■ I l *\U 2021 ? / C O M M U N IC A T I O jN V FROM TIIK AUDITOR GENERAL, 10 THE PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE, ACCOMPANIED WITH A Statement of Certain Banks. HEAD IN' THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Ja?T. 6, 1834, ftt . * ■ _ ' N . \th, 1833. Dividend declared May 7th, 1835,4 per cent., $800,000 £32,000 00 do do Nov. 5, 1833, 4 per cent., 900,000 36,000 BENJAMIN P. SMITH, Cashier. City of Philadelphia. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the Aider- men in tiie city aforesaid, Benjamin P. Smith, cashier of the Commer¬ cial bank of Pennsylvania, who being duly affirmed according to law, says the above statement is just and true. BENJAMIN P. SMITH, Cashier . Affirmed and subscribed the 5th day of December, 1833, before me, S. Badger, Alderman . State of the Schuylkill Bank in the city of Philadelphia. DR. 1833, Nov. 4, To Capital stock paid in, £991,145 00 “ Notes in circulation, 460,045 50 “ Contingent fund, 50,272 38 “ Dividend declared this day, Due Commonwealth of Pennsylva-1 nia, Tax on dividend at 8 per > cent for the last six months, y Due to other banks, Due to depositors, Dividends unclaimed, u a 40,000 00 3,200 00 260,365 61 375,866 55 1,464 84 $2,182,359 88 10 tt (C . CR. 1833, Nov. 4, By bills discounted, g 1,762,502 46 “ Chesapeake & Delaware canal stock, 10,000 00 Schuylkill bank stock, 4,664 64 Specie, 12 l! ,783 62 M Notes of other banks, 148,940 00 “ Real estate, x 72,477 06 “ Due by other banks, 62,992 10 82,182,359 £8 1833, May 3, Declared 4 per cent on $ 700,000 “ Nov. 4, do. 4 per cent on 1,000,000 City of Philadelphia, ss. Hosea J. Levis, being affirmed, saith that he is Cashier of the Schuyl¬ kill Bank in the city of Philadelphia; that the above statement contains a true account and exhibit of the affairs of said Bank. H. J. LEVIS, Cashier. t Affirmed before me the 26th November, 1853, S. Badger, Alderman. Mechanics Bank of the City and County of Philadelphia , 5th yovembcr 1833, UR. To Capital stock, Contingent fund, Profit and loss, Discount account, Dividends unpaid, State tax on dividend (May) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Treasurer of the board of canal commissioners, Banks, Notes in circulation, Depositors 8700,000 100,000 21,323 65 45,790 36 2,827 57 2,520 200,000 58,009 20 159,103 29 019,506 836,190 84 82,245,270 91 CR. By bills discounted Do receivable Chesapeake and Delaware canal stock Real estate Judgments and mortgages Expense account Suspense account 81,587,253 4 5,309 96 5,000 31,096 43 4,800 7.843 03 200 00 n Exchange account Banks Notes and checks on other banks Specie 593 61 222,377 71 187,921 66 192,874 93 $2,245,270 91 J. B. MITCHELL, Cashier. Joseph B, Mitchell, Cashier of the Mechanics bank of the city and county of Philadelphia, being duly sworn* says the above is a just and true statement, from the books of said bank. City of Philadelphia, ss* Sworn and subscribed before me this sixth day of December, 1833.. Joseph Burden, Alderman, State of the Western Ba?ik of Philadelphia, November 5, 1833. DR. Bills discounted, Bonus to the Commonwealth, Fixtures of hanking house, Suspense account, Due from banks in the citv and countv, Due from country banks, City bank notes on hand, Country bank notes and drafts, Specie, $865,516 81 6,000 S,000 6,128 C 2 34,521 55 21 ,S17 19 85,613 32 35,415 101,532 67 $1,162,044 56 CR. Capital stock paid in, $408,470 00 Notes in circulation, 3 i 1,020 Dividend No. 1, unpaid, 291 60 Dividend No. 2, now declared, 14,060 Contingent fund, 4,732 97 Treasurer of the Commonwealth tax on dividends, 1,120 Due to banks of the city and county, ^ 23,941 9 \ Due other banks, 145,134 90 Due to individual depositors, 243,533 18 $1,162,044 56 Dividend declared May last, on $400/ 00 at b per cent., $12,000 00 Dividend declared Nov. on do at 3* percent., 14,000 J. B. Trevor being duly affirmed, saith that the above is a true and correct abstract from the books exhibiting the state of the affaiis of the Western Bank of Philadelphia, as they stood on the first Tuesday of November last. J. B. TREVOR, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed before me, the 7th day of December, A. D. 1933. Freeman Scott, Alderman and J. P. State, of the Southwark Bank, in the county of Philadelphia , No¬ vember 5, 1833. DR. To bills discounted, Real estate, (Banking house,) Specie, Due from other banks, Bank notes of other banks. 2,745,815 70 17,915 81 83,011 82 6,156 67 104,150 86 2957,050 86 OR. By capital stock, Notes in circulation, Profit and loss account, Dividends unpaid, Due to other banks, Due Commonwealth Pennsylvania, tax on dividends Due to depositors,- 2250,000 00 173,830 43,752 63 17,112 156,055 47 2,100 314,300 76 2957,050 86 : .. . r zr .zjt - E. E.—Southwark bank, Philadelphia, December 9, 1833. J. S. SMITH, Pr. Cashier. Philadelphia County , ss. James S. Smith, Junior, being duly affirmed, on his solemn affirma¬ tion deposes and says, that the above account exhibits a just and true statement of the Southwark bank, at the period therein mentioned, to wit:—November 5, 1833. Affirmed and subscribed before me, the tenth dav of December, A. D. 1833. . W . L> Norton, Justice of the Peace * State of the lank of Penn township in the county of Philadelphia , November 5, 1833- DR. Capital paid in Notes in circulation Contingent fund Dividends unpaid do. declared this day Due Commonwealth tax on dividancU Depositors City banks Foreign banks 8249,770 00 289,163 25,000 186 6G 12,486 1,798 28 233,614 22 13,475 24 11,639 07 4, Jft - r • CR. Bills and notes discounted .Real estate West Philadelphia canal stock , Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown rail-road company 6 per cent, loan Specie Notes of other banka Due from city batiks From foreign Banka 8837,085 01 8637,825 99 28,667 83 225 80,000 51,172 96 77,665 17 6,418 56 5,109 50 8837,085 01 Div idend declared May 7,1833, on 8200,000 at 5 per edit $10,000 0O “ declared Nov. 5,1833, on $249,720 at 5 percent $12,486 00 Philadelphia county ss. Personally appeared before me the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, Jacob Frick, cashier of the bank of Penn township, in the county of Philadelphia, who being duly sworn according to law doth depose and say that the above statement is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief, JACOB FRICK, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed the 13th day of November, A. D. 1833, ke&r« me. Jos. B. Nobbury, L P. 14 State of the Bardi of the Northern DR. Bills and notes discounted, Judgments secured by real estate, Loan to the district N. Liberties, Specie, Notes of other banks and drafts, Various other banks balances, Real estate, LibertieSy November 4. 1833. 712,512 50 10,200 6,000 100,373 07 255,758 S.O 34,270 69 15,873 76 $1,140,768 22 OR, =^= =- '- ^== ^ Amount of capital paid in, 246,850 Contingent fund, 100,000 Notes in circulation, 314,099 Individual deposits, 427,313 78 Dividends unclaimed, i 1,082 50 Various other banks balances, 20,109 08 Profit and loss, 31,313 86 $1,140,768 22 Philadelphia county , ss. —-========: On the 14th day of December, 1833, before me, one of the Alder* men of the Northern Liberties, appeared Robert L. Pitfield, Cashier of the Bank of the Northern Liberties, who affirmed according to law, that the *above is a true and correct statement of the debits and credits of said bank, to the best of his knowledge and belief. R. L. PITFIELD, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed before me, John Goodman, Alderman. Manufacturers and Mechanics Banky November 5, 1833. DR. _ To Stock Dividend declared this day Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tax on ditto Dividend unpaid Contingent fund City banks Foreign banks Deposits Notes in circulation $237,665 9,506 60 1,2*6 93 149 70 6,950 34 43,947 58 19,640 76 194,023 68 304,495* $817,635 59 Dividend declared May 1833, on £206,835, at 3 per cent, £6,205 05 Dividend declared Nov. 1833, on $237,665 at 4 per cent, $9,506 60 15 . CR. Bills discounted $577,881 99 Bills receivable 2,585 Real estate 13,525 Loan to Philadelphia, Germantown and Norris- town rail-road company 5,000 Manufacturers and Mechanics bank 317 07 Banking house 5,470 City banks 36,265 69 Foreign banks 165 34 Bonus 4,000 Notes of and drafts on other banks 85,864 44 Specie 86,561 06 $817,635 59 Philadelphia county , ss. Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of the Aldermen of the county of Philadelphia, James Hunt, Cashier of the Manufac¬ turers and Mechanics bank of tlje Northern Liberties, in the county of Philadelphia, who being duly affirmed according to law says the above is a just and true statement from the books of said bank. JAMES HUNT, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed before me December 12th, 1833. Isaac Boileau. State of the Kensington bank , in the county of Philadelphia, Tues¬ day November 5th, 1833. DR, To capital paid in 199,500 00 Notes in <®rculation 152,585 Contingent fund - 34,S86 88 Dividends unpaid 10,055 45 Due to the Commonwealth, (tax on dividends) 1,498 Suspense account ■ ”*' 75 Due to other banks 21,185 30 Due to depositors 146,157 90 8565,443 53 CR. By bills discounted Specie / Notes and checks on other banks Due by other banks Real estate Protest account 8487,351 33 ' 43,694 91 18,398 75 * 12,480 75" 9,500 17 81 $565,443 53 16 bounty of Philadelphia ss. Personally appeared before me the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, C. Keen, cashier of the Kensington bank, in the county of Philadelphia, who being duly sworn according to law, says that the above statement is'just and true. C. KEEN, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed the 9th day of December, A. D. 1833. 1 Bbnj. Hut cm iss or?, • , ■ i . Skate of the Moyamensing Bank , in the county of Philadelphia , Tues¬ day, 5 th November , 1833. DR To capital stock paid in, ' . 2.125,000 00 Notes in circulation, 109,590 00 Due to other banks, 9,351 11 Dividends unpaid, 2,500 Due to the Commonwealth of Penn’a. tax on dividend, 200 Deposit money, 115,283 84 $361,924 95 CR. By bills discounted, Specie, Expenses, Notes of other banks. Due by other banks, 8234,181 43 ‘ 41,586 7.3 5,542 80 15,440 15,173 98 f * %361,924 95 1333, 5th November—Dividend declared this day, $2,500, at 8 per cent., is 8200, (tirst dividend.) Personally before me, the subscriber, one of the Aldermen of the township of Moyamensing, appeared John Neal, cashier of the Moy¬ amensing bank, in the county of Philadelphia, who, being duly affirm¬ ed according to law, doth say that the above statement of the affairs of the said bank, as they stood on the first Tuesday in November, 1833, 33 just asd true. J. NEAL, Cashier. Robert L. Lougheap, Alderman. 17 A statement of the. affairs of the Bank of Germantown, a* they stood on Tuesday , November , 6th, 1833. The bank is indebted for capital paid in, 152,000 Bought in by the bank, 22,500 129,500 Notes in circulation, 79,820 Contingent fund, 26,838 30 Dividends unpaid, 818 50 Now declared, 5,180 5,998 50 Due Commonwealth, 932 40 To depositors, 90,886 28 To other banks, 1,403 57 335,379 05 285,979 96 5,660 84 4,832 36 1,000 60 *-- 1,060 5,646 17 57 83 22,609 36 5,117 39 6,243 14 172 $335,379 05 Dividends declared on active capital, gl29,500 1st Tuesday in May, 5 per cent, 6,475 1st Tuesday in November, 4 percent, 5,180 Errors excepted, Tuesday, November 5th, 1833, JOHN F. WATSON, Cashier. Philadelphia county , ss., Before me the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said Gounty, personally appeared John F. Watson, Esq., Cashier of the Bank of Germantown, who being duly sworn according to law, did depose and say that the foregoing statement is just and true. JOHN F. WATSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 20th day of November, 1833. A. B. American, h P. 3 The bank is credited, viz : For bills and notes discounted, Mortgages, Judgments, Stocks, Chesapeake and Delaware canal, Flat rock bridge. Real estate,' Book accounts, Specie, Notes and checks on other banks, Due from other banks, Materials in use of bank under bank expenses, / 18 State of tk ; Farmers' Bank of Bucks County , November 5th , 1833. DR. g 60,000 00 10,000 3,427 51 To Capital, “ Contingent fund, “ Profit and loss, “ Own notes issued, “ “ on hand, “ “ in circulation, “ Due sundry banks, “ State tax, “ Dividends, ** Depositors, $164,689 00 68,750 - 95,959 3,315 96 354 82 2,774 38 49,273 14 g225,084 81 CR. By Notes and Drafts discounted, “ Bond, judgment and mortgage, “ Specie, Notes and checks of other banks, “ Due from sundry banks, “ Real estate, “ Own bank stock, “ Due from overdrawers, Protest account, , ( g 180,962 11 558 13 9,384 24 6,924 14,357 40 8,061 17 4,560 242 83 34 93 8225,084 81 Dividend declared May 7th, on 855,440, at 4 per cent., g2,217 60 Dividend declared Nov. 5th, on 55,440, at 4 per cent., 2,217 60 Bucks county , ss. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, R. C. Beatty, cashier of the Far¬ mers’ bank of Bucks county, who being duly affirmed, according to law, says the above account is just and true. R. C. BEATTY, Cashier . Affirmed and subscribed the 22d day of November, A. D. 1833, before S. Allen, Jr., Justice of the Peace. 19 Statement of the affairs of the Doylestown Bank of Bucks County , November 5th 1833. DR. Bills and notes discounted ' 5638,062 58 Due from other banks 15,45S 30 Notes of other banks on hand 780 Real estate in banking house and lot 2,843 15 Specie S4,580 14 Expense account 1,100 56142,819 17 CR. = =- - =rrr- Capital stock paid $30,000 00 Notes in circulation 85,585 Due to other banks 2,052 16 Dividend declared this day 1,200 Due the Commonwealth for tax 96 Individual depositors 23,012 89 Contingent fund 873 12 8 >42,819 17 Bucks County ss. Daniel Byrnes, Cashier of the Doylestown bank of Bucks county, being duly affirmed, doth depose and say that the above statement is just and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. D. BYRNES, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed November 11th, 1833, before me, J. Y. SHAW, J. P. An abstract of the Debts and Credits of the Northampton Bank ? Tuesday November 5, 1833. DR. Capital stock Bank notes in circulation Contingent fund Profit and loss Bank dividends unpaid Bank dividend No. 38, this day declared $124,640 229,436 $13,615 97 108 53 -13,724 1,035 15 4,168 -5,203 Amount due the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tax on dividend 666 Amount due depositors 24,997 58 Deduct overdrafts 739 37 50 15 88 Balance 24,258 21 55397,928 74 20 CR. Bills discounted $129,583 51 Bonds and notes on demand 189,772 Amount of capital stock held by the bank Real estate Expenses, costs paid on notes in suit 1 Gold, silver and copper coin 30,663 83 Notes of other banks and drafts 5,437 Amount due by other banks 3,780 71 Amount due by other incorporated companies, subject to drafts 13,817 98 319,355^51 20,800* 4,000 73 71 53,699 52 $397,928 74 Dividend 87, declared in May 1833, on 104,20Q at 8 per cent per annum, 4,168 Dividend No. 38, declared Nov. 6, 1833, 104,- 200 at 8 per cent per annum, 4,168 - S8,S36 00 N. B. The item bank notes in circulation embraces $45,000 post notes not due. Lehigh county , ss. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, John Rice, Cashier of the North¬ ampton bank, who solemnly affirmed that the above is a true and cor¬ rect statement of the affairs of the said bank. JOHN RICE. Affirmed and subscribed this 19th day of December A. D. 1833, before me. Christ’n Beitel. State of the Easton Bank , November 4, 1833. DR. Capital stock, Bank notes in circulation, Contingent fund, Dividends unpaid, including the one declared this day, Due to the State, tax on dividends, Due to other banks, Due to depositors, $298,770 00 341,604 40 87,060 80 18,780 80 5,100 41 5,921 36 126,393 24 $883,631 10 21 CR. Notes discounted, Bonds and mortgages, Cotton machinery, &c. bought on a judgment obtained by the bank, Stock of the Easton Water company, 13 shares, $325 Commercial bank, 13 shares, 650 Bank of Pennsylvania, 13 shares, 5,200 Loan to the Commonwealth, at 5 per cent., Specie, Notes of other banks, Due from other banks, Dividend No. 37, declared in May, at 5 per cent., do 38, extra, July, at 14 2-7 per cent., do 39, “ November, at 5 per cent., 8705,533 95 73,740 29 6,826 99 6,175 00 25,000 46,820 26 5,6S0 13,904 61 $88S,631 10 812,253 00 36,563 57 14,938 50 863,755 07 5,100 41 Eight per cent, thereon to the State, is Northampton county , ss. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, James Sinton, cashier of the Easton bank,, who being duly affirmed according to law, says the above amount is just and true. J. SINTON. r .* . v* .... V' Affirmed and subscribed this third day of December, 1833, before me, J. Weygandt, J. P. Statement'of the Wyoming Bank^at Wilkesbarre , November 5, 1833. DR. To stock paid in, Discounts, Notes in circulation, Deposits, Dividends unpaid, State duty, Country banks, Profit and loss, $58,135 00 4,015 51 89,930 41,241 15 180 60 192 842 74 3,549 72 $198,086 72 22 CR, By bills and notes discounted, 8141,080 12 Real estate, 2,389 90 Expenses, 943 01 Specie, 15,149 28 Notes and checks of other banks, 1,654 03 City bank deposit, 35,579 75 Country do 1,290 63 $198,086 72 Luzerne County , 88. [L. S.] Edward Lynch, being duly affirmed, saith the above ac- count is a correct statement of the debits and credits of said bank, to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDW. LYNCH, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed, November 29th, 1833, before ^JOHN MYERS, Justice of the Peace. I State of the Bank of Northumberland , Tuesday , November 5, 1833. DR. Capital stock, 55100,000 Notes in circulation, 259,830 10 Contingent fund, 6,000 Dividends unpaid, 297 20 Ditto declared this day, Commonwealth tax on dividends, 5,000 798 Due to other banks, 2,894 14 Due to depositors, 58,739 90 $433,559 34 CR. Bills of notes discounted, 8296,045 S4 Permanent expense account, Bank of Northumberland stock, 1,500 1,425 Banking house & lots, 2,409 95 Profit and loss, 1 29 Due by other banks, 82,808 87 Notes of other banks, 18,439 Specie, SO,929 89 843S,559 34 Dividend declared May 6th, 1833, on $99,500, 5 per cent., $4,975 Ditto Nov. 5th, 1833, on 100,000, do 5,000 23 Northumberland, County , *s. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace for the said county, J. R. Priestley, cashier of the Bank of Northumberland, who being duly sworn, dcfth depose and say, that the above statement is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. J. R. PRIESTLEY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, November 9th, 1833. Israel Pleasants. State of the Miners' Bank of Pottsville in the county of Schuylkill , bth November, 1833. DR. To capital stock, 199,870 Contingent fund, 13,621 24 Notes in circulation, 117,870 Due to other banks, 42,560 34 Due Commonwealth, '(tax,) 80 Due to depositors, 79,880 74 Dividends unpaid, 454 35 Bills payable, 58,5< 0 Sundry securities, ' 1,090 $513,727 17 CR. By bills discounted, Bond? receivable, Mortgages, Judgments, Bills receivable, Stock in the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven rail company, Loan to Mine Hill & Schuylkill Haven rail-road P an y> Specie, Notes of other banks, Checks on other banks, Due by other banks, Real estate, Suspense account, -road S24,964 7S0 6,450 75,782 560 10,000 com- 02 31 25,000 15,959 20,025 3,971 6,319 14,247 9,718 24 32 33 48 47 $513,727 17 Whole amount of dividends declared during the year ending on the 1st Tuesday in November, 1833, $999 92 24 Schuylkill county , ss., Personally appeared before me the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, Joseph Thomas, Cashier of the Miners’ Bank of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, who being duly affirmed according to law, says the above statement is just and true as entered on the books of said institution. JOS. THOMAS. Affirmed and subscribed to, the 5th day of December, 1833, before me, Jb. Seitzingeb, J. P* f Statement of the Farmer's Bank of Reading , November 5th , 1833. DR. Amount of Stock paid in Contingent fund Amount of notes in circulation Due other banks Dividends unpaid Due Commonwealth tax Due deposits g3C0,S60 00 20,893 26 268,412 6,258 08 19,347 43 1,239 78 132,430 94 £748,941 49 CR, Amount of bills discounted $$496,247 93 Bonds and mortgages 26,850 06 Real estate 7,896 11 Bank slock, (original cost g 106,644) 83,286 Due from other banks 29,720 44 Notes from other banks 10,950 Specie 94,010 95 $$748,941 49 Dividend declared, May 1833, on 8193,716, at 4 per cent 87»748 64 Dividend declared November 1833, on 8193,716, at 4 percent 7,748 64 Berks county ss. Personally appeared before me the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, George M. Keim, Cashier of the Farmers’ Bank of Reading, who being duly affirmed according to law, says the above statement is just and true to the best of his know¬ ledge and belief. GEORGE M. KEIM, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed coram me, November 7th, 1833. Matthias S. Richards. 25 State of the Bank of Montgomery County , November olh , 1833. DR. To Capital stock, Notes in circulation, Contingent fund, Dividends unpaid, ' Amount due to the Commonwealth Amount due to another bank Amount due to depositors, 55133,650 183,399 50 21,563 40 7,438 70 , tax on dividends, 962 28 54 122,624 58 S469,6S9 00 CR, By Bills and notes discounted, Mortgages, Judgments, Bills of exchange, Notes on demand, Loan to the Commonwealth, Loan to Montgomery county* Schuylkill bridge stock, Specie, Notes of other banks, Checks on other banks, Amount due by other banks, Real estate, 8271,378 70 27,299 13,268 80 1,612 33 3,035 41 60,000 2,500 400 54,674 87 12,710 35 35,121 55 7,603 34 8469,639 00 Dividend declared May 7th, 1833, on $133,650, capital stock, at four and a half per cent*, 6,014 35 Dividend declared Nov. 5, 1833, on $133,650 capital stock, at four and a half per cent., 6,014 25 Whole amount of dividends declared, $12,028 50 -- I U . ( v > - f •, V ;■ * Montgomery County , ss. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, William H. Slingluff, cashier of the Bank of Montgomery county, who being affirmed according to law, says the above statement is just and true. W. H. SLINGLUFF, Cashier. Affirmed and subscribed the 12th clay of November, A. D. 1833; | before me. Jno, Boyer, J. P* 4 % 26 State of the Bank of Delaware, County , November 5th , 1833, DR. To Capital paid in, 2104,350 00' “ Notes in circulation, 109,786 “ Contingent fund, £8,275 38 “ Dividends unpaid, including this day, 5,676 62 “ Due the Commonwealth, tax on dividends, 727 44 “ Due to other banks, 8,084 1& tc Due to depositors, 67,911 60 2324,811 22 cr; By^Bills discounted, “ Judgments, “ Stock of Schuylkill bank, “ do of this bank, “ do of the bank of the United States, “ do of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal j “ Specie, “ Notes and drafts of other banks, 4fr Due by other banks, 44 Banking house and lot, 44 Expenses, 2 87,282 70 140,001 39' 18,442 37 2,450 00 10,038 88 2,000 00 26,748 75 2,571 25- 24,033 28 10,354 35 888 25 $324,811 22 Dividend declared May 7th,- 1833, of 5 per cent., on $77,510 Dividend declared November. 5th, 1833, of 5 per cent., on 2104,350, 23,875 50 5,217 50 Delaware County , ss° Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, Preston Eyre, cashier of the bank of Delaware county, who being duly affirmed according to law, says the above statement is just and true. PRESTON EYRE, Cashier . Affirmed and subscribed the 25th of November, A. D. 1833, be¬ fore me, Samuel Smith, J . P . 27 State of the Bank of Chester County , November 5th , 1883. DR. Capital stock, 210,000 Notes in circulation, 246,903 Contingent fund, .11,643 26 Dividends unpaid, including the one declared this day, 9,140 70 Discount account, 234 25 Due the Commonwealth, tax on dividends, G,6SO 76 Due other banks, , 11,801 06 Deposits, 208,904 32 ■ $705,257 35 ;CR, "" Bills and notes discounted, $480,662 62 Bonds, 14,761 83 Mortgages, 18,732 59 Judgments by confession, 10,173 91 Rail-road stock, 700 Schuylkill navigation stock, 41,000 Do do loan, 49,000 Specie, 52,571 70 Notes of other banks, 22,577 03 Due from other banks, 11,897 or Judgments obtained on suits, 3,180 60 $705,257 35 The real and personal estate of the bank, consisting of banking house and lot, and bank furniture, are valued at $6,000, and the amount paid out of the profits. Chester County , ss. Before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, personally appeared David Townsend, cashier of the Bank of Chester County, who being duly affirmed according to law, did declare and say that the foregoing statement is just and true. DAVID TOWNSEND, Cashier . Affirmed and subscribed, December 4th, 1833, before me. Wm. Everhart* v 33 State of the Farmers hank of Lancaster , November 5, 1331 . DR. o Capital paid in $400,000 Notes in circulation 255,970 78 Dividends unpaid 14,555 44 Due to other banks 4,712 59 Due to Commonwealth for tax on dividend* 1,710 24 Due to depositors 116,680 44 Profits undivided 8,759 97 $802,589 26 CR. Bills discounted and outstanding $599,01S 60 Banking house and other real property 10,420 96 Bank stock, 874 shares 43,700 Bank of Middletown stock 150 shares 3,750 Bonds 500 Columbia bridge company stock 63 shares 4,471 25 Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Middletown turnpike stock 35 shares 2,439 Lebanon bank stock 250 shares 7,500 Loan to the Commonwealth at 4 5 per cent 25,000 Specie 52,557 17 Notes of other banks 2,755 Due from ether banks 50,215 59 Expenses 66 69 $802,389 26 Dividends declared in May on S 356,300 at 3 per cent, 10,689 Dividend declared in Nov. on 356,300 at 3 per cent, 10,689 Whole amount of dividends during the present year en¬ ding with the first Monday of November. 21,578 City of Lancaster ss . Personally appeared before me the subscriber, one of the Aldermen in and for the city of Lancaster, John Eberman Cashier of the Far¬ mers bank of Lancaster, who being duly affirmed according to law did declare the above statement to be just and true. JNO. EBERMAN, Cashier. # Affirmed and subscribed before me the 29th of November, A. D. 1883 . He.nky Keefer. 29 Statement of the Lancaster Bank, November 4th , 1833. DR. Capital stock, 139,102 50 Notes in circulation, 166,745 Dividends unpaid, 5,530 57 Contingent fund, 21,518 72 Commonwealth tax ©n dividends, 481 16 Sundry banks, 8,084 80 Depositors 87,001 44 $428,464 19 CR. ■ Bills and notes discounted, 240,028 81 Bonds and mortgages, Lancaster bank stock, 14,560 36,280 Farmers’ bank (Lan.) stock, 4,800 State 5 per cent stock, 10,000 Due from sundry banks, 11,527 SI Cash, viz. specie, Notes of other banks, 29,434 07 81,834 — 111,268 07 $428,464 19 Dividend declared in May, 1833, on 3,574 shares, 2,930 68 Dividend declared in Nov. 1833, on 3,761 shares, p. s. 3,084 02 City of Lancaster , ss., James Evans, Cashier of the Lancaster bank, being duly sworn, saith the above is a fair statement as taken from the books of the Lan¬ caster bank, on the above stated day. JAMES EVANS, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 30th November, A. D. 18S3, - John Bomberger. State of the Columbia Bridge Company, November 5th, 1833. DR. To Capital stock, “ Notes in circulation, “ Dividends unpaid, “ Due to other banks, Profit and loss account, “ Due depositors, $395,000 00 173,225 2,661 50 23,396 25 27,975 06 37,939 16 $660,196 97 $2S7,533 83 79,487 20 205,551 21 10,386 18 7,760 13,697 21 17,309 81 SS,7U 95 36,572 17 18,187 41 8660,196 97 It appears from the above statement that the amount of money already expended on the new bridge, greatly exceeds the amount of profits acquired ; therefore the board of directors have deemed it inex¬ pedient to declare a dividend this year. Lancaster County , 55 . Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for the county of Lancaster, Preston B. Elder, cashier of the Columbia bridge company, who being duly sworn ac¬ cording to law, says the above statement is just and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. PRESTON B. ELDER, Cashier . Sworn and subscribed before me, the 12th day of November, 1833, Tiios. Lloyd. - X Statement of the Lebanon Banlc } Tuesday , November 5, 1833. DR. To capital stock paid in, Notes in circulation, Contingent fund, Dividend'unpaid, Dividend declared this day, Commonwealth tax on dividends, Due to other banks, Due to depositors, $58,615 00 . 149,630 00 S,165 99 $422 50 2,409 60 —-- 2,832 10 353 40 480 17 55,946 70 $271,023 36 30 iCR. By Bridge cost and repairs, “ New bridge, Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the alder* men in and for the city of Pittsburg, John Snyder, cashier of the “ Panic of Pittsburg,” who, being duly sworn according to law, says that the above statement is just and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. JOHN SNYDER. Sworn and subscribed this 2J day of December, 1853. 51. B. Lowrie. 37 State of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank Tuesday , October 1 , 1833. DR. of Pittsburgh To Capital stock paid in, Notes in circulation, $174,845 00 154,270 Amount due other banks, 94,320 69 Discounts and premiums, 8,101 26 Individual depositors, 66,539 61 $498,076 56 CR. By Bills discounted, $253,992 96 Bills of exchange, 128,525 71 Amount due by other banks, 23,082 40 Banking house, 1,200 Expenses, 4,839 66 Notes of other banks, 71,068 72 Specie, 15,367 11 $498,076 56 City of Pittsburgh ss. Personally appeared before me, the subscriber, one of the aldermen in and for the city ot Pittsburg, James Correy, cashier of the Mer¬ chants’ and Manufacturers’ Bank of Pittsburg, who being duly sworn according to law, says the above statement is just and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. J, CORREY, Cashier . Before me, October 9, 1833. * Chas. H. Israel. State of the Monongahela Bank of Brownsville , November 5, 1883. DR. To capital stock Notes in circulation Surplus Fund Dividend unpaid including one this day Due the commonwealth of Pennsylvania dends, Due to other banks Due to depositors 107,271 292,375 22,812 73 5,430 89 tax on divi- 576 09 337,52 53,898 36 $482,701 59 38 \ CR. 8205,255 44 32,480 56 6,192 5,000 67 92 29,182 59 37,992 50 142,893 81 17,135 55 5,284 51 233 18 1,051 47 8482,701 59 Dividend declared May 7th on $102,123 at 3§ per cent 3,574 50 do June 5th on 103,626 at 3£ per cent 3,626 91 Fayette county , ss. Personally came before me the subscriber a justice of the peace in and for said county, G. H. Bowman, Cashier of the Monongahela bank of Brownsville, who upon his solemn oath saith the above is a true statement of the debts and credits of the said bank as the same stood upon the books on the 5th inst. G. H. BOWMAN, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22d day of November, 1333, Michael Sowers. By bills and notes discounted, outstanding Judgments and notes in suit Monongahela bank and Browmsville stock Monongahela bridge stock Specie in silver 25,553 do Gold 3,628 Notes of other banks Due by other banks Real estate purchased for debts do . do Personal do Beaver bank notes and certificate State of the Erie Bank , in the borough of Erie, in the county of Eric . DR. November 1st, 1833. Stock paid in, 25,640 Bank notes in circulation, 62,775 Depositors, 10,338 81 Dividend No. 6, •_ 9 90 Commonwealth 8 per cent on dividends, 123 41 Dividend No. 7, unpaid, 70 7 67 Profit and loss, - 9 45 $99,604 24 39 CR. * By bills receivable, 42,242 2:1 Judgments, 402 57 Deposits with banks, individuals, and foreign notes, 46,883 80 Specie, * 10,075 84 $99,604 24 Dividend declared May 5th, 1833, on $22,240, at 3^ perct. 8773 62 Dividend declared Nov. 1st, 1833, on $25,6^0, at 3 per ct. 769 20 Erie county , ss., Personally appeared before me the subscriber, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, P. S. V. Hamot, Cashier of the Erie Bank, who being duly sworn according to law,- says the above Statement is just and true, as from the books of this institution. P. S. V. HAMOT, Cashier. i Sworn, and subscribed, the 13th day of November, 1833, before me, EbENEZER D: GtfJfNISOXk boston college 3 9031 01260926 9 fJUTOH COLLEGE SCH881 BUSINESS i i i2T f ))Ty. 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