consequently p -*-prt=:p x (1 H-rt)=a, is the amount of the same for that time. And from this general formula, other theorems can easily be deduced for finding any of the quantities above-mentioned ; which col- lected all together, will be as follow : 1st, a=p -+- prt the amount, the principal, the rate, 4th, t == '' the time. For Example, let it be required to find, in what time any principal sum will double itself, at any rate of simple in- terest. In this case we may use the 1st theorem a = p ■+■ prt, in which the amount a must be = 1p, or double the principal, i. e. p + prt == 2p; and hence t = -; where r being the interest of 1/. for one year, it follows that the time of doubling at simple interest, is equal to the quotient of any sum divided by its interest for one year. So that, if the rate of interest be 5 percent, then 100-f-5 = 20, is the time of doubling. — Or the 4th theorem im- a — p «2p — p '2 — 1 1 1 C i ° ft pr r r' For some compendious tables and rules for computing the interest on money, see my small book of Arithmetic. Compound Interest, called also laterest-upon-lnterest, is that which is counted, not only on the principal sum lent, but also for its interest, as it becomes due, at the end of each stated time of payment. Though it be not lawful to lend money at compound in- terest, yet in purchasing anrfni ties, pensions, &c, and leases in reversion, it is usual to allow compound interest to the purchaser tor his ready money; and therefore it is neces- sary to understand this subject. Besides the quantities concerned in simple interest, viz, the principal p, the rate or interest of 1/. for 1 year r, the amount a, and the time t, there is another quantity em- ployed in compound interest, viz, the ratio of the rate of interest, which is the amount of 1/. for 1 time of payment, and which here let be denoted by r, viz, r = 1 -t- r. Then, the particular amounts for the several times may be thus computed, viz, As 1. pound, is to its amount for any time, so is any proposed principal sum, to its amount for the same time; i. e. 11. : r : : p : pR the 1st year's amount, 1/. : R : : j3R : p& 2 the 2d year's amount, \l. : r : : pu 2 : pa. 3 the 3d year's amount, and so on. Therefore in general, pa. 1 = a, is the amount for the /year, or t time of payment. Whence the following general theo- rems are deduced: 1st, a = /m' the amount, 2d, p = — the principal, 3d, R = \/ 4th, t = P log. of a the ratio, los. of p the time. t =■ lug. Of R From which any one of the quantities may be found, when the rest are given. For example, suppose it were required to find, in how many years any principal sum will double itself, at any proposed rate of interest. In this case must be employed the 4th theorem, where a will be = 2j9, and then it is l.a—l.p 1.2p— ,1. p log. 2 log. R log. R ~~ log. R ' So, if the rate of interest be 5 per cent, per annum; then lt.= 1 -t- '05 = 1 '05, and hence lojr. 2 -3010300 , , „„,-_ , ,, t =, = = 14'20cv nearly; that is, anv lpg. 1-05 -0211893 ■" ' J sum doubles in 14^- years nearly, at the rate of 5 percent, per annum compound interest. Hence, and from the like question in simple interest, above given, arc deduced the times in which any sum doubles itself, at several rates of interest, both simple and compound : viz, 1 At 1 2 per cent, per an. interest, 1/. or other sum double in any will "At Simple Interest. At Comp. Interest. Veuis. Years. 100 6>6'6'03 50 35'0028 40 2S'0701 33j 23:4408 2S£ 20M4S8 25 17-6730 22;- 15-7473 20 14-2007 16} 11-8957 14f I0-244S 12i 9*0065 Ml- 8-0433 L 10 7-2725 3 3-_ 4| 5 6 7 8 9 10 . The following Table will very much facilitate the cal- culation of the compound interest for any sum, for any number of years, ai various rates ol interest. The use of this table, which contains all the powers tt 1 , to the 20lh power, or the amounts of I/, is chielly to cal- culate the interest, or the amount, of an\ principal sum, for any time, not more than 20 years. For example, re- quired to find to how much 523/. will amount in 15 years, at the rale of 51. per cent, per annum compound interest. INT [ 689"] INT In the table, on the line 15, and in the column 5 per cent, is the amount of 1l. viz. this multiplied by the principal gives the amount 2-078.9, 52,3, 1087-2647 or 10S7/. 5s. ; and therefore the interest is - 56-J-/. 5s. I The Amount of 1 1, in any Number of Years. Yrs. 3 3| 4 4§ 1 5 6 1 10300 1-0350 1 -0400 1 -0450 1-0500 1 -0600 2 1-0009 1 0712 1 -08 1 6 1-0920 1-1025 1-1236 3 1 -0927 1-1087 1-1249 1-1412 1-1576 11910 4 1-1255 1-1475 1-1699 1-1925 1-2155 1 -2625 5 1-1593 1-1877 1-2167 1-2462 1-2763 1-3382 6 1-1941 1-2293 1-2653 1-3023 1-3401 1-4185 7 1-2299 1-2723 1-3159 1 3609 1-4071 1-5036 8 1-2668 1-3168 1-3686 1-4221 1-4775 1-5939 9 1-3048 1-3629 1-4233 1-4S61 I -55 13 1-6895 10 1-3439 1-4106 1 -4802 1-5530 1-6289 1-7909 11 1-3842 1 -4600 1-5395 1-6229 1-7103 1-8983 12 1-4258 1-5111 1-6010 1-6959 1-7959 2-0122 13 1-4685 1-5640 1-6651 1-7722 1-8356 2-1329 14 1-5126 1-6187 1-7317 1-8519 1-9799 2-2609 15 1-5580 1-6753 1-8009 1-9353 2-0789 2-3966 16 1-6047 1-7340 1-8730 20224 21829 2-5404 17 1-6528 1-7947 1-9479 21 134 2-2920 2-6928 18 1-7024 1-8575 2-0258 2-2085 2-4066 2-8543 19 J-7535 1-9225 2-1068 2-3079 2-5270 20256 20 1-8061 1-9898 2-1911 2-4117 2-6533 2-207 1 See Annuities; Discount; Reversion; Smart's Tables of Interest ; the Philos. Trans, vol. 6,-pa. 508 ; and most books on Arithmetic. I NTERIOR Figure, Angle of. See Angle. Interior Polygon. See Polygon. Interior Talus. Sec Talus. Internal Angles, are the angles made within any figure, by the sides of it. In a triangle abc, the two angles a and c are peculiarly called internal and opposite, in re- spect of the external angle cbd, which is equal to them both together. Intern al Angle is also applied to the two angles formed between two parallels, by aline intersecting those parallels, on each side of the intersecting line. Such are the angles a, b, c, d, formed between the parallels ef and on, on each side of the intersecting line. — The two adjacent internal angles a and b, or c and d, are together equal to two right angles. Internal and Opposite Angles, is also applied to the two angles a and b, which are respectively equal to the two n and m, called the external and opposite angles. Also the alternate internal angles are equal to each other ; viz, a = d, and b = c. INTERPOLATION, in the modern Algebra, is used for finding an intermediate term of a series, its place in the series being given. The method of interpolation was first invented by Mr. Briggs, and by him applied to the calcu- lation of logarithms, &c, in his ArithmeticaLogarithmica, Vol. I. and his Trigonometria Brilaivnica ; where he explains, and fully applies the method of interpolation by differences. His principles were followed by Reginal and Mouton in France, and by Cotes and others in England. Wallis em- ployed the method of interpolation in several parts of his works; as his Arithmetic of infinites, and his Algebra, for quadratures, &c. The same was also happily applied by Newton in various ways : by it he investigated his bino- mial theorem, and quadratures of the circle, ellipse, and hyperbola: see Wallis's Algebra, chap. 85, &c. Newton also, in lemma 5, lib. 3 Princip. gave a most elegant solu- tion of the problem for drawing a curve line through the extremities of any number of given ordinates; and in the subsequent proposition, he applied the solution of this problem to that of finding, from certain observed places of a comet, its place at any given intermediate time. And Dr. Waring, who adds, that a solution still more elegant, on some accounts, has been since discovered by Mess. Nichol and Stirling, has also resolved the same problem, and rendered it more general, without having recourse to finding the successive differences. Philos. Trans, vol. 69, part I, art. 7' Mr. Stirling indeed pursued this branch as a distinct science, in a separate treatise, viz, Tractatus de Summatione et Interpolatione Scrierum Infinitarum, in the year 1730. When the 1st, 2d, or other successive differences of the terms of a series become at last equal, the interpolation of any term of such a series, maybe found by Newton's Dif- ferential Method. When the algebraic equation of a» series is given, the term required, whether it be a primary or intermediate one, may be found by the resolution of af- fected equations ; but when that equation is not given, as it often happens, the value of the term sought must be ex- hibited by a converging series, or by the quadrature of curves. See Stirling, ut supra, pa. 86. Meyer, in Act. Petr. torn. 2, pa. 180. A general theorem for interpolating any term is as fol- lows : Let a denote any term of an equidistant series of terms, and a, b, c, &c, the first of the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c, or- ders of differences ; then the term z, whose distance from a is expressed by x, will be this, viz, Theorem I, x — 1 , x — \ x — 2 ' J=A+IS+I. — ■ *+I. — . — C &C Hence, if any of the orders of differences become equal to one another, or = 0, this series for the interpolated term will break off, and terminate, otherwise it will run out in an infinite series. Example. To find the 20th term of the series of cubes 1, S, 27, 64, 125, &c, or l' 3 , 2 3 , 3 3 , 4 3 , 5 3 , &'c. Set doun the series in a column, and take their Conti- nual differences as here an- nexed, where the 4th differ- ences, and all after it be- come = 0, also a = 1, a = 7 , b = 12,c = 6, and x — ]9; therefore the 20th term sought is barely z=I+lSx7+19x^ = 1 -+- 133 + 2052 -4- 5814 = 8000. T/ieor. 2. In any series of equidistant terms, a, b, c, d, &c, whose first differences are small ; to find any term wanting in that scries, having any number of terms given. Take the equation which stands against the number of A T A 1 a 7 b c 8 1.9 12 6 d 27 37 18 6 •0 6'4 61 24 25 12 H- iy . : „- • -r • 6 INT 1 1 N T given terms, in the following table ; and by reducing the equation, that term will be found. No. Equations. 1 a - b = 2 a — 26 + c = 3 a — 36-+- 3c — d = 4 a — 46 ■+- 6c — 4rf + e = 5 a — 56 -+- 10c - lOd + 5e — /= 6 a _ 66 -f- 15c — 20 + 9 p + q +r p + c-b Bl= ;cl = — — ;d! = - 9 e — d V + 1 Til — Bl '/ -+- r nn — B-2 q + r + t b3 = &c &c &c. Then the term 2, whose distance from the beginning is x, will be z = a ■+- bz ■+- ex . (x — p) + nx . (x — p) . {x — p — g) -+- tlx.(x — p). (x — p — q).{x —p — q — r) + &c; to be continued to as many terms as there are terms in the given series. By this series may be found the place of a comet, or the sun, or any other object at a given time ; by knowing the places of the same for several other given times. Other methods of interpolation may be found in the Philos. Trans, number 362; or Stirling's Summation and Inter- polation of Series. INTERSCENDENT, in Algebra, is applied to quanti- ties, when the exponents of their powers are radical quan- tities. Thus x* , x^ a , &cc, are interscendent quantities. See Function. INTERSECTION, the cutting of one line, or plane, by another ; or the point or line in which two lines or two planes cut each other. — The mutual intersection of two planes is a right line. The centre of a circle, or conic section, &c, is in the intersection of two diameters ; and the central point of a quadrangle, is the intersection of two diagonals. INTERSTELLAR, intervening between the stars; a word used by some authors, to express those parts of the universe, that are without and beyond the limits of our solar system. — In the interstellar regions, it is supposed there are several other systems of planets, moving round the fixed stars, as the centres of their respective motions. And if it be true, as it is not improbable, that each fixed star is thus a sun to some habitable orbs, or earths, that move round it, the interstellar world will be infinitely the greatest part of the universe. INTERTIES, or Interduces, in Architecture, those small pieces of timber which lie horizontally between the summers, or between them and the cell or rising plate. INTERVAL, in Music, the difference between two sounds, in respect of acute and grave. Authors distin- guish several divisions of an interval, as first into Simple and Compound. The Simple Interval is that without parts, or division; such are the octave, and all that are within it ; as the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, with their varieties. Compound Interval consists of several lesser intervals; as the 9th, 10th, 11th, &c, with their varieties. The simple interval was by the ancients calleda diastem, and the compound they called a system. An interval is also divided into just or true, and into false. The Just or True Intervals, are such as all those above mentioned, with their varieties, whether major or minor. False Intervals, are the diminutive or superfluous ones. An interval is also divided into the consonance and dis- sonance ; which see. INTESTINE Motion of the parts of fluids, that which is among its corpuscles or component parts. When the attracting corpuscles of any fluid are elastic, they must necessarily produce an intestine motion; and that, greater or less, according to the degrees of their elasticity and at- tractive force. For, two elastic particles, after meeting, will fly from each other, with the same degree of velocity with which they met; abstracting from the resistance of the medium. But when, in leaping back from each other, they approach other particles, their velocity will be in- creased. INTONATION, in Music, the action of sounding the notes in the scale with the voice, or any other given order of musical tones. — Intonation may be either true or false ; either too high or too low, either too sharp or too flat ; and then this word intonation attended with an epithet must be understood concerning the manner of performing the notes. INTRADOS, the interior and lower side, or curve, of an arch. In contradistinction from the extrados, or ex- terior curve, or line on the upper side of the arch.. See my Tracts, vol. 1. INTRENCHMENT, in Fortification, any work that shelters a post against the attacks of an enemy. It is ge- nerally taken for a ditch, or trench with a parapet. In- trenchments arc sometimes made of fascines with earth i N V t to ] J O I thrown over them, of gabions, hogsheads, or bags filled with earth, to cover the men from the enemy's fire. INVERSE, is applied to a manner of working the rule of three, or proportion, which seems to go backward, i.e. reverse or contrary to the order of the common and direct rule: so that, whereas, in the direct rule, more requires more, or less requires less ; in the inverse rule, on the con- trary, more requires less, or less requires more. — For in- stance, in the direct rule it is said, If 3 yards of cloth cost 20 shillings, how much will 6 yards cost ? the answer is 40 shillings; where more yards require more money, and less yards require less money. But in the inverse rule it is said, If 20 men perform a piece of work in 6 days, in how many days will 40 men perform as much ? where the answer is 3 days ; and here the more, men require the less time, and the fewer men the more time. Inverse Method of Fluxions, is the method of finding fluents, from the fluxions being given; and is similar to what the foreign mathematicians call the calculus inte- gralis. See Fluents. Inverse Method of Tangents, is the method of finding the curve belonging to a given tangent ; as opposed to the. direct method, or the finding trie tangent to a given curve. — As, to find a curve whose subtangent is a third propor- tional to r — y andj/, or whose subtangent is equal to the semiordinate, or whose subnormal is a constant quantity. The solution of this problem depends chiefly on the in- verse method of fluxions. See Tangent. See also Montucla, v. 3, pa. 16"4. Inverse Proportion, or Inverse Ratio, is that in which more requires less, or less requires more. As for instance, in the case of light, or heat from a luminous object, the light received is less at a greater distance, and greater at a less distance ; so that here more, as to di- stance, gives less, as to light, and less distance gives more light. This is usually expressed by the term inversely, or reciprocally; as in the case above, where the light is in- versely, or reciprocally as the square of the distance; or in the inverse or reciprocal duplicate ratio of the distance. INVERSION, Invertendo, or by Inversion, by the 14th def. of Euclid, lib. 5, is inverting the terms of a propor- tion, by changing the antecedents into consequents, and the consequents into antecedents. As in these, a :b::c:d, then by inversion b : a ; : d ; c. INVESTIGATION, the searching or finding any thing out, by means of certain steps, traces, or ways. INVOLUTE Figure or Curve, is that which is traced out by the outer extremity of a string as it is folded or wrapped upon another figure, or as it is unwound from off it. The involute of a cycloid, is also a cycloid equal to the former, which was first discovered by Huygens, and by means of which he contrived to make a pendulum vi- brate in the curve of a cycloid, and so, theoretically at least, vibrate always in equal times, whether the arch of vibration were great or small ; which is a property of that curve. See Evolute. INVOLUTION, in Arithmetic and Algebra, is the raising of powers from a given root ; as opposed to Evo- lution, which is the extracting, or developing of roots from given powers. So the. involution of the number 3, or its powers, are thus raised : 3 - or 3' or 3 is the 1st power, or root, 3x3 or 3 x or 9 is the 2d power, or square, 3 x 3 x 3 or 3 3 or 27 is the 3d power, or cube, and so on. — And hence, to find any power of a given root, or quantity, let the root be multiplied by itself a number of times which is one less than the number of the index ; i. e. once multiplied for the 2d root, twice for the 3d root, thrice for the 4th root, &c. So also, in algebra, to involve the binomial a -+- /;, or raise its powers. a -h b - - - - 1st power, or root a h- b 2d power a' 1 ■+■ ab ■+■ ab ■+■ b 2 a' 2 -+- 2ab ■+■ a ■+■ b b 1 a 3 ■+- 2a 2 b ■+■ -f- a?b -(- ab 2 + b z 3a 2 b ■+■ 3ab 2 3d power And in like manner for any other quantities, whatever the number of their terms may be. But compound alge- braic quantities are best involved by the Binomial Theo- rem; which see. Simple quantities are involved, by raising the numeral coefficients to the given power, and the literal quantities are raised by multiplying their indices by that of the root; that is, the raising of powers is performed by the multi- plication of indices, the same as the multiplication of lo- garithms. Thus, The 2d power of a is a 2 . The 2d power of 2a z is 2V X 2 or 4« 4 . The 3d power of 3a z b 3 is 27a°b 9 . _I 2 3 The 3d power of a 2 i T is a^b*. Thereth power of a ra cP is a mn c? n or (a m cP)\ INWARD Flanking Angle, in Fortification, is that made by the curtin and the razant flanking line of defence. JOINTS, in Architecture, are the separations between the stones or bricks ; which may be filled with mortar, plaster, or cement. Joint, in Carpentry, &c, is applied to several manners of assembling, setting, or fixing pieces of wood together. As by a mortise joint, a dove-tail joint, &c. Universal Joint, in Mechanics, an excellent invention of Dr. Hooke, adapted to all kinds of motions and flexures; of which he has given a large account in his Cutlerian Lectures, printed in l6"78. This seems to have given oc- casion to the gimbols used in suspending the sea compass; the mechanism of which is the same with that of Desagu- liers's rolling lamp. JoiNT-Liws, are such as continue during the same time, or that exist together. See Life- Annuities. JOISTS, or Joysts, those pieces of timber framed into the girders and summers, and on which the board- ing of floors is laid. They are of various kinds: as, 1. Common Joists, being those which are framed level or flush with the upper surface of the girders, but are seldom of equal depth. 2. Trimming Joists, those which are framed into two other joists, that other joists may be framed into - them, where the opening is made for a stair-case, or a chimney hearth. 3. Binding Joists, those which are laid across from girder to girder, and about 3 or 4 inches lower than their upper surface, in order that other joists, called 4. Bridging Joists, may be laid over them parallel to the girders. 5. Ceiling Joists, which are turned into the bind- ing joists, and are generally made slender, having but little weight to support. — The chief or flooring joists, should be abuut 8 inches deep, the common breadth of a 4T2 JON [692 deal board ; their breadth more or less, according to their length, viz, from 2 to 4 inches broad, or different lengths from 6 to 12 feet. " JONES (William), f. r. s. a very eminent mathe- matician, was born at the foot of Bodavon mountain [Mynydd Bodafon] in the parish of Lianfihangel tre'r Bard, in the Isle of Anglesy, North Wales, in the year 1675. His 'father's name was John George, his surname being the proper name of his father. For itis'a custom in several parts of Wales for the proper name of the father to become the surname of his children. John George the father was commonly called Sion Siors of Llanbabo, to which place he moved, and where his children were brought up. Accordingly our author, whose proper name was William, took the surname of Jones from the proper name of his father, who was a farmer, and of a good fa- mily, being descended from Hwfa ap Cynddelw, one of the 15 tribes of North Wales. He gave his two sons the common school education of the country, reading, writing, and accounts, in English, and the Latin Grammar. Harry his second son took to the farming business; but William the eldest, having an extraordinary turn for mathematical studies, determined to try his fortune abroad from a place where the same was but of little service to him. He ac- cordingly came to London, accompanied by a young man, Rowland Williams, afterwards an eminent perfumer in Wych-street. The report in the country is, that Mr. Jones soon got into a merchant's counting house, and so gained the esteem of his master, that he gave him the command of a ship for a West India voyage ; and that upon his re- turn he set up a mathematical school, and published his book of Navigation ; and that upon the death of the mer- chant he married his widow : that, lord Macclesfield's son being his pupil, he was made secretary to the chancellor, and one of the deputy tellers of the exchequer: — and they have a story of an Italian wedding, which caused great disturbance in lord Macclesfield's family, but was com- promised by Mr. Jones ; which gave rise to a saying, ' that Macclesfield was the making of Jones, and Jones the making of Macclesfield.' " The foregoing account of Mr. Jones, 1 found among the papers of the late Mr. John Robertson, librarian and clerk to the Royal Society, who had been well known to Mr. Jones, and possessed many of his papers. Mr. Jones having by his industry acquired a competent fortune, lived upon it as a private gentleman for many years, in the latter part of his life, in habits of intimacy with Sir Isaac Newton and others the most eminent mathe- maticians and philosophers of his time; and died July 3, 1749, at 74 years of age, being one of the vice-presidents of the Royal Society ; leaving at his death one daughter, and a son very young, who was the late Sir William Jones, one of the judges in India, and highly esteemed for his great abilities, extensive learning, &c. — Mr. Jones's publi- cations were, 1. A new Compendium of the whole Art of Navigation, &c; in small 8vo, London, 1702. This is a neat little piece, and dedicated to the Rev. Mr. John Harris, the au- thor of the Lexicon Technicum, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, in whose house Mr. Jones says he composed his book. 2. Synopsis Palinariorum Matheseos,: or a New Intro- duction to the Mathematics, &c ; Svo, London, 1706" ; being a very neat and useful compendium of all the ma- thematical sciences, in about 000 pages. ] J O U His papers in thePhilos. Trans, are the following: 3. A Compendious Disposition of Equations for exhi- biting the relations of Goniometrical Lines ; vol. 44, pa. 500. 4. A Tract on Logarithms; vol. pi, pa. 455. 5. Properties of the Conic Sections, deduced by a com- pendious method; Vol.63, pa. 340. In all these works of Mr. Jones, a remarkable neatness, brevity, and accuracy, every where prevail. He seemed to delight in a very short and comprehensive mode of ex- pression and arrangement; in so much that, sometimes what he has contrived to express in two or three pages, would occupy a little volume in the ordinary style of writing. Mr. Jones, it is said, possessed the best mathematical library in England; scarcely any book of that kind but what was there to be found. He had collected also a great quantity of manuscript papers and letters of former mathematicians, which have often proved useful to writers of their lives, &c. After his death, these were dispersed, and fell into different persons' hands; many of them, as well as of Mr. Jones's own papers, were possessed by the late Mr. John Robertson, before mentioned, at whose death I purchased a considerable quantity of them. From such collections as these it was that Mr. Jones was enabled to give that first and elegant edition, in 4to, 1711, of several of Newton's papers, that might otherwise have been lost, entitled, Analysis per quantitatum Series, Fluxioncs, ac Differentias: cum Enumeratione Lincarum Tertii Ordinis. IONIC Column, or Order, the 3d of the five orders, or columns, of architecture. The first idea of this order was given by the people of Ionia; who, according to Vitru- vius, formed it on the model of a young woman, dressed in her hair, and of an easy elegant shape, as the Doric had been formed on the model of a strong lobust man. This column is a medium between the massive and the more delicate orders, the simple and the rich. It is distinguish- ed from the composite, by having none of the leaves of acanthus in its capital; and from the Tuscan, Doric, and Corinthian, by the volutes, or rams horns, which adorn its capital ; and from the Tuscan and Doric, by the chan- nels, or fluting, in its shaft. The height of this column is IS modules, or 9 diameters of the column taken at the bottom: indeed at first its height was but 16" modules ; but, to render it more beautiful than the Doric, its height was augmented by adding a base to it, which was un- known in the Doric. Si. Leclerc makes its entabla- ture to be. 4 modules and 10 minutes, and its pedestal 6 modules; so that the whole order makes 28 modules 10 minutes JOURNAL, in Merchants' Accounts, is a book into which every particular article is posted out of the waste- book, according to the order of time, specifying the debtor and creditor in each account and transaction. Jou rnal, in Maritime Affairs, is a register kept by the pilot, and others, noticing every thing that happens to the ship, from clay to day, and from hour to hour, with regard to the winds, the rhumbs or courses, the knots or rate of running, the rake, soundings, astronomical observations, for the latitudes and longitudes, &c; to enable them to adjust the reckoning, and determine the. place where the ship is. In all sea journals, the day, or what is called the 24 hours, is divided into twice I 2 hours; those before noon marked a.m. for ante meridiem, and those from noon to midnight markod p.m. post meridiem, or afternoon. J o u [ 693 ] JOU There are various ways of keeping a sea journal, ac- and Conferences of Arts and Sciences, by M. Dennis, cording to the different notions of mariners concerning the during the years 1672, 16/3, and l674; New Discoveries articles to be entered. Some writers direct the keeping in all the parts of Physic, by M. de Blegny; the journal of such a kind of journal as is only an abstract of each day's Physic, begun in 1684, and some others, discontinued al- transactions, specifying the weather, what ships or lands most as soon as begun. Rozier's Journal de Physique, be- were seen, accidents on board, the latitude, longitude, gun in July 1771, and continued till, iu the year 1780, there meridional distance, course, and run:' these particulars were 19 vols, quarto. are to be drawn from the ship's log-book, or from that kept The Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, News by the person himself. Other authors recommend the from the Republic of Lettres, were begun by M. Bayle in keeping only of one account, including the log-book, I6'S4, and carried on by him till the year 1687, when M. and all the work of each day, with the deductions drawn Bayle being disabled by sickness, his friends, M. Bernard from it. and M. de Laroque, took them up, and continued them Journal is also used for the title of several books till 1699. After an interruption of nine years, M. Ber- published at stated times; giving accounts and abstracts nard resumed the work, and continued it till the year of the new books that are published, with the new im- 1710. The History of the Works of the Learned, by M. provements daily made in arts and sciences. The first Basnage, was begun in the year l6"SS, and ended in 1710. journal of this kind was, the Journal des Scavans, printed The Universal Historical Library, by M. Leclerc, was at Paris: the design was set on foot for the ease of such as continued to the year 1693, and contained twenty-five are too busy, or too indolent, to read the entire books volumes. The Bibliotheque Choisie of the same author, themselves. It seems a ready way of satisfying a man's began in 1703. The Mercury of France is one of the curiosity, and becoming learned on easy terms: and so use- most ancient journals of that country, and is continued by ful has it been found, that it has been executed in most other different persons : the Memoirs of a History of Sciences, countries, though under a great variety of titles. and Arts, usually called Memoires des Trevoux, from the Of this kind are the Acta Eruditorum of Leipsic ; the place where they are printed, began in 1701. « The Essays Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres ofM. Bayle, &c; of Literature reached but to a 12th volume in 1702, 1703, the Bibliotheque Universelle, Choisie, et Ancienne et Mo- and 1704; these only take notice of ancient authors, derne, of M. Leclerc ; the Memoirs de Trevoux, &c. In The Journal Literaire, by Father Hugo, began and ended 1692, Juncker printed in Latin, An Historical Treatise of in 1705. At Hamburgh they have made two attempts the Journals of the Learned, published in the several parts for a French journal, but the design failed : an Epheme- of Europe; and VVolfius, Struvius, Morhoff, Fabricius, &c, rides Scavantes has also been undertaken, but that soon have done something of the same kind. disappeared. A Journal des Scavans, by M. Dartis, ap- The Philosophical Transactions of London, and those peared in 1694, but was discontinued the year following, of Edinburgh; the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of That of M. Chauvin, begun at Berlin in 1696, held out Sciences; those of the Academy of Belles Lettres; the three years; and an essay of the same kind was made at Miscellanea Natura: Curiosorum: the Experiments of the Geneva. To these may be added, the Journal Literaire Academy del Cimento, the Acta Philo-exoticorum Na- begun at the Hague 1715, and that of Verdun, and the turre et Artis, which appeared from March 1686 to April Memoires Literaires de la Grande Bretagne by M. de La- 1687, and which are a history of the Academy of Bresse ; roche ; the Bibliotheque Angloise, and Journal Britan- the Miscellanea Berolinensia, or Memoirs of the Aca- nique, which are confined to English books alone. The demy of Berlin; the Commentaries of the Academy of Italian journals arc, that of Abbot Nazari, which conti- Petersburg; the Memoirs of the Institute at Bologna; the nued from 1668 to l6Sl,andwas printed at Rome. That Acta Literaria Suecire; the Memoirs of the Royal Aca- of Venice began in J 671, and ended at the same time demy of Stockholm, begun in 1740; the Commentarii with the other: the authors were Peter Moretti and Societatis Regia; Gottingensis, begun in 1750, &c, &c, are Francis Miletti. The Journal of Parma, by Roberti and not so properly journals, though they are frequently ranked Father Bacchini.was declined in I69O, and resumed again in the number. in I692. The Journal of Ferrara, by the abbe de Latorre, Juncker and Wolfius give the honour of the first inven- began and ended in I69L La Galerio di Minerva, begun tion of journals to Photius. His Bibliotheca, however, is in 1 696, is the work of a society of men of letters. Seignior not altogether of the same nature with the modern jour- nals ; nor was his design the same. It consists of abridg- ments and extracts of books which he had read during his embassy in Persia. M. Salo first began the Journal des Scavans at Paris, in 1665, under the name of the Sicur Apostolo Zeno, secretary to that society, began another Journal in 1710, under the protection of the grand duke: it is printed at Venice, and several persons of distinction are concerned in it. The Fasti Euriditi della Bibliotheca Volantc, were pub- de Hedonville; but his death soon after interrupted the lished at Parma. There has appeared since, in Italy, the work* The abbe Gallois then took it up, and he, in the Giornale dei Letterati. year 1 674, gave way to the abbe de la Roque, who conti- The principal among the Latin journals, is that of Leip- nued it nine years, and was succeeded by M. Cousin, who sic, under the title of Acta Eruditorum, begun in 1682: carried it on till the year 1702, when the abbe Bignon P.P. Manzani began another at Parma. The Nova Litera- instituted a new society, and committed the care of con- ria Maris Balthici lasted from 1698 to 1708. The Nova Li- tinuing the journal to them, who improved and published teraria Germania?, collected at Hamburgh, began in 1703. it under a new form. This society is still continued, and The Acta Literaria ex Manuscriptis, and the Bibliotheca M. de Loyer has had the inspection of the journal; which Curiosa, begun in 1705, and ended in 1707, are the works is no longer the work of any single author, but of a great of Struvius. Messrs. Kustcr and Sike, in 1697, began a number. The other French journals are the Memoirs Bibliotheca Novorum Librorum, and continued it for two I R I [ 694 ] I R R colours; whence the eye is called grey, or black, &c. In its middle is a perforation, through which appears a small black speck, called the sight, pupil, or apple of the eye, round which the iris forms a ring. Iris is also applied to those changeable colours, which sometimes appear in the glasses of telescopes, microscopes, &c ; so called from their similitude to a rainbow. — The same appellation is also given to that coloured spectrum, which a triangular prismatic glass will project on a wall, when placed at a proper angle in the sun-beams. litis Marina, the Sea-Rainbow. This elegant appear- ance is generally seen after a violent storm, in which the sea water has been in vast emotions. The celestial rain- bow however has great advantage over the marine one, in the brightness and variety of the colours, and in their distinctness one from the other; for in the sea-rainbow, there are scarce any other colours than a dusky yellow on the part next the sun, and a pale green on the op- posite side. The other colours are not so bright, or so years. Since that time, there have been many Latin journals; such, besides others, is the Commentarii de Rebus in Scientia Naturali et Medicina gestis, by M. Ludwig. The Swiss journal, called Nova Literaria Hel- vetia;, was begun in 1702, by M. Scheuchzer; and the Acta Medica Hafnensia, published by T. Bartholin, make five volumes from the year 1671 to 1679- There are two Low-Dutch journals; the one under the title of Boockzal van Europe, which was begun at Rotterdam in 1692, by Peter Rabbus; and continued from 1702 to 170S, by Sewel and Gavern : the other was conducted by a physician, called Ruitcr, who began it in 1710. The German journals of best note are, the Monathlichen Un- terredungen, which continued from l6S9 to 169S. The Bibliotheca Curiosa, began in 1704, and ended in 1707, both by M. Tenzel. The Magazin d'Hambourg, com- menced in 174S : the Physicalische Belustiguuzen, or Phi- losophical Amusements, begun at Berlin in 1751. The Journal of Hanover began in 1700, and continued for two vears bv 61 Eccard, under the direction of M. Leibnitz, distinct, as to be well determined; but the sea-rainbows J _' J . . , , mi rm,L .1 - ■ .1 c .__J , .1 <.! tl ; t and afterwards carried on by others. The Theological Journal, published by M. Loescher, under the title of Altes und Neues, that is, Old and New. A third at Leipsic and Francfort, the authors Mess. Walterck, Krause, and Gro- schuffius; and a fourth at Hall, by M. Turk. The English journals are, The History of the Works of the Learned, begun at London in 1699. Censura Tem- porum, in 1708. About the same time there appeared two new ones, the one under the title of Memoirs of Litera- ture, containing little more than an English translation of some articles in the foreign journals, by M. De Laroche ; the other a collection of loose tracts, entitled, Bibliotheca Curiosa, or a Miscellany. These, however, with some others, are now no more, but are succeeded by the An- nual Register, which began in 1758; the New Annual Register, begun in 1780; the Monthly Review, which began in the year 1749, and gives a character of all Eng- lish literary publications, with the most considerable of the foreign ones: the Critical Review, which began in 1756", and is nearly on the same plan: as also the London Re- view, by Dr. Kenrick, from 1775 to 1780; Maty's Re- view, from Feb. 1782, to Aug. 17S6; the English Review begun in Jan. 1783; and the Analytical Review begun in May 1788, both now extinct. The Edinburgh Review begun in 1802, the Quarterly Review in 1S08, and the New Quarterly in 1813, all these published four times a year; also Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine, begun 179S; Nicholson's Philosophical Journal in 1797, but ended with 1813; and Thomson's Annals of Literature; all published monthly. Besides these, we have several monthly pamphlets, called Magazines, which, together with a chro- nological series of occurrences, contain letters from cor- respondents, communicating extraordinary discoveries in nature and art, with controversial pieces on all subjects. Of these, the principal are those called, the Gentleman's Magazine, which began with the year 1731 ; the London Magazine, which began a few months after, aud has lately been discontinued; the Universal Magazine, which is nearly of as old a date ; and best of all the Monthly Maga- zine began in 179"- IRIS, another name for the Rainbow; which see. Iris also. denotes the striped variegated circle round the pupil of the eye, formed of a duplicature of the uvea. In different subjects, the iris is of several very different are more frequent and more numerous than the others: it is not uncommon to see 20 or 30 of them at a time at noon- day. IRRADIATION, the emission of subtile effluvia, in all directions, like the rays of the sun. IRRATIONAL Numbers, or Quantities, are the same as surds, orsuch routs as cannot be accurately extracted, being incommensurable to unity. See Suiids. IRREDUCIBLE Case, in Algebra, is used for that case of cubic equations where the root, according to Cardan's rule, appears under an impossible or imaginary form, and yet is real; viz, in the form x 3 — ax = ±_c, having ^a 3 greater than ic 2 , or 4a 3 greater than 27c 1 . Thus, in the equation r 3 — 15i = 4, the root, according to Cardan's rule, is x = V (2 + ^ - 121) +'i/ (2- y/ - 12l),which is in the form of an impossible expression, and yet it is equal to the- quantity 4 : for ?/(2 + ^ - 121) =2 +V- 1 . and^/(2-v'- 121) = 2-^-1, therefore their sum is x = 4. The other two roots of the equation are also real. Algebraists, for almost three centuries, havi in vain en- deavoured to resolve this case, and to bring it under a real form; and the problem is not less celebrated among them, than the squaring of the circle is among geometricians. R is to be observed, that, as in some other cases of cubic equations, the value of the root, though rational, is found under an irrational or surd form ; because the root in this case is compounded of two equal surds with contrary signs, which destroy each other; asif ,r=2-t- \/3 ■+■ '2 — a/3, then x =4. In like manner, in the irreducible ca^e, where the root is rational, there are two equal imaginary quan- tities, with contrary signs, joined to real quantities; so that the imaginary quantities destroy each other: as in the case above of the root of the equation as 3 — 15x = 4, which was found to be 2 -t- *J - 1 -+■ 2 - may denote the other two roots. Hence a or m~ — n 2 — 4>m° is rational : but 4m 1 is rational, therefore m~ — n'is rational. Again, c — 2m. {nr — rr) is rational: but m" — n" is rational, therefore 2m is rational, which is one of the roots. One of the most convenient methods of resolving such cubic equations, is by means of tables of sines, &C See the article Cubic Equations. Mr. Maseres, cursitor baron of the exchequer, has lately deduced, by a long train of algebraical reasoning, from Newton's celebrated binomial theorem, an infinite series, which will resolve this case, without any mention of either impossible or negative quantities. And 1 have also discovered several other series which will do the same thing, in all cases whatever; both inserted in the Phil. Trans. See Cardan's Algebra; the articles Algebra, Cubic Equa- tions; Wallis's Algebra, chap. 48; De Moivre in the Ap- pendix to Sanderson's Algebra, pa. 744; Philos. Trans, vol. 68, part 1, art. 42, and vol. 70, pa. 387 ; and my New Tracts, vol. 2, pa. 98, &c. IRREGULAR, something that deviates from the com- mon forms or rules. Thus, we say an irregular fortifica- tion, an irregular building, &c. .Irregular Figure, in Geometry, whether plane or solid, is that whose sides, as well as angles, are not all equal and similar among themselves. IRREGULARITIES in the Moon's motion. See Moon. ISAGONE, in Geometry, is sometimes used for a figure consisting of equal angles. ISLAND, or Isle, a tract of dry land encompassed by water; whether by the sea, a river, or lake, &c. In which sense Island stands contradistinguished from Continent, or terra firma; like Great Britain, Ireland, Jersey, Sicily, Minorca, &c. Some naturalists imagine that islands were formed at the deluge : others think they have been rent and separated from the. continent by violent storms, inundations, and earthquakes; while .others are thrown up by volcanoes, or otherwise grow or emerge from the sea. Varenius thinks most of these opinions true in some in- stances, and believes that there have been islands produced each of these ways. St. Helena, Ascension, and other steep rocky islands, he supposes have become so, by the sea's overflowing their neighbouring champaigns. By the heaping up huge quantities of sand, &c, he thinks the islands of Zealand, Japan, &c, were formed : Sumatra and Ceylon, and most of the East-India islands, he rather thinks were rent off from the main land, as England pro- bably was from France. It is also certain that some have emerged from the bottom of the sea; as Santorini formerly, and three other isles near it lately; the last in 1707, which 3 I s o rose from the bottom of the sea, after an earthquake : the ancients had a tradition that De.los rose from the bottom of the sea; and Seneca observes that the island Therasia rose out of the iEgean sea in his time, of which the mari- ners were eye witnesses ; as they have been within these 10 years, in the sea between Norway and Iceland, as also in the Atlantic ocean, where an island has just cmerscd, near St. Michael's. The late circumnavigators too have made it probable, that many of the South sea islands have bad their foundations, of coral rod, gradually increasing, and growing out of the sea. ISLES, or rather Ailes, in Architecture, the wings or sides of a building. ISOCHRONAL, or Isochronous, is applied to such vibrations of a pendulum as are performed in equal times. Of which kind are all the vibrations of the same pendulum in a cycloidal curve, and in a circle nearly, whether the arcs it describes be longer or shorter ; for when it describes a shorter arc,' it moves so much the slower ; and when a long one, proportionably faster. Isochronal Line, is that in which a heavy body is supposed to descend with a uniform velocity, or without any acceleration. Leibnitz, in the Act. Erud. Lips, for April 16SQ, has a discourse on the Linea Isochrona, in which he shows, that a heavy body, with the velocity ac- quired by its descent from any height, may descend from the same point by an infinite number of isochronal curves, which are all of the same species, differing from one an- other only in the magnitude of their parameters (such as are all the quadratocubical paraboloids), and consequently similar to one another. He shows also, how to find a line, in which a heavy body descending, shall recede uniformly from a given point, or approach uniformly to it. ISOMERIA, in Algebra, a term of Vieta, deno- ting the freeing an equation from fractions; which is done by reducing all the fractions to one common deno- minator, and then multiplying each member of the equa- tion by that common denominator, that is rejecting it out of them all. ISOPERIMETRICALKgt/ra, are such as have equal perimeters, or circumferences. It is demonstrated in geo- metry, that among isoperi metrical figures, that is always the greatest, which contains the most sides or angles. Whence it follows, that the circle is the most capacious of all figures which have the same perimeter with it. — That of two isoperimetrical triangles, which have the same base, and one of them two sides equal, and the other unequal ; that is the greater whose sides are equal. That of isoperi- metrical figures, whose sides are equal in number, that is the greatest which is equilateral, and equiangular. Hence arises the solution of that popular problem, To make the hedging or walling, which will fence in a certain given quantity of land, also to fence in any other greater quan- tity of the same. For let x be one side of the rectan- gle that will contain the quantity aa of acres ; then will ~ be its other side, and double their sum, viz, 2x n , will be the perimeter of the rectangle : let also bb be any greater number of acres, in the form of a square, then is b one side of it, and 46 its perimeter, which must be equal to that of the rectangle; and hence the equation 2x h = 4&, or x 1 -t- a? = 2bx, in which quadratic equation the two roots are x = b ± y/(b 2 — a 2 ), which are the lengths ISO [696 of the two dimensions of the rectangle, viz, whose area b*, is in any proportion less than the square a x , of the same perimeter. As, for example, if one side of a square be 10, and one side of a rectangle be 19, but the other only 1 ; such square and parallelogram will be isoperimetrical, viz, each perimeter 40; yet the area of the square is 100, and of the parallelogram only 19- Isoperimetrical lines and figures have greatly engaged the attention of mathematicians at all times. The 5th book of Pappus's Collections is chiefly on this subject ; where a great variety of curious and important properties are demonstrated, both of planes and solids, some of which were then old in his time, and many new ones of his own. Indeed it seems he has here brought together, into this book, all the properties relating to isoperimetrical figures then known, and their different degrees of capacity. The analysis of the general problem concerning figures that, among all those of the same perimeter, produce maxima and minima, was given by Mr. James Bernoulli, from computations that involve 2d and 3d fluxions. And several enquiries of this nature have been since prosecuted in like manner, but not always with equal success. Mr. Maclaurin, to vindicate the doctrine of fluxions from the imputation of uncertainty or obscurity, has illustrated this subject, which is considered as one of the most abstruse parts of this doctrine, by giving the resolution and compo- sition of these problems by first fluxions only; and in a manner that suggests a synthetic demonstration, serving to verify the solution. See Maclaurin's Fluxions, pa. 486; Analysis Magni Problematis Isoperimetrici Act. Erud. Lips. 1701, pa. 213; Mem. Acad. Scienc. 1705, 1706", 1718 ; and the works of John Bernoulli, torn. 1, pa. 202, 20S, 424, and torn. 2, pa. 235 ; where is contained what he and his brother James published on this problem. Mr. John Bernoulli, in his first paper, considered only two small successive sides of the curve; whereas the true me- thod of resolving this problem in general, requires the con- sidering three such small sides, as may be perceived by examining the two solutions. M. Euler has also published, on this subject, many pro- found researches, in the Petersburg commentaries ; and there was printed at Lausanne, in 1744, a pretty large work upon it, entitled, Method us inveniendi lineascurvas, maximi mininiive proprietatc gaudentes: sive Solutio pro- blematis isoperimetrici in kuissimo sensu accepti. — M. Cramer too, in the Berlin Memoirs for 1752, has given a paper, in which he proposes to demonstrate in general, what can be demonstrated only of regular figures in the elements of geometry, viz, that the circle is the greatest of all isopelimetrical figures, regular or irregular — M. Lhuil- lier has some elementary problems on isoperimeters, in his Polygonomctry ; and a very considerable tract on this subject is given in my Course of Mathematics, vol. 3, pa. 31—53. On this head, see also Simpson's Tracts, pa. 98 ; and tin' Philos. Trans, vol. 49 and 50. lSOSCIiXF.S Triangle, is a triangle ', that has two sides equal. In the 5th prop, of Euclid's' I si book, which prop. /' \ is usually called the pons asinorum, / j \ or asses bridge, it is demonstrated, that \ the angles, a and b, at the base of the isosceles triangle, are equal to each other; and that if the equal sides be produced, the two angles, c and d, ] JUL L below the base, will also be equal. It is also inferred, that every equilateral triangle is also equiangular. Other properties of this figure are, that the perpendicu- lar ap, from the vertex to the base, bisects the base, the vertical angle, and also the whole triangle. And that if a line be drawn from the vertex to any point in the base, the square of this line, together with the rectangle of the seg- ments of the base, will be equal to the square of one of the equal sides of the triangle. Also, if the vertical angles of two isosceles triangles be equal, the two triangles will be equiangular. ISTHMUS, in Geography, a narrow neck or slip of land, that joins iwo other large tracts together,- and sepa- rating two seas, or two parts of the same sea. The most remarkable isthmuses are, that of Panama or Straits of Darien, connecting north and south America; that of Suez, which joins Asia and Africa; that of Corinth, or Peloponnesus, in the Morea ; that of Crim Tartaiy, other- wise called Taurica Chersonesus; that of the Peninsula Romania and Erisso, or the isthmus of the Thracian Cher- sonesus, 12 furlongs broad, and which Xerxes undertook to cut through. The ancients had several designs of cut- ting the isthmus of Corinth, which is a rocky hillock, about 10 miles over; but without effect, the invention of sluices being not lhen known. There have also been at- tempts for cutting the isthmus of Suez, to make a com- munication between the Mediterranean and the Red-sea. JULIAN Calendar, is that depending on,and connected with the Julian Year and account of time; so called from Julius Ctesar, by whom it was established. See Calen- dar. Julian Epoch, is that of the institution of the Julian reformation of the calendar, which began the 46th year before Christ. Julian Period, is a cycle of 7980 consecutive years, invented by Julius Scaliger, from whom it was named ; though some say his name w KNO | 7C bvatecl astronomer, was born at Guben in l6~94. He ac- quired great reputation in the observatories of Dantzic and Berlin, Godfrey Kirch his father, and Mary his mother, also acquired considerable reputation by their astronomi- cal observations. This family corresponded with all the learned societies of Europe, and their astronomical works are in great repute. KIRCHLR (Athanasius), a noted philosopher and mathematician, was born at Fulde in 1601. He entered into the society of the Jesuits in 16 IS, and taught philo- sophy, mathematics, the Hebrew and Syriac languages, in the university of Wirtsburg, with great applause, till the year 1631; when he retired to France, on account of the ravages committed by the Swedes in Franconia, and lived some time at Avignon. He was afterwards called to Rome, where he taught mathematics in the Roman college, col- lected a rich cabinet of machines and antiquities, and died in l6SO, in the 80th year of his age. The quantity of his works is immense, amounting to 22 volumes in folio, 1 1 in quarto, and three in octavo; enough to employ a man for a great part of his life even to transcribe them. Most of them are rather curious than useful; many of them visionary and fanciful; and it is not to be wondered at if they are not always accompanied with the greatest exactness and precision. The principal of them are, 1. Prslusiones Magneticae. 2. Primitias Gnomonicse Catoptricae, 3. Ars magna Lucis et Umbra;. 4. Musurgia Universalis. 5. Obeliscus Pamphilius. 6". Oedipus iEgyptiacus; 4 volumes folio. 7. Itinerarium Extaticum. 8. Obeliscus iEgyptiacus; 4 volumes folio. 9. Mundus Subterraueus. 10. China Illustrata. KNOT, a tye, or complication of a rope, cord, or string, or of the ends of two together. There are divers sorts of knots used for different purposes, which may be explained by showing the figures of them open, or undrawn, thus. 1. Fig. 1, plate 17, is a Thumb knot. This is the simplest of all. It is used to tye at the end of a rope, to prevent its opening out: it is also used by taylors, &c, at the end of their thread. Fig. 2, a Loop knot. Used to join pieces of rope, &c, together. — Fig. 3, a Draw knot, which is the same as the last ; only one end or both return the same way back, as abed. By drawing at a, the part bed comes through, and the knot is loosed. — Fig. 4, a Ring knot. This serves also to join pieces of cord, &c, together. — Fig. 5 is another knot for tying cords together. This is used when any cord is often to be loosed. — Fig.6", a Running knot, to draw any thing close. By pulling at the end a, the cord is drawn i I K O E through the loop b, and the part c d is drawn close about a beam, &c. — Fig. 7 is another knot, to tye any thing to a post. And here the end may be put through as often as you please. — Fig. 8, a Very small knot. A thumb knot is first made at the end of each piece, and then the end of the other is passed through it. Thus, the cord a c runs through the loop d, and b d through c ; and then drawn close by pulling at a and b. If the ends e and /be drawn, the knot will be loosed again. — Fig. Q, a Fisher's knot, or Water knot. This is the same as the 4th, only the ends are to be put twice through the ring-, which in the former was but once; and then drawn close. — Fig. 10, a Meshing knot, for nets ; and is to be drawn close. — Fig. 11, a Barber's knot, or a knot for cawls of wigs ; and is to be drawn close. — Fig. 12, a Bowline knot. When this is drawn close, it makes a loop that will not slip, as fig. 7 ; and serves to hitch over any thing. — Fig. 13, a Wale knot, which is made with the three strands of a rope, so that it cannot slip. When the rope is put through a hole, this knot keeps it from slipping through. When the three strands are wrought round once or twice more, after the same manner, it is called crowning. By this means the knot is made larger and stronger. A thumb knot, No. 1, may be applied to the same use as this. Knots mean also the divisions of the log line, used at sea. These are usually 7 fathoms, or 42 feet asunder; but should be 8| fathoms, or 50 feet. And then, as many knots as the log line runs out in half a minute, so many miles does the ship sail in an hour; supposing her to keep going at an equal rate, and allowing for yaws, lee- way, &c. KOENIG (Samuel), a learned philosopher and ma- thematician, was a Swiss by birth, and came early into eminence by his mathematical abilities. He was professor of philosophy and natural law at Franeker, and afterwards at the Hague, where he became also librarian to the stadtholder, and to the princess of Orange; and where he died in 1757. The Academy of Berlin enrolled him among her mem- bers; but afterwards expelled him on the following occa- sion. Maupertuis, the president, had inserted in the vo- lume of the Memoirs for 1746, a discourse on the Laws of Motion ; which Koenig not only attacked, but also attri- buted the memoir to Leibnitz. Maupertuis, stung with the imputation of plagiarism, engaged theAcademy of Ber- lin to call upon him for his proof; which Koenig failing to produce, he was struck out of the academy. All Europe was interested in the quarrel which this occasioned between Koenig and Maupertuis. The former appealed to the pub- lic; and his appeal, written with the animation of resent- ment, procured him many friends. He was author of some other works, and had the character of being one of the best mathematicians of the age. LAC [ 705 ] LAC L. T ABEL, a long thin brass ruler, with a small sight at J - i one end, and a central hole at the other; commonly used with a tangent-line on the edge of a circumftrentor, to take altitudes, and other angles. LACAILLE (Nicholas Lewis), an eminent French mathematician and astronomer, was born at Rumiguy in the diocese of Rheims, in 1713. His father having quitted the army, in which he had served, amused himself in his retirement with studying mathematics and mechanics, in which he proved the happy author of several inventions of considerable use to the public. From this example of his father, our author almost in his infancy took a fancy to mechanics, and at school discovered very early tokens of genius. In 1729 he came to Paris, where he studied the classics, philosophy, and mathematics. He afterwards studied divinity in the college de Navarre, with the view of embracing the ecclesiastical life: however he never en- tered into priest's orders, apprehending that his astrono- mical studies, to which he had become much devoted, might too much interfere with his religious duties. His attachment to astronomy soon connected him with the celebrated Cassini, who procured him an apartment in the observatory ; where, assisted by the counsels of this celebrated man, he soon acquired a name among the as- tronomers. In 1739 he was engaged with M. Cassini de Thury, son to M. Cassini, in verifying the meridian through the whole extent of France: and in the same year he was named professor of mathematics in the college of Maza- rine. In 1741 our author was admitted into the Academy of Sciences as an adjoint member for astronomy ; and had many excellent papers inserted in their Memoirs; be- side which he published several useful treatises, viz, Ele- ments of Geometry, Astronomy, Mechanics, and Optics. He also carefully computed all the eclipses of the sun and moon that had happened since the Christian aera, which were printed in the work entitled l'Art de verifier les Dates, &c, Paris 1750, in 4to. Healsocompiled a volume of astronomical ephemerides for the years 1745 to 1755; another for the years 1755 to 1765; and a third for the years 1765 to 1775 : as also the most correctsolar tables of any; and an excellent work en ti tied Astronomiajfundamenta novissimis solis et stellarum observationibus stabilita. , Having gone through a series of seven years' astrono- mical observations in his own observatory in the Mazarine college, lie formed the project of going to observe the southern stars at the Cape of Good Hope: being coun- tenanced by the French court, he. set out upon this expe- dition in 1750, and in two years he observed the places of about 10 thousand stars in the southern hemisphere that are not visible in our latitudes, as well as many other im- portant elements, viz, the parallaxes of the sun, moon, and some of the planets, the obliquity of the ecliptic, the re- fractions, &cc. Having thus executed the purpose of his voyage, and no present opportunity offering for his return, lie thought of employing the vacant time in another ar- duous attempt, namely that of taking the measure of the earth, as he had already done that of the heavens. This indeed had been done before by many learned men both in Europe and America; some determining the quantity of Vol. I. a degree at the equator, and others at the arctic circle ; but it had not yet been decided whether in the southern parallels of latitude the same dimensions obtained as in the northern. His labours were rewarded with the satisfac- tion he wished for; having determined a distance of 41 OS 14 feet from a place called Klip-Fontyn to the Cape, by means of a base of 3SS02 feet, three times actually measured : he discovered a new secret of nature, namely, that the radii of the parallels in south latitude are not of the same length as those of the corresponding parallels in north latitude. About the 23d degree of south latitude he found a degree on the meridian to contain 342222 Paris feet. Agreeably to the orders from the' court of Ver- sailles, he fixed the situation of the Isles of France and of Bourbon. While at the Cape, he observed a wonderful effect of the atmosphere in some states of it : though the sky at the Cape be" generally pure and serene, yet when the south-east wind blows, which is pretty often, it is attended with some strange and even terrible effects: the stars look larger, and appear to dance ; the moon has an undulating tremor; and the planets have asort of beard like comets. M. Lacaille returned to France in the autumn of 1754, after an absence of 4 years ; loaded, not with the spoils of the east, but with those of the southern heavens, before then almost unknown to astronomers. On his return, he first drew up a reply to some strictures which the cele- brated Euler had published relative to the meridian: after which he settled the results of the comparison of his ob- servations for the parallaxes, with those of other astrono- mers : that of the sun he fixed at 9|" ; of the moon at 56' 56"; of Mars in his opposition, 36"; of Venus 38". He also settled the laws by which astronomical refractions are varied by the different density or rarity of the air, by heat or cold, and by dryness or moisture. And lastly he showed an easy and practicable method of finding the lon- gitude at sea by means of the moon. His fame being now generally established, he was elected a member of most of the academies and societies of Europe, as London^Bologna, Petersburg, Berlin, Stockholm, and Gottingen. In 176O our author was attacked with a severe fit of the gout; which however did not interrupt the course of his studies; for he then planned a new and large work, in- tended as a history of astronomy through all ages, with a comparison of the ancient and modern observations, and the construction and use of the instruments employed in making them. Towards the latter part of 176l, his con- stitution became greatly reduced ; though his mind con- tinued unaffected, and he resolutely persisted in his studies to the last ; death only putting an end to his labours the 21st of March 1762, at 49 years of age; after having com- mitted his manuscripts to the care and discretion of his esteemed friend M. Maraldi. Besides the publications before mentioned, and perhaps some others also, he had a vast number of papers inserted in the volumes of the Memoirs of the French Academy of Sciences, much too numerous indeed, though very im- portant, to be here all mentioned particularly; suffice it therefore just to distinguish the years of those volumes in 4 X LAG [ 706 ] LAG which his pieces are to be found, by the following list of them, viz, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756", 1757, 175S, 1759, 1760, I/61, 1763; in all or most of which years there are two or three or more of his papers. LACERTA, Lizard, one of the new constellations of the northern hemisphere, added by Hevelius to the 48 old ones, near Cepheus and Cassiopeia. This constellation contains, in Hevelius's catalogue 10 stars, and in Flam- steed's 16. LACUNAR, an arched roof or cieling; more especially the planking or flooring above the porticos. LADY-Dny, the 25th of March, being the Annunciation of the Holy Virgin. LAGNY (Thomas Fantet de), an eminent French mathematician, was born at Lyons. Fournier's Euclid, and Pellt-tier's Algebra, by chance falling in his way, de- veloped his genius for the mathematics. It was in vain that his father designed him for the law; he went to Paris to deliver himself wholly up to the study of his favourite science; and in 1697, the Abbe Bignon, protector-general of letters, got him appointed professor-royal of hydrogra- phy at Rochefort. Soon after, the duke of Orleans, then regent of France, fixed him at Paris, and made him sub- director of the general bank, in which he lost the greatest part of his fortune in the failure of that establishment. He had been received into the ancient academy in 1696 ; on the renewal of which he was named associate-geo- metrician in l699, and pensioner in 1723. After a life spent in close application, he died, April 12, 1734. De Lagny particularly excelled in arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, in which he made many improvements and discoveries. He, as well as Leibnitz, invented a binary arithmetic, in which only two figures are concerned. He rendered much easier the resolution of algebraic equa- tions, especially the irreducible case in cubic equations; and the numeral resolution of the higher powers, by means of short approximating theorenu. — He delivered the measures of angles in a new science, called Goniome- try; in which he measured angles by a pair of compasses, without scales, or tables, to great exactness; and thus cave a new appearance to trigonometry. — Cyclometry, or the measure of the circle, was also an object of his atten- tion ; and he calculated, by means of infinite series, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, to 120 places of figures. — He gave a general theorem for the tangents of multiple arcs : with many other cu- rious or useful improvements, which are found in the great multitude of his papers, that are printed in the different volumes of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, viz, in almost every volume, from the year 1699 to 1729. LAGRANGE (Joseph Louis), a most illustrious ma- thematician and philosopher, was born at Turin, Nov. 25, 1736, and died at Paris, April 1813. His father was treasurer of war; but falling into poverty through unfor- tunate speculations, induced our author to endeavour to render himself distinguished in literature. His taste how- ever for mathematics did not appear early. He was pas- sionately devoted to Cicero and Virgil, before he could relish Archimedes and Newton. He soon however be- came an enthusiastic admirer of the geometry of the an- cients, which he at first preferred to the modern analysis. But a memoir which the celebrated Halley had composed to demonstrate the superiority of the analytic method, had the effect of teaching him his true path to glory. He de- voted himself to this new study with the same success that he had had to synthesis; and his application was so de- cided, that at the age of 16, he became professor of ma- thematics in the royal military school at Turin. The youth of the professor however had no effect in hindering the pupils, all older than himself, from profiting by his lessons. Some of them he distinguished as his' friends ; and this early association laid the- foundation of an important institution, the Academy of Turin, which published, in 1759, a first volume, under the title of Actes de la Societe Privee. In those acts it appears that the young Lagrange directed the philosophical researches of Cigna the anatomist, and the labours of the Chevalier de Saluces. He furnished to Foncenex the analytical part of his memoirs, leaving to him the task of developing the rea- soning upon which the formulas depended. But Lagrange, while he abandoned insulated theorems, published at the same time, under his own name, theories which he promised to develope further. Thus, alter giving new formulas of maxima and minima, in all cases, after having shown the insufficiency of the known methods, he announced that he would treat this subject, which he considered as important, in a work which he was preparing, in which would be de- duced, from the same principles, all the mechanical pro- perties of bodies, whether solid or fluid, thereby laying at the age of 23, the foundation of those great works which constitute the admiration of philosophers. Newton had undertaken to submit the motions of fluids to calculation, and had made researches on the propaga- tion of sound ; but his principles were insufficient, and his suppositions sometimes erroneous. Lagrange demonstrated this, and founded his researches on the known laws of dynamics, by considering only in the air the particles which are in a straight line, thereby reducing the problem to that of vibrating chords. He demonstrated, that, what- ever figure is given to the chord, the duration of the oscil- lations is always the same: a truth derived from experi- ment, but which Dalembert considered as very difficult, if not impossible, to demonstrate. He then passed to the propagation of sound, treated of simple and compound echoes, of the mixture of sounds, of the possibility of their spreading in the same space without interfering with each other, and demonstrated rigorously the generation of har- monious sounds Euler saw the merit of the new method, and adopted it as an object of his profoundest meditations; but Dalem- bert did not yield the point in dispute. In his private letters, as well as in his printed memoirs, he proposed nu- merous objections, to which Lagrange afterwards answer- ed. The first notice of Euler was to make Lagrange an associate of the Berlin academy. When he announced to him this nomination on the 20th of October, 1759, he said, " Your solution of the problem of isoperi metre's leaves nothing to desire; and I am happy that this subject, with which I have been almost solely occupied since my first attempts, has been carried by you to the highest degree of perfection. The importance of the point has induced me to draw up, with your assistance, wn analytical solu- tion of it. But I shall not publish it till you have pub- lished the sequel of your researches, that I may not de- prive you of any part of the glory which is your due." Dalembert considered it impossible to subject to calcu- lation the motions of a fluid inclosed in a vessel, unless LAG [ 707 ] L A « this vessel had a aertain figure. Lagrange demonstrated the contrary; except in the case when the fluid divides itself into different masses. But even then we may deter- mine the places where the fluid divides itself into different portions, and determine the motion of each as if it were alone. Dalembert thought, that in a fluid mass, such as the earth may have been at its origin, it was not necessary for the different beds to be on a level; butLagrange shows, that the equations of Dalembert are themselves equations of beds on a level. In combating Dalembert with all the respect due to a mathematician of his rank, he often em- ployed very beautiful theorems, for which he had been in- debted to his adversary. Dalembert, on his side, added to the delicacy of Lagrange. " Your problem appeared to me so beautiful," says he in a letter to Lagrange, " that I have sought for another solution of it. I have found a simpler method of arriving at your elegant formula." The Academy of Sciences of Paris proposed, at this time (176'4), as the subject of a prize, the theory of the libration of the moon, i. e. they demanded the cause why the moon, in revolving round the earth, always turns the same face to it, some variations excepted, observed by astronomers, and of which Cassini had first explained the phenomenon. The point was to calculate all the pheno- mena, and to deduce them from the principle of universal gravitation. Such a subject was an appeal to the genius of Lagrange, an opportunity furnished to apply his analy- tical principles and discoveries. The hope of Dalembert was not disappointed, and the memoir of Lagrange is one of his finest pieces. We see in it the germ of his Meca- nique Analvtique. Dalembert wrote to him : " I have read with as much pleasure as advantage, your excellent paper on the moon's librations, so worthy of the prize which it has obtained." This success encouraged the Academy to propose, as a prize, the theory of the satellites of Jupiter. Euler, Clairaut, and Dalembert, employed themselves about the problem of these bodies on the principle of the movements of the moon. Bailly applied the theory of Clairaut to the problem of ihe satellites, and it led him to some interesting results. But his theory was insufficient; the earth has only one moon, while Jupiter has four, which continue to act upon each other, and vary their positions in their re- volutions. The problem was one of six bodies : but La- grange attacked the difficulty and overcame it, demon- strating the cause of the inequalities observed by astrono- mers, and pointing out some others too trivial to be as- certained by observations. The shortness of the time allowed, and the multiplicity of the calculations, analy- tical and numerical, did not permit him to exhaust the subject entirely in a first memoir. He was sensible of this himself, and promised further results, which his other labours always prevented him from completing; but twenty-four years after, M. Laplace took up that difficult theory, and completed it. About the same time a problem of a different kind drew the attention of M. Lagrange. Fermat, a great ma- thematician, had left some remarkable theorems respect- ing the properties of numbers, which it seems he discovered by induction. He promised the demonstrations of them, but at his death no trace of them could be found. Many mathematicians employed themselves on the theorems of Fermat; but none were successful. Euler alone had pe- netrated into that difficult path ; but Lagrange, in demon- strating or rectifying some opinions of Euler, resolved a problem which gave him a key to all the others; and from which he deduced the complete solution of equations of the second degree, with two indeterminates which must be whole numbers. His residence at Turin was not agreeable to him. He saw no person who cultivated the mathematics with suc- cess. He was impatient to visit Paris. M. de Caraccioli, with whom he lived in the greatest intimacy, was appointed ambassador to London, and was to pass through Paris on his way, where he intended to spend some time. He pro- posed this journey to M.Lagrange, who accepted it with joy, and was received at Paris, as he had a right to ex- pect, by Dalembert, Clairaut, Condorcet, Fontaine, Nol- let, Marie, and the other mathematicians. Falling dan- gerously ill after a dinner, in the Italian style, given by Nollet, he was not able to accompany his friend to Lon- don, who was obliged to leave him in a furnished lodging under the care of an agent. This incident changed his projects, and he thought of returning to Turin, when he understood that the academy of Berlin was threatened with the loss of Euler, who in- tended to return to Petersburg. Dalembert suggested the idea of putting Lagrange in the place of Euler, and Euler himself pointed out Lagrange as the only man ca- pable of filling his place. Lagrange was therefore ap- pointed, and he received a pension of 1500 Prussian crowns, about 250/. with the title of director of the aca- demy in regard to the physico-mathematical sciences. Euler and Lagrange, in the place of Maupertuis, received only half his salary, but Frederick had no respect for the sciences, though he considered himself obliged to protect them as a king. Lagrange took possession of his new situation in 1765. He was well received by the king; but he soon perceived that the Germans do not like foreigners to occupy situa- tions in their country. He applied to the study of their language, and devoted himself to mathematics. " The king," said he, " treated me well; I thought that he pre- ferred me to Euler, who was something of a devotee, while I took no part in the disputes about worship ; and did not contradict the opinion of any one." It will not be expected that I should follow Lagrange in the important researches with which he filled the Ber- lin Memoirs; and even some volumes of the Memoirs of the Turin Academy, which was indebted to him for its existence. All the space that could be devoted to this biography, would be insufficient to give even an imperfect idea of his labours. Some of these memoirs are of such extent and importance, that they might pass for great se- parate works, yet they constituted a part only of what these 20 years enabled him to produce. He now com- posed his Mecanique Analytique, and he was anxious to have it printed at Paris ; but he experienced great diffi- culty in finding a bookseller who would undertake to pub- lish a work which, the more sublime the theory, thefewe'r readers would be found capable of appreciating. At length one was found, and the work was ably edited by M. Legend re, who was repaid by the esteem and the gra- titude of the author. The death of Frederick occasioned great changes in Prussia, and still greater were to be ap- prehended. Philosophers were no longer respected as heretofore, and these causes, with the approaching publi- cation of the Mecanique Analytique, were sufficient to bring him back to Paris. The successor of Frederick, though he did not much 4X2 LAG [ 708 ] LAG interest himself in the sciences, made some difficulty in allowing a philosopher to depart, whom his predecessor had invited, and whom he had honoured with his particu- lar esteem. After some delay, M. Lagrange obtained liberty to depart, but it was stipulated that he should still give some memoirs to the Berlin academy, and the volumes of 1792, 1793, and 1803, show that he kept his promise. In 1787 then, Lagrange returned to Paris, to take his seat in the Academy of Sciences, of which he had been a foreign member for 15 years. To give him the right of voting in all their deliberations, this title was changed into that of Veteran Pensionary. The queen treated him with regard, and considered him as a German. He had been recommended to her from Vienna; and he obtained, in consequence, a lodging in the Louvre, wheje he lived happy till the revolution. The satisfaction he enjoyed in his new residence, did not however appear outwardly. He was affable and kind when interrogated, but he spoke little, and appeared ab- sent and melancholy. In companies which must have been suited to his taste, among the most distinguished men of all countries who met at the house of the illustrious Lavoisier, he was seen musing, with his head reclined against a window, where nothing seemed to attract his attention. He acknowledged, himself, that his enthusiasm was gone, that he had lost even his taste for mathematics. When informed that any mathematician was employed on a particular object, " so much the better," he wouldvsay, " I had begun it, it will now be unnecessary for me to finish it." But he had merely changed the object of his studies. Metaphysics, the history of human nature, of different religions, the general theory of languages, medi- cine, and botany, divided his leisure hours. Surrounded by chemists who were reforming the theory and language of the science, he made himself acquainted with their dis- coveries, which gave to facts formerly isolated, that con- nexion which distinguishes the different parts of mathe- matics. In this philosophical repose he passed his time till the revolution, without adding anything to his mathe- matical discoveries. The revolution gave philosophers the power of making a great and difficult innovation in the establishment of a system of weights and measures, founded on nature, and perfectly analogous to the decimal scale of numbers. La- grange was one of the commissioners whom the Academy charged with the execution of that task, and he was one of its most ardent promoters, for he wished to see the de- cimal system adopted in all its simplicity. When the academy was suppressed, the commission charged with the establishment of the new system was in- terrupted for a time. In order to purify it, the names of Lavoisier, Borda, Laplace, Coulomb, Brisson, and De- lambre, were struck out. Lagrange was retained, as pre- sident ; though he could not help expressing his regret at the dismission of so many of his associates ; but unless the suppression had been total, it could scarcely have ex- tended to him. Besides, he was known to be wholly de- voted to the sciences ; he had no place either in the civil department or the administration ; and the moderation of his character had prevented him from expressing what he could not but lliink in secret. The horrors, however, attending the revolution, made a strong impression on his sensible mind. In a conversation with M. Delambre, the trary to every thing like justice, had thrown all lovers of the sciences into mourning, by cutting oft" the most illustrious philosopher in Europe, Lavoisier: " It has cost them but a moment," said he, " to cut off that head; but a hundred years perhaps will not be sufficient to produce another like it." Some months before they had had a similar con- versation in the cabinet of Lavoisier, on account of the death of the unfortunate Bailly. He lamented the dread- ful consequences of the dangerous experiment which the French had attempted. The projection of their plans of amelioration appeared to him no certain proofs of great- ness in the human mind : " If you wish tosee it truly great," added he, " enter into the cabinet of Newton, employed in decomposing light, or in explaining the sys- tem of the universe." For some time he regretted that he had not listened to the advice of his friends, who at the commencement of the troubles had recommended him to seek an asylum, which it would have been so easy to find. As long as the revo- lution seemed only to threaten the pension which he en- joyed in France, he had neglected that consideration, from a feeling of curiosity to be upon the spot of one of those great convulsions which it is always more prudent to observe at a distance. " It was your own choice," said he several times to himself. It was to no purpose that a special decree of the Constituent Assembly had ensured the payment of his pension, because the depreciation of the paper currency rendered it illusory. He had been named member of the board of consultation, appointed to examine and reward useful inventions, and he had been appointed one of the administrators of the Mint. This commission offered him few objects to fix his attention, and in no degree removed his apprehensions. It was again proposed to draw him to Berlin, and to restore him to his former situation, and he agreed to the proposal. Herault de Sechelles, to whom he applied for a passport, offered him, for greater security, a mission to Prussia; but Ma- dame Lagrange, his wife, would not consent to quit her country; a repugnance which at that time he considered as a misfortune, though it proved a source of fortune and new glory. The Norman school, of which he was named professor, but which had only an ephemeral existence, scarcely gave him time to explain his ideas respecting the foundation of arithmetic and algebra, and their application to geometry. The Polytechnic school, a happier idea, had a more du- rable success : and, among the best effects which it pro- duced, we may place that of having restored Lagrange to analysis. There he had an opportunity of developing those ideas, the germ of which was to be found in two memoirs published in 1772, and the object of which was to explain the true metaphysics of the differential and integral calcu- lus. He composed his Analytical Functions, and his Lec- tures on that Calculus, of which he published several edi- tions. He likewise published his Treatise on the Nume- rical Solution of Equations, with notes on several points of the theory of algebraic equations. The desire of multiplying useful applications induced him to undertake a new edition of the Mecanique Analy- tique. His project was to'dcvelope the most useful parts of it. He laboured on it with all the ardour and intellec- tual power which he could have applied at any period of his life. But this application occasioned a degree of fatigue which threw him into a fainting fit, and he was day after the atrocious and absurd sentence which, con- found in that statu by Madame Lagrange. Ilis head iu LAG [ 709 ] LAG falling had struck against the corner of a table, and the shock had not restored him to his senses. This was a warning to take more care of himself, and he thought so at first ; but he was too anxious to finish his work, the printing of which was not completed at the period of his decease. The first volume had appeared some time before his death. It had been followed by a new edition of his Fonctions Analytiques. So much labour exhausted him. Towards the end of March (1813) a fever came on, he lost his appetite, his sleep was uneasy, and his waking was ac- companied by alarming swoonings. He perceived his danger ; but, preserving his serenity, he studied what passed within him, and, as if he were assisting at a great and uncommon experiment, he bestowed all his atteution on it. Friendship conducted to his house, on the 8th of April, MM. Lacepede, Monge, and Chaptal, who wrote down the principal points of a conversation which was his last ; and the following passages, within inverted commas, are copied from the manuscript of M. Chaptal. " He received them with tenderness and cordiality. I was very ill, my friends (said he), the day before yester- day ; I perceived myself dying, my body became weaker, my mental and physical powers were gradually declining; I' observed with pleasure the gradual diminution of my strength ; and I arrived at the point without pain, without regret, and by a very gentle declivity. Death is not to be feared, and when it comes without violence, it is a last function which is neither painful nor disagreeable." He then explained to them his ideas respecting life, the seat of which he considered as spread over the whole body, in every organ, and all parts of the machine, which in his case became equally feebler in every part by the same de- gree. " A little longer, and there would have been no functions, death would have overspread the whole body, for death is merely the absolute repose of the body ; I wished to die," added he with greater force, " I found a pleasure in it ; but my wife did not wish it. I should have preferred at that time a wife less kind, less eager to restore in\ strength, and who would have allowed me gently to have finished my career. I have performed my task, I have acquired some celebrity in the mathematics, I have hated nobody, I have done no ill ; it is now proper to finish." As he exerted himself too much, especially in these last words, his friends, notwithstanding the interest with which they had listened to him, proposed to retire; but he re- tained them, and began to relate to them the history of his life, his labours, his success, his residence at Berlin, (where he had often told us what he had seen near a kin»,) of his arrival at Paris, the tranquillity he had enjoyed at first, the anxiety which he suffered during the revolution, and how he had been finally rewarded by a powerful monarch, capable of appreciating his worth, who had loaded him with honours and dignities, and who had even lately sent him the urand ribbon of the Imperial Or ler of Re-Union. And, it may be added, who, after having given him during his life the most unequivocal proofs of the highest esteem, has since, says M. Delambre, done more for his widow and his brother, than Frederick had done for him all the time he was director of his academy. He had been ambitious neither ot riches nor honour; but he had received both with respectful gratitude, and he re- joiced at the acquisition for the glory of the sciences. He had not lost all hope of cure; he believed only that his convalescence would be long. He offered, when he reco- vered his strength, to go and dine at M. Lacepede's coun- try-house, with MM. Monge and Chaptal, and proposed to give them details respecting his life, which could no where else be found. During this conversation, which lasted more than two hours, his memory often failed him; he made vain efforts to recover names and dates, but his discourse was always connected, full of strong thoughts and bold expressions. This exercise of his faculties wasted the whole remains of his strength. Scarcely had his friends left him, when he fell into a fainting fit, and he died two days after, on the 10th of April, 1813. Lagrange was of a delicate but good constitution. His tranquillity, his moderation, and an austere and frugal regimen, from which he rarely deviated, prolonged his life to the age of 76 years, 4 months, and 15 days. He was twice married : first at Berlin, for the purpose of being on a footing with the rest of the academicians, none of whom were bachelors. He afterwards married, in France, Mademoiselle Lemonnier, daughter of the cele- brated astronomer of that name. The countess Lagrange, daughter, grand-daughter, and niece,, of members of the Academy of Sciences, was deserving of the name which he gave her. This advantage, in her eyes, made up for the difference of their ages, and she soon felt for him the tenderest regard. He was so grateful that he could scarcely bear to be separated from her, and it was on her account alone that he felt anv regret at relinquishing life, ' S Though he had a venerable figure, indicating his excel- lent characteristics, he would never allow his portrait to be drawn. More than once, by a very excusable piece of address, persons have been introduced during the meeting of the Institute to take a sketch of him without his know- ledge. — Gentle and even timid in conversation, he took a pleasure in asking questions, either to draw out others, or to add their reflections to his own vast knowledge. When he spoke, it was always in a tone of doubt, and his first words usually were, "1 do not know." He respected the opinions of others, and was very far from laying down his own as a rule. Yet it was not easy to make him change them. Sometimes he even defended them with a degree of heat which continued to increase till he was sensible of some alteration in himself; he then immediately resumed his usual tranquillity. Among the master-pieces which the world owes to his genius, his Mecanique is the most remarkable and the- most important. His Fonctions Analytiques hold only the second place, notwithstanding the capability of the principal idea, and the beauty of the developements. A no- tation less commodious, and calculations more embarrass- ing, though more luminous, will prevent mathematicians from employing, except in difficult and doubtful cases, his symbols and names. It is sufficient that he has proved the legitimacy of the more expeditious processes of the differential and integral calculus, and he has himself fol- lowed the ordinary notation in the second edition of his Mecanique. This great work is entirely founded on the calculus of variations, of which he was the inventor. The whole flows from a single formula, and from a principle known before his time; but the utility of it was far from being suspected. This sublime composition includes all his preceding labours which could be connected with it. It is distinguished likewise by the philosophical spirit whifch reigns from one end of it to the other. The geo- metrical law of the celestial motions are deduced from L A L [ 710 ] LAM simple mechanical and analytical considerations. From sance des Temps, from the year 7 to 12, or 1799 to 1804, those problems, which serve to analyse the true system of contains his new catalogue of more than 12,000 stars the world, the author passes to questions more difficult and complicated, which show the extent of his resources. We see there his new theory of the variations of arbitrary constant quantities in the motion of the planets, which so much distinguished the Memoirs of the Institute, where it proved that the author, at the age of 75, had not sunk from the rank which he had filled during so long a period in the opinion of all mathematicians. Finally, it is remarked, that Legrange was successively the founder of the Academy of Turin, director during 20 years of the Berlin Academy, foreign associate of the Aca- demy of Sciences of Paris, member of the Imperial Insti- tute, and of the Board of Longitude ; and he was besides, senator and count of the empire, grand officer of the Le- gion of Honour, and Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of Re-Union. Abridged from Delambre's Eloge of Lagrange. LAKE, a collection of water, inclosed in the cavity of some inland place, of a considerable extent and depth ; as the lake of Geneva, &c. LALANDE (Joseph Jerome le Francais de), an eminent professor of astronomy in the college of France, was born at Bourg, in the department of l'Aix, July 11, 1732, and he died at Paris, April 4, 1807, in the 75th year of his age. He was intended for the bar, and went to Paris for the study of Jurisprudence, when the view of the observatory inspired him with notions which deranged his former plan, and became the ruling passion of his life. He was kindly received by the celebrated astronomer le Monnier, by whose lessons he made such a rapid advance, that at the age of 19 he was nominated commissioner from the Academy of Sciences, to go to Berlin, to deter- mine the parallax of the moon, while M. Lacaille was to perform the same operation at the Cape of Good-Hope. Soon after his return, he was appointed a member of the Academy of Sciences; from which time, every volume of their Memoirs contained some of his compositions, which were not limited to astronomical observations. He pub- lished the French edition of Halley's Tables, and the his- tory of the comet of 1759, besides furnishing Clairaut with many calculations for the theory of the same. Being charged in 1760 with the compilation of the Connoissance des Temps, he quite changed the form of the work, giving it that which it bears at present ; of which collection, he edited the 32 volumes from 1775 to 1807- In 1764 appeared the first edition of his great work, the Traite Astronomique, a classical work, which he has since perfected, in 4 vols 4to. He composed all the astronomical articles for the Yverdun Encyclopedia, and new cast the whole for the Encyclopedie Methodique. To his written instructions he joined, during 46 years, oral lessons. In 176l he succeeded Delille in the astro- nomical chair at the college of France. In the midst of his labours, he drew up his Voyage d'ltalie, his Trait* des Canaux, and his Bibliographic Astronomique, a vast catalogue of all the works which have appeared on this science. In 1802, M. Lalancle published the latter part of the new edition of Montucla's History of Mathematics, in 4 vols 4to ; most of the last two volumes being prepa- red from Montucla's papers, with the assistance of La- place, Lacroix, and other mathematicians. In the year 1793, he published Abrege de Navigation, containing many valuable rules and tables. The Connois- A few. years before his death, viz, in 1802, he published a small collection for the pocket, of Tables of Logarithms, Sines, and Tangents, on the plan of Lacaille, but much inferior. And during the latter years of his life, he pub- lished annually a concise history of astronomy for the current year, which exhibited a summary of the most re- markable facts, discoveries, and inventions connected with the subject. Lalande was certainly an excellent astronomer,' and an active promoter of that science; but he had very little taste, and a very confined knowledge of mathematics in general. He considered himself, however, as the father of the mathematical sciences generally, and at his death, he founded the prize of a medal, which the Institute an- nually awards to the author of the best astronomical me- moir, or the maker of the most curious observations. To the extraordinary ardour and activity of his character, he united a love for truth that approached the borders of fanaticism. To him every degree of concealment appear- ed unworthy of an honest man; and he therefore, without any reserve., uttered whatever might be his sentiments on all occasions. The high consideration which he obtained, would probably, with prudence and circumspection, have secured him an enviable respect to the end of his days : but the habit of speaking his mind, which he did not re- frain from in the most stormy times, and on topics when he might, and indeed ought to have been silent, together with his bluntness in sometimes opposing the established systems of others, animated against him a crowd of detrac- tors and enemies. His long and durable services in mat- ters of science, were thus in a measure forgotten o» ne- glected, in the contemplation of his dangerous specula- tions, and of the imprudent zeal with which he promul- gated his opinions. By his will, M. Lalande ordered his body to be dis- sected, and the skeleton to be placed in the Museum of Natural History. His relations however, regardless of the injunction, caused the body to be interred a few days after his death; on which occasion, the funeral was at- tended by the members of the National Institute. LAMBERT (John Henry), an eminent mathematician, was a native of Mulhausen, in Alsace, where he was born, April28, 1728. Hiseducation was rather confined, but he gave early indications of genius. At a very early period, he invented an arithmetical machine, a mercurial pendulum that vibrated for 27 minutes, arithmetical scales, and a machine for drawing in perspective. From 174S to 175fJ, he was employed as tutor to the grandsons of M. le comte de Salis, at Coire. In 1757, the tutor and his pupils had passed the year in Holland, and he there published his treatise on the passage of Light. They afterwards tra- velled to Paris, where he was introduced to Dalembert. In 1759, he published his Perspective at Zurich. From 1753 to 176'0, he had several pieces published in the Acta Helvetica. In 1759, his Photometry was printed at Augs- burg. In 1760, he collected the different pieces, still in a fugitive state, of his Novum Organum; but which was not published till 176'4. In 1761, his treatise on the Properties of the Orbits of Comets was printed at Augs- burg, lie was admitted a pensioner of the Berlin Aca- demy in 176'5 ; from which time, to his death, in 1777, he furnished many memoirs for the several volumes of that academy. — The scientific knowledge of this gentleman LAN r 711 ] LAN was very considerable ; and he had great independence of ciples which his new analysis was founded on, he applied it, in a variety of problems, to drawing tangents, and find- ing the properties of curve lines; to describing their in- volutes and evolutes, finding the radius of curvature, their greatest and least ordinates, and points of contrary flexure; to the determination of their cusps, and the drawing of asymptotes: and he proposed, in a second book, to extend the application of this new analysis to a great variety of mechanical and physical subjects. The papers which were to have formed this book lay long by him; but he never tound leisure to put them in order for the press. In the year 1766, Mr. Landen was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. And in the 58th volume of the Philo- sophical Transactions, for the year 1768, he gave a spe- cimen of a new method of comparing curvilinear areas; by means of which many areas are compared, that did not appear to be comparable by any other method : a circum- stance of no small importance in that part of natural phi- losophy which relates to the doctrine of motion. In the 60th volume of the same work, for the year 1770, he gave some new theorems for computing the whole areas mind, with a very warm and vivid imagination. LAMMAS-Day, the 1st of August; so called, accord- ing to some, because lambs then grow out of season, as being too large. Others derive it from a Saxon word, sig- nifying loaf-mass, because on that day our forefathers made an offering of bread prepared with new wheat. It is celebrated by the Romish church in memory of St. Peter's imprisonment. LAMPiEDIAS, a kind of bearded comet, resembling a burning lamp, being of several shapes; for sometimes its flame or blaze runs tapering upwards like a sword, and sometimes it is double or treble pointed. LANDEN (John), an eminent mathematician, was born at Peakirk, near Peterborough in Northamptonshire, in January 1719- He became very early a proficient in the mathematics, for we find him a very respectable con- tributor to the Ladies' Diary in 1744; and he was soon among the foremost of those who then contributed to the support of that small but valuable, publication, in which almost every English mathematician, who has arrived at any degree of eminence for the best part of that century, of curve lines, where the ordinates are expressed by frac has contended for fame atone time or other of his life. Mr Landen continued his contributions to it at times, under various signatures, till within a few years of his death. It has been frequently observed, that the histories of li- terary men consist chiefly of the history of their writings ; and the observation was never more fully verified, than in the present article concerning Mr. Landen. In the 48tb volume of the Philosophical Transactions, for the year 1754, Mr. Landen gave An investigation of some theorems which suggest several very remarkable properties of the Circle, and are at the same time of con- siderable use in resolving fractions, the denominators of which are certain multinomials, into more simple ones, and by that means facilitate the computation of fluents. In the year 1755, he published a volume of about I GO pages, entitled Mathematical Lucubrations. The title to this publication was made choice of, as a means of inform- ing the world, that the study of the mathematics was at that time rather the pursuit of his leisure hours, than his prin- cipal employment : and indeed it continued to be so, dur- ing the greatest part of his life ; for about the year 1762 he was appointed agent to Earl Fitzwilliam, an employment which he resigned only two years before his death. These lucubrations contain a variety of tracts relative to the rec- tification of curve lines, the summation of series, the find- ing of fluents, and many other points in the higher parts of the mathematics. About the latter end of the year 1757, or the beginning of 1758, he published proposals for printing by subscrip- tion The Residual Analysis, a new branch of the algebraic art: and in 1758 he published a small tract, entitled A Discourse on the Residual Analysis ; in which he resolved a variety of problems, to which the method of fluxions had usually been applied, by a mode of reasoning entirely new: he also compared these solutions with others derived from the fluxionary method; and showed that the solutions by his new method were commonly more natural and elegant than the fluxionary ones. In the 51st volume of the Philosophical Transactions, for the year 1760, he gave a new method of computing the sums of a great number of infinite series. In 1764, he published the first book of The Residual Analysis. In this treatise, besides explaining the prin- tions of a certain form, in a more concise and elegant man- ner than had been done by Cotes, De Moivre, and others who had considered the subject before him. In the 6lst volume, for 1771, he has investigated se- veral new and useful theorems for computing certain fluents, which are assignable by arcs of the conic sections; a subject which had been considered before, both by Mac- laurin and Dalembert; but some of the theorems that were given by these celebrated mathematicians, being in part expressed by the difference between an hyperbolic arc and its tangent, and that difference being not directly attainable when the arc and its tangent both become in- finite, as they will do when .the whole fluent is wanted, though such fluent be finite ; these theorems therefore fail in such cases, and the computation becomes impracticable without further help. This defect Mr. Landen removed, by assigning the limit of the difference between the hyper- bolic arc and its tangent, while the point of contact is sup- posed to be removed to an infinite distance from the ver- tex of the curve. And he concludes the paper by stating a curious and remarkable property relating to pendulous bodies, which is deducible from those theorems. In the same year he published Animadversions on Dr. Stewart's Computation of the Sun's Distance from the Earth. In the 6'5th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, for 1775, he gave the investigation of a general theorem, which he had promised in 1771, for finding the length of any curve of a conic hyperbola by means of two elliptic arcs: and he observes, that by the theorems there investi- gated, both the elastic curve and the curve of equable re- cess from a given point, may be constructed in those cases where Maclaurin's elegant method fails. In the 67th volume, for 1777, he gave a new theory of the motion of bodies revolving about an axis in free space, when that motion is disturbed by some extraneous force, either percussive or accelerative. At this time he did not know that the subject had been treated by any per- son before him, and he considered only the motion of a sphere, spheroid, and cylinder. After the publication of this paper however he was informed, that the doctrine of rotatory motion had been considered by Dalembert ; and on procuring that author's Opuscules Mathematiques, he there learned that Dalembert was not the only one who LAN [ 712 ] L A T had considered the matter before him; for Dalembert there speaks of a mathematician, though he does not men- tion his name, who, after reading what had been written on the subject; doubted whether there could be any solid whatever, besides the sphere, in which any line, passing through the centre of gravity, will be a permanent axis of rotation. In consequence of this, Mr. Landen took up the subject again; and though he did not then give a so- lution to the general problem, viz, " to determine the mo- tions of a body of any form whatever, revolving without restraint about any axis passing through its centre of gravity," he fully removed every doubt of the kind which had been started by the person alluded to by Dalembert, and pointed out several bodies which, under certain di- mensions, have that remarkable property. This paper is given, among many others equally curious, in a volume of Memoirs, which he published in the year 1780. That vo- lume is also enriched with a very extensive appendix, con- taining theorems for the calculation of fluents ; which are more complete and extensive than those that are found in any author before him. In 1781, 1782, and 1783, he published three small tracts on the summation of converging series ; in which he explained and showed the extent of some theorems which had been given for that purpose by De Moivre, Stir- ling, and his »ld friend Thomas Simpson, in answer to some things which he thought had been written injurious to the fame of those excellent mathematicians. It was the opinion of some, that Mr. Landen did not show less ma- thematical skill in explaining and illustrating these theo- rems, than he has done in his writings on original sub- jects; and that the authors of them were as little aware of the extent of their own theorems, as the rest of the world were, before Mr. Landen's ingenuity made it obvious to all. About the beginning' of the year 1782, Mr. Landen had made such improvements in his theory of rotatory motion, as enabled him, he thought, to give a solution of the ge- neral problem mentioned above; but finding the result of it to differ very materially from the result of the solution which had been given of it by Dalembert, ana 1 not being able to .see clearly where that gentleman in his opinion had erred, he did not venture to make his own solution public. In the course of that year, however, having procured the Memoirs of the Berlin Academy for 1757, which contain M. Euler's solution of the problem, he found 'that this gentleman's solution gave the same result as had been de- duced by Dalembert ; but the perspicuity of Euler's man- ner of writing enabled him to discover where he had dif- fered from'his own, which the obscurity of the other did not do. The agreement, however, of two writers of such established reputation as Euler and Dalembert made him long dubious of the truth of his own solution, and induced him to revise the process again and again with the utmost circumspection; and being every time more convinced that his own solution was right, and theirs wrong, he at length gave it to the public, in the 75th volume of the Phi- losophical Transactions, for 17S5. The extreme difficulty of the subject, joined to the con- cise manner in which Mr. Landen had been obliged to give his solution, to confine it within proper limits for the Transactions, rendered it too difficult, or at least too la- borious a task for most mathematicians to read it ; and this circumstance, joined to the established reputation of Eulcr and Dalembert, induced many to think that their solution was right, and Mr. Landen's wrong ; an'd there did not want attempts to prove it; particularly a long and ingenious paper by the learned Mr. Wildbore, a gentle- man of very distinguished talents and experience in such calculations; this paper is given in the SOth volume of the Philosophical Transactions, for the year 1790, in which he agrees with the solutions of Euler and Dalembert, and against that of Mr. Landen. This determined the latter to revise and extend his solution, and give it at greater length, to render it more generally understood. About this time also he met by chance with the late Frisi's Cos- mographise Physicae et Mathematicas ; in the second part of which there is a solution of this problem, agreeing in the result with those of Euler and Dalembert. Here Mr. Landen learned that Euler had revised the solution which he had given formerly in the Berlin Memoirs, and given it another form, and at greater length, in a volume published at Rostoch and Gryphiswald in 1765, entitled, Theoria Motiis Corporum Solidorum seu Rigidorum. Having therefore procured this book, Mr. Landen found the same principles employed in it, and of course the same conclu- sion resulting from them, as in M. Eulerjs former solution of the problem. But notwithstanding that there were thus a coincidence of at least four most respectable ma- thematicians against him, Mr. Landen was still persuaded of the truth of his own solution, and prepared to defend it. And as he was convinced of the necessity of explain- ing his ideas on the subject more Fully, so he now found it necessary to lose no time in setting about it. He had for several years been severely afflicted with the stone in the bladder, and towards the latter part of his life to such a degree as to be confined to his bed for more than a month at a time: yet even this dreadful disorder did not ex- tinguish his ardour for mathematical studies; for the se- cond volume of his Memoirs, lately published, was written and revised during the intervals of his disorder. This vo- lume, besides a solution of the general problem concerning rotatory motion, contains the resolution of the problem relating to the motion of a top ; with an investigation of the motion of the equinoxes, in which Mr. Landen has first of any one pointed out the cause of Sir Isaac New- ton's mistake in his solution of this celebrated problem; and some other papers of considerable importance. He just lived to see this work finished, and received a copy of it the day before his death, which happened on the 15th of January 1790, at Milton, near Peterborough, in the 71st year of his age. LANTERN (Magic). See Magic Lantern. LARBOARD, the left-hand side of a ship, when a per- son stands with his face towards the head. LARMIER, in Architecture, a flat square member of the cornice below the cimasium, and jets out farthest ; being so called from its use, which is to disperse the wa- ter, and cause it to fall at a distance from the wall, drop by drop, or, as it were, by tears; larme in French signi- fying a tear. LATENT Heat, is that which is insensible, inactive, dor- mant, &c. LATERAL Equation, in Algebra, is the same with simple equation. It has but one root, and may be con- structed by right lines only. LATITUDE, in Geography, or Navigation, the distance of a place from the equator; or an arch of the meridian, intercepted between its zenith and the equator. Hence the latitude is either north or south, according as the place is L A T £ 713 ] UT on the north or south side of the equator : thus London is said to be in 51° 31' of north latitude. Circles parallel to the equator are called parallels of latitude, because they show the latitudes of places by their intersections with the meridian. The latitude of a place is equal to the elevation of the pole above the horizon of the place: and hence these two terms are used indifferently for each other. This will be evident fromthe figure, where the circle zhqp is the meri- dian, z the zenith of the place, ho the horizon, eq the equator, and P the pole, then is ze the latitude, and po the elevation of the pole above the horjzon. And because pe = zo, .being each a quadrantal arc, if the common part pz be taken from both, there will remain the latitude ze = po the elevation of the pole. — Hence we have a method of measuring the circumference of the earth, or of determining the quantity of a degree on its surface ; for by measuring directly northward or south- ward, till (lie pole be one degree higher or lower, we have the number of miles in a degree of a great circle on the surface of the earth ; and consequently multiplying that by 360, will give the number of miles round the whole circumference of the earth. The knowledge of the latitude of the place, is of the utmost consequence, in geo- graphy, navigation, and astronomy; it may be proper therefore to lay down some of the best modes of determin- ing it, both by sea and land. 1st. One method is, to find the height of the pole, to which the latitude is equal, by means of the pole star, or any other circumpolar star, thus : Either draw a true me- ridian line, or find the times when the star is on the meri- dian, both above and below the pole ; then at these times, with a quadrant, or other fit instrument, take the altitudes of the star ; or take the same when the star comes upon your meridian line; which will be the greatest and least altitude of the star: then shall half the sum of the two be the elevation of the pole, or the latitude sought. — For, if abc be the path of the star about the pole p, z the zenith, and ho the horizon : then is ao the altitude of the star upon the meridian when above the pole, and co the same when below the pole ; hence, because ap = cp, therefore co 4- co = 2op, hence the height of the pole op, or lati- tude of z, is equal to half the sum of ao and co. 2d. A second method is by means of the declination 1 ' of the sun, or a star, and one meridian altitude of the same, thus: Having with a quadrant, or other instrument, ob- served the zenith distance zd of the luminary ; or else its altitude nd, and taken its complement zd; then to this zenith distance, add the declination d'E when the luminary and place are on the same side of the equator, or subtract it when on different sides, and the sum or difference will be the latitude ez sought. But note, that all altitudes observed, must be corrected for refraction and the dip of the horizon, and for the semidiameter of the sun, when that is the luminary observed. Many other methods of observing and computing the latitude may be seen in Robertson's Navigation ; see book 5 and book 9- See also the Nautical Almanac for 1771 ; and Mr. Brinkley's tables and rules for the same purpose, in the Nautical Almanac for the year 1797. Mr. Richard Graham contrived an ingenio.us instrument for taking the latitude of a place at any time of the day- See Philos. Trans. No. 435, ox my Abr. vol. 7. pa. 673. Vol. I. Latitude, in Astronomy, as of a star or planet, is its distance from the ecliptic, being an arch of a circle of latitude, reckoned from theecliptic towards its poles, either north or south. Hence, the astronomical latitude is quite different from the geographical, the former measuring from the ecliptic, and the latter from the equator, so t,hat this latter answers to the declination in astronomy, which measures from the equinoctial. The sun has no latitude, being always in the ecliptic ; but all the stars have their several latitudes, and the planets are continually changing their latitudes, sometimes north and sometimes south, cros- sing the ecliptic from the one side to the other ; the points in which they cross the ecliptic being called thenodes of the the planet, and in these points it is that they may appear to pass over the face of the sun, or behind his body, viz, when they come both to this point of the ecliptic at the same time. Circle of Latitude, is a great circle passing through the poles of the ecliptic, and consequently perpendicular to it, as the meridians are perpendicular to the equator, and pass through its poles. Latitude, of the Moon, North ascending, is when she proceeds from the ascending node towards her northern limit, or greatest elongation. LATiTUDE,IVort/i descending, is when the moon returns from her northern limit towards the descending node*. Latitude, South descending,is when she proceeds from the descending node towards her southern limit. Latitude, South ascending, is when she returns from her southern limit towards her ascending node. And the same is to be understood of the planets. Heliocentric Latitude of a planet, is its latitude, of distance from the ecliptic, such as it would appear from, the sun. — This, when the planet comes to the same point of its orbit, is always the same, or unchangeable. Geocentric Latitude of a planet, is its latitude as seen from the earth. — This, though the planet be in the same point of its orbit, is not always the same, but alters ac- cording to the position of the earth, in respect to the planet. The latitude of a star is altered only by the aber- ration of light, and the secular variation of latitude. Difference of Latitude, is an arc of the meridian, or the nearest distance between the parallels of latitude of two places. When the two latitudes are of the same name, either both north or both south, subtract the less latitude from the greater, to give the difference of latitude; but when they are of different names, add them together for the difference of latitude. Middle Latitude, is the middle point between two la- titudes or places ; and is found by taking half the sum of the two. Parallax of Latitude. See Parallax. Refraction of Latitude. See Refraction. LATUS Rectum, in Conic Sections, the same with pa- rameter ; which see. Latus Transversum, of the hyperbola, is the right line between the vertices of the two opposite sections; or that part of their common axis lying between the two opposite cones ; as the line de. It is the same as the transverse axis of the hyperbola, or opposite hyperbolas. Latus Primarium, a right line, DD,or ee, drawn through the vertex of the sec- tion of a cone, within the same, and pa- rallel to the base. 4- Y LEI [714 LEAGUE, an extent of three miles in length. A nau- ticalleague, or three nautical miles, is the 20th part of a degree of a great circle. LEAP- Year, the same as Bissextile ; which see. It is so called from its leaping a day more that year than in a common year; consisting of 366 days, and a common year only of 365. This happens every 4th year, except only such complete centuries as are not exactly divisible by 4; such as the 17th, 18th, 19th, 21st &c, centuries, because 17, 18, 10, 21, &c, cannot be divided by 4 with- out a remainder. To find Leap-Year, Ifc. Divide the number of the year by 4; then if remain, it is leap-year; but if 1, 2, or 3 remain, it is so many after leap-year. Or the rule is sometimes thus expressed, in these two memorial verses: Divide by 4; what's left shall be, For leap-year ; for past 1, 2, or 3. Thus if it be required to know what year 1814 is : then 4) 1314(453 2 remains : so that 2 remaining, shows that 1814 is the 2d year after leap-year. And to find what year 1816 is : then 4) 1816 (454 here remaining, shows that 18l6is a leap-year. LEE, a term in Navigation, signifying that side, or quarter, which is from the wind. Lee- Way, of a ship, is the angle made by the point of the compass steered on, and the real line of the ship's way, occasioned by contrary winds and a rough sea. All ships are apt to make some lee-way ; so that something must be allowed for it, in casting up the log- board. But the lee- way made by different ships, under similar circumstances of wind and sails, is different; and even the same ship, with different lading, and having more or less sail set, will have more or less lee-way. The usual allowances for it are these, as they were given by Mr. John Buckler, to the late ingenious Mr. William Jones, who first published them in 1702 in his Compendium of Practical Navigation. 1st, When a ship is close-hauled, has all her sails set, the sea smooth, and a moderate gale of wind, it is then sup- posed she makes little or no lee-way. 2d, Allow 1 point, when it blows so fresh that the small sails are taken in. 3d, Allow 2 points, when the top-sail must be close reefed. 4th, Allow 2\ points, when one topsail must be handed. 5th, Allow 3| points, when both topsails must be taken in. 6th, Allow 4 points, when the fore-course is handed. 7th, Allow 5 points, when trying under the mainsail only. 8th, Allow 6 points, when both main and fore-courses are taken in. 9th, Allow 7 points, when the ship tries a hull, or with all sails handed. When the wind has blown hard in either quarter, and shifts across the meridian into the next quarter, the lee- way will be lessened. But in all these cases, respect must be had to the roughness of the sea, and the trim of the ship. And hence the mariner will be able to correct his course. LEGS, of a Triangle. When one side of a triangle is taken as the base, the other two are sometimes called the legs. The term is more frequently used for the base and perpendicular of a right-angled triangle, or the two sides about the right angle. „ Hyperbolic Legs, arc the parts of a curve line that par- take of the nature of the hyperbola, or having asymptotes. LEIBNITZ (Godfrey-William), an eminent mathe- matician and philosopher, was born at Lcipsic in Saxony L E I in l6*6. At the age of 15., he applied himself te the study of the mathematics at Leipsic and Jena; and in 1663. maintained a thesis De Principiis Individuation^. The year following he was admitted master of arts. He read with great attention the Greek philosophers ; and endea- voured to reconcile Plato with Aristotle, as he afterwards did Aristotle with Descartes. But the study of the law was his principal view 5 in which faculty he was admitted bachelor in 1.665. The year following he would have taken the degree of doctor; but was refused it on pretence that he was too young, though in reality because he had raised himself several enemies by rejecting the principles of Aristotle and the schoolmen. On this he repaired to Altorf, where he maintained a thesis De Casibus Per- plexis, with such applause, that he had the degree of doc- tor conferred on him. In 1672 he went to Paris, to manage some affairs at the French court for the baron Boinebourg. Here he became acquainted with all the literati, and made farther and considerable progress in the study of mathematics and philosophy, chiefly, as he says, by the works of Pascal, Gregory St. A^incent, and Huygens. In this course, hav- ing observed the imperfection of Pascal's arithmetical ma- chine, he invented anew one, as he called it, which was approved of by the minister Colbert, and the Academy of Sciences, in which he was offered a seat as a member, but refused the offers made to him, as it would have been ne- cessary to embrace the Catholic religion. In 1673 he came over to England; where he became acquainted with Mr. Oldenburg, secretary of the Royal Society, and Mr. John Collins, a distinguished member of the Society ; from whom it seems. he received some hints of the method of fluxions, which had been invented, in 1664 or 1665, by the then Mr. Isaac Newton, which probably laid the foundation of his Differential Calculus. The same year he returned to France, where he resided till I676, when he again passed through England and Hol- land, in his journey to Hanover, where he proposed to settle. In 1700 he was admitted a member of the Royal Aca- demy of Sciences at Paris : and in the same year the elector of Brandenburg, afterwards king of Prussia, founded an academy at Berlin by his advice ; of which he was, appointed perpetual president, though his affairs would not permit him to reside constantly at that place. Besides the office of privy counsellor of justice, which the elector of Hanover had given him, the emperor appointed him, in 1711, aulic counsellor; and the czar made him privy counsellor of justice, with a pension of 1000 ducats. Leibnitz undertook at the same time to establish an aca- demy of sciences at Vienna ; but the plague prevented the execution of it. However, the emperor, as a mark of his favour, settled a pension on him of 2000 florins, and pro- mised him one of 4000 if he would come and reside at Vienna; an offer he was inclined to comply with, but was prevented by his death. The elector of Hanover being raised to the throne of Great Britain, Leibnitz visited that place the latter end of 1714, when he received particular marks of friendship from the king, and was frequently at court. He now was engaged in a dispute with Dr. Samuel Clarke, on the sub- jccVof free will, the reality of space, and other philoso- phical subjects ; which was conducted with great candour and learning; and the papers that were published by Clarke, will ever be esteemed by men of genius and learn- LEI r 715 ] L E M ing. The controversy ended only with the death of Leib- nitz, Nov. 14, 17l6, which was occasioned by the gout and stone, in the 70th year of his age. In person he was of a middle stature, and a thin habit of body. He had a studious air, and a sweet aspect, though near-sighted. He was indefatigably industrious to the end of his life: he ate and drank little : hunger alone marked the time of his meals, and his diet was plain and strong. He had a very good memory, and it was said could repeat the iEneid from beginning to end. What he wanted to remember, he wrote down, and uever read it afterwards. He was never married, nor ever seems to have entertained the idea but once, when he was about 50 years old ; and the lady desiring time to consider of it, gave him an opportunity of doing the same : he used to say, " that marriage was a good thing, but a wise man ought to consider of it all his life." Leibnitz was author of a great multitude of writings ; several of which were published separately, and many others in the memoirs of different academies. He invented a binary arithmetic, and many other ingenious matters. His claim to the invention of fluxions, has been spoken of under that article. Hanschius collected, with great care, every thing that Leibnitz had said, in different passages of his works, on the principles of philosophy ; and formed of them a complete system, under the title of G. G. Leib- nitzii Principia Philosophic more geometrico demon- strata &c, 1728, in 4to. A collection of our author's letters appeared in 1734 and 1735, entitled, Epis- tolae ad diversos theologici, juridici, medici, philo- , sophici, mathematici, historici, et philologici argumenti e mss. auctoris : cum annotationibus suis primum di- vulgavit Christian Cortholtus. But all his works were collected, distributed into classes by M. Dutens, and published at Geneva in 6 large volumes 4to, in 1768, entitled, Gothofredi Guillelmi Leibnitii Opera Om- nia &c. Leibnitzian Philosophy, or the philosophy of Leibnitz, is a system formed and published by its author in the last century, partly in emendation of the Cartesian, and partly in opposition to the Newtonian doctrine. In this philosophy, the author retained the Cartesian subtile matter, with the vortices and universal plenum ; and he represented the universe as a machine that should pro- ceed for ever, by the laws of mechanism, in the most per- fect state, by an absolute inviolable necessity. After Newton's philosophy was published, in 16187, Leibnitz printed an essay on the celestial motions in the Act. Erud. 1689, where he admits the circulation of the ether with Descartes, and of gravity with Newton ; though he has not reconciled these principles, nor shown how gravity arose from the impulse of this ether, nor how to account for the planetary revolutions in their respective orbits. His system is also defective, as it does not reconcile the circulation of the ether with the free motions of the comets in all directions, or with the obliquity of the planes of the planetary orbits; nor resolve other objections to which the hypothesis of the vortices and a plenum is liable. Soon after the period just mentioned, the dispute com- menced concerning the invention of the method of fluxions, which led M. Leibnitz to take a very decided part in opposition to the philosophy of Newton. From the goodness and wisdom of the Deity, and his principle of a sufficient reason, he concluded, that the universe was a perfect work, or the best that could possibly have been made ; and that other things, which are evil or incommo- dious, were permitted as necessary consequences of what was best : that the material system, considered as a per- fect machine, can never fall into disorder, or require to be set right ; and to suppose that God interposes in it, is to lessen the skill of the author, and the perfection of his work. He expressly charges an impious tendency on the philosophy of Newton, because he asserts, that the fabric of the universe and course of nature could not continue for ever in its present state, but in process of time would require to be re-established or renewed by the hand of its first framer. The perfection of the universe, in conse- quence of which it is capable of continuing for ever by mechanical laws in its present state, led M. Leibnitz to distinguish between the quantity of motion and the force of bodies ; and, while he owns, in opposition to Descartes, that the former varies, to maintain that the quantity of force is for ever the same in the universe ; and to measure the forces of bodies by the squares of their velocities. M. Leibnitz proposes two principles as the foundation of all our knowledge; the first, that it is impossible for a thing to.be, and not to be at the same time, which he says is the foundation of speculative truth ; and secondly, that nothing is without a sufficient reason why it should be so, rather than otherwise ; and by this principle he says we make a transition from abstracted truths to natural philo- sophy. Hence he concludes that the mind is naturally determined, in its volitions and elections, by the greatest apparent good, and that it is impossible to make a choice between things perfectly like, which he calls Indiscerni- bles ; whence he infers, that two things perfectly like could not have been produced even by the Deity himself: and one reason why he rejects a vacuum, is because the parts of it must be supposed perfectly like to each other. For the same reason too, he rejects atoms, and all similar parts of matter, to each of which, though divisible ad in- finitum, he ascribes a Monad (Act. Lipsias 1698, pa. 435) or active kind of principle, endued with perception and appetite. The essence of substance he places in action or activity, or, as he expresses it, in something that is be- tween acting and the faculty of acting. He affirms that absolute rest is impossible, and holds that motion, or a sort of nisus, is essential to all material substances. Each monad he describes as representative of the whole universe from its point of sight ; and yet he tells us,' in one of his letters, that matter is not a substance, but a sub- stantiatum, or phenomene bien fonde. See also Maclau- rin's View of Newton's Philosophical Discoveries, book 1, chap. 4. LEMMA, is a term chiefly used by mathematicians, and signifies a proposition, previously laid down to pre- pare the way for the more easy apprehension of the de- monstration of some theorem, or the construction of some problem. LEMNISCATE, the name of a curve in the form of the figure of 8. If we call ap, x ; pq, y, and the constant line ab or ac, a; theequationoy = x^/ici 1 — x 2 ), or (ry* = cfx 1 — .r 4 , expressing a line of the 4th degree, will denote a lemniscate, having a double point in the point a. There may be other lemuiscates, as the el- lipse of Cassini, &c ; but that above defined is the simplest of them. It easily appears that this curve is quadrable. 4Y2 For L E N [ 716 J L E N since ay = x*/(a z — x"), therefore the fluxion of the perpendicular ae. In the same manner, another ray fall- ing on B, at an equal distance on the other side of the curve or yk is = -£ ^/(a — x°) ; the fluent of which is ■s ! .(a 2 — x 2 ) * for the general area of the curve ; 3 3a v ' ° which, when x is = a, becomes barely |a = aqb. LENS, a piece of glass or other transparent substance, having its two surfaces so formed that the rays of light, in vertex c, and parallel to the former ray da, will be re- fracted into the same point t. And it will also be found, that all the intermediate parallel rays will converge to the same point, very nearly. On the other hand, if the rays fall parallel on the inside of this denser medium, as in the figure below, they will passing through it, have their direction changed, and made telK j f rom lne perpendicular ea/; and converge to a point to converge and tend to a point beyond the lens,_or to be- T j n the air, or any rarer medium. Also the ray incident come parallel after converging or diverging, or lastly to on B) a t the same distance from the vertex c, will converge diverge as if they had proceeded from a point before the to tne same place t, together with all the intermediate lens. Some lenses are convex, or thicker in the middle; parallel rays, others concave, or thinner in the middle ; while others are plano-convex, or.plano- concave ; and some again are con- vex on one side and concave on the other, which are call- ed meniscuses, the properties of which see under that word. When the particular figure is not considered, a lens that is thickest in the middle is called, a convex lens; and that which is thinnest in the middle is called a con- cave lens, without further distinction. These several c t, . , • .i jc„„,.„. Since therefore rays are made to converse when thev forms of lenses are represented in the annexed figure : ., . J - s *•? >-"*y r a . pass either from a rarer or a denser medium terminated by a convex surface, and converge again when they pass from the same medium convex towards the rarer, a lens which is convex on both sides must, on both accounts, make parallel rays converge to a point beyond it. Thus the parallel rays between a and b, falling on where a, b are convex lenses, and c, d, e are concave ones; also a is a plano-convex, b is convexo-convex, c is plano-concave, n is concavo-concave, and e is a me- niscus. In every lens, the right line perpendicular to the two surfaces, is called the Axis of the lens, as f g; the points where the axis cuts the surface, are called the Vertices of the lens ; also the middle point between them is called the Centre; and the distance between them, the Diameter. Some confine lenses within the diameter of half an inch; and such as exceed that thickness, they call Lenticular Glasses. — Lenses are either blown or ground. Blown Lenses, are small globules of glass, melted in the flame of a lamp or taper. See Micuospope. Ground Lenses, are such as are ground or rubbed into the desired shape, and then polished. For a method of grinding them, and description of a machine for that pur- pose, see Philos. Trans, vol. xli. pa. 555, or my Abr. viii, 451. Maurolyc first delivered something relative to the nature of lenses; but we are chiefly indebted to Kepler for ex- explaining the doctrine of refraction through mediums of different forms, the chief substance of which may be com- prehended in the cases following: • the convex surface of the glass AB, would in that dense medium have converged to t ; but that medium being ter- minated by another convex surface, they will be made more converging, and be collected at some place F, nearer to the lens. Again, to explain the effects of a concave glass, let ab be the concave side of a dense medium, the centre of con- cavity being at e. In this case, da will be refracted to- wards the perpendicular ea ; and so likewise will the ray incident at b; in consequence of which they will diverge from one another within the dense medium. The inter- mediate rays will also diverge more or less, as they recede from the axis tc ; which, being in the perpendicular, will so straight on. Let da be a ray of light falling on a convex dense me- dium, having its centre at E. When the ray arrives at a, it will not proceed in the same direction At; but it will If the rays be parallel within the dense medium, tlicy U. there bent, and thrown into a direction at, nearer the will diverge when they pass from thence into a rarer me- LEN [ 717 ] LEN rays, in proportion to their distance from the axis or cen- tral ray tc. „ y ■„,. ;. i„„d«„. ., ,, «*■„„ „i, h .„ , he ,„,„„«„„„ . f „r,r e ,ht° s teS™ * JKtat'rs glass, above that of the focus, is negative, which is the same distance taken the contrary way. Montucla vol 2 pa. 177. ' ' And from the principle above-mentioned, it will not be difficult to understand the application of lenses, in the rationale of telescopes and microscopes. And on these principles also is founded the structure of refracting burn- ing glasses, by which the sun's light and heat are exceed- ingly augmented in the focus of the lens, whether convex or plano-convex; since the rays, falling parallel to the axis of the lens, are reduced into a much narrower com- pass; so that it is no wonder they burn some bodies, melt others, and produce other extraordinary phenomena. In the Philos. Trans, vol. xvii. 960, or my Abr. iii, 593, Dr. Halley gives an ingenious investigation of the foci of rays refracted through any lenses, nearly as follows: .Therefore, if a dense medium, as the glass ab, be ter- minated by two concave surfaces, parallel rays passing through it will be made to diverge by both the sides of it. Thus the first surface ab will make them diverge as if they had come from the point t ; and with the effect of the second surface added to this, they will diverge as from a nearer point, f. It was Kepler, who by these investigations first gave a clear explanation of the effects of lenses, in making the rays of a pencil of light converge or diverge. He showed that a plano-convex lens makes rays, that were parallel to i\,s axis, meet at the distance of the diameter of the sphere o f convexity ; but that if both sides of the lens be equally convex, the rays will have their focus at the distance of the radius of the circle corresponding to that degree of convexity. But he did not investigate any rule for the foci of lenses unequally convex. He only says, in gene- ral, that they will fall somewhere in the medium, between the foci belonging to the two different degrees of convexity. It is to Cavalerius that we owe this investigation; who laid down this rule: As the sum of both the diameters is to one of them, so is the other to the distance of the focus. And it is to be noted that all these rules, concerning con- vex lenses, are applicable to those that are concave, with this difference, that the focus is on the contrary side of the glass. See Montucla, vol. 2, pa. 17 6 ; or Priestley's Hist, of Vision, pa. 65, 4to. On this principle it was not difficult to find the foci of pencils of rays issuing from any point in the axis of the lens; since those that are parallel will meet in the focus; and if they issue from the focus, they will be parallel on the other side. If they issue from a point between the focus and the glass, they will continue to diverge after passing the lens, but less than before; while those that come from beyond the focus, will converge after passing the glass, and will meet in a place beyond the opposite focus. This philosopher particularly observed, that rays which issue from twice the distance of the focus, will meet at the same distance on the other side. The most important of these observations have been already illus- trated by proper figures, and from them the rest may be easily conceived. Later optical writers have assigned the distances at which rays will meet, that issue from any other place in the axis of a lens; but Kepler was too much intent upon his astronomical and other pursuits, to pay much attention to geometry. Montucla gives the fol- lowing rule concerning this subject : As the excess of the distance of the object from the glass, above the distance of the focus, is to the distance of the focus ; so is this dis- tance, to the place of convcrgency beyond the glass. And Let bel, be a double convex lens, c the centre of the segment eb, and k the centre of the segment el; bl the thickness or diameter of the lens, and d a point in the axis ; it is required to find the point f, or focus, where the rays proceeding from d shall be collected, after being refracted through the lens at a and a, points very near to the axis bl. Put the distance da or db = d, the radius ca or cb=7-, and the radius Ka or ki = e; also the thickness of the lens bl = (, and m to n the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence dag to the sine of the re- fracted angle hag or cam ; or m to n will be the ratio of those angles themselves nearly, since very small angles are to each other in the same ratio as their sines. Hfince m is as the angle dag or dac, n is as the angle hag or mac, and because in this case the sides are as their opposite angles, therefore DC : da : : iDAC : Z.C, or d -+-r:d: :m: which is as the z.c; from this take n or the ^mac, d + r ' . . . dm — dn — m . , and there remains — — ■ as the /.m; hence again mdr ca : ma or mb, that is dm d + r ' = ma or MB; d + r which shows in what (to — 11) .d — nr point the rays would be collected after one refraction, viz, when nr is less than [m — n) . d. But when nr is = (m — n~) . d, the point would be at an infinite distance, or the rays will be parallel to the axis; and when nr is greater than (m — n) .d, then mb is negative, or m falls on the other side of the lens beyond d, and the rays still continue to diverge after the first refraction. The point m being now found, to or from which the rays proceed after the first refraction, and bm — bl being thus given, which call d, by a process like the former it follows that fl, or the focal distance sought, is equal to ; , •-■ — — -=/• And here, instead of d substituting, \m — 11) , D + mu ' ^ MB — LB Of the same theorem will become (mptlr — ndt + vprl) L E N i 718 t, and putting p for ■ _ , ] L E N — = /, the focal dis- mdr + md R — mpr R — (m — n) .dt + ml tance sought, in its most general form, including the thick- ness of the lens; being the. universal rule for the foci of double convex glasses exposed to diverging rays. But if * the thickness of the lens be rejected, as not sensible, the rule will be much shorter, viz, pdr R /. dr + i/R- prR ... If therefore the lens consist of glass, whose refraction is as 3 to 2, it will be ^ + *^*_ _ — jfl And if it be of wa- SdrR ter, whose refraction is as 4 to 3, it will be j r + dR _ 3rR = /. But, if the lens could be made of diamond, whose refraction is as 5 to 2, it would be ^ + 3rfR _ ;^ = /. , If the incident rays, instead of diverging, be converging, the distance db or d will be negative, and then the theo- rem for a double convex glass lens will be _ dr _ dR _ — nr _._?*? =/. in which case therefore the focus is dr + dR + 2rR always on the other side of the glass. And if the rays be parallel, as coming from an infinite distance, or nearly so, then will d be negative, as well as the terms in the theorem in which it is found; and there- fore the other term prR will be nothing, in respect to those infinite terms; and by omitting it, the theorem will be >2_ = '-PH. =/' «Je -^ =/for glass. dr+ dR r + R r-t-R And here if r == it, or the two sides-of the glass be of equal convexity, this last will become barely — or only r =/.the focus, which therefore 'is in the centre of the convexity of the lens. If the lens be a meniscus of glass ; then, making r ne- gative, the theorem is = /for diverging rays, The theorems for parallel rays, as coming from an in finite distance, take place in the common refracting teles- copes. And those for converging rays are chiefly of use to determine the focus resulting from any sort of lens placed in a telescope, between the focus of the object-glass and the glass itself; the distance between the said focus of the object-glass and the interposed lens being made = — d; while those for diverging rays are chiefly of use in microscopes, reading-glasses, and other cases in which near objects are viewed. It is evident that the foregoing general theorem will serve to find any of the other circumstances, as well as the focus, by considering this as given. Thus, for instance, suppose it be required to find the distance at which an ob- ject being placed, it shall by a given lens be represented as large as the object itself; which is of singular use in view- ing and drawing them, by transmitting the image through a glass in a dark room, as in the camera obscura, which gives not only the true figure and shades, but the colours themselves as vivid as the life. Now in this case d is =/, which makes the theorem become/>d>-R = dV-t- d z R—pdrR, and this gives d = . But if the. two convexities be- T + R , long to equal spheres, so as that r = r, then it is d = pi; or == 2r when the lens is glass. So that if the object be placed at the diameter of the sphere distant from the lens, then the focus will be as far distant on the other side, and the image as large as the object. But if the glass were a plano-convex, the same distance would be just twice as much. Again, recurring to the first general theorem, including t, the thickness of the lens; let the lens be a whole sphere; then t = 2r, and r = r ; and hence the theorem reduces mpdr — IrMr — 2rcpr J 2«d - — dr -t- dR -+- 2rR — 2rfrR dr - dR - 2*R dr + dR — arR dr — dR + 2rR 2rR 2rR —/for converging rays, /for parallel rays. and If the lens be a double concave glass, r and R will be both negative, and then the theorem becomes — 2drR ~ e T i — = / for diverging rays, always negative; dr + dR + 2rR a J J ° — -IdrR dr + dR — 2rK — 2rR :/ for converging rays; and — — = / for parallel rays. And here, if the radii of curvature r and u be equal, this last will be barely — r =/for parallel rays falling on a double concave glass of equal curvature. Lastly, when the lens is a plano-convex glass ; then, r buing infinite, the theorem becomes -1—L =/for diverging rays, 2dR =/ior converging rays, and 2r = / for parallel rays. ■ mpr = /• And here if d be infinite, the theorem contracts to mp — 2;j SB — m , , . — r or r =/; or for glass \r =f: showing 2ra 2m — 2k o-'.' o that a sphere of glass collects the sun's rays at half the radius of the sphere without it. And for a sphere of water, the focus is at the distance of a whole radius. For another example; when a hemisphere is exposed to parallel rays ; then d and r being infinite, and t = r, the theorem becomes r, = — r ==/. That is, in m m J — mn glass it is |r, and in water fr. Several other corollaries njay be deduced from the fore- going principles. As follows t 1st. That the thickness of the lens, being very small, the focus will remain the same, when cither side is exposed to the rays. 2d. If a luminous body be placed in a focus behind a lens, whether plano-convex, or convex on both sides; or whether equally or unequally so ; the rays become parallel after refraction, as the refracted rays become, what were before the incident rays. And hence, by means of a con- vex lens, or a little glass bubble full of water, a very in- tense light may be projected to a great distance. Which furnishes us with the structure of a lamp or latltern, to throw an intense light to an immense distance: for a lens, convex on both sides, being placed opposite to a concave minor, and a lighted candle or wick being placed in the common focus of both, the rays reflected back from the mirror to the lens will be parallel to each other; and after refraction will converge, till they concur at the dis- L E N [ 719 ] LEV tance of the radius, after which they will again diverge. But the candle being likewise in the focus of the lens, the rays it throws on the lens will be parallel; and therefore a very intense light meeting with another equally intense, at the distance of the diameter from the lens, the light will be surprising: and though it afterwards decrease, yet the parallel and diverging rays going a long way together, it will be very great at a great distance. Lanterns of this kind are of considerable service in the night time, to dis- cover remote objects. If it be required to have the light, at the same time, transmitted to several places, as through several streets, &e, the number of lenses and mirrors must be increased. 3. The images of objects are shown inverted in the focus of a convex lens: nor is the focus of the sun's rays any thing else, in effect, but the image of the sun inverted. Hence, in solar eclipses, the sun's image, eclipsed, as it is, may be burnt by a large lens on a board, &c, and exhibit a very entertaining phenomenon. 4th. If a concave mirror be so placed, as that an in- verted image, formed by refraction through a lens, be found between the centre and the focus, or even beyond the centre, it will again be inverted by reflection, and so appear erect; in the first case beyond the centre, and in the latter between the centre and the focus. And on these principles the camera obscura is constructed. 5th. The image of an object, delineated beyond a con- vex lens, is of the same magnitude, as it would be of, were the object to shine into a dark room through a small hole, upon a wall, at the same distance from the hole, as the focus is from the lens. — When an object is less distant from a lens than the focus of parallel rays, the distance of the image is greater than that of the object; otherwise, the distance of the image is less than that of the object : in the former case therefore, the image is larger than the object; in the latter, it is less. When the images are less than the objects, they appear more distinct and vivid ; because then more rays arc ac- cumulated into a given space. But if the images be made greater than the objects, they will not appeal distinctly ; because in that case there are fewer lays which meet after refraction in the same point; whence it happens, that rays proceeding from different points of an object, terminate in the same point of an image, which is (he cause of confusion. Hence it appears that the same aperture of a lens may be admitted in every case, if we would keep off the rays which produce contusion. However, though the image be then more distinct, when no rays are admitted but those near the axis, yet for want of rays the image is apt to be dim. 6. If the eye be placed in the focus of a convex lens, an object viewed through it, appears erect, and enlarged in the ratio of the distance of the object from the eye, to that of the eye from the lens, if it be near; but infinitely if remote. 7th. An object viewed through a concave lens, appears erect, and diminished in a ratio compounded of the ratios of the space in the axis between the point of incidence, and the point to which an oblique ray would pass without refraction, to the space in the axis between the eye and the middle of the object; and the space in the same axis between the eye and the point of incidence, to, the space between the middle of the object and the point to which the oblique ray would pass without refraction. Finally, it may be observed, that the very small magni- fying glasses used in microscopes, most properly come un- der the denomination of lens, as they most approach (o the figure of the lentil, a seed of the vetch or pea kind, from whence the name is derived ; but the reading glasses,' and burning glasses, and all that magnify, come under the same denomination ; lor their surfaces are convex, though less so. A drop of water is a lens, and it will serve as one ; and many have used it by way of lens in their micro- scopes. A drop of any transparent fluid, enclosed be- tween two concave glasses, acquires the shape of a lens, and has all its properties. The crystalline humour of the eye is a lens exactly of this kind ; it is a small quantity of a translucent fluid, contained between two concave and transparent membranes, called the coats of the eye; and it acts as the lens made of water would do, in an equal de- gree of convexity. LEO, the Lion, a considerable constellation of the northern hemisphere, being one of the 48 old constella- tions, and the 5th sign of the zodiac. It is marked thus Si, as a rude sketch of the animal. The Greeks fabled that this was the Nemsan lion, which had dropped from the moon, but being slain by Hercules, was raised to the heavens by Jupiter, in commemoration of the dreadful conflict, and in honour of that hero. But the hiero rif ,ing always higher above the true line of level, the farther il le distance is, this being called the Apparent Line of J^evel. Thus, CD is the height of the apparent level above the true level, at the distance bc or bd; also ef is the excess of height at E ; and gh at g; &c. The dif- ference, it is evident, is always equal to the excess of the secant of the arch of distance above the radius of the earth. The common methods of levelling arc sufficient for lay- ing pavements of walks, or for conveying water to small distances, &c : but in more extensive operations, as an Vol. I. levelling the bottoms of canals, which are to convey water to the distance of many miles, and such like, the difference between the true and the apparent level must be taken into the account. Now the difference CD between the true and apparent leve), at any distance bc or bd, may be found thus : By a well-known property of the circle 2ac h- cd : bd : : bd : CD ; or because the diameter of the earth is so great with respect to the line CD at all distances to which an opera- tion of levelling commonly extends, that 2a c may be safely taken for 2ac -+- cd in that proportion without any sen- sible error, it will be 2ac : bd : : bd : CD, which there- c .. ED 2 BC 3 ,,.,,.„ tore is = -— or — - nearly ; that is, the difference be- 2AC 2AC J tween the true and apparent level, is equal to the square bf the distance between the places, divided by the diame- ter of the earth ; and consequently it is always propor- tional to the square of the distance. Now the diameter of the earth beingnearly 7914 miles ; if we first take bc = 1 mile, then the excess — becomes ' 2AC —^ of a mile, which is S inches, the height of the appa- rent above the true level at the distance of one mile. Hence, proportioning the excesses in altitude according to the squares of the distances, the following table is obtain- ed, which shows the height of the apparent above the true level for every 100 yards of distance on the one hand, and for every mile on the other. Dif. of level, or CD. Yards. Inches. 100 0-026 200 0-103 300 0-231 400 0-411 500 0-643 600 0-925 700 1-260 800 1-654 900 2-081 1000 2-570 1100 3-110 1200 3-701 1300 4-344 1400 5-038 1500 ' 5-784 1600 6-580 1700 7-425 Dist. or BC Dif. of level, of CD. Miles. Feet. Inches. r. 0£ \ 2 3_ 4-£ 1 8 2 2 8 3 6 •1 10 7 5 16 7 6 23 11 7 32 6 8 42 6 9 53 9 10 66 4 11 80 3 12 95 7 13 112 2 14 130 1 By means of these tables of reductions, we can now level to almost any distance at one operation, which the ancients could not do but by a great multitude ; for, being unacquainted with the correction answering to par- ticular distances, they only levelled from one 20 yards to another, when they had occasion to continue the work to any considerable extent. This table will answer several useful purposes. Thus, first, to find the height of the apparent above the true level, at any distance. If the given distance be contained in the table, the correction of level is found on the same line with it : thus at the distance of 1000 yards, the cor- rection is 2 - 57, or two inches and a half nearly ; and at the distance of 10 miles, it is 66 feet 4 inches. But if 4Z L E V the exact distance be not found in thetahle, then multiply the square of the distance in yards by 2"57, and divide by 1,000,000, or cut off 6' places on the right for decimals, and the rest will be inches : or multiply the square of the distance in miles by 66' feet 4 inches, and divide by 100. 2ndly, To find the extent of the visible horizon, or how far can be seen from any given height, on a horizontal plane, as at sea, &c : Suppose the eye of an observer, on the top of a ship's mast at sea, be at the height of 1 30 feet above the water, he will then see about 14 miles all around. Or from the top of a cliff by the sea-side, the height of which is 66 feet, a person may see to the di- stance of near 10 miles on the surface of the sea. Also, when the top of a hill, or the light in a lighthouse, or such like, whose height is 130 feet, first comes into the view of an eye on board a ship ; the table shows that the distance of the ship from it is 14 miles, if the eye be at- the surface of the water; but if the height of the eye. in the ship be 80 feet, then the distance will be increased by near 11 miles, making in all about 25 miles, distance. 3dly, Suppose a spring to be on one side of a hill, and a house on an opposite hill, with a valley between them ; and that the spring seen from the house appears, by a le- velling instrument, to be on a level with the foundation of the house, which suppose is at a mile distance from it; then is the spring "8 inches above the true level of the house ; and this difference would be about sufficient for the water to be brought in pipes from the spring to the house. 4th, If the height or distance exceed the limits of the table : Then, first, if the distance be given, divide it by 2, or by 3, or by 4, &c, till the quotient come within the distances in the table ; then take out the height answering to the quotient, and multiply it by the square of the di- visor, that is by 4, or 9, or 16, &c, for the height re- quired : So, if the top of a hill be just seen at the distance of 40 miles; then 40 divided by i gives 10, to which in the table answers 66% feet, wlych being multiplied by 16, the square of 4, gives IO614 feet for the height of the hill. But when the height is given, divide it by one of these square numbers 4, 9> 16, 25, &c, till the quotient come ■within the limits of the table, and multiply the quotient by the square root of the divisor, that is by 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, &c, for the distance sought : So when the top of the peak of Teneriff, said to be almost 3 miles or 15,840 feet hit»h, just comes into view at sea ; divide 15,840 by 225, or the square of 1 5, and the quotient is 70 nearly ; which answers in the table, by proportion, to about lOf. miles; then multiplying 10f by 15, gives 154-f- miles, for the di- stance of the hill. On the Practice of Levelling. The operation of levelling is as follows. Suppose the height of the point a on the top of a mountain, above that of b, at the foot of it, be required. Place the level about the middle distance at D, and set up pickets, poles, or staffs, at a and b, where persons must attend with signals for raising and lower- [ 722 ] LEV there toraise or lower the mark, till it appear through the telescope, or sights, &c, at e : then measure exactly the perpendicular height of the point e above the point a, which suppose 5 feet S inches, set it down in your book. Then direct your sight the other way, towards the pole b, and cause the person there to raise or lower his mark, till.it appear in the visual line as before at c; and mea- suring the height of c above b, which suppose 15 feet 6 inches; set this down in your , book also, immediately above the number of the first observation. Then subtract the one from the other, and the remainder 9 feet 10 inches, will be the difference of level between a and B, or the height of the point a above the point b. It the point d, where the instrument is fixed, be ex- actly in the middle between the points a and b, there will be no necessity for reducing the apparent level to the true one, the visual ray on both sides being raised equally above the true level. But if not, each height must be cor- rected or reduced according to its distance, before the one corrected height is subtracted from the other; as in the case following. ing, on the said poles, little marks of paste- board or other matter. The level having been placed horizontally by the bubble, &c, look towards the staff ae, and cause the person y When the distance is very considerable, or irregular, so that the operation cannot be effected at once placing of the level; or when it is required to know if there be a sufficient descent for conveying water from the spring a to the point B ; it will be necessary to perform this at several operations. Having chosen a proper place for the first station, as at I, fix a pole at the point a near the spring, with a proper mark to slide up and down it, as l; and measure the distance from a to 1. Now the level being adjusted in the point 1, let the mark l be raised or lowered till it is seen through the telescope or sights of the level, and measure the height al. Then having fixed another pole at H, direct the level to it, and cause the mark g to be moved up or down till it appear through the instru- ment : then measure the height gh, and the distance from 1 to h ; noting them down in the book. This done, re- move the level forwards to some other eminence as e, from which the pole h may be viewed, as also another pole at d; and having adjusted the level in the point e, look back to the pole 11 ; managing the mark as before, till the visual ray will give the point F ; then measuring the distance he and the height HP, note them down in the book. And here turn the level to look at the next pole d, and the visual ray will give the point d ; there measure the height of d, and the distance eb, entering them in the book as before. And thus proceed from one station to another, till the whole is completed. But all these heights must be corrected or reduced by the foregoing table, according to their respective di- stances ; and the whole, both distances and heights, with their corrections, entered in the book in the following manner. L E V [ 723 ] LEV Buck-rights. Fore-sialtts. Dists. yds EB 000 2165 2590 Dis .-1755 His. ft. 27 6 6-1 20 n-i 21 o-s Having summed up all the columns, add those of the distances together, and the whole distance from a to b is 4755 yards, or 2 miles ,and 3 quarters nearly. Then, the sums of the corrections taken from the sums of the apparent heights, leave the two corrected heights; the one of which being taken from the other, leaves 5 feet If) inc. for the true difference of level sought between the two places a and b, which is at the rate of an inch and half nearly to every 100 yards, a quantity more than suffi- cient to cause the water to run from the spring to the house. Or, the operation may be otherwise performed, thus : Instead of placing the level between every two poles, and taking both back-sights and fore-sights; plant it first at the spring a, and thence observe the level to the first pole; then remove it to this pole, and observe the 2d pole ; next move it to the 2d pole, and observe the 3d pole ; and so on, from one pole to another, always taking forward sights or observations only. Then at the last, add all the corrected heights together, and the sum will be the whole difference of level sought. Dr. Halley suggested a new method of levelling, per- formed wholly by means of the barometer, the mercury being suspended at so much the less height, as the place is farther remote from the centre of the earth ; and hence the different heights of the mercury in two places, give the difference of level. This method is, in fact, no other than the method of measuring altitudes by the barometer, which has lately been so successfully practised and per- fected by M. Deluc and others; but though it serves very well for the heights of hills, and other considerable alti- tudes, it is not accurate enough for determining small al- titudes, to inches and parts. See the Barometrical Mea- surement of Altitudes. Levelling Poles, or Staves, are instruments used in levelling, for carrying the marks to be observed, and at the same time to measure the heights of those marks from the "round. They usually consist each of two long wooden rulers, made to slide over each other, and divided into feet and inches, &c. LEVER, a straight bar of iron or wood, &c, supposed to be inflexible, supported on a fulcrum or prop by a single point, about which all the parts are moveable. The lever is the first of those simple machines called mecha- nical powers, being the simplest of them all ; and is chiefly used for raising great weights to small heights. The lever is of three kinds. First the common sort, where the weight intended to be raised is at one end of it,- our strength or another weight called the power is at the other end, and the prop or fulcrum is between them both. In stirring up the fire with a poker, we make use of this lever ; the poker is the lever, it rests on one of the bars of the grate as a prop, the incumbent fuel is the weight to be overcome, and the pressure of the hand on the other end is the force or power. In this,.as in all the other machines, we have only to increase the distance between the force and the prop, or to decrease the di- stance between the weight and the prop, to give the ope- rator the greater power or effect. To this kind of lever may also be referred all scissars, pincers, snuffers, &c. The steel-yard and the common balance are also levers of this kind. In the lever of the 2d kind the prop is at one end, the force or power at the other, and the weight to be raised is between them. Thus, in raising a -water-plug in the streets, the workman puts his iron bar or lever through the ring or hole of the plug, till the end of it reaches the ground on the other side; then making that the prop, he lifts the plug by his force or strength applied at the other end of the lever. In this levertoo, the nearer the weight is to the prop, or the farther the power from the prop, the greater is the effect. To this 2d kind of lever may also be referred the oars and rudder of a boat, the masts of a ship, cutting knives fixed at one end, and doors, whose hinges serve as a fulcrum. In the lever of the third kind, the power acts between the weight and the prop; such as a ladder raised by a man somewhere between the two ends, to rear it against a wall, or a pair of tongs, &c. *\ JL It is by this kind of lever also that the muscular mo- tions of animals are performed, the muscles being inserted much nearer to the centre of motion, than the point where is placed the centre of gravity of the weight to be raised ; so that the power of the muscle is many times greater than the weight it is able to sustain. And in this third kind of lever, to produce a balance between the power and weight, the power or force must exceed the weight, in the same proportion as it is nearer the prop than the weight is ; whereas, in the other two kinds, the power is less than the weight, in the same proportion as its distance is greater; that is, universally, the power and weight air 4 Z2 LEV I 72* ] LEV each of them reciprocally as their distance from the prop; found that this demonstration serves also for the other as is demonstrated below. kinds of levers, by drawing the lines as directed. Hence, Some authors make a 4th kind, of what is called a if any given force p be applied to a lever at a ; its effect bended lever; such as a hammer in drawing a nail, &c. upon the lever, to turn it about the centre of motion c, is In all levers, the universal property is, that the effect as the length of the arm ca, and the sine of the angle of of either the weight or the power, to turn the lever about direction cae. For the perp. ce is as ca x sin. Z. a. the fulcrum, is directly as its force and its distance from It having been objected to the principle of this demon- the orop, that is as df, where d denotes the distance, and stration, that it inferred the stability of the lever, or the /the force, strength, or weight, &c, of the agent. For line pw, from the theorem that three forces meeting in a since it is proved that at a double distance it will have a point, and keeping that point, or a body there, stable or double effect, at a triple distance a triple effect, and so fixed, are proportional to the three sides of a, triangle on ; also since a double force produces a double effect, a which are parallel to their directions ; which is a miscon- triple force a triple effect, and so on ; therefore universally ception. For, it is only meant that the point o is stable the effect is as df the product of the two. In like manner, by that theorem. As to the stability of the lever pw,that ifD be the distance of another power or agent, whose in- is inferred from its being perp. to the given line oc, and tensity is F, then is df the effect of this also to move the limited by the two lines op, ow, given in position. — Since lever. And if these two agents act against each other on the time when the above demonstration was printed in the the lever, and their effects be supposed equal, or the first edition of this Dictionary, I have seen another similar lever kept in equilibrio by the equal and contrary effects one that had been given in Dr. Hamilton's Essays. of these two agents ; then is df = df, which equation re- In any analogy, because the product of the extremes is solves into this analogy, viz, D : d : if : F ; that is, the equal to that of the means ; therefore the product of the distances of the agents from the prop, are reciprocally or power by the distance of its direction is equal to the pro- inversely as their forces, or the power is to the weight, as duct of the weight by the distance of its direction. That the distance of the latter from the prop is to the distance i s> p x ce = w x cd. of the former. If the lever, with the two weights fixed to it, be made Writers on mechanics commonly demonstrate this pro- to move about the centre c ; the momentum of the power portion in a very absurd manner, viz, by supposing the w jll be equal to that of the weight; and the weights will lever put into motion about the prop, and then inferring be reciprocally proportional to their velocities, that, because the momenta of two bodies are equal, when When the two forces act perpendicularly on the lever, as two weights &c ; then, in case of an equilibrium, E coincides with p, and d with w ; and the distances ci>, cw, taken on the lever, or the distances of the power and weight, from the fulcrum, are reciprocally proportional to the power and weight. In a straight lever, when kept in equilibrio by a weight and power acting perpendicularly upon it ; then, of these three, the power, weight, and pressure on the prop, any one is as the distance of the other two. And hence too p +'w : P :': ed : CD, and r ■+- w : w : : ed : cp; that is, the sum of the weights is to either of them, as the sum of their distances is to the distance of the other. placed upon the lever at such distances, that these dis- tances are reciprocally proportional to the weights of the bodies, and that therefore this is also the proportion in case of an equilibrium; which is an attempt absurdly to demonstrate a thing, supposing the contrary, that a body is at rest, by supposing it to be in motion. I shalLthere- fore give here a universal demonstration of the property, on the pure principles of rest and pressure, or force only. Thus, let pw be a lever, c the prop, and p and w any two forces acting on the lever at the points p and w, in the direc- tions po, wo ; then if ce and cd be the perpendicular distances of the directions of these forces from the prop c, it is to be demonstrated that p : w : : cd : ce. In order to which join co, and draw cb parallel to wo, ° and cf parallel to po. Then will co, the perpendicular to pw, be the direction of the pressure on the prop, other- wise there could be no equilibrium, for the directions of three forces that keep each other in equilibrium, must ne- cessarily meet in the same point. And because any three forces that keep each other in equilibrium, are propor- tional to the three sides of a triangle formed bv drawing lever, and keep it in equilibrio ; then the sum oi the pro- lines parallel to the directions of these forces /therefore ducts on one side of the prop, will be equal to the sum on the forces on p, c, and w, are as the three lines no, co, the other side, made by multiplying each weight by its cb, which are in the same direction, or parallel to them ; distance from the prop; viz, p . ac + Q . bc _ n . dc + s . that is, the force p is to the force w, as bo or its equal cf ec + &c is to cb. But the two triangles cdf, ceb are equiangular, and have their like sides proportional, viz, cf : cb : : CD : ce; and because it was cf : cb : : p : w ; therefore by equality p : w : : cd : ce ; that is, each force is reciprocally proportional to the dis- tance of its direction from the fulcrum. And it will be 6, ©a. Also, if several weights P, q, r, s, &c, act on a straight Hitherto the lever has been considered as a mathema- tical line void of weight or gravity. But when its weight is considered, it is to be done thus: Find the weight and the centre of gravity of the lever alone, and then consider it as a mathematical line, but having an equal weight sus- pended by that centre of gravity ; and so combine its effect with those of the other weights, as above. L E Y [ 7.25 ] L I B On the foregoing principles depends the nature of scales and beams for weighing all bodies. For, if the distances be equal, then will the weights be equal also ; which gives the construction of the common scales. And the Roman statera, or steel-yard, is also a lever, but of unequal arms or distances, so contrived that one weight only may serve to weigh a great many, by sliding it backwards and for- wards to different distances upon the longer arm of the lever. See Balance, &c. Also, on the principle of the lever depend almost all other mechanical powers and effects. See Wheel-asd- 1 axle, Pulley, Wedge,. Screw, &c. LEVITY, the privation or want of weight in any body, when compared with another that is heavier ; in which sense it stands opposed to gravity. Thus cork, and most sorts of wood that float in water, have levity with respect to water, that is, are less heavy. The schools maintained that there was such a thing as positive and absolute le- vity; and to this they imputed the rise and buoyancy of bodies lighter in specie than the bodies in which they rise and float. But it is now well known that this happens only in consequence of the heavier and denserfluid, which, by its superior gravity, gains the lowest place, and raises up the lighter body by a force which is equal to the dif- ference of their gravities. It was demonstrated by Archi- medes, that a solid body will float any-where in a fluid of the same specific gravity as itself; and that a lighter body will always be raised up in it. LEUWENHOEK (Antony), a celebrated Dutch phi- losopher, was born at Delft in 1632; and acquired a great reputation throughout all Europe, by his experi-. ments and discoveries in natural history, by means of the miscroscope. He particularly excelled in making glasses for microscopes and spectacles; and he was a member of most of the literary societies of Europe; to whom he sent many memoirs. Those in the Philosophical Trans- actions, and in the Paris Memoirs, extend through many volumes ; the former were extracted, and publish- ed at Leyden, in 1722. He died in 1723, at 91 years of age. LEYBOURN (William), a respectable and very useful mathematician, of the 17th century, died about the year 1690. He was, it seems, originally a printer in London; but by industry became a considerable proficient in ma- thematics, and published a number of very useful and po- pular books, on the practical parts of those sciences. Those of them that are in my possession, are the follow- ing: 1. Compleat Surveyor, in folio, J6>53, afterwards re-published and improved by Cunn. — 2. Nine Geome- trical Exercises, in 4to, 1669- — 3. Dialling, in 4to, 16S7; the same in folio, 1700. — 4. Cursus Mathematicus, 2 vols folio, 1690, then held in much esteem. — 5. Recreations, in folio, 1694. — 6. Arithmetic, 8vo, 1700. — 7. On the Gunter's Quadrant, 12mo, 1731. There may be other edi- tions of these works, and probably earlier ones of several of them, as well as of other works which I have not seen, such as one entitled the Trader's Guide. LEYDEN Piiial, in Electricity, is a glass phial or jar, coated both within and without with tin-foil, or some other conducting substance, that it may be charged, and thus employed in a variety of useful and entertaining ex- periments. Or even flat glass, or any other shape, so coated and used, has also received the same denomination. Also a vacuum produced in such a jar, &c, has been Mamed the Leyden Vacuum. The Leyden phial has been so called, because it is said that M. Cunseus, a native of Leyden, first contrived, about the close of the year 1745, to accumulate the electrical power in glass, and to use it in the same manner as at present. But Dr. Priestley asserts that this discovery was first made by Von Kleist, dean of the cathedral in Camin; who, on the 4th of November 1745, sent an account of it to Dr. Lieberkuhn at Berlin : hqwever, those tp whom Kleist's account was communicated, could not succeed in performing his experiments. The chief circumstances of this discovery are slated by Dr. Priestley in his Hist, of Electricity, vol. 1, pa. 191, &c. LIBRA. See Balance. Libra is aiso one of the 4S old constellations, and the 7th sign of the zodiac, being opposite to Aries, and marked like a part of a pair of scales, thus =£>:. The figure of the balance was probably given to this part of the ecliptic, because when the sun arrives at this part, which is at the time of the autumnal equinox, the days and nights are equal, as if weighed in a balance. The stars in this con- stellation are, according to Ptolemy 17, Tycho 10, Heve- lius 20, and Flamsteed 51. Libra also denotes the ancient Roman pound, which was divided into 12 unciae, or ounces, and the ounce into 24 scruples. It seems the mean weight of the scruple was nearly equal to 17! grains Troy, and consequently the libra, or pound, equal to 5040 grains. It was also the name of a gold coin, equal in value to 20 denarii. See Philos. Trans, vol. 6l, pa. 462. The French livre is derived from the Roman libra, as this was from the Sicilians, who called it litra. This was used in France for the proportions of their coin till about the year 1100, their sols being so proportioned as that 20 of them were equal to the libra. By degrees it became a term of account, and every thing of the value of 20 sols was called a livre. LIBRATION, of the Moon, is an apparent irregularity in her motion, by which she seems to librate, or waver, about her own axis, at one time towards the east, and at another towards the west. See Moon, and Evection. Hence it is that some parts, near the moon's western edge, at one time recede from the centre of the disc, while those on the other or eastern side approach nearer to it; and, on the contrary, at another time the western parts are seen to be nearer the centre, and the eastern parts farther from it: by which means it happens that some of those parts, which were before visible, set and hide themselves in the hinder orinvisible side of the moon, and afterwards return and appear again, on the nearer or visible side. This libration of the moon was first discovered by He- velius, in the year l6"54; and it is owing to her equable rotation round her own axis, once in a month, in conjunc- tion with her unequal motion in the perimeter of her orbit round the earth. For if the moon moved in a circle, having its centre coinciding with the centre of the earth, while it turned on its axis in the precise time of its period round the earth, then the plane of the same lunar meri- dian would always pass through the earth, and the same face of the moon would be constantly and exactly turned towards us. But since the real motion of the moon is about a point at a considerable distance from the centre of the earth, that motion is very unequal, as seen from hence, the plane of no one meridian constantly passing through the earth. The libration of the moon is of three kinds. L I V [ 726 ] L I F 1st, Her libration in longitude, or a seeming vibrating motion according to the order of the signs of the zodiac. This libration is nothing twice in each periodical month, viz, when the moon is in her apogcum, and when in her perigeum ;-for in both these cases the plane of her meri- dian, which is turned towards us, is directed alike towards the earth. 2d, Her libration in latitude; which arises from hence, that her axis not being perpendicular to the plane of her orbit, but inclined to it, sometimes one- of her poles, and sometim.es the other will decline, as it were, or dip a little towards the earth, and consequently she will appear to li- brate a little, and to show sometimes more of her spots, and sometimes less of them, towards each pole; Which libration, depending oil the position of tin- moon, in re- spect to the 'nodes of ner orbit, and her axis being nearly perpendicular to the plane ot the ecliptic, is very properly said to be in latitude : and this also is completed in the space of the moon's periodical month, or rather while the moon is returning again to the same position, in respect of her nodes. 3d, There is also a third kind of libration; by which it happens that though another part of the moon be not reall) turned to the earth, as in the former libration, yet another is illuminated by the sun. For since the moon's axis is nearly perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, when she is most southerly, in respect of the north pole of the ecliptic, some parts near to it will be illuminated by the sun; while, on the contrary, the south pole will be in darkness. In this case therefore, if the sun be in the same line with the moon's southern limit, then, as she proceeds from conjunction with the sun towards her ascending node, she will appear to dip her northern polar, parts a little into the dark hemisphere, and to raise her southern polar parts as much into' the light one : and the contrary to this will happen two weeks after, while the new moon is descending from her northern limit; for then her nor- thern polar parts will appear to emerge out of darkness, and the southern polar parts to dip into it: which seeming libration, or rather these effects of the former libration in latitude, depending on the light of the sun, will be com- pleted in the moon's synodical month. Greg. Astrsn. lib. 4-, sect. 10. Libration of the Earth, is a term applied by some astronomers to that motion, by which the earth is so re- tained in its orbit, that its axis -continues constantly pa- rallel to the axis of the world. This Copernicus calls the motion of libration, which may be thus illustrated : Sup- pose a globe, with its axis parallel to that of the earth, painted on a flag at the head of a mast, moveable on its axis, and constantly driven by an east wind, while it sails round an island, it is evident that the painted globe will be so librated, as that its axis will be parallel to that of the world, in every situation of the ship. LIFE-ANNUITIES, are such periodical payments as depend on the continuance of some particular life or lives; and they may be distinguished into annuities that commence immediately, and such as commence at some future period, called reversionary life-annuities. The value, or present worth, of an annuity for any pro- posed life or lives, it is evident, depends on two circum- stances, the interest of money, and the chance or expec- tation of the continuance of life. On the former only, it has been shown, under the article Annuities, depends the value or present worth of an annuity certain, or that is not subject to the continuance of a life, or othei con- tingency ; but the expectation of life being a thing not certain, but only possessing a certain chance, ii ib evident that the value of the certain annuity, as stated above, must be diminished in proportion as the expectancy is be- low' certainly : thus, if the present value of an annuity certain be any sum, as suppose 100/. and the value or ex- pectancy of the life be f, then the value of the life-an- nuity will be only half of the former, or 50/; and if the value of the life be only i, the value of. the life-annuity will be but i of 100/, that is 33/. 6*. 8d ; and so on. The measure of the value or expectancy of life, depends on the proportion of the number of persons that die, out of a given number, in the time proposed ; thus, if 50 per- sons die, ou,t of 100, in any proposed time, then, half the number only remaining alive, any one person has an equal chance to live or die in that time, or the value of his life for that time is J; but if \ of the number die in the time proposed, or only -J- remain alive, then the value of any one's life is ■§■; and if |. or the number die, or onlv i re- man, alive, then the value of any life is buti; and so on. In 'se proportions then must the value of the annuity cerl ii iiiminibhed, to give the value of the like lile annuity. It is plain therefore that, in this business, it is necessary to know the value of life at all the different ages, from some table of observations on the mortality of mankind, which may show the proportion of the persons living, out of a given number, at the end of any limited time; or from some certain hypothesis, or assumed principle. Now various tables and hypotheses of this kind have been given by the writers on this subject, as Dr. Halley, Mr. De- moivre, Mr. Thomas Simpson, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Kersse- boom, Mr. Parcieux, Dr. Price, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Baron Maseres, Mr. Baily, and many others. But the same table of probabilities of life will not suit all places; for long experience has shown that all places are not equally healthy, or that the proportion of- the number of persons that die annually, is different for different places. Dr. Hal- ley computed a table of the annual deaths as drawn from the bills of mortality of the city of Breslaw in Germany : Mr. Smart and Mr. Simpson from those of London; Dr. Price fiom those of Northampton; Mr. Kersseboom from those of the provinces of Holland and West-Friesland ; and M. Parcieux from the lists of the French tontines, or long annuities; and all these are found to differ from one another. It may not therefore be improper to insert here a comparative view of the principal tables that have been given of this kind, as below ; where the first column shows the age, and the other columns the number of persons living at that age, out of 1000 born, or of the age 0, in the first line of each column. L I F [ 727 ] L I F Table I. — Showing the Number of Persons living at all Ages, out of 1O0O that had been born at several Places, viz. Ages. Vienna. Berlin. London. Vorwich. North- ampton. Breslaw. Branden- burg. Holy- Cross. Holland. France. Vaud, Switzerland. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 542 633 680 798 738 769 775 882 804 805 811 2 47 1 528 548 651 628 658 718 702 768 777 765 3 430 4s5 492 595 585 614 687 7 17 736 750 735 4 400 434 452 566 562 5S5 604 682 709 727 715 5 377 403 426 544 544 563 642 659 689 711 701 6 357 387 410 526 530 540 622 636 670 697 688 7 344 376 397 511 518 532 607 618 664 686 677 8 337 367 388 500 510 523 595 604 652 676 667 9 331 361 380 490 504 515 585 595 646 " 667 659 10 326 356 373 4S1 498 508 577 589 639 660 653 11 322 3.33 367 474 493 502 570 585 633 654 648 12 318 350 361 469 488 497 564 581 627 649 643 13 314 347 356 464 484 492 559 577 621 644 639 U 310 344 351 460 480 488 554 573 616 639 635 1.5 306 341 347 455 475 483 549 5,69 611 635 631 16 302 338 343 451 470 479 544 565 606 631 626 17 299 335 33S 446 465 474 539 560 601 626 622 IS 295 332 . 334 442 459 470 535 555 596 621 618 19 291 328 329 437 453 465 531 550 590 616 614 20 287 324 325 432 447 461 527 545 5S4 610 610 21 28 + 320 321 426 440 450 522 539 577 604 606' 22 280 315 316 421 433 451 517 532 571 598 602 23 276 310 310 415 426 446 512 525 566 592 597 24 273 305 305 409 419 441 507 518 559 580 592 25 269 297 299 404 412 436 502 512 ' 551 580 587 20 265 293 294 398 405 431 498 506 543 574 582 27 261 .2S7 288 392 398 426 495 501 535 568 577 28 256 281 283 385 391 421 492 490 526 562 572 29 251 275 27 8 378 384 415 489 491 517 556 567 30 247 269 272 372 378 409 486 486 508 550 563 31 243 264 206 366 372 403 482 481 499 544 558 32 239 259- 260 361 366 397 477 476 490 538 553 33 235 254 254 355 360 391 472 47 1 4S2 532 548 34 23 1 249 248 350 354 384 467 466 474 526 544 35 226 243 242 344 348 377 462 460 467 520 539 36 221 237 230 338 342 370 456 454 460 514 533 37 216 230 230 333 336 363 450 447 453 508 527 38 211 223 224 327 330 356 444 440 446 503 520 39 205 216 218 322 324 349 438 433 439 497 513 40 199 209 214 317 317 342 432 426 432 492 506 41 194 203 207 311 310 335 427 41S 425 487 500 42 189 197 201 306 303 328 422 410 419 482 494 43 185 192 194 300 296 321 417 401 413 476 4S8 4t 181 187 187 294 289 314 412 393 407 471 482 45 176 182 180 287 282 307 407 .386 400 466 476 46 171 177 174 281 275 299 400 379 393 460 469 47 105 172 167 274 268 291 394 372 386 455 461 - 48 159 167 159 268 261 2S3 388 365 378 449 451 49 153 162 153 261 254 275 381 359 370 443 441 50 147 157 147 255 247 267 • 374 353 362 436 431 51 1 12 152 141 248 239 259 367 347 354 429 422 62 137 147 135 242 232 250 359 340 345 422 414 53 133 142 130 235 225 241 351 333 330 414 406 54 123 137 125 228 218 232 343 326 327 400 397 55 1 23 132 120 221 211 224 334 318 318 397 388 56 1 17 127 116 2 1 3 204 216 324 310' 309 388 377 57 1 1 1 121 1 1 1 200 197 209 314 301 300 379 . 364 58 106 115 106 199 190 201 304 292 291 309 348 .59 101 109 101 191 183 193 293 283 282 359 331 LIF L W 3 L I F Ages. Vienna. Berlin. London. Norwich. Norih- cunpion. Breslaw. Branden- burg. Holy- Cross. Holland. France. Vaud, Switzerland. 60 96 103 96 184 176 186 2S2 273 273 349 314 61 91 97 92 . 177 169 178 271 263 264 339 299 62 87 92 87 169 162 170 260 253 255 329 286 63 82 8S 83 161 155 163 248 243 245 318 274 64 77 S4 78 153 148 155 236 233 235 307 262 65 72 80 74 144 141 147 224 223 225 296 250 66 67 75 70 136 134 140 213 213 215 285 236 67 62 70 65 128 127 132 202 203 205 273 220 68 57 65 61 119 120 124 190 193 195 260 202 69 52 60 56 111 113 1 17 178 IS2 185 246 184 70 ■ 48 55 52 103 106 109 166 171 175 232 168 71 44 51 47 94 99 101 153 161 165 21S 153 72 40 47 43 86 92 93 138 151 155 195 140 73 36 43 39 79 85 85 122 142 145 1SS 129 74 33 39 35 71 78 77 107 134 135 173 119 75 30 35 32 64 71 69 93 126 125 15S 109 76 27 32 28 57 64 61 80 119 114 144 98 77 24 29 25 50 58 53 6S 112 103 129 S5 78 21 26 22 43 52 45 59 105 92 115 71 79 18 23 19 37 46 38 51 98 82 102 58 SO 16 20 17 32 40 32 44 90 72 88 46 81 14 18 14 27 34 26 38 81 62 75 36 82 12 16 12 23 28 22 32 71 53 63 29 83 10 14 10 19 23 IS 25 61 45 53 24 . 84 8 12 8 16 19 15 21 51 38 44 20 85 7 10 7 13 16 12 15 41 31 36 17 86 6 8 6 10 13 9 11 32 25 28 14 87 5 7 5 8 11 6 S 24 19 21 11 88 4 6 4 6 8 4 6 17 14 16 9 89 3 5 3 5 6 2 4 11 10 12 7 90 2 4 2 4 4 1 3 7 7 8 5 These tables show that the mortality and chance of life are various in different places ; and that therefore, to ob- tain a sufficient accuracy in this business, it is necessary to adapt a table of probabilities or chances of life, to every place for which annuities are to be calculated ; or at least one set of tables for large towns, and another for country places, as well as for the supposition of different rates of interest. Several of the foregoing tables, as they commenced with different numbers, are here reduced to the same number at the beginning, viz, 1000 persons, by which means we are enabled by inspection, at any age, to compare, the numbers together, and immediately perceive the relative decrees of vitality at the several places. The tables are also arranged according to the degree of vitality among them ; the least, or that at Vienna, first; and the rest in their order, to the highest, which is the province of Vaud in Switzerland. The authorities on which these tables depend, are as they here follow. The first, taken from Dr. Price's Observations on Reversionary payments, is formed from the bills at Vienna, for 8 years, as given by Mr. Susmilch, in his Gottliche Ordnung ; the 2d, for Berlin, from the same, as formed from the bills there for 4 years, viz, from 1752 to 1755; the 3d, from Dr. Price, showing the true probabilities of life in London, formed from the bills for ten years, viz, from 1759 to 1?6S; the 4th, for Norwich, formed by Dr. Price from the bills for 30 years, viz, from 1740 to 1?6"9 > the 5th, D3' the same, from the bills for Northampton ; the 6th, as deduced by Dr. Halley, from the bills of mortality at Breslaw; the 7th shows the probabilities of life in a county parish in Brandenburg, formed from the bills for 50 years, viz, from 1710 to 1759, as given by Mr. Susmilch; the Sth shows the probabilities of life in the parish of Holy-Cross, near Shrewsbury, formed from a register kept by the Rev. Mr. Garsuch, for 20 years, from 1750 to 1770; the £)th, for Holland, was formed by M. Kersseboom, from the regis- ters of certain annuities for lives granted by the govern- ment of Holland, which had been kept there for 125 years, in which the ages of the several annuitants dying during that period had been truly entered ; the 10th, for France, were formed by M. Parcieux, from the lists of the French tontines, or long annuities, and verified by a comparison with the mortuary registers of several religious houses for both sexes ; and the 1 1th, or last, for the district of Vaud in Switzerland, was formed by Dr. Price from the regis- ters of 43 parishes given by M. Muret, in the Bern Me- moirs for the year 1766*. Now from such lists as the foregoing, various tables have, been formed for the valuation of annuities on single and joint lives, at several rates of interest, in which the value is shown by inspection. — The following are those that are given by Mr. Simpson, in his Select Exercises, as deduced from the London bills of mortality. L 1 F |[ 759 ] L I F Table II. — Showing the Value of an Annuity on One Life, or Number of Years Annuity in the Value, supposing Money to bear Interest at the several Rates of 3, 4, and 5 per cent; A"e, Years value at Years value at Years value at Age. Years value at Years value at Years ralue at 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 14-1 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 6 18-S 16-2 41 13-0 11-4 10-2 7 18-9 16-3 14-2 42 12-8 11-2 10-1 8 190 16-4 14 3 43 12-6 11-1 10-0 9 19-0 16-4 14-3 44 12-5 11-0 9-9 10 19'0 16-4 14-3 45 12-3 10-8 9-8 11 19-0 164 14-3 46 12-1 10-7 9-7 12 ■18-9 16-3 14-2 47 11-9 10-5 9-5 13 18-7 162 14-1 48 11-8 10-4 9-4 14 18-5 16-0 14-0 49 11 '6 10-2 9-3 15 18-3 158 13-9 50 11-4 10-1 9-2 16 18-1 15-6 13-7 51 11-2 9-9 9-0 17 17-9 15-4 13-5 52 1 10 9-8 ,8-9 18 17-6 15-2 13-4 53 10-7 9-6 8-8 19 17-4 15-0 132 54 10-5 9-4 8-6 20 17-2 14-3 13-0 55 10-3 9-3 8-5 21 17-0 14-7 12-9 56 10-1 9-1 8-4 22 16-8 14-5 12'7 57 9-9 8-9 8-2 23 16-5 14-3 12-6 58 9-6 S-7 8-1 24 16-3 14-1 1-2-4 59 9-4 8-6 8-0 25 16-1 14-0 12-3 60 9-2 8-4 7-9 26 15-9 13-8 12-1 61 8-9 8-2 7-7 27 15-6 13-6 120 62 8-7 8-1 7-6 28 • 15-4 13-4* 11-8 63 8-5 7-9 7-4 s 29 15-2 13-2 11-7 64 8-3 7-7 7-3 30 15-0 13-1 11-6 65 8-0 7-5 7-1 31 14-8 12-9 11-4 66 7-8 7-3 6-9 32 14-6 12-7 11-3 67 7-6 7-1 6-7 33 14-4 12-6 11-2 68 7-4 6-9 6-6 34 14-2 12-4 u-o 69 7-1 6-7 6-4 35 14-1 123 109 70 6-9 6-5 6-2 36 13 9 121 10-8 71 6-7 6-3 6-0 37 13-7 11-9 10'6 72 6-5 6-1 5-S 38 13-5 11-8 10-5 73 6-2 5-9 5-6 39 13-3 11-6 1.0-4 74 5-9 5-6 5-4 40 13-2 11-5 10-3 75 5-6 5-4 5-2 Table III. — Showing the Value of an Annuity for Two Joint Lives, that is, for as long as they exist together. Age of Age of Value at Value at Value at Age of Age of Value at Value at %% Value at Younger. Elder. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. Younger. Elder. 3 percent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 10 14-7 13-0 11-6 45 9-6 8-8 8-0 15 14-3 12-7 11-3 50 8-9 8-2 7-5 20 13-8 12-2 10-8 55 8-2 7-6 7-0 25 13-1 11-6 10-2 15 60 7-5 7-0 6-5 30 12-3 10-9 9-7 65 6-S 6-4 6-0 . 35 11-5 10-2 9-1 70 6-0 5-7 5-4 10 40 45 10-7 10-0 9-6 9-0 8-6 8-1 75 5-2 5-0 4-8 20 12-8 11-3 10-1 50 9-3 8-4 7-6 25 12-2 10-8 9-7 55 6-6 7-8 7-1 30 11-6 10-3 9-2 60 7-8 7-2 6-6 35 10-9 9-8 8-8 65 6-9 C-5 6-1 40 10-2 9-2 8-4 70 6-1 5-8 5-5 45 9-5 8-6 7-9 15 5-3 5-1 4-9 20 50 55 8-8 8-1 8-0 7-5 7-4 15 13-9 12-3 11-0 6-9 20 13-3 11-8 10-5 60 7-4 6-9 6-4 15 25 12-6 11-2 10-1 65" 6-7 6-3 5-9 30 ] 1-9 10-6 9-5 70 6-0 5-7 5-4 35 11-2 10-0 9-0 75 5-2 5-0 4-8 40 10-4 9-4 8-5 Vol. I. 5A L IF [ 730 ] L I F Age of Age of Value at Value at Value at Age of Age of I Value at 1 Value at Value at Younger. Elder. 3 percent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. Younger. Elder. 3 per cent. 1 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 25 11-S 10-5 9-4 60 7-0 6-4 6-0 30 11-3 10-1 9-0 40 65 6-4 5-9 5-5 35 10-7 9-6 8-6 70 5-7 5-4 5-1 40 45 10-0 9-4 9-1 8-5 8-2 1 7-8 75 5-0 4-8 4-6 45 S-3 7-4 d-7 25 50 8-7 7-9 7-3 50 7-9 7-1 6-5 55 8-0 7-4 6-S 55 7-4 6-7 6-2 60 7-3 6-8 6-3 45 60 6-3 6-3 5-8 65 6-6 6-2 5-8 65 6-3 5-8 5-4 70 5-9 5-6 5-3 70 5-6 5-3 5-0 75 5-1 4-9 4-7 75 - 4-9 4-7 4-5 30 10-8 9-6 8-6 50 7-6 6-8 6-2 35 10-3 9-2 8-3 55 7-2 6-5 6-0 40 9-7 8-8 8-0 60 . 6-7 6-1 5-7 45 9-1 8-3 7-6 50 65 6-2 5-7 5-3 30 50 8-5 7-8 7-2 70 5-5 5-2 4-9 55 7-9 7-3 6-7 6-7 6-2 75 4-8 4-6 4-4 60 ; "2 55 6-9 6-2 5-7 65 6-5 6-1 5-7 '60 6-5 5-9 5-5 70 5-8 5-5 ~ 5-2 55 65 6*0 5-0 5-2 75 5-1 4-9 4-7 70 75 5-4 4-7 5-1 4-5 4-8 35 9-9 8-8 8-0 7-7 4-3 40 9*4 60 6-1 5-6 5'2 45 8-9 8-1 7-4 65 5-7 5-3 4-9 50 8-3 7-6 7-0 60 70 5-2 . 4-9 4-6 35 55 60 65 7-7 7-1 6-4 7-1 6-5 6-6 6-1 75 4>6 4-4 4-2 6-0 5-6 65 5-4 5-0 4-7 70 5-7 5-4 5-1 65 70 4-9 4-6 4-4 75 5-0 4-8 4-6 75 4-4 4-2 » 4-0 40 9-1 8-1 7-3 70 70 4-6 4'4 4-2 45 50 8-7 8-2 7-3 7-4 7-1 6-8 75 4-2 4-0 3-9 40 75 75 3-8 3-7 3-6 55 7-6 6-9 6-4 Table IV. — Far the Value of an Annuity on the Longer of Two Given Lives. Age of Age of Value at Value at Value at Age of Age of Value at Value at Value at Younger. Elder. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. .5 per cent. Younger. Elder. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 10 23-4 19-9 17-1 50 20-7 17-6 15-4 15 22-9 19-5 . 16-8 55 20-4 17-4 15-3 20 22-5 19-1 16-6 15 60 20-1 17-2 15-2 25 22-2 1S--8 v 16-4 65 19-8 16-9 15-0 30 21-9 18-6 16-2 70 19-4 16-6 14-7 35 40 21-6 18-4 21-4 18-3 16-1 16-0 75 18-9 16-3 14-4 10 . 20 21-6 18-3 15-8 45 21-2 18-2 15-9 25 21-1 17-9 15-5 50 20-9 18-0 15-8 30 20-7 17-6 15-3 55 20-7 17-8 15-7 3.5 20-4 17-4 . 15-1 60 20-4 17-6 15-5 40 20-1 17-2 15-0 65 20-1 17-4 15-3 45 19-9 17-0 14-9 70 19-8 17-2 15-1 20 50 19-6 16-8 14-7 75 19-5 16-9 14-8 55 60 19-4 19-1 16-6 16-3 14-5 15 22-8 19-3 16-7 14-3 20 22-3 18-9 16-4 65 18-7 16-0 14-1 25 21-9 18-6 16-2 70 18-2 15-7 13-8 15 30 35 21-6 21-3 18-3 18-1 16-0 15-9 75 17-7 15-3 13-5 25 20-3 17-4 15-1 40 21-1 17-9 15-7 25 30 1 9-8 17-0 14-9 45 20-9 17-8 15-6 35 19*4 16-7 14-7 L I F C 731 ] L I F Age of Age of Value at Value at Value at Age of Age of Value at Value at Value at Younger. Elder. 3-percent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent! Younger. Elder. 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. 40 19-2 16-5 14-5 65 14-9 13-1 1 1-8 45 J8-9 1 6-3 14-3 40 70 14-5 12-7 1 1-4 50 55 1S-7 18-4 16-1 14-2 • 75 14-0 12-3 11-0 25 15 "9 140 45 16-2 14-2 12-8 60 18-0 ,15-6 - 13-S : 50 15-7 13-8 12-5, 65 17-6 15-3 13-6 55 15-2 1 3-4 12-1 70 17-2 15-0 13-3 45 60 14-7 12-9 11-7 75 16-7 14-6 12-9 65 70 14-1 13-6 12-3 12-0 11-4 30 19-3 • 16-6 14-5 11-0 35 40 18-8 18-4 16-2 1.5-9 14-2 14-0 75 13-1 11-6 10-6 50 15-0 13-3 12-1 45 ] 8- 1 ' 15-6 13-8 55 14-5 12-9 11-7 30 i 50 17-8 15-4 13-6 60 13-9 12-4 11-3 55 17-4 15-1 13-4 50 65 13-3 12-0 10-9 60 17-0 14-8 13-2 70 12-8 11-5 10-5 65 : 16-6 14-5 12-9 75 12-3 11-0 10-1 70 75 12-6 12-2 15-6 13-7 55 13-6 12-4 ii-3 60 65 13-0 , 12-4 11-9 11-3 10-9 10-5 35 J 8-3 15-8 13-8 55 40 17-8 15-4 13-5 70 11-8 10-8 10-0 45 17-4 15-1 13-3 75 11-3 10-3 9-5 50 55 17-1 16-7 14-8 14-5 13-1 12-9 35 , 60 12-2 11-2 10-5 60 16-3 14-2 12-7 60 65 11-5 10-6 10-0 65 15-8 13-8 12-4 70 10-9 10-1 9-5 70 75 15-3 • 14-8 13-4 13-0 12-0 11-6 75 10-3 9-5 9-0 65 65 70 10-7 10-0 10-0 9-4 9.-4 40 17-3 15-0 13-3 8-9 45 .50 16-8 16-3 14-6 14-2 13-0 12-7 75 9-3 8-7 8-3 40 70 70 y-2 S-6 8-2 - 55 60 15-9 15-4 13-9 13-5 12-4 12-1 75 S-4 7-9 7-6 75 75 7-6 7-2 6-9 The uses of these tables may be exemplified in the fol- lowing problems. Prob. 1. To find the Probability or Proportion of Chance, that a Person of a Given Age continues in being a proposed number of years. — Thus, suppose the age be 40, and the number of years proposed 15; then, to calculate by the table of the probabilities for London, in tab. 1. against 40 years stands 214, and against 55 years, the age to which the person must arrive, stands 120, which shows that, of 214 persons who attain to the age of 40, only 120 of them reach the age of 55, and consequently 94 die between the ages of 40 and 55 : It is evident therefore that the odds for attaining the proposed age of 55, are as 120- to 94, or as 9 to 7 nearly. Prob. 2. To find the Value of an Annuity for a proposed Life. — This problem is resolved from tab. 2, by looking against the given age, and under the proposed rate of in- terest ; then the corresponding quantity shows the num- ber of years purchase required. For example, if the given age be 36, the rate of interest 4 per cent, and the proposed annuity 250 : then in the table it appears that the value is 12'1 years purchase, or I2'l times 250/, that is 3025/. After the same manner the answer will be found in any other case falling within the limits of the table. But as there may sometimes be occasion to know the values of lives computed at higher rates of interest than those in the table, the two following practical rules are subjoined ; by which the problem is resolved independently of tables. • Rule 1. When the given age is not less than 45 years nor greater than 85, subtract it from 92; then multiply the remainder by the perpetuity, and divide the product by thesaid remainder added to2{ times the perpetuity; so shall the quotient be the number of years purchase required. Where it is to. be noted, that by the perpetuity is meant the number of years purchase of the fee-simple ; found by dividing 100 by the rate per cent at which interest is reckoned. Ex. Let the given age be 50 years, and the rate of in- terest 10 per cent. Then subtracting 50 from 92, there remains 42 ; which multiplied by 10 the perpetuity, gives 420; and this divided by 67, the remainder increased by 2| times 10 the perpetuity, gives 6'3 nearly, for the num- ber of years purchase. Therefore, supposing the annuity to be 100/, its value in present money will be 630/. Rule 2. When the age is between 10 and 45 years; take 8 tenths of what it wants of 45, which divide by the rate per cent increased by 1'2; then if the quotient be added to the value of a life of 45 years, found by the pre- ceding rule, there will be obtained the number of years purchase in this case. For example, let the proposed age be 20 years, and the rate of interest 5 per cent. Here then, taking 20 from 45, there remains 25 ; -^ of which is 20 ; which divided by 6% gives 3"2 ; and this added to 9"8, the value of a life of 45, found by the former rule, gives 13 for the number of years purchase that a life of 20 ought to be valued at. And the conclusions derived by these rules, Mr. Simp- 5 A 2 L I F [ 732 ] L I G son adds, are so near the true values, computed from real observations,- as seldom to differ from them by more than T ' 5 or -5=5 of one year's purchase. The observations here alluded to, are those which are founded on the London bills of mortality: and a similar method of solution, accommodated to the Breslaw ob- servations, will be as follows, viz. " Multiply the difference between the given age and 85 years by the perpetuity, and divide the product by S tenths of the said difference increased by double the perpetuity, for the answer." Which, from S to 80 years of age, will commonly come within less than | of a year's purchase of the truth. PitOB.3. To find the Value of an Annuity for Tivo Joint Lives, that is, for as long as they both continue in being toge- ther. — In table 3, find the younger age, or that nearest to it, in column 1, and the higher age in column 2; then against this last is the number of years purchase in the proper column for the interest. Ex. Suppose the two ages be 20 and 35 years ; then the value is 1 0'.9 years purchase at 3 per cent, or 9'S - - at 4 per cent, or S'8 - - at 5 per cent- Prob.4. To find the Value of the Annuity for the Long- est of Two Lives, that is, for as long as either of them con- tinues in being. — In table 4, col. 1, find the age of the youngest life, or the nearest to it, in col. 1, and the age of the elder in col. 2 : then against this last is the answer in the proper column of interest. — Ex. So, if the two ages be 15 and -10 ; then the value of the annuity upon the longest of two such lives is 21 - 1 years purchase at 3 per cent. or \7'9 - - 4 per cent. or J5 - 7 - - 5 per cent. . In the last two problems, if the younger age, or the rate of interest, be not exactly found in the tables, the nearest to them may be taken, and then by proportion the value for the true numbers will be nearly found. Rules and tables for the values of three lives, &c, may also ~be seen in Simpson, in Baron Mascres's, and in Bai- ley's Annuities, &c. All these calculations have been made from tables of the real mortuary registers, differing unequally at the several ages : but rules have also been given on other principles, as by Demoivre, on the suppo- sition that the decrements of life are equal at all ages ; an assumption not much differing from the truth, from 7 to 70 years of age. Life-Annuities, payable half-yearly, !fc- — These are worth more than those that are payable yearly, as com- puted by the foregoing rules and tables, on the two fol- lowing accounts: First, that parts of the payments are received sooner; and 2dly, there is a chance of receiv- ing some part or parts of a whole year's payment more than when the payments are oVdy made annually. Mr. Simpson, in his Select Exercises, pa. 283, observes, that the value of these two advantages put together, will al- ways amount to £ of a year's purchase for half-yearly payments, and to -|- of a year's purchase for quarterly payments; and Mr. Maseres, at page 233 &c of his An- nuities, by a very elaborate calculation, finds the former difference to be nearly J also. But Dr. Price, in an essay in the Philos. Trans. vol.0"6', pa. 10<), states the same dif- ferences only at T \. for half-yearly payments, and f V for quarterly payments: And the doctor then adds some algebraical theorems for such calculations. Life-Annuities, secured by Land. — These differ from other life-annuities only in this, that the annuity is to be paid up to the very day of the death of the age in ques- tion, or of the person on whose life the annuity is granted. To obtain the more exact value therefore cf such an an- nuity, a small quantity must be added to the same as computed by the foregoing rules and observations, which is different according as the paymenls are yearly, half- yearly, or quarterly, &c ; and are thus stated by Dr. Price in his essay quoted above ; viz, the addition is — for annual payments, or — for half-yearly payments, or — for quarterly payments : where n is the complement of the given age, or what it wants of 86 years ; and y, h, q are the respective values of an annuity certain for n years, payable yearly, half- yearly, or quarterly. And, by numeral examples, it is. found that the first of these additional quantities is about T Vi the second -^, and the 3d half a tenth of one year's purchase. Complement of Life. See Complement. Expectation o/Lipe. See Expectation. Insurance or Assurance on Lives. See Assurance. LIGHT, that principle by which objects are made per- ceptible to our sense of seeing; or the sensation occasioned in the mind by the view of luminous objects. The na- ture of light has been a subject of speculation from the first dawnings of philosophy. Some of the earliest philo- sophers doubted whether objects became visible by means of any thing proceeding from them, or from the eye of the spectator. But this opinion was qualified by Empedocles and Plato, who maintained, that vision was occasioned by particles continually flying off from the surfaces of bodies, which meet with others proceeding from the eye; while the effect was ascribed by Pythagoras solely to the parti- cles proceeding from the external objects, and entering the pupil of the eye. But Aristotle defines light to be the act of a transparent body, considered as such : and he ob- serves that light is not fire, nor any matter radiating from the luminous body, and transmitted through the transparent one. The Cartesians have refined considerably on this notion: they maintain thai light, as it exists in the luminous body, is only a power or faculty of exciting in us a very clear and vivid sensation ; or that it is an invisible fluid present at all times and in all places, but requiring to be set in motion, by a body ignited or otherwise properly qualified to make objects visible to us. Father Malbranche explains the nature of light from a supposed analogy between it and sound. — Thus, he sup- poses, all the parts of a luminous body are in a rapid mo- tion, which, by very quick pulses, arc constantly com- pressing the subtle matter between the luminous body and the eye, and excites vibrations of pression : and as these vibrations are greater, the body appears more luminous ; but as they are quicker or slower, the body is of this or that colour. The Newtonians maintain, that light is not a fluid per se, but consists of a great number of very small particles, thrown off from the luminous body by a. repulsive power with an immense velocity, and in all directions : and these particles, they also assert, are emitted in right lines ; L I G [ 733 ] L I G which rectilinear motion they preserve till they are turned out of their path by some of the following causes, viz, by the attraction of some other body near which they pass, which is called Inflection; or by passing obliquely through a medium of different density, which is called Refraction; or by being turned aside by the opposition of some inter- vening body, which is called Reflection ; or, lastly, by being totally stopped by some substance into which they penetrate, and which is called their Extinction. A suc- cession of these particles following one another, in an ex- act straight line, is called a Ray of Light; and this ray, in whatever manner its direction may be changed, whether by refraction, reflection, or inflection, always preserves a rectilinear course till it be again changed ; neither, say they, is it possible to make it move in the arch of a circle, ellipsis, or other curve. For the above properties of the rays of light, see the several words, Refraction, Re- flection, &c. The velocity of the particles and rays of light is truly astonishing, amounting to near 2 hundred thousand miles in a second of time, which is near a million times greater than the velocity of a cannon-ball : and this amazing mo- tion of light has been manifested in various ways,, but chiefly from the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites. It was first observed by Roemer, that the eclipses of those satel- lites happen sometimes sooner, and sometimes later, than the times given by the tables of them; and that the ob- served time was before or after the computed time, ac- cording as the earth was nearer to, or farther from Jupi- ter. Hence Roemer andCassini both concluded that this circumstance depended on the distance of Jupiter from the earth ; and that, to account for it, they must suppose that the light was about 14 minutes in crossing the earth's orbit. This conclusion however was afterward abandoned and attacked by Cassini himself. But Roemer's opinion found an able advocate in Dr. Halley ; who removed Cas- sini's difficulty, and left Roemer's conclusion in its full force. Yet, in a memoir presented to the academy in 1707, M. Maraldi endeavoured to strengthen Cassini's arguments; when Roemer's doctrine found a new defender in Mr. Pound. See Philos. Trans, number 136, also my Abridg. vol. 6', pa. 34-9 and 386, and Groves, Phys. Elem. number 2636": and it has since been found, by repeated experiments, that when the earth is exactly between Ju- piter and the sun, his satellites are seen eclipsed about Si minutes sooner than they could be according to the ta- bles ; but when the earth is nearly in the opposite point of its orbit, these eclipses happen about 8£ minutes later than the tables predict them. Hence then it is certain that the motion of light is not instantaneous, but that it takes up about l6f minutes of time to pass over a space equal to the diameter of the earth's orbit, which is at least igo millions of miles in length, or at the rate of near 200,000 miles per second, as above stated. Hence it is easy to know the time in which light travels to the earth, from the moon, or any of the other planets, or even from the fixed stars if ever their distances be known ; but these distances are so immensely great, that from, the nearest of them, supposed to be Sirius, the dog-star, it requires many years for light to travel to the earth: and it has even been conjectured that there are many stars whose light have not yet arrived at us since their creation. It was Galileo who first conceived the notion of measur- ing the velocity of light ; and a description of his contri- vance for this purpose, is given in his Treatise on Me- chanics, pa. 39. He had two men with lights covered ; the one was to observe when the other uncovered his light, and to exhibit his own the moment he perceived it. This rude experiment was tried at the distance of a mile, but without success, as may naturally be imagined: and the members of the academy Del Cimento repeated the ex- periment, and placed their observers, to as little purpose, at the distance of 2 miles. But our excellent astronomer, Dr. Bradley, afterwards found nearly the same velocity of light as Roemer, from his accurate observations, and most ingenious theory, to account for some apparent motions in the fixed stars ; for an account of which, see Aberration of light. By a long series of these observations, he found the difference between the true and apparent place of several fixed stars, for different times of the year ; which difference could no otherwise be accounted for, than from the progressive mo- tion of the rays of light. From the mean quantity of this difference he found, that the ratio of the velocity of light to the velocity of the earth in its orbit, was as 10313 to 1, or that light moves 10313 times faster than the earth moves in its orbit abput the sun ; and as this latter mo- tion is at the rate of 18-J4 miles per second nearly, it fol- lows that the former, or the velocity of light, is at the rate of about 195000 miles in a second; a motion ac- cording to which it will require just 8' 7" to move from the sun to the earth', or about 95 millions of miles. It was also inferred, from the foregoing principles, that light proceeds with the same velocity from all the stars. And hence it follows, that the motion of light, in its path through the immense space above our atmosphere, is equable or uniform. And since the different methods of determining the velocity of light thus agree in the result, it is reasonable to conclude that, in the same medium, light is propagated, after it has been reflected, with the same velocity as before. For an account of Mr. Melville's hypothesis of the different velocities of differently coloured rays, see Colour. To the doctrine concerning the materiality of light, and its amazing velocity, several objections have been made ; of which the most considerable 'is, That as rays of light are continually passing in different directions from every visible point, they must necessarily interfere with each other in such a manner, as entirely to confound all di- stinct perception of objects, if not quite to destroy the whole sense of seeing : not to mention the continual waste of substance which a constant emission of particles must occasion in the luminous body, and thereby since the creation must have greatly diminished the matter in the sun and stars, as well as increased the bulk of the 'earth and planets by the vast quantity of particles of light ab- sorbed by them in so long a period of time. But it" has been replied, that if light were not a body, but consisted in mere pression or pulsion, it could never be propagated in right lines, but would be continually in- flected ad umbram. Thus Sir I. Newton: " A pressure on a fluid medium, i. e. a motion propagated by such a medium, beyond an obstacle,' which impedes any part of its motion, cannot be propagated in right lines, but will be always inflecting and diffusing itself every way, to the quiescent medium beyond that obstacle. The power of gravity tends downwards ; but the pressure of water arising from it tends every way with an equable force, and is pro- pagated with equal ease and equal strength, in curves, as in straight lines. Waves, on the surface of the water, gliding L I G [ 73-t ] L I G by the extremes of any very large obstacle, inflect and di- late themselves, still diffusing gradually into the quiescent water beyond that obstacle. The waves, pulses, or vibra- tions of the air, wherein sound consists, are manifestly inflected, though not so considerably as the waves of water ; and sounds are propagated with equal ease, through crooked tubes, and through straight lines ; but light was never known to move in any curve, nor to inflect itself ad umbram." it must be acknowledged however, that many philoso- pher?, both English and foreigners, have recurred to the opinion, that light consists of vibrations propagated from the luminous body, through a subtle etheriai medium. The ingenious Dr. Franklin, in a letter dated April 23, 1752, expresses his dissatisfaction with the doctrine of light consisting of particles of matter continually driven off from the. sun's surface, with such an astonishing velo- city. " Must not," says he, " the smallest portion con- ceivable, have, with such a motion, a force exceeding that of a 24 pounder discharged from a cannon ? Must not the sun diminish exceedingly by such a waste of matter ; and the planets, instead of drawing nearer to him, as some have feared, recede to greater distances through the dimi- nished attraction ? Yet these particles, with this amazing motion, will not drive before them, or remove, the least and slightest dust they meet with ; and the sun appears to continue of his ancient dimensions, and his attendants move in their ancient orbits." He therefore conjectures that all the phenomena of light may be more properly solved, by supposing all space filled with a subtle elastic fluid, which is not visible when at rest, but which, by its vibrations, affects that fine sense in the eye, as those of the air affect the grosser organs of the ear ; and even that different degrees of the vibration of this medium may cause the appearances of different colours. Franklin's Exper. and Observ. 1769, pa. 264. The celebrated Euler has also maintained the same hy- pothesis, in his Theoria Lucis et Colorum. In the sum- mary of his arguments against the common opinion, re- cited in Acad. Berl. 1752, pa. 271, besides the objections above mentioned, he doubts the possibility, of particles of matter, moving with the amazing velocity of light, and penetrating transparent substances with so much ease. In whatever manner they are transmitted, those bodies must have pores, disposed in right lines, and in all possible di- rections, to serve as canals for the passage of the rays : but such a structure must take away all solid matter from those bodies, and all coherence among their parts, if they do contain any solid matter. Doctor Horsley has taken considerable pains to obviate the difficulties started by Dr. Franklin. Supposing that the diameter of each particle of light does not exceed one millionth of one millionth of an inch, and that the den- sity of each particle is even 3 times that of iron, and also that the light of the sun reaches the earth in 7', at the distance of 22919 of the earth's semidiameters, he calcu- lates thnt the momentum or force of motion in each par- ticle of light coming from the sun, is less than that in an iron ball of a quarter of an inch diameter, moving at the rate of less than an inch in 12 thousand millions of mil- lions of years. And hence he concludes, that a particle of matter, which probably is larger than any particle of light, moving with the velocity of light, has a force of motion, which, instead of exceeding the force of a 24- pounder discharged from- a cannon, is almost infinitely less than that of the smallest shot discharged from a pocket-pistol, or less than any that art can create. He also thinks it possible, that light may be produced by a continual emission of matter from the sun, without any such waste of his substance as should sensibly contract his dimensions, or alter the motions of the planets, within any moderate length of time. In proof of this, he ob- serves that, for the production of any of the phenomena of light, it is not necessary that the emanation from the sun should be continual, in a strict mathematical sense, or without any interval ; and likewise that part of the light which issues from the sun, is continually returned to him by reflection from the planets, as well as other light from the suns of other systems. He proceeds, by calculation, to show, that in 385,130,000 years, the sun would lose but the 13232d part of his matter, and conse- quently of the gravitation towards him, at any given dis- tance ; which is an alteration much too small to discover itself in the motion of the earth, or of any of the planets. He further computes that the greatest stroke which the retina of a common eye sustains, when turned directly to the sun in a bright day, does not exceed that which would be given by an iron shot, a quarter of an inch diameter, and moving only at the rate of l6-§ inches in a year; whereas the ordinary stroke is less than the 20S4th part of this. See Philos. Trans, vol. 60 and 6l. In answer to the difficulty respecting the interference of the particles of light with each other, Mr. Melville ob- serves (Edinb. Ess. vol. 2), there is probably no physical point in the visible horizon, that does not send rays to every other point, unless where opaque bodies interpose. Light, in its passage from one system to another, often passes through torrents of light issuing from other suns and systems, without ever interfering, or being diverted from its course, either by it, or by the particles of that elastic medium, which has been supposed by some diffused through all the mundane space. To account for this fact, he supposes that the particles of light are incomparably rare, even when they are the most dense, or that their diameters are incompan.b^- less than their distance from one another : which obviates the objection urged bv Euler and others against the materiality , of light, >from its influ- ence in disturbing the freedom and perpetuity of the ce- lestial motions. Boscovich and some others solve the dif- ficulty concerning the non-interference of tiie particles of light,' by supposing that each particle is endued with an insuperable impulsive force; but in this case, their spheres of impulsion would be more likely to interfere, and on that account they would be more liable to disturb one another. Mr. Canton shows (Philos. Trans, vol. 58, pa. 344), that the difficulty of the interference will vanish, if a very small portion of time be allowed between the emission of every particle and the next that follows in the same direction. Suppose, for instance, that a lucid point in the sun's sur- face emits 150 particles in a second of time, which, he observes, will be more than sufficient lo give continual light to the eye, without the least appearance of inter- mission ; yet still the particles of such a ray, on account of their great velocity, will be more than 1000 miles be- hind each oilier, a space sufficient to allow others to pass in all directions without any perceptible interruption. And if we adopt the conclusions drawn from the experi- ments on the duration of the sensations excited by light, by the chevalier D'Arcy, in the Acad. Scienc. 1765, who L I G [ 735 ] L I G _states it at the 7th part of a second, an interval of more than 20,000 miles may be admitted between every two successive particles. The doctrine of the materiality of light is further con- firmed by those experiments, which show, that the colour and inward texture of some bodies are changeel by being exposed to the light. Of the Momentum, or Force, of the Particles of Light. Some writers. have attempted to prove the materiality of light, by determining the momentum of their component particles, or by showing that they have a force, so as, by their impulse, to give motion to light bodies. M. Hom- berg, Ac. Par. 1708, Hist. pa. 25, imagined, that he could not onl3> disperse pieces of amianthus, and other light sub- stances, by the impulse of the solar rays, but also that by throwing them upon the end of a kind of lever, connected with the spring of a watch, he could make it move sen- sibly quicker; from which, and from other experiments, lie inferred the weight of the particles of light. And Hartsoeckc r made pretensions of the same nature. But M. Du Fay and M. Mairan made other experiments of a more accurate kind, without the effects which the former had imagined, and which even proved that the effects men- tioned by them were owing to currents of heated air pro- duced by the burning glasses used in their experiments, or some other causes which they had overlooked. Dr. Priestley, however, informs us, that Mr. Michell endeavoured to ascertain the momentum of light with still greater accuracy, and that his endeavours were not alto- gether without success. Having found that the instrument he used, acquired, from the impulse of the rays of light, a velocity of an inch in a second of time, he inferred that the quantity of matter contained in the rays falling upon the instrument in that time, amounted to no more than the 12 hundred millionth part of a grain. In the experi- ment, the light was collected from a surface of about 3 square feet; and as this surface reflected only about the half of what fell upon it, the quantity of matter contained in the solar rays, incident upon a square foot and a half ot surface, in a second of time, ought to be no more than the 12 hundred millionth part of a grain, or upon one square foot only, the 1 S hundred millionth part of a grain. But as the density of the rays of light at the surface of the sun, is 45000 times greater than at the earth, there ought to issue from a square foot of the sun's surface, in one second.of time, the 40 thousandth part of a grain of mat- ter ; that is, a little more than 2 grains a day, or about 4,752,000 grains, which is about 670 pounds avoirdupois, in 6"000 years, the time since the creation ; a quantity which would have shortened the sun's semidiameter by no more than about 10 feet, if it be supposed of no greater density than water only. The Expansion or Extension of any portion of light, is inconceivable. Dr. Hooke shows that it is as unlimited as the universe ; this he proves from the immense distance ot many of the fixed stars, which only become visible to the eye by the best telescopes. Nor, adds he, are they only the great bodies of the sun or stars that are thus liable to disperse their light through the vast expanse of the universe, but the smallest spark of a lucid body must do the same, even the smallest globule struck from a steel by a flint. Thclnlensity of different lights, or of thesame lightin diffe- rent circumstances, affords a curious subject of speculation. M.Bougucr, in hisTraitede Optique, found that when one light is from 60 to 80 times less than another, its presence or absence will not be perceived by an ordinary eye; that the moon's light, when she is 19° 16' high above the ho- rizon, is but about y of her light at 66° 11' high; and when one limb just touched the horizon, her light is but the 2000th part of her light at 66° 11' high ; and that hence light is diminished in the proportion of 3 to 1 by traversing 7-169 toises of dense air. lie found also, that the centre of the sun's disc is considerably more luminous than the edges of it ; whereas both the primary and se- condary planets are more luminous at their edges than near their centres: That, further, the light of the sun is about 300,000 times greater than that of the moon ; and therefore it is no wonder that philosophers have had so little success in their attempts to collect the light of the moon with burning-glasses; for, should one of the largest of them even increase the light 1000 times, it will still leave the light of the moon in the focus of the glass, 300 times less than the intensity of the common light of the sun. Dr. Smith, in his Optics, vol. l, pa. 2Q, thought he had proved that the light of the full moon would be only the 90,900th part of the full day light, if no rays were lost at the moon. But Mr. Robins, in his Tracts, vol. 2, pa. 225, shows that this is too great by one half. And Mr. Michell, by a more easy and accurate mode of computa- tion, found that the density of the sun's light on the sur- face of the moon is but the 45,000th part of the density at the sun ; and that therefore, as the moon is nearly of the same apparent magnitude as the sun, if she reflected to us all the light received on her surface, it would be only the 45,000th part of our day light, or that which we receive from the sun. Admitting therefore, with M. Bouguer, that the moon's light is only the 300,000th part of the day or sun's light, Mr. Michell concludes that the moon re- flects no more than between the 6-th and 7th part of what she receives. Dr. Gravesande says, a lucid body is that which emits or gives fire a motion in right lines, and makes the dif- ference between light and heat to consist in this, that to produce the former, the fiery particles must enter the eye in a rectilinear motion, which is not required in the latter: on the contrary, an irregular motion seems more proper for it, as appears from the rays coming directly from the sun to the tops of mountains, which have not near that effect with those in the valley, agitated with an irre- gular motion, bv several reflections. Sir I. Newton observes, that bodies and light act mu- tually on each other; bodies on light, in emitting, re- fleeting, refracting, and inflecting it; and light on bodies, by heating them, and putting their parts into a vibrating motion, in which heat principally consists. For all fixe^ bodies, he observes, when heated beyond a certain degree, do emit light, and shine; which shining &c appears to be owing to the vibrating motion of their parts; and all bo- dies, abounding in earthy and sulphureous particles, if sufficiently agitated, emit light, which way soever that agitation be effected. Thus, sea water shines in a storm ; quicksilver, when shaken in vacuo; cats or horses, when rubbed in the dark ; and wood, fish, and flesh, when pu- trefied. Light proceeding from putrescent animal and vegetable substances, as well as from glow-worms, is mentioned by Aristotle. And Bartholin mentions four kinds of luminous insects, two of which have wings : but in hot climates it is said they are found in much greater numbers, and of L I G [ 736 ] different species. Columna observes, that their light is not extinguished immediately on the death of the animal. The first distinct account that occurs of light proceeding from putrescent animal flesh, is that which is given by Fabricius ab Aquapendente in 1592, de Visione &c, pa. 45. And Bartholin relates also a similar appearance in his' treatise De Luce Animalium, which happened at Mont- pel ier in l6ll. Mr. Boyle speaks of a piece of shining rotten wood which was extinguished in vacuo ; but on re-admitting the air, it revived again, and shone as before ; though he could not perceive that it was increased in condensed air. But in Birch's History of the Royal Society, vol. 2, pa. 254, there is an account of the light of a shining fish, which was rendered more vivid by putting the fish into a condensing engine. Whitings were the fish commonly used by Mr. Boyle in his experiments : though in a dis- course read before the Royal Society in 16S1, it was as- serted that, of all fishy substances, the eggs of lobsters, after they had been boiled, shone the brightest. Birch's Hist. vol. 2, pa. 70. In 1672 Mr. Boyle accidentally ob- served light issuing from flesh meat; and, among other remarks on this subject, he observes that extreme cold extinguishes the light of shining wood ; probably because extreme cold checks the putrefaction, which is the cause of the light. The shell fish called pholas, is remarkable for its luminous quality. The luminousness of the sea has been also a subject of frequent observation. See Ignis fatuus, Philosphorus, and Putrefaction, &c. Mr. Hawksbee, and many writers on the subject of electricity since his time, have produced a great variety of instances of the artificial production of light, by the attri- tion of bodies naturally not luminous ; as of amber rubbed on woollen cloth in vacuo ; of glass on woollen, of glass on glass, of oyster shells on woollen, and of woollen on woollen, all in vacuo. On the several experiments of this kind, he makes the following reflections : that different sorts of bodies afford light of various kinds, with regard both to colour and force ; that the effects of an attrition are various, according to the different preparations and L I G This action of bodies on light is found to exert itself at a sensible distance, though it always increases as the dis- tance is diminished ; as appears very sensibly in the passage of a ray between the edges of two thin planes at different apertures; which is attended with this peculiar circumstance, that the attraction of one edge is increased as the other is brought nearer to it. The rays of light, in their passage out of glass into a vacuum, are not only inflected towards the glass, but if they fall too obliquely, they will revert back again to the glass, and be totally re- flected. Now the cause of this reflection cannot be attri- buted to any resistance of the vacuum, -but must be en- tirely owing to some force or power in the glass, which attracts or draws back the rays as 'they were passing into the vacuum. And this appears to be further confirmed from hence, that if you wet the back surface of the glass with water, oil, honey, or a solution of quicksilver'then the rays which would otherwise have been reflected, will pervade and pass through that liquor; which shows that the rays are not reflected till they come to that back sur- face of the glass, nor even till they begin to go out of it; for if, at their going out, they fall into any of the afore- said mediums, they will not then be reflected, but will per- sist in their former course, the attraction of the glass being in this case counterbalanced by that of the liquor. M. Maraldi prosecuted experiments similar to those of Sir I. Newton on inflected light. And his observations chiefly respect the inflection of light towards other bodies, by which their shadows are partially illuminated. Acad. Paris 1723, Mem. pa. 159. See also Priestley's Hist, pa. 521, &c. M. Mairan, without attempting the discovery of new facts, endeavoured to explain the old ones, by the hypo- thesis of an atmosphere surrounding all bodies ; and con- sequently two reflections and refractions of light that im- pinges on them, one at the surface of the atmosphere, and the other at the surface of the body itself. This atmo- sphere he supposed to be of a variable density and refrac- tive power, like the air. M. Dutour succeeded Mairan, and imagined that he treatment of the bodies which are to endure it; and that -could account for all the phenomena by the help of an bodies which have yielded a particular light, may be brought by friction to yield no more of that light. M.Bernoulli found by experiment, that mercury amal- gamated with tin, and rubbed on glass, produced a con- siderable light in the air; that gold rubbed on glass, ex- hibited the same in a greater degree; but that the most exquisite light of all was produced by the attrition of a diamond, this being equally vivid with that of a burning coal briskly agitated with the bellows. See Electri- city, &c. ' Of the Attraction of Light. That the particles of light are attracted by those of other bodies, is evident from nu- merous experiments. This phenomenon was observed by Sir I. Newton, who found, by repeated trials, that the rays of light, in their passage near the edges of bodies, arc di- verted out of the right lines, and always inflected or bent towards those bodies, whether they be opaque or trans- parent, as pieces of metals, the edges of knives, broken glasses, &c. See Inflection and Raysv The cu- rious observations that had been made on this subject by Dr. Hooke and Grimaldi, led Sir I. Newton to repeat and diversify their experiments, and to pursue them much farther than they had done. For a particular account of his experiment and observations, see his treatise on Optics, pa. 293, &C. atmosphere of a uniform density, but of a less refractive power than the air surrounding all bodies. Dutour also varied the Newtonian experiments, and discovered more than three fringes in the colours produced by the inflection of light. He further concludes thaUthe refracting atmo- spheres, surrounding all kinds of bodies, are of the same size; for when he used a great variety of substances, and of different dimensions, he always found coloured streaks of the same dimensions. - He also observes, that this hypothesis contradicts an observation of Sir I. Newton, viz, that those rays are the most inflected which pass the nearest to any body. Mem. de Math, et de Phys. vol. 5, pa. 6"50, or Priestley's Hist. pa. 531. M. Lecat found that objects sometimes appear magni- fied by means of the inflection of light; Looking at a distant steeple, when a wire, of a less diameter than the pupil of his eye, was held pretty near to it, and drawing it several times between that object and his eye, he was sur- prised to find that every time the wire passed before his eye, the steeple seemed to change its place, and some hills beyond the steeple seemed to have the same motion, just as if a lens had been drawn between them and his eye. This discovery led him to several others depending on the inflection of the rays of light. Thus, he magnified small L I G [ 737 ] L I G objects, as the head of a pin, by viewing them through a small hole in a card ; so that the rays which formed the image must necessarily pass so near the circumference of the hole, as to be attracted by it. He exhibited also other appearances of a similar nature. Traite des Sens, pa. 29'J. Priestley, ubi supra, pa. 537- Reflection and Refraction of Light. From the mutual attraction between the particles of light and other bodies, arise two other grand phenomena, besides the inflection of light, which are called the reflection and refraction of light. It is well known that the determination of bodies in mo- tion, especially elastic ones, is changed by the interposition of other bodies in their way : thus also light, impinging on the surfaces of .bodies, should also be turned out of its course, and beaten back or reflected, so as, like other striking bodies,.to make the angle of. its reflection equal to t-he angle of incidence. This, it is found by experience, light does ; and yet the cause of this effect is different from that just now assigned : for the rays of light are not re- flected by striking on the very parts of the reflecting bodies, but by some power, equally diffused over the whole surface of the body, by which it acts on the light, either attracting or repelling it, without contact: by which same power, in other circumstances, the rays are refracted; and by which also theravs are first emitted from the luminous body; as Newton fully proves by a great variety of arguments. See Reflection and Refraction. That great author proves, that all those rays which are reflected, do not really touch the body, though they ap- proach infinitely near to it ; and that those which strike on the parts of solid bodies, adhere to them, and are as it were extinguished and lost. Since the reflection of the rays is ascribed to the action of the whole surface of the body without contact, if it be asked, how it happens that all the rays are not reflected from every surface; but that, while some are reflected, others pass through, and are re- fracted ? the answer given by Newton is as follows: — Every ray of light, in its passage through any refracting surface, is put into a certain transient constitution or state, which in the progress of the ray returns at equal intervals, and disposes the ray at every return to be easily transmitted through the next refracting surface, and between the re- turns to be easily reflected by it: which alteration of re- flection and transmission it appears is propagated from every surface, and to all distances. What kind of action or disposition this is, and whether it consists in a circula- ting or vibrating motion of the ray, or the medium, or something else, he does not enquire ; but allows those who are fond of hypotheses to suppose, that the rays of light, by impingeing on any reflecting or refracting surface, excite vibrations in the reflecting or refracting medium, and by that means agitate the solid parts of the body. These vibrations, thus produced in the medium, move faster than the rays, so as to overtake them ; and when any ray is in that part of the vibration which conspires with its motion, its velocity is increased, and so it easily breaks through a refracting surface; but when it is in a contrary part of the vibration, which impedes its motion, it is easily reflected ; and thus every ray is successively disposed to be easily reflected or transmuted by every vibration which meets it. These returns in the disposition ofanyrayto be reflected, he calls Fits of Easy Reflection ; and the returns in the disposition to be transmitted, he calls fits of Easy Transmission; also the space between the returns, the In- terval of the Fits. Hence then the reason why the surfaces Vol. I. of all thick transparent bodies reflect part of the light in- cident on them, and refract the rest, is, that some rays at their incidence are in fits of easy reflection, and others of easy transmission. For the properties of reflected Light, see Reflection, Mirror, &c. Again, a ray of light, passing out of one medium into another of different density, and in its passage making an oblique angle with the surface that separates the mediums, will be refracted, or turned out of its direction; because the rays are more strongly attracted by a denser than by a rarer medium. That these rays are not refracted by striking on the solid parts of bodies, but that this is ef- fected without a real contact, and by the same force by which they are emitted and reflected, only exerting itself differently in different circumstances, is proved in a o,-eat measure by the same arguments by which it is demonstrated that reflection is performed -without contact. See Refrac- tion, Lens, Colour, Vision, &c. Chemical Properties of Light.— The chemical properties of light are yet but very imperfectly Known, though there is reason to believe that it is an agent of great importance in many of the principal changes that are goingon in the visible world, and even in the experiments of the laboratory its effects are often clearly demonstrable. The process of rapid combustion is always attended with the evolution of light along with heat, the source of both of which is ascribed by Lavoisier to the oxygen, which is known to be essential to combustion; so that according to this eminent philosopher, while any sub- stance is burning, the oxygen alone unites with the com- bustible substance, forming an oxyd, acid, &c, according to circumstances; and both the light and heat which pre^ viously existed in the oxygen are now set at liberty, and appear in the form of visible flame. But there are many weighty objections to thelatter part of this hypothesis (see Oxygen and Combustion), so that many chemists have returned to the old opinion, that the light is derived from the burning body, and not from the oxygen that supports combustions; an opinion which on the whole better agrees with the observed phenomena. The sun's rays, the great source of light and heat to our world, have been found by Dr. Herschel to contain, besides all the common coloured rays, separable by the prism, a number of rays of mere heat, giving no light, still less refrangible than the red rays of the spectrum, and therefore extending beyond them, and producing a greater haat than any of the visible rays. Since that rime" it has been discovered, as appears both by Dr. Wollaston, Philosophical Trans, for 1S02, and Mr. Ritter, Philoso- phical Journal, Svo, vols." 4 and 8, that beyonduhe oppo- site, or violet side of the prism, are certain other rays, also invisible, which do not effect the thermometer, but which produce some of the chemical effects of the visible rays of light, particularly of the violet rays to which they are con- tiguous. These therefore appear to be, if the expression may be allowed, invisible rays of light, or rays which, though they do not illuminate, agr.ee in chemical proper- ties with those that do, and appear to be more than any other, separate from solar heat. The most rapid and most unexceptionable chemical effects of pure light hitherto discovered, has been the change of colours of white lima cornea^ to a purplish brown, or slate colour. This change takes place without requiring the least increase of temperature, or in anyway being affected by heat or cold, and it occurs equally well 5 B L I G [ 738 ] L I G in close as in open vessels, and only on the surface imme- diately exposed to the light. Akin's Cltem. Diet. LIGHTNING, a large bright flame, shooting swiftly through the atmosphere, of momentary or very short dura- tion, and rommonly attended with thunder. Some philosophers accounted for this awful natural phenomenon in this manner, viz, that an inflammable substance is formed of the particles of sulphur, nitre, and other combustible matter, which are exhaled from the earth, and carried into the higher regions of the atmo- sphere, and that by the collision of two clouds, or other- wise, this substance takes fire, and darts out into a train of light, larger or smaller according to the strength and quan- tity of the materials. And others have explained the phe- nomenon of lightning by the fermentation of sulphureous substances with nitrous acids. See Thunder. But it is now universally allowed, that lightning is really an electrical explosion or phenomenon. Philosophers had not proceeded far in their experiments and enquiries on this subject, before they perceived the obvious analogy between lightning and electricity, and they produced many arguments to evince their similarity. But the method of proving this hypothesis beyond a doubt, was first proposed by Dr. Franklin, who, about the close of the year 1749, conceived the practicability of drawing lightning down from the clouds. Various circumstances of resemblance between lightning and electricity were remarked by this ingenious philosopher, ant£ have been abundantly con- firmed by later discoveries, such as the following: Flashes of lightning are usually seen crooked and waving in the air; so the electric spark drawn from an irregular body at some distance, and when it is drawn by an irregular body, or through a space in which the best conductors are disposed in an irregular manner, always exhibits the same appearance: lightning strikes the highest and most pointed objects in its course, in preference to others, as hills, trees, spires, masts of ships, &c; so all pointed con- ductors receive and throw oft' the electric fluid more rea- dily than those that are terminated by flat surfaces : light- ning is observed to take and follow the readiest and best conductor; and the same is the case with electricity in the discharge of the Ley den phial; whence the doctor infers, that in a thunder-storm, it would be safer to have one's clothes wet than dry; lightning burns, dissolves metals, rends some bodies, sometimes strikes persons blind, destroys animal life, deprives magnets of their virtue, or reverses their poles; and all these are well-known pro- perties of electricity. But lightning also gives polarity to the magnetic needle, as well as to all bodies that have any thing of iron in them, as bricks &c ; and by observing afterwards which way the magnetic poles of these bodies lie, it may thence be known in what direction the stroke passed. Persons are sometimes killed by lightning, without exhibiting any visible marks of injury; and in this case Sig. Beccaria supposes that the lightning does not really touch them, but only produces a sudden vacuum near them, and the air rushing violently out of their lungs to supply it, they cannot recover their breath again : and in proof of this opinion he alleges, that the lungs of such persons are found flaccid ; whereas these are found inflated when the persons arc. really killed by the electric shock. This hypothesis however is controverted by Dr. Priestley. To demonstrate, by actual experiment, the identity of the electric fluid with the matter of lightning, Dr. Frank- lin contrived to bring lightning from the heavens, by means of a paper kite, properly titled up for the purpose, with a long fine wire string, and called aii electrical kite, which he raised when a thunder-storm was perceived to be coming on : and with the electricity thus obtained, he charged phials, kindled spirits, and performed all other such electrical experiments as are usually exhibited by an excited glass globe or cylinder. This happened in June 1752, a month after the electricians in France, in pursuance of the method which he had -before proposed, had verified the same theory. The. most active of these were Messrs. Dalibard and Delor, followed by M. Mazeas and M. Monnier. In April and June 1753, Dr. Franklin discovered that the air is sometimes electrified negatively, as well as some- times positively ; and he even found that the clouds would change from positive to negative electricity several times in the course of one ihunder-gust. This curious and im- portant discovery he soon perceived was capable of being applied to practical use in life, and in consequence proposed a method, which he soon accomplished, of securing build- ings from being damaged by lightning, by means of Con- ductors: which see. Nor had the English philosophers been inattentive to this subject : but, for want of proper opportunities of trying the necessary experiments, and from some other un- favourable circumstances, they had failed of success. Mr. Canton, however, succeeded in July 1752; and in the following month Dr. Bevis and Mr. Wilson observed nearly the same appearances as Mr. Canton had done before. By a number of experiments Mr. Canton also soon after observed that some clouds were in a positive, while some were in a negative state of electricity ; and that the elec- tricity of his conductor would sometimes change, from one state to the other, five or six times in less than halfan hour. But Sig. Beccaria discovered this variable state of thun- der clouds, before he knew that it had been observed by Dr. Franklin or any other person; and he has given a very exact and particular account of the external appear- ances of these clouds. From the observations of his ap- paratus within doors, and of the lightning abroad, he in- ferred, that the quantity of electric matter in a common thunder-storm, is inconceivably great, considering how many pointed bodies, as spires, trees, &c, are continually drawing it off, and what a prodigious quantity is repeat- edly discharged to or from the earth. This matter is in such abundance, that, he thinks it impossible for any cloud or number of clouds to contain it all, so as cither to re- ceive or discharge it. lie observes also, that during the progress and increase of the storm, though the lightning frequently struck to the earth, the same clouds were the next moment ready to make a still greater discharge, and his apparatus continued to be as much affected as ever ; so that the clouds must have received at one part, in the same moment when a discharge was made from them in another. And from the whole he concludes, that the clouds serve as conductors to convey the electric fluid from those parts of the earth that are overloaded with it, to those that are exhausted of it. The same cause by which a cloud is first raised, from vapours dispersed in the atmosphere t draws to it those that are already formed, and still continues to form new ones, till the whole collected mass extends so far as to reach a part of the earth where there is a deficiency of the electric fluid, and where the electric niattci' will discharge itself on the earth. A chart- L I G [ 739 ] L I K nel of communication being thus formed, a fresh supply of electric matter is raised from the overloaded part, which continues to be conveyed by the medium of the clouds, till the equilibrium of the fluid is restored between the two places of the earth. Sig. Beccaria observes, that a wind always blows from the place from which the thun- der-cloud proceeds ; and it is plain that the sudden accu- mulation of such a prodigious quantity of vapours must displace the air, and repel it on all sides. Indeed many observations of the descent of lightning confirm his theory of the manner. of its ascent; for it often throws before it the parts of conducting bodies, and distributes them along the resisting medium, through which it must force its pas- sage ; and on this principle, the longest flashes of light- ning seem to be made, by forcing into its way part of the vapours in the air. One of the chief reasons why these flashes make so long a rumbling, is that they are occasion- ed by the vast length of a vacuum made by the passage of the electric matter: for though the air collapses the mo- ment after it has passed, and that the vibration, on which the sound depends, commences at the same moment ; yet when the flash is directed towards the person who hears the report, the vibrations excited at the nearer end of the track, will reach his ear much sooner than those from the more remote end; and the sound will, without any echo or repercussion, continue till all the vibrations have successively reached him. How it happens that particular parts of the earth, or the clouds, come into the opposite states of positive and negative electricity, is a question not absolutely determin- ed : though it is easy to conceive that when particular clouds, or different parts of the earth, possess opposite electricities, a discharge will take place within a certain distance; or the one will strike into the other, and in the discharge a flash of lightning will be seen. Mr. Canton queries whether the clouds do not become possessed of electricity by the gradual heating and cooling of the air'; and whether air suddenly rarefied, may not give electric fire to clouds and vapours passing through it, and air sud- denly condensed receive electric fire from them. Mr. Wilckc supposes, that the air contracts its electricity in the same manner that sulphur and other substances do, when they are heated and cooled in contact with various bodies. Thus, the air being heated of cooled near the earth, gives electricity to the earth, or receives it from it; and the electrified air, being conveyed upwards by various means, communicates its electricity to the clouds. — Others have queried, whether, since thunder commonly happens in a sultry state of the air, when it seems charged with sulphureous vapours, the eletric matte'r then in the clouds may not be generated by the fermentation of sulphureous vapours with mineral or acid vapours in the air. With regard to places of safety in times of thunder and lightning, Dr. Franklin's advice is, to sit in a chair in the middle of a room, provided it be not under a metal lustre suspended by a chain, and laying the feet on another chair. " It is still better," he says, " to bring two or three mattresses or beds into the middle of the room, and folding them double, to place the chairs upon them; for as they are not so good conductors as the walls, the lightning will not' be so likely to pass through them : but the safest place of any, is in a hammock hung by silken cords, at an equal distance from all the sides of a room. Dr. Priestley how- ever observes, that the place of most perfect safety must be a cellar, and especially the middle of it ; for when a person is lower than the surface of the earth, the liohtnino must strike it before it can possibly reach him. In the fields, the most secure place is within a few yards of a tree, but not quite near it. Beccaria cautions persons not al- ways to trust too much to the neighbourhood of a hiohcr or better conductor than their own body; since he has repeatedly found that the lightning by no means descends in one undivided track, but that bodies of various kinds conduct their share of it at the same time, in proportion to their quantity and conducting power. See Franklin's Letters, Beccaria's Lettre dell' Ellettriccssimo, Priestley's Hist, of Electric, and Lord Mahon's Principles of Elec- tricity. Lord Mahon observes that damage may be done by lightning, not only by the main stroke and lateral explo- sion, but also by what he calls the returning stroke-; by which is meant the sudden violent return of that part of the natural share of electricity which had been gradually expelled from some body or bodies, by the superinduced elastic electrical pressure of the electrical atmosphere of a thunder-cloud. Artificial Lightning, an imitation of real or natural lightning by gunpowder, aurum fulminans, phosphorus, &c, but especially the last, between which and lightning there is much more resemblance than the others. Phos- phorus, when newly made, gives a sort of artificial light- ning visible in the dark, which would surprise those not used to such a phenomenon. It is usual to keep this pre- paration under water ; and if it is desired to see the cor- ruscations to the greatest advantage, it should be kept in a deep cylindrical glass, not more than three quarters filled with water. At times the phosphorus will send up corruscations, which will pierce through the incumbent water, and' expand themselves with great brightness in the upper or empty part of the glass, and much resembling lightning. Thephosphorus, while burning, acts the part of a corrosive, and when it goes out resolves into a men- struum, which dissolves gold, iron, and other metals ; and lightning, in like manner, melts the same substances. LIKE Quantities, or Similar Quantities, in Algebra, are such as are expressed by the same powers of the same letters, or equally repeated in each quantity;' though the numeral coefficients may be different. Thus 4a and 5a are like quantities, as are.also 3a 1 and 12a% and also 6bxy~ and \Gbiy 1 . But 4a and 5b, or 3a"b and \Oa?b' 1 , &c, are unlike quan- tities; because they have not the same dimensions through- out, nor are the letters equally repeated. — Like quantities can be united into one quantity, by addition or subtrac- tion ; but unlike quantities can only be added or sub- tracted by placing the signs of these operations between them. Like Signs, in Algebra, are the same signs, either both, positive or both negative. But when one is positive and the other negative, they are unlike signs. So, ■+- 3ab and -t- 5cd have like signs, as have also — 2a z c and — 2ax z ; but -+- 3ab and — 5crfhave unlike signs,- asalso— 2ax and 3ax. Like Figures, or Arcs, &c, are the same as similar figures, arcs, &c. See Similar. All like figures have their homologous lines in the same ratio. Also like plane figures are in the duplicate ratio, or as the squares of their homologous lines or sides ; and like solid figures are in the 5B 2 L I L [ 740 ] L I L triplicate ratio, or as the cubes of their homologous lines or sides. LILLY (William), a noted English astrologer, born in Leicestershire in 1602. His father was not able to give him any farther education than common reading and writing ; but young Lilly being of a forward temper, and endued with shrewd wit, he resolved to push his fortune in London, where he arrived in l6'20, and, for a present support, articled himself as a servant to a mantua-maker in the parish of St. Clement Danes. But in 1 624 he moved a step higher, by entering into the service of Mr. Wright in the Strand, master of the Salters company, who not being able to write, Lilly among other offices kept his books. On the death of his master, in 1 627, Lilly paid his addresses to the widow, whom he married with a for- tune of 1000/. Being now his own master, he pursued the bent of his inclinations, which led him to follow the puritanical preachers: but afterwards, turning his mind to judicial astrology, in l632 he became pupil, in that art, to one Evans, a profligate Welsh passon ; and the next year gave the public a specimen of his skill, by an intimation that the king had chosen an unlucky horoscope for the coronation in Scotland. In 1 634, getting a ma- nuscript copy of the Ars Noticia of Cornelius Agrippa, with alterations, he followed the doctrine of the magic circle, and the invocation of spirits, with great eagerness, and practised it for some time ; after which he treated the mystery of recovering stolen goods, &c with great con- tempt, claiming a supernatural sight, and the gift of pro- phetical predictions ; all which he well knew how to turn to good advantage. Mean while, he had buried his first wife, purchased a moiety of 13 houses in the Strand, and married a second wife, who, joining to an extravagant temper a termagant spirit, which, notwithstanding his skill in magic, he could not lay, made him unhappy, and greatly reduced his cir- cumstances. With this uncomfortable yokemate he re- moved, in 1636, to Hersham in Surrey, where he staid till l6'4l ; when, seeing a prospect of fishing in troubled waters, he returned to London. Here having purchased several curious books in this art, which were found on pulling down the house of another astrologer, he studied them incessantly, finding"" out secrets contained in them, which were written in an imperfect Greek character ; and in l644, published his Meilinu's Anglicus, an almanac, which he continued annually till his death, and several other astrological works ; devoting his pen, and other la- bours, sometimes to the king's paTty, and sometimes to that of the parliament, hut mostly to the latter, raising his fortune by favourable predictions to both parties, some- times by presents, and sometimes by pensions: thus, in 1048, the council of state gave him in money 50/. and a pension of 100/. per annum, ■which he received for two years, and then resigned it on some disgust. By|his ad- vice and contrivance, the king attempted several times to make his escape from his confinement: lie procured and sent the aquafortis and files to cut the iron bars of his prison windows at Carisbrook 'castle ; but still advising and writ- ing for the other party at'the same time. Mean while he read public lectures on astrology, in 1048 and 16*49, for the improvement of young students in that art ; and in short, plied his business so well, that in 16*51 and 1(>V>2 he laid out near 2000/. for lands and a house at Hersham, During the siege of Colchester, he and Booker were, sent for thither, to encourage the soldiers ; which they did by assuring them that the town would soon be taken J which proved true in the event. — Having, in l650, written pub- licly that the parliament should not continue, but a new government arise ; agreeably to which, in his almanac for l6o3, he asserted that the parliament stood upon a tick- lish foundation, and that the commonalty and soldiery would join together against them. Upon which he was summoned before the committee of plundered ministers; but, receiving notice of it before the arrival of the mes- senger, he applied to his friend Leuthal the speaker, who pointed out the offensive passages. He immediately al- tered them ; attended the committee next morning, with 6 copies printed, which six alone he acknowledged to be his; and by that means came off with only 13 days cus- tody by the Serjeant at arms. This year he was engaged in a dispute with Mr. Thomas Gataker. — in 1660 he was indicted at Hicks's-hall, for giving judgment on stolen goods ; but was acquitted. And in 16*59, he received from the king of Sweden, a present of a gold chain and medal, worth about 50/. on account of his having men- tioned that monarch with great respect in his almanacs of l6"57 and 165S. — After the Restoration, in 1660, being taken into custody, and examined by a committee of the house of commons, touching the execution of Charles the 1st, he declared, that Robert Spavin, then secretary to Cromwell, dining with him soon after the fact, assured him it was done by cornet Joyce. The same year he sued out his pardon under the broad seal of England ; and af- terwards continued in London till l66a ; when, on the raging of the plague there, he 'retired to his estate at Her- sham. Here he applied himself to the study of physic, having, by means of his friend Elias Ashmole, procured from archbishop Sheldon a licence to practise it, which he did, as well as astrology, from thence till the time of his death. — In October 1666 he was examined before a committee of the house of commons concerning the fire of London, which happened in September that year. A little before bis death, he adopted for his son, by the name of Merlin Junior, one Henry Coley, a taylor by trade; and at the same time gave him the impression of his almanac, which had been printed for 36" years suc- cessively. This Coley became afterwards a celebrated astrologer, publishing in his own name, almanacs, and books of astrology, particularly one entitled A Key to Astrology. Lilly died of a palsy in 16SI, at 79 years of age; and his friend Mr. Ashmole placed a monument over his grave in the church of Waiton-upon-Thames. Lilly was author of many works. His Observations on the Life and Death of Charles late King of England, if we overlook the astrological nonsense, may be read with as much satisfaction as more celebrated ly stories; Lilly- being not only very well informed, but strictly impartial. This work, with the Lives of Lilly and Ashmole, written by themselves, were published in one volume, 8vo, in 1774, by Mr. Burman. His other works were principally as follows: I. Merlinus Anglicus junior. — 2. Supernatural Sight. — 3. The White King's Prophecy. — 4. England's Pro- phetical Merlin : all printed in 14)44. — 5. The Starry Messenger, 16*45. —6. Collection of Prophecies, 16-16. — 7- A Comment on the White King's Prophecy, 1646. — 8. The Nativities of Archbishop Laud and Thomas Earl of Strafford, 16*46'. — 0. Christian Astrology, 16*47: on this piece he read his lectures in I 648, mentioned above.— 10. The Third book of Nativities, I047— H. The World's Catastrophe, 16*17. — 12. The Prophecies of Ambrose Mer- L I M C 741 ] L I N lin, with a "Key, 1647. — 13. Trithemius, or the Govern- ment of the World by Presiding Angels, 16'47. — 14. A trea- tise of the Three Suns seen in the winter of l6~47, printed in 16'4S. — 15. Monarchy or no Monarchy, 1651.— l6\ Observations on (he Life and Death of Charles, late king of England, 1 65 1 ; and aoain in 1051, with the title of Mr. William Lilly's True History of King James and King Charles the 1st, &c. — 17. Annus Tenebrosus; or, the Black Year. This drew him into the dispute with Gataker, which Lilly carried on in his Almanac in l6"54. LI .MB, the outermost border, or graduated edge, of a quadrant, astrolabe, or such like mathematical instru- ment. The word is'also used for the arch of the primitive circle, in any projection of the sphere in piano. Limb also signifies the outermost border or edge of the sun or the moon; as the upper limb, or edge ; the lower limb; the preceding limb, or side ; the following limb. — Astronomers observe the upper or lower limb of the sun or moon, to.find their true height, or that of the centre, which differs from the others by the semidiameter of the disc. LIMBERS, in Artillery, a sort of advanced train, joined to the carriage of a cannon on a march. It is composed of two shafts, wide enough to receive a horse between them, called the fillet horse: these shafts are joined by two bars of wood, and a bolt of iron at one end, and mounted on a pair of rather small wheels. On the axle- tree rises a strong iron spike, which is put into a hole in the hinder part of the train of the gun-carriage, to draw it by. But when a gun is in action, the limbers are taken off, and run out behind it. — See the dimensions and figure of it in Miiller's Treatise of Artillery, pa. 187- LIMIT, is a term used by mathematicians, for some de- terminate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may come nearer to it than by any given difference, but can never go beyond it; in which sense a circle may be said to be the limit of all its inscribed and circumscribed polygons : because these, by increasing the number of their sides, may be made to approach so near to the true area of the circle, that the difference shall be less than any assignable quantity. Limits of the roots of Equations, in Algebra, form a part of that science, by means of which the solution of equations is sometimes much facilitated, particularly in those cases where we can only proceed by approximations; for, knowing that a root must lie between certain limits, that is, that it is greater than one known quantity, and less than another, we are led to a near approximate value in the first instance, which, without this consideration, we should have perhaps discovered only after a tedious ope- ration. To find a limit greater than the greatest root of an equation. Let a, b, c, ike, be roots of an equation; transform it into another whose roots are a — e,b — e, c — e, &c; and if by trial, such a value of e be found, that all the terms of the transformed equation be positive, all its roots are negative; and consequently e is greater than the greatest root of the proposed equation. Suppose, for example, it were required to find a number greater than the greatest root of the equation x 3 — 5 x 7, h- 7x— 1 =o. Assume x = y -+- e, and we have I 3 = y 3 -+- 3ey* -t- 3 e~y -+- e'^J — 5x* = — 5y a — 10ty — 5e- )>_„ * 7x = + 7y + 7«j 3e > = 0. 72) in which equation, if 3 be substituted for e, each of the quantities e i — be\ -+- 7c — 1, 3e 2 — lOe -t- 7, 3e — 5, is positive, or all the values of 7 are negative, therefore 3 is greater ,than the greatest value of x. Again, to find a limit less than the least root of the equation x 3 — 3x -h 72 =0. When the signs of these roots are changed, this equation becomes x 3 — 3x — 72 = 0. Assume x =y ->- e, then X 1 =ry 3 -+- 3ey z -i- 3e*y • — 3x = — 3 y ■ - 72 = and here, if 5 be substituted fore, every term becomes positive, consequently 5 is greater than tne greatest root of the equation x 3 — 3x — 72 = 0, and — 5 less than the least root of the equation x 3 — 3x -+- 72 = 0. And in this manner may be found the limits of the roots of equations of any dimensions. For more on this sub- ject, see Maclaurin's Algebra, and Wood's Algebra. Limit of Distinct Vision, in Optics. See Distinct Vision. Limit of a Planet, has been sometimes used for its greatest heliocentric latitude. Limited Problem, denotes a problem that has but one solution, or some determinate number of solutions: as, to describe a circle through three given points that do not lie in aright line, which is limited to one solution only; to divide a parallelogram into two equal parts by a line pa- rallel to one side, which admits of two solutions, accord- ing as the line is parallel to the length or breadth of the parallelogram ; or to divide a triangle in any ratio by a line parallel to one side, which is limited to three solu- tions, as the line may be parallel to any of the three sides. LINE, in Geometry, a quantity extended in length only, without either breadth or thickness. A line is sometimes considered as generated by the flux or motion of a point; and sometimes as the limit or termination of a superficies, but not .as any part of that surface, however small. Lines are either Right or Curved. A Right, or straight line, is the nearest distance between two points, which are its extremes or ends ; or it is a line which has in every part of it the same direction or position. But a Curve Line has in every part of it a different direction, and is not the shortest distance between its extremes or ends. Right Lines are all of the same species ; but curves are of an infinite number of different sorts. As many may be conceived as there are different compound motions, or as many as there may be different relations between their or- dinates, and abscisses. See Curves. Again, Curve Lines are usually divided into geometrical and mechanical. Geometrical Lines are those which may be found ex- actly in all their parts. See Geometrical Line. Mechanical Lines are such as are not determined exactly in all their parts, but only nearly, or tentatively. Descartes, and his followers, define geometrical lines to be those which may be expressed by an algebraical equation of a determinate or finite degree, called its locus. And mechanical lines, such as cannot be expressed by such an equation. But others distinguish the same lines by the name Algebraical and Transcendental. Lines are also divided into orders, by Newton, accord- ing to the number of intersections which may be made by them and a right line, viz, the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, order, according as they may be cut by a right line, in 1, or 0, or 3, or4, &c, points. In this way of considering them, the right line only is of the 1st order, being but one in L I N [ 742 ] LIS number; the 2d order contains 4 curves only, being such saliant angles, called redents, redans, or flankers, towards as maybe cut from a cone by a plane, viz, the circle, the the enemy. The distance between these angles is coin- ellipse, the hyperbola, and the parabola ; the lines of the monly between the limits of 200 and 260 yards ; the or- 3d order have been enumerated by Newton, in a particular dinary flight of a musket ball, point blank, being corn- treatise, who makes their number amount to 72; but Mr. Stirling found 4 others, and Mr. Stone 2 more ; though it is disputed by some whether the last two ought to be accounted different from some of Newton's, or not. See Newton's Enumer. Lin. Tertii Ordin. also Stirling's Linea; Tert. Ordin. Newtqnianse Oxon. 1717, 8vo. and Philos. Trans. No. 456", &c. Again, Algebraical Lines are divided into different orders ac- cording to the power or degree of their equations. So, the simple equation a ■+■ by -+- ex = 0, or equation of the 1st degree, denotes the 1st order or right line; the equa- tion a ■+- by ■+■ ex ■+- dy 2, + exy -+-/x 2 = 0, of the 2d de- gree, denotes the lines of the 2d order ; and the equation a -+■ by + ex -+- rfj/' 2 ■+■ exy + fix'* -+■ gy 3 ■+■ hxy* ■+■ ix~y ■+■ hx 3 = 0, of the 3d degree, expresses the lines of the 3d order ; and so on Lignes Courbes. Lines, considered with regard to their positions, are either Parallel, Perpendicular, or Oblique. The con- struction of which, see under the respective terms. Line also denotes a French measure of length, being the 12th part of an inch, or the 144th part of a foot. In Astronomy, monly within those limits ; though muskets a little elevated will do effectual service at the distance of 36*0 yards. Fundamental Line, is the first line drawn for the plan of a place, and which shows its area. Central Line, is the line drawn from the angle of the centre to the angle of the bastion. Line of Defence, &c. See Defence, &c. Line of Approach, or Attack, signifies the work which the besiegers carry on under cover, to gain the moat, and the body of the place. Line of Cir'cumvallation, is a line or trench cut by the besiegers, within cannon-shot of the place, ranging round the camp, aud securing its quarters against any relief to be brought to the besieged. Line of Contravallation, is a ditch bordered with a pa- See Cramer's Introd. aT Analyse des rapet, serving to cover the besiegers on the side next the place, and to stop the sallies of the garrison. Lines of Communication are those which run from one work to another. Line of the Base, is that which joins the points of the two nearest bastions. To Line a work, signifies to face it, as with brick or stone ; for example, to strengthen a rampart with a firm Line of the Apses, or Apsides, the line joining the two wall, or to encompass a parapet or moat with good turf, apses, or the longer axis of the orbit of a planet. &c. Fiducial Line, the index line or edge of the ruler, Line, in Geography and Navigation, is emphatically which passes through the middle of an astrolabe, or other used for the equator or equinoctial line, instrument, on which the sights are fitted, and marking In Perspective, the divisions. The Geometrical Line, is a right line drawn in any man- Horizontal Line, a line parallel to the horizon. neron the geometrical plane. Line of the Nodes, that which joins the nodes of the Terrestrial or Fundamental Line, is the common inter- orbit of a planet, being the common section of the plane section of the geometrical plane and plane of the picture, of the orbit with the plane of the ecliptic. Line of the Front, is any line parallel to the terrestrial In Dialling, line. Horizontal Line, is trie common section of the horizon Vertical Line, is the section of the vertical and draft and the dial-plate. Horary, or Hour Lines, arc the common intersections of the hour-circles of the sphere with the plane of the dial. Equinoctial Line, is the common intersection of the equi- noctial and the plane of the dial. In Fortification, Line is sometimes used for a ditch, bordered with its parapet : and sometimes for a row of planes. Visual Line, is the line or ray conceived to pass from the object to the eye. Objective Line, is any line drawn on the geometrical plane, whose representation is sought for in the draught or picture. Line of Measures, is used by Oughtred, and others, to gabions, or sacks of earth, extended lengthwise on the denote the diameter of the primitive circle, in the pro ground, to serve as a shelter against the enemy's fire, jection of the sphere in piano, or that line in which falls When the trenches have been carried on within 30 paces the diameter of any circle to be projected. of the glacis, they draw two lines, one on the right, and the other on the left, for a place of arms. Lines are commonly made to shut up an avenue or en- trance to some place ; the sides of the entrance being co- vered by rivers, woods, mountains, morasses, or other Linear Numbers, aresuch as have relation to length only ; such, for example, as express one side of a plane figure ; and when the plane figure is a square, the linear number is called a root. Linear Problem, is one that can be solved geome- obstructions, not easy to be passed over by an army, trically by the intersection of two right lines. This is When they are constructed in an open country, they are called a simple problem, and is capable of only one so- carried round the place to be defended, and resemble the lution. lines surrounding a camp, called lines of circumvallation. LIQUID, a fluid which wets or smears such bodies as Lines are also thrown up to stop the progress of an army; are immersed in it, arising from some configuration of its but the term is mostly used for the line covering a pass particles, which disposes them to adhere to the surfaces which can only be attacked in front. of bodies contiguous to them. Thus, water, oil, milk, &c, When lines are made to cover a camp, or a large tract are liquids, as well as fluids ; bat quicksilver is not a li- of land, where a considerable body of troops is posted, the work is not made in one straight, or uniformly bend- ing line ; but, at certain distances, the lines project in quid, but simply a fluid LISLE (William de), a learned French geographer, was born at Paris in 1075. His father being much occu- LOG [ 743 ] IOC pied in the same pursuit, young Lisle began at 9 years of age to draw maps, and soon made a considerable progress in this art. In 1 699 he first distinguished himself to the public, by giving a map of the world, and other pieces, which procured him a place in the Academy of Sciences, 1702. He was afterwards appointed geographer to the king, with a pension, and had the honour of instructing the king himself in geography, for whose particular use he drew up several works. Delisle's reputation was so great, that scarcely any history or travels came out with- out the embellishment of his maps. Nor was his name less celebrated abroad than in his own country. Many sovereigns in vain attempted to draw him out of France. The Czar Peter, when at Paris on his travels, paid him a visit, to communicate to him some remarks upon Musco- vy; but more especially, says Fontenelle, to learn from him, better than he could any-where else, the extent and situation of his own dominions, Delisle died of an apo- plexy in 1726, at 51 years of age. Besides the excellent maps he published, he wrote many pieces in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. LISLE (Joseph-Nicholas de), an eminent astrono- mer and geographer, was born at Paris in 1688. He was brother of the above-mentioned William, and had the same education with him under their father, in geography and astronomy. At the age of IS he made an accurate observation of the great total eclipse of the sun in 1706; which may be considered as the beginning of his public career. He was admitted in the astronomical department of the Academy in 1714. In 1724 he visited England, and was much esteemed by Newton and Halley ; and he was also chosen a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 1726 he was invited to Petersburg, where he had the charge of the observatory, with a considerable pension. He re- turned to 'Paris in 1747, where he filled the place of pro- fessor to the Royal College, and where he formed the astronomers Laland and Messier, illustrious pupils of so great a master. M. Delisle died in 1768. His principal works are, his History of Astronomy, 173S,in 2 vols 4to ; and, 4 4 memoirs in the volumes of the Academy, from the year 1714 to 1766. LIST, or Listel, a small square moulding, serving to crown or accompany larger mouldings ; or on occasion to separate the flutings of columns. LITERAL Algebra, See Algebra. LIZARD, in Astronomy. See Lacerta. LOADSTONE, or Magnet; which see. LOCAL Problem, is one that is capable of an infinite number of different solutions; because the point, which is to solve the problem, may be indifferently taken within a a certain extent; as suppose any>where in such a line, within such a plane figure, &c, which is called a Geome- trical Locus. A local problem is Simple, when the point sought is in a right line ; Plane, when the point sought is in the circum- ference of a circle ; Solid, when it is in the circumference of a conic section; or Sursolid, when the point is in the perimeter of a line of a higher kind. Local Motion, or Loco-Motion, the change of place: See Motion. LOCI, the plural of Locus, which see. LOCI Plani, or Loca Plana, one of the last works of Apollonius, that have, been restored by Schooten, in l656; by Format, in 1679 ; and by Simson, in 1749. LOCK, for Canals. See Canal. LOCUS, is some line by which a local or indeterminate problem is solved; or a line of which any point may equally solve an indeterminate problem. Loci are ex- pressed by algebraic equations of different orders, accord- ing to the nature of the locus. If the equation, is con- structed by a right line, it is called Locus ad Rectum ; if by a circle, Locus ad Circulum ; if by a parabola, Locus ad Parabolam; if by an ellipsis, Locus ad Ellipsim ; and so on. ' The loci of such equations as are right lines or circles, the ancients called Plane Loci ; and of those that are conic sections, Solid Loci; but such as are curves of a higher order, Sursolid Loci. The moderns distinguish the loci into orders according to the dimensions of the equa- tions by which they are expressed, or the number of the powers of indeterminate or unknown quantities in any one term: thus, the equation ay = bx + c denotes a locus of the 1st order, but y- = ax, or = ax — x 2 , &c, a locus of the 2d order, and y 3 = a 2 x, or = ax- — x 3 , &c, a locus of the 3d order, and so on; where x and y are unknown or indeterminate quantities, and the others known or determinate ones ; also x denotes the absciss, and y the ordinate of the curve or line which is the locus of the equation. For instance, suppose two variable or indeterminate right lines ap, aq, making any given angle paq between them, where they are supposed to commence, and to extend inde- finitely both ways from the point a : then calling any ap, x, and it s corresponding ordinate pq, y, continually changing its po- sition by moving parallel to itself along the indefinite line ap ; also in the line ap assume ab = a, and from b draw bc parallel to pq and — b : then the indefinite line aq is called in general a Geometrical Locus, and in particular the locus of the equation y = — ; for whatever point q.is, the triangles abc, apq. are always similar, and therefore ab : bc : : ap : pq, that is a : b : : x : y, therefore ay = bx is the equation to the right line aq, or aq is the locus 0^ the equation' ay = bx. Again, if aq be a parabola, the nature of which is such, that ab : ap : : BC a : pq 2 , or a : x : : b 2 :y% and therefore ay x = b'x is the equa- tion which has the parabola for its locus, or the parabola is the locus to every equation of this form ay 1 = b 2 x. Or-if aq be a circle, having its radius ab = a, the nature of which is this, that pq 5 = ap . pd, or y* = x . (2a — x) or = lax — x 2 ; therefore the locus of the equation of this form y 2 = 2«r — z% is a circle. LOG [744 In like manner it will appear, that the ellipse is the locus to the equation fy l = c~ x (tx — x 2 ), and the hy- perbola the locus to the equation Pi/ 2, == c' 2 x (tx -+- x'); where t is the transverse, and c the conjugate axis of the ellipse or hyperbola. All equations whose loci are of the first order, may- be reduced to one of the 4 following forms: 1st, y = — ; 2d,^ = h f; 3d, y =- c; 4th, y = c — '; where the letter c denotes the distance that the ordinates commence from the line ap, either on the one side or the other of it, according as the sign of that quantity is -+- or — . All loci of the 2d degree are conic sections, viz, either the parabola, the circle, ellipsis, or hyperbola. There- fore when an equation is given, whose locus is of the 2d degree, and it is required to draw that locus, or, which is the same thing, to construct the equation generally ; bring over all the terms of the equation to one side, so that the other side be. 0; then to know which of the conic sec- tions it denotes, there will be two general cases, viz, either when the rectangle xy is in the equation, or when it is not in it. Case 1 . When the term xy is not in the proposed equa- tion. Then, 1st, if only one of the squares x' 2 ,y~ be found in it, the locus will be a parabola. 2d, If both the squares be in it, and if they have the same sign, the locus will be a circle or an ellipse. 3d, But if the signs of the squares x' l ,y L be different, the locus will be an hyperbola, or the opposite hyperbolas. Case 2. When the rectangle xy is in the proposed equa- tion ; then 1st, If neither of the squares x~,y\ or only one of them be in the equation, the locus will bean hyperbola between the asymptotes. 2d, If both xr and y" be in it, having different signs, the locus will be an hyperbola, having the abscisses on its diameter. 3d, If both the squares be in it, and with the same sign, then if the coef- ficient of x 2 be greater than the square of half the coeffi- cient ofxy, the locus will be an ellipse; if equal, a para- bola ; and if less, an hyperbola. This method of determining geometric loci, by reducing them to the most compound or general equations, was first published by Mr. Craig, in his Treatise on the Qua- drature of Curves, in 1693. It is explained at large in the 7th and Sth books of I Hospital's Conic Sections. This subject is also particularly illustrated in Maclaurin's Al- gebra. The method of Descartes for finding the loci of equations of the 2d order, is by extracting the root of the equation. Sec his Geometry ; as also Stirling's llluslratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis. The doctrine of these loci is likewise well treated by De Witt in his Elementa Curva- rura. And Bartholomrcus Intieri, in his Aditus ad Nova Arcana Geometrica delegenda, lias shown how to find the loci of equations of the higher orders. Mr. Stirling too, in his treatise above-mentioned, has given an example or two of finding the loci of equations of 3 dimensions. Eu- clid, Apollonius, Aristreus, Fermat, Viviani, have also written on the subject of loci. LOG, in Navigation, is a piece of thin board, of a sec- toral or quadtantal form, loaded in the circular side with lead sufficient to make it swim upright in the water; to which is fastened a line of about 150 fathoms, or 300 yards long, called the log-line, divided into certain spaces, called knots, and wound on a reel turning very freely, for the line to wind easily off. 3 LOG The use of the log, or log-line, is to measure the velo- city of the ship, or rate at which she runs, which is done from time to time, as the foundation on which the ship's reckoning, or finding her place, is kept ; and the practice is, to heave the log into the sea, with the line tied to it, and by observing how much of the line is run off the reel, while the ship sails, during the space of half a minute, which time is measured by a. sand-glass made to run that time very exactly. About 10 fathoms of stray or waste line is left next the log before the knotting or count- ing commence, that space being usually allowed to carry the log out of the eddy of the ship's wake. The using of the log for finding the velocity of the ship, is called heaving the log, and is thus performed : One man holds the reel, and another the half-minute glass ; an officer of the watch throws the log over the ship's stern, on the lee-side, and when he observes the stray line, and the first mark is going off, he cries Turn ! when the glass- holder instantly turns the glass crying out Done ! then watching the glass, the moment it is run out he says Slop ! upon which the reel being quickly stopt, the last mark run off shows the number of knots, and the distance of that mark from the reel is estimated in fathoms : then the knots and fathoms together show the distance run in half a minute, or the distance per hour nearly, by considering the knots as miles, and the fathoms as decimals of a mile : Thus, if 7 knots and 4 fathoms be observed, then the ship runs at the rate of 7'4 miles an hour. It follows, therefore, that the length of each knot, or division of the line, ought to be the same part of a sea; mile, as half a minute is of an hour, that is T 4-oth part. Now it is found that a degree of the meridian contains nearly 366,000 feet, therefore -^ of this, or a nautical mile, will be 6l00 feet ; the T ^th of which, or 51 feet nearly, should be the length of each knot, or division of the log-line. But, because it is safer to have the reckon- ing rather before the ship, than after it, it is therefore usual now to make each knot equal to S fathoms or 48 feet. But the knots are made sometimes to contain only 42 feet; which method of dividing the log-line is founded on the supposition, that 60 miles, of 5000 feet each, make a de- gree ; for -rl-^th of 5000 is 41|, or in round numbers 42 feet. And though many mariners find by experience that this length of the knot is too short, yet rather than quit the old way, they use sand-glasses lor half-minute ones that run only 24 or 25 seconds. The sand, or hall-minute glass, may be tried by a pendulum vibrating seconds, in the following manner: On a hook or peg, hang a thread or fine string that has a muskel-ball fixed to one end, carefully measuring between the centre of the ball and the string's loop over the nail 3Q£ inches, being the length of a second pendulum ; then make it swing or vibrate very small arches, and count one for every time it passes un- der the nail, beginning at the second time it passes ; and the number of swings made during the time the glass is running out, shows the seconds in the glass. It is not known who was the inventor of this method of measuring the ship's way, or her rale of sailing ; but no mention qf it occurs lill the year l6"07, in an East-India voyage, published by Purchas ; and from that time its name occurs in other -voyages in his collections; after which it became more known, being noticed both by our own authors, and by foreigners ; as by Gunter in 16'23; Snellius, in l6'24; Melius, in lfiSl ; Oughtred, in IG'33 ; llerigone, in 16'34; Saltonstall, in lo"36' ; Norwood, iu LOG [ 745 ] LOG 1637 ; Fournicr, in 1643; and almost atl the succeeding writers on navigation of every country. Various improve- ments have lately been made on this instrument by differ- ent persons. See Robertson's Navigation, the Preface, pa. v. Also Hist. Math. torn, iv, 525 — 537. Loa-Board, in Navigation, a board or table usually di- vided into 5 columns : in the first of which is entered the hour of the day ; in the 2d, the course steered ; in the 3d, the number of knots run off the reel each time of heaving the log; in the 4th, the direction of the wind; and in the 5th, observations on the weather, variation of the com- pass, &c. ~LoG-Book, a book ruled in columns like the log-board, into which the account on this is transcribed every day at noon ; from whence, after it is corrected, &c, it is entered into the journal. LOGARITHM, from the Greek kayos ratio, and xptSao; number; q. d. ratio of numbers, or perhaps rather number of ratios ; the indices of the ratios of numbers to one another; or a series of numbers in arithmetical pro- portion, corresponding to as many others in geometrical proportion, in such sort that corresponds to, or is the index of \, in the geometricals. They have been devised for the ease of large arithmetical calculations. Thus, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c,indicesorlogarithms. f 1,2, 4,' S , 16 , &c,\ \ot 2°, 2 1 , 2°, 2 3 , 2 4 , &c, the geometrical f 1,3, 9, 27, SI, ccc, \ progressions, or "^or 3', 3 1 , 3", 3 3 , 3 4 , &c, I common num- f 1 , 10, 100, 1000, 10000, &c, j bers. |orlO°, 10", 10-, 10 3 , 10 4 , &c,J Where the same indices, or logarithms, serve equally for any geometric series ; and from which it is evident, that there may be an endless variety of sets of logarithms to the same common numbers, by varying the 2d term 2, or 3, or 10; &c of the geometric series ; as this will change the original series of terms whose indices are the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c ; and, by interpolation, the whole system of numbers may be made to enter the geometrical series, and receive their proportional logarithms, whether inte- gers or decimals. Or the logarithm of any given number, is the index of such a power of some other number, as is equal to the given one. So if n be = r", then the logarithm of n is n, which may be either positive or negative, and r any num- ber whatever, according to the different systems of loga- rithms. When k is 1, then n is = 0, whatever the value of r is ; and consequently the logarithm of 1 is always in every system of logarithms. When n = 1, then N =r; consequently the root r is always the number whose loga- rithm is 1, in every system. When r = 2-718281S2S459 &c, the indices are the hyperbolic logarithms ; so that n is always the hyperbolic logarithm of (2'71S &c)". But in the common logarithms r = 10; so that the common logarithm of any number, is the index of that power of 10 which is equal to the said number; so the common loga- rithm of n = 10", is n the index of the power of 10 ; example, 1000, being the 3d power of 10, has 3 for its lo- garithm ; and if 50 be = lO 1 ' 6 ^, then is 1-69S97 the com- mon logarithm of 50. And hence it follows that this de- i imal series of terms Vol. I. 1000, 100, .10 , 1 , •], '01, -001, or 10 3 , 10-, 10', 10°, 10~', lo"\ 10~ 3 , have 3, 2, 1, 0, —1, —2, —3, respectively for the logarithms of those terms. The logarithm of a number contained between any two terms of the first series, is included between the two tor- responding terms of the latter; and therefore that loga- rithm will consist of the same index, whether positive or negative, as the smaller of those two terms, to°ether with a decimal fraction, which will always be positive. So the number 50 falling between 10 and 100, its logarithm will fall between 1 and 2, being indeed equal to 1 "69897 near- ly : also the number -05 falling between the terms -1 and •01, its logarithm will fall between —1 and —2, and is indeed =-2 + -69S97, the index of the less term toge- ther with the decimal -69S9T. The index is also called the characteristic of the logarithms, and is always an in- teger, either positive or negative, or else = ; and it shows what place is occupied by the first significant figure of the given number, either above or. below the place of units, being in the former case -+- or positive; in the latter — or negative. When the index of a logarithm is negative, the sign — is commonly set over it, to distinguish it from the decimal part, which, being the logarithm found in the tables, is always positive : so — 2 •+■ - 698fl7, or the logarithm of •05, is written thus 2'69S97. But on some occasions it is convenient to reduce the whole expression^ to a negative torm ; which is done by making the characteristic less by 1, and taking the arithmetical complement of the decimal, that is, beginning, at the left hand, subtract each figure from 9, except the last significant figure, which is sub- tracted from 10; so shall the remainders form the loga- rithm wholly negative: thus the logarithm of -05, which is 2-69897 or — 2 -+- "69897, is also expressed by — 1"30103, which is all negative. It is also sometimes thought more convenient to express such logarithms en- tirely as positive, namely by only joining to the tabular decimal the complement of the index to 10; and in this way the above logarithm is expressed by S'69897; which is only increasing the indices in the scale by 10. The Properties of Logarithms. — From the definition of logarithms, either as being the indices of a series of geo- metricals, or as the indices of the power of the same root, it follows, that the multiplication of the numbers will answer to the addition of their logarithms ; the division of numbers, to the subtraction of their logarithms; the raising of powers, to the multiplying the logarithm of the root by the index of the power; and the extracting of roots, to the dividing the logarithm of the given number by the index of the root required to be extracted. So, 1st, Log. ab or of a x b is = log. a -+- log. b, Log. 1 b or of 3 x 6 is = log. 3 ■+■ log. 6, Log. 5 x 9 x 73 is = log. 5 -f- log. 9 + log. 73. Secondly, Log. a ■— b is = log. a — log. h, Log. 18 -r- 6 is = log. IS - log. 6, Log. 79 x 5 -f- 9 is = log. 79 ■+■ log. 5 — log. 9, Log. \ or 1 -7- 2 is = 1. 1 — 1. 2 = - 1. 2 = - 1. 2, Log": - or 1 -7- n is = 1.1 — l.n = — l.n. LOG [ m ] LOG Thirdly, Log. r" is = n 1. r; log. r» or of »/r is = - 1. r; Lot. r» is = - 1- r; log. 2 6 is =61. 2; log. 9J or of^2 is = ■§■!. 2; and log. 2* is = £ 1.2. So that any number and its reciprocal have the same lo- garithm, but with contrary signs ; and the sum of the logarithms of any number and its reciprocal, or comple- ment, is equal to 0. For other particulars, see the Intro- duction to my Logarithms. History and Construction of Logarithms. — The properties of logarithms hitherto mentioned, or of arithmetical in- dices a to powers or geometricals, with their various uses and properties, as above-mentioned, are taken notice of by Stifelius, in his Arithmetic; and indeed they were not unknown to the ancients ; but they come all far short of the use of logarithms in trigonometry, as first discovered by John Napier, baron of Merchiston in Scotland, arid published at Edinburgh in 1614, in his Mirifici Logarith- morum Canonis Descriptio; which contained a large canon of logarithms, with the description and uses of them ; but their D construction Was reserved till the sense of the learned concerning his invention should be known. This work was translated into English by the celebrated Mr. Edward Wright, and published by his son in l6l6. In the year 1619, Robert Napier, son of the inventor of logarithms, published a new edition of his late father's work, together with the promised construction of the logarithms, with other miscellaneous pieces written by his father and Mr. Briggs. And in the same year, 1619, Mr. John Speidell published his New Logarithms, being an improved form of Napier's. All these tables were of the kind that have since been called hyperbolical, because the numbers express the areas between the asymptote and curve of the hyperbola. And logarithms of this kind were also soon after published by several other persons; as by Ursinus in 1619, Kepler in 1624, and some others. On the first publication of Napier's logarithms, Henry Briggs, then professor of geometry in Gresham-college in London, immediately applied himself to the study and im- provement of them, and soon published the logarithms of the first 1000 numbers, but on a new scale, which he had invented, viz, in which the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1 is 1, the logarithm of the same ratio in Napier's system bcina 2-3025S &c ; and in l624, Briggs published his Arithmetica Logarithmica, containing the logarithms of 30,000 natural numbers, to 14 places of figures besides the index, in a form that Napier and he had agreed upon together, being the present form of logarithms; also in ]633 was published, to the same extent of figures; his Tri- gonometria Britannica, containing the natural and logarith- mic sines, tangents, &c. With various and gradual improvements, logarithms were also published successively, by Gunter in l620, Win- gate in 1624, Henrion in 16*26, Miller and Norwood in 1631, Cavalerius in l6"32 and 1643, Vlacq and Rows in 16'33, Frobenius in 1634, Newton in 16'58, Caramuel in ]6'70, Sherwin in 1706', Gardiner in 1742, and Dodson's Aatilogarithmic Canon in the same year, Taylor in 1793, besides many others of lesser note; not to mention the ac- curate and comprehensive! tables in the Tables Portative in 1793, &c, those of Borda and Delambre in 1801, and in my own Logarithms lately published, where a complete history of this science may be seen, with the various ways of constructing them, that have been invented by different authors. In Napier's construction of logarithms, the natural numbers, aud their logarithms, as he sometimes called them, or at other times the artificial numbers, are sup- posed to arise, or to be generated, by the motions of points, describing two lines, of which the one is the natural num- ber, and the other its logarithm, or artificial. Thus, he conceived the line or length of the radius to be described, or run over, by a point moving along it in such a manner, that in equal portions of time it generated, or cut off, parts in a decreasing geometrical progression, leaving the several remainders, or sines, in geometrical progression also; while another point described equal parts of an indefinite line, in the same equal portions of time ; so that the re- spective sums of these, or the whole line generated, were always the arithmeticals or logarithms of the aforesaid natural sines. In this idea of the generation of the lo- garithms and numbers, Napier assumed as the logarithm of the greatest sine or radius ; and next he limited his system, not by assuming a particular value to some as- signed number, or part of the radius, but by supposing that the two generating points, which, by their motions along the two lines, described the natural numbers and logarithms, should have their velocities equal at the be- ginning of those lines. And this is the reason that, in his table, the natural sines and their logarithms, at the com- plete quadrant, have equal differences or increments ; and this is also the reason why his scale of logarithms happens accidentally to agree with what have since been called the hyperbolical logarithms, which have likewise numeral dif- ferences equal to those of their natural numbers at the beginning ; except only that these latter increase with the natural numbers, while his on the contrary decrease ; the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1 being the same in both, namely 2-30258509 &c. Having thus limited his system, Napier proceeds, in the posthumous work of l6l9> to explain his construction of the logarithmic canon. This he effects in various ways, but chiefly by generating, in a very easy manner, a scries of proportional numbers, and their arithmeticals or loga- rithms; and then finding, by proportion, the logarithms to the natural sines from those of the natural numbers, among the original proportionals ; a particular account of which may be seen in my book of logarithms above men- tioned. The methods above alluded to, relate to Napier's or the hyperbolical system of logarithms, and indeed are in a manner peculiar to that kind of them. But in an appen- dix to the posthumous work, mention is made of other methods, by which the common logarithms, agreed on by him and Briggs, may be constructed, and which it appears were written aflcr that agreement. One of these methods is as follows: Having assumed for the logarithm of 1, and 10000 &c, for the logarithm of 10; this logarithm of 10, and the successive quotients, are to be divided ten times by 5, by which divisions there will be obtained these other ten logarithms, namely 2000000000, 400000000, S0O000O0, 16000000, 3200000, 640000, 12S0£>0, 'J56'00, 5120, 1024; then this last logarithm, and ifs'qiioticnts, being divided ten times by 2, will give these other ten lo- garithms, LOG [ 747 J viz, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, S, 4, 2, 1. Also the numbers answering to these twenty logarithms are to be found in this manner, viz, Extract the 5th root of 10 (with ciphers), then the 5th root of that root, and so on for ten continual extractions of the 5th root: so shall these ten roots be the natural numbers belonging to the first ten logarithms above found, in dividing conti- nually by 5. Next, out of the last 5th root is to be ex- tracted the square root, then the square root of this last root, and so on for ten successive extractions of the square root: so shall these last ten roots be the natural numbers corresponding to the logarithms or quotients arising from the last ten divisions by the number 2. And from these twenty logarithms, 1, 2, 4, 8, &c, and their natural numbers, the author observes that other logarithms and their numbers may be formed, namely by adding the lo- garithms, and multiplying their corresponding numbers. But, besides the immense labour of this method, it is evident that this process would generate rather an antilogarithmic canon, such as Dodson's, than the table of Briggs. Napier next mentions another method of deriving a few of the primitive numbers and their logarithms, namely, by taking continually geometrical means, first be- tween 10 and 1, then between 10 and this mean, and again between 10 and the last mean, and so on; and then taking the arithmetical means between their corresponding lo- garithms. He then lays down various relations between numbers mid their logarithms, such as, that the products and quo- tients of numbers, answer to the sums and differences of their logarithms; and that the powers and roots of num- bers, answer to the products and quotients of the loga- rithms when multiplied or divided by the index of the power or root, &c; as also that, of any two numbers, whose logarithms are given, if each number be raised to the power denoted by the logarithm of the other, the two re- mits will be equal; thus, if x be the logarithm of any number x, and y the logarithm of y, then is x>" = y x . Napier then adverts to another method of making the .logarithms to a few of the prime integer numbers, which is well adapted for the construction of the common table of logarithms: this method easily follows from what has been said above, depending on this property, that the lo- garithm of any number in this scale, is one less than the number of places or figures contained in that power of the given number whose exponent is 10000000000, or the lo- garithm of 10, at least as to integer numbers, for they really differ by a fraction, as is shown by Mr. Briggs in his illus- trations of these properties; printed at the end of the Ap- pendix to the Construction of Logarithms. Kepler gave, a construction of logarithms somewhat varied from Napier's. His work is divided into two parts : In the first, he raises a regular and purely mathematical system of proportions, and the measures of them, demon- strating both the nature and principles of the construction of logarithms, which he calls the Measures of Ratios: and in the second part, he applies those principles in the actual construction of his table, which contains only 1000 numbers and their logarithms. The fundamental prin- ciples are briefly these: That at the beginning of the lo- garithms, their increments or differences are equal to those of the natural numbers: that the natural numbers may be considered as the decreasing cosines of increasing arcs : and that the secants of those arcs at the beginning have the same differences as the cosines, and therefore the LOG same differences as the logarithms. Then, since the se- cants are the reciprocals of the cosines of the same arcs, from the foregoing principles, he establishes the following method of raising the first 100 logarithms, to the num- bers 1000, 999, <;9S, &c, to yOO ; viz, in this manner: Divide the radius 1000, increased with seven ciphers, by each of these numbers separately, and the quotients will be the secants of those arcs which have the divisors for their cosines; continuing the division to the Sth figure, as it is in that place only that the arithmetical and geometrical means differ. Then by adding continually the arith- metical means between every two successive secants, the sums will be the series of logarithms. Or by adding continually every two secants, the successive sums wjll be the series of the double logarithms. He then de- rives all the other logarithms from these first 100, by com- mon principles. Briggs first adverts to the methods mentioned above, in the Appendix to Napier's Construction, which methods were common to both these authors, and had doubtless beenjointiy agreed on by them. He then gives an example of computing a logarithm by the property, that the lo- garithm is one less than the number of places or figures contained in that power of the given number whose ex- ponent is the logarithm of 10 with ciphers. Briggs next treats of the other general method of finding the loga- rithms of prime numbers, which he thinks is an easier way than the former, at least when many figures are required. This method consists in taking a great number of conti- nued geometrical means between 1 and the given number whose logarithm is required; that is, first extracting the square root of the given number, then the root of the 1st root, the root of the 2d root, the root of the 3d root, and so on, till the last root shall exceed 1 by a very small de- cimal, greater or less according to the intended number of places to be in the logarithm sought: then finding the lo- garithm of this small number, by easy methods described afterwards, he doubles it as often as he made extractions of the square root, or, which is the same thing, he multiplies it by suGh power of 2 as is denoted by the said number of extractions, and the result is the required logarithm of the given number; as is evident from the nature of loga- rithms. But, as the extraction of so many roots is a very trou- blesome operation, our author devises some ingenious methods of abridging that labour, chiefly by a proper ap- plication of the several orders of the differences of num- bers, forming the first instance of what may be called The Differential Method; for a particular description of which, see my Logarithms, above quoted, pa. 65, &c. Mr. James Gregory, in his Vera Circuli Hyperbolae Quadrature, printed at Padua in 1667, having approxi- mated to the hyperbolic asymptotic spaces by means of a series of inscribed and circumscribed polygons, from thence shows how to compute the logarithms, which are analo- gous to the areas of those spaces : and thus the quadrature of the hyperbolic spaces became the same thing as the com- putation of the logarithms. He here also lays down various methods to abridge the computation, with the assistance of some properties of numbers themselves, by which the loga- rithms of all prime numbers under 1000 may be computed, each by one multiplication, two divisions, and the extrac- tion of the square root. And the same subject is further pursued in his Exercitationes Geometricaj. In this latter place, he first finds an algebraic expression, in an infinite 5 C 2. LOG t 748 ] LOG series, for the logarithm of , and then likewise for the logarithm of ; and as the one series has all its terms ° 1 —a positive, while those of the other are alternately positive and negative, by adding the two together, every 2d term is cancelled, and the double of the other terms gives the logarithm of the product of and ,or the logarithm oi 1 l — a ° ratio of 1 — a to 1 + a : Thus, he finds, first a — and a -+- -, that is, of the theref. 2a Which may be accounted Mr. James Gregory's method of making logarithms. In l66'S, Nicholas Mercator published his Logarith- niotechnia, sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos, nova, accurata, et facilis ; in which he delivers a new and in- genious method for computing the logarithms on princi- ples purely arithmetical; and here, in his modes of think- ing and expression, he closely follows the celebrated Kepler, in his writings on the same subject; accounting logarithm^ as the measures of ratios, or as the number of ratiunculoe contained in the ratio which any number bears to unity. Purely from these principles then, the number of the equal ratiunculoe contained in some one ratio, as of 10 to 1, being supposed given, our author shows how the logarithm, or measure, of any other ratio may be found. But this, however, only by-the-bye, as not being the prin- cipal method he intends to teach, as his last and best. Hav- ing shown then, that these logarithms, or numbers of small ratios, or measures of ratios, may be all properly repre- sented by numbers, and that of 1, or the ratio of equality, the logarithm or measure being always 0, the logarithm of 10, or the measure of the ratio of 10 to 1, is most conve- niently represented by 1 with any number of ciphers; he then proceeds to show how the measures of all other ratios may be found from this last supposition: and he explains these principles by some examples in numbers. In the latter part of the work, Mercator treats of his other method, given by an infinite series of algebraic terms, which are. collected in numbers by common addition only. He here squares the hyperbola, and finally finds that the hyperbolic logarithm of 1 ■+■ a, is equal to the infinite scries a — \a z ■+■ \u? — £a' &c ; which may be consi- dered as Mercator's quadrature of the hyperbola, or his general expression of an hyperbolic logarithm, in an in- finite series. And this method was further improved by Dr. Wallis, in the Philos. Trans, for the year l668 ; by showing that the hyp. log. of the ratio of 1 to 1 — a is equal to the in- finite series a •+- \a i -+- ^a 3 -+- Ja* -t- &c. The celebrated Newton invented also the same series for the quadrature of the hyperbola, and the construction of logarithms, and that before they were given by Gregory and Mercator, though unknown to one another, as appears by his letter to Mr. Oldenburg, dated October 24, 1676- The expla- nation and construction of the logarithms are also further pursued in his Fluxions, published in 1736' by Mr. Colson. Or. Halley, in the Philos. Trans, for the year l6y5, gave a very ingenious essay on the construction of loga- rithms, entitled, " A most compendious and facile method for constructing the logarithms, and exemplified and de- monstrated from the nature of numbers, without any re- gard to the hyperbola, with a speedy method for rinding the number from the given logarithm." Instead of the more ordinary definition of logarithms, viz, 'numerorumproportionaliumasquidifferentescomites,* the learned author adopts this other, ' numeri rationum exponentes/ as better adapted to the principle on which logarithms are here constructed, considering them as the number of ratiunculae contained in the given ratios whose logarithms are in question. In this way he first arrives at the logarithmic series before given by Newton and others, and afterwards, by various combinations and sections of the ratios, he derives others, converging still faster than the former. Thus he found the logarithms of several ratios, as below, viz, when multiplied by the modulus pe- culiar to the scale of logarithms, q — ±q" -t- -Ij 3 — ^q* &c, the log. of 1 to 1 •+- q, q -+- iq' 2 '•+■ -Jo 3 -+• ^q* &c, the log. of 1 to 1 — q, — s- h r — — t &c, the log. of a to b, or a 2a" 3a 4a ° —rr &c, the same log. of a to b, or Ox 7 — -■ &c, the same log. of a to b, 7z 7 ° a* — 5- &c, the log. of /Jab to iz, or — -. &c, the same log. of \/ab to iz ; 72/" ' ° v * where a, b, q, are any quantities, and the values of x, y, z, are thus, viz, x = 6 — a, z = b -+- a, y= ab -+- £z*. Dr. Halley also, the first who performed the reverse of the problem, by assigning the number to a given loga- rithm ; viz, *7879*4117J &c; LOG [ 749 ] LOG the modulus of any system being the measure or logarithm of that ratio, which in the hyp. logarithms is 1, which in Briggs's or the common logarithms isO'4342944S 1903 &c. The learned Dr. Brook Taylor gave another method of computing logarithms in the Philos. Trans. No. 352, which is founded on these three principles, viz, 1st, That the sum of the logarithms of any two numbers is the logarithm of the product of those numbers; 2d, That the logarithm of 1 is 0, and consequently that the nearer any number is to 1, the nearer will its logarithm be to 0; 3d, That the pro- duct of two numbers or factors, of which the one is greater, and the other less than 1, is nearer to 1, than that factor is which is on the same side of 1 with itself; so of the two numbers § and |, the product f- is less than 1, but yet rearer to it than \ is, which is also less than 1. — And on these principles he founds an ingenious, though not very obvious, approximation to the logarithms of given numbers. In the Philos. Trans, a Mr. John Long gave a method of constructing logarithms, by means of a small table, some- thing in the manner of one of Briggs's methods for the same purpose. Also in the Philos. Trans, vol. 6l, a tract on the con- struction of logarithms is given by the ingenious Mr. Wil- liam Jones. In this method, all numbers are considered as some certain powers of a constant determined root: thus, any number x 4s considered as the r power of any root r, or x = r z is taken as a general expression for all numbers in terms of the constant root r and a variable ex- ponent z. Now the index z being the logarithm of the number x, therefore to find this logarithm, is the same thing as to find what power of the radix r is equal to the number x. An elegant tract on logarithms, as a comment on Dr. Halley's method, was also given by Mr. Jones in his Sy- nopsis Palmariorum Matheseos, published in the year 1706. In the year 1742, Mr. James Dodson published his Anti- logarithmic Canon, containing all logarithms under 100,000, and their corresponding natural numbers to eleven places of figures, with all their differences and the proportional parts ; the whole arranged in the order con- trary to that used in the common tables of numbers and logarithms, the exact logarithms being here placed first, and their corresponding nearest numbers in the columns opposite to them. And in 176'7, Mr. Andrew Reid published an "Essay on logarithms," in which he shows the computation of lo- garithms from principles depending on the binomial theo- rem, and on the nature of the exponents of powers, the logarithms of numbers being here considered as the expo- nents of the powers of 10. In this way he brings out the usual series for logarithms, and exemplifies Dr. Halley's construction of them. But for the particulars of this, and the methods given by the other authors, we must refer to the historical preface to my treatise on logarithms. Besides the authors above-mentioned, many others have treated on the subject of logarithms ; among the principal of whom are, Leibnitz, Euler, Maclaurin, Wolfius, Keill. Lagrange, and professor Simson in an ingenious geometri- cal tract on logarithms, contained in his posthumous works, elegantly printed at Glasgow in the year 1776, at the ex- pense of the learned Earl Stanhope, and by his lordship disposed of in presents among gentlemen most eminent for mathematical learning. For the description and uses of logarithms in numeral calculations, with the various methods of constructing them, see the historical introduction to my Logarithms pa. 124 et seq. Briggs's or Common Logarithms, are those that have 1 for the logarithm of 10, or which have 0-4342944319 &c for the modulus ; as has been explained above. Hyperbolic Logarithms, are those that were computed by the inventor Napier, and called also sometimes natural logarithms, having 1 for their modulus, or 2*302585092994 &c for the logarithm of 10. These have since been called hyperbolical logarithms, because they are analogous to the areas of a right-angled hyperbola between the asym- ptotes and the curve. See Logarithms, also Hyperbola and Asymptotic Space. Logistic Logarithms, are certain logarithms of sexa- gesimal numbers or fractions, useful in astronomical cal- culations. The logistic logarithm of any number of se- conds, is the difference between the common logarithm of that number and the logarithm of 3600, the seconds in 1 degree. The chief use of the table of logistic logarithms, is for the ready computing a proportional part in minutes and seconds, when two terms of the proportion are minutes and seconds, or hours and minutes, or other such sexage- simal numbers. See the introd. to my Logarithms, pa. 144. Imaginary Logarithm, a term used in the Log. of imaginary and negative quantities; such as — a,or^/ — a 2 or a \/ — 1. The fluents of certain imaginary expres- sions are also imaginary logarithms; as of — -. , or of *v- i — — — , &c. See Euler Analys. Infin. vol. i. pa. 72, 74. It is well known that the expression - represents the fluxion of the. logarithm of x, and therefore the fluent of - is the logarithm of x ; and hence the fluent of — ; x a V" 1 is the imaginary logarithm of x. However, when these imaginary logarithms occur in the solutions of problems, they may be transformed into circular arcs or sectors; that is, the imaginary logarithm, or imaginary hyperbolic sector, becomes a real circular sector. See Bernoulli Oper. torn, i, pa. 400, and pa. 512. Maclaurin's Fluxions, art. 762. Cotes's Harmon. Mens, pa. 45. Walmesley, Anal, des Mes. pa. 63. LOGARITHMIC, or Logistic Curve, a curve so called from its properties and uses, in explaining and con- structing the logarithms, because its ordinates are in geo- metrical progression, while the abscisses are in arithmetical progression ; so that the abscisses are as the logarithms of the corresponding ordinates. And hence the curve will be constructed in this manner : Upon any right line, as an axis, take the equal parts ab, bc, cd, &c, or the arith- metical progression ab, ac, ad, &c; and at the points A, b, c, n, &c, erect the perpendicular ordinates ap, bq, cr, ds, &c, in a geometrical progression ; so is the curve line drawn through all the points p, q, r, s, &e, the lo- garithmic, or logistic curve; so called, because any absciss ab, is as the logarithm of its ordinate bq. So that the axis abc &c is an asymptote to the curve. LOG [ 750 ] L O N Hence, if any absciss an = x, its ordinate no =3/, ap = 1, and a = a certain constant quantity, or the mo- dulus of the logarithms ; then the equation of the curve is x = a x log. of y = \og.y. And if the fluxion of this equation be taken, it will be x= — ; which gives this proportion, j : x : :y : a but in any curve j : x : : y : the subtangent at ; there- fore the subtangent of this curve is every-where equal to the constant quantity a, or the modulus of the logarithms. To find the Area contained between two ordinates. Here the ftuxion of the area a oryx is y x 2- = aj ; and the correct fluent is a = a x (ap — y) = a x (ap — wo) = a x pv = at x pv. That is, the area apon be- tween any two ordinates, is equal to the rectangle of the constant subtangent and the difference of the ordinates. And hence, when the absciss is infinitely long, or the far- ther ordinate equal to nothing, then the infinitely long area apz is equal at x ap, or doublethe triangle apt. To find the Solid formed by the curve revolved about its xis az. The fluxion of the solid is s = py 2 x = py 2 x — = payj, where p is = 3" 1416 ; and the correct fluent is s ■= ^pa x (ap j - y 1 ) = ip x at x (ap 2 — no-), which is half the difference between two cylinders of the common altitude a or at, and the radii of their bases ap, no. And hence, supposing the solid infinitely long to- wards z, where y or the ordinate is nothing, the infinitely long solid will be equal to \j)a x ap" = \p x at x ap 3 , or half the cylinder on the same base and its altitude at. It has been said that Gunter gave the first idea of a curve whose abscisses are in arithmetical progression, while the corresponding ordinates are in geometrical pro- gression, or whose abscisses are the logarithms of their or- dinates; but I do not find it noticed in any part of his wri- tings. This curve was afterwards considered by others, and named the logarithmic or logistic curve, by Huygens, in his Dissertatio de Causa Gravitatis, where he enume- rates all the principal properties of it, showing its analogy to logarithms. Many other learned men have also treated of its properties ; particularly Ja. Gregory, in the preface to his Geometrioe Pars Universalis &c ; Le Seur and Jac- quier, in their Comment on 'Newton's Principia; Dr. John Keill, in the elegant little Tract on Logarithms subjoined to his edition of Euclid's Elements ; and Francis Maseres Esq. Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer, in his ingenious Treatise on Trigonometry : see also Bernoulli's Discourse in the Acta Eruditorum for the year l6Q6\ pa.2l6; Guido Grando's Demonstratio Thcorcmatum Huygeneanorum circa Logisticam seu Logarithmicam Lineam ; and Emerson on Curve Lines, pa. 1 p. — It is indeed rather extraordinary that this curve was not sooner announced to the public, since it results immediately from Napier's manner of con- ceiving the generation of logarithms, by only supposing the lines which represent the natural numbers as placed at right angles to that upon which the logarithms are taken. This curve greatly facilitates the conception of loga- rithms, and affords an almost intuitive proof of the very important property of their fluxions, or very small incre- ments, namely, that the fluxion of the number is to the fluxion of the logarithm, as the number is to the subtan- gent; as also this property, that if three numbers be taken very nearly equal, so that their ratios may differ but a little from a ratio of equality, as the three numbers 10000000, 10000001, 10000002, their differences will be very nearly proportional to the logarithms of the ratios of those numbers to each other : all which follows from the logarithmic arcs differing very little from their chords, when they are taken very small. And the constant sub- tangent of this.curve is what was afterwards by Cotes called the modulus of the system of logarithms. Logarithmic, or Logistic Spiral, is a curve constructed as follows. Divide the arch of a circle into any number of equal parts ab, bd, de, &c; and upon the radii drawn to the points of division take cb, cd, ce, &c, in a geometrical progression; so is the curve Abde &c the logarithmic spiral; being thus called, because it is evident that ab, ad, ae, &c, being arithmeticals, are as the logarithms of ca, cb, ed, ce, &c which are geo- metrical ; and a spiral, because it winds continually about the centre c, coming continually nearer, but without ever really falling into it. In the Philos. Trans. Dr. Halley has happily applied this curve to the division of the meridian line in Mercator's chart. See alo Cotes's Harmonia Mens., Guido Grando's Demonst. Theor. Huygcn., the Acta Erudit. 16.01, and Emerson's Curves, &c. LOGISTICS, or LOGISTICAL Arithmetic, a name sometimes employed for the arithmetic of sexagesimal fractions, used in astronomical computations. This name was perhaps taken from a Greek treatise of Barla;mus, a monk, who wrote a book on Sexagesimal Multiplication, which he called logistic. Vossius places this author about the year 1350, but he mistakes the work for a treatise on algebra. The same term however has been used for the rules of computations in algebra, and in other species of arithmetic: witness the logistics of Vieta and other writer?. Shakerly, in his Tabular Britannica?, has a table of logarithms adapted to sexagesimal fractions, which he, calls logistical logarithms ; and the expeditious arith- metic, obtained by means of them, he calls logistical arithmetic. Logistical Curve, Line, or Spiral, the same as the Lo- garithmic ; which see. LONG (Roger), d. d. master of Pembroke-hall in Cambridge, Lowndes's professor of astronomy in that uni- versity, &c. He was author of a well-known and much- approved treatise of astronomy, and the inventor of a re- markably curious astronomical machine. This was a hol- low sphere, of IS feet diameter, in which more than 30 persons might sit conveniently. Within side the surface, which represented the heavens, was painted the stars and constellations, with the zodiac, meridians, and axis parallel to the axis of the world, upon which it was easily turned round by a winch. He died, December 16", 1770, at 01 years of age. A few years before his death, Mr. Jones gave some anec- dotes of Dr. Long, as follows: " He is now in the SSth year of his age, and for his years vegcte and active. He was lately put in nomination for the office of vice-chan- cellor: he executed that trust once before, I think in the year 1737. He is a very ingenious person, and sometimes very facetious. At the public comrm ..cement, in the year 1713, Dr. Greene (master of Bennet- college, and after- wards bishop of Ely) being then vice-chancellor, Mr. Long was pitched upon for the tripos performance; it was L O N I 751 ] L O N witty and humourous, and has passed through divers edi- tions. Some that remembered the delivery of it, told me, that in addressing the vice-chancellor (whom the univer- sity wags usually styled Miss Greene), the tripos-orator, being a native of Norfolk, and assuming the Norfolk dia- lect, instead of saying Domine Vice-Cancellarie, archly pronounced the words thus, Domina Vice-Cancellaria; which occasioned a general smile in that great auditory. His friend the late Mr. Bonfoy of Ripton related to me the following little incident: ' That he and Dr. Long walking together in Cambridge in a dusky evening, and coming to a short post fixed in the pavement, which Mr. Bonfoy in the midst of chat and inattention took to be a boy standing in his way, he said in a hurry, ' Get out of my way, boy !' ' That boy, Sir,' said the doctor very calmly and slily, ' is a post-boy, who turns out of his way for nobody.' I could recollect several other ingenious re- partees if there were occasion. One thing is remarkable, lie never was a hale and hearty man, always of a tender and delicate constitution, yet took great care of it: his common drink water; he always dines with the fallows in the hall. Of late years he left off eating flesh ; in the room thereof, puddings, vegetables, &c; sometimes a glass or two of wine." LONGIMETRY, the art of measuring lengths or distances, both accessible and inaccessible, forming a part of what is called heights and distances, being an applica- tion of geometry and trigonometry to such measurements. As to accessible lengths, they are easily measured by the actual application of a rod, a chain, or wheel, or some other measure of length. But inaccessible lengths require the practice and pro- perties of geometry and trigonometry, either in the mea- surement and construction, or in the computation. For example, Suppose it were required to know the length or distance between the two places a and b, to which places there is free access, but not to the intermediate parts, on account of water or some other impediment ; measure therefore, from a and b, the distances to any convenient place c, which suppose to be thus, viz. ac = 735, and bc = 840 links ; and let the angle at c, taken with a the- odolite or other instrument, be 55° 40'. From these mea- sures the length or distance ab may be determined, either by geometrical construction, or by trigonometrical com- putation. Thus, first lay down an angle c = 55° 40', and upon its legs set off, from any convenient scale of equal parts, ca = 735, and cb = 840; then measure the di- stance between the points a and B by the same scale of equal parts, which will be found to be 740 nearly. Or thus by calculation, 840 180° - 55° 40' = 124° 20', its half 62° 10', 735 Sum 1575 - MS7280G Dif. 105 0.02118<)3 102773793 p-1012880 9-9711092 9-9168593 0-9242793 Tang. 62° 10' Tang. MljJ, - . - s. Sum or £. a =99° 21|$ to s. /I c — 55 40 - So bc = 840 To ab = 741-2 For a 2d Example — Suppose it were required to find the distance between two inaccessible objects, as between the house and mill, h and m; first measure any conveni- ent line on the ground, as ab, 300 yards; then at the station a take the angles bam = 58° 20', and mah = 37 ; also at the station b take the angles abh = 53° 30', and hbm = 45° 15'; hence the distance or length mh may be found, either by geometrical construction, or by trigonometrical calculation, thus : First draw a line ab of the given length of 300, by a convenient scale of equal parts ; then at the point a lay down the angles bam and mah of the magnitudes above given; and also at the point b the given angles abh and hbm ; then by applying the length hm to the same scale of equal parts, it is found to be nearly 480 yards. Otherwise, by calculation. First, by adding and sub- tracting the angles, there is found as below : 37° 00' 58° 20' 53° 30' 58 20 53 30 45 15 53 30 45 15 suiiiq 8 45 ^ ABM sums 148 50 157 05 from 180 00 180 00 /.AHB 31 10 22 55 ^.ame Then, as sin. AHB : sin. abh : : ab : ah = 4659776", and, as sin. AMB : sin. abm : : ab ; am = 76l - 4655, their sum is 1227-4431 and their diff. 295-4879 Then as sum am 4- ah : to dif. am — ah : : tang. I AHM -+- \ AMII = 71° 30', to tang. J ahm — \ amh = 35 44 the dif. of which is a mh = 35 46. Lastly, as s. amh : s. mah : : ah : hm = 479'7933, the distance sought. LONGITUDE of the Earth, is sometimes used to de- note its extent from west to east, according to the direction of the equator : by which it stands contra-dis- tinguished from the latitude of the earth, which denotes its extent from one pole to the other. Longitude of a Place, in Geography, is its longitudi- nal distance from some first meridian, which is assumed arbitrarily by different nations : the English call the first meridian, that which passes over the Royal Observatory at Greenwich ; the French take the meridian of Paris for the first meridian ; the Spaniards, Madrid ; and so most other nations reckon that the first meridian which passes over their metropolis. / The longitude of any place is therefore an arch of the equator intercepted between the meridian of that place, and the first meridian. Longitude in the Heavens, as of a star, &c, is an arch of the ecliptic, counted from the beginning of Aries, to the place where it is cut by a circle perpendicular to it, and passing through the place of the star. Longitude of the Sun or Star from the next equinoctial point, is the degrees they are distant from the beginning of Aries or Libra, either before or after them ; which can never exceed 180 degrees. LOS L 762 ] LON Longitude, Geocentric, Heliocentric, &c, the longitude of a planet as seen from the earth, or from the sun. See the respective terms. Longitude, in Navigation, is the distance of a ship, or place, east or west, from some other place or meridian, counted in degrees of the equator. When this distance is counted in leagues, or miles, or in degrees of the meridian, and not in those proper to the parallel of latitude, it is usually called departure. An easy practicable method of finding the longitude at sea, is the only thing wanted to render the art of naviga- tion perfect, and is a problem that has greatly perplexed mathematicians for the last two centuries : accordingly most of the commercial nations of Europe have offered great rewards for the discovery of it ; and in consequence very considerable advances have been made towards a per- fect solution of the problem, especially by the English. In the year 1598, the government of Spain offered a reward of 1000 crowns for the solution of this problem; and soon after the States of Holland offered 10 thousand florins for the same. Encouraged by such offers, in l635, M. John Morin, professor of mathematics at Paris, pro- posed to cardinal Richlieu, a method of resolving it ; and though the commissioners, who were appointed to examine this method, on account of the imperfect state of the lunar tables, judged it insufficient, cardinal Mazarin, in 1645, procured for the author a pension of 2000 livres. In 1714 an act was passed in the British parliament, allowing 2000/. towards making experiments; and also offering a reward to the person who should discover the longitude at sea, proportioned to the degree of accuracy that might be attained by such discovery ; viz, a reward of 10,000/. if it determines the longitude to one degree of a great circle, or 60 geographical miles; 15,000/. if it de- termines the same to two-thirds of that distance; and 20,000/.' if it determines it to half that distance; with other regulations and encouragements. 12 Ann. cap. 15. See also stat. 14 Geo.' 2, cap. 3°, and 26 Geo. 2, cap. 25. But, by stat. Geo. 3, all former acts concerning the longitude at sea are repealed, except so much of them as relates to the appointment and authority of the commis- sioners, and such clauses as relate to the publishing of nautical almanacs, and other useful tables ; and it enacts, that any person who shall discover a method for finding the longitude by means of a time-keeper, the principles of which not having hitherto been made public, shall be en- titled to the reward of 5000/. if it shall enable a ship to keep her longitude, during a voyage of 6 months, within 60 geographical miles, or one degree of a great circle; to 7500/. if within 40 geographical miles, or two-thirds of a degree of a great circle; or to a reward of 10,000/. if within 30 geographical miles, or half a degree of a great circle. But if the method shall be by means of improved solar and lunar tables, the author of them shall be entitled to a reward of 5000/. if they show the distance of the moon from the sun and stars within 15" of a degree, an- swering to about 7' of longitude, after making an allow- ance of half a degree for the errors of observation, and after comparison with astronomical observations for a pe- riod of 18^ years, or during the period of the irregularities of the lunar motions. Or that in case any other method shall be proposed for finding the longitude at sea, besides those before-mentioned, the author shall be entitled to 5000/. il it shall determine the longitude within one degree of a great circle, or 60 geographical miles; to 7500/. if within two-thirds of that distance; and to 1?),000/. if within half the said distance. Accordingly, many attempts have been made for such discovery, and several ways proposed, with various degrees of success. These however have been chiefly directed to methods of determining the difference of time between any two points on the earth ; for the longitude of any place being an arc of the equator intercepted between two me- ridians, and this arc being proportional to the time re- quired by the sun to move from the one meridian to the other, at the rate of 4 minutes of time to one degree of the arc, it follows that the difference of time being known, and turned into degrees according to that proportion, it will give the longitude. This measurement of time has been attempted by some persons by means of clocks, watches, and other automata : for if a clock or watch were contrived to go uniformly at all seasons, and in all places and situations ; such a ma- chine being regulated, for instance, to London or Green- wich time, would always show the time of the day at Lon- don or Greenwich, wherever it should be carried to; then the time of the day at this place being found by observa- tions, the difference between these two times would give the difference, of longitude, according to the proportion of one degree to 4 minutes of time. Gemma Frisius, in his tract De Principiis Astronomias et Geographic, printed at Antwerp in 1530, it seems, first suggested the method of finding the longitude at sea by means of watches, or time-keepers; which machines, he says, were then but lately invented. And soon after, the same was attempted by Metius, and some others ; but the state of watch-making was then too imperfect for that purpose. Dr. Hooke and Mr. Huygens also, about the year 1664, applied the invention of the pendulum-spring to watches; and employed it for the purpose of discover- ing the longitude at sea. Some disputes however between Dr. Hooke and the English ministry prevented any expe- riments from being made with watches constructed by him; but many experiments were made with some con- structed by Huygens; particularly Majoi Holmes, in a vo3'age from the coast of Guinea in 1665, by one of these watches predicted the longitude of the island of Fuego to a great degree of accuracy. This success encouraged Huygens to improve the structure of his watches, (see Philos. Trans, for May l66o) ; but experience soon con- vinced him, that unless methods could be discovered for preserving the regular motion of such machines, and pre- venting the effects of heat and cold, and other disturbing causes, they could never answer the intention of disco- vering the longitude, and on this account his attempts failed. The first person who turned his thoughts this way, after the public encouragement held out by the act of 1714, was Henry Sully, an Englishman; who, in the same year, printed at Vienna, a small tract on the subject of watch- making; and afterwards removing to Paris, he employed himself there in improving time-keepers for the discovery of the longitude. It is said he greatly diminished the friction in the machine, and rendered uniform that which remained : and to him is principally to be attributed what Is yet known of watch-making in France: for the cele- brated Julier le Roy was his pupil, and to him owed most of his inventions, which he afterwards perfected and exe- cuted : and this gentleman, with his son, and M. Ber- thoud, are the principal persons in France who have L O N [ 753 ] L O N turned their thoughts this way since the time of Sully. Several watches made by these last two artists, have been tried at sea, it is said with good success, and many ac- counts have been published of these trials, at considerable length. In the year 1726 our countryman, Mr. John Harrison, produced a time-keeper of his own construction, which did not err above one second in a month, for 1.0 years to- gether : and in the year 1736 he had a machine tried in a voyage to and from Lisbon ; which was the means of correcting an error of almost a degree and a half in the computation of the ship's reckoning. In consequence of this success, Mr. Harrison received public encourage- ment to proceed, and he made three other time-keepers, each more accurate than the former, which were finished successively in the years 1739, 1758, and 176l ; the last of which proved so much to his own satisfaction, that he applied to the commissioners of longitude to have this instrument tried in a voyage to some port in the West- Indies, according to the directions of the statute of the 12th of Anne above cited. Accordingly, Mr. William Harrison, son of the inventor, embarked in November 176l, on a voyage for Jamaica, with this 4th time-keeper or watch ; and on his arrival there, the longitude, as shown by the time-keeper, differed but one geographical mile and a quarter from the true longitude, deduced from astronomical observations. The same gentleman returned to England, with the time-keeper, in March 1762; when he found that it had erred, in the 4 months, no more than 1' 54"| in time, or 28| minutes of longitude ; whereas the act requires no greater exactness than 30 geographical miles, or minutes of a great circle, in such a voyage. Mr. Harrison now claimed the whole reward of 20,000<, offered by the said act: but some doubts arising in the minds of the commissioners, concerning the true situation of the island of Jamaica, and the manner in which the time at that place had been found, as well as at Portsmouth ; and it being farther suggested by some, that though the time-keeper happened to be right at Jamaica, and after its return to England, it was by no means a proof that it had been always so in the intermediate times; another trial was therefore proposed, in a voyage to the island of Bar- badoes, in which precautions were taken to obviate as many of these objections as possible. Accordingly, the commissioners previously sent out proper persons to make astronomical observations at that island, which, when compared with other corresponding ones made in England, would determine, beyond a doubt, its true situation: and Mr. William Harrison again set out with his father's time- keeper, in March 1764, the watch having been compared with equal altitudes at Portsmouth, before hp set out, and he arrived at Barbadoes about the middle of May; where, on comparing it again by equal altitudes of the sun, it was found to show the difference of longitude, between Portsmouth and Barbadoes, to be 3 h 55™ 3 s ; the true dif- ference of longitude between these places, by astronomical observations, being 3 h 54 m 20'; so that the error of the watch was 43*, or 10' 45" of longitude. In consequence of this, and the former trials, Mr. Harrison received one moiety of the reward offered by the 12th of Queen Anne, after explaining the principles on which his watch was constructed, and delivering this as well as the three former to the commissioners of the longitude, for the use of the public: and he was promised the other moiety of the reward, when Other time-keepers should be made, on the • Vol. I. same principles, either by himself or others, performing equally well with that which he had last made. In the mean time, this last time-keeper was sent down to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, to be tried there under the direction of the'Rev. Dr. Maskelyne, the astronomer- royal. But it did not appear, during this trial, that the watch went with the regularity that was expected; from which it was apprehended, that the performance even of the same watch, was not at all times equal ; and consequently that little certainty could be expected in the performance of different ones. Moreover, the watch was now found to go faster than during the voyage to and from Barbadoes, by 18 or 19 seconds in 24 hours: but this circumstance was accounted for by Mr. Harrison ; who informs us that he had altered the rate of its going by trying some expe- riments, which he had not time to finish before he was ordered to deliver up the watch to the Board. Soon after this trial, the commissioners of longitude agreed with Mr. Kendal, one of the watch-makers appointed by them to receive Mr. Harrison's discoveries, to make another watch on the same construction with this, to determine whether such watches could be made from the account which Mr. Harrison nad given, by other persons, as well as himself. The event proved the affirmative ; for the watch produced by Mr. Kendal, in consequence of this agreement, went considerably better than Mr Harrison's did. Mr. Kendal's watch was sent out with C;ipt. Cook, in his 2d voyage towards the south pole and round the globe, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775; when the only fault found in the watch was, that its rate of going was continually accelerated ; though in this trial, of 3 years and a half, it never amounted to 14"| a day. The consequence was, that the house of commons in 1774, to whom an appeal had been made, were pleased to order the 2d moiety of the reward to be given to Mr. Harrison, and to pass the act above-mentioned. Mr. Harrison had also at different times received some other sums of money, as encouragements to him to continue his endeavours, from the Board of Longitude, and from the India Com- pany, as well as from many individuals. Mr. Arnold, Mr. Mudge, Mr. Ernshaw, Mr. Hardy, and some other persons have since also made several very good watches for the same purpose. Others have proposed various astronomical methods for finding the longitude, which chiefly depend on having an ephemeris or almanac suited to the meridian of some place, as Greenwich for instance, to which the nautical almanac is adapted, that shall contain for every day com- putations of the times of all remarkable celestial motions and appearances, as adapted to that meridian. So that, if the hour and minute be known when any of the same phenomena are observed in any other place, whose longi- tude is desired, the difference between this time and that to which the time of the said phenomenon was calculated and set down in the almanac, will be known, and conse- quently the difference of longitude also becomes known, between that place and Greenwich, allowing at the rate of 15 degrees to an hour. Now it is easy to find the time at any place, by means of the altitude or azimuth of the sun or stars ; which time it is necessary to find by the same means, both in these astronomical modes of determining the longitude, and in the former by a time-keeper; and it is the difference be- tween that time, so determined, and the time at Green- wich, known cither by the time-keeper or by the astrono- 5D LON [ 754 ] LON mical observations of celestial phenomena, which gives the difference of longitude, at the rate above-mentioned. But here the great difficulty is, that there are only a few phenomena proper, or capable of being thus observed ; for all slow motions, such as belong to the planet Saturn for instance, are quite excluded, as afford- ing too small a difference, in a considerable space of time, to be properly observed ; indeed there are no phenomena in the heavens proper for this purpose, except the eclipses or motions of Jupiter's satellites, and the eclipses or mo- tions of the moon, viz, such as her distance from the sun or certain fixed stars lying near her path, or her longitude or place in the zodiac, &c. 1st, That by the eclipses of the moon is very easy, and sufficiently accurate, if they did but happen often, as every night. • For at the moment when the beginning, or middle, or end of an eclipse is observed by a telescope, there is no more to be done but to determine the time by observing the altitude or azimuth of some known star; which time oeing compared with that in the tables, set down for the happening of the same phenomenon at Greenwich, gives the difference in time, and consequently of longitude sought. But as the beginning or end of an eclipse of the moon cannot generally be observed nearer than one mi- nute, and sometimes 2 or 3 minutes of time, the longitude ■cannot certainly be determined by this method, from a single observation, nearer than one degree of longitude. However, by two or more observations, as of the begin- ning and end &c, a much greater degree of exactness may be attained. 2d, The moon's place in the zodiac is a phenomenon more frequent than that of her eclipses ; but then the ob- servation of it is difficult, and the calculus perplexed and intricate, by reason of two parallaxes; so that it is hardly practicable, to any tolerable degree of accuracy. 3d, But the moon's distances from the sun, or certain fixed stars, are phenomena to be observed many times in almost every night, and afford a good practical method of determining the longitude of a ship at almost any time; either by computing, from thence, the moon's true place, to compare with the same in the almanac; or by com- paring her observed distance itself with the same as there set down. It is said that the first person who recommended the finding the longitude from this observed distance between the moon and some star, was John Werner, of Nuremberg, who printed his annotations on the first book of Ptolemy's Geography in 1514. And the same thing was recom- mended in 1524, by Peter Apian, professor of mathema- tics at Ingolstadt; also about 1530, by Oronce Fin6, of Briancon ; and the same year by the celebrated Kepler, and by Gemma Frisius, at Antwerp; and in 1560, by Nonius or Pedro Nunez. Nor were the English mathematicians behind hand on this head. In 1665 Sir Jonas Moore prevailed on king Charles the 2d to erect the Royal Observatory at Green- wich, and to appoint Mr. Flamstced his astronomical ob- server, with this express command, that he should apply himself with the utmost care and diligence to the rectify- ing the table of the motions of the heavens, and the places of the fixed stars, in order to find out the longitude at sea, lor perfecting the art of navigation. And to the fidelity and industry with which Mr. Flamsteed executed his commission, it is that we arc chielly indebted for that cu- rious theory of the moon, which was afterwards formed by the immortal Newton. This incomparable . philosopher made the best possible use of the observations with which he was furnished ; but as these were interrupted and im- perfect, his theory would sometimes differ from the hea- vens by 5 minutes or more. Dr. Halley bestowed much time on the same object • and a starry zodiac was published under his direction containing all the stars to which the moon's appulse can be observed; but for want of correct tables, and proper instruments, he could not proceed in making the necessary observations. In a paper on this subject, in the Philos. Trans. No. 421, he expresses his hope, that the instrument just invented by*Mr. Hadley might be applied to takin" angles at sea with the desired accuracy. This oreat astro- nomer, and after him Lacaille, and others, 'have reckoned the best astronomical method for finding the longitude at sea, to be that in which the distance of the moon from the sun or from a star is used; for the moon's daily motion being about 13 degrees, her hourly mean motion is above half a degree, or one minute of a degree in two minutes of time; so that an error of one minute of a degree in posi- tion will produce an error of 2 minutes in time, or half a degree in longitude. Now from the great improvements made by Newton in the theory of the moon, and more lately by Euler and others on his principles, Professor Mayer of Gottingen, was enabled to calculate lunar ta- bles more correct than any former ones ; havinor so far succeeded as to give the moon's place within one minute of the truth, which has been proved by a comparison of the tables with the observations made at the Greenwich observatory by the late Dr. Bradley, and by Dr. Maske- lyne, the astronomer royal ; and the same have been still further improved under his direction, by the late Mr. Charles Mason, by several new equations, and the whole computed to tenths of a second. These new tables, when compared with the above-mentioned series of obser- vations, a proper allowance being made for the unavoida- ble error of observation, seem to give always the moon's longitude in the heavens correctly within 30 seconds of a degree; which greatest error, added to a possible error of one minute in taking the moon's distance from the sun or a star at sea, will at a medium only produce an error of 42 minutes of longitude. Further successive improvements in them have since been made, by the labours of Messieurs Lagrange, Laplace, Lalande, Delambre, Burg, and Vince; by which means it is thought the astronomical tables have been brought to the most correct form that the present state of astronomical knowledge will permit. To facilitate the use of the tables, Dr. Maskelyne pro- posed a nautical ephemeris, the scheme of which was adopted by the commissioners of longitude, and first exe- cuted in the year 1707; since which time it has been re- gularly continued, and published as far as for the year 1816. But as the rules that were given in the appendix to one of those publications, for correcting the effects of refraction and parallax, were thought too difficult for ge- neral use, they have been reduced to tables. So that, by the help of the ephemeris, these tables, and others that are ■also provided by the Board of Longitude, the calculations relating to the longitude, which could not be performed by the most expert mathematician in less than 4 hours, may now be completed with great ease and accuracy in halfan hour. As this method of determining the longitude depends on the use of the tables annually published for this purpose, . LON [ 755 ] Lax those who wish for further information, are referred to the instructions that accompany them, and particularly to those that are annexed to the Tables requisite to be vised with the Astronomical and Nautical Ephemeris, 3d edit. 1802. See Lunar Method, below. 4th, The phenomena of Jupiter's satellites have com- monly been preferred to those of the moon, for finding the longitude; because they are less liable to parallaxes than these are, and besides they afford a very commodious ob- servation whenever the planet is above the horizon. Their motion is very swift, and must be calculated for every hour. These satellites of Jupiter were no sooner an- nounced by Galileo, in his Syderius Nuncius, first printed at Venicein l6l0, than the frequency of their eclipses re- commended them for this purpose; and among those who treated on this subject, none was more successful than Cassini. This great astronomer published, at Bologna, in l68S, tables for calculating the appearances of their eclipses, with directions for finding the longitudes of places by them ; and being invited to France by Louis the 14th, he there, in the year 1693, published more correct tables of the same. But the mutual attractions of the satellites rendering their motions very irregular, those tables soon became useless for this purpose; insomuch that they re- quire to be renewed from time to time; a service which has been performed by several ingenious astronomers, as Dr. Pound, Dr. Bradley, M. Cassini the son, and more especially by Mr. Wargentin, whose tables are much esteemed, and have been published in several places, as well as in the Nautical Almanacs for 1771 and 1779. Now, to find the longitude by these satellites; with a good telescope observe some of their phenomena, as the conjunction of two of them, or of one of them with Ju- piter, &c ; and at the same time find the hour and minute, from the altitudes of the stars, or by means of a clock or watch, previously regulated for the place of observation ; then, consulting tables of the satellites, observe the time when the same appearance happens in the meridian of the place for which the tables are calculated ; and the differ- ence of time, as before, will give the longitude. The eclipses of the first and second of Jupiter's satellites are the most proper for this purpose; and as they happen almost daily, they afford a ready means of determining the longitude of placesat land, having indeed contributed much to the modern improvements in geography; and if it were possible to observe them with proper telescopes, in a ship under sail, they would be of great service in ascertaining its longitude from time to time. To obviate the inconve- nience to which these observations are liable from the mo- tions of the ship, a Mr. Irwin invented what he called a marine chair; this was tried by Dr. Maskclyne, in his voyage to Barbadoes, when it was not found that any be- nefit could be derived from the use of it. And indeed, considering the great power requisite in a telescope proper for these observations, and the violence, as well as irregu- larities in the motion of a ship, it is to be feared that the complete management of a telescope on ship-board, will always remain among the desiderata in this part of nauti- cal science. And further, since all methods that depend on the phenomena of the heavens, have also this other de- fect, that they cannot be observed at all times, this renders the improvement of time-keepers an object of the more importance. Many other schemes and proposals have been made by different persons, but most of them of very little or no use ; such as by the space between the flash and report of a great gun, proposed by Messrs. Whiston and Ditton; and another proposed by Mr. Whiston, by means of the in- clinatory or dipping needle ; besides a method by the va- riation of the magnetic-needle, &c, &c. For approximate .constructions for clearing the lunar distances from the effects of parallax and refraction, the reader may consult Dr. Kelly's Spherics and Nautical Astronomy, &c. And for more detailed information re- specting the above, and other methods of ascertaining the longitude, see Dr. Mackay's and Mr. Mqndoza's valuable works ; also Vince's Astronomy, vol.2, pa. 515, &c, and O. Gregory's Astronomy, pa. 446 to 470. Longitude of Motion, is a term used by Dr. Wallis for the measure-of motion, estimated according to its line of direction ; or it is the distance or length gone through by the centre of any moving body, as it moves on in a right line. — The same author calls the measure of any motion, estimated according to the line of direction of the vis mo- trix, the altitude of it. LONGOMONTANUS (Christian), a learned astro- nomer, born in Denmark in 1562, in the village of Lon- gomontum, whence he took his name. Vossius, by mistake, calls him Christopher. He was the son of a poor plough- man, and-he was obliged to suffer, during his studies, all the hardships to which he could be exposed, dividing his time, like the philosopher Cleanthes, between the cultivation of the earth and the lessons he received from the minister of the place. At length, at 15 years of age he stole away from his family, and went to Wiburg, where there was a college, in which he spent 1 1 years ; and though he was obliged to earn his livelihood as he could, his close appli- cation to study, enabled him to make a great progress in learning, particularly in the mathematical sciences. Hence he went to Copenhagen ; where the s professors of that university soon conceived a very high opinion of him, and recommended him to the celebrated Tycho Brahe, with whom Longomontanus lived 8 years, and was of great service to him in his observations and calculations. At length, being very desirous of obtaining a professor's chair in Denmark, Tycho Brahe consented, with some dif- ficult}', to his leaving him, giving him a discharge filled with the highest testimonies of his esteem, and furnishing him with money for the expense of his long journey from Germany, whither Tycho had retired. He accordingly obtained a professorship of mathematics in the university of Copenhagen in 1605, the duty of which he discharged very worthily till his death, which happened in l647> at 85 years of age. Longomontanus was author of several works, which show great talents in mathematics and astronomy. The most distinguished of which, is his Astronomica Danica, first printed in 4to, 1621, and afterwards in folio in 1640, with augmentations. He amused himself with endeavour- ing to square the circle, and pretended that he had made the discovery of it; but our countryman Dr. John Pell attacked him warmly on that subject, and proved that he was mistaken. — It is remarkable that, obscure as his villago and father were, he contrived to dignify and eternize them both ; for he took his name from his village, and in the title page to some of his works he wrote himself Christianus Longomontanus Severini filius, his father's name being Se- verin or Severinus. LOXODROMIC Curve, or Spiral, is the same as the rhumb line, or path of a ship sailing always on the same 5 D 2 LUN [ 756 ] LUN course in an oblique direction, or making always the same of finding the longitude at sea by celestial observations, angle with every meridian. It is a species of logarithmic the moon is the chief instrument; for the quickness of her spiral, described on the surface of the sphere, having the meridians for its radii. LOXODROMICS, the art or method of oblique sail- ing, by the loxodromic or rhumb line. LOZENGE, an oblique-angled parallelogram ; being otherwise called a rhombus, or a rhomboides. LUBIENIETSKI (Stanislaus), a Polish gentleman, born at Cracow, in 1623, and educated with great care by his father. He was learned in astronomy, and became a celebrated Socinian minister. He took great pains to ob- tain a toleration from the German princes for his Socinian brethren. His endeavours however were all in vain ; being himself persecuted by the Lutheran ministers, and banished from place to place ; till at length he was banished out of the world, with his two daughters, by poison, in 1675, his wife narrowly escaping. We have, of his writing, A History of the Reformation in Poland ; and a Treatise on Comets, entitled Theatrum Cometicum, printed at Amsterdam in 2 volumes folio ; which is a most elaborate work, containing a minute histo- rical account of every single comet that had been seen or recorded. LUCIDA Coronje, a fixed star of the 2d magnitude, in the northern crown. See Corona Borealis. Lucid a Hydrje. See Cor Hydra. Lucida Ltrjs, a bright star of the first magnitude in the constellation Lyra. LUCIFER, a name given to the planet Venus, when she appears in the morning before sunrise. LUDOLPH van Ceulen. See Ceulen. LUMINARIES, a term used for the sun and moon, by way of eminence, for their extraordinary lustre, and the great quantity of light they give us. LUNA, the Moon ; which see. LUNAR, something relating to the moon. Lunar Cycle, or Cycle of the Moon. See Cycle. Lunar Distance, in nautical astronomy, a term de- noting the distance of the moon from the sun, or from a fixed star lying nearly in the line of its path. The mea- surement of the apparent lunar distances, and the deter- mination of the true lunar distances from thence, are of great use in determining the longitude at sea, or on land. Lunar Method for the Longitude, a method of keepinjg or finding the longitude by means of \ the moon's motions, particularly by her observed distances from the sun and stars; for which, see the article Longitude. This method consists in taking and reducing the distance between the moon and the sun or a fixed star, in order to find the longitude at sea; which has been already ex- plained generally under the article longitude ; but the great utility and importance of the subject require here a further and more minute explanation of its principles and operations, with an account of the different methods that have been devised for obtaining the solution; and I shall conclude the article with a very simple projection, in- vented by Dr. Kelly, which is found sufficiently correct for the common purposes of nautical practice, and even where the greatest accuracy is required, it is found useful as a guide or check to calculation. The lunar method of finding the longitude at sea, is the greatest modern improvement in navigation. In order to form a clear and comprehensive idea of the subject, it should be first considered, that in the most practical methods motion renders her peculiarly well adapted for measuring small portions of correspondent time. — Now, as she is seen in the same part of the heavens nearly, at the same instant of absolute time, from all parts of the earth where she is visible, and as she is continually and sensibly changing her place, it is evident that if two correspondent observers were to note the precise moment of their respective times, when she is seen in any particular part of the heavens the difference between those times would show the difference of longitude. In every method of finding the longitude by the moon, the first object is to be able to ascertain the part of the heavens where she is : — this is easily seen at the time of her eclipses, or at the occultation of a fixed star, and these' were naturally the first methods resorted to ; but they oc- cur too seldom for general use : the moon's place how- ever may be marked with equal precision, by taking her distance from some fixed object, whose latitude and lon- gitude are known ; the stars in or near the zodiac are pre- ferred, as the nearer such objects are to the moon's path, the quicker will be her motion with respect to them : and though her motion is not uniform, yet, during the short space of time that she is near any star, it may be consi- dered as such. It may be observed, that if two persons under different meridians were to mark the moon's place, and also their relative times of observation, they might thence tell their difference of longitude; but they could not communicate their observations sufficiently soon for practical purposes; but even admitting the possibility of this, it were neces- sary that the longitude of one place should be known, in order to determine that of the other. Now the Nautical Almanac is calculated to supply all these wants. This work may be considered a perpetual observer, that com- municates universally and instantaneously certain celestial appearances, as they take place at Greenwich observatory. Here the distances are given between the moon and the sun, and certain remarkable stars in or near the zodiac, for every three hours ; and any intermediate distance, or time, may be thence found by the rule of proportion, with sufficient accuracy. If therefore, under any meridian, a lunar distance be observed, the difference between the time of observation and the time in the almanac, when the same distance was to take place at Greenwich, will show the longitude. For example, if the observed dis- tance between the sun and moon be 50° at 8 o'clock, but by the almanac the same distance of 50° will take place at Greenwich at 6, it is evident that the difference between the observed and computed time is 2 hours, and therefore the longitude is 30°; and it is also clear that the longi- tude is east, the time being most advanced at the place of observation. A method so apparently simple must have been long since adopted, but for two difficulties which occurred : one the want of proper instruments ; which now has been happily supplied by the invention and subsequent im- provement of Hadley's quadrant; and the other, correct lunar tables; for the moon, though so near and so con- spicuous to the earth, has always perplexed astronomers more than any other celestial body. The various in- equalities of her motions were never properly understood, until Sir Isaac Newton discovered the physical laws which govern them ; and from his theory professor Mayer formed L U N [ 707 ] L U N Junar tables, from which those tables, in the Nautical Almanac, of the lunar distances were calculated, under the direction of Dr. Maskelyne for many years. In 1806 the French Board of Longitude published new Lunar Ta- bles, calculated by Du Burg, from the theory of Laplace and the observations of Dr. Maskelyne ; and from these tables the lunar distances in the Nautical Almanac of 1813, and the following years, are computed. The above two difficulties having been obviated, a third seems still to remain ; and though this is in some measure removed by the application of the Nautical Almanac and requisite tables, yet still the calculation is more tedious than might be wished ; nor is it possible to render it much shorter, as the problem necessarHy comprehends the solu- tions of two spheric triangles : this arises from the circum- stance of the observed distances between the heavenly bo- dies not being the true distances ; for the altitudes of those bodies are more or less affected both by refraction and parallax ; and though these effects only operate in a ver- tical direction, yet that which changes the altitude of two bodies, must also change the distance between them. This is evident from the consideration, that the altitude of a ce- lestial object is an arc of an azimuth circle intercepted between the object and the horizon, and as all azimuth circles incline gradually to each other, from the horizon to the zenith, where they meet, it is plain that the more two bodies are apparently raised, the less will be their apparent distance asunder, and the contrary. It has been already stated that the heavenly bodies are raised by refraction, and depressed by parallax; and that these effects are greatest in the horizon, and gradually di- minish to the zenith, where they become nothing. Re- fraction depends on altitude alone, but parallax depends on both altitude and distance from the earth. All celes- tial objects, except the moon, are more affected by re- fraction than by parallax, and therefore appear above their true places; but the moon is always seen, excepting in the zenith, below her true place, being more affected by parallax than by refraction, on account of her prox- imity to the earth. These effects of parallax and refraction, though coun- teracting each other, seldom do it so equally as to render all correction unnecessary. Sometimes the apparent di- stance is nearly a whole degree more or less than the true distance; and the principal cause of so great a difference is the moon's parallax; for this body, which is the chief guide to the longitude, is also the great cause of error in the distances, and is therefore the principal object of cor- rection. In making a lunar observation, four persons are usually employed, one of whom takes the distance, two the alti- tudes, and the fourth notes the time. These things should be performed at the same instant; and if the observation be repeated several times, and a mean taken, the work is likely to be the more correct; and great care is here ne- cessary, for an error in this part of the operation, parti- cularly in taking the distance, will pervade the subsequent parts of the work, and will of course produce a wrong solu- tion. The manner of adjusting the instruments, and of making the observations, is best taught by practice. Those who wish for written instructions on the subject, are re- ferred to the British Mariner's Guide by Dr. Maskelyne, to Dr. Mackay's book on the Longitude, or to professor Vinee's Practical Astronomy. Of correcting the Altitudes of the observed Objects. — When a lunar observation is made, the first object is to clear the altitudes from semidiameter, dip, refraction, and parallax, according to usual practice. The moon's parallax in al- titude must next be calculated : by saying, " As radius is to the sine of her zenith distance, so is the sine of her ho- rizontal' parallax (as given in the Nautical Almanac) to the sine of her parallax in altitude. In correcting the moon's altitude, an allowance should be made for the augmentation of her semidiameter, which gradually takes place from the horizon to the zenith. This increase is given, in the 4th of the Requisite Tables, for every 5 degrees of altitude, which correction is to be added to her horizontal semidiameter given in the Nau- tical Almanac. The augmentation of the moon's semidiameter is caused by her being nearer to the spectator in the zenith than in the horizon, by a semidiameter of the earth — for the ap- parent magnitude of a body is in the inverse ratio of its distance from the observer ; and as the earth's semidia- meter bears a very sensible proportion to the moon's di- stance, she is seen under the greatest angle in the zenith, which angle gradually diminishes to the horizon. There are other corrections of the altitudes, which may be necessary in cases of peculiar nicety, but which are seldom noticed at sea. These are, an allowance for the contraction of the vertical semidiameters of the sun and moon by refraction ; a correction of the moon's parallax, supposing the earth an oblate spheroid ; a correction for the refraction according to the actual state of the atmo- sphere, as shown by a thermometer and barometer, and not according to the mean astronomical refraction which is commonly used. These corrections, though perhaps ne- cessary towards the perfection of this problem, being very small, and frequently counteracting each other, are ge- nerally considered of little consequence in nautical prac- tice, where greater errors arc unavoidable. From the corrected Altitudes to find the true Distance. — It is easy to conceive that by a lunar observation, the three sides of a spheric triangle are measured in the heavens, which sides are the apparent co-altitudes of the observed bodies, and their apparent distance asunder. The co-altitudes or zenith distances being corrected, the question is, to find the true distance between the observed bodies; but here only two things are given, and therefore it cannot be performed until the angle at the zenith is known, which is determined from the three given sides of the triangle, by the rules of spheric trigonometry. See Kelly's Spherics, pa. 182. As the effects of parallax, refraction, Sec, operate only in a vertical direction, it is evident that the corrections of the zenith distances, or containing sides, will not change the included angle at the zenith ; and therefore three things are now known, namely, the corrected zenith distances and the included angle, whence the other side is deter- mined by spherics, and this side is the true distance sought. A general View of the different Methods of working the lunar Observations. — Few problems have ever been more in- vestigated and studied, than that of clearing the lunar di- stances, and many ingenious methods have been devised for contracting the operation. These methods are founded on some of the following general principles. The first is spheric trigonometry, as before explained ; the second is L U N C 758 ] L U N the doctrine of proportional errors, by which the effects that the errors in the altitudes produce on the distance, are solved by fluxions, or by the differential calculus ; and a third principle has been lately discovered, which is founded on the properties of a quadrangle inscribed in a circle, as explained and exemplified by the inventor, Dr. Andrew, in his Astronomical and Nautical Tables. Various methods of working the lunar observations have been devised, chiefly by Halley, Euler, Mayer, Mas- kelyne,Dunthorn, Lyons, Witchell, Burrow, Borda, Wales, Mackav, Kelly, Gerrard, Andrew, and Mendoza. The methods of the two last authors appear to be the most concise, but all are sufficiently correct, and seamen gene- rally prefer such as they have first learnt. It may indeed be observed, that operations which appear the most con- cise, are not always the most expeditiously performed ; as much depends on the number and variety of tables re- quired, and the manner of applying them. No method has hitherto obtained an exclusive preference over the rest, nor does it appear possible to reduce the calculation to a conciseness to answer the general wants or wishes of sea- men; and hence, other modes have been devised of obtain- ing approximate solutions by projection or graphic ope- ration. Graphic Operations. — The first graphic method for clear- ing the distances, was that published by Lacaille, called the Chassis de Reduction, which has since been copied by Lalande, Mackay, and others. It is an orthographic projection, consisting of a great number of lines accurately drawn, and various scales for obtaining the different cor- rections. On similar principles, and for the same purpose, the late Mr. James Fergusson, teacher of navigation and exa- miner in that science to the East-India Company, con- structed a Rotula, or longitude instrument, which did great credit to him as a man of science. Another graphic operation, of a different description, was executed by Mr. George Margetts, and published in 1790- It consists of 70 large plates, containing numerous lines drawn from the solution of lunar distances in Dr. Shepherd's Tables. By Margett's Longitude Tables, the solution of a lunar observation may be obtained in about one-fourth of the time required by calculation; and the answer, though not given as perfectly accurate, is suffi- ciently so for the general purposes of navigation. Dr. Kelly has devised an orthographic projection founded on the fluxional analogies of spheric triangles, which is published in his Introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy, where an investigation of its princi- ples is given (pa. 195. edit. 2, 3, and 4), with a demon- stration, showing that, in proper altitudes, it cannot es- sentially err, but must give the true distance within a few seconds. The simplicity of this projection is extremely curious, as giving an approximate solution of a complicated problem, by drawing four right lines only, from the scale of chords, and it must therefore be very useful, especially where expedition is required. Since the first appearance of this projection, which was in 1795, several mathematicians have turned their, at- tention to the subject, and various ingenious plans have been proposed for shortening and simplifying the opera- tion, among which may be mentioned a Rotula by Mr. B. Donne of Bristol, which solves the problem with great accuracy. The following is an abstract of Kelly's Projection, in- sertedhere by permission of the author. Exam. 1. Given the apparent distance between the moon, and the sun, or a star The moon's altitude - The star's altitude - The moon's horizontal parallax To find the true distance. 30" 20 40 1 With the sweep of 60°, from a scale of chords, describe a semicircle, and bisect it by the perpendicular ab. On the right hand side of this line, from b to c, lay off 30°, the apparent distance, from the same scale. Also the moon's altitude, 20°, from e to a, and from p to J; and draw ab. Then lay off the sun's co-altitude, 50°, both ways from c to m and n, and draw mn, intersecting ab in d. — Then is d (J the mean correction, to be measured on the scale of chords, calling every degree on the scale a minute; which must be reduced to the true correction by the following general rule : first observing that if this line d (J falls on the right-hand side, as in fig. 1, the correction is negative or subtractive ; but if on the left, as in fig. 2, the correc- tion is positive or additive. Rule. Multiply the mean correction, dn: i Flate XF. Wtie* sc.SiifiM 1 Ilate XVI. Fu}. 5. N£efools