mm J H 1 iH LIFE AND LIMES OF HENRY G RATTAN. VOL. V. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 M £ M I K S LIFE AND TIMES Rt. Hon. HENRY GRATTAN. BY HIS SON, HENRY GRATTAN, ESQ., M.P. NEW EDITION, IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. V. H, ^> MASS. LONDON: HENRY COLBURN, PUBLISHER, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1849. 15 a°i t*r<3 BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. 20.5775 THE CONTENTS OF CHAPTERS IN VOLUME V. CHAPTER I. Ministers of George III. and Queen Elizabeth compared. — Policy of England towards Ireland. — Influence of the Crown in the Irish Par- liament. — The superior advantages possessed by Ireland. — Conduct of the Irish Parliament. — Probability of a Union. — The proceedings of the Irish Government justified the course pursued by Mr. Grattan. — In- evitable consequence of their proceedings. — Sketch of the events that led to the Union. — Natural consequences. — Means adopted by Go- vernment. — Secret Service Money. — Sir John Parnell and James Fitz- gerald dismissed from their offices for opposing the Union. — Letter of Mr. Fitzgerald to the Bar. — Their conduct. — Meeting and Resolutions as to the Union. — Meeting of Parliament, 22nd January, 1799. — Mr. Ponsonby's amendment against Union lost only by one ! — Mr. Plunket's speech. — Sir Lawrence Parson's amendment against the Union carried on the 24th by five majority. — Union Paragraph rejected. — Great joy of the Irish People. — Addresses to the Members. — Mr. Saurin's reply. — The Regency Bill proposed by Mr. Fitzgerald. — Mr. Foster's (Speaker) speech against the Union . . Page 1 CHAPTER II. Military force in Ireland at the period of the Union. — Martial law. — Cruel sentence on Devereux. — Indemnity bill. — Cases of torture known by the Government-Trials. — Acquittal of Judkin Fitzgerald. — Lord Avonmore's charge. — Mr. Barrington's resignation as lieutenant of yeomanry.— Escheatorship refused to Colonel Cole. — Arts prac- tised by Government. — Speeches of Plunket, Moore, and Ponsonby. *— Ponsonby's attack on Lord Castlereagh. — House of Lords. — Amend- vi CONTENTS. ment proposed by Lord Powerscourt against the Union. — Last letter of Lord Charlemont. — His death. — End of session of 1799. — Conduct of Lord Cornwallis. — Addresses in favour of Union. — Lord Donough- more's conduct. — Orange Lodges hostile to Union. — Divisions sown among them and the Catholics. — Offers to the Roman Catholic clergy. — Resolution of the prelates. — Veto. — Catholics grossly duped. — Anecdote of Lord Cornwallis by Judge Johnson. — Catholics adverse to the Union. — Meeting and speech of Mr. Daniel O'Connell, bar- rister, against it. — Resolutions on the subject . . Page 31 CHAPTER III. Mr. Grattan's difficulty of getting a seat in Parliament. — Conduct of opposition.— Peter Burrowes's plan to appeal to yeomanry. — Sheri- dan's words on the Union. — Arthur Wellesley's (Duke of Welling- ton) opinion on Union. — Mr. Foster's difficulty as to the Catholics. — Letter from Lord Downshire and Charlemont. — Three plans for opposing the Union ; purchasing seats ; writing pamphlets; personal conduct. — Mr. Grattan elected for the town of Wicklow. — Going to the House. — Parting with Mrs. Grattan. — Her spirited words. — Sir Lawrence PaTson's amendment. — Speeches of Plunket, Fitzgerald, Moore, Ponsonby, and Bushe. — Mr. Grattan's entrance into the House. — Sensation produced. — His appearance and conduct.— Speaks. — Corry attacks him. — Arbitrary conduct of Government. — Post troops at the Houses of Parliament. — Meetings of the people stopped by the military. — Major Rogers threatens to blow the Court House about the ears of the freeholders in the King's County, 5th Feb. — Mr. Grattan's speech against Union. — Attacked a second time by Corry. — Govern- ment press on the question. — No regard paid to the Committee on Trade and Manufactures. — House in Committee. — Mr. Corry attacks Mr. Grattan. — His reply.^— They leave the House. — Corry's character and conduct. Corry 's friendship. — His verses on Mr. Grattan. — Account of the duel by Mr. Grattan. — SherifT held by General Cradock till the parties fought Page 63 CHAPTER IV. Effect of the duel between Mr. Grattan and Mr. Corry on the suppor- ters of the Union. — Case of bribery, 5,000 guineas paid. — Some could not be bribed. — Mr. Hardy. — His character. — Rejects all offers. — Charles Kendal Bushe.— His character. — Rejects all offers from Lord Castlereagh.— Peter Burrowes incorruptible. — His cha- racter and conduct. — Speech of Mr. Saurin against the Union — His character and conduct. — Foster's speech. — His character and conduct. — Lord Cornwallis's letter to Lord Mornington. — Remarks upon it. — Mr. George Ponsonby's motion. — Impatience of Government. — In- troduce two bills. — Insurrection and Rebellion bills. — Invest the Army with great powers. — Government propose to buy the House of Commons, and pay 15,000/. for each borough abolished.— Letter on the subject to the Marquis of Donegal.— Expenses of the Union. — Mr. Plunket's celebrated attack on Government for their corrupt practices.— Character of Mr. Plunket.— Character of Mr. Ponsonby. CONTENTS. Vll — His motion to dissolve Parliament. — Sir John Parnell's speech. — Account of his family, the Poet and the Peer. — Remarkable words of Mr. Saurin and Sir Lawrence Parsons as to the Union. — Exchange of the militias of the two countries. — The Fitzgerald indemnity bill. — Proceedings of the House of Lords. — Speech of Lord Clare. — Attacks Mr. Grattan. — Publishes his Speech. — Mr. Grattan's celebrated an- swer, and brilliant description of the men of 1782 . Page 110 CHAPTER V. Proceedings in the British Parliament on the Union. — Sheridan's exer- tions against it. — Lord Downshire on the offers to him from Govern- ment. — Lord Camden on ihe torture in Ireland. — Description of the Government supporters in the Irish Parliament in the Lower House. — St. George Daly, William Smith, Luke Fox, Robert Johnson, all created judges for their votes. — Society of the Monks of the Screw. — Dr. Frederick Jebb. — Johnson promoted. — Curran's great eulogium on Lord Avonmore. — Anecdote of him by Curran. — Dr. Arthur Browne killed by the Union. — In the upper House, Lord Pery, Lord Carleton, Lord Kilwarden, Lord Avonmore. — Anecdote of, by Curran. — His last speech in the House alluding to Mr. Grattan. — Lord Cas- tlereagh. — His character and conduct. — Motion of Mr. O'Donnell that the placemen should go to the Lord Lieutenant with the address on the Union. — List of them. — Union Bill read a second time. — Mr. Grattan's speech. — Encomium on him by Mr. Burrowes. — Motion that the Union Bill be burned. — Bill passed the 7th of June. — Re- ceives the Koyal Assent on the 1st of August. — Speeches against the Union bought by Lord Castlereagh and burned . . Page 154 CHAPTER VI. Afr. Pitt's opinion favourable to domestic legislation in Ireland. — His letter to the Duke of Rutland. — Remarks on the Union. — Acquisi- tions for Ireland gained by the Irish Parliament. — Results of the Union. — Effect on the Trade, Commerce, and Revenues of the Coun- try. — Ireland became bankrupt. — Military force necessary for Ireland in 1782. — Forces kept up in 1840. — State of the people. — Parlia- mentary reports. — Destitute condition of the agricultural classes. — Original Red and Black Lists. — The speech and opinion of Mr. Fox on the Union. — Comparison between Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox. — Their characters and their style of eloquence . . . Page 181 CHAPTER VII. After the Union Mr. Grattan retires to Tinnehinch and gives up politics. — His mode of life. — Letter to Mr. Berwick. — Remark on Lord Clare's speech in the Imperial Parliament. — Lord Fitzwilliam urges Mr. Grattan to enter Parliament. — Mr. Grattan's letter to Signor Acerbi. — Remarks on Ireland. — Mr. Pitt and Lord Comwallis retire from office. — Their reasons. — Memorandum produced by Lord Castle- reagh on the subject. — Mr. Addington's administration. — Peace with the French Republic. — Emmett's insurrection in 1 803. — His words and viii CONTENTS. death. — The Broken Heart, Moore's Melody. — Mr. M'Can's exami- nation before the Privy Council. — Strange offers to him. — Mr. Grat- tan's letter to Mr. Wickham. — The paper regarding the United Irish Directory burned by Mr. Grattan. — Lord Fitzwilliam's letter to Mr. Grattan and Mr. Plowden. — His History and Remarks on Mr. Addington as to the Catholics. — Mr. Fox applies to Mr. Grattan on the affairs of Ireland. — His answer. — His yeomanry corps. — Recon- ciles Orangemen and Catholics. — Mr. Grattan's important letter to Mr. Fox. — Mr. Fox to Mr. Grattan. — Hardy's Memoirs of Lord Charlemont Page 210 CHAPTER VIII State of affairs on the continent of Europe in 1804 and 1805.— Conduct of Buonaparte. — His letter to the King. — Parties in Parliament. — Mr. Addington.-— Mr. Pitt. — Letters of Lord Redesdale to Lord Fingall. — Mr. Grattan solicited to return to Parliament. — Mr. Fox's letters. — Mr. Pitt's conduct to the Catholics. — His message to Lord Hardwicke. — Proceedings of the Catholics. — Apply to Pitt. — Entrust their petition to Mr. Fox.— He moves on their petition. — -Account of Mr. Grattan's speech in the Imperial Parliament.— Its success. — Pitt's remark. — Lord Byron's. — Letter to Mr. Grattan on the subject from Dr. O'Leary. — Lord Tyrawly. — Mr. Grattan's letter to Hardy and M'Can. — Breach between Pitt and Foster. — Mr. Grattan wishes to retire from Parliament. — Fox's letter. — Mr. Grattan to James Grattan on the study of history. — To Dr. Berwick. — Victory at Tra- falgar.— To Mr. Plowden.— Irish history. — Death of Mr. Pitt. — Change of administration Page 247 CHAPTER IX. The Duke of Bedford sent to Ireland as Lord Lieutenant. — Conduct of the Whig administration. — Great expectations of the Irish people. — Disappointed. — Mr. Fox's remarks as to the repeal of the Union. — Treatment of Hardy and Curran. — Mr. Tierney. — His character. — Conduct of the Catholics. — Letter of Mr. Grattan. — Refuses office. — Mr. Fox's letterasto the Catholics. — Letter of the Lord Lieutenant. — Letter of Mr. Grattan on the study of history.— His to Mr. Berwick on Irish appointments. — To M'Can on ditto. — To Hamilton Rowan as to Mr. Sampson. — To M'Can as to Curran. — Fletcher and Hardy. — As to Mr. Fox's health. — Lord Lieutenant to Mr. Grattan on the death of Fox. — Mr. Grattan to the Secretary of the Board of Educa- tion on that subject. — Sir John Newport on ditto. — General election. — Mr. Grattan declining Lord Fitzwilliam's offer to be returned for an English borough, sets up for Dublin. — Is elected. — His speech. — Letter of Mr. Keogh. — Ditto of Duke of Bedford.— Mrs. Grattan to Mr. Hartley, refusing the subscription to defray the expenses of elec- tion. — Lord Fitzwilliam to Mr. Grattan . . . Page 282 CHAPTER X. The Duke of Bedford's letter on a provision for the Catholic clergy. — Mr. Grattan's opinion thereon.-— Also Edmund Burke's. — Proceed- CONTENTS. ix ings of the Catholics as to their petition in 1807. — Mr. Ponsonby's opinion and letter thereon. — Meeting of the new Parliament. — Lord Grenville and Lord Howick continued in the ministry. — Remarks on their character. — The Catholic Military Bill at first approved of, then objected to, by the King. — The bill abandoned. — Unconstitutional pledge demanded by the King. — Refused. — They are dismissed. — Mr. Grattan's letter to the Duke of Bedford on the subject. — His letter to Lord Fingall on the Catholic petition. — Speech of Mr. Keogh. — Re- solution in favour of the Duke of Bedford. — His reply. — Mr. Pres- ton's death. — Mr. Hardy his successor. — Mr. Grattan's letter to Mr. Berwick. — No Popery administration. — Their conduct. — Their cha- racter. — Mr. Canning. — Mr. Perceval. — House of Commons desert the Whigs, and support Mr. Perceval's party. — Parliament dissolved. — Unconstitutional efforts of the Tories at the elections. — Great ma- jority in their favour in the House of Commons. — Insurrection and Arms bill. — Mr. Grattan's conduct. — Mr. Sheridan's motion on the state of Ireland. — Speech of Mr. Grattan thereon. — His letters on the subject. — To Mr. Berwick and Mr. M'Can, and to H. Grattan, jun. Page 330 CHAPTER XI. The Roman Catholic Proceedings in 1808. — Letters of Mr. Grattan thereon. — The Grant to the Catholic College of Maynooth reduced by the No-Popery administration. — Remarks thereon by Mr. Foster, Mr. Grattan, and Sir A. Wellesley (Secretary, afterwards Duke of Wel- lington). — The History of the Veto. — Efforts of Government to gain influence over the Catholic Church in 1782, 1795, 1799, 1806, and 1808. — The Object of Government. — Edmund Burke's opinions on this question. — Catholic Question brought forward by Mr. Grattan. — Dr. Milner's Communication with Mr. Ponsonby. — Veto as stated by him. — Milner retracts. — People of Ireland oppose Veto. — Mr. Grattan's opinion thereon. — His Letter to Mr. M'Can. — Questions in 1809. — Sale of Writership and Seat in Parliament by Lord Castlereagh. — Mr. Grattan's conduct thereon. — History of that shameful transaction. — Public immorality and corruption. — Conduct of the Duke of York. — Investigation by the House of Commons. — Mrs. Clarke. — Mr. Grattan votes against the Duke, who is removed from the command of the Army. — Expedition to Walcheren. — Great loss experienced by the Army. — Subject of the Irish Union. — Mr. Grattan's Letters thereon. — Trade and Exports of Ireland. — Mr. Grattan's Letters to Messrs. M'Can and Berwick . Page 367 CHAPTER XII. Irish tithes.— Mr. Grattan brings on the Catholic question in 1810. — Domestic nomination of Catholic bishops disregarded by ministers.— Mr. Grattan complains of his absence from Ireland. — Injury from absenteeism. — His life in London. — Visits to Richmond to Mr. Sharp. — Samuel Rogers.— Cumberland. — Interesting conversation. — Anecdote of Kean and Miss O'Neill. — Leadership of the opposition offered to Tierney, accepted by Ponsonby. — Distress of Ireland. — X CONTENTS. Resolutions against the Union. — Public meeting and petitions against it. — Mr. Grattan's answer and opinion thereon. — Banks's charge that Ireland was a burthen to England. — Foster's spirited reply. — Illness of George III. — Conduct of Mr. Perceval. — Mr. Grattan's letter. — Opposes the restrictions on the Regency. — Mr. Ponsonby's able speech. — Defeat of ministers on the household. — Mr. Grattan's speech. — Prince accepts the office. — Lord Grenville, auditor of the exchequer, refuses to issue the public money. — Unconstitutional power assumed by the Commons. — Conduct of Sheridan. — Court intrigues. — Arrangement of the new ministry. — Lord Grenville and Lord Grey dissatisfied. — The No-Popery administration continued. — Mr. Grattan disclaims a spurious reply to Flood. — Letters to M'Can. — Letter on the Irish finances. — Sir John Newport's motion. — Mr. Grattan's letter on reform. — On the interchange of militia. — Letters to James Grattan, in Sicily, on public affairs . . Page 409 CHAPTER XIII. Commencement of the Prince Regent's Government in 1811. — Proceed- ings of the Catholics. — Mr. Pole's circular letter. — Mr. Grattan's re- marks. — Presents the Catholic petition. — Motion thereon, and reply to Mr. Perceval. — Conduct of the No-Popery Government. — Prosecution of the Catholics. — Arrest of Lord Fingall. — Unconstitutional conduct of the Chief Justice. — Convention Act. — Trial of the delegates. — Acquittal of Dr. Sheridan. — Trial of Mr. Kirwan. — Conduct of Sir Charles Saxton, Under Secretary.-— Tampers with the jury lists. — Speech of Mr. Peter Burrowes. — Mr. Kirwan found guilty. — Conduct of the prince. — His letter to the Duke of Richmond as to Lord Leitrim. — Lord Hutchinson's spirited conduct. — Lord Grenville's and Mr. Horner's Letters. — Lord Morpeth's motion as to Ireland. — Mr. Grattan's speech. — America, orders in Council. — Mr. Grattan on Mr. Perceval's policy. — Petition from the Protestants of Ireland in favour of the Catholics. — Mr. Grattan moves Catholic petition, 23rd April, 1812. — Speech. — Mr. Perceval assassinated. — Mr. Grattan's letters. — Incapacity of Ministers to conduct the Government. — Record thereof. — Attempts to form an administration. — Mr. Wortley's motion. — Hostility of the Prince. — Old ministry retained. — Remarks on ne- gotiations. — On Lords Grey, Grenville, and Moira . Page 445 CHAPTER XIV. Conduct of the Catholics in 1812. — Witchery Resolutions. — Mr. Hay (Secretary). — Letter thereon. — Motion in Parliament by Mr. Can- ning and Lord Wellesley. — Mr. Grattan's friends meet at Tinnehinch, and prepare the bill for Catholic Relief. — His letters. — Introduces the bill in the new Parliament. — His resolutions. — Meeting of the English members at Mr. Ponsonby's. — Proceedings on the bill. — Rejected by Four ! — Conduct of the Speaker (Abbot). — Conduct of the Prince. — Mr. Grattan's opinion and letter. — Lord Castlereagh. — Election for Down. — Lady Downshire's letter. — Conduct of the Catholics. — Application to Lord Donoughmore by Mr. Grattan. — Mr. Wilberforce's letter. — Mr. Grattan declines to move on the CONTENTS. xi Catholic petition in 1814. — Catholic Board suppressed by procla- mation. — Conduct of Mr. Saurin. — Letter of Peter Burrowes as to Mr. Hay. — Disagreement in opinion between the Catholics and Mr. Grattan. — Their petition entrusted to Sir Henry Parnell. — Ros- common address to Mr. Grattan. — His reply. — Mrs. Grattan goes to France. — Defeat of Buonaparte. — Princess of Wales. — Corn Laws. Page 483 CHAPTER XV. Buonaparte's return from Elba. — Question of War. — Mr. Grattan sup- ports it. — His speech, and remarks on Mr. Fox and Mr. Burke. — Lord Grey opposes it. — Remarks on the conduct of the Opposition ; on Lord Castlereagh and the Tory Party. — Catholic Question brought on by Sir Henry Parnell. — Feeling on the subject. — Mr. Grattan speaks. — Distress in Ireland. — Mr. Vesey Fitzgerald's letter.— Sir J. Newport's motion as to Ireland. — Effects of the Union. — National Bankruptcy. — Consolidation of the Exchequers. — Sir John Newport's letter to Mr. Grattan. — Catholic Question. — Mr. Bellew. — Sir H. Parnell's letter. — Catholic Committee apply to Mr. Grattan to sup- port their claims (1817). — Sir James Mackintosh's remarks on debate (note). — Death of Ponsonby and Curran. — Mr. Grattan's letter to Lady Charleville. — Window Tax. — Discontent of Citizens of Dublin. — Mr. Grattan elected for Dublin, fifth time. — Attacked when chaired. — His reply to addresses then. — Pioposes Catholic Question, 1819. — Letter to Judge Day. — Lord Holland's letter. — Diary of his illness and death. Page 515 APPENDIX. 1. Letters of Mr. Grattan to Edmund and Richard Burke in 1793-4 . . . . . .557 2. Protests of the Irish House of Lords against the Union . 564 3. Protest and Address of the Irish House of Commons against the Union ...... 574 4. Names of some who petitioned for and against the Union . 588 5. Lord Grenville's Letter to Lord Fingall, 1810 . . 592 6. Prince Regent's Letter, and Mr. Percival's Reply, on the Regency, 1811 . . . . . .597 7. Prince Regent's Letter to the Duke of York, and Lords Grey and Grenville's Reply ..... 599 8. Parody of a celebrated Letter, by Thomas Moore . . 602 9. Address of the Catholic Board to Mr. Grattan, and Reply, 1812 . . . . . . .605 10. List of Divisions in Parliament on the Catholic Question . 608 INDEX TO THE LETTERS IN VOLUME V. Page Lord Comwallis to Lord Mornington, March 2, 1800 . .128 Edward May to Lord Donegal, October 22, 1800 . .134 Edward Cook to Lord Castlereagh, March 3, 1801 . .217 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick, July 25, 1803 . . .223 Same .. to Mr. Wickham, August, 1803 . . . 231 Same .. to Mr. M'Can, do . . .231 Same . . to Same do ... 232 Lord Fitzwilliam to Mr. Grattan, September 23, 1803 . . 234 Same . . to Mr. Plowden, do. . . 234 Mr. Plowden to Mr. Grattan, October 8, 1803 . . . 235 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Fox, December 4, 1803 . . . 239 Same . . to Same, December 9, 1803 . . . 240 Same .. to Same, December 12, 1803 . . .241 Mr. Fox to Mr. Grattan, March 17, 1804 . . . 243 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick, October 24, 1804 . . 245 Mr. Fox to Mr. Grattan, March 13, 1805 . . . 254 Same . . to Same, March 16, 1805 . . . 255 Same . . to Same, March 23, 1805 . . . .256 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick, April 13, 1805 . . . 256 Lord Fitzwilliam to Mr. Grattan, April 27, 1805 . . .257 Dr. O'Leary to Mr. Grattan, May 25, 1805 . . . 263 Lord Tyrawly to Mr. Grattan, May 26, 1805 . . 264 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick, June 10, 1805 . . . 265 Same . . to Mr. Hardy, June 14, 1805 . . . 266 Same . . to Mr. M'Can, June 19, 1805 . . . 267 Same .. to James Grattan, June 22, 1805 . . . 269 Same .. to Mr. M'Can, July 15, 1805 . . . 271 Mr. Fox to Mr. Grattan, July 16, 1805 . . . .272 XIV INDEX TO LETTERS. Pajje Mr. Grattan to James G rattan, July 14, 1805 . . .273 Same .. to Same, July 28, 1805 . . . .273 Same .. to Same, July 29, 1805 . . . .275 Same . . to Mr. Berwick, September 8, 1805 . . . 277 Same . . to Mr. James Grattan, October 10, 1805 . . 277 Same . . to Mr. Berwick, November 23, 1805 . . 278 Same . . to Same, December 19, 1805 . . . 278 Same . . to Mr. Plowden, December 28, 1805 . . 279 Same . . to James Grattan, February 16, 1806 . . 292 Mr. Fox to Mr. Ryan, February 18, 1806 . . . 295 The Lord Lieutenant to Mr. Grattan, February 19, 1806 . . 296 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Hardy, February 20, 1806 . . . 297 Same . . to Henry Grattan, February 20, 1806 . . 300 Same . . to Same, February 22, 1806 . . . 302 The Lord Lieutenant to Mr. Grattan, March 14, 1806 . . 303 Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick, Patrick's Day, 1806 . . 305 Same to Mr. M'Can, March 31, 1806 . . . 306 Same . . to Same, April 1, 1806 .... 307 Same . . to James Grattan, April 7, 1806 . . . 307 Same . . to Mr. M l f i n the most express terms, deny the competency of Parliament to do this act. I warn you, do not dare to lay your hands on the constitution. I tell you, that if, circumstanced as you are, you pass this act, it will be a mere nullity, and no man in Ireland will be bound to obey it. I make the assertion deliberately. I repeat it. I call on any man who hears me to take down my words. You have not been elected for this purpose. You are appointed to make laws, and not legislatures. You are appointed to exercise the func- tions of legislators, and not to transfer them. You are appointed to act under the constitution, and not to alter it; and, if you do so, your act is a dissolution of the Government ; you resolve society into its usual elements, and no man in the land is bound to obey you. Sir, I state doctrines that are not merely founded on the immu- table laws of truth and reason ; I state not merely the opinions of the ablest and wisest men who have written on the science of government; but I state the practice of our constitution as settled at the era of the revolution ; and I state the doctrine under which the House of Hanover derives its title to the throne. Has the King a right to transfer his crown ? Is he competent to annex it to the crown of Spain, or any other country ? No ; but he may abdicate it, and every man who knows the constitution knows the consequence — the right reverts to the next in succession. If they all abdicate, it reverts to the people. The man who questions this doctrine, in the same breath must arraign the sovereign on the throne as a usurper. Are you competent to transfer your legislative rights to the French Council of Five Hundred ? Are you compe- tent to transfer them to the British Parliament ? 1 answer no ! — If you transfer, you abdicate ; and the great original trust reverts to the people, from whom it issued. Your- selves you may extinguish, but Parliament you cannot extinguish. It is enthroned in the hearts of the people — it is enshrined in the sanctuary of the constitution — it is as immortal as the island which protects it. As well might the frantic suicide hope that the act which destroys his miserable body should extinguish his eternal soul ! Again I therefore warn you. Do not dare to lay your hands on the constitution — it is above your powers. # # # I will be bold to say that licentious and impious France, CHAP. I.] AMENDMENT LOST BY ONE. 21 in all the unrestrained excesses to which anarchy and atheism have given birth to, has not committed a more insidious act against her enemy than is now attempted by the professed champion of the cause of civilised Europe against a friend and ally in the hour of her calamity and distress — at a moment when our country is filled with British troops, when the loyal men of Ireland are fatigued and exhausted by their efforts to subdue the rebellion, efforts in which they had succeeded before those troops arrived — whilst the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended — whilst trials by court-martial are carrying on in many parts of the kingdom — whilst the people are taught to think they have no right to meet or deliberate — and whilst the great body of them are so palsied by their fears, or worn down by their exertions, that even the vital question is scarcely able to rouse them from their lethargy — at a moment when we are distracted by domestic dissensions — dissensions artfully kept alive as the pretext of our present subjugation, and the instrument of our future thraldom. The amendment was lost only by a majority of one. The numbers being 105 to 106. This was effected on the part of Government by base arti- fice, and was accompanied on the part of the individual concerned by gross dereliction both of public and of private duty. This person was Mr. Luke Fox, a rough, coarse, unprincipled lawyer ; he came into Parliament professing to act with the national party, but when his vote would have been of essential service he betrayed them. On the division he was counted among the Oppo- sition, when he declared that he had accepted the office of Escheatorship of Munster (a nominal place to enable members to vacate their seats). This excuse was allowed, although the writ was not moved for till several days after. If his vote had been counted the numbers would have been equal, and the casting-voice of the Speaker (Foster) would have decided the question against the Union ; but the influence of Government 22 UNION PARAGRAPH REJECTED. [CHAP. I. prevailed, and turned the balance against the country. On the 24th the Report on the Address was brought up and Sir L. Parsons moved to omit the paragraph regarding the Union. This gave rise to another debate, which ended by the rejection of the paragraph, the numbers being — for ex- punging it, 109; against it, 104. Mr. Ponsonby then submitted a motion to the House, which would have gone still further, and in an express manner declared its opinion against the Union : " Resolved, that this House will ever maintain the undoubted birthright of Irish- men by preserving an independent Parliament of Lords and Commons, resident within this king- dom, as settled and approved by his Majesty and the British Parliament in 1782." Unfortunately this was not pressed as it ought to have been, nor supported as it deserved ; and consequently Mr. Ponsonby withdrew it. Had this resolution been carried it might have led to the final overthrow of the measure, and several members were censured for their conduct on the occasion. It is, however, scarcely credible that the Minister would have suffered this resolution to pass, when his influence in the House was con- sidered, and the desperate courses he adopted in order to carry his object ; the greater the crime, the greater his audacity and recklessness. The rejection of the Union paragraph diffused universal joy throughout the nation. Dublin was illuminated, the names of the popular mem- bers who had distinguished themselves on the occasion were celebrated at all the public dinners, and the health of the glorious majority * was * Their names were printed in red, and circulated throughout the country, entitled, " The list of our glorious and virtuous defenders, that every man may engrave their names and their services on his heart, and hand them down to his children's children." CHAP. I.] ADDRESS TO THE MEMBERS. 23 the toast on all occasions. Congratulatory ad- dresses were presented to those who had op- posed the Union ; the most remarkable and com- plimentary were those to Lord Charlemont, Sir John Parnell, Mr. Foster, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Saurin, and Mr. Barrington. From among these the answer of Mr. Saurin is here inserted. The opinion of this grave and steady character, who filled for so many years the office of Attorney-General in Ireland, and held such a legal reputation, is worthy of attention ; but it is to be hoped that its forebodings may not be realised. Mr. Saurin's reply to the Guild of Merchants of Dublin : — Gentlemen, — I could not have expected that the con- duct of an individual (however well intended) could have attracted your attention, or deserved so flattering a mark of approbation as that with which you have been pleased to honour me ; for which I beg to return you my warmest thanks. If, gentlemen, the bar of Ireland, with which I acted and co-operated (and no greater merit can I presume to claim), has deserved applause for the zeal and patience with which they assisted in defending the laws and consti- tution of Ireland, when menaced by foreign and domestic enemies, that zeal was excited by the reverence and admi- ration with which they are accustomed to regard our laws and constitution. If on a recent occasion, awfully portentous (as you are pleased to express it) to this kingdom, the great majority of that learned and constitutional body with which I am proud to have acted, and in whose sentiments I entirely and heartily concur, did, as far as it was in their power to do, resist the innovation, it was only, gentlemen, to pre- serve consistency with themselves, to adhere steadily to the principle on which they had so recently before taken up arms and submitted to become soldiers — the defence of the laws and Constitution of Ireland. They saw that the measure so improperly termed a 1 I nion bcticeen this kingdom and Great Britain was per- 24 MR. SAURIES REPLY. [chap. I. haps the only expedient that could he devised for separating the two countries. They saw distinctly that it neither was, nor possibly could be, a remedy for any of the disorders which have of late unhappily afflicted this country — disorders which can only be remedied by wise government, salutary laws, or perhaps (though to be lamented) by coercion and force ; remedies with which, however, a transfer of the Legislature from Ireland to Great Britain has no sort of connexion. They saw it was a subversion and a sacrifice of the Con- stitution of Ireland, and a surrender of the most invaluable privilege of a nation, for doubtful, if not idle, speculations and visionary objects, when no necessity whatsoever existed for any constitutional changes. And lastly, they saw that the present state of these countries, and of all Europe, rendered the present time peculiarly unfit for constitutional experiments and revo- lutionary measures. " These sentiments account naturally for the conduct of that learned body ; sentiments which the discussion of the question has fixed and confirmed. I reflect, gentlemen, with great satisfaction, that we are not singular in our opinion — that these are also your sentiments, and I trust and believe those of the nation at large ; that they have the sanction of those characters in the kingdom confessedly the highest in political wisdom, and most distinguished for knowledge of the interests of Ireland, and for attachment to those interests. I cannot doubt that they must prevail. Gentlemen, it is almost superfluous to say, should the British Minister think fit to bring forward the measure at any future day, you need not entertain any doubt of the firmness and integrity of the great majority of the Bar of Ireland. — I have the honour to remain, your very obedient and faith- fully attached, William Saurin. 1799. Though the question had been so far rejected by the omission of the paragraph, yet no opinion had been decisively given by the House of Com- mons against the principle of the Union ; and the CHAP. I.] MR. DOBB'S RESOLUTIONS. 25 House of Lords, by retaining the passage, had so far decided in its favour. The subject was accordingly renewed, and on various occasions brought before the House. Mr. Dobbs, a patriotic but eccentric man, pro- posed five resolutions, for the purpose, as he expressed, of tranquillizing the country. They embraced the subjects of Emancipation and Re- form. The first resolution proposed that all sine- cure places should be abolished, and compensation made to the holders ; that no person should sit in Parliament who held any office created since 1782 ; that Catholic Emancipation might be safely granted; that tithes should be abolished; that a provision should be made for the Catholic clergy and the Dissenting congregations. Most of these measures had been proposed by the Opposition in the last Parliament ; they had been uniformly opposed by the Ministers, and on the present occasion were destined to meet no better fate. The motion was opposed by the Government ; and even the usual form observed on such cases was dispensed with, and the question of adjourn- ment was carried without even a discussion or one single word on the subject. The haughtiness of Lord Clare was transferred to the Commons ; and Lord Castlereagh added to the insolence of office all his cold and heartless indifference. Nothing of a conciliatory nature was suffered to escape the lips of the Govern- ment; and though the chief leader in the measure of Union (Lord Castlereagh) had pledged himself to support Reform, and though the plan of emanci- pating the Catholics was proposed to be part of the measure of Union, yet the Minister observed a total silence on both these subjects, and held out no hopes to the people ; but the absolute, uncondi- tional surrender of their liberties was exacted. 26 THE REGENCY BILL. [CHAP. I. On the 15th February, Lord Corry brought forward a motion for a Committee to inquire into the state of the nation ; and proposed an address to his Majesty, expressive of attachment to his person and government, and of the unshaken de- termination to preserve the full and final adjust- ment of Independence of 1782, as necessary for the safety of Ireland and security of the Empire. The debate lasted nearly fourteen hours. The motion was supported with great ability by Dr. Brown, of the College, Messrs. Ponsonby, Knox, Ogle, James Fitzgerald, Lord Cole, and Sir John Parnell. It was opposed by Messrs. Smith, L. Fox, M'Clelland, Osborne (all of whom were created Judges), Sir J. Cotter, and Sir John Blaquiere. It was lost by 103 to 123. The subject on which the Government had founded their principal arguments in favour of a Union was that of the Regency. The danger of a collision between the two countries on such an occasion was advanced as a principal cause for proposing the measure. Therefore, in order to remedy the difficulty (or rather to take away any serious argument, for it was nothing more), Mr. James Fitzgerald brought in a Regency Bill. On the 11th of April, the House went into a Committee on the bill, which Lord Castlereagh most violently opposed. Mr. Foster (Speaker) being now out of the chair, availed himself of the opportunity, and made a most able speech against the Union, for the space of three hours. He replied to the statements made by Mr. Pitt in the British House of Commons, and to his attack on the Constitution of Ireland. The part regarding the trade and commerce of the country evinced his knowledge and research, he showed the rapid progress that Ireland had made since 1782, and the injury that would be likely to result from CHAP. I.] mr. Foster's speech. 27 the Union. He exposed the errors of Mr. Pitt, whose speech he termed "a paltry production ;" and was most successful in his answer to Lord Castlereagh, who had denied that the Revolution of 1782 was a final settlement. A few passages are accordingly given : — Mr. Foster. — " Sir, I feel it almost impossible for me to refrain from expressing my deserved indignation, that a constitution which it was the pride of this nation to acquire — under which the country has so wonderfully thriven, and in the operation of which no one imperial difficulty has occurred, — that this constitution should be sacrificed, and with it the peace and prosperity of the country, to a theory which has every argument against and none for it, but the subjugation of Ireland to the uncontrolled views of a British Minister, which I trust will never be relished by Irishmen. # # # "I shall go largely, before I sit down, into the adjust- ment of 1782 ; and I hope to show, to the satisfaction of every man who hears me this night, that those evils of which the noble Lord affects to complain have not sprung out of that adjustment, but that it has been the cure of every evil this country had to complain of, and which the Ministerial specific of a Union would again heap upon this kingdom; and in this opinion I am fortified by every Minister and Ex-Minister of that day. * * " In the address from both Parliaments preceding the session of 1785, it was stated that there were necessary regulations of commerce affecting the two countries which had not been adjusted. Commercial arrangements were alone spoken of, and had there any measures of constitu- tion remained unsettled, would they not have been adverted to? Would Mr. Pitt, who began his ministry soon after the final adjustment, and who was Minister in 1785 — would he have sat quietly when such an opportunity offered of giving consideration to a constitutional question, if any had remained unsettled ? But if anything could more than another show that the constitutional connection between the two countries was considered as finally settled, it is the unanimous address of the British Parliament, on that occasion moved by Mr. Pitt himself, and wherein are to be seen all those expressions, nearly word for word, which he now applies to the measure of a Union. 28 mr. Foster's speech. [chap. i. Wealth, consolidation, strength, glory, &c. &c, all were attached by him as necessary consequences of accepting the propositions ; and now are shifted, but with very un- happy appropriation, to the measure of a Union. # * " 1 respect Mr. Pitt as an English Minister, and give him willingly every credit for his financial talents ; but I must say, as to the Irish nation he is the worst Minister that it ever heard of, and nothing but the utmost rashness could induce the man to disturb this country at such a period by the introduction of a measure which he must have been conscious could not have been received or treated of with- out the most alarming war of feeling. The charges against me contained in that speech must, if I could feel flattered by such a circumstance, have flattered me ; for in a speech which occupied upwards of three hours, more than one- third of it makes me the subject, and is taken up with, I will not say designed, misrepresentations of what has been publicly said by me on different occasions, but particularly in the debate on the commercial propositions in 1785. (The Speaker stated that Mr. Exshaw, the king's printer, had received Mr. Pitt's speech to be published with the misrepresentations, but had corrected them subsequently on his application to him (Mr. Foster) on the subject.) * # " I state these particulars to show on what grounds I presume that speech (10,000 of which have been distri- buted through the country) to have been printed by the authority of the Irish Government — a speech which I be- lieve has disappointed very much the expectations of those by whom it was sent abroad ; for I do not think its depth of reasoning, or its convincing display of advantages, such as to have produced a single proselyte to the doctrine of a Legislative Union. * * * * From the period of 1782 to the present, there has not arisen with the Parliament of this country any political shock or concussion, save this des- perate one — this fatal project of Mr. Pitt, to which various objects are assigned, but the real one is that Mr. Pitt finds that 300 Irish gentle- men, forming an Irish resident Parliament, hold the purse of the nation too fast in their honest grasp for him to dispose of it as he pleases. In the commercial propositions, an appropriation of CHAP. I.] THE REGENCY BILL. 29 revenue was provided for to go to imperial ex- penses, but now no proportion of expense is named: you are not asked for any money; so you consent to resign your Constitution, — parting with that, it is too obvious that the other must follow. * •* ' * * On this occasion Lord Castlereagh went into a long statement of the affairs of the country : he calculated the value of imports into Great Britain from Ireland at 5,612,689/., on which she raised a revenue of 47,562/., whereas Ireland imported from England only 3,555,845/., on which she raised a revenue of 643,148/. The yearly value of Irish manufacture exported to England he repre- sented to be 5,510,825/., and of English manu- factures* exported to Ireland to be 2,087,672/. He took an average of seven years as to the linen trade, affirming that Ireland exported to Great Britain 35,64S,706 yards of linen, and to the Bri- tish colonies 1,259,868 yards— total 36,998,574 ; and to foreign countries she exported 4,762,684 yards, making a total of 41,670,654 yards. He then stated that the value of English woollens im- ported into Ireland for three years, ending 1793, was 599,974/., and the average for three years, 1797, was 647,900/.; and at the same time the value of linen exported to Great Britain was 3,038,630/., taking the linen at lOd. a yard on an average for seven years. The bill went through a committee, and was ordered to be reported : it left the appointment of * Compare this account with that in the Irish Railway Report of 1840, where the statement as to the trade and commerce of the country is set forth, and see there the decline of Irish manufactures, and the cessation of the progress that Ireland made after 1782. — See Irish Rail- way Report, compiled by the late lamented Secretary for Ireland, W. Drummond, there the fallacy of the above statement is clearly demon- trated, and from which it will appear that the export trade of Ireland has not kept up its proportion, and in quality has not changed but de- teriorated. 30 DEBATE ON THE UNION. [CHAP. I. the executive magistrate to the British Par- liament, and so far removed one of the grounds of difference that was supposed to exist between the two countries. On the 18th the report was brought up, when the subject of the Union was again gone through, and a most animated debate took place ; but on the motion of Lord Castle- reagh the bill w r as put off to the 1st of August : no division even took place, and thus ended the measure. 31 CHAPTER II. Military force in Ireland at the period of the Union. — Martial law. — Cruel sentence on Devereux. — Indemnity bill. — Cases of torture known by the Government Trials. — Acquittal of Judkin Fitzgerald. — . Lord Avonmore's charge. — Mr. Barrington's resignation as lieutenant of yeomanry.— Escheatorship refused to Colonel Cole. — Arts prac- tised by Government. — Speeches of Plunket, Moore, and Ponsonby. — Ponsonby 's attack on Lord Castlereagh. — House of Lords. — Amend- ment proposed by ] ord Powerscourt against the Union. — Last letter of Lord Charleraont. — His death. — End of session of 1799. — Conduct of Lord Cornwallis. — Addresses in favour of Union. — Lord Donough- more's conduct. — Orange Lodges hostile to Union. — Divisions sown among them and the Catholics. — Offers to the Roman Catholic clergy. — Resolution of the prelates. — Veto. — Catholics grossly duped. — Anecdote of Lord Cornwallis by Judge Johnson. — Catholics adverse to the Union. — Meeting and speech of Mr. Daniel O'Connell, bar- rister, against it. — Resolutions on the subject. When Lord Castlereagh moved the supply, on the 18th of February, 1799, he stated that the expense of the war establishment was 4,815,367/. for keep- ing up in Ireland a military force of 137,590 men, of which the regulars amounted to 32,281, — the militia to 26,654, the yeomanry to 52,274,* — * The following authentic document shows the force and the means required to carry the Union : — Regulars, 32,281 .. £1,218,955 Militia, 26,634 .. 769,012 Yeomanry, 57,274 . . 687,485 British, 23,201 . . 666,799 Artillery, 1,500 ^ Included in Ordnance Drivers and Commissariat, 1,700 S and Commissariat Ex- pense. Total military force in Ireland .... 137,590 ! ! ! Serving abroad . . „ 3,234 140,824 32 MARTIAL LAW. [CHAP. II. the entire to 138,000 men. Notwithstanding this overwhelming force, he said it was necessary to arm Government with stronger powers. With this view a bill had been introduced on the 20th of February, by the Attorney-General (Toler), entitled, "A Bill to suppress the Rebellion," though in fact the rebellion had long since been quelled, and the decaying embers alone remained, which time and gentle measures would gradually extinguish. The bill invested the Lord Lieu- tenant with discretionary power to suspend the # Habeas Corpus Act, and establish martial law ; it empowered him to order all military officers, or any persons appointed by him, to suppress the Rebellion in the most summary manner they thought proper, by courts-martial, or otherwise, without any appeal to any legal tribunal ; this was to be enforced against all concerned in, or in any way assisting, the Rebellion, or maliciously attacking or injuring the persons or property of his Majesty's loyal subjects, and was greatly ex- tended by the power given to arrest any person upon mere suspicion. This severe, and most un- constitutional measure was supported by Lord Castlereagh, Dr. Duigenan, John Claudius Beresford, and Maurice Fitzgerald, knight of Kerry. Accordingly, the entire county of Antrim was declared to be in a state of disturbance, and pro- claimed by orders of General Nugent, and placed under martial law ; the county of Mayo was also Ordnance, £442,659 Barracks, 350,000 Commissariat, 132,000 £4,266,910 Miscellaneous, including 98,327 for troops serving abroad 549,457 £4,815,367 CHAP. II.] INDEMNITY BILL. 33 proclaimed by the Lord Lieutenant, and divisions of troops stationed in various quarters throughout the country. Trials by court-martial still con- tinued. On the 21st of May the case of Walter Devereux occurred : he was accused of having been a leader in the insurrection the year before. He was tried by a military tribunal, and con- demned to death. The sentence was singular and barbarous, — that the prisoner should be hanged ; that he should have his head cut off, his heart burned, and his body quartered. This cruel and infamous sentence Lord Cornwallis, it is said, after mature deliberation, approved and confirmed! This was but one of the numerous instances of Lord Clare and Lord Castlereagh's system — their mode of governing Ireland, — their " vigor beyond the law." It recalls to mind the case of Scotland, which affords, however, but a faint parallel : — after the rebellion in favour of the Pretender, in 1745-G, when Lord President Forbes remonstrated with the Duke of Cumber- land against the outrages committed in the High- lands by his troops, and told him that his soldiers were breaking the laws, the Duke replied " The laws, my lord ; by G — Til make a brigade give laws." Such was the case of Ireland; so that with perfect truth it has been said, that the object of the Government was to carry the Union by terror and intimidation. In furtherance of this project, Mr. Toler brought in an indemnity bill, on the 29th of April, — a measure well suited to the character of the author, and to the conduct pursued by the Government towards the people, but fatal to the reputation of the House of Com- mons. This bill indemnified all persons who had resorted to illegal measures against the insur- gents. One of its provisions enacted that the jury should not convict if the magistrates could prove vol. v. D 34 CASES OF TORTURE. [CHAP. II. that in what they had done they had acted for the purpose of suppressing the Rebellion. This mea- sure having become law, presented an effectual bar to redress, and so it appeared to Lord Avon- more, who tried a case under it, and who ex pressed himself in a very remarkable manner on the occasion ; thus, as far as regarded all those individuals who had suffered from the violent and illegal conduct of magistrates, it was a complete denial of justice, but as regarded the Legislature it set a seal on their conduct, and affixed upon its character an everlasting stain, which neither con- trition nor time could efface. It was by measures such as these that the Government calculated on effecting their designs : by thus degrading the representatives in the eyes of the people, they knew the nation would soon become indifferent to their fate, and rather prefer their extinction to their existence; realizing the very words of Lord Clare, that " he would make the people of Ireland sick of their Constitution." The case of Matthew Scott, tried in ]799 before Mr. Justice Kelly, at Clonmel, is also illustrative of the character of the laws, and of the temper of those who administered them. Scott was a wealthy and respectable inhabitant of Clonmel — a man of large property, and high repute; he was imprisoned on a charge (totally false) of sending pikes in his boats that went laden with corn. Judkin Fitzgerald refused no less a sum than 100,000/. bail for him ! and when applied to, swore " By G— 9 he shall not be brought to trial!" How- ever, after much intercession in his favour, he was let out of jail on giving bail in the amount of 20,000/. : an action was brought against Fitz- gerald, who relied on the indemnity act, protect- ing those who had acted since the 25th of October, 1798, for the suppression of the insurrection, and CHAP. II.] CASES OF TORTURE. 35 the preservation of the public peace. Captain Jephson, who commanded a corps of yeomanry in the county, was examined on the trial, and swore that the conduct of Fitzgerald was the most in- famous he ever witnessed, and such as if per- severed in would assuredly ruin the country : that he had persecuted in a most oppressive and cruel manner, a man of the name of Wells, who was perfectly innocent, and what Fitzgerald had stated was utterly false ; the jury, however, found a verdict for Fitzgerald * Another case was that of Doyle, merchant and cloth manufacturer, of Carrick ; it occurred in 1798, but the trial did not take place till 1801. Doyle had been arrested by Fitzgerald, tied up, and flogged ; he could not endure the torture, and after 100 lashes he fainted. He was guilty of no offence, and accordingly brought an action. Fitz- gerald defended himself; and in his speech dis- closed some of his enormities, in which he seemed to glory: he stated, as a proof of his services, that he had arrested a Mr. O'Brien (whom he called colonel of the united party), to have him flogged. O'Brien made an excuse to retire, as he wanted to shave himself, and pretending to do so, he cut his throat to avoid the horror and ignominy of the torture. This act Fitzgerald gravely advanced as a defence to the action ! He then gave a catalogue of the tortures he had inflicted : he had flogged many men on the 16th of May, at Nenagh ; on the 23rd he had flogged a Mr. Fox, whom he called a general ; a Mr. Quinn, whom he called a colonel ; a man of the * On this trial Captain Jephson stated that he had known some of the rebels who had given him information, one of them said he had tampered with the people of Carrick, and that he had found they would go great lengths for Catholic Emancipation and Parliamentary Reform, but when he sought to seduce them, and mentioned the subject of rising in arms, they to a man refused him ! D 2 36 CAPTAIN JEPIISOn's EVIDENCE. [CHAP. II. name of Kearey, and a man of the name of Wells, a yeoman in Captain Jephson's corps ; that Capt. Jephson had threatened he would get his men to fire on him, but " I defied him, and flogged Wells and two more men, though they were all inno- cent ! !" — these were his words ; and it was for this man that the Attorney-General Toler (after- wards Lord Norbury) got the indemnity bill passed. The reader must bear in mind that Lord Clare, Lord Camden, and Mr. Pitt denied such acts of torture had been used. Lord Camden, in his speech in the English House of Lords was express on this point, saying, " nothing more than neces- sary was resorted to but here appears the naked fact, proved by their friend and protege, the man for whom was passed this very indemnity bill ; here he comes forth, avowing and glorying in the fact, and adding this very remarkable note and comment, " that he flogged them, though they were all innocent !" But another cir- cumstance appeared on this trial : a disclosure was made which brings the guilt nearer to head-quar- ters. In his defence, Fitzgerald produced a letter, addressed to him, and signed by Wm. Bag- well, " Brigade Major," dated 6th June, 1798, — a military man, and then in the employment of Government : in this letter, Bagwell informed Fitzgerald, " that if he found any good to arise from flogging he might go on with it, but let it not reach my ears 1 1" Well might Lord Camden say he knew nothing of flogging. The evidence given on this trial also, by Captain Jephson, is too important to be omitted, and serves to lift up the veil from the entire scene of these sanguinary government orgies : he swears, " I wrote to Government for troops, for two reasons ; 1st, be- cause I thought from Fitzgerald's conduct no loyal CHAP. II.] FITZGERALD ACQUITTED ! 37 yeoman would bear arms ; this I feared from the despair manifested by the inhabitants of the coun- try on hearing of the flogging ; 2ndly, I was afraid that not only the yeomen would not bear arms, but that the cruelty exercised in inflicting the torture would infuse a spirit of disloyalty into the most loyal, and consequently encourage the most disaffected. I am of opinion that Sheriff FitzgeraUCs conduct ivas calculated to promote rebellion ; for had it not been for my being possessed with superior information, the oath of allegiance I had taken, the property I had in the country, and my being a captain of a yeomanry corps, / would, on seeing such wanton cruelty, have joined the rebels F Lord Avonmore, in charging the jury said, u Before the indemnity acts passed, no damages you could give would be too great, but if under these acts you believe the defendant was forced, through imperious necessity, to commit this abo- minable outrage against the plaintiff, (a man of acknowledged loyalty) you are bound to find for him : the information he acted on he has told you was that of a vile, perjured, and infamous informer, and this too not upon oath! To render a verdict for the plaintiff of any avail, you must find that the defendant acted maliciously, and not with the intent of suppressing the Rebellion, or of serving the state ; such are the words of the Act, which places an insuperable bar between injury and redress , and sets all equity and justice at dejiance F at the same time he dashed the Act upon the cushion, and threw himself back on the bench. The Jury ACQUITTED F IT Z GERALD ! ! lipoil which lie took legal proceedings against the man he had so flogged, and recovered damages against him to the amount of 424/., as by the law a verdict for defendant saddled the plaintiff with double costs. What excuse could Mr. Pitt offer for these 38 mr. grattan's sentiments, [chap. II • proceedings? — treason was no apology for them. He did not treat the Irish as if they were Chris- tians; they were not treated like rebel Christians, but like rebel dogs ! It is not a matter of wonder that the country was driven into rebellion, but it is a wonder that any man remained loyal. What, not like our government ! — flog him : not like our religion! — 100 lashes: not like our uniform!- — 100 lashes more ! not like our toasts ! — another 100 ! Such were the principles of Government at this period, and to protect the exercise of them the Indemnity Bill was passed. Government were aware that torture was in- flicted, and Lord Clare had the boldness to jus- tify it as the only means to extract information : that is, not to punish the guilty, but to punish men, perhaps innocent, in order to make them dis- cover the guilty ! Mr. (afterwards Judge) Flet- cher, an excellent and humane man, who was counsel in Doyle's case, stated, that when the martial law bill was passed in England, it was pro- posed to introduce a clause against torture, but the Attorney-General opposed it, saying, " It cannot but be known to every one that neither martial law, nor any other law, human or divine, can justify the application of torture, or authorize its infliction." The accounts of these horrors used to throw Mr. Grattan into a state of the greatest excite- ment, and affected him with spasms that con- vulsed his entire frame ; then he would exclaim against the authors : " I cannot bear to think of it — it puts me in a horrid state. Pitt fermented the Rebellion to carry the Union. Yet I could forgive him the Union, for he was an Englishman, but I never can forgive the torture.* It is not * In a conversation with the late Lord Holland on this subject, his remark was, ''The Irish do not know how to plant the dagger." CHAP. II.] MR. BARRINGTON RESIGNS. 39 over yet, — the people will not forgive it: when* the recital even at this distance of time (1818) creates such sensation. — Men will not see the necessity, and will feel the disgrace. " In some men's minds there are limits to cor- ruption and oppression, beyond which a love of interest, or even cruelty, will not lead them to pass. The conduct of the Government, and the violent and corrupt practices to which they re- sorted, induced Mr. Barrington to separate him- self from that party, and to give up the com- mission that he held in the yeomanry, and he accordingly sent in his resignation. Unfortu- nately, he had supported the Government in several of their savage acts, and in many of their corrupt measures; he therefore lost much of the credit that would naturally have attended the expression of such just and honourable sentiments, as will be found in the letter that signified his retirement ; it was a sign of the times, and is therefore worth exhibiting here. Mr. Jonah Barrington to Mb, William Saurin. Dublin, January 1799. Sir, — Permit me to resign, through you, the commis- sion which I hold in the Lawyers' Cavalry. 1 lesion it with the regret of a soldier who knows his duty to his king, yet feels his duty to his country, and will depart from neither but with his life. That blind and fatal measure proposed by the Irish Government to extinguish the political existence of Ire- land — to surrender its legislature, its trade, its dearest rights, and proudest* prerogatives into the hands of a Bri- tish minister and a British council. Consistent, therefore, with my loyalty and my oath, 2" can no longer continue subject to the indefinite and nujore- seen commands of a military government , which so madly hazards the integrity of the Biiiish empire, and existence of the British constitution, to crush a rising nation, and ag- grandize a despotic minister. 40 PROCEEDINGS OF GOVERNMENT [CHAP. II. I never will abet a new developed plan, treacherous and Ungrateful, — stimulating two sects against each other to enfeeble both, and then making religious feuds a pretext for political slavery. Mechanical obedience is the duty of a soldier, but ac- tive, uninfluenced integrity the indispensable attribute of a legislator when the preservation of his country is in ques- tion ; and as the same frantic authority which meditates our civil annihilation , might, in the same frenzy, meditate military projects from which my feelirigs, my principles, and my honour might revolt, I feel it right to separate ray civil and military functions;' and to secure the honest unin- terrupted exercise of the one, I relinquish the indefinite subjection of the other. I return the arms I received from Government. I re- ceived them pure, and restore them not dishonoured. I shall now resume my civil duties with zeal and with energy, — elevated by the hope that the Irish Parliament will never assume a power extrinsic of its delegation, and will convince the British nation that we are a people equally impregnable to the attacks of intimidation as the shameless practice of corruption. Yours, &c. Jonah Barrington. » Lieut. 1st Cavalry. To William Saurin, Esq., Commandant Lawyers' Corps, &c., &c. Among the many artifices resorted to by the Government to effect their object, the most unjust and the most glaring was that which occurred in the instance of Colonel Cole. It was an act of the greatest partiality and injustice. Mr. Cole was an anti-unionist ; his regiment was quartered in Malta, and he was ordered to leave the country immediately and join it. His constituents in the county Louth were known to be inimical to the union, and had determined to elect Mr. Balfour, a person of similar principles with themselves. In order to prevent this, the Government refused to grant to Colonel Cole the office of Escheator- ship of Munster, an office analogous to the stew- ardship of the Chiltern Hundreds, and therefore granted as a matter of course, and granted at CHAP. II.] DENOUNCED BY THE OPPOSITION. 41 the same time to Mr. Oliver, the member for Kilmallock, that he might retire, and that a unionist might be returned in his place. This conduct drew down upon them the heavy censure of the opposition ; the question was discussed on the 15th May, when Mr. Plunket, Mr. Ponsonby, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Barrington, denounced the proceedings of Government in unsparing terms, and poured forth a torrent of bold and well- merited condemnation upon Lord Castlereagh. Mr. George Ponsonby was particularly severe, and drew forth a sharp and spirited reply. The motion for the writ, however, was carried ; and the question of adjournment to the 1st June, pro- posed by Lord Castlereagh, passed by a majority of 47 to 33. The speeches delivered on this occasion are worthy of remark. Mr. (afterwards Lord) Plunket : — The noble lord at this moment exhibits a phenomenon unexampled in the history of any free country. After being baffled and disgraced in a vital measure, he con- tinues to brave the Parliament and the public, and to tell them that that measure shall be carried, no matter by w hat means. I am told, Sir, that this question has no connec- tion with the L'nion. I deny it. No two questions can be more essentially involved, because the noble lord by his silence on this night avows that he means by a barefaced exertion of prerogative to enforce this reprobated measure against the fair sense of Parliament and people, and there- fore I will not tire the House by trying the merits of a question which has been already so amply discussed, and so explicitly reprobated. I will beg to call the attention of the House to the conduct of the noble lord and of the Government in the prosecution of it. This measure, Sir, was brought forward with but little interval indeed being allowed for the public to examine it before its introduction to the House. In that little interval, however, public scorn and indignation had attached upon it. But still it was brought into this house accompanied by the execra- tions of the people of Ireland, but at the same time tuith the proud boast, and I do believe with the childish hope 42 THE SPEECH OP [CHAP. II. on the part of the noble lord that it would be carried by a triumphant majority. Of its fate I need not remind you ; it was flung out of Parliament with abhorrence. How, Sir, was the majority formed by whom it was rejected? Was any man bribed to resist the Union ? Was any man promised to resist the Union ? Was any man dismissed from office, or threatened with dismissal, to make him resist the Union? Was any mean motive, or selfish interest, or sordid principle of the human heart, pressed into the service against the Union ? No, Sir ; it was dis- missed and defeated by the instinct and the reason, and the virtue and the talents, and the property of the country. What was the consequence ? Have the honourable men who were dismissed from office been restored ? and has the absurd projector who failed in his rash experiment been dismissed ? No, Sir ; but the men who were turned out of office because they gave a wise and honest opinion, which has been confirmed by Parliament and by the nation, are kept out of office merely because they gave that opinion, and the minister, who brought forward this weak and wicked measure, after being disgraced and baffled, retains his place. I therefore repeat it, the noble lord exhibits a political phenomenon unparalleled in the his- tory of any free country. In former times, when the minister has found the sense of the Legislature and the country against him, his measures have been abandoned, and he himself has sought safety and retirement. But here the minister retains his place, and braves the Legisla- ture, and braves the country, and avows his perseverance in the measure ivhich they have trampled on, and avows his determination to carry that measure by means the most unconstitutional and shameless, Mr. Arthur Moore :— Sir, there is no man who is an attentive observer of public occurrences, and who keeps an eye on the measures of the Administration, who must not have seen, and seen with affliction, that the measures which have been taken, and are now in daily and unremitting practice, to effec- tuate the Union, are such as no honest man can justify, which, while they stamp the authors of them with indelible disgrace, must render the incorporation of the Legislatures of the two countries, if carried, unpermanent, and the discontents and calamities of this nation eternal. CHAP. II.] MR. ARTHUR MOORE. 43 Was it not, Sir, enough that the whole authority of the Court, both ordinary and extraordinary, was exerted to bring about the measure, and that upon a full and fair discussion of its merits it was rejected by the unbought and uninfluenced sense of the representatives of the people. Was it not enough that since that period the efforts of corruption have been redoubled, that promises are lavished, and stipulations made for offices and honours ; that our liberties are brought to market overt, where every dishonest man may sell and buy. but where no honest man is permitted to show his face ? Is it not enough that the public sense is daily misrepresented by fables and false reports of change of sentiment, of conversion from error, of majori- ties in favour of the measure in this house ? Is it not enough that the sister kingdom and the British cabinet are evidently and designedly misled and misinformed as to the real state of public opinion in this country ? Is it not enough that the public money is perverted to the purpose of extinguishing the free and fair communication of opinion, and of corrupting the press to become the vehicle of false statement, of personal calumniation, and of libel of the Irish Parliament? Will not these means, these efforts content them ? Are they not satisfied with having the purse and the power of the country in their hands, and actively employed in forwarding their views? Are they not content with purchasing the mercenary aid of every hireling scribbler, and circulating gratis the wicked, seditious, — nay, I think in some instances little, if at all, short of treasonable publications of interested or ignorant men, through the medium of the public post- office, to all parts of the kingdom, while the communica- tion of every publication in favour of the legislative inde- pendence of Ireland is not only withheld but forbidden ? Are they not satisfied to sap and undermine our constitu- tion by the slow and silent approaches of unremitting corruption, but must it be boldly and opening assailed by an undisguised aggression upon the privileges and independence of Parliament. Sir, in my mind the state- ment which has been made by my honourable friend ought to raise the indignation of the House against those who have been the wicked advisers of so unjust and partial an exercise of a prerogative vested in the Crown for the purpose of guarding the privileges and securing the independence of the House of Commons? At any time, 44 SPIRITED SPEECH OF [CHAP. II. or under any circumstances, the transaction which has been stated to have taken place between the executive Government and the honourable and gallant colonel would have been highly disgraceful to the Administration, and an unpardonable invasion of the privileges of this House; but that such conduct should be pursued at a time when the greatest and most important subject that ever agitated a free assembly is still suspended over our heads, and is we understand again to be brought forward ; that the practice of ministers here should be so different from the professions of Mr. Pitt, who, in his speech on the Union, assures Great Britain and Ireland, and Europe, that the measure is not to be resumed unless called for by the free, uninfluenced, unequivocal sense and opinion of the Par- liament and people of Ireland ; that the people of both nations should be told from authority that fair means only are to be used when every foul means are practised ; that this House should he mocked and insulted from day to day with the insincere assurance that all that is sought for on the subject is the unbiassed sense of Parliament, at the same time that before a member is allowed to vacate his seat he must condition that his successor shall support the Union, is such a transcendant violation of Parliamentary freedom as this House ought not only to resent but to punish. Sir, if this office of Escheatorship is to be disposed of by the Crown exclusively to those who will pre- viously condition to support the measures of the ministry, the Place Bill, instead of being a means of securing the in- dependence of Parliament, becomes at once a formidable instrument of ministerial influence and corruption, and in- stead of being a barrier of defence against the undue exercise of the prerogative, it legitimates its abuse, and forwards and facilitates its encroachments. Surely a bill which was sought for by the most popular character* in this country for years, which for so many sessions in former Parliaments was successively resisted by the Court, and perseveringly demanded by the country, but which was at length con- ceded as a sacrifice on the one side, and received as an acquisition on the other, — surely this popular statute will not now be said to authorize the evil it was enacted to remedy, namely, the grievous and enormous influence of the minister of the Crown over the representatives of the people in Parliament. * Mr. John Forbes. CHAP. II.] MR. GEORGE PONSONBY. 45 On the motion that the House should adjourn, Mr. George Ponsonby delivered a most animated and spirited speech, with more than ordinary fervour, and concluded as follows : — Then, Sir, I am to understand the noble lord this House is to adjourn. Be it so; let the House adjourn ; let the noble lord depart from this House at the head of his miserable majority, but let his character go along with him, let it stalk by his side, let it cling to him ; let it be understood by this House and by the country that all the noble lord's professions were hollow and hypocriti- cal, the canting of a mountebank. Swift, in his enumera- tions of the qualities requisite for a great statesman, says, that the first and most necessary is that his words should be applied to everything but the indication of his mind. However deficient the noble lord may be in every other qualification of a great statesman, he has certainly been most largely gifted with this. Let the House adjourn ; but let it be understood by this House and by the coun- try, that notwithstanding the solemn declaration of the noble lord in this house, that the measure of a Union (though considered by him as necessary to the prosperity of this country) should not be urged without their free uninfluenced consent. The noble lord has had recourse to the meanest and basest efforts, in direct contradiction to those professions. Let the House adjourn ; but let il be remembered that those poicers which have been entrusted to the noble lord for the protection of the privileges and inde- pendence of Parliament have been perverted by him to the base and fraudulent purpose of packing that Parliament, like a grand jury. Let the House adjourn ; but let it be remembered that the noble lord is at the head of a great army ; let it be understood that the object of the noble lord is to pack the Parliament for the purpose of carrying a vote in favour of this measure, and to enforce the vote of that packed Parliament by that army. Let the House adjourn ; but let the character of the noble lord be fully understood, let it stick to him, let it be known that he is fair in profession, but foul in practice ; let his character go to the people, let it be understood that after saying no further steps should be taken in this measure until this House and the country should have changed their minds, he has abused the power of the Crown to support him in 46 OPENING OP THE SESSION. [CHAP. II. that very conduct — against which he stands so solemnly pledged. Let the House adjourn ; the character of the noble lord and of bis Government will go forth in their pro- per colours ; let them persist in their system of fraud and corruption, it will avail them nothing when it is (as now it must be) perfectly understood ; it will only confirm the opposition of this House and of the country to a measure, the iniquity of which is sufficiently characterised by the infamous means resorted to for its accomplishment. Lord Castlereagh replied with spirit, but Mr. Ponsonby was prevented by the rules of the House from making any rejoinder. Thus this well-contested session terminated, and the House was abruptly prorogued. The Government failed in their object, and the question of Union was rejected. But the Lord-Lieutenant, in his speech from the throne, introduced the subject, and alluded to the addresses voted to his Majesty passed by both Houses of the British Parliament in favour of the measure. It is a matter not less of wonder than regret that the proceedings of the House of Lords demand so little attention. This was the region of sober dulness and of sleepy silence — its in- mates were the ghosts of politicians. The body had been long under the arrogant dictatorship of Lord Clare, whose imperious and angry sway kept it in perfect thraldom, so that even few scin- tillations of patriotism could appear. On some occasions a noble spirit, however, burst forth. Dixon, bishop of Down, Marley, bishop of Wa- terford (Mr. Grattan's uncle), Lord Moira, Lord Charlemont, Lord Mountmorris, resisted the iron rule of the Chancellor, though with less vigour than the exigences of the times required, and without that just severity and indignation with which the insolence of tyranny and the hatred of popular liberty deserved to be reprimanded. On the 22nd of January, 1799, at the opening of CHAP. II.] ADDRESSES TO LORD CHARLEMONT. 47 the session, Lord Ormond proposed the address, containing a passage favourable to the Union. He was seconded by Lord Glandore. This was opposed with considerable spirit by Lord Powers- court,* who, with that attachment to his country which he uniformly manifested both in public and private, denied at once all right in the Parliament to entertain such a question as the Union, declar- ing its utter incompetence to part with the trust reposed in it ; and he accordingly moved an amendment in those terms. This was rejected by 46 to 19.t The address was supported by Lords Clare, Glentworth, Carysfort, Bective, and Yelveston, who in this instance abandoned that dignified station that he had acquired in his early days, and tarnished the unpurchased laurels of 1782. The address was carried by 52 to 17. In this list appears the venerated name of Charlemont. Faithful to his national feelings, true to his early principles, he opposed the de- struction of that constitution he had so nobly contributed to obtain. His mind had expanded towards his Catholic countrymen, and he did not think that their admission to the Legislature re- quired its transfer or its abolition. His conduct on this occasion met with the approbation of his country. Several addresses were presented to him in consequence, and, among others, one from the wealthy and populous city of Cork. As his reply was almost his last act on behalf of Ireland, * This noble house shows the withering effects of the Union — two generations have departed since, the beautiful residence is deserted — a natural consequence of English education and Irish absentees, f These names were as follows : — Bishops, Dixon (of Down), Marlay (Waterford and Lismore). Duke of Leinster. Lord Enniskillen, Lord Bel more. Lord Dunsany. Lord Lismore. Lord Mountmorris. Lord Charlemont. Lord Granard. Lord Eellamont. Lord Powerscourt. Lord Arran. Lord Mount Cashel. Lord Cloncurry. Lord Castle Stuart. 48 lord charlemont's last letter, [chap, ii. it is worthy of being placed in remembrance, and added to the records of his imperishable fame. My Lord, — You felt for your honour and your dignity, you knew your duty to your country, and therefore on the 22nd of last month nobly vindicated the independence of its Legislature. Your Lordship has proved yourself not only the hereditary counsellor of the State, but the here- ditary and incorruptible guardian of the constitution. Such conduct will live in the hearts of your countrymen ; they are grateful, and act with you. With that auspicious era when our constitution was immutably established, your name, my Lord, is inseparably connected. Your recent conduct will add new celebrity to a name endeared to your countrymen, and revered by the world. Cork, Feb. 13th, 1799. ANSWER. Gentlemen, — Though utterly disabled by the mi- serable state of my health from expressing my gratitude in a manner any way satisfactory to myself, no malady can possibly prevent me from feeling in its full extent the obligation you have conferred by making me the medium of thanks to those noble personages who on a late occa- sion, however unsuccessfully, supported in the House of Lords what with you we must ever think the cause of our country. Your approbation gives additional weight to our sentiments, and adds to our confidence respecting the line of conduct we have hitherto pursued, and in which we are determined to persevere. With every sincere acknowledgment for this, and for all your former favours, I join with my noble associates in having the honour to be, gentlemen, your most obliged and most faithful humble servant, Charlemont. # Feb. 25th, 1799. The interval between the session of 1 799 and that of 1800 was not thrown away by the Government. Undeterred by the opposition they had met with, undismayed by the defeat they experienced, and unconcerned at the national indignation vented upon them, they still prepared further devices, * After a severe attack of illness he expired in the month of August, 1799. CHAP. II.] RIGHT OF PETITION INFRINGED. 49 and proposed bolder and more effectual plans of operation. All that could be accomplished by gold or by iron, by bribes or by threats, or by promises, was set in motion ; every effort was strained to brinsf round those who were disin- clined, to seduce those who were hostile but necessitous, to terrify the timid, and bear down the fearless and those who had at heart the interest and independence of their country. The doors of the treasury were opened, and a deluge of corruption covered the land. The bench of bishops, the bench of judges, the bar, the re- venue, the army, the navy, civil offices, military and naval establishments, places, pensions, and titles, were defiled and prostituted for the pur- pose of carrying the great Government object — this ill-omened Union. The Place Bill was scan- dalously abused in order to model the House of Commons ; men who were hostile were let out — men who were friendly were brought in ; both were bribed, the one for their silence, the other for their activity. The right of petition was grossly infringed ; threats, inducements, and fabrications,* were resorted to ; meetings were prevented by the military, and others overawed * We, the undersigned freeholders and landholders of the county of Meath, finding our names, without our concurrence, affixed to a pub- lication as our approving of the abominable measure of a Legislative Union, do hereby agree to prosecute, as far as the law will admit, the ersons concerned in such an insolent imposition, and we do wish to ave our names affixed and added to the petition given into the honour- able House of Commons by our worthy member, Hamilton Gorges, Esq. Dated this 14th Feb. 1800. Here followed a number of signatures. We, the undersigned freeholders and landholders of the county Meath, having-been imposed on by the false representation of the effects of a Legislative Union, which we were duped into a belief, by men whose rank in life ought to obtain our confidence, but whose conduct in that very transaction convinces us wc have been imposed on. We do hereby retract our signatures to such an abominable measure, and request to be permitted to add our names to the petition given into the honourable House of Commons by our worthy member, Hamilton VOL. V. E 50 ADDRESSES IN FAVOUR [CHAP. II. by the presence of an armed force — others again by loaded artillery with matches lighted. Never in the annals of history can be found a greater combination of force, fraud, violence, bribery, and illegality. Sheriffs were nominated who pre- vented county meetings, and so little decorum or restraint was observed by the Government, that the Lord Chancellor and the Attorney- General did not consider it unconstitutional, in- decent, or inconsistent with the duty or the dignity of their station, to affix their names to an address calling on the High Sheriff of one of the principal counties (Tipperary) not to convene a meeting of the freeholders to petition against the Union. But to the honour of Ireland it must be re- corded, that notwithstanding all this overwhelm- ing influence, these unscrupulous, these uncon- stitutional proceedings, a most honourable and persevering resistance was offered, and the pro- ject of Union was steadily and nobly combated both within and without the doors of Parliament. To the treaty of 1782 there were but two dissen- tient voices in the House of Commons — to that of the Union there were 120; in 1782, twenty- six counties petitioned for the independence of Ireland — twenty-eight counties now petitioned against its extinction, of which twenty were unanimous ; eight principal cities and towns ; twelve municipal corporations ; Dublin, and all the mercantile, the manufacturing, and trading extent of the kingdom. The petition of the county of Down contained 17,000 signatures against the Union, and the counter-petition but Gorges, Esq., declaring our utter abhorrence to the measure of a Union ; that we conceive it to be calculated for the destruction of our free country. Dated this 15th Feb. 1800. Here follow a number of signatures. CHAP. II.] OF THE UNION. 51 415.* Only 7,000 individuals petitioned in favour of the Union, and 1 10,000 freeholders and 707,000 persons signed petitions against the measure, and within doors the minister could not carry his measure by more than forty-two ; and if all the votes had been given, his majority would have been considerably less. In the autumn of 1799, the Lord-Lieutenant made a tour through Ireland, and his partisans availed themselves of this oppor- tunity to procure addresses to him from various towns and places through which he passed. The Hutchinson family were peculiarly active. For- getful of the early reputation obtained by their father in supporting the rights and interests of his country, they deviated into other ways, and directed their attention to less extended and less elevated objects. Their connection with the Ca- tholics had got for one branch of the family an influence which unfortunately was exerted on this occasion against the Constitution, addresses from some of that body were obtained through Lord Donoughmore's impolitic interference, and division was thereby sown among the Catholics.f * The English landed proprietors and absentees petitioned in favour of the Union. f At a General Meeting of the Roman Catholics of the city of Waterford and its vicinity, 28th June, 1799, Peter St. Leger, Esq., in the chair, The following were appointed a Committee to prepare a Declaration on the measure of a Legislative Union : — Rev. Dr. Thomas Ilearn, Thomas Sherlock, Esq., Edward Sheil, Esq., Jeremiah Ryan, Esq., Thomas Hearn, Esq., M.D. Resolved, that the following declaration be adopted : — The measure of a Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland having been recommended to the consideration of both his par- liaments by our most gracious Sovereign, the common father of his people, we, his Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Catholics of the city of Waterford and its vicinity, have thought it incumbent upon us to make this public avowal of our sentiments on this important and inte- resting occasion. We are firmly convinced that a complete and entire Union between Great Britain and Ireland, founded on equal and liberal principles, and on a sense of mutual interests and affections, is a measure of wisdom E 2 52 CONDUCT OF [chap. n. Thus did Lord Donoughmore seek to effect a most difficult object, and unite two things nearly incompatible — popularity and profit ; and he most and expediency for this kingdom, and will effectually promote the strength and prosperity of both, and we trust it will afford the surest means of allaying those unhappy distractions, and removing those penal exclusions on the score of religion, which have too long prevailed in this country, and by consolidating the resources of both kingdoms, op- pose the most effectual resistance to the destructive projects of both foreign and domestic enemies. Strongly impressed with these sentiments, we look forward with earnest anxiety to the moment when the two sister nations may be inse- parably united in the full enjoyment of the blessings of a free constitu- tion, in the support of the honour and dignity of his Majesty's crown, and in the preservation and advancement of the welfare and prosperity of the whole British empire. Resolved unanimously, That Lord Viscount Donoughmore, the sincere and attached friend of the Catholics of Ireland, be requested to commu- nicate these our sentiments most respectfully to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. Resolved unanimously, That the thanks of this meeting be given to Thomas Sherlock, Esq., for his public and spirited exertions in promot- ing this our declaration, and that he be requested to hand it to Lord Viscount Donoughmore. My Lord, — I am directed by .ny Lord Lieutenant to request your Lordship will have the goodness to express to the Roman Catholics of Waterford the satisfaction his Excellency feels from their declaration of the 28th of June, which they desired your Lordship to lay before him, and which is so respectably signed. The measure of a Legislative Union, upon just and liberal principles, between this kingdom and Great Britain, is near his Excellency's heart; he is convinced that nothing will so effectually tend to bury the religious animosities in oblivion which have unhappily prevailed in this kingdom — to conciliate the affections of all his Majesty's subjects to the mild government under which they live — to increase the happiness and pros- perity of Ireland — and to augment the power and stability of the British empire. My Lord, — Having had this day the honour to receive from your Lordship, and to lay before my Lord Lieutenant, the unanimous address of the Roman Catholic inhabitants of the towns of Tipperary, Cahir, and their vicinities, I am commanded by his Excellency to express to them, through your Lordship, the pleasure he derives from the strong expressions of loyalty to his Majesty therein mentioned. (Signed by order) Peter St. Leger, Chairman. Dublin Castle, July 16, 1799. CHAP. II.] LORD BONOUGHMORE. 53 injudiciously attempted a proceeding that termi- nated in a manner very different from that which he expected, and which served but to entail dis- grace upon the country and discredit upon the family to which he belonged. It subjected him personally to severe mortification, and exposed for a series of years to discomfiture and to defeat the party he had espoused, and thereby sought to elevate. Perhaps lie secretly hoped to conduct and manage the Catholic cause, but in this he was mistaken, and was destined to meet with bitter disappointment. Session after session he experienced repeated discouragement ; even his friend, the more intimate friend of his brother the General (the Prince Regent), deceived and aban- doned him. At length the noble lord, irritated by resentment, was said to have assisted in pre- paring the celebrated witchery resolutions, as they were called, in which allusion was made to the private friendships and morals of the Prince. These were adopted by the Catholics, and in that quarter ruined their cause. The advice was injudicious, the mode of proceeding unfair, the error unpardonable, and the step irretrievable. The Prince never forgave the Hutchinsons or the Catholics ; to the last he opposed their claims,* and he accompanied the act of Emancipation, His Excellency enjoins me to add, that the primary aim of his ad- ministration is to consolidate the strength and resources of this kingdom with those of Great Britain, and by an irrevocable bond of amity and affection to fix the connection upon one solid and indissoluble basis. Persuaded that these essential objects can only be effected by a Legisla- tive Union in which the interests, the property, and happiness of the whole empire are materially involved, your Lordship will have the goodness to convey to the respectable Roman Catholic inhabitants of the town of Tipperary, Cahir, and their vicinities, the gratification their unanimous declaration in favour of this measure has afforded him. I have the honour to be, &c, E. B. LlTTLEII ALES. Lord Viscount Donoughmore. * Sir. Robert Peel's statement, in Parliament, of his interview with King George IV. 54 ORANGE LODGES [CHAP. II. when it was extorted from him, by a declaration, that as far as lay in his power he would not fulfil its provisions.* Lord Donoughmore died before 1829, and was destined to behold only the ter- giversation of his friend, but not the emancipation of his countrymen. Both he and his brother deeply regretted their conduct at the Union. f Let the examples that history thus affords be an everlasting lesson to all men, whether gifted with great cunning or extreme ambition, never to desert the cause of their country, or deviate from the honest straightforward path of public duty. In politics there is an hereafter upon earth as well as in heaven, and it will shortly appear in the case of Isaac Corry. The policy of the Government and the efforts of their supporters was to foment fresh divisions, and increase those that already existed among the various parties that composed the Irish com- munity ; nor were those arts practised upon the Catholics only, the Orangemen were also applied to, and the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland was induced to issue a circular to their brethren stating the determination not to discuss the ques- tion of Union, and recommending the same course to all other lodges. This was clone at the sug- gestion, it was said, of Mr. Beresford and Mr. Verner, the principal leaders of that body. The result was, that many of the lodges and the Orangemen throughout the country remained silent, and though sworn and bound by their oaths to uphold the constitution, they beheld in silence its violation. They were ready, indeed, to fight for a toast, but not for an object. The Grand Lodge of the county of Antrim made a * The Memoirs of Lord Eldon, — the king's expressions, f Lord Hutchinson used to say, " Grattan, I ought to be d— d for my conduct at the Union ! \" CHAP. II.] HOSTILE TO THE UNION. 55 similar declaration ; they declined to enter into the question, and advised their brethren to adopt the same course. Notwithstanding this, thirty- two Orange Lodges, in Down and Antrim alone, agreed to resolutions disapproving of these in- structions, and declaring their right to discuss the question of Union. Many of these bodies assembled in various parts of Ireland in the months of February and March, 1800, and though late in the field they acted in a manner highly creditable, and adopted numerous reso- lutions full of spirit and nationality; among them were the following : — Lodge, No. 989. — We declare, in our opinion, the pro- posed measure of an incorporate Union is destructive of our rights, liberties, trade, and commerce. We will per- severe, legally, in opposing so destructive a proposition. Lodge, No. 596. — Replete with affection to the people of England, we desire a union with their dispositions, manners, and dangers; but fraught with patriotic feelings similar to theirs, we do not choose to <>ive up, nor will we relinquish, the kingdom which gave us birth, or the con- stitution under which we have so eminently thriven. That if, by force or sublety, we should be compelled to their destruction, we can never forget the violence or forgive the violators. Lodge, No. 986. — We are of opinion that a Legislative Union with Great Britain is a measure subversive of our happy constitution as established in 1782, and destructive to the trade and prosperity of Ireland. Lodge, No. 641. — Impressed with unshaken loyalty to our Sovereign, and attachment to our present constitution, as established in 1782, we feel ourselves called on to declare our sentiments on that destructive measure of a Legislative Union, as tending to cause a separation of the two kingdoms. Lodge, No. 538. — As we have sworn to defend the present constitution as by law established, we will to the utmost of our power, by all constitutional means, as Orangemen, as freeholders, and as Irishmen, resist a Legislative Union, as being subversive of that constitution. 56 CONDUCT OF THE [CHAP. II. Lodge, No. 497. — That we are of opinion that a Legis- lative Union between Great Britain and Ireland is a mea- sure fraught with evil, destructive of our dearest rights, and subversive of the constitution which we hold ourselves bound to maintain, and hereby reassert our firm deter- mination so to do. Lodge, No. 651. — That we see with unspeakable sorrow an attempt made to deprive us of our constitution, our trade, our rising prosperity, and our exertions as a nation, and reducing us to the degrading situation of a colony to England. The spirit of these resolutions did not extend, nor did these bodies manifest themselves in any- other mode, or assume a bearing more bold and decided ; the petty squabbles with their fellow- countrymen seemed to have disabled them from making a grand and national effort. The jea- lousies that subsisted between them and the Catholics could not be laid aside on the moment, and the differences between the members of their own body increased their difficulties and their supineness. Discord thus was sown among them, and the object of Government was accomplished, dividing the Orangemen as they had divided the Catholics. Another step taken had reference to the Catholic clergy, as the former and successful one had reference to the laity. The Catholics were tampered with, — a bribe was held out to them, — a provision from the Government was offered to their clergy. Though this proposition came from the Ministers, it does not appear that they gave any direct pledge, or made any positive promise as to the Catholic question ; but Mr. Pitt cer- tainly led the people of Ireland to believe that, after the Union, the measure would be granted. In the transactions of private life it would be so considered ; and in after times, when Lord Cas- CHAP. II.] CATHOLIC CLERGY. 57 tlereagh, in the House of Commons, alluded to that period, he added — I do not mean to say that many of the Roman Catholics did not form, and naturally form, sanguine hopes that further political indulgences would follow the Union, founding such expectation on several of the speeches delivered in Parliament at the time, and on the general language held. He further said — That he would be a base and ungrateful man if he were not readily to acknowledge that the Catholics had mate- rially assisted in accomplishing the measure. The laity had only been called on to sell their country, but the Catholic clergy were called upon, not merely to sell their country, but sacrifice their church, and a veto from the Crown on the appointment of their bishops was to be the equi- valent for pay and pension. In an evil hour they consented, and gave up the Parliament and the veto when a stipend was offered. In January, 1799, the Roman Catholic prelates* met to con- * The resolutions of the Irish prelates were the following : — "At a meeting of the Roman Catholic prelates, held in Dublin on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of January, 1790, to deliberate on a proposal from Government for an independent provision for the Roman Catholic clergy of Ireland, under certain regulations not incompatible with their doc- trines, discipline, or just influence — it was admitted : " That a provision through Government for the Roman Catholic clergy of this kingdom, competent and secured, ought to be thankfully ac- cepted. "That in the appointment of the prelates of the Roman Catholic religion to vacant sees within the kingdom, such interference of Govern- ment as may enable it to be satisfied of the loyalty of the person ap- pointed, is just, and ought to be agreed to. "That to give this principle its full operation without infringing the disciple of ihe Roman Catholic church, or diminishing the religious in- fluence which prelates of that church, ought justly to possess over their respective flocks, the following regulations seem necessary : — " 1st. In the vacancy of a see the clergy of the diocese to recommend, as usual, a candidate to the prelates of the ecclesiastical province, who elect him or any other they may think more worthy, by a majority of suffrages :— in the case of equality of suffrages, the presiding metropoli- tan to have a casting vote. 58 CATHOLICS AND PROTESTANTS [CHAP. II. sider the subject ; they agreed to the proposition, and ten Roman Catholic prelates, including the four Metropolitan Bishops, signed the declaration in its favour; but, fortunately for the country, this unholy bargain was not completed, and the Roman Catholic church remained free from the intrigues of the Government and the intermed- dling of the Court. There can be no doubt that the Catholics were intentionally and basely deceived, and that Lord Cornwallis was the direct participator in the fraud appears from the following facts, which are " The candidates so elected to be presented by the president (the chairman) of the election to government, which, within one month after such presentation, will transmit the name of the said candidate, if no objection be made against him, for appointment to the holy see, or return the said name to the president of the election for such transmission as may be agreed upon. " If government have any proper objections against such candidates, the president of the election will be informed thereof within one month after presentation, who, in that case, will convene the electors to the election of another candidate. "Agreeably to the discipline of the Roman Catholic church, these regulations can have no effect without the sanction of the Holy See, which sanction the Roman Catholic prelates of this kingdom shall, as soon as may be, use their endeavours to procure. " The prelates are satisfied that the nomination of the parish priests, with a certificate of their having taken the oath of allegiance, be certified to government. (Signed) 1. Richard O'Reilly, R.C.A.B., Armagh. 2. J. J. Troy, R.C.A.B., Dublin. 3. Edward Dillon, R.C.A.B., Tuam, 4. Thomas Bray, R.C.A.B., Cashel. 5. P. J. Plunkett, R.C.B., Meath. 6. F. Moylan, R.C.B., Cork. 7. Daniel Delany, R.C.B., Kildare. 8. Edmund French, R.C.B., Elphin. 9. James Caulfield, R.C.B., Ferns. 10. John Cruise, R.C.B., Ardagh. " Dublin, 28th January, 1799. "The prelates, assembled to deliberate on a proposal from Govern- ment of a provision for the clergy, have agreed that M. R. (Most Rev.) Dr. O'Reilly, M. R. Dr. Troy, R. R. (Right Rev.) Dr. Plunkett, and such other of the prelates who may be in town, be commissioned to transact all business with Government relative to the said proposal, under the substance of the regulations agreed on and subscribed by them." CHAP. II.] GROSSLY DECEIVED. 59 here given as they were narrated by one of the parties concerned in the transaction, and who was desirous that they should be known. Mr. Robert Johnson voted for the Union and was created judge; he favoured the Catholics, and thought they had been deceived at the Union. Under these impressions he stated to the Author, in 1816, the following occurrence : — That he was one of twenty-five members in the Lower House who had agreed that they would oppose the Union if they found that the Roman Catholics were hostile to it, and that they would vote for the measure if the Roman Catholics were friendly to it ; that, as the Catholics constituted the majority of the population, their wishes on a sub- ject in which they were so deeply interested would guide them, and that their numbers (twenty-five) were certain to turn the scale on a division. Lord Cornwallis sent for Johnson, and he went to the Castle, accompanied by some of the twenty-five, and Lord Cornwallis declared that they were mistaken in their opinion as to the Catholic resistance ; that " tkey were betrayed by the Catholics," (such were the words) for that the Catholics would not hold out in opposition to the measure. The party took the assurance of the Lord Lieutenant, they believed his statement, and thus ( said Johnson) we were dissolved. The effect of these artful proceedings was quickly visible in the distrust and division that arose among the people, who had ever looked up to their priesthood with reverence and affection, but who now were led to view them with sus- picion. In after times the enemies of the Catho- lics reviled and taunted both their clergy and laity for having given the measure their support ; but if the matter be calmly considered it could not be expected that they would be very ardent GO MR. DANIEL o'cONNELL. [CHAP. II. in defence of a body from whom and by whom they were excluded ; the spirit of the people had been broken down by the Rebellion, and its events were fresh in their memory, and they could not so soon forget the conduct of the Par- liament, therefore to abandon it was natural but not noble. Thus were the Irish entrapped and deceived, and the political juggle successfully played off upon all parties, Protestants, Orange- men, and Catholics, laymen and clergymen; the Minister led to the deception, and if he did not in express terms deceive them, he allowed them to deceive themselves. Justice, however, demands that their case should be fairly stated, and it must be admitted to the credit of the Catholics that the great mass was adverse to the measure, and though not as active in their opposition as they ought, yet, under all the circumstances of their situation, they cannot be said to have de- serted the cause of the country ; they were placed in a most extraordinary and difficult posi- tion, to stand up for a Parliament that refused their emancipation, and oppose a Parliament that seemed to promise it. The lash over their head, the bayonet at their breast ; terror on the one hand, temptation on the other; truth and virtue scarce anywhere to be found. Great bodies have not always prudence, still less philosophy, and not always patriotism. Their chiefs held a meeting in Dublin in January, 1800, which has become remarkable in conse- quence of the first appearance of an individual whose name has acquired such celebrity, and who has since taken so fearless and uncompromising a part on behalf of the liberties of Ireland — Daniel O'Connell. This was the commencement of his public life, and his first speech deserves to be no- ticed ; in the journals of the day it is thus given : — CHAP. II.] MR. O'CONXELI/S FIRST SPEECH. 61 Counsellor O'Connell rose, and, in a short speech, pre- faced the Resolutions. He said that the question of Union was confessedly one of the first importance and magnitude. Sunk indeed in more than criminal apathy must that Irish- man be, who could feel indifference on the subject. It was a measure to the consideration of which we were called by every illumination of the understanding, and every feeling of the heart. There was therefore no necessity to apologise for the introducing the discussion of the question amongst Irishmen. But before he brought forward any Resolution, he craved permission to make a few observa- tions on the causes which produced the necessity of meet- ing as Catholics — as a separate and distinct body. In doing so, he thought he could clearly show that they were justifiable in at length deviating from a resolution which they had heretofore formed. The enlightened mind of the Catholics had taught them the impolicy, the illiberality, and the injustice of separating themselves on any occasion from the rest of the People of Ireland — the Catholics had therefore resolved — and they had wiselv resolved — never more to appear before the public as a distinct and separate body — but they did not — they could not then foresee the unfortunately existing circumstances of this moment. They could not then foresee that they would be reduced to the necessity either of submitting to the disgraceful imputation of approving of a measure as detestable to them, as it was ruinous -to their country — or once again — and he trusted for the last time — of coming forward as a distinct body. There was no man present but was acquainted with the industry with which it was circulated that the Catholics were favourable to the Union : — in vain did multitudes of that body in different capacities express their disapproba- tion of the measure; in vain did they concur with others of their fellow-subjects in expressing their abhorrence of it — as freemen or freeholders — electors of counties or in- habitants of cities — still the calumny was repeated ; it was printed in journal after journal ; it was published in pam- phlet after pamphlet; it was circulated with activity in private companies ; it was boldly and loudly proclaimed in public assemblies. — How this clamour was raised, and how it was supported, was manifest — the motives of it were ap- parent. In vain had the Catholics individually endeavoured to resist the torrent. — Their future efforts as individuals would 62 mr. o'connell's first speech, [chap. II. be equally vain and fruitless— they must then oppose it collectively. There was another reason why they should come for- ward as a distinct class, a reason which he confessed had made the greatest impression upon his feelings; not con- tent with falsely asserting that the Catholics favoured the extinction of Ireland, this their supposed inclination was attributed to the foulest motives — motives which were most repugnant to their judgments, and most abhorrent to their hearts ; it was said that the Catholics were ready to sell their country for a price, or what was still more de- praved, to abandon it on account of the unfortunate ani- mosities which the wretched temper of the times had pro- duced — can they remain silent under so horrible a calumny ? This calumny was flung on the whole body — it was incumbent on the whole body to come forward and contradict it ; yes, they will show every friend of Ireland that the Catholics are incapable of selling their country ; they will loudly declare, that if their emancipation was offered for their consent to the measure, even were eman- cipation after the Union a benefit, they would reject it with prompt indignation. (This sentiment met with appro- bation.) Let us, (said he,) show to Ireland that we have nothing in view but her good, nothing in our hearts but the desire of mutual forgiveness, mutual toleration, and mutual affection ; in fine, let every man who feels with me proclaim, that if the alternative were offered him of Union, or the re-enactment of the penal code in all its pristine horrors, that he would prefer without hesitation the latter as the lesser and more sufferable evil ; that he would rather confide in the justice of his brethren the Protestants of Ireland, who have already liberated him, than lay his country at the feet of foreigners. (This senti- ment met with much and marked approbation.) With regard to the Union, so much had been said — so much had been written on the subject, that it was impossible that any man should not before now have formed an opinion on it. He would not trespass on their attention in repeating argu- ments which they had already heard, and topics which they had already considered. But if there was any man present who could be so far mentally degraded as to con- sent to the extinction of the liberty, the constitution, and even the name of Ireland, he would call on him not to leave the direction and management of his commerce and CHAP. II.] RESOLUTIONS AGAINST THE UNION. 63 property to strangers over whom he could have no con- trol. He then concluded by moving the resolutions. Even in these last moments of their national existence, attempts were made to prevent the meeting of the Catholics, and the military here interfered with a view to intimidate them ; but Lord Cornwallis was applied to, and it was per- mitted to proceed. Such was the state of suf- ferance to which the people were reduced, and under which they were allowed, but only for a few moments longer, to hold the lingering remnant of their expiring liberties. The resolutions deserve to be remembered : — Resolved, That we are of opinion that the proposed incorporate Union of the Legislature of Great Britain and Ireland is in fact an extinction of the liberty of this coun- try, which would be reduced to the abject condition of a province surrendered to the mercy of the Minister and Legislature of another country ; to be bound by their absolute will, and taxed at their pleasure, by laws in the making of which this country would have no efficient participation whatsoever. Resolved, That we are of opinion that the improve- ment of Ireland for the last twenty years, so rapid beyond example, is to be ascribed wholly to the independency of our Legislature, so gloriously asserted in the year 1782, by the virtue of our Parliament co-operating with the generous recommendation of our most gracious and bene- volent Sovereign, and backed by the spirit of our people, and so solemnly ratified by both kingdoms as the only true and permanent foundation of Irish prosperity and British connection. Resolved, That we are of opinion, that if the inde- pendency should ever be surrendered, we must as rapidly relapse into our former depression and misery ; and that Ireland must inevitably lose with her liberty all that she has acquired in wealth, industry, and civilization. Resolved, That we are firmly convinced that the sup- posed advantages of such a surrender are unreal and delusive, and can never arise in fact ; and that, even if 64 RESOLUTIONS AGAINST THE UNION. [CHAP. II. they should arise, they would be only the bounty of the master to the slave, held by his courtesy, and resumable at his pleasure. Resolved, That having heretofore determined not to come forward any more in the distinct character of Catho- lics, but as involved in the general fate of our country, that we now think it right, notwithstanding such determi- nations, to publish the present resolutions, in order to undeceive our fellow-subjects who may have been led to believe, by a false representation, that we are capable of giving any concurrence whatsoever to so foul and fatal a project ; to assure them that we are incapable of sacrificing our common country to either pique or pretension; and that we are of opinion that this deadly attack upon the nation is the great call of nature, of country, and posterity, of Irishmen of all descriptions and persuasions, to every constitutional and legal means of resistance; and that we sacredly pledge ourselves to persevere in obedience to that call as long as we have life. Signed by order, James Ryan. Dublin, January, 1300. 05 CHAPTER III. Mr. Grattan's difficulty of getting a seat in Parliament. — Conduct of opposition. — Peter Burrowes's plan to appeal to yeomanry. — Sheri- dan's words on the Union. — Arthur Wellesley's (Duke of Welling- ton) opinion on Union. — Mr. Foster's difficulty as to the Catholics. — Letter from Lord Downshire and Charlemont. — Three plans for opposing the Union ; purchasing seats ; writing pamphlets ; personal conduct. — Mr. Grattan elected for the town of Wicklow. — Going to the House. — Parting with Mrs. Grattan. — Her spirited words. — Sir Laurence Pardon's amendment. — Speeches of Plunket, Fitzgerald, Moore, Ponsonby,and Bushe. — Mr. Grattan's entrance into the House. — Sensation produced. — His appearance and conduct. — Speaks. — Corry attacks him. — Arbitrary conduct of Government. — Post troops at the Houses of Parliament. — Meetings of the people stopped by the military. — Major Rogers threatens to blow the Court House about the ears of the freeholders in the King's County, 5th Feb. — Mr. Grattan's speech against Union. — Attacked a second time by Corry. — Govern- ment press on the question. — No regard paid to the Committee on Trade and Manufactures. — House in Committee. — Mr. Corry attacks Mr. Grattan. — His reply.' — They leave the House. — Corry 's character and conduct.— Corry 's friendship. — His verses on Mr. Grattan. — Account of the duel by Mr. Grattan. — Sheriff held by General Cradock till the parties fought. At this time it was a matter of considerable difficulty to procure a seat in Parliament. The Government had refused to grant the formal and usual facilities to such members as were desirous of retiring, being constantly on the watch to pre- vent the return of an anti-union member, as in the case of Col. Cole, before spoken of. The introduction, therefore, of Mr. Grattan into Parliament was not easy to be effected, though very eagerly sought for by some of his friends who were most inveterate in their opposition to the Union, and who perhaps thought he would be vol. v. F 66 CONDUCT OP OPPOSITION. [CHAP. III. able to resist it with success, and give new spirit to the opposition. But it was too late ; times had greatly altered since Mr. Grattan had left Parlia- ment (in 1797). Parties, too, had assumed a different character; many favouring the Govern- ment in general, though opposed to them on this particular subject ; Orangemen and Anti-Catho- lics seated by the side of Reformers and Emanci- pators ; John Claudius Beresford and Mr. Foster acting with Mr. Ponsonby and Mr. Plunket. This ill-assorted mixture required a skilful and plastic hand to mould together into a solid and united body, so as to call forth an effectual national resistance to the measure ; but there was no one influential enough for the task. Lord Charlemont was gone.* His successor was young, and though well disposed and firm in his oppo- sition, had not the benefit of experience. Mr. Ponsonby retained the habit of the law courts — not even those of the forum ; and lacked those commanding qualities to form a centre round which a nation could rally. And above all, Mr. Foster, though sincere and zealous in his opposi- tion, was not liked by the people, nor trusted by the Catholics. He had been long their opponent ; and the measure of Union being artfully repre- sented as likely to prove favourable to their claims, had made some doubt his sincerity, others surprised at his opposition ; but that he was sin- cere cannot be disputed. At the same time he was informed by the Government, that if the measure passed he was to be provided for by one of the best situations in England. Various were the plans proposed to counteract and defeat the Minister. Mr. Peter Burrowes suggested a measure that * He died in August, 1799, regretted by all, and by no one more than by Mr. Grattan. CHAP. III.] PROPOSAL TO APPEAL TO YEOMANRY. 67 might have proved successful, but he did not press it as much as it should have been, nor as much as he desired. At one of the meetings of the Anti- Union party, he proposed that an appeal should be made to the yeomanry ; that they should call on them by virtue of their oath, in which they had sworn that they would uphold the King, Lords, and Commons of Ireland, and by which consequently they were bound to oppose such a measure as the Union. He urged the members of the Opposition to avail themselves of this oath, and circulate their appeal from the Lawyers' Corps to every corps in the kingdom. This would have given the proceeding a legal character and sanction, and have tended to make it more solemn and obligatory, coming with the recom- mendation of a grave and legal body. However, Mr. Saurin, Mr. Foster, and others, were opposed to it, and induced Mr. Burrowes to abandon the measure. He always considered this to have been a fatal decision, and regretted that he had not been allowed to press his resolution and carry it, which he seemed fully convinced he could have done. Government appeared to have appre- hended that such a step might be taken, and signified their disapprobation of some corps that had expressed their opinion on the subject of the Union. Several years after this Mr. Burrowes was in company with Mr. Marsden, who had been Under Secretary at the period of the Union, and he mentioned these circumstances to him, and asked his opinion as to the probable result, and what the Government would have done if the Op- position had taken any strong measure of that sort. Marsden thought that they would have yielded, and would not have pressed the Union ; that Lord Cornwallis and the Government were afraid lest the people would rise in arms ; that they had just f 2 G8 SHERIDAN AND ARTHUR WELLESLEY's [CHAP. III. put down one insurrection which had been very near succeeding, and they dreaded another ; and he added, that this was Lord Cornwallis's feeling. It is possible that Lord Cornwallis might have yielded. He was friendly to the Catholics, and was a liberal man ; but he was a soldier — a class not over fond of public liberty, nor accustomed to favour deliberative assemblies ; but the more likely on that account to concede to a military summons such as Burr owes proposed. Such are the chances upon which the success or failure of the greatest events depend. It is possible, that if two or three courtiers had been killed the Union might have been prevented. Lord Ely and Lord Clare would have been intimi- dated, and Mr. Pitt might have been frightened. A very little thing would probably have stopped the measure. However, these were not the olden times, as in Rome, when a patriot drew his sword and killed a magistrate ; then brandishing it, ap- pealed to the people that he had slain a traitor ! Unquestionably Lord Clare and Lord Castle- reagh deserved to die. The popular execution of such State criminals would have been a national as well as a noble judicial sentence. Some weak old women might have cried out " murder !" but it would have been the deed of a Brutus ; and in the eyes of posterity the people would have been justified, for the Union was a great and legitimate cause for resistance. Sheri- dan, in a conversation he had with Mr. Grattan on the subject, exclaimed, 66 For the Irish Parlia- ment 1 would have fought England — aye, I would have fought up to my knees in blood T There can be no doubt, that when the Parlia- ment voted the Act of Union, the people had a right to march into the House and declare it had forfeited its trust ;* but the reason they did not do * See Vattel; Burlemachi, Grotius, Locke on Self-Government ; &c. CHAP. III.] OPINION ON THE UNION. 69* so was, that the country was not accustomed to consider itself free — it doubted whether it pos- sessed the power. Judging, too, from their former conduct, it is probable that the army would have been let loose on the people ; for the Government were desperate, and they had an old general at its head. Even Arthur Wcllesley (Duke of Wel- lington), at that time in India, had written to his friends in Ireland, and said, " There must be no more debating societies in Ireland ! * The feeling was very strong against the Parliament. But the great misfortune of the crisis was to be found in the situation of the leaders of the Opposition. Lord Charlemont had expired ; Mr. Grattan had been long absent, was not in Parliament, and still remained in very feeble health ; Mr. Foster was neither liberal nor popular, and was considered by the Catholics as hostile in the extreme. It was not possible to oppose such a measure as the Union without calling in aid all the people. Mr. Burrowes had proposed that the chief Catholics should meet the leaders of the Parliamentary Opposition, and that both should act in concert. He applied to the principal men, Messrs. Sweet- man, Byrne, Teeling, and others. They were willing to join, as they were all against the Union, and would have acted with energy if the Opposi- tion party had assented ; but Foster and others refused to join them, and the negotiation broke off. In fact, Foster was the clog that impeded the movements of the Opposition. He subse- quently saw his error, and in a conversation with Mr. Plunket he said, " If the crisis demanded it, he would even go the length of calling in the aid of the Catholics!" But the die was cast; it was too late ; his penitence was in vain. Thus do preju- * Letter to the Rev. William Elliot, rector of Trim, to ^hom he was greatly indebted for his election for that borough. 70 THREE PLANS FOR [CHAP. Ill dice and bigotry possess a certain suicidal quality, which makes them finally become the victims of their own egregious folly. Foster's intolerance lost the warm heart and the bold active co-opera- tion of the Catholic party ; and to a conceited and interested religious theory he sacrificed the Con- stitution of his country. An appeal was, however, made to the people ; and a letter was issued from the Opposition leaders, and circulated through the country : — Dublin, January 20th, 1800. Sir,— A number of gentlemen of both Houses of Par- liament, of whom thirty-eight represent counties, have authorized us to acquaint you, that it is their opinion that petitions to Parliament declaring the real sense of the free- holders of the kingdom on the subject of a Legislative Union, would at this time be highly expedient; and if such a proceeding shall have your approbation, we are to request you will use your influence to have such a petition from your county without delay. — We have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient, humble servants, DoWNSHIRE. Charlemont. w. b. ponsonby. Simple as this proceeding was, it drew from Lord Clare a torrent of invective, and he levelled against the individuals who signed the letter, one of his usual intemperate phillipics, couched in terms of exceeding rancour and virulence, but showing, however, a sense of danger, and the fear that Government entertained from that quarter, if the people (as they ought to have done) had risen in arms to oppose the measure. One of the plans adopted and acted on by the opposition, was to bring into Parliament members to vote against the Union ; it amounted in fact to a project to outbuy the minister, which in itself was unwise, injudicious, and almost impracti- cable, and in which they were sure to be far behind the Government ; a second plan was their CHAP. III.] OPPOSING THE UNION. 71 literary war ; this, as far as it went, was good, but it came too late, and was too feeble a weapon at such a crisis ; the third plan was to meet the Castle club, and fight them with their own wea- pons ; this would have proved the most effective and deadly of the three plans, but it was hazard- ous, — and in principle it could scarcely be sanc- tioned, and was acted on but in one instance (that of Mr. Grattan and Mr. Corry), and the meeting at Charlemont House* rejected it. To carry into effect the first of these measures, a subscription was opened ; the names set down were numerous, and the sums considerable : in a short time 100,000/. was subscribed. Lord Down- shire put down his name for 1000/., W. B. Pon- sonby, 500/., George Ponsonby, 500/., and many others for sums equally large ; but the application of these sums was difficult, and the process was troublesome and tedious. Mr. Thomas Whaley had in 1799 voted for the Union ; he paid 4000/. for his election for the town of Enniscorthy ; he was not in affluent circumstances, but well in- clined to oppose the Union, and Mr. Goold ac- cordingly agreed that these expenses would be paid if he would vote against the Government. He did so, and when the division took place on the question in 1800, Mr. Cooke, the acting man for Lord Castlereagh in the traffic of members, perceived him staying in the House, and said, u You are mistaken — the ayes go out'' Mr. Whaley replied, " Yes, but I vote against the Union" Cooke was surprised, but suspected the cause ; and the next day he went to him, and offered him (to use his expression) " a carte blanehe ;" but Mr. Whaley would not break the promise he had made to the opposition : the funds, however, were soon exhausted, and a member who would have opposed the Union was lost in consequence, and voted for * Sir Jonah Harrington's Memoirs of the Union, vol. ii. 72 THREE PLANS FOR [chap. nr. it. The payment of the 4000/., that was the sum stipulated in Mr. Whaley's case, was not easily procured. Mr. Thomas Goold had, highly to his honour, out of his own funds advanced the money, and an execution was served on his house ; being unable to answer this sudden demand, Mr. Goold applied to the party, and George Ponsonby (who in such cases was not only generous but noble) immediately gave him an order on the bank (as he stated) 6 6 for a splendid sum'' Lord Lismore gave 500/., Denis Bowes Daly gave 500/., and in this manner Goold was reimbursed. This single instance shows the difficulty the ante-union party had to encounter, and how unlikely it was they could have succeeded by following such a plan. Their next measure — the literary proceedings — consisted in getting together a number of men to write against the Union ; however, this could avail but little; the time was too short; public opinion was at too low an ebb, and literature not widely enough circulated. The essays that appeared were undoubtedly good, and may have produced some effect : various were the styles that were used ; among them satire proved the best. The party patronized the " Constitution" paper, and set up the "Anti-Union." It was in the latter that they chiefly wrote, and in the former that their speeches were chiefly pub- lished. Mr. Peter Burrowes, Mr. Plunket, Mr. Bushe, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Goold, and Mr. Smiley, were the chief contributors to the " Anti- Union." Mr. Thomas Wallace had been just called to the bar — an active, talented, and rising young man, fond of books, and likely to be of use. To him Mr. Burrowes applied, and with- out previous acquaintance, proposed that he should join the Society : he did so, and wrote extremely well. Mr. Plunket was said to be the CHAP. III.] OPPOSING THE UNION. 73 author of the article entitled " Shecla"* Mr. Charles Bushe wrote the one entitled the "Hacks." Several were from the pen of Mr. Burrowes ; amongst them, that which considered the probable effect that the Union would have upon the representation of England, was written by him ; it is headed " Quinctiam mortua jungebant corpora vivis" — it is an able and powerful pro- duction : all this, however, was a very feeble instrument to wield against a Government that was corrupt in the extreme, and against an army that was all powerful. As to the pamphlets, they teemed forth without number: among the best were those written by Charles Bushe, )" Thomas Goold,;]: William I)rennan,§ and Mr. TaafTe : || in one month upwards of thirty pamphlets appeared on this subject. Doctor Drennan was a Presby- terian, full of talent and of spirit ; his mind was patriotic and erudite. He wrote some beautiful poems, and many prose and political works. " The Letters of Orcllana" Addresses to the Volunteers, and his Essays on Home Education, are remark- able. He died in February 1820. Had the third plan been acted on, the Govern- * ment might have rued the consequences, but could not have complained, as it would merely have been following out the principle laid down by the Castle. A meeting of the friends of the Government had been convened, and the persons who were to support the several articles of Union were brought forward. Several members spoke on the occasion, and amongst them was Mr. St. George Daly : he was one of the boldest, par- ticularly active, and quite decided. He declared * Second vol. Dublin Magazine for 1799 and 1800. -f- " Cease your funning, or the rebel detected," an excellent piece of satire, was attributed to Mr. Bushe. % Aristarchus to the people of Ireland. § Letters to Pitt. || Taafte was a Tianciscan friar. 74 THE PISTOLLING CLUB. [CHAP. III. (these were his words) "that his line had been taken* and that each of them must select their man ; and that he had chosen his antagonist already" It was said they had singled out their men ; — that Lord Cas- tlereagh should attack George Ponsonby ; Corry, Mr. Grattan ; Daly, Mr. Plunket ; Toler, Mr. Bushe ; and Martin, Mr. Goold. These indi- viduals had been set on by the Castle, and en- couraged to fight, and they did very well what they were paid for. St. George Daly gave battle at once ; he was brave, but corrupt. Toler, the Attorney- General, was always ready ; he was a blusterer and a villain, but always brave : Corry, too, was stout, but was put up to what he did. Henry Deane Grady was talkative, and some- what bold. Martin showed courage, and seemed ready for fighting, and would have been consi- dered fond of it were it not that he talked too much on the subject. Lord Castlereagh was rather cold to be a warrior, and, according to the language used by his friends, was said " to have a soft hole in him" They were bold in the aggre- gate, and were better bullies by far than the op- ' position. After the meeting of the Castle (the pistolling) Club (such is the name it deserves), a meeting of the opposition members was held at Lord Char- lemont's to consider what should be done ; a similar mode to the Castle plan was proposed, but objected to, and after discussion, was rejected. Sir Jonah Barrington, in his history, alludes to it, and intimates that neither he nor Mr. Grattan were very averse to the proposition. The true course of the opposition (whose per- sons were thus assailed by assassins, while their Constitution and liberty was menaced by corrup- tion, intrigue, and violence), was to have met the * This was related to the author by one of the persons who heard the expressions used. CHAP. III.] MR. GR ATTAN PROPOSED FOR WICKLOW. 75 attack by war. They should have kept their ground in the senate, lest it might be used against them ; but their councils should have been military : their speeches should have yielded to adjutant-generals' reports, — and leaving the pis- tol to bullies, they should have stood in hand at the head of the people, and have rescued their country. But, unfortunately, when the Insur- rection was put down, the country was put down, and honest men, and men of spirit even, were afraid to move. To mingle in the fatal broils, and to make a stand in this deadly contest, was now the fate of Mr. Grattan ; and he was scarce equal to the task : he had come over late from England, and did not know the feelings of the people, or of parties. A year's absence had made great changes. He had escaped from the plots of his enemies by singular good fortune, though he could not escape from their calumnies ; these he dis- regarded, for his conscience was clear, and his conduct above reproach ; the only concern he felt was for his country, and to serve her appeared to him almost impossible. At the close of 1799 he returned from the Isle of Wight, and retired to Tinnehinch, almost broken-hearted, — not only hopeless, but helpless; enfeebled in body, and depressed in spirits, but in mind still unsubdued. Immediately on his arrival, a deputation from his friends waited on him to request that he would re-enter Parliament ; but he was obliged to de- cline the offer in consequence of the state of his health. Soon after they informed him that a seat was vacant, Mr. Gahan, one of the members for the town of Wicklow having died, and Mr. Wil- liam Tighe, the patron of the borough, would not be averse that he should be returned for it. Mr. Arthur Moore, a most zealous and sincere friend of Mr. Grattan, was very anxious on the occasion, 76 MR. GRATTAN ELECTED FOR WICKLOW. [CHAP. III. and pressed him strongly to comply : he knew that it was difficult to procure a seat, and exerted himself, in the most anxious and affectionate man- ner, to secure it for him, the more so as some of his own party were desirous of obtaining it for another person. Mr. Moore at length succeeded, and arranged that Mr. Grattan should be put in nomination. Mrs. Grattan's account of the cir- cumstance, as nearly as can be recollected, was as follows : " Mr. Grattan's health did not permit him, and his sentiments did not incline him, to get into Parliament : he said that he would be no party in any way to the act of Union ; that the representatives had no right to part with the legislative body, and that it was an act of suicide. I urged him most earnestly to take the seat ; that he should not refuse ; that it was his duty to go into Parliament; that he had got a great deal from the people ; that they had given him a large sum of money in '82 for standing by them in time of need, and that it was his duty to do so now ; and that he ought to spend his money, and shed his blood in their defence ! (noble words — splendid sentiment). At length Mr. Moore and I pre- vailed. Mr. Grattan yielded, and we brought him to Dublin. Being unable to bear any noise, we avoided hotels, and went to a friend's house (Mr. Austen's) in Bagot Street. There he re- mained till the election should be over, as the party were very anxious that he should be present at the meeting of Parliament, which was to open on the 15th. Mr. Henry Tighe managed the business very dexterously : he was a person of spirit, hostile to the Union, — and proved himself to be zealous and useful. When he found that his brother had accepted 1,200/. for the seat, he was indignant, and said that he should have been too happy to have given Mr. Grattan the seat, in order to oppose such a measure. The Sheriff CHAP. III.] MRS. GRATTAN's SPIRITED WORDS- 77 being friendly, he allowed the election to be held after 12 o'clock on the night of the 15th. Mr. Tighe got the officer to sign the return, and set ofY immediately, on horseback, with it. He ar- rived in Dublin about five in the morning, when we heard a loud knocking at the door. Mr. Grat- tan had been very ill, and was then in bed, and turning round he exclaimed, ' Oh, here they come ; why icill they not let me die in peace V The ques- tion of Union had become dreadful to him ; he could not bear the idea, or listen to the subject, or speak on it with any degree of patience ; he grew quite wild, and it almost drove him frantic. I shall never forget the scene that followed. I told him he must get up immediately, and go down to the House : so we got him out of bed, and dressed him. I helped him down stairs ; then he went into the parlour and loaded his pistols, and I saw him put them in his pocket, for he appre- hended he might be attacked by the Union party, and assassinated. We wrapped a blanket round him, and put him in a sedan chair, and when he left the door I stood there, uncertain whether I should ever see him again. Afterwards, Mr. M'Can came to me and said that I need not be alarmed, as Mr. Grattan's friends had determined to come forward in case he was attacked, and if necessary take his place in the event of any per- sonal quarrel. When I heard that, I thanked him for his kindness, but told him 'My husband cannot die better than in defence of his country.' " Genuine offspring of patriotism and of virtue, worthy of the race of the Gerald ines ! — honour to the possessor of that lofty mind, those elevated feelings, that sober consciousness of right, that just ardour in an honourable cause; uniting the love of country to the love of virtue, and the dig- nity of one sex to the softness of the other. Such are the divine qualities that adorn human kind — 78 LAST SESSION. [CHAP. III. ennoble our nature, and make life immortal. Tf spirits like these had found imitators, or magic words such as these met an echo through the land, Ireland would still have been a nation, — she would have preserved her Constitution, and her children their character. On the 15th of January, 1800, the Irish Par- liament met for the last session. According to Dr. Lucas, and the charter of Henry II., legis- lative assemblies had been summoned in Ireland since the eleventh century, but seldom had been suffered to exist in an independent state : they had attracted the jealousy of their more powerful rival, and now became victims to her overweening ambition, and their own unhappy divisions. In order to procure the return of new members, not less than twenty-five writs were moved for on the first day of the session — such being the success of ministers in their efforts to model the House of Commons. In the speech from the throne, Lord Cornwallis did not allude to the Union, but it was well known that the subject would be renewed, and pressed with all the energy that Government possessed. Sir Laurence Parsons therefore, after a strong speech against the measure, moved an amendment to the address. To assure his Majesty that his Majesty's kingdom of Ireland is inseparably united with Great Britain, and that the sentiments, wishes, and real interests of all his subjects are, that it should continue so united in the enjoyment of a free Constitution, in support of the honour and dignity of his Majesty's crown, and in the advancement of the wel- fare of the whole empire, — which blessings we owe to the spirited exertions of an independent resident Parliament, the paternal kindness of his Majesty, and the liberality of the British Parliament in 1782, and which we feel our- selves at all times, and particularly at the present moment, bound in duty to maintain. Lord Castiereagh opposed this amendment ; CHAP. III.] DEBATE ON THE ADDRESS. 79 said the question had been withdrawn last year because the people did not understand it, but now, he believed, a great majority did ; that it should be submitted to the cool and dispassionate consideration of Parliament ; that nineteen coun- ties had come forward and petitioned in its favour. This is one of the first strides in the oratory of the noble lord, for which he made himself so conspicuous afterwards in the Imperial Parlia- ment. Unmeaning phrases, broad and startling as- sertions (next morning discovered to be false), and interminable sentences. The real meaning of this speech was, that Government had la- vished their bribes, and used their influence, rather authority, with such success, that by craft, force, and fraud, and even forgery,* they had got a number of signatures to petitions from various individuals, which they unjustly represented as expressing the sense of the several counties, the entire amount of which did not exceed 7000. Mr. (afterwards Lord) Plunket reprobated the conduct of Government in the strongest manner, and delivered a most eloquent and argumentative speech. He said that — " During the whole interval between the sessions, the most barefaced system of parliamentary corruption has been pursued — dismissals, promotions, threats, promises : in despite of all this, the minister feared he could not suc- ceed in parliament, and he affected to appeal to what he had before despised, — the sentiment of the people. When he was confident of a majority, the people were to be heard only through the constitutional medium of their representa- tives : when he was driven out of parliament, the sense of the people became everything. Bribes were promised to the Catholic clergy ; bribes were promised to the Presby- terian clergy : I trust they have been generally spurned with the contempt they merited. The noble lord under- * Numbers of forged signatures were affixed to the petitions in favour of the Union ; persons of the lower class ; paupers, bankrupts, and beggars. — See Dublin Evening Post Newspaper. 80 ELOQUENT SPEECH OF [CHAP. III. derstands but badly the genius of the religion in which he was educated. You held out hopes to the Catholic body, which were never intended to be gratified, regardless of the disappointment, and indignation, and eventual rebellion which you might kindle, — regardless of everything, pro- vided the present paltry little object were obtained. In the same breath you held out professions to the Protestant, equally delusive ; and having thus prepared the way, the representative of Majesty set out on his mission, to court his Sovereign, the Majesty of the People. It is painful to dwell on that disgraceful exhibition, — no place too obscure to be visited- — no rank too low to be courted—no threat too vile to be refrained from — the counties not sought to be legally convened by their sheriffs — no attempt to collect the unbiassed suffrage of the intelligent and independent part of the community — public addresses sought for from petty villages, and private signatures smuggled from public counties ; and how procured ? By the influence of absentee landlords; not over the affections, but over the terrors of their tenantry, — by griping agents and revenue officers. And after all this mummery had been exhausted — after the lustre of royalty had been tarnished by this vulgar inter- course with the lowest of the rabble — after every spot had been selected where a paltry address could be procured, and every place avoided where a manly sentiment could be en- countered — after abusing the names of the dead, and forging the signatures of the living — after polling the in- habitant of the gaol, and calling out against the parliament the suffrages of those who dare not come in to sign them until they had got their protections in their pocket — after employing the revenue officer to threaten the publican that he should be marked as a victim, and the agent to terrify the shivering tenant with the prospect of his turf-bog being withheld if he did not sign your addresses—after employing your military commanders, the uncontrolled arbiters of life and death, to hunt the rabble against the constituted authorities— after squeezing the lowest dregs of a popula- tion of near five millions, you obtained about five thousand signatures, three-fourths of whom affixed their names in surprise, terror, or total ignorance of the subject; and after all this canvass of the people, and after all this corruption wasted on the parliament, and after all your boasting that you must carry the measure by a triumphant majority, you do not dare to announce the subject in the speech from the CHAP. III.] MR. PLUNKET. 81 throne. You talk of respect for our gracious Sovereign! I ask, what can be a more gross disrespect than this tamper- ing with the royal name, pledged to the English parliament to bring the measure before us at a proper opportunity — holding it out to us at the close of the last session, and not daring to hint it at the beginning of this? Is it not noto- rious why you do not bring forward the measure now? Because the fruits of your corruption have not yet blos- somed — because you did not dare to hazard a debate last session, in order to fill up the vacancies which the places bestowed by you, avowedly for this question, had occasioned — and because you have employed the interval in the same sordid traffic — and because you have a band of disinterested patriots waiting to come in and complete the enlightened majority who are to vote away the liberties of Ireland. Will you dare to act on a majority so obtained? Fatal will be your councils and disastrous your fate, if you re- solve to do so. You have adopted the extremes of the despot and the revolutionist — you have invoked the loyal people and parliament of Ireland, who were not calling on you — you have assayed every means to corrupt that parlia- ment, if you could, to sell their country — you have ex- hausted the whole patronage of the Crown in execution of that system — and to crown all, you openly avow, and it is notoriously a part of your plan, that the constitution of Ireland is to be purchased for a stipulated sum. I state a fact, for which, if untrue, I deserve serious reprehension; I state it as a fact, that you cannot dare to deny, that 15,000/. apiece is to be given to certain individuals as the price for their surrendering — What ? Their property ? No ; but the rights of representation of the people of Ireland ; and you will then proceed in this, or in an imperial parlia- ment, to lay taxes on the wretched natives of this land to pay the purchase of their own slavery. It was in the last stage of vice and decrepitude that the Roman purple was set up for sale, and the sceptre of the world transferred for a stipulated price ; but even then the horde of slaves who were to be ruled would not have endured that their country itself should have been enslaved to another nation. Do not persuade yourselves that a young, gallant, hardy, en- thusiastic people like the Irish, are to be enslaved by means so vile, or will submit to injuries so palpable and galling. From those acts of despotism you plunge into the phrenzy of revolution, at a time when that political madness has VOL. V. CI 82 mr. Fitzgerald's speech, [chap. hi. desolated the face of the world, when all establishment is staggering under the drunkenness of theory in this country, which, it is said, has been peculiarly visited by this pesti- lence — when even the projects which the noble lord may recollect to have been entertained by the Northern Whig Club have been necessarily suspended, if not abandoned — when you have found it necessary to enact temporary laws, taking away almost every one of the ordinary privileges of the subjects of a free constitution — with the trial by jury superseded, and the whole country subject to martial law— a law by which the liberty and life of every man rests merely on the security of military discretion — a law which you have not yet ventured to repeal, and the necessity of whose continuance is strongly hinted in the speech from the Throne — with a bloody rebellion only extinguished, and a formidable invasion only escaped — you call on this dis- tracted country to uproot itself of its constitution ; and having been refused by the wisdom and virtue of parlia- ment, you desire the rabble of every description to array themselves against the constituted authorities, and to put down their parliament, because they would not put down the constitution. Mr. Fitzgerald (late Prime-Sergeant) — The genius, the ambition, and the aspiring thoughts of man are not to be controlled ; and little reason have we, dressed in a little brief and questioned authority, to expect that the increasing population of four millions of people will respect this compact, if entered into, as sacred. It will be handed down to them with the history of the pre- sent day, and the means taken to effect this mighty change ; they will be told that the country was called upon to the compact when martial law was in full force — they will hear of the years 1779 and 1782 — they will inquire how they lost the great acquisitions of those days, a free residing and superintending legislature — they will inquire by what means they lost the power of granting supplies, the true source of national independence and the great con- stitutional control of the executive power, whether resident or non-resident; and I much fear that, dazzled by the splendour, without the loyalty and moderation, of 1782, similar claims may be made, and Great Britain may not be found in a similar disposition to concede. The parlia- ment of Ireland is the best mediator between the Irish CHAP. III.] SPEECH OF MR. MOORE. S3 nation and the parliament of Great Britain. They did not, by a rash adoption of popular opinion, commit the two countries; their prudence interposed delay, and produced the constitution which I trust will last for ever. Preserve, then, your parliament as the hostage of the constitution. If the spirit of '82 should again arise, and Ireland should have no parliament to control Iter impatience, I tremble for the consequence, Mr. Arthur Moore — Sir, we may feel the respect that is shown to privileges in the use that is made of the inrluerrce of the Crown, and the unbounded patronage of Ministers to overthrow them, in the promises that are made, in the places that are given, in the honours and promotions that are lavished — if it can be called honour and promotion which is acquired by such means — in the removal from office of able and honourable men, and in the substitution of men whose sole merit is their zeal for this degrading measure : can these, and the other innumerable practices made use of to obtain a majority in favour of the Union, be called by any milder epithets than those of bribery and corruption ? But, sir, the means made use of to carry the Union are not confined to the parliament; the whole nation has been practised upon. How have the sheriffs been appointed ? How have grand juries been in many places selected ? How have addresses been procured ? By what means have some counties been deceived and others refused the liberty of expressing their opinions in a constitutional manner? What has been the use which has been made of the martial law bill ? Or will posterity, or even the contemporary people of Europe, be- lieve that Ireland has been called upon to surrender her constitution while such a law was in force and acted upon, — a law, the principle of which is better calculated to stifle opinions than to repress crimes, and to promote rather than to correct the depravity of the times. But, sir, it was seen that while the parliament and the nation continued of the same opinion, there could be no hope of accomplishing the measure. What was to be done, then? There was a factitious sense of the people to be set up against the real sense of their representatives ; and that parliament which, while it was supposed to be corrupt, was asserted to be omnipotent, as soon as it proved itself to be virtuous, was appealed from with a strong implication of its incompetence. G 2 84 SPEECH OF MR. MOORE. [CHAP. III. And to whom was the appeal made ? To every man who could be bribed, seduced, intimidated, or punished. In how many instances was there an open, fair appeal made to the free, unbiassed sentiments of any body of people recognised by the law and [constitution as having a right to assemble and declare their opinions upon public events? Well, the signatures, if not the sense of some thousands of people out of some millions, are procured in favour of the Union — with all the industry of Administration and its emissaries, they have been able to do no more — and how have the great majority of these been procured ? By threats and menacef^— by terror and false pretences — by forging of names — by spies, hirelings, and calumniators — - by dividing the people, setting the landlord against his tenant, the soldier against the citizen, the pastor against his flock, the parent against his child, sect against sect, and principle against principle — by the agency of the placeman and expectant — by the influence of the purse and the sword, of the civil magistrate and the military magis- trate — by promises never intended to be performed — and by promises which, if performed, would be the very perfec- tion of political criminality. In this way has an attempt been made to poll the people against the sense of their representatives. Upon the foundation of these signatures, I presume, it is that the noble lord says, that the nation is for the Union ; and upon such evidence is it that our most gracious Sovereign, and the English parliament and people, are induced to believe that the accomplishment of the measure is only retarded by a faction against the sense of the country. Would to God the whole British nation could have the testimony of their own eyes and ears, for the actual condition and sentiments of this country; they would see whether those who oppose, or those who support the Union, are the best friends to the constitution, the liberty, and the tranquillity even of their own country. Sir, there is one class of men who, I do not hesitate to say, have contributed even as much as Ministers to diffuse the fallacious opinion in England, that this country will be satisfied with a Union, — I mean the absentees; and acting upon that impression, we find their agents making the greatest efforts to obtain signatures in favour of it on their estates, and what have been the means in many instances practised on these estates ? To refuse leases to those who have none ; to threaten to call for the rent to the hour; to CHAP. III.] MR. PONSONBY'S SPEECH. 85 hold the terrors of an ejectment over him who hesitates to sign, or, if he cannot write, to lend his name to resolutions calling for the surrender of that which is the security of his property — of his liberty — of his life. Sir, I have no hesi- tation to say, that if they carry the measure under all the circumstances which I have stated and observed upon, it will be a robbery, and not a treaty — an act of constraint and violence, not of compact and volition — a conquest, not a Union. Union upon such principles, and accomplished by such means, policy never can require — justice never can sanctify — wisdom never can approve — patriotism never can reconcde — time never can cement — and force never can establish. It might be a Union for a few days — a few months; perhaps for a few years; but it would be followed with ages of ill-blood, generations of hostility, centuries of contest and desolation, and misery to this island to all eternity ; it would be a Union founded on the violation of public faith, erected on national degradation, equally sub- versive of the moral, physical, and political fitness of things, and equally odious and abominable in the sight of God and man. Mr. George Ponsonby delivered an eloquent and able speech in support of the amendment, and thus terminated : — If ever this House should consent to its own immola- tion — if ever the members of the Irish Commons should assent to an act for turning themselves out of doors — if this should ever happen, hope shall not quit me, until the last man shall have passed the door which the minister would close upon our liberties. When they shall approach that door, if they but cast a look behind, if they but view that chair where integrity now sits enthroned, if their eyes but linger on that floor where the flow of patriot eloquence has been poured forth for their country, if they but recollect all the struggles of honourable legislation which those walls have witnessed, they will stop before thev have taken the last irretrievable step; they will cling to this House, the temple of their honour, and they would tell the minister, " Sir, you have taken an unjust advan- tage of our confidence, to desire us to destroy our country ; you have taken a most ungenerous and unjust advantage of the state of that country to induce its Parliament to 86 EXTRACT FROM [CHAP. III. annihilate itself and the liberties of its constituents ; but we will show you that you have been mistaken in the cal- culation of our baseness ; we will show you that we repre- sent an honest, brave, and generous people, and are worthy to represent them ; we will not flatter, but we will serve them, and establish an eternal claim to their grati- tude, and to the gratitude of posterity." This, sir, 1 will suppose to be the influence of feeling, and the triumph of nature and of honour, should the negotiated sale of our liberties proceed to the last extremity, and until I shall see the last man out of these doors, and they shut upon him for ever, I will not believe that those who have lived with such honour, will die with such disgrace. Mr. Charles Bushe, who for ten years after- wards was Solicitor-General, and twenty years Chief Justice, distinguished himself on this occa- sion : — I strip this formidable measure of all its pretensions and all its aggravations ; I look on it nakedly and ab- stractedly, and I see nothing in it but one question — will you give up the country ? I forget for a moment the unprincipled means by which it has been promoted — I pass by for a moment the unseasonable time at which it has been introduced, and the contempt of Parliament upon which it is bottomed, and I look upon it, simply, as England reclaiming in a moment of your weakness, that dominion which you extorted from her in a moment of your virtue — a dominion which she uniformly abused, which invariably oppressed and impoverished you, and from the cessation of which you date all your prosperity. It is a measure which goes to degrade the country, by saying it is unfit to govern itselfj and to stultify the Parliament by saying it is incapable of governing the country. It is the revival of that odious and absurd title of conquest ; it is the renewal of the abominable distinction between mother-country and colony which lost America ; it is the denial of the rights of nature to a great nation from an intolerance of its prosperity . # * * You are called upon to give up your independence — and to whom are you called upon to give it up? To a nation which for six hundred years has treated you with uniform oppression and injustice. The treasury bench startles at the assertion — non me us hie sermo est. If the treasury CHAP. III.] MR. BUSHE'S SPEECH. ST bench scold me, Mr. Pitt will scold them — it is his asser- tion in so many words in his speech. Ireland, says he, has been always treated with injustice and illiberality. Ire- land, says Junius, has been uniformly plundered and oppressed. This is not the slander of Junius, nor the candour of Mr. Pitt — it is history. For centuries has the British Parliament and nation kept you down, shackled your commerce and -paralysed your exertions, ucspised your characters, and ridiculed your pretensions to any jjrivileges, commercial or constitutional. She has never conceded a point to you which she could avoid, nor granted a favour which was not reluctantly distilled, They have been all wrung from her like drops of blood ; and you are not in possession of a single blessing (except those which you derived from God) that has not been either purchased or extorted by the virtue of your own Parliament from the illiberality of England. Is the interval from the year 1779 to the year 1782 forgotten? How did you obtain your Mutiny Bill, your Octennial Bill, the repeal of Poyning's law, the inde- pendence of the judges, the restoration of your appellant jurisdiction, your free trade, and finally, your free consti- tution ? * * * * * Let me adjure the noble lord to weigh well and to con- sider deeply the probable permanency of a measure so conducted ; let me implore him to avail himself of the passing experience of his own days, and of the instructions which history may afford him ; and when he sees volcanic revolutions desolating the face of the political world, the first elementary principles of society loosening and dis- solving, and empires not built upon the liberties of the people crumbling into dust, let him contemplate the awful change he is about to accomplish, and consider the dread- ful responsibility he incurs to his Sovereign by exchanging the affections of a loyal nation for the reluctant obedience of a degraded and defrauded province ; let him look lor the permanency of this transaction something farther than to the vote of the night or the job of the morning, and let him have some better document than his army list for the affections of the people; let him consider whether pos- terity will validate this act, if they believe that the con- stitution of their ancestors was plundered by force or filched by artifice ; let him, before it be too late, seriously ponder whether posterity will validate this act, if they 88 SCENE THAT TOOK PLACE ON [CHAP. III. believe that the basest corruption and artifice were exerted to promote it, and that all the worst passions of the human heart were enlisted into the service, and all the most depraved ingenuity of the human intellect tortured to devise new contrivances of fraud. I do not say these things have been, I state hypothetically, and ask if pos- terity believe such things, will they validate the transac- tion ? if they believe that there was foul play from the first moment to the last both within doors and without, that the rabble were appealed to from the Parliament, and debauched or intimidated to petition against the constitu- tion of their country ; if they believe that in Parliament the disgust of the measure, notwithstanding a proscription which made office incompatible with honour, stained the treasury bench — that the disgust of the measure broke asunder and dissolved some of the tenderest and most delicate connections of human life — that the nominal office of Escheator of Munster became an office of honourable competition, and after the Parliament was thus reduced that the Irish Commons were recruited from the English staff; if they were to believe those things, and that human frailty and human necessities were so practised upon that the private sentiments and public conduct of several could not be reconciled, and that where the minister could influence twenty votes he could not command one hear him. I say not that these things are so; but I ask, if your posterity believe them to be so, will posterity validate this transaction, or will they feel themselves bound to do so ? I answer ; where a transaction, though fortified by sevenfold form, is radically fraudulent, that all the forms and solemnities of law are but so many badges of the fraud, and that posterity, like a great court of conscience, will pronounce its judgment. At seven o'clock in the morning Mr. Egan had risen to speak, when Mr. Grattan entered the House. He was so debilitated that he was scarcely able to walk, and was supported by W. B. Ponsonby and Mr. Arthur Moore. The scene tbat took place was interesting in the extreme, and highly characteristic of the indivi- dual ; novel to the House, and quite unexpected by CHAP. 111.] ME. GRATTAN ENTERING THE HOUSE. 89 the Ministers, who were not aware that the election had taken place, or that the writ could be returned so soon. They were much surprised at his en- trance, and more so at his appearance. The House and the galleries were seized with breathless emotion; and a thrilling sensation, a low mur- mur, pervaded the whole assembly, when they beheld a thin, weak, and emaciated figure, worn down by sickness of mind and body, scarcely able to sustain himself; the man who had been the founder of Ireland's independence in 1782 was now coming forward, feeble, helpless, and apparently almost in his last moments, to defend or to fall with his country. His friends crowded round him, anxious to assist him, — Bowes Daly, in particular : seeing that Mr. Giattan had on his hat, he told him it was contrary to the rules of the House. Mr. Grattan calmly replied, "Do not mind me, I know what to do." He was dressed in the Volunteer uniform — blue, with red cuffs and collar. He had placed his cocked hat square to the front, and kept it on till he advanced half-way up the floor ; he then stopped and looked round the House with a steady and fearless eye, as if he wished to let them know that, though exhausted, he was yet prepared to give battle, and to bid them defiance ; as an old soldier, he was resolved to show front, and let his opponents see that he was not to be trifled with. He knew that he would be pressed, and very soon attacked ; and he thought it best to come forward at the outset. When he approached near the table, he then took off his hat ; and the oaths having been administered (for by the rules of the Irish Parliament they could be taken at any time), he took his seat on the second bench, be- side Mr. Plunket. After Mr. Egan had finished, he rose, but 90 EXTRACTS PROM [CHAP. III. obtained leave to speak sitting; and to the asto- nishment of every one, he delivered an admirable speech for upwards of two hours, in which he went through the whole of the question. Mr. Corry replied, and commenced the meditated attack. He pressed Mr. Grattan severely, and alluded to his address to the citizens of Dublin in 1797. Mr. Grattan strove to say a few words in explanation, but his weakness, as well as the rules of the House, prevented him going further. On a division, the numbers were — for the amend- ment, 96; against it, 138; being a majority of 42* against Sir Lawrence Parsons. A few extracts from Mr. G rattan's speech may here be given : — The Minister sees-— I do not — British merchants and British capital sailing to the provinces of Connaught and Minister ; there they settle in great multitudes, themselves and families. He mentions not what descriptions of manufactures ; who from Birmingham, who from Man- chester. No matter ; he cares not ; he goes on asserting and asserting with great ease to himself, and without any obligation to fact. Imagination is the region he delights to disport ; where he is to take away your Parliament — where he is to take away your final Judicature — where he is to take away your money — where he is to increase your taxes — where he is to get an Irish tribute. There he is a plain direct matter-of-fact man ; but where he is to pay you for all this, there he is poetic and prophetic — no longer a financier, but an inspired accountant. Fancy gives him her wand. Amalthsea takes him by the hand; Ceres is in her train. # # # # What he cannot reconcile to your interest he affects to reconcile to your honour. He, the Minister, " his budget with corruption crammed/' proposes to you to give up the ancient inheritance of your country ; to proclaim an utter and blank incapacity, and to register this proclamation of incapacity in an act which inflicts on this ancient nation * The members for Clogher were unseated on petition, and Mr. King and Charles Ball, two anti-Unionists were returned, so that the real majority was but thirty-nine. CHAP. III.] MR. GRATTAn's SPEECH. 91 an eternal disability ; and he accompanies these monstrous proposals by undisguised terror and unqualified bribery; and this he calls no attack on the honour and dignity of the kingdom ! . * * * The thing he proposes to buy is what cannot be sold — liberty ! For it, he has nothing to give. Everything of value which you possess you obtained under a free consti- tution. Part with it, and you must be not only a slave but an idiot. # * # # His propositions not only go to your dishonour, but they are built upon nothing else. He tells you it is his main argument, that you are unfit to exercise a free con- stitution ; and he affects to prove it by the experiment. "Jacobinism grows," says he, "out of the very state and condition of Ireland." 1 have heard of Parliament im- peaching Ministers, but here is a Minister impeaching Parliament. He does more : he impeaches the Parliamen- tary constitution itself. The abuses in that constitution he has protected ; it is only its being that he destroys. On what ground ? Your exports since your emancipation, and under that Parliamentary constitution, and in a great measure by that Parliamentary constitution, have nearly doubled. Commercially it has worked well. Your con- cord with England since the Emancipation, as far as it relates to Parliament, on the subject of war, has been not only approved, but has been productive. Imperially, therefore, it has worked well. What then does the Minister in fact object to? That you have supported him — that you have concurred in his system ; therefore he proposes to the people to abolish the Parliament, and to continue the Minister. He does more : he proposes to you to substitute the British Parliament in your place; to destroy the body that restored your liberties, and restore that body which destroyed them. Against such a propo- sition, were I expiring on the floor, 1 should beg to utter my last breath and record my dying testimony. The violent and arbitrary disposition of Go- vernment soon found an opportunity to gratify itself after the debate on the address. A trifling riot occurred in the streets, and some of the Union members were insulted on their return from the House. This was immediately seized upon as a 92 ARBITRARY PROCEEDINGS OF [CHAP. Ill ground for interfering. Mr. St. George Daly, the new Prime Sergeant, in order to qualify himself for the office from which Mr. Fitzgerald had been expelled, and to repay the Government for the services rendered to him, came prominently for- ward, inveighed against the people as guilty of the grossest outrage, and demanded that wit- nesses should be summoned to the bar to answer for their breach of privilege. This was acceded to ; and the House in a very summary manner sent to gaol a very respectable citizen, an officer in the Cus- toms, and a member of a Yeomanry Corps, under the charge of having committed a riot, though it was. deposed to in evidence that this individual had been struck, and had only retaliated on his assailant, and that the Town-major (Swan) had fired his pistol at him, and arrested him ;• thus the real sufferer was sent to Newgate, and the individual who fired was not even censured. The Government were not slow to act, and they quickly availed themselves of this occurrence for the purpose of introducing a military force ; and under the pretence of protecting the freedom of debate and the persons of the members, they took possession of a large wooden building at Foster Place, adjoining the House of Commons, which was used as an exhibition room ; this was con- verted into a temporary barrack, and a body of troops (an English regiment) was stationed there — in fact to overawe the Parliament — under pre- tence of protecting the members. Lord Castlereagh lost no time in following up his successes on the first day, and proposed a measure most efficient for his purpose, namely, to remove from the kingdom the Irish who bore arms; and accordingly he proposed, on the 21st of January, that 10,000 Volunteers from the Irish militia should be allowed to serve his Majesty Ctt.lP. III.] THE GOVERNMENT. 93 ia the army in Europe, at a bounty of six and ten guineas per man. This crafty plan was followed by another, namely, the substitution of English militia in their stead. Thus he removed the Irish, who might on an emergency have evinced some feeling for their country, and he introduced English troops, who could not but feel very differently, and at any critical moment would be sure to take part with the Government against the people. Shortly after this another event occurred which called forth a similar demonstration on the part of the Government, and showed how little respect they paid to the rights of the people, or to the privileges of Parliament, though a few days before they professed to be so eager to uphold them. On the 12th of February a complaint was made to the House of Commons, by Sir L. Parsons, that the High Sheriff of the King's County (Mr. Darby), and the officer in command of the British Artillery at Birr (Major Rogers), had interfered to intimidate and disperse a meeting of the free- holders of the county, who had assembled to peti- tion against the Union. Major Rogers was accord- ingly summoned and examined at the bar. He stated that he had his artillery and his troops ready, and that he only waited for one word from the Sheriff to blow the house where the freeholders were about their ears. The Sheriff also admitted that it was his intention to disperse the meeting. Notwithstanding these declarations, the House, under dictation from the Minister, resolved that such conduct was not intended to interfere with the right of petition ; and the parties were allowed to retire in triumph from the presence of the assembly, which they had thus derided and in- sulted.* * The above appears so singular that the account is here given;— 94 SIR l. parsons' motion, [chap. III. Major Rogers was afterwards appointed to a military situation, no doubt as a reward for his services ; in the same manner as the informer Reynolds was appointed to an office in the Pen- Sir L. Parsons called the attention of the house to a motion he had made on a former night, touching the proceedings adopted by the high sheriff of the King's County, and Major Rogers commanding the British artillery there, to intimidate the magistrates and freeholders from meet- ing at Birr, to petition Parliament against the adoption of the measure of a Legislative Union. He said, that he had already so fully expressed his sentiments on the fatal consequences that must result from such arbitrary proceedings being suffered to take place, that he should not at this time trespass on the attention of the house, but should merely move that these gentlemen do forthwith attend at the bar. He trusted that this business would meet with a cool and dispassionate investigation, it was one which involved the privilege of Parliament and the liberty of the subject. He said he had one or two witnesses to examine, and re- quested that Thomas Bernard, Esq., be called. Mr. Bernard, sen., a magistrate and freeholder of the King's County, being called, deposed, that the meeting at Birr was convened by magis- trates, the sheriff having refused to accede to the requisition of the free- holders. On the Sunday prior to the meeting, Major Rogers, of the Royal British Artillery, was at his (Mr. B.'s) house, and informed him no such meeting should take place, and if attempted he would disperse it by military force. Mr. B. told him he had better do nothing rashly — pro- duced a number of papers relative to a Legislative Union, and among them several copies of the requisition for calling the county, one of which he gave Major Rogers for the purpose of forwarding it to govern- ment — no other conversation took place between them previous to the meeting. On the morning of Sunday, before the meeting took place, he had a conversation with the sheriff, who told him that the meeting was not a legal one, and should not take place ; that the Session-House was his, and they had no right to meet there; Mr. B. answered, that the Session-House was the property of the magistrates, and that they had as good a right to meet there as he had. The innkeeper of the town also told him, that the sheriff-forbid him at Ids peril, to suffer the meeting at his house. The meeting took place at two o'clock ; the sheriff came to the Session-House, said he considered it an illegal meeting, that the house was his, and they had no right to remain there, and desired them to disperse ; some of the magistrates made answer that the house was theirs, the meeting was a legal one, and they would not be dispersed but at the point of the bayonet ; the sheriff replied, there sha'n't be any meeting, and so turned away ; as he returned, the crowd pressed a little upon him, and he desired them to make way. Mr. Malone, a magis- trate, told them to remain where they were, they had a right to do so. Mr. Bernard called out to them to give way to the sheriff, when he made answer, the sheriff can make way for himself, and so retired. Mr. Lloyd, the chairman, now read the petition, put the question on it, and it was unanimously adopted. A trifling difference of opinion after- wards prevailed, whether they should stay there to sign and await the soldiery, which they were assured were coming down to disperse them, CHAP. III.] MESSAGE FROM LORD LIEUTENANT. 95 insula, when the Duke of Wellington was in command there. On the 5th February, Lord Castlereagh delivered to the House a message from the Lord-Lieutenant recommending the Union. This was vigorously opposed by the opposition, and chiefly by Mr. Ponsonby, Mr. Grattan, Sir John Parnell, and Mr. Ogle, who declared that he was adverse to it because it confessedly led to Catholic Emancipa- tion and Reform. or adjourn to another place ; the latter opinion appeared most prevalent, and they retired to a public inn about sixty yards from the Session- House, where the petition lay on the table for signatures. Deponent Mr. B. was the second who signed, and went out for the purpose of making room for the other freeholders. lie walked towards the Session-House with M. Malone, and when he got a small distance from the public inn, he met Major Rogers riding at the head of four pieces of artillery with matches, whether lighted or net he could not tell, he was going towards the place where the meeting was. On one side of the street a number of artillery men marched with small arms and Jived bayonets, on the other a party of Scotch Fencibles in a similar manner. When at a small distance from Major Rogers, Mr. B. asked him, m Good God, what is all this V* " T is what you must always expect," said Major H., " while things do not go on tquare." At this time the troops had passed the Session-House, and were advancing towards the inn where the petition lay for signatures ; they proceeded to a small square in the town, where Major Rogers drew them up. On Major R.'s return, Mr. B. met him, and he informed Mr. B. that he only waited for the sheriff's order, to blow down the house to the foundation. The Tuesday after the meeting, Mr. B. met Major R., who said, "if he had received on Sunday, the letter which reached him on Monday, there would have been a pretty business ;" and added, "that it was very strange the gentlemen at the Castle or Park did not know that a letter would be three days going from Dublin to Birr." M. Bernard, on his cross-examination, declared, that he did not think the crowd assembled at Birr consisted of any others than freeholders of the county, to the best of his judgment; that his reasons for supposing Major Rogers's intention to disperse the meeting was, that he never saw him parade with cannon on a Sunday before, and his having told him previous to the meeting that he would disperse it by military force ; he could not suppose Major Rogers jested when he said he would blow down the house about the ears of the freeholders, either from his coun- tenance or tone of voice. The meeting was he said very numerous, but no appearance whatever of riot or disorder. lie could not, he said, suppose the soldiers were going to parade, as they did not usually parade at that hour. Mr. Lloyd, a magistrate of the King's County, chairman of the meet- ing, and many years representative of the county, gave very nearly the same testimony as Mr. B. 96 MAJORITY IN FAVOUR OF [CHAP. HI. Mr. Grattan thus ended his speech on this day :— It follows that the two nations are not identified, though the Irish Legislature be absorbed, and by that act of absorption the feelings of one of the nations is not iden- tified but alienated. The petitions on our table bespeak that alienation ; the Administration must by this time be acquainted with it ; they must know that Union is Irish alienation, and knowing that they must be convinced that they had the authority of the minister's argument against the minister's project, I am not surprised that this project of Union should alienate the Irish ; they consider it as a blow. Two honourable gentlemen, with an ardour which does them honour* — ingenuous young men — they have spoken with unsophisticated feeling, and the native honesty of good sense. The question is not such as occupied you of old, not old Poyning's, not peculation, not plunder, not an embargo, not a Catholic Bill, not a Reform Bill ; it is your being, it is more- — it is your life to come. Whether you will go, w 7 ith the Castle at your head, to the tomb of Charlemont and the Volunteers, and erase his epitaph, or whether your children shall go to your graves saying a venal military court attacked the liberties of the Irish, and here lie the bones of the honourable dead men who saved their country ! Such an epitaph is an epitaph which the King cannot give his slaves ; it is a glory which the crown cannot give the King. The speeches of Mr. Saurin and Mr. Ponsonby were said to have been excellent, particularly that of the former. The motion was supported by Mr. St. George Daly, who was supposed to have made, during the entire of these debates, the best speech of any in favour of the mea- sure. Mr. Corry replied to Mr. Grattan, and attacked him again at a time when he had no opportunity of replying. The debate was conducted with great spirit, and lasted till twelve o'clock in the ensuing day, when the numbers were — 160 for * Mr, O'Donnell and Colonel Vereker, CHAP. III.] THE GOVERNMENT PROPOSITION. 97 the proposition, and 117 against it, giving Go- vernment a majority of 43* in its favour, — thus only one was added to the majority on the first night of the session. On the 11th of February, a complaint was made to the House by Mr. (Sir Jonah) Barrington, that Sir Chas. Asgill, the officer commanding at Clonmel, had prevented the people from assembling to petition against the Union. His conduct was defended by the Attorney-General (Toler) by saying that the officer had considered it dangerous to let the people assemble in a proclaimed district, but the burgesses of the town could meet if they thought fit. The House declined to interfere, and permitted their privi- leges to be invaded, and the rights of the subject to be thus openly violated and superseded by military power. The course which the minister now took was to press forward the question with the utmost speed, and on the 14th he moved the order of the day to go into a committee on the subject. The opposi- tion in vain remonstrated, and proposed that on the part of the country more time should be allowed in order that the people might consider the question more deliberately, and that the House might examine the correctness of the statements submitted to them, and ascertain the calculations made by the Government respecting the trade and commerce of the country, and how far they would be affected by the proposed Union. This was refused, and Mr. W. B. Ponsonby then pro- posed an amendment, upon which the numbers were only 89 to 126 against it. Colonel Barry (Lord Farnham) moved that they should adjourn for a few days, and for this the ayes were 110 and the noes 157. A committee was appointed * The real majority was but thirty-nine, as two anti-Unionists were seated on petition, and two Unionists were unseated. VOL. V. H 98 DECREASE OF IRISH MANUFACTURES. [CHAP. III. to examine witnesses as to the trade and manu- factures of the country, Mr. Pirn, Mr. Orr, and several other merchants and manufacturers, gave very important evidence, and their opinion was, that the trade and manufactures of Ireland would sink under the Union. Mr. Orr stated, that prior to 1796 he had employed in his establishment upwards of 3,000 persons in working muslins and cottons, that he would not be able to employ so many in future, hence the trade would be greatly injured by the proposed measures, and that the manufacturers could not hold out against the competition with England.* Other evidence of a similar nature was given, when Lord Castlereagh, fearing that this would not be serviceable to his cause, declared himself averse to further delay, as conflicting evidence would be adduced, there- fore he sought to hasten the business. Mr. Wolfe (Lord Kilwarden) differed from him on this subject, much to his credit, as he was connected with the Government. However, it was useless ; Lord Castlereagh prevailed. On Friday the 17th of February, the articles of Union were considered. The House was in Com- mittee, and Mr. Foster (the Speaker) went at considerable length into the subject, and made a very able statement of the trade and revenue of the country. He spoke for upwards of two * This has been verified by the event ; Irish manufactures have been Completely swamped — and the trades in Dublin as well as in other parts of Ireland are reduced to nothing — where thousands and hundreds of persons were formerly employed, few, if any, are now at work ; this not only in Dublin, but in all the other towns where trade flourished ; leather trade, glass trade, linen trade, cotton trade, all fell victims to this measure. — See the Railway Report and Evidence. It is to be observed that in 1785, when the British manufacturers formed their committee in England, at the period of the Irish proposi- tions, that the evidence then given stated that if the Irish continued their exertions, they would rival the British, and meet them with success in the foreign market, as a remedy to which they asked for a Union— and the decay of Ireland followed. CHAP. III.] MR CORRY's ATTACK ON MR. GRATTAN. 99 hours on these points, and showed the advantages Ireland had gained, and the great progress she had made since 1782, and gave it as his opinion that a Union would prove injurious to her. He made an earnest appeal to the House, and concluded by saying, " I declare from my soul, that if England ice re to give us all her revenues, I could not barter for them the free constitution of my country ." Mr, Corry had been selected to defend the first articles ; but he did not rest satisfied by merely discharging this duty. Unfortunately he owed another debt to the minister. His lot was to renew the personal attack upon Mr. Grattan, and for the third time he assailed him ; but on this occasion his opponent had the privilege to reply. Mr. Grattan came into the house as Mr. Corry was reading the address of 1797 to the citizens of Dublin, and commenting on it very severely. He took his seat by Foster, and, turning to him, exclaimed, " I see they wish to make an attack on my life, and the sooner the better T When Mr. Corry had ended, Mr. Grattan replied in a speech that astonished and electrified the House. Since his reply to Flood in '83, nothing of that charac- ter had been heard in Parliament. He was here on trial after an ordeal of two years, during which Government had attacked him with all the bitterness they possessed. Full of rancour and malignity, they had forged something in the shape of a report from the Secret Committee, which was a calumnious and notorious falsehood. Every species of abuse and calumny, vituperation, pro- scription, and persecution, had been unsparingly heaped upon him. He stood before his enemies, he confronted and bade them defiance ; but he confounded, and almost appalled them.* He stood in the hall of his ancient glories, and those of his country, amidst the dying embers of her freedom, h 2 100 MR. GRATTAN S MASTERLY [CHAP. III. and strove to snatch from the sacred pile a brand that could light her to resurrection. iEstuat ingens Imo in corde pudor mistoque insania luctu Et furiis agitatus amor et conscia virtus. His answer was not confined to Mr. Corry. He arraigned the Government ; he told them they were in a conspiracy against the country ; that they were corrupt and seditious ; selling them- selves and selling the constitution ; that two par- ties had been in arms against her ; that he would join neither ; that the rebel who rose against the King deserved to die, but that he missed on the scaffold the right honourable gentleman. Mr. Bushe, who heard it, said he never wit- nessed such a scene. The minister was electri- fied. Never was such a castigation given to any party. Sir Robert Walpole's attack on the Ja- cobites comes nearer to it than any. When Mr. Grattan had ended, he left the house, and, pass- ing by where Mr. Plunket sat, took him by the hand, and pressed him with a strength that satis- fied him that all was right, and, as Mr. Plunket used afterwards to say, when alluding to those times, " That affair was more conducive to his health than the medicine of all his doctor's.'" The following was the substance of Mr. Grattan's reply :— Has the gentleman done ? Has he completely done ? He was unparliamentary from the beginning to the end of his speech. There was scarce a word he uttered that was not a violation of the privileges of the House ; but I did not call him to order — why ? because the limited talents of some men render it impossible for them to be severe without being unparliamentary. But before I sit down I shall show, him how to be severe and parliamentary at the same time. On any other occasion I should think myself justifiable in treating with silent contempt anything which might fall from that honourable member ; but there CHAP. III.] REPLY TO MR. CORRY. 101 are times when the insignificance of the accuser is lost in the magnitude of the accusation. I know the difficulty the honourable gentleman laboured under when he at- tacked me, conscious that, on a comparative view of our characters, public and private, there is nothing he could say could injure me. The public would not believe the charge. I despise the falsehood. If such a charge were made by an honest man, I would answer it in the man- ner I shall do before I sit down. But I shall first reply to it, when not made by an honest man. The right honourable gentleman has called me " an unim peached traitor." I ask, why not traitor, unqualified by any epithet ? I will tell him — it was because he dare not. It was the act of a coward, who has raised his arm to strike, but has not courage to give the blow. I will not call him villain, because it would be unparliamentary, and he is a privy councillor. I will not call him fool, because he happens to be Chancellor of the Exchequer ; but I say he is one who has abused the privilege of Parliament and freedom of debate, to the uttering language which, if spoken out of the House, 1 should answer only with a blow. I care not how high his situation, how low his character, how contemptible his speech, whether a privy counsellor or a parasite, my answer would be — a blow. He has charged me with being connected with the rebels. The charge is utterly, totally, and meanly false. Does the honourable gentleman rely on the report of the House of Lords for the foundation of his assertion ? If he does, I can prove to the Committee there was a physical impos- sibility of that report being true ; but I scorn to answer any man for my conduct, whether he be a political cox- comb, or whether he brought himself into power by a false glare of courage or not. I scorn to answer any wizard of the Castle throwing himself into fantastic airs ; but if an honourable and independent man were to make a charge against me I would say, " You charge me with having an intercourse with rebels, and you found your charge upon what is said to have appeared before a Com- mittee of the Lords. Sir, the report of that Committee is totally and egregiously irregular."' I will read a letter from Mr. Xeilson, who had been examined before that Commitee. It states, that what that report represents him as having spoken is not what he said. [Mr. Grattan here read the letter from Mr. Neilson, denying that he 102 MR. grattan's masterly [chap. III. had any connection with Mr. Grattan, as charged in the report, and concluding by saying, " Never was misrepre- sentation more vile than that put into my mouth by the report."] From the situation I held, and from the connection I had in the city of Dublin, it was necessary for me to hold intercourse with various descriptions of persons The right honourable member might as well have been charged with a participation in the guilt of those traitors, for he had communicated with some of those very per- sons on the subject of Parliamentary Reform. The Irish Government, too, were in communication with some of them. The right honourable member has told me I deserted a profession where wealth and station were the reward of industry and talent. If I mistake not, that gentleman endeavoured to obtain those rewards by the same means, but he soon deserted the occupation of a barrister for those of a parasite and pander. He fled from the labour of study to flatter at the table of the great. He found the Lords' parlour a better sphere for his exertions than the hall of the four Courts, the house of a great man a more convenient way to power and to place, and that it was easier for a statesman of middling talents to sell his friends than a lawyer of no talents to sell his clients. For myself, whatever corporate or other bodies have said or done to me, I from the bottom of my heart forgive them. I feel I have done too much for my country to be vexed at them. I would rather that they should not feel or acknowledge what I have done for them and call me traitor, than have reason to say I sold them. I will always defend myself against the assassin ; but with large bodies it is different. To the people I will bow : they may be my enemy ; I never shall be theirs. At the emancipation of Ireland in 1782 I took a leading- part in the formation of that constitution, which is now endeavoured to be destroyed. Of that constitution I was the author; in that constitution I glory; and for it the honourable gentleman should bestow praise, not invent calumny. Notwithstanding my weak state of body, I come to give my last testimony against this Union, so fatal to the liberties and interest of my country. I come to make common cause with these honourable and virtuous gentlemen around me ; to try and save the constitution ; CHAP. III.] REPLY TO MR. CORRY. 103 or, if not save the constitution, at least to save our charac- ters, and remove from our graves the foul disgrace of standing apart while a deadly blow is aimed at the inde- pendence of our country. The right honourable gentleman says I fled from the country after exciting rebellion, and that I have returned to raise another. No such thing. The charge is false. The civil war had not commenced when I left the king- dom, and I could not have returned without taking a part. On the one side there was the camp of the rebel, on the other the camp of the minister, a greater traitor than that rebel. The stronghold of the constitution was nowhere to be found. I agree that the rebel who rises against the Government should have suffered ; but I missed on the scaffold the right honourable gentleman. Two desperate parties were in arms against the constitution. The right honourable gentleman belonged to one of these parties and deserved death. I could not join the rebel — I could not join the Government — I could not join torture — I could not join half-hanging — I could not join free quarter — I could take part with neither. I was therefore absent from a scene where I could not be active without self-reproach, nor indifferent with safety. Many honourable gentlemen thought differently from me. I respect their opinions, but I keep my own ; and I think now, as I thought then, that the treason of the Minister against the liberties of the. people u-as infinitely worse than the rebellion of the people against the Minister. I have returned, not, as the right honourable member has said, to raise another storm ; I have returned to dis- charge an honourable debt of gratitude to my country that conferred a great reward for past services, which, I am proud to say, was not greater than my desert. I have returned to protect that constitution of which I was the parent and the founder from the assassination of such men as the right honourable gentleman and his unworthy asso- ciates. They are corrupt, they are seditious, and they, at this very moment, are in a conspiracy against their eoun-» try. I have returned to refute a libel, as false as it is malicious, given to the public under the appellation of a Report of the Committee of the Lords. Here I stand ready for impeachment or trial. I dare accusation. I defy the honourable gentleman. I defy the Government. I defy their whole phalanx ; let them come forth. I tell 104 REMARKS ON THE CONDUCT [CHAP. III. the Ministers I will neither give them quarter nor take it. I am here to lay the shattered remains of my constitution on the floor of this House in defence of the liberties of my country. Many persons were surprised that the Chair- man of the Committee did not interfere. It was thought that Mr. (Lord) Hutchinson would have called on him to do so, for after Mr. Grattan had concluded he got up and begged to call the atten- tion of the Chairman to the proceedings before the Committee ; but, instead of alluding to the altercation they had just witnessed, he at once diverged, and gravely observed that the question was divisible into three distinct heads, and that he would proceed calmly to analyze them ; in the mean time the parties left the House and thus escaped from arrest. Sir John Parnell now moved that the Chairman should leave the chair, and in this he was supported by Mr. Dawson, Mr. Egan, Mr. Peter Burrowes, George Ponsonby, and Mr. Goold, and opposed by Mr. Smith, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Francis Hutchinson, Dr. Browne, and Mr. Martin, who attacked Mr. Goold very severely ; on a division the numbers were — against the Government, 140 ; for them, 161. Some remarks may now be made upon the principal actor in this drama. — Mr. Isaac Corry, who had been so unworthily employed to take such a part on the occasion, was member for the borough of Newry ; he was unquestionably a man of talent, and not without just pretensions. In early life he began with the people, though he ended against them ; and, like most renegades,'* who never do things by halves, ran violently into the other extreme. He was bribed by the court, * Sir Francis Burdett is a deplorable instance. When he thought fit to change to Toryism, he was particularly hostile to the people and to / the Irish, whom he abused much more than he had ever praised them, j CHAP. III.] OF MR. ISAAC CORRY. 105 and his wants compelled him to sell the country. In early life he had been in habits of close acquaintance with Mr. Grattan, not merely as a friend but an admirer. He was first a guest at Tinnehinch, then a frequent visitor, at last an enthusiast, and in the complimentary verses* which he there wrote he has left a record of his esteem and his admiration. The course which he pursued affords a melancholy instance of the danger that follows from the corruption of a court. How fatally a generous spirit can be perverted by the arts of politicians ; seduced by the lures of office, and finally ruined by the enticements of a cunning cold-blooded Minister, who was not satisfied that his satellites should betray their country unless they put to death her defenders. Mr. Corry may have thought he had an excuse for selling Ireland because he possessed no stake in her ; he was a person of no property, over- placed and over-salaried. As a speaker he was short, pointed, and neat, and what he said he delivered with elegance and with address ; his * The following are the lines written by Mr. Corry in the parlour facing Sugar-Loaf Hill. Tinnehinch, 28th April, 1794. Behold that mountain tow'ring rugged high That culminating, daring, braves the sky, Planted on broad and solid rocky base, Impregnable in strength assumes its place, Look then upon the placid verdant green, That here adorns the calm domestic scene, Gay, soft, luxuriant, decked with every flower That can amuse the careless saunt'ring hour In these extremes, the genuine type you'll find, Of Grattan's tow'ring, Grattan's playful mind ; Behold that stream, now down the mountain side Roll in impetuous course its foaming tide, Soon as the placid vale it reaches here, In gentlest lapse, delight the eye, the ear, Thus sympathising Harriet, born to please, Shows Grattan's greatness, or adorns his ease; Live, happy pair, example bright to give, How genius, talents, reason, virtue live. Signed I. C. 106 UNHAPPY END OF CORRY. [CHAP. III. manner was graceful, and was better than his matter; his person was pleasing, and his voice clear and harmonious ; his invectives were good, and he possessed much spirit ; in personality he was better than in argument ; he was a brave man, but a bad reasoner ; and always ready to back what he said with his sword. In the Imperial Parliament Mr. Pitt continued him for some time in the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer for Ireland ; but in that assembly his style was altered, his tones lowered, and all his lofty periods and airs of office vanished ; he began cringing and creeping, with supple knee and submissive voice, " begging pardon of the House for taking up their time with Irish affairs" (these were his -words). When he was removed, Mr. Foster succeeded him ; and the conduct of the latter, compared to that of the former, was ex- cellent : Foster's was that of a country gentle- man — Corry's that of an upstart. The life and death of this individual is a great lesson to Irish- men. The ministers made him their tool, and left him their victim. They led him to take a bold, but a very bad part, and urged him on to deeds from which human nature should recoil. At first they found him an adventurer, — young and aspiring, then they exalted him ; afterwards they neglected him, and at last left him, to die unregarded, unnoticed, and almost unknown.* It cannot be doubted that the attack on Mr. * In 1810 lie was at Brighton, where Mr. Grattan resided ; he looked broken in spirits, quite downcast in looks and manner, and seemed to shun all observation ; he called on Mr. Grattan, and having been per- ceived approaching the house, no one would admit him. The ladies of the family, who were in spirit and principle purely Irish, were particu- larly hostile. Mr. Grattan insisted on going down stairs, he opened the door himself, and took Corry by the hand, the latter felt gratified and seemed greatly affected ; it was their last interview — he did not live long after it. Even this act of kindness crowned the cup of affliction to overflow — the wound he felt had gone through, his heart ! — and like other Unionists, Clare, Brown, Smith, Johnson, Hutchinson, Donoughmore, &c, he died bitterly regretting the part he had taken against his country. chap, in.] mr. Berwick's opinion. 107 Grattan was premeditated and deliberate. Mr. Berwick, who had known Corry long before, met him at Harrowgate, in 1799, and found that he was then collecting all the materials he could get against him. Berwick, who was well acquainted with the politics of that period, attended the debates of the Union, heard Corry speak, and said that it was he who began the attack, and pressed Mr. Grattan from the outset ; the latter declined the contest, as they had been old friends ; but Corry renewed the attack on every occasion, so much so that Mr. Grattan could not avoid to reply, and in the committee he had the oppor- tunity. Berwick's opinion was, that he had been set on by the Government ; for they knew that if Mr. Grattan had been disposed of, the others would soon have given way : other persons, and good authorities, concurred in this opinion of Mr. Berwick. Dean Scott (nephew to Lord Clon- mell, Chief Justice), Mr. Francis Hardy, Mr. Jas. Jonas Corry, Clerk of Parliament, and personal friend of the Speaker, Mr. Ross M'Can (Secretary to the Whig Club), and Mr. H. Bushe, who held office under that Government, and who knew the actors in all the transactions of those times ; these, and many others, have repeatedly stated, that the plan of personal combat proceeded from the Go- vernment party, and had been arranged at the Castle. The account that Mr. Grattan gave of the trans- action was pretty nearly as follows : — On the first night that I took my seat Corry spoke, and alluded to me, though not in very severe terms, but still a denunciation of hostility. I said something in reply, but short, as by the rules of the House I was not allowed to do so at any length, and I was too ill. He attacked me afterwards in the Committee. I came into the House when he had my address to the citizens of Dublin in his ]08 MR. GRATTAN's ACCOUNT [CHAP. III. hand, from which he read some passages, and commented upon them. After he sat down I replied, and was some- what severe. Corry then got up to answer me. His speech was a challenge ; it was not small artillery, but a twenty-four pounder. Then I got up, and had no mercy on him. I was very severe, and said the hardest things ; not coarse, nor departing from the language of a gentle- man, for I knew his character too well to be at a loss. After this I spoke in my defence, and told him that there was, in my opinion, a greater crime than that of high treason to the king — that was, treason to the country. There were traitors in the rebel camp ; there were traitors also in the Government, and both wanted to destroy the country. I could not join the one, — I would not join the other. There were men among the Government who sup- ported it, perhaps, from good motives ; but if any man out of this House said I was a traitor, I would answer him by a blow ! I told him I had heard before of the plan to sup- port the Union by personal combat. When I had finished I left the House. Bowes Daly said to me, " Go out of the House immediately, or something may occur toprevent you." I remained in the speaker's chamber, and about the House till daylight. James Blackwood (Lord Dufferin) offered to be my second ; but I had told Hutchinson (Lord Hutchin- son) to procure a second, and he got my friend Metge — a very good one, who brought my pistols to me, as I feared to go home: lest I should be arrested. General Craddock came with a challenge, but hoped for an accommodation. I replied, impossible. We went to Ball's bridge : on the ground the people cheered me. I had my pistol in one hand, and my hat in the other. The sheriffs approached.* We ran from thence, and when ordered we both fired. I hit Corry ; he missed me : we were then ordered to fire a second time, but at the signal we reserved our shots : the seconds then made us give our honour to fire ; we did so. I do not know whether Corry fired at me the second time. * General Craddock (Lord Howden), who was Mr. Corry's second, told Admiral Blackwood (a relation of Mrs. Grattan's) that when the sheriff came to the field he forced him into a ditch, where he was kept until the parties had fired, so bent were the Castle party on going through with the business. A few days after the duel, Mr. Grattan called on Corry and insisted on seeing him ; he got into his room where he was in bed, and a third person came in as Mr. Grattan was inquiring after his health; Corry said, "here is my brother Edward; Edward, here is Mr. Grattan, and he will shoot you whenever you deserve it." CHAP. III.] OF MR. CORRY'S ATTACK. 109 I fired above him. I did not take aim at him the first shot. I could have killed him if I chose, but I fired along the line. I had no enmity to him. I had gotten a victory, and knew it could not be more complete it" he was killed, and that it would if I did not fire at him. It was, how- ever, dangerous not to do so, for he might have killed me, but I thought it would be better to run the risk, and fire in the air. I then went up to him ; he was bleeding. He gave me his bloody hand : we had formerly been friends, but Corry was set on to do what he did : a plan had been formed to make personal attacks on the opposition, and their men had been singled out. I did not publish the attack I had made upon him, as it had been settled by a duel, but I sent my defence. 110 CHAPTER IV. Effect of the duel between Mr. Grattan and Mr. Corry on the suppor- ters of the Union. — Case of bribery, 5,000 guineas paid. — Some could not be bribed. — Mr. Hardy. — His character. — Rejects all offers. — Charles Kendal Bushe. — His character. — Rejects all offers from Lord Castlereaglv — Peter Burrowes incorruptible. — His cha- racter and conduct. — Speech of Mr. Saurin against the Union — His character and conduct. — Foster's speech. — His character and conduct. — Lord Cornwallis's letter to Lord Mornington. — Remarks upon it. — Mr. George Ponsonby's motion. — Impatience of Government. — In- troduce two bills. — Insurrection and Rebellion bills. — Invest the Army with great powers. — Government propose to buy the House of Commons, and pay 15,000/. for each borough abolished. — Letter on the subject to the Marquis of Donegal. — Expenses of the Union. — Mr. Plunket's celebrated attack on Government for their corrupt practices. — Character of Mr. Plunket. — Character of Mr. Ponsonby. — His motion to dissolve Parliament. — Sir John Parnell's speech. — Account of his family, the Poet and the Peer, — Remarkable words of Mr. Saurin and Sir Lawrence Parsons as to the Union. — Exchange of the militias of the two countries. — The Fitzgerald indemnity bill. — Proceedings of the House of Lords. — Speech of Lord Clare. — Attacks Mr. Grattan. — Publishes his Speech. — Mr. Grattan's celebrated an- swer, and brilliant description of the men of 1782. Such was pretty nearly the account of this trans- action, which is thus particularized in order that a just opinion may be formed of the conduct and character of a Government that would induce persons to act as Mr. Corry did. These were the men employed by Mr. Pitt and his sub-agents to do their state business, and carry their Union. Apart from private considerations, and influenced solely by national ones, is there any person who can refrain from saying that a more unscrupulous set of men scarcely ever disgraced the annals of any country, and that their names and misdeeds CHAP. IV.] EFFECT OF THE DUEL. Ill must descend to after ages with the execration of every honest and every virtuous mind. The contest that had nigh proved fatal to Mr. Corry, restrained in some degree the military ardour of the Unionists, and lowered their fiery tone ; the experiment appeared rather hazardous to the castle partisans, who though possessed of profligacy sufficient to undertake so desperate a venture as a Union, were, like most hirelings, desirous of enjoying in safety* the produce of their sale, and began to think they were only paid for the loss of character, but not of life ; enough for treason, not enough for murder. Some of them grew discontented and disheartened : among them was one well known to the author, but whose name, from motives of delicacy, he suppresses ; he was a sharp off-hand practising barrister, with great effrontery of mind and manner, a strength of lungs inexhaustible, a face that never blushed, some quickness, and considerable personal courage. Originally he had been adverse to the Union ; he was induced, however, to vote for it, and having done so, he went to the law courts and abused it among his brethren without measure, declaring that it would be most pernicious to the country, and that he would in future oppose it; this reached the ears of the Government, and they sent to him, and after an interview with Lord Castlereagh, he was persuaded to go to the House and support the measure.^ It is probable that one of the results of the duel between Mr. Grattan and Mr. Corry, was to raise the price of the market, and Government felt the * In a list of those who voted for the Union, which the author got from Mr. Reilly, a Unionist and member of the House, and carefully marked by him, appears this note opposite Mr. Martin's name, " Two yeomanry corps on pay and not a man in either." f He was rewarded by a legal and very lucrative office in the revenue department. 112 CASE OF BRIBERY. [CHAP. IV. effect of having brought into Parliament a set of adventurers — persons not connected with the country — needy placemen — officers — pensioners — Englishmen —strangers — men without charac- ter or property; such persons were determined to strike a hard bargain, and one of them (Mr. M'Donald), being urged by the minister to support the measure, very coolly laid his hat across the Bar of the House, and declared that he would not vote for the Union, or take away his hat, till five thousand guineas were secured to him. His terms were complied with, and an undertaking to that effect was given. Others were incorruptible. One individual, though oppressed almost by actual want, without fortune of his own or gain from his profession, with a family afflicted by the most trying and ter- rible illness, stood firm to his country — that man was Francis Hardy. He was a man of sterling public principle, but he wanted vigour and strength of mind to be a distinguished speaker in the House of Commons. He shone better in mixed com- panies, where he was always ready and willing, gentle and polite. His manners were courteous, easy, and agreeable. He had much anecdote, and told a story well and shortly. He had read a good deal of French and Italian literature, and formed himself on their models. In society he always appeared with a certain polish, and never said anything that any one could be ashamed of: you always felt pleased with his private manners and proud of his public principles.* His writings * He had been in Paris with Mr. Grattan and Mr. Day in the time of their youth, when Marie Antoinette shone like light over the ripples of a whirlpool, but even in that gay capital, amidst the allurements of fashion, splendour, and wealth, Hardy was not insensible to the advan- CHAP. IV.] INTEGRITY OF MR. HARDY. 113 were honest and moderate, perhaps too moderate, but this resulted from a soft nature, and his History of Lord Charlemont surprised most of his friends, and among them Mr. Grattan, who did not imagine that Hardy could have written so well ; he did not profess to write on the subject of the Union, for Lord Charlemont had died before that event, and it was not necessary for Hardy to do so ; be- sides, he did not wish to create enemies for his children by giving the characters of the men at the Union, and telling the truth that there Were only seven men on the side of Government who were not bribed* Message after message was sent to Hardy that whatever he asked would be granted, still he re- fused. His own friends even advised him to yield, and when the die was cast, and the battle of the country lost, terms even at that late hour would have been accepted. His patron (Lord Granard) advised him to hesitate ere he refused ; but Hardy remained true to his country and his conscience, and avoided the ignominy that would have followed him to the grave; s€ mark 'd with a blot damnd in the book of Heaven." Vendidit hie auro patriam dominumque potentem Imposuit, fixit leges pretio atque refixit Ausi omnes immane nefas Another character equally noble, with a genius such as few men possess and few countries can boast of — with a ready humour, a playful and ardent disposition — with more of the milk of hu- tages his country possessed. On one occasion, when walking up the grand staircase at the Tuilleries, after admiring the splendour of the palace, he turned to Mr. Grattan and Mr. Day, and said, M It is all very line, but still they have not trial by jury." It was in allusion to this visit of Mr. Grattan's, that Mr. Flood sai l when he concluded one of his poignant repli<^, " He is still so great that I dare say the Queen of France will have a song made on the name of Grattan." * So Mr. Grattan used to say. VOL. V. I 114 CHARACTER OF MR. BUSHE. [CHAP. IV. man nature than falls to the lot of most men — and with fewer of their faults, though with some of their errors and their weaknesses — was Charles Kendal Bushe. He was passionately fond of literature, his mind was cultivated and polished in the ex- treme, his manner of reading was charming, — it was a display of taste and elegance — his mode of narrating was excellent, — he never fell into the common error which shows the vulgar mind, making the circumstance the point and the point the circumstance. As an orator — graceful, fluent, plausible, and zealous — he clothed his ideas in a garb of rich and overflowing eloquence ; with a voice that charmed, he modulated its tones so as to fall upon the ear with softness and almost with the sweetness of melody ;* when he spoke his eye kindled, and a glow of fire animated his entire frame, and almost communicated itself to his auditors* He could depress or elevate his tones with singular felicity, and assume the grave or the gay character of speech with such happy success, that the most polished actor could not surpass him. Few were blessed by Providence with talents like those of Bushe, and few could boast of such noble and disinterested conduct as that which he displayed at this trying and momentous crisis. His public life almost began at the Union; he began well and never spoke better. His case was peculiar and interesting, and, for his character and that of his country, deserves to be recorded. His father had died owing considerable debts, which his son was not, however, in law bound to pay; but he considered that he was so in honour, and though encumbered by a large family, without fortune of his own, and with small professional rank at the time, he discharged them all. * Such it was in his early days, but it grew severe by the practice at the bar and the wrangle of Nisi Prius. CHAP. IV.] REJECTS CASTLEREAGH's OFFER. 115 Aware of his situation, the political vampire who then ruled — the spoliator of public honour and of private fame — summoned one of the familiars whom he kept in waiting to bribe the poor, to seduce the virtuous, and to entrap the unwary ; he despatched him to Charles Bushe. The offer was made, — any sum, any terms that would be asked were to be complied with : but he refused every temptation. After this interview, when he reflected on the state of his affairs in ruin, and be- held his family so straitened in circumstances (he stated this to me himself) — I threw myself in my chair, and for a moment almost doubted whether it was right in me to keep in such a state so many human beings, when I thought on the splendid offers I had refused, — offers that astonished, almost bewil- dered me,* Charles Bushe was incorruptible, — he saved his honour ; he would have saved his country too ; and the doubt of which he spoke was the mere caprice of his fancy. Had his distress and his temptation been multiplied a hundred fold, he would have remained pure. High on the list of able and sterling patriots stood Peter Burrowes. He possessed an excellent understanding, and a sound practical judgment. His powers of discrimination were such that men who had the most difficult matters to settle have gone to consult him, and he was never wrong. He had an honest, good-humoured openness that prepossessed every one in his favour ; he was full of strong national feelings, generous in his disposition, humane, and benevolent ; he was a sincere friend and kind relative, an incorruptible senator, and an honest Irishman. The earnestness of his manner was striking and peculiar ; and * He said nearly the same to his relation, Henry Amyas Bushe, " I did not think it possible such offers could be made — Ihey staggered me" i 2 116 MR. BURROWES's CHARACTER [CHAP. IV. though he appeared over sanguine and eager in the view he took, whether of persons or of things, yet there was something so plainly ingenuous and unsuspecting in his nature, that he secured the esteem and won the confidence of all, whether friends or strangers. In relating anecdotes, he amused by the quaint and curious turn he gave to his story ; though his voice and manner of de- livery were somewhat against him, he threw the whole force of his mind into the thought, and seemed to labour with the idea that impressed him, till his words burst forth with fervour, and he carried persuasion to his hearers, because he seemed convinced himself. He was gifted with a very rare and a most amiable quality — a power not merely to forgive, but to forget an injury, and he never harboured in his mind a rancorous recollection. He loved to speak well of his fel- low-creature, and when he could not do so he was silent. He scorned to stoop to the low and vulgar ways towards promotion, and rose superior to the petty arts that too often prevail in politics, and are not seldom practised in his profession. He despised money and disregarded office, if neither could be obtained without the sacrifice of principle, or his country's good, or of public vir- tue. He knew there was such a thing as fame which did not rest on the adventitious aid of vain titles or false honours that may be received during life, but on the retributive justice of posterity, that awards praise where it is justly due, and tells the virtuous man — " Thou shall not die but live;" and he had within him a voice surer and more im- partial than even Posterity's. In early life* he displayed that independence of * Mr. Burrowes was one of the first who proposed a resolution in favour of the Catholics (Mr. Grattan had first done it at Dungannon). A public meeting was held at the Exchange in Dublin in 1783, when the Volunteer Convention sat at the Rotunda, Burrowes was a delegate CHAP. IV.] AND NOBLE CONDUCT. 117 mind which he preserved to the last, unaffected by the glitter that surrounds the great, or the temptations held out by the powerful and by the wealthy. The Beresfords could not seduce, the Chancellor could not bribe, nor the Minister buy him ! From first to last he was an honest man. Being private tutor to a son of Mr. John Beres- ford (the first commissioner of revenue) when in the University of Dublin, an offer was made to him to travel with this young man, and, if he wished it, that a seat in Parliament should be provided for him; but one condition was required, namely, that his politics should coincide with those of his patron.* Mr. Burrowes had uniformly entertained Liberal opinions and genuine Irish feelings, so that any agreement on that point was impossible; the proposed mode of advancing his personal interests was declined, and the drudgery of the bar was preferred. Thus bereft of fortune, he pursued an independent course in preference to a connexion with a powerful family by whom he was held in esteem, and who would have secured for him promotion in his profession, and elevation to the counsels of the State. His generous disposition may be judged of from his conduct to his relations. In the time of the unfortunate disturbances in '98, Mr. Burrowes's from a corps of 400 men (of which John Kemble, the celebrated actor, was likewise member), and he proposed " That it be referred to a Com- mittee to consider whether the admission of Catholics into the Constitu- tion was not a measure that should be adopted in the plan of Reform then contemplated by the Volunteers." This proposal caused great emotion ; the debate on the subject was adjourned, and in the interim many persons of distinction and influence called on Mr. Burrowes to dissuade him from the measure; but he remained firm, and would not yield. The question, however, was not entertained by the Convention. (See the letters of General Burgoyne and Lord Northington, and the conduct of Sir Boyle Roche and the Government, vol. iii. pp. 116, 128, 131.) * In justice to the Beresfords, who have many private virtues, it must be said, that they held Mr. Peter Burrowes in the highest esteem to the last moment. 118 MR. BURROWES. [CHAP. IV. brother lost his life. He was opposed to him in politics ; and hostile to the people, his house was attacked, burned, and everything consumed; his daughter remained helpless, but Mr. Burrowes protected her, and gave her an annuity for her support. So kind and liberal was he, that at one time he supported nearly all his relatives, and they were not inconsiderable in number. At the period of the Union he came into Par- liament, and his pen, his voice, his vote, were all used in behalf of Ireland. The panegyric he delivered upon Mr. Grattan does honour to him who gave and him who received it. At the bar he proved an able counsel and strenuous advocate. To a sound opinion he united the knowledge of law and the love of the constitution, and improved the former by his admiration for the latter. He was often engaged in the defence of the United Irishmen, and was more in their secrets than most men ; he discharged his professional duty towards them with courage and fidelity. He was an inti- mate friend and great admirer of the Emmet family, and this connexion probably brought him into a patriotic though perilous contact with that party. He was Counsel for the Roman Catholic dele- gates in 1811 and 1812 after the arrest of Lord Fingal when, by the imprudence and misconduct of the Government, the Constitution was daringly violated, the Catholics insulted, and the country convulsed from centre to circumference. Mr. Burrowes had to contend for them against hired Sheriffs and packed Juries,* and by sur- prising good fortune and great ability he obtained a verdict for his client. The speech he made on that occasion was a * On this trial of Kirwan it appeared that the list of the jury came from the pocket of the Under Secretary at the Castle — Sir Charles Saxton ! ! CHAP. IV.] SPEECH OF MR. SAURIN. 119 masterpiece of forensic eloquence, profound argu- ment, great legal reasoning, and sound constitu- tional doctrine. It remains an immortal testi- mony in favour of liberty. His friend the Solicitor- General (Charles Bushe) was opposed to him ; and though he had the last address to the Jury, and made perhaps his effort at the bar, Mr. Bur- rowes triumphed, and his speech remained as a record not only of his success but of his supe- riority. He defeated his foes and surpassed his friend;* baffled the Castle, and acquitted the Catholic. The Opposition Members, notwithstanding their repeated defeats, still sustained the contest with a praiseworthy spirit and determined perseve- rance. Accordingly, when the House was again in Committee, on the 21st February, and Lord Castlereagh moved the second resolution, it was ably resisted by Mr. Saurin, Lord Corry, Mr. O'Donnell, and Mr. Tighe, who moved an adjourn- ment ; Mr. Saurin delivered a most able and justly celebrated speech against the measure ; and thus ended — I, then, would ask the noble Lord, and he is bound to answer it to this House and to the nation, what are the pos- sible measures, what the acts, what the regulations, which the wisdom, of his Majesty's Ministers may deem fit and salu- tary for this country, and calculated to tranquillize it ? and which he could venture to say would or could be passed in the Parliament magnificently styled Imperial, that would not and might not be passed in the Parliament of Ireland ? If none — is Union then a measure to tranquillize Ireland ? Can it tranquillize Ireland to see its Parlia- ment extinguished, under which it has enjoyed liberty and security? — a Parliament that has extended to the subjects of this country the benefits of the Habeas Corpus Bill ; * Charles Bushe (Solicitor-General) was mistaken in his construction of the Convention Act ; the opinions of Lord Erskine, Sir Samuel Romilly, and Sir Arthur Pigott were better, and were against him. If they were bad constitutional lawyers in Ireland, it must have been that there was no constitution there. Sir Arthur Pigott (Attorney-General) told the author that Burrowes's speech was unanswerable. 120 CHARACTER AND CONDUCT [CHAP. IV. has declared a standing army in time of peace, without the consent of Parliament, contrary to law ; has established the independence of the Judges of the land; has cherished, has secured, and promoted, the trade, the manufacture, and the agriculture of Ireland, now flourishing in an unex- ampled degree; that shelters and protects the people of this country against the insolence of office and the en- croachments of authority; ensures to this country the residence of its nobility and gentry, by furnishing to men of rank and education an honourable occupation, the objects of honest ambition and honourable exertion ; ensures to the country the enjoyment of that patronage with which the King is entrusted ; renders this country the seat of arts ; that improves and embellishes society ; that gives to this country a metropolis vieing in extent and beauty with the first cities in Europe ; that makes the distinction in a country between a nation and a province. These are the benefits and blessings of a resident independent Legis- lature ! ! The resolution was carried without a division, and Mr. Tighe's motion rejected. V/illiam Saurin was descended from a French family that took refuge in Ireland after the revo- cation of the edict of Nantes. He was called to the bar in 1780, and raised himself by his ability to the first rank in his profession. He kept aloof from public life until danger threatened his coun- try ;* then he came forward, and interposed in a noble manner in her defence. His style of speak- ing was grave and imposing; his delivery was earnest and impressive ; so that he both interested and persuaded. He was a good debater ; his reasoning was sound and logical ; but he was neither eloquent nor brilliant. His legal know- ledge was extensive ; and served to strengthen the constitutional doctrines he laid down, and which he advanced in the boldest and most fear- less manner in support of the liberties of his * He was so respected by his brethren at the bar, that they at once elected him as captain to command the Lawyers' Corps of Yeomanry 1798. CHAP. IV.] OF MR. SAURIN. 121 country ; and in consequence, his conduct at the Union procured for him universal admiration. His private character was modest and moral, and stood deservedly high ; and he enjoyed a reputation without a blemish. In his domestic circle he was amiable ; his manners were easy and gentle, and his temper calm and unruffled. This was the more surprising, as it was least expected, for he had a sombre air, a dark and overhanging brow, and a saturnine cast of countc- nance. Even his smile was tinged with severity, and his laugh (when he did laugh) was deep and hollow. Altogether, he would have been an ex- cellent model for the portrait of a puritan in the days of Cromwell. Notwithstanding this cold and unprepossessing exterior, he was much liked in private ; and had a number of personal friends, and among them those who were diametrically opposed to him in politics. They not only sought for but relished his society. Narrowness of mind was Saurin's misfortune — it seemed as if the edict of Nantes was evermore floating before his eyes, and that its revocation had filled his mind with supernatural horrors — thus when the Catholic question came on, he fell into a religious trance, and ended his political life in a state of somnambulism, — he could see, and he could walk, but in other re- spects was wholly irrational and insensible; lie deluded himself by imaginary fears, and remained to the last in a state of political aberration. The proceedings that he instituted against the Roman Catholics in 1811 and 1812,* were unconstitu- tional and indefensible, and his doctrine on the Convention Bill was arbitrary in the extreme. * Trials of Dr. Sheridan in 1811, and of Thomas Kirwan in 1812, on indictments under the Convention Act. Account of the jury panel arrayed by the Castle Sheriff on the second trial, as stated in Mr. Bur- rowes's speech, published Dublin, 1812. Dr. Sheridan was acquitted; Mr. Kirwan was found guilty. 122 CHARACTER AND CONDUCT [CHAP. IV. As a public prosecutor he was injudicious, severe, and oppressive ; he allowed his religious preju- dices to interfere and master him, and he suffered himself to be dragged along with a furious fac- tion and an intemperate court party that was at war with the people. The contest was angry and personal, and the mutual provocations bitter and exasperating.* Yet amid this racking strife he generally preserved a placid temper, and had address to disguise if not to subdue his wrath, so that he was seldom, if ever, thrown off his guard. His influence during the Tory administration which so long afflicted Ireland before the arrival of Lord Wellesley, was paramount and omni- potent—all those feelings of affection for his native country, which had shone forth so vividly and generously at the period of the Union, ap- peared to have been lost in the fear, if not the detestation, with which he regarded every effort to ameliorate the condition of the Catholic people; his whole life after 1800, was a conti- nued struggle against every principle that sa- voured of, and every man who supported reli- gious liberty. He was incapable of doing what he believed to be a mean action, and possessed a lofty and commendable pride, but he was essen- tially a religious bigot ; and there were few acts, no matter how flagrant or oppressive, that his religious antipathies might not have induced him to perform.^ The system of packing juries with heated religious partisans flourished, in the most mischievous luxuriance, under his sway ; at no other period had the insolence of the Orange faction a more unrestrained and licentious do- minion; at no other period did the Catholic * Duel, death of Mr. d'Esterre; challenge, O'Connell and Mr. (Sir Robert) Peel. f His letter to Lord Norbury about jurors of "the right sort" will not easily be forgotten. His prosecutions of the press increased more than ever. CHAP. IV.] OF MR. SAURIN. 123 Barrister, or the Liberal Protestant Barrister, find the obstacles to his advancement more insu- perable, than while the Bar was represented by- Mr. Saurin as Attorney-General, and modelled by Lord Manners as Chancellor. With the accession of Lord Wellesley to power in Ireland, his overgrown influence was at an end ; for up to that moment he had been virtually the Go- vernor of Ireland. He complained of ill treat- ment from the new administration ; but it was the change in the system of policy ; the advance from bigotry to toleration ; from darkness to light, that galled and grieved him.* After the Union he fell into the fatal error that Foster had committed before it ; — he had defended and stood up for Ireland as a people — he now depreciated and divided her and strove to sink her as a sect; he had avoided these dangerous shoals at the commencement of his voyage, but he was thrown upon them afterwards, and there he shattered all his fortunes; office was his ruin, he sunk by ac- cepting it, and he would have stood high and re- spected if he had kept free from its trammels and had not been embarrassed by that unpopular ap- pendage (the Attorney-Generalship) — it led him towards a mimic court (the rabble rout of Comusf without its elegance), and made him live among a set whose opinions he could not value, and whose conduct he could not respect. This des- perate fidelity was ill rewarded by the party whose fortunes he had embraced, J and in the * An anecdote is related of Lord Wellesley which explains the feel- ings that rankled in the ex-Attorney-General's heart: " I have been told," said the Viceroy, "that I have ill-treated Mr. Saurin. I offered him the chief justiceship of the King's Bench ; that was not ill-treating him : I offered him an English Peerage; that was not ill-treating him : I did not, it is true, continue him in the Viceroyalty of Ireland, for I," said Lord Wellesley, with increasing animation, "I am the Viceroy of Ireland !" j The Duke of Richmond's administration. | He was attorney-general from 1807, when the Whig party left office, to 1822, when they returned. 124 SPEECH OF MR. FOSTER [CHAP. IV, end he was passed by and neglected by them. On the whole, his case affords a striking instance how hazardous and unwise it is for any Irish- man, Whig or Tory, Protestant or Catholic, to embark his fame and fortunes with any other party except that of his country. Had this man lived and died the Saurin of 1800, the entire nation would have joined to inscribe on his tomb an epitaph that would have rendered his name immortal ! On the 27th of February, the subject of the Union was again debated in Committee, when Mr. Foster made another admirable speech ; he entered at considerable length into the entire question, the disgrace the Peerage were to undergo; the small number of representatives from Ireland in comparison with the number from England and Scotland ; he entered on the religious part of the question, and did justice to the Catholics. It was unfortunate that his mind had not expanded itself at an earlier period. Is the Irish Parliament to be so degraded, that it cannot discuss every question of Irish concern, and that a distant Parliament sitting in a distant land, is more adequate to it, or will give more content by its decision? — No, sir, we are not so lost to all duty, to all love of our country, to all integrity, that we are not to be trusted with the concerns of Ireland. I will tell the Right Hon. Gentleman, why I do not join that question with the Union. The Union seeks to take away our Parliament, our freedom, and our pros- perity ; the Catholic is equally a native of Ireland, equally bound by duty, by inclination to his country; he sees with us the danger of the attack, and joins with the Protestant to prevent its approach, and save the consti- tution ; he is wise in doing so — all differences are lost, they are asleep in this common cause, he joins heart to heart with his fellow-subjects, to oppose the common enemy, this damnable, destructive, and I had almost said, deceitful measure; if I were to ransack every dictionary in the CHAP. IV.] AGAINST THE UNION. 125 English language, I could not find words strong enough to express my abhorrence of the plan, or my dread of its fatal consequences. You talk of its restoring tranquillity — it is but talk — will taking men of property out of the country do it? will a plan full of the seeds of jealousy and discontent effect it? Will depriving a nation of the liberty which it has ac- quired, and to which it is devoted, ensure content ? — If religious jealousies disturb its quiet, are they to be allayed by a British Parliament? — No, sir, leave our own concerns to our own Parliament, we are equal to their manage- ment — and we will not yield in wisdom, liberality, pa- triotism, or firmness, to any Parliament that can sit in Britain, formed on new speculations, unknown to the Constitution. But I ask, if those jealousies have disturbed our quiet, who roused them ? I answer, that bench ! — not the noble lord, but those who then sat on that bench — British, not Irish councils, roused them ! and British, not Irish coun- cils, now propose this Union. Let us look back to 1782 — Irish spirit and British liberality removed all jealousies at that period : not one has occurred since between the kingdoms, and British councils now come forward to undo the measures of 1782 — to rouse, by this ill-timed project, public apprehension, and to put us into the situation we were in before that period, when continued jealousies retarded our prosperity, and distracted our tranquillity. Review the whole measure; it leaves to us every appendage of a kingdom, except what constitutes the essence of independence, a resident Parliament — separate state, separate establishment, separate exchequer, separate debt, separate courts, separate laws, the lord lieutenant, and the castle, all remain; we shall become a colony on the worst of terms, paying a settled system of contribu- tion, to be levied by laws not of our own making — and what are the benefits in return? None pretended, except in trade and revenue, which I have shown you to be the reverse of benefits — but if they were ever so great, I would spurn the offer, to be purchased by our liberty; neither revenue or trade will remain where the spirit of liberty ceases to be their foundation, and nothing can prosper in a state which gives up its freedom. — I declare most solemnly, that if England could give us all her 126 CHARACTER OF [CHAP. IV. revenue and all her trade, I would not barter for them the free constitution of my country. Our wealth, our pro- perties, our personal exertions are all devoted to her sup- port — our freedom is our inheritance, and with it we can- not barter. Mr. Foster was the son of the Chief Baron of the Exchequer — he was educated in Ireland, and called to the Bar in 1766, but soon left it for politics. He was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1785, and on the resignation of Mr. Pery in 1786, was chosen Speaker of the House of Commons. Notwithstanding some blemishes in his public character, he was en- dowed with many excellent qualities — his mea- sures in support of the Corn Trade of Ireland* were good, he followed in this respect the track of Lord Pery, and was of great utility to his country ; his care and personal attention to the Linen and Cotton manufactures were highly serviceable to the people, and redounded greatly to his credit. He had surprising knowledge of the resources of Ireland, her trade, her com- merce, and her capabilities. His design in pro- posing the original commercial propositions in 1785 was excellent; he forbore to urge those that were so faithlessly sent from England, and acted a wise and judicious part. He was an Irishman, though too much of a courtier, and too little inclined to the people; his com- mencement in Ireland was bad, but his conclusion was good. At his outset he supported a per- petual Mutiny Bill—opposed Free Trade in 1779, and opposed Independence in 1781, these how- ever were times when England was all dominant, and few men dared to speak or even think for their country ; but his fatal error was hostility to * In 1770, Ireland could not supply her people with bread, but these measures of Mr. Pery and Mr. Foster enabled her not only to feed them, but to export in large quantities. CHAP. IV.] MR. FOSTER. 127 the Catholics — on this question he discovered his mistake too late, and in 1800 he found at last how vain it was to contend for the freedom of a country without the aid of all her people. When Speaker of the Lower House he abridged the privileges of the Commons, limiting the space usually allotted to them in the gallery of the House, and appropriating it to the attendants of the Court, and here he acted in a partial and arbitrary as well as an unconstitutional manner. In 1795, at the time of Lord Fitzwilliam's short administration, he was sent for by the advisers of the Whig party, and was consulted by them in preference to Mr. Beresford ; the reason was that Foster was an Irishman attached to Ireland, though usually supporting Government, but Mr. Beresford was an English slave, though in private he was an honourable man. Foster was at no period ever popular, and his conduct in ? 9S was abominably bad, but at the Union he re- deemed himself; his arguments on that subject were excellent and unanswerable, and it was a fortunate circumstance for Ireland that he was friendly to her at that crisis, as a speech from him against her would have been highly preju- dicial to her interests. He did not possess any eloquence, but had a calm delivery — his manner was neither impassioned nor vehement, but he was accurate and firm; his argument was generally able, his positions well arranged, close, and re- gular ; his knowledge of the financial affairs of Ireland was extensive, and his speeches on her trade and commerce at the time of the Union were unrivalled and never answered. He received little attention from Mr. Pitt after the Union, and was not regarded by him; the latter remembered that Mr. Foster called his speech on that subject a paltry production, and 128 LETTER TO LORD MORNINGTON [CHAP. IV. his knowledge of finance was designedly dis- paraged in England ; he was, however, created Chancellor of the Exchequer for Ireland, on the retirement of Mr. Corry, and supported the Corn Bill in 1815, with a view to promote the agricul- ture of Ireland. On the whole he was a remark- able Irishman, and so long as Ireland need refer to the History of the Union for proof that it was neither a gain nor a compact her advocates will consult Mr. Foster's speeches. Notwithstanding the majorities that had been procured, Government appear to have entertained some apprehensions as to their final success ; the letter of the Lord Lieutenant to his friend and successor in India, reveals his opinion as to the " cold and languid" character of his party con- trasted with the zeal and activity of the others — when the letter has been read it shall be charac- terized as it deserves. The Marquis of Cornwallis to Lord Mornington. Dublin Castle, 2nd March, 1800. *#■*■# Your Correspondents in England will probably tell you that every thing is going on well in Ireland, and that the Union will be carried with ease, but believe me the task will turn out more difficult than they imagine, and although I trust that we shall ulti- mately succeed ; it will be after a long and violent con- test, the leaders of the Oppositioii are able, and their fol- lowers are animated with that zeal which vanity, prejudice, and self-interest naturally inspire. Mr. Grattan lias come forward ; their cause is espoused in distant parts of the kingdom by the lower class, who looked on with indifference as long as faction was untainted by disloyalty. We have a majority of between forty and fifty, scarcely any of whom will I believe desert from us — but they are in general cold and languid friends — and it is very difficult to procure such an attendance as the importance of the case and the activity and unfair dealing of the enemy render necessary for our daily security. Cornwalus, CHAP. IV.] FROM LORD CORNWALLIS. 129 Such is the letter of the representative of royalty, the head and director of the band of con- tractors who were per fas aut nefas to carry the Union, the man who bought and sold, bribed and bullied, left no class in the state from the highest to the lowest unapproached, unpolluted, and who alike contaminated the bench of justice and the bench of bishops ; it well became this Viceroy, who harboured in his Castle the wretch that went to Tinnehinch to entrap Mr. Grattan,* who pa- tronized the Assassination Club, who not only countenanced but promotedt the man who set on others to shoot their political opponents ; it well became him to call the honourable efforts of the Irish on behalf of their liberties — the effect of " vanity, prejudice, and self -interest," and to characterize Mr. Grattan and the highest men in the country as a " faction tainted by disloyalty" No circumstances should have induced Lord Cornwallis to act as he did. In the ensuing year he in part admitted his error, because he retired from the administration on the ground that there was a breach of the understanding upon which he embarked in the Union, namely, the Emancipa- tion of the Catholics. He states, that his private opinion was long in their favour, and that this concession was intended by the ministers, and was essential to secure to the empire the full benefit of the Union. He further admitted, as appears by a letter of Lord Redesdale's (Chan- cellor of Ireland) in 1802, that he and Lord • In the account of Secret Service Money, vouched by the affidavit of Edward Cooke, Esq., Under Secretary in 1798, 1800, and 1801, tMfl item appears : — For rooms in the Castle for Hughes since June 1798, Ji/h/ guineas. — Public Papers, No. XIV. See Appendix, Dr. Madden, vol. ii. t Mr. St. George Daly (who, at the meeting of the Castle party, said that "he had taken his man already, n recommending all to do the same) was promoted, on the dismissal of Mr. James Fitzgerald, Prime Ser- jeant. VOL. V. K 130 MOTION OF AN ADDRESS [CHAP. VI. Castlereagh were both pledged to the Catholics, and that such were their expressions ;* however, although he did not assent to the violation of the compact, he assisted in the sale, and this stain will for ever be attached to his name. History will record his ignominious conduct in Ireland while it commemorates his disgraceful capture in America, and notwithstanding his vaunted services in the East, the tears of India will rather augment than obliterate the disgrace. f On the 4th of March, Mr. George Ponsonby renewed his efforts against the Union, and brought forward a motion of address to His Majesty. He stated that twenty-six counties and most of the principal cities and towns, had petitioned against the measure ; that toward the close of the last session of Parliament, and since that period, no less than sixty three mem- bers had vacated their seats by accepting the Escheatorship of Munster, a nominal office similar to the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds ; that in the last Parliament the measure had been rejected, but that, since and by means of the Place Bill, the House had not only entered on the subject, but voted the principle. He then proposed three resolutions, first, that it was the constitutional right of the subject to petition ; that during the session petitions from twenty-six counties, besides several cities and towns, had been presented against the measure of Union ; that these resolutions be laid before the Lord * SeeLord Redesdale's letter to Lord Eldon, May, 1802, where he uses these words, "Lord Cornwallis and Lord Castlereagh are both pledged, as they say, to the Catholics." Yet Lord Castlereagh denied in 1810, on Mr. Grattan's motion in favour of the Catholics, that any pledges were given by him or Lord Cornwallis ! — See Lord Eldon s Life, vol. i. f When Lord Clive returned from his eastern conquests, he built a splendid mansion; it was inhabited too soon and the walls were drip- ping wet, upon which a friend observed, " These are the tears of India/'' CHAP. IV.] TO HIS MAJESTY LOST. 131 Lieutenant, with an address praying that they be laid before His Majesty. Mr. Saurin said, " that the measure went fundamentally to alter the constitution or rather to subvert it and substitute another, he denied that they could do this, they could not change the constitution without the consent or will of the people." Mr. Fox said, " that the people of Ireland had for six hundred years lived over a sleeping volcano, and that it must end." Plunket said, " that if Government passed the measure against the consent of the people of Ireland, the act will want all the attributes of the law, let the people of England beware lest their plan of subjugating and enslaving Ireland be not calculated to prepare the way for the slavery of England herself; the progress of the Minister towards simplicity of government makes it more likely; it is the simplicity of despotism to which all his measures tend." These resolu- tions were supported by Lord Corry, Colonel Barry, Stuart of Killymoon, Dawson, Lambert and Burrowes. Lord Castlereagh proposed the adjournment, which was carried by 155 to 107. Decisive and effectual as were these majorities, yet they appeared feeble and languid in the eyes of the Military Chief Governor, he sought to cut short these difficulties which he stated in his letter to Lord Mornington, and as if he could brook no delay, and could not even patiently wait the approaching demise of the Constitution, he deter- mined to expedite it by every means in his power, and again applied but with accumulated force his two favourite engines of destruction — terror and bribery. On the Sth of March his Attorney- General (Toler) brought in a bill more effectually to suppress the insurrection, and on the 18th his Solicitor-General brought in a bill to vest the k 2 132 REBELLION BILL CARRIED. [CHAP. IV. military with the jurisdiction and powers which the magistrates had under the Insurrection Act. Thus, by appointing to the commission of the peace, which already possessed rather an un- limited jurisdiction, the officers of the army, who had neither property nor connections in the coun- try where they acted, or in any part of Ireland, they in effect transformed a civil into a military government. On the ensuing day the abominable bill was committed and carried — the numbers being 140 to 56 against it. This measure was followed up by another of the same character, and on the 11th of March, the Attorney-General (Toler) brought in a Re- bellion Bill, which enacted martial law, and gave to the Lord Lieutenant the power to name upon courts-martial any officers or persons he chose, and made his certificate conclusive evidence on behalf of those who formed this tribunal, so as to protect them from the consequences of any excesses they might be guilty of under colour of the extraordinary powers vested in them ; if a rebellion had existed, such an act would even then have been considered an outrageous mea- sure, but after a period of two years there could not be any apology for its introduction. Mr. Peter Burrowes opposed it most ably, supported by Mr. Plunket, Parsons, Tighe, and Dawson ; Lord Castlereagh, Mr. Toler, and Dr. Duigenan contended for it vehemently; five repeated divi- sions took place with a view to arrest its pro- gress, but they were unsuccessful and it passed the Committee. Let it not be supposed that these bills were suffered to lie dormant on the statute book ; the military, being transformed into magistrates, became active civil officers, and administered the laws as if trained up in the halls of Westminster CHAP. IV.] PURCHASE OF THE BOROUGHS 133 and the Four Courts. A court-martial was held in Limerick by Sir James Duff,* to 11 try any persons for rebellion, sedition, or any crimes co?i- nected therewith such was the notice, and ac- cordingly they tried three countrymen for bur- glary in attacking a dwelling-house. The remaining measure of Government was of so astounding a nature, such a daring violation of every principle of justice and even decency, one of such wholesale bribery and turpitude, that it was carefully reserved for the last, and after the principle of the Union had been agreed to. The House having been prevailed on to go so far; any hesitation to advance still further in iniquity, and wade through every offensive mea- sure, was soon overcome. The plan was to ex- pend a million and a half in direct sums for the purchase of the boroughs : in other words, to buy the House of Commons. Fifteen thousand pounds was the sum to be awarded to each borough, and commissioners were subsequently to be appointed to allocate the sums to all who had an interest, or set up any claim; and accordingly, as in the case of Maryborough, individuals who had but a remote right, were considered and recompensed ; this wholesale pur- chase was carried on with most barefaced effron- tery on the part of the purchaser as well as the seller. The subjoined letter is one of the speci- mens of the spirit of the times, and shows the mischief a corrupt minister can occasion when he thus contaminates the whole society. * He was the officer in command of the troops ^ho put to death in cold blood a number of insurgents in the Curragh of Kildare, in 1798, after they had surrendered and yielded up their arms on the under- standing that they were to be protected. An excuse has been offered for this — An Excuse! for the massacre of unarmed powerless peasants to whom faith had been pledged ! 134 LETTER TO MARQUIS OF DONEGAL. [CHAP. IV. Edward May to the Marquis of Donegal. My dear Lord, I have just seen a letter informing me that Mr. Con- greve has written to you, and that lie is ready to resign his seat. I have sent to Dublin desiring the necessary papers for him to sign to be sent to you, which be so good as to forward to him requesting him to sign them, and send them either to me in Waterford, or to the proper officer in Dublin — or enclose me a letter to him desiring him to sign the papers. As I have ordered duplicates to be sent to me, I can get it done by sending some one to him. I beg you will not delay answering this, as Lord Castle- reagh is just arrived, and the 'parliamentary business will be immediately concluded. When compensation is made for the borough of Antrim, I think you should make a demand. You have the returning officer. You are Lord of the Manor, and could have commanded a great power there. / think you may get seven thousand pounds for your share. Your father always supported the Skeffington family as near relations. I would not move in this until I heard from you ; let me know, your opinion and I will act ac- cordingly when I go to Dublin, but you should not delay. Lord Masereene will claim the whole. Why should not you do what every other man in the kingdom does! Believe me, sincerely yours, Edward May. Clonmel, October 23, 1800. How prophetic the admonition of Mr. Grattan when, years before, he cautioned the country against the Ministry, when in '96 he complained of the conduct of Government, and repeated the words Lord Clare had dared to use in the House of Commons, that half a million had formerly been expended in buying the House, and that half a million would be required again. At that time Mr. Grattan emphatically told the people that they should extinguish the Minister, or he would extinguish the country. The event now proved the truth of those expressions ; that infa- CHAP. IV.] COMPENSATION TO BOROUGHMONGERS . 135 mous project was now on the point of being- carried into effect ; and a regular sale and barter of the people's rights and liberties was about being accomplished. The sum had been tripled, and one million and a half was to be the price of the pur- chase. Thus the money was extracted from the pockets of the Irish, in order to buy the persons who sold them; so that, in fact, the nation paid for its own extinction. Ireland has always been compelled to feed the assassin who stabs her to the heart. The shameful and enormous amount of money expended in this horrid traffic appears in the public accounts. On the 25th March, 1798 (the public accounts were always made up to that day), the funded debt of Ireland amounted to 9,275,000/.; on the 25th March, 1799, after the insurrection was over, the funded debt amounted to 14,920,000/. ; and on the 1st January, 1801, it had risen to 26,841,000/. It is not to be believed that the expenses attendant on the insurrection could have amounted to seventeen millions and a half (the increase from '98 to 1801). The secret service money (a most important item in the rebellion budget of the Castle), let it be recol- lected, was but 53,000/. ; so that the purchase of the boroughs and of the members were the grand items of expense. Such a profligate and daring- appropriation of public money ; its audacity, its infamy, roused the just indignation of the Oppo- sition ; and Mr. George Ponsonby gave notice that he should, on Thursday, 13th of March next, bring forward a resolution on the subject of the proposed measure for devoting the money of the people to purchase the representatives of the coun- try, under the colour of compensating borough- mongers. Mr. Plunket, rising, with indignation exclaimed. 136 MR. PLUNKEX'S SPEECH. [CHAP. IV. I ask the noble Lord to answer now. The Committee has gone through the legislative part of the measure, in which, I understood by the noble Lord's statement, that he meant to have introduced a proposal for compensation to the owners of boroughs, in consideration of an Union. Am I to understand, by the noble Lord not having brought for- ward that proposal now, that he has abandoned it ? because, if the noble Lord has decency enough to abandon so infamous, so base a part of his plan, as that of employ- ing the money of the people to buy up their representa- tives, he deserves credit; and I call upon him now to stand up in his place and avow the abandonment, in order that the public mind may be calmed upon a subject of such abomination, so irritating to their feelings, so insulting to the honour of their country ; and in order that no base miscreant— however honourable or noble his rank, however powerful his influence, who had the meanness and crimi- nality to listen to the corrupt and degrading proposal of purchasing from him the representative rights of his country for fifteen, twenty, or forty thousand pounds, to be wrung from the bowels of his miserable country, and afterwards have the baseness to boast of his venality- may continue to exult in his infamous and corrupt triumph over every principle of national honour and national justice. This bold and animated appeal, delivered in Mr. Plunket's severe and caustic manner, and conveyed in such scathing language, produced no effect on the cold temperament of Lord Castle- reagh. He quailed before his opponent, and was silent. This is the meagre statement of all that remains of the most animated, spirited speech, which created so deep a sensation in the House. The speaker was no ordinary character. Of all those who came forward at this impor- tant crisis, Y^illiam Conyngham Plunket stood the first. He was returned in 1797, for the same place that Mr. Grattan had represented on his first entrance into Parliament — the Borough of Charlemont ; for it was the good fortune of its noble proprietor to have patronized two of the CHAP. IV.] MR. PLUNKET. 137 ablest men who ever appeared in any age of any country, and at the most eventful periods of Ire- land's history (the most brilliant epoch at one time, the most disastrous at the other) — Mr. Grat- tan in 1782, Mr. Plunket in 1800. The latter came forward to defend what the former had so nobly earned ; and both did honour to the prin- ciples and virtues of that illustrious personage, who in early life had encouraged their patriotic efforts, shared in all the national labour, and justly participated in the glory of his country, and who also had the good fortune to die before he could behold the destruction of that constitution which he had taken such pains and such pride in estab- lishing. Mr. Plunket was a deep reader, a profound thinker, and a sagacious observer of mankind. He could learn quicker than any man; at one view he perceived the tendency of a measure, and saw from afar its errors and its consequences. His power of perception was great ; his power of discrimination greater ; and the clearness of his intellect was surprising. He was full of sense and judgment ; he was a close and acute reasoner, a powerful debater, and most argumentative even when most eloquent. His speeches were iron- bound on all sides ; solid and compact ; never exposing a weak point to his adversary. His eye discovered not merely reflection, but command ; and his irony was the most effective and most to be dreaded ; it was not simply dissecting the human body, but flaying it alive. When he arraigned Lord Castlereagh for his plan to buy the members, by a million and a half to be ex- pended for the purchase of the boroughs, it was more than the denunciation of an injured and in- dignant mortal — it was fire snatched from above ; he soared beyond the low region where he was 138 MR. PLUNKET. [CHAP. IV. placed, to draw from a superior armoury the fittest weapons to defend his country, and poured down on the devoted head of her implacable foe the storm, and tempest, and lightning of his anger. All his speeches were remarkable, but his finest speeches were most finished performances ; they were master-pieces of oratory;* they contained profound views, and answered every thing. His speech on the Catholic question, in the Imperial Parliament, will long be remembered. He put forward the strength of their case in a manner that not only caught the auditory, but drew from onef of the greatest opponents of their claims the re- mark, that Plunket had done more to advance their cause in the House than any of their advo- cates; and from another, that his talents had excited the highest admiration, and his convincing speech would never be forgotten.^ His speech on the French war in 1815 was powerful and masterly ; no man in the House of Commons could have put the several cases of right to go to war, and of the right to interfere with the govern- ment of other States, in so powerful a manner; so clear, and each so distinct, like a stream that pours from the rock, strong and pellucid. His pleading in the case of the King against O' Grady was a master-piece of forensic ability ; so much so, that it was stated in private by one of the Judges, § that he had never known what argument was until he heard Plunket in that cause. A common observer might consider him cold and cautious in private, but that was not his cha- * Mr. Whitbread, in the debate of May, 1808, said, his brilliant talents and splendid eloquence at once convinced and delighted. f Sir Robert Peel ; and see Lord Dudley's Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff, p. 280. I Lord Castlereagh, in debates on the Catholic question. § St. George Daly (brother of Denis) in a conversation with his nephew, the Bishop of Cashel. CHAP. IV.] MR. PLUNKET. 139 racter ; he possessed a humour at once agreeable and instructive, and in the minutest things he showed that his understanding was of the first order. Take him altogether, he was an extraordinary man. The son of a worthy Presbyterian clergy- man in the north of Ireland, possessed of a small fortune, who died leaving a large family with little to support them, and this individual then a very young child. Deprived of his father, he managed to procure for himself the best education, and to gain the highest name in the University of Dub- lin ; so high that he would not even accept a fellowship if it had been conferred upon him. He thence raised himself at the bar, and became a most distinguished advocate. He then got into the Parliament of both kingdoms ; the Irish Par- liament first, the Imperial Parliament afterwards. He was advanced to the highest offices in the State — Attorney General, Chief Justice, Lord Chancellor of Ireland. He was offered the Rolls in England, and finally received a British Peerage. All this he did — not by dint of art or money— not by stooping to the vulgar ways of low ambition, or of crafty pride — not, as Lord Clare did, by abusing and selling his country — nor, as Lord Eldon did, by cringing and crouching to royalty; he excelled every where, and succeeded in almost every thing ; he upheld the rights of Ireland, defended her cause, and advanced himself solely by his gigantic abilities and fearless energy.* In this catalogue George Ponsonby cannot be omitted. His house had long ruled in Ireland; * He showed great fidelity to principle — he refused the office of attorney-general when Mr. Fox's party left power in 1807, and thereby sacrificed upwards of 100,000/. Two of the leading members of the new government wrote to say, he might resume office and vote as he pleased, but he refused ths offer and disdained to sacrifice his prin- ciples. 140 MR. PONSONBY.. [CHAP. IV. and, though defective in some points, was not a bad government for the country. He voted with Mr. Grattan in 1782, on the question of indepen- dence, and at the present crisis he exerted himself nobly, and struggled to preserve her constitution. He did so with zeal, ability, and spirit. Some of his speeches were w r orthy of the cause ; those in 1799 were bold and masterly, particularly that in which he addressed Lord Castlereagh with so much sarcasm and severity. He acquired great credit ; and when he went to the Parliament of another country, he carried with him the just fame he had acquired by defending his own. He had been bred to the bar, and did his business well. He spoke on the case of the fiats in 1790, and opposed the arbitrary doctrine of the King's Bench in a manner at once impressive and admi- rable, and that evinced his knowledge of law and his love of the constitution. As a judge he was upright and efficient, and gave general satisfaction ; but he sat too short a time to establish his reputation. When he entered on the duties of Chancellor in 1806, he found an arrear of six years, 600 motions, and 427 causes. He cleared all the motions and 200 of the causes, besides the usual business of the Court ; and if he had staid in office longer, he would have cleared all. He had too much the habits of a lawyer, and spoke by paragraphs, which rather tires the ear ; and is not a style, but a repetition of curt sentences. In this respect his manner was deficient ; but his great fault was, that he did not read sufficiently to get to the bottom of his subject. He did not go as deep as he could, and not always as deep as he ought; he made up his mind without suffi- cient information ; so that although in debate he was a very prudent man, yet when he came to CHAP. IV.] MR. PONSONBY. 141 act he was not so: slow in council, but precipitate in action. He possessed a love of liberty, and of a sort that would not suffer it to overturn the Govern- ment. His aristocracy was not a bad one ; he was of use to Ireland, and deserved well of her ; he had a public mind, and felt for his country ; lie had a just reserved sense of her injuries, and would not omit any occasion to redress them ; he was a good patron and a good father, and had a good understanding. His voice was soft and pleasing; his manner calm and impressive; his temper unruffled and happy ; vivacity charac- terised his mind, and generosity his disposition.* He was an able speaker, and possessed an argu- mentative humour, a cunning shrewdness, and a knowledge of the folly of mankind. Unfortu- nately he yielded too much to narrow sentiments, and had a love of engrossing all consultation, and doing all business himself. He was too fond of patronage and monopoly, and affected such a mystery in every thing that it impaired his popu- larity. He acted nobly at the Union, and after it he went to England with a great reputation ; and in his new situation he not only upheld but increased it. He did what none of the first Englishmen would undertake ; he headed their party. His success surprised every one, and that among a people who require great statement and great knowledge of detail. The office of leader of the Opposition in the Imperial Parliament was forced upon him. Lord Grey wished to avoid it; Lord Henry Petty! was not anxious to take it ; and the party compelled Ponsonby to accept it. This was creditable to his character, but fatal to * His conduct to Mr. Goold at the Union respecting Mr. Whaley's seat, was noble ; see ante. t Now Marquis of Lansdowne. 142 MR, PONSONBY. [CHAP. IV. his fortune. He was more than generous — he was lavish.* As a leader he conducted himself with ability and discretion ; he led the party into no difficulties, and kept them out of several scrapes. f He displayed good management and great discretion ; did not shrink from any ques- tion ; spoke well on the leading ones, and on that of Parliamentary privilege was distinguished. But he showed some violence in his opposition, and some weakness in his government. J On the 13th of March, Mr. George Ponsonby being unwell, was not able to make the motion he had given notice of, and it was submitted to the House by Sir John Parnell, but not without considerable cavil and objection on the part of Lord Castlereagh, who insisted that the motion of which notice had been given by Mr. Ponsonby could only be made by him. The Speaker, how- ever, decided against Lord Castlereagh, and Sir John Parnell after presenting several petitions against the measure, proposed an address to his Majesty praying that he may be graciously pleased to dissolve the present Parliament and call a new one before any final arrangement shall be concluded in relation to the measure of a Le- gislative Union, he accompanied this motion by a very able speech, of which the following is an extract : — " What is the foundation of the application of the people, and upon what grounds are they justified for soliciting the protection of their Parliament; they wish to avert the loss of their constitution, which they possess under the * He paid 8001. a year to the Deputy of the Master of the Rolls, whom Mr. Curran insisted he had a right to remove from the office. f In the cases of the Princess of Wales and of Norway. — See Parlia- mentary Debates. I Mr. Curran, Mr. Hardy and others were not as promptly considered in 1806 as they deserved ; but this was after the Union, and its natural consequence. CHAP. IV.] SIR JOHN PARNELL's SPEECH. 143 sanction of law, and under which they have hitherto lived free, and enjoyed increasing prosperity; they wish to avert a measure, which, from the unanimous evidence offered at your bar, threatens destruction to their com- merce and manufactures. " They wish to preserve tranquillity in Ireland and British connexion, both of which they consider to be in danger by this rash, unnecessary, and dangerous project — what is the equivalent held out to compensate them for the loss of their legal and established rights ? A treaty which on the face of it admits that it is not to be perma- nent, which avows that its commercial regulations, injurious as they are in their present state, may become more so at the future discretion of one of the contracting parties, which places the proportion of the taxes to be paid by this country, in a similar situation, and which binds this country to pay a certain proportion of an unlimited and incalculable expense, before the measure should be com- pleted. Must not the public mind naturally be turned to the manner in which it has been conducted, and to the means which have been used for carrying it into effect? It was introduced at a period of rebellion, when martial law had superseded the civil power — it was uncalled for on the part of Ireland, and rejected by its Parliament — why then has it been re-assumed, not as it has been alleged, from a change in the sense of the people, but from a change in the persons who compose this assembly — a much greater number than those who compose the minister's majority, gave their first vote in Parliament to alter its constitution ; however respectable in their private character and fortunes, they could not be the best judges of the Parliamentary constitution, in which they had no experience — they in general represent boroughs where seats have been vacated by the power given in the place bill, though the minister refuses to take the sense of the coun- ties by a dissolution of Parliament ; he has not hesitated to appeal to the sense of the boroughs, by a partial change in the representation of Parliament. Are these new mem- bers in general more attached to Ireland from their birth and possessions than those gentlemen were whom they succeed ? are we to attribute to these causes that they almost universally differ from them in their political opinions? When this question was first suggested, it appeared to me most dangerous in its future consequences. 144 SIR JOHN PARNELL. [CHAP. IV. I foresaw that by banishing the Irish gentry, it removed from the country those who by their authority were able to suppress popular tumult, and give efficacy to the laws; those who from their known loyalty had proved themselves to have afforded the best bond for British and Irish con- nexion. I foresaw that property would be lessened, and that the spirit of commerce would droop in a country which had surrendered its constitution. I would not be an accomplice in a measure pregnant with such mis- chievous consequences. I determined to make every per- sonal sacrifice rather than concur in doing an injury to to my country. Under these impressions I propose the present measure. I am willing to surrender to my con- stituents the seat which they have conferred on me; a sacrifice which I trust will be adopted by other members of parliament, who are placed in a similar situation as myself — they will by doing so prove their liberality and their disinterestedness, preferring the interests of their constituents to their own. I trust that this house will hesitate before it adopts a measure unparalleled in the annals of history. No country possessed of legal, acknow- ledged, and undisputed rights, have ever voluntarily sur- rendered them, unawed by force, and undisturbed in their political and commercial possessions. I trust that the house will recollect that spirit which has ever marked the conduct of their ancestors, however the Irish character may have been degraded for the purpose of fabricating an argument to justify the present measure, it has ever been acknowledged to have been distinguished for its high and liberal spirit — 1 trust that the house will, by its conduct this night, support the national character, and save the country." Sir John Parnell was an honest, straight-for- ward, independent man, possessed of considerable ability and much public spirit; as Chancellor of the Exchequer, he was not deficient, and he served his country by his plan to reduce the interest of money. He was amiable in private, mild in dis- position, but firm in mind and purpose. His con- duct at the Union did him honour, and proved how warmly he was attached to the interests of his country, and, on this account he was dismissed CHAP. IV.] SIR JOHN PARNELL. 145 from the situation in which he had succeeded Mr. Foster when appointed Speaker in 1786. He was a personal friend of Mr. Grattan's, as appears from the occurrence regarding his office in 1795, and which affords no slight proof that he was a man of integrity. His son Henry was with him in Parlia- ment, and both voted against the Union. Sir John was grandson to one of the judges of the Kings Bench in Ireland, and grandnephewof Dr. Thomas Parnell the poet, the friend and cotemporary of Swift and of Pope, whose works are eulogised by Johnson and Goldsmith, and immortalized by Pone in his Epistle and Dedication to the Earl of Oxford* * H Such were the notes, thy once-loved poet sung, Till death untimely stopp'd his tuneful tongue. Oh, just beheld, and lost ! admir'd and mourn'd! With softest manners, gentlest arts, adorn'd! Blest in each science, blest in ev'ry strain ! Dear to the muse, to Harley dear in vain ! For him, thou oft hast bid the world attend, Fond to forget the statesman in the friend : For Swift and him, despis'd the farce of state The sober follies of the wise and great; Dext'rous, the craving, fawning crowd to quit, And pleas'd to 'scape from flattery to wit. Absent or dead, still let a friend be dear (A sigh the absent claims, the dead a tear) Recall those nights that clos'd thy toilsome days, Still hear thy Parnell in his living lays : Who careless, now, of int'rest, fame, or fate, Perhaps forgets that Oxford ere was great, Or, deeming meanest what we greatest call, Beholds thee glorious only in thy fall." Thomas Parnell, father of the poet and the judge, had left Congleton, the family residence in Cheshire, at the period of the Restoration, had settled in Ireland, and purchased a landed property in the Queen's county. There was a vein of talent that ran through the entire family in their several generations — serviceable to their country in some — agreeable in others — singular and eccentric in all. Henry was the author of some able pamphlets on the subject of Ireland, his work on Finance was good, and his History of the Penal Laws was deservedly praised. He was a member of the Imperial Parliament for a long period of time, and in 1841 was created a peer by the Whig party, under the title of Lord Congleton. Another son of Sir John's, was William; he was a man of taste and considerable ability, of whimsical talents, and passionately fond of the country, which his residence at Avondale, near VOL. V. L 146 OPPOSITION PROPOSE TO [CHAP. IV. This proposal to dissolve Parliament was a very- try in g question to the ministry, for they had all along contended that the people were favourable to the Union. They resisted the motion with all their might, and denied the validity of the in- stance of Scotland, which was quoted, and also that of the English [Revolution in 1688. This drew forth an able retort from Mr. Saurin, vindi- cating the conduct of those who had taken so meritorious and noble a part at that glorious period. He said — Those great men who had assisted in the Revolution of 1688, had put down the slavish doctrine of passive obe- dience—they had declared that the king held his crown by compact with the people, and that when the crown violated that compact, by subverting, or attempting to subvert, the constitution, which was the guarantee of that people's liberty, the crown was forfeited, and the nation had a right to transfer the sovereign power to other hands. They had no notion of the doctrines which he was sorry to see now received — that the people were bound to submit to what- ever that power thought proper to inflict upon them. At that day such a monstrous proposition as this would not have been tolerated, though now it began to raise its head and threaten the constitution. But he for one would not admit it. He would re-assert the doctrine of the glorious Revolution, and boldly declare, in the face of that House and of the nation, that when the sovereign power violated that compact which at the Revolution was declared to exist between the Government and the people, that moment the right of resisting that power accrues. Whether it would be prudent in the people to avail themselves of that right would be another question — but surely, if there be this right in the nation to resist an unconstitutional as- the Vale of Avoca, contributed to increase, and the description of which can never be forgotten by any one who has read Mrs. Henry Tighe's poem, or Thomas Moore's melody. William sat for a short time in the Imperial Parliament, as member for the county of Wicklow; he, too, was attached to his country and to liberty; he was the author of several works, and his essay entitled " An Historical Apology for the Roman Catholics," got him just and great credit. On the whole, they were a race that deserve notice in the history of Ireland. CHAP. IV.] DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT. 147 sumption of power which threatened the public liberty, there could not occur a stronger case for the exercise of it than this measure would afford if carried against the will of the majority of the nation. If a Legislative Union should be so forced upon this country against the will of its in- habitants, it would be a nullity, and resistance to it icould be a struggle against usurpation, and not a resistance against law. You may make the Union binding as a law, but you cannot make it obligatory on conscience — it ivill be obeyed as long as England is strong, but resistance to it will be, in the abstract, a duty, and the exhibition of that resistance will be a mere question of prudence. Sir Lawrence Parsons followed in the same strain, and pressed the Government severely. He boldly asserted that, Posterity would never believe that the measure was sanctioned by the public approbation, if the proposal of the right honourable baronet was rejected, and if the noble lord attempted to carry the measure against the sense of the people, the consequence, sooner or later, must be a con- vulsion in this country, and a separation from Great Britain. Every country had its days of strength and days of weakness, and he remembered when England could en- force the obedience of this kingdom, but he had also seen that day pass by. A conquest was more difficult to main- tain than to effect, and he would look upon the present measure, if carried against the sense of the people, but as a measure of conquest, and if the people submit, it will only be from prudence and not from choice. On this debate Lord Castlereagh came forward more prominently than he had on former occa- sions, and, replying to Mr. Saurin, said, that while he acknowledged that he was a most able lawyer, he must say he appeared to be very young in poli- tics ; therefore he found it necessary to separate his legal from his political knowledge, and to say, that however his professional opinions may accord with the principles of the Constitution, his doc- trines in the House were those of Tom Paine. The motion was strongly supported by Mr. W. l 2 148 UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEASURES [CHAP. IV. SPonsonby, Grattan, Egan, and Goold, but was re- jected by 150 to 104. On the 19th, resolutions were carried, and a motion of Mr. OHara, that the chairman should leave the chair in order to put an end to the question, was lost by 112 to 134, majority 22. On these occasions Mr. Grattan in vain exerted himself; he moved that the report of the committee sriould be read on Friday the 21st August, this was rejected by 154 to 107, and on the 25th of March the report of the committee in favour of the Union was brought up and passed.* As if it were to guard against the dangers of a general election, and the expression of an opinion adverse to Government, Mr. John Claudius 13 ere s- ford, though he professed to be a sincere opponent of the Union, introduced, on the 29th of March, a bill to prevent persons who had aided or assisted the late rebellion from voting for members of Par- liament. This strange and unprecedented mea- sure embraced both guilty and innocent, many individuals having been driven to take that step, and others having received protection and pardon. It was supported by Dr. Duigenan and Mr. Ogle, and was opposed by Sir Hercules Langrishe, who moved it to be read that day six months, which he carried by 33 to 13. The scope and object of this was to create terror and panic throughout the country, and to prevent any exertion on her be- half. Another measure which was also resorted to, to lessen the power of the country, was proposed by Lord Castlereagh. He brought in a bill to enable the Government to accept of the services of the Irish militia, and he sent 5,000 of them to Eng- * On the 27th of March Lord Castlereagh brought in a bill to legalize the vote of the Parliament of 1735, against the payment of the clergy of the tithe of agistment. CHAP. IV.] OF THE GOVERNMENT. 149 land ; thus the English militia were sent into Ireland, and the Irish militia were sent out of it. Another measure was the act of Indemnity, which was passed respecting Judkin Fitzgerald ; this individual had made himself notorious for the cruelties he had practised, even with his own hands, during the times of the disturbances. On the 6th April, Lord Mathew presented a petition from him praying to be indemnified for acts done during the time of the rebellion. This was in consequence of a verdict which had been given against him in the case of a person of the name of Wright, a French teacher, in whose pocket he had found a letter written in that language, and in consequence of which Judkin Fitzgerald, who could not read French, had flogged him most un- mercifully. Toler, the Attorney-General, moved that the petition be referred to a Secret Commit- tee, which was opposed by Plunket, Brown, Edgeworth, Hutchinson, Yelverton; the disgrace- ful bill, after considerable debating, was passed by 65 to 14 voices, and the House adjourned to the 10th of April. In the House of Lords the measure found little opposition ; the message in favour of a Union was delivered by Lord Clare on the 10th of February, and was carried by 75 to 26. It was supported by Lord Donoughmore on the ground that the Roman Catholics would receive justice in an United Parliament, where their claims would be temperately discussed and finally conceded. Lord Clare rested his main objection to an Irish Parlia- ment on the question of Regency, and on the religious animosities which existed, destroying all social happiness and threatening the country with endless contests. His speech was a sort of Irish history, a collection of her calamities and civil broils, distressing to hear, and delivered with a 150 ME. GRATTAN's ABLE [CHAP. IV. discreditable purpose, full of misstatement, mis- representation, and calumny; abusing the Irish, assailing- the Catholics, flattering the English, and aspersing the brightest passages of Irish history ; he attacked Lord Downshire and Lord Charle- mont for the letter they had issued, and he in- veighed against Mr. Grattan and the party with whom he had acted ; this ill-judged and censu- rable display was published in a pamphlet of up- wards of 100 pages. Mr. Grattan having been so pointedly alluded to, thought proper to reply to it, and he did so in one of his ablest and best productions ;* he de- fended the character of his countrymen, exposed the unjust charges brought against them, and drew a most interesting and eloquent description of his early friends, in a manner that does j ustice to their memory, and deserves to be recorded to their latest posterity. The subjoined is an ex- tract : — Mr. Mai one, Lord Pery, late Lord Shannon, Duke of Leinster, the Mr. Ponsonbys, Mr. Brownlovv, Sir William Osborne, Mr. Burgh, Mr. Daly, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Ogle, Mr. Flood, Mr. Forbes, Lord Charlemont, and myself; I follow the author through the graves of these honourable dead men, for most of them are so ; and I beg to raise up their tombstones, as he throws them down ; I feel it more instructive to converse with their ashes, than with his com- positions. Mr. Malone, one of the characters of '53, was a man of the finest intellect that any country ever produced. et The three ablest men I have ever heard, were Mr. Pitt (the father), Mr. Murray, and Mr. Malone ; for a popular assembly I would choose Mr. Pitt ; for a privy council, Murray ; for twelve wise men, Malone." This was the opinion which Lord Sackville, the secretary of ? 53, gave of Mr. Malone to a gentleman from whom I heard it. " He is a great sea in a calm," said Mr. Gerrard Hamil- * It will be found in the volume of Mr. Grattan's Miscellaneous Works, page 96, collected by the author ; also in D. Madden's select speeches of Grattan in the appendix. CHAP. IV.] REPLY TO LORD CLARE . 151 ton, another great judge of men and talents; " Aye," it was replied, " but had you seen him when he was young, you would have said he was a great sea in a storm and like the sea, whether in calm or storm, he was a great pro- duction of nature. Lord Pery, he is not yet canonized by death ; but he, like the rest, has been canonized by slander. He was more or less a party in all those measures which the pamphlet condemns, and indeed in every great statute and measure that took place in Ireland for the last fifty years ; a man of the most legislative capacity I ever knew, and the most comprehensive reach of understanding I ever saw ; with a deep engraven impression of public care, accompanied by a temper which was tranquillity itself, and a personal firmness that was adamant ; in his train, is every private virtue that can adorn human nature. Mr. Brownlow, Sir William Osborne, I wish we had more of these criminals; the former seconded the address of '82 ; and in the latter and in both, there was a station of mind that would have become the proudest senate in Europe. Mr. Flood, my rival, as the pamphlet calls him — and I should be unworthy the character of his rival, if in his grave I did not do him justice — he had his faults, but he had great powers ; great public effect; he persuaded the old, he inspired the young ; the Castle vanished before him; on a small subject he was miserable; put into his hand a distaff, and, like Hercules, he made sad work of it; but give him the thunderbolt, and he had the arm of a Jupiter; he misjudged when he transferred himself to the English Parliament ; he forgot that he was a tree of the forest, too old and too great to be transplanted at fifty ;* and his seat in the British Parliament is a caution to the friends of Union to stay at home, and make the country of their birth the seat of their action. Mr. Burgh, another great person in those scenes, which it is not in the little quill of this author to depreciate. He was a man singularly gifted — with great talent ; great variety ; wit, oratory, and logic ; he too had his weakness ; — but he had the pride of genius also ; and strove to raise his country along with himself ; and never sought to build his elevation on the degradation of Ireland. • Mr. Grattan was an exception to his own rule, being fifty-nine when he entered the Imperial Parliament. 152 MR. GRATTAN's ABLE [CHAP. IV* I moved an amendment for a free export ; he moved a better amendment, and he lost his place; I moved a de- claration of right ; " with my last breath will I support the right of the Irish Parliament/' was his note to me when I applied to him for his support ; he lost the chance of re- covering his place, and his way to the seals, for which he might have bartered. The gates of promotion were shut on him, as those of glory opened. Mr. Daly, my beloved friend — he, in a great measure, drew the address of '79, in favour of our trade ; that " un- gracious measure and he saw, read, and approved of the address of '82, in favour of constitution ; that address of (i separation he visited me in my illness, at that mo- ment, and I had communication on those subjects with that man, whose powers of oratory were next to perfec- tion ; and whose powers of understanding, I might say, from what has lately happened, bordered on the spirit of prophecy.* Mr. Forbes, a name I shall ever regard, and a death I shall ever deplore— enlightened, sensible, laborious, and useful — proud in poverty, and patriotic, he preferred exile to apostacy, and met his death. I speak of the dead, I say nothing of the living, but that I attribute to this con- stellation of men, in a great measure, the privileges of your country ; and I attribute such a generation of men to the residence of your Parliament. The ministers of the crown, who, in the times related by the pamphlet, did the king's business, were respectable and able men ; they supported sometimes acts of power, but they never, by any shocking declaration, outraged the constitution ; they adjusted themselves to the idea of liberty, even when they might have offended against the principle, and always kept on terms of decency with the people and their privileges ; least of all did they indulge in a terma- gant vulgarity, debasing, to a plebeian level, courts and senates, and mortgaging Irish infamy on a speculation of British promotion. In the list of injured characters, I beg leave to say a few words for the good and gracious Earl of Charlemont ; an attack not only on his measures, but on his representative, * This alludes to a dinner party in Mr. Hobart's time, when Lord Clare grew gay, and declaimed violently against the Union. After he left the company, Daly said, " That little fellow would vote for it to- morrow" CHAP. IV.] REPLY TO LORD CLARE. 153 makes his vindication seasonable ; formed to unite aristo- cracy and the people, with the manners of a court and the principles of a patriot, with the flame of liberty and the love of order, unassailable to the approaches of power, of profit, or of titles, he annexed to the love of freedom a veneration for order, and cast on the crowd that followed him the gracious shade of his own accomplishments, so that the very rabble grew civilised as it approached his person ; for years did he preside over a great army with- out pay or reward ; and he helped to accomplish a great revolution, without a drop of blood. Let slaves utter their slander, and bark at glory which is conferred by the people ; his name will stand ; — and when their clay shall be gathered to the dirt to which they belong, his monument, whether in marble, or in the hearts of his countrymen, shall be consulted as a subject of sor- row, and a source of virtue. Should the author of the pamphlet pray, he could not ask for his son a greater blessing than to resemble the good Earl of Charlemont; nor could that son repay that blessing by any act of gratitude more filial, than by com- mitting to the flames his father's publications.* * The character of Mr. Yelverton was here omitted ; perhaps the Union, that blot upon his fame, was the cause. Mr. G rattan how- ever, did not forget him, and long after the passions of the day had passed, he alluded to his countryman in the following remarkable man- ner, in the debate on the Roman Catholic question, on the 25th of May, 1808, alluding to the penal code, Mr. Grattan said, " It was detailed by the late Lord Avonmore — I heard him — his speecli was the whole of the subject, and a concatenated and inspired argument not to be resisted ; it was the march of an elephant, it was the wave of the Atlantic, a column of water three thousand miles deep. lie began with the Catho- lic at his birth, he followed him to his grave; he showed that in every period he was harassed by the law — the law stood at his cradle, it stood at his bridal bed, and it stood at his coffin." The speech that Mr. Grattan here eulogizes was made by Mr. Yelverton in favour of the Catholics in 1782, when the laws were re- laxed ; no trace of it remains. 154 CHAPTER V. Proceedings in the British Parliament on the Union. — Sheridan's exer- tions against it. — Lord Downshire on the offers to him from Govern- ment. — Lord Camden on the torture in Ireland. — Description of the Government supporters in the Irish Parliament in the Lower House. — St. George Daly, William Smith, Luke Fox, Robert Johnson, all created judges for their votes. — Society of the Monks of the Screw. — Dr. Frederick Jebb. — Johnson promoted.— Curran's great eulogium on Lord Avonmore. — Anecdote of him by Curran. — Dr. Arthur Browne killed by the Union. — In the upper House, Lord Pery, Lord Carleton, Lord Rilwarden, Lord Avonmore. — Anecdote of, by Curran. — His last speech in the House alluding to Mr, Grattan. — Lord Cas- tlereagh. — His character and conduct. — Motion of Mr. O'Donnell that the placemen should go to the Lord Lieutenant with the address on the Union. — List of them. — Union Bill read a second time. — Mr. Gratlan's speech. — Encomium on him by Mr. Burrowes. — Motion that the Union Bill be burned. — Bill passed the 7th of June. — Re- ceives the Royal Assent on the 1st of August. — Speeches against the Union bought by Lord Castlereagh and burned. The proceedings in the British Parliament merit attention. In the preceding year both Houses had voted an address to his Majesty recommend- ing a Union, and, in 1800, the subject was again brought forward by Mr. Pitt, who carried his re- solutions in favour of the Union. On the 11th of April Lord Grenville moved an address to the King, approving of these resolutions, and praying that they should be transmitted to the Parliament of Ireland. This was seconded by Lord Auck- land (Mr. Eden) and passed; and on the 21st of April, Mr. Pitt moved and carried the question for a committee on the subject. It was opposed by Mr. Sheridan,* Doctor Lawrence, and Mr. * During this struggle Sheridan displayed great boldness, spirit, and national feeling ; he brought forward motion after motion in behalf of his CHAP. V.] THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. 155 (afterwards Lord) Grey, who proposed an address to his Majesty, urging that all proceedings might be suspended until the sentiments of the Irish people upon the subject had been ascertained. This was lost on division by 30 to 206. On the 21st of April Lord Grenville proposed a similar committee in the Lords, in which he moved the three first articles of Union. On a division there were 82 for, and only three against his motion — Lords Derby, Holland, and King. On the 22nd, Mr. Pitt, after reading a letter of the Duke of Portland's in 1782, by which he sought to prove that the settlement of '82 was not final, moved that the House should concur with the Lords' address on the subject of the Union. Mr. Dou- glas (afterwards Lord Glenbervie) made a long speech in support of it. Sir Francis Burdett op- posed it, — he said that one individual (Mr. Fox) had been driven in despair from the councils of the kingdom, to whom alone the Irish would have listened. Colonel FitzPatrick asserted (from his own knowledge, as he had been secretary in Ire- land at the time) that the letter of the Duke of Portland's, read by Mr. Pitt, was not a public paper, but a private note of his own, written with- out concert with any of his council, and had refe- rence merely to commercial arrangements (this was the fact}. The motion was agreed to. Such were the proceedings of the British Par- liament, whose right to interfere with the affairs of Ireland Mr. Pitt had, on former occasions, country, in opposition to Mr. Pitt, but he met with little support ; he was arguing against the interests of the audience he addressed, and against the feelings of the people among whom he lived. The love of gain and the love of power were the principles he had to combat, and the result may be easily imagined; all his propositions on behalf of Ireland were unsuc- cessful ; but his conduct did him honour, and the event has justified his foresight, for after the lapse of near half a century, the increasing hos- tility to the Union audits complete failure have confirmed his predictions and refuted those of Mr. Pitt. 156 BRITISH INTERFERENCE. [CHAP. V. strongly denied. In 1797 and 1798, he main- tained that Ireland was a free and independent nation, and that England could not, with pro- priety, and ought not, to interpose in any way in her concerns. At the period of the disturbances, consequent on the cruelties practised in that country, a motion had been made by Lord Moira, on behalf it may be said of humanity, when he and other humane individuals strove by English help to stop the effusion of blood,* Mr. Pitt and his party asserted that the British Parliament had no right to interpose — then it was that the voice, as well as the arm, of Britain was stayed, and could not be raised in order to rescue the suffer- ing Irish from the lash, the torture, and the tri- angle : she was powerless then, and could not protect the humble mansion of the Irish peasant from the violations committed by the legal robber, j* the furious Orangeman, the midnight assailant. British mercy was then deaf to Irish sufferings, Irish injury, and Irish insult. But when it be- came an object to destroy a constitution which, by treaty, England was bound to uphold, then the right, the power, the necessity, for British inter- ference arose, and where virtue had been deaf be- fore and humanity dormant — interest and ambi- tion now prevailed, and even vice lost all her de- formity. But, in sooth, the non-interference in 1798 and 1799 was a delusion. The chief gover- * When Lord Grenville, on the 19th of March, brought forward re- solutions on the subject of the Union, he was opposed by Lords Fitz- william and Moira, who stated that the whipping and torturing prac- tised in Ireland had driven the people into rebellion. Lord Camden defended his Government, and denied that unnecessary excesses were committed, but used these remarkable expressions, " that the measures of the Government had caused the rebellion to break out sooner than it otherwise would." f Read " Bryan Byrne of Glemnalure" a heart-rending little poem by Mrs. Henry Tighe. The facts were related to John Blachford, her brother. Pysche, p. 281, 3rd edition. CHAP. V.] GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS. 157 nors of Ireland, and the military authorities, were nominees and creatures of the English ministers : the Peers and Commons, who passed the laws which encouraged and indemnified the crimes of which Lord Moira complained, were English servi- tors or English pensioners — neither representing Irish feelings, nor elected by the Irish people. The legalised abominations of '98 were the fruits of English interference, though using Irish tools ; for every thing but humanity and justice England's Minister had interfered in 1798.* Few of the supporters of Government were men of talent. The ablest was St. George Daly:| lie was brother to the celebrated Denis Daly who had acted a noble part in 17S2. In some degree he resembled him, but was of a coarser clay : he made the best speech in favour of the Union, and showed that he was of the same blood. He was distinguished when a member of the University of Dublin, by his application and ability : his under- standing was strong : he w r as conversant with books, and not devoid of some powers of reasoning, but was of a retired habit and unpopular manners. Though he succeeded Mr. Fitzgerald as prime sergeant, yet he had no excuse in voting for the Union. He had a name — and he sold it : other * In the debate on the 8th of May, Lord Downshire, who had a seat in the Parliament of both countries, said, that many offers and induce- ments were held out to him in order to gain his assent to the measure ; but he scorned the offers as much as he laughed at the tyrannical injustice which he had suffered for his perseverance. Since 1782 Ireland had increased in wealth, and made great improvements. Go- vernment were bringing about, not a Union, but a Revolution ; it would produce distraction, discontent, rebellion, and ultimately sepa- ration. Two very lucrative offices in the Law Courts, which were settled in reversion on the Downshire family, were taken from them and given to Yelverton for supporting the Union. His name was erased from the Privy Council, he was removed from the Governorship of the county, he was deprived of the command of the Downshire Militia, and he was displaced from the office of Registrar in the Court of Chancery. f He was appointed one of the judges of the King's Bench. 158 SKETCH OP THE [CHAP. V. men had nothing — but he had everything to sup- port — he had character : others had none, but he came to market with the splendid inheritance of good fortune and of great fame. William Smith was son of the Master of the Rolls, he could write but could not speak, he had a sour mind that could produce nothing, but he listened, and, unable to reply in the House, he retired to his chamber to brood over the subject, and, in a month after, produced a closely written pamphlet in reply to Mr. * * *, and Mr. * * *, and Mr. * * *'s speech on the Union, which he got printed and published at the expense of the Government. He did not exactly state what was malicious, but put it in such a manner as to let it state itself. He was full of caprice, his manner was pert, his mind was weak, and active only by corrosion. He was a mixture of honey and vine- gar. He had a sort of wormishness about him, and possessed much of the qualities of a serpent. He was never found guilty of uttering a good prin- ciple, but what he said, he affected to put in the form of a syllogism and of logic — the only thing he was liberal of, was his pen* — but his endless writ- ings produced no impression : it was the glow- worm's ineffectual fire — pale, cold, and weak.')" Mr. Luke Fox's J conduct was indefensible, he violated public and private duty, deserted his patron, abandoned his country, and, at the critical moment, suffered the scale to be turned against her at the expense of his honour and his vote. He was a coarse and clever lawyer, a strong mind that grasped the point, and took a firm hold of * At the end of his life he published a work called the Maze, a col- lection of poems and trifles, that certainly deserved the name he gave it, for it surprised all his friends by its childishness. T He regretted that he had voted for the Union, and in private stated so. He was appointed one of the Barons of the Exchequer. X He was appointed one of the Judges of the Common Pleas, CHAP. V.] GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS. 159 what he had in view, but free from public prin- ciple, public honour, or public spirit of any kind whatever. Robert Johnson commenced his public life with credit, almost with celebrity ; he wrote in defence of the people and of the rights of Ireland, and he did so with boldness and with truth. There ap- peared, in 1779, under the signature of Guati- mozin, several letters, written in support of the armed volunteer associations, and the use of Irish manufacture, published in the Freeman's Jouma I ; these were reprinted in London, and went through several editions. Another series then appeared, un- der the title of Causidicus, in reply to judge Black- stone's doctrine on the Law of Conquest over Ire- land. They entered into the consideration of the various laws enacted in England against Ireland, and into the causes of Ireland's distress and po- verty. These works were conceived with spirit, written with ability, and met with complete suc- cess/" They deserved their fame, for they were clear, argumentative, and bold. The title of the first work was taken from Robertson's History of * In them occurs the often quoted passage : " Look to the word 1 penalty' or the word 1 Ireland,' 'tis equal which, for you may track Ireland through the statute-book, as you do a wounded man through a crowd — by blood." He was one of the members of the society of St. Patrick or the Monks of the Screw. He often related to the author the extreme pleasure he met with in that meeting, when Lord Charlemont, Messrs. Daly, Yelverton, Burgh, Hardy, Grattan, Curran, Dr. Frederick Jebb, and many more of that party, were in the habit of assembling to arrange matters for debate in Parliament, for public proceedings and political tracts. He said, that he and Dr. Jebb had written Guatimozin and Causidicus. A short time after, Dr. Jebb was detached from the society, and solicited by Government to reply to a pamphlet of Mr. Grattan's against the Perpe- tual Mutiny Bill. After he had written the reply, which was not bad, some point and good personal attack, he got a pension of 300/. a year for his services ; he then went to Mr. Grattan, related the circumstance, and added that he had got the pension, but that the pamphlet could not be answered. For the names of the members, and a fuller account of this society, see the interesting and ably written Memoirs of Curran, by his son, second edition, Edinburgh, vol. iii. p. 122. 160 SKETCH OF THE [CHAP. V. America, where, in describing the contest between the Spaniards and the Mexicans, he says — " Guati- mozin continued to defend his capital with obsti- nate resolution and disputed every inch of ground. He rejected with scorn every overture from the Cortes, and, disdaining the idea of submitting to the oppressors of his country, determined not to survive its ruin." This passage, Robert Johnson used to repeat with great admiration, and seemed to glory in it as if it was not only his selection but composition. Yet these noble sentiments, so aptly quoted by him, were, unfortunately for his fame, totally obliterated from his memory in 1800. He listened to the overtures from the British Cortes, he did not defend his capital, but submitted to those whom he had in early life called the oppres- sors of his country. He seemed to complain of Lord Cornwallis for misrepresenting to him the sentiments of the Catholics, and thereby severing the Gordian knot that bound together the party of which he was a member, and who arrogated to themselves the power of turning the balance for or against the Union. Unfortunately, however, for Mr. Johnson's fame, the means used to effect this purpose was not with iron but with gold. John- son, by voting for the Union, got a seat upon the bench,* and sacrificed his reputation ; but even with this, he was not satisfied — he sought farther remuneration, and asked to get the salary of judge from the time the promise was made (perhaps the day he voted for the Union). This was refused by Government, unless he agreed to sign a paper in which he set forth his demand: considering this too bad he declined to comply. Vexed, irritated, and disgusted, he assailed the Government on the subject of Emmett's Insurrection, and published * He was appointed Judge of the Common Pleas, as was also, at a later period, his relation, William, one of those who, at the meeting of the bar in 1798, had supported the proposition of a Union. CHAP. V.] GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS. 161 several letters under the signature of Juverna, in Cobbetts Register of November, 1803 — he was given up by Cobbett — prosecuted by Government — found guilty, arrested in Ireland, and about to be hurried off like a common felon to Great Britain, under an Act of Parliament passed sub- sequent to the publication, and it might be said almost for the purpose of meeting this case. The law proceedings of England were procrastinated by legal steps taken in the Irish Courts, which, in February 1805, gave Mr. Curran an opportunity of making, on behalf of Johnson,* one of his most eloquent and talented displays. * The passage from Mr. Curran's speech which is here submitted to the reader has been much admired and much criticised, some have cen- sured it as inapplicable, and therefore injudiciously introduced ; but it must be admitted that it is full of beauty and sentiment. Mr. Curran often alluded to it, and used to say — " Yelverton cried like a child at the judgment in Johnson's case. I " thought to move him by the recollection of those private scenes. I "thought he would have been melted down, and that by bringing to u his mind a view of former times, when we were both honest, both " good ; that he would have been led to give a spirited decision. I " was much interested, for 1 really wished that poor Avonmore would " have decided as I think he ought, and have done the country that "justice that I am confident was due. lie met me afterwards in the * chamber, and throwing his arms around me, exclaimed, 1 1 am glad " 4 to see you — you affected me greatly, and I am sure you fell what * ' you said — for my part the reconciliation is complete."' " I am not ignorant, my lords, that this extraordinary construction has received the sanction of another court, nor of the surprise and dis- may with which it smote upon the general heart of the bar. I am aware that I may have the mortification of being told in another country of that unhappy decision, and I foresee in what confusion I shall hang down my head when I am told it. But I cherish, too, the consolatory hope, that I shall be able to tell them that I had an old and learned friend, whom I would put above all the sweepings of their hall, who was of a different opinion ; who had derived his ideas of civil liberty from the purest fountains of Athens and Rome ; who had fed the youthful vigour of his studious mind with the theoretic knowledge of their wisest philosophers and statesmen; and who had refined the theory into the quick and exquisite sensibility of moral instinct, by contemplating the practice of their most illustrious examples ; by dwell- ing on the sweet souled piety of Cimon, on the anticipated Christianity of Socrates, on the gallant and pathetic patriotism of Epaminondas, on that pure austerity of Fabricius, whom to move from his integrity would have been more difficult than to have pushed the sun from his course, [ VOL. V *I 162 SKETCH OF THE [CHAP. V. The case was one of considerable hardship. The grand jury of Middlesex found a true bill, and Lord Ellenborough thereupon issued his war- rant to arrest the judge and bring him to England to give bail and stand his trial. This warrant was endorsed by a justice of the peace in Ireland, and Johnson was arrested. A writ of habeas corpus was immediately sued out, and seven judges assisted the chief justice in the case — three were for discharging him, three for remanding him, two did not give any opinion ; the case was referred to the King's Bench — -two were for remanding him, and Judge Day for discharging him. A new writ issued, returnable to the Exchequer — the case was argued for three days — Baron Smith alone was for his discharge. He was in conse- quence remanded, and the subject was brought before the Imperial Parliament ; but the only remedy afforded was the passing a bill to compel witnesses to attend in England. He petitioned the House of Lords, complaining of the ex post facto law which was passed after the alleged would add, that if he had seemed to hesitate, it was but for a moment; that his hesitation was like the passing cloud that floats across the morning sun, and hides it from the view, and does so for a moment hide it by involving the spectator without even approaching the face of the luminary : and this soothing hope I draw from the dearest and ten- derest recollections of my life, from the remembrance of those attic nights and those refections of the gods which we have spent with those admired and respected and beloved companions who have gone before us ; over whose ashes the most precious tears of Ireland have been shed : yes, my good lord, I see you do not forget them, I see their sacred forms passing in sad review before your memory; I see your pained and softened fancy recalling those happy meetings, when the innocent enjoyment of social mirth, expanded into the nobler warmth of social virtue ; and the horizon of the board became enlarged into the horizon of man ; when the swelling heart conceived and communicated the pure and generous purpose, when my slender and younger taper imbibed its borrowed light from the more matured and redundant foun- tain of yours. Yes, my lord, we can remember those nights without any other regret than that they can never more return, for " We spent them not in toys, or lust or wine ; But search of deep philosophy, Wit, eloquence, and poesy, Arts, which I lov'd, for they, my friend, were thine." CHAP. V.] GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS. 163 libel was published, but Lord Eldon (the Chan- cellor) would grant no other relief except his assent to the bill. The action was tried in Eng- land, in November, 1805, and turned on a ques- tion of handwriting — four witnesses swore the paper was in the handwriting of the judge, five witnesses swore it was not, the English jury be- lieved the four, disbelieved the five, and found Johnson guilty. It afterwards appeared they were wrong, as the writing was not that of the Judge, but of his daughter, a talented and spirited lady, who, in consequence, was known ever after by the name of Juvema. On the whole it was an oppressive and tyrannical proceeding, and did not lead Johnson to fall more in love with the Union he had voted, but rather led him to think that the men he had sold his country to were most unre- lenting taskmasters. However, in Trinity term 1806, a noli prosequi was entered on the record, the Judge was permitted to retire from the Bench on a pension for life, and in that retirement he ended those days that were brighter at their commencement than at their close. He seemed to regret his conduct at the Union, but he was too proud openly to confess it. Doctor Arthur Browne was the most gentle- manlike of all that party, he had spoken and voted against the Union in 1799, but in 1800 he changed sides and joined with those who supported it. If he had any apology for selling the country, it was that he did not belong to her — for he was was not an Irishman. Yet he should have been attached to liberty — for he was an American. He was member for the University of Dublin: he was a man of taste and acquirements, and a lover of literature. As a speaker he was not deficient: he possessed a degree of ease and elegance of manner as well as mind, but he received his reward, for M 2 364 LORD PERRY, LORD CARLETON, [CHAP. V. he fell a victim to his vote. He found that the office he accepted was no compensation for his loss of honour: he repented his conduct, but his regret came too late, and he died of a broken heart.* The rest were mercenaries, soldiers, bravoes, or bullies. In the upper House, Ireland could number few supporters. Lord Perry still lived, and to the last upheld the character with which he began life, and preserved, undiminished, his affection for his country — but age and infirmity had incapacitated his body, though not his mind. " I never will give my assent to a measure which seals the ruin of my country. I am at present in a bad state of health, and, should I continue so, and the measure be brought forward, I shall have myself carried in a litter to the House, there to give it every opposi- tion in my power." These were his words — noble words ! — worthy of the Greek and Roman name. But Lord Clare still remained — still ruled the House — talkative, bold, and imperious. Lord Carletonf was miserable, feeble, and timid, though civil and gentlemanlike ; he had read some books, and he strove to give his speech at the Union the form of an argument, in order that some persons might imagine that he could reason ; but his production was like his mind — weakness personified. He showed great sharpness at the * He was well acquainted with Mr. Grattan, and used to visit Tinne- hinch, but he forfeited the regard that Mr. Grattan entertained towards him. Their acquaintance, however, continued. f See the anecdote of Curran, ante, vol. iii. page 422. He was superannuated and allowed to retire on a pension, he went to England, and for a number of years lived in London in the greatest gaiety and in excellent health ; thus it was not only the money levied off the people and paid down at the time that was a charge on the state, but these bribes were a heavier tax on the people and of longer dura- tion; some pensions were for life, others in expectancy, in promise, or in reversion. CHAP. V.] AND LORD KIL WARDEN. 165 state trials : he was cool and collected, and not influenced by the fury and passion of the times — but he was by his fears. He was a poor character: his argument was that the Commons had no power over the representatives — that a supreme power must exist somewhere. The third Estate he as- sumed to be the House of Commons, and not the Commons, and that the latter had no power, but gave up all (by that election) over those whom they elected. And this monstrous ignorance Carleton put forward and recommended by an appearance of knowledge. Arthur Wolfe (Lord Kihvarden) was the son of a distinguished conveyancer in Dublin, who was patronised by the leading citizens and the corpo- ration, got much business, and was brought forward through their means. He used to say that the House of Commons was too corrupt a place for him to enter, and that every man there was a rogue — so he sent in his son. Arthur had never applied his mind to politics, and could not even understand a political question. He was not deficient as a lawyer : he spoke with ability and was a sensible man, amiable in private and of a kind disposition, a mild and inoffensive character, grave and moral, but destitute of public principle, or popular tendencies, and without any pretension to eloquence. His defence of the doctrine of fiats and the practice of holding per- sons to excessive bail, as exercised by Lord Clon- mell in 1790, injured his reputation as a constitu- tional lawyer, and did not raise his character as an advocate. He spoke, however, rather in miti- gation than in defence, and seemed more to doubt than to decide, and it was this weak exhibition which drew from Mr. Ponsonby the galling re- mark — " that he was a very worthy man, but a miserable attorney-general." As Crown Prose- 166 SKETCH OF [chap. V. cutor he was not considered harsh, and as a judge he was considered mild, and was certainly honest — but as a member of Parliament he was an in- variable supporter of every measure of the Court. His office gave him some importance in the lower House, but in the upper he was nothing. He thought he would tranquillize every thing by the Union ; and that if Parliament was put down it would facilitate the working of Government, and because Parliament had opposed the jobs of the Court, and because he professed to love the con- stitution, he put down the Parliament. He is an- Qther proof that the possession of power is fatal to a weak man. Wolfe was a man who did mischief to nothing but his country. He succeeded Lord Carleton as solicitor-general in 1787, Lord Clare as attorney- general in 1789, and Lord Clonmell as chief jus- tice in 1798. His death was melancholy, and his humane disposition, evinced in his last and most trying moment, endears his memory. Mortally wounded by his assassins in 1803, he raised his head and exclaimed — " Let no man suffer for my death but on a fair trial, and by the laws of his country" — a noble and humane expression, though too lawyerly to be quite heroic. Lord Avonmore had sold his fame, and tarnished the lustre of his early life. For supporting the Union he got, for his relations, the places that were taken from the Downshire family for oppos- ing it; he had spoken admirably for the catholics in 1778, but no trace of his speech remains. He acted well at the period of the volunteers — well in '80 — well in '82 — well on Poynings law ; but he did not tell the truth when he said, in 1800, that he had the Union in his mind in 1782. It was no such thing, he never mentioned the sub- ject, he did not even dream of it, and if he had, CHAP. V.] LORD AVON MORE. 167 he would not have dared to utter such mischievous folly. Mr. G rattan knew the entire party, and directed their proceedings, and no idea of the sort was ever stated — it would not have been tolerated for an instant. These idle visions were reserved for the insincerity of the Duke of Portland, and the " bonnic" servility of Mr. William Ogilvie.* Lord Avonmore was driven by the minister, and in fact was afraid of him. He had not bold- ness to stand up against Lord Clare, in the case of Pamela and Edward Fitzgerald — he was com- pletely cowed. Mr. Curran, who was their counsel against the bill then before the Lords, applied to Lord Avonmore, and during the argu- ment, went behind the throne to converse with him on the subject, but he in vain sought to rouse his feelings and his spirit ; and though Avonmore knew that Lord Clare was wrong as to the law in the case of the attainder,-)" yet he was afraid to say so, or express, even on a point of law, a different opinion. The speech that he made in favour of the Union has nothing in it. No trace of 1782 — the lamp that burned so brightly then was now no more ; and all that can be said is, that when it became extinct, it did not become offensive; it cast a pale and flickering gleam around — then sunk for ever. But even his flattering compli- ment to his early friend (Mr. Grattan)+ can, for * See vol. ii. page 234, where Mr. Ogilvie's conduct is mentioned ; he was a shrewd Scotchman, who strove to whisper about a Union in '82; but the union he valued most, was that with the Duchess of Leinster, in which, to the surprise of every one, he ultimately suc- ceeded. t The attainder was reversed many years afterwards by the Liverpool (1819) Administration, and its illegality was a matter of astonishment to the lawyers of the day. — See ante. X The following was the allusion that he made to Mr. Grattan: "I have lived to see an illustrious friend of mine at one time idolized as a deity, and at another disfranchised as a traitor; the act of an intempe- rate corporation whose censure could no more depreciate, than their 168 SKETCH OF [CHAP. V- such a character, afford but a poor apology. This speech, which was such a bitter reflection on his splendid name, his former services, and all his ancient glories, he was actually compelled by the minister to print and publish. He submitted to the ignominy, though not without reluctance, and, as Curran somewhat coarsely but truly said, when alluding to this circumstance — " Oh ! poor Yelver- lon ! he was forced to go to market with his bastard in his arms." Throughout these pages enough has already been said of Lord Castlereagh, — still it may be of service to posterity, as well as a caution to those who come after, if his character is summed up in a few words more. It may be added that he was a corrupt man and a most profligate minister, de- void of any political principle whatever, fie was cold-blooded, cruel, false, and hollow. He must have heard the lash and seen the triangles, but he shut his eyes, and closed his ears, and let the bloody work go on, and the backs of his fellow- countrymen quiver beneath the torture. He had no heart — he had no humanity : and as he sat within the Castle Walls, his mind could brood on nothing but the mischief he meditated for his country. He abandoned his early principles — he deserted his early friends — he arrested and im- applause could enhance, the value of a character which will always sustain itself. I have lived, and am proud to say it, in habits of* inti- macy with him ; and know him to be as incapable of engaging in any plan for separating this country from Great Britain, as the most strenuous advocate for the present measure. If there be any young man within hearing, who feels himself enamoured of popularity, I shall beg leave to give him a short lesson of instruction. Let him keep himself for ever engaged in the pursuit of some unattainable object; let him make the impracticability of his measures the foundation of his fame; but let him beware how he follows any solid or possible good, for as sure as he succeeds his fame is d d for ever. Success will only call up some envious swaggerer who will undertake to go a bar's length beyond him, and snatch away from him the worthless prize of popular estima- tion." These were the last words of Lord Baron ^elverton in the House of Lords in Ireland. CHAP. V.] LORD CASTLEREAGH. 169 prisoned his ablest supporter : all his popular airs •were assumed, he never felt them, nor did he ever, either in public or private, express or betray a single popular sentiment. He was brought up in England, and bred a cold politician : he was a man of business, and so far he was able, but he never did, or was capable of doing, a great act. He was just suited for the lower stage of politics, and in that he excelled and gained credit, for the inferior line is often of more apparent use than the higher. He was afflicted with an itchy desire to be impertinent, and he only spoke well when he had his friends about him, a large army at his back, and a broken-down insurrection in his front. He had a clear head, and' could state the pro- perties and balance of things well ; he possessed also a power of attack, and had a personal and gentlemanlike satire, but he had no luminous ideas and never enlightened a subject: his sentences were endless ; tropes without form or figure, or imagination, or prosody, or grammar. But what countervailed with Pitt all his defects, and ren- dered him a strong implement of oppression, was his indomitable, unsurpassed, inscrutable reso- lution. In 1790, he became acquainted with the po- pular party in the north of Ireland ; amongst them was Samuel Neilson, who possessed a good deal of influence there, and who conducted the Northern Star, a paper of republican principles. On the 16th April in that year (the anniversary of the independence of Ireland in 1782), he attended the great Whig club dinner at Belfast, with Dr. Halliday, Lord Londonderry, and others of that party; he drank their popular toasts, some of those of the United Irishmen, and availed himself of all these circumstances, these men, and their politics to get into Parliament. 170 SKETCH OF [chap. V. Yet afterwards, in 1799, he went with Mr. Pol- lock, Lord Downshire, and a large party, to arrest this Neilson, his former acquaintance and his chief supporter, and cast him into prison, where he remained for upwards of fourteen months without charge, without accusation, without trial, ■ — injured his health, impaired his character, de- stroyed his fortune,* and finally, was the means of costing him not only his liberty but his life. Having abandoned his friends, and played this treacherous and infamous part, Castlereagh began the trade of bribery. So early as 1796, he had tried to gain over Mr. Hardy: he requested of Mr. Berwick, with whom he was acquainted, to communicate to Mr. Hardy, that if he would agree not to speak or to vote for the Roman Ca- tholic question, he would get a considerable situation under Government. Berwick replied that such a thing was impossible ; that Hardy would never listen to such a proposal ; and be- sides, he was a great friend of Lord Granard, who was in opposition. Castlereagh then said — " Let him vote with Lord Granard on all other questions, but let him remain quiet on the Roman Catholic!!!" Berwick being thus pressed, re- lated the conversation to Hardy, who at once revolted at it, and spurned the proposal. He tried this corrupt office in the north, and was ac- tually turned out of Sir John Blackwood's house for offering to bribe him.-\ The same disgrace befel him in the residence of another equally spirited individual in the same county. % In the year 1799, he showed considerable stoutness, and re- plied fiercely to George Ponsonby ; however, he * See Dr. Madden's United Irishmen, vol. i. second series, f See ante, vol. iv. page 432 ; the anecdote is related by the Black- wood family. X Supposed to be Mr. Savage or Mr. Ford. CHAP. V.] LORD CASTLEREAGH. 171 found iteasierto bribe than to bully, and in the next year he was milder. In 1800, when Mr. Grattan returned to Parliament, Lord Castlereagh alluded to him, and Mr. Grattan replied rather sharply, contrasting his conduct then with what it had been in early times ; he read the toasts and sen- timents that he had expressed in the county of Down, and pressed him sorely for having deserted his principles : the other replied, that "as to any thing personal, he would not take notice of it in the House yet he did not take notice of it out of the House, nor did he ever come forth in anyway, but remained passive under the rebuke ; however, it must be admitted that he was not devoid of personal courage. Before the Union, he negotiated with the Catholics, thinking them fit to be admitted into Parliament, and he after- wards opposed them, —thus, he used Emancipa- tion as a means to obtain the Union, and, having passed the Union, he cheated the Catholics out of it. When he went to England,* he displayed cou- rage in the personal affair with Mr. Canning. When he went to the Congress at Vienna, he found the business beyond his capacity, and was quite unequal to the situation ; he could scarcely speak the French language ; had he been an able man, he could have obtained great commercial advantages for England, and better terms for the people of the Continent ; he would have procured the abolition of the slave trade, instead of leaving it unnoticed in the treaty with France, and to be purchased by a sum of money from the Court of Spain. Had Lord Chatham or Mr. Fox been there, it would have been different. He got credit at Court for servile obedience to the Crown, and became Minister because he fell into the track of * The English cannot forget that memorable phrase, "The ignorant IMPATIENCE OI : TAXATION." 172 MOTION ON THE UNION BILL. [CHAP. V. Mr. Pitt's politics, that happened to be success- ful. The greatest reflection on his political oppo- nents was, that such a man could become popular, and the greatest disgrace to the age was, that a country like England should have been defended by such a character. But Providence, inscrutable in her ways, and wise in all her works, reserved him for a lasting example to mankind. This man commenced his career by taking away the lives of his fellow countrymen — he concluded it by taking away his own ; and with his own hand he termi- nated his existence* and avenged his country. The proceedings respecting the Union now drew quickly to a close. On the 21st May the resolutions were reported to the House, and Lord Castlereagh moved to bring in the Union Bill. This, after much debate, was carried by 160 to 100. Major Osborne, Charles Ball, and Mr. Pon- sonby opposed it ; Sir Henry Cavendish and the Right Han. David La Touche supported it. Mr. Goold concluded a speech of much talent and energy with the following prophetic words : — I know the ministers must succeed — hut I will not go away with an aching heart — because I know that the liberties of the people must ultimately triumph. The people must at present submit, because they cannot resist 120,000 aimed men. JBut the period will occur, when, as in 1782, England may he iceak, and Ireland sufficiently strong to recover her lost liberties ! ! On the 22nd a message came from the Lords, stating they had agreed to the Articles of Union, and requesting the concurrence of the Commons on the subject, which was carried on debate by 67 to 37. On the next day Lord Castlereagh moved that the House should depute certain of the members to wait upon the Lord Lieutenant with the address in its favour, upon which Mr. * There were circumstances said to have been connected with this act, that are too shocking to mention. CHAP. V.] MR. C/DONNELL'S AMENDMENT. 173 O'Donnell moved as an amendment that the generals, staff-officers, placemen, and pensioners, members of that House, should go up with it; namely : — John Staples, member for Antrim, Examinator of Customs, and who has a pension. William Arthur Crosbie, member for Trim, Steward of the Household, Customer and Comptroller of Wexford, Commissioner of Stamp Duties. Sir Boyle Roche, member for Old Leighlin, Gentleman Usher. George Miller, member for Castlebar, Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Sir Chichester Fortescue, member for Trim, Ulster King-at-Arms. Edward Cooke, member for Old Leighlin, Under Secretary to the Civil Department, Keeper of the Phoenix Park, Customer of Kin- sale, and, in reversion, of the place of Clerk to the House of Com- mons. William Elliott, member for St. Canicc, Under Secretary of Military Department. Thomas Lindsay, member for Castlebar, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Receiver General of Stamp Duties. Right Hon. John M. Mason, member for St. Canice, Commissioner of Treasury. Right Hon. Lodge Morris, member for Dingle, Commissioner of Trea- sury. Sir G. Shee, member for Knocktoper, Secretary to Treasury. Lord Loftus, member for Wexford, Teller of Exchequer. St. George Daly, member for Gal way, Prime Sergeant. John Stewart, member for Bangor, Solicitor-General. Henry Westenra, member for Monaghan, Seneschal of Manors. John Longfield, member for Mallow, Customer of Cork. Francis McNamara, member for Killybegs, Customer of Dingle. Stephen Moore, member for Kells, Accountant-General. William Knott, member for Taghmon, Commissioner of Appeals. William Wynne, member for Sligo, ditto, ditto. Patrick Dnigenan, member for Armagh, King's Advocate-General. Richard Herbert, member for Granard, Commissioner of Accounts. Thomas Burgh, member for Fore, ditto, ditto. Charles M. Ormsby, member for Duleek, Commissioner of Barracks. William Gore, member for Carrick, ditto, ditto. Denham Jephson, member for Mallow, Pensioner, 600/. per annum. George Hatton, member for Lisburn, Commissioner of Stamps. Maurice Fitzgerald, member for Kerry, Commissioner of Revenue. John Longfield, member for Cork, ditto, ditto. Richard Annesly, member for Middleton, ditto, ditto. John Townsend, member for Castle Martyr, ditto, ditto. Charles II. Coste, member for Queen's County, ditto, ditto. J. O. Vandeleur, member for Ennis, ditto, ditto. Hon. Walter Yelverton, member for Tuam, Cursitor of Chancery. C. Osborne, member for Carysfort, Counsel to Commissioners of Re- venue. Hon. F. H. Hutchinson, member for Naas, Collector to Port of Dublin. 174 UNION BILL READ A SECOND TIME. [CHAP. V. Right Hon. Wm. Forward, member for John's Town, Treasurer to Post Office. Ponsonby Tottenham, member for Clonmines, Pension 300/. per annum. Sir John Blaquiere, member for New Town, Pension 2,231/. 85. lltf., per annum, Alnager of Ireland, Director of Paving Board, &c. Peter Holmes, member for Doneraile, Commissioner of Stamps. Hugh Howard, member for John's Town, ditto, ditto. Robert Johnson, member for Philip's Town, Counsel to Commissioners of Revenue. George Harrison Reed, member for Fethard, Surveyor of Wexford. Francis Leigh, member for Wexford, Collector of Dublin. James CufTe, member for Tulsk, Treasurer to Barrack Board. John Hobson, member for Clonakiity, Master of Stores. Col. R. Uniacke, member for Youghal, Surveyor General of Ordnance. H. Alexander, member for Londonderry, Chairman of Ways and Means. Theophilus Jones, member for Leitrim, Pension, Revenue Establish- ment. Lord Charles Fitzgerald, member for Ardfert, Muster-Master-General. Thomas Pakenham, member for Longford, Lieut. -Gen. of Ordnance. Richard Magennis, member for Carlingford, Clerk of Ordnance. Sir Henry Cavendish, member for Lismore, Receiver General of Re- venues. Hon. John Jocelyn, member for Dundalk, Surveyor of Belfast. Hon. Henry Skeffington, member for Antrim, Governor of Cork. Hon. John Stratford, member for Baltinglass, Paymaster of Foreign Forces. Edmund Stanley, member for Lanesborough, Third Sergeant, and pen- sion of 400/. a year to his wife. Robert Tighe, member for Carrick, Comptroller Customs in Dublin. Walter Jones, member for Coleraine, compensation for payment of corn premiums coastways. T. Nesbit, member for Cavan, pensioner. Hon. A. Creighton, member for Lifford, Register of Forfeitures. General Nugent, member for Charleville, Adjutant- General. General Craddock, member for Thomas Town, Quarter-Master-Ge- neral. General Eustace, member for Felthard, Governor of Ross Castle. General Gardiner, member for Knoctoper, Staff. General Lake, member for Armagh, ditto. General Hutchinson, member for City of Cork, ditto. General Dunne, member for Moreborough, ditto. General Henniker, member for Kildare, ditto. Stewart Bruce, member for Lisburn, Aide-de-Camp to Lord Lieutenant. Thomas Casey, member for Kilmallock, Commissioner of Bankrupts. Thomas Prendergast, member for Clonakiity, ditto. For this motion there were 18, against it, 50. On the 26th the Union Bill was read a second time, the numbers being 117 to 73. Mr. Grattan then moved that the 1st August should be substi- tuted for 31st May for the committee; for this CHAP. V.] MR. GRATTAN's SPEECH. 175 the ayes were 87, the noes 124. On this debate Mr. Grattan, after a long speech, concluded by- saying :— From the bad terms which attend the Union, I am na- turally led to the foul means* by which it has been ob- tained — dismissals from office, perversion of the place bill, sale of peerage, purchase of boroughs, appointment of sheriffs with a view to prevent the meetings of freemen and freeholders, for the purpose of expressing their opinion on the subject of a Legislative Union — in short, the most avowed corruption, threats, and stratagems, accompanied by martial law, to deprive a nation of her liberty ; and so very great and beneficial have been the efforts, that his Majesty's Ministers have actually resorted to a partial dis- solution of Parliament, at the very time they declined to resort to a general election. The sense of Parliament and people was against them; they change, therefore, the Parliament without recurring to the people, but procure a number of returns, exceeding their present majority, from private boroughs vacated with a view to return a Court member, who should succeed a gentleman that would not vote for the Union. Here, then, is a Parliament made by the Minister, not the people, and made for the question. Under these circumstances, in opposition to the declared sense of the country, has been passed a measure imposing on the people a new constitution, and subverting the old one. The constitution may be for a time so lost ; the charac- ter of the country may be so lost; the Ministers of the Crown will, or may perhaps at length, find, that it is not so easy to put down for ever an ancient and a respectable nation, by abilities, however great, and by power and by • The bribery of Sir William Gleadowe Newcoman is described by Sir Jonah Barrington in his u Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation" Paris edition. In consequence of the deficiency in the Stamp Duties that appeared in the accounts of his father (who was one of the Receivers- General of Stamps), a large sum was due to the country, which Sir Jonah Barrington states at 20,000/., and which from the memorial pre- sented to Lord Cornwallis appears, with interest, to have amounted, at least, to 10,000/. Yet for this sum the Government chose to accept 2,000/. and exonerate Sir William. The document settling this is regis- tered in the Rolls Office, Dublin, and bears the signature of the Attor- ney-General, J. Toler. In addition to this proceeding, the wife of the defaulter was created a peeress ! 176 MR. GRATTAN's SPEECH. [CHAP. V. corruption, however irresistible. Liberty may repair her golden beams, and with redoubled heart animate the country. The cry of loyalty will not long continue against the principles of liberty. Loyalty is a noble, a judicious, and a capacious principle ; but in these countries loyalty, distinct from liberty, is corruption, not loyalty. The cry of the connection will not in the end avail against the principles of liberty. Connection is a wise and profound policy ; but connection without an Irish Parliament is connection without its own principle, without analogy of condition, without the pride of honour that should attend it, is innovation, is peril, is subjugation— not connection. The cry of disaffection will not in the end avail against the principle of liberty. Identification is a solid and imperial maxim, necessary for the preservation of freedom — necessary for that of em- pire; but without union of hearts — with a separate Go- vernment and without a separate Parliament — identifica- tion is extinction, is dishonour, is conquest — not identi- fication. Yet I do not give up the country ; I see her in a swoon, but she is not dead. Though in her tomb she lies help- less and motionless, still there is on her lips a spirit of life, and on her cheek a glow of beauty. "Thou art not conquered; beauty's ensign yet Is crimson on thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there." While a plank of the vessel sticks together, I will not leave her. Let the courtier present his flimsy sail, and carry the light bark of his faith with every new breath of wind — I will remain anchored here, with fidelity to the fortunes of my country, faithful to her freedom — faithful to her fall ! ! ! Can Ireland ever forget these words ? On this occasion Mr. Peter Burrowes having been alluded to by Lord Castlereagh, delivered a spirited and most able reply, and, after answer- ing the argument, he alluded to Mr. Grattan, on whom he passed the following beautiful pane- gyric :— CHAP. V.] MR. PETER BURROWES. 177 I feel but little any portion of the noble Lord's (Castlc- reagh) obloquy which may attach to me or to my humble efforts, but I own I cannot repress my indignation at the audacious boldness of the calumny, which would asperse one of the most exalted characters which any nation ever produced, and that in a country which owes its liberties and its greatness to the energy of his exertions, and in the very house which has so often been the theatre of his glorious labours and splendid achievements. I remember that man the theme of universal panegyric, the wonder and the boast of Ireland for his genius and virtue : his name silenced the sceptic upon the reality of genuine patriotism: to doubt the purity of his motives was a heresy which no tongue dared to utter : envy was lost in admiration, and even those whose crimes he scourged, blended exalted praises with the murmurs of resentment. He covered our unfledged Constitution with the wings of talents, as the eagle covers her young, like her he soared, and like her he could behold the rays, whether of royal favour or royal anger, with undazzled, unintimidated eye. If, according: to Demosthenes, to grow with the growth and to decay with the decline of our country be the true criterion of a good citizen, how infinitely did this man, even in the moment of his lowest depression, surpass those up- start patriots who only become visible when their country vanishes. Sir, there is something more singularly curious, and, ac- cording to my estimation of things, enviable in the fate of this great man — his character and his consequence are, as it were, vitally interwoven with the greatness of his country. The one cannot be high and the other low — the one cannot stand and the other perish. This was so well understood by those who have so long meditated to put down the Constitution of Ireland, that, feeling that they could not seduce, they have incessantly laboured to calumniate her most vigilant sentinel and ablest champion. They appealed to every unguarded prejudice, to every assailable weakness of a generous but credulous people, they watched every favourable moment of irritation or of terror to pour in the detested poison of calumny. Sir, it will be found on a retrospect of Ireland since 1782, that her liberties never received a wound, that a cor- VOL. V. N 178 lord corry's address to the king, [chap, v. respondent stab was not levelled at his character, and, when it was vainly hoped that his imperishable fame was laid in the dust, the times were deemed ripe for the ex- tinction of our Constitution. Sir, these impious labours cannot finally succeed, glory and liberty are not easily effaced, — Grattan and the Con- stitution will survive the storm. On the 6th of June Lord Corry moved an address to the King setting forth the entire of the Union proceedings, and recording therein the protest of the opposition and the people. It was an elaborate document, recapitulating the various points of the case and the injury likely to be felt by the country from the measure. It is printed at length in the Appendix. The numbers were 77 for and 135 against it. The report from the committee was then read and carried by 153 to 88. Further resistance was now in vain, the opposition being no longer able to defeat this measure, at length desisted from their labours, and, as Mr. Grattan expressed it, " Finding all useless, we retired with safe con- sciences but with breaking hearts." When it was moved that the bill be engrossed, Mr. O'Donnell, with a just and becoming indigna- tion, proposed that it should be burned. He was severely assailed for this, and at length was persuaded to withdraw the amendment, and on Saturday, the 7th June, the bill was read a third time, on the motion of Lord Castlereagh, and passed. It was brought to the House of Lords on the 11th, committed* on the 12th, by a majority of 76 to 17, and on the 1st August received the royal assent, and Ireland ceased to be a nation ! * It was introduced into the British House of Commons by Mr. Pitt, and sent to the Lords on the 24th of June, and received the Royal assent on the 2nd of July. CHAP. V.] END OF IRISH PARLIAMENT. 179 What an hour of maddening agony was that to every patriot, but most to him who had so long- fostered and shielded the country which he then beheld stricken down, robbed, dishonoured, and mangled by a confederacy of aliens, traitors, and bullies ! Thus ended the Irish Parliament. Some sur- rendered it through fear of Jacobinism ; others through terror of the authorities ; others through fear of the Catholics ; others through bribery ; and others through delusive hopes. The English Government became alarmists ; the Irish corrupt and bigoted. The more that these circumstances are considered, the more it will appear that the efforts of these patriots were laudable in the highest degree, and that their conduct merited all the praise that belongs to virtuous actions. Let their names, then, never be obliterated from the remembrance of all who value freedom ! They had to contend against the overwhelming influence of a profligate court, against the corrupt satellites of a daring minister, against an army licensed, un- scrupulous, and at hand ; so that it is surprising that with such difficulties opposed to them, and with such bad materials, such a resistance could have been effected. Even their natural ally, the press, was intimidated or seduced. The news- papers were afraid to publish the proceedings of the times ; and the motion of Mr. O'Donnell, to burn the Union Bill, is not to be found in most of them. The reports of the debates were destroyed through the influence and bribery of the Govern- ment. The members of the Opposition had got their speeches written out and corrected : they were entrusted for publication to a person of the name of Moore. Mr. Foster* doubted his honesty, and cautioned the party against him, saying he * This anecdote the writer had from Mr. Foster (the Speaker). N 2 180 SPEECHES, ETC , BURNED. [CHAP. V. was sure Moore would betray them. His predic- tions were verified, for they were sold to Govern- ment ; and Lord Castlereagh, by means of Mr. Cooke (Under Secretary), gave a large sum of money for them, and the manuscripts, speeches, pamphlets, &c. &c. were brought to the Castle and there burned. Thus perished some of the finest specimens of eloquence. CHAP. VI.] REMARKS ON THE UNION. 181 CHAPTER VI. iUr. Pitt's opinion favourable to domestic legislation in Ireland. — His letter to the Duke of Rutland. — Remarks on the Union. — Acquisi- tions for Ireland gained by the Irish Parliament. — Results of the Union. — Effect on the Trade, Commerce, and Revenues of the Coun- try. — Ireland became bankrupt. — Military force necessary for Ireland in 1782. — Forces kept up in 1840. — State of the people. — Parlia- mentary reports. — Destitute condition of the agricultural classes. — The speech and opinion of Mr. Fox on the Union. — Comparison be- tween Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox. — Their characters and their style of eloquence. It was plain, from the proceedings of the Minister and his Parliament, that the system as It stood could not last. Parliament had been driven on to liberty by the bayonets of the Volunteers, and had acted by starts ; whereas the Government was always at work; so that the power of the Crown and its corruption were sure to increase to such a height that a Reform in Parliament or its destruc- tion must ensue. Of this state of things Mr. Pitt dexterously availed himself, and strove to get back for Great Britain the power she had surrendered ; and he effected this by the worst of means, — the most unlimited bribery and corruption. Vexed and offended with Ireland on account of her con- duct in 1785 on the Commercial Propositions, and in 1789 on the Regency, he had not forgiven her. He found her a great inconvenience, and felt it would be easier and more handy for him to have but one Parliament, instead of the trouble of two.* * It is worthy of remark that under the superintendence of this resident Parliament, the Debt of the Nation had diminished from 2,477,425/. as it stood in 1789, to 2,219,694/. in the year 1793. 182 REMARKS ON [CHAP. VI. This was the real and secret motive of his con- duct at the Union ; the strength of the empire was not his object ; he did not seek for or wish to secure it, for he left the Catholics excluded ; it was altogether a trick, and the trick of a dis- honest man. This the Irish should have seen, as the Scotch probably would, but Ireland was too much divided. Religious discord was the bane and the ruin of her prosperity ; but the Union was a question on which she should have made a stand, and all parties have united. It formed a good ground for separation from England. The nation should have refused to act under it; for it was not the piece of parchment that constituted the solidity of the measure, but the subsequent acquiescence of the people. They ought to have resisted, and gone to the leading lords, and have frightened them ; they could have done it easily ; a little of the Roman spirit, and a very few men, would have done it. Those heavy, dictatorial, empty, nobles would have shrunk — Lord Shannon would have shrunk — Lord Ely would have shrunk — Lord Clare would have shrunk; it was his na- ture; or if Lord Castlereagh (who would not have receded) had fallen, the measure in all pro- bability would not have been carried, or, if car- ried, the country would have been thrown on her metal and prepared for war. The corruption of the House, and the badness of the Parliament, was not the reason for its abolition. The institution was good, the body was on the spot, ready and attentive; neither was it the Place Bill of Mr. Forbes that caused it, nor the gross abuse of the nominal office of Escheatorship that caused it. It was Mr. Pitt,* * It does not appear that Mr. Pitt's policy towards Ireland was steady or consistent. The following extract from one of his letters, shows that, at the time, he was friendly to a reform in the Irish Parlia- ment, hostile in the extreme to the Roman Catholics, and adverse to the Union ; preserving, at the same time, a selfish mercantile spirit; it CHAP. VI.] THE UNION. 183 — his money, his martial law, his bribery,* his rebellion, his troops ; he kept them at a distance, but he kept them ready. One immediate result of the insurrection was, that not only the United Irishmen were put down, but all moderate men also ; they were awed, and afraid to act even in a constitutional way. However, it cannot be de- nied, that the main cause arose from the situation of the country. She was a nation without a people ; the Representation was that of indivi- duals, and was bought as a marketable commo- dity ; the majority of the people were not admit- ted into the Government of the country, and the formation of the Constitution did not remedy the defect. The people were not interested, and no will throw some light upon his character, and surprise many of Ins ad- mirers, though it will afford little satisfaction to the victims of his ill- judged policy towards Ireland. He writes to the Lord-Lieutenant as follows : — " I own to you the line to which my mind at present inclines (open to whatever new observations or arguments may be suggested to me), is to give Ireland an almost unlimited communication of commercial ad- vantages, if we can receive in return some security, that her strength and riches unM be our benefit, and that she will contribute from time to time in their increasing proportions to the common exigencies of the empire, and having, by holding out this, removed, I trust, every temptation to Ireland to consider her interest as separate from England ; to be ready while we discountenance wild and unconstitutional attempts which strike at the root of all authority, to give real efficacy and popularity to Government by acceding (if such a line can be good) to a prudent and temperate reform of' Parliament, which may guard against and gradually cure real defects and mischiefs, may show a sufficient regard to the in- terests and even prejudices of individuals who are concerned, and may unite the Protestant interest in excluding the Catholics from any shore in the Representation or the Government of the Country /" — Mr. Pitt's Letter to the Duke of Rutland, 7th October, 1784. In another letter he says that local prejudices and partial advantages should be relinquished to consult without d istinction for the general benefit of the empire.— " This cannot be done but by making England and Ire- land one country in effect, though for local concerns under distinct legis- latures, one in the communication of advantages ; if their unity is broken or rendered absolutely precarious, the system is defective and there is an end of the whole." — Unpublished Letter, 6th January, 1785. * Sir Jonah Barrington says in his history, that he read the dispatch from Mr. Pitt to Lord Cornwallis, desiring him not to press the Union unless he was certain of a majority of 50. 184 REMARKS ON [CHAP. VI. people will ever fight for an abstract proposition of liberty. Hence it is almost a matter of sur- prise that England did not attempt the Union before. But another and a wiser course was open to her ; if, instead of rewarding Lord Clare with power and confidence in proportion to his offences, Mr. Pitt had punished him or discarded him, or even had not made him minister, as in 1789, when he declared that the majority of the House of Commons had been bought formerly, and must be bought again — as in 1793, when he reprobated conciliation, and when he reviled the Catholic petition, which in effect his Majesty re- commended, and the bill which his Majesty ven- tured to espouse ; or when he declared that the Catholics must be determined enemies to his throne ; or in 1795, when he declared that he would make the Irish as tame as cats; or in 1797, when, as head of the University, he proposed illegal questions under an illegal oath, and com- pelled those who refused to submit and accuse themselves ; or in 1798, when he tolerated tor- ture, and justified the principle — had this been done; had Government discarded such a minister, there would have been no rebellion,* and no Union; but, instead of a rebellion, the British Government would have had the solid weight of the population of Ireland, and the warm heart of the nation for ever. It is probable that French intrigue, French party, democratic partisans would have existed, — in every state in Europe these were to be found, — but it required ministers like Lord Clare and Mr. Pitt to make them • One of the items of expense at that melancholy period which the mind grieves to dwell on, was for losses sustained in the insurrection. The sums claimed by suffering loyalists and which were decided on by the Commissioners, amounted to 823,517/., of which there was disal- lowed, 71,470/. What must not have been the losses of the opposite party ? A good argument this against civil war ! CHAP. VI.] THE UNION. 185 general, and to make them as lasting as the Union, perhaps as the connexion; for it is rarely that a deep popular passion can be allayed by removing present causes of complaint — retribution and security are equally claimed. The seeds for the destruction of the Irish Par- liament had been carefully sown so early as the time of James the First, when he created forty boroughs to enable his retainers to return the ma- jority, thereby counteracting the measure of Queen Elizabeth, who had divided Ireland into shires,* and enabled the community to elect the House of Commons. Mr. Grattan imagined that he could have eradicated this national evil, and he deeply regretted one circumstance in his life, that he had not proposed the addition of two members to the county constituency. He said there was a moment when he thought that the House of Commons would have adopted such a proposition, that a single resolution would have effected it, and he scarcely forgave himself the omission. It is probable that the period he al- luded to was that of 1784, when Lord Charle- mont, Mr. Flood, and Mr. Pitt were favourable to Reform. Such a measure might have prevented the Union, but that it would have passed appears rather doubtful. Yet this Parliament, in despite of its defects, did more for the country in the short space of time it was allowed to live, than England had effected in all her long and varied struggles for liberty. Ireland removed the restraints that for centuries before had been imposed on her com- merce and her constitution; she repealed Poy- ning's law — she insisted on the repeal of the 6th * Historians erroneously represent James as entitled to the merit of that measure, but it fairly belongs to Elizabeth ; hers was a constitu- tional act, his was merely ministerial. 186 REMARKS ON [CHAP. VI. of George the First* — she obtained free trade — she obtained an independent Constitution — she re- stored the final judicature to her Lords — she established the independence of her Judges, she secured to the country the benefits of the Habeas Corpus Act- — she purified the elective franchise — she repealed the Perpetual Mutiny Bill, and placed on record the immortal resolve, that a standing army in time of peace, without the con- sent of Parliament, was contrary to law, (in it- self a charter of liberty). — All these splendid ac- quisitions she obtained in 1782, after a short reign of a few days, by means of her Parliament, freed from foreign control, and influenced by Irish feel- ings and Irish counsels. Subsequently, after a severe struggle against a corrupt Court, she obtained a Navigation Act, a Pension Bill, a Place Bill, a Responsibility Bill. She diffused the spirit of religious liberty, and emancipated, in a degree, the mind of her people. She repealed numerous penal laws, and gave to Roman Catholics property and power, and accom- panied the possession of land with the right of the elective franchise. She opened to them the Bar, and the Assistant Barristers' Bench; and if she had not been thwarted by British influence, she would have given to them full and complete Emancipation, and placed, in every respect, the Roman Catholic on an equality with his Pro- testant fellow-countryman. England had rights and precedents of her own to follow. She could boast of a proud constitutional ancestry, who traced their names— their descent — their glories — in hereditary succession to the Great Charters of their country, that they had thirty times con- firmed. But no such advantages were possessed by Ireland, where it might be said — * An English Act that Mr. Fox got repealed. CHAP. VI.] THE UNION. 187 " Havoc and spoil and ruin are my gain." " Hinc exaudiri gemitus et s , , . . , , , *39 Hon. J. Creighton \ ren *S aded ! privately purchased. 40 W. A. Crosbie, Comptroller to the Lord Lieutenant's Household. *41 James Cuffe, natural son to 'Sir. Cuffe of the Board of Works ; his father created Lord Tyrawiy. *42 General Dunne, returned for Maryborough by the united influence of Lord Castlecoote and Government, to keep out Mr. Bar- rington ; gained the election by only one. 43 William Elliott, Secretary at the Castle. 44 General Eustace, a regiment. 45 Lord C. Fitzgerald, Duke of Leinster's brother ; a pension and a peerage ; a sea officer of no repute. 46 Right Hon. W. Forward, the brother of Lord Wicklow. 47 Sir C. Fortescue, renegaded officer ; King at Arms. 48 A. Ferguson, got a place at the Barrack Board, 500/. a year, and a baronetcy. *49 Luke Fox, appointed Judge of Common Pleas; nephew by marriage to Lord Ely. VOL. V. O 194 MEMBERS WHO VOTED [CHAP. VI. *50 William Fortescue, got a secret pension out of a fund (3,000/. a year) entrusted by Parliament to the Irish Government, solely to reward Reynolds, Cope, &c, &c, and those who in- formed against rebels. 51 J. Galbraith, Lord Abercorn's attorney ; got a baronetage. 52 Henry D. Grady, first counsel to the Commissioners. 53 llichard Hare, put two members into Parliament, and was created Lord Ennismore for their votes. 54 William Hare, his son. 55 Colonel B. Heniker, a regiment, and paid 3,500/. for his seat by the Commissioners of Compensation ; an Englishman; got a peerage. 56 Peter Holmes, a Commissioner of Stamps. 57 George Hatton, appointed Commissioner of Stamps. 58 Hon. J. Hutchinson, a general, Lord Hutchinson. 59 Hugh Howard, Lord Wicklow's brother, made Postmaster General. *60 William Handcock, Athlone, an extraordinary instance; he made and sang songs against the Union in 1799, at a public dinner of the Opposition, and made and sang songs for it in 1800; he got a peerage. *61 John Hobson, appointed Storekeeper at the Castle Ordnance. (32 Col. G. Jackson, a regiment. 63 Denham Jephson, Master of Horse to the Lord Lieutenant. 64 Hon. G. Jocelyn, promotion in the Army, and his brother conse- crated bishop of Lismore. 65 William Jones, Colonel of Militia. 66 Theophilus Jones, Collector of Dublin. 67 Maj.-Gen. Jackson, a regiment. *68 William Johnson, returned to Parliament by Lord Castlereagh, as he himself declared, "to put an end to it;" appointed judge. 69 Robert Johnson, seceded from his patron, Lord Downshire, and was appointed a judge. 70 John Keane, a renegade; got a pension. 71 James Kearney, returned by Lord Clifton, being his attorney; got an office. 72 Henry Kemmis, son to the Crown Solicitor. 73 William Knott, appointed a Commissioner of Appeals, 800/. a year. 74 Andrew Knox, Lord Abercorn's influence. *75 Colonel Keatinge. 76 Right Hon. Sir H. Langrishe, a Commissioner of the Revenue, re- ceived 15,000/. for his patronage at Knoctopher. 77 T. Lindsay, Commissioner of Stamps, paid 1,500/. for his pa- tronage. 78 T. Lindsay, jun., Usher at the Castle, paid 1.500/. for his pa- tronage. 79 T. Longfield, created a peer ; Lord Longueville. 80 Capt. J. Longfield, appointed to the Office of Ship Entries of Dublin, taken from Sir Jonah Barrington. 81 Lord Loftus, son to Lord Ely, Postmaster-General; got 30,000/. for their boroughs, and created an English Marquis. 82 General Lake, an Englishman (no connexion with Ireland) ; re- turned by Lord Castereagh solely to vote for the Union. 83 Right Hon. David Latouche. chap, vi.] FOR THE UNION. 195 84 General Loftus, a general ; got a regiment ; cousin to Lord Ely. 85 Francis M'Namara, a private pension, paid by Lord Castlereagh. 86 Ross Mahon, several appointments and places by Government. 87 Richard Martin, Commissioner of Stamps. 88 Right Hon. Monk Mason, a Commissioner of Revenue. 89 H. D. Massy, received 4,000/. *90 Thomas Mahon. 91 A. E. M'Naghten, appointed a Lord of the Treasury, &c. 92 Stephen Moore, a Postmaster at will. *93 N. M. Moore. 94 Right Hon. Lodge .Morris, created a peer. 95 Sir R. Musgrave, appointed Receiver of the Customs, 1,200/. a year. 96 James M'Cleland, a barrister; appointed Solicitor-General, and then a Baron of the Exchequer. *97 Colonel C. M'Donnel, Commissioner of Imprest Accounts, 500/. per annum. *98 Richard Magenniss, ditto. 99 Thomas Nesbit, a pensioner at will. 100 Sir W. G . Newcomen, Bart., bought, and a peerage for his wife. "*101 Richard Neville, renegaded; reinstated as Teller of the Ex- chequer. 102 William Odell, a regiment, and Lord of the Treasury. 103 Charles Osborne, a barrister, appointed a Judge of tho King's Bench. 104 C. M. Ormsby, appointed First Council Commissioner. 105 Admiral Packenham, Master of the Ordnance. *106 Colonel Packenham, a regiment, killed at New Orleans. *107 H. S. Prittie, a peerage, Lord Dunally. *108 R. Penefather. *109 T. Prendergast, an office in the Court of Chancery, 500/. a year, his brother Crown Solicitor. *110 Sir Richard Quin, a peerage. 111 Sir Boyle Roche, Gentleman Usher at the Castle. 112 R. Rutledge. *113 Hon. C. Rowley, renegaded, and appointed to office by Lord Castlereagh. 114 Hon. H. Skeffington, Clerk of the Paper Office of the Castle, and 7,500/. for his patronage. 115 William Smith, a barrister, appointed a Baron of Exchequer. 116 H. M. Sandford, created a peer, Lord Mount Sandford. 117 Edmond Stanley, appointed Commissioner of Accounts. 118 John Staples. 119 John Stewart, appointed Attorney-General, and created a baronet. 120 John Stratton. *121 Hon. B. Stratford, renegaded to get 7,500, his half of the com- pensation for Baltinglass. *122 Hon. J. Strutford, Paymaster of Foreign Forces, 1,300/. a year, and 7,500/. for Baltinglass. *1 23 Richard Sharkey, an obscure barrister, appointed a county judge. *124 Thomas Stannus, renegaded. *125 J. Savage. *126 Right Hon. J. Toler, Attorney-General, his wife, an old lady, created a peeress, himself made Chief Justice, and a peer. o 2 196 MR. FOX*S OPINIONS [CHAP. VI. *127 Frederick Trench, appointed a Commissioner of the Board of Works. *128 Hon. R. Trench, a barrister, created a peer, and made an ambas- sador. *129 Charles Trench, his brother appointed Commissioner of Inland Navigation, a new office created by Lord Cornwallis, for rewards. *130 Richard Talbot. *131 P. Tottenham, compensation for patronage, cousin, and politically- connected with Lord Ely. 132 Lord Tyrone, 104 offices in the gift of his family; proposed the Union in Parliament, by a speech written in the crown of his hat. 133 Charles Tottenham, in office. 134 John Townsend, a Commissioner. *135 Robert Tighe, Commissioner of Barracks. 136 Robert Uniack, a commissioner; connected with Lord Clare. 137 James Verner, called the Prince of Orange. 138 J. O. Vandeleur, commissioner of the Revenue; his brother a Judge. 139 Colonel Wemyss, Collector of Kilkenny. 140 Henry Westenra, father of the late Lord Rossmore, the reverse of him in politics. It may not be uninteresting to refer to the two great leading men of the day, who, on the subject of the Union, widely differed. Mr. Fox had as- sisted in the establishment of the Independent Constitution of Ireland in 1782, and was adverse to a change. But with a view to forward the measure, his opponents had represented his senti- ments as favourable to it; and, in consequence, at a meeting of the Whig Club in London, on the 6th May, 1800, he took the opportunity of ex- plaining them. He said — That he had persisted in his retirement from Parliament from no motive, but a persuasion on his part that his at- tendance w ould be of no avail — his opinions had been mis- represented, particularly on the Union. It had been in- vidiously given out, both in this country and in Ireland, that he was rather friendly than adverse to that measure — it was unnecessary to repeat his opinions to such men as were well acquainted with him. He, who had opposed the enslaving of America, must be hostile to the enslaving of Ireland. (Loud applause.) He, who thought it was un- pardonable presumption, in this country, to attempt to CHAP. VI.] ON THE UNION. 197 legislate for America, would not change his opinions of legislating for Ireland in Great Britain. It was the most arrogant of all pretensions, to pretend that we can legislate for Ireland — that we should understand all her local in- terests better than herself, and feel a more lively anxiety in promoting them — the sovereignty of the people — that man shall be his own governor, is the fundamental prin- ciple of all well constituted states. It is unnecessary to say more than to compare this principle with the Union, in order to discover the injustice of the measure. Does any one think, when the Union takes place, that Ireland will have an equal share in the Government? " Do as you will be done by/' is one of the soundest maxims of policy. Put the question the other way: suppose England were to sur- render up her legislature to unite herself with Ireland, and send one hundred members to the Irish Parliament, to sit there and act as the guardians of the interests of this country. If such a proposition was made, what would be the first outcry here against such a surrender of our inde- pendence : such a sacrifice of our interests, even if Ireland were to have an equal share in the British legislature, an outcry would be raised. What would the English say if the members for Belfast and Limerick were to have the ruling voice in legislating for them? To undertake to legis- late for persons with whose local interests we must be un- acquainted is despotism, not liberty. We could not have the same feeling, the same views with Ireland, and the at- tempt to govern for them was the most audacious which the history of mankind recorded. To pretend that the measure is taken with the consent of the Irish people is adding mockery to injury. While martial law # is pro- claimed in Ireland, and the people restrained from meeting to express their sentiments, it is insulting them to say that the Union is made with their free good-will. These were Mr. Fox's opinions on the measure of Union ; they were worthy of a great mind, and a man of enlarged sentiments, and in both these respects there appears a great difference between him and his rival, and many think that * When the disturbances in 1798 broke out in Ireland, he said to Mr. Grattan, "your countrymen have got into a great scrape, and I do not see how they can get out of it." 198 COMPARISON BETWEEN [CHAP. VI. in these respects he greatly surpassed him. A comparison, therefore, of the respective merits of these celebrated men, may not prove uninterest- ing or unimportant. Mr. Pitt — who may be said to be the author of Ireland's degradation, and the cause of her heaviest calamities — was the son of the great Earl of Chatham. In his early days he was dis- tinguished for his literary acquirements, and was reputed to be one of the best classical scholars in England. He came into public life with great advantages ; the splendour of his father's name shone around him, and he enjoyed the reputation of hereditary talent and popular principles ; for his conduct, at the commencement of his career, in- duced men to believe that he would prove to be a staunch supporter of the rights and liberties of the people, as well as the power and prerogatives of the Crown. As a speaker, Mr. Pitt was excellent — he had been trained in the art from his infancy by his father—he spoke very often, and never ill ; Mr. Fox spoke often, and not always well, yet when lie spoke from his heart, he was superior to Pitt; but in reply, Mr. Pitt was always good and superior to Fox, though not equal to Sheridan, whose invective was very bitter, and who was a man of the greatest genius in the House of Com- mons. Sheridan used to annoy Pitt more than any one else, and it is probable that on a field "day Sheridan would have surpassed him, for he could make him appear very ridiculous ;* but in close fight, Pitt always supported himself with pru- dence and sufficient boldness. He had great powers of satire ; his fort was scorn ; his invec- * Mr. Grattan used to say that the difference between Lord Chatham and his son was, that you remembered what the one said, but not what the other. CHAP. VI.] MR. FOX AND MR. PITT. 199 tive was almost unrivalled, and did not seem to be so much the result of a warm imagination as the effect of his judgment ; but he had not the depth or the grandeur of Fox. It is true that in his speeches Fox used to go very far ; he went be- yond what was prudent, and hazarded bold and extreme opinions. lie did so in 1789 ; he did so in 1796. The race of his eloquence hurried him forward and precipitated him ; there was a bold, constitutional vehemence of mind, which made him sacrifice his cooler judgment. Its nobleness captivated. When he conversed, he opened his heart before you — when he spoke, his language was select, his words well chosen ; he sometimes made too much of a small subject; but when his mind lightened, he was prodigiously fine — nothing could be superior. He possessed more talent and more general knowledge than Pitt, but he had not his art. Pitt was an actor, but, unlike his father, he was a trickster also. He had a better understanding than Fox, but he wanted what Fox had — a heart ! He was too cautious, and would have been a greater man if he had had less artifice. His speaking resembled a square battalion, or a number of battalions, each sup- porting the other ; his arguments were always well arranged, and followed and strengthened each other. It was not so with Fox. His fault was that his arguments did not seem to flow from each other ; it was a large army, but deficient in order; but Pitt lacked the ornament that Fox had, which, however, was in argument, and not always used ; neither did he possess the same reach of mind as Fox, nor the same magnanimity of sentiment. When men heard Pitt* speak, they heard what was very good and finely delivered, * Sheridan used to say that Pitt was like a pendulum — he never thought till his tongue was set in motion. 200 COMPARISON BETWEEN [CHAP. VI. but when they heard Fox they heard much that was ordinary, and some things that were unri- valled. Pitt's speeches are models of parlia- mentary debating, and good speaking ; they flow with great ease — there is no break, no sudden conclusion, nothing abrupt; they contain much grandeur of style ; they have propriety, sense, and dignity, and an easy continued flow, but they want brilliancy, vivacity, and impetus ; they will not descend to posterity, and will scarcely be read, for the subjects cease to interest, and there is no rich sentiment or philosophical principle in them. They are nothing compared to his father's * — they are nothing compared to Bolingbroke, and even Bolingbroke is not often read. Demosthenes will ever be read on account of his fine style and fine sentiments, though the subject does not in- terest. Pitt's speeches on the Kegency question excite no interest — (that, as was very improperly said by Sheridan, was a question of party) — his speeches on the Indian question are good, but in- ferior to Burke's, where that subject will be studied ; inferior also to Fox, who spoke on that question better than Pitt. His speech on the breaking out of the French war, alter the peace of Amiens, was Pitt's best, but it was ill reported, as the gallery was cleared. Fox replied next day, and told Mr. Grattan it was the best speech he ever made. Of these two great statesmen, Mr. Fox was decidedly the first — he possessed finer principles, and appears a nobler but a looser* character. Mr. Pitt will be thought to have more prudence, but he was spoiled by Government, and had re- ceived a bad education from his early connection with the Court, where he had learned harsh prin- ciples and tricky ways. On the other hand, Mr. * Coming from the Italian he would have sung the Beggar's Opera. CHAP. VI.] MR. FOX AND MR. PITT. 201 Fox stood aloof from the Court, and was brought up differently, though irregularly, but was spoiled by being too long in opposition, as Mr. Pitt was by being too long in Government; yet, consider- ing how long Pitt remained in power, and the means he had to increase it, it is surprising he was not a much worse and a more arbitrary minister. He had the art to keep clear of faults, and exposed himself to few, while he took advan- tage of all those of his adversary, so that he may justly be called " tectissimus orator;' but this was not a great art, and did not evince any great quality, and there is no fine principle in it. Pitt was cunning, always afraid of being overreached, and sure to sow distrust in every bosom. He did so with Mr. Grattan and the Volunteers in 1783 — he did so with Mr. Grattan and Lord Fitz- william in the negotiation of 1795 — he did so with respect to both Catholics and Protestants at the Union in 1800. Fox was exactly the reverse ; he had an engaging manner, a directitude and open- ness of character that inspired confidence ; he possessed the art of approximation, and in a question of negotiation would come sooner to the object, and had talent to manage it. Great fault was found with Fox for his coalition with Lord North in '83 ; but the coalition of Pitt with George the Third afterwards was infinitely worse. Fox's junction with Lord North may have been unseemly, but nothing more. Fox and he had been political opponents, but Fox was minister and Lord North was not ; he took office under Fox. But Pitt formed a coalition with the King, and took office under him — the one was the Go- vernment of a constitutional minister directing a man already humbled by defeat, the other was the league of an exasperated king against a con- stitutional minister. The King had lost one Em- 202 COMPARISON BETWEEN [CHAP. VI. pire, and would have gone on in the mad attempt to recover it, if he had been permitted to follow his own inclination. Pitt joined with him, and formed a most unprincipled junction, in which he consulted his animosity against Fox more than his love for the country. Pitt took office under the old offenders,* and a very bad party; and the King took up an aspiring young man against Fox, and Pitt managed the King by threatening to let loose Fox upon him. This terror kept Pitt in office till he found he was making the King too strong; the King then discovered he could do without him, and turned him out.f It was singular that the people should have seen the junction between Fox and Lord North, and not have seen the junc- tion between Pitt and the King. Though the doctrine that the King should not name as minis- ter a man whom Parliament disapproves, is not very constitutional, yet it is useful. In 1784, Pitt opposed this fatally ; his father had thought differently, and said that the King should be re- strained in the choice of his minister, and kept him so. Pitt dissolved the charm, and took the King out of leading strings. Pitt gave many bad qualities to the King, who kept them, and in ex- change he got bad ones from the King, and never returned them. On the subject of the Regency, perhaps Pitt was right; the ground he took was more prudent and more popular than that taken by Mr. Fox ; and yet he would have found it difficult to reconcile it to the spirit of the British constitution. There was no analogy to it in his doctrine, which went much farther from the principles of the constitution than that of Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox (who on the question of the Middle- sex election had begun ill in supporting its prin- * 1784. f 1801. CHAP. VI.] MR. FOX AND MR. PITT. 203 ciple, namely, the right of the House of Commons to disqualify its members), on the question of the Regency supported the right of the Prince of Wales to become Regent on the illness of his father, the King. Of this error Mr. Pitt availed himself dexterously, and acquired great popu- larity. He managed the question with consum- mate skill, and gained the people by professing to defend the Constitution against Fox, while he gained the King by defending him against his son. It was certainly more dangerous to let the House of Commons assume the power than the Prince, for then they might declare the King in- capable, and form a Republic. The case was an extreme one, and could only be provided for on the occasion ; there was no great light thrown on the subject. Mr. Pitt's phrase of " Treason to the Constitution" sounded well, but had no strength. He admitted that the Prince should be Regent; Fox said the same; they differed only about the mode ; that was matter of arrangement, and in this Pitt showed a factious spirit. He de- prived the Regent of the appointments to the household, which he gave to the Queen, whom he had on his side, and of whose friendship he was sure : thus he created a party for himself, so that he could not be turned out of office ; or, if he was turned out, he possessed through this party the greatest possible means of annoying the Regent. On the whole of the business there was a great deal of faction.* The Prince did not act well ; he held private meetings, when he should have left London, and shown no anxiety or concern in the case further than that which * On the debate on the same subject at a subsequent period, Sheridan said the whole was a question of party ; his friends did not forgive him. But this did not apply to Ireland where it was not a party question, and in which the Irish Parliament acted in a much more constitutional manner than the British. 204 CHARACTER OF [CHAP. VI. he should have entertained concerning his father. The Parliament of Ireland on this occasion dif- fered from Mr. Pitt ; they made him their enemy by taking part with the Prince of Wales against him. Mr. Pitt never forgave them, but harboured the recollection in his breast till an opportunity occurred. The Union was an act of resentment, and he then wreaked upon that devoted country all his vengeance, with cool, unsparing malevo- lence. He took up the question of Reform in Parlia- ment, and the reformation of abuses, and then he abandoned them. Having availed himself of the popularity they acquired for him to get into power ; he then forgot the principle — the Reform he found a legacy left by his father, and he used it, not for the people, but as a weapon against Mr. Fox, and then flung it away as soon as he became minister. He acted the part of an apos- tate, and his office was his apology ; but he went a little farther, and strove to hang those who had supported these measures. He made an attack upon the Constitution, and put on their trial the persons who had formerly been his friends. He had lived with Dr. Price and Home Tooke in habits of intimacy — he had adopted the principles of the one, enjoyed the friendship of the other, and then strove to hang both. It may be said that he stopped the dissemination of Jacobin prin- ciples in England, but he did so by desperate measures, and most unconstitutional proceedings ; and if the offences of Hardy and Tooke had been declared treason, no man in England would have been safe. With regard to the abolition of the slave trade, he professed to be its supporter, yet he remained in office without carrying it — he did more, for he allowed his own men to consider it as a private CHAP. VI.] MR. FOX AND MR. PITT. 205 question, and let them vote as they pleased : thus, he held office to let his own party vote against him, and outvote him on his own question. This was a palpable trick, and the introduction of a practice that was novel and bad. With respect to the French war, Pitt supported and Fox opposed it. Both were in the wrong — both went too far ; the one was too ready to make peace, the other too eager to continue the war. Pitt was mistaken, in 1792, for he should have made peace then. France had been foiled ; she had lost Brabant and the Low Countries, and was more limited in territory than at the peace of 1814. The object, therefore, which Mr. Pitt professed to have in view was obtained, and he should have terminated the war. He approved afterwards of the peace of 1801, and this was a confession that he was wrong in 1792 ; but his idea was not merely to beat down France, but to beat down all French principles everywhere. That was absurd, and showed he was a bad statesman, as well as a bad war-minister ; but he was a sterling Englishman, and his merit was, that he restrained the wild spirit that was extending from France, and kept up the national spirit of Eng- land. He did this with great boldness and great perseverance, and not only kept up the high tone of England, but made her the rallying-point for Europe ; and it may be fairly said, that he upheld the courage of the Continent, as well as that of his own country. He was, however, greatly assisted by Edmund Burke. This was his merit, and he deserves praise for it ; but when that is said, everything is said. His plans got credit subsequently from the defeat of the French, and obtained for his memory a praise that he did not deserve ; for the success of the war was owing to 206 CHARACTER OF [CHAP. VI. the reverse of his system. He had nothing to say- to it ; Buonaparte achieved it — not England. Fox's fault was that he appeared too eager to conclude peace on any terms, and he was cen- sured for this much more than he deserved ; the truth was that he saw farther than Pitt did, and was right in the two prophecies that he made that France would beat Europe and could only be ruined by herself; he said justly, " if France is thrown on her resources she will beat us, hut if she throws the Continent on their resources she will be beaten.'" This turned out to be the case. Pitt proved the truth of the first proposition, for he submitted to terms of peace harder than were offered to England, and that left France mistress of Europe. The event proved the truth of the second proposition. France beat herself down ; the expedition to Russia ruined her ; Pitt's wars made her ; Buonaparte's wars destroyed her. Fox may have committed many errors, but here he foretold precisely what happened, and sufficient justice has not been rendered to his memory. If he had lived, he would have made peace in 1807 ; he had obtained good terms, and would have brought matters to a favourable termination ; but he was dying. Let us see for what Pitt deserves the name of great : he could have derived little satisfaction from anything that he did, except it was a satis- faction to find the country everything and to leave her nothing ; perhaps he may have been elated by his measures of finance. Commerce grew into a flourishing state, notwithstanding the loss of the American market, and here he had some merit. As to the French revolution, he prevented its principles from spreading to Eng- land, but he did this by desperate means, and CHAP. VI.] MR. FOX AND MR. PITT. 207 the Emperor of Austria did the same. His con- ceptions may have been good, but his execution was miserable. He failed in all his military undertakings ; his expeditions were unfortunate and unsuccessful. He placed at their head the King's son, because he was his son, not because he was a general. His coalitions were ill- planned, accelerated, and ineffectual.* His con- tinental projects failed ; he could not carry par- liamentary reform ; he could not carry the abolition of the slave trade ; he could not carry Catholic emancipation ; he could not conclude a peace with France ; he could only make war in Ireland, and carry his Union by bayonets and bribes. His bank restriction was condemned by his friend Canning ; his sinking fund by his friend Lord Grenville. The panegyric of his followers was his dis- paragement ; for if he had been a truly great man he never would have associated with them. They undervalued Lord Chatham, and for opposite reasons praised the son. Had he been what he ought they would not have extolled him ; but Mr. Pitt liked that class of persons, and was fond of "a diligent mediocrity,''' On the whole, he failed in the two grand efforts of his life — the French war and the Irish Union ; his professed object was to consolidate the two countries, whereas the people remained as divided as ever. His rival would never have passed such a mea- sure. Mr. Fox had a superior mind ; he had also an excellent heart, and was perhaps the best natured * The public paper transmitted to Mr. Pitt from abroad, stated the number of troops the allies -were to bring into the field, and after parti- cularizing the contingents of each state, ended with " et d'uutres, 30,000 !" and these paper men seemed to suffice for the British minis- ter; England paid for them accordingly, and Buonaparte scattered them to the winds. 203 CHARACTER OF MR. PITT. [CHAP. VI. man that ever lived. He wrote to General Bur- goyne in 1783 about the Irish Volunteers, so also did Mr. Pitt ; his letters were kind and feeling, — those of Mr. Pitt were harsh and angry. Fox was full of candour ; he had great weaknesses, was often mistaken in politics, and had many errors, but they did not impeach his political principles, though they did his prudence. Pitt, on the contrary, associated and went to table with men of vile principles — Jenkinson, Eldon, West- moreland. What could be more insincere than his professions? What more unconstitutional than his government? What more desperate, profli- gate, and violent than his Irish administration ? His fault — nay his crime — was that his govern- ment left on the minds of the people a hostile impression towards England. When men call him great they should not forget his conduct — flogging, strangling, and free- quarters. If he had been a great man he would not have allowed such measures. It may be doubted whether he was a bad minister for Eng- land, but no one can doubt that he was a bad minister for Ireland ; he kept up there an abomi- nable set of men, and it cannot any longer be questioned whether he was justified in giving that country up to a band of fiery fiends such as Lord Clare, John Claudius Beresford, Archbishop Agar, Hobart, Westmoreland, and Camden — the pitch-cap, the triangle, the lash, and the torture. There is a good plain way of judging of ministers, that is, from the persons they employ, and if Pitt had been truly great he never would have tole- rated such men or pursued such measures. He found Ireland in a very different state from that to which he reduced her. His father did not think it requisite to keep up such a military force CHAP. VI.] CHARACTER OF MR. PITT. 209 there as his son rendered necessary. It was not required at the time of the American war. It was not required at the period of 1782, there were then only 5,000 troops in Ireland ; it was scarcely required even at the period of 179G ; but Mr. Pitt lost by his violent measures the affec- tions of the Irish people, he shook the connection, he perilled the empire, and his conduct towards Ireland left a stain upon his character that never will be effaced. vol. v. p 210 MR. GRATTAN RETIRES [CHAP. VII. CHAPTER VII. After the Union Mr. Grattan retires to Tinnehinch and gives up politics. — His mode of life. — Letter to Mr. Berwick. — Remark on Lord Clare's speech in the Imperial Parliament. — Lord Fitzwilliam urges Mr. Grattan to enter Parliament. — Mr. Grattan's letter to Signor Acerbi. — Remarks on Ireland. — Mr. Pitt and Lord Cornwallis retire from office. — Their reasons. — Memorandum produced by Lord Castle- reagh on the subject. — Mr. Addington's administration. — Peace with the French Republic. — Emmett's insurrection in 1803. — His words and death. — The Broken Heart, Moore's Melody. — Mr. M'Can's exami- nation before the Privy Council. — Strange offers to him. — Mr. Grat- tan's letter to Mr. Wickham. — The paper regarding the United Irish Directory burned by Mr. Grattan. — Lord Fitzwilliam's letter to Mr. Grattan and Mr. Plowden. — His History and Remarks on Mr. Addington as to the Catholics. — Mr. Fox applies to Mr. Grattan on the affairs of Ireland. — His answer. — His yeomanry corps. — Recon- ciles Orangemen and Catholics. — Mr. Grattan's important letter to Mr. Fox. — Mr. Fox to Mr. Grattan. — Hardy's Memoirs of Lord Charlemont. After the Union, Mr. Grattan retired to Tinne- hinch, and gave himself up to study and to the education of his children. His love of literature and of music afforded him great and lasting- resources ; he returned to the study of Greek and Latin classics, and the English, Irish, and Roman histories. Horace, Virgil, Homer, Livy, Tacitus, Cicero, and Demosthenes, Shakspeare, Milton, and Pope were his favourite authors; he had them always on the table and much of them by heart. About a mile from Tinnehinch there was an ancient Roman Catholic church- yard, situated on a rising ground above the Waterfall river ; the remains of the ruined walls CHAP. Vn.] FROM POLITICS. 211 were overhung with ivy, and the old trees that grew around them covered the place with a grave and solemn shade, it was a lonely but an inte- resting spot ; along its border lay a little dell through which a brook murmured gently round moss-grown stones, till a few yards farther on, it fell over a steep cascade, and there joined the river that flowed to Tinnehinch. This was the favourite retreat of Mr. Grattan ; to this seques- tered spot he loved to retire, and on the Sunday mornings in spring, when the wild violets and the primroses began to appear, and in summertide, he used to sit or saunter beneath the blossoming hawthorn, wrapt in thought and meditation ; there, he would say, it is not within a church alone that I can offer up my prayers to Heaven ; God is visible in all his works around, wondrous and infinite ; I behold, I admire, and I adore. My brother* and myself, who often accompanied him, used then to read or to repeat some favourite author, till the hour for breakfast aroused him to return. He could scarce speak tranquilly on the subject of the Union ; at one time he would start into fits as if seized with frenzy, at another he would remain musing and melancholy, or if he ventured to speak on the subject his eyes almost filled with tears. His habits were early, and as he was now freed from the turmoil of politics, he could regulate them with more precision. He rose at six, threw over his shoulders his House of Commons cloak, and went from the bedroom to the river and therein he precipitated himself, summer or win- ter, frost or snow ; his health was thus re- stored, and his spirits in some degree recovered their former tone and elasticity. He kept to his early friends, Hardy, Berwick, Ponsonby, Arthur * The Right Hon. James Grattan, member for the county of Wicklow. p 2 212 MR. GRATTAN TO MR. BERWICK. [CHAP. VII. Moore, Preston (the poet), Burrowes, Fletcher, Curran, the remnant of the Irish party, with whom, as he was wont to say, he had retired from the scenes of their last labours, " with safe con- sciences but with breaking hearts." But Mr. Grattan, though sensitive in the high- est degree,* was a man too intellectual, too favoured in friendship and love, and too good to fall into misanthropy or stupor under any mis- fortunes. The following letter to one of his closet friends, though short and slight, shows that his mind was strong, as the after one from Lord Fitzwilliam is evidence of his bodily health, and of the unabated esteem with which every honest politician regarded him : — Mr. Grattan to the Rev. Mr. Berwick. 30th March, 1801. My dear Doctor, — I return you many thanks ; pre- sent my acknowledgments to Mr. Davenportf in my name, but I have got a tutor, Mr. M'Neil has agreed to come. I long to see you and talk about the times. I have not seen Hardy for some time^-he is with the Bishop ;J as soon as my horse recovers I will ride to them. I am glad you are likely to be on friendly terms with La Touche ; § he is a man of great worth, though his politics fall short a little * An anecdote may here be related, which to some families may prove useful and instructive. When very young Mr. Grattan had been frightened by stories of ghosts and hobgoblins that nurses are too often in the habit of relating to children, so much so as to affect his nerves in the greatest degree ; he could not bear being left alone, or remaining long without any person in the dark. This feeling he determined to overcome, and he adopted a bold plan. In the dead of night he used to resort to a churchyard near his father's house, and there he used to sit upon the gravestones, while the perspiration poured down his face; but by these efforts he at length succeeded and overcame his nervous sensa- tion ; this certainly was a strong proof of courage in a child. f Rev. Mr. Davenport, a Fellow of Dublin College, a very worthy man. \ Dickson, Bishop of Down, a mild, upright, honest man, who with Marley voted against the Union — the only two bishops who did so. § Right Hon. David Latouche, he had voted for the Union; one of the only seven men in the house who were not bribed. CHAP. VII.] LORD PITZ WILLI AM TO MR. G RAT TAN. 213 of ours. What do you think of Lord Clare's* last speech — the mite Thaletis ingenium ? He seems to me to have become a clumsy affectation of Dr. Duigenan. Remem- ber me to the house of Castle Forbes. — Yours ever, H. Grattan. Lord Fitzwilliam to Mr. Grattan. London, June 11th, 1801. Dear Grattan, — Though no occasion has offered for my expressing to you the interest I have taken in, and the gratification I have received from, all the happy circum- stances that have attended you since we last met, not one of your numerous friends has seen them with more sincere pleasure. In the midst of circumstances of a different nature, health, I am happy to hear, has returned, and with it, I hope, not only the powers, but the inclination for activity. You must not be buried in the mountains of Wicklow, nor deprive the country of talents in which it has a property. Let me then ask you if you will accept a seat in the present Parliament should a vacancy arise by a death. My friend, Mr. Dainer, who sits for Peterborough, is in a very precarious state ; I trust he will recover, but there is much danger that he will not. If anything hap- pens to him, I can venture to promise you an election, without opposition. I should not make a proposal to you to stop a gap at the fag end of a Parliament if I had it * The speech that Mr. Grattan here alludes to was delivered in the House of Lords on the 23rd of March, on the Irish Martial Law Bill ; it was full of false statements, gross misrepresentations, and the most virulent abuse upon the people of Ireland. He appears to have stated that the Catholic question was first brought forward in Ireland for the purpose of rebellion, and that ninety-nine out of every hundred Catholics did not care one jot for Catholic Emanci- pation ; what they wanted and understood by emancipation was a par- tition of property ! He said that every night when he retired to his chamber, he retired to an armoury ; and every day when he went out of his house, his servant as regularly handed him his pistols as he did his hat ! The proof of this last falsehood was, that he resided in Ireland, which he would not have done if what he stated were true ; for he possessed much more of the feminine quality than the heroic. On one occasion, as some troops were passing in the streets of Dublin to relieve a military guard, the people, in making way for them, pressed upon Lord Clare who was walking by; he conceived they were going to attack him and grew frightened, he ran into a shop and drew out a pistol to defend himself. Curran said that when he fought him he was as pale as death. 214 MR. GRATTAN TO [CHAP. VII. not in my power to propose to you a seat in the next without opposition ; and I wish it to be understood to be under all circumstances, whether a vacancy shall now take place or not. In either case allow me to propose it to you, and to press your acceptance, as a gratification to my pride in showing the existence of mutual confidence. — Believe me, with the sincerest esteem, most truly yours, We NT WORTH FlTZ WILLI AM. The reply to this could not be procured, but the offer was not accepted. The individual to whom the following letter was addressed was an Italian, who came on a visit to Ireland and was introduced to Mr. Grattan. He was the author of a tour in Lapland, and came to write a tour in Ireland. He was a man of sense, spirit, and observation, passionately fond of music, a player and composer; this secured him a warm reception among the inmates of Tin- nehinch, in honour to whom he composed some pretty pieces of music. The letter is interesting, it shows the state of the people of Ireland with rare compactness and Mr. Grattan's opinion : — Mr. Grattan to Signor Acerbi. Tinnehinch, December 17th, 1801. My dear Signor, — I was glad to hear from you and of you, in whatever quarter of the globe you are, whether the Worth Pole or the Torrid Zone, I shall be delighted to receive your letters. The north of Ireland contains the active citizens of Ireland ; its principal wealth, industry, and spirit; a bad climate and a fine people ; the south is more beautiful but worse peopled ; the cause is moral and not physical. The trade of the south was forbidden, the trade of the north encouraged. The trade of the former consisting of woollen cloth, was an object of jealousy to England ; the trade of the other consisting of linen, which was not. The emigration you mention is shocking ; it seems we lose our people as we lose our constitution. America may rejoice, France may rejoice. I am not sur- prised that those of whom you speak should repent of CHAP. VII.] SIGNOR ACERBI. 215 their late conduct; there is no constitution to be resisted now, no liberty to be run down now, and therefore no use for them. It is a fact that in this country since the wolves have been destroyed, the wolf-dog has perished. I agree with you that the expense of attending the English Parliament is more than the Irish fortunes can bear; the members will in general settle in England, or cease to attend, or get public plunder for their votes in Parliament. I can well conceive what you write of the peace to be the fact; a bad peace is better than a bad war. I was glad of the peace principally for this reason, it secured our country from invasion. I am glad the Cis- alpine republic is secured ; mention to me what her constitution is to be ; at present I apprehend it is a muni- cipality, chosen by certain description of people, making laws, and executing them. I should wish her consti- tution more open than that of France or Holland ; that she should have a representation chosen by the people who have some property, for I don't like personal repre- sentation, it is anarchy, and must become slavery. I would have a Senate and a House of Representatives ; the latter should be biennial, the former of a longer continuance. As to the Pope, I suppose Buonaparte in his Concordat (I have not seen it) consulted the wishes of France, and his own power, of course. The church in France may be restored, but the empire of the church never ; its roots are gone, its tithes, its domination. Buonaparte seems to think that the religion of the people should be that of the Government; I fancy he is right; but with us there are many who think that the religion of the Government should be that of the people ; I think they are wrong, because the people may have some religion, the Govern- ment seldom has any. 1 lament that I cannot find your book or journal. The letter of Hawkins was of no conse- quence. Remember us to Signore Bellotti and to Tom if you see him. I shall thank you much for the Statistical Breviary. I am happy you have fixed with your printer, I long to see your journal, and am, believe me, with the greatest sincerity, yours most affectionately, Henry Grattan. In March 1801, Mr. Pitt retired from office, and a change of administration took place. The cause assigned was, that no further concessions to the Catholics of Ireland would be granted by the 216 REMARKS ON THE [chap. VII. King; the consequence was the formation of a ministry on the principle of total and final exclu- sion. This appears from the letter of Mr. Plow- den, who was employed by the Government to write on the subject of Ireland, and who states the conversation and the expressions of Mr. Ad- dington, which sufficiently showed the spirit of the Administration. Thus early did the Union bubble burst. Not only had the King been too strong for his minis- ters, and determined to govern against their ad- vice, but he had resolved to govern against the sense of his people. Mr. Pitt and Lord Corn- wallis conceiving themselves bound to the Catho- lics, thought proper to retire, and they put for- ward two important documents, setting forth the reasons for their resignation, advising the Catho- lics, and delivering an opinion favourable to their claims. These were drawn up by Lord Castle- reagh, and given by Lord Corn wallis to Dr. Troy, the titular K. C. Archbishop of Dublin, with a view to satisfy the people of Ireland that some exertion had been made on their behalf. The production of these documents at this juncture was a proof that ministers had made use of the Catholic question as a means of accomplishing the Union ; the refusal on the part of the King- was pleaded as an excuse for leaving office, and intended not only as an apology for their conduct on the Union, but as a complete discharge from all future obligations ; for (although the words of the document state the minister pledged not to embark in the service of Government unless on the terms of the Catholic privileges being ob- tained) both these individuals put upon them an interpretation quite different from their plain meaning, and took office afterwards without any stipulation to carry the measure. Surely if there had been an insurmountable bar to hold office, it CH.AP. VII.] STATE OF IRELAND. 217 existed in 1804,* as well as in 1 801 , and there- fore resignation at one period should have been a bar to acceptance of office at the other ; but Mr. Pitt went even farther than this ; for in the debate of 1S05, he stated that the cause of his resigna- tion had operated so strongly on his mind, that he never would be a party to bringing forward the mea- sure on any future occasion (evidently alluding to the enmity of the King). It is manifest that these papers were intended to cover his re- treat, and that of Lord Cornwallis, from a very inglorious and disgraceful proceeding. In the debate in 1805, the words used by the minister were, that he gave no direct pledge to the Catho- lics, but he distinctly violated the written pledge given in the following document, of what sort soever it was really meant to be. On the whole, it was a ministerial manoeuvre very little creditable to any party — a species of jugglery in which, if the minister contrived not to break his word, he went as near to it as he could ; and the only difference seemed to be between a per- son not deceiving you, but suffering you to de- ceive yourself. Mr. Cooke's letter, and the me- morandum by Lord Cornwallis, as produced by Lord Castlereagh in his speech on the Catholic question on the 25th of May, 1810, are prefixed to the documents, as they appertain to them, and illustrate the transactions of 1801 . It is observable that it was on the 13th of February of that year, scarce sir months subsequent to the passing the act of Union, that these proceedings occurred, Lord Castlereagh having then applied to Lord Corn- wallis for the documents. Dublin Castle, March 3rd, 1801. My dear Lord, — In answer to the queries stated in * Mr. Pitt accepted office in May, 1804. 218 MEMORANDUM OF [CHAP. VII. your lordship's letter to the Lord Lieutenant of the 26th instant, his Excellency has directed me to inclose to you the statement which accompanies this letter, and which has been prepared according to his Excellency's directions. I am ever, my dear Lord, most truly, your Lordship's servant, E. Cooke. Viscount Castlereagh, &c. Sec. MEMORANDUM. When it was notified to the Lord Lieutenant that Mr. Pitt, Lord Grenville, Lord Spencer, Lord Camden, Mr. Dundas, and Mr. Windham, had requested permission to retire from his Majesty's councils, upon their not being sanctioned in bringing forward such measures as they thought essential to secure to the empire the full benefit of the Union, the most important of which measures ivas a concession of further privileges to his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects, his Excellency conceived that it was expedient that the Catholic body should have an authentic communication upon a subject so deeply affecting their situation and interests, and so calculated to influence their future conduct. His Excellency had long held it as his private opinion, that the measure intended by those of his Majesty's minis- ters who were retiring from office was necessary for secur- ing the connection of Ireland with Great Britain. He had been, however, cautious in his language on the sub- ject, and had studiously avoided any declaration to the Catholics, on which they could raise an expectation that their wishes were to be conceded. Through the whole measure of the Union, which was in discussion for two years, and during which period every effort was made to procure a resistance to the measure on the part of the whole body of the Catholics, no favourable assurance or promise was made to them. Their judicious conduct, during that trying period, con- firmed his Excellency in the opinion, that every measure tending to secure their attachment to the empire in future, which they had in this instance so essentially served, ought in true policy to be attempted. His Excellency did, therefore, recommend it to his chief secretary, who was engaged with his Majesty's ministers in the course of the summer in England, to second every CHAP. VII.] LORD CORNWALLIS. 219 disposition for effecting the object of the Catholics, at the same time he retained a prudential reserve to the Catholics during the progress of the discussions of the cabinet. His Majesty having approved of the solicitation of the majority of his Majesty's ministers to retire from his Ma- jesty's councils, his Excellency having requested that his Majesty would extend to him the same indulgence, it be- came a matter of public duty for his Excellency to explain to the Catholic body the sentiments which had been held with respect to them, and to inculcate the line of conduct which, in this arduous crisis, it became them to pursue. His Excellency, therefore, being apprised of the senti- ment held by Mr. Pitt, did, on the 13th February, send for Lord Fingal and Dr. Troy, and gave them two papers, to be by them circulated among the principal Catholics in different parts of Ireland. The first, his Excellency felt assured, corresponded with Mr. Pitt's sentiments. And the other conveyed his own private sentiments, formed on the speeches and conduct of many of the most eminent characters of all parties and distinctions. It being of great importance that any communication made by his Excellency should not be misunderstood or misinterpreted, and that it should make a due impression and produce a general good effect, his Excellency preferred a written to a mere verbal communication ; which might have been ill reported, and might have been subject to perversion, according to the inclination or capacity of those who should circulate and receive it. His Excellency has seen a happy result from this mode of proceeding. Rumours having been transmitted from England that the wishes of the Catholics were likely to be acceded to, every ill consequence from their disappoint- ment has been obviated : and there is now every reason to believe that they will take that line of conduct which the well-wishers to his Majesty's service and the cause of the empire could desire. The following were Mr. Pitt's Sentiments. The leading part of his Majesty's ministers, finding in- surmountable obstacles to the bringing forward measures of concession to the Catholic body whilst in office, have felt it impossible to continue in administration under the in- ability to propose it with the circumstances necessary to e carrying the measure with all its advantages : and they 220 MARQUIS CORNWALLIS ON [CHAP, VII. have retired from his Majesty's service, considering this line of conduct as most likely to contribute to its ultimate success. The Catholic body will therefore see how much their future hopes must depend upon strengthening their cause by good conduct : in the mean time, they will pru- dently consider their prospects as arising from the persons who may espouse their interests, and compare them with those which they may look to from any other quarter. They may, with confidence, rely on the support of all those who retire, and of many who remain in office, when it can be given with a prospect of success. They may be assured that Mr. Pitt will do his utmost to establish their cause in the public favour, and prepare the way for their finally attaining their objects:* and the Catholics will feel that, as Mr. Pitt could not concur in a hopeless attempt to force it now, he must at all times repress, with the same decision as if he held an adverse opinion, any unconstitutional con- duct in the Catholic body. Under these circumstances, it cannot be doubted that the Catholics will take the most loyal, dutiful, and patient line of conduct ; that they will not suffer themselves to be led into measures which can, by any construction, give a handle to the opposers of their wishes, — either to misinter- pret their principles, or to raise an argument for resisting their claims ; but that, by their prudent and exemplary demeanour, they will afford additional grounds to the growing number of their advocates to enforce their claims, on proper occasions, until their objects can be finally and advantageously attained. The Sentiments of a Sincere Friend (the Marquis cornwallis) to the catholic claims. If the Catholics should now proceed to violence, or en- tertain any idea of obtaining their objects by convulsive measures, or forming associations with men of jacobinical principles, they must of course lose the support and aid of those who have sacrificed their own situations in their * "The sentiments contained in this paper Lord Cornwallis knew to be Mr. Pitt's, having been conveyed in a letter from Lord Castlereagh to his lordship, which letter was previously seen and approved of by Mr. Pitt, although not expressed precisely in the terms read in the paper." — Words of Lord Castlereagh, 25th May, 1810, Parliamentary Debates. Yet who would have believed that in a few years afterwards Mr. Pitt should " without any pledge demanded from the King, have voluntarily "engaged not to bring forward the question." — Lord Hawkesbury's Speech, March, 1807. CHAP. VII.] THE CATHOLIC CLAIMS. 221 cause, but also would, at the same time, feel it their indis- pensable duty to oppose everything- tending to confusion. On the other hand, should the Catholics be sensible of the benefits they possess, by having so many characters of eminence pledged not to embark in the service of Govern- ment, except on the terms of the Catholic privileges being obtained, it is to be hoped that in balancing the advantages and disadvantages of their situation, they would prefer a quiet and peaceable demeanour to any line of conduct of an opposite description. The strange proceeding of a retiring minister giving written explanations to popular parties, un- connected with him, of his party's reason for se- cession, produced, as Mr. Cook's letter shows, an inquiry from London ; and this certainly somewhat negatives the conclusion suggested by parts of the documents, as well as from other circumstances, that the resignation of 1801 was only specious, that Mr. Pitt wanted to avoid the humiliating peace,* and to trick the Catholics. Lord Corn- wallis's two papers display a far greater anxiety to keep the Catholics clients of his party, than to secure their liberty; and his statement in the memorandum, that " no favourable assurance or promise " was made to the Catholics during the L T nion discussions, is directly false, and is nega- * The substance of the preliminaries of peace between the French Republic and Great Britain and Ireland, signed the 1st of October, 1801, was as follows : Great Britain retained the islands of Ceylon in the East, and Trinidad in the West, Indies, restoring all the other French, Spanish, and Dutch possessions. The Cape of Good Hope was to remain a free port; Malta was to be independent both of Great Britain and France, and to be restored to the order of St. John of Jerusalem, under the protection of a third power, to be agreed upon. Egypt was to be restored to the Porte's dominions, which power, as well as those of Naples and Portugal, with some inconsiderable excep- tions, were guaranteed in their full integrity, as they stood before the war; Naples and Rome were to be evacuated by the French, and Porto Ferrajo by the English troops. 222 NEW ADMINISTRATION. [CHAP. VII. tived by the heads of the administration. The most remarkable sentence in the series of docu- ments is, that (in the " Memorandum ") in Lord Cornwallis's private opinion, Catholic emancipation ivas necessary for securing the connexion of Ireland and Great Britain* The new administration, formed in March, 1801, consisted of, First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Right Hon. Henry Addington. President of the Council, Duke of Portland. Lord Chancellor, Lord Eldon. Lord Privy Seal, Earl of Westmoreland . First Lord of the Admiralty, Earl St. Vincent. Master General of the Ordnance, Earl of Chatham. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Lord Pelham. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Hawkesbury. Secretary of State for the Department of War and the Colonies, Lord Hobart. President of the Board of Control for the Affairs of India, Lord Viscount Lewisham. Secretary at War, Right Hon. Charles Yorke. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Earl of Liverpool. Treasurer of the Navy, Right Hon. Dudley Ryder (afterwards Lord Harrowby). Joint Paymaster of His Majesty's Forces, Right Hon. Thomas Steele, Lord Glenbervie. Joint Postmasters-General, Lord Auckland, Lord Charles Spencer. Secretaries of the Treasury, John Hiley Addington, Esq., Nicholas Vansittart, Esq. Master of the Rolls, Sir William Grant. Attorney-General, Sir Edward Law (afterwards Lord Ellenborough). Solicitor-General, Hon. Spencer Perceval. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Earl of Hardwicke. Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Earl of Clare. Chief Secretary for Ireland, Lord Castlereagh. Chancellor of Exchequer for Ireland, Right Hon. Isaac Corry. Robert Emmett's insurrection, though it origi- nated from deeper sources than was generally alleged, was as perfect a surprise to Mr. Grattan as to any one in Ireland. The postscript of this letter to Mr. Berwick is his first expression of surprise, anger, and anxiety — anxiety for his * Irish Emancipation may yet be found as urgently necessary as Catholic. chap, vii.] bmmett's insurrection. 223 country. The worst evil of an unsuccessful in- surrection is not the loss of life in battle, but the legal butchery and ferocious terrorism which fol- low it. The time of Emmett's insurrection was unfavourable to success. The first wrath against the Union had burst, the sober animosity, fated ulti- mately to destroy that Union, had scarcely begun. England's troops were disposable, and the organi- zation of '97 broken ; yet, with a leader of more profound and stern character, the attack on Dub- lin might have succeeded, and then the country would have risen and a national war would have followed. But the attempt threw back the country for years, and, only it was so trivial that men were enabled with some degree of success to laugh at it, that one night's emeute might have been fatal to every eminent patriot in Ireland. Mr. Grattan to toe Rev. Mr. Berwick. 25th July, 1803. Dear Doctor, — I agree with you about Thucydides, though I never read him deeply. Demosthenes being of your opinion is somewhat in its favour. I believe the Greek to be the best mode of writing. The best passage I ever read in Cicero is his praise of Demosthenes. I hear nothing. There are rumours of Lord Moira com- ing in — it is an anxious time. I am happy that Lady Moira is so well. I shall drink her health to-day — I dine with Curran, who always gives her. Stocks low, taxes high — both parties talking like fools, French and English. Mrs. G. is much better. I am happy to hear that you, and your children, and Mrs. Berwick are well. — Yours, 8cc. H. G. A shocking business Sunday night. A party of — (I know not what name to give the stupidity or barbarity) — rose up in two of the streets of Dublin, murdered a judge, killed his nephew, in the presence of his daughter, shot a colonel, and wounded a passenger — fled and were taken. This is getting up merely to be cut down — their hanging is of little moment — but they ruin the country. I have not 224 CHARACTER OF EMMETT. [CHAP. VII. heard anything further, nor can I find out what instigators these wretches could have had. Rev. Dr. Berwick, Castle Forbes, Longford. Abortive insurrections have ever been the bane of Ireland, and have served only to confirm the power whose overthrow they contemplated : they gave vigour to the Anti-Catholic and Orange party, and secured their continued triumph over the people : the proceeding of 1803 was miserable in its attempt, but fortunately limited in its extent, and confined to very few, and those of the lowest order. Robert Emmett was the third son of Dr. Emmett : he had imbibed the political feelings of his brother, but wanted many of the qualities he possessed : devoid of caution, foresight, and pru- dence; ardent, spirited, and impetuous. His mind was cultivated, and his powers of eloquence were surprising, but his oratory was figurative and lux- uriant, — too ornamental to be argumentative, too flowery to be persuasive, yet he pleased the ear and fascinated the auditors by the fl uency and richness of his language. He had no j udgment, no discretion. He was an enthusiast — he was a visionary. With- out a treasury, without officers, without troops, he declared war against England and France and prepared to oppose both. The one, if she sought to retain possession of Ireland, and the other, if she attempted to invade it. With a few followers he rose to take the Castle of Dublin and defeat a disciplined garrison. He put on a green coat and cocked hat, and fancied himself already a con- queror. If no lives had been lost he probably would not have suffered, although Lord Norbury was the judge who tried him : it was a school- boy attempt, and did not merit the punishment he was doomed to suffer. He was often inter- rupted at the trial by Lord Norbury, but he pre- CHAP. VII.] HIS WORDS AND DEATH. 225 served his temper and self-possession. He re- peatedly essayed to speak, but was stopt by the Judge — he then exclaimed : My Lords, since you control me, I submit, but it must be remembered I have not spoken in my defence. Pos- terity will recollect that my vindication has not been heard, and as there is now no man bold enough to write my epitaph, so there will be no man base enough to calumniate my memory. When asked the usual question why sentence should not be passed on him : he exclaimed — Sentence of deatli may be pronounced — I have nothing to say; but sentence of infamy shall not be pronounced — 1 have everything to say. He was as cool and collected before his deatli as if nothing was to happen.* Peter Burrowes saw him on his way, and related a circumstance that occurred as he was going to execution. He had a paper that he wished to be brought to Miss Curran, to whom he was strongly attached ; he watched his opportunity, and in passing one of the streets he caught a friendly eye in the crowd, and, making a sign to the person, got him near, and then he dropped a paper ; this was observed by others, and the person who took it up was stopt ; the paper was taken from him and brought to the Castle. Mr. Burrowes and Charles Bushe saw it and said it was a very affecting and interesting letter.')' * See his last letter to Mr. Curran about his daughter just previous to his execution. — Life of Curran by his Sun, vol. ii. p. 160. t In " Geoffrey Crayon," (a series of stories by Washington Irvine), ill be found one entitled the " Broken Heart," which tells in a very- interesting and touching manner, the history of their mutual affection ; the colouring is rather extreme, yet it would have been perfect if the sub- sequent marriage of the lady had not destroyed the romance. The pret- tiest composition is Mr. Moore's melody " Oh, breathe not his name, ht it rest in the shads" that was written on Emmett ; but here too the poetry of the Irish bard, like the prose of the American novelist, is rather exaggerated. VOL. V. Q 226 MR. DOWDALL AND [CHAP. VII. An event occurred at this time which occa- sioned some annoyance to Mr. Grattan, whose affection for his early friend Hussy Burgh, and whose generous dispositions involved his friend M'Can and himself in apparent difficulty with Government. It has been already mentioned that an annuity had been granted to Dowdall, (Hussy Burgh's son,) who had lost his situation in consequence of his having furnished Mr. Grattan with some official papers relating to parlia- mentary business. The dismissal of this indi- vidual was unworthy of such a person as Mr. Foster, and probably he would have been restored if Mr. Grattan had applied to him, but that course he would never adopt, and he di- rected his agent, Mr. M'Can, to remit the money to Dowdall, who had been arrested when the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended ; no charge or accusation was brought against him ; no crime or offence was proved against him. When he was sent to Fort St. George, Mr. Grattan considered it would be ill done on his part if he discontinued the stipend merely on that account, and it was transmitted to him through his agent. The pri- soners who were confined there had signed an agreement to banish themselves abroad, and not to return to Ireland. Dowdall, with becoming- spirit, declined to affix his name to the paper, he rejected the proposal, and asserted his innocence, asked for trial, claiming a right of return to his country ; at length he was liberated, and came back to Ireland greatly impoverished and exas- perated to the greatest degree at the treatment he had received. His education had been good, his person was handsome, and his manners were insinuating ; but he fell into bad habits and bad company, and Mr. Grattan being informed of this desired M'Can to discontinue the allowance. CHAP. VII.] MR. M'CAN ARRESTED. 227 About this time some circumstances occurred which induced a friend of M'Can to apprise him that events Mere likely to happen that would seriously affect the Government. He commu- nicated this to two of his brother acquaintances in the revenue, Mr. Annesley and Mr. Croker, and stated his ignorance of what it was, but recommended them to put Government on their guard. They thought, or affected to think, little of the matter, and neglected to do so. However, when the events of the 23rd July took place, a peace-officer and a party of military entered M'Can's house and arrested him. They seized his papers and letters, opened his escrutoire, took 500/., the greater part of which they never restored, and conveyed M'Can to prison. Dow- dall's receipts for the annuity were found, and M'Can was brought before the Privy Council, lie sought for his acquaintances Mr. Annesley and Croker to befriend him, but conscious in all probability of their error in disregarding his sug- gestion, they absconded from the city and left M'Can to his fate. Among those who sat at the Privy Council were Lord lledesdale (chancellor), O'Grady (attorney-general), Messrs. Wickham and Marsden (secretaries). The proceedings were singular, and often repeated by M'Can in pre- sence of persons who would have corrected him if his statements were exaggerated, but who, not- withstanding, as I well recollect, confirmed his narrative. Those who have known the late Chief Baron O'Grady (Lord Guillamore), will easily recognise his peculiar style and manner from the following interrogatories: — "Come, Mr. M'Can, tell us the fact, we know all about it " — (they only knew of the receipts from Dowdall) ; " you may as well speak out; you need not be afraid; we shall take care of you; we shall get you a 'place Q 2 228 m'can's examination. [chap. VII. out of the country, and send you there safely ; and we will give you 10,000/. Come, now, tell us the truth about Mr. Grattan 11 " " Sir," said M'Can, "I tell you if the King had as good and loyal subjects in Ireland as Mr. Grattan, things would not be as they are ; there is not a more honest or loyal man in his Majesty's dominions." "Aye," said O'Grady, "take care, Mr. M ( Can, take care what you say." " I hope so," said Lord Redesdale, in a marked tone of voice. M'Can could only state the transaction, and there was nothing to be condemned in it. This Star Cham- ber mode of proceeding was rather an improve- ment since 1798, yet, in plain English, what did it amount to? A person's agent is arrested and his papers seized, and money is offered to him, not as a bribe to speak false, but as an induce- ment ; that is, an offer of protection if he speaks true, and money if he speaks more, and this from one judge in presence of another. It was nothing else than a system of terror and of torture to catch false confessions — by money in the one case as by whips in the other!* * The old leaven of malice still existed and manifested itself in the following remarkable instance. Parliament had been dissolved on the 29th of June, 1802, and in the ■city of Dublin Mr. Grattan and Mr. George Ponsonby proposed and seconded Sir Jonah Batrington as candidate to represent her, in consi- deration of the part he had taken at the Union : this afforded a display of that bitter and unmanly animosity that in this case only expired with its possessor. When Mr. Grattan presented himself to vote for Sir Jonah Barrington, Mr. Giffard objected to his competency, as having been disfranchised by the Corporation of Dublin in 1798. The rival candidates dis- claimed any wish to avail themselves of such an illiberal advantage. Mr. Grattan's competency was, however, established, inasmuch as the act of disfranchisement was not recorded in the original hall, and his name still stood on the records of the town clerk's office. Before Mr. Grattan voted, he thus forcibly expressed his feelings on Mr. Giffard's objection ; to which no reply was attempted by the objector, or any of his Orange associates. " The objection comes from the hired traducer of his country, the excommunicated of his fellow-citizens, the un- punished ruffian, the bigoted agitator, the regal rebel. In the city a CHAP. VII. J MR. GRATTAN TO MR. WICKHAM. 229 Mr. Grattan had written to Mr. Wickham to tell him that the money sent to Dowdall was by his orders, that all had been done by his direc- tions, and that he would justify it. His letter, which was found among M'Can's papers, in which he stated the annuity would be stopped unless Dowdall returned to good and orderly habits, satisfied in a great measure the members of the judicial divan, but another document was likewise discovered which finally decided the matter, though it was by no means expected by some of these inquisitors, that was, a paper in Mr. Grattan's handwriting which contained the cha- racters of the men who composed the United Irish Directory. It was a short work, describing the objects and conduct of that party. Among them were the characters of Emmett, Tone, Neilson, O'Connor, Jackson, and the Sheares. It was written by Mr. Grattan in his nervous and graphic style with great force and ability. It deprecated their proceedings as strongly as those of Government, and pointed out how fatal their designs would prove to themselves as well as to their country ; it was severe, and drawn with that vivid mode of expression which is to be found in his reply to Lord Clare's speech that he pub- lished in 1S00. These were probably written at that period, as they partook of the style and cha- racter, and no doubt were drawn as the reverse of the picture of 17S2, and the celebrated men whose living portraits he then sketched off in such brilliant and genuine colours.* firebrand, in the courts a liar, in the streets a bully, and in the field a coward." Giffard published afterwards a pretended reply in a London news- paper, which was never uttered ; but this practice of publishing false- hoods in England respecting Ireland and the Irish, did not rest here, nor is it confined to this single case. • Mr. Grattan sincerely believed in the impolicy of the separation 230 ME. M C CAN ACQUITTED. [CHAP. VII. But his generous and feeling disposition induced him to omit them, and they were left out of the work and remained in M'Can's possession. He was little aware that this neglected and for- gotten treasure would prove far better than the 10,000/. which the Attorney-General offered him. The document being examined, was read, and it may well be supposed that the Privy Council were astonished ; — they looked aghast. The Chancellor was surprised, O'Grady looked amazed, Wick ham appeared somewhat less grave, Marsden muttered his astonishment, but M'Can beamed radiant with joy,- — his words were verified, his friend was exculpated, his own liberty secured. The Council broke up ; the tables were turned. Their satisfaction, though silent, was no doubt complete. Poor M'Can was immediately libe- rated.* This interesting and valuable document, on which mankind would have had a claim as well as M'Can, met with an unexpected fate. Mr. Grattan, as appears in his letter, desired it should be destroyed. M'Can was not willing to do so, and preserved it, notwithstanding this injunction. He looked upon it as a sacred relic, on which his liberty had depended, and to which perhaps he may have owed his life. However, Mr. Grattan shortly after this occurrence went to M'Can, and insisted on the document being destroyed, and stood by till every page was committed to the flames and consumed, observing " it shall never party, and had little personal acquaintance with them, and many of their enemies were about him, which accounts for the opinions he en- tertained of these individuals. * He was, however, deprived of his fees and salary for three months, when he was restored to his situation in the revenue, but his 500/. was not restored to the escrutoire, however they very politely returned him the paper that saved him. CHAP. VII.] EXPLANATORY LETTERS. 231 be said that 1 have spoken ill of the dead." Pending these transactions Dowdall fled to France, and was heard of no more; some persons asserted that he had entered the service of that country, and was killed in the expedition to Flushing in 1809. The following letters explain the subject. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Wickham. Sir, — I was informed yesterday of some of the particu- lars of* Mr. M'Can's examination. I have the honour to inform you that he acted regarding Mr. Dowdall by my particular orders, and that I am ready to defend my conduct on that head whenever called on. I have the honour to be, sir, your very obedient humble servant, Henry Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Forbes. * August 11th, 1803. My dear Sir, — Write to me by to-night's post. I have no apprehensions about our friend, as 1 know his perfect innocence; but I am vexed that even a suspicion should take place. Yours, H. Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Ross M'Can. Tinneliincli, August, 1803. Dear M'Can, — I send for the trunk. Send me the Hibernian. You and Mrs. Rishf ought to make affidavit to the contents of the first letter, as set forth in the narra- tive, unless the letter be found. Also she should make affidavit that the last was given on the express condition that D should leave the kingdom and never return. Yours, H. Grattan. It were much to be wished that the letter were found; it is a great loss. * A relation of John Forbes, (Mr. G rattan's great friend,) and a con- nexion of Mr. M'Can's. | The person who had the receipts. 332 EXPLANATORY LETTERS. [CHAP. VII. Burn the manuscript which contains the characters; it is severe. The persons are dead or miserable. Ii tcould ap- pear flattery to the Government, and cruelty to the deceased. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. Tinnehinch, 18th August, 1803. Dear M'Can, — On recollection, No. I will have no affidavit ; it would show an anxiety about nothing. The transaction is an honest one, and so it appears without further proof. I should only wish you to look for the letters. Yours, H. Grattan. The following were the letters alluded to. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. March 6th, 1802. Dear M'Can, — I wished to have seen Dowdall to-day, to repeat my advice to him to keep himself out of all plots or confederacy. If he does not, he may be certain he will be discovered, and will be ruined. Also I wished to teli him that I cannot think of recommending him as a clerk to any merchant without the fullest assurance that he holds no intercourse or communication with any plan or meeting of the above description. Until I am satisfied that he keeps clear of all such, I find it improper, and therefore impossible, to afford any pecuniary assistance. Yours truly, H. Grattan. We certify that the above is a true copy of the original letter — T. M'Can. A. Forbes. Mr. Dowdall to Mr. Grattan. Sir, — I have seen a letter from you to Mr. M'Can, wherein you are kind enough to express an apprehension that I may again bring myself into difficulties by political connexions, I beg leave in the most solemn manner to assure you that I have not, nor is it my intention to form any such connexion ; and that I have as much as possible avoided, since my return to Ireland, conversation on that subject with those who, from the character persecution had given me, would have confided to me their sentiments. CHAP. VII.] MR. PLOWDEN'S CONDUCT. 233 I have the honour to be, Sir, your devoted and obliged servant, William Dowdall. T ) Henry Grattan, Esq., 27th March, 1802. We certify that the above is a true copy of the original letter — T. M'Can. A. Forbes. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. April 1802. Dear M'Can, — I gave Dowdali my answer already, and did it with great concern: but he has himself rendered his request impossible. Can I recommend to any mer- chant's house a person who wishes to be a political agent? I can only repeat the advice which I formerly gave to no purpose, to keep out of all plots and politics. Yours truly, Henry Grattan. We certify that the above is a true copy of the original letter — T. M'Can. A. Forbes. The British Minister had engaged Mr. Plowden to write on the subject of the Union, and expected to find in him an able defender of his measures ; but when Mr. Plowden came to Ireland, and ascertained the real state of affairs, justice in his mind prevailed, and, to his honour be it said, he wrote as he felt, not as Mr. Pitt and Mr. Adding- ton wished. The latter was surprised and dis- pleased, and Mr. Plowden was in consequence discountenanced by the court, but commended by the people. The letter of Mr. Plowden will dis- close the bond that united the Addington ad- ministration, it shows the conduct and feelings of the King, and his determined opposition to the Catholic question. The letters of Lord Fitzwilliam speak the goodness of his heart, and the kind feeling that on all occasions and under all circum- stances he manifested towards Mr. Grattan ; that 234 LORD FITZ WILLI AM TO [CHAP. VII. to Mr. Plowden is true throughout, and is singu- larly applicable to the present time, when among the most elevated of the British senators a man has been found to make the revolutionary assertion that the Irish were " aliens in blood, aliens in language, aliens in religion." Fortunate for them- selves if they had been unanimously alien in politics. Mr. Addington's sentiments were worthy of his administration. Mr. Plowden's history shows his labour and his independence of mind, when he had spirit to write with freedom and without fear, regardless of a Government that would patronize him, and only mindful of the in- juries of the people whom he described. Lord Fitzwilliam to Mr. Grattan. Wentworth, Sept. 23rd, 1803. I was ignorant how little distant I was from a person I so much esteem, when Mr. Caldwell put your letter into my hands, but I felt the most sincere gratification, when I found myself in possession of your engagement to make me a visit. We shall remain in Yorkshire till November, and shall be always at home, except next week, when we go to Doncaster races. Lady Fitzwilliam depends upon the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Grattan, and, indeed, I must lay in a claim to that of seeing the whole family, the young ladies and the young gentlemen, to make whose ac- quaintance will be a great advantage and pleasure to Mil- ton. God be praised, he is getting well again — he has had a bad illness, but it is over — nothing remains but a little langour and feebleness. — Believe me, with the utmost sin- cerity, most truly, yours. Wentworth Fitzwiliam. Lord Fitzwilliam to Mr. Plowden. Wentworth, Sept. 26th, 1803. Sir, — The very same sentiments, which directed me to decline the perusal of the manuscript, dictated me to de- cline giving my opinion upon the publication. I mean as far as it has relation to my administration in Ireland, upon that subject I cannot make a single remark. CHAP. YII.] MR. PLOWDEN. 235 But whilst I decline making any remark upon that part of the work, I feel the greatest obligation to an author, who has dared to meet universal prejudice, by tearing away the veil of fictitious story, and exposing facts such as they were. This work has brought before the public this truth, little know n and little thought of, that the Irish nation has con- sisted of two distinct and separate people:* the English and the Native Irish, the conqueror and the conquered : and that this distinction and separation has been systema- tically and industriously kept up, not by the animosity of the conquered, but by the policy of the conqueror. An exposition of such a system, let us hope, will render it too odious to be persevered in: it will force even its abettors, and those interested in its continuation to abandon it. I know not whether those who first proposed to you, to give to the public a small portion of Irish History, may be pleased with what has been the consequence of that pro- posal or not; but eveiy man who feels an interest in the unity of the British and Irish people, will feel more obli- gation to him whose literary labours produce in the public mind, principles of harmony, conciliation, and good fellow- ship, than to all the most skilful artists in coercive restric- tions. — I have the honour to be, with much esteem, Sir, your most obedient servant, Wentworth Fitzwilliam. Francis Plowden to Mr. Grattan. London, Essex Street, 3th Oct. 1803. Sir, — The veneration I have for your character and judgment has hitherto deterred me from daring to present you a copy of my Historical Review of the State of Ire- land, lest some things in it should meet your censure. I am now, however, emboldened to take that liberty, shielding myself under the approbation of your friend Lord Fitz- william (a copy of whose letter I enclose) against your judgment upon the failings, deficiencies, and errors of an author who is a stranger to your land, who has been imperfectly furnished with materials, much straitened in * A most forcible though happily an exaggerated picture of this division of Ireland will be found in " Ireland and its Rulers," a recent work, wherein one regrets to find so much bitterness and injustice joined to manly principles, strong national feeling, honourable scorn of whatever is base, and an eminently graphic style. 236 MR. FOX RETURNS [CHAP. VII. time, and commanding no requisite but good will, to render historical justice to your country. I beg leave to add to you in confidence, that having received Lord Fitzwilliam's letter on the day I had an appointment with Mr. Addington, to speak to him upon the subject of my history, I learned, unequivocally, from him, that it gave him both displeasure and offence ; that as I wrote it under his sanction and countenance, / ought to have rendered it pliant to what I must have known to be his principle and inclination towards Ireland. I replied that I had pledged my word to write a true, impartial, and authentic History of Ireland, which, I conceived, would tend to harmonise that country and secure its affections to Great Britain, and that I humbly conceived that I had faithfully acquitted myself of my undertaking, and I showed him Lord Fitzwilliam's letter as a proof that in the eyes of some I had accomplished the object I had in view. He assured me that the commendation of that noble- man (however respectable his private character might be) was my strongest condemnation in his eyes — who had al- ways been at issue with his Lordship on the affairs of Ireland. That his determined opposition to the question of Catholic Emancipation, was the tenure by which he had ac- quired and retained his situation ! by that he stood in that house! and that his mind was made up to it upon reason and conscience. He had not read a line of my work, but was informed that I had spoken too freely, and to the pre- judice of those to whom they looked up (the Orangemen) for the salvation of the country, and, particularly, of the late Castle junto — Lord Clare, the Beresfords, and Mr. Foster. He thought himself entitled to assume merit for suppressing his feelings upon the occasion. I have sent the books to Dublin by a private hand : I have a lively and grateful recollection of having spent one of the pleasantest days of my life at your house in 1793. I have the honour to be, with the highest esteem and respect, Sir, your devoted and obedient humble servant, Francis Plowden. In May, 1797, Mr. Fox had seceded from Par- liament, and only returned in December for the debate on the assessed taxes. From that period he took no part in public affairs, with the excep- CHAP. VII.] TO PARLIAMENT. 237 tion of the discussion on the 3d February, 1800, when his Majesty sent a message to Parliament respecting the overtures of peace from Buona- parte's consular government. He returned, how- ever, on Mr. Pitt's retiring from office, on the 14th of March, 1801, and warmly supported Mr. Grey's motion on the state of the nation. It is to be regretted, that on the two most important sub- jects, and the greatest calamities that could befall any country — the Irish Insurrection and the Irish Union — such a man as Mr. Fox should have ab- sented himself from Parliament. Mr. Sheridan was an Irishman, and his exertions in the House of Commons were always subject to that disad- vantage ; his efforts were, however, noble and laudable; and his repeated objections and divi- sions on the question of the Union, in opposition to the overwhelming majorities by which he was defeated, reflect on his patriotism and his talent the greatest praise. Mr. Fox's presence could not have turned the balance in favour of Ireland; but it was natural for her to expect that as he had assisted her in her efforts for independence in 1782, he would have come forward to oppose the violation of that treaty which, on the part of Great Britain, he had negotiated. He was now desirous of forwarding the cause of the Catholics with more sincerity than Mr. Pitt displayed, but not with much power to assist them. The two great parties in the State were naturally desirous to strengthen their forces, and looked to the Irish recruits with which the British Parliament had been augmented. Whose they were to be, was now the point ; and Ireland and all her questions became the battle ground for a general canvass and conflict — religious as well as political. Mr. Fox acted with great sin- cerity, Mr. Pitt with very little ; the King with 238 MR. FOX APPLIES [CHAP. VII. determined hostility, the Prince (his son) with the semblance of support, for all within was false and hollow. Mr. Fox conceiving it expedient to bring the question before Parliament, wrote to Mr. Grat- tan ; and from the reply it would seem that he wished it to be brought forward under his aus- pices, or those of Mr. Ponsonby. Mr. Grattan declined, and his letter will be found interesting, in consequence of his observations on the state and Government of Ireland. It is worthy of re- mark, that many passages apply even at this day. So difficult it is to acquire political knowledge, and practise wholesome rules of government — ministers and nations seldom learn from expe- rience ; they are only roused to a sense of duty and of justice by some overwhelming national calamity. The allusion in one of these letters to hy Grattan. On the 18th of April the Roman Catholics assembled in Dublin to consider the steps that should be taken in reference to their claims. Lord Fingall acted as chairman. This individual, the head of one of the oldest Catholic families, was beloved and respected by all who knew him or who marked his progress. He was firmly- attached to his country, to her rights, and to his religion, and was not to be shaken or seduced from her service. In times of need he stood fearlessly by her ; he was a safe adviser, — mild but resolute, — and he proved an excellent medi- ator between a justly offended people and a viru- lent exasperating Government. He tempered the feelings of both, without yielding to either, and held with dignity the course which he thought would prove most conducive to the interests of his country. He had applied to Mr. Grattan, 346 LETTER TO LORD FINGALL. [CHAP. X. and received from him the letters which were read to the meeting. Me. Grattan to Lord Fingall. London, March 21st, 1807. My Lord, — I had the honour of receiving your Lord- ship's letter of the 14th of this month, informing me that the Catholics had determined to lay their case this session before Parliament, and had selected me for that purpose. Your Lordship's letter was accompanied by a copy of the Catholic petition, and requested to have my advice regarding the proper period for presenting the same, so that it might be considered before the end of the session. I beg to return my thanks to the Catholics for the honour they have done me, and the confidence they have placed in me; but I should be unworthy of both if I did not add, that considering their subject in every point of view, and with reference to their own particular interest, I am of opinion that a motion in Parliament on the Catholic petition would now be injurious to the Catholics. The probable or actual change of Ministry does not alter that opinion, but tends to confirm it; but as it will be highly proper, if not absolutely necessary, that there should be some communication with the friends of the Catholics here, who supported them in Parliament, and who have given testimonies of their sincerity, I will en- deavour to obtain a meeting of such as soon as possible, in order that, before their measures shall be brought forward, the Catholics may know the sentiments of their friends; which I will transmit with my best regards. — I have the honour to be, with great esteem and regard, your Lord- ship's most faithful humble servant, Henry Grattan. Same to Same. London, March, 1807. My Lord, — I beg your Lordship will return my sincere thanks to the committee for the kindness they were so good as to express in your Lordship's letter. I endeavoured to collect as many persons as I could, of those who wish well to the claims of the Catholics and are CHAP. X.] CATHOLIC PETITION. 347 their decided friends. They met yesterday, and their opinion they authorized me to communicate to your Lord- ship, which is as follows : — " That they continue to be of opinion that the prosecution of the Catholic petition at this time would not be an advisable measure." I gave your Lordship my own opinion in a former letter, which was the same as the above; and I beo- to conclude by expressing my unalterable regard for the Catholic body and my high respect for your Lordship, and for those qualities of prudence and moderation for which you are so justly distinguished. — I have the honour to be, your Lord- ship's very obedient humble servant, Henry Grattan. A long debate arose on the Catholic meeting and the change of ministry ; and the measure that led to it, formed, naturally, the subject of con- sideration. Mr. Keo°h, the Nestor of the Catholic cause, took the lead. He attached little value to the military bill — to Ireland it would have been of very little service — but the conduct of the min- isters in refusing to sign a most unconstitutional pledge, such as was required by the King, in direct contradiction to the tenor of their oaths, received from him a great and eloquent tribute of admiration, to which the entire assembly re- sponded with loud and continued applause. Mr. Keogh concluded by moving that the petition should be entrusted to the care of Lord Fin gal), subject to its future disposal by the Catholic body. Mr. O'Connell, on this occasion, made a very judicious speech in support of this proposi- tion, and deprecated any division among their body. After much discussion, the question was carried, and this special mark of confidence was reposed in Lord Fingall, who considered it most advisable to follow the opinions of their friends in Parliament, and not to urge their claims during this Session. A resolution, expressing the gratitude of the Catholics to the Duke of Bedford, for his 348 duke of Bedford's reply, [chap. x. mild and dignified conduct, and the deep regret they felt at his departure, was unanimously- adopted, to which his Grace replied as follows. Duke of Bedford's Answer to the Catholics. 21st April, 1807. The Resolutions which your Lordship has been pleased to convey to me, as the sense of that great and loyal body, the Roman Catholics of Ireland, claims my warmest ac- knowledgments. In the discharge of the arduous trust committed to my hands by his Majesty, it has been my constant and earnest endeavour to promote the interests and prosperity of this part of the United Kingdom, and in now relinquishing that trust, in obedience to his Majesty's commands, I retire to the less anxious cares of private life, cheered by a conscious feeling within me, that to the best of my imperfect judgment and abilities, I have done my duty to my sovereign and my country. In whatever station I may hereafter be placed, be assured, my Lord, that I shall never cease to entertain the most fervent wishes for the happiness of every class and description of my fellow- subjects in this part of the British empire. Bedford. At this period, Mr. Preston, who had been ap- pointed one of the Commissioners of Appeals, died,* and thus a vacancy was occasioned, which, by good fortune, was got by Lady Granard for Mr. Hardy; the salary was only 500/. a-year, and the expenses attending it, which were of necessity in- creased by Hardy's residence in the country, amounted to near two, so his reward was but small. * His death has been attributed to Mr. Henry Deane Grady. Pres- ton had got wet in coming to court, and neglected to change his clothes. Mr. Grady, in pleading before him, spoke for five hours, and was obliged, as he said, to conclude because " his legs were tired. 11 It con- cluded poor Preston's life, who got ill in consequence and never re- covered. This Mr. Grady was the person who voted for the Union, and who was rewarded by an office that produced, not like Hardy's a few hundreds, but several thousand pounds a year. In this handsome man- ner did the British undertakers in Ireland) aid the corruption of the times, and carry their Union, CHAP. X.] MR. GRATTAN TO MR. BERWICK. 349 Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. London, March 28th, 1807. My dear M'Can, — Do not let Hardy want money to pay his patent, if he has not gotten it already. James will get it for him out of my rents. You see all is over — I am sorry for it — but I think the present ministry cannot continue. I am vexed about your situation, but it cannot be helped — things may mend here- after. The business about Wallace has also vexed me. I am called to dinner, but will write on Monday. — Yours, ever, H. G. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick. London, April 18th, 1807. My dear Doctor, — The mortality of human affairs you preach — and your friends experience. I am sorry on many accounts, the country and my friends. However, I am comforted that Hardy has gotten into post, though not heavy laden. Poor Preston, whom he succeeded, gave me affliction in his death, as he has given me many pleasant days in his life. H^ was well read, and had considerable political talents; he loved liberty, though an Acadmie, and in the predicament of poverty, retained the spirit of independence. He did, however, latterly be- tray an ardour for office, and a spleen at disappointment, which was unworthy of him. The Curate, whom you mention, I am certain would discharge the business of agency well, but the brother of the late agent, I believe we must not appoint. Remember me to Mrs. Berwick. I should be glad if I were to dine with you to-morrow at Esker, to walk in your garden, and talk with Mathew, # if he is there. I hope you will get something under the present ministry, more than you did under the last, even with the assistance of Warburton. The Archbishop seems to have acted at the Sheriff's feast a decorous and a liberal part.f * The old gardener at Esker. "j" These city feasts were long a disgrace to civilization, though pa- tronized by British lord lieutenants and secretaries, who celebrated its orgies. Party tunes were played, insulting toasts were given, and bigotted sentiments had utterance and approbation from the re- tainers of an alien Government, who not only were permitted to rob and to revile the people, but who were rewarded for their sedition. It took years to abolish these public nuisances, but not till their corporate revenues were squandered and lost, and the glorious body became bank- 350 MEMBERS OP THE [CHAP. X. What do you think of the Duke of Cumberland's letter* to the University? What can you think of it? Do not say if you look to advancement. Remember me to all friends, and believe me, — Yours, H. Grattan. The Whigs having been thus unceremoniously and unconstitutionally ejected by his Majesty, the No-Popery party got the ascendant,f and Mr. Perceval, who took the lead on the occasion, ar- ranged the administration as follows. Though some of the principal members were appointed on the 25th of March, the arrangements were not completed till the 14th of April. * New Administration, 25th March, 1807, commonly called the NTo- Popery Administration. President of the Council, Earl Camden. Lord High Chancellor, Lord Eldon. rupt. Mr. Grattan's remark is ironical, for when the Archbishop of Dublin (Agar's) health was drunk, his Grace said, " I return my cordial thanks to Sheriff Manders and the company for the honour they have done me. I take this opportunity of congratulating my fellow-citizens on the recent triumph of the constitution in Church and State." This was followed by a rapturous burst of applause from the whole company, which continued at least fifteen minutes. — (Extract from the Journal of the day.) * He had attempted to rouse the anti-Catholic feeling, and to get up petitions in favour of the No-Popery cry. Mr. Plunker, in the ensuing session, commented most severely on his conduct ; in fact, where morals or propriety were respected, no such character as the Duke of Cumber- land should have been tolerated. f Lord Hardwicke had a private audience of the King ; having been five years in Ireland as Lord Lieutenant, he was well able to judge what was likely to be the effects of such a change ; he ventured to re- monstrate with the King, and submitted to him the expediency, after the military bill had been abandoned, of continuing the Whig ministers, and frankly told him that the proposed change wculd certainly alienate the Irish from England, and that the cry of the church being in danger, would create most injurious divisions among the people. His Majesty listened with great politeness, but observed that the intentions of the persons who had advised him were good — fatal advice ; in a few years afterwards the discord and agitation occasioned by this subject, drove the King dis- tracted, and deprived him of his reason for ever. An allusion of Mr. Pitt in one of his speeches, makes it more than probable that he foresaw this very clanger, but he guarded against it in a very different way from that which Mr. Perceval had the imprudence to resort to. CHAP. X.] NO-POPERY ADMINISTRATION. 351 Lord Privy Seal, Earl of Westmoreland. First Lord" of the Treasury, Duke of Portland. First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Mulgrave. Master General of the Ordnance, Earl of Chatham. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Lord Hawkesbury (since Earl of Liverpool). Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. George Canning. Secretary of State for the Department of War and the Colonies, Lord Viscount Castlereagh. Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, Lord Ellenborough. Chancellor and Under Treasurer of the Exchequer, Spencer Perceval. President of the Board of Control for the Affairs of India, Right Hon. Robert Saunders Dundas. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. President of the Board of Trade, Earl Bathurst. Secretary at War, Sir James Pulteney. Treasurer of the Navy, Mr. George Rose. Joint Paymasters-General, Lord Charles Somerset, Right Hon. Charles Long. Joint Postmasters-General, Earl of Chichester, Earl of Sandwich. Secretaries of the Treasury, W. Huskisson, Esq., Hon. Henry Wel- lesley. Master of the Rolls, Sir William Grant. Attorney-General, Sir Vicary Gibbs. Solicitor-General, Sir Thomas Plomer. Ireland. Lord Lieutenant, Duke of Richmond. Lord High Chancellor, Lord Manners. Chief Secretary, Sir Arthur Wellesley (afterwards Duke of Wellington). Chancellor of the Exchequer, Right Hon. John Foster. Attorney-General, Mr. William Saurin. Solicitor-General, Mr. Charles Kendal Bushe. This administration collected in itself all the servility and bigotry of the age, and his Majesty knew them so well, that he did not find it neces- sary to administer to them the pledge which their predecessors had refused, or tell them that upon that test depended their tenure of office; in fact, in every sense of the word, they were his servants,' and there is not to be found, in the catalogue of British Governments, a body of men so slavish and so tyrannical. They were the relics of the Irish and English parties who had so signally failed both abroad and at home, and had brought the Empire to the brink of ruin. They had talent without principle —theology without charity — am- bition without strength or honesty, and the lust of power without grandeur or generosity. They were 352 SKETCH OF THE MEMBERS OF [CHAP. X. possessed of a rhetoric just sufficient to keep them clear of common sense, and with minds too heavy to be perfect orators, or too frivolous to be able politicians — pliant to the king, oppressive to the people — at the feet of the one, and treading' upon the other. Among them appeared some of the old Irish Court, who had nurtured religious dis- cord and civic strife, till they grew with rapid and fatal training — destructive to Ireland and de- trimental to the connection — Lord Westmoreland, who had fostered the Orangemen ; Lord Camden, who had recruited the United Irishmen ; Lord Castlereagh, who had hanged some, tortured others, transported numbers, and sold all. There was the Duke of Portland too, metamorphosed from 1782 into the deceiver of Lord Fitzwilliam in 1795, and the supporter of No-Popery in 1807; and last, not least, Lord Eldon, the " Buttress of the Church," because he seldom entered one, the Capital of the State, because he weighed upon it, the Judge of quarter of a century in arrear, except when deciding against Ireland. Among them was to be found a different character — a man of great ambition and surprising talent — a strong, able, and brilliant speaker; he adorned his eloquence with a fine taste and beautiful imagery ; possessed great powers of sarcasm, and could be at once very humorous and very severe, and turn his ad- versary into ridicule* with a success unequalled. 'But, unfortunately, George Canning wanted sim- plicity of mind, elevation of principle, and recti- tude of character,^ and there was a propensity to compromise in what he said, that deprived his fine qualities of half their merit; yet he injured him- self, not by his ambition, but by the impatience of his ambition — he was wrong to trifle with the * His reply to Sir John Cox Hippesly could never be forgotten, f Speech in 1812, and negotiations with Lords Moira and Welles- ley, &c. CHAP. X.] THE NO-POPERY ADMINISTRATION. 353 sufferings of the people.* Other men could wait and calculate, but Canning would not stop for that, he acted so precipitously, and scattered his shot around on all sides, so that his party were never cer- tain that they would not be disbanded at a moment's warning. Want of candour led him into an unseemly conflict with his colleague, Lord Castlereagh,t of which the latter quickly availed himself to raise a character sunk below the ordinary level. Having thus given an advantage to a rival, to whom he stood as superior in talent as in feeling, he took office under his administration, and sunk his fame, as a statesman, in the quality of ambassador to the Court of Lisbon, and thus revoked the sentence he had passed upon him of declared in- capacity. He made a motion, at one period, in favour of the Catholics,;]: though he was not very friendly to Ireland, for in his mind she was rather an object of apprehension than affection. On the whole, he would have been a greater character, if he had not been trained up by Mr. Pitt, if he had not associated with Mr. Perceval, and if he had kept clear of Lord Castlereagh. The leader of the No-Popery administration was Mr. Spencer Perceval; he formed and, in him- self, composed the administration. He was a smart barrister and a gentleman; an active indivi- dual, and skilful in his profession. He had been Attorney-General in 1802, Chancellor of the Ex- chequer in 1807, to which he united the office of First Lord of the Treasury in 1809. He was a sharp, clever, bitter, little personage ; fluent and argumentative ; a fair stater of his adversary's ar- gument, and very satirical. He was abroad in all * 1818, "The ruptured Ogderi,'' "ignorant impatience of taxation;" "a transition from war to peace;" were among the phrases of Mr. Can- ning and Lord Castlereagh, that the people of England never forgot. t 1800, on the unsuccessful expedition to Walcheren. \ June 12th, 1812. VOL. V. A A 354 CHARACTER OF MR. PERCEVAL. [CHAP. X. weathers, generally spoke pretty well, never very ill ; made little points, and turned them cleverly. He was a good man in private, but of a narrow and contracted mind ; it was that of a nisi prius lawyer, not a statesman. He viewed everything with the eye of an attorney, and seemed to think all matters should be a source of strife, and that the world was a court for litigation, not a haven for repose, or even a school of probation. He was active on his little perch, and squirrel-like played his tricks well and dexterously ; but when he assumed the reins of power he lost himself, and showed that he was not only not a statesman, but that he was quite unfit to govern ; he forgot that it was necessary to divest himself of his narrow ideas and his pitiful projects, and that he could not govern an empire as a clerk would a parish. His principles were prerogative in the State, and intolerance in the Church. He stooped before royal authority, and yielded to the Prince Regent ; encouraged him in his fancies and extravagance; gratified him in laying out parks and building- barracks ; flattered him in his vices ; indulged him in his expenses, winked at his connection with Hertford House ; and adhered to two rules : first, to sacrifice the country to the Sovereign ; and, secondly, to sacrifice it to the Church. He was a bigot, and no bigot should be minister of a mixed empire like Great Britain. He occasioned a war with America, and, if he had lived, he would have occasioned an insurrection in Ireland, for he carefully observed one principle — that of intoler- ance. He was a mischievous public man, con- tracted and puritanical — good as to morals, but as to the State ruinous ; almost the very worst minister that any king could possibly select ; he united the prejudices of the lawyer to those of the churchman, and possessed the narrowness of both CHAP. X.] PARLIAMENT DESERTS THE WHIGS. 355 professions ; in fact, his religion was a nuisance to his country. His opposition to Reform did not occasion his death ; his assassination was horrible, but accidental;* for he was good enough to have many private friends, and not great enough to have violent public enemies. f A few days only were suffered to elapse before the Parliament, chosen under the auspices of the Whigs, was put upon its trial. There were three different points before them : the Catholics, Ire- land, and the Constitution, and in all three they decided for the Crown, against the Whigs, and in favour of No Popery. On the 9ti\ of April, Mr. Brand moved, that it was contrary to the first duties of the confidential servants of the Crown, to restrain themselves by any pledge expressed or implied, from offering to the King any advice which the course of circumstances might render necessary, for the welfare and security of any part of his Majesty's extensive empire. On a division, the numbers for the order of the day were 258, against it 226 — thus the new ministers got a ma- jority of 32. On this occasion, Mr. (afterwards Lord) Plunket made a most able speech, severely commenting on the conduct of the Duke of Cum- berland, chancellor of Dublin University, in dis- turbing the peace of that body by repeated appli- cations to procure from them a petition against the Catholics. In reply to Mr. Perceval, a very im- pressive speech w r as made by Mr. Grattan, and a mcst effective one by Sir Samuel Romilly. The * He was shot in the lobby of the House of Commons on the 1 1th of May, 1812, by John Bellingham, a lunatic. f He refused to permit Peruvian bark to be imported into France or her possessions, and brought in the bill for that purpose, but his coun- trymen paid dearly for this uncharitable restriction, for when the ill- fated expedition to Walcheren took place, thousands of the troops fell victims to fever and ague, for which bark was the only effectual remedy. The foreign physicians reproached the British with the cruelty of their ministers. A A 2 356 MAJORITY FOR MR. PERCEVAL. [CHAP. X. minister, however, denied that the King had any adviser as to the pledge required. The Commons were again tried but as ineffec- tually, on the 1 3th April, when Mr. Lyttleton moved " That the House, considering a firm and vigilant administration indispensable in the present posture of public affairs, has seen, with the greatest re- gret, the late change in his Majesty's councils."* After a long and animated debate, at seven o'clock in the morning, the numbers proved to be, for the previous question 244, against it 198, ma- jority for Mr. Perceval's administration 46. In the debate, the allusions made to Ireland were frequent. Mr. Tighe observed, that the people of Ireland had been accustomed to view with cold de- termined apathy all changes in the administration here, as none of those changes were attended with benefit to them. Since the Union, Ireland had felt no community of rights— -no community of commerce — the only community it felt was that of having one hundred assessors in the British Par- liament, who were to give ineffectual votes for the interest of their country as he might do that night. Sir John Newport, in alluding to the conduct of the Whigs, said, they had appointed a commission to inquire into the application of the funds vested in Ireland for the purposes of public education. These funds, Lord Castlereagh, then at the head of the Irish Government, but now a member of * In the Lords, a motion nearly similar was made by the Marquis fof Stafford, on which Lord Boringdon moved an adjournment which was carried by 171 to 90, giving the minister a majority of 81. The late ministers having been reproached with abandoning the military bill, Lord Grenville alluded to Lord Castlereagh, who had imported that question from Ireland, to carry which he stood pledged to that country, and therefore he referred his opponents to him, as more conversant in solving difficulties that arise from tergiversation. The conduct of Mr. Perceval was greatly reprobated, particularly his address to his con- stituents of Northampton, where he stated, that he was making a stand for his Sovereign, and a stand for the Protestant religion, and calling upon the people to second him with their exertions. CHAP. X.] PARLIAMENT DISSOLVED. 357 the Cabinet, had suffered to remain shamefully appropriated to individual interest and corrupt pur- poses, though the report of a committee had im- periously called on him to reform them. To his knowledge they had been misapplied for a length of time, and for mere private benefit. On the 27th of April the Parliament was pro- rogued, and immediately dissolved. In the speech of the Commissioners, the King was made to state, that he resorted to this measure while the events that had recently taken place were fresh in the recol- lection of the people ; and that the Roman Catholics must feel assured of his attachment to the principles of a just and enlightened toleration. How this could be reconciled to the cry of " No-Popery," which his Ministers set up, is not easy to be understood; it seemed to be a species of mockery, and rather to add insult to injury ; but it was quite in unison with the conduct of the Tory party throughout their long dominion, in the course of which they fully exemplified the truth of the maxim " odisse quern Icesisse" The object which the Ministers had in view proved successful. By means of their inflammatory appeal, they increased their majority In the House of Commons far beyond their calcu- lation. The " No-Popery " cry resounded through- out England; and though, as Mr. Grattan ob- served, the Irish did not write on their walls " No- England" in reply to " No-Popery," yet Ireland felt deeply the insult, though she bore with mag- nanimity the infliction. The most unconstitutional proceedings took place at the elections, and acts of a most violent and illegal nature ; the King's name was prostituted on all sides, and to vote against the "No-Popery" candidate was tanta- mount to voting against the King. By such flagitious acts as these they swelled their numbers so much, that when Parliament met, on the 22nd of June, an amendment proposed by Lord Howick 358 GREAT MAJORITY FOR THE TORIES. [CHAP. X. to condemn the dissolution of the Parliament, was defeated by a majority of 195, — 350 voting for the address, and 155 against it. The career of the party shortly after commenced. They re- stored Mr. GifFard (a violent Orange corporator* of Dublin) to his office, with full salary from the period of his dismissal by Lord Hardwicke ; they diminished the vote to the Catholic College of Maynooth from 13,000/. a year, which had been granted by the Whigs, to 9,000/. ; and they ap- pointed Dr. Duigenan to the office of Privy Coun- cillor. They sent the Duke of Richmond to Ire- land as Lord-Lieutenant, who quickly fell into the track, and mixed in the revels of the Corporation politics. They sent Lord Manners as Chancel- lor, who was equally prejudiced as a statesman, and deficient as a judge, and was, at the same time, weak and violent. Together, they formed a heedless and a blind administration ; they did things they should not have done, and tolerated things they should not have permitted, and brought the country to the verge of insurrection. The measures that caused some division among the opposition were the Insurrection and the Arms Acts. They had been prepared by the late, and were found in the office by the new Ministers, and, on the 9th of July, Sir Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington), the Secretary for Ireland, moved for leave to bring them in. The former of these measures had been passed by the Irish Parliament in 1796, for one year, afterwards for two, and at the Union for seven. It came now to be renewed ; and a clause directing that per- sons arrested under it should be tried at quarter * Murders and outrages of the most violent description took place in several parts of Ireland where religious feuds had been excited, and the impunity which followed them reflected the greatest disgrace on the administrators of the law and the government of the country ; in many cases they led to frightful, though distant, retaliation — one of the melan- choly results of civil and religious discord. CHAP. X.] INSURRECTION AND ARMS BILL. 359 sessions, before the assistant barrister and the bench of magistrates, with the assistance of a sergeant-at-law specially sent for the occasion, had been introduced by the Whig Ministers, they had also given the sergeant a negative voice, which the Tories took away ; and with this alteration the measure was proposed. Mr. Grattan probably thought that the mere circumstance of a strong act being enforced by a Tory instead of a Whig Government, was not of itself a sufficient reason to make him refuse his assent to a measure of his own party. He had been informed by Mr. Ponsonby (as already stated) that French sentiments were prevalent in some men's minds in Ireland, and by Mr. Elliot (the late Secretary) that nightly and dangerous meetings also were held in various parts of the country ; accordingly he supported the principle of the bill, but objected to some of its details, and in particular to the term of its duration. He might also have conceived that the Catholic question (of which, in all his political movements, he never lost sight) would derive benefit by his showing that he could not be induced, through party motives or popular outcry, to abandon a measure that he considered necessary for the country, however much that measure may have trenched upon the constitution. He certainly raised his character among the English for stoical firmness and independence of mind and principle. All this, however, was not sufficient to prevent the outcry which was raised against him in Ire- land, and with which he was assailed in a variety of publications ; but his opinion remained unshaken, as appears from the remarks in the letters that follow. The subject was again brought before Parlia- ment at the close of the session, when Mr. Sheri- 360 mr 4 sheridan's motion on [chap, x. dan, in a very able and eloquent speech, made a motion on the state of Ireland, pledging the House to take it into consideration in the ensuing year, with a view to render unnecessary the continuance of the two bills they had passed. Mr. Grattan here defended the course he had taken in reference to them, — that he did not speak against Ireland, but that he advocated the cause of Ireland against France. He submitted the case of Ireland in three points of view, — education, agriculture, and religion. On the first he observed, that a commission had been issued. It appeared that, by royal donation, 8,000 acres of land had been granted for grammar-schools ; they produced 5,000/. a year, and, if fairly let, should bring a great deal more. The number of scholars were but 300, of which 58 only were free scholars. One school, whose fund was but 100/. per annum, educated 40 ; while others, whose funds were 5,000/., edu- cated only 18 ! This statement proved that the plan had failed. Two or more large schools should therefore be established, and there should be a principal school in every parish. By the 12th of Elizabeth, every diocese should maintain a school ; so there should be 34 free grammar-schools, besides those of royal foundation, and there were considerable funds also from individuals to support the grammar-schools. By the 28th of Henry VIII., the clergy were obliged to provide each parish with an English school. In 1788, it appeared that in less than 400 of these schools, ] 1,000 children were edu- cated ; he contended that they should educate the poor as well as the rich, and that, if the present laws were properly enforced, education would be provided for the people of Ireland. The second point was agriculture, — this would CHAP. X.] THE STATE OF IRELAND. 361 be improved by the removal of tithes ; the late disturbances in Ireland arose from them — the Right Boy, the White Boy, the Hearts of Steel- insurrection arose from tithes. The three plans suggested, were substitution by land, by modus, and by salary ; the first was slow and difficult, the second was less embarrassing and was a recog- nised idea, the third appeared to be the best ; a commission should be appointed to ascertain the receipts of each living, and the clergy should be secured against the depreciation of money by a periodical valuation of the produce of land, and the sum ascertained should be paid like county appointments. The third point was religion, and here he said the success of the Catholic claims would be se- cured by themselves ; the course of the Catholics, or a great proportion of her inhabitants, was such as might decide the fate of the empire, and the part they took on this occasion might decide their own ; and she would find credit and security in the suppression of every kind of insurrection, in the determination to resist a foreign yoke, and in the oblivion, most absolute and unfeigned, of all animosities on account of religion. If she looks for examples she may find them in other nations, she may rind them in her own. As she felt in 1779, when she recovered her trade — as she felt in 1782, when she recovered her constitution — she may find at once credit and security. But the door of the temple was shut, and the Catholic was excluded — Government had no right to enter into the sanctuary of the human mind and decide be- tween man and his Redeemer ; and England should not allow any narrow policy to prevent her making the Irish Protestants a people, by making the Irish Catholics freemen. The minister did not take Mr. Grattan's advice on any one of these points ; and as to Mr. Sheri- 362 MR. grattan's letters on the [chap. X. dan's motion for an inquiry into the state of Ire- land, Government rejected it by 76 to 33. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. July 26th, 1807. My dear M'Can, — I never received the petition of the merchants, nor any letter on the subject. I have left London and gotten to a place within three miles of it, where Mrs. Grattan will have better air. Our business in Parliament is nearly at an end. Par- liament itself will be up in a few weeks : regarding the In- surrection Bill, I can only say that the bill ought to pass, and therefore I voted and spoke for it ; I am very sorry the people of Dublin should be of a different opinion, as I always wish to have their concurrence. I shall send you the last speech I made on the subject, but I fear it will give but little satisfaction, being stronger than the first. — Yours, ever, H. Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick. Hammersmith, 10th August, 1807. My dear Doctor, — I am happy in your approbation, I had rather have it than the shout of popular applause. It would be impossible to please the people of Ireland, if, on a question like the last, they should turn upon me. I know not whether they will change their sentiments, but 1 know I shall not change mine. Some of the Opposition took up the question as a good party measure, on which to squib the Ministry — their arguments made no impression. I happened not to be in the House the last night of debating the Arms Bill, as no debate was expected, nor notice given that the debate which had taken place on the last night would be resumed on another. I should have voted as before. I am sorry the priest has been killed ; # this is the second priest in your neighbourhood that has met with that fate. Was Vesey at the funeral — you were right in going to it. If every clergyman acted on the same principle, religion would have more credit and more peace. I shall see you soon, as I mean to go to Ireland in less than a month, and 1 * Rev. Mr.M'Carten, who was waylaid and killed on the highway I near Lucan by robbers. CHAP. X.] INSURRECTION AND ARMS BILL. 363 shall spend some days with you. Where is Hardy ? how is Hardy? I fancy Lord Charlemont's Life is forgotten, and yet he will not be able to pay his debts out of his in- come. I think he has lost an opportunity of profit and credit; remember me to him. Mrs. Grattan is really bet- ter, but she has not the use of her limbs, and is liable to short relapses every change of weather. She will not be able to come with me to Ireland — so that her illness has overset us very much ; we have gotten, for two months, a small house and garden near Hammersmith ; it is very con- venient, but too near the road ; however, we enjoy in it retirement, and in some degree, the country. Parliament will be prorogued immediately. Yon see what a situation we are in, and what our grand coalitions have ended in. Remember us to Mrs. Berwick and the children, and believe me, yours ever, H. Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. Hammersmith, August 18th, 1807. My dear M'Can, — The expense of the last election you mention, has been paid, and is 3,000/.; it cannot be helped* — but I icill pay it in y self I could not understand by the letter by whom it has been paid — if by subscription, I'll pay it to the subscribers ; let me know. I shall have sent an extract of my last speech to you in a few days; the speech will not please those who make the present outcry, nor do I intend it should. I am glad to find, from the letters 1 receive, that my conduct on the two bills has been much approved of. I shall write to Mrs. L f soon. Tell her not to regard the outcry — you can best explain to her how little it deserves attention. — Yours ever, H. Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. Hammersmith, 26th August, 1807. My dear M'Can, — I have sent a draft of the substance • These various elections, and the expenses consequent thereon, cost his family upwards of 50,000/. The Reform Bill has in this respect been of great service to the public and to individuals, preserving the morals of the one and the independence of the other. t^His sister. 364 THE PAVING BILL. [CHAP. X. of the speech — send it to Webb, but not as coming from me. It was taken by another hand j and it may be published as a pamphlet, if necessary. I wish that part of it which is written in another hand should be copied out, the copy sent to him, and the original destroyed. I will not have the bills published with it ; it were to enter into a defence of my conduct against a senseless outcry. One reason why I send the draft is to show that I do not respect that outcry. — Yours ever, H. G. The writer of the letter which the subjoined is a reply was one of Mr. Grattan's agents in the city election ; he well knew all the various meet- ings and factions in the county, and the feelings and dispositions of the people — no man was better aware of the existence of a discontented party in Ireland than he was, but that discontent was the natural and necessary consequence of the long misgovernment of the country ; the error was the leaning towards France, the remedy was the union of all Irishmen — if they had become national, their country would have been free, prosperous, and happy. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Wm. Sterne Hart. London, August 28th, 1807. My dear Hart, — I thank you for your letter, it was the letter of a friend, which character I have always found in you. I got the newspaper with the resolutions of the parishes against the Paving Bill. As to what you mention regard- ing the Insurrection Act, I am sure it made me enemies ; but at the same time my conviction was, that the bill was by no means what its enemies represented it to be, and that these very enemies had made it necessary. I am sure there were worthy men who disapproved of the bill. But those who abused me most for that measure, and continue to do so, would, if the French came, join them ; there is a great difference between opposing the measures of Govern- ment, as you say very truly, and supporting the French ; CHAP. X.J LETTER TO MR. H. GRATTAN, JUN. 365 you and I only mean to do the former, but there are many who abuse us because we would not do the latter. I perceive by the newspaper and by the letter which you sent me, and by different letters and resolutions which I have received, that Dublin is very angry about the new Paving Bill, and I am not surprised at it. I thank you for your advice about it, it was the advice of a friend, and as such I esteem it. — I am, my dear Hart, yours most truly, Henry Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Henry Grattan, Jun. August 29th, 1807. My dear Henry, — The English Parliamentary Debates are in the study near the escrutoire — they, with many years' interruption, come down to the year 1804 — the speeches of the great speakers only are worth reading, and those not always. Johnston is supposed to have written the speeches in the time of Sir Robert Walpole. Those since are very indifferently taken, but worth reading on the leading questions — viz., French war, slave trade, negotia- tion for peace, treaty of Amiens, and some few other sub- jects. I will bring the debates from 1804 to this year, to Ireland — I have bought them. You never read Montesquieu — you will find two sets in the library — the worst is the best for reading, as it is dirty already. Abbe Raynal is in the study or in Mrs. Grat- tan's room, in French ; it is worth reading, if you have time to spare from college studies. How is Mr. Gannon ? # remember me to him most particularly. No news in Eng- land — every one in expectation of news from Copenhagen,f probably this day an account will arrive. M'Can is a little distracted, and he seems to think of nothing but two billsj which he has not seen, and the noise of some people in Dublin. I was happy to hear of your success, § you are right to * The private tutor ; fellow of college afterwards. f The English bombarded Copenhagen without notice, and took away the Danish fleet ; they were often called upon to pay for the injuries they committed, and the question of Danish claims was brought before Par- liament so late even as the year 1844. \ The Insurrection and Arms Bills. | § In the Historical Society of Dublin College, an excellent institu- tion, where silver medals were awarded for prizes in History, Com- position, and Oratory. 366 LETTER TO MR. H. GRATTAN, JUN. [CHAP. X. apply yourself to composition, such an application will make you read with observation. Do not forget to rise early, and have fixed hours for study, and do not forget the Latin and Greek which you have gotten by heart— it is a great advantage to have the beautiful passages of Homer, Horace, and Virgil by heart. Read out loud, without straining your voice, passages in the three languages, Greek, Latin, and English. I wish you would keep up your knowledge of the French language, it is of the last consequence to speak it with fluency and apprehend it with ease — no man is a gentle- man without it. I do not call myself a gentleman for that reason. I thought Catalani # would astonish and charm — she amazed and delighted me. — Yours ever, H. G. Henry Grattan, Jun., Esq., Tinnehinch, Bray, Ireland. * The celebrated vocal performer, whose charms of voice and beauty of person were fully equalled by the goodness of her heart and the ex- cellence of her understanding ; she still lives at Florence, where the author saw her last year, respected and beloved by all who know her. She came to Ireland in 1807; and the impression she made, and the applause she drew forth, was surprising. She was visited by the first people of the country, who eagerly invited her to their houses, and at Tinnehinch she was received with the greatest regard and affection. Mr. Grattan, who was passionately fond of Italian music, was delighted with her talent and her manner of execution, which were superior to any thing ever heard. She said that the Irish people were not only fond of music, but understood it — they were the best audiences and judges she ever sung to — their applause better timed and more judicious than that of other nations. She affords a fine example to unite purity of mind with beauty of person, and superiority of talent ; but unfortunately it has been lost on her successors. CHAP. XI.] PROCEEDINGS OF THE CATHOLICS. 367 CHAPTER XI. The Roman Catholic Proceedings in 1808. — Letters of Mr. Grattan thereon. — The Grant to the Catholic College of Maynooth reduced by the No-Popery administration. — Remarks thereon by Mr. Foster, Mr. Grattan, and Sir A. Wellesley (Secretary, afterwards Duke of Wel- lington). — The History of the Veto. — Efforts of Government to gain influence over the Catholic Church in 1782, 1795, 1799, 1806, and 1808. — The Object of Government. — Edmund Burke's opinions on this question. — Catholic Question brought forward by Mr. Grattan. — Dr. Milner's Commutation with Mr. Ponsonby. — Veto as stated by him. — Milner retracts. — People of Ireland oppose Veto. — Mr. Grattan's opinion thereon. — His Letter to Mr. M'Can. — Bank Question in 1809. — Sale of Writership and Seat in Parliament by Lord Castlereagh. — Mr. Grattan's conduct thereon. — History of that shameful transaction. — Public immorality and corruption. — Conduct of the Duke of York. — Investigation by the House of Commons. — Mrs. Clarke. — Mr. Grattan votes against the Duke, who is removed from the command of the Army. — Expedition to Walcheren. — Great loss experienced by the Army. — Subject of the Irish Union. — Mr. Grattan's Letters thereon. — Trade and Exports of Ireland. — Mr. Grattan's Letters to Messrs. M'Can and Berwick. The Roman Catholics assembled on the 19th of January in Dublin. Lord Fiugall took the chair, and Count Dalton proposed that they should petition Parliament. Some individuals moved an adjournment, but the unanimity of the meeting- was preserved by the exertions of Mr. O'Connell. The resolution was adopted, and the care of the petition entrusted to Lord Fingall ; he offered it to the Duke of Portland, who declined to present it, and it was then entrusted to Lord Grenville. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. Brighton, January 25th, 1808. My dear M'Can, — Don't forget to send me the Evening Post. Also tell me more particulars about the Catholic 368 MR. GRATTAN ON CATHOLIC CLAIMS. [CHAP. XI. meeting, and whether they think they have any chance, and whether they are encouraged in their hopes by any party in England. Send me, by some means or other, the book on Tithes. — Yours ever, H. Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Matthew O'Connor, Esq.* London, February 1st, 1808. My dear Sir, — In my two last letters I gave you my opinion regarding the Catholic petition. It now remains to assure you that this opinion is formed on mature con- sideration, and in conformity to that of others. I have no view in giving that opinion to throw anything off myself; on the contrary, if, when his Lordship comes over here and consults on the subject, if then my opinion shall be thought wrong, and it shall then be conceived advisable that I should present and move on the petition, I shall not decline the offer. I have always considered the Catholic question abstracted from any party or administration. Lord Hutchinson and I, and our old friend Mr. Forbes, were from the first agreed on the subject. When I con- ceived that it was unadvisable to petition in the late administration and in the present, it was because no change of administration could influence me in the ques- tion. However, the petition is voted, and it now remains to give it every support. Tell M'Can he never writes to me. What is he doing? Mention me to Mr. Forbes, with this observation, that a young lawyer who rises early is like the early bird who picks the corn. Remember me to Mrs. O'Connor, and believe me yours very truly, H. Grattan. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. London, February 11th, 1808. My dear M'Can, — I got your letter of the 6th, and am to return you my thanks for your kindness. I shall be very glad to hear from Lord Fingall, and shall, when he comes to England, wait on him immediately when I know where he is, to pay my respects to him. You will give his Lordship my compliments. I am glad my last letter, which was only a continuation of my first, * This individual, in 1844, wrote the History of the Irish Brigade. It has been published since his death, and is an interesting memoir, and shows the ability and bravery of the Irish. CHAP. XI.] COLLEGE OF MAYNOOTH. 369 was agreeable to his Lordship. You may depend on it I shall never avoid any part serviceable to the Catholics. How is Henry? There have been good debates, but not very many. Our friend Ponsonby acquitted himself ex- cellently.* In the House of Lords, Lord Grey and Lord Moira spoke remarkably well. Lord Wellesley,f on the other side, was justly praised. We shall have a debate to-night in the Lords.! — Yours ever, H. G RATTAN. In the former session Mr. Foster stated it was the intention of Government only to grant the additional sum of 5,000/. for one year to the Col- lege of Maynooth; it had been originally intended for the education of 200 priests, for which purpose 8,000/. was voted by the Irish Parliament, and the additional sum had been granted by the late administration, for 200 students more and for new buildings that were in contemplation. To finish them the entire amount had been granted last year, and he now wished to add to the original sum, and make it 9,250/. Irish, to educate the 50 new students. Sir John Newport proposed 13,000/. Sir Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington) ob- jected to this : he stated that 2,000 priests was the number required in Ireland; that 111 were educated in different parts of Ireland, which, with 250 educated at Maynooth, made 3G1 ; a number sufficient for the supply. Sir John Newport ob- served, that prior to the French Revolution 478 students were educated on the continent, of which 420 received gratuitous education. A greater number would be required now, as the Catholic clergy amounted to near 3,000. Mr. Grattan * Mr. Ponsonby's motion for papers respecting the Expedition to Copenhagen, on which occasion lie delivered an admirable speech. f He supported ministers on the question as to the right to seize the Danish fleet ; he was an early friend of Mr. Grattan, and so continued to the last. t On the dispute with America, and the mediation of Russia and Austria. VOL. V. B B 370 DIVISION ON MAYNOOTH GRANT. [CHAP. XI. said that if provision was not made for the clergy at home, they would seek it abroad, and would bring back foreign connexions and foreign obliga- tions ; and while the spirit of Buonaparte pervaded the whole of the continent, that was not a time for keeping up the connexion. They would acquire political antipathies and Deistical princi- ples ; they would return religious Deists and political Catholics, to the great danger of over- throwing the Government. If the priests had any influence over the Catholics, they should be edu- cated with sentiments of domestic attachment, not with those of our political enemies. He doubted whether the priests had as much absolute influence over the people as was supposed. If they wished the Catholics of Ireland to be well conducted, they should make their priests objects not of contempt, but of veneration. The Pro- testant religion would not be extended by de- moralizing the Catholic clergy. On a division, the numbers for the larger grant were 33 ; for the lesser sum, 93. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. London, May 6th, 1808. My dear M'Can, — I am tired of London, where I shall be kept for a month. The debates of the House of Com- mons fatigue me. I take, however, little part in them, and when I do speak, the speeches don't appear; so that it makes little difference. The Catholic question will come on in the course of this month : it will be well supported. Last night we had a second debate on the Maynooth business, in which Dr. Duigenan took an indiscreet part, and hurt the Catholics not at all. — Yours, H. Grattan. It had been for a long time an object of the British Government to obtain an influence over the Roman Catholic Church. Having failed to CHAP. XI.] MR. BURKE'S OPINIONS. 371 put down that Church by persecution and penalty, they now strove, though in a lesser degree, to effect the object by art and intrigue. In 1782, they sought to interfere in the nomination of the Catholic bishops. From a letter of Mr. Burke, dated in February of that year, it appears that this plan was then in contemplation. In address- ing a noble lord* on the subject of the penal laws against the Catholics, he says — " I heard of a scheme of giving to the Castle the patronage of the presiding members of the Catholic clergy. At first I could scarcely credit it. • • * Never were the members of one religious sect fit to appoint the pastors of another. Those who have no regard for their welfare, reputation, or internal quiet, will not appoint such as are proper. * * It is a great deal to suppose that even the present Castle f could nominate bishops for the Roman Church of Ireland with a religious regard for its welfare. Perhaps they cannot — perhaps they dare not do it. * * I do not say this as thinking the leading men in Ireland would exer- cise this trust worse than others ; not at all. No men — no set of men — living are fit to administer the affairs, or to regulate the interior economy, of a Church to which they are enemies." Such were the opinions of Mr. Burke. The plan to which he alludes was not proceeded with at that period ; the times were not such as to allow even the public appearance of such a pro- position. The vigilant champions of Ireland were then wide awake, and those who strove to rescue their country from the baleful interference of the British minister would not have suffered him to assume any such power. The people, too, who * Burke's Works, edition of 1815, vol. vi. p. 290. f Lord Carlile was then Lord Lieutenant, and Mr. Eden (afterwards Lord Auckland) was Secretary —a weak and powerless government. B B 2 372 mr. grattan's and mr. burke's [chap. XI. were not ill prepared to deal with a corrupt minister — having at that time arms in their hands — would not have entered into any bargain such as was contemplated ; for, though the Volunteers might not have understood the religious part of the question, it was not likely they would have assisted the minister, or that Mr. Grattan, who had introduced the resolutions at the Dungannon meeting in favour of religious toleration, would have agreed to add strength to the power he sought to shake, and give to the Crown more in- fluence in the State, by assenting to a direct inter- ference and influence over the Catholic prelacy and priesthood. At such a. moment, and with such men, the British minister was not likely to succeed even with the Catholic ; and as to the Protestants, in a few months afterwards, when the Duke of Port- land and Mr. Fox's party — that was friendly to Ireland — were in power, and prayed for time to enter into a negotiation with Lord Charlemont and Mr. Grattan on the subject of Ireland, these men, who led the popular movement, declined all parley with them, and rejected the offers proposed. There was no barter then as about the veto on the question of the Union, in 1799 ; there was no trafficking then as about the forty-shilling free- holders on the question of emancipation, in 1829. The leaders of the people then would not listen to any stipulations, or suffer any abatement of the rights of Ireland ; they simply presented the claims of their country upon the bayonets of the Volunteers. In some years afterwards, another opportunity presented itself for interfering with the Catholic Church, when another arrangement was about to be made with the Irish people. The project seems again to have been under consideration, CHAP. XI.] OPINIONS ON THE CATHOLIC CLERGY. 373 and it appeared to be upon the same principle as in 1782, — the mercantile spirit of barter and of sale. The Roman Catholics were in expectation of getting something, and it was expected that they would give up something. This was in the years 1794 — 95, in the matter of the colleges that were to be established for the education of the Catholic clergy. The letter of Dr. Hussey (Roman Catholic bishop) to Mr. Burke, in January 1795, and the reply of the latter, allude to the measure then in contemplation. Mr. Burke's words are remarkable: — " I wish very much to see before my death an image of a primitive Christian Church. With little improve- ments, I think the Roman Catholic Church of Ireland very capable of exhibiting that state of things. * * Re-baptism you won't allow ; but truly it would not be amiss for the Christian Church to be re-christened. This is a great crisis for good or evil. Above all, do not listen to any other mode of appointing your bishops than the present, ichatever it is — no other elections than those you have — no Castle choices ! " Those were Mr. Burke's sentiments, in which Mr. Grattan coincided. At that period he was in communication with Mr. Burke, and in habits of intimacy with Dr. Hussey, who showed him Mr. Burke's correspondence ; and at the same time Mr. Burke was conferring with the Duke of Portland on the affairs of Ireland, on the subject of the Catholic colleges, and on the recall of Lord Fitzwilliam, and was well aware what were the intentions of the Ministers. On the 17th of March, in the same year, he wrote to Dr. Hussey, and gave the Catholics what he calls " his humble and respectful advice — that they should not inno- vate, or permit others to innovate, upon any part of their ecclesiastical polity. That polity has been 374 EFFORTS TO DESTROY THE [CHAP. XI. preserved, and it has preserved them through the most dreadful storms that have perhaps shaken any Church for 250 years or upwards. Let no consideration of a little money prevail on them to relinquish any 'part of it ; for in the whole is their safety. I have heard of the election of priests to parishes, and bishops to dioceses, with an election by their enemies out of three candidates to be presented to their choice. My opinion is, that the old course — because it is the old course — should not in any in- stance be departed from by them. "If any aid be given to keep them in that course, — so advantageous to them and to public order, — good ; but no extraneous interference of another religious system, to which they are to be subservient. Permit no elections from within or from without." Such, after an interval of thirteen years, was again the confirmed opinion of Mr. Burke, — most remarkable when coming from so decided a sup- porter of royalty and all its prerogatives, and who at that period was strenuous in his efforts to pre- serve, if not to increase its power. The affairs of Ireland having become embar- rassed,— the Catholics having grown more discon- tented, in consequence of the disappointment as to the concession of their claims, and the recall of Lord Fitzwilliam, in consequence of the intrigues of Mr. Pitt and the King, having convulsed the country, the plan so censured by Mr. Burke was not proceeded on ; the project terminated simply in the erection of the College of Maynooth, and no interference with the nomination of the Catho- lic bishops was obtained for the Crown ; the ob- ject, however, was still kept in view* and more effectual steps were taken, and a nearer approach * See Lord Grenville's speech on moving the Catholic question in 1808. CHAP. XI.] INDEPENDENCE OF THE CLERGY. 375 to the purpose was effected in the year 1799; in that year, when every art and deceit, every pro- mise and every fraud, every menace and every bribe was resorted to, it is not singular that some men should have been deceived, and have become the dupes of a dexterous and cunning minister. In the hopes of obtaining from a British Parlia- ment that which the Irish Parliament had so fool- ishly and so much to its cost refused (namely, their emancipation), four metropolitan and six diocesan Catholic bishops were induced, through the intrigues of Lord Castlereagh, to sign resolu- tions in favour of a royal veto in the appointment of their prelates.* This arrangement necessarily remained incomplete, as it depended on the pass- ing of the Catholic measure, which it was not the intention of the Government to concede ; Lord Castlereagh's object being then to cajole the clergy into a sanction of the principle in favour of the Crown, but not in any way to carry the mea- sure in favour of the Catholics — his cunning was discreditable, but successful. The question of Union, and the loss of the Irish Legislature, ab- sorbed every other consideration and filled every man's mind, so that the matter passed over, though not without severe animadversions on the Catholic prelates who had acted such an ignoble part in the hour of national danger and distress. The question was again revived in some degree in 1807, as appears from the Duke of Bedford's letter to Mr. Grattan, at page 331 ; this, too, ex- pired with the Whig ministry of that day, but it was destined to be revived under the auspices of an English ecclesiastic (Dr. Milner). Accordingly, the Catholic question was brought * See Lord Grenville's Letter to Lord Fingall in 1810 ; see Sir John Hippesley's Letters on the Catholic Claims, to Lord Fingall ; see also Maurice Fitzgerald's (Knight of Kerry) pamphlet alluding to these transactions, published 1845. 376 dr. milker's communication [chap. XI. forward in May 1808, under the following circum- stances. Lord Fingall had been entrusted with the care of the petition, and had made private ap- plication to Mr. Ponsonby ; he stated to him that the Catholic Bishops had made a proposal to the Irish Government in 1799 ; that they entertained the same opinions now as they did then ; that they had an agent in London (Dr. Milner) who would call on Mr. Ponsonby on the subject. Accord- ingly, this person had communication, by letter, with him,* and detailed the sentiments of the * In the debate on this question in 1810, Mr, Ponsonby stated the proceedings regarding Dr. Milner, and produced the letter and ticket he then left at his house ; as follows : — On one side of the ticket was written "Dr. Milner, Bloomsbury," and on the other these remarks : — 1. Protestant Succession. Clause in Oath of Defence Bill, 2. Attending Established Service. Service by Articles of War. 3. Catholic Catechism — Thomas Paine's Works, 4. Nomination to Catholic Prelacies. The letter was in the following words : — " Dr. Milner presents his respectful compliments to the Right Hon. Mr. Ponsonby, and takes the liberty of stating, distinctly in writing, the substance of what he did say, or meant to say, in the conversation, which he had the honour of holding with Mr. Ponsonby. First, the Catholic Prelates of Ireland are willing to give a direct negative power to his Majesty's Government, with respect to the nomination of their titular bishoprics, in such manner that, when they have among them- selves resolved who is the fittest person for the vacant see, they will transmit his name to his Majesty's Ministers, and, if the latter should object to that name, they will transmit another and another, until a name is presented to which no objection is made; and (which is never likely to be the case) should the Pope refuse to give those essentially necessary spiritual powers, of which he is the depositary, to the person so pre- sented by the Catholic Bishops, and so approved of by Government, they will continue to present the names until one occurs which is agreeable to both parties, namely, the Crown and the Apostolic See. It is to be observed, however, — 1. That the Crown does not interfere with the concerns of any other religious sect or church which it does not sup- port. 2. That the nominators in this business, namely, the Catholic Bishops j have universally sworn allegiance to his Majesty. 3. That they will, moreover, engage to nominate no person who had not taken the oath in question. " 2ndly. It appears that the clause concerning the Protestant Succes- sion does not occur in the oath of the Defence Bill; but it would be highly gratifying to the consciences of the Catholic bishops and clergy. CHAP. XI.] ON THE APPOINTMENT OF BISHOPS. 377 Catholics as to the appointment of their Bishops. This was, in general terms, imparted to Mr. Grat- tan, who, on the 25th of May, moved that their petition should be referred to a Committee of the whole House. He stated, " that he had a pro- position which the Catholics had authorized him to make, and it is this, that in the future nomi- nation of Bishops, his "Majesty might interfere and exercise his royal privilege, and that no Ca- tholic Bishop shall be appointed without the en- tire approbation of his Majesty." Mr. Grattan entered no further into the subject, and in these general terms only communicated what he had been authorized to say ; but Ponsonby went fur- ther, and said that he made the statement on the authority of Dr. Milner, who was a Catholic Bishop in this country, and who was authorized by the Catholic Bishops of Ireland to make this proposition in case of their emancipation being conceded. This proposition was, that when the and a great proportion of the laity (should an opportunity occur), if any friend of theirs would distinctly state, in what sense they understood that clause in the oath appointed for them to take, particularly in that of 1791, viz. us a penalty which must for ever remain upon them, and to which they submit with all humility, met as an engagement which they take upon themselves in such sort that they would be obliged to take no arms against his Majesty if he were to go to mast* They conceive them- selves justified in understanding the clause in this sense, by the most positive assurances that such was the meaning of the legislature, which were given them in 1791 by Bishop Horsley, and other distinguished senators, who managed the bill in Parliament. u 3rdly. The practice of forcing Catholic soldiers and sailors to attend the established service of the Church of England, and everywhere else, except in Ireland, is a religious grievance and oppression, which is deeply felt by all Catholics, particularly by the subjects of this into- lerance. " 4thly. Mr. Ponsonby was so good as to say, that he would disclaim, in the name of the Catholics of Ireland, the civil and religious code of Thomas Paine, which they have been accused, in the newspapers at least, of teaching and holding. " Dr. Milner has not, of course, had an opportunity yet of consulting with the Catholic prelates of Ireland on the important subject of the Catholic presentations ; but he has every reason to believe, that they will cheerfully subscribe to the plan traced out in the first page of this note. 11, Queen Street, Bhomsbury Square. 378 THE KING'S VETO ON THE [CHAP. XI. Prelates had resolved on the person to be nomi- nated to a vacant bishopric, his name should be submitted for the King's approbation. If that was refused, another person should be proposed, and so on in succession, until his Majesty's approba- tion should be obtained, so that the appointment should finally rest with the King. This excited considerable sensation amongst the English mem- bers, but Mr. Perceval, who was averse to all concession, opposed it, as he did not think it would content or conciliate the Irish, and added, rather whimsically, " that he did not conceive himself precluded from supporting the Catholic claims under different circumstances ; for instance, if a change took place in the Catholic religion itself!" On a division, the numbers were, 128 for Mr. Grattan's motion, 281 against it — a majority of 153.* In the House of Lords, Lord Grenville made a similar motion to that of Mr. Grattan — spoke more decidedly on the question of the veto, and stated that his ideas and those of Mr. Pitt had been similar in the year 1799. Dr. Milner, the day after the debate, published a protest against the use his name had been made of, the preceding evening, on the subject of the veto. This aggravated the case, opened the door to controversy and recrimination, which lasted for a number of years, and greatly injured the Catholic cause. With what feelings of propriety or justice Dr. Milner could adopt the course he did, it is difficult to imagine, when the letter and instruc- tions given by him to Mr. Ponsonby are con- sidered ; he seems to have made an unaccountable * Nine counties had forwarded petitions from the Protestant inhabi- tants in favour of the Catholic claims ; and a letter from Mr. Plunket (the late Attorney-General) was read by Mr. Ponsonby, which stated, "There is nothing new in this country, excepting, 1 believe I speak within bounds when I say that nine in ten Protestants, even including the clergy, would poll for Catholic emancipation." CHAP. XI.] APPOINTMENT OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS. 379 mistake, and certainly did the Catholics great in- jury- In the month of September, the Catholic Pre- lates met in Dublin, and resolved, "that it was their decided opinion that it was inexpedient to introduce any alteration in the canonical mode hitherto observed in the nomination of the Roman Catholic Bishops, which mode long experience has proved to be unexceptionable, wise, and salu- tary." They followed this by another resolution, pledging themselves only to recommend such per- sons as were of unimpeachable loyalty and peace- able conduct. This was signed by twenty- three Bishops ; there were only three dissentients, namely those prelates who signed the resolutions of 1799. For this proceeding they received the thanks of the Catholics at several meetings in various parts of Ireland, — for the laity now took a very decided part against the veto, — but the result was, that the question remained in abeyance during 1809, and suffered considerably in the opinion of the people of both countries. On this intricate subject Mr. Grattan had been very cautious, and acted a judicious part. He only stated what he had been commissioned to say on their behalf, but his opinion was, that the veto was a bad measure ; and, in his mind, it was a great question whether it would not be injurious to liberty to admit the Catholics, and give such power to the Crown, — he thought it would add to the physical strength of the Empire, but, that like other churches, theirs would be venal. " I own I tremble" were his words. The fact was, Mr. Grattan was afraid of Buonaparte. He considered that Ireland was in danger of being lost, and that, between the power of France and the exasperating bigotry of the British minister, it would be next to impossible to induce the great body of the 380 PROCEEDINGS ON THE [CHAP. XI. people of Ireland to adhere to the connection ; this caused him to submit the proposition to Par- liament, otherwise he would have refused to com- municate to that body the proposition from Dr. Milner and the Catholic Prelates, just as stead- fastly as he had refused to present their petition and urge their claims in Parliament the year be- fore, when he conceived it injurious and im- prudent. He said that whatever would be done, nothing would take place without an addition of power to the Crown, and he even foresaw and foretold the attack that was afterwards made on the forty-shilling freeholders on passing the Eman- cipation Act. In 1799 the Catholic Prelates had not only made a tender of the measure, but had gone fur- ther ; for an inquiry was then instituted into the value of every living held by the priests, and a return was made to the Government, and it was not then considered incompatible with their re- ligion, to grant a veto to the Crown. However, he did not urge the point much in his speech, and was brief and reserved on the subject. Mr. Pon- sonby was less so, and Lord Grenville went at great length into the subject, and stated that the veto was part of the system in contemplation at the Union, and that on this subject Mr. Pitt's ideas and opinions were the same. From hence arose a controversy that lasted several years,- — the English party were dissatisfied at Dr. Milner's conduct, — some of the Irish party took his part, — their clergy and laity protested against the veto, and the question got more embroiled than ever. Mr. Grattan to Mr. M'Can. London, 13th May, 1808. Mv dear M'Can. — I have learned of poor Lady Ty- rawly's # death, and was much shocked. I had a regard * She was cousin to Mr. Grattan, daughter of his aunt (Mrs. Levinge) who was the daughter of Chief Justice Marlay. CHAP. XI.] CATHOLIC QUESTION. 331 for her, and had obligations to her. I shall see you soon. We have had some carious debates of late : one on the subject of Doctor Duigenan, who spoke against the Ca- tholics on the Maynooth question, with his usual vehe- mence; that, and his other conduct regarding them, gave cause for a motion against his advancement to the Council. I did not speak against him — nor vote — as he had been my enemy I would not be his judge. There is nothing new here. — Yours most truly, H. G. Same to Same. London, May 27th, 1808. My dear M'Cax, — I was half awake when I wrote yesterday. Our Catholic question went off favourably, I think for the Catholics. There was no violent sentiment against them, and a very strong sentiment for them ; all the opposition almost spoke for them, and ably. Ponsonby was remarkably well ; he answered Mr. Wilberforce, and attacked Mr. Perceval, who spoke with less violence than was apprehended, and argued with temper. I received more praise for what I said than I deserved ; one half had the languor of old age, and wanted fire and rapidity. However, the Catholic cause is rather served on the whole. — Yours, H. GliATTAN. Same to Same. London, June 4th, 1808. My dear M'Can, — I got your letters. I am glad the Catholic proceedings have given satisfaction. I was anxious about the event, as I always shall be, till the Catholics obtain their object. Their case is not unpopular in the House of Commons, as you will see by the debates, and their great enemies said nothing on the question. On the Bank Charter* we were within thirteen of the ministry in * On Lord Henry Petty 's (Lansdowne) motion on the Bank of Ireland Bill, to enable Catholics to be chosen Governors or Directors. The charter had been granted in 1782, but even at that bright period, the dawn of religious liberty only appeared, and the spirit of the age was not sufficiently liberal to remove the penal code ; but in 1793, when the relaxing statute passed, it was intended to have admitted Catholics ; unfortunately, by the omission of a single word in the act, they were 382 MR. GRATTAN TO MR. BERWICK. [CHAP. XI. favour of the Catholics. The debate is to be published here — I must revise my part of it — it will then go to Ire- land; this will be better than a separate publication. The case of the late officers of the Paving Board is a hard one — but to get them compensation from the public would be too strong a measure — it is for that reason the ministry does not move it. — Believe me, yours ever, and most truly, H. Grattan. Ponsonby spoke remarkably well on the Catholic ques- tion. Mr. Grattan to Mr. Berwick. June 20th, 1808. My dear Berwick, — I am sorry you are leaving Ire- land, because I am going to it, and I lose some pleasant days which I should have spent with you. 1 go to Worthing on Wednesday, return in a few days, and then proceed with the boys to Ireland, where we shall stay for about two months ; a vagabond life, but it is so ordered by a concurrence of accidents. I find the Bishop of LlandafT* has, in the republication of his charge, prefixed an advertisement, in which he signifies his sense of the propriety of acceding to the Ca- tholic measure. This, added to the speech of the Bishop of Norwich,t will do service. I was shocked at Lady Tyrawly's death. I am harassed by preparing to go into the country, paying bills, &c. &c, disagreeable, ungrateful, unprofitable. The Catholic debate will be published immediately — it held to be excluded ; and on this occasion the Imperial Parliament was in vain appealed to, in order to carry into effect the intention of the Irish; on a division, the number for admitting the Catholics was 83, against them 96. * Watson, Bishop of Llandaff, delivered his pastoral charge to his clergy in June, 1805, after the discussion of the Catholic question; it was friendly to toleration, but was not then published. But in 1808, as the situation of the country grew more critical, it appeared with a pre- face, stating his approbation of the measure (of emancipation), M as calculated to support the independence of the country, to secure the stability of the throne, to promote peace among fellow-subjects and charity among fellow-christian, and in no probable degree dangerous to the constitution either in church or state." See his letters to the minis- ter on this subject, published among " His Anecdotes," by his Son. Ed. 1814. f Bathurst — another liberal and enlightened individual who voted and spoke for the Catholics. The first speech he ever made in Parlia- ment. CHAP. XI.] ORDERS IN COUNCIL. 383 gives me great pleasure what you told me in your letter on that subject. I was very anxious about the question, and think it advanced. I long to talk to you on that, and, in- deed, other subjects, but shall not have an opportunity for many years, I suppose, for you coming to England when I go to Ireland, and I returning from Ireland when you leave England, per consequence we cannot meet except like highwaymen — on the road. Dr. Baillie has just left me, he says Mrs. Grattan is in no danger, that she will recover so far to be at her ease, and, perhaps, to walk on flat ground # — even this is con- solation, Remember me to Mrs. B. and the children, particularly my grandchild. — Yours ever, H. Grattan. The public affairs in 1809, in which Mr. Grat- tan took part, were the questions as to the British Orders in Council, which had been passed in con- sequence of the Berlin and Milan Decrees of Buonaparte, declaring certain ports to be in a state of blockade, and by which the trade between Great Britain and America had been considerably injured. On this subject Mr. Whitbread moved an address to his Majesty for conciliatory nego- tiations with America ; in this he was warmly sup- ported by Mr. Grattan, who stated that England had, by her impolicy, lost the affections of Ame- rica, and that, if she persevered in such conduct, she would drive America into the arms of France. Another question in which Mr. Grattan took part, was one that regarded Lord Castlereagh. It appeared from the evidence given before a Committee on East Indian abuses, that he had given a writership to his friend Lord Clancarty to dispose of, in order to purchase a seat in the House of Commons. Whether he had introduced these corrupt practices from Ireland, where he * She never recovered the use of her limbs, and for twenty years was unable to move from her chair. 384 MOTION CONDEMNATORY OF [CHAP. XI. had employed them before so successfully for his object, or whether he found them indigenous in the soil to which he had transplanted the remains of the Irish Parliament, it is not necessary to in- quire — (the latter was the most likely) — but upon the discovery, a motion was made by Lord Archi- bald Hamilton, condemning the transaction, and resolving, "that Lord Castlereagh, as President of the Board of Control, as Privy Councillor and Secretary of State, had been guilty of a violation of duty, and of an attack on the purity and Con- stitution of Parliament." Mr. Canning moved a singular amendment, by no means complimentary to his colleague, namely, "that, considering the intention referred to in the evidence was not car- ried into effect, the House did not think it neces- sary to come to a criminatory resolution." On this occasion Mr. Grattan spoke, and it was thought that he would, on such a subject as the sale of seats in Parliament, have duly remembered the conduct of Lord Castlereagh in Ireland, and have exhibited, in their proper colours, the cor- rupt practices that had there been pursued. The occasion would not have been passed over by a less noble-minded or a younger man, and justice almost demanded that it should be made a day of public trial and retribution. To the surprise of many, and the disappoint- ment of some (for the House of Commons is not averse to a smart political wrangle), Mr. Grattan adopted a milder course, and though he con- demned the offence, he was lenient towards the offender. He observed that, as the noble Lord was on his trial, and the House was bound to go through the trial with "judicial temper, rather than with any spirit of prosecutionary violence, and it was upon this principle that he could not approve of going back to the political proceedings CHAP. XI. J LORD CASTLE R E AG K. 385 in which the noble Lord hud such a share in effect- ing the measure of Union with Ireland. He could hardly think it fair to charge him upon one issue, and to try him on another; but as the noble Lord had confessed his crime, he did not think the House could refuse to affix to such a transac- tion the deserved reprobation." For the resolu- tion there were 1G7, and against it 21G ; Mr. Can- ning's amendment passed afterwards by 47 ma- jority. On this occasion it must be admitted that Mr. Grattan displayed great generosity, the crime of this individual being precisely that by which he had done such mischief to his country, and de- stroyed the constitution that Mr. Grattan had so great a share in obtaining ; such conduct was certainly little deserved by Lord Castlereagh, however noble on the part of Mr. Grattan — it was well received by the House, and by Lord Castle- reagh with strong sentiments of gratitude and obligation, which he took occasion subsequently to express; but the insidious friendship of his colleague, Canning, was never forgotten. The mode of managing these frauds is at once singular and sagacious, and seems to have been so well arranged that the practice must have been reduced to system at least if we are to judge from the expertness of the parties. It appeared that Lord Clancarty (Trench) wanted to get into the House of Commons, and finding that he could get money for the sale of an office, he applied to Lord Castlereagh to get a writership to sell to a person of the name of Ogg, who was to give 3,500/. for it, which was to be given to Lord Sligo for a seat in Parliament for Lord Clancarty ; out of this 3,500/., 5/. per cent, was to be paid as commission to two agents in the business, and a loan of money was promised to a Mrs. Groves, vol, v. c c 386 CENSURED BY CANNING. [CHAP. XI. In this matter the parties stood thus : — Lord Castlereagh did not know Ogg, Lord Clancarty did not know Ogg, Lord Sligo did not know Ogg ; but Ogg was to get the writership, Sligo was to get the money, and Clancarty was to get the seat. As President of the Board of Control, Lord Castlereagh had sworn " not to bargain or be privy to any bargain for civil situations in India f yet one lord was to sell a seat for money, and another lord a writership for a seat ; thus a seat was to be sold which should not be sold, and an office was to be bought which should not be bought, and an oath was to be broken which should have been in- violate. It was perjury — complicated iniquity — violation of law and constitution ; yet it occa- sioned little noise — little surprise-— no indignation. The traffic in eastern corruption, and its gains, had so habituated and hardened the mind of both Parliament and people, that no shame was mani- fested — no remorse felt* — no punishment in- flicted. Such was the sickly state of the moral age, and so deteriorated its principle, — the melan- choly consequence of too much power and too much wealth, and the approaching symptoms of a declining state. The proceeding, however, injured Lord Castle- reagh ; but strange to say, he suffered more from his so-called friend Mr. Canning, than from his former opponent Mr. Grattan. He never forgot the forbearance of the latter, nor the enmity of the * Demosthenes in his celebrated third Phillippic, compares the pris- tine viitue of the Athenians with their subsequent baseness; in the former lie particularises their abhorrence of bribes — ■)(pi)Hara Xa[x[3avovrag cnravreg tjjLivav, /cat x a ^ 7 l 7riorarov V v 70 vojpodoKsvra ekeXsyxOrivai, icai Ti[AOjpla fjeyicrr?] tstov skoXchtov, /cat 7rapaiTt)Gt.g sdsfxia rjv, sde avyyvoj/irj. In their state of degradation he says of those who took money. &]Xog £i rig siXt]t be rendered private property by any usage or custom. Could individuals prescribe for a right to make a king, or to make a House of Peers? — no, nor to make a House of Commons. The executive, the judicial and the legisla- tive power cannot be elected by individuals; the attempt would be treasonable, and the doctrine abominable. When I speak of prescription, I attribute to borough pro- perty an antiquity which it wants. In England this pro- perty proceeded from gradual local depopulation within the memory of man, certainly not beyond it. In Ireland t lie greater number of private boroughs were created since the time of James I. to gratify private persons, or to counterbalance county representation. The advocates against reform cannot stand on such a plea ; and there is but one piece of ground on which they seem to be able to plant their foot ; namely, the impossibility of the remedy, that is to say, the impossibility of having a representation of the people, which I deny. The thing was done — it was done lately; it was done by themselves ; it was done in a few days, without noise or difficulty, in 1800; they them- selves in Ireland nearly annihilated the private represen- tation, and left the public: they found the private repre- sentation as two to one, and they made it as one to two. Mucfa may be said on this subject, but I must conclude. We shall be in town on Wednesday or Thursday. — Yours ever, H. G. Henry Grattan, Esq., 11, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square, London. Mr. Grattan to Edward Hay.* London, June 5th, 1811. Dear Sir, — I was favoured with your request to pre- sent to the House of Commons a petition of a numerous body of subscribing Catholics on the subject of the Militia Intercourse Bill. Whatever conies from any desciiption of that body I receive with great attention. I beg to observe, that since the above-mentioned petition was voted, the Interchange Militia Bill has been ordered to be read a third time, and has, in every previous stage, received the approbation of the House of Commons. * He was secretary to the Catholic body, their board and commit- tees ; an active, honest, and ardent servant in their cause. 442 LETTERS TO JAMES GRATTAN [CHAP. XII. The clause in the petition which therefore suggests that " this is a step to root out the Catholic religion, proselyte the country, and revive the penal code" contains against the House of Commons, who had approved of this bill, charges too strong to be presented to that body; and the petition with such a clause is not presentable. I have thought right to have the opinion of several of the principal persons of both countries who take a lead in favour of the Catholics, and their opinion is, that the petition with such a clause is not presentable to the House of Commons. Mr. Ponsonby and Sir John Newport have authorized me to tell you so. I beg to observe, that there is in the bill a clause intro- duced, by force of which the Catholic militia shall have the same civil, military, and religious privileges in Great Britain which it has in Ireland. — I am, dear sir, your very sincere and humble servant, Henry Grattan. The following letters addressed to his son, who had entered the army, are not devoid of interest, as they allude to the events and characters of the time. Mr. Grattan to James Grattan. June, 1811. My dear James, — The home politics are confined to the king's health, the bankruptcies of the merchants, and the Catholics of Ireland. Of the first they talk variously : to-day they rumour that he is not so well, but that he will soon recover, and resume. The prince, supposing his father would soon recover, did not change the ministry : he left them their places, but withheld his confidence. Second, bankruptcies have increased this year to a great amount ; the principal cause appears to be the want of a market : merchants and manufacturers had abundance of goods, but no part of the world would take them, or pay for them. South America overstocked — the markets of Europe, except Spain and Portugal, shut ; thus it appears that the orders in council have not had their desired effect, and that Bonaparte's interdict begins to affect us. Third, the Catholics. That question arose from a letter of Mr. Pole to the magistrates of Ireland, declaring county CHAP. XII.] ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS. 443 meetings illegal assemblies, and enjoining the civil power to arrest any person who should proceed to elect delegates in the different counties according to the summons for their committee. The question was debated in the House of Commons : the Catholic committee was unmolested, and the counties have not in general proceeded to send delegates to the Catholic committee. An address* was resolved on to remove the Duke of Richmond and Mr. Pole. The foreign questions on those of Spain and Por- tugal must be left to the chance of war. England has made every exertion, and has sent the greatest native army that ever left England. As to America, that question remains open, and I fear the passions of both England and America embitter in consequence of delay. It is a question that never should have arisen ; when arisen, it should have been settled in a month : subsisting till now, it will never, I fear, be amicably settled at all. Mr. Foster, second cousin to the Irish Chancellor of the Exchequer, is going- out in quality of ambassador. I hope he will — I fear he won't — bring back the olive. Don't forget to make the book I mentioned to you,— a register of events, and of the physical and moral circum- stances of the countries you visit. — Yours, &c. H. Grattan. James Grattan, Esq., 20th Dragoons, Sicily. Same to Same. July, 1811. Dear James, — I hope you will like your promotion ;+ you will ever have it in view to get to the head of your profession. There are two questions in the House of Commons, — the Catholics and Currency. Mr. Canning displayed much talent — Mr. Huskisson much knowledge. The minister was, as usual, hostile, and more than usually pointed : he was able, but he was narrow, impolitic, and uncharitable. He generally speaks well — sometimes very well, and seldom, or never, ill ; but he is too great a churchman to be a great politician: he has this session acquitted himself expertly, and will leave power if he does * No such address was adopted by Parliament, but the Irish Catho- lics desired it. f He had got a Lieutenancy in the Regiment. 444 LETTER TO JAMES GRATTAN. [CHAP. XII. go out with more authority than he obtained it. Foster has dosed his political career; it was a various day, clouded not a little ; brighter in his own country than in England : splendid at the time of the Union, — obscure at the close. I have dined much with the bar ; they are the best society in Ireland, and are some of them an able and talented set of men ; but the Union has had its effects upon them ; their conversation is confined to the incidents of their profession, insulated as their situation. — Yours, H. Grattan. James Grattan, Esq , Sicily. CHAP. XIII.] regent's GOVERNMENT. 445 CHAPTER XIII. Commencement of the Prince Regent's Government in 1811. — Proceed- ings of the Catholics. — Mr. Pole's circular letter. — Mr. Grattan's re- marks. — Presents the Catholic petition. — Motion thereon, and reply to Mr. Perceval. — Conduct of the No-Popery Government. — Prosecution of the Catholics. — Arrest of Lord Fingall. — Unconstitutional conduct of the Chief Justice. — Convention Act. — Trial of the delegates. — Acqr.ittal of Dr. Sheridan. — Trial of Mr. Kirwan. — Conduct of Sir Charles Saxton, Under Secretary. — Tampers with the jury lists. — Speech of Mr. Peter Burrowes. — Mr. Kirwan found guilty. — Conduct of the prince. — His letter to the Duke of Richmond as to Lord Leitrim. — Lord Hutchinson's spirited conduct. — Lord Grenville's and Mr. Horner's Letters. — Lord Morpeth's motion as to Ireland. — Mr. Grattan's speech. — America, orders in Council. — Mr. Grattan on Mr. Perceval's policy. — Petition from the Protestants of Ireland in favour of the Catholics. — Mr. Grattan moves Catholic petition, 23rd April, 1812. — Speech. — Mr. Perceval assassinated. — Mr. Grattan's letters. — Incapacity of Ministers to conduct the Government. — Record thereof. — Attempts to form an administration. — Mr. Wortley's motion. — Hostility of the Prince. — Old ministry retained. — Remarks on ne- gotiations. — On Lords Grey, Grenville, and Moira. Tin: year 1811 was passed in great disquietude. Much was expected from the Prince ; much was apprehended from Buonaparte. Master nearly of Europe, he threatened Russia, and sought to acid that empire to his dominions ; but fortunately Pro- vidence was destined to interfere and check his am- bition. With respect to the Prince Regent, the people of England were in doubt, the people of Ire- land in astonishment, and the Catholics in despair. At first, the Prince treated his father's ministers coldly, and received the visits of his Opposition friends, Lord Hutchinson and Lord Moira. The former resided at Carlton House, and had an opportunity of witnessing the weakness of the 446 PROCEEDINGS OF THE [CHAP. XIII. Prince ; how quickly the Ministers gained upon him ; and how he weaned himself by degrees from his old party. He lived with his brothers, the Duke of York and the Duke of Cumberland ; the latter of whom, since the attempt on his life in 1810, resided at Carlton House. He showed few symptoms of affection for his early friends ; no disinclination to a No-Popery Administration ; and little regard for the proceedings of the House of Commons. One of the first measures of his rule was to restore his brother, the Duke of York, to the office of commander-in-chief, from which he had been forced to retire, in consequence of the proceedings in Parliament in 1809. Lord Milton made a fruitless motion on the subject in the House of Commons. It was precipitate and inju- dicious on his part, done without consultation, and not politic for his party. It put the Prince on his guard, and hazarded his good disposition, if he entertained any such towards them ; but the Whigs knew his character, and saw that he was lost to them for ever. The subservience of the House was the shield that protected him, and he knew it; accordingly the Duke remained in pos- session of his office. The next proceeding of the Prince's Government .was the prosecution of the Roman Catholics. They had held a general com- mittee, from whence petitions were presented to Parliament, which were civilly received and uni- formly disregarded. With a view, therefore, of extending their body, and giving greater influence to its measures, their secretary (Mr. Hay), in January, 1811, was directed to write to the Catholics, calling upon them to appoint managers in each county to forward their petitions. This brought forth the vigour of Government, and Mr. W ellesley Pole,* the secretary, issued a circular * Afterwards created Lord Maryborough. CHAP. XIII.] ROMAN CATHOLICS. 447 letter to the sheriffs and magistrates throughout Ireland, calling upon them to arrest all persons who posted notices of appointing such managers, or who voted for them, or acted in such capacity. This letter threw the country into a state of the greatest agitation. The subject was brought be- fore Parliament, and on the 22nd of February, Mr. Ward* moved an address to the Prince for the production of Mr. Pole's letter. Mr. Grattan severely censured the conduct of the Government for denouncing as disloyal and unlawful a body that Parliament had already recognised, and had been in communication with. The words CO nWHT^O (M rH CO o >o CO CI (M rH CO Wr-IH CO CO co ioco -— ■ OX CO Tt"coo5co»o -^ co *o >Oi> CO CO O GO i — I CO CO CO Tfrtf r-i i-i CO CO-hCO coco OOi(NO)>0 CONOCO coco •-O o co co r— < cooc-j cr> co co *o ^co-rf ^ ^ CO CO ^ <-< CO CO CO ^ 2 a o ,p5 o 5 5 S 2 § a ^ 0> o 133 ft c 113 .a o • T3 O 05 C3 2 T-S 1 — 1 a. s I § lO CO O ^ CO O r-H H r-t CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Date Due lT r« — H| If AUG "4 frft 9 ^9031 01587579 2 Boston College Library Chestnut Hill 67, Mass. Books may be kept for two weeks unless a shorter period is specified. If you cannot find what you want, inquire at the circulation desk for assistance.