THE OEIGIN AND HISTORY OP IRISH NAMES OF PLACES. BY P. W.JOYCE, LLD.. T.O.D., M.R.T.A.7^ One op the Professo'iIs in the Training Department op the Com- missioners OF National Education, Ireland Cullle peapa ap eiplnn oig. ^ 1 § 7 DUBLIN: M<^GLASHAN & GILL,50, UPPER SAOKVILLE-STREET, LONDON : WHITTAKEE & CO. ; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & CO. EDINBURGH : JOHN MENZIES. 1875. BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL. MASS. ^2596 DUBLIN: PRIXTED BY m'gLA.SHAN AND GILL, 50, UPPER SACKTILLE-STREET. PEEFACE. ^uiiie peasa an emmn 015— An addition of knowledge ON Holy Ireland : — These were the first words of Grilla-na-Neeve O'Heeren, when he undertook to complete the description of Ireland, which his predecessor, John O'Dugan, had left unfinished ; and they form a very suitable motto for the book I now ofi'er to the notice of the public. For this book completes the work that was only half accomplished by the first series of The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places." When I first took in hand to write a book on Irish Local Names, I thought I could grasp the whole subject in a single volume ; and in the attempt to do so, I compressed as much matter into the First Series as any readable book of the size could conve- niently hold. I found, however, after it was written, iv Preface. that I had used little more than half my materials, and that there were many things requiring elucida- tion, which I had not been able so much as to glance at. The first book was received favourably, much more so, indeed, than I had ever dared to anticipate ; and this encouraged me to continue the work. The re- sult is the present volume ; and I earnestly hope it may be found as worthy of public favour as its pre- decessor. These two volumes comprise what I have to say concerning Irish Local Names ; for I have noticed all the principal circumstances that were taken advan- tage of by the people of this country to designate places ; and have explained and illustrated, as far as lay in my power, the various laws of name-formation, and all the important root- words used in building up the structure. I have employed throughout this volume the methods of investigation described in the first chap- ter of the First Series, rendered, I may be permitted to hope, less liable to error by stricter precautions, closer investigation, and more experience. In that chapter I enumerated my principal sources of infor- mation, and I need not repeat them here. Only I think I ought to mention once more that chief among them are the works of O'Donovan, especially his magnificent edition of The Annals of the Four Preface. V Masters," which no one can do without who wishes to study Irish literature, history, or topography ; and those of the Eev. Dr. Eeeves, which seem to exhaust every subject they touch on. I have re- read every page of these, with what profit the reader may judge by the number of references to them in this book. I have also derived much information from the recently published Lectui-es of O'Ourry on the manners and customs of the ancient Irish, edited by W. K. Sullivan, Ph. D. It would have been extremely interesting to com- pare our place-names with those of other countries, and to point out curious parallels and instances of striking similarity of laws. Opportunities for doing so occurred in almost every page of this book ; but I thought it better to adhere to the plan pursued in the First Series — viz., to confine myself to what I understood best, the local names of my own country, leaving to other hands the work of com- parison and generalisation. I have now to perform the pleasant duty of acknowledging the help of my literary friends. The Eev. William Eeeves, D.D.; the Eev. Thaddeus O'Mahony, D. D.; and "William M. Hennessy, Esq., M.E.I. A., three men profoundly skilled in the subject here treated of, read my proof-sheets ; not a mere superficial glance, but a close and critical perusal, that made it very hard for an incorrect statement or vi Preface. any error of consequence to pass unnoticed. They were, moreover, always ready to assist and advise whenever I found it necessary to ask for their opinions on special points. It is almost needless to add that though I often ventured to dissent from their views, yet in numerous cases their criticisms led to important modifications. Dublin, J/i^rc!^, 1875. CONTENTS. — ♦ PAGE Chapter L— The Growth of Words, 1 Chapter II. — Diminutiyes, 18 Chapter III. — Borrowed Words, 44 Chapter IY. — Poetical and Fancy Names, 61 Chapter Y. — Diseases and Cures, 73 Chapter YI. — Offices and Trades, 89 Chapter YII. — Strangers, 119 Chapter YIII. — Irish Personal and Family Names, . . . 124 Chapter IX. — ^Nicknames, 156 Chapter X. — English Personal and Family Names, . . 163 Chapter XI. — ^Articles of Manufacture, 169 Chapter XII. — Boundaries and Fences, 205 Chapter XIII.—Yarious Artificial Works, 213 Chapter XIY.— The Sun, 230 Chapter XY.— The Atmosphere, 240 Chapter XYI.— The Sea, 248 Chapter XYII.— Colours, 259 Chapter XYITE.— The Animal Kingdom, 282 Chapter XIX.— The Yegetable Kingdom, 300 Chapter XX.— The Mineral Kingdom, 339 viii Contents. PAGE Chapter XXI.— The Surface of the Land, 359 Chapter XXII. — Quagmires and Watery Places, .... 365 Chapter XXm. — Size; shape, 390 Chapter XXIY.— Situation, 414 Chapter XXY.— The Cardinal Points, 420 Chapter XXYI. — Various Qualities and Circumstances, . . 429 Index of Names, 459 Index of Eoot Words, 503 IRISH NAMES OF PLACES. CHAPTER I. THE GROWTH OF WORDS. ' ".'a!i.if^)([,T^^^i. HERE, are many termlna- ^ ^W^V^^ ^^j. tions or suffixes, in the Irish, as in other languages, by \ M(w/i^^^^^ which various new words are V^^/ fL^^^^ formed from one root, growing jfl ^^^^ branches of a tree from the same stem. It is not necessary in this place to enter on an examination of all these terminations ; I in- tend to notice merely those that are found in our local names, to explain their meanings as far as I can, and to illustrate their use by examples. By a careful study of their laws, their combinations, and their various changes of form, we are often enabled to explain the formation of names which would other- wise be puzzling or unintelligible. An attentive examination of the terminations of the Irish language would have saved many etymolo- B 2 The Groicth of Words. [chap. i. gists, ancient as well as modern, from error : for tliey have in numerous cases mistaken mere postfixes for separate roots ; and have made compounds of words that are in reality simple, by slightly altering the old authentic forms to suit their own theories. One of the best examples of this deceptive process is Clogher, already examined (see First Series). Flann of the Monastery resolves the name of the ancient palace of Aileach (see EUagh, 1st Ser.) into ail, a stone, and tich, a sigh ; and Michael O'Clery, one of the Four Masters, derives the same name (which is applied to a circular stone fortress) from ail, a stone, and teach, a house — ail-theach, stone house — a con- jecture which looks plausible enough. But they are both undoubtedly in error; for the each, as 0' Curry remarks (Lectures, II., 153), is nothing more than the suffix ach: — aileach, stony, a stony edifice. Urin has been resolved into lar-in, western land ; but the n is a mere grammatical termination ; and the most ancient written form of the name is Eriu^ of which the genitive is Erenn, dative Erinn. Several of the following postfixes have not been noticed before ; but I take them as I find them in names, and it is our business to show how they per- vade the language, and if possible to account for them. How far some of them may be compounds, or how far some of the letters composing them may be the result of mere phonetic change rather than of etymological descent, may admit of question. The whole subject would repay a further examination, and it would be interesting to compare the Irish suffixes with their cognates in other Indo-European languages; but what I have said in this chapter will, I hope, be considered quite sufficient for the purpose I have in hands. CHAP. I.] The Groiotli of Words, 3 Before proceeding further it is necessary to notice a peculiarity of Irish pronunciation, which often modifies words by the addition of letters having no signification. There are certain consonants which in the Irish language do not coalesce in sound when they come together in a word, so that when they are pronounced, a short vowel is heard between them — a sort of phonetic buffer — to prevent the disagreeable clash of two incompatible consonantal sounds. When for instance scan [shan] old, is joined to caiseal [cashel], a circular stone fort, a short vowel sound is uttered between the n and the c, and the com- pound — Sean-c/iaisea/, old stone fort — is pronounced in four syllables, Shanacashel, the name of some places in Cork and Kerry. Sometimes this vowel does not appear in anglicised names, as in Shancashlaun, old castle, in the parish of Kilmaganny, in Kilkenny. It is unnecessary to illustrate this principle any further here, as numerous examples of its operation will be found in the names occurring in this and the next chap- ter. (See also O'Donovan's Irish Grammar, p. 57.) Ach, lack, nack, rack, tach, track, soacli. All these postfixes have a collective signification when placed after nouns, and generally convey the sense of full of," abounding in," much the same as the English postfixes fid, ?/, and om. In Irish writings, especially if they be ancient, these terminations are often written ech^ lech, &c. ; and sometimes, in compliance with a grammatical custom, they are changed to each, leach, &c. ; but these changes do not influence the anglicised forms. Ach, This is the most common of all Irish termi- nations, and its most usual form in anglicised names is agh, which is sounded with a strong guttural by the people, but pronounced ah by those who cannot b2 4 The Groxoth of Words. [chap. t. sound the guttural. Scart means a brake or scrubby place ; and Scartagh, the name of a place near Clona- kilty in Cork, signifies a place covered with brakes — a bushy spot. From dmighen [dreen] the black- thorn or sloe bush, we have draighnech^ a place abounding in blackthorns ; and this again com- pounded with cill, church, gives CiU-draighnech (so written in the Irish Calendars), the church of the sloe-bushes. It was one of the churches of St. Ernin or Mernoc (died, a. d. 635) who is mentioned by Adamnan in his Life of St. Columba, and who gave name to Inchmarnock and to the two Kilmarnocks in Scotland. This church has left its name on a townland, now called Kildreenagh, in the parish of Danleckny in Carlow, near Bagenalstown. In the parish of Kilrossanty in Waterford, there is a valley into which several glens converge, each carrying a stream from the surrounding mountains. The word comar or ciimmp7\ in one of its significa- tions, is applied to the meeting of streams or glens ; and this valley has got the very appropriate name of Comeragh, a place of comars or confluences. Moreover it was in former days an important place, and as such, gave name to the Comeragh mountains by which it is surrounded. The river that flows from Lough Derriana to Lough Currane, near Bally- naskelligs bay in Kerry, is called Cummeragh, the river of the glens or confluences. In accordance with the principle examined in the First Series (Part I. Chap, ii., sect, vii.), this termi- nation very often appears in the Irish oblique form, nigh, which is pronounced like the English postfix and is often changed to it in anglicised names. Abhal [oul] is an apple, or an apple tree ; Ouley (Irish Abhalaigh) a place full of apple trees, the CHAP. I.] The Growth of JFoMs. 6 name of a townland near Ballyhaise in Cavan, and of two others in Down, one near Saintfield, and the , other three miles from Eathfriland. The termination ach is often added on to a word for no apparent reason except to form " a sort of finish," without in any way changing the meaning of the word ; but it is probable that this is a remnant of an old formation, whose proper use has been lost in the course of ages. Thus smo/, a thrush, is in the spoken language more generally called smolach; stor (treasm-e) is often made st orach, as in the common term of endearment, astdrach. Lios [lis] a fort, is occasionally lengthened to /iosach^ as we see it in Lissaghmore (great fort) in the parish of Agivey in Derry ; and in Lissaghanedan near Ardagh in Longford, the fort of the face or hill-brow\ Bun is similarly augmented in Doonaghboy near Kilkee in Clare, the yellow dun or fort — yellow probably from furze blossoms. Lach. This has still the same general meaning — "abounding in;" but some of the following examples will show that like ach, it is occasionally affixed to w^ords without adding much, or anything, to the meaning. Its most correct anglicised form is lagh, and we find tliis in such names as Muclagh, a place of mucs or pigs, Broclagh, a place frequented by brocs or badgers (See 1st Ser. Part II., c. vii.). Near Edge- worthstown in the county Longford, there is a town- land called Cranalagh ; here the short a is inserted in accordance with the principle explained at page 3 ; and the name signifies a place full of cranns or trees. Garravlagh, the name of a place in the parish of Tagheen in Mayo, signifies rough or coarse land, from garhh [garrav], rough. This affix more commonly appears in an oblique 6 The Growth of Words. [chap. i. form {Jaxgh^ pron. lee) ; as in Grarrifly in Fermanagh and Monaghan, wliicli is the same as the name last mentioned ; Cra^nally in the parish of Abbeylara in Longford, the same as Cranalagh. Braekly in Armagh and Monaghan is the same as Bracklagh in other counties, and signifies a speckled place {breac^ speckled) ; Edentrumly in the parish of Clonallan in Down, south-east of Newry {edan^ a brow, trom^ the elder), is the hill brow of the elder trees. Nach : usual anglicised forms, nagh^ ney and ny. This postfix is well exhibited in Lougharnagh, a townland near Galway bay in the north-west of the barony of Kiltartan, anciently one of the seats of the family of O'Heyne : for the Irish form we have the authority of Mac Firbis (Hy F. p. 68), who WTites it Lnacharnach^ meaning rushy land, from luachair^ rushes. Another very good illustration is Sawnagh, the name of a place near Portumna in Galway; Scwihnach, a place abounding in scunh [saw] or sorrel. Bracknagh, Braekenagh (vowel sound inserted — page 3), and Brackney, the names of many places in various counties, same meaning as Bracklagh — a speckled place (from breac). In the parishes of Lackagh and Eathangan in Kildare, there are two townlands called Mynagh ; and in Meath, Tyrone, and Cavan, there are several places called Moynagh ; all meaning a level place, from magh^ a plain ; while with the diminutive, the name becomes Moynaghan (small level spot) near Irvinestown in Fermanagh. From niofhar [moher] a thicket or a ruin of a build- ing, comes Mohernagh near Shanagolden in Lime- rick, a place of thickets or ruins. In the parish of Moynoe in Clare, four miles north of the village of Scarrifi*, there is a mountain called Turkenagh, the name of which is derived from torc^ a boar, and CHAP. I.] The Growth of Words. 7 signifies a resort of wild boars; like Muckenagh, from muc, a pig, Brockenagh, from hvc, a badger (see these in 1st Ser.). Exactly in the same way is formed the name of Ushnagh Hill, in the parish of Conry in Westmeath, celebrated in ancient Irish history — the point where the provinces met, and where King Tuathali'he Acceptable built a palace and established a fair in the first century. In the oldest authorities the name is spelled Uisnech, which comes from OS, a fawn (inflected to ids by a well known orthographical rule, just as it is in the proper name Olsin) and signifies a place of fawns. The Binn- seanchas indeed accounts for the name differently (see O'Curry — Lectures, I. 191), but the story there told is quite worthless as an authority, so far as the etymology of the name is concerned. There is another place with this name, now called Usnagh, in the parish of Clogherny in Tyrone. Rack : anglicised forms and ry. Numerous examples might be cited of its use in the Irish lan- guage : but it will be sufficient to quote the term maighrech, used by O'Heeren (page 96, verse 6) to signify level land, from magh, a plain. South of Millstreet in Cork, is the well-known range called the Boggeragh hills (vowel sound inserted between g and r — page 3), whose name is sufficiently descriptive, signifying a soft or boggy place. Those who visit Lough Grill near Sligo cannot fail to notice the demesne of Cleaveragh near the lake, about a mile from the town, whose name indicates, either that basket makers lived and grew osiers for their trade there at some former time, or that people used hurdles or rude wickerwork bridges to cross the river or the marshy spots near it : cUahh [cleeve] a basket or hurdle. Cleavry in the parish of Kilmacallen in the 8 The Growth of Words. [chap. i. same county, and Clievragh near Listowel in Kerry, have the same origin ; Drumcleavry in Roscommon, near the village of Drumsna, the ridge of the baskets or hurdles. Foydragh in the parish of Aghavea, Fermanagh, signifies literally a place of sods (fod^ a sod), i. e. a spot whose surface is smooth and grassy. Tach. This Irish postfix is not as common as the preceding, but it occurs often enough to assert its place as a distinct termination. In that part of the parish of Taghboy lying in the county Galway, there is a townland called Clytagh, a name which means a place of dykes or fences — cladh [cly], a dyke. A little stream called Oiltiagh runs down the slope of Table Mountain into the Glen of Imaile in Wicklow, and joins the Slaney near its source : the name signi- fies cliffy, from aill^ a cliff. Eeatagh in the parish of Fenoagh in Waterford, a little below Carrick-on- Suir, means plain, open, or cleared land, from reidh [rea], a plain or open place. The oblique form appears in Kilrossanty, a parish in Waterford, the name of which grew up in this way : — ros, a wood ; rossan (dimin.), little wood or brushwood ; rossantach^ a place overgrown with underwood; Kilrossanty, the church of the woody or shrubby place. Trach. This termination occurs very often in the forms tragh and tra, and in the oblique form try. Ciiileanntrach is a name frequently used in the Irish annals, signifying a place olcuilenn or holly (see Cul- lentra, 1st Ser.). Fostragh in Longford and Eos- common, a wilderness (from fas — see 1st Ser.), the same as Fastry, the name of two townlands in Monaghan. From Us^ a fort, we have Uostrach (like Uosach, P* 5), and this again goes to form Listraghee in the parish of Clonbroney in Longford, the fort of Aedh [Ay] or Hugh ; as well as Listraheagny near CHAP. I.] The Growth of Words. 9 the town of Monaghan, EgmcWs or Eagny's fort. The oblique forra is seen in Coultry near Santry in Dublin, a place of coJh or hazels. Seach [shagh]. This is not very common in local names, but it is often used as a kind of feminine ter- mination. Thus from Gall^ a foreigner, we have Gaillseachy which is constantly used in Irish writings to signify an Englishwoman ; and this again is re- produced in Ballynagalshy {Baile-na-GaiUsighe) the name of a townland in the parish of Castlejordan in Meath, the town of the Englishwoman. But seach is in many cases used in much the same manner as the preceding terminations. Ban signifies a green field ; and Bdinseach means a level spot covered with grass, which gives name to all those places now called Bansha and Banshy ; Derrynabaunshy in the parish of Attymass, Mayo, and Coolnabanch (shortened from Coolnabanshy) near Clonaslee in Queen's County, the oak-wood, and the hill-back, of the grassy plain. Kelsha near Baltinglass in Wicklow is the anglicised form of Coillseach^ underwood or brushwood, from coill^ a wood. I have classed all the preceding terminations together, because they correspond generally in meaning, and because the first of them, ach, forms the ending of all the rest. But there are some others, diff'ering entirely in formation, and somewhat differ- ent in meaning, which I will now examine. Char or cJior. This postfix conveys a cumulative sense, which is well seen in Bennchor^ a collection of peaks or gables, from beann, a peak (see Banagher, 1st Ser.). Exactly similar in formation to this, is Cranagher, in the parish of Clooney in Clare, which is anglicised from Crannchary as Banagher from Bennchar, and signifies a place of cranns or trees. 10 The Groivth of Words. [chap. i. So also from grean [gran] gravel, we have granagher^ a gravelly place, which forms again Grortnagranagher in i\Jayo and Limerick, the gravelly field (gort). There is a small river in the county Leitrim, flowing from Belhavel lake into the north-west corner of Lough Allen ; it was formerly called the DulBP, but it is now known by the equivalent name, Diff'agher, which very well represents the sound of Duibheachair (ea, vowel sound, inserted), black river, from diibh, black. The celebrated plague called the yellow sick- ness, which swept over the British Islands and the Continent in the seventh century, is sometimes called huidheachair in the Irish annals. This word is re- produced in the name of Cloonboygher near Carrig- allen in Leitrim ; but here it is probable that the term was applied to the yellow colour of the water or of the mud ; and that the name means the meadow of the yellowish water {buidhe, yellow). Bhar, bhre. These two terminations, one of which appears to be only a varied form of the other, have much the same meaning as the last, that is, they convey a cumulative sense. The second form appears in Dairbhre^ a place of oaks {dah\ an oak), which has been already discussed (see Darrery, 1st Ser.). From the first, bhar^ is formed Darver (Barbhar), the name of a parish in Louth, which also means a place producing oaks. Duille [duUia] signifies the leaf of a tree ; duiUeabhar [dillaver, dillure], an Irish word in constant use, foliage : Lisdillure in the parish of Drum in Roscommon, south-west from Athlone, must have received its name from an old fort covered with leafy trees — Lios-duilleabhai)\ the lis of the foliage. The word itself gives name to the river Delour joining the Nore west of Mountrath, which, judging from the name, must have formerly flowed CHAP. I.] The Groicth of Words. 11 through, a well-wooded district. In the north, the word is usually shortened to dillur : Tattendillur near Maguire's Bridge in Fermanagh, signifies the tate or field of the foliage ; Corradillar in the parish of Aghalurcher in the same county, leafy little hill {cor). Dnille is also used to signify leafiness, in Knoekadilly in the parish of Killincooly in Wexford, the hill of the foliage ; while the adjective form didlleach (formed by adding the termination ach^ for which see page 3), signifying leafy, a leafy place, gives name to the lake and townland of Dillagh, situated about two miles south of the village of Bellananagh in Cavan. Ee, aire. By an inspection of some of the follow- ing examples, it will appear that the second of these is derived from the first merely by the insertion of the phonetic vowel (p. 3) : both convey a cumulative sense, which is seen very clearly in the word helre^ speech, from hel, the mouth. There is a townland called Fodry on the Atlantic coast within two miles of Loop Head in Clare, the name of which is pro- nounced Foidre by the people, and signifies a place with a smooth green surface, literally a place otfods or sods. Craggera in the parish of Kilgarvan in Mayo, is a mispronunciation for Cnagaire [Knaggera: k sounded] a hard little hill ; and this is derived from Cnag^ a knob, which gives name to the hill of Knag over the north shore of Lough Currane in Kerry : Mira near Athenry in Gralway, Maighre^ a level place, from magh, a plain. Crory, the name of some places in Wexford, and Cruary near Clonakilty in Cork, are both anglicised from Cruaidhre, signifying hard land, which itself is derived from cruadh [croo], hard. While St. Patrick sojourned among the tribe of Hy-Tuirtre on the west side of Lough Neagh, we 12 The Groicth of Words. [chap. i. are told in the Tripartite Life, that he founded seven churches in the neighbourhood, one of which is called in the old records Domhnach-fhainre. The latter part means sloping land, from /an, a slope ; and the whole name signifies the church of the slope. In angli- cising it, the aspirated / has disappeared, and the church is now called Donaghenry, and has given name to a parish in the east of Tyrone, near Lough Neagh. R, The letter r (preceded by a vowel if necessary for pronunciation — p. 3) is often added to nouns to give a collective or cumulative signification, as in dochar^ a stony place, from cloch^ a stone (see Clogher in First Series). From Jo, a cow, comes bum\ kine, " cattle of the cow kind,'^ a word in constant use ; and from this again, we have Drumbure in the parish of Currin, south of Clones in Monaghan, the drum or hill-ridge of the cows ; which by the addition of aigli (gen. oiacli — page 4) gives Drumboory, having the same meaning, the name of places in Cavan, Fermanagh, and Monaghan. From tul^ a little hill, we have Tullerboy, yellow hills, in the parish of Athlacca in Limerick ; bruach^ a border, gives us Brougher (i. e. limits or borders) in Mayo, Fer- managh, and Sligo. From cnoc, a hill, is derived knocker^ which we find in Knockergrana in the parish of Clonca, Donegal, ugly hilly place (grana, ugly) ; and in Knockersally in the parish of Bally- boggan in Meath, the hill or hilly place of sallows. In some of the preceding names, and others of this class, the letter r appears, like ac/t, to add little or nothing to the meaning. 8. This is a usual termination for abstract nouns ; as for instance in aeihhneas [eevnas], delight, from aeibhinn [eevin], delightful; maitheas [mahas], good- ness, from maith [mah], good. It occurs sufficiently CHAP. I.] The Growth of Words, 13 often in local names (with a vowel sound preceding when necessary — p. 3) to deserve rank as a distinct termination; but in the greater number of those names in which I have found it, I am unable to per- ceive that it indicates abstract quality. Often it seems to have something of a collective meaning like r ; but in many cases it appears to have been used for no definite purpose at all. Bearna is the usual word for a gap ; but we have the authority of Irish MSS. for another form of the word, namely bearnas, which appears to diff'er in nowise from the first ; and the two words corcach and corcas^ both of which are in constant use to signify a marsh, are equally identical in meaning. Here, however, the conclusion we ought to draw is, that this letter as a termination had once a meaning which it has lost. PuUis is the name of a townland in the parish of Donagh, county Monaghan, near Glasslough ; and it means a place full of holes, from poU^ a hole. Leamh [lav] is the elm tree ; and Cloonlavis in the parish of Knock in Mayo, is the cloon or meadow of the elms. Magherascouse is the name of a place near Comber in Down, which very well conveys the sound of Machaire'Sceamhais^ the field of the polypody or wall fern, the Irish name for this herb being sceamh [scav, scow] . Ragam is the Irish word for horse-radish ; and Eagamus, the name of a place near Knocklong in Limerick, signifies, according to the old people, a place abounding in horse-radish. On the coast of Kerry, west of Tralee, just at the base of Brandon hill, there is a remarkable basin- shaped hollow, shut in by precipices on all sides ex- cept the north, where it looks out on the sea ; and it is universally known by the name of Sauce. A plentiful crop of sorrel grows at the bottom of the 14 The Groicth of Words. [chap. I. basin as well as on the high land over it, and this evidently gave origin to the name, which is formed exactly like the two last : — samh [sauv or saw] , sorrel : samhas [sauce], a place abounding in sorrel. This word is not given in O'Reilly, but there is one approaching it very nearly, namely samhsa [saussa], which is explained as meaning sorrel. I find samhas in one other name, though much disguised, viz. Lubitavish on the river Dall, a mile from Cushendall in Antrim ; a name which exactly represents the sound of Luh-a^ -tsamhais^ the loojo or winding of the sorrel, so called from a remarkable winding of the little river. In this name, the s is eclipsed by and the mh is represented by r, as is usual in the north. It is worthy of remark that at the distance of a mile and a half from this townland, there is another called Savagh — a place producing sorrel. Many other names are formed in a similar way, of which the following will be a sufficient illustration. Cruadh [croo] means hard ; and cruadJtas, signifying hardness or hard land, is represented in pronuncia- tion by Croase in the parish of Ballyconnick in Wexford. In like manner, Garroose (near Bruree in Limerick) signifies rough land, from garhh [garrav], rough ; and similar to both is the formation of the common townland named Brittas, which means speckled land, from hrit^ speckled. D. This letter is often added on to the end of words, sometimes with a collective meaning, some- times with scarcely any meaning at all ; and in anglicised names it is often replaced by t. The Irish word cael signifies narrow, and in the anglicised form keal^ it is applied to a narrow stream or a narrow stripe ; but in Kerry, between Listowel and Athea, it is modified to Kealid, which is now the name of a CHAP. I.] The Growth of Words. 15 townland. Oroagli is a common term denoting a stack-like hill ; but there is a hill in tlie parish of Moyrus in Galway, called Croaghat, which is the same word with the addition of t. In like manner is formed the name of the Bonet river in Leitrim, flowing into Lough Gill through Druma- haire and Manorhaniilton, which is called in Irish Buanaid, signifying the lasting river. For the Irish seem to have been fond of applying the word buan^ lasting, to rivers. In the Vision of Cahirmore for example, in the Book of Leinster, the Slaney is called Sir-buan S/dne, the ever-lasting Slaney. In exactly the same way, from dian, strong, vehement, or swift, we have Dianaid, the strong or swift stream, the name of a river in Tyrone, flowing into theFoyle below Strabane, which is now called Burn Dennet. There is a lake near Lough Shindilla on the road from Clifden to Oughterard in Galway, called Lough Oorid, which signifies the lake of the cold or moist land, from uavy cold. It is hard to see that this termination carries any modification of meaning in the following names. The word tearmann [pron. tarramon in some places] signifies church land ; but in the parish of Stradbally in Galway, south-east of Oranmore, d takes the place of n in the townland of Tarramud ; and the same change takes place in Corrantarramud, in the parish of Monivea, same county, the round hill {cor) of the termon. It may be suspected indeed that in these names the dis a remnant of the old spelling, tearmcmd. Fan signifies a slope, and probably from this we have Fanad, the name of a district west of Lough Swilly in Donegal, written by the Irish authorities, Fanad, and signifying sloping ground ; the same name as Fanit, in the parish of Kilvellane near Newport in 16 The Groivth of Words. [chap, i Tipperary. It seems certain that the d in these names is a termination, whether they be derived from fan, a slope, or not. In some parts of Ireland the people interpret tap as meaning a round mass or lump ; from which the hill of Topped near Ennis- killen derives its name, signifying a round hill. From the same root comes Tapachdn by the addition of the diminutive termination chcin ( see next chapter), with the vowel sound inserted before it (see p. 3) ; which, in the anglicised form Tappaghan, is the name of another hill about eight miles north of Kesh in the same county, with the same general meaning as Topped. With the diminutive an, we have Toppan, a little islet in the eastern end of Lough Nilly in Fer- managh, near where the river Arney enters the lake. We must no doubt refer to the same root Taplagh, which is formed by adding lack (see p. 5), the name of a townland and small lake in the parish of Donagh- moyne in Monaghan, about five miles north of Car- rickmacross, a place of lumps or masses, or as the natives interpret it, a place of rabbish. Compound Terminations. The postfixes nach, lack, and tach, are often found combined with r, forming the compound terminations rnacli, rlach, and rtach, of which the first ocQurs oftener than the others. Smut is a log or tree-stump ; and Smutternagh near Boyle in Roscommon, signifies a place where there are many old trunks of trees — the remains of the wood which once clothed the place, the branches having withered, or having been lopped off for firing. Clog, a bell, a skull or head; Cloggernagh, the name of two townlands in Roscommon, and Claggarnagh in Mayo and (jalway, both signify either a round bell-like or skull-like hill, or a place full of round hills. One of these townlands (in the parish of CHAP. I.] The Gmdh of Words. 17 Lisonuffy in Eoscommon) is otherwise called Bell- mount, which is not a bad attempt at translation, though calculated to convey a false impression as to the origin of the name. Brackernagh near Bally- canew in Wexford, speckled land, from breac [brack], speckled ; Tullyskeherny, the name of two townlands in the north of Leitrim, the hill {tuJhj) of the sceaghs or bushes. Char and nach are combined so far as I know only in one particular compound, sailchearnach, which means a place growing sallows {sail) ; and for the correct form of this we have the authority of the Four Masters, when they mention a place called Cluain'SaUchearnaigh (the cloon or meadow of the osier plantation), which is now a townland with the modernised name Cloonselherny, in the parish of Kilkeedy, county Clare. The same word is found in Annaghselherny in Leitrim, a little north-east of Carrick-on-Shannon, the annagh or marsh of the sallows. Besides the preceding there are many other post- fixes in the Irish language : but they do not occur sufficiently often in local names to requii^e examina- tion here. There is another class of terminations, viz., diminutives, which are so important that I think it necessary to treat of them in a separate chapter. c 81 DmimiUves. [chap. II. CHAPTER II. DIMINUTIVES. A DIMINUTIVE termination is a syllable that in- dicates smallness. The syllables let and kin for in- stance, are English diminutives : — streamlet, a little stream ; mannikin, a little man. So in Irish the terminations een and oge are diminutives : govt, a field ; Ballygorteen in Kilkenny and Tipperary, the town of the little field ; cullen, holly ; Cullenoge near Tara hill, north-east of Grorey in Wexford, little holly, or a place of holly trees. Before proceeding to enumerate the Irish diminu- tives, it is necessary to make a few observations regarding certain changes and extensions of their meaning and application. While smallness was the idea originally expressed — an idea that many of the diminutives still retain — the greater number became in the course of ages widened in their application, and were used to convey other and very diS'erent notions. The signification of littleness was in many cases quite forgotten, and the diminutives came ulti- mately to be applied without any reference to abso- lute or comparative size. O'Donovan remarks that some noims ending in [the diminutive syllables] an and 6g do not always express diminutive ideas and he instances copog^ a dock or any large leaf growing on the earth ; mordn, a great quantity ; and oiledn, an island (Ir. Grram. 333). There is a remarkable mountain in Mayo, lying a little to the west of Ne- phin, called from its shape, Birreencarragh : bior [bir] CHAP. II.] Dminutwes. 19 means a spit or pin — diminutive hirreen; carrach is rugged or rough ; and Birreencarragh signifies the rugged little pin, whereas it is one of the highest and largest mountains in the whole county. Nume- rous instances of this change of application might be adduced. It is probable, however, that in many cases like this last, the diminutive was applied by antiphrasis or contrariety of speech" — for the Irish were much given to this manner of speaking — in the present instance a kind of playful or ironical appli- cation of a term expressing littleness to an object remarkably large ; just as Robin Hood's gigantic comrade came to be called Little John. The diminutives of personal names passed through a somewhat similar transition : from littleness they were used to express affection or endearment, a very natural extension of meaning ; and now the greater number have lost all distinctive signification, though they still form a part of thousands of personal and family names. In local names, diminutives are often added to the names of certain animals, vegetables, or minerals, and the whole word is used to designate a place abounding in one of these several objects. This usage is of old standing in the language, for we find the word lemnat^ a diminutive of lein^ marsh mallows, given in the St. Grail MS. (Zeuss, p. 274), as the equivalent of makaceus, i. e. a place producing marsh mallows. Dealg [dalg, dallag] signifies a thorn, and hence a thorn bush ; the diminutive dealg an ^ a thorny brake, a place producing thorns ; from which are derived the names of Dalgan Demesne near Shrule in Mayo, Dalgan near Geashill in King's County, and the Dalgan river in the north of the county Gralway, with the townland of Dalgin on its banks. With a vowel c2 20 Diminutives. [chap. II. sound inserted (page 3), it is reproduced in the name of the little river Dalligan in "Waterford, flowing into the sea a little to the east of Dungarvan — the thorn-producing river — which itself gives name to Grlendalligan in the parish of Kilrossanty. Zeuss enumerates seven diminutive particles used in the ancient Irish language, all of which he found occurring in the St. Grail manuscript, a document of the eighth century. They are : — for the masculine and neuter genders, an, en, tat ; for the feminine, ine, ne, nat, net. Most of these have long since dropped out of use as living terminations, but we find them still forming part of innumerable words ; they retain their old places, but they are lifeless and fossilised ; some retaining their primitive forms unchanged, some crushed and contorted, and difficult of recog- nition. I will now proceed to enumerate the diminutives given by Zeuss, and examine how far they are re- presented in our present names. An. This diminutive was anciently more common than any other, especially in the formation of per- sonal names ; and it has continued in use down to the present day.. The investigations of Dr. Fer- guson and Dr. Graves have rendered it probable that it is the same as the termination agni in Ogham inscriptions : but whether agni is the original form, or a mere artificial extension of an (for the old Ogham writers often lengthened words in this way) it is impossible, in the present state of knowledge, to determine. (See Proc. E. I. A., vol. i. ser. ii., p. 54). An is pronounced long J[awn] in the south, and short in the north ; and this distinction is generally, but not always, reflected in modern forms. From cnoCy a hill, is formed cnocdn ; and this again appears in CHAP. II.] Diminutives, 21 Knockaunbrack in Kerry and G-alway, and in Knock- anbrack in Tyrone, speclded little hill. There is a small lake three miles west of Downpatrick, contain- ing a little island which has given name to the parish of Loughinisland : this name is half English, and signifies the island of the loughan or small lake. Loughan-Island is the present name of a little islet in the Bann,ashort distance south of Coleraine, on which the Mac Qnillans had formerly a fortress to com- mand the fishery of the Lower Bann ; the name is a translation of Inis-an-Iochain (Four Masters) the island of the small lake — for the river expands here into a sort of lake ; and no doubt Loughinisland in Down is a translation of the same Lish name. In numerous cases the local name in which this diminutive occurs is formed from a personal name, to which the diminutive properly belongs. The word bolg was occasionally used as a personal name : thus we find the name Bohjodhar [Bolgower — Bolg^ the pale-faced], and also the family name O^Bohi, in the Four Masters. The diminutive Bolgan or Bolcan is used much oftener than the original. St. Olcan, founder and bishop of Armoy in Antrim, who was ordained by St. Patrick, is also called Bolcan ; and the townland of Bovolcan near Stonyford in the parish of Derryaghy in Antrim, which Colgan writes Both'BoIcain {Bolcan^ s tent or booth), was probably so called from him, the b being aspirated to v (1st Ser. Part I., c. II.). Near the church of Easharkin in Antrim, there is a ridge of rock called Drumbulcan {Bohan^s ridge) which also took its name from this saint (Reeves : Eccl. Ant., p. 90). There are two townlands in Fermanagh called Drumbulcan, one " near Tuam in Galway called Drumbulcaun, and with g used instead of c we have Drumbulgan in the parish 22 Diminutives, [chap. II. of Bally clog, Tyrone ; all of which received their names from different persons called Bolcan. Another Bolcan left his name on Trabolgan {Bolcan^ s strand) near the mouth of Cork harbour : this place is called in the Book of Eights Miir-BoJcan (Bo/can^s sea), showing that the change from -((n-fhi(jhead6ra^ (/aspirated and omitted), the town of the weaver. Fidlers. Thomas Dineley, who made a tour through Ireland in 1675, thus describes, as he saw it, The manner of tucking and thickening cloth without a mill. They place the cloth doubled upon CttAP. VI.J Offices and Trades. 117 a large wicker or twiggen door called an hurle, and work it with their hands and feet, until it becomes thick by rowling — sprinkling it all the time with a suitable liquid. In remote districts cloth is still thickened in this rude way by being worked for a long time with the feet in a properly prepared mix- ture. A fuller is designated by the word ucaire [ookera] ; and the occurrence of this word in names indicates the places where the home-made frieze used to be fulled and napped. As the word usually retains a form easily detected, one or two examples of its use will be sufficient. There is a townland near Aghada below Cork, called Ballynookery, i. e. Baile-an-ucaire, the town of the fuller ; and Knockanooker near the village of Hacketstown in Wicklow, signifies the fuller's hill. Pedlars. Ceannaighe [cannee] signifies a mer- chant, a dealer of any kind. There is a ford over a stream a mile south of Oldcastle in Meath, which is mentioned by the Four Masters at a. d. 1482, as the scene of a defeat inflicted on the Plunkets by Art O'Conor ; and called by them Ath-na-gceannaigheadh [Annaganny] the ford of the pedlars or merchants. The place is now called in Irish by the synonymous name Bel-atJuMia-gceannaigheadh [Bellanaganny] ; but this suggestive old name has been laid aside for the modern name Mill Brook. There is a place of the same name in the parish of AghabuUoge near > Macroom in Cork, now called Annagannihy, which took its name from a ford on the little river Aghalode. Near Carrignavar in the same county, two roads meet at a spot now called Crossernagannee, the cross- roads of the pedlars. 3Iangaire [mong'ara] is another Irish word for a pedlar ; and we find it in Ballynamong- 118 Offices and Trades, [chap. VI. aree near Grlan worth in Cork, the town of the ped- lars. It is probable that pedlars formerly lived in these places or were in the habit of exhibiting their wares there to tempt the passers by, which gave rise to the names. • Gamesters. A gambler, or gamester, is designated in Irish by the w^ord cearrbhacJi [carvagh, carroogh], which is still in common use ; in the south, even among the English speaking people, they call a card- player a mrroo///?. The peasantry are fond enough of card playing at the present day ; but they appear to have been still more addicted to it in former times. Campion, in his History of Ireland," written in the year 1571, says: " There is among them a brotherhood oicarrowes that professe to play at cards all the 3^eare long, and make it their onely occupation. . . . They waite for passengers in the higliway, invite them to a gnme upon the greene, and aske no more but com- panions to hold them sport.'^ Spenser also in his " Yiew of the State of Ireland," describes the Car- rows, which is a kind of people that wander up and down to gentlemen's houses, living only upon cards and dice." One of the best illustrations of this word is Lisna- garvy, which was the old name of Lisburn, and which is still retained as the name of a townland adjoining the town. The origin of this name is very clearly set forth in a passage quoted in the " Ulster Journal of Archaeology (Yol. V., p. 159), from a pamphlet published in 1691 : — " We marched towards Lisburn : this is one of the prettiest towns in the north of Ire- land : the Irish name is Lisnegarvah, which they tell me signifies ' gamesters' mount; ' for a little to the north-east of the town there is a mount moated about and another to the west. These were formerly sur- CHAP. yii.J Strangers. 119 rounded with a great wood ; and thitlier resorted all the Irish outlaws to play at cards and dice." The mount moated about" is one of the ancient lisses; and it was from this that the place took the name of Lios- na-gcearrbhach, the fort of the gamblers. The present name Lisburn retains the first sj^llable ; the syllable burn, it is said, commemorates a conflagration by which the town was at one time totally destroyed. The c of this word is usually eclipsed, as in this last name ; another example of w^hich is Cloghanna- garragh in the parish of Noghaval in Westmeath, a name which I suppose indicates that the old clochan or stone building was turned to the same use as the fort at Lisburn. Sometimes, however, the c is re- tained ; as in Meenacharvy in Glencolumkille in Donegal, Min-cC-cliearyblmigli, the meen or mountain meadow of the gamester. CHAPTER VII. STRANGERS. When a foreigner came to live in Ireland, the place in which he settled often received a name indicating his nationality. The term to express a native of any particular country is usually formed by adding the adjective termination ach (p. 3) to the name of the country : thus Francach, a Frenchman, Lochlannach, a native of Lochlann or Norway. Wehhnen. Breathnach, which is merely the word Briton^ modified according to the phonetic laws of 120 Strangers. [chap. Vll. the Irish language, is used to signify a Welshman. As Mayo was called Mayo of the Saxons (see Mayo in 1st Ser.) so Gallen in the King's County was for a like reason called Gailinne m mBrefann, or Gallen of the Britons ; for a monastery w^as erected there in the end of the fifth century for British monks by St. Canocus, a Welshman. In the later colloquial lan- guage the word Breathnach has been confined in its application to those who have adopted the family name of Walsh ; and this is the sense in which it is generally understood in local names. Bally brannagh, Ballynabrannagh, and Ballynabrennagh, which are all townland names in various counties, signify the town of the Walshes/' or of the families called Walsh. Sometimes we find the word Breatan with the t fully sounded ; but in this case it seems to be a per- sonal name, of the same origin however " as Breath- nach^ i. e, indicating British or Welsh origin. Bvitan w^e know occurs as a personal name in early Irish history ; thus Britan MaeJ was one of the sons of the mythical personage Nemedius, and according to the bardic fable gave name to Britain. Kilbrittain on the south coast of Cork, at the head of Courtmac- slierry Bay, took its name from some person of this name, who probably built the cill or church ; Gart- bratton (Brefan's field) is the name of two townlands in Cavan ; and we have Ballybritain in Derry, and Ballybrittan in Kings County, Bretan's town. There is a parish in Kilkenny adjoining the county Tipperary, called Tubbridbritain, which is called in the Circuit of Murcheartach Mac Neil/,'' Tiobraide Britain baain, the wells of long-lived Britan ; but we do not know who this venerable personage was. Scotchmen, A Scotchman is generally designated CHAP. VII.] Strangers, 121 in Irish by Albcmach^ a term derived from Alba fgen. Alban), the old Celtic name of Scotland. Bally- albanagh, the Scotchman's town, is the name of a place in the parish of Ballycor in Antrim. Two miles sonth of the village of Milltown Malbay in Clare, is a townland called Knookanalban, shortened from Cnoc-an-AIbcmaig/i, the Scotchman's hill ; and there is a place in the parish of Kilgeever in Mayo, called Derreennanalbanagh, the little oak-wood of the Scotchmen. Englishmen, We have several terms for an English- man, one of the most common of which is Sacsonach, or more generally Sassonach, which is merely the word Saxon with the usual termination. The word was in constant use in the early ages of the Church — the sixth and seventh centuries — when many natives of Britain came to study in the schools of Ireland ; and England itself is often called in Irish writings, Saxon-land. The word Sassonach is still used in the spoken language, but it is now generally understood to mean a Protestant, and it is commonly used in an offensive sense ; but these shades of meaning are vul- gar and very modern. Near Saint field in Down there is a place called Craignasasonagh, the rock of the Saxons or English- men ; Bohernasassonagh {bothar^ a road) lies three miles south-west from Tuam in Galway. With the first .s eclipsed ( as it ought to be in the genitive sin- gular with the article) and with the south Munster form of the genitive, we find the word in Knockatas- sonig near Mizen Head in Cork, Cnoc-a' -tSassonaig^ the Englishman's hill. Romans. I have already mentioned that among those who came in early ages to study in Ireland, numbers were from the continent (see p. 89, supra). 122 Strangers. [chap. VII. Many of these are commemorated in the Litany of Aengus the Culdee, a document of the end of the eighth century; and we have besides, other historical evi- dences in the lives of the early Irish saints. Some came even from Rome. Near the church of St. Brecan on the great Island of Aran, there is a headstone which appears to be as old as the sixth century, with the in- scription " VII. KOMAXi," Seven Romans,'' who proba- bly spent their peaceful daj^s as pilgrims in companion- ship with St. Brecan himself (Petrie, R. Towers, 139). Local names give testimony to the same effect. Kil- narovanagh is the name of an old church south of Mac- room in Cork, and of another between Killarney and Miltown in Kerry ; signifying the church of the Romans {Eomhanach^ pron. Rovanagh^ a Roman) ; both of which probably received their names from being the burial places of Roman pilgrims. There is a townland in the parish of Kilmore in the east of Roscommon, called Rathnarovanagh ; the Four Masters, in record- ing the fact that it was presented in 1248, by Felim O'Conor the son of Cathal of the Red Hand, to the canons of Kilmore, call it Rath-na-Roinhdnach ; and Duald Mac Firbis, in his translation of the Irish Annals, (Irish Misc., I., 243), writes it with a trans- lation, Raifh-na-Romanach^ i.e. [the fortj of the Romans." When persons migrated from one part of Ire- land to another, the places where they settled often got names indicating the provinces from which they came and names of this kind are contributed by all the four provinces. Le{7isfermen. Laighnearh [Lynagh] isaLeinsterman, from Laighean, the Irish name of Leinster. There is a place near Kilfinane in Limerick, called Ballinlyna ; another called Ballinliny, three miles from Newcastle CHAP. VII.] Strangers. 123 in the same county ; a third near the village of Grolden in Tipperarj^, called Ballinlina ; and there are two townlands called Ballylina also in Tipperary: — all these names signify the town of the Leinsterman. Connaughtmen. Connachtach^ a Connaughtman, is preserved in Ballynagonnaghtagh (first c eclipsed by g) in the parish of Dysert, Clare, the town of the Connaughtmen. In the townland of Ballygeely in the parish of Kilshanny, north of Ennistymon in Clare, there is a great monumental mound now called Carn-Connachtach^ the earn of the Connaughtmen ; which O'Donovan believes to be the Carn-Mic-Tail , mentioned in the Annals (Four M., V., 1669, note u), Munstermen. From 3Ium/ia, genitive Miimhan [Mooan], Munster, we haye JIuimhnecwk [Mweenagh], a Munsterman. It would appear that immigrants from across the Shannon must have settled in Cloonty mweenagh (the cloons or meadows of the Munstermen) near the village of Scarriff in Clare, close to the shore of Lough Derg, before or about the time of the annexation of Clare to Munster. Nearly the same form as this occurs in Bawntana- meenagh near Freshford in Kilkenny, the Munster- men's bawns or green fields ; and a slightly different in New^town Moynagh near Trim in Meath, i. e. Newtown of the Munstermen. Ulster men, Ulaclh [uUa] is the Irish name of Ulster, from which w^e have XJltach oY Oltach, an Ulster- man, which assumes slightly varied forms in dif- ferent local names. Cooloultha in the parish of Erke in Kilkenny, signifies the Ulsterman's corner ; a better form is seen in Knockanulty near Ennisty- mon in Clare (cnoc^ a hill) ; and in Boleynanoul- tagh'^ near Kildorrery in Cork, the booley or dairy place of the Ulstermen. As the genitive form nah 124 Irish Personal and Famihj Names, [chap. Viit. of the article is used in Cloonnahulty in tlie parish of Aghamore in Mayo — indicating the singular feminine — we must conclude that the name signi- fies the cloon or meadow of the Ulsterwoman. CHAPTER VIII. IRISH PERSONAL AND FAMILY NAMES. In order that the reader maj^ better understand the substance of this chapter, it is necessary to show in a general way how Irish personal and family names took their rise, and to explain and illustrate certain laws observable in the derivation of local names from both. It may be said that we know nearly all the personal names formerly in use in this country, through the medium of our ancient literature and inscriptions ; and a large proportion of them still survive in daily use, though in most cases greatly changed from their original forms. When we examine them in their most ancient orthography, we can easily perceive that all ^ are significant ; but though most of them bear their meanings plainly on their face, many are now exceedingly obscure, either because they have been handed down to us incorrectly by the old transcrib- ers, or that the words composing them have long since become obsolete. In very early ages individuals usually received tlieir names from some personal peculiarity, such as colour of hair, complexion, size, figure, certain acci- dents of deformity, mental qualities, such as bravery, CHAP. VIII.] Irish Personal and Family Names. 125 fierceness, &c., &c. ; and we have only to look at the old forms of the names to remove any doubt we may entertain of the truth of this assertion. We need not hesitate to pronounce that the man who first received the name of Diibhdn [Duane] was so called from his dark hair and complexion ; for it is a diminutive oi dubh [duv], black; and Diihhdn signifies as it stands, a black or dark complexioned man. Moreover it is very ancient, for we find it in the Book of Leinster and Lebor na hUidhre as the name of persons mixed up with our earliest traditions ; and it is still in use as a family name disguised under the forms of Dwane, Dwain, Downes, &c. Some person of this name must have lived at Dundooan near Coleraine, and another at Dundooan in the peninsula of Eosguill in the north of Done- gal, for the name of both signifies Dubhans fortress. The parish of Hook in Wexford — that long narrow peninsula bounding Waterford harbour on the east — came by its present name in a curious way. The old name of the place, as it is written in several charters, was Eandouan or Rindown ; and it was so called from St. Dowan, who, according to a Patent Roll of Henry VIII. , was the patron saint of Hook. This Dow- an, whose correct name was Diibhan^ is commemorated in the Irish Calendars at the 11th of February. He was one of a family of brothers and sisters, who set- tled in Ireland at the end of the sixth century, chil- dren of a British king named Bracan ; among whom were Dabheog of Lough Derg, Paan of Cill-Phaain (now Kilfane in Kilkenny), Mochorog of Delgany (p. 26), and others. He was called Dubhan Ailithir or Dubhan the pilgrim, and he built a cell in a place w^hich was afterwards called from him Einn-Pubhain, Pubhan^si^omt. In the lapse of long ages St. Dubhan 126 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. was forgotten ; and the people of Wexford, prefer- ring a name for the place with an English sound, attempted to translate the old native name. The word cluhhan, in addition to the meaning alreadj^ assigned to it, signifies also a fishing hook ; and as this appeared a very appropriate appellation for the long peninsula under consideration, they accord- ingly, knowing nothing of St. Duhlian^ rendered Riun- Duhhain, Hook Point, and called the parish itself by the name of Hook. This identification we owe to the Rev. James Graves (Kilk. Arch. Jour., Vol. III., 1854-5), whom I have followed. Persons of this name, and of others founded on it, are commemorated in several other places. In the parish of Kilkeedy in Clare, seven miles north-east of Corofin, there is an old castle in ruins, now called Cloonoan, once belonging to the O'Briens, which was stormed by Sir Richard Bingham in the year 1586 : the Four Masters, recording this event, give the true n^me — Cluain-Biib/iain {Dubhan'^s meadow), which lost the d by aspiration in the process of anglicising. The parish of Kilmacduane near Kil- rush in Clare, takes its name from an old church, once belonging to the monastery of Inis Cathaigh or Scattery Island ; it is mentioned in thelife of St. Senan and in the Annals of the Four Masters, who call it Cill'mheC'DuhJiain^ the church of Dubhans .son. In the year 1579, Dermot O'Shaughnessy, one of the chiefs of the O'Shaughnessys of Kinelea in the south- east of Gralway, laid a snare for his brother's son, William, at a place popularly called Ardmealuane, in the parish of Beagh in Gralway, four miles south of Gort ; he succeeded in slaying his nephew, but the young man defended himself so well, that the assassin died of his wounds an houi' after the combat. CHAP. VIII.] Irish Personal and Family Names, 127 The Four Masters, in recording this event, call the place Ard'Maoldubhain, Maoldubhan^s height; it con- tains the ruins of a castle, which is called Ardamul- livan in the Ordnance maps. Dubhan forms a part of several other personal and family names, but I will mention only one other, viz., Ciardhubhan [Keeruwaun], which was formed by prefixing ciar to dubhan^ very probably after the latter had lost its significance ; for ciar itself means black or very dark. This is the original form of the family name Kirwan or O'Kirwan, so well known and widely spread in the county Galway. There is a townland in the parish of Clondagad near the mouth of the Fergus in Clare, called Oraggy- kerrivan, which took its name from a member of this family; for the Four Masters, at A. d. 1600, call it Craig-Ui-Chiardhuhhain^ 0' Kirwan' s rock. It appears to me that many — perhaps the greater number of — descriptive or commemorative personal names w^ere originally secondary or additional names, given in after-life, and subsequently retained, so as to supersede the first name. We have ample historical testimony that this custom was very general in Ire- land ; but these secondary names generally seem not to have been given in an offensive or opprobrious sense, but to have been accepted by the individuals as a matter of course. There are innumerable in- stances of this change of name in our histories, but I will mention only three. We are told that St. Patrick's first name was Succat^ which old waiters interpret " warrior'' (the latter part being catli^ a battle); that he was after- terwards called Cothraige, signifyiug four families," from the circumstance that, while he was a slave in Ireland, he was the property of four masters, 128 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viit. and was forced to serve them all. And finally he received the name Patrichis, whicli was a title of dis- tinction among the Eomans, meaning a patrician or noble person. The great hero, CuchuUin^ according to our tradi- tional history, had several names. He was first called Setanta, and the reason why he received the name of CiichulUn is the subject of a curious legend, told in several of our very old books, among others in Lebor-na-hUidhre» On one occasion Culand, a great artificer in metals, who had his residence and kept his forge near Slieve Gullion in Armagh, came to the palace of Emania to invite king Conor Mao Nessa and the Eed Branch Knights to a feast. Se- tanta, who was then a little boy, was also invited, for he happened to be on a visit at the palace at this very time ; but when the company set out, he re- mained behind to finish a game of ball with his com- panions, saying that he would follow very soon. He started off in the evening, and arrived late at Cu- land' s residence ; but when he attempted to enter the house, he found the way barred by an enormous dog, which was kept by the artificer to guard his premises at night. The savage animal instantly set on him ; but the brave little fellow, in no degree terrified, va- liantly defended himself. When Culand and his guests heard the dreadful up- roar outside, the smith started up and asked in great alarm whether any of the company had remained behind ; for no one, he said, had ever approached the house at night without being torn in pieces by the dog. Then the king all at once recollected how Setanta had promised to follow him, and Fergus Mac Eoigh and several others of the guests rushed out to save him ; but when they came to the place, they CHAP. VIII.] Irish Personal and Family JVames. 129 found the great dog lying dead, and the young hero standing over him. Fergus, in great delight, snatched up the boy in triumph on his shoulder, brought him into the house, and placed him on the floor in pre- sence of the king and the whole assembly, who re- ceived him very joyfully. Culand, after he had first given vent to his glad- ness at the boy's escape, immediately fell to lament- ing his dog, complaining that his house and flocks would now have to remain unprotected. But young Setanta at once said that he would procure him a puppy of the same breed, if one could be found in all Erin, from Tonn Tuath in the north to the Wave of Cleena in the south ; and he offered moreover, to take upon himself the charge of guarding the house at night till the young dog should be sufficiently grown to take his place. Whereupon, the king's druid, Cathbad, who happened to be present, proposed that the boy's name should be changed to C(i-Chulaind (Culand's hound) ; and he declared that he should be known by this name to all future generations, and that his fame and renown would live for ever among the men of Erin and Alba (see O'Curry, Lect. II., 362). In the ancient historical tale called " The Feast of Dun-na-ngedh,^^ there is a very good examj)le of the manner in which secondary names were given on account of personal deformities or peculiarities. The arch rebel, Congal Claen^ in his angry speech to the king, enumerating his wrongs, tells him how, when he was one day left alone in the garden of the Us where he was nursed, a little bee stung him in one eye, so that the eye became awry, ''from which," he says, "I have been named Congal Claen'' — claen sig- nifying inclined or crooked. He goes on to relate how on another occasion he slew the king of Ireland, K 130 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. Sweeny Menn ; " and when the king was tasting death/he flung a chess-man which was in his hand at me, so that he broke the crooked eye in my head. I was squint-eyed {claen) before ; I have been blind- eyed (cr/^c A) since." Accordingly w^e find him called in old documents by both names, Congal Claen, and Cong a I Caech. This custom of bestowing names descriptive of some qualities in the individuals, was all along crossed by another that must have existed from the earliest ages, namely, the perpetuation of hereditary personal names. It is a natural desire of parents to call their child after one of themselves, or after some distin- guished ancestor ; and such names were given with- out any reference to personal peculiarities. Moreover, a feeling of reverence for the memory of the parent or ancestor whose name v/as adopted, would be a powerful motive — just as it is in our own day — to resist a change of name in after-life. This manner of designation became more and more general, till it ultimately quite superseded the other; and now, even if the names were understood, no one would ever think of finding in the name a description of the person. It appears from our historians that hereditary family names became general in Ireland about the period when Brian Boru reigned, viz. in the end of the tenth and the beginning of the eleventh century ; and some authorities assert that this custom was adopted in obedience to an ordinance issued by that monarch. The manner in which these names were formed was very simple. The members of a family — each in addition to his own proper name — took as a common designation the name of their father, of their grandfather, or of some more remote ancestor ; in CHAP. VIII.] Irish Personal and Family Names. 131 the first case prefixing the word mae, which means a son, and in the two other cases tia or o, which signi- fies grandson ; and in all cases the genitive of the progenitor's name followed the mac or the o. Thus the following were the names of seven successive kings of the Hy Neill race from a. d. 763 to 956, and each was the son as well as the successor of the next preceding : — Niall Frassaeh (of the showers), Hugh Oirne, Niall Cailne, Hugh Finnliatli (fair- ' grey), Niall Grlundubh (Llack-knee), Murkertagh of the leather cloaks, and Doranall O'Neill. This last king was the first that adopted the surname of Ua Neill (Niairs grandson) which he took from his grandfather, Niall Glundubli^ and from that time forward every man of his race bore the surname of O'Neill* Great numbers of places all through the country have received their names from individuals or from families, who were formerly connected with them, either by possession or residenceor some other accident. In the formation of such names certain phonetic laws were observed, which I will now proceed to explain and illustrate. It must be remarked however, that while these laws are rigidly observed in the Irish language, it often happens that in the process of anglicising, either they are disregarded, or the efi'ect of them altogether disappears. I. When a local name is formed by the union of a noun of any kind with a personal name, the latter follows the former, and is in the genitive case. Seanach [Shannagh], which signifies wise or prudent, * See O'Donovan's admirable essay on Ancient names of Tribes and 'i'erritories in Ireland," in the Introduction to O'Dugan's Topographical Poem. k2 132 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. yiii. was formerly very common as a man's name, and it continues in use in the family name O'Sha- nahan. Its genitive is Seanaighy which is pro- nounced Shaniitj in every part of Ireland except south Munster, where the}" sound it Shannig. Some saint of this name is commemorated at Kilshannig near Eathcormack in Cork,- the Irish name of which is Cill' Seanaigh, Seanaclis church. Kilshanny near Mit- chelstown in the same county, is the same name, and exhibits the more usual sound of the genitive. The small island of Inishmurray in the bay of Sligo, is called in the annuls Ini'S-Mid read// a ig//, and it received its name from Jlidreadhac/i, the first bishop of Killala, who flourished in the seventh century. lomliar or Eiinher [Eever] is a man's name which was formerly very common, and which still survives as a family name in the forms of Ivor, Ivors, Evers, and even Howard. The village of Ballivor in Meath exhibits tliis name very nearly as it ought to be pro- nounced, the Irish being BaiJe-Iomhair^ Ivor's town. There was a celebrated chief of the O'Donovans named lomhar who lived in the thirteenth century, and from whom a considerable sept of the O'Dono- vans wxre descended. He built a castle called from him CaisJean-lomlum\ which long remained in pos- session of the family; it is now called Castle Eyre, and its ruins still remain near the little village of Union- hall in tlie parish of Myross, at the mouth of Grlan- dore harbour in Cork. He was a great trader ; and the legends of the peasantry still relate that he lives enchanted in a lake near the castle— Lough Cluhir — and that once in every seven years his ship is seen v/ith colours flying, sailing over the surface of the water (see O'Donovan s Four M. YI., 2439). Mui- reagdn^ genitive Muireagdin^ is a very old Irish per- CHAP. YiiT.] Irish Personal and Familij Kamcs. 133 sonal name, signifying a mariner, from midr^ the sea; and it is still used in tlie form of Morgan. There is a place near Abbeyleix in Queen's County, called Cremorgan, the Irish name of which is Crioch-Miii- reagdin, Muregan's district. In the three last names the modification in sound and spelling of the genitive disappears in the anglicised forms. II. The initial letter of a personal name in the genitive case, following a noun, is usually aspirated, if it be one of the aspirable letters. 'J'his occurs in the Irish language, but in the anglicised forms the aspirated letters are often restored. Muirn or Muirni (signifjdng love or affection), was a woman's name, formerly in use in Ireland; Finn Mac CumhailTs mo- ther, for instance, was called Miirni Muncaun (of the beautiful neck). There is a village and j)arish west of Macroom in Cork, called Ballyvourney, where some woman of this name seems to be comme- morated; for the Four Masters, in recording it as one of the camping places of O'SuUivan Bear in his retreat from Dunboy in 1602, call it Bailc-BIhuirne^ Murna's townland. The aspirated m is restored in Carrigmoorna {Miirna^s rock) in the parish of Kil- rossanty in Waterford. In this townland there is a conical stony hill, having a large rock on the summit, with an old lis near it ; and within this rock dwells the enchantress Murna. When the wind blows strongly in certain directions, a loud whistling sound comes from some crevices in the rock, which can be heard distinctly half a mile off ; and the peasantry who know nothing of such learned explanations, and care less, will tell you, among many other dim legends of the lady Murna, that this sound is the humming of her spinning wheel. III. The genitive of tia or o (a grandson) is 134 Irish Personal and Famihj Names, [chap. viii. whicli is pronounced the same as ee or y in English ; and consequently when a local name consists of a noun followed by a family name with o (such as O'Brien) in the genitive singular, the ui is usually (but not always) represented in anglicised names by y. This is very plainly seen in Cloonykelly near Athleague in Roscommon, CJnain-Ui'CIicalluigh^ 0' Kelly's meadow ; in Drumyarkin in Fermanagh ( near Clones), O'llarkin's drum or hill-ridge. Cloony- brien, near Boj^le in Roscommon, where a portion of the Annals of Loughkey was copied, is called in Irish Cluain-I-Bliraoiu^ O'Breen's meadow. Knocky- cosker, north of Kilbeggan in Westmeath, is written by the Four Masters Ciioc-Ui-CJioscrairjJt , O'Cosgry's hill. The barony of Iraghticonor in the north of Kerr}^, is called in Irish Oireacltt-Ui-Chonchobhair^ O'Conor's iracjht or inheritance. In the parish of Moycullen in (ralway tliere is a townland, now called (jrortyloughlin ; but as we find it written Gurtyloughnane in on old count}- map, it is obvious that here n has been changed to / — a very usual phonetic corruption (1st Ser. Part L, c. iii.), and that the Irish name is Gort-Ui~Lachtnain^ the field of O'Lachtnan or O'Loughnane — a well known family name. This townland includes the demesne and house of Danesfield, the name of which is an attempted translation of the incorrect name Gorty- loughlin, the translators thinking that the latter part was identical with Lochlannach, one of the Irish terms for a Dane. But the Danes had nothing to do with tlie name, for neither Gortybughnane nor Gortyloup:]iliii, could bear the interpretation of Danesfield, which is one of tlie many instances of false translations in our local nomenclature. The family name O'Lachtnain is commemorated in Bally- CHAP. VIII. J Irish Personal and Family Names. 135 loughnane, the name of two townlands, one in the north of Tipperarj (near Birr), and the other near Groom in Limerick — O'Loughnane's town. With gort for the initial term we have Gortyclery near Mohill in Leitrim, Gortjdeahy near Macroom in Cork, and Gortymadden in the parish of Abbeygor- macan in Galway, O'Clery's, O'Lealiy's, and O'Mad- den's field respectively. This y sound of ui is often altogether sunk in the ;/ of Bally and derry^ when a family name follows these w^ords. The parish of Ballyboggan in Meath takes its name from a celebrated abbey whose ruins are still to be seen on the Boyne, and which is called in the aunols Baile-Ui-Bhoyain, (the abbey of) O'Bog- an's town. There are several places in different counties called Ballykealy ; the Four Masters give the correct form of the name when they mention Ballykealy in Kerry, which they call Baile-Ui- Ckael- O'Keely's town. Half Avay between Athenry and Oranmore, just by the railway at the south side, there is an old castle ruin called Derrydonnell, the Irish name of which is given in the same authority, Doire- Ui'Dhomhnaill^ O'Donnell's oak wood. IV. When a local name consists of a word fol- lowed by a family name with 0, in the genitive plural (i. e. having such an interpretation as the rock of the O'Donnells"), in this case, whilst the retains its own form imchanged, the first letter of the following w^ord is eclipsed (if it admit of eclipse) exactly the same as if the were the article in the genitive plural. As this is a very important law, and influences great numbers of names, and as be- sides it is very generally followed in the anglicised forms, I will illustrate it by several instances. Many examples of this usage might be quoted from 13G Irish PcvHonal and Fandly NmncH. [ciiAi*. viii. tho annalists. The Four Masters record at 1559, that Calvagh O'lJonnell was taken prisoner in the monastery of Cill-O'dToinhrair^ the cliurch of the O ToinhrdivH. The ruins of this monastery are situated near the shore of liougli Svvilly, two miles from the village of Kathmelton in iJonegal. The name ought to be pronounced KUl()dorri)\ but the Irish speaking people change the last r to / (1st Ser., Part 1., c. III.), and pronounce it Killodorril ; and those who anglicised the name from this corrupted it further by changing the rr to nn^ so that the old church is now always called Killodonnell, as if it took its name from the O'Donnells. Tlie family of (y T())nhrah\ who now call themselves Toner, took their name from an ancestor, T())u]irai\vA\o^^ name was borrowed from the Danish Tomrcn\ or Tomar. Torney is now a pretty common family name, the correct formof which isO'Torna. According to 0' Curry (Lect., II., 59) they derive their name from the celebrated poet Torna Eigeas, who flourished in the fourth century ; and they inhabited the district of O'Torna in the north of Kerry. The name of this district is still retained in that of the monastery and village of Abbeydomey ; the former, which was founded in 1154, is called in Irish by the Four ]M asters, MauiiHtir-O-dTorna [^^lannister-Odorna], the abbey of the O'Tornas. The word "abbey" is omitted in the name of the parish, which is now called O'lJorney. Another name exactly similar to this List is Ogonnelloe, which is that of a parish in Clare; here the word tunth is understood: — Taath- 0-(jCoinffiaIln, the district of the O'Conneelys. Near Cnjom in Tjimerick is a townland called Tullovin, which exactly represents the sound of Tcl'-O-hhl'Inn, the hill of the O'Finns, where the / is eclipsed by the CHAP, viii.] li'iish Personal and Family Names. 137 bh or V ; and the same family name is commemorated in Graigavine near Fiddown in the south of Kil- kenny, Graig-O-hliFinn^ the O'Finns' graigne or village. In the year a. d. 869, Hugh Finnliath, king of Ireland, gained a victory over the Danes at a place called by the annalists CV//- [Killoneery] the church of the O'Deerys; which Dr. Todd believes to be the place now called Killiiieer near Drogheda. The personal name Doighre [Dira] from which this family name has been formed, though formerly in use, is now obsolete ; but it is preserved in local nomen- clature. Some man of this name is commemorated in Dunirj', now a parish in Gralway, where the Mac Egans, hereditary brehons to the O'Kellys of Hy- Many, long had their residence, and which in their writings, and in the Four Masters, is called Dun- DoigJtre (D lost by aspiration), Doighre^s fortress. There is a parish near the town of Antrim, called Donegore, which Colgan calls Bun-O-gCurra, the fortress of the O'Curras ; and the old fortress still exists, and is called Donegore moat (Reeves : Eccl. Ant. 64, note d). The Four Masters at a. d. 1393 record a conflict between two families of the Mac Dermots, fought at a place which they call Chiain-O-gCoinnen, the meadow of the O'Cunnanes, which is situated near Frenchpark in the north of Roscommon, and is now called Cloonnagunnane. Near Borrisokane in Tip- perary there is a place called Kyleonermody ; here the n in the middle represents a d which it eclip- ses, the whole name being Coill-O-nDiarmada^ the wood of the O'Dermody's, a family name still com- mon in Limerick and Tipperary. Diarmad as a personal name is commemorated in Dundermot 138 Irish Personal and Faniihj Names, [chap. viii. (Diarmad's fortress) a townlaud giving name to a parish in Antrim, wliicli itself takes its name from a large eartlien fort over the Clough "Water near where it joins the river Main. Killodiernan is an old church giving name to a parish in Tipperary, one of the churches that took their names from families, where the O'Tiernans were probably erenaghs or hereditary wardens of the church, the Irish name being CiU-O'dTighearnan, A name exactly corre- sponding to this is Killogilleen in Gfalwa}^, exhibiting the eclipse of c by g :-~Cill-0-gCiUin, the clmrch of the O'Killeens, or as they now call themselves, Kil- leens. Occasionally in constructions of this kind, the disappears in the process of anglicising, while the effect of the eclipse remains. This is seen in Rath- gormuck, the name of a village and parish in Water- ford, Avhicli tliey now pronounce in Irisli Rath-a-gCor- male, but which, thirty years ago, the old people called Rath-O-gCorniak, the fort of the O'Cormacs. On this it is to be remarked that in may parts of Ireland, the of family names is pronounced A in the colloquial language :— Daniel O'Connor for in- stance would be made Donihnall'A-Conchiihhair. In a few cases both the and the eclipse are obliterated, as in Eosbercon, the name of a village in the south of Kilkenny, which on account of being- situated in the ancient territory of Ui Berchon, is called in Irish Ros-Ua-niBerc/ion, the wood of the O'Berchans. Uie )jiac of family names is often written mag, even in manuscripts of authority. Among a great many examples of this I may mention the family of Magroarty, who were keepers of the celebrated reli- quary called the caah or eat/iach, belonging to the CHAP, viii.] Irish Personal and Family Names. 139 family of O'Dounell. The Four Masters niention this family twice, and in both cases write the name Mag Robhartaigli (son of Rohliartach [Eoartagh]); and the cj holds its pLace in the modern form, as well as in local names derived from the family. An ex- ample of this is Ballymagrorty, the name of two townlands, one near the town of Bally shannon, and the other near the city of Derry, which Colgan writes BaUe-Meg-RahhartaicJi^ Magroarty's town! and. The Magroartys resided in and gave name to these places, and it is probable that they held the lands in virtue of their office. VI. When mac in the genitive follows a noun, if the noun following begin with a vowel, n is inserted after mac and before the vowel. This n is merely an inflectional termination, and belongs to the ancient form of declension, as may be seen by reference to Zeuss, Gram. Celt., p. 221. An excellent example of this is Kilmacrenan {Cill-Jilacn-Enaui)^ examined in 1st Ser. It is seen also in Kilmacnoran, two miles east of Ballyhaise in Cavan, C'dl-2[acn-0dhrain^ the church of the sons of Odhran or Oran. There is a barony in the east of Gal way called Clonmacnowen, or more correctly Clanmacnowen ; the name divides itself this way, Clan-macn-owen ; Irish, Clann-mic- nEogh a in (Fowv M.), the descendants of the son of Eoglian or Owen ; a,nd this tribe were descended and took their name from Owen, the son of Donall More O'Kelly, chief of ITy Many, who flourished in the early part of the thirteenth century. YIL When a local nnme consists of a noun fol- lowed by a family name beginning with mac^ or by any surname following mac, the m of }))ac is often aspirated ; as in Derry vicneill in the parish of Atty- mas in Mayo, Doire-mhic-NeUl^ the oak-wood of 140 Irkh Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. Niall's son ; Ballyvicnacally near Dromore in Down, the town of the son of the calliagh or hag. VIII. The V of this anglicised syllable vie or vicli, is often omitted both in pronunciation and writing, leaving only ich, and sometimes nothing more than the mere sound of- k. This is a contraction very com- mon in Irish family names ; and in a great many that begin with /c, c, or ^, these letters represent the last letter of the mae or mag. Keon is shortened from Mac Owen ; Cuolahan from 3Iae Uallaehain\ Cribbin, Gribbin, and Gribbon, from Mae Roihin^ the son of Eobin or little Robert. The Irish call the Berminghams 3Iac Fheorais [Mac Orish], i. e. the son of Feoras, or Pieras, or Pierce, a name derived from an ancestor, Pierce, the son of Meyler Bermingham, who was one of the chief heads of the family. Several branches of this family have altogether dropped the English name, and adopted the Irish ; but it is almost universally contracted from Mackorish to the forms Oorish, Corns and Chorus, all family names common in certain parts of Ireland. Some member of this family gave name to Ballycorus in the county of Dublin, near Enniskerry, well known for its lead mines, the full name of which is Baile-Mhie-FIieorais, the town of Mac Orish or Bermingham. The hereditary name Pierce or Feoras, without the mae^ is preserved in Mo- nasteroris, the name of a ruined monastery near Eden- derry in King's County, which was founded by Sir John Bermingham for Franciscans in the year 1325, and hence called Mainlster-Fcorais (Four M.), the monastery of {Mae) Feorais. (See Sir William R. Wilde's " Boyne and Blackwater"). A good example of the custom now under consider- ation in its application to local nomenclature, is Bal- CHAP, viii.] Irish Personal and Family Names. 141 lickmoyler, the name of a village in Queen's County, which signifies the town of the son of Moyler or Myler. So also Grorticmeelra in Roscommon, Mac Meelra s gort or field ; Killickaweeny near Kilcock in Kildare, Coill-mhiC'd-Winimhnicjh^ the wood of the son of the Muinihneach [Mweenagh] or Munster- man. Near the bank of the grand canal, two miles west of TuUamore in King's County, is an old castle called Ballycowan, which gives name to the barony in which it is situated. The Four Masters at 1557 write the name Baile-mldc-Ahhainn^ the town of the son oi Abhann or Aibhne, a personal name formerly in use, and still sometimes met with in the anglicised form Evenew. There is a place in King's County and another in Kildare, called Cadamstown ; the Irish form of this name is preserved by the Four Masters, who write the name of Cadamstown in King's County, Baile-mic-Adain, the town of Adam's son ; and the correct anglicised form Ballymacadam is the name of some places in Kerry and Tipperary. IX. The c of mac is sometimes dropped. There is a parish in Tipperary called Kilmastulla, which should have been anglicised Kilmacstulla, for it is written in the Down Survey Kilbn'StuIly, and signi- fies MacStuUy's church. In like manner, Ballyma- dun, a parish in the north of the county of Dublin, is written in an ancient Latin document, quoted by Dr. Reeves fO'Dugan, Notes, V.) Villa Macdun, indi- cating that the correct anglicised name is Bally macdun, Macdun's townland. So Ballymascanlan, a parish in Louth, ought to have been, and indeed often is, called Ballymacscanlan, the town of Scanlan's son. I will now proceed to instance a few characteristic Irish personal and family names, and to illustrate the manner in which local names have been formed from 142 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. them ; and I will first resume the consideration of these names derived from duhh, black, all of which, like Buhhan^ must have been originally applied to persons with dark hair and comy)lexion. One of these Dnbhthach [l3uffa], which has de- scendedto our own day in the form of Duffy and O'Dufiy. I do not wish to venture on an explanation of fhacJiy the latter part of the word : it may be possibly nothing more than a suffix, for it is found in other names, such as CartJtach, CobhtJiach^ &c. Ditbhthach is a name of great antiquity ; and those who have read the history of St. Patrick's preaching in Ireland, will remember king Laeghaire^s arch poet DuhJithachy whom the saint converted when he preached before the king and his court in Tara in a. d. 433. Some individual of this name must have formerly possessed Tamnadoey near Moneymore in Derry, which is called in Irish Tamlinach-Duhhfhaigh, Duhhthach^s field ; and we have the name also in Bally duffy in Longford, Mayo, and Eoscommon, the townland of Duffy or O'Duffy. From tlie same root we have DulJialthach, which means a dark complexioned lofty person ; thougli the alt would bear other interpretations besides lofty. This name is generally anglicised Duald or Dudley, but it is now seldom met with in any form. Lissa- dulta in the parish of Kilthomas in Gralway, signifies DuakVs fort — Lios-a'' -Duhhaltaigh. This personal name is strangelj^ perverted in Moneygold, the name of a place near the village of Grange in Sligo. The last sylhible, gold^ has been extracted from the long name Dhiihhaltaigh ; but the whole process is in strict accordance with phonetic laws already explained (1st Ser. Part L, c. iii.) : — viz., Dlmhhaltaigh reduced to Dliuahl by throwing off the last syllable : repre- CHAP. VIII.] Irii^h Personal and Family Names. 143 senting this phonetically, and substituting g for dh ; after this it required small pressure to force Money- guald to Moneygold, for monejj naturally suggested gold, according to the ordinary process of popular etymology : — M mne-Dhi(hliaUaigh,J)ueild's shrubbery. One of the best known names derived from this root duhh is Duhhda ; it is here combined with the ancient adjectival termination, de or da ; and signifies black- complexioned. What lover of oysters has not heard of Poldoodj^ ! It is a large pool at the shore near the Red Bank of Burren in the north of Clare ; and it produces oysters of excellent quality in great abundance. The name, however, has nothing to do with oysters, for it is merely PoU-DiihJula, Dooda's pool. We knov/ nothing of this Dub/ida, but he* may in all likelihood get the credit of being an epi- cure in oysters. A chieftain of this name, who flou- rished in the seventh century, and was ninth in descent from the monarch Dathi, was the ancestor of the family of Ui Duhhda, or O'Dowd. Diihhagan is a diminutive of duhh, and signifies literally a little dark man. It is well known as a family name in the phonetic form Dugan or O'Dugan ; and families of the name are commemo- rated in the townlands of Ballydugan in Down and Tipperary, whose name signifies O'Dugan's town- land. Personal names derived from colours are very numerous in Irish, and it may be instructive to enumerate a few of the most important and usual. Odhar [oar] is pale, pale-brown, pale-faced ; one of the chieftains of the O'CarroUs, who was slain in 1581 by the O'Conors Faly, was styled William Odhar, or William the pale-faced. The term in its simple form was in former days used as a personal name. 144 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap, viii From a chieftain of this name, who was seventh in descent from CoUa Da C/iric/i, and who lived in the sixth century, the Maguires took their name. For Uiclhir, the genitive of Odhar, is pronounced eer or ire ; and Maguire is a tolerably correct representa- tive, so far as sound is concerned, of Mac Vidhir^ which signifies literally the son of the pale-faced man. Ballymaguire (Maguire's town) near Lusk in Dublin, and another townland of the same name in Tyrone, were both so called from members of this family. The diminutive Odhran [Oran : little pale-faced man] is far more frequent as a personal name than Odhar, It was moreover in use at a very early period of our history ; St. Patrick's charioteer was St. Odhran^ who gave name to a place called Desert- Oran in Ofi'aly. It is often found forming part of local names, of which the following are examples. There is a townland called Seeoran in the parish of Knockbride in Cavan, which is called by the an- nalists Suidhe-Odhrain^ Oran's seat. MuUaghoran, Oran's summit, is the name of a place in the parish of Drumlumman, Cavan ; there are some places in Tyrone and Cavan called Eahoran {rath^ a fort) ; Killoran, the name of several townlands in Gralway, Tippe- rary, and Sligo, is Oran's church ; Ballyoran, Oran's townland ; we have Templeoran in Westmeath, Oran's church ; and the name of Templeorumnear Fiddown in the south of Kilkenny, has been corrupted from this, for in the Irish elegy on the Eev. Edmund Kavanagh, by the Eev. James Lalor, it is called Teampull-Odhrain, The Irish word /a??y?, as a noun, signifies blood ; and as an adjective, red or ruddy. From a very early period it has been used as a personal name, and CHAP. VIII.] ^ Irish Personal and Family Names, 145 it must have been originally applied to a ruddy- faced man. Flann, or, as he is usually called, Flann of the monastery, was a celebrated annalist, poet, and professor, who flourished at Monasterboice, and died in A. D. 1056. The genitive form is Flainn^ which is pronounced Flinn orFloin; and hence the family name O'Flinn. In this name the F is sometimes aspi- rated, which altogether destroys its sound ; and then the name becomes O'Lynn, which is also pretty common. But the is now usually omitted from both names, reducing them to Flinn and Lynn. Flann also forms a family name with mac^ and in this case the F is always aspirated and omitted; thus Mac-Fhlainn has given us the family name Macklin, which will remind the reader of the cele- brated actor (whose real name, however, was Mao Loughlin) ; while other branches of the same family call themselves Magloin or M^Grloin. Many again drop the Mac or Marj^ the g of which gets attracted to the I (see p. 140) ; and this gives rise to the family names Glynn and Grienn. About three-quarters of a mile west of the town of Boyle in Iloscommon, near a small cataract on the river, just at the railway bridge, there is an old church which is often mentioned in the annals by the names Eas-Dachonna and Eas-Mic-nEirc (eas, a waterfall), from St. Bac/ionna, the son of Ere, who was the patron of the place. But in later ages it has been called Eas-Ui-F/ilainn, O'Flynn's cata- ract, from the family of O'Flynn, who were the I erenaghs or wardens of the church ; and this old i name is exactly represented in sound by the present ; name of the church, Assylin. Near the village of 1 Desertmartin in Derry, there is a small lake called I Loughinsholin (and sometimes incorrectly Lough L I. 146 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. Shillin), or in Irish Locli'innse-TJi-Fhlainn^ the Lake of O'Fliun's island. This island was a crannoge (see this in 1st Ser.)? and was a fortress of such import- ance that it gave name, not only to tlie lake, but to the barony of Loughinsholin. From the same branch of this family two other places in the same neighbourhood took their names, viz., Desertlyn (O'Lynn's hermitage), and Monasterlynn, (O'Lynn's monastery), but the latter is now always called by the seductive name of Moneysterling. The family name with mac is commemorated in Bal- lymaglin in Derry {bally, a townland) ; and in Orossmaglen, the name of a village in Armagh, the full name of which is Cros-meg-Fhlainn, Maglin's cross. And we have the personal name exhibited in Attyflin near Patrickswell in Limerick, and in Atti- flynn near Dunmore in Galway, both of which are called in Irish Ait-tighe-Flainn^ the site {ait) of Mann's house. With the diminutive termination gdn, and a vowel sound inserted (pp. 31 and 3, supra), the name Flan- 7iagdn has been formed— little Flann— a little ruddy- faced man ; and from this again comes the family name of O'Flanagan, or Flanagan, as they now generally call themselves. The F of this name becomes aspi- rated and omitted in Ballylanigan, the name of some places in Limerick and Tipperary — Baile-Ui-Fhlan- nagain, O'Flanagan's town. I might give many more examples of personal names derived from colours— indeed there is scarcely a colour that does not originate a name— but I will content myself with the foregoing. I will now in- stance a few personal and family names derived in various ways, and give examples of local names de- rived from them. CHAP. VIII.] Irish Personal and Family Names. 147 Jcdh [ay : sounded like the ay in sa}/\ genitive Aedha, is interpreted by Cormac Mac CuUenan, Col- gan, and other ancient writers, to mean lire. It is cognate with Grr. aifhos, also with Lat. aedes^ Skr. ediias, firewood. Hence the Graulish name Aedui — "Welsh aidd^ warmth" (Stokes in Cor. Grl. : see also on the name Aedui — ^' Die bei Caius Julius Caesar vorkommenden Keltischen Namen in ihrerechtheit festgestellt und erliiutert," by C. W. Gliick, p. 9). In its original application it was probably used in the sense of a fiery warrior. This name has been in use in Ireland from the most remote antiquity ; and as we have seen, it was used among the Gauls in the time of Julius C^Bsar. We find it among those early colonists, the Tuatha De Dananns ; and it was very common among the Milesians who succeeded them. It was the name of a great many of our ancient kings ; and the Irish ecclesiastics named Aedh are almost innumerable. Those who write in Latin use the iovm A idus ; and in English it is always made Hugh, w^iich however is a Teutonic name, with an entirely different signification. From it are derived the two family names of O'h Aedha and Mac Aedha [O'Hay, Mac- Ay], both of which have been modified into various modern forms. The most correct anglicised form of the first is O'Hea or O'Hay, which is still common, but some families call themselves Hay. In Limerick the name is very common in the form of Hayes, which in the cities is sometimes changed to Haiz, to make it appear, I suppose, of foreign origin. The usual modernised form of Mac Aedha is Magee, which is correct, or M^Q-ee, not so correct, or Mackay, which would be correct if it were accented on the last syllable, which it generally is not ; and it is made MKay by some. l2 I 148 Irish Personal and Familfj Names, [chap. viii. It is very common in the form of Mac Hugh, which again is often still further modernised to Hughes. The simple name, variously modified, is found in great numbers of local names. It is represented by ee (as it is in Mag^e) in Inishee quoted farther on. There is a parish near Killybegs in Donegal called Killaghtee, which takes its name from an old church, the ruins of which are still to be seen near the hamlet of Bruckless. The name signifies the church of AecWs leacld or sepulchral monument ; and a large stone about six feet high, with a curious and very ancient cross inscribed on its face, which stands in the graveyard, marks the site of the old leaclii., where Aedh^ who was probably the ori- ginal founder of the church, lies buried. Aedh has the same form in Eathmacnee, the name of a parish near Carnsore Point in Wexford, where the ruins of a castle still stand, probably on the site of the ancient rath which gave origin to the name : — jRat/i'inac-nAed/w, the fort of the sons of Aedh {n inserted, p. 139). But it is more usually represented by ea^ as we see in Caherea, the name of some places in Clare— Cathair-Aedha^ Hugh's caher or circular stone fortress. Not unfrequently the name is made Hugh, as in TuUyhugh in Armagh and Sligo, Hugh's hill ; Eath- hugh in the parish of Ahamlish in Sligo, Hugh's fort. The barony of Tirhugh in the extreme south- west of Donegal, is called in Irish authorities, Tir- Aedha, the territory of Aedh ; and it received that name imm Aedh or Hugh (son of Ainmire), the king of Ireland who summoned the celebrated convention of Drumceat in 573, and who was slain at the great battle of Dunbolg in a. d. 598. Before his time this territory bore the name of Sereth. CHAP, viii.] Irish Personal and Family Names, 149 This name Acdh is often so very much disguised by contraction as to be quite un distinguish able without the aid of written authorities. A good example of this is the well-known tribe name of Clannaboy or Clandeboy, which is a short form of the old name Clann- AcdJia-huidJic [Clan-ay -boy] as we find it in the annals ; these people were so called from Aedli- buidhe (yellow Hugh) or Hugh Boy O'Neill, a chief- tain who w^as slain in the year a. d. 1283. In the fourteenth century they possessed . an extensive terri- tory in the counties of Down and Antrim, and this was the ancient Clannaboy ; but the name no longer exists except so far as it is preserved in Lord Duffe- rin's seat of Clandeboy e near Bangor in Down. Lis- sofin is a townland in the parish of Tullagh in Clare, the Irish name of which is LioH-Aedha-Finn [Lissay- fin] the fort of Hugli the fair, derived from Aedh Finn, the ancestor of the family of Mac Namara Finn. The family name with is commemorated in Clooneyhea in the parish of Drangan in Tipperary, O'Hea's meadow ; also in Ballyhay, the name of a parish in Cork, and of a townland in Down near Donaghadee (Ballyhayes, Inq. — 1623), as well as in Ballyhays in Kildare — all signifying O'Hea's town. We have the family name with mac in Bally- macue in Tipperary, and Ballymagee near Bangor in Down : so also in Kilmakee the name of two places in the parishes of Derryaghy and Templepatrick in An- trim, the church of Hugh's son. The personal name Aedhagdn (little Aedh) is formed by adding the diminutive gdn with a vowel sound before it (pp. 31 and 3) ; and this again gives origin to the family name Mac- Aedhagain or Mac Egan, now generally Egan, descended and named from 150 Imh Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. Aeclhagan^ a chieftain who lived in the eleventh cen- tury. The Mac Egans were long celebrated for learning, and one branch of them, who were heredi- tary brehons to the McCarthy More, resided at Bally- Mac-Egan on the Shannon, in the parish of Lorrha in Tipperary. There are several other names formed from this name Aedh, See p. 29, supra. Eoghan [Owen] means, according to Oormac's Grlos- sary, well born. This name is now very common in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, in the phonetic form Owen ; but it is also often changed to Eugene, which is the corresponding Oreek name having the same meaning. The family name Mac-Owen is derived from it, but it is more often written M'Keon and Keen {c attracted : p. 140). It generally has the form Owen in local names, as in Dunowen in Cork and Gralway, called in the old. records Dun-Eoghciin^ Owen's fort; Ballyowen, a pretty common townland name, Owen's town; Kilballyowen in Clare, Limerick, and Wicklow, the church of Owen's townland. Derry- owen, an old castle in the parish of Kilkeedy in Clare, giving name to a townland, is called by the Four Masters, Doire-Eorjhain, Owen's oak-wood. Art is an ancient Celtic word which, according to Cormac's Glossary, has three meanings : — " A stone," " God," and " noble." As a personal name it was I suppose originally meant to convey the idea of hard- ness, bravery, and power of endurance in battle. It was much used in Ireland, and that from a very early time, several of our ancient kings having borne the name ; and it was equally common in Wales in the form of Arthur — a name which will remind every reader of the great Welsh mythical hero, with his knights of the round table. As a personal name it is still used in Ireland, but is now always made CHAP. VIII.] Iriish Personal and Family Names, 151 Arthur ; and as a family name it exists in O^JiAlrt or O'Hart, now more generally Hart ; and also in Mac Art and Mac Arthur. Local names that end in the syllable arf^ may be considered as commemorating persons of this name, unless when it is obviously connected with preceding letters, as in scart^ mart^ gart, &c. It is seen in Carrigart, Art's or Arthur's rock, a village in D one- gal; and in Drumart in Armagh, Art's ridge. Some person named Mac Art gave name to the great for- tress on the top of Cave Hill near Belfast, well known as Mac Art's fort ; and we have Ballymagart in Down, and Ballymacart in Waterford, Mac Art's town. Artagan is a diminutive of Art, from which we have the family name O'Hartigan or Hartigan, still to be met with in some of the southern counties. Dunlang O'Hartagan was the name of one of the Dalcassian heroes slain at the battle of Clontarf. Aengus is a name which has been in use in Ireland from the earliest period. One of the most celebrated of our mythical characters was the great Tuatha De Danann enchanter, Aengus an Bhrogha^ i. e. Aengus of Brugh on the Boyne ; and Aengus was the name of one of the three brothers — sons of Ere— who led a colony to Scotland in the year 506, and founded the Scottish monarchy. From that period it became equally common in Scotland ; and in the usual an- glicised form, Angus, it will be recognised as the name of one of the leading characters in Macbeth. In Ireland it is still in use as a personal name, but nearly always changed to ^iieas. The name is compounded of aen, one, and gus^ strength or valour ; and it is to be interpreted as meaning a unity or concentration of strength. One of its genitive forms is Aengusa [Eanusa], which ap- 152 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. pears in the family names 3Iac Aengliusa and O^hA en- gliusa, or Magennis and O'Hennessy or Hennessy. Some members of the latter family gave name to Ballyhennessy in Clare, Cork, and Kerry, the town of O'Hennessy. Another genitive form is AenghuiSj which is popularly pronounced Eneece ; and this is represented in Killyneece near Magherafelt in Derry, and in Derryneece in Fermanagh, both signifying Aengus s Avood ; and with a slight change in the sound, in Taghnoose in the parish of Kilkeevin in Roscommon, Aengus s house. Another name containing the root gus is Fergus, which signifies manly strength, from fear, a man ; and it is equally ancient with the preceding. It assumes various forms in local names. Sometimes the name remains unchanged, as in Kilfergus in the parish of Loghill in Limerick, Fergus's wood ; more often g disappears by aspiration, as we see in Tulfarris on the river LiflPey near PoUaphuca waterfall, the hill {tulach) of Fergus. Still more frequently the word loses the initial /by aspiration, as in Ballyar- gus in Inishowen, the town of Fergus ; and often both the / and the g drop out, as we see in Attyreesh in the parish of Oughaval in Mayo, AiUtighe-Fhcar- gluds, the site [ait] of Fergus's house. Great numbers of Irish personal names were taken from the names of animals ; the individuals being supposed to possess in an eminent degree the characteristic qualities of the animals they were named after. Sometimes these names w^ere taken without any change, and applied to men or women ; but more often they had diminutives or other terminations, or they were compounded with other words. We have in this way borrowed cu, a hound, from which nu- merous names are derived ; cohim, a dove, whence CHAP. viii.J Irish Personal and Family Names. 153 Oolumba and Columkille, and the diminutive Columdn or Cohnan (Latinised Colanihanus) from which again are the present family names Colman and Coleman ; laeg^ a calf; cuach^ a cuckoo ; os^ a fawn \fael^ a wolf, whence Faeldn (little wolf), and the family name O^Faeldin^ now Phelan and Whelan ; sionnach^ a fox ; broc^ a badger, and the diminutive brocdn, whence the family name O'Brogan or Brogan ; en, a bird ; and a host of others Ciian, probably a diminutive of cu, is very usual as a man's name; there were several saints named Cuan, from whose churches the townlands and parishes now called Kilquane and Kilquain were so named. The genitive of cu is eon, which is the form usually found in family and local names. Cu forms the beginning of a great many names ; such as Cii-mara, hound of' the sea, given first I suppose to a skilful sailor or a bold leader of maritime expeditions. From a chief- tain of this name, who died in 1014, and who was 23rd in descent from OlioU Olum, king of Munster, descend the family of Mao Conmara now Macna- mara. There is a parish in Mayo near the village of Swineford, called Kilconduff, taking its name from an old church which the Four Masters call Cill- Chonchiibh, the church of Cuduff (black hound), a person of whom I know nothing more. CumliaigJie [Cooey] is another personal name, which was formerly pretty common : — macjJi, a plain — hound of the 'plain. This name is often anglicised Quintin. In the parish of Ardquin in the Ards in Down, there is a lake called Lough Cowey : near the shore of Tara bay in the same neighbourliood, is an old disused cemetery called Templecowey ; and there are also Quintin castle, Quintin bay, and Ballyquintin townland, which gives name to the 154 Irish Personal and Family Names, [chap. viii. extreme southern point of the Ards. All these, ac- cording to local tradition, received their names from a saint CumJiaighe or Quiutin, of whom however we known nothing further. (Reeves : Ecc. Ant., p. 25). In the townland of Ballj^kinlettragh, parish of Kilfian, Mayo, two miles south of the village of Bally castle, there was in old times a fort called Lias- letreacJi^ the fort of the letter or wet hill-side. This fort was the residence of a family of the Hy Fiach- rach called Mac Conletreach, who were descended and named from Cu-letreach (i. e. Cu of Lios-letreach)^ a chieftain who was fifth in descent from Awley, brother of Dathi, king of Ireland, and who must therefore have lived about the middle of the sixth centurj^ The townland of Ballykinlettragh took its name from the family. Besides these, we have Ballyconboy in V\>o^' common, Baile-mhic-Chonbttidhe (see p. 140), i. e. the townland of Mac Oonboy, a family named from an ancestor, Cuhuidhe, yellow hound ; and many others might be enumerated. Bran is a raven, and it was formerly a favorite name for men. Few personal names can show a long history than this.- It was common in Ireland from the earliest times ; and it v/as also used among the Grauls, for I look upon it as very likely that it is identi- cal with Brennus, the name of the great Celtic leader Avho sacked Eome in the fourth century before Christ. Among many who bore the name in Ireland, the most celebrated was Brandnbh (black raven), king of Leiuster, who defeated and slew Hugh Oirnidhe, king of Ireland,. at the l^attle of Dunbolg,.in the year a. n. 598. He had his residence at Rathbran, Bran's fort, near Baltiuglass in Wicklow. Another Branduhh gave name to liathfra^n (/; aspirated to /), two miles from Killala in Mayo, well known for its abbey, which Mao CH\p. vin.] Irish Personal and Family Names. 155 Firbis writes Rath-Brandidhh. There is a sandbank ford across the mouth of the river, just under the abbey, which is now called the Farset of Eatlifran (see Farset in 1st Ser.) ; but it was anciently called Fearsad-Tresi ; and according to a story in the Dinnseanchus, it was so named from Tresi, the wife of Awley, brother of king Dathi, who was drowned in it. (Hy F. 224). There is also a Eathbran in Meath ; and Ave have Dunbrin (Bran's fortress) in Queen's County, near Athy. From Bran, son of Maehnordha (king of Leinster, slain in the battle of Clontarf), are descended the family of O'Brain, who now generally call themselves O'Byrne, or more generally Byrne, sometimes more correctly O'Brin, and occasionally Burn, Byrnes, Burns, Brin, and sometimes even Byron. From cch, a horse (Lat. eqiius), comes Fchegdn^ a man's name meaning literally little horse. From an ancestor of this name descended the family of Mac Echegida or Mageoghegan, now more generally Greo- ghegan and (Jahagan [g attracted: see p. 140). Eochaidh [Ohy], signifies a horseman ; and from this again is formed the family name Jiac Eochadha [Mac-oha] or Mac Keogh, now usually contracted to Keogh or Kehoe ; but in some places it is made M'Goey. Eochaidh was formerly exceedingly com- mon as a personal name. From a chieftain named Eochaidh Cohha, who flourished in the third cen- tury, a tribe descended called Uibh-Eachach [Iva- haghj, Eochaidh's descendants, who possessed a large territory in Ulster, now represented in name by the barony of Iveagh in Down. There was another territory of the same name in the south-west of the county Cork, which was so called from a tribe de- scended from Eochaidh, seventh in descent from OlioU Olum, king of Munster in the second century. I 156 Nichnames, [chap, tx. CHAPTER IX. NICKNAMES. No people in the world are, I believe, so given to nicknames as the Irish, unless perhaps the Scotch. Among the rural population in many parts of the country, almost every third man is known by some name besides his ordinary surname and Christian name. Sometimes these epithets are hereditary, and commemorate some family peculiarity or tradition ; but more often they describe a personal characteristic of the individual. Sometimes they carry reproach, and are not used except to insult ; but very often they are quite inoffensive, and are accepted as a matter of course and with perfect good humour. In early life I knew a village where more than half the people were familiarly known by nicknames, which were always used, the proper names being hardly ever mentioned. One man, on account of his powers of endurance in faction fights, was called G adder cKjh^ which literally means a tough fellow like a gad or withe (affix racli^ p. 7) ; another was never called by any name but Cloosdarrag^ red-ears (which indeed is a historical nickname, for we find it stated in O'Clery's Calendar, that St. Greallan, who is com- memorated in it, was the grandson of a man named CairhrC'Cluais-derg) ; a third was Phil-a-gaddy, or Phil the (son of the) thief; a fourth Shaun-na- bointree^ John (the son) of the widow ; and one man, who was a notorious schemer, was universally called, by way of derision, or "per antiphrasim," Thomaus- a'-sagart, Tom the priest. So generally had some CHAP. IX.] Nicknames. 157 of these been accepted, and so completely had they superseded the proper names, that to this day I remember those people well by their nicknames, though in many cases I have no idea — and never had — of what the real names were. On this subject Sir Henry Piers wrote as follows in the y^ar 1682, in his description of the county Westmeath : — They take much liberty, and seem to do it with delight, in giving of nicknames ; if a man have any imperfection or evil habit he is sure to hear of it in the nickname. Thus, if he be blind, lame, squint-eyed, grey-eyed, be a stammerer in speech, left-handed, to be sure he shall have one of these added to his name ; so also from the colour of his hair, as black, red, yellow, brown, &c. ; and from his age, as young, old : or from what he addicts himself to, or much delights in, as in draining, building, fencing, and the like ; so that no man whatever can escape a nickname who lives among them, or converseth with them ; and sometimes so libidinous are they in this kind of raillery, they will give nicknames 2^er antip/imsim, or contrariety of speech. Thus a man of excellent parts, and beloved of all men, shall be called grana, that is, naughty or fit to be complained of (literally ugly or hateful) ; if a man have a beautiful countenance or lovely eyes, they will call him him cuiegh, that is, squint-eyed (caecli : see next page) ; if a great housekeeper he shall be called ackerisagli, that is, greedy (ocrasack, huugry or greedy)." (Quoted by O'Donovan in O'Dugan : p. [19]). But all this is obviously only a remnant of what was anciently the general custom. For originally, as I have already observed, personal names were descriptive ; and the people who now designate a 158 Nicknames, [chap. IX. man by a nickname, do exactly as their ancestors did thousands of years ago, when they fixed on a name by which a person was to be afterwards known. The propensity of the Irish and Scotch for nick- names may, I think, be exphained by the fact, that the tradition of personal names being significant and descriptive, still remains fresh on the minds* of the people ; and that many of the names themselves retained their significance — that is, they were living, intelligible words — as long as the people continued to speak the Celtic language. Our annals and histories of both Pagan and Chris- tian times, afi'ord numerous examples of the preva- lence of this custom in remote ages. Some had their proper names altogether changed to others descriptive of some personal peculiarity (see p. 127) ; while others retained their original names, but had a descriptive epithet appended, like Cuimin Fada^ or Ciiwiin, the tall ; Finan Lobliar, or Fin an the leper, &c. And of nicknames, 2)er antiphrasim or contra- riety of speech," I will content myself with the men- tion of one, viz., Aed/i or Hugh O'Neill, a celebrated cliieftain who died in 1230, and who, on account of his incessant activity in opposing the English, was nicknamed Aed/i-Toinkasc, a sobriquet which would not bear literal translation, but which may be rendered in decent English, Hugh lazybody. Persons are often commemorated in local names by their nicknames. One who was either purblind or squint-eyed, or who had altogether lost one eye, was usually called caech ; which when it is anglicised is commonly represented by the syllable kee, Aghakee in the parish of Crosserlougli in Cavan, represents the Irish Atli-a 'chaeich, the ford of the purblind fel- low. Killakee, a well known place at the base of CHAP. IX.] Nicknames, 159 the mountains south of Dublin, derived its name in a similar way, the Irish word being Coill-cC -chaeich^ the blind-man's wood. The word dail is usually applied to a person alto- gether blind ; but it is to be observed that the dis- tinction here made between caecli and dall,, is not always observed. There is a place near the town of Eoscommon called Ballindall, which is called in Irish Baile-an-daillj the town of the blind man. The southern pronunciation (dowl) is exhibited in con- nexion with an eclipse, in Lisnanowl near Castle- maine in Kerry, which exactly represents the sound of the Irish Lios-7ia-ndally the fort of the blind men. If the blind have been commemorated, we have also the lame and the halt. A cripple of any kind is designated by the word hacach (from bac, to baulk or halt), but the word is generally understood to mean a lame man ; and from whatever cause it may have arisen, this term is frequently reproduced in local names. As cripples very often take up beg- ging as a means of livelihood, a hacach is understood in many parts of Ireland to mean a beggar. There is a tovN^nland near the city of Derry called Termon- bacca, tl>e termon or sanctuary of the cripple. A different form of the word is seen in Knockavocka near Ferns in Wexford, the cripple's hill [ciioc-a'- bhaca/gh), in which the b is aspirated to v ; and the same change is seen, with the addition of the final g of the south Munster pronunciation, in Coolavokignear BallyvourneyinCork, the cripple's corner. With the b eclipsed by m we have Ballynamockagh near Bal- linasloe, Baile-na-mbacach^ the townland of the crip- ples or beggars. There is a townland containing the ruins of a 160 Nicknames. [chap. IX- castle in the parish of Killaha in the north of Kerry, called Ballymacaquim; and whoever the rnanmayhave been that is commemorated in the name, he himself got a nickname on account of some deformity in his father. The Four Masters mention the castle at 1577, and they call it JBaile-mhic-an-chaim, the town of the son of the crooked fellow ; but whether it was a stooped back, a crooked leg, or a twisted eye, that earned the epithet cam for the father, it is now impossible to tell. An amadan is a fool or simpleton ; but the word is often applied in derision as a mere nickname, to one who is not exactly a downright idiot, but who has the character of being a foolish, brainless, or spoony fellow ; and this application is very common at the present day in most parts of Ireland, even where the Irish language has been long disused. Fellows of this kind are often commemorated in local names ; and the forms the word assumes will be seen in Ardamadane (accented on am) near Blarney in Cork, the fool's height ; in Tiromedan near Ballybay in Monaghan, the land of the fool ; in Trinamadan near the village of Gortin in Tyrone {trian, a third part or division of land) ; and in Knockanamadane, near Sneem in Kerry, the amadarCs hill. A bodach is a clown, a surly, churlish, uncivil fel- low ; and this opprobrious term is still constantly heard in various parts of the country. Some such ill-conditioned person must have lived at, or owned, Knockawuddy near the village of Clarinbridge in Gralway, and the same may be said of Knockavuddig in the parish of Clonmult in Cork, both anglicised from Cnoc-a'-bhodaigh, the hill of the- clown or churl. Monavoddagh in the parish of Ballynaslaney in Wex- ford, signifies the clown's bog. Clownstown, the name of a place near Mullingar in Westmeath, is CHAP. IX.] Nicknames. 161 merely a translation of Ballynamuddagh {Baile-na' 7)ibodach, the town of the clowns), which is itself a very common townland name. The b in this word (which occurs very often in local names) is seldom preserved intact ; it is almost always aspirated, as in the first two names just quoted; or eclipsed, as inEath- namuddagh near tha western shore of Lough Ennell in'We&tmesiih.jEath-na-mbodac/i^tloLe fort of the churls. The word cdbog is very much used in different parts of Ireland, even where Irish has disappeared, to denote a clownish, boorish, ill-mannered fellow ; and the Four Masters have preserved one old name con- taining this word, viz., Ard-na-gcabog^ the clowns' height, which is still applied to a hill at the mouth of the Fergus in Clare, a little southof the village of Clare. Other ways of designating individuals by nick- names will be seen in Meenirroy in the parish of Conwal in Donegal, which is Min-an-fhir-ruaidh^ the mountain-meadow of the red-haired man ; a name exactly like Fallinerlea near Cushendun in Antrim, the fall, i. e. the hedge or enclosure, of the grey man {liatli, grey) ; also in Clooncrim near the village of Ballinlough in Westmeath, the meadow of the bent or stooped man (crom). In their passion for nicknames the people did not stop at human beings ; for we find that they also vented it on inanimate objects, and townlands even still retain in their names traces of this strange cus- tom. Spdg [spawg] is a ridiculous name for a club foot, or a long ugly foot ; and the word is applied in the anglicised form Spaug, to a townland near En- nistymon in Clare, to express probably some queer elongation of shape. It must have been in some derisive or ridiculous sense that the name of Coogy- ulla, i. e. Cuige-Uladh, " the province of Ulster," was 162 Nicknames. [chap. IX. given to a townland near Lisdoonvarna in Clare ; but why exactly the place was so called I have not the least idea. It is curious that there is another townland of this same name about three miles south- east of Templemore in Tipperary, only slightly varied to the form CooguUa. Lyneen, little Leinster," is the name of a place in the parish of Moydow in Longford {Laighen — pron. Lyeji, Leinster); but I suppose this is merely a fancy name. Near the village of Inistioge in Kilkenny there is a townland called Ballycocksoost. The tradition of the neighbourhood is, that in former days the people . of this townland were very unskilful threshers com- pared with their neighbours ; in consequence of which the contemptuous name of Ballycocksoost was given to it. But this name will not bear translation into plain English, so the reader must be content with knowing that suist is a flail, and that the whole name signifies the town of the dirty flail. A nickname of the same opprobrious character (containing the same root, cac^ cognate with Lat. caco) is Cackanode, ap- plied to a townland in the parish of Clondrohid, near Macroom in Cork, to intimate the extreme badness of the land: — Cac-an-fhoid^ the dirty part of the/cx^^, sod, or soil ; and we have Cockow in the parish of Knockane in Kerry, dirty river. There is a little street in the Liberties of Dublin called MuUinahack. The first part of this name . (nmUen) will be recognised as the Irish word for a mill ; and Mr. Gilbert (Hist. Dub. L, 351), has traced the existence of a mill there as early as the close of the twelfth century, i. e. before the city had extended quite so far. It is probable that in the good old times when the present name was invented, the mill had fallen into ruin ; and I will merely give the Irish CHAP. X.] English Personal and Family Names, 163 name — Muilenn-ct-chaca — leaving tlie reader to trans- late it for himself, and to conjecture why such a name should be given to an old mill. CHAPTER X. ENGLISH PERSONAL AND FAMILY NAMES. After the Anglo-Norman invasion in 1172, English settlers began to arrive and make their home in Ire- land. They were for a long time almost confined to what was called the Pale, a small portion of the eastern coast, but gradually they ventured into va- rious other parts of the country ; and after the Planta- tions there were few districts of Ireland, where families, either English or of English descent, were not to be found. A large number of the places where they settled changed their old names, and took the names of the new proprietors ; and now our topographical nomenclature shows a considerable mixture of English personal and family names. We have also Danish names, but they are so ex- tremely few that I do not think it necessary to devote a separate chapter to them : I will incorporate in the present chapter those I shall have to illus- trate. When the Irish speaking people came to use or to adopt English or Danish names, they made various changes in them in accordance with the phonetic laws of their own language. It would be easy to classify these alterations minutely if the subject were of any great importance ; but a statement of a few of the causes of change will be suflRcient here. M 2 164 English Personal and Family Na^nes. [chap. x. I. The Irish language does not admit to such an extent as the Teutonic languages, of the union of two or more consonants in pronunciation, without the intervention of a vowtI sound. "Where such combinations occurred in an English or Danish name, the Irish often omitted some of the consonants ; or if they were committed to writing by Irish scribes, the letters were inserted, but under aspiration, which indicated their partial or total omission in pronunci- ation. Thus the Danish name Grodfrej, which was occasionally adopted into Irish families, is written by the Four Masters Gothfraith^ which would indi- cate the suppression in pronimciation of the d (or of th which replaces it in the Irish form) : — Gothfraith^ pronounced Goffry, But in actual use by speakers, the /was also generally aspirated and consequently omitted ; and the name is exhibited so curtailed in Derrj^gorry in Monaghan (near the village of Augh- nacloy), Gorry's or Godfrey's oak wood ; and in Mullatigorry in the parish ofTedavnet, same county, the hill-summit {muUa) of Godfrey's house. So also Redmond is generally reduced to the sound Ray- man ; as in Kilcreman on the borders of King's County and Tipperary, near Roscrea, in w^hich the c is a remnant of mac (see p. 140), the name when fully written being Coill-mhic-Remoinn^ the wood of the son of Redmond. II. There is no sound in Irish like that of the soft g in English {g in gem) ; and when this occurs in an English name, it is always replaced in Irish by slender s, ^vhich is equal in sound to English sh. Thus George is always made SJioresha (two syllables) in Irish. This rule comes very frequently into ope- ration, and I will give several examples. The Irish form of Geoffrey illustrates both this principle and CHAP. X.] English Personal and Family Names, 165 the last. The Four Masters write it Seffraigh (Shef- fry) ; but in actual use the / is always aspirated and omitted, reducing the name to Sherry or Sheara. A little to the west of Kinsale in Cork is the bay and marine village of Courtmacsherry, the court of Mac Sherry or Greoffrey's son. The person who built his residence or " court" here, and gave the place its name, was an Englishman called Hodnet, who came from Shropshire ; but according to Smith (Hist, of Cork, II., 3), ''The family degenerating into the Irish customs, assumed the name of Mac Sherry.'' The original Mac Sherry is still vividly remembered in the traditions of the neighbourhood. Other forms of this name are seen in Eaheensheara near Rath- downey in Queen's County, Greoffrey's little fort; and in Magherashaghry in the parish of Currin in Monaghan (Maghera, a field or plain), in which the / is replaced by the Irish aspirated c. In many cases the genitive is made Shearoon or Sherron ; as in Knockshearoon near Borrisoleigh in Tipperary, Geoffrey's hill ; Ballymacsherron in Erris in Mayo, the town of Greoffrey's son. J ohn is generally made Shaun or Shane in collo- quial Irish ; as in Glenshane near Dungiven, John's glen ; Ballymacshaneboy in Limerick, between Ard- patrick and Charleville, the town of the son of yellow John. In Ballyshonock, a name found in several counties, the last syllable, oel\ represents the Irish 6g, young or little (see p. 28) ; and the whole name means young John's town. Jordan is usually changed to Shiinlane^ as in Bally shurdane near Kildorrery in Cork, Jordan's town ; but in the anglicised forms the y is sometimes restored, which is seen in Cloghjordan, the name of a village in Tipperary, Jordan's stone castle ; and in Clonjordan in Wexford, Jordan's mea- 166 English Personal and Family Names, [chap. X. dow. The name Jennings is in Irish Mac Shoneen; and hence we have Ballymacshoneen, and without the mac^ Ballvshoneen, which are the names of several places, signifjdng Jennings s town. III. The Irish does not possess the English sound of soft (as in cJiafi') ; and when this sound occurred in an English name, it was represented by f followed by slender s in Irish, w^hich is equal to tsh in English ; thus Castletownroche in Cork is called in the Book of Fermoy Baile-Caisleain-an'Roitsigh^ the town of Roche's castle, of which the present name is a trans- lation ; and it was so called because it was the chief residence of the Roche family, where they kept a great house of hospitality in which scholars, poets, ollaves, shanaghies, &c., were received and treated like princes. This ts is a very correct representation of the Eng- lish cJi ; but in the spoken language it was almost always changed by metathesis to si or sht^ as we see in Clogharoasty near Loughrea in Gralway, Roche's stone castle ; and in Ballyristeen near Bunmahon in Waterford, and Ballyrishteen near Dingle in Kerry, the town of Ri^liteen or little Richard. IV. If an English name presented a combination of sounds not usual in the Irish language, the Irish speakers sometimes got over the difficulty by omit- ting altogether a portion of the name. Of this the name David affords a good illustration, for it is uni- versally pronounced Ban. Ballydaw, the name of some places in Cork, Kilkenu}^, and Wexford, signi- fies the town of David ; but this name is still more common in the restored form Ballydavid ; and we find it near Hollywood in Down as Ballydavy. Some of these may, however, be derived from the old Irish name Bathi ; as in case of Ballj^davis near Mary- CHAP. X.] English Personal and Family Names. 167 borough in Queen's County, which the Four Masters write Baile'Daithi, William. is always made Leeam ; and even this is generally further contracted in local names, as in Derrylemoge near Mountmellick in Queen's County, the oak wood of young William. Isabel is pronounced in Irish Shibbeal; and this in an anglicised form gives name to Sybil Head north- west of Dingle in Kerry. The lady who gave name to this place was Isabel Ferriter, about whom the peasantry in the neigh- bourhood of Dingle still tell many legends. Accord- ing to the prevailing tradition, her father was a Galway chief named Lynch. He wished her to marry an Ulster chieftain ; but she loved the young lord of Ferriter's castle ; and on the very day when she was to give her hand to the northern suitor, she secretly married Ferriter, and fled with him to his stronghold in Kerry. A deadly feud followed ; the castle was besieged by the united forces of the old chief and the disappointed suitor ; and dreading that his bride might fall into the hands of his rival if the castle were taken, Ferriter hid her on the evening before the assault, in a cave opening on the sea, just under the head, which communicated with the castle by a secret underground passage. Early next morning he made an unexpected sally from the castle ; the besieging forces, taken by sur- prise, were routed, and the Ulster chief slain ; and the father and the young lord were reconciled on the field of battle. But meantime a fearful storm had raged during the night ; and when the husband and the father hastened to the cave, they found that the sea had swept through it, and no trace of poor Isabel was ever discovered from that day to this. V. In Irish the article is occasionally used before 168 Eiujlkh Personal and Family Names, [chap. x. a proper name, as in Killeenadeema, the name of a parish in Galway, which is locally understood to mean the little church {KUleen) of St. Dimma : here the middle a is the article. But this occurs very seldom, and so far as I am aware, only in the spoken language. This form of expression, how- ever, is very usual where English personal names are concerned. Many examples of this peculiarity might be cited, but the following will be sufl&cient. Near Eathkeale in Limerick there is a place called Clogh- anarold, a name which is divided in this way, Clogh- an-Arold, literally the stone castle of the Harold, i. e. Harold's castle. In Ballinrichard near Kinsale in Cork, the 7i re- presents the article, and the name means Richard's town ; and in like manner in Ballinunty near Killen- aule in Tipperary, the last part of which represents the old Anglo-Norman name Funt, the F being aspi- rated and omitted according to grammatical rule : the whole name mean's Funt's town. Knockaunabroona near the village of Mayo, the little hill of (a man named} Brown. We know that in local names, Irish words often simulate English forms (see 1st Ser., Part L, c. ii.) ; and in like manner many of the personal and family names that appear in our local nomenclature, though they appear to be English, are in reality Irish. Nu- merous examples of this might be given, but I will content myself with two. There is a townland in the parish of Templeshanbo in Wexford, now called Ballyhamilton. But in the Down Survey it is written Ballyliumblety, and the old pronunciation, Ballyhomulty, is still remembered by the people ; which plainly indicates Baile-Ui'Thomultaigh, the town of O'Tomulty, a family name still in use in some parts of Ireland. CHAP. XT.] Articles of Manufacture, 169 Whoever has been in the neighbourhood of Kells in Meath, must have remarked the beautiful fer- tile hill of Lloyd, a mile from the town, with a tall pillar crowning its summit; from which also the townland in which it is situated is called the Commons of Lloyd. It is considered as a matter of course to have taken its name from a man or a family named Lloyd. Bat the Irish name Mullach- Aiti ( Aiti's hill ?) — so the Four Masters write it — is in reality veiled under this more modern form. The old name is still remembered in the neighbourhood, but mullach is generally shortened to mul^ as it is in many other places, and the t of Aiti is changed to d (for t of ancient Irish is usually made d in the modern language) ; so that the present Irish name is Mtcl-Aidi, which is pronounced as nearly as can be represented MuUoyda. This name was, according to the etymological fancy of those who anglicised it, divided in this way — Mid-Loyda — the I sound being attracted to the second part like the c of mac (see p. 140, supra)^ and like the c of Lough Corrib (see this in 1st Ser.) ; and while mul was correctly inter- preted " hill," the whole name was believed to mean the Hill of Lloyd. CHAPTER XL ARTICLES OF MAISUFACTURE. In case of some of the articles mentioned in this chapter, it is often hard to say exactly why they gave names to places. Sometimes no doubt people 170 Articles of Maymfadure^ [chap. xi. found them in the earth when digging or ploughing deeply ; for we know that arrow heads and swords are still often found in battle-fields, butter in bogs, and various household articles in crannoges and raths. Sometimes also when a familj^ who followed a particular trade lived in one spot for any consi- derable time, the place got a name derived from the things made there. And there are other explana- tions which will come to the surface as I go along. "Whenever there is positive information or good grounds for an opinion, I will off'er an explanation ; otherwise I will leave the question open. As I have to deal in this book chiefly with names, I must remark, that of the innumerable articles con- nected with the past social life of the Irish people, I notice here those only that have helped to build up our local nomenclature. Chariots and Cars, Our literature aff'ords unques- tionable evidence that chariots were used in Ireland from the most remote ages. In the ancient historical tales in the Lehor na h tlidhre and the Book of Lein- ster, the great chiefs, such as CuclmlUn^ Conall Cearn- ach^ Loegaire Buadach^ &c., are constantly described as going to battle in war-chariots, each driven by an ara or charioteer ; and at a much later period, in the great battle of Moyrath — a. d. 637 — JDubdiad the druid, while viewing the king's army, is struck with the snorting and neighing of their caparisoned, bridle- tamed steeds bounding under chariots, supporting and commanding the battle around them in every direction," (p. 193). We know from the Lives of the early Saints, that Patrick, Brigid, Columkille, Declan, &c., journeyed in chariots in their mission- ary progress through the country. And as Cuchul- lin's charioteer, Loeg, is celebrated in the ancient tales, CHAP. XT.] Articles of Mamifadure, 171 so St. Patrick had a charioteer, Odhran^ who is equally well-known in ecclesiastical history. In the old romances there are several descriptions of Cuchullin's chariot, as well as of those belonging to other chiefs ; which are so detailed as to afford us a very good idea of the construction of the vehicle. The chariot of Cuchullin is described in various places as having a frame made of wood ; a high wickerwork body, with its sloping sides ornamented with tin ; two bright brazen (or brazen coloured) spoked wheels ; a silver- white pole, veined with bronze ; an arched yoke, sometimes of a rich golden colour, sometimes silvery white. The war chariots are sometimes described as furnished with sharp spikes and scythe blades like those of the old Britons; while in times of peace, kings, queens, and chieftains of high rank, rode in chariots luxuriously fitted up and ornamented with gold, silver, and feathers.* The Irish word for a chariot is caiyat^ which is obviously cognate with the Latin carpenhim, or as some think, borrowed from it : the modern Irish form is carbad. We may conclude with great pro- bability, that some at least of the places whose names contain this word — and they are pretty numerous — were exercise grounds, where the young warriors and charioteers trained their steeds and practised driving. This was no doubt the case at Fan-na- carhad — the slope of the chariots — a place at Tara, mentioned in the Dinnseanchus. Several other names containing this word are recorded in old Irish docu- ments ; and it is very easy to recognise it in its modernised forms. * See the article on the Irish chariot, by J. O'Beirne Crowe, A.B., Kilk. Arch. Jour., 1871-2, p. 413; see also O'Curry, Lect., II., 272, 276, 287; and I. ((Sullivan's Introd.) cccclxxv. 172 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xt. The parish of TuUycorbet in Monaghan took the first part of its name from a small hill ; the place is mentioned in O'Clery's Calendar at the 26th January * by the name of Tidoch-carhoid, the hillock of the chariot. Keating, in the reign of Dermot the son of Fergus, mentions a certain place called Bear n a- tri-carhad, the gap of the three chariots, but the name is now obsolete. The Four Masters record that in 1567, O'Donnell, prince of Tirconn ell, crossed the Foyle, and ravaged a part of the territorj^ of the O'Neills, from SUahh-gcarhadach ^ or the mountain of the chariots, which is the hill now called MuUagh Car- badagh in the parish of TJp]3er Bodoney in Tyrone, ten miles nearly east of Strabane. There are many other names through the country formed from this word. The townland of DuncPvrbit in the parish of Culfeightrin near Fair Head in Antrim, took its name from a fort — the fortress of the chariots ; and near the village of Malinin Inishowen, is a place called Drumcarbit {drum, a ridge). TVe have also Kilnagarbet near the village of Stradone in Cavan,and Moneygorbet in the parish of Donaghmoyne in Monaghan — the first signifying the wood {coi/i) and the second the bog {moin) of the chariots. Near the boundary between Tipperary and Kilkenny, two miles west of Callan, is a bridge now called Cara- bine Bridge ; but this name is a vile corruption, for the old Irish name, according to local authority, is DroicJiod-na-grarhad, the bridge of the chariots ; so that its present name should be Chariot Bridge. In a neighbouring field were found not long ago, great numbers of sword blades ; and this fact coupled with the name, would seem to point out a battle field. The Irish word carr is the same as the English CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture. 173 car, but is not borrowed from it, for it is found in Irish manuscripts nearly a thousand years old : — for example in Cormac's Glossary. Both are probably cognate with, not borrowed from, the Latin carriis. In Irish it was applied to vehicles either with or without wheels. It is curious that this word often enters into the names of fords ; originating such names as Athnagar, Annagar, and Aghnagar ; all from the Irish Ath-na-gcarr^ the ford of the cars. The probable explanation of each of these names is, that while there were several fords on the stream, all used by foot passengers, only one was level and smooth enough to be crossed by cars ; which there- fore got the name of the car-ford. Other features besides fords have been named from cars. Drum- nagar is a townland near the village of Stradone in Cavan (drum, a hill-ridge) ; Lisnagar Demesne near Rathcormack in Cork, the fort of the cars. Cars without wheels, or slide cars, were also very commonly used both in ancient and modern times. They were employed until very lately in many parts of Ireland, especially in drawing peat down the steep sides of mountains. I remember seeing one in the year 1843 laden with dried turf, drawn down by a horse from near the summit of one of the Galty mountains. The sides of Seefin mountain over Glenosheen in the county Limerick, still retain the tracks of the old dray-cars — as they were there called in English — which the grandfathers of the present generation used in bringing home their fuel from the hill tops ; and one particular pathway lead- ing from the village up the hill, is still called the Dray-road. I have already stated that the word carr was ap- plied to these as well as to wheeled vehicles ; but they 174 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. had another name specially appropriated to them, viz., slaed [slade], which I suppose is connected with the English word dide, Oarricknaslate — the rock of the slide-cars — is the name of a place near Lifford in Donegal. There is a townland in Derry, near Cole- raine, called Drumslade ; and another in Mayo, near the sea side, opposite Achill Island, called Drum- sleed; both signifying the ridge of the slide-cars. Arrows and Darts. It is carious that bows and arrows are very seldom mentioned in our old writ- ings ; and the passages that are supposed to refer to them are so indistinct, that if we had no other evi- dence it might be difficult to prove that the use of the bow was known at all to the ancient Irish. How- ever, the matter is placed beyond dispute by the fact that flint arrow-heads are constantly found in the ground, in various parts of the country ; and there is a large collection — many of them beautifully formed — in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, in Dublin. Saiget, cognate with and little different from the Lat. sagltta, is the usual Irish word for an arrow — modern Irish saighead [syed] ; but it is also used for a light dart of any kind, whether projected from a bow or not. It not unfrequently forms part of names, usually in the anglicised forms sytlie and seed ; it is very likely that places with such names were battle fields ; and that they were so called because flint arrow-heads were found in digging the ground, the relics of the flght. There is a bridge over the river Pancheon, a mile east of Kilbehenny, on the boundary between Lime- rick and Tipperary, called Ahnaseed ; and the name renders it almost certain that a fight took place at some remote time at the crossing of the stream : — CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture. 175 Ath-na-saiglt^ the ford of the arrows. As an instance of a ford named from a circumstance like this, I may quote an entry of the Four Masters at a. d. 1532, recording the fact that a certain ford was called Bel-- atha-na'bhfabhcun, the ford-mouth of the falcons or cannons, because a battle was fought at it in that year, in which the O'Carrolls defeated the earl of Ormond, and took a number of cannons from his army. There is a place in the parish of Kilnahue, six miles north-west from Gorey in Wexford, called Monaseed, the bog of the arrows ; and a little lake two miles from Templemore in Tipperary is called Moneennascythe, which has a like meaning. The form seed is also seen in Knocknaseed {knock, a hill), the name of a place situated near the river Black- water in the early part of its course, about four miles south of Kingwilliamstown. The word takes the other form in Grortnasythe in the parish of Cam in Roscommon, and in Coolsythe in the parish of Drummaul in Antrim, the field and the corner of the arrows. There is a place in the parish of Kilreekil in Gralway, which is called in Irish Gort'^ia-saighead ; but the present name is Dartfield, which is a correct translation. Ga, gae, or gath [gah] is a light spear, a lance, or javelin. It occurs in names at least as often as saighead ; and here also we may conclude that these names generally point out battle fields. Drumgaw in the parish of Lisnadill in Armagh, and Glenga in Tyrone, signify respectively the ridge and the glen of javelins. Slightly difl'erent forms appear in Agha- gah in Longford, and Aghagaw in Monaghan ; also in Olonegah in Carlow, and Clonegath near Monas- terevin in ICildare — all signifying the field {achadh 176 Articles of Manufacture . [chap. XI. and clua'ui) of the jcavelins. There is a name men- tioned in Hy Fiachrach (p. 153) a part of which is very like this, viz., Glaisi-guirt-na-Iainne^ the stream of the field of the lances ; but only the first half has sur- vived— Glaisi-giiirt (the stream of the field), now Glasgort, the name of a townland in the parish of Ballintober in Mayo. Swords. One of the Irish words for a sword is claklheamh [cleeve], old Irish cJaidem.. obviously cog- nate with Lat. gladius ; Fr. and Eng. glaive ; which is still well known in the Scotch claymore^ i. e. claidh- eamli-mor^ great sword. Perhaps the townland of Gorticleave in the parish of Errigle Truagh in the north of the county Monaghaii, was sword-land," or land conquered by the sword ; for this interpreta- tion would be borne out by the name, Gort-ct'-chlaiclh- imh, the field of the sword. Cole or colg [collog] signifies a small straight-bladed sword or dirk: it forms a part of the name of Duncollog in the parish of Drung in Cavan — the fort of the swords, a name that seems to point back to the time when the old dun was celebrated for its abundance of military weapons. Axes. The hill of Knockdoe about eight miles from Galway, is historically remarkable for the san- guinary battle fought there in 1504, between the earl of Kildare and Mac William Burke of Clan- ricard. The name of this hill is written by the Irish annalists Cnoc-tuadli^ which Campion correctly trans- lates the hill of the axes. Some think that the place received this name on account of the battle ; but the manner in which the Irish authorities use the name, and other considerations besides, show that it is older than 1504, and that it originated in some other way. Four miles from Newtownbarry in Wexford, there CHAP. XI.] Articles of Mantifadure, 177 is a place called Clobemon, whose Irish name is Clock-bemieann, the stone or stone castle of the strokes or blows ; which perhaps was the scene of a battle fought long ago, or a place where fighting was habi- tually carried on, or a military practising ground. Shields, The ancient Irish used shields from the very dawn of their history, and indeed very probably from a period beyond the horizon of both history and tradition. In the most ancient historical tales, such as ^^The Cattle spoil of Oooley," "The Brudin Da Derga;' " The Siege of Knocklong," &c., the shields of the great heroes who took part in the several battles are described with sufficient minute- ness to enable us to judge pretty accurately of their various shapes, sizes, and materials. It is highly probable that the most ancient shields were made of wickerwork, covered over with layers of hardened hide. In Ireland we have a living illustration of the very general use of such shields in former times ; for, the word sciath [skeea], which is the most usual word for a shield, is still applied in Munster to a shallow oblong ozier basket, used generally for carrying, holding, and washing pota- toes. From a careful study of ancient authorities, O'Curry (from whom I have taken this illustration : Lectures, II., 330) shows that the ancient wicker- work shields were somewhat of this shape, the con- vex side being turned towards the enemy ; and they were often large enough to cover the whole person of the warrior. But there were also flat circular shields made of wood— generally yew-wood — which were smaller in size than those of wickerwork. Moreover, the shields of distinguished warriors had often a rim of bronze, and sometimes even of gold or silver, and N 178 Articles of Manufacture, [chap. xi. were ornamented on the outside with various devices in colours or metal work. The smaller circular shields were occasionally made of bronze, of which there is a very beautiful specimen in the Royal Irish Academy, which was found in a bog at Lough Gur in Limerick. There is also in the Academy an ancient wooden shield found at Kiltubbrid in the county Leitrim. Several ancient authorities show that places took their names from shields : thus in the second life of St. Carthach of Lismore, we are told that before his time, the spot on which Lismore now stands was called Magh-sciath^ which the writer translates Cam- piiS'Scuti, the plain of the shield. In the year 846 the Danes were defeated by the Irish in a battle fought at a place in the county Kildare called in the Book of Leinster Sciath-Nechtain^ Nechtan's shield. In the parish of Eathlynin in Tipperary about four miles north-east of Tipperary town, there is a townland now called Donaskeagh, which took its name from an ancient fort on the summit of a hill, the remains of which can still be traced. In this fort, Carthach^ the ancestor of the family of Mac Carthaigh or MacCarthy lived in the 11th century. The Four Masters record that the dun was burnt (i. e. of course the wooden residences erected within the enclosure) by the Ossorians and the men of Ormond in the year 1043 ; but Carthach pursued and over- took them near the village of Golden on the Sair, defeated them, and recovered the spoil. In this record and another, the Four Masters write the name JDun-na-sciath, the fortress of the shields. There was another Dun-na-sciath on the shore of Lough Ennel in Westmeath, far more celebrated, for it was the residence of Malachy, king of Ireland CHAP. XI.] Ariicks of Mamifaciure. 179 in the time of Brien Boru ; but its name has been long since forgotten in the neighbourhood. Liskea in the parish of Templetogher in Gal way, derived its name from an old fort still remaining on the top of a hill : Liossciath^ the fort of the shields : and there is a place called Liskeagh in Sligo, a name that has the same meaning. We may con- clude that these three names were derived from the unusual number of warlike accoutrements, especially shields, stored up in the fortresses by the kings or chiefs who built or owned them. There are no doubt many other places deriving their names from shields ; but in the absence of written authority it is difficult to distinguish sciath^ a shield, in anglicised names, from sceacJi^ a white- thorn bush. Bells. We know from the authentic Lives of St. Patrick and of other early preachers of Christianity in Ireland, that they constantly used bells in their ministrations ; Avhich were sometimes made of bronze, and sometimes of iron. The ancient conse- crated bells were generally quadrangular in shape, small in size, and open at the mouth ; though there was also in use a smaller pear-shaped bell, closed up, except a small opening in the side for the escape of the sound, and rung by an enclosed metallic pellet. St. Dageus, who flourished in the early part of the sixth century, was a celebrated artificer ; he fabri- cated croziers, crosses, shrines, chalices, &c., and among the rest, bells, some plain and some orna- mented with gold, silver, and precious stones. The bells that belonged to the primitive saints were regarded by their successors with the most intense veneration ; and in order the better to pre- serve them, they were often furnished with covers, n2 180 Articles of Ifamifacture. [chap. xi. which were sometimes made of gold and silver and other metals, elaborately ornamented with interlaced work and precious stones. They were often, like croziers and other relics, used for swearing on; and it was customarj^ to bring them into the presence of parties who were entering into a compact, to render it more solemn and binding. St. Patrick had a celebrated bell, which plays an important part in many of the Patrician narratives, both legendary and authentic ; it was called Finn- faid/iech, or the fair-sounding, and it w^ould appear that other saints called their favourite bells by the same name, in imitation of their great predecessor. Many of these venerable quadrangular bells are now preserved in the Museum of the Eoj^al Irish Academy in Dublin, as well as in other collections ; and among them, one in particular is believed, with some reason, to be the very bell — the melodious Finn-faidhech — of St. Patrick. Clocc or clog is the usual Irish word for a bell ; corresponding with the Latin cJocca^ and English clock ; but there were other Irish terms also, which it is not necessary to notice here. It is probable that the Irish borrowed the word clog from the Latin through the early missionaries. We see it in Ballj^- clug, the name of a parish near Ballymena in An- trim, which represents the I^ish Baile-an-cJihiig, the town of the bell (Reeves : Eccl. Ant. 84), and there is another parish in Tyrone called Ballyclog, which is the same name. This word more usually enters into names in the genitive plural, and with the c changed to g by eclipse. There is for example a bridge over an ancient ford on the Ahaphuca river, between Glenroe and Ballylanders in Limerick, called Annaglug, i. e. AtJi-na-gclog^ the ford of the CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture, 181 bells ; Dernaglug in Monaghan {doire^ an oak grove) ; and Ardnaglug, the height of the bells, is a little hamlet near the railway line, about five miles north- east of Ballinasloe. In the neighbourhood of many of our ecclesiastical ruins the people have a pretty legend about the church bells: that in some far distant time, when despoilers — Danes or natives — came to plunder the monastery, the bells, which some of the legends say were of silver, were hastily taken down and thrown for safety into the nearest river or lake, where they remain to this day. But at intervals— some say every seven years — they are heard to ring with a faint, muffled, melancholy tone. The silver bell that once hung in the round tower of Rattoo in Kerry, now lies at the bottom of the river Brick ; its voice has often been heard, but the people have never been able to find it, though they have often searched (Petrie E. Towers, 398). The bells of the ancient church of Drumcliff' near Ennis in Clare, lie beneath the waters of a lakelet in the townland, which is called Poulnaglug, the pool of the bells. Just near the soutliern end of the esplanade at Bray, a little way up the Head, very near the rail- way line, there is a church ruin, which can be seen quite plainly from every part of the esplanade ; and it is well known in and around Bray, by the namb of Eaheenaclig. The people say that it is the oldest church in Ireland ; and the style of masonry, especially of the two end windows, shows that it can hardly be later than the eleventh century. It has long ceased to be used in any way, but within the memory of the old people, unbaptized infants were buried in it. The name is very plain, and represents almost exactly the sound of the correct Irish form, 182 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. RaitMn-a'^-cliMg^ the little fort of the bell. The story told by the name would seem to be this : — that in far distant times, before the erection of the church, Mass used to bo celebrated in an old rath, which had remained there from days still more ancient — for as I have mentioned elsewhere (IstSer. Part II. c. I.) open air Masses were anciently very usual in Ireland; and that a bell was set up in the usual way, to call the people ; which originated the name. After a time, when a church came to be built, it was natural that the old site should be chosen, and the old name retained. There are some remains of embankments near the church, but I saw nothing that could be identified as a portion of a rath ; which however is not to be wondered at, as the ground has been cultivated up to the very walls of the ruin. Croziers. One of the most celebrated ecclesiastical relics of ancient Ireland was St. Patrick's crozier, commonly called the Bachall Isa, the staflf or crozier of Jesus. A well known legend in the life of St. Patrick tells us, that he received this staff from a hermit who lived in an island in the Tyrrhene sea, to whom it had been intrusted by our Saviour, with an injunction to deliver it to Patrick when he should arrive at the island. The saint kept it and bore it constantly in his hand during his ministration in Ireland ; and after his death it was preserved with the greatest veneration, and covered with gold and precious stones. It was removed from Armagh to Christ Church in Dublin in the twelfth century ; but in 1538 it was burned in the streets of Dublin with many other relics. In the Eoyal Irish Academy there is a collection of ancient croziers, found from time to time buried CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture, 183 in the earth, in bogs, or under the ruins of ecclesi- astical buildings. They are generally highly orna- mented ; and some of them are elaborately adorned with gems and complicated interlaced work in metal, which even the best artificers of the present day would find it very hard to imitate. Bachall is the Irish word for a crozier, probably borrow^ed from the Latin haculus. Some authorities would lead us to infer that Ballyboghil near Swords in Dublin, derived its name from St. Patrick's cro- zier ; which however is doubted by others. The name at any rate signifies the town of the crozier ; and the probability is that it was derived from a crozier belonging to St. Patrick — for he appears to have left more than one — whether it be the celebrated Bachall Isa or not. The word bachall signifies any staff, such as a shep- herd's crook, &c. ; and one of its diminutives, namely hachaillin [boghaleen] is to this day applied by the English speaking people of parts of the south of Ireland, to a staff furnished with a flat end piece, which they use in washing and mashing up potatoes. However, when we find the word in names, we may be pretty sure that it is intended for a crozier. There is a place called Moyvoughley three miles to the north of Moate in Westmeath, which the Four Masters write Magh-hhachla, the plain or field of the crozier. Pollnamoghill, the name of a townland near Aughrim in Eoscommon, exhibits the eclipse of the h: — Poll-na-mbachall^ the pool of the staffs or croziers. Brogs or shoes. The ancient Irish shoe was called hrocc, modern Irish hrog, which is still well known as a living word, and commonly spelled brogue by Eng- lish writers of the present daj^ The most ancient 184 Articles of Mamifachire. [chap. xi. kind of hrog was made of raw or half-tanned hide, which was roughly stitched with thongs; and this form continued in use among the lower classes of people down to very recent times. Brogs of this kind have been found in bogs ; and several may be seen in good preservation, thongs and all, in the Eoyal Irish Academy. Grradually they came to be more elaborate in make, especially those used by the wealthier classes; the leather was tanned and orna- mented with patterns worked into it ; and of this kind some beautiful specimens are also preserved in the Royal Irish Academy. We may be pretty certain that makers of brogs lived at, or perhaps owned, those places whose names are formed from the word hrog ; such as Knockna- brogue in the parish of Latteragh, Tipperary, which is anglicised from Cnoc-na-inhrog. the hill of the brogues or shoes ; Eaheenabrogue near Ballyroan in Queen's County {raheen, a little fort) ; Eskernabrogue near Clogher in Tyrone (esker^ a sand-ridge) ; Finna- brogue near Downpatrick, Fith-na-juhrog, the wood of the brogues ; and Broguestown near the village of Kill in Kildare, the name of which is translated from the original Ballybrogue, as it is written in an Inqui- sition of Charles I. This conjecture will not explain the name of the little river Brogeen near Kanturk in Cork, which means little hrog. "Why a river should receive such a name I cannot imagine, and the old people of the neighbourhood, so far as I have made inquiry, have no tradition of the origin of the name worth listening to, and are not able to offer any rational explanation. It is curious that there is another stream a little south of Miltown in Kerry, joining the Laune, called Kealbrogeen, the heal or narrow marshy stream of CHAP. XI.] Articles of Marmfacture. 185 the little brog. Knockavrogeen (7c;20c/c, a hill) is the name of a place near Dingle in Kerry. There is a townland in the parish of Inver near Killybegs in Donegal, called Luaghnabrogue, i. e. Luach na-broige, the Inach or price of the brogue ; and this name would be almost as puzzling as the two river names, if we were not helped out of the diflBculty by a local legend : — the place was purchased one time for a pair of brogues. It is to be feared however, that the legend was invented to suit the name ; and perhaps we may conjecture that in for- mer days a shoemaker or broguemaker tenanted this townland, and paid his rent in kind, by sup- plying his landlord's family with brogues. In connexion with this last name, I will step aside for a moment to remark that the word luachy hire or reward, forms part of other names. Five miles north-east from Thurles in Tipperary lies the village and parish of Loughmoe, with the fine ruins of the castle of the Purcells — the barons of Lough- moe — the correct old name of which, according to the Four Masters, is Ltiach-mhagh, price-plain, or the field of the reward. The peninsula west of Ardara in Donegal is called Loughros, and gives name to the two bays of Loughros-more and Loaghros-beg (great and small) ; this place is also mentioned by the Four Masters, who call it Luachros, the rc?5 or peninsula of hire or reward. Why these places were so called we know not ; but we may fairly conjec- ture that in old times some tenant held them free of direct rent, as a reward for some signal service, or on condition of fulfilling some special duties. Culinary vessels. Several of the vessels in domestic use have given names to place. In some cases these names are explained by legends ; in others we may 186 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. conclude that persons lived in the places who either made the vessels as a trade, or used them in some special occupation ; and lastly, perhaps some have been named from ancient vessels found buried in the earth or in bogs. Lestar, The word lestar denotes a vessel of any- kind, or of any shape or material, (lester^ vas, Z. 166) though the term was generally applied to vessels made of wood. This word is found in the names of some places in Monaghan and Tyrone, called Drumlester — the ridge of the vessels ; and in Derrinlester and Derrynalester in Cavan, the first the oak wood of the vessel, the second, of the vessels. Mether. The mether, Irish meadar, was a drink- ing vessel commonly made of yew wood, quadrangu- lar at top, and either round at bottom, or having the corners rounded off ; and commonly furnished with two or four handles, for the convenience of passing it from hand to hand round the table. It was called meadar because it was used for drinking meady i. e. ale or metheglin. Several ancient vessels of this kind are to be seen in the museum of the Royal Irish Academy (see Sir William R. Wilde's Catalogue, p. 214). A mether maker probably lived at Drumna- mether near Markethill in Armagh, the ridge of the melhers ; as well as at Ballymather in the parish of Killead in Antrim, the town of the methers ; and possibly the name of Rathmadder in the parish of Kilfree in Sligo, may preserve some dim memory of the revelry carried on in old times in the rath or re- sidence of the chief. Cuinneog^ a churn, gives names to Ardnaguniog in the parish of Faugh anvale in Deny, to Lisnagonoge near Holj^cross in Tipperary, and to Lisnagunogue near Bushmills in Antrim, the first signifying the CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture, 187 height, and the other two the fort of the churns ; the c being eclipsed by g in all three. How names of this class may take their rise from legends— or perhaps sometimes the reverse — can be gathered from the following story, of which several different versions are found in Irish writings. Keat- ing has one ; Oolgan, in his Life of St. Colman Mac Duach, has two others ; and the peasantry of Clare and Q-alway will tell the legend as fully as either. Guaire [Groory], king of Connaught in the seventh century, who was celebrated for his generosity and hospitality, had a brother, an ecclesiastic, a very holy man, whose name was Colman. This priest went one time to spend the Lent among the rocks and forests of Burren, in the north of the present county of Clare ; he was attended by only one young man, who acted as his clerk ; and they lived in a desert spot, by a well of pure water, five miles from Durlas Q-uary, the king's palace. They ate only one meal a day, and that consisted of a bit of barley bread, a few sprigs of cress, and a drink of water from the spring. In this manner they passed the seven long weeks of Lent, till at last Easter Sunday came round ; when the poor young clerk, feeling quite worn out, as well he might, by his long abstinence and poor fare, was seized with a longing desire for flesh meat ; so he came to his master, and told him that he was about to go immediately to the palace at Durlas, to have one good meal. ''Stay with me," said Colman, "and I will see whether I cannot procure a dinner for you where you are so he prayed that meat might be brought to the clerk. It so happened that the king's dinner was pre- paring at this same time in Durlas Gruary ; a noble 188 Articles of Manufacture, [chap. xi. diuner, witli everything in lavish profusion — so it ever was in the house of Gruary the hospitable ; and among a great variety of dishes, a boar and a stag, cooked whole, were brought to table on a pair of enormous trenchers. Everything was ready, and the king and his guests were seated, just as Colman and the clerk had finished their conversation. All at once the dinner was lifted from the table by some invisible jDOwer, before the wondering eyes of his majesty ; trenchers, dishes, and methers, boar and stag and all, floated gently through the open doors and win- dows — not as much remained on the table as would make a meal for a wolf dog — and as soon as tliey had got fairly outside the palace, they set off with great expedition straight towards the little hermitage among the hills of Burren. The monarch and his guests, after recovering a little from their astonishment, resolved to make an effort to overtake their dinner and bring it back : so after a hurried preparation, they took horse ; and the whole company, horsemen, footmen, and dogs, with the king at their head, instantly started in pursuit. They kept the dishes in view, but were not able to overtake them, and after a close chase, they arrived near the hermitage, hungry and tired, just in time to see them alighting at the feet of Colman and the clerk. The young man was much delighted to see so fine and plentiful a dinner provided for him, as well as greatly amazed at the strange manner of its appear- ance ; and he was about to begin his meal, when happening to look round, he saw the rocky slope of the opposite hill covered with a tumultuous crowd, all making straight towards him. So he turned once more to his master, and addressed him, saying. CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture. 189 that he saw not the least good in getting a din- ner of meat, while there was such an angry mul- titude ready to dispute it with him. " Eat your dinner in peace," said Colman, *Hhere is no danger, for it is my brother, the king, and his household, and I will take care that they shall not interrupt you." The moment he had done speaking, the feet of the horses, men, and dogs, were fastened to the ground, and the horsemen to their seats, so that they were unable to advance one inch farther ; and while the monarch and his nobles were looking on, the clerk sat down and ate a hearty meal at his leisure before their eyes. As soon as he had finished, the company were released ; the king recognised his brother, who explained the whole affair ; and they all seated them- selves — except of course the clerk — and ate their dinner in comfort and quietness. The road traversed by the dinner, in the latter - part of its flight, is still pointed out, and it is uni- versally known by the name of Bothar-na-mias [Bohernameece], the road of the dishes. It is situated in a rocky valley in the townland of Keel- hilly,* in the parish of Garran, five miles south-west from the village of Kinvarra ; and it runs along the base of a precipice called Kinawlia or the head of the cliff. The flat surface of the limestone rocks on the opposite hillside is full of small holes, of various shapes and sizes, very curious and very striking to look at ; a geologist would say that they were worn in the rock by the rain, in the course of ages ; but they are in reality the tracks of the men, horses, and dogs — the very tracks where their feet were firmly fastened to give the clerk time to eat his dinner. * Cael-choille^ narrow wood. 190 Articles of Mamifadure. [chap. xt. This strange legend is a good example of the manner in which fabulous tales were interwoven with the authentic acts of the early saints. The chief person here was a man well known in the his- tory of the early church of Ireland. He was a near relative of Guaire Atdhne, king of Connaught, but not his brother, as the story has it. He was called Colman'maC'Duach, or more usually Mac Duacli^ i. e. Duacli's son ; for his father was Duach^ eighth in descent from Dathi, king of Ireland a little before the time of St. Patrick. In the early part of his career he lived as a hermit with only one attendant, for seven years, in the solitudes of Burren. At the end of that time the king discovered his retreat, and offered him as much land as he wished to take, for the establishment of a religious community ; but Colman accepted only a small spot, not far from his little hermitage, in which he erected a monastery, where he afterwards became a bishop. He died in the middle of the seventh century. This good saint has been greatly and deservedly revered ; the monastery he founded flourished long after him ; and the place, which is situated three miles from Gort, contains the remains of a round tower and of several churches. Moreover it still retains the founder's name, for it is called Kilmac- duagh, the church of DuacJis son ; and it has given name both to the parish and to the diocese. Colman-mac-Duagh is still vividly remembered and much venerated by the people, and his name lives in the topography of the whole neighbourhood. There are several wells called Tober-mac-Duagh, one of which is engraved and described in the Dub- lin Penny Journal (Vol. I., p. 200). The ruins of his little hermitage, Temple-mac-Duagh, still remain CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufachtrp,. 191 in the lonely valley, near Bohernameece ; near it is another Tober-mac-Duagh, the identical well men- tioned in the legend and in the authentic Lives of the Saint, where stations are performed to this day ; and immediately over it there is a cave in the rock, called Labba-mac-Duagh, or Mac Duagh's bed, in which tradition says he slept every night during liis residence in the valley. It is interesting to remark that the present name of the cliff which rises over the hermitage — Kinawlia — is the very name used in the ancient Life of the saint : — " He fixed his resi- dence near a pleasant fountain [now Tober-mac- Duagh] in the great wood of Boireann, and in that part of it which is called Kinn-aille, about five miles from Durlas, the palace of Guaire.'' (Oolgan : Acta Sanctorum, 244 b, cap. vi.) Half a mile east of Kinvarra, on the sea shore, stands an ancient circular fort, one of those so com- mon in most parts of Ireland ; and this is all that remains of the hospitable palace of Durlas. More- over it has lost the old name, and is now known by the equivalent name of JJun-Giiaire, or as it is anglicised, Dungorey, Guary's fortress. A modern castle built by the O'Heynes — modern compared with the earthen circumvallations — stands in the middle of the fort, and occupies the very site of the house of Gruary the Hospitable.* After all, the story of the dishes may, like most other legends, rest on a foundation of fact. We may suppose that on some particular Easter Sunday dur- ing Colman's residence in Burren, the king took it * See O'Donovan's letters on the parishes of Kinvarra and Kilmacduagh in Gal way, and Carran in Clare, in the Koyal Irish Academy, Dublin. 192 A rticles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. into his head to go himself, with his household, to dine with him; and that as Colman had a poor kitchen, the king sent on the dinner ready cooked, and followed after with the whole assembly. Such a transaction would impress the people with wonder and admiration, and in the long lapse of ages their imagination would be sure to shape the tradition into some such marvellous story as the legend of Bohernameece. There is a high mountain about eight miles west of Dunmanway in Cork, whose name contains this word mias (which is cognate with Lat. mensa) : — viz., MuUaghmesha, in Irish, ^lullach-meise^ the sum- mit of the dish. But here the name is probably derived from some dish-like hollow on or near the summit of the mountain. Sacks or Bags» Why it is that places took their names from sacks or bags, it is not easy to determine, unless w(^ resort to the old explanation that sack makers lived in them; or perhaps the places may have been so called from the use of an unusual num- ber of sacks in farming operations, in storing corn, flour, &c. In the year a. d. 598 there was a terrible battle fought at a place called in all the Irish au- thorities Dunbolg — the fort of the sacks — near Holly- wood in Wicklow, in which the king of Ireland, Hugh the son of Ainmire, was defeated and slain by Brandubhj king of Leinster. This name is not now remembered in the neighbourhood, though the people have still some dim traditions of the battle; but there is a parish of the same name in Cork, now called DunbuUoge. The word holg^ which forms part of these names and of those that follow, and which is still in constant use, corresponds with the old Gaulish bulcja^ meaning CHAP. XI.] Articles of M.anufactave, 193 a little bag of leather (Stokes in Cor. Gl.) Caher- buUog in the parish ofKilmoon in the north of Clare, has nearly the same signification as the last name, only .with caher^ a stone fort, instead oidun : and with much the same meaning still, we have MoherbuUog near Corrofin in the same county — molie)\ a ruined fort. It will be perceived that these four names were originally applied to circular forts, which themselves for some reason or another took their names from sacks. I will remark here that the word holg is some- times applied to a quiver for arrows ; but for several reasons I do not think that this is the sense in which the word is applied in those names. Then we have Moybolgue, now the name of a parish, partly in Meath and partly in Cavan, which is mentioned in some of our oldest authorities by the name of Magh-holg^ the plain of the sacks ; and Clon- buUoge (cluain, a meadow) in King's County and Carlow. There is a parish in Gal way called Killimor- bologue,- which signifies Killimor of the sacks ; while Killimor itself means the church of the patron saint Imor, who is thought to have lived in the twelfth century. Baskets. The word cUahh [cleeve] a basket, is found in the oldest documents of the language, and it is still a living word: even among the English speaking people in some parts of Ireland, you will hear talk of a cleeve of turf, of potatoes, &c. A con- siderable number of names, some of them of high antiquity, are formed from this word. One of the best known is that of Drumcliff near the town of Sligo, where a monastery was either founded by St. Columkille, or dedicated to him soon after his death, and where there are still the remains of a round tower. As being an ecclesiastical estab- o 194 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. lishment of great note it is very often mentioned in ancient Irish authorities, and always written Driiim' chliahh^ the hill ridge of baskets. There is also a Drumcliff in Clare, and another in Donegal, while we have Drum cleave in Tipperary, all meaning the same thing ; and there is a townland in Monaghan called Lisdrumcleve (//.s, a fort). The c becomes eclipsed by the insertion of the article in Grortnagleav in the parish of Killinan in Galway, Gort-na-gcliahh^ the field of the baskets. The diminutive cUabhdn [cleevaun] is used to sig- nify a cradle. It is hard to say with certainty why a high mountain near Sallygap in Wicklow was called MuUaghcleevaun, the summit of the cradle ; probably it was from the shape of some hollow or cradle-shaped rock near the top. There is also a little hill which gives name to a small lake and a townland three miles south-east of the village of Fivemiletown in Tyrone, called Crockacleaven, cradle hill {crock,, properly cnoc, a hill) ; and Coolaclevane, the corner or angle {cull) of the cradle, is the name of a place about three miles east of Inchigeelagh in Cork. In Meath and Cavan the people use a kind of basket for fishing which they call scudal ; from which Lough Skuddal, a small branch of Lough Sillan near Shercock in Cavan, derives its name — the lake of the fishing basket. Hurdles. In discussing the name of Dublin in the First Series, I had occasion to speak of the word cliath^ a hurdle, and of the application of hurdles to the construction of wickerwork fords. There are other places which have taken their names from this word, where hurdles were applied to other pur- poses not so easily defined. Clifl*ony, a village in CHAP. XI.] Articles of Mamifadiire. 195 the north of Sligo, is called in Irish CUathmhuine, meaning hurdle- shrubbery (mui)Wy shrubbery) — so called I suppose because the shrubbery supplied the hurdle makers with twigs. The simple word gives name to several townlands now called Clay in Armagh, Down, and Fermanagh ; another anglicised form is seen in Cleaboy in Eos- common and Waterford, jxUow hurdle ; and still another in Cleaghbeg, Cleaghgarve, and Cleagh- more, in Roscommon and Galway — meaning re- spectively little, rough, and great hurdle. It is seen as a termination in TuUyclea in the parish of DerryvuUan in Fermanagh, the little hill of the hurdle ; and the diminutive gives name to Cleaheen, little hurdle, in the parish of Tumnain Roscommon. I think it probable that in some of these places the hurdles were used in the construction of fords across small streams. Nets. There may have been several reasons why places received names from nets — from fishing, or from bird-catching, or from the manufacture of the nets themselves : but I suppose the greater number of such names originated in fishing. Cochall is one of the Irish words for a net, especially a small fish- ing net ; the word, however, is more commonly ap- plied to a hood, corresponding with the Latin cuculhis^ and English cowl. At the present day, it is generally applied in the south, to any covering for the shoulders, and in the north to a net. There is a townland near Killashandra in Cavan — a spot situated in the midst of a lake district — called Drumcoghill, the ridge of the net; Coolcoghill ! {cul, the back of a hill) is a place near Maguire's I Bridge in Fermanagh ; Lisacoghill, the fort of the . net, is the name of a townland in the parish of i o 2 i 196 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xt. Inishmagratli in Leitrim. At the bridge of Bally- coghill, over the Ballybay river, near the village of Eoekcorry in Monaghan, the former practice of net fishing in connexion with the name, is still re- membered in tradition. Beetles, Those who have had opportunities of observing the customs of the peasantry, must have often seen the village girls beetling clothes at a stream — beating them on a large smooth stone, while saturated with water, with a flat, heavy, wooden beetle or mallet, a part of the process of washing. This beetle is called in Irish slis [slish]. In former days there was a ford — evidently an important one, if we may judge from the scenes enacted at it — over the Owenure river, one mile from the town of Elphin in Roscommon, on the road to Strokestown ; which must have been a favourite spot for this kind of work, as it got the name of Ath-sHsean^ the ford of the beetles — for so the Four Masters designate it when recording a battle fought there in 1288, in which Cathal O'Conor, kiug of Connaught, was defeated by his brother Manus. There was another battle fought there in 1342, in recording which, the annalists call the place Bel-atha-sUsean, the ford-mouth of the beetles ; and this is the present name of the bridge which now spans the old ford, anglicised to Bellaslishen. We have one example in our old records of a ford deriving its name from the custom of washing at it ; viz. Bel-atha-na-nidheadh^ — so called in Hy Fiach- rach — the mouth of the ford of the washings, a ford on the Owenboy river, a mile and a half from the village of Foxford in Maj^o. It was no doubt for some reason of this kind that Cappanaslish in the parish of Killokennedy in Clare CHAP. XI.] Articles of Ilanufactiire, 197 received its name — Ceapach-na-sliSy the garden-plot of the beetle. There is a mountain called Slish rising over the south shore of Lough Grill near Sligo ; possibly taking its name from its shape. SeindUe [shindilla] is another word for a beetle, from which a lake on the left of the road from Clifden to Oughterard in Galway, is called Lough Shindilla, probably from some fancied likeness between its shape and that of a beetle : or perhaps the women were formerly accustomed to beetle clothes on its shores. Another and probably the original form of this word is seimhclile [shevdilla] from which Shiv- dilla near Mohill in Leitrim takes its name ; and this form also gives name to Kinatevdilla, the west- ern point of Clare island off Maj^o — the s being here eclipsed by t — Ceann-a-tseimhclile^ beetle head. Anvils. About three hundred years before the Christian era, there lived, according to the Dinn- senchus^ a celebrated artificer in metals named Len of the white teeth, who was cerd or goldsmith to the fairy mansion of Bove Derg at Slievenamon. He was employed one time to make certain precious articles — diadems, brooches, cups, &c., for the lady Fand, who lived at Lough Leane, or the Lakes of Killarney. He travelled, it seems, every morning from his home near Slievenamon to the lake (about eighty English miles) to begin his day's work ; and returned the same journey in the evening ; but before setting out for home each day, he flung his anvil before him, with such force and precision, that it always dropped down exactly at his own residence. Hence the place has been ever since known by the name of Inneoin [Innone], or "The Anvil/' (See O'Curiy, Lect., III., 203 : see also 1st Ser. Part IV., c. IV.) This place was, many ages after- 198 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. wards, the chief residence of the Decies, so that it was often called in the annals, Inneoin of the Decies. It is now called by the modernised name Mul- laghnoney, the hill summit {Mullach) of Inneoin; and it is situated in the parish of Newchapel near Clonmel. Several townlands and natural features have got names from anvils ; we may, I suppose, infer that at some former time there was a forge at each of these places ; and probably not a few over-critical readers, who may have some misgivings as to the truth of the legend of Len and his anvil, will be inclined to account for the name of Inneoin of the Decies in the same simple way. There is a place called Ballynona near the village of Dungourney in Cork; and another called Bally- nooney in the parish of Kilbeacon in Kilkenny ; both of which probably once belonged to smiths, for the names signify the town of the anvil. Another form of this word is seen in TuUynahinnera in the parish of AghnamuUen in Monaghan, in which Tnlly is corrupted from talamJi^ land (land of the anvil) ; and in Gubnahinneora, the name of a rocky point on the north coast of the western extremity of Achill island, so called because it resembles the cor-cMp or horn of an anvil. I suppose the name of Kil- linordan, east of Strokestown in Eoscommon, origi- nated like most of the preceding: — CoiU-an-ordain^ the wood of the little sledge-hammer. So also Rath- ordan near Cashel, the fort of the hammers. Scolhjjs, Ascolb (scollob), commonly called a scol- lop) by the English-speaking people, is a spray or twig about twenty inches long, used in fastening thatch on houses. When about being used it is doubled up in the middle in the form of a loop, and CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture. 199 its two ends, which are pointed, are driven with the hand into the thatch. According to O'Curry (Lect. III., 32) this method of fastening thatch — whether of straw, rushes, or sedge — was used in roofing the ancient Irish circular wicker-work houses ; and we know that it is still practised all over the country. The name of DerryscoUop in Armagh, near Moy, indicates that there must have been formerly a derry or oak w^ood there, in which the people w^ere in the habit of cutting twigs for scollops. Inchinsquillib in the parish of Toem in Tipperary,, is the inch or river-holm of the scollop — so called possibly from the looped shape of the stream. Scullaboge in the parish of Newbawn in Wexford, figures unhappily in the rebellion of 1798 ; but its name conveys none of this history ; for it is simply Scolbog (see p. 19), a place producing twigs for scollops. Candlesticl's, To any one unacquainted with the multifarious ways in which local names grevv^ up in Ireland, the name of Ballykinler, a parish on the shore of Dundrum bay in Down, would appear eccentric and puzzling ; for the latter part of the name represents the Irish coinkoir, or in its old form. caindloir^ a candlestick (Lat. candelabrum)^ from coin- neal or caindel, a candle ; and the whole name is Baile-caindlera, the town of the candlestick. But the name is quite natural ; for Ballykinler was what is called a luminary to the cathedral of Christ Church in Dublin, that is, it was appropriated to supply the altar of that church with waxlights. It was granted by John De Courcy about the year 1200, and it remained in possession of the old cathedral until very recently (Eeeves : Eccl. Ant., p. 210). We find the very same name applied to a tract of land between Arklow and Corey in Wexford, now divided into three 200 Articles of Manufacture^ [chap. xi. townlands ; but the name is in the slightly varied form of Ballyconlore, the latter part of which exactly re- presents the pronunciation of the modern Irish form coinleoir. Whether this place received its name in the same sense as Ballykinler, or directly from the article itself, I am not able to tell. One thing we know, that the coinleoir was formerly a usual article of furniture, and we find it laid down in the law tract called Crith Gabhlach^ that in the house of a bo-aire, or tenant farmer, there should be, among many other articles, a candle on a candlestick without fail." (O^Curry, III., 486). Charcoal. The making of charcoal was under- stood and practised at a very early period in Ire- land ; for according to the law tract last quoted (O'Curry: same page) the bo-aire was obliged to have " three sacks in his house ; a sack of malt ; a sack of bulrushes for dressing the wounds of his cattle ; a sack of coals for [forging] the irons." The spots where charcoal used to be manufactured in times of old are still discernible in various parts of the country ; for in such places the soil is to this day quite black, and mixed with, the dust and small fragments of charcoal. Places of this kind often retain names containing the word gual, which of course is cognate with the English coal, and which signifies either coal or charcoal. In names, however, the local tradition always points to charcoal, which must be correct, as the introduction of coal as fuel is comparatively recent. There is a little point of land jutting into Lough Erne, a mile from the village of Pettigo, and another just opposite on Boa island, both of which are called by the same name, Possgole, that is, Bos-guail, the peninsula of the charcoal. Glengoole, charcoal glen, is the name of a place near Killenaule in CHAP. XI.] Articles of Mamifacture, 201 Tipperary ; and there is a townland near the village of Caledon in Tyrone, called Derrygooly, where of course the dcrnj or oak wood supplied the materials for making the charcoal. Milk, hiiUe)\ larcL Though these commodities can hardly be ranked under the heading of this chapter, yet the names derived from them may be treated of conveniently here. When a place got its name from milk or butter, it may be surmised that at some former time cows sheep, or goats used to be milked, or general dairy operations carried on there — something like the hoolies of old times described in the First Series. In some cases it is certain that names of this kind were apjDlied to rich pasture laud — land producing milk and butter in abundance. The common word for milk is haine [bonnia, banny], and it occurs in names in such forms as i canny ^ ranny^ icinny — the b being aspirated to v, Tawna- wanny, the name of a townland in the parish of Templecarn in Fermanagh, signifies the field {tcunh- nacli) of the milk ; TuUinwannia in Leitrim and TuUinwonny in Fermanagh, milk hill ; Coolavanny near Castleisland in Kerry, the corner of the milk. New milk is denoted by leamJinacht [lewnaght] ; but the old form, as we find it in Cormac's Glossary, is lenikicht^ the / being changed to n (see First Ser. Part I., c. III.) in modern Irish. In its simple form it gives name to two townlands called Lennaght, one in Monaghan and the other in Kilkenny ; while the diminutive Loonaghtan is the name of a place near Ahascragh in Gralway, signifying new-milk land (see p. 19). There is a townland giving name to a parish near Clonmel, called Inishlounaght, the river-holm of new milk, where O'Faelan, prince of the northern 202 'Articles of Mamifachire, [chap. xi. Decies, had his stronghold ; and where O'Brien, king of Limerick, and O'Faelan founded an abbey in 1187. The Irish form of the name as given by Keating, is Inis-leamhnachta^ the river-holm of the new milk; and the place obviously got this name from the beau- tiful inch along the Suir, between Clonmel and Marl- field. The word occurs in many other names, such as Drumlaunaght in Cavan (Drum, a long hill), Fahanlunaghta near Ennistimon in Clare, and Grort- launaght in Cavan, both signifying the field {faithche and govt) of the new milk. Near the western shore of Lough Derg, in the parish of Clonrush in Gralway, there is a small lake called Lough Alewnaghta, new milk lake, which may have been so called from the softness of its water. Keating accounts for a name of this kind by a legend about one of those medicinal baths spoken of at page 74. During the short time that the Picts resided in Ireland, before their migration to Scotland, many centuries before the Christian era, Criffan, the king of Leinster, and his subjects, were sorely annoyed by a hostile people in his neighbourliood, who used poisoned weapons, so that whoever received a wound from them, no matter how trifling, was sure to die of it. The king at last consulted a learned Pictish druid named Trohdan^ who told him to have a bath pre- pared on the occasion of the next battle, with the milk of 150 white hornless cows, in which each wounded man was to be bathed. Criffan, as soon as he had procured the cows, at once sent a challenge to his adversaries ; and on the eve of the battle he had the bath prepared just as the druid directed. As fast as the king's men were wounded they were plunged into the bath, from which* they came out as well as ever ; so that the Leinster army routed their CHAP. XI.] Articles of Manufacture. 203 foes with dreadful slaughter. From this event the place came to be called Ard-leninachta, the height of the new milk. The art of making and saving butter appears to have been known in Ireland from the earliest ages ; for it is mentioned with milk, curds, cheese, &c., in our oldest literature. In later times it was custom- ary to sink butter deep down in bogs, closed up in casks or baskets, to give it a flavour. Among the food of the Irish, Dineley (a. d. 1675) mentions butter mixed with store of * * * a kind of garlick, and buried for some time in a bog to make a provi- sion of an high taste for Lent." Sir William Petty also mentions butter made rancid by keeping in bogs ; and other authorities to the same effect might be quoted. Whether this custom existed in ancient times I am unable to say ; but at any rate, its pre- valence even at this late period, is a sufficient expla- nation of the fact that butter is now very often found in vessels of various shapes and sizes, deeply em- bedded in bogs ; sometimes in firkins not very differ- ent from those now in use (see Sir W. R. Wilde's Oatal. Ant., p. 212). Several specimens of this bo^ butter, as it is commonly called, are to be seen in ^ the Royal Irish Academ}^ Museum. In all cases the butter is found to be changed by the action of the bog water, into a grejdsh cheese-like substance, par- tially hardened, not much like butter, and quite free from putrefaction. From the word im, butter (irnh, in Cor. Gl.), we have several names. There is a townland near Mal- low in Cork, giving name to a parish called Monanimy (accent on i?r/) which signifies the bog of the butter; and we may conjecture that the bog received its name from the quantity of butter found in it. Half 204 Articles of Manufacture. [chap. xi. a mile from Clifden in Galway is a little lake called Loiigli Animma, butter lake ; and another of the same name lies two miles east of Ballymore in West- meath. Derrynim is the name of a townland in the parish of Cleenish, Fermanagh; and there is another called Carriganimma, seven miles north-west from Macroom, the first signifying the wood, and the second the rock, of the butter. Why were places named from lard? Perhaps such names indicate that pigs were fattened in the respective places. Whatever the origin may be, it is certain that we have several names from the word hlonog^ which signifies lard, fat, or suet. Such for instance is Corblonog in the parish of Tedavnet in Monaghan, the round hill of the lard; Killy- blunick Grlebe in Tyrone, — and Derrynablunnaga south of the lakes of Killarney, these two last signi- fying the wood of the lard ; and there is a place called Caherblonick (calier a round stone fort) near the lake of Inchiquin in Clare. The following names are derived from various articles of manufacture. There is a small lake in Donegal, two miles south-east from the village of Q-lenties, called Lough Nasnahida, the lake of the needle : — sndfhad^ a needle. There is a parish in Longford called Forgney, taking its name from a townland, which must have been so called from some remarkable building ; for forgnaidli signifies an edi- fice or a building. SlahJira [slavra, sloura], is a chain. Two miles east of Ardara in Donegal, is a hill called Crockasloura, which means the hill of the chain {crock for knocks a hill) ; and Derrintloura is the name of a townland in the parish of Islandeady, west of Castlebar in Mayo, the devry or oak grove of the chain (Doire-an-tslabhra), the s of slahhra being CHAP. xn.J Boundaries and Fences, 205 here eclipsed by t as it ought to be. In the western extremity of the townland of Athlunkard, on the Clare side of the Shannon, near the city of Limerick, there is a small rock within a few yards of the Shan- non, called Carrickatloura, the rock of the chain ; and in this place there is a tradition to explain the name : that at the siege of Limerick, the English army cross- ed the Shannon at this spot by means of a chain which was thrown across the river and fastened on the Clare side to this rock. CHAPTER XIL BOUNDAKIES AND FENCES. Bru and its derivative bruacJi^ both signify a border, brink, or margin ; but it is commonly ap- plied to the brink of a stream or glen. The latter of the two is the term generally found in names ; and its most usual anglicised form is Brough, which is the name of a place near Doneraile in Cork. Broughshane in Antrim signifies John's border; Broughderg, red border, is the name of places in Cavan, Fermanagh, and Tyrone ; and it is the same as Dergbrough in Tyrone, with the root words transposed. Broughmore in Antrim is the same as Broraore in Kerry — great border. The diminutive in an also occurs, giving origin to Broughan and Broughane in Armagh and Kerry (little border) ; and to Broughanlea, the name of a place east of Ballycastle in Antrim, grey little border. 206 Boundaries and Fences, [chap. xit. Crioch [creea] means an end, confine, or boundary ; but it is an unsatisfactory term to deal with here, for it is very hard to distinguish it in anglicised names from other words like it in sound but different in meaning. When it is found in names we may conclude that it marks the ancient boundaries of farms, townlands, or territories. Its most common modern form is Creagh, which either simply or in combination, gives names to several townlands and parishes ; it sometimes drops the aspirate at the end, as in Cavan and King's County, where there are some places called Cree and Creea. In an extended sense this word has come to signify also a country or territory, exactly like the Latin fines. For ex- ample the country of the O'Byrnes in Wicklow is called Crioch Branach, The Book of Eights, O'Heeren's poem, and other authorities, mention a tribe named TJi-Buidhe^ i. e. the tribe or family of O'Boy ; who are described as seated .on the west side of the Barrow. In one of these old books we are told that the church of Killabban lies in the territory of this tribe ; from which we are enabled to fix the exact position. This ancient territory is commonly called in Irish writings, Crioch Ua mBuidhe^ i. e. the country of the O'Boys ; and the tribe name still exists in the name of the parish of Tullomoy, which sufficiently represents the sound of Tul-O" mBiild/ie, the hill of the O'Boys — the B being eclipsed by ni according to the law explained at page 1 35 (See O'Donovan in Book of Eights, 213). The accounts left us of St. Abban, the founder of the church of Killabban, south of Athy in Queen's County, are very contradictory. It appears, however, that he was born in Leinster in the sixth century ; and his mother Mella is said to have been a sister of CHAP. XII.] Boundaries and Fences. 207 St. Kevin of Grlendalough ; he founded several chnrclies and died in a place called Magh-Arnaidhe [Moyarney ; plain of sloes] in Wexford, greatly- revered for goodness and holiness of life. In his Life published by Colgan, it is stated that when^ Abban and his clergy came among the tribe o? Hy- mBairrclie (from whom the barony of Slievemargy took its name — see First Series), these people gave him a joyous welcome ; and he built a great monas- tery there, and laid the foundation of a town ; and the monastery and the town are called in the Scotic (i. e. Irish) language by one name, Ceall Abbain^ which in Latin is interpreted Celln-Abbani^^ — in English, Abban's Church, which name has been ex- tended to the parish. Teora [tora] is a border or boundary ; the regular genitive is teorann, as it is preserved in Ballytoran on the borders of Tipperary and King's County, near the village of Cloghjordan, and in Knocktoran near Knocklong in Limerick, the town and the hill of the boundary. A corrupt modification of the word appears in the name of a lake called Loughatorick, so called because it lies on the boundary between the counties of Galway and Clare, and the boundary line ran through it in 1604, as appears by an Inquisition of that date (Hy Many, 69). lorriis, O'Fhiherty, at page 96 of his description of lar Connaught, says, " Many lands here, environed for the most j)art b}^ the sea, are called Irros, with an adjection to distinguish them one from another. The proper form of the word is wrrus ; and some have thought that it signifies western promontory — iar^ west, ros, a promontory —while others believe that it means nothing more than a border or limit." Hardiman, the editor of O'Flaherty, says it means a 208 Boundaries and Fences. [chap. xit. border, brink, margin, promontory, or headland. There can be no doubt that the word was applied to a peninsula ; for all the iorruses of Galway are penin- sulas; as ioT instsince lorrus-bcar/, the peninsula lying west of Eoundstone, which still retains the name of Errisbeg ; lornis-ain Jiagh, the old name of the penin- sula between the bays of Bertraghboy and Kilker- rin ; Iorrus-mo)\ the peninsula which terminates in Slyne Head ; lornis-Fkoinan, the little point of land south-west of Clifden, between Mannin bay and Ardbear bay. The barony of Erris in Mayo is the best known place taking its name from this word ; but although the name now covers an extensive territory, it may be safely assumed that it belonged originally to the peninsula at present called the Mullet, from which it was extended to the whole district. There is a townland called Erris near Boyle in Roscommon, taking its name from a little point of land jutting into Lough Key. Erris is another name for Skirk Glebe near Borris-in-Ossory in Queen V County, which O'Donovan thinks Avas so called because it was on the borders of the ancient territory of Ossory. Other forms of the word are exhibited in Urros in the parish of Inishmacsaint in Fermanagh ; Urris- menagh (middle urris) in the parish of Clonmany in Inisbowen, Donegal ; and Urrasaun in the parish of Tibohine in Roscommon, which is a diminutive, meaning little border or peninsula. Some of the preceding are situated inland, which would tend to show that this word was used to designate a border as well as a peninsula. Tevmons. In Ireland as in other Christian coun- tries, many of the churches had the right of sanc- tuary. A small piece of land was usually fenced off CHAP. XTi.] JBounclaries and Fences, 209 round the church, and the four corners were often marked by crosses or j)!!!^"^!"" stones ; this land was regarded as belonging exclusively to the church ; and criminals fleeing from justice, or fugitives from their enemies, were safe from molestation for the time, once they had taken refuge either in the church itseK or inside the boundary. The word tearmann was originally applied to those or boundaries, and in this sense it exactly cor- responds with Latin terminus ; but it was afterwards extended in meaning till it came to signify a sanctuary or asylum ; and this is the sense in which it is gene- rally used in Irish writings. It was often poj)ularly used in a still more general way, to denote church lands, or lands belonging to a sanctuary, so that the expression " termon lands" is quite common in Anglo- Irisli writings. This word is still retained in a good many local names, marking the precincts of sanctuaries ; and in several of these the spots are almost as much venerated now as they were a thousand years ago, though they no longer afi'ord an asylum to the fugitive. The memory of St. Fechin is preserved in the name Ter- monfeckin — Fechin's sanctuary, now applied to a parish near Drogheda. St. Bemch, the founder of a church in the present county of Roscommon, who was descended from Brian, king of Oonnaught in the fourth century, flourished in the latter part of the sixth century, and was a pupil of St. Kevin of Glendalough. After leaving (rlendalough, he crossed the Shannon and founded an establishment for him- self at a place called Cluain-coivpthe [Clooncorpa], near the shore of the river, in the desert of Kinel Dofa, which afterwards attained to great eminence. The old name is now forgotten, and the founder, who p 210 Boundaries and Fences. [chap. XII. is still greatly venerated, is commemorated in the present name of the church and parish, Termonbarry, St. Be radios sanctuary. The warden or lay superintendent of church land was termed the erenagh (Irish aircheannach) ; and this office was commonly held by members of the same family for generations. In some places the termons have preserved the family names of the erenaghs instead of those of the patron saints. The church of St. Daheoej or Baveog, one of the very early Irish saints, was situated in an island in Lough Derg in Donegal ; but the termon lands belonging to the church lay on the mainland, near the village of Pettigo. The hereditary wardens of this termon were the MagratliB ; and accordingly the place is called in the Four Masters, sometimes Termon Daveog, and sometimes Termon Magrath. The latter is the name now used, though it is usually shortened to Termon ; the ruins of Termon castle, the ancient residence of the Magraths, are still standing ; and the sanctuary has given name to the little river Termon, flowing through Pettigo into Lough Erne. The parish of Termonmaguirk in Tyrone was an- ciently called Tearmann-cuwinigh, which name Dr. Reeves (Adamn. 283) conjectures may have been derived from Cuvnne, St. Columkille's sister. It got its present name from the family of MacGuirk, who were for a long time its hereditary wardens. In like manner the O'Mongans were the wardens of Termon- omongan in the west of the same county ; its ancient name being Kilkerril, from St. Caireall, the founder or patron of the church (Reeves : Colt. Yis. 72). Termon and Tarmon are the names of several places, indi- cating in every case the former existence of a sanc- tuary. Sometimes the word is found combined with CHAP. XII.] Boundaries and Fences. 211 other terms that have no reference to either patron or warden. Thus Termoncarragh, west of BelmiiUet in Mayo, means merely rough termon, in reference no doubt to the ruggedness of the ground. There is a place near the village of Annascaul in the parish of Ballinacourty in Kerry, called Ballintermon, the town of the sanctuary ; and Ardtermon (sanctuary height) lies in the parish of Drumcliff in Sligo. Hedge. Fdl [faul] signifies a hedge or wall ; the fence that separated the lands of two adjacent occu- piers : and it is used in this sense in our oldest law tracts. In local names it often designates the land enclosed by a fdl; but this is altogether a modern application, which had no existence in the Irish language. In this latter sense it is understood by the people of Falnasoogaun, three miles north- west from Ballymote in Sligo, for the townland is also called in English, Eopefield {sitgan, a rope). This word is usually found in anglicised names very little changed from its original form ; as we see in Falcarragh in Donegal, rough or rugged, fdl — and here also the meaning has probably been ex- tended to a field ; Falmacbreed and Falmacrilly in Antrim, MacBride's and MacCrilly's hedge or en- closure. The word is sometimes pronounced in two syllables (fcila), giving rise to Fallowbeg in Queen's County, south of Athy (beg, little) ; Falloward and Fallowlea, both in the parish of Faughanvale in Derry (high and grey), and Fallowvee nearCushen- dall in Antrim, yellow hedge {biiidhe). There is a place in the parish of Islandeady in Mayo, which is mentioned in Hy Fiachrach by the simple name Fdl ; but it is now called Kilfaul, the wood of the hedge. Fallagh, Faulagh, and Faltagh, are adjective forms, found in various counties, all meaning a place p 2 212 Boundaries and Fences, [chap. XIT. of hedges ; and Fauleens in Mayo (little hedges) is a diminutive. One of the plural forms i^falta^ which has given names to several places now called Paltia, Palty, and Faulties ; Faltybanes in Donegal, white hedges or enclosed fields. When it comes in the end of names in the geni- tive plural Avith the article, it is usually represented by icall^ val^ or vaul ; as "in Oornawall near Newbliss in Monaghan, Cor-na-hhfdl, the little hill of the hedges ; TuUynavall near Carrickmacross in Monagh- an, same meaning. There is an ancient fort near the village of Kilkeel in the south of the county Down, called Dunnaval, the fortress of the walls or hedges ; and a little island near Slyne head in Gralway, has the same name, but in the anglicised form Doonnawaul. In an old map of Belfast engraved in facsimile by Mr. Edmund Getty in the Ulster J ournal of Arch- ceology (Vol. III.), the district immediately south of the town, in the angle between the Blackstaff river and the Lagan, is called Tuoghe-na- fall ; it is written Tiioghnafall in a grant of Oar. I. ; and in an Inqui- sition of 160-3 (Reeves, Eccl. Ant. 346) it is called Tuogh of the Fall. The name of this old territory is still remembered; for it is now locally known as " The Falls," and the Falls Road is a well known outlet of Belfast, leading through this district. Both the modern and the old forms of the name, obviously point to the original Irish Tuafh-na-hJifdl, the district of fdls — hedges or enclosures. CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Works, 213 CHAPTER XIII. VARIOUS ARTIFICIAL -WORKS. Roads. On a former occasion I enumerated seve- ral terms for a road, and gave names derived from each.* There is yet another, which, though not so common as those, is yet used in the language, and deserves mention, as it enters into local nomencla- ture. E6d [road] — old Irish rot — is exactly the same word as the English road ; but one is not derived from the other. For the English road comes from the Anglo-Saxon ; and we know that the Irish word has been used in the native language from a period long before English was known in this country. In the Glossary of Oormac Mac CuUenan, a work of the end of the ninth century, rot is given as one of the terms for a road ; and from the way in which he mentions it, the word appears to have been used to denote a road just broad enough for the of a single chariot. It is also constantly used in other Irish writings, such as the Book of Eights, the Topographical Poem of O'Dugan (who, for instance, designates a certain district as " Clann Ruainne na rod sgotliach^' the Olann Euainne of the flowery roads : p. 133), &c. ; and it still continues in use in the spoken language. We have a good many local names into which this word enters. There are two townlands in Wa- terford and one in Wexford, called Ballinroad, the town of the road; Lisnarode near the village of * First Ser. Part III., c. vi. 214 Various Artificial Works, [chap. xiii. Clonaslee in Queen's County, signifies the lis or fort of the roads ; while the diminutive Rodeen, and the shorter form Roden — botli meaning little road — are the names of several places in Cork, Roscommon, Waterford, and Tipperary. Causeicay. T6cluu\ the usual term for a causeway, has been already dealt with ; but there is another word for the same thing, which is sometimes used, namely cohkas or cohhsa [couse or cousa] : in parts of the south of Ireland it is applied to stepping-stones across a river. It gives name to Couse, about two miles south of the city of Waterford ; and to Tincouse in the parish of Powerstown, south of Groresbridge in Kil- kenny, Ti(jh-an-chohhais, the house of the causeway. Mound or ch/ke. An artificial mound, dyke, or rampart of any kind, is usually designated by the word claclJi^ pronounced clij or clee in the south half of Ireland, and clee or clmo in the north. The word is also apj)lied to the raised fences so universal in Ireland, separating field from field. Wherever we find this word in the name of a place, we must con- clude that it originated in some remarkable rampart, erected either for purposes of defence, or to separate two adjacent territories. Many of these old mounds are to be seen at the present day in various parts of Ireland. Smith (Hist. Kerry, p. 219) mentions an ancient boundary of this kind called Clee Rmclcj (cladh ruadh, red mound), which begins at Cahercarbery near Kerry Heady runs north-east towards the river Cashen, reappears at the other side of the river, and crosses the mountain of Knock anore into Limerick. Tliere is a still more remarkable ancient boundary wall in the valley of the Newry river, which is now commonly called the Danes' Cast ; but the Danes CHAP. xiiT.] Various Artificial Works, 215 had no hand in its construction, for it was built to separate the ancient kingdoms of Oriel and Ulidia, many ages before the Danes came to Ireland. In case of some of these old ramparts the natives have a legend that they were rooted up by an enormous enchanted black pig. Near the village of Ballymore in Westmeath, there is a townland called Clyglass, green mound ; and we have Clybaun (whitish) in Gralway, Cloyfin (white) near Coleraine, Clyroe and Clykeel in Cork (red, narrow), and Clynabroga in Limerick, the mound of the brogue or shoe (see p. 183). Porta- cloy — the port or landing place of the rampart — is the name of a coast-guard station, and of a little bay, near Benwee Head on the north-west point of Mayo. The word is exhibited with a different pronunciation in Gortaclee near Cushendall in An- trim, the field of the mound ; and another usual form is seen in Edenclaw near the village of Ederny in the north of Fermanagh, the edan or hill-brow of the rampart. The two words sonnach and tonnach both mean a wall, mound, rampart, or circular enclosui-e. As they are identical in meaning, and differ only in their initial letters, it seems probable that tonnach is merely a variety of sonnach, the t re- placing s under the influence of the article (1st Ser., Part L, c. ii.) ; for sonnach is found in our oldest manuscripts, as for example in Lchor-na-hUidhre. Sonnach gives names to those places now called Sonnagh and Sunnagh, in all of which some remark- able defensive rampart must have existed. But tonnach is far more common in names, and assumes such anglicised forms as tonnagh, tunny, to)iny, tony, &c. Derrintonny in Monaghan and Fermanagh, re- 216 Various Artificial WorJiS. [chap. xiii. presents the sound of Doii-e-an-tonnaigh, the oak wood of the rampart ; Ardtonnagh near Lisbellav/ in Fermanagh, high mound. The names of Lissatunna, and Lissatunny (the fort of the rampart) in Clare, Galway, Tipperary, and Westmeath, indicate that at each of these places there was a lis or fort de- fended by a circumvallation of unusual magnitude. In some of the preceding names the form maybe sonnach, with the s eclipsed in the usual way ; but this make makes no difference as to meaning. Trench. A trench, a deep furrow, a dry ditch, or pit, is usually designated by the word c/r^zs [clash], which is extremely common in the southern half of Ireland, as a component of local names, usually in the anglicised form clash. It is seldom met with in the north. Clash constitutes or begins the names of about 130 townlands ; and enters into many combi- nations in other positions. Clashroe in Cork, King's County, and Waterford — red trench — must have been so called from the colour of the clay ; Clashnam- rock near Lismore, is Clais-na-fnbroc, the trench of the badgers ; Clash william in Kilkenny, William's furrow; Clashygowan in Donegal, 0' Go wan' s furrow. There is a little village at the entrance to Grlenma- lure in Wicklow, and several townlands in other partK of Ireland, called Ballynaclash, the town of the trench. Mill stream. Among the several Irish words be- ginning with sr which deno'e a stream (such as sruth, sriibh, &c.) srae or sraeth is used to designate a mill stream. Four miles east of the village of Ard- rahan in Gal way, there is a little river that sinks into the ground, called Owenshree, the river of the mill-race. But the, word almost always enters into names with the s elipsed by which changes it to CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Works. 217 tray^ trca, &g. This syllable, in the end of words, can usually be distinguished from trat/ (traigJi) a strand, by the form of the article ; for traj/^ a strand, is feminine, and takes na before it, when the article is used at all ; while tray, when it means a mill-race, is masculine, and takes one of the masculine forms of the article, an, a, f/, or in, before it. This is illustrated by the two names Gort;^f/traw and Grortfltray ; the former (in Donegal) is Gort-na- tragha, the field of the strand ; the latter (in Cork and Tyrone) Gort-a^-tsrae, the field of the mill race. Inchintrea near Cahersiveen in Kerry, is the river- holm of the mill-race; and Derrintray (Boire-an- tsrae, mill-race wood) is the name of a place near the village of Clonaslee in Queen's County. There is a townland near the city of Armagh, and another in the parish of Donaghmoyne in Monaghan, called Tray, in which t displaces s under the influence of the article — an tsrae, the mill race. Plank bridges. Among the various contrivances adopted for crossing rivers before stone bridges were introduced into this country, or before they came into general use, plank bridges deserve to be men- tioned : — timber planks were laid across the stream from bank to bank, if it were narrow enough, or supported on rests of natural rock or on artificial piers, if the river were wide. We know that bridges of this kind are occasionally found in use at the pre- sent day in various remote parts of the country — I know a place in the county Wicklow, where one is now in course of construction — and we have suffi- cient testimony both in history and in the names of places, that they were much used in old times. There was a plank bridge across the Shannon in the time of Brian Boru, near his palace of Kincora, that is, 218 Various Artificial Works, [chap. xiii. either at the very place where the bridge of Killaloe now stands, or near it. For we read in the " Wars - of the Irish with the Danes/' that, soon before the . battle of Clontarf, when ITaelmordha, king of Lein- ster, retired in anger from Kincora, a messenger from Brian followed him, and " overtook him at the end of the plank- bridge of Killaloe on the east side" I cind clair Cilli Daliia p. 145). This ancient bridge is designated in the preceding passage by the word clar, which means literally " a plank;" its name and meaning are still preserved in the name of the bishop's house at Killaloe — Claris- ford ; and there is no better example of how an old Irish name may be newly varnished up so as to efface every vestige of its age and origin. For Clarisford is only a pretty way of saying the ford of the clar or plank ; though I suppose there are few persons who suspect in the least how the name originated. It is probable indeed that many of these structures scarcely deserved the name of bridges, but should be rather designated plank fords or plank crossings, which is the very name they commonly go by in the Irish language ; for many of them even still retain names partly formed from the word clar, a board ; " while the other part of the name often consists of one of the Irish words for a ford. Moreover the people in several of those places have a tradition that the names were derived from a plank bridge ; which we find to be the case for instance in the village of Clare on the river Fergus, and also in Clare Galway (see these places in First Series). A very good illustration of this class of names is Atliclare near Dunleer in Louth — the ford of the plank ; which takes the form of Aghclare near Graiguenamanagh in Kilkenny ; and still another CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Works. 219 form, Aclare, in Meath and Carlow. Another equally characteristic name is Belclare (for which see First Series) ; Bealaclare, now the name of a bridge over the Leamawaddra river, at the head of Roaring Water bay in Cork, two miles from the village of Bally- dehob, shows how the river was crossed before the bridge was bnilt — Bel-a^-chlair^ the ford of the board. There is a little village near Oranmore in Gal way, now called Clarinbridge, but formerly AtJi-cliath' Meadhraidhe [Aclee-Maaree], i. e. the Aih'cUath or hurdle ford of Maaree — this last being the name of the peninsula running into Galw^ay bay west of the village. This was in old times a place of note, for it was the western terminus of the Esker Eiada, which separated the northern from the southern half of Ireland, the eastern terminus being the great Ath- cliath^ or Dublin (see Esker Eiada in First Ser.) It is very probable that the original ford of hurdles gave place, in course of time, to a better crossing made of planks ; for while the old name is lost among the people, the village has been long called in Irish Droichead-a^ -chlairin [Drehid-a-clareen], the bridge of the clareen or little board, of which ^'Clarinbridge" is a sort of half translation. The existence of such a bridge at some remote time over the river Bride, half a mile above the little village of Ovens, west of Cork city, is proved by the name of the present bridge — Drehidnaglaragh, the bridge of the planks. Clare Bridge'' over the Clare river in the parish of Abington in Limerick, near the village of Newport, is now a good stone structure ; but both the present name, and the Irish, Droichead- OL-chlah\ of which it is a translation, show that the original bridge was made of planks ; and from this old bridge the river itself derives its name. Augh- 220 Various Artificial Works, [chap. xiit. naglaur is the name of a bridge crossing a small stream flowing from the Blackstairs Mountains, in the parish of Killann in Wexford — Ath-na-gcldr, the ford of the planks. Fold. The word cro has several meanings, one of which is a hut, hovel, or small house ; and this is its most general sense when it is found in names, i. e. a liut, fold, or pen for cattle. The little building in Glendalough, now called St. Kevin's kitchen, is called in the annals Cro-Kevin, St. Kevin's hut. The most usual anglicised form of this word is seen in Culcrow in the parish of Agivey in Derry, near the Bann, the angle or corner of the cattle sheds ; and in Clasha- crow, the name of a parish in Kilkenny, Clais-a- chro^ the trench of the shed. In Curraghacronacon near Abbey leix in Queen's County, the first part ciirragha^ is the plural of curragh^ a moor ; and the whole name fully written, is Curraclia'Cro-na-gcoUj the moors of the hut of the hounds. Near Roscrea in Tipperary, there are two adjacent townlands called Barnagree and Pintown ; the former is understood to be Barr-na-gcroithe^ the summit of the cattle-pens ; while the latter, Pintown, is a transla- tion, which is incorrect, however, in both members ioY poi ; and town for top), and should have been made Pentop, or something bearing the same signi- fication. There is a little islet in the south-west part of Lough Ennel in Westmeath, now called Croincha, and often Cormorant Island ; where Malach}^ IL, king of Ireland, died in the year 1022, surroimded by the chief ecclesiastical dignitaries of the country. In the annals it is called (7ro-/;n's, which means the island of the hut or pen ; and I suppose that the name Cormorant Island took its rise from the belief that cro was English crow, a bird — " Cor- CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Works, 221 morant Island" being intended as a sort of orna- mental translation of Cro-inis. Ovens. Backs [baucoose] means an oven. It is given by O'Eeilly (in the form hacudhas) on the authority of Shaw's Graelic Dictionary ; but that it has been in use in Ireland we may consider as cer- tain, even though we had no other reason for con- eluding so than its existence in local names. It is obviously connected with the English w^ord bake; but whether it is an old Irish word, or is merely borrowed from English, I will not now undertake to determine. It is seldom much disguised in names, except only that the h is commonly clianged to v by aspiration. Its usual anglicised forms are seen in Gortavacoosh in the parish of Abington in Limerick ; GorUa 'hhdcuis^ the field of the oven ; in Coolava- coose in the north of Kildare, near Edenderry {ciiil^ a corner) ; and in Parkavacoosh {pdirc, a field), now the name of an old fort near Lixnaw in Kerry. Near the village of Kilmacow, in the parish of Dunkitt in Kilkenny, there is a townland called Tinvacoosh, i. e. Tigh-an-bhdcuis, the house of the oven, or simply baking-house. In this place there lived one time, according to a local legend, a rich baker, who employed himself in cultivating a small garden round his house, whenever he was able to withdraw from the cares of his oven. One day, after placing a batch of loaves in the heated oven, he left them to bake, and went as usual to his garden. The day was very sultry, and the summer had been unusally dry ; so he filled a vessel with water from a clear well hard by, and began to sprinkle his flowers and vegetables, w^hich were drooping for want of a little moisture. He had not been long em- ployed in this manner, when a stranger, a man 222 Various Artificial Works, [chap. xiii. of grave and dignified appearance, walked up to him, and told him that his conduct was highly improper ; that he should not presume to interfere with the ordinary course of nature ; but that he should leave it entirely in the hands of Providence to regulate the distribution of drought and moisture. After administering this rebuke, he walked slowly away, and disappeared among the trees of a neighbouring wood. While the baker stood pondering on the stranger's words, he bethought him that it was time to look after his loaves ; so he went to the oven and drew them forth ; but found them, not baked as he expected, but covered all over with ears of wheat, which had sprouted out in the oven, and appeared as green and flourishing as if they had grown natu- rally in the richest soil. This wonderful occurrence convinced him that the mysterious stranger was quite* right ; and he resolved that he would never again venture to water his garden. The legend of the rich baker of Tinvacoosh shows the folly of the common practice of watering plants, which is plain enough indeed to many people with- out a miracle at all ; for is it not far pleasanter and wiser to sit at your ease on a hot summer day, and let the plants take their chance, than to go toiling in a garden with a heavy watering can in your hand ? Kilns. Sorn means a furnace, kiln, or oven. The word is often applied to a lime kiln ; and its presence in names indicates the spots where kilns were once in use. The anglicised forms are easily recognised ; for they are generally identical, or nearly so, with the Irish ; as in Drumnasorn in the parish of Killaghtee in Donegal, and Aghnasurn on the north side of Lough Key in Roscommon, the ridge, and the field, CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Worls. 223 of the kilns or furnaces. The word stands alone in the name of Soran near the village of Drumlish in Longford, and in Sorne, the name of a hill, foui' miles from Buncrana in Donegal ; and the s becomes aspirated in Drumhurrin, the name of a lake and townland in the parish of Templeport, in the north- west corner of Cavan, which means the ridge of the furnace. From teine [tinna] fire, and ael^ lime, is derived teine-aeil [tinned], the usual name for a lime-kiln, signifjdng literally " fire of lime.'' The word is used by the Four Masters when they record that Flaherty O'BroUaghan, abbot of the great monastery of Derry, and his clergy, erected a teine-acil measuring seventy feet every way, in the year 1163. Tinneel near Ross Carbery in Cork, and Tinneel near the village of Eosenallis in Queen's County, took their names from lime-kilns ; and we find the word also in Knockna- tinnyweel near Newport Mayo, and in Garryna- tinneel in Tipperary, near Killaloe, the hill and the garden of the lime-kiln. . Prison, Carcair signifies a prison : it is of course the same as the Latin career^ and is probably derived from it. This word has given names to various places throughout the four provinces, now called Carker and Corker ; but what kind of prisons they were, that have left their names on these places, or what their history, we have now no means of determining. In some parts of Ireland, especially in Clare, the term is applied to a narrow pass between hills, which is only an extension of the original meaning — a narrow or confined pass like a prison ; and this may be its meaning in some of the preceding places. It was certainly understood in this sense in " The Corker Road,'' a steep and narrow pass, leading to 224 Various Artificial Works [chap. xiii. the abbey of Corcomroe in the north of Clare, which is mentioned by the Four Masters, and called by them Carcair-na-gcJcireach [Carkernagleragh] , the narrow pass of the clergy, a name by which it is still known. The clergy from whom the latter part of the name was derived were, no doubt, the monks of the great abbey of Corcomroe. The word carcair must have been applied in its original sense to Inish- corker, one of the numerous islands at the mouth of the river Fergus in Clare, whose name signifies the island of the prison. Sepulchre, Sahaltair is given in Cormac's Glos- sary as meaning a graveyard of a plague, i. e. a great field in which the pagans used to bury and Cormac derives it from the Latin sepiiltiira. There is just one place in Ireland taking its name from this word, viz., the parish of Subulter near Kan turk in Cork. Port. The Irish word port has several meanings ; but of these there are only two which it is necessary to notice here, name] 3% 1. A bank or landing place, a harbour, port, or haven; 2. A fortress or military station, a royal fort; a chieftain's residence. The word is used in these two senses in both the an- cient and modern language ; and I will give one example of each application from old authorities. It stands for 'landing-place" in a passage in Lebor-na- hUicl/ire{see Kilk. Arcli. Jour., 1870-1, p. 390), in which CuchuUi)i relates : — " It was in that manner I swam the ocean until I was in the {part) harbour ;" while in an ancient poem on the death of Malachy (king of Ireland), quoted by the Four Masters, at A. D. 1022, it is used as synonymous with dun^ a fortress : — CHAP. XIV.] Various Artificial Works. 225 Three hundred ports had the king in which flesh and food were given; Guests from the king* of the elements were in each chin of these." The compounds ceannphort and hailepJiort (canfort, bally fort), were also used to denote either a chief city or a chief residence. The word always bears one or the other of these two meanings in local names ; but it is often not easy to distinguish between them. It may be stated generally, however, that when the spot whose name is wholly or partly formed from this term, is situated on the sea-shore or on a river or lake, the word has the former meaning ; otherwise the latter. Port forms or begins the names of about 140 townlands, parishes, and villages. Portadown must have taken its name from an earthen dun on the shore of the Bann : — Port-a'diiin^ the landing place of the fortress. There was once a remarkable castle belonging to the O'Maddens, on the bank of the Shannon, in the parish of Lorrha in Tipperary, north of Lough Derg, which is called by the Four Masters TorUan'tolcliain^ the bank or landing-place of the little tiilach or hill. In the Down Sur- vey the name is written Portolohane ; and it still survives in the much disguised form of Portland — now the name of a townland and residence. There is a place called Portcrusha on the Shannon, near Castleconnell, which the Four Masters, when re- cording the erection there, in 1506, of a wooden bridge, by one of the O'Briens, call Port-croisi^ the landing place of the cross. In the eastern part of the county Clare, port is pronounced as if written pdirt [part], and this pro- nunciation is reflected in the names of some places Q 226 Various Artificial Works, [chap. xiii. on the Shannon, from Limerick to Killaloe, which are now called Parteen, a diminutive form sigoify- ing little landing-place. Fairy palace. Palas ov pail is signifies a palace or royal residence, a loan word from the Latin {pala- tium). TVehave it pretty often reproduced in names, and it is always applied to a circular fort or lis ; but as modern stone castles sometimes came to be erected on or near the sites of the forts, the name naturally descended to them, though this is not the original application of the word. Moreover in later times, after the abandonment of the old lisses as residences by their human inhabitants, and since the fairies have taken possession of them, the word p)ailis is generally understood to mean a fairy palace or resi- dence. There are between twenty and thirty townlands called Pallas, Palace, and Pallis, three anglicised forms of this word ; and all these places took their names from fairy forts or Usses. Pallaskenry in Limerick was so called as being situated in the old territory of Kenry or Caonraighe, In Sligo, the term is found in the form of Phaleesh, which is the name of a townland ; and in the end of names the p is ) occasionally changed to /by aspiration, as in Cappa- faulish in Kilkenny, the garden-plot of the fairy fort. Monasteries. The Irish word, mainister, which signifies a monastery or abbey, is merely the Latin monasterium^ borrowed, like several other ecclesias- tical terms. Many of the old abbeys to which the word was originally applied, still retain it in their names, and it is generally very little disguised by letter changes. Saint Eimhin or Evin founded a monastery on CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Works. 227 the brink of the river Barrow, on a spot which before his time had been called Ros-glas^ green ros or wood ; but which took from him the name of Mainister-Eimhin — so written in all ancient authori- ties — Evin's monastery, now Monasterevin. He was a native of Munster, and was one of four bro- thers, all ecclesiastics, sons of Eoghan, who was eighth in descent from OlioU Olum, king of Munster in the third century. He lived in the beginning of the sixth century ; and he is believed to have been the writer of a Life of St. Patrick in a mixture of Irish and Latin, which is still extant, and which on account of its being divided into three parts, each having a proper introduction of its own, is now well known as the " Tripartite Life.'' Monasterboice in the county Louth, nearDrogh- eda, now so celebrated for its abbey ruins, its round tower, and its magnificent stone crosses, was founded by Buite or Boethius, bishop and abbot, who is believed to have been one of St. Patrick's disciples, and who died, according to the Annals of Ulster, in a. d. 622. This great establishment con- tinued to flourish for many ages afterwards ; and among its many remarkable men, was the celebrated historian and poet, Flann, or as he is commonly called, Flann of the Monastery, who died in 1056. The place is called in Irish authorities Mainister^ Buithe ; but the th of the founder's name has been changed to c in the modern form, Monasterboice. In that part of the parish of Athleague lying west of the Shannon, in the county Gralway, there is a townland called " Monasternalea or Abbeygrey," of which the second name professes to be a transla- tion of the first, which it is not ; for the full Irish name is Mainister-na-liatha, the abbey of the grey 228 Vanotis Artificial Works, [chap. xiii. (friars). This terms occurs in several other names, and the forms are slighty varied : — Aghmanister is the name of a place in the parish of Abbeymahon, in the south of Cork, meaning the field {achadh) of the monastery ; Tullyminister in Cavan {tulach^ a hill); Bally mini stragh in the parish of Kilmood in Down, which in certain old documents is written Ballymonesteragh (Eeeves : Eccl. Ant. 198), the town of the monastery ; and Ballyminstra in An- trim, which is the same name. Head Residence. The word ceanannus, which has been long in use, is very satisfactorily explained by the Four Masters, in a passage recording the foundation of Ceanannus, now Kells in Meath, in A.M. 3991. They state: — It was by Fiacha Finnail- ches [king of Ireland] that Dun-chuile-Sibrinne^ that is, Ceanannus, was erected and they go on to say that, wherever this king erected a habitation for himself, he called it by the name Ceanannus, which means head abode. From this it is obvious that the structure designated in the first instance by the name Ceanannus, was a dun or circular earthen fort in which the king resided. The Geanannus now under notice continued to be a royal residence down to the sixth century, when king Dermot Mac Kerval granted it to St. Colum- kille ; after which time it lost its pagan associations, and soon became a great ecclesiastical centre. The old pagan name Geanannus was however retained as long as the Irish language w^as used : but by those who spoke English it w^as modified to Kenlis, which was considered an equivalent name, Kenlis meaning head Us or fort. The literal translation of this has given name to the demesne and mansion of Headfort, from which again the Marquis of Headfort has taken his CHAP. XIII.] Various Artificial Works. 229 title. Kenlis was afterwards shortened to the pre- sent name, Kells. There is still au ancient earthen fort in the demesne of Headfort, which is believed to be the original royal residence that gave name to the place. From the passage of the Four Masters quoted above, we may infer that there were several places called Ceanannus ; but I am aware of only one other place of the name in Ireland, and it has been simi- larly anglicised, namely, Ceanannus^ now Kells, in the county Kilkenny. There are other places called Kells in Antrim, Clare, Kerry, and Limerick ; but these are all probably the anglicised plural of cill, namely, cealla [kella], signifying churches. There is a townland near Killarney called Head- fort, giving name to a railway station ; and another called Headford in the county of Leitrim ; but in both these cases the original Irish name is Lis-na- gceann, the fort of the heads ; leading to the pre- sumption that the places were once used for executing criminals. The name of Headford in Gralway has still a different origin. In the " Circuit of Murker- tagh Mac Neill," it is called Ath-mac-Cing, and in another ancient authority, quoted by Hardiman in his edition of O'Flaherty's lar Connaught" (p. 371) Ath-miC'Cing, which signifies the ford of the son of Cing or Kinn. The present Irish name is a shortened form of this, viz., Ath-cinn ; and as cinn is the genitive of ceann^ the head, the name was erro- neously believed to signify the ford of the head, and translated accordingly, Headford. 230 The Sun. [CHAr. XIV. CHA.PTEE XIV. THE SUN. Our ancient annals relate that when the monarch Hugony tlie Grreat, who reigned three centuries before the Christian era, divided Ireland into twenty- five parts among his tw^enty-five children, he ex- acted oaths [from his subjects] by the sun and moon, the sea, the dew, and colours, and by all the ele- ments visible and invisible, and by every element which is in heaven and on earth, that the sove- reignty of Erin should be invested in his descendants for ever." And Tuathal the Acceptable, king of Ireland in the second century of the Christian era, exacted a similar oath in imitation of his ancestor Hugony. The monarch Laeghaire [Leary], in whose time St. Patrick came to Ireland, reigned from a. d. 428 to 458. In the ancient account of his death given in Lcahhcw na hUidhre (the Book of the brown cow) it is related that there existed from old times a pro- phecy, that he w^ould meet his death somewhere between Eire and Alha (Ireland and Scotland) ; and accordingl}^, although his father, Nial of the Nine Hostages, Dathi, and others of his predecessors, were celebrated for their naval expeditions, Laeghaire quite avoided the sea, and carried on his wars within the limits of the island. In the year 457 he invaded Leinster, in order to exact the oppressive tribute called the horumha [boru], claimed from that province by the kings of Ireland ; and the Leinstermen defeated him in a CHAP. XIV.] The Sun. 231 battle fought at a place called Ath-dara (oak ford' on the river Barrow, and took him prisoner. The old account goes on to state, that they released him after he had sworn by the sun and moon, the water and air, day and night, sea and land, that he would never again demand the horumha. The very next year, however, he made an incursion into Leinster to enforce the tribute, and on his march from Tara, seized a prey of cows at Sidh-Neachtan [Shee-Nectan — the hill of Oarbery at the source of the Boyne] ; but as soon as he had arrived at a place called Grellach Baphill (the marsh of the two steeds), by the side of Cam^ situated between two hills called Eire and Alda, he was struck dead by the sun and wind for having violated his oath ; and in this manner the prophecy was fulfilled. These accounts show that the Irish, like most other ancient nations, observed natural objects and natural phenomena with attention, and regarded them with a certain degree of admiration and awe ; but they do not prove what some have asserted, that the peo- ple worshipped the elements. And in regard to sun worship in particular, which attracted so many en- thusiastic advocates in the last century, and which has not even yet quite lost its fascination, it is to be observed, that this ancient form of oath affords no more grounds for concluding that the Irish w^or- shipped the sun, than that they worshipped the dew, the wind, or any other element. We have in fact no reason whatever to believe that the sun was ever worshipped in Ireland : it has been often asserted indeed, and supported with en- thusiastic earnestness ; but nothing deserving the name of an argument has been ever brought forward 232 The Sun. [cHAr. XIV. to prove it. The round towers, wliich were held to be the temples of the sun, are after all Christian buildings ; the cromlechs, " the altars on which the druids offered sacrifices to the great luminary," have turned out to be nothing more than tombs. "We have a native literature, chiefly in manuscript, most ancient and most extensive — a vast collection of history, genealogy, legend, and romance — in which the manners, customs, religious observances, and su- perstitions of the Irish both in Pagan and in early Christian times are minutely delineated ; we have numerous biographies — some in Irish, some in Latin — coming down to us from very ancient times, of the first preachers of Christianity in Ireland, in which we find descriptions of various pagan rites and su- perstitions, which these good men encountered in their progress through the country ; but no one has ever yet been able to find in all these writings, one sentence asserting that the people worshipped the sun, or an expression that could in the least justify any one in believing that sun worship ever pre- vailed in the country. There is yet another argument — the one which I am immediately concerned with here — viz. that many places throughout the country derive their names from the sun ; and this is supposed to indicate that the sun was worshipped at these spots. But this is as baseless an argument as the others. There is nothing remarkable or mysterious in a place being named from the sun any more than from any other natural object. There is scarcely a class of objects, an element, or a phenomenon, in physical nature, as I have, I think, fully proved in this and the pre- ceding volume, from which places have not derived CHAP. XIV.] The Sun. 233 names, and that in a manner, and for reasons, per- fectly natural and intelligible * We have names containing the word uisce, because the places were unusually watery ; high or exposed spots got names formed from gaetk, wind ; elevated mountain peaks or gorges, subject to thick mists, are described by the word ceo, a fog — and so on through all nature. Just in the same natural way, sunny spots, places on the south or south-west sides of hills, sheltered from cold winds and warmed by the sun's rays, were named from the sun. I know many spots of this kind, so named, all over the country : this is the explana- tion universally given by the most intelligent of the peasantry ; and it is fully borne out by the physical aspect of the localities. Whoever concludes on such testimony as this, that the sun was adored at a particular place, might with equal force of reasoning, infer that almost all objects, natural and artificial, were deified and worshipped. Besides, there is no more significance in such a name as Corrignagrena (sun-rock) than in Sunville, Sun- lawn, Sunnybank, Sunnyside, and many other like English names ; unless we are to believe that while English speaking people often gave descriptive names to sunny spots, those speaking Irish, for some strange reason, never did any such thing ; or that there is some mystery hidden away in the dim recesses of the Irish language that is not to be found in such a plain language as English. Grian [green] is the Irish word for the sun, and like the G-erman sonne, it is a feminine noun. Its ge- nitive is (jreine [greana], and this is the form that * See 1st Ser. Part IV. ; and Chaps, xiv. to xxii. of this vohime. 234 The Sun. - [chap. xiv. most commonly appears in names. In the parish of Monamolin in Wexford, there are two adjacent townlands called Monagreany, which represents the Irish Moin-^ia-gremp, the bog of the sun or sunny bog ; Edenagrena near Inishkeen, a little to the west of Dundalk, is the eudan or hill-brow of the sun ; and Inchagreana in the parish of Kilfeacle near the town of Tipperary, is sunny island or river holm. In many anglicised names of this class, the word is shortened to one syllable ; as in TuUagreen near Carrigtohill in Cork, Tulach-greine, the hill of the sun, and Curragrean near Oranmore in Galway, with a like meaning [co)% a round hill). Sometimes the formation of the word indicates directly that the place received its name on account of its aspect with regard to the sun ; as we see in CooUegrean, the name of some places in Kerry, Leitrim, and Mayo — Cul- le-grein, literally " back to the sun." In the year" 1785 Mr. Theophilus O'Flanagan published (in the Trans. E.I. A.) an account of a remarkable monument — a sort of cromlech — situated on Callan mountain in Clare ; with a copy and trans- lation of an Ogham inscription on it, setting forth that a chieftain named Conan lay buried beneath the great flag. This monument is still to be seen, and Dr. Samuel Ferguson has, I think, shown con- clusively that the inscription is genuine.* But O'Flanagan went further than this: he forged an Irish quatrain and cited it as a part of an ancient poem called The battle of Grabhra," to the eff*ect that Conan (the well known Conan Mael of Irish romance) had gone before the battle to worship *See Proc. R. I. A. .Vol. L, Ser II., p. 160. CHAP. XIV.] The Sun, 235 the sun at Mount Callan, and that he was slain and buried on the side of the mountain under a flag, in which his name was inscribed in Ogham.* Just under the brow of the mountain on which the monument is placed, there is a small lake in a hol- low, called Lough Boolynagreana — the boolf/ or dairy place of the sun ; and it received this name from two circumstances; 1. that at some former time, the people of the surrounding neighbourhood used to pasture their herds and flocks, and milk their cows and goats on its banks ; 2. that the whole valley in which it lies has a sunny southern aspect. It was, no doubt, the existence of this name that started in O'Flanagan's fertile brain the idea of inventing the stanza about Cona-n's sacrifice and death ; and for some years after the publication of his paper, it was generally considered that the Callan monument afl'orded conclusive proof of the prevalence of sun worship in ancient Ireland. The name Buaile-na-greine is not confined to Cal- lan mountain ; we find it in the parish of Kilcumre- ragh in Westmeath, where, however, the booly is corrupted to halli/^ and the full name is represented by Ballynagrenia. There are names similar to this last in other parts of Ireland, but they are somewhat difi'erently derived. Ballynagrena near Dunleer in Louth, signifies the sunny bally or townland, and it is correctly translated Suntown in the name of a re- sidence : Ballygreany in the parish of Duneany, about three miles from the town of Kildare, has the same meaning; but in Ballygreany in the parish of Clontibret in Monaghan, the bally represents healach, a pass : — the sunny pass or road. *See O'Donovan's Irish Gram., Introd. xlvii. 236 The Sun. [chap. XIV. The word grian in local names sometimes comme- morates, not the sun, but a woman ; for though pri- marily meaning the sun, it was anciently (being a feminine noun ; p. 233) a favourite female name, applied of course in the sense of brightness and beauty. Kilgreana near Gralbally in Limerick, is understood by the people to mean Grrian's church ; but there are other places in Carlow, Mayo, and Waterford, with this name, in the slightly varying forms of Kilgreany and Kilgranej^ in which probably the first syllable represents coill ; the whole meaning sunny wood. The most interesting example of the occurrence of this word in local nomenclature as a woman's name, is Knockgrean, a hill rising over the village of Pallas- &rean in the county Limerick. The lady ^' Grian of the bright cheeks," from whom this place was named, was an enchantress ; and the hill, which before her time was called Cnoc-na-gcuradh [Knock- nagurra], the hill of the champions (see p. 102), was her favourite haunt. Five young champions, the sons of Conall, came one time to attack the sidh [shee] or fairy mansion of Grrian's father, Firae ; and they destroyed the sidh^ and slew besides, one of Grian's young hand- maids. But they paid dearly for this cruel deed ; for the vengeful sorceress overtook them on their return, and transformed them all into badgers. When Conall heard of the fate of his five sons, he set out immediately, bent on vengeance, to seek for the enchantress ; and when he arrived at Knockna- gurra, he found her asleep on the hill. She started up as he approached, and a contest took place be- tween them, in which Conall nearly succeeded in killing her. When she found herself worsted in the fight, she planned a stratagem to bring him within CHAP. XIV.] The Sun. 237 the power of her sorcery ; and she said, pretending to recognise him then for the first time, " Is it thou, Conall ? " Conall answered " It is I." Come near me," said she, that I may give thee a bles- sing/' So Conall came close to her, and she imme- diately shook ashes on him. He retired at once from her presence, but the withering spell of the ashes over- came him ; and when he had come to a certain mound he died there, so that the mound was named from him, Carn Conaill. Grrian had no better fortune ; for no sooner had Conall left her than she lay down and died of her wounds. And ever since, the hill has borne the name of Cnoc-Greine or Knockgrean, in memory of the enchantress, Grrian of the bright cheeks. About a quarter of a mile from the village of Pallas-Grean, which lies at the foot of the hill, there is a large fort, now called the moat of Pallas ; this is the origi- nal sidh or fairy mansion of Firae and his daugh- ter : and from it the village took its name : — Pallas- Grrean, i. e. the fairy-palace of the lady Grrian (see page 226). There is also an ancient fort on the top of the hill, which now goes by the name of Seefin (see 1st Ser. Part IL, c. i.); and this was no doubt Grrian's own residence. The enchantress Grrian has been long forgotten in the neighbourhood ; and the name of the place is now supposed to be derived directly from the sun. Accordingly the townland lying adjacent to the village on the west side, is called Sunglen ; and near the village of Pallas- Grean New," at the Pallas station of the Waterford and Limerick rail- way, is the townland and residence of Sunville ; both named under the erroneous impression that Knockgrean meant the hill of the sun. 238 • The Sun. [chap. XIV. But to return to the badgers. After their trans- formation, they betook themselves to the nearest badger warren, and lived in all respects just like the general run of badgers. Many years after this, it happened that Cormac, who was afterwards called Cormac Graileng, made a great feast for his father Tadfj [Teig], at a place called Breslech; and he succeeded in procuring one hundred of every four- footed beast for this feast, except badgers only. Now the want of badgers seems to have sorely troubled the heart of his father ; for we read in the ancient legend, that he called his son into his pre- sence, and commanded him to go forth and pro- cure a supply of these animals for the feast. Cormac set out' in obedience to his father's directions ; and before he had gone far, he met Odran the druid, the son of the charioteer Laidir. " What dost thou seek ? said Odran. " I am seek- ing for badgers for my father's feast," answered Cormac ; " tell me, I pray thee, are there any to be procured." " It has been foretold,'' answered Odran, " that I should procure badgers for thee, and I know that now the time is come when the prophecy is to be fulfilled. In former days," he continued, " the sorceress, Grian of the bright cheeks, threw her magic spells on the young warriors who had destroyed her father's mansion, and transformed them intobadgers; and these I will procure for thee to bring to thy father's feast." So Cormac and the druid went to the fortress of the badgers, and called on them to come forth at once ; but the badgers, who still retained some vestiges of their human intelligence, flatly refused to do any such thing. The wily druid, however, devised a cunning stra- CHAP. XIV.] The Sun. 239 tagem to draw them forth ; and he said to Cormac, They will never come out on thy protection, for they distrust thee ; but give them the guarantee of thy father's spear, and they will no longer hesitate." Cormac then went back, and brought the spear with- out his father's knowledge ; and he came to the mouth of the badger-fortress, and solemnly guaran- teed their safety on the honour of the spear. Now the badgers knew quite well that no one had ever dared to question the honour of Tadg's spear ; so they foolishly came out in a body without further parley ; and no sooner did they show themselves, than Cor- mac and the druid fell on them and made short work of them. When the feast came on, Tadg felt in his heart an unaccountable loathing at sight of the badgers ; and no wonder indeed, seeing that these same badgers were his own near cousins ; for both he and they were the great-grandchildren of Owen More, that renowned king of Munster, who forced Conn of the hundred battles to divide Ireland with him. And when he heard in what a treacherous manner Cormac had slain the badgers, and how he had vio- lated the honour of his spear, he was filled with anger and indignation, and he immediately expelled the young man from his house. Cormac fled to Connaught, where he obtained a large territory for himself and his descendants ; but after this event he was known by the reproachful name of Cormac Graileng, or Cormac of the dishonoured spear.* * Gae, a spear ; lang^ deceit. An abstract of this ancient legend is given in Cormac's Glossary, voce, Gaileng. It is given fully in the MS. H. 3, 18, T. C. D. from which it has been pub- lished with a translation, by Dr. Whitley Stokes, in his '* Three Irish Glosses," p. XLir. The barony of Gallen in Mayo derived 240 The Atmosphere. [chap. xv. a CHAPTEE XV. THE ATMOSPHERE. Wind. Places in a high or bleak situation, or otherwise exposed to the wind, are often designated by the word gaeth [gwee, or gee] which is the Irish word for wind. It occurs in the end of names in the genitive gaeithe [geeha] which is correctly repre- sented by the anglicised forms geeha^ g^ehy, though it is often reduced to the single syllable gee — all easily distinguished. Dungeeha is the name of a place near Newcastle in Limerick, which took the name from an old fort : — Dun-gaeithe, the fortress of the wind ; Drumnagee in the parish of Ballintoy in Antrim, east of Bushmills, the hill-ridge of the wind ; Tullynagee in Down and Derry, windy hill ; Latgee in the parish of Errigle Trough, Monaghan, the laght or sepulchral mound of the wind. Elevated bleak mountain passes very often get the name of Barnageehy or Barnanageehy the harna or gap of the wind ; which is frequently translated into the English names Windgap and Windgate. I know of only one place in all Ireland where a windmill is expressly commemorated in a name, viz., MuUingee near Granard in Longford : — Miiileann-gaeithe, the mill of the wind, i. e. wind- mill. In Meath and some of the adjoining counties, the its name from Cormac Gaileng^ and for this, and for a historical account of the various personages mentioned in the legend, see 1st Ser. Part II., c. ii. For other place-names derived from Grian, as a woman's name, see Lough Graney and Granny's bed in 1st Series. CHAP. XV.] The Atmosphere. 241 final th is often retained in the modernized names, and fully pronounced ; as in Mulgeeth, two miles south of Johnstown in the north of Kildare, the hill {mul) of the wind. The diminutive gaethan [geehan, geehaun] is used to denote a breeze : we find it in Ardgeehan near Portaferry in Down, and in Ardgehane, which occurs twice near the south coast of Cork, the height of the breeze. Gaeth is sometimes applied to an arm of the sea ; of which examples will be found in the next chapter. Seidedn [shedawn] signifies puffing or blowing (a diminutive of seid^ to blow) ; as in the term sneachta- seideain [snaghtashedawn, snow of the wind] applied in some parts of Ireland to dry snow raised from the ground, and blown about by gusts of wind. It occurs in local names to designate breezy places, or places which are considered subject to violent windy puff's or gusts. In the parish of Taghsheenod in Longford, three miles from Ardagh, there is a town- land taking its name from a little lake called Lough- sheedan, the lake of the blowing or blasts ; Seden- rath near Kells in Meath, gusty rath or fort, an attempted translation of Rath-seideain ; Knocksedan, two miles west of Swords in Dublin, where there is a very beautiful ancient flat-topped fort, the hill of the blast. This word, however, more commonly begins with a Hn anglicised names, the s being eclipsed by the intervention of the article (1st Ser. Part L, c. ii.) as in Lough Atedaun, a lake near Corofin in Clare, Loch-a-tseidedn, the lake of the breeze; Lackante- dane near the town of Tipperary {kac, a fiag-stone); Ardatedaun in the parish of Kiltallagh, about three R 242 The Atmosphere, [chap. xv. miles from Miltown in Kerry, the height of the blowing. On some parts of the sea coast, the term is used to designate rocks or caves or holes that shoot up jets or columns of water in time of storm ; as in case of the well-known puffing holes on the coast of Clare, which are called in Irish Poulatedaun (i. e. Foll-cC- tseidedin)^ the hole of the puffing. The diminutive in og is also frequently met with ; as in Carrickashedoge in the parish of Magheracloone in Monaghan, the rock of the breeze; Eashedoge near Letterkenny in Donegal, the rath of the blast or gust. And sometimes we meet with the word seid with only an adjectival termination ; as in Agh- nasedagh, the name of a little lake, and also of a townland, near the town of Monaghan, the field {achadh) of the wind gusts. The word hoJg or buihj [buUig] in the sense of bellows," is applied much in the same way as the last term, to designate gusts or blasts or gusty spots ; of which an excellent example is the townland of Bulligs between Killashandra and Ballyconnell in Cavan, i. e. a bellows or a gusty spot. But this word occurs generally on the coast, where it is applied like seidean, to puffing holes, to rocks or points, that break and spout up water during storms ; and it is com- monly anglicised BuUig, which is a name constantly met with all along the western coast from Donegal to Cork. The little peninsula lying on the west side of the bay of Adrigole, west of Glengarriff in Cork, is called Eeenabulliga, the rea or mountain flat (or perhaps the reen or point) of the bellows or breakers. Storm, Gamh [gov] denotes winter; it is also applied to a cold wintry storm; and thence to places exposed to bleak cold winds. DrumgujBT near New- CHAP. XV.] The Atmosphere, 243 bliss in Monaghan, signifies the drum or hill-ridge of the storm ; the same name as DrumguiflF and Drum- gamph in Fermanagh, and Drumgoff over Grlenma- lure in Wicklow. The word un [sheen] also denotes a storm, and is applied topographically, like the last word, to high stormy places. Drumsheen, the ridge of storms, is the name of a place in the parish of Kilgarvan, Mayo ; Cloonsheen in the parish of Kilconla in Gral- way, exposed or stormy meadow. Another word for a storm is ainbhtheth or anfuth, which often occurs in Irish writings. The name of the peninsula lying between the bays of Bertraghboy and Kilkieran in Connemara, is Irrus-ainhagh, i. e. the stormy irrus- or peninsula ; and the same term has given name to Leckanvy — the flag-stone of the storm — a little ham- let in a wild exposed situation, on the shore of Clew bay, near the base of Croagh Patrick, two miles west of Murrisk abbey. Shelter. As places have been designated from their exposed or stormy situations, so also we find that some spots have received names indicating the very reverse — a position sheltered by trees, rocks, or hills. About half a mile south of Ardpatrick in Limerick, there is a narrow road shut in by a high fence on each side, protecting it from the west wind, which is called by the expressive name of Bohereen- acluher, the hohereen or little road of the shelter. This word clathar [cluhar], shelter, is found in other names; for example Dromcluher in the parish of Tuogh in Limerick, sheltered ridge ; and Derryclure near Geashill in King's County, sheltered derry or oak grove. In the peninsula between Grlandore har- bour and Castlehaven in the south of Cork, there is a small lake called Lough Cluhir, sheltered lake. k2 244 The Atmosj^here. [chap. XV. Kilcloher (kil, cliurch or wood) is the name of a town- land four miles east of Cappoquin in Waterford; there is another place of the same name four miles south-west from Ennis in Clare, from which Snug- ville, the name of a residence has been derived. In some cases the word c/^^^/^r/r comes in where you would least expect to find it, namely, in extremely exposed situations ; of which a good example is Kil- cloher on the shore of the Shannon mouth, near Loop Head in Clare ; but in cases of this kind, I suppose that an artificial shelter was constructed, or a rock, or an abrupt elevation was taken ad- vantage of, to counteract the bleakness of the si- tuation. Perhaps in the present instance the kil was a wood, which received a name to express the shelter it aff'orded in so bleak a situation. SnoH\ In most mountainous countries there are particular peaks that receive their names from the circumstance that they retain snow on their sum- mits during the whole or a considerable part of the year. In such a country as Ireland, with a mild climate and no very high mountains, names of this kind could scarcely be expected. Yet we have a few hills whose names are partly formed from the word sneaght [snaght] snow, a word cognate with Latin nix^ and with English snow ; and although some of them are not distinguished for height, they must in some way retain snow in winter so much longer than the surrounding elevations, as to attract the attention of the people. There are two mountains in Donegal, called Slieve Snaght, one near Carndonagh in the peninsula of Inishowen, and the other a little south of Errigle mountain ; the Irish form of the name is Sliahh- snechta, which Colgan translates nwns-nivhm, the CHAP. XV.] The Atmosphere, 245 mountain of the snows. The people say that the snow usually remains on the summit of the Inish- owen Slieve Snaght, up to the May fair of the neighbouring village of Carndonagh. The Book of Druim'Snechta (the hill-ridge of the snow) was one of the ancient historical books of Ireland, often quoted by Irish historians, but it is not now known to exist. The only place now bearing this name is Drumsnat in Monaghan (which has dropped the guttural) ; and as an ancient monastery existed there, founded by St. Molua of Clonfert-Molua, it is probable that this is the place where the book was compiled. Near Fivemiletown in Fermanagh, there is a town- land called Moysnaght, the plain of the snow ; and there is another place of the same name in the parish of Clontibret in Monaghan. Cloonsnaghta (snow- meadow) is the name of a townland containing a lake of the same name, two miles west of Killadysert in Clare, and of another in the parish of Moygaw- nagh in Mayo. When the article is used, the s is commonly eclipsed by t, and this is followed by a. further change of n to r, to facilitate the pronunciation. Altatraght in the parish of Kilteevoge in Donegal, a little west of Stranorlar, represents the Irish AlUcC -tsneaghta^ the height of the snow — Altatraght for Altatnaght, like crock for knock, Ardatrave for Ardatnave (see these in 1st Ser.) Precisely the same change occurs in Legatraghta in the parish of Templeport in Cavan, south-west of Swanlinbar, the snowy lug or hollow — the lug lying on the northern slope of a hill ; the same name as Lugasnaghta in the parish of Cloon- clare in the north of Leitrim. The additional change of the suppression of the guttural, is seen in Tullin- 246 The Atmosphere. [chap. XV. trat near Castleblaney in Monaghan, the hill {tuP) of the snow. Cold. Fuar or im\ signifying cold, is found as part of a great many names : the places so designated having probably an exposed or northern aspect, or perhaps a marshy cold soil ; and it is often applied to the water of springs, rivers, or lakes, which are considered to be unusually cold (see Oranmore, 1st Ser.) About a mile south of Elphin in Eoscommon, there is a stream called Owenure {Abhainn-fhiiar, cold river), which is mentioned in Hij Many by the equi- valent name, Glaisi~iiai}\ cold stream. The station next beyond Killarney towards Tralee, on the South- ern and Western railway, is called Farranfore, Fearann'fuar, cold land ; there is a lake in the parish of Annaghdown in Galway, a little east of Lough Corrib, called Lough Afoor, i. e. cold lake. When the back of a hill had a northern aspect, it was often called Coolfore, cold back, which is the name of places in the counties of Louth, Meath, Monaghan, and Dublin. This element /(^r^ either as it stands, or with slight variations of spelling, is very often found in names, .and may almost always be in- terpreted in the sense here given. Slievefoore, cold mountain, is the name of a hill in the parish of Killahurler in Wicklow, about two miles from the Wooden Bridge hotel ; and there is a townland called Derryfore, cold derry or oak-grove, near Ballyroan in Queen's County. The word often precedes the noun that it qualifies, as in Fourknocks in the parish of StamuUin in Meath, west of Balbriggan, which means cold knocks or hills ; Forelacka near Kinnitty in King's County, cold flags or hill-slope. The compound Fuar-choill^ cold wood, is of frequent occurrence : it is made Foorkill CHAP. XV.] The Atmosphere. 247 in Gralway, Forekill near TJrlingford in Kilkenny, Fourcuil in Cork, and Forkill in Meath and Armagh. In the parish of Clooney in Clare is the village of Spaneelhill, well known for its fairs. The correct Irish name is Cnoc-fuarchoilli [Knock-foorkilla], the hill of the cold wood, for so the Four Masters call it, when recording a battle fought there in 1559, between the rival earls of Ormond and Desmond. In the colloquial language however, the / is aspi- rated and omitted, which reduces it to Cnoc-urchaiU [Knockoorkill] ; and as urchall or aurchomhal is a spancel, the name came to be erroneously translated Spaneelhill instead Coldwoodhill. Shower, The word ceath or ceatha [cah, caha] signifies a shower. The Caha mountains in the peninsula between the bays of Kenmare and Ban- try, must have been considered specially liable to rain when they got the name, which is reduced from the present popular Irish name, Cnoc-na-ceafh' ain [Knocknacahin], the showery mountain. This word probably gives name also to Dromcahan near Kenmare, Druim-ceathain^ the ridge of the shower. Fog, A fog or mist is denoted by the word ceo [keo : the o long ; the e hardly pronounced], which enters into some names, chiefly in the south of Ire- land. According to a passage in the life of bishop Mel, there was an ancient nunnery called Druim-cheo^ immediately to the west of Slieve Grolry near Ardagh in Longford ; but both the nunnery and its name are now forgotten. The name Druim-cheo (the ridge of the* fog) must have been originally applied to the hill west of Slieve Grolry, whence it was transferred to the nunnery. Why this hill received such a name is obvious ; for as it is an isolated elevation the mid st of a plain, it catches the vapour and is 248 The Sea. [chap. xyi. often capped with fog, when the surrounding level country is clear ; and some such explanation applies to every name containing the word ceo, Knocka- cheo, the foggy hill, is the name of a place in the parish of Ballynoe in Cork ; Loughakeo, the lake of the mist, near Stradbally in Queen's County ; Cron- clieo, four miles north-west of Killybegs in Donegal, the cro or valley of the fog ; and Coomakeoge in the parish of Killemlagh, near Valentia in Kerry, the coom or valley of the mist ; in which name the genitive is made ceoig, and the final g pronounced, as is usual in Cork and Keriy. CHAPTEE XVI. THE SEA. I Js'ow come to a class of names, which are generally speaking to be looked for only round the coast ; though in consequence of secondary applications, or extensions of meaniug, they are sometimes found inland. The most common Irish word for the sea is mmV, genitive mara ; and this name for the sea exists, with slight modifications, in every Aryan language of Europe except Greek: — Lat. mare; Goth. n,arei; A. Sax. mere; Welsh myr ; Corn. ^;?o/', &c. ; while it is represented in Sanscrit by mira (Pictet, Grig.) The word has already incidentally come under no- tice, as forming part of several names which have been dealt with in the First Series (see Kenmare, Connemara, As a f)art of compound words, it also enters pretty extensively into names, of which the following may be taken as examples. A small CHAP. XVI.] The Sea. 249 bay is often called miirhholg [murvuUog, murlog], i. e. sea-belly, from bolg^ a sack or belly ; and this word is generally anglicised Murloiigh, whicli is the name of several inlets mostly round the coast ; among others, of the little bay lying east of Fair Head in Antrim ; and of two in Donegal, one in Lough Swilly, and the other near Lifford. The bay ex- tending eastwards from Bengore Head till it ter- minates in White Park bay, was anciently called Murhholg ; but the people have lost this name. Lough Murree, a small lake in a peninsula, two miles north-east of Ballyvaghan in Clare, signifies marine lake, so called from being on the very verge of the sea. Five miles west from Ballysadare in Sligo, on one of the inlets of Ballysadare bay, is Tanrego, a name which is exactly similar in formation to Ton- regee (First Series), and exhibits another term {go)^ but one very seldom used, for the sea : — Irish Toin- re-go, backside to the sea. Sal^ sdil^ or sdile [saul, saulia], which is a term in somewhat more common use than muii% signifies brine, salt water, or brackish water ; cognate with Latin sr//, English salt. The pretty hamlet and vale of Salrock, near the mouth of the Killeries in Connemara, takes its name from the little inlet, now called Little Killery bay, at the head of which it is situated; the name signifies St. Eoc's briny inlet; but we have no written account of this saint, though he is vividly remembered in the traditions of the place, and the ruins of his church and his holy well are situated near the hamlet. The word in its sim- ple form gives name to Salia, a little hamlet on the eastern side of Achill Island, from which the inlet called Salia bay takes its name. 250 The Sea. [chap. XVI. Kylesalia, west of Kilkieran bay in Connemara, signifies the wood of the Sea- water. There is a small river running into Wexford Haven, at the hamlet of Killinick, five miles south of Wexford town, over which there was anciently a ford, now bridged, just where the tide and river met ; from which it got the name of Ath-saile^ the ford of the brine, now modernised to Assaly. In the parish of Kilcummin, Gralway, south-west of Oughterard, there is a place with the long name, Muckanaghederdauhalia, which is a concise description of both the position of the place, and of its former use : — Miickanagh^ a place where mucs or pigs used to sleep or feed ; eder^ be- tween ; daii^ two ; haile^ the same as saile^ with the s aspirated : — the piggery between two briny inlets. The diminutive Saleen was applied to any small estuary or creek, and in this sense it is still the name of several places. The word has other mean- ings, however ; but on the coast there can be no diffi- culty in determining when it signifies an inlet. The original term often occurs with the s eclipsed by t. Just before the train from Dublin reaches the Galway station, it crosses over the narrow neck of an inlet called Lough Atalia, in Irish Loch-d'tsaile, the lake of the brine : there is another brackish lake of the same name in the peninsula north of Omey Island, off the coast of Glalway ; and still another — a small pool near Midleton in Cork, just where the Ballynacorra river enters the tideway of the Lee. The same change is seen in Bellataleen, a townland lying adjacent to Murrisk Abbey. at the foot of Croagh Patrick in Mayo, Bel-a'-tsailuiy the ford of the little briny inlet, which obviously took its name from the little salt water strand on the right of the road as you approach the old abbey from Westport. CHAP. XVI.] The Sea. 251 In Irish writings many references are made to what are called the three Tonus or waves of Ireland ; and they are much celebrated in ancient tales and romances. These were Tonn Cleena in Glandore harbour (for which see 1st Ser., Part II., c. v.) ; Tonn Tuaithe (Tooha) near the mouth of the Bann ; and Tonn Ritdhraidhe [Eury] in Dundrum bay off the county of Down. In stormy weather, when the wind blows in certain directions, the sea at these places, as it tumbles over the sandbanks, or among the caves and fissures of the rocks, utters an un- usually loud and solemn roar, which excited the imagination of our ancestors ; and they believed that these sounds had a supernatural origin, and foreboded the approaching death of kings or chief- tains. These names have been long since forgotten by the people ; but many local denominations still sur- vive, which contain the word tonn. Outside the mouth of Lough Foyle, there is a large and dan- gerous sandbank called the Tuns, on which many vessels have been wrecked: — ''Before the mouth of this lough lyeth a great sand called the Touns, upon which it burneth greatly when the wind bloweth from the sea/' (Boate's Nat. Hist, of Ire- land.) This is the most characteristic application in all Ireland of the word tonn, for here the ''Tuns" most truly means the waves or billows. This term gives names to places by rivers and lakes as well as by the sea : and in many cases the t is changed to d by eclipse. There is a lake in the parish of Moyrus in Connemara, called Loughan- nadown, i. e. Lochan-na-dtonn, the little lake of the waves ; so called, I suppose, from being very much exposed to the wind, and subject therefore to high waves. Near Knocklong in Limerick, there nT«^ 252 The Sea. [chap. XVI. four adjoining townlands called Mitchelstowndown of which the proper Irish name is Baile-Mhistealaigh- nci'dtonn [ Bally vistela-na-down] ; the first part sig- nifies the town of Mitchell, and this has been trans- lated, while the last part has been left untouched. The whole name means " the town of Mitchell of the waves." The epithet na-dfonn^ " of the waves," may belong to the place, as it is situated on the Morning Star river ; and in this case the inference would be that it was so called to distinguish it from Mitchelstown in the county Cork, not very far off: but I think this unlikely. Or it may be that the person who left his name on the place was called Mitchell of the waves," because he was a sailor or a voyager. On the western shore of Lough Swilly in the parish of Clondavaddog, Donegal, there is a little hamlet called Bunnaton, the bun or end of the wave — a name which probably was originally ap- plied to the highest point reached by the surge in the little bay. A varied form of the genitive is seen in Derrintin, the name of a small lake and townland near the Erritf river, four miles above Leenane at the head of the Killeries ; Doire-an'tuinn^ the oak-wood of the wave. In the last name the word is used in the masculine. But it is more generally feminine, with the genitive tuinne, a form which is found in one very interesting name. According to our fabulous histories and ro- mances, Fintan, one of the three men who came to Ire- land with the lady Gasam,forfi/ days before the floods died just before the beginning of the great catastrophe, and was buried in FeH-Fhitain (Fintan's grave), otherwise called TuUiiinne [Tultinna]. But it seems that he only pretended to die, or that he merely fell into a trance ; for according to a legend in the Lebor CHAP. XVI.] The Sea. 253 nahUidhre^ he survived the deluge, and lived for many generations afterwards. lie was transformed from time to time into the shapes of various animals, till at length he became a salmon; and finally made his appearance as a man in the reign of Fergus Ma cKerval, king of Ireland in the sixth century. Most people who undergo transmigration lose all memory of previous states of existence ; but it was not so with Fintan ; for he remembered clearly every important event that had taken place in Ireland for two thousand years, since the time of the lady Casara ; so that he was consi- dered — no wonder he should be — the greatest sage that ever appeared in the country. Before he died for the last time, he gave a long account of the his- tory of Ireland to St. Finnian of Movilla. The place where he took his long sleep while the deluge was tumbling over his head, is still well known ; and the name TuUuinne survives, but slightly altered to Tountinna (change of I to n). Tountinna is a hill near Derrycastle, rising over Lough Derg, two miles north-east of Killaloe, on the top of which was Fintan' s grave ; and it is well described by the name TuUuinne :-^tuI^ a hill — Tul-tuinne, the hill of the wave — the hill rising over the vv^ave of Lough Derg.* There is a townland containing the ruins of a castle, called Townlough, on the verge of the lake, near the base of the hill ; and it seems likely that the name has some indirect connexion with that of the hill ; for the Irish form is Tonnlocha^ the wave of the lake, though by a local extension of meaning, the word tonn is, in this instance, understood by the people to mean, not exactly a wave, but a watery place or a quagmire. * See O'Donovan ; Four Mast. I. 4, note 254 The Sea, [chap. xvi. Though there are other Irish words for the sea, none of them enter into names except in a few soli- tary unimportant cases. But we have many terms for all the various kinds of sea inlets ; and the rest of this chapter will be devoted to them and to the names derived from them. The most general word for a harbour or haven is cuan^ and it is still employed everywhere round the coast. The old name of Strangford Lough, which was used till very lately, was Lough Cuan, harbour lake ; and Castlehaven," the name of a well known harbour on the south coast of Cork, is a translation of the Irish name, as the Four Masters write it — Cuan- an-chaislein. There is a remarkable sea cave a little west of the Griant's Causeway, called Portcoon, which signifies the 2^ort or landing place of the harbour. The word cuan is also used in an extended sense to signify any curve or winding ; and whether in any particular case it is so used, or bears the meaning of harbour, is easily determined. Accordingly the dimi- nutives Cooneen and Coonoge are found inland as well as on shore, in rivers and lakes as well as at the sea ; Coonane, another diminutive, is the name of a townland about a mile and a half north of Grlengar- riff in Cork. There are two townlands, one in Tip- perary, and the other in Wicklow, called Coonmore, great winding. The simple word gives name to some places in "Wicklow and Kilkenny, now called Coan, and also to a townland in Queen's County, near Clonaslee, called Cones. Tincone and Tincoon are two townlands in Wexford, one occupying the point of land opposite Wexford town at the other side of the river, the other on the shore of the Slaney, opposite King's Island, five miles below Enniscorthy ; CHAP. XVI.] The Sea. 255 both names being anglicised from the Irish Tigh-an- chiiain, the house of the harbour or winding. Cronipdn signifies a little creek, an inlet at the mouth of a small stream, or branching off from a river, lake, or sea. It is very much used in Kil- kenny, and is also found in the southern and western counties. Crumpaun is the name of a little river flowing at the base of Nephin mountain in Mayo into Lough Beltra ; and of another river near Lime- rick, joining the Shannon about three miles below the city. There is a townland called Crumpaun in the parish of Eossinver in Leitrim, two miles west of Grlenade Lough, which takes its name from a little stream, one of the sources of the Black river, which joins the river Duff; and another in the parish of Kilcatherine in Cork, near the village of Eyeries. The word has much the same meaning as crom- pan — a small river inlet ; on the Wexford and Water- ford coasts, where it is much used, it is applied to a deep cutting or channel made in the sea-mud by a small tidal river as it enters the sea.* It appears evident that it is merely an oblique form of a hole : — nominative genitive ^^oz'// [pile]. Avery apt illustration of the word is Canpill, the name of a little hamlet at a bridge, just at the head {ceann) of a small inlet or pill branching off from the river Barrow near Dunbrody abbey in Wexford. The ancient and present Irish name of Pilltown in the south of Kilkenny, is Baile-an-phoill [Ballin- file], the town of polly or pill; and it appears to * On this, and on several other local matters, I have got much information from George Henry Kinahan, Esq., M. K. J. A., F. R. G. S. I., who turns his journeys through various parts of Ireland to good account in obtaining a knowledge of the legends and antiquities of the country. 256 The Sea. [chap. XVI. have taken its name from tlie Pill river wliich joins the Suir after flowing through the village. There is also a Pilltown two miles from Drogheda on the road to Laytown ; and another in the parish of Kinsale- beg in Waterford, about three miles from Ardmore. Eosspile in the parish of Ballylannan in Wexford, near the head of Bannow bay, is the ross or wood of the inlet. Pill Lane near Church-street in Dublin, took its name from a little pill that branched off from the Liffey in former days, long before the river was confined by quay walls. I have already remarked (1st Ser., Part IV., c. IT.), that the word cuas (properly a cave) is applied along the coast of Cork and Kerry to a little cove ; and that it usually takes the form of coos. It is also sometimes made cus, as in Cuskenny, a place about a mile below Queen stown ; the name was ori- ginally applied to the adjacent little semicircular inlet, and it signifies Kenny's cove. In the south of Ireland, the word goilm [goleen] is used to signify a small sea or river inlet. In the parish of liilmore, near Mizen head in Cork, there is a little creek, which gives name to the townland of Goleen. Burnham near Dingle, the seat of Lord Ventry, is called in Irish to this day, Goleen, a name which was originally applied to the little creek into which a tiny stream flows at the western end of Dingle Harbour. There is an old castle ruin on the shore of the creek which still retains the name of Ballingoleen, the townland of the inlet. One part of the modern name was probably intended to be a trans- lation of r/ot'li)i — Burnham, the home of the burn or stream — formed exactly like Eockingham (see this in 1st Ser.) But it is to be remarked that the name CHAP. XVI.] The Sea. 257 may be an importation — a mere imitation of the English Burnham. In the west, especially in Galway, caisle [cashla] is used to signify a sea inlet ; of which the best known example is Cashla bay, west of Gralway, which is also the name of the river flowing into it. Though this is the sense in which the word is now understood, I am inclined to think that it was originally applied to a river ; and the Irish name of Cashla bay to some extent favours this opinion, viz., Ciian Caisle^ the bay of Cashla, which looks as if the bay got its name from the river. There is a very little lake one mile east of Clifden, an enlargement of a small stream, flowing from Lough Nabrackkeagh into the Owenglin river ; and the name of this lake is also a sort of confirmation of the same opinion — Lough Cashleen (diminutive of Cashla), the lake of the little Cashla. Here Cashleen must mean a stream, for both lake and stream are inland, and there is no inlet of any kind. The same observation applies to the townland of Cashleen in the parish of Ballynakill in Gralway near Einvj'le Point, which evidently takes its name from the little stream on whose banks it is situated, flowing into the sea just near the Point. It may be added that the root of the word is ob- viously the Irish cas, twisted or crooked ; so that its application to a river would be generally very appro- priate. In Donegal the word caslach, another de- rivative from cas (postfix lach, p. 5), is understood to mean a creek ; and it appears in this sense in Kincaslough, a townland on the mainland opposite Cruit island, which gives name to a lake, and which was itself so called from its situation at the head (ceann) of the little inlet called Cruit Strand." 258 The Sea. [chap. xyi. Blean means the groin ; but in a secondary sense it is applied to a creek, branching off either from the sea or from a lake, or formed by the mouth of a river ; sometimes it means any hollow or curved place. It is much used in local names, and it is found all over Ireland, especially in the northern half. Blean and Blane are the names of some places in Wicklow, Clare,Galway , and Tipperary . Blaney, the pliural form of blean, is the name of a little bay on the southern side of lower Lough Erne, near Derrygonnelly, so called because it is formed of several smaller bays : — Blaney, literally creeks. At the extreme western end of the same lake, there is an inlet called Bleana- lung, the creek of the boat. In upper Longh Erne there is an island called Bleanish, properly Bleanin- ish, creek island, so called from the little inlet be- tween it and Crom Castle on the mainland ; Bun- nablaneybane in the parish of Clones, Fermanagh, the end (bun) of the white blean or curve ; andKilly- blane in the parish of Killesher, same county, the wood (colli) of the curved spot. Blainroe, red creek or curve, in the parish of Kilpool, a little south of Wicklow town. In Gal way we have Bleanoran, Odhran's or Oran's creek or curve ; and Bleannagloos, a singular name, signifying the creek or curve of the ears (cluas), so called no doubt from some peculiarity of shape : in the parish of Annaduff in Leitrim, Bleankillew, the blean of the wood ; which takes its name from being on the shore of that arm of Lough Bofin which is now called Lough Scannel. I have already stated (page 241) that gaeth is sometimes applied to the sea ; it is used in this sense, and in the old form gaot, in Cormac's Glossary, under hircU. This term occurs on the northern half of the CHAP. XVII.] Colours, 259 western coast, and it is there restricted in its appli- cation to " a shallow stream into which the tide flows, and which is fordable at low water (O'Donovan, Ap- pendix to O'Reilly's Diet., under gaetli). There is a townland called Grweesalia in the parish of Kilcom- mon in Erris, Mayo, which takes its name from its position on the shore of a tidal creek branching off from Blacksod bay ; the name being Gaeth-saile, i. e. salt-water tide-inlet. The best known names exhi- biting this word are Gweedore and Grweebarra^ ap- plied to two bays on the west coast of Donegal, into which flow two tidal streams of the same names. In A. D. 619, according to the Four Masters, Ddir, the son of Hugh Allan, king of Ireland, was slain by a chieftain named Flann Fiadhbhadh [Feeva] ; but Flann himself was soon afterwards killed in revenge for this deed by the friends of Doir, on the little island of Inishkeel in Gweebarra bay. O'Donovan (Four M. I. 242, note t) believes that the river and bay of Gweedore took its name from this prince: — Gaeth- Boir, Doir's inlet. I think we may conclude that Gweebarra also derived its name from a man ; but I do not know of any authority, written or other- wise, bearing on the point. CHAPTER XVII. COLOURS. Among the various circumstances that determine the names of places, colour holds in all countries a pro- minent position ; and accordingly we find the words s2 260 Colours. [chap. XVII. denoting tlie different colours widely spread among the local names of our own country. The colours that attracted the observation of the 2')eople who imposed the names, whether applied to the surface of the land, to rocks, rivers, or lakes, are characteristic of most of these places and objects at the present day ; but on the other hand, there are many instances in which all traces of the original colour have disap- peared ; and this is especially the case where the prevailing hue was given by trees, shrubs, bogs, or marshes, which have been removed by cultivation. As colours are infinitely varied, and run one into another by imperceptible gradations, it is not to be expected that the colours and shades which one nation or people designates by distinct names, will be in all cases the same as those distinguished by corresponding names among other nations. And indeed in the same language, the words for co- lours vary greatly in their signification ; the Eng- lish words green and grey for instance, are applied to shades very diff'erent among themselves. So in re- gard to some of the Irish names for colours, it is not always easy to determine the exact hues or shades intended, or to give the precise equivalents of the terms in English. Black. Duhh [duv], black, blackish, very dark coloured. This word is found in vast numbers of names throughout all Ireland ; a fact which results in a great measure from the prevalence of bogs and boggy lands. Its most usual English forms are (luff\ doo^ and du., the fii'st of which is seen in Dufi*carrick and in Carrickduff, both of which mean black rock. The little river Dufi' flows on the boundary of the counties of Sligo and Leitrim, and falls into Donegal CHAP. XVII.] Colours. 261 bay four miles west of Bundoran. It is called Dithh in the annals, which in the Book of Armagh, is translated Niger, i. e. black. At its mouth is the townland of Bunduff, the bun or mouth of the river Duff. There are two townlands in Gralway called Ballinduff, a name which is preserved in its correct form by the Four Masters : — Baile-an-duibh, the town of the black or dark-complexioned man. Many of our lakes whose waters look inky black, partly from the infusion of bog, partly on account of the reflection of tlie dark sides of the surrounding hills, get the names of Loughduff, Loughdoo, and Doolough, all meaning black lake ; which again gives names to several townlands, villages, and resi- dences. The prevalence of bogs also accounts for the great number of Irish rivers having names which signify black or dark. Douglas has already been mentioned. The diminutive Duog or Duvog — black streamlet- is the name of many small streams, corresponding in formation with Brenoge and Grlanog (which see). And besides these there are the several rivers now called Blackwater. Sometimes whole districts were designated by this word dubhy if their surfaces were boggy or clothed in a dark covering of heather. There is a well-known district in the barony of Scarawalsh in Wexford, now called the Duffry ; but the correct Irish name, as we find it in our old authorities, is Duibhthir [Duffir], which signifies black territory {tir, land or country). The name is very correctly anglicised Biijfiir in Clyn's annals; but the |)resent form Duffry seems to be derived from the genitive, Bidbli- thire, which it correctly represents in sound (1st Ser., Part I., c. II.) 262 Colours. [chap. XVII. The Dinnseanchas records a legend,* that this terri- tory was once open and fertile — " a broad, delightful region and it was possessed by two brothers, Quaire and Daire. But Guaire treacherously slew his bro- ther and seized upon his part of the territory; after which a curse fell upon the land as a punish- ment for the crime, and the whole district became overgrown with brushwood and heath ; whence it was called Duibh-tJiir. One inference we may draw from this legend, that at the time when it was writ- ten, the land was covered with heather and scrub- wood, from which, and not from bogs, it got its name. The "Faes of Athlone," a woody district in the county Roscommon, was also called Duibhthir (Four Masters), for the very same reason. And the word exists in the name of Drumdiffer in the parish of Drumreilly in Leitrim, the drum or ridge of the black district. Dooally and Doocatteens are the names of two townlands near Newcastle in Limerick, which are the anglicised forms of Duhli-aille, black cliff, and JDiibh- c/ioitchinidhe, black cotteens or commonages. Dooros and Dooms signify black wood in the south, and black promontory in the north. Four miles above Listowel in Kerry, the river Feale divides and encloses an island ; on one of the branches there was in old times a ford, which was called Duhh-cith, black ford ; the old church built near it took the same name, and in its turn gave name to the village and parish, which are now called Duagh. The word is softened down in various ways, which will be illustrated in the following names. Dinish is the name of a little island well known to Killarney tourists, situated near the Old Weir Bridge; and * Translated by Bryan O'Looney, Esq., M. R. 1. A., in Proc. R.I.A.,MS. Ser.,p;i84. CHAP. XVII.] Colour^ 163 there are several islands in other counties called Dinis, Dinish, and Deenish ; all which are shortened from Diiihh-inis, black island. Deelis and Deelish, which are names of common occurrence, have been similarly reduced from Didbh-lios^ black fort ; which is also the Irish form of Dufless in Tyrone, of Doolis in Tipperary, and of Devleash in Mayo. It occurs as a compound in Cordevlis, the name of some places in Oavan and Monaghan, the round hill of the black fort. The well-known mountain, Divis, near Belfast, is called in Irish JDubh-ais, which simply means black hill ; and this old name seems to find an echo in English, for there are two other hills very near it, now called Black Hill and Black Mountain. There is another place of the same name in Mayo, slightly altered to Divish ; while in Donegal it takes the form of Dooish. Diviny and Divanagh, which are the names of some townlands in Tyrone, Armagh, and Fermanagh, are anglicised forms of Dtiibh-eanaigh, black marshes. At A. D. 1146, the Annals of Innis- fallen record the erection of Caislen-Easci'duibhe (the castle of the black cataract: pron. Cashlen-Asdee) . The latter part of this long designation is still re- tained as the name of a little hamlet three miles west of Ballylongford in Kerry, now called Astee. The boggy little river, in time of flood, rushes over ledges of rock near the village, and this is the feature that gave it the name of the black cataract. The form dee is also exhibited in Clashnamonadee near Lismore in Waterford — Clais-m-mona-duibhe^ the trench of the black bog. At the bottom of some deep bogs there is found a half liquid stuff*, as black as jet, which was formerly used by the peasantry all over Ireland for dyeing 264 Colours. [chap. XVII. black ; and is still so used in remote districts. It served its purpose admirably well, giving frieze and other woollens an excellent dye, and it was usually known by the name of diihhadh [dooa], which an- swers to the English word blacking (old form duhad ; Cor. Grl.). Many of the places where this dye stuff was found are still indicated by their names ; such as Carrickadooey in the parish of Maghcross in Monagh- an, Carraig-a^ 'diihhaidhj the rock of the black dye- stuff : Pollandoo in Donegal, PoUadooey in Gralway and Longford, and Polladoohy near Crossmolina in Mayo, all take their names from the deep hole (poll) out of which the colouring matter was taken ; Derrynadooey in Eoscommon, and Eskeradooey in Tyrone, the oak wood and the sand-ridge of the black dye stuff. Ciar [keer] is commonly understood to mean jet black. The ordinary name among the peasantry for a beetle or chafer is ciarog [keeroge], a diminutive of cia)\ meaning black little fellow ; the other diminu- tive, Ciaran^ was formerly extremely common as a man's name, meaning a dark complexioned person ; and it still exists in the family name Kieran. The word is also used to signify a dull or brownish black ; and this is, I suppose, the sense in which we are to understand it in local names. There is a small river called Keerglen in the parish of Kilfian in Mayo, giving name to a townland, and taking its own name from the glen through which it flows: — Ciar-gleann^ dark coloured glen. White, Finn or fionn., white, is a word of most ancient and extensive use in the Celtic languages. It glosses alhm in the St. Gall manuscript of Zeuss ; and still more ancient is its use in forming part of personal names, both Irish and Gaulish. Vindus, CHAP. XVll.] Colours. 265 the termination of many Graulish names, is another form of this word ; and Finn has been used as a personal name in our own country, from the time of the great hero, Finn the son of Oumhal — and long before him indeed — down to our own day. In local nomenclature the word is used to desig- nate places either absolutely white, or whitish, fair or bright coloured ; as for instance the side of a hill covered with whitish grass ; and its usual anglicised forms are finn or fin. The Four Masters record a fight between the O'Neills and the O'Boyles in A. D. 1502, at a place in Donegal, which they call Tiilach-finn^ the white little hill ; it is situated near Inver, and is still known by the name of TuUagh- fin. Finvoy, the name of a parish in Antrim, and of a townland in Louth, is the modern way of writing the old name, as we find it in the annals — Finn- mhagh, white or bright plain ; which again takes the form Finaway near Crosserlough in Cavan. Oarrick- fin in Donegal and Westmeath, signifies white rock. In the south of Ireland finn is commonly pro- nounced feoiin ov/une, which originates the anglicised forms foim and fiine, occasionally met with. Thus Knockfune in Tipperary is the same as Knockfin in other counties ; and the Four Masters give the correct form of both, Cnoc-Fionn, white hill. So also Coolfune is the same as Coolfin, white corner. Inchafune near Dunmanway in Cork, white inch or river meadow. In the King's County this word is sometimes pronounced fan, which is reflected in the name of Fancroft near Roscrea, a name which is greatly corrupted- In the Red Book of Ossory it is written in one place Fynchor, and in another place Fyncora ; from which it is obvious that the original name is Finn-choradh, white weir. 266 Colours. [chap. XVII. Although finn strictly means a colour, it is used to designate water that is clear or transparent. In this way is formed the name Finglas from glais^ a little stream : — Finn-glais (so written in many old authorities), crystal rivulet. The village of Finglas near Dublin takes its name from the little stream which flows through it, and joins the Tolka at Fin- glas Bridge ; there are several streams of the same name in difl'erent parts of Ireland ; and it is also modified to Finglush, Finglash, and Finglasha. Compounded with ro.s, a wood, it gives name to the village of Eosenallis in Queen's County, a name which is very much corrupted from the original. There was an ancient church here, dedicated to St. Brigid; and Colgan in enumerating it among the churches of this saint, gives the true form of the name, JRosfiiiglas, which signifies the wood of the bright stream. I may here observe that this name, Finglas, is the counterpart of another name still better known, Douglas, dark stream — which has been noticed in First Series. Many other examples might be given of the appli- cation of this word to water, but I will mention only one more, namely, the sparkling little river Finnihy at Kenmare, which deserves its name as well as any stream in Ireland. The termination in this name is of frequent occurrence in the Munster counties, especially in Cork and Kerry ; and it appears to be the same as the participial termination in verbs: — Finnif/w, corresponding exactly with claHlia from cldr {Leber na h- tjidhre : O'Curry Lect., IL, 315) ; and with odhartha in Cluain'Odhartha, now Clonoura in the parish of Fennor in Tipperary, pale-grey meadow, and in Cnoc-odliartlia^ pale-grey CHAP. XVTI.] Colours. 267 hill, now Knockoura in Cork and Gralway, both from odhar (p. 278 : see Phoenix Park in 1st Ser.). The compound Finnahhair, old form Findahairy was formerly common as the name of a person, gene- rally of a woman, but sometimes of a man ; and it was also used as a place-name. As the name of a place, some of the old Irish-Latin writers have trans- lated it campus-albiis, white-coloured field (Jocelin, Vit. Patr. c. 94) ; but I suppose that this is intended to express the fact that Finnab/iair meant a whitish place, for I do not think that ahJiair can be in any case, the equivalent of ca?npus. O'Curry (Lect., III., 10), translates Finnahhair as a personal name by " fair-browed," which would also answer very well in its application to a place — a whitish coloured brow of a field — a hill-brow. But it may be doubted whether abair here can mean a brow ; for as Mr. Crowe remarks (Proc. E. I. A., MS. Ser. 159), the genitive of ahair a brow, is abrat (thus Eochaidh Abmt-ruaidh, Eochaidh of the red brow — a king of Leinster) ; while the genitive of Find-abalr, as a per- sonal or local name is Find-abrach. It appears in fact that there are two different words, both spelled abair in the nominative : — abair, gen. abrat, a brow or eye-lash ; abair, gen. abrach (meaning?) ; and that it is the latter word that appears in Findahair. Mr. Crowe, in the same place, translates Find-abair bright-beam," comparing abair with Lat. apricum ; but I do not know on what authority he bases this interpretation. Whatever may be the exact meaning of abair here, we may take it that Finnabhair was locally applied to a whitish spot. It has several modern forms, in most of which the b is altogether suppressed, on account of aspiration. The most usual is Fennor, which is the name of nine townlands in the Leinster 268 Colours, [chap. XVIT. and Munster counties. Fennor on the Boyne in Meath — a place of great antiquit}^— is called by the annalists, FinnahJiair-ahha^ i. e., Fennor of the river (Boyne), to distinguish it from other Fennors ; and Finnahliair or Fennor in Westmeath is mentioned by the Four Masters as the scene of two battles in the years 794 and 822. This term takes several other anglicised forms ; in Donegal and Fermanagh it is made Finner ; in Roscommon and Clare, Finnor ; Finver is found once in Donegal ; while in Gralway and Sligo it becomes Finnure. The genitive, fionnahhrach [finnoura] appears in the name of Kilfenora in Clare, an ancient bishop's see, called by the annalists Cill-Fionnahhrach ; and the same form occurs in Knockfenora near Bruree in Limerick. It is probable that the second part of each of these is the name of a person — man or woman : — the church and the hill of Finnabair. With the /eclipsed in the genitive plural, we find it in Ballynavenooragh near Brandon Hill in Kerry, which very correctly represents the sound of the Irish BaUe-na-hhfionnahhrach^ the town of the white coloured spots, or of the persons named Fiiuiabair. The word ccinnfhionn [cannon] which literally means white head (ceann, head), is now applied to a cow with a white spot on the middle of her fore- head. The term is used by the Four Masters at A. M. 3972, when they record the legend that dur- ing the reign of king Flacha Finailches, all the cows were ceindfhiond, white headed. The meaning of this compound is sometimes extended however, so that it is used to designate anything speckled with white spots. In this sense it is used to give name to Foilcannon, a great cliff wdth a smooth face of rock, under the Eagle's Nest near Glengarriff : i. e. CHAP. XVII.] Colours, 269 speckled cliff. So also Clooncannon in Galway, speckled meadow ; Carrigcannon in Cork and Kerry, speckled rock ; Drumcannon and Drumcanon in the northern counties, speckled ridge ; Lettercannon in Kerry, speckled hill-side. Some of the preceding may have taken their names from a legendary cow (like Longhnaheery, p. 280) ; and this is certainly the case with Foilnacanony in the parish of Upper- church in Tipperary, and with Griennacannon near Baltinglass in Wicklow, the cliff, and the glen, of the white-headed cow. Ban signifies white or whitish. There is a beau- tiful lake in Westmeath, near the village of Fore, called Loughbane or Loughbawn, white lake ; and another of the same name in Monaghan, three miles north of the village of Shercock : connected with the former is the small Lough Grlass (green lake) ; and with the latter, Black Lake ; each pair receiving their names from some real or fancied contrast of colour. Carrickbaun and Carrigbaun, white rock, are the names of places in Cork and Leitrim ; Clashbane near Caherconlish in Limerick, white trench. The promontory of Kenbane near Bally castle in Antrim, with its castle ruins, is a characteristic example of the application of this word ; the cliff is composed of white limestone, and the name, Ceann- han^ white head, exactly describes its appearance. Sometimes the people give the name of gearrdn-bdn^ white garron or horse, to conspicuous white rocks, in which they fancy they can trace some resemblance to the shape of a horse. There is a hill about a mile from the village of Clarinbridge in Gralway, which the Four Masters call Cnoc-an-gkearrdin-b/idin^ the 270 Colours, [chap. XVII. hill ^of the white horse, and which is now called Knockagarranbaun . In very many cases the h of this word becomes v or w by aspiration. There is a river in Cork, called the Owvane, white river, flowing through a fine valley into the head of Bantry bay, so called, I suppose, to distinguish it from some other river whose waters are very dark from bog ; and there are several other rivers of the same name in other parts of Ireland. Many little bays round the sea coast and round the shores of the larger lakes, are called Trawane, Trabane, and Trawbawn, white strand, which derive their names from the whitish colour of the sand. Geal [gal] means white, fair- coloured, or bright. There is a place near the city of Limerick called Gralvone, white bog {Geal-mhdin)^ which probably received its name either from the white sedge grass, commonly QdJiledi finane^ or from the canamun or bog- down. Loughgal, white lake, is a little lake three miles south of Elphin in Eoscommon ; Galcussagh, literally white-footed, is the name of a townland in the parish of Desertcreat in Tyrone ; and it was, I suppose, applied to low lying land covered with white flowers, or whitish grass. Gile [gilla] is an abstract noun derived from geal^ and signifies brightness or whiteness ; it is often heard in the colloquial language, as in the common epithet of endearment, GiUamachree, brightness of my heart ; and it is found quite as often as geal in local names. Lough Grill in Sligo, is always called in the annals, Loch-gile, the lake of brightness, or bright lake ; and there is a small lake in the parish of Aghagower in Mayo, called Loughannagilla, the little lake of the brightness. This word also appears CHAP. XVII.] Colours, 271 in Legilly in the parish of Olonfeacle in Tyrone, the bright lug or hollow. Red, Learg signifies a deep scarlet, or very decided red {derc, rubes ; Z. 61) ; and in the forma- tion of names it usually takes the forms derg, derrig, and darrig. There are several fords and bridges all over the country called Belderg, Bellahaderg, Ballaghaderg, and Bellanaderg, all meaning red ford (pel and hel-cdha^ a ford : 1st Ser., Part III. c. v.), which were so called from the colour of the water, which again took its colour from the soil or mud. There is a parish in Tipperary, half-way between Caher and Clonmel, now called Derrygrath, near where Lewy Mac Con was killed (see Grortan- ore, in Chapter XX.) ; it took its name from a con- spicuous fort, still in existence, which is called in Irish Dearg-rath^ red rath. The same name is found in Eoscommon in the more correct form Dergraw ; and there is a townland in Queen's County called E-atherrig, whose Irish name is Rath-dheargy same meaning. In this last the d drops out by aspiration, as it does in Lickerrig near Athenry in Gralway, whose Irish name, Lic-dhearg^ red surface-flag, most truly describes the place. Ruadh [roo], red, reddish, or fox-coloured, is equivalent to, and cognate with, the Latin ruber, and English red and ruddy. This word is very exten- sively used in the formation of Irish local names ; and though it is variously modified, its most usual anglicised form is roe. There are two places in Donegal — one near the village of Convoy and the other near Kilmacrenan ! — called Cloghroe, red stone or stone castle ; and ! there is another place of the same name two miles from BallincoUig in Cork. The Owenroe or red river, a \ 272 Colours. [chap. XYll. tributary of the Blackwater, flows through the vil- lage of Moynalty in Meath. Moyroe near Dun- gannon in Tyrone, is Magh-ruadh^ reddish plain ; which is also the Irish form of Moroe, the name of a little village in the parish of Abington in Lime- rick. At the little hamlet of Eoevehagh in the parish of Killeely, near Clarinbridge in Gralway, grew the inauguration tree of the Hy-FiacJirach A idhne (see 1st Ser., Part IV., c. viii.), from which the hamlet took its name. At A. D. 1143, according to the Four Masters, Turlough O'Brien led a hostile expedition into Connaught, and cut down this tree, which the old authority calls Ruadh-hheitheach, i. e. the red birch, the pronunciation of which is well represented by Eoevehagh. The word takes another form in Mulroy, the name of a long bay in the north of Donegal, which must have been so called from a hill, the Irish name being Maol-vuadh^ red bald-hill. By means of various postfixes, several derivatives are formed from this word, which are, or were, all applied to reddish- coloured spots. With the dimi- nutive dn^ we have Euan in Limerick and Clare ; Euanes in Cork; Euaunmore in Wexford (great red place) ; Eowan and Eowans in Armagh, Meath, and Dublin ; and Eooaun in several counties. With can or chdn^ Eoughan and Eooghaun, the names of several townlands ; with lack (p. 5) Eoolagh in Tipperary, Eolagh in Meath, and Eowlagh in Dub- lin ; and with tach (p. 8) we have Eootiagh and Eoutagh in Limerick, and Eootagh in Tipperary. Yellow, Buidlie [bwee or boy] yellow, is evi- dently cognate with Latin hadius^ Fr. bai^ Eng. hay (colour). The usual form in anglicised names is boy^ though it is sometimes made by, vee, icay, tcee, &c., the last three by the aspiration of the b. CHAP. XVII.] Colours, 273 This term, like dearg^ was often applied to fords, from the colour of the water, caused by yellow mud. The village of Athboy in Meath got its name from a ford on the river which flows through it ; it is very frequently mentioned in the annals by the name oi Ath-buidhe-Tlachtga^ the yellow ford of Tlachtga, from the celebrated hill of Tlachtga, now called the Hill of Ward, in its neighbourhood. The name Ath-huidhe often compounds with hel, ford- mouth, forming Bel-an-atha-huidhe^ the mouth of the yellow ford, which was the name of a ford on the river Oallan, a little north of Armagh, where O'Neill defeated Bagenal's army in 1598. The anglicised form of this — Bellanaboy — is the name of some places in Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo, and Donegal ; and it is corrupted to Ballinaboy in Cork, Gralway, and Eoscommon. There are two places in Donegal called Straboy, one of which (near Grlenties) is mentioned by the Four Masters, who call it Srath-buidhe, the yellow smth or river holm. Other modern forms of this word are seen in Ballybinaby near Eoche Castle, four miles from Dundalk, the town of the yellow bin or peak ; Drumbanaway in Tyrone, the ridge of the yellow peak; and Benwee itself — yellow peak — is the name of some hills in Mayo and else- where. Fallowvee near Cushendall in Antrim, yellow hedge or enclosure (see p. 211). The little stream Owenwee — yellow river — flows under the base of Slieve League in Donegal ; and there are other streams called Owenboy giving names to town- lands in Donegal and Mayo. Brown, Bonn is brown, dark brown ; much the same in meaning as the English word dun : donn, fuscus, Z. 225. When the word occurs in names, T 274 Colours, [chap. XVII. which is not often, it is generally anglicised doivn ; as in Barnadown, the name of some places in Kil- kenny and Wexford, signifying brown gap. Cron [crone] signifies brown, dark-brown, or swarthy ; and in this sense it is still a living word. Ardcrone, brown height, is the name of a place in the parish of Currans in Kerry ; Curkacrone near Callan in Kilkenny, brown oats (coirce) or oats-land ; Cronkill in Armagh and Tipperary, and Crunkill in Roscommon, brown wood ; Cruninish, brown island, the name of an islet in lower Lough Erne. There is a large lake called Lough Groan, dark brown lake, in Roscommon, four miles from Mount Talbot. The syllable cron has other meanings however, which it is sometimes hard to distinguish from the present in anglicised names. Green. Glas is commonly translated green ; and this is its usual acceptation, for we find it often ap- plied to express the green of grass and foliage. But the word was also used to designate a greyish or bluish green, or rather a greyish blue, a shade of colour having in it little or none of what we should call green. For instance glas was often applied to a greyish blue eye ; and also to the colour of the water- wagtail. In its topographical application however, it must be generally understood to mean grass- green. The Four Masters record the erection of a fort called Eaf/i'Loc/iaid, in the reign of Irial FaicUi, one of the pre-Christian kings, at a place called Glas- charn, green earn or monument, which O'Donovan identifies with Griascarn near Mullingar ; and there is another Glascarn near Ratoath in Meath. Grlas- carrig, green rock, is the name of a place on the coast of Wexford, remarkable for its abbey ruins. In CHAP. XVII.] Colours. 275 1493 a bloody battle was fought between two clans of the O'Neills at a place in the parish of Aghanloo in Tyrone, which the annalists call Glas-droinainn^ green ridge, but which is now called Grlasdrummond ; this is also the name of other townlands in Armagh and Monaghan ; and there are more than twenty in the northern and western counties called more cor- rectly Q-lasdrumman. Glaslough, a small town in Monaghan, takes its name, which means green lake, from the small lake near the town ; Grlassillan, green island, is the name of several small islands off the coasts, and in the lakes of Mayo and Gralway. The word assumes other forms, chiefly by gram- matical inflection, as may be seen in the following names. There is a place in the parish of Donagh- moyne in Monaghan, called OorcuUionglish, which is anglicised from Cor-ciiillinn-glais, the round hill of the green holly ; Kilmaglush in Carlow, and Kilmaglish in Westmeath, both signify the church of the green magh or plain. Blue, Gorm signifies blue. It is often applied to mountains, and of course in this case desig- nates their blue colour when seen from a distance. There is a range of hills north of Donegal town, called Croaghgorm, which has also the correct alias name of Bluestack. Bengorm, blue peak, is a high mountain rising over the Killeries in Connemara; there is another fine mountain of the same name over Lough Feeagh, north-west of Newport in Mayo, and we have Bingorms near Slievesnaght in the parish of Gartan in Donegal — Beanna-gonna^ blue peaks : Slievegorm, blue mountain, in the parish of Killererin in Galway. The word gorm was also used to designate the colours of various natural objects, such as the soil, T 2 276 Colours. [chap. XVII. rocks, water, &c. ; and it was applied to several shades of blue. Poulgorm, blue pool, is the name of some small lakes in Clare, Cork, and other counties ; there is a little island in Lough Melvin in Fermanagh, called Gorminish, blue island; Gror- magh bridge crosses the silver river, two miles north of TuUamore in King's County — Gorm-acliadh^ blue field ; and there is a place called Gormlee in the parish of DunbuUoge, north of Cork city — Gormliath, bluish grey, a name derived from the colour of the soil. Oreij, Riahhach signifies greyish, brindled, swar- thy, or tan-coloured — for I find it translated by all these terms : some Latin writers render it fuscus. The shades of colour designated by this word must have been usual in the surface of the land, for it is very general in local names; and it is commonly anglicised in the forms of reagJi^ rea^ and revagk. The Four Masters, at A. D. 1476, mention a castle called Rath-riabhach, grey rath, in Longford, which is now called Eathreagh, and gives name to a church and parish, where the ruins of both castle and church still remain. In Mayo there is another j)arish of the same name ; and this is also the name of some townlands in Kilkenny and Limerick. There is a townland near Downpatrick called Eingreagh, i. e. Rinn-riahhach^ gicQj point. The simple anglicised form, Eeagh, locally under- stood to mean grey lands, is the name of some places in Cork, Roscommon, and Down ; it is softened to Eee in the parish of Agivey in Derry ; while several other places in Calway and Tyrone are designated by the diminutive Eeaghan, a name which signifies a small grey spot of land ; and there are numerous hills in the south of Ireland, called Slievereagh, grey mountain. CHAP. XVII.] Colour- 277 In the west and north-west, the hli of rialhach generally gets its full v sound ; and in this case, the word is usually represented by revagh : — Grortre- vagh in Gralway, grey field, is the same as Grort- reagh in Tyrone and in some of the Munster counties ; the same word appears in Derrygortrevy in Tyrone, the oak-wood of the grey field; Carrickreagh, grey rock, in Fermanagh, takes the form of Oarrick- revagh in Leitrim. This term designates a man in Attithomasrevagh near Salthill, a suburb of Gralway, which means the site of swarthy Thomas's house {ait^ site ; teach, house : see 1st Ser., Part III., c. !.)♦ Liath [leea] answers exactly to the English word grey : and in anglicised names it generally assumes the forms of lea and- leagh, Leagh itself, in the sense of grey land, gives name to a number of town- lands in various counties ; and the word takes the form of Lea as the name of a parish in Queen's County, and of several places in other counties. The plural Liatlia, g^^.Y spots, is represented by Leaha in Gralway and Kerry, Leaghs in Tyrone, and Leahys in Limerick. As a diminutive we find it in Leaghan in Fermanagh and Tyrone, Leighin in Cavan, Leaheen in Clare, Leighan in Fermanagh, Leighon, the name of a little island near Lettermore island in Connemara — all which were originally ap- plied to grey spots of land. There is a village in Fermanagh, situated on the Finn, called Eosslea, whose name was obviously derived from the piece of land half enclosed by a bend of the river : — Bos-liath, grey peninsula. Carriglea, Carrigleagh, Carrigleigh, and Carrick- leagh, are the names of townlands in Waterford, Cork, and Louth, all signifying grey rock ; and there are several places in Leitrim, Monaghan, 278 Colours. [chap. XVII, and Eoscommon, called Creevelea, grey branch or brancliy tree. In the parish of Two-mile-Borris, east of Thurles in Tipperary, there is a very ancient church, which is called in the annals Liath-Mor (great grey spot), and also Liath-MochaemJiog, Mo- chaemhogs grey land ; and it still retains this latter name in the anglicised form of Leamokevoge, which transmits the sound truly enough. St. Mochaemhog, who founded this church, was the son of the sister of the celebrated St. Ita of Killeedy in Limerick (see 1st Ser., Part II., c. iii.) ; he is sometimes called Pulcherhis, which is merely a translation of his Irish name ; for Mochaemlwg signifies " my beautiful youth.'' He was a very eminent man, and died in A. D. 655. There is another church, founded by, or dedicated to, this saint, in the south of the county Kilkenny, called Cill Mochaemlwg^ and now Kilma- kevoge, which gives name to a parish; but the people are beginning to call it Killivory from a notion that caemhog means ivory (see O'Donovan in Four Masters, I., 266, note b). Pale Grey, The word odhar [oar, our] signifies a dun colour, a pale-grey, or light brown. It is found in our oldest writings {odar ; Cor. Grl.), and it continues in use as a living word. It usually occurs in names in the anglicised forms of ore^ ower, or our ; as in Ardore in Fermanagh, and Ardour in Galway, grey height ; Corrower in Mayo, pale-grey hill ; Moanour, the name of a hill near Galbally in Limerick, grey bog. There are two townlands in Galway called Ower, which is nothing but the simple word, and signifies dun coloured land ; and Ouragh near TuUow in Carlow is an adjective form with the same meaning. The d becomes restored (see 1st Ser., Part L, c. ii.) in the name of Odder CHAP. XVII.] Colours, 279 near Tara in Meath, whicli is called in the annals, Odhra, the plural of odhar^ signifying pale-grey spots of land. The word odhar was sometimes used to designate streams, to express probably the brown colour of water that flowed through bogs. In our most ancient autho- rity, the account of the cattle spoil of Cooley in the Lehor na h- Uidhre, a river is mentioned called Odras, which is an abstract noun : — odm\ pale-grey ; odras^ pale-greyness (seep. 12 for the termination 5). This river is stated to be at Slieve Baune in the east of the county Eoscommon ; and as the name would be pronounced Oris, the Odras is probably the same as the river now called the Feorish, which flows from the slopes of Slieve Baune, and joins the Shannon opposite Cloondara in Longford ; / being prefixed to the name as is done so often in other cases (1st Ser., Part I., c. 11.). We have another example of this application in the name of the river Nier in Waterford, which rises from a group of lakes in the Oomeragh mountains, and flows into the Suir below Clonmel. The n is merely the article, attracted to the name in the manner already explained (N'ier, the grey [river] : 1st Ser., Part I., c 11.) ; and the people carefully separate them when speaking Irish, and give each its proper declension. It appears clear that this name is an oblique form of odhar (which they pro- nounce, nom. our, gen. iera, dat. ier) ; for as I have shown (1st Ser., Part I., c. 11.), the custom of using oblique forms as nominatives has grown into a sort of law in the Irish as well as in other European languages ; and hence we call Ara, Aran ; Teamhair^ I'ara, &c. That this is the true interpretation of the name is further shown by the fact that Camalough 280 Colours, [chap. xyii. or Cumalough, one of the group of small lakes from wtiich the Nier flows, is sometimes called Cuma- lough odha)\ grey lake, by the natives Cimaloch odhar a^s Com-na-gcapall old song).* The fine valley through which the river flows is cdlled Gleann'na'h'UicUire [Glanahiery], the glen of the Odhar or Nier; which has given name to the barony of Glenahiry. And this is a further proof of the correctness of the preceding etymology ; for na-huidhre is exactly the genitive oian-odhar. There is a Glannaheera in the parish of Ballinvoher, east of Dingle in Kerry, which the people correctly interpret, the glen of the brown stream. The word odh(u\ with the same oblique pronuncia- tion, but without the attracted article, gives name to the little stream, now called the Ire, which flows eastwards from the well-known mountain lake of Coumshingaun (two miles from the source of the Nier), and joins the Clodiagh river. This word odhar is often applied to a cow ; and several places have derived their names from legen- dary cows with this designation. Names of this kind may be known by their terminations ; for they almost always end in naheery^ naheera, or nahoora ; as in Kilnaheery near Clogher in Tyrone, and Kil- nahera near Dromdaleague in Cork, CoiU-na-huidhre, the w^ood of the dun cow. Under the eastern face of Slieve Beagh on the boundary of Tyrone and Monaghan, there is a small lake called Loughna- heery, with the mountain of Essnaheery rising over it, which took its name from an ess or waterfall ; and the liill of Monahoora lies on the north side of Slieve * Here I am drawing on information supplied by Mr. John Fleming of Rathgormuck, of whom I have spoken in the Pre- face to the second edition of 1st Series. CHAP. XVII.] Colours. 281 Croob in Down, Moin-na-hiiidhre^ the bog of tbe dun cow. This is also the origin of the name of the ancient book so often quoted in these pages, called Lebornah-Uidhre^ [Lower-na-heera], the book of the brown cow ; for according to the legendary account, it was written by St. Kieran of Clonmacnoise, and the vellum of which it was composed was made from the hide of his favourite dark grey cow. Speckled. Breac [brack] signifies speckled or parti-coloured. As land, especially hill-sides or dry upland, often presents a speckled or spotted appear- ance, caused by different kinds of vegetation, or by the varying colours of the soil or of rocks, this word is of very frequent occurrence in local names ; and it usually takes the anglicised form brack. At A. D. 1601, the Four Masters mention a place in Galway called Coill-bhreac, speckled wood — speckled, I sup- pose, from a mixture of various coloured trees ; it is now called Kylebrack, and is situated in the parish of Leitrim. With a slight difference of form we have Kilbrack in Cork and Waterford, and Kilbracks, (speckled woods or churches) in Armagh. There is a townland near Oola in Limerick, called Brackyle, which is the same name with the root- words reversed. The Brack bawn is a fine mountain stream flowing down the side of the Gralty Mountains near Kilbeh- enny, and joining the Funshion; or rather it is itself the head water of the Funshion. The name pro- perly belongs to a townland through which the river flows ; and it signifies speckled whitish land {ban, p. 269). The word brack is often applied in this way, as a noun, meaning speckled land : — Brackna- hevla in the parish of Killare in Westmeath, speckled land of the orchard (abhal) ; Bracknamuckley near Portglenone in Antrim, speckled land of the miiclach 282 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xviii. or piggery. Many other places taking their names from the word breac have been noticed in this and the former volume. There is another word for speckled, viz., hrit^ briot^ or hreat^ which is also often used in the formation of names. MuUybrit, speckled summit, is the name of a townland near Lisbellaw in Fermanagh, the same as Mullybrack, Mullabrack, and MuUaghbrack, else- where. Brittas, which has been already noticed (p. 14), is corrupted to British in the parish of Kil- lead in Antrim, and forms part of the name of Bally brittas in Queen's County and Wexford, the town of the speckled land. CHAPTER XVIII. THE AXIMAL KINGDOM. When a place is named from some particular kind of animal, the name of the animal usually comes in at the end of the local designation, in the genitive plural. Sometimes the article is omitted, as in case of Slieve-Buck, the name of a mountain south of Ennis- kerry in Wicklow, of another giving name to a town- land near Eaphoe in Donegal, and of a few elsewhere. The Irish form of the name is Sliahh-hoc, the mountain of the bucks or stags. But more generally the article is inserted, which eclipses the first consonant, if it can be eclipsed : this is seen in Carricknagat and Carrignagat, which occur in many places all over the country, the Irish form of which is Carraig-na- gcat, the rock of the (wild) cats. Occasionally the name of the animal comes first ; as in Eoaninish, a little island off* Donegal, outside Grweebarra bay, CHAP. XVIII.] The Animal Kingdom, 283 Eon-inis, seal island ; Ecancarrick, the name of several small rocks and rocky islets round the coast, resorts for seals — Ron-cliarraig^ seal rock. This is the same name as Carrignarone, which is also occa- sionally met with. This name too has a literary and romantic interest. When the four children of Lir, who had been turned into swans by their wicked stepmother, were driven about by tempests on the rough sea of Moyle (the narrow sea between Antrim and the of Cantire), they appointed Carrigna- rone as their meeting place, in case they should be separated by the storm ; and when Finola, the eldest, came to the rock, and found her brothers absent, she uttered a lament which Moore has echoed in his beautiful song " Silent, Moyle, be the roar of thy water." There is yet another way of forming names of this kind, to which I have to direct special attention, viz., the name of the animal is brought in at the end, in the genitive singular instead of the genitive plural. And names of this class are intended to express the fact that the places were the haunts of the animals in question (the same as if the genitive plural were used), a single animal being made to stand for the whole species. An excellent example of this is Poulanishery or Poulnasherry, a well- known inlet of the Shannon near which you pass in going from Kilrush to Kilkee. It has always pro- duced abundance of oysters; and there is still an oyster bed at its western side. This fact is expressed by the name — Poll-an-oisire, the hole, pool, or inlet, of the oyster (not of the oysters). It is to be ob- served, however, that in some names of this kind, one animal is really meant ; and then the name is often connected with a legend. Whether this is the 284 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xviit. case or not in any particular place, can only be as- certained from local knowledge. Ants and Midges. Miol [meel] denotes any kind of animal; different species being designated by means of qualifying terms. We find it standing alone in Bellaveel near Ballyhaunis in Mayo, the bel or ford of the beast (h aspirated to v). When this simple form is used collectively, it is sometimes intended to denote pismires ; as in Drumnameel near Enniskillen, which is understood there to mean the ridge of the ants ; and occasionally it stands for midges, as in Croaghnameal, a mountain six miles east of Donegal town, the hill of the midges. The diminutive mioltog [meelthoge] is the usual word for a midge ; and this term is pretty general in names, alw^ays indicating a place where, in favor- able weather, there are swarms of midges. There is a townland called Meeltoge near Belturbet in Cavan, and another, Meeltogues, in the parish of Kilskeery in Tyrone, both meaning a midgy place. Boherna- meeltoge in the parish of Killoe in Longford, is the road of the midges ; and there is a little lake called Loughnameeltoge, among the Croaghgorm hills, north of Donegal. Other deriv^atives of the word are applied to the same little animal: — as ex- amp] es take Curraghmeelagh — midge -marsh — the name of a townland and of a little lake in the parish of Killoughy in King's County ; Cornameelta near Boyle in Roscommon, and Cormeeltan in 'Leitrim, both meaning the round hill of the midges. The general Irish word for a pismire or ant is seangdn [shangaun] ; wliich is a diminutive from srang, slender, and means slender little fellow. There is a small low hill near the village of Louth, wliere an abbey, which afterwards became much CHAP, xviii.] The Animal Kingdom. 285 celebrated, was founded in 1148, and consecrated by the great St. Malachy O'Morgair, archbishop of Ar- magh. It is mentioned often in Irish records by the name of Cnoc-naseangdn, the hill of the ants ; and it is now generally called in English, Pismire Hill; while the abbey is called Knock Abbey. There are townlands of this name in Donegal and Fermanagh, which are now correctly anglicised Knocknashangan ; and near Lurgan in Armagh, is a place called Knocknashane and sometimes Knock- naseggane, both of which are varied forms of the same name. Near the lake of Gartan in Donegal, there is a place called Maghernashangan, the plain {machaire) of the pismires ; Coolshangan near Inver in the same county, and Coolshingaun in the parish of Inagh, Clare {ciiil^ a corner) ; Lisheennashingane three miles from Miltown in Kerry, on the road to Killarney {Ihin^ a little fort) ; Garranashingaun in the parish of Castletownarra in Tipperary (r/arran, a shrubbery) ; Aghnashingan in Longford, the field (achad/i) of the ants. There is a little river near Bantry called Owennashingaun — pismire river — joining the Hen near Dromdaleague. With the termination ach (p. 3) is formed seangd- nach, which signifies a place abounding in pismires ; and this term, in various anglicised forms, is the name of a great many places in different parts of the country. ' The best known is Shanganagh in Dublin, between Killiney and Bray, which Denis Florence McCarthy has commemorated in his poem, " The Yale of Shanganagh." The pronunciation adopted in the poem, which is that universally used by the educated people of the city and county of Dublin [Shan-gan^na, to rhyme with mannci] would point to 1 286 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xviit. the erroneous etymology, sean-gaineamh, old sand. But the traditional pronunciation of the native pea- santry [Shang^ana : accent on Slicing ; the other two syllables very short] shows that the name is an anglicised form of Seanganach, Even to this day these insects are specially abundant along the banks of the little river that runs through the townland. There is also a Shanganagh in Clare, and another about three miles from Athy in Queen's County. In Kilkenny, this name takes the form of Shan- ganny. In Cork it is Shananagh ; in Mayo, Tip- perary, and Waterford, Shinganagh ; in Galway, Shinnanagh ; and in Clare Shingaunagh. Shin- gaun, the simple word, without the termination ach, is the name of a place in Wexford, and has the same meaning as all the preceding — a place full of ants or pismires. Mouse. This little animal is called Inch in Irish (lueh^ mus : Z. 71) ; but the diminutive luchog is the term most generally employed. It is seen in Incha- lughoge, the name of a little stream and of a town- land in the parish of Kilnoe in the east of Clare, the inch or river-meadow of the mice. Gortnalughoge, mouse field, is a place in the parish of Mevagh in the north of Donegal; there is a townland called MuUynalughoge near Clones, the summit of the mice ; and Esknaloughoge is a hill, four miles west of Sneem in Kerry, which must have taken its name from an esk or water-channel. Wren. In old times, this little bird was regarded as a great prophet ; for by listening attentively to its chirping, those who were skilled in the language of birds were enabled to predict future events. Hence the writer of an old Life of St. Moling trans- lates drean^ which is one name for the bird, by CHAP, xviii.] The Animal Kingdom, 287 " magus avium," the druid of birds/' implying that drean was derived from dnii-en (drui, a druid ; en, of birds), and says that it was so called on ac- count of the excellence of its augury. Although I fear this will be regarded as a very fanciful etymo- logy, yet it shows in what estimation the wren was held in the time of the writer. Our well-known rhyme The wren, the wren, the king of all birds," is a remnant, no doubt, of this ancient superstition. The wren has several names. Two of them, dreoldn and dreoilm [drolaun, droleen] are different diminu- tives of the same root ; of which the former is ex- hibited in Grorteenadrolane east of Inchigeelagh in Cork, the little field of the wren ; and the latter in MuUadrillen near Ardee in Louth, the wren's hill- summit. The other term, drean, we find in Drum- dran, the name of two townlands in Fermanagh and Tyrone, which means the ridge of the wrens. Wagtail. The water- wagtail has received a name in Irish which is derived from the colour of the bird, viz., glasdg, a diminutive of glas, green or greyish-green : — glasog, grey-green little fellow. This is moreover an old name, for it is the one used in the ancient Irish poetical list of animals published by Sir William E. Wilde in Proc. E. I. A., vol. vii. Lisglassock near Ballymahon in Longford, took its name from a fort, which must have been frequented by these little birds — the Us of the water- wagtails ; and the townland of Terry glassog near Dungannon in Tyrone, should have been called Derryglassog, the derry or oak-grove of the wagtails. Robin Redbreast. There is no difficulty in detect- ing the name of this bird in local denominations ; for it is called in Irish spideog, which is pronounced and usually anglicised spiddoge. There is a place 1 288 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xviii. near Stradbally in Queen's County called Kylespid- doge, the wood {coill) of the redbreasts; Turnaspi- dogy near Inchigeelagh in Cork, must have got its name from a bush from which the robin's song was constantly heard, as- the name signifies the redbreast's bush. There is a townland about five miles south- west of TuUow in Carlow, containing the ruins of a castle, called Grraignaspiddoge, the graig or village of the robins. SjKirroiv. Gealhhdn or Gealiin [galvan, galloon] is the word usually employed to denote a sparrow ; though with various qualifying terms it is also ap- plied to the linnet, the bulfinch, the yellow-hammer, and other little birds. Sranagalloon in the parish of Inchicronan in Clare, exhibits the word with its usual southern pronunciation — Smth-na-ngealbhun, the srath or river-holm of the sparrows. So also Derrygalun, two miles from Kanturk in Cork, spar- row-grove ; and Cloonagalloon in the parish of Meelick in Mayo [duain^ a meadow). The northern varieties of pronunciation are seen in Drumagelvin in Monaghan, the sparrow's ridge ; and in Lisna- gelvin near the city of Derry, the Us or fort of the sparrows. There is a small lake at the east side of Slieve Beagh in Monaghan, called Lough Galluane ; another just on the boundary of Donegal and Ty- rone, east of Lough Derg, called Lough Ayelvin ; and a third, three miles north-west of Pettigo in Donegal, with the name of Lough Ayellowin — all from the Irish Loch-a^-ghecdhhain the lake of the sparrow. Snipe. A snipe is denoted by the word naosga or naosgaeh [naisga], which is generally easy to recognise in names. Tullyneasky, the name of a place near j, Clonakilty in Cork, is not much changed from the CHAP, xviii.] The Animal Ewcjdom. 289 Irish Tulaigh-naosgaidh^ the little hill of the snipes ; Garrynaneaskagh nearArdfert in Kerry, and Toorna- neaskagh in the same county, the garden and the bleach-field of the snipes. Another word for a snipe, though not commonly used, is meant an, Ballinaminton, three miles from the village of Clara in King's County, is written in the Down Survey, Bellanamantan, which shows that it took its name from a ford, and that the Irish form is BeUatha-na-meantdn, the ford-mouth of the snipes. Grouse. We call a grouse in Irish either cearc- fraeiyh or coileaeh-fraeigh [cark-free, colliagh-free]. The former is applied to the female, signifying lite- rally, heath-hen — (cearc^ a hen ; //t/^'c7^, heath) ; the latter to the male {coileach^ a cock) ; but in common use they are applied indiscriminately to male and female. Places named from this bird are almost all wild mountain or moory districts, and any that are not so now, have been reclaimed since the time the places got the names. There is a townland nearly east of Grlenties in Donegal, called Cronacarkfree, a name which is slightly corrupted from Cro-na-gcearc- fraeigh^ the cro or valley of the grouse. The full name of the bird seldom appears in names however ; the word cearc being generally used alone ; and although this word means the hen of any bird, yet in its topographical application it is com- monly intended for grouse. It is easily recognised in names, as it always takes some such anglicised form as eark^ kirky^ kirk, or gark — the c being eclipsed by g in the last. Derrycark near Belturbet in Cavan, bears its meaning on its face — the oak-wood of (the heath-) hens or grouse ; Coolkirky two miles from Ballinhassig in Cork, the grouse-hen's angle or corner [cull) ; Glennagark in the parish of Kilcor- 290 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xviii mack in Wexford, and Slievenagark two miles west of Ballina in Maj^o, the glen and the mountain of the grouse-hens. There is a well-known castle, now in ruins, on a little island in the western arm of Lough Corrib, called in the Four Masters, CaisIen-'na-circe,i\iQ\iQTiB castle ; but now anglicised Castlekirk. History tells us that this castle was erected in the twelfth century by the sons of Roderick O'Oonor, the last king of Ireland ; but local tradition will have it that it was built in one night b}^ two grouse, a cock and a hen, who had been an Irish prince aud princess. The other term for a grouse, coileach-fraeigh or coileach simply, i. e. cock, is equally common. The word usually occurs with the first c eclijDsed, as it appears in the following names : — Cornaguillagh, in Lei trim, Longford, and Monaghan, represents the Irish Cor-na-gcoiUeach^ the round hill of the (grouse-) cocks ; Coumnagillagh on the side of Mauherslieve or " mother-mountain," south of Silvermines in Tip- perary [com,, a mountain glen) ; Knocknagulliagh near Carrickfergus, grouse hill, which same name is applied to a hill near Blessington in Wicklow, in the incorrect form of Crocknaglugh. We often find the word without eclipse ; as for instance in Ben- cuUagh, one of the Twelve Pins in Connemara, the name of which signifies the peak of the grouse ; Knockakilly near Thurles in Tipperary, in which the genitive singular form appears, the name mean- ing the grouse's hill ; and with the final g pro- nounced, we have DerreenacuUig in the parish of Kil- laha in Kerry, the little oak wood of the grouse-cock. Bittern. The lonely boom of the bittern is heard | more seldom j^ear after j^ear, as the marshes are be- \ coming drained and reclaimed. But we have names CHAP. XVIII.] The Animal Kingdom, 291 that point out the former haunts of the bird, and some of them indicate the wild mooiy character of the places when the names were imposed. JBunndii is the Irish name of the bird; it is seen in Tievebunnan in the parish of Boho in Mayo, the hill-side of the bitterns ; and in Curraghbonaun near Tobercurry in Sligo, where the old people liave still some memory of hearing the bittern booming from the currach or marsh. About four miles from the sus- pension bridge at Kenmare, on the road to Grlen- garriff, you cross the Feabunaun rivulet — the feit/i or marshy stream of the bitterns. Near the northern shore of Clew bay, about five miles west of West- port, there is a small island called Inishbobunnan : Inishbo, signifies the island of the cows ; and Inish- bobunnan, cow-island of the bitterns. Pigeon or dove, Colum signifies a dove. In seve- ral parts of the country, holes or caves in rocks, fre- quented by these birds, are called PoUnagolum, in Irish, Poll-na-gcolam^ the hole or cave of the doves. In the present spoken language colar [colure] is the more usual term for the same bird ; and it is found more often in names. There is a little river joining the Finow near Millstreet in Cork, called Owenna- gloor, i. e. Ahhainn-na-gcolur, the river of the pigeons ; Annagloor is a townla id in the parish of Drishane in the same county (pigeon-ford: ath^ a ford) ; and on the top of one of the Ballyhoura mountains, on the borders of Cork and Limerick, is a large rock, called Cavraig-na-gcoldr^ which now usually goes by the name of Pigeon Rock, a correct translation of the Irish. Cormorant, The common cormorant, a large black sea bird, well known round our coasts, has got several Irish names, most or all of which are repro- y 2 The Anini il Kingdom, [chap, xviii. duced in local names. One, daihhen [divean] I do not find in the dictionaries, though it is in general use among Irish-speaking people of the coasts. And it will describes this fine bird, as it means literally hlack-hird; dubh^ black; en a bird. There is a little island in the upper end of Lower Lough Erne, called Inishdivann, cormorant island ; and a townland in the parish of Killeeneen in Gralway, south-west of Athenrj, is called Carheenadiveane, the little caher or stone fort of the cormorants. Hedgehog, The common hedgehog is called in Lish, gmineog^ which is no doubt derived from grain, signifying ugliness or abhorrence : graineog ugly or hateful little fellow. If this be the case, the name embodies to some extent the idle popular prejudices against this harmless little animal ; for the people formerly believed it was a witch in dis- guise, and that it used to suck cows, rob orchards, &c. These stories are spread over all Europe, and are probably as old as the Indo-European race. Pliny states that the hedgehog catches up apples with its prickles ; and the witches in Macbeth find that it is time to begin their incantations, for "Thrice the brindecl cat hath mewed, And once the hedge pig whined." The names that commemorate the haunts of this animal are not numerous. There is a townland in the parish of Inver in Donegal, called Meenagranoge, the meen or mountain field of the hedgehog ; another in the parish of Eobertstown in Limerick, near Foynes, called Inchagreenoge, the hedgehogs' inch or river-meadow ; and a small hill in the parish of Caheragh in the south of Cork, is called Knockna- granogy, the hill of the hedgehog. CHAP. XVIII.] The Anivial Kingdom. 293 Hare, In another place I had occasion to remark that the word Jiadh [feea] was originally applied to any wild animal, though latterly restricted to deer (1st. Ser., Part IV., c. vii). The hare would appear to be the smallest animal to which the term was applied, if we may judge by the composition of the name gearr-fhiadh [gerree] ; i. e. short or small fiadh^ from geari\ short or deficient. The usual plural form is geirr-fhiadhacha^ which is pronounced some- thing like girriha ; and this is exhibited in Bally- girriha in the parish of Donaghmore in Cork, the townland of the hares ; and in Dromgurrihy, one mile from Monkstown in the same county, the hares' ridge. Lamh. A lamb is designated by the word nan^ which is still a living word, and cognate with Latin ognus ; old Welsh ocn {nan, agnus : Z. 166). It usually occurs in the end of names in the genitive plural with the article, forming the easily recognised termination nanoon. There is a place called Stra- nanoon west of the southern extremity of Lough Allen in Leitrim, Srafh-na-ntian, the river-holm of the lambs ; and with the same meaning Inchnanoon in the parish of Kilmacabea in Cork. Loughnanoon (lamb lake) is the name of a small lake five miles south of Killorglin in Kerry ; and there is a town- land called Gortnanoon, the field of the lambs, near Crossliaven, at the mouth of the Lee. There is another word for a lamb, not in such common use as itan, namely Inan ; from which Maloon near Cookstown derives its name — Jlagh- laan, the plain of the lambs. There is a place called Malone immediately south of Belfast, which in the old documents quoted at page 212, is mentioned as an alias name for Tuath-ne-faUy and there called 294 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xvitt. Mylone ; and this no doubt is the same as Maloon. The name occurs in combination in Gortmaloon in the parish of Knockane in Kerry ; the field of the plain of the lambs. Kid. The word meann and its diminutive meannan [man, manaun] both signify a kid ; the latter is more commonly used than the former, and it enters pretty extensively into the names of places under several modern forms. The southern pronunciation is well exhibited in Caherminnaun, now an old castle ruin giving name to a townland near Kilfenora in Clare — the caher or stone-fort of the kids. Near Newrath Bridge in Wicklow, is a place called Clon- mannan, the kids' meadow. Carrickmannan, now the name of a lake and townland near Saintfield in Down, and Carrigmannon on the Slaney about five miles above "Wexford, both signify the kids' rock ; and there is a place in the parish of Faughanvale in Derry called Legavannon, the lug or hollow of the kid. It is possible that the latter part of some of these denominations may be a man's name. Wether. Molt signifies a wether [inolt^ vervex : Z. 67). It is well represented in Annamult, three miles from Thomastown in Kilkenny, which ob- viously took its name from a ford on the King's Eiver, where sheep were in the habit of crossing : Ath-na-molf, the ford of the wethers. Ballynamult i Bally ^ a town) is the name of a place on the summit level of the road from Clonmel to Dungarvan ; Eos- mult in the parish of Moj^aliff" in Tipperary, the wethers' wood. Heifer, The word dairt signifies a young heifer or bull, from one to two j^ears old. This term is used in the very oldest of our manuscripts ; for the dairt^ like the sed (p. 310), was anciently one of the CHAP. xviTi.] The Animal Kingdom. 295 measures of value ; and the dried hide of a dairt was used by warriors to cover their bodies and their shields going to battle. It enters into local names ; but here it must be taken as meaning nothing more than this — that people were formerly in the habit of sending yearling heifers to graze in the places named. There is a hill three miles from Dunmore in the north of Galway, called Slieve Dart ; a high moun- tain of the same name, now called simply Dart, is situated west of Sawel mountain, just on the boun- dary between Derry and Tyrone ; and there are others still elsewhere : — the name signifies the mountain of the yearling heifers. In Cork we have Glandart and Griandarta, the heifer's glen. The diminutive dart an sometimes occurs, as in Drum- dart an near Ballinamore in Leitrim, the ridge of the heifer, which has the same meaning as Drum- dart in the same county and in Monaghan. A colpa or colpfhach is a three year old heifer. The word is perpetually met with in old law tracts as a measure of value, and it is still in constant use in the spoken language. At the present day how- ever, in some parts of the country at least, it is com- monly used in connexion with grazing on commons ; and in this sense it is often applied to various graz- ing animals. Six sheep are called a coUop (this is the usual anglicised term), because they are estimated to eat as much grass as one full grown cow. Hov/- ever, in local names, we must understand the word in its original sense of a heifer. MocoUop on the Blackwater above Lismore, with its castle ruins, one of the old seats of the Desmonds, is called in Irish Magh-colpa, the plain of the coliops or heifers. In the parish of Eacavan in Antrim, 296 llie Animal Kingdom. [chap, xviit. four miles north-east from Broughshane, is a place called Kilnacolpagh ; and near Castletownsend in the south of the county Cork, is Bawnnagollopy, the former signifying the wood, and the latter the green- field, of the coUops. At Killycolpy, in the parish of Arboe, on the western shore of Lough Neagh, a con- siderable portion of the old steer's wood," as it was correctly called in English, still remains. The word mart designates an ox or a full grown cow — a heef ; and hence the compound, mairUfheoil^ for beef, literally ox-flesh. Stranamart is the name of a townland in the parish of Killinagh in Cavan, signifying the f^rath or river-holm of the beeves ; and the term also appears in the old name of Westport in Mayo, which is still well-known : — Cahernamart, the stone-fort of the beeves. Eel. A good many names of small places through the country are derived from the word easgan, an eel ; and the form the word generally as- sumes is exhibited in PoUanaskan near Castlebar in Mayo, Poll-an-easgainn^ the hole or pool of the eel. The word geallog [galloge], a diminutive of geal, white, is understood in many parts of the country to mean a white-bellied eel, though it is occasionally applied to other fish. It appears in the name of Sranayalloge east of Lough Sheelin in Cavan, which the people call in Irish, Sruthan-na-ngmllog^ the streamlet of the wliite-bellied eels. Trout, Breac [brack] signifies a trout, a name which it derives from its speckled skin {hreac^ speckled; page 281). The river Bealanabrack, flowing into Lough Corrib at its extreme western end, must have taken its name from one of its fords — probably that at Maum, now spanned by a hand- some bridge — which afl'orded amusement to anglers ; CHAP, xviii.] The Animal Kingdom. 297 for its Irish name is Bel-atlia-na-mhreac, the ford- mouth of the trouts. There are numberless small lakes in all parts of the country called Louglma- brack, trout lake. A well is sometimes met witli containing one lone inhabitant — a single trout, which is always to be seen swimming about in its tiny dominion. These little animals are usually tame ; and the people hold them in great respect, and tell many wonderful legends about them. It was probably a fish of this kind that gave name to a little lake in the parish of Drumlease in Leitrim, two miles north-east of Drumahaire, called Lough Aneanvrick, Loch-an-aen- hhric, the lake of the one trout. There is another little lake of the same name in the townland of Stra- namart, parish of Killinagh, Cavan, from which a stream flows into the Shannon before it enters Lough Allen ; but here the name is accounted for by a sort of legend, that when you fish in the lake you can catch only one trout at a time ; if you go away and come again you will catch another, and so on ; but no sacred character is attributed to the fish. While the word breac is commonly used to desig- nate a trout, it is often applied to any small fish, the different species being distinguished by various qualifying words. I have met with a great many compound terms formed in this way on the word hreac ; and in several cases it is now difficult to find out what particular kinds of fish were meant. Some were no doubt different varieties of real trout ; while others were certainly not trout at all. Many of these terms enter into the names of small lakes, in which the several kinds of fish were found ; and these lakes are scattered over Munster, Connaught, 298 The Animal Kingdom, [chap, xviii. and west Ulster, but they are especially numerous in Donegal. There is a species of trout, found only in the lakes of the we^t of Ireland, and well-known to anglers, called the gillaroo (Irish gioUa-niadh^ red fellow), be- cause they are distinguished by an unusual number of red spots. Great numbers of small lakes, in the counties from Donegal to Kerry, are called Lough Nabrackderg, Lough Nabrackdarrig, and Lough Nambrackdarrig, all signifying the lake of the red trouts; audit is probable that some or all of these were so named from the gillaroo. But we have also many small lakes called Lough Nabrackboy, the lake of the yellow trouts {buidhe, yellow) : what these are I can- not venture to conjecture. There is another curious lake-name which occurs very often in the west, all the way from Inishowen to Killaruey — Lough Nabrackkeagli, the lake of the blind trouts {caechy blind) ; but why these fishes were called hreac-caech, or of what particular kind they were, I am unable to explain. We know that the fish inhabiting the gloomy waters of the great Mammoth cave of Kentuckj^, and those also found in some Carinthian subterranean lakes, are blind; for their eyes have gradually degenerated from long disuse, till at last after a series of generations, they have become merely rudimentary, and totally in- sensible to light. Can it be that our hreac-caech have become blind by living for ages in those sub- terranean waters so common in the limestone dis- tricts of the west, from which they occasionally come to the surface, Avhere they are caught ? "Whatever may be the cause, one thing is certain, that the hrcac- cacch is a little fish either wholly blind, or having CHAP. XVIII.] The Animal Kingdom, 299 eyes so small or so imperfectly developed, as to be hardly perceptible. There are several small lakes in Donegal called Lough Nabrackbady ; one for example, about half way between Lough Nacung and the Gweedore river, and another in the valley between the moun- tains of Aghla More and Aghla Beg, four miles north-west from Lough Beagh. The word headaidhe (represented in the name by hady) is still used in the colloquial language, especially in Donegal, and sig- nifies fond of dainties, fastidious, or saucy. This name signifies the lake of the saucy or dainty trouts ; and the fish are so called I suppose from their shy- ness in taking a bait."^ If the angler should be scared away by the name of Lough Nabrackbady, or by that of Lough Nabrackbeg (the lake of the small trouts) near Dunglow, let him proceed straight to Lough Nabrackrawer about two miles north of Belleek, from which, if there be any- thing in a name, he is likely to return with a heavy basket — Loch-na-mhreaC'reamhar, the lake of the fat trouts ; or to Lough Nabrackalan, the lake of the beautiful trouts {alainn, beautiful) ; or to Lough Nabrackmore near Dunglow, v/here if he get a bite at all, it is likely to be worth something {breac-7nor, a great trout). One would think that there never was such a thing as a droivned trout ; yet there is a small lake * These lakes have been brought under my notice by the writer of the review of my First Series of Irish Names of Phices, in the "Athenaaum" of Aug. 21, 1869 ; and from him 1 have borrowed the explanation of the epithet given to these little fishes. My orthography and interpretation differ somewhat from those of the reviewer ; but I believe that it is the same lake- name that is meant in both cases. 300 The Vegetable Kingdom. [chap. xix. eight miles north of the town of Donegal, called Lough Nabrackbautia, the lake of the drowned trouts {baidhte, drowned — see c. xxii.). Perhaps the same explanation will apply to this as to Lough Nabrackdeelion, which is the name of several of the Donegal lakelets — of one, for instance, in a chain of lakes, four miles south-east of Grlenties. This name signifies the lake of the flood-trouts {d'dean^ a flood) ; and the little fishes are so called because they always appear in those lakes after floods, which probably sweep them down from higher waters. The diminutive, hricin^ has given name to Grlen- brickeen, north-west from Clifden in Gralway, the glen of the little trout ; and to another place far better known, Brickeen Bridge at Killarney, the name of which means " little-trout bridge : " for the Lishform is Droichead-ci -hhricin [Drehid-a-vrickeen], of which the present name is a correct translation. CHAPTER XIX. THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Corn. The word arhhar [arwar, arroor] signifies corn of any kind, " particularly so called when stand- ing, or before it is threshed" (O'Brien : Lish Diet.). It may be supposed that those places whose names are partly formed from this word, were originally isolated corn-producing spots, surrounded by uncul- tivated or unproductive land. It appears in Ivnock- anarroor near Killarney, Cnoc-an-arhhair^ the hill of tlie corn ; and in Lissanarroor near Galbally in Limerick, which probably got its name from a lis or fort in which corn used to be stacked up. CHAP. XIX. J The Vegetable Kingdom, 301 Another form is arhha [arwa, arroo] from which arhhar appears to have been formed by the addition ofr(p. 12j ; and it enters into names as often at least as arhhar, Meenanarwa in the parish of Inish- keel in Donegal, near Lough Finn, signifies the meen or mountain flat of the^corn ; Coolan arroo in the parish of Tuosist in Kerry, south-west of Ken- mare {cvil^ a corner) ; Clonarrow near Philipstowu in King's County, corn meadow ; Derryarrow near Mountrath in Queen's County, the derry or oak- grove of the corn . Wheat, We know for a certainty that wheat has been cultivated in this country from the most remote ages ; for we find it constantly mentioned in our ancient literature. Many illustrations of this might be given, but one will be sufficient. In A. D. 651, Donogh and Conall, the two sons of Blathmae [Blaw- mac], afterwards king of Ireland, were slain by the Leinstermen at " the mill of Maeloran the son of Dima Cron." This event is recorded in the Annals of Tkjhernach (who died in 1088), in the Annals of Ulster, and in the Annals of the Four Masters. A contemporary bard composed a poem on the event, in which he apostrophises the mill in the following stanza : — O mill, what bast thou ground ? Precious thy wheat ! It is not oats thou hast ground, but the offspring of Cearbh- all (i. e. the two princes). The grain which the mill has ground is not oats but blood- red wheat ; V/ith the scions of the great tree (Cearbhall) Maeloran's mill was fed.'' Mageogheghan, in his translation of the Annals of Clonmacnoise, says that ^'Donogh and Connell were 302 The Vegetable Kingdom, [chap. xix. killed by the Lynstermen near MoUingare, in the mill of Oran [or Maeloran] called MoUenoran/' This mill was situated on the little river that runs from Lough Owel to Lough Iron, near the point where the river is now crossed by a bridge ; and the place still retains the name of MuUenoran. It is curious that a mill existed there from the time of the death of the princes— and no one can tell how long before — down to the end of the last century ; and there are some old people still living there whose fathers saw it in full work.* There are two native Irish words for wheat, tuir' cann and crnifhncacht [crunnat] ; but I will notice only the latter, for I do not find the other comme- morated in names. Cormac Mac CuUenan, in his Glossary (ninth century), derives cruithneacht from eniith [cruh] blood-coloured or red, and necht clean : the first part of this derivation is probably correct, but I fear modern philologists will be inclined to believe necht a mere termination (see page 2). Be that as it may however, the etymology sufficiently proves the interesting fact, that the wheat cultivated in the time of the venerable king bishop Cormac — 1000 3' ears ago — was the very same as the Irish wheat of the present day ; for every farmer knows that the old Irish wheat — now fast djdng out — is distinguished by its red colour. It is worthy of remark that in several other lan- guages, wheat — as Pictet shows (Les Origines, I. 261) — has been named from its colour, not indeed from its redness as in Ireland, but from its whiteness as compared with other kinds of corn. As one in- * See O'Donovan in Four Masters at A. D. 647. CHAP. XIX.] The Vegetable Kingdom. 303 stance may be mentioned the English word ivJieat, which he shows is only another form of ichite. Near Castleblaney in Monaghan there are three adjoining townlands called Tullanacrunat, modern- ised from Talamh-na-cruithneachta^ signifying the land of the wheat; Portnacrinnaght in the parish of Kilnamanagh, Eoscommon, the port or landing place of wheat ; TuUycreenaght near the town of Antrim, wheat hiJl. The simple word gives name to Crunagh in the parish of Loughgilly, and to Crunaght near Market- hill, both in Armogh ; and the diminutive (see p. 19), to Crinnaghtane near Kil worth in Cork, and to Crinnaghtaun near Cappoquin in Waterford ; all these four names meaning wheat, or wheat bearing land. Oats, The observations made about the early cultivation of wheat apply equally to oats ; nume- rous references to its cultivation and use are found in our most ancient literature. In recent times, before the potato became very general, oats formed one of the principal articles of food of the people ; and even as late as the beginning of the present century, a quern or hand-mill, chiefly for grinding oats, was a very usual article in the houses of the peasantry. The Irish word for oats is coirce [curkia] ; Welsh ceircli^ Armoric her eh ; and it appears with its full pronunciation in Lissacurkia, the name of two places in Eoscommon, one near Tulsk, and the other in the parish of Tibohine, near Frenchpark — the fort of the oats, a name of like origin to Lissanarroor (p. 300) ; while another form of the word appears in Farranacurky near Lisnaskea in Fermanagh, oats-bearing land {fearanii). 304 The Vegetable Kingdom, [chap. xix. This word is very often shortened to one syllable ; but whether shortened or not, it is easily recognised : the examples given here include almost all its anglicised forms. Gortaehurk is the name of a townland near Bellanana2:li in Cavan ; and there is a place called Coolacork in the parish of Dungans- town, south of Wicklow ; the former signifjdng the field {govt), and the latter the angle or corner {cuil) of the oats. Barley, The Irish word for barley is ^on?^ [orna], which is very correctly represented in Coolnahorna, the name of places in Wexford and Waterford, the angle [cuil) of the barley ; and in Tavnaghorna, now the name of a little stream near Cushendall in Antrim, w^hose proper meaning is barley-field. The word seldom gets its full pronunciation however, in modernised names, the final vowel sound being generally omitted. In the north of Derry, near Portrush, there is a townland called Oraignahorn, the rock of the barley ; Mulnahorn, barley hill (niul), is the name of two townlands in Fermanagh and Tyrone ; Grlennyhorn in the parish of Clontibret in Monaghan, is a corrupt form of the correct name, Cloonnahorn, the cloon or meadow of the barley ; Cappaghnahoran west of Mountrath in Queen's County, barley-field (ceapach). There is a little lake near Newry, giving name a townland, called Loughorne, barley lake ; another of the same name, in the slightly diff'erent form Lough Ourna, four miles north of Nenagh in Tip- perary ; and still another among the hills over Glen- garriff", which is conspicuously visible on the left hand side of the road to Kenmare, as you approach the tunnel : but this is now always called Barley Lake. It is not improbable that these lakes may have re- CHAP. XIX.] The Vegetable Kingdom, 305 ceived their names from the circumstance that barley used to be steeped and malted on their margins in ages gone by. Rye: lici^]! sengal [shaggal],: corresponding with the Latin secede^ and French seigle. In modern names it appears almost always in the forms of taggle and teggle, the s being changed to t by eclipse. Lissataggle in the parish of Currans, near Castle- island in Kerry, is in the original Lios-a-tseagail^ the fort of the rye (see Lissanarroor, p. 300) ; Coolataggle near Borrisoleigh in Tipperary [cuil^ a corner) ; PoUa- taggle near Grort in Gal way, the hole or pool of the rye. Beans, The bean is designated in Irish by the word ponaire [ponara] ; which corresponds with the "Welsh j90??(7;'5 and English bean; whence we have Ardnaponra near Moate in Westmeath, corrupted from Ard-na-bponaire, the height of the beans. In the south and west, the n is commonly omitted in pronunciation [poria] ; and this contraction is also carried into local names — Coolpowra near Portumna in Gralway, the hill-back {cill) of the beans. In the greater number of cases the p is aspirated ; as in Grorteenaphoria in the parish of Moyaliff in Tippe- rary, and Grortaphoria near Dingle bay, west of Drung hill — both meaning bean-field. Pea, Pis [pish], genitive pise [pish a], signifies pease of all kinds, and is of course cognate with Eng. pease; Lat. pisim. It is almost alwa3's anglicised pish and pisha ; as in Coolnapish and Coolnapisha in Carlow, Kilkenny, and Limerick, the angle or hill-back icuil or cul) of the pease. From the diminutive pisedn [pishane] is formed (by the addition of ach — p. 3) Pishanagh, the name of two townlands in Westmeath, signifying a place producing pease. 306 The Vegetable Kingdom. [chap. xtx. Berries, A berry of any kind is denoted by caer [keare]. It is sometimes represented in names by keare, as in Dromkeare on the shore of Lough Cur- rane, or Waterville lake, in Kerry, the ridge of berries ; and Knockcoolkeare in the parish of Killeedy in Limerick, the hill of the angle {ciiil) of the berries. In far the greater number of cases the c is eclipsed by g, and then the word is represented by geer or some such anglicised form. Glennageare in Cork and Clare, is in Irish Gleann-na-gcaer, the glen of the berries ; Croaghnageer, a remarkable hill near the gap of Barnesmore in Donegal [croagh, a round hill): so also Kilnageer in Mayo and Monaghan {coill^ a wood) ; Gortnagier in Galway {gort^ a field) ; and Monagear in "Wexford, the bog {moin) of the berries. Gooseberry, Spiondn [speenaun] is a gooseberry or a gooseberry bush, a diminutive from sjnn a thorn, which is of course the same as the Latin spina, Spinans in the parish of Donaghmore in Wicklow, signifies a place (or rather places, for the word is plural) abounding in gooseberry bushes ; and with another diminutive we have Speenoge in Donegal, north-west of Derry — same meaning : Killaspeenan near Newtown Butler in Fermanagh, the wood {coil/) of the gooseberries. In some cases an r is corruptly inserted after the p, an example of which is Carrick- springan near Moynalty in Meath, the rock of the gooseberries. And in some parts of Munster the i is replaced in pronunciation by u ; which is exem- plified in Lisnasprunane, the name- of a fort in the townland of Grarranroe, near Adare in Limerick, gooseberry fort. Blackberry, Smear [smare] is the word for the common blackberry, and it gives name to a consider- CHAP. XIX.] The Vegetable Kingdom, 307 able number of places. It is seen uncbanged in Smear in the parish of Columkille in Longford, sig- nifying a place producing blackberries : indeed the word almost always preserves its original Irish form in anglicised names. Cappanasmear near Borriso- kane in Tipperary, the plot {ceapach) of the black- berries ; Creenasmear at the base of Muckish moun- tain in Donegal {crioch, a district) ; Coolnasmear near Dungarvan, blackberry corner ; Drumnasmear in the parish of Layd in Antrim, the ridge of the blackberries. With the afSx lach (p. 5) this word gives name to the little river Smearlagh which flows into the Feale near Listowel in Kerry, the black- berry-producing liver. Nut. A nut of any kind is denoted by end [kno : both k and n sounded]. The old form, as given in Cormac's Glossary, is cnii^ cognate with Lat. mix, and Eng. niit^ both of which have lost the initial c. The word has several plural forms, one of which, cnaoi, gives name to a parish in Tipperary, now called Knigh — a name signifying a place producing nuts. Derrycnaw in the parish of Feakle in Clare, signifies the den^y or oak-wood of the nuts — a name with the same general meaning as Derreennacno near Drom- daleague in Cork. There is a little lake in the parish of Kilgarvan in Kerry, near the river Eoughty, called Coolknoohill, which represents the Irish cuil- cnochoill, the corner of the nut-hazels {coll^ hazel). In the preceding names the n has kept its place ; but it is generally change'd to r in anglicised names, by a usual phonetic process explained in 1st. Ser., Part L, c. III. ; and this is always the case when g replaces e by eclipse. Both changes are exhibited in Cloonnagro near Lough Graney in Clare, not far from Derrycnaw, mentioned above, in Irish Clnain^ X 2 308 The Vegetable Kingdom. [chap. xix. na-gcno, tlie meadow of the nuts ; and in Cavana- grow, two miles from Markethill in Armagh, nut hill. Flower or blossom. There are several Irish words for a flower, of which I find only one reproduced to any extent in names, viz., bldth [blaw]. It is connected with Sanscrit p/mll, to blossom ; with Latin ^os; 0. H. Germ, blot ; A. Sax. blosma ; En- glish blossom, bloomy and blow. We have names formed from this word that not only speak of flowery fields, but testify to our ancestors' perception and appreci- ation of this sort of quiet natural beauty. The popular admiration for flowers seems to have been developed among the people of Ireland at a very early period, if we are to judge by the cognomen of one of our ancient kings, and the circumstance said to have given rise to it. A little earlier than the time of OUav Fola — ever so many centuries before the Chris- tian era — reigned Fiacha Finscothach [Feeha Fins- coha]; and the legendary records tell us that he received this name because every plain in Ireland abounded with flowers and shamrocks in his reign" (see p, 54, supra). Some of the old authorities in- terpret fin in this name to mean wine {scoth, a flower; Unscothay wine flowers) — for " these flowers moreover were found full of wine, so that the wine was pressed into bright vessels " (Four Masters) — a bardic way of saying that wine was made from them. Others again believe — and this is O'Donovan's opinion (Four M., A.M. 3867) — that.;^^^ here means white — this king was surnamed Ffinsgohagh of the abund- ance of white flowers that were in his time " (Ma- geoghegan, Ann. Clon.). The names derived from this word are not nume- rous. Cloneblaugh near Ologher in Tyrone is one CHAP. XIX.] The. Vegetable Kingdom, 309 of the most characteristic, Cluain-bldthach^ flowery- meadow ; Ballyblagli is the name of places in Ar- magh, Dow^n, and Tyrone ; and there is a Ballybla in Wicklow, all signifying the townland of the flowers or blossoms. We have in Inishowen, Done- gal, Carrowblagh, and on the w^estern shore of Lough Swilly in the same couoty, Carryblagh, both in Irish, (7(?r/M?^a/;?/i-i/<27/^oc/^, flowery quarterland. About five miles east of Donegal town, there is a place called Blabreenagh, which the old people still under- stand to he JBlat/i-bniighneaeh,the bruighean [breen] or fairy-fort of the blossoms. Near Coleraine there is a place called Blagh, which represents the adjective form Blathacli, flowery —a flowery place. Scoth [skoh], another word for a flower, is very slenderly represented in local names. In the parish of Crossboyne in Mayo, there is a townland called Kilscohagh, a name which is anglicised from Coill- scot/mch, flowery wood ; and we have Kilscohanagh near the village of Dromdaleague in Cork, which probably has the same meaning ; but here the diminutive syllable an is inserted. Flaoj, One of the names of this plant is still pre- served in a great number of the European languages, the forms slightly varying, but all derived from the root lin. The Greek word is linoii ; Latin /in urn (whence Eng. linen and linseed) ; A. Sax. lin ; Euss. lenu: Bohem. len, &c. This shows that it was cultivated by the western Aryan people since before the time of their separation into the various nationalities of Europe. The investigations of Dr. Oswald Heer of Munich have led him to believe that the original liome of cultivated flax was on the shores of the Mediterranean ; it was cultivated in Egypt more than 4000 years ago ; and it has been found in the oldest of the lake dwellings of Switzerland. 310 The Vegetable Kingdom. [chap, xix The Celtic tribes who first set foot on our shores, brought the plant and a knowledge of its cultivation with them ; and corresponding to all the names given above, is the Irish hn [leen], which is still the word in universal use for flax. Besides the evidence of philology, our own records show that linen w^as manufactured in Ireland from the earliest historic times. It was a favourite article of dress, and was worked up and dyed in a great variety of forms and colours, and exported besides in large quantities to foreign nations. So that the manufacture for which one portion of Ireland is famous at the present day, is merely an energetic development of an industry, whose history is lost in the twilight of antiquity. We have a great number of places to which this plant has given names, and the word lin generally appears in the modernised forms leen^ lin^ and line — most commonly the first. Coolaleen in the parish of Xilleedy in Limerick, near the village of Broad- ford, is in Irish Cuil-a-lin, the corner of the flax ; Crockaleen near Enniskillen, flax-hill ; Grortaleen in Cork and Kerry, the field of the flax. From the nature of some of the names we may infer that the species they commemorate was the wild or fairy flax, or as they call it in some places, lin-na-mncmglie [leenamnaw-shee]. This was jorobably the case in Killaleen near Drumahaire in Leitrim, and in Killyleen near the town of Monaghan, both signifying the wood [colli) of the flax. Other i^laces seem to have received their names, not from producing flax, but because they were se- lected as drying places for it, after steeping ; such as Lisheenaleen in Cork, Galway, and Tipperary, and Eathleen near Inistioge in Kilkenny, where, pro- bably, the flax was spread out on the green area of CHAP. XIX.] The Vegetable Kiugclom, 311 the Usheen^ rath, or fort. And the peasantry were, no doubt, long accustomed to put their flax to steep after pulling, in the pools of Monaleen (nwi)i, a bog) near Newtown Mountkennedy, in Wicklow ; and of Curraghaleen (curragh, a marsh) near the railway line, four miles west of Athlone. Foxglove ^ The common foxglove, fairy-finger, or fairy-thimble — for it is known by all these names — the digitalis purpurea of botanists — is in Ireland a most potent herb ; for it is a great fairy plant ; and those who seek the aid of the good people in the cure of diseases, or in incantations of any kind, often make use of it to add to the power of their spells. It is known by several names in Irish, one of the most common Tbeing lusmore, great herb ; but I do not find this appellation reproduced in local nomencla- ture. It is also called sian or sian-sleibhe (shean- sleva) i. e., sian of the mountain, because it grows plentifully in upland or hilly districts. As the foxglove is a showy and conspicuous plant, and one besides of such mysterious repute, it is not a matter of surprise that it enters pretty extensively into names. The initial s of sian is in every case that has come under my notice, changed to t in anglicised names, by eclipse ; and the word generally presents itself in such forms as teean, teane, tain, tine, &c. But as the word sidhean, a fairy mount (see 1st Ser.) often also takes the same forms, it is sometimes hard to distinguish the correct meaning of these syllables. It often happens indeed, here as in other cases, that our only guide to the true meaning is the tradition of the old people of the neighbourhood. Near Oushendall in Antrim is the townland of Gortateean, which would be called in Irish Gort- a^'tsiain, the field of the foxglove. MuUantain is 312 The Vegetable Kingdom, [chap. xix. the name of a place near Stewartstown in Tyrone ; and there is a townland in Kildare and another in Armagh, called MuUantine : — all meaning the liill {mill) of the fairy finger; Drumantine, foxglove ridge, is the name of a place five miles north of Newry ; Carrickateane and Carrickatane, the names of some places in and around Cavan— the rock of the foxglove. The word mearacdn, which properly means a thimble (a diminutive in can, from inear, a finger, just like tldmble from tJiumh), is also applied to this plant, and corresponds with the English name of fairy thimble. In the parish of Inchicronan in Clare, there is a townland called Grortnamearacaun, the field {gort) of the fairy thimbles ; at the western ex- tremity of which is a little hamlet called Thimble- town, an attempt at translating the name of the townland. Fern, As many of the common kinds of fern grow in this country in great abundance and luxuriance, they have, as might be expected, given names to many places. The simplest form of the Irish word for the fern is raith, which is used in some very old docu- ments; but this form is wholly forgotten in the modern language, and I cannot find that it has been perpetuated in names. The nearest derivative is llathain [rahen] which is the Irish name (as we find it in many old documents) of the parish of Eahan in King's County, well known in ecclesiastical history as the place where St. Carthach was settled before he founded his great establishment at Lismore. This name, which signifies a ferny spot, occurs in several other parts of Ireland. The Mac Sweenys had a castle at a place called Eahan near Dunkineely in Donegal, which the Four Masters call Eathain ; there CHAP. XIX.] The Vegetable Kingdom. 313 is a parish in Cork, near Mallow, with the same name, and several places in different counties have the names Rahin and Eahans — all meaning the same thing. The common word for the fern is raithne or raith- neach [rahna] which latter form is found in Cormac's Glossary, and is used by the Irish speaking peasantry all over the country at the present day. One of its diminutives, Raithne aclian^ in the anglicised form Eanaghan (a fern-growing spot) is the name of places in each of the four provinces. All the preceding forms are further illustrated in the following names. Ardrahan, a small village in the county Galway, containing an old castle and a small portion of the ruins of a round tower, is often mentioned in the annals by the name of Ard-rathain^ ferny height ; and this also is the name of two townlands in Kerry, and of one near Gralbally in Limerick. There are several places in different counties called Drumra- han, Drumraine, Drumrane, Drumrainy, and Drum- rahnee, all signifying the ridge of the ferns. Tavnaghranny {tavnagh^ a field) is a place in the parish of the Grange of Layd in Antrim ; Lisrenny, ferny fort, is situated three miles north of Ardee in Louth. In "Westport bay, just outside the town, there is a small island now called Inishraher ; this name is corrupted from InkhraJien (change of n to r : see 1st Ser. Part I. c. iii.), for the annalists, who mention it more than once as the scene of skirmishes, always call it Inis-raithni or Inis-rathain^ i. e. ferny island. There is another small island near the western shore of Strangford Lough in Down, called Rainey, which is merely the phonetic representative of Raithniglie^ i. e. ferns. Thistle. This plant is denoted in Irish by either 314 The Vegetable Kingdom, [chap. xix. fofannCin or/o///r^ay, and Mayo ; while we have Dresnagh, the name of a place a mile from Castle- finn in Donegal, formed from the primitive dreas by the addition of the suffix nach (see p. 6). Drister- nan and Dresternan, which occur frequently in the north-western counties, exhibit the compound ter- mination man (p. 41) ; but I cannot account for the t except as a mere euphonic insertion. Similarly, we have with rnach (p. 16) Dresternagh near Ballyhaise in Cavan; which with the change of d to f, becomes Tristernagh, the name of a well known place on the shore of Lough Iron in Westmeath. Dressogagh, - an adjective from one of the diminutives, is the name of two townlands in Armagh. It is perfectly easy to recognise this word in all its 336 The Vegetable Kingdom. [chap. xix. forms when it occurs as a termination. The simple form appears in Grortnadrass near Achonry in Sligo, the briar field ; and in Kildress, a parish in Tyrone, the church of the brambles ; so also Ardrass in Maj^o and Kildare, and Ardress near Loughgall in Ar- magh, Ard-dreas^ the height of the brambles. Sallow. If the Irish distinguished, in their tongue, the different species of sallow one from another, these distinctions do not appear in that part of the language that has subsided into local names ; for the word sail [saul] is used to designate all the different kinds — cognate with Lat. salix, and with Manx shelly and Welsh hehjg^ willows. Solloghod, now a parish in Tipperary, derives its name from this tree; and for this etymology we have the authority of Cormac MacCuUenan. He states in his Glossary that Salchoit, as he writes the name, comes from sal, the sallow, and coit, a Welsh word for wood ; and he further tells us that a large wood of sallows grew there ; but of tliis there is not a trace remain- This word has a great variety of derivatives, and all give names to places in various parts of the coun- try. The simple word sail is seldom heard, the ad- jective form sdileach and the diminutive saileog being now universally used to designate the plant. The former is anglicised sillagh, silla, and sallagh in the end of names, and the latter silloge and silloga. Both are exemplified in Corsillagh near Newtown Mount- kennedy in Wicklow, and in Corsilloga in the parish of AghnamuUen in Monaghan, each signifying the round hill of the sallows. Lisnasallagh, the fort of the sallows, is the name of two townlands in Cork, and of one near Saintfield in Down ; while the same name is found in Roscommon in the form Lisnasil- CHAP. XIX.] The Vecjetahle Kingdom. 337 lagh ; Currasilla in Tipperary and Kilkenny, the curragh or marsh of the osiers. There are several diminutives, from one of which, Sjlaun (a place of sallows), the name of some i^laces in Gralway is derived. Tooreennasillane near Skib- bereen in Cork, signifies the little bleach-field of the osiers ; Cloonsellan is the name of some townlands in Longford and Eoscommon (cloon^ a meadow) ; and there is a considerable lake near Shercock in Cavan, called Lough Sillan, the osier-producing lake. Other derivatives are exhibited in Sallaghan in Cavan and Leitrim, and Sallaghy in Fermanagh, all meaning a place of sallows or osiers. Sometimes the -s is changed to t by eclipse, as in Kiltallaghan in the parish of Killamery in Kilkenny, and Kiltillahan near Carnew in Wexford, both of which would be written in Irish CoiU'tsailecichdin^ the wood of the sallows, the same as Kilsallaghan, the name of a parish near Swords in Dublin. Li these three names there is a combination of the adjective termination ach and the diminutive an. The ellipse also occurs along with the diminutive in 6g in Kyle- tilloge, in the parish of Aghaboe, Queen's County, which has the same signification as Kilsallaghan. Fir. Giiunhm [guse : g hard] denotes a fir tree. Li some parts of the country the word is in constant use, even when the people are speaking English ; for the pieces of old deal timber dug up from bogs, which they use for firing, and sometimes for light in place of candles, are known by the name of geicsh. This tree has not given names to many places, which would appear to show that in former times it was not very abundant ; and when it does occur it may be a question in any individual case, whether the place was so co.Ued from the living tree or from z 338 The Vegetable Kingdom. [chap. xix. bog- deal. In the parisli of Moore in Eoscommon, there is a townland called Cappayuse — Cecqxich- ghiumliais (g changed to y by aspiration), the garden plot of the fir. The name of Monagoush near Ard- more in "Waterford, indicates that the bog {moin) supplied the people with winter stores of geicsh ; in Meenaguse near Inver in Donegal {nice}i, a moim- tain meadow) the fir is still taken out of the bog ; and we may probably account in the same way for the name of Lough Ayoosy, a little lake five miles south-west from Crossmolina in Mayo, and of an- other small lake — Lough Aguse — two miles from Galway. Arbutus, The arbutus grows in most parts of Ireland, though it is generally a rare plant ; it is plentiful, however, in parts of Cork and Kerry, especially about Killarney and Glengarrifl*, where it fiourishes in great luxuriance. Some think that it w^as brought to Ireland from the con- tinent by monks, in the early ages of Christian- ity ; but it is more generally believed to be indi- genous ; and it appears to me a strong argument in favour of this opinion, that we have a native term for it. The Irish call it caithne [cahTna] ; and in the neighbourhood of the Killarney lakes, this word is known, but veiled under a thin disguise ; for even the English speaking people call the berries of the arbutus ccz/^z-apples, though few or none of them suspect how this name took its rise. Moreover this name has been long in use ; for Threlkeld, who wrote his " Synopsis Stirpium Hibernicarum in ] 727, notices it, and recognises it as an anglicised form of caithne. The arbutus has not given name to many places. The wood at the back of the Eagle's Nest near Kil- CHAP. XX.] The Mineral Kingdom, 339 larney, is called Calinicaun (see p. 19) or arbutus wood ; and the stream that flows from Barley lake down to Grlengarriff", is named Owenacahina, the river of the arbutus. The Irish name of the village of Smer- wick near Dingle in Kerry, which is still used, is Ard-na-caitJtne (now pronounced Ardnaconnia), the height of the arbutus. Isknagahiny is the name of a small lake near Lough Currane in Kerry, five miles north-east of Darrynane : — Uisc-na-gcait/ine^the stream-track of the arbutus trees. In Clare and the west of Ireland, the name of this tree is a little diff*erent, viz., cuinche, pronounced very nearly quecnha ; this form is found as the name of a village aiid parish in Clare, now shortened to Quin, where Sheeda Macnamara founded an abbey in 1402, the ruins of which are yet to be seen. The Four Masters, who mention it several times, call it Ciiinche, arbutus or arbutus land ; and this ancient name is correctly anglicised Quinchy in Carlisle's Topographical Dictionary, and Quinhie in the Down Survey, this last being almost identical in sound with the western name of the arbutus. In the same parish is a townland now called Feaghquin, but written in an old quit rent ledger, Feaghquinny, i. e. arbutus land. One of the many islands in Clew bay, a very small one, is called Quinsheen, a diminu- tive form signifying little arbutus island. CHAPTEE XX. THE MINERAL KINGDOM. Gold. It appears certain that gold and silver mines were worked in this country from the most z 2 340 The Mineral Kingdom, [chat. XX. remote antiquity ; and that these precious metals — especially gold — were found anciently in mucli greater abundance than they have been in recent times. Our oldest traditions record not only the existence of the mines, but also the names of the kings who had them worked, and even those of the artificers. According to the bardic annals, the monarch Tighernmas [Tiernmas : about 1000 yeai'^ B. C], was the first that smelted gold in Ireland, and covered with it drinking goblets and brooches ; the mines were situated in the Foillire^ the woods or woody districts (see p. 330), east of the Lifi'ey ; and the artificer was Uchadan^ who lived in Fercua- hoi, that part of Wicklow lying round Powerscourt. Whatever amount of truth there may be in this old legend, it proves very clearly that the Wicklow gold mines were as well known in the far distant ages of antiquity as they were in the end of the last century, when the accidental discovery of a few pieces of gold in the bed of a stream, revived the long lost knowledge, and caused such an exciting search for several years. This stream, which is now called the Gold mine river, flows from the mountain of Croghan Kinshella, and joins the Ovoca near the Wooden Bridge hotel. On account of the abundance of gold in Wicklow in old times, the people of Leinster sometimes got the name ot Laighnigh-cfn-oir, the Lagenians of the gold (O^Curry, Lect. I., 5). Several other early kings are celebrated for hav- ing introduQed certain golden ornaments, or made the custom of wearing them more general. And Irish literature abounds in allusions to golden bosses, brooches, pins, armlets, crowns, &c. In later and more authentic annals, we have records also which show that gold was every where within reach CHAP. XX.] The Mineral Kingdom. 341 of tlie wealthy, and used by them in numerous works of art. The general truthfulness of these traditions and records is fully borne out by the great quantities of manufactured gold found in various parts of the country ; and whoever looks on the fine collection in the Royal Irish Academy, which, rich as it is, is only a small remnant of our ancient golden orna- ments, will be scarcely prepared to discredit the ancient accounts. These ornaments moreover are not alloyed — the gold is absolutely pure, as far as the old gold workers were able to make it so. And this universal purity, and the corresponding richness of colour, gave rise to the expression derg-or — red gold — w^hich occurs so often in Irish writings, both ancient and modern. The Irish word for gold is or [ore], cognate with Latin auriim, and Welsh aur. It enters into the formation of a considerable number of names of places, in each of which we must conclude that gold in some shape or another was formerly found. In many of these places traditions are current of the former presence of gold, and in some it is found at the present day. Near the village of CuUen, on the borders of Limerick and Tipperary, there is a bog v/liich has been long celebrated for the quantities of manufactured gold found in it. For the last 150 years, innumerable golden articles of various kinds have been dug up from the bottom of this bog, as well as many of the implements used by the old goldsmiths in their work, such as crucibles, bronze ladles, &c. ; from which it is probable, as O'Curry remarks, that this place was anciently — long before the bog was formed, and when the land was clothed with wood — inhabited by a race of goldsmiths, who 342 The Mineral Kingdom. [chap. xx. carried on the manufacture there for generations. O'Curry, in a portion of a very interesting lecture, has endeavoured to identify the goldsmiths of this place with a race of artificers, who, according to their genealogy as given in the Book of Leinster, were descended immediately from Olioll Olum, king of Munster, and who followed the trade uninterruptedly for seven generations, from about A.D. 300 to 500 (Lectures, III., 205). It may be added that the bog of Cullen is proverbial all over Munster for its riches : — And her wealth it far outshines, Cullen's bog or Silvermines." (See " The Enchanted Lake" in Crofton Croker's " Fairy Legends"). Tlie celebrated fort of Dunanore, in Smerwick Bay in Kerry, was correctly translated Fort-del-or (fort of the gold), by the Spaniards, who landed and fortified themselves in it in 1580. The Four Masters call it in one passage JDun-an-dir, and in another 0ilcn-an-6ir (island of the gold), of which the former name shows that the rock must have been originally occupied by a circular dun or fort. As to wliy it was called the Fort of Gold, there are several opinions and traditions, none of which seem either sufficient to explain it, or worthy of being recorded. Another name like this is Casheloir (caiseal, a stone fort), applied to a fine circular fort of the most ancient Cyclopean masonry, lying near the village of Ballin- togher in Sligo, three miles from Drumahaire. One of the various ways in which a place may have derived its name from gold is illustrated in the account of the death of Lewy Mac-Con, king of Ireland in the second century. It is stated that on CHAP. XX.] The Mineral Kingdom. 343 one occasion this king was at a place called Govt- an-dir (near Derg-rath : seep. 311), standing with his back against a pillar stone, engaged in the royal occupation of distributing gold and silver to the poets and learned men of Ireland. A certain poet named Ferchas, the son of Coman, who lived at a place called Ard-na-Gemlech (height of the fetters), other- wise called Cnocach {i.e., hilly place), when he heard how the king was occupied, entered with some others into the assembly, with a kind of javelin called a rincne in his hand, wliich he drove with one thrust through the king's body, so that it struck the pillar stone at the other side ; and Mac-Con died immediately. It is added that Gort-an-6ir (field of the gold) has been the name of that place ever since ; and it has been so called from the quantity of gold distributed there by the king to the bards and ollamhs of Ireland.'' This place, which is well known, and still retains the name of Gortanore, is situated just near the fort of Derrj^grath, in the parish of the same name, four miles nearly east of Cahir in Tip- perary ; and the poet s residence has left the name of Knockagh on a townland in the immediate vicinity. In the legendary account of the origin of the name of the ancient principality of Oriel (originally com- prising the territory now occupied by the counties of Monaghan, Armagh, and Louth), we have another illustration. This kingdom was founded by the three CoUas in the year 332 ; and it is stated that one of their stipulations with the neighbouring kings was that whenever it should be found necessary to fetter a hostage from their newly-formed principality, chains of gold should be used for the purpose. Hence the name — used in all our authorities — Oir-ghialla TOre- 344 The Mineral Kingdom. [chap. XX. yeela] golden hostages, which has been modernised to the form Oriel. In every case I know of, the word or, and its genitive o/r, take the form of ore in anglicised names ; but it must be remembered that this syllable ore occasionally represents other words, as for instance itabhar^ pride. In the parish of Feakle in Clare, near Lough Grraney, there is a townland taking name from a hill, called Slieveanore — Sliahh-an-oir, the mountain of the gold ; and there is a mountain of the same name a little west of Carrantuohill, the highest of the Reeks in Kerry ; while we have Knockanore — golden hill — the name of places in Cavan, Kilkenny, and Waterford (but Knockanore near Kerry Head, at the mouth of the Shannon, is Cnoc-an-nabhair, the hill of pride) ; and TuUynore near Hillsborough in Down, the little hill (Julach) of the gold. At the base of the hill of MuUaghmesha between Bantry and Dunmanway in Cork, there is a small pool called Coomanore {ciun^ a hollow among mountains); Laganore, near Clonmel in Tipperary, lias much the same meaning (/(/r/, a hollow); and Glananore — golden glen — is the name of a place near Castle- townroclie in Cork. Silver, — As in case of gold, we have also very ancient legends about silver. Our old histories tell us that king Enna Airgtheach^ who reigned about a centuiy and a half after Tighearnnias, was the first that made silver shields in Ireland, which he distri- buted anions: his chieftain friends. - The les^end goes on to say that they were made at a place called Argetros or Silverwood, situated in the parish of Eathbeagh on the Nore in Kilkennj^, which was said to derive its name from those silver CHAP. XX.] The Mineral Kingdom. 345 shields. Rosargid, which has the same meaning, was, according to O'Dugan, the ancient name of a place near Toomyvara in Tipperary ; but tlie name has not reached our day. The Irish word for silver is airgeat [arrigit] ; it is cognate with the Latin cogent urn, and with Sanscrit ragata, all being derived from a root cwg or rag, sig- nifying white or shining (Pictet). As silver is the standard of value, the word airgeat is, and has been for a long time, the common Irish word for money. It is generally easy to detect the word in local names ; for its modern forms do not often depart from what would be indicated by the Irish pronun- ciation. Three miles from Ballycastle in Antrim, there is a place called Moyarget, the field or plain {magh) of silver ; Cloonargid, silver meadow, is the name of a place in the parish of Tibohine, Roscom- mon, five miles south-west from Ballaghaderreen, which is correctly translated Silverfield in the name of a residence in the townland. There are many small lakes through the country called Lough Anargid and Lough Anargit {Loch- an-air git, lake of the silver) ; one for instance in Gal way, and another eight miles north of the town of Donegal, over which rises the Silver Hill," which was so called from the lake. Whether these lakes took their names from a tradition of money having been buried or found in them, or from their silvery brightness, like the river Arigideen in Cork (see p. 69), it is difficult to tell. It is certain, as I have already stated, that many of the names in tlie foregoing part of this chaptef indicate that, at some past time, gold or silver was dug from the earth, or found in the beds of streams, - at the particular places. But this is not the origin of all such names ; and there is good reason to 346 TJie Mineral Kingdom. [chap. xx. believe that a considerable number of them origi- nated in treasure legends. There is scarcely any class of superstitions more universal, or that have taken more firm hold of the imagination of the people, than those connected with hidden treasure ; and no wonder, for there are few, from a lord to a peasant, who would not be delighted to find a crock filled with old coins of gold and silver. Legends about hidden treasure abound in our popular litera- ture,* and we must not wholly disbelieve them ; for in all ages of the world, especially in times of turbu- lence or war, people have been in the habit of bury- ing in the ground hoards of money and other valuables, on any sudden emergency or danger ; and what one man hides and leaves behind him, is gene- rally found out sooner or later by some one else. That it has not been reserved for the people of our day to fall in for such pieces of good fortune, is shown by many old records : and as one example we find it stated in the " Tribes and Customs of Ily Many" (pp. 63-4-5) that among other emoluments, the king of Connaught ceded to the people of Hy Many " the third part of every treasure found hidden or buried in the depths of the earth." In almost all the countries of Europe hidden trea- sure is popularly believed to be guarded by super- natural beings ; and to circumvent them by cun- ning, or by some other more questionable agency, is the grand study of money seekers. In Ireland the fairies are usually the guardians ; and they are extremely ingenious in devising schemes to bafile treasure seekers, or to decoy or frighten them from their pursuit. The antiquity of this superstition is proved by a curious passage in the " Wars of the *See Crofton Croker's " Fairy Legends." CHAP. XX. I The Mineral Kingdom, 347 Irish with the Danes," a document as old as the eleventh century. The writer is describing the rob- beries perpetrated by the Danes,, and their ingenuity in finding out hidden hordes of valuables, and he says : — " There was not in concealment under ground in Erin, nor in the various solitudes belonging to Fians (i.e. ancient heroes : see 1st Ser. Part II. c. i.) or to fairies, anything that was not discovered by these foreign, wonderful Denmarkians, through paganism and idol worship" — meaning ''that not- withstanding the potent spells employed by the Plans and fairies for the concealment of their hidden trea- sures, the Danes, by their pagan magic and the dia- bolical power of their idols, were enabled to find them out" (Todd, in note, p. 115). I have seen in various parts of Ireland the marks of treasure-seekers' work in old raths, castles, and abbeys, and many a fine old ruin lias been sadly di- lajoidated by their nightly explorations. It is probable that from legends of this kind some of the preceding names are derived, and others like them ; and a similar origin may in all likelihood be assigned to the following : in most of these places indeed stories of adventurous searches after treasure are still told by the people. Lisanargid, Lisheenan- argid, and Eathargid (all signifying the fort of silver or of money) are names of very frequent occurrence ; Scartore— the scart or thicket of gold — is a place near Dungarvan in Waterford ; and there is a town- land called Cloghore — stone of gold — in the parish of Kilbarron in Donegal, near Belleek. Iron. We know tliat among the people of Europe, weapons and instruments of stone were used in war, and in the arts of every-day life, long before the time of historical records ; and that stone was super- 348 The Mineral Kingdom, [chap. XX. seded by bronze, and bronze by iron. It is believed that tlie change from one material to another was very gradual ; that stone continued in use long after the introduction of bronze ; and that for a period of unknown duration, bronze and iron were used con- temporaneously, till the former was gradually relin- quished as the latter became more plentiful. When it v/as that iron mines besran to be worked in this country, our annals or traditions do not in- form us. It is certain that the metal was known amongst us from the earliest period to which Irish history or tradition reaches ; for we find it repeatedly mentioned in our most ancient tales, romances, and his- torical tracts, as being the material from which were made defensive armour, and weapons of various kinds, such as clubs, spears, swords, &c. In the Book of Rights, which refers to a very early period of society, we find mentioned among the tributes due to the king of Connaught, seven times fifty masses of iron'' (p. 105). It is curious that the word used for masses" is eoera^ i. e. sheep; a ''sheep'' of iron corresponding to the term " pig" used at the present day. All this shows that some progress must have been made in very early times in the art of raising and smelting ore ; but as to the particular methods em- ployed, or to what extent the iron mines of the coun- try w^ere utilised by the native Irish, our literature does not, on the whole, give us much information. In the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, iron mines were extensively worked, chiefly by the Anglo-Irish lords ; and the vast consumption of tim- ber in smelting was one of the main causes of the de- struction of the great forests, The Irish w^ord for iron is not very-diff^erent from the English: — iarann, old Irish form iarn [both pro- CHAP. XX.] The Mineral Kingdom. 349 nounced eeran], and the word exists in various forms in Welsh and in several of the northern languages ; such as Grothic eisroii, old High Grerman isani ; Angl.-Sax. iren, Welsh hei/ni. We have numerous names formed from this word, indicating the spots where the ore was found ; and some of them are mixed up with our earliest traditions. Thus the annals reckon Loch-niairn (the lake of iron) among the nine lakes which burst forth in the time of TighccDiimas (see p. 340) ; and this lake, which is situated in Westmeath, still retains the name, modernised to Lough Iron. According to tradition the iron mines of Slieveanierin, east of Lough Allen in the county of Leitrim {SUahh- an-iairn^ Four M., the mountain of iron) were worked by Goibncn the great Tuatlia De Danann smith ; and it is now as celebrated for its iron ore as it was when it got the name, long ages ago. In a few cases the Irish term is simply changed to the English word iron ; as in Derryiron (oak grove of iron) in the parish of Ballyburh^, five miles from Philipstown in King's County. But it more com- monly assumes other forms. Toberanierin is a place five miles from Gorey in Wexford, well known as one of the battle-fields oi HQS:— Tohar'an-iarainny the well of the iron. One of the hills rising over Gxlenmalure in Wicklow, is called Fananierin, the fan or slope of the iron. In the parish of Clonder- mot, about three miles from Londonderry, is a town- land called Currynierin {ciirrach, a marsh) ; and with a like meaning we have Annaghierin {eanacJiy a rnarsh), the name of a lake near Shercock in Gavan. Lisheenanierin is a townland near the village of Strokestown in Eoscommon ; and there is a Lissan- ierin in King's County, four miles north of Roscrea: both signifying the fort of the iron. Lough Anierin is 350 The Muieral Kingdom. [chap. xx. a small lake about a mile from the hamlet of Kilty- cloglier in Leitrim. It may be conjectured that some of the foremen- tioned places, as well as others, received their names, not from the actual discovery of the metal itself, but from the reddish, rusty appearance of the soil, indi- cating the presence of iron. However, the presence of ferruginous mud was generally indicated by a dis- tinct term, which will form the subject of the next article. Iron scum. When the soil is impregnated with iron, water springing from the ground or flowing along the surface deposits a reddish mud ; which also sometimes floats on the top and forms a thin, shining, metalliferous looking scum. This rusty-lookiug mud or scum is sometimes used in colouring cloth, and it is known in most parts of Ireland — or was known when Irish was spoken — by the name of rod or riiide [ridda]. It got this name from its colour ; for rod sig- nifies red. This word is given in the old form rot^ in Cormac's Glossary, where it is stated that it signifies " everything red." It is of course cognate with Eng. red and ruddy. The word is pretty common in names, audit is easily known, for it is never much disguised hy corruption. It is anglicised rud^ rudda, ruddy ^ riddia, &c., all which forms are illustrated in the following names. Near the village of Ballyconnell in Cavan, is a lake remarkable for this kind of deposit, called Lough End ; and there is a small pool called Lough Arudda in the county Leitrim, one mile from the north-western end of upper Lough Macnean. Moneyrod, the shrubbery (or perhaps the bog) of tlie iron scum, is the name of a place in the parish of Duneane in Antrim ; Corra- rod in Cavan (cor^ a round hill) ; ]]oolinrudda at the cHAr. XX.] The Mineral Kingdom. 351 northern base of Slievecallan mountain in Clare {hooly^ a dairy place). Earuddy, with its old castle ruins, near Loughrea, and Cloonriddia in the parish of Kil- lererin, both in Galway, the rath or fort, and the meadow, of the scum ; the latter the same as Clonrud near Abbeyleix in Queen's County. In Bunnaruddee (hun^ the end, the mouth of a stream) near Bally- longford in Kerry, there is a spa ; and all the land round it is (as a person once described it to me) covered with shiny stuff.'' The final g belonging to the adjective form appears — after the manner of the extreme south — in Kealariddig in the parish of Kilcrohane, west of in Kerry — the heal or narrow marshy stream of the iron scum. Suljyhur. The pretty little river that flows through Oughterard in Gralway, deposits a sulphur scum on the stones in its bed, and along its margin, which may be seen when the water is very low. O'Flaherty (lar C. p. 53) records that ia a great drought in 1666 and 1667, ''there was brimstone found on the dry stones [in the bed of the river] about the bridge of Fuogh." From these sulphury de- posits he states " it was commonly called Owan Roinihe\ or Brimstone liiver and this name is now modernised to Owenriff. This word ruihhy sulphur, is found in a few other names, but it does not occur often. Revlin in the parish of Killymard, near the town of Donegal, probably received its name for the same reason as the last : — Rtiibh-linn, sulphur pool or stream. Moneenreave in the parish of Inishmagrath in Leitrim, the little bog of the sulphur. Salt. The art of preserving provisions by means of salt is of great antiquity in Ireland ; and salt itself is often mentioned as an important article of con- sumption in the old laws regarding allowances and 352 The Mineral Kingdom, [chap. XX. tributes. The Irish word for salt is salann — old forip.i saloncl^ as given in Cormac's Glossary— corresponding "with Welsh halen^ Lat. sciJ^ Gr. Jials^ Slav, soli, Goth, and Eng. salt; and the Irish dictionaries give the diminutive salanndn, as meaning a salt pit. A good number of places have taken their names from this word, as if marking the spots where salt was dug up, where it was manufactured from sea water, or where it simply impregnated the soil. But in every case I have met v/ith, the sis eclipsed by <(; and the word is nearly always anglicised tallin, fallon, or tallan^ forms which are easily recognised. Glenatallan is a townland near Loughrea in Gal- way, whose Irish name is Gleann-a^ -tsalainn^ the glen of the salt. Coomatallin in Cork, and Lugatallin in Mayo, both signify salt hollow ; Tawnytallan in Lei- trim, the salt field {tanihnach) ; and Loughatallon, a small pool two miles south west of Castletown in Westmeath, the lake of the salt. Quarrij. A quarry of any kind, whether producing stone or slate, is called coiUir [cuUare]. The Four Masters (vol. v., p. 1261) mention a place in the county Monaghan called Ath-an-choileir, the ford of the quarry. There is, or was, a quarry in the parish of Drum in Mayo, west of Balla, wliich has given name to the townland of Cuillare ; and another near Atlienry in Galwaj^, whence the townland of CuUair- bane has got its name, signifying white quarry. PoUacuUaire in Galway, Poulaculleare in Tipperary, and Clashacollare near Callan in Kilkenny, all mean simply quarrj'^-hole (poll, a hole; c'lais, a trench). The word is slightly disguised in Knockacoller near Mountrath in Queen's County, and in Craigahulliar {c changed to h hy aspiration] near Portrush in An- trim — the hill and the rock of the quarr3\ CHAP. XX.] TJie Mineral Kingdom, [353 Slate. Slinn is a slate or any very flat stone or tile. There is a hill in the townland of Fleanmore, parish of Kilfergus in Limerick, called Knocknaslinna, signifying the hill of the slates ; Derrynasling in the parish of Ardcrony in Tipperary, and Mullaghslin in a detached part of the parish of Clogherny in Ty- rone, the oak wood {doire) and the summit {mullach) of the slates. Lhne. Notwithstandingt hat lime is so plentiful in Ireland, comparatively few places have taken their names from it. Our word for lime is ael, and it ap- pears in at least one name preserved in the annals. The Four Masters twice mention a place called Ael- mhagh, i. e. lime-plain ; but the name is now obsolete. O'Dugan in one place calls Kilkenny by the appro- priate name, Cill'CIiainnigh na clock n-aoil, Kilkenny of the limestones (p. 94). In anglicised names the word usually appears as a termination in the form of rel. Bawnaneel in the parish of Kilmeen, west of Kanturk in Cork, repre- sents the Irish Bdn-an-acil, the lea-field of the lime. Near Trim in Meath there is a place called Cloncarn- eel, the clon or meadow of the limestone earn ; Toneel in the parish of Bolio in Fermanagh, the bottom-land (ton) of the lime ; Knockananeel in the parish of Crossboyne in Mayo, Cnocan-an-aell, little limestone hill. Gravel, Grean [gran] is often used to signify land in general ; but it is more usually restricted to mean gravel, and occasionally the gravelly bed of a stream. This word sometimes gets confounded in anglicised names with grian, the sun, and with gran^ grain; but when the Irish pronunciation can be heard, it is always sufficient to distinguish them ; 2 A 354 The Mincrcil Kingdom. [chap. XX. for (jvean is sounded short [gran], and tlie other two long [green, graan]. From this word a considerable nnmber of names are derived. There is a stream flowing into the Maigue, near Adare in Limerick, called the Grreanagh, which is the adjective form with the postfix ach (p. 3), signifying gravellj^ stream ; and some townlands in Galway and Derry are called Grannagh and Granagh — gravelly place. With the oblique inflexion this same word gives name to Granny, which occurs in each of the three counties, Kilkenny, Derry, and Roscommon ; and this name is modified to Granig, near Tracton, south of Cork harbour, in accordance with the custom of pronouncing the final g prevalent in Cork and Kerry. The diminutive Granaghan (on the adjective form greanach) is the name of many other townlands, and has the same meaning as the preceding. The English gra vel is sometimes transferred into the Irish ; it is spelled gairhheal — pronounced gravale — and has given name to Gravale, a high mountain near Sallygap in Wicklow. Sand. There are several Irish words for sand, of which tlie one most generally used is gaineamh [gan- nav]. The simple word gives name to Ganniv in Cork, to Gannew in Donegal, and to Gannow in Galway. From the adjective gainmheacli, sandy, are derived Gannavagh in Leitrim, Gannaway near Donaghadee in Down (Gannagh, Inq.), and Gan- noughs (sandy places) in Galway ; while the diminu- tives are seen in Gannavane in Limerick, and Gan- naveen in Galway. Pollaginnive in Fermanagh signifies the sandpit {2^0!!^ a hole) ; Clonganny in Wexford, sandy cloon or meadow ; and on the shore CHAP. XX.] Tlie Mineral Kingdom, 355 near Bangor in Down, is a place called Grienganagli, the glen of the sand. Jewels^ Pearls. The Irish term sed (shade) old form set — was anciently used to denote a measure of value. According to Cormac's Glossary there were several kinds of sets ; but they were all understood to*be cattle of the cow kind. The word was most commonly applied either to a three-year old heifer, or to a milch cow ; but sometimes it was used to designate property or chattels of any kind. This word had also a somewhat more specific meaning ; for it denoted a pearl, a precious stone, or a gem of any kind; thus Con O'Neill who was killed in 1493, is designated by the Four Masters, in re- cording his death, " the bestower otseds and riches," and O'.Donovan here translates seds hj jewels. This latter is the sense in which the word is now, and has been for a long time, understood ; and this is the meaning with which I am concerned here. Several Irish rivers were formerly celebrated for their pearls ; and in many the pearl muscle is found to this day. Solomon Kichards, an Englishman, who wrote a description of Wexford about the year 1656, speaking of the Slaney, says, It ought to precede all the rivers in Ireland for its pearle fish- ing, which though not abundant are yet excellent, for muscles are daily taken out of itt about fowre, five, and six inches long, in which are often fonnd pearles, for lustre, magnitude, and rotundity, not in- ferior to oriental or any other in the world. They have lately been sold by a merchant that dined this day with me for 20s, 30s, 40s, and three pound a pearle, to goldsmiths and jewellers in London." (Kilk. Arch. Jour.— 1862-3, p. 91). O'Flaherty states thsit in the Fuogh river or Owenriff, flowing 2 a2 356 The Mineral Kuujdom. [chap. xx. by Ougliterard in Gal way, muscles are found that breed pearles," and to this day they are often found in the same river. In Harris's Ware it is stated that pearls are found in the fresh water muscles of the Bann, and in those of several of the streams of Tyrone, Donegal, and elsewhere. He tells us that a present of an Irish pearl was made to Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, by Gilbert, bishop of Limerick, about 1094. In Kerry also, he remarks that several other precious stones are found, namely, Kerry diamonds, amethysts, topazes, emeralds, and • sapphires of good quality. Many of the streams of Donegal produce the pearl muscle in which pearls are often found (see Dub. Pen. Jour. I., 389) ; and the same may be said of streams in several other parts of Ireland. The word ned designates all such precious stones ; and from Avhat I have already said no one will be surprised to find that this term is often found form- ing a part of local names. When it occurs in names it is not easy to determine in each case the precise sense in which it is used ; sometimes it indicated no doubt that pearls or other gems were found in the respective places ; it may have been occasionally applied to cattle ; while in other cases, the names probably mark places where hordes of valuables of some kind were kept. The old name of Baltimore on the south-coast of Cork was Dun-na-sed (Annals of Inuisfallen), tlie fortress of the jewels ; but the name was originally applied to a circular fort on a high rock, the site of which is now occupied by the ruins of O'Driscoirs castle, to which the name is still applied. I will not venture any conjecture as to why the old for- tress got the name of Dun^na-sed. CHAP. XX.] The 3Iineral Kingdom. 357 "With regard to the present name, we are told in the topographical Dictionaries of Seward and Lewis, that the place was called Beal-ti-mor, the great habi- tation of Beal, because it was one of the principal seats of the idolatrous worship of Baal. But for this silly statement there is not a particle of autho- rity. The name is written in several old Anglo- Irish documents, BaUntimore, which accords exactly with the present Irish pronunciation ; the correct Irish form is BaUe-an-tighe-mhoir^ which means merely the town of the large house ; and it derived this name no doubt from the castle of the O'DriscoUs, already spoken of. This name has got a new lease of life in the United States, where in the year 1632, George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, who derived his title from the Irish village, obtained a grant of Maryland from Charles I. and founded a town in it, to which he gave the name of Baltimore. The word sed appears in Cloghnashade, the stone of the jewels, now the name of a townland and of a small lake in Roscommon, two miles east of Mount Talbot. They have a legend in Munster, that at the bottom of the lower lake of Killarney, there is a diamond of priceless value ; which sometimes shines so brightly that on certain nights the light bursts forth with dazzling brilliancy through the dark waters. Perhaps some such legend gave name to Loughnashade (lake of the jewels), a small lake four miles north-east from Philipstown in King's County; to Loughnashade, a lakelet two miles west of Armagh ; and to a third lake of the same name, a mile from Lrumshambo, just where the Shannon issues from Lough Allen. In the Lcahhar Breac, or Speckled Book of the 358 The Mineral Kingdom, [chap. xx. Mac Egans, a collection of ancient pieces compiled in the fourteenth century, there is a pretty legend to account for the name of Loclt Bel Sead, one of the lakes on the Galty mountains. Coerabar, the beautiful daughter of the great Connaught fairy queen, Etal, had one hundred and fifty maidens in her train, who every alternate year were trans- formed into as many beautiful birds, and in the other years had their natural shapes. During the time that they lived as birds they always remained on Loch Crotta Cliach {Crotfa Cliach, the ancient name of the Galty mountains) ; and they were chained in couples with chains of silver. One of them espe- cially was the most beautiful bird in the whole world ; and she had a necklace of red gold on her neck, with three times fifty chains suspended from it, each chain terminating in a ball of gold. So the people who saw the birds every day, called the lake Loch Bel Sead, the lake with the jewel mouth, from the gold and silver and gems that glittered on the birds. (O'Curry: Lect. on MS. materials, 426). Tliis lake has long lost its old name, and it is now called Lough Muskry, from the old territory of 3Iuscraighe Chiiirc in which it is situated. Curiously enough, however, there is a lake of this name, now Lough Belshade, at the eastern base of the Bluestack mountains, about six miles north-east of the town of Donegal ; but I have not heard of a legend in con- nexion with it. CHAP. XXI.] The Surface of the Land. 359 CHAPTEH XXI. THE SURFACE OF THE LAND. Talamh [tallav] signifies the earth or land, corres- ponding with Lat. telhis. It is not often found in local use, and a few names will be sufficient to illus- trate it. A short distance north of Killary harbour, there is a little island near the coast, called Tallav- baun, which signifies whitish land. Tallavi^amraher is the name of a townland in the parish of Kilbegnet in Galway — Talamh-na-vihrathar, the land of the friars. It sometimes takes the form of talloiv, as in Tallowroe in the parish of Killeeneen in Gralway, red land ; Shantallow and Shantalliv, the names of several places, old land, which were probably so called because they had been long cultivated, while the surrounding district remained waste. The geni- tive form is talmhan, the pronunciation of which is exhibited in Buntalloon near Tralee, a name which exactly corresponds in meaning with Finisterre and Land's End. Fearann, land, ground, a country. In its topo- graphical use it is applied to a particular portion of land or territory. It is widely disseminated as a local term ; and in the anglicised form Farran it con- stitutes or begins the names of about 180 townlands. Farran agalliagh in Roscommon must have formerly belonged to a nunnery — Fearann-na-gcaiUeach, the land of the nuns. Farrangarve near Killashandra in Cavan, rough land ; Farrantemple in Kilkenny and Derry, the land of the church ; Farranatouke, near Kinsale, the land of the hawk ; Farrandahadore near Cork city, the land of the dyers — dathj a colour ; dathadoir, a dyer. 360 71ie Surface of the Land. [chap. xxi. A great many of the denominations beginning feara}in have the latter part formed of a per- sonal or family name, commemorating former pos- sessors. Thus Farranrory in Tipperary is Radii- raidlies or Eory's land ; Farranydaly in Cavan, O'Daly's land ; Farrangarode in Sligo, and Far- rangarret in Waterford, both signifying Garret's land. When this word forms the end of a name, it often loses the / by aspiration, as in the common townland names Laharan and Laharran, which represent Lcath-fliearanu^ half land, a name applied to one half of a townland, which for some reason had been divided in two. Kaheenarran in Kilkenny, the little rafJi or fort of the land or farm. F6d [fode] means a sod, soil, or land. In its topo- graphical application it is commonly used to desig- nate a spot, which, compared with the surrounding land, has a remarkably smooth, grassy surface. In manj^ cases, however, it is understood to mean merely the grassy surface of the land. As a part of names, this word usually comes in as a termination ; but the ./ almost always disappears either by aspiration or eclipse. The aspirated form is seen in IToyode, three miles from Athenry in Gal way ; Magh-fJioid, the field of the (grassy surface or) sod ; in Castlenode, a mile from Strokestown in Roscommon, the castle of tlie green sod ; and in Bellanode, which was once the name of a ford on the Blackwater river, three miles from the town of Monaghan, a name shortened from Bel-atha-an-fhoid^ the ford-mouth of the sod. The termination ode or node (the n belongs to the article) is almost always to be interpreted as in the preceding names. The word takes other slightly CHAP. XXI.] The Surface of the Land, 361 different forms, as in Lisoid, near Ardglass in Down, which is the same name as Lissanode, near Bally- more in Westmeath (//o-s^, a fort). When the /' is eclipsed it forms the termination rode, the use and interpretation of which is seen in Mullannavode, near St. Mullins in Carlow, MuUdU' ua-bhfod, the green field of the sods, i. e. of the re- markably grassy surface ; and Slievenavode near the Wooden Bridge Hotel in Wicklow (sliabh, a rjLiountain), a name given, I suppose, to indicate that the sides of the mountain were covered with green patches. The diminutive Fodeen — little sod or sod-covered surface — is the name of a townland near Tara in Meath ; and the plural, Fodeens, is found near the village of Kill in Kildare ; while with the adjective termination, we have Fodagh in Wexford, a soddy place, i. e. a place with a very grassy surface. Lea land. Ban [bawn] is applied in various parts of Ireland, especially in the Munster counties, to de- note a green field or lea land — untilled or uncropped grass-land. It is often anglicised haicn, which forms or begins the names of a great many places. Bawn- anattin near Thurles signifies the field of the furze (aiteann) ; Bawnluskaha near Castleisland, Ban-lois- githe, burnt field, i. e. the surface burned for agricul- tural purposes ; Bawnnahow near Dromaleague in Cork, the field of the river [ahha). As baicn is also the modern form of badhan, the en- closure near a castle (for which see IstSer., Part III. c. 1.), some caution is necessary before one pronounces on the signification of this word bawn. Ban assumes in combination other forms, whose meanings are scarcely liable to be mistaken ; for ex- ample, Ballinvana near Kilmallock in Limerick sig- 362 The Surface of the Land, [chap. XXI. nifies the town of the field {h changed to v by- aspiration) ; Tinvane near Carrick-on-Suir, and Tin- vaun in Kilkenny, both anglicised from Tigh-an-bhain, the house of the field. There are several diminutives of this word. One, bandg (little lea field), gives names to all those places now called Banoge, Bawnoge, and Bawnoges. The word has been disguised by corruption in Bannix- town near Fethard in Tipperary, which ought to have been anglicised Banogestown ; for the Irish name is Bailc-na-mbanog^ the town of the banoges or little lea fields ; Barrananianoge near Lismore in Water- ford, has a name with a similar formation — the barr or summit of the little bawns. Another diminutive is Sisen in Cranavaneen in Tipperary, the crann or tree of the field ; and still another in Baunteen near Galbally in Limerick, which as it stands means little lea field. The plural of this word is bdnta [baunta] which is seen in Bawntameena near Thurles, smooth green fields {niin, smooth) ; and in Bawntard near Kilmal- lock in Limerick, Banta-arda^ high fields ; while un- compounded it gives name to several places now called Baunta. SwairL Scrath [scraw] signifies a sod, a sward, a grassy surface. The word is still current in the south of Ireland among people who no longer speak Irish ; and they applj^ the term scraws^ and the diminutive scraivhoges, to the flat sods of the grassy and heathery surface of boggy land, cut with a spade and dried for burning. There is a hill one mile south of Newtown- ards, called Scrabo, the name of which signifies the sward of the cows ; Scralea in Tyrone, grey sward. Balljmascraw and Ballynascragh in Longford and Gal way, the town of the scraivs or swards. The di- CHAP. XXI.] The Surface of the LancL 363 minutive scrathan (little sward) is more common than the original ; it takes the forms Scrahan and Scrahane, which, with the plural Scrahans^ forms the whole or part of the names of several townlands in Cork, Kerry, and Waterford. Shelf Fachair [faher] shelving land ; a shelf-like level spot in a hill, or in the face of a cliff : used in this sense in Donegal and Mayo. I have heard it in Kerry and Cork, and it gives names to places in various counties. In Donegal and other counties there are several townlands called Faugher — meaning in all cases a shelf or a shelving hill side. There is a place called Fagher near Stradbally in Waterford ; a high cliff on the north side of Valentia Island is called Fogher ; and Faher is the name of a moun- tain north west of Kenmare. Knocknafaugher near Dunfanaghy in Donegal, the hill of the shelf. Scumhal [skool] signifies a precipice, a sliarp slope, a steep hill. It gives names to several places now called Scool, Seoul, and Skool. The Four Masters mention a place in the county Clare, as the site of a battle fought between two parties of the O'Briens in 1562, called Cnoc-an-scamhail, which is now called in Irish Cnoc-an-scwnhail, the hill of the precipice; it is situated about two miles south west from Corofin, and the name is anglicised Scool Hill. There is a place a little north of Knockainy in Limerick called Ballinscoola (with a different inflexion for the genitive), the town of the precipice ; and another place called Drumskool near Irvinestown in Ferma- nagh, the ridge of the precipice. Round hollow. Cr6ii is a very uncertain term to deal with ; for it has several meanings, and it is often very hard to know the exact sense in which it is ap- plied. In Wicklow and Carlow and the adjoining 364 The Surface of the Land. [chap. xxi. districts, the people — when Irish was spoken — often applied it to a round basin-like hollow. Crone itself is the name of several places in Wicklow ; Cronebane near the Wooden Bridge Hotel, is well known for its copper mines, and Cronroe near Eathnew, for the beauty of its scenery ; the former signifies white, and the latter, red, hollow. Cronybj^rne near Eathdrum, signifies O'Byrue's hollow {y representing 0: see p. 134) ; and the place is still in possession of an O'Byrne. ScDidbank, Dumhach is used on some parts of the coast to signify a sandbank ; but it is very difficult to separate the word from damha, a grave mound, and from other terms approaching it in sound. A very excellent example of its application is seen in Dough Castle near Lehinch in Clare, which the Four Masters, when recording the death there in 1422 of Rorj^ O'Connor, lord of Corcomroe, call Caisleyi-iia- damhcha^ the castle of the sandbank ; audit was most aptly so called, for it is built on a large mound alto- gether formed of sea sand. There are other places in Clare also called Dough, while another form of the name, Doagli, is common in several of the northern counties. The word bcartrach means a sandbank ; and in a secondary sense it is often applied in the west of Ireland to an oyster bank. A very characteristic ex- ample of its use is found in the name of the little island of Bartragh at the mouth of the Moy, near Killala, which is remarkably sandy— in fact formed altogether of sand thrown up by the meeting of the tide and river currents. The point of land jutting into Clew Bay, opposite Murrisk Abbey, at the base of Croagli Patrick, is called Bartraw. There is a well known sea inlet in Connemara called Bertragh- CHAP, xxii.] Quagmires and Watery Places, 365 boy, which must have received its name from some point on its shore, for it means yellow sandbank. CHAPTER XXII. QUAGMIRES AND WATERY PI>ACES. In the sixth chapter of Part IV. of the First Series, I have treated of several terms which designate marshes, and have given many names derived from them. But besides these, there are various words denoting SAvamps, quagmires, sloughs, puddles, and watery places of all kinds; and these I now propose to enumerate and illustrate. And here it is necessary to reiterate a remark made in the beginning of the forementioned chapter :— that while many places that derived their names in distant ages from their marshi- ness are still as marshj^ as ever, others — and per- haps the greater number — have been drained, and the names are no longer correctly descriptive of physical character. The Four Masters, when mentioning the place now called Bellaugli near Athlone, call it Lathacli, which signifies mud, a slough, a puddle, a miry spot ; and this word gives names to a good many places. It is seen in its simple form in Lahagh, east of Templemore in Tipperary, in Laghey near Dungannon in Tyrone, and in Laghy in Donegal ; while we have Laghagh- glass, green slough, in Gralway. As a termination it usually takes some such form as lahy, as in Mona- lahy, north of Blarney in Cork, the moin or bog of the puddle ; Grortnalahee in the same county, and 366 Quagmires and WcUcry Places, [chap. xxii. Grortnalahagli near Castleconnell in Limerick, both signifying the field of the miry place. The diminu- tive, Laheen (little slough) is also the name of several places in Cavan, Donegal, and Leitrim. Ahar signifies generally a mire or puddle — some- times a mire caused by the trampling of cattle in a wet place ; and occasionally it is understood to mean a boggy or marshy piece of land. This woi^ is in- teresting, inasmuch as it may be — and indeed has been — questioned whether it is not the same as the Welsh ahei\ a river mouth, corresponding with our word inhher, I do not believe that it is, for I think it quite improbable that we should have, running parallel in the Irish language, two different words corresponding with the Welsh ahe}\ unless we got one of them by borrowing from the Welsh, which I think equally unlikely. It is found forming a part of names chiefly in Donegal, and occasionally in the adjoining counties. There is a place near Kilmacrenan called Bally- buninabber, Avhose name signifies the town of the bun or end of the mire. A muddy little stream in the parish of Innishkeel in the same county, is called Ab- berachrinn, i. e. (the river of) the miry place of the crann or tree. Sometimes it becomes tibber, as in Buninubber near the north eastern shore of Lower Lough Erne, the same name as Bunnynubber near Omagh, the ban, end, or bottom, of the mire. The word salach is applied to anything unclean or filthy, and has several shades of meaning ; but topo- graphically it is applied to a mere dirty place —a place of puddle or mire. It often takes the form of slough and slagh in anglicised names, as we see in Curraghslagh near Clogheen in Tipperary, the dirty curmgh or marsh ; a name which takes the form of CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watenj Places. 367 Curraghsallagii in Roscommon. So also in Crann- slougli in Tyrone, dirty tree, which I suppose took its name from a tree growing in a miry spot. The meaning of the anglicised termination sallagh is, however, often doubtful ; for the Irish word saileach, a place of sallows, often assumes this very form ; and here, as in all such cases, we must be guided by the local pronunciation or tradition, or by the original Irish spelling if we can come at it. It would be im- possible to tell what Kilsallagh means as it stands ; for Ml might be either wood or church {coill or cill)^ and sallagh either a dirty place or an osier plantation. But the Four Masters Avhen they mention Kilsallagh near Ardagh in Longford, clear up the doubt, so far as that place is concerned, for they call it Ccdll-salach^ miry wood. And it is pretty certain that this is the interpretation of all the other Kilsallaghs, of which there are eight in different parts of the country ; in several of them indeed, I know that this is the popular explanation. All these places called Eathsallagh must have taken their name from a rath or fort sur- rounded by a miry ditch ; for everywhere the tradi- tional translation is dirty fort, with which the local pronunciation agrees. Ardsallagh is the name of several places, including a parish in Meath ; but it would not be safe to give a genera-l translation : all that can be said here is that it means either miry height or the height of sallows. From the word crith [crigh], to shake, several terms are derived, which are applied to morasses of that kind which the peasantry call shaking bogs." With the addition of the postfix lach (p. 5.) it gives name to Creelogh in Grorumna island in Gralway, to Creelagh near Eathdowney in Queen's County, and to Orylough in the parish of Ballymore in 3G8 Quacjmires a)ul Watery Places, [chap. xxir. Wexford- -all meaning a shaking bog. In the ob- lique form we have the same word in Crilly, the name of some places in Donegal and Tyrone ; and in tlie latter county, near Dungannon, there is a small lake called Lough Nacrilly, the lake of the morass. Another derivative of the word, with still the same meaning, is critldecin^ which gives name to Crillan near Kesh in Fermanagh, and to Crillaun in Mayo ; Louglicrillan in the parish of Inishkeel in Donegal, the lake of the shaking bog. With the diminutive termination an^ followed by ach (see pp. 3, 20, supra) we have Crehanagh, the name of a townland near Carrick-on Suir, which, though now for the most part good dry land, was such a dangerous quagmire a little more than a century ago, that the people thought it was only a miracle that enabled a fugitive to cross it, when escaping from a troop of dragoons. Criafhar [crihar] signifies a sieve (criatlicu\ crib- rum, Z. 166), and it is derived from crlth^ to shake, (by the addition of r ; see p. 12) in allusion to the man- ner in which a sieve is used. This word is also ap- plied, chiefly in the north and west of Ireland, to boggy or swampy places, or to broken land inter- mixed with quagmires and brusliAvood, either on account of their being cut up with holes or pits (like a sieve) or from shaking under the foot. Tliere is a place called Creeliarmore (great sieve) on the Eoscom- mon side of the Suck, a little below Mount Talbot. Druminacrehir in tlie parish of Columkille in Long- ford, is the little ridge of the sieve ; but this was pro- bably so called because the people used to winnow corn on it. It is generally not criaiJtar itself how- ever that is used, but a derivative from it. The Four Masters (at a. d. 1496) designate a morass by cria- tlirach (suffix ach, p. 3) ; and MacFirbis (Hy F. CHAP, sxii.] Quagmires and Watery Places, 369 p. 202) mentions ^Hhe three townlands of Criaihracli f this name is still retained bj the natives when they speak Irish, but the place, which is situated one mile from Ballinrobe, is called in English the Demesne of Creagh." In Mayo and Tipperary there are places called Creeragh, which is a correct anglicised form of criathrach. The diminutive gives name to Creeran in Monaghan, and Creeraun in Gralway. Macreary in the parish of Kilmurry in Tipperary, the plain of the shaking-bog. According to Cormac's Glossary, the primary meaning of much is smoke: — 3Iitch, i. e. a name proper for smoke: unde dicitur machifcl (to smother).'* From this word much, in its secondary sense of ''to suffocate or smother,'' is derived the diminutive mu- chdn, which is applied to a morass, probably from some fanciful notion that in such a place men or beasts are liable to be suffocated. There is a little lake on the railway line, two miles from Newmarket-on-Fer- gus in Clare, called Mooghaun Lough, in which great quantities of gold antiquities were found in 1(554; and this name very well represents the sound of the ori- ginal Irish. The same word gives name to places now called Moohane in Kerry and Limerick. Knocka- moohane near Listowel in Kerry, the hill of the quag- mire ; Curraghmoghaun in the parish of Clooney in Clare, the smothered curragh or marsh. Greach is a mountain flat, a level moory place, much the same as a reidh^ explained in the First Series. It is very common as an element in town- land designations in the counties of Cavan, Leitrim, Roscommon, Monaghan, and Fermanagh ; and it is found also, but less frequently, in some of the coun- ties, bordering on these. Grreagh, the usual anglicised form, is the name of several places ; Grreaghawillin in 2 B 370 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. Monaglian, tlie mountain flat of the mill ; Greaghna- gleragh in Fermanagli, of the clergy {clcireach) ; Grreaghnagee in Cavan, of the wind [gaetJt), The word muing signifies, according to O'Donovan (App. to O'R. Diet, in voce), " a sedgy morass, a flow bog or shaking bog." I think there can be no doubt that this word is merely an oblique case of mong, long hair (p. 321); and this opinion is strengthened by the fact that muing is also used to denote a horse's mane. From this it will appear that the places whose names are derived from muing were so called in the first instance from the long mane- like sedgy grass they produced ; exactly like those from mong, fj^^^f^fj, &c. (pp. 320, 321, supra). This word, as a local appellative, is almost confined to the south and west of Ireland. In the beginning of names it is usually made Muing and Moyng, which are themselves the names of some townlands; Muingnaniinnane east of Tralee, the sedge of the kids ; Muingbaun in Gralway, white sedge ; Muinga- togher in Mayo^ the muing of the togher or cause- way. In the end of words — as a genitive — it assumes several forms, all easily recognisable. Coolmuinga near Kilrush in Clare, the cul or back of the morass ; and with the same form, Barnamuinga near Shil- lelagli in the south of "Wicklow, the same as Barrawinga near Rathdowney in Queen's County (harr, the top). The m becomes aspirated in this last name, as well as in Derryvung in the parish of KiltuUagh in Roscommon {derry, oak-grove), a well- known morass which is accessible only on one side ; also in Ballinwing north-east of Carrick-on-Shannon, and Moanwing near Rathkeale in Limerick, the townland and the bog, of the sedgy morass. CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watery Places. 371 Cladach or clodach^ a word in general use along the western coast of Ireland, from Donegal to Kerry, signifies a flat stony sea-sliore — stony as distin- guished from a traigh or sandy beach. The Rev. "William Kilbride, in an article on the " Antiquities of Aranmore'^ (Kilk. Arch. Jour. 1868, p. 108), states that the people use traigh to designate that part of the beach between high and low water mark ; the cladach lies above the traigh^ and the duirlwg higher still ; and O'Donovan makes much the same statement (Appendix to O'R. Diet., voce, cladach) — designating cladach as a flat stony shore.'' The best known example of the use of this word is the Claddagh, a suburb of Galway, now inhabited chiefly by fishermen. But it undergoes several modifications of pronunciation, as if written in Irish cladhdach, claodach, and claoideach [clydagh, claydagh, cleedagh] ; and in its signification it is also varied. In one or all of these various forms it is known over Ireland ; and inland it is very com- monly applied to a muddy or miry place ; to the muddy bank of a lake or river ; and to a river with a sluggisli course, and muddy, miry banks> This last is its most usual signification, but it would appear that in its application to a river, it sometimes carries with it the meaning attached to it along the western coast — a stony water margin — for I know some rivers to which it gives name, in no degree muddy or sluggish— mountain torrents rather, hav- ing their beds strewn with stones brought down from the glens in which they rise. This two -fold meaning corresponds with the ex- planation of the word given in Peter O'Connell's Dictionary : — Cladach, the sea shore or strand ; dirt, filth, slime, puddle." Which of these t^so 2 15 2 372 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. meaniDgs the word bears, must be determined in each case by local knowledge. There are numbers of rivers all over Ireland, whose names are formed from this word ; and in many cases they have, in their turn, given names to townlands, villages, and parishes. The village of Clady lies on the Tyrone side of the Finn, four miles from Strabane ; there are several townlands of the same name in Tyrone, Antrim, and Armagh ; Clydagh is equally common in some of the western and southern counties ; and there is a parish in Queen's County called Cloydagh. Clodagh occurs several times in Keny ; near Killarney, we find the word in the form of Cleedagh ; and in another place an r is inserted, making the name Clodragh. The little river Clody, flowing from the slopes of Mount Leinster into the Slaney, gave the name of Bunclody to the pretty village at its mouth {hun, a river mouth), which has been lately put aside for the new name, Newtownbarry. Cleady is the name of a small tributary joining the Eoughty a little above Kenmare ; the river Clodiagh runs into the Suir through Portlaw and the demesne of Cur- raghmore ; another stream of the same name flows by TuUaghmore ; and another still runs into the Nore three miles below Inistioge. The Clyda stream joins the Blackwater near Mallow; the river Claddagh falls into upper Lough Erne after flow- ing through the village of Swanlinbar ; and Lough Nacung in Donegal pours its surplus waters into the Atlantic by the river Clady,. opposite Gola island. We have, in a few instances, the authority of ancient documents for the orthography of this name. Clady in Tyrone is called Claideach by the Four I I ! CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Waterij Places, 373 Masters, when they record a battle fought there in 784, between the Kinel-Owen and the Kinel-Conall; and the Annals of Ulster, recording the same event, write the genitive of the name Cloiticji, which points to a nominative from Cloiteaeli. It will be observed that all these are derived from the root clad or clocd^ to which the adjectival termi- nation ach has generally been added : but in one case — Clodragh, already mentioned — the termina- tion is rack (see p. 7), all which implies that those who gave the names had a distinct perception that they were building on dad or cloed as a foundation. Caedh [quay, bay] signifies a quagmire or marsh — occasionally a wet natural trench ; and though not in very common use, it occurs in each of the four provinces. In Scotland and Ulster it is still retained with its proper meaning by the English speaking people, in the word f/z^r/^r, which is used for a quagmire. Its several anglicised forms retain fairly enough the original pronunciation. One of these is exhibited in the name of Kye in the parish of Clooncraff in Roscommon. There is a little hill near Sllvermines in Tipperary, called Key wee, Caedh-hhuidhe, yellow marsh ; and in the same county, west of Nenagh, is Bawnakea, the haioi or green field of the quaiv. In the north of Donegal, near the village of Millford, is a little lake called Lough Nakey ; in Limerick we have Bunkey, the bun or end of the morass. In Dublin it forms part of the name of Coolquoy, west of Swords, the back {cul) of the quagmire. Key anna about four miles east of Limerick city, is merely a plural form, and signifies quagmires. Feith [feah] is used in some places to designate a boggy stream, a stream flowing through a marsh or a trench ; in other places a soft, boggy, or marshy 374 Quagmires and JVatery Places, [chap. xxu. place : the former is its general signification. Four miles north west of Thurles is the townland and demesne of Dovea, which is mentioned by the Four Masters, and called by them Diibh-feth, black boggy stream or marsh. There is a place called Baurnafea in the parish of Shankhill in Kilkenny, the top of the marshy stream ; and near Lismore in Waterford is Monafehadee, i. e. Mdin-na'fcithc-dmhhp^ the bog of the black quagmire. Brean, which signifies putrid, foul, fetid, or stink- ing, is often applied to spots that omit an offensive smell. There are various circumstances that may originate foul smelling exhalations from land. One of the indications that led Colonel Hall to the dis- covery of copper mines at Glandore in Cork, was the fetid smell emitted from a fire of turf cut in a neigh- bouring bog, w^hich turned out to be strongly im- pregnated with copper ; this bog was knovm as the stinking bog" {moin-bhreiin) ] and the people had it that neither cat nor dog could live in the house where the turf was burnt.* There is a place called Brenter in the parish of Inver, east of Killybegs in Donegal, whose name is in Irish Brean-it}\ stinking district ; and it got this name from the strong sul- phureous smell of a spa which is in the townland. There was a celebrated district of the same name lying north east of Mount Callan in Clare, which is often mentioned in the annals (always as Brentir), but I do not know why it was so called. In most cases places with names of this kind are swamps, pits, or bogs, which emit foul odours from decaying animal or vegetable matter. There are ten townlands in various counties, called * See Mrs. HalFs Ireland, I. 142. CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watenj Places, 375 Breandrum, stinking ridge. Breansliagh, east of Castlemaine in Kerry, and Breansha near the town of Tipperary, both mean fetid land; the latter part of each name being merely the termination seacli (p. 9). The two diminutive terms Glanog and Brenog are often applied to small streams or inlets of the sea, but in opposite senses. The former, which is from glan, clean, is used to designate a bright clear little stream, flowing over a gravelly bed. There was a stream of this name near the castle of Cargins in Gralway, w^hich is mentioned by the Four Masters as the scene of a battle in 1469. Glan itself was some- times given as a name to wells ; for we read in O'Clery s Calendar that, before the time of St. Patrick, Donaghmore in Tyrone was calledi?05-67a/?r/«(wood of Grian), and that it took this name from a w^ell called Grlan. The diminutive in an — Gflannan — which was originally applied to a clear stream, is now the name of a townland in the parish of Donagh in Mon- aghan. The other term ^y'i?;^^^, is, on the contrary, a foul, lazy-flowing, fetid stream. The Four Masters mention a place called Bun-Brenoigr^ the mouth of the Brenog, in the townland of Lissadill near Drum- cliff in Sligo. The adjective form Breanngh (with the same meaning) gives name to a little stream in Kerry, joining the Feale in the ^ upper part of its course ; and there is a place called Breany (an ob- lique form of the last name) near Ardagh in Long ford. The level, soft, meadow-land or liolm — often swampy and sometimes inundated — along the banks of a river or lake, is generally called smth. It is a very common term in Irish local names ; and it is often greatly disguised by inflection and corrup- 376 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. tion. Its most correct anglicised forms are Sra, Srah, and Sragli, which are the names of numerous places. But a t usually becomes inserted between the s and the r, in accordance with a euphonic law noticed in First Series (Part I. chap, iii.); as in Strabane in Tyrone, w^iicli took its name from the meadow land along the river Mourne, and which the Four Masters write Srafh-hdn^ the fair or whitish river-holm. Under the influence of this corruption also, the simple word becomes Straw in the names of some townlands in Derry. There is a parish in Carlow and another in Queen's County, called Stra- boe, a name which signifies the srath of the cows. Straness near the town of Donegal takes its name from a cataract — Sratk-an-easa, the holm of the water- fall. This word is exhibited as a termination in Bal- linastraw, the name of several places in Carlow, Wicklow, and Wexford, and in Ballynasrah in King's County, both meaning the town of the river-holms. In the end of names, when it is in the genitive sin- gular, the s is usually eclipsed by which considerably disguises the w^ord ; in this form it is seen in Mul- lantra near Kingscourt in Cavan, Mul-an-tsvatha, the hill-top of tlie sratJi ; and in Corrintra near Castle- blayney in Monaghan,the round hill of the river-holm. Ball intra, the name of several places, is usually an- glicised from Baile-an-t^rafha^ the town of the srath ; but in a few cases it is differently derived (see Bal- lintra in 1st Ser.). The word min [meen] signifies fine or smooth, and it has several other shades of meaning which need not be noticed here. It is used in its proper sense in Clonmeen and Cloonmeen, the names of CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watery Places. 377 several townlands — Chiain-nnn, smooth meadow ; and in Barmeen near Cushendun in Antrim, the smooth harr or hill-top. Topographically it is often applied to a green spot, comparatively smooth and fertile, producing grass and rushes, on the face of a mountain, or in the midst of coarse rugged hilly land. It is used all over Ireland, but is far more common in Donegal than in any other part of the country. There are upwards of 230 townlands whose names begin with this word, in the anglicised form of nieen, about 150 of which appear in Donegal alone, 36 in the rest of the Ulster counties, and something over 40 in the other three provinces Its application in this sense will be understood from the following examples. Meeniska near Kil- beggan in Westmeath signifies the meen of the water {ul^ge) — a wet mountain meadow ; Meenbane near Stranorlar in Donegal, Meenvane near Skull in Cork, and Meenwaun near Banagher in King's County, are all anglicised from Min-hJidn^ whitish field. There are two places in Donegal, one of them near Stranorlar, called Meenagrauv ; the r here represents n (as crock for cnoc : see 1st Ser.), while the g eclipses c ; and the full name is Min-na-gcnamh, the moun- tain-meadow of the bones (cnamh) — a name which would appear to indicate the site of a battle. In the parish of Donaghmore in Cork is a place called Meenahony, and there is another place of the same name in Donegal, of which the Irish form is Min-a^-chonaidh, the mountain-field of the fire-wood. One of the plural forms of this term in its present application is 7nmte [meenta], which appears in Meentanakill near Inver in Donegal, and in Meen- 378 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. tyflugli in the parisli of Kilmeen in Cork, the former signifying the meens of the church, and the latter wet mountain fields. A diminutive form is seen in Meentoges in the parish of Kilcumniin in Kerry, i. e. small green spots. Leana means in general a wet or swampy meadow — grassy land with a soft spongy bottom. The word is in use more or less all over Ireland, but it is com- moner in Ulster than in the other provinces. In Derry it is used to signify any green field, meadow, or pasture land ; but its usual meaning is the one first given. In its simple form it gives name to the parish of Leny in Westmeath, as well as to the town- land of Leany near Corrofin in Clare ; and Lenamore, great wet-meadow, is the name of many townlands scattered through several counties. Near the town of Antrim is a townland with the half English name of Quarter Lenagh, that is, the wet-meadow quarter ; and in the parish of Aghnamullen in Monaghan, we have Tievaleny, the hill-side of the meadow ; Moan- leana near Newcastle in Limerick, the bog of the wet meadow. In most parts of Ireland the people understand and habitually use the word slug in the sense of swallowing drink— gulping it down quickly and greedily. Lever's witty Irish soldier, Maurice Quill, used to creep among his comrades in tlie heat of battle, holding in his hand a can of ale, and saying, while he offered each poor fellow a drink, " Here, take a sJ}(g before j^ou get a huJIety ■ The Irish form of this word is slog, and it is often applied to a swal- low hole in a river or lake, that is, a deep pool with an open at bottom, from which the water escapes as fast as it enters — often with a gurgling noise. Such pools often gave names to places ; and the word slog CHAP. XXI I. J Quagmires and Watcrij Flaces. 379 assumes various anglicised forms, which, are, how- ever, seldom so far removed from the original as to be difficult of recognition. Lough Slug — the lake with the swallow — is the name of several small lakes in Donegal. A common derivative isslogrdre [sluggera], literally a swallower, i. e. topographically a swallow-hole, which gives name to Sluggara near Cappoquin in Waterford, to Slug- gary south west of Limerick city, and to several other places. The s is eclipsed in Parkatluggera near Dungarvan, Pairc-a -tslogaire^ the swallow-hole field. One mile from Mitchelstown in Cork is the townland and wood of Glenatlucky, the name of which is in Irish, Gleann-d'tdogaidhe^ the glen of the swallow-hole. There is a village called Creeslough, near the mouth of Sheephaven in Donegal, five miles south east of Dunfanaghy, which took its name from a little lake. In this name a difi'erent Irish word is used, viz. craos^ gluttony : — Craos-Ioch, a lake that swallows up everything. DohJiar [dovar, dower] is one of the many Irish terms for water, corresponding to the Sanscrit dah/ira, the sea (Pictet). Cormac MacCuUenan, in his Glos- sary, remarks that dobhar, water, is common to the Irish and the Welsh languages ; and from it he de- rives the Irish name for an otter, viz., dohliar-chu, which literally signifies water-hound. One of the rivers in the south west of Donegal v/as anciently called DohJiar ; for in a poem in the book of Fenagli, we are told that the old territory of Banagh extended from the river Edhnech (the Eany at Inver) to the Bright Dohhar which flows from the rugged moun- tains," This name is now however obsolete. The simplest modern form of this word is Dower, which is the name of a place one mile east of Castle- 380 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. martyr in Cork, so called from a little river which runs for some distance underground ; and there is a town- land of this name also in the parish of Kilnaman- agh, Eoscommon. Another form is seen in Dore in the parish of TuUoghobegly in Donegal. The name of Bundoran in Donegal (the hun, end, or mouth of the Doran) shows tliat the little river flowing into the sea at the village must have been anciently called the Doran; and although there is no documentary evidence that I am aware of for the original form of this river name, there is little doubt that it is a di- minutive of Dohhar — Dobharan, little water — little when compared with the adjaceiit rivers Drowes and Erne. In Scotland this diminutive is exactly repre- sented in the name of the river Doveran, in which the v sound of the hh is preserved, while it is lost in the Irish. Dur is given by O'Reilly as meaning water, but I have never met it in any Irish text. Although it does not enter extensively into names, it is venerable for its antiquity as a topographical term ; for Ptolemj^, in his map of Ireland, has given the name of Dur to a river in the west of the island. There are several local names in various j)arts of the country, which must be derived from this word. In Antrim, Kerry, King's County, and Longford, we find townlands called Doory, the anglicised representative of the Irish Diiire — as the people still call it — which is pro- bably an abstract-noun formation, signifying wateri- ness or watery land. There is a parish in Clare, now called Doora, which represents . the genitive of diu\ the Irish name loeing pardisfC'd/niire, the parisli of tlie Bur or water ; and this parish was anciently, and is still, celebrated for its abundance of water, marsh, and bog. The adjective form Dooragh is the name of a place near Stewartstown in Tyrone. CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watery Places. 381 A meeting of any kind would be designated by comhrac ; and from this general signification come two of its principal secondary meanings : — first, the meeting of rivers or roads ; and second, a combat, i. e. the meeting of opposing sides in battle. We have these two meanings perpetuated in local names, and it is often impossible to distinguish them without some local history or tradition to guide us. But it is cer- tain that far the greater number of such names are derived from river confluences. The Four Masters, at the year 1473, have a record of a battle between the MacEannals and some of their neighbours, fought near the village of Carrigallen in Leitrim. The people still retain a vivid tradition of this event, and point out the townland of Clooncorick near Carrigallen as the scene of the combat. Here we have history and tradition both agreeing ; and al- though historical names very seldom originated so late in the fifteenth centmy, yet we can hardly avoid the conclusion that the place got its name from the event : — Cluain-comhraic^ the field of conflict. There is a place of the same name in Fermanagh, and ano- ther called Cloncorig in Tipperary. About five miles north of Borrisokane in Tipperary, near the shore of Lough Derg, there is a little village called Carrigahorig, where, according to a record in the Four Masters, some battles were fought in 1548. Here however the coincidence is merely accidental, for the name is older than the sixteenth century, and was not derived from the battles mentioned by the annalists. The correct orthography is preserved in the record : — Carraig-an-chomhraic, the rock of the meeting ; but I cannot tell whether the name origi- nated in a battle or in a confluence of streams. This word in its simple form gives name to several 382 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. places in Cavan, Deny, and Tj'rone, now called Corick : Corick near Clogher in Tyrone, was so called because it is situated near the confluence of the two rivers Blackwater and Fury. The two great roads from Castlebar and Crossmolina to BelmuUet in Mayo, meet at a bridge over the Owenmore river, about eleven miles from Crossmolina, where two small streams join the Owenmore. For ages before the bridge was built or the roads made, there was a ford at this spot across the Owenmore, wliicli, from the meeting of the streams, was called Bcl-atha-a-cJiomh- raic^ the ford mouth of the confluence ; and this name is now applied to the bridge, in the anglicised form Bellacorick, which very well represents the sound of the long Irish name. There is a place of the same name in Clare, near the mouth of the little river Owen- slieve,in the parish of Clondagad, for the Irish name of which we have the authority of the Four Masters, who write it Bd-afha-an-chomhraic ; but it is now corruptly called Ballycorick. In Cormac's Glossary the word iuesclund is ex- plained srlhli Inalh no tren,^^ " a swift or strong stream." This word has long been obsolete in the language, but it still remains in the names of a good many places. The parish of Dromiskin in Louth takes its name from a very ancient ecclesiastical establishment built on a rising ground — said to have been originally founded by St. Patrick — which is often mentioned in the annals, and which still retains a round tower— a vestige of its former importance. Its old name is Druim-ineasclainn pDruminisklin] as we find it in many Irish documents, and this name is retained to this day by the old people who speak Irish ; it signifies the drum or ridge of^ the strong- stream. There are in the county Cavan two town- CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watery Places. 383 lands, one near Ballyjamesduff, the other near Bel- turbet, whose names are the same as this, but more correctly anglicised Druminisclin ; and in Meath, near the village of Moynaltj, is another, whicli is in- correctly modernised Druminiskin. This root-word is seen also in Clooninisclin near the village of Ballinlough in Roscommon, the meadow of the rapid stream. In its simple form it gives name to two townlands in Tyrone, called Inisclan, and to another called Inisclin in Fermanagh. In accordance with a well knoAvn custom (prefixing /: 1st Ser., Part L, c. II.) this word is often found beginning with /; and so we have five townlands in Gaiway, Roscommon, Leitrim, and Sligo, with the names of Finisclin, Finisklin, and Finnisglin. The word has its original a.pplication as the name of the little river Finisclin, which joins the Breedoge two miles north of Frenchpark in Roscommon. It must be observed that in a few of the above-mentioned places there are now either very trifling streams or no streams at all; from which we must infer, either that there has been considerable physical change in those places, or that Cormac's explanation does not apply to the whole of Ireland. Lin [leen] means to fill ; connected with Lat. plenus. The diminutive Hon an [leenaun], which means filling or flowing, is used pretty often as a topographical term. Sometimes it is applied to creeks on the sea shore where the tide flows in. It is in this se :se no doubt that it gives name to the well known hamlet called Leenane, near the head of Killery bay in Connemara, which is called by the Four Masters, Liojian, or more fully, Liondn-chind' mara, the Hnan or tide-filling spot at the head of the sea {ceann-mara^ head of the sea: see Kenmare, 1st 384 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxit. Ser.) ; and to Leenane near Crookhaven, west of Cape Clear island in Cork, which is situated on a narrow tidal channel. There is a small lake called Lough Aleenaun, the lake of the filling or flowing, four miles east of Kilfenora in Clare, which in dry summers supplies the surrounding district with water. Linn signifies a pond or pool, water, the sea ; and it occurs in local names, but only as meaning a pool or pond. The Euglish speaking people of Scotland retain the word to the present day, but they apply it to a waterfall : — " ^^'hyles owre a linn the burnle plays." " Let me in for loud the linn Is roarin' o'er the warlock craggie." Here however the word was transferred from the pool w4iich is under every waterfall, to the waterfall itself ; just as happens sometimes in Ireland in the case of the word lug^ which properly means a basin-shaped hollow in the side of a mountain, but which is now in a few cases applied to the mountain itself (see Lug- duff and Lugnaquillia, 1st Ser.). This word is very ancient as a topographical term, and enters into names, not only in Leland, but also in Great Britain and on the continent. It helps to form a few important names in Ireland, some of which have already been discussed in the First Series ; but it is not in very general use. At the point where the two rivers Clj' de and Dee in Lonth meet, two miles south east of Castlebellingham, the waters expand into a sort of lake, just before they enter the sea. This little expansion was anciently called JLinn-Duachaill ox Linduaehaille ; and the mouth of the stream was called Casan-Linne (the path of the CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watcnj Places. 385 pool). There was here in former days a celebrated monastery which flourished for a long time, and it took the name of Linduachaill from the little river- lake on the shore of which it was situated. Tighern- ach records, at flie year 700, the death of St. Col- man of Linduacliaill, and the same record is found in several other authorities. At a later period the Danes had a settlement at the same spot, and we owe to them, no doubt, the effacement of every ves- tige of the ancient monastic establishment. St. Col- man is commemorated in the martyrology of Aengus, and the writer of the gloss quotes a legend to account for the name of Linduachaill (the pool of JJachall) : that before the time of Colman, a demon named JJachall infested the waters of the lake, from which he often rose up and did great mischief to the people. The two parts of the name Casan-Linne are still pre- served in two diflPerent denominations, the former in Annagassan (for which see 1st Ser.), and the latter in Linns, which is the name of a townland lying between the river Grlyde and the sea. In the parish of Clonelty, near Newcastle in Limerick, there is a townland taking its name from a ford called Aughalin, the ford {ath) of the Un or pool; and a. ford on a little river in the parish of Ballybrennan in Wexford, has a name with a like signification ; it is now called " The Ford of Ling," and it takes its name from a pool at the mouth of the river. Near Clogher in Tyrone, is a place called Cloghlin, the stone of the pond; Cushaling — the foot of the pond — is a small river giving name to two townlands, about half way between Eathangan and Edenderry. Concjy co)iga, or cunga means a narrow neck, a strait where a river or lake contracts, the stream by which 2 c 386 Quagmires and Watery Places, [chap. xxii. one lake empties itself into another very near it. It appears to be connected with cuinfjy which is the com- mon word for the yoke borne by horses that are har- nessed to a chariot or carriage. This term belongs chiefly to the north west of Ireland ; it is common in Donegal, where indeed it is still a living word among the old natives who speak Irish ; and it is found as a local appellative in this county, as well as in Mayo, Galway, and Tyrone. An admirable example of its application is seen in Lough Nacung, a pretty lake at the base of Errigle mountain in the north west of Donegal. This lake is connected with another — Dunlewy lake — by a very short and narrow strait, which is now called " The Cung," and which has given name to Lough Nacung, the lake of the " cung " or neck. Another cung connects this — which is called Upper Lough Nacung — with Lower Lough Nacung, from which the townland of Meena- cung (meen, a mountain meadow) takes its name. The narrow passage between Lough Conn and Lough CuUin in Mayo, now crossed by a road and bridge, has given name to Cungmore point, lying near the crossing. The best known example of the use of this word is Cong in Mayo, which derived its name from the river on which it is situated, connecting Lough Mask with Lough Corrib. But though this is the most remarkable place in Ireland of the name, the river is by no means a good characteristic example of a " cong," for it is somewhat scattered, and partly subterranean. The great abbey of Cong is celebrated as being the place where Roderick O'Connor, the last native king of Ireland, passed the evening of his daj^s in religious retirement ; and it still exhibits in its venerable ruins many vestiges of its former mag- CHAP. XXII.] Quagmires and Watcnj Places. 387 nificence. It was either founded originally by St. Fechin in the seventh century, or was dedicated to his memory ; and hence it is called in Irish docu- ments Cnnga or Conga Feichin. Lough Cong is the name of a small lake south east of the Twelve Pins in Connemara ; and there are two townlands, one near Maguire's Bridge in Fermanagh, and the other in Tyrone, with the euphonious name of Congo, all from the same word. The narrow strait connecting Ballycong lake with the lake of Carrow- keribly, in the parish of Attymas in Mayo, five miles south of Ballina, is called Dubh-conga by the Four Masters ; and the ford over it was anciently desig- nated Ath-cunga (Hy F.) ; this ford is now called Bel-atha-conga, the ford-mouth of the cong or strait, which has been anglicised to Ballycong, the present name of the small lake. Buinne [bunnya — two syllables] means a wave or flood, any flow of water ; and this word, or a deriva- tive from it, is pretty often found forming a part of local names, applied to watery or spewy spots, or places liable to be inundated by the overflow of a river or lake. It is very well represented in Cloon- bunny in the parish of Tibohine in Eoscommon, the cloon or meadow of the flood or stream — a streamy, watery field ; and this same name is found in Westmeath, Clare, Longford, and Eoscommon, in the slightly modified form of Cloonbony ; in Tippe- rary it is Clonbunny ; while Clonbunniagh near Enniskillen exhibits the adjective form hiiinneach. Lisbunny is the name of a parish in Tipperary, and of a townland in Derry, each of which must have been so called from a circular fort whose fosse was flooded. 2c2 * 388 Quagmires and Wateri/ Places, [chap. xxii. Watery or oozy places, soft, wet, spongy ground, or spots liable to be overflowed, are often designated by the word flinch [flugh], whose simple meaning is ^' wet : " flinch^ humidus ; Z. 66. It is seen in its best anglicised form in Killyflugh near Ballymena in Antrim, the wet wood ; and in Grienflugh in Wick- low, near the source of the Liff'ey, now the name of a mountain, but originally that of a glen at its base : — Glcann-fliuch^ wet or marshy glen. The devivSitiYe fliuchanach signifies a wet or spewy place ; it gives name to Flughanagh and Flughany in Leitrim and Mayo ; and it comes in as a termina- tion in Grortalughany, the name of two townlands in Fermanagh, the wet gori; or field — the / in the beginning having dropped out by aspiration, under the influence of the article (see 1st. Ser., Part I., c. II.). The word is corrupted in Flegans, about three miles north west of Athlone, which we find written Flughan in an Inquisition of James I. ; and this old spelling, together with the preservation of the plural form in the present name, shows that the original name is Fliuchain, wet places. From baidh [baw], meaning to drown, also a wave, comes the adjective baithte [bawtha], signifying drowned." This term is applied to places which are often submerged, or drowned with water. I may remark that when the annalists wish to express that the Danes destroyed the sacred books of the churches and monasteries they plundered, by throwing them into water, they often use this very word : that is, they say the books were droicncd by the Dane^ ; and this shows that the application is not modern. We see the word (with the h aspirated) in Ourra- watia near MoycuUen in Galway, the droivned or in- undated curragh or morass. With the adjectival CHAP, xxil.] Quagmires and Watery Places, 389 termination acli^ it gives name to Bauttagli, west of Loughrea in Gralway, a marshy place. Very often it takes the diminutive termination ofj (p. 28), as in MuUanabattog near the town of Monaghan, the mullaejli or hill-summit of the morass. This form is well exhibited in the name of the little river Bauteoge running through Stradbally in Queen's County, which richly deserves its name, for it flows lazily through level swampy land, which it always inun- dates in wet weather. In parts of the west, they change the initial letter to ?/^, which gives rise to the forms maiteog and maiteacli ; and in this way we have the name of Mauteoge, near Orossmolina in Mayo, and of Mautiagh in the parish of Rossinver in Leitrim, both signifying watery land. Dry Spots. As many places received names from being wet or swampy, so there were spots which, either by the nature of their surface or by artificial drainage, were dry in comparison with the surround- ing or adjacent marshy ground, and whose names were derived from this circumstance. The only word I will introduce here to illustrate this observation is tinn, which is the common Irish word for dry. With the t aspirated to it is seen in Tullyhirm, the name of places in Armagh and Monaghan — Tnlaigh-thirni, dry little hill. This is also the ori- ginal form of the name of the parish of Tullaherin near Growran in Kilkenny, which has been corrupted by a change of ni to n (1st Ser. Part I. c m.)) though the correct anglicised pronunciation, Tallowhcerimy is still often heard among the people. 390 Size; Shape. [chap. XXIII. CHAPTER XXIII. SIZE ; SHAPE. Great; small. The terms mor [more] and heg^ meaning respectively large and small, are used to express size, both relative and absolute, more thaa any other words in the Irish language ; and they are in general easily recognised, being almost always spelled more and beg in anglicised names. In the parish of Moviddy in Cork, near the south- ern bank of the river Bride, stand the ruins of Castle- more castle, once the residence of the chief of the Mac Sweenys, and afterwards of the McCarthys ; and its name indicates that it was considered the most important fortress of the locality: — Caislen-mor^ great castle. The parish of Castlemore in Mayo, or as it is sometimes called, Castlemore-Costello, because it is in the barony of Costello, in like manner took its name from a castle, which is called Caislen-mor in the annals of Lough Key. Castlemore is also the name of a townland in Carlow. Of the correlative term Castlebeg, small castle, as a townland name, one example occurs north west of Comber in Down. There is a point of land jutting into the Foyle from the Donegal side, about five miles below Derry, called Culmore, where Sir Henry Docwra erected a fort in the year 1600 ; the Four Masters call it Ciiil-mor, great corner or angle. The townland of Downkilly- begs in the parish of Drummaul in Antrim, is written by Colgan, Dun-ehille'hice, the fortress of the little churcli. Yery often these terms were employed to express comparison as to size, between the feature named and some other feature of the same kind in the immediate CHAP. XXIII.] Size ; Shape. 391 neighbourliood. There can be no doubt that Inish- beg — small island — in the harbour of Baltimore in the south of Cork, received that name by comparison with the larger island of Eingarogy in the same har- bour. So also Bunbeg on the shore of Grweedore bay in Donegal, was so called from its situation at the mouth of the little river Clady :— Bunbeg, small bun or river mouth — small in comparison with the adjacent estuary of the Gweedore river. In a great many cases the application of these terms originated in the subdivision of townlands into unequal parts. Three miles south of Kanturk in Cork, in the angle formed by the rivers Allow and Blackwater, there is what was once a single town- land called Dromcummer ; and it took its name from its situation at the junction of the two rivers : — Dniim-coiiiair, the ridge of the confluence. But this townland was divided into two parts, containing re- spectively 373 and 249 acres; and the former is called Dromcummer-more, and the latter Dromcum- mer-beg. Sometimes in a case of this kind, the larger portion retained the original name without any distinguishing postfix, while the smaller kept the name with the addition of beg ; as in the case of DerrycuUinan (CuUinan's oak grove), and Derry- cuUinan-beg in Leitrim. Beg is very seldom altered in form by either gram- matical inflection or corruption : but the m of mor is often aspirated to v or w ; as we see in Baravore near the head of Grienmalure in Wicklow, the great barr or summit. Occasionally — though seldom — this aspirated sound has been dropped, leaving nothing of the postfix but ore. This happens in Inishore, the name of an island in upper Lough Erne, three miles from the village of Lisnaskea, which the Four Mas- 392 Size; Shape, [chap. XXIII. ters call Inis-m/ior of Lough Barry," the great island of Lough Barry (this last being the local name for that part of Lough Erne). We see this change also in Seskinore the name of a little village in Tyrone, whose correct Irish name is Sescenn-mhor, great marsh. Like Irish limiting terms in general, these words commonly come after the words they qualify. But not unfrequently it is the reverse. Moraghy is the name of a townland in the parish of Muckno in Monaghan, which signifies great field (achadh) ; but Aghamore, with the same meaning, is a more com- mon name. Eathmore or Ramore, great fort, is a very usual local name ; but in the parish of Drum- lease in Leitrim, it is made Morerah. So also with beg, Eathbeg is a name of frequent occurrence, and signifies little rath or fort; but in the county of Louth, a little above Drogheda, is a place called Begrath, which has the same meaning. There is a small island close to the land in Wexford harbour, called Begerin or Begery, which is celebrated as the place where St. Ibar, after having preached the Gos- pel in various parts of Ireland, founded a monastery in the fifth century, and established a school, in which he instructed a vast number of students ; and the place still retains the ruins of some of the ancient buildings. The name is written in the annals, JBer/- JSire, which, in the Life of the saint, is translated Parva Ilibernia^ Little Ireland ; but why this epithet was applied to it I cannot imagine. There is another Begerin in the same county, in the parish of Old Ross, four miles from the town of New Ross. When these terms are translated, ijwr is generally rendered great or hig^ and heg^ small or little. But occasionally we find the former translated by much. CHAP. XXIIT.] Size; Sha2')e. 393 Muchknock and Muchratli in the parish of Killinick in Wexford, are half translations of Knockmore and Eathmore, great hill and great fort. There is a fine rocky precipice in Howth, just over the castle, the proper name of which is Carrickmore ; but it is now beginning to be generally called Muchrock, which seems to me a change for the wwse. The word min, among other significations, means small, and it is occasionally used in the same manner as heg. There is a townland on the Black- water in Meath, three miles above Kells, called Meenlagh, i. e. small lake, which probably took its name from some enlargement of the river. A far better known place is Menlough or Menlo near Gal- way ; this was properly the name of the small expan- sion of the river Corrib, on the shore of which the village is situated ; and in comparison with Lough Corrib, it was called Min-loch or small lake, which name was transferred to the village and castle. Derrymeen, the name of places in Fermanagh and Tyrone, signifies ■ small derry or oak-grove, that is, composed of small slender trees ; and we have.Money- meen in Wicklow, the small-tree shrubbery. Length, The usual words to express length and shortness of dimension are facia and gean\ As long as facia retains the/, it is easy enough to detect the word in anglicised names, for it does not undergo much corruption. Its most correct forms are seen in Knockfadda, long hill, a name of frequent occur- rence ; and in Killyfaddy in the northern counties, long wood. But it is very often shortened to one syllable, as in Knockfad and Killyfad, the same re- spectively as the two preceding names. The / is often omitted on account of aspiration, which some- what obscures the word ; of this a good example is 394 Size; Shape, [chap. XXIII. Banada in Sligo and Eoscommon, which very cor- rectly represents the sound of Beann-f/ioda, as the Four Masters write it, meaning long ben or peak. The word is quite disguised in Creewood, a place about three miles north west from Slane in Meath, which in King John's charter to the abbey of Melli- font, is called Crevoda, representing the Irish Craebh- fhoda^ the long crave or branchy tree. Short, The opposite term to facia is gearr [gar] short; and this is seen in Castlegar, the name of some places in Galway and Mayo, which, in a docu- ment of 1586 called " Division of Connaught " (quoted by Hardiman, lar 0. p. 44, note g) is cor- rectly translated short castle'^ ; Glengar inTipper- ary, short glen. Sometimes it comes in the begin- ning of a name, but in this case it is liable to be confounded with ^^/rJ/^, rough; thus Garbally, which is the name of several townlands, in some places means short town, and in others rough town; as Garracloon is translated in one place short meadow, and in another, rough meadow. Breadth. Leathan [lahan] signifies broad. The best anglicised form is lahan^ which is seen in Ard- lahan near the mouth of the river Maigue in Lime- rick, broad height, But it is very often shortened to lane^ especially in the north ; as in Gortlane near Cushendall in Antrim, broad field ; the same name as Gortlahan in the parish of Kildacommoge in Mayo: Lislane in Derry and Tyrone, broad fort. From the same root as the last (by the addition of d : p. 14) comes the noun leithead [lehed], which signifies breadth ; and we have this term also very often used in local nomenclature. It is seen in its most correct form in Moylehid, south-west of Ennis- killen, which is pronounced in Irish Miil-Ieithidj the CHAP. XXIII.] Size ; Shape, 395 hill of breadth, i. e. broad hill-top. But like leathan^ it is often shortened to one syllable, as we see in Oar- riglead near St. MuUins in Carlow, broad rock. Narroivness. There are corresponding terms sig- nifying narrow, which are found in names as often as the preceding. The principal is cael [kale, keel], which, with its simple adjective meaning, is almost always represented in anglicised names by keel, Grienkeel, narrow glen, is the name of some places in Cork, Fermanagh, and Leitrim ; Derrykeel, nar- row oak wood. This word is often applied to a narrow stream, a stream flowing through a long narrrow glen, or through a marsh ; and it is the usual term also for a narrow strait. It is in some one of these senses that it gives name to all those places called Keel, Keal, and Keale, As applied to a strait, the word is very happily illustrated in Loughnadreegeel near Bally- jamesduff in Cavan, the name of a lake, which ex- actly represents the sound of the Irish Lough-na-dtri- f/cael, the lake of the three straits, so called because it narrows in three places. Keelaghy in Fermanagh represents Cael-achadh^ narrow field ; and Keelagh and Keilagh, which are the names of several townlands, are in some places understood to be shortened forms of the same name ; while in other places they are considered nothing more than the adjective form eaelaeh^ i. e. something narrow. Fat or thick, Reamliar^ or in old Irish remor, is a word which is very extensively employed in the for- mation of names. It means literally gross or fat ; and locally it is applied to objects gross or thick in shape, principally hills and rocks. It is pronounced differently in different parts of the countrj^. In the 396 Size ; Shape* [chap. XXIII. south they sound it rou}\ and it becomes anglicised accordingly, as in Carrigrour near Grlengarriff in Cork, Carraicj-reamlia)\ thick rock ; Beenrour, gross or thick peak, the name of a hill over Lough Cur- rane in Kerry ; and Reenrour, a name frequent in Cork and Kerry, thick rinn or point. As we go north tlie pronunciation changes : sometimes it be- comes rawei\ as in Dunbunrawer near the village of Gortin in Tyrone, the fort of the thick hun or hill- base. Elsewhere in the north, as well as in the west, we find the mh represented by as in Killyrover in the parish of Aghalurcher in Fermanagh, thick wood, which I suppose means a wood of thick or gross trees (see Derrymeen,p. 393, supra). In the northern half of Ireland, the aspiration of the m is sometimes altogether neglected, and the letter becomes restored in the manner shown in 1st Ser. (Part I., c ii.) ; which is exemplified in Killy- ramer near Ballymoney in Antrim, and in Cully- ramer near the village of Garvagh in Derry, both the same as Killyrover. The highest summit on Eathlin Island off Antrim is called Kenramer, fat or thick head; the same name as Canrawer near Oughterard in Gralway. The restoration of the m is illustrated in a name more familiar than any of the preceding — that of Lough Eamor in the south of the county Cavan, which is an abbreviation of the full name Lough Munramer, for it is called in Irish authorities Loch - muinreamhair. The latter part, which signifies fat-neck {mv.m^ the neck), was a man's name anciently pretty common in Ireland ; and this lake received its name from some one of the old-world heroes who bore the name. Cas signifies twisted : — Cas-an-tsugdin, the twist- ing of the rope." The word is exhibited in Cash- CHAP. XXIIL] Size; Shape, 397 lieve, the name of a place between Castlerea and Ballinlough in Eoscommon, which exactly conveys the sound of the Irish CaiS'shUahh, twisted slieve or mountain. Crooked or curved. Cam signifies crooked (caniy curvus, Z. 64) ; but it has other meanings which do not concern us here. Its most frequent application is to rivers and glens ; and there is an excellent il- lustration of its use, and of its Munster pronunciation, in Glencoum or Glencaum, a remarkable defile near Macroom in Cork, crooked or winding glen : there is a Glancam near the railway, five miles north of Blarney, and a Glencoum near Graiguenamanagh in Kilkenny. Several small streams in various parts of Ireland are called Camlin and Camline — that is crooked or curved line. The river Camowen flows through Omagh in Tyrone ; and it well deserves the name :~ Cain-abhainn, winding river. The parish of Cam or Cam ma in Roscommon, west of Athlone, took its name from a church dedicated to St. Brigid, which is called Camachhy MacFirbis (Hy F. 78); while Cam, the plural Cams, and the adjective form Camagh, are the names of several townlands — names derived originally from curved objects of some kind, such as rivers, lakes, long hills, &c. The diminutive Camog, in the several forms Cam- moge, Commoge, and Commock, is employed to de- signate various natural features, principally winding rivers. The little river Cammock or Camac, which joins the Liffey near Kilmainham, is so called be- cause it flows through the " winding glen" of Crum- lin (which see in 1st Ser.). There is a townland near Enniskillen called Camgart, curved field or garden, a name which in Gal way is made Camgort ; and Can- gort near Shinrone in King's County, is a corrup- 398 Size; Shape. [chap. XXIII. tion of this last form (by the usual phonetic change of m to n), being spelled indeed by some authorities Camgort. Between Oranmore and Galway, near the ruins of a church and a round tower, a long narrow peninsula juts into Galway bay, called Roscam, a name which stands exactly as it was written in Irish authorities, and which signifies crooked peninsula. By the addition of (see p. 1 2 supra) is formed the derivative canias, which is applied to a bend in a river, and sometimes to a curved bay ; and which in the forms of Camas and Camus gives name to many places. St. Comgall of Bangor founded a monastery in the fifth century at Camus on the Bann, two miles above Coleraine ; it is called Cambas in Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, and Camus in the annals ; and it received the name from the curve in the Bann river, near which it is situated. The monastery, which fiourished for many centuries, has quite disappeared ; and St. Comgall's ancient establishment is now represented merely by a graveyard. There is a spot on the Suir, two miles north west from Cashel, which is mentioned by the Four Masters at A. D. 1623, by the name of Ath-an-chamais^ the ford of the camus or winding — for the river curves at one side round a little island ; but a bridge now spans the Suir over the ancient ford, which still retains the name of Camus Bridge. Bends and slojjes, Crom means bent, inclined, stooped or crooked. It is a term of very common occurrence in local names, but many of those of which it forms a part, have been already examined. In anglicised names it usually takes the forms crom and crujUy and occasionally crim. One of the peaks of the Mourne range is called Bencrom, stooped mountain. Macroom in Cork is written in the Irish CHAP. XXIII.] Size ; 8hcq)e. 399 authorities Magh-cromtha [Macromha] ; the latter part is the genitive of the participial form cromadh ; and the whole name means the sloped or inclining field or plain ; which accurately describes the spot on which the town stands, for it is a slope at the base of Sleveen hill. The name corresponds with that of Cromaghy, a place near the village of Eosslea in Fermanagh— sloping field. Cromane and Cro- moge, two diminutives, signify anything sloping or bending, and give names to many places : whether they are applied to glens, hills, fields, &c., must be determined by the character of the particular spot in each case. Sometimes they are applied to streams, as in the case of the Crummoge, a rivulet a little south of Borrisoleigh in Tipperary, which, like Loobagh - (p. 401) received its name from its sinuous course. Claen [clane] has several meanings, one of which — and the only one which concerns us here — is inclin- ing or sloping. **Zs aire is claen an lis this is the reason why the fort slopes " — Oormac's Glossary. This quotation naturally calls up Eathcline in Long- ford, a townland which gave name to a parish and barony, and which itself must have taken its name from a fort situated on sloping ground ; and this is the traditional interpretation of the neighbourhood. It is exactly the same, only with the terms reversed, as Cleenrah in the north of Longford, and Clean- rath the name of three townlands in Cork. This, moreover, is a very ancient name ; for we are told in one of the historical tales in Lebor na A- TJidhre^ that Caherconree, the great fortress of Curoi mac DairCy on Slievemish mountain in Kerry, was also called Cathair-na-claen-ratha^ the stone fort of the Claen^ rath or sloping rath (O'Curry, Lect. III. 82). The word Cleen itself, signifying simply a slope, 400 Size; Shape, [chap. XXIII. is the name of three townlands in Fermanagh, Lei- trim, and Eoscommon. The English plural form Cleens is found in the parish of Devenish in Fer- managh, and the Irish plural Cleeny near Killarney, both meaning slopes ; while the adjective forms Cleenagh and Clenagh, occur in Donegal, Ferman- agh, and Clare. The Four Masters at A. D. 1247, mention a lake called Claeiiloch^ which seems a sin- gular name, for it means sloping lake ; and although the name is forgotten in Leitrim, it still survives in the parish of Drumsnat in Monaghan, in the form of Clenlough. It is probable that these names took their rise from the configuration of the ground round the lakes, as people sometimes imagine that a stream flows against the hill. Another name of the same class is Claenghlais [Cleanlish] — so the Four Masters Avrite it — which signifies sloping streamlet, the name of a district in the south west of Limerick, in the parish of Killeedy, near the borders of Cork and Kerry, which is now commonly called Clonlish. Fan OT fdnadh [fawn, fawna] signifies a slope or declivity; and the forms it assumes in anglicised names will be seen in the following examples. In the parish of Killonaghan in the north of Clare, there are two townlands called Faunarooska, Fdn-a- rusca^ the slope of the fighting or quarrelling ; and Faunrusk, the name of a place a little north of Ennis, has the same meaning. The simple word /a^^ gives name to some places in Leitrim, now called Fawn, while fdnadh is anglicised Fauna in Wicklow, and Fawney in Tyrone and Derry. It appears as a termination in Tobernafauna near Fiddown in Kil- kenny, the well of the slope. Looj^s, From' the word lab, signifying a loop, bend, or fold, many rivers and other cuiwed objects CHAP. XXllI.] Size; Shape. 401 take their names. The adjective form Loobagh is the name of the river that flows by Kihnallock ; and meaning, as it does, full of loops, winding or serpen- tine, it describes exactly the character of that river. The word generally takes such forms as loob, loop, or loopy; thus Aughnaloopy near Kilkeel in Down, signifies the field of the loop or winding. About four miles from the village of IloUj^mount in Mayo, is the demesne and residence of Newbrook ; the Irish name, as preserved in an ancient poem in the Book of Lecan, is Ath-na-lub, which the people still retain with the addition of lei a mouth, Bel-atha-narlixb [Bellanaloob], the ford of the loops, from the windings of the little river flowing througli the demesne into Lough Carra. An adjective form derived from the diminutive is seen in Derrynaloobinagh near Bally- bay in Monaghan, the oak wood of the windings ; and also in Sheskinloobanagh, the name of a marsh in the townland of Croaghonagh, about four miles south west from Ballybofey in Donegal, which the Four Masters, at 1603, write Seascann-luhanaeh, the marsh of the windings. Nook, Chiid is a nook, a corner, an angle. It takes the anglicised forms Clood, Cluid, and Cluide, which are the names of several townlands. Clood- revagh in Leitrim, and Cluidrevagh in Gralway, both signify grey nook (p. 276) ; Cloodrumman in Lei- trim, the corner of the drum or ridge. Floor. Several of the terms which designate a level spot of land have been already examined ; and the last I will instance is urlar, which signifies a floor, sometimes a threshing-floor. Near the village of Stranorlar in Donegal, along the little river that flows through it, there is a remarkably level holm or river meadow, which has given the village its name — 2 D 402 Size; Shape. [chap. XXIII. Srat/i-aU'iirlair, the holm or river bank of the floor. The simple word gives name to Urlar in Sligo, and to Urlaur in Maj'O — both meaning a level place like a floor. There are several townlands in the Connanght counties called Carrownurlaur, the quarter-land of the floor, i. e. a flat piece of land, or a threshing-floor. Kail. long a [inga] signifles a nail, talon, or hoof ; and it was sometimes applied to pointed rocks, or to long pointed pieces of land. The sound is well preserved in Inga, the name of a place near the village of Killimor in the south east of Galway. Near the mouth of the river Fergus in Clare, a short distance west of Newmarket, is a little promontory jutting into the river, called Ing Point, which has given name to three townlands. Just outside Ban- now Bay in "Wexford, near the village of Fethard, is a long point with a clifl' rising over the sea along one side ; and it is called Ingard — high nail. Dun- inga, the name of a place on the Kilkenny shore of the Barrow, between Groresbridge and Bagnalstown, the fort of the nail or point. The correct genitive is ionQxn^ which is represented in Clooningan in the parish of Achonry in Sligo {cloon, a meadow) ; and we find the plural in Drumingna in the parish of Kiltubbrid in Sligo, the hill-ridge of the talons. 2\(iL The Irish word earball was often applied to the extremity of any natural feature, such as a long, low hill ; or to any long stripe of land, which was either the extremity of a larger portion, or which w^as, for any reason, considered by the people to bear some resemblance to the tail of some animal. This word earhall [commonly pronounced urbal] Bignifies the tail of an animal ; and according to Cormac's glossary, it is derived from ?V/r, hinder, and hall^ a member. In its topographical application, it is liable to singular CHAP. XXIII.] Size ; Shape. 403 corruptions in pronunciation, in the several ways illustrated by the names that follow. It will be observed also that the people often imagined they saw in certain features a likeness, not merely to a tail, but to the tail of some particular animal. Urbal, which is a correct anglicised form, is the name of several townlands in some of the northern counties. There is a place near the town of Mon- aghan called Urbalkirk, which signifies the tail of the cark or hen ; Urbalshinny in Donegal is the fox's tail {scannach^ a fox). In some of the Ulster counties it is made ivarhle ; as we see in Warbleshinny about three miles south of Derry, the same name as the last. In Connaught, the word is usually pronounced, by a metathesis, ; and this corruption is reproduced in the name of two townlands called Rubble in Mayo and Leitrim. The townland of Erribul near the Clare side of the Shannon, opposite Foynes, exhibits the usual Mimster pronunciation. Ear, In designating places by their shape, the ear was a favourite object of comparison. A lateral, semi-detached portion of land, or a long stripe, would often be called an ear ; and this fancied likeness has given origin to some odd freaks of nomenclature. Chias [cloos] is the Irish word for ear : in local names it usually takes the forms of cloos and cloosh. Near Castlegregory in Kerry is a townland called Cloos- guire — Cluas-gadhair, the dog's ear ; and there is another near Mountrath in Queen's County, called ClooscuUen, with a similar signification — Chias-coiU earn, the whelp's ear. One of the innumerable small lakes in the parish of Moyrus in Galway, is called Lough Clooshgirrea, the lake of the hare's ear (see p. 293). With the c eclipsed by g in the genitive plural, we have Lisnagloos in the parish of Killora in 2 D 2 404 Size ; Shape. [chap. XXTIT. Galway, south of Athenry, and Coblnagloose in the parish of Kilcavan in Wexford, the former signifying the fort, and the latter the angle, of the ears. Tongue, The Irish word teanga [tanga] a tongue, is often applied to long-shaped pieces of land or water, just in the same sense as we say in English a tongue of land." There is a place called Brj^an- tang in the county Antrim,' not far from Ballycastle, which derives the latter part of its name from a tongue of land at the meeting of two streams : the little tongue itself is now called Bryantang Braes/' The first part hnjan, represents the Irish bruighean (see Bohernabreena in 1st Ser.), a fairy fort ; for a re- markable ancient circular fort stood not long since near the junction of the streams, but it is now obli- terated : — Bryantang, the fairy-fort of the tongue. Just before the river Inny falls into Lough Eee, it is joined by tlie little river Tang, two miles from Ballymahon. There are two townlands in Donegal called Tangaveane, middle tongue ( ceane from meadJion : p. 417) : Tangincartoor in Mayo, the tongue of the cartron or quarter-land. SUulL The word clalgeann [claggan], which sig- nifies a skull, is often applied to a round, dry, hard, or rocky hill ; and in this sense it gives names to all those places now called Clagan, Claggan, and Cleggan. The adjective form Claigeannach is used to designate a place full of round rocky hills, from which we have such townland names as Clegnagh and Clagnagh. And the simple plural is exhibited in Clegna, the name of a place east of Boyle in Eoscommon, i. e. skulls or round hills. Breast. The front of a hill, a projection from its general body, is often designated by the word ucht^ which signifies the breast. The most correct angli- CHAP. XXIII.] Size; S/icq^e. 405 cised form is ught, which is seen in Ughtyneill near Moynalty in the county Meath, O'Neill's hill-breast (//for 0: see p. 133, supra). But it more often takes the form ought ; of which an excellent example is seen in Oughtmama, the name of a parish in Clare, meaning the breast or front of the maam or mountain pass — Oughtymoyle and Oughtymore in the parish of Magilligan in Derry, signifying bare breast and great breast respectively, the y being a corruption in both names. There is a small island in the eastern side of Lough Mask, about four miles south west of Ballinrobe, called Inishoght, the island of the breast ; and the Four Masters mention another little island of the same name, which they call Ink-ochta, in Lough Macnean in Fermanagh, as the scene of a fight be- tween the O'Rourkes and the MacEannalls in A.D. 1499. But this name, though used in the last cen- tur}^, is now forgotten ; the present name of the islet is Inishee, i. e. Inis-Aed/ia, the island of Acdh or Hugh ; and according to the tradition quoted by O'Donovan (Four M., IV. — p. 1250 m.) it received this name from a king named AecUi who once lived on it. Inishee or Hugh's Island is also the name of a place in the parish of Clonfert in the east of the county Gralway. There is a parish in the east of Galway, including within it the village of Eyrecourt, now called Donanaghta ; but in the Inquisitions the name is written Doonanought, both of which point to the meaning, the fort of the breast, i. e. built on the breast of a hill. Cleft The word gag [gang] means a cleft, chink, a split or chasm in a rock. It is well represented in Coolnagaug near Kinsale in Cork, in Garrygaug in the south of Kilkenny, and in Ballygauge in Queen s 406 Size ; Shape. [chap. XXIII. County ; the angle, the garden, and the town, of the cleft or chasm. Gaugin mountain, eight miles west of Stranorlar in Donegal — Gaugin, little cleft — must have taken its name from some chasm in its side. There is another word slightly different from this in sound, used in Munster, and especially in Clare — namely goug^ or as it would be spelled in Irish, gohhag ; and this is applied to a split or cavern in a cliff, or to a narrow nook into which the sea enters — a long narrow sea inlet. The diminutive Gougane is the name of a townland near the village of Banteer in the north of Cork ; and Grougane Barra (for which see 1st Ser.) is well known to every Irish tourist. A little stream called Gougane flows into the strait separating Yalentia Island in Kerry from the main- land. Kneading trough. In former days when families generally made their own bread, a kneading trough was an article found in almost every house. Losaicl^ or in an anglicised form, losset^ is the Irish word for a kneading trough ; and curiously enough it is in very common use, as a component in local names. Here, however, the allusion seems to be not so much to shape, as to use and production ; for the word is applied to a well tilled and productive field, or to good rich land. A farmer will call such a field a losset^ because he sees it covered with rich produce, like a kneading trough with dough. The word is used in this sense chieflv in the northern counties, but it is also found in the south ; and in the form of Losset, it is the name of a dozen townlands, in various counties from Donegal to Tipperary. Cappanalosset in the parish of Lemanaghan in King's County, signifies the garden-plot of the lossets, i. e. a rich, productive plot. ! CHAP. XXIII.] . Size; Shape. 407 The genitive and plural form is loiste [lusty], and this gives name to all those places now called Lustia and Lusty — both signifying simply fertile spots. There is one example of the genitive in the Four Masters, namely at A.D. 1597, where they mention a place called Bruim-na-Ioiste, the ridge of the kneading trough ; which is situated near Inver in Donegal, and is now called Drumnalost. Anoth-er anglicised form is seen in Loyst, the name of a place near Eockcorry in Monaghan, which also occurs in TuUaghaloyst in the parish of Currin in the same county, the hill of the losset : Annaloist near Porta- down in Armagh, shows the word compounded with ath a ford. Aghalust near the village of Ardagh in Longford, is the same as Aghalustia near Ballagha- derreen in Mayo, the field (acJiadh) of the kneading trough, i. e. simply a rich fertile field. Trough, A?nar or imiar signifies a trough or font ; and the term is locally applied to designate a hollow place. Both the sound and sense are well preserved in Lugganammer and Leganamer, two townlands in Leitrim, the names of which mean the hig or hollow of the trough, i. e. a Iiif/ formed like a trough. So also Bohammer near BalgrifBn in Dublin, written in the Inquisitions Bothomer, which comes near the Irish Both-amuir, the hut of the trough ; Qlennanummer in the parish of Kilcumreragh in the north of King's County, and Grlennanammer near Athleague on the Eoscommon side of the Shannon, both of which mean the glen of the troughs — a glen in which there are deep pools. In some cases a 5 or a p is inserted after the in, in accordance with a phonetic law already examined (1st Ser., Part I., c. iii.). This is the case in Killy- number in the parish of Kilcronaghan in Derry, 408 Size '; Shape. [chap. XXIIl. which represents CoiU-an-nmai)\ the wood of the trough ; as well as in Coolumber in the parish of Moore, in the south of Roscommon, and in Coolamber on the boundary of Longford and Westmeath, both having names of similar import to Culdatf, signifying the back of the trough or deep hollow ; and we have a in Cloondahamper five or six miles east of Tuam in*Galway, the meadow of the two {da) hollows. Caldron, Eound deep hollows were often desig- nated by the several Irish terms which correspond with such English words as ra/, Ixceve, caldron, &c ; just as the crater of a volcano was so called from the Greek word hrater^ a cup or chalice. Coire [curra, curry] signifies a caldron or boiler— such a caldron as was always kept in every public victualling house, and in every chieftain's kitchen. Locally the word was applied to a deep round hollow in a mountain, often also to the deep pool formed under a cataract, and sometimes to a whirlpool in the sea. In such applications it is very common in Scotland, but it is not so much used in Ireland. There are two town- lands in Tipperar3% one near the village of Toomy- vara, the other near Kilsheelan, called Poulakerry ; and there is a place at Glanmire near Cork city, called Poulacurry — all from P oil- oJ -choir the cal- dron-hole. In the wild district east of Achill Island in Maj^o, there are two mountain lakes, one called Corryloughaphuill, the caldron of the lake of the hole — a name sufficiently expressive in all conscience ; the other Corranabinnia, the caldron of the hin or peak — the peak being a very high, mountain which rises over the lake. In the sound betwen Eathlin Island and the coast of Antrim, there is a whirlpool caused by the vio- lent conflict of the tides, which was in old times as CHAP. XXIII.] Size; Shape. 409 celebrated among the Irish as Charybdis was among the ancient Greeks ; and it was known by the name of Coire-Breacain [Corry-Breckan or Corryvreckan], Brecan's caldron. Cormac MacCullenan in his Glos- sary, written in the ninth century, gives the following spirited account of this great whirlpool : — " Coire Brecain, i. e. a great whirlpool which is between Ire- land and Scotland to the north, in the meeting' of the various seas, viz., the sea which encompasses Ireland at the north west, and the sea which encom- passes Scotland at the north east, and the sea to the south between Ireland and Scotland. They whirl round like moulding compasses, each of them taking the place of the other, like the paddles of a mill-wheel, until they are sucked into the depths, so that the caldron remains with its mouth wide open ; and it would suck even the whole of Ireland into its yawning gullet. It vomits that draught up again, so that its thunderous eructation and its bursting and its roar- ing are heard among the clouds, like the steam-boiling of a caldron on the fire.'^ He then goes on to say that a certain merchant named Brecan, grandson of Niall of the Nine Hostages (Niall died in A. D. 405), had fifty currachs or boats trading between Ireland and Scotland, and that on one occasion they were all swallowed up (with Brecan himself) in this caldron. Hence the name Coire-Breacain, Brecan's caldron, which Adam- nan, who mentions it. Latinises Charybdis Brecani. The old name has been long forgotten however, and the whirlpool is now known by an equally expressive one among the people of Antrim and llathlin, viz. Slog-ncMnara^ the swallow of the sea (v. pp. 378, 248). The name is remembered in Scotland, but it is ap- plied to a dangerous whirlpool between the islands 410 Size; Shape. [chap. XXlII. of Scarba and Jura, which is mentioned by Sir Walter Scott in " The Lord of the Isles"— And Scarba's isle, whose torlurud shore Still ruigs to Corrievreken's roar." That the original Corry Breckan was that between Antrim and Rathlin, and that the name was borrowed by the monks of lona for the Western Isles, is made quite evident from the authorities quoted by Dr. Reeves in his Adamnan/' p. 29, and in his " Eccle- siastical Antiquities," p. 289.* Vat, Dabhach [davagh] signifies a vat, a kieve, or large tub : it occurs in Irish names much oftener than the last term ; and it is generally applied to a well, a deep pit or pool, or to any deep hollow like a vat or caldron. Davagh, its most correct anglicised form, is the name of some townlands in Monaghan and Tyrone ; MuUandavagh near Clones in Mo- naghan, the summit of the vat-like hollow ; Grlen- davagh near Aughnacloy in Tyrone, means a glen having deep pools along its course (like Grlennanum- mer : p. 407). One of the genitive forms of this word is daihhclie [divha, diha], which is variously modified in the modern forms of names. It is well represented in Gortnadihy in the parish of Kilmeen in Cork, which in the Grenealogy of Corca Laidhe^' is called Gort- na'daihhcJie, the field of the vat or round hollow. There is another place of the same name near Skib- bereen in the same county ; and two called Gortna- diha in Waterford, which is still the same name. So * In the latter there is a complete account of Coire-Breacain, from which I have condensed the sketch given here. CHAP, xxiii.] Size ; Shape, 411 also Knocknadiha in Limerick, Drumdihain Tippe- rary, and Dromdihy in Cork, all meaning the hill of the round hollow. Portdeha(portofthevat) isthename of a little bight on the eastern shore of Aranmore ; but this name is now accounted for by a legend in the life of St. Endeus, which is related at length by the Rev. W. Kilbride in his description of Aranmore (Kilk. Arch. Jour. 1868, p. 106). In these names the hh sound is suppressed and that of ch retained as an h ; but in other names it is the reverse — such for example as Letterdife in the parish of Moyrus in Galway, the hill-side of the vat. We have a diminutive form of the word in Lough- deheen in the parish of Lisnakill near Waterford city ; in Loughdiheen, one of the mountain lakes under Graltymore ; and in Eindifin near Gort in Gralway, the two first of which mean the lake, and the last the point, of the little vat or pool. In Done- gal this word is sometimes applied to a flax-dam, which is illustrated in Culdalf (Oooledagh, Inq.), the name of a village and parish in Inishowen, sig- nifying the cul or. back of the flax-dam. FaUe or psendo men. In various parts of Ireland, a standing stone, whether natural or artificial, placed in a conspicuous position, so as to look at a distance something like the figure of a man, is called by the name fear-hreige [farbreaga], literally a false man — a fantastic or psendo man ; or if there be two or more, together, fir-hreige [firbreaga], false men. The term is also applied to a scare-crow, or to any artificial object made to represent a man. In some cases such stones have given names to the townlands or hills on which they stand ; as in Farbreague in the parish of Moyne in Wicklow ; Farbreague, a hill lying five miles north east of Rosorea in Tipperary ; and Far- 412 Si:e; Shaj^e. [chap, xxiii. breagues, east of Athleague in Eoscommon. There is a Farbregagli — a tall rock in the sea— at the north side of Searriff Island outside Kenmare Bay ; and a group of standing stones on one of the Ballyhoura hills, on the borders of Cork and Limerick, is called Firbreaga. Sometimes the word hiiachaill^ a boy, is used in- stead oifear. The hill lying immediately south of Knocklayd, near Ballycastle in Antrim, is called Bohilbreaga. Near the village of Ballyneety in Limerick, there is a long stone standing on the top of a hill, which may be seen on the right of the rail- way as you approach Pallas from Limerick ; and it is well known by the name of Boughal-breaga : there is also a Boghil Bregagh near the demesne of Sea- forde in the parish of Loughinisland in Down. The word huachaill itself, without the other term, is often applied to a standing stone. There is a mountain called Boughil, five miles from Kenmare ; and the driver of the car will point out the conspicuous stand- ing rock — the houghil himself — which gave name to the mountain, on the left of the road as you go to Killarney. And several townlands in various parts of Ireland are called Boughill and Boghill, whose names originated similarly. Boughilbo is a town- land near Shanagolden in Limerick, the name of which signifies cow-boy." The word hreug [breague] signifies a lie ; and in several senses, and in various modified forms, it is pretty commonlj^ used in the formation of local names. There is a townland called Droniorebrague near Louglibrickland in Down, concerning which the people have a local tradition, that the founders of Dromore in the same county, at first intended the town to be here ; but that they changed their minds CHAP. XXIII.] Size; Shape. 413 and built it on its present site, so that the former place was called Dromorebrague, false or pseudo Dromore. The city of Armagh has also a similar representative — a sort of shadow, or ghost, ov fetch, of itself, viz., Armaghbrague in the parish of Lisnadill in the same county. The term is sometimes used to designate streams that are subject to sudden and dangerous floods, or which flow through deep quagmires ; and in this case it means deceitful or treacherous. An excellent ex- ample is the little river Bregoge in Cork, which joins the Awbeg (the Mulla of Spenser) near Doneraile. Bregoge is a diminutive of breug (see p. 28) and sig- nifies '4ittle liar or deceiver." This river is formed by the junction of the principal stream which rises in a deep glen on the side of Corrinmore hill, with three others — all four of the same length, flowing down the face of the Ballyhoura hills, and meeting nearly in the same spot, whence the united stream runs on to the Awbeg. These rivulets carry very little water in dry weather ; but whenever a heavy shower falls on the hills, four mountain floods rush down simultaneously, and meet together nearly at the same instant, swelling the little rivulet in a few moments to an impetuous and dangerous torrent. This little stream is celebrated by Spenser in his " Colin Clouts come home again he calls it "False Bregoge," which is quite a correct interpretation ; and in his own fanciful way, he accounts for the name in one of the most beautiful pastorals in the English language. There is a little stream called Breagagh about three miles south east of Thurles in Tipperary ; and another of the same name flows near the city of Kil- kenny ; but these probably received their names from 414 Situation. [chap. XXIV. flowing through treacherous marshes. A name of similar import is Srahanbregagh in the parish of Ettagh, south of Birr in King's County — false sriihan or little stream. I'he bay of Trawbreaga at Malin in Donegal, well deserves its name, Traigh- brege— so Colgan writes it— treacherous strand ; for the tide rises there so suddenly that it has often swept away people walking incautiously on the shore. CHAPTER XXIV. SITUATION. The relative situation of a place with regard to one or more others, is a circumstance that has been often taken advantage of in the formation of local names; so that several of the terms expressive of this sort of relation, such as those for upper, lower, middle, far, near, lateral direction, outer or beyond, &c., are quite common in every part of Ireland as forming part of our nomenclature. Upper. Uachdar signifies the upper part. It is also the word for cream (as being on the top of the milk), but we may leave this meaning out of the question here, though in some places the people be- lieve that this is the sense it bears in local names. It is sometimes used to designate a high place simply ; but it is oftener applied in a comparative sense to in- dicate that the place is higher than some other in the same neighbourhood. Its usual form is oughte)\ which is easily recognised. There is a hill a mile north of the Recess hotel, on the road from Clifden to Galway, just at the eastern base of the Twelve Pins, called CHAP. XXTV.] Situation. 415 Lissoughter, upper fort, probably from a Us or fort on its summit. Jiilloughter, upper church, is a place near Eathnew in Wicklow, which gives its name to a railway station; and there is a townland of the same name near Ballyhaise in Cavan. The townland of Bally oughter in the parish of Moyaliff in Tippe- rary, should have been called Bella-oughter ; for the name was originally applied to a ford across the Clodiagh river, over which there is now a bridge ; and its Irish form is Bel-atha-uachdair, the mouth of the upper ford. There are places of this name in the same county and in Mayo, and some townlands in Wexford called Balloughter ; but these are probably Baile-iiachdm\ upper town. Oughteranny, partly the name of a barony in Kildare, is anglicised from Uachdar-fhine^ upper fines or district. The adjective form uachdarach is as common as the original ; it is seen in its several anglicised forms in Ballyoughteragh, Ballyoughtragh, and Ballyough- tra; all signifying upper town. The word nac/idar is not unfrequently anglicised water ; as in Clowater near Borris in Carlow, Cloch-iiaclidar, upper stone or stone castle ; and this change operating on the ad- jective form has given origin to Watree near Glow- ran in Kilkenny, which is simply the phonetic reduc- tian of Uachdaraighe, upper lands. Lower. The opposite term to iiachdar is ioclidar, which signifies lower ; and this and the adjective form •iochdarach^ appear in anglicised names in such forms as eighter^ eighteragk, etra^ &c , which are illus- trated inCarroweighter in Eoscommon, lower quarter- hind ; in Broighter on the railway line between Mngilligan and Derry, hroghiocJidcu\ lower brugh or foit; and in Moyeightragh near Killarney, lower plain. In the parish of Desertoghili in Derry, there 416 Situation, [chap. XXIV. are two adjacent townlands called Moyletra Kill and Moyletra Toy. Moyletra signifies lower mael or hill ; kill is " church toy is tuath, a layman, or belonging to the laity ; and these two distinguishing terms indicate that one of the townlands belonged to some church, and the other to a lay proprietor. Very often when a townland was divided into two, the parts were distinguished by the terms oiighter and cigMe)\ upper and lower, or by the anglicised adjec- tive forms otra and etra, or otre and etre ; which is seen in Moy Etra and Moy Otra in the parish of Clontibret in Monaghan, lower Moy (plain) and upper Moy ; as well as in many other names. Low. Iscal [eeshal] means low in situation. In its most correct anglicised form it is seen in Gort- eeshal near Ballj^poreenin Tipperary, low field; and in Agheeshal in Monaghan, low ford. There is another much better known place of this name in Tipperary, on the river Suir, four miles from Cashel, but incorrectly anglicised Athassel, where stand the fine ruins of the priory founded in the twelfth century by William Fitz-Adelm. The annalists w^rite the name Ath-iseal, and the ford was probably so called to distinguish it from the ford at Grolden, a mile higher up the river. The people of the place, how- ever, believe that it means merely "shallow ford"; for they say that even children can cross it when the river is in its ordinary state. Magh-iseal [Moy-eeshal] low plain or field, is the name of several places, but it is usually contracted to two syllables : in Carlow it assumes the form of Myshall, the name of a village and parish ; in the parish of Magourney in Cork, is the townland of Meeshall ; and near Bandon in the same county, there is a place called Mishells, low plains. i CHAP. XXIV.] Situation* 417 Middle. We have several words for middle, the most common of Avhieh is eadar [adder], old Irish form eta}\ cognate with Latin iiiter : the literal mean- ing of the word is between.'^ Names were formed from this word on account of the position of the places or objects between two others. It is seen in Grrag- adder near Kilcock in Kildare, central graig or village. Similar to this in signification are Adder- ville and Adderwal in Donegal, both meaning central town, the last syllable of each representing the Irish haile. Another form is exhibited in Ederglen in Mayo, and Edercloon in Longford, central glen and meadow. The Four Masters mention a church situated somewhere near Armagh, called MagJi-etir- di-ghlais^ the plain between the two streams ; which Dr. Reeves (Adamn. p. 154, note) considers is pro- bably Magheraglass in the parish of Kildress near Cookstown in Tyrone ; for besides the similarity of the names, there are in this townland the remains of an ancient chapel. From eada)\ by the addition of the suffix nach (p. 6) is derived the adjective form eadar nach ; from which comes Edernagli near Cookstown in Tyrone, meaning central place. The oblique inflection changes this to Ederny, wdiich is the name of a village in the north of Fermanagh. There are two townlands in the same county called Dooederny, black central- land {doo from duhh^ black). Another adjective form is eadar acli^ which gives name to Bally adclragh near Greenore point, south of Wexford harbour ; and to Dunadry three miles from the town of Antrim (pro- nounced by the Scotch settlers Dan-eddery), central dim or fort, in which the termination is modified by oblique inflection. MvadJioii [maan] is anotlier term for middle, cor- 418 Situation, [chap. XXIV. responding with Latin mediics. In one of its angli- cised forms it is seen in Inishmaan, the name of the middle island of Aran in Galway bay ; and there are other islands of the same name in the slightly modi- fied forms of Inishmean and Inishmaine, in Lough Melvin and Lough Mask. Inishmaine near the eastern shore of Lough Mask, has the ruins of an abbey which is mentioned by the Pour Masters at A.D. 1223, by the name of Inis-meadhon, The barony of Kilmaine and the parish of Kilmainemore in Mayo, both take their names from an old church situated in the parish, which the annalists call Cill- meadhon^ middle church. The adjective form meadhon- ach [maanagh] also enters into names, usually in the forms menagh andmena; as in Drummenagh, the name of some townlands in Armagh, Tyrone, and Fermanagh, middle ridge. But the is often aspi- rated to t\ an instance of which is Eeevanagh in the parish of Tiscofiin in Kilkenny, middle reidh or moun- tain flat. The word Idr [laur], which properly signifies the ground, or a floor, is used to denote the middle ; and in this sense it often finds its vay into names, usually in the forms of If! re or laur, Eosslare is a long narrow peninsula near Wexford, giving name to a parish ; its name signifies middle peninsula ; and it was pro- bably so called as being the boundary between Wex- ford Haven and the outer sea. Ballinlaur in the parish of Kilreekil in Galway, is Baile-an-ldir, the town of the middle, or middle town ; Ennislare in the parish of Lisnadill in Armagh, middle island or river meadow. Across. Tarsna signifies across, i. e. it is applied to anything liaving a transverse position with respect to something else. The word is always anglicised CHAP. XXIV.] Situation. 419 tarsna, or by metathesis, trasnay and cannot be mis- taken, so that one or two illustrations- v/ill be suffi- cient. Kiltrasna is the name of a townland in Cavan, and of another in Galway, whose Irish form is Coili-tarsna, cross-wood ; Drumtarsna near Bor- risoleigh in Tipperary, cross ridge. Trasna is the name of a townland in Fermanagh, and Tarsna of another in Tipperary ; there is a small island in Strangford Lough called Trasnagh ; one in Upper Lough Erne, and another in Lower Lough Erne, near Enniskillen, called Trasna ; all so called on account of their transverse position. NeaF, outer. The word gar, near, is occasionally employed to form names. In the centre of Grlengar- riff bay, is a little island called Garinish, near island ; it was so called by the people of Glengarriff to indicate its relative position in respect to the more distant island of Whiddy; so also Garinish near Sneem is compared with Sherky, lying further out ; and there are several other islets of the same name round the coast of Cork and Kerry. The whole district in which the village and parish of Kiltamagh in Mayo are situated, was formerly wooded, which is plainly indicated by the number of local names in the neighbourhood containing the word coill a word, or the pliu'al coillte ; such as Kyletrasna, cross wood ; Kylewee, yellow wood ; and The Woods," which is the name of a little hamlet one mile from Kiltamagh. Two miles east of the village, there are two small lakes near each other ; one called Cuiltybo (lake), the woods of the cow, which is also the name of places elsewhere ; and the other Cuiltybobigge (lake), the woods of the little cow. The Irish name of the village and parish is Coillte-amach^ outer woods ; and the people 2 E 2 420 The Cardinal Points. [chap. xxv. say that these old woods were so called because they formed the western or outer extremity of the ancient forest. CHAPTEE XXV. THE CARDINAL POINTS. When we find the term for one of the cardinal points forming part of a local name, we may infer that the object or place was so called on account of its direction, either from the people who gave it the name, or from some other place or object or territory lying near it. The four cardinal points were designated hy the Irish in the same way as by the ancient Hebrews and the Indians ; for they got names which expressed their position with regard to a person standing with his face to the east.* Ead, The original Irish word for the east is oir [ur, er] ; which however, is often written soir and thoir [sur, hur] ; and a derivative form oirthear [urher, erher], is used in the oldest Irish writings. Moreover, the first and last are often written air and airthear {air is everything eastern : Cor. Grl.). Our ancient literature aff'ords ample proof that these words were used from the earliest times to signify both the front and the east, and the same double application continues in use at the present day. As one instance out of many, may be cited the two- fold translation of air titer in the ancient druidical * SeeZeuss; Gram. Celt, page 57, note. CHAP. XXV.] The Cardinal Points, 421 prophecy of the coming of St. Patrick : — A miasa i n-airther a iighV^ (his dishes [shall be] in the east of his house). For while Murchu, in the Book of Armagh, translates airtlier by the Latin word anterior^ or front, on the other hand the same word in the same passage has been translated by its more usual equivalent oriens or orientalis (i. e, east) in the Scholia to Fiech's Hymn, and in several of the Lives of St. Patrick — (See Eeeves's Adamnan — page 82). Oir is usually represented in anglicised names by ei\ It commonly occurs in the end of names, and when it does, it always carries the accent, a test by which it may generally be recognised. TuUaher (accent on her) the name of a townland and also of a lake, four miles nearly east of Kilkee in Clare, represents the Irish TiiIaeh-ou\ eastern hill; Emlagher in the parish of Cam in Kildare, two miles south of Curragh Camp, and Annagher at the village of Coal Island, four miles from I)ungannon in Tyrone — both signify eastern marsh {imleaeh, canach^ a marsh). There is a celebrated abbey near Killarney which is now always known by the name of Mucross ; but this is really the name of the peninsula on which it stands (see Mucross in 1st Ser.), and the proper name of the abbey, as we find it in many old autho- rities, is Oirbheallach [Ervallagh], the eastern i^'^'/r/r-A or pass ; which Anglo Irish writers usually anglicise Irrelagh. The present abbey was built in the year 1340, according to the Four Masters, for Franciscan friars, by Donall MacCarthy More, prince of Des- mond ; but we know from the Irish annals that a church was situated there long previously. There is a tradition current in the county regarding the 422 The Cardinal Points. [chap. xxV. foundation of the abbey, that MacCarthy More was admonished in a vision to erect a monastery at a place called Carraig-an-chiuil [Carrigahule], the rock of the ccol or music ; but as he knew no such rock, he sent out a number of his followers to search for a place bearing this name. They searched long in vain, and were returning home unsuccessful and downcast; when as they were passing by OirbheaJach^ they heard a sweet strain of music issuing from a rock; and they came straight to their chieftain, and told him what had occurred. MacCarthy More hearing their story, at once concluded that this was the very rock which had been revealed to him in his vision, and he immediately began to build the monastery.* (See O'Donovan, Four M. III. 566.) This name Oirhhealach is found elsewhere also ; in the form of Ervallagh it designates three town- lands in Galway, one in Connemara, and the other two near Ahascragh. One mile from Headford in the same county, lie the ruins of the monastery of Eosserrily, which, according to the Four Masters, was founded for Franciscans in the year 1351. In recording its foundation they call it Ros-oirhhealaigh, the wood of the eastern pass, the sound of which is well conveyed by its present name ; but at the year 1604 they call it JRos-Iriala, which would mean Irial's wood. It is likely that the former is the cor- rect ancient name. The other form orthcar, is also common in local nomenclature. The ancient kingdom of Oriel, which was founded by the three Collas in a.d. 332, com- * The legend of music heard from rocks is very general in Ireland ; and I lake it that this is the origin of the name Carrigapheepera, the Piper's Kock, applied to certain rocks in many parts of the country : perhaps some were dancing places. CHAP. XXV.] TJie Cardinal Points, 423 prised the present counties of Monaghan, Armagh, and Louth ; the eastern part of it, which was the patrimony of the O'Hanlons, received the name so often met with in our annals, Oirtheara [Orhera]. This word is plural, and was originally applied not to the territory, but to the inhabitants ; and it is trans- lated by several of the Latin-Irish writers Orienfaks, i. e. easterns or eastern people ; and it was also called Crioch-na-nOirthear^ which carries out the same idea ; for the latter part is in the genitive plural, and the whole designation has been trans- lated by Probus in his Life of St. Patrick, Regio Orientaliuni, literally the country of the eastern people. But after a fashion very common in Leland, the territory ultimately got the name of the people *who inhabited it ; and the ancient Airtheara still exists in the modernised form Orior, as the name of two baronies in the east of the county Armagh. The same anglicised form of Oirtliear appears in TuUy orior, the name of a townland in the parish of Grarvaghy in Down, not far from Banbridge — eastern tulach or hill. * The most easterly of the old forts in the ancient TaiUteann or Teltown (see Teltown in 1st. Ser.) on the Blackwater, near Kells in Meath, was called JRath-airthir, (Four M.) eastern fort ; but its present Irish name is Baile-orthaicUie [Ballyory], a modifi- cation of the old designation ; and this again has been translated into Oristown, which is now the name of a village and of two townlands, occupying the old site. The most eastern of the Aran islands is called by Cormac MacCuUenan Ara-airthir^ i. e. eastern Aran. Its present anglicised name is Inisheer, which is very puzzling ; for it exactly re- presents the pronunciation of Inissiar^ tvestern 421 The Cardinal Points, [chap. xxV. island ; and it is hard to believe that it could have been modernised from Inis-soir — for I ha\^e never found soir represented by s/wer^ or oir by eer, in anglicised names. PerhajDS we may take Inisheer as it stands, and interpret it western island, on the supposition that this was a later name given to the island by the people of the mainland about Galway. lav [eer] signifies the hinder part, a meaning which is illustrated in the word iayhall, applied to the tail of an animal, i. e. the hinder ball or member (seep. 402). It also signifies the west; in which sense it appears in Ardaneer near Shanagolden in Limerick, the western height. This word more usually enters into names in the adjective form iarach or iarthach. There is a moun- tain called Baurearagh, over Grlengarriff in Cork, near the tunnel on the Ken mare road, which also gives name to the stream flowing through the deep valley which you cross going towards Kenmare after leaving the tunnel ; the name is Barr-iarachj western summit. Cloonearagli in Kerry and Roscommon, western cloon or meadow. The western extremity of Little Island in the Lee below Cork, is called In- chera, which was probably the original name of the whole island, for it means western island — Iiiis-iar- ihacli — so called on account of its position with re- spect to the Great Island. As oir is often used with an initial so iar is quite common in the form of siar [sheer]. Clonshire, a townland giving name to a parish in Limerick, was probably so called on account of its direction from Adare — ClHai)isiar^ western meadow ; and Cloonshear near Inchigeelagh in Cork, has the same meaning. There is a derivative form, iarthar, corresponding CHAl*. XXV.] The Cardinal Points. 425 with oirthear (page 420), wliich is in very general use ; but as I have not found it in any of our surviving local names, I will not notice it further. Deas [dass] means literally the right hand side ; old Irish form dcs, corresponding with Lat. dextra, Grr. dexia, Sanscr. daksha ; and it is also the word for the south, as the right hand lies towards the south when the face is turned to the east. The word is used in both senses at the present day ; and it would be easy to prove by quotations from old Irish authorities, that this was the case in the very earliest ages. It is often written teas [tassj of which we have a very good example in Eatass^ a parish in Kerry, near Tralee, Avhich took its name from a fort : — Rath-teas^ southern fort. This word as forming the names of two territories in Ireland, reminds us of an interesting event in our early history. In the time of Cormac MacArt, monarch of Ireland in the third century, there dwelt at the south side of Tara, a tribe descended from Fiacha-Suicjhdhe [Feeha See], who was brother of Conn of the Hundred Battles, and consequently Cormac's grand-uncle. As they lived south of Tara, they were called Besi^ southerns, or southern people* (just like Airtkeara, eastern people —p. 423) ; and the two baronies of Deese in Meath still retain their name. Cormac on one occasion sent his son Kellach with a body of warriors to enforce the borumean tribute or cow tax, which Tuathal the Acceptable, king of Ireland, had imposed on Leinster about 150 years * This is the interprctaticn of Dr. Todd, Proc. R. I. A., MS. Ser., p, 25 ; and it is contirmed by Zeuss, Gram. Celt. 57, note. I 426 The Cardinal Points. [chap. xxv. before, and which the Leinster people scarcely ever paid without compulsion. Kellach returned with the cows; but he exceeded his instructions, and insulted the Leinstermen by bringing also 150 maidens into captivity. Among these there hap- pened to be one who belonged to the Desi, and not to the tribute paying tribes of Leinster. At this time the principal man of the Desi was Aengus, a powerful chieftain, who had proclaimed himself the defender of his tribe and the avenger of all insults offered to them ; and he always carried a celebrated spear which has become inseparably connected with his name, for he was called, and is known in history as, Aengus of the poison-javelin.* This chieftain was the maiden's uncle ; and as soon as he heard of the degradation of his kinswoman, he went straight to Tara, where he found her among others of the cap- tives, fetching water for the palace from the well of Nemnach. He returned with her to his own house, repaired again to Tara,t and this time went into the king's presence. Here after an angry altercation, Aengus slew the king's son, Kellach, with one thrust of his terrible spear; and when drawing out the weapon in his fury, he accidentally struck the king's eye with the point and destroj^ed it ; while at the same moment the end of the handle struck the house steward and killed him on the spot. In the confusion that followed Aengus escaped and reached his home in safety. As it was unlawful for a king with a personal blemish to reign at Tara, Cormac abdicated and retired to a private residence at Acail/y or the hill * Irish, Ae7igus Gaei-huaibJitech, t Keating assigns a different cause for Aengus's hostility. CHAP. XXV.] The Cardinal Points. 427 of Skreen, in the neiglibourhood of Tara, whel*e lie spent the remainder of his days. Meantime he began criminal proceedings against the Desi to re- cover damages for the threefold injury ; and in a great assembly convened on the hill of Usnagh (in Westmeath), it was decided that the tribe, instead of being free as heretofore, should in future pay tribute to Cormac and his descendants, and acknow- ledge themselves as vassals for ever. The Desi re- jected these terms with indignation, and a long feud followed, which ended in the expulsion of the whole tribe from their original home. They wandered for many years through different parts of Leinster and Munster, till at length they settled in the latter province, in a territory given to them by the Mun- ster king, Olioll Oluni. This district lies in the present county of Waterford ; and the two baronies of Decies still preserve the name of the tribe, though they do not include the whole of the ancient territory. It will be observed that the original word Desi is plural (meaning people and not territory), and by the addition of the English inflection s, the idea of plurality is retained in the present name Decies.* Deisceart [deskart], a derivative from deas^ is a term in more general use to designate the south than the original ; the latter syllable is cognate with Latin 7;ars (for Irish e often corresponds to Latin p) : — deisceart^ southern part or direction. From this word is derived the name of the two townlands of Deskart in Monaghan, and that of Diskirt in the parish of Ardclinis in Antrim. * This account has been taken from Dr. Todd's translation of the original in the ancient Book of Fermoy (Proc. K.LA., MSS. Ser. 25). Another version, differing in some particulars, is given by O'Curry, Lect. IL, 326. 428 The Cardinal Points, [chap. xxV. Deiswl [dessliul] is another derivative from r/m-s, and signifies towards the right hand, or southwards. The Celtic peo]3le were — and are still — accustomed to turn sunwise, i. e. from left to right, in the per- formance of various rites, some of them religious, some merely superstitious : and the word deisiol was used to designate this way of turning. Toland notices this custom (Celtic Eel. p. 14'3) ; and Martin describes it as existing in his day among the Scotic people of the Hebrides (p. 20). In Cormac's Glos- sary (voce priili) the spirit of j)oetry in the form of a young man, kingly, radiant," is stated to have met SencJidn Torpeid (chief poet of Ireland in the time of Guaire Aidhne king of Connaught in the seventh century), and "then he goes sunwise {dessinl) round Senchan and his people." Readers of Kenilworth will remember how the old leech made the dcasil by walking three times in the direc- tion of the sun round the wounded Edward, before beginning his examination of the wound. Even at this day the Irish peasantry when they are burying their dead, walk at least once — sometimes three times — round the grave yard wdth the coffin from left to right. From left to right is considered luckj^ ; the opposite direction, unlucky. Tempo or Tempo- Deshill in Fermanagh, has been already quoted as deriving its name from this custom ; and the word also forms part of Modeshil, the name' of a parish in Tipperary ; but here it is probably intended to designate simple direction : — Magh-deidol^ southern plain. Tuaitli [tooa] means properly the left hand ; and as dea^ is applied to the south, so this word is used to signify the north. About eleven miles due north from Eatass (p. 425), there is another parish with CHAP. XXVI. J Various Circumstances, 429 the corresponding name ot Jla,ttoo Hath-tuciidhy northern fort. It took its name from a rath ; but whether Eatass and Eattoo received their names by comparison one with another, or each with some other rath, I will not undertake to determine. The word assumes various forms which are exem- plified in the following names. There is a place called Kiltoy, one mile from Letterkenny in Donegal, whose name is a corruption of the Irisli Cul-fuaid/i, northern cool or back of a hill. Much the same meaning has Tievetooey in the parisli of Temple- earn in the same county, northern hill-side (taebJi) ; Cloontooa in Galway and Mayo, northern meadow. Yery often the first t is changed to A by aspiration, as in Drumhoy in the parish of Aghavea in Fer- managh — Druim'thuaigh^ northern ridge. And in Cork and Kerry we often find a hard g in the end ; as in Eaheenyhooig near Dingle, Raithmidhe-tlmaig northern little forts. Corresponding with deiscearf, we have tuaisceart, — northern part or direction, which enters into the names of Cloontuskert and Clontuskert, already quoted in First Series. (See for ample illustration of this word, Eeeves, Eccl. Ant. p. 71.) * CHAPTEE XXYI. VARIOUS QUALITIES AND CIRCUMSTANCES. Disputes about land are of common occurrence in all countries where the population is moderately dense, and where the majority of the people are engaged in agricultural pursuits. In Ireland there have been plenty of such contentions, from the ear- 430 Various Circmmtances. [chap. xxvi. liest historical times to the present day ; and I sup- pose they will never entirely cease. We have a singular way of recording squabbles of this kind, for the lands themselves often retain names indicat- ing the feuds maintained by the parties who disputed their possession. We see this in plain English in Controversy," the name of a townland in the parish of Killoscully in Tipperary ; and in " Controversy Land'' in the north of Queen's County; both of which are translations of some of the Irish terms that follow. It is also seen in Clamper Land," a place in the parish of Lower Cumber in Derry, whose name means disputed land; for clamparis a wrangle or a dispute. The same word, and for a like reason, appears in Clamperpark near Athenry in Gralway ; in Coolaclamper near Cahir in Tipperary (cul, a hill- back) ; and in Clampernow in the parish of Clon- dermot in Derry, new controversy," i. e. land which had recently been the subject of dispute. Imreas [immeras] means a controversy or dispute of any kind. There are fields in various parts of the south of Ireland, called Parkanimerish, the field of the controversy — one for instance near Mitclielstown in- Cork ; Boulanimerish (hall a spot) is a place near Killorglin in Kerry ; Meenanimerish is situated four miles north east of Killybegs in Donegal {meen a mountain meadow) ; and Ummeras, which signifies simply contention, is the name of a townland in the parish of Lackagh in Kildare. A name very like these is Quintinmanus near Dungannon, the first part of w^hichis cotntia, controversy : — Manus's con- troversy or disputed land. Several other terms are used to express conten- tions, disputes, and squabbles of various kinds ; but it would not be safe to assert that the land bearing CHAP. XXVI.] . Various Circtmstances, 431 the name was itself, in every case, the subject of the dispute. In some at least of the following cases, we may assume that the name merely commemorates a contention ; but what it was all about it would now be vain to conjecture. Near Lismore in Waterford, there is a townland with the name of Knockacomor- tish, the second part of which is a common Irish word, comdrtus, signifying emulation, comparison, or contention. Probably the inference to be drawn from this name is, that the little hill {knock) was the scene of peasant gatherings in former times, where the young men used to contend with each other in hurling and other athletic games and sports. There is a townland in the parish of Templeport in Cavan, called TuUynaconspod, the hill of the con- troversy (consjwid). Trodan signifies a quarrel ; and from this word we have the names of two places in Armagh : — Oarricktroddan in the parish of Grrange, and Ballytroddan in the parish of Olonfeacle, the rock, and the townland, of the quarrel or strife. The word togher we know generally signifies a causeway ; but in a few cases it represents the Irish word tacha)\ a battle or skirmish. The Carntogher mountains in Derry took their name from some par- ticular hill with a earn on its summit : and that from a battle fought round it at some unknown time, all record of which is lost except the old name, which Colgan writes Carn'tachau\ battle mound. It is not improbable that the earn may have been erected in commemoration of the battle. There is a place near the town of Eoscommon now called Cloontogher ; but the natives, when speaking Irish call it, not Cluain't6chai)\ but Cluain4achair ; and here we may conclude with certainty that the cloon or meadow was the scene of some memorable fight. The village 432 Various Circumstances. [chap. xxvi. of Balliutoglier in Sligo is niontionecl tlireo times by the Four Masters ; at 1500 tlioy give the name liaik-an-tdc/iair, the town of the causeway, which tlio present name correctly represents ; but on two otlier occasions they call it livl-ait-tdcJiair, the ford- mouth of the battle. It is very unusual for tlio annalists to contradict themselves in the spelling of a name ; and perliaps we may suspect that in these records diilV^'cnt places are meant. The Miskish mountains near Castletown Bear- liaven in Cork, took tlieir name from one particular hill, called Slieve ^liskisli, tlie mountain of enmity. Tiie word mioscui.s (the sound of wliich is exactly represented by Miskish) signifies enmity, spite, or hatred {miscuis, odium ; Z. 749) ; and this name would seem to indicate tliat tlie possession of tlie moinitain was long and bitterly disputed by two neighbouring clans or proprietora. l)unglow in Donegal took its name from afiglit or contention of some kind. The present village was origimiUy called Cloghanlea (grey clofihan or step- ])ing-stones) : the real Dunglow lies a little distance oif : but a good many years ago, a fair which was held there was transferred to Cloglianlea, as a more convenient place ; and the name followed tlie fair. Tlie latter syllable of tlie name — Irish (jlco — signifies a noisy contention or tumult; and Dunglow means the fort of contention or strife. There are two to\\nilands in Leitrim called Conray, and one named Conrea in ^Layo : in these places the disputes must have tormiuat(Ml in a pacific manner ; for the name represents the Irish word cuinwudh, a covenant or treaty. We have a name of tliis kind in the county AVieklow, which is very satisfactorily explained in some of our old books, for it originated CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances, 433 in a historical event. The following account is taken from an ancient historical tale called "The Battle of Dunbolg." In A. D. 598, was funght the terrible battle of Dunbolg near Hollywood in Wicklow (see p. 192, sujmi), between Bran Dubh, king of Leinster, and Hugh Mac Ainmire, monarch of Ireland, in which the latter was slain and his army routed. Some time before the battle, Bran Dubh went up on the high grounds with a strong detachment, to recon- noitre the royal army ; and on Slieve Nechtan, a mountain overlooking the plain of Kildare, he fell in with a considerable band of Uiidians, who had come from their own province to the assistance of Hugh. Bran Dubh immediately took them prisoners, and ultimately persuaded them to join his own army, and fight against the king of Ireland. Whereupon both parties entered into a solemn treaty of friend- ship ; in commemoration of which they erected a earn on the mountain, and changed its name from Slieve Nechtan to Slieve Cadaigh, the mountain of the covenant. It is a large and conspicuous moun- tain rising over the left of the road as you go from Hollywood to Donard, about midway between them ; and it is still well known by the name, in the slightly altered form of Slive Gadoe ; but it is some- times called Church Mountain, from a little church ruin, with a holy w^ell near it, standing on its summit. There is a place called Drumalagagh in the county Eoscommon, four miles east of Ballinasloe. The word ealagach signifies noble — readers of early Irish history will remember that Tnis-eahja, noble island, was one of the ancient bardic names of Ire- land ; but in the neighbourhood of the place in ques- tion, the people understand the term in the sense of 2 F 434 Various Circumstances. [chap. XXVI. just " — the ridge of justice or equity. Accordingly the chief residence in the townland is now univer- sally called Mount Equity. Perhaps we may be permitted to conjecture that in old times some cele- brated brehon (or judge) lived there ; and if this were the case, the present name would be singularly appropriate. In and near the town of Urlingford in Kilkenny, the people have a very vivid tradition of a great battle fought round the spot where the little river now crosses the road under a bridge at the town. The account states that a king of Ossory led a plun- dering expedition into Tipperary ; and that when returning with immense herds of cattle and spoils of every kind, he was pursued by the vengeful Munster army under a leader named Finn, and overtaken at the ford, where there was then no bridge. Here a dreadful battle was fought ; the Ossorians were ultimately driven back, and the Munstermen re- covered the spoils ; and the slaughter was so great that the stream was impeded in its course by the heaps of slain. There can be little doubt that this tradition is founded on fact ; for it is corroborated by the name of the town, which is called in Irish, Afh-na-nurlalgh [Ah-na-noorly], the ford of the slaughters ; and the present name is a half translation of this : — Urlingford, i. e. slaughter-ford. The word martra, which literally signifies martyr- dom, is borrowed from Greek through Latin ; but it has been long naturalised in Irish. It was some- times applied to any place where there was a massacre or slaughter : and of this there is a very good example in an ancient poem quoted by O'Curry in his Lectures (11. 344 : the poem relates that CHAP. xxvT.] Various Circumstances, 43o Nindc, prince of Tirconnell, now Donegal, made a predatory incursion into Oonnaught, but that he was overtaken and defeated with great slaughter, at the old cataract of Eas-dara or Ballysadare) : — Ten hundred heads of the Conalh'ans AVas their loss ere they reached Eas-dara ; The defeat of the flood we gave To Ninde and his shouting hosts ; We changed the name of the cold cataract ; From thenceforth it is called Martra.^^ But the word sometimes means relics" (of mar- tyrs ?) ; and this may be its meaning in some local names. There are a good many places scattered here and there through the country, whose names contain this word ; and at several of them the people still retain dim traditions of massacres in olden times. One of the best known is Castlemartyr in Cork, whose proper name is Ballynamartra — for so it is written in the Annals of the Four Masters, and in the Depositions of 1652 — signifying the town of the martyrdom or slaughter. A townland in the parish of Witter in Down has much the same name, — Ballymarter — which has a similar meaning and origin. Two miles west of Macroom in Cork is Kilnamartry, now the name of a parish, the church of the massacre, or of the relics. The simple word has given names to Martara in Kerry, to Martray in Tyrone, and to Martry in Clare, Meath, and Ros- common ; and we may I suppose apply to some or all of these the explanation given of the name Ilartra in the above quotation, that each place was at some former time the scene of a massacre of some kind. I am greatly puzzled to account for names — of 436 Various Circtlmsiances, [chap. XXVI. wliicli there are several— containing the word anam^ the soul (gen. anma: the Latin cDiima, borrowed); such, for instance, as Killananima in the parish of Killanummery in Leitrim, whose original form there can be no question about, for the Four Masters write it CoiU'an'Cinma^ the wood of the soul ; and Killy- nanum in the parish of Denn in Cavan, which has the same meaning. Some believe that places with such names were bequeathed to some church or monastery for the soul's health of the donor or of some relative ; while others again assert that the names originated in ghosts. But this is all conjecture ; and I will give a few examples of such names, without being able to throw any further light on the matter. There is a place called Knockananima in the parish of Killukin, in the north of Eoscommon : — Cnoc-an-anma, the hill of the soul. Drummonum [druim, a hill-ridge) is a townland near the town of Cavan ; Annaghananam {eanach, a marsh) in the parish of Desertcreat in Tyrone ; Ballinanima near Kilfinane in Limerick, and Ballynanama in other places: — Baile-an-anma, the town of the soul. When we meet with local names formed from the words for certain seasons, festivals, or days of the week, we may, I think, fairly conclude that the pea- santry were formerly in the habit of meeting at these places at the times indicated, for the celebration, of .games or festivals. I have already enumerated many names of this kind (1st Ser. Part II. c vi.), and I will here instance a few more, quite as interesting. In many parts of Ireland the young people used to meet on Easter Sunday or Easter Monday, and amuse themselves with various sports and pastimes ; but the custom has nearly died out. We find these CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 437 meetings sometimes commemorated by the word cdiso [causk], signifying Easter, which is merely the Latin loan-word with the usual change of^; to c, as in ctircur from purpura. Near Abbeydorney in Kerry is a place called Knocknacaska, the hill of Easter. There is a little island in the river Shiven in Gral- way, two miles above its junction with the Suck, called Island Causk, which has left its name on the adjacent bridge. Laghtcausk, 'Eastev lar/ht or sepul- chral mound, lies near Elphin in Roscommon ; Boolanacausk in the parish of Killeely in Clare, and Midlanacask in the parish of Errigle Trough in Monaghan, the dairy place {hooley) and the hill summit {pndlacli) of Easter. There is a townland near the village of Street in Westmeath called Cor- nacausk, and another in Galway, near Athleague, called Cornacask; both signify the round hill of Easter ; and the latter has the alias name — not quite correct though — of Easterfield. I suppose the youths and maidens used to retire on Saturdays to the shore of the lonely lake of Coomasaharn — or as it is usually and correctly called by the peasantry, Coomataharn — eight miles east of Cahersiveen in Kerry, and refresh themselves with a merry-making after the week's toil: — Cum-a- tsathairn^ the valley of Saturday. So also with Agha- taharn in the parish of Aghamore in the east of Mayo, Acliadh'Ci -tsatliairn, Saturday field, the eclipsing t of this name being preserved on the Ordnance Maps, as it ought to be. "We find spring and summer often commemo- rated in this manner ; but here we may probably conclude that the places were so called from their warm and sunny aspect, or because the leaves be- came green or the flowers began to bloom sooner 438 Various Circumstances, [chap. xxyi. tlian elsewhere in the neighbourhood. There is a place in the parish of Ardcarn near Lough Key in Roscommon, called Derreenanarry — Doirin-an- earraigh, the little oak-grove of spring: earracli^ spring ; Lat. ver ; Gr. eao\ Our word for summer is samhradh [so wa], corresponding with the German sommer, A. Saxon sinner, Eng. sinnmer. Near Old- castle in Meath, there is a place called Drumsawry, with the alias name of summer bank, which is suffi- ciently correct {drnim, a hill-ridge) ; and this was the old name of the village of Summerhill in the same county, as appears from the Down Survey map, and other old documents. In the north of Ireland the aspirated m is usually restored to its primitive sound, as we find in Lurgan- tamry in the parish of Donaghcloney in Down, (lurgan, a long low hill) ; in which also the s is eclipsed by as commonly happens in other names. This change, and the south Munster final g sound, are both exemplified in Maughantoorig in the parish of Kilcummin, north east of Killarney, which very well represents the sound of the Irish Macha'Cni' tsamhraig, the farm-yard of summer ; and there is a small lake with this same name, one mile south of the village of Killorglin in the same county. It is highly probable that the people used to feed their cattle, and live themselves, in these places during the summer half J^ear, which was formerly a common practice in many parts of Ireland (see ''booley " in 1st Ser.) ; and that this circumstance gave rise to the names. There are several terms, besides those already enumerated in the former volume, which denote popular meetings and assemblies of various kinds ; and nearly all go to form local names, indicating CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 439 the places where the meetings used to be held. One of these is drong^ which is still in common use for a crowd, party, or troop ; and it was sometimes used to denote a sept or tribe or any particular people — for instance it is often found in this sense in the topographical poem of O'Dugan. It is obviously cog- nate with the A.Saxon and English word throng. There is a conspicuous hill called Drung, rising over Ken- mare Bay, on the left of the road from Kenmare to Eyeries ; and this is the very form of the name found in the Book of Rights. This is also the name of two townlands and of a little river in Donegal, as well as of a townland in Cavan, which gives its name to a parish. The oblique form, Dring, is the name of some places in the counties of Cavan, Fer- managh, and Longford. Perhaps these places were so called, not from meetings, but from being inha- bited by some remarkable or unusually powerful sept, tribe, or people. The diminutive Drungan is the name of a town- land in the parish of Eossinver in Leitrim ; and another diminutive, Dringeen, occurs near Cong in Mayo. We have the word in combination in Agh- nadrung near Virginia in Cavan, Achadh-na-ndrong, the field of the tribes, meetings, or throngs ; and in Cornadrung on tlie western shore of Lough Gowna in Cavan, the round hill of the septs or assemblies. The Irish borrowed the word synodiis from the Latin in the early ages of Christianity ; and the form it assumed in the Irish language was senad or senud. One of the raths at Tara was called Rath- seanaidh,, synod fort, from the fact that three eccle- siastical meetings were held on it at different times, by the three great saints, Patrick, Brendan, and Adapman. There is an island in Upper Lough 440 Various Circumstances, [chap. xxvi. Erne whose ancient name was seiiad, i. e. synod (island), but why it got this name there seems no means of finding out. It was for a long time in possession of the family of MacManus, and hence it is usually called in the annals, Senad MacManus ; but this old name has been long obsolete, and the island is now called, on account of its beauty, Belle- Isle. _ . This island is a classical spot, for it was here the Annals of Ulster were compiled by Cathal Mac Manus, who, besides being a very learned man and a great historian, kept a house of hospitality on the island, where he died of small pox, according to the Four Masters, in A.D. 1498. It was O'Donovan who first identified Belle-Isle with Senad MacManus — a mere unit of his innumerable discoveries in Irish historical topography ; and I wish very much that Mr. Porter, the present proprietor, would restore the old name. The only place in Ireland that I am aware of, now bearing a name derived from this word, is Shanid near Shanagolden in Limerick, remarkable for its fine castle ruins, perched on the summit of a hill. This castle was one of the seats of the earls of Des- mond—the powerful Fitzgeralds — and it was from this that one branch of the family adopted the war cry of Shanid-Aboo, which is still the motto of the Knight of Glin ; while the Leinster branch, repre- sented by the Duke of Leinster, retains the motto, Crom-aboo, from the castle of Groom in the same county. The commonages, so generally met with near villages, not only in Ireland, but also in England and Scotland, are designated in this cou.ntry by several terms, the naost usual being coitchionn [cut- CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 441 teen] : coitchen^ commune : Z. 179. The simple word gives name to several places in the south, now called Cutteen ; to Cottian in Donegal ; and to Cautheen in Tipperary. The plural is seen in Cut- teanta in Sligo (commons) ; the adjective form in Cotteenagh, the name of a little island in the Shannon near Clonmacnoise ; and we have the word in com- bination in Ardcotten near Balljsadare in Sligo, the heio:ht of the common anre. I have already noticed the name of Benburb (proud peak — see 1st Ser.), and that of the TJaUacli or ^' Proud River at Grlengarriff. It is curious that the Irish terms for " proud or pride " often enter into local names ; but wliether the places got such names from their commanding position, like Benburb, or from some great and strong fortress, or from belonging to a powerful family, or from some other circumstance, it is now I fear beyond our power to discover. The word most generally employed is iiahhar [oover, oor], which means pride ; and it is usually anglicised over^ oicer, or ore ; but it requires care to distinguish the meaning of the last syllable, for it may also mean gold (see p. 341). About the original form and meaning of Donore in Meath, we can have no doubt, for the Four Masters write it Diin-iiahhair the fort of pride. Even without the help of the annalists we could tell that ore here means pride,'' and not gold ; " for the peasantry of the neigh- bourhood still call the place Donover. Other places in various parts of the country are called Donore, Donoure, Doonoor, Doonour, Doonore, and Dunover, all having the same meaning. There is a place in the parish of Killerry in Sligo, called Castleore, whose correct name, Caiskn^aji'itabhair, the castle 442 Various Circumstances. [chap. xxvi. of pride, is also preserved by the Four Masters. We have a name corresponding to this in Galway — Cloghanower {clock , a stone or stone castle). Lissano- ver is the name of a place in the parish of Killeany in Gralway, and of another near the village of Bawnboy in Cavan, a name which corresponds with Donore. Regarding Lissanover in Cavan, the people have a tradition that the castle was in former days held by a chieftain named Magauran, who was a merciless tyrant ; and they tell that on one occasion he slew a priest on the altar for beginning Mass before he had arrived. This is believed to have given origin to the name — Lios-an-uabhair, the fort of pride. The word tiaUach is exhibited in Cuilleenoolagh, the proud little wood, which is applied to a hill, formerly wooded, and to a townland, in the parish of Dysart in Roscommon. JDiomas [deemas] is another Irish word for pride. There was a celebrated chieftain of the O'Neills in the time of Elizabeth, who, on account of the lofty haughtiness of his character, was called Shane-an-cliomais^ John the proud. From this word is formed the name of 0^ Diomasciigh or Dempsy, a family deriving their name from a progenitor who was called Diomasacli^ i. e. proud. The word appears in the name of Derdimus, a townland about three miles south west of Kilkenny, Dolre-cliomam^ the oak-grove of pride. There is a townland near Derrynane Abbey in Kerry, called Coad, which has given its name to a mountain and a lake ; and another townland of the same name is situated near Corrofin in the county Clare. There is some ud certainty about the original form of this name ; but I believe that it is coinlifhod [coad], a bed or grave. In a passage of the BhiU' senchus^ translated by Mr. O'Beirne Crowe (Kilk, CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 443 Arch. Jour., 1872, p. 150), the dwarf's grave at "Kara is called in one place, cuhhad^ and a little farther on, comhfod, Mr. Crowe thinks that both are forms of the Latin cubitus ; but it may be doubted whether this applies to the second at least, for it is an intelli- gible Irish word as it stands, formed from comh (Lat. con^) andfada, long: — comhfod, ''as long as" [the human body], a very natural and expressive term for a grave or tomb. Coad in Clare is called comhad by the Four Masters (V. p. 1365) ; but here they have omitted the aspirated /, as they appear to have been doubtful of the etymology. There is an old graveyard in the Kerry Coad, with a large stone standing on it, round which the people often pray ; and the grave marked by this old monument is probably the original com/if hod from which the town- land takes its name. Many of the qualities by which Irish rivers have been designated, have been noticed incidentally in various parts of this and the preceding volume ; and I will here add a few more. Eivers often receive names from the manner in which they flow, whether quickly or slowly, straight or curved, &c. There is a considerable stream in Wexford, joining the Bann, three miles west of Grorey, called the Lask, which is a very expressive name, for it is the Irish word lease, lazy. The word dian, strong or vehement, has given name to several rivers. The river Dinin in Kil- kenny, which joins the Nore above the city, is sub- ject to sweeping and destructive floods ; so that it is most accurately described by its name Deiiiin, a diminutive form signifying vehement or strong river. The little river Dinin joins the Nore at Borris in Carlo w ; and the Peenagh — the name of which is an 444 Various Circumstances. [chap. XXVI. adjective form with the same meaning — runs into the lower lake of Killarney near the town. The Lingaun river in Kilkenny flows eastward from the slope of Slievenaman ; it runs at all times very rapidly, a character which is exactly expressed by the name : — lin(j to spring or leap forward ; Lin- gaun, the leaping or bounding river. The most common term for the quality of rough- ness or coarseness is garhh, of which the usual angli- cised forms are garrlff and garve. The word is often ajoplied to the surface of the ground, as in Parkgarriff* and Parkgarve, rough field, which are the names of several places in Cork, Waterford, and Gralway. It is also a frequent component in the names of rivers, of which Grlashgarrifi", Glashagarrifi', and Owengarve — rough stream or river — which are the names of many streams in the south and west, may be taken as examples. It is applied to a person — to express probably roughness or rudeness of manner or char- acter — in Toberagarriff, in the parish of Abington in Limerick, Tohar-a^ -ghairhh ^ the well of the rough (man). Other and less usual anglicised forms are seen in Garracloon in Clare, Galway and Mayo, Garryclone and Garry cloy ne in Cork and Waterford, all from Garhh-chlaain, rough meadow, which is the same as Cloongarve in Clare, only with the root words re- versed. There are several places in Leinster, Munster, and Connaught, called Garbally, which is generally interpreted short-town {gearr, p. 394) but which some- times means rough town. In one case, however, it has a diff'erent interpretation, viz. in Garbally in the parish of Moylough in Galway, where there was in old times a castle of the O'Kellys; in mentioning this castle the Four Masters give the true name. CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 445 Garbh-cUioire, rougli oak-wood, which should have been anglicised Grarderiy. The diminutive Grarvoge is often used to designate coarse cloth ; and it is also the name of a townland in Kildare, meaning in this case a rugged spot of land. Carrach is rugged, rough ; swarthy or scabby as applied to a person. In local names it is almost always anglicised carragh or corragh, of which Slievecorragh and Slievecarragh, rugged moun- tain, the names of several hills, may be taken as examples. Aimhrcidh [avrea] has several shades of meaning, all derivable from what is indicated by the composi- tion of the word : — aimh a negative prefix, and reidh open or smooth — i. e. not clear or open — uneven, rugged, difficult, intricate, &c. O'Dugan applies the word to the territory of Kinel-connell, now the county of Donegal : — Aimhreidh fonn an fini sin" — rugged is the land of that tribe. — p. 40. Perhaps the best known example of its topographical application is Lackavrea, the name of a remarkable mountain rising over Lough Corrib at its western arm, near the Hen's Castle : — Leac-aimhreidh^ the rough or complicated flag-stone ; for it is formed of quartzose rock which presents a peculiarly rough surface.* This mountain is also called Corcoge (which means a beehive) from its shape. The word stands by itself in the name of a town- land in the barony of Farney in Monaghan, two miles from the village of Shercock in Cavan ; this place is now called Ouvry, but in 1655 it was called *See G. H. Klncahan, Esq., in Sir W. R.Wilde's Lough Corrib — p. 26, note; 446 Various Circumstances. [chap. xxvi» Eaverie, which fairly represents the pronunciation of the originah* There is a small island off the coast of Connemara, between Mac Dara s Island and Mason Island, called Avery, another form of Aimh- reidh ; for it consists wholly of rugged rocks which are washed by the waves in storms. A river flows into Blacksod Bay in Mayo, which is called Owen- avrea, rough river. And in Tarrea in the parish of Killeenavarra in Gal way, near the village of Kin- varra, we have an example of a ^ prefixed under the influence of the article : — an tahnhreidh the rough land, like Tardree for Ardree (see this in 1st Series). The word cruadh [croo] hard, is sometimes found forming a part of local names, and it is used in all such cases to designate hard surfaced land, a soil difficult to till on account of tough clay, surface rocks, &c. A good example is Cargacroy in the parish of Drumbo in Down, Cairrge-cruadha^ hard rocks. MuUaghcroy near Oastletowndelvin in Westmeath, signifies hard summit; Orooderry near Boyle in Roscommon, hard derrTj or oak-wood, or the hard place of the oak-wood. No one would ever suspect the origin of the name of the village of Athea in Limerick from its present form ; and the inquirer would not be much enlightened even by the popular pronunciation in Irish — Aivthay. But there is a little old ruined church near the village, whose Irish name removes the difficulty ; for the people call it Thoumpiil Awth- lay (the church of Athlea or Athea). Here there is an / after the th^ which, curiously enough, is not inserted in the name of the village itself; and this / makes the * See this name in Shirley *s Barony of Farney.'* CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 447 whole tiling quite plain ; for according to the southern pronunciation, Awtlilay is the phonetic representative of Atli-a^-tsleihhe^ the ford of the naountain, as Bal- lintlea is reduced from Baile-an-tslcibhe (see this in 1st Ser.). The ford stood where the bridge now spans the river Galey ; and the mountain from which it was designated is Knockathea, or the hill of Athea, rising over the village. Between the town of Eoscommon and Lough Eee, there is a stream called the Banew. The people have a tradition that the monks of the abbey of Inchcleraun in Lough Eee were in former days in the habit of meeting those of Eoscommon at this stream ; and from the salutations exchanged between them at meeting and parting, the river got its name : — heannugliadh [bannooa] i. e. blessing or saluta- tion. Beannacht — old form hendacht — a blessing, is merely the Latin henedictio^ borrowed in the early ages of Christianity, and softened down by contraction and aspiration ; from which again is derived the verb heannaigh^ to bless, and the verbal noun heannugliadh^ just mentioned. This last is not unfrequently found in place-names ; and it is probable that in the greater number of such cases there are local traditions connected with the names, something like that of the river Banew. In the wild district south east of Cahirsiveen, there is a lonely valley shut in by hills and preci- pices, called Coomavanniha, a name which exactly conveys the sound of the Irish Cum-a^-'bheannuigJithe^ the valley of the blessing. Glanbannoo, with the same meaning, is the name of a secluded valley and townland near Oastledonovan, west of Dunmanway in Cork. A little pool at the western base of Sugar- 448 Various Circumstances, [chap. XXVI. loaf mountain near Glengarriff in the same county, is called Toberavanaha, the well of the blessing ; but here we may look for the origin of the name in one of the innumerable legends connected with holy wells. There is an ancient and very remarkable stone in the parish of Moore in Roscommon, called Clogherbanny, the blessed or consecrated stone. A name exactly the same as this — excej)t that clock, the common word for a stone, is used instead of clochar — is Clobanna, three miles north of Thurles in Tipperary. But it must be confessed that we have a far greater number of names from cursings than from blessings. The word that is commonly used in forming names of this kind is mallacht, signifying a curse ; its old form is maldachf, which was derived from the Latin maJedictio, like hendacht from bene- dictio. It is hard to know what gave origin to such names. Possibly they may have been the scenes of massacres, or of strife, or of bitter feuds carried on between the neighbouring hostile clans or families. Connected with some of them there are popular tra- ditions, which, if they are worth very little — as many of them undoubtedly are — indicate at least what the people would consider a natural and sufficient ex- planation of names of this kind. Such is the Kerry legend about the little mountain stream, Owenna- mallaght, which flows into Tralee Bay near Castle- gregory, which, it is to be feared indeed, was invented in late times to account for the name. The people will tell you that on a certain occasion, when St. Patrick was passing through this part of Kerry, he ran short of provisions, and requested the fishermen to give him some of the fish they had just caught in the river. But they refused him in a very churlish CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 449 and offensive manner ; whereupon he pronounced a curse on the river, and predicted that no fish should be found in it for evermore. And accord- ingly there is no fish in it — so at least the people say. I could enumerate more than a dozen names con- taining this word mallacht ; but as it is hardly ever corrupted— except that occasionally it loses the final t — a few illustrations will be sufficient. There is a small village in Gralway, situated on the Owen- dalulagh river, where it flows from the slopes of Slieve Aughty ; it takes its name, Bellanamallaght, from an ancient ford, the Irish name of which was BeUatha-na-mallacht^ the ford-mouth of the curses. Ballynamallaght in the north of Tyrone is evidently a corruption of the same Irish name, and was so called from the old ford on the Burn Dennet, which is now spanned by the village bridge. Another name like these is Aghnamallagh near the town of Mon- aghan, the original form of which was Ath-na- mallaght^ the ford of the curses. But in Aghnamal- laght, three miles north of Roscommon, the first syllable {agh) signifies a field. There is a townland, giving name to a lake, five miles north west of Ballyhaunis in Mayo, called Carrownamallaght, the quarter-land of the maledic- tions, which, as well indeed as the last name, may have been a bone of contention between two neigh- bouring rivals. Barnanamallaght {bearna, a gap between hills) is a place in the north of Clare, about four miles south east of Bally vaghan ; we have Drum- mallaght (drum, a hill-ridge) near Ballyjamesduff in Cavan ; and Ologhnamallaght in the parish of Monamolin in Wexford, corresponds with Clobanna, mentioned at page 448. 2g 450 Various Circumstances. [chap. xxvi. It appears difl&cult to account for the application of the word seau [shan], old, to certain natural fea- tures ; for so far as history or tradition is con- cerned, one mountain, or river, or valley, cannot be older than another. Yet we have Shanow, Shannow, and Shanowen (old river), all common river names, especially in the south ; there are many places called Shandrum (old ridge) and Shanaknock (old hill), the former sometimes made Shandrim, and the latter Shan crock: ShantuUa andShantuUig, old/^^/rtc7^orhill. It is probable that scan in such names refers to use : — a river was called Shanowen, because the people had been from time immemorial living, fish- ing, or boating on it ; a hill got the name of Shan- drum because it was inhabited, cultivated, or grazed, long before any other in the neighbourhood. They use the word very much in this sense in the west and south : thus Shannafreaghoge in the parish of Ea- hoon in Galway, the old or famous place fovfreagh- ofjes^ hurls, or whortleberries ; Shanavagoon a little south of Castlemartyr in Cork, an odd name, signify- ing literally " old bacon but the real meaning is probably the old place for pigs or bacon. The following names and many others like them,, originated in a similar way : — Shangort, old field, in Gralway and Mayo ; Shanmoy in Tyrone, old plain ; Shanaghy in several counties, old field ; all names implying that the places had been longer under cultivation than the surrounding land. It is easy enough to account for such names as Shanafona in the parish of Duagh in Kerry, old pound Shanawillen in Kerry, old mill {imiilenn) ; * In connexion with this name, I may remark that the word pona, a pound, is found in other names, as for instance^ Ahafona n gar Bally bunnion in Kerry, Ath-a'-phona, the ford of the pound. CKAV. XXVi.] Various Circu in stances. 451 Shanavoher in Cork, and Shanvolier in Galway, old bothar ov iOKdi\'^ Shan eglisli in Armagh, old church (eaglais) ; and Shantraud — Scau'tsrdid^ old street or village. For the names merely express the fact that at the time these several structures were so called, they were old as compared with others in the neigh- bourhood more recently erected ; or that they were simply old, without implying any comparison. This word sean, whose old form is sen^ is cognate with Latin senex and Sanscrit sana. It is a frequent componen|; of local names ; but I do not think it necessary to give anj^ more illustrations of its use, as it is nearly always anglicised shaUj except where the s is eclipsed by ^, when it becomes tan, Bawna- tanavoher in Waterford and Tipperary, the Jjaicn or green field of the old road — Bdn-a'-tsean'ljJidthair ; Carrowntanlis near Tuam, the quarter-land of the old lis or fort ; Grortatanavally near Inchigeelagh in Cork, and Grarryantanvally near Listowel in Kerry, the field and the garden, of the old I)alUj or town. I suppose the word scdth [skaw], a shadow, which is occasionally found in names, was locally used in its natural and obvious sense, to designate spots shadowed by overhanging cliffs, or by a thick growth of tall leafy trees. There is a small river four miles southeast of Newcastle in Limerick, called Owenskaw,- the river of the shadow ; Skaw itself, i. e. shadow, is the name of a townland near Ballymore in West- meath ; and there is a place near Templemore in Tipperary called Barnalascaw, the gap of the half shadow (la for leath^ half), so called probably because the gap runs in such a direction that when the sun * Remark in several of these names, the insertion of a euphonic vowel sound see page 3, supra* 2g2 452 Various Circumstances, [chap. XXvI. shines, one side is thrown into shadow. In the parish of Molahiffe in Kerry, near the Farranfore station of the railway to Killarney, there is a place called Skahies, which is the anglicised form of the plural Scdtha, shades or shadows. Land which was held free of rent or duty of any kind was sometimes designated by the word saer, free. There are two townlands, one near Killashandra in Cavan, the other in the parish of Macosquin near Coleraine, called Farranseer, free land [fcarann) ; and another south of Ballyshannon, called Clonty- seer, shortened from Cluaiiite-saera^ free cloons or meadows. Saeirse [seersha], among other meanings, signifies a freehold, whence we have Seersha near Newmarket on Fergus in Clare, and Seersha north v/est of Killarney ; which again is shortened to Serse in Armagh, not far from Newry ; and modified to Seershin, three miles from the village of Barna, a little west of Galway. On the west side of the Shannon, in that part of the county Roscommon extending between Drumsna and Lanesboro, there were anciently three districts, called respectively Cinel Dobhtha, Tir Briuin na Sinua, and Corca Eachlann ; these, both in the annals, and among the people, were often called simply Na Tuatha''^ [na-tooha] i.e. the Taathas or territories, and though their individual names have perished, this last still survives. On the road from Rooskey to Drumsna, where it crosses an arm of the Shannon between two lakes, there was an ancient weir, very much celebrated, called Caradh- na-dtuath [Cara-na-doo], the caradh or weir of the (three) tuaths or districts. A bridge now spans the stream on the site of the weir, and it is well known by the name of Caranadoe Bridge. CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 453 In the county of Longford tliey tell a story of the origin of Longh Gowna, which forms the head of the chain of lakes traversed by the river Erne ; this legend also accounts for the eruption of Lough Oughter and Lough Erne. There is a well in the townland of Rathbrackan, one mile from Granard, out of w^hich a stream runs into Lough Gowna ; from this well a magical calf sallied forth, once on a time, and the water of the well rushed after him as far as the sea at Bally shannon, expanding in its course, first into Lough Gowna, and afterwards into the two Loughs Erne, in memory of which the well is still called Tobor Gowna, and the lake. Lough Gowna, the well and the lake of the calf. Among the many circumstances taken advantage of by the observant Irish peasantry, to designate places, one of the most striking and poetical is soli- tude or loneliness. There is a district east of Kells in Meath, which, even in the earliest period of our history, was noted for its solitariness ; so that persons going to reside there were considered to have retired altogether from the view of the world. When the celebrated Lewy of the Long Arms, who according to ancient tradition, was skilled in all the arts and sciences, came to reside at the court of Tara, the artists and learned men who had been up to that time in the king's service, felt themselves so over- shadowed by the brilliant talents of the new profes- sor, that they retired in shame from Tara, and betook themselves to this very spot — the BiamhraihJt or solitudes of Bregia, as it is called in the old nar- rative (one of the legends in the Dinnseanchus), where they remained in obscurity ever after. The w^ord clicmlim\ of which diamhraihh is a plural form, is still use(i in the spoken language in the sense of 454 Various Ciroumsiances. [chap, xxvi. mysterious, hidden, or obscure ; and the district in question still retains the old name, in the slightly modified form of Diamor. In O'Clery's Calendar, a place is mentioned called Cluain-diamhair, solitary meadow. The allusion to the professors who retired from Tara, occurs in the legendary history of the name of Turvey, a place situated on an inlet of the sea in the north of the county Dublin, two miles from Lusk. The old writer states that Tuirbhi [Turvey], the father of the great artist, Gobban Saer, who lived in the seventh century, had his residence on this strand ; and that every evening after ceasing from his work, he used to throw his hatchet (as Len of the white teeth used to throw his anvil : p. 197, supra) from an eminence, which was afterwards called Tulach-an-bhiail OY the hill of the hatchet, to the farthest point reached by the tide. Hence the place was called Traigh'Tuivbhi, Turvey's strand, which' is now shortened to Turvey. The narrative adds that it was not known to what people he belonged, unless he was one of the dark-complexioned race who fled from Tara to the solitudes of Bregia (see Petrie, E. Towers, p. 386). We have still another word, — tiaigneas [oognasj, to express the same idea. In the parish of Tuosist in Kerry, on the left of the road from Kenmare to Eyeries, there is a hill called Knockanouganish, the hill of solitude ; and we have the adjective form exhibited in Glenoognagh in the parish of Lismullen in Meath, lonely glen. I believe I may safely assert that there is not a place-name in any part of the world, that could not be matched in Ireland. For our names are scattered broadcast in such infinite profusion and variety, that CHAP. XXVI.] Various Circumstances. 455 they seem to have almost exhausted human inven- tion. It would be easy to bring together a collection of odd and eccentric local designations, unusual in formation or strange in origin, from every part of the world, and then to produce from the abundance of our local nomenclature, names corresponding to them all. And after this, I think I could find many names in my own country that it would be hard to match anywhere else. Scotland would be a dangerous competitor, but even here I should feel very confi- dent as to the result of the comparison ; and I should have no fear at all about the rest of the world. Will any great topographer or learned etymo- logist find me such a river name as ''The Morning Star'' any where outside Ireland ? We have a river of . this name, a fine stream rising in the Galty mountains, flowing through the town of Brulf in Limerick, and joining the Maigue below Bruree. The old name of this river, as we find it in various ancient authorities, was Samhair or Samer ; and this is also well known as the ancient name of the river Erne, from which again the little island of Inis- Samer (now called Fish Island) near the Salmon- leap at Ballyshannon — an island connected with some of our oldest legends — took its name. It is to be observed that Samer was in former times used also as a woman's name ; but what the radical meaning of the word may be, I cannot venture to conjecture. As a river name, Pictet (Origines Indo- Europiennes) connects it with the old names of several rivers on the continent of Europe, and with the Persian sJiama)\ a river : — for example the Samur, flowing from the Caucasus into the Caspian ; the Samara, flowing into the Sea of Azov ; and the ancient Celtic name, Samara, of a river in Belgium 456 Various Circumstances. [chap. xxvi. It must be confessed that our "Morning Star'' came by its fine name through a mistake, or in plain words by a false translation ; but it is a mistake turned to such happy account that one would never wish to correct it : — for in the colloquial Irish of thel people, the old name Samhair was corrupted to CamJiair ; and as this word signifies the first appearance of day light, or the break of day, so they translated it into Morning Star." There is a townland called Grienastar near New- castle in Limerick ; but this name has nothing to do with the stars. The correct anglicised form, divided etymologically, would be Grien-as-daar. Just where the river that traverses the glen flows by the town- land, it falls over a rock into an unfathomable pool, forming a fine cascade ; this is the as (Irish eas, a waterfall) ; and as the name of the river is the Daar, the glen was called Gleanii-easa-Bdire, the glen of the cataract of the Daar. When Washington Irving wrote his Legend of Sleepy Hollow, he imagined no doubt, that such a name was not to be found in any part of the world except on the banks of the Hudson — if indeed he did not invent it to suit his story, which I strongly suspect he did. But if he had only come over to Ireland, and travelled through certain parts of the county Cork, he would find that we had been before- hand with him ; for as he passed near the little town of Inishannon, he could see from the railway carriage window, close to the line, a gentleman's residence and a townland, called Coolcullata, which corresponds exactly in meaning with his sleepy hollow. The first syllable is the Irish cm I,' a recess or corner ; while codlata [cullata] is a genitive form of cocUa [cuUa], sleep ; and these two words put CHAP. XXYI.] Various Circnmdances. 457 together, and spelled in English letters in accordance with the sound, make Coolcullata, the recess of sleep, or sleepy hollow. Moreover, the county Cork can boast of another drowsy spot ; for there is a hill at the western extremity of the Nagles Mountains, near the village of Killawillin, called KnockacuUata, the hill of sleep. But why it is that Coolcullata was so called ; whether it was from the solitude of the spot ; or from its drowsy accompaniments — its murmuring waters, its rustling leaves, and its huijiming bees, as Irving describes his somniferous valley ; or from the sleepy character of the natives — but indeed I do not believe this, for the Corkonians are as wide- awake a people as can be found in any part of Ire- land ; whether any or all or none of these, gave name to the place, I am sorry to say I can give no satisfactory account. Perhaps Coolcullata was another Castle of Indolence, A pleasing land of drowsy head, Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye," Where Was nought around but images of rest; JSleep-soothing groves, and quiet lawns between ; And flowery beds, that slumbrous influence kest, From poppies breathed ; and beds of pleasant green." But however we may be at fault in our attempts to account for the name, there it stands as a fact ; and if I am right in believing that Washington Irving invented the American name, I can claim one superiority for our Coolcullata over his Sleepy Hollow, that his name ''is a fiction, but mine is reality." INDEX OF NAMES. (^^.B.—Many names that do not occur in the body of the present work or in the First Series are explained in this index). PAGE Abberaclirim, .... 366 Abbernadoorney ; the mire of Jthe Dorneys (a family) Abbey dorney, 136 Abbeygrey, 227 Aclare, 219 Acraboy ; yellow acre. Acragar ; short acre. Acrenakirka ; the hen's acre. Adderville, 417 Adderwal, 417 Aghabog, 46 Aghacoora, 71 Aghadrumkeen, .... 63 Aghagah, Aghagaw, . . . 175 Aghakee, 158 Aghalahard; the field of the gentle hill. Aghalateeve; the field of the half-side {leath-taehh). Aghalougher; the field of the rushes. Aghalusky ; burnt field. Aghalust, Aghalustia, . . 407 Aghamore, 392 Aghanapisha; field of the pease (inse). PAGE Aghareagh ; grey field : see p. 276. Aghataharn, 437 Aghaward, 110 Aghclare, 218 Agheeshal, 416 Aghintamy, 323 Agliintober; field of the well. Aghinure ; field of the yew. Aghmanister, 228 Aghnacross; field of the cross. Aghnadrung; field of the crowds (clrung). Aghnagar, 173 Aghnamard, 110 Aghnasedagh, 242 Aghnashammer, .... 65 Aghnashannagh ; field of the foxes. Aghnashingan, .... 285 Aghnadrung, 439 Aghnamallagh, Aghnamal- laght, 449 Aghnasorn, 222 Ahafoiia, .... 450 note 460 Index of PAGE Ahaimboy : yellow little ford. Ahgloragh, 66 Ahnagurra, 102 Ahnaseed bridge, . . . 174 Alderford, 24 Altatraght, 245 Altbaun ; white height. Altderg; red height. Altnagapple ; height of the horses. Anascaul, 104 Annagannihy, .... 117 Annagar, 173 Annaghananam, .... 436 Annaghbane ; white marsh. Annaghboy ; yellow marsh. Annaghbrack ; speckled marsh. Annaghearly, .... 58 Annagher, 421 Annaghierin, . . . < . 349 Annaghnamaddoo ; marsh of the dogs. Annaghselherny, ... 17 Annagloor, 291 Annaglug, 180 Annaloist, ...... 407 Annamult, 294 Ardamadane, 100 Ardanairy ; shepherd's height. Ardaneer, 424 Ardarostig ; Roche's height. Ardatedaun, 241 Ardattin; fm-zy height. Ardbooley; height of the hooley or dairy place. Ardcavan, 25 Ardcollum, 25 Ardcolm, Ardcolmu, . . 25 Ardcotten, 441 Ardcrone, 274 Ardfintan, 36 Ardgeehan, Ardgehane, . 241 Ardkirk; height of the h^ath-hen. Names, PAGE Ardlahan, 394 Ard-Leranachta, .... 203 Ardmealiiane or Ardmiilli- van, ....... 126 Ardnagabog, 161 Ardnaglug, 181 Ardnagrena; sunny height. Ardna gross; height of the crosses. Ardnagmiiog, 186 Ardnanure; height of the yews. Ardnaponra, 305 Ardore, Ardour, .... 278 Ardrahan, 313 Ardrass, Ardress, . . . 336 Ardroe ; red height. ArdsaUagh, 367 Ardscradaun, 36 Ardtermon, 211 Ardtonnagh, 216 Ardtrasna; cross height. Ardimshin; height of the ash-trees. Arget-ros or Silverwood, . 344 Arigideen river, .... 69 Armaghbrague, .... 413 Askanagap, 333 Askinvillar, 326 Assaly, 250 Assylin, 145 Astee, 263 Atateemore; site {ait) of the great house {teach). Athassel, 416 Athboy, 273 Athclare, 218 Athea, 446 Athnagar, 173 Attithomasrevagh, . . . 277 Attyflin, 146 Attyreesh, 152 Aubwee ; yellow river. Aughalin, 385 Aughnacarney, .... 106 Aughnaglaur, . . 219,220 Index of Names. 461 PAGE Aughnaloopy, .... 401 Avery Island, 446 Avish, 320 Balbradagh, 109 Balgaddy, 109 Ballaghaderg, 271 Ballaghanoher, .... 330 Ballaghdorragh, Eallagh- dorragha; dark pass. Ballaghgar; short pass. Ballagbgee; windy pass. Balleeghan, G3 BiUeighter, Balleighteragh ; low town. Ballickmoyler, . . 140, 141 Ballinab, 93 BalUnaboy, 273 Ballinacarrig ; town of tbe rock. Ballinaminton, . . : . 289 BaUinancbor, 95 Ballinaleama ; town of tbe leap. Ballinanima, 436 Ballinanty, . ... . . 315 Ballinasilloge ; town of tbe sallows. BaUinasoostia ; town of tbe flail : see p. 162. Balbnastraw, 376 Ballindall, 159 Ballindrebid ; town of tbe bridge. BaUindujff, 261 Ballineedora, 116 BalHngaddy, 109 Ballingoleen, 256 BalliniUaun ; town df tbe island. Ballinknockane ; town of tbe little bill. Ballinlaur, 418 BaUinlina, 123 BalHnliny, 122 PAGE Ballinlougbane; town of tbe small lake. Ballinlyna, 122 Ballinookery ; town of tbe fuller. Ballinricbard, .... 168 Ballinriddera, Ballinrid- dery, 101 Ballinroad, 213 Ballinruddery, . , . . 101 BaUinscoola, 363 Ballinteenoe ; town of tbe new bouse. Ballintermon, 211 Ballintim ; town of tbe torn or busb. Ballintogber, 432 Ballintra, 376 Ballintrim; town of tbe elder-busb. Ballinulty; town of tbe Ulsterman. Ballinunty, 168 Ballinvana, 361 BaUinvard; town of tbe bard. Ballinvonear, 320 Ballinwing, 370 BaUivor, 132 Ballougbter, 415 Ballyaddagb, 417 Ballyalbanagb, . . . . 121 Ballyanraban ; O'Hanraban's town. Ballyargus, 152 Ballybanoge; town of tbe little ban or lea-field. Ballybinaby, 273 Ballybla, BaUyblagb, . . 309 Ballyboggan, 135 BallybogbiU, 183 Bally bober; town of tbe road. Ballybrada, 109 Bailybrannagb, . ♦ « . 120 462 Index of Names* PAGE Ballybritain, Ballybrittan, 120 Eallybrittas, 282 Bally buninabber, . . . 366 Ballycapple ; town of the capalls or horses. Ballycarrigeen ; town of the little rock. Ballyclog, Ballyclug, . . 180 Bally cocksoost, . . . . 162 Ballycoghill, 196 Bally conboy, 154 Ballycong, 387 Ballyconlore, 200 Ballycorus, 140 Ballycotteen ; town of the commonage {coitchin). Ballycowan, 141 Ballyda ; same as Bally dau. Bally daheen, 31 Ballydavid, Ballydayis, ByJlydavy, . . . . 166 Bally daw, 166 Ballydonegan, O'Donegan's town. BallydonncU, O'Donnell's town. Ballydiiffy, 142 Ballydugan, 143 Ballyfad ; long town. Bally farnan, 24 Bally farsoon, 57 Bally faudeeu, 31 Ballyfilibeen ; town of little Philip. Ballyfouloo; town of the Foley s. Ballygaddy, 109 Ballygar ; short town. Ballygaiige, 405 Ballygirriha, 293 Ballygorteen, 18 Ballygreany, 235 Ballyhamilton, .... 168 Ballyhay, Ballyhays, . . 149 Bally hennessy, . . . . 152 PAGfi Ballyhigeen ; town of little Teige or Timothy. Ballykealy, 135 Ballykilmurry ; town of Mary's church. Ballykinler, 199 Bally kinletteragh, . . . 154 Ballylanigan, 146 Ballylina, 123 Ballylisheen ; town of the little fort. Ballyloughnane, . . 134, 135 Ballymacadara, .... 141 Ballymacaquim .... 160 Ballymacart, 151 Bally-MacEgan .... 150 Bally macshaneboy, . . . 165 Ballymacsherron, . . . 165 Ballymacshoneen . . . 166 Ballymacue, 149 BaUymacward, . , . . Ill Ballymadun 141 Bally magart, 151 Ballymagee, 149 Ballymaglin, ..... 146 Ballymagrorty, .... 139 Ballymaguire, . . . . 144 Ballymarter, 435 Ballymascjinlan, .... 141 Ballymather, 186 Ballyministragh, .... 228 Ballyminstra, 228 Ballymonaster ; same as Ballyminstra. ' Bally luyre, 112 Ballynabointra, . . . . 114 Ballynabrannagh, . . . 120 Ballynabremiagh, . . . 120 Ballynacarrow ; town of the quarter-land. Ballynaclash, 210 Ballynacrusha ; town of the cross. Ballynacullia ; town of the wood. Tndc^- of Names. 4G3 PAGE Ballynagalliagh, .... 94 Ealljnagalsby, .... 9 Ballynagleragli .... 90 Balljnagonnaglitegh, . . 123 Ballynagrena, .... 235 Ballynaguilkee ; town of the broom-buslies. Ballynaleck ; town of the flag-stones. Ballynalour, 80 Ballynamallaght, . . . 449 Ballynametagh, . . . . Ill Bally namintra, . . . . 114 Ballynamire, 112 BallyDamockagh, . . . 159 Ballynamointragh, . . . 114 Ballynamongaree, . . 117, 118 Ballynamudclagh, . . . IGl Ballynamiilt, 294 Ballynanama, 436 Ballynanoose, 107 Ballynant, Ballynanty, . 314 Ballynanultagh ; town of the Ulstermen. Ballynasaggart ; priests' town. Ballynascrah, Ballynascraw, 382 BallynascuUoge, . . . . 113 Ballynasilloge ; town of the sallows. Ballynaskeagh ; town of the bushes. Bally naskreena ; town of the shrine. Ballynasrah , 376 Ballynasuddery, .... 115 Ballynattin ; town of the furze. Ballynavenooragh, . . . 268 Ballynona, 198 Ballynearla ; town of the earl. Bally nookery, . . . . 117 Ballynooney, 198 Bally oran, 144 Ballyoughter, Ballyough- teragh, 415 rAGE Eallyoiightra, Ballyought- ragh, 415 Bally o wen, ] TO Ballypadeen, 31 Ballyquintin, 153 Ballyreagh, Ballyrevagh ; grey town. Ballyrider, 101 Ballyrishteen, Bally ristccn, 166 Ballyrusheen ; town of the little wood. Ballyruther 101 Bally shell, 75 Ballyshonock, . . . . 16.5 Ballyshurdane, . . . . 165 Ballysmuttan, .... 332 Ballytoran, 107 Ballytory, 51 Ballytresna ; cross town. Ballytroddan, .... 431 Ballyvicinaha ; town of Matthew's son. Ballyvicnacally, .... 140 Bally Yori sheen ; town of little Maurice. Ballyvourney, .... 133 Bally ward, 110 Ballywillin; town of the mill. Baltimore, 356 Baltynanima ; towns of the soul : see p. 435. Banada, 394 Banew river, 447 Bannixtown, 362 Banoge, 362 Bansha, Banshy, .... 9 Baravore, 391 Bargarriff ; rough top. Barheen, 40 Barlahan ; wide top. Barley Lake, 304 Barmeen, ...... 377 Barnabaun ; wliite gap. Barnadown, 274 Barnageehy, Barnana- geehy, .«..«. 240 464 Index of Names. PAGT5 Barnagree, 22^ Barnalaskaw, 451 Barnamuinga, .... 370 Barnanamallaglit, . . • 449 Barrafoliona, 314 Barranamanoge, .... 3G2 Barratogher ; top of the causeway. Barrawinga, 370 Barreen, 56 Bartragh, Bartraw, . . . 364 Baimanattin ; lea-field of the furze. Baanbrack ; speckled lea- field. Baunnageeragh ; lea-field of the sheep. Baunoge, Baunta, . . . 362 Bauntabarna ; lea-fields of the gap. Baunteen, 362 Baurearagh, 424 Baurgorm ; blue top. Baurnafea, 374 Bauteoge river, .... 389 Bauttagh, 389 Bawn, 361 Bawnacowma, .... 60 Bawnagappul ; lea-field of the horses. Bawnakea, 373 Bawnanattin, 361 Bawnaneel, 353 Bawnatanavoher, . . . 451 Bawni shall ; low lea-field. Bawnluskaha, 361 BawnnagoUopy, .... 296 Bawnnahow, 361 Bawnoge, Bawnoges, . . 362 Bawnshanaclough ; bawn of the old castle. Bawntameena .... 362 Bawiitanameenagh, . . . 123 Bawntard, 362 Bealaclare, 219 Bealanabrack, 296 pagb Bealnalicka ; ford - mouth of the flag-stone. Bearna-tri-carbad, . . . 172 Beenbane ; white peak. Beenrour, 396 Begerin or Begery, . . . 392 Begrath, 393 Behamore ; great birch- plantation. Bel-atha-na-bhfabhcun, . 175 Belclare, 219 Beldaragh ; ford-mouth of oaks. Belderg, 271 BeUacorick, ..... 382 Belladrihid ; ford - mouth of the bridge. Bellaghaderg, Bellahaderg, 271 Bellaheen, 40 Bellanaboy, 273 Bellanaderg, 271 Bellanaganny, or LliU Brook, 117 Bellanaloob, 401 Bellanamallaght, • . . 449 Bellanode, 360 Bellarena, 100 Bellary, 325 Bellaslishen Bridge, . . 196 BeUataleen, 250 Bellatrain, 104 BeUaugh, 365 Bellaveel, 284 Belle Isle, 440 Bellmount, 17 Belnagarnan ; ford-mouth of the little cams. Benbradagh, ...... 109 Benburb, 441 Bencrom, 398 Bencullagh, 280 Benduff ; black peak. Benedin ; peak of the hill- brow. Bengorm, 275 Benwee, 273 Index 0^ PAGE Bertraghboy bay, . . . 364 Beybeg, Beaghbeg ; little beech. Beymore, Beaghmore ; big beech. Biliary, 325 Billeragh, 325 Billis, Billises, Billoos ; plural of hile ; i.e. old trees (see 1st Ser.). Bingorms, 275 Binkeeragh ; peak of sheep. Binmore ; big peak. Binmuck ; peak of the pigs. Birreencarragh, .... 18 Blabreenagh, 309 Black Hill, 263 Black Lake, 269 Black Mountain, . . . 263 Blackwater, 261 Blagh, .309 Blainroe, 258 Blane, 258 Blaney, 258 Blarney, 27 Blean, ....... 258 Bleanalung, • . . . . 258 Bleanish, 258 Bleankillew, 258 Bleannagloos, .... 258 Bleanoran, 258 BUndwell, 88 Bluestack Mountains, . . 275 Boarheeny ; the plural of borheen ; i.e. little roads. Bogagh, 46 Boggagh, 46 Boggaghduff ; black bog. Boggan, Boggaun, ... 46 Boggaunreagh ; grey little soft place (see p. 46). Boggeen, 31 Boggeragh Mountains, . 7 ^oggy, 46 Boggyheary, 46 Names, 465 PAGE Boghill, 412 Boghilbregagh, .... 412 Bohammer, 407 Boherawillin ; road of the mill. Boherbraddagh, .... 108 Boherdotia ; burnt road. Bohereenacluher, . . . 243 Bohergarve ; rough road. Bohernameeltoge, . . . 284 Bohernamias or Boherna- meece, 189 Bohernamona ; road of the bog. Bohernasassonagh, . . . 121 Bohilbreaga, 412 Boleydorragha ; dark hooley or dairy-place. Boleynanoiiltagh, . . . 123 Bonet river, 15 Bonnyglen, 64 Boolabaun ; white dairy- place (p. 361). Boolanacausk, .... 437 Boolattin ; dairy-place of furze. Booleynagreana Lough, . 235 Boolinrudda, 350 Boolycreen; withered dairy- place. Borheenduff ; black little road (p. 260). Boughal Breaga, , . . 412 Boughilbo, 412 Boughill, 412 Boulanimerish, .... 430 Bovolcan, 21 Boyaghan, 81 Brackbaun, 281 Brackenagh, 6 Brackeniagh, 17 Bracklagh, 6 Brackly, 6 Bracknagh, 6 Bracknahevla, .... 281 Bracknamuckley, . . . 281 H 466 Index of Names. PAGE Brackney, 6 Brackvoan ; speckled bog. Brackyle, 281 Breagagh, 413 Breanagh, 375 Breandrum, 375 Breanletter ; stinking wet- hiU-side (p. 374). Breanoge, 375 Breansha, Breanshagli, . 375 Breany, 375 Breckinish ; speckled island. Bregoge river, .... 413 Brenog, 375 Brenter, 374 Brickeen Bridge .... 300 Briencan, 32 British, 282 Brittas, 14,282 Brogeen river .... 184 Broguestown, .... 184 Broighter, 415 Bromore, 205 Brough, 205 Broughan, Broughane, . 205 Broughanlea, 205 Broughderg, 205 Brougher, 12 Broughmore, 205 Broughshane, .... 205 Bryan tang, . . . . . 404 Bullig, BuUigs, .... 242 Bunacurry ; end of the marsh. Bimaglanna, 64 Bunanass ; end of the waterfall. Bimaninver ; end of the river mouth. Bunbeg, 391 Buncam ; crooked end. Bunclody, 372 Buncurrig ; end of the marsh. Bundoran, 380 Bunduff, 261 PAGE Bunduvowen ; end of the black river (p. 260). Bunglasha ; end of the stream. Buninubber, 366 Bunkey, 373 Bunnabinnia ; end of the peak. Bunnablayneybane, . . . 258 Bunnadober ; end of the wells. Bunnafinglas ; end of the clear stream (p. 266). Bunnaruddee, .... 351. Bunnaton, 252 Bimnynubber, .... 366 Bunrawer ; thick end. Buntalloon, 359 Burn Dennet, .... 15 Burnham, 256 Burrencarragh ; rough rocky land (p. 445). Cackanode, 162 Cadamstown, 141 Caha Mountains, ... 247 Caheraderry ; stone fort of the oak wood. Caherakeeny, 319 Caherateemore ; stone fort of the great house. Caheratrim ; stone fort of the elder bush. Caherbaun ; white stone-fort. Caherblonick, .... 204 CaherbuUog, 193 Cahercullenagh ; stone fort of holly. Caherduff.; black stone-fort. Caherduggan ; Duggan's stone-fort. Caherea, 148 Caherhemush ; James's stone- fort. Caherminnaun, .... 294 Cahermone, Cahermoneen ; stone-fort of the bog. Index of Names. 467 PAGE Cahernageelia ; stone fort of the wind (p. 240). CaliernagoUum ; stone fort of the pigeons (p. 291). Cahernamuck; stone fort of the pigs. Cahircluff ; black stone fort Cahnicaun wood, Calliaghstown, Cam, Cams, . . Camagh, . . . Camas, .... Camgart, Camgort, Camillaun ; crooked island Camletter ; crooked wet- hillside (p. 397). Camlin, Camline, . . . Camma, Cammock or Camac river Cammoge, Camowen, Camp, Camplagh, Camus, Camus Bridge, Canary, Canbeg ; small head or hill. Candroma ; head of the ridge. Canearagh; western head. Cangort, 397 Cannaboe ; head or hill of the cow. Canon island, 91 Canpill, 2,5,5 Canrawer, 396 Cantogher ; head of the causeway. Cappaboy ; yellow plot. Cappaduff ; black plot. Cappafaulish, .... Cappa gar riff ; rough plot. Cappaghduff ; black plot. Cappaghnahoran, . . . Cappaghnanool ; plot of the apples. Cappalahy ; plot of the slough (p. 365). 339 94 397 397 398 397 397 397 397 397 397 59 GO 398 113 226 304 PAGE Cappanabornia ; plot of the njcks. Cappanalosset, .... 406 Cappanamrogue ; plot of the shoes (p. 183). Cappananty, 314 Cappanapisha ; plot of the pease (p. 305). Cappanargid ; plot of the silver (p. 345). Caj)panaslish, .... 196 Cappanasmear, .... 307 Cappanavar; plot of the men. Cappaneary, 113 Cappayuse, 338 Cappyroe ; red plot. Carabine Bridge, . . . 172 Caranadoe bridge, . . . 452 Cargaghramer ; thick rocky place (p. 395). Cargacroy, 446 2 11 Carheenadiveane. Carhoonaphuca ; the quar- ter-land of the pooJca. Carker, Carnanbane ; white little cam (p. 269). Carnanreagh ; grey little cam {]). 276). Carnbeagh ; earn of the birch. Carn-connachtach, . . . Carnduff ; black earn. Carnkeeran; cam of the rowan-trees. Carn-mic-Tail, . . . Carnoughter ; upper earn Carntogher Hills Carrickadooey, Carrickashedoge, Carrickataggart, Carrickatane, Carrickateane Carrickatee ; rock of the house (teach). Carrickatloura . . . . 2 292 223 123 123 431 264 242 91 312 468 Index of Names. PAGE Carrickbaun, 269 Carrickclufe, 260 Carrickeeshill ; low rock. Carrickfin, 265 Carrickgallogly, . . . . 105 Carriekittle, 39 Carrickleagh, .... 277 Carrickmaunan, .... 294 Carrickmore, .... 393 Carricknagat, .... 282 Carricknahorna ; rock of the barley (p. 304). Carricknaslate, . . . . 174 Carrickreagh, Carrickre- vagh, 277 Carrickspringan, . . . 306 Carricktroddan, .... 431 Carrigacunna ; rock of the fire-wood (p. 331). Carrigafly or Carrigaplau, 77 Carrigafreaghane ; rock of the whortleberries. Carrigahorig, . . . . 381 Carriganimma, . ... 204 Carriganookery ; rock of the fuller (p. 117). Carrigapheepera : 422 note. Carrigaplau or carrigafly, 77 Carrigart, 151 Carrigathou, 323 Carrigatogher ; rock of the causeway. Carrigbaun, 269 Carrigcannon, .... 269 Carrigeenagappul ; little roL-k of the horses. Carrigfadda ; long little rock. Carriglea, Carrigleagh, . 277 Carriglead, 395 Carrigleigh, 277 Carriglusky ; burnt rock. Carrigmannon, .... 294 Carrigmoorna, . . . . 133 Carrignagat, 282 Carrignagroghera ; rock of the hangmen. PAGE Carrignarone, .... 283 Carrigparson, .... 57 Carrigrour, 396 Carrigskeewaun, . . . 325 Carrivekeeny, . . . . 319 Carrivetragh ; lower land- quarter (p. 415). Carrowblagh, .... 309 Carrowboy ; yellow land- quarter (p. 272). Carrowcarragh ; rough quarter-land (p. 445). Carroweighter, .... 415 Carrowfarnaghan, ... 32 Carrowfree ; quarter-land of heath. Carrowgar ; short quarter- land (p. 393). Carrowkeeny, .... 319 Carrowlaur ; middle quar- ter (p. 418). Carrowmenagh ; middle quarter (p. 417)- Carrownaganonagh, . . 90 Carrownagark ; quarter of the (heath-) hens (p. 289). Carrownaglearagh, . . 90 Carrownamallaght, . . 449 Carrownaskeagh ; quarter- land of the white-thorns. Carrowntanlis, .... 451 Carrowntassona ; quarter- land of the Englishman. Oarrowntawa, Carrowntawy 323 Carrowntedaun ; quarter- land of the breeze (p. 241). Carrowntemple ; quarter- land of the church. Carrownurlaur, .... 402 Carrowshanbally ; quarter- land of the old town. Carrowtrasna ; cross quar- ter-land (p. 418). Carryblagh, 309 Cartronageeragh ; quarter- land of the sheep. Index of Names. 469 PAGE Cartronbower, .... 48 Cartronfree ; quarter-land of heath. Cartronkeel ; narrow quar- ter-land (p. 395). Cashel-oir, 342 Cashelreagh ; grey stone- fort (p. 276). Gashla, 257 Caslileen, 257 Cashlieve, .... 396, 397 Caslanakirka : castle of the hen (p. 289). Castlebeg, 390 Castleboy ; yellow castle. Castle-Eyre, 132 Castlegar, 394 Castlehaven, 254 Castlekirk, 290 Castlemartyr, .... 435 Castlemore, 390 Castlenageeha ; castle of the wind (p. 240). Castlenode, 360 Castleore, 441 Castleroe ; red castle. Castleruddery ; castle of the knight (see p. 101). Castletownroche, . . . 166 Castletoodry ; castle of the tanner (see p. 114). Caiitheen, 441 Cavanagrow, 308 Cavanakeeran ; round hill of the mountain ash. Cavanaquill ; round hill of the hazel. Cave, 321 Cavey, 321 Church Mountain or Slieve- gadoe, 433 Claddagh, . . . 371,372 Clady, 372,373 Clagan, Claggan, . . . 4D4 Claggarnagh, .... 16 Oagnngh, 404 PAGE Clamper Land, .... 430 Clampernew, 430 Clamperpark, .... 430 Clandeboye or Clannaboy, 149 Claraghy ; level field (aclmdh). Clare, Clare-G-alway, . . 218 Clare Bridge, .... 219 Claremore ; great level place. Clarinbridge, 219 Clarisford, 218 Clash, 216 Clashacollare, .... 352 Clashacrow, 220 Clashafree; trench of the heath. Clashagarriff, .... 444 Clashalaher, 115 Clashaniska, Clashanisky ; trench of the water. Clasharinky ; trench of the dancing. Clashavicteery ; trench of the wolf. Clashavodig; trench of the clown (see p. 160). Clashbane, 269 Clashcarragh ; rough trench. Clashgarriff, 444 Clashgortmore ; trench of the great field. Clashnabuttry, . . . . 115 Clashnadarriv ; trench of buUs. Clashnamonadee, . . . 263 Clashnamrock, . . . . 216 Clashnasmut, .... 332 Clashreagh ; grey trench. Clashroe, 216 Clash william, 21() Clash vgo wan, . . . . 216 Clay," 195 Cleaboy, 195 Cleady stream, .... 372 Cleaghbeg, Cleaghgarve, . 195 Cleaghmore, 195 470 Index of Names. PAGE Cleaheen, 195 Cleanglass, 400 Cleanrath, 399 Cleaveragh, Cleavry, . . 7 Cleedagli, 372 Cleen, 399 Cleenagh, 400 Cleenillaun; sloping island. Cleenrah, 399 Cleens, 400 Cleeny, 400 Cleggan, 404 Clegna, Clegnagb, . . . 404 Clenagh, 400 Clenlough, 400 Clievragh, 8 Cliff ony 194 Clobanna, 448 Clobemon, 177 Clodagh, 372 Clodiagh river, .... 372 Cloggernagh, lO Clodragh .... 372, 373 Clody, 372 Cloghanarold, 168 Cloghagaddj ; stone or stone castle of the thief (see p. 109.) Cloghannagarragb, . . . 119 Cloghanower, .... 442 Clogharoasty, .... 166 Clogliaviller ; stone or stone castle of the water- cress. Clogherbanny, .... 448 Cloghglass; green stone or stone castle (p. 274). Cloghinarney ; stone, or stone castle of the sloe- bush. Cloghjordan, 165 Cloghlea, Cloghleagh, Clogh- leigh ; grey stone, or stone castle (p. 277). Cloghlin, 385 Cloghnakeava, .... 321 PACE Cloghnamallaght, . . . 449 Cloghnashade, .... 357 Cloghore, 347 Cloghreagh ; grey stone, or stone castle (p. 276). Cloghroe, 271 Clonarrow, 301 Clonavogy, 46 Clonbane; white meadow. Clonboy; yellow meadow. Clonbulloge, 193 Clonbminiagh, .... 387 Clonbunny, 387 Cloncannon; speckled mea- dow (p. 268.) Cloncarneel, 353 Cloncorig, 381 Cloncracken, J 15 Cloncrew, 328 Cloneblaugh, 308 Clonegah, Clonegath, . . 175 Clongaddy ; meadow of the thief (see p. 109.) Clonganny, 354 Clonjordan, 165 Cloniiff, 317 Clonlish or Cleanlish, . . 400 Clonmackan, 330 Clonmacnowen, . . . . 139 Qonraannan, 294 Clonmeen, 376 Clonmona ; meadow of the bog. Clonoura, 266 Clonreagh ; grey meadow. C'lonroe ; red meadow. Clonrud, 351 Clonshire, ' 424 Clontuskert, 429 Clontycoora, 71 Clontyduffy; O'Duffy's meadows. Clontyglass; green meadows. Clontyseer, 452 Clood, 401 Cloodrevagh, . . . , . 401 Index of Names. 471 PAGE Cloodrumman, .... 401 Cloonacarrow ; meadow of the quarter-land. Cloonagallon, .... 288 Cloonaghmore ; great mea- dow land. Cloonalom', 81 Cloonametagh, . . . . Ill Cloonanearla ; the earl's meadow. Cloonanure ; meadow of the yew. Cloonapisha ; meadow of the pease (p. 305). Cloonargid, 345 Cloonatleva ; meadow of the mountain. Cloonbony, 387 Cloonbornia; rocky mea- dow. Cloonboy ; yellow meadow. Cloonboygher, .... 10 Cloonbunny, 387 Clooncannon, 269 Cloonconny, 332 Cloonconra; Conra's mea- dow. Clooncoorha, 71 Clooncorick, Clooncorig, . 381 Clooncraff, 327 Clooncraffield, .... 328 Clooncrave, 328 Clooncrim, 161 Clooncruffer, 92 Clooncunna, 332 Clooncunnig, 332 Clooncunny, 332 Cloondahamper, .... 408 Cloonearagh, 424 Clooneenbaun ; white little meadow (p. 361). Clooneshil ; low meadow. Cloonfad, Cloonfadda; long meadow (p. 393). Cloonfinglas ; meadow of the clear stream (p. 266). PAGE Cloonflugh; wet meadow. Cloongarve, 444 Clooningan, 402 Clooninisclin, .... 383 Cloonkeel; narrow meadow. Cloonkeen; beautiful mea- dow (p. 62). Cloonkeennagran ; beautiful meadow of the trees. Cloonlahard ; meadow of the gentle height. Cloonlayis, 13 Cloonleagh ; grey meadow. Cloonmaan; middle mea- dow (p. 417). Cloonmackan, .... 330 Cloonmeen, 376 Cloonnafunchin; ash -tree meadow. Cloonnagoppoge, . . . 327 Cloonnagrow, 307 Cloonnagunnane, . . . 137 Cloonnahorn, 146 Cloonnahulty, .... 124 Cloonamna ; meadow of the woman. Cloonnavaddoge ; meadow of the ployers. Cloonoan, 126 Cloonoughter ; upper mea- dow (p. 414). Cloonrallagh ; meadow of the oak. Cloonriddia, 351 Cloonselherny, .... 17 Cloonsellan, 337 Cloonshear, 424 Cloonshean, 243 Cloonshinnagh ; meadow of the foxes. Cloonshivna, 315 Cloonsnaghta, .... 245 Cloontirm ; dry meadow. Cloontogher, 431 Cloontooa, 429 Cloontuskert, 429 472 Index of Names. PAGE Cloontymweenagh, . . . 123 Cloonulty ; Ulstermau's meadow (p. 123). Cloouybeirne ; O'Beirne'8 meadow. Cloonybrien. 134 Cloonjgormican, .... 23 Cloonyhea, 149 Cloonykelly, 134 Clocnyquin; O'Quiu's mea- dow. Cloos, 403 ClooscuUen, 403 Cloosgiiire, 403 Cloosh, 403 Clooshgirrea, 403 Cloosmore ; great ear. Clouglifin; white stone or stone castle. Clowater, 415 Clownstown, 160 Cloydagh, 372 Cloyfin, 215 Cliiid, Cluide, .... 401 Cluntygeeragh ; meadows of sheep. Clybaun, 215 Clyda, Clydagh, .... 372 Clyglass, 2J5 Clykeel, 215 Clynabroga, 215 Clynan, 33 ClVroe, 214,215 Clytagh, 8 Coad, 442 Coan, 254 Cockow, 162 Collierstown, 95 Colligan, 32 Comeragh, 4 Comillane; crooked island {cam.) Commeenaplau, .... 77 Cammock, Cammoge, . . 397 Cones, 254 Cong, 386 PAGE Congo, 387 Conrea, 432 Conray, 432 Controversy, Controversy Land, 430 Coogulla, Coogyulla, . 161, 162 Coolaclamper, .... 430 Coolacleyane, 194 Coolacork, 304 Cooladerreen ; corner of the little oak. Coolaf mishoge ; corner of the ash- trees. Coolagarry; back of the garden. Coolakip, 333 Coolaknick ; back of the knock or hill. Coolaleen, 310 Coolamber, 408 Coolanarroo, 301 Coolanearl, 58 Coolaneelig ; corner of the dung. Coolauillaun; back of the island. Coolasmattane, .... 333 Coolasnaghta ; hill-back or corlier of the snow (p. 244). Coolataggle, 305 Coolatanayally ; back of the old town (p. 451). Coolateggart ; hill-back or corner of the priest. Coolavacoose, 221 Coolavanny, 201 Coolayokig, 159 Coolballintaggart ; back of the priest's town. Coolcaum ; crooked corner (p. 243). Coolcloher; sheltry corner. Coolcoghill, 195 Coolcraff ; hill-back of wild garhck (p. 327). Coolcullata, 456 Index of Names. 473 PAGE Coolclrinagli ; angle of the black-thorns. Coolclorragh, Coolclorragha, Coolclurragha ; dark cor- ner. Cooleighter ; lower corner (p. 415). Coolfin, 265 Coolfliigh ; wet corner, or hill-back (p. 388). Coolfore, 246 Coolfune, 265 Coolgarriff, Coolgarve,Cool- garrow ; rough corner or hill-back (p. 444). Coolkellure, 69 Coolkip, 333 Coolkirky, • 289 Coolknoohill, 307 CooUegrean, 234 CooUisduff ; angle of the black fort. Coolmuinga, 370 Coolnabanch, 9 Coolnabinnia ; back of the peak. Coolnacloghafinna ; hill - back of the white stone. Coolnaconarty, .... 43 Coolnacrunaght ; corner or hill-back of the wheat (p. 301). Coolnagaiig, 405 Coolnagillagh ; corner of the grouse-cocks (p. 289.) Coolnagloose, 404 Coolnahorna, 304 Coolnapish, Coolnapisha, . 305 Coolnashamroge, ... 55 Coolnasillagh ; angle of the sallows (p. 336). Coolnasmear, 307 Cooloultha, 123 Coolpowra, 305 Coolquoy, 373 PAGE Coolraheen ; angle of the small fort. Coolrawer ; thick hill-back (p. 395). Coolreagh ; grey corner or hill-back (p. 276). Coolshangan, 285 Coolshingaun, .... 285 Coolsythe, 175 Coolteen, 40 Coolumber, 408 Coolydoody; O'Douda's corner or hill-bank (p. 133). Coomakeoge, 248 Coomanaspig ; bishop's hol- low (p. 90). Coomanore, 344 Coomataharn or Coomasa- harn, 437 CoomataUin, 352 Coomavanniha, .... 447 Coonane, Cooneen, . . . 254 Coomcallee ; hag's valley. Coomdorragha ; dark valley. Coomleagh; grey valley. Coonmore, 254 Coonoge, ...... 254 Coos, 256 Copany, Copney, . . . 327 Coppanagh, 327 Corblonog, 204 Corcoge Mountain, . . . 445 Corcraff ; round hill of wild garlick (p. 327). Corcullionglish, .... 275 Cordevlis ; round hill of the black fort (p. 263). Corf ad ; long round hill. Corflugh ; wet roimd hill. Corick, -382 Corker, Corker Eoad, . . 223 Corlattycarroll ; round hill of O' Carroll's laght or monument (p. 133). 474 index of Names, PAGE Corlattylannan ; round liill of O'Lannan's laght. Cormaddyduff ; round hill of the black dog. Corraeeltan, 284 Cormonalea ; round hill of the grey bog (p. 277). Cormorant Island, . . . 220 Cornabrogue ; round hill of the shoe (p.l83). Cornadrung, 439 Cornafurrish, 58 Cornagashlaun ; round hill of the castles. Cornagillagh ; see next name. Oornaguillagh, .... 290 Cornakinnegar ; round hill of the rabbit warren. Cornamart ; round hill of the beeves (p. 296). Cornameelta, 284 Cornacask, Cornacausk, . 437 Cornarauddagh ; -round hill of the clowns (p. 160). Cornawall, 212 Cornery, 113 Corradillar, 11 Corranabinnia 408 Corranarry, Corraneary, . 113 Corranroo, 324 Corrantarramud, ... 15 Corrarod, 350 Corratanvally; round hill of the old town (p. 451). Carrayiller; round hill of water cress. Correagh ; grey round hill. Corrignagrena, .... 233 Corrintra, 376 Corrower, 278 Corrybrennan ; O'Erennan's round hill (p. 133.) Corrybrackan or Corry- vreckan, 409 Corryloughaphuill, . . 408 PAGE Corsillagh, 336 Corsilloga, 336 Cortrasua; cross hill. Corvickremon ; round hill of E-edmond's son (pp. 139, 164). Cotteenagh, 441 Cottian, 441 Coultry, 9 Coumbrack ; speckled val- ley (p. 296). Coumnagillagh, .... 290 Courtmacsherry, . . . 165 Couse, 214 Craffield, 328 Cr agger a, 11 Craggycorradan; O'Corra- dan's rock (p. 133). Craggykerrivan, .... 127 Craigahulliar, .... 352 Craiganboy; yellow little rock. CraigfaH; long rock. Craignahorn, 304 Craignasasonngh, . . . 121 Craigroe ; red rock. Cranagher, 9 Cranalagh, 5 Cranally, 6 Cranareen, 41 Cranavaneen, 362 Cranfield, Cranfield Point, 329 CrankiU, 329 Cranmore ; gi'eat tree. Crannslough, 367 CrawhiU, 329 Creagh, .... 206, 369 Crecora, 71 Cree, Creea, 206 Creeharmore, 368 Creelagh, Creelogh, . . . 367 Creenasmear, 307 Creeragh, 369 Creeran, Creeraun, . . . 369 Creeslough 379 Creeveeshal; low branch. Index of Names. 475 PAGE PAGE /~< ooo Creevenamanagli ; branch Crunagh, Crunaght, of the monks (p. 93). . . 303 Cruninish, . , . . . . 274 Cregaree ; rock of the king. obo loo Cuilleenoolagh, . . . . 352 Crillan, CriUaun, . . . obo . . 442 Obo Cuiltybo, Ouiltybobigge, . 419 Urinnagntane, Urinnagh- 303 /~i T Croagnnageer, .... 306 Croaghnakern, .... iUb . . 352 Croaghnameal, .... zoi . . 341 1 A . . 18 Urockacieaven, .... 194 CuUenramer ; thick holly 310 (p. 395). zU4 Cullyramer, . . . . . 396 (Jrockateggai ; mil oi the rye Culmore, .... Cummeragh river, . . . 390 Crocknaghigh, .... . . 4 Crocknafarbreague ; hill of Cung, The, . . . . . 386 the raise men (p. 411). Cungraore Point, . . 386 Curkacrone, . . . . . 274 oon OVV Curraghacnav, . . . . 329 Of\C\ Curraghacronacon, . . . 220 399 Curraghalaher, . . . . 115 Crompaunvealduark, . . 72 Curraghaleen, . . . . 311 Cronacarkfree, .... 289 Curraghanearla, . . . . 58 106 Curraghataggart ; marsh of 248 the priest (p. 91). Crone, Cronebane, . . . 364 Curraghatawy, . . 323 Curraghbaun ; white marsh. Cronecribbin : Cribbin's round hollow. Curraghbonaun, . . . . 291 274 Curraghbower, . . . . 48 364 Curraghfad ; long marsh (p. 364 393). 446 Curraghlane ; broad marsh Crory, 11 (p. 394). Crossbane ; white cross. Curraghmeelagh, . . 284 Crossernaganny, .... 117 Curraghmoghaim, . . . 369 Crosslea ; grey cross. Curraghsallagh, . . . . 367 Crossmaglen , . . . . 146 Curraghslagh, . . . . 366 37 Curraghtarsna ; cross marsh 11 (p. 418). Cruel!, 37 Curraghwheery, . . . . 331 476 Index of Names. PAGE Curraglass ; green marsh (p. 274). Ciirragrean, 234 Curraleigh ; grey marsh (p. 277). Currantavy, 323 Currasilla, 337 Currawatia, 388 Curr jeighter ; lower marsh. Cm'rjgUiss ; green marsh. Currynierin, 349 Cm'ryoughter ; upper marsh. Cushaling, 385 Cuskenny, 256 Cutteanta, 441 Cutteen, 441 Dalgan, Dalgin, .... 19 Dalligan, 20 Danes' Cast, 215 Danesfield 134 Dargan, 39 Dargle, 38 Dariheen Diarmada, . . 41 Darrigal, Darrigil, ... 39 Dartfield, 175 Dart Mountain, .... 295 Darver, 10 Davagh 410 Decies, baronies of, . . . 427 Deece, baronies of, . . . 425 Deelis, Deehsh, .... 263 Deenagh, 443 Deenish, 263 Delgany, 26 Delliga, Delligabaun, . . 334 Delour river, 10 Derdimus, 442 Derganagh, Dergany, . . 26 Dergbrough, 205 Dergenagh, 26 Dergraw, 271 Dergvone ; red bog. Dernaglug, 181 Dernamanagh ; oak wood of the monks (p. 93). PAGE Derraulin, 64 Derreenacullig, .... 290 Derreenadouglas ; little oak wood of the black stream. Derreenanarry, .... 438 Derreenatawy, .... 323 Derreenavoggy ; little oak wood of the bog. Derreennacno, .... 307 Derreennanalbanagh, . . 121 Derriheen at Cappaquin, . 41 Derrinkee ; oak wood of the purbUnd man (p. 158). Derrinlester, 186 Derrintawy, 323 Derrintin, 252 Derrintloura, 204 Derrintonny, 215 Derrintray, 217 Derrinydaly ; O'Daly's little oak wood. Derryarrow, 301 Derrybard, 1 10 Derrycark, 289 Derryclure, 243 Derrycnaw, 307 Derrycrafe, 328 Derrycramph, .... 328 Derrycrave, 328 DerryculHnan, Derryculli- nanbeg, 391 Derrydonnell, .... 135 Derrydooan ; Duane's oak grove (p. 125). Derrydruel, 98 Derryevin, 64 Derryfore, 246 Derrygalun, 288 Derrvgeeha ; windy oak wood (p. 240). Derrygooly 201 Derrygorry, 164 Derrygortrevy, .... 277 Derrygrath, " 271 Derryiron, 349 Derrykearn, 106 Index of Names. 477 PAGE Derrykeel, 395 Derryleagh ; grey oak wood. Derrylemoge, 167 Derrymeen, 393 Derrynabaimshy, ... 9 Derrynablurmaga, . . . 204 Derrynadooey, .... 264 Derrynagleragh ; oak wood of the clergy (p. 90). Derrynalester, .... 186 Derrynaloobinagh, . . . 401 Derrynamanagh ; oak wood of the monks. Derrynamraher ; oak wood of the friars (p. 95). Derrynasaggart, .... 91 Derrynasling, 353 Derryneece, 152 Derrynim, 204 Derryoughter ; upper oak wood (p. 414). Derryowen, 150 Derryree ; king's oak wood. Derryscollop, 199 Derrytrasna ; cross oak wood (p. 418). Derryricneill, . . . . 139 Derryvung, . . . . . 370 Descart, 427 Desertlyn, ...... 146 Desertoran, 144 Devleash, 263 Diamor, 454 Diffagher, 10 Dillagh, 11 Dinin river, 443 Diris, Dinish, . . 262, 263 Disirtowen ; Owen's hermitage. Diskirt, 427 Divanagh 263 Diviny, 263 Divis, Divish, .... 263 Doagh, 364 Donaghenry, 12 Donaghta, 405 Donaskeagh, 178 PAGE Donegore, 137 Donore, Donoiire, . . . 441 Donover, 441 Dooally, 262 Doobally ; black town. Doocarrick, Doocarrig ; black rock (p. 260). Doocatteens, 262 Doocharn ; black earn. Dooederny, 417 Dooghan 33 Doohat, Doohatty ; black tate or field. Dooish, .• . 263 Doolargy ; black hill-side. . DooHs, 263 Doolough, 261 Doonaghboy, 5 Doonanarroo ; fort of the corn (p. 300). Doonavanig ; fort of the monk (p. 93). Doonnawaul, 212 Doonoor, Doonore, Doon- our, 441 Doora, Dooragh, . . . 380 Doornane in Kilkenny, . 34 Dooroge, 41 Dooros, Dooms, .... 262 Doory, 380 Dore, 380 Dough, Dough Castle, . . 364 Douglas, 266 Dovea, 374 Doveran river in Sjotland, 380 Dower, 379 Downkillybegs, .... 390 Dray-road, 173 Drehidbower Bridge, . . 48 Drehidnaglaragh, . . . 219 Dresnagh, 335 Dressogagh, 335 Dressoge, 335 Dresternagh, Dresternan, . 335 Dring 439 Dringeen, 439 478 Index of Natnes, PAGE Drisli, 335 Drishagliaun, 335 Drishane, Drisheen, . . 335 Drishoge, Drissoge, . . . 335 Dristernan 335 Droinalour, 81 Dromanassig ; ridge of the waterfall. Dromcahan, 247 Droinclulier, 243 Dromcummer (-beg, more), 391 Dromdihy, 411 Dromduff ; black ridge. Dromgurrihy 293 Drominboy ; yellow little ridge. Dromiskin, 382 Dromkeale ; narrow ridge. Dromkeare, 306 Dromkeen, 63 Dromloughra ; ridge of rushes (p. 315). Dromorebrague, . . . 412 Dromrahan, Dromrahnee; ferny ridge (p. 312) Dromroe; red ridge. Driiimcheo, 247 Dniimnandruadh, ... 97 Drumadart; ridge of the ox (p. 294). DrumadiUar ; ridge of foli- age (p. 10). Drumagelvin, .... 288 Drumalagagh, 433 Drumalure, 81 Drumaneary, 113 Drumanespick ; thebishop's ridge (p. 90). Drumantine, 312 Drumaroad ; ridge of the road (p. 213). Drumart, 151 Drumary, 113 Drumavaddy; ridge of the dog. Drumavanagh, ... .94 PAGE Drumballyhagan ; ridge of O'Hagan's town. Driimbanaway, .... 273 Drumbinnis, Drumbinnisk, 70 Drumboory, 12 Drumboy; yeUow ridge. Drumbulcan, Drumbul- caun, 21 Driimbiilgan, 21 Drumbure, 12 Drumcannon, Drumcanon, 269 Drumcarbit, 172 Drumcett, 39 Drumchorick ; ridge of meeting (p. 381). Drumclamph, Drumcleave, . Drumcleavry, Drumcliff, . . DrumcoghiU, . Drumcollo}); ridge of hei- fers (p. 295). Drumcoora, Drumcramph ; wild-garlick ridge (p. 327). Drumdart, Drumdartan, . Drumdiffer, 262 Drmudiha, 411 Drumdillure ; ridge of foli- age (p. 10). Drumdran, 287 Drmneeshal ; low ridge (p. 416). Drumeevin, 64 Drumflugh; wet ridge (p. 388). Drumgamiih, 243 Drumgarrow, Drumgarve: rough ridge. Drumgaw, . . 79 194 8 193 195 71 295 Driungoff, Drumgramph, Drum guff, Drumguiff, Drumhaggart, Drumhallagh ; dirty ridge Drumharsna; cross ridge. 175 243 31^8 242 243 91 Index of Names. 479 PAGE Drumhoney, ..... 332 Drumhoy, ...... 429 Drumhurrin, . . • . . 223 Druminacrehir, . . . 368 Drumingna, . . . . 402 Druminisclin, 383 Druminis, 383 Druminshin ; ash - tree ridge. Druminure ; yew ridge, Drumkeen, 63 Drurakeenagh, .... 319 Drumkeo, 247 Drumlaghy; ridge of the slough (p. 365) Drumlannaght, .... 202 Drumlea, Drumleagh ; grey ridge (p. 277). Drumleckney, .... 27 Drumlester, 186 Drumliff, Drumliffin, . . 317 Drummallaglit, .... 449 DrumiiLanbane ; white little ridge, (p. 269 Drummanduff ; black little ridge (p. 260). Drummanlane ; wide little ridge (p. 394). Drummenagh, .... 418 Drumminacknew, . . . 329 Dumminacunna, . . . 332 Drumminroe ; red little ridge. Drummonum, .... 436 Drumnacanon ; ridge of the white-faced cow (p. 268). Drumnagar, 173 Drumnagee, 240 Drumnamallaght ; see Drummallaght. Drumnalost, 407 Drumnameel, 284 Drumnamether, .... 186 Drumnascamph, .... 325 Drumnasillagh ; ridge of sallows (p. 336). PAGE Drumnasmear, .... 307 Drumnasorn, 222 Drumnawall ; ridge of the hedges (p. 211). Drumquin, 63 Drumrahan, Driimrahnee,. 313 Drumraine, Drumrainy, . 313 Drumramer ; thick ridge. Drumrane, 313 Drumsallagh ; dirty ridge, or ridge of sallows. Drumsawry, 438 DrumscoUop ; ridge of scol- lops (p. 198). Drumshancorick ; ridge of the old meeting (pp. 383, 450). Drumsheen, 243 Drumskool, 363 Drumslade, Drumsleed, . 174 Drumsnat, 245 Drumtarsna, 419 Drumyarkin, 134 Drimg 439 Drungan 439 Duagh, 262 Duff, 260 Duffcarrick, 260 Duffry, 261 Dufless, 263 Duggerna Rocks at Kilkee, 27 Dunadry, 417 Dunancory, 95 Dunanore, 342 Dunaree, 99 Dunbolg, .... 192, 433 Dunbrin ; Bran's fortress. Dunbulloge, 192 Dunbunrawer, .... 306 Duncarbit, 172 DuncoUog, , 176 Dunderinot, 137 Dundooan, 125 Dunferris ; Fergus's for- tress (p. 152), Dungeeha, ...... 240 480 Index of Names. PAGE Dunglow, 432 Dungorey Castle, . . . 191 Duninga, 402 Duniiy, 137 Duiiislial ; low fortress. Dunkettle, 40 Dunkitt, 39 Dunleckny, 27 Dunmaniis ; Manus's fort. Dunnamanagli, .... 93 Dunnamona; fort of the bog. Dimnaval, 212 Dunover, 441 Dimowen 150 DunscuUib ; fort of scol- lops (p. 198). Duog, Duvog, .... 261 Duvillaun ; black island. Easterfield, 437 Edenagee ; hill-brow of the wind (p. 240). Edenagrena, 234 Edenappa; the abbot's hill- brow (p. 92). Edenatoodry, . . . . 115 Edenclaw, 215 Edenreagh ; gi'ey hill-brow. Edentrumly, 6 Edercloon/ 417 Ederglen, 417 Edernagh, Ederny, . . . 417 Eighter, 415 Ellistrin, 316 Ellistrom, EUistron, . . 316 Emlagher, 421 Ennislare, 418 Erne river, 455 Erribiil, 403 Erris, Errisbeg, .... 208 Ervallagh, 422 Eskeradooey, 264 Eskernabrogue, .... 184 Esknaloughoge, .... 286 Essnaheery, 280 PAGE Etra, 415 Evish, 320 Evishacrow, Evishbreedy, 320 Fagher, ....... 363 Fahanlunaghta, .... 202 jrahavane ; wliite plat. Faher 363 Fahnia Lake, 82 Falcarragh, 211 Fallagh, 211 Fallinerlea, 161 Falloward, Fallowbeg, . . 211 Fallow! ea, Fallowyee, . . 211 Falls, Falls Eoad, . . . 212 Falmacbreed, 211 Falmacrilly, 211 Falls Eoad, Belfast, . . 212 Fallowvee, 273 Falnasoogaun, .... 211 Faltagh, 211 Faltia, Falty, 212 Faltybanes, 212 Fanad, 15 Fananierin, 349 Fancroft, 265 Fanit, 15 Fan-na-carbad, . . . .171 Fantane, 40 Farbreaga, Farbreague, . 411 Farbreagues, . . . 411,412 Farbregagh, 412 Farran, 359 Farranaciirky, .... 303 FarranagalUagh, .... 359 Farranaree : land of the king (p. 98). Farranaseulloge, . . . 618 Farranaspig ; land of the bishop (p. 90 ) Farranatouke, .... 359 Farrancassidy, .... 75 Farrancleary, 90 Farrandahadore, .... 359 Farrandan ; David's land. Farranetra : lower land. Index of Names. 481 PAGE 246 PAGE 319 Farrangarode, Farrangar- 319 360 42 Farranimrisli ; disputed land (p. 430). 359 42 331 265 Farrankeal ; narrow land. Finglas, Finglash, Finglasha, 266 Farranlester ; land of the Finelen : white glen. vessels (p. 186). 266 Farranmanagh, Farran- Finisclin, Finisklin, . . 383 93 Finnabrogue, .... 184 Farrannamanaffh, . . . 93 268 360 266 Farransculloge, .... 113 Finnor, Finnure, . . . 383 452 268 359 268 360 265 Faslowart, 318 412 8 Fish Island, 455 363 388 211 81 212 Flughanagh, Flughany, . .S88 212 41 400 Fodagh 361 400 Fodeen, Fodeens, 361 Faunmore ; great, slope Fodrv, 11 Faunrusk, 400 314 400 Foffany (bane, reagh), Foghanagh, Fohanagh, , 314 Fawnanierin ; slope of the 314 iron Cd. 348"). Foilacluff * cliff of flip bpll 363 400 291 268 339 Foildarg ; red cliff. 319 269 319 246 Fearboy, Fearglass, . . Fearnamona; grassland of . 319 Ford of Ling, .... 385 247 the bog (p. 319). 246 Feavautia ' flooded marsh 204 (pp. 383, 378). ForkiU, 247 527 342 49 8 17 247 267 246 Feorish Eiyer, .... 279 8 2i 482 Index of Names. PAGE Funshadaun, 36 Galcussagh, 270 Galvone, 270 Ganaway, Gannavagli, , . 354 Gannavane, Gannaveen, . 354 Gannew, 354 Ganniv, 354 Gannouglis, 354 Gannow, 354 GarbaUj, 394,444 Garinish, 419 Garlic HiU, 329 Garracloon, . . . 394- 444 Garranabraher, .... 95 Garranakilka, .... 317 Garranamanagli, ... 93 Garrananaspick ; bishop's shrubbery (p. 90). Garranashingaun, . . .285 Garranboy; yellow shrub- bery (p. 272). Garrandarragh ; oak shrub- bery, Garranenamuddagh ; the shrubbery of the clowns. Garranroe ; red shrubbery. Garraunnameetagh, . . Ill Garravlagh, 5 Garreenleen; garden of the flax. Garrifly 6 Garroose, 14 Garryantaggart; the priest's garden (p. 91). Garryantanvally. • • • 451 Garrycam; crooked garden. Garrycloher ; sheltered garden (p. 243). Garryclone, Garrycloyne, 444 Garry gang, 405 Garryglass ; green garden ^ (p. 274). Garryleagh ; grey garden ^ (p. 277). Garrynamona ; garden of the bog. PAGB Garrynaneaskagh, . . . 289 Garrynatinneel, .... 223 Garrynoe ; new garden. Garryroe ; red garden. Garshooey, ..... 323 Gartbratton, 120 Gartree ; king's garden. Garyillaun ; rough island. Garvoge, 445 Gaugin mountain, . . . 406 Gilkagh 316 GilkyhiU, 317 Giltagh, 317 Glan, 375 Glananore, 344 Glanaruddery, . . . . 102 Glanbannoo, 447 Glanbeg ; little glen. Glancam, 397 Glancullare ; glen of the quarry (p. 352). Glandart, Glandarta, . . 295 Glanniore ; great glen. Glannaheera, .... 280 Glannan, ...... 375 Glanog, 375 Glanreagh, grey glen. Glascarn, 274 Glascarrig, 274 Glasderry ; green oak wood. Glasdrumman, Glasdrum- mond, 275 Glasgort, 176 Glasliagloragh, .... 66 Glashananoon ; streamlet of the lambs (p. 293). Glashawling, 64 Glasheenanarged ... 69 Glaskill ; greenwood. Glaslough, 275 Glasnarget ; brook of silver. Glassillan, Glassillaun . . 275 Glasvaunta ; green lea-fields. Glear, 68 Glennacunna ; glen of fire- wood (p. 331). Index of Names* 48a PAGE Olenahiry, 280 Glenamuck ; glen of the pigs. Glenane, Glenaun ; little glen (p. 20). Olenaree; glen of the king. Olenastar, ....... 456 Glenatallan, 352 Glenatlucky, 379 Glenawarcl, 110 Glenbower, 47 Olenbov ; yellow glen (p. 272). Olenbi-adagh, 109 Glencloghlea ; glen of the grey-stone (p. 277). Glencoppogagh, . . . 327 G-lencoum or Glencaum, . 397 Glendalligan, 20 Glendavagh, 410 Glendoo ; black glen (p. 260). Glenflugh, 388 Glenfofanny, 314 Glenga, 175 G-lenganagh, 355 Glengar, 394 Glengoole, 200 G-lengorm ; bluish glen. Glenkeel, 395 Glenkeo; glen of fog (p. 247). Glennacannon, .... 269 Glennagark, 289 Glennageare, 306 G-lennamong, 322 Glennanammer, .... 407 Glennanummer, .... 407 Glennascaul, 103 Glennyhorn, 304 Glenoge ; see Glanoge. Glenoognagh, .... 454 Glenribbeen ; Robin's glen. Glenshane, 165 Glentrasna ; cross glen, Gleoir river 68 Glooria, 69 Gloragh, 66 2 1 PAGE Glore, 68 Gloreen Bridge .... 66 Gloryford, 66 Glory River, 66 Glouria, ...... 69 Gluaire, 69 Gobnadruy, 98 Gold Mine River, ... 340 Goleen, ....... 256 Goragh wood, ' . . . . 24 Gorey, 24 Gormagh 276 Gorminish, 276 Gormlee, ,276 Gortachurk, 304 Gortaclee, 215 Gortacollopa ; field of the heifer (p. 295). Gortacorka ; field of oats. Gortaf oria ; field of beans. Gortaleen, 310 Gortalughany, .... 388 Gortanore, 343 Gortaphoria, , . . . . 305 Gortaree ; field of the king. Gortaroe ; red fields (p. 271). Gortaroo, Gortarowey, . 325 Gortataggart ; priest's field. Gortatanavally, . . . . 451 Gortateean, 311 Gortatray, 217 Gortavacoosh, .... 221 Gortavoher; field of the road. Gortaward, 110 Gortcam ; crooked field. Gortdrishagh ; brambly field (p. 334). Gorteenadrolane, . . . 287 Gorteenapheebera ; little field of the piper (see p. 422 note). Gorteenaphoria, .... 305 Gorteenashingaun ; little field of the pismires (p. 284). 2 484 Index of Names. PAGE Oorteenshamrogue, ... 55 Gorteeshal, 416 Gortf ree ; field of heath. Gorticleave, 176 Gortiemeelra, 141 Oortlahan, G-ortlane, . . 394 G-ortlaunaght, .... 202 Gortlogher ; rushy field (p. 315). G-ortlownan, 33 G-ortmaloon, 294 Gortnadiha, Gortnadihy, . 410 Gortnadrass, ..... 336 Gortnafira, .... 330, 331 Gortnagap, 333 Gortnagark; field of the (heath-)hens (p. 289). Gortnagier, 306 Gortnagleav, 194 Gortnagranagher, ... 10 Gortnahorna; field of the barley (p. 304). Gortnalahagh, .... 366 Gortnalahee, 365 Gortnalamph ; field of the wall-fern (p. 326). Gortnalour, Gortnaloura, 80 Gortnalower, 80 Gortnalughoge, .... 286 Gortnamackan, Gortna- mackanee, 330 Gortnamearacaun, . . . 312 Gortnanoon, 293 Gortnasculloge ; field of the petty farmers (p. 112). Gortnashangan, Gortna- shingaun; field of the pismires (p. 284). Gortnasharvoge, .... 322 Gortnasmuttaim, . . . 332 Gortnasoolboy, .... 81 Gortnasythe, 175 Gortnatraw, 217 Gortreagh, Gortrevagh, . 277 Gortree ; king's field (p. £8). Gortyclery, 135 PAGE Gortyleahy, Gortymadden, 135- Gortyloughlin, .... 134 Gougane, Gougane Barra, 406- Gouladane, 36- Goulaspurra, ..... 61 Goulreagh; grey fork (p. 276). Gom-ee, Gourie, .... 24 Gowlin, . ...... 31 Gowran, 23- Gragadder, 417 Graigariddy ; village of the iron scum (p. 350). Graigavine, 13T Graignagreana ; sunny vil- lage (p. 233). Graignaspiddoge, . . . 288 Oraigueachullaire ; village of the quarry (p. 352). Granagh, 354 Granaghan, 354- Granig, 354 Grannagh, 354 Granny, 354 Gravale Mountain, . . . 354 Greagh, 369" Greagharue ; mountain field of the rue (p. 323). Greaghawillen, .... 36^ Greaghnagee, 370* Greaghnagleragh, . . . 370 Greaghnaloughry, . . . 315- Greaghrevagh ; grey moun- tain-field (p. 276). Grean ; see Knockgrean. Greanagh stream, . . . 354 Grogagh, Grogan, . . . 321 Grogeen, Grogey, . . . 321 Groggan, 321 Gruig, 321 Gubnahinneora, .... 198 Guhard, 68 Guilcagh, Guilkagh, . . 316 Gurteenaspig ; bishop's little field (p. 90). Gweebarra, 259 Gweedore, 259- Index of Nantes, PAGE Oweesalia, 259 Headford, 228, 229 Headfort, 229 Hook, Parish and Point, . 125 Hospital, 79 Hlaunatoo, 323 Hlaunbaun ; white island. Hlaunbower, 48 Hlauncaum ; crooked island. HLaunnambraher ; friars' island (p. 95). Inchafune, 265 Inchagreana, 234 Inchagreenoge, .... 292 Inchalughoge, .... 286 Inchanappa, ..... 92 Inchanearl; earl's island. Inchera, 424 Inchinsquillib, .... 199 Inchintrea, 217 Inchiquin; O'Quin's island (p. 133). Inchnanoon, 293 Inga, 402 Ingard, 402 Ing Point, 402 Inisclan, Inisclin, . . . 383 Inishbeg, 391 Inishbobunnan, . . . . 291 Inishcorker, 224 Inishcraff, 328 Inishdivann, 292 Inishee, 148, 405 Inisheer, 423 Inishkeen; beautiful island. Inishlounaght, .... 201 Inishmaan, 418 Inishmaine, 418 Inishmeane, 418 Inishmurray, . . . . . 132 Inishoght, 405 Inishore, 391 Inishraher, 313 Inishroo, 324 PAGE Inis Samer .. .. ... • 455 Inneoin-nan-Deise, . . . 197 Iraghticonor, 134 Ire stream, 280 Irrelaffh Abbey, . . . . 421 Irrus, 207 Irrus-Ainhagh, . . .208,243 Isknagahiny, 339 Island Causk, .... 437 Islandganniv ; sandy island. Iveagh barony, . . . . 155 Kanargad; silver head or hill. Keal, Keale, .... 14,395 Kealariddig, 351 Kealbrogeen, 184 KeaUd, 14 Keave, 321 Keel, 395 Keelagh, Keelaghy, . . . 395 Keelderry ; narrow oak wood (p. 395). Keeltane, 40 Keenagh, 318 Keenaghan, 319 Keenheen, 40 Keenoge, 319 Keenrath, 62 Keerglen, ...... 264 Keernaun, 33 Keevagh, 321 Keilagh, 395 KeUs, 228, 229 Kelsha, 9 Kenbane, 269 Kenramer, 396 Kereight, 108 Kevin's Kitchen, .... 220 Keyanna, 373 Keywee, 373 KilbaHyowen 150 Kilbeacanty, 28 Kilbegnet, 2S Kilbrack, Kilbracks, . . 281 KUbrittain 120 486 Index of Names, PAGE Kilclober, 244 Kilcloney, Kilcloony; church or wood of the meadow. Kilcondiiff, ..... 153 Kilconny, 332 Kilcoorha, 71 Kilcreevantj, 28 Kilereman, 164 Kilcrumper, 92 Kilcumreragh, .... 92 Kildellig, 334 Kildreenagh, 4 Kildress, 336 Kilfane, 125 Kilfaul, 211 Kilfenora, 268 Kilfergus, ...... 152 Kilfintan, 35 Kilfountain, ..... 35 Kilgilky, 317 Kilglass; green church or wood (p. 274). Kilgraney, 236 Kilgreana, Kilgreany, . . 236 Killabban, 206 Killabraher ; church of the friar (p. 95), Killacliig ; church of the bell (p. 180). Killadroy, 98 Killaghtee 148 Killakee, 158 Killaleen, 310 Killananima, 436 Killascaul, 104 Killasnet, 28 Killaspeenan, 306 Killaspy, 90 Killeenadeema, .... 168 Killeenboy; yellow little church (p. 272). Killeeshal; low church or w^ood (p. 416). Killickaweeny, .... 141 Killimor, 197 KiUimorbologue, .... 193 PAGE Killinaspick ; church of the bishop (p. 90). Kilhnawas, 107 Killineer, ...... 137 Killinordan, 198 Killodiernan, 1S8 KiUodonnell, 136 Killogilleen, 138 Killoran, 144: KiUoughter, 415 Kill St. Ann, 22 Killyblane 258 Killyblunick, 204 Killycolpy, 296 Killyconny, 331 Killycracken, 115 Killycramph ; wood of wild garhc (p. 327). Killyfad, KiUyfaddy, . . 393 Killyflugh, 388 Killykeen, 62 Killyleen, 310 Killymallaght ; wood of curses (p. 448). Killynanum, 436 Killyneary, 113 Killyneece, 152 Killyneery, 113 Killynumber, 407 Killyramer, 396 Xillyrover, 396 Kilmacnnearla, .... 58 Kilmacduagh, .... 190 Kilmacduane, .... 126 Kilmacnoran, . . . . 139 Kimaglish, Kilmaglush, . 275 Kilmaine, Kilmainemore, . 418 Kilmakee, 149 Kilmakevoge, .... 278 Kilmastulla, 141 Kilmeague, 29 Kilmogue 29 Kilnacolpagh, .... 296 Kilnagarbet; 172 Kilnageer, 306 Kilnaheery, Kilnahera, . 280 Index of Names. 487 PAGE Kilnamanagh, .... 93 Bjlnamartry, . . . . . 435 Kilnappy, 93 Kilnarovanagli, . , . , 122 Kilnasudry, 114 Kilpadder, Kilpedder ; St. Peter's Church. Kilquain, Kilquan, . . . 153 Kilrossantj, 8 Kilruddery, 101 KilsaUagh, 367 KilsaUaghan, 337 Kilscohagh, Kilscohanagh, 309 Kilshannig, Kilshanny, . 132 Kilsough, 323 Kiltallaghan, 337 Kiltamagh, 419 Kiltillahan, 337 Kiltoy, 429 Kiltrasna, 419 Kilworth, 95 Kinallen, 64 KinatevdiUa, 197 KinawHa, 189 Kinbally ; head of the town. Ejincaslough, 257 Kinduff ; black head. Kingarriff, Kingarrow, Kin- garve ; rough head (p. 444). Kingscourt, 99 Kiniska ; head of the water. Kinkeel ; narrow head. Kinkillew; head of the wood. Kinramer; thick head (p. 395). Kippeenduff, 334 Kippin, Kippinduff, . . 334 Kinpure Mountain, . . . 333 KiWy, 321 Knag HiU, 11 Knavagh, "329 Knigh, 307 Knightstown, 686 Knock Abbey, .... 285 PAGE Knockacaharna, .... 106 Knockacappul ; kill of the horse. Knockacheo, 248 Knockacoller, 352 Knockacomor'tish, . . . 431 Knockacullin, Knockacul- lion ; hill of the hoUy . Knockadav ; hill of the ox. Knockadilly, 1 J Knockadroleen ; hill of the wren (p. 287). Knockagarranbaun, . . . 270 Knockagh, 343 Knockakilly, 290 Knockakip, 333 Knockalohert, 318 Knockamoohane. . . . 369 Knockanalban, . . . . 121 Knockananeel, .... 353 Knockanamadane, . . . 160 Knockananima, .... 436 Knockananty, 314 Knockanaplawy, .... 77 Knockanarroor, .... 300 Knockanimrish ; hill of the dispute (p. 430). Knockanooker, . . . . 117 Knockanore, 344 Knockanoiiganish, . . . 454 Knockanulty, 123 Knocka'pharsoon, ... 57 Knockariddera ; knight's hill (p. 101). Knockaspur, ol Knockatassonig, .... 121 Knockatavy, ..... 323 Knockathea, 447 Knockatoo, 323 Knockatudor, ..... 115 Knockaunabroona, . . . 168 Knockaunalcur, .... 80 Knockaunbrack, .... 21 Knockauncarragh ; rough Little hill (p. 445. 488 PAGE Knockaunfargarve ; little bill of the rough men (p. 444). Knockaunroe ; red little hiU (p. 271). Knockavocka, 159 Knockavrogeen, . . . . 185 Knockavuddig, .... 160 Knockawuddy, .... 160 Knockballynoe ; hill of the new town. Knockbower; deaf hill (p. 46). Knockcoolkeare, .... 306 Knockcorragh ; rough hill. Knockdoe, 176 Knockearl, 58 Knockeenatuder ; little hill of the tanner (p. 114). Knockeengancan ; little hiU without a head. Knockeevan, 64 Knockergrana, 12 Knockersally, 12 Knockfad, Knockfadda, . 393 Knockfenora, 268 Knockfin, Knockfune, . . 265 Knockgrean, 236 Knockmaddaroe ; hill of the red dog. Knockmanagh, .... 93 Knockmore, 393 Knockmoynagh ; Munster- man'8 hill (p. 123). Knocknabrogue, . , . 184 Knocknacarney, .... 106 Knocknacaska, .... 437 Knocknadiha 411 Knocknafaugher, . . 363 Knocknagilky ; hill of the broom (p. 316). Knocknagoran, .... 24 Knocknagranogy, . . . 292 Knocknagreana ; sunny hill. Knocknagulliagh, . ... 290 Knocknalower, .... 80 PAOS Knocknamanagh, ... 93 Knocknaseed, .... 175 Knocknaseggane, . . . 285 Knocknashammer, ... 55 Knocknashamroge, ... 55 Knocknashane, .... 285 Knocknashangan, . . . 285 Knocknashee; hill of the fairies. Knocknaslinna, .... 353 Knocknatinnyweel, . . . 223 Knackoura, 267 Knockrawer ; thick hill. Knocksaggart ; priest's hill. Knocksedan, 241 Knockshangarry; hill of the old garden (p. 450). Knockshearoon, .... 165 Knocktoran, 207 Knockycosker, .... 134 Kye, 373 Kylebrack, 281 Kylenasaggart, .... 91 Kyleomedan; fool's wood (p. 160). Kyleonermody, • • . 137 KylesaUa, 250 Kylespiddoge, .... 288 Kyletilloge, 337 Kylewee, 419 Labara, Labarus, Laber, . 67 Labbinlee, Labbyanlee, . 102 Labrann, 67 Lackafinna; white stones. Lackaghboy; yellow stony place (p. 272). Lackanscaul, 103 Lacantedane, 241 Lackavrea Mountain, . . 445 Lackaweer, 112 Laganore, 344 Lagflugh ; wet hollow. Laghaghglass, .... 365 Laghey, Laghy, .... 365 Laghtcausk, ... . 437 Index of Names. 489 PAGE liagnagoppoge, .... 327 Lahagh, 365 Xahaghglass ; green slough. Xaharan, Laharran, . . 360 Xaheen, 366 liask River, 443 Xatgee, 240 liatnamard, 110 Xatroe; red laght (p. 271). Xavaran, 41 liavareen, 66 Xawarreen, 56 Xea, Leagh, 277 Xeaghin 277 Xeaghan, 277 Xeaha, Xeahys, .... 277 Xeaheen, 277 Xeamokevoge, .... 278 Xeany, .378 Xearden, 36 Xecarrownagappoge ; half- quarter of the dockleaves (p. 327). Xeckanvy, 243 Xeedaun, 36 Xeenane, 383, 384 Xeganamer, ..... 407 Xegatraghta, 245 Xegayannon, 294 Legillj, 271 Xegnahorna ; hollow of the barley; (p. 304). Xeighan, Leighon, . . . 277 Xenabbwer, 48 Xenaloughra ; rushy wet meadow (p. 315, 378). Xenamore, 378 Xenareagh, Lenarevagh ; grey wet meadow (p. 276). Xemiaght, 201 Xeny, Xeo, Leoh, Xeopardstown, Xettercamion, Xetterdife, . . 378 326 81 269 411 Xettergarriv ; rough hill-8ide« PAGE Xetterlougher, .... 315 Leugh, Lewagh, .... 326 Levallynearl; half townland of the earl (p. 57). Lickerrig, 271 Xicknaun, 33 Lickny, 26 Xinduachaill, .... 385 Ling, ford of, .... 385 Lingaun river, .... 444 Xinns, 385 Xisacoghill, 195 Lisanargid, 347 Lisaslaun, 83 Lisatilister, 316 Lisbanlemneigh ; white fort of the leap of the horse. Lisbunny, 387 Lisburn, 1 18 Liscloonmeeltoge ; fort of the meadow of the midges (p. 284). Xisconduff ; fort of the black hound. Lisdillure, 10 Lisdrumcleve, .... 194 Lisglass ; green fort. Lisglassock, 287 Xisheenaleen, 310 Lisheenanargid, .... 347 Lisheenanierin, .... 349 Lisheennagat ; little fort of the cats. Lisheennashingane, . . 285 Xiskea, Liskeagh, , . . 179 Xislane, • 394 Lismore, 178 Lisnacreaght, . ... 108 Lisnafunchin ; fort of the ash-trees. Lisnagar demesne, . . . 173 Lisnagarvy, 1 18 Lisnageer ; fort of the ber- ries (p. 306). Lisnagelvin, 288 Lisnagloos, ..... 403 490 Index of Names, PAGE Lisnagonoge, 186 Lisnagunogue, . . ..*. 186 Lisiiaiiiintry, . * * . . 114 Lisnamoe ; fort of the cows. Lisnanoul, 159 Lisnaponra ; fort of the beans (p. 305). Lisnaree ; fort of the kings. Lisnarode, 213 Lisnasallagh, Lisnasillagh, 336, 337 Lisnasassonagh ; the fort of the Englishmen 121). Lisnasoolmoy, 82 Lisnasprunane, .... 306 Lisoid, 361 Lisomadaun ; fool's fort. Lisrenny, 313 Lisroe, red fort (p. 271).. Lissacurkia, 303 Lissadulta, 142 Lissaghanedan, .... 5 Lissaghmore, . • . . . 5 Lissaleen; fort of flax (p. 309). Lissanair, 319 Lissanarroor, 300 Lissanierin, 349 Lissanode, 361 Lissanover, 442 Lissanure ; fort of the yew. Lissasmattaun, .... 333 Lissataggle, 305 Lissatunna, Lissatunny, . 216 Lissofin, 149 Lissoiighter, 415 Lissurland, 321 Lissyclearig ; O'Cleary's fort. Listooder, 115 Listraghee, 8 Listraheagny 8 Lloyd, Hill of, ... . 169 Lohort, 318 Loobagh river, .... 401 Loonaghtan, ..... 201 Lorton, 318 Losset, 406 PAGE Loughacrannereen, . . 41 LonghAfoor, .... 246 Lough Agiise, .... 338 Loughakeo, .... . 248 Lough Aleenaun, . . . 384 Lough Alunaghta, . . . 202 LoughanargidjLoughanargit, 345 Loughaneeg, 88 Loughaneanvrick, . . . 297 Loughanierin, .... 34^ Lough Animma, . . . 204 Loughan Island, ... 21 Loughanlea, ..... 89 Loughanleagh, .... 88 Loughanlewnaght ; same as Lough Alunaghta. Loughannadown .... 251 Loughannagilla, .... 270 Loughannasool, .... 88 Loughanscaul, .... 104 Lougharnagh, .... 6 Lough Arudda, .... 350 Lough Atalia, .... 250 Loughatallon, .... 351 Lough Atedaun, . . . 241 Loughatorick 207 Loughaunnavaag, . . . 316 Loughanroe ; red little lake. Lough Ayellowin, . . . 288 Lough Ayelvin, .... 288 Lough Ayoosy, .... 338 Loughbane, Loughbaun, . 269 Lough Belshade, .... 358 Lough Boolynagreana, . 235 Loughcashleen, .... 257 Lough Clooshgirrea, . . 403 Lough Cluher, . . .132,243 Lough Cong, 387 Longh Coura, .... 71 Lough Cowey, . . . . 153 Lough Crillan, .... 368 Lough Croan, .... 274 Lough deheen, Loughdiheen, 411 Loughdoo, 261 Loughdufe 261 Lough Egish, . . . . Ill Index of Names. 491 Lougher, Lougliermore,. Lough Eyes, . Loughfea, . . Loiigbfeedora, Lough gal, . Loughgeluane Lough gill, . . Lough glass, Lough Grlore, . Lough Gowna, Loughinisland, Loughinsholin, Lough Iron, . Loughkeen, Lough Lohery, Loughmoe, Loughmurree, Lough Muskry, Lough Nabrack, Lough Nabrackalan, Lough Nabrackbady, Lough Nabrackbeg, Lough Nabrackbautia, Lough Nabrackboy, . Lough Nabrackdeelion, Lough Nabrackdarrig, Lough Nabrackderg, Lough Nabrackkeagh, Lough Nabrackmore, Lough Nabrackrawer, Lough Nacreaght, . Lough Nacrilly, . . Lough Nacung, . . Lough Nadreegeel, . Lough Nadrooa, . . Loughnaheery, . . Lough Nakey, . . Lough Nambrackkdarrig, Loughnameeltogue, Lough Nanegish, Lough Nanoon, , Lough nashade, . Loughnashandree, Lough Nasnahida, Lough Nasool, Loughorne, Loughourna, PAGE 315 88 316 116 270 288 270 269 68 453 21 145 349 63 315 185 249 358 297 299 299 299 300 298 3C0 298 298 298 299 299 108 368 386 395 98 280 373 298 284 111 293 357 96 204 88 304 PAGE Lough Ramor, . . ... 39(> Loughros, 185 Loughrud, 350 Loughry, 315 Lough sallagh, .... 3& Loughsheedan, .... 241 Lough Shillin. . . .145,146 Lough Shindilla, . . . . 197 Lough Sillan, .... 337 Lough Skuddal, ... 194 Lough Slaun, . . . ^ . . 84 Lough Slug 379 Lowerton, Lowertown, . 318 Lowran, 41 Loyst, 407 Luaghnabrogue, .... 185 Lubitavish, 14 Lucan, 32 Luffertan, Luffertaun, . . 318 Lugali sheen ; hollow of the little fort. Lugasnaghta, 245 Lugatallin, 352 Lugboy ; yellow hollow. Luggacurren, 31 Lugganammer, , .... 407 Lugglass ; green hollow. Lugnagun, hollow of the hounds. Luogh, 326 Lurgantamry, .... 438 Lusmagh, 74 Lustia, Lusty, .... 407 Lyardane 36 Lyneen, 162 Lyradane, 36 Lyrefune ; white river fork, Lyrenacallee ; river-fork of the hag. Mac Art's fort, . . . . 151 Mackan Maekanagh, . . 330 Marnagh, Macknan . . . 330 Mackney, 330 Macreary, 36^^ Macroom, 398 492 Index of Names. PAGE Maddyboy ; yellow sticks. Maddydoo ; black sticks. Maddykeel; narrow sticks. Magheradartin ; plain of heifers (p. 294). Magheraglass, 417 Magheranearla, Magheran- erla ; the plain of the earl (p. 57). Magherascouse, .... 13 Magherashaghry. . . . 165 Maghereagh ; grey plain. Maghereen, 31 Maghernashangan. . . .285 Maheraneig, 72 Mallabracka ; speckled hillocks. Malone, Maloon, . . 293, 294 Manger ton Mountain, . . 43 Martara, 435 Martray, Martry, . . . 435 Maughantoorig, .... 438 Mauherslieve, 290 Maulbrack ; speckled hillock. Mauteoge, 389 Mautiagh, 389 Maynebog, 46 Meeltoge, Meeltogues, . . 284 Meen, 377 Meenacharbet; mountain mea- dow of the chariot (p. 171). Meenacharvy, .... 119 Meenacung, 386 Meenagranoge, .... 292 Meenagrauv, 377 Meenahony, 377 Meenaguse, 338 Meenaheery ; mountain flat of the dun cow (p. 280). Meenanarwa, 301 Meenanimerish, .... 430 Meenatawy ; mountain mea- dow of the sorrel (p. 323). Meenbane, 377 Meenbog, 46 Meencargagh ; rocky moun- tain meadow. PAGE Meenirroy, 161 Meeniska, 377 Meenlagh, 393 Meenmore; great moun- tain meadow. Meenreagh ; grey moun- tain meadow (p. 276). Meenscovane, 325 Meentanakill, .... 377 Meentoges, 378 Meentyflugh, . . . 377, 378 Menlo or Menlough, . . 393 Meenvane, Meenvaun, . . 377 Meeshall, 416 Menlough or Menlo, . . 393 Mill Brook or Bellanaganny, 1 17 Millford, 105 Mira, 11 Mishalls, 416 Miskish Mountains, . . 432 Mitchelstown, .... 252 Mitchelstowndown, . . 252 Moanamought ; moin-na- mbocht, bog of the poor (people). Moanfin, Moanfoun, Moan- fune ; white bog (p. 264). Moanleana, 378 Moanour, 278 Moanwing, 370 Mocollop, 295 Modeshil, 428 Moherbullog, 193 Mohernagh, 6 Mohernashammer, ... 55 Monacallee ; hag's bog. Monachunna, 332 Monacocka ; dirty bog (p. 162). Monafehadee, .... 374 Monagier, 306 Monagoush, 338 Monagreany, 234 Monahoora, 280 Monairmore, 320 Moonakeeba, 321 Monalahy, 365 Index Oj PAGE Monaleen, 311 Monanagirr, 229 Monanimy, 203 Monaparson, 67 Monaree, 99 Monarud ; bog of the iron scum (p. 350). Monaseed, 175 Monaspick, 90 Monasterboice, .... 227 Monasterevin, .... 227 Monasterlyim, . . . . 146 Monasternalea, .... 227 Monasteroris, .... 140 Monavoddagli, .... 160 Monearaniska ; meadow of the water (p. 320). Monearla ; earl's bog. Monearmore, 320 Moneenbradagb, .... 109 Moneennascythe, . . . 175 Moneenreave, 351 Moneenroe ; red little bog. Moneyconej, 332 Moneydollog, 334 Moneygold, 142 Moneygorbet, . . . . . 172 Moneylahan, Moneylane ; broad shrubbery (p. 394). Moneymeen, 393 Moneynierin ; shrubbery of the iron (p. 348). Moneyrod, 350 Moneysharvan, .... 322 Moneyshingaun ; shrubbery of ants (p. 284). Moneysterling, .... 146 Mong, Mongagh, Mongan, Mongaun, .... 321, 322 Mongavlin, 31 Monknewtown 94 Monog, 29 Monreagh ; grey bog (p. 276). Mooghaun, Moohane, . . 369 Moraghy, 392 Morerah, 392 Names. 49 PAGE Morning Star riyer, . . . 455 Moroe, ...... 272 Mosstown 319 Motabower; deaf moat (p. 46). Mount Equity, .... 434 Moyad, Moyadd, Moyadda ; long plain (p, 393). Moyallen, 64 Moyarget, 345 Moybolgue, 193 Moyeightragh, . . . . 415 Moy, Etra and Otra, . . 416 Moye:arriff; rough plain. Moylehid, 394 Moyleroe ; red bare-hill. Moyletra, Kill and Toy. . 416 Moynagh, 6 Moynaghan, 6 Moyng, 370 Moyode, 360 Moyroe, 272 Moysnaght, 245 Moyvoughley, .... 183 Muchknock, 393 Muchrath, Muchrock. . . 393 Muckanaghederdauhalia, . 250 Muckross Abbey, . . . 421 Muggalnagrow, .... 72 Muing 370 Muingatlaunlu sh, ... 84 Muingatogher, .... 470 Muingbaun, 370 Muingnaminnane, . . . 370 Muingwee ; yellow marsh. Mulgeeth, 241 MuUabrack, ..... 282 Mulladrillen, 287 Mullafernaghan, .... 32 MuUaghasturrakeen, . . 38 Mullaghbrack, .... 282 Mullagh Carbadagh, . . 172 MuUaghcleevaun, . . . 194 Mullaghcroy, 446 Mullagh darrig, Mullagh- derg;red summit (p. 271). 494 Index of Names. PAGE Mullaghmeslia, . . . . 192 Mullaglinoney, . . . . 198 Mullaghoran 144 Mullaghruttery, .... 102 Mullaglisliantullagh ; sum- mit of the old liiLLock. Mnllaghslin 853 Miillanabattog, .... 389 Mullanacask, 437 JVIuUandavagh, . . . . 410 Mullannavode, .... 361 Mullanshellistragh, . . . 316 MuUantain, 311 Mullantine, 312 MuUantra, 376 Mullaroe, 97 Mullatigorry, 164 MuUaunavode, .... 361 Mullenbower, 48 MuUenkeagh, 49 Mullenoran near Mullin- gar, 302 Mullinahack, 162 Miillingee, 240 MuUinagore ; mill of the goats. Mullybrack, 282 Mullybrit, 282 MuUynalughoge, . . . 286 Miilljsilly ; summit of the sallows (p. 336). Mulmontry, 114 Mulnahorn, 304 Mulroy, ...... 272 Munga, Mungan, Mun- gaun, 3 -'1,322 Murhaun, 40 Murlough, 249 Mynagh, 6 MyshaU, 416 I^ewbrook, 401 Ifewtownbarry, .... 372 Newtown Moynagh, . . 123 IXier river, 279 PAGE Odder, 278 O'Dorney, 136 Odras, 279 Ogonnilloe, 136 Oiltiagh stream, .... 8 Oorid, . 15 Oorla, 321 Oriel, .... 343,422,423 Orior, 423 Oristown, 423 Orrery, 52 Otra, 416 Oughter, 414 Oughteranny, 415 Oughtiv, 365 Oughtmama, 405 Oughtymore, Oughtymoyle, 405 Oulev, 4 Ouragh, 278 Ouvrey, 445 Owenacahina, 339 Owenascaul, 104 Owenavrea, 446 Owenboy, 273 Owengarve, 444 Owenkeagh, 88 Owennaforeesha river, . . 58 Owennagloor, .... 291 Owennamallaght, . . . 448 Owemiashingaun, . . • 285 Owenriff, 351 Owenroe, 271 Owenshree, 216 Owenskaw, 451 Owenure, 246 Owenwee, 273 Ower, 278 Owvane river, 270 Palace, PaUas, .... 226 Pallas Orean, 237 Pallas Kenry, 226 Pallis, 226 Park, .59 Parkanimerish, .... 430 Index of Names. 495 PAGE Tarkatleva, 59 Parkatluggera, .... 379 Parkayacoosh, .... 221 Tarkgarriff, Parkgarre, . 444 Parknagappul, .... 59 Parknaglantane, .... 59 Parknasilloge ; field of the saUows (p. 336). Parkroe ; red field. Parteen, 226 Phaleesh, 226 Pigeon Eock, 291 Pill Lane, 256 Pill Eiver, 256 PiUtown, 255, 256 Pintown, 220 Pishanagh, 305 Poldoody, 143 Pollacullaire, 352 Polladoo, PDlladooey, . . 264 Polladoohy, 264 Pollaginnive, 354 Pollanaskan, 296 Pollandoo, 264 Pollataggle, 305 Pollatlugga ; hole of the swallow (p. 379). Pollnagolum, .... 291 Pollnamoghill, .... 183 Pollnasillagh ; hole of the sallows (p. 336). Pollower ; grey hole (p. 278). PoUsharvoge, .... 322 Port, 225 Portacloj, 215 Portado^vn, 225 Portanab, 93 Portayogie, 46 Portcoon, 254 Port-deha in Aran, . . . 411 Port duff ; black bank or land- ing-place (pp. 224, 260). Portland, 225 Portleen ; bank or landing- place of flax (pp. 224, 309). PAGE Portloman, 21 Portnacrinnaght, . . . 303 Pottlerath, 116 Poulaculleare, .... 352 Poiilacurry, 408 Poiilakerry, 408 Poulanishery, .... 283 Poulatedaun, 242 Poulbaun ; white hole. Ponlbautia ; submerged hole, Poulgorm, 276 Poulnaglug, 181 Poulnalour, 80 Poulnasherry, . . • • • 283 Proudly riyer, 67, note. Puffing Hole, 242 Pullis, ....... 13 Quarter Lenagh, .... 378 Quin, 339 Quinsheen island, . . . 339 Quintin bay and castle, . 153 Quintinmanus, . . . . 430 Eagamus, 13 Eahan, Eahans, . . . 312, 313 Eahayanig, 94 Eaheenabrogue, .... 184 Eaheenaclig near Bray, . 181 Eaheenakeeran ; little fort of the quicken tree. Eaheenarran, 360 Eaheenleagh ; grey little fort (p. 277). Eaheennagun; little fort of the hounds. Eaheensheara, .... 165 Eaheenyhooig, .... 429 Eahin, 313 Eahoran, 144 Eahugh, 85 Eainey, 313 Eamore, 392 Eamult ; fort of wethers. Eanaghan, 313 496 Index of Names. PAGE Earuddy, 351 Rashedoge, 242 Rasillagh ; fort of sallows. Ratass, 425 Rathargid, 347 Rathattin ; fort of furze. Rathbeg, 392 Rathbrack ; speckled fort. Rathbran, 154 Rathcline, 399 Rathconnell, 325 Rathcuppoge ; fort of dock leaves p. 327). Rather rig, 271 Ratheskar;' fort of the sandhill. Rathevin, 64 Rat hf ran, 154 Rathgormuck, . . . . 138 Rathhiigh, 148 Rathinree ; fort of the king. Rathleen, 310 Rathmacnee, 148 Rathmadder, 186 Rathmore, . . . .392,393 Rathnabo ; fort of the cow. Rathnaleugh, 327 Rathnalour, 80 Rathnamuddagh, . . . 161 Rathnarovanagh, . . . 122 Rathnure ; fort of the yew. Rathordan, 198 Rathreagh, 276 Rathsallagh 367 Rath-seanaidh, .... 439 Rathsillagh; fort of sallows. Ratory, 51 Rattoo, 429 Reafadda; long rea or mountain flat (p. 393). Reagh, 276 Reaghan, 276 Reaskgarrijff ; rough marsh. Reaskmore ; great marsh. Reatagh, 8 Red HiU in Sligo. ... 97 PAGE Ree, ........ 27(> Reenabulliga, ..... 242 Reendacussane ; point of the two paths. Reennanallagane, ... 334r Reenrour, 395 Reevanagh, ..... 418 Revlin, 351 Reynclamper ; rea or moun- tain flat of the dispute (p. 430). Rindifin, 411 Ringreagh, ..... 276^ Rinroe ; red point. Roancarrick, 285 Roaninish, 282 Roaring water, .... 68 Rodeen, Roden, .... 214 Roevehagh, 272 Rolagh, 272 Roo, Roo House, . . . 324r Rooaun, 272 Rooghaun, 272 Roolagh, 272 Roos, 324r Rootagh, Rootiagh, . . . 272 Ropefield, 211 Rosargid, 345 Rosbercon, 138 Roscam, 398 Roscavey, ...... 321 Rosenallis, .... 266 Rosmult, 294 Rosnacartan ; wood of the forge. Rosroe; red wood. Rossalia, 64 Rossard ; high wood. Rossboy; yellow wood. Rossdorragha ; dark wood. Rosserrily Abbey, . . . 422 Rossgole, .... . 200 Rosslare, 418 Rosslea, 277 Rossnagad; wood of the gads or withes. Index of Names. 497 Hosspile, Rossroe ; red wood. Boughan, Routagh, Rover killy, Rowan, Rowans, . . . Rowe, Rowlagb, Rowreagb, Ruan, Ruanes, Ruaunmore, Rubane House, . . . . Rubble, Rue, Rusbwee ; yellow wood or point (see p. 272). Rye Water, Saint Ann's Cburcb, . . Saleen, Salia, Sallagban, Sallaghy, . . Salrock, Samer river, Sauce in Kerry, . . . . Savagb, PAGE 256 272 272 16 272 324 272 324 272 324 403 324 100 22 250 249 337 249 455 13 14 6 Scaffog ; a place producing wall-ferns (pp. 28, 325) Scardaun : a cataract. Scartagb, 4 Scartore, 347 Scecoor, 71 Scool, Seoul, 363 Scrabo, 362 Scraban, Scrabane, Scra- bans, 363 Scralea, 362 Scullaboge, 199 Scullogestown, . . . . 113 Sedenratb, 241 Seeoran, 144 Seersba, 452 Seersbin 452 Sellernaun, 41 Seltan, 40 Senad Mac-Manus, . . . 440 2 PAGE Serse 452 Seskinore, 392 Sbanacasbel, 3 Sbanafona, 450 Sbanagby, 450 Sbanaknock, ..... 450 Sbananagb, ..... 286 Sbanavagoon, 450 Sbanavaur ; old harr or top. Sbanavober, 451 Sbanawillen, 450 Sbanballyard ; old bigb town. Sbanballyduff ; old black town (see pp. 260, 450). Sbancasblaun 3 Sbancrock, 450 Sbandangan ; old fortress. Sbandrim, 450 Sbandrum, 450 Sbaneglisb, 451 Sbanganagb, 285 Sbanganny, 286 Sbangort, 450 Sbanid, 440 Sbanmoy, 450 Sbannafreagboge, . . . 450 Sbannow, Sbanow, . . . 450 Sbanowen, 450 Sbanpallis ; old fairy fort. Sbantalliv, Sbantallow, . 3.59 Sbantraud, 451 Sbantulla, Sbantullig, . . 450 Sbanvoley; old hooley or dairy place (see p. 450). Sbaravogue, 29 Sbarvoge, Sbarvogues . . 29 Sbeelruddera, .... 102 Sbeskinloobanagb, . . . 401 Sbimna, 315 Sbinanagb, 219 Sbingannagb, 286 Sbingaun, 286 Sbinnanagb, 289 Sbivdilla, 197 Sbiven river, 315 SiUagb, . • 336 K 498 Index o f A^ames. Sillahertane, ..... PAGE 42 Solloghod, PAGB 336 Silloge, Silverfield, 336 215 345 Soodry ; a place for tan- Silver HiU, 345 ning, (p. 114). Silverwood, 344 323 Skahies, 452 223 Skaw, ........ 451 Sorrel Island, Sorrel House. 323 Skecoor, . ^ . . . . 71 323 Skehanierin; bush of the 247 iron (see p. 348). 161 Skehavaud; bush of the 306 boat. 79 Skenageehy ; bush of the 306 wind (see p. 240). Spital, Spittle, .... 79 42 24 Skirra-go-hiffirn, 72 61 363 376 Slan Well, 83 Sraduff ; black river-holm. 349 376 344 Srahanbregagh, .... 414 282 Sraheendoo ; black little Slievecarragh, Slievecor- rath or river holm. 445 288 295 296 Slievedoo, Slieveduff ; black Sruhangarrow ; rough stream- mountain (see p. 260). let (see p. 444). 246 Sruhaungloragh, . . . 66 Slievegadoe, or Church Mour I- Sruhaun-more-ard, . . . 72 433 58 275 59 Slievelahan ; broad moun- 59 tain (see p. 394). 376 Slieve Miskish, .... 432 376 SUevenagark, 290 273 361 Stralongford ; river-holm of 276 the longphort or fortress. Slieve Russel, or Kushen, . 25 296 244 293 Slish, 197 376 Slusfgara, SlucfffarVt 379 Strangford Lough, . . . 254 307 401 307 376 339 38 332 38 Smutternagh, . . . 16 38 Snugville, . . ... 244 38 Index of Names. 499 PAGE Subulter, 224 Summerliill, 438 Sunglen, 237 Siinnagh, 215 SunviUe, 237 Sybil Head, 167 Syerla, 68 Sylaun, 337 Taggartsland, .... 91 Tagharina, ..... 100 Taghart ; Art's or Arthur's house (see p. 150). Taghnoose, 152 Tallavbaun, 359 Tallavnamraher, .... 359 Tallowroe, 359 Tamnadoey, 142 Tamnaghmore ; great field. Tang river, 404 Tangaveane, 404 Tangincartoor, .... 404 Tanrego, 249 Taplagh, 16 Tappaghan hill, .... 16 Tarmon, 210 Tarramud, ...... 15 Tarrea, 446 Tarsna, 419 Tateetra ; lower tate or field. Tatnamallaght ; tate or field of the curses (p. 448). Tattendillur, 11 Tattyboy; yellow tate or field. Tattykeel; narrow tate or field. Tattyreagh; grey field. Tavnaghboy; yellow field. Tavnaghorna Burn, . . . 304 Tavnaghranny, . . . . 313 Tawnaghbaun ; white field (see p. 269), Tawnaghgorm ; blue field (see p. 275). Tawnanasheffin, .... 315 2 K PAGE Tawnanasool; field of the eyes (see p. 87). Tawnawanny, .... 201 Tawnytallan, .... 352 Teereven; beautiful dis- trict (see p. 63). Teermore ; great district. Templeaplau, .... 77 Templeathea, .... 446 Templecowey, . . . . 153 Templeglentan ; church of the little glen. Templeoran, Templeorum, 144 Tempo, 428 Termon, 210 Termonbacca, .... 159 Termonbarry, .... 210 Termoncarragh, .... 211 Termonfechin, .... 209 Termonmagrath, . . . 210 Termonmaguirk . ... 210 Termonomongan, . . . 210 Terryglassog, 287 Thimble town, 312 Tiermore ; great district. Tieveachorky; hill-side of the oats (see p. 303). Tievaleny, 378 Tievebunnan, .... 291 Tievegarriff , Tievegarrow ; rough hill-side (see p. 444). Tievetooey, 429 Timogue, 30 Tinageeragh; house of the sheep. Tincone, Tincoon, . . . 254 Tincouse, 214 Tinnapark, 59 Tinneel, 223 Tinode ; house of the sod. Tintrim ; house of the elder tree. Tinvacoosh, 221 Tinvane, Tinvaun, . . . 362 Tinwear, 112 2 500 Index of Names. PAGE Tiracliorka; district of the oats (see p. 303). Tiraree; district of the king (see p. 98). Tirearly ; district of the earl (see p. 57). Tirgarriff , Tirgarve ; rugged district (see p. 444). Tirhugh, 148 Tirnaskea; district of the bushes. Tiromedan, 160 Toberagarriff, .... 444 Toberanierin, 349 Toberanleise, 88 Toberaquill; well of the coll or hazel. Toberatarayan, .... 322 Toberavanaha, .... 448 Toberaviller, 326 Toberboyoga, 81 Tobergowna, 453 Toberkeagh, 88 Toberkeen, 354 Tobermacduagh, .... 190 Tobernaclug; well of the bells (see p. 180). Tobernadree, 97 Tobernafauna, . . . . 400 Tobernasool, Tobersool, . 87 Tobernavaunia, .... 82 Tobernawahnee, Toberna- wanny, 82 Toberroe ; red well. Toberslane, Toberslaun, . 83 Toberslauntia, .... 84 Tobersool, Tobernasool, . 87 Toberyquin ; O'Quin's well. Tomanierin ; mound of the iron (see p. 348). Tominearly, 58 Tonashamm ^r ; bottomland of the shamrocks. Toneel, ....... 353 TonnCleena, 251 PAGE Tonn Rudhraidhe, . . . 251 Tonns or Tuns, .... 251 Tonn Tuai the, .... 251 Tonreagh ; grey bottom land see p. 276). Tonyfohanan, . . . . . 31 4r Tooradoo ; black bleach fields (see p. 260). Tooraree, 99^ Tooreenalour ; the leper's little bleach field (p. 79). Tooreennagrena ; sunny little bleach field (see p. 233). Tooreennasillane, Toornaneaskagh, Toorsmuttaun, 337 . 289- 332, 33a . 16 . 16 . 51 . 25a . 25a Toppan island, Topped hiU, . Tory Hill, . . Tountinna, Townlough, Trabane, 270 Trabolgan, 22 Trasna, Trasnagh, . . . 41^ Trawane, Trawbawn, . . 270 Trawbreaga Bay, . . . 414- Tray, 217 Treananearla ; the earl's third part (see p. 57). Treanboy ; yellow third part (see p. 272). Trinamadan, 160 Tristernagh, 335 Tubbermacduagh, . . . 190 Tubbridbritain, .... 120 Tulfarris, 152 Tullagee; windy hillock. Tullaghaloyst, .... 407 TuUaghanbaun, .... 32 Tullagbbeg ; little hillock. Tullaghfin, 265 TuUaghobegley, .... 3a TuUagreen, 234r TuUaher, 421 TuUaherin, 38^ Index of Names. 501 PAGE Tullakeel ; narrow hillock. TuUanacrunat, .... 303 Tullanagliig ; liillock of the bells (see p. 180). Tullerboy, 12 Tiilhnespick 90 TulHntrat, 245, 246 TulUnwannia, Tullinwonny, 201 TuUomoy, 206 TuUoYin, 136 Tullyclea, 195 Tullycoora, 71 Tullycorbet, 172 Tullycorka; hiUock of the oats (see p. 303). Tullycreenaght, .... 303 TuUyearl ; earl's hillock. Tullyhirm, 389 Tullyhugh, 148 Tullyminister, .... 228 Tullynaconspod, .... 431 Tullynagee, 240 Tullynaglug ; hillock of the bells (see p. 180). TuUynahinnera, .... 198 Tullynanegish, . . . . Ill Tullynashammer ; hiUock of the shamrocks. TullynavaU, 212 Tiillyneasky, 288 Tullynore, 344 Tullyorior, 423 Tullyrahan, Tullyrain; hil- look of the ferns (p. 312). PAGE TuUyskeherny, .... 17 TuUywee ; yellow hillock Tuns or Tonns, .... 251 Turkenagh Mountain, . . 6 Turnaspidogy, .... 288 Turvey, 454 Uallach, 67, 441 Ughtyneill, 405 Ummeracly; ridge of the mound or dyke (p. 214). Ummeras, 430 Urbal, 403 Urbalkirk, 403 XJrbalreagh; grey tail. Urbalshinny, 403 Urlar, Urlaur, .... 402 Urlee, 321 UrUngford, 434 Urrasaun, 208 Urrismenagh, .... 208 Urros, 208 Ushnagh HiU, Usnagh, . 7 Warbleshinny, .... 403 Watree, : 416 Westport, 296 Wheery, 331 Wherrew, 331 Whinnigan, 32 Windgap, Windgat«, . . 240 LNDRX OF ROOT WOEDS. WITH PRONUNCIATION, MEANING, AND REFERENCE. Ab, an abbot, 92. Abar, mire, 366. Ach, a termination, 3. Aedh [ay], a man's name, 147. Aedhaire [aira], a shepherd, 113. Ael, lime, 353. Aengiis, a man's name, 151. Aimhreidh [avrea], uneven, 445. Ainbhtheth [annayha], a storm, 243. Air [ar], east, 420. Aire, a termination, 11. Airgead [arrigid], silver, 68, 345. Airthear [arher], eastern, 420. Alainn [awlin], beautiful, 64. Albanach, a Scotchman, 121. Amadan, a simpleton, 160. Amach, outside, 419. Amar, a trough, 407. Amhtvs [awas] a hired soldier, 106. Anam, the soul, 436. An, a dim. termination, 20. Ancoire fan'oora], an anchorite, 95. Aoibhinn [eevin], beautiful, 63. Arbha, arbhar, corn, 300, 301. Art, a man's name, 150. Bacach [bacca], a cripple, 159. Bachall, a crozier, 183. Bacus [bakoose], a bake-house, 221. Baidhte [bawtha], submerged, 388. Baine [bonnya], milk, 201. Baintreabhach [bointraya], a widow, 113. Bairghin [barreen], a cake, 55. Ban [bawn], white, 269. Ban [bawn], lea land, 361, Bard, a rhymer, 109. Beannacht [bannaght], a blessing, 447. Beartrach, an oyster bank, 364. Beg, small, 390, 391. Bhar, a termination, 10. Biadhtach [beeta], a public vic- tualler, 111. Binneas [binnas], melody, 70. Biolar [biller], watercress, 325. Blath [blaw], a flower, 308. Blean, a creek, 258. Blonog, lard, 204. Bodach, a churl, 160. Bog, soft, a bog, 45. Bolg, a sack, 192. Bolg, a bellows, 242. Bodhar [bower], deaf, 46. Bother, 46. Bradach, a thief, 108. Bran, a man's name, 154. 504 Index of Root Words, Brathair [brawlier], a friar, 95. Breac [braci:], speckled, 281. Breac [brack], a trout, 296. Brean, stinking, 374. Breatan [brattan], a Briton, 120. Breathnacli [brannagh], a Welsh- man, 119. Breug [breague], a lie, 411, 412. Brit, speckled, 282. Brog, a shoe, 183. Bru, a brink, 205. Buidhe [bvree], yellow, 272. Buidheog [boyoge], jaundice, 81. Buinne [bunnia], a flood, 387. Bunnan [bunnawnl, a bittern, 291. Cabog, a clown, 161. Cac, dirt, 162. Cadach, alHance, 433. Caeoh [kee], blind, 158. Caedh [kaj], a quagmire, 373. Gael [keal], narrow, 395. Caer [kear], a berry, 306. Caithne [cahina], arbutus, 338. Caisc [causk], Easter, 437. Caisle [cashla], a sea-inlet, 257. Calliach, a nun, 94. Cam, crooked, 160, 397. Campa, a camp, 59. Cananach, a canon, 90. Caoin [keen], beautiful, 62. Caonach [keenagh], moss, 318. Caoraigheacht [keereaght], aherd of cattle, 107. Carbad, a chariot, 171. Carcair [carker], a prison, 223. Carr, a car, 172. Carrach, rough, 445. Ceabh [keaye], long grass, 321. Ceanannus [cannanus], head abode, 228. Ceath [cah], a shower, 247. Ceannaighe [cannee], a pedlar, 117. Ceap [cap], a stock or trunk, 333. Cearc [cark], a hen, 289. Cearc-fraeigh [cark-free], aheath hen, 289. Cearrbhach [carvagh], a game- ster, 118. Ceileabhar [kellure], the warbling of birds, 69. Ceithearn [kehern], light-armed foot soldiers, 105. Ceo [keo], a fog, 247. Char, a termination, 9. Ciar [keer], black, 264. Cladach, a stony shore, 371, Cladh [cly, claw], a dyke or mound, 214. Claen [clean], sloping, 399. Claidheamh [clave], a sword, 176. Claigeann [claggan], a skull, 404. Clais [clash], a trench, 216. Clamh [clav], a leper, 79. Clampar, a dispute, 430. Clar, a board, 218. Clerech, clergy, 90. Cliabh [cleeve], a basket, 193. Cliath [clee], a hurdle, 194. Clog, a bell, 180. Cluas, an ear, 403. Cluid [clood], a nook, 401. Cno, a nut, 307. Cochall, a net, a hood, 195. Codla [cuUa], sleep, 456. Coilleach-f raeigh [ colliagh-f ree] , a heath cock, 289. Coileir [cullare], a quarry, 352. Coinleoir [conlore], a candlestick, 199. Cointin, a controversy, 430. Coitchionn [cutteen], a common, 440. Cobhas [couse], a causeway, 214. Colpa, a heifer, 295. Colum, a dove, 291. Comhrac [corach], a meeting, 381. Index of Root Words. 505 •Comlifhod [coad], abed or grave, 442. Comortiis, contention, 431. Conadb [conna], fire-wood, 331. Cong, a narrow strait, 385. Connaclitach, a Connauglitman, 123. Coirce [curkia], oats, 303. Coire [curry], a caldron, 408. Copog, a dock-leaf, 327- Creamh [crav], wild garlic, 327. Crioch [cree], a boundary, 206. 'Criatbar [cribar], a sieve, 368. Critb [crib], to sbake, 367. Cro, a but, 220. 'Croiceann [cruckan], abide, 115. Crom, sloping, 398. Crompan, a little sea-inlet, 255. Cron, a colour, 363. Cron, a round boUow, 274. Cruadb [croo], bard, 446. CJruimbtber [cruffer], a priest, 91. -Cruitbneacbt [crinnagbt], wbeat, 302. Cu, a bound, 153. iCuas, a cove, 256. Cubbra [coora], sweet scented, 70. •Cuilc, cuilceacb [quilk, quilka], a reed, 317- 'Cuinneog [cunnyoge], a cburn, 186. 'Cunnradb [cunraw], a treaty, 432. 'Curadb [curra], a knigbt, 102. D as a termination, 14. Dabbacb [davagb], a vat, 410. Dairt [dart], a beifer, 294. J)all, blind, 159. Dan, a dim. termination, 35. Dealg [dallig], a tborn, 334. Dearg [darrig], red, 271. Deas [dass], soutb, 425. JDeisceart [deskart], soutb, 427. Diambar [deevar], mysterious 453. Deisiol [desbul], soutbwards, 428. Dian [deean], strong, 443. Diomas [deemas], pride, 442. Dobbar [dovar], water, 379. Donn, brown, 273. Drean [dran], a wren, 286, 287. Dreas [drassj, a bramble, 334. Dreolan [drolaun], a wren, 287. Drong, a crowd, 439. Drui [dree], a druid, 96. • Duairc [dooark], surly, 72. Dubb [duv], black, 260. Duibben [duvean], a cormorant, 292. DuiUe [dullia], a leaf of a tree, 10. Duilleabbar [dillure], foliage, 10. Dumbacb [doovagb], a sand- mound, 364. Dur [door], water, 380. Eadar [adder], between, 417. Eag, deatb, 88. Ealagacb, noble, just, 433. Earball, a tail, 402, Earracb, spring, 438. Easgan, an eel, 2y6. Easpog [aspugj, a bisbop, 90. Eibnis [evislij, coarse pasture, 320. Eigeas [aigas], a poet. 111. Elestar, a Jtlagger, 316. En, ene, a diminutive termination, 150. Eorna [orna], barley, 304. Facbair [faber], a sbelf in a cliif, 363. Fada, long, 393. Faitbnidb [fabnee], a wart, 82. Fal [fawl], a bedge, 211. Fan [fawn], a slope, 400. Feadb [fa], a rusb, 315. 506 Index of Root Words. Fearann [farran], land, 359. Peith [fea], a wet trench, 315. Felestar, a flagger, 316. Per [fair], grass, 319. Figbeadoir [feedore], a weaver, 116. Finn, white, 264. Forgnaidh [forgny], a building, 204. Fliuch [flugh], wet, 388. Fod [fode], a sod, 360. Fofannan, a thistle, 314. Foraois [furreesh], a forest, 58. Fothannan [fohanan], a thistle, 314. Fothar [fohar], a forest, 330. Fuar, cold, 246. Ga, a dart, 175. Graeth [gee], wind, 240. Gaeth, a sea-inlet, 258. Gadaighe [gaddy], a thief, 109. Gag [gang], a cleft, 405. Gaineamh [ganniv], sand, 354. Gairbheul [gravalej, gravel, 354. Galloglach, a heavy-armed foot soldier, 105. Gamh [gauv], winter, storm, 242. Gan, a dim. termination, 31. Gar, near, 419. Grarbh [garrav], rough, 444. Geal [gal], white, 270. Gealbhun [galloon], a sparrow, 288. Geallog [galloge], a white-bellied eel, 296. Gearr [gar], short, 393, 394. Gearr-fhiadh [girree], a hare, 293. Giolc [gilk; g hard], a reed, broom, 316. Giumhas [guse], fir, 337. Glas, green, 274. Glasog, a wagtail, 287. Gleo [glo], strife, 432. Gleoir [glore], brightness, 68. Glor [glore], a voice, 65. Glorach, voiceful, prattling, 65. Gluair [gloor], purity, 69. Goilin [goleen], a narrow little sea-inlet, 256. Gorm, blue, 275. Graineog [granoge], a hedgehog,. 292. Greach, a mountain flat, 369. Grean [gran], gravel, 353. Grian [greean], the sun, 233. Gruag, hair, long grass, 320. Gual [goole], coal, charcoal, 200» Gus, strength, 151. larla [eerla], an earl, 57. larann [eeran], iron, 348. Ic [eek], to heal, 76. Im, butter, 203. Imreas, a dispute, 430. In [een], a dim termination, 30. Ineasclann [inisclan], a strong- stream, 382. Inneoin [innone], an anvil, 197» lochdar [eeter], lower, 415. Tonga [inga], a nail, 402. lorrus [irrus], a peninsula, 207. Iseal [eeshal], low, 416. Lach, a termination, 5. Laech [lay] a champion, 102. Laighneach [lynagh], a Leinster man, 122. Lar, middle, 418. Lathach [lahagh], a slough, 365- Leamh [lav], marsh mallows,. 326. Leamhnacht [lewnaght], new milk, 201. Leana, a wet meadow, 378. Lease [lask], lazy, 443. Leathair [laher], leather, 115. Leathan [lahan], broad, 394. Leigheas [lease], a cure, 88. Leithead [lehed] breadth, 394- Lestar, a vessel, 186. Liagh [leea], a physician, 76. Liath [leea], grey, 277. Index of Root Words. 507 Lin [leen], flax, 309. Lin [leen], to fill, 383. Ling, to spring, 444. Linn, a pond, 384. Lobhar [lower], a leper, 79. Luachair [looghar], a rush, 315. Luan, a lamb, 293. Lubhghort [looart], an herb garden, 317. Luch, a mouse, 286. Liiibh [luv, liv], an herb, 317. Maer [mare] a steward, 112. Mainister [mannister], a monas- tery, 226. Mallacht, a curse, 448. Manacb, a monk, 93. Mart, a bullock, 296. Martra, martyrdom, 434. Meacan [mackan], a parsnip, 329. Meadar [metber], a kind of ves- sel, 186. Meadhon [maan], middle, 417. Meann, mean nan [man, man- nawn], a kid, 294. Mean tan [mantan], a snipe, 289. Mearacan, foxglove, 312. Mias [meece], a dish, 192. Min [meen], fine or smooth, small, 376, 393. Miol [meel], a beast of any kind, 284. Mioltog [meeltoge], a midge, 284. Miscuis [miscush], enmity, spite, 432. Mogul, a cluster, 72. Moinfheur [monear], a meadow, 319. Molt, a wether, 294. Mong, hair, long coarse grass, 321. Mor [more], great, 390. Much [mooh], smoke, 369. Muchadh [mooha], to smother. Muchan [moohawn], a morass Muimhneach [mweenagh], a Munsterman, 123. Muing, a sedgy place, 370. Muir [mur], the sea, 248. Nach, a termination, 6. Nan, a dim. termination, 33. Naosga [neasga], a snipe, 288. Nat, a dim. termination, 27. Ne, a dim. termination, 25. Neanta [nanta], a nettle, 314. Odhar [ower], dark brown, 278. Og [oge], a dim. termination^ 28. Oir [ur], east, 420. Oirthear [urher], east, 420, 421, 422. Oisire [ishera], an oyster, 283. Or [ore], gold, 341. Ord, order, ecclesiastical rank,. 95. Pairc [park], a field, 59. Palas, pailis, a fort, a fairy palace, 226. Pearsan, a parish priest, a par- son, 56. Pill, a small inlet, 255. Pis [pish], pease, 305. Plaigh [plaw], a plague, 77. Pona, a pound, 450, note. Ponaire [ponara], a bean, 305. Port, a bank, a landing place, a fortress, 224. Potaire [puttera], a potter, 115. Each, a termination, 7. Raithneach [rah'ma] , ferns, 312. Re, a termination, 11. Reamhar [rower, rawer], fat^ thick, 395. Ri, righ [ree], a king, 98. Riabhach [reeagh], grey, 276. Ridire [ridderal, a knight, 101, Rioghna [reena], a queen, 100. 508 Index of Root Words. Unacli, a compound termination, 16. Hod [road], a road, 213. Rod, ruide [rud, ruddia], iron scum, 350. Eomhanach [rovanagli] , a Roman, 122. Ruadh, [rua], red, 271. Rubha [rooj , the plant rue, 323. Ruibh [riv], sulphur, 351. Saeirse [seersha], a freehold, 452. Saer [sair], free, 452. Sagart, a priest, 91. Saighed [syed], an arrow, a dart, 174.^ Sail, saile [saul, saulia], salt water, brine, 249. 5ail, saileach, saileog [saul, sau- lia, saulioge], a sallow tree, 336. Salann, salt, 352. Samhadh [sowa], sorrel, 322. Samhradh [sowra], summer, 438. Samhthrusc [sauvrusk], leprosy, 79. Sassonach, an Englishman, 121. Satharn [saharn], Saturday, 437. Seal [scaul], a hero, 103. Scath [skaw], a shadow, 451. Sceamh [scay], wall fern, 325. Sciath [skeea], a shield, 177- Scolb, a scollop, 198. Scolog [skologe], a small farmer, 112. Scoth [skoh], a flower, 309. Scrath [scraw], a grassy boggy surface-sod, 362. Scudal [skuddal], a fishing-net, 194. ^cumhal [skool], a steep, 363. Seach [shagh], a termination, 9. Seagal [shaggal], rye, 305. Seamar, seamrog [shammer, shamroge], a shamrock, 53. Sean [shan], old, 450. Seangan [shangaun], a pismire, 284. Searbh [sharrav], bitter, 322. Searbhan, searbhog [sharyaun, sharyoge], dandehon, 322. Sed [shade], a cow, a jewel, 355. Seid [shade], to blow, 241. Seidean [shedawn], a breeze, a gust, 59. Seindile [shindiUa], a beetle, 197- Senad, a synod, 439. Sian [sheean], foxgloye, 311. Sibhln [shiyeen], a rush, 315. Sin [sheen], a storm, 243. Slabhra [sloura, slayra], a ehain, 204. Slaed [slade], a slide-car, 174. Slan [slaim], health, 83. Slin, a slate, 353. Slis [slish], a beetle, 196. Slog [slug], to swallow, 378. Smear, a blackberry, 305. Smut, a stock or trunk, 322. Sneacht [snaght], snow, 244. Sonnach, a mound or rampart, 215. Sorn, a kiln, 222. Spag [spaug], a long ugly foot, 161. Spideog [spiddoge], a robin red- breast, 287. Spionan [speenaun], a gooseberry bush, 305. Spor [spur], a spur, 60. Srae [sray], a mill race, 216. Srath [srah], a holm or riyer- meadow, 375. Staca [stawka], a stake, 58. Snathad [snawhadj, a needle, 204. Sudaire [soodera], a tanner, 114. Suil [soolj, the eye, 87. Tach, a termination, 8. Tachar, a fight, 431. Talamh [tallay], land, 359. Tamh [tauyj , a plague, 76. Index of Boot Words. 509 Tan, a termination, 35. Tarsna, across, 418. Tat, a diminutive termination, 24. Teanga [tanga], a tongue, 404. Tearmann [tarmon], a sanctuary 209. Teidhm [tame], a plague, 77. Tein-aeil [tinneel], a lime -kiln, 223. Teora [toral, a boundary, 207. Tirm, dry, 389. Tonn, a wave, 251. Tonnach, a mound or rampart, 215. Toraidhe [tory], a hunter, an outlaw, 49. Trach, a termination, 8. Treun [train], a hero, 104. Trodan [truddan], a quarrel, 431. Tuaisceart [tooskert], northern,. 429. Tuadh [tooa], an axe, 17G. Tuaith [tooa], north, 428. Tuath [tooa], a layman, 416. TJabhar [oovar], pride, 441. Uachdar [oughter], upper, 414. Uaigneas [oognas], solitude, 454. Uallach [oolagh], proud, 67, note, 442. Uan, a lamb, 293. Ucaire [ookera], a fuller, 117. Ucht, the breast, 404. Ultach, an Ulsterman, 123. Umar, a cup, a hollow, 406. Urla [oorla], long grass, 321. Urlaigh [oorly], slaughter, 434» Urlar, a floor, 401. THE END. OTHER WORKS M DR. JOYCE. '(Efje ©right mxH lisfarir oi |rblj ^am^s of places. (first SEE! ES). Third Edition, 592 pages. Price 7s. 6d. COIS'TENTS. PART I. THE IRISH LOCAL NAME SYSTEM. Chapter I. — How the Meanings have been ascertained. Chapter II. — Systematic Changes. Chapter III. — Corruptions. Chapter IV. — False Etymologies. Chapter V. — The Antiquity of Irish Local Names. PART II. NAMES OP HISTORICAL AND LEGENDARY ORIGIN. Chapter 1. — Historical Events. Chapter II. — Historical Perso- nages. Chapter HI. — Early Irish Saints. Chapter IV. — Legends. Chapter V. — Fairies, Demons, Goblins, and Ghosts. Chapter VI. — Customs, Amusements, and Occupations. Chapter VII. — Agri- culture and Pasturage. Chapter VIII. — Subdivisions and Measures of Land, Chapter IX. — Numerical Combinations. PART HI. NAMES C0MME5I0RATING ARTIFICIAL STRUCTURES. Chapter I. — Habitations and Fortresses. Chapter II. — Ecclesias- tical Edifices. Chapter HI. — Monuments, Graves, and Cemeteries. Chapter IV. — Towns and Villages. Chapter V. — Fords, Weirs, and Bridges. Chapter VI. — Roads and Causeways. Chapter VII. — MiUs and Kilns. PART IV. NAMES DESCRIPTIVE OF PHYSICAL FEATURES. Chapter I. — Mountains, Hills, and Rocks. Chapter II. — Plains, Valleys, Hollows, and Caves. Chapter III. — Islands, Peninsulas, and Strands. Chapter IV. — Water, Lakes, and Springs. Chapter V. — Rivers, Streamlets, and Waterfalls. Chapter VI. — Marshes and Bogs. Chapter VII. — Animals. Chapter VIII. — Plants. Chapter IX. — Shape and Position. Index of Names. Index of Root-words. 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To work out the local nomenclature of any country, a man must have a good stock alike of sound scholarship and of sound sense ; and Mr. Joyce seems to have no lack of either Mr. Joyce goes most thoroughly through the various classes of names, and the various kinds of objects, persons, and events, after which places are called We can heartily recommend Mr. Joyce's book as interesting and instructive to all who care for the study of language and nomenclature, whether they boast of any special Irish scholarship or not. — The Saturday Review. Learned and curious. — The Daily News. If any one wishes to have a notion how many pitfalls beset the path of the topographical etymologist, and what an amount of col- lateral knowledge and of curious criticism is requisite to avoid them, he cannot do better than study this book of Dr Joyce's, which, if we mistake not, will make an era in this branch of antiquarianism . , .... 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A large number of these occur many times in various parts of the country ; so that in reality the names of five or six thousand different places are explained. The pro- nunciation of all the principal Irish words is given as they occur. 3. Comprising one hundred Irish airs not before published ; many old popular songs, and several new songs. Large paper copy, cloth, 6s. 6d. ; small paper copy, wrapper, 4s. 4. HOW TO PREPARE FOR CIVIL SERVICE COMPETITION UNDER THE NEW REGULATIONS, Containing full directions as to the proper books to starh/ a)id how to study them. This book will enable any industrious sttident to prepare for exaynination without the aid of a teacher. It contains, besides, the- most recent Regulations, several sets of the Questions giveiiat the Open Uramiyiations, the Staff and Salaries of the Open Offices, ajid the Programmes, Staff and Salaries of the Offices not Open. A coinplete Guide to the Civil Service. Second Edition. 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