^-L'- #^ /n4.-i- ^^ Md-d^' 3 ^n let Su^, '^— /VC^ ■ / 5^ it-^'-s- 3 i-15 -jC Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/treatiseoncausesOOhutc ii(jmiiijji^ wmwMmQiLAT\U]!iX q:^' DiLD'xr:^)^^ 1 Tke Cirras ot Cxniclo\id 2 The Cirrociimnlns ot Sender cloud 3/ Yariovis forms of tke a( Cirro stratus or ^raiieclond 6. Tlie Ciimiilo stratus or Twain clorid 7. Tlie Cimiiilws or StacTtenclond 8. Tlie Ximbus or Eaiu cloud 9. Tlie Stratus orEallcloud A TEEATISE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA TWO ESSAYS; ON MARSH FEVERS THE OTHER ON THE SYSTEM OF EQUALITY, PROPOSED BY MR. OWEN OP NEW LANARK, FOR AMELIORATING THE CONDITION OF MANKIND. BY GRAHAM HUTCHISON, GLASGOW: ARCHIBALD FULLARTON AND CO.; MACLACHLAN & STFAVART, EDINBURGH; ORP^ & SMITH, LONDON. MDCCCXLIII. BOSTON COLLEGE TO THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, THE FOLLOWING TREATISE ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA, WITH THE TWO ANNEXED ESSAYS, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. Among all the Sciences, there is none which so frequently, or so generally obtrudes itself upon the attention of mankind, or is so often the subject of conversation, as that of which we are about to treat. But though this be the case, there is no science which presents such a list of familiar phenomena, that have hitherto defied all attempts at explanation. In the following Treatise, a variety of new views and explanations of meteorological phenomena are ad- vanced; and it is principally on account of these, that this volume is printed. Besides the Treatise on the Causes and Principles of Meteorological Phenomena, two Essays are like- wise published. One of these contains a compila- tion of the more important facts and information, collected from various sources, relative to Marsh Fevers, a knowledge of which may be useful, in preserving the lives of many who have occasion to visit our colonial settlements in the East or West M PREFACE. Indies, or other countries where such diseases pre- vail. The other is an Exposition of the Erroneous Nature of Mr Owen's Plan for ameliorating the Condition of Mankind, accompanied with Observa- tions on the Measures and Policy calculated to pro- mote that desirable Object. These two Essays are selected from a variety of papers read by the Author to a Literary Society in Glasgow, in consequence of their affording a greater amount of information on the subjects of which they profess to treat, than any of the others. CONTENTS. Page Introduction, . . . . . . 1 Chap. I. — Of the Atmosphere, Height of the atmosphere, Its specific gravity and density, Its composition, .... Its mean pressure, and the proportions of its elements permanent, .... Its colour, ..... Its capacity for moisture. Diminution of temperature upon ascending perpendic larly, ..... Source whence the atmosphere is supplied with humidity, Laws by which evaporation is regulated. Reasons why the atmosphere is usually more or less under saturated with humidity, Mean hygrometric state of the atmosphere. Chap. II — Of the Classification of Clouds, Of the Cirrus or Curl-cloud, . . . ' Of the Cumulus or Stacken-cloud, Of the Stratus or Fall-cloud, Of the Cirro-cumulus or Sonder-cloud, Of the Cirro-stratus or Wane-cloud, Of the Cumulo-stratus or Twain-cloud, 6 7 8 10 17 20 21 30 33 34 35 37 38 39 42 Of the Cumulo-cirro'Stratus, or Nimbus, or Rain-cloud, 44 Vlll CONTENTS. Vagf Chap. III. — On the Causes and Principles which determine the formation of Clouds, . . . .46 Circumstances in which clouds are formed, arranged under four heads, and which are subsequently denominated causes of their formation, . . . .40 Of the first cause of the formation of clouds, viz. when a diminution of the atmospheric temperature, unaccom- panied by atmospheric rarefaction or transportation, takes place, . . . . .47 Of the second cause of the formation of clouds, viz. when a diminution of the atmospheric temperature, arising from atmospheric rarefaction, takes place, . . 60 Of the third cause of the formation of clouds, viz. when a diminution of the atmospheric temperature, arising from the transportation of air from a warm to a cold climate by the agency of winds, takes place, . 80 Of the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, viz. when an intermixture, and consequent reduction to a mean temperature, of different portions of air saturated or nearly saturated with humidity, and previously of different temperatures, takes place, . . .86 Reasons why windy weather is productive of clouds and rain; and why a prevailing stillness in the atmosphere is favourable to dry weather, and a cloudless sky, . 103 Objections to the preceding opinions answered ; and points of difficult solution hypothetically explained, . 107 Chap. IV. — On Circumstances erroneously supposed to pro- duce Clouds, . . . . .121 Atmospheric intermixture, produced by contrary winds, erroneously supposed to produce clouds, . .121 The collision of the upper and lower halves of the atmo- sphere erroneously supposed to produce clouds, . 121 A change of wind erroneously supposed to produce clouds, 124 The periodic succession of weather in warm latitudes de- scribed, . . . . . .135 Cause of the rainy season in intertropical climates hypo- thetically explained, . . . .138 CONTENTS. IS Chap. V. On the Causes and Principles which determine the structure, suspension, elementary differences, and dissolution of clouds; together with a new hypothetical explanation of the cause of thunder, and the electriza- tion of Clouds, ..... Of the Structure of clouds, .... Of the Suspension of clouds, .... Of the Elementary Differences of clouds, Of the Dissolution of clouds ; and of variations in the capacity of the air for dissolving moisture, and sus- pending vesicles, ..... Of Thunder, and the Electrization of clouds, Ghap. VI Of Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail, Dew, Hoarfrost, and Falling Mist, Of Rain, Of Snow, Of Sleet, Of Hail, Of Dew and Hoarfrost, Of Falling Mist, Page 152 152 155 163 172 178 196 196 213 215 215 222 224 Chap. VII. — On the Causes and Principles which regulate and determine the variations of temperature 07i the earth's surface, . . . . .227 Of the mean temperature as affected by difference of lati- tude, both by sea and land, . . . 227 Of the time when the maximum, minimum, and mean an- nual temperatures occur in the atmosphere, and also at different depths below the surface of the ground, 229 Of the variations in the temperature of water, at different depths, &c. . . . . .231 Of the maximum, minimum, and mean diurnal temper- atures, ...... 233 Of the mean annual temperature in different latitudes, . 236 Of the causes which modify the mean annual temperature on land in different latitudes. — Of the line of perpetual congelation and glaciers, .... 240 h CONTENTS. Page Of the decrement in the mean annual temperature, upon receding from the ocean to the north of the 30th par- allel of latitude, and of isothermal lines, . . 247 Of the increment in the mean annual temperature upon receding from the ocean, within the 30th parallel of latitude, ...... 255 Of the mean temperature of America relative to Ihat of Europe, . . . • • • 256 Of the coldness of Europe in ancient times. — Of modifica- tions in the temperature of the ocean in different places, &c. . . . • .258 Of the diminution in the annual range of temperature upon approaching the ocean, &c. . . . 260 Of Professor Lyell's hypothesis regarding the variation in the mean temperature, as affected by the proportions of land and water, . . . . 26 1 Of temperature as affected by wind, by atmospheric still- ness, by clouds, by cities, by the falling of rain, &c. 262 Of the lowest and highest atmospheric temperatures hitherto observed, &c. . . . . . 267 Chap. VIII. — On the Causes and Principles which produce winds, and which regulate and determine their direc- tion, velocity, a?id characteristic qualities, Preliminary observations explanatory of the cause, direc- tion, and velocity of winds, so far as they result from differences in the temperature of the atmosphere, Of the Regular or Trade-wind, Of Periodic Winds. — Of Sea and Land breezes. Of Monsoons, Of the Etesian Wind, Of the Ornithian Wind, Of Irregular Winds, Of the Hurricane or Typhon, Of the Whirlwind, Of the Waterspout or Syphon, Of Pillars of Sand, Of Hot Winds, 269 269 283 287 291 295 295 297 317 325 329 331 332 CONTENTS. Xi Pag-e Of the Sirocco, . . . . . 333 Of the Harmattan, . . . . . 334, Of the Simoom, . . . . . 334 Of the characteristic qualities of Winds, with directions for avoiding their injurious effects, . . . 337 Of the uses of Winds, . . - . . . 342 Chap. IX. — On Prognostications of the Weather, with ex- planations of the principles on which they depend, 344 Of Prognostications founded on past experience, . 344 Of Barometrical Prognostications, . . . 345 Of Prognostications of the Weather by means of Hygro- meters, . . . . . . 360 Of Prognostications of the Weather from the appearances of Clouds, ..... 364 Of Prognostications of the Weather from the colour of the sky, and the appearances of the heavenly bodies, . 366 Of Prognostications of the Weather from the direction and force of the Wind, . . . .371 Of Prognostications of the Weather from the moon's age, 374 Of the Prognostications of the Rainbow, . . 377 Of the Prognostications of a cold and also of a mild winter, 378 Of Cycle Prognostications, .... 382 Chap. X. — Of rare and imperfectly understood Meteorologi- cal Phenomena, . . . . . 392 Of the Ignis Fatuus, ..... 392 Of Falling Stars, . . . . .394 Of Fireballs and Meteoric Stones, . . .395 Of Dry Fogs, ...... 404 Of Halos, Parhelia, or Mocksuns and Mockmoons, , 410 Of the Mirage and unusual Refractions, . . 412 Of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, . . 415 A Summary of the more important information collected from various sources, relative to Marsh Fevers ; with observations on the various measures recommended for the prevention of this class of Epidemics, . .431 I CONTENTS. Prefatory Observations, . . . . 433 Summary of information relative to Marsh Fevers, . 438 Treatment of Patients, .... 487 Preventive measures, . . . . . 490 A?i Exposition of the Erroneous Nature of Mr Otvens Plan for ameliorating the condition of ManMnd, ac- companied with Observations on the Measures and Po- licy/ calculated to promote that desirable Object, . 509 Appendix, ..... 643 Table oe Temperatures, .... 645 ERRATA. Page 18, line 22, for " 5 inches," read " 4 inches." — 448, — 25, for " Gottingen," — " Gotteiiburg." 4 !l7IWaRm(0)Jt.jD)qi"'^ ?I^(0^JIIl3iJll^A?li ILILSIIgg» 'AiiteurcUc Ciir^ ]5J T A R C I C E A F INTRODUCTION. Meteorology is that department of Physical Science which treats of Atmospheric Phenomena. It comprehends a considerable number of subjects ; and each of these contains a great variety of details. Se- veral of the phenomena to be treated of are so mu- tually dependent upon each other, that with a view to explain their causes, it is difficult to decide upon what arrangement ought to be adopted. For instance, variations of temperature on different parts of the earth's surface disturb the atmospheric equilibrium, and give rise to aerial currents ; while, on the other hand, aerial currents, according as their direction is from a cold or a warm climate, produce important al- terations in the temperature of the incumbent atmo- sphere. Again, variations in the atmospheric tempera- ture are principally instrumental in the formation and dissolution of clouds ; while, on the other hand, the existence of clouds reduces the temperature of the subjacent atmosphere during day and summer, while it augments it during night and winter. In such cases, it is immaterial which subject is first considered. A INTRODUCTION. Perhaps the following arrangement is as well calcu- lated to render the various phenomena treated of in- telligible, as any other. Without farther introduction, we proceed with our subject. ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. CHAPTER I. OF THE ATMOSPHERE ITS HEIGHT DENSITY COMPOSI- TION — COLOUR CAPACITY FOR MOISTURE DIMINUTION OF TEMPERATURE UPON ASCENDING PERPENDICULARLY, TOGETHER WITH AN EXPLANATION OF THE MORE OBVIOUS REASONS WHY THE ATMOSPHERE IS USUALLY MORE OR LESS UNDERSATURATED WITH HUMIDITY. The globe which we inhabit is every where sur- rounded by a thin, invisible, elastic fluid, called the air, or atmosphere. From the duration of twilight, arising from the refraction of light, and also from calculations relative to the rarefaction of air, consider- ed in conjunction with the effect of increasing cold as we ascend, in diminishing the elasticity of gaseous particles, it has been concluded, that the atmosphere of our earth cannot extend to a greater altitude than 45 miles above the level of the sea. About this de- gree of elevation, it has been estimated, that the gravity of the air will equal its elasticity; and this of itself will limit and prevent its farther extension. Farther, from the expansibility of air by means of heat. 4 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES considered in conjunction with the similarity of the mean barometrical pressure at the level of the sea in all latitudes, which indicates a sameness in the abso- lute amount of air incumbent over all latitudes, it has been concluded, that the greatest elevation of the at- mosphere is in the equatorial, or warmest regions of the earth ; and that its elevation gradually diminishes towards the polar, or coldest regions. Air, when the barometer stands at 30 inches, and the thermometer at 60°, (which, in similar estimates, is always understood when nothing different is men- tioned,) is 828 times hghter than water ; and its spe- cific gravity in such circumstances is usually denoted 1.000. Owing to the inferior aerial strata having to bear the weight of all those above, the density of the atmosphere has been found, in ascending perpendicu- larly, to diminish in the ratio of compression. The density, therefore, decreases in geometrical progres- sion, while the height increases in arithmetical pro- gression. From this circumstance it is obvious, that though the atmosphere extends to the height of 45 miles, the great bulk of it is contained within a com- paratively limited distance from the earth's surface. It has been estimated, that on reaching the perpen- dicular altitude of 18,000 feet above the level of the sea, one-half of the atmosphere is surmounted. And, accordingly, a barometer at such an elevation would stand at 15 inches, while underneath, at the level of the sea, it stood at 30 inches. Though the air we breathe was formerly considered a simple substance, it is now known to be a compound. Its constituents are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonic OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 6 acid gases, and aqueous vapour, existing in a state, not of chemical combination, but of uniform intermix- ture, with each other. Of the gases, nitrogen and oxygen are its principal elements ; the proportions being 79 parts of the former to 21 of the latter, by bulk ; and 76.701 to 23.299, by weight. The pro- portion of carbonic acid is very small, varying accord- ing to different estimates, (for it is difficult to ascer- tain its precise amount,) from g-^th to j^th part of the other two gases. The proportions of the two prin- cipal gaseous elements of the atmosphere, nitrogen and oxygen, are the same relatively to each other in all latitudes, and, so far as observations have ex- tended, at all heights, and in all places, where there is a free communication with the external air. But the proportion of carbonic acid relative to that of the other two gases is said to vary, being greater in summer than in winter, and during night than dur- ing day. Owing to the variations in the quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, its presence there was by some considered accidental. Saussure, however, as- certained that it existed in the atmosphere at the top of Mont Blanc, 15,662 feet high, in similar propor- tion as at the level of the sea. And Gay Lussac, who ascended at Paris, in a balloon, to the height of 22,960 feet, the greatest ever reached by man, analyzed air which he had obtained at that elevation, and found that the relative proportions of its gaseous elements, including the carbonic acid, were the same as at the surface of the earth. These observations have suffi- ciently established the fact of carbonic acid being a 6 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES permanent constituent of the atmosphere, notwith- standing its alleged variableness in quantity. The relative proportion of aqueous vapour con- tained in the atmosphere is extremely variable, and is regulated in a great measure by the temperature of the air. It appears from Saussure's experiments, that a cubic foot of air, of the temperature of 66°^ is able to hold, in invisible solution, 11 or 12 grains of water. Now, as the weight of the cubic foot of air at the above temperature, and under an atmospheric pressure equal to 30 inches of mercury, is about 570 grains, air at the temperature of dd" is capable of dissolving about a 50th part of its own weight of water. After making allowance for the rapid diminution in the capacity of the air for moisture, as its temperature lowers in ascending perpendicularly, it has been estimated, that in Great Britain, during summer, the weight of water present in the atmosphere frequently amounts to g^th of the whole ; whereas, during winter, it often does not exceed g~th of the whole. In warm latitudes, the weight of aqueous vapour contained in the atmosphere is frequently double what it is, during summer, in Great Britain ; and, on the other hand, in the polar regions, during winter, the proportion is extremely small, in comparison with what it ever is in the temperate climate of Britain. Dr Dalton sup- poses that the medium quantity of vapour held in solu- tion by the atmosphere may amount to ,^th of its bulk. The mean pressure of the atmosphere seems to have undergone no change since observations were first made with the barometer. From a meteorological journal kept by the celebrated Mr Locke, at Gates, OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 7 in Essex, the mean annual pressure for the year 1692, was 29.58, which is nearly the mean height observed in every quarter of the globe at present, after making allowance for the altitude of the place of observation above the level of the sea. A similar remark applies to the permanency of its constituent proportions. No alteration, in this respect, has taken place since air has been correctly analyzed. Hence, notwithstanding the absorption, and evolution of the several elements of the atmosphere, constantly going on during the growth and decay of vegetables ; and likewise during the support of combustion, and animal life, and all other chemical processes, whether natural or artificial j it is inferred, that the amount of atmosphere sur- rounding the globe, and the proportions of its several elements are permanent quantities, regulated by fixed though unknown laws ; and resulting probably from properties permanently inherent in the atmospheric materials themselves. If heat be the principal agent in determining the proportion of matter that exists in the gaseous state around the earth, (as it probably is, though its influence in this respect may be also as- sisted by light and electricity,) the permanency in the amount of atmosphere must be ascribed to the mean temperature of the globe, considered as a whole, be- ing continually the same ; and to the attractive forces mutually subsisting between the atmospheric elements and heat, and all other terrestrial materials, being also permanently the same. The blue colour of the sky was formerly supposed to be owing to the visibility of the atmosphere when viewed in mass ; but from later observations it ap- 8 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES pears, that what was attributed to the whole com- pound, belongs exclusively to one of its constituents, viz. the aqueous vapour; and it is now thought that its gaseous elements are altogether colourless and in- visible. Upon this point Dr Thomson says, " the blue colour of the sky is occasioned by the vapours which are always mixed with air, and which have the property of reflecting the blue rays more copiously than any other. This has been proved by the experi- ments which Saussure made with his cyanometer at different heights above the surface of the earth. He found that the colour of the sky always corresponds with a deeper shade of blue the higher the observer is placed above the earth's surface. Consequently, at a certain height, the blue will disappear altogether, and the sky appear black, that is to say, will reflect no light at all." Saussure accordingly found that the sky, when viewed perpendicularly upwards from the top of Mont Blanc, appeared nearly jet black, that is, reflected almost no light. This he ascribed to the extremely small amount of aqueous vapour existing in the atmosphere above that elevation. Dr Thomson likewise remarks, that the colour of the sky becomes always lighter in proportion as the amount of vapours mixed with the air increases, and I may be allowed to add, in proportion as they are less thoroughly dis- solved thereby. Hence it is evident that the colour of the sky is produced by them. As the meteorological phenomena of most frequent occurrence, and which, on that account, it is of most importance to understand, depend upon the relation subsisting between the temperature of the atmosphere OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 9 and the amount of aqueous vapour which it is capable of holding in a state of invisible solution, we shall here notice the principal facts explanatory thereof. If air contained in a close vessel be allowed to communicate freely with a surface of water beneath, and contained in the same vessel, it is usually found that a portion of the water slowly disappears, by as- suming the state of invisible vapour intermixed with the air in the vessel. If the temperature remain sta- tionary, evaporation by and by ceases. If the tem- perature be augmented after evaporation has ceased, an additional portion of the water begins again to dis- appear by vaporization. If, on the other hand, the temperature be gradually lowered after evaporation has ceased, a portion of the water previously vapor- ized is gradually precipitated ; and if the reduction of temperature be stopped at any point, deposition of moisture simultaneously ceases. And so on for every increment, or decrement of temperature. The utmost amount of water which air at any given temperature can hold in invisible solution, is called its capacity for moisture j and air so loaded with moisture, is said to be saturated therewith. The point of saturation, in reference to its indicating the degree of atmospheric humidity, at which, during a gradual reduction of tem- perature, the precipitation of moisture in the forms of dew, mist, or clouds, commences, is also called the dew point, or point of deposition or precipitation. As the capacity of air for moisture varies with its temperature, the attention of philosophers has been directed to ascertain the relative ratio of variation. Different results have been obtained by different ex- B 10 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES perimenters, which it is unnecessary separately to particularize. All we mean to do, in order to com- municate a general understanding of this, and other meteorological phenomena, where the results obtained by different experimenters vary, is to adopt either one of the results, or a mean estimate of the more im- portant of them, as an approximation to the truth. Judo-ino- from the experiments which have been made, it appears, that while the temperature of air increases in arithmetical progression, its capacity for holding moisture in invisible solution increases in geometri- cal progression, or very nearly so. And for every increment of temperature amounting to about 23.4 degrees by Fahrenheit's scale, the capacity of air for moisture is doubled. Thus, if the capacity of air for moisture be denoted 1 at the temperature of zero, it will be 2, or double the zero capacity at the tempera- ture of 23° .4 ; 4, or quadruple the zero capacity at the temperature of 46°. 8 ; 8, or eight times the zero ca- pacity at the temperature of 70°.2 ; and 16, or six- teen times the zero capacity at the temperature of 93°.6, &c. It has been ascertained that the temperature of the atmosphere in all latitudes diminishes on ascending perpendicularly from the level of the sea ; but the rate of diminution, as determined by different ob- servers, and even by the same observers at different times and places, varies greatly. It appears also that the rate of diminution is more rapid in summer than in winter. Of this latter fact Sir John Leslie, in the article CUmate,in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, gives the following satisfactory explana- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 11 tion : — *' Since the heat derived from the sun is chiefly accumulated at the surface of the earth, the changes of temperature which take place through the year in the elevated strata of our atmosphere must evidently be less than what are experienced below. The lofty tracts of air remote from the primary scene of action, preserve nearly an equable temperature, and scarcely feel the extreme heat of summer, or win- ter's frost. In ascending the atmosphere, the de- crease of warmth is hence more rapid in the fine sea- son, and more slow in the darkened period of the year." Besides the cause above assigned for the different results obtained by different experimenters, there are obviously a variety of other modifying circumstances, the separate or conjoint influence of which, in con- sequence of their variable and uncertain nature, it is impossible accurately to appreciate. The more im- portant of these are as follow : 1st, The commu- nication upwards, whether by calorific radiation, re- flection, conduction, or aerial convection,* of the ever-varying diversity of temperature, to which land and water relatively to each other, are in different climates subjected, during day and night, and the dif- ferent seasons of the year. 2d, The transportation of air from warmer, or from colder latitudes, by means * Convection is a very suitable term introduced by meteorolo- gists to denote the power which one body has in carrying another along with it. Thus clouds and vapours are carried along with the atmospheric current ; and aerial convection in the text above, means, the power of air, when its specific gravity is diminished by heat, to carry that heat along with it in its ascent. 1-2 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES of atmospheric currents. 3cl, The evolution of heat which accompanies the formation of clouds; and, on the contrary, its absorption, when clouds and mists are converted into invisible vapour. There is even some reason to believe, that the average ratio of decrease of temperature is not the same at different altitudes. Playfair remarks that the decrease seems to be somewhat slower, but not very considerably, as we ascend. And Dr Prout, in his * Bridgewater Treatise,' says, " some late researches have rendered it probable, that while, at different heights, the rate of the decrease of temperature is uniform, the rate of altitude increases constantly, and according to laws very similar all over the world; that is to say, supposing the first 252 feet are equal to one degree; the second degree will be equal to 255 feet; the third to 258; the fourth to 261 ;" &c. Humboldt found in ascending, that the ratio of decrement was less in the region of the air where clouds were form- ed, than what it was nearer the surface of the earth; and that it again became greater at a higher altitude. This he properly ascribed to the evolution of heat, which accompanies the formation of clouds. From the various results obtained by different persons at different times and places, with a view to determine this point, meteorologists are now unanimous in adopting one degree of Fahrenheit as the mean rate of decrement for every 300 feet of perpendicular as- cent, and extending to all attainable altitudes. Hence we see, that from this cause, the mean temperature of the atmosphere at the top of a mountain 3000 feet high, should be 10 degrees lower than at its base. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 13 And at the top of Mont Blanc, which is 15,662 feet high, the mean temperature should be 52j degrees lower than at the level of the sea in the same latitude. Two causes have been assigned for the diminution of temperature in ascending perpendicularly from the earth's surface. The first is, that owing to the per- meability of the atmosphere to the solar rays, the heat thereby imparted to the earth, is absorbed, and accu- mulated at, and near its surface ; and only slowly recom- municated to the incumbent atmosphere. Hence, it is supposed, that as a less and less amount of the solar heat accumulated at the earth's surface is impart- ed to the atmospheric strata, according as they be- come more distant from the seat of accumulation; the temperature of the atmosphere, in receding per- pendicularly from the earth's surface, must undergo a gradual diminution. The preceding explanation is exceedingly unsatis- factory, as will be evident by referring to analogical phenomena. Thus when the general temperature is increasing, whether in consequence of radiation from the sun, a fire, or any heated body, it is found, that the surface of all solids exposed to such calorific radi- ation, acquires a higher temperature, that is, heats faster, than the air around them, and through which the heat radiates. And on the contrary, during the time that the temperature is upon the decline, the surface of all solids stands at a lower temperature, that is, cools faster, than the air around them. Now this case is exactly analogous to the one under con- sideration. The surface of the earth is alternately heating and cooling during day and night, and also 14 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES during summer and winter. When heating during day or summer, its surface is warmer than the air immediately incumbent; but when cooling during night or winter, it is colder. And from Dr Wells* observations it appears, that the excess of coldness of the earth's surfece during night or winter, as well as the excess of heat during day or summer, is slowly communicated to the air immediately incumbent, and in proportion to its proximity. Thus it was found, that during clear calm nights, the temperature of the atmosphere, instead of sinking, actually rose, and that with considerable rapidity, from the surface of the earth to the height of 220 feet above it; and how much higher was not ascertained, in consequence of observations not being extended to greater altitudes. When this fact is considered in conjunction with the circumstance of the rapidity with which the tempera- ture of the higher atmospheric strata, would be as- similated to that of the lower by means of aerial con- vection, were there no counteractive cause, it is ob- vious, that the explanation above given, though it may account for slight variations in the ratio, in which tem- perature decreases upon ascending perpendicularly during day and night, and during summer and winter, does not at all account for the constant mean rate of decrement observed in ascending perpendicularly all over the surface of the globe, and extending to all attainable heights. The second cause assigned in order to explain the fact under consideration, is the increase of capacity for absorbing caloric, which air acquires, when sub- jected to a gradual diminution of aerial pressure, ac- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 15 cording as the amount and weight of the superincum- bent atmosphere diminishes in ascending perpendicu- larly. Upon this point, Dr Prout, in his Bridgewater Treatise, page 270, says : " Dr Dalton, and after- wards Sir John Leslie more completely, have at- tempted to show, that the equilibrium of heat in an atmosphere is obtained when each of its molecules, or in other words, when the same weight of air, in the same perpendicular column, is possessed of the same quantity of heat. Now, since atmospheric pressure diminishes with the height, according to a certain law, it is obvious, that the same weight of air, at the surface of the earth, and in the higher regions, will occupy very different spaces. But since the absolute quantity of heat is exactly the same in both portions, it is likewise obvious, that in the higher regions of the atmosphere, from the increased capacity of the air for heat, the quantity of latent heat is augmented, while the quantity remaining sensible becomes less. Hence the temperature of the air diminishes as we ascend, exactly in the proportion that its latent heat, that is to say, its capacity for heat as produced by rarefaction, increases." Dr Thomson, in his work on Heat and Electricity, says : " It has been experimentally ascer- tained, that as the volume of air increases, its specific heat augments in the same proportion." And in a subsequent passage, he says : " The same weight of air, at all elevations above any place, contains exactly the same quantity of heat. So that if a quantity of air were suddenly transported from an elevated region to the level of the sea, its density would be continually increasing during its descent, while its specific heat lU ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES would diminish in the same proportion, and, when it reached the level of the sea, its temperature in conse- quence would be just as high as that of other portions of air in the same latitude and elevation. Air, there- fore, does not feel cold in consequence of faUing from an elevated situation, though this be an opinion com- monly entertained, but in consequence of its being suddenly transported from a more northerly to a more southerly situation." The preceding hypothesis seems to afford a per- fectly satisfactory explanation of the fact under consi- deration, were it not for an objection suggested by an experiment, which we will here relate. If a thermo- meter be suspended in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, or in a Torricellian vacuum, it stands at the same degree of temperature as one suspended exter- nally in the unrarefied atmosphere ; and variations of temperature affect both thermometers in the same manner, and ultimately to the same degree. It is true, that upon exhausting the air suddenly, by means of an air-pump, a delicate thermometer suspended in the receiver sinks ; but then it very soon regains its former temperature without any re-admission of air. Now, judging from analogy, this latter circumstance seems to indicate, that the permanent reduction of temperature as we ascend in the atmosphere, is not owing to the increased capacity of air for heat when its compression or density is diminished ; for, if such were the case, a correspondingly permanent reduction of temperature should be exhibited, one would think, by a thermo- meter in an exhausted, or partially exhausted receiver. No attempt seems to be made by any writer whose OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 17 works I have consulted, to reconcile the phenomena exhibited during the performance of the experi- ment stated above, with the explanatory hypothesis quoted from Prout and Thomson. Nevertheless, from the corroboration which the hypothesis receives, from the circumstance of the temperature of the air actually diminishing as we ascend, in the proportion that its capacity for heat, as produced by rarefaction, increases ; and also from this circumstance explaining what seems to be overlooked, viz. the otherwise inex- plicable fact of the warmer air below having no ten- dency to change places with the colder air above, so long as the mean rate of decrement is preserved, I am disposed to think, that the increased capacity of the air for heat, according as the superior aerial com- pression diminishes, is either the true cause, or rather a constant and necessary concomitant of the true cause of the mean rate of decrement of temperature, upon ascending perpendicularly from the level of the sea. When the humidity or dryness of the atmosphere is mentioned, reference is made, not to the absolute amount of moisture in the air, but to the amount in relation to its capacity. The more undersaturated the atmosphere is, the drier it is said to be ; and the stronger is its influence in promoting evaporation from moist surfaces. On the contrary, the nearer it ap- proaches to saturation, the more humid it is ; and the less its influence in promoting evaporation. The parent source from whence the atmosphere, when undersaturated, derives a supply of aqueous va- pour, is the ocean ; and the process by which it is sup- plied is called evaporation. It is true that from every c 18 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES moist land surf\ice evaporation also takes place. But as the land itself derives its moisture from the atmo- sphere, in the forms of rain, dew, &c. ; and as a con- siderable proportion of the moisture which is precipi- tated upon the land is returned to the ocean by means of rivers, it is obvious that the land would soon become thoroughly and permanently dried up, were it not sup- plied with humidity from the ocean, through the agency of evaporation and atmospheric currents. Various attempts have been made to determine the annual quantity of water which the land derives from the ocean through the agency of atmospheric currents. Some have endeavoured to ascertain this point by calculating the amount of water evaporated from land at a mean temperature, relative to the estimated annual amount thereupon precipitated ; and others have made estimates of the amount of water annually returned to the ocean by means of rivers, relative to the quantity precipitated from the atmosphere upon the land drained by these rivers. Dr Thomson esti- mates the annual amount of water (including dew, vvhich he estimates at 5 inches,) precipitated upon the land, and reduced to a mean for the whole surface of Great Britain, to be about 36 inches ; while the quantity evaporated may be about 32 inches ; |ths therefore of the water annually precipitated upon this island, he supposes, is again evaporated from the land, and only ith is returned to the ocean by means of rivers ; and of course only ^th is derived from the ocean through the agency of atmospheric currents. Dr Dalton, on the other hand, estimated the proportion of water annually carried off by the rivers in England OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 19 and Wales, as amounting to 13 inches. The differ- ence between these two estimates show how httle de- pendence can be attached to them. Besides, in dif- ferent latitudes, and even in diflferent countries in the same latitude, the proportion evaporated relative to what is condensed, must, for obvious reasons, vary extremely ; and though the proportions applicable to Great Britain could be ascertained, they would be applicable no where else. In inland champaign countries, in temperate latitudes, where little rain falls, almost the whole water precipitated upon the land will be again evaporated from it ; and hardly any of it returned to the ocean by means of rivers. On the other hand, in countries bordering upon the sea ; and in small, or moderately sized islands, particularly where the dechvity from the central parts of the land towards the sea is considerable ; and where the rains fall in great quantities at particular seasons, with long intervals of dry weather ; the greater part of the wa- ter precipitated from the atmosphere upon the land will be returned to the ocean by means of rivers, and only a moderate proportion of it evaporated. In short, the circumstances of different countries are in this respect so various, that no rules universally applicable can be laid down. In general, however, provided other things be equal, the proportion of water preci- pitated upon the land which is returned to the ocean by rivers, will be greater the colder and the calmer the climate is ; also greater in proportion as the rains are more copious for the latitude, and restricted to particular seasons, so that the intervals of dry wea- ther, (when, in consequence of the dryness of the 20 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ground, no evaporation is going on,) may be the longer; and likewise greater, in proportion as the land is better fitted for allowing the water to run off speedily, whether in consequence of natural declivi- ties, or artificial draining ; and vice versa. Evaporation, as we before stated, is the name given to the process by which the atmosphere is replenished with humidity from moist surfaces underneath, when, from causes hereafter to be mentioned, it has become undersaturated. Now the laws by which evaporation is regulated are as follow : — 1. It goes on with greater rapidity according as the incumbent atmosphere is more undersaturated with humidity ; and with diminishing rapidity as it approaches saturation, at which point it ceases alto- gether. 2. Supposing the atmosphere undersaturated to a given extent, evaporation proceeds with greater ra- pidity according as the evaporating surface becomes warmer. And supposing the atmosphere saturated, evaporation will, notwithstanding, commence so soon as the temperature of the evaporating surface is raised higher than that of the atmosphere. In fact, the point of saturation at which evaporation ceases, is de- termined, not by the temperature of the air, but by that of the evaporating surface. But as the tempera- ture of the air regulates the amount of vapour which it can hold in invisible solution, all moisture evaporated by means of heat applied to the evaporating surface after the air is saturated, is condensed into the visible form of mist, so soon as it is cooled down to the aerial temperature by intermixture with the incumbent air. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 21 3. Supposing the atmosphere undersaturated to any given extent, evaporation proceeds with greater rapidity according as the velocity of the wind in- creases, for, in such circumstances, fresh undersatu- rated portions of air are successively brought more rapidly in contact with the evaporating surface. Though air in communication with water has a tendency to become saturated with moisture, yet when hygrometric observations are made, it is ge- nerally found that the atmosphere is more or less un- dersaturated ; and accordingly, that a greater or less reduction of temperature must ensue before any pre- cipitation of humidity can take place. The cause of this, and also of the circumstances which tend to bring the atmospheric humidity up to the point of satura- tion, and sometimes beyond it, so that precipitation ensues, will be obvious, by considering the vicissi- tudes of temperature to which the atmosphere is sub- jected during the alternate succession of day and night, and the different seasons of the year j and also during the progressive movements of atmospheric currents over land and water of different degrees of elevation, and of different temperatures. During night, the capacity of the atmosphere for moisture, in consequence of the diminution of tem- perature which then ensues, is considerably less than during day. Hence, though the atmosphere during day be considerably undersaturated with moisture, it gradually approximates this degree of dampness as the temperature declines upon the approach of night. And provided it reaches the point of saturation pre- vious to the coldest period of the night, the farther 22 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES sinking of temperature causes precipitation of mois- ture into the visible forms of dew, mist, and cloud ; and consequently does not increase the atmospheric dampness, hygrometrically speaking ; for in hygrome- try, no estimate is made of moisture, except it be held in invisible solution by the atmosphere. Now, sup- posing the atmosphere to have reached the point of saturation during the coldest period of the night, it follows, that, as its temperature again rises, and its capacity for humidity increases, upon the return, and during the advance of day, the atmosphere must gradually become more and more undersaturated. And this result is not restricted to the atmosphere in- cumbent upon the land : for even over the ocean, (though in a less degree than over the land,) the at- mosphere usually becomes hygrometrically drier dur- ing day, in consequence of evaporation not being suf- ficiently copious to supply the air with moisture so rapidly as its capacity for it increases with the then advancing temperature. These observations explain the reason why night air is usually damper, and to those whose constitutions are injured by a humid at^ mosphere, more unwholesome than that of day. They also explain the reason why more moisture is convert- ed into clouds and mist, and precipitated upon the surface of the earth in the forms of dew and rain dur- ing night, than during day : and, upon a similar prin- ciple, more during the fall of the year, when the temperature and capacity of the air for moisture are upon the decline, than during the opposite season, when the temperature and capacity of the atmosphere for moisture are advancing. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 23 Again, when the wind blows from a cold towards a warmer chmate, which, as will be subsequently ex- plained, is its prevailing direction over the earth, though not in this climate, the air, by communicating with a progressively warmer surface, has its tempera- ture and capacity for aqueous vapour more rapidly in- creased, than it is supplied with humidity by evapora- tion. This explains the reason why northerly winds, in northern latitudes, are usually drier, and of course promote evaporation from all moist surfaces more rapidly than those of equal thermometric temperature from the south. The piercing, refrigerating, and withering influence commonly ascribed to north and north-east winds in this island, particularly during the spring of the year, is owing, not so much to their absolute thermometric coldness, (though that too has its influence,) as to their undersaturated state of dry- ness, and consequently to their greatly increased effect in abstracting heat from the human body, and from all other moist surfaces, by accelerating evaporation. When the wind, on the contrary, blows from a warm towards a colder latitude, and has its temperature slowly reduced by communicating with a progressively colder surface underneath, its capacity for aqueous vapour is simultaneously diminished. Hence the air in such circumstances, though previously much under- saturated, gradually approaches the point of satura- tion. And if this hygrometric condition of the at- mosphere goes on increasing, aqueous vapour begins at length to be precipitated into the visible state of clouds and mist, and subsequently descends to the earth in the forms of rain, snow, &c. This is one rea- 24 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES son why southerly winds, which in our northern latitude blow from a warm towards a comparatively cold clim- ate, are usually damper and more prolific of clouds and rain than those from a northerly direction. Ao-ain, when the wind blows from the ocean in summer, particularly during its latter half, the atmo- sphere becomes gradually undersaturated as it ad- vances over the land ; and, upon the same principle, when it blows in the contrary direction, viz. from the land towards the ocean, during the opposite season of the year, it in like manner gradually becomes under- saturated as it approaches the ocean, and vice vei^sa. The reason of these results will appear obvious by comparing the annual range of temperature which the surface of the land undergoes with that of the ocean. In temperate latitudes, the annual range of heat to which the surface of the Atlantic ocean is subjected, is limited to about 9 degrees of Fahrenheit ; whereas, that of the surface of the land, in corresponding lati- tudes on the continent of Europe, at no great dis- tance from the ocean, may be about 90 degrees. The temperature of the ocean varies, therefore, no more than about 4^ degrees from the mean for the latitude, during the coldest and warmest periods of the year ; whereas, that of the land varies about 45 degrees from the mean annual temperature. In like manner, dur- ing day and night, the temperature of the surface of the ocean undergoes little variation, compared to that of the land. And it may be laid down as a general law, that in a given latitude, the nearer any place is to the ocean, the more limited is the range of tem- perature both daily and annually j and, on the con- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 25 trary, the farther from the ocean, the more extensive is the range of temperature. Now, as the temperature of the surface of the ocean varies but very little throughout the year, from the mean degree of heat for the latitude, compared to that of the land ; and as the temperature of the earth's surface, whether it be land or water, is gradually com- municated upwards to the incumbent atmosphere, it follows, that an atmospheric current from the ocean towards the land, during the summer half of the year, or from the land towards the ocean, during the winter half, is analogous to the instance previously given, of a wind blowing from a cold towards a warmer climate. In both cases, the air in its progress, by communicat- ing with a warmer substance underneath, has its tem- perature and capacity for moisture gradually increased. And hence, unless counteracted by other causes, must become more or less undersaturated, and, accordingly, less liable to give birth to clouds and rain. From the same premises, it follows, on the other hand, that an atmospheric current from the land towards the ocean, during the summer half of the year, or from the ocean towards the land, during the winter half, is analogous to the other previously given instance, of a wind blowing from a warm towards a colder climate. In both cases, the air in its progress, by communicating with a colder surface underneath, has its temperature and capacity for moisture gradually diminished ; and hence, unless counteracted by other circumstances, must have a tendency to get saturated with moisture, and, accordingly, to become more liable to give birth to clouds and rain. D t2G ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES These observations, in part, explain the reason why a wind blowing from the ocean towards the land, dur- ing the warmest period of the year, so seldom brings rain, in comparison with what it does during the cold- est season. They also explain the reason why a wind blowing from the land towards the ocean, during summer, may sometimes be found saturated with moisture upon reaching the sea-coast, or within a short distance of land ; whereas, when the wind blows from the same direction during winter, it may be expected almost invariably to be much undersaturated, and, accordingly, to bring fair weather. Again, when the wind blows over mountain ranges, or elevated lands, its temperature and proportionate capacity for moisture is reduced, as already stated, by one degree for every 300 feet of perpendicular ascent. Now, supposing, for the sake of illustration, that the height of the elevated lands is 3000 feet, and that the atmospheric current before reaching them is saturated with humidity, it is obvious, that the lower stratum of air, in surmounting such an elevation, must undergo a reduction of temperature equal to 10 degrees ; and, accordingly, moisture is converted in such quantity into clouds, (which partly discharge themselves in rain upon the earth's surface, and partly pass onwards with the wind at a great altitude,) that after the same stratum of the atmospheric current has crossed the elevated re- gions, and regained its former low level and tempera- ture, it ought to be 10 degrees of temperature undersa- turated. This explains the reason why the atmosphere is less humid, and why less rain falls to the leeward, than to the windward of high lands and mountain ranges. . , OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 27 Upon similar principles, when winds blow over ex- tensive tracts of dry land, where they encounter a variety of the circumstances already enumerated, which rob the air of a portion of its moisture, without being proportionally replenished from a watery surface under- neath, a greater or less degree of atmospheric under- saturation is the usual result. Hence the reason why near the coast on continents, (as is exemplified in the United States of North America,) the air is more humid, and more rain falls when the wind blows from the ocean, than when it blows from the opposite direc- tion, over an extensive tract of land. And, according to the same principle, it may be laid down as a general law, that the more remote any place is from the ocean, provided other circumstances be equally favourable, the more undersaturated with moisture ought to be the usual character of the atmosphere, and the smaller the annual amount of rain. It may be here noticed, that when speaking of air becoming undersaturated in consequence of passing over extensive tracts of land, it supposes the surface of such land, or at least a large proportion of it, to be dry. When the surface of land is thoroughly wet, and its temperature is as high as that of the ocean, evaporation proceeds with as great rapidity from its surface as from that of the ocean. And supposing a thoroughly moistened land surface to be warmer than that of the ocean, as is usually the case in the end of summer, and beginning of autumn, evaporation from its surface should go on more rapidly than from that of the ocean. Besides, the saline ingredients of the ocean render its waters less liable to evaporation; so 28 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES that even from this cause alone, a land surface thor- oughly moistened with fresh water, is supposed to sup- ply aqueous vapour to an undersaturated atmosphere, more speedily than the surface of the ocean. In form- ing meteorological conclusions regarding the circum- stances calculated to produce atmospheric dryness, or dampness, it should therefore be always recollect- ed, that a wind blowing over land thoroughly moisten- ed by previous rainy weather, is not necessarily a dry wind, unless some of the other circumstances before stated, such as blowing from a cold direction, or over elevated lands, render it so. In reality, such a wind, so far as dryness or dampness is concerned, is much the same as though it blew from the sea: the hygro- metric condition of the atmosphere in both cases, being usually very little above the point of saturation. These observations explain the reason why, after con- tinued wet weather, the chance of rain, other things being equally favourable, is usually as great when the wind blows from the land, as when it blows from the ocean. They also explain the reason why, when the wind changes, and blows from the sea, in continental countries previously thoroughly dried by long droughts, the first rains usually fall near the coast. And, pro- vided the wind from the sea continues prevalent, gradually as the land gets moistened to a greater and greater distance from the sea, so as to become an evaporating surface, capable of replenishing an un- dersaturated atmosphere with humidity, so does the rainy weather extend itself farther into the interior. Having thus given an enumeration of the more obvious circumstances which produce variations in the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 29 hygrometric condition of the atmosphere, it need hardly be remarked, that those circumstances may be observed at different times and places acting either in union with, or in opposition to, each other. In the former case, their effect becomes more powerful; in the latter, the influence of one cause neutralizes that of another. In endeavouring, therefore, to ac- count for the conditions of the atmosphere in refer- ence to dryness and dampness, the circumstances favourable to the one state, must be balanced against those favourable to the other. For according as there happens to be a more favourable combination of cir- cumstances for producing the one effect or the other, so is the result more certain; and the general char- acter of the weather more strongly marked; and vice versa. When it is considered, that the hygrometric damp- ness of the atmosphere is prevented from ever ex- ceeding the point of saturation by the precipitation of moisture which then commences; and, in accord- ance with our previous observations, that a variety of causes tending to reduce it below that point, are in constant operation in one quarter or another; we have a sufficient explanation of the fact of air, though in free communication with the ocean, and other col- lections of water on the earth's surface, being usually more or less undersaturated. Hence the reason why water exposed to the atmosphere usually evaporates with more or less rapidity; a result which could not take place, were the air previously saturated with moisture, and its temperature as high as that of the water. 30 ON THE CAUSES AND TRINCIPLES From the hygrometric observations made with a view to ascertain the state of the atmosphere as to dryness in various situations, and at different heights above the level of the sea, it has been calculated, that the mean point of deposition for the whole atmo- sphere surrounding the globe, is about 6 degrees be- low the mean temperature. Of course, it is to be understood, that some proportion of the atmosphere is at all times fully saturated with humidity ; but that this is balanced by a larger proportion more or less undersaturated beyond 6 degrees. The general result therefore is, that the atmospheric temperature requires to sink on an average 6 degrees, before moisture held in invisible solution by the air, begins to assume the vi- sible forms of mist and clouds; and also, before depo- sition of humidity in the form of dew can commence. From observations made in the years 1815 and 1818 it appears, that the mean quantity of moisture in the atmosphere on any given day, corresponds, in this climate, nearly with what would produce com- plete saturation at the minimum temperature of that day. Owing, however, to variations in the weather from wet to dry, and the contrary, this coincidence does not take place every day; but holds very nearly in the means of the whole year. Thus the mean point of deposition for each month in the year, cor- responds very nearly with the mean minimum tem- perature of the days throughout the month. Proceeding upon the principle of the mean point of deposition being 6 degrees below the capacity of the mean temperature, the following table, * showing * Hygrometry, — Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 31 the mean amount of aqueous vapour, reduced to the state of water contained in the atmospheric columns for every 5 degrees of latitude from the equator to either pole, has been calculated. Lati- tude. Mean Tem. perature. Column of Water equal to Column of Vapour in Inches. Lati. tude. Mean Tem- perature. Column of Water equal to Column of Vapour in Inches. 85. 8.315 50 53.3 2.882 5 84.6 8.112 55 48.8 2.468 10 83.4 7.809 60 44.5 2.124 15 81.4 7.326 65 40.6 1.854 20 78.7 6.717 70 37.3 1.647 25 75.4 6.037 75 34.6 1.495 30 71.5 5.315 80 32.6 1.391 35 67.2 4.611 85 31.4 1.332 40 62.7 3.968 90 31. 1.313 45 58. 3.385 By the preceding table it appears, that if the whole aqueous vapour contained in the air at the equator were condensed, and precipitated, it would cover the surface of the earth only to the depth of 8.315 inches; and that the amount diminishes more rapidly than the mean temperature as we advance towards either pole. In intertropical and temperate latitudes, it is pro- bable that the calculations in the preceding table are tolerably near the truth. But they are obviously very erroneous in high latitudes, in consequence of the mean temperature being taken at greatly above what it ought to have been, as determined, in recent years, by actual observation. It may be also mentioned, that the above table, as well as all other hygrometric estimates, gives merely the amount of aqueous vapour held in a state of invisible solution by the atmosphere. 32 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES, &C. and does not include the amount previously precipi- tated, and suspended in the air in the visible forms of clouds and mist. If the proportion of vapour con- densed into the visible forms of mist or clouds were to be estimated, in conjunction with what is held in invisible solution, the air would have to be stated as being frequently oversaturated with moisture. In wet weather, for instance, when hygrometers indicate that the air is saturated with humidity, the existence of clouds indicates a degree of atmospheric oversatu- ration, to the extent of moisture which the clouds con- tain. The phrase oversaturation is, therefore, in this point of view, correct enough; and to avoid circum- locution, we shall on many occasions make use of it. At the same time, as the amount of aqueous vapour contained in the forms of mist and clouds cannot be accurately ascertained, and does not affect the condi- tion of the atmosphere, so as to indicate, when tested by hygrometers, a degree of dampness beyond the point of saturation, in estimates such as the one we have been considering, it is perhaps as well omitted altogether. CHAPTER II. OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF CLOUDS, AND THE PHENOMENA EXHIBITED DURING THEIR FORMATION, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIED APPEARANCES WHICH THE DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS PRESENT, AND OF THE CHANGES WHICH THEY UNDERGO. Notwithstanding the infinitely diversified figures and appearances which clouds present, they have been arranged by Howard into seven classes, and desig- nated as follows : — The Cirrus, the Cumulus, the Stratus, the Cirro-cumulus, the Cirro-stratus, the Cumulo-stratus, and the Cumulo-cirro-stratus, or Nimbus. Of these, the three first, viz. the Cirrus, the Cumulus, and the Stratus, are considered primary forms. The fourth and fifth, viz. the Cirro-cuinulus, and the Cirro-stratus, are considered intermediate forms, from their presenting appearances somewhat between those of the primary clouds, of which their names are respectively composed. The sixth and seventh, viz. the Cumulo-stratus, and the Cumulo- cirro-stratus, or Nimbus, are considered compound, from being apparently formed by the union and trans- formation of other denominations of cloud. Rather than trust to my own very limited observa- tions enabling me to describe the progressive forma- tion, together with the varied appearances and changes which the different classes of clouds above enumer- 34 ON TIIK CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ated undergo, I will borrow largely, and frequently without altering the language, from the article in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, entitled " Cloud." Adhering then to the usual arrangement, we shall now proceed to describe, 1. The CiiTus, (see fig. 1.) or Curl-cloud. The most usual form of this species of cloud resembles a distended lock of hair. It consists of separate fibrous- looking, or hair-like stripes of cloud, parallel to each other, and not unfrequently curled, or slightly bent towards one, and more rarely, towards both extremi- ties. In appearance, it is the thinnest, the lightest, and the most rarefied of all the denominations of cloud ; and in conformity with its appearance, it oc- cupies a more elevated region in the atmosphere than any of the other kinds, floating usually, according to Dalton, from 3 to 5 miles above the level of the sea. This species of cloud is continually changing its figure. After a continuance of clear weather, the cirrus first makes its appearance in the form of a white thread stretched across a portion of the sky. To this line others are successively added laterally, so as ul- timately to present the appearance of a number of parallel white threads of cloud. This form is called the linear cirrus. At other times, in addition to the above, lines of the same kind are sent off" in oblique or transverse directions, so that the cloud presents the appearance of net-work. This species is called the reticulated cirrus. " The comoid cirrus^ vulgarly called by the country people of England, the mare's- tail cloud, is however the proper cirrus. It has the appearance of a distended lock of white hair, or of a OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 35 bunch of wool pulled out into fine pointed ends, from whence it has derived its name, comoid. This form of the cirrus is most commonly an accompaniment of a variable state of the atmosphere, and often forebodes wind and rain. In very changeable weather, the di- rection of the tails of this kind of cirrus varies consi- derably in the course of a few hours. When the tails have a constant direction towards the same point of the compass for any considerable time, it has been frequently observed that a gale has sprung up from the quarter to which they had pointed." 2. The Cumulus, (see fig. 7.) or Stacken-cloud, or cloud of day, as it is sometimes called, is characterized by a flattened base, and a heaped or cumulated super- structure. It floats at a much lower level than the cirrus, varying perhaps from 3000 feet to two miles above the level of the sea. In its appearance it is the most picturesque of all the denominations of cloud, and when opposed to the sun, reflects from its piled- up sides a brilhant white colour, as pure as that of snow. " The best time for viewing the progressive forma- tion of the cumulus is in fine settled weather. If we then observe the sky about the time of sunrise, or soon afterwards, we shall see small specks of cloud here and there in the atmosphere. These often ap- pear to be the result of small gatherings, or concen- trated points of the stratus or evening mist, which, rising in the morning, grows into small masses of cloud, while the circumjacent atmosphere becomes clearer." " As the sun rises these clouds get larger,— two or 30 ON THE CAUSES AND PHINCIPLES three which are near each other coalesce, — and at length a large cloud is formed, which, assuming a cumulated and irregularly hemispherical shape, has received the name of cumulus or stacken-cloud. This may properly be denominated the cloud of day, as it usually subsides in the evening, in a manner which forms the exact counterpart to its formation in the morning. It breaks up into small fragments and evaporates, and is succeeded again by the stratus or fall-cloud, which has been called the cloud of night by some writers, on account of the period in which it prevails." " There are some varieties in the forms of the cumulus which deserve particular notice, as they seem to be connected with electrical phenomena. In some kinds of fine weather, when these clouds form soon after sunrise, increase through the day, and sub- side in the evening, they are of a more hemispherical form than when they occur in changeable weather. When these well-formed cumuli prevail during many days together, the weather is settled, and the atmo- spherical electrometer has been observed not to vary much in its indications. These cumuli are whitish- coloured, and reflect a fine strong silvery light when opposed to the sun. The cumuli which are seen in the intervals of showers are more variable in form ; they are more fleecy, and have irregular protuberances. Sometimes they are of a blackish colour, like the clouds which the sailors call scud, and at other times they seem of a tuberculated form. Cumuli may, at any time, increase so as to obscure the sky, and they then generally inosculate, and begin to assume that OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 37 density of appearance which characterizes the twain- cloud, or cwnulo 'Stratus."* 3. The Stratus, (see fig. 9.) or Fall-cloud, or cloud of night, as it is sometimes called, from the time it usually makes its appearance, are the meteorological names given to fogs and mists, which, in extensive sheets, chiefly during night, cover the earth's surface, and disappear usually in the morning wdth the advanc- ing temperature of day. Sometimes, particularly in calm weather, and during the coldest period of the year, when, owing to the obliquity of the sun's rays, his influence is not sufficiently strong to dissipate them, this species of cloud rests upon the earth's sur- face, perhaps for a week or a fortnight without inter- mission. The best opportunity for observing the formation of the stratus, is on a fine still evening, after a hot day in the end of summer or beginning of autumn, at which time this species of cloud is very prevalent. *' We shall then observe, that as the cumuli, which have prevailed through the day, decrease, a white mist forms by degrees close to the ground, or extends only for a short distance above it. This cloud arrives at its density about midnight, or between that time and morning, and it generally disappears after sun- rise. The stratus has often been found positively electrified, and its component particles do not wet leaves or other substances connected with the earth. It has been supposed that the earth below it, and probably the air above it, contained a negative coun- tercharge. The stratus should be distinguished from that variety of the cirro-stratus, or wane-cloud, which 38 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES looks much like it in external appearances, and whicli has usually a similar state of electricity with the earth. The criterion whereby we may judge, to which of the two modifications to refer a mist, is, that the stratus does not wet objects it alights on, but the cirro-stratus moistens every thing." 4. The Cirro-ciwiuluSj (see fig. 2.) or Sonder- cloud, consists of small, roundish, well-defined masses of clouds, separated, or sometimes only nearly sepa- rated, from each other, and closely arranged in exten- sive horizontal beds. This cloud has more resem- blance to the cumulus than to the cirrus. In fact, it seems to consist of small, imperfectly or flatly form- ed cumuli arranged in horizontal beds. " This cloud is subject to some varieties in the size and figure of its orbicular masses, and in their nearer or more distant approximation to each other. Its most striking feature is observable before or about the time of thunder-storms in summer. The com- ponent nubeculcB are then very dense in their struc- ture, very round in their form, and in closer apposi- tion than usual, (see fig. 2.) This kind of sonder- cloud is so commonly a forerunner of storms, that it has been frequently spoken of by poets as a tempest- uous prognostic. In rainy and variable weather, a variety of this cloud appears, strikingly contrasted with the above-mentioned kind, being of a light, fleecy texture, and its nuheculce having no very regu- lar form. Under these circumstances, it is sometimes so light and flimsy in its texture as to approach very nearly to the nature of the cirro-stratus. Sometimes this kind of cirro-cumulus consists of nuheculcs so OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 39 small as scarcely to be discernible ; the sky seems speckled with innumerable little round white, and almost translucid spots. The cirro-cumulus of fair summer weather is of a middle nature, neither being so dense as the stormy variety, nor so light as the one last described. Its nuheculcB vary in size, and in the degree of their proximity. In certain kinds of fine dry weather, with light gales of north and easterly wind, small detachments of cirro-cumulus rapidly form and subside again, which do not lie in one plane, but, in general, these clouds are in horizontal arrange- ment. The formation of cirro-cumulus is either spon- taneous, that is, unpreceded by any other cloud ; or, 2d, it may result from the changes of some other modification. Thus the cirrus or cirro-stratus often changes into cirro-cumulus, and vice i')ersa. When this cloud prevails in summer, we may, in general, anticipate an increase of temperature ; and, in win- ter, it often precedes the breaking up of a frost, and indicates warm and wet weather. In warm weather during summer, several extensive beds of this cloud, ranged in different altitudes, and viewed by moon- light, have a very beautiful and picturesque appear- ance, and have been compared by poets to a flock of sheep at rest. The cirro-cu7nulus either subsides slowly, as if by evaporation, or it changes into some other modification of cloud. 5. The Cirro-stratus, (see fig. 3, 4, and 5.) or Wane-cloud. The form of this cloud, which is least apt to be confounded with that of other denomina- tions, is often seen on fine summer evenings, when it presents the appearance of a bed or layer of cloud, 40 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES of considerable length, but neither broad nor deep, and seemingly stationary at a great altitude above the earth's surface, (see fig. 5.) " All the varieties of this cloud are characterized by shallowness, or great horizontal extent, in proportion to their vertical depth; so that when the cirrus^ or any other cloud, is ob- served to assume this form, we may generally expect that it will end in a cirro-stratus. The cirrus, for example, after having existed some time in the higher regions of the atmosphere, often descends lower ; its fibres become more regularly horizontal ; and it puts on, by degrees, the character of the wane-cloud. The cirrus more frequently changes to the cirro-stratus than the cirro-cwnulus does, and the cirro-cumulus more frequently than the cumulus. " The cirro-stratus being once formed, sometimes re-assumes the character of the modification from which it originated, but more frequently it evaporates by degrees, or, by inosculating with some other modi- fication, produces the twain-cloud, and eventually falls in rain. " The cirro-stratus seldom remains long in the same form, but is observed to be constantly subsid- ing by degrees ; hence it has been called the w'ane- cloud from the old English verb to wane, to decline, or waste away. There are many varieties in the figure of the cirro-stratus, some of which are more transitory than others. Sometimes this cloud is dis- posed in wavy bars or streaks, in close horizontal ap- position, and these bars vary almost infinitely in size and shape. A flat, and nearly horizontal cloud, com- posed of such streaks, is very common, particularly OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 41 in variable weather, in summer. The bars, which com- pose this variety, are generally confused in the middle, and are more distinct towards the edges, (see fig. 3.) A variety not unlike this is seen on fine summer evenings, and constitutes what has been denominated the Mackerel-back Sky. It is often very high in the atmosphere. We have observed that, on ascending lofty mountains, the apparent distance of this cloud seems hardly diminished, while the cumulus^ or stacken-cloud, has been sailing along on a level with the point of observation, or even below it. Another common variety of cirro-stratus differs from the last in being one plane and long streak, thickest in the middle, and wasting away at its edges. This, when viewed in the horizon, has the appearance of fig. 5. It often seems to alight on the summits of the cumulo- stratus as represented in the plate j and in these cases, the density of the large twain-cloud increases in pro- portion as these long wane-clouds form, and evaporate on their summit ; a circumstance which looks as if the great density of the cloud depended on the inos- culation and subsequent intermixture of the two dif- ferent modifications with each other. The result of this intermixture, and the consequent density of the cloudy mass, is eventually the formation of the nim- bus, and the fall of rain. Another principal variety of the cirro-stratus, is one which consists of small rows of little clouds curved in a peculiar manner. It is called the Cj/nioid Cirro-stratus, and it is a sure indication of stormy weather, (see fig. 4.) Imme- diately below this in the plate, is the representation of another less perfectly formed, having more of the F 42 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES character of the sonder-cloud. It is a variety often produced when a large cumulus passes under a long line of cirro-stratus, like that in fig. 5, and is also a sign of variable and stormy weather. The last va- riety of cirro-stratus to be mentioned, is that large and shallow veil of cloud, which extensively over- spreads the sky, particularly in the evening, and dur- ing the night, and through which the sun and moon but faintly appear. It is in this cloud that those pe- culiar refractions of the sun and moon's light, called Halos, Mock-suns, &c., usually appear, and which is the surest prognostic we are acquainted with of an impending fall of rain or snow. To these principal varieties of the cirro-stratus others less frequent might be added ; but, as their forms are almost innumer- able, every meteorologist must observe them for him- self. The usual termination of the cirro-stratus is, by forming an intimate union with somio other cloud to produce rain. In general, therefore, the prevalence of the wane-cloud is always a sign of a fall of rain or snow. At other times, this cloud evaporates, or changes into some other modification, as previously observed." 6. The Cicmulo-sfratus, (see fig. 6.) or Twain- cloud, is a compound of the cumulus and the cirro- stratus ; the cirro-stratus being either intermingled with the cumulus, or widely extending its base, so that while the base is flat, and united like the cirro- stratus, the superstructure resembles large cumuli, rising from the base in the forms of detached moun- tains and rocks. " The Cumulo-stratus may be always regarded as OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 43 a stage towards the production of rain, and it fre- quently forms in the following manner : — The cumu- lusy which in common passes along in the current of the wind, seems retarded in its progress, — increases in density, — spreads out laterally, — and at length overhangs the base in dark and irregular protuberances. The change to the cumulo-stratus often takes place at once in all the cumuli which are near to each other J and their bases uniting, while the superstruc- tures remain asunder, rising up with mountain-like or rocky summits, the whole phenomena has a fanciful appearance. The change from cumulus to cumulo- stratus is often preceded by the cirro-stratus, or some other of the hghter modifications, coming over in an upper current, and alighting on the summit of the cumulus. Long lines of wane-cloud often appear for a length of time attached transversely to the summits of the twain-cloud, and give them the appearance of being transfixed by shafts, (see fig. 6.) Cumuli sometimes meet together, and begin to be arranged along with joined bases, without acquiring the dense black colour of the cumulo-stratus, and, as the change is gradual, we may view the cloud in an intermediate state. Twain-clouds vary somewhat in appearance. Those in which hard hail showers and thunder storms form, look extremely black before the change to rain, and have a most picturesque but menacing aspect, as they are seen slowly coming up with the wind. The cumulo-stratus sometimes evaporates, or changes again to cumulus, and sometimes it forms itself spon- taneously, without the precurrence of any other cloud, and disappears again. But, in general, it ends at last 44 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ill uie nwihus, and Tails in rain. Frequently, in a long range of these clouds, one part changes into nimbus, and rains, while the other remains a cumulo- stratus, (see fig. 8.) But this is not frequently the case. Having given this sketch of the modifications, it must be observed, that masses of cloud sometimes appear hardly referable to any of them ; but even then, if watched long enough, they will be found to put on sufficient of the character of some of the mo- difications to be registered under its name." 7. The Cumulo-cirro-stratus or Nimbus, or Rain- cloud, is that cloud, or aggregation of clouds, from which rain is falling. It usually presents the appear- ance of a horizontal layer of aqueous vapour, over which clouds of the cirro-stratus kind are spread ; while other clouds of the cumulus form enter it later- ally, and from beneath. " Any of the six above described modifications may increase so much as to obscure the sky, without end- ing in rain, before which, the pecuhar characteristic of the rain-cloud may always be distinguished. The best manner of getting a clear idea of the formation of the nimbus, is by observing a distant shower, in profile, from its first formation to its fall in rain. We may then observe the cumulus first arrested, as it were, in its progress, then a cirt'us, or cirro-stratus, may appear to alight on the top of it. The change to cumulo-stratus then goes on rapidly, and this cloud, increasing in density, assumes that black and threat- ening appearance which is a known indication of rain. Shortly afterwards, the very intense blackness is changed for a more grey obscurity, and this is the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 45 criterion of the actual formation of water, which now begins to fall, while a cirriform crown of fibres ex- tends from the upper parts of the clouds, and small cumuli enter into the under part. After the shower has spent itself, the different modifications appear again in their several stations ; the cirrus, cirro-stra- tuSf] or perhaps the cirro-cimiulus, appears in the higher regions of the air, while the remaining part of the broken nimbus assumes the form of a flocky cu- muhis, and sails along in the current of wind which is next the earth. When large cumulo-strati begin to ap- pear again, they indicate a return of the rain; and these processes are constantly going on in showery weather, when the rapid formation and destruction of rain- clouds goes on, and is attended by the other modifi- cations in succession, in the manner above described. In continued rainy days, we cannot observe the upper parts of the nimbus, which extends for miles over large tracts of country ; but we have no doubt that the same processes go on slower and on a larger scale in continued rainy weather, which are more conspicuous in the rapid and partial formation of showers." CHAPTER III. ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES WHICH DETERMINE THE FORMATION OF CLOUDS. It has been already stated, that the capacity of the ah* for holdmg moisture in invisible solution, increased and decreased in geometrical progression, while its temperature increased and decreased in arithmetical progression. But though the precipitation of moist- ure into the visible form of mist or clouds, may arise either from a reduction in the temperature of the at- mosphere, or from a reduction in reference to its ca- pacity, still as there are a variety of circumstances in which such reductions of temperature occur, for the sake of being better understood, we shall arrange them under the four following heads : — 1. When a diminution of the atmospheric temper' ature unaccompanied by atmospheric rarefaction, or transportation, takes place. 2. When a diminution of the atmospheric temper- ature arising from atmospheric rarefaction takes place. 3. When a diminution of the atmospheric temper- ature, arising from the transportation qf air from a waim to a cold climate by the agency of winds, takes place. 4. When an intermia;ture, and consequent reduc- ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES, &C. 47 tion to a mean temperature^ of different portions of air of previously different temperatures^ takes place. If any one, or any combination of these circum- stances happen to occur, when the atmosphere is pre- viously saturated with humidity ; or supposing the atmosphere previously somewhat undersaturated, if they take place to such an extent as to produce over- saturation, a precipitation of moisture into the visible form of cloud or mist, is the necessary consequence. We shall treat of these four causes of the forma- tion of clouds separately in their order as above. A diminution of the atmospheric temperature in- dependent of, and unaccompanied either by rarefac- tion, or transportation of air, takes place, in the gra- dual transition from the maximum temperature of day, to the minimum of night j and from the maximum temperature of summer, to the minimum of winter. Of these two transitions, individually considered, the former, viz. from the maximum temperature of day to the minimum of night, produces, in a given number of hours, a greater reduction of temperature than the latter. Its influence, however, in this re- spect though greatest, is chiefly hmited to the atmo- spheric strata near the ground. Hence the cloud most frequently, and most extensively formed by it, occupies a similar low position, and is denominated, in meteorological language, the stratus or fall-cloud, or sometimes the cloud of night, from the time it usually makes its appearance. It comprehends, and is commonly applied exclusively to those low creeping fogs or mists, which, on clear still nights, cover plains. 48 ON THE CAUSES AND TRINCIPLES hollows, &c.; but under this title we mean to treat of all foirs and mists whatever. The causes and principles which determine and reo'ulate the formation of the stratus, are, with some additions hereafter to be noticed, the same as those which, according to Dr Wells, determine and regu- late the deposition of dew. These we shall endea- vour to explain. From Dr Wells' observations, it appears, that a thermometer, laid upon grass during calm clear nights, exhibited an atmospheric tempera- ture lower, sometimes by as much as 10 degrees, than one suspended in the air four feet above the grass. It was farther found by the observations of Mr Six of Canterbury, that the atmospheric temperature con- tinued gradually to rise according to a diminishing ratio, in ascending perpendicularly above four feet, so that at the altitude of 220 feet, (and observations were not extended higher,) the atmosphere, on favourable nights, exhibited a thermometric temperature as much as 10 degrees higher than it did at four feet above the ground. From the circumstance of the reduction of tem- perature being always greater, in proportion as the surface of the ground immediately under was better fitted for radiating caloric, Dr Wells demonstrated that the phenomena exhibited by the above thermo- metric observations during night, were produced by the escape of heat from the earth's surface by radia- tion, being then more rapid than the supply by con- duction from underneath. This circumstance induced a considerable degree of coldness on the earth's sur- face, beyond what the atmosphere a few feet above OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 49 exhibited, before the supply of caloric became equal to the amount that escaped, and the progressive in- crease of temperature which the air manifested upon ascending perpendicularly to the height of 220 feet, arose from this superior coldness being slowly com- municated upwards to the incumbent atmospheric strata, with diminishing effect, according as they were farther removed from the surface of the ground. On cloudy nights little or no reduction of tempera- ture close to the earth's surface took place, beyond what was exhibited four feet above it. This Dr Wells ascribed to the partial interruption given to the radia- tion of heat from the earth's surface by clouds, the effect of which was, that the supply of heat from un- derneath by conduction, without the accelerating aid of any sinking of temperature on the earth's surface, then became equal to the amount that escaped by radiation. That this was the true explanation he proved by the fact, that, upon the supervention of a cloud, the thermometer placed upon the grass very soon rose to the same, or nearly the same tempera- ture, as the one four feet above it ; and that after the cloud had passed away, the thermometer on the grass very soon sunk to its former temperature, while the other remained almost stationary. He also demon- strated the accuracy of the above explanation, by pro- ducing analogous results by means of artificial awnings. Thus, by covering the thermometer laid upon the grass with a piece of paste-board, shaped like the roof of a house, and open to the atmospheric current at both ends, the reduction of temperature, as indicated by the thermometer, was prevented in the same manner G 50 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES as it was by the supervention of clouds. A similar effect was produced by an awning of thin muslin, and in a less degree by the shade of trees, houses, or other elevated objects, which, to any extent, limited or re- duced the view of the sky, as seen from the place where the thermometer was laid. On windy nights, Dr Wells found that no reduc- tion in the atmospheric temperature close to the ground took place, beyond what was exhibited by a thermometer four feet above it. And in fact, other things equal, the sinking of the atmospheric tempera- ture close to the ground was greater, in proportion as the air subjected to observation was calmer, and from its local position, such as being on a low-lying plain, or in a slight hollow, less liable to be displaced by slowly progressing aerial currents. This effect of wind, and the similar one produced by slopes, such as the sides of hills present, in consequence of their al- lowing the cooled, and, therefore, the specifically heavier aerial particles nearest the ground to roll downwards, Dr Wells very properly ascribed to the circumstance of uncooled portions of air from above, being rapidly and successively brought into contact with the radiating surface ; the temperature of which was prevented from sinking, in consequence of the caloric which those uncooled portions of air commu- nicated. These and similar observations Dr W^ells success- fully applied to explain the phenomena of dew. In order to ascertain the amount of dew deposited, he usually employed swandown, which, being one of the best radiators of caloric, indicated, by means of the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 51 sinking of a thermometer laid upon it, compared with one suspended four feet above it, the degree of cold- ness induced upon the earth's surface by radiation ; and, by the additional weight it acquired, indicated the amount of dew deposited upon it. By varying his experiments, with a view to prevent mistakes as to the source from whence the dew was derived, he proved that it neither resulted from evaporation from the earth's surface, nor from the exudation of plants. And by comparing the amounts deposited, with the reduction of temperature induced upon the earth's surface by radiation, he satisfactorily demonstrated that it was a deposition from the atmospheric strata nearest the ground, arising from the coldness there- from communicated. The preceding observations enable us to under- stand the leading phenomena connected with the most frequent formation of the stratus. When upon the approach, or during the continuance of night, the tem- perature of the aerial particles nearest the ground sinks, in consequence of the radiation of heat from the earth's surface, to the extent required to produce the slightest degree of oversaturation, the deposition of dew commences. And the formation of the stratus begins to make its appearance, so soon as the cold- ness thus induced upon the earth's surface is slowly propagated upwards in sufficient intensity to produce atmospheric oversaturation. By way of illustrating this department of our sub- ject, we will state a variety of the phenomena pre- sented during the formation of this species of cloud, and subjoin the explanation. 52 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES 1. The stratus begins to form close to the surface of the ground, and gradually extends itself upwards, and usually does not exceed a very limited altitude. This, agreeably to the foregoing principles, is owing to the fact of the coldness induced upon the earth's surface by the escape of radiating heat, being soonest communicated in sufficient intensity to produce over- saturation to the aerial particles nearest the ground ; and from that degree of coldness, being afterwards so slowly communicated upwards, as only to reach a very limited height before the return of day. 2. The stratus during- its formation is densest near- est the surface of the ground, and gradually diminishes in density upwards. This, as was demonstrated by the thermometric observations of Dr Wells, is owing to the coldness induced upon the earth's surface by radiation, being communicated to the incumbent aerial strata with less diminished intensity, according to their greater proximity to the ground. 3. Provided other circumstances be equally favour- able, (which is always understood,) the deposition of dew, and the formation of the stratus^ commence earlier in the evening, according as the hygrometric condition of the lower atmosphere is nearer the point of saturation, before the radiation of heat from the earth's surface, upon the approach of evening, begins. This is owing to a smaller depression of temperature being then requisite to produce atmospheric oversatu- ration ; and, consequently, the radiation of heat from the earth's surface effects this depression earlier in the evening, because having less to do, it does it in less time. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 53 4. On certain nights seemingly favourable, from the calmness of the air, and the clearness of the sky, to the deposition of dew, and the formation of the strafusj neither dew nor mist make their appearance. This, which is of frequent occurrence in inland dry countries, is owing to an unusual dryness, or under- saturated condition of the atmosphere ; the reduction of temperature effected by radiation not being suffi- cient, in such cases, to reduce the capacity of the air for moisture, below the point of saturation. 5. The stratus may frequently be seen during night overspreading meadows and level grass fields, to the depth of a foot or two, while the surface of a gravel road, passing through the midst of these, remains per- fectly free from this species of cloud. This, as de- monstrated by Dr Wells' observations, is owing to the surface of meadows and grass fields being better adapted for radiating caloric, and, consequently, for exhibiting a greater degree of thermometric depres- sion of temperature during night than gravel roads. Hence the reason that over meadows and grass fields the temperature of the air may be reduced below the point of saturation, and precipitation of moisture into the form of mist may accordingly take place ; while over the gravel road the temperature of the air may not be sufficiently depressed to produce oversatura- tion ; and, accordingly, no mist will there make its appearance : and so of all other analogous cases. 6. In the summer half of the year, the stratus formed during night disappears in the morning, or early in the day ; whereas, during winter, fogs fre- quently continue for many successive days and nights 54 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES without intermission. The reason of this is, that, during the summer half of the year, the heat of the sun upon the return of day, is sufficient to dissipate fogs formed during the coldness of night, by recon- verting them into invisible vapour ; whereas, during winter, owing to the obliquity with which the sun's rays then fall upon the earth, the small amount of heat thereby communicated during day, is not unfre- quently insufficient to accomplish this object. 7. In equally serene evenings, the stratus is more prevalent in the beginning of autumn than in the end of spring, or beginning of summer ; and, in general, its formation is more extensive, and of more frequent occurrence, in the fall of the year ; and, in fact, so long as the temperature is declining, than it is in the opposite season of the year, when the temperature is advancing. The reason of this is, that, in the former case, the declination of temperature from the maxi- mum of summer to the minimum of winter, co-oper- ates with the diurnal sinking of temperature, upon the approach of evening, in producing atmospheric oversaturation ; whereas, in the latter case, the ad- vancing temperature from the minimum of winter to the maximum of summer, in some degree counteracts the tendency to atmospheric oversaturation, occa- sioned by the diurnal sinking of temperature upon the approach, and during the continuance of night. We will now state cases in which a stratus, or fog, is formed in circumstances so far disconnected with those in which dew makes its appearance, that a simultaneous deposition of this commodity may, or may not, take place. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 55 The formation of a stratus or mist of this kind, may result from a general sinking of the atmospheric temperature, either totally disconnected with, or only partially assisted by the upward propagation of the nocturnal coldness induced upon the earth's surface by calorific radiation. Such fogs, hke all others, only make their appearance, in this climate, in still wea- ther ; and occur most frequently when the tempera- ture is rapidly declining upon the approach, or during the depth, of winter. Their formation may com- mence at any altitude above the earth's surface, where the atmosphere, upon the reduction of its tempera- ture, becomes first oversaturated, upon which con- dition their existence, like that of all other fogs, de- pends ; and their perpendicular thickness, which is sometimes great, is necessarily co-extensive with the depth of atmosphere that becomes oversaturated. Damp low-lying flat countries, such as Holland, where the air is frequently loaded with moisture, and where the sinking of temperature in the fall of the year is considerable, are, in accordance with our pre- vious observations, most subject to this kind of fog. Fog of a different kind, or rather arising from a different cause, (for from whatever source or union of sources originating, they all equally consist of mois- ture existing in some imperfectly understood state, between invisible vapour and water ;) fog, I say, arising from a different cause from any of those which precede, frequently makes its appearance in still wea- ther over the surface of water, and nowhere else. This species of fog may usually be seen floating over the surface of canals, and deep pools, in a calm morn- 50 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ing, after a clear frosty night, upon the first introduc- tion of cold weather in the fall of the year. It arises from the surface of water being warmer than the in- cumbent atmosphere. The temperature of the mois- ture evaporated in such circumstances from the warm watery surface underneath, sinks upon intermixing with the colder atmosphere immediately incumbent ; and so soon as the air thus supplied with humidity be- comes oversaturated, this species of fog begins to show itself. Vapour seen issuing from the steam-pipe of a steam-engine, or from the mouth of a kettle of boil- ing water, is analogous in its formation to this kind of fog. The vapour, upon intermixing with the cold air as it issues from the steam-pipe, is suddenly condensed in such quantities as to produce atmospheric oversa- turation, and thus forms the visible mist which is commonly called steam. But as this mist gets separ- ated farther from the steam-pipe from whence it is- sued, it is gradually dispersed, and reconverted into the invisible state by evaporation, and aerial diffusion, and solution. The preceding observations sufficiently explain the nature and origin of this description of fog, and what follows will explain the laws by which its individual density varies and is regulated. 1. Supposing the evaporating surface of a given extent, and the atmospheric temperature at a given point, the higher the temperature of the water is above that point, the faster will evaporation go on from its surface, and, of course, the greater will be the amount of vapour formed and condensed in a given time. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 57 2. The stiller the atmosphere is, the less liable will the condensed vapour be to be blown away, and dissipated. 3. The nearer the hygrometric condition of the at- mosphere is previously to the point of saturation, the less of the evaporated moisture will disappear by aerial diffusion and solution. According therefore as a more favourable combin- ation of these three circumstances happen to occur, so is this species of fog more certain to make its ap- pearance, and also to exhibit a greater degree of density ; and vice versa. The fog or haze which makes its appearance over the sea when its surface is warmer than the incum- bent atmosphere, is identical in the causes and prin- ciples of its formation with that which we last describ- ed. This condition of the temperature of the atmo- sphere, in reference to that of the subjacent ocean, may occur, when a wind blows for a short time over a sea surface from the polar towards the equatorial re- gions, and more particularly when it blows during winter, from an extensive, and more northerly cold land surface towards the ocean, and a warmer latitude. The cold atmosphere thus transported, by remaining incumbent upon a comparatively warm sea surface, at length becomes saturated with the moisture therefrom evaporated. If the surface of the sea was of the same temperature with the incumbent atmosphere, evapor- ation would cease whenever the hygrometric condi- tion of the atmosphere reached the point of satura- tion, and no fog, unless a sinking of temperature oc- curred, would make its appearance. But the conse- H 58 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES quence of the sea being warmer than the incumbent air, is, that evaporation continues to go on from its surface, after the atmosphere has become saturated, and, accordingly, when, without a rise of temperature, it can contain no more vapour in invisible solution. Hence an amount of moisture corresponding to what is evaporated after the air has become saturated, is condensed as it gets cooled by intermixture with the cold incumbent atmosphere, and gives birth to the description of fogs under consideration. Fogs pro- duced in the manner above narrated, may be of any density, from the thinnest perceptible haze to the thickest mist. Fogs on the coast of North America, and particu- larly along the course of the Gulph stream, are fre- quently produced in the manner above described. A cold atmosphere, transported by a north-west wind during winter, from the frigid latitudes of North America, comes sometimes to rest upon the then comparatively warm surface of the Atlantic ocean : and this inequality of temperature is further aug- mented, and therefore the more apt to occasion fogs, along the track by which the Gulph stream conveys an immense body of water from the equatorial towards the polar regions, which, when subjected to thermo- metric examination, is found to be several degrees warmer than other parts of the Atlantic, equally dis- tant from the equator. It may be remarked, that the formation of all fogs where the subjacent surface is warmer than the in- cumbent atmosphere, as is the case in the two pre- ceding instances, is assisted by the sinking down, and OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 59 intermixture of the cold aerial strata above with those below, which have become relatively heated in conse- quence of their greater proximity to the warm surface underneath. Fog sometimes makes its appearance at sea in op- posite circumstances to those last mentioned, viz. when the atmosphere is warmer than the surface of the sea. This may occur when the wind subsides after blowing with force a day or two over a sea sur- face, from a warm towards a colder latitude; and more particularly, after blowing, during summer, from a southerly, heated, and, at the same time, damp land surface towards the ocean, and a colder latitude. If in either of these cases the superior coldness of the subjacent surface of the ocean be communicated to the incumbent atmosphere in sufficient intensity to produce oversaturation, fog begins to appear. Another way in which a limited portion of the sur- face of the ocean is frequently rendered much colder than the incumbent atmosphere, is when large ice- bergs, frozen in some bay or inlet, are carried out to sea, and transported by winds, tides, and currents, to a warmer chmate. The same thing also happens when great quantities of ice, frozen in some large river, such as the St Lawrence in North America, are carried by its current to the ocean upon the breaking up of the frost. In places and seasons of the year when icebergs are to be apprehended, such as near the coast of Newfoundland, during the latter half of spring, or beginning of summer, this species of fog, accompanied by a sudden, and otherwise inexpHcable coldness, gives warning to the mariner, during night. 60 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES of his being in the vicinity of icebergs. In such cases, vessels, in order to avoid danger, generally lie tOi and wait the return of daylight. This kind of fog, like the preceding, and analogously to all others, be- gins to present itself whenever the coldness of the subjacent ocean is communicated to the atmosphere in sufficient intensity to produce oversaturation. Having thus given a detailed explanation of a va- riety of circumstances, in which a diminution of temperature, unaccompanied by atmospheric rare- faction, occasions a precipitation of moisture into the visible form of cloud or mist, we now proceed to consider those, in which the second mentioned cause of the formation of clouds, viz. a diminution of atmo- spheric temperature arising Ji'om its rarefaction, occurs. The effect of a reduction of temperature occa- sioned by atmospheric rarefaction, in causing a pre- cipitation of moisture into the visible form of cloud or mist, may be exhibited upon a small scale by means of an air-pump. If the air within the glass-receiver, attached to this machine, be suddenly rarefied, its temperature, as is exhibited by a delicate thermome- ter placed within the receiver, immediately sinks; and simultaneously with this reduction of temperature, a mist or haze within the receiver makes its appear- ance, which disappears again as the temperature rises, whether the rise be occasioned by the readmission of air, or by the passage of caloric by conduction through the glass, without the readmission of air. When the temperature within and without the receiver have be- come equal without the air being readmitted, its re- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 61 admission causes the temperature within the receiver to rise above what it will continue to remain at. The explanation of the phenomena, exhibited dur- ing the performance of the above experiment, is the following : — The sinking of temperature, exhibited by the thermometer within the receiver, as a -portion of air is withdrawn, is owing to the calorific capacity of the remaining portion being increased by rarefaction. The circumstance of the temperature afterwards ris- ing within the receiver to its previous elevation with- out any readmission of air, shows that a portion of the caloric within the receiver has been withdrawn along with the air ; and as caloric ceases to be with- drawn by suction when the air ceases to be farther rarefied thereby, it shows that the withdrawn caloric is attached to the air by affinity or attraction ; and that this abstraction of caloric has so far destroyed the calorific equilibrium, upon which equahty of temper- ature depends, that caloric entirely separate from aerial particles, in obedience to the preponderance of calorific repulsion, is forced from without through the glass into the inside of the receiver, till the calorific equilibrium and equality of temperature is again re- stored. The rise of temperature within the receiver beyond what it will remain at, which takes place upon the readmission of air, after equality of temper- ature within and without the receiver has been estab- lished, also proves that a portion of caloric is firmly attached by attraction to the ponderable portion of aerial particles. Now, provided it be admitted, (and there is no reason for doubt upon this point,) that a part of the invisible aqueous vapour, proportioned to 62 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES the relative amounts of air and vapour previously within the receiver, is abstracted along with the air, it is obvious, that if the temperature within the re- ceiver remained unaltered by the abstraction of a por- tion of air, instead of a part of the remaining aque- ous vapour being thereupon condensed into the visi- ble form of mist, the capacity of the diminished quantity of air remaining within the receiver for hold- ing moisture in invisible solution, would be increased. Or again, if the capacity of air for moisture diminished in the same ratio as its temperature was lowered by rarefaction, and vice versa, increased in the same ratio as its temperature was raised by condensation, the abstraction of a portion of air could have no in- fluence whatever in causing a precipitation of moist- ure, within the receiver, into the visible form of mist. In short, if such were the case, the dryness or damp- ness of the air, hygrometrically speaking, that is to say, its dryness or dampness relative to its capacity for moisture, would not be liable to alteration either by rarefaction or condensation. The true cause, there- fore, of the appearance of mist within the receiver, as the air is suddenly rarefied by the process of exhaus- tion, results from the circumstance formerly stated, of the capacity of the air for moisture diminishing more rapidly than its temperature. While the temperature of air diminishes in arithmetical progression, its capa- city for moisture diminishes in geometrical progres- sion. Hence, supposing the air within the receiver to be exactly saturated with humidity, if its tempera- ture be then lowered by rarefaction, a quantity of moisture proportioned to the difference of ratio in OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 63 which the aqueous capacity of air diminishes more rapidly than its temperature, would be precipitated into the visible form of mist. A similar rarefaction of the atmosphere, and conse- quent reduction of its temperature and capacity for moisture, to what may be thus effected artificially, on a small scale, by means of an air-pump, is naturally produced on a large scale, when atmospheric currents, impelled by a preponderance of barometrical pressure, rise, while surmounting hills and elevated lands. The lower aerial strata as they ascend, expand by means of their elasticity, to a bulk proportionally greater, as the amount of air above them, and the pressure thereby produced diminishes. This expansion or rarefaction is accompanied by a proportional reduction of temper- ature. And this reduction of temperature produces, and is attended by a diminished capacity for moisture, proportioned, as before stated, to the difference of ratio in which the aqueous capacity of air diminishes more rapidly than its temperature. Such is the arrangement of causes and effects by which atmospheric currents, in rising from a low level to surmount hills and elevated lands, have a tendency to become oversaturated with humidity, and thus to give birth to clouds. Of course, the altitude at which the temperature of the ascending current becomes so depressed by rarefaction that oversaturation com- mences, will mark the lower boundary where clouds begin to form. And this boundary will be lower or higher, according as the hygrometric condition of the atmospheric current, before beginning to ascend, is nearer to, or more distant from, the point of saturation. (54 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES The formation of clouds, according to the princi- ples above described, is finely illustrated by the phe- nomena daily exhibited, during the dry season, over what are called the Liguanea, or Port- Royal moun- tains, in the island of Jamaica. These mountains are situated about four or five miles to the north-east by east of Kingston, the principal port in the island, and their height above the level of the sea is from four to five thousand feet. During the dry season, from the beginning of November till the middle of April, the sea and land breezes alternately succeed each other, with an intermediate interval of atmospheric stillness, in the following manner : — From sunrise till about 10 o'clock in the forenoon, it is usually perfectly calm. About 10 o'clock the sea breeze blowing at Kingston from the east, or rather a little to the south of east, commences, and continues till about half-past three in the afternoon, when it gradually and entirely subsides. The interval of atmospheric stillness which ensues lasts till a short time after sunset, when the land breeze begins, blowing from the central parts of the island in every direction towards the circumference, and, of course, at Kingston, blowing from the north-west. The land breeze continues all night, and till about sunrise, when it also gradually and entirely subsides ; and then the same routine which we have now de- scribed, again commences, and it is repeated every day during the whole of the dry season. About eleven o'clock every forenoon, or between that time and mid-day, the summits of the Port-Royal mountains begin to be covered with clouds ; which, though thin, fleecy, and transparent at first, gradually OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. (>5 increase in density till about one o'clock. By this time, the upper portions of the mountains, when viewed from Kingston, seem to be wholly enveloped in dense clouds — rain is apparently falling in torrents — flashes of lightning are seen, and the sound of dis- tant thunder is heard. About half-past two o'clock in the afternoon, the clouds, gradually diminishing in density, begin to quit the mountains, so that their summits again become visible as in the morning, and so continue till about eleven o'clock of the following day. The clouds, after quitting the mountains, rise gradually to a greater altitude, and float very slowly westward, assuming, as they proceed, the appearance of large heaped up cumuli. Such is a description of what occurs every day throughout the dry season, from the beginning of November till the middle of April. During the whole of this lengthened period, hardly a cloud is ever to be seen, except those formed over the distant mountains, during the continuance of the sea breeze, and which float slowly westward after quitting the mountains, as above described. That the formation of the clouds, in the case above narrated, is the result of diminished temperature, and consequently of diminished capacity for moisture, as the atmospheric current becomes rarefied in its ascent over the mountains, is obvious from comparing the coincidences between the respective periods of time when the clouds begin to appear — reach their greatest density — and afterwards quit the mountains as their farther formation ceases ; with those, when the sea breeze commences — attains its greatest velocity — and afterwards gradually and entirely subsides. The sea 66 ox THE CAUSES AND PHINCIPLES breeze blowing from the south-east by east begins at Kingston about 10 o'clock, and the mountains (which, though only five miles distant from Kingston, are perhaps 12 or 15 from the sea in the direction of the sea breeze,) begin to be covered with clouds by 11 o'clock, or between that time and noon. Now, when it is considered, that the air resting upon the land intermediate between the sea and the Port- Royal mountains, must have become much heated, and therefore much undersaturated during the interval of atmospheric stillness before 10 o'clock, it is not at all likely that any degree of atmospheric oversaturation, and consequent formation of cloud, could take place, till the less undersaturated portion of air that had previously reclined over the sea during the interval of atmospheric stillness, had reached the summits of the mountains. And as the force of the sea breeze is at first small, and only increases, and extends itself in- land by slow degrees ; and as the less undersaturated portion of the atmosphere which had previously re- clined over the sea, has 12 or 15 miles to travel over land, before reaching the mountains, the circum- stance of an hour, or from that to two hours, elapsing after the sea breeze has commenced on the shore at Kingston, before the mountains become covered with clouds, is just what might be expected to happen. Again, as the heat of the surface of the land, and of the atmosphere immediately incumbent, in warm climates, relative to that of the sea, and of the atmo- sphere thereupon incumbent, increases till about one o'clock in the afternoon, the velocity of the Seabreeze which is produced and regulated by this difference of OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 67 temperature, increases also till about the same time ; and afterwards gradually diminishes till about three o'clock, when it entirely subsides. Now the phe- nomena presented by the clouds over the Port-Royal mountains, are in exact accordance with what might be expected to result from this variation in the force of the sea breeze. When its velocity arrives at its diurnal maximum about one o'clock, a greater amount of air must undergo rarefaction, and consequent de- pression of temperature, and diminution in capacity for moisture, in its ascent over the mountains in a given time, than at any other period. And when this circumstance is considered along with the fact, that, according as the velocity of the breeze becomes greater, less time is allowed for the damp sea air to become heated and undersaturated before reaching* the mountains, it is only what might be expected, that the clouds, owing to their more rapid and more copious formation, should then increase in density so much as to occasion torrents of rain ; and that their density should again gradually diminish, and the rain cease, as the sea breeze subsides. Accordingly, about half-past two o'clock, when the sea breeze may be supposed to have so far subsided among the moun- tains, as to be no longer capable of forming clouds, and causing rain, the remaining clouds, as they be- come specifically lighter by the heat of the sun's rays, gradually rise above the mountain tops, and, moving slowly westward, assume the picturesque appearance of massy heaped up cumuli. These clouds, agree- ably to the usual character of cumuli, descend, upon the approach, and during the early part of night, to a 08 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES lower altitude, and, breaking up into smaller pieces, slowly dissolve and disappear by evaporation. A cloudless sky thereafter ensues over the whole hori- zon, and continues till the usual period of the follow- ing day, when a similar nebulous creation makes its appearance, and which, after passing through a like course of existence, dissolves and evanishes in a si- milar manner. Such is a description of the mode in which clouds are formed by the reduction of temperature, and con- sequently of aqueous capacity, which attends the rare- faction of atmospheric currents, while surmounting hills and elevated lands. Mountains of themselves, that is to say, without wind, can form no clouds ; and winds of themselves, that is to say, without the aid of the atmospheric rare- faction which accompanies their exaltation while pass- ing over mountains, are, in this respect, equally inef- ficient. Hence, over the Port-Royal mountains, be- fore the sea breeze reaches them, the sky is as clear and unclouded as in any other part of the horizon. And, on the other hand, the sea breeze causes no formation of clouds immediately over Kingston, or over any other portion of the land where there are no mountains. In short, mountains in all climates may be regarded as passive instruments in the formation of clouds, only during windy weather. And when- ever their height is such, that the temperature of the lower atmospheric strata, while surmounting them, becomes so much reduced as to cause oversaturation, the formation of clouds must take place. Hence, the higher the mountains, the more certain they are dur- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 69 ing windy weather to cause the formation of clouds ; and the nearer the hygrometric condition of the aerial strata, before beginning to ascend the mountains, is to the point of saturation, the less height will suffice for that purpose. Accidental coldness on the tops of mountains, be- yond what results from their height, sometimes adds to their efficacy in causing the formation of clouds. Such may be occasioned by snow-falls during the cold season remaining unmelted, or only partially melted, (as frequently happens on the northern exposure of mountains,) till long after the returning heat of spring and summer has rendered the falling of snow, at cor- responding altitudes, extremely improbable. When at Arrochar, about the end of April or be- ginning of May of the current year, (1834,) I had an opportunity of witnessing the influence of such acci- dental coldness in forming clouds. The mountains around this sequestered and romantic spot may vary in height from two to three thousand feet, and, at the time alluded to, patches, or possibly if more nearly inspected, fields of snow were to be seen on diff'erent parts of their rugged and fantastically shaped summits. The weather during the morning of observation was exceedingly fine and mild for the season of the year. Loch Long reposed in perfect stillness — not a breath of wind could be felt in the valley, and it could only be ascertained that the atmosphere above the moun- tains had a very slow progressive motion towards the east, by observing the change of position, which small fleecy clouds, here and there floating at an elevation similar to that of the mountains, underwent, when 70 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES viewed for sometime in relation to the mountain-tops. These fleecy clouds had probably been originally con- centrated portions of mist which had formed, and rested during the previous night in hollows and places sheltered from the atmospheric progression, near the tops of mountains between Arrochar and the Atlantic, and which had been raised from their beds, but not entirely dissipated by the heat of the morning sun. The circumstance that particularly attracted my attention, was the sudden increase in density, and the equally sudden expansion, to perhaps three or four times their previous bulk, which those small fleecy clouds underwent in the course of not more than a minute of time, when they touched upon the moun- tain-tops where I saw snow lying ; and also when they touched other localities, where, from the lowness of my place of observation, I could not see, but believed snow to be lying. These clouds, thus augmented in volume, instead of dissolving by evaporation with the advancing temperature of day, rose to a greater alti- tude while crossing Loch Long, and floating very slowly eastward, gradually congregated together, and assumed, as I watched them in my progress tow^ards Helensburgh, in the course of the forenoon, the ap- pearance of ranges of cumuli. This happened when over the whole horizon to the south, where the hills are less elevated, no cloud was to be seen. Another circumstance that attracted my attention was, that I never could observe any formation of cloud taking place in any part of the atmosphere while pro- gressing over the snow, except where a small cloud previously existed. The coldness, therefore, com- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 71 municated by the snow, though sufficient for increas- ing the density and size of clouds previously formed, was not so great as to originate them, where none were before visible. Now, when it is considered, that at the time of observation, the force of the wind, as indicated by the extreme slowness with which the clouds were progressing, was so small as probably to be insufficient to communicate motion to the lower aerial strata, when obstructed by the rising acclivity of hills, it may be concluded, that the augmentation of bulk, which the clouds underwent upon approach- ing the vicinity of the snow, was entirely owing to the accidental coldness thereby communicated, and not at all produced by the ascent, and consequent rarefaction and reduction of the temperature of the lower aerial strata. The circumstance also of no nebulous formation taking place in any part of the atmosphere while passing over the snow, except where some small cloud previously existed, showed that the air in the vicinity of those small fleecy clouds, was much nearer the point of saturation, than at a distance from them. Indeed, when it is considered that clouds consist of moisture in an intermediate state between invisible vapour and water, and that that moisture is favour- ably circumstanced for evaporation, from being not only surrounded, but completely intermixed with air, it might have been concluded, without observing the fact above stated, that the hygrometric condition of the atmosphere in the vicinity of all clouds, must be very near the point of saturation, for otherwise they would rapidly dissolve. 7*2 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES The case above narrated, together with that which preceded of the Port-Royal mountains in Jamaica, satisfactorily account for the great prevalence of clouds, not only immediately over the mountains where they are formed, but also for some distance to leeward. And as the formation of clouds is the con- stant forerunner of wet weather, they also account for the greater abundance of rain in mountainous dis- tricts, than in those of a champaign low lying char- acter. By way of illustrating this department of our sub- ject a little farther, I shall here relate, and explain the phenomena which presented themselves on another occasion, which I had an opportunity of witnessing when residing one summer at Brodick-Bay, in the island of Arran. During the time I stopped there, I had twice previously ascended in clear weather to the top of Goatfell, which is the highest mountain in the island, and may be about 2900 feet in height. Being then young, my curiosity was not satisfied with the view from the top in clear weather, I wished also to see what could be seen when the mountain was enveloped in mist and clouds. Accordingly, one day when two-thirds of the mountain was shrouded in mist, and invisible from its base, I prevailed upon a stranger gentleman belonging to the navy to ascend along with me ; and from my previous knowledge of the hill, I undertook, notwithstanding the mist, to direct our journey without the assistance of a guide. It was one of those calm days, when the whitish colour and hazy thick appearance of the air, when viewed per- pendicularly upwards, indicated its being greatly over- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 73 saturated with moisture ; and when a very slight in- crease to the density of the aqueous vapour akeady precipitated and suspended in the atmosphere, would have caused it to descend in the form of drizzHng rain. In our approach to the lower boundary of the mist, it was obvious that it descended to a much lower level over the mountain, than it did in the at- mosphere at a distance from it. Except this, no me- teorological phenomenon of importance presented it- self till we reached the steep part, which may be called the cone of the mountain,, and had advanced so far up it, as to be within perhaps about 300 feet of perpen- dicular height from the top. The mist hitherto had not been remarkable for its density, though in this re- spect it had very slowly increased from the time we entered within its limits. Its appearance was that of ordinary whitish coloured mist, floating in moderate density a few feet above the surface of the ground, and in rapidly diminishing thickness from that eleva- tion downwards to the ground. During our farther ascent, however, the density of the mist increased with appalling rapidity ; so much so, that at the sum- mit of the mountain, it was greatly denser than any thing of the kind I ever witnessed ; and instead of floating chiefly above our heads, and in diminishing quantity underneath, as it had previously done, it now extended to the ground in all its denseness. The ground was quite dry, and there was no visible depo- sition of moisture upon our clothes lower than about 300 feet perpendicular from the top. At this eleva- tion, however, the ground assumed the appearance of dampness -, and moisture, at first in such small quan- K 74 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES tity as to be almost imperceptible, began to be depo- sited upon our clothes. In our farther ascent, this condition of the atmosphere gradually increased, so that, at the summit of the mountain, we found our- selves surrounded with an exceedingly dense mist, at- tended with drizzling rain. The gentleman who ac- companied me being desirous of obtaining a view from the top, and having no other opportunity of as- cending, as he purposed to leave the island the fol- lowing morning, it was agreed that we should remain twenty minutes, to see if the mist would clear away. In the meantime, to shelter ourselves from the drizzling rain, we crept under a granite rock project- ing from the brow of the hill. Having waited the length of time agreed upon, without the mist showing any signs of disappearing, or the rain of abating, we commenced our descent ; and the same phenomena we had seen in ascending, in reversed order again presented themselves. The mist rapidly decreased in density ; and when we got beyond about 300 feet of perpendicular descent from the top, the rain ceased, and the ground appeared perfectly dry. I conceive it therefore presumable, that though there was no rain at a lower level than about 300 feet perpendicular from the summit of the mountain, it rained above that elevation, the quantity increasing towards the top, in a drizzling form during the whole day. Such were the meteorological phenomena which presented themselves ; and these we shall now en- deavour to explain. The first circumstance requiring consideration, is the descent of the mist to a lower level over the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 75 mountain than it did in the surrounding atmosphere free of the mountain. Provided the force of the wind had been considerable, I should have supposed that the descent of the mist was more apparent than real; and that it was owing principally to the circumstance of additions being made to its lower portion, by the rarefaction of the lower aerial strata while ascending the mountain. But as the atmosphere at the time was so near a state of perfect stillness, that it could with difficulty be determined in which direction it was moving, I am disposed to attribute the descent of the mist in this case, chiefly to an attractive force which mountains usually exert upon clouds and mist, so as visibly to draw them downwards, and, in some degree, to arrest, or retard their progress while passing over them. Such attractive influence may arise in various ways, such as, from clouds being over or undercharged with electricity relative to the subjacent earth. It is certain that clouds, on some occasions, are actuated by one or other of these relative electrical conditions, and, in my opinion, such occurs more frequently than is generally supposed. It may arise also from the subjacent earth exerting a stronger attractive influence upon the precipitated aqueous vapours composing clouds, than upon the gaseous elements which com- pose the atmosphere ; and this may be occasioned by the former being more apt to acquire by induction, a difl"erent electrical state from the subjacent earth, or that diff'erent state in a stronger degree, than the latter. To the preceding opinion it may be objected, that if mountains attract clouds and mist downwards, the density of the mist, agreeably to the law of distance, 76 Ox\ THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES should have increased as it approached the surface of the ground ; whereas, before reaching the cone of the mountain, though the mist appeared to float in consi- derable density a few feet above the surface of the ground, its density, instead of increasing, rapidly di- minished from that elevation to the ground. The explanation of this seeming contradiction to the hypothesis of mountains attracting clouds, is the following : — The preceding portion of the summer had been remarkable for heat and dryness ; and, as always happens in such circumstances, the ground, at and near its surface, must have acquired a higher temperature than the atmosphere. According there- fore to the principle of caloric being always directed in its movements by the preponderance of calorific repulsion, it follows, that the surface of the ground must have been gradually imparting a portion of its previously absorbed caloric to the air, and this more particularly, as the higher atmospheric strata were at that time so loaded with precipitated aqueous vapours, as to be altogether impervious to the calorific rays of the sun. The mist, therefore, which we have sup- posed to have been attracted downwards by the moun- tain to a lower level than its specific gravity would have otherwise determined, and possibly also in some slight degree formed by its influence in elevating, and thereby depressing the temperature of the slow-mov- ing atmospheric current, was partially dissolved, and reconverted into the invisible state, and also rendered specifically lighter by the heat which was gradually emanating from the ground. Owing, however, to the great increase in the density of the mist, and the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 77 cooling effect of the moisture deposited upon the ground at and near the summit of the mountain, the previously absorbed caloric, by the time we ascended, was probably emanating from the ground in such small quantity, (if at all,) as to be incapable of dis- solving any appreciable proportion of it. And, con- sequently, the mist there appeared to extend in undi- minished density to the surface of the ground. The most remarkable fact, however, was the quan- tity of drizzling rain that was falhng at the summit of the mountain, when within such a short distance, as about 300 feet of perpendicular height down the steep sides of its cone, it was perfectly dry. It is obvious that had the mist been as dense, and its particles as large and heavy, at an equal elevation in the surround- ing atmosphere clear of the cone of the mountain, as they were immediately over it, drizzling rain, contrary to what we experienced, must have been falhng upon us during our whole ascent. Now, when it is consi- dered that the drizzling rain was limited to the upper part of the cone of the hill, which, from its height, may be supposed to have reached those atmospheric strata where the mist was floating in greatest density ; and, when it is farther considered, that the air may have been progressing at the rate of a mile or two in the hour, (a thing which happens, as is evident by observing smoke, in almost the calmest weather we ever have in this country,) it is probable, that the in- crease in the density of the mist, and the running to- gether of its particles into drops, so as to give rise to drizzling rain, was partly occasioned by the attractive influence of the mountain in concentrating the mist 78 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES near its summit, and partly also by the interruption, exaltation, and intermixture, of conflicting atmospheric currents, while surmounting the cone of the hill. The case above narrated and explained aff'ords an illustration, though not a good one, of the influence of mountains in robbing the aerial current of a por- tion of its moisture. Owing to the extremely limited extent of the summit of Goatfell, its influence in this respect must have been very inconsiderable. But supposing that a lengthened mountain range of equal elevation, (and the greater its height the more power- ful its influence,) had extended transverse to the at- mospheric current, it is obvious, that the air to lee- ward must have contained less moisture than it did to windward, in proportion to the quantity deposited upon the mountains, and returned to the sea by rivers. It is upon this principle that the want of rain in the kingdom of Peru, lying to the west of the Andes, (as well as all similar cases,) is usually accounted for. The trade-wind, which in that region blows uniformly from the east, is robbed of a large proportion of its moisture while passing over this elevated range of mountains. And the moisture so precipitated, origi- nates, and is returned to its parent source by those immense rivers which traverse the South American continent, from the Andes eastward to the Atlantic ocean. Another way in which the atmospheric temperature may be reduced by aerial rarefaction, though probably of little efficacy in the formation of clouds, is where the amount of atmosphere over any place becomes less, and which is indicated by a sinking of the barometer. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 79 Such may occur when the atmospheric temperature, on the continent of Europe, sinks rapidly upon the ap- proach of winter, below what it is in this island. In that case the first effect is, that a portion of the upper half of the atmosphere floats over upon the cold and depressed air of the continent. And this, until re-action is pro- duced in the lower half of the atmosphere, should oc- casion a sinking of the barometer in this country, and a rarefaction of the aerial strata, which will be greater the more elevated, and the nearer they are to those which have been withdrawn. On the other hand, an increase in the amount of air vertical to any place, and which is indicated by a rise in the barometer, may slightly assist in accelerating the dissolution of clouds, by means of the aerial condensation and evo- lution of heat which it occasions. Such may proba- bly be one reason, though not the most important, why a sinking of the barometer is an indication of wet weather ; and why a rise in that instrument prognos- ticates dryness. Another way in which the diminution of atmo- spheric temperature arising from atmospheric rarefac- tion takes place, is when cold currents of air, in con- sequence of their greater specific gravity, insinuate themselves underneath, and gradually uplift warmer atmospheric strata to a colder altitude. In the next chapter we will endeavour to show that what is called the rainy season in intertropical climates, is partly, if not principally produced in this manner. But the great bulk of clouds in temperate and cold climates are formed independently of aerial rarefaction produced by mountains, for they frequently originate so ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES where none are to be found, such as at sea, and when no aerial rarefaction occurs. They hkewise are formed in circumstances totally different from those in which fogs and mist make their appearance ; for instead of originating in, and being restricted to, the portion of the air nearest the ground, they are formed and float only in high regions of the atmosphere. This brings us to the consideration of the third cause of the forma- tion of clouds, viz. when a diminution of the atmo- spheric temperature, arising from the transportation of air from a warm to a cold climate, hy the agency of winds, takes place. When treating, in the first chapter, of the causes which produced an undersaturated state of the atmo- sphere with regard to humidity, the influence of a wind blowing from a warm towards a cold climate in producing clouds, and causing rain, was fully explained. As this, however, appears to be the principal cause of the formation of clouds, at least in all temperate and cold latitudes, we may recapitulate the substance of what was formerly stated. When the wind blows from a southerly direction in the northern hemisphere, or from a northerly direction in the southern hemisphere, air is thereby transported from a warm to a comparatively cold climate. And as it cools in advancing towards colder latitudes, its capacity for moisture gradually diminishes. Hence, though previously undersaturated with humidity, it gradually approaches the point of saturation, and at length over- saturation, and the formation of clouds commences. And when the clouds, in the progress of formation, acquire the requisite degree of density, rain ensues. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 81 On the other hand, when the wind blows from a northerly direction in the northern hemisphere, or from a southerly direction in the southern hemisphere, air is thereby transported from a cold towards a compara- tively warm climate ; and, as it becomes warmer in advancing towards a warmer latitude, its capacity for moisture gradually increases. Hence, though previ- ously saturated with humidity, it gradually becomes more or less undersaturated ; and clouds previously formed slowly dissolve by evaporation, and dry wea- ther, and a cloudless sky, is the consequence. These observations explain the reason why southerly winds in the northern hemisphere, and northerly winds in the southern hemisphere, are more prolific of clouds and wet weather than winds from the opposite direc- tion. It may be added, however, that when the wind, in its progress from a warm towards a cold climate, has crossed mountain ranges, or other elevated lands immediately previous; and also when it has just passed over an extensive tract of dry and heated land, it may have become so much undersaturated thereby, that for a considerable distance to leeward, any reduction of temperature which it undergoes, may be insuffi- cient, or perhaps little more than sufficient, to bring up its hygrometric condition to the point of saturation. In the former circumstances no clouds can be formed ; in the latter, their formation may not be sufficiently copious to produce rain. Again, when the wind blows from the ocean towards the land during winter, when the surface of the former is much warmer than that of the latter ; and also when it blows from the land towards the ocean during sum- L 82 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES mer, when the land is much warmer than the ocean, the circumstances and the explanation are analogous to the instance already given of the wind blowing from a warm towards a cold climate. In such cases, the atmosphere as it becomes colder has its capacity for moisture diminished. Hence, though previously un- dersaturated, it gradually approaches the point of satu- ration. And so soon as oversaturation begins to be thereby effected, the formation of clouds commences. Of course, in the case of the wind blowing from the ocean towards the land during winter, the formation of clouds and wet weather takes place over the land ; whereas, in the case of the wind blowing from the land towards the ocean during summer, the formation of clouds and wet weather occurs at sea. It requires, however, to be noticed, that the wind from the ocean is much more likely, in the above circumstances, to produce clouds and wet weather on shore, than the wind from the land is to occasion clouds and wet wea- ther at sea. The reason of this difference is, that wind blowing from the ocean is always either saturated, or nearly saturated, with moisture, and therefore apt to give birth to clouds and rain, when the slightest reduction of temperature takes place. Whereas, wind blowing from the land is frequently so much undersa- turated, that all the reduction of temperature which it undergoes, may not be sufficient to bring up its hygro- metric condition to the point of saturation, and, of course, no clouds, in such circumstances, can be formed. In the reverse circumstances to those above ex- plained, viz. when the wind blows from the ocean OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 83 towards the land in summer, especially during its latter half, when the heat of the land relatively to that of the sea is greatest ; and also when it blows from the land towards the ocean, during the coldest period, of win- ter, the circumstances and the explanation are analo- gous to the other previously given instance, of a wind blowing from a cold towards a warm climate. In such cases the atmosphere, as it becomes warmer, has its capacity for moisture increased. Hence, though pre- viously saturated with humidity, it gradually becomes more or less undersaturated, and clouds previously formed gradually evaporate and disappear. The former of the winds above mentioned is therefore favourable to fair weather on shore ; and the latter is still more favourable to fair and cloudless weather at sea. In our insular situation, surrounded by, and at no great distance from, the ocean in any direction, the truth of the preceding remarks is not so apparent. But on continental shores, such as the United States of America, and other similar localities, the explana- tions thereby afforded of the different kinds of wea- ther, which, during the specified seasons, accompany certain winds, demonstrate their accuracy. At Marseilles, situated in the south of France, and on the coast of the Mediterranean, in north latitude 43° 18', the truth of the principles which we have endeavoured to explain in the preceding pages, is strikingly illustrated. During winter, and early in spring, (and it is only to these periods of the year that our immediate remarks apply,) the most frequent changes in the direction of the wind are from north to south, and the reverse, viz. from south to north. 84 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES The most prevalent direction, however, is from the north. The wind from this direction, during the sea- son of the year above mentioned, is denominated the Mistral. It continues generally for three successive days at a time, its velocity being usually considerable, and sometimes great, especially on the third day. During the continuance of this wind, neither a cloud nor the slightest haze can be seen. The colour of the sky is dark blue, which indicates that the air is extremely undersaturated with humidity, and that the aqueous vapour therein contained is thoroughly dis- solvedo This wind is so remarkable for dryness, and its power of absorbing humidity from all moist surfaces so great, that plants and vegetables of every kind have their juices extracted by it to such an extent, that during the cold season, when the severity of a nor- therly wind there is only felt, they present a stunted and withered appearance, greatly beyond anything ever seen in this country ; and, like our north-east wind in spring, which it resembles, but much sur- passes in refrigerating influence, it is extremely pierc- ing and cold. — We shall now explain the causes of these phenomena. The absence of every thing like haze, or cloud, during the continuance of this wind, as well as the characteristic dryness of the atmosphere, and the other peculiarities therefrom resulting, are owing to the conjoint influence of the following very favourable combination of circumstances : — 1. This wind blows with considerable, and sometimes great velocity, in the direct course from a cold towards a warm climate, viz. from north to south, over the central districts of OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 85 France, which, during winter, experience a degree of cold seldom or never felt in this island. Hence, agreeably to the principles we have been explaining, as the atmosphere is gradually becoming warmer, and its capacity for moisture increasing, it is simultane- ously becoming more or less undersaturated ; and consequently no formation of clouds, during its con- tinuance, can take place. 2. It blows from the land towards the sea, during the season of the year, (viz. winter,) when the surface of the former is much colder than that of the latter. This circumstance, by contributing to render the transition from a cold to a comparatively warm climate greater, and more sud- den, adds to the influence of the one above-mention- ed, in increasing the hygrometric dryness of the aerial current as it approaches the Mediterranean coast, upon which Marseilles is situated. 3. It blows over from 500 to 600 miles of dry land, and in its passage crosses ranges of elevated mountains. The combined influence of these and the preceding circumstances, which are all separately favourable to dryness, pro- duces an extremely undersaturated state of the atmo- sphere with regard to humidity. Hence, whatever clouds or haze may have existed before the wind shifted to this direction, are rapidly dissolved by it. And as no clouds can be formed during its continu- ance for the reasons above-mentioned, neither cloud nor haze are visible. On the other hand, when the wind, after blowing for some time from the north, suddenly changes, and blows from the south, that is, from the Mediterranean, the combination of circumstances are reversed. And 86 ON THE CAUS£S AND PRINCIPLES being now as favourable for producing an oversaturated state of the atmosphere with regard to humidity, and a clouded sky, as they previously were for producing the opposite condition, the formation of the clouds, aided also by the rising grounds in the neighbour- hood of Marseilles, rapidly goes on ; and rainy wea- ther soon follows. But whenever the wind again shifts from the south to the north, and the Mistral begins to blow, the rain ceases, and the clouds dis- solve and disappear with astonishing rapidity. We now come to treat of the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, viz. When an intermixture^ and consequent reduction to a mean temperaturey of dif- ferent portions of air, of previously different tempera- tures, takes place. It having been revealed by Saussure's experiments, that while the temperature of air increases in arith- metical progression, its capacity for moisture advances in geometrical progression, Dr Hutton was led to account for rain upon the principle, that, if different portions of atmosphere, previously saturated with hu- midity, and of different temperatures, were intermixed, a precipitation of moisture must take place. This mode of accounting for the precipitation of humidity from the atmosphere has been denominated, from the name of its author, the Huttonian theory of rain. But, as the precipitation of moisture into the visible form of mist or clouds, is not always attended, or even followed by the falling of rain, (for clouds, after being formed, frequently again evaporate without pro- ducing rain,) and as there never is rain without clouds, it might, with more propriety, have been denominated OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 87 the Huttonian theory of clouds. We shall here en- deavour fully, and precisely, to explain its principles. It has been already stated that the capacity of the air for humidity, when reduced to a mean rate, doubles itself for every increment of temperature amounting to 23.4 degrees.* Accordingly, if the capacity of the air at the temperature of 23.4 be denominated 2; its capacity, at the temperature of 46.8, must be denomi- nated 4 ; and at the temperature of 70.2, must be 8. Now, supposing two equal portions of air previously saturated with moisture, the temperature of the one being 23.4, and that of the other 70.2, to be inter- mixed, so as to produce a mean of 46.8. It is ob- vious, by comparing the separate capacities of the two portions of air at their respective temperatures, with the capacity of both reduced to a mean temperature, that intermixture must produce a precipitation of hu- midity. Thus, the number denoting the aqueous ca- pacity of the air at the mean temperature of 46.8 is 4 ; but the mean capacity of the air for the two ex- treme temperatures, denoted respectively by the num- bers 2 and 8, is 5. Hence, it appears, that -th of the whole aqueous vapour which the two supposed por- tions of atmosphere are capable of dissolving when separate, would be precipitated upon their acquiring a mean temperature by intermixture. For the sake of avoiding confusion, the above cal- culation makes no allowance for the deduction which would have to be made for the evolution of heat, * According to Leslie, the capacity of the air for moisture, when reduced to a mean rate, doubles itself for every increment of temperature, amounting to 27 degrees. 88 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES which accompanies the conversion of invisible into vi- sible vapour. If the atmosphere was previously so much undersaturated, that the intermixture of two equal portions of different temperatures did not pro- duce any precipitation of humidity, their intermixture would necessarily reduce them to a mean tempera- ture. But as heat is always evolved when any con- version of moisture from the invisible to the visible state takes place, the result of intermixture, when precipitation occurs, will be a temperature more or less above the mean, according to the amount of mois- ture precipitated. And as the capacity of air for dis- solving humidity increases with its temperature, ac- cording to the previously stated ratio, it is obvious, that the proportion of moisture precipitated, upon the intermixture of different portions of saturated air of different temperatures, must be somewhat less than the principle adopted in the preceding calculation gives. Now, as analogous results to those above stated, are produced by every intermixture of atmospheric strata of different temperatures, it follows, that if the different strata be saturated with humidity when se- parate, intermixture must always produce precipita- tion ; and if they be undersaturated when separate, intermixture, if it fall short of producing precipitation, will, at all events, bring them nearer the point of sa- turation. But though the principle, according to which clouds may be formed, by the intermixture of differ- ent portions of air of different temperatures, has been discovered, the circumstances in which such inter- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 89 mixture takes place in nature, has never, so far as my very limited reading goes, been pointed out. Upon this point Dr Prout * says, " Clouds probably de- pend altogether on convection ; and result from the intermixture of strata of air of different temperatures, and in different states of saturation, in the higher re- gions of the atmosphere. " Such," continues Dr Prout, " is the general opinion of the formation of clouds ; but it must be confessed that there are considerable difficulties about the subject ; and that the mere assumption of strata of different temperatures, more or less saturated with vapour, and having the motions supposed to depend upon such different temperatures and degrees of sa- turation, seems quite inadequate to account for all the phenomena connected with the formation and ap- pearance of clouds." In what follows, I will endeavour to point out, and explain, the circumstances in which intermixture of different portions of air of different temperatures takes place, so as to occasion the formation of clouds, ac- cording to the Huttonian principle. In order to understand the circumstances above al- luded to, let it be recollected, that the temperature of the atmosphere diminishes at the mean rate of one degree of Fahrenheit for every 300 feet of perpendi- cular ascent ; and that this, as explained by Leslie, results from the capacity of air for heat being increas- ed in exact proportion as it becomes rarefied by the diminution of atmospheric pressure. This explana- * Bi'idgewater Treatise, p. 316. M 90 ON TlU^ CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES lion, we casually remarked while commenting upon it, might be applied to explain the otherwise inexplicable fact, of the cold air in the higher atmospheric regions, having no tendency to change places with the warm air below, so long as the mean rate of decrement was preserved. That this application is correct, is obvi- ous from considering, that, in an atmospheric column extending perpendicularly upwards from the ground, the diminution of temperature which each molecule manifests, according as it is higher up the column, results not from its having less heat attached to it, but from that heat being expanded over a proportion- ally larger space. The colder molecules above are therefore absolutely of the same weight, and specifi- cally also, except for the difference arising from the different degrees of force by which they are com- pressed at different altitudes, with the warmer ones below, and consequently can have no tendency to dis- place them. Now, the only circumstance in which an intermix- ture of different portions of the atmosphere of differ- ent temperatures takes place, is when the upper molecules of air have severally a smaller amount of heat attached to them, and consequently, after mak- ing allowance for the rarefaction arising from the di- minution of atmospheric compression as their posi- tion becomes more elevated, are specifically heavier than those helow. Admitting then, (though this point possibly re- quires re-examination,) that the decrement of one de- gree of Fahrenheit for every 300 feet of perpendicu- lar ascent, is the exact ratio at which every particle or OF METEOROLOGICAL PIIENOMENA. 91 stratum of air is at every elevation, specifically of the same weight, except for the difference resulting from its being less compressed, according as its position is more elevated, intermixture must take place at any altitude, where the ratio in which the decrement of the atmospheric temperature exceeds one degree of Fahrenheit for every 300 feet of perpendicular ascent. And the more it exceeds this ratio, the greater will be the tendency of the upper strata to sink down, and intermix with those below. On the other hand, at whatever altitude the ratio in which the decrement of atmospheric temperature is less than one degree of Fahrenheit for every 300 feet of ascent, the upper and lower particles will be more unfavourably circum- stanced for intermixing, than when the temperature de- creases at the mean rate of one degree for every 300 feet of ascent. The reason of this is, that in the former case, viz. when the temperature decreases at a less ratio than one degree for every 300 feet of as- cent, — the lower aerial particles are colder, and con- sequently specifically heavier than those above, after the necessary allowance is made for the greater atmo- spheric compression to which they are subjected. Whereas, in the latter case, after the necessary recti- fication arising from difference of compression is made, (and which, in what follows, is always to be understood without being again mentioned,) the up- per and lower aerial particles are precisely of the same temperature, and the same specific gravity. Provided the commonly received opinion, that the upper half of the atmosphere moves in an opposite direction from the lower, was in all cases correct, a 02 ON THE CAUSES AND PllINCirJ.ES sinking down and intermixture of the upper with the lower half of the atmosphere would take place, when- ever the wind in the lower half blew from a warm to- wards a comparatively cold climate. In this case, a warmer and lighter atmosphere would be brought un- derneath a colder and heavier one. For instance, if the direction of the wind in the lower half of the at- mosphere be from the equatorial towards the polar regions, while that of the upper half is from the polar towards the equatorial ; the former will be transport- ing the heated air of a warm to a cold climate, while the latter is transporting the cold air of a cold, to a warm climate. The consequence of this will be, that the decrement of temperature at the plane where the two currents meet, will be much greater than the rate of one degree for 300 feet of ascent. Hence, the aerial particles of the upper current will be colder, and therefore specifically heavier than those of the lower current ; and consequently, will sink down and intermix with them. Now, provided the upper and lower currents of air be saturated with humidity when separate, the precipitation of moisture into the visible form of cloud will begin so soon as intermixture com- mences. And if they be undersaturated when sepa- rate, intermixture, if it fall short of producing preci- pitation, will, at all events, bring them nearer the point of saturation. Of course, the sinking down and intermixture of the upper half of the atmosphere with the lower, and the consequent formation of cloud, supposing the atmosphere previously saturated with humidity, will go on with greater rapidity, according as the coldness and gravity of the undermost strata of OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 93 the upper half, exceed those of the uppermost strata of the lower half. And as the sinking down, and in- termixture of the upper aerial particles with the lower, is a slow and gradual process, it may be added, that if one or both currents be previously somewhat under- saturated, but not to the extent required to prevent their intermixture and reduction to a mean tempera- ture, producing a state of oversaturation, the forma- tion of cloud will commence earlier after intermixture has begun, according as both currents, (and particu- larly the lower, as its aqueous capacity is greatest,) are previously nearer the point of saturation. On the contrary, if the direction of the wind in the lower half of the atmosphere be from the polar towards the equatorial regions, that is, from a cold towards a warm climate, while that of the upper half is from the equatorial towards the polar, the former will be trans- porting the cold air of a cold to a warm climate, while the latter is transporting the warm air of a warm to a cold climate. The consequence of this will be, that at the plane where the two currents meet, the decre- ment of temperature will be less than the rate of one degree for 300 feet of ascent. Hence, the aerial par- ticles of the upper current will be warmer and speci- fically lighter than those of the lower; and conse- quently, no sinking down nor intermixture of the former with the latter, nor formation of clouds de- pendent upon intermixture, can take place. Provided it could be demonstrated that the com- monly received opinion upon this point is correct, viz. that the upper half of the atmosphere always moves in the opposite direction from the lower, it is obvious, \)-i ON THE CAUSES AND PKINC'irLES that the intermixture of atmospheric strata of different temperatures would occur in the circumstances above explained ; and that the formation of clouds, as ex- emplified in nature, would harmonize therewith. That the upper half of the atmosphere moves in the oppo- site direction to the lower, in the case of sea and land breezes, monsoons, and generally, when the prevailing direction of the wind in the lower half of the atmo- sphere is from a cold towards a warm climate, (espe- cially if the increment in the aerial temperature within a moderate distance horizontally be considerable,) can hardly be doubted. In such cases the atmosphere in the warm climate, by being expanded upwards, in consequence of superior temperature to a greater ele- vation than that in the colder climate, generates a cur- rent in the upper half of the atmosphere from the for- mer towards the latter. But while this current dimi- nishes the atmospheric pressure over the warm district, by withdrawing a portion of air from the upper extre- mity of the atmospheric columns thereupon incumbent, it simultaneously suppUes air to the atmospheric co- lumns, and consequently, increases the atmospheric pressure over the cold district. Hence, a counter- current in the lower half of the atmosphere, from the cold towards the warm climate, is generated and main- tained. The preceding principle of accounting for the simultaneous existence of two opposite atmospheric currents, cannot be applied to any case where the direction of the wind in the lower half of the atmo- sphere is from a warm towards a cold climate, as is exemphfied during winter by a west or south-west OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 95 wind blowing from the Atlantic towards Britain, and the western shores of Europe. In such circumstances, to suppose that an opposite current simultaneously blows in the upper half of the atmosphere from a cold towards a warm climate, would be reversing the prin- ciple which determines the prevaiHng direction of the wind. The proximate cause of wind is a difference in the incumbent atmospheric pressure in different places, at a similar elevation in reference to the level of the sea. And the direction of the wind at all sim- ilar altitudes above the level of the sea, is always from where the incumbent atmospheric pressure, or in other words, from where the incumbent amount of air, (that is, the amount of air above the altitude of observation,) is greater, to where it is less. But even though the amount of atmosphere were the same over the cold as over the warm climate, the atmospheric columns, in consequence of being colder, would be less elevated over the former than over the latter. Hence, it is impossible, according to dynamical principles, that a current in the upper half of the atmosphere from the cold to the warm climate can exist, while the wind near the earth's surface is blowing in the opposite direction. Now, the rainy direction of the wind in all latitudes beyond the tropics, is when it blows in the lower half of the atmosphere from a warm towards a compara- tively cold climate. But we have above demonstrated, that in such circumstances no opposite current in the upper half of the atmosphere can exist. Hence, the intermixture of aerial strata of different tempera- tures, by which the formation of clouds might be ex- 9(3 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES plained, cannot result from the opposite direction of tlie wind in the upper and lower halves of the atmo- sphere, bringing a colder and heavier air to rest over a warmer and lighter one. When we come to treat of irregular winds, we will endeavour to show that the prevailing south-west wind in Britain, and along the western shores of Europe, is owing to the mean atmospheric pressure being greater over the Atlantic Iving to the south-west, than over Britain and the western parts of Europe. And this, we conceive, is produced partly by the augmen- tation which the atmosphere over the Atlantic, in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico, is continually receiv- ing in the form of aqueous vapour, supplied from the watery surface underneath, and partly by the diminu- tion which the atmosphere, in its north-east progress toward a colder climate, sustains, by the descent of a large proportion of that aqueous vapour in the form of rain. Supposing it granted, that the west and south-west, which are the rainy winds in Britain, and in the western countries of Europe, are owing to the causes above mentioned ; I am disposed to think, that the whole atmosphere, from the earth upwards to its summit, must generally move in the same direction, not only in this case, but in all others, when the wind blows from a warm towards a comparatively cold climate. At the same time, as air becomes denser in the ratio of compression, I infer, that in such cases, the force which produces wind, viz. the superiority of atmo- spheric pressure in one place over another, at an equal altitude above the level of the sea, increases as we OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 97 approach the surface of the earth. Consequently, except for the counteractive resistance of friction on the surface of the earth, and which must be propa- gated upwards with diminishing effect from one aerial stratum to another, that the velocity of the wind also increases the nearer we descend in the atmosphere to the earth's surface. For these reasons, together with the fact of moisture being abstracted in the form of rain, only from the aerial strata within a limited dis- tance of the earth's surface, I am inclined to think, that the greatest velocity of the atmospheric current is, in most cases, restricted to within a mile, or per- haps two, of the level of the sea ; and that above some such altitude, its velocity gradually decreases. This opinion is somewhat confirmed by the great ve- locity with which clouds, suspended at a low altitude, apparently move, when compared with those at a greater elevation, even after allowance is made (esti- mated, however, merely by ocular observation,) for the optical illusion produced by the greater distance of the latter. Now, upon the supposition that the velocity of a wind blowing from a warm towards a cold climate, be- gins to diminish at the elevation of 5000 or 6000 feet above the level of the sea, the air underneath this al- titude, in consequence of having been transported from a more southern climate, should be warmer, and specifically lighter, than that which moves with dimin- ished velocity above. Hence, the sinking down and intermixture of the superior with the inferior strata, and the consequent formation of clouds, may be going on at that moderate degree of elevation. And upon N 98 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES the supposition that the velocity of the atmospheric current gradually diminishes on ascending perpendi- cularly above the altitude of 5000 or 6000 feet, each atmospheric stratum should be warmer than that immediately above it, for the same reason, viz. its having been transported, in the same time, from a more southerly, and therefore a warmer climate. Con- sequently, the sinking down and intermixture of the superior with the inferior strata, should be going on in such circumstances, not only at the elevation of 5000 or 6000 feet, but for a great distance above. On the other hand, when the wind blows from a cold towards a warm climate, provided its velocity gradually diminishes upon ascending above the eleva- tion of 5000 or 6000 feet, the inferior atmospheric strata, in consequence of having been transported a greater distance in the same time, should be colder and heavier than those above. Hence, in this case, the superior atmospheric strata should have no tendency to sink down and intermix with those below them, and consequently, no formation of clouds, arising from the intermixture of aerial strata of different temperatures, can in such circumstances occur. Provided the commonly received notion, that the upper half of the atmosphere moves in the opposite direction of the lower half, had been correct ; when the latter blows from a warm climate, the intermixture of atmospheric strata of different temperatures, accord- ing to the principles previously explained, would have been an exceedingly prolific cause of the formation of clouds. But upon the principle which we have ad- vanced, that when the wind blows from a warm towards OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 99 a cold climate, the whole atmosphere moves in the same direction, with merely a gradual diminution in its velocity above the altitude of 5000 or 6000 feet, (and this conclusion itself requires to be re-examined,) the intermixture of atmospheric strata of different temperatures, may be regarded as exerting an inferior influence in the formation of clouds, and one which is merely auxihary to the third cause of their formation, viz. the reduction of temperature which attends the transportation of air from a warm to a cold climate, by means of atmospheric currents. Another case in which intermixture of atmospheric strata of different temperatures should take place, is when a greater degree of heat is communicated to aerial strata at any given altitude, than what is im- parted to those above them. Thus Humboldt found, that the rate in which the temperature of the atmo- sphere diminished upon ascending perpendicularly, became less in the region of the atmosphere where clouds are formed, than what it was either below or above. This he ascribed to heat evolved during the conversion of invisible vapour into clouds. Suppos- ing, therefore, that clouds are forming in the atmo- sphere, in consequence of the transportation of air from a warm to a cold climate, the evolved heat must raise the temperature, and diminish the specific grav- ity of the atmospheric strata, where their formation is taking place. Consequently, the aerial strata imme- diately above, which have not participated in this ac- cidental accession of warmth, must begin to sink down and intermix with them. And this intermixture must necessarily assist in increasing, and in some degree 100 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES perpetuating, the formation of clouds. But it is not only at their formation that clouds Communicate addi- tional warmth to the adjoining atmospheric strata ^ they are also subsequently indirect agents in raising the temperature of the atmosphere in their immediate neighbourhood. Thus they partially arrest the solar heat in its progress to the earth during day, and in its retrocession by radiation from the earth during night. The heat so arrested may be spent partly, perhaps, in dissolving the clouds ; but it must also be partly com- municated by conduction to the neighbouring atmo- sphere. This augmentation of temperature, by di- minishing the specific gravity of the atmospheric strata in which the clouds float, causes those above, which have not participated in this accidental accession of warmth, to sink down and intermix with them, and thus to assist in their formation. Hence we see that the existence of clouds in the atmosphere exerts an influence in promoting their farther formation. Not only the heat evolved during their formation, but that which is subsequently arrested by them, tends to increase, in their immediate neigh- bourhood, the mean rate at which the temperature of the atmosphere upon ascending perpendicularly dimin- ishes. And this, agreeably to the principles already explained, occasions a sinking down and intermixture of the superior atmospheric strata with those immedi- ately below J and, provided the intermixing strata be previously saturated with humidity, must produce an additional formation of clouds. As the solar heat accumulates at the earth's sur- face without imparting almost any additional warmth OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 101 to the atmosphere through which it radiates, the aug- mentation of temperature which the air undergoes during day, is chiefly communicated upwards from the earth's surface. Owing to this circumstance the accession of warmth which the diff"erent atmospheric strata acquire during day, diminishes upon ascending perpendicularly from the earth's surface. Hence, agreeably to the principle of the equilibrium of the atmospheric strata being disturbed, whenever the de- crement of temperature upon ascending perpendicu- larly exceeds one degree for every 300 feet, a sink- ing down and intermixture of the superior with the inferior strata, must, in such circumstances, take place. But, as the augmentation of temperature above alluded to, is almost always spent (at least over dry land, where it is greatest,) in producing an under- saturated state of the atmosphere with regard to hu- midity, the sinking down and intermixture of the strata referred to above, has seldom or never any in- fluence in producing clouds. The preceding observations sufficiently explain the principles upon which the formation of clouds, result- ing from the intermixture of saturated, or nearly sa- turated atmospheric strata of different temperatures depend, and the circumstances in which it occurs. It is therefore unnecessary further to enlarge upon this point. Since the promulgation of the Huttonian theory of rain, it has been generally believed by meteorologists, that the formation of clouds in the higher regions of the atmosphere, is principally owing to the cause which we have been last considering, viz., the inter- 102 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES mixture of atmospheric strata of different tempera- tures. But, after having reviewed all the more im- portant circumstances in which intermixture of atmo- spheric strata of different temperatures can reason- ably be supposed to occur, and which is altogether omitted by other meteorological writers, I am in- clined to think, that this fourth cause has much less influence in the formation of clouds, than the one previously treated of, viz., when a diminution of the atmospheric temperature, arising from the transporta- tion of air from a warm to a comparatively cold cli- mate by the agency of winds, takes place. It is ob- vious, however, that the cause of the formation of clouds last treated of, must always co-operate less or more with the two considered immediately previous. And, owing to this circumstance, it is difficult to ap- preciate their separate influence. We have now, at considerable length, explained the causes and principles which determine the forma- tion of clouds. It is evident, upon reviewing the subject, that, with the exception of some of the cir- cumstances enumerated under the first cause of the existence of clouds, wind is a necessary agent in their formation. If there was no such thing as wind, which would be the case if the air was not liable to expan- sion by means of heat, no clouds, with the exception of mists and fogs, could ever make their appearance. All the moisture evaporated in such circumstances during day, would be returned to the earth in the forms of dew and falling mist during night. Even in our windy climate, the proportion of moisture, averaged for the whole of Great Britain, which is re- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 103 turned to the earth in the form of dew, (and it is only during intervals of perfectly calm, or nearly perfectly calm weather that dew is deposited,) has been esti- mated by Dr Thomson, to be only 4 inches out of the total 36. Nor does the existence of wind without the co- operation of other circumstances necessarily produce clouds. For instance, if the whole surface of the earth was level like that of the ocean, and if the di- rection of the wind was always from a cold towards a warmer climate, and the temperature of the different aerial strata was always such, that a colder and heavier atmosphere never came to rest over one that was warmer and hghter, no clouds could be formed. But, as this is not the case, and as the kind of weather at any given time and place, is a result affected and mo- dified by a variety of antecedent and existing circum- stances, which may be acting more or less either in union, or in opposition to each other, it is necessary, in order to a correct understanding of meteorological phenomena, that we should explain the modifications, which different degrees of velocity in the atmospheric current may be expected to produce. In general then it may be remarked, that whatever effect a wind of moderate velocity is calculated to produce upon the hygrometric condition of the atmo- sphere, will be increased by every increment in its ve- locity, and diminished by every decrement. Thus, if the wind blows from a warm towards a cold climate, great rapidity of motion, by allowing less time for cooling, will transport a warm atmosphere to a cold climate with less diminution of its previous tempera- 104 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ture than if it moved with moderate velocity. Con- sequently, it must undergo a greater diminution of temperature and of capacity of moisture, (and which must occasion a proportionally greater amount of rain,) before being accommodated to the temperature and aqueous capacity of the air in the climate to which it has been transported. Hence, one reason why strong southerly winds, particularly during the winter season, are more productive, in this and all northern climates, of clouds and wet weather, than gentle gales from the same direction. Again, every increase to the strength of the wind renders the unevenness of the earth's surface more ef- fective in robbing the air of a portion of its moisture in the following ways : — -1. It causes the atmospheric current to surmount a greater number of hills and elevated lands in a given time. 2. By increasing the atmospheric agitation, it drives the particles of preci-. pitated vapour composing mists and clouds together, so as to form drops of rain ; and thus, by increasing their gravity, accelerates their descent to the surface of the earth. But, while every increment to the velocity of the wind renders the unevenness of the earth's surface more effective in robbing the air of a portion of its moisture, it, at the same time, promotes evaporation, and thereby more speedily replenishes it again with humidity. Thus, though the atmosphere may be rendered much undersaturated in its passage, during windy weather, over hills and elevated lands, humidity is thereafter supplied to it according to the law, that evaporation from all moist surfaces proceeds with OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 105 greater rapidity according as the incumbent atmo- sphere is hygrometrically drier. Of course, the more rapidly, and the more completely the air is robbed of its moisture in passing over mountains or elevated lands, the more is evaporation subsequently accelerated. Again, during calm weather, evaporation only pro- ceeds with a rapidity proportional to that with which the vapour is carried off, and intermixed with the in- cumbent atmosphere in consequence of its tendency to diffuse itself equally. Now, this tendency to aerial diffusion is mechanically assisted during windy wea- ther, and evaporation is accordingly promoted, in con- sequence of fresh undersaturated portions of air be- ing then brought successively, and rapidly, into con- tact with the evaporating surface. Owing to this me- chanical assistance, Saussure found, by experiments performed at Geneva, that wind moving at the rate of 22 feet in a second, triples the quantity evaporated in calm air. The aggregate amount of water precipitated from the atmosphere upon the earth's surface, must be ex- actly the same as that which is raised therefrom by evaporation. Consequently, whatever increases eva- poration, whether it be increase of temperature, or in- crease in the velocity of the wind, must correspond- ingly increase the aggregate amount of water precipi- tated. But though this be the case, the proportion of aqueous vapour which passes into the form of cloud before descending, relative to the aggregate amount of water evaporated, is much greater in climates where windy weather prevails, than in those of an opposite character. 106 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES The atmospheric variation of temperature during day and night, is found to diminish with the perpen- dicular altitude above the surface of the ground; and this variation near the surface of the ground, is much greater in calm, than it is in windy weather. Owing to the agitation and intermixture of the various aerial strata during windy weather, the difference between the temperature of the higher and lower atmospheric strata is restricted both by night and day, chiefly to the decrease of one degree for every 300 feet of per- pendicular ascent. During calm weather, however, while the temperature of the lower aerial strata is much higher than those at a greater altitude during day, the reverse, as was formerly stated, is the case by night. Now, as the hygrometric condition of the atmosphere, and of its various strata, is chiefly regu- lated by variations of temperature, it is obvious that during calm clear weather, the diff"erence between the hygrometric dryness by day, and dampness by night, of the lower atmospheric strata, will be much greater than during windy and cloudy weather. Hence, dur- ing calm clear weather, though the lower atmospheric strata may become much undersaturated during the heat of day, they frequently become so much oversa- turated as to precipitate humidity during the coldness of night ; and accordingly, a greater or less propor- tion of the water evaporated from the earth's surface during day, is gradually returned to it by deposition in the form of dew during night, without ever passing into the state of cloud. In inland champaign coun- tries where long calms prevail, and in warm climates, during what is called the dry season, this condition OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 107 of the atmosphere frequently continues for v/eeks and months together, without any of those elevated clouds being formed, from which alone rain is precipitated. During windy weather, however, when, for reasons already explained, the temperature of the aerial strata immediately incumbent upon the earth's surface does not sink lower during night, than that of those at a greater altitude, no dew falls ; and consequently, all the moisture then evaporated, (and which is greater than in the opposite circumstances,) before descend- ing, passes into the state of cloud, and is returned to the earth in the forms of rain, snow, and hail. The preceding observations sufficiently explain the reasons why windy weather is peculiarly productive of clouds and rain ; and why a prevailing stillness in the atmosphere is favourable to dry weather and a cloud- less sky. Accordingly, it is observed, that in windy climates, in windy years, and in windy seasons of the year, there is more cloudy and wet weather than in those of an opposite character. Last winter (1833-4) was remarkable for the prevalence of high winds, and their direction being chiefly from rainy points, viz. between south and west inclusive, it turned out, in accordance with the principles we have been explain- ing, to be one of the wettest winters on record, over the whole of Great Britain and Ireland. Before concluding this chapter, several not very important circumstances which require explanation, may be noticed. Thus it once occurred to me, that the formation of clouds in the higher regions of the air might be accounted for upon the principle, that as aqueous vapour has a greater capacity for heat, and is 108 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES specifically lighter than air in the proportion nearly of 5 of the former, to 8 of the latter, aqueous vapour ought to rise in the atmosphere till increasing cold- ness, by condensing it into the visible and heavier state of cloud, prevented its farther ascent. But though the greater specific lightness of vapour than air, acting in conjunction with the greater calorific capacity of the former, and consequent susceptibility of losing, or gaining a larger proportion of heat, with an equal diminution, or increment of temperature than the latter, may possibly not only determine the height in the atmosphere to which vapour can ascend, but also the proportions which at different tempera- tures can exist in invisible solution in a given space ; still there are facts which demonstrate that clouds are not the result of their joint agency. For instance, if aqueous vapour, in consequence of being specifically lighter than air, had a tendency to ascend till it was condensed by coldness in the higher regions of the atmosphere, an unclouded sky, particularly at sea, would never be seen. In such circumstances, the condensation of vapour, and the formation of cloud in the higher regions of the atmosphere, would be con- stantly going on, with a rapidity at all times propor- tional to the amount of moisture evaporating under- neath. Now, the continuance of fair weather, and a cloudless sky, for weeks, and even months, (which frequently occurs in more southern latitudes,) not only on shore, but also at sea, is incompatible with such a hypothesis. Indeed this fact leads us to in- fer, that the ascending tendency of aqueous vapour, arising from its being specifically fighter than air, is OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 109 counteracted when the atmosphere becomes saturated with moisture ; and that any diminution of tempera- ture, such as may be supposed to occur during night, or the fall of the year, affects the higher regions of the air so slowly and so slightly, in comparison with the lower, as merely to occasion a gradual subsidence of the aqueous vapour towards the earth's surface, without converting any part of it, unless assisted by other causes, into the visible form of cloud. Now, agreeably to the views we have already given of the formation of clouds, a continuance of fair weather, and an unclouded sky, for weeks and months, at cer- tain seasons of the year, results either from there being little or no wind ; or from its direction being favour- able to dry weather, such as blowing from a cold towards a comparatively warm climate ; or from a quarter in which it is robbed of humidity by passing over elevated mountains, or an extensive tract of dry land, without being proportionally replenished by eva- poration from a watery surface underneath. On the other hand, the continuance of wet weather, which in certain climates often follows a continuance of dry weather ; and in general, the frequency of wet wea- ther, during particular seasons of the year, results from the direction of the wind being in the former case for a continuance of time, and in the latter, on frequent occasions, favourable to wet weather, such as blowing from the sea and a warmer climate. From the preceding observations, it appears that clouds, without the assistance of some other cause of their formation, do not result from the tendency of aqueous vapour to ascend, in consequence of its less 110 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES specific gravity than air, till it gets condensed by coldness in the higher regions of the atmosphere. Nevertheless, I am disposed to think that this ascend- ing tendency of aqueous vapour, must have some in- fluence in bringing the elevated atmospheric strata sooner up to the point of saturation, than those near the earth's surface. For instance, let us suppose that all the atmospheric strata, to the elevation of 20,000 feet, are in an equal degree undersaturated with humi- dity. Let us suppose also that the temperature of these different strata, to that elevation, is remaining unchanged ; that there is no wind ; and that the atmo- sphere is getting gradually supplied with humidity by evaporation from a watery surface underneath. In this case, if the aqueous vapour was of the same spe- cific gravity as air, and accordingly, had no tendency to ascend, the different atmospheric strata would be sooner brought up to the point of saturation, accord- ing as they were less elevated above the earth's sur- face. The circumstance, however, of clouds after a continuance of serene weather, first making their ap- pearance in very elevated regions of the atmosphere, favours the opinion, that those strata are usually near- est the point of saturation ; and when equally under- saturated with those below, are soonest brought up to the point of saturation ; and, on these accounts, most apt to give birth to clouds when any reduction of tem- perature occurs. Thus, after a continuance of calm weather, and a cloudless sky, the first visible indica- tion of an approaching change, is usually the appear- ance of cirri, the most elevated of all clouds. To the preceding opinion it might be objected, OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. Ill that if the atmospheric strata, at a great elevation above the earth's surface, are usually nearer the point of saturation than those underneath, the rising slope of a hill or elevated lands during windy weather, by uplift- ing and depressing the temperature, not only of the undermost strata of the atmospheric current, but of all those above, should cause clouds to form, not on or near the summits of hills and mountains, but in general, at a considerable altitude above them. While it may be admitted, agreeably to the second cause mentioned of the formation of clouds, that any slope or rising ground will have some effect in uplifting the whole atmosphere immediately vertical, while sur- mounting it, (and the stronger the wind the greater will be its influence in this respect,) still I am dis- posed to think, that the strata are uphfted in a rapidly diminishing degree, according as they are more ele- vated above the rising ground. Suppose a hill or the slope of the land were to rise from the sea-shore at an angle of 10 degrees from the horizontal, to the height of 1000 feet, I very much doubt if the atmospheric strata, at the elevation of two miles, would be uplifted 100 feet, or even so much while surmounting it, by any wind however strong. And this opinion is so far confirmed by the fact, that it has never yet been ob- served, that the barometer sinks less rapidly in ascend- ing a mountain during windy weather, than it does during calm weather. If the preceding opinion be correct, it is obvious that the undermost strata, in consequence of being farthest uphfted, should be the most apt, in such circumstances, to become oversatu- rated, and to give birth to clouds. The disposal of 112 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES the air in such cases may be accounted for, partly by the retardation which the lower portion of the atmo- spheric current undergoes while approaching the rising ground, and partly by the increased velocity which the elasticity of the air communicates, when it has reached its summit. It must be confessed, however, that it is difficult to explain how clouds, especially during windy wea- ther and night, should be formed only between the elevation of 2000 and 20,000 feet above the level of the sea. The circumstance of the stratus, or fall- cloud, during calm clear nights beginning to form close to the surface of the ground, and gradually extending itself upwards, proves that the aerial strata nearest the earth's surface are equally susceptible, upon a suffi- cient reduction of temperature taking place, of giving birth to clouds, with those at a greater elevation. And the fact that the fall-cloud has seemingly no ten- dency to ascend in the atmosphere, until its component particles are expanded, and rendered specifically lighter by the heat of returning day, shows that the specific gravity of a cloud at its first formation may be so great as to cause it to float as low as the level of the sea. During day, the greater augmentation of tempera- ture which the atmospheric strata, near the surface of the ground, undergo, than those at a greater altitude, might be supposed to counteract, and prevent the formation of clouds within a Hmited distance of the earth's surface. But, during windy nights, when the surface of the ground, and the atmospheric strata thereupon incumbent, are apt to become at least as cold as the aerial strata at a greater elevation, it is OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 113 difficult to assign a satisfactory reason, why clouds never form nor float at a small elevation, such as from 100 to 600 feet above the level of the sea. This appears more remarkable, when it is considered, that clouds are principally formed when the wind blows from a warm towards a cold climate. In this case, the lower portion of the atmospheric current, by com- municating in its progress with a colder and colder surface underneath, must have its temperature and capacity for moisture gradually reduced. Hence it might be anticipated, that, however much undersatu- rated previously, its hygrometric condition would be ultimately brought up to the point of saturation ; and, thereafter, if the same cause continued to ope- rate,-— that is, if the wind continued to blow from the same direction, — it seems reasonable, a -prioTi, to ex- pect, that clouds should either be formed amongst the undermost aerial strata, or that moisture should be precipitated on the earth's surface. Moreover, the fact of no clouds making their appearance, in such circumstances, under 1500 feet above the level of the sea, is more remarkable when it is considered, that the reduction of temperature, above mentioned, af- fects the aerial strata nearest the ground soonest, and to the greatest extent, and all those above later, and in less degree, according as they recede upwards. And hence, reasoning, a priori^ it might be antici- pated, that the formation of clouds, in such circum- stances, should always commence at the surface of the ground, and extend upwards ; whereas, with the exception of the stratus^ which only originates in still weather, their formation commences generally be^ p 114 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES tween 8000 and 20,000 feet above the earth's surface, and subsequently extends downwards. The circumstance under consideration, viz. why clouds never form nor float, during windy nights, at a lower altitude than 1500 feet above the level of the sea, we do not pretend to be able satisfactorily to ex- plain. It may possibly, however, result from the influence of various causes, such as the following, operating more or less in union with each other. 1. The principal component materials of the surface of the earth, and also the saline ingredients contained in the ocean, exert an attractive force upon moisture dissolved in the atmosphere ; and the air, while it also exerts a similar attractive influence for moisture, has less power, according as it is nearer the point of saturation, in resisting that of the subjacent earth and sea. Now, as all attractive or repulsive forces, ex- erted by one body upon another, diminish as the square of the distance between them increases ; the attraction exerted by the earth and sea, upon the aqueous vapour contained in the air, should become less, as the square of the distance, upon receding up- wards from the earth's surface, increases. Hence, it is not improbable, that when the wind blows from a warm towards a cold climate, and the transported air gradually becomes damper, and consequently, less able to retain its humidity, the earth and sea, accord- ing to the principle upon which hygrometers are usually constructed, may at length begin to abstract moisture from the lower atmospheric strata j and the amount abstracted should increase as they approach the point of saturation. Owing to this abstraction of OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 115 humidity, the lower atmospheric strata, which, in con- sequence of greater proximity to the abstracting sur- face, should be most affected thereby, may, in gene- ral, be kept somewhat drier than the point of satura- tion, when the more elevated strata, in consequence of being less under the influence of the earth's attrac- tion for moisture, may become so much oversatu- rated, as to give birth to clouds and rain. As an attractive influence subsists between caloric and humidity, it may possibly be owing to the supe- rior coldness of the ground relative to that of the in- cumbent atmosphere, assisted, perhaps, by the still- ness of the air, that the moisture composing the stra- tus, and fogs in general, is so slowly attracted from the lower aerial strata by the subjacent earth. 2. The circumstance previously adverted to, of the elevated aerial strata becoming sooner saturated with moisture than those underneath, in consequence of the ascending tendency of aqueous vapour, arising from its less specific gravity than air, may also have some influence in producing the phenomenon under consideration. Thus, when the wind blows from a warm towards a comparatively cold climate, even though the aerial strata nearest the ground may un- dergo a greater reduction of temperature in a given time, than those at a considerable altitude ; still, the greater proximity of the latter to the point of satura- tion, may cause them to become first oversaturated with humidity. 3. Provided the conjecture which we formerly ad- vanced be correct, viz. that above a certain altitude, the velocity of the atmospheric current gradually di- 116 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCirLES minishes ; the intermixture of the upper with the lower atmospheric strata, according to principles ex- plained when treating of the fourth cause of the for- mation of clouds, may also assist in causing the ele- vated aerial strata to become sooner saturated with moisture, so as to give birth to clouds and rain, than those underneath. And when once clouds are formed, the continuance of the intermixing process, in conse- quence of the heat evolved during their formation, and afterwards arrested by them, may account for the perpetuation of the formation of clouds in the higher regions of the atmosphere ; while the air near the earth's surface remains undersaturated with humidity, and free of clouds. 4. The fact of all clouds formed during windy wea- ther, floating at an elevation of at least 1500 feet above the level of the sea, proves, that the specific gravity of such clouds is never so great as to cause them to descend nearer the earth's surface. Hence it may be inferred, that though small quantities of moisture may be precipitated from the atmosphere into the vesicular form underneath the above altitude, still those vesicles may rise to that altitude, before being concentrated in sufficient quantities to form a visible cloud. 5. Judging from the fact of the amount of rain that falls being greater, as estimated by rain gauges, and the drops being larger, the nearer we approach the surface of the earth, and the lower the earth is at the place of observation, it seems probable, that descend^ ing rain possesses the property of attracting, and thereby ^vithdrawing a portion of the aqueous vapour OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 117 from the air ; and consequently, of undersaturating the lower atmosphere through which it passes in its descent to the earth. The circumstance of clouds never making their appearance at an elevation much higher than 20,000 feet above the level of the sea, may possibly be owing, either to the coldness and lightness of the air at that altitude being such, that aqueous vapour can- not rise to a greater elevation, in consequence of its then tendency to condensation. Or, provided aque- ous vapour ascends much beyond that altitude, its quantity may be so small beyond that elevation, that when precipitated from the atmosphere by a reduc- tion of temperature, and thereby increased in specific gravity so as to descend, it may fall a considerable distance before the widely separated aqueous particles can unite ; and after uniting, before they congregate in sufficient quantity to form a visible cloud. This last result may be conceived to take place at the alti- tude where the cirri, the most elevated, as well as the thinnest and most transparent denomination of clouds, make their appearance. At what degree of coldness moisture becomes in- capable of existing in the state of vapour, I do not know. But as aqueous vapour has a greater capacity for heat, and consequently during an equal reduction of temperature, must lose a larger proportion of calo- ric than air ; and as the specific gravity of bodies increases during a given reduction of temperature in proportion, or nearly in proportion, as they part with caloric, it is obvious, that at some unknown elevation, and which will vary with the latitude and season of 118 ON THE CAUSES AND nUNCIPLES the year, according as the temperature at that eleva- tion varies, aqueous vapour must become specifically as heavy as air, and consequently will thereafter have no tendency to ascend higher. Hence it may be in- ferred, that no aqueous vapour can exist in the atmo- sphere beyond the altitude where the degree of cold- ness is such that aqueous vapour becomes specifically as heavy as air. The only farther circumstance which we purpose to notice in this chapter is, that when a strong wind blows from a warm towards a comparatively cold cli- mate, rain, on some occasions, only begins to fall, and on others, falls more copiously after the wind has somewhat abated, or perhaps altogether ceased, or even for a short time after it has changed to a dry di- rection, than it did, so long as it continued high. The explanation of this fact may depend upon the sepa- rate, or conjoint influence of the following circum- stances : — 1. When the wind blows strongly from a warm towards a cold climate, a warmer atmosphere is thereby transported to a cold climate, than what would otherwise have there existed. And though the tem- perature of the air may be getting gradually reduced during its progress thither, still the heated atmosphere may not acquire the reduced temperature of the cli- mate to which it has been transported, till a consider- able time after the wind has abated, or altogether ceased, or perhaps even changed its direction. Now, either of these events may occur before the tempera- ture and capacity of the elevated aerial strata for mois- ture, is so much reduced as to precipitate a sufficiency of humidity into the form of clouds to produce rain. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 119 The heated atmosphere brought by the wind may have been previously considerably undersaturated ; and the reduction of temperature which it sustains during its rapid transportation to a colder climate may be insufficient, or little more than sufficient, to bring its hygrometric condition up to the point of saturation. In such circumstances, the continuance of the reduction of the atmospheric temperature, af- ter the wind has ceased, or changed its direction, may occasion clouds and rain in abundance, while the reduction of temperature which it previously under- went during its transportation to a colder climate, may have produced no rain, and few clouds of any considerable depth, or density. When rain attends a wind blowing from a colder climate, it can only be explained upon the above principle, viz., that the more elevated aerial strata have been previously trans- ported from a warmer climate, and are still undergo- ing a reduction of temperature. 2. The oversaturation of the atmosphere, and con- sequent additional formation of clouds, arising from the sinking down and intermixture of the colder at- mospheric strata above, with those warmer strata be- low, where the clouds have already begun to form, as was explained when treating of the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, may also assist in rendering clouds, and the fall of rain, more abundant after the wind has abated, or even changed its direction, than what they were so long as it continued high. 3. The velocity of a high wind must in some de- gree prevent the sinking down and intermixture of colder air above, with any aerial stratum that happens 120 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES, &C. to be warmer below. Hence, in all the cases before enumerated, when the formation of clouds depend upon, or is assisted by, the intermixture of saturated, or nearly saturated, aerial strata of different tempera- tures, the subsidence of the wind should for a short time be accompanied by an increased formation of clouds, and a more copious fall of rain. Accordingly, it is frequently observed, that so long as the wind con- tinues high, clouds are not formed of sufficient depth and density to produce rain. On such occasions, when the wind abates, the assistance of the intermix- ing process rapidly increases the density of the clouds already in the process of forming, and causes them to descend to a lower level. At length their component particles becoming too contiguous to remain separate, begin to unite. Their specific gravity being thereby augmented, they now rapidly descend ; and partly by means of farther unions ; and partly by condensing and receiving additions from all aqueous particles which they either attract, or come in contact with in their fall, they ultimately reach the surface of the earth in the form of drops of rain. CHAPTER IV. ON CIRCUMSTANCES ERRONEOUSLY SUPPOSED TO PRODUCE CLOUDS. Professor Playfair, in his Outlines of Natural Philosophy, after explaining the ratio in which the capacity of air for moisture varies with alterations of temperature, states, "7)f therefore large portions of the atmosphere, of different temperatures, and satu- rated, or nearly saturated, with humidity, be driven against one another by contrary winds, the conse- quence must be a precipitation of humidity, or the formation of clouds." In the passage above quoted, the reader might be led to believe, that Playfair supposes, that two large portions of atmosphere, on the same horizontal level, and of different temperatures, might be driven against one another by contrary winds, just as if they were projected by the force of immense bellowses placed opposite each other. This, however, being contrary to the principles which regulate the direction of winds, never happens in nature, and therefore is never the cause of the formation of clouds. The formation of clouds, according to the Hut- tonian theory, is also supposed to arise from the colli- sion of the upper and lower halves of the atmosphere, which, agreeably to the commonly received opinion, Q 122 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES are supposed to be always moving in opposite direc- tions. Thus Play fair says : " Professor Leslie has shown that the collision of opposite currents of air, of different temperatures, may furnish a supply sufficient for the production of the heaviest rain." Experiments on Heat and Moisture, p. 130. And Playfair adds, *' The mixture of different portions of air is likely to take place most frequently, where the two opposite currents already mentioned come in contact with one another. This is at the height of 18,000 feet and upwards." When treating, in the preceding chapter, of the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, we endea- voured to show that it was only when the lower half of the atmosphere blew from a cold towards a com- paratively warm climate, such as is exemplified by monsoons and sea and land breezes, that an opposite current in the upper half of the atmosphere can simul- taneously exist. And we demonstrated, that in the opposite circumstances, when the lower atmosphere blows from a warm towards a cold climate, it is physi- cally impossible that there can be simultaneously a contrary current in the upper half of the atmosphere. Now, as by far the greatest proportion of rain in thfs, and almost all other climates beyond the tropics, falls when the lower atmosphere blows from a warm towards a comparatively cold chmate, it is obvious, that the clouds and rain, produced in such circumstances, do not result from the collision of opposite currents sim- ultaneously existing in the upper and lower halves of the atmosphere. But supposing, for the sake of argument, that the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 1'23 commonly received opinion, of opposite currents al- ways existing in the upper and lower halves of the atmosphere, were correct, the collision of the upper and under atmospheric currents should be as great when the former is blowing from a warm towards a cold climate, and the latter from a cold towards a warm climate, as it is in the opposite circumstances. But we have seen, as in the example previously given of the Mistral, at Marseilles, that clouds are only formed when the lower half of the atmosphere blows from a warm towards a cold climate ; and that they dissolve and disappear in the reverse circumstances. Hence collision of the upper and lower atmospheric currents is not the cause of the formation of clouds. When we come to treat of the causes and princi- ples of winds, it will appear in those cases where op- posite currents in the upper and lower halves of the atmosphere exist, that at the plane which separates the two halves, the atmospheric strata must be in equihbrium, and can have no horizontal motion what- ever. And it will also be evident, that, though the horizontal movements of the upper and lower halves of the atmosphere may gradually increase with the distance from the plane which separates them, still, for a considerable space on either side of it, the mo- tion must be very slow j and accordingly, coUision between the upper and under atmospheric currents can hardly be said in such circumstances to take place. In short, the sinking down and intermixture of the superior with the inferior aerial strata, which, as was explained when treating, in the preceding chapter, of the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, 124 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCirLES can only take place wlien the aerial particles of the former are colder and heavier than those of the lat- ter, after making due allowance for the different de- grees of atmospheric compression to which they are subjected, is totally a different thing from the colli- sion spoken of by meteorologists. This is evident from considering, that the sinking down and intermix- ture of the superior with the inferior strata, must go on so long as the former are colder and specifically heavier than the latter. And this may continue for a considerable time after the atmospheric currents have subsided into a perfect calm. Another circumstance, erroneously supposed to be a cause of the formation of clouds, and the faUing of rain, is a change of wind. The most important facts upon which this opinion is founded, are the fol- lowing : — ] . During calm^ or nearly calm weather, rain, 'particularly in warm climates, or, in the sum- mer season, in temperate latitudes, is usually pre- ceded and ushered in with a breeze, and not unfre- quently by a greater or less change in the direction of the wind. 2. In intertropical climates generally the rainy season occurs when the sun approaches the zenith, at which time the winds are most imriable. 3. The change of the monsoons in the East Indies is alvjays accompanied with the formation of dense clouds, and lieavy falls of rain ; whereas when the trade-winds blow uniformly, hardly any rainfalls. In support of the notion, that a change of wind is a cause of rain. Professor Playfair, in his Outlines of Natural Philosophy, says : " There is in our climate hardly any instance of rain without a change of wind. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 125 and very rarely a change of wind without rain in a greater or smaller quantity." This statement of Playfair's is so far from being correct, that he must certainly have made it without any examination of the facts himself. Owing to the peculiar situation of Britain, sur- rounded by the sea on every side, together with the impossibility of ascertaining what is, or may pre- viously have been, the precise direction and force of the wind in the upper half of the atmosphere, we cannot for certain predict, even though the direction of the wind in the lower half of the atmosphere be given, that we shall have either dry or wet weather on any day of the year. But, judging from my own ob- servations, the chances of rainy, or of fair weather, are obviously greater or less, in proportion as there exists at the time, and immediately previous, a more or less favourable combination of circumstances for producing one or other of these results. In short, I feel war- ranted in stating, that even in any part of Great Bri- tain, a knowledge of the general principles which we have already explained regarding the causes which tend to produce an oversaturated state of the atmo- sphere with regard to humidity, together with a knowledge of the direction and force of the wind, and the distance of the place of observation from the sea, and its position in relation to surrounding ele- vated lands, afford us the best means of accounting for all changes of weather. Thus, at Glasgow, where my observations have been made, (though the same rule, for obvious reasons, will not apply to parts of the island differently circumstanced with regard to dis- 126 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES tance from the sea, and intervening high lands in dif- ferent directions,) when the wind blows from a warm direction, and from the nearest sea, such as from the south or south-west during the coldest period of the year, (and the stronger it blows the more cer- tain is the result,) the general character of the wea- ther is warm for the season of the year, but cloudy and wet. And instead of there being hardly any in- stance of rain in our climate without a change of wind, as Playfair states, the weather, so long as the wind blows from that direction, during that season of the year, usually continues wet, showery, and un- settled, with only casual dry days, and these chiefly when the wind abates. On the contrary, when the wind blows from the opposite quarter, viz., from the north, or north-east, during the same season of the year, the general character of the weather is cold, and dry, with only casual wet or snowy days ; and these are usually attended with a low state of the barome- ter, and a considerable force of wind. And, instead of a change of wind from the former direction to the latter being productive of rain in a greater or smaller quantity, as ought to be the case if Playfair's state- ment were correct, almost every person knows that it is usually, and almost immediately, productive of dry weather. On continental coasts, where a great extent of land lies in one direction, and the ocean on the other, such as on the coast of the United States of America, the point from whence the wind blows, in accordance with the principles already explained, determines the kind of weather. In the United States of America, OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 127 when the wind blows from the land, especially if its direction be somewhat to the north of west, dry wea- ther, and a cloudless sky, particularly during the cold season of the year, permanently continues ; whereas, when it blows from the ocean, especially if its direc- tion be somewhat to the south of east, the general character of the weather is cloudy and wet. In such cases, the mere change of wind separately considered, has no perceptible influence in forming clouds and causing rain. No sooner does the wind shift from the ocean to the land, than the wet weather ceases, and the clouds gradually dissolve into invisible vapour. And, on the contrary, when the wind shifts from the land to the ocean, the previously clear sky, very soon becomes overcast with clouds, and rainy unsettled weather commences. The instance formerly given and explained of the opposite kinds of weather experienced during winter at Marseilles, according as the wind blows from the north or the south, also confirms the opinions we have advanced. Thus, a change in the direction of the wind at Marseilles, during the cold season of the year, from north to south, is uniformly attended, or very soon followed, by the appearance of clouds, and the faUing of rain. But when it changes, during the same season of the year, to the opposite direction, in- stead of producing rain in greater or smaller quantity, as Playfair's statement would lead us to expect, the clouds disappear with astonishing rapidity. In the preceding examples, it is obviously the quarter to which the wind shifts, and not the mere change, which determines the character of the wea- 1*28 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ther. But let us take cases where the dryness of the direction to which the wind veers, cannot be assigned as the reason why the change is not accompanied with rain in greater or smaller quantity. At Kingston, in the island of Jamaica, during what is called the dry season, viz. from November till April, those gentle winds, denominated Sea and Land breezes, occur alternately in succession ; and though the direction of the wind, during that lengthened pe- riod, changes twice every twenty-four hours, still, with the exception of clouds formed over the distant moun- tains, according to the second mentioned cause of their formation, there is almost constantly a cloudless sky, and hardly ever a drop of rain. In hke manner, during our finest and clearest wea- ther, such as we frequently have during the summer months, the direction of the wind frequently shifts in our chmate several times in the course of a day ; but these changes, so far as I have observed, have no in- fluence in forming clouds, and causing rain. I shall only farther add, that after carefully comparing, by means of a meteorological table which I have kept, the coincidences between a change of wind, and the formation of clouds, I have found the discrepancies so numerous, as to convince me, that the coincidences, save those which were more properly referable to other causes, and which were partly balanced by equally objectionable discrepancies, are merely accidental. Hence, I have come to the conclusion, that in this climate, contrary to Playfair's statement, a change of wind, considered separately from its direction and ve- locity, is never the cause of the formation of clouds, OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 129 and the falling of rain ; though, as I will shortly have occasion to show, the formation of clouds and the falling of rain is frequently the cause of a change of wind. We shall now advert to the several phenomena upon which the hypothesis we have been considering is founded ; and as we proceed, will illustrate our subject, by attempting to give some plausible ex- planation of them. The first point then to be considered is, that dur- ing calm, or nearly calm weather, rain, particulai'ly in warm climates, or in the summer season in ifiland temperate latitudes, is usually preceded and ushered in hy a breeze or gust of wind ; and notunfrequent- ly by a greater or less change in the direction of the loind. I am inclined to think that it is principally owing to this and analogous facts not being properly understood, that a change in the direction of the wind has been supposed to be the cause of the for- mation of clouds and the falhng of rain ; whereas, as I shall endeavour to show, the previous formation of clouds and the falling of rain, is, in all such cases, the cause of the breeze and of the change of wind." When we come to treat of the causes of wind, it will appear, that, provided the barometrical pressure, (that is, the atmospheric pressure as estimated by a barometer,) at all equal altitudes above the level of the sea were the same, there could be no wind ; for, in that case, the atmosphere would be everywhere in equilibrium, and could have no tendency to move in one direction more than in another. On the con- trary, at whatever equal altitudes any difference in the R 130 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES barometrical pressure takes place, the atmosphere, at such altitudes, in obedience to the preponderance of lateral pressure, will begin to move horizontally in order to restore the equilibrium, from where the pressure is greater to where it is less. The proxi- mate cause therefore of atmospheric currents, is un- equal barometrical pressui^e in different places, at equal altitudes above the level of the sea. Now, owing to the expansibility of air by means of heat, a perpendicular column containing a given amount of warm air, is longer than one containing a similar amount of cold air; and consequently, the upper portions of the former, from wanting sufficient lateral support, must flow over upon the latter. But this, while it diminishes the barometrical pressure of the longer columns, proportionally increases that of the shorter. And accordingly, while the upper por- tions of the longer columns of warm air are flowing over upon the top of the shorter columns of cold air, an equivalent extent of the lower extremity of the shorter columns, in obedience to the preponderance of barometrical pressure, moves in the opposite direc- tion. The preceding observations show, that an equal barometrical pressure at all equal altitudes above the level of the sea, could only exist, provided the tem- perature of the atmosphere at all equal altitudes around the globe were alike. This, however, can never happen. The causes of difference of tempera- ture over different parts of the earth's surface, are numerous, and ever varying with regard to each other during the alternations of day and night, and the dif- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 131 ferent seasons of the year. And as the various tem- peratures of the different parts of the earth's surface, whether land or water, are slowly communicated up- wards to the portion of air immediately incumbent, it is impossible that an universal equilibrium of the at- mosphere can ever take place. In conformity, there- fore, with these observations, we lay down the gene- ral principle, that whatever produces a simultaneous difference of temperature in different portio?is of the atmosphere, at equal altitudes above the level of the sea, necessarily gives rise to inequalities of barome- trical pressure, and thus remotely becomes the cause of wind. With these preliminary remarks, we are now pre- pared to understand how the supervention of clouds, and the falling of rain, at one place and not at an- other, should become the cause of a breeze and of a change of wind. When clouds, whether formed during night, or transported by aerial currents, supervene any district of a country, the surface of the ground, and the por- tion of the atmosphere underneath them, receives a less proportion of solar heat during day, than those places over which no clouds are formed. Hence the temperature becomes higher in the latter localities than in the former ; and the atmospheric columns, agreeably to the expansibility of air by means of heat, become more expanded upwards over the latter than over the former. In like manner, the descent of moisture in the forms of rain, snow, or hail, adds to the effect, by bringing down and communicating to the lower atmospheric strata, in its passage, a portion 132 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES of the coldness which it acquired at the altitude at which it was formed. Now, the depression of tem- perature which the lower atmospheric strata undergo, is necessarily accompanied with a corresponding con- densation, which must produce a sinking downwards of the whole superincumbent atmosphere. Hence, in accordance with our previous remarks, the upper extremity of the atmospheric columns where no clouds are formed, and no rain has fallen underneath, must flow, in obedience to the force of gravity, towards the places where clouds are formed and rain has fallen. And on the contrary, in obedience to the preponder- ance of barometrical pressure, the lower portion of the atmosphere must blow from where rain has fallen and condensation has taken place, to where no rain has fallen and no condensation taken place. Now, as the upper portion of the air all around where rain has fallen, moves towards the place where the greatest condensation and sinkingdownof the atmo- sphere occurs, the barometrical pressure there becomes greatest. Hence, the direction of the breeze at the surface of the earth, (except for modifications result- ing from some more general cause of wind,) is from where the condensation under the cloud is greatest, to every point around, where no rain has fallen, and no condensation has taken place. Unless, therefore, the previous direction of the wind, and the point of greatest aerial condensation under the cloud, and the place where the observer is situated, be all in one straight line, the direction of the wind, upon the near approach of the cloud, will shift, at the surface of the earth, more or less towards the quarter where the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 133 falling of rain has produced the greatest aerial con- densation, and consequently, where the barometrical pressure under the cloud is greatest. For the sake of illustration, let us suppose that the direction of the wind, by which the cloud is pro- pelled, is from south to north, and that a meridian line, passing through the centre of the cloud from north to south, is the line of greatest aerial condensa- tion, and greatest barometrical pressure ; it is ob- vious in this case, that, to an observer stationed on the ground, to the east or west of that line, the di- rection of the wind, (that is, in meteorological lan- guage, the direction from which the wind blows,) will shift, on the near approach of the cloud, more or less towards the line of greatest condensation ; and the degree of shifting, under the anterior margin of the cloud, will be greater or less, according as the place of observation is farther eastward or westward of the line of greatest aerial condensation. It may be far- ther noticed, that after the rain has continued for some time, and the aerial condensation, and barome- trical pressure, has become about equal for a consi- derable distance around the place where the observer is situated ; the local and transitory cause of wind, produced by the falling of rain, comes to have less in- fluence in modifying, and altering the previous more general cause of the atmospheric current. Hence the reason, that though the wind, at the surface of the earth, may augment its velocity, and, in some degree, change its direction upon the approach of a shower, still, after the rain has continued for a short time, it 134 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES is usually observed gradually to subside to its previous velocity, and to regain its former direction. Again, the force of the breeze, occasioned by the falling of rain at one place and not at another, is de- termined by the conjoint influence of two circum- stances, viz. the difference of barometrical pressure at the respective places, and their proximity to each other. The greater the difference of barometrical pressure between the tw^o places, and the nearer they are to each other, the stronger is the breeze, and vice versa. So great is the influence of proximity in this respect, that an extremely small, and almost imperceptible difference of barometrical pressure between two contiguous places, will give rise to a considerable breeze of wind ; whereas, when the places are very distant from each other, a great differ- ence in barometrical pressure will produce only an inconsiderable effect. Now the place where the dif- ference of barometrical pressure, occasioned by the falling of rain, is greatest within a given distance, is under the skirts of the cloud. Hence the reason that a shower of rain in calm weather, such as usually pre- vails in warm latitudes, or in inland champaign coun- tries, is commonly preceded, and ushered in by a breeze, or gust of wind ; and when wind previously existed, by an increase to its velocity. And the rea- son why these effects are usually stronger, and more observed in hot climates, and in the summer season in temperate latitudes, than in cold climates, or in the winter season in temperate latitudes, is because the sinking of temperature, and the aerial condensation OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 135 occasioned by the falling of rain, is usually greater in the former circumstances than in the latter. The preceding observations satisfactorily demon- strate, that it is not the change of wind, as is com- monly supposed, which in warm and nearly calm wea- ther is the cause of rain, but that the rain, in such circumstances, is frequently the cause of a change of wind. And though our remarks, in illustrating this point, may appear unnecessarily lengthened, still, by accounting for other attendant phenomena, subse- quent explanations upon analogous points will be ren- dered unnecessary. We will now proceed to consider the second fact upon which the hypothesis that a change of wind pro- duces rain is founded, viz. that in intertropical cli- mates generally, the rainy season begins when the sun approaches the zenith, at which time the winds are most variable. Before commenting upon this fact, it may be proper to describe the succession of weather which occurs periodically in warm latitudes. And as an example of what happens generally in other intertropical cli- mates, we will select the weather at Kingston, situated on the south side of the island of Jamaica, in 18° north latitude. It must be recollected, however, that in applying the following description of the weather to other intertropical climates, allowance must be made for the peculiarities of local situation in reference to sea and land, and the difference in the time of the year when the sun in different latitudes crosses the zenith. Kingston, in the island of Jamaica, is visited annu- ally with two rainy seasons, severally commencing 136 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES about the time the sun crosses the zenith. The first, or moderate rains, as it is commonly called, begins about the latter end of April or beginning of May, and lasts for about six weeks. It consists merely of transient showers, by no means frequent or of long continuance, and alternate dry weather. The second, or principal rainy season, begins about the middle of August, and does not terminate till the end of Octo- ber, or middle of November. It consists chiefly of alternate heavy showers, continuing for an hour or two, and dry weather. It is during the principal rainy season only that hurricanes happen. They consist of very heavy rain and furious wind. In their most vio- lent forms they seldom continue longer than a few hours J but when they assume a less formidable cha- racter, they sometimes last for perhaps two or three days without intermission. From the middle of No- vember till the latter end of April, and also from the middle of June till August, which are usually deno- minated the dry seasons, a cloudless sky, except for clouds formed over the distant mountains, continues almost without interruption. And though at any time during these periods of the year an accidental shower may fall, such a thing is then of rare occurrence. During the dry seasons, the sea and land breezes alternate in succession, both in the course of 24 hours, blowing on different days, and at different times of the day, with different degrees of force, sometimes very gently, and at other times with considerable vehemence. During the rainy season, the alternate regularity of the sea and land breezes is commonly, but not constantly, interrupted. Dead calms, accom- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 137 panied with torrents of rain and lightning, are then of frequent occurrence. And upon the whole, if we ex- cept hurricanes, there is usually at Kingston less wind during the rainy, than during the dry season. In other intertropical climates, where the regular trade wind from east to west blows continually throughout the 24 hours, its regularity is in like manner more or less in- terrupted during the rainy season. Such is a brief description of the periodic succession of weather which occurs in intertropical climates. From our previous observations upon the influence of rain in depressing the temperature of the lower at- mosphere, so as eventually to give rise to inequali- ties in the barometrical pressure in contiguous places, it is obvious, that interruption to the alternate regu- larity of the sea and land breezes at Kingston, and also to the more uniform easterly trade wind which prevails in other hot climates, must be produced by the local and temporary influence of clouds and rain during the wet season. Even the amount of rain es- timated by weight, which, in hot climates descends in a short time in particular spots, is so great as to cause slight simultaneous inequalities of barometrical pressure in diff"erent places at no great distance from each other. And this of itself is suflficient to disturb the regularity of the winds in hot climates. Now, when it is considered, that there is no apparent rea- son why the variableness of the winds, during the rainy season, should produce wet weather ; and an obvious one why wet showery weather should produce variableness in the winds, the only admissible conclu- sion is, not that the uncertainty of the winds is the s 1«38 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES cause of the showery weather, but that the showery weather is the cause of the uncertainty of the winds. An inquiry of great meteorological importance, which is silently evaded by meteorological writers, and which we formerly left for subsequent considera- tion, here suggests itself. The inquiry alluded to is into the cause of the rainy season in hot climates. Why does the rainy season in intertropical climates generally commence when the sun approaches the ze- nith, and continue during what should otherwise be the warmest period of the year ? In advancing a hypothesis in order to explain this point, it is again necessary, for the sake of being un- derstood, to anticipate our observations regarding the causes and principles of winds, by remarking, that the most general cause of wind is the gradual decrease of the mean annual temperature from the equatorial to the polar regions. The result of this decrease of temperature is, that the prevailing direction in which the lower half of the atmosphere moves, is from the polar towards the equatorial regions ; and on the con- trary, the prevailing direction of the upper half is from the equatorial towards the polar regions. And from the perfect equality, or rather, the nearly per- fect equality of the mean barometrical pressure at the level of the sea in all latitudes, it is concluded, that the amounts of air transported by these opposite cur- rents are equal. Now, in order to perpetuate these opposite cur- rents, and connect them together, so that the one should become the source from whence the other is supplied with air, it is obvious, that, according as the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 139 upper aerial strata in the colder latitudes of the polar regions are supplied with warmer air from a southerly direction, so must the whole atmosphere be there slowly descending towards the surface of the earth. In like manner, according as the lower aerial strata in the warmer latitudes of the equatorial regions become heated, and uplifted by the insinuation of colder and denser currents from the north and south, which gra- dually get heated and uplifted in their turn, so must the atmosphere be there subjected to a gradual ascen- sion from the surface of the earth. And thus the chain connecting the prevailing current of the upper half of the atmosphere from the equatorial towards the polar regions, and of the lower half from the po- lar towards the equatorial, becomes complete. Judging from the length of time that the rainy sea- son in intertropical climates continues, the breadth of the zone which it covers, must be somewhere be- tween 1000 and 1500 miles. But this zone does not remaiQ stationary. In consequence of the sun's de- clining gradually and successively on either side of the plane of the equator, to the extent of 23i degrees in the opposite seasons of the year, the warmest lati- tudes, that is, those over which the sun, during the earth's diurnal rotation, becomes most vertical, and which correspond with the zone where the atmo- sphere is gradually ascending from the earth's sur- face, are continually shifting northward or southward, with the apparent path of the sun in the ecliptic. Now, judging from the circumstance of the rainy season, in intertropical climates, commencing gene- rally upon the sun's approach to the zenith, and be- 140 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES ing at its height, in any given latitude, at the time when the atmosphere should have the greatest ten- dency to ascend perpendicularly, viz. about the time when the subjacent earth and incumbent atmosphere acquire their maximum temperature ; and which, ac- cording to analogy, is some time after the sun has, crossed the zenith. And judging also from the cir- cumstance of the rains gradually diminishing, and at length terminating, about the period when, from the increasing obliquity of the sun's rays, the given lati- tude can no longer be supposed to be one of those over which the atmosphere is ascending ; I conclude that the rains, during the rainy season in hot climates, are produced by the ascent of the atmosphere in the following manner. The aqueous vapour which the atmosphere con- tains is carried up along with the ascending current, (just as smoke is carried up with the heated air from a chimney,) till the increasing coldness, consequent upon the rarefaction of the atmosphere as it rises, causes the invisible vapour to be precipitated into clouds. And these increasing in density by a con- tinuance of the causes which produced them, at length discharge themselves in heavy showers of rain. By inspecting a thermometer it will be observed, that, during summer, the atmospheric temperature, near the earth's surface, begins to sink immediately after the shower commences. This is owing to the rain bringing down a portion of the coldness it has acquired at the elevation from which it descends. The consequence of this sinking of the temperature in the lower atmosphere is, that the ascension of the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 141 air, and the formation of cloud, is for a time sus- pended. Gradually, however, as the lower atmo- sphere again becomes heated, whether by the sun's rays, or by the emission of caloric previously absorbed by the earth, the ascension of the air and the forma- tion of cloud again commences ; and a similar renewal of causes and consequences to those above described goes on in succession. The preceding observations explain the reason why the rainy season, in intertropical climates, consists chiefly of alternate heavy showers and dry weather. This alternation, however, is farther assisted by another circumstance. The immense quantity of caloric which is evolved during the conversion of invisible vapour into clouds, warms the atmospheric strata where this conversion takes place. And after clouds are formed, the temperature of the atmospheric strata in which they float is farther augmented by the solar heat ar- rested by them in its progress towards the earth's sur- face during day, and in its retrocession from the earth's surface during night. In accordance with these views, Humboldt, as was formerly stated, found in ascending, that the ratio in which the temperature of the air de- creased, was less in the region of the atmosphere where clouds were formed, than what it was either below or above that altitude. This he ascribed to the evolution of heat which accompanies the forma- tion of clouds. The consequence of this increased temperature in the region of the atmosphere where clouds are formed is, that the aerial particles at a greater altitude, which have not participated in this accession of heat, are relatively colder and heavier than those 142 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES below ; and accordingly, begin to sink down and in- termix with them, and thus add to the formation of cloud. Hence we see, that the formation of cloud, in intertropical climates, occasioned by the depression of temperature which the atmosphere sustains as it becomes rarefied in ascending, and which is compre- hended under the second mentioned cause of the for- mation of clouds, gives rise to one of the cases ex- plained, and included under the fourth cause of their formation, viz. an intermixture and consequent re- duction to a mean temperature of different portions of saturated or nearly saturated air, of previously dif- ferent temperatures. The co-operation of this addi- tional cause of the formation of clouds, of course in- creases the amount formed, and assists in continuing the process of formation for a longer time. But while it does so, (and it has this effect in all climates,) it is at the same time preparing the atmosphere for an in- terval of dry weather. While the intermixing process is going on, the air is gradually getting robbed of a portion of its moisture. But the heat evolved during the formation of clouds, is at the same time gradually diffusing itself amongst the more elevated aerial strata, till at length those regions of the atmosphere become so much undersaturated as to be incapable of produc- ing blouds, even with the aid of some slight intermix- ture, until again supplied with humidity by evapora- tion from the subjacent surface of the earth. The third cause of the formation of clouds, viz. the reduction of temperature, and diminished capacity for moisture, which air undergoes by being transported by winds from a warm towards a comparatively cold OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 143 climate, and which, as formerly stated, is the principal one in temperate and cold latitudes, can hardly be conceived to have much influence in producing the rainy season in intertropical chmates. The atmo- spheric temperature within the torrid zone undergoes very little alteration throughout the year. And the mean annual temperature within the tropics, which comprehends a zone 47 degrees of latitude in breadth, is so uniform, that the decrement, on receding from the equator to either tropic, hardly exceeds 8 degrees. Hence any reduction of temperature, and consequent diminution of capacity for moisture, which the air within the tropics can, in ordinary circumstances, sus- tain, by being transported from a warm towards a colder latitude, is so trifling, as to be altogether in- sufficient to account for the rainy season ; and hardly sufficient to account for rain in any quantity, however small. As the atmosphere is warmer, and therefore more elevated, in the latitudes where the rainy season is occurring, than in those either to the north or south, it is from this zone that the currents in the upper half of the atmosphere are continually diverging to the north and south. Hence, the supervention of cold currents in the upper half of the atmosphere cannot be admitted to be the cause of the rainy season. Nevertheless, it might be supposed, that the rainy season in intertropical climates might be accounted for, according to the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, without the aid of the supervention of cold currents in the upper regions of the atmosphere. Thus the ground and the aerial strata in its immediate 144 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES vicinity, might be conceived to acquire a much greater degree of warmth when the sun is vertical, than the more elevated atmospheric strata ; and accordingly, that the formation of clouds might be produced by the latter sinking down and intermixing with the former. In answer to this objection it may be re- marked, that if the formation of clouds during the rainy season occurred only on shore, and during day, the hypothesis above stated would be so far supported by these circumstances, as to give it some degree of plausibility. But when it is considered, that the forma- tion of clouds, during the rainy season, goes on by night as well as by day, and particularly, as it occurs also at sea, where the lowest aerial strata, even during day, become very little, if at all, warmer than those at a greater altitude, it is obvious, that the hypothesis above given is insufficient of itself to explain the phe- nomena. Again, if the formation of clouds during the rainy season be owing to an ascension of the atmosphere, the place of which is supplied by colder currents from the north and south, it might be asked by way of ob- jection, why the rising up of the atmosphere over the land during the continuance of the sea breeze, and the ascension of the atmosphere over the sea adjoin- ing the land during the land breeze, does not produce similar effects ? This is a more difficult objection to answer than the preceding. It may be remarked, however, that there is a considerable difference be- tween the cases. The rainy season continues from two to three months ; and the hygrometric condition of the lower atmosphere, during all that period, never OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 145 rises much above the point of saturation. On the other hand, the sea breeze continues only for four or five hours, during the warmest period of the day ; and before the atmosphere over the land begins to ascend, its temperature must be so much raised, that its hy- grometric condition must be much drier than the point of saturation. Nov^^, when it is considered, that the ascent of the atmosphere which makes way for the sea breeze, from being spread over a large sur- face, is so slow as not to be perceptible, (unless when obstructed by mountains in its progress inland,) and that the aqueous vapour contained in the ascending current, is ever tending to diffuse itself equally amongst the undersaturated aerial strata upwards, and downwards, and all around, it does not appear won- derful that no clouds should be formed by the slow ascension of a much undersaturated atmosphere dur- ing the short period of four or five hours, which is the length of time the sea breeze lasts. In like manner, during the continuance of the land breeze, the air which comes off the land is colder, and heavier, than that which rests generally over the sea. On this account, it is probable, that there is no as- cension of the atmosphere over the sea immediately adjoining the land ; and that the upper extremity of the atmospheric columns over the land are wholly supplied by horizontal currents from a distance, and that the ascension of the atmosphere which supplies these lateral currents, may be so widely extended, and the ascent accordingly so slow, as not to be cap- able of producing clouds during the short time the land breeze continues. 14G ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES Whether the preceding explanation of what we conceive to be the principal, and the most general cause of the rainy season be correct or not, the cir- cumstance of its occurring at the time when the sun becomes most vertical, and accordingly, when the equatorial regions of the earth would otherwise be- come almost uninhabitable with heat, is obviously a Providential arrangement in creation to serve a use- ful purpose. Clouds, during this season, moderate the warmth, by acting as screens to intercept the scorching rays of a vertical sun, while the temperature of the earth is farther mitigated by the descent of rain, and by evaporation from its moistened surface. Thus we see that the rains, which are indispensably necessary in order to vegetation, occur in accordance with the prospective wisdom and beneficence mani- fested in all the other arrangements in nature, at the season of the year when their cooling influence is most required. We come now to consider the third fact adduced in support of the hypothesis, that a change of wind is one of the causes of the formation of clouds, and of the falling of rain, viz., that the change of the Mon- soons in the East Indies, and Indian ocean gener- ally, is always accompanied with the formation of dense clouds, and heavy falls of rain ; whereas, when the Monsoon blows uniformly, hardly any rainfalls. In order to show the erroneous application of this fact, it may be premised, that the Monsoons are an- alogous to sea and land breezes, with this difference, that the former blows for many hundred miles in one direction, and takes a year to perform its revolution, OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 147 that is, blows half a year in one direction, and half a year in the opposite, whereas, the latter is only felt at sea within a few miles of the land, and extends only a few miles inland from the sea, and performs its re- volution in the course of 24 hours. During the sum- mer half of the year, the surface of the land in the East Indies, together with the incumbent atmosphere, become warmer than the surface of the Indian ocean, and the atmosphere thereupon incumbent ; but dur- ing the winter half of the year, the reverse is the case. Hence the Monsoon, or season wind, (which is the meaning of the term,) according to the principle which determines the prevaihng direction of the wind, blows from the ocean towards the land during the warmer half of the year ; and from the land towards the ocean during the colder half. And in both cases, the upper half of the atmosphere is supposed to be moving in the opposite direction of the lower. Now, when the Monsoon blows uniformly, whether from the land or from the ocean, (except during the rainy season, when the winds are always somewhat irregular,) the case is analogous to the one formerly explained, of a wind blowing from a cold towards a warm climate. The aerial particles of the upper half of the atmosphere are, in such circumstances, warmer, and lighter than those of the lower half; and accord- ingly, the former have no tendency to sink down and intermix with the latter, which, as formerly explained, is necessary towards the production of clouds, accord- ing to the fourth cause of their formation. Hence the reason, that when the Monsoon blows uniformly, 148 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES whether over the land or over the ocean, hardly any rain falls. Immediately previous to the change of the Mon- soon, the circumstances are different. In consequence of the velocity which the atmosphere has acquired, by moving in one direction for a considerable time and distance, the surface towards which the lower half is blowing has actually become colder than that from which it blows, for some time before the Monsoon changes. Thus, as the sun advances northward in the spring of the year, the temperature of the surface of the land in the East Indies, and other southern parts of Asia, though previously lower, gradually be- comes higher than that of the Indian ocean, which forms their southern boundary. Now, the Monsoon, though its regular direction be from a cold towards a comparatively warm surface, in consequence of its acquired velocity, does not change from the land to the ocean, till some time after the surface of the land has become warmer than that of the ocean. During this period, therefore, a lighter atmosphere is brought by the wind, underneath a heavier one ; and a sink- ing down and intermixture of the latter with the for- mer, and the formation of clouds consequently takes place. The vacillation and unsteadiness in the di- rection and force of the wind, immediately before the change of the Monsoon, arises from the undulatory propagation of aerial currents, resulting partly from the difference of temperature which the atmosphere over the land undergoes during day and night, being much greater than that over the ocean ; and partly from inequalities in the amount of heat evolved by OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 149 the unequal formation of cloud in different places. While this unsteadiness in the wind continues, though its prevailing direction, in obedience to the prepon- derating influence of its acquired velocity, be still from the land, the atmospheric columns over the ocean beinof then colder than those over the land, are not sufficiently elevated to support a current in the upper half of the atmosphere, from the ocean towards the land. The consequence of the co-operation of this circumstance with the prevailing direction of the wind from the land towards the ocean in the lower half of the atmosphere is, that the amount of air, in prepara- tion for a blast, is accumulating, and the barometrical pressure increasing, over the Indian ocean ; while the amount of air, and the barometrical pressure over the land, in the southern parts of Asia, is diminishing. This at length produces a general and decided reac- tion in the atmospheric current. Dense clouds, which for some days previous have been forming, and accu- mulating in masses proportional to the warmth of the climate, and the capacity of the air for moisture, are now seen rolling with appalling subhmity from the ocean towards the land. It is the change of the Monsoon. The wind with full reactive violence now blows a hurricane, — rain descends in torrents, — vivid flashes of lightning follow each other in rapid succes- sion, and thunder in one continued roar, only distin- guished by intervals of less loudness, lasts for several hours. This periodic thunder-storm is said to be so tremendous, in comparison with any thing of the kind ever witnessed in Britain, that when heard for the first time by natives of this country, it makes the stoutest 150 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES heart quake. And even those who after long resi- dence have become somewhat accustomed to it, are impressed, during its continuance, with feehngs of mingled awe and devotion. After the storm has lasted for two or three hours the thunder ceases, but the rain continues for two or three days. As the southern portions of India are within the torrid zone, the south-west Monsoon, which sets in about the beginning of June, is the commence- ment of the rainy season. The two or three first days of constant rain are therefore succeeded by occasional heavy showers, which gradually increase in frequency and continuance till about the middle of July, when the rainy season is at its height. But after the de- scription and hypothetical explanation previously given of the rainy season in intertropical latitudes, and as the causes which give birth to the rains are the same in India as in other warm climates, we need not far- ther enlarge upon this point. Before concluding this subject, it may be remarked, that in climates, and in seasons of the year, when the winds are variable, from whatever cause arising, it may be easily conceived that a colder and heavier at- mosphere may frequently, in such circumstances, be brought to rest over one that is warmer and specifi- cally lighter. And this, agreeably to the fourth cause of the formation of clouds, necessarily occasions the production of clouds, by giving rise to a sinking down and intermixture of the upper with the lower atmo- sphere. In this way, variable winds, or rather the relative variations of temperature in neighbouring localities, and of which variable winds are merely an OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 151 indication, are frequently, though not always, instru- mental in bringing about that disturbance in the calo- rific equilibrium of the higher and lower atmospheric currents, which occasions the formation of clouds and the falhng of rain. Hence, variable winds may with greater propriety be regarded as being incidentally and indirectly accessory to the formation of clouds, rather than as the immediate causes thereof. CHAPTER V. ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES WHICH DETERMINE THE STRUCTURE, SUSPENSION, ELEMENTARY DIFFERENCES, AND DISSOLUTION OF CLOUDS ; TOGETHER WITH A NEW HYPO- THETICAL EXPLANATION OF THE CAUSE OF THUNDER, AND THE ELECTRIZATION OF CLOUDS. Of the Structure of Clouds. — Mists and clouds seem to consist of a multitude of hollow vesicles, or bladders, the coatings of which are inconceivably thin, and similar in structure to those usually blown from soap-suds. These vesicles vary in size, according to the measurement of de Saussure, from ^^ to J- of an ' 4222 2620 English inch in diameter. M. de Saussure, senior, while travelling amongst the Alps, happened to be enveloped in a mist, the vesicles of which he described as being as large as peas. The remarkable magni- tude of these vesicles compared with those seen by other observers, throws doubt upon the truth of the statement. That clouds and mist consist of hollow vesicles, is farther proved by the circumstance of their specific gravity being such, that they remain suspended in the air without any tendency to descend,, and even on frequent occasions are seen to ascend ; whereas, if they consisted of round drops without any internal vacuity, their descent would be rapid. Water is 828 times heavier than air ; and it has been calculated, ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES, &C. 153 that a drop whose diameter is no more than ~th of an inch, would acquire a descending velocity of nine or ten feet per second. Besides, if clouds consisted of drops without any internal vacuity, every time the beholder looked towards them with his back to the sun, he would see a rainbow ; but this is not the case except when rain is falling. Dr Thomson, in his valuable work on Heat and Electricity, page 274, says, " But though there is no doubt that clouds consist of a congeries of vesicles, we have no conception of the way in which these ve- sicles are formed." Farther on in the same page, he says, " The formation of clouds seems to be con- nected with electricity, though in what way the vesi- cular form is induced by electricity, we have no con- ception. The vesicles seem to be all charged with the same kind of electricity. This causes them to repel each other, and of course, prevents them from uniting into drops of rain." It does not appear to me to be a matter of much difficulty to conceive how the vesicular form should be induced by electricity, provided we can explain how they become, and how they continue electrified. We shall submit the following hypothesis by way of attempting to explain the phenomenon. Bodies generally, if not universally, become elec- trified, that is, surcharged with electricity, upon be- ing suddenly condensed. The evolution of electri- city in such cases, may result either from their elec- trical capacity being diminished by condensation, in the same manner as their calorific capacity is thereby diminished j or it may result from a diminution in u 154 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES their electric capacity consequent upon the increase of temperature which bodies acquire during conden- sation. This may originate in a repulsive force, which, for various reasons, I am disposed to think, subsists between caloric and electricity ; so that an increase of the one, diminishes the capacity of bodies for holding the other in affinity. I am inclined to think that both these causes co-operate in producing the phenomenon in question. Now, it seems proba- ble, that when aqueous vapour is converted into the visible form of cloud or mist, two, or likely more, particles are merely united together ; and that heat and electricity, according to the principles above stated, are simultaneously evolved during the con- densation which then takes place. Such is the man- ner in which I conceive the aqueous particles com- posing mists and clouds become, at their first forma- tion, surcharged with electricity j and one reason why they continue, at least for some time, surcharged, is the circumstance of their being surrounded with air, a non-conductor of electricity. Again, we know that the particles of electricity re- pel each other, and in obedience to this force, that the particles of surplus electricity distribute themselves over the surface of bodies as far separate as possible. Now, if it be admitted that electricity and aqueous vapour are mutually attractive, (of which there is no doubt,) the reason why the condensed vapour should assume the vesicular form is obvious. The particles of the surplus electricity attached externally by at- traction to the particles of condensed aqueous vapour, draw it out into the vesicular form by means of their OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 155 mutual repulsion. And after it is once drawn out in- to the vesicular shape, and filled with air, (for it can- not be supposed that a thin film of water is impervi- ous to air,) it is probable that it retains this form, even though the surplus electricity constituting the surcharge, may escape.* It might be supposed that the atmospheric com- pression would prevent the aqueous particles from originally assuming the vesicular form. But be it recollected, that this is only one force acting against another. Without the compressing force of the ex- ternal air, the mutual repulsion of the particles of surplus electricity, would distend the vesicle till it burst from the thinness of its coating. Hence the atmospheric compression may be conceived to be the cause which counteracts the mutual repulsion of the particles of surplus electricity, so as to limit the dis- tension of the vesicles to the dimensions previously stated. Of the Suspension of Clouds. — But then comes * Since writing the above, I find that Dr Thomson has previ- ously formed a similar opinion. In his work on Heat and Elec- tricity, page 440, he says, " Air, and all gases, are non-conduc- tors ; but vapour and clouds which are composed of it, are con- ductors. Clouds consist of small hollow bladders of vapour, charged each with the same kind of electricity. It is this electric charge which prevents the vesicles from uniting together, and fall- ing down in the form of rain. Even the vesicular form which the vapour assumes, is probably owing to the particles being charged with electricity. The mutual repulsion of the electric particles may be considered as sufficient, (since they are prevented from leaving the vesicle by the action of the surrounding air, and of the surrounding vesicles,) to give the vapour the vesicular form." 156 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES the inquiry, how the distension of the vesicles so di- minishes their specific gravity as to cause their sus- pension at an elevation in the atmosphere. Upon this point, Dr Thomson, in his work on Heat and Electricity, page 274, says — " Nor is it easy to con- ceive why these vesicles are sometimes lighter than air, sometimes a little heavier, and sometimes exactly of the same specific gravity as the air in which they float. Indeed, if the aerial matter with which these vesicles are filled were saturated with moisture, while the air in which they float is dry, we would see a rea- son why they should be lighter than air. On such a supposition the clouds should rapidly disappear. Accordingly we find that, when clouds rise in the atmosphere, they speedily diminish in size, and at last vanish away ; being gradually converted again into vapour. If the air within the vesicles were in the same state with respect to moisture as the air in which the cloud floats, the vesicles should be heavier than air, and constitute what we distinguish by the name of Jogs.'* Upon this quotation it may be remarked, that as aqueous vapour is specifically lighter than air nearly in the proportion of 5 to 8, it is obvious, that if the vesicles were wholly filled with aqueous vapour to the exclusion of air, which is by no means probable j or agreeably to Dr Thomson's supposition, if the air within the vesicles is more nearly saturated with mois- ture, than that by which they are surrounded ; the less specific gravity of the aeriform matter within the vesicles might, upon aerostatic principles, compensate for the greater weight of the pelhcles of water com- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 157 posing the vesicles, and thus enable them to float at an elevation in the atmosphere, in the same manner as balloons float. After reflecting, however, upon the preceding explanation of the suspension of vesicles in the atmosphere, I am inclined to think that it is not the true one. There is reason for behoving that the air by which the vesicles composing clouds are imme- diately surrounded, is always either saturated, or very nearly saturated, with moisture ; and in rainy weather this condition of the atmosphere extends downwards to the surface of the earth. But, even in this case, clouds continue to float at an altitude of 2000 feet and upwards above the level of the sea. Now, if it be admitted that the air in rainy weather which sur- rounds the vesicles is saturated with humidity, the buoyancy of clouds, in such circumstances, cannot be ascribed to the air within the vesicles being more nearly saturated with humidity, than that in which they float. But Dr Thomson proceeds : " The most probable cause of the difference of gravity between clouds and the air in which they float, is a diff'erence in their temperature from that of the surrounding medium." After reflecting upon this point, I am inclined to think it probable, that the temperature of clouds is usually higher than that of the air at a similar altitude to that in which they float, for the following reasons. In the first place, the heat evolved during their formation should for a time pro- duce this eff'ect. And in the second place, after their formation, their temperature may be maintained at a greater height than that of the surrounding air, in consequence of their partially arresting and absorbing 158 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES the solar heat, in its progress towards the earth during day, and the radiation of caloric from the earth during night. But while the temperature of clouds is usually, and probably always, higher than the air immediately sur- rounding them, the variations of temperature which they undergo must also be much greater than that of the atmosphere at a similar altitude. This effect may be partly attributed to the absence of the sun's heat- ing influence during night, and the unequal obliquity with which the solar rays strike upon clouds at differ- ent periods of the day and seasons of the year ; and partly to the unequal radiation of caloric from different parts of the earth's surface at different times and places. It is obvious that the aqueous vesicles composing clouds must by some means or other displace an amount of air, the weight of which is exactly equal to their own weight. If they displaced more, their spe- cific gravity would be less than that of the air by which they were surrounded, and they would consequently ascend to a greater altitude : if they displaced less, their specific gravity would be greater than the air by which they were surrounded, and they would accord- ingly descend to a lower level. Now, as the vesicles composing clouds, and the aeriform matter which they contain, must be expanded, and rendered specifically lighter by every increment of temperature, it may be concluded, that their greater mean temperature than that of the air in which they float, is one of the causes of their suspension at an altitude in the atmosphere. And the greater variations of temperature which they undergo than that of the air in which they float, is OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 159 probably the principal reason why they have a tendency to rise to a greater altitude at one time, and to de- scend to a lower altitude at another. In warm cli- mates, and in summer in temperate latitudes, the amount of heat arrested by clouds during its radiation towards the earth during day, and from the earth dur- ing night, must be much greater than in cold climates, or during winter in temperate latitudes. Hence the temperature of clouds should exceed that of the atmo- sphere at a similar altitude, in a greater degree in the former circumstances, than in the latter. And this is probably the chief cause why clouds usually float at a greater elevation in the atmosphere in warm cli- mates, and during summer in temperate latitudes, than they do in cold climates, or during winter in temper- ate latitudes. But though the variations of temperature which clouds undergo relative to that of the air by which they are immediately surrounded, may be one, and probably the principal cause which determines their tendency to ascend at one time, and descend at an- other ; still, when the great specific gravity of water, composing the aqueous pellicle, compared to that of air (viz. 828 to 1) is considered, any superiority of temperature which the aeriform matter within the pellicle can be conceived to acquire over that of the surrounding medium, in consequence of arresting radiating caloric, seems insufficient to account, not only for the altitude at which they are usually sus- pended, but even for their susceptibihty of suspension in the atmosphere altogether. When the smallness of the diameter of these vesicles is considered, it can- 1(30 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES not be admitted that the pelhcle is so inconceivably thin, that its superior gravity is balanced by the infe- rior v^^eight of slightly heated air within. There is, therefore, no other way of accounting for the specific lightness of these aqueous vesicles, but by supposing that they, by some means or other, prevent the aerial particles approaching so near their surfaces, as the particles of air do to each other. But how this effect is produced it is not easy to conceive. For want of a better, we submit the following con- jectural explanation : — Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, the former being the strongest electro-positive, and the latter the strongest electro-negative element known. Now, upon the supposition that the two electric fluids severally distribute themselves like caloric among con- tiguous bodies, according to their several capacities for them, it is probable, that in consequence of the mutual attraction subsisting between the opposite electric fluids, an increased proportion of the two fluids will be concentrated by the union of two such opposite electric elements, beyond what they would severally concentrate, if existing separate, and in a state of equal density with the compound formed by their union. It is well known that an electric battery cannot be charged in a vacuum ; for, in such circum- stances, the electricity escapes as fast as it is commu- nicated. This proves that air has the power of pre- venting the escape of electricity ; and that this qua- lity of air is not produced by its density enabling it to confine electricity, in the same manner as a pitcher retains water, is obvious from the fact, that the power OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 161 of air, in confining electricity, diminishes as its density decreases. Tlie same thing is confirmed by the ana- logous facts of bodies being in general better conduc- tors, in proportion as they are more dense ; and of the conducting power of sohds being increased by artificial condensation, such as may be effected by hammering. The only means, therefore, of explain- ing the reason why air prevents the escape of electri- city from a body surcharged with it, is by supposing that it repels electricity. And as repulsive forces, so far as yet determined, are always mutual, it must be farther inferred that electricity exerts a repellent force towards air. Now, if it be admitted that the union of two oppo- site electric elements enables them to concentrate a greater amount of the two electric fluids, than they would do if existing separately, and in a state of equal density with that of the compound formed by their union, it is by no means improbable that this addi- tional amount of electricity so concentrated by the mutual attraction of the opposite electric fluids, repels the aerial particles most contiguous to the vesicle, in such a manner as to produce a vacuity in which no air exists close to its surface, internally, as well as ex- ternally. And hence, in this way, a hollow bladder of water, though itself greatly heavier than air, may displace an amount of air equal in weight to itself, and thus become specifically as light as the air at the altitude at which it floats. It need hardly be remarked, that the preceding hypothesis, regarding the manner in which clouds are suspended at an altitude in the atmosphere, is entirely X 162 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES conjectural, and is advanced chiefly to call attention to a meteorological fact, which has not hitherto re- ceived any satisfactory explanation. The altitude in the atmosphere at which clouds are suspended is exceedingly various. According to Gay Lussac, their average height, in temperate latitudes, is between 4500 and 6000 feet above the level of the sea. Play fair makes it much higher. He says : " clouds occupy a region in the atmosphere, elevated at an average, between two and three miles above the earth." Indeed the altitudes of the different denomi- nations of clouds, and even of the same denomina- tion at different times, is so various, as hardly to admit of any mean being fixed upon. Gay Lussac's estimate is certainly, however, much nearer the truth than that of Playfair. Their medium height varies in different circumstances. For instance, it is greater in warm than in cold climates ; and also greater in temperate latitudes during summer than during win- ter; and somewhat greater during day than during night. Their medium height is hkewise greater when the barometer is high than when it is low. An inch of difference in the height of the mercury in the baro- meter, will make a difference in the medium height of clouds of nearly 1000 feet. The cirri, the most elevated of all clouds, may be estimated as floating usually at an elevation somewhere between 15,000 and 18,000 feet.* On the other hand, the lower sur- face of a dense cumulo-stratusy and of clouds gener- ally from which rain is falling, (exclusive of mists and * Dr Dalton conceives that the cirri float at an altitude varying from three to five miles above the level of the sea. OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA, 163 fogs which reach to the ground,) usually descends, in this country, to within 1500 or 2000 feet of the level of the sea. This is evident by observing the altitude where their lower surface, as they pass onwards with the atmospheric current, envelops hills whose height is known. Of the Elementary Differences of Clouds. — No difference between the vesicles composing the differ- ent denominations of clouds has, so far as I am aware, been pointed out by any meteorologist. The varia- tions, however, in the specific gravity of the different denominations of clouds, and even of different clouds belonging to the same denomination, as is demon- strated by the different altitudes in the atmosphere at which they float, shows that some difference exists. But though the actual cause of the difference in the specific gravity of clouds has not been ascertained, it may be conceived to arise in various ways. 1. Vesicles ought to become larger and specifically lighter, as the air within them expands, from increase of temperature, such as they may be supposed to acquire by arresting a portion of the solar heat during day. And, on the contrary, they ought to contract, and become specifically heavier, as that acquired heat escapes upon the approach, and during the continu- ance of night. This, as we previously explained, is a reason, and probably the principal one, why clouds have a tendency to ascend, from sunrise till mid-day, and to descend upon the approach of evening. It may also, in some degree, account for the greater elevation of clouds in warm than in cold climates ; 164 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES and in temperate and frigid latitudes, for their greater elevation in summer than in winter. 2. If the hypothesis which we have advanced re- garding the cause of the suspension of vesicles com- posing clouds in the atmosphere, be correct, the more electrified they become, other things equal, the greater should be the amount of air displaced around them ; and accordingly, the higher they ought to float j and vice versa. 3. Other things equal, (and this, exclusive of what results from difference of temperature, I conceive to be the principal cause of the original difference in the specific gravity of vesicles,) the greater the amount of water each vesicle contains, or in other words, the thicker the aqueous pelHcle of which the vesicle con- sists, relative to its diameter, the heavier it will be, and of course the lower the altitude in the atmosphere at which it ought to float j and vice versa. Judging from the fact, that the different denomina- tions of clouds often float for a length of time, at the altitude in the atmosphere where they are formed, without any apparent tendency, (except for the varia- tions of temperature which they undergo,) either to ascend or descend, it may be concluded that the ori- ginal specific gravity of the vesicles of which they are severally composed, is determined by the density of the atmosphere where they are formed. If it be ad- mitted, that the vesicular shape is produced by the mutual repulsion of the particles of electricity, evolved during the precipitation and conversion of invisible vapour into the visible state of mist or cloud ; and if it be admitted that the atmospheric compression, is OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 165 the force which prevents the mutual repulsion of the particles of electricity, from distending the vesicles till they burst from the thinness of their coating ; it is obvious, other things equal, that the distension of the vesicles, and the thinness of the pelUcles of which they consist, will be greater, and their specific gravity less, according as the air is less dense at the place where they are formed. And hence the spe- cific gravity of the vesicles composing clouds, will be less according as the altitude in the atmosphere at which they are formed is greater. Or in other words, will be proportional to the density of the atmosphere at the time and place of their formation. Agreeably to the preceding principles it may be inferred, that the vesicles of the cirri, the most ele- vated of all clouds, should be more distended in dia- meter, and should consist of a thinner peUicle of wa- ter, and consequently be specifically lighter than those of any other denomination of cloud. On the con- trary, the vesicles of the stratus^ and of fogs in gene- ral, that are formed and float close to the surface of the ground, where the density of the atmosphere is greatest, should be least distended. And relative to their diameter, their pelHcles should consist of a thicker film of water ; and they should consequently be specifically heavier than those of any other deno- mination of cloud. But the cirri, as well as other denominations, are frequently seen descending to a lower level, during the progressive formation of clouds, when a decre- ment of temperature cannot be supposed to be the cause of their descent. And, on the other hand. 166 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES clouds are frequently seen rfsing to a greater alti- tude, (and this they do usually during their disso- lution by evaporation,) when an increment of tem- perature can hardly be supposed to be the cause of their ascent. In the former of these cases, it is not improbable, that the vesicles have their specific gra- vity increased, by having additional suppHes of hu- midity precipitated on their surfaces. In the latter, it is not improbable, that in consequence of the air around them being undersaturated with moisture, their specific gravity is diminished by evaporation from their surfaces, till from their increasing thinness, they at length burst, and what remains of them be- comes instantly re-converted into the state of invisible vapour. The next phenomenon presented by clouds which we mean to consider, is the formation and dissolu- tion of the cumulus. How does it come about, that small concentrated portions of the stratus or even- ing mist ; or in short, that any other small fleecy clouds, visible on a fine settled summer morning, in- stead of dissolving, gradually congregate, and become converted, with the advancing temperature of day, into the cumulus or stackencloud ? In what does the conversion consist? And how comes it about, that the cumulus, as the temperature declines upon the approach of evening, breaks up into fragments, and evaporates, after having resisted evaporation during the heat of the day, when, according to the ordi- nary principles by which evaporation is regulated, its dissolution by evaporation ought to have gone on with the greatest rapidity ? OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 167 Agreeably to the principles previously explained, the slow ascent of concentrated portions of the even- ing mist after sunrise, (and a similar remark is ap- plicable to all clouds,) is to be ascribed to the in- crease of temperature, and consequent diminished specific gravity, which the remaining portions of un- dissolved stratus acquire. In consequence of the so- lar heat radiating through the atmosphere without in- terruption where it is free of clouds, while it is par- tially arrested and absorbed by clouds, the tempera- ture of the vesicles of which the uplifted stratus, and other similar fleecy clouds are composed, rises more rapidly than that of the atmosphere at an equal elevation, with the advancing heat of day. Hence the reason of their becoming specifically lighter, and expanding to a greater bulk, and rising to a greater altitude. The circumstance of their gathering together in heaps, so as to form what is called the cumulus^ or stackencloud, (and a similar observation may, in fact, be made of all clouds,) proves, that though the ve- sicles of which they are composed, be mutually re- pellent within a certain distance, they are mutually attractive beyond that distance. If the vesicles were mutually repellent at all distances, instead of congre- gating together into those masses which we call clouds, they would separate as far as possible from each other, and diffuse themselves equally throughout the atmosphere. The phenomenon, however, which is most different from what might be expected beforehand, and which we are most puzzled to account for, is that the cumu- 168 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES lus seems to have little or no tendency to dissolve by evaporation, during the heat of the day, when its temperature must be greatest ; and that it rapidly breaks up into fragments, and evaporates upon the approach of evening, when its temperature must have greatly diminished from what it previously was. Of these facts, no satisfactory explanation, so far as I am aware, has hitherto been given. And all we mean now to do with that intention, is to advance a hypo- thesis founded on the principles, that air and electri- city, and caloric and electricity, are mutually repellent. That what follows may be intelligible, it may be stated, that I conceive electricity, like caloric, is ever tending to distribute itself among contiguous bodies, according to their different capacities for it j and that electricity, when so distributed, is equally diffused among, and intermixed with, the atoms of which bodies are composed. Such is my notion of the dis- tribution of electricity when there is no surcharge. Now, supposing one of those bodies becomes sur- charged with electricity, which may be effected by heating it, the proportion of electricity which consti- tutes the surcharge, I conceive distributes itself over its surface. In such circumstances, if its surface be brought into contact with conductors of electricity, the surcharge instantly flies off; whereas, if it re- main surrounded by non-conductors, which ought ra- ther to be called bad conductors, it escapes only by very slow degrees. We now proceed to state our hypothesis. That air and electricity are mutually repellent, we endeavoured in a previous part of this chapter to OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 169 prove. That caloric and electricity are likewise so, we infer from the fact, that bodies become electrified plusy that is, become surcharged with electricity, merely by increase of temperature ; and that the sur- charge disappears as their temperature is again re- duced. The consequence of this repulsion subsist- ing between caloric and electricity is, that as the amount of the one in any body is increased, its capa- city for holding the other in affinity diminishes. Ac- cording to this principle then, a cloud becomes sur- charged with electricity as its temperature advances, till the hottest time of the day, and the surcharge gradually diminishes in the afternoon, as its tem- perature again decreases. Now, when it is considered, that the surcharge of electricity is distributed over the external surface of the vesicle, and that it repels, and is repelled by the surrounding air, it may be regarded as forming a sort of electric skin or covering to the particles of aqueous vapour composing the vesicle ; and in this way may be conceived in some degree |to prevent, or retard its evaporation, that is, the inter- mixture and dispersion of its particles amongst those of the surrounding air. In the afternoon, however, as the temperature of the cumulus diminishes, and its capacity for electricity accordingly increases, the re- mainder of the surcharge of electricity, that is, the amount which then remains distributed externally over the surface of the vesicles, is absorbed by them. And as the cause which we supposed to be that which prevented, or at all events retarded the evaporation of the cumulus during the heat of the day, has then ceased to exist, its evaporation now goes on with Y 170 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES more or less rapidity, according as the surrounding air is more or less undersaturated. Such is the only hypothesis, imperfect though it be, which I can sug- gest in order to explain why the cumulus, as its tem- perature sinks upon the approach of evening, breaks up into fragments, and evaporates. Without having recourse to some such hypothesis, I do not see the possibility of explaining how the cu7iiulus should con- tinue to absorb the heat of the sun, and of course, become warmer during day, and notwithstanding show no symptoms of evaporating. And yet, when its temperature sinks after sunset, that it should rapidly evaporate. Such is contrary to the ordinary law of evaporation, viz., that moisture evaporates with greater rapidity, according as its temperature in- creases ; and vice versa. There are other circumstances which, in some slight degree, support the preceding hypothesis. But in order to understand these it may be premised, that though air be what is called a non-conductor of electricity, (and the drier it is, the better in this re- spect,) still there is no non-conductor so perfect, as altogether to prevent the escape of surplus electri- city. Accordingly, the more rapidly the temperature of a cloud is augmented, the more certain it is to be- come surcharged with electricity ; and on the other hand, the rise in its temperature may be so slow, that the electricity may escape as fast as it is thereby evolved. Now, it is principally in warm chmates, or during the warm season of the year in temperate lati- tudes, when clouds exposed to the sun rapidly in- crease in temperature, that they assume the heaped- OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 171 up structure of the cumulus ; and this, in such cir- cumstances, they always do during day. On the contrary, in cold climates, and during winter in tem- perate latitudes, when the heat which clouds derive from the sun is trifling in amount, and slowly com- municated ; and accordingly, when the electricity evolved may be supposed to escape as fast as evolved, the clouds usually present a stratified and horizon- tally flattened appearance, and seldom or never that of the heaped-up structure of the cumulus. In the species of cloud denominated cumulo-stra- tusy the reason of its lower portions, even during the hottest period of a summer day, presenting a flatten- ed stratified appearance, while its upper portions con- sist of heaped-up cumuli, is to be ascribed to the cir- cumstance of the solar heat being in a great measure obstructed, and absorbed by the heaped-up cumuli^ which compose its upper portions. In the winter sea- son, a similar massy cloud would assume the appear- ance of a dense cirro-stratus. With the exception of the diflerence in the specific gravity and electrization of clouds, the causes of which we have endeavoured in the preceding pages to explain, there does not appear to be any distinction or difference between the vesicles which compose their various denominations. That this is the case is evident from the fact, that during the progressive formation and dissolution of clouds, and during al- terations in the atmospheric temperature, such as oc- cur in the transitions from day to night, and from night to day, clouds of one denomination may some- 172 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES times be observed to be gradually converted into every other. Of the Dissolution of Clouds^ and of Variations in the Capacity of the Air for Dissolving Moisture and Suspending Vesicles. — The dissolution of clouds is effected in two ways, viz., by falling in rain ; or by evaporation and re-conversion into invisible vapour. The former of these, which we mean first to consi- der, is exemplified in the conversion of the cumulo- stratus, and also of a dense cirro-stratus into the nimbus, or rain-cloud. How does it come about that the aqueous vesicles lose their vesicular form, and de- scend to the earth in drops of rain ? Upon this point the present state of meteorological science gives us no information, and we are accordingly again left, in forming an opinion, to the guidance of conjecture and reflection. Judging from the slow and gradual manner in which rain descends, and also from the fact of a large pro- portion of the cloud continuing suspended after the rain has ceased, it may be inferred that no instanta- neous or general conversion of the constitution of these clouds takes place ; but that the vesicles, and only a portion thereof, individually and successively lose their vesicular form. Upon reflecting on the different de- grees of rapidity with which rain falls at different times, and in different climates, I am disposed to think that the capacity of the atmosphere for suspending aqueous vesicles is limited, and varies with its temperature. And from the greater density of clouds in warm cli- mates, as well as the greater amount of rain which falls from them in a given time, it seems probable that OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 173 the capacity of the air for suspending vesicles, Uke its capacity for holding moisture in invisible solution, in- creases with its temperature. Vesicles of a given specific gravity, upon their formation, may be sup- posed at a given temperature, relative to that of the air, to have a tendency to descend to, and not below, a certain altitude in the atmosphere ; and owing to their mutual repulsion, a given depth of atmosphere must be loaded with them, before that degree of vesi- cular density and compression, in which vesicular over- saturation consists, takes place. In accordance with these views, we infer, that when any portion of the atmosphere becomes loaded with vesicles, so as to be what may be called saturated with them, any farther precipitation of moisture into the vesicular form, will cause the vesicles, or some portion of them, to approx- imate too near each other to remain asunder. The consequence will be, that wherever such density oc- curs, two or more of them will run together, just like drops of spray brought with in the sphere of each other's attraction. The united sides of the vesicles will thus become their common centre, and the attractive influ- ence exerted by the centre, upon the external parts of the united vesicles, being proportional to the amount of water there concentrated ; it seems probable, that the exterior surface of the vesicles will be drawn towards the centre where they are united ; and accord- ingly, the vesicular form will be destroyed. The in- creased gravity which the integrant particle of moisture thus acquires will cause it to descend rapidly ; and after destroying the vesicular constitution of, and ab- sorbing, all vesicles with which it may have come in 174 ON THE CAUSES AND TRINCIPLES contact in its fall, and perhaps after uniting with other integrant particles, which is most likely to occur in windy weather, it ultimately reaches the surface of the earth in the form of a drop of rain. Judging from the largeness of the drops of rain, and the great quantity that falls in a short time, im- mediately after a thunder-storm, I am disposed to think that the previously electrified condition of the cloud, and of the air in which it floats, contributes, as well as a high temperature, in increasing the amount of moisture capable of being suspended in the vesi- cular form in the atmosphere. Upon this principle, the density of an electrified nimbus may be explained ; and the successive discharges of electricity which pass from the cloud to the earth, and which are abstracted from the surrounding air, and the aqueous vesicles therein suspended, may account for the sudden and great descent of rain which succeeds, or rather con- cludes, a thunder-storm. The notion that the vesicles of which clouds are composed must collapse, and fall to the earth in rain, so soon as they cease to be electrified, is indirectly disproved by the fact, that rain never falls until the clouds have acquired a considerable degree of den- sity; and always begins to fall when they have acquired the requisite density. No reason can be assigned for a dense cloud being more apt to lose its electricity, than one that is thin and rarefied. And when it is considered that the air, though what is called a non- conductor, allows electricity to escape slowly through it from any surcharged body, it can hardly be admitted that thin rarefied clouds, which may continue to float OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 175 in the atmosphere for days, and even weeks, without producing rain, can remain all that time surcharged either with vitreous, or resinous, or with both kinds of electricity. Nevertheless, when the vesicles com- posing clouds are actually surcharged with electricity, (that is, contain more of one, or of both electric fluids, than they can continue to hold in affinity by means of their inherent attraction for electricity,) it is reason- able to suppose that this circumstance will increase the capacity of the air for suspending them. The mutual repulsion of the electric particles which con- stitutes the surcharge, will assist other causes in pre- venting the separate vesicles from uniting, until the vesicular density and compression, that is, the proxi- mity and compression of the vesicles all tending towards the same horizontal altitude in the atmo- sphere, has become so great, as to overcome this ad- ditional repellent force. In the same manner, the mutual repulsion of the additional particles of caloric, which the aqueous vesi- cles hold in affinity when the temperature of the at- mosphere is increased, explains the reason why the capacity of the air for vesicles increases with its tem- perature. The increasing capacity of the air for holding mois- ture in invisible solution, as its temperature becomes greater, admits of explanation upon the same princi- ple. The mutual repulsion of the particles of caloric which the particles of vapour severally hold in affinity, and which increases as the atmospheric temperature rises, is probably the cause which prevents the parti- cles of vapour uniting, as they would otherwise do, in 176 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES obedience to their mutual attraction, when they ap- proached each other. When the atmospheric tem- perature rises, the number of calorific particles at- tached by affinity to each invisible particle of vapour may be supposed to be increased. The consequence is, that a stronger calorific repellent force now separ- ates the particles of vapour, and greater proximity amongst them must ensue, before union and conden- sation into the visible form of mist or cloud can take place. And in this capability of suspending a greater number of separate aqueous particles in a given space, an increased capacity of the air for holding moisture in invisible solution consists. According to the foregoing principles, supposing^ the atmosphere already saturated with vesicles, what is called drizzhng rain will be produced when the air is still ; and the precipitation of humidity into the vesicular form, continues to go on slowly and regu- larly. Every increase in the rapidity with which the precipitation of moisture into the vesicular form goes on, by correspondingly accelerating the running to- gether of the vesicles, will augment the size of the drops of rain, and the amount that falls in a given time. During windy weather, rain can never assume the drizzling form. The agitation of the atmosphere in such circumstances, favours the uniting of the inte- grant particles of moisture so much, that they never can reach the surface of the earth, except in drops of considerable size. In an undersaturated atmosphere, the dissolution of a cloud by evaporation is a gradual process, and an exact counterpart to its formation. So soon as the OF METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. 177 aqueous film of which any vesicle is composed, be- comes so thin by evaporation from its surface, that its parts are unable longer to cohere, it bursts, and may be supposed instantly to return to the state of invisible solution. And as the air at the surface of a cloud may be conceived to be more undersaturated than in its centre, the vesicles nearest its surface are the first to dissolve and disappear ; and so on successively till the whole cloud vanishes from our sight. The variations in the figure and apparent magni- tude of clouds are to be ascribed, partly to their for- mation by precipitation going on at one place, while their dissolution by evaporation is going on at another; partly also to inequalities in the force of the atmo- spheric current at different portions of the cloud ; and partly to the change of position relative to that of the spectator, which clouds undergo, in their onward pro- gress with the atmospheric current. Regarding the uses of clouds, Dr Prout says, " They are one great means by which water is trans- ported from seas and oceans, to be deposited far inland where water otherwise would never reach. Clouds also greatly mitigate the extremes of temperature. By day they shield vegetation from the scorching in- fluence of the solar heat ; by night, the earth, wrapt in its mantle of clouds, is enabled to retain that heat which would otherwise radiate into space ; and is thus protected from the opposite influence of the nocturnal cold. These benefits arising from clouds, are most felt in countries without the tropics, which are most liable to the extremes of temperature. Lastly, whether we contemplate them with respect to their form, their z 178 ON THE CAUSES AND PRINCIPLES colour, their numerous modifications, or, more than all, their incessant state of change: clouds prove a source of never-failing interest, and may be classed among the most beautiful objects in nature." Of Tliimder, and the Electrization of Clouds. — The only other meteorological phenomena which we mean to consider in this chapter, are those presented by a thunder-cloud. A thunder-storm is described by Dr Thomson* as follows : — " A thunder-storm in this country commonly com- mences in the following manner. A low dense cloud begins to form in a part of the atmosphere that was previously clear. This cloud increases fast, but only from its upper part, and spreads into an arched form, appearing like a large heap of cotton wool. Its under surface is level, as if it rested on a smooth plane. The wind is hushed, and every thing appears preter- naturally calm and still. " Numberless small ragged clouds, like teazled flakes of cotton, soon begin to make their appearance, moving about in various directions and perpetually changing their irregular surface, appearing to increase by gradual accumulation. As they move about they approach each other, and appear to stretch out their ragged arms towards each other. They do not often come in contact ; but after approaching very near each other, they evidently recede either in whole, or by bending away their ragged arms. " During this confused motion, the whole mass of small clouds approaches the great one above it ; and * On Heat and Electricity, page 442. OK iVlKTIOOIlOI-OCilCAL IM I KNOIVI KN A. J 70 vvlien near it, llio clouds of the lower mass I'recjuently coalesce with each other before they coalesce with the upper cloud. But as frequently the upper cloud co- akisces without tluun. Its lower surface, from hoiiig level and smooth, now becomes ragged, and its tat- ters stretch down towards the others, and long arms are extended towards the ground. Tlie heavens now darken apace, the whole mass sinks down ; wind rises, and fre(|U(!ntly shifts in scjuails ; small clouds move swiftly in various directions; lightning darts from cloud to cloud. A spark is sometimes seen coexistent through a vast horizontal extent, of a zigzag shape, and of didbrciiit brilliancy in diHercint pnrts. Lightning strikes between the clouds and tlie (Nirth, i"re(|uently in two j)laces at once. A very heavy rain falls — the cloud is dissipated, or it rises high and becomes light and thin.* " These electrical discharg(!S oI)viously dissipate) the electricity, the cloud condenses into water, and occa- sions the sudden and heavy rain which always termi- nates a thunder-storm. The previous motions of the clouds, which act like (electrometers, indicate the elec- trical state of diderent parts of the atmosphere;." Such is the descri[)tion ol" the j)henomena[)resented by a thunder-storm. The inepiiry which now suggests itself is, how does a cloud become electrified so as to become a thunder-cloud? Upon this j)oint l)r Thomsont says : "In what way thesi; clouds come to be charged * Itohison ; Siipplciuciit to Uiird iMliLiou of Uio 10iicycl(>i)(.'OiO i S I .§.§ ^ Q. s S s "St^OL'^OOO ^ (N £- CD to r-O-^t- OCM CO — ^oico'^^0£^coioocoinOG?5iraoocdo?oO'ntD':^oo^«oc>Jt^O(r3c^a)'^ r^m Jt Sii_;sic>iwcomm-*'*^ouno«DtOi:-oot-ooo;c:oooo-^ o . .5 o-^ • QJ - CI. ra " ^ §1 a Si 00-^-*OOOOOOCDG<)00'S*0'«flCO«D>nTro3qc5G^co-*5ooJt;0(>iSo^o '^^^r$^^lO-^l^3coo^^^ocoeOir5:ooccoc^o£^iO»oocoo:NOOcOl0^coo (4 000-1— i(N-*6-0D— i»nc!-ttoMciK»o(o-*o — co«>o<~-a>ooOTjcc>3f-ii^t-aD ^■000000000— l-iOTCO^mtOt-OlOiMint-O— 0-1— 'tO--i!COT(Nt-aD 01 CO CO tOGOO-^QOOltOtO^O cor»cp-Hrt<-*in'7i-^p bcbdbr-oiinb-^wti O1O1C3OIO1C0C3C0C001 pi So ' C5 ■* 1^ a, 01 01 to CO 01 to ^ 01 10 iC to to Ci to rt 01 4t< 6 -* to to to to I> 01 •* -* ^ 't t^ to CO to to CO — r- 00tOtO-*0DtO00COOIin Ol Tl< CO to to to c- in in 00 in to in in tDinoio^r-Ht>coGoo cotoini>totDtototoi> 5 c« -« c 3 ?f< Ol -* CO co 01 01 00 CO 00 to Tfl to -* p 0> .^ to .-H CO to 01 i CO 00 6 GO C3 c: « CO '^ CO ^ to ^ GO 00 -71 p t-i 01 CO CO -^ .^ ^ "^ ^ 00 p 01 GO 01 to OD CO 01 7f ■Ti 00 CO i) b -* Tf ■* in ^ 01 to to to 01 01 •* t-pinTHcppcppin abcbaDbbbbbbb Tj<-*Ti<-tjiinin-*inTfiin fi oicc 1 OD to 1 CO 00 to 05 tJi -* CO to ^ 00 CO 1> 00 01 -H 00 to GO 01 00 to to '^ to to 00 05 tO'^COGOOl-^tO-fOtO c-ooiocoin-nci— lOi 00 -t ■* ^ CO l> ^ 01 — ' t^ —' ■* lO to to to to « 00 01 to to to to 00 m 01 to CO 00 to in in to ^^00O2C0O5tO-*I>CTJ cotoincocointotototo si- . £ 5P = 72 1 = 00 01 o> 00 ■* 01 Ol Ol to 01 CO ■* OI '^ to «) r— GO -^ 01 p CO 01 i> m i in ■* do 01 01 CO CO CO ^ CO 00 -* 01 CO CO <» p 01 OD OD Oi CO CO CO CO 00 p 01 ooTjiQOto^oooooooitO'*to r-i,-cinpoioiTi(TjHp'opppoi r^ihtor^'*dotDi>bf-aDr»G5'-i ■*-*T( ■* in Tf i) 01 01 ■— 01 OD f OD Ol ■* to to to D- OD -^ c> a> ^ Ki CO CD CO ODtOtOtOCOOOOOOl cpppr-cooipr~oDr- bbQ0Q0oiboi4t GO 01 oi -^ 01 CO p 01 GO 01 -^ to P 01 CJ3 ^ in CO to b -* -* ^ ^ ■*rt in GO CO Ol -* CO GO CO ^ ^ -C5 3 'Si a 3 b t- Ol •* 2h Ol n 01 GO H W W M W M W to to CJl 01 01 GO iQ (jj _ rt 01 C3 rt 10 lO t^ Ol oj 01 01 ra — C3 01 w w ^ w 00 CO 00 m r-l ^ r- 00 -H r-l rt t> i-H CO H & * H in to oi ^ CO '^ in 01 Ol 01 as ^ ^ in r-l COOlOOlOCntOODOOOl in CO t^ CO >— 01 Ol Ol OJOOCO— 'OltOC^tOQOtO 01 31 OD CO r- 00 to CO to 00 to ^ lO t- 01 "^ 01 rH in CO t^j CO lO r- to to in to in to .^ i> in in 01 -* in 01 Oi to 01 m in "* in l> — t^ in in T^ -< 01 ■* ^ in in in in 01 01 t^ ^ —1 in 01 05 01 cooiin-Hinoi .-loi^ .^i>inoitococotocioo in^min^in^-jf^Tf 3 E Isl ^ = "a, B = ^ 12; wffi a-, . . 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