• • I?}' ■ jr;, v, £f-/ ; 'A ,.< • VT1 . v , iv ; ^Pw H, ,-fHr T ^ tf v , &■ 4?i0 /ff : m rv 5? H fV s H-H c z "p- '%4 CO 0) & CJ .44 <3 P (J 4=1 X "tS v “* / *- v U Cj CJ 3 <» - a; „ O r- ^ t- iO| , ^ X cc c M -«l (J C ^ Lp *** ^ <5£> O p ^ m M m co 3 a) £ >> J, sh o pi in • r— < X CD 4= ^ 4> "cs > Cjpj > 'J ^ ^ E .<0 *g K> 2 So°£-<* rt J< « J - X O c/) ~C; ^ " rS 0 O 3j p> X u Cj CJ ' • ►—< |V S5 W Q W X p 3 'sir CJ -p 0) os >< H OS < £ CM 05 X > Cj • rH J— i rH cj j, 4= c/5 P> bjOr§ =j 3 • r-H f— I Ji-O^ co J a) V) P< S— i X Cj 3 Q, 3 p -1 p ° J CJ 3 • rH $X k> CJ O 3= a -+-> CO O O W n x 2 ° 3 H uV 5 3 ^ w 3 £ r/) co fZ CO J> 3 3 44 -. co o a) d v 3 3 -3 '£■ \ b£ • ~ 3 T3 3 W ^ S O 33 3 3 CJ CU g . r-H ’ ’TT • *>Ci o * *Si ^U) 33 * oo »Si O co *< 33 >< c CO f « 33 h _r^ ^ ’•S G ^ s J 18 Cl cc i/c 3 co" . 44 cj X X C 3 3 43 - to -.4 u 04 o . v +j ,c m t- 4J 4>-Jj 4-i 03 P c3 K X bo 4< ^ J o ® o (j „, >., +-“ co l_ X j>r^ +j 04.2 = O K ^ 4b 3 4= 73 •’"I 77 x , /-H x; — ' 73 rf .4 73 5 4 O % .. ft ^ bo 43 ^ c 77 O f—t r\ '- J i _i i w o <0 X -p r7 ^ ^ d 4-> w'g '2 IC p 4 in ro - — i ^ o 3 > O V ^ 4 «J S co 3^40 3 J 4 -P _ cj •- ^ p 3 -P 5 4 mb 0 3 4 C4 C 3 £ CD _o V. ^ Cj ' - 1 ^ 1— I ^ jh o P ^ o O « S-< § 4 52 23 • j pj O bo^ ^ ^ cp p X *S> iPP, § O § ^ ? O co ... . 433 S p d O 0 3 ^ S3 cp 3 £ b P* CD o Cb 4 +J p _ 15 P ^ rt r- 3 Zi 4 p "o CD °^- p b 2 ’ 4 > o rT‘ ° 4 d 4 ^ 2 co 4-4 3 * W ^ 'H-i IP O ? d O W ^ 2 3 3 _ to tD bO Co O > 4 CD C p r '. to 2 1-4 3 3 cp P4 rv pp“ o b-c 3 pf CO O H x S 3 cj , . lli c 3 bo - -+-4 J J r? a X CbS-Z^ 3 .3 ^ p o 3 p O ^ Q 1577- $550 This book which is often catalogued under the name of its original compiler, Richard Eden, is the first English collection of voyages and one of the most important works in English geo- graphical literature. It was first published in 1555, but the 1577 edition is almost a different book, so much new material has been added which is not to be found in the first edition. Of course, the greater part still consists of Peter Martyr’s Decades I-III and Oviedo’s History of the West Indies. The additions are Martyr’s Fourth Decade, the very important Instructions by Richard Willes for Frobisher’s forth- coming voyage for the discovery of the Northwest Passage, several Jesuit reports from China and Japan, and accounts of Persia sent by English merchants of the 1560’s, Varthema’s Voyages translated by Eden in 1576, just before his death, and Willes’ abridgement of Peter Martyr’s Decades V-VIII, which tell of Cortes’ conquest of Mexico. An extremely fine copy in its almost untouched original binding. Alexander Pitfield who owned this volume in 1712 is curiously omitted in the DNB. He is, however, not unknown to us. In 1688 he translated Perrault’s Memoirs for a Natural History of Animals- STC 649. Sabin 1562. Church up. J. C. Brown Library I, 2 66. Taylor, Tudor Geography , 38ff. V £ 1511 y octc hinUim THE Hiftory of Trauajle in the VVeft and Eaft Indies, and other countreys lying eytherway, tofciar&eja! elje fruitful! ano rpcfjo M-oluccaes . As Mofcouia, Ter ft a, jtrabia, Syria, Mgypte s Ethiopia, Guinea, China in CatbayoMb Giapan : With a difeourfeof theNorthweft paf- fage. Sntfce liantje of our lojtoeheafltlje eojnntfof tfcmrtlj. pfal.p4> ©at&ereti in parte, ana none into ©ujlpffje Dp , ftfebarde Eden, 4 — fet inozder, augmented, and fmtfted by RichardeVVilles, ^ Imprinted at London by Richarde Iugge, 1 577 * Cm Triutlegh . t * 4 - - - i . v V---. . - . * * - <. ■ r\ ■ ■ • f ■• r<- i i 7 i " v • V X i • ■ * J m To the ryght nohle and excellent Lady,the Lady BrigiuCountefTeofBcd^ forde* my finguler good Lady and Myftrcffe. jL ftudies haue theyr fpeciall tymes (Ryght noble Lady) all 'good partes^and finguler quali- ties of themyndeareholden vp, and maynteyned with honour* Ihefeely chyldelearncrh in his teder age how to fpeake 5 to readc.,to write:y oug laddes beftowe theyr tyme in the ftudy of other liberall fciences: as yeeres come on,and wyt en- creafeth,fo finally, the whole courfe of icarnyng isrunneouer* Agayne*thearteofGrammer is wonterftto be learned, and than Logike after- warde : natural! Philofophie goeth not before e- loquence in our fchooles: Geometry is firft read, & than Geography* So that the ftudies ofgood letters haue their times in refpecteof mansage 5 they haue theyr tymes in the order of learning; yea they haue a tyme, thatmaketh vsalltobe- ftowe therein our tyme^and toftudie eche facul- tie in due tyme 3 1 meane that fpeciall tyme they floryshein* I may not denye but that Icarnyng hath at all tymes ben well accomptcd of, in moil countreys the fkyll of dyuers languages well thought of, & learned men to haue ben alwayes rewarded* what is than that fpeciall tymewher- in all ftudies doe flooryfhe? Learnyngmay bee ryght well compared vnto the floutes& fruites (•)♦»♦ of The Fpiflle. of the earth, and the fpeciall tymeof learnyng,, vntothcyrfingulerfeafons* In May, floures:in Iune*Cheries:at Harucft,corne; in September, Grapes: fofareth it in the ftudy of good letters* There was a tyme wha the arte of gramtner was fo mucheefteemed, that Gramariens proceeded matters thereof as woorfhypfuily, as other pro- feffours now doe in any other facultie.Than was it honourable to be a Poet: honourable I lay, for that the Poet Laureate enioyed the honour of a Pa!atine«that tymeispafte ♦ There was a tyme whanLagike& Attrology onely fo wceried the heades of young fchollers, yea and butted olde agealfo, that true Philofophiein deedewas al- moft forgotten^eloquence defaced) the langua- ges exiled^that tyme is part. Not long fince hap- py was he that had any £ kil in the greke tongue, he was thought a great fcholler that could make a greckeverfe* Nowea dayes,vvho ftudieth not rather the Hebrue language f Where haue you aimottany greekeaucthour printedfGeography layehyddcn many hundred yeeresin darkenefle and obliuion, without regarde and price : of late whotaketh not vppon him to difeourfe of the whole worlde, and eche prouince thereof parti- culerly, euen by hearefay, although in the firft principles of that arte, he bee altogeather igno- rant and vnfkylfull < This tyme is now. So long as Poetry was ettcemed, the arteof grammer accompcedof, Logikcmuche made of. Aero- logy well thought of : Diuine Poers,good Gra- mariens, perfedfe Logiciens, excellent Aftro- nomers no where wanted ♦ The Epiftfei [fVirgile cdnyou-uMtt'toant Where one Mecenas //•Honour & promotion bellowed vppon the maynteyners ofcontrouerfiesin religion, hath brought gray heares from endlefle Sophiftry 5 from Seotus for- malitcs, from Buridan and Burley, from Hoi- €ot,from Bricot, from Vademecum, from Dor- mi fecure, and taught yonger yeeres rather to pafle through Ariftotle and his interpreters, than euer to dwell therein : caufed them to Itudie the feriptures, to rcadeouer the fathers, to conferre the counfeyles, tolearne thegreeke andHebrue languages, to fearchetheChalday Paraphrafte, toperufethe olde Dodours, to tranflate the nevve wry ters,to heape vp common places, to difeourfe of le£ies,to wry te cunningly^to preach eloquently : and made them to be, for braulyng Sophiflers,graue Philofophers, for formal Dun- fes^plainedot^orsdorrudequeftionariesjdiuine Orators, for vnfkilful lchoolemen,eloquentand grauediuineSf It is nowc almolt one hundred & fiftie yeeres agoe,that Don Henrico, fonne of Iohn thefyrft of thatname Kyngin Porrugale, andNepheu vntoour Kyng Henry the fourth, made his vy- age after the conqueft of Septa to the Canaries, and encouraged the Portugales to fearche the coaftes of Airica,and to feeke the landes therea- bout not fpokenofto fore* His grande Ncpheu John the leconde, {©furthered this enterpryfe, that the Portugale iliyppes hailed the Cape of good hope, difeouered ^Ethiopia, and layled where antiquide denyed pafTage, beyond all A- frica into the Indian leas^He fent alfo expert and Qitiip cun- The Eplflle# amning traueylers into iEgypt, andtheredde fca coaftes to efpyewhat way the Portugales might looke for beyond the Cape of good hope to Calecut in India: the which viage in his fonne Emanuellhis tyme, was profperoufly taken in hand by Vafqucz Gama, the nienth day of luly* in the y cere of our Lorde. 1 497,6c happely ended in Iuly againe,two yeeres after , to his great cre- dit and preferment, to the immortal fame & ho- nour of his Prince and countrey,Here began the ftudie of Geographic, that euer fince Ptolomeus raigne layetroden vnderfoote,& buried in duft and aflies 5 to fpring vp agayne, and by the relati- ons of fkilful traueylers in Europe, Affrike,& A- fie:through the difcoucry of the far Indies, the Moluccaes,& new founde landes,of late fo to be wondred at, as no other facultie more, I dare be bold to fay,that generally all Chriftians, Iewes, Turkes, Moores, Infidels, & Barbares be this day in loue with Geographic,The wylde and rogiflie Tartares myght for famine perifh e in the winter, if they in the fomraer fkylfully followed not the funne.The heathen Giapans diuided the worlde into three partes : Afrike was deferibed by a Moore , The Iewcs report the eftates of all coun- treyes to the Turkes, The Turkifhe Basfbaes go- uerne the fweeteft prouinces in Europe, A- fnke, andAfia, no men greater traueylers than ■Chriftians, Who but Geographers doe teach vs what partes of the earth be cold, wartne,or tem- perate? Of whom doe we learne howe to diuyde the world into partes,thc partes into prouinces, The prouinces into fhyresfof Geographers, vnto whom The Epififo whomhaue wee to make recourfe for Mapped Globes, tables, and Cardes, wherein the dyuers countreys of the worlde are fet downef vnto Ge- ographers, Set Geographic afyde, youfhalney- ther be able to get intelligences of the fituation andftrength of any citie, norofthe limites and boundes of any countrey, nor of the rule and go- uernement of any kingdome, nor be able wel to trauaylcoutof your ownedoores* wilyou fee what wife and ex perte traueylers, fkilful in geo- metry and Aftronomy, (for that is to bee a Geo- grapher in deede) be able to doe i Looke you on Kyng of the King of Portugales title : the two partes, of Portugale the three therein,wereatchiucdby Vafques Ga~ & Afgarbs, ma,and other traueylersaduentures * Confider Q^ine^of the fruites,the drugges, the pearle, the treafure, t i ic C 5q( le f^ the millions of golde and liluer, theSpanyardcs mutation, hauc brought out of the VVefMndies/ince the andtrafike firft viage of Columbus: The great commodities int;o Ethio- our nation reapeth by the traueyle of ourcoun- pia 5 Arabia, treymeninto Barbary, Guiny, and Mofcouia,wil P er f ia *&hv» beafufficientteftimony vnto all vs Englishmen, ia * whatitisto beafkilful traueyler, what to bee a paineful Geographer, and learned, Defirc of rule breedeth vi ■ Chriftian charitie therefore vnto the party de- parted, caufed me to helpe his vvorkes forwarded Nature moued me to take fome paynes in pla- cing orderly, that whichehehad confufely gy- uenout 3 the better todired, and the more to profit the reader : My profefllon enforced me to cut of fome fuperfluous tranflations, and to fill vp the reft of his doinges with P, Martyrs other wriringes 3 and finally to furnifhe his want with myowneftorc. Hoping and perfwading with thyfelfe, that if Godlikewifecallmc from thefe worldly Nauigations, and earthly deferiptions, before my other trauell in this facultye, taken long fince in hande,bc cnded.’fome other profef- for of Cofmography wil fo rewarde rne after my death, as prefently of this dead man I doe de- ferue. Ocher credite feekel none therefore, I lokefornoprayfejhope not for honor, 1 gape for no gayne by this kind of ftudie . I knowe this day no place, no preferment,no publike chayre, no ordinarielcdure,no commune ftipende, no fpecial reward due vnto theftudentes in Geo- graphy : nonotatthistime,whenthisfaculty was neuer more fetby: no not in this realme* where ytneuer more fiorifhed* The honorable name of a Chriftian, and the infallible fruites thereof, euer inclined me 3 euen from my tender r < ' yeeres^ The Fpiftle* yecreSjfor the fmal portion of learning that god hath lent mc,to do good, it I could 3 vnto many .* and Ipecially to make thofe my fnendes and we! doers knowenvnto theworlde,by whofe bene- uolence & fauour I doe liue 5 and am maintcined. In the fmal number whereof,foramongft many wel willersl findebut few well doers,your Ho- nor(right noble Lady) my Lorde & you 3 his no- ble children and yours, fince my firft returne from beyond thefeas, mufti confeffeto haue ftoode me chiefly in fteede: 3c humbly acknow- ledge,^ firft yeerely penfion I euer was aflii- red ofin England^to haue ben by your Ladifhip beftowed on me. Wherefore as I will moft wil- lingly yeelde vnto many other of your Honors getleme to come of great houfes,to haue welthis cr friendes, larger pofleffions 3c reuenues than I, to be more a&iuc,more comely^more wyfe, po- litike 5 learned 5 & to haue feene more; fo in huble duety 5 loyal feruice,fincere affeeftion 3c good wil to your Honor,! may,Ican,I wyl contendc with any of them all,euen to the vttermuft force and power of my hart, head,body, life, blood 3 mynd 5 &foulc 4 In teftimony wherof, and full affurance of my feruice vntp you for eucr* thefe laft doings of R, Eden nevyly enereafcd,my firft labours in ©ur language* his hiftory &rnineoftrauelin the weft &haft Indies, altogeather in one volume, duetifully do I prefent ynto your Honour,* with al humility praying & moft earneftly requefting your good-v Ladifhip* that you will vouchfafe It, & by leyfiire, in this journey* the whiche my ^ii, Lorde The Epiflle. Lordeand youhaue determined intotheweft^ countrey, to let your pagereade them ouerto your Honours recreation, as one of the princi- pal! caufes wherefore at this tyme they were fet foorth. If varietie of matter, occurrents out of forraigne countryes , newes of newe founde landes, the fundry fortes of gouernement, the different manners &fafbions of diuers nations, the wonderfull workes of nature, the fightes of ftraungetrees,fruites,foule, and beaftes, the in- finite treafure of Pcarle,Golde, Silucr, & ioyes may recreate and delight a mynde trauelled in weighty matters, & weeried with great affayress credit me, good Madam, inliftning vnto this worke,(hall you haue recreation, you (hall finde delight in reading ouer thefe relations, wherein fo newe, fo ftraungejo diuers, fo many recreati- ons anddelightesof the myndare expreffed ♦ Your Honours good lykyng thereof, wyll be to menoftnallcontentationforthis woike payne- fullydoone, a good occafion fpedyly to finifh the reft of my owne labours concerning this fa- culty^ great encouragement and comfort to be- ftow my whole time hereafter only in that ftudy, wherewith all my former knowledge in Philolo- phyand Geography may ende* The whiche, conueniently now, I am in goodhopeto per- fourme,with my Lorde and your Ladyfhyps goodieaue, and continuance of my duety and effectual! defire to doe your Honours the better feruice, Jt London the ^day- of July < i$77* Tour Honors feruaunt humbly at commaundemcntt $[cbardf V fillet. * R* VVilles Preface vnto the Reackr 3 wherein h fetdowne agcnerallfummeasit were of the whole worke* Upfe greate anti large bolunte confirtech pjincipallp effoure partciMgreeable mice tljofe foure corners of the U)o?loe> toberetm* to the fkilfull fcamen ano merebauntes ao* uenturerg of late pcereo baue cljtcfelp tra* ueileo 5 ano pet fpeciallp are Uiont to rcfojte* £he fail part contepnetb foure Decaoeg, tojtttcnbp?. Martyr, a iearnco $ gratte counfellerofCbarieo the ^mperourftfeeofcbatname, coticentpng the g>panparoeo bopages&outbtoetoaroe^ tbcpj famous erploitegooonem tbefe neinlpDifcottereti partem of tijeU)3>lDe, tljetubtcbeufualip inee nob) call the toed indies. Upereunto bauetue aooeti Gonza - lus Berdinandus Ouiedus fa^efdjtiTojt'etOUCbUtg tlje faittC U 13 C* ter 5 fa that the firlt part of our bolume bath fine particular bookeg* 3 !ntbe 6 rft thereof cap 1*2,34 ano 5. P. MartirUttictiM) Co - kmbus ffrffanofecono nautgations ano tsticouerieo of certain* 311 a \\m mm bp bpm fpeciallp ano l)ts brother, 3In the 6 chapter 0? baoke thereof (fo? both nameaioefi tbe) iafctfoojtb CoUm* bm thiro boiage 3 ano the Dtfcouerpof ?^« 3 ut the matgne met! Indijb Ianoe. §n the feuenth 5 hto troubles both in the fuel! indies, anb recounts into ^patgne botch bfe tyotbcr 3 being both p?ifo* rters.^be 8. to of P. yf^o^bopageeithatfamcurap. 3 inthep. areoeclareo the trauatles of Vincent ano Teter Tinzpu,& no other gbpatriarbo likeboife thither from Tabs .^he 10, ts a canclufion of the uiljole Decaoe 3 umh parttctiler mention of fome fpecial no* ueltteo^ Colubus fourth Dotage beganne,^o that in the firfl De* caoepoubane hiftwcaUp fee Dannie the otfcotierpe of tbentetf IW/>i,taken in banoe about the peere cfout lojoe.1492, bp Co- lumbus ano bis! companton0 3 bmtll the peere 1 5 1 a as ?. M &n\r tottneCTech fol.8.43 47 - ano 5 1 - ®hfe Uiojtbp trattapler anofkil* fullfeamanoico at ValMidiw g>palgnc.A. dom. 15c 6. as! Lopez rcpojtetb cap.25, in bis generail biftojt'e de Us Indus, %\)Z fccono Decaoe contepneth feru matter&cntituleo bp f. rcf °nb Martir, Credits Cortinens, that i&a continent oj matgne ianoe 3 43 ^ CMD6 ‘ * € in The preface. in oceoe ft is of it felfc umlj the red of America, in Fpke nt& ncr as Europe, 8ffrpk,? QfWjbe one comment o? matgne lanoe bmteo cogeatber. 3n the fp?d ano feconoe chapters of tins De* caoe 3 djali pou reaoe the bopages of Zogeda ano Kicuefa, to Da* riena. Jn tlje t()pp, Colmenaris trauaples, Kicuefa Ijis Oeaii; 3 anO tt)t Indijbe kpng Comogrus bCttCUOlence: $11 tlje fOUttl^VaJqueZ^ Kunvez^ oopnges tn Vraba guife ♦ £)is conqued of rebellious barbarian kpngstn tlje 6fte. $ u tlje fpjtt Quicedus $ Colmenaris ambaffage out of Dariena to Hifpaniola, ano the religion ofking Commend at or in CubaM be feaewb booke conteinetl) Fetrus Jrias iomep to Faria tn ?eru.Zl)e: 8 . tlje otdemion betboftt tlje £§>pam* aroes ano pojtugalesfojtbcp? bounces, ano makpng of fpue 3 $idiops tn tljefe netoelp fotmoe partes af tlje Uiojloe . 3!n tlje 9 areOjeuieOtberputrsof^dn^ano pbilofopljicailp tlje caufes offo great luaters tljere . Ehat coumrep to oefcribco in tlje. 10 ano tlje extreme ljungenabpooen bp tlje companions of Kicuefa, fet fo^tlj. 3 !n tlje fpjd, feccnO,ano tfjpjo chapters of tlje tbpjoe Dccaor* iscontepnco anabjtogemenc of Vafins 2^«»»^relations 5 con* cerning btsbopage to tlje fontlj fea,fcj iclpectj foutlj from Darien, Ofuallp cermto name a Oapes Mardelzur, ano map alfo be calleo tlje Utpoc ead 3[nopfl>e ©cean . €lje oifcouerp thereof maoe bp Kunnezj tlje kpng fuboueo bp Ijpm, elpeciailp kpng Comma* grus cljndenpng bp tlje name of Charles, ano tlje topnnpng of kpng tumanama oj Tubanama anO IjtS COUllttep . 31 n tlje fourth chapter tbal pou fpno Columbus fourth bpage, began Jn.do.i 502 to tlje mapne boed $nopflje lanoe, umb tljeoefcriptiottof feme part tljerof, iping betbopjtt our $tlantike 0? boederne ©ceai^ano tlje afojefapoe Mar delzur,oz v rah a, ano Feragua * $n refpecte of tlje bidojp ano courfeofpeeres, this bockc mpgbt baue been placeo before the feconoc Decaoe, but it lljouloe feeme that tljefe reposes came no fooner to.P. M artyr Ijis Ijanoee, U)ljerefo?e be began this fourth beoke rpght mell thus . 3 boas oetcrminco^c. ^Lhe fpfth bookecontepnetlj.iP. Arias io^nep nuntioneooec*2 llb.7. to the no^tlj fpoe Of Fern, mljerein Cartbagena ano S.Mar * tba,tm famous Ijauens^oo danoe 5 mitb aocfcttptton of tlje court* trep ano people tljercof.Jn the fppt pou Ijaue a oifputation touch* png the ieuant ttreame 0 } eaderne furge of tlje fea ? tlje oifcouerp ; of To tlic Reader: tfftaccaldosnmby Cabot. T'Jrias arritiall m Dmen, the bttfa npng of. 5 . Maria ant qua therewith other fojtrcfre0 3 fmaHp tfie commoottiesanD umnljoIefomnefTeof Darien . 3 In the. 7 8.^.9 bookes 3 fljal pou Ijaite a oel'criptton otWfpaniola,Cuba, ana otljec aianoeeitbereabou^aoneOp^^^ M oralis. ^nDintlje.To (ball pou reabeof the %te\Mfiiues inMar delzur,titi)z fcpng tberoffubDUCD bydndreas M oralis, offearles $ t^CfinDtllg tljer* of, of Petm Arias Captapms oomges agapnft the Cambatte0 9 of the Barbara fb&j!png 3 $ tfie manner of the geatfierpng of golo in&aiiena. &[) e fourth DecaDe 3 foj fo toas ft nanuo tn t&e ^panparogs cor* tton of. P. M artyr Ijts U 3 oo c ihcs fee fojth at Alcala tn g>papne An Jo. 1 530. though the Pafde ano Cullen punters baue entttnleo itjDe injulis nuper inuentis, tljat t 0 > of JlanDCS latelp fotmO OUf 3 tO Jnpr 3 after Columbus uopages: this booke 3 fap boas bp .P,Mar. culleo out of the Jnbtan rcgttferg, contepnpng fpectall note# tbatfeenieobntobpmmoifmeetctDbepublpnjeDt as the otfco- tierp of certapne ilanbes anD creekes, tumelp lucatan(t*mz bp Fernandes of Corduba fljiz companions) Co^Kw^tbeJIanOS of^)acrtftce 3 tbe 3 fanDes oftnomnyhe pjtcutnce Coluacan ants Palmaria $c. bp lobn Grij alua $ IjtS feloboeS t Clj£ lucaians caps ttuttteanomfcouerp of Florida mabe bp tljofe ^panparoes Uafjicfi 2 Ytegus Velafauen Cent OUt of Cuba , anD Ferd. Cortefm fpjff nattt* gatton 3 iuberetn fje conquered Potancbanainmtoz §>papne 3 the Death of Valdiuia,y CjteCUttOn of Vafcus Nwwwf^king Muteezua Ijts pjefentes to Charles tlje Cmperour^ts bQokes,lettcrs 3 ano fupeifitttons, finalfp the mine of Hifpaniola^m utter Decape tljereof 3 tf heeoe ffiouloe not be taken tn tpme. JLaflofa! Gonzalus Ferdinandus Ouedus htffojte COntCMCth UM& feueraIlcbaptcrg(ecljeone robereofijadj fit's proper title) a bp'efe Declaration of the Uieft Snopfl) nautgatton* of the metals tlje tofiicb are fottnD tn tfiofe latclp Difcottcreb lanu^^oft^c manors of the pecple 3 rtte0 3 cuflames 3 anD certmcm'eS 3 oftbe beaff es 3 fou!es 3 fip’bfs 3 it)opnes 3 fplfies, feas 3 rtuers 3 fp?pnges 3 trees 3 plames 5 fiearbcs,f Diners other thutges that are engcnbjcD there bo:lj on the lanbittn the mater. €o this baue me abbeo cmainc fpectall reports of netn ^jpatneo? M exico,ofTeru,of%io del a Platan tfie coumreplpmg tbenmt0 5 of tfje (anos Labor adorf Paxcd(aos,\tiitl) tl}€ Difcoucrpng cf^W^.^uDi tfju;3 mucOe fo? tlje fpjlf part of rfitsbolume. Ct&ergfontje .part. * f ir i! I hS ;« *®e Toner* i, pazt. To the Reader, fccont*c part of cbies Ujd^c appcaret& ttts, hp t&e tide thereof fet source .tfol 230. to mpt,a stfcourfe to p?ouc ti;at there is a palfage to the Moluccas by mbtthe pjefemlp .M.Cap.Furbifher attempted^ mttb certapne repojtes of tbepjoutnce china tn catbayo, mbere he hath to ftrtko mbtsuopage^andthp^olp of GUpan jam other 3Hanoes bp the map. ^he mbtebe feconde part, mljerem matter concernpng the itojtbmcfl: is faanSIeOj ts fo muche the (bo?ter 5 bp houa much the fpjft part feemeti ouerlono; : Oefptie^ tljat the particularities of this corner of the mojlde are not pet fo thjotighlp knomen, hue that other mnters (hal doubtleffe tn moje ample maner emplope thep? labour therein after the returne of our nojcbmefferne era* uapfers. ^Dbe mhtcb 3 fl mpdje to he molf bappte ano pjofpcrous, as tbep mofthaltantlp $ patneftillp, to the renomne of our £ng* Ipibe natton 3 do Oacuae to bane taken it in hande. 31n the tl;p?u part (hal poufpno asifeription of tljenojtbea* {feme froUp fcas ano kingdomes Iptttg that U)ap : as Mofcouia, >Schondia, o }Denmarke, GroenIandeJJlande f Laponia 3 Kor^ry, Suet jcia, 0? S^eethlande Bothnia, and Gotblande : out of Zeiglerus, Tail* lus hums, Halt on yxvfo Seba/lian free lOJd 0? 3aron of H erbejlem, mttb the countreps aa mellnojtb and nonhead hepond Mofcouia , tirnttyFetzprajubradm other pjoutnees of the Tartars : as alfo tljehopages made though Mofcouia bp the merchauntes of ftondon into fPer/z^comempngmanp fperiall tbpnges moo;tb the knoU)!edge 9 hotb of the cotmtrep it felf 3 the commodities there* of, the manners of the people 9 ano the p^tmleoges graumed Unto our merehauntes hp the Sophie oj shaugh the Ter fun kpng. finally tn the fourth part are fet ocume our merehauntes Ircpagestnto Guinea , and the other parcclles of 3ffdkelpmg tomatoes the ^outhcaft ? Leaves Vertomarmus nauigattons into Cgppte 5 Ethiopia , Jrabia ,Syria, Terjia, and ca(t India, euen to the fruttefttll Moluccaes, mith tl;e prices of Dmgges -and other marcs fought from thence ♦ GLlbereto fojacom Xludon,haue me added partlp out df Maximilian T ranftluanus lefj ler mitten ditto the Carotnall of Saltzburge, and partlp out of (P* Martyrs other moojkes,tbat famous nautgattou made round about the mhole mo?lD: the contention betmitfe the pojtugalcs and g>panpardes foj the Moluccas $ the decpdpng thereof hp WW To the Reader. $ope Slepanoer tljc fpitt: ano lafl of all the a&?fogemene of •$. Martyrsfomhft Decaoes,U)hcrein efpeciallp that noble ano glorpous conguelt of M exico is umpteen . (BeneraNp this mu^ oftbefoure partes of this large bolume ♦ ^be IdTer parcelled ano fpeciaS matter contepneo in eebe part, pou Ijaue fo ejracrelp' rebearfeo in tbe table of the Decaoes . £ ol. 175 . ano in tbe refp* Due of the tobole l»oo?ke kfo?e eelje chapter fo cutocntlp fee botnne, tb at anp particular table tbereof at al the reaoer greatlp neeoetb not, tffo be that be be able to remember in tobat region oftbebJDjtloe.Cadj Wzti, j$j?tb 5 o? ^otuh 3 tljat Ue 3 cije tupicb be lookeeb fo?. jftoine foncernpng.'E. Coens obNTeDopnges,fpncereIp to fap mhac 31 thpti&e,ano curteoufelp to peeloe hpm that Due p?apfe the UJhicOeU)o;thp!p thefe his labours oefetue, pet not to flatter hpm neithentobcrc anp fatilee bath ben commttteotas bpgbipbe teas to becommenoeo fo? Cnglpfljpngfo firaunge, fo tuonoer- fttll,fo profitable bido?iesa!3thefe are, nothpng inferior to the bookea of aimctent to?iters,far epceeopng the mulmuoe of focn Ipfb commentaries auofriuolous ttanfiattons.to to licenttcufelp bfeDincttrtpmei ^omap the gentle reaoer fo?bcare .bis ouer* fpgbte, info great a moo?ke, inhere fome j&panpflje p?ouerbe, Ijarflj lattne pb?afe, 0? bncleane fpeache map feeme barolp Cng* lpfbeo,o? anp rafije note to Ibame the tejtce* 3 i fcouloe epeufe hpm fo? tranfiatpng the napes bp the lattne names, as fol .1 2. Hon, ^riUhUS.^Cthei^aneS Of 8p?pl Utemj. Idus OMris. tljUjS* ®be Chp?D Dape Of Che 3 l 02 S oftiDctobziitetn.Fol. ij.tertio l{a!end> Maij.tl)M . Ebe thp?o oape before the felenoes of ^ape : mea* npng in oeeoe,tlje fpfth oape of 3 p?pH,tbe . 1 3 . 0 ap of October the 29 .of 9 ppH: but therein it fijauloe feeme that he foloineo* bis oUine Ijumo?, fo? he obferueth tbe fame pb?afe of tranfia* tpng throughout. ^r^riinbotetoorke.^anpofbis^ng* Ipfije inoo?oeS cannot be epeufeo in mp opinion fo? fmellpttg to ; much of the iatine 5 as Nominators. Fol 5. fonderoufe. Fol. 23. t Ditionarics . Fol. 25. Tortentoufe * Fol. 28. Jntiques. Fo(.$i, def* j>i cable. Fol. $87. Solicitate .Fol. 76. obfequiotife . Fol. 9D0,. i wticide, Fol. 390. imbibed .Fol, $95* bsJlmhue.Fol. 27 6. Prodigious. To the Reader. frodigktis.foi'iy^Mtl) ot&ct fucF) Iphettn cfje Sec tie of XojrtraiJ fcjepgatte, fubtecce^Uiaittecfull, atmetent, lorn?, arefall 3 Due& fall, manflwg&tec, 0}utto 3 nopform, manifaous 4c- tbetobtclj faulcegljecon&lfetbmocfec W oume beefed, ^ptpng eljuo of ftwnfelfe. I bane net for euery 'toordeaJ\ed counfajle of eloquent Eliot , or Sir Thomas Moore : T aj{e it therefore as I bane intended, the fault? s mthfanourmaj J me be a mended * * V K CertayneE reambles here folowe^gea^ tbered by If. Eden, for the better iw- demanding of the whole Ivor fa. t cfifcotieryng of the Indict Of the fyrft di fcoueryng of the well Indies . A CertapncCarauel faplpng in the ome bopl, that became from Mdaluzja,mii traoeo to the 3!lanoes of Cana - ri^ 3 ano the 31lano of Madera, bohen this large ano mortal naut* ^ pl6t t ^ H gation cbaunceo hnto hpm. Otberfap tbatbeboasa Syfcanncy fpitiSmoc t&c ano traoeo mto Cnglanoe ano jf raunce . (Stber alfo,chat he boas 3n * itst * a pojtttgale, $ that etcher he boenc 0 ? came from Mina 0 ? India: tnhich agreeth Utdl bouh the nameofchefeneboelanoes, as 31 min* baue fapo before . 8gapne,fome there be that fap that he brought the Caraud to po?tuga!e, 0 ? to the j lano of Madera, 0 ? to fome other of the 3lanoes caUeo ®e ks Azores , get 00 none of them affpjme anp thpng, although thep al afttrme chat the plot open in the houfe of cbrijlopber Colon , botch boljom remapneo allfuche tojitpnges ano annotations as be hao maoe of his bopage in the fao Carattell, afbodl offnch thpnges as he obferueo both bp lanD ano fea, as alfo of tbedeuatton of cl;e pole in thofe lanoes beljtche hehaootfcouereo* St What ? What man Colon was l VVhat manerof rnan Chridopher Colon (other* wyfc called Columbus) was,and now he came fyrft to the knowledge ofthelndies. C Ojiffopljcr Colon boas bojme tn Cugureo, o ) (as feme fap) in N erui, a bpllagc tn the territortc of C enua in 31taU'c Jpe Defcenseb as feme tbpnke, ofebe bottle of the Peleftreles of Placentia tn Lumbar die * fpcbcgannecfacbplbctobe a marpner: ofuiljofe arte tljcpijauc great tjcerctfc on dje tetter of Genua tyz irase ? j manp preres into 6'ww 3 anD other partes of the Calf* after tbitsbc became a matter tn makpng carbes fo? the fea, mljerebp be bab great Damage . i)e came to pojtugale toknobJtljereafcn^'oefcn'pttonoftljefaucb coate of dffrtca^ anb the nauigations of the pojtugales, tberebp to make W caches moje perfecte to be foioe . ©e rnarpeb tn po^tugale, as fome lap: o ) as manp fap, intbe3lanbeofA2^r4,bobereh$ tJtueltat fiicbetpme astbefapo Carauell arrpucb there, tobofe pilot foiojnebin btsboufe,anDtjpeoalfotljere 3 be(iueatbpngto Colon bis came of tlje befeription offuebe netue lanoes as be ban founbjtobercbp Colon bab tljefpjft knobolebgeof tbe 3!nbtcs. Lottie baue thought f colon boas boel learneb tn p JLatine tongue anbtbefctcnceofCofmograpbtetanbtbathemas tberebp fyjll moueb to feeke tbe lanbs afjntipodesrfnb the rpcb 3?lanoc of cl - fango, U)berof Marcbus Paulas bojptetb ♦ Slfo that be bab rebbe boljat Plato tn bis bt'aloges of Timeus anb Cricks, bojttetb of the great 3ilanbc of Jtlantidc, anb of a great lano tn the toed £Dccati mistfcouercb 5 bepng bpgger then 8fia anb ^Africa. jf urtbermoje that be bab knotulebge \xs\MJnjlotdl anb 2 htopbraftus Tape (n tbepj bookes of maruaples , &bere tbep bojpte that cer* tapne merebauntes of Carthage, faplpngffomtbe ifrepgbtes of Gibraltar toUiarbetbeo tljat 3 uerplp beleeue, that in matter all tljat be Declare ano rnanp tbpnges mo?e tljat be leafc tmfpoken, mere mitten bp tljefapbe ^>pa* npfbe pilot tljat opcb in bis fjcmfc . If or 31 am perfuabeb, tljat if Colon bp faience accetnen to tlje knomlebg of tlje 3!nbies,lje moulo long before baue commumcat tljts recreate to bis ornne countrep men tb zGenuefes, tljat trauaple all tbemorlbcfor gapnes,an8 not Ijaue come into ^papne fortljis purpofe. ^3ut ooubtelefle !jeneuertljougljtofanpfucljtljpng,befojeljc cbaunceotobe ac* quainteoboitb tlje fapoe pilot, \i3tjafounoe tboie lanbeg bp foj* tune, acco^bpng to tlje Taping Of pitnie, Quod ars doc ere non po* tnit,cafus muenit. Cljatis^ijat attecouibe not teacbe* cljatmcc founbe. Albeit, tlje mojeCfjjtlfian optmonis, to tljpnke tljat 0ob of bio fiuguler pjottibence anb infinite goobnefle, at tlje length mitlj epes of companion as it mere lookpng bourne from beauenbppon tbe formes of$bam,fo long kept bnber ^atljaius captimtiCs intenbebeuen tljen (for caufeo to bpm ondpknomen) to rapfe tljofe mpnbes of merep mljcrebp tljat Carauell (herein moftlpke onto tlje fljpppe of Jftoc, mbcrcbp tlje remname of tlje mijolemojlb mas faueb, a3 bp djtsCaraud djis n cine mortoere* cepueb tlje fpjft hope of tljepj faiuacion) mao bjpuen to tljefe laitbco , But me mpH nom Declare mljat great tbpnges folomeb ofdjis ftnall begpnnpng,anbljome Colon folomeb djts mattery uealeb unto bptttnotmttljout®obs pjouioence. What labour andtrauayle Colon tooke in attempt t}iighis fjrft voyage to the Indies. A lfter tlje bcatlj of tlje pilot $ marpnersoftlje&panpfbe Carauell tljat btfaottcreb p 3lnmes, chriflopber Colon pur* pofab to feeke tlje fame . But in borne muelje more be be* fpjeb tljis, tbcleffe mas bis pomer to accomplpfae bis be* fpje . ,f or, befpbe tljat of bpm felfe be mas not able to furnptye- oitefapppe, belackebaifotlje fauoureofa kpng, bnber mijofe protection be mpgbt fo eniope tbe rpcljes be bopeb to fpnbe, that none other mpgljt take tlje fame from ljpm,or befeate Ijim tljerofa 7 £?it 9nb BgefsufiujU iSantartic hnttos not all $pnge$ # The attempt of Colon* 3nbfepngtbe htmg of po?tugale occupies m tU tongue# of 3frtca>anb tbe jteigattons oft fee ead,mbtcbe mere tljcn fp?ft attempted tbe bpng of Caftple Iphempfenolefife bufpeo in c be fcoacres Of Granada > be lent to bis b}Qtl)tt$drtbo/mdrigo, men of crebite m tbe fcience of Cofmo* grapbte,UJttbdoooebp»i 5 anocontenDCD that there neither mas mocGti oeanpgolDeo? otbec rpebes be fatinbe in tbe meff 5 as Colon affirmeb. Bp reafon mbercof be mas berp fan anb penOtie: but pet mas not mfcourageb,o? befpatreb of tbe hope of bis goob aouenture,mb^cbbeaftermarDefounoe.^:bis boone, be toobe (bppppng at Lifetime > anb came to f alos zf M ogueYjxfyzxz be comrmmebrnttb Martin Jlonfe finzyn, an expert pilot, mbo offeree bpm felfe unto bpm . 3fter thi^^Difdofpng tbe mbole fe* cretes of bus mpns to lohn ferezof Marchena (afrper of tljO?* ber of faint Frances in F^bida, ^mdllearneb in Cofmograpbie) anb beclarpng Onto bpm borne bp folotupng tbe eourfeof tbe g>imne bp a temperate bopage, rpclj anb great tenues mpgbt be' fouuse : tbcfrper greatip eommcnbeb Ip's mterpjpfc, anb gaue him counfaple to bjeabe tbe matter to tbe Dube of M edina Sido - majDon Eurique of Guznumji great lc?be 3 anb berp rpcb : anb al* fo to Don Luis of C erda$)t Dube of Medina C elite IjO at that time bab great pmuiOon oftbpps mcljfttrnpfbeb in bis batten of Santa Maria * But mbereas both tbefe Dubes toobe tbe matter fo? a b 2 eame 5 anbas a tbpng tcuifebofan3IfaIimiDecepuer,mbo (as tljeptbougbt)babbefo?emidjlpbe pretence oeitibeD tbebpnges of Cnglanoe anb pop:ugate 3 tbe ftper gaue bpm courage to go co tbe courteoftbeCatljolpbe princes Don Ferdinando, anb iabp Ifabeli princes of Cadple 5 uffypnpng that tbep motilbe be iopfiil effuebenemes : 3nb fo? bis better furtherance b^ein, m?ote letters — T. •* forfmfyrftvoyag& jj bp bPW (0 fryer ft rdinando of TaUuerd tbe QUCeneS COtl^ fefloj. ckrippber Colon therefore, rcpapjeo to the cource of tbe Cathoipke pjtnces, tn the pccre .14 8 < 5 . ano oelpuereo bnto they? banoes the petition of bis requetf ,as concernpng the Dtfcouerpng of the neto 3tnDic0 ^uc tbep bepng mo?e carcft!,ano applying al they* mpnoe boiue cbep inpght ojytte the ^oo?es out of tbe kpngoomeofGrWrf,U)Ofrbe greateentcrpjifetbep bao alreop of^anaoa* taken in banoe, opo Ipttle 0? nothpng eff ceme the matter . ^ut Colon not thus DtfcourageOj founoe tbe meaner to oedarebte futeto fud)e as ban foraetpmes pjtuate communication tontb tbe kpng. ^etbecaufebeuiagiaflraungerjamnjoent but tn fimple appareli,noj otbertopfe creot'teo then bp tbe fetter of a gray frier, tbepbelecutobpmnot 5 neptber gaueeare to lp&U}oo?oes,U)bere» ? bp be mas greatly to^mentco in bts imagination. fDmlp Jlonfo tfQuintaniliaM kpnges chiefeauoitour # gaue bpm meate ano typnkc at bis otone charges, ano bearoe glaolp fucb thpnges as beoedareo of tbe lanoes not then founoe: oeffttpng bpm tn tlje meanetpme to be content limb that pooje entertcpnment, ano not to oefpapje of bis emcrpjpfc : puttpng bpm atfo ingooo com fojte that be liioufo, at one cyme 0; other, come to cbefpeache of tbe Cathoipke ponces . Quo thus (bojtlp after,bp tbe meaner tfjlonfo Of Quint anilidy Colon tuaS b’OUgbt to tbe p^fenCC attO atlDtence Of tbe Camtnall Don Tero Gonzales of Mendoza, ml* btlbop of Toledo > amanofgreatreucnucsantsautboiia'e Uu'tb sr&earf&o^op tbe kpng ano queene^tobo brought bpm before them, after tljat orCaUDo ’ be mell percetueo ano eramtneo bis intent. &no by tips mennes toias bis fute bearoe of the Cathoipke p?inces,mboalfo rcooe tbe fcoohe of bis memorials mbieije bep?efenteo bntotbem. ^no altbougbattbe fp?fltbeptookettfo?oapneanofalfe that be p?o* mpfco,nettertbei£netbepputbpmmgooobope that be Ibcu'oe be tnell otfpatcbeo rnben they bao fpnplbeo tbe rnarres of Grant* da tubicbe tbep bao notnc in Oanoe . ffltiti) mljicb anfuiere,Co/o» began to reupuc bis fpirites,uirch hope to be better e(leemerr,ano moje fauojablp to be bearoe among tbe gemefmen $ noblemen of tbe court?, mho before tooke bpm onelpfoj a craftte fdotue ano oecepuer : ano teas noiijpngotfmapoe 0 j otfccurageo inljen Ibeuer be oebateo the matter toitb them, although many ittogeo bpm phantafticaii, as is the maner of ignorant men, to cal alt 3 ttt fudj The a tempt of Colon fade ad attempt anp tbpng bepotme tbep? reac&e, ants tfje com* palfeoftljepjfcnomleDge, tbpnkpng tbe mojtoetobeno bpggee tbentbeeagiesitaljemncljepare^oug&tbpano Ipue . 315uc ta returne to Colon. «&o bocte ano orgentemas tbe liege of Granada, that tbep pjefencelp gramtteo bpm bid Dentaunoe to feeke tlje tieme lanoes 3 ano to bjpng from .tbence golue 3 fpluer 3 pcarled 3 p?ectoudflDnei3i 3 fptced,anD fucI)eotl;ec rpcije tbpnges ♦ *&bep gaue bpm alfocbe tend) pact of all cbe reuenues ano culfomed Due bmo tbe fcpngmf allfucblanDesagbe(bou!DeDircouer 3 noc Dopng pjetuoice in anp tbpng to tbe kpng of pojtugale . €be particulars of this agreement mere maoe in cbe toumecalleD SancU Fe : ami tbe pjiuileDge of tbe remaroe in Granada tbe *rjc|t. • Dape of 8pjpll,tbe fame peere ebat tbe ettte mag moonne ♦ ^no tubercadtbe fapoe Cacbolpfce ponces ban not monp pjefentlp to Difpatcb Cohn, Luis of .%>. Angel, tbzkpngtekcwmpofac* comted. lent tbem fppe Queries of Mara^, mbicbeinagrolfe funime make*]coi . tboufanoe DucaDeo. 31n Cbe feutebeon ofawtCS geuen to Columbus bp Ton FtYdinam in ano queene Ifabella, tbefeoerfed mere mitten. Tor Cafiella , y por Leon . 2S \ueuo mondo hallo Colon , JfOJ Caftile anO foj Leon. a neme mojloe founoe mad bp Colon. cslotit of t$e4£aft31n&i* Why they were called Indies* S £mte tbpnke that tbe people of tbe neme moilo mere cafleD 3inDtand 3 bpcaufe tljep are of tbe colour of tbceaft SnDiand. 3 no although (ad it femmetb tn me) tljep opffer mucb m colour ano fa0jiond 3 pet id it true 3 tbat of 31nota tbep mere caKeo 31nbians . 3 no (aid property calfeDtbat great pputtce of ^Ra, in tbe mbtebe great SilejcanDer kepte bid marrea 3 ano mad fo nameo of tbe rpucr Indus : ano id DiuioeD into mattp kpng* Domes confinpng mitb tbe fame . 5*rom this great Jnbia (calleo tbe €a0 3inDia)came great companped ofmcn 3 ad mjptretb He- rodorn 3 ano inbabiteo tb at part of Ctbiopia that Ipetb betmeetie tbe fea ®mMe/'Senecpapne . after tbfe a!fo,of later oapes our melfJInoia mas fo calleo,of the fapoe3Inota of fprejler lohn inhere the pojtugales baotbepjtraoe : fo} the ^tlocoftheCarauellthatmasfp?ao?puenbp forcible mpnoeto an bnknomen lanoe in the meft Ocean, calleo the fame 31n0ta,be* caufe the pojtugalcs fo calleo fuch lanoes as tljep hao latelp oif* cottcrcD eaftmaro. chrijlophor Colon alfo,after the fapo pilot, cal* leo the meftlanoes bp the fame name : albeit fome that take Colonus fo* an expert Cofmographer^thpuke that he fo nameo them of the Call Jlnota, as to be the fxirthe^anobnknomen enoc tbeteofrreacbpng into the ftOeft, bnoet* the other hemtfpbe* rie oj haife globe oftbe earth beneath bs : affirming that mbenbe fp^tfeattempteoteOifcouertheSntites, bementebieflp tofeeke the rpche 3 lanoe of cipango , mbicbefallctb on the part of great China 0} Cathay , as mjptetb Marcus faulus Venetus -, anO Otben ano that he (houloe fooner come tbptber bp folompng tlje cowrie of the §>unne QUeftmaro, then agapnrt tlje fa me. Of the colour of the Indians. O &z of the marueplous thpnges p <0oo bfeth tn the com* pofition of man, is colouretinhiche ooubtlelfe can not be confpoereotnithoutgreacaomiratton,inholopttg one to bembpte.ano an other blacke, bepng colours btterlp contrarp : fomelpkempfetobepealomc,mbicbe is betmeene blacke ano mljite : ano other ofothercolours,as it mere of btuer^ liueries.^noastbefecoloutsaretobemarucpleo at, eueti fo t^s it to be conOoeveo,bome thep opffer one from an other, as it mere bp oegrees, fojafmucb as fome men are mhpte after optters fo??s of mhitnes,pelome after Diners maners of pelorne,? blacke after opuers fojts ofblackcncs:^ hom from mhitethep go to pelom b^ otfcolouringto bjobrne^ reo , ano foblacke bp adje colour, f c^fo^o we s£ t«urrp,fommhat lighter then blacker camnp like bnto themefr 3«oians 3 mhicl; arealtegether in general eitherpurple oj camnp* 3 (iti IpH The colour of the Indians* Ip&elmto torn ©utnfes, o| of the colour of Cfjeffnutfeg 6j O'* Ipues, urijtch colour is to them natural!: anunot bp thepj gopn g nakeOjOg rnanp haue tljoughtialbeit thep? nakeuncfle haue fame* tohac helpebtbere&nco.&beref^em Ipfee maner,anbUHCbfucbe triuerficie as men are commonlp U)bpte in € trope, ano bfache in 3ffrtke, euen Uriel) Ipke bartetie are thrp tatunep in rbcle Entries, Uricb otuer3Degreei3btuerflpmclmpHgmo^eo?le(fe ca Ijiacke oj bohpte.Ba lefle marueple is it fo confiber,that men are UJljtce tn g&utle, anb b la eke at cbe cape of Buena spcranzx* anb of Cljelf nut colour ac the rpuer of flats, being all in equall begrccs from cbe Cquinocctall Iptte * !pkeU)pfe,ibat the men of 3fii t&« anb 3fta,tbat Ipue bnoer tlje burnt line (callcb Torrid^m blacke : anb not tbep that Ipue beneath, o } on this fpbe the fame lpttC 5 a0 tn od hath fo ojbepueb tt,otbeturife then to confioec «sob 0 bjpfe* $ ac W* mate ^ te h* £ h bonethti3,as infinite other, to beclare bome $ potocr bis omntpotencie anb urifebome,m fuch biuerfittes of colours, as & 13 appear not onlp tn the nature of man, but the like alfo tn beads, 4)ppes 3 anbfiaures J U)herebtuers anb contrarp colours arefeene tn one Ittle feather, o j the leaues grotopng out of one litle dalke. &n other thing ts alfo greatlp to be noteb,as touching thefe 3(m btanstanb this is, chat their heare is not curlb, as is the ^ooje* anb Ethiopians that inhabtte the fame dime tnepther are tbep balbe 5 e]rcepce berp Klbom^anb that but Ittle. ail tobicbe cbpnges map gpue further occafionsto phtlofophers tofearche the fe- cretes ofnature,anb completions of men, Uritbthenouelttes of theneboeU)o;lbe« < l / tnojl auncient teJHmonie of the * V V eft Indies,by the writing of the diuinc Philofopher Plato* Lato in W famott^ ano otufne ID:a!ogtie> nameo Timm, ntbere be entreated) of the bniuerfall nature anD frame of tlje tuljoie toojloe, takedj foj Ijts principle tlje mode auncient bpffojte of an 31 lanDe 3 tn tpme of great antiqut'tie, nameo JtbUntides, ma- king aifo mention of tbekpng,people,ano fababitantesoftbefame: anD that tbep kept Utarreagapnft tbe Atbenim, ano utere ouercome of them* Plato alfo djere tnoucing tbefapDebptfojietoberebearfeD bp one nameo Critia, luboa? firmeo tljat be ban often bearOe it of bis Oncle, loljo teas tn tbe tpme of Solon , one of tbe feuett fageS of tbe (Brekes* ^Tbfe Critia oeriareo, that ntljen Solon Uienttnto Cgppt to a certapne rttte nameo S 4 />»,(Ittiate upon tbe titter of Ty lus Jutljere tbe ututff- on ants rccurrpng of tbe ritier, maketb tbe 3 llanoe fielta> be there fpake uittb certapne learneo pueftcSjDerp fkplful tn knoutleoge ofantiquittesofmanpmojlDespafl; ♦ 3 lnfomucbtbattbep maoe mention of manpc tljtnges tljat mere before tbe flooo of jftoe, o } ®euc alien, anD alfo before tbebntuerfal conflagration o? banting of the too^lne in tbe tpme of Pbe Columned of ilpcrcules) an 3!lanoe bohiche boas fapo to be much greater then al Jfrica ano Jfa> ano that from thence Inas pafc fage to manp other 3I!anoes neare thereabout, ano from the fapoe 3|lanoeS to the continent o? fp?me lanoe, bohiche boas right oueragapnftitnearebntotljefea: |?ec, that boitljin the ttioutb, there boas a litle gulfe botth a pofte r the oeepe fea botthont, boas the true fea, ano the lanoe botthouc boas the true continent* Cht'S , %\mz\na$vimftjtblantides, ano in it boas akpngcfmar* ueplous great poboer ano mpght, mho hao the oominion of the fapoe 3Hanoe, ano manp other, ano alfo a great part of the contt* nent lanoe bohereofbue haue fpoken, ano muchemo?etoU)aroe our partes alfo, fo?afmuche asthep boere oominacours of the thp?oe part of the tuo^oe.contepnpng Jfrica,Egypt, ano Europe, euenbnto the fea Tmbenum ♦ 3Che poboer therefore of them be* png then fo great, tljep came to (nuaoe both pour countrep ano ours, ano all ocher that areboithm the Columties of Hercules. ^Then (0 5o/o») the oertueofpourcitie(heU)eoitfeifefamousf inmagnanimttieanofeateSofarmes,tmth the aflemblance of the other Grecians, in refplipng thep? great poboer, bntpl pou hao o?tuen them out of our lanos, ano re(to?eo bs to our Itbemc# 315ut (ho?t!p after that this enterp?ife boas atdjiueo, befel a mar* tteplotis great earthqu^e,ano erunoation o? ouerfloboing of the fea, boht'ch continueo fo? tbefpace of one oap ano npght: 3In the bohiche the earth openeo it felfe, ano tnglutteoall thofe bate antanoboarltkemen, ano the fapoe Jtanoe AtbUntUes funke into the bottome of the fea, fcfttcbe boas the occafton that neuer from that tpme fo?boatoe,anp (hpp coulee fapie that bcap,bp rea* fon of the great muooe ano flpme bohiche remapneo cfeije o?obu* neo 3!(anoe* • -*~ ^his is the fumnte of thofe thpnges bohiche oloe CritU fapoe behaobnoctftoooe of Solon, $no certapnelp tbefeboo?oesof tP/^o of the faio 3!lano,haue caufeo great contention among mas np great philofophers,bofaich haue bo?itten commentaries upon the fapoe Dialogue of Timeus compofep b$filato-; Jlnfomuche that the fame in thofe oapes being btterlp bnknobuen,nianp haue taken this narration of Solon, fo? an allegorical fable, ano haue mterpjeteo thefanxemoiucrsfenfesanomeanpnges. ®ut ft ntag map notoe toefl appeare the true mcanpng hereof to be tbt# that TUto tntenOpng toto?pte oftbebntuerfali frame of the too^for, tbe toljtcbe be knetoe to be maoe an Ijabitaitonfo? tbe ofut'ne bed man^ano alfo beboiopng therm tbe great ornament ano beautte nftbe beatten ano (farresb toberebp man mpgbt knotoebfe <0oo ano creatour, tt mpgbt feeme to bpm a tljpng to farre from rea* fen> tbae mtfp tfioo pareess thereof (botiloe be tnljabiteo, ano the other part oefo!ate ano oepjtuco of men: ano that the Auntie ano tares might feeme to fljetoe tbep? Ipgbtcnlpbalfetbep? courfe tottbout p?ofitc,(!;tntng onlp bpon the fea ano oefolate pla* ceo^oeUttuteofmananootberltutngcreaturCiS* 3nu therefore (Plato bao m great aomtratton the bplfo^te of tbe fapoe Cgpptt* an p?tefl 5 tnakpng mention of an otijer part of the toojloe befpoc Alia, Euro pa* ano df ica , ano thought tt tooo?tljp to be reljearfeu in tbebegtnntng of bfe otutne Dialogue afo?efapoe. eugbe therefore certatnelp to tljinke our felueg mod bounoe Onto ®oo 5 that tn tbefe our tpmegi it batb pleafeo bpm to reueale ano otfco* uer tbte fecrete tn tbe fpnopng oftljis netoe toojfoe, toberebp toe are certapnelp aflureo, that bnoer our ipole (farre 3 ano bnoer tbe Equinotfial line, are mod gooolpe ano ample regions, agtoell ano commootouflp tnljabiteo, ag are other parcel of the too^loe bed knotoen Onto b$. The tefhmonie ofthe Poet Seneca in his Tragedic 1 Ve Medea, where by the fpirite of Poetical fune,he fayth* Venient amis Secula peris, quibus Oceanus Vincula rerum laxet,et ingens Tate at tellus,Tjphifque nouos (Detsgat Orbes, He c fit terns, ultima Tbjle, tStljidje map be tht# Cnglilbeo# 3!n fate peered netoe toojfoeg fbafbefbtmoe, Sno netoe lanoe $ iM then appeare on tbe groimoe. ' - - 25 u — mm Chtrtete SfUttDe. Hi Srijelatgetieffe oftjje '©ceau tmknolueu so tins t>ap. | ramus. 3Tl)e toams at flScanatimx a* gapnft tlj* ^0Ojf0. The Epiftle of Peter Martyr . ££t!jen Typhu jsamgation netoe toojlnes IJal fjmoe ottf, ©jen tfja! not ®&ple fo? laft be left out. fat then fljal tfee ©cean Dtflblue W large fcanoesf, 9nu (beiue foojtlj nelue toiojloesf, ccgtcm^ano lanoes. &To tbe mojle noble prince and ca - tholike ky nge,Charks,Perer Martyr of An- glcria wisheth perpetual felicitie. l)t attune p?outuence, from tbe ttme that be fp$ created tlje mojloe, Ijatlj referueo Unto this Dap tlje knomleoge of tbe great ano large £Dcean fea : 3 In tbe mljicbe tpme be batb openeu tbe fame, cbtefelp Unco pou(molfe migbtte p?tnce) bp tbe goon fottrmne ano bappte fuccefie of pour grants^ father bp pour mother fpoe » Ebe fame pjotitDence (31 knotoe not bp toljae oelfenie) bath brought meoutofmpnattuecotm* tvep of Silane, ano out of tbe ettte offtomeCmbere 31 conttnueo almoif* jr.peeres) into g>patne, that 31 mpgbt parttcularipe cob fecte tbefe maruetlotts ano netoe tljinges, mljicblboulocotber* Sopfe perbappes batte lien ojotmteo m tbe tobirlepoole of obltub on,f o?afmuclje as tbe g>panparoes(men mo^tljp great comment oation) ban onlp care to tbe general! imtcntionsof tbefe tbinges. j^otU)ttbfianoing, 31 oo not cbalengeUnto me onlp, tbe tljankes of tbe trauatle beftomco beretn,tt)Ijcreas tbe cbtefe reUiaroe tber* of ts Due to 3 fcanius,utcount Cardinal, mbo pcrceaupng that 31 mas mplltng to oepartc out of tbe ritie to be pjefent at tbe marred of Granatum oiflffcoaoeO me from mp purpofe : 3 l 5 tic feeing that 3 f tua-s fulfp refolueo to oeparte, epbojteo $ required me to Uo^ite Unto fjtm fuche mines as mere famous in &>patne, # mojtljp to be no ten. 31 coke tljerfoje mp tournep into ^>papne, cljtefelp foj tbe oefpje 31 hau eofee tbeppeuuton lobtcbe teas prepared agapnft tbe emmtes of tbc faptb, fojafmucbe asm 31 talpe, bp reafon of tbe mffentton among tbe princes, 3 j coulbe fpnoe notljpng mbereiotcb 31 mpgbt feeoe mp uoptte 3 bepng a poimge man oefpjotts of kuomteoge ano experience of The Epiftle of Peter Martyr* 7 of tb^ngejS . 3! toas therefore prefente at the toarres 5 from to)ljettce31to?ttte to Carbinai 9fcanius 3 a*mbp lunti^p certifpeb bpm of fuel} tbinges as 31 thought molf tooojtljpe to be put tit memorie ♦ 15ut tnljen 31 percciueb that Ijts fortune mas turneb front a natural! motljer to a ffepbame 5 31 ceafleb from Wng.get after 31 fame, that bp tbouertbrome of the enimies of our faptlj 5 &papnemas pourgeb of tbe spoor es, as of an cut! meebe pluckeb bp bp the rootes, lelfe 31 Iboutoebcftomemp fiipperp peares in Unprofitable iblenefie, 31 masmpnbeb to re* turne to 3Icaite . 15tic tbe Gnguler benignitie of both tbe Catljc* ipke kpng ano qtteene nome beparteb, anb tljepr large promifes tomarbe me upon ntpreturne from mp legacte of^akplon, betepneb me from mp purpofe.J>et ootb it not repent me tljat 3! bjem backe mp foote,afmel for that 31 fee tn no other place of tbe morlb at this tpme tlje Ipke moortljp tbinges to be bone: as alfo that tn matter throughout all 31talte, bp reafon of the btfcoj&e of swpWfijitiw Chrtlltan princes, 31 perceltteb all tljpnges to rumte heablong ISarrS, into ruine, the countreps to be belfropebanbmabefattemitlj humane bloob, the cities fackeb, uirgins anbrnatronesmitlj thepr gooss anb polfelftons cariebamapascapt!ues,anbmt* ofmm ’ ferabletnnocentes tuttljout offence to be flapne bnarmeb mitljtn thepr omne Ijoufes . ©f the mljicbe calamities, 31 bpb not onelp heare the lamentable out erpes, but bpb alfo feele the fame : f or euen the bloob ofmjwcomnekmffolkes anbfrenbes,masnot free from that cruelness 31 mas therefore mufpngmitljmp felfeoftijefetljpnges, tbe Cardinal of ^rragone, after tljat be hao feette the tluo fpjft bcokes cfmp Decabes tujptten to 3(c& ntus, reguireb me in the name of kpng Sf rcberike his Uncle, to put foortb the other epght eptmebookes*3intljemeanetprne alfo 5 mljple 31 luasuopbeofal care as touching the matters of the £Dcean,tbe3poftolicailmeffengers oftljebpfhop of Home 5 JLeo the tenth (bpUihofeljolfomecotmfanleanbaucdjoritieme trulf the calamities of3!ta!p0jaibe fpnitfjeb) rapfeb meastt iuere from fleepe, $ encorageb me to pr ocee&e as 31 hab begun. €o hts holpnefle 31 mrptee tmo Decabcs , eomprvfeb tit iljort bookes 3 after the ntaner ofeptflles, anb a&beo them to tljefprff, Jnhi ch mas pnmeb mitljout mine abutfe, as fljal further appeare &P tyz preface folompng . 3£ut nome 31murne to pouCmoi! ® m nokite &papnefiibtm* ea from tl)e jT&ijeics. Slfje&piig&ome ofJUple©* QThe temperate netfe oftpt Quinoctiall Uiu femnuen to tfje ©10$ &!?£«£, Continent oj fpjme landeas fcpgge as tfjice ^titopes. Pieties are tfje tulfniutents of cangtuife#. The Epiftle of Peter Martyr# noble pjtnce) front tubonl 31 Oauc forntdljat ut^refleo * ®ber* foje mberag pour granbfacbec bp pour mother# ffbe,baue fubbm eb al feparoe bnber pour D3mmtoii > e.cccpc onlp one corner of the fame, anb Ijaue alfo lefte pou tbeftmgbomeof 32ap(e0,boitb tbe frucefuI3UauO0 of our fea#, itt# fctrelp a a^reae thing anb toojtbp robe natebinourcronade#. Butnotoffenopngtbe reuerence tme to our piebecelfour^mbatfoeucr from tbe begpimpng of tbe bootfbe batb been boone oj ujjptten to tbi# bap, to mp mogemenc feemeeb butlpttle, pfboe confpberbubatnebuelanbe#anbcoum trepo, mljat neboe fea#, mhat fmtbjp nations: anb counge#, mbat goloe mpne#,mbat treafurte# of pedes tbep baue lefte onto pour bpgbnefle, befpbe other reuentte# . ^Dbe mbtcbe,bobat tbep are, anb Ijolne greate, tbefe tbjee Decabeotball beclare . Come ther* fo?e molf noble i^rnce electeo of<0ob, anb etiiope that bpgbe efiate of tbmgeg;notpetbnberl!oDetomen.^eofferbntopou tbe Equmochall ipne bpeberto bnbnoboen,anb bunitc bp tbe furh ouabeate of tlje fonne,anb unhabitable after tbe opinion of tbe oloe bu^ptersi, a feme ejrcepteb : but noboe founbe to be molf re* plentfbeb untlj people, faire, frutteful,anb mo(f fo?tunate,bm'cb a tboufanbe 3lanbe# croUmeb loitb golbe anb bebottftdl pearler, befpbestbat greate portion ofcartbfuppofebtobeparteoftbe firme lanbe, ejrcebpngm quantttie tljjee Curope# * Come tber* foje anb embjafe tin# neboe boo#b,anb fuffer bgs no longer to com fume m befp?e of pour pjefence. jfrom hence, from bence 3 fap (mod noble poung lajtnce) Ibal tnlfrumette#bep?eparebfo£ pou,boberbp al tbe imlbe Ibalbe bnber pour obepfance. 3nb thus: 3 bpb pour mateffie fareboeU : to boljofe cafte if 3 ftal perceaue tbe fruttes of tbtemptpllagetobe belectable, 3 bopll beareafter bo mp enbeuoure that pou map receaue tbe fame moje abum bauntlp* ifrom qpabjto, tbe bap be* tye tbe Calenbe# of October, 31ntbepere ofCfottt 9x>im- The fyrfl decade* S •A ' * • _ ‘ . 4 J , . ~ V < *'* * ■* *V The fyrjl Too he of the Decades of the Oeean,written by Peter Martyr of Angleria Mi* lcnoes»counfaylour to the king of Spayne c and Protonotarie Apoftohcall to Jfcanius Sphorcia^ Vicount Cardinal.&c. reiterenteant thankful antiqutttetoa# jaccuftomcttoelfcemethofe men asgots* bp tohofeintuttrie ant magnanimutefucb ofumus ’ fanned anti regions lucre tiTcoueret , ass ;toere bnknotoen to tijepj pjeteceflours. 15ut Unto baupng cnlp one ® ot,tobom toe honour tn tripltcttie of perfon, this re* tfetb, that albeit toe to not toojtfrip that ktnte of men tottl; twine honour, pet to toe reuerence them, ant tooojtbplp marueple at tljepj noble actes ant enterpjpfes* Onto kpnges ant pjinces toe getie tue obepfaunce, bp toljofe gouernance ant furtherance tljcp haue ben attet to perfourme tbetr attempts: toe comment both, ant foj tbepj ml! tefartes tooojthplp ejetol them. £0 berefoje,as concerning the Mantes of the toetf £Dcean,latelp ttfcoueret,anb oftbe auctours of the fame (toljtche tljpng pou tefp?e bp pour letters toknotoe) 3! topi begpn at tbe fp$ auetbour thereof, left 31 be imurtous to attp mam ^akeit therefore as folotoeth* Chrijlophorns Colonus (Otljcrtopfe callet Columbus) a gently ^Itnffopfjop^ manof31taite, bo?ne tnthectfieofGew«4,perftoatet3fernanto €ol0iU ^ ant pan:artes call Can* mUs> ©;ushetepartet from tlje cotfe&of^paine about the ageof€olcnu0 ^Efic^lanlics afpa« nparoes . Z\)t fortunate 3llaltde$ (ajs manpe tbpnke them to be, mbicbe the S&paniaroeo call CanmAfomb but of late dapegOare diilaume from the 3ilandeg! of Cades a tljoufande and tmo jbun* djetb mplegi, accojdpng totbep? accompteg!, fo? tbep fap tbep ace oiftant tb?ee bundled leagued: mbereag! fuebe as: are expert fea men, affirme that euerp league contetnetlj foure miles:, after tbep? fupputatt'ong:* ®efe 31lanoesi mere called fortunate, fo? the temperate apje mbicbe in them, jfoj nepther the coloneflc ofmpntetisCbarpeonto them, nojtbebeateoffommerintolles rable- get fame men are of opinion, that thole mere in olde tpme caileo tbe fortunate Silandes:, mbicbe the poftugaleocaflc^* VerdeXolonustWO}Z fapled fpjlft to tbe 3|landegi ofCanarU, CO tbe interne there to refceGje bis (bpppes! mitb freibe mater and fuell, before be commttteo bpm felfe to tbfe fo labojoug; a triage* ^no becaufe 31 bauebearemaoe mention of tbe 3iiandcg: of c*~ narU , it (balnot be muebefrom mp purpofe,to declare borne of bnbnomentbep became bnomen, anooffauageanomilDc, bet- ter manured : SF o? bp tbe long courfe of manp peere$,tbep mere forgotten, and remapned as bnknomen* ^Tljefe feuen 3llandegi (therefore) called tbe Canaries, mere founoe bp ebatmee bp a ftenebe man,called fat amber, bp tbe per* million of queene Eatbarine,pjotectrijce of king 3loljn ber fomte 3 mbile be mag: pet in bis nonage, about tbe peere of Cbjiffe. CC G C* 0, ftetanchor inuaded tmo of tbefe 31landesi called Lancelots and Fortifuenturajtfmb be inhabited ij brought to better culture * l)t being dead, bte fo nne and beire folde bo the the fapde Sllanoeg: to certapne ^pawardeg:. QftZtt\)i#)Farnandus Ter aria atld 1)10 mpfe, tnuaded Ferre a and Comer a. is\)z other tbjeemere fubdued in our tixftz.Grancanaria, bp Tetrus de Vera, citizen Oftlje noble citte Of Xericium, and chad of \foxica* Talma and Tenerifen,bl> Alpbonfus Lup, at the kings! charged Comer a and Fen ea mere eafllp fubdued : But the matter mentbarde mitb Alpbonfus Lugo, jfoj that naked and mploe nation, fpgbtpng onlp mitb ftoneo and clubbesi , djoue bte armieto flight at the flrft alfatdte, and flue about foure bunded ofbig mem But at the length he ouercame tbem.$nd thug; all the The&ftlWe: f tbe 3flattdetf of mere aooeo to tlje oom'tnfcit of ^papne, jfro:tt$efe3!lanoes Co /wax otrectpng W bopage comaroe the Uicif^fcloiupng tbc falling: of the funne 3 but Declining fcmemljat tomaroe the left Ijanoc, fapleo on fo^aro^OTtu.uape? continue aHp,battpng onlp tl )c fruition of tbe beaunt ano cfje ttaater* ©jen €omm mm tbe&P^par&eam'jtcbe toere accompanpeo mitlj bpm 3 began rebel agapmt fp^a to murmurc fccretelp among them felue# , ana ®o?t!p afar mitlj momea of reproebe fpake euil of Coloms tbepr gouentour, anoconfulteo mltbtljem feluea, eptljerto rpooeljpmoutoftbe map, o? -el* to call bpm Into the fea : ragpng tljat tbep mere be* tepueo of a lfranger,an outlanopflje man 3 a ltgurian 3 a (3eme0 $ ano brought into fueije oamtgeroua places that tljep might ttetter rewrite agapne. 8no afcer^^u'uoape* mere pail 3 tijep fit* rlouflp crpeo out againll ljtm 3 ano tbreatneo butt tljat be Ibouloe $ mi ^ 0 ^* palftnoftirtber^utbecuermitb gentle moroca ano large pro* mife 0 5 appeafeotbeirfune 3 anoprofongeooap after oap 3 fome tpmeoefprpngthem tobearemttljljpm pet a tubple, ano fome time putting them in remembrance that pf tbcp fljouloe attempt anp thing agatnll bim 3 or otbermpfe otfobep ljpm 3 it moulo be re* puteo for treafon. 'Zlhuti after a feme oape* 3 mttb cbeareful bare* tbep efpieo the lanoe long icckeo for. 31n tljia fprft nautgation* be olfcouereo.bt. tlanoes, mljerof tmo mere ejmopng great: ©r mbtcbCjtbe one be calleo HifpanUa , ano tbe otljer Johann a. But f oSSnm^ attbattp tttebe ktiews not perfectly that Johanna (otbermpfe * " calleo Cuba) maa an tlanoe. tbep coalleo along bp tlje fljore cfcertapneofcljefetlanoea, tbep bearoe j^pgbtpngales fpng in tbe tljpcke mooooea In tbe monetb of jftouember* ^Lljep founoe wmber* alfo great rpuerg of frelbe mater, anonamrallhauena, ofcapa* citteto harbour great names offlnppes* Sapling bp tlje coalfe* nl Johanna, front tbe nortbpopmto tbe melf, be rooe litleleflfe tbett eight bunoreo mt!eg(for tbep cal it a Ijunoreo ano fourefcore leagues) fuppoling tbat it bao ben tlje continent or fprme lanoe* becaufe be couloe neitljer fpnoe tlje lanoea enoe 3 nor mtp token of tlje enoe,aa farre a* be coulo iuoge mitb bis: epe : mljerforebe oe* termmeo to turne backe agapne, bepngpartlp thereto enforced bptberougbnefleoftbe fea 3 for tlje fea banker of tlje tlanoe of Johanna , bpfunDrpempnDpngeg ano tucnpitgea, benoetljem fefaea fo muc&e tomaroe tlje no?tb 3 tbat tlje nojtljnortbeaH minoe C 1 rougblp r Ctt< 3 !anfciof ‘STfjc 3!lanOe0 cfsnttiia. SL typpUuacit?. Cfteptoplcof tpe JSiauDt. JUfttO people. Rupert ftopm* meter. <&ol&foieartO anD glalte. Jfltenflfepnse* Religious aitfc humane people \ Thefyrft Dccndd. rcttgblp totfeo tlje Cbppjsbp reafon of tlje uifnter. burning tber* foje tlje (femmes ofljtsfljpppes tomaroe tlje €a(f, be affp?me& that be bao fotmo tbe tlanoe of opbir, mljitber Solomons (bippe* fapleo foj goloe. H5uc tbe oifcriptton of tbe ©ofmograpbers tucll conftoereo, it feemetb that both tljefe, ano tlje other ilanoes ao* topnpng,are tlje llanos of Jntilia. 'Ehm tlanoe be calico HiffanU ola, on mbofenojtbfpoeasbeapp?ocbconearetotbelanoe,tbe kcele 0 ) bottome of tbe btggelf bcffell ranne bpon a blpnoe rocke couereo nmlj mater, ano cloue in funoer: buttbeplapnenelfeof tlje rocke mas a belpe to tljem tbat tljep mere not ojomneo . $Pa* kpngljalfe tljerfoje uitdj tlje otber tmo fljpps to belpe tljem, tbe? bjougfjt arnape al tlje men uutbottt Ijurte. ©ere commtng fpjlf a !ano,tljep fame certapne men of tbe 31ianoe , mljo percetupng an bnhnomen nation comnung tomaro tbem,ftockeo togeatbenano ranne al into tbe tbpeke mooos,as it bao ben bares courfeo mitlj grcljounocs ♦ ©uc men purfutng them,tooke onelp one moman, mbom tbep brought to tbe Unps : mljere fpllmg ber mitlj meate ano mpne, ano appareling ber, tbep let Ijer oepart to ber compa* npe. £§>bojtlp after a great* multttuoe of tbent came rumtpng to tbe lbo?e to bebolo this neme nation, mbom tljep thought to bane oifeenoeo from beauen. ®cp calf tljem felttes bp Ijeapes into tbe fea,f came faumnung to tbe lbpppes,b?pngtng golo mitlj tljem, mljtcbe tljep djaungeo mitb our men foj eartljen pottes, ojtnktng gIaires,popnces,ptnnes, bamkesbels, looking glalfes,$ fudj o* tljer trifles* ®bus groining to further famtliaritte,our men mere bonojablp entertatneo of tbe king of tbat part of tlje llano, mljofe name mas GuaccjnarWus: foj it batlj manp kpngs, as mben as arrtueo in 31talp,lje fotmo Latium otutoeo into manp kingDomg anO pjtOtttnceS,aS Latium 3 M ezeutlumiT urnummO Tarcbonttm, mljtcb merefeparateo mttb narome bounces, as Ibal mo?e larglp appeare hereafter. 9t the euen ttoe about tbe falling of the fonne, m’jen our men ment to pjaper, ano kneelefc on their knees after tlje manor of p ©bjtlftans, tljep opo tljelpke alfo^no after mijat manerfo euer tljep fame tljem p?ap to tlje erode, tbep folomen them m al popntes asmelastbcpcouloe* ^rbeplbemeo mucf* ljumanitie tomaros cur men, ano Ijelpeo them mttb tljepj Ipgfj* tew oi final boate$(mbtcb tbep cal C4»w)tomtlaoe tljet r broken Th e firft Decaefo l 0 Bhpppe 5 anti that toulj fuc&e ceferitte ano c^ercfitTneOTe^ ffjat no ftenoe for frenDe, o? kpnfeman for kpnfeman, in fuel) cafe numeo toitt) pitte, couloe do more ♦ Sbcpr boater are maDe onlp of one tree 3 maDe Ijolome mitb a certatne fyarpe ffone(foj thep haue no pjon) atio are berp long ano ttarome* ^anpafftrme that thep no won* jjaue feene fonte of them mitb fortie ores. She miloe anD mpfebe- UOUS people calleD Canibales, OJt Caribes,\£\)icl)Z mereacCtllfomeD ^^Darc0,0| to eate mans fle(he($ calico ofthe oloe mrtccrs, Jntbropopbagi) moleft them ejtcceDpnglp 3 tnuamng thrir coumrep 3 takpng them vmu capttue 3 kpilpng $ eatpng them. 3 s our men fapleo to the ilanoes of eijefe nteke ano humane people, thep left the ilanos ofthe Ca* nib ales, in maner m the mtDOeft of tbepr btage toioaro the Couth* Shop complapneo that tbepr ilanDsmtre no leflebepeo miff; the (ncurflons of thefe manbuntpflg Canibales mben ttep goe forth a Ktse cmeittt of roupng to feeke tbepr p?ap,thtn are other tame bealfe&of lions *a nWwlf * ano €igers.&udb tbplorenas theptake 5 thep gelo to make them fat 3 as me do coche chickens anD poungbogges 3 anD eate them fcften thep are mci feooe: of fuebe as thep eatr 3 thep cate the fcttralles anD extreme parted as hanDe0 3 fcete 3 armcs 3 necke 3 anD beao. She other motf fleibpe partes 3 tbcp potnserfo? floras me Do pelf els of pojke 3 ano gammonoes of bakon : pet do thep ab- ftepne from eatpng of momen 3 an& countc it bple*Sherfkre fuebe poung momen as rijep take 3 tbep kepe for tncrcafe, as me do hen- nestolepecgges: the oloe momen, thep make tbepr DruDges* Sbep ofthe tlanoes (rnbicb memapnomecalours) botbe the men anD v momen,mijcn thep perceuie the Canibales commpng, baue none other (hpft hut onelp to flee : for although thep bfe be- rplharpe arromes maoe of reeoes, pet are thep of fmall force to reprefle p furte of the Canibales : for etteu thep them felues con- fetti that ten ofthe Canibales are able to oucrcome a bunDreo of them if thep encountre with them ♦ Sijcpr nteate is a certapne roote 3 mhtch thep cal Ages, mud# Ipke a naueme roote in fourme nw. anD greatnette 3 but of fujeete tafl 3 much Ipke a greene cheflnutte* Shcp baue alfo an other kpnoe of rootes, m&icb thep call lucca, £ e a ! m mhereof thep make breao tn kpke maner • Sljep bfe Ages afreets more often rotfeo oi fobDcn, then to make breao thereof * But ftepneuereate lucca , epeept it be firtt fltceDanD p^elfeD (fo? it is M of Ipeoure) ano then bakeD o? foDDen . ^ut this is to be > £ , C it marue^ w . . » fGitljearbtof ftrange nature Ctolfocitt eOU imtioiu <5oIbc iit tlje fait&eg of xU MIS. £>etpcntee toitljoutve; niinc. Guttle bout#. «£tirkes« ‘tdopimapes, 3$!ini* ^ijefit^lanbegf arc pact of 3n&ia. 3Tfie 3|ntitait0 arcamtipotJes to tlje Spa* npatbc0» SCriffotle. &cnec4« The fyrft Decade. maruepleo at, that rt;e iufee of tbxgi roocc is a popfon as thong a s Aconitum, fo that if it be o?unke, it caufetb p?efent oeatb, an® pec cl )t b?eao maoe of the malTe thereof, is of go oo fade ana IjoU fome, as tbepallljauep?ooueo. ®bep make alfo anodjer kpnjoc ofb?eao ofacertapnepulfe, calico TanUum, muefce lube Onto tobea'e, urtjereof is great plencie in the Dukeoome of Sgillane, &>papne,ano Cranatuw. Tl5ut that of tbte Coumrep is longer bp a fpanne/ometuljac fijarpe tatuaroe tlje enoe, annas bpggeag a mans arme in p b? atone: tlje grapnes tulj erof are fee in a mar# ueplous o?oer, $ are in fourme fometoljac Ipke a ]jdeafe* (KLUjpte tljep be foure ano bnrtpe,tbep are ioljpce 5 buc toljcn tbep are ripe, tljep be berp blacke , rnben tljep arc broken, cljep be toljiter then fnotoe : this kpnoe of grapne cljep call Maizium. ©olDe is of fame edimacton among cljem: fc? forne offljcmljangcettapne fmall peeces thereof at tljep? eares ano nofetlj?plles. $ licle be# ponoe this place, our men boent a lanoe fo? ffeffje toacer, toljere tbep cljaunceo upon a ritier, ioljofe fanoe toas mppeo toitlj muebs goloe. ®ljepfounoetberenokinoesoffourefooteo beades,e?> cepcclj?ee kinoes of litle conies* tljefe ilanoes alfo nourplbe ferpentes>but fuelje as are untljout hurt . JLtketoife toiloe geefe* cuttle ooues,ano ouckes, rnuclje greater tljen ours,ano as tuljite as fioannes, toitlj Ijeaoes of purple colour. 3lfopjpiniapes,of ‘ tlje toljicbefome are greene, fome peloioe,^ fome Ipke tljem of India , toiti) pelotoe rpnges about tbep? neckes,as Clinic oeferi* betb them* Of tljefe tbep brought feurtte lottlj tljent, of mode ipuelp ano oilectable colours, Ijaupng tljep? feathers encerming* leo botch greene, peloboe,ano purple, mljicbe barietie oelpgbtetb tbe fenfe not a litle. ^Tljus muebe (bought 3! gooo to fpeake of pojjpniapes (rpght noble p?tnce) fpeciallp to tbis intent , tljae albeit the opinion of ebriftopboms Coloms (boljo adp?metlj tljefe ilanoestobepartofM^) ootlj not in all poptttes agree loitb tlje tuogcntenc of aunctent bo?pters as coucljpng the bpgnede of tlje sphere ano compade of tbe ©lobe, as conccrnpng tbena* utgable po?tion of tlje fame being bnoer bs, pet tbe poptniapeg ano manp other tljpnges b?ougbt from thence, ooo oeclare that tljefe 3!lanoes fauour fomeiubat of W/'^eptbet bepng neare bn# to tt,o? els oftbe fame nature: fo?afmuclje as Jriftole alfo, about tljeenoeofbis booke dUAh&Mutido, ano iikeurpfe Seneca, The fir ft Decade. II O*'- tmtJj Dtaers ot!;erauctl)ours not tpo?atintmColhtograp&ie,lio ^ttbta itotfam affirme that Mia is no long tracte bp Tea, aidant from fe paine fnm awnc. bp the toed Ocean, fo? the fople of thefe tlanaes typngetb foo?tb n\ll vv ' spadpp, 9loes,ana funa?p other ftoeete gummed ana fppces,as Doth lndia,£m(m alfoof the ercs. £ ere0 » ^Lbt language? of all the nations ofthefe ilanaes , map toed c&c language ae bojptten tottb out Xattne letters, if o? tljep cal beatten TmL jjffjl* Ce % n * ^bOUfeSoa.(3oWeCaunt. 9 gOOD man, Tain*. jftotbtng^*)'* ‘ * am 3! ocher tuojas of then? language, tbep pxonounce as plain- \p astoeao the Xattne tongue. 3in thefe ilanaes tbep founae no f r f 0 ^ ruitf0 frees knotaen Onto them, but pine apple trees, ana Date trees, u 11 ' no 1 10 u * anatbofe 6f martieplotts Ijepght, ana ejrceeapngharae, bprea* fon of the great mopdnefle ana fatnefleoftlje grotmae, nsitb Cata«& continual ana temperate heate of the funne, tobicbe enaureth §me rominn# fo al the tufjole pere. ttljcp plapnelp affume the tlanae of tiifta* at $ temperate. niola tobethemodefruttefull lanae that the beauen compafletb mn-cof'yupa* about, as ibadmoielargelp appears hereafter intheparticuler.»*oia. aefeription of the fame, tubicb toe entenae to fet fooitb token lue (halbe better inftructea. ‘Cbus ntakpng a league offrcnafljpp lot th the king, ana leaning totth bpm.jcjcrbttt. men to fcarcbe the ilanae,be aeparcea to g>papne,takpng tottb hpnt tenne of the in* (jabitatmtes to learne tbe^pamfbe tonpe, to the intent to bfe them aftertoara fo? tntcrp>ctoursXo/o«Kj therfo?e at his reiurne boas honourablp recetuea of the kptig ana gtteene, tube caufea hpm tofpt in tbep? p?efence, tobicbe is a token of great loue ana honour among the ^patiparaes. fyt mas aifo maae 9amt* ralcfthe©cean,anahis brother gouernouroftbetlanae. ^oxoaro thefeconabopagehe toasfurntlhea toith jcbti, iljtps, sr&eftront* tobetof cb?ee mere great caractes of a tboufanae tunne. pi. boere aopage of oftbatfo?tU)htchtl)e^paniarascal Carauelas, nnthoucaeckes, • anattoo other of the fame fojte femtebohat bpgger, ana moieapt to beare aeckes, bp reafott of the greacneffe of tbep? mades. l)z baa ado a cboufanae anattoo huna?eaarmea footementoedap* popnceo : among tubicb boere manp artificers T as fmptbes,Car* pentets T mpners, jppng from»a fret continue jf&ct&pmtta i <£ampt. The feconde booke of the firft Decade,to jifeanius Spborcta, Vicount Cardinal.&c. ©tt repeate (rpgbt honourable pjtnee:) that :^|pou are oeiptouo to knotoe tobat ttetoes toe |baue tn fcpapne from the netoe toojlDe,anD that tbofe tbmgs baucgrcatlpoelpteopou, tobtebe 31 totote onto pourbpgbnefleoftbe fpjft jftautgation : J>ou (bal notoe therefore ^recetue tobat batb fuccccoeo* Met hymn* Cdmptis a famous totone mbtgb 6>papne,.tn refpect from pott, ano ts tn that parte of &>papne tobtebe Is caUtoCdftellaVetus . bepng otltant front Gades about* j&mpleo* ©ere the cotirte re* rnapneo, toben about tbe* tr. of tbe Calenoes of 3p?pl(, in tbtS peere of nmette ano foure, there toere po5es fern to theming ano queene, certffipng them that there toere ttoclueffipppe0come from the netoe tlanocSj ano artueo at G ada ; but tbegouemour of Tfic fir ft Decade.' i% of the tljpppes fenttooo^e to the kpngano gueette,thathebao none other matter to cerrifie them of bp tl;c potter but onlp chat the Stomirai toitb fiue ano fourcfco^e aito ten men, remapneb ifpll in Hifpaniola to fearcbe ttjc fccreteg of the ilanbe, anb that aotoucbpngother matters, be bpm fdfe UjduId fljo^tlp make relation tn thep? p?efence bp Uioo^be of month * therefore the nap before the jftones of Sfpjpi, be cametocbeCottrte bpm felfe ♦ 22%at 31 learneb of bpm, anb other faptbfitll ano cremble menMtche came toitb hpnt from the 3bmtraII,3! mil rehearfe Onto pou,tn fuelje ojber a$ thep beclareb the fame to me,U)!;en 31 bemaunbeb them : take it therefore ag folotoetb* 3Lbe thtrb nap of the 3[bcg of October, bepartpng from Fema, thelalfe of the giant*# flattbes ofawM^anb from the coatt eg of ^papne,U)tch a j|2a* of i* wwa * me of feuenteene Ihtppe^jthep fapleb.jcjiibapeg before thep came toanpflanbe, inriining of purpofe moje touiatoe the left bann then at the fp# Dopage,fo!onjtng the nojtb nojtheaft UrinDe,anb arrttteo f^ft at the tlanbes oftlje cambaks oj Caribes , of mhtche ^ ran ^ s °f onip the fame Utag knotoen to our men. Sltnong tbefe, thep a,wbaUs * chaunceb fp$ bpon one/o befet troth treeg,that thep coulee not Tee fo muche ag an eHe fpace of bare earth oj Itonie grounbe,thig thepcalleo ^ommica^rnuk thep founb it ontbe%mbap.^bep |Miantic8f tarteo here no ttme,becaufe thep fato it to be befarc. 3!n the fpace ^ 0,mnUa * ofthefe.]tjtt* bapeg,thep thpnke that thep fapleb epgbt bungee $ jrje.leagueg,tbett 0 jtb nojtbeafr topnoeUiag fo ful troth them, ami tb frelhlp fofotoeb the If erne of tbepj fbpppes. 3fter thep hao fap* leo a Ip tie further, thep efpteb miters tlanoes replenpibeb troth funtyp kinbfcg of trees, from the U)Ijt che came fragrant fatiourg sffppceg ano (toeete (Summer t here thep (atocnepcherman nojt bealf, except certapne Lpfarteg of huge bpgnefle,ag thep re- ipfartfs, pojtcb mhtch tnent alanb to btetoe the coumrep. ^h is tlanb tljep calleb Galana o? GaUnta : from the cape o? popnt of tbig iianoe, ^ or efppittg a tnountapne a farre of, thep fapleb thpther. $bcut. m * <5alauta * mples from this tnountapne, thep fame a rpuer beflenbpng, tohtch feemeD to be a token offome great amt large Boon* 3Lbig uftyeftytt Ianbe tnhiche thep founoe tn&abiteb from the item _ beg of Canaria anb i$ an iianbe of the Cambaks, ag thep leameb bpthetnterpietou^ mhichetheptookelntth tbentfrom Wfpa* ' wV4mtoS)papneai thepjfpjftbdpage. feearchingtheilanoe, £ iiu tljep The fir ft Decade/ tMRftga, otxx. fatmbinnumerable Pillages of.ptJjoufrs,o?«je#.at the moff s o \.m poufo. ' fetrotmbe about in ojtber, makpng the flrccte in compafle ipke a market place, <3nb fo?afmuclje $s 31 bauemabe mention of mje bniwpm r tite boufcs, if Ml no t be greatipfrom mp purpofe to Defrribe oftuepi u outis. m m';at manner tbep are buploeo : ®ljep are mabe routine Ipke belles o? routine paUilions* f^ep? frame is rapfeo oferceebpng big!) trees, fee clofe togeatber, anb fall rampaireb in the grouno, fo framrmg aflope, anb b cubing muiaroe, that tbe toppes of the trees topnetogeatber, anb beare one agapnfl another, baupng alfo miihtntOe bottfe certatne llrong ano fl>o?t p?oppes o? pofte* mbtebe fufrepne tbe trees front fallpng, Zhep cotter them nittb tbe leaucs of Date trees, anb other trees ftronglpe compact anb barbeneb, mbermitb tbep make them clofe from totnoe anb toea* tber, tbe (&o?te pofres o? pioppes mitbtn tbe boufe, tbep tpe ropes oftbe cotton ofgolfampme trees, o? otber ropes mabe of certapne long $ rough rootes,mueb Ipke unto the frnubbe calico spanumMjetof in olb tpme thep bfeb to make banoes fo? bines* anb gables ann ropes fojlbpppes* ^btfc tljep tpe ottertbmarte the houfe from polle to polie, on thefe thep lap as it mere cer* taine matreftes mabe of the cotton of goflampmc trees, mbicbe gromc plcmtfulip tn tljcfe tlatibes. Ehis cotton tlje^panparbs cal Algodon, anb the Italians ftombaftnei anb thus thep fleepe in hangpngbebbcs. 3t the entrance ofoneoftbep?boufes,tbep fame tioo images ofmooblpke bnta ferpenteS, mbtebe thep thought hab been fucheibols as thep honour: but tbep Iearneo afrermarbe that tbep mere fee there onlpe fo?comelpnefle, fo? thep knome none other gob then the funneanb mooned although tbep make certatne images ofgolfampine cotton to p fimilitube offuche pbancafres as tbep fap appeare to them in the npght* £>ur men founbtn thep? boufes, al ktnbes of earthen beffels, not muche bnlpke Onto ours. €bep founbe alfo tn thep? kptchens 9 | $int tookerie. mans fle(be,butkes goofc^lcfb^al -in one pot, anb other on the fppts reap to he lapbe to the fp?e*€iurtng into their inner ttxrtmum* thep founbe faggottes of the bones of mens armes cthom*. anb legges, mbicbe thep referuecomakebeabes fo? thep? ar* rom :s, becaufe thep lacke iron , the other bones tbep call amap mhen tbepbaue eaten the ftefbe.'&bep founse Ipkempfe the heap of a pouttg man fafteneo to a pp3e>anb pet WeeDpng*®bep haue Coffampitte sottan. I v j f Hinging | fctfJDes, i I The f) rft decade. |J InfomebpIlageS, one great ball o? pallace, abouttbetobtdji tbep? common boufes are placed : to tijts tbep rcfo?t,as often as tbep come togeatber to plape ♦ 2 Bbcn tljep perceitteo tlje com* mpng d our men, tbep tone* 3In tljep? Ijoufes tbcp founde alfo aboue djtrttc cbtlo?en captiues, mijiclje mere referueo to be eaten, but our men tooke them amap to bfetljemfo? inter* peters* 4 >earcljutg mo?e Diligcntlp tlje timer parts of the ilano, tbep founoe feuen cttjcr rpuers, bpgger then tijts mljtclje me fpake of before, rtumpng tb?ougb tbe ilanoe, mitb fruttefull ano pleafaunt banker, delectable to beljoloe ♦ QW ilanoe tbep calico Guadalupe a, fo? tlje ftmilituoe that tt batb to tlje mount momit Guadalupurm&papne,U)l)etetl)e image of tlje otrgm^arte ^nanaiupu^ is religiouflp tonoureo, but tlje tnljabttauntes call it Carucuem , <£ arunicr ja, 0 ? Queraquierai^t IS tbe cljeefe habitation of tlje Canibales M)t]> b?ougljt ft om tljistIanDmii.lpopimapes,bigger tljen pljefants, too pmapt* mueijeopfferpng from otljet in colour, baupngtbep?backes, b?etfcs, ano bellies of purple colour, ano tbep? mpnges of other bartable colours : in al tljefe ilanos is no lefle plentte ofpoppu- iapes, then mitb bs of fparroUies o? ftarelpnges. #smcb?ing bp capons ano bennes to franke ano make tljem fat, fo ooo tbep tljefe btgget ktnoes ofiaoppniapesfo? tbe fame purpnfe. Sftec tljattbepljao tbusfearcljeotbe i(anoe,ano o?tucn tljefe c anil ales srije cambateg toftigbt(U)ljtcljeranamapattbep?fp?llapp?oclje, asfeone as tbepljao efpteotljenotljepcalleotbetrcompanptogeatber, ano as (bone as tljep bao b?oken p Canibales boates o? lighters (mbt* 4te tbep cal Camas ) tbep loofeo tbep? ankers tlje Dap befo?e tbe 3oes of J2oucmbcr,ano oeparteo from Guadakpca. Colonus tlje £omiral,fo? tlje oefp?e be bao to fee lj& companions, mljicbe at Ijis fp?ft bopage be left tlje peere befo?e in Htfpaniola to fearclj tbe countrcp, let palTc manp ilanoes botlj on bts rpgbt banoe, $ left banoe, ano fapleo oirectlp tbptljer, 3Sp tbe map there appeareo from tbe nojtlj a great ilano^obtcb tlje capttues that mere taken tn Hifpauiola, caileo M. adanino, 0? M atimno, affirming ttco be iT^atmitteaii inbabiteo onlp rnttb mornen,to mbo tlje Canibales baue accede at of *** ccrcapne tpmes of tlje pcere,as in oloe tptne tlje Thracians bao mcn# to tbe Jmaz£>i?s in tbe ilanoe of Lefbos : tl>e men ebplmeiHbep lenoe to tbep? fathers, but tbe Utomen tbep keepe mitb them fclues* The fyrft Deca eta fifties ♦ ®hep Ijawe great anti fttottg cancel oj aenttes tit the grotmae, to clje mbiche thep flee fo? fafgarae tf anp men refojee &nf o them at anp other tpme then is appopntea , ana there ae- fenae them feluesmich homes ana arromes, agapnff the bioleitce offucheas attemptetoinuanethem, “Chep coulae not at cferai tpme appjoche to this tlanae, Op reafon of the J8o?th nojtheaf! mpnae,mhich bleme fo behememlp from tOe fame, mheras thep nome fotomea tlje Caff fomheaffe, 8fter thep aepartea from Madanino , ana faplen bp thefpaceof *j& triples, tbeppaffea not farrefrom an other t'fanae mhich the captpttes fapae to be aerpe popnlus, ana replenpfhea mith al thpnges neceffarte fo? tlje cf InlaSetf wan ♦ thep caflea Mm s Serratus, becaufe it tuajss full tam*. ofmoimtapnes;, %bt captpttes further aeriarea, chat the Cam* ien! P ” 3 f0 * ^Us are moont at fome time to goe from thep? omne coaffes abeue athoufanae mples to htmrfo? men. Ehenapfoloming, tbepfame an other tlanae, the mhtebe becaufe it mas routine, SanBa Maria th ep caUeD Santta Maria Rotunda . Cbe nept Dap, tljep faunae Rotunda. another, mhtebe thep caflea s. Martini , mhtebe thep let paffe Santfus Mar- alfo, becaufe thep baa noleafure to tarrpe. Ipftempfethethirae %hws. nape thep efptea an other, mhofe Diametral fpne^ejrtenapng from Santfa Maria the Caffe to the meff, thep iungen to be a bunoiea $ fpftie mple, dntijua, ©hep afftmte all tbefe ilanaes to be maruelous fap?e ana ftuite* full x Cbfe laff, thep callea Samta Maria Jntiqua. ^>aplpng fo?* toarae, ana leaupngmanp other ilanaes, after thep hanfap* lea about fouttiemples,thep chauncenapon an other,much bpg* Mala cruets, fl er then snp of the reff, bohtch tljinbabitanS call Ay Ay , but thep an Dianne or * nameot't infulacrucis : ©ere thep caff anker to fetche frefhe m cauibatce. tracer • Zd)z domical alfo commaunaea «jcpp, men to goe a Janoe cue foure aogges on the fho?e . €he 31nhabttams are c anil ales , ana maruelous epperte in (hooting, as mel motnen as men, ana afe to infect their arromes tuttb popfon,ul* men, leafte tljcp Iboulne take the mo?e butte bpbepng UiotmUenafarreof, thought it befte to iopne inttb them . “©her* avD ? ill tty HllOOe _ map there Ipe than ilanoe mbtcbetljinljabitantescall turichma, Oattncam'JS' 0} ftuebena: but tljep nameO it Infula . S . lohannis. DptierS of *&*«*• tfjem mljom toe bao oelpuereo from the c mildes, fapoe that tljep uiere bojne in tljis ilanoe, affirming it to be berpe populous anti frutefuH, bauing alfomanp fatre mooooeS ano battens, t&bet tss ocaolpbatreo ano continual battaple betmcnc them ano tlje CanibdesMxp Ijaue no lioace^ to palfe from tbetr oume coades to tty c amides : but if it be tljeircbaunceto ouercotne them mljen tljep make incurfion into tbep? countrep to feebe tfjeir pjape(as it fometpme happened tbe fortune of marre being bm ^eatit forfccatii cetrtapne)t|iep fertte them mitlj like faufe, requiting ocatb foj ■ 5 oeatlj . ifo? one of iljem mangeledj an other in pieces, ano rode tljem,anoeate them etten before tljet'c epcs. 'ftbepcarpeonotirt tljis ilanoe: get in tlje med angle tljerof, a feme of tbernment alanocfojfrelbemater, anofottnoea great ano high boufc after tljemaneroftbeitbupIopng,bauing ♦ jeii ♦ other of tljeir bulgare cotagcs placeo about tlje fame , but mere all lefte oefolate, mlje* tber it mere that tljep refojteo to the motmtapnes bp reafon of tlje 'S&c mou»* j )eaC0 ^htcb mastljattpmeoftlje peerc, ano to retunietotlje tfer^nn^/ 0 ' plapne mljen tlje age toajretb cottloer , ojelsfojfeareoftlje Ca* piapnc*. m^/^mijtcbemakeincurfiontntotljeilanoeatcertapnefeafon^ 3|n al this ilanoe is onlp one bpng . %Lty foutb fpoe hereof extern oetb about tmo ljunojetlj mples ♦ g>bojtlp after,tbep came to tlje ilanoe of Hi]} anioU , being oidante from tlje fade ilanoe of tlje Cambdes, fpue Ijtmojetlj leagtteo.fpere tljep founoe al tbinge* out of ojoer, ano tbep? felomes flapne mijicbe tljep lefte here tuMmltfpa' at tljeir fpjflbopage. IJntljebegpnnpngof Hifpaniola (baut’ng moirtftue Jim* in it manp regional ano bpngoomes as me baue fapoe ) is | OjcOlcaguee. ^ r0 ^ on 0 f Xamana, mbofekpttg iS nattieO Guaccanarillus. coc i>paniar* W* Guaccanarillus iopneo frenofljip mitb otir men at tbe fgd Dcs left in toe bopage, ano maoe a league mitlj tljem : but in tbe abfence of tbe lapm! are $omtrafi,be rebelleo ,ano mas tbe caufe of our mens oedruetton, I jKpng<@uarca* although be oifltmuleotbe fame, ano pjetenoeo fren&fhtp at the brS* u * ^ornirales returae. 3s our men fapleo on pec a Ittle further, tljep efpieoa long Canoa mitb manp ojes, in mljtclje bias tbe biotber of Guaccanarillus, mitlj onlp one manmapting onbpntu The fir ft decade* jj $e fought to'ri) hint tmo images ofgotoe, toljtcbe be gaue the CbJ0 im 9Dmp?allm tlie name of bis b?otbcr , anD totoe a tale in bis ofgoioc. language as eoncetnpngtbe Death of our men, as tljep pioouco af;ertoatoe, l>ut at tljts tprne IjaD no regatoe to bis commune cation fo?lacke of intcrp?etours, mljicbe lucre cptbcradDeaD, o? cfcapeD ano fiolne aloap mljen tfjep D?eUte neare tlje ilanDes. But of tbe tcn/euen opto bp ebaunge of ap?e anD tpet. Zbe im babttauntes oftijcfc ilanoes baue ben euerfobfcD tolpueatlt* *•*£““* an & bcrtie, in plap anD patfpme, that tbep can barolp auiap tuitb tbe poke of fetuituDe, mbicb tfjep attcmpte to (babe of bp all meanes tbep map . 9nD ftttclp pf tbep baD recctttcD our religion, 6 ' nS * 31 moutoe tbpnhe tbep? Ipfe mode bappie of all men. pf tbep tnpgbt tberemitb cniope tbep? auncient libertie. .9 fclue tbinges eontentetbem, banpngnoDelpteinfucbefuperfluities, fo? tbe tobirije in other places men take infinite papnes, ano commit ; manpe bnlalnfull actcs,anD pet are neuer fatiffieo, mbercas ma* ^ anp panels npe baue to imirfje,anD none penougb. But among tljefe fpittple j;'‘‘ c!, ^' lbMOU ‘ foulest feme clotbesferue tbe nakeo: toetgbtes anD mrafures p UBM ‘ arenot nceoefulto fuebe as can not fkpl of craft ano Deccpte,anD baue not tlie bfe of pefiiferous monep, tbe fecoe of innumerable mifebeeuessib tbatyf uic (ball not be afbamco to confefie tbe - truetb, tbep feeme to kite intbatgolDenUio?lDcof tbe tnijtclje olneU)?pters fpcake fo muebe, iuljcrcin men IpueD fpmplpe 2®' D ? OIt,w anD innocemlpe uittljcut enfo?cement of lames, mitbout quarrel* lpng,iuDgcs,anDlibtlles,contcnt onlp to fatiffie nature, mitbout limber berationfo?knomicDgc of tbpnges to come. get tbefe nakeo pcoplealfo are to?mcnteD Untb ambition, fo? p oefire tbep mew baue to enlarge their Dominionstbp reafonmberof,tbep kept lnar ,tm P}£ aitDDefirop one another, from tbe mbtebe plague 31 fttppofe the am m#iu golDen mo?toe mas notfrec. jf o? euett then alfo, c ale, non culm, tbatts,getieplacr,anD 31 toil! not geue placeman entreo among «3tut plans, men.But nolne to returne to tbe matter from mb icb me baue Dt* grefleo. ®be aomtral oefp?ous to kttom further of p Death of IjtS men, fent fo? GuacamexillHs to come to him to bis fijip , Dtfiimu* Ipng that be kneme anp tbpng of tbe matter, after that be came aboo?o (bpp,faluting tbe 3ttntral anD bis companp,geutng alfo srticatmuraa certapne goloeto tbecaptapnes anD officers, turneB bpm to the t r ™| ctB f0 » momen captitttSsmbtcbe not long befoje our men baD DelpuereD IUC l "' ** * front jftoljoife® in t&eJiaiUtta, fgtpntefoj au Htbefperate a&ucnture of i u* w fougbf* Thefirflcfecacfo ftom the CmUlet , attft eamelllp behold png one oftbem mbottl our men called Katherine, be fpake gentelp unco feer* 3nd tijagC mben be bad feene and maruepled at tbe bo?fes, and fucb other tbpngs as mere in the (bpppe,onknomen to cbem,ano bad toit(j a good grace and merplpafkeoleaue of the Admiral, bedepar* ted* get fane there mere mbicbe counfapled the Admiral! to keepe bpm dpll, that pftbcp tnpgbtbpattp meaner pjooue that be mas confentpng to tbe death of our men, be mpnftt be punp* (bed acco?dpnglp * But tbe Admiral ccnfpderpng that it mas pet no time to tncenfe tbe inbabitantes minoes to m?atb, oifmiG fed bim* ^be nejetoap folompng, tbe kpnges brother refo?tpng to tbe ibpppes,eptber tn bis omne name o? in bis brothers >feou- ccdtbemomeit. jfo? on tbencptnpgbt about mpdnpgbt, this Katherine, afrnel! to reccuer her omne libertie, as alfo bee fe* tomes, being fubojneo thereto either bp tbe tog o? bts brothers p?omtfes,actempteo a rnuebe mo?c dtfftatlt and daungerous ad* uenture then dpo cloelu of Eome,mbtcbe bepng tn bod age mitlj otbermapdes to tbe tog Twtena, oecemed ber beepers, and rode otter p riuer t tier, mttb tbe other oirgtns mbicb mere pled* ges mttb ber* jfc? mbereas tbepfmamme ouer the riuer on ljo?f* backe,tbts Katherine mttljfeuen other monten,mtdpng oitlp to the drengtb of tbetr omne armes,fu)am aboue tb?ec long miles, and that alfo at furije time as tbe fca mas fomembat rough: fo? euen fo farre of ftom tbe (bo?e lap tbe ibpppes at rode, as npgb as tbep coulde contecture. But our men foloming them mttb tbe (bipboates,bptbe fame light feene on the (bo?e,mberebp tbe mo* men mere leooe,tooftetb?ee of them, fttppofmgtbat iaatberme mttb tbe other foure,ment to Guaccanarillus : fo? tn tbefpjtpng of the moaning, certatnemeCTengers being fent Unto him bp the 3omiraIf,bad intelligence that be mas fledde mitb al bis famtiie and lfttffe,and the mornen alfo, mbtebe tbpngminiifred further fttfpection that be mas confentpng to the death of our men* £&berefo?e the 3omirall fent foojtb an arnrie of tb?ee bundled men, ouer the mbicb be appopnted one Melchior to be captaine, topllpng him to make diligent fearcb to fpno out Guaccanarillus . Melchior tljcrefojc tottij tljc fmallcU tail'clics entrpng into tbe rountvcp bp tlje titters, atmfrourpnajtljefijojcs, rijauncco into certame crootteo gottlfes 3 sefetmeo Untfj ftuc litlc $ fleepe (jiiles, The firft cfecacta \$ fiippoffng that it hat) bpn the mouth 0ffomcgreatmier*$o bunoe b care aifo a berp commooious ano fafe bauen, ano there* fo?e nameo it forms %egalis . ®bep Tap that the utterance of tljis 153 fo aookeu ant) benoing, that after the fljpps are once mitbiti the ramr,mbetber thep turne them to the left &anD,o? to the right, thep can not percepuembere thep came in,bntpl tbep rernrue to the mouth of the rpuer, although it he there fo b?ooe that tb?ee of the bpggett beflels map fapletogeather on afroont * ®he (barpe ano bt$) bplfc* an the one fpoe atto on the other, fo b?aketlje topnoe^ljat thep mere bncertame horn to rule thep? faples*3ln the tttpoole gulfe of the rpuer, there fo a p?omonto?te o? point of the lano Unth apleafancgroue,ful of ipoptngt'apes ano other bp?oes, So ww, lubteh b?eeoe therm $ ling berp fmeetlp : ‘frbcp perceptteo alfo that tmo rpuers of no final largenefle fell into the bauen* £ 23 bpie thep thus fearcheo the laitoe betUune both * Melchior tfykxs a high houfe a farce of, inhere fuppofing that Guaccanarillus hao ipenbpo, bemaoetomaroett: anoasbemasgopng, there met hpm a man mith afcoUmpng countenance, ano a grpmnte iooke 3 mttb a buno?eo men folompng bpm , arnteo mitb homes ano ar* routes, ano long ano (barpe tfaues tyke tauelpitnes, mane haroeattheenoegt Uritbfi>?e, mho app?ocbing tomarocsour men,fpake outalouo mith a terrible bopce,faping that thep mere Taini(t\>at iff) noble men, ano not c mb ales : but mhen our meu l;ao geurntbem ftgnes of peace, thep left both thep? meapons ano fiercenclfe* ^bus gcupng ech of them certapne baukes bels, $*«*** thep tookettfo?fo great a remaroe, that thep oefp?eo to enter bonoes of neare frenolhpp mith bS,at&feateo not immeoiatlp to fitbmit them felues bnoer our pomer, ano refo?teo to our fijpps tnith their p?efentes,'Ebep that mcafureo the houfe (bepng maoe m large &ouf# a in rounofotirme)founo it to be from fpoe tafpoe. ptjcii. great pa* tes, compatfeo about mitb p other bulgare boufes, baupng in them manp beanies croffe ouer, $ couereo mith reeoes of funo?p or fu& colours, tmetbeo $ as tt mere meaueo mitbmarueilous arti&be D,p fDiours " our men afteo fome of them mhere thep might fino GmccanmU lust Ehep anfmereoibac that region mas none of his, but thep? kpnges,bepng there p?efenu get thep fapoe thep fuppofeo that Gmcww'iIIhs mas gone from the plapuetothemountapnes* ^akpnjj I steins mb & 01 UAU\V,UZ. ^clb in rimt’3 Sailpng from mauntapitw. Thefirftdecatfc flhafcpng fijeTefoje a iijotbetlp league with this Caekus (tbatftf tofapa kpng) tbeprciurneo to the sontiraf, to make relation mljat then ban feette ano bearoe : whereupon be fent fooitlj oi* tiers otijer Centurians With thep? buno?eoes, to fearcbe the countrep pet further : among wbictje were Hdtdus ano Go>W<»» ms , noble paung gentlemen, ano of great eourage. 3no as thep nictit toWarte the mouutapnes to fecke GmccmerUks, sitnoing the mouutapnes betweenetbem, one of them founoe on the one fpoe thereof, fonre rjmers fallpng from the fame mountapnes, aim clje other founoe tb?ee on the other fpoe . 3In the fanoes of al there riuersisfounoegreatplentieofgoloe,wbicbetbe tttijabn tatmtes of the fame ilanoewljicbe mere with bs, geathereo in ejemanmeofthts manner: makpng holes in the fanoeWit!)tbep?banees a sf the co;neal& Uiljereof thep make thep? b?eao,tbisf hunger fljali oeliuer fome grapneo to pour lo?tifhpp,both mhpte ano blackc, ano rijerlntth ftioaiflca, oj alfo atrunkeoftbetreeof^/ow.thembtchepfpoucuttn peecest, »toc 0 . pou thall feele a fmeete fauour to pjoceeoe from the fame* %\)\\& fare pou barttlpmell, from the Court of Metbymna CampiAty tbpjoe oap before the Calenoe* of ^ap* Anno 2 )^. 1494 * The thyrde booke of the fir ft Decade, to Lodouike Cardinall ofjragonie, and Neuiewe to thekyng. Ctooefpjctbatfoolpfbe f baton thouToe a* gapne rule the ebartotg of the Auntie, ano - contenoe to fyame fmeete licouro out of the baroefipntyttherasi pou require me tootfi cube unto pou the ttetoe toojlo, founo tn the meftbp the gooo fortune anbgouernaunec ofthe Catboliquepjtnceo Ferdinand™ ano Ck?abetb 3 pour Onrie ano 3ume , ftempng mealfo the letters :of kpng Frederike pour Otide,m?ttten to me in that bebalfe: T5t\t fpeh pou bane lapoe thte buroen on mp backs, in mhofe corner it tjstocommaunoemeto cake bppon me mo?e then 3 am fcell able, pe both (hall recewetb&p?ectou$ffone rttoelpdofeo m lean after mp manner oftoojkemanlbpp. 223herefo?e,tohen pou fi;a! perceiue tlje ie arne&fojt frenolp, the maltttouiaf enutouflp, ano the backbpter* furtouflp,to benoe tbepj fraunoerous oarte* agapnfrourfap?e?^»#w of the Ocean, pou (baflfreelppjGtefr tnhome (ho?t tpme,ano m the mpooefr of mbac trouble* ano ca* iamttte* pou bane enfbjceo me to tojpte of the fame. Chu* fare pou mel,ftom Oranata the ntonlj oap before the Calcnoes of so. v (Idle Ijpfe^eIoneo, ®ouroeo,CCucumcr 0 ,anDfucbe ^eariiesgreHit other, totrinn tbe fpace of. jerpui. oapeo, tbefe garoett bearbeo ^ e eU,ftoU tbep baue frelbe $ greene al the tubole pcere. 9lfo tbe rooteo of P tbe caneo o } reeoeo of tbe tour Uibereof fuger is ntaoe, groute mmtS^SS* a ctibttebpgb tottbtn tbe fpace of. to. oapeo, but tbe tour to uimss. not pet baroeneo* %\)t lpketbepaffirmeofplanteoo?(b?ottoejO ofpoungbineo, ano tbat tbep baue tbe feconoepeeregeatbereo rppeanofuieetegrapeooftbefame: butbp reafonoftomuebe rankettefle tbep beare but feme cluffero . jfttrtbermoje,amati of tbe countrep fotueo a Iptfe SUIjeatc about tbe Calenoeo s f tapttg of tfcbjuarpe 3 ano bought foftbbpm to tbe cttieanbanofulapmi/ c Dtt of fttje tcgtott of Ctpanga.oi CtUana, Collie, i " 3E&e golbcit region of €ibaua. CbebnUof Cibana. The fyrfl Decade. of tbe rppe carets oftbe fame tlje tljpjDe Dap before tl je raletitess of SJpjtU , Uiljlcb boas t&at peere tljebtgtleoftljeHefurrccttonof ourtojo . 3lfo,a! fcpnbes ofpulfe,asbeane$,pearcn,fptcbes, tares, $ fudj otljer,are rppe tmpfc in tlje peere, as al tl jep toljtcbe come from tbence afftrme ftritlj one bopee, pet tlje grounoc is not ontuerfailp apte to beare in'jeate . 3in tbe weane tpme tuljple tljcfe tbtnges toere Doing, tlje 3DmiraII fait out a cctm panpe of .#,c. men to feardje tlje Eegion of ctyanga, otbertopfe calleD Cibana, 3£ljiS Region is full of meuntapnes anD roefcest anD in tbe mpDDle baefce of tlje tnljole ilanoe is great plentieofgolDe»S£tljentljep tljat toent to feardje tlje region toere returneD,tljep repojtcD maruelous tljinges as touching tbe great rpcljcs of tljts Hcgtcn. if torn tbefe mountapnes, Defcenoe foure great rpuers, toljtcb bp the maruelous tnDttftrpe of nature, DtuiDetlj tbetoijole ilanoe into foure partes, in maner equal,ouer- fpjeaoing $ toaterpng tlje tnfjole iianDe bmtlj tljeir branches ♦ £>f tbefefourerpuers,tbeonereadjetb tohoaroc tbe Calte, tbistbe inljabitantcs call immx anatljer tobjaroe tlje toelfe, anD ts calico Mibunicusx tlje tljirDc totoJarD tlje jI5o?dj,nameD lacbem : tlje lalfe readjetlj into tlje ^>outb , anD is calleD Hail a. Ebe Dap before tlje Joes of £0arcbe,tlje #Dmtrall Ijtm felfe, tottlj al Ijis Ijojfcmen, ano foure fjunojeo footemen, mardjeo Directlp to* toaroe tbe&otttb fpoe of cfee goloen Region ♦ ^:ljus pairing ouec the rpuer, tbe plapne, anD tlje mountapnc loljicb enwraneotbe other fpoe oftbe plapne, be djaunceDbpponan otljcr baley a rpuer much bpgger tljen tbe fpjfte, $ manp otljcr meane rpuers running tljjougb ♦ (Kttben be Ijao alfo conucigbeD Ijis armpe ouer tlje rpuer, anD palfeo tlje feconoe bale, tebtclj boas in no part in* ftriour to tbe fpjtt,bemaDe abjap tb?ougb tbe tbiroe mountain*, tobere boas nopairagebefoje,anDDefcenDeDinto another jbale, boljtdjeuaas nobje tbe begpnnpng of Cibana * ^bjouglj this alfo runne manp fitiDDes anD rpuers out of euerp bp!!, ano in tbe fanoesoftljem ail is founDcgreatplentieofgolDe. ^nDbaljen be bao noboe entreo tbjccftoje ano tboeiue tuples into tbe golDmHegionfrom tbecttie,becmenDeD to buploe a fojrrefle bppoiubetoppeofabpll,(lanDpngbppfljo?e ofacertapnc great rpuer, tljat Ije mpgbt tfje better ano mo?e fafdpc feardje tlje fe* eretes of tbe inner partes of tbe Kegton i tljiS be calieo tbe .) .» fo£trel& The firft Decade. T$ fcjfreffe of faint Thomas, the touche fa the meanefpme mbple fcemasbuplopng, the inljabttauntesbepng oefp?otts ofbaufces f&otot fog bdles,ano other of our thuigejS, refo?teo oaplp tbptljer, to mbom the 3omiraU oeclareo, that pfthepmouloeb$nggoloe, thep faotdoe haue mljatfoeuer tljep mouloe afke. Sr oofajmith turning thepj backes, anD rutmpng to tbefooje of the nept rtuer, tljep recurnco tn a fljojte tpme, fapugpng mith them thep? Ijanoesful ofgotoe. flmongff alt other, there came an oloeman,b?pngpng <& rmu0m i mttb him tmoptbble Hones of goloe,mepghpng an ounce, orfp^ pibiue none* rpngtljemtogeucljpma bell fa? the fame: uj!jo tufeen Ijc fatuc ofs ° 10 ** our men maruepie at the bpgneffe thereof, he mane ftgnes that tbep mere but (mail ano of no ualuc inrefpecteof fame that ho bao feene , ano takpng fa Ijfa Ijanoe foure Hones, the leal! mljer* of mas as btgge as a cD^alnut, anD the btggeH as bigge as an fiDiangc, he fapo that there mas feunoe peeccs of goloc fo bpgge mhfa countrep, bepng but Ijalfeaoapesiottrncpfrom thence, ano that tljep hao no regaroe to djegcatherpng thereof, mljerbp ^eppotrt toe percctuco that tljep palfenotmudjefoi goioc,inafmucljeas ”£ t h fb| fforb *» tt Is goloe onlp,butfo farre entente it, as the Ijanoe of the 3rtt* gomf n,«% ftcct h^th fafatoneo it tnanpcomelp fcurmc. jfojmljo Booth but4C * greatlp elteeme rough marb!e,o? bnm?ougljt $uo?i ti but if tljep be Brought mith the cunning hanOe Of Phidias o? Praxiteles Mb Ojapeo to the fimflttuoe of p fap?e jfttmphes o ? Zaires of the fea (calleo Nereiades ) o? the JfapjCS Of tljC mooBBCS (callcB Hama- driades)tl)tv faal neuer lacks bpers. Wpoe this oloe man, there came alfo outers other, fapngpngmttlj them ppbble Hones of goloe, mcighmg.p.oji.pit B?ammes,^fearcB not to confefle, that fap place mljere tljep geatfjereo that goto, there mere fatmo font- tpme If ones of goloe as bpgge as the heao of a cljtlDe* C&ljenhe stones or haotarteo here a fern napes, hefcntone£«*^«j, a noble pong j*# gentleman, mttlj a fem armeo men, to fearclj al the partes of tljt'S »f a Se, regtornmijo at hts retur ne,repo?teo that rije inhabitants faemco btm greater thpnges djenme hauc fpoken of here before, but he opo openlp oeclare notljpng thereof, mijtche tljep thought mas none bp the 3omtrals commatmoemem. ^Ijepljauemooosful of certapne fppees, but not fuch as me commonlpbfe:t!jefedj<>p geatber euen as thep do goloe, that is, as muclje as mnl ferue fop c thetrpurpofe,euerpmanfo? l;imfdfe,to exchange thcfauie mid> 2D tit dje [ The firft Decade, the tnhabttatmfeg of other country abiopntngto them,fo;fbc& thpngeg ag thep lacke, ag bpihee, potteg,ffooleg, anb fuel; other tieceflarieg, Q& Lux anus returned to the ^bmirall (tohichc toag about the 3}beg of $garche)l;e founbe in the looobg certaine t&nist bines to)ilbebineg,tppc,anbof pleafanc tafte, but the inhahicaunteg pafie not on them. %LW region, though it be full of tfoneganb rockeg (and is therefore called Cibma, tol;tche igagmucheto fap ag a (f one)pet it ig toel replenpiheb toitb treeg anb palfureg, Mpms lI mamu P ca thrp conffantlp afftrme,tl;at pf p graffe of thefe mountapneg be cutce, tt groined; agapne inithin thefpaceof foure bapeg, bpgher then inheate. 3nb fo;afmucl;e ag manp (holn;eg ofrapne boo fall in thig region, inhereof the rptierganbfloobbeg l;aue j5oit»c in tuc thep; encreafe, in euerp of the inhiche golbe ig founbe mppe lntt(j ne?8 C ftmn P g fanbe in all plaeeg , thep iubgc that the golbe ig b;puen from the from t be mountapneg,bp the behement cotirfe of the ftreameg &htcl;e fall inountapius, ft- om C f je fame, anb runtie into the rpuerg* ^he people of thig region are getten to ibienelfe anbplap, fo; fuche ag mhabtte the mtttit attb mountapneg, fpt qttakpng fo; colbe in the Slfpnter feafon, anb SjjTmom* hab rather tolnanberbpanbboluneibeIlp,thentakethepapneg tapucs are to make them apparell, inhere agthephauelnoobbeg full of 4oWe ' 0olfampine cotton : but fttche ag blneli in the balleg o; plapneg, feele no colbe in ££lpnter. S^then the Slbmirall hab tl;ug fear* cheb the beginning of the region ofdbanaAje repap;eb to If abet* U (fin fo he named the cittc)lnbere,leaupng the goueniaunce of the 3llanoe Intel; Ijts Deputies, he prepared bpm fdfe to fearcb cut iiaitbt further the limitteg of the 3!lanbe of Cuba o; I oh anna, inhiche he DfCuba* pet boubteb to be the finite lanbe, anb btlfanc from HifpanioU onlp Jrjc.mpleg. 3Lbig bpb he Initb nto;e fpeebpeeppeottion, eal!pngtarememb;aunce thekpngegcommaunbement, lnl;o topllcb hpm Fp?.ff Uriel; al celcritie.to ouerrunne the coafieg of the lean am* otu« neln 3ilanbeg,left anp other prince fpoulbe in the meane time at* juuice. $ c. tempt to tnuabe the fame, fo; the kpng of po;tugale affirmeb Wccmiort that lt partepneb onlp to him to bifeouer thefe bnknotoen lanbeg: hetmeene tije but tl)c btfbop of Home,$lejcanber the firt,to auopbe the eaufe of SS «SSS bilTemton, graunteb to the kpngof &papne bp the aucthopV ardcs. tie of ijig leaben buKcsf, that no other p;ince (houloe be fo bolbe* as to make anp uopages to anp of thefe bnknotnen regtong,lp* j ing Without the pjccinct ofabirect Ipne bjamenftom the jSojtlj V; : T- V~ ' ‘ tt The fir (l Decade. 10 eotbe&outfi abtmbjeo leagued ft&effboarDe, toitbout tbe para* fel&of t&e mmm calico Capud Vitide, 0} CabiH'rde,W(fa fee tbinke to be tbofe that in oloe tpme fetre cafleD H eft erides : tbefe 0l $ w d*«. partepneto tbebpngof pojtugale,anD from tbefe bis ppiotes, tobicbe do pcerelp fearcbe tievue coaUcjS anD regions, Directe cbep? courfe to tbe Cad, faplpng euer tofeaiDe tbz left banDe bp tbe backe of Apbjike, ano ibe Teas of tbe Ethiopians : neptber to this Dap bab the pojtugales at anp tpme fapIeD SsouthfearDe gg# ffigj o? ftltedfearDe from the 3IlanDes of Calouerde. ^paring ther- eof tbjee (bpppes,be maoe bade tofearbe tbe 3IlanDe ofiobam* q} Cuba , febptber be came in fljo?t fpace, anD nameo tbe popnt tberof, febere be fp?d e arrpueo, Alpha anD 0 3 that is, tbe fp?d e anD tbe lad: foj be fuppofcD tbat there baD ben tbe enDeofour Ead,becaufetbefonnefaIletb there , anD of tbe £2M,becaufe it rpfetb there, tfoj it is apparant, tbat iltlMfearDe, it is tbe be* ginning of beponDe tberpuerofG^w, anDCadfearDe, cnDeor tbeftirftelf enDe of tbe fame: febtdje tbpng is not contrarpto m * teafon,fojafmucbe as tbe Cofmograpbers baue left tbe Ipmittes of I ndia beponD Ganges bnoetetmineo , inhere as alfo fome toere ^ of opinion,tbat India boas not farre front tbe coades of &>paine, |nt>5 not as fee baue fato before* C&ttbtn tbe pjofpect of tbe begt'nnpng of fro »» £p«mc. Cuba, be fottnDe acommoDious bauen in tbe extreme angle of tbe 31lanDe of Hi/pamola, fo? in this part tlje 3!lanDe rccetuetb ft great goulfe: tljt'S bauen be ttamco&aint j^icljolas pojte, be= u^Lf** 0 * png fcarcelp tfeentic leagues from Cuba. 3s be DeparteD from bence,anD fapleD (EOedfearo bp tbe &>outb fpDe of Cuba , tbe fur* tber tbat be feent, fo muebe tbe moje tbe fea feemeD to be ejtteu* DeD in bjeaotb, anD to benDe tofearbe tbe &>outl;« ©n tbe South fpDeofc«^, befotmoe an SIlanDe tobicbe tbe inbabitauntes call lamaica,ti)i$bt affirmed) tobelonger $ fyoDer then tbe3!lanD of sdcile, baupng in it onlp one mountaine,U)bicb on euerp part, Jamaica, begtnningffomtbefea, rpfetb bp litle anD litie into tbe mpDDed of tbe 31lanDe,anD rijatfo plapnelp without rougljneffe,tbat fucb asgoebp totbetoppe oftbe.fame, can fcarcelp percciue tljat tbep aflenDe : &bis JlanDe be affpjmetb to be berp fruiteful anD fill of peopfoafinel in thinner partes oftbe fame 5 as bp tlje djo?c, Quiche too* anD tbat tbe inbabitantes areofquicker feptte then in tbe other m SlonDes, aitQ moje ejrpett Artificers, anD fearlpkc men : f 0? ©tut in V * The firfl: Decade* Cf )t rompaf* Gugof t Qt j fcutjj. SCarea Cpcr* foitcfue, 0| /lidiacclja. tS recreate of SUtcon oiitte. | STfieriucrof oranges* tOMimgcrotts ftreigjtea b? !ii rrafanofma* npjSiaiiDes. ■- fl large f}dum t anUfccpents gf fciit.foote &mge* In manp places tobete In moulae bauearpuea, tbep came m mea atjatntl bttt: 3 ana foxbane btm mftb tb?eacnpng mo?aes : but bepngouercome, tbep maae a league of ftcnalbpp mftbbpm* W)\x$ Departing from Umdca^z feplea tomara tbe aplpng therefore bp tin fpae afcuba, ana fearebpng tbe nature of tbe placcs 3 be efpp ea not farre from Jlpba ana o a large hauro,of eapacttie to bar* bo?ome manp (bpppes 3 mbofe entraunce is benapng, bepng in* dofeaonbotbfpaesmftb capes o? popntesmbicherccetue tin mater t this bauen is large mitbin 3 ana of ejcceeapng aeaptb* @>aplpng bp tbe fba?e of tbis po?te 3 be fimenot farre from tbe fame.tuio eotageS,couerea mitb reeaes 3 ana in manp placesrfpje kpnalea* Dere be fent certapne annea men out of tbe fbpppcs to tbe cotages 3 mljere tbep founae neptber man no? rnoman 3 but roftetneatepenougb 3 fo?tbep founae certapnefppttesof moon iping at tlje fp?e> baupng fplbe on them, about a b«na?ea w . ^ pounat The fj rft Decade. 21 potmoetoeight, ano tlno ferpentes of epghc foote long apeece: tuljere.it marueplpng, aim loolipng about tf thep coulo efppe atip of the inhaUitauntes,anO tljat none appcareo in fpght (fo? thep fftooe al to the mountapnes at the commpng of our men) thep feltotl?ep?meate, ano ate the fplhe taken nhth other mens tra* uaple,but thep abilepneo from the ferpentes, tnfjtcfj tfjep afftrme tooiffcr nothing from the £rocooiles of CEgpp t, but onlp in bpg= neflc: fo: (as Plme faptb)£tocooile0 limit fometpmes ben fount) of-rbiu. cubits long, but of theft the btggelf mere but of epght foote. Cljus being iuelrefrelheo,thep entreo into the nep Uiooo, inhere rijep fount) raanp of the fame kpnoe of ferpentes, hanging bpon bougbes of trees, ofthe inhiche, fonte hao thep? mouthes tpeo initlj ffrpnges,ano fome tljcp? teeth taken out. 3 no as thep fearcljeo the plates neare Unto the hanetu thep fatne about. ftp. mcninthetopofahpghrocke, tuljtdjc fletJ as fooheasthephat) efppeoourmen, bubo bp fignes ano tokens of peace callpng them agapne, there boas oneUHjrch came neare cbem,ano ftoooe onthe toppeofa rocke, feempng as thougbbetuerepet feare* full: but the domical fern one : Mcus fpeake to hpm in Ins otune tongue, he came bololp to hpm, ano fljo?tlp af* terrcfopeetohiS companp, perfuiaoing them to come untljout alfeare. after this metTageboasoone, there oefrenoeo from therockestothefhpps, about (b?eefco?e anotenoftljeinbabt* tantes, p?oferingftenoibtp ano gentlenelfe to our men : toiitdje the aomiral accepteo thankftdlp, ano gaue them others reboar* oes,ano that the rather, fo? that be bao intelligence bp mam the interpreter, that thep mere the kpnges fpibers, rent of thep? f #* tones lojoetotakefplke agapnfl afolemne feaffMjtchehep?epareo fe? another kpng. dnotnOcrcastbedomitallesmenbao eaten thefplhe bjluche thep left e at the fp?e, tfjep mere tljcglaooer thcrof, breaufe thep l«o lefte the fttpemes : fo? there is nothing among thep? Delicate Ooflhes , tljat then effeeme fo muche as theft ferpentes, in fo muche that it is no ttio?e lamfull fo? common people to eate of them, then pea caches o? I3l>e= ~; r ? pnfes ' lames among bs: asfojtljefplhesj thepoouhfes not to take smMKmtat* ' 1 as SKIoffames 9 fmttcs bottj At oue titnc # C«e« Uifjteij htAie goucO0. % multituOt ®f3lauDc0. mater* J8 ffratmge femDi offifr ^uig. " The fyrft Decnefe. agmanp mojetbe fame npgbt* 3$epng afkeotobptbep fp)l fe rafletitfjefpflje^tcbetljepenteniieDtolJcate to tbepj kpng^t tbep anfmeareo,tbat tbep rnpgbt be tbe frefber ano Oncojrupteo# ©b us iopnpng banoes foj a token a f further frenolbpp, euerpe tnanrefojteotobtsomne. ©he ^orntralimem fojmaroe a# be ban appopnteo, folompng tbefallpng of the funne from the be* gmmngof c«^, calleo/Zp^anoO: the (Wes o? Tea banker euen Onto this bauen, albeit tbep be full of trees , pet are tbep rough mitb mountaines : of tbefe trees, fome torn full of blof* femes anofloO^es, ano otber Iaoen mitb fruiter Beponoe tbe ljauen,tljelanoe tsat moje fertile ano poputos,mbofe inbabttantes are moje gentle, ano moje oefpjous of our tbpnges: fojt as foone astbepbaoefpieo our (bpppes, tbep flockeo all to tbe (boje, typngpng mitb cbem fuebe bjeao as tbep are accuftameo to eate, ano gouroes fill ofmater,offerpng them onto our men, ano fur- tber,oefp?png them to come alanoe. 31n al tbefe 3llanoes is a cet» taine kinoe of trees as bigge as flutes, mbtebebeare bourses in tbe fteaoe offtakes, tbefe tbep Ofe onlp fo? o?pnkpng pottes, ano to fetebe materin, but not fojmeate, fo? tbe inner fubftance of djem is footer then gall, ano tbe barke as baroe as anp (bell# 3t tbe Joes of ^ap,tbe Uiatcbmen lookpng out of tbe top caftle oftbefbpp, totoaroe tbe feoutlj, fatoea multttuoe ofJIlanoes ftanopng tbpeke togeatber, being al toei replentfbeo fetch trees, graffe, ano bearbes, ano feell inbabiteo : in tbe lbo?e of tbe contt* nent, be cbaunceo intoanauigableriuer, febofc mater mas fo bot, tbatnoman might enoure to abpoe bio banoe therein anpe time, ©be oap folofemg 3 efpping afarre of a Cama oflplbermctt of the inbabitantes, fearpng left tbep (bouloe flee at the fpgbt of our men,becommautioeo certapneto afiapletbemp?tuilp initb the Chip boates : but tbep fearing nothing, tarpeo the commpng of our men. Mow (ball pou beare a nefee kpnoe of fpfbpng. !pke as me mitb Gtepbounoes oo bunt Ipares in tbe plapne feeloes, fo ooo tbep, as it mere mttb a bunting fi(be , take other Styes : this fpfbe mas of tyape o? fourme Pnknomen Onto os, but tbe boDpe thereof not mttebe Onfpke a great peele, baupng on tbebpnoer parte of the bean aoerp tough (kptme,lpke onto a great bagge o? purfe : this fptye is tpeo bp the fpoe of the boate mub a cope, let oomne fo farre into the mater, ti;ac the kibe map The f}rfl Decade. 33 map Ipe dole bio bp tlje keele o? bottome of the famc,fb? (he map in no cafe abpbe the fpgbt of the ap?e.®bus taljen tfjep efppe anp great fpflje, o? ^Cojtopfe (taberof djere is.gteat abunoanee,bpg< ^“"*?"** get then great targettea) tbcpletdje co?oe at length, but toben (be feeletb bet felfe loofeo ,(be inuaocdj the fpfbe o? €o?topfe as fnjiftlp as an arrotae,anb taljere (be batb once fadeneb ber Ijolbe, (be caflctb tlje purfe of ffcpnne, taljereoftae fpake before, ana bp o?atopng tbe fame togeadjer, fografpeIetbberp?ap, that no mans! flrengtb (3 fufifpctent to btiloofe tbe fame, ejccepte bp (ptle ano (ptle ojatopng tljelpne, (be be Ipftcn fomtobat aboue tbe bjpmme of tbe boater , fa then, as (one as (be Teeth tbe b?igbt* netfe oftbe ap?e, (be lettctb goeberboloe. 3Cbep?apedjerfo?e bepngnotaebjatacn nereto tbe bjpmrne of tbe boater, tbere leaped; fooenlp out of tbe boate into tbe fea,fo manpe fpfbers as jf iOm map fufflce tobotoefafl tbep?ape,bntpll tbe red oftbe tompanp baue taken it into tbe boate. QKbtcbe tbpng Boone, tbep loofe fo mucbe of tbe co?oe , that tbe buntpng fpflje map agapne retutne to her place toidjin tbeboater, toljerebpan other co?be, tbep let botanetoljerapceceofdjepjap, asmebfetoretoarbe grepbotmbes after djepljaue kplleo tbep? game. £ljis fpflje, tbep cal Gutkamm, but otir men cal it %euerfum. djcp gaue our T!lc menfoure 3Eo?topfes taken bp djtsmeanes, anb tbofe offuclje ©uaitmum. bpggenefle, that tbep almod fpflcb tljep?fpfljpng boate : fo? tbefe f p(bes are edeemeb among djem fo? oelprate meate . Cur men recampcnfen them agapne taidj other rfboarbes,anbfo let tljem bepaw. IBepngafkeo oftbe compatfeoftljatlanoe, tljep aunfmeareb that it bao no enbeboedtoaroe . S£)ott inflantlp tbep befp?eb tlje 3tmttrall tocomealanne,o?inbtsname to fenoe ©mw* one taidj tbem to falute tbep? Cazicus, (that is) tljcir kpng, af- fompngtljatljetaoulnegeueourmeninanp p?efentcs, pfdjcp taoulb goe to bpm. But dje aomiraU,led be fljouloe be binbcreb of tbe bopagetoljicbe be ban begunne, reftifeo to goe boitb tljem, f£bendjepDefp?cotoknotaebtSname, aim toineoutmenlpke* toife tbe name of tijep? king. t£ljus fapling on pet further euee tolnaroe tlje caied,U)itljm feme napes be came nerebtito a cer» tapne rpcebptig high moumapne, tael tnbabpteo bp reafon oftbe greatfertditieofdjefame .®binljabitauntcsoftljismountaine, Jutu wpasae^ fought to our (bppjbjeao, goflampine cotton, tunnies,? funn?p kpnses Rogges of ftrangc Qjape anD&wmne te&zte arts t&tcke Water. 91 | l©30bb?0Of f! Dateim#. 1 iTftttt appare* leb iihctuftiu ftpero. fy gpppateiltfe , The fyrft Decade. kpnoes of toplofoule ,ocmaunopng relpgtoufip of tfjmterpjie- tours, if tbfa nattonoefeenoeo not from beauen ♦ ^bekpngof tbfa people, anti Dpucrjaf other Cage men that floooe bp him, info?* meo Ijprn that that lanoe mao no 3!lanoe ♦ <§&ljo?tlp after, ernring into one of tbe ilanoes being on tbe lefte Ijanoe of this lanoe, tbep founoe no boop tben'n , fo? ebep fleooe al at tbe comming of our men :|?et fmmoetbepeberefoure ooggesofmaruetousoe* fo?meo (bape, * fuebe as couloe not barke * ®>fa kpno ofooggs, tljep eate as toe do goatesJpere fa great plentie of geefe,ouckes, ano bearons . ^etinene tbefe ilanoes ano the continent, be cm tereotnto fo narotoe Ifrepgbtes, that be couloe fcarfelp tume backe tl;e fljpppes, ano tbefe alfo fo fljalome, that tbe tale of tbe fljpppes fomtpme rafeo on tbe fanoes » Zfye toater oftljefe ftrep* gljces,fo? tbe fpace of fourtte tuples, toas tobtte ano tbpcke,lpke Onto mplke,ano as tbougb meale bao ben fparkeleo tbjougbotit al that fea . 3 no toben tljep bao at tbe length efcapeo tbefe If rap* gbtes, ano lucre notoe come into a mapne ano large fea, ano bad (apleo tberon fo? tlje fpace of fourefco?e mples, tbep efppeo an o* tberejcceomgbpgb mountapne, tobpdjertbe8omirallrefo?teo to ifojebfalbpppesmttbfrelbe toater ano fuel. 5peare among certapne toooooes ofDate trees,* ppneapple trees ofejcceopng height, be founoe ttuo natitie fp?pnges of freflje toater. 3fn tbe nteane tpme, toljple tbe toooooe toas cuttpng, ano tbe barrelled fpllpng, one of our ardjers ment into tlje toooo to bunt , toljere be efppeo a certapne man tottb a tobpte uelfure, fo Ipke a ff per of tljo?oerof fapnt Sharpe of Mer cedis, tljat at tbefp?tfeflgbtbe fuppofeo it bao ben tbe 3omirals p?ieft, toljtcb be bjougljt tottb bpm,bepng a man of tbe fame o?oer : but tluo otber folotoeo bim tmmeDtatlpe out of tbe fame toooooes. &ljo?tlp after, be fa toe a farre of a toljole conipanp of men dotbeo in apparel,betng about jejejr. in number ♦ 3Dben turning bis backe, ano crptng out to bis felotoes, bemaoeljalfeto tbe (bpppes mitballtbatbempgbt o?pue * Ebefe apparelleo men, maoe fpgnes ano tokens to bpm to carp, ano not to be afrapo, but tbac nottottljlfanopng be ceaffeo not to flee, ^ibe^omtrallbepngaouertpfeobereof, ano not a iptle reiopepng tljat be bao founoe a ciuile people, tn- concinentlp fenc foo?tb amteo men, toitb commaunoement that pf neeoe fbouio lo requp?e, tljep fljottloe enter fourtte mples The firft decade* into the tlanoe,bntpl tljep mpgljt fpnoe cptfjcr tljofe apparrifeo mcn^o^ ot^cr tnljabttauntesi of ftatcountrep. GQljen tljep Ijau palfeD ouer tl je mooo, tljep came into a great plapne ful of graffe anti ljearbes>tn mljiche appeared no token of anp pathmap^crc atiemptpng to goe though the grade ano Ijearbcs, tbep mere foentaugieoanobemjapt therein, that tbep mere fcarfeipe able to patte a mple, tbc grade bepng there Iptle lamer then our ripe cojne : bepng therefore meerpeo , tljep nitre enfo?ceo to returne agapttc,finOingno pacbmap* ^Oeoapfolompngbefentfoojtb ttb.armco men another rnap,commatmopng them to make otft« gent fearcb ano tnqutfttton mbat manner of people mljabtcto the lanoe: pame manp clutters of grapes, berp ponocrous, ano ful of tour: but of the other fumes tbep brought none, becaufe tbep putrtfieo bp the map tn the flippy mere catt into the fea. ^Tljep fap alfo that in the Ianoes ojntcoomes of tljofe mooooes,thep fame flockes of great Cranes,tmpfe as bpgge as ours, 3s he ment fojmaro 5 ann turnco IjtS faples tomaroe ccrtapne other niountapnes 3 he efpteo tmocotageson the(ho?e, tn the mbtchehe fame onlp one man, mho being brought totijefljtppe, figmfieo mttbbcao,fpngcrs, ano bp a! other ftgttes that he cottloe Oeutfe,tljat the lanoe mhiche iapbeponoetbofemountapnes masberpfttilof people: ano as the 3orntralojcm nearc thelho^e of the (ante, there met him cer* tapne Oi&^baupng in them manp people oftlje countrcp,mljo maoefignes ano tokens of peace ano freitolbpp, 35ut here toida*. cus the tnterpjetour, mljicb bnoerttoooe the language of tljinba* Mantes of the beginning of c w^bnocrttcoe not them one mbit, mfjerebp tljep confpoerco that in funojp pjottmccs of Cuba, mere fimojp languages.^ hao alfo mtettfgence 5 that m the ttttanoe of this region mas a king of great pomer,# accuttomeo to mcare appardl: he fapoe that all the tractcof this tbo?c mas ojem* neo mith mater, ano fui of muooe , befette Uitcfj manpe trees. 23 'Screes brarpng fpiccsms fruilce* QiiierB !att* pnageo in t&t 3tlanbeof Cuba* The firft decade* pities m m a ® etJ $ e matter of our marpfbea : $et mfjereag rtt tljtgplace h». thep ment alatt&e fo? ffefbe mater, thep founoe manp ofibe del fydeg m the mbtcbepearles are geatbereo* 15ut cbat couloettoc raufe the Qomtrall to tracte the tpme there, entenm'ngattbig fctage, ottlp to pjotte home mattp lanoeg $ feas he couId otfcouer acceding to the kinged commatutDement * 3s tbep pet p?oceoeu fo?maroe,tbep fame here ana tbere,al the map along bp the 0jo?e, a great fmoke rpdng, imtpll tbep tame to an other mountapne fotire fco?e rnpleg Otftant, there mag no rocke o? hpU that couloe be feene, hut the fame mag all of a ftnoke * 3$nt mhethec tbefe fp?es mere rnabe bp tbtnbabitantes fo? their nccelfarp bufpneg, o) (agme are monttofettebeacongonfpjembenme fafpecte thappjcche of our cnimteg) therebp to geue marntng to thep? nepghbourg to be in a retimes, $ geatber togeather, if per * baps our men Qjouloe attempt anp tbpng agatnd them, o? other* mpfe ag(feemetb mod Ipkelp)to cal them togeather, ag to a mom oer,to beholoeour (bpppeg, thep knorne pet nocertentie* 3/n this tracte,tbefljo?egbenoc&fomtpmc tomaroe the feotitb, ano fometpme tomaroe the ZGlzft anomedfoutbmed, ano the fen ^ euerpe mhere entangleo mtth glances, bp reafon mijereof, turns*. the keeleg of the (hpppeg often times rafco the fanoeg fo? fijalcm* nelfe of the mater :&o that the (bpppes being berpfojemu'feo ano appap?eo,tbe fap!es,cableg,ano other tackelingeg, tn manec rotten, ano the bptaileg (efpectallp the bilkette b?cao) corrupt eo bp takpng mater at the rpftes eupll clofeo, the ^omirall mas em fo?ceo to tttrne backe agapne: TOs lade popnte mhere he toucljeo of Cuba (not pet being knomen to be an ilanoe) be calleB EuangtHJla. ^Ijus turning bisfapleg tomaroe other flanOes Ip* ingnotfarre from the fuppofeo continent, he chaunceo into a a mnitimbc sf mapne fea,mhere mas fucbe a multtcuoe of great '&o?topfes,tbat gmt ^oito^ fomtpme tljep dapeo the (bpppes : jftot long after, be entreo into a gulfe of mhpte mater, Ipke imto that mherof me fpake before, filter* at the length, fearing the (belfeg of the tk.nos,be returneo to the of Cuba bp the fame mapmhtche he cameJpereamttltituoe oftbinhabitanteg, ag mell mornenag tnen,refo?teo tohpm mith cheerefull countenances, ano mith fcare, bpngpng mith them poptngapeg, b?eao, mater, ano cunnpes, but efpeciailpdocke $cueg,mucb bpgger then ourg,mtjich h e afftrmetb,mfauour ano tude. The fir ft decade. 43 ta(f e, to be muclje moje plcafauw tftenour partrpcbeS. SlJbere* fojetoljere as in eating oftbem Ije petceiueb a certapne fatioure of fppee to pjoceebe from them, becommaunbebtbecroppeta be epeneo offurije as lucre netuelp itpUeb, ano founbe tljefame M of Ducetc fppccs, loljicbe be argued to be tlje caufe of tljep? flrangetade: Jf o? it flanbetlj lnitlj good reafon, that tbc fieflje of bealtes, djouloc DjaUie ttjc nature atibqualitie of tljcpj ac< ntlf omtD nourplbment . 9s the 9dmirall barde made on tlje fbo?c, there came tomardeljpm a certapne gouernottre, a man of foure fcoje peeres of age, and of great grauttie, although be lucre naked Cautng bis prpuie partes . Ipebadagteattrapncof oiutgoutnnm* men urapting on bpm.9HtbeH)bpIe cbeppelfcluas at made, ijedietueobmi felfe berp bumble, ano gane retierent attcnoance, toitbgraueano Demure countenaunce. CCtijcn tlje maffe boas ended, bepjefenten to tlje Scmirad abafketteoftbefruttesof biscountrep,deIpuering tlje fametuitb bis otone banDcs. COIjen tbeSomiradbaD gentedp entertapneD him, Dcfpjtng leaue to fpeabe, Ije maoe an ojation in tlje pjefence of VUdcus tlje inter* pjeter,to this effcct.31 baue bpn aducrctfeo(moll migljtp pjince) m mMion of , that ponbaue oflatetoitb great potuer fubdued manp lanos and »De nancogoo EegtonSjljptbcrto bnbnolnen to pou, ano baue brought no Ittle UEtl10 " 1 * feare bpponall tlje people ano inbabttauutcs eftlje fame: tlje toljicbe pour gooo fortune, pou (bal beare ioitb led'e infotencie, if pou remember tljat tlje foidesofmcn ljaue tluo iaurnepes after tbep are ocpartcoff om this bodp: ©je one, foule ano Darke, p?e= $'* ' pared foj fticlje as are injurious anb crueU to mankpnDe: tlje man. other, pleafaunt anD Delectable, ojdepned foj tbein tobicb in tljepj Ipft tpme Ioucd peace ano quietnes.3lft(jerfoje pou acknowledge pour felfe to be mojtall, anb conddcr that euerpman djalrc cctue eonbigne rcluatbe orpunpdjcmcntfojfudjetljpitgesasbebatb bone in this life, poutnpl vojongfudpburte no man. CCUjcnljc bab fatoe tljefe tooiDes and other Ipke.tuljtcb mere bcctacd to tlje 9dmiraU bp tbc interpreter, Ije matueplingat tlje iubgemcnt of tbe itakcb olbe man, anfrucareb, tbat be bias glatbc to beare bis eptntonas touching the fimbjp tourneps anb retuarbes of foules Departed front tbeprboopcs, fuppoGngtbatnotljerbe, or anp other of tbinljabitatites of tljofe Eegions, bab badanpknotto ledge thereof ; Declaring further, that the rijicfe caufe of bis • eonwning SMpjeofgotb, foimde that lDfjicl) religion coiUDe not fpnde, Virtus pojl mntmos&c. <5T!jelanbe as common as* tftefnnne and toattr. The fil’d decade* v camming tbttber,tnag (o indruct them in fitch goblp knotolcbge anb true religion : anb that be toag fent mto tljofe countrepes bp the Cbridian kpng of &papttc (bis Io^d anti maider)tcr the fame purpofe, anb fpeciallp to fubbueanb ywptyztlwCambaks, anti fuebe other mtfcljeuoug people, anb to befenb innocenteg againd thebiolence of euplbooers, topllpngbpm, anb al other fudjc as imbraceb bertue, in no cafe to be afrapoe, but rather to open big mpnbe onto hpm, pfepfter he, or anp other fudje qutetmen ag he toag, hab fudepneo anp tor ong of cbepr nepgbbourg , anb shat h e tooulbe fee the fame reuengeo. Ehefe comfortable loojbg oftbe^omiraflfopleafcbtheolbe man, that nottoitbflanbpng big extreme age, he tooulbe glablp haue gone nrirb the 3omiral, aglje hats bone in beeoe, pf bigtopfeanb cljplbren hab not l;pn- bereo hpm of fjig purpofe: but he maruepleb not alptle, that the $bmiraltoa$onberthebomimon of another: ans anuch more, loben tljeinterpretout tolbehpm of the gtojpe, magnificence, pornpe, greatpot»er,anbfurnimcntegoftoarreof ourkingeg, anb oftljemultitubes of citieg anb toioneg tnljidjctnerelmber tbepr bomtniong . 3!ntcnbpng therefore to haue gone toith the ^bmtrall, big topfe anb chplbren fell prodrate at hig feete , toiefj teareg befpring him not to forfake them anbleaue them befolate: at U)hofepitifulrequedeg,theU)oorthp olbeman bepng mooueb, temapneb at home to the comfort of (jig people anb famtlie, fa* tdfipng rather them then hpm felfe: for not pet ceaflpng to tooonber, anb of heauie countenance becaufc he mpght not be* parfjhebemaunbebofcentpmeg pf tljatlanbe toerenotljeauen, inljiche brought foorch fuche a kpnbe of men/ St or it ig certaine, that among them the lanbe ig as common ag the funne anb lna* ter, anb tbat£0pne anbEhpne (the feebegofall mpfcljeefe) haueno place toith them. ^Ijep are content toith fo Iptle, that infolargea countrep thep haue rather fuperfluttie then fcarce* nefietfothat (as toe haue fapbe before) tljepfeeme to Ipue in the gcloentoorlbetnttljout topic, Ipupngtn opengarbeng, not intrenebeb toitlj bpcheg, bt’uibeb iotth hebgeg, or befenbeb tottlj toallcg uljepbeale trttelp one toith another toitboutlatoeg,toith* out bockeg, anb toitljout iubgeg : thep take hpm for an eupl anb mpfdjeuougman, tohiclje takeeb pleasure tnboopng hurt to o* d;er. 9nbaIbeicthatthepbelptenotinfupcrfltutiegj pet make . The fir ft Decade* 2J the? yjctiiftfon foj the increafe offuelje rooteg lu^ercofc^cp mate tbepjbjeaO,ag Maizium,Iucca,&t\D Jgcs,tQ\VM&) UJttlj fuC&C Cpitip'c opet,mbcrebp health ig pjeferuco, ano oiftafeg auopoeo. pimple opet# 3Ebe 8mirall therefore oepartpng from thence, anti tttpnopng to retumeagapnelbojtlp after, cbaunceo to come agapneto the 3llanoe of Umaic a, bepng on the Couth fp&e thereof, ano coalfeo ail atong bp the fljoje of the fame fromthe^etftothe^alf, from mbofe la If corner on the €a(f fpoe, toben he Caine tomarDe the jftojtb fpoe on big left hanoe certapne hpgh motmtapncgjbe fatelne at the length that it mastbefoutb fpoe oftbe3ilanoe of. . HifpanioU, mbtebe be ban not pet pafifeo bp . COherefo?e,atthe yili,amoWe Calcnoeo of September, entrpng into t^e batten of the Came 31lam>e, calico faint Nicholas haunt, he repapjeobislbppprg, to the intent that he might agapne matte ano Cpcple the Slanoco of the Canibales, ano buroe all tfjep? CawasAjat thofe rauenpng molues might no longer perfecute ano oeuoure the innocent (heepe : but he mag at this tpme hpnoereo of bis purpofe,bp rea* foit of a otfeafe tobteb he hao gotten bp to much matching. ®h«3 bepng feeble ano meahe, he magleobeof tbe^arpncrgto the ^ mu% wa^ ettte oUfabellaMjmjnid) bis tuio tyetljjcn mbtebe mere there, ano other of bis familiarg, herecouerco bis health in fijo^te fpace : pet coulot he not at this tpme affapletbe canibales , bp reafon of feoitton that mag nfen of late among the &panparoeg mhiche hehao left in Hifpaniola, thereof me mpllfpeabe moje hereafter ^rijug faro pe mell. . . ■) . * * The fourth booke of the fit ft Decade, to Lodoutkg Cardinal of Jr agonic. Ohms the Somfral ofthc®cean 3 reftiming (ag be fuppofeo) from the continent oj fpjme lanoe of €att fn<&djao amiertifment eattc 35 nw* that his brother Voilus, ano one Veter Mar* garitd t an oloe familiar of the fcpngeg, ano . a noble man, mitboiuergotber ofthofe to art>?8 rcbell toljom l;c Ijatltfttijc gouenttnent of tljc 31anoe,tocrc (of rojrupteD mpitoc agapnll Ijprn) tepatteo into ftpspne. C®!jerefbje,afa>elto purge bpmfelfc office crimes, € t ag 3Hje ktitgcs of tDeiUnO* tfbtll &icb Ijao bptljerto Ipueo quietlp, auo content ttmlj tljep? Iptle toljiclje tljep thought abotinoant, inljecas! tljep ttoioe percetueo tljac our men began to fatten foote tomljtn tljep? regions to beare rule among tljent, tljep toke tbe matter fogreeuouflp,tljat tljep thought notljpng els butbplubac meaner tljep mpgljtotterlpe oettrop them, ano fo? euer abolpttje tbe memo?p of tljep? name, fo? tijat ktnoe of men (tlje &panp* aroeg 31 meane, tolji clj fo’otoeo tlje 8omtral in tijat natiigation) tuere fo? tbe mode part bnru!p,regaroing notbpng but ioienefie, plap,ano libertie, ano toouloe bp no meaner abttepne from ira'u* rteo, rautfljtng of tlje toomen of tbe Sllanoes befo?e tlje face# of their bufbanoe^fatljcr*, ano b?etb?en : bp inljtclj tbep? abomina* ble mpfoemeanottr, tbep oifquieteo tbe mpnoeg of alltbe inljabt* tamest, infomuebe tijat toberefoeuer tbep founoe anp of our men bnp?epareo , tljep flue tljent toitlj fucb fiercenefle ano glaonefle, ' ag though tbep bao offereo faertflee to (£oo* 3!ntenopng tljerfo?e to pactfie tljep? troubleo mpnoejs , ano topunpflje them that flue bis menbefo?cbeoeparteofromtljence,befcnt fo?tbeking of tijat bale,tobiclje ut tlje booke befo?e toe oefcribeo to be at tbe footeoftljemountapnegioftberegion of Cibana , tbiskpnges name bias Guarmexius : tn’jo, tlje mo?e ttrapgbtlp to concple Onto bpm tlje frenofljpp of tlje ^onurall, gaue Ijts fptter to topfe to vidacus , a man from bis cljpIoe$ age b?ougbt bp toitb tbe && mirall, inborn be bfeofo?ljisinterp?eter in tlje p?outncesofc«- la. 3fcertljiss,lje Cent fo?C4«»^o4,calleo tbe lo?oeof tljeljoufe of gOlOe,tbat ifil,oftbemountapne 2 ! Of CibanaitfO} tljtS Caunabos be fent one Captapne Boieda , tnljom tlje oitionaries of CamuU* ' Ijao enfo?cco to keepe lji£ Ijoloe, befleging fo? tlje fpace of tbirtie oapes tbe fo?trefle of faint ©jomaiai , in tlje toljicbe Boieda, tnitb bis fpftiefauloierja! ttoooe at tljep? oefence,bntptt tlje commtng of tlje aomiralk 2Stljp le Heitda remapneo loitb Caunaboa^ % ThcfirftDeeaJe: * U xfyt ambafTabaurd of the kpnged of btuerd regions* tom feftC fa Caunaboa, perfmabtngbim mnoconmtton to pcrititc tljc Cb?t* Gian* totnljabttetlje 31lanoe, except be ban ratljer feme then rule. $Dn tlje other partte, Hoieda anuerttfcD Caur.aboa to goeta tbe 8bmtra!,anb to make a league of frmblbppmttbbpm; but tbe ambatlabourd on tbe contrary part,tb?eatneb bprn, chat tf be moulDefoooo, f!>e other kpnged moulbe muabebtsregton.But Hoieda attnfmereb them agapne, that mljereas they confptreb to mapwepnc they? Itbertte 3 tbep (bottlb bp that meaner beb?ougbf to fenittuoe^bearuct!on 5 iftbeji entenbeb toreOU o?kepeU>arre agatnlltheCb?tfttand* ©tus Caunaboa on tbe one Coe anb the other bepngirottblcb, adtcmercarocketn tbe fea bcatenttutb contrary fbcbbea, aub mudjcmo?e bejccb baitb tbe fto?med of!)t0 gyltte confcieuce, fo? that be ban p?uulp flaptte* ft. of our men bnoet pretence of peace, feareb to come to tbe ^Dimrall: but at tbe Iengtb 3 baupng epcogttatcb hid becept, to I;aue flapne tbe 9bmtra!l anobtd compattpe, bnber tbe colour of frcnblbpp, pf nurai»t»catb. opoKiwntte mottlb fo batte ferucb,lje repap?eb to v ^bmtral,mttb bis Mole familte,anb many otber mapting on Ijtm, arnteb after tbep? maimer. Bepng bemaunbeb mbp be b?ougbtfogreata rout of men mitb bim,be aunf ooereb, that tt mas not Decent fo? fa greatap?tnceasbemas, togoeoutofbtsboufe mitljout fttclje abanbeofmen: but tbe tbpng ebattneeo rnuebe otbermpfetljeti be lookeD fo?, fo? be felt into tbe fnareg mbtebe be ban prepared fu? other, fo? mbereas bp tbe trap be began to repent bpm that be camefoo?tb of bid boufe, mttlj many fapje moo?bed $ p?o* mtfejs b?ougljtbmt to tlje 3bmtral, at mijofecomrnaunbemenc be toad unmcDtatlp taken anb put tn p?tfon, fa that tbefouled of our men mere not long from tbep? bobpedtmrctiengeb. ^bud CaunabM mttb al bid famtlte bepng taken, tbe 8bmtraH mag be* termtneb to ntnne otter tbe 3ilanbe, but be mass certifteb tljac there magi fuebe famine among tbe inbabttaumed, tljat there magialrebpfpftte tljoufanbemen beab thereof, anb tljat tljep bp* pSa! Dl eb pet baplp,adtt mere rotten (Ijeepe, tlje caufe mljereof, mad mel knomen to be tljep? omne obit tnacte anb ff omarbneffe : fo? mijeras tljep (ametbatour men entenbebto cljoofe tbent a omel- Itng place tn tlje 3llanbe, fuppodng tljat tljep mpgbt batte b?p* uen them from thence if the btttuaHed oftbe 3IIanbe iboulb faple, € H tbep ' fEOefjimgtt ofgoi&e cau* fajj greate famine. <%%t totoer of gonaptioit. The fvrft Decade. t^ep Determine* mitb them feiuc^^not onlp to leaue fotopng anti planting, but alfo to oeffrop an* plucke bp bp the rootes 5 ruerp man in bis omne region, that mbtebe tbep bao alreop fomcit,of both kpnoes of breao, mbereof me mane mention in tbe fade booke, but efpectallp among tbe motmtapnes of Cibana, other* mpfe calico apanga , forafmttcbe as tbep bao knomieoge that the goloe mbtebe abotmoetb in that regton,mas tl;e cbiefe caufe that oetepneo our men in tbe 3ilano.31n tbe meane tpme. be fent foortb aCaptapne mitb abanoe of men, to fearcbo tbe §>outfr fpoe of tbe 31lanoe,mbo at l)i$ returne, repose* that throughout all the regtons that be trauapleo,tbere mas fuebe fcarcenefle of breao, that for tbe fpace of. pin. napes, be ate notbpng but the rootes of bcarbes, an* ofpoung bate treejet^or tbe fruitest of other mpioe trees : butGuarionexius tbe kpng of tbe bale,lping beneath ebe moutttapnes of cibana, mbofe kpngoome mas not fo made* as tbe other, gaue our men certapne bpttualle# * CcUtfnn a feme napes after, both that tbe iourneps mpgbt be theater, anbalfo that our men mpgbtbaue more fafe places of refUge* iftbembabitaunteslbouloebereafterrebell in Ipke manner, be buploeo another for trelTe (mbtebe be calico tbe *Comr e of Con* ception)betmeene tbeCitie of if MU, ano &aint Thomas for* trelfe, in tbe marches of tbe kpngoome of tljts Guarmexius* mitbtntbe prectneteof cibana, open the fpoe of a bpll, baupng afaprermer of boifome mater runnpng baroebp the fame. ^buS mben tbe inbabi tantes fame neme buploutges to be oaplj* erecteo^ano our flnppes Iping in tbe bauen rotten ano balfe bro* ken, tbep began to mfpapre of anp hope of ltbertte,ano manoreo Op ano oomne mitb bcauie cbeare. ,ff rom tbe CoU^e of Concep* tton, fearebpng oiltgentlpetbeinnerpartes of tbemountapnes of cibana, cljcrc mas a certapne kpng mbtebe gaue them a made of ruoe goloe as bigge as a mans fpd>mctgbing.rr.ounees: this goloe mas not founoe in tbe banke of that ritter^mt in a beape of orpe earth, ano mas ipke Onto the done calleo Tophus, mbtebe isfconerefolucointofanoe. made of goloe 31 meefeife fome in Cadtle, in the famous Citteof M ethymna Campi , mbere tbeCourt lap al tljatmpnter. 31 fame alfo a great peece ofpure Elettrum,ohi)t mbtcb beIles,ano apothecaries movers# manp fitebe other beffelle# ano indrnmentegmap be mane, as mere in The firft Decade. 16 tine tpmc of copper the citie of cormthus. ®jis peeee of?- ie'drum IMS OffudjE UJCtgtjt, t!)<1t 31 UJ.1S UOt Onip Unify bOtfy HIP tallp mirt of fyanocs Unable to lift itftom the gtouuo , but alfo not ofltongtfy J’ 1 ' to remoue it cptijcr one toap oj otijcr : tljcp affirmcn that it toep- otijcr ofimitt, tn mo?e then tljjce fyuno?rt pounne toepgfyt, after epgijt ounces! »>««? of m> to the pounne, it uias founne in tlje fyoufc ofacertapne p?pnce, u,, apt popfon, ano left fypm bp ins picDeceflbttra : ana albeit tljat inthe napes ‘& tw oftlje inbabitauntes pet lpupng,5/effr«w was no tofycre uiggco, time m grea# pet kneme tbep mberc the mpne thereof mas , but our men mitb « r eftimation muelje aooo couloe batuelp caufe them to Hjeuic them the place, S E 0 * f tbep bo?e them fuebe pjiute batreo , pet at the length tbep fought them to the mpne,bepng nolo ruinate ano ff oppco lutth ftoncs anti rubbpftjent tjs muelje eafper to opggc then tjs the iron mpne, ano might be nllojeo agapne,pf mpners ano other Uio?k* men fkplftil therein mere appopnteo thereto. jftot farre from f the tom?e of Conception, in the fame mountapnes, & founoe bene taken great plentte of Anther, ano out ofeertame rocked of the fame, S»af/f Jf att oilitllethafubaanceofthepelome colour mbicbe the laapntergi * bfe. JI5ot farre from thefe moimtapnes are manp great monos, Sf nunt °i in the mljtclje ate none other trees then Bjafile,mbiclj the 31talt* anneal Verzim . But here perhaps! (rpght noble pjtpnce) pou t©ooi of toouloeafhe,tohatajotilobethecaufc,tbacmherea 2 !the^panpi ia !!g tm * # aroes haue brought one of thefe 31lanoeg certapne (bpppes laoen mtcb Bjafile, fomeinhat of (Solfampine cotton, aquantttteof 3mher,a Iptle goloe# fome fp pees, mljp thep hauc not brought fuche plentte of goloe, ano fuche other rpche marebatmo^eg, ag the fruiteftilneffe of thefe regions feeme to pjompfe ^ So tljtg 3! aunfmere, that mljeit Colonus the Qomtrall mag Ipkempfe oe* maunoeothe caufe hereof, he ntaoe aunfmere, that the g>pa* nparoes mbicbe be cooke tmtb hpm into thefe regions, mere ge* uen rather to fleepe, plap, anotolenelTe, then to labour, ano Jtomfofiw* were moje ftuoioug offeottion ano nemes,tbcn oeftreus of peace bnuil m ^ ^ ano qutetneCfe : alfo, that being geuen to Itcenct oufnelTe, tljcp re* bellco $ fojfookc him, finopng matter of falfe accufattcn agatnff (jpm, becattfehemenc aboutto repjefle thep? oucragtoufiteffe: bp reafon mhereof, he mag! not pet abletobteakctljepomerof tlje tnbabttaumeg,anofrcelpe topofleffe the full Dominion ef tlje Jllanoe, ano thefe hpnoeraunceg to he the caufe that bp* » € tit therto 4 The fir ft Decade* i 1 flub two on!tt thecto tbe gapnes Ijatte fcarfelp cotmteruapleo tlje cljarges : aT« sf«!jerc6, aut» beit,etten tbtgpeerc mljple 31 uj^occ tbefe djpngs at pour regtteff, cf^™% 0 of djep geatljcreo tn tlua nionetbcs the fumme of a djoufanoeano tUt milic. tma ljtmo?eo pounoes mcpgbt of goto* But becatife toe entenoe tofpeakemo?e largelpof tbefe tljpnges In tljep? place, mempli nome returne from mljence me baue otgrelfeo ♦ GflXfyzn tbe Inba* bitauntes percelueo tbat tbep coulee bp no meaner (bake rtje poke from tljep? necks 3 tljep maee bumble (application to tbe $o* mlral, tba t tljep mpgljt ftanee to tljep? tribute, ano applpe them felttcs to retncreafe tljefruttes of tljep? countrep, bepng nome ah rnoff maffco* Ipegraunteo tbemdjep? requcft, ano appopnteo fucljeo?oerdjat euerp region fljouloc pap tljep? tribute, ml# tbe commooitt'es of tbep? countreps, acco?opng to t Ijep? po?tton, ano at fuclje tpnte as tljep mere agreeo Upon : but dje btolent fa* mine oiofrutfrateal tbefe appopnttnentes, fo? altljetrattaples of tljep? boopes, mere fcarcelpe able to fuffife tofpnoetbetit meate in tbe mooooes, mljerebp to fulfepne tljep? Ipues, bepng oflongcpme contenteo mldj rootes ano tlje frulces of mploe trees : pet manp of tlje kpnges Uittb tbep? people,euen In tljiS eje* tremc necelTule, b?ougljt part of tljep? tribute, molfljumblpc Oefpjpngtljc Somtral to Ijaue companion of tbetc calamities, ano to beare mltb tljem pet a mbple,UntpI tbe 31lanoe mere renew reo to tbe oloe date, p?ompfpngfuctljer, tbat tljatmblclje mag nome mantpng, tbouloe tljen be oouble recompenceo. But feme of tlje mljabuauntes oftlje mountapnes of Cibaua kept tljep? p?o* nrife, becaufe tljep mere fo?cr opp?e(Teo mitb famine tljen anpe of tlje otljer* tEbep fap tbat tbe Inljabttantes of djefe mountapnes f opffer no lelfe In language ano manners from tljem mijlclje ^cregton&ir# omel at tlje plapnes, tljen among US tlje rufttcalles of tbe coun* vokt') tijcma* trep jfrom tlje gentlemen oftlje courtetmljeras notmttbdanoing pfe. uepc0 ' tbep Ipueas It merebodjUnoer onepo?tlon of(jeauen 3 ano Inma* np ebmgcs mucb after one falljlon , as In nakeonelfe , ano ruoe r OmpUctile. But nome let Us recurne to C4«n^a4 tlje king of foA ni emu ' tbe boufc of goloe, bepng in capclultle. ftftljen be percelneoljpnr wine. fe’.fe to be cad tn p?tfott , frettpng ano gratpng bis teedj, as It bao been a lion of Libia , ano oaplp ano npgljtlp oeupfpng ml# Ijpm felfe borne be mpgljc be oelpuerco, begamteto perfmaoe tlje flomlralj tbat fojafmucbe as be bao nome taken unto bis r v ' . ^ oomlmou 28 The firft Decade. tiomim'oti d )t region of Ciptnga o? Cibaua (tnljeroflje toas ting) ttlbouloebe eppeoientto fenoe tbptbera garrtfon ofC&jtftum men, to oefenoe the fame from the incurftons of bis oloe enimies ano bo^Dcrcrja : fo? be fapoe, that tc toas fignifieo Onto him, that the cotmtrep boas Uiaftco ano fpopleo boitb fuebe titcurfions* Bp this craftieocutfe,be thought to haue brought to paffe, that his brother UJhtche mas tn that region, ano the other biskpnf* faikesanofrenoes fcritb chep? aOberenteSjtyouio hauetaken,ep* ther bu Height o?fo?ce, as manp of our men as mpgbt haue re* oeemeo hpm . But the aomirai bnoerlfanopng his craftie tnca* npng, fent Boieda rnith fucljea companpe of men* as mpgbt banqnilbe the Cibawans, pf tbep (bouloe mouc luarre agapnlt them, ©ur men hao fcarcelpe entreo into the region, but the brother of Caunaboa camcagapnlt them mitljanarmie offpue CflnrtabM thoufanoe nakeo men, armeo after tbep? manner, mi th clubbes, biotocrrcbci* arrotoestipt mitb bones, anofpearesmaoe baroeattbecnoes Ict &* mitb fp?e* Cpe dole upon our men bepng (none of tbep? houfes, ano encampeo rounoe about the fame on eucrp fpoe. ^Ebis ciba - rnn, as a man not tpojant tntbeoifctplineofmarre, about tbeotlfaunceof a furlong from the boufe, Diuioeo his armie into fpue battaples, appopntpng to eucrp one of them a ctrcutce bp equal! otuifion , ano placeo the ftoont of bis obone battap'e tu'rectlpagapnHour men* tbere are in ntaner euerp inhere flojpfljpng meootnes reaching euen bnto tbe fljoje : but notue let d)cbe«ubor bSreturneto Caunaboa. 3s kpng Caunabaa therefore ano bis boTatfb St! ' brother fljouloe baue ben brought into fepapne, tbep opeo bp tbe tnap,ftyberp penfiuenelfe ano anptfl) of minoe* 3Tb e 3omtral, tobofe Ibippes tnereojoumeotn tbe fojefapo temped, perceiuing trim felfe to be norne enclofeo, ccmmatmoeo fojtblnitb rum other 0)pppes(b)bicbe the ^paniaroes cal Carauelas ) to be ntaoe : foj bebaountbbpm all manner of 3rtificerspartepmng tbereum to. CQbple theft tbpnges lucre ooopng, be lent foojtb 'Btrtbo* kmm Colonns f)is pother 5 bepng iieuetenam of tbe 3|lanoe s mfy l©l1ir!c toiti* free. dPitfacams, The 5 rft Deca dc. 2*7 frith att armte of men to fearcbe the goloe mpnc#,bepng oiftatic tb?eefco?e leagues from the eitte oUjdbella, frbtcbe mere founoe bp the contmcte of certapne people of the Jlaitoe, before the mpnejsofC/pj^4 0 ?Ci^mereknoU)em 3!ntbefempne# tbep founoe certapne oeepe pitte#,frbicb bao benopggeo in oln time* outoftbefepptteg,tbe$omtrai (frljo affirmetb this Jianoeof Hijpanioia tobeSDpbir, as frefapoe before) fuppofeth that ^besonjf lomontljekpngof Hierufalm ljao Ijts? great rpebe# ofgoloe, Salon. 0 frbereoffrereaoetntbe oloe ^clfamcnt, ano that btelbpppe# fapleO to this SDpbtr bp the gulfe of Terfta, calleD Sinus Terfuus . 'But frbetber it be fo o? not Jit Ipetb not in me to iuoge,but in mp opinion it is farre of. 3#tbemptter$opggeo the fuperftdal o? ^ 0 mn bppermoft part of the earth of p mpnes, ourpng fo? tbe fpace of fnpecfician firempIeM tn opuers places fpfteo the fame on tbeo?pelanoe, ^ ce ot ^ tbep founoe fuebeplentie of goloe, that euerp bp?eo labourer coulo eafilp finoe euerp oap the freight of tb?ee ojamme&^befe mpnesbepngthus fearebeof fotrnoe, the It'euetenant certifies the $omirall hereof bp hie! letter#, the frljich frhen he bao recei- ueo,the fifth oap of the 3!oes of S0arclv»«<>. i495*he entreo into b& nefr e fbpppes, ano toofie his uopage oirectlp to ^>papne, to aouerttfe the kpng of all bfe affap?es, leattpng tbefrljole regjh tnent of the Jlanoe frith hi# brother the titmmnu The fift boolce of the fyrfl Decade, to Lodouil^e Cardinall of Jtragonie. if ter the ^omirals Departing into ^>pa:ne, bio brother the licuetenatmt bupioco a fo?tre(Te in the goloe mines, as be bao com- matmoeobpmt thfe he calico the goloen mhm tofrje, becaufe the labourers founoe goloe toi«. in the eartb,ano (lone frherof tbep maoe tbe fralles ofthefemrefle. De confttmeo tb?ee monetbe# in mafcpng the tnlfrumente# frberefrftb the goloe fbouloe be geatbereo, toafheo, trpeo, ano motdten : pet frag! be at tbts tpme, bp reafon of frame ofbittualles, enfoiceotoleaue juu^offc* altbpngcsimperfecte, ano to goefeebe fojmeate* ®busi a# u ? Us * he, frith abanoeof armeo men, has entreo tbjeefcoje mpie# further fejsttgljt from j&alttt &omt* Kj&jstorujr. The fyrft Decade* • fottftcr fcritbm tbelann, the people of tl;e cotmtrep here anti there refojtpngto bpm, gaue bpm a certapne portion of tbep? b?ean, in ejrcbaunge fo? other of out e&pncyes : but 1 )z coulnc not tong tarp here, becaufetbep lacken meate in the fo?trelTe, bobptber be batten boitb fucb as be ban nobo gotteitXcaupng tberefo?e in the fo?tretteagarrifonoftenmen, bottbtbat ponton oftbe Jlanoe &?eaobo!ncbepetremapneo, leaupngalfobotthtbem a Cpounne totakecbofekpnoesof Iptle beattes bubicbe cbep call vfus, not nmebe bnlpke our Contes, be returneo to tbefo^crctte of Con- ception* 3&is alfo boas tbe monetlj uiljerem the kpng Guamnc* xius, ano alfo Manic autexius bo?ucrer unto bpm, fboulce batie b?ougbt tn cbep? tributes. I&emapnpng there tbe toboie maneeb of June, be ejtacten tbe bohole tribute of tbefc tuio kpnges,f bpt* tuples necettarp fo? bpnt ann fucb as be brought boitb bpm, tobi* cbe lucre about fottre ljuno?en tn number . &bo?tlp after, about tbe J&alenoesof Julp,tbere came tb?ee£arauels from ^>papne, b?ingmgbottb them funnrpe kpnnes ofbpttuaUes, as bu';eate, ople,boine, bakon, $ ^artelmas bcefe, bubicbe boere niuinen to eucrpmanacco?npngas neene requiren, forne alfo bias tottitt tbecarpagefo?lackeofgoonlookpngto. gttbe arpualoftbefe (bpppes, tljelieutenatmt receiuen commattnnemcnt from tbe kpng aim tbe 3nmiral bis brother, that be boitb bis men (boulo remouetbeir habitation to tbefoutbfpne oftbe Jlanne, becaufe it boas nearer to tbe golne mpnes : $lfo that be fljoulnc make mltgentfearcbe fo?tbofe kingesbobtebe banflapnetbe Cb?itti* an men, ann to fenoe tbem boitb tbep? confenerates bounoe titter gjpapne. QLt tbe nett bopage therefore be fent tb?ee bunn?en cap* tiues, boitb tb?ee kpnges, ann boljen be ban niligentlp fearcben tbe coattes oftbe foutbfpne, be tranfpo?ten bis habitation, ann buplnen a fo?tre(Te there, bpon tbe toppe of a bpll nearennto a furebauen: this fo?trefle be calico faint Donunikestotu?e. 3Into this bauen runneth a rtuer of boljolfome boater, replenilbco boitb funo?p kpnnes of goon fpfbes : tbep affp?me this rpuer to baue manp benefices of nature, fo? inhere fo euer it runneth, all tbinges are cjtceeopng pleafaunt annfruitefull, baupng oneuerp fpne groues of Date trees, ann niuers other oftbe 31lanne fruites fo plentifullpe, that as tbepfaplen along bp tlje fyoje, oftempmes tlje brunches thereof, lanen Uriel; Routes ano The f) rfl Deca de. 3® mid fruited Tjonc^fo otter tbepjbcaoes, tbattfjep might plucfec them totth tbcp? hanoes : alfo that the fruitfiilnes of this ground is epther equal! mith tlj e fople of Jfabeifcuoj better ♦ 3!n ifabella gra&eim, belefteonlpcertapne ficke men, ano Ibippe impghtes, mhom he bao appopnteo to make certapne carauels, the redone ofbis men,be conuetgbeototlje foutb,to fapntDominickestoU)?e* Sftcrbebaobuploeotbis fojtreffe, leaupng therm a garrpfon of.jqc. men, be nutlj the remanent of bisfottloiers, pjepareo them (clues to fearche the inner parted of the etieampeo agatnff thin- habitant es of the pjoutnee of Haiba,to fuboue them bnoer bis 00 minion,as he bao Done manp other kings of the llano, bojoerers Onto him. % he palace of this great king, is calleo Xaragua# is fituate tomaro the v>aJes, o? tljc natpue npmpljes o? fap?es of tfjc fountapties ^mtg, tutjcrcof the antiques fpake fonmcbe. Zljt bjaunchcs of Date trees, tohicb tljep bo?e in tljep? right battDes mben tljep DaunteD, t hep DelpucrcD to the jLieuetenaunt, mitb lotoe curterp aim fmp* Ipng countenaunce . €h«s enterpng mto the kpnges Ijoufe, thep fouime a Delpcate flipper prepares fo? them, after thep? maner. SxDtljen thep lucre Vnell refrefijen mitfj meate, tljenpgbt D?ampngon, thep mere b?ougbt bp the kpnges officers, cuerp matt to bis IoDgpng,aeco?Dtng to bis Degree, in certapnc of thep; houfes about the paUatee, inhere thep reileo them in hangpng betmes, after the maner of the countrep, inherof ine haue fpoken mom largdp in an other place. She Dap foloinpng, thep brought our men to their common hall, into the tnhiche thep come togeatber as often as thep make anp notable games o? tritmtphes^s me haue fapDe bcfojc.fipere, after manp Daunfpnges, fpnginges, mafhingcs, runnpnges, xvmtt m?eltlpngs,anD other trying ofmaltrpes,foDapnlp there appea» v, ' ni ’ m *’ reb in a large plaine neere onto the hal,tmo great armies of men of marre, mhicbe the kpng fo? his palfpme haD caufeD to be p?e* pareD, as the &paniaroes bfe the piape mftlj reebes, mhirh they taaiugttdcCaiiUi. 9s the armies D?elne neere togeatber, thep alfapleDtheone the other as fierfelp, as ifmojtail cnirniesmith thep? baners fpIeaDe,(bottlD fight fo? thep? gooDes, thep? lanDes, thep? Ipues, thep? libertte, thep? eountrep, tljep? lupnes $ tljep? thtlDien/o that mithin the momente of an houre/oure men mere flapne, aim manp motuiDctt. Cljebattaple alfo Qjotiloe haue rontpnucD longer, pftlje kpng haD not, at the regueil of our men, eaufeD them to ceallr. Wbe tfip?De Dap, the llieuetenant cotm» faplpngthe kpngtofotoe mojeplentteofgotrampmebppontlje bankes neere bnto the maters fpoe, that thep mpght the better pape thep? trpbute p?puatelp, acco?Dpng to the multittme of tbep? houfes , he p?epaip?eo to ijbbdu, to npfitc the fpeke men mijtche he haD lefte there, anD alfo to fee home his moo?kcs ment&?marDc. 3Intbetpmcof IjiS abfenee .?*£. of bis men mere confumeo mtth Diuetfc Difeafes . GUberefo?e btpng fo?e troublcD in hts mtmoe } atm in maner at his u^ttes etme, mhat Cfje eaftete a toiueta of {Mfyamoid, papne:at the length, beoetermpneotofenoeatyooethe fi eke mat here ann tljere to funojpe Hegpons of tljetlanoc, ano to t6e caflelles toljiche thep 6au erecteo m the fame* jfojoirertp from the ettie of JfaheHa to fapnt Dominikes totoje, that is, from the no$j to ettc fotttb, through the tlanoe, chep 6ao buploeo thus manp cadles* Jfp?d, jrtjcbu mples oidantfrom Jfabefla, tljep buploeo tbe cadell of sperantia.tftom sperMti*. jtjco, mples, toas the cadefl offapnc ft atbart'nc.if rom fapnc Catharines mpl£S,toas fapnt James toto?e.©ther. rumples from fapnt James totoje, toas a drong* er fo^trefle then anp of the other, toljiclje tljep calico tlje totoje cfConecption,tobicb Ije maoe the dronger,hecaufe it toas dtuac attherootes of thegoloenmountapnesofCthaua, in the great ano large plapne,fo fruitcdil ano toed tnhabtceo as toe baue be* fojeoefcribeo . tfxhttploeo alfo an other in the mpooe toape be* ttoene tbe totoje of Conception, 9 fapnt Domintkes totoje , the tohiclje alfo toas dronger then the totoje of Conception, becaufe it toastotthin the Ipmtttes of a great kpng, haupngbnoer his dominion due thoufanoe men, tohofe djtefe citie ano beao of tlje IRealme, bepng ralieo Bonauum , be tuplleo that the cadell fljoulo alfobe calleo after the fame name ♦ Cberefoje leaupng the (teke men in thefe cadels, ano other of the ilanoe boufes nerebnto the fame, be bpm felfe repap?eo to fapnt Domintkes, exacting trpbutes of al tbe kpnges toljiche toere in bis toap. bo?tlpe after, when he hao put to oeatlj ttuo of the kpttges tobiche mere the cbiefe autoura of this nemc reuolte, ano hao fubojneo Qumo- 'f nexius f the other bpiigea to attempt the fame , lead the people twuoomo! fo? famine of thep? fringes Ihoulue neglecte 0? fo?fake their coutt* trcp, mhirhe tbpng mpght hatte ben great iticommoouie to our men,ml)obptbincreafeofthep?(eeuea ano fruites Uiere often* tpmea apoeo,hefreelp parooneu ano oifmifTeo Guarmexius ano tlje other kpnges, the people tit the nteane tpme flocktng togca* thet about the tom?e,tothe number of fptte thoufanoe mithont toeapons,U)ith pitiful houltng fo? the ocliueranee of their lunges: • Che ap?e thunoereo, a the earth trembleo th?ough the uebemen* cie of thep? outctp. Che lieutenatmt marneo Guarmexius ano the other kpnges, with tljieatenpnges, with remaroea,ano With p?ompfes,neuer thereafter to attempt anp furhe tljpug. Chen Guarmexius maoe an o?atioit to the people, of p great power of ourmen,ofthep?clemencie tomaroe of&noers,$ltberalitie to furhe aa remaine faitbfoll, oefp?ing them to quiet thep? minors, ano from thenceforth neptbertnoeeoe no? thought to tmerp?pfe , ano JUekrafUp- J6papne . ^be lieue- cenatmt comfo?teb tbem aH that be coulee micb fap?e mo?bec ano y?ompfec ♦ 3[ntbemeane cyme, 'Beucbius dmcauchoa (tbe fepngoftbecLflMpartec oftbeHegtonof Xaugua (of mbtatt me fpahe before) fentmeflengercto cbe lieuetenaunt,toligm* fpebntobpm 3 tbatbebab in a reopnes tbe goflamptne cotton, anb fuebe otber tbpngec ac be mpfleb bpm to prepare fo? tbe papmencofbtcttpbute, CObereuyon tije Iteaetenaunt tooke bic tournep tbptber, anb mac b ono?abIp receiueb of tbe kpng anb fct'C fpfter, fomtpme tbe mpfe Of Caunaboa tbe feptlg Of Cibana, bearpng no leffe rule in tbe gouernattnee of ber b?ot|erc kpng- come, tl;en be bpm felfe: 3fo? tbep afFirmeb ber to be a mpfe mornan,of goob manerc,^ pleafaunt in company* ^>be eameftlp perfmabeb ber b?ocber, bp tbejtample of ber bufbanb,to loue anb obey tbe Cb?tHtanc. ®bfemornan mac calleo t inacaona . pc founbetntbe palace of Beucbius jnacaucboa. ]tjC3rtt.fepng0,mbtcb bab b?ougbt tbep? tributes mitb tbem, attb abobe bts» commtng, ®bep b?ougbtmitb tbem alfo,bcfpbe tbep? tribuc afltgneb tbem, further tobemerite p fattour of our men, great plenttc ofuitailec, ac both kinbec of b?eab,ctinnleC,anb fifbec,alrebp b?teb,becaufe tbep fljoulo not puertfie : feerpentec alfo of tbatfepnbe mbtcbme fapb to be eftemcb am ong tbem ac mod Delicate meat, anb Ipke bnto Croeobtlec fautng in bpgnec ♦ ^Lljefe ferpentec tbep cal i«- tnrus, mbtcb our men learneb (fommbat to late) to baue ben en- genb?eb in tbeilattbe: jfo?bncotbatbap,noneoftbembur(f am wenture to tall of tbem, bp reafon oftbep?bo?riblebefo?mitie anb lotbfotnnec. $>et tbe Iieuetenanf,betng eittpfeb bp tbe plea- fanmec ofebe kpngec fpller, betermineb to tad of tbe ferpentec, * w mi;en be felte tbe flt$e thereof to be fo bdpeate to bic tongue, The firft Decade: ff rtngue,W (o amapne mitljout al feare j tbe toljt'tfj e tbpng fife companions pcrcctutng, lucre not beljiubc bpm tn greebpnefle, infomucl) tbat tljep bab nom none other talke,tljen of tijefbeete* nefle oftljefe ftrpmtes , mljicb tbcp affpjmeto be of mo^e pica* faunt taCfc , then eptber our pljefantes o) laartrtcbes: but tbcpfofetbepitaftc, cjpcept tijep be pjepareb after a certapnc fa* ibm* asboo^cacockesanbpjefantes, except tljep be enter* Jarbebbefojetbep be ro(feD«^bep prepare tbcm tbercfoje after this manner : taking out tljep? bomcllcs,eucn from the ^ thmtotbetbpsbe^ tljep mafljeanb rubbetbcpjbcbpesUcrp tobmuii* dvaitc both mrtbin j mitbouf,tljenro(Itng them together on a dr* de,tmio?ucs after tbe manner of a ficcppng fnakc, tljep tbjulfe them imoa pof, of no bigger capadtie then to bcloe them onlp, this bone, putting alitlemarer unto them, mitlj a ponton of the 3ilanbe pepper, tljep feetbe tljem mttb a foft fpje of frneere i»oob 5 anb fttcije as maketb no great fntoke: ffif rtje fa:te of tljem bepngtljusfobbe, tsmabean ejeceebpngpleafant bjotlj oj pot* tagc« ^bepfap alfo,tljat there is no meate to be cotnparco to tbe egges oftljefe ferpentesM’icb tljep bfe to feeiljc bp them fellies: ^ crpftltc0 tbrparegoooto be eaten as (bone as tljep are fobbf, anbmap ^0 carem alfobcrefcrucb manp bapes after . 33ut Ijaupng fapbe tljua muebof tbetr emertapnement anb bapnttefare, let Us nolue ipeake of other matters. ^bentbelUeuctenaiintbaD fplleb one of tbe Jlanbe boufrs mitlj tlje ®ofiampinc cotton mljiclj be bab <6o(roi>ini teceuieDfoj trtee,tbekpngcs pjompfcb fiirrljermojctogaic cottou * bpmasmudjeoftljepjujeabas Ijcmou’bescmatmbe: Ijegauc tbemfjartie£bankes,anti gcntlp accepted tljepjfrcnblppjofltr* 3!n tbe mranetpme, mfjple tljis bjeab mas a geatberpng i n fun* 0$ regions, to be bjottgbt to tbe pallareof ( $m bius Jtuchaucoa tepngtfXaragua, Ije feitt niefiengerStO IfabelU , fojoneoftbe ttoo Catattelles mljtcbe mere iatdpmabe there, tntenbpng to fenbtbefameagainetbitljer labenmiebtycab. Zbe ^arpners riaboftljefetpbpnges, fapleb about the 3ilanbe, anb uifljojte Ipacebjotigbt tbe Hjpppe to tlje coaftes of Xaragua. Zbt fpifer J ofkpng fleuebius Jnacaucboa, tijat mpfe a no pleafaimt moman Anicdona($ttyktmttpm of Caunaboatbc kpng of tbe goh ben botifeoftbttnotmtapnes t f Gibnna> mbofe ijtifoanbcbpcb in caona, #ctstap mben belboulbeljaue ben earpebtnto ©papne) mben St i be 3Tfje treafuric cf^ueenc ftnacAQ ittf* The fyrfl: Decade. <&e bear&e fap that our fljpppe \m$ arritteo on tbe (boje ofljer tui tine countrep* perfmaoeo the kino; ber Softer, tbattbep bntlj ntpgljtgoe together to fee it fo? tbe place inhere tbe Ibpppe Iap s mas not paffe. bi* mples trilfant from Xaragua . ®jep refteo a U npgbt in tbe mt&map, in a certapne bpllage in tbe mincb mao tbe treafurte oj temel Ijoufe of Jnacaon* ♦ Uper treafure mas neither goloe 5 filuer,o? pjetious ffones,but onlp tbpnges neceflarp to Pc bfeo,as ebapjes, (!ooles,fettels, otflbes, potingers, pottes, pannes, bafons, trepeo, ano fuel; otper Ijoufpoloe flufle ano in* ffntmentes, mo2keman(p maoe of a certapne blacke ano baroe (bpning mooo,U)ljtcb that erceilent learneo pbifition, 3Iofen bap* Uebene tooou. titf Elifius^ affirmed) to be fpebene. COpatfoeuer ponton of bate naturebatbgeuentotbembabttanteooftbc&UanoeO) tbe fame both moHappeare in tbefe kpnoe of moojkes, inmbicb tbep Ibeme great art anocuttnpitg, but tbofembicb tbfe moman bao, m jc 'jianbe of boere maoe m tbe ilano of Guanabba, fituate in tbe moutb of tbe «$uauabtM, mci ! fpoe of Bifpaniola : 3In tbefe tbep graue tbe Ipuelp image# of fucb pbantafteo as tbep fuppofe tbep fee malkebp npgbV mbicb tbe antiques: calleo Lemures: 3lfo tbe images of men, fet* pents,bcatfeo,$babatfoeuer other thing tbep baueonce feene. £2lbat mouloe pou tbinke ( molle noble prince ) that tbep cottlbe Doo>iftbepbaotbebfeof 31ron ano Heeled jfo? tbep onlp fp?tt make tbefe foft in tbe fpje, ^aftermaroe make them bolobae ano a (tom tn ttjc carue them mitb a certapne (tone mljicb tbep fpno in the rpuertf, of 3icou, <0f({ OO i C3 ; anoebapjes, (be gaue tbe iieuetenauntfourteenea ano ofuelfellespartapning to tbe table ano kttcbeti, (bee gaue bpm tb?ecfco?e,fome of moon, ano fame of earth, aifo goflam* ppne cotton reope fpunne, foure great bottomes ofepceeotng meigbf* £be oap foioming,mben tbep came to tbe Tea fioe,mljere mas an other billage of tbe kpnges, the tieuetenatmt com* maunoeo the Ibpppe boate to besought to the (boje* ^bekpng alfobao pyepaveo tmoCanoao,papnteo after tbep? manor, one ’fojbpm firtfe ano certapne of bis gentefcn, ait o%r fo? btsfit* Her Anacdona ano ber mapting moment hut Andcacna befp?cO to becarieomtbe lbippeboate mitb tfje , Jtleuccenaxmc* ££tb$n . . , r tbep name app?ocbeo ueare onto dje Ibippe, certapne great pee* tea ofojomaunce mere oifcbargeo of putpofe* tbe fea ma$ , fpb fco m% tbtmoer 3 , an? dje ap$e b# fmoto^j tl;ep trembleo Ctimttmg&t* tificcco* The firfl Decaefc: §4 imo quakeo fo? feMC 3 fuppofpng that the frame of the too?loe bao ben tnoaungcr offallpng, but mljeniljcp fame the lietictenant laugh, ano Jookc cljcarefiiUp on them, tljep calico agapne tljep? fpirttes,anomljen tljep pet o?eme nearer to tlje fljpp,ano Ijearoe the nopfe of tljc flutte0 3 fljamime0 3 anoo?ummes 3 tbep mere loom ^ lltT , aI in > Oerfullp attorned at tlje fmeetc Ijarmome thereof. <£mrpng into amm tw*. the Ibpppe, ano beljoiopng tbe fo?efljpp ano tbe ttente 3 tlje toppe cade^tbenta^tbebatcbe^jtbecabben^^tljebede^notbetac^ Ipngcs, tbe b?otber fpppng bte epes on tbe fpte 3 ano tbe fpte §£ Sura* 11 * on die b?ctljer 3 tljep mere both as it mere oumme ano ama?eo, *«>»♦ ano mptte not mhat to ftp fo? to muebe moono?png. ££tbple bebolopng tbefe tljpngs, tljep manoereo op ano bomne tlje (Tup, tljeilieutenaunt commatmoco tbe ankers to be loofco, ano tbe faples to be bopfeo op. 'STljen mere tljep further attonp0jeo 3 mljen tljep lam fo great a mole to ntooue as ttmere bp it felfe, Uutljouc o?es 3 ano mtSjout tlje fojee of man: fo? tijere arofe from tbe earth fuclje a mpnoe,as a man mouloe bane mpfljeofo? ofpttrpofe.gec furtljermo?e,mben tbep per cettteo tbe (btppc to mooue fometime fo?maroc,ano fometpme backmaro, fometpnte tomaro tlje right banoe 3 ano fometpme tomaroe tbe lcftc,ano that mitb one mtnoe, ano in manner at one tnttam, tbep mere at tljep? mpttes enoe fo? to much aomiration* ^Ijefe tbpnges ttni(beo 3 ano tlje fljtppes la* oen mitb b?eao,ano fuclje other remarocs, tbep bepng alfo re* cotnpenceo mitb other ofour tbpnges, bcotftmfieo not onelp the kpng Jnacbaucbja anoljisfptter, but Ipkemife all tbep? feruauntes $ momcn 3 rcplenilbeo mttlj tope $ monoering. Sifter this, be bpm felfe tooke bis to?nep bp foote mitb bfe foul* oterstotlje citteof/M^mbere ije mas aouertifeo that one 5vo^4««; A r //»e»«j,anougljtpfe!ame(mljom befo?e, bepng btS feruant ? ljeljao p?eferteo tobecapitapneoftljentpners ano la* tourers, $ after maoc bpm a 3Iuoge in caufers of comrouerfte) baoofeo bpm felfe outragiouflp, ano mas maltciouflp mpnoeo mtempe* againftbpm, atto further, tbe caufe of much mifebiefe inljis rancic # maitce abfence * Jfo? kpng Guarionexius (mijo a mljple befo?e mas par* aDuauucgof’^ ooneo of bis fo?nter rebellion, ano perfuaoeo tbe people to obep the fepanparoes)mas bp bts nougbtte ofage 3 ano fuclje other as mere confeoeteo mttb bpm, foaccenfeotoreucngetbe inittries mbtclje tbepfttttepneo at bis banoes } befpoe tlje abominable ' $}\ actes The fvr ft Decade. acfes to T )fcT)c tbep,foloto:ng oulp the latne cf nature, fiM;o?re& €teuattfoiw. to aornit, that be, uittl) bis famplic, famplpers, ano oiuonaries, of oefperate minoe ffcooe to tbe mountains, hems oilfaunt from ifabelU onlp tenne leaped toefttoaroc, totuaroe tbe no?tb foe oftbefea. ©efemoumapnes,anoalfj tbeinbabttatmtess of the fame, tbep calf bp one name, cigums, Cbc great king of all tbe kinges ano regions of tbefe mountapneS is calico M aio* banexm, ano bis court o? pallace is nameo Capronus : tlje mountapnes are rough, bigfvano fucbasnomancan page to tbe toppes cberof, tbep are alfo benoing, ano baue their co?nc m reaching ootonc to tbe fea. 3$ettoeene botb tbe corners of tbe tnountapnes, is there a greatc plapne, bp tbe tobicbemanpri* uers fall from the moumapnesinto tbe fea, tbe people are berpe fierfe ano toarltke men, bautng tbep? original of tbe Cam bales?: fo?toben tbep oefeeno from tbe mountapnes to tbe plapnes, to keepe toarre toitb tbep? bo?oerers, tbep eate all fucb as tbep kil. Guarmexius tberfo?e, fleeing to this hpng of tbefe mountapnes, , gatie bint manp p?efentes offucb tbinges as are foaming in bio countrep,tbcrfoitb occlaring born btleip,utllanottflp,ano oiolent* • Ip be bao ben ofeo of our men, fottb foljom be coulee notbpng p?euaile,neitber bp fap?e meanes, no? bp foule, notber bp burnt* litie,no? bp tfoumelTc , ano that to be tbe caufe of bis reflating, to bpm at that tpme,motf liumblp ocfp?ing bim to be bis oefence agapnlf tbopp?efflons offuebe mpfcbeuons people* M aloha* nexius bet euppon, maoe bpm p?omt(Te to apoe ano belpe bpm < agatnlftbeCb?igiaiisaltbatbemigbt* ^:be lieutenant there* fo?e maoe Ijalfe to tbe fa?trefle of Conception, .fobttber,as foone as be foas come, be fenc fo? fyldanut x eminus , tobo foitb fuebe asfolofoeo hpm,!ap in certapne of tbe 3llano milages, jctimpleS otlfant from tbe fo?trefle. debt's commpng, rbelicuetenaitnc afkco bim fobatal tbefe ffurres ano tumultes meatus ii)c anfine* rco foidjout abalbmem, gottr b?otber tbe gomtral bath to ooo tberetnttb, ano frail aunftoere fo? tbe fame befo?e tbe kpng, fo$ toe perceiue that tbe kpng batb fo put bpm in erttif, that be batb Ijaonoregaroeto&s: here toe perpfre fo? hunger, fojple toe folotuepou, anoareo?ptien tofeekeourbnbapppefoooe in the trefartes: 3J>ourb?otber alfo atligneo me aflplfauntfoiib poti in gouernpng the 3Hano& fptb pou Ijaue no mo?s : refpect 3 $ The fir!} Decade. refpectebntobg,meareoetermtneo nolongcfto belmocrpour obcoience. SBljen Wgldanus bao fpokentbcfemojocMnO fuebe ©tber, tbe Lteuetenmmt moulocbaue lapoe hanoes onbpm, but Ije efcapro bis fpngers,ano flcooc to tbe m Xemi* ms rangeo mitb bis companions, ^Mantis tn fl;o?t tpme Ijao fe* abioumpet* Ouceo them, pmmpfpng them tn tbe tf ceoe of mattockes, men* lU,aaon * cbes pappes : fo? labour, p’eafure : fo? hunger, abunoance : ano fotmeerpnelie ano matching, fleepe ano qtttemefie Guarioncxius % lJt fat* or intbemeane tpme alTemblco apomerofbtsfrenoesianocom feoerates, $ came oftentpmes oomne into the plapne,ano flue ass manpoftbeCbjifttan men as be couloemeeteconucntentlpe, ano aUb tbe 3!lanoe men mbicbe mere tbep? frecnoes, matting tbep? grounoe, octtroptngtbcp?fceoes, ano fpopling tbeirbpl* iages. 3i5ut ^ Id anus ano bm aoberentes, albeit tbep bao knom* koge that tbe 3omiral mouloe fljo?tlp come, pet feareo tbep no* thing, becattfe tbep bao feottceo tbe neme men mbicbe came tn tbe fp?(f thpppes* ^bpletbeiteuetenauntmastbttstoneotn die mpooett of tbefe (fortes, tn tbe nteane tpme bis bmtbcr tbe !3Dmtralfetfo?maroefromthccoattesof^papne : but notoi* rccrip to H ifpaniola, fo? be tumeo mo?e tomaroe tbe fotttb.3!n tbe c&e u m* no pa mbtcbebopage,mbat ljeopo,mbat coattes both of tbe Ianoe ano £?* 5 f / 0,0 ’ m * fea be compaffeo, ano mbac neme regions be otfeottereo, me mpl v uura ' fpitt oeclare: foito mbatenoeano concluftontbe Capo tumuttes ano feotttons came, me mpl ejcp?efleintbeenoeofclje booke fo« iompng, ®jus fare pemell ••• f ut n'.-jf j- <- » vJ* .» i « ■ The 1,1 \\i jprettrtjtmett jjpjAtca. STfjeilaitb of JJl&aDtta* ^calittg of jpg leper. Contagious apje anti tX' menu pcate. The firft Decade, The fyxt bookc of the'fyttft Decade, to Lodouike Card i nal of drag onie< Olonus tbe^Dmtrall, tbe tljtr&e Dap of the CalcnDes cf3fune, ttube peereof£b?iffe ! 1498 . bopfeo bp l)t 3 fap'es itt tbe (jaunt of tbe toUme ftarramedabat , tlOtfartC DlCtailC front Cales, anD fet fojtoar&e on bis bopage bntbepgbc (bpppes (aben b)icb bittualleg |anD other neceflartes.({)c DtucrecD from bia accuftomeD race,mbicbe mas bp eb e 3l(anDes of Canarie , bp reap* fon of certapne frencbttten ppjates ana rotters on the fea,mbicbe lap tntberpgbtmaptonteete tottbbpm.31ncl)cUiapfromCa/ef to tlje 3((anDes of Canarie, about fotircfccoe anD tenne mpiesta* toarbe tbe (eft banners tbe 3i(aitBe of Madera, tttoje foutbmaro then tbe citieofoWe bp foure Degrees, foj tbe lpo!e 3rtikefe eleuateto Ow/e.pjccbi.Degrees, but to tbis 3IlatiDe (as tljeSpa* riners fan} onlp. tncit.iiJefapleDtberefotefp?!! to Madera,mn fenbpttg front tbettce Directlp to Hifpaniola the reftbue of tbe flnppes (aben Uriel) utttualles anD otljer neceflaries , be btm felfe imtbonefijpppetnttbDeckes, anD tnto Sgarcbant CarateileS, coalfeo totoaroe tbe ^>outb to come to tbe Equinoctial Ipne,aun fofoojtbtflfolotoetbe tracte of tbe fame totnarDetbe&IXeff* to tbe intent to fearcb tbe natures of fuebe places as be couloe fimie bnDer 0 } nrare Unto tbe fame,leatiing Hijpaniola on tbe ttojidj ftoe on bis rpgbtbanbe. 3}tt tbe mtDDleoftbis race, (per iii.3iiattDeS oftbepo^tugales, lubicbctnere in o\t*e tpme called Hrfperides, anD are nonte calleD Caput Vmde, oj Cabouerde,t ijefe arefttuateitt tbe fea, rpgbt ouer agapnft tbe inner partes of Etbtope, QSXzft* UtarDe tuto napes faplpng. £Dne of cbeft tbe laojmgaies call ftonauifta. :tap!es,o? ratber.tbe Cotcopfes of tins 31* lanDe,manp leprous menarebealcDaiiD c!eanfeD oftbep?Iep^o? Oe.Departing foDamlp from Pence* bp reafon of tbe contagious tteOTc of tbe ante, be fapieD: CCCCirrcntPlt’s Comoro tire cLQeft foutbmeff, ttWebfc tsiHtbcmtDDetfbr^ncen?ti)ei£ie(l.anD.ibe Snucb. Ebere mas be fobejeeD nritb malameSano beater (feq it to ts tbe matted) of 3kme) that bis (bp js Utcre alrnoft fet on frje: d&lje boopes of bis barrel crackeD anD btake, anD tbe frell) rna* ocr ramie out; tlje men alfo complapneo tljat tljep mere not able to Th* firft Decade. Kwehfc ^Degrees from tbe ? $ ojt^onudl » fo} tije fpate of 4rftt* Wp^ln tbe wbtdj be fufttreo tljefetptrcmites, ottdp tbe fpjft * Dap Wasfapje, butaltbcotbcr, dowopanorapnp, pecnetter* tbetelVcferuembottc: (Hlberefoje it bfteitfpntcs rcpenteo Ijprn .: ^ . hoc a litfe, that ettcr be woke tbn t wpvltfctog i WfcDffltbefeoam ^ersanobcjcattons epgbc comimtall oapcsy at tbr Jengtlje at! CaafourbcalltDimoe arcfe 5 anD gaitt^of]rcrot^ Waite to brt fapies ♦ QElbtdjc wpnoe folowing btrerflp towaroe tbe well, be foumie tbe ftarres ouer that paraldl placet? m otber Dimer, ano an other kpttoe of apje y as die Somtrall lapnt felfe totloe «ne* 3m? tbep a! affrime, that within tljjrc napes faplmg, tljep faunae moft temperate anopleafatmt apjc* ®be &o*mral at* fo affhttetb,tljatfrom tbe dune oftlje greatbeateaim wtbolfomc apje,bccueralcciWcObptbebackeof tbe fea, as it were bp a bpgb niotmtapne towarce beauen , pet in ail this tptne, couloe be not oncefce airp lament at tbc Iengtybeoap before the lenocs of Jitlp jtbe watchman lookpng fomtl; oftlje toppe calfel of tlje greatefi fl)ippe,cneo out alouoe fo j top tbarbe efpieo tbjee cjtccDtng bpgb mouncapnes, eating bts file Wes to be of gooD cbeere, aim to put awsp al penltucnes : fo j tbep were berp heattp and fozowfiifl, as Well foz tbe greefe wbtcli tbep fuftepneb bp rea* ion of tbintolfcrable beate, as alfo that tljctr ftcflje Water fapleo tijetn, wbtdje ranne out at tbe fpftes of tbe bards, caufet? bp ep treme beate, as We bauefapo ♦ Cljus being wd comfyteo, tbep fcjcw to tlje lann, but at tbcp;t tpjtt appjocb tbep coulo not arpue, fcp reafonof tbe lhaloWnes o: tbe fea neere tbe fljojc: J)ct lokmg out of tlicpj iljpppcs, d‘cp mpgbt well percetue tbaulje Kcgioti Was mbabpteo, atmwdculcurco, foj tbep faweberpfapw gar* bens, aim pleafatrat mcoowcs :from tbe ti ecs aim berbes wijcr* ofy when the mojnpitg oeaWcs beganneto rpff 3 tberep^occaoeo manpe fweete fattoures ♦ ^weutie mples culfant front bettee, tbep cbaunretJ tntoa batten* (beep apte toljarbojowefbpppesi btititbaOnorptiftjninmngmtatt, Sapling on prtfomwbat fttrtfrtrstefotmoe at tbelengcb a comntcwcus batten, wljcrin be ijitgbtff papjcbislbpppes*anb make piotultcn offreibrwatrt The fir ft Decade#- beaftegfeete, oftbembirfjetbep fbunoeoneoeao, ntudjetyke* goate-Ebe Dapfolompng, tbep fame a Canoa eommpng a farre people of coin; of,bauptig in it foure ano tmentie poung men of gooDlp eo?po?a^ i P coipoiamre, tmt anD [ }l ^ flature,al armeo mttb targets,bomes,$ arromest weercti? ewu tbe bcarc of tbep? beaoes mas long ano plapne,ano eulte on the uoctiai. fo?ebeao much after tbejnjamter of tbe $£>panparos, their p?puie partes mere couerco mttb fpllets of goflfampine cotton, of fun* D?p colours cmerlaceo^mere beOoeal oner nakeo fperetbe 9o* mtrahconfpoertngmub btm felfe tbe co?po?ature of this people, ano naure of tbe lanoe, bebeleeucotbefametobefomucbe tbe nearer beauen,tbcn otber regions of tbe fame parcel, ano further cou>«. w, ** e rcmcioueDfroimbe grofleuapours oftbeoales, anomarpQieS, borne nuicbe tbe bpgbeft toppes of tbe bpggelt mouutapneg are oittant ermn tbe oeepe bales Jf o? be earnelfip affirmed), that tn a! that nauigarton, lie neuer ment out of tbe paralds ofEtbi* ope : g>o great Difference is there be-mecne tbe nature of tljinba* biuumes,atiD of tbe Topics of otuers regions, albnoer one dime 0 ) parnlri, as is to fee betmeette tbe people ano regions bepng ' in tbcfpime tanoe of Cdnope, ano them of tbe 3llanoes bnoer tbe fame dime, iiaupng tbe pole ftarre eleuate in p fame Degree* 4 fo?tbe Ethiopians areaUbiacke, bailing d)ep? beare curleo, mo?e like mool then beareibut tbefe people oftbe 3Ilano of Tut a* (brpng as 31 bane fapoe bnber tbe clpme of Etbiope) are mbite^ mitb long beare,ano ofpelom colour S&b£refo?e it is apparant, tbe caufe of this fo great Difference, to be ratber bp tbe Dtfpofition of tlje caub, then conlfttutton of beauen . 4 F 0 ? me knome, that (home fallctb on tbe mountapnes oftbe Equinoctial, o? burnt Ipne, ano the fame tof enDure there continuaiipe: me knome ipkempfe, tbattbe inbabitauntesof the regions farre Di* ifantfrom that Ipiie tomatDeebe no?tb,are molefteo mitb great beatr. 3Dbe ^Dmirall, that bemvgbt ature tbe poung torn to bpmmitbgrmlenefle,lbemcDtbemlookpngglafies, fap?e ano b?pgbtbetTeis of copper,baukes belies, ano fuebe other tbpngeg bnknomen to them , 3i5ut tbrmo?e tbep mere calleo* fo muche tbe mo-etbep fnfpecteD craft anD Dtccpie, anD fleooebacke* maroe: S?et DpD tbep mitb greu.aDmiration bebotoe our men ano tbcp? tbpnges, but tfpU baupng tbep? o?es in ttiepj &a;ioes reap to flee. ftLtljen the iAurairaU fame that b e couloe i bp The f) rfl Decade. yj by no meanes allure them by gpftes, be thought to p jooue toha* he couloeoo mitb muficall intftumentes, ano therefore com* maunDCD that tbep mbicbe mere tn the greate(nbpp,fljoulD plap ^tincAi as met as tbep cottloe bp ftgnes , rcgutreD bpm to come alanDe, pjomifpng fapth that tbep mouloe commune mith him of peace. But mbett tljcp fame him goe to the Qomtrais fl)pp,m!jptber he ment to afke ieatte that he might commune mitbthem,fufpecttng Ijerebp fome further Decept,tbep leapt itnmcDiadpe into the to noa.ano flceDDe asfmpft as the topnDe ,fo that to conduDe, tljep coulD bp no rneanes be allutcD to famtliaritieipm frffe, ana tbep mbtcb mere fn'sf compand ft! eftisf bpoagei bepng men of goon creme , anb perceau ; ngntp tttlpgence fa fearebpng fo? tbefe matters;, toloe me pet of a greater tbpng, that to, that fo? the fpace of .^rcut. leagues, amotmtpng to a bunb?ctb anD foure ropiest, be fapleo etter bp frdbe mater, info* much tbac tbe fttreber be p?oceabeo, efpectallp tomarbe the Uicd, be affirmeotbe mater to be the frelber ♦ 8-ftft fbjtsf, be came to a bigbe motmtapne tnbabiteo otidp mitb S^onkcpeo o? 39ot> ma(tco,on that part tomarbe tbe Call :if o? ebat fpbe m as romgb mttb rockpe anb (fonp ntoumapneo, anb tljerefoje not tnbabiteo mttb men. get tbep that ment a latinc to fearcbe tbe coimtrep, founue nere Onto tbe fea, manp fap?e Sdoco, U)cf( tpHco anb fomen, but no people, no? pet boufeoo? corages: parbappes tl;ep mere gone further into tbe countrcp, to fouie tbep? co?ne, anb applpe tbep? bufbanb?p,aomee often fee our bufbanbemeti to Ieauetbcp? Nations anb Pillages fo? tbe fame purpofe. 3!n tbe meftfpbeoftbat mountapne, tbep efppeb a large plapnr, mbttber tbep mabe half, anb call anker tn d>e b?obe rpuer ♦ 8 s foonca5tbetnbabttante0babknomlebgecbat a ffrange nation mao arrpueb tn tbep? coatfeo, tbep came flockpng rnttljottc allfearetofecourmen. We bnberftobe bp tbep? fpgnes ano popntpngeo, that tbto Region mao calleb Taria , anb that it mao net p large : Info muebe that tbe further it reac 'etb tomarbe the metle, to be fo mueije tbe better tnbabtteb anb replentlbeb mttb people^be 8bmtraltberfo?e,takpngtmo bis (bt'ppefourc oftbemenoftbatlanoe,fearcbebtbc met! partes of the fame* 03p the tcmperaceneo of the aper,tlje pleafautneo of the grounb , anb the multttube of people mbtcb tbep fame oatlpmo?e f mo?e aotbcpfapleb, tbep contectttreb that tbefe tbpngeo po?tenbeo fome great matter: as in beebe tbetr optntnon fallen them not, as me mill further Declare tn bis place . %\)t fonne not pet rpfen,bttt bcgttmpng etien ttome to rpfe, being one bap allttreb bp the plea* lattncnco of tbe place, anb fmcete fauouro mbttbe b?eatbeb from tbe lanbe to tbe (bpppeo, tbep ment a lanbe: Upere tbep founbe a greater multptube of people, then tnanp other place* 8s our men app?ocbeo tomarbe them, there came certdne mdTcngers from tbetr Caciclt bat to,tbe kinges of the countrep,to befp?e tbe aomirallmtlje name of tbep? p?tnceoto come to tbep? palaces < ;■ mttlje Tlicf^rft Decade. 38 tmtljoutfeare 3 anb tbattljep ana al tbep# ftoulne bee acbfe com* maunbemem* 2 Bl;en tbe ^bmirall Ijab tbankeb tbern, anD mabebtS ejccufe fo? cl;att^mc 3 tijcre came innumerable people tontbtbepjboatciaito tbe (bpppee, baupng ftp tbe mod parte cbepneg about tljepjnecke0 3 garlanbeo on tbep? beanesi, ana Ipaftf ettees on tbep? arnteb of peadeb of 3lnDta. anb that fo com- tnonlpe 3 tbat outmonten tn plapeaanb trpumpbee, baue not gteaterplentie of donee of glade ano crpdall tn tbepi garianbgf* ccoumee, girbete, and fuclje other tpjementes . Bepng afken Inhere tbep gatljcreb them, tljep poptueo to tbe nejct fbo?e bp tbe feabankes.Ebepflgniflebalfo, bp certcpnefcojmefull fedurejeC lubtcbe tbep mabe mitb tbep? moutbes ano banbe0 3 tbat tbcp no* tbpng edeemeo pearles ♦ taking alfo bafkettes tn tbctr banbeo, tbep mabe Agnes tbat tbe fame mpgbt be fpHeb mttb them tn 0 )o?te fpace. But becaufe tbe copte mbermttb bio Ibpppes mere laten to be carpeb into HifpanioU, bat) taken bnrt bp reafon of tbe fait mater, be betermineb to beferre this tnarte to a mo?c contte* ntetit tpme:get be fent to lanb tmo of tbe Ibpp boatce Iaben mtrlj men 3 to tbtntcnt to feteb fome garlanoe of pearles ftp ejccbattge of our tbpngess,anb alfo fornmbat to fcarcbe tbe nature oftbe Ifte* gion 3 anb btfpofitton of tbe people . 'Ebep entcrtepneo our men gentellp, anb came flocking to tbem bp Oeapes, as 'it (mb ben tobebotoefomedrange wonders, jf p?d there came to meete our men, tmo men of grauttie, mbotit tbe tnultttuoe folomcb: £)ne of tbefemas mell in age, ano tbe other but potmg . £bep tljtnke it mags tbe father, mitbljisfonnembicbefl-oulo fucceeoe bpnu CObentljeone bab falttteb anD enUpafeb the other, tbep brought our m^n into a cerrepne rotiiibe boufe, neere Unto the Ui&icbe mas a great courre.ipptbet: mere brought manp ebapers anb doolegs mabe of a certepncblacke looob, anD berp cttnnpnglp &ene. Upougbt. Qfter that our men anb tljep? lances mere iette, tbetp maptpng men came tn laben, feme toitb.ftwp bclpcate bpffljes>anbfotne,m:tbmpne:But tbep? meat,Uias oujp fruitrgs, anb tijofeof Dptters kpnbeg, anD btterlp bnknomen.ro t»3> ghepj mpne ma3botbmbp caitb rebbe, nor mabe of grapes, but of tbe Ipoour of apuera fruites, anb berp pkafatmte m*D?pnkpng. Sifter this banquet mabe in tbe oloe mans Ijpufe , tbe peupg man bought tbetmoijis tabenwdc 03 mamimiP^ce^ mbere f The fyrfl: Decade. m^s a great company both of men anb momcn, But they tfoobe »ofjpet nun biiTettcreb the one from the other. ^Cbey are mbyte, etien as neeccnjeeiuu our men are, fautngfucheasaremuch comterfant in the fumte. 3Cbey are alfa bery gentle, ano full ofhutnamtte tom arbe If ran* gers. &hey cower they? p?iuie partes mith gotTamptnc cotton, brought mid) futtbty colours, ano are hefybe all nakeb. Chere mas feme, a? none, tbathaonaceythcracoller, aefyayne, o? a bracelet of goloe anb pearles, ano many ha&afl. BeyngaO ftcb mhere they has that goloe, they poynteb to certayne mourn tayitcs, feemyng mith they? countenaunce to bitTmaoe our men from goyng thtthentfo? putting they? armes in they? mouther anbgrynnyngas though they bytte the fame, ffyll poyntyng to the mountaynes, they feemeo to tnlimiate that men mere eaten there: but mhetber they meant by the Cantbales, o? myloe Beatles, our men couloe not melperceiue. &hey tookeueycee* bynggreeuouflye, that they coufoe neyther bnberllanbe our men,no? our men them. but tljat mljen tt mas creatco , tljere mas a ccrtapne beape rapfeb tberon,mucljebpgber then tijeotljer partes of tbe fame. g>o that (as be faptb) tt is not roimbeafter tlje fojtne of an apple o? a bal(as otber tljtnke)but ratljer IpUe a peace as tt hangctlj on tbe tree, anb that Tma is tbe Eegion mljtcb pafTcITerfj tlje fupermtnento? Ijpgljelfparttberofnearelfbntobeaitcn: 3!n fo: mticbc tljat be earnelgp contended, tljecartljlplparaDpfe to be fytuate in tlje toppes of djofe three holies, mljidje me fapoe before , that thematebman feme, cut of tlje toppe caffef of iW The fir (l decade* <*c fo tutcij die fait mater, faU beaotongfrom the toppes of the faioe wountapnes: But of this matter, it (ballfuffpce to ijaue fapoe thus tttuche . let us nome therefore return to the hpfto^te from tohiche toe bauc oigrefleo ♦ Wm he pmctueo him feife to be thus inmjappeoinfogreat a gulfe beponoe ht^xjcpectai tton, fo that he hao nome no hope to fpnoe anp paffage tomaroe the nojtb, mberbp he mpgbt faple otrcctlp to HijpmoU, he mas enfojceoto turnebacke the fame map bp the mbicbe became, ano oirecteo bis Opoage to BijpamoU bp the nentb of that ianoe ipmgtornaroe the Caff. ^Ebep mbicbe afrttmarocfearcbeO this lanoe moje curpouflpe, mpll tt to be parte of the continent a $ firme lanoe of 3 [noia, ano not of Cuba as the 8omtral fuppofeo: 4 f o? there are manp mljtcbe aflftrme that thep haue fapleo rounu shouted. But mhethertt hefo oj not * o? mhctljer; enuping the goto fortune oftbts man, thep feeke occafpcw of quarelpng agapnfthpm, 3 Irannotmt»ge:Buttpme(halIfpeabe,mhiche in tpme appopmeo, reuealeth both truth ano falfeboo* But mhe* ther Taria be continent ojnot, the ^omtrall noth not ntuche contenoe,. buthefuppofeth it to be continent : l)z alfo affir* meth that %arik is moje foutbmaroe then Hifpmola, bp epgbt bunojeofourefcoje ano tm o mples* &t the length he came to (tofee bis; fouloter^ iubtc^ Oe left txiftb hte b?eth?en) the thp?o oap of the calenoes of September, in the peere . 1 498. but (as often times cbauncetb in humane thpnges) among hi# fomanp pjofperous, pleafaunt, ano luckpc affap?es, fortune tnpttgleofomefeeoesof moimemooo, ano cojrupteobtspure cojnemttb the malicious meeoes of cockle* mhtcbeibotolentlpe tfibtte out of the fapoe gulfes , ano llrpue tuserd&eiimttje E'jjmiaUeeau^ fcrac. The feuenth booke of tbe fyrfl decade 3 to the fame Lodowke Cardinal. &c* l^enthe domical masnom come tothe [lanoe of Hifpamla, he founoe an thpnges f confounoeo ano out ofojoer . Jfo? ftoldanus (of mljom me fpake before) refufeo in hi# ' abfence to obep his bjotber 3 truftmg to the I multuuoe of fuel; as mere confgoereo mith fern, TJiefirft c!ecac!e» ] ftpm , inoiw»4!l(l9 -InflBtt.-iaffie. ^pnO-^v , . ' | aomitaltes tyodjcr atm tittietcnant,fcmetpme bis matffcr, but alfo fern letters to bis rep?ocbe to tbekpttg ofs>papne,tbet» in accufpng botbtbe b?ctb?eu,iapingbcpnous matters to tljep? tbarges . But tlje aomtrall agapne Cent meffengers to tlje *png, tbljidic mpgbt mfo?mc bptnof t^ rebcHpon, infant .«* Bf#ce to fence Mtm G#fe* of « % tuljttby be mtgbtfupp?cflc tljepi lec'cnutiuTneSjand ptuuO) ttjcm fo? tbep? mifcbeuous acteS . ®bep accufed tlje 3omttaIl ano bis b?otber to be bmutt men, cruel emmtcs,atidfi)CDdersof tlje ama**l §>panp(be blood, occlarpng that ^ppon euerp lpgbt occafpou ammrT ®* tljcp tuoulde rscbctbem, (wqg t!jcni*an& bead them, dno tljat •tbep toofeepleafute tbertn, aim that tbep departed Smrit them, as front cruel! tp?antes ana tuploe beatfes retoptpng in blood, alfotbebpnges etumies: afa>jmpng ipftebopfe, tfcattbep toel percetiieo tbeppeptent to be none other tbento uGttpc tljempire oftlje3!lanocs, tobtcbcibpngCtbcpfapdc) tl;cp fufpected bp a tboutanoeconiectures, and clpeciaUpinxbat tbep inculoe pc£ tnttnone to refo?tc to tbe goloe mpnes, but only fuebe as lucre tbepjfanulters.^be acmirafl on tbe contrary part, frtben be Bcfpied ayde oftbeltpng to infring tbep? infolencie, auouebed an rtofw. tbatal tbofe bisaccttfers, tobicb baooeutfeo (ticbe ipes agaynlf , bpm, uiete nougbtte felotof s^bbomittable fmaues and bilams, tbccuesaiid bauocs, ruffians, adulterers# rauil&xrS of toomeit, falfepcrturcd bagabounbes, and fucb as bad ben eptijer cottiuct, tn yipfons, o? fleoocfo? feare of Judgement : fo efcaptng piiraib* meat, but not Icaurag bice, Mp k tbep ttpll compiiucd, and biotigbttbetoebttbtbetutbtbewtO-fpiiing&treinlibetita* net as before, in tbeftc, lechery, | aaitpndeS offuTcbctg, atib fo gptien to 3iWcncs and flccpc, that ttljeraStbep mere Djdugbf tbudicrfb! mimcrs-labomcrs, * rctfitrans.iBcp toottld not noin hoope to the grounoe at one ffrocke, be tnas the bed man ,atm cotutreD mod bankable * ©jde tbpngs, ano manp fuebe other, the one oftbem laiotoibe others charge WSfye tbe kmg» 33S bile ^heft thtngcs mere oobptig^ the $ontirafl fcitt bis brother tfjt icauctenaurinoith an armp of fottrefcojeanbtennefootemen, ano a fetne !;o?femcn (tnith tfyeetboufanoe of the Jlatme men, tohtche tnere mortal! enimpes to the Ctguautans ) to meete the people of cignaua, tnttb Epng Quar 'mcxins tbepj gratmoe tfapttaptte, tobo bao troone mtiche mpfeheefe to our men, aim fttebe ass fattoureo them ♦ ^herefc^e tnben the lieutenamtt iaoconouctcobisarmptotbebankesofa certepne great rpuec runnpnghp the plapne, inbicbe inc fapoc before to Ipe bettnene the corners of the mountapnes of Ciguaua ano the fea, he fount) e ttto fcdtitcjss of his cnimtes lurkpng in certrpnebulbes, Inhere- of the one, cadpng hpm felfe beaolong into the Tea, efcapeo, aim ip the mouth of the rpuor finamme ouer to hi 0 companions : the other being t aken, oeriareo that in the inooooe on the other fpoe therpuer, there lap in camp e fire tboufanoe Ctguauians reop, imtnares to aflaileour men palling bpe. &Lthcrefo?e the iticutc- natmt finoing aibalotn place inhere be might palfe ouer, he tnith f l;is inbole armp entreo into tlje rpuer ,tlje Uiijicb thing inhen the Ctguauians hao efppco, thep came nrnnpng out of the inoooocs tntth a terrible crpe,ano mod horrible afpect, much like Onto the people calico Jgatbjrfu ofinhom the poet otrgilfpeaketb : fo} tbep tnere all papntco ano fpotteo intth ftmo?p colours, aim eO penadlnitbblacke ano reo,tnbicb tbep make of certepilefniitcs noojpfljeo foj the fame ptirpofe in tbep? garoens, tnith the iupce tnberoftbeppapnctbem felues from the fojbcao, etten to the sSS^ttoSf ; knees, haupng tf)cp? heare (tb&icbe bp art tbep make long aim *j> mu blacke^ifnatiire heitp itthtni) to?catbeo anorclleo after a thott- e ftnbfcfad)ions, a man tnouloe thtnke them to be OeupHes tttcar- nat netnlp bjoke out of hell, thep are fo like Onto helhounoes. &s ottr men tnaoeo ouer therpuer, theplhotte at them,anohurlco oarces to chpcke, that it almoff tooke the Ipght of the fonne from cur men : mfcmtfcbe that tf thep hao not bo?ne of the fojee therof The firft Deed*: 4 1 tlmoftoWjt&epj targetteg., the matter baa gong tojeng Mtb them, get at the length manpebepngtuounoeo, tbep padre ouer the rpuentobfrb tbpng inben the emmteg falne 3 tbep fleooe a inborn our men purfupng 3 flue fome in the ebafe, Out not manpe 5 reafonof djepjfnipftnelfeoffoote. ^bugbcpngtntbeinooo* begybep fbocte at our men uto?e fafelp, foz tljcp bepng accttlfo* men to tbe luooooeg , ano nakeo luttljout anpelette, padeb tbjougbtbebulbegmioltyttbbeg, aottbaobeninploebojeg oj ijrarte^lnbereag our men luerebpn&creo bp reafonoffljepjtaps pared, targetg^long taarltn£ a $ igno?atmce of the placetEOber* foje 3 inben Ije (jao redeo there at chat npgbt m bapne 3 mto the nap folompng be fame no dirrtng in tbe mooooes, Ije runic (bp the coutifel ano conoucte of the other Jllanoe men luljtcbe mere tn his armp)tmmeotatIp fro thence to the mountapnegjtn the luljt* cbekpng Maiob aiexius hao big cbeefc manfton place, tn the btf & P ng mtio* lage calico Capronum,bp the mljtcb name alfo the kpngsi palace oanw u »* lnas cadcOjbepng tn the fame Utdage^hus marching fo^Uiaroe totth hta! armie,about tinelue ntples of, he encamp* D tn the bib Iage of another kpng, tohtche the tnhabttaunteg hao fojtlaken foj feare of our men: get ntakpng oilignu fearche^tbep fettno tmo 5 bp inborn thep tab knoinleoge that there mas tenne kinges lutth Maiobanexius tn l)i0 palace of Capronum, lutth an armte of eight thouninDCtguautan^^ttheitcutenantsfp^dapp^cbjbetmrd armp of not gcue them battaple, bmpllte baofomelnbat better fearcljco ngtn tDourano the region: pecopoljetn themeane tpmefkp^mpdjelutththem Cl3UtUU{Uls * tinpfe* ^he note npght about mponpgbt 3 he fenc foonh fcoutc0 5 ano lutth them gtttoes of the 3!lanoe men lulricbe kneme the countrep: unborn tbeCtguautan^efppmgfrothemountatncg, p?epareothemfelue0totbebattaple 3 \mtijaterrtblecrpe o> ala* rum after their matter 5 but pet ottrd not come on? of the mooos a fuppodtig that the iLtettetenantiuithht0 mapne armp hao ben eucnatbanoc*^bcoapfolompng,mhen he btought htg armp to the place inhere thep encampeo, leaping out of the luoooocg, then cuiple attemptco the fortune of marre, fiercclp alfaplttig our men lutth a mapne force, ano luounoing manp befo?e'thep conloe coouer them lutth then* targeties : get our men put them to flpght, due manpe, ano tookc manpe, the refpotte fieooetotheluooooe^j lul;erethep kept them tfpll ag tn their 0 i moll The fyrfl: Decade. moftfafebotoe* ffiftbem tubirijc UJerc taken, be fentone, m ©i© him another of©e 3!lanae men, ©btcb ©as of bis paruo Maiobaneximjuid) commatmncment tn ©is effect, £be Itcue* tenatmt brought not bp©er bis armp(2D Mmbmxius ) to bepe ©arre either again# pott,o? pour people , fo? be grcatlp aefpte© pour frena©tp:but Ijts intent is,©at Guarmexius, ©bo lja© per* ftoaaea pou to be bis apae again# him, to ©e great ne#ructton of pour people, anaimaopng of pour cotmtrep, map baue aue correction, af©ellfo? 1 jfe atfobeaience to©arae bpm , as alfo fo$ rapfingtttmtte among ©e people: tobelpuerbpnt, cjccepee be tuouloe procure tbebelfruction botlj ofbpntfelfe,btspeoplc,anDbiS countrep.tEObeu the nteflenger boas returnee, Mmbamxm aflemblcD the people, Declaring Unto them mijat mas Doone: but tljep crpeo out on bmt to Driitter Guarionexins 3 ano began to cttrfe the oape that euer tljep IjaD re- ceaueo bpm, thus to Dtfturbe tbep? nuteciteffe. Maiobanexius am fiuereD them, that Guarmexius mas a gooo man,etbaD mell be- ferueD of bint, gening bun manp ppncdp pjefentes, ano bao alfo barons fcpng! taugbt both bis unfe anD bint to fling ano oaunce, Uiljicb thing be Dio not little efteeme, anDmascbcrfotefuflp refoIueDinno cafe tofojfakebtnt,oj agapnlf al buntanitte to betrap bps frenoe, tojjicb flcD to bint foj fitccotire, but ratber to abioe a! extremities Uritlj bint, then to mimtfer occafion ofobloquie to flatmDerers,to repose tljat be bao betratcD bis gbelf, mijom be toke into big Ijoufe midj marrattties* ^bus Dittufling tbe people, ftgbing aito toJitb fo^OUtfuU bartes, be CalleD Guarmexius before bint, ptomi* fing butt agapne, that be mottlo be partaker of bis famine mljtle life lalfeD: in fo much that be thought it not bell to feno anp fur* tber moojoc to tbe lieuetenaunt, but appopmeo bint inborn be- fore be Cent to bint, to keepe tbe mapmitb a garrtfon of mat, to tbintentjtbacpfanpntelTengersCboulobe fene from tbe lictie* tenaunt,to flap tbent bp tbe map,anb aDmit none to communica* tton, o } further entreatie of peace* 3!n the mcane time,tbe lieu- tenauntfent tmo, mljeroftbe one mas a captiue Ciguauian, ano the other an 21anDman,of them mljicb mere frenDes to cur men: ano thep mere both taken ano flatne. Wiy e Iteutenaunt fo* Mmete* JoUice them onlpmitb ten footenten^foure bojfemeit, fmoing bismcflengersDeaDtn the map, be mas further pjouokeDtc mjatb, ano oetermineDmojeertremelp to Deale lottb Mwba* nm«x,j:tberfojementfojmarb iitcominemlpmitb bis mbotear* mp to bis cbeefe pallace of Capronum > mbere bepet lap tncampe* Qt bis apptoebe, al p hinges flem etterp man bis map, $ foifoke tbete capttame Maiobanexius , mbo alio mitb ai bis famplpe, flee to p rough inoutaines* S>ome of the Ctgitauians fought foj J r m dp it Guarmexius The fyrft Decade. to (?pm, fo? tljac (je luagf t&c cairte of alt tljefe troubles : but W fectc faued IjiS Ipfe, fo? be fledde in tpme to the moumatnes,mljere be lurked in rnancr alone among tlje oefolate rockes . W , Ijeras nolo tlje iiettetenauntes fouldiers mere fo?e* merpedmttb long marre, mitlj matching, laboure, and hunger (fo? it mas nome tlj?ee monetises fence tlje inatres began)manp defp?ed leaue to oeparte to tlje tom?e of Conception, mljere tbep ban graneges,? erercifcd tillage Jpe gaue ttjem tljcir pafl*epo?tg mttbalomanceofbtttaples,andfotbatonety thp?tie remapneo mitlj Ijpnt . Cbefe tbjee monetljes marre, tbep contpnued berp papnelkl and mpferablpe:^>o that durpngal tljat tpme, tljep ‘srijc spaitiar* bad none other mcate but onlp Cazibi, that is,fuclj rootes mijer* intjewarrM. 11 ofcljep make tljep? b?cad 3 and that but feidome to tljep? fpll: ah fo ^^thattSjlptclcbcaffeslpkeConpeSjifbpcbauitce nome anb then tbep tookc fome mitlj tijep? IjoundeS. Cljetr o?inke mag none other then mater, fucljastbep founbe, fomtpnie frneete, andfomtpmemuddp,(auerpngoftbe marpffjrs* Cmong djefe oelicates, tljat Ipttle deep i tljat tbep hub, mas euer fo? tbe mol! parte ab?obe bnder the firmament,and tljat not mitljout matelje* men,anb in continual remoomng,as the nature of marre requh fentScSStf ' b# ® ^e tljerfoje, the Lteuetenaunt betermineo to tftTmc men? fearche tlje niountapnes, demies, anb catteS, if be coulbe in anp placefpnbe the IfeppeS Of M aiobanexius o? Guat ionexius. 3ln tlje meane tpme certapne of his men (mbom hunger enfo?ceb to goe a bunting, to p?oue iftljep cculde take anp conies) ebauneeb bp* pon tmo of M aiobanexius fanulpers,mljicb mere fent to certaine bilfages of bis, to make p?ouil!on of b?ead. Cbcfelje cnfo?ceb to beclare mljere tljep? lo?de lap bib,? bfeb the fame alfo fo? guides, to b?»ng our men to the place*CmeIue of our men tooke this en* terpipfe in Ijanb, painting them feltics after p maner of tlje Cig* % ttomde. uauians: &o tljat bp this ftratagetnc o? policie,t!jep came fodem Ip bppon M aiobanexius , anb tooke bpm pnfoner, mitlj bis inpfe, cbtld?en,^ famtlp 5 and comic igljeb them to the tom?e of Concept tion totheHicuecenaunt.COithina feme dapes after, hunger •compelled Guarmexius to comeotit oftljedennes , mbom cer* tatncoftljepeoplefcarmgtbe iieuetenaunt, bem?apeo to our burners . Che iieuetenaunt being certiSed hereof, fent foo?tb a banbe of foote men 3 commaumnng them to ipe inambtilbebm > : ' ' & The firft Decade. || niche tpmeas Oumomxmwwt front the pfeptte# fd the tttountapnes,and then fodenlp to entrap pe l;pm ♦ Elicp nicne as tbepUierccommatmdeo, tookebpm, and brought bpm arnap toitb them, ami bp tbt$ meanestoereal tbe regions neare about pacified ano outcecD* 3 certapne noble tooman of neare kpnrcD to Maiobanexius, andUJpfcto another kpng, bubefe dominion boas pet bntoucheo 5 foiomcD bpm in all tbefc atmetftrtes* 3Ebep afftrmetbt0Ui3ntancobetl)efap?eft ano motf beautiful!, that xbmimrn euer nature brought fooitb in the Stand: £&tbom,mbcn the king ^oman. ber bufbanoe,u>bo (oueo her matt arocm!p(aS I;er beatm'e refers ueo) bearoefap that iljc boas taken pipfoiter, be manocteobp * ano doume tbe defartes !pke a man out of b& inpttc, not knofci* png tobacco boo o? fap* But at the length, be came to tbe JLteutenamic, pjomifpng mol! faptbftiiipe, that be Utouloe fub« tntt bint felfe and a! that be coitlde make, bnoerbtspaloer, fo that be tnouloere(fo?ebpmbis mpfc*€b t Iteutenauitt accept teo tlje condtnonj^rciforeD bint l)ta orife,tmtb certatneotber rtt< lers ano gentlemen U)l)icb be bao taken pjpfoncrs before : char* ging them, ano bpnotng them Utttb an otbe,to be eucr rcOp at bis commaunoemcnt. gobojtip after, tbis king of bis ontne free motion, came agapite to tbe lieutenatmt, typngpng tomb butt fpue tljoufanoe men intcbouc meapons,faupng onlp fttebe mffrtt * memos as tbep bfe tit tpHage of cbep? ground, fyz bjougbt rnitb bpmaIfofeeoestofoUie,U)berUJttbacbt3 oirne charge, becau* fed fucb plentteoftbep? coptc anofruites togrouie in fumpppfa* ccs oftbelarg bale, tnljercftnefpake before, tbat(bo?tlp after, toerefeenemanpfap?e ano fruitful! fcdoesibatcamc tberef: ano fo? bis gemrinefle being regarded of tbe iteuetenatmte Uricb certapne of ctir tbpnges, be departed topftiflpc. Whtw tbe repoit hereof came to tbe Ciguauians,it mocued tbe minors fb* fcpnge* oftbekpnges to hope of riemencie, tobereuppon tliep came rrSicm? together to tbe Ltcttetenaunt toitb bumble fubunflion and frith* ^umnaiiw* ful! piompfe, euer after to bebitoer bis obedience, oefp?png bpm to reftoje bnto them tbep? kpng bottlj bis frmtk'e. tbep? eegtie(f,tbekpnges topfc and bis ijouiboloe mas fee at fiber- tie, but the king kept ftp! as a pjpfoner. '&tje(e tbpttges opo tbe iietttenattnt tn tbe Jlanoe, not petknotopng tobat bis aouer* faries and acctifers bad lapse to bis charge before cbejkpng of © tit jspapne* The fyrfl Decacfd fepatne: b3l)D being oifqutctco toritlj thepr guareltngesand scat* fations 3 ano efpecialip for tljat bpreafon of tl,epr Difeentton, offo greate abundance ofgolde and otter tljpnges, cljere Uias as pcC bMlpttlcbrougbtinto^papne, appopnted arniue gotiemour, noucofti] 0 ^^ fboulde fee a rcdjtefle in tbelc tljpnges; ana eptljerto pu* 3iau&*. J npflte fucb as mere fautic, or els to fenoe them to bun . (Lfttbac inas fjimoe agapnft tlje 3omtraU and bid brother, or agapnff bis aouerfaries Uiljtclj accufcD bprn, 31 dc not tuell knoUie. 35uc this 31 am fure of, tljat botb the brethren arc taken, tyottgljt, and caftein prifon,mtlj tljcpr gooses confifcatc* Butasfootieasf tlje king Under ft ode tljat tljep mere brought bcunde to Cales, be fent meflengers in pofte, mitb commaundement tljat tljep (IjoulDbeloofenandcomefrcelptoljts prefence: mljerbp be oe* claud tljat Ije coke their troubles greeuouflp, 3lt is alfo faid, that tbe nem gouernouc fent letters to tlje kpng, U)jitten Uriel) tlje mtrallesljantun ftraunge and UnknoUieit fppberinges,to lj& bjotljer tlje Itcuetenauut being abfent 5 U)pIIpngljpm to be tn a redpnes urltlj a pourcr of armed men to come and apd bpm, if tbe 0ouernouveftjouldpjoffcrbpm anpuiolcnce* &Hljcrof tbe go* uernotirljautngknomleDge (asljefaptlj) bepngalfoaduertifed tljat tbe Iteuetenaunt mas gone to Ins brother before tbe men luljtclje be b^d prepared mere in a redtnes, apprehended tljem botlj unurares, before tlje multitude came togeatljer ♦ £&ljat nrpl foloure , tpme, tlje molt true and prudent Judge rnpll declare, ^busfarepeureil C The eygth bookc of the fyrfl Decade, to Cardinal l Lodouike. 5>e great, rpdje, and plentiful! ©ccait fea, heretofore Unkncmen, andnouiefoundebp \ckriJlophorus Colonus tlje Admiral, bp tljatt* Jtojitte $ furtherance of tlje Catbolpkeking, *31 baueprefented unto pour honour (rpgbt I noble pjtnce)like a golden ebapne Untnojk* manlpmjougbt : butpoulbalnoUmcetue apjetioustemeHtobeappendaunttljerto, therefore among fudjasmere pplottcsorgouernours Under theaDmprafl,an& bad dpligemlp marked tl;e courfes $ dpflrrcncesoftlje urindes. TheMDecafe ‘ H mnp baO fytmM gratmt c& them of the kp tig to feefce further at oumc charges, upon contrition to pap bpm faptbfuilp bi$ ponton, mincli ts the fpftc part, But bccaufe amonge all otljcr, one Petrus Jlphon jus, CallcO N/gnK*bpbiS funtattte, fapleOtO* 23ettaniptfc Inatoe the foutb mttb tno?e ptofperous fo?umctbcn anp of the other, 3itbtnke it bcttfinf to fpenke fomembat of bis uopanpe* ij pe tberfo?e nritb onlp one (bpp, tndl furnt-ljeo at bis otnnc djar* gcs, after that !jc liao bis paflcpojte, nritb commatmocmentm no cafe to calf antopatlfpfcpelcagacsimffantfromanpeplace Inhere the 3omiralI Ijao touches, fapleo fp?lf to Taria^m the #omiraI founoe both the men ano momen fo laocn Urith ebetnegj gatianocs, nno b?afdettes of pearler as me Ijauc fapoe befote* ©oa(fpngtberfo?e along; bptbe fameOjo?e, acco?opngtotbe kings commaunotment (pet leauing bebpno bpm the regions of Cumana ano Mauacapana') be came to the regions mbicb tbinba* bttantes tberof ca! Curiana, inhere be founo a bauen (as be faith) mttcb Ipkc tbepou of Glides o? Gales : into tbe mbtcb emerpng,be fame a farre of certaptte boufes one tlje fljo?e, ano pcrcepueo, rnben bcotonc tteerc, that it mas a Pillage of onlp epgbt bonfe& 3P?occadin^ vetfarcbeu fo? tbefpace of three mples,be efpteo an other pillage mdi replenplbeo mitb people, mbere there met bpm fpftpe nakto men on a companp, batting mitb them a ecr* tapne ruler, mbooefp?co ^ipbonf.is to come to tbep? coalfes. $pe brought mitb bpm at tbps tpnte,manp baukes belles, ppm ties, neocls,b?afdettes,cbepnes, garlanocs,anorpngeS,m,tb couitcerfee ftones anD g’alfes, ano fucb other trpfdles, the mljiclj toritbtn the moment of an boure, be ban erebaungeo fo? fpfteene ounces oftbepjpearics, mljict) tbepmoteaboute tbep? ncckes paries fo* ano armes. €:ben tbep pet ntote ernelf Ip oefp?co bpm to faple to tbep? coalfes, pjomplpng bpm that be CboulDc there baucas manp pearles as be ioouloe oefp?c, fcpe conotfcenocoto tbep? <$ UAt pIclltil requclf: ano tbeoap foloming, came to the place inhere tbep ap* ofpeariw. popttteo bpm; iping there at anker, a great imilrittiDc of people refo?teo to bpm, ittlfantlp rerunning bpm to come alanoe. But fnbeti be confpoereotbe innumerable multituoe of people mlrcb luas there aflembleo, ano be bao onlp . jc ( rjcut * mcntnhtscom* panp,beourlf not commit bpm felfe to tbep? banocs,butgaue Item to bnoetlfano bp fpgncs ano tokens, that tbep fl;ottloe © iiii come feljclfpSjestit ji tutjicij pcarkij f areengenDjet*. I Cftepj manner | ofbargapumg. Cljeljfe of ppnnco. jliauitesbcHeo in great eituna- Itioii. tojing of Uailb Dianes* The firfl Decade* rente to tlje fbpp tuitb cljetr Cmas\ fo? tljetr boafes ( lufjirij tbe men of tbe ilano cal Cano^m maDe onlp of onetu&ole peece of hioooas uulje3!lanDcs, pet mote rube, anb not fo artificially as thep?s are : tljefe t!;cp call Odin as. tljefe ftuarmcb tljerfo?e to tbc h:pp aes fafle tl;ep nugljt 5 b?tngpnj^lijiitl) tljem greate plentp of pearles (luljicb tbep ca! T encras) changing tlje fame f0?outmarcbaunbtes* ipefounbe this people to be of gentpH nature, ftmplc, anb innocent, being; conuerfantluitb them in tljen? brufes, fo? the fpace of w> Dopes. Eljep? bsufrS are maDe of tuoob, cottereb lunb the leaner of Date trees. Eljetr mcate fo? tlje moire parte, is dje (belfpfijes in tl?e tubiclj tlje pearles are en* genbereb, tuljerof tbeir fea codes are full. £lj£p baue alfo greate p!enq>ofmplDbeaites,asbar£eS, tuple bo?cs,anbcomucs like Onto Ijares, both in coloure ano bignelfe, tfocke Doties alfo 3 ano turtle Doties: Ipketupfe geefe ano buckes.roljiclj tljep nop'lbe in tljep? bottles as tue boo. pcacockesflecabottte in manerm euerp tnoob anb groue, but tbep are not biftinct tuitlj ftmD?pco« lours as ours are: fo? tlje cockes are like bnto tlje Ijennes. Eljefe people of Curiana are craftie burners, ano ej;ccDing cunning ar* cljers,fo tljat tljep tuill not Ipgbtlp miffe anp bead e o? bp?be tljac tfjcpiljootcat. ©urmenconfumeb certapneoapes beare berp plef&nntelp: Dttrpng tuljtcb time, luljofoeuer btottgfjt tljem a peacsckejjab fo? tlje fame fottre pinttes : be tbat b?otigbt a pljea* faunte,baDttuo,anDfo? a ffockeooue,o? turtle boue, one, ana fo? a goofe, a finale looking glalTe, o? a litie If one of glade. ^IjttS tbep bought ano foloe tuitlj p?ofering ano bpbbing, Denping ana refuftng,as it Ijab bpn in a greate marker. OTjen pinnes lucre p?ofereb them, tbep alkeb mb it tbep (f)oulDeDotuttl>tljem 5 be* tngnakebt But ettr men lattffieb tljem tuitlj a craftie anftuere. Declaring bp tokens tbat tbep lucre berpnece(Tarp,to picke tbep? teetb anotopu!ltljo?nesoutoftbep?fl[eil)e» Btttaboue al tbpm ges, baukes belles lucre moil elf eemeb among them, fo? tljep^ feunb t faire colour, anb tuoulDe tberf ?e gette mud) fo?one of tbem. -2Dur men, lodging in tbeir boufes, IjearD in tbe npgbtfca* fon bo?nble nopfes $ ro?pngcs of tuiiD bealtes in tlje luoobbes 3 tulj cbearefuHof erceoing greatanD bpglj trees of ftmo?pe kinDes: buttije bealfes of tbefetuooDes, are not nopfome to men , fo? tl;e people of t&e countrep goo Daplpe a Imntpng nakeOj The fy r fl Deca cfe. 45 nafteo, tottb tbep? botoes ano atrotoes 5 pet bath it not ben Ijaroe of, tl;ac anp man fcatb ben flapne of anp toploe beaft . 9 S manpbarieso?n)ploebo?csasourmenO)ouloe oefp?e tijemto §artc0mtt> typng, tbep uiouloe kpll in tbe tooooes U)itb tljcir arrotoes, ano b ° 1 * 04 not to faple to b?png them ♦ £bep lacke kpne,goates ano fit epe* ^Lbep? b?eao is maoe of rootes^as is tljep?s of tie 31 lanos^bts nation, batb blacke beare,grofle ano fomtobat curloe, pet long alfo* %bepkeepetbep?tcetbberpU)bp(e 5 anofo?tljat purpofe pfetocarpacertatneberbc betinene tbep? Ipppesi fo? tbe mod part of tbe oap, ano to matbe tbep? moutbtsnrtjen tbep caff it nlnap > £bc toonien 000 all tbep? bufpnes at borne tn tbep? bom* fes, ano baue alfo tbe cure of tpllagc of tbe petmoe : but tbe men appip them fetes to tbe toarres ano btmtpng, to plape,fpng* pngnnooaunfpng. 'ftbepbauefuno?pkpnoes of boater potter tugges, ano o?inkpng cuppes maoe of eartb in other places* about them, ano b?ottgbc tbptber fo? ejeebattng of other tbpnges: 4fo? tbep ofc fap?es ano marketers fo? tbe fame purpofe, ano are greatlp ocfp?ouSoffucbtbpnges, as are not b?ougbt fo?tb 0? waoeintbep?countrep, as nature batb geuena oifpofptt'on to almen, tooefp?eanobeoelpteomitbnetoJeano ffrang tbpnges* ^anpoftbembaobangpngattbcp? pearles tbe images of ccr* teine beafles ano biroes, lierp atttOttouflp maoeof goloe, but not pure : tbefe alfo are brought them from other places fo? erebang of other tbpnges.^begolocinberof tbep are maoe, is nattue, ^afegoitjg, anoofmucblpkefmenestotljatnjberof the flo?ens are copneo. ^Tbe men of this coumrep, uiclofe tbep? p?iuie members in a gouroe,cutte after tbe fafljto of a coooeptce,o? els cotter tbe fame tomb tbe (bell of a to?topfe, tpco about tbep? lopnes nmlj laces of gonamptne cotton: 3 ln other places of that tract, tbeptb?uff the (pneUJ\oitbintbefl)eetbtherof,anobpnoetbe fktnnc fat! rnttlj a ffring* £be great \uploe beafles mberef iocfpakcbcfo?c, anO manp otber tbpnges tolncb are not founo in anp of tbe 3!lanocs 5 tefftOe that this region is parte of v conttnet 0? Ormc lanoe. 'But Soften* ortijg the cbiefeQ cantecture toberbp cljep argue the ftme,is 5 tbat bp tlje l ‘ ajlt *nent oj coafics of that lanoe, from /^toluatoc tbe meff,tljcp fapleo fmusI ‘ ull,f ' > about tb?ee . 30 . mples, finopng no Ope 0? token of anp moe. ©icfe people of Cumna (tnljicbe fome call c«/?^ ) being oe* matmoeo ooberctljepbao fuel; plemie of goloe, Ogiutteo that tt fcag bjangfo them from a region calfetj Cnncbku y o? CmhUu» feepng bittern from them ft£ctunnes>cbatts, ftjeebapes ioutncp medmarbe : anb tljac tbep? images of golcelberc mabe in the fameregm thereupon our men birectebt6ep?bopagetbp* tber immebtatlp, anb arpticD there at the Ealcnbes of jfta* Member, in the pecre of £b?ide a tboufonbe anb fptte Ijun* b?cb. ©je people of tbe conmrep refo^teo to them mitbout feare, b?pngpngU)itbtbem of tfjegotoembiebe toe fapbeto be naciuc tn ebae region* <£ljis people baa aifo rollers of pearled about tbep? neckes,mbicb lucre 0?oagbt them from Curiana fo? ejccbatmge of tbep? marebamufes ♦ Jf^one of them tuouloe tp ebaunge anpe of cyofe tbpnges Uibtcbe tbep Ijab cue of other countrcps : as neptber tbeCurians goloe, no? tbe(£attcbtecans pearles: pet among tbe Cancbtetans tbcp fotmbe but Ipcle gclbe rebp gcatbcrcb.'^: ,ep coke tonth them from thence certapne uerp fap?e S0arniafets o? $0tmkepes,anb manp poppngapes of fun* b?pe coloured 31n tbe ntonetb of Jftattember, the ap?e boas there mod temperate, anb notbpng coloe . ^be guarbens of tbe no?tb pole mere out of fpgbeto botb tljefe people, tbep are fa neare ibe€quincctial ©ftbebegrees ofrlje pole, tbep cangeue none other accompte ♦ ^befe people arc melbtfpofeb men, of bo* nedconbttion3,anDnotbpngfufpittous, fo?almodaltbe npgbc long tbep refG?teb to the (bpppe mitlj tbep?boates, atio iuenc aboo?be fbpppe mttbout feare, as bpb the Curtans. ^Ebep call pearles, Com-** . ^;bep arefomembat telous, fo?mben anpe draungers come among them, tljep euer place tbep? momett be* Ijpnbetbcm. 3In this region of tbe godampine trees grome of them felues commonlp in manp places, as boo boitft PS elmes, mpllomes, anb fallomes: ano therefore tbep bfe to makeb?cccbesof cotton, mberemttb tbep ccuer tbep? p?tuie partes in manp other regions thereabout. &ftben tbep babpec fapleb on fo?marbe bp tbe fame coatfes, there came fo?tb againd them about tmo tljoufanbe men> armeb after tbep? manner, fo?* tpbbpngthemtocome alanbe. ^l;efe people Uierefo rube anb fauage, that our men couloc bp no meanes allure tbemtofami* liaritte. Out men tbercfo?e, ccnfenteb onlp mitlj tbep? pearles, returneb baefte p fatnemaptljep came,mbere tbepremaineb mttb the Curians cominuallp fo? tlje fpace of jeje, bapes, 9 tplleb tbep? 1 bellies The firfl decade# ^ trflieg tod totth gocu meate. 9no here it feemetfj to me not fatte from top purpofe, to Declare totjat cljaunceo unto tljcm in tljep? returne to’jen tljep came noto toitljin the fight of the coatf of fa* via. Ebep ljappe;.eo tljerto?e in the toap, at Os firaconis, ano the gulfeg of ?4ri Cbep ftp tb at ttitljts place tbep fabae a man, $ in an other place a baoman,tljuso?peo ano referueo . (Utljen tbep Departeo from Curiam , tbe . biti. Dap of tlje Joes of tfebparp, ta retunte to g>papne, tbep bao tb?eefco?e ano .]rbt pounoes U)ei'gbt(after.but. Dnces to tlje pounoe) of pearles, ujljtcb tbep bought fa? ejrcbange of our tljtnges, amounting to tbe balue of fpue finllingesDepar* tingrberfo?e 3 tbepconfumeotfj?eefc3?e napes in tbep? tournep (although it baere tfjo?ter then from Bifpaniola) bprealbn of the continual! cattrfe of tbe fea in the taeff 3 tnbtcb opo not onlp greats Ip Hep tlje Ibtppe, butalfo ftmtpmes o?pue it backe* 'But at tbe length djep came borne ft laoen toitlj pearles, that tbep mere faritb euerp marpner, in maner as common as ebafife ♦ But the matter oftbe Ibppp t^Petrus Jlpbonfus,bzin$ accufeo of Ijtg com* panpons that be ban ftobalena great multitude ofp?ettous pear* les, ano oefrauoeo tlje kpng of Ijis portion mljicbe baas tbe fifth parte, baas taken of Fernando de Vegajn man of great lerning ano experience, $ gouernottr of GalletiaMm tbep arpueo, ano baas there kept in p?pfon a long tpnte . ®ut be tfpll Dcnpecb that tm be oetepncoanp part oftbe pearles. 90anp oftbefe pearles baere as bpgge as bafell nuttes, ano as o?icnte (asbaecalltt) as tbep be of tlje Calf partes : get not of ft great p?pce, bp rea* fon that the boles thereof are not ft perfecte, W ,\ hen Jntp , The firft decade* ^ felfe toag p?efctiC tottbtlje right honorable tntke of Metbj>rd,m toag btooeto bpnncrtoitbbtm,tn tbe ettte ofCtutie,tbep ^ougbt to bpm about a bunojeo ano ttoemie ounces of pearleg to be folotjtMbtcbefurdpDpDgrtatlpodpttme tm'tb cijcir fapjeneg anti bjigbtneo . §>ome fap, that Jlphonfus bao not tbefe pcarleg inC«ridM^btuio:ot(tantfromOj!Z)M(:ow/jmo 3 te then a bunojeo $ ttucntic leagues, but that tbc p bao them tu tbe regiong of c«~ Manama M anacapana,mttbntoOset boouloe thep not fo? al this gene ouer,buttooke from our men one oftheir boates, h&uingno men in ft: fo? the gouernour thereof being flapne tontlj an arrobue, the other fiebbe anb efcapeb ♦ 9nb tljujas thep !•- ieftethfa fierce afttaearlpbe people, fapipng tomato the no?tl> meft, along bp the lame coaftes, U»th fepobofuU barter fo? the oeath of thep? eompanpons ♦ Mhenthep hob (apleo about .jel. «r«or fye^e leagues, tl;ep chaunceo into a fea of fuche frelhe boater, that *«*«*• thep fptteb thep? barelles anb hnggelheabes thcreboit h * Search 3 ing the cattfe hereof, thepbnberftcobe that a bdjement ccttrfe of ritters bifeenbeb botth great biolenee from the toppes of certapne great hplles . ^hep Tap alfo that there Ipetlj boithin the fea, ma* rmn? fruitful npe ibjttmate anb fruitfulf Jlanceg, anb tueli tnhabiteb, anb 3 !a,lte0 * that tl>mhabttantc0 of this tracte are men of meeke nature, anb fuche as boo not refufe ftraungets, pet Ipttle pjofptabie to them, liumauepeo* becaufe thep haue no marchanbpes fo? their purpofe, as goioe, plt * ojpjectotts ftones : fo? lacke boljereof, djep brought from thence thpftte capttues to fell fo? totes . ^hmhabitantes call tfjt 0 re* gtonMd^w^/.^heregt'onofcheeallpart of thatrpuer, 10 calleb Cammorus 3 anb that of the boeft part ? am or a , in the mio« lanbe bohereof, tbtnhabttantes Rgnifpeb that there is great plen- ik of goloe Ufo?,foloboing thferiuer btrectlp toboarb the (as the benbmg ofthe lho?e requp?eb)thep re ccucreb agatne the . Regions of fpght of the no?th pole ; 911 the coafte of this; tracte, partepneth #ana. f o ?ma$z bohich&S boe fapb befo?e)boas fp?ft founb bp Colmus #olD $ paries hpm felfe, anb bath. « t matter in etterp place great abunbauitce of peat leg . t&hep fap that thefe coaftesarc abt'opnpng onto, anb all one 'tenth Osfcracmis, anb alfo bobber png bppon the regions ofCumana, MAnacapJnayCtiriand, Cauchieta 3 anb Cuchibachoa: herfoje thep thought ft to be part of the fame lanbe of 3iuma, beponbe the riuer of Ganges,^ the greats large compalfe ther< of, both not permit thatftfhotdtie bean ilanbe, albeit thetuhole earth teneouercbMtb boater, largdp taken, map be calleb an 31 ianbe» jfromthepopntofthatlahbboherethcp loft the light of the no?tlj pole, faplpnghpa continual! tracte about tb?ce hum b?eb leagues totuatbe the boeft fpbe of fdrU,x \ hep fap that (almoft m the nuo boap) thep djaunceb mto aritter caUcb tofyifbz The m Decafe ^ tebttfte the? affitme to be of fucbe etceeopng tytM% that ft nn^tfeememeteotHe, pf the antiques- opb not ma&e mention oftbelpfce. Bepng oemaunoeo of me pf it torn not fait mater Were it otuioeo the Ianoe,tbep anfmeareo tljat the mater tberof Inagi Deep frelbe ano (toeete, a no that tbe further it ranne,to be fo muebe tbcfrelbenalfofulofJlanoegianD mbolfomefplbe: tbep oare auottebe the bjeaotb tberof to be moje then tbirtie leagues |>ec pf me mel meigb ano confpoer the largeneffe ano mioenefle Of$oriopmeam Spirit) jlonte a, tbe motives! of the fantOUgl riuet of Ifter (notoe calleo fidnubius) ano borne farretbepbiolate o$ corrupt the fait mater hritb tbeir fre(bneife,me tbal cealfe to mar* ueple,altbougb this other riuer be greater : fo? mho can Otmtnt® tbe porner of nature, but tbat it map make this bigger then tbe other, ano another bpgger then this ^ 3no 31 fuppofe this to be the rpuermbereof Coloms the aomtrallmaoe mention in the befeription of bis bopagetn tbefecoaftes^utmeffjalbereafter baue further fenomleoge hereof: let osinome therefore retume c&eromm*# to the commooities of tbeferegtons*©ep founo in manp 3!ianogf fmes of r u about faria, great mooooegi of BjalHe trees, ano brought amap mttb them tbjteetboufanoe pounoesmepght thereof. €bep fap that the faille of Bifpaniola, tgi muebe better then this to ope clotbmitb amojefapjeano Durable colour.jf rom hence, folom* ing the UitnosCmhich the g>paniaros cal Kortbupanu the 3Ica- lians G>w 0 )tbep paflfco bp manp 3!lanbes berp fruiteful,pet left Oefolate ano mafteo bp reafon of the crueltie of the Canibales i foj thep tuent alanoeinmanp places tbcpfounoetberuinesof ntanpoeffropeo boufes: pet in fome places! thep founoe men,but tbofe ejtceeopngfearefull, fleepngtotbemountapnes, rocket, ano mooooes at the fpgbt of euerp H ratmger oj ibpppe, $ mam oerpng mitbout boufes o? certapne abpopng places, foj feare of the Cantballes laping mapte ano buntpng after tbemJpere tbep tfanfcatc*, founo tbofe great trees! mbiche of them feluesi in opuers places; bjpng forth that frutce o) fpice, mbicb the apothecaries cal Caf- ^ vet0 of€ ^ m fiaThijlula, anDtbatofnoleflegoooneire, then that mhtch tbe pbtftttans miniffer to fttebe as be oifeafeo mitbthe ague, but it mas not rppe at thep? beptig there* t£bep affirme that there are trees of fuebe bpgnefle, tbattbi.men iopningbanoes togeatber, ano (fanopng in compaife, can fcarcelp embrace fome of them* i among aimonaronsf Ctftnm rente? 2)ietu a DeTpe^ me cafe* j - . The^rft Dc^ Smong tTjefe freeg tg founn tljat monfrottg beaffetbtdj a (notice Ipke a fope, a tap !e tyke a marmafette, cares; Ipke a bat, banned Ipke a man, aito feete Ipke an ape, bcarpng her mljelpes aboute mtthhtrmanotttmarbc bellpe much Ipke Onto a great bagge o? ptirfe. Ehe teabe carka^ of tljt'g beade, pou fame mith me, attbturnebttoueranb otter mitlj pour otune banner, marttep* Ipng at that item beilp, anb monberfttl pjouifton of nature. djep lap tc 10 knoiuen bp experience, that (be neuerletteth ber mljek peg goo out of tljat purfe, etcept it be etljer to plap, o? to fucke, l)n:pUfucljetpmetljat tljep be able to gettedjep? fpupngbp tljcmfeltteg ♦ ^beptooke tljpg beaftemith hermljelpeg: %\xt tljemljelpegopcb fljojtelpafterintbelbpppes, gettbebamme liueo certatne monetljeg: but at tlje length, not being able to a* bt'oe fo great alteration of apje, anb eljange of meate, (be meb at fo in tlje map ♦ But of this beaife, toe batte fatbt enough* let b£ nomtljeifoje remrne to tlje auctljours oftljefe tljingcg . 3Cbcfe moTinroni^e bncle anti tlje ncuiem, fulfepneb manp greate troubles $ horrible tempedeg anb perillegintljignattigation. £ 0 } tnben tljep bob ttolue fatleb bp tlje coatfeg of Faria about fpjee buttDjeb leagues,? (as tljep fuppofeb)beponb tlje citte of Cathay, anb tlje colics of<2;a(f Sttsia beponb the riuer of Ganges, there rofe fobenlp fo ftercea temped in tlje monetb of 3'ulp, tljat of tbe four Catauelg mljicb tljep bab mith tljcm, trooUiere bjomneb etien befojetljep? epeg: anb tlje tljp?b fptngat anker, mitb Ipke fobenneg carteb out of tljep? fpgljt tbjomgh the biolence of tlje temped: tlje fourth alfolputg at anker, tons fo fljaken anb b?oo« feo , tljat all tlM frames ttjerof merf alntoft Ioofcb : » get came tbep to ianbout of rljtg 4alf fljpp, but Ufterlpbefpapjpng of tlje (bpp. tOljcrfoje confultpnguittlj tbentfeluegmljae mag bed to bee bonne in fo ejctreeme a cafe, anb bom to pjoupbe tljeni a fafe omellpng place in tljofe Hegtong, bepng out of all Ijope bom to bepart front thence, tljep beterntpneb to flap ad the at* babptaunteg of tbe comttrep nere. about tljem , lead tljep untg the other fijoutoe confppje together to kpll them, but thep? fop tune mag better: f o? the Caraucl mijicb the temped hab carteb amap, mag come to them agapne. 'Ehis hab in it ♦ jtbtti ♦ men: ^nb tlje ocher that remapticb, magfauebattbrepapjeb, (IBttfj tljefe tmo tbeifoje , tljep cooke tbep? bopage btrecclp to ^papne, anb The fir ft Decade* 56 imu thus being (otto toftb tcmpeife&anb bejceu toit&abuerftties, tbepreturnebtatbcprnatpue ccumrep of^/oMotbcprmpues anb cbploren, tbe bap before tbe Calenbes of jDctober, tottijtlje Ioffe of manp of tbepr Deere frenbs $ neighbours* ^Ijcp brougbc imtbtbem Cinamome anb ginger; but notberpgoob, becaufe SS 5 SJSSS* tljep mere not there fullp fcafoneb Untfjtbe beatcof the fonne 5 before tbep brought them from thence ♦ 3 Lbep brougbtalfo cer- t apne pretimts (tones, mhicb Haptifia Elyfws that er cellcnt pbt* iofopber, anb pour lorbibpppes pbifttion , affirmed; to be true 3Dopafes. after djefe mens remrne, other ct tbepr neighbours ^ oparr ** being tnotteo tberto bp a certame emulation, to pr oue pf tbep? fortune niolb be anp better, Ipke men of goon engage, bepng no* jf^nt nfnobi* tbrng Dtfcomfojteo bp the barb fortune of their neigbbourc& 3 kno* courase * toing that it often times cbauncetb,tljat that Uibicb is one mans bnboing,isanotl)er mans making, attempteb a neuieboiageto* dottier Inarb the foutb bp p coftes of ^4r/4,foIolnpng the fteps of Co bonus tbe ^omirai, mi;o bab fprtfe bifeouereb dje fame. ®ep alfo brought mid; them great plentie of Caffiafijlula 9 m founbe that j n j m(€ a n um preciousmcbictne calieb oftlje^paniaibs Jnimeab,ps touching tbis bpagc,as pet 3 ! knom no other nemes that 31 thought inoojtbp to certtfie pou of,U)l;et* fore, $ rnpl nome make an enbe of this booke, becaufe pou put me fo often in remembrance of pour beparture : get to accent* plpibe tbe Decabe, 31 mpl oeclare fornembat of tbe fupertf itions of Hifpamla. gou (ball tiolue tljevfo^e bnberftanb ti;cillu(tcn$ z\)t uiwm* mberetnitbtbepeopieof tbe 3iianoe baue ben libuceb after tbe erroursoftbeoibegentiutte, anbmanbereo (n tlje tgnojaunce v ye erronrenf anb blpnbneffe of humane nature, corrupt eb bp the biiobebience ,^ l c c 01i,c mti * of cur fprft parcntes,ml;icbe liatij remapneb tn all nations Upon tbe face of tlje eai*tb,epcept inhere it l;atl; pleafeb d££)D bp the Ipgbt of bisfpirttcip bis moome, to pomre upon bis ciccte tbe grace of renouadon. bp tbe Ipghtmbcreof tbe natural barke* neffe receiuetb feme clearencffe as in a glaffe,bpttl imperfection ft;albe aboiiibcb* Our men therefore mere long in the 3 lanbe of UifpaniaU, before tbepkneme that the people thereof bonotireb anp other tbpng then the Ipgbtes of beaiicn, ojthabanpe other religion; but ml;en d;ep l;ab ben r.ome long conueifaurtt tpu UUlti) Tlie firfl Decac d«s cbeo npgbtlp bp a man Uiljofe name mas Macbocbaeh tljt '0 Ma~ 1 m ' cbocbael, oepartpng fomembat farre from tbe catte 3 to tbe intent to feemfjat things mere ab?ode 3 mas fooenlp taken of tbe funne, (mbofe fpgljt be mas fo?btaden)$ mas turned into a (tone, ^bep fapne tbe Ipkc of outers other 3 that mbercas tljcp ment foo?tb in tbe npgbtfeafon a fpfbpng fo farre from tbe caue 3 tbat tbep eouio not recurne before tbe tpfpng of tbe fttnne(tbe mbicbe it mas not Iamful fo? them to beboloe) tbep mere tranffottrmcD into 2gp?o* balane trees,mbicb of them felues grom plcnttfullp tn tbe Jland* QTbep fap furthermore, that a certapne ruler called Vagonma* fent one foo?tb of tbe catte to goe a fptypng, mbo bp like cbaunce mas turnedtnto a Jfrpgbttngahbecaufe tbe funne mas rpfen be* fo?ebccamcagapneto tbe caue: and that pccrelp about tbe tp,l3alg * fame time that be mas turned into a bp?oe 3 be ootb tn tbe npgbc Snitb a motirnpng fong bemaple bis mp{To?ttme 3 atm cad for tbe belpe ofbtsmatfler Vdgomona: ^notbts tbep tbpnke to be tbe cattfe mbp tbatbp?d fpngetb tn tbe npgbtfeafon. But Vagonma , bepngfo?e troubled in bis nunn for tbe Ioffe ofbis famtitar frend mborn be loued & emirclpjeaupng tbe men in tbe caue 3 b?ougbe foortbonlptbemontenmttb tbep? fuckpng cbp‘o?en 3 leaupng tbe morneit in one of tbe Jlands of f bat tracte 5 called Matbmino , ^ 1 # f and carpeo tbe cbplo?enamap mttbbpm:mbtcbpoo?em?etebes Jtt&uijutuw,, opp?elTeomttbfamtne 3 fapnted and remapned ontbebanke of a certapne rtuer.mbere tbep mere turned into frogges, and crped tc.i, tony that i^mammdy mamma, as cbpid?cn are moottt to crpe _ fortbemotberspappe. Qua hereof tbep fap it conimetb that nSSuojfroS frogges ufe to crpe fo p:tifullp in tbe fprpng tpme of tbe peere : Sndtbat men mere fcattcredabrodeintbecaues of HifpanioU Uritbout tbe company of momen. ^Lbep fap alfo 3 that mijere as V agoniom btmfciic mas acculfomeo to mandertn outers places, and pet bp a fpcct'al grace neuer tranftcurmeo 3 oefeendedtoa certapne fapre moman mborn be fame tn tbe bottome of tbe fea 3 % Rectal smt, and reccmed of ber certapne pibble If ones of rnarble(mbt'cb tbep cal cibas) and alfo certapne pellome and bright plates of lacton, mbicl; tl;ep cal 'Si;cfe tbinges to tljtsdap arc bad in tti great .y, The fyrft Decade. great eltimation among tlje kpnges, as gooolp fetoelfeSj rnfll foip reitque^. mod Ijolp reliques. But nobie (mode noble police) pou tljall Ijcarea mo?e pleafaunt fable* ^fjrre is a certapne caue ealleo n poi? taae. louanaboina, in tbe temto?ie of a eertapne kpngbubofe name is Machmncch ; Fiji's caue tbep honour nto?e religtouflp tljen Dpn tljebpU)itcb* f ft ? t m fc ke i? e crafte, enforce tl;e ocab to eonfeffe inbecljer be bpeb bpnaturall ga to hm w. ^ nC g|[gr 0 C 0 0 f (|j 0 MtiusMx that I;e ban not fatten as be (bouloc baue none, c? not mtntftreb a conuentent mebicine fo? tbe oifeafe : fo that if this pbtOtton be founbe fautie 3 tl;cp take reuenge of bpm. ©f tbefe (tones o? bones inljtcbe tbefe PoitH carp in tbep? moutbes* pf tlje inomen can come bp tbem, tbep keepe them rcttgtouOp^ bclcettpitg: them to be greatlp effectual! to bclpe inomen trauaplpnginttbcbplbe 3 anb therefore bnnout tljcm as tbep bo tbep? Zemes, jfo? biuers of tbc tnbabitames bo* nout Zemes of bitters faflnons : Come make them of inoob, a# tbep lnereabmonpfbeb bp certapne bilious appearing bnto them intbeinoobs: ©tber^bicbebauereceiueb aunfuiere of them among; tbe rockes, make them of itoneanb marble, ^>onte tbep makeofrootes, to tbe (tmtltmoeof fuebeas appearetotbem inljen tbep are geatberpng tbe rootes calleb Ages, inbereof tljep make tbep? b?eao,as ine baue fapb before. Ebefe Zemes cljep be* iFamtee o? rpi^ ieue co P !entie * ftuicfulnes of tbofe roote&as tbe anttqmtie ?tes of tljc geu> DelCUCO fttcb fap?iCS 0? fptrtteS as tbep calleb ‘Drjades^amadrj - SSi n »apiftw. ades,Satjros /Panes, anb Kereides, to battC tlje Cure $ p?0UtbenC£ * of tbe fea 3 lnoobs 3 fp?pnges 3 anb fotmtapnes, affignpng to euerpe tbtngtbetrpeculter gobbes: Cuen fo bo tbtnbabttantes of tljis 31lanoc attrtbnte a Zemes to euerp tbpng 3 fuppofpng tbe fame to gene eare to tbep? tnuocattons ♦ &Iiberefo?e 3 as often as tbe kpngs afke cottnfci of tbep? Zemes as concerning tbeir inarreS s tncreafe of fnmes ? o? fcarcenes 3 o? bealtb anbficknelfe 3 tbep enter into tbe boufebebteate to tbep? Limes ^ inhere* fnuffmg bp into ponbrt of tbep? noftb?pls tbe pouber of tbe berbe calleb Cobobba (tnberinub %oblT c €0> Poitii are b?puen tnto a furie) tbep fap that tmmebtaelp tbep fee tbe bottfes tttrncb topfpe cttrttfe^anti men to inalke initb tbep? beelesupinarb 5 offucbfo?ce iStbispoaber,btterlp to take ainap al fence. 3s foone as tbts mabnelfe cealletlj, be emlnacetlj b& knees tab bis armes, bolbpng boinnebtsbcab, 8 nb mben beljatljremapneb tljus a rnbplc attonpflje^ Ije Ipfcetb bp bis TJiefyrftPecacfe. j| bead, one tljat came tteme out of fieepe : aim tljtto looftpitty lip tomato beauen, fp?ft Ijefumbletlj certaine confounded moo?oe$ tottbbpmfelfe, then certapne of tbenobilirieojcljeefe gentle* men tljat ate about btm (fo? none of tbe common people are ao* mttced to tljefe mpfterieo) rnitlj lottoe bopceo geuc tokeno of re* topetng tljat I )t io rent rneo to tljent from tlje fpcacb of ebe Zemes, oentaunopng of bpm mljat I je Ijatb feene. ©jett Ijc openpng Ijts moutlj, ooatctb tljat tlje Zemes fpake to bpm ourpng tbe tpme of W traunce,oedarpng that be bad reuelationo ctrijer concerning f xmtUtion§ iu'etope o? oeftrttction, famine o? plemie, Ijealtlj o? fpekenefle, o? mljatfoeuerljappeneclj fp?lt on bio tongue* j3ome(motf noble ^?incc)mljatnecoeponljereafceetomaruepleof tlje fpirite of Jpollo fo fbakpng bio gnbplleo mt'tb extreme furie : pou ban tljottgbt that tbe fupertf itiouo anttqume bad perpfbeo * Q5ut rtome mberao 31 bane declared tbus muebe of tbe Zemes in gene* ra!,3! thought tt not good to let pafle mljat is fapoc of them tit particuler, ©j ep fap therefore tljat a certapne kpng calico G«*- Mayetus, Ijao a Z emes mljofe name Uiao Corocbotum, mljo (tbep lap) mao .oftentimes moont tooefeeno from tlje bpgbelf place of tlje boufe mljere Guamatetus kept bpm fad bouno.^bep afftrute, tljat tlje caufc of tbiobto bjeakpng of bis banoeo ano departure, mao eptbet to bpoe bpm felfe, of to goe feeke fo? mcate, o? do fo? tbe acte of generation : and tljat fotnetpmeo bepng offenoeo tljat tbe kpngG«4W4^t«xb«0 ben negligent ano flacke tn bo* nouring bpm 3 betao moont to Ipe bpo fo? certapneoapeo*©jep fap alfo 3 tljat in tlje kpngeo bpllage tijereare fometptne cbpldten i>3?ne baupng tUio cromneo, mbicbe tljep liippofe to be tlje cijil- 0?en ofCorocbotum tlje Zemes. ©jcpfapne UkctDpfc,tbat Guama - * croUjuc0 ° retus being ottercome of bio enimteo in batraple, ano Ijto billage mttlj tbe pallace coufumco rnitlj fyj^CoYocbotus b?ake bt'o banoo, ano mao aftermaroe founoe a furlong of , fafe ano mitljout fettrte. (be Ijatbalfo another Zemes calico tyileguanitk made of mooo, in (bapelpke a foure footed bealf : mbo alfo to Otpde, n3anorrtn« often tpmeo to bauegonne from tlje place mbere be to bottom wage* red, into tlje mooooco* 0o foone ao tljep perceitte bpm to be gone 3 a great multitude of tljem gcatber together to fecke Ijtm, mttljdeuottt pjapers: ano moeu tbcp batie fotutde l)pm 3 b?png tpmljomereligiouflp on tljep j Ojouloero to tlje cjappcl ocoica- Thcfirttdecaie* feulmtofjpnt SBtot tljep complapne, that fence tbe comntpng of tlje Cljjtlftan men into tlje 3Ilano, be fleo fa altogeacljct’* ants couloenetter fence De founoe, mberbptbep Dutmeo cljeoelfruc* (ton of tbep? countrep, ^Ijep honoured an otfjer Zemes m tbe !p* kenesofa moman, on mljom mapteo cvmd ctfjcr Ipke men a asr roes or great c&cp mere mpmfferS to Ijer* tiDne of tbefe, ejcecnteo tbofltce of a jpSoiatotirs, nteoiatour to tbe otto Zemes, mljtcb are tmoer tbe pomcr ants cammatmoemenc of tljts moman, co ratfe mpnoes, doaoes, anti rapne. ®je otto is atfo at to commaunDemew a mefleuger co tbeotber Zemes, mljtdj are topneo uittlj ljerm gouernaunce,to geatljet togeatber tbe maters mljtcb fait front tlje bpgb ijpilca ta tfjeballetes, tljat betng loofeD, tljep map mttb face brittle out in- to greatefloct!es 3 ano ouerflome tlje councrep, pf tlje people Da not gette Due Ijonoure to ber Jmagc^bere remapnecij pet one thing moztljp to be noteDj toijerUJitlj roe mill make an enD of tljiS bookle ts a fang mdl fcnomezt, anopet frclbeui mcmo?pa* ntong tlje inbabttames of tlje tlano, tljat tljcre roas fomttme emo kings (of tbe mljtcb one Urns tbe fatljcr of Guarionexiusrftobom me maoe mention bcfae)mbicb mere moont to abtfcpnefpttc Dales tcgeatljer commualp from mcate^fanke, to knom fame- roljac of fair Zemes of cljtnges to come, ano tbatfa fas faffing fiiuSinoft£t* bepng acceptable to fair Z«»e&, flapne as flobernelp refpto: 32o? pet remapnetlj there anpe iwmojpe of tljep? Zemes, fa tljep are all famgljcmto ^papne, tljat me mpgljt leceripfpcD of tljep? tlluflons ofetipfl fpp?ttes ano JiDotoi tbe mbtcb pou pour fcife (mofl noble ppnee) l;auc Tbe fir ft decade. 54 &aue fecne ano felt toben 31 toas patent tottb pou. 31 let pafle ntanp tbpnges becaufe pott put me in remembrance that to mo* rctoe pou take pout iornep toloatoe pour countrep, tobjpng borne the tjueene pour aunt, totem pou accompanpeo bptljet attbeccmmaunoementof kpngtfreoenkepcur nude. duber* fore 31 bpo pou farcinellfor this imtCj Oefprpng pou to remem* Let pour Martyr M)tm\ pou baue compelleo intljename of the kpngpourbncle, to geatbec tl;efe feme tbpnges out of a large fceloe ofijpiJo^e^. The tenth and laftbooke of the fyrft Dccade,a$ a con# dufion of the former bookes: wrytten to Jnacus Iopez i Mendocias, Countie of T endilU, & viceroy of Granata ♦ % the fprft beginning ana neiue aft empfe, mben Colonus bao taken upon bpm the em S/terprpfe to fearcbe the Ocean fea, 31 mas W eatneftlp moueo ano rcqturcobp the letters of certaine ofmp ftenoes ano noble men of sSjjftome, to mrpte tbofetbingesaslbouloe i=tlb*ppnwjf or tbep mbifpereo ruttl; great ao* miration, that mbercas there mere manpneme lanoea founoe, ano nations mljtcb liueo nakeo ano after the lame of nature, tbep cottlo fjeare no certentie Hjerof, being greatlp oefprous of p fame. aucto^ttie moulo not fufftr me to be toIe,but euer to bane mp pen tpg f»ucp «««, in bano* Co bim 31 uptetbe turn fttff bcokes of this or caoe,be* Coe manp other ofmp bio comentaries mljtcb pou fljal fee fl;o^ Ip : but fortune opo no lefle mttbD?am mp ntinoe from Opting, then otftutbe Jfcanius from pomer ♦ 8s Ije mas tolfco mi: b cum tratp Holmes, ano cealfeO to perfmaoe me : euen fo flackeo mp fmicntneiTc to enquire attp further, bnul tijt per e ofCb?tft.i5oo inben tbc Court remaineo at Granata inhere pou are oicerop: 8c tohithetyn\t,Lodouii:f the Caromal of JragonieMmtto to king jfreoecthe bp bis brothers fpoe (bepng at Granata\x*it\)tyt jjueene fartbenopea the filler of our Catljoltque kpng) brought me king-ffreoerikes letter^ mljerebp b$ ^bojteo me to finilbe V C&s ijiftoip fa* loujpng, con? iepiiett) t\}t antes of tgu pw*»» ^ariapartof tlje fpjtne lantse of<£aft 3G>m»a. sSolfcC'S iff ran ; fcincenfe. 3Ttje fiercnuITe of tije nakft people* Hiefyefl Decade# * the oobcs to&fcb folotneb c6e turn cppffeK boobes, MM 3jUJjptet0 Jfcaniust fO}ti)CpbOtb ackUQlvkDgCD tljM 'IjC? babtbecoppe of al that 3! to car bimllJ fawns, gnsate lietcc^at eucn tljcn 31 Utas ficbe (as pou bnome) pec toobe 31 the buroen Dpponine, aim applpcb mp fclre to UJ>pnng. 3Hja«e tberfoje ebofen tbefefebm tbpnges, out of a greatc beape offucfj asfccmcb tomemoll Umjtbptobe notes among the large U)?ptpnges oftbcauctboures aim feardjers oft'je fame. FOfjec* foje, fojafmucbas poubatte enbeuorebto n^ell out of mp ban* bes the tnbole example of all mp mooses:, to asbe tbe fame to the innumerable bolumesof pour lpb?arie, 31 thought itgooo tmUie to mahea tyeefe reberfall of tbofe tbpnges mbid) lucre bone from that peare of a tboufans aim fine huntyeb, euen onto tbtspcarctobicb is tbe tenth from that: 4fo?31 enteim to m?pte ipojelargelp of tljefe tbpnges beareafter, if goo graunt me Ipfe. 31 bab batten a tobcleboohe bp tc felfeoftlje Ittperftptiansof the people of the tlano, fuppofpng tljertoptb to bane accomplp* (bob tbe uibole Decabe conQftuig of ten booker 35ut 31 bane ab* beb this to tbe tenth as a perpenbpculcr Ipne, ans as it tuere a liacfee guise ojreretoarbe to tbe other: &o tljatpou mapbnptte tbcfpjft tenth to tl;e npntb, t impute tbts to occuppe the place of tbe tenth to fpllup tbe Decade. Eljis o;mecbaue31 appopm teb, left 31 Ibottloe be ccmpelleb often times to tojpte ouer the toboleU}ojbc,ojfenbpoucbefame befaceb toitbblotces atm in* terlpning. But nolo let 03 come to our purpofe, ^belbpppe mailtersafflj manners ran ottetmanpeoaftes burtngtbefetett peaces: “But euer foloineb fetch as toere Fpzft fotntb bp Color, us * SFo? rafpng conttnuallp alonge bp tbe tractof ? opfferpng from outs,b.>rpable ano of funojpe ibapes imtume* table: pet not Ijttctfull, ej;cept lions, ©gets, anoCrocooileS. ®bis3lmeaneinfunojp regions of tbatgreateIanoeof(P tomes, to mljom be ctpeo in bapne foj ljclpc,bntpl tlje bead leapt into tlje Tea tottlj Ijcr pjap. 3it boas tbe kpnges pleafure tbat tljep nctoftpcfca, fbouloe remapne in tbefe lanoes, ano buploe tomnes ano fojeref* (eg : bobereunto tljep boere fb buell uiplfpng, tljat oiuers pjofereo tbem felues to take bpon tbent tlje fuboupng of tbe lanoe, ma« Itpng great fttite to tlje kpng tbat tbep mpgljt be appopnteo thereto, ©je coaif oftbistracteigerceeopng great ano large, jaotctpciarsM ano tlje regions ano lanoes thereof eptenoemarueplous farre, *#*"** fo that tljep afftrme tlje continent oftbefe regions bottlj tlje 31lan« "* * * oes about tbe fame, to be tljjpfe as bpgge as a! Europe, beSoe tljofe lanoes that tlje tpojtugales baue founoe foutbbiaroe, toljt® tlje ate alfo ejxceopng large. ©jerfojeooubtlelTe S>papne hath oefetueo great piapfe in tljefe our oapes, in that it batlj rnaoe Itnoboen bnto bs fo manp tboufanoes of Antipodes mijiclje lap bio „ . befoje, ano bnbnoboen to ourfojefatbers: anoljatlj tljerebp mi- mffreofo large matter to tojpte of, to fucbclearneobupttes as areoefpjoug to fet foojtb knomieoge to tlje tontmooitie of men : to bobom 31 openeo a map mben 31 geatljereo tljefe things rttoe* ipetogeatberas poufee: the mbicl’t; nettertljeleife 31 trufle poupoil take tngooo part, afluell foj tljat 31 can not aooume mp Thefeflckcafo Cfje nature of tfyz place, alte^ mfj tijc fojims an& qualities oftjjpngeau 1 ^Tentie of bealtes a u& fault. €«ba is ait 6 %mat. mp raoeneffe toith better be(to 3 as alfo that 3f newer tofcepetme in hanoe to b)?pte Ipke an hpfltyiwpapher, but onlp bp eptiHeS feribefeo in bade, to fattftte them, from tohofe commaunuc* mentes 31 mpght not D?ab)e backe mp foote. But noiue 31 haue oigreflen pencugb, fee us nouue therefore remrneto Hifpaniola. SDur men haue founoe bp crpcnencc 3 tljat tbe b?eao of the 31lanoe 10 offmaldrengtb to fuebe as haue ben bfeo tocttrb?eao mnoe offtheate, ano that thep? ftagtbes bJeremucheoecapeDbp bfpng of tl;e fame : U)herefo?e tlje kpttg batb oOate commaunoea that ftljeate Ojottioe be fotoen there ut ornery p!aces 3 ano at fun* o?p tpmes oftbe pcere: 3ic gtotoetb into bctom*eeDeS 3 tmtb fem cares, but tbofeuerpbp^eanofruttefull* 3Cbep fpnoetbeipke foftncffeanooebcateneneto be in hcarbes, mlnche grotne there to the height of co?ne* 3&eat o? cattel 3 beccme of bpgger Mature, ant) epceeopng fat 3 but thep? flelhe to mc?e Unfauerte, ano thep? bones (as thep fap)epther fcrithout maroU) 3 o? the fame to be be* rp tuaterpflje: but of hogges ano fmpne,tljep af£rme the contra* rpjthac thep are mo?e boholfome 3 ano of better tafte 3 bp reafon of certapne b?ploe fruites toijtclje tbep cate, bepng of much better nottrUbmem then made* ^here is almod none other ktmoe of fleflje commonlp foloe in the market . 3Dhe muUttuoe of bogge# are ejrceeopnglp cncreafeo 3 ano become Vuploe as footte as thep are cut of the fuipnehearoes keeppng. ^Lhep haue fttche plentie ofbeades ano foules 3 that thep fljal hereafter haue no neeoe to haue anp brought from other places. “Che tncreafe of af beades gtob) bigger then the b?oooe thep came of 3 bp reafon of the rank* nes if the padure 3 altbougb thep? feeotng be onlp of gtaae 3 tMtfj* out epther batfep o? other grapne. 2$ut me ijauc fapo penougb of Hifpamola . ®jep haue nome founoe that Cuba (tuhtrij cf long tpmc thep thought to haue benfirme lanoe 3 fo? the great length thereof) is an SSianoe : pet ts it no marttaple that the inhabitants them Celtics toinc our men bohen thep fearcheo the length ther* of 3 tbatttmagmitboutenoe. 3fo? this nation bepng nakeo 3 anti content mith a Iptle 3 ano mithftebmittesoftljep^obinecoun* trep, is not greatlp curious to knotoeluhat tbep? nepghbours ooo^o^tljelargeneneof tl;ep? bcminionj no? petkneme thep pf there mere anp other tbpngbnoer beaucn 3 yefpoefbac Uiijt^ chetheptoalkeb ontoitl; thep? feete ♦ Cuba ts ftcmtbe Cad The firfl decade* 5$ IhtotIjeEaeft, mucbe longer then HifpmoU, attn fit front tbe 3 $o?tb to tbe&>outb 3 mttcfte lelfe then tbep fuppofeo ofcuoa, at the fp?d : fo? it 10 berp narome in rcfpect of cite length ano is fo? the mod part berp frutcefull ano plcafaunc* Cad mart)?, not farre front Wfpmola, there Ipetb an 31 lano lefle then Hi/paniola mo?e thenhp the balfe,mbicbc our men called Santti lob amis, iS^nu, oi bepng in manner fquare, in tljigf tbepfotmoeercecopng rpche &.3o&annis. golce mpnes : hut fcepng nome occuppeo in the goloe mpnes of ^ ol e u,pI150 * Hifpamolaj hep Ijaue not pet fent labourer^ into the Jlano, But . the pientte ano reuenue of goloe of al other region?, geue place to Hi/paniola , inhere thep gate them feluejs in manner to none other tbpng then to geatber goitre, of mbicbe mo?ke thief o?oer is appoimeo,Co etterp fuch mittie anufkflfu! man as is put in trud to be a furuepour 0? ouerfeer of tbefe mo?kes , there is afltgneo oneot mocking? of the 3 |Iano,mttb tbetr fubtects.Cbcfc kings acco?opng to tbep? league, conic mttb thep? people at certapne tpmesofthepeere, anorefo?t euerpoftbemto the goloe mpne to the mhtche he is alfigneo, mbere thep baue al manner of opg- gtngo? mining tcolesoelpuereo them, and cuerp king luitb l)t^ men, haue a certapne remaroe alomeo them fo? tbep? labour. 4 fo? mben thep trepart from tbempnesto folnpng ofco?ne,ano other tpllage (mberunto tbep are aootet at ccrtaine other tpmes, led tbep? foooe (bouto fade them*) thep receiue fo? their labour, one a ierkin,o? a miblet, another a d;p?t, another a eloke 0? a cap: fo? thep nome take pieafure in tbefe tbpngs, ano goe no mo?e na* keo as thep mere moont to 000, 8 nti thus thep nfe the belpc ano labour of the inhabitauntes, both fo? the tpllage of thep? grouno, ano in tbep? goloe mpnes, as though thep mere thep?f[ruantcs o?bonOemem ©epbeare this poke of feruituoemithaneupll mpl,hut pet thep bearett: thep cal tbefe bp?cd labourers, Ana* borias : pet the kpng oooth not differ that thep ibouloe be bfco as bonoemen, ano onlpatbis pieafure, thepavefctaCkbmie, 0? appopnteo to U>o?ke. 3 t fticbc tpme as thep ait'calleo together of thep? kpnps to moo?ke(as fouioiers o?pponers arcadeim 0 blco of thep? centurions) manpofthem dele amap to the mourn labour, tapnesano mooooes, mheretheplpe lurkpng, bepngcom temfo? that tpme to Ipue mith mploefruttes, rather then take tl;e ppnes to labour. Zi)tp are dociblc ano aptc to learne, ano ^ ars hatlC doable e&pl&ieii. ^HtjettoocOeefe golfcempitesof Sfi^4H(0U. &colf!p$pp* teW-Hc #el«g « ^efpttpitg ano Dtltrtbu# tmgof goi&. Tfcefyrft DaiieJ lane ttotoe fbjgottenthepre oloe fuperftftiott& ®&ep beleue goolp , ano beare men in mernojp fucb tbpnges as t hep baue leameo of out: faptb* Cbepj kpngs cbilojen arc b?o«^l?cup miclj tljc cljiefelf of our men, ano are tnffrucieo in letters am gooo matters* Wi)tn tbep are grornen to mans age, tbepfenoe them borne to tbep* countrepes to be example to other, ano efpe* ctaHpto gouerne the people, pf tbep? fathers be oeao, that tbep map tbe better fetfojtbtbe Cb?i(ftan religion, ano keepetbep? fubiectestnloueanoobeotence. 15preafon mberof, tbep come nom bp faire meanes $ gentel perfmaftons, to tbe mines mbicb Ipe tn ttoa regions of tbe tlanoe, about tbp?tte mples opftaune front tbe cptte Of '&ominica,\xft)mf \ tbe on iS calleo Santfi Cbrijloa pboriiamtfo other bepngottfanc aboute fottrfcoje ano tenne tuples, is calleo cibaua, not farre from tbe cbeefe batten calleo tortus ^egaiis. Cbefe regions are berp large, tn tbe mbtcb in manp places here ano there, are founoe fomtpme etten tn the bp* per crufr of the earth, ano fomtpme among the Atones, certapne tounoe pieces o? plates of goloe, fomettmeoffmale quantpcte, ano infante places of great teapgbt.* Info much that there batb bpn founoe rounoe pieces of tb?ee buno?eo potutoe Uiepgbc, ano one of three tbottfanoe, tb?ee bunoteo ano tenne pounoe mepgbt, the mbicbe (as pou baroe) mas fent mbole to tbe kpng tntbatlbpp in the mbtcb the gouernour ftoadHU mas commpng borne into &paine, tbe Ibpp frith all the men bepng o?ofr neo bp the map, bp reafon it mas otter laoen frith tbemepgbtof golo$ multttuoeofmen, albeit, there mere mo then a tbottfanoe per* tons frbicb fam ano banoeleo tbe piece of goto. 3no mberas here 3! fpeafce of a pounoe, 31 oo not meane tbe common pottnoe, but the fumme of the oucate of golo, frith tbe copne calleo Trien tobteb is tbe tbt'ro part of a pounoe* frbicb tbep call Pcfus* Wyt fumme of tbe meigbt bearof, the ^panparoes call CafieUmm Jureum. 311 the golo that is oiggeo in the mountaines of cibaua ano po?c negate, is carteo to tbe comer of Conception, mbere fljoppes mitb al cbtnges appertapning arereop fttrmlbeo to fine it, melt it, atto caffe tt into freoges* Chat ooone,tbep take the kpnges ponton tberof, mbtcb is the fyfte parte, ano fo re* ffojetoeuerpmanbis ornne mbiebbe gotte mitb bis labour. 35ut the golo mbtcb is founoein fapnt Cbjillopbojus mptte 57 The firft Decade. inti tfjc feo^ottsS tlierc about, is carpco to tfjc (boppttl toWeb are ill CljClipllagC cailcD Sauuentura, 3lltlicfc tU )0 fljops, tstltoub j-ijifc ftmitiieh ttn pecrtlp aboue tbjoe IjutiDicn tboufano jjotmd toapgbt ofgoto. Hjouraamf jsm JD f anp man befenouieit Deccptfulipc to fteepebackeanp po?> pemlp in Igib cum of gotoe,ml)creofbe bath not maoe d )t fepngeei officers pji« pamou. me, befo?feptetb the fame fo? a fpne. ^berc cbauncetb among them oftentpmes manp contentions ano comrouerftes, the tubi* clje unleffe tijc magtffrates of the Ulan&e no fpnplbe, tbc cafe is remoueij bp appellation to the bpgb coun r apIe of the court/rom Ui’jofe fentence it is not lamfull co~ appeale in al the oommtonS ofCaffple* But lecbsnomeretttrnctotbcnemelanbes, from mbencemebaueoigreffeo, ©eparemmuneraOle^iuerSjanti ercee&pngtbmmate. ^bcrefo^tbe^panparo.'smtbcfe our bapes,anDtbepj noble enterpjpfes, oonot geue place eptber to tfyz faeces of Snturms, oj Hercules , oj anpe other of tbe atmricnc ponces of famous memoip,tubicb lucre canonifeb among t be gooDeSjCalleo Heroes, foj tijep? fearebpng of netoelanoesano regions,anDbjpngpngtbefameto better culture arts cmslitte* ©l) Coa, borne large $ farre (bal our pofferirie fee tbe ©bjifftan tuegiancmpfecorne hao them in great retiercnce. 3nc mbere* as tbep mere greatlpe geuen to (fume, anc contfnuall rcuob utng of outers auctourgi, tbep cbauncec bpon certapne booked, negltgentlp let fipppe out of mp banner, encreatpng of the large lances mtc regions hpthrrta Ipmg bpo, aitcaimoft anc to geue them a copie tljerof, to fence to pour bolpnefle, that pou mpght therebp Oncerftance, bod; home great commocities is cbauncec to the p*ogenteof mankpnee , as alfa encreafe of the mtUttant congregation fa fhefeour capes, bp the fortunate enterp*pfes of tljekpngegt songwgatiom of&>papne* dfo* Iphe as rafee anc tmpapnteo tables, areapee toreceiue mljat fourmes foetier are fp*ft o*amen thereon bp thehanceofthepapnter, euen fa tbtfe nakeoanc llmple pea* pie, coo foone recepue the cuftomes of our religion, anc bp tonuerfation of our men 3 (hake of tyqg fierce anc natme ^ . barbarout The fccondc Dccafc 58 tobarottfnefle. 35 (jaue thought it gooo tberfbje to fattffie the regueft oftbefe topfe men, efpettaUp bfpng tbauctbojptie of pour name, tobetunto not to baue obepeo, 3 Ibouloe effeeme mp felfe to baue commpctco a Ijepnous offence* £Obt rfoje 31 ujpff notoe fyteftp rebcarfe in o?oer,tobat bpo coaffes tbe fepanparoes ouer* ran, toljo toere tbauc:bours tberof, tobere tbeprcffeo, tol;at fur* tberbopctbep fcpttgbe, anofinallpe tobacgreatetbpngestbofe tracers ofianocs 00 pjompfe tn ttme to com c* 31n tbe Declaration oftnp occaoc of tbe ocean, tobicb is notoe pipntcD ano opfperfeo ft^ougljautC^pffenoome Pnnjaresto me, 3 {oefcribeD botoe Cbrijlophorus Color, us founoe tbofe ilanoes toberof toee bane fpo* ken, auD tljat titrnpng from thence totoaroe tbe left banoc foutb* toaro, be cbaunceo into greateregions oflanoes, ano large Teas, fcrffant from tbe Cqumocttall Ipne, cnelp from fpue Degrees to tenne: tobere be founoc bjooe rpuers ano ejccceotng bpgb moun* oant from to« tapnescouereo U«tb ffiotoe,ano baroe bptijefca baitkes,tobere toeremanpe commooiaus ano qupet bauens. But Colonus being grew to ten. rtoto oeparteo out oftbts Ipfe, tbekpug bcganne to take care, C at&#r boto thole lanos might be tubabtteo toitlj ©bjtftian men, to tbin* creafeofourfaptb: ^Jbcrupponbe gauelpccncebpbis fetters patemes to al fttcb as tooulo take tbe matter mbano, ano efpett* n qtmtM Blip to rtoo, tobcrof' 2 >/>go Kkucja toas one,$ tbe other boas Al - uren«* fhonjus Fogfda. ftUberrojC about tfjC 31DCS Of December, Alpbon* STDcnamgaH* fus Departing fp^ff trntb time bunojeo fouloters from tbe tlanoe f U ”°f ogeoS!** of Hifritmk (m cf>e Uj!?tcO toe fapo tbe £>pamaroes bao bmloeo a cptie,tt planteo tbew habitation) 9 fapipng in maner fui foutb, be came to one of tbe bauens fbuno before, tobicb Coloms nameo fortus cart'-aginis, bath becaufe oftbe ilano ffanopng agapnffe tbe courfe of tbe ttreame, ano alfo that bp rcafon of tbe (argeneffe Bftbe place ano benopng Ipoes, it is much Ipke to tbe bauen of ^papnc calleo Carthago. t£be tnbabptantes call tbe 3llanoe Codego , as tbe &panparoes cal tbe 31anoe of tbepj bauen Scombri a . ©is region is caltCO of tbeiniiabitantes Caramairi 9 to tbe toblebe tbepaffpjme both tbe men ano tocmen to bee of SamdirT. gooolp ffature,luit nakeo. %i)z men baue tbepj bcare cutee rotmoe bp tbep? cares, but tbe iuomen mere it long, borl; tbe men ano toomrn are oerp gooo arcbers. ©ur men fotmoe ccr* tapne trees in tljiis p$Qumce,U)ljtc[) bo?e great plemp of fete 31 ii applet turiteintatojojs' ntee. 0 tt?e to ’is te fijattotoe ia tyurtiuU 1 &arlpkt geoplt. atrotoffi itt* fcctet) imtij popfotn Cbcnattigati on ot ©tcgo J^icueU. The fecondc Decade* applc^,tmt Ijurtfttl, fo? tbep turnc into mao?mc$ m&ctr tbep arr eaten Cfpectallp the fhabome of tbe tree tg contagious, fo? fud; as tlccpe linger it anp tpmc, batte tbep?ijeabes fmolne, anb loft their flgbt: but tftlj-p fleepebut a mbde, ti;rp^ light rommetlj agaptte afar a feme oapes. €bis po?*e fc otlf ant foure hwtyeb, fpftie,f fljee triples from that po?t of Hifpamla mbiclje the &pa* nparbes call Veata, in the mbicbe alfo tijep fumble them feiues mljcn tbep p?cpareanpe bopage to feefce other ntme lanbes* SObcn Vogt da bab entreb into tijc batten, Ijc enttabeb, flue, aim fpopleo tlje people, mbembe fettnbe nakeo anbfeattereb : fo$ tbep mere gcuen him fo? a p?ap bp the fcpnges letters patentee* becaufc tbep ban ben before tpme cruell agapnft tbe Cb?iflians, anb coulee tteuer be allureb topermptte them qmetlpeto come mttbtn tbep? Dominions* ©ere tbep founbe golbe,but in no great quantities? pet that pure : tbep make of it certapne b?eft placets ano brooches mbicbe tljep rneare fo? comelpnefle. 35 ut Ftgeda not concentmitb tbefe fpoples, bfpng certapne captittes, mbidi be babtaften before, fo? gupbes, enereo into aupilage ttoelue tuples Dpflant from tbe feafpbe further into tbe lanbe, into tbe tobteb tbep mere fleb mben be fp?(t enuabeb* ©ere be founb a na* kebpeople,butaptetomarre : fo? tbep mere armeb mitb tar* gettes,(bielbeS3longfuJOO?bes mabe ofmoob, anb homes mitb arromes tppt mitb bone,o? baroeneo mitb fp?e. 80 foone as tbep bab efppeb our men, tbep mitb tbep? gbeffes mb 5 tbep bab recei* cepueo,aflapleb tbent mitb befperate mpnoes,bepng tberto mo?e earnefllp p?ouckeb,bebolDpng tbe calamitie of tbefe mbtebe fleet bnto them, bp tbe biolenceoone totbep?momen anb cbplb?en 3 in tbe fpople anb daughter* 3{n this conflpcc our men bab the ouertb?ome: in tbe mbicb 5 one lobannes de Lacojfa(bmg in auc* tbo?tttenejce bnto tbe captapne, anb alfo tbefp?tfe that geatbereb golb in tbe fanbes otFrabaym# flame mitb flftie foul* biers: fo? tbefe people tnfecte their arromes mitb the beablpe popfdliofa certapne berbe. ^be other mitb tbep? captapne Fq* geda bepng btfcomfiteb, flebbe to tlje Ibpppes. (EQbple tbep re* map neb thus in tljc batten of Carthago, fo?omfulanbpenflue fo$ * tbe lolfe of tbep? companions, the other captapne fliegoNicue* /4,(mbom tbep left in Hi^mo/^eparpng bpmfelfe tomarbe tljc bopage in the batten Seat*) came to tljem mitlj fpue fljippes. The feconde Decade, §3 ano fettettfountyeo fotttefcoie ano fpfccettc men . JFoj t&e gwafer number of foulopers folomeo T^cuefa , betbe bccaufe free Ipbertpe mas geuen diem to cboofe mbtcb of tbe capptapncg cfoem Iplt , ana aifo that bp reafon of bis age , be mas of greater auctbojptie: But ellpetiallp becaufe tbe rumoure tuajs tbat e gaue mpno to bis faples to take bts bopage tomato tBeragua, the Dap after that Fogeda Depatteb out of the hauen of Carthago. tui'tfj Ws armie that he brought mith bpm,coageo euer along bp the (ho?e,bntpll he came to the gttlfe c^mhofe kpnges name is Caret a* lloere he founoe thep; language to be in manner ttothpng Ivke bate that of Hifpaniola. , 0? of the bauett of Carthago : mhercbp be percepueD that in this tracte, there are tramp languages Difierpng from tljepj omne bopetges ♦ SfFJ} l > t ^ Sid ■ — ** ThcfceonJeDwaJe? 3S leparfyngfrom Coibajnm to the pjotitnce o? Ketieftttatmt* fbpp tfFvge a bis companion. panparoes call Cayauclas , comtnaunoeo tfjae the btg- ^erPefTel!3fl)0ulofolonjfarrel)cljmoe. l)t toobc frith bptmfro Mai nappes commonlp calico 3i5ergantitnes o? 25?igan0tneS. 31 bauc thought it gooo in al tljc oifcourfe of tljcfe boohes, to Oft tbc common names of tbtnges, Oecaufe 31 hao rather be plaptte tijen cartons, efpectallp fojafmuche as there oo oaplp arpfe rna* rtp nefre tbpnges bnknofren to the antitjtutie,frbereof tljep baue left no true names. 3fter tljeoeparture of Nicuefa, there came a (bpppe from HifyamoU to Fogeda, the captapne frberof,fras one *Barnardino de CalaueraMjO haO ffolUCtbe fame from Hiftaniola F am dr dinodi frith th?ecfco>e men, fr ttljout leaue o ? aotttce of the Somiral ano Calauera. the other gotternours. WUsh tbcbptcuaflcs frljtcb this Ibpppe fyougbt, tbep refrdhco tbemfelues, anofomefrbatrecouerco 'tbepjtfrengtbes, muche freabeneo fo?lacbeofmeatr. Fogeda Ine companions frhpfpcreo ano mtittereoagapnilbpmoaplpe wo?e ano mo?e, that hefeooethem fooich frith Oapne hope : fo? hehaotoloethem that he left Jnd/us in HtfpamoU (frljomhe tfjofe bp the binges commtlTton to be a iuogc in caufcs, becaufe he fras learneo in the lafr)to come Ibojtlp after him frith a%j* laoen frith opttualles, ano that he maruepleo that he fras not come manp oapesfpncc* 3no herein he iapo nothing but trueth: lb? fr hen be oeparteo, he left dndfat balfe reope to folofre bpm* ^uthfrfdofres fuppofpngtljat al tbatbebaofappe of dndfus hao ben fapneo, fonre of them oetermtneo pjtuilp to ft eale afrap the tfro Bjiganoincs from Fogeda, ano to returne to Hifpaniolj. ^ut%f^baupngbnofrIeogehereof,p?euenteo tbcp? oeutce: fo? Icaupng p cuftomc of the fajtreffe frith a certapne noble gem tleman calleofr andfeo Pi^r/o,bebim felfe thu5frounoeo,frtth afefreod)ertnhiscompanpc,etitreointo thefhpppefrheroffre y fpabebefo?e, ano fapfcootretdp to Bifpamola, both to healetlje f aqtt5(l rftJ frmmoeofbfe thpgh,pfanprcmeotempghtbe founo,ano alfo to nr# to Imofrefrhac fras the caufe of Jndfus tarpmgt leaupng bopc mola * frith bis fclofres (frljchefretc nome brought from tb?ce hum t?eo co th?eefco?e, partlp hp famine, ano partlp bp frarce) that ? Amint ty froiiise returne fritbm the- fpace of. p> oapes, jjjcfcnbptuj ** ■ 31mt alia C-' It! l&igAitbtne bloomed um{j tl)f ftrofce of ft tpfye* ^tjcregion of gucpibacoth StmKeuata Os $r4conis t The fcfcondle Decs Je* alfo a cflnbftion to Tizdm anbbts companion$,tbac ft (boulD not he i mpttteb to them ft? treafon, to ncparc from thence pf be camenotagapneattbebap appopnteo, lotto bptmales, anb a nemefupplpe of men. &iiefe rb.bapes bepng noto: palf,ibhera!S tbep couloe pet Ijeare notbpng of Fogeda, anb mere baplp mo?e ant> mm opp?efleb mitb (barpc hunger, tbep entreb into the tmo Bjiganbines mbicb mere Ieft,ano bepaeteb from that lanb* $ no as tOep mere none faplpng on the mapne fea tomatoe Hif* paniola, a tempeft fooapne'p arpfpng, fuiaiotoeo one of the B?t* • ganbtncs mitb ail that mere therein* &>mz of tbep? fetome3 af* fp?me,tbat thep piapneip fane a fpihe of huge greatitelTe,fmmt« rnpng about the Bnganbinc(fo?thofe Teas b?png foo?tb great tnonHers)anD t batm ttb a ftroke of her taple, tbeb?cke the rub* her of the (hpppffu peTc^ 5 mljTchcfaplpng, the B?tganbine be* ing o?tuen about bp fo?ce of the tcmpeft,ma£ b?omneb not farre from the Jlanb calleb .Formjptng betmene the coaftes of the Ija* uen Carthago anb Vraha. 3s cl;ep of the other Bpganbtne mouln Ijaue lannebin the Jlanbe, thep mere tppuenbackemttlj the homes anb arromes of the fierce barbarians* P;occebing there- fore on tbep? bopage, thep mettebpehaunee mtthyf«fi/«^ be- tmene the batten of Carthago , ano the region of Cucbibacoa in the mouth of thermennhicbethe £s>panpatbeg calleb Boium gattU that is, the bottfe of the catte, becaufe thep fane a catte fp?(te ttt that place: Boium An the tongue of BifpaniolaAn a boufe* jndfus came mitb a fbpppelaben mitb al tbpnges necefiarie, both fo? nteate, anb b?pnke, anb appareil,b?pngpngalfo mitb bpm arc another B?iganbtne. ^hio isljefo? nhofe commpng the cap* tapne Fogeda lookeb fo? fo long* tyt loofeb anker from HifpanU via in the Joes of September : ano p fourth bap after his bepar* ttire,he efppeb certapne bpgh mountapnes, the mhiche fo? the a* bunbance of fnommbicblietb there concinwallp in the tops tberof* * the ^panparbs calleb SenaKeuata ,xrtwn Coloms the fp?fifpn* ber of tljofe regions pafleb hp the fame* 3Lbe fife baphe fapleb bp Os Draconis. &bep mbicb mere in the B?iganbine,co!be Jmifus that Fogeda tUlS retUtneb to Hifpaniola : but Ancifus fttppofpng that thep hab faineb that tale, commatmbeo them bp cbaucto?ttte of bts commtflton to tttme baefce agapne. ^he B?tganbiner$ o- bepeo f folomebhtm; pec maoe tljep humble fuite muobimthat / The fcconcfe Decade* ft %t IwotilDC gratmt them rijac untft bfe fattour tbep mpgbc eptbe* goe agapne to Hifpaniola, o? that be bpm felfe mouto lining tijem to N icueja: ano that tbep mouloe fo? f;ts gem!enefle,oeclareD to* toaroetbent tn this bebalfe, remaroe bpm mitbtmo tboufanoe ^. cl . families of goloe : fo? tbep mererpcl;eingolDe,but poo?e in anDpooJii ' ! b?eao. But^i/«xafrenteotoneptberof tbep? requelfcs, af= &***&• fp?ntpng that be mpgbtbp no meaner goe anp other map, cljen to Vraba t be p?out'nce afltpeo to Fogeda . ^Qfjereupon, bp tbep? conouct,be took e bte bopage otrectlp tomaroe Vraba, But nome let it not feeme teutons to pour bolpnefle, to beare of one tbpng Snoo?tbp to be rem.:mb?eo,mbicbe cbaunceo to this lieuetettanc Jncifus as be came tbptber : fo? be alfo calf anker tn tbe coafleS of tbe region of CaYmam>W)\t\w me fapoe to be famous, bp rea* fon of tbe bauen of earth ago a no of tbe gooolp If ature* firengtb, ano beautte botb of men ano mornen bepng tn tbe fame, ijxre be fent certapnc to goealanoe on tbe (bo?e botb to fetch ffelb mater, ttalfotorepap?etbelbtpboatembtcbmasfo?ebmtfcb. 3in thus tneane tpme, a peat multituoe of tbe people of tbe countrep, ar* tneo after tbep? manner, came about our men, as tbcp mere occtt* ppeo about tbep? bufpnefle, ano (f oooe in a reopnelfe to fpgljt,fo? tbefpaceoftb?eeoape$ comtnuallp, ourpng mbtcbettme,nep* tber ourtt tbep fetopon our men, no? our menalfatfe tbem.t;bu$ botb parties keeppng tbep? arap,lfoooe (fpll tb?ee mijole oapes, tbe one gafpng on tbe other, get al this tpme our men applpeo tbep? moo?ke,placpng the Ibppmtpgbtes tn the mpooelf of tbep? arrnte. ^stbeplfoooetbus amafeo, tmoofourcompanp ment to fpll tbep? mater pottes at the mouth of tbe rpuerneerebnto them botb,mbere fooenlp there came foo?tb agapnlf them a caps tapnc of tbe barbarians mitbtemtearmeo men, mbicbe Inclofeo them, ano mitb terrible countenance bent tbep? arromes again# them, but (hot them not of. ©iteofourmen fleooe, but tbe other rcmapneo,caUpngbts felome agapne, ano rebukpng bpm fo? bis fearefulnefle* 3Lben be fpake to tbe barbarians tn tbep? omne language, mbicbe be bao learneo bepng conuerfaunt mitb tljecapttuestbatmere carpet) from thence long bcfo?e* €bep marueplpng to beare a (frangcr fpeake in tbep? natttte tongue, put of tbep? fiercenelfe, ano fell tofrettolp communication, oe* maunopng m{?o mere dje capcapnes of that companp mljicbe 333) elite of tat* gees agapnft feenemoii* arroWes. 3Tfje fearbart# ans&aue re# fpect to mfttcr. ^alteli fptye. H0itteoffrmteo jfetpneti e# Tfie feeonJe Jecacfo hm arptteb fit ftep? lanbe* f)t atmfmereb that tfiepteftS Grangers pairing bp, anb tbatlje mamepleb mbp tbep maulo m tempt to b?tue them from tbep? coaff es,anb btff urbe tbetr (bpps; argupng them of frllie anb crue!tie,ano further tb?eampng their ruine amibeftructton,e]ccept chop mottlbebfe them fe!uesmo?e frenbelp tomarbe them* tfoi be abuerttfeb them that there mouloe(bo?tlpecomeinfotbcp?lanbearmcbmrn, in number Ithe bnto tbe fances of tbe fea,anb that to tbep? btter betfruetton, not onip pf t!;ep refpffeb them not, but alfo ejccept tbep recemeo tbent, anb entertapnebtljem honourable 3Sn tbe meane tone, jncifus mass enfourmeb that bts men mere betepneb : mberefoje fufpectpngfomebccepte, be brought foo?tb all bis target men, fojfeare oftbep?benemous arromes : anb fettpng tljeut in battel arape, be marcbeb fo?marbe tomarbe tbemmbicbe fiapeb bis metn 3ut be mbicbe communeb mitb tbe barbarians, gcupng bpm a Ogite mttb bis banbe to p?occebe no further, be ftapeo, at® callpng to bpm tbe otber,be knetne that all mas fafe : fo? tbe ba» barians p?ofereo bpm peace, becaufe tbep mere not tbepmbem tbep fufpectcb them to baue ben, meanpng bp Fogeda $.Nicuefa t mbo bab fpopleb tbe bpllage tfanbpng tbere bp tbe fea fpbe, at® carpeb amap manp captutes, anb alfo burnt anotbet.bpllagefur< tber mitbin tbe lanbe. 8nb tberefo?c (as tbep fapbe) tbe caufe of tbep? commpng tbptber, mastoreuengetbofetmuries, pfbp anp meanes tbep cotiloe, pet that tbep mouloe not ejeer rife tbep? meapons agapnlf tbe innocent : fo? tbep fapb, it mas bngoblp to fpgbcagapna anp, notbepngp?ouokeb* Jtaping apart therefore tbep? homes anb arromes, tbep entertepneb our men gemellp, anb gaue them great plentie of falteb fplbe, anb b?eao of tbep? countrep,anb fiileb tbep? belfris mitb &pber mabc of tbeir coutt* trepftuites anbfeebes,notinferio?tommemgoobnclfe. 'EbuS Ancifus bautng entreb into frenb(bip,anb mabe a league of peace mitb tbtnbabitantcs of Carmairi, mbtcb mere befo?e fo?e p?ouo< ficb bp other captapnes,be lancbeb from that lanbe, anbbtrecteo bis courfe to Vraba bp the 3lianbe Fom, batting in bis fyippe a bunb?ebat® fpftie frefije men, mbicbe mere fubflttute in tbe place of fuebe as mere beao : alfo tmelue flares, anb manp* funne, anb other beaftes both males anb females fo?encceafe* Ipkcmpfe, fyftie peeces of o?bmaunce, mitb great m\fa The feconefe decade* tube of (aro^f^fluooj^j f'aurfpns, ano futljc othtt totzpom fo? the marres, Luc all this U)itlj cuii fpec oe, ano m an curt boure: fo? tLcp Lucre eucn noLoc entrpng info tlje (jatren, tbegcuer* tiour of tbe (Lpppc xuijtcLe face at tije Lclmc, llrokc the fljpppe Open the fantes 3 mbere tc boas fo faff enclofeo ano beaten mitlj tlje Laaucs of tlje lea, tbac tcopewD i n t&c mpooetf 3 ano ali loll that mas tljerein 3 atbpngfurdpcnnferaPlctobeljolDci fo? of allthe uptrualles that tljep Ijao 3 tbep iauco onlp tmdttt barrettes of mealc 3 mitbafeme cbeefes 3 ano a Ipcle bpfketb?cao, fo?al tlje beallesmete o?omneo, ano tljep tljcmfelucsefcapco (jam* ip ano balfe nakeo, bp belpe oftbe3$?iganoine ano fljip boate, carptngmitljtbernonlpa fememeapons* , &bustbepfdl from one calamine into anotber,bcpng nome mo?e careful! fo? tbep? Ipuestbenfo?goloe. getbepng b?ougbt alpue ano tn health to that lanoe mijicbe tbep fo gveatlp oefp?eo 3 tljep couloe oo no (dfc tbentop?outocfo?tbefuilepnpHg oftljepr boopes 3 becaufetljep couloe not Ipueonlp bp apje : ano mljereas tbep?omnefapleo* tbep mull neeoes Iptie bp other mens, gee among tbefefo manp aouerltties 3 one gooo eljaunce offereo it fdfe Onto tbcm : fo? tbep founoc,not farre from the fea fpoe 3 a groue of Date trees, among tbe mbielj 3 ano alfo among tlje reeke o? meeoes of tbe wartfljes, tbep efppcoa multituoe of mploe bo?es, mitb mljofe fleibc tbep fen tbe fdues tod certapne oapes. ^Lbefe tbep tap to be Icfle then ours, ano muljfo Ojo?t taplcs,tljat tbep thought tbep bao ben cut of. ^Tbep otffa* alfo from ours in tbep? feete: fb? tljep? Ijmoec feecearemljole bnotuioeo 3 anoalfo miti;Outanpljoofe.13uttbep afftrme that tbep Latte p?ooueo bp experience, tbep? flefije to be of, better fade ano mo?e mljolfome tben outs. During this time, tbep feoalfo ofDates>ano tberootes ofpoung Date trees 3 mljt* cbetbcpeateltltemife m^itule ano Granata, mljere tbep call them f dimhos, of p leaites mljcrof tbep make beefentes in l&ome. *^>pmetpmes alio tbep eate of tbe apples of that region, mijicbe 4auc tbe taftc of pniineSjanO Ijauc alfo Roms uubtm 3 ano are iut Iptle ano ofrcooe colour; 31 fupgpfe them to be of that ktnor a mberof 31 ate in tljecitie of Alexandria in Cgppt, in tlje monctlj of &p?pH,the trees mbereof, tbe 3!emesthat smell there, be* pnglearneo ui the .lame ofjpofes, affp?me to be tbe Croats fcuue$. ai«i neme all the peere. 6 % anrifiiott)^ luiacfte* it grottc of fcate trees. UOpl&jtiojffc, Staples of h Urattflckpiiiie* gacoens,an3no?pfoe foernmffogreate triligenceasrueDo cbertes,peacl)es,an3qum&s» leaues 3 bepgbt 3 atmrunke 3 is berplpke bnto decree tbacbea* mb foe frupte called Z izipha, nfoifo ebe Apothecaries cal! luiuba. 3l$utu>bereasnom tlje mploebores began tofaplefoem, tbep mere agapneenforceo to confute ano p?oupoe fo? foe tprne to come :ano tarpeo tije commtng of out men bpon a Iptle bpfl, as it mere to take tbe aouauntage nftbegrounoe: our men mogeotbem to be about flue buno?ea in number* W&mJncifus tbe captapneof ourmeiymolteue* tenaunt in tbe tf eeoe of Fogeda, fettpng bis men in o?ocr of bat* taple arap,ano mttb bus mbole companp kneeling on bte knees* tbep all maoe bumble p?apers to<£5®Dfo?tbcbicto?ic,ano a borne totlje image oftbcblefleo birgtnmijtcbeis bonoureot'n Cuttle, bp tbe name of Santta Maria Jntiqua , p?ompfpng to fenoeber manp goioen gpftes.ano a Uraunget of tljat countrept alfo, to name tbe bpUage Santta Maria jntiqua after bet name: Ipkempfe to erecte a temple calleo bp tbe fame name, o?ac tbe leali to oeoicace tbe king of that p?out'ncebfe pailace to tljat bfe,tftt fljoutopleafebertoalfilf tbcm in tljis Dangerous enter* p^ife.'Cbijs oone,al tbe fottloiers toke an otb,tljat no man fljoulo <£0* turne bis backe to bio emmtess. ®ben p captapne commatmotng ma * AU tljemtobetna reopnelfe mitb tljep? targets ano iaueipns, ano tbe trtmipetter to blome tbe battaple,tljep fercelp alfapleo tljep? enimres mitb a larome : but tlje nakeo barbarians,not long able to abpoe tlje fb?ce of our men, mere put to fkgbt,mitlj tbep? kpng SfjSoS&i ano captapneCfW4a«j.®ur men entreo into cbebpllage,mbere to ftpspt* tljep founoe pIentieofmeate,fucbastljepeopleoftbe countrcp bfe, fuffteient to afltoage tbep? p?efent hunger, as b?eao maoe of roctes, mitb certapnc fruttes bnlpke Onto ours, mljtrfjc t!jcp referue fo?ffo?e, as me too Cljelfmittes* ®ftbefe people, tbe men are bttcrlp nakeo, buttlje momcn, from tlje nauel oomne* marte are cotiereo mttlj a fpne clotlj maoe of golfampme cot* tom Cljis region is bttcrlp mitbout anp Ibarpenelfe of rnpmer: C(]e tintv fo?tlje moutb of this rpuer of c foimbe in a tbpefcet ©free Dee, 2&eft plates *fgDi5t, The (ceonde decade# b$at from tbep; opfmon,f0;afmucl;c as the opffierence can mi fie great* ^beoap after that tbep arpueo at cbelanoe, tbepfap# to along bp the rpuer, mbete tbep founoe a great tbpeketof moes,c0ntinupngfo;the fpaceofa tuple m length, fuppoltng (as! it cbauncco in oeeoe) that rijc batterers thereabout mbicbe Ijat)to,habeptljer lpenlurkpngtbere,o?elecobattebiD tl;ep$ fttrffe among tl,ofe reeoes : W hereupon, armpng them feiue* limb tbep; targctg,fc;fearecftbe people Iptng in ambu(be>ti;ep fearcheo the tbpeket oiligentlp , ano founoe it mitbout men, but replenplbeo mtb boufljoloe ffuffe ano goloe* Etjep founoe alfa a great multitude offl;etes,maoe of the Hike o; cotton of the gof* famine tree: ipkempfeoiuerskpnoesof ucflels ^toolesmaoe of Oaooo, ant> manp of earth : alfa manp belt plates of goloe,anti ouches m;ougbt after tbep; manner , to the fortune ofa buno;eO f tUio pouno meighc : for tbep alfo take plrafure m the beaut e of go!oe,ano mo;ke it berp aruficiallp, although it be not the p;pce of tbpnga among them as mitb bs. lEhep bane it out of other re* gtons>fo; crcljatmgc offucb tbpngesas Ujep? countrep b;tngct& fo;tb:fo; fuel; regions as haue pientte offoeao ano golfampine, to* m oft vm * 1 tocke goloe, an ofuebeas b;png fo?thgcloe,arefo; the nioff pare •Sww* rough mitb mountapnes ano rockes, ano tbereftge barren : ano topfpng therefore mitb oottble glaone(Te,afmel in tbat tbep fame gteatlpkendfeofgolDe^s alfo that fojtuneljaoclfrreo them fa fap;e ano fruiteftil a countrep, tbep lent fo; tbep; felomes mboro tbep bao left before in fbe Call fpoe of tl;e gulfe of Vraba. get Ibme fap, that the ap;e is there bnuibolfome,becaufe that part of the region Ipcth in a tome bailep, enuironeo ml) mountapnes anomarpfoes# The feconde booke of tbe fecondc Decade,of the (up* pofed continent. C^aue oefcribeo to pour bolpneffe mijere mitb bis companpe (tombom the large tractes of Vraba mas alfignco to im jbabite)entenoeoto fallen tbep; fcote. 3 Let bsnometherefo;eleaue tl)emoU 7 raba foj fi mbple, ano remrne agapne to Kicuefa,ta m&om C Oe galben rfgto'ia are foi TJiefecontfe decade. Inborn tTie goumtamtce ana JLieutcnaumfbpp of t&entoffe fetgt pjontnce of fteragua (bepng tlje SOeft fpoe Of djc gtlffe Of Vraba) magappopntem from Vraba tbe turifotc* tton of bis; freno $ companion Fogeda, otrecteo bus courfe&IJefo toaroe to ^raguaMmg tbe bpgger fbpppeo fcrncmljat beljmo bpnyo folotocbpmafarrc of, but be took? tbis oeuice man euptbcticc,fo?b^botblollbt0felomc30imtbenpgbf, ano ment pad tlje moutb of tlje riuer Leragua, mijicbe be cbeefelpfbugbt* One Lupus Olanus a Cantabrian, anb gouernour of one of tbe Lupus Olmm great (bpppe 0 ,bao tbe conouccofoneoftbe^rtganotncs : bo commpng bebpnoc, learned of tbembabttatmte0,tobtcbe mast (be mapCaftmaroetotbegulfeof !B^«4,ouerpa(rco ano left ibebpnoeof Nicuefa, Olanus tberforeotrectpng bis courfe tomaro tbe Caff, met U)itbtbeotberl5rigattDine,mbicbbao alio mam oereo out of tbemap bp reafon oftbeoarkenos ofebe night* 'Cbe gouentourof tljts Brtganm'ne,mas one fetyus de Vmbria.^uz 'Le'rus dt botbbepngg!aooftbeprmeetpng,tbepconfuItco fcbat mas bell Lmbri^ tobeoone, ano mbtebe map tbep couloe contemn* tbeprgouet* tiour ban taken btsfcopage. 3fteroe!rberation,tbep iuogeocbac “Kicuefa coufoe no more iacke fome to put bpm in remembrance tfLnagua, then tbep them felues mere mmoful bereof,boppng alfo toffmoe bpm there. Cbep fapleo therefore tomaroe $ tragua, tobere tljep fouttoe tmtijKUUi.mples oi(Iam,a rpuer toljtdje Co. lams name!) £<>g muljinfeme Dopes after, commaunOeD them to tcufle bp tljep? packes,anb make them retip to Depart. Ebep Defp?eb pirn to qupet Ppm feife, anD to foresee them a mhple, bntpl tbep lja& reapeD tlje co?ne that tbep IjaD fomen,mijicbe motiioe lbo?t!pbe c to rppe : fo ia!l kpnoeof co^ue maretb nme tbere e nerp fourth m » rppe ciierpc uctlj after ttldoDi en^titbe btterlp DenpeD to tarpe anpe mljpt, tomb rooiKi|>fo tt t tbac be mottlDe fao?tbmitlj Depart from that bnfo?tunate JanDe, atiD pluckeD up bp tbe rootejs all that euer mas brought: into tbe gulfe of Beragua, anD commaunDeD them to Direct tbep? courfetomarDe tlje Caff. Sifter tljepljaDfapleb about tbe fpace offiptecne mples,a certaine poung rnan,mljofe name mas Gi5re* go?ie, a (Venues bo?ne,anD of a cbpioe brought bp mitb Coloms, ca!lcDtorcmemb?atmce that there mas a batten not farce ff cm tbence: anDtop?ooueljis (aptngestrtte, be gaue bis felomes tljefe tokens, tljatts, tijac tljep fljouioe fpnbe bpon tbe lbo?e, an anker of a loff Ibpppe balfe couereD mitb fanbe , aim bnDer a tree neptbnto the batten a fp?png ofeleare mater. ‘Eljep came to tlje lanbc, founoe dje anker anD tbe fp?png, anD commenoea mm , tlje mptte anD mcmo?tc of tlje poung man, that be onlpe among toman™ a manpeoftbe Sparpners mljtclj IjaD fearcljeD tljofe coaffes mitb poung nun Colonus , bo?e tlje tljpng fo mell in mpnDe. ^Ebis bauen Coloms calleD Tortus Mu s> ZMhzxz as in tljts bopage fo? lackc of opt* fportus Bellus . cualles, tljep mere fometpmes enfo?ceo to goe alanDe, tbep mere eupl entrcateD of tbinljabttames : bp reafon mijercof, tbep? c ffrengtljesmerefomeakeneo Uriel; hunger, tljat tljep mere not ^c?? cir5 ° f able to kcepemarre again# nakcDmen,o?fcarcelp to beare tljeir barned'e on tljep? backcs: anD djmfo?c cur men loff tmentie of tljep? companions, mijicb mereHapne mttlj benemous arromeg* €ljep confulteD to feaue tbe one balfe of tljep? felomcs in tbe Ija* nen of Tortus Mus 3 $ tbe other part Kicueja tokemitb bpm to* toaroe tlje Caff, mhere about tmentie anbepgbt mples from Ter* The feconde Decade* fortes Mus, be ctttetmcD to buploe a fo?trelTe batoe bp tbe Tea fpoe,bpon tbe popnt o? cape 3 toljtcbe in tpme pad Colonus nameo PAarmor, Due tfjep toere fo feeble bp reafon of long ljunger 3 that tbep?ftrengtb fetueo tljemnotto fuftepnefuclje labour, pet be erecteo a Iptle toto?e, able to refpft the fp?ft aftaulte of tbe inlja* bttaumes : tbiS toto?e be calico Kmm Dei . f com tbe tpme tljat be left Bemgud* tobat in tbe tottmep among tbe fanoie plapnes, then alfo fo? bungee turtle be butloeo tbe toto?e, of tbefetoe tobi* cbe remapneo alpue, be loft ttoo buno?eo. $no cljus bp Ittle ano Iptle, tl;e mulmuoe of feuett ljuno?eo, four e fco?e , ano fpue men 3 toas brought notoe fo fcarcelpe one btn ioyebTcMjpIe isiicuefa Ipueoojubtbefefetoe ntiferable men, tberearofea contention among them of Vraba, as concerttpng tbe IteuccenamQjpppe: fo? one Fafm isiunnezj bp tlje iuogemeitt ofalmeit, truftpng mo?eto btsfteengtb then toif, ftp?rcobp certapneltgbtfelotoes; agapnft Jncifus, faping that Jncifus Ijao not tbe kpngs letters patencesfo? that office, ano tljat it tons not fuftf ctenc tbac be toasauctljo?tfeo bp Fogeda, ano therefore fo^booe fbat beftjouUi execute tbe office of tbe itettetenauntibpp 3 ano toplleo them to cboofecectapneoftbep? otone companpe, bptoljofe counfaple ano auctljo?uie tbep mpgbt be gouernco* Si:bus being oiutoeoi into factions, bp reafon that Fogeda tbep? captapnc came not a* gapne,to!jomtl;epfuppofeoto be notoe oeao of bis benemous tootmo, tbep contenoeo tobetber it tocre beft to fubftitute fa in W place. ^be topfeft fo?t 3 6tcbe as tocre familier toft b 2^- cuefd,$ coulo notbeare tbe infolencte of Vafins Kunne^, thought ttgoootljat N/V«^(bouloebefougbt out tbjougboutafttljofe coaftes : fo? tbep bao knotoleoge that be oeparteo from Beugua, becaufe of tbe barrennefte of tbe grounoe 3 ano tljat bp tlje epam* pie of Jncifus, ano fuclje other as bao maoe fljppto?ackc 3 tt tocre polTtble that be mpgbt toanoerinfome fecrete place, ano tbac tljepcouloe not be quiet in tbep? mpnoes,bncpl tbep bnetoetlje certapmtetoljetljcrbe toitb bis felotoes tocre aliue o? oeao* Tpuc Vafcus TSgnw^ fearpng left at tbecommpngof N icuefa, be ftouloenotbebaoinauctbo?itieamong Ijisfelotoes, fapo tbep toere mao men to cbpnke tljat Kicuefa tpueo, ano aldjougbbe toere alpue, pet tljat tbep bao no neeoeofljis belpe : fo? be auouc&eotbattbcrctoas none of bis felotoes, tljat tocre not tail as 66 Cape Mm* mar . KomcnDei, -7 1 a O’ on ofCiatjert!! tnz*calimu* ri0. Sflntjettebpitg; Ijtgij moun* tapneccumeU tontpuioiue. &Pl)arened nun. The feconde Decade* as meets to rule as Kicuefa, ultbplc cfcp boere tints reafonpng to and fro 5 one 'Rodeyicus Colmenaris arpued ut tbofe coaffcjs botcb tbuo great 0 jpppcs 3 baupng in tbcm tbjeefcojc frcOje men, boitb great pleiuie ofopttualles and appareih i 2 Dftje natilgation of tljis Colmenaris, 31 emend to fpcake famembat moje, fy tljerfoje departed from tlje baueu tfBifpaniola, cdk'H'Seata (duljcrctljcp prepare and futnpfbe them fdttcs boljscbe make anp bopage into tljcfe landes) about tlje31ocs of 0 ctober, in tbe pcere. 1510 . and landed tljdp.of jftauetnbcr in a region in tbe large ptoutnee 0 VP aria, fotMOC bp Colonus bCCUtene tlje bauen Cartbago,mb tlje region of CuMacboa. 3!n tljts bopage 3 bo!jat bp the rotigbnefife oft'jefeajanoSerceneffe o c tlje barbarian^befuffereo manp in* commodities : fo? boljcn bis freOje loafer faplcd 3 befapled to tlje moutb of a certapne riuer boljieb tljtnljabtcantcs cal Gatradcpng apt to recetue Gjtppes. ^Ijts rtuer bad bis courfe from tlje toppe ofanepceedpngbpgb motmupne coueredboitbfnouMjpgbot then tbe n)'jiclje 3 al the cofnpannmrnfibts capcaptte ftodericus fap 3 tljattbepneuerfabo;: 3no that bp goon reafon, pftt boere cottered boitb fitoboe tit tljat region,boljiclj is not pad ten degrees diftant from tbe EqumoHial ipne. $s tbcp began to djabo boater out of tljepj fbpp boate 3 a certapne kpng made tobuarde tbem 3 ap« parellcd boitb beftures of gofiampine cotton, baupng tbuentie noble men in bio companp apparelled alfo: boljtclj tbpng feemed ffraunge to our men 3 and not fccne before tn tbofe parties, ^be fcpngesapparell bong loofc from bis fboulders to IjtS elbobues, and from tbe gp^dle ooboneboaroe, it boas much Ipke a boomanjS kpjtle 3 reacbtng euen to btsbeeles. 3 s be djeboeneere tobuarde our men 3 be feemed frecndlp to adntonplbe them to take none of tlje boater of tljat rpuer 3 a%mpng tt to be bnboljolfome fojt men, and lljebued tbent tljat not farre from tjence, tljere boas a rpuer, of good boater. ^:ijep came to tlje rpuer, and endeuourpng to comeneeretbelb^e, tljepboeredjiuenbackebpcempeft . 3lfa tbe burbuiing of tbe fand 3 declarcd tbe fea to be but (Ijalobo tljere. t£ljep boere tljerefoje enforced to returne to tlje fpjfte rpuer boljeretljepmpgljtfafefp call anker . ^tjis kpng lapoeboapte fo? our men: foj as tljep boere fpllpngtbcp? barrelles, Ije fet on tbern botclj about fetten ljtmd?ed men (as our men iud* ged) armed after tljepj manner, altljougl; tfeep boere naked: fo? The fcconde Decade. ft? chip tbefcpng tmo W noble men mere appardko* t$ep Cooke amap tbe Gbppboate , ano b?oke it in manner to cbtpjs :fo fierceip affaplpng our men mitb tbepjbenemous arrome#, tbac tbep flue of them fourtte ano feuen, before tbep couloe couer fcpanpartK* them (due# mitbtbetr targets. tfo? that popfon t# of fucbfojee, JgJS”*® w Chat albeit tbe mounoe# uiere not great, pec tbep open tberof irn* roui». tneotatlp , fo? tbep pec kneme no remeoie agapnff this kpnoe of popfon, as tbep afecr icameo of tbe inbabicauncesof HifpanitU: fo? cfjt 0 3Uanoe b?pngetb foojtb an Ijearbe mbtcb quenebetb ano tnomfietb tbe btoienc popfon of tbe bearbe,mbermttbtbep? a* n nmcMt »* tomes are infecteo, fotbacic be mtniffreo in tpme get of our jgjgj* bfn *' eompanpe mbicbe menc fo? mater, feuen efcapeo that conflpcte, 1 0 ano bpooe them feiue# in a bollome tree, lurkpng ebere Ontpli npgijt,pec efcapeo tbep not tlje banned of tbep? emmtes : fa? tbe (bpppeoeparceo from tbence in tbe npgbt feafon , ano left them there, fuppofpng that tbep bao ben flapne* ®bus bp manpe fuebe perplss ano oaunger# (mijicb 3! Ipgbtlp ouerpaife, becaufe 31 Ujpn not be teotou# to pour bolpneffio be arpueo at tbe length at tbe bauen of VubA, ano caff anker at doe €aff fpoe ^roto«utnte thereof, from mbence not long before, ourmenoeparteo to tbe t£tefffpoe,bpreafonoftbebarrenne(fe ofcbatfople* GUbenjje bao ccntinueo a mbplc in tbe bauen, ano fame no man ffpjrpng, maruepleo at tbefcilence of tbe place# (fo? be fuppofeo there to bauefouno hi# fe!omes)be coulo not conteccure mbat this (bouto meane: ano thereupon began to fufpecttbaceptbertbep mere oeao, o? that tbep bao ebangeo tbe place of tbep? habitation, Za know the certapntie hereof, be commaunoeo all the great o?ot« naunce, ano other fmall gunne# mbicbe be bao in b&lbpppe#, to becbargeo,ano fpets to be maoe in the night upon the toppe# aftberpeke#. ®bu#.tbe fpersbepng kpnoleo, be commaunoeo d tbegumtes to be (hot of at one tuff ant , bp the horrible nopfe tobereof,tbe gulfe of Vr*la mas (baken, although it mere.tjctttu tnplesoiffant,fo?lbb?ooeistbe gulfe» ®bi#nopfe masbearog ¥ tbep? Id0l0*# ; jin tiMlW auttfmeareo them agapne .foritb mutual fpers . &Hberefo?e>bp the foiempng of tbeff fper#* Colmmris b?ougbt l)io (btppe# to tbe 22 Jeff fpoe* l£)ere tboft to?ettbeo ano mifcrable men of Qariena, mbiclje ncme through tat^ne ano fteblfcaefifo beloe tbep? meerie foule# in tbep? teeth, & iii reopc The feeohde Decade. reap tobepartftom tljepg bo&pes, bp reafonof tbe cafamtto tnbtcbebefelunto them after Jncifus flnpiojacke^tfaitg bp djeic Cannes to Ijeatten^itb tbe tearesttmtiingboume tbepg ebeeke^ fcotfjfogtop anofogob^embiaceti % fortius ana bis felotoes itJttb feemebto re* euaTs'/anb almoffnakfb 3 be brought them abtmbatice ofmeate, mmke 3 anb apparel* 3!f rclTctb noU)(molf Oolp father) to bed are iubatcame ofd;e biflemton among them of Vraba, as concern nittgebe gotiernance after tbe Ioffe of tpepg captapneg* Tor fc# ;■'• - ;V. ' ' yj ■ ; *;'« - ; h r&‘$ !?.} n : « • [■: ; n • ? The thirde bootee of the (cconde Decade*o£ *' the fuppo fed continent* Utbecbeefeoffiffersi m Beragua* anb fttebe as toere mdffpoltttke m counfapIe 3 betermts HitJ fyrtKkuefa fboulD be fougbtoutjpfbp anp meanesbe cohIdc be fottnbe. ^berwp* Ipon tlj$ (coke from Jncifus tbe gouet> d;argesr anb agreed, agapnffbbtb tlje topi of Anti fa, anb tbe matter offence Vafchus Runrifej that W cue fa (boulo be fottgbc _ f o take tin’s matter in banbe 3 miHtng btm to make btltgent fearebe fog ttmfiintyok eoages tobfre tbepfoppofebbe erreb: fog tljep bearoietbacbebao fog&ken Beragua tbe region of an bnfrattcftfll ground. 3 ®ep gatte btm tljerfoge eommaunberaentto bgmg Hi* cue fa lurtb bpm 5 and farther tooedare imtd btm tbat lie (hotilb 00 bfibtp? rcbtftdns; tooke tbe-tbpng bpoti bptii tbe moge glaDlp 5 beca«fo Wcuefa uws bis beep ftenbe * : fnppofpHg Ittgcommpng Mb biemalleS ffrotaoe be^iol^ ^ankefuil to Hicuef ana (ns companp* tljenitUJastotbemof Vraba. ,ffurm* n, n w/w,beftap gbteb tbs Thefetonclc Decade 6$ ghefametotth part oftbtbtttualsano o Act necelfarietf to&fth he b?0Ught tuitlj hpm before from Hifpaniola to Vraba, %\)U$ cour* fpng along bp al the coaftes ano gulfeu necre thereabout, at the length, attije poprit calleo M*mor , he founoe 2\ic«^,ofal ip* juctna ,* itpng men molt tnfb?mnate, in manner o?peoop lnirij extreme h*mger,fplthp ano ho?rrb!e to bebotoe,uricb onlp th?eefco?e mm in i;is companp, left a!tuc of fetten huno?eo. ^hepalfeemeo to him fo rniierable, that he no lefts lamented thep? cafe^hen pf be hao founo them 0030.1301 ephnenms comfo?teo big frenO;N/V«^ , ueobisfptrttes, ano further encourageo bpmoneb great hope ofbetterfo?£unc,0"darpng a!fo that big commpngniaglookeo foa, ano greatlpc oefpuo ot' all tl;e gooo men of fraba, fc? that tbcpbopeo that bp bis auctbo?i tie, thep? otfrojoeano contention fhoulocbe ftmftjeo. N icutfa tbankeo bis frenoe Colmemis after fuclje foveas his calamitte requtreo. JDIjnS thep took* Ibppto* geather,ano fatleo oirectlp to Vrabn. But fo uariable ano bncom Cant fg the nature of man, that he foone grotoethomofofe, be* commetb tnfolent ano onmpnofull of benefited after to muche fe* 3nroIttirie eft# bettie : fo? Ulcuefit after thus manp teares ano toeeppngg ,aftec mucjje outers bemaplpitgcs of big tnfo?tunate oeftenpe, after fo manp tbankefgeupng,pca after that he bao fallen ootone to the grouno ano ftpfleo the feete of Colmewv hie fautour,he began to quarel toritb hpm before he came pet at r^^,rep?oumg hpm t them al fo? the alteration of the (fate of tbpngeg in Vraba, ano fo? the gca* therpngof goloe, affp?mpng thatnone of them ought to baue fepoeljanoeofanpe goloeumbout the aomce of hpm o? Foged* hie companpom 'lteuetenaitnt fo? Fogrda, ano af.o of Vafcbus of the contrarp part, agapnft Xicutf t, that Obo?tlp after his arpuafl toichhfetlneefc 0 ?emen, tfep cwnmauuoeo hpm uaiclj tb?eafc npngtooepart from thence : but this pleafto ng$ the better fo?t.^ec featpitg left tumult fl^uto be among the people, Uihom Vafcbus Wgtwe :ar£ nwfamie, to geue pf acetop greateft. Shis ln?etcbco man cbiia oittrtimcija'tt mifeci efi . t^uft imoihe. ^igano^elnW* c&e^e'4ii6« oi? m mt it* < W The feeon Wiitl) this kpng Careta, tbepfotmo three of the felomes of Nicucfa.tty mbich tube Kkuefa paffeo bp tbofe coalfes tofeekeSfr^tt^feanngptmifbmentfortbepr eutl Defer* res, dole amap from the Ibtppes tying at anker : 9no mbeit the aauie oepartto, commitceo them felues to the mercie of Caret*, The ficoncfc Dtcacfe. ^ 2«fjd m ertepneo them berp fte nolp. ©jep hao notoe tot there eightecnemoneth'S 5 ano mere therefore as btterlp nakeo as the ptople of the cottntrep* Durpng tfetd tpme, t he meate ofthittha* Mantes ftemeo bntothem odteate oifljes $ p?incelpfare,efp riallp bccaufe thep cniopeo the fame totthout anp ftrpfe fb? mine ant > thpne,toljiche ano thpnges ntooue ano enforce men to fudje SJSJSffiSi Jacoe (bpftes ano miferies,that inlpupng thep feeme not tolpue* mpfcji«ff* get oefpjco thep to re turne to thep? oloc cares, of fudje fo?ce is courattonano naturall affection totoaroetherc toithtohomtne paue ben brought bp. VLbt bpttuals toljidj Vaf cbm brought front tbe bpllage of Careta, to l)t$ felotoes left in Vadcna, mas ratber fometobat to afltoage tljep? parent hunger, then btterlp to take atoaptbepjneceflttte. 3£ucas toud)iu$Jndfus,btyn£]Lim* anfiru^imto lenaunt fo? F^^tubether it tnere before theft tbpngs,o? after,, JJ S*" VSffi* 31 knotoe not : but this 31 am ftire of, that after the reteetpng of pipfon# T^cuefamt^ occafions toere fought againfcrf»d/#/ bp Vajcbus anohtS factionaries . i^onjfoeuer it boas, Antifus mas taken,* ano cat! in p?pfon, ano bte goooes conftfcate : thecaufe hereof toas (as Vajcbus alleageo) that Jndfus ijao his commiffton of the iieuetenauntibpp of Fogeda onlp,tobom tljep fato to be noto oeao, ano not of the kpng, fapingthat be uaouloe notobepanpe man that boas not put m off ce bp the kpng him fdfe bp his fee* ters patented get at the requeil of the graueft fo?t,be bias feme* mhat paciffeo,ano oealt mo?e gentellp Uutlj bpm, baupng fome companion on his calamities, ano thereupon comntaunoeo him ami(m tmm to beloofeo* Jndfus bepng atlibertie, tooke fhpppe tooepart uopageca from thence to HifpamoL : but before he hao hopfto bp bts faple, al the forfeit fo?t refojteo to him, bumbipe oefpipng hpnt to re* turne agapne, p?ontpfpng that tljcp tnouloe ooo their Diligence, that Vafchus being reconcileo, be mpgbtbereftojeo to btsfull aucthcoitie ofthe Uteuetenauntibpp {but Jndfus refufto to con* ftnt totbep? reqtte(f,ano fo oepartco* get fome there toere that t&emima* murmureotbat <£5oo ano bis angels fljeineo this reuengebpon of^oo. Jndfus, becatift Kicuefa toas rciecteo through bis counfaple* 5>otoe foeuerttbe, the fearcbers of the netoelanoes fall beao* mt infWt long info ruitte bp tfjep? otone follie, confumpng them felues mnuisof^sc, toitb cituie oifeojoe, not Weighing fo great a matter, no? cm * t0ll3s * Piping t&epf bed enoeuour about the fames as the tooo?tbp* :r ndfc r; Y * to ^ The fecondc decade* mffeoftbetbpng teqtriretb* 31n this meanc tpme, tbepuetermf* m all with one agreements fenue meffcngers into HiftanhU to the pong domical ana bicerop,fonne ano hrpje to chrijtyb *> rurColoim the fpnber of thefe ianbes, ano to t(je other gouer*: Hours of the aianbe (from inborn ci;c netoe too;*. receiue tljepr ■ apbe anb laUir^) to figmfte unto them iubat tfa:c tijcp ftoobe tit, anbinmbatnecetoethepliueb, alfo Uiljatcbcp bob faunae, anb to uifeat hope tbep lucre ofgreater tbpngs,if tbep Uterc furnifljeu toitlj plenttc of bpttualies ana other ncceflfaries ♦ SiQ) this pur* pofetheptleetrb,at the affignement tiyafc.hu s, one VMiuia&z*'. tog one of bis faction, anb iatocteD bp ljpm agapnft Jnafus, anb to bcaffpfltot luitb bpm, tbep appopnteb one Z amudiusa Cantabrian , fo that commatmoemcnt uias geuen to Valdmia to ceturnefrom Hifpanhla luitb inttuals,* Z amudius mas appopn* » teb to take to bopage into %>papne to the fcpng. ^hep toke fijtp both togeatber luitb Jmfus,\myn$ in mtno to cmtfic tbe kmg boiue things lucre batibleo there, much orberlntfe then Z amudi* us infopnation* 31 mee fclfe fpake luitb both Jncifus $ Zatnudms at their camming to tbe cottrt^bpie tbep lucre occuptco about t&Cfe matters, thofclU^tCfjeD men Of 'Dariena looted Cant a tit tog of Ma, upon condition that be tfjoulde apbe them in their fting |9oncua, marres agapnft bis enimte anb tbep?s, bpng Tone &4 5 bo?oerpng. Upon bis Dominions. Caret a maoe a league luitb tbem,p?omt(tng tbatastbeppaffeobpbis togbome, be inoulbe gate tbem all tbtngs neceflarie#meete them luith an armte of men, to goefc?;* tnarb luitb them to the battatle againft fomha.Z hep? ineapons are nepther bolnesnoj benonteb airolnes,as lue lapbe tbinhabi* tauntes to bane, lubicbe bind eadluarb beponbe tbe gulfe.Chep fpght therefore at banbe mitb longfinojbes (Urfjicbe tbep call ‘Cljep &fe alfo longtfaues Ipbe iauelpns,barbeneD at the enbesinttb fpje, ojtpptimtb bone,alfocenapne fipnges anb banes* Cbusaftep the league mabe luitb Qwepa , both beano our men bao ccrapne bapes appopnteo them to tpU tbep? grounbe anb fame tin p$ MttfmcetbtSttb ®biooone, bp the apbe oUaretaMo bp bis conmictrin, tSt l»p«imarDs tbep march eb toluatbe the pallace oVToncba, mbofigtvat tbep? »oncua ki,n3 cotttm ^S- ®bep fpopleo bis Upllage, anb mitigateo tbe^j bungee luitb W; bpttuals as thep founbe tbfte ; m cbpltw tfetg 4&tU8|bC0 Cf IWOO0» TfiO fecoridc cfecacfa ttot hefpe thepj fcIoUicss tberemi tb,bp reafim of tfje 6m biftance of tbe place, although tbep (jao great plentie : fo? the bpllage of * tponcba mas mo?e then a bunojeo mples opftanc from Mena, mljereas mas alfo none other remeote 3 lmt that the fame (bouloe haue ben carpeb on met# baekes to the fea fpoe 3 bepng farre of, Mjere tbep left tbep? ibpppes in tbe mbicbc tbep came to tlje bil* iage of Carets ©ere tbep founoe certapne pounoesmeigbt of goio, grauen $ mjongbt into funb?p oudjes. lifter tbe fackpng * oft bis bpllage 3 tbep refojreo tomato tl;e ibtps 3 imeiit>fng toleaite tbe fepnges of tbe mlanoe ontoucbeo at this tpme 3 ano to inutfoe cnlp them mbicb omelt bp tbe fta coalfes, jftot farre from Coiba , in tl)t fame tracte 3 tbere to ar region nameo Comogra, aito tbe king region of thereof calico comogrus , after tbe fame name* ^otbis kpng tbep came fp?(f nept after the fubuerticn of foncha, ano founoc ^ancua.w** bis pallace fttuate in a fntttcfal ptapne of*pii,f cagues in b?eaotb 3 lea3llcs * at tbe rooted of tbe further fpoe of p nert mountapnesxowogwj bao in W courte acertautenoblemanofneereconfanguitteto kpng Car eta, mbidje bao fleo to Comogrus bp reafon of certapne btffentions mbicb mas betmene Careta $ hpm 3 theft noble men, tbcp cal lura. qLiwlura therefore of Cuba, met out men bp the map, ano conctleo Cowogm to tbcnt,becaufe be masmcl knoim ^,bepng oilf ant ftom 2)4y/>»4 tljirtte leagues bp a plaine map about tbe mountapnesi t£btskpng Comogrus bao ftttenfonnes, potmg men 3 of comelp fottrme anoft ature^btd) he bao bp Itmo# mpaes, ©to pattatemas frames of potfes o? pmpyes maoe of trees ftfteneti together after a itrangc fo^ano offo ftrong fcm^ otngjtljat it is of no fcffr firengtfj then malles of Hone* ^Tbep 1 a ‘ CCj mijicbe meafureotbe length of the floo?e tbcreof,founbe it to be a bttutseo ano fpftie paces,ano tnipeaotb, foutefto?e foore ^bc= png roofeo ano paoeomitb maraeplous arte* Cbep founoe b& Ho^boufefumtfl)comith^bttntiance ot ocltcate mrruals, after tbe manner of tbep? couhtrep, ano bis mpne feller replentiheo midj great betfelles of earth ano alfo of mooD 3 fpHeo mitb their ktnoc ofmineanofpoer, to? tbep baue no grapes: but Ipke as tbep mill£ make tbep) b?eao of tbo& ti>?ee kinoes of rootes calleo luce a. , The fcconde Decade. tttafee ft ep ftep? topne of fte frmcea ofD « e treeMno Spoer of after feuteessf ano feeoeMS oo the ainuptte^lemmgeu^ji lp$e men, $ out fcpauparoes ui'jtcj inhabits fte mountains*, fte ^/c o»f atft Jjlmam : ipketopfe in fte motmtapne* of fte 3lpes!, fte HorictAnsbS'toexUns, attO Heluecians t mdfcZ CZt* tapneo^ifeea{ofb3dep,to&eate,tioppe^aiiti applet. ^Dhepfap alfo ftat toith Comogrus ftep ojtmke uiiae* offtino?p talfe*, both Uiirfr, tuljpte ano blacke* But ntnoe pou fta! (jenre of a ftpng mo?e monUrou* to beholoe . Cntrpng tberefo^e into fte inner parcel offtepallace, tbep toereb?oughttnto a chamber hnngeo about toifttbccarkaflfeaofmen, tpeo Uufttopcaofgoiramptnecot* ton. 35epng oemaunoeo Uftac ftep meant bp ftat fuperlli'tton, ftep anfuiereo ftat ftofe Uiere fte carcaflfeo of ft e father, graunu* father, $ great gratmofafter, Uriel) other the auncetours of t hep? kpng Comogrus, oeclarpngftat tbep ban fte fame in great reue* rence,ano ftat ftep tookett fa? a gonipftpngtobonour them rdtgtouflp, ano ftereto?eapparel(eoeuerpofftefamefumpm- ouflp Uricij goto ano p?eciou$ (fone*,acco?omg unco ftep? efface, after ftto fo?te upu fte anttqmtie honour ftep? Ten At a, ufttchc hao fte gouernance of ftep? Ipues^otoe thep o?pe ftefecarcalfeauponcertame tnffrumence* maoeof UJOoo,lpkc Unto hurodla, Uitft a fofc fp?e Unoer fte fame, fo ftat onlp fte fkmneremapneft to ho(o fte bone* togeafter,\oe haueoefcribea tnftefo?mec Decaoe. Of Comogrus bejat feuenfonne*, fte el- bell hao an ejccdfent natural Uipt* ^>efterefo?e thought tt goob to flatter and pleafe fti* umnoerpng kinoe of men (our men 31 twane)lmtng onlp Up fbifte* ano fpople,lelf being offaiOeo,ano feektng occafiong againlt him $ bis familie, ftep ftoutohanole bpma* ftep opo ocher tuljift fought no meaner hoto to gratife them : C2iljerefo?e, he gaue V afebus ano Colmmaris foure ftou- fanoe ounces of gotoeartiftciaflp brought, ano alfo fiftiefiaue*, fcftifte he hao taken in fte toarretf: fo? fufte, epfter ftep rell fo? epftaunge of other tbpnge*, o? otljerlnpfe ofeftem atfftemlifteft, fo? ftep hauenoefte ofe of monep* %Lw gotoc toith as: muchemo?etohift thep hau in another place, our men toeigheo in the po?che of Comogrus hi* palace,to feparate fte US P arcec ^ r ^5 portion Due to fte kpnge* ^jeehequen fojtcis&eereeo, ftat ftefpft partof boft goloe, pearler, anp p?etiout The fcconcJe Decade. 71 mecioits tfoncs, fbcutoebe afTr g nen to t&e^nge^treafura^, ano the redone to be t»tuiDCD among tbcmfeiites bpcompolut* on* ij)ere as; bjabblpng ano contention arofe among our men about cU btuiopng of gofpour hunger of goioe befo ^efwtgerof infatiable, tbatonlpc for tbeoefprepcu batic thereto, pouotf so qutece fo manpe nations, ano pou pour feltiesallb fulfepnefa manp calamities anD incommoDities,lpupng Ipkc bantfi;eb men outofpourobone countrep, 31 bopll Ibeboe pou a region flofu- png botth goioe, bobere pou map fatiffie pour rauenpng ap* petttes:Btu pou mud attempt the thtng botth a greater porner, foritdanoetb pou in hano bp force ofamtes to ouerconie kings of great puiffaunce, anD rigorous oefenoours of tljepr Domini* ons. jforbefpoe other, the great kpng Tumanama mpllcome ftpngstmn** foortbagapndpou,bobofekpngDome is moll riche botch goioe, ,wma# anD Dilf ant from hence onlplppe funnes, that is, fpre Dapcs : fo? thep number the Dapcs bp tbefunne . furthermore, 0? ettcr pou can come thither, pou mudepafife ouer the mountapnes inha* biceooftbe crueil €ambales,a fierce kpnbe of men, Dettottrers ratcur preparing bpm feife to (peak of feme graue matter,anb mfpoOng ijt0 hoop to a iefiure rneeec to perffrabe,fpak thus in bis mother tongue, 0eueearebntome,©pottCbrifitans . 3lbeit that the gretote. ^atteb 'vn< hunger of goloe bath not pet bereb bs nakb men, pet do fre D e* Sj5iefa*mente& fimp one another bp reafon of ambition ano Defpre to rule, until amiuuon. ^ ereo f fpjpngetlj mortal IjatreD among bs,anb hereof commetb ourbefimetion. Our prebecilfourg kept frames, ano fo bpo Cmogrusm$ father, toitl; princes bepng bojbererg about Ijtm. Stt The feconcle decade* 73" ^ntbetobfcbetoarres, as toe haue cucrcome, fobauetoeben mtercome, as noth appeare bp the number of bonomen among toS> tobtcb toe tofce bp tb e ouettbjotoe of our enimtes,oftbe to i)U cbe 31 batte geuca pou fpftie* Lpketopfe at another tpme, our ao< tterfaries baupng tlje topper ijantie agapnff tos, leooc atoape ntanpof toscaptiue, fo? fucbeistbecbaunce of tare* Mo, among our familiers (Uiijcreof a great number bauc bat cap* ttues toitbtbem) beljoloe here is one toljtrfjcof tog time leb a papneful Ipfe in bontiage tonbcr tbe poke of tbat kpng beponoe the mountapneSjtn tobofe kpngoome is fucb abundance of goto* iDf bpm, ano fttcbe other innumerable, ano lpketopfe bptljere* fo?t of free rnenon tbep? fine commpng to tos, ano agapne of our men refojtpng to them bp fafe conouc t, tljefetbpngesbaue ben titer as toellknotoentoutobs, as our otone polfefttons: but tbat poti map be tbe better aflttrco hereof, ano be outofalfuf m oeOemmt pectton tbat pou (ball not beoeceiueo, make me tbegupoe of p^umboh* ftts bopage, bpnopttg me faff, ano keeppng me in fafe cutf ootfc to be Ijangeo on tbe nept tree , pf pou fpnbe mp fapingrs in anpe popnttontrue. jfolotoemp counfaple therefore, ano (cuoefo? a tboufanOeCbjitftan men apt to? tbe tares, bp tobofe potocc toe map, tottb alfo tbe men of tare of Comogrus mp father, ar* meo after our manner, uitiaoetije Dominions of our enimtes: tobere botb pou map be fatiffieo tottb goloe, ano toe fb? our com touctpnganoapopng pou in this enterp?pfe, (ball tbinke our felues abunoamlp retoaroeo, in. tbat pou fljal belpe to oeliuer tos from tbetmuriesano perpetttallfeareof ourentmies * lifter tljefeta^es, tbtsp^uDent'pmmgCowo^rwboloc bis peace, Soften©* ano our men mootieo tottb great hope ano hunger of goloe, be* t* gan agapne to fuoalotoe Detone tbep? fppttle* * '■ * • v . . . . 1 i ' ^ 1 i ) v « 4 . . . The fourth boo ke of the feconde Dccade 3 of > ■ the iuppofed continent* r ~ ~~ 3fter tbat tbep bao tarpeo (jere a fetoe oapes, ano bapttfeo Comogws tottb all bisfamilie, ano nameo Ijpm bp the name of Charles, after the kpng of ^pnpne, fauuiiS 9 tbepreturneoto tbep? fciotocstn pamaroes call c ulata. v of :hus hpm felfc came to this popnc fetch a hunD?e® men, coaffing along bp the gulfe fetch one b?pgartotneanD cer* fapncof the boates of thofc regions, febicbctbe Arabians call ^,lpkebmo them fehtche thmhabttauntes of WfpanioL call Camas . jfrom this popnt, there falleth a rpuer from the Caff m* to the gutfiyen times bigger then tl;e rpuer of^rim^fehtch a& 1 i fa The feeon Je Decade^ fo fafletb info tfj e fame . ^aplpng along bp the rpucr about tbr fpace of tbp?ttc mples(fo? tbep calttnienefeagucs) anofeme* tuljae cndpnpng toluarbe the rpgic Ijanoe ^outljiuaroe, tbep foutisc ccrtapne bpUages oftbinbabttauntes,tbe kpng luljercof toasicaUcoiD^/^, ©ur men alfo lucre certifies beic?e, that Cenucchus tbekpng of flaruna, tubottt tljepput toflpgljt tn t&C battaple,ftetOeto this Dabaiba, but at tlje commpng of pur men, tDabaiba a!fo ficstie* 3lc is? tfjouo^&t cl;ac Ije Uia^s aDuiottpffccn bp CemacdusA^t fie Outline not abp&e the b?unte ofourmen ♦ Upe foloboen bis counfaple 3 fo?faofte biSbiHages 3 anu left all cljpnges sefolate : pet our men founoe beapes of bolues ans arrolues, al* fo muebe boufboloe fiuffe,ano manp fplbpng boated. 3i5uc tbofe .m*arpa* marpOje gtcunoes lucre neptljer aptfo?fotupngoffeeoes, o? ground plampng of trees , bp reafon luljereof, tbep founoe there felue fuebe tbpnges as tbep oefp?eo, that is, plenci'e ofupttualles : fo? tlje inbabitauntes oftbis region baue no b?eat», but fucb as tbep geat tn other countreps neare about them bp ejtcbange/o? them fylbe, onlpe to feme tbep? oumeneceflittei pec founoetbep m the boufes of tbofe inbicbe fteooe, goloe brought ano grauen,a« mountpng to the funtme offeuen tboufattoe of tbofe peeees,iubi* rfje toe fapoc to be ca: leD CaftelUni: aIfocertatneCanoas,oftbe lubicbe tbep brought alnap tluo luitb them, ano great plentte of tbep? fjouOjolo ftuffe,tuitb certaine bunoels of bolues $ arrotoes* ^bepfapjtbatffomtbemarpfbesoftbatriuer, there comecers tapnebactes in the npgbc feafon 5 as bpgge as turtle Ooue 0 5 inuas Opngmen, ano bptpng them luitb aoeatrtp boounoe, asforneof them teftifie lubicbe baue ben bptcen of the fame. 31 mee felfe communing boitb Jndfus the lieuecenant bobom tbepreiectes, ans among other tbpnges afkpng bpnt of the benemotis bpttng Stints bitten of cljefe batces, be tolne me that be bpm felfe inas bptcen bp one Bfa 2 &ute, oftbem ontbebeele, bte foote Iptngbncotteres tntbe npgbc,bp reafon of the beate in fommer feafon , but that it burte bpm no mo?e,tben if be bao ben bitten bp anp other beaft not benemotts. flDtber Dip, that the bpting offonte of them is benemoustpe t that the Dime is bcaleo incomtnenrfp , pf it be luadjeo luitb boater of tbefea. Amifns toloe mealfo, that the benemous luounses matre bp the Canibales arrolues infecteoboicb papfoit, are be# leo bp loading luitf; water of tlje fea 3 ano alfo bp cauccrifpng The feconde Peeacfc 74 tettfjtohottrons( 3 anu that defeat! experience thereof itu&eregt* on of CaribanaMm manp of bis men mere fo moun&eb. ©hep fceparteu tijcrcfo?c from the popnt of the gulfe of V rda , not mel contented, becaufe thep mere not laoen mith UietuaUesf- 31n tbfa thep? retunte, there arofe fo great a temped in that mpoe gulfe, that tbep mere enforced to calf into the fea al the boulbolo ftutfe, a temped tohtche tbep tooke from the poo?e m?etcbes mljiche liueo onlp bp fpfgpng* ©befea a!fofmaIomeo op the tmo boates that thep tooke from them, mberemt tb the men mere Ipkempfe o?omneo* ©he fame tpme that Vafcbus x«»Hf^attempteoto fearche the popntof the gulfe tomaroe the foutb, euen then bp agreement* opo ^derim Colmenaris take btebopage tomato p mountaineis bp the ealf,mitbtb?cefco?e men, bp the riuer of the other gulfe. Slbout fourtte mples otttant from the mouth of the other rpuer, (fo? tbep cal it tmelue Ieagucs)be founoe certapne bpllages ittu* atebpon the bankes of the rpuer, mhofe cbiui( that t'S)kpng,tljep cal Turui. ZfiXitl) this kpng opo Colmenaris pet remapne, mhen Vafcbus after bis rettirne to Dariena, faplpng bp the fame rpuer, came to bpm, i^ere refretbpng tbep? mhole companpe mith the btttuals of this Turui, tbep oeparteo from thence togeather ♦ ©* &mg -surm'. ther fourtie mples from hence, the rpuer encompaifetlj an 3!lanu inhabtteo mith fpibermeu* 3ln tin's, bccaufe thep fame greaf plem tie o f trees ujljiclje beare Caff a fijlula , thep names the 3llanoe Cannafiflula * ©hep founo in ieljcmtllages of ten cotages apeece. ^ 3itanbe of £Dn tberpghtfpoe of the 3!lanOe there runneth another riuer, mhofe chanel is ofoeaptb fuftetent to beare 3i5?iganDines, ©his riuer thep calleo %uum ifigrumfoo the mouth mherof, about.jcb miles ot(Tanc>thfp founo a tomne offiue.©^oufesfcuereo,mbofe cbebi (that is)kpng,mas callers Jbenamacbei. ©hep a! fo?fooke thep? houfcs,as foone as thep bearo of our metis commpng: but tohen thep fam that our men purfueo tbem,tbep turners agatne,$ ran bpon them mith oefperate nttnoes,as men o?l ucn from their omne polfeiTtons. ©hep? meapotts are fmoo?os of mooo,$ long toes Ipke faueltns,baroemo at the ense mith fp?e: but thep bfc ttepther homes no? arromes,no? anp other of the mbabuauntes of the W, elf fpoe of the gulfe. ©he poo?c nakeo m?etches mere cafp!p o?pucn to flpgbt mith our meapons. 3s our men fo* tomco them in the chafe, thep tcoke the kpng Jbenamacbei, ano & ti certapne The feccmclc De cade* mtameofbis noble men, 3 common fouloier ofour$,tobom tbe kpngljaomounbeo, commpng to bpm mljen be road taken, cut ofbisanneatonelfrokemitbbis fmoojoe: but this mas Done iniamares to the captapnes. ®je number of tlje Cb?t(iian men mljicljemerebere, mas about an!junD;ieD anbfpftie: the one balfemijereGftljecaptapnesleftberc, ano tbep mttlj the refe Due romeDbp tberiuer agapne,mitb tmelue of the boatcs oftljofe regtonSjmbtcbetbepcairm.astbepofH/ypdw/W^ caltbem c*- mas as Doe IjauefapDe, jfrcm the rpuer of %ms Kiger, ano the 3llanoe of CannafijhU, foj tlje fpace of tlj?eefco?e and ten mples, leattpngbotlj on tbe right banoe and on tlje left,manp rtuers fal- ling into it bpgger then it felfe, tfjep entreo into one,bp tlje com Ductpngofoneoftbe nakeo inbabitatmtcs, bepng appopnceoa gttpoe fo? tljat purpofe* Clppon tlje banke of tljis rpuer nejct Onto tbe mouth of the fame, tljere mas a kpng called Jbibeiba, mbobecaafe tlje regionmasful ofmarpfbes, ban bis pallace mu”uet!j !n eiba bitplDco in tlje toy pe of a bpgb trce 5 a nem kino of builopng, anti a tm . feloome feene : but that lanoe typitgetb fojtij trees of fucb epcee* Ding beigbt,tljat among tljep? branches a man map frame large Ijoufes : as me reaoe tlje Ipke in outers auctottrs, home in manp regions mtjere the ©ceanfearifetb anD ouerflometlj the lanoe, ifytrpfm of tlje people mere accttlfomeo to flee to tlje bpgb trees, amt after tfie <©«an tea, tlje fall oftht mater, to take the fpilje left on the lanoe. &bis ma* # ner of buplopng, is to lap beames croffe ouer tlje branches of the trees,falf bounoe togeatbeisano thereupon to rapfe tbep? frame, ffronglpmaoeagapnft mpnoeano meatljer* Our menfuppofe that tbep butloetljep? Ijoufes in trees, bp reafon of the great flooosano ouerflompng ofriuers, mbicbeoftentpmescbaunce in tljofe regions* STljefe trees are of fuche hepgljt, that the Stw St. length of no mans acme, is able to Ijurle a if one to tbe Ijoufes ‘ buploeo therein* 3no tberfoje do 31 gette tlje better creotc to pit* mini** nte,ano otljer auctottrs, mbiclje mjite that the trees in fome pla- ces in India are foljigb bp reafon of tlje fruttefulnes of p ground, abunoance of mater, aim Ijeate of the region, tljat no man tg able to fljoote ouer them mitb an arrome: ano bp ittogeraentof jpcKitefun all men, it is thought tljat there is no fruitefuller grounoe bn* gsoHuD^ Dec thefumte, then tljts ts-mljereofme nome entreate* 0ur men meafurpng manpe of tljefe trees a f ounoe tl;em to be of 6ich! The fcconde Decade. yj b?peg, tljae feucnmen, pea fomettmeg efgbf, bofopng banbe tti banbe toteft tbepr armes ffret cbeb foorfo, mere fcarfelp able (o fafoame foem about : petbaue tbep tbepr celled in ebe grounbe, loell replenplbeb mifo fucb mpnes lubcrof me bane fpoben before, jf oi albettcbactbebeljemencte of tbe minbe is notofpob3er£ocaabob3nctbofcboufes,o? to brcake tbe bran* foes of tbe trees, pet are tbep tolfcotberemttb, anb fuupe font* nfoat from fpbe to fpbe, bp reafon mbereof, tbe mpne ffjoulbe be mucbe troubles truth mootting . 3(1 other neceflarpe tbtngeSj fbepbauebJicbtbem in foe trees* Sftbenfoe kpngoranpofocc of tbe noblemen, bpneorfuppeinfoefetrees,foeprmpuesare brought them from tbe cclta bp foepr feruauntes, mbicbe bp meaner of epercife, are accuftomeb mifo no lefle celerptte to runnebp anb bourne tbe Ifaires abberente to tbe tree, then boo mtrmaptingbopcs bppon tbe plapne groitnbe fetcbe US mbat loee call for from tlje cobbarbe befpbe our bpning table, ©ut men therefore came to tbe tree of kpng jtbibeiba, ano bp fointer* pretoittes calleb bpm foorfo to communication, geutng bpm Opes of peace, anb foereupponmpUmgbpmto come bourne, ^utbebenpebtijat be moulbe come out of bis boufe , befp* ting foem to fuffer bpm to Ipue after bis fafoton: but our men fell from fapre moorbes to foreatmng, that except be Uioulbe bef- cenbe mifo all bts familte, tbep moulbe eptber ouerforome tbe aWbriba tb tree, or eiles fee it on fpre ♦ ' ' m The fecondc Decade. 7 6 out $pte?en 3 m ottt fubiectes, fo be ledbeatoap captfues, ant) otir gooncs eo be fpopleo euen before our factor 31 cake t be gods to toitnefle 3 tbat 31 fpcake not fo mtteb fo? mine otone part, as 31 tio fo? pou 3 toljofe cafe 31 lamentjfo? albeit tbep baue not pec toudjeD mc 3 nettertbcles bp tbeirample ofotij£r,3I otiose to tbtnke that mp deft ruettb is not farre of. let 00 tberfo?e(if toe be men) fimett sroob pm crpe out tfrengtb 3 £ p?ootte our fo?tune agapnft them toljtcb baue J}£d?wu P Dealt tljttS cruelfp toltb Abenamacbeius, and d?tuen butt out of bis countrep, let us fet on tljent toitlj al our potoer, and btterlp de* Crop tljent . Qino if toe can not flap tbe al 3 pet (bal toe make them affaide either to aflaplc bs agapne 3 o? at tbe lea It dmuntfije tljeic potoer: fo? tobatfoeuer Hjal befall, norbpng can cbaunce tooo?fe bnto bs tben that toljlcb toe notoe futfer. ben Abibeiba beard tljefe too?os> j fuel; other Jpke, be conoefcended to 00 in al things as Jtyaiba toottloe require : toljereupon tljep appopnteb a Dap to b?png tljep? confptracte to pafle, but tlje tbpng cbaunceD not acco?Dpngtotbeic oefp?e: fo?oftbofetobirfjetoe (apo to baue patted to tbe Cambal^tfjere returned bp eijatmee to \uus 'N^ger, tbe ntgbtbefo?e tbe Dap appopnteo to tooojke their feate 3 tbirtie men, to tbe apoe of them toljtcbe toere left there, pf anp feDitiott (boulD rife as t!jcp fufpectem£ljerfo?e at tbe D atoning of tbe Dap, tbe confederate kpngs,toitbfpuebund?ctb of tljep? ditionaries . armed after tljep? maner, beflegcD tbe milage toitlj a terrible a* larotne, knotopng notljing of tlje ne toe men toljicbc came tljttljec tlje fame npgbt. 5>ere our target men came foo?tlj againlf tljem, and firfl aiTapleo tljem a farre of toitlj tljep? arrotocs 3 then toitft tbep?ppke& and latt toitlj tljep? fujoo?deg: but tlje naked feelpe foules, perceuipng a greater number of tljep? aduetfarics tljeti tbep locked fo? 3 toere foane D?puen to flpgljt, and fiapne fo? tbe mofl parte Ipkefcatterpng fljeepe. Eijc kptiges efcapeD 3 tljep fluemanp, andtcoUemanpcapciues, toljiclje tljep fent to £>*• ^aptiuw. riena, tobere tljep bfed tljem fo? labourers to tpil ano fatoe tljep? grounde, €!jefe tljpnges thus bappplpatcfipueo, andtljatpjo* mm quieten tbep returned bp tlje rpuer to Darien a, Jeaupng tbcp? tljp^cie men fo? a gamfcn 3 bnder tlje gotternance of one H* n mtpton or ratads a captapne.£bis Buutado tberfo?e 3 fencfrom%o Kigro a ^ ixt iemuiarc tfje rpuer agapnft them foure great Camas ^ mljtclj ouercb?eme tbep? boate,ano flue as tnanp of them as tbcp couloe comebp, becaufe tbep mere bnpjeparcOjfufpecrtng no fttcb tbpng.£Dur men mere a!Io?omneu ano flame,ejccept tU)o,U)ljtcb bio them feiues among certepne fagotces that fmamnie on the mater, in tlje mljt clje tljep lape lurkpng, ann fo efcapeo to tbep? fclomes in Mena : mljo bp them bepng aouertpfco hereof, beganne to cafl tljep? mpttes mb at this tljpng mpgljt meane, being no lefle felicitate fo? them feiues, then meoitatpng in mbat oattngcr tbep? felomes ban ben in %o K igro 5 epcepte bp gooo fortune, tbofe tljirtte neme men mbfelje mere fern to them, ban come to tbe bpflage tbe npgljt before tbeconfpiraciefboulDe bane ben m?ougbt* Confultpng therefore mbat mas belt to be ooone herein, at the length mitlj oiligent fearebpng, tbep ban intelligence that fpue kpnges, that istomptte, Jbibeiba the itiljabitour of the tree, mbCemaccus Djpuen from ijts bpllage mbt'cb our men nome poflefleo, Abraib* alfo ano Abenamacbeius , kpnfemen,mtcb Vabaiba tbe kpng of tbe fplljer men, inljabpting the corner of the gulfe mbi'ebe me calleu CulataMn al alTembleD to confpire the Cb?iflian mens Deft rue* tiouataoapeaffigneoimbicbetbpngbaofurelp come to paflfe* ifit Ijao not ben Dtljermpfebpnoerco bp <0oos p?ouioeitce. 3t is therefore afcrpbeo to a mp?acle, ano truelpnotbnmojtljplp* ifmemape home cbaunce oececceo ano bem?apeo tbe counfaple oftljefekpnges* 3no becaufe it is mo?tbp to be bearo, 3imptt oedare it in feme moojoes* Vafcus Xunnez therefore, mljora* djer bp pomer then bp election, bfttrpeo tlje gouernance in ftaru ena, bepng a mailter offence, ano ratber aralberopflertljena poltctke captaine (although fortune fomtime fauouretb fooles) among manpmomenmbtcheinoiuers of tbefe regions be ban taken captiue,ljao one,mljicbinfauouranobeutiee)cceflco alio* thermo tljis moman ber bjotber often tpmes refo?teo,m!jo mass alfo o?iuen out of bis countrep mitb king Cemacchus, uritlj mboni be mas berp familper, ano one of bis cbeefe gentelmen ♦ 3mong other communication mljicbebebaomitb bis fpfler mljom be loueo entierlp,be bttereo tljefe moo?oes, ^p oeare ano melbelo* fpfler, geue eare to mp fapinges, ano keeps mofl fccretdpe The feconcfe Decade. yy tbat tobiebe 31 topH oeclare Ditto pou, pf pou oefpje pour otune mealtb ano mpne, ano tbe pjofyericie of our cottmrep ano kpnfe* foikejs ♦ ®je mfolentfe ano crucltieoftbefenmttoljtcbe Ijaue ojpuen out of our poflefltong, to fo tntoUerable, tbat tlje pjin* cesoftbelanoeareoetetmpneonolongertofuffepne tbep? op* pjdfions ♦ Ii5p tlje conottctmg therefore of fpue fcpnges (boljtclje be narneo in ojocr) tbep ijaue pjepareo a Ijunojeo great Canoas, a« bottljfpue tboufanoemencfUiatrebplanoeanobp fea,boitb bt* cano. 10 , ano tual^alfomtljebiUageofr/^/V/, fuffictent to ntantapne fudje an armptoeclarpng further 5 tljat tlje fepnges bp agreement, bats otupoeo among tijemtlje goooeg ano Ijeaoess of our men, ztmmvitbv ano therefore aomonpfibeober, attije oap appopnteo bp feme foiewttoifc. cccafton to conuetglj Ijer felfe out of tbe tuap, leftlbefyouloe be flapne in tbe confttCton of tbe battaple : jfo? tijefotiloter btetou* rer, i<& not booont to fpare anp that commetlj tn W rafe ♦ 3ito tbu^ibebJtugljtofpllertljeoapaCn'giteototbe daughter, be oe* parteo* 05ut tbepoung boomatt (fo^ttetbefuioojoe tbatboo* men feare,ano obferue moje tljen tbe grauttte of c^o)U)!jetljer it niymomiT mere fo£ tbe loue oj feare tbat (be bao to Vafchus, fojgetttng Ijer mDgemcm, parente^berkpn(?olkes,ber coumrep,anoa(l berfreenoeg,pea ano altbebpngess into mljofe tljjotesi Vafchus bao tbjufte bfe fbooojoe,(be openeoal tlje matter bnto bpm,ano concealeo none of tbofe tljinges boljtcb ber bnotferete bjotljer bao oeclareo to ber. & 8 ben Vafchus tberfoje bao bearoe tlje ntatter,be caufeo Fuluia, (foj Co Ijao tljep nameo ber) to fenoefoj ljerbjot(jer,tnbo came to ber tmmeotatlp,toas taben, $ enfyceo to tel tbe bobole efreum* fiancee of tlje matter: toljerupon bepiapnelp confclTeo,tbat king Cemacchus ano matier, fenttljofefoureCanoas to tlje tbe fepngoftbemarplbes ofCuhta.^a fearcljtng bis milage, be faunae a noble man, a ruler mtaer bpm, ana alfo bis kpnfman, inborn be tookep?pfoncr, lrntb rnanp ocher of bis famtirers ana frentes botb men ana momen . ^Tbe fame boure that be fee To?* fcoarae to (eebe fo? Cemaccbus, fydericus Colmenaris roUseD Dp tbe rpuermicb foure of tbep? bpggeft Canoas^ ana tb?eelto?e men,bp tbe conauctton of tbe mapaes brother mho brought bpm to tbe Mage of Tic bir tin p toljtcij me fata al their uitcoals to rematne tobtcb mere p?eparea fo? tbep? armpe ♦ Colmenaris tberfoje facfr ea tbe Pillage, ana poMea al! cbetr tuttuals,ana mine of funa?p coIours,likemtfe tooke tbe gonernour thereof p?ifoner, ana bangea bint on tbe tree in rnbicbe be amelt him fdfe, commaun* fcpngbpmto be tbotce tb?ougb mttb arromes tn tbe fpgbc of tbmbabitames,ana mttb bpm foure other rulers to be banged on gibbets, to tbe example of other rebelled ♦ t£bts punplbment thus ejcecuteabppon tbe confptracours, ftroketljebartes of all tbtnbabtcantesoftbe pjomnce mttb fuel) feare, tbat there is not nome a man that tare (tp?re bis fpnger agapnli tbe U)?atb of out men* ^beplpue nome therefore qtitetlp,ana the other fepngs bp tbep? example ao ii)Z glaalpet Ipue tn fubiection, mttbiefle o& fence bearpng the poke mbicl; tbep can bp no meanes Ibafee 06 Thefyxtcbookeof thefeconde Decade, of the fuppofed continent* ©efe tbpngestbusfpnplbea, aifembling a! tbep? companp togeatber,tbep aetermtneo -mttb tmeccnfenf,tbatame(Tenger (boulae foo?tbmitb be Cent to HifpamoL (from Whence tbep baue tbep? lames ana apae) to jaeciare tbs mbPle o?aet of al cbefe affixes, fpjffe The feconde decade ^g l^fl to tteSMrd anti gouernour of tije 31lanoe,ano aftertoaro totbe&pngof &>papne 5 ano to perftoatre bpnt to fenoe thole tboufanoe men tobicbe poung Cmogru s fapoe to be ejrpeDient to page ouer tbemountapnesMping betuiene them ano tljc goloen region# tomato the &outb-^£«* bpmfdfeopo greatlpe afr feet tbi# embagage: but neither mouto the reficue of bis felome* electebpm tberto, no? hi# factionarie# fuffer bpm tooeparte, afrnell fo? tb at tberebp tbep thought tbep fljoulo be left oefolate, m alfotbat tbep murmureo, that tf Vajibus fljoulo once go from them, be Uicuioe neuer returne to fuebe turmople# ano calami itc#,bp the example of VaUiuU ano zamudius , mho ban ben not* abfent fence the mottetljof 3!anuarp,in fomucb that tbep thought tbep mouloe neuer cotne agapne : but the matter ma# other* bipfc then tbep toobe ft, as 31 mpll (betoe in bis place , foj tljep mere pettfbeo ♦ ^t tbe length after rnanp ferutintes, tbepriecteo one 3Iobn £ l$acedus * a graue mankind inpeeres, ano treafourer jjouan. of the bpnges exchequer in thole pjouinces: tbep bao concetueo ij* frntt * thought to page bp bfa meaner alhieil fa? bis mpfoame, a# alfo that tbep toere in gooo hope of bis retttrn 5 becatife be bao brought big mifemitb bpm to thole regions;, mbom be left truth bis fe* lomcs fo? a pleoge of bis comming againe.® ben tbep bao thus fIecteoft«/f^«/, tbeptoereagaine of oiuers opinion# tobom tbep might iopne toitb him fo? alfilfance, affirming that it mere a oaungerous thing to committefo meigbtiea matter to one man# banoes* not tbattbcp miftruftcu Quictdusjjut becatife tbe life of man ts fraile# tbe change of tbe apje perillou#, efpeciallp to tbem,baupngnoto oflong timebett accutf omeo to tbe tentpe* rature neere onto the Equinoctialy if tbep (boulo be ccmpefleo to tttume to p jf2ojtb 5 mitb alteration ofap?c $ oiet* ^bep thought ft tberfo?c gooo to appopnt a companion to Qtticedus ,xbat if bp cbaunce the one (boulo faile 3 tbotber migbttemaine# tbatif tbep both efcapeo,tbe king iboulo geue p better creoit to tberelatton af both, after long confultation tberfoje,tbep cbofe %>dmcus CoU menaw&mmot gooo e]tpertence 3 ofmbom toe baue oftentimes maoe mentiomfig from bis poutb be bao trauaileoouer al Europe bp lanoe ano bp fea 3 ano mas pjefent at the oopnges of al things atStalie agapnH the tftencJje men, of mbofe returne alfiybep ^ ; ThefeeonJe Decacfe* c ' -f$b no fatal hope, becaufe be babmanp farmed anb fjab fplfcj ann fotone much gcounbe in Dariena, bp tbe increafe toberof,be mpgbc get mud) goto bp felling tbe fame to bis felotoes* fpe left tberfore the charge of al bis alfapjes inVmem tottb W pawnee Jlpbonfus Kmnezs a tubge of tbe latue, tobo alfo boas Ipke to %we ie a bin* batte ben cbofen pmuratour of cb ts bopage before Colmtmrhy f Amulet, one Ijao not put them in remembrance that Ije ban a toife at Ma~ tritis, fearing left being ouercome tottb ber ceares, be Uioutoe no moreretume. Colmenaris tljerfo?e 3 a free imn,$ at iibertte,betng affoctate aflpltam tottb Q^jcedus, tbep tooke Ibppppng together in a Brtganmne, tbe fourth oap of cbe Calenoes of jftouember, mthepeere ofCbrtfte.1512. 31a this bopage,bepngtofleotott!) fun&rp tempeft es,tbep toere bp tbe btolence of tbe toinbe calf Op* on tbe (XTeit coatles of that large 31ianb, inljtcl) in tbe fp?ft De- caDe toe called Cw^fuppofcb to baue ben firme lano^bep toere fore opprelfeotoicb hunger, for it toas notoe three monetbes fpnee tbep oepar ten from tbepr felotoes t bp reafon tubereof, tbep toere enforceo to take lanoe 3 to prooue tobac apbe tbep coutoe gee among tbe inbabttaumes* ^bepr cbaunce therefore toas to arrpue in that part of the 3llaitbe, tobere Valdtuiatow Dipuen aiano bp temped* H5ut ob pou toretebeb men oWmena, tarpfor Valdiuia, tuljompou fent to proutoe to belpe pour necelTities, proupoe for pour felues rather, anb trull not totbemtoljofe afoiufir ° fortune pe knotoe not. St or toben be arrpueo in Cub*,tl)z inhabit tames flue bpm tottb al bis felotoes, anb left the Carauel toberin tbep toere curpeb, cootie in peeces, anb balfe couereb torch (anbe on the (bore, tobere Quicedus anb Colmenaris fpnbtng the frag* memes thereof, betoapleb tbepr felotoes mpffortune: but tbep founbe none of tbepr caccafles, fuppofpng that tbep toere eptbec brotoneb, or bettoureb of the Camba!cs,tol)tcb oftentimes make meurflons into that 31lanbe to bunt for men ♦ 15ut at the length* bp ttoo of tbe31lanbe men tobteb tbep hub taken, tbep bob knoto- lebgeof^W;«/4 biSbeflntctton, anb that tbe inbabicauntes the more greebtlp actempteb tbe fame,fo? that tlwrp bab beatb bp the babblpng of one of bis felotoes, that be bab great plentie of m&oftbt Sulue : for tbep alfo take pleafttre in the beautte of goloe , tobicbe tonm* tbep fourme artiflciallp into Itinbrp ouches. ®bus our men Uric* fcen tottb penfiueueffe foj tbe cruell oeUenie of tljepj ftlotoeSi vMi anb The feconde Decade. rg atm inbapne feckpngreuengefor tljep? im'uries, arferfflines to: forfakethatbnfojtunate lanae, aepartpngfromtbofe couetous nakcD barbarians, mitb more fojoboe ana tieccfTttie then thep lucre in before. ©r etier thep baa pafTeo the S&outh fpae of Cuba, tljcp fel into a thoufanae mpfto; tunes, ana baa intelligence that Fogeda artpueD tberabout, leaopngainiferable (pfe,totTea ana turmoplco luitlj tempetfeSjana bcjtco tutth a thoufanae perplejct* jfoscoa. ties : fo that aepartpng from ttjcnce almoif alone, I) is felotoes bepngfo?tbemotfpartalconrumeomitbmalaaiesanafamtr,e, be came mitb rnneb aifftcultte to Hifianiola, mberebcapeo bp mmlut, * nS force of tije popfon ofijtg; beitemous mounae mbtcbbebaa re* ceiueo lit Vraba as Uie batie fapae before. But Jncifas eiectea _ lieutenant, fapieo bp ai tljofe coalfes tottlj rnuctj better fortune: ^ Slfagl for asljc bprn fclfe toloc me, ije founac profpcrous mpnacs tn of annum, tbofeparties,anamasU>elentertepneB of tijmljabttantes of c«- fa, but this fperiaUp in tije Dominion of a certapne kpngmbofe name mas Comnendator : fo; mheras ije ocfpjca of tije Cljufluni men mbtcbe paifco bp,to be baptifea,oemaunapng the name of the gottcrnour of tije Jilanae nept bnto B iftanioUfapng a noble man, ana a knpgbt of tfje oraer of GaUtraua, of mbtcbe oraer,a!l are calico Cmmendatom, tljts bingo aefpre baas to be nameo af* wmw of €om* ter Ijim.ittpng Commendator therefore frettalp recciuea Jndfus, me,li> > n tottb a final potoer of men 3 againd a maine amtie of bfe enmttes* ^epngoemaunoeo toitl; tobat tooo?oea tbep crpeo upon tbe bit* gmSParptobentbepafTaplco tl;ep? enimtej3 3 cbcp anftoereo tbat tbep bao learneo no other too?oe£ of the sparpners ooctrme,but &wtf4 Mark adifiua nos\ SantU Mark aditwa i<3,bolp $parp The fceonde Decade? $ ^TftefeeupU ap* % Grange m v* trade not to 6c credited ^rtotfjct* mp* fade* HOifemm. $£atC.ruii* 'artjists ana* tgec matter* $|Sfe |e!peb$ 3 bolp ^®arfe Oclpe b$ 3 anc tljfe a!fo fit tbe &pa ; lutlje tongue : fo? be bac left tbefenjojces in tbe moutbes of ad men* Sfllbple tljcp murtberec anc eed t*opeu them felueg cljusi on tel* fpoesj tbep felltoentreat{eofpeace 3 ano agreec to trpe tbe matter, not bance to bance bp combatte of certapne cljofen fojbofb partte^ ajStbemanertoaiS among tbe Romanes anc mm other nations! in toe olo tpme,o? bp anp fleigbt o? policte, but tbat too poung men (botiloebecbofen,fo?ccbe partte one, Inttb tbep? banceg bounce fade bebpnee them in tbe plapne fpdoe 3 botbepartte2!bepngfu3ometo acknoOIecge tbatZeww to be tbe better, obicbfp?d ioofeotbe banner of tbe poungmau tobicb dooce bounce fo? tl;e trpallof bis religion. ®bng etui* bpng them felues, anc placpng tbe fape potmg men before tbern intbcfpgbt ofebemall, oitbtbep?banceg faff bouncebptbep? enimteg! 3 tbe contrarp parte calico fp?d on tbep? Zemes (that i$ tbe ceupl, to nabofe Omtlituce tbep? images are mace) Obo tm* meciatelp appearec in bis Ipkettefle aboute tbe potmg man tbat dooce bounce in tbe cefence of &>atano fcpngoome* Butagffooneag! Commentator u>itb bfe companpe crpec Sanft* Maria adiuua nos, San eta Maria adiuuanos, fo?rf)UHtb tfjere ap* pearec a fapje birgin clotbec in tobpte, at tobofe p?efence tbe ce* up! bampibec tmmectatlp. But tbe btrgtn, batting along roc in berbance,^ putting tbe fame on tbe banceg of tbe poungroan tbat dooce fo? Commentator, big bances toere loofec immeciacfp in tbefpgbtoftbemall,ancbtebanoeg founc about tbe bancegs of bpm tbat dooce fo? tlje other partpe, infomucb tbat tbep tbern feluegfouncebpm couble bounce* But fo? all tbig, mere not tbe entnuesi fattffpec , quareiling tbat tbic tbpng toag cone bp fo me flepgbt o? ceutfe of man, at not bp tbe potoer of tbe better Zemes* 0nc tbereuppon requp?eo,fo?tbacuopcpng of all fufpection, tbat there mpgbt beepgbtgraue anc fagemenappopntec, fo? eebe dee foure,tobtcb (bottle bpnee tbe men in tbe fpgbt oftbem all, anc alfo geue iucgementlnljetber tbe thing toere cone rut tb" out craft o? guple. €>b pure fimplfcitie anc condant faptbt ob golcen anc bleflfec condcenee.coww^^dtcKancbiafamiltergti boubtec not to grattnt tbep? enimiegf tbep? requed,tmtblpke faptb tnberelnttb tbe ctfeafec toonian obtepnec bealeb of tbe flttjce of her blooc, anc tofjerbp peter feareo not to tualhe on tbe 9 P ~ - ' fea The feconde Decade* 8f fear at t|e fpgbt ofbis maillct Cb?tH* ©befe pmntg men tljcrfoje tee bounoe in tbe p?efettce of tljefe eight grauc men, anD tee placet* tmtfjtn tbep? ipttes in the fpgbt of both parties, ©buss bponaCgne gcuat,mbentljep calleD bpon tljep? Zemes, there zbtbmpiw* appeared tn tlje Ogbt of them a!,a Deuii mtclj a long taile,a miDe ^ eart ® mouth, great teetb 5 anDbo?ncs, refentblpng tljc fimilituDeof the image mljiclje tbekpng bepng em'nuc to Commendator bono- reo fo? Zimes< 3s the Deupl actempteo to loofc tbe banDes of Its cltcm 3 tljeblefleo btrgtn mas immeDtatlpp?efent as before at ebe cal of Commendatory ts fubtccts,^ mitlj her roooe loofco tbe banDes of her fupplpaitt, mljtcbe mere agapne Itkempfe founoe ^arptnfS fall tpeD about tlje banDes of bpm tljat ftooDefo?tljecowrarpe ot»nej>nuwt_ part* ©be entmtes t!jerfo?e of CommerMtorMitig ftrtcken mitb S^SmSSu 1 *^ great feare,anD amafeo bp reafon of tljis great mp?acle, confef* fcD that tlje Z mes oftCje btrgtn mas better then tljep? Zewej-: foj tbe better p?oofe mljcreof,tbefe pagans being bo?Dcrers to Com* mndatorM)ic\)t IjaD cuer before ben at continuall marre atm en* tnttie mitb bpm, mben tljep bao knomleogc tljat Antifus mas ar* - j rpueb itt tbofe coalfes, tljep fenc ^mbalfaoours Unto bpm, to oeltreljtm to fenDe them p?ielles 3 otmljom tljep mtgbt be bapti* fen: mljerupon IjefenttljerntmomljicbbebaD there mitb bpm at that pjefent. ©hep baptifeo in one nap an Ijuntyeo anD tljp?tie oftbinljabitantes,fometime entmtes to Commendatory t nome bis lrenoes,ano topneo mitb bpm tnaliance. 3Iifucbe as came tobebaptifeo, gaue tlje p?ielfes of tljep? omne liberalise, ei* djer a cocke o? a Ijcnne, but no capons, fo? tbep can noepet fkt'fl i©ijp mmt borne to came tbep? cocke chickens to make them capons.3lfo von cercapne falteD fi(Ijes,ano tteme fpne cakes tnaoeoftbep? b?eao: Itkemife certapne foules franker* attn ntaoe fatte. ddljen tbe p?telles i rero?teo to tlje fljpppes,fpj:e of tljefe tteme baptifeo men accompanpcb them laoen mitlj Mtuals, mberemitlj tljep IeDDe a iopful Caller t fo? on tlje %>untjap,tmo Daves befo?e fapnt La* z*rus Dap, tljep DeparteD from tIp after, be tooke bis bopage to &papne 3 ano came to Valladoleto to the kpng,to inborn be maoe gteetioug coniplapntoftbetnfolencteof^/c^^ Kunnez, mfomuebetbot pummtj C °oT bp bis procurement the fcpng gauefrnrence agapnlt bpm. ®ljus Barbus. mucbe baue3i thought gooo (mod bolp father) toijcreof to ao* rBwfietoujtjs umtrepourl)olpnefle,a^concempno;tbereitgtonof tbefe uatfc inmmS onsaf^noc onlp as 31 baue ben endmeteo of Ancifus (uritb inborn 3i ttont tuas mas oaplp conuerfaunt tn theCourt, ano bfeo bpm famtliarlpe) to,im,u but alfo as 31 toas enfourmeo of oiuers other men of great aue* tboutte, to tbe intent that pour ejccellencie map bnoerdaitoe borne Doctble tl [jig kpno of men are, ano Uritb mbat factlitie tbep mapbeallureo to embrace our religion: but this can not be none fooenlp , pet me bane great catife to hope tljat in (bort time tbep Uipl be al ojamen bp licle ano litle, to tbe €uangelical lame ofCb?ilfe,to tbe great encrcafe of bis flocke. H5ut let bg nome returnetotbe melTengers or procurators as concempng tbe affapres Of Dariena, Thefeuenth booke of the feconde Dccade,of the fup** pofed continent. (Horn (Darien a to Uifpaniola , ig epgbt Oapeg jfaplpng,anb fometimes leffc Un'tb a pjofpc* roug Ulinbe ♦ pet Quicedus anO Colmenaris jtbe procurators of (Dariena* bp rcafonof jtcmpedcs $ contrarp urines, coulo fearer jlpfaplet'ttn abunoreooapes. COljen tbep bao tarpeo a feme oapes tn tiifpamola, an bao oedareo tbe caufe of tbe commpng to tbe ^omirall ano tbe other gouernours, tbep teke (hipping in tUio marcljant fljippes 3 bepngreopfurnpfljeo, mijt’cbe mere alfo accudomeo tofaple to ano fro betmeene g>papne ano tbe 31lanoe of Hilpaniola. ®bep oeparteo from Darima (as toe fapoe before)tbe fourth oap of tbe Calenos ofi^ouember,tntbepereofCbri(tJ 5 i 2 .anocame not to tbe court before tbe Calenoes of $@ap tn tlje peere fofompng 3 bepng tl;e peere ofCb?itt*x5ij.9[ttbepj commpng to tbe cort 3 «’ lob&i* The feccmde Decade. o2 ' Johannes fonfec dfojxfym&t tl)t begtnnpng tljc charge of tljcfe affapjesinas commuted, inborn alfo fo? bis faprtjfuU fcnitce to* fcoarDetlje kpng, pour Ijolpncife createD general Commiffarte in tour e of t&e toarreg agapnlf tlje ^Boo^cjs) receiueo them Ijoitourablp, as f/oufawpre^ men commpng from tlje neuie tDO?loe,from nakeo nations, anD cetuco at tie lanDcs bnknowen to other men* 315p tlje preferment therefore of CQnlu tlje 13p!bop of Burges, Quicedus ailD Colmenaris]})ttCb}Oi\^ht before tlje kpng, anD Declared tljcp? legacie in fjtjsf p?cfence* feuebe nete anD pjefentes as tljep brought, mere Dilcctableto the kpng anD bis noble men, fo? tlje neumclfe ano frrangcnelTe thereof* Ebep alfo fotourneo rnttlj me oftentpmes* 3Lbep? cotim tenatmees Do Declare tlje intempcratitelfe of tlje ap?e anD region of 'Ddriena, fc? tijep are pelome,lpke onto tljem tljat ijaue tlje pe* toe gaunDies,anDalfofu)oIne: buttljepafcribe tljecaufe here- of, to tlje ljungcr wljicbe tbep fuftepneo in tpntcs palf* 31 Ijaue ben aDtterttfeo of the affapjesoftbisnetoemo?loe, notonlp bp tljefe p?OCUl*atOUrS Of Marietta, anD Jncifus, anD Z amudius, but alfo bp conference initb %mia tbelawper, lobo ran ouer a great part oftljofe coatfcs: IpkeWpfe bp relation of Vine mm s Jnnez tlje patrone of tlje ffjppg 3 anD Jlphonfus Njg»«j,botlj being men of great experience, ano loci trauatleo in tbofe partieS,bcftDe ma* np other, of inborn U)e ijaue maDc mention in other places, fo? there came tietter anp from thence to the court, but cookc great pleafure to certtfre me of al tbpnges,eptljer bp inojDe of motttlj o? ^pbjjptpng, ©f manp chpngeo therefore tnljiche 31 learned of them, 3! Ijaue geatljereo fetch as to mp iuDgmenc feme molf loo?- tbp to fati(5e them that take Delpte in bitfo?tes. 35ut let US noine Declare Mjat foloineD after the commpng of the procurators of Mena, ‘&berfo?e,befo?e tbep? arrpual,t ! jerelnas a rumo? fpjeo in tlje court, that the cheefe gouernoursanD lieuetenantcs Ht cuefa anD Fogeda , alfo lohannes de la Coj]a(a man of fltdj reptlta* ^ t gCfat ma# tton,that bp tlje kmges letters patentee; Ijeiuas nameD tlje great ^ Cl of t&etong* mailieroftbekpngs fljpppes)toere alperptebpmifcljaunce: anD tljat tbofe feire tuljtclje pet remapneo alpue in wbaDpub(p(be0 iti the cDtirce ijoiue c^tcac a matter it toas, ano of mbat moment* manp labottreo earnedip to tbe kpng,to cake tbe office out of big banned : but tbe Biibop of Burges Myng tbe fcpngs cbeefe ebap* lapne,ano one of tbe Commtfftoners appopnteo bp l;pm in tbefe matters,bepng aouertifeo hereof, came t'mmeoiatlp to tbe king, anofpaketobpm in this effect : S0ap it pleafe pour bpgbneffe to bnoerdanoe (molt catboltque prpnee) that toberas Petrus rias ) a man ofbaliant courage ano great feruice, bad; offreo (jtm felfe to aouenture bis life in pour mat'edies affaires,bnber Oncer* tapne Dope ofgapne,ano mod certapne perpls,pet that nottnitb* danopng, Come other l;aue ambi'ciouflp maiiceo bis feltcttte ano preferment, !abortngfortbeofficeU)l;ertol;ei'0eIrcceti. 3!tmap> pleafe pour grace heretn/o to (belo him pour fauouiymb permit bpm to entop his fapoe office , as pour maiedie 00 knoboe bpnt to be a Uioorcbpanomeeteman fo? t(;e fame, baupng tn tpme pad Ijao great experience of bisprolnefie anobalpantneffe, a£ U)eItnbel;aupngbtmfelfe,asortierpngO^foulDier0, as pour bpgbneffe map tbe better confpoer, pf it fl;al pleafe pou to call t& rememb?aunce bis ooopnges tntbetoarresof #pb?pca, tofjere l;e (beboeo bim felfe botl; a Uufe <£apt aine,ano a baliant fouloter. 9s concernpng bis! manners aim bfages orijerniapes, tljep are notbnknoUJcnto pour maiedie, Dimer tobofe lopng be batb of a cbploe ben brought bpintljeCourte, anoeuerfouime faptbftiil totoaro pour bigbneffe . Mdjeifore, to Declare mp opinion, bit* oer pour graces fauour (fobomit batbpleafeo toappopntmea: Commifftoner in tbefe affapjes) 31 tl;pnke it toerebngoDlp tijac be (bouloe be putfrom bis office at tbe fuite of anp other, efpeci* allp bepitg thereto mooueo bp ambition ano couetottfneffe, Doha perebatmee uiouio pjootie them felues to be tbe fame men in tbe office, iftbep (boufo obtepne tt,as tbep nolo (beta them felues itt tbe ambitious oefprpng oftbe fame* Wim tbe M;op bao fapfr diefeU3oojoes,tf;ekpng contomeo the election of Pms Arias, in. mo# The feconde Decade, 8| mit ample manner then before, fayllyng the bpfSop to appoynt bym a tbcufanse ano tuao htmojeD foufoierd at hfe charges, nt# fcyng ijpm a warrant to tlje officers: ofljid €jcrijeq«er 5 f o Delyuer bym money in pjeft fojtlje famepurpofe* Petrus jms tberft^e beyngtljttdputtnoffice, ano auetbojifeo bp the binged letters: patentee bnoer hf $ tyooe feale, cbofe a great number of hfe fouloterd tn the court,anofo oepaaeofrom V aMoleto , about the Calenos of October, ut the yere.i 5 1 $ ♦ano fayleo ftrft to Ctutle, beyng a bery ry che cttt'e,anD fael replentfbeo truth people,faljere by the bynged ntagiftratedsbe faad furny fheo truth men ana byt* tualled, ano other neceflaried parteynyngto fo great a matter: foj the byng hath in thid cttie erecteo a boufe, feruyng only foj the affixes of the fficean,to the fahicbe al they that goe 0 ? come from the nciue lanoed and 3ilanoed, refojte to gene accontpted 5 to t&e affapies affaelfabat they cary thy tber, as faljat they tyyng from thence, 0f3nm4 * that the byng may be truely anfmerco of btd cuftotue of the fyft part,botb of goloe ano other tbynges, as trie bauc fayoe before. hottfethey cal tbeboufe of the Contracted oUndi . Pe* TmlarU % tm jrias founoe ut Ciuileabcue tfao thoufano young men,fabi* che mane great (lute to goe fattb hym,lybefapfe no fmal number of couetoud oloe mcn,ofthe fabiche,many offerco them felued to goe ttuch him of their oume charges fatthout the fangs ftipenoe. 55ut left the ftjtps fljouloe be peftereo faith to great a multitude, ojleftbittualsfhouloefayle them, the libertie of free paftage faad reftrayntjt faad alfo Decrees that no ftranger myght pafle fatthout the bynged licence* OTjerefo?e 3 ! ooo not a ly tie mar- uayle atjloifius Cadamujlus a Venetian, ano faster of the ipo^ tugaledboyaged, that he faad not afbameo to fa?yte thud of the &>panyaroed nautgattons : m faent,fae fafac,fae DyD: faberead he neuer faenf,no? any ttenetian lafae, but he ftole certayne an* notationdoutthetbjeefeft boobed of my fyjft Decade, fa?yc* ten to CarDinal/f/c^wwi $Jrrimboldus , fuppofyng that 31 faoulo neuer hauepublyfbeotbeiame* 3!t myghtalfo happen that he came by the copie therof at the bans of Come ambafiaoour of Qz* nice, foj 31 baue grauntes the copie to many of them, $ faas not Datmgeroud to fybyo them to communtcatctbefame to other. (&otoe fo euer it be, this honeft man Jloiftus Cadamujlus feared not to chalenge unto by mtl;e frutte of another mans labour. />JN / * * * v The feconde Decade. mt ©ftbe mucntfcmgi of t(je po?tug;aIes (mlr'cbe foretp are tnoon* wit* inncix* oerful) mljetber be bane tu^uten tbat mbicb fee batb feme (as be lioiw, fattb)o? Itkemife bereaueo other r#ien of rl;e tuft commendationes oftbep?trauap!es,3imp*no;MDg;e, Due am content fo let bpm Ipue after his manner* $mong; the companp of dele fouldicrs* there mere none embarked bat fuel) as uirre Irceero bp the fang;, except a fern 3ltalian*,o it is tberefore,tbat this fetms Mas bad a mife na< mmbu tx* mtb 'Helifabetba BoadilU, bepitg; niefe bp tbe brothers fpoe to tbe &LmSm mar tt uegl °f ® oa M la > tobicbe reno?ed tlje citte of Segouia to if o> * nanoo ano ^eltfabetb pjincejj of S>papne 3 at fuebe time as tbe The fecon &c Decade^ $4 |§o?£ugale0 tmtaoeo tbefctngoome of CaRffe,bp reafirn tofterof, ebep mere encoutageo fp?R to rcfpR 3 ano then mttb open marre co affaple ano e*pulfetbelf>o?tugales 3 fo? the greattreafure mlji* cbe bpng ©enrp b?odjer to queene Upeliiabetb bao geatljerco to* geatber there. ®bfe marqueffe 3 mbile CIjc liueo 3 mo euer fljeme a ntanlp ano Route mpnoe, both in peace ano marre , fo that bp her counfaple 3 manp noble tbingcs mere b?ottgbt togooo effccte in CaRtie: Onto this noble motnan the mpfe of Petrus Arias mag ntefe bp her brothers fpoe- &be 3 fatompng the magnanimittc of her aunt 3 percetupng her hufbano nome furnpdjpng bpm felfe to oeparc to the bnknomen coaRes oftbenememo?loe, ano thofe large trades of lanoe ano fea 3 fpabetbefcmo?oesbutobpm;9pp moR oeare ano melbeloueo bufbanoe 3 me ought not noloe to fo?* t e tu / geat thatfrom our poung peered me hatie ben topneo togeather Uu'th thepobeofholp matrimome 3 to tbintent that me fljouioe fo Ipue c ogeather 3 ano not afunoer, ourpng the tpme of our natural Ipfe : mijerefo?e fo? mp parf 3 to oeclare mp affection herein, pon Ihal bnoerRanoe, that mhitherfoeuerpour fatalloeRente (ball o?puepou 3 epther bp the futtousmaue 0 ofthcgreat$Dcean 3 o$ bp the manpfoloe ano hoirtble oaungers of the lanoe 3 3l mpl Cure* Ipbeare pou conipanp: there can no pcrpll chatmcctome fa terrible, no? anp bpnoe ofoeath fo crtteH, that fljal not he muche eafper fo? me to abpoe 3 then to liue fo farre feparate from pou* 3It mere muche better fo? me to ope 3 ano epther to be caR into the fea, to be oeuoureo of the fpfl;es 3 o? on the latioe to the Ca* uibales, then mid; continual mournpng ano beUiaplpng, toltue tnoeath 3 anoope!pupng 3 mhple 31 confwme in lookpng rather fo?mphufbanoesfieteer? 3 thenfo?hpnifelfe. ismpftil oe* termination, not raRjlp, no? p?efentlpe]ccogttate 3 no?concet* ueobp thelpghtpbamafieof momans b?apne, but mitblong Oeliberattcnanogooo aomfement. jfrome therefo?e cboofeto mhether oftbefc tmo pou mpfi affent 3 epther to th?uRe pour fmoo?oe in mp th?ote 3 o? to graunt me mp requcR. fo? the cfnfo?en mht'cb goo hath geuenbs as pleoges of our infeparable loue(fo?tbepbaofo.urefoime0 3 ano asmanpoaugbters) (hall not Rap me a moment : let bs leaue onto them fuch goooes ano poffcfftons as battc ben left 00 bp our parentes ano freenoes 3 mherebp tl;ep map ipue among tl;e moojfpppfull of tljep? omen Vi. m ' 4 tut * &i The feconde Decade, foj otto tfpps 31 take no care. 60ben tbtg? noble mafrone of ntanlpbertuebao fimfaeo tbefefaoojoes, (jer bufbaitoe feepng tbecontocmpniieofbt^njpfe.anoijerm areopneftetooo ac< c Wngto to faoojoes, ban no bare to oenpe her loupng petted o n, but embracing her in bfe armes, commenoeo ber intent, ano confenteo to ber requeft, ®bt folofaeo bpm tbetfo?c, as ote jpferatea ber M itbridates, faith her beare bangpng loofe about ber (bottloers : foj ft;e loueo bet* bufbano, as opo Hahcamajfea of Caria bers,betng0ea0 5 a no ass opo Jrtemifia ber Maufolus , <10 0 baue alfo bao aouerttfment Once tbepj Departure, that (be(bepng fought bp ass it faereamog foftfetbers)batb faith no leffe ftouce courage fuftepneo tbe roofages ano rages ofebe flDcean,tben opo eptber ber bulbanoe, 0 } anp of tbe $parpners brought bp etten a* tnong tbe fourges of tbe fea- “But to batte fapoe thus mttebe here* of, this faallfuffife : let bss nofae fpeake of other tbpnges no lelfe faojtbp memojie , <£berffac,faberas in tbe fir ft Decaoe boe baue ittaoe mention of Vincentius JnnezJPinzonusyz ibalbnoerftano* that bo accopam'eo cbrijlopborus Colonus t be $omiral in bis firft bopage 3 ano afterfaaroe maoe an other bopage of bis ofane char* ges faith onlp one ftjpppe, $gapne. 3 tbe fp?ft peere after tbe oe* partpng oftbe Captapnes Kicuefa ano Fogedafyt ran ouer tbofe coaftes from ffifpaniola, ano fearcbeo al tbe S>outb fpoe of Cuba* from tbe c^aft to tbe ce tljoufanoe of tbofe toepgbtes of goto tljat tlje g>panj* q aroes taflc«Jlellanum Jureum, tuljfclje tljep common!? call ?e~ fum. aifo a great barrel of toooo fill of molfc fjcrcllcm mafem fine tfranteneenfcjtoeigbtngaboutttno tbottfanoe ano ffye bum Djeo pomioesS luetgbf, afteretgbt ounces to tbe pounce : U)[jcrc= by tbep ftnetne that that fanoe bjougbt foo’tb great plentte jfrankcncenfe, foj tbete ts no entercontfe of marebaunotes ta b* (:, j oimactis tetoeenetbe mljabitauntes tftoru mo tl;e ftfeanfe being fo Sir™* forte The feeonde decals alfo tbep tfTaria knottettotf&fng tottfjotti djep? ottnecoaltes* ZSXitl) tbe goloe ano jfrankencenfe toljicbe tbep p^cfenteD to our men, tbep gaue them alfo a great mttltftuDc oftljep? peacockes,botb cockes aito bonnes, oeao anD alpue,aft toel to fatiffe tbep? pjefent neceffttie, as alfo to carrp tttcb chew into &>papne fo? encreafe, Ipkcttpfe certapne carpectes, couere lecces, table clothes, ano bangpngs, maoe of ©olTamptne Olke, finelp brought after a Grange Deuice,ttitb pleafant anD bartable colours, Ijaupng goloen belles,anD fucb other fpangles ano pert* Daumes, as the Jtaltans call Sonaglios, ano the ^panparoes Cafcaueles, Ijangpng at the purfles tberof. 3Tbep gaue them fur* tbermojefpeakpngpoppngapes of funojp colours, asmanpas tbep ttouloe afke: fo? tn fam there is noIefTe plentte ofpoppn- gapes, tl;en ttt'tb bs ofooues o? fyarottS-^binbabitants of tbefe regtons,botb men $ ttomen,are appardleo ttttlj bellures mane ofgoflamptne cotton, the men to tbeknees 5 anotbe ttornen to tlje calfe of tlje legge^be fafljion of tbep? apparel is lirnple antt plapne, muebe Ipke bnto the burkes : but tlje mens ts Double, ano qwlteo,like that ttbt'cb the burkes bfe in the ttarres. %Ll)t pjttnces of Tarn are rulers but fo? one pecre : but tbep? aucto?itte ts no lelfe among the people both in peace ano ttarre, then is tbauctoptte of other kpngs in tljofe regions* ^Ijeir Pillages are builoeo in compalfe, along bp tlje bankes of al that great gulfe. * Jfpue of tljepj ponces came to our men ttt'tb tljep? p?efenteS, txiSofe names 31 tljougbt ttoo?tbp to be put in this bilto?ie,tn re- tnemb?ance of fo notable a thing, c&wco»«f Cbiauaccba (tljat is, the p?tnce of cbiauaccba fo} tljep cal princes o? kings Cbiacoms ) Cbiaconus Pintiguanus, Cbiaconus Chamailaba,Cbiaconus Polomut , ano cbiaconus Potto. ^Ije gulfe bepng firlf founo of the $DmtraI Colonus, tljep cal $aia Natiuitatisfomk be ernreo into tbe fame in tbe Dap of p natiuttie ofCb?tff, but at that time be onlp palTeu bp it tticljottt anp further fearebpng , ano Paia in the g>panpfbe tong,Ggmfietb a gulfe. WX)i Vincentius bao thus maoe a league ttttb tljefe princes, folciupng (its appopnteo courfe, be founoe tnanp regions cottars p €aft,Defolate bp reafon of Dluers Goods ano ouerfiottpngs of ttaters : alfo manp flanopng pooles tn Di- ners places, ano tljofe of ejcceeDinglargeneffe. ^)e cealfeo not ta foiotte tljis trade, imtpl be came to tlje popnt o? cape of that Thefcconde decade* 2S yttoft Idits £bte popnt feemetb as tbcu$ it tootdb muaoe A)t mount Atlas m Jphnc a j foj it pjofpectetb totoaroe tbat part Cf3pfjnke,U)M tljC fjDojtUgalCS cal Caput botice sp er antic!, %C\)Z popnte s oj capes of tlje mount Atlas ,are rough ano fauage,neere Dnto the fea* Clje cape of 'Bona speranza , gcatljcretlj rbpjtte ana foure oca pees of the &outb pole, calico the pole 9matttke, Put that popnt onlp feuen oegrees. 3 fuppofe this lanoe to be tljaf, toljtrije 31 fpnoe In oloe U)?ptcrs of Cofmograpljie to be calico tlje great 3Ilanoe ^tlanttke, mirboutanpfurtberoerfarpng eptber w; tbeptoere tbe fp?ff that ourlt attempt to fearcbe tbe Ocean feafpncetbememojteofman, afftrmeo tljac al the nautgattonsoftbeOcean 3 ought topartepneto tbemott- Ip. Z\)t Calf titans argueo on tlje contrarp part 3 tbat toljatfocucc &oo bp tlje mtntlfratton of nature Ijatb createo on tbe eartb 3 toa3 at tbe begpnnpng common among tmn 3 ano that it fa therefore latofulto ctierp man topolMe fucb Ianos as arebopoe ofCbji* Ifianinbabttours. CObple tlje matter toastbus bncertapnelpe OebateOibotb parties agreeo that tbe eomrouerGe ftouloc be oe* fpoeo bp tbebplbopofEome, ano pltgljteo faptb to Ifanoeto bfa arbttremene* ‘Cbe fcpngoome of Cafltlemas attbat tpme gotterneo bp that great queene BeHfabcth mitljljer bufbanb: foj ibe&ealmeofCalhle masher oomjie. £>ljealfo ano tbe kpnjf cfpojtugale, mere colpn gemtanes oftlna fplfcrs 3 bp reafon toljereof, tlje oiflemion mas mo?e eafplp pacific*. %tbeaflent tberfoje of both parties, aiejtanoer tbe brfljop of Uome 3 tbe.bi.of m am of tljat name, bp tbauctbojuete of IjtS IeaoenbuU 3 ojeme a rigljtlpne SJEJff*® 1 * ftomtbe|So|tbcotbe&oml;,anbu^2eoleagttes4aieamaro^ 0 * mufe The feco tide Decade. jmfodut the paralels of foofe Stlcsiioess Uibtcbe arc cafleb Caput Viride,0} CabouerdeMfyin the catttpaffe offofe fptie (although fome oenpeit) fallefotbe popntoftbislanoembereofuiebaue fpoken,U)bicbethep cal Cap tip SmUi Jugufiinh ofoertupfe calico TromontoriumSanUi Juguftini, that i$, C^tint 3 ugttditteS capeO£ popnc : anD therefore it is not latnfiil foj foe Cadtltans to faden fboce in foe begpnnpng of that laito. Vincentm Jnne^ therefore, beparteD from foence, bepng aDttertifeo of the inhabitantes,foac on foe other fpDe of the hpgb moumapnes tounroe the Jkoufo, mlofciamb^ tywshefoje bfa epes,foere map a region calleo dambaM)icl)z * brought fo?th great plentie ofgoloe* 4Df cerfapne captiues mht* che he tooke in the gulfe of ^nXmljicbe certapnelp partepnetfj to the Dominion of Calf tie) he brought fome umh him to Hifpa* wo/^ano left them mifo thepouno; ^Dmtrall to learneourlam guage : but he hpm felfe repapjeD to the court, to make earned mf' ce to the kpng, that bp his fouour he mpgbt be gouernour of 3Hanbe of foe JlauD of Santfi Iobannis(otl)ZV\Uifo calleO Duricbenafamg; Dt* t&Jo&aimis, dant front Hi/pmola onlp^mf eagues)becaufe be mas the fp?d finoer ofgolDe in that 3llanoe. Before Vincentius rnaoe Elite foj this office, one Don Cfoidopher, a po jtugale,the fonne of the cotmtie gouernour ofthe Jlano, inborn foeCa* nibales of the ocher 3ianDesflue,toithal the Cfoidtanmenfoat mere in the fame, ejccept the ^5tCT>op anD bis famtliers, mht'che fleD anD fopfteo foi them felues,fo}fakpng the churche ano al the ^uebpOjops ojnamentes thereof : foj pour holpneffe hath confecrateD due bp* crtije 3 laito e foops in foefe 3 [lanos,at the requed of the mod cafoolique king* So?of ? noml* 3(u Santh Dominic o foe foiefe citie of Hifpdniola,Garfia da Dadilla, * a reguler iTrper of the ojoer of faint jf rauncis, is bpfoop* 31n the jtoUme ofConceptt'on, ooctoj fetw Xuam oiDeza , anD in the 3ilanoe offat'nt 31obtt o) 'Suricbena , j Ipbonfrs Manfa a licence* j ate, being both obferuances of the indication of faint peter. ‘Cbe fourth is jfrperBarnatoe of Mefa, a man of noble parentage, jpj# in Toledo, a preacher, $ bifoop pffoe 3l(anDeofc«^v£be §ft is lobannesCnbedHi, a fepee poacher, inborn potirljolpneffe annopmeo mtmderofCfoide, to teache foeCfoidian fapth a* i moiig the inbabttantes of Dariena. Che Cambales foal foojtlpe ■ repent them, anD the hippo of our men foalbe reuengep , ano that foe fooner, hecoufe foat foojtlp after foep l;ao commptteo 0 v ’ ' “ ' fo^ The fcconclc Decade. $7 life abominable flaugbter of our men, tftep cameagajwftom tbepj ottme 3 ilanDc of Santfa cwx(otbertmfe calico Jy/y)to tbe SlauOC o{Santfilohmiis,m fltlC a fcpng ftljiclje toaS a frccnoe ^uctaSruy* to our nten, ano ate fern, ano al bis famtlp, or terlp fubuertpng bfe Pillage, Upon tljtS occafion,tljat biolatuig tbe laU) of Ijoftage, be bao flapne feuen Canibales inljiclje luere left initbbpm bp compofittonto make eertapne Canoas, becaufetbe Sllanoeof SanHi Ubannis beared; greater trees, ano apterfoj tljat purpofej tbenootlj dje 3 Ilano of Santfi crux,tl)t cbeefe (jabttatto of dje Ca* mbales. &ljefe Cantbales pec remapnpng in dje 3 Ilano,cercame of our men faplpng from HifpmkU, cbaunceo bpon djem* ^be tbpng bepng onocrftoooe bp tlje interpjetours, our men qttarefc ling toitb djem,ano calling tljetn to accompt foj djat mtfcljeuoud oeeoe,tbepimmeotatlpoirecceodjepj bolues anobenemousar* rotnes againft tbern , ano fcrirfj cruell countenances tljjeatneo djem to be quiet, left it Ibouloe repent tljcm of tljep? commpng tbptber* £>ur menfearpngtbepjbenemousarrotoes (fojdjep mere not pjepareo to fpgbt)gaue cbem fignes of peace. Bepng oematmoeotobp tljep oeftropeodje bpllage,anotnljeretbcking teas inttb big familie,tbepanfinereo,tljat tljep rafeo tljebpllage 3 ano cut tlje bpng toitlj Ijts famtlie in peeces, ano ate them in dje reuenge of tbepj feuen looojkmen : ano tljac tljep ljao maoe fag* gottesofdjep?bones,tocarpdjenuocbetoiues ano djtlojcn of rijep? flapne moojkemen, tn luptnelTe tljat tlje boopes of tljepj buftanoes ano parentes lap not bnreuengeo, ano tbereuritljj ffjelneodjefaggoctesofbonesto our men, inljo bepngaftonp* fteo at tljep? ftercenefle ano crueltie,tnere enfo?ceo to ottfemble tbe matter, ano boloetbep? peace, quarellpng no further nritlj djemat tbattpme. VLtyfo ano fuclje other tljpnges ooooapip cbaunce.tbe mijtcbeSI 00 let page, left 31 fljoulo oflettoe tbe eares of pour bolpnefle toitlj fuclj bloooop narrations* ^bus baue toe fufttdendp otgreffeo from tlje regions of® eragua ano Vnba&ti png tlje cbeefeft funoactons of our purpofe* Wz UipH noto rijer* fo?e entreate fometoljac of tlje Jargonelle ano oeaptb oftlje rp* uers of Vraba : alfo oeclare botlj tobat tljep ano tbe lanoes tobt'cb ’ djep runtte eb?ougb 00 b?png foojtlj : Ipketopfe oftlje greamefle of tbe lanoe ftorn tbe ®aft to tlje M eft, ano oftlje bjeaodj djere* tftojwtbe&outbcotbe^ojtbj ano toljac tbepj opinion ai$ o ' The feconde decade# lopefs of thpnges pet bnbttotoen tn the fame. &Ke toil thetefo?c begpn ac the neioe names, tohertmth tlje &panparbes Ijaue na* men thefe p?outnces ,fpnce tljep mere bnoer tlje Dominions of £h?t(fians* The nienth bookc of the fecond Decadc»of the fiippofed continent* Eragua tljerfo?e tljep calleb Cafiella Jurea, that ts,golben Cadile , anb Vraba tljep m* nieb Andalufia noua, that is, neine 3nbalu* da* 3nbipkeas of rnanp Silanbes toljtchc tljep fubbueb, tljep chofe HifpankU foz tlje cbeefe place of tljep? habitation : fotn the large tracte of P.aria, tljep appopnteb tljep? colonte o? btbtng place in tlje ttuo regions of Vraba anb Eeragua* that alfucheas attempt anp bopages tn tljofe coaftcs , map refo?ctotbem,as tofafepo?tes to be reffdbeb toljen tljep are iueerte o? b?puen to neceflitte. 31 our feebes anb plantes bo nolu marueplouflp encreafe tn VrabaApfatopfo blabes,fettes?fitppes, cue fruitful# grades, fuger canes? anb fuclje otljer as are b?ougljt front otljer wc* <*©«&«. placesto tljofe regions, asalfobeadesanbfoulcs? as Ineljaue (apb before: © martteplous fruftefttlnefie. ffime ntiebapes after the feebetsfolnen, tbep geatljer rppe cucumbers, anb fuclj Ipbe, but ColU)oo?teS 3 Beetes, iettufe,35o?age, are rppe mttljin tlje fpace o ftenbap es* < 0 ourbes, ^clones, anbl(Dompions,Uutbtn &&eftHjtefut* the fpace of pjcbttt.bapes> ftariena hath rnanp nattue trees anb nwo^anena 0 iuergs fcnibs,t»itlj funb?p tatfes,a Ijolfcme fo? thebfe of men, oftlje mijtclj 31 baue thought it goob to beferthe cmatne of tlje bed* {£ljep nourpQje a tree tolnclje tljep odlGuaiana,tlffl bearetlj a frutte muclje rcfemblpng tlje ktnbe of Ctcrones loljtcb are ccntmonlp calleb Itmones, of talfe fomutljat (Ijarpe, tnpjct tottlj fmeetenes*^hep Ijaue alfo abunbance of nuts of ptnetrees, anb great plemteof Date trees, b)ljicb bearefhwesbtggertljen the Dates that are fcnolnen to bs, but tljep are not apt to be eaten fo? tljep? to much to?enelTe* cOtloc a barren Date trees groin of them felues tn ftmb?p p!aces,tlje b?anches toljerof tljep bfe fa? beefomes^anb eate alfo the bubbes of tlje fame. Gwamana, being l®$er ano bpggsejben the ojange tree* b?pn^ethfco?tlj agreac mi ’ * ftm'co The fecon de decade* gg frtttfe as bpgge as pome Citrons* % here is another tm m weft iiketoacbeknuttrec, nftofe fruite is like to fte bigger fo?te of fpg « 3 bepng Ijolfome ano of pleafant taUc. M mtis, is another tree that b?mgetb fo?tb fruite as hpgge as an o?ange,in cok e no* thing inferior to the heft kinoes of ketones. GuananaU, beared a fruite lefTe then anp of the ofter,but of fmeetefauour like fptce, ano ofoilectable take. Hqhos to another tree,tobofofttute both in ft ape ano take is rnuche Ipke to prunes, but fometohat bpgger: ftep arefurelpperfinaoeo that this is the Myrobalane tree*Cbcle grotoc fo abunoanclp in Hifpamola, that the bogges are feooe tomb the fruite thecomas totft malf among os* €he hogges like this kpnoe offeeopng fo tool, that Often ftcfe fruices toape ripe, the fmmehearos can bp no meanes keepe them out offtetoooos of thefe trees, bp reafon thereof, a great muitituoe of them are become n)tloe*€hep alfo affirme^tbac tn ftutuegs ^tupncs tit® t is of rnuche better take ano mc?e nftolfome then mutton : fo? it of better me <* isnottobeooubteo, but that oiuers kinoes of meatesoooem ISeumuiton/ genoer funojp tattesano qualities in fttcb as are nottriftooftet* tautb.€b e moil puiffant prince FcrdinandusAtdmb that he bao eaten of another fruite brought from thofe lanoes,* being kill of fcales,onft kepes,mucb Ipke a pineapple in fourme ano colour, but in tenbf rnes equal to melon) pepons,ano tn take cjcceeopng al garoen»fruites : fo? it is no tree,but an bearbe, mucblike unco an arcbicboke,o? Jcantbo : %\)z king him felfe gaue the checfei! commenoatton to this. 31 bane eaten none of thefe fruits : fo? ofa grentnumberofttcb ftep b?ougbt from tbence,on!p one remap* neo bnco?rup teo, the other being putrtfteo bp reafon of the long ffe™au%?#Jt bopage* Qlfucbe as Ijaue eaten of them ttcnilp geathereo tn tljetr nattue fople, 00 marueplouflp commenoe ftep? ftneetencffe ano pleafaunt take* Chepopgge alfo out of thegrounoe certapne rootes grotopng of them felues >ofticbe ftep call $etatas>muchz $etatas. Ipke Onto the nauie rootes of spklane, 0? the great pukes 0? mukpmesof the earth* fipoinfoeuer ftep be ojefleo, cpfter frpeo 0? foooe, ftep geue place to no fufte kpnoeofmeatetn pleafant tenoernes* Che fktnnc is fomoftat tougher then epther the names 0? muftromes, ano of earthp colour, but the inner meate therof is berp oftice : ®hefe are nourtfteo in garoens,as toe fapo of lm& in fte Svft Decaoe. Zljcp are alfo eaten rame, Stows ano Cpgers* H dcanae qr&erguetisof 30rafea 9 36 league <0 reiitt. fut- tonge®. I htnubitts. H Crocobile i niucbe ipHe a jkeute.butof cpcecbpng bpgneffe* The feconie Decade. of raise eljednuts?, but are fametobacfiseeee& ^ebauefpd^enfuff(ciemlpoftreeo,bcarb^,anti fruiter ise ispl noise therefore entreate of thpngegi fenefttue. ®be laitoe# and oefolace padures of d;efe regions?, are tnhabtceo ano Deuou* teo ofboploe ano terrible beaded JLionsf, ^pger^ anofuche othetmondergasitoenonieknotse, ano haue ben oefcrtbeo of joloeaucfouegtntpme pad* thereto fpedallponebeaden* geno^eo herein lsl;tch nature hath enocuoureotof&etobefc cun* npng: ^bt'sSbeaftteao bpgge as an 2D;ce, armeo totth a long (notice Ipke an Elephant, ano pet no Elephant , of the colour an ojce,ano pet no ojee, isith the boofe of a ho;ft,ano pet no ho;fe, fcntl; eares aifo mttche Ipbe Onto an elephant, but not fo open, no? fo much hangpng ooume,pet muebe ispoer then the earest of anp other bead, SDfdje bead ishtch beared; her ishelpeg about totth her in her fecono bellp as in a purfe(bepng knolsen to none ofd;e oloetorptersoa Ijauefpoben tutl;efp;d Decaoe,to!;tch 3 boubtnoctohauecomecothehanoeg of pottrholpnclfe* ietbg notbecberefo^oeclare to&at reded; of the flaoooea ano rpuerj* ofr raba. rtuer Of Marietta falletb into the gulfe of Vrabd, totth a narotu chattel, fcarcelp able to beare the Canoao 0 ; Ltgh- fero of d;ac ppjiunce^no runnedjbp d;e billage inhere tbep chofe theproisellpngplace, but the rpuer m d;eeo;ner‘fWthe gulfe tohtche me fapoe that Vafcbus pafleo bp, thep founoeWbe^rdtu furlongeiarmbreaod; (tohtc'uhep call a league) ano oferceeopng oeapth,ao of ttoo httnoreo cubtt&fallpng into the gulfe bp otuergs ntoutheo.Shep fap that this rtuer failed; into the gulfe o Wraba, fpke ao the rpuer ifler (othertopfe callMVauubms, ano Danone) falleth into the feapondke, ano Kiks into the fea of Cgppc, toherefo?e thep nameo it G^w&thafWjgreac : ishiche alfo thep ; affprme to nourpfhe manp ano great Crocoode^a^ the olo let- ters tedtfie of i %us, ano efpectallpao 3 haue leanteo bp ex- perience, houpngfapleobpano ooisne the rtuer of Wlus^zn 31 toaa? feut 8 mbaflfaoour to d;e ^ouloanc of $lcap*,at the com- matmoement ofthe mod cadjolique kpng. ftllbat 3J map there- fore geadjer out of the imprpnges offo manp learneo aucthoursl as i concernpng the rtuer of kjlus,% knolse not: fo? thep fap that nature hath geuenttoo rpuers of d;atnametotoaterthelanoe, together thep Ispl them to fpjpng outofthe moumapneg of the moonc ' The feconde Decacfe. 8$ moone o? the fumie, oj out of the topg of the rough mounfatneti of Ethiopia, affpjmpng one of the fame to fall into tlje gulfe of C* gppc totoaro the jf2ojth ? ano the other into tlje foutb ©cean fea. ©Hljat Oml toe fap in this place % ffif that N//w in Cgppt there is no ooubt* ‘Che pojtugales alfo toljich faple bp the coaffe^ of ^tus** the Cthtoptans calico Kigriu, ano bp the kpngoeme of M elm - ™ 0 " amsatu da, palTpng onoer p equinoctial Ipttc, among thcpj marueplous imtenttons h aue fotmo another totoaro the slouch, ano earneftlp afftrme the fame to be alfo Deduct) from the moumapnes of the wtoone, ano that it is another chanel of A^becaufe it bungetlj fojth Croccoiles, toljereas it hath not ben reao before time, chat anp other rtuer nourttheoCrocootle5fautngonlp2^/«j* ©h fe rtuer the pojtugales cal Senega , 3!t runneth through the region of the^n>4J,beptig berp frutteful totoaro the jftojtb Ojo?e 5 bu£ on the &outb fpoe fanole ano rough* Crocootles are alfo engem tpeo herein. Mljat fhal toe then fap of this tbiroe *t pea 3! map toellap the fourth: foj 31 fuppofe them alfo to be CrocaotIes,tolji- dje Coknus toitlj bis companpfounD,armeo tottlj fcales as haro as ibellcs, tn the rptter calleo Delagarm, toberof toe haue maoe mention before. &bal toe fap that thefe rpuers of Darien a alfo ano Praha , haue tljepj original from the mountapnes of the moone, toheras thep fpjpng out of tlje tie# moumapnes, ano can bp no meattes haue the fame original tottb^/wmCgppt, 02 that m Kigrita, 0 } els rljattn tfjekpngoome of Melindafiom toljence fo euer thep are oerpueo , toljereas thefe other (as toe haue fapoe) fp^ng out oftbe nept mountapnes, toljich otutoe another &otttfj fea 3 totth no great otlfance from tlje Moul) ©ccan. 2£tberefo?e, it appearetlj bp experience of luclj as Ijaue traualleo the toojlo in out tpme, that other toacers befpoe the rtuer of KHus in Cgppt, map lpketopfebjpngfoo?th Crocootles. 3ln tlje ^arpfljcs alfo fennes of the regions of Dariena, are founoe great plen* tie ofpjefantesanopeacockes (hut not of oarlable colours) tottlj manpe other kpnoes of bp^oes ano foules bnlpke onto ours,aftt)el apt to be eaten, as alfo tdoelpfetljeeares of men toitlj pleafaumnopfe . $ttt our S>panparoes, becaure tljcp =are Ignojaunt tn fotolpng, take but fetoe* $lfo innumerable pi plngapes of funojp kpnoes are founoe chattering in the groues •f thole fennie places* ©f tljefe there are feme egttalltoCa* i ' pons The feconde Decade* potijS m bpgneffe, ano Tome as Iptle as fparotoeS* Kite of the vi* ucrGtte of poppngapes,toe bauefpoken fufficientlp in the fp?de Decaoe: fo?iti the rafeoftljts large lanoe, Colonus bpm felfe b?ougbcano fenc to the course a great number of euerpkpnoe, tbetohtdjetttoas iatofttll fo? all the people to beboloe, ano arc pctoaplpb?ougljt tn like manner, ©ere remapnetb pet one n pintofcpiji * tljpng mode tooo?tbp to be put tn bpdo?te, the tobidje, 31 bao ra* as ^Keming t&w to baue djatmcco into the banoes of Cicero o? L/«/>,tben in* tooiigmai of to mpne : fo? the tbpng is fo marueplous inmp edtmatton, that rpSf au& 31 fpnoe mp toptte mo?e entangles tit tbe Otfcrtptton hereof, then t0 fapoe of tbe bemte toben (be feetb ber poung cbpcken into?ap* bn autu P CD * n °? flajce. © e b?eaotlj of that lance from tlje 38o}tl) at §? IhTr ® cm ta ioutb fea, is onlp dye Panes iou raepdto relation of ffte Tomj tbe tnbabttauntes. ©emulcttuoe tljerfo?e ano greatnefle of tbe «au to tije rt«er<3 on tbe one fpoe , ano on tbe otber fpoe tbe narotonefie of ^ *** tbe lanoe,b?png me into fudje Doubt botoe it can come to paflfe* that tn fo Iptlc a fpace of time oape0 iournep, meafutpng from tbebtgbtoppes of tbofe mountapnes, 31 ooo not bnoerdanoe botoe fo manp ano fo great rpuer0 map bane recottrfe Onto tb is fflottl) fea : fo? it is to be tbougbt 3 tbac as manp oo floto totoaro tbtnbabttants oftbe foutb. ©efe titters of Vraba are but final!, tn companion of manp other tn tbofe coades: fo? tbe g^panp* aroes fap>tbat in tbe tpme ofCo/o»«ahepfouno ano pafleo bp an otber rtuer after tbiS,toljofe gttlfe fallpng into p fea,tbep affirme to be litle idle then a ljtmo?eo mples in tlje fp?d coades of Faria, as toe baue fapoe elfetoberc : fo? tbep fap, that it failet b from tbe toppes of btgb motmtapnes totclj fo ftopft ano furious a coutfe, that bp tbe biolence ano greatnede thereof, it o?puetb backe the fca,altbougb it be rough # enfu?ceo toitb a contrarp topno. Zb ep al affirme Ipketopfe, that in al tbe large trade tberof,tbep felt no foto?eo? falttoacer, but that all tbetoatertoas freeze, ftoeete, anoapttobeo?unke. ©tnbabttauntes call tbtsrpuer Marag* nonum, ano the regions aoiaceitt to tlje fame, Mariatambal, Ca~ tn amor us mid Fari cor a : befpoe tljofe rtuers toljtcbcSbauena* meO befo?e, as Damn, Grandis/Dabaiba^eragua, SanBi Matbei , $oiusgatii,Delagartos , $ Gaira , tljep tobicO efface baue feardjett tbofe coades, baue fottnoe manp other. Deliberatpng there* fo?e toitlj me fdfe 5 from tofjence tljefe moumapnes, bepng fo narotoe The feconde Dcca Scl $4 . ^ SarotoeimD uearebntotbe fea on both fpbes, battcfucbe great liolome caueg 0 ? Dennes offucb capacttie, anD front mbcnce tljep are fplleD, to caff foo?th fuebe abundance of maten hereof a!fo af* kpng them the opinions of the inbabttauntes, then afftrmc them to be of Diuerg tuDgementes herein 5 alleaging fp?lf the greatnejat oftbemountapnestobecbecaufe, mbicbe tljep lap tobeberpe Wgb,mbtcbethpng alfo Coloms the firtf fpnoer tljereofaffirmetfi to be true, aDDpng tbereitnco that t he paraDtfe of uleafurc is in the tops oft&ofe mountam tes miriche appeate ffcmtbegulfeof f aria j Os SraconisAz he is fullp petfmaoc D. Ebep agree there* fo?e that there are great caueg mtthintbefe ntountapnes 3 but tc relfeth to confpoer from mbenre tljep are fplieD.3if therfo?e al tlje riuers of freibematers^bp the opinion of manp, Do fo florae out of the fea, as Djptten ano compelled though the paflages 0 ? ^ 6 po?eg of the earth, bp the ponoetougs mepgljcoftbefeaitfelfe, a$mefeetbemb?eakefoo?tboftbefp?pngeg 3 anD Directetbep? courfetothefeaagapne, then the tljpng islelfeto bemartiep* leD at here, then in other places : fo? me baue not reao that in anp other place 3 tmofuclje feasbaueeiuiironeDanp lanDe loifl; ^ r antJC fonaromelpmptres:fo?itbacbontbe rpghtfpDe the great ©ce* ciore& imt& an,mhere the funne goeth somite on the left Ijanoe , ano another tuja ffiW * on the other fpoe tuyere the funne rpfetb 5 nothpng mferiour to the fp?ffein greamefle, fo? tbcpfuppofe it tobempjcteanbtopneD asi al one mich the fea of Ca£ Jnma, Ehis lanoe therfo?e bepng burDeneo uritb fo great a mepgbt on the one fpDc,? on the other, (pf this! opinion be of anp balue) is enfo?ceu to fmalomc bp fcicfj DeuoureD maters, amiagapne to caff foo?tbtbe lame in open fp?ingcs aitb flreamcd . But pf me fliail Denpe that the earth D?ab)eth humours of the fea, anD agree that all fountapneso? fp?pngesare engeno?en of the conucrficn 0 ? ctirnpng of ap?e mne^iuo 0 ^ 01 into b)ater,oilf (fling toithtn the bolom places! of the mountaines term tl)t ca , (as themolf part tbinke)me mpll gcue place rather to thauctho- 01 mou «* ricte of them luhicbe ffpeke to tbofe reafons, then that our fenfe apne0 4 is faaffieD of the fill mtetb thereof joet Do 3! not rep ;tgne 5 that in fomecaues of mountapnes, mater is tunieo intoap?e: fo? 31 nice felfe Oaue feene, hoUic in the caucs of manpe mountapnes: in&papne, in manner lbom?es of rapne do fall commtiallpe, anD tljac tlje mater geatljereD bp this meaneg, Doth km foo?tb M it cetupnc y' , The feconde Decade, certapne riuetsbptljefpbesof the motmtapnes, mfjeremitlj all fuclje trees as are planceo on the lleepe o? footeof the motmtap* nes,asbines,oliue trees,anb fuche other, are matcreD,anbtbte efpectallp in one place: as tlje tight IjonojableHobouikethe Carbinalof^ragonie, moll obfequtous to pour holpneffe, anb tmo other btQjops of31calp, mljereof the one is silum fandoms, ano the other an $rchbifljop(mhofe name ano title 3! bo not re* member)can beare me mimeffe: foj mijen me mere togeatljer at Granata, latelp beltueteb from the Dominion of the 8£oo?es, an& malUeo fo? our paftpme to certatne pleafant hi(les(bp the mljtche there ranne a fapjte rpttcr) mhile Cardinal itobouike occupies hpm fdfe in fljootpng at bpjbes mljtche mere in the btt(bes neere Onto the rpuer,31 $ tljotljer tmo btfbops oetermmeo to clime the tnotmtapnes, to fearche the original ano fpjpttg of the rpuer : fo? me mere not farre from the toppes thereof* jfolompng therfoje the courfe of the rpuer, me founne a great caue, tn mljtch mas a continual fal of mater, as ithao ben a (homjeofrapne, the tua* termhereof, fallpng iwcatrencbemaDemitbmansbanbe,en* creafeth to a rpuer, ano runneth bomne bp the fpoes of the mourn tapnes* dje fpke is alfo feene in this famous tomne of Vallado* letoQxfym me nomefoiourne)in a certatttegreene clofe,notpa(l a furlong Diftant from the malies of the tomne, 31 gramtt there* fojc, that in certapne p!aces,bp conuerfton of the apjie oeame in* to mater,mithtn the caues offuche moumapnes, manp fpjinges ano riuers are engenojeo: but 31 fuppofe that nature mas not fol* lict'tatetob?pngfoo?th fuche great floobs bp this fofmall intsu* Arte* too reafons tljerfojeoofounoebetltomptuogemcnts cue often fat of mljerof the one is, the often fal of rapne : the other, the continual autume oi fp^png tpme mhich is in tljofe regions, being fo neere tpme. . onto the equinoctial, that the common people can perceiue no cucequmcc D (ff crcnce betmeenc the length of the Dap ano the npght th?OH# out all the peere, m'jere as tljefe tmo feafons are moje apt to en* gcnDer abundance of rapne, then eptljer extreme mpmer,ojfer* uem fommer* 8n other reafon in effect much like Onto the fpjff, cu* m es of the 6* fill of po?es,ano that bp the pojes tberof,be* tije i*a, am* tije ing openeb bp the foutlj mpnoes, me (Ijal confent that bapours foutp u??m>e, are Ipfteo bp, mljereof the materp rioubes are engenbjeb, this toe muff neebes be mopifeb mtt&moe fijomjesthenanpeo* The fecondc DccaJe, $er, pfitbeas naromeastbepfap, ansenutrones bn't§ (too inapne Teas collateral!? beatpng on t \ je fame : bomfoeuer it be, 3 i can not but gette crebite to tbe report of fucbe toojtbp men a* baue recourfe to tfjofe regions, ans can no lefle then seriate the fame, albat it map fecmcincresible to fonte ignorant perrons?, notfenoming the potuer ofnature,to mbom,]plinie masperfma- scs,tbat nothing mas tmpofltble. Wit baue therefore thought it goos to make this sifccurfc bp the map of argument, left on tbeonefpsr, men of goes learnpng ans msgement, ana on tbe other fpse, fucbe as are (fatuous to flnse occaflons of guard* Ipng mother mens uj^ptpnges 5 (IjouloeiuDge us to be fo untuf* crere,ltgbilpfogeuecreDuetaeucrp tale, not being confimant to rcafon : buc oftbefojeeans great uiolenceoftbofefrclbema* ters,U)Ijicbe repulfpng tbe fea, make fo great a gu!fe(as me baue fapbe) 31 tbpnhe tbe caufe thereof to be tbe great multituse of flocssansriucrs,mbicbebepnggeatberestogeatber, make fa greatapoole, anbnotoncrpuer,astbep fuppofe ♦ Sins fo?af« much as tbe moimtames are ejcceestng Ijigb ans (f eepe,31 tljtnhc tbe utofence of tbe fall oftbe maters to be of fucbe fo?ce, tljat tbt's conflict betmeene tbe maters, is caufeb bp tbimpulflonoftbe poole, that tbe fait mater can not enter into tbe gulfe* But here perhaps fomempUmarucple at me, mbp 31 fbouls marueple fa muebebereat, fpeakpngonto me fcojnefullp, after this manner: siuistng Jfraunce, 0 ermanie,ans ipatmo* nie,ffom 3Italie,lpingat the backetberof, as itmerebulmarkes agger, (till of mopflure, ansmitbalongtraetereceiupng Thu mm, mitb innumerable other great rpuers, falletbinto tbe fea ^sjiatike* Zbt Ipke ts alfo to be bnserlf oose of tbe other . Buc tbefe rpuers (as our men mere enfottrrncs bp the kpnges) fall Into the ®cean fea mitlj larger ons fuller cbamtelsneere banse, 3 $ iu ops r > The feconde Decade. Cfjermicc 2Upijeu0* t&emoun SAi«P0» amb feme there arc bj^icbc atone tljiss lanbe to beberp large tn other places, although it be but narome here* ^brre commetb alfotampremembjaunce another caufe, the mbicbe although it be of no greatfoicc, pet bo 31 entenbe to m?pte it* perhaps therefore the length of thelanbe reaching farrefrom the Caff 10 the &3M,ifit be narome, map be a belpe hereunto : fo? as me teabr,that the rpuer Jlpbeus uaffet b tfootigb the bolome places « thefeaJro mthectdeof Elis m Veioponefo'm bKabetb % it die fotmtanne o i fmpn er Jrethufa tn the 3! (anb of Sicillia, ^nsccancs in fo & it polTtblc that theft mountaines map haue fuch long canes partcpnpngbntothem, that thep map be the receptacles of the mater palftng though the lanbes bepng farre biifant , anb chat the fame maters rommpng bp fo long a tracte, map in the map be greatlp encreafeo, bp the conuerOon of a pje into mater, as mehaue Tapbe. &bus much haue 31 fpoben freelp, permitting both to them mhicb bofttnblp interpjete other mens boopngs, anb alfo to the malicious fco?ners,to take the thing euen as them IpOelh, fo? hptherto 31 can make no further Declaration hereof, but mhen the trueth fibalbe better fmomcn,31 mil bo mp btligence to commit the fame to m?ptpng* J$ome tberfoje, fo^afmucbas me haue fpofcen thus mticbe of the tyeawb of this ianbe, me m tenbe to befertbe the length anb fouvme of the fame. * ■;>•#'>.* * . t \ » « . . .».*»,* , * y . . I . • * f % •» •/ •; .. />}.'. •.*& ’’i i ' • . , * i The tenth booke of the feconde Decade, of the luppofed continent* Cfje length antifojnieof tjj£ 3ilanD, =jrf ©at lanbe reachetb foojtb into the fta, citcn as both 3ltalp, although not Iphe the legge ofa man,asitboth* 35utnome 31 compare apigmeano? abmaife, toadotanc: fo? that part thereof mijtcbetbe ^panparbes haue ouer runne, from the fapb Caff popnt mljich reachetb tomarbethe fea^tlamrbe, (theenbe not bepng pet founbe tomarbe the £2M)tsmo?e then epghc tpmes longer then Sltaltc; 3nb bpmhat rcafonj am mo* ueb to fap epght tpmes,pour bolpncife (hall bnberftanbe. dfrom the tpme therefore that 3 fp?ife betermtneb to obepe ihep? re* rptefles> mho mpUebrine fpjll tu pour name to m?pte theft tbpnges The feconde Decade. #5 tbfage£ fa the la(fae tongue 3 3iito enoettour tWaUhfagsf ntp$t come foojtbtottb sue trpal ano experience tfabemipon Sl wpa^etJtothe^ifljopof^w^w, bepng tfeecljeefe refuge of tljts nautgatton toe ttcre tljerfoje leeretelp togeatber in one tbamber^e haomanpmdrttments patterning to tljefe affaire^ ass g1obcs3f,ano ma«p oftljofe mapa-tobtd;eare commonlp calico of tbe (fapmano caroe^ojcarDes aftlje fea . ©f tlje mfacMne iuas o^aUJenbp tbepo?tugale 05 tol)ermito v iww«j Vcfputius is fatp ^r^car&cof eo bane put to bis'ljanoe, bepng a man jmoft expert tH «bt2 fa? | l " f ^ t c “ 8 0> cuU:e 3 ano a jnenenune Do^nc,u*i}o aifo bnoer clje dtpenbe ofdje pojtugale^to fapleo totoaroetlje ^>outb pole manp&egrceg oftfaslanbe to bo faooer djen ti;e fcpngep of Vraba J)^ per- fuiaDeo our men of tbepj mountapnes. 1£o auatbro, ^/o«w dje c&ecarbeof $oimraI 5 uifalc bepetlpuetj, ano Cearcljco tljofe’placcg 5 bab ge= coionns. ueu tbe beginning ttittbfasoume banbes : tobficunto ianUi^ meuf Coknus fas faotber ano Lieuetenatmtljababoeo Jfoiuog# roent 3 ffahe alfobaofapleoaboutfbofeicoailc^, C>f ei;e ^yanp? aroe^lpkcujpfo, ags manp as; thought them fclties to fame anpe knoboteoge tobat partepneoto meafure tbe lano v Hlje fea 5 D>eU)e certapne catoeg tn parefanentag eoncerttpng thefe nautgactons. £Df all otljer, tbep moffteftcemetbem mfaclje Ichamies de U f 0 ij Junes tie oj]4 d)z companion oHogedt (rdjont Uiefappe.to be dapne of tbe people of Caramairi tn tbebatten of Carthago) ano anadjfer ec- percppfocecalleo/M^mrMo^/^baofet fo^tfa Qua tfag of C&efartrc0f &ita?eas mo* tmm toereafmeiknotoen ap djeebambet^ oft^ oUine Ijctt^ Uit ** feo)asalfodjatfaeptefetbottgbtip be timmngec in tbat parc of Cofmograpbte^btcb teacbfetbtbe pifcripttanonti meafunng of dje (ea.Canfemug rberfee at tbefe faroes togcatbcr 3 tn euerp ot tbe ffifacbe tons tnaujen aipiTC 3 erp?effrog nactlje mple^but league^afterdje maner of tbe^anpasbe^iue tookeour conv= nwner0 f mearuriJigtpe * bptbtparalellfes gitesfardjortoUJarDctbe 5&£i (infa'chc tbep ; b<^ue noiuc a!£b fercdjrtr oueaerpfpbe) |p]rfmfai|gi?!gee Je jg^ta-^c jft tnf * * ' v**r+ entrance The fecondc Decade* ~ entmmccofibe rtucr Maragnonum ; anti from thence to Os Dr a* mi; Jeuen bunojeo leagues, but fomtobat leffe Dp the otfcription of fame, foj tbep ooo not agree fit a! popntes ejcqutlrtelp* ®be ltmt * ^panparooJyupLttoajeagae contcpnefoure triples Dp fea 3 ano but tfyee Dp la ifie. fFr om Os. panparosbaue appopnteotbepj b# bttatton 3 onlp.]cpp(ii.league0. rom tbe rpuer of Vraba tn tbe pjo* wince of leagues* Jperebpmappougeathertohat is the length of this lanDe,bttc of the b?eaotb, perhaps toe (hal here* after baue further knotoleDge* let 1)0 notoe fpeake fometohat of the bartette of the Degrees of the eleuationoftljepoleffarres* ^eeirwatio* ^htolantie therefore, although ft reache foo?tb from the Call oudipoic. into the Sftlelf, pec is it crookeo, aito hath the popnt benbpng fo totoaroethe^outh, that ttloofetb the fpghtoftbe jfto?(b pole, ano is ertenoeo beponoe the equinoctial Ipne feuen Degrees to* toatoetbe&outb pole: but the popnt hereof, partepneth to the iurifoietton of the I$o?tugale 0 ,a 0 toe haue fapbe* leauing timr&icti* this popnt,nno faplpng totoaroe Tam, the jfto?tb llarre is feene ^ojtugau** againe,^ is fo much the mo?e Itfteo bp, in hoto much the region eucUneth mo?etotoatDetbe&[M* 3rbe§>panparbestberfo?e baue Diuers Degrees of eleuations , bntpll thep come to Pariena, being tbep? cheefe nation ano btoelling place in thofe lanDes: fo? thep haue fo?faken Zeragua, inhere thep founoe the jfto?tb pole eleuatetouuDegrees,but from hence, the lanD Doth fo much beno totoarbe the jfto?tb, that it is there in manner equal toitb the De- grees of the tfrapgbtes of Hercules pplferjat , efpeciaKppftoe meafure certaine lanDes foitnoe hp them totoaro the jfto?tb fpbe 0 * of B ifpamold&mm# the tobich there is an JlanD about cb?ec.C. attD.pcb. league 3 fro Hifpmola , a 0 thep fap tobich baue fearcheo the fame,nameo mu jj Ut on jp berdcjS ano balnea But our bnfo?tunate &panparos, tolncbe foloineo isikuefa to mbabtte Beragua, inoulo baue eSee* meo barnes $ berries fo? great oelicates. ?J4. jfetoe mere flapne of tbinljabi* tauntes, but tbe refpbue confumeb bp famine, b?eatljcb out tbep?merpfouIes 3 openpngaiuaptotbcncme lanbes fo? fuebe as fljal come after f bem 3 appeafpng tbe ftirp of tlje barbarous na> tions, mitb tbe p?ice of tljep? iifooD ♦ Confpberpng tberfo?c, after j^ote, tbefe flojmes, mitb mljat cafe otljer men fljall ouerrunne anb in* babicc tbefe lanbes, in rcfpect to tlje calamities that tbefe men ijaue fuffereb, tljep fljall feeme to goe to b?poe featf es,mijere all > - tljpnges are rebp pjeparcb agapntf tljep? ccmmpng, Vut mljere ariaa ;: (Petrus Jrias arrpueb mitlj tlje kpnges nau(e anb neme fupplp of mjo ^ men, to this boure 31 tome no ccrtamie* SxLtfjatOjal cijaunce S £ c ^ al1 beareafter. 31 mpl mabe biligcm inquifition, i f 3i fljal bnberlfanb Ibis to be acceptable to pour Ijolpnes . €ljus ,3i bpb pou faremcl: from tlje courte of tlje moflCatbplpkebpng, tljeoapc befmetbs nones of December, in tbe pecre of Clj^ifl* 1514* mpttfiviu ties bpiibes U*mie 0 Thethyrde decade n dam itt fcjje hn’tbotft tnffttmtcntes of 3Iron, tmtb cercapne f&arpe ffonefi (Umorjivon, toljtc&e tbep fpnbe tn tbe rpuers. Cbuo Vafcbus, leaupitg all tbpnges tn fafetie bebinbe bpm, marcbeb fo?marbe tomb Ijtjaf at:* mtetotoarDtljemountatnes, bp tbe canoucc of certatne gutocs anb labourer tubicb foncha bab geuen bim,afu)el to leabe bpm the toap,as alfo to carp bis baggages, anb open tbe ilrapgljtetf though tbeoefolate places anb craggierockes M oftbebemtej* of toplbe bealtes: fo? there is felbome anp entercourfe ofbuptng ano fellpng bettoeene tljefe nabeb people, becaufe tljep ftanbe in neeoe offetne tbpnges,anb Ijaue not tbe bfe of tnonep : but pf at anp tpmetbep ejcerctfe anp barterpng, tbep boo tt butneere banbe,e]ccbangpng golbe fo? boutbolb ftufft,to)ttb their confines, toljtcb fomtobat eftetne p (ante fo? ornament Uiljen it ts brought, ©tberfuperfiutciestbep btterlpcontemne, asbpnberaunces of tbep? ftneete libertte, fo?afimtche as tbep are geuen onlp to plap anb iblenes. 8no fo? this caufe § btgb toapes tobteb Ipe betUJtnc tbep? regions, are not mticbe tno?ne tnttb manpe ioutnepes, pec baue tbep? fcoutes certapne p?tuic markes,toberbp tbepfcnoSne tbe toap tbe one to tmtabe tbe others Dominions, anb fpople anb infeft them felues on both fpbe* tottb mutual incurfions p?iutlp intbenpgbc feafom^ptbebelpe therefore oftbep?gutbes anb Iabo?ers,U3itb our Carpenters, be palfeb ouer tbe bo?rible mourn eapnes, anb manp great rpuers Iping tn tbeU)ap,ouer tbe tobicb be mabe b?pbges, either toitb pples o? trunks of trees, $nb here boo 31 let pane manp tbpnges mbicbe tbep fuffereb fo? lacfce of neceflarieSjbctng alfo in maner ouercome tottb extreme labour, left 3ifi)ouloebe tebtottsin rebearfing tljinges offmall balue. 35ut 31 baue thought it goob not to ompt fuebe boopnges as be bab tab the kpnges bp the toap. ‘£berefo?eo?euer be cameta tbetoppesoftbebigbmountapnes, be entreb tnto a regioncafc cfjertgtott of teb Ojuarequa^ttii mette tottb tbe king thereof called bp the fame auarequa* name, Uiitlj a great banoe of men armeb after tbep? manner, as tab boines anb arrotoes, long anb b?obe tta banbeb fnjoo?oes maoe of U)oob,!ong ftattes harbeneb at the enbes botch fp?e,barresalfoano flpnges. i[)e came p?cubelp anb cruellpe agapnftourmen, anb fent meflengers to them to bpbbe them ftanbe anb p?oceebe no further, bemaunbpng mbptber tbep tant, anb robot tbep bob to boo tljete ipevetab bo came fooKb Carpenters, ^JPbge0« * The thyrde decade JJ fbo$j an& {bemeDbpmfeife, bepng apparelleD tottfj al nai bilttte, but tbe other lucre al nakeD ♦ Cben app?ocbing tomaroc our mettle tb?eatneo cbe, mttb a Lions countenance, to Depart from tbence,ejtcept tbep luouloe be flapneeucrp mothers fonne. 2^U)cn cur men DenpeD that tbep mculoe goe backe, be affaplen them fiercelp, but the battaple mas foone finilbeD : fo? afloone ajstbep bearoetbenopfeoftbe fjargabudes, tbep beleeueotbat to nllbt. our men carpeD f bunoer anD Ipgbtnpng about mitb them. ^argabufas, npalfo bepng flapne anD fo?e mounDeo mitb quarrels of croffc* crofie&otoc* bomes 3 tbep turneo tbep? backer anD fteDbe* £Dur men fdotoing them in tlje chafe, bemeo them in peeces, as tbe butchers doo flelbe in tbe fljambles, from one an arme,from another a legge, from bpm a buttocke, from another a Ojotiloer, anD from fome tbe necbe front tbe boope at one ifrobe. 3Dbus, fprebunD?cD ofui.c^arbar^ tbem,mtth tbep? kpng, mere Bapne Ipke b^utte beades* Vafchus alu? founDetbeboufeoftbiS kpng infecteomttb mode abominable anD unnatural! lecberp: fo? be fotinoe tbe kpngcs brother, anD manp other pottng men in moment apparell, fmootbe anD effe- minatelp DeckeD, mhicbe bp tbe report offucbe as; Diudt about bpm,be abufcomitb p?epodecous benus * ffif tbefe about tbe number of fourtte, be commaunDeo to begeuen fa? a p?ap to bfe Doggesifo? (a;smebauefapD)tbe^>panpai*Des;bfetbebdpcof^ bftof D ogges in them marres accam id tbe naltcD ncoule* mborntbep boggeo mt&t inuaoe as dercelp anD rauenpngip, as pf tbep mere milDebo?es {S; ft e§ apn ® o? ©artes : infoiuttcbe that our ^panparoesbauefounDc tbep? olarbaiiana. Dogger no ieffe faptljfui to tbern in al Dangers anD enterp?ifes, then DpD tbe Colophonians o? Cadabalences, mbicbe uidituteo mbole armies of bogges 3 fo maDe to feme in tbe marres,tbat be* png accudotneo to place them in the fo?efronte of tbe bat- taples, tl/ep neuer lb?onkeo? gaue backe* (EOben tbe people baD trcD of Ijearoe of tbe feuere punplbment mhicbe our men bao cjtccit* m upon that fpltbpkpnDeof men, tbcprefo?teDtotbemasit baD ben to Hercules fo? refuge,bp uioiettce btpngpng mttb tbetn allfuebrastbep knemetobetnfecteDmitbtbatpedilence, fppc* tpng in tbep? faces, anD crping out to our men to take reuenge oftljem, anD rpDDe them out of tbe mo?lDefcom among men, as contagious brades ♦ SE&fs dpnkpng abomination bam not pet entreo among tlje people 3 but mas epemfeo onlpe bp 3 toenlbeal men tuere of $10 opinion. 3Tlie trarwert is 8teat,aitt) t(jt Ujooiftemeu fentfeto*. ^arlphetJto^ P lt> coliJcr* % region of StlacMejil^oDjes ^ifeafes of djangeofapie ano Opet* . Z§c fou$ fta. Thetfi yrdc DecaJe. bp the noblemen attb gentlemen* But the people Ipftpng bp tbcp? banner 9 epes totuaro heatten, gaue tokens that 0 ooo)ag greeuouflpoffenDeotmth fuclje Uple oeeoes, afFppnpngthiSto be the caufe ofthep? fo manp thunDerpnges,lpgbtttpng,ano tern* pelfes, toherefcrith thep are fo often troubleb, anoofcheoucc* ftotopng of boaters UJbtcl; o^obonethepi lets ano fames, thereof fampne ano timers oiieafes enfue, as tbep fpmplp ano faptbfuflp beleue, although thepknouie none other 0 £DD then cbefutme, toljomonlpthep honour, thinkpng that it 00th bothgcue ano takeatnap,as it is pleafeo o; offenoeo : get are ftjep oerp 00 cU ble , ano ealle to be allureo to our cuffomesanD religion, if thep haoanp teacher* 3 In thepj language there is nothpngbnplea* fattnttotbeeare,oiharDetobe ptonounceo, but that all thep? Uioo^dcs map be unpcten toftlj lacme letters, as toefapoe of the mhabtcattntes of HifpamoU , 3 [t is a nmlpke nation, ano hath beneuer hptbertomoleftousto tbep?bogererst but the region ts not fortunate Uritb frmccful grounoe,o? plentie ofgoloe . gee is it full of great barren motmtapnes, bepng fometobat coloe bp reafonofthetr height, ano therefore the noble men ano gentle** menareapparelleo, but the common people Ituc content on!p toith the benefices of nature. Wym tsa region notpalf etna oapes iournep oillant from 2 uarequa,in tohtche tbep founoe on* Ip blacke Sgoojes, ano thofe erceeopng fierce ano cruel « ^£bep fuppofe that tntpme pad certapne blacke spools fapleothp* thermit of Ethiopia to robbe, ano that bp (bppimacke 0? fome other chatmce, thep luerc ojpuen to thofe mountapnes. &lje in* habttaunts of ' Ipft bp thepr baetes, anotobeholoethe lanoe euen ttome bnoer thepr feete, ano the fea before tbepr epes, mbtche fijouloe bee bnto them a full ano lull remaroe of thepr great laboures ano tra- ttaples notoe ouerpalfeo . flCtb en he bao fapoe thefe mooiDes, he commatmoeo them to ratfe certaine beapes of Oones,in the fteoe of alters, foratokenofpo(Te(Kon* Chep oefeenopng from the toppes of the mountapnes, lead fuebe as mpght come after bpm (houloe argue hpm of Ipt'ng or falfboco, be mrote the kpng of Calfels name here ano there, on barkes of the trees,both on the tpgbt hanoe ano on the left, ano rapfeo beapes of (tones all the map that he ment, bntpllhe came to the region of the nett kpng tomaroe the fouth, mbofe name mas chi apes . Fiji's kpng came foorth agapnO h?mmtth a great multituoe of men, tli?eatnpng ©i ano HiitS € 0 iapiO. U Oattaplr . tffjlapesia bji# wen to flpgfjt. 10arctjit0 fen* betpfoiftimg ClJiapeo* it (Tjouloe turne to tbeoeflructionofbpmano bis, ano otter fubuertfon of bis countrep. $no that tbep mpgbt tbe mo?eafliireDlp do tbiS mef* fage to cbiapes, be fent mttb tbem certapne of tbe gtu'oes mbicbe came mttb bpm from Quarequa . chiapesybepn# perfua- oeoafmellbptbe£Qttarequans 5 mbocouloe coniectureto mbac eno tbe matter mouloe come , bp tberpertencc mbicbe tbep bao feeitetn tbem felues ano tbep? bpng,as alfo bp tbe reafons of bis ornne men , to m bom Vafcbus bao maoe fuebe frenolp p?o* mifes m bis bebalfe, came foo?tb of tbe cauesintbe mbicbe be lurk:o , ano fubmttteo tymtilk to Vafcbus, mboaccepteobpm frenolp . ^bep topneo banoes, emb?aceo tbe one tbe other, maoe a perpetuall league offrenoflup, ano gaue great remaroes onbotb fpoes ♦ cbiapes gaue Vafcbus foure buno?eo peunoes mepgbt of m?cugbt goloe, of tbofe pounoes mbicbe tbep call (Pefes, ano Vafcbus recompenceo bpm agapne mttb certapne ofourtbpnges. ^Dbttsbepngmaoe frenoes, tbep remapneo to* geatljer a feme Dapcs,ontpIl Vafcbus fouloiers mere come , mb* s rije Ije left bebpnoe l;pm in Quarequa* ^b$n callpng onto bpm The thyrde Decade. pg the gttpoes ano labourers mljtcbe came mttlj hpm from thence, he remaroeo tljcm liberally ami olfmtfleo them mttbtbankes. j3>bo?tlp after, bp the contact of cbiapes bpmfelfe, anocer* tapne ofljtjs menoeparrpngfrom tbetoppes of the moumapnes, hecamemthefpaceof foure oapes to the banker of the neme fea : mberc aflemblpng al fjts men togeatljer, mfth the kpnge# feribes ano notaries tbep aooteteo all that mapne fea urith all the lanoes aotacent thereunto, to the Dominion ano empire of Calf tie . ©ere ho left part of his foulotenas mt'th c biapes, that he rnpgljt the eafeltcr fearch thofe coalfes* 0no takpng iuith hpni mene ofthep?ipghtersmaoe of one mijo!etree(mhtche tljcp call Culcbas ) as tljinbabtfantes tfiHifpmola ca! them Canons ) (j alfo a banoe of fourefco?e men, mttlj certepnc of c biapes mcn,lje palfeo oner a great rtuetymo came to the regfo ofa certeme king , mijofe name tua^ Coquem . ©e attempteo to refpft our men as opo the other, anom!thlpkefucceffe:fo?hemas ouercome ano put to fltght.But VafcbusMjo entenoeo to urinne him urith gentelnes, fentcertepneCbtapeanstohpm 3 to Declare the great pomer of our men , home tnutnctble thep mere, bomememfuil to fuch as fubmtttbemfcIues,alfocruen anofeuere to fuch as obUmatlp fcmthlfano them: $?omifprtg hpm ftirtbermo?e,that bp the freno* fttp of our men, he mtgbt be mel aflureo bp thejrample of other, not onlp to lute tn peace ano qtu'etnest hpm felfe,buc alfo to be re* ttengeo of the tmurtes ofljtjat enfories: ftBpHpng hpm m conclu* fion fo to Uietgh the matter,that pf he refufeo this gcmlenes p?o- fereo bnto hpm bp fo great am'ctourer^e tijoulo o? tt mere long learne bp feeIpng,to repent hpm to late of that perpll mhtebe he mpghthaue auopoeo bp hearpngXo^MUritb chefe mc?oes ano epampleg, (baken Urith great feare, came glaolp urith the mefc fengers, bjpngpng Urith btm .650. fefos ofm?ought goloe, mhtche he gaueonto cur men* Vafcbus remaroeo hpm ItkeUrife, as me fapo before of Toncha . Coquera bepng thus pactfico, thep returneo to the pallace ofc^/4pcj,mhere,btfttpng thep? compa* mons,ano relfpngthereamhple, Vafcbus oetermtneo to fearch the nejrt great gulfe, the mhtche, from the fitrthelf reachpng thereof tmo the lanoe of thep? countrpes, from the enteraunce minted of the mapne fea, thep fap to be tb?eefco?e tuples. Cfjts then naiwo faint prf;aete gulfe, Uiljidje tin p fay to be full of tm «? © it Ijabiteo $Tlj e manlp corage ant) goDlpjealcof giprfjca are tlje ftmetuegf t toacre <3Ttje fapttjful# lies offtmig cus thought bpm felfe bappie that be baa p?efencea our men mirb fuel; tljankefuil gpftes, anc mas aamltteata tbep?.frencfl)pp: ana our men tbinkpng them fclucs bappie ana bleflea that tijep baa faunae fucb tokens of great rpebes, fmalomcc comae tbep? fpptcle fo?cbp?d . 8t all tbefe aootnges , kpng cbiapes mas p?e- fent,as a mpmcsanc companion ♦ Spe alio reiopcea not a l* tie, aftnell tbat bpbts conauctpng be fame that our men fijotiloe bee fatif&ec of tijep? aefp?e, as alfo that bp this meanesbebac ce* darecio the ned kpng bis bo?ceree ana enimte, mb at frences be baa of our men, bp mbofe apaelje mpgbt Ipue in qutecnes, ana be retiengccofijis aauerfarie, ifneecelboulae fo requp?e. Jfa? ( as toe baue fapee) tbefe nakea kpnges infed them, felues mitb greeuous marres, onelp fa? ambition ana aefp?e to rule. Vajcbus boded; tnljiscpidle, that be learned certapne mar ue* lousfecretcsof rumaccus bpm felfe, as concerning the great rpebes of cbis lanae, mi;erof (as be faptb)be mould bttcr notbpng at this p?cfenc, fo?afmucbe as Tunuccus tolae it bpm tn bts care ♦ But be teas enfourmea ot bod; dje kpnges,tl;ac there is an 3Ilance The thyrde Decade. I0O 3Ilanne m tfaat gulfe , greater then attp of tfae other 3 faaupng in tt but onelp one hpng , anb bpm of fo great poboer 3 tfaat ac fticbe % ofsre J tprnes of tbe pecre as the fea in calnte 3 be tntiabetb tbep? bomi* vomu 1 moms UJttO a great name of Cw/c^ipoplpng ano cartpng aboap fo?ap?apeail that fae meetetb * ^bbs 3Ilanoe ts biftanc from tfaefecoaftes, onlptboenttemples: &o that tlje p?omonto?tes o? popntes thereof, reaefapng tnto the fea, map be fecne from tfae IjpUesofthts comment . 3ln tbe fca neere about tfacs 3jfanbe 3 fea mufcles are cngenb?eb 3 of fuel; guantttte, that manp of them are as b?obe as bucklers. 3ln thefe are pearler founbe(bepng tbefaartesoftbofclfa cll fpftfaes)oftcmpmes ass bpgge as! beanes, fomtpmes bpggertben ©fames, anb fuebe a s fumptuous cleopa- tra mpgfat baue ncfp?eb«3Itbougb thts 3i!anbe be fo neere to reroute* tbeff;o?eoftbtSfirmeianbe 3 pet ts tbe begpnnpng thereof ut f I ^ r r I^”J , 1 {J tbemapnefca, boitfaouc tbe mouth of tbe gulfe. Vafchus bepngn. ^uremic topfulanbmerp imtb tbferpc!)commumcatton,fantafp!ignome tn matter nothing but punces treafures,begannc to fpeake fierce monep, c anb cruel! booo?bcs agatnff the tp?ant of that 3ilanbe, meanpng facrcbptonjpnnetfae mpnbes of the other kpnges, anb bpube them to bpm bottfa a neerer bonbe of frenbefbpp . get therefore raplpng further on bpm botch fpptefufi anb app?ob?totts iuoo?Ds 3 be fboo?e great otfaes, that be booulbe fo?tbbuttbmuabetfae3[* Ianbe,fpoplpng,be(froptng, burnpng, b?obonpng, anb bang* png, fparpng neptber ftuoo?be no? fp?e , bntpll be (tab re* uengeo tfaep? tmttnes : anb thereim'tb ccmmaunbeb fats Culchas to be m a rebpnesf. 15ut the ttoo km$z%chiapes anb Tumaccus, ejcbo?eeb bpm frenblp to beferre tfats entcrppfe, Until a mo?e qui* et feafon,bpcaufe tfaat fea boas no? nautgabie boitfaout great ban- ger, bepng notue tbe begpnnpng of jftouember: therein tfae kpnges feemrb to {ape true . W 0 ? as Vafibus bpm felfe bo?ptetfa 3 great ro?tng of tfac fea boas faearb among the 3!!aitbs of tbe gulfe, bpreafonoftberagpnganb confltctoftfaeboater. ®reat rpuers a!fo,befcenbpngfromtbetoppes of tbe meumapnes the fame cpme of tfae peere, anb ouerffobopng tbep? bankes, b?mtpng bourne Uifclj tbep? Utolcnce great roches anb trees, make a mar* ueplous nopfe. Itkeboife tbe furte oftfae^outfa anb jl3o?theaft lnpnbes, alTociate uittfa tfaunber ano Ipgfatnpng ac tfae fame fea* fon 3 bpD greatip moled tfaent ♦ ^Kfaple tbe boetfaer boas fap?e 3 © tut then The thyr de Decade. tfjep tee bejeeo incljc ttigljt mitb coloe, ano in tlje nap tpme t&e beat of tb e (bonne troubieo tljem, mljercf it ts no maroeple, fo^ • afntuclje as tljep mere neere bnto tlje equinoctial line, although tljep make no mention of tlje eleuatton of tlje po!e,foj in fuelje re* gions, in tlje npgljt tlje Sgoone ano otljer coloe pianettes, Imc intbeonp tlje ^bonne ano otljer botte pianettes, Ooo cljeefelp ejcercpfe tljepj influence, altljougb tlje antiquitte lucre of an otljer opinion, fttppofpng tlje equinoctial! circle to bee bnba« table ano ocfclate, bp reafon of tlje Ijeate of tlje ^>onne,(jaupng biscouifeperpenotculerip oj otrectlp oner tlje fame, except a feme of tlje ccntrarp opinion, mljofe aflferctons tlje ipojtugales Ijaue at tbefe capes bp experience pjouen to be true: fojtljep faple pecrclp to tljinljabitames of tlje fowlj pole, bepng in ntaner jntpodes to tlje people calico Hyperborei bnoer tlje jftojtlj pole, ano exercife marcljaunOt^e mitlj tljcm. $nO Ijere ijaue 31 nameo Jntipodes , fcjafmuclje as 31 am not ignorant tljat tljere Ijatlj ben men offlnguletmitteano great leantpng, mijtclje ijaue oenpeo that tljere is Antipodes , tljat is,fuclje as inalkc feete tofeete ♦ H5uc it is mol! ccrtaine, tljat tt is not geuen to anp one man to knolue ailtljpnges, fojeuen tljep alfo mere men, mijofep^opertre is to erre, ano be occetueo in manp tbpnges ♦ J3atertljelefic,tlje po?* tugales of our tpme, Ijaue fapleo to tlj e fpue and fpftie D egree of bomtbe foatlj tlje foutfj pole: mtj eve, compaflpng about tbe popnt tljerof, tfjep vo\i mpgljtfcctbjougljout all tlje Ijeauen about tlje fame, certepne fljpnupng mijpte clounes Ijere ano tljere among tlje flarres, Ipke Onto tljem mljiclj are feene in tlje tract of Ijeauen calico Latte a Vu, tljat is, tlje mplke mijpte map^bcp Cap>tfjere is no notable tore neare about tljat pole, Ipkebnto tins of cures, mljtcij tlje common people tfjpnkc to be tlje pole of it felfe (called of tlje &fimitttufceOe*, 7|fa!tanS Tramontana, antJ oftljC^panparOCS Kcrtes ) but tljat pSf dn u tlje fame falletlj bcneatlj tlje Ocean. cBlje tlje ^onne oefeenoet lj fromtljempooefloftljeertltreecftlje mojloefront bs, it rpfetlj to tl;em, as a papje of baliances, mljofe Uicpgljt endinpng from tlje equali papfe in tlje mpooclf tomaroe eptber of tlje fpoes, caufetlj tlje one cnoe to rpfe as mudj as tlje otljer falletlj ♦ H&ljen tljerfoje tt is autumne mttlj bs,tt is fpjing tpme mitlj tljem, ano fommer mitlj bs, mljen it is mpnter mitlj tljem ♦ tBut it fufflfetb to Ijaue fapoe tljus much of flrange matters* JLct bs nome tljere* foje The thyrde decade* foje return to tlje ljiffojte 5 ano to our nteii- The fecondebookeofthc thyrde Decade* xoi ij A febus bp tljaoutce ofktng Cbiapes atto T H' wwa#j,Determmeoto oeferre bts bopage to tljefapDe3!lanDe 5 bntplltlje nejee fpjpng oj fommer 3 atmbtrfj tym^ebupes offeree bun felfe to accompanp our men, ano apoc them tljertn al that be mpgljt • 3[n tljts meane tymiVafchus Ijao bnomleege tljat tbefe hpngesljaonettesanD fpfibpng places tn certepne Nations of ^matter of that fea ncare Onto tbe fijoje mljere tljcp mete accuHomeo to fpflje of fpfljpng fo* fo? feamufcles, m tbe mljtcb pearles are engentyeD, ano djat pcavl5S * fojdjispurpofe djep bao certepne opuers o t fpftfjers 5 ejcemfeo from tljep? poutlj m fmtmmpnglmoer tbe mater. But tljep boo tin's onelp at certetnetpmes mljen tbe fea ts calme, that tljep map tlje eafiier come to p place toiiere tbefe fbcl ftdjcs are mant to ipe: fo? tlje bpgger tljat tljep arc/o mud) Ipe tljep tbe beeper $ neerer to p boctome: but tbe leffer, as tt mere Daughters to tijodjer., are neerer tlje b?tmme of tbe mater: Itkcmtfe tbe lead of al,as it mere their mefes,are pet neerer to tlje fuperfictal part tljcrcf. (£o tljem of tlje bpggelt Con mljtdje Ipe lomeff, tbe fpfiljers oefeenoe tlje Depth of tbjec mens bepgbt,ano fomtpme fcure 5 but to tlje uauglj* ters o? m'efes,as tljetr fucceiffon , tljep befeenbe oalp to tlje tnpDDe tbpgfp&onttmtes alfo 3 after that tbe fea Ijatb ben DtfquieteD mtdj bebememtempeHes 5 tljepfpnbea great muldtuoe of tbefe ffljes on tlje Cannes, bepng ojpuen to tlje fl;o?e bp tlje m'olencc of tlje mater . pearles of tbefe, mijtdj arefounbe on tlje faube, are but Iptle, tlje fpOje it felfe, ts moje pleafaum m eatpngiljen are our opfiers,as our men report: 'But perljaps banger, tbe fmeete faufeof all raeates, caufeo our men fo to djpnke * ^Ijetljer pearles be t bejjartea of fea mufcles (as 3rtffcde fitppfeb) o? tbe bvnb o? fnamne oftbeir t ntrals (as flmk thought) or mije* tljer tbep deatie conttnuallp to tlje rockes, o? manner bp compa* m'es in tbefea bp tlje gupm'ng of tlje eioeft , mbetljer euerp fpfthe b?png foo?th one pearle oj mo?c 5 at one bpjtlj, o? at opuers : alfa ‘ w mbetljer t^mus Itrtes. Stanton anti fupcrftaous plenUiu^, <£fjc fpftpng place of Itpsitj C0t»ipes. The thyrde decade* faj^ecljer t&cp tie fplenfrom rocked toberunto fhep cleaue, oi map be eafelp pullet* atoap ,oj ocljcr^upfc fall ofbp them feluei tobentbep arc come to tbep? full groutb : JLpheujple ui&ct&ec pearlesbe baroetoitbin the fl;el,o? foft, our men baue am pet no cercapne experience, but 31 trud o?it be long to knotoetbe trueeb hereof: fo? our men are euen notoe in bano tnitbtbe matter ♦ ^ifo 3 as foottc as? 31 d;aii be aouertifeo of the arpuall of Tetrus Jriastl)t captapneof our men, 3 topH oedte bpm bpmp letters to make oiligent fearcbfo? tbefetbpnges, am certifieme tberof inallpopntes. Slknotoe that betopll not be flackc o ) omit anp tbpng herein , fo? he is mp Jjerpe freenoe , ano one that taketb great pleafure in condoerpng the tooikes of nature* Slno furdp tt feemetbbnto me imoecent , that toe Ibouloc toith (Hence ouerflppfo great a tbpng, tobicb aftoel in the oloe tpme,a 2 i in our oapes , hath ano pet Doth 5 o?atoe both men ano toomento thetmmooerateoedreof fuperduous plea- fure. &papne tberfo?e (halbe able hereafter toith pearler to fattffiethegreeop appetpte of fuch ajs in toanton pleafurcs are Ipkebnto Cleopatra amjfopua ^o that from bencefoojtb toe djaflneptberenuteno? retterence the nice frm'tefulnede of stoi* dum, o? Taprobana , o? the reo fea. 115 ut let bs notoreturne to our purpofe. Vafchus therfo^e oetermt'neo toith the fplhers of cbia* per, to p?oue to!;at mpght be ooone in his filhe pooles o? datt'ong offeamufcles. chiapes to (hetoehpm felfe obeoientto/ 7 dfehus his requed , although the fea toere bopdemis, ccmmaunoeo thp?tie of bis fplhers to prepare them felues, ano to refo?t to the hlbpng places* Vafcbustint onelpdjce of hismen toith tbem 3 to beholoe them from the fea bankes , but not to commie them felues to the oaunger of the fea . ^l;e fifbpng place toag aidant from the pallaceof chiapes about tenne mples. ‘eTbop ourd not aouenture to opue to the bottome, bp reafon of the furic of the fea : get of the mufcles tobtebe Ipe hpghed, anooffucbastoereojpuentotbc fl)o?e bp the biolenceof the toater, tbep brought fpjre great faroclies in the fpace of a fetoe oapes ♦ €he pearlesof thefe toere hut Ipttle, about the bpgnclfe of fmall fptches : pet berpe fap?c ano beautifull, bp reafon that tbep toere taken netoelp cut of the fp(be,bepng petratoe* $nothattl;cp d;oulonotberepjoueo of Iping, ag concerning The thy rde decade# j q 2 ctmcet npng tlje bpgneCTc of thefe fea tmtfcteeyh^P fenfmattp of tijcm into &>papne to the kpng,faitb the pearies,tbe fpfte bepug taken out: Wz tbpnke berplp tl;at tfeere map in no place bpggee befounce* ‘Ebefe fljd fpftes therefore heptig tlju0 faunae here in ft manp placet in that Tea, rmb goto in mancr in euerp houle, Ooo argue the rpebe treafurie of naaire to he bpece in tljofe ^ vpre trra* toatfes, fojafmucfee as great rpebes bauebenfounce, as it faere furp cf nmvea in the title fpnger cf a giatmtes Ijatme. tltUbat then map fae tbpnke ofttjc faljolebance of the giaunt (foj hptherto thep haue ontpe hetme in bancc faith the confines of Vraba ) faben thep (halt haue thfaughfpe fearchec ait the coaffes anc fecretcs of che tuner partes of alt that targe lance ^ ^uc Vafcbus contenteo faith thefe fignes, anc topfull of bis goon fucceffe in thefe enter* p^pfeSjOeterminetihpanotherfaaptoretuinetobfa felofaes in ^ t gomc *D alien a, fahere alfotbep Ijauegolce tnpnes, about tenne mplcs ippnes of from the bpllage# $pe gaue therefore fyngcbiapeskmc tone-' ° aneua ’ part , anc to fotofae hpm no further, counfaptpng hpm to comt= nue fapthfut Onto the cbnftian king his fafa anc matto. ^rijus embracing the one the others iopning Ijanccs,^/^ oeparteo faith teares,ccclaring the gooc mince faljich he bo^e to cur men* Vafc :hus leaning his ficke men faith cbiapes&znt fojfaarc on his ioumep faith the reftcue,baupng alfo faith hpm fo? guices ttyee of ebupes sgarpners* ©e conuepghec his armie ouer a great riuer,mto the Dominion of a cercapne king calico Teaocha,\n ho ^ eMt ^ bepngaettertifee ofthecommpngof our men, of faljofe famous acres be bnc bcaroe muche before, faas uerp glac thereof, anc fSpf entertepnee them honoutablp , fo that fa* a token of his frencip affectiontofaarc them, he gaue Vafcbus tfaemte pouncs faetght offafatigljtgolce, after epght ounces to the pounce: alfo tfao 2S? P of Ufe hunc^ec bpgge pearles>but not fap^e,bp reafon thep lucre taken mionsct goi&* out ofthe mufcles after. thep hac ben foccen . &fter thep bac top* nec bancs, Vafcbus recompenccc himfanb certapneof our tijm- ges : Ipkcfapfe refaarcing bis guices the ferttanres of ebupes, i;e Dtfmiflec them faith contmencations to their lofa, iaing Tea . - oeba, at the ceparture of our men from bts pallace, epe not onlp appopnt them guices to conettet them in the faap, hut alfo gaue them cercapne Hanes, in the fleece ofbeatfesto carp thepjuitttt* als,b£caufe tljep fljoulc palFe though manp oefams 3 bareenanc rough The thyrde decade* cranes rm of rough mountapneg anD terrible mooDg f«I of ©gerg ami 3Ltott& jwpiDe ijcaaw. ^efentalfo one of ljte fonneg mttbtbefe flaueg, laDing them ^jpeti mitb falccD ana DjteD 0(be, $ b?eaD of tl;ofe regtong^maDe oft be rooteg of Maiziumm iucca. if)e alfo comma-unucD ijtg Tonne not to Depart from our men, bmtllje mereflicenfeo bp^/cte. Bptbepjconouctpngtberfoje, Vafcbustmz to the Dominion ofanotWbpng,mbafenamemag ?acra,Htn tel tpjant, feare« a tpiaimt* full to tbe other bpngeg btg bojoererg, and of greater pomer then anp of them ♦©itgtpjant, mbetberte mere that btg gtltte conrctence 3 fo?bt 3 mtfcbeuou! 3 acceo,pufbim fit feare that our men mouloe reuenge the fame, m that be thought bint felfe mfe* rtour to redd them, fleoat tbetr comming* Vafcbus m?ttetb, tbac ®itAt tjeate in tn tbefe regions tn tbe monetb ofjftouembcr, be mag fo?e affitc* jfommbct^ cell UJttlj great beate and mtollerable tbtrif^bp reafon that Coe of cbemoumapneg batb little mater tSnfontuche that tbep mere in Dattnger to baue periled, but that certapne of tbinbabttameg ftemeo djem of a fp?ing, mbicb mag in p fecret place of a mood, mbitber Vafcbtts mitb all fpeeDe Tent tmoquieftes-drongpoung menofbtgcompantong, mttlj tbep? goutDeg, and fucb mater Mdgo&Teaocha big men b?otigbc mitb them* SDftbtnbabi* rant cs 5 there Dttrd none Depart from tbep? companp, becaufe tbe mplD beades do Tone ituiaDenabeD meti : Jfo? in tbofe mountain itcg, anD efperiaUp tn the mooog neare Onto tbe fp?ing, tbep Tap that tbep are fomttmeg taken out of tbep? bonfes in the night, tp fart bp tupibe cept cljcp take gooD beeDe that tbe Doo?eg be mell fparoe. Sc ftal beauts. not be from rnp purpofe beere to Declare a particulcr cbaunce 3 before 31 enter anp further in djig matter* ©jep Tap tberfo?e, that the lad peeve tbe region of ftaricna mag no lefie infedeo a zpger. anD trcttbleD mitb a derfe ©ger , then mag Calidonia in tprne a feu eft ta m P a '3 U)itlj a mild Boo?e 3 anD Kemea mitb a bo?rible JLt'on . JF o? Jrotianbe. tbep affp?me that fo? tbe fpace of fpjee mljole monetbeg, there SSTT P^ 11 not one ^^ out f° mc & wcc ' Dccne : to djattt onus. ‘ led npgbtlp cptljer a ‘Z^trifockc^a spare, a Dogge, o? a fpogge, anofometpmeg euen tntbe Ijpgb mapeg oftbe bpllage : jfo? our men baue nome great bearDeg of cattapletn tbofe regiong* ctgcvflVoDei^ ^Tbep a tfMbat ^ben djig ©pgerbaombelpeg, no man jj£u. mpgbt fafelpe goe foo?tb of btg Dco?eg , becaufe fljeefpa^ red not men, pf ibee mettc ty?de mttlj them . 35ut at the lengths The thyrde Decade. 10? length, neceffitte enforces them to imtent a policie hotoe the? mpgbt be reuenged offudje bfoodtbed . gjcarcbpitg tberfo?e dt» €bus ttJC Ipgentlp her footetleppea, ano foloinpng the patlje bitjcrebp (he svtuits was boas acculfomeo in the npghtfeafon to blander out of her Detine ' Cl0t£,t,ll ‘ B (o feekeber p?ape , thep make a great trenebe o? ppc in her toalfce, couerpttg the fame lnttlj burdels, thereupon thep caffe parte of the eartb,and difpearfed the refpDne. ©be oogge ©pger test oosge tbaunceo fp?ff into this pitfall, and fe( upon the popntes of (barpe ‘raw Hakes, and fuck other engine! as mere of purpofe fpreo in the bottome of the trench. Bcpngtljusbioundco, hero?edfoterrps ameronmg or i>lp, that it grateo the bowels of fuche as haroe hpm, ano the *&**ps«. Woooocsanti mountapnes tteare about rebounded'tbe nopfe of theljojrpblecrpe. dlben tljep perceitteD that he Dias lapse faff, thep refo?teo to the trenebe, and flue hpm toith ffones, Dartees, annppkes . smith his teethe ano clawes beb?ake the darces into a thoufanne cbpppes. Bcpng pet Dean, he bias fearefb.il to all fuck as beheloe hpm : luhat then thpnke pou be Woulde hatie doone bepng alpue and loofe is ©ne M-omf x LeM [mu of ©mile, anearefret®etoF gers, as 3! bauelearneo bp report ofcbem mbiclj both fu lepneo Homage bp tbeirrattenpn&atrt alfo banolco tl)z(kptmz oftbac «pns ^a«a. flapne. £ ec ^ norne cberfoje recurne to king facra, from mbam me (jaue ntgrefleo* cTCDtben Vafcbus entreomto tbe boufes fojfaken of ?4fM,be lent meffcngers to reconcile bint, as be OaoDoone tbe other kpnges* ^ttbebrft berefufeo to come: but after tbjeampnges be came, mitbtbjee other kpnges in bis company Vafcbus m?ttetb 3 that be neuer fame a mo?e monlfru* ous $ befourmeo creature^ ano that nature Ijatb onlp geuen bpitt humane (bape 3 auoothermpfe to bee mojfe then a bjutce beaff, mitb maners acco?bpng to tbe Iiniamentes of bis boon. 5pea* bufeo* mitb mott abominable Iecberp , tbe Daughters of foure Natural hatrett bis bo?oerers 3 from inborn be ban taken them bp bio* of Die*. lence* ©f tbe fpltbp bebautour of Tacra, of bis cruelcie, ana imures ooone bp bpm 3 manp of tbe otber kpngs mane greeuous complapmes to Vafcbus, asbntoabpgb3!ut>ge 5 anotuftreuen* ger, moS bumblpbefeecbpngbpm to fee fuebetbpnges punpflb* eo 3 fojaOnucbe as tbep tooke bpm fo? a man Cent of <^oo fo? tbaepurpofe. flperebppon Vafcbus, aftnell to lnpn tbeir goon lnplles, as alfo to iberne an example of terrour tofucb as bfeo goitre &pmt8 faffl)tons 3 commaunbcb tbat this monftrous bead, inttb omoureo of the other tb?ec kpnges mbicbe mere fubtecce to bpm 3 ano of 6 ° 93 ^. ipke ambitions, iboutoebe geuen fo? a p?ap to bis fpgbtpng bogges, ano tbeir tojnecarkafes to bee burneb. ©ftbefebog* ‘grijcurccf ges mbicbe tbep bfe in tbe loarrcs , tbep tell marueplous tbpn« Sam^gatnu 5 0g : ^ 3 that tbep runuc bppon tbinljabitaunteSj naheomcn. armeb after tbeir maner , mitb noo lelfe fiercenes, then if tbep mere Upartes o?mp!beBores, if tbe&paniar&esboobut onelp popnt tomarbe tbem mitb tbep? fpngers : Slnfomucbe tbat oftentpmes tbep baue ban no neeoe to b?pue tbeir ene- mpes to flpgbc mitb fmoojbes oj arromes a but baue ooone tljC TJietByrde Decade. 104 fte fame onlp totth bogges, placed tn tljefojefroncoftbepj Bac=* taple, anti Icttpng them flpppe mttlj tbep? matclje moo?be anti pjwte token: mijereupon the barbarianst ftrpcken mttb feare, bp reafonoftlje cniell countenances of tbep? malltes, mttlj tbep? befperate bolbenelfe, ana bnaccuffonteo Ijomipng anb barkpng, bauebtfparckleb at tlje firlf onfette, anb b?ake tbep? arrap* gee it cbauncetb otljermpfe mljen tbep baue anpeonflpete agapnlf €(Jt€anibfllcg tlje Canibale^anD tlje people of Car amain : fo? tbefe are fiercer arc expert av anbrno?emarlpke men, alfofo expert archers, that tljep can c & er ®’ mode certapnelp otrecc tbep? benemous arromes agapnlf tlje bogges, mttb fuclje fcleritte a^ pf tbep mere tljttnberboltes, bp reafon mljercof, tbep fometpmes kpll manp of them. Zb tnljabt* tauntesoftljefe mouncapnes boo not keepemarremitbbomes anb arromes, but bfe onlp Macaws, tljat is,certapne long anb b?obefmoo?bcsmabeofmoob, alfo flpnges, long ppkes, anb §oo°d°, 0 barter, baroeneb at tlje enbes untbfp^e. OTjpfe kpng fact a pec Ipueb,nomancoulbeknoU3eofbpm, neptberbp fap?e meanes no?bpfomle, mbere Ijeljab tlje golbcmijtcljemasfottnbetnbtS boufe: fo? our men founbe tn Ijts temeil boufe fifete pounbes poun& mepgbt ofgoloe^epng tljerfo?e bematmbebmljereljebab it, uj«sut otsoio* Ije aunfmereb,tljat tljep mljkb geatljereb tlje fame in tljofe mourn tapnes in Ijts fathers bapes, mere all beao, anb t'jac fence be mas a cljploe, be iteuer efieemeo golbe mo?e tljen (tones: $g)o?e tljen this tljep coulbe not geat ofljpm. % tljts feitere ptinplbrnenteiTecuteD Upon facra, V aft bus concplcb Untoljpm tbempnbes of all tlje otljer kpnges of tljat p?oumcc, anb bp tbts meanes it came topafle, tljat mijen be fent fo? tlje fpeke menmbtebebe leftbeljpnbe Ijpm mttb kpng cbiapes, another kpngmiitclje mas tn tbempbbe map, (mbofe name mao! ama ) cmertepneb tljent gentellp, anbgauetljem tmentte tijemlmns. pottnbemetgljtofpurem?ougbt golbe, befpbe great plemteof mo trittuaHcsu 3nb not tljts cnlpe, but alfo acccntpanpeb them bpm fcife, bntpli be Ijab b?ougbc them fafelpfrom fjtes palface, into the bohumon of facra , cohere takpng edje of them bp tlje rpgfjcbanbeg, be oclpuerebtbem to Vafchus bpmfelfe, as a faptljfull pleoge commttceb to bigs charge, anb there* mttlj fpake to Vafchus in tljts rffecte : 3pofre mpgbtte anb balpatutc btctcurer, befjolbCj 31 Ijeere belpucr Onto pou. The thyrde Decade. ^rfjc oiatiott P&w companions in fitche plight as 31 receiueb them t to; litmg of fcp»s that 31 bab ben afuieU able to gpae them health, a $ :')?? mere sonomama. welcome to fuche poor? entertapnemenc a* 3! mas able to (betoe them . tfor tbefaitoure anb gemelnelfe imnche 31 ?auc e&arKeof founbe both in pou anb them , be ftjali retoirbe pou tojiche ilaturMs tue tbuttberpng anb Ipghtnpng to tbe oe&ttcetoti of mpf* iau?cuj|tttcntrt cbeuousmen, anbofbisclemencpegpuetbbntogoob men plot* m«r tC0Of Iticca Maizium m Due feafon . 8s befpaketbele ttaoorbes, be Ipfteb bp bts banbes anb epee totoarse tbe ionite, tohom tbep honour as ou baue fo ouercome anb tameb toplbe mongers, tbatbie tbpnke pou to bee Cent from beauen,far the punpflhe* mentof eupllmcn,anb befence of innocences, that bnber the protection ofpourmpgbtiefmoorbe, roe mape hereafter leabe ouripuestoitboutfeare, anb batch morequictneflegeuetbankeg to the geuerofallgoob tbpnges, for bts mercie (hetneb bnto bs in thisbebalfe, £2Sben tbeinterpretoure bab tolbe Vafcbus that the kpng ftononUna bab fapbe tbefe tooorbes, anb fuebe ipfce, Vafcbus renbereb bpm Ipke thankee for bis bumamtie be< clarebtotuarbeourmen, anbrcuaarbebbpmasbebab boone o* tber in tobom be founbe Ipke gentilnelTe* Vafcbus borptetb, that be iearneb manpe tbpnges of this kpng as concernpng rfje great rpebeffe of tbefe regions, butebatbetoouloe at this pre* fern fpeake nothing thereof, anb rebearfetb the fame,as tbtngeg Ipke to baue goob fuccefle . £Ohat this implicate Hiperbole, o? abuauncement meanetb,3! bo not uoell bnberlfanb, but beplatm Ip feemetb berebp to promife manp great tbpnges ♦ 3nb fuerlp ft go«S! CKtp IC 10 co fought, that accorbpng to bis hope, great riches map be lokeb for* fo} tbep came in maner into none oftbinbabitaunts boufes, but that tbep founbe in tbemeptber brelfeplatesorcuret* tesofgolbe, o? elles goloen ouebes, iebaels, o? garlanbes to m fijiniuttibc ? eare abouc ^ beabes, neckes, or armes ♦ 31 coniecture tber- foit^epiofeof fore thus f>|> a fimtiicube of ouc boufes: 3[f among bs anp man *JSgr ot of % mt poU,cc mc mm belpje to baue great plen* tie of 31ron, anb tooulbe enter into 3Italie toicb a mapne fo?ce,as bpo The thyrcle Decade. T05 f pb $e ©othegfafpmepaff, mijat abundance ofJiron ffjoufoe he baue tit tbep? boufcs, mbercas be ouloe fpnoe in one place afrpmgpan, tn another a calD?oti, Ijrre a trtttet , anD cUcrc a fpttte, ans thefe in manner in cucrp poo?e mans boufe, Kiel ) fticbe other innumerable/ mljerebpanp man map comeetttre, that iron 10 plentiMp cngenD?eDin fuebe regions inhere tbep baue fc great bfe thereof* ffiur men alfo percetiteD,tbat the t'n&£» bttauntes of thefe regions 00 no mo?e eftceme goloc then me do iron, no? m fo much, after tbep fame to mijat bfe iron ferueD b& i£lnis much baue 3 ! thought gooD to m?ttc to pour boIpne(Te,cf fucbetbpngesas 3 I bane geatbereo out of the letters of Fafcbus 2\unnez^, anD learned bp moo?De of mouth of fuebe as mere bis companions tn thefe affixes* $sme recetuethem,fo me gate them unto pou. ^pme, mhiche reuealetbal ftcmc& fijaJ hereafter mfotlf er larger argument of m?ptpng> ^TOcp couloe at this epme do no great tljpngt'n fearchpng the golDempnes,fo?* afmuche as of a bunD?eD,fourefco?e,anD tenne men, mhich Vaf* ebus brought mtth him from Dariena^m remapneo onlp tb?ee* fco?e anD ten, 0? at the molt fourefcc?e,mbofe apoe he nome bfeo in tljefe Daungerous aDucntures,leaumg etier the crafeo men be* tpnDe hpm tn the bpnges boufes all the map that he ment, but tbep tnoftc cfpectallp fcl into funD?pDiTeafcs, mljtche came late* Ip from Hifpaniola, fo? tbep mere not able to abpDefucbcalamt* Wmigeor ties, as toipuecnlpcontenteDmtththemeaDofthoferegions, vow? mme * auo mplDc heatbes,mtthotit fait, D?pnbpng none ether then rtuer mater, anD that oftentpmes epther lacbpng, 0? bnholfome, mbcreasbefo?etbep? ftontacbes IjaD bcnbfeo to goobmeates. Bucthe doe foulDters of Dariena, mere baroeneD to abpbe all ^ tomim. fo?om£*,$ cpcecDpng tollerable of labour , beate, hunger, $ mac* ehpng, fofomuche that mertlptbep make tbep? boaft, that tbep l;aue obfevueD a longer harper lent then euer pour bolpnefle a long rent, t m'opncD : fo? tbep Dp , that fo? the fpace of foure mljole pceres, (hep ate none other then bearbes anD fames, ejccept nome ana then perhappes fpfbe, anD berp feloonte flefte : pea, anD that fomccpmefo?lacfce of all thefe, tljep baue not abbo?reDfrom mangte Doggcs anD fplthp toaDes, as me (jane fapDc befo?e. m otoc foulDiers of tomem, j call thofe mhtche fp?fle folomeo the eaptapnes Kkuefa aim Fogeda, to tnljabtte the $ i lanbe 3 CoMOgYUS. <£toopooie <®efarte#* The thyrde Decade* laftn^ df t&e to^tcbe notMc fet»e tuere Ipupng. Outlet nohie ompt cbefe t&pnge&ana returne to Vaf thus, the bpctourer oftlje motmtapnes* The thyrde booke of the thyrde Decade. ,fpen Vafchus bao remameo tbprtte oape s m |tbe palace of kpng Pacra, conctlpng Unto jbtmthemtnoesoft&e tnbalritatmtes, ana jproutopng tbpnges neceflarie fo? bis com* jpantons. ^sheoeparteofro tbence,bp the 'conduce of cettapne of kpng Temha ht'S ]men,ano came to the banke of tbe ri'uer Co- mogm, mberoftbc region ano kpng hereof, arenameo bp tlje fame name , be found tbe fp&es of tbefe mountapttes fo cube ana barren,tbat there mas ttotbpng apt to be eaten, but mtloe rooted ana certapne bnpleafatmc fruiter of trees * ^Tmo kpnges bepng neere ofblO 0 O,inbabtteo this Unfortunate w$mjn\)ic\)fdfcbus ouerpalTeo Uritb allfpeeae, fo? fcare of hunger* ©ne of tbefe poo?e kpnges mas nameo Cotocbus, ana the other Cmiz>u f£)e tooke them both mitb him, to gttpae bpnt the map, ana aifmtflea Teaocha bis men mitb bittuals ana remaras.'^bus fo? the fpace of tb?ee oapes,be manoereo through ntanp oefart mooos,craggp mountapnesjSjmuaaiemartfbes, fuloffuclje quampres, that men areoftentimesfmalameoup in them, tftbeploke notp more marelp to their feete: alfo through places not frequenteo uoith re* fc?t of men, ana fuche as nature baa not pet opened to thep? ufe, fo?afmudje astheinhabttauntes haue feloome entercourfe be* tmeenetbem, but onlpbpfuna?p meurftons, theonetofpopie ana aelf rop theotber : bepng otbetmpfe contnttea to Ipue onlpe after the lame of nature, mtthout al motlolp topic fo? fuperflUF ous pleafureS* €bus entrpng at the lengtWnto the terrto rie of another kpng, mhofenarne mas 'Becbebuea, thepftmnoe all tbpnges uopoeano in fcilettce: for the kpng ana hisfttb* lecte s mere alfleaae to the mooas ♦ Whm Vafcbus fent meffem gets to fetche bpm, he apanotonlpeat the fpjtt fuhmit hpm The thyrde Decade. Io$ fdfe, but alfo promifebtsap*#* mttbafltbatbempgbf tmfes 5P?otedpng furthermore 5 that be flcDDe noe for fcare that out: menmoulDc boo them iniutte, hut that he bpb bpm feifefo? perpe Ihanie ants greefe ofmpnDe , for that he mas not able to reeetuethemhonorablpe, accoropng bnto tbepr Dtgnitie, be* caufebisftore of oitaples mas confumeo . tyzt in a token of obeDienceanDfrenDeibpppe, be Cent our men manp oeffeifes of^ cffdg0f go!oe, oefpring them to accepte them as the gifte of a frenD, gome, mhofe gooD mpIUoantetJ not in greater tbpnges, tfbisabilicie mere greater > Bp mbiclje mooses, the paore man feemeo to tnSnuace that he has ben robbeo 3 ano othermpfe cruellp hanoteo of bis borDerers , bp reafon mbereof, our men mere enforces to Depart from thence more bungerlp then tbep came* 3s tbep mem formam therefore, tbep efppeo certapne nakeo men commpng Domne from a bp!l tomaiDe them . Vafcbus commatmDeDbisarmpetotfap, ano Cent bis imerpretours to them, toknomembattbepmoulDehaue* ‘Eben one of them, to mhomtijeotherfeemeDtogeueretiercnce,fpake tn this effect* SDttriorDeanDkpng cbiorifus , greeteth pou meil,mpllpngps upnq^iotu to Declare that he haroe of pour puiffaunce anDUertue,mberebp pouljauefubDueD cupHmen,anoreuengeD the manges Doone to tp%Z U o%mg tnnocentes: if or the mljtche pour noble factcs ano tulfpee, as 3oWe * he Doth honour pour farne 3 fomoufoe he tbpnke bpm feife mo# h appte, if be mpgbc receiue pou into (ris palace . Bm,forafmuc& as his fortune hath ben foeupll (as be impute# it) that bepng out of pour map, pou baue ouerpaffeD bpm, he hath fene pou this goloe, in token of bis gooDtopH anD frenDihpppe tomato pou* SnomiththefemoorDes be odiuerco to Vafcbus thirtie DtO;es ofpuregolDc, aoopng hereunto, thatmhenfoeuer tt fl;ottlDe pleafe bpm to take the papnes to come to tbepr kpng , he fhouloe repeaue greater gpftes * l)z Declares further , that a kpng mijiche mas their borDerer anD mortali em’mte , mas berprpche in goloe , ano that in fuboupng of bpm , tbep fhouloe both obcapne great rpebeffe , anD alfo oelpuer them from oaplp Pep* actons : mbtebe thpng mpght eaftlp be ooone bp their helpe, becaufcthepkneme the countrep . Vafcbus pm them in gooo a comfort, ano gaue them for remarDecertapne3!ron apes, miji= nSjU the tl)zv moje eftcemeo then great heapes of gob* ifoj t(;ep baue #«« anp goi&f, IP it Ittle The tliyrde Deencfe* tbep l;atte Iptle necne of go!oe 3 baupng not the bfe of pelftfc- rotisf money: butbctljat map geat but one ape ojt ljatdjet 3 tbpm fcetlj Ijpm fclfc rtdjer then euertoag Crafts. #0} euen tljefe na* fteo mcn 3 ooo percetue that an ape tg neccffarie foj atljoufanbe Pfe0 5 ano confefe that goloe fe oefpjeo onlp fo^ certapne bapne ano effeminate p!eafureg 3 ag atljpng tobtdjedjc ipfe of man maplacketottljoutaitp inconuenience t foj ourgbittonpanofu* perfluouss fumptuoufnenebatlj not pet co?rttpteo them /Bp rea* fon tobereof 3 tljep take it fo? no fljame to lacke cobojoes of plate 3 toijereaa tbe pjpoe ano toanconnelfe of out tpme, Doth in matter impute it to os foj tgnotmme, tobetottljouttljat 3 toljereotbp nature toe Ijatte no neeoe ♦ But tljepj fomentation toitlj tlje benefices of nature 3 ootlj plapnelp Declare, tljac men map leaoe a free ano Ijapppe Ipfe toicljout tables 3 table clothes, carpetgi, napkpns 3 ano totoels 3 toitlj fucb other innumerable 3 toljerof tljep Ijaue no 0fe 3 epcept perljapstlje kpnges furnpflj t&epjta* bies tottb a fetoe goloett OelFels . But tlje common people ojiue atoap hunger toitlj a pecce of tljep? bjeao intbe one bano 3 ano apeeceof b?opleo fplbe, ojfome kpnoe of ffutte in tlje other bano t fo? tbep eate Mjbutfeloome* GBljen tljep? fpngerg are imb?ueo tottb anp cunctuous meaces 3 tljep toppe tbern ep* tljeron tbe foies oftljep? feete 3 0? on tbep? tbpgbes 3 pe ano ramettmesontbcfepnsoftfjep?p?iuiemembers 3 in tbe Ifeeoe of a napfcpn : ano fo? this caufe 00 tbep oftentpmes traflje tljem fellies in tbe riucrs ♦ £)ur men tljcrfo?e toenc fo?toaroe laoen SfiSaweS 0:^5 but foje affbcteo toitlj hunger ♦ ^Ijus tljep came at •fmwtf. tlje length to the Dominion ofkpng ToccbomfaM )o flco at tljetr commpng.ilperefo? the fpacc of tljp?tte Danes, tljep fplleocbeir emptpebeHtes tottljb?eaoof tlje rooter of Maizum. 3[ntlje meane tpme, Vaf :bus fenc fb? Toccbonof t , tnbo bepng allureo toitlj p?omtfes ano fap?e too?oes 3 came ano fubmmitteo Ijpm felfe 3 b?pngpng toitlj Ijpm fo? a pjefem fpfteene pounces toetgljt of to?ougbt goloe, anoafetoefiaues : Vafcbus retoaroeoljpm asbebao ooone other before ♦ ftOljen lj£ toasmpnoeo to oc^ part 3 lje toas aouertifeo 3 that he fljottloe palfe through the Domt* mon of a certapne kpng, toljofe name toas Tumanama. tehe tohomtlje fonncof kpng Comogm oeclareo to be of fo great potoer, ano fearefull to all ijt's bojoererfc ano toiil; tohont manf The thyrde Decade. IO 7 tuattj? of CmogYiis familiars Ijao ben captpue,but our men note percepucD tbat tbep meafureo bis pomer bp tbep? omne : 4 f 0? tljep?kpnges are but gnattes (compareDito depljantes) in r e£ pect to t&e pomer $ poiicie of our men. JDurmett mcrealfoem fourmeo bp fuel) as Dined neare about T umanma y tl ) at bis regi- on mas not bepono tbe moumapnes as tbep ftippofeo , no? pec fo rpcljc in goioe as poung Comogrus ban oeclareo : |?et conful- teotbepofljisfubDumg, uiljtclje tbep tbougbttbep mpgbt tbe eafeliar b?png to paiTe,becaufe Tocchonofa luas bis mortal ene- mie, inbo mod giauip p?omifeD them bis auutce ano apoe here* in* Vafcbus tljerfo?e, ieaupng bis Ocke men in tbe upiiage of (Pocchomfa, tooke mitb bpm tb?eefco?e of bis mod na'pant foul- biers, anuoeclareo unto them, borne kpng Tumanamal) ao often 5c g00b po0 tpmesfpofeen p?ouoeano tteeatnpng mo?Dcs agapndtbem :unc. IpkeUipfe that it nome doou them in bano of neceditie to pafle though bis Dominion , anotljatbe tbougbtit bed to fee upon bpmunUiares * &be fouiDiers confcmcu to pis aouice, ano erbo?ttD bpm to geue tbe aottenmre,p?omidng that tbep mouioe folotu bpm, mljptber foeuer be mar. ^njep oeterimneo tljafo?e to goe tins Dopes iournep in one Dap , that Tumanama, not kno- mpng of tbep? fouapne commpng, mpgbt bauenolepfurecoaf- fembie an armp : anb tbe tbpng came to pafie euen as tljcp bats Detufeo . f 0? in tbe Srd matebe of tbe npgbt, our men, mitb the Toccborrofian imiaDeO tbe UiHagC anb paliace of T umanma j inhere tbep tocke bpm p?pfoner,fufpcctpng notbpng iede. ilpe Ijan mitb bpm tmo poimg men, mljicbe be abufeo Unnaturallp, alfo fourcfco?e monten , mljicbe be ban taken Dtolemlp from Di- ners kpnges : ipkempfe, a great number of bis gentlemen $ fubiectes mere taken dragipng in other upilages iteere about bis paliace. jfo? tbep? Ijoufes are notaoberent fogeatberas ours be , becaufe tbep are oftempims troubles mitb uehe- ment mijirlempnbes, bp reafoitof tbe foDapne ebaunges ano mo- tions of tbe aper, caufco bp tbe induence of tbe pianettes, in tbe of eqttaittie of tbe Dap ano npgijt, bepng there in manerbetb ofone u unie* mere „ rile <6nUUi8£? ' nail. fes arc maoc of trees, couereo, ano after tbep?maner tljatcbeD mitl; the dalkes of certapne rough bearbes. So clje paliace of The thyrde Decade. of Tumanama, teas onlp one boufe adherent, and tljat ctieii ag bpgge as t!)c pallace itfclfe. Cptbcr oftljcfe i^ottfes lucre m length a bundled and tirentpe pace#, and in bjeadtlj fiftte pace#, as our men meafured them. 3n tljefe tlno boufes ti je kpng inas accuftomed to mutter bis men, as often as be prepared an ar* mp . £23ljen Tumanama tljerfoje U)as tb«s taken capttue,tt)ttb all Ijt's giardanapamcail famtlte, tlje Toccbonofians dragged and threatened bpm, bepngnoU) bound, tljatlje Ojoulde(bo?tlp be banged : the ocher kpnges a!(b bts bo?ncrers 3 rctopceo atljts mpffo?tune ♦ SHljerebp cur men parcepued that Tumanama luas no ieffe troublcfomc eo (ns nepgbbcurs,tljenU)as Tam to tlje kpnges of tbe foutlj fpde of tlje mountapnes. Vafcbus alfo the ©arcdusijis better to pleafe tl;em, threatened bpmgreeuotiflpe, butindeede mo jtjcp to entended no eupH towards bpm. t)z fpakc tljerfoje fljarplp bnto bpnnjoitbtbefcujoo^ds : ^Lbou (bait noui fuffer pumtbmenc rbou cruell tp?ant,fo? tbp prpde and abljcmtnattons . ZXm (bale knofue of tni;ae polncr tlje Chilians are, inborn tljou ball fo con* temned, and Reamed to d?alne bp tbe beare of tljcpj bcanes to tbe nejet rpuer,and there to detune them, as tljou batt oftentimes made tbp daunt among tbp naked flatten : But tljou tljpfelfe (bale fpjtt fcele tljat, inljicbe tljou baft prepared fo? others . £nd bcereinitlj ccmmatmdcd bpm to betaken dp : Jfteuertljelctte getipng a pjptue token of pardon to tljem inljtcbelapde hannes on bpm. ^busdnljappp Tumanama ? fcarpng and beleeupng that Vafcbus bad ment in erueft as be commatmded, fell p?o* (Irate at Iji^feete, and inttbteared deftred pardon : p>?otcttmg that be neucr fpake anp fuebe U)o?des , but that perhaps bis no- ble men m tljep? djunkenneffe badfoabtifed tbep? tongue#, tuhtche he eoulDe not rule : jfojtbepjlnpnc^altbougb tljepbc not made of grapes petaretljep of force to make men d?un* ken . !Ipedeclared furtljermo?c,tbattbe other kpngcjslj^ bo?< nerers bad of malice furmtfed fucb Ipes of bpm, enuptng bus fo?* tune,becaufebe mas of greater pouier then tbep, mottbumblp Vde)UU i uc,n oefpjpng Vafcbus, tljat as he toofte ijpmto be a itttt dtetourer, metuunt;, f oto no fretute t j< C p ? milJ maltctous com* plapwes : ^ddpngbcereunto, tljat if it motiloe pieafebpmto pardon bpnt, not Ijattpng offended, be inotilde b?png bpm great plentp ofgolde . ^Ijus (aping Ijts rpgljt Ijande on Ijts bjeatt, be The thyrde Deeafc I08 fmo^e bp tfje S>onne 5 cl;at l;c cucr lotien anti feared tbe Chit* tfians fence be fp$ bearde of tbep? fame and metopes : efpe* . cpallpmljen be batoe Cap, that tljep bad Micbanas, tljat is, faioi- Des fbarper then tljepp, anD Cue be as cutte in pceccs all tljinges ibatcontetn tbepjmapes ♦ ®eti dtrectpng bis epestomatde Vafcbus^oi^i)^ fmope in bisijand,ljefpake tljuS^&Elbo (ejccept be mere otic ofbisurittejdarelpft ppb&bsndc agapnlf tbtsfuiope of pours, mljereiwtlj poti ate able mitb one Itrooke to cleauc a man fcom tbe bead to tlje natteil t let no matt tbcrfoieperfinadc pou (©moil mpgbtpe btetourer) tljateuec fttcb mopes proceeded out of mpmoutb » 3s Tumanma limb tremblpng fpake tbefe mopes , thermit b fmalompng DoUme tbe knotof death, Vaftbus feemedbphisteares to be moued to compaflton , and fpeakpng to Ijpm mttlj cbearfull countenance, commaunded bpnttobe foofed ♦ 'Ebis doone, be fentimmediatlp to bis pallacefo? tbpppe potatoes mepgbt^*}jo«»t»e ofpuregoloeyarttficpallp mpttgljt into fundjp oudjes, mljicbe u?iougj{ti som* Ijismpuesandconcubines&fedto mcarc . 3lfotbetbppcoape folompng,bts noble men and gentlemen. Cent tljjeefcop potm- c&ice&oi* des mepgbt of gold fo? tbep } fine and catmfome ♦ T umanama be* {J^Sof som png demaunded mljere tbep bad that gold : be anfuieared, tljat it 3 # mas not gcatbered tn bis dominions, but that it mas bpugbt bis atmcclfours from tlje rtuer Comogms toinaroe tbe foutb > But tbe (Poccborroftans and other bisenemies fapde that helped, af* ftrmpng tl;at bis Itpngoomemasrpcbetn goloe* Tumanamatm tlje cotttrarp part, tnlfantlp pptefteo tljat beneuec kttemeanp goldempne in all bis dominions: pet dented not but that there bat!) fomeepmes been found certapncfmallgrapnes ofgo!de,to tlje geatljeringmljercof, beneuec bad anp regard, becaufetljep _ could not gettt mitbouc great $ long labour* £Obtfe tljefe things huiofir?^° 1,;cc mere doing, tbe Ocke men mljicb V af thus bad leh in tbe bpllage cf ToccbomfajmK to bpnt tbe .bitt. dan of tlje ©alenoes of 31a- nuarp, tn dje peere of ©bjtft.90.D.£ 313131, b^pngpng mttlj tljent cercapn: labourers from tlje kpngesoftbe foutb, mttlj ftmdpe tni!rumentesta dpgge tbe grounde, and geatljer gold, ©jus pairing ouer tbe dap of tbe nattume of ©biift micbout uodplpe labour, upon £>apnt Stephen* dap be bpugbt cettapnemt* ners totije fpdecfn Ijpll, notfarreoiflam front tlje pallace 10 tut A of The thyrde Decade. ofTummnaMm (a0 befiptb) be percepuen bp the coloure • or rije earth, that tt Urns Iphcto b>pngfoo?tb goloe * ftUfjen tbep mt fdicitre of Ijao opggeo a ppt, noc pad a bairn b?caocb ant> a (ja!fc ? ano fpftefc Srt§, 0 and a txu earth thereof, tbep fottnire certapnefmaii grapnes of golDe, an of ’tue fame! no bpgger tljen Itnteli fecoes , amountpng to the mepgljt of tloelue grapnel as rijep p?citeo toritb tbep? balances of aflat e, before a notarte atm Utptnelle, that the better creates mpgbt bee geuett thereto ♦ ££iberebp tbep argues that the rpebenefle of that lano Urns agreeable to the report of the bo?acrcrs., although Vafchus cottloebpno meaner catsfe Tumanama to confide the lame* Chop fuppofe thathenothpng elfcemeo fo fmali a po?* non: but other fap, that he oenpea iuscoumreptobc frutteful of goloe, lead bp reafott thereof, the aefp?e of goloe ntpgbc tmpfeonrmentotnhabptehmbpngtjomejag moecoe the feelp bpng inas a prophet in fo tbpnkpng . Jfo? thep cljofc that arm the region of Tocchrrofato ttibabife, atm oetermpneo to buploe tomms in them both, tf it Omulo fo pleafe the fcpng of Cadtie : afoiel that tbep mpgbt be baptpng places ano btcratlpng bottfejs fo? fuebe as fboulbe tcurnep tomaroe the fourth as alfo that both the regions toerefruiteful, anaofgcoDgroutmto beare fruiter atm trees. Jmeimpng nome therefore to oepartfrom thence 3 be trpeo the earth bp rijaunce man other place, inhere the co* lour.pfthegrotmbjiolthcertapnelbpnpng (tones, feemebto be a token of goloe, inhere caufpng a fmali ppt to beopggeo, Idle beneath the upper crud of the earth, he fotmne fo mttche goloe, as teepgbeo the pcece of goloe fet&icbe the ^pam'arbes call greatXtle Caftellanum aureum, aim IS comtitonlp calieD Tefus> bUttlOt til 6f sau?. one gratne, Hdopcpng at thefe tokens, in hope of great riches, be ban Tumanama tobe ofgooo ccmfo?t,p?0mpfpng bpm that be toottloe be his frcctme atm Defender , fo that be troublco notanpofthekpnges, tohiche lucre frames to the Chitifians: Upc alfopeifinaoeDhpmtogeatherpifnaeofgoiiJe* Some fap that he loose alnap ait Tumanama hm toomen, ano fpopleo bpur 3 leaf! he Ojouloe rebell, get he oelpuereo bis fonne to Vafcbus, to besought bp imchonr men, to learne thep? languageatm religion, that be mpght heareafrer the better bfc his helpe, afuiell in all thpngcs tljat he flmuloe hatte to ooo Uutfj our men, ! as alfo mo?e poimkelp rule, mm obtapne tlje ioue cfhis oimte fubi'ecee& The thy fde decade* j q p futrfecteS* Vafclus at tljtgi tpme fell two a behement fetter, bp reafonofcpcctTeoflabour, unmooerate matchpng, ano hum gee 5 infomuclje that ocpanpngfrom thence, he mas fapne tobebomebpon mens backed in fljeetes of golfamppne cot- ton : Ipkempfe alfo manpe of his fouloters, mljich mere foo meake, that djep conlo natljer go no? tone ♦ Cothispurpofe ^f Ien a c ,f eof tljepbfeo tljebdpeofd;tnOaOdame^ 5 lofjo CI^cUjco themfelues Scorns ° in aU tbpnges mpllpng ano obeoient . $lfo Come of them mhtche merefommhat feeble, ano not able to trauaplc, although not greeuoufipfpcke, mere ten bp the armes, bntpHtljep came to the ocmintcn of kpng Comogrus , a great frenoe to the Ch^t- if tans 5 of mbom tue haue largclp maoe mention before, Sit Va[* thus eommpng thpther, he founoe that the oloekpng mas Dean, ano hte fonne ( mbom me fo p?apfeo foj his mpftoome) to reigneinbis tore, ano chat he mas baptifeobp the name of Charles ♦ ®>e palace oftht0^wc^r«j,t0ittuateacthefooteof afltepehplimell eulmreo, haupng tomaro the fond; a plapne of tmelue leagues in tyeaoth, anoberpfruitefull. 3£hts plapne thep call Xanana. t215cpono this, are the great ano hpgh mourn tapnes, mljicljc otutoethe tmofeas,mherecfme haue fpoken before, ©uc cf the If tepe hplles , Ifepngetb the rpuer Comogrus , c^rmes mhiche runneth though the Hapoe plapne to the hpgh mourn <£owoar«s> tapnes, receattpng into hts cljanel bp their balleps, all other rpuers 5 anofofallethintothefouthfea: 3ItiS Dilfant from ®a- riena, about dpcefcojc ano tenne leagues tomaroe the melt , 3 s our men therefore came to tljefe parties, kpng Comogrus (other* mpfe calico Charles bp hts chptfian name; met them iopfullp, ano entertapneo them bonojablp , geupng them their fpil of jtofatm: meates ano tnpnkeS: 5pe gaue alfo to Vajcbus tmemte jmtnoemeightof mmught goloe . Vajcbus recompenfeo hpm mith djpnges mhtche hertfecmeomuche mo?e,as apes, ano ftmojp kpnoes of carpenters f ooles : alfo a fouloiours cloke, ano a fapje Ojurr, thought mith neeoie moo?ke. Bp thefe gpftes, Co~ mogms thought hpm felfe to be halfe a 6oo among hts home* rers* Vafdm acbisoepattpng from hence, earneltlp chargeo Comogrus , ano the other kp ngeS, to remapne fapthftd ano obe* oient to the cbjilfan kpng of Calf ile, if thep oefp^eo to Ipue in peace ano guietnefTe, ano tljat djep fl;ou?oe hearenfter moje m\U time of The tliyrde efecaeJe* eptlp applp them felttes to the geatberpng cfgofae, to Be rent to tbegreat civilian TibaQb at 10) kpng : Beclarpng fur* tljcr, that Bp this meanes, tbep (boulde both gee them and their pofterttie apatronc and defender agapnft tbeir enimpes, ano alfoobtapne great abundaunee of our tbpnges ♦ Ebefe afc fapjestbus Uappelpatcbitted, be baem fopuardon l)i$ bopage to tbe palaice of kpng Poncba, inhere be found foure potmg men 3 U)!jtclj lucre come from Dmena , to ccrcifte bpm that there mere ^ certapnefbpppeo come from HiftmoU laden tnitb bpttaples, mti and ether neceflaries ♦ ££fberfoie takpttg inicb bpm tlnentie of c,ltl * bis moft luftp fouldicrs, be maoe baft to Dariena, tnitb tong iop neps : leaupng tbe reftdue bebpnd ljtm 5 fo foloinc at tbep? kpfure. ootifoi* U 32 ttetb,Ebatbe came to Bariena tl;c.]ctwi.Ca*of jfe*Qn. 1514. ittjz Date of bis letter is : Jfrom Daren*, the* itiuoap of Search, ©etnjitctb tit tbe (ante letter, that be bad manp fo?e conflicted, $ that be boas pet neptber mounded, 0? loft atip of bis men in tbe battaple: ano therefore in all bis large letter, there is not one leafe mitbouttljankes gettpng to almpgbtp 0od fo? bis delpue* rp,aitd p?eferuation from fo manp imminent perpls . ©e attempt teo no enterp?ife, 01 toke in bano anp bopage, loitbout tbhmoca* tlon Of ($00 anD bt 3 boip fapntCS ♦ ®JUS boas Vafcbus 'Balboa of nbpolent ®oliatb , turneD into Helifeus , and from Jnteus to Hercules , tbe conquerour of monfters . Bepng therefore thus turned from aralberopfter, to a polptike and deferete capt=> tapne, be boas ittogeo lnoo?tbp to be amtattnceo to great honour: •Bp reafon mbereof, be boas both receiued into tbe kpnges & nattering fauour, and thereupon created tbe general! 0? lieuetenaunt f "Seatbm t»e °f hpnges armp in tljofe Hegions. ^busmtidjebaue J ftoefecoftfle gcatbered both bp tbe letters of certapnc nip faptbfull frendes bepng in fiariena, and alio bp moo?oe of meutb of fuebe as came lacelp from tljcncc ♦ 31 fpour'bolpncs oefp?e to knomc inbat 31 tbpnke herein , ftterlp , bn fuebe tbpnges as 31 baue feene , 31 be* leenetbefetbpngestobe true, euen fo tbo?oer and agreepng of Vafcbus and bis companions tnarrdpke letters , feeme to conflrme tbe fame . ^be g>panpatde therefore (ball not neede hereafter, tnitb bndermpnpng the earth mitb intolerable labour, to b?eake the bones of our mother , and enter manp mples into ber bomels, and Initlj innumerable daungers cut tit funder uljolc Intel? fount* Cflc eartfl is mir gciu rail metier. The thyrde decade* no toljole mountapnes , to make atoap to tlje come of infernal Pluto, to U?png from thence topekeo goto, tbefee&e ofinnume* clKf0utf)f rablc mefcljeeues, toitljouttljetoljicbe , nottoitblfanopng toe infernal puto* map notoe fcarcelpe leaoea Ijapppelpfe, fob iniquittchatbfa pjeuapieo,anti maoe 00 fiaues to that, toijereof toe are lo?oes bp nature: €he ^>pam'artie(3lfap)(baIInotneeDe toltfj fuchtra* uaples ano otfficultte, to opgge farre into the earth fo? goto, buc (ball fpnoe it plentifully, in maner m the Upper cruft of tlje earth, oi in the fanoes of rpuers D?peO bp bp the heat of fommer, one* Ip toaffijpng the earth foftlp from tlje fame, ano (ball tottij Ipke factlttte geatber plentie of pearler ♦ Certapnlp the reuerent anti* guttle (bp all the Cofmographers alfent) obtepneo not fo great a benefpteof nature, no? pet afpirco to the knotoleoge hereof, bp* caufe there came neuer man before out of our kitotoen too?toe,ta thefe bnknotocn nations, at the leal! tottij a potoer of men bp fo?ce of arrnes, in maner of conqtteft : toljeras otljertopfc natljpng canbegottonberc,fo?afmueljeas thefe nations are fo?tije molt part feueve oefenoers of tljep? patrimonies, ano cruell to ftraum gers,tn no conoitionatmutting them otbertoife then bp conqueft, efpeciallp tlje fierce Canibales o? Caribes. if o? thefe toplie bum jr&animmcra > ters ofnien, gcue them fclucs to none other kpnoe of eperepfe, but onelp to utanljuntpng, ano cpilagc, after tljep? maner . 3t the eommpng therefore of our men into tljep? regions, tljep looke aslurelpto haue them fill into their fnares , as if tljep tocre ^ !jcf pfrfnc(rt harteso?toploebo?es:anotottljno lelfe confpoence,licke tijeir oft&ecean from the Calf to tlje papne to BiJpanioLMMz cottrfe Thcthyrde Decade. m ccttrfe i$ cotmteo of etc mariner#, to be no lelfe then a thoufano ano m ljtmo?eo leagues? ♦ ipe tarpeo Out a toljple in Eiftaniola, from mtctljerttUJcrcUjpHpnglp, o?tljat Ijc toerc fo aomontlbeo of to ntfpamoiaa tlje ®tce Hop. Dlrcctpngtberefoje big bopage from tljence to* toatD tljC Uldl, leaupngtijeJlanOeg Of Cuba ano Jamaica on Ijt# leagues, rpgbt Ijano totoaroe the nc?tb , he tn?pfetb that Ijc cljannceo bp* ponanjlanoemojefouthtuaroe ttjen Iamaica , tobtebe tljtnlja* bitames call Guanajfa, fo flo?plbpng anofttittefull, that it might feeme an eartljlpe parafcpfe . Coaftpng along bp tlje (bo?e# of ct;t 0 Jlano, be mettetrnooftheCanoag, o? boates of tbofe p?oumceg, toblche turn o?atone iuttlj ttuo nakco flatieg agapnff tlje feme* 3In tbofe boater tua# carpeo a ruler of tfce 3Ilano, tenth W tppfe ano cbplo?eit, alt nakeo, 3Llje flatten feepng our men a lance, maoeftgne# to them tenth p?cuo countenaunce in tbep? matters name, to llano out oftlje map, ano tlj?eatneo them, if tbep tenuloc not geue place ♦ ®jeir fpmpleneg is? pimple vccpi* fticbjtbattbep neptijerfeareotlje multttuoe, o ? potter of our men, o?tbegitatneganoffratmgenegofour fljpppea* ^Ijep tljougljtthatourmcnttouJoebauebonctireotbep? matder tenth Ipkerctterencea«g tbep opo. £)ur men Ijao cntelligenceat tbe length, tbat tbtjs ruler ttag a great marc&anf, ttljfrij came to tlje %rfat marte from other coailes of tbe 3ilande : fo? tbep cjccrcpfe bping maw & auwt * mto feHpng bp epchaunge torch their confmesi. |)e baoalfo toith bprn gooo tfo?e of ftiche toare ag tbep llano in neeoe of, o? take pleafure m : ag laton belles, raferg , knpueg , ano batebetteg maoe of a certapne fljarpe pellctte b?pght Hone, tenth Ijanoleg of a llrong ktnoe of ttooo : alfo manp ether nccefiarp tnilrumente#, tench kpteben liuffe,ano bclfclleg fo? all necelfarp bfes : Ipkettpfe ajeaesofgolTampmecoiton,U)?cughtof ftmo?ie colours* ©ut men coke bpmpjpfoner, tenth al im familp, but Colmus com= maunoeobpnuobeloofeofljo?tlpafter, ano ihegreatell part of bis gacoes to bee rcUojeo, to ttpitue big frenofljpppe ♦ i^epng here mSructco of a lano Iptng further totoaro tbe feutb, be tooke bts bopagetbptber ♦ ^betfo?e Ittle mo?e then tenne tuples affiant from hence, be fetmoe a large lano, teljiclje tbi nljabtrantg calleo Quiriquctana,bt\tbemnmitciamba. £0 ben he teen t alanoe, anocommaunoeobi’ischaplametofapmaireon tlje fea banker, a great confluence of tlje nakeo m&afritame# flockeo tlju The thyrde Decade. ptopu. (W(P m toftfamt ft®** brtngpng totth them plen* * tpofmeateanofre8jemater, marueplpngatourmen, as thep han ben fome (fcaunge miracle. ftHben thep ban prefenttcn tbepr gtfces a tljep meat fomuiljac backuiarn , ann mane lolne curtefp after tbepr maner, bompng tbetr beanes ann bonpes retieremlp ♦ l)z recompenfen tbetr genctlnes , retoarnpng them a»tb otber of our tbpnges, as counters, brafiecces, ann garlanns of glafle, ann councerfec (tones , lookpng glalfes, ueenelles, ann ppitnes, uittl) fucljc otber crafbe, mijtcbefeemen onto them prettous marebattot^e * 3In tljtja? great cracee, there are tmo re* m* regions of gtons, mbereoftbeonets callen r#/*, ann the other Maia.fyz toa $ ^ata. mritetb,tbat all that lannetsoerp fapre ann boltome , bp reafon of the excellent temperatneffe of the apre : 3nn that tc 10 mfertour tonolann tnfrmtefuligrounn, bepng patelp fall of mountapnes,annpart!p large plapnestalfo replenplhen touch manp goonlp trees 3 holfomehrarbe0,commupnggreene 3 ann florplbpng al the mbole peere , 31c beareth alfo oerp manp hollp of sate tr«s? CD trees, anD ppncaplc tree0 *$lfo .Pit. kpnnes ofnate treeSjtorfjer* offomeare fruitefull, ann fame baren* Jtbrpngetbfoorthltke* lEiineomes. mpfeofttfelfe ^or4j 3 annnjtlnem'ne0 3 lanenn)tth grapes, euen in the tuoonnes among other trees. Upe faptb furthermore, that there is fuch abunnattnee of other pleafunt ann profitable ffuttes, that tljep pafle not of otnes . £>f one of chofe ktnoes ofnate trees, tljep make certapnelong ann br one fmoornes, ann nartes* ^Dhefe regions bearealfogoflamppne trees here ann there commonlp i^rvonaiaucs. inthe moons. iLpkeuufe MMalanes offunnrp kpnnes , as tljofe Inljich the phtfittans call Emblicos, ann Chebuhs* Maizittm a!fo,z«c c a, dg es&xto'Battatas, Ipke Onto thofe tobteh Ooebaue fapn beforetobefounnetitother regions tn thefe coaftes^he fame noorp®ethalfojOons,^rpgers, partes, Hoes, dooates, ann ann npuers otber bealfes . Ipketopfe funnrp kpnnes of bprnes ann foules : among the mhtebe fhep keepe onelptbem to franke annfeene, toJljtcb are tn colour, bpgnes, ann taft,muche Ipke onto our pehennes.Cpelapth that thtnhabitantes are of hpgh soonipftamce. an ^ goonlp ftamre,toell Ipmmen ann prottonen, both men ann momen, cotterpng tbepr prtup partes tontb fpne breeches of golfamppne cotton, mroughttutth ntuers colours ♦ ^nn that thep map feeme the moje comelp annbeawtfuli (as thep take --I It) The thyrde Decade. %ii ft) tbep papnt tficpj botu'es reone ano bfarftr, tot’cb tbe ftttce of artjci* ww certapne applet, uiljtcbe tljep plane uitljep? garbens fojtlje «i)fpii>°»p*** . fame purpofe . &ome of tfjent iiapnc tfiepj tuljote bobpes, fome Imt part , ano otljet fome Djatne tlje ponmites of Ijeatbes , Routes, ano fcnottes , etierp one as feemetfj bed tain's otone pbantaGe . 3ftep? language oifferetb btterIp,ffom tbep?sof the 3!lanbcsneete about them . jfrom tljefe regions, t&etoa* f tets of tlje Tea ran tm'tlj as full a courfe totnarbs tie CCtclf, as tf courfeofttKfea it Ijao bpn tlje fall of a furift rtuer. jfteuertljcleflelje mmx\U ! to t ? t j& , £ art neoto fearcljetlje Cad partesof tljislano, reuolupng mtitsss f * minoe that tl je regions; of Taria $ Os draconis urit& other coades founoe before toinaros tlje €ad,lbouloebeneere there about, as in oeeoertjepUiere.Departpng tljerfore from the large re- gion of Quiriquetarut} tlje .jctii.oap of t be calenoes of September, loljcn be ban fapleo tljprtie leagues, be fotmo a rpuer, tmtljm tlje ^ xc(i)t toam . mouth toberof Ijeoreloeftelbe Inacer in tlje fea i inhere alfo tbe m m rea, (boretoasfocleaneUritljouc rcckes, tljaelje founue grounoee* uerpU)ljere,toberebempgljt aptlpcad anker. f;einriceth 5 tbat tbe furift courfe of tbe Ocean inas fo ueljement ano comrarp, that intbefpaceoffourtieoapei3,becoulDefcarcelp faple tbreefcore ano tenne leagues, ano cljat nritlj much opfficulae,oritb manp fetches ano compadpnges,fpnopngbimfelfeco befometpmes repulfeD ano orpuen farre backe bp the iriolent courfeoftljefea, luljenlje luouloe Ijatte taken lanoe toinaroe tlje euemng 5 leade perhaps loanoerpng in Unknolnen coades in tbeoarcknefle of tbe npgljt,ljempgljt be in oaunger of Ojppiojacke . ifpelnjp* tetb, that in tbe fpace of epgbt leagues, be fotinu three great ano f mt rpiKr0> faprerpuers,upontlje banckes inljereof there gretue reeoes b^ger then a mannestbpgb ♦ 3inthefe riuersinasalfo great plemp of fpflje,ano great Cortopfes : jLpkeropfeinmanppla'^ 1 '^ ^ op ' ce0,multituoe0of Crocoopleslpingm tlje fantie, ano panpng p££S * totakechebeateoftljefonne : befpoe,opuersotbec kpnoesof beaded , tuljeruttto Ije gaue no names • fpe fapeth alfo 3 tljat the fopleoftbatlanoeisUerpeotuergano uanahle , hepngfome- inhere donpe ano full of rough ano craggre promontories , o } popnteg reachpnginto the fea , ano in other places as fruit* full as map he * ®ljep baue alfo oiuers kpnges ano rulers , 3n fome places tljep calls kpng Qmm ; mother places QudtUOY tempore SEbe region Ottinm. $rtj e Ijanen •Cariai oi jji Kobalauus The thyrcfe Decade* $ep canbpm2^i 3 aitb fometobere Tiba. §tteb as fjmte 6e^ baueo them (cities balpamlpe m tbe Utarres agapnlf tbep? enemies ,anb bane cbep? faces full of fcarres, t&ep z&WCupras, &m honour them as tbe anttqttftte bpb tbe gabs Utbi'cbe tbep cah leo Heroes fuppofcb tobeclje foulesof lucbetneitj asm tbep.z IpfetpmeercelleDutbertueanb noble acres. VLln common peo- ple tbep ctiicbiui, anb a man^tbep call Homm> ucbe gpftcsas lucre lent tbcm, tbep left on tbe fljo?e 3 anb tootilbe take no part thereof* Eljep areofftidje ciutlitie anbljumanitte, that tbep efteeme tt mo?e honorable to geue, then to take ♦ ^Tljep Cent our men tioo poung tuomen, bepitg btrgines , of comment table fattour, anb gooolp flature, fpgmfptng bnto them, that tbep mpgbt take them atnap rottlj them, if tt txaere their pleafttre* ©befetoomen, after the maner of their ccumrcp, mere caueret from their ancles fomtubat abotie cbeir p?tupe partem toritb a ccrtapne cloth mabe of gonampine cotton, but tbe men are all tiaket» ^bemomenbfeto cut their beare: but tbe men let it grotne on tbe bpnber part of their beaoes, ano cut it on tbe fo?e part . 3Dbeir long beare 5 tbep bpnbe bp Unci; fpllettes , and mpnoettin funb?p rob)les,as our mapbes are accuffomeo to to* ^bebirginesuibicbeU)erefenttotbe^Dmirall 3 betcckeD m fap?e apparell 3 ant gatie them manp gpftes 3 anb Pent them borne agapne. But Ipkeinpfe all tljeferelnaroes ano apparel tbep left bppon tbe fl)o?e, bpcaufe our men bat refufeb tbetr giftes. gee tookebetbJomenaloapbJttb bpm(ant tbofe berp uipllpnglp) that bp learnpng tbe g>panp®e tongue, be mpgbt aftertoarb bfe tbemfo?tnterp?etours* i^e confibcreb that the tractes oftbefe coatfes mere not greatlp troublet tuftl; bebement motions, o? otteraompngesofebe fea 3 fo?afmucbe as trees grotoe in tbe feanotfarre from cbe(bo?e, euen as tbep boo bppon tbe banker of rpuers : tbe mhiebe tbpng alfo other bo afftrme 3 tobiclje baue latelper fearcbeb tbofe coalfes 3 beclarpitg that tbe fea rpfetl; anb falletb butlitle tberabouc* ^)e faptb fttrtl;ermo;e 3 tljat tn tbe p?ofpcct of this lanb, there are trees engenb?eb eucn in tbe fea, inbicb after tbac tbep are grotuen to anp height, benb bourne m J^ c fc * tbe toppes of tbep? b?auncbes into cbegrounb : mijicbe cm * a lan8efow * b?afpng tbem 3 caufetb other b?auncbes to fp?ing out oftbe fame, anb take roocc in tbe earth, typngpng foo?tb trees in tbep? kpnb fuccefituclp, as bpb tbe fp?ft root from whence tbep bab tbep? o* rpginall 3 as bo alfo tbe fettes of bines, tobett onelp both tbe cubes thereof are put into the grounbe ♦ pane in tl;e tuielftb © i books The thyrde DecaeJe. fioofee of his natural Ijitfok maftetb mention of We free** Djefcribpngtbem to be on the lanoe, but not in t&e fea ♦ Zl)t •Sorntralu^ptethalfo, that thelpkbeaGes are engend^eDM tbecoalfes tfCark'u as in other pjoutnces of tljefe regions, and pTOonfceiS 1 ^ fucbasinehauefpokn of before: get that there is one fottnoe * here in nature mucbedifferpngfrom the other . %W beaft is of the bpgnelfeofa great 20onkp, butfcnthataple much lorn gerandbpgger, ttlpucth tnthefcoooDoes, anoremouetb from tree to tree tn this maner: ipattgpng bp tbe taple bppon the fyatmc&e of a tree 3 anti geathcrpng ff rengtb bp (taping her bodp tinpfecjtl^pfetoanDfro, (be calf etb her felfe from fyanclje to tyanche, and fo from tree to tree, as though (be Seine *3n ar* a jiteonitep cher of ours hurt one of them, inbo, percettipng her fdfe to be Zmr tlJ mtlJ toctmdeo, leapt Donme from the tree, atio ftercelp fee on him boljfc* cbe gaue her the mound,mfo much tbatbe load fapneto Defend bpm felfe inith bis fujoo^Dc. $no thug bp cljaunce, cuttpngof our of her armes, he took her, ano toulj much a do brought her to the (bpppe^inbere nntbtn a iobile (be tnajreD tame* WLbylz (be mao thus' kept and bounde Intel} cljepnes, certapne other of our burners has cbafeD a inploe BoKoutofthe marpfljes nccre bmothefeafpDe: fo? hunger and Defp^e ot fleibe, caufcD them to take double pleafure m ljumpng . 3in this meane tpme other toljtch remapneo in the (bpppes, gopng a lanDe to recreate them fete, took this (©ankie nmh them, mho, aftoone as (be bad , efppeo the Bo^e, fee bp her fypSels, anD maDe totarde him. ttoSiearnaons ^beBo^e Ipkeiupfefijooke his b?iSels,anobJbet his teeth. <£be ftep aiiDa uipiD. a^onkte fttrioufip uiuadeo the 3i5o?e,ltapppng her taple about bis bonp, $ Intel; her arme,refmteD of her btctourer,b€lde him fo fall about the th?ote,thathetefuffocate* Wwk people of mjebo tope# of rwi,bfetoD?te the dead boopes of ihepj princes bppon huroels, TmStcfmufi? anDforefcruethcnumiolueDtntOeleauesiof trees, ^she voenc fojutaroe, about tlnentte leagues from CariaL he fotmDea gulfe offucbelargenes, that it concapncD, pit. leagues in compafie, in the mouth of this gulfe tnas fotire luie 3!lanoes > fo neere togcather, that tljep made afafehauentoenter into the gulfe: ^Lljts gulfe is the hatien tnljiche toe fapDe before to be called Cerabaro of thinbabttawes . 3l5ue thep haue ttolne learned, chat only tl;e land of the one fpde tberof a lying on tlje rpgl;t baitde : , . at The thyrde Decade; H4 at the enferpn^ of the gtilfe, fe calico bp that name , hut that tm the left fpoe , is calleo Jburema . i[)c faptb that all tbitf gnlfefefiiUoffrmtefull 3llanoes, MreplemOjeo tmtb gooolp trees! , ano the grouuoe of the fea to be berp cleane mithout rockegs , ano commooiotts to calf anker : Ipkctapfe the fea oftbc gulfetobauegreacabunoanceoffpfbe, ano the lanoc on both the ipoes to bee inferpo? to none in fruitfulness ♦ $c hfefp^ arrpupng, beefppeo ttoo of tbtnbabttantcs , hattpng cbepnes about thep? neckes , mane of ouches! (tobtebe tbep call Guaums > of bale goloe , artificiallpUnottgbt in the fourtneg! of Cagles !, ano lions, Utah opuers other beaded anofottles* Dftbcttoa Cariaians tabicbe he brought Umb hpm from Cmai, he taas cm fottrmeo that the regions! of Cerabaro ano Jburema mere rpeh in goiDc,anD that the people of Cariai l;atte al thep? golo from thence foKpcharmgeofotberofthep^tbpn^es!. Cbep toloehpm alfo, that in the fame regions there arc fine bilfiges 3 not farre from the fea fpoe, mbofe inhabitants applp them felncs onelpco the gea* theiing of golo * ^hc names of thefe tallages are tljefe , cbirara, Turtn f Cb\taz^JuYeche,Jtamea % $!lthc men ofthe p?Cilince of Cerabaro&o nakeo,$are patnteotaitb outers colotirs.Cbfptake great pleafure tit taeartug garlanoes of flottres, ano croumes of maoc of the clataes of lions $ Epgers.Ebe taomcn cotter cnlp £liUwcsf * tbep? p?tuie partes irnch a fpllet of gotTamptne cotton * Depart* ing front hence, $ coalf tng Ifpll bp the fame (bo?e fo? the fpace of jtbiii. leagues, be came to another rpucr, inhere he efppeo about tb?ee buno?eonakeO men in a companp , oltaneof^abplon,o?^lcap?em Cgppt, tbtnljabttantes neere Unto tlje rptter of Hilus tolbe me tlje Ipfte of tljep? female Crocobtles, affp?mpng furtljermo?e, tftat tbe fat ojOjeroet of tljem, ts equall tn foeetties uritb tlje gleafaum gummes of Arable ♦ ^ut tbe 3bmtrall m$ noboe at & The thyt-**>* t&rfepnj papnted after tlje maner of tlje countrcp, came toboardstljem, tcrupnfo'tVe^ boitb a great multitude of men boaptpng on bpm, but an unarmed nan?* and bottboutboeapons, geupng alfo frgnes of peace, £2%enljc appmcljed neerer, and entred communication boitb our men,cer* tapneofljio gentlemen, neerelf about ljis perfon,remembjt'ng tbe maielfieofakpng>anotfjat itlfoooenotboitb bio honour to bargapne Itandpng, tookeagreat If one out of tlje riuer, boalb- png and rubbing it bcrpdccentlp, andfoput it Under bpm, boitb ?^l iz bumble reuerence, 3Tlje kpng thus llttpng, feemed lmtlj fignes t0 ***' 11 ftp ” 3 ’ and tokens, to inltnttate tbat it (bould be (aboful ftp our men to fearclj and biebue al tlje riuers bottbtn bis dominion, MX berfoje, tbe fppt cap of tlje Sides! of tfcfyttarp, leauing bis boates micb certapneof W companp , bebuentbp land a fcote, frcmtbe Cl tit banker i The thyrde Decade* tanked of fteugiu , bntpfl be came to tbe ratter of fiuraha, tubfc& Ijeafftmietbtoijerpctemgolotben eptber Biebrao^eragua: ifo^golotsiengen^comaUcPucc^oftljat iano, inftmuicb tbac among tbe rootesf of trcc^ grolutng Op tbe baiikes of tbe rpuero, ano among tbe (tones? lefc of tb e luater,ano alfo luljcrefoeuer tbep opggeo a bole 02 ppt in tbe gi'oimoe, not patf tbe oeaptb of a Ijanoefull ano abalfe,tbep founoe tbe card;, bepng taken out tberof, mp#e mttbgGloe:tobereupponbeoetermpneoto fatten bis? foote there , ano to inhabit . mittfraungers? to plant tbep? inhabitations? there, aflembleo agreatarmte, anoiuitb horrible ottterpes? alfapleo our men Oubobaonolu begun to builohottfesD fo ocfperatlp, that tbep lucre fcarcelp able fo? eo abpoetbe feft b?unt . ®jefenake& ^ n tj barbarians? at tbep? felt app?ocbc, bfeo onelp fipnges? ano far™. oarteo: but mljen tbep came neerer toljanoe (tookes? , tbep fougbtmitbthep?toooDDenftnoo?oe0, tubicbetbep cal Mad a* nas,M mebauefapoebefee* 3 man luouloe nottbpnkelubat great malice ano iu?acb luas kpnoleo in tbep? barter agapnff our men,ano iuttb tuljat oefperaie mpnues? tbep fougbt fo? the auftertie moit l,e ^ nce °f £ bep? libertie, lubicbe tbep mo?e eltceme then Ipfe 0? eaeemeo tuen riches: jFo? tbep lucre nolu fo oopoe of al feare 5 ano contemning rpepes. oeatb,tbat tbep nentber feareo long boiues 0? erode bdue 0 ,no$ pet (lubicb is* mode to be maruepleo) lucre anp tljpng oifeoura* geo at tbe terrible nopfe of tije gunned, fooue of front tbe fbpppeo. &brpretp?eo once: but fijo?tlp after encreafpng tbep? number, tbep returnco nio?e fiercelp then at tbe felte. ^Dljep Utouloe baueben come nteo to Ijaue receiueo our menfrenolp ag (fraungers? , but not as? tnbabitours. ®b e mo?e inffanc tljat our men lucre to remapne,fo much the greater multittioe of bo? * oerers flockeo togeatber oaplp, oilturbpng them both npgbt ano oap,fometpme0ontbeonefpoe,ano fometpmes? on tbe other. Ibpppes fpmg at anker neare bnto tbe n>o?e , tnaroeo them on tbe backeljalfe: but at tlje length tbep lucre fapneto fefake Volmu ** *anoe,ano returne backetbefame luap bp tbe lubicbe tbep came^bus tuitb much Difficulty f oaunger tljep came to tbe 31 - lano oUmwa, tying on tlje foutb lioe of tfiftmola $ Quha,\nii) ThetfcyiJeDecacfe. f : \6 tbep? (JpppeS as M of fjofcs? fpues, ano boles fo eaten tottfji mo?mes>as tbougb t&cp bao been bc?eD tb?otigb totclj mpmbles* mjc toatet entreo fo faff at tbe rpftes ano boles, that pf tbep baa not Intel) tbe papnfullabour of tljep? IjanDes emptieo tbe fame age fad, tbep mere ipke to baucpet$beo : mbereas pet bp tbts meaner tbep arrpueD ac imaica , although in manner balfe Dean* But tbep? ealamtete ceafTen noebeere: ,ffo?as fail as tbep?fl>pppes leafceD, tbep? flrengtb DimtnilbeD, fotbac tbep jjj mifer4We mere no longer able to tope tbcm from fmkpng* Bp reafon arc. Uibereof, fallpng into tbe banner of the Barbarians, anD iucia* feo Uifibout bop} of Departure , tbep leo tbep? Ipues fo? tbe fpace ofeennemonetbes among tbe nakeD people, mo?e nuferablie tbeneueropo Jdementies among tbe etbo tbepp?ap to tbe g>omte, anb honour it ant* great toben it rpfetb * But let bs? notoe fpeake of the mountains, anb & mouutapueu. station of tbefe toes, jf ront all tbe fea bankes of djefe regions?, exceebpng great anb bpgb mountapnesare feene totoarbe tbe ^omfepet reaching bp a continual tract from the <£aft into the ~ toeff 3 The tliyrde Decade. Wtff,6p reafon toljerof, 31 fuppofe tljat tlje ttoo great feaS (tofjer* of 31 tjaue fpoben targclp liefojc) are oeuioeo tottb tbefe mourn tapnes, as it lucre trntlj bultoarltes, leatf tljep fljouloe tope at® repupe, as Jtaltc ouiioctl; t!;e fea calico Tinbemm.ftotn tlje Tea aojiattbc, toljtdje tg notoe ccmmonlp calico tlje gtdfe of Venice . jfo? tobtcbe map fo etter tljep fapleo from tlje popnt cat leo Tremov.mium, s, Juguflini (tuljirfjc partepnetlj to tije pop tuga!es,anop?ofpcctetlj again!! tlje fea 9tlantiftc) etten onto Vraha nno tlje Ijauen Cerabaro, ano to tlje furtljcB lanoes founoe IjttSicrta toclltuarD, then (jao etter great ntountapneg in fpgijf, liotij nccrc ljanoe,ano alfo farreof, inalltljat long rafe. Cljcfc motmtapnes lucre m feme place fmoctlj, pleafaunt, anofruitfolf, full ofgooOlp trees ano Ijcarbes, ano fomtobere Ij ugh, rough, fill of rocbeg,ant> barren, as rijamicctlj in the famous mountapne of Tmus in A_fa, aiio alfo in turners coaifcs ofottr mountaptiesof Jfennmi, f fuclj otljer of libc bpgnefle. t£bc rpogteg alfo of tljcfc mountapnes are oiuioeo tottb goooIpanofap?eOaflepg. ®bat part of tbe mountapnes luljid) incluoetlj tbe limittes of ttragua, is tljougljt to be bpgber then tlje clouoes, infomndj tljat (as tljep fap) tlje tops oftljem can feloome be feene fo? tlje multitttoe of tljirkc clottoes luljt cite are b:nca;Ij tlje fame , Colams tlje 3miii< ral, tljefpjH fpnoer oftbefe regions, affirmetb that tlje toppes of tbe mountatnes of $eragua,m mote tljen fiftie mples in bepgbt, ©e faptfj fttrebermojc, tljat in tlje fame region at tlje rootes of tlje mountapnes tlje tuap is open to tlje foutlj fea, at comparetb it as it mere betuiene 23em'ce ana Genua, o? lama, as tbe ©enues uipl baue itcalleo,0)ljtcbe fable tljat tljep? citie luas builoeo cf lams. ©e affirmetb alfo, tljat tljts lano teadjetlj fo?tb totoarD tlje foutlj, ano tljat from bence it taiteilj tlje begpmting of bjeactlj : Iphe as from tlje 9Ipes, out of tbe narotoe tljpgb of 31talte, toe fee tbe large ano mapne lanoes of jf raunce,©ermame, ai® pannouie, totbe&armatiangano Sritbiaus, euett onto tbe mountapnes ano roeftes oHRipljea, at® tljefrofen fea, ano embjaft tberetoitlj, astoitlja continual! bonoe, a! ©j?acia, ano ©recta, toitlj an that is mdiiDeo tottOtn tlje p?omonto?te o? popnt of Malta , ano Belkfpmtus foutbtoaroe, ano tbe fea Euzhus, ano tlje marpG ibes of Meo:is in Scitbia nojtbtoatoe . ®be 9omiral fuppoferijj that on tlje left ijanoe , in faplpng totoaroe tbe toeft , this m ^litrljemmt is no\we calle& qmfcaue. sr&emofftftpttj ofaSeragua Jjigfjcrtljcn t&i cion too. jr&ointtapitesr of fiftie mples topgijt. 31ami0 ottor* toafeealleO 3!ap tottjje foj ofj^oe. bote. iti (tb, Ui i The thyrdeDecaJe* &ptw*tpanpflje feas: 3 $ut tn mp opinion, the beljemenc sioofec m na* courfe of tlje SDcean tomato the toetf,aatlj ftgmfie tlje let that the &po tm ^ ftouloe not fo iopne togeatljcr,buc ratljer tljat tljat * lanae is aaljerent to the firms ianaes totoaroe the 3jtlj, as toe battefapoe before ♦ ScfljaUfufftce toljauefapoe t&us mudjeof the length hereof : letbs notoe therefore fpeafce fomtoljac of the bjeaotbofthefame. 2Beljattemaoe mention before home tlje fbutlj feats oiuioeo bp narotoe Itmtttes from our©cean, as it toas pjoueo bp tljejcperience of Vafcbus TSiunnez^. ana bis com* panions,toljiclj fpjft maae open tlje map tbpther . But as opuerf* iptljemoumapncsofout 8lpcs tn €urope are fomtoljerena* rotoe, ana in fome place bjooetettenfo, bp the Ipbeptouioence of nature, this lano tn fome part tljerof reacbetb farre in bjeaocb, ana is in other places coarctea toitb narotoe itmtttes from fea to fea, toitb balleps alfo in fome places, toljerebp men map paCTe front the one fpae to tbe other. SHljere toe haue aefcribea the regions rfFrabawb Seragua to he fitttate, thefe feas are otttt* aeahp ftnall otffounce : get ought toe to etjpnhe tlje region, ^aragnonus 1 ! Wdie the great rpuer of Maragnonus runneth though, to be * berp large, if toe fijall graunt Maragnonum to be a rpuer, ana no fea, as tlje frefije toaters of tlje fame ought to perfiuaae bs. f 0 } tnfuchenarotoe cauesoftljeearth,there can he no fmalotopng gulfesoffucljehpgnelfe as to receiue oj ttoojplbe fo great a- bunaance of toater * ®lje ipbe is alfo to be fttppofeo of the great fjegteatrtuet rpuer of ©4^, tohiche toe fapae to be from the corner of tlje t? ab *!a nhau' °f Vraba, in fome place of fourtie fatljomes aepth, ana font* anctu j - inhere fiftie: alfo tijjee mples in bzeaoclj, ana fo to fall into the fea. 22Jemttff neeoes graunt, that the earth ts bjooe there, bp the tohidj tlje rpuer pafleth from the high mottmat'nes of Mafia ■■■ ■ ■ from lie#. The thyrcfe Decade." 1 1 g from tie <£atl 3 anti not from tie toelf ♦ ®iep tap tfjac tife rp* uer confrfteti anti tafatb its encreafe of foure ocljer rpuerd 5 8# rimt9 ipngfrom mountapnedofMA. £Dur men call tljtd rpuer \wmrnmnf Humen .5 . 1 ohannis ♦ ®iep Tap alfo that from Ijence it fatteti tntd [j£ tie gulfe of Vraba bp ten mouthed, ad oooti tie rpuer of momnapms* Kilus into tie fea of Cgppt : ipbetopfe tbae in the fame regton of Fn*k, there are m feme placed uarotoetepghtedjuotpaifing s w* fpfreeneleagued 3 auo the fame to be fauage, ano tmthout anp paflfage, bp reafon of optterd marpliee ano oefotare tuaped, toht* 0 an& cie tie itattned call Lamas, but tie j&panparoes accojopng to cct'ouue&apes ticp? bartette call them T remedales, T ramp ales, Ceneg ales , Sumi ~ derosj $ Zabondaderos ♦ 35ut before toe paCfe anp furrier, it Gjall notbegreatlpfrontour purpofe to Declare from to’jence tiefe tnountapned of z^^hauethepjname, accoiopngomotiam a rnpermtimia ttqutttedoftitniabttanced . “Siep fapo tiat fiabdiba toad a too* oft^nafu/ tht man , of great magnantmttte ano topfeoome among tiepjt niDtmtapnea preoecelToursf in oloe tpme , mbom in Ijer Ipfe ail tljtnljabi* of ©» t, «isa. tanteg of tljofe pjouinccs Opo greatly retterence, ana bepng oeao, gaueljeroiutneljonour,anD nameo tlje region after Ijcr name, beleeupngtbat tbe fenoetlj tljtmoer ano lpgljtnpng,to aetfrop tlje Fmttes of tlje eartb.pf flje be angteo, ano to fenoe plentie tf (bee be mell pleafeo , cfjis fiiperilittonijatij been pen fuaoeotbembpacraftie fcpnoe of men, bnoer pretence of rein gion, to tljtntene tljat tljep mpgljt eniop fudje gpfeesi ano offc- ritiges as mere brought to ttje place Vrfjcre (be mas IjoiitureO. ®bts ia fuificiem fo? tljis putpofe . Step fap furthermore, tljat tfje marplbes of tbe narouie lano,tobeteof rue (jaue fpoken, bring fojtb greatplentie of^rocooiles,Dragons,Battes,ano ®nats, ftS bepng oerp ljurtfull . ©jereforc mbenfaetter tbe? take anp ictic* *#emarp%B. nep tomaroc clje foutlj, tljep go out of tlje map tomato tbe mourn tapnes, ano efcljeme tlje regions neere Onto tljofe pcrploua ftnnea or marplbes , &ome t&pnke .'tljat tljere is a baltcp (ping tljat map tljat tlje rpuer runnetlj,mi[)icl)onrmencal % de lot ferdidos 4at is, tlje rpuer oftlje loll men ( fo namco Op tlje tntf* fortune Uiljtclje tljerebefell to ?^«papnet&pther, mere not accuffomcD to labour, but foj the moH part bought bp tn the marres* ®bt'S lann feemetb alfo to pjomife rnanp precious; Hones; : tfo} befpoe tbofe mljicb 31 fapoc to be fotrnoe neere Unto Cartii ano SanUa Martha, one a cciottg b ^ ncireas Mowh) a pilot (mho Ijao trauapleo tbofe coat* z$ mitb jamouDofej;* lobannes dela Cojfa mljple lje pet Ipueo) baoa precious; Dta* monoe,mljtche be bought of a nakeo poung man in the region 1 of Cumana, in cftep^oumce of Parti ♦ 3Dlji3 Hone mas; as; long as; tmo iopntes of a mans; ntpoole fpnger, ano asbpgas cfje fpjft lopnt of cl;e tbumbe, bepng alfo papnteo on euerp fpoe,con* fining of epgbt fquares, perfectlp fourmco bp nature* ^bep fap that mttlj this tljep maocfcarresmauuplles ano hammers, ano fcjake the teeth of fples, the Hone remapntng bnperplheo . ^be poung man of Cumana , moje this; Hone about his necke among otberoucbes;,(jfoloeitto^»^i Moralist} fpueofourcoum rerfecc Hones, maoe of glalfe,of outers colours, mheremteh the ignorant poung man mas greatlp DelpteO : &bep founo alfo cer* copari 0 /; tapne ^Hopafes on p Ihoje. But thefitmatton of golo mas fo farre encreoimotbebeaues of our men, that tljep Ijaonoregaroe to Hones* 3lfotijemoH part of the ^panparoes, no laugh them tofcojnemljicbbfetomeare manp Hones* fpeciallp fuel; as are ( common, tuoging tt to be an effeminate tbpng, ano moje meete i fojmomentbenmen*^be noble men one!p,mijen tljep celebrate folemne manages, oi fet foojtlj anptrtumpbes,mcarecbepnes of golo,befet micb precious Hottes,ano bfe fapje apparel of Hike, embjooereo mitb goloe, Imermtpc mltb pearles ano precious Hones, ano not acotbertpmes* ^hep tbpnkettnolefle eff-mt* nate fo? men tofmel oftbe fruccte fauours of arable, anoiuoge bpm tobetnfecteomicljfome kpnoeoffpltbplecljerp, tnmljom tbep fmel the fauour ofmufke o? Caji oreum. But Ipke as bp one apple taken from a tree, me map percetue the tree to be fruiteM, anobponefplbetakeninarpuer,me map knotoe tljatfplbetS mjjenojeo m the fame ; euen fo, bpa lift goto 3 ano bp one Hone, . ~ me The thyrcfe Decade. me ought to cottfpber that this lanoebrmgeth foojth great plen* tie of goloe, anb pyectousS Hones, eftgiufieobphis letters. v ' The thyrJe decafe fetfetg, that be boitb hfe name anD company arrpttcti al fafdp^ jfurtbermoje, Ubannes Calebs (U)ljom potir (joltnefte ac the re* quell of the moil catbolique bpng IjaD createD Bifljop of that p?ouince of 'bariena) anD tbjee other of the cheefe rfficers iopneD in commiflton to be bis affpftantes, as Jlfonfus de PonteMegus Marques, anD Johannes de Tauira , COnfpjmeD the fame letters, anD ftibfcnbcD tljemimtljtljepj names, €lje nauigationtljere* me nauigati# fb?c of Petrus Arias, urns in d)i0 maner,€lje Dap before t\)Z 3!0eg Sriw, ru * of3p?pl,intlje peere ofCfoifte* 1514- be bopfeD bp bis fapies, in cbe toirne of faint Lucar de panameda, lunate in tlje mouth of the rpuec mljicb tlje ^panparoes nobue cal Guadakbelir ♦ ^be feuen 3llanbes of Canaria arc about fotire IjunDjeD mples Dtftant from tbc place boljere this duer failetb into tbc fea.&cme tbpnbetljattljcfe are tlje SlanDes boljichc tbc oloe bojptcrsbpo ^e3i!anbcof call tlje fojtuitate JlanDes t but other tljpnke the eontrarp,^be cauane, name 0 f t {j^ic 3ilanDes aretljefe. ^Ijertuo tljat appears fp?ft mft£l)timim\£bLanzelotamb Fortifuentura. £>n tbc back* Ijalfc Oftljcfe,lpCtlj Magna Canaria 0? Grancanaria * 35eponD that is T euerif&xib Gomera fomebdjat toUJatDc tlje noftbfrom tljat, Talma anD Eeneatye beljpnDe,as it mere a Imiujtirke to altljc 0- tljer. Petrus Arias tberfoje,artiueoatG0»*^tbe epgljt oapa£ ter bis Departure, mitlj a nauie offcuemeenc fljipS,$a tljoufann anD fine IjunDieD men, although tbere boereonlpa tljoufanDanD tmo IjunDjeD afttgneD bpm bp tlje bpnges letters;. 3It is fapo fur* tljermoje, tljat be left bebpnDebpm mojetljentmotljoufanDe, berppcnftueanDfighingtbac tbepalfo mpgbt not be receiueD, pjoferpng them fete to goe at tljepj onme charges, fpe tarpen ^ioiunoit of jcbi.Dapes in Gomera, to tlje intent to make pjouifton of fuel anD mhtuT xn ^elhetuater, but cheefelptorcpapjeljisfljpppes, bepngfoje bjoofeD mttlj tempeftes, ano efyectallp tlje gotterncurs fljpppe, mbicb baD loft tlje ruDDer: Jr oj tljefe SilanDcs are a ccmmoDious reftpng place fo? al fwelje as mtenoe to attempt anp nautgatte in tljat maine fea,Departing from hence in the Jftones of S0ap, Ije faboeno m^eianoe bntpli the tljp^De Dap of3lune, at tlje bolji s dje he arrjwcD at Pom'mka an 3IIanDe of the c anil ales , being Di* ftantfrom Gomera about eight huuDjeD leagues. Upereljc remain neDfourcDapes, makpng pebae pjoutfton of frelljemater anD 1 fucilj -Durpng mljicbe tpme, Ije fame no man*;, noj pet anpe fteppes The thy rde decade* 120 ofmett,tat fottnbe plenty of fea Crabbes ant* great &i* farts. jfront benceljefapleb bp the 31lanbes oRvf^mwCot&er* frpfe cailCtJ Mahnino)Guadalut>ea atlb (etfjertttpfe Cftfo lea Galana ) of al mljiclj mebaue fpokett in tbefp?lf Decabe. ipepaffeb alfo tb?qugbt&efeaofbeatbes o? mecbes, conttmKtr&efcaof ing along tract: get neither be 3 no } Cobnut tije 3omtral(U)[jo & wrl,w * fyfi founo tljefe 3!ianbcs,anb fapleb though t&fe fea ofmeebes> batte beclareb anp reafon bom tljefe meebes fljoulb come, g>ome> thpnke the fea to be bcrpe mubbpe there , anb that tbefe meebes are enaenbjeb in the bottome thereof, anb fo bcpngloofeb , to afcentie to the bppermolf part of the mater , as me fee often* tpmeS chaunce tn certapne tfanbpng pooled , ant* fometpme s alfo tn great rptters ♦ Mjer ftippofe that tijep are not engen* ftp* there, but to be beaten from certapne rockes bp the bio* lence of the mater tn tempers : ^ttbtljus tijep leaue the- mat* term Doubt, jfteptijerhaue tijep pet anp certapne experience mhether tijep ffpeke fall anbgeue place to the lbpppes>o?matt* oer loofe bpon the mater : But it ts to be $opgby bafc f hep are eitgenb?eb there, fo? othermpfe tijep lljottloebe b?puetitogea* tljer on hcapes, bp the tmpttlfton of tije fljpppes, etten asa bea*- fomegeatljercththefu3eeppngepofahoufe,antJ Ojottloe alfo let thecourfeoftlje Ibpppes , €ljefourtljbap afterthacljeDepat> teo from paniaro, tobo bao oftentpmes otter* wnne tbofe coatf es. Vefputius is mp berp familter frenoe, ano a Urittie poung man,in rnbofe companp 31 take great pteafurc,ami tberfojebfebpmoftentpmesfojmp gbeft . Clpebatbalfomaoe - ntanpbopagesintotbefe coaftes i, ano otltgentlpe notco fttcbe tbpnges as be batb feene ♦ Petrus Arias tberfo^e t»jptetb> ano beconflrmetb tbe fame, tbattbinbabitantesof tbefe regions tooke tbepjojtgmallof tbe Caribbeso? Cantbalcs,asappea* reo bp tbeoefperat fperfneffe ano cruelcte tobicb tbep oftentimes ttie Sarbari# 0 )cU>cd to our mctt tobcn tbep paffco bp tbep? coalfes* gmcbe tfoutnelfe ano fojtituoe of mpnoe ts naturallie engenojeo tti tbefe nafteo Barbariaus, that tbep feareonotto alfaple our Ufjole nattp , ano to fo?bpo them to come a lanoe. Zijep fpgbc fcntb benemous aroboes, as boe bane fapoe before, iparcep* upng that our men contemneo tbep? tb?eatnpnges , tbep sr&e^amuaieo rannefurpouflpinto tbefea,euenbpto tbe b?ealfes, notbpng ftgjnnuue fearpngeptbcr tbe bppelfe o ? multimoeofourlbpppes, but ceafeo not contpnua!lie,bepng thus in tbe boater, to caff oartes, ano to fboote tbep? benemous arroboesi as! tbpcke as baple: 3Info* tnucb that our men bao bpn in great oaunger,pf tbep bao not bin oefenoco bp tbe cages o? pauiifes of tbe flrippes,ano their target test get boerettuooftbem boounoeo,bol)tcb oico fl)o?telpaften But this conflict conttnuco fo tyarp, that at tbe length our men pa* nparoescallF^r, in’jo bath aifo bptberto entreo further into tbe lanoe then anp other . l)z affirmed), that be cbaunceo bppon tbe fragment of a ^apbire , bpgger then tbe egge ofa goofe,ano #iccions that in certapne bpHcs toljere be crauapleo loiil; tbtnie men, be founoe mam> of tbe metions (tones calleo ^maractoes* Calcioo* joiUitrue iits>,ail9 .Jjaiyirs, utiput glial jJttixfcUls ous (tones , fet in go!o,ano inciofeo m tapffrp 0? arras (tf it map- fa be calleo) mberemitb tbep bang tbep? boufes ♦ Zl)z fame lam* itiiouin. 0 tUe from ianena CaSmaroe, tbep cjrcrcife a ftratmge kpnoe of mar* ebaunoi^e: jfo? in the boufes oft&etiibabttames, tbep founoe great cbeftes ano baffcees,maoe of the ctuigges ano leaties of cer* tapne trees apte fa? that purpofe, being ail ful of Crafieboppers, ; lomacs Replies, Crabbes, 0? Crefplbes, ^maples aifo,ano loculfes, onn« m tow ujljicbe oeftrope tlyz fccloes of co?ne,al tnd( o?peo ano faitco . Be* a„ l ? SuS 0, TO oemautaeo mbp tbep referuco fuebe a multimoe of tljefe m rcUDuf. beatfes : tbep anfmeareo, that tbep kept them to be foloe to tbep? bo^erers,iubicbe oindl further tm'tbin the lanoe, ano that fo? foou isnittb* the exchange of tbefe precious bpjoes a ano lalceo fjlbes, tbep re* ccmcd Thethyrde Decade, 122 rctticu of them certapne tfrange tfjpnges, herein partly tfjcp cake pleafure, ant) patdp bfe tljem fo? tljep? necedarp affap?e& ©jefe people dujcII not togeatljer, but fcatteveo Ijcre ano tbem ^DljtnljabuaMcs of Caramairi > feeme to otnel in an eardjlp para= oife, thep? region is fo fap?e and fnutefuH , Umljouc oucragious fjeace, o? fljarpe coloe, Intel; title Difference of tlje length ofoap anonpght th?ougljout all the pecre. 8ftcr that oar men Ijao thus o?puendje Barbarians to flpgljt, djep entreo into a ballep, of trno leagues in b?eaodj, am> tlj?ee in length, eptenopng to cer* capnefruitefullmountapncsj full of grade, hcatbes, ano trees, at djerootesmbereof, Ipetmo other ballets totoaroc tlje rpghc fjanoc ano dje leaft, though eptber of dje tubtebe runneth a fap?erptter, lnbcrof cbe rpucr of Cma 13 one, but Onto the o* tier djep Ijaue pet geuen no name . 31 n djefe balleps djep fotmo manpfap 2 egarocns,anDpleafauntfeclDes,n)atereD imtfj tren* ^artren^ chee, otdributeo in marueplous ojoer, toith no lede art tljcn our Jnfubrtans ano ilpctrurtans nfe to mater djetr feeloes ♦ ^hep? ^!y C ^ a c ^^ re common meate , ts Ag^^ luce a, Maizium^ Battuta, UritiJ fuelje iiuinbarDc0, other rootesannfruttes of trees, anoalfofucljfptlje as tljep bfe ^ u D rc |^ rucl3 rntljeSllanoesano other regions of cljcfep?amnccs. “Ehepeate ^ mans flc(T)e but feloame , becaufe tljep meete not oftempmes tuitlj Grangers, ejtceptthepgoefoo?£hcftljep? one oommions fcmlja mapnearmp, ofpurpofero bunt fo? men, inljen djep? rauenpng appetite p?ickedj t&em rbjtoarOe t Jfo? tljep altfapnc from them felues, ano eate none but fuelje as tljep take in the fioarres, 0 ? otljerlnpfe bp cljaunce ♦ But fuerlptctsa mtferable tfjpng to Ijeareljolne manpmp?taocs of men djefe fplehp ano bits <®Hemritabe 3 naturall oettourers of mens dedje Ijaue confumeo,ano lefee thou* fanoes of mod fap?c ano fruitcfali 3|lan0es ano regions oefolate imtljoutmen: bp reafonmljerccf, our men founoc fo manpe 3IIantses , mijicljefo? tljep? fap?encs ano fruttefulneffe mpgbt feeme to be certapne eardjlp jparaopfes, ano pet mere btterlp bopoe ofmett . $perebp pour IjolpneiTe map coudoer Ijoine perm's ttous a kpnoe of men this is ♦ file Ijatte fapoe before, that the 31* Imioc nameo Santfi lobmnis(w])id) tljinljabitamscal Barkbend ) is nept to Hifpaniola ♦ 3ic is fapoe, that cnlp tlje Cambales inljicf; omel in tlje otlj^r 3Ilanoes neere about tljis,as ttt the 3!lanoe cals feO Hajhay 0 ? Sctntfa Crucis, anO in Guadaiupea (Otljermpfc callCD H ii Qzpcrajueicra ^ ) The thyrde Decade. Queraqueiera^ o;Cdm#w*)bauett 10 Ur tpitlC btoletttlp taken cue of the fapse 3!lanse of sanHi lobjnnis, mo;e then fpue tljoufanse men to be eaten* Outlet it fuffice thus muclje fa baue toanseres bp tbefe monlftous blooDfuckerjat . £He topli notoe tl;erfo;e fpeake fomtoljat of tbe rooter tobereoftbep make tbep; b;eas 3 fo;afmucbe as tbe fame Ibal hereafter be foose to Cb;tlftanmen,tnl!easeof b;cas rnase of tobeate, ann tn the fteaseofrasplbe,tottb fuel; other rootesas tbep l;aue been ac« cut! omes to cate tn Cttrope ♦ Wt baue ofcentpmes fapo befo;e 3 tbat luce a is a rootc, tobereof tbe bed ans molt Delicate b;eas is mass, both tn tbe firmelanoe of tbefe region?, anD alfo in tbe 3llanseS:batbotoe it istplleso; bufbanses, botoe it grotoeeb, tan manner of t1nD °Rtoto kpnses it to, 31 baue not pet DcclareD . &ber* pirtiitpng tijc fo;c, U)l;en tbep entenoe to plant tbts I*cca> tl;ep make a bole tn rooteaucca, ( jj C eart |j 3 fc nce Dee p C) an fc rapfe a (j ea y £ 0 f t [ )Z car£ {j taUctl Ottt of tbe fame, faibtonpng it Ipke a fquare besoe, ofntene foote b;eastl; on etterp fpse,fettpng ctoeluc trtmkes o f tbefe roots (be* png about a foote mtDal balfe long a peece) in cuerp of tbe fans lesses, contapnpng tf;;ee rootes of a fpoe, fo lapse a Hope, tbat tbe enses of them topne in matter togeatber in tbe center o; mis* seftoftbebessetoubm tbegrouns*2Dut of tbe topntes of tbe rentes, ansfpaces bettocne tbe fame, fp;png tbe toppes ana biases of nctoe rcotes, tobiebe bp litle ans litle encreafpng, grotoc to tbe bpgttesatts length of a mans arme in tbeb;atone* ans oftentpmesasbpgge as tbe tbpgb: fotbat bp tbe tpnte of tatorootJS 1 * 1 * tbepjfoltrppcnes, inmaner all tl;e earth of tbe beape is com uertesintorootes. But tbep fap tbat tbefe rootes are not rppe tnlefle then a peere ans a balft, ano that tbe longer tbep are fuf* feres to groto 3 etten fcmpl ttoo peeres comp!etc,tbep are fo mitefr ©oiMctneabia ^ eccer > ans me;e perfecte to make b;eas thereof* &Hl;en mascof Son* tbep are taken foojttb of the earth, tbep ferape them, ans flpfe tbem,fc)ttb certapne fljarpe ftones 3 ferupng fo; the fame purpofe: ans thus taping them bettoenettoo great ftones, o;puttpng them in a facke mase of tbe ffalkes of certaine tough bearbes ans fatal reeses,cbep p;clTc them (as so toe cbeefe o; crabbes,to s;atoe out tbe mice thereof) attsfo let them S;pc a sape before tbep rate them. ^Lbe mice o; liqueur tbep cal! atoap : fo; (as toe baue fapse)it is seaslp popfon in tbe 3|lanses - get is tl;e mice of The thysfde Decacta Stefie as gtoloe fa tlje fame land tobofefcme, pf ft be fofcde,8S is tbebftcpof out triple, ®bep Tap tfjac there arc manp kpnoes oftljtjs I ucca, toljerof Come are tuo?e pleafaum ano delicate then gljc other , ana are therefore refertteo as it toere to make fpne $pancbee foj tbekpnges otone table i But cbe ®emlemen eafe oft ! ;z meaner fo&ano t be common people of tlje bafeff . Wst fr nett tljep call Cazabbi, tobtdjc tljep make rounoelpke cakes, tn cectapne pjefles, before tbep feetbe it,oj bake it . ‘ftbep fap> furtljermo?e,tljat there are Ipkeiopfe outers kpnoes of tlje rootes cfJges,M$*ttit4. But tbep bfe tljeferatber as frmtes,ano npOjes of fertuce, tljett to make bjeao thereof; as Uie bfe IRapes, •ftaDiHjes, epfijromes, Sautes, perfnippes, anoftteljelpke. 31n tljts cafe , tljep molfe cfpectallpe effecme tlje betf kpnoe of Batatas, mljicb tn pleafant tatfc and tenoerneire,farre ejcceeoetb ottr 3MIjromes.31t faalfttfftfe to baue fapo thus much ofrootes: Z&U top! notoe therefore fpeake of another kpnoe of tljetr tyeao* Wz oeclareo before, that tljep batte a kpnoe of grapne o j pulfe, ntttcbe Ipke onto TanicumMt tottlj fontetoljat bpgger grapnes, INtimmi** toljtcb tljep beate into meale, bpott certatne great Ijolloto Hones, iottlj tlje labour of thepjljanoes, toljen tljep iacke lucca, ano of 5?.*3 ta, ^ n ** tljt'sts maoe the mojeoulgar oj common fyeao • 3Ittsfotoen 1 tb?pfe a peere 3 fo that tlje fruttefulneffe of tlje ground map beare ft, bp reafon of tlje equaliue of tlje tpme,tobereof toe batte fpoken fufficterttlp before. 3ln tljefe regions tljep founoe alfo tlje grapne of Maiziummn ftmotp kpnoes of fruttes of trees, oiltgentlpe cqulf?cnmhEl planted, ano toel bufbanoeo* ®be loap bcctoeene tlje regions t>apant» npg&t . HtCararnAiYlm Saturma, tS fap?e, bjOOOe, anO rpgbt foofaj* nuAMnteqil** ^bepfounoe here alfo funojp kpnoes of toater pones maoc one UnDcr tljt of earth, of outers colours, tn tbe toljtcbe fbep botlj fetclje ano I ^ luuoctlftU fteepe frelbe boater : Ipketopfe funoip kpnoes of tugges, goo* * ocroes,ojpnkpngcttppes, poctes, pannes, opftjes, ano plat* ters,arttfictallpmaoe. Wi)tn tljegouernourbaogeuen com* maunoement bp ptoclamatton,tljac tbe tmjabttauntes (Ijottlo ep* fljer obep tlje CljjtHtan kpng, ano embrace our religion, o? els to depart out of tbepjcountrcp: tljep anfmereo tnitljbenemous arrotnes. 3!n tljt's fkpjmpUje, our metttooke fome of them t mijereof, clotljpng tbe motte parte in fapje apparell, tljep fenc them againe to tbetr otone companp : But leading tbe reftoue to ft fit tlje , The thyrJe T)eca tie* tfe ibpppeS, f c tfentent fo (fetoc them the potoer ano magntfc ccnce of the cb?iflians,tbat tbep might oc dare the fame to tfep? companions , tferbp to bopnne their fauour, tbep appareleo them Ipfcetopfe, ano few them after tfep? felobues* a£» fp?me, that in all the rpuers of tfefecoalf, tbep fatoe great ar* gumewes ana tokens of goloe* €fep founoe fere ano tfere in tfetr boufes gooo If o?e of Charts fle(k,vt 35o?e s flclfe, boferboith tfep fcDuc tfem felues odtcatelp . ^fep alfo baue great plentte offuno?p kpnoes of bp?oes, ano foufes, bofereof tfep b?png bp manp in tfeir boufes, fome fo? neceCTarpe foooe , ano other fo?oapntt'eop(fes, as me oo Rennes ano partricfes ♦ 2Dur mcnfercbpconiecture, that the ap?e of tfefe regions is berp ^oifomeapte. bolfome, ftnafmucbe as fleppng all npgfe bnoer tlje fp?mament on the bankes of tfe rpuers, none of tfem mere at anp tpme offenoco mitb reumeso?ljeaoacbe, bp reafonof anp nopfome humour, o? uapour p?oceeopng from tfe earth , ap?e, o? boater . 0ur menfurtfermo?e founoe there manp great bo* tomes of goitamppne cotton reop fpttnne , auo faroelies of op* uers kpnoes of fetfers , mbereof tfep make them felues creffes ano plumes, after the maner of our men of armes : alfo certetne clokes,mbtcbc tfep ellceme as moll comelp o?namentes • &Oep founoe Ipkempfc an innumerable muitimoe of boboes ano ar* roboes . ^inhabitants alfo oftfefe regionS,tnfome places bfe to burne tfe carkafes of their puttees mfentfep areoeao, at® to referue their bones btirpeo buith fppees in certapne hplles ♦ 3!tt ocher places, tbep onelpojpc them, ano tmbamme them mid; fppees ano fuocetc gummes , ano fa referue them in fepulcbers in tfep? omne boufes .^metnljere alfo, tfep 0?p them, fppee them, aoouvne them botch p?ecious iemcllcs,ano ouches, ano fa reueremlp place them in ccrtapnetabernacIes,maoefo? the fame purpofe in tbep?cume palaces. GHfen our men hao manp of tfep? tablets , t»?afe!etee0, tollers, ano fuebe other ouches (kJhiche tljep call Guanines) tfep fhunoe them rather to be maoe *d«s ^ of lason then of goloe : mbcrebp thep fuppofe that tfep baue bfeo manupiouft? m ejccbaunge tl;ep? mate mitb fome ctaftte ffraungers, mfe'che to«otoci»«af%oughtthem thofc counterfeit ouches,to oefrauoe them of thep? goloe :jfo?euen our men percetueo not the oecepte bntpll $ejp came to th^meltpng ♦ tfuctfecwofocmapne ofour bupb flgoCTampine •Cotton. jjfttjjers. ice anO fbpppcSj ano furnpfljeb tbe fame Haiti) all necetotes^bep loofeo anker clje.icbi bap of cbeCalenbes of3Ju:p,btrectpng cljeir courfe to tlje (jauen of Cartba^ena, in tbe mijicbe bopage cbep oedropea mib uiadeb cerfaine 3 !lanbes of tbe Cam'bales 3 lping in tlje Uiap, accojbpng as tljep mere commatmbeb bp tbc kpng ♦ But tbe ftoiftcourte of tlje mater ncceiaco both lobannes S an anus tlje roilrfe oftbc cbtefe ijMot of tbe gouernours djippe 3 anb all tbe otber 3 altbougb u,atcr * tbep mabe tbeir bod that tljep pcrfrctlp kneme tlje nature tljeroft if o) tljep a%me, that in one night tljep mere carieb fourtie k& fomit \t&* guea beponb tbeir efttmation* fftieain one The fyxtebooke of the thyrde Decade. ©ere mult toe fomrtofjat aigrette fro ©of* £""tw epinu mon;rap!)p,stmateap!j[laropl)!ca(D:fcaiirfe rrJ'X#* tofearelje tlje (mete catties of nature, tfo} r ° Uiljereas tljep all affirme iut'tlj one coniine, »#?««?«» tljat § fea runneti) tljerc from tlje caft to t&e tlJC *®*». uieff, aa ftotfteip aa ittoere a rpttcr faflpitg from&ps&motmtapnes, a tbougto it not Ji UU gcob 1 ' The thy r Ac Decade* good to let furije matter flpppe Untouched '♦ ®je tobtrij toljpfe Slconfpoer, 3lamo?atoeittnto no fmall ambtguttte and doubts toljptber tbofe toaters batte tljep? cottrfe , toljtcbe flotoe toteb fo commuaH a tract in ctrcutte ftomtlje €aH, as tbougb tbep fleooetotljetoeft, neuec to return? , and pet neptljer tlje toelf tberebpanptoljtttbemojefplled , nojtbe Calf emptied * 31f toe (ball fap that tbep fali to tbep? centre (as t« tbe nature of srtjeaiuiuot* Ijeautetbpnges) and afllgtte tbe Cqutnocttall line to bee tbd ^paitoattrs centre (asfomeaffp?me) tobat centre (ball toe appopnt to be mouc toiuartie able to receiue fa great abundance oftoatcr *t ©jtoljac ctrcum* quinoctfa? rwo frwnce (ball be founde toet *t 'Cbcp toljtrije baue fearcbed Urdanus ae tbofe coa(fes 3 batte pet foundeno ipke reafon to be true. Sganp fubtilit liber tbpnkc that there fljoulde bee certapne large tfratgljtes o? en* ti.de elementis. trances tn tljc corner oftljat great lande , toljtcbe toe defended to be epgbt tptttes bpgger then 3[talpe 3 and tbe corner there* ofcobefitUofgttlffs 3 toljerebp tbep fuppofe that fome (frapgb* tes fljoulde pafletb?ougb the fame 3 Iptng on tlje toe It fpoe of tbe3!landeofc«^, and that tbe fapde ftrapgbtes fbouldefma* lotoeup tbofe toaters 3 and foconuep tbe fame into tbe toeft> and from thence agapne into our Caft ©cean, o? no?tb feas> as fome tbpnbe ♦ ©tljer topll , tljat tbe gulfe of that great lanoe be rioted up, and tbe lande to rearije farre totoaroe tbe no^tb on tbe barite fpde of Cuba, fo that tt embrace tbe no?tfr landes, toljtcbe tbe frofen fea encompaffetb under tbe no?tij pole* and that all tbe lande of tbofe coaffes 3 (bouloe topne togeatljer as one firme lande : (KBberebp tbep contccture 3 tljat tbofe maters fljoulde be turned about bp tbe obtecte o? reftlfaunce of that land* fo benopng totoarde tbe no?tb 3 as toe fee tbe toaters turner about tn tbe crooked bankes of certapne rpuers3ut tbtS agreetfr mt frofen rea. m tn popntes * jfoj tbep alfo toljtcbe batte fearcbed tbe frofen 4 fea, and fapled from tbence into tbe toelf 3 oolpketopfe a%me* tljat tljcfc no?tlj feas flotoe conttnuallp totoarde tlje toeft 3 aU tljougb notljpng fo fmifcelp. ^befe no?tb feas baue ben fearcbed j&ebaaian «ra* bp one gaebaftian Cabot, aCJcnetiait bo?ne, tobombepngpec but in matter an infant, bfe parentes carped tottb tljent into Cnglande 3 baupng occaflon torefojt tljttber fo? trade of mar* rijand$e,aststlje matter of tbe toettm?s 3 toleaue no part of cjje toojlde unfearc&ed to obtain rpdjeffe . tljerfoje furntlbed “ ttoff 2C* bp tlje ftrapgtjt of j[t^a3ilamis nontt lanoea. TlietbyrcJe Decade. 1 25 ttoo (f)pppe^ in England at Ijis otone edarges : #nd fpjll tottlj <&&* uo past of tl free dundjetd men. Directed Ijfe courfe fo farre tofoarde tlje nojtd pole, tljat euen in tde monetlj ofjfulp de (bunde monllrous ianoe to t&e beapesof 3 lfefmpmmingontdefea, and m matter continuafl f «fenrca^ dap ipgbtt get fame de tlje lande in tljat tract free front 3!fe, mdtede dad ben moulten bp Ijeat of tde &>omte. 3Ldus feepng fuede drapes of31febefojedpm, be mas enforced to turtle ljt£ faples 3 and folome tlje Utetf, fo coatlpng UpK dp tlje Ojoje, tljat be mas tljerebpdjougdtfo farre into tljefoutlj,dp reafonof tlje lande bendpngfomuclje foutbmarde, tljat it mas tljere almoU equall in latitude mud tlje fea called Fretum Henuleum, Ijaupng tlje nojtd pole eleuate in maner in tlje fame degree* fpe faplefc Ipbempfe in tijis tract fo farre fomatde tlje melt , tljat Ije dad tde 3Ilanoe of Cuba on dte left (jande,m maner tn tlje fame degree of longtttide ♦ 3s Ije trauepled bp tde coalles of tdts great lande (iL^jiclje be named ®4c^//40j)defaptd 5 tdat be founoe tlje Ipde courfe of tlje maters tomato tde melt, but tlje fame to nmne mote foftlp and gentdlp, tljentljefmifte maters mljicbe tlje g>panp* ardcs found e in tbeir nautgattons foutljmarde ♦e~ viogorgon, as feme Ijaue imagined 3 bpcaule cfjep fee tlje Teas bp increafe $ decreafe 3 to Horn $ reflom. g>ebaaian Cabot Ijpm felfe 3 oftijc earto, named tbofe landes 'SaccdLoskyt aufe tljat in tlje feas tderabouc defoimdefo great multitudes of certapnebpgge fpldes, muclje libebnta &unnies(mbicbdjmbabitants te alfo faptlj tljere is greatplemte ofBeares f^mua ! ftc0 in tljofe regions, mbiclje bfe to eacefplbe ♦ Jfoj plungepng tljem ftlues into tde mater mdere tljep perceiue a multitude of tljefe fpldes to Ipe, tljep fallen tljep? clames in tljep? feales, and fodjame tljem to lande, and cate them; &otljaf(asde faptlj) fe Thetliyrdc decseW I lie Beare* bepng thus fattto mitb fp©e, are not ttopfottie to men * l)z beriaretb fureOer, that in manp placed of tbefe rcgt* ons, |e fame great plentte of laton among the inbalritaumes* • Cabotiz mpbcrpfrenb, m!;om3lufe fatmlterlpe, anb belpre to latiebpmfometpmes keepe me companp t\x mp om;ie boufe: .ffoj bepng calico out of Cngianoe bp the commaimbemcnt of cbecatboltquekpngofCafttle, after the bea© of Upemp kpng ofCnglanbe, the feuencb of that name, be mao maoe one of our counfaplc anb affitance a 3 touching the affapjes of tbe nem 3 Inutesi,!ookpngDaplpfo?lbpppe 0 to be furmfbeb foj bpm to Otfcouer tin's bpo ferret of nature ♦ ^Ijis uopage is appopntcn to be begunnetn sparcljem tbepcerenejct folompng,bepngtbe If pecreof Cbjiff . 1 5 1 <5, (fflljat Qjail fucceebe, pour bolpnefie (balbe abuertpfeb bp mp letters, pf (Don graunt me Ipfe* ^>ome • of tbe ^paniarbes benpe that Cabot mas tbe fpjif fpnber of tbe lanoeof ; 8 ^// 4 «janDaffirmetbatbc ment not fo farre melfe* marbe : But it (|aU fufficeto batte fapbe thus ntucbe of tbe gulfesanblfrapgbteS,anbof&ebaffian Cabot* letosnome tberfcqe rcturne to tbe fepaniarbes , 8 t this tpme, tbep let palfe [) ctje tbe bauctt of Carthago btuoucbeo, mttb al t|e 3Ilanbes of tbe Ca* Safw. titbales there abottte, mbtebe tbep nameb Infulas Santfi Permit di > leaupng alfo bebinb tbep? backes, al tbe region ofCar^ni 1 ri . 5 >eere bp reafon of a fooapne tcmpelf 3 tbep mere caffe bpon j| * n * z 3I* ant,c Fortis > bepng about fpftie leagues utffant from tbe entcraunce of tbe gulfe of Vraba. 3Jn tins 3jlanb, tbep fotmbe in tbe boufesoftbinbabitantes, manp bafkettes mabeqfcettapne j| great fea reebes,ftil of falt^o? tin's 31lanb batb in it manp goon* Ip fait bapes , bp reafon mijerof tbep baue great plentie of falte, mljicb tbep fell to other nations foj furl; tbpngs as tbep (fanbe in neebe of. Bat farre from hence, a great Curlem,as bpgge as a | & mange fling ^tojke, came Aping to tbe gouernours (bpp, ano ftiiferebbec feife to be eafelp taken , mljicbe bepng carrpeb aboute among aH the ©pppes of the name, opeb fljojtlp after : ^Dbepfame alfo a great muliituoeoftbefamekpnbeoffoules on the ©oje a farre of . Zljc gouernours fbpppe, mbicbemefapbtobaue loff the rubber, bepng nom foje ©oofeb, anb in manet impjofptable, tbep left bebpnbe, to folome at Icafitrc . ^benatiie arrpueoat $>arim ©e tmelf© bap of tl;e Calenbcs of31w!p> anb the go* uernourg TlietKyrde Decade. iternotntf flbpppe (bepngbopbeofmetO toasbjpuenafanbem tbe fame coafteo toitbin foure bapes after . t£lj e &>panparbes ^ic 6 enotoinbabtteo 2 )^r/ew 4 J ti 3 (t(jtf)ep?Ciptapne anb JLieue* tenaunt Vafchus ^unne^Palboa (of tobom toe Ijaue largelpe ^ oUjf19artfiUjl mabe mention before) bepng certifpcb of tbe arrtuail of Pam mciueij ttje Jrias anb bts company toent foojtb tb?ee tuples to meete bint, s° uew anb receiueb bun bcno?ablp 3 anb religiouflp toitb tbe pfalme Te deum Uudmus 3 geupnp; tbanfces to gob bptobofefafe conbuct tbep toere brought fo pjofperottflp tbptber to al tbep? comfo?ce& f^eprecepueb them glablp into tbep? botifeo btiiioeb after tbe mmx of tbofe p^oumcegJ . 31 map rod cal tbefe regions, p?ouim ces 3 * Prowl ViHis (tbat is) fucb as are ottercome farreof 3 fo?af* murfjeasottr men bonotoinljabite tbe fame,al tbe barbarous kpnges anb Jloolatours bepng eiecteb, ^bep encertapneb them tottb fucb cbeare as tbep tocre able to make tl;em: a 0 toitb tbe Suites of tbofe regions,anb neto b?eab,botb maoeof rootes 3 anb tbe graine Maizium. ®tber belicatcs to make bp tbe feaft 3 toere of tbep? oton fto?e 3 toljicb tbep b?ottgbc tottb them in tbep? ft)ips, aspoub?ebflelb,falteo fp(be 3 anb b?eao mabe of tobeat : fo? tbep brought toitb them manp barrelled of toljeate meale fo? tbe fame purpofe. Ipeere map pour bolpnelTe, not toitboat tuft caufe cfabmtration,bebolDea kpnges naupe anb great umlticubeof ffifliff tans jnbab iting not onto t be j&rtona fttuate briber tbe epp de oFTjeitien, calleb Tropicus Cancri y but alfo in matter bnbec tbe Cquenocttall line, contrary, to fee opinion of tbe afoe to?p* m .. w ter0,afetoeepcepteb.15ttcafter that tbep are notoe mettetogca* mfsnno/r 1 tber 3 Tet50Tur®er bedare tobattbep beterminebcobo. ®bcc* ! < ^ ai,,octi ** 1 fo?e,tbe bap after tbat p nauic arriueb 3 tljere alfembleb a cornpa * 1 up of ^panparbs tbiitbabitours of fiarietuj o tbe nuber of foure b«nb?eb anb fiftte mem Petrus Arias tbe gotternour of tbe naup^ Anb bts companpe, conferreo tottb them both pjiutiie anb open- Ipe of certapne articles, tobereof it toas tbe kpnges pleafure be ftjoulbe enquire : anb ntoft efpeciallpas concernpng fuebe t(jpnge0 bfmot' Vafcbustl)zf})}$ fpnber anb ^bmirall of tbe j&outb fea, mabe mention in bis large letter fent from Pariena to^papne.3lntbi0inq[iuft(iontbepfouube altbpngs to be true tobereof f aftbus ban cerciSeb tbe king bp bis letters* anb tbere^ ljpon conclubeb 3 tl;at in tije Dominions of Com#*, Pocchonoja$ Tmtnma* Thettiyrde decade# Tmmmd at cfoe afljgnementof Vafcbus, certapne fojtreffeg Ifooulae foe erectea fbojtbtmtft, co tbtntcnt there to plane tbep? co* Srnmic neto °? ft 8btottei . fco the better accomplpifoment hereof, tbep piametS^ fencimmeatatlpone lohannes //o™, a noble young; gentleman tmanoii, of Cor dub a, ana fonaer Jlteuecenant, UJttfj foure buna?ea men, ana foure Carauels, ana one other Iptle ifopp. ©jets acpartpng,be faplea fp?d Direct Ip to tie ftauen of Cm*grus 9 aidant from Me* iwafooutttnemte ana fpue leagues, as ttjep toupee in tfoepjlad letreref ♦ tfrom hence, foe is appopntea co fenaa founajea ana fpfete of fois foure founajea, totoarae the ^>ouci), fop a neuie ana rpghcer U)ap founae oflate, fop tbe tufoicbe (as cfoep fap) tc is not pad cuiemte ana fpreleagues from the palace of fepng Gmogm totfoecntraunceof cfoegulfe of Santti Michaelis. ^foerrdaueof the foure Ijunajeo (foal remapne there, to be anapae ana fuccouc toalfucbasifoalltomepto ana fro ♦ ®jofefouna?ea ano fpfete Mjicbe are adtgnea to go foutfotoara, take touch* tftemfoj inter- pjetours certain of our men,ujfoicfo foaa learnea tfoc footfoern lan* guageoftfoefoonamenUjfotcfoUJeregeuen to Vafcbuswlm foeo^ uerranne tbofe regions,atta alfo certapne of tfoe foonaemen tfoem (eluestofoicfobaanolnelearneatfoe g>panpffoe tongue • ^Tfoep fap tfoat tfoe foauen of Pocchonofaig onlp feuen leagues aidant from tfoe bauen of Comogrus^ 3ln Poccbomfa foe is adtgnea to iff**** leaue fpftte men,toritb tbe lighted (foip ? tofoicb map foe a padtngcr bettoene tfoernttfoat like as toe life pod bojfes fop lana,fo map tfoep fop tfots currant (fopp, in (foo?c fpace certtfte tfoe Uteuetenaunt ana tbmfoabttours oftouiena of fucb tbpnges as (foal tSjatmce* ^bep entena alfo to foutla boufes in tbe region of rumanama, ^Elje pal* lace of kmg Tumanma , is aidant fro Pocchomfa about ttoentp leagues* ©ftbefe foure btmtojea men, foepngoftbe olae foulau ersof©4mw,$rnenof gooa experience, fpftie Uiere appointee Romans ate to foe as it to)ereDecurtans,co gutae anaconauct tbenetomen SSnua Delu? from place to place toao cbep? adapts . USX ben tfoep baa tbit® teu»e 0 w4 * 315uttbiStstobebm oerfrooDc in gopttg, ano not in returning . St o? the remrnpng from thence is fo laborious ano Difficulte 3 bp reafon of the com trarp cctirfe of tfje loafer, tljat tljtp feeme aa it lucre to afeense ti5c coiivie of fjpgijc moutitapneef, ant) ffrpae agaptifle t!jc politer of Ktptu-. r !* c ms, €lj[g ftupft cotirfe of tije fea totuarss tlje toes, ts not fo m'« olenttotfiemiulji'cljerewrneto&papne front dje Jlatisesof Hifpmola ano Cuba, aldtotiglj tljep aifo So labour agapniS tfje foil oftlje ©cean t %l)e caufe mljeceof ft, tfjnc dje fea ta ijeers The thyrde decade* beets berp large, fo that the maters ljauetljep?fun fcope* Bus in the trace of fam y the maters are cottffrapneb togeatljcr Dp tlje benbpngfpbes oftbatgreatlanb, anb bp tlje multitubeofil* ianoeslping agapitftif, astljelpbeis feeite in the ftrapgljtesoj narromfeasof^cicile,mberetbe biolent courfe of clje matertf bairns caufe the baungerous places of s cilia aub Caribdis bp reafoit of of ib? i?a ? 8 $°fe narr ome to tobteb COHtCpne Ionium, Ubicum^ anb Tirrbe - gqaSis. Mm. Colonus tfje fpjfte fpnoer of tbefe regions, bad; left in m?p* tpng, that fuplpng from the Sllanoe of Guanaffa^ anb tlje p?own* CCS Of laid) Mai a, anb Cerabaro , beptlg regions! Of tlje loefl mar*! cbes of $eragua, be fotmoc tbc cottrfc of clje mater fo beljemcnc anb furious agapnft tbe fojeparte of bus fbpp, mljplcbefapleb from tbofe coaftes comarbetlje Calf, that Ijecoulbeatnonme touebetbe grounbemubljisfottnbpng plummet, bur that tbe contrarp biolence of tlje mater moutoe beare it bp from tbe bottoms : tyz affpjmetlj alfo , that be couioe neuer in one onne beamed at noonetpdeopjectlp parpendicular ouer tbep? beaoes 3 and are therefore fo^c uejted bp reflection of the beames, bos!) before, bebpnde, and from the fpdes ..ffojttis to&atmea* tbe reflection of tbe fonne beantes mijtcbe caufetb feruem beate, f£ ,n,< and not tbep? accede ojneerenefle totbeeartb, fo?afmucbeas raureofftrl tbep are not paflpble in tbemfelues,as doth manifefllp appeare ,wnt d«te* bp tbe fnolne tying contpnuallp bnntoultenbpon certapnebpgb tnountapnes, as pour bolpnefle fcnoinetb rptfljc luell* ®6 e fonne beamed tljerfo?e faltyng on tbe mountapnes, are reflected doum* inarde into the uallep, bp reafonof tbe obiectof tbe declining; fpdesoftbebplles,asit mere tbe fall of a great round If one, rotoled from tbe toppeofa motmtapne ♦ ^£lje Uallep therefore recepuetbbotb tljofebeames tnbicbefalldirectlp thereon, and alfotbofelobicbeare reflected oolnnemarde from euerpfpde of rbemountapnes ♦ ®bep? habitation therefore in firkna^ ts per* ^bermiitfmia ntcious and Unfjolfome, onelpoftlje parttculer nature of tbe place, and not bp tbe fituation oftbe region as it is plafeo under tlje beauen, o? neare to tbe fonne . ^Dbc place is alfo contagious bp tbe nature oftbe fople, bp reafon it is compafleo abaunjoirb muddpandflpnkpng marines, tbe infection mbereof is not a Iptle encreafed bp tbe beate ♦ t£bc uptiage it felfe is in a manfljr, and in ntaner a flandpng puddle, Uibere, of tbe d?oppes fallpng from tbe bandes of tbe bondemen, tubpletbep mater the paue- mentes of tbep? boufes, Baades are engend?ed immediatelp, as komch an* 31 rnpfelfefam man other place tbe d?oppes of that mater, turne ~ flrrs into flees in tbe fommer fealon , jpurtbermoje , Jtoberefoeuee tbep dpgge tbe gtounoc tbe beaptb of a handful and a balfe,tbere fp^pngctb out unbolfomeano corrupt boater, oftbe nature oftbe rpuer, mijicberunnetb tb?ougb tbe deepe and rnuddpc cljanell oftbe Uallep , and fo Failed) into tbe fea : Borne tberfo?e tbep confuk of remoupng tbep? inhabitations . Beceflttie cattfed ibem fy?(l to faflen tbep? fuocc beere, becaufe that tbep mljicbe no unw. ip?fl arrpued in tbofe landes, lucre opp?efled luttb fucbe Ur* gent hunger, that tbep bad no refpect to cbaungc the place, although tbep mere thus Ucjceo bp the contagion of tfje fople and beate of the &onne, befpoe the corrupt luater, and in* fectious apje , bp reafon of Ucnemous Uapours 3 and e$alati* mis i % ficurc ret on fpieum^ itgfot* Hpng, % iiogge tec? iiattrete afd eps fcpuDe, The tliyrdc cEeeacfe* sng rpfpng from t be fame * &n other great fneommodtttg toag, that the place toag deffitute of a commodious bauen, be- png tbjee leagues ot'ffimt from the mouth of the gulfe: %{)t toap tg alfo rough and Difficult to typng upttaples and other nccelfarteg from the Tea i But let bg notoe fpeake fometobac of other particuler tbpnges toljtche cbaunced • Cberefbje ffiojt- ip after that thep toere arrpued, there happened manp tbpnges tohereof thep bad no knotoledge before ♦ 3 certapne toell learned pbtffiion ofCiutle, tobompartlp the auccojicte of the $t(bop of'Dtriena, andpartlptbe defpje ofgoloe, hao allured to tbofelandes, toag fofearreb tot'ch Ipghtnpng in tbenpght feafon , iptngin bedde toith bis top fe, that the bottfe ano ail the Ifuffe therein bepngfet on fpjeano burnt, he and topfe bepngbotbfojefcojcbed , rannefoojtbaptng, and aimoa na- ked, hardelp efcappng thedaunger of Death- 8 nd an other tpme, as certapne of them (foooc one the Iboje , a great Crocodile fodenlp carped atoap a maffpof a peere and a balfe oloe, as a kptelhouldehauefnatchedbpa chicken: and tbiseuen in the p^efence of them all , tohere the mtferable dogge aped in bapne fonhehclpeof Ins maiiler . 3 In the npght feafon thep toere tormented toith the bptpng of Bactes, tohtch are there fo nop- fome,thattfthepbpteanpman in Ins fleepe, tljep put bpm in daungeroflpft, onelp toith djatopng of blood : 3 !n fo muche that tome hauedped thereof, fallpngas it toere into a confump- cionth?o«5hthemalicioufne(feof the benemous toounde ♦ ijf thefe Battescbaunce to fpnde a cocke oja henne abjooe in the npghtfeafon, tbepbpte them bp the combes, and fo kpl them* ^ubep alfo tohiche toentlalf into thefe regions, do tojpce , that the landeig troubled toith Crocodiles , lions, and Cpgers: but that thep bane notoe deuifed arteg aod ingeng hotoe to take them • Ipketopfe that in the houfes of thep? feiotoeg, thep fotmde the hpdes and cafes of fuche lions and Cpgerg ag thep had kplled * ‘Cbeptojptc furthermore, that bp reafon of the rankenelfe and fruuefulncfle of the grotmde , kpne, ftopue, and hc?feg, doo maruelouflp increase in thefe regions, and grotoecoamuche bpgger quantme then thep tohiche toere of tbe^ftb^oede'. ©ftljcercecopngbpgVeneoftbe trees toith tijepj fruiteg, oftljc garden bcarbeg, fatties, plantes, and feedes, tohiche The ttyrde Decade: 329 tohtcbe out men brought from g>papne, ano fotoeo ano fee the fame in tbefe regions : Ipkempfe of tie Uparteg ano other foure footeo beaffes both tame anti mpioe, alfo of Dpucr^ kpnoegi of fouled, bp^ocjaf, anbfpflEje^ tbep m$te euen as me bane ue- clareouubcoecaoegi before. Careta, the kpng of tbe region of c^4,masmiibtbemfo?tbefpaceoftb?eeDape2S : mbommljen tbep ban ftcnolp eneertapneo, ano Hjeiueo bpm tbe fecrete places of tbep? (bpppeo, their Spores alfo, mieb tbep? trapper£,baroe$, ano other furmmentes! , befpoe manp other tbpngeg mhicbe feemeo fetmge to bpm , ano ban further oelptco bte mpnoe mitb the harmonpoftbep?mufpcaItntfrumeme!5 3 ^gcuen bpm manp remaroeo, tbep oifmpifcD bpm balfe amafeo UJitb to mucheaomiratton. ff)efpgmfpeobntatbem,thattljereare treeg ^ ote in that p^oupnee, of the planked mhercof if (hpppea mere mane , tbep ibouloe be fafe from the moojmcs of the fea, mhicbe tbep caU 'firomas . Upome tbefe moo^ntee: gitame ano co^rooe^ 0 ® 1 ^^^ the fhpppeis , me baue oeclareo before . £>ur fippppea are luijictj oearop greatlp trotiblco mitb this plague, tftbepipe long uubeba* news of tbefe regions . H5utthepaffpmiethat the mooO of tbte i tree ts fo bptter, that the moo?me0 mpli not taffe thereof ?utcitcmcm3 ^here is alfo an other tree peculpar to thefe lanoes, mhofe ««• leaner if tbep onelp touche the bare tn anp place of a mans boop, tbep caufe great blpifcrs, ano tljofe fo malicious, that except the fame be foo^bmith healeo mitb falte mater or falfpng fppe* tic, tbep oo incontinently engenoer oeaolp papnes ♦ ^Lljep fap Ipkempfe , that the fauour of the mooo is prefent popfen, ano that it can no mother be carieo mtthottt oatmger of Ipfe . tUlbcn thtnhabttantesi ofthe 3ilanoe of HifpanioU hao oftentpmes at* roms 'arc mate temptco to fljafee of clje poke of fcniuuoe , ano couloe ntner 0ft !) ,aU,cl0i) - ippng tbe fame to paOfc, neptber bp open luant, no? pet bp p?i> tueconfptracteg, tbep mere Betetmtneo tn tije npgbtfca&n to fjaue kpllco our men in tbep? fleepe tottfj tbe intake oftijts tnooa: 55nt UiSjeit tbe Cb?tilian men Ijaa bnoutleage hereof , tbep compeifeo tbe poo?e tojetebes to confeflfe tljep? intent , ano ptmpfljeo tbe ebtefe auctourd of tije seutce . mjev b«ie alfo a p , (rctIwtfU( , a cctcapite bearbe UJttlj tbe fat’out Uibetoftbep are p?eferueo aamnttjwroii, from tbe fjwt of tljtg benemot!3 uiooa , fo tljattbep map • & i bcare The tlryrde Decade* • beare ft fafelp * ©f thefe (mail tbinges ft flbaH fitflpce to Jattc fapDe thus mat). <£Sjep look Daplp fa? manp greater tbmgcs to n)!jld)lpetf)tnc(je moutp Of tljegtt-fecalleo Sinus SMicbaelis, * Am ^ UC0< anD rcachetb into the Couth fea, being alfb left bntcttcheD of v*/- ebus, bp reafon that tfje^ea mas attbat tpme of thepeerefoje trouble D tomb t enipeft es, as; me baue further oeriarcD in Vajcbus histopagetothefomb • &Oee look therefore oaplpfo? greater thinges then arc hitherto patfe : /fojthephauenomtafeen tit Ijanoe to fubnue manp other p?cmnce0, mhicbmefuppofeto be eptberoerprpc&e, o? tobjpitg fo 0 ?rbfomcfetmgemo?fces of nature ♦ iobmnes DiazjSokfius of K ebrijfa (of mljom toe baue maoe mention before) is fent bp the froont of the cape o? popnc SuauftSnt! Sancti J u £ u ft ini C4)icb reached) feuen Degrees beponbe the iBft&eemii um ^quaicc tal Ipnc^aub partepnetb to the Dominion of theism* gales) totljintentco ouerrunneebefoutb fpDe, from the bacbe (Aae, 3 ,litbcc. 9 . Ijalfe of Taria, Cumana, Cuquibacca,)nilfo the hauenS of Carthago, anD Sar.cta Martba,oWaritna aIfo,anD Per a 2 ua, tljat ttlO?e per* fectanDcertapnebnomieogemapbebatooftbofetractes » /fur* tbermo?e,one lobames Pontius mas fent foo?tb mitb cb?ce (hips, an erpetJition to Deftrope the Cambales, botbtn theSantoeanto JlanDes there cambaiw &e ^out : a ^° c ^ c ^ ac ft* nat i° 115 of the mo?e humane ano imioeent people map at the length Spue mithotit tearc of tbatpefttferous generation, as aifo the better anD mo?efafdptofearchethe fc* cretes ano rpchelTe of thofe regions. Sgtanp other Ipkcmpfe mere fent Dptters anD funD?p mapes, as GafperPd: 'urns to fearcb the tOeft parts, Frantifcus $exerra,t o faple bp the corner of the gutf, auto Valients, to paife bp the mouth 0 ? emratutce thereof to the Caile caallesoftheguIf,tofearchethefecretes of thatianDe, in the mhtch Fogeda mitb C;t0 company Ijao of (ate begimm to plant their habitation, anD baD buplDeD afo?treffe anD aupUage*®^/- ocius Departco fp?ff from iDarienajoM) fottrefcoje fcuSoiours me! appopnteD, mhom I odouicus M ere ado foIomeD mith fpftpe : 3Co »Boiicb«abr* ®^^^trealfofourfco?e afTigneo, anD th?eefco?e anD tenne 3 ,w< 9 * ' ' to \V Aldus . Whether thep fbaU arrpue at fafe anD commoofi ous feauenSj oj fall into Unfortunate flatten^ l;e onelp fcnomeib mljofe The thyrde Pccafo, IJO all x fcjasift? W men &ce arc Mu* neo tmtbtn the ktioUsIctJgc of tbmgce after tbep l;aue cljaunceD* ILet bs no& therefore come to other matters The feuenth booke of the third decade* EtMs Arks the goucrncur of the fuppo* fcD continent, mas fcarfip cmrcD into t he mapne fea mitlj bfe naupc, ontuarDe cn b is opage to Dariena, littt 31 mas aouertifeD tljat am Andreas Morals a pt(Ot,mbo IjaD sr&cttaufgatf* * oftempmesoueminnetbe coaftes eftbefe nem feas,anD the 3taDes of the farne,mas come to the court to fell fucljmarcbaunDiesas be fought tuith him from tbence * ©jig; manbaoDiltgentipfcarc&eDtbctracte oftbefiippofcD continent, anD efpeciaflp thinner regions of tbc aianoe of HifpmoU, miereuntobe mas appopmeo bp bis bjo* tber Kicolaus Ouandus (the gouernour of tljc 3ilanbe, anD cbt'tfe CommenDacojof tbeojDer of the ktipgbtes of Alcantara) bp* caufe be mas a mpttp man, anD moje apt to fearcb fuebe tbinges then anp other : fo that toritlj bis omneijanDesbeDjemefatre caroegJano tables; of fuclj regions as he oifeouereo ♦ SOherem as be bath been founoe faptljfuH of fuel) as Ijaue Once ban better trpalHjtreoffoisljeinmoOcrerjiteamongOUljebeOfojfe ♦ l)z t&erefoje refojteD to me, as all tbep are accuHcmeD to Doe mijiclj returne front the SDccan ♦ 2B!;at 31 Icarnco of him anD Dptiers o * tber,oftbmges heretofore bnknotuen,31 lxttH nom Declare ♦ Zfye fpttumat be* beginnpng of this narration, fi;albe tlje pertr'ciilar Dcfcripn'on of 3MnTe”f%itt e tbe3IanDeofH/7p4w#/^fpjafmucbasitis thebeaDc, anDas it p^noia. mere,p principal! marte of all the iiberalitie of the Dceatt,? batlj ^ erci ^ are a tboufanD $ againe a tbou{anD,faire,pleafant,beautifuI^ rpebe Hpmp&cs of tije Kmides , mijiclj fpe about it on rtierp fpDc, aDournpng this tljet'c *ia«&!s eaim|1 laDie^mctber, as it mere an other Tetbis tljelopfeof Heptmus, wins tie emipjoningber about, $ attioing upon her as their qmm & it ircneffc* DtUc of lock*; vmlca, ^jtfpattioU Itftelinto tlje wrtUpjparaDife srijcfjnfl: tnbA* Imoucs of bjifc panioia* Hie tliyrde Decade. troneffe . ofc^cft Kereiades (that is to Tape, the 3ffanDe& p!aceo about her) toe tupil fpeake more hereafter ♦ lee us ttt the meane tpme Declare fomebohac of the 3IIanoe buhtche our men nameD Margarita Pities (tuhiche the gipanparoes call De las per las) bepng nolue toeil knoboen, anD Iptng in the foutlj fea rn tOe gulfe calico Sinus Santti Mich delis (that is) faint chaels gttlfe ♦ Fiji's aianse bath pjefentlp brmu$t to our knobo* leDgc manp If raunge ano uioonberfull thpnges, ano promtfetb nofiiiallljopeofa:rcacert!)pnn:c!3tntpmeto come. 3!n this is founoe great plcntte of pearles/o fapre ano great, that the lump* tuous qu mz Cleopatra mpg&tbaue feemeo to bueare them in her crobones, ebapnes, anD brafiettes ♦ ©ftbefijelfpibesboberc* in tljefe are engenoereD, boe U)pU fpeake fometoljat more in thems of this narration. But let OS nolne returne to Hifpaniola, mo£ Ipkebntocbe eartblp paraopfe. 3!n tbe Defcription hereof, boe bopllbegpnneof the tmpofitton of opaers names, then of the fourmeof the 3taoe, temperate apre, ano beneficial beauen, anD finallp of tbeoaufion of tbe regions . ^Thereftnefor the tigh- ter pronunciation of the name$,pour holpnelfe muff bnoerfianDe* thatthep are pronoimceD boith thaccent, as pou map knoboe bp theDergefet ouerthehrDDegiofthebotucIs, as in the name of the 3!lanDe Matinim, inhere the accent is in the lafi bobuell, anD the Ipkc to be bnoerfioeoe in all other names . *&hep Tape therefore, that the fpjif inbabt tours of the Jlanoe lucre tranC pn^teD in tbepr Canoas (chat is,boates maDe of one boljole peece ofmoDD) from the 3ilanDeof Matinim , bepng Ipke banpftjeb men Djpuen from thence bp reafon of certapne contrarp factions ano Deutfpons among them felues,lpke as roe reaDe Ijotue Varda* ms came from Corjtbo,&i$} Teucrus from Creta into ^fta,ano that the region inhere thep placeo their habitation, boas after* boaro calico T\ oianum.'&lw like boe reaDe bolne the Brians ano fsioonians arriueo inub their nauie in Libya bp the fabulous con* miction otpido. ^EOefe £0atinians in like mancr being banpfijeo from their obonecotmtrep, planteo their fprft habitation in that parte of the 3!lanD ofHiJpanioUM)icb thep call Cabonao, nppon the banke ofthe rpuer narncD iBrfWom as is reDDe in the begprn npng ofthe Romanes that H neas of €rop arrptieo in the region ofSitalp, allwLdtiunh bppon the bankes of the rpuer of £iber. ptthin The thyrdc Decade. fffiitbfn the mouth of dje rpucr of tiakabom, Ipedj an 3 Hanoe, In&eretci'isfapact^attbinljabttantejaibuploeo tbepj fpjlf Ooufe, tobicbe tbep nameo Camoteia . ®jte boufe tbep confccrateo fljojtlp after, ano bonoureo dje fame reuerentlp, rnttb continual gpftes ano monumentes , euen bntpll the commpng of ouc men, Ipke as tlje Cbjdltans baue euer reltgiouflp bonoureo 31erufaleut tbefountapne ano ojtgmall of one fapdj : 80 alfo tbe^urkesatfrtbute iljelpketotbecttte of Me eba tn Srabp, anti tbe tnbabttantes of tbe fortunate 3Ilanoes ( calico tbe 31lanoesof£anatte) toTyma, buploco bpponabpgbrocke, from tbe mbfebe manp uaere loom imtb lopftil! mpnoes ano fonges to calf djem felues oomne beaolong , bepng perftuaoeo bp tbcp) pjtelles djac tbe fouler of all fuel) as fo opco fo? tbe loue of Tyrma, Ibouioe djerebp eniope eternall feltcttte^ ‘QLbz con* querottrsofdje 3 Ilanoes ofCanarie, founoe djem pet remap* npng in that fuperdtttoncuen bntpll our tpme , noj pec is tbe memojp of tljcp? facrtfpccs btterlp mojne aniap : tbe rocke alfo refcruedj the oloe name onto djts oape . 31 baue alfo lear* neoodate, that there pec remapnetb tntbe3Ilanoe fonic of tbe faction of Vcuvclm tlje jfrenebeman, ano fp$ that brought dje 31lanoes to gooo culture ano cttttlttte, bepng thereto Ip* cenceo bp the kpng ofCalft!e,as 31 baue fapoe before, ^hefe oa pec (fa) the tnolf part) obfcrucbochtbe language ano manors of the jfrenebe men, although tbe ljep?es ano fuccelfours of f M anchor, (jao foloe the duo fuboueo 3ilanoes to certapne men of Calfile : get tbinbabttours tuljtcbe fucceoeo fist anchor* ano bud* Deo them boufes, ano encreafeo tbeir families there , 00 con* tpnue to this oap,ano Ipue qutedp ano plealauntlp mitb the &pa* nparoes, not greeueo uattb tbe fljarpe coloe of f raunce . ^ttt let os noloe returne to tbntbabttanres of Matinim ano Hifpaniola. %bz 3liano of BifimoU mas 6rH nameo bp tbe full inhabit ours Qulzyueti, ano then Haiti : ano this not bp cbatmce,oj at tlje plea* fure of fuebe as oiuifeo tbefe names, but of creoulitie ano bdeefe of forne great effecte. jfoj Quiz$ueia,i $ as muebe to fapas, 0 great tbpng, ano that fo great, that none map be greater. t£bep tnterpjecc alfo , that Quizgueu fpgntfeclj, large, om'uer* fail,oj all, tn Ipke ItgmScation asdje <$reekes nameo tbep) goo calico ?^,bpcaufe that foj p greatnes djerofybefe fimpie Cottles tit ‘ fuppofeo m tyieti ifalero. 01c tV*. 3Ua«&fi«i of v£aiiari*. o^etaitcfroi a ftcuc&mdn. meeot moia. »» 3Tfufr waiter of leariipitg. OSallctfl and thymes. £>itt£P»g anti tJaimrcpng. ^>cngc0 cf lone anil nionv> iipttg. The thyrde Decade. fuppofto ft to See tlje mbole morloe : and that the &ottne beames gaue Ipgbc to none other toorlde, tut onelp to this 3!lande, mitt the other aoiacent atouc tte fame, and there- bppon thought ft mod moertbp to be called great , as tte great- edcfall otter knomen to them* Haiti is as muebe to Gape bp interpretation, as, rough, Ibarpe, or craggie* 25ut bp a fpgttratiue fpeache called denomination ( tnberebp tte mtolc is named bp part) ttep named tbe mbole 3llande Haiti (tlwti#) rough ijforafmucbe as in manp places tte face of this 3!lanoe is rough, bpreafcnofttecraggtemountapneSs to?rible tbiefee mooddes, anotemblpdarkeanoocepc balleps,enutroncd mitt great $ high mouncapncs, although tt be in maitpe otter places epreedpng beautidiil and fiorplbpng * Upeere mud toe fomelntac digrciTefromtto^dcrmeareentredinto.perbappeS pour bolp- ncflempllmaruellbpmtat meanes ttefe fpmple men fljoulde of fo long continatmce bcare in mpndefucte principles, mber- asttepljaue no fcnomledge of letters* &>o it ts therefore, that from the begpnnpng, tbepr princes haue euer beenaccudomed to commit tbepr children to the gouernaunce of their niife men, mhictectepcall©o//:ioj,tobe endructeo in knowledge, and to beare in memori e fact tbpnges as ttep learne . ®cp gcue them felues ct ieflp to tuio tbpnges : 3s gcnerallp,to learne thoriginall and fucceffe of tbpnges, anopcrttculerlp^o rebearfe the noble faeces of tbepr graunoefatbers, great gratmdefathers, and ami- cedours,afmeUinpeaceasinmarre. ^Dljcfc ctuo ttpnges ttep haue of aide tpme compofed in ccrtnpnc mpters and baliettes m tbepr language* 3Lhefe rpmes or ballettes 3 ttep call Jreitos . Hildas oar mpndrelles are accudomed to fpng to the Cparpe 0 } lute, fa do ttep in Ipfce mancr fpng ttefe fonges,and daunceto the feme, piping on timbrels made offljels of certaine Sites: ^befe ^pmbrcls ttep call u agm . €;bcp haue alfo fonges and baliettes ofloue 5 and other of lamentations and mournpng,fome alfo to encourage them to the tearres, unct euerp of them tbep£ tunes agreeable to the matter . €t cp cjrercpfe them felues mucte in damteepng, mherein tbep are uerp aetpue, and of greater agtlitre then our men, bp reafon tbep gcue them felues tonothpugfo mucte, and are not hpndered mitbapparell, mbicbe ts alfo tlje eaufc of tbepr fimftendfe of foote * Jntbepjt bailers lefte cbemoftb*?? auncetfours 3 tl;ep &aue propbedes The thyrde Decade. *31 i&ftSeeommpngof cur men into tljcpj countrcp. ®jefe tljep fpngmitbmournpng, ansast't mere mitb gronpng, bemaple tbelofle of their Itbertte ans ferufcutjc ♦ 4fo? tljcfe pjopbcOes *• make mention djat there fljcuioe come into the 3lano Maguaco* cbios, that tg? 3 men clothes itt apparel!, anoarmesmitb fuefae fijooofaes as faouloe cut a man in fanner at one ftreke , bnscr tobofepoketbeirpoiferttiefaouloebefaboueo* 3nol;ere 3 do not maruefl that thep? p^eDeeefTotiret cottfoe pjopbeepe of the far* am. meuse ans bon&age of their far celfton ( if it be true that fa faps) oftbefamfliarittetbep baue mitb fptrttes, mbicbe appears to them in the npgbt 3 mbereof me baue largclp mane mention in the niembbooke of the fp$ necane, inhere atfo me baue entreates of their Rentes (tbat fa)tbetr 3soles,anD 3ntages ofseuplles mbi< the thep honoured * But tbep Tape tbat fence thefe Zentcs mere p* feeupi f« taken amap bp tbe Chitons, the fptrttes baue no ntoje ap* peareo.Our men afertbethfa to tbe ftgne of the ero[fe,mbcrmitb tbep Defense them fete from fuche fptrttes : Jfo? tbep are nome all cleanfcD anD fanettftes bp tbe mater of bapttf?ne,mljerebp tbep baue renounces tljescupl,ansare confecrates tbe Oolp members ^ururperss. of Cbjttf . 3£bep are bnitterfallp dubious to knome tbe boun&es anD limttces of their regions $ kingsomes, anD efpeciallp their Mitani (tbat fa) noble men : fo tbat euen tbep are not btterlp ignorant in tbe funteping of tbep? lanses ♦ Zl)c common people baue none other care then of fettpitg, fampjig, ano plampng* fTbep are mod expert fpfaers, bp reafon tbat tbfaugbouc tbe mbolepeere, tbep are accudomessaplp to plunge them fete in tbe rpuers, fo tbat in maner tbep ipue no Idle in tbe mater tbenontbelanDe. ^beparealfo gcuen tobuntpng: jpoj (as 3 baue fapo befoje)tbep baue tmo kinoes of foure footeo bead es 3 mbereoftbeonefa, title Cunnes, calico VtUs^na other g>er pentes, names luannas, much Ipl^e Onto Crocosifa, of eprrht Ic /rocoDiie i$ footc length, of molt pteafaumetad, ans Ipupng on tbe lansc. 81! tbe 3lanses noojpOje innumerable bpte ans fouics: as ^tocksoues, Duckes, <£>eefe, fpearons, befmnofeirenum* ber of popingiafa then ^paromesmitb m . Cuerp kpng baefj bfa fubtecres stuioes to funsjpe affaires: as fame to buntpt^;, other tofpfapng, $ other fame to W&anDjpe . But let bs nome returne to fpeake further of the names ♦ £&e baue fapse that §) iiii Quizqueii The thyrde Decade. IlUj } Ctpanga. 1 3TtaTp faUrO latiuin* Arabella, of ftiic iPfp.mipU. »particnl« ca^bc of tjnfpa* ilia la. f^itpanfoTa coinpaicO to -3m i*. (Tfjc tempi** tnrr of§ifpa> luoia. Rutz^ueU ano Haiti, mere tbe olue names of this 3ilanoe * ®j e mbole 3!lanoe mas alfo calleo cipanga , of the region of tbe mourn fapnesabounopng mttb goloe : ipUe as ouraunnent pocteS calico all 3Italp Lamm , of pare thereof, ^berefoje as tbep calico Aufonia ano Helena, 3Italp:euen fo bp tbe names of Qui 2 $ueia,. Haiti, ano cipanga, tbep onoerd ooe tbe mbole 3llanoe of Hijpanbla ♦ ©urmenopof&d name it Ifabella , of queene Jfpellfabetb 3 mbtcbetntbe 4>panp(be tounge is calleo Ifabella, ano fo nameo it oftbe fp# Colonie mbere tbepplameo their ba* bitation, upon tlje banke neereOnto tbep fea on the fpoe oftbe 3Ilanoe, as me baue further oeclareo in tbe fp$ oecaoe. B ut of tbe names, tbis (bai fuffpfe ♦ Let os name tberfoje fpea&e oi tbe feurme of dje 31lanoe , ©cp mbtebe fpjd ouerran it, oef* cnbeo it unto me to belpke onto tbe leafe ofaCbednut tree, rnitb a gulfe romaroe tbe med fpoe, Iptng open agapnd tbe Jlanoe Of c uba . Bin tbe expert (bppmailf ier Jndreas M oralis, brought metbefottrme thereof fomernbatoifferpngfrom that .jfoj from both tbe corners , as from tbe C£ad angle ano tbe &Ueft, be oef* cnb:t> it to be inoenteo $ eaten micb manp great gulfes, ano tbe comers to reacbe foopb Oerp farre, ano placetb manpe large ano fife bauens tn tbe great gulfe on tbe Cad IpoetBut 31 crud (bojt* Ip fo to trattaple farther beretn, that a perfect caroe of tbe pertt* cularoefcrtptionofH/ ^mo/^mapbe fent Onto pour bolpnefle* St o? tbep baue notuc ojamne tbe c£5eograpbtca!l oefeription tbe r* ofincaroes, etten as pour bolpneflebatb feene tbe fottrmc an& Octtatton of fepapne ano 31ta!p, mitb tbep? mountapnes, Oal* lepes 5 riuers,ctties,ano colonies. Let os therefore miebout (bam* fatfnelte compare tbe 31lano of Hispaniola to 3dalp, fomtpmc tbe beao ano queene oftbe tubole U)o?loe ♦ sto} if Uic confpoer tbe quantttie , it (balbee fotmoe litle leffe , ano rnuebe mom frutcefuU ♦ 3!t reached) from tbe ^all into tbe £Hed,fpue bun* Djeo ano fourttc mples, accojopng to tbe computation of tbe later feardjers, although tbe ^omiral fomembat increafeo tbt's number, as me bane frpoe tn tbe fp;td oecaoe , 3It is in tyeaocbfomcmbere almodtl^ee bunoseu mples, anoinfome placesnaromer, mbere tlje comers are tjctenoco : But it is furelp muebe mc?e blelfeo ano fortunate then 31talie, bepng foj d;e mod part thereof to temperate ano ftojptopng, that lets The thyrde decade* 141 iti^ nepthet beped toith (barpe coldc , no? afflicted toith tm* moderate locate ♦ 31c bath both the toping 0 ? conuerdons oftlje £onne (call tbSolftitU) in manetequall toith tlje €qut* tmu noettat, toith litledtfferencebettoene the length of the dap aim tb^np^etb?ougboutaIltbepeere * jfojontbefotubfpde, the DapafcenDetb fcarcelp an (jouretn length aboue the npghf, 0 ? comrarptopfe . But the difference is ntoje on the nojtb fpDe: get are there fome regions in the 3!lande in the toljicbetbe ulf s : but e lsm u this fometohat bp an epeeffiue Itpnoe of fpeache * COehaue alfo made mention hotte tijep? ftovnes fltlhe is mo^e fauourpg and cf farre better and of mo?e pleafaunt tad, and mo?e holfcme then ours> bp reafen that thep are fedde toith the fruites of &3i= rdralane trees, and other pleafaunt and ncurtfbtng frtittes of un *»- that countrep,tohiche grovne there of them fclues, as do toith us Beeches, l|3ollp, and £>kes. £$mes toouldealfo pjofper there toith mantepfousencreafe, tftbcpbaoanp regarde to the plan* tpng thereof* &bc Ipfce encreafe ccmmctlj of tohcate,tf it be foircn bpon tl;e moumames, inhere the cold is of fome ffrengthibut not in Mitmt at totKataa fet^se aaa m.ina «rmem ttyt feiatouf. pkntit ofcattaple. ttcsoftntenipe* Eate.tegiona $oI Comrade «n& mata. ^oilietucrp? The thyr(5e jecaJe* fnSjcfamep!apti^ 3 bprearonofcomttcl) famefleand ranfeneffe of the grounde.3!t ts m maner incredible to beare,tbat an eare of loheate (boulde bebpggec then a mans arme tit the tyatune, atm rnoje then a fpanne in length* bearpng aifo moje then a thoufano grapnes,astbepallconfeflfeU)itb one bopce,and earneftlpeafs fpjme the fame tottb otbes. get tbep fap that the bieao of the 31 s land calleoc^^maiieofcberooteof/flc^tobe mojebol* fome,becaufeitt0of rafter Digelfioiuandis cultured tottb lefle labour 3 ano greater encreafe^bereftoue oftbe tpme tobfeb tbep fpeno not m fettpng and plampng,tbep beftotoe tit geatbering of goloe. 3Lbep baue notoe fttcb plemp of foure footeo bcaffes, tyat l^ojfes and ojtebpdes, tottb fbcepe fkpnues, aits goatefkpnnes, and fuel; other, are brought from thence into §>papne : fo that noto the daughter in manptbpnges belpctb andfuccouretbhec mother, £Df the trees ofh?afple,rppces,thegrapnetobtcbcolou* retbfcarlettn tytgbt Ibpntngred, malty, golfamppne cotton, tbe precious metal! called Elettwm , andfucb other commodities ofthts3!lande,toehauefpokenfuffictemlp before* <[Qbat eber* foje cattchaunce moje happpe Onto man bppon the earth, then there to Ipue tohere be neede not to be djpuen to clofe chaumbers tottb Ibarpe colde o? fapittpng heate , no? pet in tointer eptber to be laden tottb beaup apparrel,oj to burne the fljmnes toitb contt- nuaUtttpngatthe fp?e, tohtcljthpnges make men oldetnfljojt tpme, bp refoluing the natural! heate, toljereof a thoufand di* feafesenfue* ^faep aifo afftrme tbeap^eto be berp healthful!, and the boaters and rpuers to be no Iclfe holfome, as tbep bobirij baue their contpnuall courfe though the earth of the golden ntpnes* JFo? there is in matter no rpuersmo mottnrapnes,and but feU)epIapttes,thacare btterlp tottbout goloe* Outlet us notoe at the length come to tbepamatler oefertpeton of the In- ner partes of this blelfcd 3ilandc ♦ ££le baue before declared boto it is in maner equally otui&ed tottb foure great rpuers 5 oef cendpngffomhpghmountapnes 3 tobereof that tohiche runneth totoaros the €a(!, is called luma* as that totoaros the is named Jtiibunkus^ t\)z thptOSIS Kabiba OJ Baiba , lohich runneth feouthUiard,the fourth is called I ache, $ fallctb toloaro the j5o?tlj- But this iippmaito barb brought an other oef iripa'on, obferued of t(je inljabitauntes from tlje begtmipng* Itt The thyrde decade# 2 ££ Itt bS tljerfoje niutDC tbe Mjole 3Iland into Sue parte#, cal* fpno; tlje regions of euerp p?otunce bp tljep? oine names? : and fc nalip make mention of fucb tbpngs as are mo?tljp memo?pw cucrp of them* ^Lbe beginning of tbe 3 lianoe on tlje Call fpoe, is contcpned tit tfjc p?outiice named Caizcimu, fo named fo? that in tljep? language^ (igmfietljtlje front o? beginning of anpe rijpng. ^fter tl)i 0 3 folcU)etl; tlje pawnee of Hubabo , and tben CaMo , tlje fourtfi i$ : Bainoa t Guaccmrima contepnetb tlje melf comer. 3£itt tbe lalffatte one, Bamoai# of larger bounties then tbe tlj?ec Caizcimu readjctlj front tlje fp?ff front of tlje 31* land to flje rpuer Boz^ma, trijtcb runnetlj bp tlje elite of fame c&c cit« of/&« Dommicke . ^uttomaroetljc J2o?tb fpde,ttis ended at tbe ^onumcn. rouglj mountapnes of Haiti . Hubabo, is cncluded mitljin tbe motmcapnesH^iandtlje rpuer Iadga. CMo tlje tljpjd p?o* uince, ccmemctb al tljat Ipetlj betmeen Cubabo and Matio^cmi ditto tlje ntoutlj of tlje rpuer of laceba o } lathe (oneefelje foureuiljiclj owioc tlje31landequaUp)^afcendetlj to tlje mourn tapnesofe^^mijere tlje greateft plentp ofgolois found^out of tbe toljidj alfo tlje rpuer toemabus fpjpngetlj : and mining mitf* tijefpjpngesoftljerptterof^i^ (bepng another of tbe foure inbtclj diuidetbtlje 3 lland tomaro tijefoutljfea) falletlj to an c* tljer banke of tlje titter of faint Dominick* $ainoa, beginnetlj at tbe confines of CaM, and reacfjctbcucn Onto tbe Jilano of CahU niMM) Ipetlj neare tmto tlje fea banks of tlje jftojtlj fpde of tlj e 3 !laud, mijere me fapoe tljat tljep erected §r(T colonic o? Ijabtta* tion. ©jepjoumceof Guaccaiarima , cccuptetlj tlje remanent to# mard tlje mefftthtstbep named GuaccaUrima, becaufeit is tbe DiniSnu? e^reeme o? otcermoU part of die 3 llano*jfo? Urima m tljep? Ian# "s* 011 ** guage, itgntftetb tljttapft o? endofanp rtjtng,and Guaj# an ar* tide mljicb djeptifc oftentimes in tbe names of things, and efpe* Ciallp.m tljenamCS of tljep? Ittllges, aS Guar'um&xius $ G'mccana* rillus. Jn tlje p?oumce of Cazium, aretl;eferegions 5 %«e/,GwZ aguajramana, Jrabo,Hazoa, Macorix, Caiacoa, Guaiagua, Baguauimabo, $ tlje tOtlgb motmtatmS of Haiti, ©ere let us fpeake fcrnmljat ofebetr a r ptratrons 5 mijtdj tbep ufe other* mile tljen tljelatmes do .3jc is to be noted tljat there is no afpira* tion in tljeir Uotoels 5 mbtdj Ijatlj not tlje effect of a conbmmt A& tW tljep pjonouncc tbep? afpirations mo?e Uebementlp then The tliyrde decade* tee aotbe confonanc .f. gea,afl fuebe booses as fit tbepj tongue are afptrate, arc pronounced mitb Ip&e bjeatlj ant? fpirire as is f faupngtbatheerintbeneatber lippe is not mouedto the bp* c&e Dionu •* P ei:moa ***&♦ 8Bit& open mouses and fijakpng the?? bjeaffes atFoit or th” ©I! tbep breach ouc tbefe afpirattons,^, be, hi , as the l^ebnt* &0 a,It,aca ^ ^ anD Fabians areaccuftomed ro pronounce tbepjs.Sfpnde mt Viifiooies olfotbat tbe^panpartiesbretbelpkebeljemencte in tbe afpira* iZli blAn3 ctonsl W*Wde$ Web tbep Ijaue recepued of the spools $ Arabians tobteb poffeffed &pattie 5 and continued there rnanp peeres, as in there trades dlmobadda , urtjtcb Ogwfietb a ppllodi 0} boulder, aifo Jlmobaza, tljat is a bo^fe combe: tutdj outers fucb other U)o?oes , tobicb tljep fpea&e in tnaner lb panting b?ea* lies, and bebement fpirite . 3 baue thought it goon to rebearfe tbefe tbpngSjbecaufe among the lattnes it oftentimes fo ebatm* cetb, that onlp tbe accent o?afptratton 5 cbaungetb tbe (igntficatt* @otu ttjefl on of tbe njojde, aslw^ffyan boure, and ora, fo^ tbe plurafe t mSt\)?Q ltn, num beroftbts niojtde os , loljicbe ftgmfietb tbe moutb : aifo or*, button at' m bJbicbefigmfietb regions oj coalfes* €belpbe aifo cbauitcetb & 0O i*** in p omerOtie of p accew,as octid* 3 ki\& vetido 3 faheuen fo in tbe language of tbefe lirnple men, there are ttianp thpnges to be obferueo.Bucletbs nob? retumetothe difcription*3ntbep?os UinceofH«^o > are tbefe rcgtOn0,X4Wleibaymao,t onfhte ffl tljC fam?.3n the p;omnce of Samoa, m p regions of Maguanajago* haiucbQtSaimicCQfDabdiagua# AttiburiiJo named Of tlje ttUCnalfo Caunoa , Buiaicij’Dababomci, M aiaguariti , jitiei,M accazma,Gua^ babb ntngmaup inapes. Andreas Moralis the(l)ppmat(fer 5 at the commatmbemenc oftbegouernour 3 attempteb to fearch the caue touch the fmaleff beflels^e fapetb that bp cercapne p?mte uaatcgt manprpuersbaueconcourfeta this caue, as tcinereafpnckeo? f^ l of ca & u ^ 01 ^ cbanel 3ftcr tberpertencc hereof, thep eeafleb to marueple to)bt s tber other rmers ratme 3 lohtch commtng fourfco?e anb ten milesf mere ftualolneb bp 3 fo that tbep appeereb no mo?e 3 no? pet fell in- to the fea bp anp knolnen tnapes* jftotne therefore thep fup* pofe that rpuers fmalolueb bp bp the bollotoe places of that 0onp motmtapne 3 faIl into this caue . 3s the fljppmatfter entreb tm tothecaue 3 htS(hpp ioas almoflfumloloeb* jfo?hefapth 3 that there are manplnbpjlepooles anb rpfutgeso? boplpngesof the lnatcr 3 tnbtcbe make a biota conflict anb bo?rtbIe ro?png 3 one encounterpng the other t atfo manp huge holes anb hollotue p!a> ces 3 fo that tobat on the one fpbe tomb to)ljtrlpcoIes 3 anb on the mm*. ° other fpbe touch the boplpng of theboater 3 hisihpppe tuaslong inmaner tab bp anbboinne like a ball ♦ 3ltgreatlperepenteb hpm that he ban emreb 3 pec knelt) he no luap hob) to come foo?th. nolo tuanb?cb in barknefle 3 aftnell fo? the obfetirenefle of the taue into the lohtch he loas farre emreo 3 as alfo thattntt loere thirkecloutjs 3 engeno?ebofthemoil! bapourspiocecbtngof the fcfowbwin m confl!ctofihema':ers 3 mhtch^nttnual!pfalU)ith great biolence rauc * into the caue on etterp fpbe. comparcth the nopfe of tbefe loaters 3 to the falof the famous rpttet 'JHilus from the mountains ^P c Cataracts of €thiope 3 thep loere alfo oeafe 3 that one couloe not hearclohat ot -$ ilw * # an other fatbe.But at the length lotth great baunger anb feare 3 he came foo?th of the caue 3 as tt hab been out of bell, about tb?ce* fco?empIesmlfam from tljecheefe citteof fainct Domtmcke, there are certapnehpghmoumapnes 3 bpon the topues inhere of is a lake o? ftanbing poole maccelTtble.neuer pet feene of them i 50Cle m came lately to tljc 3!lanoc s &otij bp reafon cf tl;e tougij. !, "Sum'S JKfTS . #parne anti mai The tTiyfde decscfe* Wttgbttefli of tbe monmapnes, ano alfo fa? ef;af there fs no pathc o? open map to tbe topper of tbe fame ♦ Bat at tbe length tbe (bppmaiifer bepng conoucteo cbptUcr bp one of the kpnges, afcenoco to tbe toppes of tf>e motimapnes, ano came to tbe poole. I^efaptbtbactbe colon's there if feme ftnee : ano in lamblebu* ^mfouTrp 0 ^ t0 ^ en of mpnter, be fatmoe feartte ano gamble bttfbes, mbicbe , 7 l C0 ams * tmcgrcmeonlpincoloe regions# &beie mountaines, tljep call Tmzjui HtbabriMt ffijispoolcis of lfe;l)e mater tbtee mpleg in ccmpalle, ano mefi replcnpibeo mttlj oiaers kpnoes of fplbes# ^anpfmatfriuers o? bmakes fall into it 3ft hath no paflage mtt.bpcattfe it is on euerp fpoe enclofco mub tbe toppes of moun- tapnes* But let os name fpeake of an other paole, tofjrcije map mellbecaHeoa fea in the mpolanoe, ano be contpareo to the ^fje^arpiau Cafptan o? ©ircanian fea tn the fpjme lanoe of Afut 3 mitb cer* and yucaman ta « ne j a ^ ej3 an & pooled of frelbe mater# Kfl« The evght booke of the th) rde decade. t)z pjouince of Bainoa bepng tl;?tfe as bigge astljc tb?eefp?(f 3 tljatts 5 Caizcimu^Vhabo^ anofrfi^OjtncUtoctba oallepnamco Cal* ouani, in tbe mbicbe there is a lake of fait, fomer, atto bptter mater, as me reaoe of calico Cafpium, iping tn the firme lanoe betmene Sarmatia ano HircanU *&0e haue therefore nameo it Cafpium, although tt bee not in the region of Hircanti ♦ 3It hath manpe fmalompng gulfes, bp tbembtebe, bath tlje mater of the fea fp?pngetb into tt, ano alfo fuebeas fall into tt front the motmtapnes are fmalomeo op* ®eptbpnketljat the caues thereof, are fo large ano oeepe 3 that great fpfbes of the fea page bp the fame into the lake* 3mong tbefe fpfbes, there is one calico Tiburonusjnl)it\)z cuc« tetb a man infunoer bp the mpooeft at one fnap mitb bis teetb, anooettouretbbpm. 3fn tbe rptter Hozama, runnpng bp the ebeefeettie of faint Domtmcke, tbefe Tibumu oo lometpmes come from tbe fea, ano oeuoure tnanp of tbtnbabttaumes : efpe* ctallp fuclje as oo oaplp ploonge t(;em feiues in tl;e macerate tljin* tent i 8 great lake of foiice anO faltt ||&ea jFpffyes in jlaftee ofr(je imOlan&e. ^Oefccttoimng HifniOe cailcD Thctfiyrde Decade. I $6 tent to hcepc ttjett boDpegs uerp cleans Ebe rpuerg mijiche faB qfttmm into the lake, aretljefe . jfrem tbt fyteGuanicabont iTrom tl)C sbotttbe, Xaccoei: from theCaft, Guannabo : urn. Sinn from the ana mith thefe looses a0 he p^ofereD her bioIence,fcDeiniphebecameDummeanDtamc. getbpthi^tr.p* ^ nr»m rack befog firpken nu'cb repematmee, be cucc after !esoe a nip, fS'bp am^ gtotts Ipfc, mfomudje tljat from tbenetfoojtb [jc tuoulD nettet ratl8 - fuffer tijc Cbapcll to bee uaepte o? seckes Uifcfj anp otljer mans fjansc . Bp tbe fame mpjadegnanp oftbmbabttaimte,?,ans all tbc Cb?t®an« being mouco, rtfojtes seuautlp to tbe Cbapell. ®jcp take it m goos parte that tbc hpng fttfrereo t!je nttenge oftbatnpptcbe . let bo note murue to Cafyitm . ©batfalte lake ts tofts laid) Sojmcs ans tempelfes , ana oftentpmes Djotnnctb final! fopppes ot fpftber boates , ans fumlatoerb tbent bp Uittb tbc marpners : 3info tmiclje that it bad; not « , h!) been bcarse of, that anp man Djoinncb bp firoppeiujadte, etttr plunges bp agame, ojinaa cage on tbe Ifioje, as commonlv rijamteecb oftbeseaBbospesoffucbcasare sjoiuneDintbcfca'. li>asamt * gbtfe tempelles,ate t l;e oaintte bampfp oftlje Tikmes. fljis The thyrdc Jecacfe* ®6t'S Ctfphm, 10 cdkt I Bagueigabon, 3[n the HtpOOCd hereof. Ip* ttl) an 3llano nameo Guarizacca, to the bohich tbep refo?c tobeit tljep go a ftibpng: but it is noto cultureo . t£bere is in the fame % lake of fait $ P^pne, an other lake ne^c Onto this, Uabofe Uuacer is rnpjtte of hetyi mater, fait ano fre®, ano is tb erfo?e neptber apt to be o?unke, no? pec to be refufeo inbrgem neceflttie : Zl)i$ contepnetb in length ttoem tie ano fpue tuples, ano in b?eao® epgbt mples , in fome places alfontene o? ten. 31c recepuetb manp rpuers, tobt'eb batieno paflageoutofthefame, but are fujalotoeo op as in the other* (DOaterfp?pngetboutof the fea into this alfojbttt in no great aiaheof fnQ)C quamttie, tubich is tljecaufe tl;ac ietsfo commpjct. 3[n the fame p?ouince tobuaros the toed fpoe, there is an other lake of fre®e toaeer, not farre oidaunt from Cafpws : this the inhabit tauntescall Iainagua. Zl)t fame falte lake bath on the J2o?e& fpoe thereof, an other nameo Guaccaa : this is but iptle , as not pad tb?ee o? foure mples in b?eao®, ano one in length, the toater of this map toed be o?unke . £Dn the &ou® fpoe of the fait lake, there Ipeth an ocher nameo BMareo, of ®?ee mples in length, ano in matter rotmoe* ^be toater of this is fre®e,as of the ttoo other»®htS Iake,becaufe it hath no paffage out, no? pet anp ftoalotopng gulfes,conuepeth the fuperduotts lnacers to the fea,tf it be encreafeo tot® p If reames tobieb fal fometpmes mo?e abimoantlp from the mountapnes : this is in the region of Xatnana in the p?ouince of Bdinoa , 'Cbere is an other calleo G«- anibafying bettoene the Cad ano the ©ouch, neere Onto the fpoe of Cafpius : ®is is ten mples tnlength,ano almoif roimo.'Cbcre are furthermo?e mattp ocher fmall danopng pooles o? lakes Otf- parfeo here ano there in the 3lano,tiihtche 31 topdlet page, led 31fiX'Uloeheteoiousm remapnpng to long in one tbpng, 3 ropllthercfo?e make an enoetotth this aooicion, that in all tljefe greatplcntteoffp®eanofouleisnouvp®co. ill tljefe lakes Ipe tnalargeplapne,the tobicbe from the Cad reachetb into the (LOed ahuno?etb ano ttoencte miles,hetngofb?eaoth]i;biinmi!es tobereitisnarotoed,ano *]t]tu.tobere it ts larged, lookpng totoaro the dOed,ic bath collatcrallp cn the left banoe the mourn taines of c Daiguani , ano on therpght hanoe, the mountaincs of Gaigua, fo calico of the name of p bale it Cede* 3c the rootes of the mountapnes water. &lafce often mplee in lenstfi. aplanrteof a jjtmDieD aitn turnup mples The tliyrderecacfc. j$f mouutapneS of Cdgw totoarde tbe 3 $o?dj fpoe 3 tfjere Ipetb art o* tber Dale much longer and larger then t|jat before named: tfo } tt 3 pUm oftto# comcinetb in length almoffttno bundled; ntp les, and in tyeadtb &uud*et>Hu>i» tbirticbobereitislargcl!, and about* $. U)berettisnorob)e(f. mIcn °* bale in fome parte thereof, is called M aguana , in an o* tber place, iguaniujmb els toIjere,Hd/W£/W.$no fojafmttch as toe batte here rnaoe mention of this parte of tbe bale nameo Ha- thatbieiM totll fomebobac digreife from the oifcottrfe of this de= fcrtptton, and entreateof atbtngfoftraungeand marueilous, that the ipke bad; not been beam of. g>o it is therefore, that the fepngoftbiaregtonnamebC 4 r 4 »; 4 ^A:/ttx,takctb great pleafure in fplbtng. 3 lnto bis netted ebatmeed a poung fp£be, of tbe kpnde of tbofe huge mongers of tbe fea tobicb tbtnbabitours call vati,n ot foiutde 31 fuppofe in our feas,noj knotome to our men be* ^aufmf ' foje this tpme*^bt3 fpfbe is foure footed, and in Ojape Ipke bnto a 2 :o^opfe,altbougbfl)eebenotcoueredtm'tba(bell, but unefj feales, and tbofe of fucb bardnetfc,^ couched in fuel) o?dcr,tljat no arrob) can burte ber.Uper feales are befet $ defended nmb a djou* fandeknobbes , brrbacketsplapne, and her bead btterlp Ipke tbe bead of angDjte.&be Ipuecb both in tbe boater, $ ombe lande, 3 monger or (bee is flotoe of meupng, of condition meeke, gcm!e 3 affoctable, and loutng to mankpnoe 3 and of a marueilous fenfe 0 ) memo^ie, Sc! ,an * asaretbe^lepbantandtbeDelpbpn*^bekpngno^lbed this fpfo ccrrettic dapes at borne toitb tbe tyead of tbe countrep,made of tbe rooteof/irff 4 ^p 4 «yf^, $bncb fucb other routes as men areacctiftomeotoeate: dfoj token Ibeetnas pet but poung, bee raft ber into a poole 0 ; lake neare bnto bts palace, there to be fed tottbbande.^bis lake alforecetuetb boaters, andcalfetbnottbe fame foo?tb agafne . 3It toas in tpmc paffe called Ouauralo : but ts nob) called the lake of Manati, after tbe name of this fplbe, tobtcbtoanoercdfafclpintbe famefojrtjefpaccof.icpb, peeres, andgretomceedingbog . ^tbatfoeuer is batten of the Deb pblnes of Baton 0 } 3rton, are mnebe inferior to the deomges of this fpfbe, tobicbe foj ber gentle nature tl;ep named A i Atm, that is 3 gende,oj nob!e.^berefo?e toljenfoeueranp of the kpnges famtfpers, efpectallpfucb as are knobme to ber, refopte to tbe bankes oftl>e lake,and call M4tum,Afaium,tl)en(l)e(a8mpnde: m mm? offuclj benektes as (bee bad;tecepued of men) ttfcetl; bp ber 1 # ;i l)CfW 3 tneu oitcr tbe Ukt, jamameilou* tHing. Cfje rpuer SktibumaiS* The thyrcfe Decade* bead, and comnteeS to tbe place mfitbei* Hjce is called, anti there recepuetljmeateattbebandesof fitcbasfecocber . 31fanpde* ffrous to paffe cuer tbe lake, make Apes and tokens of tbep? in* tent, fljee b :metlj Ijer felfe to them, tbereuittlj as it mere gentefr Ip fmiitpng cljem to amount oppon Ijer, anti conuepetlj them fafelpouec ♦ 31c Ijatb been ftette,tbat ttit0 monltrous fpfbe Ijatfj atonetpmefafdpcarpeo ouertennemen flngingano plaping. But if bp cljaunce token (be Ipfteo bp &er beau (bee efppeu anp of tbe C(;^(!i'anmen,(betooulotmmediatrpplunp ootone agatne into tlje toater, anb ref life to obep, bpcaufe (bee bao once rccep* ued inturp at djebandes of a certapne toamon poung man a<* mongtljeCbjiftians, mljoljaocaff a (barpe oarte at Ijer, al* tbougb (bee mere not burtc, bp reafon of cbebaroeitefleof bet (kpnne,being rough, ano full offcales and knobbes, as me ijatte fapde get Dpo fljee beare in memojie tbtmune (bee fuflepned, mitijfo gentle a reuenge requttpng tbtngracttuue of him, mbtcjj bao belt mttbber fobngentdlp.sfrom that dap mijenfoeuer fljee mas called bp anp of ber famiiiers,fbe mould fpjft loake rircurn* fpectlp about ber,lea(f anp mere p?efent apparelled after tbe ma« neroftljeCbjiflians ♦ febe mould oftentpmesplap and mjeftle flppon tbe bankemttlj tlje kpnges cbamberlens, anoefpeciallp mt'tb apoung manmbom tbe kpng fauoured mell, being alfo ac* cnffomeotofeedcbec . &bee mould beefometpmes as plea* faunt and full ofplapas idjad been a ntoonkep oj marmafet.and mas ofloitgtpme a great ccmfojt and folace to tbe mbole 3llandt St o) no final! confluence afmell of tbe Cteift tans as of tljtnljabi* tames , bad daplp concern fe to be!;olde fo ftraunge a mpjaefe of nature, tbe contemplation thereof mas no lefie pleafaum tljett monderfufl . ® ep fap t(;at tbe mcate of tins kpnde of fpflje, is ofgooo tafle, and that rnanp of tbem are engendied in tbe fcas thereabout * Bat at tlje length, i&ispleafatuitplapfdomema$ lofle, and carped into tlje fca bp tbe great rpuer Jttibunicus , one ofuje fouremijicb diutde tbe31lande : jfejat that tpme there rljaunceo fo terrible atempe(tofmpnde,andrapne, mitb fuebe floods enfm'ng, tbattljelpkeljatljnot iigbtlpbecnbearoof.Bp reafon ofdjts ccmpefl, tlje rpuer Jttibunicus fo ouerflomeo tlje flankes,tbat it Ailed tlje mijole dale,and mppt it felf mitlj all tlje o* tper lakes ; at m^'cl; tpme alfo, this gentle Mat am $ pleafaum ? < * lT coittpa* ThttliyrJcDccafe jjg rotttpattpe n,fo!oming tbe bcbement coutfe anD fall of the floods, mas cbercbp rctlo^cD to bis oloe mootber and natpue maters, andlmce tijat tpme ncucr fcette agapne . ®busl;aupngoigre£ fco rufftcicmlp, let 05 nob) come to the fmtation of the dale ♦ 3I( bactj collateral the moumapnes of ctiaua am CaiguamMjid) b?png tt to tbe feoutb fea ♦ Ebere is an other bale beponde the mountapnesef dbauatomM tbe j£o?t b, this is called tbe bale of Guarionexius, bpcaufetbat before tbe mcmo?ieof man, outb to tbe jRo?tb,tbic* tie mples inhere it 10 narome8,and flftie inhere it 10 bjodefl. 3IC beginnetb from tbe region Canobocoa bp tbe p?outncesof H«- babo&nucaiabo, and cnnetl) tn tlje p^otuncc of ftainoa, and tbe region of Mariena : it Ipetb in tbe mpddcd betlneene tbe mourn tapnes Of Cibaua, and tbe mountapnes of Cahonai $ Caxacubuna . ^bere is no pioutnce no? anp region, mbtcb 10 not notable bp tbe maiedie of mountapnes,ft uttfulnefle of bales, pleafauntnefle ofbpUes,and oelectablenefleofplapnes,mttb abundanceoffaire rpuersrunningtb?ougbtbefame ♦ ©jerearenofioesofmoun* tapnes 0? bpile 0 ,no rpuers, mljich abound not mitb goloe and de* ^ m V M fpcate fpqjes,cjecept onlp one rpuer,mbicb from tbo?tgtnai there* an& gmelm of.Uiitb tbe fp?pngcs of tbefame b?eakpng foo?tij of tbe mourn gj[ 5 mau *^ tapnes, comtneth out fait, and fo comtnuetb bntill it perpflnCbts rpuer is called $abuan,m rttnnetb tb?ougb tbe tnpddle of tbe re* gton Mdguana,\n tbe p?oumce oBainoa. ©jep fuppofe tljat this ^ rpuer batb made tt felfe a map bnder tbe grounde,bp fome paffa* ^ aIte ham ' ge0 of plapder, 0? falte earth : fo? there are tn the Jlande manpe notable falte bape0, mbereor memtllfpeake mo?e beereaftcr. 223ee baue declared borne the 3!lande is diuidcd bp foure rpuers, andfpuepmutnccs* ©wtsalfo an other parttcion, mbicb is this, €be HMe 3flmide conddetb of the tcppe0 o'fottre mourn tapnes, mbicbeotuide it bp the mpdded from tbe Cad to tbe ^editnalltbefetsabundaunceof noo?p(bpng ntapdure, and great plentte of goloe, of tlje cam alfo of the mijtcb, the maters %L\i of ' Tlic thyrcfc Decade* mt mtetg afaTt tbe rfuers (into tbe mbtcb tbe caues empire rt;em fekies) ijaue timtm* bane tbep? o?igina!I anti tncreafe * ®bere are Ipkempfe tn tljetn wuea orTic ^ 0^n>blc bennes 3 obfctire anb Darke ba?c0 3 ann mpg&tie rockes of maimunnes. Hon?. ®ere mas inter anp nopfome bead founbe in it, no? pec raiwiinf bead anp rauenpitg foure footeb bead : no Jttom noBeare,no fierce m t&e 3 (antn. ^;tgers 3 no craftie Jfojce^no? beuouring ilflloolfes* ill tbinges are blcfleb anb fortunate, anb nom more fo?tunate/o? f at fo ma* np tboufanbes of men are recepueo to bee tbe (beepe of Cb?ifle$ flocke 3 alltbep??emesanb3!mage$of bcupllcs being; rerecteti cijemictuo«r 0 anb btterlp out ofmemo?ie.3If3fcbatwcenomanbtbentu tbe bifeourfe of this narration to repeace one tbing bpuers tpmes 3 o? otbermpfe to make bigreflton, 31 nrntt befpre pour bolpnefie tberemitb not to bee offinbeb : jfor mbple 31 fee, Ijeare, anu m?pte tbefe tljinges 3 rnee feemetb tbat 31 am beeremitb fo affec* ten, tbat fo?uerp top 3f feelempmpnbelftrrebasic mere mitlj tbe fptrtte of ipoIIo 3 as mere tbe &>ibtlles 3 mberebp 3! am en< fo?ceotorepeafetb?fameagapne:efpeaaHp mben 3! confer borne farre tbe amplttube of our religion fpjeanetb ber mpnges. JPet among tbefe fo manp blelfeo anb fortunate tbtnges 3 tbis one sftntojDattma* grecuetb mee not a Ipttle : tbat tbefe fimpIepoo?emen 3 neuer •ftotaSnS? brought bp in labour, boebaplp perpflje mitb mtoilerabe tra* are greaup uaple in tbe gcloe mpnes 3 anb are tberebp b?cugbt to fuebe be* *ontumst>. fperation, tbat manp of tbem kpll them felues 3 baupng no re* game to tbe procreation of cbplbren : tnfomucbetbatrnomen mitb cbploe 3 percepuing tbat tbep fi;all b?png foo?tb fticbe as fljalbefiauestotbeCb?ifiians 3 bfemeoeemes to heftroptbep? conception * inb albeit tbat bp tbe kpnges letters patentee it mas becreeb that tbep fijoulo be fet at libertie : pet are tbep con* Hrapneotoferue mo?e then feemetb conuenient fo? freemen*, TOe number of tbepoo?e m?ctcbes is mcnberfuHp extenuate, tbep mere once reckenco to bee aboue tmelue bunbreb tboufano bcaoes : but mbat tbep are nom 3 31 abbo?re to rebearfe, die mill ctiepieamre* tberfo?e let this pane, ano returne to tbe pleafures of HifpankW of Qifyamoia. t!;e mounfapnes of Cibaua, mbtcb are in rnaner in tbe ntpb* bed of tbe 3[lanoe 3 in tbe p?oumce of Caiabo (mbere me fapbe to „ bee tbe greateftplentie ofnatpuegolbe) there is a region nameo SotoM mate c in tbe cloubes, enuironeb mitb tbe toppes ofbpgb clouds. mctmtapneSp anb mell inljabtceb : ft confiffetlj of a plaptre of The thyrdc Decade* of,i;rb,mples in length, ann.]cb.m bjeaoth . ®h& peptic is hpgh s % plain* in tn* cr then the topped of other mountapnes : (o tljac tljefemoum ”Jggi f m0# tapnes map feeme to bee the cljtefe p^ogenitours of the other* Cfjis plaptte fuffereth alterations of the foure tpmes of the pere, ^ lje {J ^cr, as the ^pjtng, Sommer, 3utumne, ann topnter . tf>eeretl;e t^ecciDrr. hearbes toape iopdjercMje trees foofe tfjcp? leaues, ann tlje me- ISunsintSe acmes become Ijoare: tbetobichethingcs (asmceljauelapne) momuapn**. cbaunce notin other places oftbe 3Ilanne,mijere tbep baue onelp the &pjingann 8tttumne ♦ ®je Topic of this plapnebjpngcth fooitbftarneano bramble bufibes, bearpng biaefce berries, o? lupine rafpes, tofjicb ttoo are tokens of coloe regions : get ts it a fap^e region, fojtlje coloe thereof is not berpfbarpe, neptljer ooetb it afflictetbinhabitantes im'clj frolf oj fnorne, 'Cljcp argue tlje ffuttfulnelTe of the region bp tlje fearne,mbofe Ifalkes 0} flea* mes are bpgger then a fpeare o } JJauelpn . Che fpoes of tbofe mountapnes are rpebe in goloe> pet is there none apy opnteo to Opgge foj the fame, bpcaufe it lljalbe neeoefull to haue apparel- ieo mpners,ano fucb as arc bfeo to labour : f 0 } tljinljabttants Ipupngcontenteo mitlj little, are but tenner, ano can not there* t^tes of pr* fo?e arnap mitlj labour, o? abpoe anp coloe.©jere are turn rpuers SpL” no fa£mc mhich rtmne through this region, ann fall from the toppes of the m tom* piefent mountapnes t flDne oftljefe is nameo Comoiayxa, mijofe courfe is tomarne the papne : as map be geatbereb bp the ola ,mo ^ papit fpftb poKionimctotbehpngesiCpcljete, tubich amounted; to tbefuntme of ahunb;ebanbfourefco;te 3 o?fotirefco?eanb tenne tboufanne Calfellaneii of golbe, anbfometpme3mo;e . tapnes of©4/4g«o,abouc ttneluemples bitfamfrom the fait lake, calico c aft in s, there are falte bapes in the mouncapnes 3 tn a ma* ner asbar&eas (tones , ado dearer anb tnhpter then criftalb t£bere are Ipkelnpfe fuel; (alt bapes 3 inbicb groin inonberfuilp m laleunia (no m caKcb Cataloma) in the cerrttojie of the buke of Cadona,tl)t clucfe ruler In that region : but fuebe as knolne them botlj 3 affppn? that thefe of s Bainoa are mod notable. Zb ep lap ah fo 3 that this can not bee deft Uiithout Uieoges a no bcetelles of 31 s itartre ron: But that of Laletanamp eafip bee broken, as 31 mp felfe bane pjooueb ♦ Zbep therefore compare this to fuebe (tones as map ealtlp bee b?oken 3 anb the other to marble . 3!n the pjoutnee of Cdizimujn tl)Z regions of Iguanama, Caiacoa, anb Guariagna> there are fpjinges inbofe inaters are of marueplous nature, be* f f t J S! ® f D m in the fuperkctall o } bppermoli parte frefbe, in the mpbbcd tmn mpdeoffalteanbfrcibe,anD inthelolned parte fake ano foure. Zbzp tbincke that the fait mater of the Tea idueih out foftlp, anb the frefl;e to fpjtpng out of the moumapnes : Zbz one fah letbbotnne, anb the other rpfeth 3 anb are not therefore fo bnh tterfallp mpjete, mherebp the one map btterlp comipte thotfjer* 3Ifanp manlapeljts care to the grounbeneeretoanp of thefe fpipnges, bee (ball percepue the grounbe there to bee fo bokotn, tbattbereboimDpngnopfecfabo;femaii commpng, map bee beaibcfo?thefpaccofthieempIes 3 anb afooteman one tuple* ,,ufieflr0WI,6r * 3in tl)Z ladregiontolnarb tlje &>outb>namcb GuanamimaM the ' jV VM. lojolbip Cmaitte toplfc men Iputitg iii fanes anti * fttnittf* Jf&eit tDitftom a cmapne iaiu guage* If&masfiwift as^reijonnDs aujptbeman ruKitccjj aluap Utbepfap c&erc arc cercatne U)p!oc men,tnbicb Ipue tu the caues anb bennes of the mountapnes^contemeb onelp ttutbioplbefruites : tbefemeitneuer ufetbccompanpofanpo- tber,no? mill Op anp meanes Occomc came * ©jep Ipue mitbout anp certapneDUiellpng places, anb mitbouttpllagc o? culturpng of tbegrounbe, as mee rcaocof them mbicb in olbe tpme Ip- ueb in the golben age ♦ ^Oep fap alfo that tbefe men are mitb- out anp certapnc language : ^Lbepare fonteepntes feene , Out our men baue pec lapbeljanbeson none of tbem . 3lf at anpe tpme tfjep come to the fpgbt of men, aim percepue anp makpng tomattreebem, tbepflee fmiftertbenai&arte : $>ea, tljep af* fpjme them to bee fimfter then ©rehounbes ♦ £Obat one of cljefe folttarte matmerers bpb, it is mo?tb tbe bearpng . &o it is, that our men battpng granges aotopnmg neere onto tbe tbtcfte moobs, certaitie of tljem repaired tbttber in tbe monetb of Sep- tember, in tbe peere^.DicutUn tbe meane tpme, one of tijefe Inplbc men came leappng out of tbe mono, $ appjocbpttg fome- mbattomarbeebcmmitbfmpung councenaunce, fodemlp fnat* ebeb bp a cljpioe of cljepjs, being tbe (bnne of tbe ornner of tbe grange, lobicbbebegotofaluoman oftbeSlanoe: Upee ramie amapmitb tlje cljpibe, anbmaoe fignes to our men to folome bpm : Sganp folomeb, afmell of our men, as of tbe nakeb inlja- bttanees»butaiIinDapne ♦ ^Lljus mben the pleafaunt manbe- rer percepueo that tbe Cb?i(fians ccalTeb to purftte bpm, bee left tbecbploemacrolTeinapbptbe mljicb tbe fmpnebcarbcs mere accuftomebtobjpuetbefmpne to tljcp? pafture . Sbo^tlp af- ter, a fiopnebearoe founoe tbe cbploe, anb brought him borne to bis father, pet tormenting him feffe fo?fojome, fuppoOng that mplbe man to batte been one cftbefcpube of tljeCanibales, aim that bis fonne mas nom bcuoureb ♦ 3In tbe fame 3Ilanbe tljep geatber pptcb, mljtcb fmeatetb out of tbe rockes, being mueije barber anb fourer tbcntbepptclje of tbe tree, anb is therefore moje commobtous to calke oj befenbe Ibpppes agapnlf tbe moojmes called Aromas , mbereof mee baue fpoken largelpe before . mm 31lande alfo bjpngetb foojtb pptebe in tboo kpnbes of trees, as in tbe ppne tree, anb an other nameb CopeUJl neebe notfpeake of the Ppnc tree,bpcaufe it is engenbjeb anb knomne in maner euerp inhere ♦ JUc bs therefore (peake fomembat of the The thy rde Decade* 741 the other tree calleo copeia. pitebe ts Ipketopfe geathereo of it,asoftbel|3pnetree, although feme faptbat it is geatbereo €miAt bpDiftpllpngo?D?opppngoftbemoobmben it is burnt. 31 tis a ffraunge tbpng to beareoftheleafe thereof, ano home needfarp pjoutfton of nature ts fberneb in tlje fame ♦ 3lt us to be thought that tt ist the tree, intbelcaues mbereoftlje Cljalbeans (bepng tbefp# fpnDer^ of letters ) ejcpjeffiai the?? mpnbes before €Df!wftora the bfe of paper bias knomen . Zl)i$ leafe is a fpanne in b?eabth> tree in t&* anoalmoltrounbe. ©urmen mjptein them mith ppnnes o? ofpapir * neoles, o?anpfud;emtfrumentesmabe of me tall o? rnoob, in matter as mdl as on paper . 3lcisto be laugbeb at, mbatour men haueperfmabeb the people cftbe3Ilanbe as rouebpng this leafe ♦ Ehefpmplefoulesbdeeue,tbataetbecommaunbemenc of our men, leaues oo fpeake ano bifrfofe fecretes * ^Ebep mere $ ?aHe? ucs 00 brought to this cretjulitte bp cljtgt rneanes .One of our men bind* ft ^ cne Ipngm the erne o {(Dominica, thechetfeof the 3!lanbe, belpuereb to his feruaunt (bepng a man bo?ne in the 31lanoe)certapne rolf* eo Connies (mijicbe tbep call Vtias, bepng no bpgger then mpfe)mpllpng him to carp the fame to his ftenbe , mijicbe Diode furthermtthinthe3ilanDe ♦ Ebismelfenger, whether tt mere that he mas thereto conftraptieo through hunger, o? entpfeo bp appetite, Deuottreo tb?ee of the Connies bp the map . fyz tomhorn tbep mere fent, m?otetohmfreenDe in a leafe home manpherecepucD. €&tbentbematfferbab lookdtambple on the leafe tn the pjefence of the feruaunt, he fapoe thus unto hpm, i3hfonne,mhere is tbpfaptlj i Couibe thp greebteap* petite p?euapiefomuchemtth tljee r astoeatife.theeco eate the Connies committeo to thp fiDdittc V 'Che poo?e mjetebstrem* blpnganbgreatlpamafeb, confelfeD his faulte, ano tberelrith befpjeb bis matte to tell hpm home he kneme tbetruetb there* of . Cbis leafe (quobhe) mhichethou b?ougbtelf me , bath toloemeaU. Zi) en he further rehearfeo Onto hpm the houre of his eommpng to his frenoe , anolpkempfe ofljis oepartpng mljen he retourneo . 8m thus tbep merplp Deceptte thefe mUmotu* feelp foules * ano keepe them bnber obebtence : infomuche that tbep take our men fo? Hobbes , at mhofe commauube* mencleaues bobifdofefuchetljpngesasthep thpnke molf bpb anbfecrete . ^ocljthefpbes of tlje leafe recepued; the fourtnes of CftelfAfe lu&ereintljep tuiptr. 2® (itmtgeco* ioiireoftlje iiiiceofau apple* 3 Cu!iearbe hi&ofefmoHe ispopfon. * The thyrde Decade, ofleteets 3 euettasbootb our paper. 31 t is tbpeker then Double parchment, anontanteploustougb . 6&bpIeittspetflo?plb* png ana nemc 3 it (bemetb elje letters mbpte m grecne, ana mljen tc is D?pe , tcbecofrtmetbm&pte ana (jam, ipke a table of moon, Iwt the letters mere pelome: 31c booth not co?rupto? ptrifp, no? petloofetb the letters though it bee met 3 no? bp anp otljer itieanes 3 except tt be burnt , Cbere is an other tree nameo , tbetuiceofmhofefoureapple 3 bepngofa Darke reoae coloure , ffapttetb anD coiottretb mbatfocuer is touches tberemt'cb , anD that fo fjnmdp , that no malbpng can take it arnap fo? tbe fpace of tmentte capes » Albeit tbe applets full rppe 3 the iul'ce loofetb that If rengtb . &fce apple is eaten, ana of gooo taff . Ebcre is an bcarbe alfo,mbofe frnoke (asmebauerebearfeD tbe Ipke before of a cercapne tnooD) ts beaolp popfon ♦ SDn a tpme mbett tbe kpnges alfembleo to* geatber 3 ana confpirea the Deduction of our men 3 inhere as tbep burn not attempt tbimerp?tfe bp open rnarre, tbep? aeutfe mas, p?tutlpe to lap manp bunaels of tbofe bearbes in a certapne boufe,mbtcbe (bo?tlp after tbep uitenaea to fee on fp?e,to tbmtent that our men, makpng bait to quench tbe lame, mpgbc take tbep? oeatb inttb tbe frnoke thereof: But, tbep? puepofeb p?ae- tpfe bepng bem?apea, tbe auetbours of tbe aeuife mere punplbeo acco?apnglp . jftotne (molt bolp father) fo?afmttcbe as pour Ijolpnelfe m?ptetb, that mbatfoeuer me bane m?pctcn of the neme mo?ioc, booth plcafe pou rpgbt mell 3 me mpll rebearfe certapne tbpnges out ofo?aer, but not greatlp from our purpofe . £>f the fettpng the rootes of M aizium,Jg es,I uccajB attatas, ana fucb other, bepng their common foot) c, ana of the bfeofthe farne 3 mebauefpokenfufftcientlp befo?e: But bp mijat meanes tbep mere fp?H applpeo to the commomtie of men 3 me bane not pet Declares ♦ £Oe nome tberefo?e entenae to efitreate fomembat ijereof* The thjrdp Decade* 142 The nienth tooke of the thyrd Decade. li ! ■ '■'} ; f ;(<* ,,?v ’-s ;r r " ' ' ‘ v **-tm {(j 5pep Tap that the fpjfi inljabttoursIpucD com cor ftp»b W of tenteo Uriel; the rootes of DateiMno 39a* v S ts L^ e J* guean&UJhtch 10 an hearbe,much Ipke urn tauStw 5u? to that tuljtdj commonlp calico fnn. greReo;€>>ptmalfothc rootes of ®uat> gati0 5 Uiijici)arc rctmoeano great, muclje Ipke Unto puffes p of earth 0 ? mulhromes. t£hcpopo IpkeUipfe eate G«4/>w,lpkc Onto ^crfmp^c^/V, Iphe J 5 utfC 0 ,ci^iow ano JVlpcoancj,like Onto ©mon^Uritlj oi* nets other fuel) rootes. €ljep fap that after manp peeres, a cer* = tame Boitmjfat ts,a Uspfe olo man/ato Uppon the bankcsfp.oc a bufl; Ipke Onto fenell, $ tranfplanttng the rootc therof, bought ttfrom mploneffc to a better kpnoe 3 bp nooning it m garoens. ^bts03a5 tbebegptmtngof/«f^ 5 U)btcl) at tlje Fp?H luasi beam ^ r Ip potfon to ai fuel) as trio eate tljerof rause.But foj as mitrbe as nje motile of thepparcepueotttobe ofplcafaunt tall, thep oeternunfo niapp toapes to ppue tbe Ofe therof,ano at tl)e length founoe bp epperi- ence,that bepngfoooe, 0 ) frpetgit iuas Idle hurtful : bp tohiche !neane 0 alfo 5 tl)epca!netotbeknoU)leoge of the oenome Iptng hpo m the wife of the rootc. %i) us bp taping, fairing, feafomng, ano othertnpfe eemperpng it, thep bought it to thep; fpne b)eati* We f pm U)!)iche thep call Cazabbi , nio?e odeecable ano hoifome to the fto- of ta* ntaeke of man then b?eas matse of nijcate 5 becaufe it is of eafpcf ««« of oigeftion. Zl)t famelstobeunBerftcooof other rootes, ano the ^ urca * grapnc of Maizium, rnbtcb thep haue chofen foj tljepj cyiefe meace among tljeieebes of nature, asloercauehoUiec.wjt&e ctom teres daughter ofSatumus, geaci)ct*eo rnheate auD barlep (intth fuclje ^J° u,,be other co?ne as ate noU) mofi in Ofe among mmjin Cgppt,of cer- oaripm aim tapne grapnes taken out of the mupoe o?puen from the mourn tapnes of Cthiopia bp thtncreafeoftherttier KiJus y gtlrftinth? plapne at fuel) rpme as iqlus rented agapne to his chattel*, jf 0 ? the U)htch fact, U)erea t oe that the antiquitic gauo os tune honour to Ccm 5 U)l )0 fpift noojpll;eo ano mcreafeofiirije chofen fceoes* ' ‘ ‘ffyect ' : ? The thyritbout,and mljite tufcljm. €lje other kpndes of 4gw a tbep call Zazaueios, thefe are redds mitbout and toljtte tm'thim Sqmuetes , are mbpte mithrn ants tmtljout ,Tmna , is altogeatber of biolet coloure ♦ Bobos ig pefotoe both of fkpnne and inner fubdatmee * Ebere is an other named Jtibunieix , the fkpnne of this ts ofbtolet colottre,and the fubflaunceinhtte. Arngumar, hath bis fkpnne alfo of btolet co- loure, ants is usftte foitbin; Guaccaracca, path a bo bite fkpnne, and the fubdatmee of btolet colour <£ijere are manp other, Usfncb are not pet brought to bg. 'But 31 feare me led in the rehearfill of S r of ehefe, 31 (hal p?ouoke the fpurres of malicious perfong againd me>mbicbmplfco?ne thefe ouroopnges,fo? that roe baue U)?pt- ten of manp fucb fmall cbpngeg,to a prince occupied in fttche boepgbtte affap?es,as bitto pour bolpnefle, bponlnhofe fboul* dergrelfeththe burden of the rnljole Chadian boojloe. But 3! mould aike of thefe malicious enuperg of other meng trauaples, ^tin«. bobetber pinie and fuch other famoug uniters, ttsben thep otrec* ted and oecicateo fuch cbpngs to kpngeS and princes, emended onlp to pjoftte them to ushom thep confecrated the frttite of thep? bnomiedge.'Ehepfometimeg intermijet famoug things bo:tb ob* feure things, light lutth heaute, and great mitlj fmall, that bp the furtheraunce of p?inces>tbep? bniuerfall poderitte might entope the fruition of the knowledge of thpngg . 3t other times alfo be* pngentent about perttcular things, and oedrous of nebJ things, thep occupied them felues in fearchpng of perticular tracces and coades, rnitb fuch thpnges as nature brought foo?ch in the fame, bp this meanes to come the better to mo?e abfoluteand bniuer* fall knowledge* let them therfo?e contemne our dopng,and toe uspl laugh to fco?ne,not thep? igno?aunce and flouthfulnelfe, but pernicious curicufnefle : and theremith baupngpptieof thep^fromardedifpofitions , bopll commit them to the bene* pious ^serpemes of tub am enupe tookebfs fp?d o?igmall . 3It ©all in the meant tpme abundauntlp content bs, that thefe thpnges ooo plcafe pour holpnelfe , and that pou do not difppfeour fpmple deduces, mbmmftbboebaue onelpmcaued togca* Thethyrde Decades 143 tegeatljtr, at® not aoottmco, geatbert o, ano not oefctibeo, fucfe matuelous tbpnges, intljc garnplbpng whereof, nature hath fufficientlp fljetoeo bet cunnpng . ffiut oelp?e to none other |jcre= in, but fo? pour fake to ooo our enoeuoare that tljefe tljpnges tnapnotpetpflbe: let etterp man take tjereof Uitjat Ipketlj bpm bed* ©f tlje (becpe c? Bullocke foloe til the market , notljpng remapnctlj in tlje euenpng, becaufe tlje fljoultier pleafetb one, tbe legge an other, ano the uecke an other : pea Come Ijaue mod pljantaftetotljeboWels, anofometothe fcete . ®bus hattpng pencugh wanoeteo, let os retume to our pttrpofe, ano oe* dare with Wbac UioojOcs tijep fnltitc the kpnges cbplojen When tbep are fp?(t bo?ne,ano home tbep applpe the begpnning of their lines to tlje eno,ano Poljp tljeir kinges are ca’leo bp manp names. ©htrefoje when tlje kpng hatha Tonne bojne, fuclje as oweli ueare about his pallace o? Pillage, repapje to the qtteencs chant* ber, Where one fakttetlj tlje newebojnechploe with one name, to!wt anoanorijerwitljanotljername. (Soofauetljee tljottlhpnpng mtstotpfaiut* lampe,faptb one:3n otljer calleth bpm,b?pgbt ana cleare; Nettie ^fultimtuep name hpm the Pictourer of his entmtes : ano other fome,tlje putt are bojne. fauitt conqucrotir aefcenoroofblooaropall, ano frjpghtcc tljen goto •. With apuers other fuclje Papne names, ©jcrefoje li he m Aomam as eucrp oftljc Koman emperours Was calico Midenims, Tar- ‘ e ‘" llcrour£ ’*- tbicrti,/menicus£)aam,G9th'cus,ml)GemMicu!,acC0}bm$ to tlje titles of tljeir parentes ano attncedourSicuenfo bp tljimpofitii on ofiiamesinucmca bp other kinges, Beucbicus Jnacacoa tlje lojo of tlje region of Xaragua (of wljom ano of tlje Wpfe Woman jnoebiona ijis fp(ler,We bauefpoken larglp in tljefirlf Decaoe) Was calleo bp all tbefe names lolo Wpng,r«reg«4 tf ofewblcbe is almttche to tape as, a kpng (Ijpnpng as bjpgljt as laton, Surei. that is, b?pgbt,ff tuba, hpgljnctre, touiheyntquen, a rpcbeflooo. Bilith all theft names, ano mo?e then fourtie otljer fuclje, oooth- kpng Beucbius rnaptSe hpni fdfeasoftenashe commatmaetlj anp thing to be oootie,o? canfeth anp pjoclamation to be rnaoe in Ijis name . 3If the crper bp negligence leaue ont anp oftljefe names, tlje kpng thpuketlj it to fotmoe greatlp to his contuntelp , hnk anorcpjoche: Eljelpke is alfo of otljer. fJotoefonscIptljcppfc mate tpepi them felues tn ntakpng tbep? teffamentes. We Wpll nowe oe* ttfta,wntea * dare, ©ijep leaue t&m&eruattnce oft&eirkpngoomes tothctoeir Cannes* TFie ttiyrJc Decade* Tonnes of tbep? eloed fpffers ♦ 3If ibe faple, to cbeloefl of tfje feconoe fpder, ano fo ofc&e tbp?oe tfcbe fecome alfo faple : jfo| tbep are out of ooubre tbattbofe cbpIo?en come of t&ep? b!oao s $ 0 brb g«nt buc $plo?en tbe?? atone tupuesf , tbep count e to be not Wwnm, legitimate ♦ 3!f there remapne none of tbep?fpderscbpIo?en, ftepleauetbmberttaunceto tbep? b?otb?rs: ano if tbep faple, icoefcenoetb to tbep? otone Cannes. Lad of all, if all tljefe faile,cbep afligne it to tbe booo?tbied,as to Ijtrn tbat tsf of greated pomerinall tbe Jlanoc, that be map oefenoe tbep? ftibrccretf frottubetrauncient enitmes. ®jcp take as manp lopires as Spuw 5 ! ?ou* ♦ ®>ep differ cbe bed beloueo of tbe kpngcs mpues cnbmeeareim# ano concubines to beburpeo n)itbbpm*/w4fWM tbe fpder of tpcb umo non. (g euc hiu S tbe kpng of Xa ragua, being a tooman of fwcb Uttfeoomc ano cunnpng, tbat in makpng of rbpmes ano balattcs (be mas counteo a p?opbettfTe among tbe bed, commaunoeo, tbat among all tbe topues ano concubines of tbe kpng bee bjotber, tlje fap?e* ed (lubofename boas Guanabattabenccbina) ibouloe be buneo alpue untb bpnt^mo tmo of bee boaptpng mapoes mttb berj^be toooulo direlp baue appointee outers other to tbat odpce,tf ibe ban not been otberbopfe perfmaoeo bp tbe papers of certapne frper* S£ ^ nC ^ rawnce31 °? Dei *3 tobicbe cbaunceo then to be pjtefcnc. tuft? to em. ^bep Tape tbat tbiS Guanabattabunecbina baO none tn all t!)e mc of 31lanoe comparable to ber in beautie . ^>be burpeo mitb ber all 2t oftler ipfe ber ieuiels, ano ttoemie of ber bed o?nantcntes ♦ Ebeir cudome artet tots. i 0 5 to place befptie euerp of tbem in tbeir fepultures, a cuppe full ^onere it up* of boater^ a portion of tbe fpne b?eao of Caz*bbi , 3jn Xaragua , tuii) out u\* tbe region oftbis kpng fteuchius, ano m Haz&a, part of tbe regi* * ome * on of Caiabo, alfo int&s fap?e bale of fait ano frelbc lakes, ano Ipketopfeintbe region of Xaquko in tbe p?outnceof Bama , it rapnetljbutfefoome: 3InaI tbefe regions are foflfes o? trenches maoe ofoioe tpme,n>bcrebp tbep conuepe tbe maters in o?oer to boater tbep? fieloes, boicb no leffeart then oo tbtnbabttours of neme Cattbage,ano of tbe kingoome of M urden in spartaria fo? tbe fdoome fall of rapne^be region tfMaguanaAimzMz P?Ollince of 'Balm a. from Caiabo , anO Z auana from Guaccaiarhna* 3lntbe ocepe bales, tbep are troubleo mitb rapne mo?e often 2ttnnu(L a?# tljen net,ec ^* confines of tbe dn'efe citie,nameo faint Do* c u v f minike 3 are moider tbe is necedarp* 3In otl;er places, it rainrtd mooeratlp Thcthyrde Decade 144- ntooeratip .COcrearethcrfoje to rtjc 3Ilano of Hi annbariabie motions of tljc clementes.as increase the Ipkeof menu*, manpower regions. £>f thep? colonics o) mantions tnhich the J&paniaroes ijauc ercctco in this 3!Ianb, toe hatie fpofeen fuffi* Wife colonies cientlp befoje.Chep hatie fince that tpmc buiioeb ttjefe btlfa* ‘jjf 8 gC0 3 Tortus plats, Tortus ^pegalis, Lares, Villamua, Jzua w,an& &paniarDcsi Salua *« 74 .^)aumgfapOe Ciju^ mticl) Oftl;e31lan0 Of Hifpanioia , ^auebuiIDED* rtc mother anolaop of rt;cotlj€r3IIantie0 5 anD as it mere !>*/:>; j tbcmoftbeawifulitopfeof Heptunus dje goo o f tbe fea 3 letbs Sesaboui notoe entrcatefomeuiljac of l;ecJ5j>mpljc0anD fapje Kenides , aifpamoia. lnbirf)toaptebpponber 3 ano aoourne beroneuerpfpoe ♦ <&te ioplMerfojebegpnattbenearefl:, calieotbe netue Jretbufa, fo ^e 3 iani>of ttarneo of tbefountatne Jretbufa in clje JIanD of &icilie*®)ts am & ula * infamous bpreafonof a fppng 3 but ocberUipfe Unprofitable. $Dur men nameo it of late Duas Jrbores , becaufe it bad) onlpe ttuo trees groining init: neere Onto tbe Uil)td) 10 a fountapne that commetb from tbe 3[lanu off lifpaniola, tbjougb tbs fecrece paflages of tbe cartb bnoer tbe fea 3 anti tyeaketb foojtb in tijtgt 3!noe 3 as’ tbe rpuet Jlpbeus in Maia runnetb bnoct tbefea from tbe citie of H Ide , anti bjeaketb foojtb in p 31lano of ^icilie ft * ft om in tbe fountapne Jretbufa , ®bat tbe fountapne of this netue tsuu'l t0 ® n * Jretbufa, l)atl) l)t£ OJtginaU from tbe 31lanDe of Hifpanioia 3 it is manife;K)cerebp 3 that tbe mater tfiupng out of tbe foimtapne 3 b)pn^tbb3itb it tbeieauesof manp trees lubidjCgrotoesnHii ^»o/^anDnotintbis 3IIano* ^bepfope t bat tbe fountapne bad) bis original! from tbe tpmTiamiroajn tbe region ofG^c* caiarima , conffnpnguittljtljc lame of Zmana, £fjtg jhnne is not pail a mple in cirenite, ana cammooioua fo? fiifcernm Di* rertip totoaros the Caff (as it bure the pester feeeppng tlje en* trpe to r c ttys) lieth the 3IIanac of Sanili i abanm (other inpfe cal* «#*3Panoof to Smicbma) tohereoftne haue fpofecn largeip bcfoje : thtsa* ^" ctl - ( ' ot, ‘" u bounnet!) lottb goto, ano in fruttefuH foile is cquall with her mo* tljcr H ifpamla : in tijis arc nianp colonics o? manit ens of <§spa* niarocs,U)!jicI)appip them feiues to gcatljcrpngofgotoe . Co* toarbS the tneff on the jl2a?thfpbe, great Cubage fongnciTe thereof, long fuppofco to be continent o? fp?me lattoc) iuaroe;b ^ubal' pur r eibjs on the baefee Ijalfe . dpstsmuch longer then fvom tlje CaSto tljetoeifjt's autintoeo in tbe . ,.t w mfooeff ■ f. w - ttebftftble regi*. oils uutier c||o Equinoctial, Cfjericbe golfce nuncjorqruba. C&e 3!lanttof Jamaica, €:Ue3Tant)of <^uaOalupea, eoitan& <3Ttj c gum cal* lea flliume fliliiim. ©ate*. fbiue tmss. e Cani# Ual«* The tliyrde DccaJeJ ftllDUCff foiltf) tljc circle caHeD Tropicus Cdncri. Hi r pdnioU anbttjf oc!;cr Ipmg on the &ml) fpbe of this, are enefubeo almoff in the rnpDDe fpace bettoeene the fapbe “^ropikeanb the Crptinocttall line,to&tcb rnanp of the oloe toners fuppofeb to be unhabitable anDDelarr, bp reafonof the feruent beate of the feonnetntbac clpme, as tbep coniectureb : but tbep toere uecepueo in tbep? a* pinion* ^hep afftrmc chat rpcbcrgoloe mpnesare feunoetn Cuba^tninHiffamoU , ^bcpfapalfo tbateuen into tobple31 tojptetbefetbpnges, there is goloe geatherebtogeatljer rebp to the meltpng , amountpng to the quantitie of a hunbjeb anb foure* rca?ethoufanoCaIfellan^ofg:o!be, an argument furelp of great rpebefle ♦ iamaicai$n\w totoarostbe ^outb then thefe, anb is a pleafauntanb fruitful 3Ilanbe, offople aptfo? co?ne, grafts, anb fetces, it conltifetb of onelp one moumapne : the inhabitant tes are toarrelpke men, anb of goos ujpt , Colo-m compareb it ro^cicilieinbpgnelTe . 3Cbep tobicbeoflatefearchebitmoje ejeactlp, fap that it 10 fometohatleffe, but not muche . 3ft 10 thought to be tottboutgoloe anb precious (tones, as the ipke Hoag fuppofeb of Cuba at the begpnm'ng ♦ l£be 3!lanbe of Guada* l*ped(fp}i f nameb Caraqueka ) iping on the S'outlj fpbe of Hifpa* niola, ijai foure begrees nearer the Cquinoctiall . 3ft is eaten anb i nbenteb toitb ttoo gulfes (as toe reaoe of great Became, notoe callcb CDnglanb, anb Calibonia, name calico ^cotlanb) bepng in maner ttoo 3i!anbes , 3!t hath famous Jpojtes * 3fn this tljep founbethat gumme tobicbe the Apothecaries call Jnima/l* ^«w 3 U)ho(eftlmeis holfome agapnH rcumes anbbeaumelfe of theheab . ^Lfjetree tobtcheengenbjetbthis gumme, bearetb afruite much like unto a Date,bepng a fpanne in length, dBljen ttisopeneb, it fcemetbto contepite acertapne fioecte meale. As our hufbanbmen are accuttomeb to referue Cbeffnuts, anb fucb ocher Ijarbe fruites, all the totnter, fobo tbep the Dates of this tree, bepng ntuche Ipke Unto a tfpgge tree ♦ £bep founbealfomtbis 3llaitbe,ppne trees, of the belt kpftbt, anb fuch other bapmiebplhes of nature, tobereof toe haue fpoken Iargelpe before : gea tbeptbpnfce that tlje inhabttatmtes ofo* ther3flanbes, hob tbep? feebesof fo maitp pleafaum fruites from hence • fo} the Cantbales, bepng atoplbeanb toanoe* rpn3 people, mib cuemmnpng all the countrepe about them* The thyrde Decade. te^mtteFo?man0fie®e, toe accuffome* tofypngbomeUmf; tljein tobatfoeuer tbep fotmoe Oraunge o) p^ofptab'e m anpe place : ®;ep ace intractable, ano Ml admit no IfrautigcrS* 3[c (bait therefore bee neeoefutt to ouercome them Uritb great poto 1 tfojasmdltbetoncnasmen, aretpperte arcjjers, ansbfetatmtenome tbepjarrotoes • £23 ben tbe men go foojtlj oftbelauseaman burning, tlje womn maufulipttefenD tbeie (pm t tife perfumo mee, as 31 baue lapse in tbefp# Dccabe* cfuiommV mm 3!ianoe Ijatb aifo fctttccfull moumapneg ano plapnes, ano notable rpuers . 31t nourplbecb bonp in trees, ano m tbe caues ofrotfces, asm one of tbe 3!Ianses cf Canarie, Ijonp is aluuo^s, geacberco among tbe bjpersanb gamble buibes. Sboufjclmt. ntplest Caifmaro from tins 3iIanoe,lpetbau Jlanoe lufjrrt; our mmmmofrefiderata, bepng* pjc. tuples in circutte, antiberpe ^rijeirraiitje fapje . 3lfo about temte tuples from Guadalupcato'mtoz tbe g>outb, T petb tbe 3IIanoe ofG*to: Jianoc na- Mornrcmmi mco Jntiaua , OttTante ftom Guadalupea CbtrttC tuples, tS about ^if^fanoc fourtte tuples tit circutte ♦ Qicgur Colonus tbe fonne ano bep?e of aunqila * cbriftiphoYus Colonus, tolsente cfjat bis inpfe (inborn be lefte in tbeSIlanseof Bifpaniola at bis commtitg into fepapne to tbe courte)sts nt?pte Unto btm,tbat of late among tbe Ulanses of tbe Cantbalesjtbere is one fbtmsc tobicb abounoetb tomb golbe*On ■ tbelcftefpse of Hifpaniolaiotoamthe g>Qutb, ncere onto r(;e bauen there Ipecb an Slfansc names Tortus tellus: they tell marueifous twinges of tlje monftciss of ilje fta about t!?ts % ISSwi* Imibe, ano efprriJtip of tbe '£r?topfes, fo? tljep fap t!;at tljep arc- fEB - bpggcc t(;cn great routtte targettes . at fucljc tpuie as m 0,1, ijCate ics * The thyrde Decade* fccate of nature mottetb cljcnt to generation, then come foojtfj of the fea, ammtakpng a oeepeppt in the fanoe, tbep lap tb?ee o? faure IjunojeD egges tberctn . COijen tbepbaue thus emp* tieo tbep?bagge of conception, tbepputagmuebe of tbefanoe agapne into the ppt, asmapfuffpfe toeouertbeegges, anofa refo?tc agapne to the fea, noting careful! of tbep? fuccefiicm St the nap appopmeo of nature to tbe p?ocreatton of tbefe beat! es , there creepetb out a tmtlttmue of €o?topfeS , as te mere pplfemares ftnartnpng out of an ant bpll : ano this onelp bp tbe beate of tbeg>unne,umljout anp belpe of tbep? '^ceagc^of parents ♦ 'Cbep fap time tbep? egges are in mancrasbpgge ^oitopie^ ■ ao <25eefc egges ♦ ®ep alfo compare tbe flclbe of tbefe So?- topfes, to bee equal! tonth beale in tatfe • tljere are befpoe 3 j«mmterai)ie tbefe, innumerable Sllamies, the tobicbe tbep baue not pet fear* 3 iunDc 0 . cbeo, no? pet te it greatlp neceflarpto fpfubta mealefo fpne* Ip . 3!t map fuffpfe to bnoerlf anoe tbat there are large lanoes, anomanp regions, mljicbOjallljeereafter receptie our nations, tounges , anomaners , antJtberctunbemb?afeotu* re!tgiom ng t£be Trojans DpD HOC fotiemip ttpleiiplbe SCta, tbe Tyrians SpjnvuV llbpa, Greeks arfofbenices &\)n))nz « SstOitcbpng Si' emtuus. ® a itDcjs mbicbe Ipc on tbe j^o;tb fpoe of Hifpaniota , 31 ‘ bane let palfe to fpeake : f o? albeit tbep arecommoDtcus foj fancies. tpllage ano fplbpng, pet are tbep Iefte of tbe ^pnuparDes as poojeano of fmali oalue * W,z mill notne therefore take our ieaue of this oloe T at bis^it^zt mop3 ano luaterp jftpmpbes, ano receptie to out nem arquapmance tbebeauiifuiUaop of tbe fs ^Dutbfea, rpdjlp ceomneo tuttb great peatles, tbe 31lanoe of ©ftpc touts ca. ^ jtes J, e p n ^ rpebe bot& inname anu ut creafurc ♦ 3!nmp€pt(fle booke mbicb 31 font unto pour bolpneife this lalf peere, 31 oed& reo borne Vafcbus T^mnez^>alboax\)z Captnpne oftbemmbtcb pafleo otter tbe Dsungerotis mountapnes tomaro tbe ^outb fea, learneo bp repo? t,chat in tin p?cfpecte of tbofe ccalfes there lape ^ !rttJS cf an 3i!aiioeabcunopngmitbpearlesoftbegreateafoit,anotbat pcarfesV v the kpng thereof tons rpebe, ano of great pom: r , infctfpng micb marres the other kpnges bfa bo?oerers, ano efpeciaUp c hi apes anti Tumaccbus : Wzz oeclarco further,boti)£ at that tpmeitmasleftuntoucbetJbp reafon of the ragpng tcmpefteS mijtcb troubled tljac ^cutl; fea tb;ee monetbes in tljc peerc^ut - ----- - - — - it The thytfe Decafe ftfe noto Better fatotae to our mcn,\ubo baue noto alfofytotiglje that fierce fomg to bumaairie, ann ccnucrteo bun from a cruet! ^pgiMoone of tbe meefceibeepeof Cl#t Cles fiocke, fancttfpcD Until tbe mater of bapttfme, uitty all bio famtlp ano kpngoome* 3Jt Ojall not therefore bee from our purpofe to Declared tfee go* uernauncc of mbat cap tames, lip Uil;at meaner ci^ele tblnges merefo bappplp avcijpueo. The tenth booke of the thyrde Decade. tljearrpuall of Petrus /ms tbe nehie | [gouernour of 'T>*riena,\)t gatte ccmmaunoe* m:nt tljac on? Gafper Moralisty oulo rake mljanbe tborp coition to tfie Siano of Pius. #pe tberfoic tooke Ijts bpage firlf to c biapes ano Tumucbus kings oftbefeaucly, rnbom ! Vafcbus before bao conctleo ano left frtenos to tbe ^bpfitans ♦ ^bcpfrlendpanomagnificallp entertepneo our mcn,mbo pjepareo tljem a naute of tbe kpngs boateg to pafie oucr into tblg 3Hanoe,mbicb tbep call 'Dites, $ not Margarita o) M argariteaMmsfi) tt abounoemitb pearlcs, Wc\) tn tbe latm tonge are calico Margarita?, got cbep firlf calico an other bp tbts namc,m!jtcb Ipctb nepe to tbe moutb of Os Draconis tn tbe region of f aria An tbembtcb alfo to founo great plentpofpearleo.G^fy brought tutcb btm onelpfearmeo men to tbe 3Ilanbe,fo? d;at bee coulD conuep oner no greater number, bp reafon of tbe fmalnefle ano naromnes of tbetr boates o) barkes,mbtcb tbep call Cukbas, maoe of one mbale pecce of timber, as me bane lapo befoje.^be kpng of p 31lano came foonh agapnlf them fiercelp, In cruel! ano tfneatnmg countenance^ mitb a great banoe of artneo mcn,crp* tug tn maner of a larome,$ tn token of tbe battat!c,G«^ 4 «^, Guazzauara , mbtcb ts as much to lap as, battaple agatnlt p ene* tnp,f ts(as it mere)a match m^o to glue tbonfet: mljertn tb ah fo tbep tb?em tljetr oarts,foj tbep baue not tb me of homes, ^bep 2nere fo obltniafe $ oefperate, tfjat tbep affatleo our men In foure Guaz£duaras,t'm ts,battaples. 3t tbe length our men mtcb cer* fame at c biapes ano Tumaccbus men(betng doe enemies totals altoieo 2J»tu (be 1 46 nopioc nutflt be tnnieli umptueroo* £» erpebitimt to tfjcjGfauDe of Suites iutBs foutp fca. Cfje^Iaitbeof /l^argantea* 33 jaconfor # Paria. W conflict* The thyrefe PecaJe* the ftpttg fobetnlp anb bn^luarcjs * S> it teas be Dccctfttttteirta aP femble a greater potter, anb once agapne to attempt the fortune of ttarre, but tfjae be ttas otberttpfe perfttabeo bp the kpnge* bis bojberers, ttbicbe counfellebbim to getteouer, anbfubmit Ijtm feIfe,fom;tpme bp tbejcample oftbem lelues $ other* threat* npngtbebetactionof bis floojplbpngfcpngbome, anb otfjer* ttljplei beclarpng unto btm tbe bumamrte anb gcwlenefle of our men, bp ttbofe frienblWp bee might obtepne honour anb quiet* neffe to btm anb btg : ttillpng buti furthermore to conOoer, ttbat ebatmeeb umo them ttljicb tbe peere before refiileb anb aouentu* reb tbe bafarbe of tbe battaple,as bpb tbefe kpn ^z^Toncba.fec^ (borrofa,Quareotitb anb £2M, be ugmfieb bn.o them that Jje ianbe ttbicb lapebefoje their epes? the topped of ttljcfe great motmsapnc# : " ' ‘ ~ tbep BOlDf, Cbefepttges S»ojtie0* ■i ■I i The thyrcfe Decade, __ 147 tbtpmpgbtfce, boas epceedpng large t then commpng fome* bobatneerer, (jeefap&e 5 Beholae thefe 3 Ilandes on the rpgbt peari**. banoeanoontbe left, mbicbailobepbntoouremppje, and are rpcbe, happpe, and bleffed, if pou call tljofe landes bleflcd tobtcbeabounoe rnitb goloe and pearle ♦ (Kftehaue tilths 31 s lande Ittleplentteofgoloeibuc the deepe places ofall the leas a* boat thefe 31lanocs are full of pearler thereof pou (hall re* cepue ofmeeasmaitpas pou mill requp?e, fo that pee perfilf inthe faondeoffriendlhpp uihi'chpouhauebeguime . 3! great* ipoefp?e pourfrtendlhpp, and mouloe gladlp Ijaue the fruici* • on ofpmir tbinges, mbtcbe 31 fee muebe mo?e bp thru mtlfe oii 3 ! of pearler : gou (hall therefore haue no caufe to doubt ofanp imfaptbfuInelTe o ? b?ea$e of friendlhppon mpbebaife* Our men gaue bpni Ipke frtendlp mo?des , and encouraged him uitth manpfap?e p?ompfestoaoeasbeebadfapae. after the name of the goner* n f nour.SHhen our men departed, he accompanied them to tljcfea bivtiull*'* fpde,and furnplljed them rnitb boates to returns to the continent. ©ur men diuidedthepearles among them, referupngtbeOfe _ „ , portion to bee oelpuered to cljoffpcers of the kpnges Cpchekcr in thofe parts. Chep fap that thefe pearles mere maruelous p?c * 13 ft P n s* tiatts/atrc,ojtcm,ij freeing bpg: mfomtiri) tfjat tljep taottijfjt manp saitij tljem Upgtjcr c’jcn (jaftll mutes. £Df tsTjat p?pcc 9 w 3 O.itt- Sue Thetliyrde Decade. si penrh fo\ a * uc ^ ^ 3! conftDcr bp one pcarle tfje toljtch 2W/«x, #ope. pjebicelfour to pour Ijoltnes, bought at the fecond hand of a mar* chant of Venice fo? fourc $ fourcte thoufand mtcates: 5 >et among tljofe mhich mere brought from this Jlad, there mas one bought euen in ftariena, foj a thoufano $ tmo bundled Cadellans of goto: m otter this mas aimed as bpg as a meane malnttt, $ came at p length mice*. ° f 3CCat t0 tljc Ernies of Petrus jrias the gouernour,mijo gaue tt to that noble and fapthftiH tnoman his mpfc, of m'jofe maner of Depart tttre mitb her hufbande,me bauc made mention befoje.&Ctc mud thenneeces think that this mas berp precious, mijicbe mas bought fooeare among fuch a multitude of pearles, mljeretfjep mere not bought bp one at once, but bp pounces, and at the lead bp ounces. 31 1 is alfo to be thought that the Oenecian marchaunt bought his fo^ no great fumme of monep in the ^ad partes:Buc aub ru* \ )C r 0 loe tc the bearer, fox that he chaunceb to ipue in tljofe lafciut* pitauuca. ous anb mamon bapeg, mhen men mere gmen to fuch npfe anb fupertots pleafures,and met mitha marchant foj his purpofe* ^ ucraoHm* ^ u£ let US nom fyeakefomemijat of the (belfpOjeg, in the mhtch cna oft;e ge? pearles are engendjed ♦ 3 ft is notbnkuomne to pour bolpnefle, pearu 0 lot l & ac ^rtdotie, anb jpltmc bis folomer, mere of bjuers opitu* ons as concernpng the generation of pearles. 3m tfccfe 3 !n* diaiis, anb our men, red onelp in one a(Feition,not aflentpng to them in anp other : a 0 ,eptljertbattIjepmandertnthefea, oj, thatthepmoueacanp tpme after theparc bo c me * ^hepmid therefore that there be certapne greene places, as it mere mea* |)e,irbes in tbe nomesg'n tlje bosteme of the fea,bjtngtng focmb an heat be much tte fca. ie ° f Ipbe Onto &pme,snd affp^mc that thep haue feene the fame, anb that thep are cngenbjeb,no?pibeb 3 anb grome thcrein,as mee fee tbtncreafe anb fucceffion of Opders to grom about them felues: aifo that tbefe fplljesdelpgbtetb not in the conuerfation o? com* panp of the fca boggfS, rtbf pet to "bee contented mithone^ one, tmo, ojtfoee, o j at the mod foure pearles, affp^mpng that in the fpfhpng places of the ftpngof this Claude, there aijtmbjcb mas fotutbe a hunted pearles in one fpihe, the mhtcljec*/- ft ea i l f e a mo,te P ar M oralis tljecaptapne himfeife, anb his companions, bt* ^ ligcntlp numbied : it pleafeb tlje bpng at thep? bepng there, anb in their pjefencc, to commaunde his dpuers to goe a fplhpng foj tljofe ftpnoe of fpibes . ^Ijep compare the matrt* ces The tliyrde Decade. _ I4§ ass oft&efe fptfies, to tlje places of conception in J&ctmeS, m the mbtdje tbep? egges arc engendjed in great multitudes and fp^e. duffers, and beleue tbat tbefe fpfljcs bipng foo^tb d;ep? bp?tb inlpkemanet . Jfojtlje better p?oofe hereof, tbepfap that bp?n)of tbep founbe certapne pcaries comntpngfoojtb of their wntrt s ces, asbepngnouiecometo the tpme of tbep? full rppenefle, and moued bp nature to come out of tbep? mootbers mombe, a* petumgitfelfe mtpmc conuenient : Ipketopfe, that Uittbm a toobple after,tbepfame otberfuccecdeinlpke maner ♦ feotbac to conclude, tbep fame fome commpng foojtb, ano other fome pec abpdpng tbetpme of tljcpj perfection : mbtcb bcpngcom* piece, tbepalfobecame loofe, and opened the maertee . ^bep pcrcepucd tbe pearled to bee tndofeD in tlje mpddcff of tbep? bellpes, there to bee nourished and tncreafe,as an infant fucking bi ts mootbers pappesmtebinber mombe , before bee moue to come foajubofberpjtme places ♦ $nd ifttcbaunceanpof tbefe fyelfpCbes to bee foundefcattered in tlje fandc of tbe fea(as 31 mp fclfebauefeene£)pffersdifpardcd on the (bojes in dpuerspla* ces of the 2Dcean)tbep affpjmetlyat tbep baue been biolentlp djp* uen tbitber from tbe botcome of tbe fea bp fo?ce of tempeff es,aitd not to baue mattered tbitber of them felues : But, that tbep be* comembptebptbedearendfeof tbemojrtpng oeatue, ojmajce pelomc in troubled meatber, o^otbetmpfe that tbep feeme to re* iopceinfapje meatbcrandcleareapje, o? ccntrarptopfe, to bee as it mere affonpffjeo ano Dpmme in tbunder ano tempeffes, mitb fuebe other : tbe perfect fcnomiedge hereof, is not to bee loo* feed foj at the banned of tbefe bnleameo men. mbiclje bauble tbe matter but groffclp , and entitle no further then occafion fee* uetb , get doe tbep affirms bp tepericnce ano ittduffrie of ti e opttccsjtljat fie gre ateft pcarks lye in ttjeo cepeft p!accs, ;bcp of «*««», tbe meanc fojt bpgher, and tbe lead bpgbeff of all, and neerer to aiiaWpearil tlje b?pmme of tbe mater:3nd fap tljcrfoje, that the greateff doe * me,,SEUDlcD * not mander,but that tbep are created,nourpfl)ed, and incrcafe in tlje deeped places of tbe fea, mbptber fern: dpuers (and that kit feefdome) dare aduemttre to dtuefodeepe to feather them, afuied ftp fcare of the fea crabbes, mijicbc mander among tbefe pearle fpQjCstofccdeoftbem, and fo? feare of other menders of tl;e fea, as alfo lead tijeir breach ffiould faple cljemin to long ^f.uu. remap* Thethyrde Decade. remaining in tbc luater : 3no tljig tljep fap to bee tbe caufe drfje rea mnc* & dtoeffQf tbcrfc^e bpgged) Tea mufdeg infjabite p Deeped pla« tics wDetcm ceg/tom mljence tljep are not ligljflp motteD bp tempedeg. jfur* g«iSjSu rf €It# tbermo^boUjmudjtljcbpggerf oloer tljefe fpfyes are,tljep fap that in ibet'r larger matrices,tbe greater number $ bigger pear* leg are founDe,$ tbac foj tljis caufe there are fetoer founoe of the bpgged fojt^bep tljinfce alfo,tljat inljen tljep ftrd fall from tljeie fplbes in tl;e oeepe places ,tljep are DeuoureD of other fplbes, bp# caufe tljep are not pet bearoe .3gaine,tfje fmalled Differ from tlje bpgged in a certaine fuelling 0 ) impodumation, toljidj p g>pa* ntarDcs call a tpmpanp: tfo} tljep Denp tljat to be a pearle toljicfj m oloe mufries cleauetlj fade to tlje (bell, but tljat it is a mart, With being rafeD from tljefljelUmtb a fple, isrounDe^bjpgljt but onelp of one fpDe,anD not pjectous,being ratljer of tlje nature of tlje fpilje it felfe,tljcn of a pearle.^ljep confede tljat tljep ijaue feene certapne of tljefe mufdeg cleaupng on rocftes,pet tbefe but fetoe,anonotljpngUioojtb ♦ St is alfo to bee thought, tljat tlje pearle fpSjes ojfca mufcles inljicljare founDe in SnDia, 8ra# bta, tlje reDOe fea, b} t£apjobana, are ruler? in fuelje ojDer as the afojenameD famous attedjours Ijaue tojitten : Jfoj their opini* onljeretnignotuttcrlptobce reteceeo, fojafmtidjas tljep mere learneo men, anD trauapleo long in tlje fearcljpng of tljefe tljtm ges.Bttsmee ijaue nome fpoben fufftciemlpof tbefe fea fyHj eg, anD of tbeir egges, inbiclj tlje fonDe npfenelfe anD mantonnelfe of men Ijauemaoe Decree then the egges of Ijennesojgeefe* let bs therefore encreate fomemljat of other pedicular tljingeg, inljicljarecometoourbuotUieDgeofiate . ££tee Ijaue elftubece largelpDefcnbeDtljemcutljes of tlje gulfe of Vraba, mitljfanDjp anD bartable regions DiuioeD tmclj tlje manifolDe gulfcs of tljat Tea : But as ccncernpng the £22edcoadeg, tntljeboljiclj our men Ijaue buploeo Ijoufeg, anbplanteD their habitations on tlje ban&es of Dariena, S Ijaue no neloe matter to Uppte y get as touebpng tbe Cad partes of tlje gulfe, S Ijaue learneo ag fo# vwt mien* JoU,e£ !> ♦ V fap tljat tbe bniuerfail lanDe of tlje Cad regton cft&e^afHp&e oftije gulfe, from tlje copter thereof farre reacljpng into tbe £f^u Ufe ^ m from c[je 0 } tittermode mouth of the fame, recep^png tlje maters of the fea mljidje fall into it, euen bn* to Os ® monism Twa^ty one genecall name calleo Caru banal The thyrde Decade* 149 Uyia, of the Caribes oj Cambales mljicbe are founde in etierp region tn tljts trace : But from bounce tbep IjaD tbep? per* an ttculerojtgtnan , and borne, leaupng tljepj natiue fople,tbep bauefpjeooe tbep? generation fofarre, ipbea peftiferous con- ^ COJignla i tagion , me mpll nome declare * ^Lljerefoje from iljefpjlf oftije^am? front reading foojtlj into tlje fea ( tn mbofe tract me fapae baIf0+ rijati^Mafleneabtsfoote) tomarae the copter, aboutntene tuples Otftanf, there Ipetlj a Ulilage ofCaribana, named Futcraca : «qjeUiUagfgi tbjeemples aidant from this, is tlje milage of Vraba , of tlje of ^ anl,ana » mljicbe it tsi thought that the mljoie guife toke bis name, bp* caufe this milage mas once the bean of tbebpngaome . about fppe tuples from this , is Feti : j^icne mples from Feti, is Z erema : and about tmelue mples from tWJorache. SDurmen fotmtie all tbefe milages full of people, al the mljtcbe gpue them m felues onelp to manbuntpng : Jnfotmtcbe tb at if tbep lacbe 1 ** 1 • enimfesagapnd mboni tljepmapbecpe marre, tbep epercife crueltteagapnft them felues, anoeptljerdapetbeone tlje other, ojels ajpuetbebanqupfljeatoflpgbf* flMjccebp it 10 apparanr, tbatbptbefetljepjconttnuail marres, and ajptipng tlje one tlje otljerotit oftbepj countreps, this infection Ijatlj gone fo farre 3 not onelp on tlje fppne lanac, but alfo into tlje Jlanaes » 3 ! mas alfo aDuerttfeo of an ott er tljpng, tlje mljtclje to mp tuagemenc feenietljmoojtbptobeputtnmemojpe* £Dnc c oruales, at'uoge incatifes of lame among tlje &panparaes of ftmena, faptlj, tljat on a tpme malbpng ab joae mttlj bis boofce tn bis Ijande, be met bp tlje map mttlj a fugttpue , mljicbe baa flcaae from tlje great lanoeslptngfarretomartietbemelf, anaremapnea Ijere rnitb a Epng mttlj mljom be mas entertapnea * elBljen tljts man perccpuea tlje lampcr loobpng on bis boobe , marueplpng thereat, be came runnpng Onto bpm, ana bp tnterpjccours of tlje bpng mbom be ferued , fpabe thus Onto bpm, $paue pou ah fi oke0: , foboobes, mijeretn pou map refeme tljpnges in perpetual me* gpnnSigif?^ mo?p *: and letters, mljerebppott map declare pour mpnde to f OD ^ of£ be fuebeas are abfent * and beremitb aefpjea tljat tlje boobe mpgljt founS! a£elp 1 be opened onto bpm, fuppofpng tljat be Iboulde tberetn baue foundetbe letters of Ijis omne coumrep : #ut mljcn be fame tbembnlpbe, be fapae farther, tljat in bis coumrep there mere cities fopifiea mttlj malles, and gouernea bp lames, and tljat tlje people €tmimcifcfe people. ioo&ebecatie ili.Iibec.Ui. The thyrde Decade* people alto bfeD apparell : but of mbat religion tbep mere, 3}DpDnot learne . gel bao our men knomieoge both bp tbe moo?Deg anD Agnes of ibis fugttiuc, tljat tbep mere circuim ctfeD ♦ (KHljat nome tbpnke pou berebp (mod bofp father *t ) flD$ mbat do pou amine map come hereof, mben tpmelball ftibmte all tbefe bnDcr pour tb?one f £et Ujs nome encermpngle certapne uoijatc&atm* fmalltbpnges among tbefe great matters . 31 baue not thought pirapiiMtoOi# S 000 Ca P?«ermit that mhicb chaunceo to lobannes Solifeus , cbetije goner# mho, tofearche cbe^outblpDeoftbefuppofeo continent, De* iww toapw/ P^teD brithtbjee fljpppeo from tbepo?t loppa ( not farre DtflanC from the 3!lanoes of Gads s o? Cales in the C>cean)tbe fourth Dap of tbe 3lDesi of^eptember, in the peere^JD.rtn o? mbat fuc* ttKt lobannes Pontius \)$0 9 mljOm tljC Mtue goumtcur Petrus Arias appopmeo to Oanqupfbc anD Delfrop the Caribes o? Cant* bales, Deuourers of mans flclpe : alfo to mhat enoe tbe Dopages of the other captaincs carne,mhicb mere fencfoo?tb Diners mates at lljefame tpme,as Gonzalus 'Badaiocius i Francifcus Pezarra, anD Valkius Johannes Solidus tooke the matter in bano in an eupll ^cmnageof bourse fapieobeponotbepoiut offatnt 3ugulfine(mbicb tbep nnug lt,lcc c ^°A‘Angujlint)tmm the g>ctitb Goc of the fuppofeD com Cab .s> Jugm tinent bepono tbe Equinocftalline* jfo?(as me baue fato before) jlm. * that popntreacbetb g>outbmarDe to the feuemb Degree of the Sooutb pole, calleo the pole ^ntarttke . Upe p?oceeDeD in tbatDp* age fppebunojcD leagues, anDfouno the lanoe from tbe popnt to ertenoe fo farre tomaroe the g>outh beponoe the Equinoctial, that be came to the thirtieth Degree of p 4>outb pole * Qg be fap* icD thus fo?marDe,battpng nome on bis backe balfe the Ifarres 3joim ?>oiiaus nameo Caput praconis, ( that is, tbe D?agons beao) ano the <are,tbep are notoe fapne to no alltbpnges bp fo?ce of armes ♦ TOenbe bab thus epacteba great quantttte of golbe of them (as it is fapbe)be fleo p?iutlpe, anbtooke atoapalbpp tot'tbbpm bp flealtb, as tbe common rumour goetb,no? pet bptberto baue toe barn tobptber be toent, 0? tobere be is arrpueo* g&ome fitfpect that (Petrus Arm tbe go* uernourfljoulbconfent tobt'S beparture, becattfe this Johannes Aiora, is bptber to Gonfalus Jiora, d)t kpngeg biflo?tograpber, a man both learneb, anb expert in tbe bifcipline of toarre, anb fo mud; tbe gouernoursfrenb, that tbefettoo among a fetoe,map be counteb examples of rare amttte . 3! mp felfe alfo am greatlp bounbebntotbembotb 5 anbbaue long eniopeb tbep? frenbfljpps pet (ball 31 beftre them both to parbon me in beclaringmp pban* tafle beerein, that tn al tbe turtnoples anb tragical affap?es of tbe flDcean , notbpng batb fo muebe bifpleafeb me, as tbe couetouf nefleoftbis man, tobo bath fobtflurueb tbe pacifpcb mpnbesof bariabie tbekpnges. Jftotoe among tbefe troublous ebatmees, let bs foitunc of -©on* rebearfe tbe bariable fortune of Gonfalus ftadaiocius, anb bisfe* ms^ lXmo ' lolnes, tobofe p?ofperous begpnninges, enbebtoitbbnfo?tunatc (mtttt, Gonfalus monetbof $g)ap,tn tbepeereof Cb?iflU 5 1 5-beparteb from (Dariena tottb fourfco?e arrneb men, birecting bis bopage totnarb tbe {South, anb refling tn no place cerabam. ^e* tonsil be came to the region of Cerabaro , tobicb our men nameo tiiAUtiu Gratia out() fea latelp founbe ♦ Bcljoloc notoe a iuonoctfiiH ciifSoatg tbpag, ttjat in alanoc of fucfte matueplous longitube in otliet fea - places , tljep fountie it Ijcre to be ottclp about fpftie mples biflanttotbc&outlj fea: foj tbep count it.jebii. leagues, as tljemaneroftlje&patiparoesis to reeften, ano not bp tuples: get Tape tfjtp tljat a league confptfetlj of tbjeeni pies bp lanoe, anbfourebp fea, as toe bane notes before. 3intlje toppesof ,„luAp(ta tlje ntountapnes anb turnpitg of tlje toaters , tljep founoe a ?"» but “bn* kpttg names hum, toljofefepngoome isalfo narneb Coiba, as “ i> an ' is tlje region offeing Caret*, of tobom tee bauemaoc mention rif* toljere . But fo? as mttclje as tlje region of tljis luma , is rpcljet in goloe, tljcp narneb it Cotta Dites, tljat is, Coiba tbe rpc!j : Do?, tobetefoeuertljepbpggcb tlje greunbe, toljetljerit Uiere on tlje ni bjpe lanoe, ojintljetoetcljanelles of tlje rpuers, tljcp founbe feues. tljefanoe, toljicbc tljcp cad foojtlj , mpjee tottlj golsc", luma fleooc at tlje commpng of our men, anb coulbe neuer be bjougljt agapne , 'Eljepfpopleb all tlje comitrcp nearc about Ijis pa« lace : pet lias tljcp but litle goloe, fo? be (mb carpeb all !jis duffe toitljljpm . ©ere tljcp fctmoecertapne Hanes , mattes in tlje r , oU , nhfp . fires after a draunge fojte : Jfo? initlj a (barpe pjpefte mabe n*uw are eptfjerofbone, o?elstoi‘fjatljo?ne, t§cp mate boles in tljep? faces , anb foo?tljto:t!j fpitiibipng a polnber tljereon , tljcp J moidc the pounces place tottlj a eertapne blacte 0 ? recoe iuice, lnfjoiefubdannretsoffuclje fcnacitte ana clammmeire, tljat it lupll neuenneare atoap:©jepb?0ug!jttljefefiaues atoap iuicfj tljrm . Eijep lap tljat tljis mice is of fuelje IbarpenelTe, ano put* tetbtbemtoftscbepapne, tljat fo? trireme solcure tbep Ijaucno domacte to tljep? tncate certapneoapes after . Elje fepnges Ju!ji= clje take tbefc flaues in tljep? toarres, tale tljep? Ijelpe in feeltpng fo? goloe, ate in tpllage of tlje grounbe, ctlen a3 Daa ouc RJ£n jfromtbe pallaceof luana, folotopng tlje cotirfe of tlje tuatcc about tenne mples tolnarbe tlje g»ittlj,tljep entreo into tlje bomu monofan otljer fepng, to'jom our men narneb tlje oloe man, bpcaufc be teas olee , not paflpng of Ijrs otljer name . 3!n tbe region of tbis bung nlfo , tljcp founbe goloe in all places, «&>»«*. both on toe Urn, ana in tlje rpuers . ®b is region is berp fapje ana ftmcefuU, ansljatbm it rnanp famous rpwrs.Departpng aftutefiilltt* giortleftbero* latebpctmU UtfCPltl^ &PW tljonfaitb Caftclians of game* fcpng^ram* emu. rjpatimijmi* fanbjjefajjof SOitr. £> 4 tce. The tfiyrde Decs JeJ ftrntt hmi 9 in fpue napese faurncp tbep came toalanoe lefte fcefolate: 3 nbepfitppofe that this mas oelfropeo bp ctuile oif* co?oe 3 fo?afmttcbe as it is fo? the moll parte fruttefttll , atttr pet not inljabireo . ®je fpftlj nap , tbep fame tmo nun com- mpnga farre of; tljefe mere (aoen mitb b?eao of Maizium, m'jt- cbetljep carpeo on tbep? Ibouioers in Caches ♦ SDtir men tooke tbem-, anobnoerlfooDe bp them that there mere tmo kpnges ut tbat tract , tbe one mas nameo feriqutte^o omelt ncere Onto tbe fea, tbe others name mas Totonoga . is Totonoga ioas b'pnoe , ano omelt in the continent ♦ Zhz emo men mbidj tbep met, mere tbe fpfbers of Totonoga , mbom be bao fenc mitb certapne faroclles of fpflje to feriquete , ano bao agapne re* cepucob?eaoofbpmfo?epcbatmgc: jFo? thus do tbep coming mcate tbep? commooities one mitb an other bp cjrrijatmge,micb‘ out tbebfeofmpckcomonp . Bp tljc conouctpng of tbefe tmo men, tbep came to kpng Totonoga , omcllpng on tfee G&ztt fpoe of faint sptcbaelsgulfe, in tbe ^>ouci? fea ♦ ^bep bao of tins kpng tbe fumme otfp^e tljoufanD Caltelians of goloe, both rtme,anDartifpciaIlpm?ougbt. $mongtbofegrottme 3 ofritoe o? itatpue gotoe, there mas one founoe ot tljemepgbt of tmo Caf* teIIans,mbicbeargucD tbeplentifullrpcbenelTeof tbe grounoe* Jfolompng the fame coal! bp tbe fea fpoe tomaroe tbe C&eff, tbep came to a kpng, mbofc name mas Taracuru , of mbom tbep bao goloe, amctmtpngtotbemepgbtofepgbt tboufanoe Pefos* ZTXz baue fapoe before tbat Pefus is tbe mepgbt of a Caffe* lane, not copneo. .from hence tbep ment to tbe Dominion of tbt’s kpnges b?otber, nameo Tananome, mijo flcooe at their com- mpng,anoappeareonomo?e aftermatoe . ep fap tbat bis kpngoome is rpdje in goloe . ^! ep fpepteo bis pallacc in bis abfence , ^pjte leagues from hence, tbep came to another king, nameo T abor ♦ f rom thence tbep came to tbe kpng of c betu. foe frenofp entertaineo our nun, ano gatte them foure tboufano Tefos of goloe . foe bath in bia Dominion manp gooolp fait bapes : tlje region alfoabotmoetb mitb goloe. 8 bout tmeltie mples from fjencc,tljep came to another king called An at a, of mbom tbep bat* po.tbouQmoe Tefos ofgoloe,mbicbebebao gotton of the kpnges ljisbo?ierers,m!jom be bao banquilbeo bp marre. 2 great part oftbisgolo mas in rnoe fc«rme ? bpcaufe it mas molten mi;e.n he; ' ■ ' ' “ ' ret The thyrde Decade. 15^ fie the hinges Ijoufis on fp?e whom he fpopleo . jf Oj thep robbe ©jepj mam* ano (lap the one tlje other, fackpng ge fp?png tljcp? uillages , ant> otWM “* wafting tljep? countrepes . Chep keepe warrebarbarouflp, ana to fatter oefttuction, ejcccutpitg ertrecnte crueltie agapnft tljcm tljatljaue tlje ouecctj^ofaje, Gonfalus $acUiocius,\ni&) htsfeloWeSj toanojeo at libcrtie, tmtpll thep came to this kpng, and Ijafa gea* thereo great heapes ofgoide of other kpnges. JFo?, what in b?a= flcties,coll£rg,earerpiiges»b?eftplates, hclmettes,ano certaine barres wherewith niomenbeare bp thep} b?eftes.thep had gca= thereo togeather in gold tbe ftimrne of fourfcoje tljoufand Calfci- lana, which thep bao obtapneo partlp bp exchange foi our things Inhere tbep founsc the kpnges tljep? frenoes, f othetwife bp fot-- tpblc meanes where thep fomtoe tfje contrarp. Chep ban got* tenalfafeurticflaues.wbofebclpetbcp bfto both fo? cartage of their bictuallcs anfa baggagics, in the tleetie of Copies o? other beaftes of burden, fltalft to refeeitc litch as mere tick ano foiwee= ried bp reafoit of thep? long toutnetes ano hunger, after tljefe pjofperotis bopages, thep came bp the dominion ofkpng Scoria, to the palace of a kpng names Tariz*, where ( fearpttg no fuche thing) Tariz# cnclofeo tljem with a great armt'e, and aflapled , them (fraggelpng ano bttwares, in fuch fo?t that tfjep fjao no tea* nicoumploiU ! furetoputonthep? armiire.fje flue and Wounded about fpftic, and put the refpoue to flpgbt . Chop made fucljehaft, that thep orlonf. *“ had no rerpect eptljcr to the goloe thep baa geatherca, oj to thep? flaues, but left all behpnBethem. Chafe feWe that efcaped, tame to Che opinion of all Wpfemen, as emteempng the bartable ana tnconlfant chatmces of fortune tn humane things ariic mromtaiw Were falfe, if ail thpitge3 Ihauldehaue happened bnto them picu otoffottunt, fpcrouflp. jfojfuch t« the nature ofthts blpndegoaoeBe.tbatlbe oftentpmesoelptethtn the o:ierth?otoe of tljcm whom (he hath eraltco , ana taketh plcafure in coitfounoing hpgh tljpnges With lowe. ano the contrarp , me fee this ojderto be tmper* mutable, that Who ft Wpl apply hpm feffe to geatljer rootes, fhai fometpntes nteetc with fweete JLpqucrefle, at® other wholes With foWreCocklc.get Wo bnta Pariz * ; f 0? he (hail not long fleepe in reft. Che goucrnourljim feife Wasoflate determined Wtththjcehuniio^eojfiffie djotfe foulnierstorettenge theneath of our inembut where as he bp cysuiice fei flckcjhts power went j fojwaroe { V Ctamttaf, The tTiyrJe Bcca Ae* ftytoarbe bnoer tl;e contracting of frte JLtettefenatMf GafpdrSph nofa , a 3 IuDge in cafes of latoc in (Darictia * git cfje lame tpme o* t&ertoercfeMfoo$jtot!;e 3 !lanDorz>;^, tocjeacc the potion of pearler limtteo to tl;e kpng ftybte tribute. ULllyat d;a! fttc* ceeDe* tune topi tying ta cur knotoleoge. E(je other (too attemp* Ttte erptbitimi CCD ttyntylb tta till :e0 beponD tl;e gulfe Francifcus Bczerrd,\)& SsfsSagrtnft Du ^ tbe corner of the gulfe, $ti;e moutyes oftbertuerof m €am‘oa:e 0 , ftabaiba, with ttoo other captatn.% a no a bnntyeD ano bfu'e fouls Dier 0 toelappopmeD,toenctomaketoarie upon tljcC-ira'kle?, euen m Caribana tbepj otone ebeefed Dominion,, totoaros tin utl- iageof Turujy,M)txofm bane matje mention before in tin commpng of Fogeda. Ebep tyougbtalfo totcb them Diners em gins oftoarrc,asttyeepeece0 of o;DmaMice,tobofed;oc toere bpgger then egges : Ipkctopfe fotireie archers, anD .#&♦ bagbut < ters 3 to tbe entent to read; tl;e Cantbales a farre of, $ to pjeuenc tljep; oenomeD arrotoest But toljat became ofljim $ bis compa* np 3 o;to T )cretbeparn'ueD,toel;auepet no perfect kttotorlebge* Certapne tobteb came oflate from iariena to ^patne repoueo, tljatattbepj Departure tljepcf izw^dooDeingreatfeatcled tljep alfo toere tolTeo tottb fume mtffojtune. ‘Ebe other captatne nfon 13 repuI Va ^ ius obtepneo tbe forepart of tbe gulfe* butbepalfeD ouer n»e 0 , 3 cm> bpanotbertoaptl;enDiD!Bf^rM, ftybetooketlje beginning of Caribana^ Bczarra tljC enD \V&lleius retltrneD againe.But of the ttyeefcojeatmenmen tobiebbe comictgbeDouertoitl;bpn?,l;e left fettrete anD eight flapne among tbeCambale&EOefe are the tietocs tol;icb tbrp typng that came lad from / Q\)i8 Francifcus to 00 Olie of tbebnoer captained of this banD,tobofe cbeefe captatne toas Gom falus Badaiociusjn Ijo barDlp efcapeD tbel;anDC0 of king fmz*> of ^befettoo captatnes tberfoje^mm $ Francifcus ,tol;o Depart l>outD teD from Darien a mtmeoiatlp after p mtfctycune tobteb befel toBa* daiocius $l)i$ companp 3 oo botbafftrme, tl;eone 3 that be bath of r a m! mi ^ aincC fpcbaels gulfe 3 tn manp of the toljicb are trees engem D^eo $ noojifyetytohtd; tying foogcf; p fame automatical frtmeg The thyr de Decade, 153 tiOCtfj tSetegfon Of ColUcuted&l)i$ faiiSC of Coll acute a^itl) t\)2 regions Of Cochinus OHO Cameworus,Htt tljC djtcfc MatfC pfa 4 Collac uted* res from mljence tlje pojtugatcs hrnte tljcti fptces: Slip fjerebp ooe t',cp coiuccmre 5 tljac tlje lanoe uiijere t\)t fruiffuftiefTe of fptce from licence ? beginnetlj,AjoulD not tic farre from tijcnce s in(bmud*c,tFj octet M ftrami«€ iipuDeoffau anti The thyrde Decade* other fcpnoc of foti!png,beemofo?e neuer Ijearoe of,ano pTeafant to conGoer . I Bee Ijaue oeclareobefoje Ijobue tljat in certapne of tin 31'anoes, avtoefytcMyinHifpanioU, tljere arc Dpuersaf lakes o? itanopna: pooles:3In fome of cbefe(betng no beeper then men map boaoe oner them) are feene great multttuoes of boa* ter foules : as boell fo? tljat in tlje bottome of tbefe lakes tljere greboe manp Ijcarbes ano lueeoes, as alfo tljat bp reafon of the Ijeate of tlje fetmne, pearfpngto tlje natural! place of genera* tion ano conception, boljere being ooubleo in fojee bp reflection, ano pieferuco bp mopfter tijcie,are engenojeo of tlje flpmtnefie oftljceattlj ano boater, ano bp tlje pjotaoenceof tlje bniuerfall creatoJjinnunterable little fpOjes,U)ul; a tljotifano funojp kpnoes of froggcs,U) 0 'mes, gnatecs,flpes, ano fuclj otljer ♦ ^Ije foules Uiljtclj ofe tljefe lakes, are of opuers kpnoes : as Duckes,^amtes,fea ^eU)es,0ulles, ano fuclj otljer * Wt Ijaue ftpoe 5fouiea. ’ * alfo, tljat in tljep? ©jcljarocs tljep nojpfye a tree boljicb beared; <^ouruesof a kpnoe of great (£5ouroes.£)ftljefe (Dottroes tberfo?e,boell flop* toe pco lead anp boater fijoulo enter in at tljep? rpftes, $ caufe tljem to Gnke, tljep call manp in tlje fljaloboe pooles, boljere, bp tbep? conttnualiboanoerpngano boatterpng bottlj tlje motions of tlje bopnoe ano boater, tljep put tlje fotiles out of fufpeetton $ feare : • : tlje fouler in tlje meanetpme,OifgutOngljtmfelfe as tt lucre tuitb a btfour 5 puttetb a great gottroe on Ijis Ijeao, mucb Ipke to a Ijefc met, bottlj ttoo boles neerc about Ijisepes, Ijis face ano uibole beao befpoe being cottcreo tbereboieh : ano tljus entretlj bee into tljepooieetteu unto tljetbpne. 3ro) being from tljep? tnfancic Acer ctfeo in fbopmmpng,atio accuflomeo to tlje boaters, tbep re* fufc not to continue tljeretti a long fpaceulje foules tljpnkmg tljis 6curoetobeeoneof tlje otljer tljat fuopmme uppon tlje boater, tlje fouler goetb foftlp to tlje place boljere bee feetbtlje greateft flocke offoules, ano bottlj boaggpng Ijis Ijeao, counterfepting tbemoupitg of the boauerpng <£5ouroeS, o?aboetlj neare to tbe fotiles, boljere foftlp puttpng foo?tlj (jisrpgljtljanoe,lje foOain* Ip fnatcljetlj onebptljelegges, ano plungetb Ijertntotlje boa* ter, boljere Ijceputtetlj Ijerintoabaggeuiljiclje Ijeeljatlj bottl) bpm of ptirpofe : ®&e other foules fuppofpng tljat tljis opueo into tlje boater of Ijer obone motion to feeke fo? foooe (as is tljep? maner) are noting mm l;ecrebp 3 but goe fojbuaroe ontbeic < ThetfcyrJeDecacte* 15$ Snap ag befbje, l)n(pH tbcp alfo fall fat 0 the fame fttare . 3! Ijaue beer efo? this caufe entrcototo the ocdarattcn of tbepj maner of bumpng ano fculpng, fast bp tbefe moje pleafatmc narrate ons, 3i mat) fometoljat mttttgate ano atftoage the honour con* cepueo in pour flomakc bp tbe former reljearfal of tljepj blocoop actes ano crudlmancrs ♦ let bs notoe therefore fpeafce fonie^ tobat agapne of tbe netoe ano later opiMon3,asconcernpng the frnpft courfe oftbe fea totoaroe tbe 'W elf about tbe coate of fam , alfo of tbe manerofgeatberpngof goloe m the goloe - mpne of 0arie»a, as 31 toas aoucrtifco oOute : ano toitb tljefe ttoo quiet ano peaceable tbfage3, toe tuill make anenoeof tJje XaterwuuonB tragical! affixes oftbe fficean, ano tberetottb bpo pour bo!p* comr^me nefle fareuicll ♦ ^0 it is tberfo^e,tbat Andreas Mcralis f be pilot- <©rpau tomato ano Ouiedus (of tobomtoeebauemaoe mention before) repap* rco to mee, at mp bonfe in tbe totone of Strife . 3s toe met thus togeatber, there arofe acomcnttonbectocenetbem ttoo, as eancernpng this courfe oftbe HDcean,1£bep both agree 3 that tljefe <*r . lanoeg ano regions partepnpng to tbe nonunion cfCafttle, ooe °i tyim* laJioe! toitb one continual trace $ perpetual bono 3 cmbjafc as one toljcle fame lanoe oj contfaent,aU tbe mapne lanoe Iping on tbe j^ojtb (toe of Cuk*4 tbe other 31lanOS, being alfo j^tbtoeft both from Cuba $ Hiftmola: get as courfjing tbe couife of tbe toatcr, tljep barrp in opinion. Jr 0 ? Andreas toil that this to'olene courfe oftoa* ter be receiueo in tbe lappe oftbe fuppofco continent, tofacb ben* oetb fo mucb 3 ano ejetenoetb fo farre totoaroe tbe jftojtb, as tuee bauefapoe : ano that bp tbe obiectojrcfitee of tbe lanoe, fo benomgano crookpng, the toaterfijouloas tftoererebounoe incompalTe, anobpfojce thereof bee o^tuen about tbeJftojtfj fpoe ofotono tbe other 3llanog, eiccluoeo toitljouc p circle cal* feo Tropicus Cancri , tobere tbelargenes of p fea map recetue the toaters falling from the naroto Hreames, $ tljerbp repjclTc that marinate courfe, bp reafon that tbe fea is there uerp large ano greats can compare fas meattpng to nothing moje aptetp, then to the ftopft If reamc eonimpng foojtb of a mpH, ano fallpng into the mpll poole t tfo} fa all fuel; places tobere toaters runne toitb a biolent fall though narotoeebanete, ano are then rcrepueo m largepooles, tbepare foaepnlp oifparcieo, ano tljcp? uiofance b^pktu : -^otbattobiitas before tbep/cemeo cffuebefoffea^ :o STOe Upases €slomt0* STfjeUfase fromttjeneUj lAufca to £>pain ^nteccnttatp tontfe 0 fU?A* The thyrcle Decade* to ouertbjotoe all tbftiges bepng tit tl;ep? map, it catt not then be pcrcepueo mbicb map tljep nmnc . ^be^omirallbim felfe (Diegus Colonus , fomie attD l;epje to Cbrijlipborus Colonus, tfjfc fp;(f fpnoer of tljefe ianoes (ml;o ban name in commpng ano go* ing,foure tpmes pafTco tb?ottgb tbcfe to) being oemaunoeoof membatbefounoeo^percepueoin fapfpngtooanofro: anfme* reo,tl;at there mas muebe oifftcufcie in returnpng tbe fame map bp tl;e mljt'cb tbep goe ♦ But mbereas tbep fpjff take tl;e map bp tbe mapne fea tomaroc tbe jftojtb, before tbcp otrecte tljep? courfe to g>papne, be faptb tbat in tbat tract bee felt tbe fepppe fometpmes alpttleojpuen backebp tbe contrarp courfe of tbe mater: get fuppofetb tbat tl;is cbauncetl; oneip bp tbe oiDinarp flompng ano reflompng of tbe fea, ano tbe fame not to bee enfoj* ceo bp tbe circumftection 0 1 courfe of tbe mater, rebounopng in compalfe as meebaue fapoe : But flunked; ratber, tbat tl;fe mapne lanoeo; fuppofeo continent, (boulo fomemberebee o* pen: ano tbat tbe fapoe open place, ftcuio bee as it mere a gate* entrte, 0? Ifrepgbt, OiupDingtbe jftojtb partes of tbat lance from tbe ^boutb, bp tbe mbicb alfo tl;e Ocean runnpng tomaroe tbe £ 23 elf, map bp tbe rotation 0 } tntpuKron of tbe beauens, bee Ojpuen about tlje mljole eartb ♦ Ouiedus agreed; mitb Jmiveas M oralis as toucljpng tbe continual! aobercnce ano clofencffe of tbe fapoe continent : get neptbertbat tbe maters feoulo fo bcate agapnft tbe benopng backe of tbe tliS fjauc toe mm pou parcener of fuc&e tbinges as djep fjaae giuen bs, m tontten tijetr opuers opinions! : £22e toill tljen giue nto?e certapne reafon^toljen mo?e certapne truetb fijaitie fmotone*aue parclpe ueclaren before in mp De* caDes,bome certainefugitiuesmbtcb came out oftbe large £SM IanDes,arriueD in tbe confines! of Dariena, anb borne that mantel ling at the booftes of our men,tbep Declares tljat tbep fomettme smelt tn regions mbofe inbabteantes bfeo fuclj intf rumems, $ mere pa* ttiatDs.Jn tljts 3 tbere is naciue goto tountyiotb in p mountames Ifartcfes* X 4P to i bp rcalon Uiljerof tbep arc baplp oecttpfeb in geatbe* ring $ btggtngtbe fame*Bue lho?tlp after tl;at 3! l;ao finilbeb mp zt> e $vtnu fapb booker, tb?ee Spantarbs p lucre tbe moll aunrient citizens «£* ^nSS? Of Cuba, HQ Francifcus Fernandes of Corduba,Lupus Ocbo Cbnjlo - ^pag**. pborus u or4»m,oetcnm'nco to feeke netn lanbs, as tbe mpnbes oftbe^paniarbsareeuer unquiet $ giuen to attempt great em terpjtfes^Oep furntiljeo, at their oume charge^ tb?ee of tbofe (bpppes loljfcb tljcp call Carauels,anb bailing fird Ipcence of Di* eps Vela fallen tbe gotternour oftbe 3!lanoe,tbep neparteo untb a bunbjeb anb ten men from tbe 60eH angle of Cuba:fo} this am srije \ ma an# gle is mod commobious to reKeue fl)ippes,$ to make p^otuGon sU of CulM * f b? frelbe mater $ fuel! * ^Tb«s tbep fapleb conttnuallp Hpe napes ano a balfe betuiene tfje mell $ the g&outb, contenteb onelp mttb the ftgbt oftlje beauen $ tbe mater,buring mbicb tpme,tbep (up* pofe that tbep fapleb not pall tb?eefco?c anb ftjee mples: Sro ? tbep & ou * lap at anker allnpgbt, luberefoeuer tbe fallpngof tljc inline tooke tbe bap Ipgbt from tbent^eall bp luanberpng in Unknomeu feas, tbepmpgbt ebauneeto bee eallUpponrockes o? fanbes: ^uc at tbe length tbepcljauncebbppon a great 3llanbe, nameb OTjcgjianbrcf /wc^^^rubofebeginnpngtbmbabltauntescallff^w/*/ ♦ ffittt Sbicatana, men inent to tbe ritie, (lanbpng on tbe fea fpoe, tbe mbicb, fin tbe SS e fupiD?b* bpgnelfe thereof, tbep nameb Cyrus. , o? Qlcatr, tljinbabitauntes toberofentertelneb them berp friettblp ♦ ®ben tbep mere entreb two tbe ritie, tbep maruepleb to beboloe tbe boufes buplbeo Ipke < £om?es,magnificall temples, Hrcates mell patieb,anb great ep- €mipIf0 ercife of bplng anb fellpng bp epcljaunge of marc fo^ luare.^belc boufes are ritber built of Hone,o? of fyicke anb lpme,anb attiftri* * ta * ] slip m?ougbc*®o tlje fitH po?ebes of tbep? boufes, anb fp?H Ijabi- * * tations,tbep afeenb bp ten o? tmelue Hap?cs : tbep are couereb et* tbet Urith tples, Hates, reabes, o?(lalkesofcertapnebearbes, tbepgrattfieb tbe one tbe other irttb mutuall gpftcs^be^ar* barians gaue ourmen manp bjooebes anb iemelles of golbe, ^S nsartU berpfapje, anbofcunnpngmo?kcmanfbpp : our men recom* pen r eb tbem mttb bellures of fplke ano mooli, counterfepte Hones, ofcolourebglalTeanb cbjpflall, Rankes belles of la* toiytnbfucbeotber remarbes,mbiebetbep grcatipeHeemebfo? tbe (IraimgeneflTc of tbe fame : tbep fet nought bp looking glares, bpcaufe ti;ep baue certapne Hones muclje bjpgbter. amiAtttub JJCOjpU. CimimcifcO ^tolatcrs. Cmpecbium. SUeumecf t|jicetI)oufant) |)OItfC 0 , Of the weft Indies nation to appatelleo after a tfjoufanse faftnoneJ, tottb be* ftures maoe of golTamppne cotton o) bcmbage 3 of opuers co* loures.CbenJomenare couereofrom tbc gtrole to tl;eljieele 3 ba* upng opuers faftljions of bailed about tbetr beaoesano b?efte£* umb areas cam ell lead atip part of tbetr leggeg o ) feete be feme i tbcp reflate mttebe to tljetr templet, bnto tbe tobtebc the cbtefe ruTer^ bam tbemapespaueo from tbetr ottmebottfes : tbcp are 3 iDo!atGur 0 5 ano ctrcumctfeo 3 tljep occupt'etbcttmanerof ej* ebaungmg tottb muebe koelttte : then bfe to aoourne the bearer of tbetr beaoe&Being oemaunoeo bp tbmperp?etour 0 3 of tubom tbep reccpueo cbepjcircumcifton: tbep anfu)ereo 3 tljat there once pafteo an erceeopngfappe man bp tbetr coaftcs 3 mljo left them that m token to remember btm ♦ SDtljerfap, tbatamanfyfgb- ter then tbe&>umte 3 toem among them, ano cjtrecuteo that of* fpce: but there is no certapntie beereof ♦ SObenour men bars renupneo there ccrtapne oape$ 3 tbep feemeo to bee mdeff oust to tbinbabitances, accojopng to the common fapmg 3 ^ l\)Z ion= gcr a gbeft tarpetbstbe moifc fe bm entertapnement: “Ebe tobiefe thpng our men perccpupng,tbep maoe tbc mo?e baft atoap. 35c* tng therefore p?otuoco of aUtbmgesneceffarp, tbep Cooke tbep? btage oirectip cotnaroc tbe &2M 3 bp tbe pjoumce toljtcb fbmba* fettatmscs call Comum Maiam . ^ubep ouerpafleo ibefe regt* mi0 ? takpng onelp freOje tracer ano fueii fn tbe fame ♦ Ebe 35ar* bartans 3 botb men 3 taomen 3 ano cbt(o?en 3 ftockeo to tbe Tea fpoe 3 aftonpffijeo greatlp to beljoloe tbe huge bpgncfte of tbe fl>pppe& ©ur men maruepleo tn maner no lefte to bteU) tbetr buplouiges, ano efperiallp tbetr temples fttuate tteare onto tbe fea 3 ano ercc* eeo after tbs maner of coupes . ® us at tbe length baupng fap* leo about a buno?eo ano ten mplcs, tbep thought tt gooo to lap Uniterm a p?omncenameo Campechwm , mljofe cbtefe toiune conftftetb oftb^eetboufanoe boufe^Wtnbabttantegs cameftmtm mpng to the ftrippess, marueplpngejeceeotnglp at tbc maner of faplpng, ano at tbe faples ano other tackclpngesfBut toben tbep bearoe the tbtmoer of the gunned fatue the fmoke 3 ano fmelte tbe fauottr ofbjmiftone ano fp?e 3 tbep fuppofeo that tbtmoceboltg ano Ipgbtnpnges bao been fent from 0oo . ^be kpngrecep* ueo our men bonourablp, ano brought them into bis pallace : Mjere bee feafteo them toefl, after bte matter,^? are accufto* IlanJes, 157 meoto eatefleflje, ano batte great plctm'c of beaffeS anbfoufefc gjgjijf a? peacocked, ano mber , tobicbe tljep francke ana feeoe tn mlc ^ Ijoufeg: adoopuerskpnoesofmploe fouled oftlje mourn tapnes,mooooes, aim tuater0 : IpkempfelpartricbeOjCuatleS, buttle oooucs, Ducked anD(2>eefe . ©fbeadcs, tbep Ijauc Connies, flflloolues, lions, tigers, tfc pcs, mploe Boojes, partes, anti ©arcs ♦ after ti)t'S banquet, tbe kpng Umb Ijts trapnc ano famplte brought cur men into a ©one erode map, Uiljere manp dreates do m eete 1 3 in tljiS, tbcp ffjemeo them as it cfws ^froic# toere a great ano btgb alter, buploeo foure fquare oftnarble,com* «»* 3*oimp. pacte togeatber partip rnitlj tbe tougb clepe ofBabilon calico $/- tumem> ano partip Uittb fmali dones, it bao on etterp fpoe foure fiapjes t Clpon tbe altare mas an 3-mage of a man mace of mar* ble, ano fad bp it tbe images of tmo beades of bnknemen fbape, mljt'cb feemeo as tbougb tbcp mottloe Uittb panpng moutlj batte topie in funoer tbe belip of tbe mans 3lmage . ©n tbe other fpoe doooe a great Serpent, compact of tbe fapoe tougb clepe ano fmali donest Cbis Serpent bepng in length -jcluii. foote, ano of tbe bpgnedc of a large ©pe, feemeo to oeuour a lion of mar* bie,anomasa!btfparcIeoU)ttbfttdie blooo. ©aroe bp tbe al* rare, mere tbjee nodes fadneo in tbe grounoe, tbe mljtcb tb?ee o* tbertrauerfi;o,atiotoere fudepneo Umb dones , 3 ln tljis place effenoersmere put to Death, m token mberof tbcp fame inmune* rablearromes dapneouwbbiooo, fome fcatti*eo,fome Ipingon beapes, d feme broken: alfo a great number of mens bones,lp- ing in a court 0} para c neere Unto tljtS fuitedal place, tbeir boufeS ^ ouft0 0 f m*. are bere alfo buploro of Ipmc ano dene : Cbep nameo tljis kpng ano none* Itf^-wi.becaufe tbcp arnueo at ttys lanoe on faint Lazarus nap* Dcparttngfrom bcnce,ano Directing cbeii* courfe Hi! tooiaro tlje qrfjcpionincf 2Cfed,fo^tbcfpaceofpompIes,tbept3imecoap^outnce nameo flguamu jfquanil, rniiGfe cljiefe toume is calico Mof ; o,ano tbe king tberof ^ °f :0 * Cupoton » ©e bebeloe ourmen Uittb afromaroe cotmcenaunce,ano fougbt occadon to do tbe fame pjtup mifcbtefe,mbile tbep fougbe fbjfrcfljc uiater : be maoedgnes Onto tbem,tbat on tlje fur* tber fpoe oftbe nept bpl tbcp djotilo fpnoe fpjpnges of mater, en* cenotng to bauc alfaileo tbem in tljat narouie padagetBut bp tbe colouring of tljep? fojljeaoes (as tbep arc accudotneo tn tljepj marres)ano bp tbe bearing of tljepj homes p other meapon&au* men: Oftfie weft Indies menpercepttedtbepj mplpnes, and refufeu to go onp furthers Wt&mp* get a cboufande of the Barbarians a(fapled them imuiarc^ toflpjStfaiS m bnpjepared : bp reafon thereof, tbep mere pttctoflpgbt, manpaapite* and dpuersoftbemflapne in the ebafe . S0anp that ffedde to*, marde the flbpppes* mere entangles in tbe muDDe am> marpfljes necre bnto tbe Iboje : ^rnentte and tmo mere flaprte mttb ar* restrict, andtberefpouefojtbemoft part mounded ♦ Frandfcus Fernandes tljegoucrnouroftbenaute, rccepuedin this conflrcte tbjeeaimbtrttemoundes, and in maner none efcapcd mfcbouc hurt :3lf tbep bad gone to the bplles mljtcbe mere appopmed tbem,tbcp bad ben flaine euerp man. %\ ;cp tberfoje that efeaped, ' returned to tlje Jianbe of Femardina , from mljcncc tbep came, mbere tbep mere reccpued of tbep? felomes mttb beatite cbeare. But mben viegus vdafquen tbe gouernour of tbe Jlande, bad tm mon n ***** **l% encc hereof, be immeoiatlp furnpfbed a neme name ot foure £arnueles,mitb tb?ec bundjetb rnemOf cijts naute be appointed lobn Grifaluafyiz nepbue, to be § gouernour^ alTtgned fo? under captapneg, Jlpbons Juila, Frannces Montegio,mb feter Jluara > do : }fo?tbepplotbeafltgned > /»to»if jlamino, mbo bad there* gtment of tbe fpjft nauie ♦ £bep attempted tbe fame biage a* gapne, but declined fommljat mo?e tomarde the ^>outb, about tb?eefco?e and tenne mples * Before tbep fame anp lande, tbep e£ ppedatomjeafarreof, bp tbe biememljereof, tbep came to att ^ -j ^ of 3llande named Cozumella, from tlje mbtclje tbep fmelt fmeete fa* Jto jumeiia. uours pjoceedpng mttb the mpnde, before tbep appjoebed to the g>toettt fa* j anDe j,p c jj C fp ace oftijiec mples » Ebep foundc tbe Sjlande to be S8 Xm rib, mples in ctrcuttte, it is plapne, and ofmaruelous frutte* luuoc. ftiu fopie, there is alfo golde in it, but it is not engaged there, bttt brought tbitber from other regions :31c abounded) mitb bonp, fruites, and bearbes, and Ijatb alfo great plcntte offoules, and fonre footed bead es . Wz ep? ojder and maner oflpupng, is in al tbpngeslpke bnto tbepjs of lucatana : Ipkempfe tbep? bcufes, cotojegand temples, ffreates, and appatell .31n manp of tbep? boufes, are great poaffes of marb!e,afcer the maner of our buplopng . ^bep found there, tbe fundations ofcertapneo!oetom?es ruinate, and one efpeciallp mttb.rbui.tfap?cs afceudpng to it,after the maner of folemne temples * €bepmaruepleo greatipat our (bpppes - and maner of faplpng ♦ 3t tlje fp?ft,tbep moulde admit no ffraun* gets: Ilandes* 1 58 gersi&utlbojtlp after, rcceiueo tfjem gentfpe . tJJjep? cljetfe ruler (toljom our men fuppofeoto to a p?tolf ) too tljem up to tbetoppeof tbetom?e,U)ljeretljeperecteoa bannenano aooicteo tlje Ilaitoe to tlje nomtnion of tbekpngof €aflple,nampngit Santta Crux Mmk tljep entreo tmo tlje fame in tbe nones of T* $Pape, being then tbe feafi of tbe bolpecrofle* <£bepfapetljatit ciux, U?aj3 calico Cozumel!a : ofkpng Cozumellaus , tuljofe atmeetf ours mere tlje fp?tf tljat t'nljabiteO tbe Ilanoe* In tlje totuje tljep found manp chambers furntfbed tot'tb Images!, maoe botljof eartb * w . . and marble to tljeftmtlttuDe ofBeares : tljefe tljep cal upon rntrb a Ijoubng ano lamentable tongue, perfumtng them nritlj frneete ooours,anootljertnpfe honouring tljem as tljep? oomefitcall gcooes :tbcp are alto ctrcumctfeo ♦ Zi)t hpng mas in fap?eap* 3 ® 0l!atrp> parell, maoeofgofiampine cotton, curtouflpm?oug!jt: ije xuags lame on tlje one toote, bp reafon tljat as be once cjcerctfcobpm felfe in fmpmmpng, a oeuourpng fpfljc calleo Tuberon, bpt of all tlje toes ofone ofljts feete : be entreated cur men berp ffenolp, anomaoetljem great cljeare. 3fter tljep bad beenljeere tljjee oapes, tljep oeparteo t ano faplpng Ifpll tomaros tlje Wl elf, tljep efpleo great motmtapnes a farre of, but as tljep ojetoe neare, <&m\t ptopu, tbeppercepueott to be tbe Ilanoeof Iucatana, being otftanc from Columella onlp fpue mples ♦ Directing tljcrfo?e tljep? cotirfe totnaros tljefoutlj fpoe of Iucatana, tljep compared it on I"iTmpT c l ut that fpoe mljicfj Ipetlj neared to be fuppofeo continent : pec coufoe from cojumefc tljep notfaile rotino about if, bp reafon oftlje multituoe of rocks , 1 ** IbatoUie places, ano toelfes of fanoe . Zbtn jUminus tlje pilot mrneo bis topfesto tlje I3o?tb fpOe,mbereoflje Ijao better knom* leoge* 3Dbus at tlje lengtlj, tljep came to tbe toume Campecbium* ano kpng Lazarus , mitlj inborn tljep Ijao been tljat attempted tlje M bopage cljepeere befool tlje fp?H,tljcp mere getulpe receitteo, ano required to refon to tlje fohme : but Ojojtlp after, me mvbv tbeprepenteotljattljepljaobpooentljcm,ano thereupon milled n ™ smal « tljem to Hap about a Hones cad from tlje toume, ano to pjoceeoe ** * ance> no further . ben our men oefireo that tljep mpgbt make p?o= utlion to? frelbc loafer befo?e tljep? departure, tljep affigneo tljem to a certapne mell mbidje tbep Ijao left beljpnoe them, declaring further, tljantOjouloe be lamfiillfo? tljem to take mater there, « l ete no to&ere, ©ur men retted tljat npgljt in tlje fectoe aoiopnpng fS conflict. Cbekngtpof ^ncatanti * Cfie region of <£aluacant, oj t&lOdtl. 'TTfic riitec , -.to anti v ,' . >r y l£tc£ of Oftfieweft Indies fcbiopnmg to the mellitlje iubtc&e cljpits the Barbarians fuf* peccpng, aflembleD an arm? of cbjee tboufano men, ano encam* peo not farre from client, Botb parcel pafleO a map the npgbt uneboue fleepe : tljepiearpng left our men fbouloe bjeake into the totune t ano our men, left tbe Barbarians fljouloe inuaoe them fooenlp, on tbe one part mitlj Crumpettes, ano on tbe o^ tberfpoemitbtbenopfeof'Cpmbjels, kept them ftpll makpng tbac mere oifpofeo to fleepe ♦ 3t tbe fpjpng of tbe oap, ebe Bar* bariansapppjcbeotoourmenscampe,anocalleofoj tbe inter* pjetours of Cuba , mbofe language is much agreable bnto ebeirs. ^bepbab oeuifeo to Ipgbt a ^o^cbeof franckenfence, anoto place the fame betlueenc botb tbe armies, totlje intent that pf our men opo not Depart before tbe 3£ojcbe mere confumeo,to ftanototljepj perpll . ^lje^o>cbe mas mafteo,anotbemat* ter came to Ijano ftrokes . W)tp flue onlp one of our men tmtlj an arrome,becaufe bis target fatfcD him; but manp mere mourn Deo. Sifter this conflict,ourmen refojteo totbep? ojomaunce, mbtclje cbep Ijao planteo neere unco tbe mel 22tljen tbep ban oif* ebargeo certapne peeces,tbe Barbariansflcobacke t'ntotbe tomne,ano our men mere of fletfe ano greeoie courtage to baue purfueotbem,butthat Grifaluatty gouernour moulonotfuffer tbem.jfrom tbence tljep p?occeDeDtotbelaftenDeof/«c^»^ mbieb tbep founoe to read) mo^e tljcntmo bunojeomplesfrom tbe€aftcotbe b^QOe fmoo^Des of ijeauie mcoo,ano long tauelpnp baroe* Ilandcs. nee at the macs toith fpje . ®huS ffanopng m battaplc tape totefenoethep? coaCes , ana ttn'tlj pjouoe coumenaunces fop bpoapngourmen to ccme alanoe, lot!) panics tuatrijeo all that npght in armes . 3 intlje oatoneof tijepOape, our met) cf- ppeo abouta hun®jeo<£anoas (toljirije loo Ijatte fapoe to bee thep? boates ) M of arnica men . fyett alfo, tlje language of tbintetpjetours of Cuba agreeo loell penougb uritb theirs. eaijcntljcplaoatimittcD the peace pjoferco them bp tbrnter* pjetours, a! tlje Canoas Caiea, ejtrcept one Uiljidj appjocbeo to= mat oc the fbpppes . 3 certapne ruler that inas in this Canoa,oe= manners of our men tuijat tfjep fought in other mens lanoes. tCbep anftueareo, (Solo, ana that foj permutation of other uiare, anDnotofgift,ojbioicnt!p. She returnes, atio the ruler cettifiea the lung her cof,tubo eameglaolpto the tbippes-SHben he hao falutes tlje gouernoj,he calico his rijambetlaine onto him, rommaunapng bpm to bjpng Ijts armur , ano other ojnamentes of go!o,U)bcreO)itb he armco Grifalua from the coppe oftlje Ijeao, ?£tli:m or2i ’ ,c ' to tlcfolc of dje foote tinfoirmcije tljat tuljac fo cucc anp man of armes, armeo at allpartes,is among bsarcuCcmea to&earecf «*mrtartift> 3 !rmt o? Cede toljen be commeth into the Rcioc, all fitch ftpnae of m ”* furnitures ntaae ofgolae, ano irjougbttatlj looonoerfti!! art,the hpnggauetotbegoucrncur. Cpe recempencea bum luith ocf- turcsofrpcfee,cioth 3 !pnnen,anatithcrof our thpngcs. Jn the bcgpnnpng of this Iucatana, inljcn thep fapleD to Cos;.W//i,tbjp chaunccaoponat:«»c4offtC)miicn 3 tothenumlerofmene,fp!h-- ~ ^ png inttb (jookes ofgoioe : thep toofee them allpjpfeners. One of 3010“, of them inas itnoinen to this Itpng, toho pjompfeothe oap foloim png, to feno the gouernonr as much goto foj !jiSraunfome,as the man bptn felfe toaigbeo . But the gouemour oenico that he cottto releafehpm, uutbout the content of his felotnes, ano therefore hepthpmflpii, to pjouclnljat he coutoe further imoUie ofljpm. Departpng from hence, ano faplpng ttpl! toeCmaroe,” founoc a great gulfe, in the iahidj tbiee fmall Jfanoes mere flnt= Df $ actmte * ate r thefe, thcplncnt to the IpggeC . IBut o!j abominable faerf# ficebtn 3ibols* Cb tpi Stoles cr marbte* fianoetfj nueitic,oijmouco?rupteO mpnoes of men, ano oiuflpflje tuts euerp ffoDfp man clofc p moutlj of &fe flomafcc^a be be DiaurbeD ^bepcfepcunijrbp^cn of boifj brnbes to that 3loote^ flfwwble $ eattjj * SInicng cljeie JuoIe$ ofwatb!e 5 there •sSoIbeanOpjfcs cious (touts. 3fi (lone of great p?ice. ^lautjcoof luomtiu Oftticweft Indies ffianbetlj 5 lion, Ijaupng a bole though the ttet&e, mfo ffje tohiche thep poure the bloooof the miferable facrifpce, that it map from thence runneootone into a fpncke of marble . Her Dial notoe Declare toith tohac ceremonies tbep facrtSce the blooo of cb^le poo?e to?eccbc0* Ehep cut not thep? thjotes, but open tbeberp fyelfcseftbefcfeelpefoules, ano take out thepihartes petpampng , totth the hot hlooo tohereof, cfjep annopnc the lippcsoftbep? 31ooles , ano differ clje refpoueto fail info the fpncke : Ehisooone, thepburnetlje bane ano botoels, ftip^ pofpng the fmoke thereof to be acceptable to thep? gooocs ♦ ©f thep? 3Iooles , one is mane to the (hape of a man , botopng ootone bis heao, anolookpngtotoatoetbefpnckeof blooo, as it toere acceptpng the offerpng of the flapne facrifpce. Ehep eatetljefliefljeof the armes , tbpgbes, ano ledges, efpecialtp tohen thep facrtfice an enimte taken in the toarres. Ebep founoe a Ifreame ofcomealeo btooo,as though it hao ramie from a boo* cherp . fo: this mtfcbeuous purpofe, thep tying tbefe to?eccbcs from the ncjrc 3!lanoes . Ehep fatoe alto innumerable heaoesi,ano trunkes ofbooiesthus mangico 5 befpoemanpotherpetremai* npng tohole,ano couereo totth ccrtapne mattes ♦ 31 the tracces of tljefe regions ahouno toith goto ano pietiotta If ooes . 2Dne of our men toanoipng in the 3lianoe , chatmceo to fpnoe ttoo toater pottesofalabatfeijartibciallpto^ought, ano full of litle ffottes ofopuers colours ^hep Cap alfo that thep fctmoca (tone of the batoeofttoothoufanoe Caifellans ofgotoe 3 tohichthefenttothe gouernour. Eh is Jlano thep nameo the 3!lano of facriSce. Ebtn* habitauntes are ctrcumctfeo . Ebere are alfo other 3!Ianos fituate about this Coluacana, o? Galuacam , the totycb are tnbabiteo one* Ip toith toomen,lputng toicljout the companpe of men, after the maner of the stnazones .But thep that ponoer the matter mo?e topfelp, thpnke them rather to he certapne toomen tohtche batte botocochalfitie,ano ptofeifeo a folitartc life, as the jftunnes no totth bS,o? as the \)it£mcailtoVejla!es,o} , Bon* fie*, toere ac* cuifomeotoooamongthegentilcsin otoe tpme ♦ certapne tpmes of the peerc, men of the other 3lianoes refo?t c Onto them, not fo? tbintent of generation , but motteo toith pttie , to helpe them to D?elfe thep? garbens,ano tpli thep? grounoe - Eh e repose goeth Ipketopfe, that there are other 3ilanoes of co?* rupt Ilancfes. nipt tuomen, to toljom men refojtfo? carnaH copulation, ano that tbep cut of one of tbe pappes of tljep? tomten cbilojen, left it ftoutoe Ijptitcc tljep? fljootpng t alfo that tfjcp fteepe only tbe too* men tljilcjcn, and fcnD avuap tljemen rijttDjen. £>ur men tfjere* fore Dicttc ncare to tlje fijoie of Cohuctma, inhere tljep qutetlp cp crctfcB marcbanoics toil) tljtnljabitantes. ®l;e king a;, me tljem a great potofgoloe: alfo b'afdcttce, cljnvnrs, l)20DrI;cs,unt(j many other ictels,anb all of gotoe . ® ur men agapne on tije o< tlicr part fattlfieo bpm tuitlj fuel) fiuflfe as t(jep Ijao Done otljer be* foif. Deere toulo they glaolp Ijaue planteo a neln colonie 02 Ija* iiitation, but tijat tlje puernour teniae not permit tljem, U)ljct> at they gruogeo nota iitle. Hlje boufes ano otljer eoifices of tljts pjauince, arc builoeolpke onto Eoinjes , 3 ]t Ijatij n!fo fpftccne great t duties m it. Qftljcfe tljep affpjme, that tljep Ijaue feene fomeconlitlyngofmojetljcn ttentictljotifanoljoufes, not iop= ning togcatljcr, butoiireuereti Uiitlj courtes anB gatoens. €!jcp bane alfo certapne large market places, cncompalTeD mittj toiUes, ano Rreates tel pauco: iiketefe fojnaces f ottens,maoe of lune ano bjtcke : futtljermoje al fojtcs ofljanoie craftes men, ano bery tunning artificers. ®ljis kpnges name lnas Tom- cbums, ano tlje region is calleo Talmar'm . ®be toteie tuljere tlje fipitgkecpetlj fiis court, eontepnetlj .rbtljoufano bonfes. iKltljen tbcp reccpue any tlraimgers , a make a league of frenofijtp uittfi tljem, tljep are acettlfcmto tmtij a knpfe make ofa fijarp tlone to lectijem felues Wood in t(je tongue, ljanDe,arme,o? feme otljer part of tlje booie, ano tin's eucn in tf?e fpgljt of tljem boljom tljep aomit to frenofijip,tn token tijat tljep are reop to (Ijefl tljep? blooo in fan&cs caufes. ®bep? pjuifes pjcft'flea bertuoiis Ipfe, ano !pue onmarico CiUljat :t is to Ijaue oato li U)omen,no man knotetb befoje be be marieo. jf ojmeation ano aotilterieOuljicb feloomecljauncetb among tljcm)tljey count ab!jomination.afje luomen are ofmarueiious cljafiitte.Cuery noble man, after tbat be baue ijao one wife, map Ijaue as many concubines as Ijprn to If etlj: but a marieo toman taken in aouitcrie.ts foloc ofljer M bano, but tins onelp to tlje p?tncc,at Utljofe banocs it dial be Into* niltfojljerkpnffolkcto rtocmeljer. Jitisnotlatefttllfojfuclje as are not marieo, to fpt at tlje fame table tnitlj tljem that are marieo, oj to catcoftyc fame opS;e, o? ojynke of tlje fame cup. 3 "!? 160 «5olfcr* CoUjup. ru. great toiunes tn t&e piomnceof e. one ofljtjai oomeftical gocs,ofcurtous tnoo^mani^tp : liketopfe garlanoes of Hones offuncjpc colours, Uittb utanp tyetf plates, fyoocl^ancocber kpnees of o?namentes, anc ail of gotoe* ij)e gaue bpm furthermore abuncaunce ot Delicate mcates, uiell falteo,ancpotoo?eD tottbfptces . cOfjen be bac regutrec our men to come alaitoc, becommaunceobts feruaumes tmtball fpeeoeto prepare a great multituDeof brunches of trees, an® totoapte bppon our men to bis pallacc. ^stbeptoenttbuS in o?cer, fome t)ebpnoe,ano foirte before, on botb fpoes, tbcp fee* mec fo to Ibaooto our men uiitb bob)es 3 as cbougb tbep bac gone in a conttnuall arbour ♦ ‘Ebrkpng bpm felfe baupng a Septet in bis bonce, epe fee them in tbcp? arrape, anc fome tpme Hrpke fuebe as mere negligent tnbearpngtbep? botues ♦ Cbepffje* mec tbern felues obecient in all tbpnges, anc tottb graue coum tenauncebumblectbcmfeluestorcccpuebisflrppes ♦ £ 22 ben be mas Demauncec inhere be bat* fttebe plentie of gotoe i be ta??auw 2 S ,# P °? nte0 tottb bis fpitger to tbe nejet mountapnes , anc to tfeert* wera* ' uers oefeenotug from tbe fame . €bcp are fo accttflomec to tbe rtuers,ance]cercifectnftopmmpng,tbatit is all one to them to _ Ipue tn tbe toater anc on tbe lance. S&bcntbepoeflretogca* of gcaSmug tber gotoe ,cljep plunge tbemfetoes tri tbe riuers , anc b?png goiog, from t i )Z bottome tberofbotb tljep? bances full of fancc, tnbiebt fpftpngftom banceto bance,4>ep geatber out tbe grapnes ofgotoe * anebptbis meanestn tbe (pace of rtno bcurcS, Sun ? lA * tbepfplla reeoe as bpggc as a mansfpngcr* ©ftbefmeete fauourg Ilan itttt tljcm , ©Ijc fepng alfo gaue tlje gouernour a poung birginr, of ttoelue pceres of age,adotirncd with rpctje anti fapje ieWelles- SDftlj: nones wbiclje ijee Ijao of tljis fepng, onewasbalucd at !Lf .f'®/, two tljoufanoe ©allellanesofgoloe . 'eijusattljelcngtljtljep B ‘ * departed from tljis fepng, laden With golde and pjecious (tones. Crifalut t(je gouernour, fent one of tlje ©araticlies to bis Uncle Diego VtUfqum, gouentotir of tlje Jlanoe of Cuba, wttlj melfen* gets todelpuerljinttljegoloe, iewel(es,and otljer ornaments, tlje refpducintljcmcane tpmeflpll folowed tlje tractc toWaroe tlje cOeif . ©ne of tljem intijewljicbe hauncis Montegius rljc under gouernour was carpeo faplcd fearoc bp tlje flioic, and tlje otijer two kcpte afoofe within pjofpecte of tlje lande. ®jm(jabttatmtes of tbefecoaffes alfo, no lefie martteplpng at tlje tljpppes tljendpd tljcotljer, came wttljtWeltttCanoas to Monte gius, uefpjpng bt'rn bp tbtntcrpjetours to come a- lande, pjompfpng in tlje name of tljcp? fepng, tljatljeefljott’o bee (jonoutablp entertapned . buCM«tffg< \c us Cancri, as toe bane fapo be* fo?e * Mow (ball pou beare borne fortune fougljt tlje reuenge of tljefe poo?e tnjetdje&^beifoje as tljeir beepers ruent alano,ana fern remained tn tlje ©araud,tbep pemtumg oecaflon numdreo cfK ^atbari? bobercbp tijep mpgljt rccotter tljetr itbertte, fooeinlp fnatdjeo bp aiia aep t|e^ mt nicn ^ meapoits, ano dtte flye of them ioljidj pet remained tn toftft"?epjf tbe ©arauell, teljple tlje redone leap te into tlje fca* bp tuts mn lue'apous tlje Barbarians poftedeo tlje ©arauell mbielje tijep bao foonelearmo to rule, ano tljus rcturnco to tljeir olune countreps. But tijep fapleo fp?d to tlje ncjcic 3f!anoe, mljere tbep burnt dje Carauel,anb carpeo alnap tlje weapons mitlj tljcnwfrom bence tijep conuepcD tljem fdnes to tljeir olune coumreps fondj tlje ©a* r.oas of tljts 31lao Jpere in Ipbe matter tijep ppiip adaileo tljem that mere left uittlj tbe bp'ganmte, ano flue manp of tljem alfo : Cbe redone tljat efcapeo,fleooe to tbe bnganttne,lu!jere tbep be* inapleo tijep? feloiues oeadjes, ano counteo tijep? omneefcape abtccojte ♦ ©n tlje fijo?e not farre from tlje place mljere tijep fudereo tljts miffo?ctme, tljeretsatree, tntlje toppe mijereof tijep fet bp a croiTe 3 ano gratteo tljts tnfcrtptton tn tlje barite of sb§ IlanJes. idi them, VmuisAlMeci.ZWi** WWWmZmen.m tljc banks hereof Itanbcdj tlje cljicfe me of djefnppofeo tom 0 f m %v*uZ item .3Ttje gotterncur therefore Ijaupng intelligent c beereof, lent nntinm. imtlj all fp em tm fljippes of toarre mcll farmlbeD, to t be apoe ofcljcm that lucre left : but t&cp ttierc uipfe to lace get folotoring tl>e bietoe oftlje crofiMjep came to the tyoje, antr reD tlje letters gratten on the tree 3 but Duel! not attempt fortune. C&ua fetch a!! tfjep? harot'c fouloiers Departing from hence fet'd) DtCpapje, then fapleotodje ncjwe 31lan&e,ottccfthe feljtcljethep carpcoafeap fipbtoleneetyue (jumper* men ano feonten, foppofpng fpke- topfe that tljep ntpght lafefulty fo Doe, bpcaufe cijep mere 31 do* faters ano ctrctmictfto : But rue tyke chaunce happeneD tmeo tljcm inljen cncp lanbeo at Emandm * . fo? tlje Barbarians, e* an** typing opojmnitie, fee oppontheS>panparDcs in one of tlje 2sa5ne£iS& m0 typppes inulj tljcpj ofene feeapons 3 anD Hue tbepj keepers : the uinr onme reiloue that efcapcD,caftpng them felties into tlje fea/toamme to u,eapon0 * tlje neptCaraueil, ano feitlj tbepjfelofees aflaylcD tlje Carauell that boas taken fooriithem* WM conflicts mas fo fljatpe, that foj tlje fpace of fours ijoured, it boas Doubtful! febedjer parte Ojoulo obtepne tljebtctojte. %be Barbarians both men ano Um* men fought berp fierccty, afuacll to recouer their liberties alfo to Ijoloe fall the pjape feljttlj tljep hao gotten : But w fine, tfje fepanparoes Ijao dje upper hanoe,bp reafon tljep feere moje et* perte in Ijanbtyng ofthep? Weapons, $ rutyng of djetr Carauell atme put ta 8bout a Ijunojeo of tlje Barbarians perityeDjbeingpardp Djain= * nD { ^ 1 w% } anD parcel? flapm fetch tlje ffeoojoe, ano butfefeeofthe ‘ P3J * i&panparoes * ^Ijefe linages thus pacineD, tberefpoueof the Barbarians feere carpco to tlje tefene of smiiago, ano content* ' neo to labour in die gotee mpnes . febojtlp after tfcep mabe out a . a neuie biage to an other of tlje 3 |lanbes, Uiljidj Ipe there about fo ?r 3 £ nS»f tyteke, that tijep common!? call the number of them Arcbipe- Anhipe/agus, %«r/a#tljep incur fea ofionicumwz calleo Sjmplegades^m mage our men fetre cruelty fjanbleb, ono as man? of them as came a* ijptypng can of the refurreettou , €ljep tap %ii. alfo Of tlie well: Indies alfo that ixi this tracte tbep faboe.jjicbt. Ulfaubes, toljicb Cohms about ^iijpaiti* bab ouerpaffeb, attache fame fo to Ipe about Bifpaniolam\*Cu* ou % tub*. tijou^b tbep towmo them from d )t fttrie of the Ocean*3fn manp of cbefe tbep founoe nature golbe, offpke goobnefle to that tobtcb is fbunbe m GranatumM)m\)ofoitm\w alfo toeare manp 3 jmagc 0 or t'etoelles, anb baue matip images oftbep? bomeftteall gobbes 3 soibe, mane Dot!) of golbe artifictalfp ttQottgfjt^auB alfo ofboaob gplteb, Frauncis Cberegatus brOUg&t one of tljepr 31&0lj5 U)ttb bwijbober* bp map bee condbereb ofbubat boptteanb apmefle fbep are*3!c ties Patera of a marueplous tbpng to fee bobac maner of fafers tbep baue,mabe itoiif, of certapne peloboe dones,cleare ano tranfparent Ipke bnco d)}U (fall, botch tbefe tbep (baue ano ca rue,as though tbep boere ma&e of fpnedeele : Whm tbecbgcsare blunt tottb long; e;tercpfe, tbep (hatpcn tbem not bottb a utbet(fone,or pobober, or anp other gnftrumetits ft one , but temper tbem onelp botch tuater^bepbaue alfo a thou* «nb tooiw. fmtbe kpnbes of tnlf rumentes or toolee, ano fucb other tbtnges of fpne beutce, mljtc!) mere to long; to reljenrfe . let us there* aun&es iphe fo?e returne from bobenceboee baue mgrefleo, asto Columella, Onto tljc ear tli* lucatana, Coluacana , 01 Olloa, being all laltbeS latdp founbe,atlD lOaraDpfc. f 0 fpcI} 3 fruttftiH.anD pleafatmt, that tbep map in maner bee com* pareototbe eartblp paraopfe * therefore, after that it boas ' knoboen to our men of (joboe great moment tbefe tractes boere> the ^>pamarbs tubtcb fnbabtteo the 3llanbe of Cub*, Jnnunftus an other \juage being the gouernour of the 31lanoe, furmfycb a nebo naute of tea of ten carl* Carauelles,anb fpue buttbreb mm, boitbtboofmallbjtiganttneSj SuittoeSmSi ** * c tocre in tljC fica5c ljo?femen,or forerunners, tnljofe v ' apbe tbep rnpgbt Ufe as fcoutes, to fearcb the boapcs for baungec of rockes anbfljalobo fanues or (Ijelfes* ®bep Qripte alfo certapne fiarel ant * bojfes^asfpuedoneb borfes*anb.$Ut.mares 5 aptfor tbeboarres* tfor tbepr general! gouernour ano StomtraHof the naup, tbep i $??*,? « D electeb Fernando Cortefwsjxfya at p tpme boas p chief ruler of tlje u * citte of Santiago ♦ jf or onber Capitapnes* tbep appopnteu /ilfons Torbucareius , Francis Mcntegius, Jlfons jduila, Jlue* rado Spatenjejohn Vtlafaucn, anb Diegm Ordaffus . ^bepffpU folotueb the fame bopnbc,frcm the lad angle of Cuba toboarbe the Wlttt . ^(Tooneas Francis Fernandes of Ccrduba, anbtljenMw Gripalua came boitljtn profpecte of the3Ilanbe of g)acrtfpces (bobereofboeel;auemabementtoubefofe) (boetnlp a temped of contrary Iiancfes, tonttatptopMie pjolrfbitmbcm to fa&elmttie, mmajouc clem {jac&etoatbe to Columella, Iptng Olttlje Call fpbeof Inc At ana: ©&e 3JUnbiof tW Jianbehathonelpone hauen, nameblatncc Johns pojte 5 <2r °* umdla# anb hath in it onelpfpjce tobones : alfa none otljer inaccr eben m ladles anti ceffernes, bpcaufe it lacketb rpucr^s anb fp?pnges bp reafon tt ts plapnc, comepttpngondp, tfb* tuples tnetretute. $t the commpng of our mcn,tbtnbabitatintes flebbe to the tbteke fcooobs, anb fo?faobe thep? colonel fo?feare : ©urmenentren into tbep? boufes, inhere tljcp founbe plentte of otttaples, ano manp o?namentcs paitepnpngtotbefurnplbpng of thep? bom fes, as bangmges anb carpcttes of bpuers colours, IbeeteS paniarDcs call Uppers, anb tljat bp goob reafon, bpcaufe in tljem ntanp (bpppes c nilicfte are entangleb,astljeltfenesareimplpcatetntlje taplesof tlje fauces caiict* Uppers . Subtle tbe Carauell thus m?elf cleb mitb tbe mater, it mas fo burl! in Timber, tljat Valdiuia mitb tljirtie of IjtS feloiues r-otilb fcarcelp inttlj mticlj Difftcultte mfcentie into tbe fljpp boate: Were mtrbouto?es,anD mitbout faplcs, tljep mere carpeb amap bp tbe Didcnce of tlje mater . fo ? (as me Ijaue fapb before tn our Decabcs) tbe Teas ooerunne there comtnualty mitlj a uiolenc cottrfe toUiaro cbe 22^ eff * ^ljepmanberebtljus*?:iti.bapcs, not uScfratou^ru knoming mljidjer tljep meat, no? pet fpnbpng anp tljing to eate* f amine confumeb ton of tljem, tobteb mere calf into tlje fca to feebetljefpfljes . ^bereGoue tykempfe, in matter confumeb bp fampne,anb fallpng from one calamttie into an other, mere b?p* uento/tt^H^ anb fell tmo tlje banbes of acruell kpng, mljo flue V Miuia tbe gotternottr, mitb certapne of bis felomes : anb loaibiiitai* mljen be (jao fp?ff facrifpceb tljem to bis Zmes, tyo?tty after bee !f ntlccDta ate them, mitlj bis frienbes ofcljat confptracie ♦ fo) tljep eate ! onelp tbetr enemies $ flraungers,? ooe otljermifeablfepnefrom mans fletye ♦ 31n this meane tpme, mbile Bkmimus Axillaris, QoUj ^uma* | P-tltt. mul; uiaiu0. mould of a rt>tier iloppeD i»UU fcntiet Of the weft Indies tottb fpjcc ofbfa felome0,mere referuco to be facrtfpccd the tbp?oe Dap, tbep betake tbep? banner, efcaped tbe banded of tbat cruel! 3Cp?ant, and fledde to an other fcpng bepng bis entmp, mho re* ccpueD them, pet cnelp as bondmen . 3Icijs a flraunge tljpng £d beare of tbe mootbet 4 of tbts Jquillaris : tfo) as foonea* fljee bearoe that her fenne bias fallen into the handed of tbe na* turns that eate mans flefbe, tfjee felimadde incontinent : fo tbatmbenfoeuer after, fl;ee fame anp meate roaflpng at tbe fp?e, o?onelpredp fpptced to iapetotbefp?e, ibceceaffea not to crpectuuubtsmaner, ©meemofl matched moothcr, be* boloe tbe members of mp fonne , 35ut to returue to our purpofe* £51 ben JquilUris ban nom reerpued the gouernours tetter. Cent bptbeCc^umeilanemeffengers, bee declared totbebpttg bte matffer (mbofe name toa&Taxmams ') bobat mad tbep? errande thither, and mberefo?e tbep mere fern tbfpng in tbe meane tpme manp large difeourfed, in ejcp?effpng tlje great potuer and mag* niftr ence of tbep? bpng, mho bad of late arrpueo in tbofe eoafled: alfo oftbep? bumanitie and gemleneffe tomaroe tbep? friended and fucb as fubmttteo them felues to tbem,$ again* fbetr rigour and flerceneffeagapnfl fuebe ad fltibbernlp eptber contemned tbem,o? denped tbeir requeues. WX itb tbefe molded be brought T axmarus into fucb feare,tbat tlje matter mas nom fapne to oe* fp?e bis feruaum fo to handle the matter, that tbep mpgbt qutctlp enter into bis dominion as bis ft iendesjano not as Ijts enemies* jqudlaris pjo-mTed in tbetr beljalfe p tbep Ojoulo not onclp come in peace,but ?.!fo to apde btm againA bis enemies if neede lljould fo require* 553 berdppon be dtlmiffed AquilUris , $ mitb bim tlj?ee ofbidfamtlierd and companions * 5Tljttd tbep fipled togeatljcr from Cozumella to lucatanajo tbe rpuer mbit!; tljep bad founoe before in tbe fp?fl biage tbttber, bp tbe gouemance of Jlamims tbe pilot* ©ep founde tbe mouth of the rpuer flopped mitb fand, as me reade of tbe rpuer of isiilus in €gppte, mben tbe mpnded (called Etejti) blom in fummer, and efpectallp in tbe canicular daped * ^:berefo?embere as tbep could not enter into tbe rpuer UJttb tlje biggeflueflelles (although itbeotbermpfeapte to re* eepue great (bppped) the gcuernotir caufedtmobuno?eo men to bee fet alande mitb the 35?igantmed and Ibpppe boated, mpl* Ipng Aquillam to offer peace to tbrnbalmauwes ♦ €bep oe* mawmo Ilandes* 1 65 matmben mljatourmenrequp?eo . Jquilkris atmftoeare&, hit* tables ♦ ©ere ma$ a longe fpace of fanoe bp tlje fpDe of tlje toumc 5 mljptbee tbep topbeb tljem to refo?c , p?ompfpng to him them btttapleg tbpc&er tlje Dap folompng ♦ ©uc men ment, anD tljep came, acco?Dpng to tljep? p?omifle, ano biougljt mttb tljem epgbt of tljep? flpenness, bepng a? bpgge % m k V §en*, a0 ipeacockeg, of b?omnplbe coloure, anD not mfertour to ^ea* coc!\C0 tn pleafaunt tad . ©ep b?ottgljc alfo a? mucbe b?eau mane of Maizium (mbtcbet0agrapnenotmucbebnlpfce bnto panpfce) a^Uiculoefcareelpferuetemte ^ungrpmen, anDberc* mttb Defp?eD tl;cm to Depart* But mben tljep percepueD tfjat ottr men mane no Ijatf amap, tmmem'atelp there came a great companp ofarmeD men tomarne tljem, DemaunDpng Uibae tljep l;ao to no tljug to manner tn otljer metm fanned ♦ ©nr men mane anfmcare bp Jquillms, tljat tljep Defp?eD peace, mtcaplejai, ano goloe, fo? epcljange ofotljer tljpnge^ . ©ep anfmeareo agatne, that tljep motive notljer peace no? marre mttb tljem , but tlj?catncD tljem to auopDe tbe !anD,e;ccept tljep moults be oetop* en ettetp man ♦ ©nr men fapD tljat tljep mouloe not Depart, mttljout fuffictetu btttaples to maphtapne tijetr fouloper?. jep appopnten tlje Dap folompng to b?png tljem mo?e btttaple?, but tljep bjoite p?omtfe:get perceputng tlje fccon&e Dap tljat our men tnere cncampeD on tlje fanDe, ano ban repofeD tljere tljat npgljt, tljep b?ougbf tljem a? mttdj mojebittaples, ano com* maunoeD tljem tn tlje name of tbep?bpng to Depatte. ©nr men lapDe tljat tljep mere Defp?ou 3 to fee tlje toume, ano to bauepet mo?clTo?e of m'ttaple?. ©e Barbarian# DcnpeD tljep? reqttetf, anD tljeremttlj DeparceD 5 mijtfperpng anD mutterpng among tljem fete. 3!n tlje meane tpme our men mere Ifpllfo oppjefieo mttb bungcr, that tljep mere enfo?ceo to (nkz fo? meate. ©e gout mourtljerefo?c fern Ijto bnoer captapnea to lanoe mttlja a p . . bunD?eDanDfpftiemen. $0 tljep mem DtfperfeDmDpuera com* ^ con utSL> panpe0 about tlje btliagea of tlje conntrep, tlje Barbarian? met mub one of cbep? banDe?, anD put tljem to great Dtarefife: But mijen tbep? frfomea, bring not fatre from tljem, IjearDe tljenopfe of tljep? alarome, tljep came tm'tlj a! psfftble Ijafte to tljep? refctic* ©c gouernour on tlje otljer fpoe, placing b& o?Dt«aunce tn tlje bjpgamte $ fytppe boate^appjocljeD to tl;e (fjojre, tmcl> 2$arbad* ans arc pat to ftpgOt, Qfye great toumeof^o* taucfjana oi ©ictojia. &t«lrmcof rro. tijoiiranue Souffle, Pumice anti Soifes, ^tjc tncit anO sfje ijojle. tpoagDttolic one feeatf , Of the well Indies tljz rcfpmie of his fouloters ♦ ®he barbarians Ipkempfe,' bepng reop furnplbeo to the batcaple, came runnpng to the feafpoe, tooiBurbethem, that tbepihouloe not come alanoe, anomitljthrp? arromes mounocomanpa farreof bnpjepareo, ^hegotternoureoifebargeo about peeces of o?oinaunce agapnB them : (KBitb the daughter ano terrible tbunoer mbec* of, ano mitb the flame of the fee 5 anofmell of the tyimflone, tbep baere fo aflonieo,ano put to fuel; feare, that tbep fleo ano oifl parrieolpkemploebeafles: mborn our men purfuing, emreo tit* to the totone,to[)tcb tbinbabftances fefoke tn rnaner fo? feare of tbetr ourne men 3 mbo tbep fame fo oifmaio&On tlje banke of this rpuer there is a toume of fuch portentous biggnes as 31 bare not fpeake , but JUnimus the pilot 3 fapth that it cotttapneth in circuitefpue buno?eomples 3 anotbattt conBlfeth of. ppm thou- fanoeljcufes: g>ome make tcfommbatleBe, but then all agree that it to epcecopng great ano notable . &behoufes are duudcd tottb garoens , ano are buploeo of Ipme ano Bone , brrp artificial!, ano of cunnpng tuoo?kemanlhtp . tEo tbep? battles, cbambers 3 parIers 3 o? other places of habitation, tbep afeeno bp tenne o? tmelue Bap?es , ano haue certapne fpaces betmene euerp Ijoufeifo that it is not lamfullfo? anp to laoe h is nepgb* hours males mttb rafters o? beames ♦ ^Lbep? boufes are fepa* rate one from an other bp the fpace of tlj?ee boufes , ano are fo? the mod parte couereotmtb reeoe ano tljatcbe, ano manp al- fo botch date o? other Bone ♦ ‘SDhe barbarians them felues com fefleo that thep mere tljatoapfourtie tboufanoc men at the bat* taple 3 mhich merebanquiibeoofa feme, bp reafon of the nemo ano bttknomen kpnoe of fepgbt mith gunttes ano bojfes . jfo? the gouernour bao onbarkeo .poi. bojfes, mljicb mere alfo at the bat* taple, ano fo fpercelp aflapleo the barbarians on the backebalfe, that tbep b?ake tbep? arrap, ano fcateereo them as it hao ben flockes of fl3eepe,ouertb?oming 3 mouoing# killing them on ette* rp fpoe: SBljicb thing the feelp m?etcl;es fo imputeo to a miracle, that thep hao not p pomer to occupie their meapones. f o? mber* as befeetbep haoneuer feene anp bo?fes>tbep thought tbatpman on bo?febacke ano the ho?fe hao ben all one bcafle 3 as the anttquttie opo fable of the monBer c entaurus * Our men pofieffeo the tomue*ppit .oapes,mi;ere tbep maoe gooo theare bnoer couert, mhple llandcsi 166 tuhpte the otoners of the Source lap bnber the fp?mamenf 5 m ourdnoc aOapIc our men, toljohab places themfelues in the 8 roungefl: part of the totone, tuyere feme kept concpnual toatch (led the barbarians fbculbefobenlpinuabe them) toljple other gaue tljem felues tore!! anb fleepe. Zl)t inljabttauntes call tin* totone Totancbana : but our men fo? tlje bictorie tohich tljep obcepneb Ijere, nameDitrito‘4.3Itt0amaruetlougitljpng to con(toer,tlje greatnelfe, magnificence^ finenelfe of tlje builoing of certapne palaces tljep Ijaue in fbe ccuntrep, to tlje toljieh tljep rcfo?cfemtpmesfo?tbep?folaceanDpallpme. 'Eljefe are curt- Sue ions ouflpbutloebtottlj manppleafaunt biuifes, as gaieties, folars &pbi«» turrette 0 ,po?tal 0 ,gutcers, toitlj chambers boo?oeo after tbe u,mw 5 0 manerofourtoapncfcot,anbtoeH floo?eo . jfoureofcur&pa* ntarbes toettt into one of tljem, of fuclj greatit elfe, tljat tljep loam meotn tlje fame fo? tlje fpace offoure Ijoures before tljep coiiIdc fpnoe the toap out . 3t tlje lengtlj bp tbe tnferpjetour 0 , anb cer* tapnecapttues, our men fentfo? tlje kpng, anb fuclje rulers as toere nett bnberljpm in auctljo?itie, topllpng tljcmto fubmpc them felues, anb to come into tlje cotone onarmeo : geupng tlje melfengers further in commaunbement,to cerctfie tljem tljat in tljep? fo bopng,thep toouloe commune toitlj tljem as concerning conbtt!on3ofpeace,anbrelfo?e tljem tljep? totone* ^Ijepcame glablp, anb entreb euerp man into Ijis otone fjoufc,bpon conbiti* on, tljat tljep feouioc euer tljereafccr abHepne from fuclj cercma* nieS ano fjo?riWe lacriftces of mans flefee,to beuils, tlje mo?tal e* nemiesto mankinDe,tobofc images tljep Ijonoureo, $ to Direct tlje epes of tljep? mpnbes to Cfj?iil our <£ob,p maker of Ijeauen ants eartlj, toljo toas bo?ne into this too?ibecfa inrgtn, anb fuf* freb Death on tlje croffefo? tlje rebemptionofmankpnbe,anb& nallp tcp?ofelfe tljem fclues fubiectes to tlje Ch?iilian kpng of &pa pne . ®epp?omifebbatb, anb toere indructeb as farre as the Ihojcnelfe of tpme tooulbe permit ♦ ^5epng thus reft o?cd, tljep recompenfeb our men toitlj rnanp retoarbes , fuppofpng fuclje men to be fent from Ijeauen, toljtdjebcpng fo fetoe in num- ber, burl! attempt battaple agapnft fo great a multitube ^Ijep gaue our men alfo certapne golbe, anb ttoentie flaues. Depart tpngtljerefo?efromijence,anbcoaUinglfpllalong bp tlje fame Shoje 3 tljep came agapne to tlje gulfe toljiclje Jlmms the * M totuite ofa Ihoufantj anu fpue fjuntiietJ Ooufea, Snotlictljot# age of turn b|i* gamines anD fpftte men. tUMjctctljcfta tuimetlj ftupft* Ipfremttje I «£aa to tjje I & conflict be* ttocenctije urn* ters comming from tljc antj from tlje £>outlj. OftfieweR Indies pilot fotmoe before bnoer Grifalua . ^ijts tljep nanteb SUn $m* ti lohannis , that is, g>autt Johns gulfe, foj 'Bian in the g>pamdje tounge Ggmfetlj agulfe ♦ ilpeere £l;c m&alncancesi rcfo^ceD to them peaceably . 8bout a mple from the Ojoje, magi a totone of atboufan&anbfpuehuno’ebljoufes fitttate Upon a IjpH * S£ljep p^ofereu our men Ijalfe the totone,tf tljep tooulo btoel tottlj them foj eucr . Ws perhaps tljep bps ti)t rather, eptljer fearpng the example of the tnhabieames of Totancbana , tlje fame toljereof mpghthauecometotljepjeares, ojels Ijoppngtbatunoer tlje ihabotoe of fuclje baliaunt men, tljep mpgijtobtepneapbeanb fuccouragapnlftljcp? enemies anb bojberers ♦ Jfo? (as 3 Ijaue fapoe before) tljep beftrop one an other toitb compmiall toarre, fo? tlje belke to enlarge thcp?bomimons.£Dur men refufebpar* petuall habitation, anb acccpteo tljep? feenbip proffer fo? a tpme. $S tljep cime alanbe,tlje people folotoeb tljemcneuerpefpbe toitb botoes in tbep? Ijanoes, toljicbe tljep bcloe oner our mens heaoes, to befenb them from tlje rapne, as tljougb tljep bao toal* beo in a conttnuall arbour , i£>ecre tljep encampeo . $nb left tlje refimie left in tlje Hjpps (bouloetntlje meanetpmetoapefiamb* full toitb Jblenefle, tlje gouernour gaue comntaunbement to A» laminus tlje pilot, anb Francis Montegius , to fearelje tlje 6£teft partes of that lanb, tuljtle Ije relecttcb tlje tucertcD fculbiers, anb health fucb as lucre toounbeb . Qo tljem that tocmfo;nnarD on tins biage, Ije afifigneb tluo bjigantines toitb fpftte men. On- to tins gtilfe, the courfe of tlje luater luas gentle enough anb mo* berate: but inljen tljep Ijab fatleb a litle further totoarb tlje 62M , thep founbe tlje fea running tot th fo ftntfc a courfe, as if it lucre a great riuerfailpng from tlje toppes of bpgh mountarnes, info muchtljatinafljo^tfpaceof tpmett carteo tljemftftie mplcs from tljep j felotoes* &Itben tljep toere noto entreo into tljts bte lent Hreame of toater, tljep fato on their leftljanbe a large plaine fea,to’jiclj mettoitlj the courfe of tije other toaters failing from tlje 6£teft Snblphe as ttoo great rtuersthatrunne comrarpe. toates,mabe a behement conflict toljere tljep meet e:fo feemcb tlje toaters comming from the ^outlj, to refplf tljcfe toaters , as e* nemics that hob entreo into the rpgljt o ? poffelTion of an other: ©n the concrarp part, tljep fatoe the ianoe readjpitg farre both on the left ijanbe anb cn tlje rpgljt . Jntinstfrpfebe* Ilandes. 1 67 itoene tfje maters, tljep lucre fo tofien on both fpacs , atm cm tanglco tottij tuljirlepcles , tljat tljep long lujellleo totttjouC hope oflpfe . at the Icttgtl) , aiitlj muclje nifficultie turnpng theflemmeso? fo?partcs of thepjfijpppes agapnlf tljeflreame u P a S e. from tuhence tljep came, ana labcurpng all that tbep mpgljc tuietj tljep? o?cs atm fnples, tljep ceuiae fcarfelp oucrccme the rage oftlje tuatcr, infomuefjethat inhere as tljep (fjourjtjc tljat tljep ban in one npgbe fapleattoomples, tljep founne tljat tljep lucre B?pucnbacftefourempIes: get at tlje length tnitb goBjs belpe, tljep oucrcame tins aaungerours conflpcte . ®(jcpfpcttc rrit, napes in this litle (pace offea : 3na toijen tljep lucre notate £tt« untfot returtteatotljep? felotucs , nedaren bnto them t|iat tljat cnoe «oi«#m»m. luastIjelanDeofCi)/a«oM4, tuljtcljetljepaamageatobe part of tlje fuppofeo continent . ®lje lanae tuljtdje tljep fatue a fatre of i an t, e of bcfo?e tljep? face, tljep fitppofc eptljer to lie annepea to our contf 2 Sacc«i*o» oi itent,o? to be topnea to tlje large Jfto?tlj regions cailea SaccMos, 2Sacca “ atMm * luljereof tue Ijauc mane mention in our Decanes, tntljeboiage of&ebaffianCabote. Fiji’s matter is pet noubtefuil : but tue trull it iljall once be better lutoiucn. fUHljile Aluminas ana Mo» tegw fearrijentljefe fecretes, tlje fepng of tlje pjouince (iuljofe name lnas Multoxmum ) fent our men, bp one of (jts cljiefe officers (bepngalfoljis ILicuetenaunt oftlje fapae tolune)manp SKa tB rpelje ana gooaip pjefetttes of golae/pluer, ana p?ecious Hones, PKtioua fctanouijougljtaftera matneplousflraungenettice, anaiuitlj ftww * no lefferunnpngbioojfeemanlbpp. l&eere tljep neterminen to fenaemcRengers toourneuie ©mperour, to bnolueljis plea* fute, tljat tljep mpgbt in tljis pjottince plant a nelue colonie op habitation: ana tljis npa tljep Uiitljottt tlje aautfe of Viegus Velaf ften t|je gotternour oftlje 3!Iana ofc«t^,o? FemandinaMw fpjlt font tljent foojtlj, tatith commaunaement to retttrne agapne after tljep baa fearcbentbcfe regions, ana obtannea plentie of golae. ©Hjiletljep confultenljerofjtljepmtreof niuers opinionstbuttbe moll part alleagcn tljat in tljis cafe it lnas not requiltteto mafse tlje gotternour of tljep? counfaple,fo?afmudj as p matter ffioulae be referren to a higher 3Iunge, as to tljefetng ofgtpaine hpm felf. eaijen tljep mere thus agreen, tljep recepuea aittaples of the gentle Ring oftlje p?ouince,ana alltguen the place of their colonie 3 netoe toloa tinetue mpieg (ran the faine coh)ne 3 m a fruitefttl ? ijolfome foile. . foj Of the weft Indies gcneraH r^otternoure, cfj^eTccecD CoYtefiusfyt gotten noutoftbe name, agapnll btdtopH adfomefape . jFo? other ma* Jat?tSftte!ta S to gouerne t&e ettte ut!;tcb tbep intended to btulde, be iiooHc of tfrefe CijOfe fortucarerius and Montegius, of ID'jom U)C Ijaue made meit* t&wses* cion before : ^Ijep cfjofe alfo certapnc me (Tcngerd to fenoe to t\jz bpng bp the conduction of Alm'mus the pilot: jfurtbermo?e,foute of tfje p?inced of tijts p?outnce, offered tfjem felned nopllpnglp to go imtb our men into j&papne, to cbtntent to fee our landed, and tbatfcpng tobofc poiocr 10 fo great, and inljofe aucta?i£te reach* etbfofarre : ^Tfjep biougbtlpbelopfettuoujomen ttntb them, Uiljidje ferueo and obeped ctjem tn all tbinged,affor the mm r of tbetr countrep ♦ Che people of tbid nation to ofb?olmte 0 ? peloid pilje colour » Botl; tljc men and the inomen bane pendamueo of gold ^p?eticud tf ones banging at tbetr eared : €he men alfo bo?e tbep? neatljer Itppes full ofboled, fimtlje bppeemolf part SKfan™ sftbc HPP* a mn bnco i be neatbermoif part of the gttmme . yiates at t&epi tbcfetljep bang certapnc rpnged , and placed of golds and fyU tpppes. uer,taSned to a final and tbpmte plafe,(pmg luitbfn bet&eue the bp $ tbe gumme • 3t tbe btggeft bole tn tbe middclf of tbe lippe, 4tbere bangetb aroundeplateoffpluer, ad b?ode ad tbe copne called a Carolpne,^ ad tbteke ad a mans fmger.3! do not remem* ber tbac euer 31 fame anp tbpng tljat teemed mo?e fpltbp tn mpne epe: gee do tbep tbpttfce that there td noebpng mo?e comlp dndcr tbe circle of tbe mooric, ioljerebp tue map fee batne bainelp mankpndc toanderetb tn bto clime blpndnelTe . Cbe Ethiopian tbmcfcetb tbe blacke colour to be fap?er then tbe iu!jtte,andtbe tobtte man tbmketb otbertntfe* Eljep that are politico, tbpnketbat mo?e decent then to tuearea buOje, and tbep that Uieare bearded, fudge it a defo?mme to be (batten . $d appetite tberfo?e mouetb,and not ad reafon perfuiaoeib, men runue after danttted, and euerp p?outnce td ruled bp tbep? clone fenfe,as to?itetb faint 3!erome ♦ jf rom ui&ence tbep Ijaue tbeir gold 3 n)ebauefpobeufulficiemlpbefo?e3utad our men mar* ucpicc iiibcre tbep bad tbep? fpltter, tbcptbetoeo them c ertapn c big b mountameg,idb tcbare conttnuallpcouered lb fnoUie/atung tlfac at certame timed of tbe peere tbe on!p topped are feene bare, bicaufe tbe faolo td there molten, bp reafon of p tbidte and boarme cloude&^be plained tberfoje, 0 ? miioe, fofte, $ pleafatmt maim tapned. dmifra Pdauuiiee of men. filter, Ilantles. 168 umcs/ecme toBjing foojtlj golDe,aiiD tlje rouglj craggie motim tavncs toitfe ttjcpj co'.ce uallepes, ate tlje places tofeere fpluerist jjiottuiijMt engenojeB . ©feep feaue alfo itaton, tuljcrcof tljep mafic fucfe cpnfes anb jammers as are bfeo tn tlje marres, opggutg spat* t>is& , tockes alfo 5 m Spates : ft? tl jep ijaue neptljer 3!ron no? tele. ^ttc let PS nolue fpeake of tlje pjefentes Cent mto J&papne to tlje come apnut of kpncpanufpjlf of tlje booker £ljcfe pjccuratours therefore of tljencloe coIomeoft()ep?otimceof^o/^f4W4,amongotl;ert(jetr tpat poi&ctp p?efcmes 3 bjougljt alfo a great number ofbocfe, fbeleaues thereof are maoe of tlje umer rpnoes o? barkes of trces^tljinner nai meraiun* tljen eptljer tljat of tlje €Ime o? ofp Salome: tljcfe tljep fmeere o? anopntuntlj tlje pttdje of molten 2&«w*«wjanti UJljpIe tljep be -ipepibcito, foffjcpcenu tljcmto mljatfourmetljemfptebt^ljen tljep bee colo ano Ijar&e, tljep rubbe tljem ouerlniclj a certapne plapte ♦ Jit is to be tljougljt^tljat tljep bcatc tlje plapte into fpne floury attofatemperpng it fcouljfomebpnopng mop(Iure 3 ro make a cruft tljeretmtijoppoti tlje leaues* toljereon tljep m?pteuntlj anpe fijarpe tnftmment 3 afflj blot tlje fame agapne umlj a fpnnge ojfotnefuclje other tbpng, as marcljatmt men ans noble mens fteiuaros areaccuftomto to so umb tlje.tr Opting tables mate of tlje tooo&fceoffigge trees ♦fbeleaues of tljep? bookes are not fee in o?Der after tlje ma.ier of ours 3 but are eptenoedmanpet^ bittes m feng Cj • ^ije matters toljidje tljep tmte arc com tepneo in fijuare tables 3 not [ofc 5 but Co bourn togeadjer tel; tlje tough (f fiejrtble clop mile d ®kumtm> that tljep feeme IpkcUJOctsDen tables tobtehebao been tmoenijeljanoes of cum upngBookbpnoers. ^Ijidj&apfoeucrtijebooke tebopen* ^ »v» vv wuvmupy III it (.(/>. ife? unset one leafetfecrearemanp leaues loptico togeatfeer, ©fee fouancs of tfeep? letters are notfeptig Ipfee unto ours , liut areiimcljcmojecroo&ea aim entangles, Ipkeuntofplfefeookes, ’ fenottes , ftiares , Kants , fries, upfe , arm ftiefee otijer , tmtclje fpke Unto tlje Egyptian letters, ana umpteen in lines iplteunto ours . ^eereanotfeerebetuiecne tlje lines, are pictures tlje Kiapes of nien,ans outers bca8ess,ano cfpecpallp tlje JmacresJ cffepiigeS,anB otfeernolile men : Cctfecrcb? it is to be tfeougfeBuoim tocon , d;at tn fucfebookeSjtfee factes of tfeep? lunges arc co]iteir.eu,as *tpiin>tu tstn toe fee tfee ijke among UfcfeeU) otic Rimers e.cpjelfe ;l;e fumme fiao,i£S - Ofthewefl Indies $fbtfl:o?fes fn pictures, that men map tberbp be tbe nto?e alfa* reo to bpe fucbe booftes* ®&e couermaje^ of tbep? booftes ace al* fo artificially tt>?ougbt,ann papnten . 221 ben cbep are ©at, tbep feeme to niffer nothing from owns in fourme.Jn tbefe booked arc furtbermo?e compjebenneo tbep? laloes * rpresof ceremonies ann facrifpces, annotations of 3lfronomte, accomptes, compu* cations oftpmes, loitb tbemaner of graffpng,fotomig, ano other tbpnges partepnpng to bufbann?p . %ljep begpn the peerefrom the gopng noume of tbe feauen frarres, calico Vtrgili* , o? fie- iades, ann count tbep? monetises acco?npng to tbe mones- ^hep name a mmtifoTona, of tbe Q9oone, fo? in tbep? language tbep call tbe W)otmtTond . ^beprecften tbe napes bp tbe fcnnes: tbercfo?e as many napes as tbep name, tbep Tape 3 fo manpe fonnes 3 tbe £>onne in tbep? tongue, is callen Tonatico . ^bep niftribuce tbe peere (tottbout anp reafon lobp) into ttocntte mo* rtSSpSoitt# netbes 3 anotbe monetb into as manp napes . ® 6 e temples lobicbe tbep frequent, tbep aoourne loitb goloen bangpngcs, ann other o?namcncesofgoIne ann fpluer, loitb precious If ones intemippc * 3ttbefp?pngof the nap, tbep perfume tbep? tern* pies loitb franftcnfence,ano make tbep? p?apers befo?e tbep tahe fowr. inbann anp other bufpnelfe* H5ucobbo?ribIccrueitie:fo? the inbabitantes of al tbefe cractes alfo, no facrifice cbilo?en to their facrtficc ® D0 * C ^ ln mancc ^e baue fapne befo?e . at fucbe tpmc tutiDicn am* as the feenes Ipe in the grounne, ann loljen the co?ne begpmtetb zww*' to (beU)efoo?tb the care, tbep neffinate to tbep? Zerms fucbe bonnmen as tbep bane bought, o? fucb captpues as tbep baue ta* ken in the loarres, lobicb tbep facrificeaftcr that tbep baue mane them great cbeare,ann neckcn them in p?ecious apparell 8 lfo befo?e tbep facrifice tbefe poo?e fetches, tbep leanc them about the tolone,tnbple al the people faltite them bumblp ann reuerenc* n toiong toa? Ip, aflp?mpng that in ©o?t fpace tbep ©albe recepuen into the toneauem companpoftbe gons . ^bep honour tbep? no© ano* tber ©arpe kpnne of neuotion : fo? tbep let them feluesbloon, osiotitp 30 ns, eptber in the tongue, lips, eares,legges,tbpgbes,o? b?eff, lobicb tbep take in tbep? bannes, ano burle it op toioarns beauen,fo that loitb the fall thereof tbe pauemenc of the temple is all fpar* den loitb bloon , loberebp tbep tbpnke that tbep? gonnes are r i(/a j%cc4, todl pleafen ♦ f com the ndoe colonie (calico Villa %c<*) rnene mples IlanJes. l6g mpies nitat, there is a tolmie of.pb4oufantie fjfiufes, tofu'che tbtnbabttatmtes cat! Cmobal, but our men names it be siuillii Km ftptig of tips toiune ban fptte men tuijiel) be refevuen ta be faertfp- ten, inborn inben our men inmtln bane ne!ptteteO,tbe kpng mane bumble requett to tl)eui 3 tiiptng that tf tbcp toobc atoap fitch men as bee ban confecrates to bee offeree to tljegoases, tbcp Gjattlo inpng utter neihwtton to bimannaEbts kpngoame : JFo;tf out facrifpces (lapse bee) ooeceaOe, ottr^««r in:!! fake fitch ar ne row oran mfplcafure toitbus , that tbep trail fuffer outcome, graffes, °m«rour. ann fumes, tobeeconftimcnof boopttes, fcojcbentottljDjoutb, ueflropcn with fioocnes , o? bfafleo bottb Ipgbtnpng . ©ttr men pcrcepttpng bis earneftnefie beeretn, thought it belt to cboofe the leaf! eupll, percepnpng that it boas pet no tprne to etfqmet tbcp? mpnnes, ann therefore fufferen tbetn to cjccrcpfe tbetr acatlfomcn ceremonies . 3no although tbep? p?ictfes pjomife tbetn tmmcmall gloiic, eternal! feltcitte, ann perpe* tuall conuerfationtoitbtbe gooses after tbe Ifoimtc napes of tbtslpft, pet ooe tbep boitbbeatipcountcmnmcesgute care to tbeir p?omifes, ann ban ratber bee fet at Itbertie .®betr p?tcff es cam mitg are namen Qmnes, intbeplurall number, ana Quin in tije fun c fMtt. gular : tbcp lease a pure anncba!llpfe,annarebonotirenoftbe people mttbfearcannreuerence * €ijcp make fagottes of tbe ,p agsotcg 0 f bones of tbetr enemies lobicb tbep batte taken in tbe bcarres,ann nones. bangUptljefameattbefeeteof tl?ep? Zones, as tokens of tbe metopes obtepnen bp tbetr fatiour, Cotljefetbep anoe rertabte tftlesann fuperrcripttotts, asteiftmom'esoftbefame. Cljts is SteaungeaitOlBoojtbptobcnotco, tbat toben tbetr cbt!o?en are apeeteoloe, tlje pttcGes intbetr temples Uittbneucut ceremo= sties ann murmutpttg booo?Dcs,polu?e boater in fo?mc ofa crolfe Upon tbeir beaocsboitb a etttec, mbcrcbp tljcp feemeto baptifeai figure of them : jfffeptljernoe tbep, as tbe Jetues ann burkes, tbttikc i) ‘ 1,lillmc - tbetr temples polkttcntfanp ofa ifraunge religion bee pjcfenc at tbeir facrifpces ann other folentnfties . ?scie baue ttout ipokett fiifftctemlp of tbcp? bookes, temples, ann fitperUttions t let srimneiemca Us noute tberefo?e cante to tbe other p?efewes tobtebe tore S t ,p , ‘ c a b?bugbttotbe kpng . among tiiefe, there tee tU:o btoace Je aim routine plates (mty.fie feme batte namen the Images of — the &tmtte anpegoone) the one ofGluer, ann the other of gofoe, fi-ner, 1 £ ,wo tu Of the wed Indies rnldigeneffe atm rouimnelft mtidje Iphe to tlje Hones of Ijanoc* mpiles : pet bttttbpnne,ano m matter both of one circumference, tijat ts« ^jcbttr* (pannes in circutce ♦ ^Ijac of goloe is of tlje luepgbt of tbjee tboufmoe ano imt.butmjeo CaHellanes,iubere asUieljaue fapo before v a CaHellane is a copn^ofgolDelobiclj ipepgbcdj mo?e then a 25ucate ~fip a trfcmTtba t is, tlje tljpm e parte of apetmoe . $n tlje center oftbtsf, mas tlje Jmageofa ftpttg of ijalfe a cubite long, fpttpng m a Irene, ano apparel* leo to tlje knee Ipke Unto a mattnnet, uittbfudjecoumenaunce as our papnters are loom to papnfefappesojfpntes : about tlje Slumge, lucre tlje fljapes of trees ano floured, fa tijat it feetpeo to fcteastljaugbitbao been in a feeioe ♦ 'Ebe otljer of fpluer, loas made to tlje fame Hmtlimoe, bepng alfo in maner of tlje fame toepgbt? aim both ofpure mettall. Zijtp brought Ipkelopfe certapne grapnel of ruoe goloe (tijat is, fudje as inas newer molten) about tlje bppefle of jfptdjes , oj tlje pulfe calleo lintels, tn token of plentteof natittegoloe : Qlfo c& UJit!) p^cctotiss ttonest of a toljmOje blctoe colour : ©nr oftljefe is cogeo uutij belles ano plates of goloe, anoonoer cuerp bell tm knobbes of goloe : tlje odjer,befpoe tlje Hones mljereUJttlj ids coaereo,ts IpkeUJpfe eogco UJtdj.jtpO* goloen belles ano knobbes, ano batb on tlje creH a grcenc biro, a %&♦ tuttlj tlje feete,bpll,auo epes, ofgoloe: 3l(b foure fpeares, muclj Ipkeimto croute fpeares, oj peclefpeares. tlje moon mbereof ts 4tircmterc0lm'tbguilleS8f0mcrfi colours, marueplouHp tu^ea* * tl;eo Ml) goloen mpers,ano plates utferitipicce : Cuerp of tljefe fpeares bane tbjee pikes, tnhcle eoges o? feed; are all of pjectctts Hones, ntaue fair tmdj topers ofgoloe . ©flpkctoojkcmanllrip ^ t , I tbep btougbt a gteat (cepter>befetmttb precious Hones t belles p * ttfgoloe : alfo a b?afelct ofgoloe, ano fljooes maoe of a CparteS ifliiareict, Ikpime/otneo ano tmbjooereo Utttb goloen topers, luttlj a mljt'te * foie beneatlj : ^furthermore a glalTe of a brpgljt blclnc Hone, ano an other Dfiul)uc 3 bot0 endofeo fit goloe : CvRctopfra precious Hone, oftljekpnoe of them that are calico sphinges > (nclofeo tn goto: jfurtljermo^ c&ebcaoofa great It datte,tmo great Ojcllcs, f I trno Duckes, tlje Cjapes of outers other biros, fettles, ano fpiljes, an*fdts,oi 0? I ano all cf maflte goloe : JF urtbcmote.pjcm rmtnoe ano fquare | c ^ot eargeetes, (btdoes,ano buckelersofgoloe, ano fptieof fpluer:9ls goio^ 0 fon triple croUrne cf plates ano topers of goloe, marueplouflp tyeatljeo mid; guides ano feathers of outers colours, Ijaupng 1 1 5-ti# on p J 3nn$t$ of g>jJC£te0. dot]) of Ultras £ fmtlbr>£r 0 1 clo<\fcc, * !■ ClC'ri(f£r0Of ttiaff^coof 3|(U70Vv .-r .'»'•> • ' V. j. I ! ; oftljcliraste^ ihuint. Of the wed Indies Oil the front a plate of golue, on the tobich is gratten the Image of the lDo!e Zemes.&bout t\)i& Image, hang foure other plates, Ipke croffes of golue, in the ixs^tcl; arc grauentbe beaues of ui* tiers! header, as &tons,Etgcrs, (LOoolues, anufuebe other* Efeep brought aifo the ftmilttuues of eertapne bealfes, mane feme ofrobues o? tlopgges, anu fome of iooouue, uritb the beadescurnefkpnnes thereon, anu garnpiheotmth cullers of laton belles : Ipketupfeumers fbecte£,n)eaueuofgoiramppne cotton of to# colours, luhereof tUio arerpcbipfrpngcu unth golue anu precious Hones, anu tb?ee other vuitbqutHesanOfea* thers mtermprfc batch gotfamptne cotton of fenujp colours, anu ebeckcreu Ipke the panes of a chetf hoopoe : ^ome are on the one Hoe, or black?, ia)!jfte, anu rcuue colours, anu on the other fpue platne, inuhoutanpbartetie:C)therfomearen^cajgi/t in Ipke maner Unth bartahle colours, Unth a in heefe o } ctrcie of falacke m the mpDoeH, tntermppteiinthfhpntngfethers, anofparkes of golue ipke HarreS:Ebep fought alfo doth of 3ras o ) Oeruure* of mantepletis U)o?kemanfl)pppeJ Ipkebopfe a foulmers cloake. Cue!) as their princes locate in the inarres, tuith certapne priupe coates offence,anu funujp ttremencs partepnpng to their beaus* intth alfo manp fuch other thmges,mo?e beautiful to the epe thru rpche or p&rions, thereof to entreate parttculerlp, it Iboulu he moreteutotts thsnpiofptable^Iletpaffehecrealfotofpeake of manp particulcr nautgattons, anu ofthetrauaifes anu uatmgcrs tuhtch thep fuHepneu in the fame, Unth the menders anu feeret es of nature thep falne, tohich arc all comepneu m the regtHers of our ^>enateefthe aHapres of Inuia, omoftbebahirij I baue fe* Icctcu thrfe fane annotattcns.fuch as feemeu tomeemod meete to bee publHIjcu * j^ottotthHanupng tljefe rpche anu gooulp pre* fentes, pet mere thep that brought them, anu alfo Coritfius the gouernour of the name, anu atidjeur of erecting their neUi-e co» ionte in thofe ^motc regions, autuogeu bp the Senate to haue uoneagapnH rpgfjtanu equitie, in that thep attempteu the fame isttgout thaoutccofshegouentour ofthellanu ofc«^,U3hofent them foo?th bp the kpngs auctorimycoheras thep upu other thin* ges bdtue their eommiflton,pea although thep ioent to the kpng, not Hr H knowing bis plcafttre togom the kpng l;au fubHttute his • JUeue* Ilandes* W ILteuefcttatmt in ttj at 5!Iant>e : infornttcJ) that bp W ^ocurafottr, (j e accu&o them before the Senate as fugtttue efteeuejs ana trap* iouca ♦ ®bep on ptitbet part a!ftageo$ tljep baa none tbekpng tetter feruice then be# that tbepbao (bemeo fuffirient obemcnce, in appealpttg to tbc kpng as tbe bpgber 3!uoge ♦ But tbe goner* none requires bp clje bertue ofbis commidion, $ tbc kinged let* tens pactentg, v tljep mpgbtbebe&eaoeo for tljctr oifobeotetree a* gatnft btm, inborn ibepkncmeco bee auctfto?tfcD bp the kpng. ^Dbep agapne replietf, that tljep ban not offenoco tlje kptg, but rather oeferueo remaroe for their great oaungers ano trauatleg* BotytberctuarDanopimtibntentUJerebeferrcD, ano aoap ap* potnteDUJ;enbofbpavttes(bou(obe bearo*letbs noUje there* Fore come to the ^panparbes of fiariena, tbtnbabitours of tl;e snje&panp* gulfe of Vrabd, fo the fuppofeo continent ♦ U&cc Ijaue fapoe be* 01 ^ fofotlwtfiarienai&a rpuer runnpng tomarbe tbe £2Mfpoeof tbe gulfe of Vvdba : 2D a cbebanke ofebis rpuer,tbe £z>panparoe£ plameo their brd colom'e or babita:ton,afcer tljep bao banquitbeo fepng Cbemaccus:t\)i$ COlOlUe tbep namtO Sanfla M arid Jntiqua, „ bp reafon cf a borne mljicb tbep maoe to tbe birgine Sparie in tbe s * niU M mA tpmeoftbebattaileagamifc^pi^Ki . Qo tbefe (as mee Ijaue maoe mention in tbc enoe of our Decaoes) mas Petrus Jrias mjamm* fent bntb a tboufano ano tmo bttnoreo men, at tbe requed of Vaf* ^ au £J r jj e * ebus N.mntzJBalboaM)0 lUaS then tlje gOUCMOUr Of - ; make tbemfrtenoet?, pmm?rpngbntoJ^^>fljeOaugljta?'df Petrus Mas to mpfeiBut no meanes coulo be faunoe born tbefe tmo a OftlieweftlntJies ttoo, tob icbe boje tbe chick rule, mpgbc bee fyottgbt to agree# ment. 9Lt tbe length the matter greto eo foci; ejrtremuie,tbat ft* Witruti jcriaa pits jrUs fpndpng occalxon of quarellpng agapnft Vafcbus, fen* t?a?SaSf «0 Ptocefie totbe magtffrates of tbe totone, toberebp be cammatim Oipimooeatu. oeoifymmftmgk Vafcbus, andfpue other tobtcbtoere cbiefc captatnes Under bt'm, alleagpng cbac tUep and their confederates confpired to rebdl in tlje £ooutb fea, moiifflV afsbustym feife fo? tbat intent bad buploed and furm(J;ed foure foippes, to fcarcb tbe foutb coalfes oftbefuppofeo continent : a!fo,tbat tohtjst&ge bundled fouldiers and companions toljtcb beebadtottbbmt,be 1 mum to ® DU * D of this eflecte as folotoetb . app fr iendes, I «* afto, and felotoes of rnp long papneg and trauaples, jjotoe long (ball tote bee liibiecee to tbe commaunoement of otber, fptb toe baue bpdden tbebjtmt, and ouercome tl)tmerp?ife fo? tbe toljtrije tljtsnetoe gouernour toasfenttottbfogreata mulwudef&Ilbo can anp longer abpde bis p?pde and tnfolencte *t let PS there* fo?e folotoe tbefe coal! es tobptber fo etter fortune (ball a?pue bs, | Y * , and among tbefe fo manp pleafaunt and fruttfull p?ouinces of 1 1 this large lande, let usdjoofe one, in tbe tobtcbe toee mape toitblibemefpendetbatpo^tion of our Ipuestobicb pet remap* netb ♦ (Kftbocanfpnaeds, o^lbalbeabletop^oferbsdiolencelt Wihm tbefe o? tl;e Ipketoojoestoere declared to Petrus jtias, bee fent to tbe &outb partes fo? Vafcbus , topllpng bimbp tbe bertue of bis commiffion to repap?e to bim foo?tbtoicb . Vafcbus L obeped, and at bis commpttg toas calf m p?pfon t pet conifantlp dcnping tbat euer bee emended anp fuel; tbpng.GOitnelleS toere brought agapnft btm, and bis too?oes rebeatfeo from tbe begpm ©afefnisfemit^g : ^conclude, bee toasmdgedtooo?thp death, and toas to oeatiu put to epecucfon . 8no tljtS ts tbe retoaroc tobereuml; tbe blpnde goddefle oftentpmes recompenfetf; &£> as baue fu2cpned great ~ trauaples and aaungers, to bee hpgblp ua her fauour ♦ Petrus, wmus anas. j yias ( eml p n ^. ^ ^ P f e & -pariena , embarked btm feife ut tbefbtppes left of Vafcbus , to thmtent to fear eh ^ofe coalfts: 3£u t tobetber beebce returned c? not, toee baue pet no eertapne fenotolepge . §>e batl; aSfebfefetmie^ct fe there an other go* 1 p#HS Sofa ^ 001 ^ ^ffigtjie^, totjofe i#mie>X Lupus Sof t, thz picerope of tbe^anocs ofcqmie * ®lbat ifomafce P'ciru Arias map baue if fee murne>lec.good men ^age-flere toa^ nothing done under c .:::¥ " !)«« IfanJcs. 57? |(tn moon!# glojte ^ &ome tbpnfie that bee toad at tfo begin* npng tc flacUe anti negligent tnbte office, and notfeueremeo?* rect-ng mms and mtfomerd . 15ut me tonll leaue hint, and r e* hsade fometobat mbcreofmehaue been !a:dp tnfottrmed,as tou* cjjmg 'be'greac and oeepe rpuer of ftabdb*, tbembtdje fej $reaStcffe and lange neffe thereof aur h®ki nameo Gmdis* that }j^ 0 ° Jianm> gr eat>a5 tool;* noted in our Deem* ♦ ©jis rpuer falfetb into tic furtljeff c^ncr of tbe guife of Vraba bp feueit po^tesi 0) sr&e guife of niotitbe&ad doth the ipner ofHifru taco the Cgpptian fea,ml;ofe ^ raba * large oefertpaou pou map alibrca^e in our Decaocd»€:bat the ntdufttapned on euerpfpde about tbtd rpuer are rpc&c in gclde, eperpette luce bauc learned bp tbmfojmatton of tbmbabitatmted,cf mbom **} luce made diligent tnqutOcton ♦ Vafebus , , and befpde hint other gcacritours andlteuetenaumc^ljattefourctpmed emred into this rpuer tomb tbcp? armies tnbattaple arrap, and tomb dp* tiers fcpndcd of (hipped, fpjff fo> tbe fpace of fourtte tuples, tbeti fpitie,and at tbe lad fourefcojc, and at an other tpmeaifo oner* tbmarte tbe rpucr.2Db (bamefull cbauncc, and deteftable comard* $ imt $ toac ^ ncCTc of out men* Snaked nation enccuntrpngmicbtbcm that ipfeepMpu. bad apparelljtljt armed againff tbe bnarmed, bad tbe ouertfeoto in maner in all confltctesCandiuere either all flapne 0 ? mounded. Ebcp life muenomed arromes, and are fuel; ejtperte arcl;ers,tbat iftbep efpp anp place of tbep? emtwe bare 0 ? unarmed, tbcp mill not Ipgbtlp faple to ffrpke bint there, Eh ep ufe alfo manp darted, *&««*** tobicb in the tpme of the battaplc thep burle fo tljtcfce a far re of, flat £(kp cake the Ipgbt of the future, from thep? enemies ad it • mere tomb a ctoude*Ebep baue Ipfcemife bm&c $ long fmoojded, £n>ooib *0 of made of a heaup and bardekpnoe of mood,mberemttb tljep fight ^ aup to,oot, * fiercelp neare at hand .Vafebus i;mt felfe receiued manp mounded in encoumrpng mifb them ♦ and thus bp reafon of the fierce* neffe oftbefe Barbarians^ tbe rptter o f 'Daba ibai &mMtbn * fearcbed . W ee mill nomefpea&e fomembat mo?e of tbe Jlanoe of WJpMda {tobicb tbe &panparoed. call spagmold) tbe mo* tber aitd cbfefeofall other landed o} $tom mherof me emended to 1 u#ejn it the feenate id nomreffojed, and fpue Sludged af utZmt^lV figned to giue lamed to aiitbtnbabieaunted of thofe tractes, But 2”??? in flcQit tjmqfami ceafle geatbering of golo 5 a!though there beegreotptornev itopfeafon thep ftailiacfielabourerdand nip* r * ?t®u nerdj Ofthewefl Indies ners,fojafnmchas t&tnbabttatmfca inljofe hefpe thep bfebheere* tn,are (nought to a (mail number, confumeb partelp bp toarre, anbutanpmojebp famine that pcerc that iljep bpggeb bp tlje roarer tohereofthep mabechepj bed tyeab, anb left e ot foinpngc their gtapne of Maizium, luljfclj ts tfceir common focbe,fuppo* ftngherebptohauebjtpuenourmenoutof tbeSlanbe, lnbohati *“ btttaplcs fem tljemfrom £>papne ♦ SL great number of them al« inauase j ^ 0 f neto anD Axunge bifeafe$,tul)tch utthe peere orChjilf a tboufanbe fpue hunbjeb anb eightieth, confumeb tbem ipke rotten (heepe ♦ 4n»(tofap thetruetb) our mens bnfactabie befp^e of golbe, fo oppjetfeb tbefe poo?e u^etefjes? totth extreme labour aiio topic, inhere as before tljep ipueo pleafatmtlp anb atltbeme, gvtien onelp to plapesanb paffpmes, as baunfpng, tpfbpng, foulpng, anb (jumpng oflittle Cunntes, that manp of tbem perpflheo euett fo*berpangup(he ofmpnbe, theinbteh Onitb tbepj bnaccullomeblabour) are tbtngcsof tbem felues fufficient to engager mono itelne mfeafes • But thekpngano tbe Senate baue nobie betermpneb, that tbep bee rebuceb to a people, anb to gpue them felues otielp to mcreafe, anbtpllage of tbe gtounbe : anb that ondp fuebe as are bought o jt taken out of other regions, be appopntcbto labour in tbe-golb mpnes* ButitfbaUfuffpfe to baue fa^e thus mttebe of the pefttferous hunger of golbei thctfojeSf mil fp eake cf other matters Jt is a marueplous ibprig to conftber bob) all tbmges mcreafe anb p?of* mt ruger of per tn this 3IJanbe* ^Tbere are name. jejebaffuger pjeUcs,U)bere* great plentieof fugcr ts mabe * <£be. canes oj rceoes mhcrem the fuger grob)eth 5 arcbpggeranbhpgbertbenm a* m> other place,anb are as bpgge as a mans arme tn the bjamne* anb bpgber then the nature of a man, bp the balfe . ^bts is Stfget ompapne(mbere umu. ' a great ouanttete of fuger ts rnabe pecrelp) inhere foeuee tbep applve tbem felues to the great tneixafe thereof, pet boetlj sc token or etterp roote b^pngfooyh notpalf fptte, oj (pice, o) a: the modfc* mauiepiontf uen of djofereebes : inljereas tn 0 iff amok one voote beared* fimmm. oftentpmes tljirtte * jfoure footeb beaftes anb cat* taplejare marueplouflptncreafebtnthtSSIlanbe • Slnb albeit that the rauenpng hunger of golbe hath hitherto greatlp hpnoe* reb our-meuftom tpllage of the grotmbe ? petiS;there.gr^t pfeiu {~rm ' M'y*t ' ‘ tie r • j Uan^cs* 2 73 m of tofjeatc, toljicljf wofpcrolj fo well , tfjac it peelwtljfome imne _ a ljuno?cD fulse , aim this efpeciallp on t|je Ijplles oj rpogcs of the mountapnes pjofpectpng totoarse the Jftojtb: ernes sooalfoencrcafe bore toftt) n o Me ftuitefulneffe . HOljat tames. Ojouloe 31 fpeake of tlje trees that beate ctfu fi/ld a, bjougfrt c <#» # fp?a into iljis 3!lanoe from tlje otljcr 3l(aiiccs neere onto tlje tuU. ruppofco Comment, as toe banc notes in our Decants i €ljere is notoe ftieljcplentte hereof, that after a feme peetes toe Ojali baueapounseoftlje p;n>ce that toe nape n otoe fot an ounce. aJDftfje 15?afpIe^mo Sj&irobalane trees, with other innun\e* rafale pjerogatities ano benefptcs which nature hath pirn* tifttlip geuen to this MelTes 3ilanse, toe Ijaue fpefaen Gifftcientlp in out Dccases.gctljaue 31 thought good to repeatc parte of tlje fame, becaufe 3ltbpnhe that tlje toittes of manp teasers fjatie siuer* tea from the Weight of great affaires, to tljerccojsation offuclj plcafaunt thpnges: anopctsonotfucljcbtm ges as are faucrie, ettgenoee teotoufiteffc,ro tljat a pje» tioua matter beaoiottt« neotoitljapjctious betfure. O&AfpIe. iTBpiokalancs* - j \ t V ■«;i. vV ?j ' ' iW) ^r ft, T' *vH rr ,i» • i i, it* ' yj •» ..n iu t nJ.-JI f. V ftv • . ki>, \ a* •«»- A,r\ ,v . , ■ V; J ' mb fyfc’mm ) v me ) ink mvS (b iius rai iste * 't»i‘ ; ' • v f "• f * * : tff , *'**7 % • * ’ <*>;•"* \ ■ 1 • *•* \ 4 - ' k » I. . i + ■ I ‘ • V . . ^ V# sA# 1-4 Uv i \ fe ' 4u..h t i5*n iiclaoi A breefe rebearfal of the contentes of the bookes of the fyrft Decade aucf foiolo wyng of all the other Decades* Folio.?* U . • Jcnv i'.jii o i\ Si/..* lit r. II’ J J3tbe fyjtf booke te declared botoe thrift of bom eftonu^ OdjertDpfe called Columbus, perflUdCO Fernando ailtl t lizabetk $ttncesof^>payne,to further &fa attempt in fcartbyng netoe ana tmfenotoen lannesf in the ©cean . 3lfo of the. bit* 3»Ianucsf of Canary, ty fyibutn tbep xuerc rounn ant? rcmtjucreD. i^OU KColonus fotltl&e tlje 3!landcS of BifanioU J and Cuba, and of the fierce people called Canibalet o} Caribeh tu&tclj are ac* cuifomeo to eate mans flelbe. ©ftberootes called Jges, lucca, and tf;c grayne Maiztum^ lobereoftbe people oftbe 3|lanoes made then? b;eao. ©f the goloe found m the fandes of ryuers# of tfte Serpents tobicb are ferit&out burt:a!fo of turtle douejef^dticTtSa^ popingat es. ©f and 3loe, Uittlj dyuers fruites and trees bn* fcnoluen to bs, and of the fruiteftilneflfe of the 31lande of Bifpani - ola, tobicb the g>panyaroes call spagnuola. ©ftbefeconoe biage of CoIo»«x into tljefe regions, and Ijotne betoasfurmlbeotoitb.ybu. fljyppes, andatboufande and tlxio bundled fouldtec^ toJitb all fcynde of arttHartc, anthers, and graynetofotne: andoftbetree from tbe inljtcb uiater djoppetb continually into a trendje maoe by man# &annc*. The contentes of thefeconde boo\e,Vol. ij. £[©toe Colonus departing from tbe 3!lanoes ofCanarie, fayled utii. bundled $ tmentie leagues in .ppt meg&cme to VomU nka an 3ilano of tbe Canibales : $ of tbe fragrant fauoure of fpiceS Uibtcbe p?ocedcd from tbe 3Ilandes. ©f tbe 31landes Of Galanta 0) Galana and Guadaluj>ea y andof tbe trees tobicb beare tbat kynd ofcotcon tobteb #e Italians call fBombafae, and tbe g>panyaroes Jlgadon, ©f dyuers hyndes of popingiayes 3 and of tbe Jlande of M atinino 0 } m adanino, beyng inhabited oticly doicb ujotnen :al* fbofdyuersotberfruitefull3!landes , andof a confltcte toljicbe tbe &panyaroes bad teritb tbe Canibales* ©f In the fyrftDerade. 174 ©fcertapneljflanoes in tbe mljicbe are feme t|e mpnes of metals; anopjecious ftones,ano oftte fruitful! ano populous? aiano calico ‘Buricbena, OJ tioriquev, d} Infula . S> Iobannis, 5)ome a!! tbe aomirals men mbicbe at bis ffrft triage be left fti Bifpaniola, mere flaine in bis abfence bp tlje rebellion of Guac* (war Ulus , &png of t be region of Xaman a : ano of tbe free hpnoe of Ipfe mbiebe tbep leaoe that batte not tlje bfe of mcnep* ©ftbefeuen mapoens mbicb ftoam tbjee miles in tbe fea, anboftl;e maner ofgeatljering ofgolo intbofanosofriuers. The contentes of the thjrd hooks, Fob 17. A parttculer otfcriptton of tbe 3llano of HifyankU, tobicbe X Colonus tbpnbetb to be Ophir, from mljence hpng Salomon &ao bis! great rpcbesofgoloe. Dftbemarueplcu^ffuicfiilneCfe of Bifpmola, anooftbefu* ger cancel grolnpng there. ©ftbe goloen regionsi of Ctyanga 0? Cibaua & of tlje rpuers in tuljofe Canoes is founoe great plcntie of goloe* ©feertapne grapnes ofgolo of cjcceeoing great quantitte. ©f tniloe bines of plefaunt tafte, ano of grafle inbicb in foure napes grotuetb as bpgb as mljeate. ©f tbe Slanoe of l oh anna 0? Cuba, being tbe cno of tbe <£aft ano tlje &Heft,ano of tbe fruitful! $ populous illano of / amaica . Upon) tbe #DmfraH tbougbt that be bao fapleo about tbe loin* eft ilpcnufpbere 0? half circle of tbe earth, ano of afccreteof ^ftronomie touching tbe fame matter* ifpoioe tbe ^omiraHgatte names to feuen bunojeo Jianoes, anopa(feobptb?eetboufano bnnameo. ©feertaineferpentes Itfec Onto Crocotrtfcs ofetgbfcfootelong, tobofcflelb is oeltcatetobe eaten, ano tf certapne trees tnljicljs fceare 0curoes, fflf tl;e truer 140ft mater isberpbottr, ano of tlje buntpng fplbetnljicbtaketb otber fplbcs. ©f great abunoaunce of&ojtopfes as bpgge as targets, anti ofafruttfullmountapne Inell iubabttco. ©f oogges of Defigmeo tfjape ano oumbe, ano of inbite anti fllicftc tauter.. . ©f mooos of Date trees, ano ppneapple trees, ano of ett* tapne people appareUeolplte inljpte frpers. %nm ' ~~ ~ ~ ; ft Tbe contcntcs oftlic bootees ©f certaine tree# toW beare fptces, anti of Crane# of eje* ceeopng bpgnelfo m ; ©f itockeoouesofmojc pleafattnt talfe then partrkbes. Slit oration of a barbarous goueritour as touching tbe im- mojtalttic of tbefoule: 8!fo oftjje reuiaroe of oeccwe, ana punt®* went of nice* a Omtlttuoc of tbe goloen tor^oe, ano of pjoutdon tuft^ out care. ' / . G Upotue tlje 3omtra!lfeH Gckc bp rcafon of to nrndfre Uiatcbe* png ,ano of a feottion U);)tclje rofc amotig tbe ^pamaroes in tbe 31lanoe o fHifpamola* The Contentes of the fourth hoofa Fol. 1y J-J©totbe!kpnge#of tbe 3iIanoe of Hifpamola, were bptfct &paniaroes mpfbcbauiour pjcuckeo to rebellion , ano Ijotae tbe Slomirall fentfoj them. C(3owebpng Counaboatijz Lojoeoftbeboufe of golo,tbat tS,of tlje mountatnes of cibaua, confptreo tbe!aomiraI#oeaibj ano bow betoicbbtsfamtlte Were taken pit loners, ©fa great famine that cbatmccotn tbe Jlanoeof Bifpdniol^ anobotoetbe^omtrail butloeo ccrtapne fojtrefles. ©f a pecce of rune golo wapgbing ttoemte twees , ano of tbe nipne of tlje riclj metall calleo EU strum. ©ftbe mountapne in tlje wljicije is fotmoe great plenticof J.mber ano Orpement : ano of tlje woooes of 3^afple trees* ©Otoe tlje tnbabitantesare put to tljepj tribute, ano boU) tbe nature of p Hegton oifpofetb tbc mancr s of tlje people. ^)oW tlje brother of kpn$ Caunaboa came agapult tlje Slomt* taUuMbanarmieoffpue tboufano nakeo men, anoijcwebe Was taken, ano bis armte put to fipgbt* ©ftbefruttfullbale Magona,in tbe fanoesoftubofe rpuers isfounoegteatplentteofgoloe:ano ofcertapne WbirleWintics ano tempers. ipotn tlje Slomirall fent foojtb bfebjotber Bartholomew Colo < ms witb an armi'e of men to fearebe tbe go-oc mpnes ,ano of t be /ones nib rtf) befounoe to Ijaue been opggeo in olo tpute. 7 he Coteries of the .V. booke Fol . 2J. for 2$. . J* . • TJ©we tbe lieuetenaunt buiioeoa fajttrete in tbe goloe ‘ mines, ano pjeparco inftrumentes foj tbe purging anofr 3 * ning In tlicfyrfl Decade. 17 $ i jip»goftl;egotee. # . Upouie cercapnc fljpppe# la&en toitb brttaples, came from g>papne : Snti&oUjecljeiLteuetenaHncrencrtekpnge^ iuljtclje rebdleopottb tb;ee l;um>?eo capttues into &papne. ifjouie tbe iiefetenaunt remoueo bfe habitation, ano bttplDCD a foKtefle utyf cfcebe called faint Domintckeg tcune 5 aIfo Ijotoe Ije pallet! ouer ebe rpuer Baiba, ano entree into tl;e mooooes of^afpie tree& UpoUie tlje great fepng fieuebius jmeaueboa , ftenoelpe en* tertapneo tlje Ifenetcnaunt, ano bjougljtbpm to W pallace, Urfjeretljekpngeg fcupues ano concubme.o recepuco l;pm bonoja* bip uutlj penipes ano criumpl;e& iDftlje fo^treflegs urfjtclje roerc erecteo in Uptfpantola , ano (joine tlje lieuetemumt ejcacteo tribute of ti;e kpngeg iuljtcbe r e* bdleo agapne. itpolne tlje Itettefenaunt fetbppon tlje fcpngeg bnftaceg mtlje itpgljt feafon, ano tooke.rim.ofcljem pjpfonerg. iipotoe hpng Guarlomxius , captapneoftbeconfptraciCjUMS parooneo, anobotoe be perfuaoeo tlje people to obeoience* ffpome fcpng Bcucbius Anacaucboa , Pent meHengersi to tlje lieuetenaunttorepapjetoljte pallace,bJljere !je fotuiDe .rjejotr* kpugsreoptottl) tljep? trtbmes:$no bofae tlje queens ^nacaona entpfeo bpm to eateof tlje^erpemes fieOje* Jlpotoerbe &erpcntcs flefpc tg pjepareo to be eaten, ano IjoUi Mem meatetljep ? eggeo are tftbepbe foooen, ipolue queene Jnacauchoa, fpfter toftpng Beucbius Jnacati* cbo^emertaineo p lUefecenant,£gaue bun mud) Ijoutljold Ruffe, ano tttanp beifelis offpebene ojqod arttRcatlp brought $ cartteo Upcinekpng jnacaucboanttiJ tlje queene bis fpftec fcuenc a* boojocdje Iteuetettantes flppppe, ano Ijouje greatlpcljepiuere amafeo to beljoioe tlje furniture tljerof 5poU)e Bollmus x minus a Spanparoe, rebelled in tlje JLtette* tenaumes abfettce , bp tDljofe mpfoemeancur aifo kpng Guario-* nexius teas pjouokeo to a nc&e confptracie, ano bud; l;pm iohamxius tl;e kpng of tljemouneapncs. T be contintes of the fyxt boofaFoli.tf. qrlfre tbp;o btage of Colomts, ^Ijobelje oiuertco from fj& 1 accuSomeb rafe bp tl;e Jlanoeg of Cananetotbe3llano of Madera^. The contentes of the hdokes Maimjo} feare of cereapne frendjc pirates anti rotter^ ©ft Ije ♦] ctin 3IlanDes mijtdje tn oloe tprne mere calfeD Hefpe* rides , attn are nouie catlen tlje 3llatinc^ of Caput VMe^ Cabo* uerde ¥ $lfo oftlje peoples oftlje 3!ianDe of ftonauijla 5 mijere* Uriel) tlje leper is Ijealeo. 5 >ome tbe ^otmralfotmD conta^toUiS ap^e ano ejetreme fjeatc fieerec&eCqumcc£tal,m!jerec!je nojtb pole magi eleuate onelp fpue Degrees, anD borne faplpngfccm tljence meftmarDe, be founoetljetecgiplace'omocfjero^er, anD djefearpfpngasie mere tbe baefce of a mountapne* %)ome tlje ^oimral faplpng meU marDc, anD muer paflpng out of tljeclpme c? paralels of Ctljtope, fmmDe a temperate Hegion, anD people ofgooDlp co^po^ature : anD mljat Difference ts betmene tbe natures of Regions bepng bnber one paralele anD oneelettatton oftlje pole. ©ftlje 31lanDesofP^ ano Margarita ^ anD of tfje fmpfte conrfe o j fail of tlje ©cean from tlje Calf to tlje W. elf* ©ftlje gulfe calleDO; 2 )r 4 co«/V,anD oftlje canOictebetmcue t&e freflje mater anD dje falce. ©fafeacffreOjc mater, anD a mounfapne inljabiteD onelp toifij Sgonb.pes anD SlDarmafettes. ©ftlje fapje,rpd 3 e, anD large region of faria , anD fjome frenblp tljinbabttances entreat cd tlje iomirall anD feis men* ^IfoofpleafauntmpnemaDeofDpuergifruue^, anD of great abtmDatmcc ofpearles anD golDe. ©ftlje regions Of Cumana, Manacapana^ $ Curkna > being TC S gios ofp large pjouince of Taria, $ of p fea ofljearbes 03 meebS* & certapne fecrete as tottebpng tlje pole Oatres,attD tlje eleua- tton of dje fame , alfo of tlje rounDncdc of tlje card). ©f dje motmtapnes of Tariajn tbe toppes mljerof Coloms ear* neOlp affirmed) tlje eartljlp paraDife to be Ornate ,anD mljetljec Taria be parte of tlje firme lanD 0 } continent of India. Tbe contentes of tbe . Vii.bookg.FoL *$ 9 * J-^&b)Z?\oUanus Xemhws mielj big confeDerates, acctifeD tlje ^orntrall to tlje bpttg, anD Ijome be potirgeD (jput feife, anD accufeD tbem. Upome fcpng Guarmexius rebelleD agapne , anD mid) l;pm bpng Maiobanncxius ; alfo ^oU)e tjjep Uriel; otljer ftpnges In tli efyrft Decade. 17 6 feme agapnfl tljeiLieuetenaunc tomb mrarmte of epgljt tbou* fanoe ttatoeo ano papnteo cigumms : a!fo ttoo rare epampleg of frenofljpp ano faptljfulnefle in barbarous ppceg* fymzColonus tbe&omiraUano tbeiUeuetenantbfe bptbet toerefentbcunointo g>payne* atm neuie officer appoynteom tl;eyj places. The contents of the eight booke.Fol 4$ • 'T Upc nautgation of Petm Mphonfus from&payneto Tma, toljere in tlje region of Curtina , be ban in fljojt fpace .]&♦ mmceo of pearleg, % great plenty of bicmate,foj baubc^ belles, ptnneg, lohpitg glafleg, ano fttcb otljcr trpflc0* gDfcertapne coniectureg toljercbp fma is! thought to be pare of tlje fp?me iano, $ of tbe goioen region of Cmhieta , tubere in tlje monetb of JSouember tbe ap?e intemperate ano notcoloe, ©oto Jlpbonfus bao a conflict toitlj tbe Cantbaleg, ano Ijotoi tl;ey are accuflomco to inuaoe other cotmtreya* Of great abunoaunce of fait in tbe region of Harm, ano bom tbe oeao bootee of tljeyj pjtncegareojpeo, rcfcrueo, ano rdigt* ouflp bonoureo. ©otoe Mpbonfus at big returne to fepapne from Curma, brought tomb bint tljjefcoje $ Gpceene pounoe tuepgljt of pearler tobicije be bought foj otir tryfleg, amotmtyng only to the uaiu$ of fpue fljiflpngeg. T he contents of the nienth booke ; Fcl. 47* : . ^©e natttgatton Of Vincentius Tinzonus anO HriesTinzonw, ano borne they fapleo bepono tlje Cqumoctialllfne, lolfclje fygbt of tlje nojtb tf arre, ano fouttoe tlje ftarreg in other o?oer. ©otoe Vincentius patting tbe Equinoctial totoaro the South pole, founoe fierce ano toarlpke people of great flature,anoof tljefea offrefljetoater, ©otoe Vincentius oirecting btg cottrfe totoaroeclje jftojtb* toefl from tlje EqmnoctiaH, recouereotlje fpgbtof tlje Bottlj 3 pole, ano bp the regions; of M ariatambal , Cmonmus , atlO ?eri+ cou, came to tbefapje ano ryclj pjouince of fma, ano to tlje re* gtOttO of Oi draconis, Cumana, Afanacapana, Curiana.&c. 3 coniecture that Pam (tofjerbptg menttbat mannelanoe 0? con- tinent The contentes of the boofees immt ofjttofa, beponoe the riuer of Ganges $no Hano 3 anti of dje cjccceDtno: great timMaragnonus rcplemlbeo foritb Ilanoesi. ©f 1 Bomjlomea anO Spiriojlomea , the tllOUCljCS of CljC famous rpucr of caUcD m olo tpme ipr, ano of the commoot* ti'esS of e?je rc^tougs ano 3[tanDej3 about : alfo of the toooog ofBjaBle trees* iSDfmanp fruiefufi Ilanoes toalfco ano left oefolate bpreafott of the Cantbale* crueltie , ano of the trees! of Cajfia Fijlula ♦ alfo of other trees! of ejcceeoing bpgneffe, %\)t otfeription of a certapne monffruousi beat!, ano botoe Vincentius loll ttoo of bis (bpps bp tempelf * dpoine Vincentius at bis rcfurnc to sipame, brought tmefj bpm Ctnamome, (Singer, ano certapne precious Bones calico ^opafes : $no ofebe nauigattonsi o.f certapne other tnbabi* tames! of tbe toume of Tales. flDf tbe pjeriotts! meoicine calico Jmm fyoW the £>paniaroes! pjofftreo them felues to conquere the netofounoelanoes!,tepng!n largenelTe tb?rfe as great as Cu* rope,befpoe the ^outblanoespartepnpngrotbe pojtingales, ano botoe tbe nature of tlje place alteretb the fourmesanoqua* litres of tbpngesf* ©f the Ilanoe of ano oftfje goloe mpnes of the Ilanoe tfSanSHIohannis^Otljtt^k calleD Buricbena, 0} Tuchena. 3lfo of tberpebe golo mpnes! of {fpifpam'ola,anU of tbe oioer of uioikpng In tbe fame. 0f the ttoo cbiefe goloe mpnes of Hifpaniola, ano of a peece of goloe toetgbingtijjee tboufanoetbjeebtmojco ano ten pounoe toepgbt* ^oui the golo is feo ano otlfribttteo » ano bolne that cnlp in the melting (bops of the tu>a golocn mines ofHptfpaniola,is mol* ten peerelp aboue tbjee bunojeo tboufano potmoe height of goto* l^ome In tlic feconde Decade $omethenterp?pfesoftbe g#anparoe$ are not fnftrtottt to t^actcj^ of Saturnus o? Hercules, ano home the ^omirall oifl couereo cl )t lanoe otter agapntf the <[2M corner of Cuba , and the aianoeof Guanajfa t The Contentes of thebookes of the feconde Decade. The contentes of the fyrjlbookc. Fol.^% rjiKU) after the oeath of Colonus the 3omiralI, the flpng gatie ■^freelpcenceto all fucb as mottlo attempt atip bpages, ano of thenatligaftonS of Diego KicuefaM'O Jlpbonfus Fogeda , f)f the 31lanoe Code go ano the region of Car mam, ano of cer* tapnefmeete apples mhicb turne into moo^mes U)l;cn tljepare eaten 5 mbofe trees are alfo contagious* ipom Alphonfus Fogeda 5 the Lieuetenauntof Vrabax ncoutrtng font!) the ifearhartanSjhao tbeouertbjotmvmo home in this eon* fli’cte fpftie of his men mere flapne^mttb I ohannes de UCojfa their raptapue* if) 0 W Fogeda, anO Kicuefatl)t lieuetettatmt of Feraguaxt* ttengeotbeoeatboftbepjcompanpons, ano home Fogeda came to the 3flanoe Fortis ano the region of Caribanafxbm be mas res pulfeo from the gotoe mpnes bp tbefiercenefleof the Barbarb ans,Ofpng arromes infecteo mttO popfon. fyotocFogedam# mounoeo in the tbpgb mith a benemotts arrome 3 ano bis men almoft conftimeo mitlj fampne. (borne a ^ngantpne mas ojomneo mith the (frofce of a .tfplbe : ano of the nattigation of Ancifus from Hifpaniola to V raba-. Df the lamentable (bppfopffo of Ancifus, anoofthe Dace trees ano mploe 15ojes mhicb be founoe* Dfthefruiteso^applesoftbe trees calico Cedars of ili&ane, mhicb heare oloe frut'tes ano nem all the pecre* (E> ome onelp th?ee of the Cam'bafles mith their toes ano in* ttenomeO arromes aflapleo /to/^mitbabtoeo of bis men, in mhicb conflict t{jep motmoeo ano flue manp:alfo 3 cf their fmifc neffe offoote* #a. U ffif The contentes of the bootees ©ft&e great rpuer Of Marietta, ffllD 1)00)2 Jncifus cncotmtreo mich fpue hunojeo of cbinbabitauntes of the gulfe of Vrabn, aim put them to flpght : a!fo 3 bom he founoe great plentte of fought goloe ano boulboloe ffuffe tn a tbpekee ofreeoes. The contentes of the fecondbooke. Fol.6$> TT©lweNi^^loIfht!Sfelouiei9tiUhe oarke npgbt, ano meat -“pad the mouth of the xym$eragua\xfyi&) be fought^ home the captapnes of the ocher fbpppes confulteo home to fpnoe him: a!fo : of the rpuer Lagartos m the mbicb great Hifartes are fotmo, much Ipke Onto the Crocootles of Kilus. Jpome the captapnes fojfooke tbepj fbpppes, that the foulop* ei*3 mpgbt hee mitbotit hope of Departure, ano of the miferable rhaunce of fetrus de Vmbm ano hts feiomes* Bp toijat chaunce isiicuefa mas founoe, ano of the calamities mhi'ch he ano hts companpfutfepneD : alfo, of the region ofGr*- cinDei 01 Cerabaro^nb of the rpuet Ot Matthei. if)otue Kicuefa caufeo them to remoue tijep? habitation from fBeragua to point M armor M)m he huploeo a fo;ttrefle 3 ano horn his men bp rnarre ano farnpne, mere confumeo from feuen bum o^eo ano oooe,to fearfelp onebunD?eo„ ibotoe oue Vafchus Hunnez^ ofurpeo tbauetbojitie of the & ieuetenauntihpp of Vraba tn thabfence of Foge^ano of the na* Utgation Of fydericus Colmenaris from HifianioL to Vraba. £>f the rpuer ftaiu oifeenopng from the toppe of a high mourn tapne couereo mirh fnom 3 ano horn Itydericus Colmenaris in a com fi!cteagapndtheBarbarians,ioif.jcimuof histnen 3 bp reafon of thepi inuenontco arromes. €>f the fo?ce of the popfon mheremidj the Barbarians infecte thep? arromes 3 ano a remeoie foj the fame : alfo>home Colmenaris bp gunihot ano kpnolpng fpers on the high toppes of the rockeS, came to the SS>panparoes,left oefolate in Darien*. The contentes of the thjrd book?. F ol> 6j* jr_|£)me isiicuefa mao fought foo?th to acqutet the contentions ofv raba, ano borne he mas agapne retecteo* C^Dlue Vafhus i^unnezjnuaX}^ tooke pipfoners, ano fpop* «o t&e fcpnges boperynn; about tyt region of pub, ano Ijotoe ■ " " dutiful In the feco nde Decacteo 'Jmifus H t>«c f cnatmt foj Fogtda toas cat! fit p?pfct£ anti after* tome fet at Itbertte. Jlpoirte Jmifus tccke bfa nia ge from Vraba to Spapne, to && ettfe Vafchus, frljo alfo at tbe fame tpme fern Valdiuia, affrell to fpeaketn lji$ aefence 5 as alfo to certtfte tlje kpng of tljetr boptig*. {pofrekpng Car eta confpireb frttb tbe g>panparbes agapnlf kpng PoncbaM) am tbep put to IJpgbMnb fpopleb btsfrllage. itpofre k$y\$Conwgrus frtenblp entertepncbtbe ^panparbetf, anb brought them to (its pallace,frbere be fljefreb tljem tbe bjpeb carkafes of Iji* aunceffoura referttcb, anb fumptuouflp apparel* leb, ano bofr tljekpnge* elber fonne gauc Vafchus anb cohnena - ris fours tboufanbeounce* of frjougbt golbe, anb fpftte flauc3t alfo 3 a tu pttte oration frbicij be mane to tbe &>panparbe3 5 fr berm be cemfpeb tbern of a coumrep epceebpng rpcb in golbe.^c* The conUntes of the fourth boohs. Fof J2 . Jf bojtpble tbitnber ^Ipgbmpngtn tbe monetljof jftcuem* ^ber, anb otgrapnefrbicbfrapetbrppetfepfeapeere : alfo, bofre Dtgedton t3 Ifrengtljeneb bp outfrarbe color* iJ)ofre Valdiuia is fent agapne mto Biffdniola,t% moue tbe go* uernout anb counfapletberetofenbetmo &papne to tbe kpng foj a fupplic ota tljoufaube foutopcm^ to make frap to tbe golben mountapnes, anb bofre be carpeo fr itb bim tlje kpnge$ portion, tljattMje fpfc part of golbe anb other tljtngea* ©ofre Vafchus tnuabeb tbe kpnge* tnljabptpng tbe regions a* bout tbe gttlfe ofVraba,m% bofre be put kpng 'Dab aib a to ffpgbfj frfrljofe milage bee founbe fraught golbe, amottmpng to tlje frepgbc of feuen tboufanbe Cafteilang* ifBatteaaabpga* turtle bocueef, frbicbfometpme bptc men m tlje npgbt tn tbep} fepe 5 frhofe bpting t3 alfo benomous, but (3 bealeb frttb fratet of tbe fea,oj bp cauterisation, a* are al* fo ebe frounbe* of benomou* arrotoe*. CTrijeJianbeof CannafiftuU , anc a tofrne of fptte Ijunbjcb ^mife&frbafekpng AbenamacfaiMn taken, anb ljt$ arme cutce oftntbefpgbt ©ftreesofepceebpngbpgneireanbbcpgbt, anb bofre kpng jbibeiba bab bt3 pallace tn tbe toppe of a tree, from tlje frljicb be fra* tnfeceb to btfcenb anb emreate of peace* 3panyarbe0, ant* ** caufeb the kyngeg to rebell : alfo,ljom they mere put to flight* anb many of they? men flayne. Offyue kyttgea mbtef) attempteb a netoe confptracie tmtlj a Ijtmbjeb great Canoa^anb fyue thoufanbe men,anb home they? intent mag bem?ayeb by a moman,anb pjetienteb: alfo,bome % dt ricus Colmenaris fackebthe btflage of Ticbh% $ bung tl)t kyng thereof, mttb fotire of bfe cbtefe rulerg,anb commaunbeb them to be fl;otte through Uritb arromeg* T he contentes of the fxt bookie. Fol.jy* H Otoe Vafchus mttb 1)10 COnfeberate0 5 fent Iohannes Qjftcedus anb Colmenaris from 'Dariena to Biffmolajato from tljeitce to Sapayne to the kyng,foj a thoufanb men to pafle ouer the moun- tayneg to the golbenregtong, anb mljat mtfertes they fulteyneb- iit that biage t alfo of the beach of ValdiuiaX amudus^iio Fogeda . flDf the pmfperptts btage of Ancifus, anb home <0ob brought miracleg by the Ample fayth of a mariner : alfo, bom (Boo refpec* teth thinfancte of fayth fo? ^ealeg fake, anb home one religion cur- neb t'nto another, holbeth ffyll many tljtngeg of tbefpjtt. ©cmc many of the barbarians mere baptifeb by reafon of the tmracleg, anb hoboe they rematbebthcpjteftegby mijom they merebapttfeb. © 0 w/ncifus fljo^tly after W arryualltn fepayne, refojteb to the cottrf,anb mabe bis complaynt to the kyng of thtnfofeucte afFfihusM)m\)^on the kyng gaue fentenceagamft him, ants bom apt the barbarous nations are to embjafethe CCbjifttan fayth* The contentes of the feuenth booke. FolSl ♦ J-pDlne Quicedus anb Colmenaris the p^OCttratourg of Dariena, mere honourably enterteynen at the cottrt,anb brought to the kyngesp}efence,anbhomctl;ey? completion mag chaungeo by alteration of the ay?e* {pome fetrus jrids, a noble man, mag electeb gouernottr anb !Ueuetenauntof©4nVwrf, anb home other of the court laboured foj the fame off.ee : alfo, home tlje btAjop of Purges fpake to the kyng tn (jig behalfe* $?ome Tetrus jtrias l;ab atl;oufanbe anb ttoo htmbjeofoul* spem Tntfie leconde Decade® 175 jjpertf appcputco bfm at tftc kpnges rfjargeg, anti ofthe&pngeg tv jcme boute in the cttic of ciuile, calico the (joule of the con* tracteg of India . fpcte a great number of &panpamg pjofereo tftem fducg to gee at thepjomne charges, ano of a relfraint tnaoe that nor ttcaunger mpght palTefcHtljout tic kpngs licence : allb, bom the suctiour repmuetlj Jloifius Cadamujlus, a Ulster of tie Upo^ett* gales ntageg. * jJjoujc Petm Mas fljojtlp after big Departure from Ciuik, lot! tmooFbtglbpPpeS, ano mas ojpuenbackeagapnc bp tern* peif,ano home bepng nemip fumpHjCO,ljC paiTeo dje Ocean mttb tnaje pjofperous mpnoeg, CbetljpjootageofKwce»ti«.f fPw^pwa^ano polnc pc came to tbc regions of fariaM^ztz encountrpng mitb tbtnhabttauntcg, tjc put client fpjft to flpght,but after fallpttg to tmreatie of peace, tp:?p gane him great plentie of goloe, ano abunoaunce of mafeu- li'nc ftankenfcnce, loreb trpners other pjtncelp pjefenteg* Ortfee great mulmuoe of popmgtapeg mljtcbe aretn there* gton of Faria, ano home tbuibabttourg areappareUeo : alfo, of tie fpue kpnges that maoe a league of frtcnoibpp umlj Vinun- t'W' • ' i[poloer/»^ti«frapleo^a[fn)aroebp tbetracteoftbe regt- on of Taria, ontpl be tame to tie povttt of that long ianoe 3 U)ljicb tie auetbour fuppofetb to be the great 3llanoe Jtiantiks, mfjerof Cap.^/u* tl)t oloe mjprerg make mention* / » • > * * » The cententesof the yin. books* Fol.86. a Contention btttomietljzCaJhliaw ano ToYtnga!es,&$ cott* cernpng tlje Dititdon of tlje nem fotmoe lanoeg, ano home tl;e controuerftc mag fpntfbeo bp tie btlbop of Home* JjJome 2 >o» Chri flop her (pe gOUemOUt of tie Jlanoe of Santft lohannis, mas flapnebp the Canlballeg, ano tlje btfljop put to flpgbt t alfo,of tie other blfljopg of the 3 Iianoeg* ipome tlje Catuballeg of the 3llanoe of Santfa Crux , flue anO ate a kpng,mttb cercapne of his men, bepng frieuoeg 10 the Clm* Htans,aj;omaoefaggotteg oftbep]tboncg 3 anoljome quarelipng un tl> our meiybep put tljemtoiUeu >' a The The contentes of the hoofces The contentes of the Jx. booke. Fol.Sj, O jf ebcmarueploua fruttfulneffe of tbe regions of Fey ague, y Y ab a , ano Mena, ann of ebe npuergi kpniies of cree^ ano fruited : alfo, oftfje pleafaunt tatfe of f mpned fle®e,bepng feooe toit\)tl)ZfmtteofMirobdlane treed* Of Lions ano 3 Cpgerd,atto other mploe beal!ed 5 aimoCa bea 8 of tfraungefourme. flDf tl)Z rptterd oft()e gulfe of Vraba, tbe rpuct of Darien* ano %o Gmdis, ano borne tlje great ferpented cdleD Crocodile s» are founoe in other rpuetd befpoe Kilns m €gppt : alio, borne tljaucdjour of tljts booke mad Cent ^mbaflaoour to tbe Soldam ofJlcajr tnCgppt; Of tbe Ipojtugales nauigationd 3 ano of tbe rpuer Senega fount* fcp tljem to bee a ebaneii of 2 Sifm : alfo, oft&e multitude ofbpjdd ano fouled being in tbe marpfljed of 1 Variena. a pbplofopbtcall oifcourfe of tbojiginall ano generation of fpjpnged anorpuere, ano of tljc fyeaotlj of tlje lanoe Dtupopng fljej&ojtlj ano &>outb Ocean. Of tlje great rpuer Maragnonus, ano of tfje earthlp Iparaople* and bom fpjings are engenojeo bp couertion of apje into mater* Ofcbe often fall of rapnebtioertbe ^quinocctalUme 5 ano of tbe pojed of tlje fea opened bp tlje ^>outb mpnoed. Of tbe great rvuerd of T amis , Ganges , Danubius, and Frida* ww,famoudtotbe oloe lnjpterd, ano borne certapne rpuers run* npng though tbe caued of tlje eartb 5 bjeabe foojtlj into fp?pngd a farce of* Tbe contentes of tbe.x.bookgt Ftil.gi. uOme tlje neme founds landed oifeouereo bp tlje gbpatward# ■“in tbe (IfiXttt Ocean, are epgljt tpmes bpgger tljen -Italic, be* fpoetljatmijicb tbe pojtugalespo(refle 3 ano oftbe carded of tlje feaOjamttt bp Colonus and Americas VefputiuK €ljeojoer of meafurpng tbe lanoe, ano borne a league con- itpnetb fctite mpied bp fea,ano but tbjeebp lanoe. -u; ^Tlje jl 5 autgattonof/oto»w Dias, and of tlje ftmojp eletiatif and of tbe pole Garre* , Of tlje JHanse ot'Boiuca 0? Agmnto, ano of tbfrfpjpng fcnbofe toater being tsjuube 5 caufctlj oloe men to looke poung. Jpoiiu Ut(itcfcean 3 neuer before fcene nopknoUme fomenofourtooplo. UpowVafc 1 us \Mtkpn% chapes to flpgbtj ano after maoe a league of ftienolbpp &tcb Wm, ano bom tbe kpnggaue bimmiu bunOpeO pounoee toepgbt ofmpougbt goloe* ^)oU)c kpng Coquera tuas put to flpgbt,mbo alfo being recep* ueo to fnenon;pp,gaue Vafchus Ope bunopeo ano fpftte pounoea tocpgbt ofmpmigbtgoloe. ©ftbegulfe calico sims t SMicbaelisMm$ full ofinbabtcco 3Hanoc0, ano of tbe manip courage ano goolp ?eale of Vafchus ; alfo, of tbe rpfpng ano fallpng of tbe &outb fea. 5)otoekpng Tumaccbusbepn g oppuen to flpgbt ano after* toaroereconctleo, gaue Vafchus fire bunopeo ano fourticne pee* . fee! ofgoloe, ano tfcoo bunopeo anofourtie of tbe greatdl ano fappeff pearle^anoboUietbe kpng eaufeobte men tofpfye fop pearler aa.ut'4 Of The contentcs of the boofccs ©ftfje 3!lanoe calleo u argariteai>iues, ano oftfje abttnbante affap^c anti great pearleo faunoe therein*. ©fljabitableregionsibnoerthe CquutocttaU kne 3 ano of the* jpojtugale^ nam'gattong to the Antipodes, mljabttpng the fpue ano fpftte Degree of the ^>outb pole : alfo, a Declaration of Anti - podes, ano ofebe ftarreo about the South pole* Tbecontentesoftbe fecondebooke. Foifol* C\ tf tlje matter of fpfypng fo? pearler ano of the tbjee kpnoe$ ^ tbereof:alfa 5 opuers other quelflong concempng pearler. ©f themuicituoeof tljc tbeii fpflEjegs tuljerem pearles are to- genojeo anD founoe mrnaner in all places in the South fea^ano of abunoaunce of goloe founDe almolt tneuerpboule : a!fo,ljou)e: tbe treafurie of nature ts tntbofe coatfe^ano of the goloe mpnes Of fiariena » 5>oUie kyn^Teaocba gaue Vafcbus,] tp* pounoes Inepght of thought go!oe 3 ano tboo hunojeo pearleo : alfo* of Deforces full of JnplDe bealfes^anohouie Vafcbus troubleo tutclj great peace. in the moneth of jftouember. JponieaDogge^pgertoas taken* anobtstohelpes tpeb tti# cbepnes ano tojne in peered: alfo ? hou> Vafcbus gaueuiii.kpngej8 to bis oogges to be oeuoureo* , ©f the ufe of oogges in tljepj toarre& anD of tlje fierceuefle of the Caniballes*. ©atu kpng Vononiana fauoureo the Cb?tftmnD^ gaue Vafcbus. jK]r.pounDboepghtofuipughtgolDe:alfo 3 ht0o^attonco Vafcbus > 3 Omtktubepjoupng great plcmie of goloe in the regions ot the South fea 3 ano of the trauaples5 uihich oloefculoper&are able to fuftepne* The contends of the thyvdbcob'.Vol* 105* Ti©toekpng $uc bib ae a fubnutteo him fejfe taVafcbus,$ ■^hlnr certapne befleltea ofgo&e : al&^oto kpng. cbimfus fent Unixw.tyfyz# of purego/De, ©oine SIron ferae ti> fo$ moje uereflarp bfes then goloe: a!fo, ( an ejcample of the ipfe of our fp^if patentee. ©otoe kpng mbomfa fulmurteD hpm felfe 3 ano gaue Vafcbus fpffieuepoimoe inenght of bought goloe : a»fo 3 boUi Tvmanma tlje great kpng of the gaioen regions turparoe &outh fca 5 1? taken pfpter jipkenjpfeho^e Ijegaue^P T"' - - — - ^bus In the thy tclDetacIe* f jgj thus m- potrnoe toepgbtof pure ano tojougbt gotoe , ano bf* noble men Jjj. pottnos mepgljt of gotoe* ©f tbe caufe of odjemenc rnpnoes neere Onto tbe Equinoctial! tync, anu of tbe coloure of dje eartb of tbe gotoen mpne*. ; Df tbe large ano fruitefuli plapne ofZ auana, anoof tbe tp* net Comogrus : alfo borne fcpng Cmogm , baptifeo bp tbe name cfCljar! es,gaue Vafchus pounoe mepgbt of thought gotoe. Of tlje goon fortune of Vafcbus , ano fjotoe be mas tumeo from Goliath ttflizeus, $ from Jnteus CO Hercules , miib U)ljat factittte tbe Spanfaroes ©an hereafter cbtapne great plentie of gotoe ano pearles* Of tbe %>panparoesconquedeS,ano fiercenefle of tlje CanU hies : alfo an erbojtauon to Cbjidtan ponces to fet fojmaroe Cbj ides religion. 1 he contentes of the fourth hookf .Fol. no. » 'T5pe fourth biage of Colonus tbe 3omiral from &papne to- ^JMfptniold, ano to tbe otbcr 31!anoes ano coaffes of tbe feme lattoe: alfo oftbeflojpfljpng 3!Ianoc Guana fa * Of tbe feuen fcpnoes of Date trees, mploc bines, ano 89tro* balanes : alfo of bpjoes ano foules* Of people of gooolp dature mbicljcbfe to papnt tljep? boopes, ano of the fropftecourfe of tlje fea from tlje ead to tlje rued: aifa offretbetuatenntbefea, • Of tlje large regions of Tar ia, Os Draconis^ ano Quiriquetana, ano of great peoples ano reeoes : alfo of the foure frtiitefuU 3!* lanos calieO Qnatuoy Tcm^ora, anO .rtt. 3!lanOS callcO Limmares* Of fmc ete fmtoures ano holfonte apje, ano of the region Qui~ (Uri f ano the batten c ami oj MM alarms : alfo of certapnc ciutl people. Of trees grotupng m tlje fea after a dratmge fojt, anoof a Iframtge hpnocof Sgtonfcpes, mljicije inuaoe men, ano fepgbC mtth feploe Bojes* : • Of tbe great gulfe of CMaro replenttfjeo mitb ntanp ffmte* fitlfaiahtes, ano oftbe people mijtcbe meare cbepnes of goloe maoe of or.cljes , rn^ugbf to tbe dmtltutoe of op*aers mploe beades ano fettles. - ''T&ffpt# bis. (ages tub jfe mbabttattmes geuefbem fcluesone* %toge«iietfbj;W gotoe 3 ano ate p^nteoybfpng to mean? ' ' garlanoest The confutes of the boolccs farianoes of Lions ano ®pgers dames i alfo of fetten mewl in al the mbtcb is founOe great plentie of goloe, anomberetbe plentie ofgoloceaffctb. £>f certapne people tobtche papnt tbepj boopes, ano tom ftep?p?twe members! UJi'cb (belles, Ijaupng alfo plates of golo bangpng at tbep? nofetb?plles» ©I'ccrtapne UKJo^mesi, mljicje bepng engentyeo uube Teas neere about the €nu>noctia r ,eate boles in the (bpppes ? ano borne ibe ^omtrals (bpppes mere oeftropeo bp them* f&omccbeking ofBfwg#* emmapneo tbe Ltcuetenaunf,anB oftbe great plcmie ofgoloetntberpuerof'Dwr^, ano tnaltbe regions tbere about, aifo inrootesoftrees ano (tones, ano in manertnalrpuers. fpcmc tl>e lieuetenaunt ano bis! companp mouloe baue tree* teo a colonie befpoe the rpuer of Beragua, $ mas repulfeo bp tbin* (jabltauntes. 5)oUjc the SfomiralfeLtmo tbebanoes oftbe barbarians of tbe 3ilan0 of LamaicaMwtz be liuco miferablp tbefpace of tenne monetbes, ano bp mbat ebaunee be mas faueo ano came to tbe 3llanOeof Bifpaniola* £)fbolfome regions, temperate apje, ano continual fp?png al tbe mimic peece: alfo of certapne people mljicb honour goloe teItgiouflp,ourpng tbepj goloen baruelt. fiDf tbemountapnes of Ber^Aepngfpfttemplcs in length, anobt'gbtnbembe clouoes:aifo tbe otfcription of other motm* tapnes ano regions thereabout, comparpngtbefameto 3ltalp* Cvlonus\)i% opinion as tottebpng the fuppofeo continent ano iopnpng of tbe no?tb ano foutb®cean ; alfo of the tyeaotlj oftbe fepoe continentoj firme lanoe. iDftbe regions of Praha $ Zeragua, ano tbe great rptter Ma~ Yagnonus,dg\0 t\)C rptter of flabaiba oj Santft I oh amis : alfo of CCt* tapne marpftjes anooefolate mapes, ano of Dragons ano Cro- cooiles engenojeo in tljjc fame. fiDf.pp* goloen rpuers about (Darien*, ano of certapne pjeci* cats Hones, efpcctallp a Diamonoe of marueplous bpggneffe bougbtintbe pjouince of!P4r/4* £)ftbeberoicaIfactes of the g>panpatoes, ano borne they oontemne effeminate pleafures ; alto a GmtUtuoe pjoutng greae In the thyrd Deca cfe« pfenttc ofgotoeano pjecioug doited The content es of the fi ft bookf, fol.llQ. nautgationof Petrus Arias fro U1 fepapne tO Hifpdniold 1 anO Dariena, anO of tbe 31(anDCS3 OfC4»4r;r:aIfo oftf;e JlanDfc Of Madanino, Guadalupe a Aifls Galanta. ©f tbe fea of bearbe 0 3 fr mountapnea couereo Doitb fttoto : alfo of tfjefujpft courfc of tbe fea coujartus tbe fluted. ©f t(je rpucr Gaira, tbe region Caramarri, anD tfje pojC Cartba* go, anti SantU Martha : alfo of Jtnericus Vefputius , anD 1)10 C]C- pert cunnpng tntbe fuiomieoge of tfje caroe, compalfe, ano qua- ojant. $om tbe Cambalegi aflfapleo Petrus Arias toitbbfa toljole muie 3 ano fljot of tljepjbenomou*! arromeseuenin tlje fea, alfo of tbep? boufes ano boufboloe ftuffe. fpoUi Gorfalus Ouiedus fountie a Soapbire bpgger then a goofe t gge i alfo ©merooe#, ©alcioonie*, Jafyer*, ano amber of tlje mountapncjs. ©fOjootna(ofB?afpletree^ plentie ofgolo, ano mareba* Heed of metalsjfounoein tbe regions of Car amain, Gaira, ano Saturma : alfo of a flraunge kpnoe of marebaunoiejai epercifeo a- mong tbeyeople of Zum . 3Lba t tbe region of Garamahi ijs Ipke to an cartbp paraoife 3 $ of tbe fruitful! mountapneo ano pleafaunt garoend of tbe fame. ©f manp gocolp countreid maoe Defolate bp tbe HerrenefTe of tbeCambales^noofowero kpnoesof bjeao maoe of rootea: alfoof tbe manerof plantpng tl)txoo:cofIucca, Uibofe tutfe td> oeaolp popfon fn tbe jlanoeg, ano mitbout burc in tbe continent ojfpjme lance. ©f certapne goloen rpuerg, Hparted> toploe Boojeo, fotSeg, gotTampine,mbpte marble, ano bolfomeapje :alfooftl;egreae xym Maragnonus, oifcenoing from tbe mouncapneg couerco Jtot'tb fnome>calleO Serra,Keuatj» il)on3 Perns Arias tnadeo certaine 31tantJd cf tbe ©anibafesf,^ Soto bp tbe ftopfe courfc of tbe fea 3 bis (bppg mere carico in one otgbtfburtte leagues; beponoe tbedimation of tbe belt piloted T be content es of tbe fixt boo\e. FoL ] 24 . fYjfftmojp opinions mljptbe fea runnnctbmttbfoftnpfta courfe torn tbe Cad to tbe CCted, ano of tbe great gulfe of tyt* i8i TFie contentes oftfie boolces t%z $0$ part of tbe fpjme Janie, Plage of SebafUan c abotSmx CnglanO to tlje frofen tea, ano borne bepng repulfeo ttritljjfe in the monetb of 3 !ulp,be fap* leo farre ^edtoaroe* ©f people appareffeo bmb beades fiunnes, ano fjoUi Bearer tabe fpfbes in tlje fea,ano eatetbem. fyQtoSebajlian Cabot, after tbat be ban oifcouerco tbelanDe Of: baccallaos oj Baccaikarum, U^SCi'fcO CUtOt CnglaittCttttO &>papne,mbere be mas tmoeoneoftbe alTt^aanceoftberetm* feple oftbe affjpjes of 3 !nota, ano ofijJs feeouo biage. 0ftbe l 31lait0:Fo^,an0bo'a):agreat foul? as br-ggrasa fetojke Ipgljteo in tlje gouernours feap alio home ijt arrpuco at Qariwa uiitb tlje fringes nauie. fpotue Vafchus reeepuco cue neto g0uerncar,anO of babtfa* We regions bnoer tbe Cquinocttall. CpoU) Petrus Arias tlje neb) gouernour oidrdmteo bis armte to conqaere tbe &outb regions rpcbe in golae, ano to erect nem colonies in tlje fame* SDfclje rpcbe goloempnes of Mail a, ano of tbe eppeotcion agapnfftljekpngof tljat region* r £Df tlje btolent courfe of tlje fea from tbe Call to tbe llpometbinljabttaumes of HifpanioU in tbep? fontjttc^ ano rljpmes Ijao cercapne pjopbefies tl;ac apparclleomen fljouloe xome to tljepi countrcp, ano bjpng tljem tmo ferttttuoe, ano of tbepj famtliaritie mitlj fpirites : alfo borne tbofe fptrites baue no rnoje appenreo to them ftnee tbcp mere baptifeo. 2Dftl;cp^eicpertencfretnfu)pmmpng: 5 ano of tljepj oelicate g>erpentes 3 bpjoes 3 fouled ano popingiaps* £)ftbefcurme ano (t ‘nation oWifpamolanmtt\)t €;qumocti* all, ano borne coloe is in feme place thereof acetoentall, ano not bp the fituatton of the region. ©ftlje ©ren ano g>mpne ofcjcceeopngbpgneiTe,ano of cares ofmljeat as bpgge as a mans arme in tlje tyamne: alfo borne tlje g>mpne arefeDoe mitb ^irobaianes .$c. ©fplcntt'e of goloe, 35jafple 3 $pafttjc 5 6offamppne 3 Elec~ mum# of tbtncom moot ties of intemperate regions. ©foptters languages ttt tlje Jlanoc 3 ano borne tbepmuinces are oitneco into regions. Upolnc Andreas Moralhfapl&into aoattngerous ano oarbt caue mttbin tlje rccke of a ntountapne 3 ano of, mijole rptters oc* uoureooffudje cauestalfooftljc conflpct of tlje maters. ©fa Ifanopng poole in tlje toppe of an bpgb mountapne: fljomfearneano bjamblebutljes gromeonelpin coloe regions TbeContentes of the .Viri. boo}{e >Fol. Qjfa great lake oj (fanopngpoole offou^e ano falte matcr 5 ano oftlje fea fpfljes in tlje fame in the mpo lanoc oftlje 31 s toe ; alfo of oeuourpng fpdjes called TilmroiK The eontetites dfthe toofccs ©f the rpuerg fallpng into the Iafecja? 3 and of.CC. fp$ftge# in the fpace of a furlong. &marueplou0 bpffo#e of a hpng ftrpken dtimbe and lame dp a mpjacle,ano of the 3Indian language. ©omefitche a0 are tyomneo in the lake, are neuer raff dp agapne, and of the 3Jlande Guarizacca in tlje mpooeff of a ffand* png lafte: alfo of a lake of (reihe mater, and an other of falte and frelbe boater* ffif a large plapne of tmo handed mple# in length, and an a* t&er of an hundred and tmentie. ©f the maruetlous fplbe 0 } monffer of the fea 5 caHeo A fanati, o? MatumAmt imth mans banded, and home the carpetb men suer the lade. ©fthemountapne0,dale£i, bpfled, plapned, and rpuerg of Bifpaniola , and home goloe t0 founde in all mouitcapnes,and goloe and fy(be in all rpuer& © f falte dapejs, and hoboe the rpuers bauc tbep? t'ncreafe from tljecauesofche mountapneg : alfo home there & no burtefull heaffinthejlande* ©fthe plealta of Hi/pamoU, and of the region of Cot obi mel inhabited, f Otuateinaplameintbetoppe0 of motmtapneg reachpngtotbe clouded. ©fmoderace colde in the moumapne#, and of feame of mar* ueplou0bpgnc(Te. ipome pure and maffiegolde i0 founde in the region of Cotoy 0} Cotobi, and that the batne of gold a Ipupng tree : alfn of the roote0,b?anche0, and floureoof the fame, and home certapnc caue0arefuffepnedmtth ppllerg ofgolde* (Kftbat gold t0 brought pcerelp from BifpanwL into pame, and of the falte of the mountaine0, being a0 hard a0ffones,ano rlearea0crpffall:alfofp?pnge0 offalte,frdhe,^fomiemater, ©f certapnc mplde men, Iputng in catte* and derate# mitheut anp certatnelanguage,and of their maruep!ott0 fmifme# a foote* ©fpptcheoftherocbe,andtmo dpndcsof treed, and of the leafe of a creebfed in the ffecoe of paper: alfo home tlnnhabitanttf tbpnde that the ©tyt ffian# can made tljcfe leaue0 fpcade and dif* clo r e all fecrece#* ©fa ffrong rolouremade of the itiice of a certapnc apple. In the thyrd Decade. m oft&e bearbe tobofe ftttoke in popfoti . contents of the nientbbooke.Fol. 142 . Q the fetnnegf offruitcss mberetmth the tnbabttattnfeS of Hif* ^ paniolatymfytf, anobouuljep came to tbefenotoleogeof law alfo horn Ceres fpjft faunae Wbmz ano l^arlep in 1S4 Cgppt. .j SOljp tbepj fcpnges are cafleo bp ornery name*, ano bptohat names tbep falute the kpnges cljplojen tuljen tbep are bojne. Cpotu tljep make tbep? tetfamentes, ano boto certapneoftfje fcpnges mpues ano concubines are burieo faith them, 5Dfcbc Variable motions of the elementes in Hifpaniola, anb fabrre it rapnetlj but licle, anofaljere muche* ©ftbe colonies ano Pillages tbattbe ^pamaroes baue bail- ucd tn Hifpmola, anu oftlje other Jlanoes about tbefame. C)fa fp?png, faljicbcrtmnpng Pnoer tbefea from Hifpmola, b?eaketbfoo?tbinrfje31lanD of Arethufa : alfo oftlje habitable regions Pnoer the equinoctial!, anoof therpchegoloe mpneS oftlje 3ilanoe of Cuba * £>ftbe eumme calico Jnima Album , anoof the c umiaks, alfo faljerbp tc faas thought that there mere 3!lanoes of faomcn. £>fbonpfounoe in trees ano rockes,ano oftlje generation of great eojtopfcs, ano oftljcp? eggcs. “ % A . t , • * r - The content es of the tenth bootee, Tot, 14 6 - (f\f tljeerpeoitionagapnlf the kpng of the Jllanoe owbfea,ano bofae after faureconfltctes, fubmitting bpm felfe,he gaue our men an ljunojeo $ ten pounoe faepgljt of grcatpearles:alfo bofae he agteeo to pape peerelpa ljuno?e& pounoe faepgljt ofpearles fa? a tribute. l&ofae ares ano batcljettes are mo?e effeemeo then goloc,o;t pearles, ano of great plemie of farces ano CunnieSialfo Ijofae the kpng of vites ano his familie mere baptifeo. ©fpeatles of great p?pfe, ano Ijofae fault the 35i!hop of ftome bought a pcarle fo? foure ano fo?tie thoufano oucaoes* Dtuers opinions oftlje generation of pearles, ano of a bum &?eo pearles founoe in one (he! fpfae: alfo of the birch of pearles. SDftlje regions oftlje Calf fpoe oftlje gulfe of fraba, anoof the ojiginali of the Cmbaks* ©f The eontentes of the hookes Of cereapttc cfrcumctfeo people uiljicb batte tbe faiomek&ge of letters m bfe of bookes, ano tu^ae cbatmceo of tbe capcapncs mljtcb Tetrusjm jfeitc foojtb Hitters tuapes : alfobomeM» Solifm urns fiapne of tbe Cantbales, anu oftbep? ftercencffe* Upotoe lobn Tontiusm# repulfeoof tbe Cantbales, ano of dje IctDDc bebatu'our of lobn Am a. Of tbe bariabie fortune of Gonfalus 'Badmcius , anuboUte af- ter be ban geatbereo great rpcbes of goto, be ban tbe ouertb?oU), ano toasfpopleb ofall* Of tbe gotoett region of Coiha ®ites> m bom tbepj flawed are piarkco tn tbe face* Of tbe Cannes of tbe feotubfea, anoof tbe regions from lobence tbe jaojcingales fetebe tbcp? fppees* Of a Ifraunge bpnoe offotolpng, ano oftbe treegt tbatbeare ©ouroe& Of tbe later opinions as touching tbe fnnft courfe of tbe Occ* an cotoarbetbe 2£teff, ano of tbe continent oj fpjme lanoe : aifo oftbe biage from tbe neboe lanoes to &papne. Of tlje goloe mpnes of ®ariena> ano of tbe maner of geatbe* tpngofgotoetntbe fame : alfo of tl;e D^oyfceof couetoufneife lubicb is not fatiffieomitb rpcbes* Jfo^ tbe eontentes oftbe booke oftbe 3!lanbesof tl;e 31nDiesfeas,reaoetbemargenc notes oftbe fame. ^ Gon^alus Ferdinandus Quiedus. of the weft Indies* R* E* To the Reader* Lchough among dyuers which haue written of the Ocean and Welt Indies^ there is none to be compa- red to Peter Martyr of An- gler^ in dcclaryng by phi- 'lofophicall difeourfes the ilfecrete caufcs of naturall affedes , both as touchyng the lande* the fea,the ftarres, and other ftraunge workes of na- ture:yct forafmuch as of later dayes thofe coun- treys haue been better knowne and fearched, and dyuers fuch particuler and notable thinges founders arc conteyncd in the hiftories of later writers,among the number of whom, Conzalus Ferdinandus Ouiedus (whom learned Carda- nus comparcth to the ancient writers) is doubt- lefTe the chicfe, I haue therefore thought good to ioyne to the Decades of Peter Martyr, cer- tayne notable thinges which I haue geathered outofhisbooke, intituled the Summarie or a- bridgement of hisgenerallhyftoric of the weft Indies, written in the firme lande of the fame 3 in thecitieof Sanda Maria Antiqua in Dariena (wherehe dwelt &wasgouernormany yeeres) and dedicated toThemperoursmaieftie,as may appears by the Epiftlefolowyng, Bb*i* To Gon* Fcr. Ou'icd* To the mofl hygh and myghtie prince Ctarles,the fyft of that ncime>Emperor of(^owe,Kyri£ of Spainc,& o{ the two Cicilies,of both the fydes of the ftreyght of Faro, Kyngof JJicYufakm and Bungarie , Duke of Durgonie, and Earle of F launders. Lord and inheritour of the firmt lande and Ilandes of the V Vefi Ocean. 8cc t Gon* Zulus Ferdinandus Ouiedus, his mofl: humble feruaunt»wysheth health and pcrpetu-* all fclicitie. tlnnged Web pjfactpallp p?e* ^ . feruc atm mapntapne tbe Uso^hcjg of .nature tn the memories of men, are 'bpdojtcd aim booker compofeo of tbe fame : among tbe mbtebe eerier i bofe are edeemeo molt true aim au* j;tentpke,tobicbbaue been Umpteen bp 'tnpttteanD expert men, toed trauep* [feD m tbe Utojlo, as fapcbfull imnef* fed of fuel) tbtnges as tbep baue partlp feene,ano been partlp tn* fopneo bp credible perfend * ©f tbisnipnoeanb opinion toad $>:tme,tobo better tben anp other auetboj bath bitten in.^uth booked alt that partepnetb to the naturafl&tdojte, contcpneo all in one bolume,&e&tcateo to Vefpafian ^Lljemperour : OTberin,ad a p?uuentbtifOH'ograpber,be Declaretfj fttcb tbmged as bee ban bearo^ftttbutntg the fecono autbojttte to fuclj as be ban rebbe in attccbcurd that tojotc before 0tm:3n& tbp?blp topneb to tbe feme bptfo?ie,fc!Cij tbmged as be btm fdfe ban fccne,as mod ccrtapne te(ftmome.®bofe example 31 fofotopng,toiUtn tbt'd mp fyeefe fummarte, rcouce ana repjefent to pour matedted memo^te fuel; tbtngedasSbaitefeenetnpourCmpp^eof tbe mceb)l)ofe Dead; alfo 3! (;aue Ipketopfe ferueo, aim ttud His Epiflle to the Emperoun lHd tvuSJ toTjplc the tt ft of mp Ipfe pet remapneth, to feme peur nm* ieftte, <10 (ball pleafe pou to commaunoe . 30 teuebpng Uiljtclje tbtnges 3 ano fuebe other lpke 3 3 baue mo?e largelp Upitten in ait bpftope begun alToone a0 mp age loa0 rppe to take fuefe matters in banoc : ^herein furthermore 31 bauemaoe mention of fuebe tfotngeg a0 bane cbanncco in g>papne 3 from tlje pecte.1494. bit* to tl;ts tpme : aoopng alfo there onto fuebe tfjtnges tuoo^tbp me* mo^'e,as 3! bane obferueo in other realmco ano pjeutnees inhere 31 bane trauapleo, ano baue ipbetupfe patticulerlp to^pttrn tbe Ipue0 ano tuojtbp acte0 of the catljolpke Winces of famous me* mtme DonFerdinando, ano laop €li?abetb bis Inpfe, to tljepj laftoapcs ♦ 3 fter tobofe fruition of beauenlplparaopfe 3 31 baue noteo Curb tljmges as bane chaunceo in pour moll fortunate fuo cefllott : not omittpng patticulerlp to to^ptea large boobe of fttebe t!jtnge0 as Ijaue ieemeo meft tooojtljp to bee nore0 3 as tom djpng pour maiefties 3 noie 0 ♦ ^utfojafmucbastljatnolume remapnetb in the citieof San&omimco, intbe 3lanoeof Hif- pdnioUMjztz 31 Oloell, ano am placet) tnhoufboloe 3 luub lnpfe, cbpIojen 3 ano famplie, 3 bane brought no mo?e nmlj me of that mpU)?ttpng 3 tben 31 bcarein memo?ie 3 octetmpnpng(notUritb* ftanOpng)foj pour maiefties recreation, to matte a bjsecfe rebear* fall of certapne notable tl)inges 3 toberof 3 bane mo?e largelp en* treateo in mp fapo general! bifto?te 3 ano fucb a0 map feeme moft looo^bp to bcreooe of pour maieftie : SDftbe toljicb 3 alfbougb a great parte ijaue been bitten bp otber 3 U)bo baue alfo feene tfjc fame, pet perbappes tljep are notfo epactlp ano particulerlp oe* fcribeo as ofntee, fojafmuche as in matter all that trattaple into tbefe 3noies bane greater refpect to iuker ano gapnes, tljen oili* gentlp to fearcb tbe inodes of n bis prince oj countrep, ad is manifeif to tlje teboleteojlae.^natofaptbetrtietbj tljts (ball aoubtlelfe bee fo commodious! and pjofptable unto tlje robots realme of g>papne, tljat 31 repute Ijini no good Caiftltano? g>panparde that aoetb not recogmfe tbe fame * 3na (as 31 baue fapde be* fojc) fO'afmucljeas tnmpfap&egeneraiUjiffojieSI baue moje largdp mereatcd of tljefe tljinges, 3! intense at this pjcfent on* Ip fytcfelp to refjearfc certapne efpectall tbtnges, tlje teljtclje fu.rclp are bcrp fetus hi refpecte of the tljoufanoes tljat ntpgljt be fapdemtbtsbeljalfe . jfp$ therefore 31 teiil fpeakc fometoljat oftljc nauigation into tljefe parties, tljen of tlje generation of tlje nations tolji'cl) are foundemtlje fame, teubtljepjrptes 3 cu* Ironies, and ceremonies : alfo of brakes, fouIeS,bp?des,tecoj* mes, fpibes,fcas, rpuers 5 fp?pnges, trees, plantes, bearbes, and dpuers otljer tljingcs, teljtcljeare engendered botljon tlje lande and in tlje tester . 3no fcpfmttche as 31 am one of tljojder andcGmpanp oftljem tljat arc appopntea to returns into tljefe regions to feme pour maiedie, iftljercfcje tlje tljingcs comep* tied in tljts books (ball not be dtHinete in fuclje order as 3! p^omi* fed to perfourme in mp greater teoojke, 31 define pour maieftie to Ijaue no refpect Ijerclmto, but ratljer tsconilatr the noueltie of fttcb draunge tljingcs as 3! Ijatie herein declared, teljicljeis tlje cljtefc ende tljat moued mee to tejptc : ]0 jotedpng, tljat in tljts gummaric 31 baue tejitten tlje truerlj of fuclje tljingcs as came to mp rctncmbjaunce, tefjereofnot onclp31mpfeifc can teflifie, but alfo dpuers otljer teo?tbp and credible men, teljiclj Ijaue been in tljefe regions, and are note pjefent in pour matedtes courte* $na thus tc (ball fuffpfe to bane fapde rljus mucb Onto pour ma* ieaie.in maner of a pjoljcme bnto this pjefent teojke, teljiclje 31 mol! 1 } umblp aefp?e pour ntateftie as tbanfefitflp to accepc,as 31 Ijaue te^itten it faptljfullp* Of Of the weft Indies.' Oftlie ordinal muigation from Spnync to the welt Indies. ip Jsp|§ WXrmS. Slip Mr Si®® hm{ TTf'll'U , Ml#! v mane from &papne totl;etoefl/w* dia,i$ from Smile, tuljcrc pour maie* die baue pour fjcttfe of contraction fojtbofc parcel, toitljalfopouroffp* cers thereunto partepnpng,ofU3ljom tbecaptapneg take tbep? paffcpojttc annlpcence. ^be patroness of fuefee iljtppegiajgare appopnten to tbefe oi* tier Cuadalcbiber entretb into the £Dcean fea,anD from hence tbep foloto their courfetouiarn the Jlanogs ofCanarie* £)f tbefe feuen 31lanne^thep commonlp touche tnoo, that ft, epthec GrancanarU t) Gomcra : ano here rhe tbpppeg are ftirnplheo uritb ffelhe tua* ter,fuell 3 cbcefe,beefe,anD fuche other tbinge&tobtcb map feeme requidtetoheeanneDto fuche as tbep b?png tuith thetn out of fepapne . if com &>papne to tbefe Slanoesf, ft common!? epgbt bapeg fepling, o?ltttlcmo?e o? lefle, ano tohen tbep are arrpueo there, tbep bauefapIenttoohun^eD ano fpfeie league^ tobiche make a tboufenompless, accomntt nn: foure mpf eg to a jeaomag to their maner to recken bp fea.D enartino: from tbeSpbjWano* to foloui their courfe,cbe fbpppeg tarp.ppu.nape^ o? a Iitle mo?e t$ lefle, before tbep fee the fpjftlanueoftbe3!lant>ea that !pe be* fojetbat Uihiche tbep call La spagmola o? Hifpaniola, anotbe lanbc that ft commonlp fp?d feene,t 0 one of tbefe 3I!anoejs uibicb the? Cal! Ogni fanttt Marital ant tty Galanta)La7)eJfeadaty\)CT * lnife calico Deftderata) Matanino, eptber oft&em that ijaueflotoepaHage, o;of them that arrpuc in berpfijojt tpmes fo; toe ought to confpoer tbac tobicb cbauncctl; moil commonlp* t£be returnefrem tbofe parte s to ^papne, is not fpniibeo toitlj* out tongetlpme 3 as in tbe (pace of6ftieoapes a o; kittle mo;e 0; !e(Te ♦ jfteuercbeleflfe in this p;efent.peere of* 1525* tbere came foureibpppegfrotmbe 31 fanoeof SantDommico, tofainct Luca in £>papne 3 m.jcrb oapes : But (as 31 baue fapoe) toe ought not to iuoge of that tobicb cbauncetb feloome, but of that tobicb i;ap> penetbmoao;m'nariip*^:bisnautgattontsDerpfafe 3 ano mu# bfeo 3 euenbnto tbe fapoe 31 lano. $no from tbiS to tbefirmelanO., rbelbpppes trauerfeotuerstoapesfb; the fpace of fpuc 3 fire, 0; feuenoapes faplpng, 0; mo;e, acco?opng to tbe partes 0; coafr es tobttber tbep otrecte tbep; btages 3 fojafmucb as tbe fapoe fp;me ianoe is berp great ano large, ano rnaup namgattens ano btages are oirecteo to opuers partes of tbe fame : get to tlje brmc lano, tobicb is nearefrtotbis 3 Ianoe 3 anolpetijotrectlpagapnll Sm tDominico 3 tln paifage ts ftniibeo in tbe tpme afo;efapoe ♦ But tt ftalbemucb better to remit ail tbto to tbecaroeoftbefe naufga* ttons 3 anotbe netoCofmograpbte, oftbetobiclje no parte toajS totone to poiome, 0; anp otber of the oloe tojpters. OFthe weft Inie0,tbcre commctbto mp re^ membiaunce tUjo tbinges chieflp to be no* teD as touebpng ^bernpire of tbefe G Gleft ;3!nDics,pertaimng to the Dominion of pour maiettte : ano tbefe, befpDe tbe other pertu 'eulars tobereof 31 baue fuffictentlp fpohen, are to be confiDcreo as tbinges of great tmpojtmmce.&ft hereof, tljeoneis the ibojtneflfe of tbe map,$ mttb mbat eppeDttion pout maiefftes (Ijppped mappaflebeponsetbemapne firmclanDc of tbefe 3InDtes,tnto tbe nem&nutlj fca 5 calleo M are del Sur, iptug beponDtbefame^tbtstotbintemto come to tbe 3iIanocst U)i;erc tbe fpices grom,befioe tbe other innumerable rpebeffe of p king* Domes $ fetgmojics tobicb confine mitb tbe faio fea 3 U)bere are fo manp people $ nations ofopuers tongues $maners. 'Cbe otbec thing, is to confiocr borne innumerable treafures are entreo into jkpapnc bp tbefe 31nDtes,afU)ell tljat mbtcb commetb oaplp from tbence,as alfo that is continual'? to be lookcD fo?, botb of golo $ pearler otbermarebaunotes, tobicb are firfi brought into tbi* pour reafme of &>papne before tbep are feme of other nations, oj traoeo into other realme&^bercbp not onelp ttys pour realms is great!? inricbeD,but alfo tbe benefice tbereofreoounoetb to tlje great pjofiteofotljercoumrepstobid) are tieare tberebnto^te* ftimonte of tbts,ate tbe D ouble Ducaoeg te bteb pout maiefite baue caufeotobcecopneD, ano are DtfpeatfeD throughout tbe tobolc too?loe* But after tbepare oncepaficDoutof this pout realme, tbcp neuer returne againe, becaufe tbep are cb ebeft currant mo* nep of tbe U)o?lDe . 3nD therefore, If after tbep baue been in the banDes of ifraungers, tbep cbaunce to bee retumeo agapne into &papne,tbcp come mfgutfcD in an other babite, auD are Dtmint* fben of tbe gooDnefle of tbep? goloe, mitb tbe ffampe of pour matelfie cbaungeD : &o that if it mere not fo? tbep? fuebe De* faepngea in other realmes fo? tbe caufeafo?dapDe, there fl>oulo not bee fottnDe fo great quamitie of fpne goloe of tbe copne i; Bb.iim of Gon. Ter . Ouieef. of rntp pjface m tfj e toojto ag of pour matedieg x atxD A) t cauft or all this, arcpour3lnDie& Of the mynesof golde^md the ma- ner ofworkynginthem* 4>fe pantculer of the mpneg of goto, fc a thing greaelp to bee not cd, anD 31 map mud; better fpeake hereof tl;e anp other man, fojafmud; ag there are notoe, pit. pee res pall Once 31 ferueD in the place of the funieter of p melting (hops partep* ning to the golompnes ofpftnmlano, ano mag the gouemour of the mpneg of the Catboltfce bpng Von Ferdinando, after mhofe Departure from this Ipfe, 31 ferueb long in the fame roome in the name ofpour maiedie : 'Bp reafon mberof,3l haue bao great occadon to fenom bom golo i$ founo ano Drought out of the mpnes,anDDoe bnom rpgfjt mefl p this lano is erceeDing rpch,hauing bp mp accompt, and bp the labour of mp 3lnoiang $ 0aueg 5 geatbereD anD fpneD a great portion of the fame, $ map tberfbje the better affpjtme this bp te(limonp oflight,Jfo? 31 am mellaflureD, that in no part of Caftilia del oro, that ig,gOlD?n Cadtle (otberlntfe called Feragud) no man coutoe affte mee of the mpnes of goloe, hut that 31 Durd hauebmmDempfelfetohaueDtfcouereDtheminthefpace of ten leagues ofthecottmrepmhere it fljoulo haue been uematmDeD me,ano die fame to be berp rpeh t fo? 31 mas alomeo all maner of charges to make fearch fox the fame*3nD although golo be founD in maner euerpmljeremthefe regions of goloen Cadtle, pec ought me not tn etterp place to bedom the trauel $ charge to geac it out, becaufe ft is oflefie quantitte ano gooonefife in fome place then in fome, 9no the mpne o? bepne mhich ought to be folomeo, ought to be in a pla ee mhtcb map llanD to faue much of § charges of the labourers, ano fo;theaDminiflration of other necefiarp thinges,that the charges map be recompenceo mtth gapnes : fo$ there is no Doubt but that ctolD thalbe fo u nD moxe ox lefle in e uern Jtoe.3nD the goloe mljiche is foimoe iu goloen Cadtle, is berp stoop s of.rrii.caractes o? better tn fpneffe df urtbermoje, befpoe great quamttte of golD,mhtch 31 haue fapD to be founo in the mpnes, Olthbweft Indies* ' ] titpites, there atfo from Bap to oap fotMD,o]i otfjettopfe gotten, great treafure of fucb tojougbt goto as batb ben to p cuttooie of tbe fubbueo 3 InBians 9 tbep? kpnges, aftocl of fuel; a* tbep baue geuen fo? tbep? fpne ano raunfome, 0; otbertopfe,as frenoes to tbe Civilians, befpoc tl;at toljicbe Ijatlj ben biolentlp taken from tbe rebelles : but tbe oreatelt parte of tbe tmonobt ffoto e lubtebt tbe 3 lnoians baue , i t bale, ano bo toetb fometobat o f topper j oTtfjfe tbcp make b?aflettes ano ebapnes, ano to tbe limte tbep riofe tbcp? tetoelstobicbe tbep? toomen are accullo* sneo to toeare# etteemeo mo?e then al foe ricbelfc of tbe too?loe. ©be maner botoe gofte is geafocreo, fefoto, eptbet offuebeast to founoe to 2 upitg in fucb places as bp certaine Ugnes ano tokens 00 appeare tofkiPfttlmcn apte foifoe generation of goloe, ano toboloe goloetanu uforn tbepbaiteputo tt,fl;ep folotoe toe mpne,ana labourtt, tobefoeritbemfocrpuer,o?totbcpIapne,as J baue topee . 3 no if it be founoe on tbe plapne , fp?ff tbcp make tbe place berp cleane tobere tbep cntettoc to opggf, tocn tbcp opgge epgl;to?tennefsotemIengfo, ano as rnttfoe in 0 ?eaofo t but tbepgoe no Beeper then a (pa-me 0? ttoo,o? mo?c , as ffca" feeme belt m foe ntatlier of tbe rnpne, opggpng cquailp, tben tbcp toalbe all tbe eartb toatebe tbep baue taken out of tbe fapoo, fp3ce, anOtf herein tbep fpnoe anp golcc, fop folotoe it, ano if not, t!;ep opgge a fpatme Beeper, ano-oralbc foe earth as tbep OpB before tans if tbimalfa tl;ep fpnoe notbpng, tbcp continue to oiggpttg ano toafbltog p eartb as bcf je,bntpl tbcp come to tbe baroerockeojftone: and if to fine toe? fpnoe no goloe tfjerc a . tbep folotoe no further to feeke goloe to that place, but gee ta anofoerpart » 3 nO it is to be birtetltcoBe, tljat toben foep baue founoe Gone FevOuicA fomtoetbempne, t^JalotDetctn^ggpng, fatbefame mea* furemleuellanooeaptb , bntpll tbcp Ijaue maoe an cm of all the mpne mbtebe that place contepnetbj if it appeare to be riche. t£bis mpne ought to confpff ofcertapne fecte o? pafes in length ojbjeaotbs acco?opng to certapne ojoera oetermineo,ano Intel)* In that compaffe ofeartbjtt is not lamefull fo? anp other to oigge fb? goloe : 3n0 mbere asenoetb the mpne of bpm that fp?Ce faunae the goloe, tmmeoiatlp it to lamfull fo? anp other man that lupfl, tenth a Caffe coafftgne bpm felfea place bp the fpoe oftlje fame,inctofqig it tenth Cafeeso? pales as l;ts nmne.^befe mines ofZaua na(ti) 2 it is/ucb as are fauns m the pjaines) ought euec to be foupt neare to fome rpuer ojbjoobe, o? i p?mg of mater.* o? ophe,o) Canopng poole,to tbense tfjac the goloe map be mafjieo, fo? the mbicb purpofe tbepbfethe labour of certapne Slnotans, as tbepoo other mopggpng of the mpne, Unomhen tljepbaue Opggeo out tbempne^tbepfpllcertapne trapes tenth that earth, toljtc&e other Jnoians baite the charge tmmeoiatlp to recepue attbepjbanoes, ano to carp tbofe trapes of earth to the mater, tetbere it map bee maibeo : get oo not tbep that b?png it, toalbe it , but oelpuer it to other, puttpng tt out of tbep? oume trapes into tbep?s,mbtcbe tbep baue reop in tbep? banoes to re* ccpuett* EbrfeU)afl;ersfo? the moC part are the 3Inotan mo* men, beraufe this moo?ke is of leffe patne ano traueple then anp other ♦ tEbefeteiomenmbentbep tetalbe, areaccuQomco to fpc bp the mater fpoe, tenth tbep? legges in the mater euen bp to the bnecs,c? leffe, as the place feruetb tbcp? purpofe : ano thus holo* png the trapes tenth earth in thep? banoes bp $ hanoles thereof, ano puttpng the fame into the mater, thep moue them rounoe about, after the matter offpftpng, tenth a certapne aptneffe, infucbefo?ce that there entreth no mo?e mater into the traps then fetueth thep? turne , ano tenth the felfe fame apte ntoupng ofthep?trapsmthemater , thepeuer auopoe the foule mater tenth the earth out of the one fpoe of the beffdl , ano recepue in cleane mater on the other fpoe thereof, fo that bp this meanes bp Ittleanolttie, the mater malbeth the earth as the Ipghter fubltaunce of the traps , ano the goloe as the heauper mat* ter reffetb in the hottonte of the fame , hepng rounoe ano holome in the mpDOefflpbebmo a barbars bafen; 9 no mhen Of the weft Indies^ jqq a n the earth fa auopDeD, ami the goto geatbereD fogeatber fntbe bottome oftlje trap^tbep put ft a pact* ano returne to takemo?e earth, tobiche tbep toalbe contpnualfp tfa bfefo?e * 3 nD thus tbep that labour in tbfa tooo?ke, Dogeatber Daplp fuebe portion of goloe as (ball pleaft (Sod to graunt to fte ^atrones of tbefe 3 Itv* Dtan^ 3 anDfucbeotbtrasitrauap!emtbcfame . jfurtbermo?e it fa to be uoteo, that fo? euerp ttoo SlnDt'ans-that mafbe, ft 10 re* qutfite that ttoo other ferue them to b?png earth from the mpne, ano other m to b?eake tty fame final!, anD fpl tty p? trapes tber- tomb- glfo befpDetbefelabourer^jittoneceflarpetbattbercbe other people in the place inhere tbep Uioo?ke 9 red in tbe night : tbefe are fache as make tbep? b?eao, anD p?oaibe fo? btctuals, ano other neceflarics. &o that to eonclure, there are mal,fpue perfonsojDmartlie alTigneD to euerp trap of tuafyers ♦ fcbere to an other manner of too?kpng the mpnes, in rpuers 0? fyookes of runnpng maters : anD tbfais, that inauopDpng the boater of l;fa ccurfe, after that the beDDesof the rpuers arc D?pe anD btterlp emptieD, tbepfpnoe gotoe among the b?eacbes, dpftes , anD rpftes of dones, anD a mong: al l that is tn tbe bot*r tome oftbflbanellj ano inhere naturalip the rptter runneth of gveatedfojce : g>otbautcbauncetb fometpme, that bften the beDDe of the rpuer is gooD anDrpcbe,tbep fpnoe in it great quan- tise of goto , ^nD tberfo?e pour ^patedte ought to unDerdantt fo? a ge neral rul e, as it appeared in fact, that all gotoe ts engeu* D?eo m thetoppe sajiD bPgpT places of the m ountapnes^ anD in continuance of tptrn is bp Idle anD title fought Dottme to the bales anD plnpnes bp lbeto?es of rapne, ano the fades of fp?pngcs, rpuers, anDb?ookes, baupng tbep? original! in themotmtapnes, anD mfcenDing from tbe fame, notmttijfl&n- Dpngitis oftentpmes founDe in tlje plapnes farre from the mountannes ♦ But inljen tt cbauncetb to be fctmcem gtcai quantise, it rs fo? the mod part among the moumnpnes,anD in the rpuers , 0? tbep? b?atmdje*, mo?e then in anp other part nftbepfapae : anD intbefcttnomanersic is commolp founDe modabunoantfp* $nD fo? the Letter p?oofe tijat golDe is engen* D?eDonbpgb, anD is b?ougbt Dotone into tbe tome places, 31 latte one great token tbeftf, mbidjc cdt«fet% me to belceue it fb? artapne v wityttf-tg) to confpoer tbatcoleftiKuer jutriftew^ “ ~ ~ “* COJV«p<; Gon. Fcr. OuicA cojruptbnoer tf;e grounoe 3 tftbep be maoe of (frctig too mi l miwb? ft cbaunccd;, that opggpng tbe eartb bp the fouler o$ tnoenteo placets of the mouitcapnes, o; on (be fpoes* $ tyeakpng a rnpne in tl;e eartb tobere it l;ao been broken befo;e,ano bauing notoe opggco one oj tiro o? tb;ee jpolesin mealurc.Uje tnp« ners faunae certapiie coles of toaoo bnoertbe fame lend tobere tbepfoumiegoloe , ano tbis3Ifapin tbe card; tobicbe toas taken fo^ a £J:rgtn 3 that is to f tpe ; fuel; as l;aO not before been openeo fa; anp mpne ; (be tobicbe coles coulee not uattirallp be engeno;eo there, o; enter in bp anp meaner bwc toben tfjefuper* feiall part oftlje earth toas equal toitb tbdeuel inhere the coles toe re fcttnoe 3 tt to like tl;at (be coles tocrc left tbere bp feme occa* ftonoffp;e 3 ano that tbepfafteneo there tncpme, ano that after* toaroe in long continuance of cpme,tl;eptoerc bplftleanoiitle coucrco toftl; tbe eartbj 1 ubftbe the often (betojes of rapne toaG;* co from the mountapnes 3 fotl;at bp tbe courfe of peeresebe earth ouergretoe the coles Onto tbe fapo leueil^ mealiire 3 tobiclj bao before tpme been tbe fttperfitial part of tbe eartb, inhere tbe coles ano goloe lucre fount) together : mljcrebp ft map appeare 2rtbat d;e goloe toas no mo;e engenojeo there then inere tbe coleSj butb;ougl;ctbptbcr fromtbe tnouniapnesbptbefailes ofma* ters as toe f;aue fapo, fma fmucfa a s tbe mountapnesare tbe S0a* trices anb boto els of alfrpcbe metals » Jf unber ano befpoe fats* 31 fap tbatmbotoe muebe mo;e tl;e plods gone farre frennbe a natural! place of bis generation to tbe place tobere it is founoe, s ft is fo much the mo;e purifico ano fin eo^anoofa better caracf« ano the nearer that it is founoe to bts proper mpne o; bepne tobereitis engeno;eo 3 itis lb mud; tbe bafer 3 fcttler 3 anomo;e cruoc 3 anoofa bafer alap anocaracf, ano ootl; toad fomuebe the mo;e in meltpng, ano remapnetbmojc tytckle ♦ &ome* tpmes tbere are founoe graines of goloc of greac.quantuie 3 ano of great toepgbt aboue the eartb 3 ano fometpmesalfo bnoer tbe earth : #notbegreatettof all other that toas founoe to this oap in tbe 3Inoies, toas that tobicbe toas loft in the fea about the ) 31lanoe 2^,tohijfe toepgbeo tfaee t boufanoeano ttoo btmojeo Caftelians of goto, tobicb arc in balue fours tboufeno a l;i;nD;eo tbpitte ano epgbc oucaoesof golDe 3 toljichc todgb one Jmua anofeuen pounoe, o; tbpftie ano ttoo pounoe#ter ttoelue outv* ces Of the weft Inches. ipf tescotbepotmae, tobtcbc make tb jeefcoje ana foure marfcesof goloe. 31 fa\x>e m tlpe peerc . 1515 . tn the banaes of My* ounces cbel faffamonte treafurer to pour mated te, tuao grat'nes, of the JJJ'Ji; 14 tobtcbe oneiuapcu feucn pounoes, mbtdj are.jciiu. market ano ouS,* after aretnbalue about tl^cefcojc ano fpue oucaoes of goloe euctp K mce ®* 0 markc : the other boas of.jt. markes 3 to&tdjc arc fpue pounoes J 4 4 of Ipke balue, ano of berp goon goloe of .]tjm. caractes,ano better: ^bere are alfafotmoe manp other great grapnel ah though not equalluntotbefe in bpgnefle. 3no fojafmucbas 31 bauefpoken of golu, 3! bane thought gcco to Declare fomcm&at home the 3!notang:canUerp cjccellentlp gplte fuehe UefTeHcs of copper ano bafe goloe a 0 tljep make :fo? thep can gette them fa fap?e ano fioiplbpng a coloure,tbat al the made lnljtcb thep gplt* appeamh as though it toeregoloc of j$t. caracre^ano better. *EbiS colour thep geue bottl; acertapne hearbe, as though tt mere Unougbt bp p art ofanp golofmtth cf&papne 0 ? 3fea!te~,an& mouloeofcbcmbeecfteemeoasa thpng of great rpchoMno a fccrete maner of gplopng . $nofo;iasmud)eas3!bvUie fpo* ken fufftetentip of the mpnes of goloe , 31 top! name fpca^e fomernhat of copper , btcmk 31 batte maoe mention thereof. ^CbiS metal is founoc in manp of the 31lanoes of the 3[noies, ana alfom thefirme lanuc, anaisfotmoe oaplptn great quantttte, boiopngfomemhac of goloe . 315utfoj the oefp^e that our men bane to goloe, thep nothpng execute the copper, although there inpghtgrcatcommcMde ana p?ofpt behaa tberebp, ana alfo bp other metals, mljtdje thep nothpng regarae, except fpluer, tnb:ch is faunae abunaantlp in that parte of the fir me lanoe tobi* rbe ts callca nerne ^>patne.But of this it (hal fufiftfe to haue faioe thus muche, becaufe 31 haue moje parttculerlp entreatea of chefe ihpnges in mp general! hplfo^p of3[noia> Of the inaner offvfhyngfor penrles. 3 T naian0eperctfethis kpnoeof fplhpng foj the mod part tnp caadesoftbe jftojtlj in CubagHd ano Cumana , ana manp of them mljiclj omell in the boufes ofcertapnc partis cular loins in the 3llanoes of San foj tljfe pttrpofe . ^bepj cuffo me fe to go fptte, fpjtr£ o?feuen,oj modern one of tbep? Cdwo^ojbarkes, earelp m tbe mojnpng to Tome place in tlje fea tljereabout,tHbere it appeared; bneo tljem that tljere IboulD be great plentte of djofe fljcil fplheg Onljtclj fome call spufdeMno Tome ©pders) uiljereui pearles are cngcno?eo,f there tbep plunge them felucs bnder tlje mater, cuen bntotljebottome, faupngonetljacremapnetljmcbe Canoa a } boate, tuljfdj be keepetlj dpll m one place as neare as be can, laokpngfonbepjrciurneoutof tbe mater : &td mben one of tbembatbbenagoooU)bp!ebnoertbeloater,be rpfetb bp, and commetljftopmmpng to tbe boate, enerpng into tlje fame, and ieaupngtberealtbeC)ptotu;jtcbbe bacb taken and brought fcmlj bpm(fo^ in tbefc are tlje pearles found) and mfjen be (jaefj there reded bpm felfe a mljple, and eaten part of tbe ©pliers, be returnetbagnpnetotbemacer,mbcrelje remapneeb as long as be can endure, and then rpfetbagapne, and fmpmmedj to tbe boatemitbb^p}ap,iubereberetletbbpm as before, and thus continuetfj courte bp courfe, as do nil tlje other tn Ipke matter, be* png al mod expert fmpmmers and dptters: and mljen tbeutgbc djaUtetlj neare, tbepreturne to tbe 31lande to tljepj Ijoafes, and pjefem all tbe ©pders to tbe matte oj demaroe of tbe boufe of tbep? lo^de, mho batb tbe charge of the fopoe Indians , and Mjen be bath getten them fomembat to eate, be lapetb bp tlje ©pders tn fafe cudodte, bmpll be baue a great quancmc tberof, then be caufetb tbe kune fplber men to open them, and tbep fpnd tn euerp of djem.peatles, other great o? (mail , tmo, o? cbjee, o? foure, and fometpmes fptte oj fpxc, and manp frnall graincs, ac- co?dpngtotbeltberalttteofnatut 4 c, 1£bepfauecbe pearles botlj fntaland great mljiclje cljep baue fotrnoe, and eptber eate tlje ©pders if tbep topi, ojt cad tljem atoap, baupngfogreatquan* titie thereof, djattbepinmanecab&ojrctljenn Ebefe ©pders areofljardede(be,andnotfopleafaunttneatpngas are curs of ^>papne . ^bfs31landofc«^«jmheretbtsmaneroffp(btng tsexcrctfeo, is in the jftojtbcoadc, and is no bpggcr tljen tlje 3ilande of Zelano » ©ftentpmes tlje fea tncreafetb greatlp, and much moje then p bdjers fo? pearles mouio,becaufe mhere as tlje place is berp deepe, a man can not naturnllp red at tlje bcccome, bp Of the weft Indies. 10 lip reafon oftbe abtmsatmce of ap# fubdaunce to&tclje is infjpm, agiJiftaueoftempmesp^ooueD . 3fo? although be map bp Uio< fence ansfojce mfcenseto the bottome, pec arc Ois feccc IpfceD Dpagapne,fothatbe can contpnuenotpmetbere : aits there* foje inhere cbe fea is nerp seepe >tbefe Jinsian fplbers nfe to tpe tino great lionet about them Uriel; a cojs, on euerp fpse one, bp tbeinepgbtinbereoftbcpbtfcenbeto the bottome, ansremapne there untpll them Ipftetlj to rpfe agapne, actubidje tpmetljcp tmlofe the dones, ans rpfe up ac tljepj pleafure. But tljts tljcpj aptenedeansagiiitteinfujpmmpng,ts not the tbpng that earn* fetb men mod to marueple : but rather to confpser borne ma* up of them ran danse in the botome of cbe ma ter for the fpac e of one i nljole boure, ans feme moje o) Idle, accojspngasone isntojeapt heeretiitto cben an other * Another tbpng there iismbtcbcfeemetbtomeuerpdraunge : ansthtsfe* that inhere as 31 bane oftentimes semaunses offonie of tljcfc lopes of the 3instans> pf the place inhere tbep are accudomesto fpPjefoj pcatles, bepng but idle ans narrome,inpd not in fljojtrpmebe Uttcrlp inttbout ©pfters,pftbep confume them fc fad. ^bepad andneres me, that although chep be continues in one part, pec if tbep goe a fplhpng tn an other part, oj an other coade of the 31- ianse,ojatanotber contrarp inpnse, ans compnue fpfljpng there alfoumpll the £>pders be ipbeinpfe confumeo, ano then 7 returne agapne to the fird place, oj anp other place inhere tbep fi* s (bes before, ano empties the fame in Ipkc maner,tbep finse them agapne as full ofiSDpders as though tbep has ncuer been fpfbes, SOherbp ine map iusge,thatthefe Opdcrs epiber remoue from one place to an other , as so other ftfljes, $) els that tbep are en- f / tf, ' s rMt,e gensps ans encreafein certaineopmaneplaces^ljis 3i!ans of tSe ? tiS 0 . m Cum an a (j Cubagua, inhere tbep fpflhe foj tljefc pearlcs> is in the tine lfe s egr ee ofthqjart of the fais coad inhiclj inclineth totoais the j/3o?tlj. lifceurife pearles arefounseansgeatljercsuuhe Eolith fea, cades Mare del Sur, ^ the p carles of this fea arc Uc- rp big, pec not fo bigas tbep of tlje 3llans of pearlcs, cades de Us perlas, 0 } Margaritea , UJljlCb tlje 31nSianS cal FerarequiAping m the gulfe of&ainct ^tcljael,inhere greater pearles are founse, ans ofgreaterp^peej then in anp other coad of tlje J^tl; fea, in Gon« Fer. Gule outb fpoe ofcbefojme lano, in the pjo* utnceof goloen Cadple, 0 } ©(rr^«4 J anbtbefeare tbe coads of the fpjme lanoe, inhere pearles are founoe euett bnto this oap$ 3! onoerdanoealfo that there are pearles founoe in the p?omnce ano 3llanoes of Cartagenia, ^nofincepout maiedieappopntes me a gouernour ano capcapne, 31 baue maoe further fearcbe 5 ano am aouertpfeo that pearles are founoe in oiuers other places, as abouttbe3ilanoeofce^o 5 inbicbelpetb agapndtbe mouth of that pojc ofthe 3!Ianoe of CartageniaM)icb the 31notans cal Coro » the Web 31Janoe ano po?c are on the iftojtb fpoe, in the tenth Degree oftf;e coades of the fpimelanoe. Of Of the wcfl Indies. Of the familiaritie which certayneof the Indians haue with the deuylh and howe they rece} uc anfwcre of him of thinges to come. llpcn cbc 3!nm'anjs tljcp? battaple, o? goe to anp combat, o? attempt anp orbcc great mateer,tbcp banc certapne elect men, m[jem tbep reuerenolp encunc,$ call tljctn T equina sM)id) hi tljcp? tounge is as much tofapasmatlhrs : notuntbrtanDpng tbai tbep call etterp man, that is ctmnpng inanp fcicnce 5 bp the fame name, as fpfljeVs,foulcrs, hunters, o? ma- kers of nettes^befe T equips therefore, tfjep call the main crat of tbep? aunf lucres jbccatife tbepfpeake tuttlj Tu) ra, tljat is, the Deupll,ano bjpng them aunfmere inbat be fapeeb, eptljcr as ton* cbpng fttcb tbinges as tbep baue to ooc,o? (ball cljaunce to them tbe Oap folotopng,o? manp oapes to come, jf o? tlje oeupll,bepng foauncientan aifrottomer, hnoloetbtbetpmesof thinges, ana feetb botoe tbep are naturallp oirecteo ano inclpneo, ano ma= ketb tbembdeette tljat tbep come fo to patfe bp bis o?oinaunce, as cljougb be lucre the ILo?oe ano mouer of all tljat ts ano fljalbc, ano that bee gpuetbtbe oaplpgljt, ano rapne,caufetb tempen, ano ruletb tbe nations of tpmes, gptipng Ipfe, o? takpng aiuap fpfe, at bio! pleafure : 35p reafon tnbereof, tbe JnOtans be* png oeceptieo of bpm, anofeepngalfofucbeeffectesto come ccrtapnelp to pafle as bee bath toloe them before, bclecue bpm in all other tbinges, ano honour btm in manp places Uiitb fa* crifpces of tbe blooo ano Ipues of men, ano ooc?iferotts fpices : $no tnljen (Boo oifpofetb the contrarp to that toljtcbc tbe oeupl! bath fpoken in ojacle, lobercbp be is pjotteo a Ipe r,lje caufetb tlje Tequinas to perfinaoe tbe people tljat bee bath cbaungco bisi rnpno ano fcntencc fo? feme oftljetr fames, o? ocm'fetlj feme Iticfj Ipe as Ipketb him ben,bepng a f kplftil matner in fucij litbtile ano craftte oetufes,to oeceptie tbe fimple ano ignorant people, lu’jich bath fmall Defence agapnftfo migljtie ano craftte an aouerfarie. $nD as tbep call tlje ocupll T uyra, foooc tbep in manp places call tljeCb?ilhanS bp tlje fame name, tbpnkpng that then great* Ip honour tljem tberebp, asinoecoett is a name berp fate ano agreeable W Gom Fcr. Ouied* agreeable to many of tljem,baupng lapse apatcc all honeft te and berttte, Ipupng-moje !pke Djagoustljen men, among tljefe fpmple people. 05tfm tbmbabtcattnces oftlje 3|lande of HifianioU bad recet- ueo tbe Cft^ttian faptb, there mas among them a fecte of men, xuljtclje liueD fqlttarilp m tbe defartes and moodS,$ led cljep? Ipfe m dlence ano abfttnence, mo )t firatgbelp tlicn etiei* dpo the pf>p^ lofopbers of p'tbago^ns feet?, abitempngm Xpke matter from the eatpng of a!! cbtnges (pat Iptte bp blooo,contented onelp imcb fucbfnntes,bearbes,and roore£,a£ the deforces and moods ntp* ntCto ditto them to cate t Zl)t pjofeffours of this fecte mere cal* led Tims «. Cbep gaue them fel ties to the knowledge ofnaturaU tbuiges,and dfed certatnefccrete magical! operations and fuper* (l(ttons,mberebp tbep bad famiitarttte mitlj fptrttes, myteb tljep allured into tljepjt omne bodpes at fuel; tputes? as tljep mould take dppon them to' ceil of cbtnges to come, mljiclje tljep dpd in ma- tter as folometb ♦ Wl)e it anp oftlje kpnges bad occafion to call anp Gf tljem out oftlje defartes foj (bis pttrpofe, tljepj cuftottie mas to fende cljent « portion of tljepj fpne bjead of Cazabbi oj M aizium, and mttb bumble request and fttite to defpje tljem to tell tljrm of fuelje cbtnges as tljep motilde dematmde . $fter tljc requeif graunted, and the place and dap appointed, the Tims ccmmecb* mttb tmo of bis otloplesmaptpng mt (jpm, mljere? oftlje one btpngetb mttb bun adelfell of a fecrete mater, and tbe other a ltc!e fpluer bell * ££tben be commetb to tbe place,be Ottetlj domne on a rounde feace made foj bprn of pttrpofe, ml; ere Ijaupng l)i& oifctplcs, tbe one tfanopng. on tfje One l)ande,and tljc other on tbe other, euen in tbe p?cfence of tbe kpng and cer* tapneof bts nobles (fo? tlje common people are not admitted to tljcfe mpfctcs) andtuvnpng bis face com moe tbe deforce, be begpnnetlj bis mcljaummcm, and called; tbe fptrite mttb lottde dopce bp cerrapne names, mljtcbe no man imderfiandetb but bee and tjts dtfctples . $fter be bail; done thus a mfjple, tf tlje Cpirite pet derate bis commpng, bee djpnketb of tbe lapse mater, and tijeremitb mapeclj botte and furious, and tnucrteib and turned) bis incbauntmenf,and letted) Ijtm felfe blood mttb a tl) 0 )ne,mar* ueilouflp turmoplpng Ijtm felfe, as mee reade of dje furious g>p* btIles 3 not ccaflpng bmp! tljc fpirit be coute;ml;o at bis camming Of die weft Indies. rnfretb into btm, ano cuertfyatoctlj btirnas it lucre a grepljmmn 0}oulo ouertumea ©quetctt, tljcn fen a fpace, l;cc feemetij to Ipc as tljougl) Ijcc mere in great panic, or :n a raptc, iroonberfuilp topnentpng \m felfe,ibutpng inbicbc agomc, tbe mber bifctple Ojahetl) tbe flitter bell contt'nuallp.^bus uiljcn tbe agonie is pad, ano be Ipetb qutetlp (pet umbout anp fenfe oi feelpng)tbe kpng, t) feme other in bis deao,oemaunoetb of btm urtjat be oeltrctb to fcuonnano tbe fptrtt anfmeretfrbp tbe motitfj of tlje raptc Tiaces, Inttb a oireeceanopcrfecte anfuacreto all popmes : 3!nfomucbe that cm a tpme cercapne g>panparoes bepng pjefent at tbefe nips Ifcrtcs umb one of tbe kptiges, ano in tbe ^paitpfije tctmge oe* mauntnmg tbe TUces of tbeir (bpppes lubtcb tljep lookeo fbj out of^>papne,tbe fptnte anftnrrco in tbe 3!noian tctmge, ano toloe tbeimnbat cap anbljcttre tbelbpppcsocparteo from &>papne, bolt) manp tbep nicre,ano inljattbep tycugutatowbout fapltng in anp popnteilf be be alfo oematmoco of tbe e dppfe of tbe &unne 01 S0aonc(b3btcb tbep grcatlp fearc ano abbojrc)lje gtttctb a per* feet anf lucre, ano tbe Ipke of tempedes,famnvplentie, Uiarre c* peace,ano fuclj other tbmges.OTbenau tbeocmnunocs are bins fbeo,biS oifctples call btm alouoc, rpngpng tbe fitter bdl at bis care, ano bloicpng a cercapne poinoer into bts nofetb?ittes, luberebpbeisrapfebasitloerefrom abeab tape, bepng pec fomeuiljut beaup bcaoeo ano fapnte a goob luljplc after ♦ (£bns bepng agapne rctuarDco of tbe kpng tuttbmo'c bjeao, bee oe= partetb agapne to tbcbefartesuiitbbiobirdplcs . But itncerbe €() 2 t(fm faptb batb been bifpeatfeb rtpcugbotit tbe Jilanbe. tljcfc batpllplbe pjactifes baueccaffeo, ano tbep of tfje members of tbe bcupll, aremaoetlje members of €b>ilt bp b.iptifme, foifa^ kpng tbe oeuvll ano b is booses, inttb tbe bapne curiofttie of W fp?c ofknotuleoge oftbinges to come,tnbereof foi tljc mod parte it is better to be ignorant, tljen Intel; uepatton to knoUi tljat uii;tclj cannotbeauopoeo. jpurcljermoje, in rnanp places of tbe dime fonoe, tofjen anp of tljekpnges ope, alibis boufeboloe feruatimes, aftudl Inomen as men mljicbebaue contmtiallp fcruco bim, fepfl tbetn fellies, beleeupng a s tbep are caugbc bp tlje oeupll Tuyra, tljat tbep UibiebekpUtljcm i clues lobentbe kpngbpctb, n;oc ml) Ijinno beaueu, ano feme (jmuiu&cfemc place anoof^cc as Cc.in tbep m Gorn Fer. Ouiecl* thepbpb before on the earth mhple hee Ipueb : anb that aH t! jac refufefotoboe, tohen after thepbpc bp thep? natural! broth oz othertupfc, thep? fouler to ope mith thep? bobpes, anb to bee biflolucb into ap?e, anb become nothpng, as Doe tljefotto of ©agges, Bp?des 3 sf pfyes, o? other b?utte bealfes : anb that on- Ip the other map entop thep?nitlebge of immolate fo? ewer, tofmtethekpngtnheauen . 3nbofthiSfalfe opinion commeclj tc,thatthepmbtchfome co?ne 3 o? fee rooter fo?thekpngesb?ead, ann geather the fame, areaccwHomeD to kpli them felues, that thepmapemop thisp?wilebgetnheaueu, anb fo? the feme ptir- pofe, caufeapo?ttonofthe gratae of A taizium, anna bunble of Ucca (mljereof thep? b?eab ts? rnabe) to be barpeo mith them in their graues, that the fame map ferue them in heauen, if per- bappes there (houlo lackc feebes to fome 3 anb therefore thep take this; mith them 3 to begpn mithall, bmtl r uyra( mho mafeech them all thefe fap?e p?omifes)p?oupbe them ofgreater quantitie^hte Ijaue 3! mp fdfe feene tn the toppe of themountapnes of Guaturo, mljere hairing in p?pfon the fcpng of tbatp?ouince (mho rebelfcb from tbobcb ience of pour maieffre) anbbemaunbpngof him to irhorn partepneb tbofefepulturcso? graues mhtcb 31 feme in bus Ijottfe : hee anfmercb 3 tbac thep mere of cercapne Slnbians mhtcb flue them felues! at the beat!) of his! father . $nb bccatife thep are oftentimes acculf omeb to burp great quantities of thought gold mith them, 31 caufeb tmoo graues to be openeb 3 mbcrein tuas no- thpng famine but a beflelt full of the graine of Maizium 4 a bun- ble ofl#^, as Slijaucfapoe. Sab deroaundpng the caufc here- of ofthe kpng and the other Sindians : thep anfeoereb, that thep that lucre burped there, toere the labourers of tlje grotmbe, anb men fkplmlf in fotopng offeebes,and mafcpng of b?eab 3 and fer- uauntes to the kpnges father, anb to the enbe that their foules fljoulb not bpe mith thep? bobpes, thep flue them felues at the beach cf the fcpng thep? matfler, tolpttemitbbpmtnbeaucn, anb to the intent that thep mpght ferue him there in the feme eftpee, thepreferueb that Maizium miucca, to fotoe itin teauen * COherebneo 31 aunfmereb them in this maner, I 5 z* holbe home pour Tuym beccpueth pou, anb home all that hee reached) pou is falfe»Jdou fee home info longatpme Cnee thep arc tmjfyg &aue not pet taken abuap t| l;i$ Maizium anb lucca * OFtTie weft Indies^ i$ wbtoe putriBeo m tnoojtb noting, m not Ipfcc to Bee ro\nenin tjeamEo ibis tbe fepng replpco/apmg, in tfeae tbep fjaue not taken it atoap,no? fotuen it in bcauen,tlje caufe is, tliat *bep cljatmceo to fpnoe enough tl;crr,bp reafon thereof tbep bad no nceoe of tbis. tfo tljis erreur many tbinges mere fapt>,U)bicb feemco oflitlefojce to remoue bint from big falfe opinion, ano c* Tpeeialip anp fucb as at il;at age are omtppeo of tbe oeup!,U)bom tbep papntoftbefelfefame fourmeanDco(our,ao6eeappearetk nnto them inopuers fljapes ano founttes.^bcp make auo 3! ma* ges of goloe, copper, ano U)ooo,to tbe fame lumlituoes* in terrt** felefltapes, anofabariable, astbepapmersareaccuttomeo to jjapnt tbem at tbe feete of iainct spicbaell tbarcbangcli,o? m anp either place, inhere tbep papnte tbem of molt horrible pojtittire. Upketopfeuiben tbeoeupIigreatipincenDetbto feare them, bee tbjeatnetb to fenoe tbem great tcmpeftes,tuf)tcbetbcp call fura* tanas, o} Hauracbanas,m are fo bebement, that tbep ouertbjotu ntanpboufes,ano great trees* 3no 31 baue feene in mottntapues, full ofmanp ano great trees, that fo? the fpace of tb?ee quarters nfa league tbemountapneljatb been fubuerteo, ano tbe trees o* nertb?o\nen,antj pluckeo out of tbe eartbkittb tberootes:a tbtng noubtlelfefo fearefull ano terrible to beboloc, tljat it map berplp appeare to bee bone bp the bauoe of tbe oeupll * 8ttt> in tbis cafe tbe Cbjiffian men ougbt to conftoer tuitb gooo reafon, that m all So/tSpSi a* plac es inhere tbefaolpfacram entta referuetutbe fapne tempeftes man. areno moiefoomragtous, o? fo perilous as tbep loercUiont to bee. Of the temperature of the regions vnder orneareto the burnt lyne,called Torrida Zoni f or the Equinoctiall, and of thedyuers feafons of the ycere. ©e lanoes ano regions that are ncate about tbe clprnes of tbe^quinoctiall Ipne^re na* tutallpbot, although tbep be otberunfetem* perate bp tbe amine p?outtence t $ t!;erfo?e fuel) fiefbe o? fplbe as is taken mib kplleo in tbefe regions,can not be p?eferuet> from pu« tnfaction, tjcccpc it be roi?eo,fem>en,o? per* boplDjtlje fame bap that it is kpfa. 3 no lubcras 31 Ijauc fapa, tfcac Cc.ili* fuel) i Gon. Fee. Ouied. .fuel) rcgiongaremtoralipbotte, mm pec temperate bptlje pjop£ tsA^of C^d^it t0 fo indecdc :; and therefor e not U>rt(|otit cauCc tbeaunaem auctljours lucre of opinion, that tbe.burm Ipne, 0 } Torrida ^o^iubere pafietlj tljcipnc oftlje Cquinoctiall, fljouloe be Unhabitablc>bp reafon the g>tm bath greater dominion tn that place,tben in anp other of the fpljere,remapnpng comimtallp be* tluceiie ihe ttno troppkes of Cancer and Captcojne i Jfm &ljeii in thefe fegiaterthe earth to opened 0 } dpggeo front the %pe# crailparte thereof to the oeapd) of a mans bepghf, ictsfounDe temp crate, ano Uutljtn this fpace the trees and plants fallen aim fp;iead their rootes, aim no deeper, ejctendpngtljefameasfarte in bjeambm the grotmde as m thev? bjau&cbes tit the ap^e^tm enrer no oeep-odSto the grounds then J bane fapde,becaufe that iieheaeh the oeapth oftije fapoe fpace ofa mans Ijepgbt the earth Topcrp hojtc, the up per part bepng tem perate and Ucrp moplf, afrnell bp reafon of tljeauundaunce of boater toljiclje fafleth from Ijcauenupoiubat rartbat ccmpnemjoinarie feafons of the peers, c&alfaroj $c mnltittiDe of gttat rptm‘3, b?ooke0,fp?pngco,aim m:tmtc£,mbstcbp tbenfflpgbtie aimfupjemc Ipm mljiclj made tbefbtec3,bath moil ppidemlp pjoutdedfoj the piefeiuatton of thefame/ ' ^ ' ' ' 1 ' Eh ere are alfamanp rough aimhpgh mountapnes,b|itlj tent* ^imt4p|e,and pleafauht,chrarcy and moderate, npgijtcs : ofthe '• ioijtche j pomtulamtc the aunctem toppters haupng no certapne Ima&Ieoge, affirmed the fat'd burnt it'neo? r onida ^ona,o} Cqui* noctialI,to be naturailp Unhabitable, 3s touching lohicb thing 3! am able to Unmefie the contrarp bp tedimome of fpght and fee* !png,as bp mod certapne fenfes, haupng Ipued manp pejres in thefe regions, bp reafon inherent* better credits ought to be giuen to me, then to fuch as haue grounded their opmtmcn ondp Upon conieceures . 8nd to fpeafce further oftlje Ccuacton oftljefe regt* £m3,poit fijaliUnderdanD that the ccade oftlje Jftojtlj fea, hepng in the gulfe of Praha, and in the pojte of Darien a, inhere the fljpps arrptic Uiljtcbe come out of ^papne, is in the note degree and a ba!fe,ano in tlje feuenth, and from fire and a ljalfe,Unto cpgbt,ep* cept a fmal! popnt mljiclj enttetlj into tlje fea toioarde tlje J2o?tlj* Ehatpopnc lu'jtcljoftljislandeandnemparteoftheluojlde Ip- eth mod tomardc tlje Cadets tlje cape offainct 3ugudine,U)ljtc& Of the weft Indies* 1 96 fe tn tlje epgljtoegrer.&otljai tlje lapo gulfe of l'raba, fdttffant from tlje €qumocttaH lpnc,fr 0 m a Ijuntyeo ft ciucncie, to a burn ipeo anti tljirtie leagues 3 anD tlpee quartern of a ieague,after tljat accomptc ofrott. leagued ano a Ijalfefbjcuetp Degree from pole to pole: atio tljasfoj a litictaoje 0 } Iefle>gcetlj all tlje coalf *;Bp reafon<freof, in t\)Z title otSantfa Maria Jntiqua in timena, anti in all tljat eourfe of tlje fojefapoe g'ttlfe of Praia, at all tpmes of tlje peere tlje napes ano npgljtes are in matter of eqttaU Icngtlj: ano tftbere bee anp Difference bettneenc tljembp reafonof tins futall otffance from tlje €qtit'nocttalI, it to fo iitle, tljat in-tjemi. ljdures,tttakpng a naeuralloap, it can not bee pcrccpueo but bp tlje tuogement of fpeculatiue men, ano Otcljc as bgD.erffmiDc tlje fpljereijfrombence thej^ojcljlfarrctsfeeneberp loUie , $nu boben tlje ffarres, toljiclje are calico tlje gttaroens of tlje j^ojtlj ffarre,arebnoet tlje Cljart'ot, it can not be fcene,bccaufc it is bn* oer tlje Ijojtf ontall $no tuljereas 31 pattc fapoe befojc tljat it rap* net!) tit tljefe regions at certapne ojoinarie tpmes,tt is fo in Deco: jfoj it is PJpnter anti fummer tljere at contrarp tpmes to tljat loljiclj is tit ©papne, Uiljere tlje greateif coloe of froff atto rapne is in December ano ‘3Ianuarp, ano tlje greateff Ijeate offommer about faint 31oljns oap at Q£pDfommcr,oj in tlje monctlj of31ti* Ip: But in goloenCallileojS^K^u is ccntrarp, foi tlje font* nter ano tpme of greateff Djottgljt^ timljout r apne, i s at Cljjttb mas,ano a monetlj befoje,ano a monetlj after, ft tlje tpme Uiljen itrapnetbmoff, is about ^pofommer, ano a monetlj befojc, ano a monetb after ♦ #tto tljis feafon uiljtctj tbep call tupnter, is not foj tljat it is anpcoloer then, then at anp otljer tpme of tlje peere, oj Ijotter at Cbjfffmaslbnt at otljer feafon?, tye tpme in tljefe regions being etter after one mancnbttt foj tljat, tljat, in tljis tpme tohielje tljep call pjpnter, tlje ^tfnne is bpooe from tljep? figljtes,bp reafon of clouocs ano rapne,moje tljcn at otljer times* |?et fojafmttdje as fo? tlje moff part of tlje peere tbep Iptie in a clcare,open, anotemperateapje, tljep fomebobat fijjpnlie m feele a licle coloe mirpng tlje tpme of tlje lapoc mopff atto c-ouop apje,altljottglj it be not coloe in oeeoe,o? at tip: lead fuel) coloe os bad; anp fenffblc lljarpcnelte* V ■jj, Of Gon. Fcr. Ouied. Of dyucrspartkulerthingcs^s woormcs* fcr* pentes,beaftes,foules,trees. &c. =*3np other tbtngeo might be fapo,anomucf| otfferpng from tbefe mljerof 31 baue fpoketu ^uttolettepafletlje multttuoe oftbtngeg mljtcljearcao variable aotbe pomerof na- ture io tnfimre,an& to fpeake of fiicb tljingeg a o come cljtefelp tamp remembjaunce, a* mod mojtljie to be noteo, 31 mill drfl fpeake of certapne title ano troublous beade$,mljtcb map feeme to bee engenojeo of iwture to moled $ here men, to Ibeme tbern $■ pie tbem to bnoerdano, IjoUj fmafl ano bple a thing map oflenoe ana oifqmet them, to tljenoe that tljep map remember tbe pjtnctpad enofo? tljemijtcb tljep mere crcateo 3 tljac io,co knom tfjeir maker ano procurer oftbetrfaluation bp tlje map mfjiclje ts open to all Cbjidtan men, ano all otljer mljtrij mill open tbe epeo of tljep$ bnoerflanopng ♦ $no although tbetbingeombereof meeen- tenoe nome to fpeake, map feeme bple ano Ittle to be edeemeo* pet are tbep mojtljp to bee noteo ano conOoereo, to bnoerdanoe tbe Difference anooariable mojkes of nature ♦ g>o it to therefore* tljat mijereas tn rnanp parteo of tbe firme lanoe, bp tbe mijicbe afmelltbe Cb?tdiansao3Inoian20oetrauaple, there are fuebe marplbeo ano mater# tn tbe map,tbat tbep are fapne to go mitlj* out bjeecbe# among tlje Ijearbe# anomeeoeo,bp reafon mljereof s eertatne fmal bead# oj mopeo(mbtcb tbep eal Garapates)nwcl) Ipke onto tpkeo,cleaue fad to tbetr leggeo.&b efe mojmeo are ad Ittle a# tbe pottoer of beaten falt,ano eleaue fo fad, tljat tljep can bp no meaneo bee taken amap,ercepc tlje place bee nopntco mttlj opl&iano after tbat tbe leggeo be nopntco a mijple mitlj ople, 0 | tlje ctljcr parceo mijere tbefe Idle tpto are fadeneo,tbep ferape tbe place mttlj a kupfe, ano fo take tljemamap. 215ut tlje 3ln* mans mljtclje baue no ople, fmoke them, ano burne them mttlj fp?e, ano abpoe great papnes tn takpngtbcm amap bp tlji# meaneo ♦ Dtotbeiiitlebeadeombtcbetrouolema! 3 ano are cngenojeouubep? Ij eaoto oj other parte# of tbcpj boope#, 31 fap tljat tlje Cljjtdtan men mljtelj fratmple into tbefe paree^ljaue tbem but feloome tpme# a ano tljat not pad one oj tmo$ tiji# aU b Of the weft Indies* fo berp fetoome : St 0 ? paflpng bp the Iptte of t!je Diameter tobere the compalfe maketb Difference of faplpng bp the topnoe calleo Greco, (that is, jfro?tbea(l) ano Magiftral (that is, fowbtoelf) tuljtebe it in tbe courfe of tlje 3llanoes of Jzgri* tbep faple but a title toapfolotopng our Oiage bp tbe toeff, bur that all tbe Ipfe tortricbe the Cfmftm ns carp fcttb them, o? are engcno?eO in tbep? braoes , o? mljer places of tbep? boopes,ope ano utterlpconfume bp tide ano title, ano are not engeno?eo tn 3lnota , except in tbe beaoes of title cbploien tn tbofe partes, aftodl among tbe cbplo^en of tbe Cb?iffians tubtebe are bo^ne there, as alfo among tbe natural! 31noians, tuba baue them commonlpm tbep? beaoes, ano fometpmes in other partes of tbep? boopes , ano efpectaflp tbep of tbe p?ouince of Cucua, tobtebe is a region contapnpng mo?e then a bunoieo leagues in length, ano emb?afetb tbe one ano tbe other coalf of the jfro?t(j fea, anooftbe€alf • £&bentbefe Jnotans are infecteo roitb this fpltbpnelfe, tbep o?elfe ano cleanfe one an other : 3no tbep that ejeerepfe this , are fo? tbe moll part toomcn, mho eace alltbattbep take, ano baue herein fuebeoejeteritte bp reafon of tbep? ercrctfe, that our men cannotlpgfjtlpattapne tbertwto* Nereis alfo another tbpnggreatlp to be confpoereo: ano this is, hotue tbeCb?tlttanmcn, bepng there rieane from this fpU tbpnelTe ofjnota, afuoell in tbep? beaneo as tbe reft of tbep? bo* Opes, pet U)!jcn tbep ret time to come agapne into Curope, ano begun to arrpue in that place of the £>eean fea inhere toe fapoe befo?e that ebefe Ipfe or eo ano fo?fohe them, foocnlp tntbep? re* galfpng bp tlje fame dpme (as though tfjefc Ipfe ban tarpeofo? them tn that place) tbep can bp no meanes auopoe them fo? the fpace of ccrtapneoapes, although tbep change tbep? Ibertes ttoo o? tb?ee times in a oap: W ) efc life are at p fp?a as Iitle as nittrs, ano grotoe bp title ano f We, bntpl tbep be of the bpggenelTe that tbep are in g>papne ♦ ^bis baue 31 oftentpmes p?oouco , ba» upngnotoefoure tpmes patTco tbe Ocean fea bp this biage* Wpoetbefe uio?mes ano bermpn lobercof luc baue (poken, $bere is another lule mpfcbeuous toojme, tobiebe toe map numberamongtbekpnoesoflleas, this peililencc tbe Jnot* ms tell l%ud) ano ismuebe idle tjun a (lea : it pearled fbeSe^eofama^ ano fo jbtUiitl; o^ etutetb tlje fame (tobpie in topers. Gon. Ter. Ouieck fa tbe metfae tpmc it can nepcbfc be fc w no? taken) tljat from fome it bath cut of tljcp? ljanoes 3 ano front other tbepjfeete, bmplltberemeDpniasfoiinoeto annopnt tbe place faith ople, ano ftrape tt faith a rafoj ♦ 3In the firme ianoe in goloett Caffpleo I’ftmgM, there are mam> btpers Ipke Onto them of fepapne : tljep that are bpcten of them, ope tn faojt fpace, fo? feme lp«e to the fourth oap, ejccept pjefent remeop . £>f tljefe, feme are of lelfe fcpnoe then other 3 anobaue tljep^taple fomefaljatrottnoe, anoleapeintljeapje to affaple men , ano fo^tljiScaufe, fome call this kpnoe of bipers Tjro: tljep? bp* tpng is moll benomotts, ano fo? tlje moil parte incurable* JDne of them cljatmceo to bpte an 3!noian mapoe faljiclje fcrueo me ut mp Ijoufe , to inborn 3f caufeo tbe^ttrgtans to mpmirer tbepto?otnarpcure 3 but tijep coitloc Do her no gooO, not pec geaconeojoppeofblooooutofJjer, btttonelpapeloine toacer, fctijatlbe opeotberbpjoeoap fo^lacfcecf remeop, as tbe Ipfce Ijatljcbattnceo toOpuers other : ©jfa mapoe faas of the age of ♦jctttt. pecres,ano fpabe the ^panplbe tongue as tf (be bao been boptc fa Cailplealjefapoe that tbe btperfabtcbebptljeron tbefoote 3 inastlnofpanneslong 3 oj litle iefle, ano that to bpte her, fljelept in t&e ap^efo^ tbe fpace of mo?e then fppepafes, as 31 bane bearoe tbe Ipke of other crcoible perfotts * Sbauealfa feene fa tbe firme lanoe a kpnocof noocrs, berp fmall 3 ano of feuenojepgbtfootelong: tbefe are foreooe, that fa tlje npgbt tljep appeare Ipke burnpng coolest ano in tbe oap fecme as reooeas blooooe 3 t(jefe are alfo bcnomottS 3 but not fo mucbe as tbe bipers . ^Ijere are otljec muclje lelfe, ano fljojter, ano blac* ber : tljefe come out of tlje tpuers, ano manner fcmetpmes farre on tlje lanoe 3 ano are Ipkelnpfe benomous . ^Lbere are alfo o* tljeraooersofaruifetcolcurttljefe are fomelnljat bpgger tljeit tljebtper, ano are hurtful ano benomous ♦ ^bereardpkebjpfe an otljerfo^t of manp colours, ano berp. long: of tljefe 31 fatue one in the peereofClj^H .i?i5* tit tlje 3!latto of EhfymoL, ncere bmo tlje fca coa(les 3 at ilje foots of tlje mouneapnes calico Ttder* w^lnljentljisaooerlnas fiapne, 3 meafurcljer 3 ano fotinoe ber to be moje tljen . jet . foote lottg,$ fomlnljat moje tijen a mans fpiifabpggnefte tano although Ibe bao tfaee o? fotire oeaofa inotmoes faith a ffaoo?oe 3 petopeo ®e not., noj iloufce tlje Of the weft Indies* 1 1 98 fame bays, mfomuttje tbnc to Um contpmteo tome allf&ar tpme. ^bcreatealfoitrtbe Sgarptyts anooefartctfoMjefpjmc' lanoemanp other kpnoes of Ipfartes, 3D?agons> ano other -^x«soii*s. Dtuers kpnoes of &>erpentes , mljcreof 31 entenoc not Ijeore to fpeakemucbe, becaufe 31 bane mo?e particuicrlp etureatcoof tijefe tbpnges in nip general! bflfojfeof the £23efl 3In0ies* ^bete are alfo g>ppt>crs of marucplous bpggenelfe 5 ano 31 Spftcv# Ijaue feene fome Uittft tfee boope ano legges bpggcr then a mams banoe eptenoco cucrpmape, ano 31 once fame one of fndje bpggcnefle, tljat onlp bet* boopc mas as bpgge as a g>par* rorne, ano full of that Laune mljcreof tljep make tbcp? mebbes: tbismasofaoarke ruflet colottre, mitljepes greater tljcncbc epcsofafkparcme v then are benomotts, ano of terrible fljnpe tobeboloe * ^berearealfo&cojptons, ano opuers other fucb benomous mojmes . <£tterebpmemapfee> that Inhere as na* turall cattfes ano influence of tbe pianettes are of flrongcfl aett* trifle, tljep cealfc not to eitgenoet anobrpngfoojtlj both good anobaooe,acco^opng to tl;e otfpottonof tije matter, mbtelje tliep alfo Ooo partlp otfpofe 5 as tbe pljtlofopbers aflame . 3f ur- tljetmoje in tbe fpjme Ianoe 5 tbere are manp ^oaoes 3 bepng be* rpnopousanobtirtfuilbpreafonof tljep? great multitude, tbcp are not benomous, tbcp are feene in great abunoaunce in ano nopous bp realoti of tbep? great mulcttuoe, pec are tbep not benemousas^Ibaue fapoe. Cbere are alfo a dratmge kpnoe of Crabbes, bubtebe Cmw : wtf fonie alfo £roftouic$: tl>ep arc likeubfe taken Qftentpmesioben the bttf&anbmen&u&ie tl)C (fubble wfolnpng tprne, o^ta rcnuctlje herbage for Eptie anb other beaded .31 baue oftempmeg eaten cftfjep? fle(b, bofjtcb feemetlj to me of better tail then Eposes fieffie, auD bolfomeeo be eaten, 3nb if tljeS beafies Ijafc ester been feene in thefc partes of the boojioe , labcre tljefppif batbeD (jojfes ban tbep? enigma!!, no ntantimilbe tubge but chat the fourme auo fafijpon of the co* perture of bojfes furnpfbeb fb? tlje Inarres, tuas fpjft beutfeo bp tbefpgbt oftljefebeaies* ®berets alfo mtlje fpjmclanbeanc* tljerbcafl;, calico Orfo Formig/tro, tijat is, the $nte bcare . £bi£ beat! mbeate anb coloureds much Ipke-eo tlje35eare of &patnc, - rcfif * anb in matter of the fame makpng, fane that be bath a rnwclje lon- ger fnottf j anb is of cttpll fpgbt : tljep arc oftentpmes taken on- Ip ujttb (faties, U5ttl;ou£ anp other toeapon , anb arc not hurtful, tbep are alfo taken luttb bogged, bccaufe tbep arc not naturallp armeb, although tbep bpte fcmeiuijat, tbep arc founbe fo? tW mo ft part about anb neare to the bpbodtes inhere are great a- bunbaunce of States. jfojttntbefe regions to engenbjebacer* tapnefepnDeof3mes,oerp!ttleain blacke, iutljc feclbes anb plapnesiubereasgcome no trees, inhere bp tlje iulinctcfna* * cure tljcfe 8ntcsfepar§te them Celtics to engenbrr farce from the tnoobDcs fo? fcare of tuefe Be ares, tlje tobtcl/bccaufe tbep are fearefkH,uple 3 anbbnarmeD(a33lbaue fipbe) tbep kcepeeuec in places full of trees, btttpH berp famine anb ncceOTtttc, o? tbc great Delure thattbep baric to fecoc on tbde 3ntcs, caufe them to come cut of tbc fuoobs to I Hint fc? them ; tbefe antes make a bib* toek'c of car d) to tl>c bcpgltfof a many pj fcmctoijac more ot fefTcj anb as bpg as a great ebeff,? (omupmesas bpgas a Butte 0} a IpogOjeab^ as barb a$a ftone,fo that tbep fee me as though tbep mere (tones, fet bp to limit the cubes ^ confines of certatne lanDS.C&itljm tbefe billotk^mabc ofmoftbarbe card), arc tmm* merable anb infinite title 9ntes,;tbe mbicbe tnap.be ■gcatbefe'b bp bundles token tlje hpftockets ifeohen : tbetoijicbctobcn it is fometpmes mopfteD bp rapne, anb then type* agapne bp the trace of dje &>o mie, ttbjeaketb, anb bath certapne (mall rpftes , as litle anb fubtple a3 tbe cbge of a knpfe, anb it fee* metfjtbat nature [pith getien finfc to tl;?fc rSmcstofpnbe nfe ’ fncbe Go n. Fcr. Ouiecf* ' fucbe a ntaeeci of cattle mijeremitb cljcp map make tljefapbefjpl* lockeoffuclje bar&neflV, that it map feeme a (frong pauemettc mabe oflprne anb Hone : anb tobereas 31 Ijaue p?oueb ana catt* feo fome of them to be broken, 31 Ijaue founbc them of fucbbarb* nefle, as; pf 3! bab not feene 31 coulo not l;aue belceueb, infomttrf? that tljep cculbe fcarcelp be broken fcoitb ppfces of 3lron 3 fo ftrong fo^creflessuoo tljefe litle bcaftes make fo? tljep? fauegarb againlt tljep? aouerfarie the T$eare 5 tofjo is cbiefelp noutpfbeb bp them, anb genen tljem as; an enimte, acco?opng to tlje common p?o* uerbe Utljtcbe fapetlj. Non e alcuna perfoua ft libera, a cbimanchiil fuo $ argello , tljat t^ 3 t6tre is no man fo frce 5 tbas bath not bis per* fccuto? o? p?tute ern'mte ♦ ^ntJljeretoljen3!confpbertljemar* uet!oujgp?ouitJenceU)fjtclje nature barb gcuen to tljcfc ittlcbo* bies,3i cal to rememb?ancc tlje ttnttie femence of plime, inhere fpeakpng of fuclj lute bealfes,lje fapetb thus, ture Ijatlj geuen to tljefe title beatfes 5 bfetb this maner to affaple tljem: SStljcn Ije refi)?tetlj to tlje Ijpllocke inhere tlje ^mes lie bio as in tljep? fo?treffe , be puttetlj bis tongue to one of tljerpftes toljercof toe Ijaue fpoken, being as fubtile as tlje ebge of a froo?b 5 anbtberetoitlj ccntpnualUickpng, maketb tlje place moplf,tljC fomeanb frotljof Ijtsmoutljbepngoffucbe p?cpcrtie, tbatbp contpnuaH lickpng the place, tt enfargetb tlje rpft in fuclj fo?t bp iitlc anb title, tljat at tlje length be eafelp puttetlj in bis tongue, mbtelje be batlj uerp long anb tljpmie, anomuebe btfp?opo?tio* nate to bis bobie, anb toljen be batlj thus mabc free pallage fo? bis tongue into tlje bpllccke, to put it eafelp in anb out at Ijts pleafure,tbenbe tlj?uiletlj it into the bole as farreaslje can reacbe 3 ansfo Icctctlj ttreftagcob fpace, untpll a great quan* Of the weft Indies. 201 titte of tlje 3nteS(l»!;ofe nature refopcetb fit beate an® wopflfct> (jane laoeti Ijtet tongue, an® as manp as fje tan contepne in the bo* tomnetfe thereof, at Uiljirij tpme bee foocpnlp o?ametb ft into Ijis mouth, an® eatetl) them, an® rctutuetlj agapne to the fame p?ac* tfre immebiatlp,bntpll Ije baue eaten as manp as him Ipttetb, o? as long as Ik can reaetje anp toft!; bis tonpe. ®be flelbe of tfjta bea(f,ts filtljp an® bn(auerp,but bp reafon oftlje trireme fijpftes an® necelfitie that tlje Cb?iiftan men mere put to at tlrcp? fp?(t tommpng into tijefe partes, tljep Sucre fnfo’ce® to p?oue alt tljm* ges,an® fo felt to tlje eatpng of tljcfe bealles : but Suljen tljep ba® foun® mo?e®elpcatc meates,tbep fet into batreo mitlj tbis.Cljcfe Slntes baue tijappcaranceofcbe place of tljep? cntraunce into tlje IjpUccbe, bnoer tlje grounoc, an® tljis at fo title a bole, tljae it couloebaroelpbefounBe, if certapneoftljem mere not feene to pafTe in an® out: but bp tljis map tlje locates coulo bane no fuebe porncr to burte them as aboue at tlje lapse rpftes, as 3 i baue fapoe . ^Ijerc is an other llrange bealf, mljtclje bp a name of contrarp effccte, tlje &panpar®es call Cagmolo leggiao, tljatts,tljelpgbtBogge, toljereas it is one oftljeflottielf bealles mnt in t!jemo?lo,anofo beaup ana Bullitt moupng, tljat it can fcarfe* oK ' imcUc " u tp goe fpftie pafes in a mljoleBap : tijefe bealles are in tlje feme lanoe, ana ate berp llrange to beboloe fo? tlje ®ifp?opo?ti» on tljat tljep (jaue to all otljcr bealles, tljep are about tmo fpamies in length mljentbep are pomne to tljep? full bpggencITe, but tobcti tbep are berp poting, tbcp are fornemljat mo?c grofle then long: tbep baue foure fnbtile feete, anomeuerpoftljcm foure tlameslphebntobp?Bes, anoiopneo togeatljer, petarenotljet tljep? dames o? tljeir feete able to fullepne tljep? boopcs from tlje grctitiBe, bp reafon mijereof, an® bp tije beatipneiTe of tljep? bo* ®pes, tljep ®?ame tljep? belipesontljepounoe : tljep? inches are bpgb anBllrepgbt, ano all equal! Ipbetbepcllleof a 1110?= ter,mljtclj is altogeatbcr equall eucn bnto tlje toppe,mitljout nio> Itpng anp p?opo?tion o?limtIitiioc of a bea®, o? anpopference erceptintljenoBBle, anointbe toppes of tljep? neebes : tljep baue berp rcunoe faces muclje Iplte bnto ©rules, ano bane a marbe of tbep? obmeljeare after tlje mancr ofacp?cIr, mijiclj mabetb tbep? faces feeme fornemljat mo?e long then large : tljep bauefmattepes ano roun®e,ann noflrpiieslphe bnto 99 unkepo: Do.t, tbep 1 Gon* Fer. Ouic ger then^eefe, tlje greater parte of tbepj feathers arc of ruf- fet colour, anb in fome partes peloboe, tljepj bplles oj brakes are of tuio fpannes tn length, anb uerp large neare to tlje beau, anb grobupng (mall totoaroe the popnte, tljep baue great ano large tbjotes, anbaremucljclpketoafouleboljicb 3! labor tiuflaum bets in H5?u(Tclles tn pour niatelftes pallacc, tobt'clje the iflc- ntpnges call Hma : $nb 3 remember that inljcnpour male- (fie bpneb one bap in pour great ball, there boas brought to pour mateffies pjefencea Cattberne of boater boitlj certapne fpfljcg alpue, bobtelje tlje fapoe foulc bpb eate bp botjole, anb 31 tljpnke berplp that that foulc boas a fouie of tbe fea, bccattfe fijee ban feetelpkc foules of tbe boater, as baue alfo tl)tfeJ(catrazi, tobteb are Ipftetopfe foules of tlje fea, anb of fuebe greatttelfe, tljac 31 baue feene a tubole coate of a man put into tlje tbjoates of one of them in Panama, tntljepecre* 1521 . ^nbfojafmuclje ^ as tn tljat coa(f of Tana palfetlj anb flectlj a great mulct * 1 Wbeoftljefe AlcatmziMyno; a tljpngberp notable, 31 bupll De- clare tlje matter beereof, as not onelp 3, but alfo bptters otljec nofrepjefenttnpourmatcftics courte baue often tpmesfeene. g>our maieftie fljall therefore bnbcrlfanbe, tljat in tljts place (as 3 baue fapbe before) tbe fea ofs«r rpfetu anb falle.lj ttoo Jeagues anb moje from fpreljoures to fpjee tjo ures : fo tljac boljen it tncrcafetlj, elje boater oftbe lea arrpttetlj fo neare to tlje boufes Of PanamaM Doetb OUr fea (calleb Mare Mediteraneum) tn Bar?alona,o? tn Naples : anb boljen tlje fapb tncrealtng oftbe fea commetlj, there commeclj alfo tljerebottlj fuebe a multitude of $be fatal SGjes calleb £aroines 3 tbat it is fo matueilous a thing to £>Dfa. bcholbj P Goti* Fcr. OuieA bebotoev that no man moulo beleettc it cbat batlj not feene it 3Tn* fomucb tljat tlje Cacique (tljat t$) the kpng of tljat !anoe,at fuel) tptiie a$ 31 0 U)dc there, mas bounoe oaplp, as be luaei commaun* oeo bp pour matetfteggouernour, tob?pngo?omartlp tb?ee ca* noaso? bathes full of the fapoe &aropne$, ano to bnlaoe tlje fame tn the market place, rnbtche mere afeermaroe bp the ru- Jerof the citteouitoeo among the Cl)?tHtan mem tottbouc anp cotfeo? charge to anp of them : 31nfomuclje that tf the people ijao been a much greater muiticune then tbep mere, ano aei ma* up ag are at this pjefent tnr oledo, o? mo?e, ano Ijao none other ltljpng tolpuebp, tljcptnpgbt bauebeen fuflmemlp fuffepnen bp tbefe ^aropnes!, befpoe the otierplug mbtcb (boulo Ijatte re* wapneo ♦ ^uttoreturnetotljefouleg, mljereof toe baue fpo* hen. ^stljefeacommetb, ano tbe ^aropnes uritlj tlje fame* euen fo Ipkempfe come the fapoe Alcatraz gi tljereuriclj, ano flee conttnuallp ouer te,tn fuel) a multptuoe, tljat tbep appeare to co* tier tlje upper parte o? floo?e of the mater, ano thus continue ui moumpnganofaIlpngfromtbeap?ctotbemater, anofrom tlje mater to tbe ap?e,ourpng all tbe tpme oftljetr fi(bmg:ano aflbone ag tbep baue taken anp of tbefe &aromes,tbep flee abotte tlje ma* ters, ano cate tljem tnconttncntlp, anofooepnlp rettirneagapne to tbe mater fojmcje, continuing thus cotirfebpeourfenntljout eeaflpngu'n Ipke maner mljen tbe fea falletb,tbep foiotue tbep? fp* (bpng ao 31 baue fapoe ♦ ‘Eberc goetb alfo in tbe companp of tbefe fouled, an other hpnoe offoules, calico Coda in for cat a , (that to) she fo?keo tapIe,m!jereof 31 baue maoe mention before, gt aflbone a$ the JUatraz^ motmtetb from tbe mater mttlj her p?ap of the ^>aropnes, fcoepnlp this Coda h forcata gpuetlj her fo manp- ftrokcs,ano fopcrfecutetb her, that (bee caufetlj her to let fall the fearopnes mljtclj fbee batb in Ijcr mouth : the mbtclj aflbone as tbep are falne, ano before tbep pet touche the mater, thzCoda inforcata catcbetb tljem eucn in the fall, mfttebe fo?te, tljat tt tg a great pleafliretobeboloe the combat betmeene them all tlje oaplong* Ebc number of tbefe Alcatrazzi tsfuebe, tljat tlje Cbflfftan menareaccuflomeotofenoetocertapne Slanoeg ano rockes mbtcb are nearc about Panama, mttlj tbep? boater o? bar* fees to take tbefe JlcatrazgiM jplc tbep are pet poitng, ano cat? not flee 3 ano kpfl a$ manp of them mitb ftaues a£ tbep mill, ontpll tljep 20J Of the weft Indies. $ep batte theretotth laoen tbep? Marked o? Cattoad t thefe potmg one* are fo fat ano Ml fcooc, cljat ebep ca« noc bee eatcn 3 ana are taken fo? none other intent* hut onelo to make greafe fo? canoled to burne in the npgljt, fo? tlje toljtcbe pttrpofe tt feructb berpmelLanogpuetlja riearclpgbt, anoburnetljeaftlp ♦ after tbidmaner,ano fo? tljid purpefe, innumerable of them arc kplo: $ pet it feemetb that tlje number of them that fpfljefo? &aropncd noe oaplp increafe . £ljere are other fouled calfco Tajfereft m* ^ - fie , that id, Imtple fparotued : tbefeare fomelnljat le(Te tljen . JJ J &>eamemed, ano bane tbep? fcetc Ipkc bmo great £0alarocd,^ * ano tfanoe in the Uiater fomctpmcd 3 ano tuljcn the ftpppes topic fpftte c? a ljtmo?eo leagued about the Jlanoes, thefe fouled be* bolopng the fljpppes commpng toutaroe them, b?cake tbep? fipghtj ano toll ooume bpon the topic paroed, mailed* ano ca* bled thereof, anti arc foftmpleanofolpflje, that tljep tarp bn* tpll tljep map eadlp bee taken toitb mens banned* ano mere ther* fo?e calico of the marpnerdftmplefparouied : tbep are blacke, anobppon tljep? blacke, hatie tljep? Ijeao ano fljcttlocrd of feathers of a oarke ruffet colour : tljep are not goon to bee eaten, although the ntarpnerdljauc fometpmed been info?ceo to cate them, €b ere id an other kpnoe of bp?oedtn the finite iano,U)bich the Cljiiftiand call Vtiuti, becaufc tbep baue berp great beaked, r . . inrefpecte of the litleneffeof tljep? hooped, fo? tljep? brakes l lcutu are berp beaup, ano boape mo?e then tljep? inljole boopes be* fpoe : thefe bp?oed are no bpggcr then ©uaples, but haue a mucljc greater budjement offeatljerd, fafomuebe that tljep? fea* tljerd are mo?e then tbep? boopes : tljep? feathers are berp fap?e, ano ofmanpbariablc coloured, tljep? beaked arc a quarter of a paroe in length o? rno?e, ano benopng cornne tovoaro the earth, ano tb?ee fpngerd b?ooe ncare bnto the heao : tljep? tengued are berp quplled, mberetoirlj tbep make a great bpffpng : tljep make holed tn trees boitlj tljep? beaked, in the mljich tljep maketbeic neatfes ♦ $no furelp thefe bp?oes arc manteploud to beboloe, fo? the great opffercncebohichc tljep baue from all other bp?oes that 3! haue feene, afmelifo? tbep? tongues (mbiebarc quplled as Ji haue fapo)ad alfo fo? tljc ffrangcnelfe of their fight,^ oifp?o* po?tion of their great beaked, to refycct of the reft of their booted. ©jcrc are no bpjoes founo that p?om'ce better fo? the fafegaro of Do, tit, their ifolpfys fpa# roiues. 5 ? Gon. Fer. Ouied. tbep? poung in tbe tpnte of tbep? b?eeopng, to be Uwljotit oaun* ger oftuploe cattes, tbac tljep enter not two tljep? neades to tie* drop eljctr egges o? poung,ano tljis aflncll bp tbe Grange mane* of buplopng tbetr ncHcjS^asJ alfo bp tbep? clone oefence:ano tber* fojemljen tbep percepue that tlje cattes app?ocbe tolnatoe them, tbep enter into tbep? ttedes, ano bdopng tbep? beakes tolnatoe tbe entratmee of tbe fame,danoe at tbep? oefcnce, ano fo uejee tbe cattes, that tbep caafe them to leaue tbetr enterp?pfe . ‘SLbere are alfo other bp?Des o? fparoloes, uibicb tbe Cb?idians bp com trarp effecte cal! Matti, tbat is fooler : Whereas neuertljelefife there 10 no bp?oe tbac fijetuetb mo?e lope ano crafte tnoefenopng ber poting from perpl.^bf fe bp?oes are ittle,^ tn maner blacke, ano fometuljat bpgger then our ®j?ulbes, tbep baue certapne Inljpee feathers tn tbep? neckes, ano tbe Ipke fagadtie c? fl;arpe* ttdfe of fenfe as baue tbe bp?oes 0? ] 9 pes calico Gazguole , tbep Itloomecpmes Ipgljt uppon tbe earth : tbep make tbep? ttedes m trees feparaceofrom other, becaufe the lupine cattes (calleo Mammon/) are accudomeo to leape from tree to tree, not otf* cenopng to the grounoe fo? feare of other beades, except inljtn tbep are eitfo?cco bp tbtrtf to come oolnite to o?tnkc,ac fucb times as tbep are fare not to bee moledeo, anti fo? this caufeDoe not tljefe bp?ocs make tbep? nedes but tn trees farre otuioeo from 0* tber,tbep make them of a cubtte in length, 0? nto?e, after the maner ofbagges 0? title fackes, large at the bottome, anD groin* pngitarolner ano narotuer toiuaroe the mouth, inberebp tbep are fadeneo, Oattpng the bole inherent tbep enter into the facbe, offuelje bpggenefle as map onelp fuffpee to recepae them . 3 no totbccnoetbattbecattesmapnotoeaour tljep? potrng, if tljep cljaunce to mourn uppon tbe trees inhere tljep bane tljep? nedes, tbep bfe an other craft, uuljtcl) ts, to make tljep? nedes in tljicbe b?aundjesof trees, anotooefenDetbe fame Inttlj (barpe ano If rong tbo?nes, impltcateanofctinfiicbeo?oer, that no man ts able to make the Ipke, fo tbac tljecattes can bp no meanespuc tbep?legges into tlje bole of tlje made to take out tlje pcting bp?Des,afincUfo?tbefljarpeneireof tbetljo?nes, as alfo fo? tlje oeaptlj of tlje nelfes,tn tlje bottome mberof, the poung biros red Mtljouc oaungcr of their enimtetfo? fome of tl;ep? nedes bepug Of the weft Indies. Mt or fottre fpattnes in length the Iegge of the catte can not teacbc to the bottome thereof . 3Db«P ufe alfo an other pollicie, iohtch^s to make manp of tbepr neades in one tree, tbcmlncb tbep ooefor one of tbefe tmo caufes : that ts, that eptijet of tljepr oione natwcall otfpofitton thepare accuflomeo to goe in great multttuoes, ano reiopce m the company of tbepr atone generate on, asooetbe bproes mbiefjemee call stares, o? da to the in* tentthattfttihoulofochanncc that the cartes fljouloe clpme the trees mbere the? matte tljep? neades, tljcp mpgbc bee a greater tompanp to refpd atto moled the catted, at mijoie approc^j tljcp matte a fearefullano terrible crpe,mberebp the cartes are put to flight, furthermore, in the fpjme !anDe,anD in the Jtanoes, there are cercapne bproes calleoF/cfo’, o i&azguole, fomelohatlpke Cajole. Onto thofe mbtcb U)c call GLtooomalleS, or ££looOpcckcs, bepng leffc then ours of &>papne : tbefe are altogeatljer bIacke,ano gee hopppng ano ieappng, tljepr beakes arc alfo blackc, ano of the fame fafbtcn as are the ItDopmgtaps beakes, thep bane long tap* les, ano are fomemljatbpgger then Stares ♦ Cbcre are other bproes calico TmtadelHMnci) are Ipke Onto certapnc grecne bpr- Fwtaddh, Des, mbtcb the 3ltalpans call Fmguelli , ano are offeuen colours: tbefe bproes for feare of the cattes, areeuerurntto make tbepr nead es ouer the bankes of rpuers, or dje fea, inhere the brunches of trees fo rcache ouer the mater that mttb a title mepgljt thep map borne oomne to the mater : djepr nealfes aremaoefonearetbecoppes of the b?aunches, that mijen the cattescome thereon, the brunches benoe totuaroe the mater, ano the cartes turnebackeagapne for feare of fatlpng : for al- though no bead in the morloebce more malicious then this, pet mljereas the mod parte of beadcs are naturallp inclpnco to frnpmme, this catte hath no manerof aptemfletberebnto, ano is therefore fooneoroUmeo or drangeleo in the mater, ano bp a pr tuie fenfe of nature feareth the Danger mhich he can not efcape. ^hrfe bpr^s make their nedes in fticlj fort, that although thep he metre ano filieo umb mater, pet ooe thep fo fooepnlp rpfe bp a* gapite, that the poung bproes are not djerebp hurt oro?omneo. ^bere are alfo manp Jftpgljtpngales, ano ether bproes mhich fpng maruepiouflpe Unci; great melooie ano Difference in Do.iiu. fpng* ^reat foule0* Cqcus ¥ Gon. Fer. Ouied. Ipngptig : tbefe bp?oes are of marueplous optters coloured tbt one from tbe otber, fome are alt ogeatber pdoto, ano fome other of fo excellent, oelectable, ano bpgb a colour,as tt mere a Hubpe, ocljer are alfo of opuers ano bartable coloured, fome of fetneco# toures, ano other fome all of one colour, bepng all fofap?e ano beautiful!, that in b?pgbfne(Te ano (bpnpng t&ep epccll all that are feene tn g>papne, o? 3ltalp, o ? other p^oiu'ncejs of Curope *i SPanp of tbefe are taken toith nettes,lpme (topazes, ano fp?pn* geei ofopuers fo?tes ♦ Dpuers other fo?tes of great foules Ipke Onto €agles,ano fuche other aslpue of p?ap, arefounoe in the firmeianDe,offiiclje otuer fttte, that tt is tnmaner tmpofltble to oeferibe them all parttculerlp : annfo?afmucbeas3fbauemo?e largelp intreateo hereof in mp general! bp!fo?ie of the Entries, 3 tbpnke it not requpfiteljeereto make anpe further mention of the fame* Of tree?,fruite?>and plantcs. '©ere is both tn tbe firme lanoc ano tlje 3f* ianos,a certapne tree calleo Cocus s bepng a kpnoe of Datctrees,ij hattpng t&etr lenues of the felfe fame greatneffe as haue the Date trees tobicb bearc oates, but opffcr much in their grotnmg, fo? the leaues of this Cocus •grome out of the trunkes of the tree, as ooc the fingers out of the bano,tu?eatbing them felues one tuithm an other# fo fp?eaomg ab?oue:ebcfe frees are hpgh 5 & are fettnoe tn great plentte tn the coalf of the fea of Sur , tti the prouince of CacU yue cbimm.y&wiz bate trees b?tngfoo?tb a fruit after this fo?te; being altogcather brnte as it grometb on the tree, it is cf greater circumference then the heao of a man# from the fuperketa! part to § nnooelf,mbicb is the fruit, tt is inuoltteo $ ccuereo mtth ma* np mebs much ipke Onto tfjofc biros oftotomhtchthepbfetn /»- dalufia . Of tips rotoe o? lneb,tbe Calf Unmans make a certapne kpno of cloth- of tb?ee o? foure fo?t es, ano co?ocs fo? the faples of Ibpppesj but in tbefe Quotes of pour maicffie, thep pafife not fo? thefe co?oes,o? this cloth that map be maoe of tbefruite of Co- w,bp rcafon of il;e great plcntie tl;at thep Ijauc of tlje bombage m Of the wed Indicsi 205 c? cotton oftbe goffamptue trees. ®8s frutfe tobtcb is in the mpooclt oftbe fap&e tome, is ( as 31 bane fapoe ) asbpggeas amansfpd, anofometpmesttnpfeas bpgge, anomoje:31tis infourmelpkebutaatualnutte, o ) feme other rounoe tbpng, fomeiubacmojte long* then large, anobetp Ijaroe, tberpnoe o j batkebereof, teas thpckeas the tpjcle of letters of a rpali of plate, and njttbtn, there cleauetb fad to the rpnoe of the nttete a camofitte o? fubtfaunce of cooler, of the tbpekenefie ofljalfe afpnger, 0 } oftbe lead fpnger of the Ijanoc, anotsnerptnbptr, lpkebntoafap;ie3Imonoe, ano of better fade ano mo?e plca^ faunt* Wi)tn tbisfruite ts cbelneo, there remapne certapne crtmmtes, as oo the fpke of 3 Imonoes : I>etif te be ftualotncB Dotone, tt is not biipleafaunt . tfoj although that after the tutce 0 } mopdure be gone ootune the thjtote before the fatoe crummes befmaloU)eD,the red lohicbe is eaten, feentefomtubat fbarpe o; fofuer, pet Doth it not fo grcatlp ofFenoe p ta^agt to be call atuap. dUbple tl)t0 Cocus ts petfrefbe ano neiulp taken from the tree, tbep bfe not to eate oftbe faio carnodtie a fruite,but fjntl beating it berp muclje, ano then tfrapnpng it, tbep oiaine a mpike there- of, much better ano ftneeter then to the mpike of beaded, ano of much fubflntmce, the Uihtchethe Chilian men of tho'e regions put in the tojtes o* cakes tub icb tbep make of the graine of M.a%* zlum tuberof tbep make tbep* bjeao, oj in other tyeao as toe pue fyeao tn po?rage : fo that bp reafon oftbe fapoe mpike of Cocus, the f o? tes are mo^cerct Kent to br eaten initljout offence to tlje domake: tbep are fopleafaum totlje mile, ano ieaue it afkuell fattffpeo as though tf hao been oeipteoniitOmanp odpeate op* gf, mte r fmf Ibes. But to pjoceeoe further, pour matellie fbalbnoerllanoe, oneoftiuk that in the place oftbe done o? coopiell, there is in the mpooed oftije(apoecarnoQtieabopocpIace,U)htcb neuertbcleffe is full MKiutums ofa mod clcare ano ercellent mater, tnfuchequamttic as map SPrViiakcn fpff a great egge fl;eil, oj tno?c, oj leffe, acco^opng to rlje bpgge* to* uhi* neffe of the Cacus,ti)t rnbiebe mater fuerip, ts the mod fubdan* ti!Yrni?ae 9 it tiad, excellent, ano precious to beonuike,thatmapbefounoe uierem a lot* in the iuo^oe : tnfomucb that in the moment tufjen it pallet!} itfoufuimD ,ue the palate of rbe mouth, anobegpnnethtogoooUJncthethjotc, amoumb part* it feemeth that from the foie of the fooce, to the crolnne of the laaY.ucfu^ 1 !;eao , there is no parte of the boepe but that fceletb great Uauu£f* comfort Goti. Per. OuicJ* eomforte ebere&p : as ftfe omttlede one of the mod ejrcetlent tinges time map be tadeo bppon the earth, ano Cache ag 31 am not able bp mrptpng or tongue to ejcprelfe ♦ 3no to pro* ceeoe pet further, 31 Cap that mljen the meateof this frutcc 10 taken from tlje bedell thereof, the bedell remapneth as fapre ano neate as though it mere pullpfljeo , ano 10 mttljouc of co* lottrtndpnpng tomaroeblacke, anofbpnetljor glpderetfj berp fapje, anoismttbin of no lede otlicatenede . ibuche as haue accudomeo to orpnke in tljefebedelles, ano haue been troubles mitb the otfeafe calico the frettpng of the gutter, fap tbatthep haue bp experience fottnoe it a matueplotts remeote agapnd that Otfeafe, ano that it breaketb the done, ano prottoketh brine, ^bis frutte mas calleo Coc«x,fo? this caufe,that mben it is taken from the place inhere ttdeaueth fad to the tree, there are feene tmo bo!es,ano aboue them ano other natural boles,mbtcbe alto- gcacljeroo reprefenttbegefiureanodgureofebe cat tes calico Mammoni, that ts,2punkeps, mben tbep crpe, mhtrij crpe the 3[noianS call Coca , but tn berp oeeoe,tbts tree is a kinoe of Date trees?, ano hath the fame edecte to heale frettpngof the gmtes, tbatptmeoefcrpbecballkpnooofDatetreeiato haue* 3Lbere are furthermore in thedrme lanoe, trees of fueije bpggencde ttt t* t t ^ at 31 tiare not fpeake therof, but in place inhere 3 f haue fo ma- npmptnedesmbicbebauefeenetbefameas mellas31 . 31 Tape therefore,that a league from en fppcccnc (pannes tbpebe, ano mas ncttertfeelefTe but title in refpect of ma* np other trees; mbtche are founoe in this; p?ouince* SF 0 } the 3in* otans of the coatfe ana p?otitnce of Cartagena, mabe barbes oj boates; thereof (mbtcb thep call Camas ,) of fuebe bpggctie{rc,be* png all one mbole tree, tljatfome contepnca bun^eo nten,fome a buntnet) ano tbtrtte,anD foment o?e 3 baupngncuertljelcfie fttcb itopoe fpaceiuttbitt the fame, that there is left ftitfictentroome to palfc to ano fro throughout alt the Camas . g>omeoftbefe are fo large, befpoe the length, that tbepcontepne mo?e then ten o? tutelar fpannes tit bjeaotb, anD laple mirb tmo faplcs,as Uoith the matter faple ant) the trpnebet, mbtcb thep tttabcof oerp goots cotton ♦ ^be greateft trees that 31 bauefeenctn tbefe pattes,o? tit anp other regions ,mas in the p^cutnce of Guaturo, the bpng mhctof rebellpng from the obemcitce of pour matetfte, U)aspurlucobpme,antitabenp^foncr : atmbicbctprne3imitb tttpcontpanpe,pa(fetJ cuer auetp hpgh moumapnc,fu!l of great trees, itube top mbereof, me founoe one tree, mbtche bao tbjee rootes,o? rather DiutOons of the roote abotte the earth, in fournte a marucpioua ofa trpattgle, o? treuet, fo that betuteene cuerp foote of this tri- mc - angle ojtb?eefcete, there mas a fpace of tlnentie foote betUtcne euerp foote, ano this of fuch hcpght abotte the earth, that a laoen Cartofthofe mherenuth thep are accutfomeo totypngbonte cope in the tpme ofOarncft in the hpngoome of Toledo in g>papne,mpgbteafdp haue patten though euerp of tljofepar* tittongf ojmpnoomesmbicbmevc bettocencthcth?cefeeteofthe fapo tree, if rout the earth bpmaroc to the trunbe of the tree, the open places of the ouudons betuteene thefe ityeeleerc, mere of fuche bepgbtfrom the gtountubat a footentan Uriel) a Saitelui mas not able to reacbe the place inhere the fapoc feete iopneu togeatbertn the trunbe o } boopeof the trce, w mbtche greinc of great hepghc in one peece,ano one mbole booie,o) euer it fp^eao in brunches, mbtche it did not before it cpceeoco in hcpght the ^omjeof&ainct Eomane tn the ettie of Toledo : from mbtche hepght anu bpmart), it fpjeanuerp great anu ffrong bjauncbea* 3ntong SKpnMpitg of fpieUjttfjout Gon. Fcr. Ouied* among certapne g>pantarbes mbtebe clpntcb this tree, 31 mp felfemas one, ann mben 31 mag afcenbeb to the place tub ere tc begumte to fp?eaoe the bjauncbes, tc mag a maruedous tbpng to beboloea great countrep of fttcbe trees tomaroe tbe pjoutnce of abjapme. Ebtsctcemaseafpcoclpme, bp reafon of certapne papne* ®jefe are certapne putrilpeo trunkes , tobtebe (jane ipne fo long rottpng on the earth, that thep are berp U)ljpte 3 anoibpne in the npght Ipke burnpug fp?eb?anoes , ano tofjen the &pa* nparoes fpnoe anp of tljt'S toooooe , ano tntenoe p?iuilp in rtje npght to make niarre ano inuaoe anp p?outnce , toben cafe foregupjetbtbatitfljalbe neceffarp to goe in tlje npgfjt, in fucbplacesU)bcretbepknoU>enottlje map, tlje fo?mod Cb?t* dtanmantobicbegupoetlj tbetnap, aflbetate Uutb an 3!notan to oirecte (jpm therein, taketb a (tele darre of tlje fapoe tnooooe, ttrijiclje (je puttetlj in bis cappe, Ijangpngbebpnoe on Ijts fljoul* Oers , bp tlje Ipgljt mljereoflje tljat folotoctlj ncjrc to Ijpm, oirec* tetlj Ijts ioutnep,toboalfoinlpkcmanerbcarctljanotljcrdarre bebpnoebpm, bp the fljpnpng nrfjereoftljetljpjoc folotoetlj the fame roap, ano in Ipke manerooal the red, fo tljat bp tljtS rneanes none are lode o? draglc out of tlje map . 8no fa?afmucb as tljtslpgbtis not feene berp farre, itts tlje better policte fo? tlje Cljjidtans.becaufetljep are not cberbpoifdofeobefoje tljep inuaoe tljep? cnimtes ♦ tfurtljermojcastoucbpng tlje natures oftrees, oneparticulcrtbpng feemetlj looojtbp to be noteo, flinic, toljereofpiime maketlj mention in bis naturall bpdojpe.toljcre be faptlj tljat there are certapne trees tubidje contpnue eucr greene, anoncuerlcfc tljep? leaucs, as tlje Bap tree, tlje CcOar,tlje j2D?angctrce,f tlje Dliue trec,U)itlj fticb other, of tlje Gtttttobwt loljidjetnaltogeatljerle nametljuotpadfpucojfppc* 3To tljis «*«•«»« mir purpofe,3lfap, tljat in tlje 3!lanoes of tljefe 3In0ies,an0 alfo * ntm * intbclpjmeianoe, it is a tbpng of mudje oidicnltie to fpnoe duo frees tljat lofe o?cad tljep? leanes atanptpmc : 4 F 0 ? al* though 31 bane oiligentlp fearcljeo to knotoe tlje truetlj hereof, pet Ijaue 31 not feene anp that lofe thep? leaucs , epther of them mljicbe W Ijaue b?otigljt out of g>papne into tijefe regi* ons, as 0;angc trees, limons, Ceoars, palmes, o? Date trees, ano pomegranate trees, o? of anp other in tbefc regions, except onelp Caffia, toljidje lofeth (jis leaucs, ano Ijatlj a greater Ca JJ i4a God* Vet. Omemitfc out anp hurt thereof enfutitg. ^ljerfb?emhen tljep fpnoe tljefe in anp place, tljep make mater beflels oftljecancdtljcreof,anD rarrp ad manp of tljem full of mater as map fufficc fo? one oaped io?ncp: ano fcmettme tkep carp fo manp, tljat tljep take fo? eucrp manimo o?tlj?ee qtiarted of mater, mijiclj map fertteiljemfo? manptiapcdjkecaufett ootlj not corrupt, kutrcmapnetkdpH frefljeano gcoo. mijere are alfo certapne planted ,mljicljc the Cb?tftiand cad Plat am, tljefe are ad bpglj ad treed, ano become as kpg in tlje trunkc ad tlje knee of a man, o? mo?e . jfrom tbe foote to tlje toppe, tljep keare certapne long ano large leaued, kepngmo?e tljcn tb?ee fpanned in largenefie, $ about ten o? tmelue in length* tlje mljtcbe mfjen tljep are k?oken of tlje mpnoe, tlje daike rental netb mljole in tlje mpooed . 3!n tlje mpooedof tljtdplanr, in tbe Ijtgbelf part tberof,tljcre grometb a duller mttlj fourtte o? fpftte platans about tr,etterp of tljem kepng a fpanne ano a Ijalfe in lengtlj,ano as kpg ad a mans arme in tbe fmall,o? mo?e,o? lefle, acco?opng to tlje gooDneffe of tbe Topic mbere tbep grome : tbep bauearpnoenotberp tljpcke, ano eafpetoke broken, kepng mitljiit altogeatljer ful of a (xiblfatmce fpke Onto tbe marp of tlje bone of an Ope, as it appeared mben p rinoe o? bar ke id taken fromtbefame . ®bid duffer ought to betaken front tlje plant* mben anp one of tlje platand begin toappcarepelomc,atmljtcl> tpme tbep take tc, ano bang it in tljep? Ijottfcd, mijere all tlje dulfermapetbrppe, mitb all bid platans . ^Ijisduderida berpgooo.ftuite 3 anombenic idopenco 3 anotfje rpnoetakm Platan'll tfPW*> Turns* Gen* Fcr. Omed* of, there ate founoe tnitbm icmanp gooo D?pe fpgg?& fohtdje bepng rodeo, o? deineo tit an ©uen, in a do fe pot, o? fome fuche ocher thpng 5 are of pleafaunt calf, much Ipke to the conferucof np : tljep putrifie not on the fea fo foone ao fome ot&cr fruiter oo, but compmte fpfteene Dopes! ano mo?e, pftljep be geatbcreD fomeinbac greene : tbep feeme mo?e Delicate on the Tea then on tbelar»D,not fo? that thep anp thing cncreafe in gooDneffe on tire fea,bucbecattfe thatlohereaaionthe fea other chpngcs!arefae» kpng, luljereof is! plentie on the lano, tbofe meates feeme of bed tad, tobtebe fatiffie p?efcnc neceffitte ♦ ^£bfe trunke o? fp?pg Much bjpngetb foo?tb the fapo duder, fe a tnbole peere in groin* ing ano banging foo?tb fruite, in inbid) tprnc it bath put foo?c& rounoe about tt ten o? tineltte fpjpgges, a 0 bpgge as! the fp?d 0 ? p?incipal( , ano multipltetb no leffc then the p?inctpall in b?ing* mgfoo?tb ofdttders!,uritb fruttes! Ipkeiupfeat tbcp?tpme,anD alfotn b?pngpng foo?tb other ano manpfp?pgges!, asifefapoe Oefo?e ♦ Jfrorn the tnhtche fp?pgge$ 0 ? trunkes, a$ foone ass the duder of the fruited taken aioap, the plant beginneth too?pe ano tnpther,U)hiche thenthep take om of the grounoe,becaufe ic Doth none other then occupied tn bapne, ano inttbouc p?ofpte* ^Dheparefomanp,anDDofomaruepIouflp encreafe ano multi* plie, that it fe a thpng in maner encremble. ^bep are ejcceeotng mopd, tnfomuch that Cohen thep are pluckebbp from the place Cohere thep groin, there ifhueth foo?tb a great guamitteofioa* ter,aftneIoutof the plant, agi out of the place inhere tt greine, ftt fudje fo?c, that althe mopdure of the earth farre about, mpghtfeemeto be geatbereo togeather about the truncke 0 ? blocke of the fapo plant, intth the fruttes! inbereof the Elites are fo farre in lone, that thep are leene in great multituDegsinthe launches; of the plames! : fo that fo? the multituoe thereof, ic fometpmefo djattneetb* that men are enfo?ceo to take aioap the planter from thep? pofTeffton : thefe fruttes! are fotmoe at al tpmeg of the peere. ^bere is! alfo an other kinoe of imloe plants that groinethintbe feeloesi, inhiche3I hauenotfeenebuttnthe 3Ilanoe of Hifpaniola, although thep befounoe in other 3IlanoeS ofthe31nm'es! : thefe thep call Tunas. £l)tp groineofa^Dhidle full oftho?nes!, ano b?pngfoo?th a fruite muche Ipke bnto great tfigges, inhiche h^uea crotune Ipke spoolers » ano arc rottljm Of tlie weft Indies. 209 toftbto ofa bpgfc colour, tnitb gtapnes ant the fptite Me bnfo a fpgge : tbep are of goot taffe,ant groin abuntantlp in the fteites m tnanp places : tbeploojke aftraugc cffecce tn ficbeas cate tbem,fo) if a man eate tloo,o? tb?cc,o)mo)e,tbep caufc bis bjtne to bee of tfjeberp colour of blootJnbtcb tbpngcbauacetonce to ntpfclfc . jfo 3 ionatpmeajai 3 }mateniater,antfatoetl)ccoIouc ofmpb?ine,3lentretimoa great fufpatcn of nip Ipfe, bepngfa aff onpfyco foj feare, tbat 3 tbottgljc the fame bat cljauncct to mee bpon fome other caufe, infomuebe tbat furelp nip imagina* tion tnpgbt baue tone mce b urte, but tbat tbcp tobicb lucre mcetpt comfbjte mee imraetiarip, teclarpng ibe caufe thereof, a0 tbepbneb) bp experience, bepng aunctent mbabicottvs in tljefe regions* ^beregrotoetbaife an other plant, tobicbtbe people oftbecoumrepcatiMtfoj : tbts puttetb foo?tl; ccrcapnc ftrcigbc $ibaos a lnancbes,ant berp bjote leaues, tobicb tbe 3!ntians bfe foj op- tiers purpofes: jTo? in fome places tbcp cotter tljepi botifes luttlj tbe leaues thereof, coucbet ant lapte after the mancr of tljetcbe, tobetebmottferuetbberpinell : ^ometpmes alfo inljcn it rap- netb, tbep calf tbefe ouer tbep? bcates, to tefenoe them from the mater ♦ ^bep make alfo certapnecbeftes,inbicb tbcp call Ha* ^ aU4 . ft4f,ujcauet after a (frange fo?te, ant intermprt toitb the leaues ' of this Bibaos . “Ebcfr cbelf es are thought in fucb fo?te,tbat al* though it rapne bpon tbem,oj tbep ebaunee to fall into tlje boater, pet are not fuebe tbinges tuet as are initbtn them : tbep are mate of the branches of the fapte Maos, imtb the leaues lueauet to« geacber tberetottb : 3Jn tbefe tbep fteepe falte,ant other fubttle tbinges ♦ ©ep bfe them alfo foj an other purpofe,lubicb is this: tbatfpntpng them in tbe fieltes at fuel) tpme as tl;ep battefcarfe* nelfe of bittaples, tbep tpg bp tbe rootes of there plantcs bobtle tbep are pet poung,o) eate tlje plant it felfe, in that parte inhere it is molt tenter, toljicb is from a footebnter tbe grounte, inhere it is as tenter ant tnbpte as a reeoe o) bulrulbe* 3 no fojafmucbe asineearenoinecometotbcenteoftpis narration, it commetb to mp rcmembiaunre to make mention of an other tbpng,U)btcj) is not farre from mp purpofe : ant this ts, bolne the Intians toe Oapne o? tpe cloatb of bombage cotton, oj anp other tbpng ^pingofeou tobicbe tbep intense to tpe, of opuers colours, as blacfee,talnnp, greene 3 bletoe 3 petoln 3 ant rette 5 iobicb tbep toe toitb tbe barites,. Ce.i* n> CUtont gt Gon* Fcr. Cuiccf* e? rpnDeS,anD leaues of ccrcapne trees?, tiJbicb tbep knoto bp w perience to be gooo fo? this p?accife : anobp this arte tbep make colours! in fuebe perfection ano epcellencie, that no better can bee Deupfeb ♦ But this feemetb a (frange tbpttg, that tbep Doe aR tbts in one felfe fame beffeU : &>o tbatlofjen tbep baue caufeD tbe fapoe rpnoesatio leaues tobople cogeatber, tbep mabe in tbe fame bedell Uritbout anp ebattnge (as? 31 baue fapbe) as! manp colours as them Ipdetb : o» Ferdmando * But to rctttrne to Petrus Jrias, tl;e bpfltyp. ©;efe ^pplejai(ag310auefapbe) grolue neare Un- to djcfca.^nDmhereastbe Cbjdtiansmbtdjcfcruc pour mate* ftie in djefe parties, fuppofe that there is no remcop fo pjofpta* b!e fo; fucb as are luounoeo luitlj tl;efe arromes, as is tljc boater of dje fea,if d;e mouno be nutd; malbeD tbcrmitb, bp luljtd; mea* ms fome l;aue efcapeD,aUbougb but feme : pet to fap the trued;, albeit tljc mater of the fea l;aite a certainc cauftikc qualitp againft popfon,tttsnotafufftciemremeDpm tl;iscafe, no; pet to d;is t^efw. atfr Df Dap baue tbe Civilians percepueodjat of fpftie that Ijaue been monnbetJ,tl;;ee Ijaue recouereo. But tl;at pour maieft it map tbe better conftoer tljc fo;ce of tljc benome oftljefe trees,pou Qjal fur- tber UnDer(fattD,tl;at if a man Doe but repofeljim felfc to (leepe a litle mbplebnoer tbeibaoom oftbe fame, be batb bis bean ^ epeg fo fioolne mi;en Ije rpfetb,tl;at tlje epe Ipooes are topneo mttlj tbe cbeekes, anD if it cbaunce one Djoppco; rnojcofdjcDcame of d;e fapoe tree to fall into tljc epe,it utterlp oedropetlj tbe Ipgbt ♦ ©e peftdent nature of this tree is fucbe,tl;at tt can not be Dcclarco in frmemojDes.Oftbefe, tljere gromed; great plendem tbe gulfe ofFr^4,tomarDe tlje jftojd; coat!, on tbe aptfrepgbf, ano fapje to beijoloc ♦ Oftljefe t^p ufe to uukeppkes, ano Jawipng of Dpuers lengths ano ito ' Cc.it bpg* Bobu g>ome tfthtfte ttjcfetabemi* robaUue#* Gorn Fcr. Ouiecft bpgnefle i tbep are of a fap?e colour, bettoeene ruflef atrn tobpte : tree b^ngfctb a great firutc as bpgge ajs ipapauer o$ poppie, ano mttebe Ipke tber ebnto, it is berp gooo to bee eaten toljcn it ts rppe.Otie oft&fe tbep get a berp cleare boater, mbere* iniib tbep toafbe tbeir legged ano fometpmes all tbep? boopes, toben tbep feele tbep? fldbeb)eecp,fapnt>o?loofe: tbetobieb torn* ter.befpoetbatttljatbabpnopttggualule, t 1 bacb aifo this p?o» pertie,tbat inbatfoeuer it touebetf;, ttlfepnetbttblackebp Ittle ano Ittle, bntpll tt bee as Macke as gete, toljtcb colour can not bee taken aboap in leffe fpace then tenueo? tboelue oapes: $no tf tbe naple bee but touch co therebaitb,ft is fo if epneo that it can bp no rneanes bee taken aboapj bntpll it eptber fall of,o? grotoout,ano bee clpppeo aboap bp Ittle $ Ittle, as 3 rnp felfe baue ofeempmes feenebn experience. HDbere is an other kpnoe of trees tobteb tbep call Bobi : tljefe are berp great ano fap?e, ano caufe bolelbme ap?e inhere tbep grotne,auD a pleafaunt fbaootoe, ano are founoe in great aboun* oaunce : tbep? fruit is berp gooo, ano of gooo calf ano fauour,anl» much Ipke Onto certapneoamfonso? prunes bepnglitle ano pe* Iobje,but tbep? (tone ts berp great, bp reafon thereof cl;ep baue butlttlemeate:tbep?barkeo? rpnoebopleom U3ater, maketb a bolefome batbe fo? tbe legges,becaufe it bpnoetb ano tfapetb tbe loofencfle of tbe flelbe,fo fenitblp that it ts a martteple to ccnftoer. 31c isfuteip a bolefome ano excellent batbe agapnlf fuebe fapnc* ne(fe , ano is tbe be if tree that map be founoe in tbofe parties to fleepe bnoer : tfo? it caufetb no beautnefle of tbe beao,as ooe op* uers other trees, fcobtcb tbpng 3 fpeake,b:caufe tlje Cb?iftians are mticbe acakfomco in tbofe regions to Ipefn tbeSeloes Jc ts tljerefo?e a common p?aettfe among tbem,tbaf boberefoeuer tbep fpnoe tljefe trees,t!jere tbep lp?eaoe tbep? mactrefles ano beooes tobrretn tbep fleepe. ^Lbere arealfoakpnoeof bpgb Date trees, ano W of t!jo?nes : the Uiooooe of tljefe is rnolf excellent, bepng be* rp blacke, ano (bpnpng, anofo beaupe that no parte thereof canfbjpmmeabouetbeumeer, but fpnketb tmmeoiatlp to the bottome . Dftbt'Siuooooe tbep make tbep? arrotoes ano oar* TStfo'm tts, alfo 3nttelpns, fpeares, ano ppkes : ano 3 fap ppkeS, becaufe that in tl;e coalfes of t|e fta of $ur 9 beponoe Bfaeg** ^atetvers. OFtTie weft Mies. 2il Sio tnttoi* fte 31 noiand bfe great ann long ppfccd,maue of tfje ujooo of djefe Batetrce&SDfdre fame Ipkeuipfc thep make club* bed,anofU)oo?ocd, ano opiters other toeapond : aifobdTelled ano bouOjoioe IMe ofopuers fo?ted, berpfap?e at® commoot* ous . .furthermore of tbtdujoootbe Cb?t(fiand bfe to make tipuerd muftcall tnlfrumented, ad Claricpmballed, Luted,® it* terns, ano fuebe other, the tobtrb befpoe thep? fap?e fijpnpng co* lour Ipke Onto gcte,are alfo of a gooo founoe, ano berp Durable, bp reafon oftfje barDnclTc of the ujood. after that 3 bane fapoe thud much of treed ano plants, 31 hatte Zn ^ rbc m thought goco alfo to fpeake fomeuibat of bcarbed.gott Oral ther-- ccamo comes, fore bnocrftanOjthat in thefe JitOtes there to an hearbe much like Unto a peloU) Ltlte, about tuljofe leaned there grotnc ano ctccpe certapne copes or lafed,ad the Ipke to partlp feenc in the hearbe inhtch Uie call lafeo lauerp,but thefe of the Snoied are much big- ger, ano longer, ano fo tftong that tbep tpc tl^cp? bangpngbcOd therebp, Ushtche thep call Bamacas, tohereofroe hauc fpokem dfetobere : tbefeco?ocd thep eallc^«/^noH™^«™, luhtche c alula and are all one tbpng, faupng that Benequcn to Iclfe ano of a fpner ^ enequclK fubdance,as it toere line, ano the other id grolfer, Ipke the tueeke * 1 o? ttoplf of bempe, ano td imperfect tit compartfoit to the other : thep are of colour bettneene tohpte ano peloU), Ipke Unto abarne, ano forne alfo tohpte. ^2Jttb BcnequenM)icl)z td the mod fubtple ano fpne tb?eeoe,tbe3lnDtand fatoe tn funoer fettcrd,chepitcd, or ^mg " se barred ofjron, mthtdmancrrehcp ntouc the threeo ofHo!es 3 fpackerels^urbutSj PaL* mitt, LiZ 2 ^,To!pi,C hie j)f>c,XaibasXQWttt$-2Dl>ttH8JXWZtyn$ great &o?topfes 3 $ r^«ro?iiofniarueilousbpgnefi*e:a!fo Man a* tesAvfo Murene, anD manp other fpfl)es 3 iohich haue no names in our language, anD tljefe of fuclje Diuerfitie anD quamitie,as can — ^ not * Of the weft Indies. 213 ntjtbe cjepjcffetjmttljout large mjptpng an&Ionj fpffoe . $trt fa let yafic to imreatepartitulerlp of die multitude offp®es, 3 lns fence to fycakecljtefelp, ana fomeU)ljatlarg;eIp 3 oftbjcefojtes of mod notable fpftjestiDljereoftljef^rtt^ tlje great gojtopfes, tljefcconce is callec Tilwron, ana dje tbpjc Manage, 2 na to begin at tlje fap tljat in tlje 3lance of r*^arc fonna great Zoy ^eat sroitop* topfes (mljielj are certapne fljell fpfljcsjof fuclje bpggenelfe tljat tenne oj fpfceene men are fcarfclp able to Ipfte one of tljem out of tlje mater, as 3 bane been fiffourmea of creatble perfonsciucb Ipng in dje lame 3lanc.15tte of tljat U)!jidj3 mp felfe bane fccnc, 3] cm tedifie, that in dje fpmie lance, in tlje tillage of JcU y there are of tljio fojt feme taken ana kpllea of fndje bpggenclTe, that fpjeemen mttlj muclje aifficulttc coulee fcarfclp mamc tljem out oftbc mater, ana commonly tlje leaf! fo;t of tbcm are as mticCj aatmomen map carrpata bttraen: tljat mljicije 3famclpftc& bpbpfpte men, Ijaaljer djellaparaeana a quarter in length? ana in bjeaatljmoje then fpue parties . €br matter of takpttg tbem,is tlji$:3t fometpmes cljatmcctlj tljat in tljepj great netted (mljicije tijep call iTjoofc nettes) there arc fottnoe ccrtanne Zny topfeg of tlje common fojt, in great quantities, ana mljcn tbcp come out oftljcfea, anc Inpngfoojtb tbcp? egges, ana goc to* geatljcrbp companpcsfromtbe fca, to fee&e on tbe lance, tlje Cljjtdtans oj 3ncians folome tljcpj Hepped mbiclj tljcp fpnee in tlje fance, anc foone ouertake tbcm,becaufe djep are btrp bcaup anc flome in gopng, altljougb tbcp make ail tlje bad tbcp can to returne to tlje fea,a(Toone as tijep cfpt'e anp borne ♦ (LOljen tijep tljat pttrfue tljem (jaue ottertaken tljem, tljcp put a dakc or daffe bncer tijep j legged, anc ouerturne tljem on tbcpj backes as tijep arepetrutmpng, fotljattljepcangoe nofttrtber,nomtrpfe a* gapneojt turne, anctbustbepfuffertbcmtolpedpllmljple tbcp folom? after tlje rcd 3 mijiclj tijep ouerturne in Ipkc manor : anc bp tljis meatrs take Peru manp,at fache* tpmes as tijep come foojti) * oftbe feaa3 31 (jaue ftpee : ^IjisfpUje is berv excellent anc Ijol* fometobeeaten, arb ofgooctad ♦ &lje feconce oftbe tljjcc fpfijeo mijerof 3 baue fpoken,is the Tiburon: tbisef is a berp great ciouwn*. fpOje, anc berp qupeke anc fmpfc in tlje mater, anc a crusll cc* ttourer tdjefeare oftentpmes taken 3 afmdimben tlje fijtppco are tyiwfaple tn tlje C’cean, as atfomlicndjcp ipe at anker, oj at W Ce.iu'i, am) Gon. Fer. Quied, my other tpme, anoefpeciallp cfee leade kpnoeoftbefefp®e£ tiMljen the fljpppe? are baser faple, tbe bpgged fojtc are taken after cljtjs maner.cEOljett dje Tiburon (ml) the fljpppe faplpng, be folomedj it fmpmmpng'bebpnoe, the toljtcljc tljtnge? tbe mart* iter? feepitg, cad foojtlj all the fpldj of tbe fljpppe into c be fea foj the fpflje to eaee, tuljo neumljelelfe folotoedj them Uridj equal! pafe, aldjough tbep make ncuer fuebe bade initlj full topnoe ano faple?, ano usaloumlj on euerp fpoe ano about tlje tfjpp 5 ano tlju? folotoedj tt fometpme foj tbe fpace of a Ijunojeo $ fpfeie league?, anomoje, ano tnljentlje mariner? are otfpofeo to take them, tljep cad ooitme bp tbe derne of tbe fbpppe a booke of 3!ron, a? bpgge a? tbe bpgged fpnger of a man? Ijanoe, of tbjee fpanne? tit length, ano crookeo ipke a fpfljeljooke, im'tlj bearoe? accoj* opng to tbe bpgnclfe thereof, ano fadetteo to an 3iron cbepne of fpueoj fpjcelpnke?nearebma tlje enoe, ano from thence tpeo initb a great rope,fadnpng alfo on dje booke foj a bapte, a peece offoitte fpflje, oj Ijogges fleflje,oj fome other fled), oj tbe bomete ano tmraUe? of an otljer Tiburon tuljicb tljep baue taken befoje, Uiijtclje map eaftlp be Done, foj 31 baue fecne ntene taken tn one oap,ano tf tljep tuoulo baue taken moje, tljep mpgljt alfo. Zl)U8 mljen dje Tiburon hath plcafaumlp folotneO tbe fljpppe a long biage, at tlje length be hmlometlj tlje bapte Ujtdj tlje booke, aim afujed bp Iji? drpupng to flee cj efcape, a? alfo bp tlje fuipfc paf* foge of tbe fljpppe, tije booke ouertljtoartetlj ano catcljetij Ijoloe ofljt?cbappe?: djembiebe fpflje vrijen it i? taken, utaoffucb huge bpggenefle, djat Ooelucojfpftcene men are fcarfelp able to ojaloe it out of dje Ulster, ano Ipft it into tlje fljpppe,U)Jjere one of tlje manner? gpuetlj it manp knocke? on tlje Ijeao uittb a club o? beetle, bmpli bee baue flapne it : tljep are fometpme? femme of teitne oj tloelue foote long 3 ano offpuc,ftjce,oj feuen fpanne? tn bjeaodj,\oljcre tljep are bjooeft : djep baue berp great ano lupoe moudje?,eo dje pjopojtiott of tlje red of tljep? boope?, ano baue turn roloe? cf teedj, tlje one fomeiuljat feparate from tbe otber, ofcruell fljape, ano danopng uerp tljpcke . cldljen tljep baue fl tpne djt? fpflje , tljep cut tlje boop thereof in fmaU peece?, atm put it toojpe, bangpng it tbjeeoj fottre oape? at tbe cojoe? of tbefapleclodje?to ojpeitttbeujpnoe, ano tljeneateic : 3fc i? ooubilede a gooo fptjje, ano of great commooitie to feruo Of the weft Indies* 213 ti)t djpppes fo* bitallest foj manp capes : the leade of tljcfe f P 0 )C 53 arc mod bolcfome ana tenner , tt ijatO a ftpnne muclje ipketotbe ffcpmteofa&ole hereunto tbefapu Tiburoni$\\U indjape : &Lttjicbe3Ilape, becaufc]piintebatlj mane mention of none of tljcfs tlnee fpffccjs, among tlje number of tljem mljer* finite, ofbemjuetljmljia natural Ijpdope * 'ftbefe Tiburons come foo?tb oftljefea, ano enter into tlje rpuers, mljeretljcp are no lefle perplous tljcn great itrartes oj Crocooiles,mberof 31 Ijaue fpokenlargclp before : Jfoj tbep oeuoure men,kpne, ano bojfetf, crocctiiic^ euenasootbeCtocootles : tbep arc berp oaungerotts in rer* taptte malbpng places o ) pooles bp tlje tpucrgi fpoes, ano mbere tljcp baue ceuourcoat other tpntes* Dpucrsotljerfpdjcs both great ano fmall, offunojpfojtes ano kpnoes, are accudomco tofolometbelbpppesgopngbnoerfaple, oftljemljicbe3I mpll fpcake fcmmljatmljen 31 baue ropeten of Manate, mijicbe is tlje jji&matca, tbpjee oftbe tlj?ee mljerof 3 baue pjotntfeo to etureate ♦ Manate therefore, t3 a fpibeoftbefea, of tlje bpgged fojtc, ano muebe greater then the Tiburon tn length ano bjeaDtlj, ano is berp tyuttpfljeanobple, fotbac it appeareeb in fottrme Ipkc Onto one of tbofe great bcffelles maoe of goatees rkpnncs 5 mljetin tbep bfe to carp neme mpnc in M edina de Campo> ot tn Jreualo : tbe heao of this bead is! Iphe tbe beao of an ©jce,mitb alfo like epes, ano batb in tbe place of armes, tmo great dumpes mbermitlj be ftnpmmetb : 31c is a berp gentle ano tame bead 5 ano commctb of* centimes! out of tlje mater to tbe nejrt fljoje,mljerc if be fpno anp fjearbes o? grafie 5 be feeoetb tberof ♦ Our men are accudomeo to kplmanp oftljefe, ano muers otljergooofpfljes,mttb their crof* bomcs,putfuing them in barkes ojCanoas,becaufe tbep funm in maner abottetlje mater : tlje mbtcb tljpttg mljen tbep fce,tljcp Ojalnc tbern mitlj a Ijooke tpoeata fmall cojoe, butfomcmljac ffrong:3s tbe fpOjeflcecbamap, tlje archer letterlj go, ano pjo* Icngerb tlje cojoe bp litle ano Ittle, bntpll be baue let tt go manp fatbams : at tlje enoe of tlje cojoe, tberetstpoeacojke, o?a peeceoflpgbtmooooe, anombentbefptbetsgonea litle map, ano batb coloureo tbe mater mt'tb ijts blooo, ano fccletlj bpm felfe to fapm ano o?ame tomaroetljeenoeof bis Ipfe, be refoj* tetb to tbe fljoje, ano tbe arcber folometlj, geatljerpng bp IjijS cpjoe 3 mherof m^leil;erepemmapne fpye o $ epgfytfatijams.oj jjTSauate. SC rcmebti a? gatmft tii« (tone. ^foeftoooitie fl'tyt. Gon. Fcr. Ouied* fbmetohat mo?e o? lelfe, be ojameth it tomatbe the lanoe, antr tyamecb the fplbe therewith little ano litle, as the waues of the fea belpe bpm to 00 it the mo?e eaflp : then , with tl )z belpe of cDe refl oflns compame , be Ipftetb this great bcade out of the Water to the lanoe, bepngoffucbebpggenefle, that to com «cp it from cbcnce to tfje citie, it (balbe requtdte to baue a carte With a goobpokeofOiteit, ano fometpmes mo?e, acco?opng as tbefc fpibes are ofbpggeneffe, fome being much greater then other fome in tbe fame ktttoe^ast ts feene of other beades t ^>om* tpmestbeplpfttbefefpibes into the £anoa oibarke, witbouc ojawpng them to the lanoe as before, fo? asfoone as thepare fiapne, thep dote abotie the mater: $no 31 belecue brrplp that this fpfhe ts one of the bed in the wo?Ioe co the tad , ano the ipke* edbntofleflje, efpeciallpfalpke bnto heefe, that mho fo hath not feme tt whole, can tuoge it to be none other mben he feetb tc in peeces then berp heefe o? beale,ano is certapnlp to Iphc Unto fleibe, that all the men in the Wo?lo map herein be oecepiteo : the tad ltkewtfc,ts like bnto the tad of berpgooo beale, ano laded; long, pficbe powo?eo:fo that indite, the Weoftbefeparts, is bp no meanes Ipke bnto this * ®ns M anate hath a certapne done, o? rather bone in htsheabmithin the b?apne, wlncbe ts ofqualittegreatlpapp?op?tate agapndthe otfeafeof the done, ifit be burnt ano groun&e into fmall pomoer, ano taken fadpng in the moving when the patne is felte, in fuch quantitie as map Ipe bppon a pettp, mith a Draught of goon mhpte mpne : f o? be* nig thus taken tbtee o ? foure mo?nings,u acqttteteth the greefe, asopuershauetolDcmemhichehauc p?oueo it true, ano 3! tup felfehp tedimomeoffpght,Domptne{fethat 31baue fceite this done (ought of opuers fo? this effecte, Ebere are alfobpuers other fpfyes as bpgge as this Ma+ Mate, among tbetoljtcbe there ts one calico VihuelU * t£bis fpdtebeareth in the toppe of bis heab a fmco?be, bepng on euerpfpbcftillofmanp (harpe teeth, tins fwoo?oe is natu? raUpberpharoeanbdroitg, offoureo? fpuefpannesinlcngth, anbofptopo?tton acco?Dpng to the fantebpggenelfen ano fo? this caufe is this fpfln calico s/tada , that is , the fwco?oc- fplbe, £)fthis kpnoe fome are feunoe as Ittle as ^>aruines, ano other fo great, tl;at tmo pokes of. ©jeen are fcatfelp able to o?ame Of iht weft Indies* ."■» 2T4 demon a€art.lI5ut\i3^rea0l^f0^31l]a«c pjemife&tofpeake of other fpibes, Mel) c are taken in tbcfefcas mbple tbe (bpppes are bnoet topic, 3!&pll not fo?gcatto fpeakeoftbe ®ura®e, ^ ttl1 inljtclje is a great and goon fpfbc 5 anD ijs oftentimes taken and fepldemitb trout fpeares, and Ijookes, ealUntlje mater, tubnt tbeppiapand fmptn about the fl;pppes ♦ 3|nipkc matter alfo are taken manp STurimts , rnbtcbe are berp good fpfbesasare Ipgbtlput all the fca * Sno berets to be noted, tljan'n the great Ocean fea, there is a Grange tl;png to be eonfpdtred, M)tcbe all that bane been tit the 31ndies afftrnte to be true: 3nd & otc. tljtsts, tbatlpkeasontljelandc there are fonte p?outncesfer- tple and fruitful!, and fome barren, euen fo doth the Ipke ebauttee in the fca : ^Dtbatatlbnielnpndestbefl)pppesfaplefpitte,o? a bundled, o?ttoo bunded leagues and mojc, initbouttakpng o?feepngofonc fpfije : and agapne,in the felfe fame Ocean in feme places, all the mater is feene tremble bp the moupng oftbefplbes, inhere tbep are taken abuttdamlp » 3Itcommetb further to mp remcmtyauuce to fpeake fomeinljat of the fieepng offplbes, mbtcbetSdoubtleffealfrange tbpngto bcbolde,and ts after this ntaner . CObentbefljpppesfapIebptbegreatO- cean, foiompng tbcpj biage, there rpfetb fcmctpmes on the one fpoe oj on the otbet* , ntanp companies of certapne Ittlc fpfljes, oftbcinbtcbetbebpggelf ts no greater then a &aropne, and fomnuntOjeldTe and Idle front that qttaitcitie, that lotne of iftcm are berp lute : djefe are called Vo la tori, that is, fleepng fplbes : tbeprpfc bp great companies and flockcs, mfuebe multitudes that it is an aftonpllmcttt to bebolo them : ^ome* times tbep rpfe but Ittle from tbe tnater, $ (as it cbauncetb) con- tinue one flpgbt fot the fpace of att bunded paces.and fomettmes mo?e,o?lefie, before tljep .fall agapnc into tbe fca, fontetpmeg alfo tbep fait into the tbpppes . 3nd 31 remember, that on ati fuenpitginbeit al the companp ut tbe fl;pp tncre on tbcpj knees, fpngpng Salueregma in the bpgbeft part of the Cafltell of the potipe, and fapled tuttb a full inpnoe, there pafieo bp bs a flocke of tbefe fleepitg fpfl)es,and came fo neare bs,tbat ittanp of them fell into tbefijpppe, among tbe tobtebe, tuto ojtbjee fel bard bp me, inbtebe 31 cooke alpue ut mp band, fo that 31 mpgbt Uicll percept# tljat tljep mereas bpggeas &arduies a and of tbe fame quamute. mtjh ntiof 2ScnmitM j&ottatjie fdj tt)e $pe,uoito lottjefoj t£g CeoUjc, Gon. Fcr. Ouiecf# ijttantttff , ttoo wpngeg ojtjutlleg groining otif of tbepj fymtegjlpkebntotbole lobcrelmtbaH fplbeg ftnpm In rpuers : tbcfelnpngeg are long; ag tbe fplbeg them felueg* ^js long: cftcp? uipn^ejs are mopd 5 tbepbearetljem bpmtijeap?e, but afToone ag tbep are o?pe 5 tljepcan continue tljep? dpgbc no further tljenag 3 Ijaue fapoe before, but fall tmmeotaeipe intotljelea* anofo rpfeagapnc, ano flee ag before from place to place . 3ntbepeereatijoufano,fpuebtm02CD,anofpftcene, toben 31 came fp?d to enfourme pour spaiedle of tbe (fate of tbe tbpngeai in 3nota, ano tnag tbe pecre folompng mjflatin* berg rntbe rpmeof pour mod fortunate fucccfle tit cljefepour kpngoomeg of Slragome anoCaftpIe, Uibcreag aerbafbijge 31 faplco aboue tbe 3lanoe Bermuda, ocljcrn?pfe calico Garza, bepng tbe ftirtbefl of all tbe 3lanocg tWi are founSeat tbfe Dapetntljetuojloe, anoarrpttpng tbere at tbe oeapcljofcpgljt paroegofuiater, ano otdaunt from tbe lanoe agfarre ag tbe fljotte of a peece of 0?oinaunce, 3 oecermpnco to fenbe fome of tbedjpp to lanoe,aftoei( to made fearcbeof fttebe tbpngeg ag mere tljere 3 ag alfo to leatte in tlje 3iano certapne i^oggeg fo? ch* creafe ♦ But tbe tpmc not feruing ntp purpofc bp reafon of com trarp topnoe, 3 couloe b?png mp fijpppeg no nearer tbe 3lanoe, bepng tuielueleaguegtnlengtbj ano fppem bjeaotb, ano about tbp?tte tn ctrcutte, Iptng tn tbe clj?ee ano tbpjttetb oegree of tbe 32o?tb fpoe* TOple 3 remaptieo ljeere,3 fain a flrpfe ano com= batbetmeenetbcfefleetngfpfljeg, ano tbe fplbeg namco ©pic beaDeg,$tbe fouleg caileo g>eamemcg 5 ano Co?mo?amcg,mbicb furelp feemeo bnto me a tbpng of ag great plcafure ano foiace ag couioe be oeutfeo, tubtle tlje ©pic beaoeg fumm on tbe bjpmme of tbe mater, ano fometpmeg Ipfteo tljcpjlbouloergabouetbe fame 5 torapfetbe fleepngfptyeg out of tbe mater tooipuetbent toflpgbt, anofolome tljem fmpmmpng to tlje place mijere tbep fal 5 to take ano eate tbent fooenlp. $gai'ne on tlje other floe, tbe &>eamemeg auo Comtojancee, take -man? ofebefeflce* png fp(bcg /forfjat bp tbtgmcaneg tbep areneptljerfafemtlje apje 5 no? tn tbe mater. 3n tlje feife fame perpil ano Danger Ooo menlpuemtbignto?taUlpfe ? mbcremt'g no certapne fccurttte, ncpdjer in bpgbe eflate, no? m tome. C^bt'dj tljpngfurelp ought to ptttug in rcmembjmmce of that bleffco ano fafe reflpng * v ^ place Of the Weft Indies. 215 place tohiche fca 5 caUeti the Bertgu* fea of Sur y not omitting to note one fpngu* let ano ntarueplousithpng mljiclje 31 (raue confpoereoofthe Ocean fea, tofjerof Ijptljerto no Cofmogra* pher, pilot, o^arpner, o? anp other, ftatte fariffpeo me » 31 fap tljetefo?e, aa ttts tocli knomen to pour maiedie, ano all fttch as; Ijatte knomfeoge ofthe Ocean fea,thac this great Ocean catfeth from it felfe tfje fea Meditmaneum hp tfje moutlj of the drapgfjt of GMterra, intljemhicl) the mater, front the no $ fur- %^ x ett thed parr of that fea, etien onto the moutlj of the fapoe drapgljt, papne* B?ttam'e, jflatmoero, Carmam'e, ano Cnglano ♦ Zi)z felfe fame Ocean fea in the drme lanoe nemip fouttoe, in the coades rr Th * , of the fame lpingtomarDetljeBo?tfj, ooth neptherrpfe no? fall, f T ini - noj ipkempfe in tl;e 31lanoe^ of Hif^nkU m Cufo,m al the o* - tl;ec Gon. Fer. Ouiecf* fter Sflantieg of fte fame Iptng totoarbe fte no?t& , fo? ftefpace ijfftjeeftoufantie leagued , butonelp in Ipfce matter as fiootfj tbe fea Mediterranean in 3ltalp, ufticlj is in mancr notbpng, in refpecte to ftat mcrcafe anti Dccreafe tobicbe fte fapoe £Dccan baft in ftecoaftes of^papne ano 3flaunoer* . 15ut ftts is pec a greater tbpng, that alfo fte felfe fame Ocean in fte coaffes of fte fapoc fp?me Ianue Iptng totoaroe fte &ottft, in fte cicte ofPdww^ ano alfo in fte coat! of ftat lanoe ui-;tcbe ipetlj to- toaroe fte €aff ano £2M from cijat ct'tie, asm fte 31lanoe of pearler 0} Margaritea , ufttebe fte 3!nDtnns call r armequi , ants alfo in Taboga anD Otoque, and tn all ofter 3!IanDcs of fte fouft fea of Sur, fte boater rpfeft ano fallcft fo mufte, ftat often ic falleft 3 it goeft tn matter out offpgbr, tobicbe tbpng 3 mp felfe baue feene oftentpmes . Qntftere pour maieftie map note an ofter ft tngjftat from fte nojtft fea to fte fouft fcaftetng of fuclj - epe^outu tiifference fte one from fte ofter tn rpfpttg atio fallpng , pec is fte lanoe ftat oeutoeft them noejiatt epgbteene oj tiucncie leagues! tnfteaoft from coade to coaHe : &o ftat both fte fapoe feas 3 bepng all one 4Dcean, ftts If range effecte to a ftpitg UJo^ftpgrcatlptobeconfpDereoofaUfucbe asftaue inclination ano oefpje to bnoUie fte fecrete toooftes of nature, ufterem fte infinite pouter anti Ujpfeoome of<0oo is feene to be fufte,aa map allure al goon natures to reuerence anD loue fo tnutne a mat elf te, aiuf SjpSfome ^ ntJ kfteraa bp p oemonlf rations oflearnco men 31 am not fatif* Df<@oi3 is r*n* fpeo of tbe naturall caufe hereof, 31 content mp felfe to fcnotoe gar~ ano beleettc, ftat be ufticbe baft maoetbefetbpnges, oooft bnotue tbis anti manp ofter, ufticlj be baft not gratmteo to tbe reafon of man to contpjtebenbe, muebe leffetofo bafe a Uipt as tttptieis. 3Lbep therefore tbat are of greater bnoerfianopng, fballfearcb tbe caufe hereof fo? them ano fo? me, fojafmufte as 31 baue onelp put fte matter in quelf tongas a toptneffe ftat baue feene fteppertenceoffteftpttg* Of .4 * 4 * • Of the weft Indies/ 216 Of the ftray ght or narrowe paflage of the land lying betweenc the North and South fea, by the which fpyces may much fooner and eaflyer be brought from the Ilandes of Molucca into Spainc by the Weft Ocean, then by that way whereby the Portugalcs fayle into the Eaft India. \Z bath been an opinion among tbe Cofmo* grapbers anoptlottes of late fpme, ano o* tbermbicbe bane ban practpfe in tbpnge* .toucbpngtbe fea, tbac there fljoutoe be a ttrapgbtofmatcrpaiTing from the JQojtlj , fea of tbe fprmc, into tbe &outb fea of Suy, mbtcb neuertbeleHe batb not been feene no? founoe to tl;io bap. ^nofurelppf there be anp fticb ftrapgbf,me that tnbabitetbofe partes do tbpnketbefame Gaoulobe rather of lanb then of mater, ifor the fpr me lanD in fome partes thereof is fottrapgbtano narrome, that the SlnDtans fap that from the mountapnesof the protttnceof Efiuegua o \V txaca (mbt'chare ^ betmccne the one lea ano the other) if a man afeeno to the top of ^$*5/ the motmtames,ano lookc tomarD the Jftopipjbe map fee the ma* ter of the Bojtb fea of the pjoutnee of Seragua: $ agatne looking tbecontrarpU)ap 3 map on the other fpbe(toUiarosthe S>outh) fee the fea of&o ebat at this riuer,bepng tip cS «? c ° teene leagues from the fapoe pojt, enDetb the roughn efie of the *oap:tbcn from hence to tlje marueilous bjpoge are tU)o leagues, ano beponoe that, other tmo, Unto the po?t of Manama : &>o that altogeather, in nip luDgement, make tmentie leagues . 3no pf therefore this nauigatton map be founoe in the ^owb feafojtbe traDe of fppees (as me trull in <£5oo) to be brought from thence totbefapoepojtof F^?^ (as is poftlble enough) tbepmape afterlnarDe eafelp paife to the Mo?tl) fea , notmitbftanopng the DiflficulcieoftheUiapofthe tmemte leagues afo^efapoe . uLtljicb thpng 31 affimte, as a man mcl trattapleo in tbefe regions, ha- tipng ttopfe on mp feete pafleo otter this ftrapgbt in the peere 1 52 i,as3IhauefaiD.3[tisfurthermo?etobem?Der[fooDe,tbattc is a marueilous facilitie to bjptig fpices bp this map rnhtch 31 mil noU) Declare. Jfrom Tanama to the rpuer ofcbagre i arefoure leagues of gooD anD fap?ctnap,bp tbembicb cartes map palfeat p!eafure,bp reafon that the mottntaines are but fern ano title, an® that the greatelf part of tbefe feure leagues is a plapnc grounoe bopoe of trees tano mhen the cartes are come to the fapoe rpuer* the fppees map be carteD in Barkcs anoppnnefles tfojthis rtuer entretb into the jftojtb fea fpue 0 ? fppe leagues lomer then the po?t of Kmen bauing bis original! onlp tmo leagues from the ^otith lea, contimietb his courfe, anD emptietb it felfe into the other jftojcb fea . Cbts riuer runnetb fall, anD is berpe great, anD focommoDiotisfoj thtspurpofe as map bethought i pc mimtep* o^DefircD:tbemarueplousb?pDgemaDebptheino?beofnature, I cits *p 3 1 ♦ cto0 j ea g Ue!g beponD the fapDe rpuer,$ other ttno leagues onthtsfpDethepo^tof?4wrf?«4,folp!ngin the mpooe mapebe* ttoeene them both, asframeDnaturallp in fucbefojt, that none pafie hp this btage Doth fee anpfuch bjpoge,oj thtnfce that there Of tTic wcfl Indies* 1 If tfjm ts any foe!) faptopng in that ptacr^twitph rbep lie to tfje fop i thereof, mt^euiaptotoatDe!P^4m4 : ^utaflooneastbepare tm the bjpoge,lockpng tobuaroe the rpgbt banoe, tbepfeea tide rpuet bnoet diem, babtebe bath bts cbancll oidant from tfje feece of them that lxiaikc otter if, tbefpate of ttoo fpeares length o } moje^be mater of tbts rpuer to nerp fljalotue^ not pafTf the teaptb of a mans legge to tlje knee, ano ts tn b^oautlj bettneene tbp^ttc anu fottrttc pafes,ano faded) into tbe rpuer of ebagre <£o* toiaroe the rpgbt bano,danopng on tbts b?pog;e,cf;erc 10 notljmgc feene but great trees . %\)t largenefle of the b#ogc contepnetb fptae pales, ano the length thereof about tfoeefcoje o? feure* fcoje pafes : £be arcbe ts fo maoe of mod baroe done, tl;at no man can beboloe tt Umboutaomtratton ? bepng maoe Op tbe bpgb ano omnipotent creatour of all tbtnges/J&it to returne to fpeake fomeUiljatmo?eof£ljecomiepingoffptccs,3I fap, tbacuibcn ic (ball pleafe almpgbttc (Boo tljat tbts nautgatt'on afo?efapoe fljail lie founoe bp tbe gooo fortune of pout maiedte,ano tbat tbe fpp- ces of tbe 31lanocs of tbe &outb fea (Uibicbc map alfo be other* topfe calico tbe £)cean of tbe <£ad 31nOta,in tbe Uiljtcb are tbe 31* lanoes of Molucca) fbalbe brought to tbe fapo coad ano tbe pojc l,be * of Panama, ano be conuepco from tbence (as roe bauc fapoe) bp ‘ ucca * tbe fpjme lanoe bottb cartes onto tbe rpucr of ebagre , ano from tbence into this our other fea of tbe iftojtb, fromiobence rbep map aftertnaroe be brought into fepapne,31 fap that bp tbts mea* We commote ties the btage Jbalbe IbopneO mo?e then fenen tboufaito leagues, ufa 0 /^** tottbrnwcbelefle oatmger them's bp tbe btage nomebfeo bp tbe inapofCommenoato?ofy{y/4, caprapnc bnoer pour matedte, lobo this p jefent peere attemptco a btage to tbe place of the fapo fppees : ano not onlp tbe uiap ts thus muebe Ibojtneo, but alfo a tbpjo parte of tbe tpme ts abtyetttate. &o concluoe therefore, if a* tip bao bptberto attemptco this btage bp tbe fea of Sur, to feeke the Slianoes of fppces,31 am of fame opinion, that tl;ep djonloe Ijaue been fotmoe long Once, asooubt&fletbepmapbee bp the reafons ofCofmograpbie* ffl. Howe Con* Fcr. OiiicA Howe thinges that are of one kynd&dyfftr in fourme and qualitie,accordyng to the nature of the place where they are engendred or grow>and of the beaflcs called Tyecrs. QTigcrsi, ^Mantes ant* fjearbes, 28 irbe 0 . ] fl^n* £>Deepc* 2 &ul!e*. IttCCb IB die ffrme Ianbeare fotmbe manp terrible beaftes, niljicb feme tljinke to bee 3Tpgers. WX)iti)z tbingneuertbeleflCe 31 bare not af* ffrme >cottfiDering ml;at auctljours bo to)?pte of tbe Ipgbmefie ano agiiitie of tbe ^Tpger, jlnberas this beaft,being otberbipfe infbape berp like bnto a Eiger, tjs notbntbftanbpng berp flotoeSJet true it is, that acceding to tbe martteiles of tbe toojiloe, anb Differences lobtcbnaturall tbmgesbaue in opuers regionsbnber batten, anbbpuersconftellations of the fame, bnDertbeU)btcijtbeparecreateD 5 toe fee that Come fucbopkmteS ano bearbes as are burtfttU in one countrep, are barmeleffe anb bolfome in o:ber regions . 3 no bp?tes tobicbe in one p?outnce are of goob tall e, are in other fo bnfauerp that tbep map not bee eaten . S^en Ipketopfe tobicbe in fome coumreps are blacke, are in other places tobpte : anb pet are both tbefe anb tbep mem Cncn fc map it bee, djatEpgers are Ipgbt in feme region, as tbep to?pte, ano map neuertbelefie be floto anobeaup in tbefe 31m Dies of pour maieftie,toberof toe fpeakc . Ebe ibeepe of 3vabie tpatoe their taples long anb bigge on the grotmo,ano tbeBuIleS of €gppt bane tbcpj beare grotopng cotoaroetbepj beaoes : pet are tijofe ibeepe, anb tbefe bullcs * 20en in fome countreps are barbp anb of goob courage, ano in other nattirafip fcarefuli anb immpOK , tbefe thinges, anb matrp mo^toljiebe map bee lapbe to this pttrpofc, are eaite to bee pjoueb,anb tooojtljp to bee bdecueb^oi f idje as baue reas cf the ipfeetn auetbeurs, o?tra* ttepieb tbetuojdDe, toberebp tbep? onme fight map teacbe them ti e experience of tlefe t binges tobercof 31 fpeakc, 3ltts alfo vna- nifef! that /aa^toljereoftbep make tpepj fycab iiube $§aabcaf Hij}anioL>\$ oeablp popfrn if it bee eaten greene tottb the ittife : anb pet bath tt no fuel; p?opertie in tbe firme lanbe,toljere 31 baue eaten tt manp ume*,anb faunb tc to be a goob fcuu.Ebe Bats of ^paine^UJ^ugb ti;ep bucket arc t!?cp not benomous:but in the ■ " " 6rme Of tfccwefi Indies. hi map fo manp tbinges bcfapo,tfcat tpmc O^Ii not fcffifceto m?trr, mbereas mp intent isas onlp to ppcuetbattbf* toll map bee a ZmW of P kpno of ^pgers, although it be not of fucb itgbt* ncCTe ano f mifineffe ass are tljcp mberof pintc q other auctljcurs loiiitfe, ■ fpeahe, otftrpbpng ittobceoneoftbefmpftcd beattes of ibe lanoe, ano that tbe rpucr of / igrU fo? tljefu jpft courfe then of mas calico bp that name ♦ €befp?ft&panparoesmbtcbe fame tljtjs ^pger in tbe finite lanoe.DpD fonatne it . Oaljc kpnoe of 'Zbtm&tt. tbefe mas tljatmbicb Ton (j)iego Colu7r.bo tljc Qomiraii Cent pour maiedieoutof neUte ^>papne to Toledo . ^Tbcp? beaocs are Ipke to tlje beaocs of lions, o? Itoncfics, but (treater : tbe ret! ofalirijep? boopes, ano djep? legges, are full ofblacke fpottes one nccre unto another, ano otutoeomitb a circumference o j ffpnogeof reooe colour, fbempng as it mere a fap?c moo?ke ano co?refponocnt picture,about tbeir croopes o? bpnoer partes, tbep baue tl;efc fpottes bpgged, ano lefie ano Ieffe temaroe tbep? bellies, ledges, ano beaocs* ^tbat ml'icb mas brought to T oledo , mas pouttg, ano but title, ano bp mp edimatiott of tbe age of tb?ee peetestbutintbefirme lanoc tljcre are manp founoe of greater quantity? 3i baue feene fome of tl;?ee fpans in Ijeigbt, ano mojetbett fine in length . ‘Ebeparcbeadesofgreat fo?ce, mitb drong legges, ano mell armeo mitb naples ano fanges, mljtcb tore call oogge tcetb : tbep are fo fierce, that in tup ttioge* mcmnoreaIllUonoftbebpggedfo?tisfodrcng o? fierce* ffif tbefe,tbereare manp fotmo in the finite lanoe, mbicb oeuour ma* np oftbe SnOians,ff ooemucb hurt otljermpfe: but ftnee tbe corn* mttig of tbe Cbjtdians, manp baue been kplo mid; Crolfcbomes after this maner . 3fiboneas tbe arcber bad) knomieoge of tbe ^ . haunt of anp of tljefe ^igers^e goetb fearebing tbeir trafe,mitb of bis crclfebom $ mitb a Idle bouno o? begle,atto not mid; a grep* bounoe, becaufe this bead moulo foctiekpll anp Oog that moulo benter on bim : COljentbe bounoe batb founoe tbe £pger,lje runneth about butt taping continuaJfp,ano app?od;etb fo neare bim, fnapppngar.ogrpmipng, mitb fo qupekeflee png ano re- turning, that be becrebpfotitoledctbtbis fierce bead, tljac bee ojiueeb b»» to take tl;e nejet tree, at tbe foote tymf be remained) 4ffii4 dpd Gon* Fer. OuWA i flpd bapfog,ana the ®pger grpnnpng ana djetopng bis teethe, tobple in the meane tpme the archer commetb neare, ana ( jciuo$ jritmpafes of, drpketb bint mttb the quereH of bis croflebome in the b?ed, ana fleetb incontinent, leaupngtbe ^pgeriu bis era* uaplefo? Ipfe anaaeatlj, bptpngtbe tree ana eatpng earth foj fierceneiTejthena?ithinthefpaceoftU)oo?th?eehcure0, o? the aapfolompng,tbe archer returned tljprljer, ano mitb bis aogge fpnaeththepfaceU)herehe!peth aeaa . 3inthepeere.x522.35 mith the other rulers? ana magidrates of the citte of Santfa Ma - aretojar&efoi ria Jntiqua in Dariena, tooke o?oet in our counfaple, a remaroc iipiipngttf offoure 0? fpue peeceg? of golDe to beegiuentoeuerp man that kpllea anp of thefe 3 Tpger$ : bp reafon mbereof manp mere kpla inflate fpace, both mitb crodebomes, ana alfomitbapuerst fnares ana ingens . But to concluoe,3l mill not obdinatdp dana in opinion mijetbcr thefe beades be 'Stygerso? panthers, 0? of the number of anp other fuebe beades of fpotteabeare, o?al(i> peraouemure fome other neme bead bnknomen to the olae m?p* terras mere manp other mhereof 3 baue fpoken in this booke: flDfmijicbe thpng 3!aoenotgreatip marueple, fojtafmucbeag Onto our tpme this great part of tbemojtoe mas bnknomen ta the antiqm'tte, infomuchethat none of tbem?ptersoftbat age, no? pet ptolome in his Cofmographte, 0? anp other Once him, batte made anp mention hcereof, bntpU the fp?d^omp?aU 2>5» €oiomis com* ebriftopher Coionu s tnfcauerca the famctS thing aoubtlefie mttb* pare&to out comparpfon muche greater then that mljtcb is fapoe offers tuleg. ctlleS, t [j at [ )Z fpjft gatte tl;e entrance Of the fea Mediterraneum into the Ocean, mhiche the Grebes? coulee neucr ace before mic mas of him ♦ ^no hcereof rpfeth the fable that the motmeapnes of Cal* ml SgDtcs P e are D * rccc ‘P 0Ij e agapnd an other in the of^iUiuerra. drapght of GilUteru, tlje one bepng in &>papne,ana the other itt Sffrpke) mere iopnea tegeather before thep mere openea bp $pcrcuIes,ml;o erectea thofe his pitas mhich pour maiedie giue in token of p?ehempnence analpkcenterp?pfes, mith itkemife ■ fp las Vltra. thefe bis morses Plus Vltva, mouses ooubtldfe moo?thp fo? tyamutxcw fo great m bnpuerfad anCmperour, ana not ccnttemetrt foj anp o:f;er p?pnce : fo?afmucbeas pour help Oathdpkema* iedie haue fp?ease them in fodrangcana remote regions, fa manp thoufano leagues further then euer apa £petcu!es.Jins cer* teprflp Of the weft Indies. tepnlp fpj,iftbere ban been an 31 mage of goto mane in the p?atfe ano fame ofcolonus, be ban as lueHoeferueo it, ag» anp of tbofc mentombont fojtljepj noble enterpjpfe the anttquttte gaue Di* nine bonour,ifbe ban been tntbepjtpme ♦ But to returne to the matter inbereof 3! began to fpeake : 31neeoefapnomojeoftbe fourrne of this bead 3 fo?afmucb aat pour ^ateftte bane feene that tobtebe is petalpue in Toledo, $no fttrelp tbe beeper of pour rna* tedies lions, ttiljo bath taken bppon bint tbe charge to tame this bead, mpgbt better batie bedolneobis papnes in an other thing that mpgbcbaue been mojepiofptabletojtbefafegaroe of bislpfe,becauftnbiS ©pger bepngpetbutpoung,lntlloaplpbe (fronger ano fierccr,ano increafe in malpce ♦ €be 3inoians (attu efpectaflptbepof tbenrmelanoeintbepputnceUJbtcbetbe £a* tbolpke Epng fcon Ferdinando cammatmoeo to be calico goloen Cadple)call ibis bead Ocbi&[)i$ thing is drange that cbaunceo oflace: that lnljeteas the 3£iger inbereof toe bane maoemenct= ma * 1 on before, tooulo bane kploe bis keeper that then kept bint in a cage,toas in fetoe napes after mane fo tame, that be leone her tp* eo onlp batch a frnall cojoe,ano plapne toitb her fo familparlp,tbat 31 marueplen greadp to fee it, pet not mitbouc certapne beleefe that this friennfbip noil not lad !ong,tottbout nanger of life to the keeper, fojafinuebe as furelp tljefebeadesarenotmeetetobee among men, foj tbepjftcrcenede ann cruell nature that can not bee tameo. Or the rnaners and cuftomes of the Indians of the firmeIande,ando f theyr women. f)c rnaners icudomcs of tljcfe 3|notans, are opuerstn outers ppuinces » &>omc of them take as manp toiues as them lid, ano other Iptte toitb one topfe, inborn thep foj* fake not intthmtt content of both parties, tobteb cbauncetb efpeciailptoben tbcpbaue nocbplojen. &henobilmeaftoellmenas coc Nubian lnomen,reputeicinfamous to topne toitb anp of bate par rtage o) Grangers, ercept Cb?idians, inborn tbep count noble men, bp reafonoftbetmaliamnelfe, although tbep put a difference be* tlneenetbe common fojt$ the other to Inborn tbep Ibctoeoucoi* ence, counting it fo? a great matter $ an honojaWetfjpng, if tbep Jff.itr* bee Gon. Fer. Ouied. 'anjemen of 3uDi4* fcoiue on mens Iwcltes* bcebcfoueD of anp of them: infomticlje that if tljep fcnotne an? Chilian man carnally, tbep tope tbeir faptlj to Ijtm/o cljac bee bee noc long abfem farre from them, fo? tljep? intent is not co be Uuoolnes^? co lute cljalf Ipfce religious Women. (JjDanpof tljcm bane this cuftome, cljac wljett tbcp perceptte cljac tljep are wtc j? rijplDe,tbep take an Ijearbe wljerwttlj tbep oeffrep cljac Is coned* mod: fo? cbep fap tljac onfp Well ageD women (Ijoulo bearecljpl* D?en,anD tljac tljep mil noc fo?beare tljctr pleafures,anD befourme tbeirbom'eswitb bcarpngofcljilDjcn, Wljerebp tbep? fearea be* come loofe $ banging, wljt clj thing cbep greatlp Difp?atfe* ano a inoman Ira, inbicbe name is not greatlp Difagreeable to manp both of cbep? inomen ano of ours * ^befe 3!noians gpue great honour ano reuerence to tljep? Cacique (tljac is) cbep? hpngesanD rulers ♦ ^bep?incipaUC4c^«djatbcU)elue of IjtS mod (frong 3!nbians appomceo co beare bim,Wljen be remouecl; to anp place, o? goetb ab?ooe fo? bis pleafure.^wo of them carp btm fitting uppon a long peeceofwoon, which isnamrallpas Ipgljtastljep canfpnDe,tbe ocher tennefolow nett unto him as footanen : tijep tope contimtailp a troetpng pafe Uiitb him on their fijouloers. (Lfttben tlje turn tijac carp him are iucerp, ether tujo come m tl;eicj)laces } witl?QM an? Dtfturbanee o? (fape*3nu thus 220 Ofthe weft Indies. thug tftbetoap bee plapne, tbep carp bi'mmtl)tg( matter foj^c (pace of.jclt o?.rp*lcagues tn one bap^lje 3Inbians that are affig* m to tbts office, are fo? tbe mofi parte flaues, o? KaboritutyM tiSj fucbeasarebotmbc cocontinuallferuice . 31 bauealfono* teb that UJbcn tbe 3!nbians percepue tbemfelucstobetroubleb J^tpnjor fantb to muebe bloob, tbep let them felucs bloob in tlje caifes of tljep? iegsesi, anobjaumcs oftl)ep?armcs:tl)fe bee titep untl) aberp (barye Hone, anb fometpmes U)itb tbe final tootb of a U\* per, ojujitbafyarpercebe o?tbo?ne*3lltbc3inb!an0are com- tttonlp tnitbout bcarDcs,tnfcmucb that it t$ in maiter a maruetle ©jf p m* no to fee anpoftbetn eptljermen o?U)omento bane anp bourne on heave on tbep? faces, o? other partes of tbep? bobies: £Ubett 31 fawtlye Cacique of tbe p?cutnceof Catarapa, utlioljabbeareon IjiS face ano other partes of bis bobie,as bab alfu bis topfe in fuel) places as Uiomen are accultomeb to baue ♦ ®b i$ Cacique a great part of bis bobp papnteb Utttlj a blacks colour, utljicb neuer fabetl),anb is much Ipke unto that uibcreuritb tbe $0o?espapnt J pg* them felucs in 'Barbaric in token of nobtlitte ♦ But tbe £0oo?cs yeu are papnteb fpeciaHpontbcu*btfagcanbtb)otc, anb certapne a* tber partes, ipkeuipfe tbep?mctpaii 3inbians ufe tbefe papn* tpnges on tbep? armes anb b?eflcs, but not on tbep? bifages,bc* tatife among them tbe flaues are fo markeb*Mlben tbe 3inbt* ans of certapne pjotunces goc to tbe battaple (efpectallp tbe € a* ^ orimitjais, itiball arcbers) tbep carp certapne (belles of great UJclkes of tbe &a, U)ijid) tbep b!oui,anb make tljereuml) great fotmb,mud) Ipke tbenopfeof bonnes: tbep carp alfo certapne €pmb?els, tabid) tbep bfe in tbe flcab of D?ummes:alfo berp fap?e plumes of fea- thers, anb certapnearmurc of gdbe, efpectallp great anb rctmbe 2C 0 r J” g urc of peecc3oncbep)b?et!es ; anbfylmtcsontbctraimes. Ipketapfe 5 1 e * other peeees, uibtcbtbep put on tbep? heabes anb other partes of tbep? booies : jfo? tbep eltceme notbpagfo mticbe as to ap< »* wfont* peace galanc in tbe U3arres,anb to gee in mod comelp o?oer that Vari es? 0 tbep can Deupfe 5 g!piferpngumb piecicns Hones, 3 ? eU2cls 5 golbe, wm Zmius, anb feathers ♦ Of the lead of tbefe melkes o? perenmteies, tbep make certapne kdebeabes, ofbpuers Tones anb colours :djep make alfo litle bracelets, mbtcb tbep mpngle unci) gatsbi'es of golbe, tbefe tbep rout e about tbep? armes from rbeelbotue to the of the banoe, Cbe Ipke aifo doc tijep on tbep? legges iffitti* from lUatoe tlje too; men bf arc Up ttjcpj teates. Until barren ofgolDc, ^!jc Mature « colour of cijs Nubians. < asnot togette place either to &ictlieo^nglanb,boijeraseuen at this p^efent there to nothpngb3herefo?e it Ibouloe malice tbepr p?ofperitte,notbepngtnferiourtothem in anp fclicitte, that in matter the bcauens can graum to anp lanoe : bepng furthermore fuebe as ntapinrpche manp p^outneess anb bpngoomes, bp reafon ofmanp rpche golbe tttpnes that are in it, of the bede golDcthattsfounbetothtobap in the boorloe, anb in greated qua Witte, 3itt this 3llanb, nature of her felfe typitgetb foorth fuebe abtmoance of cotton, tljat if u lut re brought anbmapn* tapncb,therelhouloebe more ano better then tit anp part of the boor'b. ©here is fo great piemie of excellent Caffia, that a great guantmc is broushtfccmthence itUGg>paine>ftom bol;ence it iss carpcb Of the weft Indiesi 222 rati'eu (otitttct^ partc^of tbetoo?loc ♦ ;31t encreafetlj fo mttebe, tljat tt is a marueplotts tbpng to conboer. 3in tljis are manp rpebe fljoppes iuljtre &>ttger is to?ougbt, ano tljat of fttdje per* r< fectneffc ant) gooonelTe, ano tn fuel) quantttie, tljat Ibpps come laoen tl;eretuttlj pecrclp tnto£z>papne. £Ul fuel) feeoes 3 fettes 3 o? plames 5 asateb?ougljt out of &papne ano plameo tn tfjiis 31^ ant * ianoe, become mticlje better, fepgger, ano of greater encrenfe tljcn tljep are tn anp part of cur Europe . 3no pf tc cljaunce o* tljertopfe tljat fometpmestbep p?ofper not fo toelUlje cattfetS that tljep toljtcb ibottio tpl ano bufbano tl)e grouno,$fotoe ano plant in cue feafons, bauenorefpectljeereunto, bepng impact* ent ujljple tlje toljeac ano bines boaperppe, bepng geuen to loan* oerpngcinD other affap?cs of pjefent gapnes (as 3i Ijaue fapoe) ppudjcd up reu as fearcljpng the goloe mpnes 5 fpll)png fo? pearled ano occttpp* ^pne»! lercnt tng marebaunotes, luttlj fttdje other traces* fo? tlje greeop fblo- iopngtobereof, tljep neglect ano contempne botb fornpng ano plantpng . £?udje fruiter a«s are b?ougljt out of ^papne, into this Jlano 5 pjofper marueplcttfip, ano loaperppe aiitpmesof tlje peere 3 as bearbes of al fo?tes berp gooo ano pleafaunt to be eaten. 3lfo manp pomgranates of cljebeft kpnoe 3 ano ©ran* ^[JSfanaw ■ ges botlj ftoeete ano fotojc: Ipkelnpfe manp fap?e £ intons ano * ©eoars* ano a great quatttu te of all fuel) as are of Hjarpe, fcbt)?e, ano bptter tall. Ebere are alfo tnanp Sr pgge trees 3 U)biclj b?png aI1 *& e foojtlj tljep? fruite all tlje loljole pecre. JLpftebopfe tljcfe kpnoe of HSwi. Date trees that beareDateo, ano muers otijer trees ano plan* tes,n)btdjU)ereb?ougljtoutof^papnetbptber;0ealles do at- fo encreafe in Ipke abunoaunce, $ efpectaUp tlje bearoes of iftpne Xfa C0S are foaugmenteo botb tn quantteteano number, tljat tljere are note manp patrons of cattatle tljat baue mo?e tljnt tmo tljoufanO ijeaoesof jfteate, ano Pome tl>?ee o? toure tljoufanoe, ano feme ofMlta * lg * mo?e*Befpoe tljefe, tbere are berp manp tljat baue bearoes of foure o? fpue bunojeo . 3no truetb tt is, tljat tljt3 ^lano Ijatlj bet* ter p allure fo? fttebe cattaple tben aup otljer cctmtrep in tlje #ooo manure. Uio?lDe:alfobc!fomeano clcaretnater, ano temperate ap?e> bp reafon mijereoftbe bearoes of fuel) bealles arc mucb bpggcr,fat* _ ter 5 ano alfo of better tad rljenottrs tn &papne 3 beeaufeofclje ranbe palfure.tubofe moiUtire is better otgetfeo in tlje beat be o? moDtratc grafts bp tlje ecntumallj temperate Ijcate cftfje ^oime,tohertip !jc ‘ uc ‘ bepng caufe of fat naucpty* nmit. 2Sea(le0 ofloitg ipfe in regions about tbtl)eepeau& Rogges. Rogges anb Cattes become toplbe* Got% Per. Otilecf* bepng maoe mo je fat anm Unctuous, it ts of Better ano ntoje ffeo* fad nourplbmem* jfoj contpnuall ano temperate beate, ootfj not onlp ojame much mopdure out of the earth, to the nourptb* mem of fuel* tbpnges as grome ano are engenojeo in that dime, btitootbalfobpmooerationpjeferuetbe fame from relblutton ano putrtfaetton, otgeding atfo ano conoenfatpng o? t&pcftnpng the fapoe mopd nourplbmem into a gummte ano unctuous fub* datmee, as ts feene in ad fuebe tbpnges as grome in tbofe regt* ons : ano this is the onlp naturali caufe altoell that certapue great beades ano of long Ipfe (as the elephant $ Kijmoceros, mitb fuebe other) are engenojeu onlp in the regions neare unto tlje Cqutnoctiall, as alfo that the leaues of fueije trees as grome there, oo not mptbero? fall, untpll tljepbe tbjud out bp other, accojopng to the uerfe of the poet mbicbe fapeth , nau }ira pi* ris ^et ficus inficubus extant, t\)\$ IS tn effeCtjpeareS gromillg Up^ on]peares,ano4fpggesupon Jfpgges* pittite alfo mj>ptetb, that fuche trees are nettet mfecteo mitb the otfeafe of trees that the latines call CamsMjielje toe map call the mo?nte ojeam ber, bepngbutacertapneputrifaction, bp reafon of a matrtlbe nourplhmcmnotluellconfoKoate.^he fame thpnghath been the caufe that certapne pbtlofopbers, condoertng afmell that man is the hotted ano mopded head that is (mbicbe is the bed completion) as alfo that men Iptie longed in certapne partes of Ultima neare the €qutnocttall(mbere pet to this oap fome Itue to the age of an bunojeo ano fpfete peeres) mere of opinion that pf manhpnoebaoanpbeginntngontbceattb, that place ought bp gooo reafon to be Unoerojitot farrefrom^qittnoctiaUtne,fo]t the caufes afojefaptie* ^>ome of the Dtuines alfo upon Ipke com Operation, haue thought it agreable that tbep? paraotfe Ojouloe be about the fame,mithinp pjectnct ofthofe riuers mljtcb are Ha* meo in the boolteof^enefis^ut to let palfe thefe tbpngs,$to returne to tbehtdojte . UntbisUlanoOtrcbermo?e are manpe g>bcepe,anoa great number of Cpogges, oftbembicbKas alfo of the &pne) manp are become mploe, anolpbempferna* npDoggesano Cattes, ofthofe tobtche mere brought out of &papne: We (ano efpcefaHp the Dogges) oo much hurt a* mong the rateable, bp reafon ofthe negligence of the Ijearomen. %\jm Of the wed Indies* ©ere are alfo man)? Upojfes, flares, ano ano fuefj other beafles as ferue the bfe of men in fepapne, ano are mudje greater then tbep of tbe fp# bjoooe bought tbptber out of of Vpamouu g>papne* &>ome places oftbe3ilanoe are inbabiceo, although not fo manp as mere require : Of tlje tobicb 31 topi fap no mo?e, but that altbe regions of tbe 3Slanoe arefotoell Ornate, that in tl;e coutfe of tpme an tbpnges (ball come to greater perfection, bpreafottof tberpcfjne(Te$ pleafauntnefle oftbecountrep,ano ferttlitte of tfje fople * But notoe to fpeabe fometoljat of the pjtnctpall ano ririefe place of the 3Ilanoe, mbicbeis tbe citie of San Domenico j 31 fape,tbat as touebpng tbe buiioinges, there t* no citie in &papne,fo much fo? fo much (no not Darfalona , mbtcb . . ofsoi 31 batte oftentimes feene) that is to be preferred before tb iS 5 ge* m»T nerallp : foj the boufes ofsanDomenico, are fo? the moC parte of (Ione,as are tbep of Barfatona,o? of fo (frong $ toel thought earth, that itmafcetb a Bngufer anodrongbpnoing » ^befitua* tton is much better then that of Barfalona, bp rcafoit that the Creates are much larger ano plainer,ano(uritbcut comparifon) mo?e Duecte auo Crepgbt foo?tb:,f o? being btitfoeo notoe in our tpme, befpoe tbe ccmmcoitie of the place of the funoation, the flreetesujerealfootrecteomttb co?oe, compafr, ano meafttre, tobetin it epcelleib al the cities that 3i baue feene* 3!tbatb the fea fo ncere, that ofoncfpoe thereto nomojefpacebetmcuetbe fea ano the citie then the teaUcs^ano this is about ffitepafcs,U3bere it is ftirthed of ♦ 0n tbfSfpDe, the boaters of the fea beate Upon the natural if ones ano ftp?e coalf : 0n the other part,ljaro bp the Hoc ano at the focte of thehoufes,pa(Teth the riucr Oz^ma, tohicb is a mametlous po?t,boherm laoen ©tppes rife Per p necre SSma/* to the lano,*no in matter unocr the bettfe U)tnooU)es,anD no fur* tber from the mouth of the riuer inhere it e rnreth into § fea, then is from the focte of the hilof MonyuU,to the monaCerp of faint raunces, c? to the looge of Barfalcna . 3fn the mpooelf of this" fpacein the citie, is tbefojtreOe ano catHe, tmoer theuihich,ami tinentie pafes Otifam from the fame, pafTe the (bpppes to arpfe fomerohat further in the fame riuer* tfrom the emrattnee of the ftippes bntpl tbep tail anto,thep faple no further from the bou* fes of the citie then tbpjmc o? fourrie pafes, becaufe of this fine of the citie the habitation is nere to the riner&tye pojt 0 } hauen a!* fa <* t - f- A Goti. Fer. OuieJ# to fs to fapje min commoofotts to oefratghc oj bntaoe ftfppeg,** tfje like 10 founbe Due in feme places of tl;e toojloe * %'w cbpm* nei 0 that are m tbis cicie 3 are aDout fpjre bunojeo in number, ana fud;boufesas 31 Oauefpokcii ofbefo^e : 2Dfcl;c Ualjiclj fome are fofap?e^large,tbattbepmapUieIlrecemeano looge anp feoe c) noble man of ^pamc imtb bis craine $ famiU'e, ano elpcdallp that Inljicb Don Diego Colon, oicerop Unoer pour mateftte 3 (?atb in t|)i 0 citie 3 is fuel; tljac 31 knoUie no man in ^>papne c(;at!;atl; tbe Ipke bp a quarter in gooonefTe 3 confpoenng all the commooicies of tl;c fame * Ipbetnpfe tl;e dtuation thereof, as bepngabcue tbe fapoe po?te 3 ano altogeatl;er cf Hone, ana Ijanpng manp fapjeano large roomes, uittb as gooolp a p;ofpecc of tfje lanoe ano fea as map be oeuifeo 3 feemedj unco me lb magntdcall ano p;i'ncclpke 5 £l;at pour maiedie map be as uiell loogeo tberin 3 as in anp ot tl;e mod crquifite buploeo boufes of ^>papne . Ebere 1 ^cat&abjan ^ alfo a Catl;co?aldjurd; bwlocootiace 3 tobereafmelpBiibop I cjjurcjje antj acccjopngto bis Dtgnttie 3 as alfo cl;e Canons are \nel enoeuieo* I ^Sa 8 . 111 church islrel builieo ofdone ano Iime 3 ano ofgooomoojk* manfl;pp.3Lbere are furthermore feec monaderies, bearpng tbe name of faint Dominike,faint if raunces 3 ano faint $0arie of $PerceocSjtl;elu!jtcl)area!luiell buploeo, although not fo curt* ouflp as tljep of S paine . 35ttt fpeakpng mitbottt pretttoice of a* «p ocher religious monaderie 3 pour maiedie map be toel aflu* reo 3 tljat in tbefe three monaderies goo is as uiel ferueo 3 as in anp otl;er rcligiousboufcjiuitl; men ofljolp Ipupng $■ bermous ejram* pie . ^:l;ere is alfo a uerp goon bofpitall for tl;e apoe ano fuccottt ofpoo^epeople 3 U)ljicl;Ujasfounoebp;Wi^ < papne 3 or fent tbptber from this $lanOe 3 mbicbe noioe fo abounoetb tn manp tbpnges, tl;atitferuetbS>papne mitb manp ccmmooittes, as ittoere toitbUfurprcquitpngfucbebenefytesas it fed recepueo from thence ♦ ®l;e people of tljis 31lanoe are commoitlp of fomembac Idle Of the 'Weft Indies. 224 leffe nature tfjcti are the g>pantarbes*anb of a Ibpnpng ty cleare ^oU)necolourc:tl)ep!)aueU)pue3of tkep?otone, ana abffepne from djepjoaugbters, fptters, ana mothers : tljep Ijaue large fb^e^cancsa long blacfee beare, and no bearoest oj&earem anpe ^ e « e 0 H^ other partes of thep? homes* aftoel! men as toomen* except berp fetoe*as perhaps fcarflp one among a tljoufano.^Urpgoeaia itaheb as tljcp mere bojne* except that on t(je partes tobtche map nocmubbonelftebefeene,tbep toeareacerrapne leafeas tyobe as a mans ljanoe 5 mbtcb neuertbefcflfe is not itept clofe toith fticb oiligence, but that fometpmes a man map fee that tbtptbpnbe fttffirfemlpbpu. 3n ttys 3Ianb arc certapne (BlotoojmeSjtbat Ibpnemtkenpgktasboours^butare much bpgger* anogeuea ^lotooimea. greater Ipgbt : 3nfcmucb that token the men of tbe Jlanbe goo anptojneps mclje night, tbep bearefomeoftbefetoopnesmabe faff about thep? feeteano heat» 5 m fuck fcjttbatbe that fijoulo fee them a farre*$ tgnojant of the ttyngatooulD be greatlp atfomfyets thereat 3p the Ipgbt of thefealfo, the toomcntoo$e in tljep? Ijoufes in the npgbt. 3Lbcfe toojntes thep cal cieuas. <£ljctr light lattetlj fo? the fpace ofttyce Dapes* anb tunumlhech as thep be* gin to type bp. ^Lbere is alfa a hpnbe of Crotoes* toljcfe tyeatlj ffpnketbintbcmo?npng,anD isftoeeteiit the after nconettije pUUIlt! otyeCj of tfjetotycl;e toe haue fpofteu there. ■t Gom fer. Ouied* 9 MruH 9 gt Cu ^ A > fe a ^tcapne fepnoe ofpartttcbes , bepng berpe title J tomb tbepj feathers mucbe of the coloure of turtle Dooues, toutareofmucbebettertalftobeeaten : tbep are taken in great number, ano bepng brought mploeinto tbe boufes, tbep be- come as came mitbin the fpace of tbjee o } fottre oapes as though tbep ban been batcbeo there : tbep become ejtceeopng fat in Ojo?t fpace, atm are ooubtleiTe tbe mot! Delicate anopleafaunc meatetljaceuer3l baue eaten . But to letpalfe manp other tbpnges tbac mpgbt be beere fapo, ano to fpeakc of ttoo maruep* lotto tbpnges tobtclje arc in this 3Ilanoe of Cuba : tobereof tf;e onis, tbacabaUepecontepnpngtUJjoj tb?ee leagues! in length bettoeenetmomountapnes, is full of a kpnoe of berpe Ijaroe genettps foj ffones, offuebe perfect rounoeneflfe , ano ipke unto pellcttes tojouSS dp na* <&unnes,tbat no art can make better o } mo?e ejracelp pullifbeo. ikw. £>f tbefe 5 fome are as final! as \BeIIettes fo? tfpanogunnes, ana other fo encreafpngbpgger ano bpgger from that quantitie, that tbcpmapeferuefojallfojtesof SIrtpHarte, although tbep bee ofbpggenelfe torecepue one ojt emo oj mo?c ©mncalcs of pott* Der, cuerp©upntale contepnpngone bunojea rnepgbt, ojof mbat other quantitie foeurr tbep be . ^befe pellettes are founoe throughout al tbeballep U)itbtn the earth, as in a mine, toJbicbetbepopgge, ano take outfuebeas tbep neeoe of al fortes, ^be other marueplous tbpng of this 3lanoc is this : ^Cbac % fouittaptic o f farre from the fea, there iObuetb out of a motmtapne a certapne bitumen ° f *P cour 5 muc ^ e f be Clep of Babploit 3 calleO Bitumen, 0 ) Ipke tmto pptcbe 3 in great quantitie, ano fuebe as is berp commooi* ousfojtbecalkpng of (bpppes : tbtsfalletb continuallp from the rocke,ano runneth into fea, in fuebe abounoauncctbatitis feene fiotpng abcue the mater on euerpe fpoe of the fea there a- bout, as it is ojpuen from place to place bp the mpnoe oj courfe Quintus Cuu of the mater . Quintus Curjius b^ptetb in bis hiftojte, that fins* 2$ttttmert of 2$ftbpUm. great Qleranoer came to tbe citie of Memi, mljere is a great Caue o? Denne , in the mljtcbe is a fprpng o? fountapne that contpnuallp auopoeeb a great quantitie of Bitumen , in fuebe fore, that it is an eafp tbpng to belecue that the If ones of tbe malles of Babplon might be lato tbereuntb,accoromgas the faio auctout m^iteeb • 31 baue feene this rnpne of Bitumen, not onlp in tbe 3[- km of Cubabwt alfo fuel; an other in neb) S)paine,Ui!;icbemas founoe Of the weft Indies, 22 5 fotmue oflafe in the pjoutnee of Tanuco* \xfym it is math hetfet then tbe other of Cuba, as 31 Ijaue feene bp experience in calftpng ofihpppes. Ofthelande of I Uccalaos, called Terra papne: thep anD plucr> baue fpluer,ano copper, $ certapne ocher metals: thep are 3loo* laters, ano honour the &onne ano spoone, ano are feouceo uiith 3 Doiaterau fuchfuperfiitionanoerroursasarechepofche firme . 3nO to bane oppten thus much it map (office, of fuche thpnges as haue ftemeo to me molt toojthp to be noteo in the ^ummarie of Ga«- zaks Ferdiftandus, 0)?ptten to ^Tbempercurs maielfie* Particularly ofnewc Spay ne, called FZoua Hifpania, or M exico ¥ ©toe &papne, is tbatparc ofthe continent 0 ? firme lanoe that Ipetb SBeff ano &outh from the lano of Florida : this mas fubotieo totbempire of Cafitle bp the rpght noble gentefman Ferdinando Cortefe p marguefie ofthe bale of Quaraca t 3!n this lanoe are manp pjoutnees, contepnpng in them in © i manec Notable thyrlgcs manor innumerable cities, among tol;icb, that is the chic fe t\)Z l\)Z JnOianjS cal Mexico, 0} Temixtitan, COnfpftpng OftNOJC c'fjedtieof tbenfiue hundred tboufand inbabitauwes: $C ffanded; m the mtxico>oi zt> mi tiDca of a la^e of faicc mater,asdod; <8enece in the fea,tbe Iakecontepned;fourticperfian miles, called Varafange, cuerp one coafpftingcfpft;. furlonges,and mo;e,as Tome fap,Jn d;tfe regions is found great plencte of gold,fp!uer,$- pjettous (fenes, mtdjtnmimerableodjerdjpnges, bod; neccfiarp fo?the Ipfe of man,$ pleafant,as ^ilke, Bombailne cocton,9Hame,&alfen!e, cxTloaOjUJicb diners other tbinges, boberbud; clod; and gnlke t's dpeo^here ts alfo fuel; abunoamtee of fuger,tl;ac certame ^>pa* nlfbe fi;tppes are peerelp ftaigbteo titeruii'cl^ann tying the lame imo^mile, from lubencctus carped m matter to al partes of Ctyt(fendome^l}inl;abitantes of Mexico are fubti!epeopIe>and bfe muci; craft tn thep? bargaining : thep batie not the bfc of gold and fpluer monp,buc bfc tn tl;c ftcaoe thereof tl;e l;alfe (belles of 3lmoitdS,tobtcb ktno of barbarous nionp t(;ep cal Cacoa, o? Ca~ c4ngu*te t jln matter al kinds of cojne are there berp good cl; tape, efyeciallp barlp and U)brate*^l;ep l;aue great plentte of farces, toplde Bo;es, iltons,lLeopardcs, and ^tgers, boljtche beatfes tuander in matter tn cuerp place ♦ fSftz region is molf ccmmodi- ^ aiIk t5 anlI ou»fo;l;aukpngandl;tmtpng,fa;tl;egreatabundaunce it had; imuiml ofbealfes and foules : But the people cpercife al tljep; ctmnpng ^ tWU * n m atymg the images oftbetr idalatrp,and in painting. tEbep? * boomen are baltant, and fumpmous in d;cp? apparell, and other ftfouS»2pp^ cp?emences ; fo; thep fo rpebelp frpnge and befetthc lame mid; re itd. k * ^ pcarles, precious (tones, and goloe, that notbpng can be mo;e excellent :t(;ep l;aue akpnde of paper greadp otfferpng from cure, tn this thep erp?efie their mindes bp certapne figures, fo? d;ep l;aue not othcriopfe thttfe oflecters. ^be nation is oefpjcus a uiariphe na* ofluaiTC, and dod; not long keepc d;e conditions of peace bn* twu * m'olateo : butdelptetl; rather in ctuile and molt crttell hattaple among them felttes,tben to Iiue in peace and quiecnefle . g>ud; as in the boarres fal bp anp meanes into tl;e bandes of chcp; eni* mies 3 epd;erbpfubmpfiicn o? otherbopfe, are partlp faerpfifed Citptutcs ra* to the 31doies,ano the refpdue getten to the foulot'ers to be eaten, cnficcd to 2 # in Ipke matter as toe reboaroe dogges and haukes bold; part of mes * tljepj pjap ♦ ®;ep l;aue innumerable Sooles, U)l;icl;e etterp one maketfj imytitati. Ootbcaitd fpluer* £>?Ike. Cottojt. 2 £!asne. HOaaDe, ^>« 3 er. belles foj mo up. <£oine. 20 caacs. Of the weft Indies. niaktI)fojlji5i yartictilet gob, after rtjc pljantaSe of tjfe otonc biapne, ano geuetU tljcwo ctutnebonour, albeit attbisuaptljep co bp title anD lido leaue of tljep? barbarous fpetcenefle, f butij twreItgtommb?ace better manersufo? tljcv notoe p?oteue tlicfapttj ofCtytft, ano in Ijigname pjapbtito ©oo t!je wet. Of ( Pern . Cpepjcufnce fallen tn.isalfo namco Kona Cafliliajbytlimtlftt fpjft fatmOCtt. 0 region is the S8M pare of America. ann is Ornate in toe longitude of .2 9 o.oe* greeSopjoce.oing frem tlje ££teft to tbc Cad, ano ^>outbtnarO begvnnetlj fpue oe* grees beponoe tlje Cqumcctiall line, ano tsejdenocoberp farrettito tbe^>outb- WsiS taken to be tbe tfie rpebeft lano in gdDe,ftluer 5 pcarIcs 5 precious lionet, ano fptces, rp^eft iaud ^ that euer mas fotmoe pet t o this nap, JFo? goto to there tnfucljc tyatwfcuouM picture that tbep make ppfpots tljerof, ano other befleto applieo to fpltbpbfes. T 5 uctbto to moje to be nmruepleo at,tbat in a citie calico Coll 10 fotmoe a boufe ai couereo vuulj malfie plates of ^ g ° 0 l J^ # golo.3intbep^O)arre0alfotljep?l)arneire is of goto anoftluer. '<£hcp;t toeapons aixbott)es,arroutes,flpngs,oaues,ano ppkes, lamctreof ^beinbabteauntes are niarrdpkc people, ano of great agiluie. solDg * ^ijepljaue;i£ie 0 DefenoeDUJttblaU);s ano armes. ^Lbe region to epceeoing fruitful!, ano pel oetb coine tuipfe in tbe peere. lift is aftnttma fo ftojpfljpng U)icb manp fap?e lnocos,mot?ntapnes,rpuer3 5 ano other both pleafaum # neceffarie rommooittestbat ttfeemetb in a matter an eartblplf)araoife;it Ijatb oiuers kpnos of beailes 3 ano pet none hurtful, c? of rauenpng kpnoc. %:bep? fljcepe are of fuebe bepght, that tbep bfe them in tleeoe of Upajfes : fame us$c <&«#*. that tbep are a3 bpgge as the poung Jtoles of Came!Ies,ano that tbcp? UiooUto berpe fofteanofpne : alfo that tbe €t»es fypng foojtlj lambes tinpfe a pecre . Ebe people arentpttie, ano of gentle bebattiettr, citnnpng alfo in nrtes, faptljfull of pjc* wj * omie of mile, anoofmanersnotgmadptobe otfcommenoeo, (aueonlp that tbep are tgno^anc ofC^iif^boheuetdjelefle^ nobs knotft* tn bntotbemin manp places, as mui;opetsbe (I;aIbeoaplie Cpg it moj i&araue. 3Go&n <©ias £>Oll0. ^fje 3!laitti jfT^arttnus Gratia*, Notable thynges mojeand moje,pfalt]p?mceo mpll herein pttc tbepj btfppng- banoes to tbeplome ofoutiojde, and fend laboui cro into bis bineparde. Of the great ryuer called (%> dela flat a (that is) the ryuer of filuer. fptorpuerrcadjctb Uerp farrem length $ tyeadtbj and to called V matin cbe3Indian tongue«3lmo tljts fallctb an other riuer na* med paraue. Zl)t firft that fapled into tljg riuer ofl01aca,mao lobn DiasSolis, mbom tbe rpgbt noble ftpng of Apatite F adman* dus made 8&mtrail of tbefe feao. 3lntbe rpuer lpetban3!landembicbe/o£w Dias named Mar sinus Gras tiasj becaufe a pilot of (ns,fo called, mao butted there . ©jig 3Hande to Ornate in the mpddeft of the rpuer, and to diftant from the moutb of the lame about fourtte leagueo . $0 the fapde mpjtaU attempted to eppugne tbe 311ande, be maofodenlpop* paired and fiapne of tbe 3lndwnotbac ppuplpe aflapled bpnu CMereuritb nettertljelefle tljep? barbarouo cntcltte mao not fa* tifOedbntplltbepbad tome Opm in peeceo,ano deuouredljpm: 3£uc rnanp peereo after, tbe Cmperouro $0aieftie, and &png of ^>papne Charles the fpfee, Cent fooplj Sebajlian cabot(a man SebaS^a; courage frfoplful in Cofmograpbie, and of no lelTe ip bat to toe rtuer pertence ao concernpng tbe g>tarreo of tlje fea) umb commatm* ciSccS* dement to otfccucr and fubdue tbe 3lndtanoof Tba)fis,Oj?bir 9 *©pbir. * cipango,nnb Col Catbai > IRecepttpng therefoJieTjio comm® cSpap!* Con, and p?ocerdpng fcjmaroeo on bto btage, be arriued bp cbaunce at cbio 3!ianoe : tbe caufe thereof mao, that tbe pjin* ripaiibelfell mao loft bp fl)ppm?acbe, anotbe men that faueo tbep? Ipueo bp fmmtmpng mere recepued into our ibpppeo* l^ercepttpng therefore tljatbp reafonoftbto cbaunce be coulde bp notneaneo perfourme bis biage attempted, be emended to ejepugne tbe fapde 3Ilande, and tbereuponto ccnuepgb bio die* tuals to land, to prepare bto fouldiero to tbe inuauon, to plant co* lont'eo, ^ to erect fojtrefleo bp tbe riuero fide, mberbp tbe £>pa* niardo might be defended from tlje btolenceof tbe^arbariano# But before be attempted tbio,be mao aduertifed that tbe 3!lande mao mb to gold $ flitter, W\)i&) thing did fo encojage bint, that rnitbou* as touchyng the Indies^ Hf imtfjcuc ttfyccte of perpl fee thought belt to fppttgtie ft tp one nteanes op ether, tobemn btg boiDcticfic toofec geeb effecte, as often tpmes cbauncetb tn great affappes . ifurdjeimope as tottebpng the rpuer, Sebaftian Cabotc maoe relation, that be ne* ttcr Caine anp comparablctmto tijtjs in and bcaptb: if op snterpwrot lub^tea^ tc faUecb into tbe Tea, it contcpnc tij .neb, leagues in bpeaotb * if rent t he mouth of tbe tpm>Cabote faticD op d;e fame into the Ianbe fop dje fpacc oftbjee hunbpeb an b fiftt e leagues 3 as bcmpptetbtnbfa oUme came ♦ fjat it is of great oeaptb, map berebp be canfpbereb, that mattp great rpuer s fall into iyo that the c&anell can not be (balotne that comcpnetb fuel; abounoance ofmarer, ann fltcbc plencic ofgooD anti great fpGies : if op there is tn mmternofpfbe in the fca 3 that is not fotmoem this rpuer* 3flbone as tbe g>panparoes mere fet alanbe,djcp ntabe a ppoofe tfcbefoplemerefruttefallfo beare copne ♦ ‘Shfipng therefore rffcawfpiott* fpfde grapnel ofmbeate, ano ccmmtttpng tlje fame tc tbe card; fru,tefulU£0 * in tbe monetb of September, tliep g eathcreb tbereofctuo ebon- fano anb fiftte at December nejet fololupng: (mbertn fome being becepueb anb mfiTabpng tbe tbpng, baue mitten in tbe tfeabe of tU)o tboufanbe anb fiftte, fiftte tboufanbe anb ttoo : )tlje Ipbe fer- cilttie ts tbete of all other grapne anb pulfe ♦ ifurtljerntope chin* goiue mm 3 ijabitaumej5bedareb 5 d)atnotfarrefrom that place, there are fplm,v great anb bpgb mountaines 3 tn the Vobicb to fottnbe great plemte of golbe : anb no great bdfance from the fame,to be other mourn taptie# no lefTe frntteftill ef fpte 3 anb manp other tljinges, !ong to rebearfe.^;tnbabttaume0arepapnefuU men, ano tpli tbe greunbe mbgenrtp, mberein tbep take great pleafure , anb baue therefore great plentte of bpeab of Maizjum , ^fljere are fbeepe of fucb bpggenefTe,tbat thep compare them to petmg Carnet op ^freMsfomcfap:tbep^UiooHi0berpbin' 3 anbneare(!bntod;e F * fpneneffe of fplke ♦ ^berc are alfo beatfes ofsiuers kpnbes . & tnong men there is this bifterenee 3 tbatfuch as hue tit the mourn tapnes 3 are mi’pte, anb fo? tbe mol! part Iphe Onto the men of our regions: but rbep that onieil aboue dje rpuer (as though tbep toofeedKpi colour thereof) areb!ackp(be,op purple, of tijc colour coloure of fine 3!ron op &tede ♦ ^Ijis alfo cbauncetlj to manp cf tbem 3 tbat tbepp anb fegges are fpke tlje legges anb feete of mm? be* thefoule calleb dje Dpfircclje* f0jmcl1 u ms> Of 0M35 STIje £>panp* awes. Notable thynges Of the landes of Labora dor and 'BaccaUos* lying weft and northweft from f nglaftd *and be- ing part of the firme landeof the * Weft Indies* #npbauetrattepIeotofearc& tbe coatfeof tWme of Labor ador, afujcH to t^ustcntco knotne bottie farreo? loOpttjer it reached;, agalfo mbeibertberebeanppalfage bpfea: though the fame mto tl;e fea of Sur ano the sroe toap to y Stanuw of M olucca , tobt'ebe are bnoer the tueauuDes of egqmnoctiaH Ipne, tbpnkpng that tbe tiiap nolt^fea^ tJ,e £ ^^ cr ® 0U * D (Jtoatip be fljojtenco bp this triage * t£be £s>panp* atDeMatomboferpgbttbefapoe Jlanocs offptces partepne, bpb fprif fccke to fpnoc tbc fame bp cbfe map ♦ Ebe pojcugaies alfo baupng tbe traoe offptces tn tbep? banoes, opo trauapie to fpnoe tbe fame, although bptberto neptbec anp fuebe pafiage tig founDe,o? tbe enoeof thatlanoe ♦ 3ln the petre a tboulanoe ano ftueljtmo?ctb, Gafper Cortefieales, maoe a triage tbptber uritb tU)o Carauelles, butfouno not tbc (freight o? palfage be fought* 3tbts being therc,benameotbe pianos that Ipe m tbe moutb ofp gulfe HuadradoAfitt ljt$ name Corte freaks Jpmg m the fp£ jnfuUCortef tie Degree, ano mo?e, fcb?ougbt from that lano about tb?eefco?e reaies . men &weg : !I)c greatip marttepleo to bdjolo tbe buge quart* g>!ioiue anti title of fnoUic $ 3lfe,fo; tbe fea is there frofen epcceoingip ♦ ©jin* habitants are men of goob co?po?acurc, although tatnnp Ipke tbe 31i?Dfe3 5 ano laborious : £Dbep papnt tbep? boopcs,ano ioeare bjafdettes ano boopea; offp'uer ano copper: tbep? appareUiat maoe of tbe fkpnnes of sparteines, $ opuerg other bea£frs,Uihi s cbe tbep meare tuitb tbe beare inUmroe in urinter, ano outinaroe in fommer* Qin# apparell tbep gp?oe to tbep? boopes uritlj gp?odsmaoe of cotton, o?tbefpneUjesof fpibes ano beaUes. ^bep cate fpibc mo?e i ben anp other tbpng, ano cfpcciaHp %>al* mong, although tbep bane fouleg ano frutte * 3Tbep make tbep? Ijottfes of tpmber, thereof tbep baue great ptcmic : ano tu tbe fteaDe ot tiies,ccuer them ttritb tbe fkrnnes offices ano bealtes. Jt is lapoe alfo that there are Gorpfes in this lanoe, ano tbat tbe 2l5eait0 ano manp other beaded ano fouler are ttrimte * tlj& ano <5afpcr <£oi te fee ales. jfittrres. iffpflje* <5rnfeeu as t^ucliyngtlie Indies* 328 anb rtjE tflannts about fte fame, t[jeT5?iton« ate amiftowttito i rtfojt, a&men of nature agreeable Ditto tfccm, ana bo?ne bnaer ^ tbe fame altttuw ana temperature . £l)C ji5o;toapes alfo Capua tljptiiCr mitt) tbe ptlot calico Scoluo, anatljc CnglpOpe men gt(U«n Xtiilb Sebaftian Cabot. mt coade of tbe toe of $auallm,i$ a great trace, anb tfje greatedalutube tbercofto -jelom. Degrees anb a bade. Scbajlun ^jtran&e of Cabot boas tfcefird that tyougbtanp Itnolulroge oft&fe lanb.jro? 2ir,aCfaimosf * bepag tnCngto in the nape^ of bpng ilpenrpetbe feuimeh»he _____ fump TjeD cm ibr>ps at ln?3 otmie charge*, o?(as fome fap)actbe pe biage or kfnge*, inborn be perfmabeb that a paffage mpgbc be imme to Cathay bp tbe 33o?tb feao, anb that fppcco mpgbt be fought ferpt&e from thence foontt bp tbat map then bp the mage tbc ipojtuga* ,CMen ®* less life bp tbe fea of gbur. fpe mem alia eo knotbe mljat matter of janbeo tljofe ilnbtes mere to tnbabite* Upebaomttb bpm tb?ee bunb?eo men,anbbtvecteb bto courfe bp tbe tract ofSfltoe, bp* - on the C ape of Labrador at fpftteanb eight begreeo, affumirg tbat tn th etiumeth o f31ulp there toagfuch eobytheapeg of 31fe 5 3Eft m 3Np. tljat bebutd paffeno further: alfo tbat tb e oat eo m ere oerptomr, anb tn matter tottboutnpgbt, anbtbenpgbcco uerpcleare*fe tapne tt to, tbat at the tbjcefcoiebegreeo, tbe longed bag tg of etgbteene heureg. 3i5ut condsermg the coib,a»b tbe drangenefle of tbc bntomen toe, he tur neb bio courfefromtbence cotbe Sited, folotntng the coad of tbe lanb of ® accallavs Onto (be tbtr* mamoe (te^dgbtbcgree0,from mijenceljemurncoto CDnglanbe* %La COndUbe, tbe Tritons an D Danes , batte fapleb to tbc2W c allaos,tmH laques Cartier a freneb matt Urns there tnnfe mitb tb?ee 0aleongt a0 one in tbe pecre.rrrutt.anb tbe other itt the.jCjtjfo anb cbofe tbe 3aqtiea omeof them go nakeb in fomroer 5 anb toeare apparrellonlp in mincer. %\ ie Batons ano jf rencljmen are ao culomeo to take fpdje in cl;e coalles of tbefe lanbes, lobercts fotmoe great plentie of funnies, froljicb tbrnhahitantes cal ciwie to* Uiarbs bis feconb biage, m tbe peere 1 ? 1 5 . ?>e tonebeb in tbe tjlanoe of Guaccana , otljetmpfe calleb Guadafupea, anb fent to lanbe certapne of bis men mitb tbe tmmbjefiff s of tbe (bpppes s inborn tbe Cambafcs (Iping in ambuOje) alfapleb mitb t ijep? uv ttcnomebarromfS 3 anb flapingtbe moll parkcarieb alnap tbe toomern at* I of tbe fepanyaroes not tufeottrageo by tbefe mtlatmentures, af* conmm/of C ter tbe ueatb of Ferdinando Soto , many tooojtljfe gentlemen Defy* jrieiiDa. rco tbts conqueft tn tbe yecrc 1544. among inborn boas lulian Samano, anU Peter de Jbumada&ZptlQ bjetbeme, anb men of fuf* fictettt abtlltte fojt fuel; an enterpitfe*But neptber tlje Cmperouc beyng then in doermame, neptber toe prince (Don Philip big; fon, tnijo gouerneb all tbe fcyngoameis of Cathie anb gragonte, ncy* tbcrycttbecounfaylcofibe 3lnDtfs, UtnulD m any cafe agree to tbe conqueft. j&eucrtbeIelfe,noi utterly contemnyng tlje matter, Sc rtapiV# ™ iabtcb they mere partly pcrfuaoeo mygbt ctbetmyfc be brought [ouqSncS to page, they few tbytber Jr ryer LuysXancell of Pafoaftro, ttudj toit u ujoi & cs , other fryers of tl;e ojber of fatrict Domtaifce, Uriiooffceu them r,S? cllpu felues NotaMe tfiyngS feluos to comtcrC the nations! of that lanoe from thepj gcntfKtfe totbefapth ofC^td, anoobeDtencetothe Cmperour, oadfp frith too )m. ®lj e tfrprr therefore going: fo?frarDc on his btage at the kpnges charges!, in the peered 54p.03enc alaitu Intel) foure other f rpers frhich he tookc frith him, anu cercapne marpne% #wt* without barneCfe o? freapons : unto frhom as he began his p?ea* arefupncauo cbpng, manp of the Slnbtans of the fapnc Florida te^m co the eaten, f ca fpae^bere tuithout gpupng atioience to his fr o?Des, cbep ca* rpeo htrn afrap, frith tb?ec other of hts companpons,ano DpD cate them, in berebp thep fufireo martpjbome fo? the fapth of €()0 1 the refioue that cfcapeD,maue hail to the ibpppe, ano kept them felttes foj confeffours 5 as fonte fap ♦ $0anp that fauour the intent of the jf rpers, Doe noUie conftoer that bp that tmanes the Jlnoi* anscoulo not be brought to our frienoihpp ano religion : neuer* theleife,that if it coulo fo haue been brought to pafife, it haD been I fgttetoeftrmtie better ♦ ®cre came of late from that (hpppe,one that Ijao been I ofit^aopng. the page of F rdmndo deSoto , toho DeclareD that the UlnDians I hangco up the fkpnne&fritb the hcaoes ano crofrnes of the fapo rpers in one of t&epj temples* no ^FOR. M. CAP. FVRBY- SHERS PASS AGE BY THE NORTHWEST. OF CHIKJ IK CATHJYO.SITVjfTE® IK, THE EAST SYDE OF G%E AT JSY t OFTHE IL AND GIAP AN, AND OTHER LITLE ILES IN TTE EAST OCEAN,BY THE WAY FROM CATHAYO TO THE MOLVCCAES. . ... ... ‘ • - -w • ' ' % i ■ • . t ‘> BY tqCBJSpE wlLLES . 7 For.M.Capcayne Furbishers paflagcby the Northwett* Totheryght honourable and vertuous Ladic, the Lady Anne, Countede of VVarwyke. ®urc famous mapesi there Be fpoken of ca thofe fruitfull ano mealthie 3Ilatt0es,me Doe bfuallp cad Moluccaes, cominuallp haunt eo jfo?gapne 9 ar.ooaplp trauepleofoj rpches thereingrompng.^hefe 3Ilanoes although tljep Oano Call from our $periotatt,Diftant _ almoft halfe the length of the mo?lo, . in tp freame heate,bnoer the Equinoctial Ipnc^potTeffct? of 3lnaoelles anoBarbares : petbpournepghbours great abotmoaunce of health there is papnefulip fought, in refpcct of the bopage Deere* Ip bought, anD from thence oaungerouflp brought home unto be?* 2Dur neighbours 31 call the ltDojtugalles tncompartfon of the Mohuchians fo? neerenetfe bnto bs, foj IpkeOtuationmeft* maroe as me haue/oj thepj bfuall trabe uritb bs,foj that the farre S>outh.a(ferlpnges doc knom this parte of Europe bp no other name then lpo?tugall,natgreatlpacquapntcOaSpetmuhcbc o* ^ h f . thernattons thereof ♦ Ebep? bopage ismellbnoerfloooe of all can; 5 lJf wen, ano the Sotuhealfeme map rounoe about 3ffnke bp the cape of 0ooo hope, moje fpoken of, better knomcn $ trattep'eo than that it map feeme neeoefull to otfcourfe thereof anp further, ^The feconoe map Ipecb j^outhmelf , betmpjctthc&LleO 31m Die o) <£>outh America, ano the g>outh continent, through that narromdretctemhereM^^»«jfirif ofallmen that euermee Doe reaoe of,paffeD tbefe later peeres,leaupng therebnto therfoje tus name ♦ Ebts map no Doubt the ^panparoes moulo comma* Dio Up take, foj that it Ipeth neare bnto tbeiroommlcns t!? ere, coulotbe Eafferne currant ano leuant mpnOes as eaftlp fuffer them to re£urne,asfpeeollptbcremtthtl 3 epmapbecarrpcD tbp* ther : fo? the mhtch.oiffiailtte oj rather impolftbilitie of Orming agapnlf the fo*ce both of mpnoe ano flreamc, this paffugeisli- tie oj nothpng bfeo,altbougb 1 1 be berp mell knomem nojtu* ^The tbp?o map bp the iftojtbeaft, beponoe all Europe anD Jfc* that moojthie ano renommeo knight Or Hugh mlloughby fought Uwft. liait. For.M. Furbishers Voyage. 23 [ fouff fjt f o Ijfe perill,enfo?ccD there to enoe his Ipfe fo? cotoe, com gcatco ano frofen to Death ano trudp this tuap eonfittetlj rather to the imagination of (SeographeriS,than aUoinable either in tea* fon,oj appjouen bp experience, aa uiel it map appeare bp tlje Dam gerous trending of the &>cptl;iflj Cape fet bp Onelimmet the Onel.uk eiaht Degree jI5ouh, bp the bnlphelp faplpng in that J9o?rtjerne A c^ % feaaltoapea claDDe luttlj ano ¬t>, o? at the leaft conttnm allppeftreD therewith, ifhappelpit be atanp ipmeoifToIueD: be= fpDea bapea t (helfea, the waterwappng mo?e (IiallotototoarDes the Call, that toe fap nothpng of the foule mpflea anD Darhe foga in the coloe dime, of the title potoer of the &>unne to cleare the ap?e, of the bntomfojtable npghtea,fo neare the pole,fpue mm itethealong. g fourth toaptogoe bnto thefe afojefapDe happp 3 IlanDca 4. 2$ptf}f Molucca , ^>pj Huwfrey GilberteA learnCO atlO baltant £\npgbf 5 oifcourfetb of at large in bis nem paflage to Cathay 0, ano toas at- tempteu tbe laft peere bp pour i^o.fmtatmt* sp Cap, Furbishes pjefcmlptabpng upon birn tomb bis companp fullp to oifeouer tbe fame 5 anti 10 nou> 3 tf 31 be not occepueo, reaop fo? bis bopage. 'Cbe enterp?pfe of it felfe bepng oertuotis, tbe faci e muft ooubt* lefle oeferue bpgb p?apfe 3 ano mbanfoeucr it (ball be ftmfl;co 3 tbe fnutestbereofcannotbefmallitobcrcbcrtuetsgupDe, there is fame a foloU)cr 3 ano fortune a Companion * 33ut tbe U)ap is ban* gerou0,tbc paffage ooubtfulMbebopage not tbjottgbty fcnomen 5 ano ti;erfo?e gapnefapoe bp manp 3 after tijis maner. If pj(f 3 mbo can aflure bs of anp pafiage ratber bp tbe 39 o?tb* toelf 3 tbanbptijel 9 o?tbea(! ^ ooe not boil; mapesipemequaU oiifance from tlje jftojtb pole ^ Ifanbe not tbe jfiojtlj capes of cpiber continent bnoer Ipkc eleuacton 3 s not tbe Ccean fea be- poitoe America farther Diffant from our ^etiotan bp. 30.0240. oegrees ®eft 3 tban tbe ejetreame paimes of Cathay 0 Catoaro, if Or t elms general! Came of tbe rntplo be true 3 tt tbe j^c^beaff % n ^rpcatra. that noble Enpgbt Or Bugh Willoughby periibeb fo? coloe: ano can pou tljan pjompfe a paffenger anp better bap bp tbe Motflp m(t *t mho Ijatb gone foj trial! fabe 5 at anp tpme 3 tljis map out of Europe to Cathay 0 1 3 f pou feeke tbe amipfe beerein of fucb as make pjofefftcn fit _ „ Cofmograpbie ? ^(olome^e father of ©eograpl)ie;anbbi0 cl* For«M Furbichers Voyage. Uett c&ftojen, ton'll anfusere bp tljepj S 0 appegs tomb a negattue, concluopng mode of tbe fea tomljtn the !aitD,ann ntakpng an enn of t(je mode nojtbmarD, neare tbe .3 <5.tiegree,<£be fame opinion, mljan learnpng cbiefip flo^fbeo, mas recettieo in el be Hcmanes tpme,ass bp tbetr poetess mjptpngegs tt map appeare : Et te colet ultima Thule , fapo ViYgileMwu, of optmon 5 tl}ac 3ifelanti mass t!;e extreme parte of the mojlo Ijabitabletomaroetbe j&ojtlj. lofeph MoUtius an 3!ta!tan, ano Mercator a (Germane, fo? fenomkoge men able to be comparer tomb tbe bed Geographers ofour tune* theoneinhiss balfc &pbeares of tbe mljole tuo^foe, tbe other tit fome of btfii great Glebes, bane conttnuco tbe ZZXztt 31ntuQje Ianoe,euen to tbe JRojtlj pole, ano confeguentlp, cm of all pat* fage bp fea that map, ^be fame Doctor, Mercator in other of fjfe Globes ano Nappes, M oletius m bis fea caroe, neuertbeleffe Ooubttng of fa great continuance of tbe former continent, baue opened a gottlpb betunjrt tbe SSI ed SttDies ano tbe extreme nojtbernelanoe: but fuebe a one,tbat etber ts not to be trattepko To? tbe caufes in tbe firdSDbtecctonalleageo, ojcleatte fljut top front tos in £»ro/?e bp Gmnland:tl)c&> omlj enoe totymfM oletius maketb finite ianoe toitb America, tbe nojtlj parte continent tomb lapponlance ano jftojmap. ^bp?blp,tbe greated fauourers of tbt'S toopage, can not oenp but that tfanp fucb palTage be, tt Ipetb fubiect tonto pfe anti fnotot fo? tbe mod parte of tbe peere, mbereas ttdanoetb in tbe cage of tbe frodte 5one,15efo?etbe S>unne batb mamico tlje ap?e, anti otffolueotbepfe, eebe one mellknomecbtljat there can bee no (aplpngttbe pfe once bmken though tlje continual? abotse, tbe£s>tmne maketb acertapnefeafon tn tbofc parcel : Ijolu CljaU ttbepofftblefojtfotojeakea toefTeila^afbpppeto, to boloe out' ampto mbole $lantirs,asttmere, of pfe comtnuallp beatpng on echo fpoc,anu at tbe motttb of that gou!pbe,t(Tupng ootonte fu* rtoufipfrom tlje jftojtb, fofelp to palfe,mijan mbole moumapnes of pfe ano ^nom fljalbe tombleti ootome upon f>cr* ££Jd, graunt tbe med Quotes not to continue continent tonto tbe pole, graunt there toe a paffage betmpjctthefe tluo lanoes,Iet. tbe goulpb Ipe neare too than commonlp in caiDees me fpnoe tt fet , namelp,betmpj;t tlje , <51 .^oegreejs no t ub,ajs Gemma frifius in bis For.M. Furnishers Voyage. 332 fife Nappes ano 6lobes imagine# tc, and fo left 6p our coun* trtman Sebaftian Cabote, m Ijts table 3 the mljich mp gooo £o?oe: pour father hath at Chepnies,ano fo trpeo tljijs lal? pcere Op pour Cponottrs feruauntasheerepo?teo,anoln0 caroe ano compafle Doe im'cnefle * Let the map bee bopoe of all oifficulttes, pec ooetb tc notfolome that Ujc haue free paffage to Cathajo « tfo} tp arnples fake.J?cu map trenoe all TSiprypayjmmarke, ano Lappon* Unde, ano than bom g&oucljtoarDe tofatncc T^colasin Mofco - uia: pou map Ipfccmpfc itt tlje speotterranean fea fetclje Conjlan - tmople* ano the mouth of Tanais : pet is there no paflagc Op fea though MoficouiaAntO fait Euxinejl OtO callcO Mare Mag- < giore. t agapne3tutheafo?efapoe ^coirerraneanfca 5 mefaple ca ^leranopa in €gppt, tlje !£ 5 ar 0 arejS b?png tljcp?pearle ano fptces from the M oluccats op the reap fea an o Arabian goulplj to s^ncSftlpthjeeoapes tournep from the afojcftpoe ha* uen: pet bane me no map bp fea, from ^lepanO'n'a to t’wMo' luccacs, fo?tbat 1 jlbmos o]\idz ftreicte of lanoe Oettuprt the tmcfeas ♦ 3 in Ipkemaner, although the nojcherne paiTage bee free at*6i* oegrces latituoe, anothe££M ©ceanheponoe America, bfualip calico M ay del zgr y ftnomen to Oe open at 40* Oegrees e!euation,fc?t!jc 31 ianoe Giapan , pea. jco. leagues no?* tljcrlp ahoue Giapan: pec map there bee lanoeto hpnoer the through paflage that map bp fea ., as ui the examples afoje* ftpoe it failed; out, Jfia ano America there Oepngtopneo eogeather m one continent . Me can this opinion feemc alto* geather fruioloug onto anp one that mitgentip perufeth our Cofmographers oopnges ♦ iofepbus Moletmsis oftljatmpnoe, not onelp in (ns plapne hemiTpheres of tlje mo?loe 2 buc alfo in hfe fea caroe.&he French 6eograp!;ers in ipfce matter, bee of the fame opmton,as bp their $0appc cut out in fourme of a hatte pou map percepuetas though the U left 3 inopes mere parte of A fit, SOhiche fentence mell agree# mitlj that oloe conclulton in the fcholes ♦ Qwdquid putter Jfricam et Europam eft, Jfia e ft . Saijatfoeuer lanoooeth tteptpr appercapne bwo 9frtbe no? to Curopen's parte of /fie, .further* m.6. For*M. Furbichers Voyage. 3Futtbermo?eittoere to fmall purpofe to make fo long, fa papnefulljfa Doubtful! a bopage bp fucb a neu> fbunDe toap, tf m Catbayo pou fboulD i«cptl;cr be fuffteD to lanDe fo? GlhfjS ano (H* uer, no? able to fetebe tbe Molucca fpices ano pearle fo? ptraepe tntbofe feast ♦ SDfa lame Denptng all Aliens to enter into china . anDfo?biDDpng all tbe inbabtterst bnDera great penalae to let inanp Granger mtotbatcotmtrep^Ojal! pou reaoe in tbe report of Gale otto ferera there unpnfoncD mirb other ]po?tuga!les : as alfo in the ©taponpflje letters IjoUie fo? that cattfc the tnoo?tbte trauepler Xauierus bargapneD nritb a Barbarian £0arcbatmt fo? agreatfumof pepper to be b?ougbt into C4^»,apo?tetn Ca- thay o . &je great anODatmgerouspitacfebfeo m that fcas 5 no manfanbeipo?antof,tbatluTetl;toreaDetbe 0iapomilje ano €aft3im>ianbiifo?ie. jFmailp, all tbis great labour tooulD bee Iolf,al{ tbefe charges fpent in uapne 3 if in tbe enoe our tratteplcrs mpgbt not be able to returneagapne, ano b?pngfafelp borne into tbep?olone natpue coumrepatbatinealtb ano rpcbes 3 tbep in fo?repne regions toitb aouenture ofgooDes,anD Daunger oftbcp?lpues,bauefougbt'fo?, Bp tbe J2o?tbeaif there is no map, tbe j^outbealf paHage tbe lDo?tugafies ooebolo 3 as iLo^cst aftbat feas.Slctbe ^outbmeif M age liar, us experience batb partlp tatigbt bS, ano partlp toe are perfuaoeo bp reafon,botoe tbe Cafterne cur rant ftrpfretbfof urt* ouflp on that ffreicte, ano falletb mitlj fucb fo?ce into tbat narrem goulpbe,tbat baroelpanplbpppecan returne tbat map, into our ©Heft £>cean 3 out of Mar del %ur. t£be mbicb>tf it be true 3 as tru* Ip it is 3 tbanmap toe lap, tbat tbe afo?efapoe €afterne currant o? letiant courfe of maters cominuallp folotupng after tbe beattenlp motions, loofetb not altogeatber bis! fo?ce, but is Doubleo ratber bp another currant from out tbe JJ3o?tbeaft,tn tbe pafTagebe* tmpre America ano tbe Bo?tb lanDe, mbptber tt is of necefltf ie carrpeoi boupng none other toap to ntaincatne it felfe in circular motion, ano confequemlp tbe fo?ce ano furp thereof to be no lefle in tbe ftretet of Jnian, toljere it ftciketb §3 outb into Mar del zur, bepono 3mertca(if anp fuel; ftreicte of fea tljere be) than in Md+ c gf//4?;cfretebotbifreictesbepngoHpbeb?eaDtb : asin$f/og- nine Zalterius table Of ntU) JfraUCC, ailD inflow Diego Hermano di T oledo bis caroe fo? nauigation in tbat region me Doe fpnoe p?e* ctfelp i For.M.Jurbishers Voyage. rifely fetootone, Beuml)eIe(Tetoapp?ouetl)act6cre Ipetbatoap to Cathajo aetbc JJ^tbtoelf, from out of Europe, m bauc experpence, namelp of t^ce foetbjen cfjat toent $at tournep, as Gemma Biftus recojoetb , ano left a name Onto that tfreicte, toljerebp tlOU)e it 10 calleD V return trium Fratrum ♦ ££ie 00 reaDC agatne of a pojttugal tl;at paHeo tW ifreicte, of tobom. 3D furbi* fijec fpeahetl; , t!;at fcoas tmpjifoneo therefore manp peeve* itt lefbona, to berpSe tbe oloe %ianpO;e pjeuerbe, 31 fuffcc foj do* png&ri- lihdoifc^. VrdanctaMxpev ofMex/Vocameotttof M4/^/^tl)t0U3aptttto(^ermantc ; bt0Cartie 3 fo?b2Ujasa great otfeouerer , maoe bp l;t'0 oU me experience ano trauaple m that bopage , batlj been feene bp gcntelmcn of gooo creoice. .^oU) pf tl)t obferttatton aito remembrance of tbpngs breeoetlj experience, ano of experience pjoceeoetbart, anotljeccrtemc knoudeogetoebauetnal faculties ,a 0 p bell 1 pbtlofopl;er 0 tbac etier toere oo affp?me:trulp tljc bopage of tljefe afojefapo trauafr uc deom ' letstbatbatte gone out of Europe into Mardelzur>am return neo tbence at tlje jftojtbboetf, ooo mode eutoemlp conclttoe M eta P b ' tbatb)aptobenautgable,anotbatpairage free ♦ feomucb tlje moje toe are fo to tbpnke,fo> tljat tlje fpjlfe principle ano rijtefe grotmoetn all ®eograpljie,as great Ttolome faptlj, is cOc btfto* tie of traue!,tbat to, reposes maoe bp trauaplers fkplfull in <8c* Lib .. i.Geog , omeerte $■ 3tfrot?omte , of al ftic&e tbinges in tbeir tottrnep as to c q. 2 . ^eograpbteoo &elong3on!ptbenremaineclj,tijat roe noln an* ftueare to tljofe argumentestbat feemeotomakeagainlttbiS former condufion* Zbz fpjfte obiectionis of no force, t!jat generall table of t&e toorloe fet foortb bp Ortelius or M ercator , fbj it grea:lp flub letlj not, betngbnfkplfu!lpo?aUjenfo?tbatpopnt: asmamfefc So ' u !p it map appearebnto anpene tljat coriferreclj tlje fame Uub Gemma Frifas bniuerfal mappe,roitlj bis rotmo quartern* came* hlttb bis globe, tuttb Sobajlitn Cabcta ljt0 table, anD Ortelius ge* nerall 3Dappe alone, tnortljflp preferreo in t(jt's cafe befo;ea!l Mercator am Ortelius Otljer DOtngeS : fojttjac Cabotatote not onlp a fktlful fea man, but along trauat!er,$ fuel; a one as enfreo perfonallp that tfmece, fent bp kingilpenrp tlje feueneb to make ibis afojefapo oifcouerp, as m bis ourne Dtfcotirfe of uauigatioit Pi i pou Sol .1, OuciLiMctti. Sol, I. For.M Furbiihers Voyage. poti map reabe in bi^carDeij?atecnmit()l;fssomneIiatiDe ? the mouth of the no?tbtoedernedreict lietb nearc tbe.3 iS.Spmotan, bettotpt ,61. ano .64. Degrees in elcuattan,contittupng tbe fane b?caotb about. 1 o Degrees mrft,U)berc it openetb foutberlpmo?e anomoje, umplltt come oncer t be tropike of Cancer , anD fo runneth into Mar delzur, at the lead .18* Degrees mo?e in b?caDtb there, tljcntc mas inhere it fp?d began lotberiopfe 3 couiDe as loci! imagine this palfage to be mo?e Dnlpbelp t&en tbebopage to Mo- coma , ano mo?c impofTibie tben it fo? tbe Farce Btuacion anD continuance thereof in p froffp ritmcias nctoe 3 ! can affp?me it to be oerp podtble ano mod Ipkelp in campa* rifon thereof, fo? that it netber coadctb fo farre no?tb as tbe jVf0/IoK/\mpa(fagcDotb, netber is this dreicte fo long as that, before it bcine ocrune fcuebcrlp roioarDcs tbe &>omte agapne. 3 Dbc feconDe argument ronduDctb nothing * ? tolem knerne not bob at tuas abcue .i <5 Degrees foutb beponDe the cquinoctiall ipne,be toas igno?ant of all paflages no?ibU)arDe from the eleua* cion of. 63, be kneine no Ocean lea bepen Mjfia, petljauethe 3 Po?tUig;a ies trcnoco p CapeofgooD hope at the foutb popnteof Afrike, anD trauapIeD to Giapan an 3 !!anoe in the ead Ocean, bettmpt Afia$Amcricamxn\oxti)mmn f> time of lung Cotuaro tbefpjtt DifcouereD tbe Mofcouian palTage farther no?tb then T hide, anD fljetneO Groenlande not to be Contine nt micb Lapp on* Unde, anD Bo?toap : the Ipke cur no?tbmederne trauapiers Ijaue Done, Deriarpngjbp chep? nauigaiion that map, the iguo?ance of all Cofmographers that ether Do iopne GromUM nmb Jmeri* ca, 0? continue the toed 3 !nDies tuitb that frodp regton bnDcr the no?tb pole. CIs fo? Virgil he fange acco?otnglp to p knoinleogc of men in bis time,as an other pocte DpD of the botte Zone . Quarnrt qiice media cftjion eji habit abilis cejiu . UmagUipng, as mod men then DpD, Z onam torridam , the \)OtZone, to be altogcather DilbabitcD fn? beat,tbougb p?efent!p tocfuioUic rna* np famous ano tuonbp kingDomes anD cities in that part of the eartb,anD theJIanD ot faint Cbomas neare Jethiopia, anD the mdtbp 3 ilanDs lo? tfac U)icl) chiefip al thefe oopages are taken in bauDe, to be inhabiteD eucn bnDer tbe equinoctial lpne» ^0 anfmere tbe tbtrD obfectiombedDcs CaUta $ al other trauap* iers nauigauonsjp onlp creaoit of MMiJher mapfudife, tuba lately Foi\M.£urLi stars Voyage. 5 3S fate!? tfyout# a! tljcfe Slants of %k,m moimtamcjS of fncfeOj palfeo tljat map, euen beponn tl)e gulpl;e tljac tumble# ocione trom tbe 3$o?tb,ano in feme places tbcugb be ojeme one pnebe thick 31fe 5 a*be returning tn 3uguft opo , came borne fafelpe a S a P nC * r Cfl/ >* ' ©be four# argument t* alcogeatljer frfttoIousSf bapne,foj 0l -*‘ neptljer is there anp tftljmos o? itrctcc of lain* betmipt America ann Afa nc can tljcfe trno lanocs topmlp be one contmenf. tElje ^ fy$partofmp anfmereismamfeftlp allomco of bp Homer, Gf ^ ttbom tljat excellent ® eograpljer Strabo folometbjpelopng (jpm hi this facultte the pjtfe . Cbe aitctbotir of that booke Ipkempfe 7 ngi kotjuov to fanner, attribute*! Onto Jrifiotlejs of p fame opinion, #at tfowr ano Strabo be of, in tmoojtbjrr places . bp inljom ooubcfttUp tljtsi matter (jatb been bjcugljc in comrouerfie. 3no thus ttmebe foj tlje Ml part of nip aunfmere bmo tlje fourth objection. ^fje fecono part, namelp tljac America 9 Afie cannot be cme Lib. 2. continent, map tl; us be pjooueo* kcUjart>c out ofMofcouia into the fea, OTji* cljewapDootljtljatfeaflrpke^ £he ^>o«tlj is mapne lanDe, the (2; atone coolf Wajcetlj mojeano moje fljaloWe : from tlje jftojtb, ether naturallp, becaufe that pace of the earth tjs Ijigbee Jrijlot. 2 * met. c. i. oj of nccelfttte, fojtljattijc fo^ctbfc influence offome JJ3 jjtberne &>tarre» eaufeeb tlje earth cljere to (bake of tlje fea, as fonte pljilofopljecs do t’jpnkc: o? ftaallp foj the great fioje of waters! engenDjeD in tljat froUte ano coin clpme, tljat the b an ekes are not able to (joloe tljem. Jlber. in i.Metco. Cap. 6 ♦ Jrrom tlje jftojtlj 37 fap, contpnuallp failed) Dotone great abtm* &aunce of water^o tljat t&igt jPajcheaffe we currant muff at tlje length abruptly boWe coWaro us g>otttlj ontbe&Heff fpDeof JF ynmarks anD Kor^aye:Q}tU ffrpkeDoWlie £z)OWbWeff aboue Groneland, oj betWfjCC Grom land anD I J eland, into tbc J3o?tl)Weff Ifretct we fpeakc of,asof congruence it Datlj,pfpou marke tlje Htua- ion oftljat region, anD bp tlje repojt of S0. jTurbtHjer, ejr* perience teacljetlj Dei* 3 no S0. jfurbtlbertljefurtljer Ije trauap* lea in tlje fojmer pa(Tage,as Ije toioe me, tlje Deepe r alwapes be founDefea.iappounowtbefum hereof togeatber. Elje rttters runne where the Chanels are moff ljollaw,tbc fea in taking bis raurfewa,ml)Deeper,tljefea Watery fall conttnuallpefromtlje Jftojtb SouthWarD, tlje jpojtbeatone currant OrtketbDoWne into tlje Ifretct Wefpeahe of, tljere augmenteD with whole mountains of ife $ fnoW, falling boWne furtoufip out from p Iairo bnber v jftojtfj ]Me. Whw ff oje of water is 3 tljere is it a tljing impoffible to "want fca,wljere fea not onlpDotb not want, but wajcctlj Dccyer,tljer can beDtfcoucreD no lanD.jfinallp,wljence3I pjap pou came tljc contrarp tpDc, tljat Sp. tf urbiOjer met Wttljal after that be IjaD fapleD no (mall Wap in that palfage, if there be anpiffljmcso? ftreict of lanDbetWipttlieafojefaiDj^ojtbWe^ If erne, gulfeano A far del Zur,aracened,$ a&o?ed traueilcontinuallpbp^bomnetbatreacbe from Giapan to cbi* naftm China to Malacca, from Malacca to tbe MoluccaesWb fbal an Cnglifama, better appotnteb then anp of them al(tbat 31 fap no mo?e of cur name)fcaret o faile in that ©ceantf&tbat feast at al boo mant ptracie * tnbat namgatfon id there bopbe of perils ©o the laft argument* £Dur traueplers neebe not to fecke their returne bp tljenopheaft, ne (ball tbep be eonftrapneb,epcept So '®' tbeplpft,etberto attempte Magellan* ftretete at tbe <§>cut&* mcft,o^to be in baunger of tbe ^tttgaftedfo? the &>owbeaft: t&ep map returne bp tbe nojtbmeft, that fame map tbep do go foo?tlj, ad experience bath Ibemcb * ^fje reafon alleageo ft? p^cofeoftlje comrarp,map be Dtfpjoueb after tfad maner . 3nti fp?ft,tc map be calico in comrcuerfte, mljetber anp currant com ttnwaffp be fojeeb bp the motion of Trimm mobile , rounbe about fyh mj tlje for .M. FurbisJiers voyage. the mo?toe,o? no *i fo? learneo men no oiuetfelp Ijanule that que* flton ♦ ®l ;e natural! courfe ofall uiacens if! Domnemaroe,mijer« foie of congruence tbep fall that map ml; ere tl;ep fpnoe tl;e earclj mol! lo me anooeepe : in refpecte mbereof, it mas erd fapoe, the feajo to 0rike from tlje j]2o?tb?en lanoes Somberlp.Otolcndp tlje Teas! are tofleo aim troubleo m'uerfe mapes mitij the mpnoes, encreafeo aim oiminilbeo bp tlje courfe of tlje spoojie, bopfeobp anooomnetl;?ougb the funo?peoperations of cl;e gmnne ano tbe&>tarres:finaflpfome be of opinion, that the Teas be car* rieo in part biolemlp about p mo?lo after tlje oailp motion of tbe bigbed mcuablel;eauen,tn Ipkemanetaspekwntesofapje ano fp?e 5 mitlj tlje reft cftl;e Ijeattenip fpberegs are, from tbe eaff Unto themed ♦ 8no this tbep no call tbep? caderne currant, o? leuanc dreame ♦ g>ome fuebe currant map not be oenieoto be of great fo?ce in tbe bote Jone, fo? tbe nearenes thereof bnto tbe centre of tbe ^omteano bludrpng cadcrnc mpnoes biolentlp o?putngcbe feasmedmaroe: bombeit in (be temperate climes, tl;e &>onne bepng farther of, aim tbe mpnoes mo?e oiuerfe, blompng as muebe from tlje no?tl; } tbe Uielt, aim foucb, as ft om tbe eaff , tljis rule ootb not effeccuallp mitbboloe bs ftotn trauep* ipngcadmaroe, nebemckeptc euet backe bp tlje afo?efapoe iLeuante mpnoes ano dreame . But in M agelLne dret'etmeare i)iolemlpo?menbacke medmaroe : <£rgo tb?ottglj tbe mederne dreitfe o ? Jnian fret (ball me not be able to returne eadmaroettt folctuetb not ♦ %i)£ fp?d,fo? tljat tbe no?tl;medeme dreict bad; nto?e fca rome at tl;e lead bp one l;uno?eo €nglpflm tuples, tl;en M agellane fret bad;, tlje onelp mant ml;erof caufetlj allnarromepafiagesgenerallptobemod biolent. &o mouloe 31 fap in gulfe, if it mere fo narromcas aim Z alterius Ijatte papnteo it out, anp returne tljat map to be ful of tufftculties, in refpect of fucb ftreictnes cberof, not fo? tlje nearer nesoftl;e©onne,o?eaderne mpnoes , biolentlp fo?cetng tljat map anp Icuaiu dreame . But in tljat place there is mo?e fea rome bp manp oegrees,if the caroes of Cabota, ano Gemma hw ftus, aim that mbicbe T ramezme tmp?inceo,be true. 0iml;ptbertoreafonfee31noneatall,buttbat3( map as mett geue creopt bnto tbep? oopnges, as to anp of the relUlt mud be pregmatmU bifomfy at tSjituerepojteS offtilfid trauatlers, as FonM.Titttishers voyage* ad faokmt tojtftetb, that infucbe comrcucrficd of 0ecgrap[;fchering^as it "toere herein, fo good, fo "toyfe, fo \>ertuous, fo tyorfhipfull a my fires. Tto'toe after all thefe learned exercifes of_ your younger yeeres, God J. Imyghti efendyou great goo dfucceffein your prefent affaires, trith encreafe of profperitie and muche honour* as you dayly fhall groto elder, fit London the 21 .of Feburary. 157 6 , Your feruauntcuer. ^ Wilks . Reportes of the prouinc$ China. 237 Ccrtayne reportes of the prouince China , learned through the Portugalles there imprifoned,and chiefly by the relation of Galeotto Terera, a gentleman of good credit* that lay prifoner in that countrey many y eercs. Done out of Italian into Englyshe, by IV. lano of China fa parteo tnco.i j* fbpjeo, tbetobtcbfometpmegUJere eebe one a kpngoome bp tc felfe, but tbefe manp peered tbep baue been all ftibtect Onto one Epng ♦ Fuquien Fuqtiim, <0 rnaoebp the portugalles tbe fird fljp?e 5 bpcatifetljere their troubled began, anoljao occadontberebp to _____ _ „ bnotu tbered . 3!n tbfa fljpjc bebtit. cities, but one pjtnctpailp mo?e famous than others, calleOFa- quieodjz other feuen are reafonab!pgreat,tlje bed knolnen tuber* of bnto tbe pojtugalles fa Crneo, m refpect of a certapne batten Cinced, t'opmng tberbnto,bJbptber in fpnte pad tbep mere toont foj mer* rbanopfetorefojt. Cant an fa the fecono Ibpte* not fo great in quantitte, as toed Canton. accoumpteo of, both bp tbe Epng thereof, ano alfo bp tbe ipojtu* galle&foj that it Ipetb nearer bnto M alacca than anp other part of china , ano teas fptd oifcrpeobp tbe pojtttgalles before a* up other (bp?e tn that p?otunce:tbfa f bp?e bath m it feuen cities chequeam fa the tbito ibpje, the cljtefcd cute therein fa © r* /* Reporter of ropallfeafe of f&e . .from this lhp?e, atin from tljac afojefapoe cheque am fojtoaroe, bare rale the other kynges, Imfpll the lubole region became one kpngoome. Qu'unci. Che fijrt ibp?e beareth name OjdwiM alfo cbe pjincipaU cU father Quin?} & thereof, ^herein the fine clape to make beffelles is thought* ®he fpojtugalles bepng ignorant of cb is countrep, ano fpnopng great abounoaunce of that fine clape to be foloe at Uampo, aim that bery goob cheape, thought at the firlf that it bao been maoe there, botobcit in 6ne,thep perceiueo that the If antring of Quinzi moje neare Onto Uampo than to Cinceo oj Cantan , mas; the caufe •of fa muche fine clape at Uampo : unthin the compaffe of Quinci fljpje be ocher. ia.ducjsf. “Che feueitch (hp?e is figici^tbe eight Quanfi,tl)z nienth Co»- /«.the tenth Vman, the eleuenth skbiua, Jn the fin? hereof there be • i tf.ctties, in the nepe fpftiene: home manp conmes the other tbjee hauc,loe are ignorant as pet, as alfo of the proper names of the.n.ano.i 3 .(bp^es,ano the tobmes therein. W)i$ finally map be generally fapDebeereof, that the grea- ter fl;p?es in china piouincc, maybe contpareo tintb mightt'e fcyngoomes. 3In eche one ofthefe (hp?es be fet Toncbiajfini ano Jncbiaf* fmiMo}z inborn are hanoleo the matters of other cities, ^here is alfo placeo m eche one a Tut an m you tooulo lap a gouerno?, ano a Chian, that is a bifiter,as it toere : tohofe office is to goe in circuit,ano to fee iulf ice exactly Done ♦ Bptbefcmeanes fo bp* tpghtlpthingesareo^oereothere, that it map beebjojtbelpac* compteo one of the beff gouerneo pjouinces in all the umjlo. tfones,tlje Ipke to'jerofas toe came in to tljecitte,meopo fee manpfet bp in places oifyabiteo l)ptljetoap,tono fmallcbaro;c!3of t bep?s, tjouibctc to Itcle pur* pofe,mljereas no hoop feetb them but fucb as ooe come bpe. Zbe arches are not mane after our fafbion,bauteo mitlj funo?p (tones fee togeatljenbut paueo, as it lucre, inljole (tones reaching from one pilfer to an otber,m fuebe mpfe that tbcp ipe both fo? the at:- cbesbeaoeSj ano galantlp ferae alfofo? the bpgbmape • 31 Ijm been altunneo to beboloe the bttgeneffe of tbefe afo?efapoe (tones, fomeoftbemare.ptupafes long ano bpmaroe, the lead ajcu goon pafes long >ano an balfe* ^Lbe mapes ecbemljere arc galamlp paueo mub fourefquare (tone, epcept it be inhere fo? inane of (tone tbcp bfe to lape Dicker tntbisbopage lueetrauepleo cuer certapne (piles, inhere tbe inapes lucre pitebeo, ano in rnanp places no ioo?fe paueo tban in the plapne grounoe ♦ €bis caufetb bs to tbinhe,tbat tn all the moiloe there be n o better luoifremen for btuloincte s, tban tlje in* inljabitantesofc^wIT Zb e cotuttrep is fo iuell inljabit eo,tljat no one foote of grouno is leftbmilieo :fmall (fo?e of cattellljaue toe feene tljts map, me fame onelp certapne iDpen mberemitljall tlje countrpmen ooe plough tljep? grounoe . £>ne ©pc o?ametb the plough alone, not onelp in this (ljp?e,but in other places alfo, mljeretn is greater tfo?e ofcattell ♦ ^Lljefe countrpmen bparte ooaj^^ mbiclj me are conltrapneo to ooe bp fo?ce ♦ ©ere be foloe the bop- oinges ofclofeltooles, although there mantetb not tbeounge of bealf es:$ the excrements of man are gooo marrfjaitoife tb?ottgb* out all china . ^he oungfermers feefce in euerp (treete bp ex- chaunge to bupe this ourtie mare fo? hearbes ano inooo. Zbe cu- dome is berp gooo fo? beeppng che citie deane ♦ t£ljere is great abounoance of ©ennes,mpne,ano Gooates , COetljersljauethep none: the ©ennes are foloe bp meigljt* ano fo are all other thmges^ino potuioe of ©ennes fleff)e,<0oofe,o? Ducbe,t3moo?th tmojfot of their raonep,tbat is, o.ob*(ter!ing* amines fleflje is foloe at a penpthe pounoe* 3$eefe beareth the fame p?pce,fo? the fcarcitie thereof,hombeit jJ5o?tljmaroe from Vufiieo# farther of from the fca coatf,tfje;e is ^eefe mo?e plem ; * tie. the prcuince China, 239 tre anb fotoe better cljeape, ^eefe onelp crcepteb,great aboun* uatice of all tljefe tnanbes ujc baue hao in all the cities toe paOcH though. 9nb if this cotmtrcp tocre Ipbe tmeo 31nm'a 3 tbe inljabi* mm tobereof eate neptijer Cpemie,becfe,no? pope, but fceepe tb at onelp fo? tl)r po?tugallcs anb ^oo?es, tljep tooulD be foIt>e bere fo? notbpng.'But itfo fallpng out, that dje chine m are tlje created eaters tn ail tbc too?lb, tljep boe feebe bppon all tljinges, fpecSflp on pKe^eTatter that is, Onto them tlje lede lodjfome. Zbc Ijighed p?ice of tljefe tljinges afo?efapbe,31 Ijatte fee botone, better cljcape tljall pou fnmctpmes bupe tljem fo? tlje great plcn* tie thereof in this countrep * if rogges are foloe at tlje fame p?tce that is rnabe of tones, anbaregoobmcateamongddjem, ass alfo Dogges,Cattes, Idattes, Snakes, anb all other bncleane meares. ^Lbe dm be berp gallant, fpectallp neare bnto tlje gates, the tobteb are maruepiottflp greats couereb toitb 3lron . %\) e gate* boufesbupltonbpgbtottlj , Eotoei^ 3 tljelotoer parte thereof, tss rnabcofbjtck anb done, p?opo?tionaHptoitljtljetoal(es, from tlje toailes pptoarb,the bttplbpng isi of tpmber,anb manp do?fes tn it one abotte tlje other. £fje drengtlj of tljep? totones is in the migbtie toailes anb bitches, artiilerte haue tljep none. %h t dteetes in Cincco, anb in ail tlje red of the cities toe Ijatte feene are uerp fap?e,fo large anb fo dretgljt 5 tljaf it is toonberfull to bebolbe»@;bep? hcu r es are buplte tottlj tpmber, tlje founbatt'* onsouelperceptc^thetoljtdjarelapbetoitljdone, ineclje fpbe ofdjedreetesarepapntefeso? contimiall pc?cljes fo? the mar* chantes to toaifce bnbentlje b?eabth of the dreete is neuerth elelTe fudje,tljat in tbem^b.mcnmap rpoe commobtotiflp fpbebp doe. ^3 tljep rpbe tljep mud neebes paife miner manp bpgb arches of triumph that croffc otter the fireetes mane of tpmber,anb cameo bmerfeip, couereb toitb tple ofdne clape: bnber tljefe arches tlje Mercers boebttcr tbep?fmaHertoares,anD fuch as ipd to danbe there, are befenfeb from rapne anb tlje heate of the ^unne.^be greater gentlemen Ijaue tljefe arches at tljetr boo?es x altljouglj fame of them be not fo mpghtplp buplc as the red. 3! (ball haue occadon to fpeafte of a ccrtapne o?ber of gentle* men that arc calico Imea , 3Itoiilfirddjerefo?cerpounbetohat touted tW toope dgnidedj ♦ Lmea is as muclje to fap in pur language Reportcs of as anti toban anp of them callctlj W name, be anfmeretfj gippanuasmeDoefap, that the kpng bad; mane fome gentle* man, fa fap tbep, that there is rnaue a Loutea . 3nu fo? tljac amon* gelt them the agrees are Diuers both in name ano office, 31 Unl( tell pou onelp of fame pjincipalles, bepng not able to aoumife pou of all, 3£ljo matter borne gentlemen axtctmenLouteas, ano Doe come to that honour ano title, is bp tbe gpupng of a b?oau gpjule not like to tbe red 3 f a cap, at tbe commaunuement of tbe kpng. Cbe name Loutea is moje gcnerall ano common unto moe,tban equalitie of honour tberbp Ogm6eo,agreetb Untbal! ♦ &>uclj Lou- - teas tljat ooe ferue tfjeir prince in umgbtt'c matters foj utftice,are createo after triallmaoe of their learning: but tbe other tobicbe ferue in fmaller affap^es,as Capitapnes, Conlfables, g>erge* antes bp lanoe anu fea^ecepuer^anu fucb lpbc,U)berof tljere be in euerp citie, as alfo in this, berp maitp 3 are maoe fo? fauountbe cljiefe Louteas arefcrueukucclpng, ^beUJbo!ep?outncec^'»4tst)tmoeD,as 3ibauefapue, into tbirtiene Ibpjes, in euerp (bp?e at tbe leal! is one gouernour cal- leu there t man, tn fonie lbp?es there be trno, chm,al ©riefein office ncjcteunto them be cercapne other nameo Chian s, Cbaen. that ^abpgb Commiffioners as pou rnoulu lap, oj Di(tters 3 nritb full auctljo^itie tn fuebe topfe, that tbep ooe call Unto an acccmpt the Tut ana them felucs, but their auctbo?itie lalfetb not in ang lhp?e longer than one peere ♦ jfteuertbeleffe in euerp fljpje bepng at the lead feuen cities, pea, in fome of them fpftiene o ) Hjcttene, beltoe other Bojougbes $ totunes not uoell to be numtyco, tbefe UiOcers,tubere tbep corne 3 are fo honoureo anu fearcu, as though tbep mere fome great princes . the peeresenuetljetr circuit bone, tbep come Unto that citieinbtcbfechiefeof others in the lbp?e,to Doe iulf tee there: finaHp budpng them felues in the fear* ebpng out offuclj as are to recepue tbeo^uer of Louteas, mhereof mo?e (hall be fapoe in an other place, i' rr- ©tier anu befpoes tbefe officers, tit tbe cbtefeciticofecheone Tmhtajji' of tbefe afojefapoe tbirtiene pjouinces 3 ts reltucnt one Toncbiafsi, Capitapnetbereof, ano Ereafurerofall the kpnges reuenues. ^bfe ^agtdrate maketbbte abouetn one of the foure grea* te« the prouince China. 240 left bottfes that be tn all tljefe beau etttesf. 3nbaItbougb the p?m* ctpall parte of bis function be, to be Capirapne, to be ®reafitrec oftbemtemtes tn tljat p?otttnce, to fenDe tljefe reuenues at ap* popnteDtpmesto the Court: petljatb be nottoritblfanopng bp bts office alfo to tnebDle uottlj matters appertepnpng bnco iu« ffpee. 3!ntbefeconoe great botifeDUoefletb an other 89agtffrate AncbUfsi, called AncbUfsi, agreateffpeer alfo, forbebatljDealpngcs in al.Hexafu all matters of tuftice ♦ eObo although bee bee fometobat in* ferio? tn Dtgnttte bnco tbe ToncbUjsi , pet fa? bis great Dca* Ipnges anD gencrall charge of tuUtce, tnljofoeuer feetb the aft fap?es of the one boufe atto the other, mpgbt tuDge tljts AncbUfsi to be tbe greater* TvzjM other officer fo calleD, Ipetb tn the tbp?D bottfe,a ma* xuzl. gt (Irate of importance, fpectallp tit tljinges belongpng bnco mar* fare 3 fo? thereof bath be charge* Chere is reftoent tn the fourth boufe a fourth officer, bearpttg xaijfu name raijfu. 31n this boufe is tbe p?tncipall p?pfon of all tlje ct* J tit ♦ Ccbe one of tljefe ^agtilrates afojefapoe map both fape e* upllDcerS tnpjpfon, ano Deltuer them out agapne, epeepe the facte be bepnotis anD of importance : tn fttclje a cafe tljep can Doe nothing, ejccept cbep Doe meece altogeatljer. $nD tf the DceDc De* feme Death, allthep togeatber can not Determine thereof, imtfc out rccourfe maDebnto the Chian mberefoeuer be bee, 0 ? to the 2 «^»:anD eftfones it failed; out, chat the cafe be refcrrcD unto bpgber pouiet* , 3In all ctctes,noc onelp cljtefe in eebe fl)p?e,bttt in tbe red alfo, are meattes founDe to make Lout e as . Sganp of them Doe HuDte at tbe p?tnce bis charges, mijerftnc at the pecrcs cnDctbcprcfo?tuntothcbeaD cities, uibptber the cbians Doe comc,as it bath been earlffapoe, aslneli to gpuetbefe Degrees, as to fit tn tuDgemenc oner the prpfoners* Che cbians goe in circuit eucrp peer e, but fttebe as are to be cljofett to the greateft offices ,meete not but from tb?ee peercs to three peeres, and that in certapne large bailes appopntcD foz them to be eramtneD in ♦ 20anp thpnges are afkeD them, inhere* Unto if thep Doe aunf mere acco?Dtnglp, anD be founD fuflfinenc to take their Degree, the Chian bp anD bp graunteth it them : but Licentiates the Cappe 9 treble mi;erbp tbep ar c knolnen to be Lout e as, thep mearg Reportes of liieare not before that tl jep be confirmed bp tbe fcpng.'&bepj cjta< initiation none, and trpall made of tljem/ucl; as Ijauc taken their degree mont to be gtuen them mitb all ccrtmomeg , ufe to banket and feaff manp dapegi together (astlje c/w^wfaQjtcntstoend all tljetr pleafurcs tottb eatpng and djinkpng) and foremapne cbofentodoetbekpng&rmcemmatcerei oflearnpng . 'Cbeo- tbet ocamtnates founoe infuffictent to p?oceede 3 are fent backe to tbcir ffudie agatne* OTbofe ignorance i$ percetued to comeof negligence $ default, fucb a one is mapped, and fcmetpmes fent topjpfon, mijere meelpmgtbatpeerembantbiskpnoecfacte mas, me found manp thus pumfljeo, and demaundpng tbe caufe tberof,tbep fapoe it magi foj that tbep knem not borne to anf mere Unto certapne tljtnges afkeo them ♦ 31c ts amende to fee borne tbefe Lome as are ferued and feared, in fuebe mife 3 tbat in publpke affembliesatonefbjpkctbepgpue, all tbe fermtojjs belonging Onto t'ufttce 3 tremb!e thereat. 8t their being in tbefe p!aces,mhan tbep {pH to moue,be it but euen to the gate, tbefe feruitojs do take them bp,and carrp them infeategi ofbcaccti goloe.^fter tbtei fo?c are tbep bo?ne mi;an tbep goe in the citie,eptber fo? their omne bulinefieabmde^tofeeecbeocberatbome . /fo? tbedipitie tbep baue, and office tbep doe beare, tbep be al accompanped: the berpmeaneftof them all that goetbm tbefe feateg 10 Pfbered bp tmo men at tbe lealf,tbat crp unto the people to gpue pIace,bom* bett 3 tbep neeoe it not 3 foj that reuerence the common people bath Unto them, ^Lbcp baue alfo in tbepjcompanp certapnr^erge- antcs 3 mitb tbetr spaces eptljer fi(uered,oj altogeatbcr bluer, fome tmo 3 fome foure 3 otber brother eigbt 5 conticniemIp foj eebe one big degree. &be nto?e principal! and cbiefe Louteas baue go* tng o;derlp before tbefe ^ergeantes, manp other mitb fiaueg, and a great mam? catcbpoules mitb roddes of 31ndifbc canes. Dragged on the grounde, fo that tbe ffreetesbepng patted, pou map beare a farre of as mell tbe nopfe of tbe rodbcs 3 as tbebopce of tbe crpers, Ebefe felomes ferue alfo to appjebenoe otbers 3 and tbe better to be knomen tbep mearc liuerp redde gtrdles, and in tbeircappespecockesfeatijers, Bebpnue tbefe Louteas come fucb as doe beare ccrtapnc tables banged at ftaues enoes 3 mbere* in is mjutten in bluer letters tbe name 3 oegrce, and office of tbaC Loutea , ml;om tbep folome ♦Sin Ipkc maner tbep baue bojne after the prom nee China. *4* them hades agreeabtebnto tljep? tpdesnftbe touted knteantb tfjcn i jadj be b?cupt after bpm but one bade, aim tfeat map not tc pealome :buc tfije be of tlje better lo?te, then map (;e baue tmo 3 tb?ce 3 o? foure : tlje p?tncipall ana cbiefe Louteas, map baue aU tbep^ batted peala^CjtbeUJbtcb among* them ties accompteo great Ijonour.Ebe Loutea fo? marred, although be be but meant) map notmttbdanopng baue pealome batten . ®be Tutms anoc^aw,to&entbepgoeab?o0e 3 baue befpDesali this before them leooe . j • o? 4. ljo?fes mitb tljep? garne in armo? * jfurtber* nto?e the Louteas, pea ano ail tbe people of are moonte to eate tbep? meatfpttpng on dooles at bpgb tabled as me do, ano that berp cleamp,altljougb tbep bfe netber table clothes no? nap* tons . TOatfoeuer is fee Oomnc bppon tl;e boosts fp?d catueD 3 befa?e that tt be b?ougl>c in : tbep fecoe mttb tvuo dpckeS, refrapnpng from touebpng tbep? mcate mitb tbep? banner euen as me 00 mitb fo?fces 3 fo? § mbtcb refpect,tbep lefle no neeoe anp m tJat i9 table clothes, jfteis tbe nation onelpcmtl at meat?, butalfotn tpeitauan* conuerfation, ano in courtede tljep feeme to ejccecoe all other. Itfcemtfe tn tbep? oealpnges>aftcc their maner,tbep are fo reaop, that tljep farrepalTe all other temples ano ^oo?es:tbe grea* ter dates are fo toapne, that tijep Ipne tljep? clothes mitb the bed fplfcetbatmapbcfcunoe. ^lje£c*^x,are an tole generation, mtebout all maner of ejtemfes ano padpmes, eiccepte tt be eatpnganoo?pnkpng. £>cmtpmes tbepmalfce ab?ooe in the deloes 3 to make tbe foulopars (boot at p?ickes mttb tbep? homes, but tbep? eatpng palfetlj t tbep mpll danoe eatpng eucn mljen tbe other 00 o?ame to (boote > ^Ije piteke is a great blanket fp?eao on certapne long poles, be that drphetb te 3 ljatlj of tlje bed man there danopngapeeceofcrpmfontadata 3 tljc mbielje is knpc about bis beao : in tljis foite the mptmers bonoureo 3 ano tlje £o«- t^xmitlj tbep? bellpes full, returne borne agavne . ^Tljc tnlja* btcantes 0! china, be berp great Joolaters, all generallp 00 mo?'ljpppe tbe beauens : ano as me are moonc to fape, feco knometlj it : fo lape tljep at euerp mo?oe 3 Tien Tautee , that is to Tape 3 The heauens do knowe it . ^ome 00 m.O?Q)pp tlje ^>otme 3 ano fome tbe S0oor.e 3 as tljep tbpnke gooo, fo? none are bounoemo?.e to one then to an other. 3 in their temples, tbe mjtelj tljep 00 cal Meani, tljep baue a great altar in f fame place 3 !i *i* as Reportcs of ad toe haue, true ft f d tb« one map goe rounoe about ft . ©here nfu fee tbep up tbe3!mage of a cercapne Loutea of that coumrep, SarcS fatioit. to&om ctjcp baue in great reuerence fo? cmame notable tbinged be dpo. 3t the rpgfjt bande ftandetb cUe deupl,mucbe mo?e bglte papnted then toe no ufe to fet bpm ouf,tobercuneo great homage (s none bp fucbead come into the temple to alkecotmfed, o? to djatoe lotted :cbid opinion tbep Ijaue of bpm, that be id maim'oud anoabletoooeupl-31fpoua(betbemtol;attbepootbpnbe of the foules departed, tbep toil anfioeare, that tbep be immo?tall, and tf;ac as foone as anp one oepartetb out of this lifc,be becommetb ipfc? 8 0,urt * ueupl ifbe bane liued toed m tbid toojlde, if otbertopfe, that the fame oeupl cbaungetb bpm into a bufle,ope,o? dogge.SHber* fo?e to this oeup! do tbep mucbe honour, to bpm do tbep famfice, pjaptng bpm that be topd make tbemlpke Unto bpm fe!fe,and notlpke otberbealfes . ©bcpbauemojeouer anotberfo?teof templed, mljeretn both bppon the altardandalfo on the loaded Do ffande manp 33Doles toed proportioned, but bare beaded: ©befc bearename Omitbofon, accompteo of them fptrtted, but fticbe ad in beauen do nether good no? eupil, thought to be fucbemenand\oomen,adOaue cljadlpe Ipued in this tnojloe in abftinence from fpflje and fle(be,fedde onlp totcb rpfe $ falaced. ©ftbatoeuiltbcpmakefomeaccompte, for tbefe fptrtted tbep care Ittle or notbpng at ad . ggapne tbep boioe opinion that if a man do todl in tbid ipfe,tliebeauenstopdgeuebpm manp temporal! bleflpnged,but if be do eupd,tben (ball be baue infirmt* tied, dtfcafed, troubles, and penurie, and ad tbid toitbout anp knowledge of (Soo . jTinalip, tljtd people knotoetb no other thing then to due ^ die, pet becaufe tbep be reafonable creatured, alfeemedgooDUnto them toe fpake in cur language, though ft mere not uerp fucftciem:our maner of piping efpectaUp pleafed them, and truelp tbep are tod pnougb difpofeo to recetue the fmotoleogeoftbe truetb . £Durlo?de graume forbumerctead tbpnges To to be difpofed,tijatitmapfcmetpmebeb?ougbtto pade, that fo great a nation ad tbtdid 3 perplbe not fot toame of belpe* : . - ©uc manner of praptng fo toed Ipked them, that in p?pfon importunately they befougbce H to toryte for them fome* the prouincc China. 24^ fometobatas concerting Ijeauen, tijeboljtcbetoedpd to thep| cementation bottlj fttcfte reafons as toe kneboe 3 ljobobeit not lierp tunnpnglp.ate tljep 00 tljep? 3ioolatrp tbep laugb at tljem feiue*. 3lf at anp tproe this countrep mpgbtbe touted utleaguebuitb tb* kpngdr.me of 10ojtugaie 3 in fuel) uipfe that free accede botre bad timalebritlj the people tljere 5 t|)epmfg()tail)cfoonecomterten. ^Ije grcatedfault toe aofpno in them is &caomte,a nice berp common in tbe meaner fojt 3 $ nothing flrange amongd tlje bed. VL^xz fume mere it left of tbem 3 tn ali other tbpngeslbn>eildil* pofedtbepbe 3 that a good ttterppcouc in a (bojtfpacempgbt 00 there great good 3 pf,as3i fapbe 3 tlje countrep mere iopnea in league boitlj b£- tfurtbermoje the LouteasMti) al the people of cbina^tz boont to folempmje the napes of the netue ano full Sgoones inbidting one eacbe other, andmakpng great bankettes, fojto tljat eno, as 31 card fapd, 00 teno all tbepj padpmes, and fpenopng tljcpj dates in pleafure* €bep are buont alfo to folempm^e cache one bisbp)tboape 3 toljereuntotljep?kpnt)^nanD frenoesao refope ofcudome,U3itljp?efeme3cf Suelles oj monep, recepupnga* gapne foj tbepj reboaroc good cbeare. ^bep Ueepe in Ipke ma< ner a general fead boitlj great bankets tbat dap tljepj kpng boas dojne^ut tbep? mod pjfoctpall and greatedfead of al 3 and bed cbeare, is the fp?d dap of cljep? neboe peere 3 namelp tlje fp?d dap oftbeneboe^aone of jfeb?uarpe 3 fotbattljep?fp?d monetl isSj&arclje, andtljep recken tlje tpmes acco?dpngipe 3 refpect bepng bad unto tbe reigne of tljep? Iftmnces : as mben anpe deedeis tojpttett, tbep date it thus, j^aaefticbe a dapeof fuebe a 90oone 3 andfucb apeere of tbe reigneof fuebe a ftpng. 3nd tbep? aunetembo?ptpnges beare Date of tlje peered of tljts 0 ? tbat ftpng. jftoboetopU 31 fpeakeof tbe ntaner tbe teljidje tfje chit neam doo obferuein doopng3Iudice 3 tljat it mape be knolnnt (jobofarretfjefe (Semples doo herein cjtceeoe manpe Cbptdt* ans.tljac be moje bounden then tbep to deale t«aip and in trued?* ^ecattfe tbe Cljuitflje Epng maketlj Ijts abode concpmtallp in tlje €m faebyn , ijts kpngdome fo great, tlje fijpjes fomanp, astofo?ett Ijatlj been fapoe : in it tljerefoje tlje (Souernours and aiders, ntuebe ipke dnto our £>bp?pffes, be fo appopnted 33Mt* foaenIp 3 Rcportes of foticn^antifpeeiielpmTdjargciiagapnr, that tl;cp Sauc no fpme togrotoc naught. jfurthcrmo?e to kccpe ti;e (late tnmo?efe* runcir> the Louteas that gouerne one fbp?e,are cbofen out of fome other ibp?e oiffaum farre of, inhere tbep mtiffleauetbepj topues,cbpIo?en,attOgooDes,carrpeng notbpnginith them but tbemfelues. Pruett is, tljatat thep? comttipng tbptbertljep %> Oofpnoe tn a reDtnelTc all thpnges neceflfarie ,thcp? boufe , to mture, feruantes , ano all other thpnges tn fucbe perfection ano plentte,tbat thep toant notbyng.^bu? the kpng 10 toell ferueo toitboutall feareof treafon. 3!ntbe pjmcipall cities of the fl;p?es be foure cl;eefe£o^j, befojeto&omare b?ougbt aU matters of the mfertour totones, tb?ougboutthe tobole realme. Bitters other Zo«tf^hattetbe maneagpng of iulticc, ano recepupng of rentes, bounoe to peelo an accompce thereof Onto the greater officers. Btberooofee that there be no eupU rulekeept in the erne: cache one as ttbfc botteth bpm. (Senerallp al thefe 00 imp?pfon tnalefaccours,caufe them tobetobpppeo$- rartoJjopftngthcmop^oobcncbpthe amies n>tth a co^oe, a thpng oerp bfuall there.attD acccmpteD no taiuttiie ail lhame«€hefeZ-oMfe4/DooregreatDtltgencempapp?ebeniimgof »***• theeues/o that it is a manner to fee a theefe cfcape aUiap m anp totone.cme, o?inilage. Opon the fea neere Onto the Qjcjemanp are taken, ano looke cuen as thepare taken, fobe tljep fp?ff tuhpppeo, ano aftertoaro lapo in p?ilon, inhere Qj o?:Ip after thep all ope fa? btmger ano coioe.^t that tpme, tohen toe mere in p?pfom there oteo of them abone tb?efco?e ano ten.J)f happelp anpone,haupngthe meanes to geac focoe,oo cfcape, he is fee totth the conoemneo perfenes, ano pjcuioco fo? as tljep be bp the kpng, tn f.xb topfe as hereafter it ff albe fapoe. Ehep? tohpps be certapne peeces ofcanes,deft tn the mtoole, irifueh fo?c that thep feeme rather plaptte then flaarpe. fpc that is ga be tohtppeo lieth groueiong on the gtouno.&pmt his tljigbes the hangman lapeth on biotoes mpgbtdp totth thefe cane s, that the lumbers bv tremble at then? ciueltie, 'Eenffrrpeso?atoea great oealc of bloc-0, ttoemieo? tbpjtie fpople tbeffdbe alto* geatber, fpftteo?th?eefco?ctopll require long tpme to be bea* ieo, ano pf thep come to the number ofouehu^eo, then are tfeep incurable. . theprouince ofCbina, ©je Louteas obferue mo?eouer tljt '0 : mljen anp man fa b?otigbt before them to be erammeb, cfjcp afke bpm opcnip tn the bea- ring of ag manp ag be p?efent 3 be £ offence tteuet fo great . ©jug tito tbep alfo bebatte them fdues mttlj bs.Jfo? tbfa caufe amongl! them can there be no falfe mttnegjas Dap!p among!! b$ it failed; out*®bfe gootj commetb tljerof 5 tljat manp being aimateo about the mbge to beare tlje eutbencc, anb beare toienelTe 3 tbc p?ocelfe can not be falOfpeb, as ft bappenetlj fometpmegf mttlj ba . &je Spo?e0 j <$cmile0.# 3[eme0 3 ljaue al fbeu: funD^p otbegjf t)GO f&care bp tlj?P? M of safes , the 'Brachmans bp tbep? Fill the reft ItheUJife bp the tljpngcgi tbep bo mo?Ojpppe . ^Tbe Cbineans though tbep be monte to fuieare bp beauen 3 bp the ^oon e 3 bp the g>unne 3 antJ bp all tbep? 3iooHe0 5 tn uiDgement wuercbelcfie tljep fmeare not at all, 3 it To? fome offence an ctljc be bfeD of anp one, bp anb bp mttlj tbe leaf! euicence be fa to?menteD 5 fo be tfje mptnciTe0beb?pngetb 5 tftbep tell not tl;e truth, o? bo m anp povwmfagree, epeept tbep be men of mo?fbpppc anb crebpfe, mbs are bclecuets umbom anp farther matter : tbe ref! are mabc toconfeffetljetntetljbp fo?ce of tojmemeoanbmhpppcg. 3 £e* fpbe^ this c?ber obfmteb of them m epatmnattono, tijcpbo feare fomuebe tljep? kpng 3 anb Or mljere be maketlj bfa abouekee* petbtbem fo lome, that tbep care not once f!p?re . Sgapne, tbefe lout eas a0 great as tijep bc^nocmftbffan&mg the multttube of Jf^otartcgt tljep ljatte,not miffing anp otbcrs 3 bo m?tte al greae p?ocefle 0 anb matters of tmpo?tance tljemfelueg. ^oicouet: one bcrcuc tbep bane U)o?tbp of great p?apfe,anb t bat fa, being menfomelircgntbebanb accompteb of ag though tljep mere pHnccgjtljep be pattern abotte meaftire m geupng atirn'ence.^c poo?e ffratmgers b?otigljt before them mpgbt fape mljac me moulbc, a# all to be Ipes anb falaceg that tljep bpo m?pte 3 ne bpo me ftanbe befo?e tljcmumlj tlje bfnall cen'mome# of that torn trep, pet bpb tbep beare mi'tlj 1)0 fo pattentlp, that tljep caufeb bg co monber 5 fmompngfpectalfp home Iftle anp aouccate c? mbge is -monte tn our cotmtrep to beare mttlj bs . jfo? mijcrefa otter tn anp tomne of €h?tllenbome OjottlDe he accufeo b n* knomrnmena0memere5!Sbnomcnotmbatenbc the itrp in* nocentc0 caufe moulbc Ijauc: but me in a ©catljcn cotmtrep, fja* npng ourgreatenm'mteo tmo of tlje cbtefef! men m ambbfe ^ 31 t .tu. tomne 3 *4 $ Reportes of fol»ite,lttittC|)itgantiiterp?eecr, ipojantof that cotmcrep lan» guage 3 opo in the enoe fee our great aouerfarpes cad into p$fon fo} out* fake, anti oepjtueo of cljcp? offices ano fjonoure fo$ not Oopng iudtce, pea not to efcape oeatfefoj as the rumoj goetb, tbepfljalbebebeaooeo ♦ ^ometobatisuobuetobefapoc of the lames that 3! baue beenbable to knoboe in tins countrep,ano fp)d 3 no tbefee oj mttrtber at anp tpme parooneo : aoulterers are put in pjtpfon, ano the facte once pjoueo, conoemneo to ope, - tljenmmansbufbanoe mud accufe them: tins ojoer is keape bottlj men ano tuomen foutto in that fault, but tbeeues ano mut* tljcrcrs are tnpjifoneo as 31 baue fapo 3 U)bere tl;ep Ojo^tfp ope fo? hunger ano coloe . 3lfanp one bappelpefcapebpbjpbpng the gapler to geue bpro nieate, bis pjocefle goetb fartber 3 ano com* tnetljto tl;e courte inhere be is conoemneo to ope ♦ Sentence bepng geuen 3 tbe pjpfoner is bjottgbt in pubipke tnitb a terrible banoeofmentbatlapcbpmin31ronsbanoe ano foote, tnitb a boojoe at bis ncckc onebanoefull b?oaoe, in length reaebpng Doinne to bis knees, clefte in ttno partes, ano Haiti) a bole one banoefullooinnebuaroc in tbe table fpt fo? Ijts necke, tbe inljtcbe tljepenclofe bp therein >naplptig tbe boo^oe fad cogeatber«one banoefull of tbe boo^edanoetb bp bebpnoe in tbe nccke : tbe femencc ano caufe inherefoje tbe feiion boas conoemueo to ope, is bpiptea in t&at parte of tbe table ibac danoetb before* ^Tljis certmome enoeo 3 be is lato in a great p?ifon in tbe compa* me offbme other conoemueo perfons 3 tbe inljtcb are fomto bp tbe king as long as tljcpoo Itue.^be boojo afojfaro fa maoe 3 to)men* tech tbe pjpfoners berp much, keeping tljembotb from red^ eke lettpttg them to eate commoopoullp , tbcpj Ijanoes bepng ntatiecleo in 31rons bnoer that bojo 3 fo p in fine there is no rcmc- op but oeatb*31n p chiefs cities of euerpidnre 3 as tne baue erd lato, there be foure principal bcufes 3 tn ed; of them a pnfombut in;one of them inhere tber aiffii maketb bis abooe 3 tbere is a greater & a moje principal pnfon the in anp of p red : $ although in euerp ci* tie there be manp , ncuertbelelfe in tbjee of them rematne onelp fuel) as be conoemneo to oie. Stbeir oeatb is much p?cIongeo 3 fai that o)Dtnarilp there is no execution ooone but once a peere, though manp oie foj hunger ano coloe 3 as boe baue feene in this pjifon. execution ts oone in this rnaner* ®| )z cbknj o bopt the ttieprouince of China* 544 bpgb contmf (Turner oj Lo^o cbeefe 3!ufflce,at tbe peered cm go 3 ttl) to the beao ettie, mbere be bearetb agapue the caufes of fuebe as beconocmpneo.Sganp tprnes be oelpueretb Tome oftl;em,oe* darpng tbatboojotobaue been mjongfullpput about tljcpj necks: tbe bifitatton enbeb, be cbofetb out fcuon oj .blit. not manp mo?e oj lefle, oftfee greatelf malefactours, tbe Uibtcbe, to feare ano keepe in aloe tbe people, are bought into a great mar* pjtTonmcm.pf the treditouro lie manp,$ one to to be pap d before an other, thep do,contrarp to our mancr, pap bun fp?ft,of inborn thep lad bojmned. and fo o?dtnarilp the red , t n fuche fo?t that the fp?d lender be the lad recepuer. Che fame o?oer io kept in pap* ing legacies : the lad named, recepuetb bio pc?tton ftrd. Chep O/like tbefirjt accom p { ft notbpng f o fljeUi fanout to fuel) a one ag can doo the lenders be the j^ e a pp H e : but to poo good to them that baue idle o? nothing, moreveltbier. thattolno?ththanko,therfo?epaptheptbe lad before tljefird, fo? that their entent feemeth rather to be bertuouo then gainful* mi) en theprouirice China. ®IUjcn 31 fapbe that fuclje ns bee comtm'tteb to pjpfon foj theft 9 murtljer 3 U)ece iubgeb bp tlje Court, 31 mem not them that mere appjebenbeo m tljebeeb bopng,foj tbep tteeo no crpall,buc are bjougijt tmtnebiatlp before tlje Tutmtoboout of (janb giuetb fentence. SD tljet not taken fo openlp,anb Doe neeoe trpall,are the malefactor put to execution mure a peere tn tlje rfjtefe ernes?, to fceepe tn ame tlje peoples? conoempneMoe remapne tn pjtfotr, lokpng to} tbepj Dap* ^beetles being; taken, are carrpeo to pjifon front one place.to an other tn a cfjeG Upon mens fljoulDerSjljpjeo therefore bp the kpng,tlje Cbelf is Ojte banbfulles Ijpgb, tlje pji* foncr fitted; therein bpponabendje, tlje couer of the djeft is tmo &oojbes,ampb them both a ptfierpipke bole, fo? tljepjtfoner fjtst necke, there fitted; be mid; hte bean midjout tlje cljcff, 9 tlje red cfljtsbobpmtdjin, notable tomotte 0 ? tume bis heao tljts map 0 ? tljat tnap, no? to plucke it tn : tlje neceflmes of nature be bop* oetlj acaljolei’ntbebottomeoftbecbe(f,tf>emeat hee rated; ts put into Ijis ntoutlj bp odjers. Cljere abpbedj be oap a no npght burpngbis mbole tournepnf bappeip bis powers (fumble,o? tbe cljeft Doet'og;g;e,ojbe&tDomnecareieflp 5 ttturnetb toljts great papnes that fitted; djcrem,all fuel) motions bepngbnto Ijtm ban* gpng as it mcre.^ljus mere our ccmpattpcns catrpeo from Cm- cfo/euen bapes tcurnep,neuer taking anp ret! as afcermarD the p tolo b3# tljep? greater grtefe mas to (tape bp tlje map : ns foone as tljep came,bepng taken out of tlje clje(!s,djcp mere not able to flanbe on tljep? feete,anD tmo of them bpeo (Ijojtlp after. (KLTljan me lape tn p?tfon at Fuquieo,w came manp tpmes a* r bjooe 5 fmD mere brought to the pallaces of noble mcn,to be feme of them mm djep? mpues, fo? that tbep Ijab netter feme anp jpoj* tugail befo?e. S0anp tljtnges tljep afkeb bs of our cotmtrep, anb our fafijtons, anb Dpo m?pte euerp tljpng, fo? tljep be curious tn nourittesabouemeafure . 'Clje gentlemen fijeme great curtefie hereof tofote. Onto tfratmgcrs, anb fo bpb me finbe at their hannes,onb bucaufe that manp tpmes me mere bought abjobc into tlje cute, fonte* mhat mm 3i fap of fuclj tljtnges as 31 bpb fee therein, bepng a gal* fane ctite,a«D ehtefe tn one oftfje tljtrttene (hpjes afojefapbe. ©je citkFuquieo, is berp great, anbtnigljtilp malleomitb fijuare tlonc both mitljin anb mtcljouc, anb as it map feeme bp s&sbjeabdj tl;ercof,filleb bp tu the. miDDle mid; earth, lapbe ouer rnttij Rcportcs of mitb b?icke ano cottereo mitb tple, after tbe matter of po?cbe£ oj galerpes,tbat one mpgbc omeIld}eretn.^be Uepergf tbep life, ate fo eadlp maoe, that one map go them bp ano oomit a bo?febacke, a 0 eftfoottes tbep not: the tfreetes are paueo,as alreaop ft bad; been fapoe: there be a great number of ^ercbancea, euerp one batb m?ttten in a great table at bis ooo?e fuclj tbinges as be bad? to fell ♦ Jn Ipke maner euerp arctfane papmerf; out bio craft: tbe market places be large, great abounoance of all tljtnges there be to be foloe.^be ettte ftanoetb upyon mater, manp (tames run tlpougb it,tbe bankes pitebeo, ano fo b?oaoe that tbep ferue fo? ftrectes to tbe cities bfe ♦ IDuet tbe (tames are funo?p b?poge$ both oftpmber $ ftonc,djat bepng maoe leueil mitb tbe ftreetes, bpnoer not tbe paflage of tbe barges to ano fro, djecbanelles arefooeepe ♦ S&bere tbe (tames come in ano goe out of tbe citte, bee certapne arches in tbe mall, there goe in ano out fmi. tbep? TaraUl&t is a kpnoe of barges thep baue, ano tbts onelp tbe bap tpme:at npgbt djefe arcbes are clofeo bp mitb gates, fo boe tbepfljut bp all d;e gates oftbc citte . ^befe (tames ano Barges ooe ennoblplbe berp muebe tbe citte, ano make it as ft mere to feeme an other Venice . ^be buploinges are etten, mell maoe, bpgb, not lofceO,e]ccept it be fomembereinmerebanoife islapoe ♦ 3It is a mo?loeftj fee home great tbefe cities are,ano tbe cattle is, fo? that tbe bottles are buplc euen,as 37 baue fapoe, ano oce take a great oeale of roome*£Dne tbpng me fame in this citte that maoe bs all to monoer, ano is moo?tbp to bee noteo: jftamelp, ouer a po?clje at tbe commpng in to one of the afo?e* fapoe foure boufes,tbe mbicbetbe kpng bath in euerp (bp?efo? bis gouernoursas3! baue erft fapoe, ftanoetba ^£om?e buplc bpponfourtieppllers, eebe one mljereof is but one (lone, eebe onefouriiebanofulles o?fpanneslong : in b?eaotb o? compare tmelue,asmanp ofbsopomeafuretbem ♦ Befpoes this, tbep? greatnelfe fuebe in one peece , that it mpgbt feeme impofltble to mo?ke them : d;ep bee mo?eotter co?neroe, ano in colour, length, ano b?eaotb fo Ipke, that the one notbpng opfferetb from the other . ZW d;png maoe bs all to monoer berpe muebe. Wtz the prouince China. 246 Sftteearemontto call this councrep china , anti tbe people Chine ansM as long as me mere pjtfoners,not bearing arnongd djem at anp tpme that name, 31 Determtneo to learneljome cljep mere caller?: ano afkeo fometpmesbp them thereof, fo? that tbepbnoerifoooebsnotmijan meecalleD them chinems , 31 an* fmereo tljem that all the inbabitantes of 3[nota namcD them cbu neans, mberefbje 31 $apeo tljem tljat cljep moulo tellmee, fo? mljatoecaGontbcparefocalleo, mbetber peraDuenture anp ci* tie of tljep?s bare tljat name . Ifreerebntotbcpalmapesanfme* rcomee, toljauencfucbenamc, nojeuertoljauebaD . ^ban npn 31 afke tljem mljat name the mljole eountrcp bearetlj, ano mbattbepmoutoanfmere bepng afkeo of ocljer nations mljat countrpmcn tljep lucres 3ft mas toloe me that ofaunrient tpme in ibis eountrcp ban been manp kpnges* ano though pjcfemlp it mere ail bnDer one, ecfje kpngoome nettercbelelTe emopeo tljat name it fpjlfbao, tbefe fepngbomeoarecljepjoumcegO fpake of before . 3!nconclufiontbepfaptie,tbattbemboleeountrep is! calico T amenMD t\)Z ittljabitanteS T ameginesjo that tljtS name Cam™ tfje china 0} ckineans , is noc Ijearoc of in that coimtrep . 31 Doe tbtnke ^ pernanw that tbe nearenclfe of an other pjoutnce tbereabont caileDCo^m- china, ano tbe mljabitantes djereof Cochinejfes^ fpjft otfcoucreo before tljat china mas,lping not farre from Malacca, opo gpue occafion bctb to tlje one nation anD to tbe other of tljat name chi - wansM alfo tbe mljole eountrcp to be mm* China . ^uctljeir proper name ts tljat afojefapoe* 31 baue Ijearoe m&mt that in the acre TStyquhn remapnetb a table of goloe, ano in it mjitcenakpngljtsname, as a me* mojp of that relioence the kpngs mere mont to fceepe tbere^ljts tabledanoctljtna great pallace, cottereD aimapes,ejtcept it bee inform of tljep? fefltttall oapes, atmljat tpmetfjep are mont to letitbefeene: couereoneucnbelefleasitis, ail the nobilitie of the ettie goctlj oftmette to ooe it etterp oap reuerenee . ^Ije Ipke is Done in the IjeaD cuiesof all tbe other fbpjes in the pailaces of me TmcbUfsim, mljcreitt thefe afojtcfapoe tables Doe danoe mitlj tlje fcpng his name mjttten in tljem, although no reuerenee be Done t&e rimto but in folemjme featte& f whang . al 3T&epi cnemic* 3T&arpageof itjefconges ejjtmim. HefyeakctD itotljereofall <£t)ina,but of tDecitteg^oi i ot!)cc places tjjere be be g* gec0,aspGU Ijaucfeencal# rcabp,fiuar< in pug out of tiu&. Rcportcs of 35 haue Ipketopfe lumrllaooe that the ctexe PachfoMim tie kpng ntakeeb his abooe 3 ts fo great, that to goe from one fpDe to the otber 3 befpDestbe ^ubarbes, the nfticb are greater than tbe etcie it fdfe 3 it reqttpreft one lubole Dap a horfebacke, going back* neppafe* 3!ntbe &ubarbesbemanpmealtbp marebantes of all forcts*&beptoloeme furthermore that it mas £poteo about, aitD in tlje Quotes great (fore of fp(he 3 mberof the ftpng makeft great gapnes* 3!ttnasalfo toloemeetbatftekpngof c^batwokpngto magebatcaplemttljall, befcoes the TanaresMtl) inborn he bao concluDeo a peace more than fourefcore peeres agoc* j&euertbe* Idte thepr frtenDftpp mas not fo greac 3 tbat the one nation might marrp mitb the ofter*3nD Demaunotng mttb inborn tbep marri* eD 5 thepfapoe,thatinolDetpme th tebinisb kpnges 3 mban then inoulo marrp thepr Daughters, accutfomeD to make a folempne fea(f 3 mherbnto came all forte of men* ^Che Daughter that mas to be marrpeD 3 ff oodc in a place inhere lbee mpght fee them aIl 3 ano looke inborn (bee Ipkeb beflyrim did (bee ebufe to bufbanDe, anD if happelp be mere of a bafe conation, bee became bp anD bp a gentleman : but this cuff ome haft been left long Once . jftolne a DapestbekpngmarrpetbbiS Daughters at his ornne pleafure, tenth great men of the fame kpngoome : the Ipke oper he obfer* ueth in the marpage of his fanned ^hephauemoreouer onethmgberpgooD, anD that In&icbe maDebS all to maruepleac them bepng Gentiles : namelp 3 ftat there be bofpttalles in all thepr cittes 3 alinapes full ofpeople, ine neuer fame anp poo>eboDp begge* ZZXz therefore afkco the cattle of this tanfmereoitmas, that meuerp cittetbere is a great ctr=* cut^mherem be manphoufes for poore people 3 for bltnDe 3 lame, olD folke 3 not able to traueple for age 3 ttor haupng anp other mea* nes to Ipue* ®jefe folke baue in the afqrefapDe houfes 3 etier plem tie of rice ourpng ftepr Ipues 3 bm notbpng els^uch as be recep* ueo into ftefeboufcs 3 cometn after this matter * (KElbanonefe ltcke 3 blinDe 3 or lame, he rnaketb a ftippltcatton to the Tonchiafsi , anD proupng that to be true he mrpteth 5 be remapneft in ftea* forefapoe great loDgpng as long as he Ipueth : beOoes this ftep keepe in thefe places ^>inpne anD #pennes 3 mberebp the poore be releeueo miftout gopng a beggpng. 31 fapDe the promnee China. 247 31 fapo before that china mag fun of rpuer g 3 b«l noto 3! mpnoo to confp?me the fame anetne : fo? tCjc farther toe toentmto the countrep,tbe greater toe founo the rpuer$.S>ometpme$ toe Uierc fo farre of front the fea 3 tljat inhere toe came no fea fpfije ban been feene,ano fait inaa there berp oeere,of frelbe inater fplbe pet inaa there great abottnoauce,$tbat fplb berp gooo: thep beepe it goon after tbfe maner, Sphere the rpuero ooe meete,ano fo palfe into the (ea, there Ipeth great fto?e of ^oateei/pectalip inhere no falte mater comnteth > ano that in Marche ano 3p?pll . ^hefe Coates are fo rnanp that it feemetb ioonoerfitll, ne ferue thep fo? other than to take fmafl fplbe * $p the rpuerafpoes thep make lepjeaoffineano ftrongnettea, that Ipe tbjeebanofullesbn&er toater 3 ano one aboue 3 to beepe ano nourpfh their fplbe tn, bntpll fuchetpnte another fibers ooe romeinitb Coates, fypngpng fo? that purpofe certapne great cbelfes !pneo tntth paper 3 able to holoe inater 3 inherem thep carrp thep? fpflje bp ano ootnne the rp* tter 3 tuerp oap remtpng the djeft inky frcOjc boater, ano fellpng; thcpifpihetn euerp citie,toione, ano billage, inhere thep palfe* Unto the people aes thep nceoc it : molt of them baue nette lep?cst to beepe fpfbc tn alinapes fo? thep? p?om0on . ILObere the grea* ter'Boate^ cannotpafie anp farther fojtoaroe, tljcp tabe letter, ano bpcaufe the inholecoumrepts berp inell inatreo, there to fa great plentie of optters foitesi of fpQ;e 3 tljac tt is inonOeifuU to fee: alfurcolp ine mere ama^co to beljoioe the tnaner of their pjouifr on. ^hep? fpttje is chiefin nourtfheo boith the Dung of 35t;to ano ©pen, that greatip fatterh it. Although 31 lapse thep? fplhpng to be tn S^ard) ano 0p?ili at utijar tpme boe f sine them ooc it, nc* Mertbelefle thep coioe bis that thep fplbeo at al! tpme g, fo? that b* fttaUp thep oce feeoc on fpthe 3 inberfo?e it behouetb them to mabe % e fyca&fttj of tbep?p?oml!onccnttnua!lp. (Llllhan me hao*pafico Fuquien, mee tfuaufento** Inent mto Quidn lbp?e,\ohere the fine clape bcffell to maoe, aei 31 fapoe befo?c:ano me came to a citte, the one fpoe inhercor fe built bppon the foote o c a hpll,bohcrbp paffetb a rpuer nautgabiettbere toe toobe Boatr,ano inent bp ma;cr toinarbe the fea : on ecb fpoc of the rpuer ine fount) rnanp cities, toinneg, ano btttages Mere* in ine faine great fto?e of mar chanopfe, but fpectallp of fine dap: there opo inee lanoe bp the inap to bupe bictuailes ano other ne* teflarpe 0 .@obng ooinne cfetjs rpuer &cutbtuatoe 3 ioe mere glao I jtliis Ccncbi. ^r&efrmtge* niuiuus. Reportes of that toe D?etoe neare totto a toarmer countrep, from to&ence toee hao been farre Dilf ant : tbts countren toe palfeD tb?ougb to epgbc oapes,fo? our tournep lape Dotone the (freame.T5efo?e cbat 3! Doe fap anp tbpng of that (bp?e toe came into, 31 toill fp?(t fpeake of toe great ctete of ^i^toljerm altoapes remained) a T uunA'At to a gouernour,as pou baue feene, though fome f uuns ooe go* uerne ttoo o? tb?ee ®p?es. ^(jat Tut an that toas conoempneo fo? our cattfe,of tobom 31 fpake before, toas bo?ne in this countrep,but be goucrneD FoquU ™ lbp?e:nothtngtc auapleo bint to bee fo great an officer * 3D)is countrep 10 fo great, that in manp places inhere toetoent, there ban ben as pet no talke of bis Death, although be mere ereeuteo a toboiepeere before. 3t tbe ettte Quancbe tobptber toe came, the ri* tier toas fo great that it feerneo a fea,tbottgb it toere fc It tie tobere toe tooke toater,tbat toeneeoeo total boates*2Dne Dap aboimijr* of $ clocke, beginning to roto neare tbe toalles toitb tbe If rcame,toe cameatnoonetoab?iDgemaDeofimnp barged, ouerltukeo all togeatber toitb ttoo migbtp chepns.3rhere (f apeD toe Until tc toast late, but toefatonot one go either bp tberon 0 ? Dotone,e]cceptttoo Louteas p about tbe going ootone ofp fun, came 9 frt them Dotone there, tbe one in one Cioe,tbe other to the other (fae.®an toas the b?foge openeD in manp places, $ barges both great 9 fmai to tbe number of <5oo.began to paffe:tljofe that toent bp the (freame,at one place, fuel; as came Dotone, at an otbentKUlja 0 ! baD thus toot the b?toge,than toas it (hut bp againc ♦ We beare fap that euerp bap tbep take this o?Dcr in all p?incipall places of mercbanbpfe, fo? paping of p cttlfome bnto the king,fpeciallp fo? falt,toljerof the greatelf rettenetos are maoe that tbe king bath in tins countrep. %be paffages of the b?foge tobere it is openeD, bee fo neare tbe (bo?e,tbat nothing can pafle toitbottt touching tbe fame* %o (fap the barges at their pleafure,tbat tbep go no farther fo?toarD, are bfeD certapne p?on inlfrumentes . ^be b?ioge con(t(fetb of. 1 1 2 . barges, there (fapeD toeebntpll tlje euenpng tb at tbep toere openeD, lotbcfomeip opp?e(TeDbptbemuitituDe of people that came to fee bs,fo manp in number, that toe toere enfo?ceo to goe afpoe from the bankc bntpl fuel) tpme as the b?iDge toas openeD: hotobeit toe toere neuertijeleffe tlj?cngcD about to manp boates foil of people. 3no though in other cities anD places tol;ere toee the proulnce China. 548 toeny&e people came fo importunate bpon bS, that ft bias tteete liiH to mitb&jam out felues: pet lucre lue beere much mo?e mole* fteb fo? the number of people* ano this b?t&ge*tbe principal map out of the ettte onto an other place fo melt mbabtceo* that mere it malleu ahotit,u mpgbt bee comparer to the eitie.OTban me hao (hot the b?tt>ge*me kept along the ettte bncfll that it mas npgbt, than met me mtth an other rpttcr that topneo mtth tbis 5 me rotueo bp that bp the mattes umptt me came to an other bjioge gallant-' Ip make of barges, but letter a great tteale than that other b?ioge otter the greater ftreante : beere ft apeo me chat npgbt* ano other tmo oape^s mtth mo?e quiet, being out of the preafe of the people. ^befe riuers 00 meet mitbout at one corner point of the ettte. 3 n either of them mere fo manp barges great ano fmall, that me all thought them at the lead to be aboue three tboufanoeube greater number cljerof mas in the lelfer rpuer, inhere me mere. 3 mongft the reft here lap cettapne greater oe(Tels ? caIleo fit their language Tayau that feruc fo? the t utan, mban he taketh bis bopage bp 0* far 4* ther rpuers that icpne mitb tbfejtomaros TachinM)m the king maketb his abooe. Jr o?,as manp tpmes 3i haue erft fapo* all this rountrrp tsfttll of riucrs.SDeftrous to fee tljofe farai me got into feme of them, U jIi etc me founo fome chambers fet foo?tb mtth gif’ beo beos berp richlp 5 other furmtheo mtth cables ano feates* $ all other tljinges fo neate ano in perfeetton, that it mas monDerfuIl. QuUcim tt)p?c,as farre a 3 31 can pereetue*!pcth bpen the foutlj. On that fpoe me kept at cur 6 rft entrp thereinto, trauepltng not fat from the high ntoumapnes me fam there . king mhat peo* pie omclleth bepono thofc mountapnes* it mas tolo me that thtp be theeues*^ men of a ftnngc language . 3 no hpcaufe that Onto funotp places ncare this rtuer*$ mc-tuttapnes 00 app?ccb 3 mhence the people ttfeung oomne 00 manp tpmes great barme,thts o?oer is taken at p entrp into Quiacim ttjpje. €0 garo this ritter lube* on continuallp go to f fro farai great $ fmall fraught mtth fait* fiflj pouo?eo mtth pcpper*ano otfjer ncceftartesfo? that coumrep: thep 00 lap in 0 titers places certain fam, $ great barges armeo* mheritt match 9 maroe is kept oap f night m both Ooes of the rt* tier/o? the fafette of the palfage, 9 fecuritie offttche far at as ooe remapne tbere,tbougb the traueplcrs netter go but manp tn com* panp. 3 tt euerp rooe there be at the leaft tl;irue 3 tn fome tmo hum b?eomen 5 asthepafiage reqttpjeth. > Rcportes of < gatbe to Rcpt bfuallp tmtpll poucomecotheettie Omhh, mhere concmuallp the Tutan of this an b eke of Cam »* makethhm abobe ♦ jfrom that cute Dpmarbc, tuyere the rpiice mapech more narrom, anb the paflage more batmgerouo, there be almipeo armeb one huabreb anb liftte Tar*i, to accompanp o« tber beflelleo fraught mid; marchanbpfcjanb all d;tO at tie king bis charges &bts feemeo Dnto me one of the Aranged t&ingco 31 bpb fee in this conmrep. CBbanme lapea tFuquientot bpb&eeertapne $fBoore0 3 mf;o kneUie fo itefe of theprfecte,that thepcoulb fap noihpngelo but that ^pacljomec mao a ^ooie^mp father maa a ^oo,iej ana 31 am a 20oore,mid; fome other marbeo ofthepr ^.fcorane, inhere* totthalf, in abdmence from fempneo fled;e, theplpue bnfpH the beupll take them ail ♦ mhan 3j fame 3 $ bepng fare that in manp cbinisb citieo the reliqueo of Sgachomet are kcpt 3 ao foone ao me came to the citie mhere thefe felomeo be,3i enfourmeb mp felfe of them,at«j leameo the tructh. Chcfe £J9ooreo 3 ao thep toloe me 3 tn tpmes pad came tit great fljtppeo fraught mid; marchanbife from Tacbin marb 3 to a ]|Do;te graunteD Ditto them hp the kpng 3 ao hee to mont to ail them that trafftkeintothtocountrep, mherethep hepng arriueo atalide tomneffanopng in djehaueno mouth, tntpme conuerteu Dnto their fecte the greaced Loutea there* Whan that touted mith ail bio famtlp mao become spoo?p(h 5 tl;e red began ipkempfe to boe the farnejn d;to part of china the people be at iibenie,euerp one to mo;d;pp anb folom mljat him Ipked; bed. COherefb^e no bobp tooke heebe tbereto 3 bntpllfucb fpme ao the spooreo percepupng that manp folomeb them in fuperdttt'on, anb that the Loutea fa* tioureb d;em 3 d;ep began to fo;bpb mholp theeatpitg of &mineO fled;. T5wt all d;io cotincrpmen anb mcmen 3 cl;oRng rather to for* fake father anb mother, than to Icaue ofeatpng of porke, bp no meaneo moulo peioe to that proclamation, jf o; beObeo thegreac befp;e thep all bane to cate that kpnbe of meate, manp of them boe Iptte tberebp : anb therefore the people complapneb Dnto the $ 0 agtfltate 0 ,accuOng tl;e S0ooreo of a confpiracp pretenbeb be* tmijet them anb the Loutea agapnfl thepr kpng.31n thio countrep, ao no fufptcton 3 no not one trapterotto moroe io long borne mith* all : fo mao the kpng fpcebilp abuertifeb thereof, mho gaue com* the prouincc China. ^4 9 commatmbemenl out of^anrsc that djeaforefapbc LouttatyttiSb be put to bead;, anb mid) hpnt the spools of mod importance: tlje other to be lapbc fprdinprpfon,anbafcermarbeto befenc abrobe into certapne cttics,mhere djep remapneb perpetual! fiauesbnto rtje bpttg * ^othis cicte came bp Ijappe men ana tnomen chreefcore anb obbe,mho at this Dap are brought to due menansfoutemomen,forttts nometmemie peeresagoethte Ijappeneb ♦ Cljcpr of{p?pngpairetbtbenumberof»2co, anb tljep in this cicie,as the red in other cities, mljpdjer tljep mere fern, Ijaue thepr Mof \bui ,mberimto tljep al reforte euerp ftpbap to kepe thep? Oolpoape ♦ But, as 31 djpnke, that Uipll no longer temples , v Vi '■enbute, then mljiles (hep do Iptie, that came from thence, for thepr potfertcie is fo confufeb,chat tbep Ijaue nothing of a ejboorc indjembucabdiuencefrom&mpnesfleflje, anb pec rnanp of themboeate thereof prtutlte* ^heptell me that thepr nattue countrep bath name c^wrw^afprmelanbejUJheretnbemanp fepngcs 5 anbthe3Inbi(hecountrepmeH fcnomen Onto them *31! 3itfljoun>* map fo be : for as Tone as tbep bpb fee cur feruauntes (our fer- uauntesmere frtuz aretes) thep tubgcb them to be Jnbtans: clrdandan in manp of thepr moorbes fotmoeo bppon the perltke tongue, but Ortclius . none ofbs coulee bnoerdanb them ♦ 3! afkeb them tohetber tljep conuerteb anp of the cbinijhe nation bnto thepr fectettljepam fmeareb me,that midj much a bo tljep comirrteb dje motnen mich mljomchep bomarrp,pelopngme no other caufe thereof, but the btffrcultie djep ftnD in them to be brought from eating fuhnes flelhe anb banking of mine , 31 am perfu)abebtljerfore,djat if this countrep mere in league mitlj bs,forbpDbpng them neptber of both,itmoulb he aneafp matter to bjam them to cur religion, from thepr fuperaition,mherat tljep them felucs bo laugtlj mheit djep bo their 3!bolatrte + 3! haue learnebmorecuertljattljcfea mijerbp thefeSpoorcs tljatcame toCk‘w*,meremoont to trauaile, 3t (crnttMer* is a berp great gulfe, that falleth into tljis countrep out from critic Up tt)cri^ Tart am mferfta^kmm^ on tljz odjer fpoe all the countrep SpunVca! of china, anb lanbe oftlje Mogdrites } 0}^oovng aimapes tomarbe the Touch : anb of all Ipkelphoob it is euen fo, bccaufe that thefe^poores,djemhichemeljauefeene,bc rather bromne then mljite, mherbp djep fljeme them felttes to come from Tome ~ marmer countrep djm China is, neere to facbfo, mljere the * t:amu rpuers ffili • 18tioi«0 ^Urtaw*. JfRoutUt l&foin, ^ogojitw. ttiemr*. Reporfccs of rpucrgf are frofeit in tbe bopntet foj cotoe,anb rnaap oftbemfobe' bementlp>tbat carter map paffeouet tl;em» tOeOpDfeeuitljtiaiCtttC rnanp T artares, M og antes i Sr ernes, anb Laqynes , tel) men $ boomen.ifcbe T artares are men berp tabice, goobbojfemenanb arcbers,confinpngtoitb china on that doe tu'jere Pacbin danbetb/eparateb from them bp great mourn earned tbat are bettoppt tbefe kingbome^SDuer them be eertatne toapes to palfe, ano fo? both fpoes, Caddies cormnuaflpkeapce ttntb fouloiers: in tpme pad tbe T artares toere tnoont altoapes to baue uiarrs U)ttb tbe cbineansjmt tbefe fourefcoje peered pad tbep boereguiete 5 bntpH tbe feconbe peere of our impjpfonment, Wje Mogorites beinlpkemaner tobpte, anb beatben, toe are abuerttfeb tbat of one fpbe tbep bobber bppon tbefe T artares, anb confine toitb tbe Perftks t artares on tbe other fpoe, tobereof toe fatoe in them Come tokens, agtbepjmaner of clothes, anb that kpnbeofbattbeS4wm/Do toeare ♦ ^be^oojesaffirmeb, that tobere tbe kpng Ipetb, there be man y Tar tares anb Mogori - tei,tljat brought into china certapnebletoes of great baletoe: al toe tbOUgbt it to be Vanil of Cambaia tOOOUt to be folO at Ormus* ftotljat tbts tS tbe true dtuation of that coumrep, not in tbe jftojtbparteMS manpepmes 31 baue harbe fape,confpnpng toitb (Dermanie, * 3s for tbe I3)emes toe baue feene in this cine chenchi certaine meu ^tooitten,amongd toljom there bias one tbat came not long fince, Ijaupng as pet ber beare epeb bp after tbe Pegues faQjton: this tuoman,anb other moe toitb tobont a blacke spooje bamfefl in our csmpanpe bab conference, anb bpb bnberdaabe them toed pnougb, bab bboelte in Peghu ♦ z\) is netue come tuomatt, imaginpng tbat toe ntentto make curabobe in that citte,bpb bs to be of good eomfojce/o? tbat ber countrep toas not oidant from thence aboue fiuebapes iottrnep,anbtbatoutofber coun* trep there lape a bpgb &ap foj bs borne into our otone ♦ ^epng afkeb tbe toap,(l3e atmfrueareo that tbe fp)fftb?ee bapes tbe toap Ipetlj ouer certapne great motmtapnes amt toploerneffe, aftertoarbe people to be mette toitbail agapne . Whence tm aape# the Prouiuce China. 2 50 bapesio?ncpmo?eto the Realties country. i£tljerfc?e 31 boo con clube, that cbencbi 1 s one of tbe confutes of this kpngbcme, ^cmijtoarbt feperateb bp certapne huge moumarncs.as it bath been alrcaop tc°tncfraV lcl,< fapb, that Ive out tomarocs the ^outtj. 3|n the rcltbuc of tbefe moumapnes ftanbetb tbep?out'nce Sian,t be Lawns countrep, juoins. Camb,uetbfan:e fromtijefea: offreflje tpfljcfo nutclje0o?e, that the market places are ncuer empire. €be makes of this cure are berptfrong anb bpgbrone bap bpb 3! fee (be Loutear thereof go upon the makes * to take the biemc thereof* bo?ne in tbcp?featcs 3} fpake of before, accompameb mitbatroupeof ljo?remcn, that ment tU)o anb tmo: 3jt bias toloe me tbep mpgbt baue gone tb?ee anb cb?ec. ULXz bane feene mo?eouer,tbat mitb* in this afo?efapbe citi'e the kpng bath moe than a tljoufanb of bis kpnnelobgebin great pallaces, tn biuers partes of tbe citi'e: tbep? gates be rebbe* anb tbe cncrpe into tbep? boufes , that tbep map be knomen , fo? that is tbe kpng bis colour . 3D(jefe gentle* men, acco?bpngtotljep? neareneffe inbloob bnto tbe kpng* as foonc as tbep be martcb, receiue tbep? place tn bonowr:cbis place neither encrcafetb no? bimintfbctb in anp refpfcc*as long as the kpng Ipuetb* the kpng appopntetb them tbep? mpues anb fami- ne, allompng them bptbe$0onetb altbpnges neceflarte abun* bantlp* as be both to bisgonemours offl;p?es anb cities, borne* licit, not one of tbefe bath as long as be !puetb*anp charge 0 ? go* uenimentatal.Ebepgeuetbemfelties eoeatpnganb b?inkpng. anb be fo? the molt part burlp men of borne* tnfomuebe that efpi* png anp one of them, mb cm me bab not feene befo?e,me mpgbc knome bpm to be the kpng bis eofpn* ^bepbeneuertbeleffe berppleafount, courteous* anb fap?e conbitionebnte bpb me finbe, al tbe time me mere in that citt'e,fo inttcb honour anb goob enterrapnemenc anp mbere* as at tbep? bances. Ebcp bpb bs to tbep? beufes^to eate anb D?pnke , anb inben tbep founbe bs not, 0 ? mere not mpllpng to go bitch them, tbep bpb our feruames, $ flaueS* catiftngthem to fpc bomnmicb tbefirlt. J15otU3itbltanbing tl;e goob lobgittg tljefe gentlemen bane fo commcbious tjwt tlep <@oats acitie of tlje |doitit> gales m fplbe, bearbes, opIe,bincger,nieale, rtfe* in fomma, at rtiinges fo plentifullp,tbat manp boufes neeoeno fmtamites 3 cuerp thing bepng bjougljt totljep? ooo?cs . Spall part of tljc mercljames remaptte in tbefubtirbes,foj tljat p cities are Hut bp euerp ntgljt as 31 baue fapoe. Ei;e nterdjantes tlicrcfoje t!;e better to attenbe tbepj luifinclTc,oo rljufe ratljcr to make tljepj abooc bottljouctn tbe fubttrbcSjtljcn tnitbin tljc cute » 31 baue feette in tbts rpuet ap)etteftpnneoffp!bpng,nottobeomttteotn mp opinion, ana tbetefo?e tupll 31 fet it nobnie . ®lje kpngbatbinmanprpuers goon do?e of barges fit!! of lea crotncs,tbat biceoe, are feonc, ano no bpetljerein, tit certapne cages, alloboenmonetblpa cer= tapne pjouidon of rpfe. cbefe barges (be kpng bedotoeeb bps pon bis greeted magt(lrates,geupng to fotne ttoo, to Tome tlpee oftbem,as be tbpnhetb goon, to fptbe tberetoitball after tbismaner. attbeljoureappopnteo to fplbe, all the barges are fyougbt togeatber tit a arete , Utbcre tbe rpuet is lbalotne,anotbecroines,tpeti togeatber bnber tbe bopngeS,are let leapcoouwe into tbe mater, feme bnoer, fomeabonc, Utajtb tbclookpng bppon : ctbe one as be batb fillen bis bagge, goetb to bis otnne barge ano emptied) it, tobiclje none, be retournctb tolpibeagapne . 3Ebus baupng taken goob iloje offpibe, t!;ep Tet tbe erovues atlibertie,anb no (uffertbemtofptbefoj tljepi obtnepleafure. ©bere lucre mtljae citte,tobere 31 toas,ttoewfe barges at tbe lead oftbefeafojefapbe cronies* 31 tnente aimoff etierp na? to fee them, pet caulbe 3i neuer be tfeougblp fatifficn to fee fo ftraunge a (tpnoe offpibpng. *53 Kft.iit. Of r Of che Ilande Giapan, and other litle Ifles in the Faft Ocean. ^ . wyllts. pz extreme part of the knotoen b?o?toe bit* robs, is the noble 3jlanbeCw/4«,U)?ttten othertopfe /^on annlapan . Sbts 31lafll ftanbeth m the ££aft SDcean , beponbe all \Afie, btttoittzCatbayo ^thet&feft 3!nbte$ ^.Degrees j$o?tbto>arbe from the maid line 5 m the fame dime botth the Eolith part of ^papneanblpo?ttigall, btftant from thence bp fea ♦ 6000 . leagues; : the frattaple tbpther, both fe? cuttle btfc co?be, great ptracie, anb often (btpb)?ackesi, berp battngercug. VLW cottmrep t's hpllp , ants peftreb Uritb fnoU)e,toberefo?e tt it nether fo marine as pojtugall, $ pec berp pookas farre as me can leant?, mantpitgcple, butter, cbeefe,mplke,egges,fuger, bonnp , bp ncger , faftarne , cpitamome, anb pepper . 315arlp fytanne the Jlanbcrg bo bfe in (feebe of falte jmebtcinable tfnnges bolfomefo? the bobp batte thcp none at aI.J5etiertbdefTe in that 3ilanb ftmb?p fruites bo grom,noc much bnlike the fruites of ^papne:? great ftoje of^pluer mpnes are therm to be feene. &be people tractable, cuttle, mpttpe, courteous;, Without be* cepte, in bcrctte anb hoitetf conuerfatton e,r ceeopng ali other tta* ttonjSlatctpbtfcouereD^butfamucheJfanbpng bppon fljep? re* ptttacton, thatthep? chtefe 3!bolemap he thought honour . She cottt cmptc tfjerof cattfeth among them much btfcojb anb bebate, manflaughteranbmurtljenetten fo? tbep? reputation thep 00 honour thep? parentes, Rccpe thep? p?omtfes, abffepne from abttlterpano rcbberpes, punpftung bpbeathchelcatf rohberp bone,ho!Dpngfo?ap?pndp!e,thatb)hofoeuer (tealetha trpfle, mpll tf he fee oc calton if eale a greater thing .31 1 map he tljefre it fo fcuerdppumtbcb ofchem/o? that the nation it oppjelfeomub fcarciae of al thpnges necelfarpe, anb fo poo?e,tbat euenfo? mt* fertcthep ftrangle tljep? omnc ebplbjcn, ptefcrtingbeath before tuant ♦ Shefe fdomeo bo nether eate no?kpU mtp foule » ‘She? Ipue chiefelpbp fpOie, bearbcs, ano fruites, fobcaItbfuflp,tbat thep bpe berp o!be,©f lapce anb Wt Ijm there it no great floje* Giapan. 2J2 Bomanfeaftatttrt tfeerc of bis; pcuertie, ne be tbep? gentle* men tberfo?e lefle ljonoren of tbe meaner people, ne U>pl tbe poo* red gentleman there, matclje W cbploe mitljtbe baferfo?tfo?a* np gapne, fo muebe tbep bo make mo?e accompt of gentrp then of mealtb. ©jegreateit nelpgU t tt>cp baue, fs in arnto^ie, eacbe bop at fourteene peered of age, be be bo?ne gentle o? otljernipfe, batb bisfuioo?be anD Dagger tberpgooD archers tbep be, com tempnpng all other nations in compartfon of tl;ep? manbooo anDp?ouicire,puttpngnot bp one tmurte, be it neuerfo fmall in mo?oe o? DceDC } aroGngtbem felues* &bep fceoe mooeratelp, but tbepD?pnke large!?, ^bc bfe ofbines tbep knotne not,tbep? Djt'nkc tljep make of ftpee ,btterlp tbep oo abljo?re opfe, anD all games, accomptptig notbpng mc?e bple in a man, then to geue bpm felfe bnto tbofe tbpnges,tbat make bs greeote atiD Defirotts to get other mens goooesjf at aitp time tbep do fmeare.fo? tbac feloome tbep are boom to oo,tbepfu)eare bp tbe &unnct manp of tbetn are taugbt goon Iettcrs,buberfo?e tbep map fo much tbclbo* net be brought bnto<£b?itfianitte. €cije oneiscontcnteDmitb onebopfe: tbepbeallDeftroustolearne, ano naturally enclineo bnto boneltie ano curtefte i goblp talke tbep Ipl! en bnto boplf mg* Ipe, efpeciallp Uiben tljep bnDcrtfanD it tb?ougblpe. ^£bep?go* wbrnw* uerment conftifetb of tb?ee effaces. 'Ebefp^H place is Due bnto tbebpgbp?ieff,bp bubofelaboes anD Decrees ,al publique aim pjittate matters, appartepttpng bnto re:igion,are DedotD ♦ fcctes of tbep? cieargte men, inborn tbep do call fionzi, be of no efftmation o? auctbo^itie^pcept tbe bigb p?t'eff bp letters patent do confp?me tbe fame: be confp?mctb anD allolnctb of tbep? Tun * S, usbo be as it mere ^pffjops, although in manp places tbep are nominates bp funo?pe lattices . ^befe r*^/ 3 aregre?.flp T . bonoureo of all fo?tes tbep do gene benefices bnto infertout nw 1 um * mffers , anD doo graunt licences fo? maim tbpnges , as to cate fleffjc bppon tbofc Dates tbep go in pilgrimage to tbep? g&oles, tmtb fuebe Ipke p?uulegcs» jf inalfpe, tins bpgb pjteff, tnonc to be ebofett in china, fo? Ins im'some aim iearnpngt m^Dcm Giapan, fo?ljis genttp anD bpjtb : bath fo largca Dominion, anD rcuenetnes fo great > tljac eftfenes be bearDetl; tljepetp EingeSi anD pjaieestljece. . m* Pr-^r,- ■ * . .... . ■ '4;;,.. , , «sff# ft? t CC* '■'y i *,-y i K!t. titt. Wit])} 'Mat... )* Of the Hand t£brpj feconbe p?tncipall S 0 agtffrate,in cbep? language F«>, is tbe ebeefe 5 )erebaugbc,mabe bp fttcccffion anbbp?tb,botto* rco as a <£ob* &bis gentleman tteuer touebefb tbe grounoe uutb bis fbotebmbout fo?faptpng ofljtgs office, be tteuer goetb ab?obe out of bis boufe,no? 13 at all tprnes to be feene. 3 1 borne be is ep« ther carrteb about in a Iptcer, 0; els be goetb in tooobbett Chop* pines a footebpgb from tbe grounbetcommonlpbeOttetb inbis ©bap?emttbafb)oo?binonefpbe,anb a borne anbarrotoes in tbe other, nrjet bis bobplje toearetb biacke,biS outtoarbe gar* meat is rebbe, ail Ibabotneb cuerbritb Cip?elTe 3 at bis cap bang certapne lambeaujcmucb Ipkebnto a Btipops $Ppter,bis fo?e* beabtspapntibbj'jpteanbrebjbe earetb bis meatein eartben Dilbes. ^bis 5 )erebattgbc beterminetb in all Giapan tbe biuers tptfes of honour, tobereof in tljat 3 llanb is great pientie , eacbe oneperticuiarlpknotocn bp bis babge, commonly feene infra* Ipng bp tbep? letters, anbbapip altereb acco?bpngto t(jcp?be* grees, SlboiittbisFo euerp noble man batb bis lboliciter,fo? tbe nation is fo beOrotts of p?apfe atib honour, that tbep ffrpue a* rnoitg them felues tobo map b?pbe bpm belt. Bp tbefe meaties tbe Uprrcbaugbtgroujetbforpcbe, that although be bauenep* tber lanbe no? anp reuenetoes otbertnpfe,pet map be be accomp* teb tbe toeaUbpelf man in al Giapan. jfo? tb?ee caufes ibis great fgagtilratemaploofebis office: fitffitf be touch tljegrounb tomb bis footers it batb been alreabie fapb: nejtt,tf be kplanpe bobp: tbp?t/lpe,pflje befotuiDcan enemte bnto peace anDquietncffe, bouiebeit neptberof tbefe afo?efapoe caufcs is fuffictenc to put bpmtooeatb. €bep? tbp?b cbeefe officer is a 31 ubge,bts office is to cake bp to enb matters tn comrouerQe>to betermine of marres $ peace, ; that bjfjicb be tbpnketb rpgljt, to punvOje rebelles , tobcrcin be map commaunbe tbe noble men to affift bpm Upon paine of fo?* fectpngtbcp?goobes:neuertbeleffeacall tprnes be ts notobep* eb,fo? cbac manp matters are ensco ratber bp might anb atrnes, tban betermineb bp lab), ©tber controuerCtes are becibcb ettljer in tbe totpo?af Court, asitfeemetbgoob bntotljeftinces, 0? in tbe Spiritual conftffo?te befo?c tbe Tundi. f.2$l. Hebelles arc ejcecuteb intbts matter, efpeciallppftbcp be noblemen, 0? officers. Zi)C hpng, lookeb)l;atbapebcgcuetb * ; . ; . ;; fentence Giapan, 2J§ fcntence agapntt anp one, tbe fame Dap tbe partfe,toberefoeuet it be 3 tss aduerttfed thereof, and the Dap tofoe bim of bis ej:ecutt» on.® e conoempmd perfon afketb of tbe mclfenger inhere tljat it map be laiofull fo? bmt to fepli butt felfettbe inbtcb tbtng toljan tbe kpng doetb graunt, tbe parti e takpng it foj an honour, put* tetb on bis belt apparel!, andlauncpng ijts bodp a erode from tbe bjett doinne a!( tlje beHp,tnurdjetb btm felfe ♦ ®is kpnde of oeatbtbepcaketo betoitboucinfamp, ne doetljeir cbild?en,fo? tbcpj fathers crime fo puniibeo>Iofe tbep? gcoo&Buc iftbe king referue them to be executed bp tbe Bpangman, than flocketb bee tocteaiber his cbildjeny bis fetuames, and frtendes borne to bis ljoufe,to pjeferue bis Ipfe bp fojee. ®e kpng committetb tbe fee* cbpngofbimout bmobis cbiefe 3Iudge, inl;o ffrltfcttetijbppon bim Uutb bolo and arrotneS,^ aftertnard loitb ppkes $ ftnoojds, bntpll tbe rebell and all bis famtlp be flapne,to tbepj perpetual! igneminieand Ibame. ®e3!ndplbe utters make mention of fundjp great cities in this 3 lland,as Cangoxima a fi^auen tottme in tbe g>outb parte tljerofrand Meaco Diltant from thence 300 .leagues ncicljUkird, tbe ropall feat of tbe kpng, and mod tnealtbp of all oiber to&aes in that 31 lande/Ebe people thereabout is berp noble, and tbepj language tbe bed uponisbe , 3lnMeaco are fapde to be nienetie tboufaude bctifcs inhabited and bpinaroe,a famous OniuerOtte, -* and in it fpuepjindpali CoHedges,befpoesdofes and dopftets of ^on^egMxiUrnHamacaMW is,p?ieftes, $}onkes,and jflumtes* SDtberfpue notable Ctmuerlmes tbere btinGiapaa, namelp, Coia t Kegru , HomU Frenoi » and ’Bandu . ®efp?ft fourebaueinjbemactbeleafr.35cx).fcbo!lers : in tbe fpftare manp tnoe.jf 01 Fmdu pjoumre is berp great, aoopolTefleD bp Idee princes, fpue totjereof are badaltes Unto tbc'ffr?, pet be bim felfe fubiectebnto tlje lapmisb kpng,bfuallp called tbe great king ofA^codefferfcboIesthere be manp in diuers places of this 3ilande . 3no thus mticbc fperfaHp concernpng this glorious 31* !ande s amongfb manp barbarous nations and aide regions, baue 3} geatberep togetber urotte Gimme, out of fund# letters trpteten from tbence into Fur ope, bp no lelfe faitbfttl reporters tba famous traueplers. Sr 0 ? confirmation lobereof, as alfo foj tbe knoioledge ofotbec tinges not contepneo in tbe p^milfes,tbe curious res* Of the Hands Bmf ma? perufe cbefe foure bolumes of 3[nDt(bc matter# fcbjfc* ten long agoe in 3!talian, ami of lace compenDiouflp mabe lattn, bp Tttws Maffeius mp oIoeacquapmeofrtenD, eitcttalpng the fame,©* rebus laponicis * ©ne tuijolc letter outoftlje fpfc booke tbercof/peciallp entreacung of ebat countrep, bane 31 Done into Cnglpfbe mojD foj mojD,infucbe uipfe as folomecb* jikifw Froes,tohiscompanyons in Idus Chrifh that rcmaync in China and Indie* w T'5>ela(lpeere,Deareb?e%n, 3lU5^oceunfopou from Fmw» do, borne Cofmus Turri anus {;aD appopmeD me to trail ep!e to M taco, to help Gafpar Vilela, fojt that there the barueff uias great, tbe labourers; fcme,anD tb at 31 (boulo baue fo? mpeompanpon in that toumep Jloifius jllmeida 3ic feemetb nob) mp parte,baumg bp tbe belpe of <0oo enDeD fo long a bopage, to Ctgmfte bnto pott bp letter fuebe tbtnges fpectallp as 31 mpgbt tbtnke pou bjoutoe molt Delpgbt to knobie ♦ 3no becaufe at tbe begpnnpng Almeida ano 31 fo part eo tbe tobole labour of upptpng letters; betmijet b#, tijat be fijoulD fpeake of our bopage, anD fuebe cbinge# a# bappe* neb therein, 31 iboulD make relation of tbe Meachi&ns effate,ano b)?pteb)bat31coulDbielllearneoftbe Gtipam maners ano com Dictons : fettpng afpoe allDifcourfest of our bopage, that bibicbe flanoetb me bppon 31 mil Difcbarge in ibis €ptftle,tbat peu com ttoerpng bobie artitaflp, bom cunninglp,bnDer tbepjetejcte of religion that craftie aouerfacp of mankpnDe,leaDetb anD Djatoetb bnto peroition tbe Giaponisb mpntre 0 ,blpnDeD biitb manp fuper* Ifitions ano cerimotties, map tbe mo?e picie tin's nation* 3tbe mbabtters of Giapan, asmeittljat newer ban greatlp to Doe mitb other nations, tn their (SeographpDimDeD the tub ole toono into tb?ee ebba aibetc the Giapans recepttcfcout of Sian, mt* china, the ttfu per (Tut on 3 atib certmomcs, pet Doe tbepnenertijelefle contentne all other natt* 8 U 3 in companion oftbemfelues, $ HanDpng in tbeir obine con* ceite doc far pjeferre them fdaes befc?e>ali otb^ of people inbiifeDomeanDpoIicie* bnto tbe (binges eftfoncs erlt m?itten,tbts one things toff 31 aDDe : colDe»3!u the kpngDome ofCm^asrne can ityt failed; fomuebe fnobi, Giapan. fnoUyhat the boufes bcingburteD in it,p mbal)ifcrjSfeccpeiwu6** in ooojes certatne ntonertjs of the peere,bamng no map to come foo#b epcept tfccp b#ake op the tiles .rabirlelopn&es mo ft be- ijemuit, earthquakes (o common, that the GUpans ojeaoe fuel# ktnoe ot feares litle o? nothing at all ♦ Che ccuntrep to full of fil* tier mines,otbertopfe barren,not fo much kp fault of nature, as though the fiouthfulnes of the infjabitcrs : bouiebeit Ojren thep keeper that fo? tillage fake onelp. Che ap# is toholfome, p ma* ters goou,the people oerp fap# $ toell booieD: hare heaoeo corn* ntonlp thep go, procuring halimes uitth fo?om ^ teares,eftfooncs rooting op tb pinfars al the beare of their heaosas ic grotueth,e^ ceptic he a litle bebino, the Ullrich thep knot ana keepe nittb al Di« Itgencc » Ctten from then: rljplDdjooD thep toeare naggers ami fmoo?DS,t!je fcohtch thep ofe to lap oitoer their pillotos tohan thep goe to bespeun G#U) eurteous asm affablean oecoe baHghtp anii mouse- Chep- Might mod in usarlpke affixes, ano their grea* teftftumc is acmes ♦ Rennes appnreil Dpuerllp coloured, is mo?neooU)ne balfet!#Iegges,anototbeelbouses: toomensat* tp?e maoehanfomrlp, IpkeOnco aonple, is fometobat longer: all mange of opfpng ano theft cbcpooccfcljue » Che merchant, although he bee 03ealchie,ts noNaoinpteoqt 6eut!emen 3 he *hep newer fo pop#, rimpnerthep^irlaciv thep. *ftan&e Oppon thep? honoltr: anti Otoo?tbpnene, mimom'oullp firpupng among them fcfuesuuurteOes aim fan# fpeacbes* COherem if anyone Oappelp beeMe careful! than bee fljotito bee, timfm trifle manp tpmeshee gettetheupll UstlLtCfant, though it trouble mod of tf)cm,1b muri#chepnb^ mtiM, poo?e mencrueUptakpng piene of thep?, *nfames ncMpbo# P, efpeciaUp ooe manp tpmes mith thep? ottmefeete (tram gle thcm.Boble men,ano other Ipketopfe of meaner ca nfeg,ge* sierallp baue but one tupfe a peece, bp inborn although tbcp bake ififu&pet fo? a trtSe thepamorie tbmMicsfcom their uriues,ano thf miueo ^fofoiiictimesffGurtheirhttfhanOSato marrp tottb o* tl#r&3f:erptecom>e oegtee#ocftnsmap there latoMp marrp* ^Doptton pfo* her mens cbifyents much ofeo among them, 3!n great reumes moil men ans toomen cantu?ite an&rease> thep? m WWW* m nearetlje feafpoe fgffaua . ©hepfeaft^ne an other OP thellancfe other man? tpmes 3 mbereut tbep ufe great triKgenee^efpeetan? ft! d?tnkpng one to an otber 3 infomucb that cite better fo?te,lead tbep mpgbt ruoelp commit Pome fault tberin,ooe ufe to reaoe certaine bookes mitten of oueciejet atm cerimomes appertepnpng Unto bankettes^o be Delicate amt flue, tbep put tl jep? meat into tbefc mouther rnitb title fo?ke0, accompttng U great ruoenes to touch it uotc& tbep? fingers : mpmer and fommer tbep o?pnke mater as hot ao the? map poflftOle abpdett <> ©jep; bottles are m daungec offp?e,but finelp maoe 3 and deane 3 lapoe all ouer rnitb (tram pat lettes 3 mberefeppon tbep doe both Ot in decde of flooles, and ipe in tbep? clotbeOjUKCb toilets Under tbep? beades. jf o? feure of de* filpng cbefe pallettes 3 tbep goe eptbet barefoote toitbtn doo?cs 3 o? meare (frame pantofles on tbep? bufkpmies mban tbep come a* b?oade 3 tbembicb tbeplape afpde at tbep?returne borne agapne* Gentlemen fo? tbe molt parte doe pade tbe npgbt in bankettrng, mufike 3 and uapne dtfcourfes 3 tbep fleepe tbe dap tpnte.3In M t&~ co and Sucaio there is good flo?e of bedded, but tbep be Uerp title, and map be compared urnoour puss* 3Inb?pngpngup tbep? ctoto?en tbepUfc mo?ties onetp to re* buke rbem 3 admom(bpng a 0 diltgendp and adutfedlp bope0 of Hr o? feuen peeres age 3 as tbougb tljep mere olde men. S23jep are gi* uenuerp much to emettapne dtangets, of mbom mod curiouflp tbep toue co afke euern'n trifles mbat fo?repne nations doe, and tbep? fa$mn0.^ucbeargurnente0 and reafon 0 as be mam'feff, and are made plapne mttb eramples 5 doegreatlp perfuade them* Cbep detcd all kpnde of theft, mbofoeuer is taken in that faulte mapbedapnefreelpofanpbodp. jftopttblikep?ifons 3 nocorn* mon gap!es 3 no o?dinarp 3]udtcers : p?tuateip eebe bondholder lath tbe bearpng of matters at borne tn bio omne bottfe, and tbe pumibpng of greater crpmes that deferue death mitboutdelape. %\m Ufualtp tbe people is kept in ame and feare. 3bout foure lju timed peeres agoe (as in tbep? olde reco?deS me fpnde)aUGwp4«mas futoecteunto one f’wper^mboferopaH feace mas Meavo, in tbe GUponisbc language called Culwcm*. But tbe nobilttte rebelipng agapnd him, bp litle and title baue taken amap the greaced parte of bis dominton 3 bomUeit bis title cominuallp remapnetb 3 ann the reftdue in fome refpect doe make great accompt cfljim dtl,acknomledging him fo? tbep? fuperio?. ®bu* Giapan. • 255 tlje ®mpp?c of Giapan, tntpmc^ pad but one alone 3 it m\x> Mm into Ojctie fipe kpngoomeo, tfje onelp caufe of ctmie marred continuallptn that Ulamsto no fmall hpu&eraunceof tbe tfoTpcH, mljiletf the kpnged tljat Dtoeli neare cogeat&er tnuaoe one an otljer,ecbe one couetpng to make &t'o kpttgoome greater. ^furthermore tn tUexttte Meaco io the pallace of the high pjteds loljom tljat nation honoured) ao a 0oD,i;e hath tn bis houfr’3 66 • 31tJoi!es,one mbereofbp cour fe io euerp npght fet bp in fp&e fo? aU)atdjeman.it)e to thought of the common people fo Ijolp, that it map not be lalufull fo? bttn to goe bppon tbe eartb: if bappelp be boe fee onefoote to the grounoe^e loofctb bio ofifcce.C^e to not mt m aImc0 ferueo berpfumptuouflp,lje to mapntetneo bp aSmeo^be beaoo a« unp goot>. ano bearoo of bio mimfeo are lbaue« 5 tbep bane name Cangues, anb tljep? auctf;o?tcfe to great tlj?ottgljout all Giapan. e Cuba* f^ofetbtbcmfo? Cmbaflaoouro to Dectoe comrotterfieo be* ttmjrte p?inceo,ano to enoe tljep? rnarreo, thereof tbep are toont to make berp great gapne.3it to nctn turn peeres fineejor there a- bo«t 5 tbat one of them came to ftungo, to entreat of peace bettotjct tlje kpng thereof, anb tbe kpng of Jmarguz^o . %W §gent fa- tmurmg tbc kpng of Bungo Ijto caufe mo?e than the otber 5 b?ougljt to pafle that tlje fo?efapne kpng of ftmgo fijoulo keepe tmo king* bomeo,cIje mijiclj be ban taken tn nrarreo from the king of dnwu ^w^o.^tljerefoje ljeljaDfb?btoremartieof the kpng of togs abouettjtrtte tljonfanoe Ducatteo^no tbttofarreljeereof, 71 comenont to other fuperftmono ano cenmonteo, that pou mapfee 3 &eareb?etlj?en, tljat wljicbe 31 fapDetntljebegtnnpng, home futlpe the oeuplf hath becepueo tlje Giapomsbemtm , ants home otltgent ano reabp tljep be to obep anb boo?fbpp him ♦ gn$ 8rlt,all remembrance ano knofctoge not onelp of dj?tlf our re* oeerner, but alfooftbac one <£5o&tbe maker of all tljingeo, tot cleane epitngm0je& 3 $ utterlp abohfljeD out of tlje Giapam barteo» &9o?ecuet tljep? fuperfttttotio fecteo are manp,lnljeras it to lam* full fo? cche one to folotn that lobtclj Ipketlj him beft:but the p?m- eipall fecteo are tu?o,namelp the Amid am ano Xacaiamj^tt* fo?e in tljto countrep (ball pou fee manp monalferpeo, not onelp of $onzii men, butalfoofiBow;^ momenbtuerflpartp?cD 5 fo? (bmeboen3eareU)bptebntier,ami blacke bppergarmento 5 otljer goe apparelleo in afye colour, $ tljep? 3loole Ijatlj mmvenhhii : c Of thellande ftorn theft the Jmiddnes differ berp mtiche . 3gapne the men 3onz[i ft? the mod parte omell in fumptuoua houfeg, andbauc great reuenues . Cbefe felomes are chad bp commaunoement, marrp cbep map not under papne of deatb.liu the mpod of tbepi temple it erected an juicer, m!;ercon dandetb a vroDUcn 3!oole of Jmida, naked front the gpjdle upmarae, Unth boleo in ins eareg, after the maner of 3Italian<£entlemomen, fittpngona mooaaen rofe, gocolp to Oeijoloc ♦ ®epbaue great libraries, and bailee! fo? them all to dpne and fttppe togeatljer, and belles mberemttb tljeparecertapne bouresi called to papers. v ^Intlje euenpng cite Superintendent gptietb eebe one a tbeamc foj me- ditation . 3fter mpdnpgbt before the Suiter ui tb*p? temple tljcp doe Cap fatten# a 3 it mere out of Xaca bis lad booke, one quiet onederfe, tbe other quier another . Carlp in the mojnpngecbeone gpuetl; btm felfe to meditation one houre: thepChauetheptheadejsandbeardcsi. Zb epj Clopdersbeuerp large, and rnitbin the pjecincte thereof, Cbappeilesoftlje tvqutins, foj bp that name fonte of tbtCiapaniib Saincteg are called: tbepjbolpaapcispeerelpbe Uerpmanp . £0od of thefe $$nzii be ©entlemen, fo? that the GUpomsb nobilitte, charged frith tnanp children, ufetomake moftofthemSo»^', not be- ing able to leauefojecbe one a patrpmonp good pnough ♦ Zbt fBonzji mod couetouflp bent, knout all the mapes houte to come bp monep ♦ €hep fell Unto the people manpfcroles of paper, bp the helpeUthereofthe common people thmketfa it felfe mar- ranted from all pouter of the dewplleef . Z \) cp bourne Ipke- mpfe monep to bee repapdemitbgreatufurp man other mo^ld, gpupng bp Obligation Unto the lender an adltraunce thereof, the mbicbedepartpng out of this Ipfe bee map carrpmitbbim to he!!. ^bere fa another great companp of fuche as! arc called U Intmbuxu * nambuxujmd) curlde and darpng heare . ‘ftbep make pjcfefllon to fpnde cut agapne tbinges either lod oj dolen, after tbfa fojte. f£bep fet before tbentacbploe, mhom the deupllinuadeth, cal- led up thither bp charmescof chat chploe than doe tbepafke that frlricb tbcp are dedrouo to knom* ^hefemens pjapers both good and bad are thought greatlp to pjeuaple, mfomtich tl;atboth their bleffmges and tbepj curfew thep Giapan. 25 6 t&epfeflumotbepeople ♦ ©e jfloutceo of tbfe ojber, before ttjep be aomttteD 3 goe togeatber ttoo 0} tbjee tefanoe ina com* panp 3 up a certapne bigb mountapne to 00 pennance tberc 3 tbjee s fcoje oapeo Uoluntarfip ptmflbpng them fete . Sntbtetpme tlje Dcupi Ojetoictt) bint felfe Unco tl;em in funo$ ftapes: ano tbep, ipke poung graDuace$ 3 aomteteo ao it tee fclote into feme certapne companp, are fee foojtb tottlj Uibpte talfelleo banging about tbep? necked and blacke 35 onctte$i tbac fcarfelp couec anpmo?etbantbectoU)neoftbep? beaoeo . ©uoattpjeo tbep range ab?ooe in all Giafan, to fee out them fete ano tljetr cum npng to Tale, ecbeone beatpngbfebafenbeecarrpetbalujapea about UJttl) ljtm 5 to gpue notice of tbep? commpng in all tournee toljeretljep palfe* ©ere 13 alfo another fo?ce calico Genguis, that make p?a* Gevms, felfion to Ojeioe bp foutbfapmg tub ere ftolen tbingeo are, an& M)o tuere tbe tljeeue< 3 ,©cfe tore! in tbe toppe of an bigb mourn tapne 5 Wacke in face fo? tbe continual! Ijcate of tbe funne 3 fo? tbe to!oc 9 \opnoe2f 5 anorapne3tbcpDoe continuallp cnoure * ©ep marrp but in tbep? otune tribe ano lpne:tljc repose goeilj tljac tbep beebo?neo beadesi * ©cp clpme by mol! bpgb rocked anobpto, ano goeouer Uerp great rpucro bp tbe onelp arte of tbe ocuplbtoljo to bipng tbofe xojtctcbcgitbe utojtc into errottr, bpooetb them to goe up a ccrtapne bpgb mountapne, Inhere tbep ftanoe mpferablp gating ano earnelilp lookpng fo? hint long ao tbe oeupll appopntetb them , 3 t tbe length at neonc* tpoe 3 o? in tbe eucnpng,commctb that oeuiblnbom tbep call Amu Nantong tljem to Ojetnehimfeife umo tbemubio fbeui Ojeeoetlj tn tbe b?apne» ano barteo of men fuebe a kpnue of fuperftition, tbat tt can bp no rneancs be rocteo out of them aftertoaroe* ©e oeupll tuao toont alfo tn an ctber mountmne to (betoe btra felfe Unto tbe Giapontib naeton.$ 33 bo fe loas mo?e oelttoao than etber 3 to go tobeauen ano to eniop paraDpfejthptber toent be to fee tbat fpgbc, ano banpngfeenetbeoeupll 3 &IoU)e& bpm, fo bp tbe oetipll perftmoeu, into a oenne Untpfl bee came to a oeepe pptte . 31 ntot&t 0 ppttetbc DcupU tnas Uiont to leaped to take initb bim b to mo?(hpyper unborn be there muro?co* ©is Deceit teas thus pereepueo . 8 noloe man blpnoeoiuitbtbiofuperftitt- on, te bp l;t$ foime bilfeeo from thence, but ail m uapne* £21l;erfoje Of the Uande Whzttfo&W fonhe folotoeb btm p^melp into tbattiernieUittft |is borne anb arrotnes, mbetetbe beuyd gallantly appeareb bn* to him in the fijape of a man*artifictaHp mjougbt 5 ano rich Ip Djefifeo . J n tlje feconoe place marcljetb a great companp of footemenfuniptuouflp apparelleo* ^Ijan a far of commetlj one of tbefe B 0 «^//,matlfer of the certmn* nte0 fo> that fuperftition 3 bjauelp clan in filkeo $ gQloe 3 m a large # high ipttet ejccellcntlp mel ro^ougbf, accompameo U>icb*3o.o- tber udjeasfoj pouertte be not able to go to that charges, are in tbe npgbt time, Darhelcng buitbout all pempe $ ceremonies,burpeo tn a Dungbif* ^Tbep baue an other bpnoe of burtall, cfpectallp neare the feafpDe, fo? them that bee not pet Deaoe ♦ Zhtfc feloboes are fucb,asbaupngreltgioufip boitbmucbDeuotionboo?{btppeH Jwida, noboDedrous to fee him, Doe flapetbemfelues ♦ $n& fird tbep go cercatne Dapes begging almes,tbe bobtet) tbep tb?ud info tbep? fleettes, than p?eacbe tbep in publpbe a fermonbnta the peopie,Declaring bobat tbep mpno to Doe,bottb tbe great goou Ipbpng of ad fuebe as Doe beare them : fo? euerp boDp boonD?etl) at fucb a bpno of bolpnelfe. 'Chan tabe tljep boobes to cut oobone typer* Gidpan* typers mb tfjo?nes tbat mpgbt burnt them in tbep? toap to bea* uen, atm fo imbarke them felues tn a netoebelTell, tping great Hotter about tbeir neckes,armes,lopnes,tbtgbeMn& feetettljus tbcp launebpng out into tbe mapne fea,be eptbet o?otone& tberej tbcp? fypppe bougen fo? that purpofe,o? els 002 calf tbeni felucs ouerbooj&ebea&Iong into tbe fea . emptic bathe tsout ofbanoefet afp?e,fo?bonourfake,bp tbep? frienbes that folouie them tn an other boate of tbetr oume, tbpnkpng it blafpbemte that anp mortal creature flboulb afterUiaro once teuebe tbe barke that I iab been fo rclt'giouflp balotoeb* ‘gtuelptobantoe toentto AiV^epgbtbapesbefojetoecame to tbe 3lfle of Hi«,at Fore totone, Ope men atm ttoo ntonten fo ops cb.Caallfucbeasopefo,tbe people erectetb a CbappeU, ano to eebe of them a ppllac atm a pole maoe of ptnaple,fa?aperpet«* all monument: bangpngbpmanpltyetmes of paper in (Itches all tbe roofe otter, tomb manp beries fee botone tn tbe toal!cs,itt commenoattonoftbatblelfeocompanp ♦ £Qljerefo?ebmo tty's place both oap atm npgbt manp come berp fuperfftttouflp in ppl=* grimage* 31tbappeneo etten tben as Aloifius jlmeida # 31 toenc to Cb?tlfen a cbplo,me trauepleo tbat map, at toljat ttmefoure 0 ? fiue oloe toomcn came foo?tb out of tbe afo?efaibe Cbappel tot'tb beabes tn tbep? batmes (fo? tn ttys potntc alfo tbe oeupll counters faptetb Ctyift tanttte) tobo partlp fco?neo at bs fo? follp, partlp frotoneb atm tattnteoatourfmall oeuotton, fo? pairing bp tbat l;oip monument, untbottt anp retterence 0 ? tooo?fbppbone there* bncoat all* 31c remapnetb notoe toe fpcahe ttoo 0 ? tb?ee tooo?bes of tljofe feermons tbe Vonzii are toont to make, not fo manp as ours in number, but affureolp berp toe? p?outoeo fb?*®be pulpit is erecs ceo tn a great “Cemple tot'tb a (Hhe Canapte oner it, therein (fans oetb a colflp fcate,befo?e tlje feate a table tot'tb a Del $ a boohe. tbeboureoffermon, ecbefecteoftbe Giapans rcfo?tetbto tbep? ototte oocto?s in bitters Cemplcs ♦ £fp goetlj tbeoocto? into tlje pulpit, ano bepng fee ootone, after tbat be batb lo?olphe looheo tyrn about,fignifietblHencc toicb Ins bell, aimforeaoetb a fetoe tooo?oes out of tljat boohe toe fpahe of, tlje tobiclj be ejcpounnetb aftertoarbe mo?e at large. 'Cbefe p?eacbers be fo? tbe molf parte eloquent,atm apte to b?atoe toitb tbetr fpeacb tbcmpnbes of tbetr 2U bearers. 2J 9 Of the II an de Seared ♦ flfftbereftye to this enDe chieflp, Cache is tbepj greeDp* nefle,tenDetb all thep? talke, that the people be brought bnDcr the colour of goDltnefle to enrpcbetbepjmona®eries,p;ompOng to eebe one fo much the ntoje Ijapptnefle in the Ipfe to come, fjoUie much the greater colics $ charges thep be at tn church matters $ obfequtes: notmttb®anDing this multituDe offuperllittous fects ano companies, ano the DtuerCttes therof among® them felues: pet in this pjtnctpailp all thep? fuperimenDentes Doe traueple, fo to perfuaDe tbepj jflotiices in their omtte tales ano lpes,tljat thep tbtnke nothing els trueth 5 nothing els Cure to come bp eueriafling faluatton,uotl)tng els moo?tb the karpng. OTberbnto thep aooe other fubtilties, as in going, grauttie: in countenance, apparel, anD in all other outmarolljeme, comelpnefie. (HJberbptbeGid- panes mpnDes are fo notiHcD inmtckeD opinions, ano Doe com cepuetherebpfuchtru®anD hopeofeuerlatting faluatt'on, that not oitelp at home, but alfo abjooe in euerp corner of the tomne, continuallp almo® thep rttmte otter then beaDes,bumblp afbing of Jtnida ano Xaca mealtb,bonour,gooD health, ano euerla®png topes^hus than, Deare b?eth?en,map pott tbtnke home greatlp thep necDe the belpe of <£5oo,tbat epther Doebjtng the 0ofpel tn* to this cotmtrep,o? receiuing it brought bnto them, Do fo^fake 31* Dolatrp,^ iopne them felues mitb €b?i®,being affalreo bp fo tna* itp fnares of the Deutl ^rottbleD mitb the Daplp DiCfualtons of their ®o»^/,anD6nalIpfomiuriouflp,foharDe!p, folharpelpbepeD of their ktnDjeao anD friennes, that ejccept the grace of <$qd obcep* neo bp the famines am papers of the Catholtke church do help OS,tt can not be cbofen^buc chat the fawb ano conllanctc of manp, if not of all, in thefe fir® begimunges of our churches, mill great* Ip be put tn ieoparDie.^o much the mo^e it ®anoecb pott bppon, that fo eavneltlp long foj the health of foules,to commcime fpeci* allp thefe Giaponisb fiocto bnto our io^De* ’ <3£Iee came to Sacaio, the^bim of 3Ianttarp . Jloj - f us Almeida fir® fojbufinefle, butatemarDelet bp ftckenelfe, ®apeD there feme mbple,btit 31 parting the nejet Dap from thence, came tbirtiene leagues of, to Meaco tbeia®of3!anuarp,i3Df nip contmpng all the Cfet® tans tooke great comfort, but fpeciallp Gafter VileUMw infijc peeres bao feenenonc of our companp at Meaco : bis peer es are not petfourtte 3 but his grap l;eares (heme him Gbpan^ 266 Ijtm to bee feuentie, fo beljementlp is W Itde bo&p affltcteb anD too?ne Intel) extreme colbe. $e fpeaketl) Giapanisb fo fktlfullp aft tec tbe pb?afe ofMwco (tlje \n^tcb fo? cf?c renotone of this peo* plc 3 anb ropall feat of tlje kpng is belt accompteo of) tbac beootb both confelfe $ p?eaclj in tljatlanguagc.Certapne goblp bookes alfo be batb bone into that fpeacb 3 not omitting to tranflate otbee as !eafurefuifretbbim.£omakeanenb 3 our lo?bfo?ljtsgooba nefleboucljfafe to p?eferue bs all conttnuaIlp 3 anb to giue bs apoc botlj rpgljtlp to interp?ete bis UJil 3 anb todl to bo tl;e fame*jf rom M eaco tlje.jcip.of 4fgb?uarp. 1 565* ®tljer fuebe Ipke matter is banbleb botb in otljcr bis letters, anb alfo in tbe€pi(!lesb)?itten bp bts companpons 3 tobe feene at large in tlje afo?efapbe bolume . Smongtf tbe red this feemen inmpiubgementoneoftbcp?tncipall 3 anb therefore tbe ratljee 31 tooke bppon me to boe tc into €nglp®e. Of thelOes beyond Giapan,in the way from China to the Moluccaes. .^ongtt otljcr Sifles in tlje Sfiatt fea 3 be* jtttJtjCt Can tan a Cbinisbe batten til Catbayo » janbtbe Afo/«crdw 3 mucbefpokenofin tlje 3Inbt(b bifto?ies 3 tj papnteb out in ^appes 5 1 Jinan anb Sant Han berp famous. | Aman ffansetlj nienetiene begrees on Jinan* this fpbe oftbe equinoctial Ipne neare cbi - na, from mljence tbe cbinisbe nation Ijaue tljep? p?outfton fo? fljpppng anb otljcr nccelTarpes require fo? tljep? jllauie. ^(jere If apeb fiahbafar Gagus# great trauepler 3 fiue monetljes 3 U>ljo be* fcribetlj tljat place after tbts maner. Ain an tg a gooblp countrep 3 <* f frill of3Inbi(be frtiites 3 anb allkpnbe of btctualles, befpbes t h r‘, great lfo?e of Judies anbpearle, toell tnbabtteb 3 tbetonmes buplte of lfone 3 tlje people rube in conntetons?, apparelleb itt biuerllp coloureb rugges, mitlj tb)o ffi jee ljo?nes 3 as it toere, ttiabe of ipne cpp?es (jangpng bo tone about tljep? cares , JLUiib anb Santmum. Of thellancfe ano a papje ofl&arpe cp?era at tbep? fojebeaoe& ®jecaufetbberefo?e tbep go e tnfucbe attpje, 3 ! cottlo not bnoerlfanoe,e]ccept it be foj that tbep ooecounterfaitetbe oeupll intbefourmeofafytittebealf, offerpng to btm bp them felue& Santiamm, i$ an 3 !fie neare bnto tbe baucn Cantan, tn tbe con* fines Ipketopfe of famous foj tljeoeatbof tbatbaoojtbte traueplcrjanogoolpp^feflour, ano papnefttll ooctoj of tbe 3 Iit« opflje nation, in matters ccnrernpng religion, frauds Xauier* fcoljo after great labours,manp tnturies, ano calamities infinite fufff eo toitb much pacience,fingular iope ano glaonefle of mpno, oeparteo in a cabben maO0 of botoes ano rulfies bppon a oefarte mountapne, no lefle bopoe of all toojlolp commootties, than en* ouoo toitb all fpirituall blelfingcs,out of this lpfe,tbe feconOe-Oap of December, tbe peere of our lojoe. 1552* after tljatmanp iboufanoesof thefe €atferlpnges toere brought bp bim to tbe fcnobolcoge of ♦ Of tbis bolp man, bta perticular ber* cuds;, ano fpectaUp trauepIe,ano toonoerfuU inodes in £ljat regtomof ctljer manp {(tie 3Ifl0)3,p0C not fo It* tic but tbattbep maprpgbt toellbe tojit* ten of at lcafur0,all tbe later biftojies of tbe 3!nopfi)0 regions are full ♦ FIWJS. 254 OftheNortheaftfroftieSeas, and kyngdoms lying that way, declared by the Duke of MofcouiabisambaOfadour, to a learned Gentle- man of It all e, named Galeatius Butrigarius; likewife of the viages of that worthic old man Sebalhan Cabote/ometymes gouernour of the companie of the Merchantcs of Cathay, in the Citie of London. is noutitleffc a ntaructlott^ tbpng to con* fpoermbatchanges ano alterations mere om(mt caitfeo mall the Homane Cmpp?e bp the ! Oothes ann Vandales, ano other Karbari* ans into 3Italpjf oj bp their imtations mere jejcttngttpfbcti all artes ano fciences, ano all Itraoes of ^erebanotes that mere bfeo in opuerspartesofthemojloe * Ehe oefolatton ano tgnojatmee mhtchetnfueo hereof, contimteoastc mere a clouoecf perpe; ttiall oarbeneffe among men fo? the fpace of four e Ijunojeo noiamue. peeresanomo?e, mfomuebe that none ourlf aouenmre to goe anpmbptber out of tbep? omne nattue cotmtreps : mbereas before the incurfions of thefapoe barbarians, mhen tbe IRo* tueinmouim mane Cmppje flojpfbeo, thep mpghtfafelp pad'e the Teas to all molDe tmt * partes of Cad 3jnoia, mhiche mas at that tpme as mell knomen ano ffequenteo, astc isnome bp the nautgattons of tbeUDoj* tagales ♦ 'Rno that this is true, tttsmamfedbpthatmhicljc str^bo mjpttetb, mho mas in the tpme of Jugujlus ano Tu berius . tfojfpeakpngoftlje greatnefle ano rpches of the cU £ trabff ' tie of Qlepampia in Cgppt (gouerneotljen as a pjouince of the Romanes) hem?pteththus * 'ChiSondpp!aceofCgppf,^grfau?i is apte to reccptieail thpnges that come bp fea, bp reafon of $ rffeof the commoOitie of the batten, ano Ipkempfe ail fuche thpnges e sm * as are bought bp ianoe, bp reafon of tijerpuer ofT^/us, mherebpthepmapbee eafelp conuepeo to Slejcamma, bepng **««»•*“*■ bp ff&artteplou 0 rpcpfCTe. STpegouer* nauncc ait tj reueimwoft!)* Soutanes. ^Eroglobitica. anb jjjubia. 3E(jc gulf* ef jarabta. 4^rtiiope* £pcp ctiltams. topicfe* Uiere bjougpt in olbe time from 35ubta aitb t|je rtbbe Tea. Ct je commia* tmaf Cljemyc* rours iT&arms aub €omo> bus. OftlieNortheaftfrofty fea bp tbefe commopittes tbe rpcljefl cttcc of mercfjaunfeS ebaf ti it! tbe mo?toe ♦ 3Tlje reuenues of Cgppt ace fo great, tljat Marcus Tullius faptlj tn Otte ofljtS Options, tljat kpng Ttolo* mens , furnameP Juleta, djefadjerofqueene Cleopatra , brn of reuenucstmeluedjottlanpe anpftnie IjtmPjeP talentes, mijtcbe are feuen millions anp aTjaffe^of gotoe . 3IT tbereroje tljts kpng baPfo great reuenuesmljen €gppt t m gouerneP of fa feme anD fo negligent!?, mijat rnpgbc it cljen be moo^tlj to clje Homaites, bp mbom it mag gouerneP Undj great Ptltgencc,ami Cljep^traPeofmrrcbanPiegigreatlplncreareD bp tlje traffcke of Trogloditica anP India *t mljeras tn tpme pad djere couloe Ijarcu Ip be founpe.jcjc. fbpppes togeatljer tljat Purd enter into dje gulfe of 'Arabic, 0 } (beme tijcp? pjomefle lottljout tbe moucb of dje lame* 35uc at tljtsi p^efent, great names faple togeatljer into India , ana to tbe furdjed partes of Ethiope, from mijence arc bjougljt man? rtclj anP pjettous mercljanPies into <£gppt,anp are carieo from tbence into other countreps* 3nP bp tljis rneanes are clje cu* domes rePottbIeP,a(mel bp fuclj tbpnges as are brought djirfjer, as alfo bp fuclje as are carpeo from tbence, fojafniuebe as great cudotnes arpfe oftljtnges of great balue*3nP tljat bp tljis bop* age infinite ano pjettotts mercljaunoiea mere brought from tlje reooefeaano Jnota,anocljofeof ppuers otljer fortes tljen are knomen in our cpme, it appeared) bp tlje fourcb bolume of tbe cmi(elame,mbereintSPefcribeP tlje commidton of ©ernpe* rottrs,M‘^c«/ anP Commodus, midj tljerebearlall of al fucb dufie anP merebanotes, mljerof cudome fljouloe bepappe in tbe rePPe fea, bp fuclje as baP tbe fame in fee farme, as mere pappetlje cudomes of all otljer pjouinces parcapnpng to tlje l&omane Cmppje : anP tbep are tbefe folompng* Ctnamome* long pepper. £&bpte pepper. £loues* eodtis. Cancomo* ^ptkenaroe. Caflia* Srneete perfumes £tlocaflia* 3mome* (Singer* Sgalabatrum. Ammoniac. (Salbatte. JLaCfer. 3gartfce. 6mtmte in4 kyngctopieslylng that way. 254 ©umme of arable. Caroamome. pocinamome. Carpefio. fepikcs of titters fojtcS. JLpnncn cloth Berifle. Cilinojo, fclaues. Clod) of &armatta, ®be fpifee calico SJDetapa* Slrdutes offplke. fekpmtcs and jfttrres of par* Dico cloth, and fpike tijia atio Babpion. 3luojie. tclaoo ofEpeben, pjetious done?!, pcarles- Jebocllesof^ardonica. Ccraunta. Calamus 0romatteus. Carbafet. $©pikc thjecde. ©etoeomen. jpoptngapess. lions ofjndta. JLcoparoes. panthers, purple. 3ifo that tupce o? ipquour Mjtdje is geattjered of inool! , ano of tlje hcare of the Unmans. Bp thefelnoojoes itooeth appeare,that tn oloe tpme the fat'D nauigation bp the map of the reo Tea, boas fuel knobuen, ft mttche frequented,!? perhaps more then ids at this pjefent : 3|nfomttci) tprs n" Slmis that the ancient kpngesof©gppt,confpderpngthegreatp;!ofitc °f «sppt ft<«* of the cudomes thep hao bp the mages oftlje red fea,ano mplling bp “ lilc " ntB * to make the fame moje eafie j commodious, attempted to make a foffe 0 ? chaneI,U)htch (bouio begin in the lad part of the fato Tea, inhere boas a ct'tte named Arfmoe ( boljtch perhappes is that that _ is nolne called 5 km) and (Ijoulde haue reached to a branch of the „?„'/£ ot %t riuet of Kilus, named Tclufto, mljiche emptieth it felfc in our fea filH a» °f esm toboatde the Cad, about the citie of Damkta. Chep determined aifoto make three caufepso? hpgh luapes bp landjbohichthouloe Pmuia. ’ palfe from the fapd branch to the citie of Jrfime but thep fotmoe this too difficult to bjpng to palfe.3In fine, king Ttolmeus furna* named 'PbiUddpbus, o)mpna another buap , as to faplebppott Kilus, agapnff the courfe of the riticr, Onto the citie of Copto, stoius*} and from thence to parte bp a delate countrcp, Imtpl thep cornea* Coi,to - boue the red Tea, to a cine named Serrate, or Miofirmo , boijere istmut the? imbarked al their mercljanotfe ano boares fo? India,, Ftbiope, ‘ ano Jr die, as appeareth bp the buiptpng firdof str^ofaha tojpteth tha t he m m Cgppt ) and then bp Tbw , boljo inas in tlje &ttanf gable trenc&e mafce from <£gppt to t&e red fea, Lacus amm. &iitg ^eroftre. Jttug^fammi* ticus. &Piig Marias. &niig ptcla* metis. e citie Herourn. ItOImt plmie tujntetlj of t{jc tiaiitgable trenclje. TXit IargcncfTe anbleitgtlj of tijc trenclje. GftheNortheaftfrofly fca m of fromitian. Strabo aIfo 3 fpeaktngof tl)C faiflC foffe 01 crend;e tuljtcbe toao made toboarde tljereddefea 3 to$>tetb tljuoj ^bere to a ccencljc that goetb toUaarde tbe red fea 3 $ the gulfe of Arable, and CO tlj Z Cttt Z of Arfinoe , tnljiclje fame call cleopatrida, and palfecb bp the lakeo named Amari (chat to) bpeter , becaufe in deede tljepboerefpjlle bptcer t but after tljac this trenebe boatf made, and tlje rpuer enttedtn 3 tljep became fuieete, and are at cljtjaf p?efent ful of fouleo of tlje boater, bp r eafon of c&ctr pleafanc * nefle. TOO trencljeUiissfpjffe begtmtte bp kino; Sefoftre , before tlje battaile of Troy. &ome Cap tljac tt lias begunnebp king Pfammiticus, raljUe beboao a cbiloe, and ebaebpreafon of btO death tt tnao left imperfect : alfo 3 that aftcrinardc, kin&fiams fucceeded tn tlje fame enterp^tfe,U)bo twouloe Ijaue guided tt 3 buc pet brought tt not to tlje ende 3 becaufe b e tnao enfourmed that tlje redde fea tn ao higher tljenCgppt 3 and tljac if this lanoe ( otuu ding both the leap ) boere opened 3 alt Cgppc fljoulde be d^obo^ neo tljerebp . Etng ftolomeus tuotilDe tn deede Ijaue finiibed tf 3 but pet left it tbuc at the bead, tljat be mpgbt ,bobenbebooulde 3 faple to tlje otljer fea 3 and retttrne Uatcljout perpll.it>ere to tlje citie of Arfinoe , and neare bnto tljat, tlje citie called Beroum , in tlje be* tcrmolt parte of tbe gulfe of Arabic, tobuarde €gppc,tuitlj manp pojteo and Ijabitattono* flinie likebuife, fpeaking oftljto trenclje, faptlj, 3!n tlje fttrtljelf part of tlje gulfe of Arable, to a pojte called (franco, from buljence tljep determined to typng a nauigable trenebebneo tljertuer of Kilns > inbereas to the bribe Be* ttoeene tlje faide fea and Nfe thereto a ftreictoflandcofclje length of. Ijcti. milco . ^Tlje firffe that attc mp ted this thing 5 boao Sefoflre king of^gppt, $ after ljtm ©diking Of tlj tferfians. Inborn ftolomeus foloboed 3 boljo made a trenclje a bunded foote large 3 and cljtrcie fooce dcepe 3 being. CCC.mtleo in Iengtlj 3 Onto tlje lakeo named Amari, anddurftpjoceedenofttr* tber fo? feare of inundation 3 Ijam'ng knowledge that the red fea doao Mgljer bp tljjee cubiteo then ail tfjecotmtvcp of €gppt. ©tber fap tljac tljio buao not tic caule: but, that Ije doubted that pf be Hjouldeljattc let the fea come anp further, all tbe boa* ter of Kilns (boulde Ijaue been tberebp corrupted 3 inljiclje onelp minidretb djpnke to all <£gppt. But nottoitljlbanding, all tlje fe tljingep afojefapde, all tljio biage to frequented bp lande from t and feingdomes lying that way. from Cgppt to tbe redde fea, tw infjtrte paffage are tbjee Cam fw* o) bpgb boapes* W)t fpjft begpnnetb at tbe moutbof Mbs, named felutio : ail toljtcbetMaptsbp tbefandes, info* mucbe tbat if ebcre mere not certapne bpgb Heedcs fpjatn t(je eattb, to fljetu tbe t pgbt map, tbe Caufcp cculo not be found, bp reafon tbe mpnde euer coueretb it toitb fand . 3£be feconde Cam ftp is tmo tuples from cbe mcttneapne Cajfms ♦ 3nb tbis alfo in tbeenoe oftb?eefco?e mples, comntetbbpon tbemapojCattfep ot Tclufiu s, inhabited rnitb certapne Arabians, called dnui . Zbt tbpjse begpnnetb at Gem , named Adipfon : a no pafletb bp tbe fame Arabians, fo) tbe fpace of tb?eefco?e miles, fomebobat d)o?c* ter, but full ofrougbmountapnes, and great fcarcenelfe ofrna* ter. 31 tbefe Caufepes, leabe tbe map to tbe cute of drfinoe , bull* teb bp Ttolomeus fbiladelpbus tn tbe gttlfe Carandra bp tbe rebbe fea.&bis Ttolomeus mastbefp?ft that fearcbebaU that part of tbe reb fea, mbtcbc is called r ngloditm ♦ Of tbis trettcb, defect* beb of Strabo anb PHnie , there are feene certepne tokens remaps npngat tbts pjefent, as tbep bo affpnnembtcbe bane been at s««beponbetbccttte of Jlcayr, otberbopfe called 15abpIontn Cgppt* 3l5ut tbe mercbauntes tbat of later dapcs tranaple tbtsbtage bplanbe ,rpbe tb?ougb tbe b?pc anb barren befartest, on Camels, both bp bap anb bp npgbt , dtrectpng tbep? mape bp tbe tfarres anb compaffe, as bo manners on tbe fea, anb carping Uriel) them boater fufftrirnc fo? manp bapes io?neps- ^Ije places of A rabic, ano India , named of Strabo anb flmie , are tbe felfe fame mbere tbe po?tugales p?actpfe tbep? trade at this bap, as tbe maners anb cultomesoftbe Indians boo pet declare: fo? e tten at this p?efent tbcir momen bfe to tone tbem fdues alptte mirbtbe bead bobpes oftijetrhufbandes. ®btcbetbpng (as m?ptetb Strabo tnbtspb*booke) tbep bpb molbe tune bp a labor, fo? tbts confpdetatton , tbat fomecpme being tn loue mttb other, tbep fb?fooke o ? popfoneb tbetr bufbanoes. 3no fo* as mucbe as acco?dpngtotbts cu3cme, tbeolde Propertius (mboip* ued about an bundled pceres before tlje incarnation of Cb?tft) bath in bis boofce made mention of tbe contention tbat boas a* mong tbe3[nbianboomen,bobicbeoftbema;oulbe be burned a* Iiuc mitlj tbep? bufbandes, 3j fjauet&cugljc goodtofubfcribe bte berfeSjbobtcbearecbefe, fwlix i 6 i Cbibi'igibp Ian& from €gppt to tbe red fea* l©fjat Itpug ^roloimus difcoiwwO, SCJcapjf, tzrfjelflaae to <£aft3UUJiafr«* quemeD molts* tpme. Cjjcninomfss anomasurs of tijc SnOtans. d&eliotiagtto Cathay, f&ocbatfce 3C learned ticf* tOHl'ft Of Dp> im»\)0pAZC8 , Ctje Voyages of tl yt ISojtu* gales. Cljc Ujoj^e jjangrmg m t[)« ‘'Pie. UDljat isktio* tueu Of t \)t lot toet Ijemif] Pbet rie. mje lantjc of OSjatile. |decu. Ctjc cljarg auO fcatteof*£ljn? i ftian i^ot£» Of the northed frofly feu FctUx Poh lex funeris vna maritis, Qjtos aurora fuis rubra color at equis* T^amque vbi mrtifero latla ejlfax ultima Iccfo, Vxorumfufis flat pia turba cmis » Ft certamen babent letbi, qua: Viua [equatur Conrugium,pudor eft non iicuijfe mori. dr dent victrices/jf jiamma pdf or a prabent* Imponuntque fuis ora perufta Viris . Slstoucbpngtbcfe mages both bp fea anti bp toe to ®a£ 3Inoia anu c*f^,manptbinges are tojpttenberplarglp bp Dt« u:rs autours 3 tohicb 31 omit, becaufe thep partepue net fo much Onto bs as noth the biage attempted to Cathay bp the nojtb Teas, anu the coades of MofcouiaMmmn in our tpmc bp the biage of ebat excellent peung man Hpcbarti Cbaunce Her, no lelfe tear* neb foal mathematical* fences, then an eppert pilotce, tn the peereofouciLo^tie*i 554 . 3s concernpng this btage, 31 baue thought gooo to ueclare § communication bobicb teas betbuecne the fapb Iearneb man Galeatius toljo traticpleo oneip into India : anb that bp rnakpng the men § lem0 , r . of this our ijiemifpberte knotoen to them of the other Ijatfe com* nafTe of the ball beneathe bs , thep mpght bp the tptle of this entetpjyfe, mirhout companion , farre cpcell all the noblelactes that euer were coont bp Iulim erfar, 0 ? anp other of the Ko> mane €mperours . Cfthtcbe thpng thep mpgbt eafflp b?png to palTe, bpafGgnmg colonies to inhabfteoiuers places of that fipe= nufpberic, in Ipkemaner as spb the Romanes in pjotbnccs jietnlp fuboueD tUibetebp thep mpght not oneip attepne great tithes, but alfo enlarge the Caiman faptbanD empire, to the glojp of©ob 5 anb conhiGon oftnfioels. after this,he fpake of the 311anbe of Ararat ILaurence, calico in olte tpmc Madagafear, tn regions mu* tobicbe is greater then the tealme of Capleam'Portugale , atto 6ut * reached) from tbe.jcii Degree tobiaroe the pole 9ntartike,bnto the- ppbi. Degree ansa halfe , Iping ^3o?thcafl from the cape of Sob a Speranz*. anD'partlpbnDcr the Ipne of Tropicus Capricorn, bepngtoelinbabiteD, anD of temperate apje, nutb abunpance unot^sapnc* of all thpngesncceffarp fo? the Ipfe of man, ano one of the nioCe ilaurcncenj cjccelient llanfces that is founoe this tap in tbe njojloe : 8nD ^ atiaadrcar * that neuertlidcffc there is noting kno&en thereof, epcept oneip a fclne (mall ipauens bp the fea fpoe 3 as tbeiphe tgnojnunce remapneth of tlje greatelf pact of tbe Cannes of Taprobma . , GUua, t\)Z mo?e anb the Me 5 anb infinite other . ©eti begpm of itpng to (peake of the partes of our p?Ie 3 ije cattfeb the bookc&of <5iaiia* * flinie to be bjottg&c bpm, inhere m’ligentlp ponDerpng tlje fybit. Chapter of tbe feeonbe booke 3 be fountie inhere be rehear* fetb tbc btilo^ie of Cornelius 2s {e]m, bp tbefe U000^e3 : Ctiac nr \)t Ijiaciiu Bf in ijts tpme one Eudorus efcappng dje banner of kpng Latbjro, 11112 beparten from tbe gulfeof dubie , ano came bp fca to tlje Slianoe of calefe : Dcclarpng further , that mhoreas tljts narra* iton boas maupepeereg repute^foafabie, tnasnome in our ipmr, bp d;e bertue of tbei?or^4/ej,knok)entobetme: $nt> that ipketopfe tlje fame Cornelius. Hep os reetted; , that at tbe tpme when Qjtmtus MetellmCele, mas p?oconliil 0? itfeue* tenant foj the Homanes in jfrauncc , the hpng of Sueufo gaue w* of acw tem certajme Indians, tojjtcbe iaptpmj out ofiWwfrij raerebaa-- ma "“’ ^ v; ’ ~ Dsfe, &n enterpjife hiljcrbp ^iit* cc& raapob? tapne true fame ana elojp. U che toaa Dtfcouereu natoe taio &untJ?eo peered (nice bp Marcus ?panparbea map attempt, to tbe 3Ilanbea of Molucca ♦ fpeoeclareo furthermore, that t be ettte of Luby\t, bepng rpebe anb of great potoer, anb Ornate bppon tbe fea of Otomame, anb alfo accuOomcD truth continual nautgattona to trauaple tbe fea of jftortnap anb Qothlande , anb Ipketopfe tbe rpgbt noble kpttg ofpolonte,mbofetiomtm'on!cS,tmtbb^ realmeof LituanU . eptenbe to tbe fatoe fea, (bouloe be apee to btfeoaer tbte fernte: 35ut tljat aboue al othe r, tbe Duke of Mofcou ia, fijoulD per* fourme tbe farne,mttb greater commobttte,^ more faciftcie then anp other Prince . 3nb here Oaptng a mbile,be began to fpeake agatne,anb faio. jftome/orafmucb aa toe are come to tbttf palfe, me tbtnfee it fljoulb feeme a great DifcurteOe if 31 Iboulb not (beta poualtbat3lknotoeasitoucbtngtbt2ibtage5 tubereof3! grcatlp mufeb tottb mp felfe manp peereabp occaOon of tbe tooorbes of pitnie . W berajs tberfore, bepng a poung man, 31 tuas tn ®et* mante tn the ettte of Jugnjla, it fo ebauneeb that in tbofe bapeg there came thither an ambaflabour of tbe Duke of Mofcouia, a man fingulerlp leameb both tn the 6reeke tongue $ the JLatine, anb of goob experience in toorloelp tbpngea,bautng been Cent to bpuera places bp the fapbeprince,anb one ofljtgt counfaple » Df mbofe learnpng bepng abuerttfeb, 31 fought bts acquapntatmce, anbtalkpng toitb bpw one bape of tbefe 3!nbtans,Drpuen bp fortune to the coalfcs of (Sermante, anb oftbebtagetbac mpgbt be m'fcouereb bp tbe Mot tb fea to the 3ilanbes of fpicea, 31percepuebtbatattbe fprlt be maruepleb ejcceebpnglp, as ac atbpngtbat l;e coulee neuer Ijaucuuagmeb . 25utreftpnga rnbpie sndkyflgdomcs lying that way. lofjvlc in mm aftonplheo in l;is fame pbantdle, ffatooffc great pleafure thcrei^'ano fapoe : fcjafmuch as the po;tugal?S taue ncui compaffco about all the &>otttl; partem fuppofeO in olo tptnc to bee maccelfaMe bp reafon of great heate 3 mhp fbouiD tnenotcertapnelp thpnke that the ipfcc map bee none about ihts parte of the jfta;d; 3 mitbcutfcareofcoloe, efpectaRp to men bo;nc ano brought up in that dime : get p;ccceDpng furtbcr,l;e fapoe, that tf bis P;wce ano matlter&ao mentbatnioulo am* mate l;nn to oifcoucr this Upagc, there mas no prince in CDh?t- tf enoome that mpgbtooc it mid; mo;e faciliue.Chen calling fo? aspaype, mtuijtcbioas tbeDtfcnpttonof^ofcoma, ano the pjtom'nces fubfecc to the fame, bee oedareo that from the erne of ^afeouiao; $pafea 5 gopngeomarDetl;e J2o?d;eaftfc; tljefpace e rnaoe alfo Ocmonftratton in the fapoe caroe bp the Jfto;d;ealf,c&at being pat! the p?outnce of uccaita* €utna. Coimogof. front «5cean„ 4SreatU?oo&0, ^otblanOc, STbc/mofce* uttee tjaue ftnololfOgcof tljc great Cant ofCatpap. iSermta. ^efroia. Catena mmiOt €I}Doja, iScceUtatJojo, €>00. ST&elafcc €ljt> tDap. Cjje Tartars. STiXriticof pa* tipar&rs aitD fdojtugaics. CH t Ijpffojie of gdaulus €tiv tuna. Of tUisi rcatie moje at large bp reafoit tljat tlje map to tlje fapbe fea is full of tfjicke moods and boaters, mljidjcrntbefommer make great marp* fljes, and tmpofltble to be trauepled, aftoeU foj lacke of bictuals, mljtcbe can not tljcre be fotmde, not foj certapne dapes, but fo; dje fpace of rertapne monetises, tlje place bepng dclolateinitb* out tnljabttauntes: ncuertljelelfe Ije fapde 3 tljat tt tljcre mere loitb Ijis ipjince, onelp tino ^)panparoesojlpojtugales 3 to inborn tlje cljarge of tijis biage Q;ouiD be commttteo,be no boapes ocub* teo but tbactbepbooulofoloboeitjaritifpnDettjfojanmidjasboicb great ingemottfnefle and ineifimable pactence, tljcfe nations baucouereomc .mud; greater Difficulties eljen aretljcfr, boljidje are but litle in companion to tljofe tljat tljcp Ijatte ouerpaftdtymd doe otterpafle in all tljetr biages to 3!ndta ♦ 5pe p?ocecded,deda* rpng tljat not manp peeres fmcc, tljcre came to tlje cotirte ot ijis Ipjince, an ^mbafTabour from pope Leo>. named mai8er2Wo Centurione, a (Senuefe, under dptters pjetenfes ♦ Qi5uc tfje pjiucp* palt occaficn of bis commpng 3 uias, bpcaufc bee bad conccpueo great inbignation anb Ijatreb agapnft tlje ]pojtugaFes:3nd cljrr* foje intended to p;oue tf be coulb open anp bpage bp land 3 U)Ijei> bp fppecs mpgljt be bjougljt from 3!ndia bp tbelande ofz>- tarid , 0 } bp tlje fea C4/p/«i»(0tljerUJpfc uWz^Hircanumyo couia, ano fromdjence to be brought in djpppes bptbe rpuer %rf,m!jtdj rtmnpngbp tlje countrcpof UumaMkti) into tbe fea of (Detmauie ; 3nd tljat bis ]&mce gaue eabe unco bim, am> cauleo ani kyngdomes lying tliat way. 5 66 caufeo the fapoe upage to be attempted bp ccrtatnc noble men of ^ c f£J* ar * Lordo# f tbe />mm confinpng nejet bnto bim ♦ 33 ttt tbe mart es toljicl) mere then betmecne them, ano tbe great oefartes mbicb ^ecam*. tbep fijoulD of ncccfutte ouerpafie, maoe them Icaue of djepj IfSffuZ, emccpipfe : mljtcbe tf it ban ben purpofeo bp tbe coaltes of tin* our Banbfea,ttmtgljtbaite beenealKp fpnpfbeo . Zl)t fapoe imbafl&oour continues bis narratton,faptng tbat no man ought to oeubt of tbatjdvbut tbat ft map be faplco (Xjce monctljes m tbepeere, fyafmutbe a* the napes are then berp long in tbat clime, ansbof,bprearonofcontmualI reuerberation of tbebea* ^eiuomtb^ me* GftIjc^)unne,anD 0;o>te npgbtes: $no tbat tbiS thing mere «*&'* a* mell moojtlne to bee pmoueo , a* attpe other nauigation, * m * 9 mberebp manp partes of tbe mo^be,beeretofo?e bnbnomen,Ijauc been mfcoucreo ano brought to ctutlttte . Sino Ijcere mafepitg an enoe of tins taluc,be fapoe : let bs nom empt this parte of spof- coutamitb biscoioc, anofpeakefomembatof djac parte of tbe neme mojioe,tn mbtebe is tbe lanoe of Batons, calico r err a of tonum, ailO iaccakos , ojt T err a BdccalearumMim ttl tbe peCTe* men co tlje 1554. auu.1535. laques C4tfwr,intmo bpages maoemitlj tb?ee | a " a & 0 c s of2 * ac * great tfreneb tallies, founoe tbe great ano large tetmtreps na* a aos ' meo Canada, Ocbelaga, aitO Sanguenai : min'd) reach from tbe.plb. lOtofeunt co tbe.5LDegree,bepng mell inljabiteo,ano pleafaum countrcps, ^X^ranre. ano nameo bp bim Koua Francia . 3 no here (taping a tubi'le, ano apoaropue t« Ipftpng bp In's OanOeSjbe fapoe, ©b mljat ooe tbe ©bftftian ppm re* mcane, tbat in fttebe toes otfeouereo ,tbep ooe not alfigne cmapnecoiomestotnbabftetbe fame, to typng tbofe people (inborn <0oo batb fo bleffco mitb naturall gtftes) to better ciuilt* tie, ano to embjafe our religion, then tbe mbicbe^iotbing can bee ma^e acceptable to <0DO^©efapo regions alfo, bepngfo fapje ano fruttfu!(,mitb plemtc of all Tones of cojne,bearbes, fruites, <5reat rpunt. too, fplbes, bealtes, metals, anorpuersoffudjegreamelTe tbat fijpppcs map faple mo;c then. 1 Samples upon one of them, u tI) to bepngon bo f b fpoes tnfmifelp mljabiteo: 8no tocaufctbego* mpto&few! uernoursoftbefapoecolom'es tofearebe inljetber tbat toe to* tm * luaroe tbe J 3 onb,nameo Terra de Laborador , ooe topneas one finite (anoe mitb j/2^mapi©jm&etber there bceanp (treigbe o) open place of Tea, as is molt Ipke there Ojoulo be,fo?afmucb as it is to bee thought that tbe fapoc Jnoians, ojpuen bp fortune S0m.tt. M about Of the North eafl froftie fea. mte t vap to atiotte tlje coaffes ofjfSojtuap, came Dp that (freight oj fa, to catDa? anu tljc coal! es of < 0 etmanic,ano Dp the fapoe (freight co faple nojtD* i^omcca ° f toelf,to oifcotter the lanoes ano cotmtreps of Cat bay, ano from jaojr&ujcflL t (j Cnce (0 f a p| € to tlje 3 Ilanoes of Molucca,m tDefe furelp iboulo mi°ip a re! ecu; Dee enterpjpfes able to make men immojtall Che toljich thing, ^rueiiowem# tljat rpght inoojthie Gentleman matter Jntony di MerMz* tomebt 1 mlL conlloerpng, Dp the lingular bertue ann mapam'mtae that is &o|a,i)tcerop of ln (j^ art empteo to put this thpng in p?actpfe . tfo} betng bi* 11 cerop of cbe countrep of Mexico (fo nameo of tDe great cute M^/co,otbermpfe calleo r emijlitan,. notu calleo neto s^papne, bepngmtlje.]cje.ocgteeabcue tije equinoctial!, ano parte of the fapoe firme lanoe)he font certepne of Dio Captaincs Dp lanoe,anO bifeoue- alio a nauie of fljpppes Dp fea,to fearcD this fecrete ♦ 3 no 31 re* St&Lcft member tljat Ddjen 3! bias in Jf launDers in Cljemperours court, wu»- 3| fam Dio letter umpteen in tlje pcere .i 541, ano oateo from Mex- ico .-toberein mas Declares Ijotuetotoaroc tbe BojtbbJciyje Dao founOe tbe bpngoomc of Sette am (tljat is) feuen Cities, Uiljer* as is tljat, calleo ciuolatiyfyttemmtfatlw Marco daKiza: ano bolne Deponoe tlje lapoe fcpngoome pet further totoaroe tbe J^OJtbmelf, Captapne Francefco Vafques of CoronadoJ)m\n& PffiromCa* ouer P a ^ D S reat Defarces,came to tbe fea fpoe, toljere be feunoe ml bptoe * certaine ihpppes inljicb fapleo Dp tljat fea toitb mercbanoie0,ano jlfcml) tipper* baceam fea,ta lijrcoaftea of tt)t parte of tlje ianDeof2J$ac» taleos, Catpap# ^Tfje fea from nrtt*e jfrauuce o? Carra 25.it* tommi to €iv tijap. £ notable feoofe*. bao in tljep? Danner Dppon tlje pjooes of tljepj (bpppes, certapne foules maoe of goitre ano lHuer 5 ruljtcb tbep of Mexico call Aka- tra^ano ebat tljepj mariners iDeUieo bp (Ignes tljat tfjep toere jcrr.oapesfaplpngjincommpngtotbat Ijauen t u^ljercbp Ije bn* oerlf oooe that tbefe fljpppes coulo be of none other countrep then of Ca*%,fojafmucb as it is fituate on tbe contrarp parte of the fapoelanoe oifcouereo.Cljc fapo matfler Antonie ftjote further* moje,tljat bp the opinion of men U)d! pjacttfeo, there boas oifeo* uereo fo great a fpace of chat countrep onto the flipoe fea, that it pafleo 950* leagues, mnicbemake.285omtples.3noocnbt* lefle tf the Jfrenclje men, in tbtstljepj neine ifraunce, looulo bane pafTco bp lanoe tomato dje fapo jfto?ihmeff ano Dp J&ajtb, tljep ftjoulo alfo baue founoetije feanrtjerebptljepmpgbthaue fapleo to Cathay . But aboue all tljpnges, this feemeo onto me moll luoojthie of commenDatton,thac the fapoe maifrer ^n* tome Ujfote in l;is letter, that bao maoe a Doofre ofal the natu- ral! and kyngdoities lying that way. *&f ants tnartteplous chtnges mbicbe they founoeiti fearcbpng thole counttep£,mith alfo 1 he meafures oflanoc 0 ,anD altptttses of tsei ctm&Q mojketsoubtleffemhteh (bemeth ap?tncelp ants magm* ficall mpno,mherbp me map concetue that tf (0 od bats gtuen Mitt the djarge of the other bemtfpherie,he moults 0 ; nom haue mase it better knomen to bs.^he mht'cb thing 3! fuppofe no man tsotb % great aim greatlp elleeme at this tprne : bepng ncticrtheleae the greatea ans molt gio?tou& enterp?pfe that map be imaginctJ. gitiD (feeremakpnga certapnepattfe, anstumpngbimfcife tcmarseus, beefapse, Doepounot bnsciitanse to this pur* pofc,bomeco pafle to3tosta tomarsetbe J2o?thmeampnoe, as optj of lace a citizen of denece/o baitant a man,ans fo mdl p?ac* bctc'tije gram* tifeDtnalltbmges pcrtepnpng to nautgattonMno the fetence of Cofmograpbie, that at thief parent bee hath not bft Ipke in &papne, tnfomucbe that fo? his bertues bee mi p?efcrrets abotte ait other pplottes tljatfapletothe 2Bel!3!nD!Cs,m[)0 map noc paflfe thptber mithottt his Ipcence, ants ts therefore calleo Piloto Mdggme (that ts) the gratmse pplote . Snsmheniue fapbe that usee tame him not, bee p?oceeset>, Taping, that bepng certapne peetes tn the eitte of futile, ans Ueflrottjsi to batie feme knomiebgc of the nauigattansofthe&panparseSjttmag toloe him that there mas in the citte a baitant man, aOenect* an bo?ne, names sdatfianCaboteMwbto the charge of tfjole ttmmmtMti* fhmgeei, bepng an expert man in that fctence,ams one that coulo °J l of ^ bam# make earner fo? the fea mith his omne ijanoe : ants that bp this Xebaman *em e gentle perfen, mhoemercepneDljimfrientsip, ants fbemco him botnein^ manptbtnges, ants among other a large $Pappeoftbemo?ise, mistime mith certapne perttcuiarnautgattong 3 afmeUof£helDo?tuga!es oiijT^S 3 as of the & ** merrhanspes, bee tooke mee mubhtmtotljecuteoflonson, tubple 31 mas berp poung, pet batmigneuerthdeOe fome fmom^ mtmf* lesge of letters of bumamtte,ans of the fphere . 2m token mp fa* ImlsStt* ri;eropeD,tn that tpmemhennemes mere b?ottght that fion chri - uiaa jlopher C olmus Gtnuefe, bats StfcOUncS tljC COalfs Of 3int>ia,mber* tern bom* of mas great taike tn all the court of kpng Cpcnrp the feuemh, 1,1 tit. usljo T-f Of tlieNortheaftfrofViefc^ Ui!;o tfjcn retgneb : infomttcbe that all men mttb great anmtra- tton affirmeb it to be a tbtng ntoje btuine tben humane, to faple bp the (Laieft meo the Can mhere (ppccgt grome, bp a map that masnetierknomen before . Ii3pmbich fameanb report, there tncrcafcb in mpijartc a great flame of befpje to attempte fome notable thpng . 3nb bnbertlanbpngbp reafon of the fphere, f that if 31 fijoulD faple bp the map of the 3i2o;ithmetf mpnbe, 31 f|« o^eftaai# ^ oti{D ^ a tmit comc t0 31nbta, 31 therebppon cau* au£abot feo the kpng tobeeamierttfeoofmp Diuife : mho tmtnebtatefp commatmbeb tmo Carauels to be furnpfbeb mttb all tbinges ap- peitepnpng to tbe bpage 3 mljtcb mao as farre as 31 rememberer* tljepeerc.i49^m tbebegpnnpngoffommer/Begmnmg there* fcpe to faple tomaro jfto^tbmelf, not t&tnking to fpnbe anp other lanbe then that of Cathay, anb from thence to turne tomarb 3ln* bia ♦ 3$ut after ccrtapne napes, 31 founbe that the ianoe ratine tomarbe the Jftojtb, mhicbmastomcagreatmfpleafure. j3c* ttertheIclTe 3 (nplpng along bp the coa(f 3 to fee tf 31 coulb fpnbe anp gulfe that turnco, 31 founbe the lanoe ftp'l continent to tlje.56. begree bnner cur pole: ^nufeepng that there thecoaff turneo tomarb the Caft 3 bifpap;ung to fpnoc the pafiage 3 31 turneb barite agapne, anb fopleb bomnebp the coaft of that ianbe tomarbe the Cquinoctiall (etter mttb intent to fpnbe the fapbc paffage to 3n* bia)anbcameco that parte of this firmelanbcmhiche is nome calleb Florida . (LOherc, mp bictoaUcs faplpng , 3i beparteb from thence ; ano returneb into Cngfanbe, mbere 31 founoe great tumttltes among the people 5 anb pjeparance fo? marres in 4cot* lanbe : bp reafon m&ereof, there mas no rnoje confiocration bao to this bpage^STlberbppon 31 merit into ^papnejto the Catho* Ip&e kpng 3 anbt]uecne Cli^abctb : mljo bepngabuerttfeb mhat Spage of ca* 31 bab none, entertepneb mee 5 anb at tbcp? charges furnpibeo ij^te to tdc hmb ccrtapne (bpppes mheremith tbcp catifcb nm to faple to Dtfco* Sta i a e?ia‘ a:iD tter the coalfes of ^afile, mbere 31 founbe an epcecbpng great anb large rptter, namcb at this p^efent % della Plata (that ts) tbc rptierof Hitter, into tbemhicbe31faplco,anbfolomcb it into €abotc toibc tbc feme lanbe moje then fipe luittbjeb leagues, fpnbpng it eue* me tijat in a re* rp mbere betp fap?e anbinbabteeb mttb infinite people, mbiclje fin” r^tier ^ hPi'tb ao miration came ruitnpng oaplp to our fbpppes ♦ 31nto this foiqe&.fo^ rpuer, ramie fonwty o tljctr miens, t&at tt 13 m itianec utcreDible. ST be lanbe of ifiopDa. tUftt feremke and kyngdomes lying that way. m afiertfife, 3 mace niatip otf)«r&page$,tof»cDe 3( note pmtipt. {?£'!", a T 2no mating oloe,31 gpuc mp fclfe to reft from fudje trauepfes, g^'"® *®*** bpcaufe there are tutor mattp young atiD lutlp pplotes arm ma= rantEm Sdw rtiters of goon experience, bp ttljofe fortcarcneOe 3 aoe reiopce in tljc frmtea of tup labours, at® reft tottl) tlje charge of this of« gee as pou fee . 2na paine 3 of tbe manors ano religion oftbe^ofcomtes,asbenmsparfc Ip inlTructeD bp tlje ^mbaflaDoitts of tlje Dube of spofcouie 3 fent into &papne to ^Ijemperottrs matefttc, in tbe peered 525* #pc UJ^ptecb therefore as foiolnetlj. 3 tbpnbe it fprff conuenienc to fpeabe fometoljac of tbe name oftbis region Urtjerebp it is calleDactljts Dap, anD bolne it tons calfeD in olDe tprne * Conferrpngtberefore tljemolfe ^ ClCOma * auncient of tlje (Sreebc anD lacine momnnentes Uritlj tbe rpes oflater tprne, 3 perception tobeeatbpng UJbicljercqut* retlj no final! iuDgement.of fcjptte anD ieatttpng . tformefee in borne ®o?te tprne tbe names of tljinges are djaungeu, as are alfo tty matters of men * 3 fpjfte therefore that tljofe peo* pieWjomat this Dap tnee commonlp cal! OMcauues, u^ere in tprne pat} ca3 topnefictb pifotfO calfeu ^^^ ntbom ne* (Kdermttt Of the Northeafl: froftie fca^ of MnbridatesM Strabo in?ttetb* Eljep tom called ^ofcouttedj of tlje cljiefe cicte of all tbe p?ouince,nameo Mofcouk o ? M ofca .* 0’(as Volat crane fapetb) of tbe rpuer Mofco .&hep mere fomc- tpme gowned bp Duke 3lobn?tobofetopfetoad Helena, of 1 6c lyn*Z ! ^ Ebemperours afConlfaminople, of tl;e noble fame* Xflcttss €to* owns. are people of tbe J^beaft parte of tbe toojlocfrombs, ami mctpiiwM* are DctcrnnncD uiicb t^eluniccc^ ofcfje great rpuer Soriftbencs ciU'Ufjiw, 0 f Scithiat on tbeone fpoeuiub tbe Lituankns and Polonhns, and on tbe other fpoc toitb the Tartars , tnbo cealfe not co octe 'Tuemperour them toitb continual! toarred andmcurOond : Cfpectallp tbe of eatpap. Cmpercttr ebam of Cathay, t! )t cbiefe p?ince of the Tartars, rcfpOettt bp tljC fea fpde in T auric o Cberf rncfo, tno* lelletb them toitb fo?e toarred * Ebeparecotoaroetbe jftojtb feofen fea. fp&c mefofed toitb t!je frofen fea, tbelandeoftobofe coaftes be* png Perp large, pertepnetb in maner all co the Dominion of the Duke of Mojcouie * Ebe fea fa ttmbicbetbe oloe tn^pcerss call Lacus CronicusXo named of t(je <^reeke U)00?D Cronos , mbicb the latines call Satumus M)om tbep fapne to be an oloe man,of completion color ano flotoe, ano tberebp name all fuebe tbinged ad are coloe ano flotoej Cronica. , as bp ipke reafon tbep opo tbtd Bo?tb fea,tobtcb bepng in maner etter frofen, td floto ano cold, ano in maner tmmoueable . 3no fo? Ipke confioeracton(ad fapcb amait&eum. ^linie) Ibeatbens nameeb it tn the gbcitbian tongue, Amahhe* «w,tol)tcb tooo?o ftgmfietb as much as congealed o? frofen. But mt Dominion c ^ ac 31 wander not farre from mp purpofe: Ebemppjeano do* ortue^uheof minionoftbeDukeofMo/co«/V, reacbetb fo farre, that tt com* ji&ofcoma, p^benoetb certapne partes of Jfia, ano alfo of Europe ♦ Ebe citieof Mofcouia o} M ofco, td counted ttopfe as bpgad Colonk JgripfinaM tbcp faptbfullp repose tobteb knoto both ♦ Ctmo tbtd tbepbaue alfo an otber,not tmcqaall in bpgnelfe, called bid- Timer . 3lfo BlefcoHia^tiOgradiatSmolnejUnb OtiferMl tobtcbs tbcp? ^mbafladourd affp?me to be of pjtncclp and magntficall buplopnged? and ffronglp defended toitb toallesbotb of bjtcfee and fquare (lone ♦ £Df tbefe, ftlefcouia fa ftrongeff,anoentti* roneo toitb tbjee mailed . ©tber tobtebetbep batietnnumera* not fo famous ad arc tljefe toljerof tbid Duke of M \ ftouic . and citte of jTT&ofcouia» QLbttintftti* fus of jn^aCs andkyngdomeslyingtliatway* 2 69 ann Cmperoure ofHufltatahetlj tljtiifcnpiton of Ijt'sS tufc . jf 0 ? guen at tfets parent, toben fo euer, ept&er bp bis ambaflaoours 0 ; Ijtg letters, be ootb Qgnifie bpm fdfe to be ^Itiperour of «£injierour of Mofcouie, \)t ta accuffomeo to bfe tljte title, 'Bafim bp tbe grace of<£5oo€mperour of tftfyjfia, m great Dube of Flada* ^ O f (owa mer, Mofcouie , Nouigrade* ‘Blajcouia, S?nolne, amOtifcr .(t Mofco* wtoagree tn language, as toe perceiuco bp d;interp?ecours tol>t- cl;e pour mateffte l;ao d;en tn pour cource,.ffo? tobereas tbe fapo tnterpjetours toere bo?ne among i&e Croatian $ ScUuons , ano none of them ban euer been tn Mofcouia , o? before that tpme bao anp contterfatton tot'd; them, pet opo tbep toell bn* oerOanoe dje ambaffaoours tooo?oes ♦ ©ere are tn Mof* uia , toooooes of epceeopng bpggenelfe, tn tbetoljicbeblacbe tooolues ano tobpte bearer are bunteo ♦ f£be cattfe tobereof map bee djeptreme coloe of tl;e jftojtb, tobicbe ood; greatlp alter tbe completions of beaffes, ano is the mother of toljite* nelfe,as tbe pbtlofopbers affirme* ©ep baue alfo great plemte of 35ees,tol;erbp tbep baue fuel; abunoaunce of botip ano toape, that it is toicb them of fmalep?t'ce* 6&ben tbe commooitie of tbep? cottntrep is neglecteo bp reafon of long toarres,cbet'r cbiefe aouauntagetoberbp tbep baue all tbpnges necelfarie totoaroe tbep?lpupng,is tbegapnes tobicbe tbep baue bp tbep? rpebe furres,as tables, $0arternes,&u?ernes,molf tobite 3rmms* ano fucb other, tobicbe tbep fell to merebaumes of optters coum treps . €bep bpe ano fell toitb Omple faptb of tooo?oes,Cjccbaun* gptigtoarefo? toare,toid;out anp curious bonoes o? cautels. 5no albeit tbep baue tl;e bfe of both goloe ano fplucr mpttes* pet oo tbep fo? tbe mofte part epebaunge d;ep? furres fo? frut'teS,ano other things necelfarie to maintetne their life .^bere area'fofome people bnoer tbe Dominion of this Cntperour, tobteb baue neither topne no? tobeate,b«t Ipue onlp bp flelbe ano mplhe,asDotbetoploer4r^n tbep? bo?oerers,tobicb otoellin toons bp tl;e coalfes of cbefrofenfea ♦ ^befe people are b?uttt(b^ and kyngdomeslying that way. 270 anblpue in ntanerlpbetoploe beaffes- ^But c&ep of cfte cictc of . Mofca axtoKfuigrade, anti other cities are ciutle people, anD a* -jj CUIC £ 9 gree tottlj bs in eatpng of fpflje anD fle$e, although tljepj maner ofcoquerpeis inmanp tljpngesDtffcrpngfrom ours. VoUterane lmptctf) tljattbe Athenians life moncp bncopneD. $nDenqut* sruepi moncp* rpng further, 31 liras tnfourttieo that the moncp of Hungary is much currant luttl) them . ^utcbisiscljeefipeto be conOoereD, ^ epeml)|afe tljattljcpembjace tlje Cljjtifian faptlj, mljidje tljep afftrme to t&e caiman Ijaueliecn pjcadjcD to tljemfpjlf bp Garnet 3nDjeloetfje 3po= ff Ie,anD brother to ^>lmon ipctcr.&uche Doctrine aifo as bnoer m ^ponies, Conflantine tlje great, in tlje peere* CCC ♦ pbtii . nras coucIudcd intljcfpjftgcnerancounfapIeljolDenmtljecitieof HJcene \\\<£et ^ e - coimfeplf thynia, ano there DetcrmineD bp *CCC . jtbtit. 3t$pOjops, ano af or #i«ne. p folttdjeas hath been lojpttenanD taught bp tlje ®reekeDoc* tours Qafilius M agms anD Cbifoftomus , tbep beleCUC to be fo ljO* iniifoftomiwf, ip, fpjme,anDfpncere,tljat tljep tljpnbett no moje laUifuiicne Ijeare to tranfgreflc oj go bacbe from tlje fame , then from tlje (BofpdlofChjtlf. Jfoj tbepj cottCfancie ano mooelfte isfuelje, tljatno man Dare call tljofe tljpnges into queHton inijidje Ijaue ^nt cornu w* oncebeen DedfeD bp help fathers in tljepr general cotmuiilcs, . ciem 1 & c p* ^TljepDotljerrojemclj amoje conftant mpnDe perfetier m tljepj lSi0,u firtf faith, U)!jtcfj theprecetueD of ^atnet 3nD>elu djapoftie,anD IjtS fucceirottre ano Ijolp fathers, tljen do manp of bs,bepng Dtt DcD into feifmes anD fectes,Uj!jtdj thing neuer cljatmcctfj among tbem.'Buttfanp Ditftcnitte cbaunce to rife as touching the fmlj 0 ) rulf ome of religion, ail is referrcD to tlje ardjebplirapanD & ^tu^opaDc- tljerbpdjops, as to be odineD bp tljep? fptrtce s not permitting fine rontroucr* «frp tuogement to tlje ttitmittancaitn ipojmmt people. ©jctc ;u3 " u ‘ :ilJi0 "' atcIjbtQjcip is refiaent in tlje titie ofMofujdm aifo tlje €m= percur teepetlj Ijts court, £ljep (jmie Ipkcuipfe Diners otijer 35p!T)ops:asm!ein K migudia, Mjere aifo I fodms you sTSp-. ffiop bnoer pope£«ge«i«r. ‘©jepljauean otijer in fyfcwU.m otijer in Suftali, an otijer in Otifi n: aifo in Smoke, in ardieof Contlmtinoble imtf immpflfeh Vm tU* tt*****^ ^ t”' : r nw yz ,9 rrY r ^ w ' v w * *r+vj.ww*». tmv roar % notable n* ample of ftiau f&|ince* I religion. Untoitflrteriecf tcc. fBimKea. yblitttt*. 0 mifo ri*. COf ptfmatiut rljurclje. 0 ftraitge tuftomf* OftheNortlieaftfrdfty fea $mut of bnmpnoefiil bew^butaoiligeneobferuec of Otjsc accudomeo religion, ootb at tb is oape peerelp fenoe a cer* tapne dppetiO,in maner of alme^to tbe patriarcbe of Conftam tinople, tb at I )C map fond; mo?e quiet mpnoe looke fo? tbe enoe of tin's l)ii$£gj>ptian[emitw,bntpl it Ibal pleafe almigbtic ®oo to redone bpm to bts former eburebe ano aucc(jo?itie. f o? be tuog* ec6tcmucljimpietie,^f6e(boulDenoU)e fo?fakcbpm mbofep?e< oiceffottrs baue ruleo ano gotterneo fo manp cburcbes, ano of mbomtbefaptbatiO religion offo manp regions anop?ouince$ baue oepenoeo. 15«c to fpeake b^ieflp of tbep? religion, tkp agree in manpe tbpnges mteb os, ano in fome t[jpnge53 foloui elje Greeks . ^ep baue spunkesano religiousmen. j^otfarrefromtljccitieof Mofca, tbep baue a great sponaderie, in tbembicbe are tb?ee buno?co Spunkes , Ipupng bnoer tbe rule of Baft bus Magnus, in tbembicb is alfo tbe fepulcb?e of 5 . Sergius tbe 8bbot. ^bep ob< ferae tbep? borne of cfmditie 5 ttil)tcf)C none map b?eake that baue once p?ofedeo. J^et fucij as baue marieo Oirgins of gooo fame, mapbeaomicteotQtbo?oer of p?iedbooo, butmapneuerbea spanke. 3Cbe p?tedes ano 3$pibops mbicbe are aomitteo to op Ders bnmarieo, map neuer afeer be marieo: no? peefueb as baue miues, marrp agapue mben tbep areoeao , but Hue in perpetual cljaditie. S>ucb as commit aoulterie o? fo?ntcation,are greuouf* lp punifljeo bp tbe Bi(bops,ano oep?iueo of tbe bencdces.&jep celebrate made after tbe manerof tbeGr^j 3 m!jtcbeoiiferet& from ours in oiuers tbpngs, as in fermenteo b?eao,after tbe rna* ner of tbe Greeks s . ^bep put in cije Cijaiice as mueije mater as reo mine, mbtcb mater tbep bfe to beate, becatife ( not mitbout a great mpderie)tberei(bueo foo?ib oftbefpoe cfour llo?0,bot& blooo ano mater,mbicb me ought bp gooo reafon to tbpnkemas not mitbout beat: fo? els Ibouio it fcarcelp baue been iuogeo foj a miracle* 3fu fine, tbep affteme tbac al tbep? ettdomes ano rites are acco?oing to tbe indimtions of tbe p?imititte ebureb, ano tbe OOCttint Qf Bafilius Magnus , anO Cbrifojlomus. 31ntbiS tljpng cljcp Older greadp from bs , that tbep mtntder tbe communion to poung cbplo?en of tb?ee pceres ofagc,mi)icb tbep oo mitb fer* menteo b?eao oppt in a fponefuU of mine, ano geue it to tl;em fo$ tbe boope ano blooo of Cb?id, A briefc and kingdomes lying that way. 574 A briefcdefcription of Mofeouia jafter thf later writers.as Sebaflian Munftcr 5 and lacobus Gaftaldus* fyz pjotttnce of Mofeouia, fefo notneD of tlje rpuer Mofeo , tebtelje paffetb bp tljo metrapolttane erne of Mofeouia, called Mofea bp tbe name of tbe rpuer Mofeo > ^bfe pjomnce twags called of tbe oloe doji* Sarmatia jfiatica * 3£be bojoeterd toj confines to tbe Mofcouiam on tbe one fpoe totoarde tbe €aU, are (be Tartars ^Wzd Kogai, and tbe Scianbanians, foltb tlje Zagathns . ^Otoarde tlje arma*t* aOasifft. pjiouincejsof^ortMano Lituania . ^otnaroe tlje feoutlj 3 tlje rpuer of rd^and tbe people confining toitb tlje riuer of Volga, srp&cpt&iaa called of tbe oloe to?pccrs% , 3no foUiardethe jftojtlj, tbe ^ ctm ' $3Dceanfca 3 ca!lcotbe Scythian fea 3 andtbe region of Upponia> Mofeouia ts in maner all ptapne 3 ano full of marpnjes 3 tuooooeS 3 and manpberp great tj:uers 3 lnbereoftbe rpuerof Volga is tlje pjtnctpali * ^)ome call tijis^M ao tlje oloe autbcur» named it tt) of tDniga. tlje aunnemnj?ptcr!? 3 tlje fea Cafpium oj Wrcanum . Oncer ia£US albll0 » tlje donumnen of Mofeouia, ate ctrtapnc regions and Duke* Domrs t a0 0‘fjac IS Us^rte ♦ MoColmogora, 'JOjetfafpia it fief r,ouiaJBafrid4>NouogudiaMt\) clffo manic placed Of tlje Tar~ tar^toljicijc are fubiectetatljc Duke of Mofeouia cljiefe titled Of Mofeouia, ate Mofea, flefc ouia,V{puog radia, Cobnogora, Otogeria, Viatra, Smolenfer , fmafiauia, Cologne Volodenurta, <*r itmWrf* fpflauk, and CaffamMw people of Mofeouia arc Cbjttltand, «««.. 1 and baue great abtindatmee of btmp and toape : alfo tpcl; furres 5 as tables, SgarterneS, jFopnes, and owners o$£r . OU tfee Tartars ftljrclje mbabite tetoardetbe Calf beponde fte rpuer * T , etoP , bf ofr olga 3 ijaue no dtoefipng places, no? pet ernes t} Cafe 3 * but carp about umb tbemcerrapnccanes t} toagens couercd toitb beaded Ijpoe^ Under the tubiclje tljcp txac/ moo in aur&oule& , . ^ ioiba*. Cfjcbpgttes of tlje ctneof jj^ofcouia. £?Iuer. 3Tij£ r?gion of JiX^ofcoma, 23cafte0. aitb ftrougj catfel intfiecttieof lit^ofca* ^{je^ukca pallaice. C&epiD*imfce. fTljtp are ge* nm toBmu* heimgCTCo Cotneaitb gcapiu. tlfte famous rpuwof^a* nais. Of the northcfl frofty lea. ©jepremou? cogeatbertn great companpeSjiBhfcbe tfjcp caff H or das ♦ ^£hepare toarlpkc people^ ano gaoDljo^femen, ami are all ^acomcctflegu Sebajhan Munjler in bis booke of QmaerfaU Cofmogra* pbie, tojptetb that the citte of Mofca ci Mofcouia contcpnetb ui circaue ♦pint. tuples, ano that itiz tutpfe as bpgge as the cute of 'Pragdin'Bobemie ♦ Oftfje COtM.rcp of Mofcouia, bcfpDe Other pjouinces fubtecte to tbe fame, be U) t :ptetlj thus : 31c ejten&etij in largenelfe foure bunojetb mples, ano is rpefee in fpluer . 3!c is lawful foj no man to go out of the realme,oj come tn,muljottf tbe Dukes letters ♦ 3Jt isplapne Untbcut moumapnes, ano full of tuoooos ano marines ♦ ©£beatotbcre,bprcafonoftbe color, are IcCTe then tn other coumreps mojefoutbtuatoe . 3In the mto* nett oftbc cine of A/o/^,bepng Ornate ui a piapne, there is a CuOell umb .ptti.cob}?es 3 ano tfoee bultnarkcs/o tong $ fapje, that the Ipkc are fcarfelpfeene tn attp other place ♦ inhere are alfo in the CaOell ♦pbi churches, ano tbjee beep large courtes, in the tnhtche ctje noble men ofchecottrce baue thep^loogpnges* %l)z Dukes pallatce is buploeo after the maner of the jjtaiiati buplopng, ano berp fapje 3 lmt not great . ^Tbep? o?pnke is nteoe ano bcere 3 as is the maner ofthe mod part of the people that in* babttethe jftajttb partes of the moojlbe . &bep are epceebpnglp geuentooponkcnitelfe ♦ Pet (as forne Cape) the princes of thelanoeare pjobibitonpapne ofoeatljtoabdeme from fuche tongopnkesas are of fojee to inebriate, epcepc at certapne timesmbenltcencetsgraanteothem, astunfeoj tbpfe in the peere* ^bep plotoe the grouno mitb bojfes,anbplotoes of ujoou. ^;bep? cojne ano other gvapne, bp reafon of long coloe, bo fel* borne toaice rppe on the grounb,bp reafon mherof tljep are forne* times infojceo to rppe $ ojpe them m their dooues ano hoc horn fes, anb then grpnb them /£ljep lacke topne anb ople ♦ -vf of -outi is cjctenoeo bnto /«r/?4w anb Corr/w mbich are in ♦ £lje famous rpuer of TanaU, the Mofcouites call toon, hattpng btsfpjpnges anb op'ginalltn Mofcouia tn the Dukebome of fyzcnfe * 31t rpfetl; out of a greunb that is piapne, baren,mubbp, full of marplbes ano mooooes . 3no inhere it pjoceeoctb to* toaro the Calf to the motmeapnes of Scythia ano Tartar^ it ben* beth to the fouth : anb cemmpng to the marpthes oSMc»tis 0 ’ ft t * and lungdomes lying that way, 274 ft fatted) into titter of Volga ( fcmctpme talTeb auB noui calico cf tfcer mtm Edelt) runneth toloards the jSojtlj ©013 a. tertaine triples, to inborn is iopneb tijetmct Oca 0? OiU& ota= ®*B"* (ng out of MojmU, ano tljcn benopng into tijc South, anB en< rreafco tnitb manp other fitters, felletb into tije fea Euxmm, lulitclj Biuitetl) Europe ano /Jia. "um. ujooB 0? fojreft tallcB Hircmt flu 4, occupied) a fmail et is it fcmclnljcre tnljabiteo, anB bp the #'«««>«• long labour of men, maoe tbpnner anB barer of trees, 3 Intijat part tljac itetij totiiarB Trufit , ts a fiinoc of great ft fierce 35 nlleS, calico Tri 0? Bufonts, as nr.itetlj Tau'us Indus . Cljercarc at* fo fllceepr.uclj ip!;c Unto I’Jartcs, tut tb long fnotetes officii), ano ai«». fonglegges rottbouc anp bolnjmg oftbep? boupo? palterncs. ^bcfebcafies ti ) eMofcouitcs cal Z.02£:<,8nO tlje Almainesfielc' trauapii »«.®bc iopiep that ig bcttocenc Vint of Lituunia bp Smolcncc to nt winter 0II P U ofie, is trauapleo in ttintcr on flcaocs, bp tlje fnotn congeleo bplongfro(f,anBmaBeberp flppperieano compact Ipkejfe, bprcafiraofnuicbtocarpngano treaBpng, bp meanes teljcrcof *l;ie biage is pcrfotttmeB loiti) increotble celerttie. But in tlje feommer, tlje plapne cotmtrepes can not be oucrcome laitbcuc mfftcult labour: Jfo) loljcn tbe fnotn bcgtnnctb to be ctfoltteB bp rontpmtall Ijeatc, it caufetb marifijes ano tjtiampjcs tncptricable ano oaungcrotiB both fo) Ijoife ano man, Wat it not fo? certaine €mir( ,„ ? Canfcts maoe of timber tnirb in miner infinite labour. £be regi* tpmotr. on o{Mofcouia(a$ 31 bauefato)bearetb neitljcr Otnrs no? ©due trees, no; pet anp other trees that bearenr.p apples 01 fruites of rr „_ . lth berp pleafant aro fuieete fattour 0? tall, epeept Clierrp trees/op, frmteo. afmticb as a! tender ftuiics anB trees, art burnt of thereto blatts of tbe Ji 5 o?t!j tupnoeget oo tbe fieioes bcare al fipnoes of cojne, „ as l»l)eate,anB tlje grapnc eallcB sdigo , whereof tbe fpneS era "nee. Itpnteof b?eaDetsmase: alfo $p?He,n;;o panpckc,Bcbicljc:be Italians cMMtlict: tpbelnpfcalkpndea ofpuife,as Beanes, lacafon, Glares, ano fitch other. But tbcpj cbeefe barueficonfn Cetb of Iponpe ano mare, fo?afmuch as tbe tnijole region is re- IK™ 1006 ® plemfijco hittb friiitcfiilll&fcs, which make moil tatc f)or.p, not in the bul bann mens bpucs, but cucn in bollotu trees. 3no berebp commetb it to pafrc s tbat both in tbetoooooesanoiba* toco iatmeg , are fecne manp fuiamteg of Becg baitgpng on tlje Mcampoolf* of J^onp, Hmait aintoft bio JUIK& in JjBJip. fl merticplou* elMunc*. 23fare«feet>eof ponpf t ^Starts inua&e 23uUe0. C&e O5eare0 fcpjtfc. Of the northed ftofty feu t&ebotoes of trees, fo ©at it ©an not bz neceffarfe focattt&em togeacber ,o? ebarme them fcritb tbe fount* of Bate. 3Dbere are ofcentpmcs fotmoc great mattes of fyonv comber confetueo in trees! of tbeolod!?anpfa?fakeu of bees, fo?afmucbe as tbeljuf* bailsmen can not feeke eucrp tree in fo great ant* large Ujooosi : Ulnfomucljetfjat in tbe dockes o? booies ofcjcceebpng great ano bottoms trees, are ftmetpmes founoe great poalesc# lakes of Uponp. i Demetrius tbambattapour oftbeDuke of MofcouiaM)om be fent to ttjc Bittjop ofEomenotmanp peeres fince,mape rela* tion tbae a f>uf banoman of tbe count^ep, not tec from tbe place inbere be remapneD,feekpng tn tpe toooDo fo? fponp, Pcfcenoeo i tto a great yoltouie tree full of {JOonpe, into tbeutebbe flppt Dp to tbe b?ead,ano IpueD there onlp Uriel; Iteptebefpace of t'oio Papes, calling in Paine fo? belpe in t’.iat oefarc ofmoopps; aits cljat inline otfpapjpng cf belpe, be efcapeP bp a maruep* lous c'jatmce, bepngD?amcnoutbp a great Beare tbatDefcen* PeP into tbe tree, uneb ber lopnejs DoUineUiaroe after tbemaner of men. jfo?UJbentbeman(ag!p?efentneceintie anP opo?tum* tie fetucD)percepueP tbe Beare to be uritbinbis reacbe,befo* PenlpclafpePbcr about tbe lopnesuritbbis armeo, anPUricba terrible crpep?ouokeP tbe bead to enforce berdrengtb toleape out oftbe tree, anP tberettritlj to p?at»e bpm out, as it ebatm* ceP in Peeoe . 3Dl;efe regions! abounoenutb Bearer, inbiebe etterpmbere feekebotb 5>onpe atto Bees, not onlp beretoitb tofplitbep? bellpes , but alfoco belpe tl;ep? fpgbt: Jfo? tbep? epos are oftenepmes PulleP, anP tbep? moucljes toounPePof tbe Bees! : botbmbicl; greefesare cafes bp eatpng of Uponpe. ^bepbaue leaked beapesi, asiltons baue dronged :3lnfo* nittcbe that luben (bepng thereto enfo?ceo ) tbep cad them Ccb ues bourne beaPlong from anprockes, tbep couertbep? beaoes laid) tbep? feece , anP Ipe fo? a cpme aftonpfbeo , ano balfe Peaoeuritb knocked* ®jep nialke fometpmes on tU)ofeete,a»P fpople trees, backetoaroe* ^ometpme alfo tbep intiape Birtlesr, ano fo bang on them uritlj all tbep? feete, that tbep tneerpe them toritbmeigbt* ®je Beare (as fapetb < P/iwV)b?tngetb fco?tbbee ,fcp?ti; tbe tbtrtie Pap, anP often tpmesttoo. 3Tbep? birtb is a cer* tatne mbite made of flelb uritbout fonrme,anP litle bigger tben a motife, Uritbout epcs,ano Uritbout beare 5 U)ttb onlp ©e naples o? dame* and kyngdomes lying that way. 275' datuest cemmpng; fooitb: but Damme ttrftb conttnuaWpc* kpng,bplitle ana Ktle figntetb djc infojme bpjitlj.CELtljfn (been* tretbimo tbeDcnne tobteb (bee bath cbofett, f&ee creepetb top* senne. tljer mill) bellp bptoarDe,leafl tbe place fljoitlo be fomibe bp tbefleppes of bcrfecte . a no bepng tljere ceitucreo of berbp?tb, remained) in tbe fame place fb? tlje fpace of.jmDapes,tmmcue» ableaa wjptetb 3rt!totie . ©jep Ipue Uittbout meatpUiapes, cetarcinme ana fo? that tpme fuffc pne tl;cm felues onlp bp Ipckpng aitD fuc= ftpnee tbep? rpgbt fcofe . St tbe length cbatmGng to finoc meate, tbepfpll them felues fa full, tbat tbep remeop tbat futfepte bp bompre,tt!)ic()tbepp?ouokebpeatpngof3nees . ®bep?bp?tb cbe«ta?tor (stoppjeffeD tt)id)fe!:caiipaflecpe fo? tl;e fpace ofictmDapes, »«««»• d)at tt can not be rapfeo cpdjct mitb pjickpng 0 ? iuounoes, ana tntfje mcanc tpme grotoe crceenpng fatte. after fottrttene Dapes tbep make front fleepe, ano begpn to Ipcke ana fucke tbe rales of tbep? fate fcctc, ano Ipue djerebp fo? a fpace : JQof pens ft apparent tbat tbep Ipue bpanp other meate, bntpU tijefpjing tpme of tbe peere . St vobtebe tpme bcgpnnpng to runne a* b?ooe, tbep feeoeoftbe tenner bncoea ano poungfpjpggeso? bjaunebes of trees, ano other bearbes cojrefponocnttotbepj Ipppea. Befoie fiue bmmeo pecres, tbeSgtoftouites IjonoureD tbe arnmu«fon*f ®oooc3 oftijc (Scntplcs: 3no tbenfpjff rcccpitco tbe Cbjiftian • faptb ttiben tlje Bpilj oppes of ©recta began to Difcentfrom tbe tburcb of tbe lattnes »• ano tbecefojerecepucD tbe rites of tbe ©reekes, fXbepmtmftertbefacramcnt uiitlj femtenteo bjeabe bnoec both kpnoes : Sno tljmke tbat tbe foules of oeaDmen are not belpeDtoitbtbefufftagies ofpjtclfes, no? pet bp t!;; Dcita< tionof tbeptfrtenDcsojkpnffolke : Slfo tbat tbe place of fpur* gatojie ts a fable. 3!ntbe tpmeoftbe Dinineferuicc, tlje bpao* tie of tbe ntpjaciesof <£b?t(f, ano tlje ©ptftles offamctpaule are rebeatfeo out of tbe pulpitte . HJcponoc Sgtofcotria, ate manp people rabftb tbep call §>c?tbtana. ano are partelp fub - tecte to tbe pjiiice of S^alcouta . ^nefe are tlje? mbtcij Duke *>•*« of 3mi fttbDUCD, a.S are tbe people of Term, a* f urre0. bIes,Woducs,$ fuc'j otljer,U)ijtclj are ejrtbaunges foj opuers cm tljer fcpnbes of boares $ mardjanotes^ptljerto Mmfterus. v n int» fo^fmurijc as manp ooe tnarueple tljat luclj plentte caiife^fiimcSj of Ijonp fljotilD bee in fo code a coumrep, 31 Ijaue tljcugbt goob ^onp nuaiDe £0 Declare tbe reafon ano natutallcaufe fjeereof . 31c is djere* Su mmes ant> fo>e to be confiberco,tljac Ipkeas fpiccs,gums,anb obortferous rppc?em ijottc fputtes are engenb^b in botte regions, bp continuail beate bus wurmeps* ^ ^ ^bde p £m ^$out impjefuon of tlje mojti fptng tjualitte ot coloe,U3';erebpall tbpnges are conftrapmo as tljep are bilateb bp Ijcate, euen fa in coloc anb mopfl regions (buljofe mopflure'is tfjpmterano moje boaterpSjctbeninijot regions) Routes in m floures engenb?eb moje abounbauntlp, as caafeb bp imp^ef- r oioe region ♦ jj on of-teKe ano fapntei* Ijeatejbooo^png m tljpnne matter of boaserpljt sndkyngdomes lying that wav* ^74 ftatetpfbc moptfurc 3 le{re concocte then tbe matter of gummed anti fppces 3 ano other Unctuous fritters and trees grotopng in l;ot regions . jf o? although (as funder Taped} here before) the re* gton of S^Mcoma braretb neptber unics oj £>!iues 3 o? anp otljet frutte* offU)cetelauanr 3 bprea(bn oftljc eoloneffe tbereof 3 ueuer* iheiefo/^afmucl} asflcurcs (ui&eruf fjonp ts cljiefip gcatbered) ftonreeaf map fa fommec fcafon groiu^ aboundandp in dje plapnes 3 marp* mc8 * tbeg 5 $ loooti^nct onelp on the grcund 3 but alfo on trees in coloe region?; it is agreeable to gooorcafon, that great identic of Ijo* npfljoulo be in litchc regions as abounise imtij flaures, Urijicb are bright faojtl) uritb djefpjd degre e ofbeatc, and fp? ftap«_ $)ccbz of t!}c funne, as appeared} tn tl;efp?pi?g tpme 3 not on!p bptlje Tp>pttgpng of ft antes ttt fteloes and ®ardcpries 3 but alfo* ofbloflames of trees fpppngpngbefotedjeleaaes op fhttte, as ^lotromesof tlte Ipgbter and tbpnner matterfpjd Detune out Uriel} dje lotuetf trW0 - and lead degree of beate : as dje Ipke is feene in dje arte of an example of tfpllpng, toberebp all tbpnne and Ipgbt mopdures are Ipf $j£a? t r * e3 teobybptbe fp$ degree of tbefpje: and the ijeauped and tl)po bedmopdures are ojanmc out aritb moje bebemem fp?e,3s iue map therefore in this cafe compare tbe generation of flouresto snjc generate ftetotof fflapA; acn erationofctummes to tbe beat of 3!une 3 ° b " SUS^S and fopces to tjje freate of lulp t€uen fo 3 tiiIuc5e colde regions Utbofe fnmmcr agrmfjratbcr uJttb tbe temperate beate $ mops dure of $pap 3 djen tut'tb t&cptreme beate of tbe otber monedjes* that beate 10 mo^eapte to hjing foo^tlj aboundance offloures 3 as tbtnges caufed bp moderate beate 7 as plaptilp appeared} bp tbeic tad and fauour 3 in nrijicij is no ftjarpe qualide ofbeatc 3 eptber bps ring tbe tongues otfendpng tbebeao, as is m fpiccs 3 gums 3 and Suites ofbotte regtons.3nd as in coloe and plapne regions 3 ma* Berate heate 3 uritb aboundance of motdare 3 are caufes of tbe gene- anbfljmfe* ration offioures (as J baue fapoe) fo Iptopfe tbe length of dje npg&twu ... • tapes ano tl)o?tncffe ana toarmenefle of tjje npgim ttt fommec feafon 5 m fuel) coloe regions, is a great ijelpe (ictrcbnto. £ma* tttts topitetb ttt bis l)oot;e De rppe,ano attenuate the fubftancc of fruiter mitfjone tbe l;efpeofap?e 5 agreeab?e to tbe natures of fucbtbmgesi as arc b?ougbcfoO'tbtiubefame, altbougb it map doe this in rooter# But inmaner all tees are offmeete fattour/orafmucb as the mopfture that is in them, being; tbpmte ano but title, is bp rneanc brace foone and eaClp concocte oj mane rppe , ^>ucbe aifo as arc (bone rppe, are foone rotten,accojdpng to the p?ouerbe* lp!ime,altbougb in tbe.ri.boohe ofbis natural! bpiforie. Cap, biii.be mjptetb that bonp is geatbered of tbe floures of all trees andfettcsojtplances, erceptfojeil andtbebearbe called cbeno* podeQtibid) fome call (Soofe footejpeebe afftrmetb that itdef« cendecb from tbe apje : for in tlje.ptt. Chapter of tbe fame boobe, be mrptetij thus. Cbts commetb from tbe ap?e at tbe rpGng of certapne Ifarres, ano efpectallp at tberpfpng of Sirius , ano not before tbe rpfpng of V ergHti (mbicb are tbe feuen Ifarres called PUia* des)in tbe fpjpng of tlje dap . jfo;t tbenac dje mornpngfpjpng, tbe leaues of trees are founde motif mttb a facte oeme : info* muebe tljat fuclje as baue been abjooe under tbe firmament at that tpme, baue cbep? apparell annopnteo mitb lpquour,an* tbeljeare of tbepj bead clammp . 3 no mbetbet this bee tbe f mette of beauen, oj as it mere a certapne fpettpll of tlje Ifarres, eptber tlje iutfe of tije apje purgpng it fclfe, 31 moulbe it mere pure,!tqutde, $ Gmple of bis omne nature, as it firtf fallecb from aboue.Butnomdifcendpng;fofarre,andinfected, noconlp mttb fttcbebncleanebapours ano exhalations, as it mcetetlj mirb bp the map, but aftermaroe alfo corrupted bp dje leaues of cues, bearbes,and floures of fundjp tail es and qualities, and Ipbempfe af mell in if omacbes of tbe bees (foj tljep domue ttat tljeir mou- tbes) as aifo bp long; refcrupng tbe fame in pites, it neuertbe* lelfe retepnetb a great pane of tbe beauenlp nature ^c. 3gapne in tlje pint . Chapter of tbe fame boobe be mjptetlj, tljat in cer- tapne regions fomaroe tbe JScrtb, as in fome places cfCer- mam'e, bonp is founde in fueije quantise, tbat there baue been (ecne bonp combes of epgbt foots long, and blacbe in the bolom parte.Bp the mljrcb fcoojoes of ptme 5 ana bp tbe principles of naturallpljilofopbie, ttooetlj appeare chat aboundaunce of bonp ftould cbtcflp be engenored in fucljeregions^mijere tbeheate of m • > fommec and kynsdoroes lying that way. 3^5 fomwctfe temperate anojcontinuan s af vucH bp npgfjt ns bp oap, ^ ^ asinsnotmt'ot regions, bJljcre tbenpgbtcabe tong anb colic, s"Vbrwi astaoecIareomtbeC)cca5C0. JFo? Irbc ns toebe tijutges as are &mtmuc appjocbpng, anb rpltng a- bette the bpgheft halfe fphere bp as many paralds, boctif bp* mfapCbe the npght anb incrcafe the impipgbt ♦ %avnc,bpthe pofii ton 02 p'acpng efthe fphere bnber the pole, the fame is the ho^ontall that is the Cqumoctiail » ®cfc paraldlea therefore that are pafalellcs totheho?t?DntaiUpne, are alfo pa* ralefes to the ^quinoctiall * 4>o that the ^unne befeenspng; there bnber the bo?i?on, boeth noth?png barke npghtes to tliofe regtans,bntpll it come to the paraleis btilant* jcbtu, partes from theCviumociiall. , Durpng if! fccmonttt.** turn* and kyngdomes lying tliat way. Dttrpng tlje tpme of tljefc fapae fyjte monetljes of barite* tieflebnoer tlje pole, tfjenpgljt is ncftuure of tlje beneftte of fyt &unne aim tlje fopae ttoplpg&tes, onelp foj tlje fpaee of tfeee monetljes, tit tlje mljtcije tlje Auntie goetlj arm returned) 'Tpjepojiioti of tlje oucrtljUiatte circle . But pec neptljer tljts tpme of tijjee monetljes is tmtljout remrap from (jeauen . jfo? tljcSpaone vuitlj fierftill globe mereafeo inlpgljt, Ijatfj acctlfe at tljat tpme, aim fllummatetlj tlje monetljes lackpng Ipgljf, etterp one Up tljem fe'ucs, (jalfe tljecottrfeofrijemonetlj : bp toljofe benefice it commetlj to patle tljat tlje npglje, nanteo as bnaugmenteo, poireffetljtljofe regions no longer tijen one mo* nctlj a m a Ijalfe, ntptljtt tljat eonttnnallp o? abac one tpme: but tljis alfoatuioea into tljjee fortes offljojtcr npgljtcs, of tlje tnljttijc euerp one entmretlj fojtlje fpaee of turn toeekes, ana are illuminate of tlje spoone accompnglp , 3na tljis is tlje rca« fon concepuca of tlje pomcr oftljefpfjcte,lBijerebp toe tea f5e tljat tlje fommtrs ana mutlit es aimer the pole are roi lerabic to Ip* upngbealfes . But UieUipUno&ieDeriarebpotljcr rrmeaies of nature ana arte, tljat tljis colae fo greatlp fearco, is mo?e renuffe ana tolierab’e tijen ottr opinion : fo~ tljat, compares to tlje nature offuclje bealfes as Ipuetijere, it map be abpDBen, Aim tljere is noaoubtebttt tljerc are autours of ntoje antiquttie tijen tljat age in tlje Uiljidjeanptljpng luas cjtactlp knoboen oj BtTcouerea of tlje J2 oh!j regions . ©je olDenijpters tljere* fojc pcrfiiaota anelp bp naisea coniecture, spa geatljcr teljat tljep mpgbt Determpne of tljcfe places t ©j rat!jer,bp tlje estimation of beauen, tljelnljtclje, becaufetfjep fclte it to bee Ijaraeip tollerable to tljem fclues, ana IciTe to menbojn: tit riicrum? nf (^irniif arm tnnho «« ov. 2?7 'Spe Ctcmebiesof nature 5 art* Cpeofae Vuutcifivrr^ fnabcbtip rens irctacc. (!;ac a potteof bjaffe, tub tebe load broken tn funoet m.tb frofen toa.CtT, toad bjottgbc from Pow^ano $ctoeo tn 'Dehbis m to* ken ofa gitcuctis u>pncer * $cre therefore, tbeptbar (b great* !p fearco tbe topnter ( fuebe ad cljauncctl; to tlje earth bnoct the $^ut- paralde ) ano therefore confccratco tl;at broken potte ca tlje temple of 8ppoIlo: to!;at cou'ocfucbe men cruelp oefine bppon regions fa farre totfyout tfjat prnkle, together thep toers & biafcii potts bioke.i untf} iPpftjcs of feas. be MWb SHt 11 STIlcOfualitic of water. Sudani*. E&ebmnie HouiDencem inoDeratpng Ujc elements. , Otfcfie Nortlieaft f forty f tbpng ootb mo;e appeare bp this example, that tbe niouncaineS of Norway ano Svetbl ande are fruitful! of meta lcs, in tbe mbicb, tor ano copper are concoct ano molten into brines, ml; id; can featedp bp oone menaces . Bp ti;is reafon alfo, tbe bapotires ano bot exhalations pearfpng tbe eartb ano cije maters, ano though both tbofe natures tyeatbpng fbo^b into tbe ap?c, tern-- ^ “ peratetbtbequaltttecfbeaucn, $ mafcetbtttollerabletobeatf& asmitnelfctbtbe huge bpgneffeof tbe (Exhales in tbofe feas, initb tbe flrengtb of boop, ano long Ipfeof fucb beattesas Ipue oh tbelano t mbtcb tbpng couloe not be, except all tbpngs mere ^ caae **' tbere commooiottflp no^tQjeo bp tbe benefice of tbe beatten ano tbeap^e. jpojnotbpng that in tlje tpmeof enereafeis bpnojco bp anp tnittrie, 0 1 that is eupl feooe al tbe tpme it Ipuetb^cati p?o^ fper rnd. j^eptber are fuel; tbpnges as Itue there, offenoeo mid; tbepj natural mpnter, as though an Egjpuan 0; Ethiopian mere caiifeoftoe 15 ^ fooenlpconueigbeointatbcfe caio regions, tfo} tbepmere tn &c» touiarttf tlje jftjjtfj partes of tlje Uiojlse, m t!je fpjlfDtfpemonof natt= onsets not mmirotwrip patfe to tije eptremebaunDe&bHtjifait 5 namige tea tljepj habitations ficll bnoer a mpoaie heatien, between bot!*, " an”?* as inTbracia, anti Toms, niljere tljepj poaentie tuasiicctn tijer, bm u P a' Someot&e better to ftittepne tljeojour of s&ibia ano. Ta r mm< - • ©fitnesf. tSTfielifft fnrrc0. fables. 25calt«0 tOat Ipe Dpb tit Uipmer, 2UU braffa Ijauc tftt nature of the place inhere tlKpareciigeit* o?eo. Of the NortlieaO: frofty fed# v*is, asbetbatcommetbfrom tutneer to fommer, majnfje ter after abpoe pfe ano fnotu, bepng fell barocneo thereto bp tbe frolics of 9ummne. 3In Ipfce maner mortal tnen 3 accudomeo to bcare tbe baronefle of places nepc Ditto tbent 3 mere tl;ercbpac the length mo?e confirmed to fudapne tbe extremities- 8no bere a!fo 3 tf anp Ibatpnefle rentable that map feeme uuolferaWr* nature batljfopjouiocofo? the fame, mitb otber remcotes* jfo$ tbe lano ano fea, bath geuenbnto beades 3 oeepe aim large Ca« ues 5 Demtes 3 ano otber bollome places, ana fecreece corners in moumapnes ano rocke*,botb on tbe iano ano bp fea banc&es, intbembtebare euer contepneo marine bapoures 3 fo muebe tbe nto?e intent ano bebement,tn bom much tbepare tbe nto?e conlf rapneo bp eptreeme colo. Mature batb alfo geueu ballepes, m'uerteo aim Defenoeo front tbeJ2o?tb minoes* ^bebatblpbe* mpfecouereobeadesmitb beare 3 fo muebe tbe tbpcber 3 m bout mticb tbe bebemcncie of colo is greateribp reafon mljeroftbe bed ano ridrnd forces are b?ougbt front tbofe regions, as tables, mbefe p?pce t‘0 gromne to great e ( rcefTe 3 nejee Onto goto ano p?c< cf ous Gones,auo are ed eenteo p?incelp o?namentes.Cbe beads that beare tbefe forces, are bunteo cbeefelpe itt minter (mbicbe tbpng is tno?e Grange) becaufetbeirbeare tstbentbtcberano eleaueeb fader to tbefktn.i^omgreeuous then (bal me tbtnbe tbe mpnter to be tbere.mbere this title bead liuetb fo md,ano mbere tbe burners mapfearcb tbe Demies ano bauntes of fucb beades tbmttgb tbe Ujooos ano fnom But fucb beaftes>tbe conoition of mijofebooies isfotenoertbattbep arenotablecoabioetbiniu* rteoftbecolo 3 eitber!pebpomUJmcer 3 o? change their babttati* on, as 00 certaine beads alfo in cur clime. Mature bath further nto?e geuen remeote to man, both bp art ano inoudrp to oefettoe him felfeboth ab?ooe ano at borne. 3b?ooe mitb a tbicke bedure, ano the fame mil oombeleo* 3c borne 5 mitb large fperson parches, Cbpmnepes 3 ano in &>tocueS fo? tbe oape 3 mit& clofc Cbaumbers,ano Couches, foft ano marme Beooes fo? tbe npgbt : bp mljicbe remeoies then mittigate tbe mpnters, mbicb feeme rigo?ous to Graungers,altbougb tl;ep are to tbinbabitan* tes nto?e coilerable then our opinion, as in oceoe bp tbe fp?G na* turail mtpture 0 ? competition oftbep? boDies,fucb tbpngs are a« grccable to tl;em,as feeme berp baro to other. ®he Hion in Jffrik m and kingdoines lying that Way. VJ9 t&e teare in Sarmtu , are ficrce,asai tn tljepj pjefem If rengtb m toigoute : but tranflateb into a contrarp beauen, are of lefle ftrengtb ano courage • ^be foule calleo ciconia (tobtcb fomc tbpnkc to be tbe fetcjbe) both uot tarp tbe topntet : pet bo tlje Cranes come at tb at tpme ♦ ®b e ScytbUn topfl accufe tbe Ho* mane beauen as tnimcpng feuers, tnbereas ueuercbelefle tbere fenonemoje bolfome ♦ &ucb asbaue been tenbedp brought bp, iftbep come fubbcpnelp into tbe campe, can not atoaptottb hunger, toatcbpng, beate,paflagestb?ougb rpuers, baetaples, (leges, anb aflaulees : ^ut tbe olbefoulbier,exercifeb tn tbe toarres,ufctbtbefe as mebtcattons of tbe fielbe, as barbeneb tberto bp long experience ♦ Cpe that bail) been accudomcb to tbe fbabobJeoftberitte,anb topll attempte tbe faptttg of tbe poet Otrgt(,N^«i arj'fero nudus, tljat is,na&eb anb bare,toitbout boufe anb bome,(ba! to bis perpl make an enb of tbe berfe,H^- lisfrigorMfeUttm (that is) be (bal batte tbe coloe ague ♦ gmebe ^rrmakfto tbpngestberfo?easfeemebarb bnto bs, bepng aecuftcmeb bp niatume. title anb litle, become moje tollerable : 3!nfomucb that tbis exer» ctfe of fufferaunce bp fucb begrees,botb oftentimes grotoe to p?o* btgtous effectes,fatre beponb our expectation. 8nb tbits toe feeme to baue mabe fufftetent bcmonlf ration, bp beauemnatttre* anb art, toberbp it map appeare,tbat no part of tbe lanb oj fea is bem'cb to Iming creatures ♦ ^be reaber map alfo percciue botoe large matter of reafons anb examples map be epeneo foj tbe be* cTarpng of our opinion, tuberin toe reft ,iiec tbcrfoje tbauetc^ttte oftlieaumtenfanctcursgeuepIace,anbtbe confcnt of tbe netoe letters agree to tbis btftojp, not as notoe at tbe length compje* fcenneb (toberas before manp buntyeb peeres (©ermanie anb ^cenoia bab entercoufe of merebanbies not fettereb bp tbe large Stonwa. gulfe of Got^?) but as notoe bp our commentaries brought to Ipghttanb baupng fnpoe fttts rnuclje in maner of a preface, toe topi! tmtoe pjccee&eto to?pte of tlje Mot lb regions* Schondia* S Condi a, Scbondania, Dp Scbondenmarcbia, itf ag mttcljetO Cm as fap?e ®*nia t oj fappe totmaip . Time in one place, * cm , e itt nametb it Standi** anb in an other Scmdinam, iftbere be fast tin tftt no fautem tbexemples* tov:%m> v,r;:;/ ' v 3!t £w0oii&ta, i Of the northeft frofty fta. 3cU>aSnameosd>W/4,anD the people that inbabite the fame, although tbep lucre Once bnbnoboen :as Ipbebopfe the Gotbes oeparepng front tbefe Jftojtb lanoes, although thepobtepneo ^hemptre of the regions about the marpfljes of M mis ,ano the coades of the fea Euxinus, tntth the realme of Denmarhe (tuberof that is thought to be a potion bohiclje is noboecalleo Tranfiluama) ano the banbesoftberpuer of ftanubius, ano in fine,inuaoeo the Eo* mane Empire, pec boere not the regions boell hnobuett from bohencetheptoobethep^o^tginaU ♦ ®jerefo?e!pbe as part of the doe boaters arebnfufficientboitne(res 5 to tedifie ofottrnar* rations as touebpug chefelanoes bnbnoboen to them : €uen fo the other parte bohiche epcluoeo the fame as Unhabitable, are to be conuinceOjleadethep 3 autl;o 2 itie 5 bepngaomitteo, fijculoe ‘ ' eitgenoec **'■ M r." Ifte mtanct!) 5 ©tOt>OlH 0 £nculu0 ©jtmiaffona »ftOc Oolites, STtanffluania. and kingdomes lying that way. 2 80 engender opinions not agreeable oj conuement to Denature of , places ♦ Sigiftnundus Liberus , in IjtS commentaries Of Mofcouia, ^ttetlj thus* s candu oj Scondia, is no 3IIande (as fomebaue tbottgbt) tut part of tbe continent oj fame land of SuetiaMjitb bp a long tract reacbetb toCothland: anD that noire tbe fcpng fif QJenmarke poffelfetlj a great part thereof, 51E ut tobereas the totters of tbefe tbpnges Ijaue mane Scondia. greater then Suetia,mtW t\)t Gotbes anO Lumbardei camcfrom tbence 3 Wbt&om** tljepleemetnmpopmtontoconip?eljenD iljefetl)?eekpngoomes imn at *** as it mere in one borne, onlp under tbe name of Scondia muebastbeu, tbat part oflandtljac Ipetb bettneenetbefca tbtum (toljtcl)floU)etb bp tlje coafies of finlandi*)- anD tljeffofen fea, tnas bnknouien : and tbat bp reafon of fo manpe marp(bes 3 innumerable riuers, and imempcratenelTe of beauen , it is pet ruoejbnculiureDjantJlitleknoincn.^bicb tbpngbatb beentbe caufe that fomc iiidged al that ttas called bp the name of Scondia 9 to be one great 3bmd. ■ ' • * • Gron elan cle. . Oi pairure. Bp reafon thereof, voljat great P l-^ncic efcaetatic Nereis, it map ijercbp liiMS fe: appere>tbatatfuc& time as ftippes map J: palTe tbtffce r,thep fet foojtb great bcapes of rSS ^lCijec fe ano Butter to b efolde,m&ercbp tot comer; ure tlyat tlje lar.Dr is net rough teitlj barren motmtapnes. 3tl;atl)tu?oCatueo?ail Churches bnber the Donation of 2^ drofta. c c one of tijcle^ inas of late pecres a l^pChop appointed, onlp bp tbe title of a ^)tifnagane,tn ccnbdcrauon that lufjiie tlje S@ettopolitane doth neglect tlje direction of religion fc? the db mention fiance of tbe place 5 ana difficult nauigation, tbe people is in ma* Uctej# nerfaine to genaltcie,beingoftbemfeiues ofmoueableimcces^ " ■ geuen to magi call artes.if o? it is fapd tbat tbeo(as alfo tbe pea* pk of Laponia) to vzpfe tempeftes on tlje fomb imgtcMin* ^tchmiura cbaunrmemes,and typng fucb Ojpps into dmtnger as tbepem tendtofpople.^bepbfelitleibipsmadeof lLearljer,and fafea* gapnft tbe touting of tbe fea and rocfcc&andtebtbem male a* ttyutyW&Tttet Adam of Jngkia^ite ^) mips Decades - y.u. + of CbebUge of £>cba(hcutb, bntpU be came to tbe ripmeoftl;e3ibmti of Hifianiola, abcue Cuba, tin Slanbeof tbe Cant bales* £Obift narration baft gettenme cccaflontoejt* tenoe Groneland bcpott! tlje p?0m0M0?ie O? cape of Huitfarch , to tbe compncut o? fp?me lanoeof Lappo*ia,aboue tbe caflellof jvardbus j tobicbe ftrntg 3! Dpo tbe racber, fo? ftat tbe reuerenoc 8rftcbpftop of Wtirofea, conflamlp afirmeo ftat tbe fea ben* oetb there into ftefourme ofa crookeo €lboU)c. 3c agreed; bere* Uuftalfo, ftat tbcUponet confent trntb cbem in ftelpke^gto gtcall p?actifes,anDDo n epftec embrace fte Cb?iff ian religion, no? refufe it : toberbp 31 bane ftougbt ftis Ipkenefle of cuftomes to be bettoeene ftern, becaufe tbep iopne togeatber in one contu nent. © e oifl ance Ipkeinpfe, feemeft not to oifagree . ST o? bee* ttoccne both rt;efe people, fte Dtflance is not full tU)obuno?eo sd>ocni,mtv one bepng a fpace of gcouno concerning tb?eefco?e futlongcs, fcfticb make feauen mples, $ a balfe. 3It furtbermo?e agreed; tm'ft ftis conjecture that Cabot ebaunceo into fltft pfe. 3no albeit, as tottftmg fte S0oneft of 3luIp,3I topll content! it is nottucll rebearfeo, no although be l;ao lafleo bnoer fte poofefoj fucb reafons as roe baue oeclarcb before to tbe contrarpjneuertbe* lefle, that at fome tpme be faileo bp pfe, ftis teflifleft in d;at be fapleo not bp tbe mapne fea , but in places neare bnto tbe lano, comp?ebentring emb?aflng tbe fea in fourme of a gulfe, uftere* as fo? tbe fame caufe tbe gulfe of Gothland is frofen, becaufe it is flrepgbc ano narrotn.-tn tbe tobteb alfo fte litle quantise of falre loafer is ouercome bp fte abundance of ff eft mater of matip ano great rpuers ftat fallinto fte gulfe 3utbettoeene ^ano ljland, tlje fea is not frofen, fo? fte contrarp caufe, fo?afmtici; as ftepotoer of frefl;e boater is there ouercome of fte abundance ot fte falte mater . ‘Cljerets a fame (but of mtcerrapneaucfto* ritte)cbattbe^>paniaroes fapleat this p?efent to GromUnde % anbfoan oftedattOe,m;icbe ftep call Terra ftat is^ tbe greene lanoe, b?ingpng from tbence fuebe marcs as are fotm&etn Gmelande , ^omaws fte j$o?ft> it reacbetl; to tbe imknornen an i kyngdomcs lying that way. ^8?. Dt¬octt lano bnoer A)t pole>ftom to&ence alfo t&e t&eettes at® robber^ oftfte ijDtgmetcome tnto tbtjs lanne * Wbteljis an v argument that tbe regions bnoer cije pole are tnbabiteo^ aimed enutroneo toricb d;e fea, as are tbe? lubtcbe tbe Cofmograpbers call CberfonnefitO} TcninfuUQfydA tS)almoft JilanOeS* Thcdefcriptionof Gronlande. Thedefcription of the Eaftfyde,which ly* cth towarde Nor way* aUaroljusCafffe* 54* 7 °* 30. ^obiartietljeBojtb. 53 * 3 °* 7 i* 3 °- fp?ft ejrceneiom 40. ?f* 40. ^Lbe fecono ejttentton. 28. 72* ©MtfarcbpjomoM. 22 * 67 * Cbeejrtentiom 5* du 45* 3lt ts commute from cbencebp tfje coatfes of tbe lanbe of Bap smito* eallaos. 35d* do, ^Tomatoe tbe 22MattOBo£tb 9 it ts f ermines toitb an bm fcnotnen enoe of lanoes ano feas. fc S ‘V k * * . Iflande, 1 Plante fa mtetp?etco tbe lano ef 3!ft,ans fa caHeo of tlje oloc | m wxM Tbylt . 31c fa ertenoca betuiccnc tbe &out!j ano t!je *’ JSojHj, aimott turn [juitajea fcljocucs tn lontjttuce . 3It fa fa? jf'ij?"'** tlje moff parte full of mo:mtapncs,anB tmculturea.25uc in dje ' * ' piapnes it bacij firrij fruitful! patfures, that djep arc fapne fome* tpmestoajructlje bea!fesfromtbep?fteopng;,!ca!l tbep fljoulD befuflbcstemitb to much fatneOTc.^Cbis 31Ianoe is famous bp tlje Rrangc mpjacics of nature, oftbe mijieijc Saxo Grammaticus in r fas bpltojie of DenmarUe,ana Ohms Gotbus, in bis Otfcription 3flanst. of tlje jRojtb lanacs, a ocmafte mention, ®bcrc arc tn it tljjee mountapnes ofmarueplous height, tbe toppes mbereof are co= uerca midj perpetual! fiiouie : but tbe netber partes of tijem, are ; -of Ipfte nature to tljemamtapne Etna, in tlje jlanoeafSiV/- lie, boplpng miflj continual! flames of frje, auo caffpng foojtfj bipmfrone, ®neof tljefe is names Helga, anotljeotijer Mans ® t [ Sa , Crmh ftbat is) tlje mouutc oftbe creire. tbetljpfa isnameo Hc^mljofe flames neptber ronfume flare o? tom, matters moflf apte to taftefp?e, tjo? petare quencbeamttb mater. 3itti mitb ® £rttrmx*t ui« ® c niount H ecl *) ftat no 0gbc can attapne thereto . ^ut to fucfi mm*. as loobe into tbem,tbcre (frit appeare men as though rijep mere OroUmeo, ana pet tyeatbpng foortb tbepr foules : mho bepng ep* feojtco bp tbep? frienoes to refugee to tbepr onme, tijep anfmere mill? mournpng uopce anogreeuousligbes, that tbep mult oe- parte from thence to the mount Hcda, aim thereunto fooapnelp Uanplhe out of light . 3ife flotoeth about the 3!lanoe for the fpace of feuen or eight monetljes, mahpttg bp runnpng togeatber a certapnemiferable maplpnganogronpngnopfe, nottmlpke the Uopce of man ♦ ^hmhabttauntes tbpnke,tbac in this 3Ife ano the mount Hecla, are the places mbere the ettpll foules of tbepr peo* a ffraungc m tormenteo ♦ 31f anp man take a great portion of this 3Ife, tppns. ano fceepettasoiltgemlpas map be in a clofe Ueflfdl or cofer, the fame Doetb fo banplhe at the tpme mben the other 3!fe about the 3l(anDe oiflfoluf tb,tbat not fo much as one opppe of mater o } 3I(e can thereof be founoe* jponrc rpjpngs ^ ot farre from * W* ntountapnes reachpng totoaroe the fea if eontrarp coaltes, are fbure fprpngesofmater,of mofr opuers aim con- msm * trarp nature* ®je fprft, bp reafon of his perpetuall ano feruent beate, fooapnelp turneth all boopes,tbat are call therein, into ftones, referupng neuertbelelTe tbepr fprft forme ano Ihape.^The feconoe, is of intolerable eolonelfe * 3tbe tbp?o,ts fleeter then honpj ano moll pleafaunc to quench tbprft . 3Tbe fourth, is plapne popfon, pellilent, anooeaolp . €here is furthermore in tljefe tfSlmaon" fp??nges fuche abotmoatmee of brpmllone, that a thoufanoe pounoe meigbt thereof is bought for Ittle, as for the tenth parte Dipea rptyc* 0 f a oucate.^hepr cbtefe mares,are o?peo fpfl)e,as &olcs, $0ap* oens,lp!apces, ^Ipas,^)tockefpfbes, ano fuel) other, mbtebe thep exchange for uiheac, ano fuch other tbmgcs as are brought thptherfrom Iubecke,©amboroU3c ano 3m8eroam* jfor thep fbt arfenetn? of Ijaue oftentpmes fuel? fcarfenede of corne,that thep Ufe orpco fylfr tow. in tbe freaoe of b?eao, although in fommer the 21lano fo florplbetb uoith greene ano fruitful! mcoome^tljat thep are fapne fomtime* anJ kyngdomes lying that way. fotypue tbep? beaffcs from paffure,lcaft tbep fyoulo fuffbcafe fo? to mud) fa :nelfe,as 31 baue fapoe before . ®bep make berp gooO bwtcr,ano apre to be ufco in matters of pbtdcke.^bcrc ate «ouno timers kinoes of gooo £paukes,as Jf aulcons,< 8 erfiW!c 0 ns,Lan* tters,ano ;%>p?rbauke 0 : 3 iia $auen 0 ,CroOies, 31>eares, Spares, ano jf apcs>botb rnbite ano blacke.'Sbep &aue moil ftutft Ooifcs, aim fucb as rutt^mties cantimialfp tuttbou: reft o? baice/Cbep bane manp churches tfbotifes builoeooft&ebonesoOTbaies ano other great fpOjes.^be nauigation is not open to this 3 SanO but in fcmmerfeafon: ano that onip fo? tbefpace ofFottre mo* tietbes, bp reafon of cije coloe ano 3 ft toherebp tbe paflage is Hopyeojif anp ftrpfe o? Debate arpfe on tbe fea among tlje mart* tiers fo? tbe commooitie of tbe bauen,tbe gouernour of cbe place, although be baue knotuieoge thereof, pec ooetb be not punpibe them, fo?afmuche as tc appertepnetb not to bis office to oecerne fucb (binges as are oone on tbe Tea, but onip on tbe lanoe^btpS are there eftentpmes in great perpl!,bp reafon of &TtbaIes,f fucb other monilers of tbe fea, ejccept the Mariners take gooa beeoe, ano keepe them far from the ibpps toid) tbe nopfejfDiummes, ano emptte barrels caff into the fea. ©here are manp ^gpnffrels ano other that plap on inffruments, nmb tbe finer te nopfe U)ber* of, tbep bfe to allure foules ano fpibes to tbeir nettes ano fnares, $£anp alfo,lpe lurkpng in caues ano oennes,to auopo the (harp* neffe of colo, as tbe Sifricanes ooc the ipke to oefeno them felttes from the beate.On the top of a cercame mountapne calleo iveyf* zarcb/fyin g bettueene 3 !flano ano fli5ruffllano,o? (Sreonlano) is etecteo a (bppmans quao?anc of maruepious bpgneffe, maoe bp ttoo , pira?es,nameo pinnigt ano potho?ff ,tn fauour of fuc&e as faple bp thofe coaftes,tbac tbep map tberebp auopoe the oaunge* rous places Iping tomaroe ©reoniano, ^hempooeffoftbeSlIanoe* 7 o <55 30. ©becicie^arfol^c. 7 40 60 42* * Laponia. .. . T i f)e region of LaponU, u?as fo nameo of the peoule tbae inhabite it . Jfo? t be ©ermanes raft ail fuc!;e £a* pones j as are ample 0? toiapce to chinges ♦ Ziri* a2Pwu ueoute 38* Ipttftes. Whitt &A* unt0. gemfeacf U^ljalea tJOttet# STpeiiantgatt* onto30a«Dfe WJtfUi f. <&tu tfipng fernpng foj contrarp uCc0«, aftppnum* quaOjam. fMpftar grtAtagtutie. ftftrAtigt up* parcll* C&etaufeof «nol&6 errour, #dbdttfct Cartara* 3&!enti«of tep!fccbfaS< 0 . Of the hlortheafl froftie fca, people is of fmaU ftature, ano offuebe agtlitie of borne, that baupng tljep? qupuers of arrotues gerte to them, ano thep? botoesinthep? Ijanoes, thep cantoitbaleapecaft themfelues though a ctrrie o? hope of the Diameter of a cutme . Cljep fight on foote, armeo mith Dotocss anoarrouoes after tlje ma* neroftlje Tartars . tEbepare cjcerctfco in bttrlpng the oarte, ano Ojootpng,from tbep? poutb : infontuclje that tbep gpue tbep? cbplo?en no meatetmtpll tbep bpt the marfee tbep fljoote at, asopoinoloc tpmetbpnhabicatmtes of tlje 3 !!an 0 cs calleo eales o ? SBeareS, arttfictallp iD?ougbc>anD maoe fupple . ^Thefe tljep tpe tmtlj a bnotte aboue tbep? beaos,leaupng onelp tuio boles open to loohe tb?ougb, ano bane all tlje refiotie of tljep? boopes couereo,as though tbep mere fotoeo in facbes, but tbac this bepng aoopcefc to all partes of tljep? boopes 3 ts fo maoe fo? commoottte, ano not fo?apunpnjmenf,astlje Romanes mereaccnftomeotofoUjpa* rtcioes infackesof leather Untlj a Cocbe, an$pe, anoa&er*. pent, anofoto Ijurletbem alpue altogether into the rpuer of Tyler . 3 no Ijeerebp 31 tbpnfee it came to palfc, that in oloe tpme ft tuas rafblp beleeueo,that in tljefe regions there toere men iniclj rough $ bearp boopes like toploe bealf es,as parte maoe relation th?ougljigno?aunce,partealfo fakpng pleafure in reljearfallof fucbetljingesasare (fraungeto the hearers . ©je lapones oefenoeo bp this arte ano inouftrp, goeab?ooeanotuithHano the (harpenefle of topnteranotlje #o?tbtopnoes, tmtlj all the iniurpes of heauen ♦ ^fjep Ijaue no boufes, but certapne &a* bernacles ipbe femes o? hales, tobereuritb thep palfe from place to place, ano chaunge their mandous. g>ome of them Ipue after the maner of the people of Sarmatia, calleo in oloe tpme AmaxobH,, tobich ofeoujapnes in chefreaoeofhowfes. tEbep arc much gfr uen to Ijwntpng, ano baue fucljeplemieof toploe beaffes,tljac thep bpll them in maner in euerp place . 3 !t is not Iatofull fo? a momatt co goe foo?th ofthe tent, at that ooo?e bp the toljicb her bufbanoe Uienc out on huntpng the fame Dap , no? pet to touche ujtcl? her hanoeanp parte of tl;e beaft that is taken, om . , . • tpn and kyngdomes lying that way. 2SJ epntjer bufbanoe reacbe heron the fyptte ftttbc a pd?tfen of flcfljc agbetbpnfcetb good * 3Tbep tpU not the grcunde.w j^o £o tit. In jkofttufrar. Sfibzaftofmar; iirpJom ftrntgtl; a:tb ftupftaefle. &V()at StOnc* hub is, lookout ^roulauOc. djecljmmge oftijc^ojijon. QTtjeoItre auc* tfrours cnUoD ailtbc ffiouij people j&cp* *0pA»3. 4*rafmit3 ta* in J ]S8 fpjlt btjokzbcxnti* mcmtiomn bi uiftetelje fpcofiotfiof ttjc i??opIe,cal# U j i&tlapu. Of theNortlieaft froftiefea, 3!n tbep? tourneps, tbep go e not to anp 31nne 3 no? pet enter ftp to anp bottfe, but !pe all npgbt bnoer tbe firmament. t£l jep baue nabo?fe0, but in tlje Itcaoeof fljem 3 tbep tame ccrtapneuoploe beaftes toljicb tbep call ISeen, bepng of tbe tuft bpgnefle of a fjMe, uritb rough Ijeareipke an Sfle, clouen feete, ano b?atm* cbeo bonnes Ivke a l£arfe, but iotoer ano buttb fetuer antlettes* ®bep mill not abpoc to be rpoocn . But ruben tbcp? peptrels o ? o?ato)png collet are put on them, ano tljep fo topneo to tbe Cbariatteo?fleaoe 3 tbep runnein tbe fpace ofirritii. boures, a ljunojeo ano fpfriemples, o?.p.c ( r. Scbenos , tbe Utljtcbe fpace tbep affp?meto ebattnge tbe bo?t?cn tb?pfe 5 tljat fejtbjpfe to come to tbe funbe-1 figttc o? marke tljat tbep fee a far of W\M) ooubtldfe is a token bocb of tlje marucplous fiopfenefie 9 great ftrengtb of tljcfc beatfe 0 3 bepng able to continue runnpng to? fo great a fpace, intbemeaneUibplealfo fpenopngfometpmem feeopng ♦ 3tfuppofe tljat this tbpng toas fomeioljac knoiucn to djeoioe n>?pters, although recepueo in maner bp an obfeure ano ooubtfull fame: jfo? tljep alfo tD?ptc tljat certapne g>cptbian# Ooe rpoe on partes* VLfjep neptljer foloin the Cbjiftian religion, no? pet refufeit, 0 ; are offenom tljere&itb as arc tlje Jetoes : but ooe fometpmes receptte it fauourab!p,to grattfie tlje p?inces to toljom tljep obep. $no tljat no mo?e of them tmtyafe tbe Cb?ttfian faptlj,tbc faulte is fomemijat to bz tmputco to tlje Bpfijoppes ano prelates tljat Ijaue eptber retecceo this cure $ charge of tnftmctpng tbe nation, 0 ? futfereo tbe faptb of £b?ift tobeefuffbeate, euen in tlje fpjlf fp?png* jfo? bnoer tlje pretence of religion, tbep booulo baue aouattnceo tljep? omnereuenues, ano ouerburoeneo tbe people bp an intollerabie example, none otljertupfe here tljen in all Clj?t* IfenOcme, bobiclj tbpng tsooubtiefife tlje catife of moftgreeuous Defections . 31 beam 3!oljn,a bpfijnp of oi«tn^ that tbep meete fp?(l in the nto?npng, fo? tbe ®oo of that oap , ano Diuinpng tljerebp tbep? gooo lucke o? eupU ♦ ®cp aifo erecte images of (lone bppon tbe motimapnee,mbicbetbep e* Heeme as tftoooes, atmbutpngtotbenioimne bonotti* ♦ ^(jcp . folemne manages, anti begpn tbe fame ml) fp?e ano flpnt, as ™ mb amptete fo aprelp appipco to the 3lmage of Hone, as if fpie ano flpnt, it bao been reccpueofronubempODed of ©recta » tfo? in that tbcp aoljibtte a mplterie to fp?e, as tbep ooe not this alone (fb?af* much as tbe Romanes obferueo the fame ctiKome) euen foare tbep herein partlp to be commenoeo, tn that tbcp bfe tlje ceremo* iiies offo noble a people. €b e mptterie of tbe flime is no leffe to be p?apfeo,bctb fo?afmticb as this is oontetttcall pbilofopbie, andbatbalfoaneare affmieieano OgniEcatton to tbefefolemm* tics.tfo? as tbe flpm batb in it fp?e lying byo, mbiclje appeared not but bp moupng $ fo?ce: fo is there a feerete lyfe in both kpnos of man ano tooman, tobicb bp mutuall coniunction commetb foo?tb to alpupng bp?tb . ^bep are furthermore ejepene in» €rperte in- ebatmters ♦ ^Lbeptpetb?ee knoctesona (Irpng bangpng at a inbpp.OTben tbep lofe one of thefe, tbcp rapfe collcrable iupnos: <&tben tbep lofe an other, tbe inpnoe ts moie bebement : but bp lolpnci: t&c t6p?o» tbep rapfe plapnetempe(les,asin oloetpme tbep inereaccuftomeD to rapfe dumber ano Ipgbmpng . ^bis arte Doe tbep bfe agapnd fucb as faple bp tbep? coa(tes,ano llape . o? moue tbetpuersanofeasmo^eo?ieire,astljeplptl to (belli fanourojoifpleafure ♦ (£bep make aifo of leaOecertapneQjo?te magicail Danes oftbequamitie ano length of a fpnger . £bc!e &*>*». tbeptb?otneagaynftfucMf mbom tbep Defp?etobcetmiigeD, to places neuerfofarre Ditlaw. ®ep are fomefpmes fo bereO tottb the canker on tbep? aims o? legges, that in tbe (pace of tb?ce Danes tbep ope tb?ougb ibe beljemuicte of tbe papnc.<£i ; e fimnne falletb berp lolne ttrtftefc regions : ano p?o(oiigerb one ^nntpsinof cominuailitpgbtfo?tbefpaceof tfceemonetbesininpmer, Du* t ^ eeu,otl «o^ rpnguibicbetpmetbep baue none other Ipgbt but Ipke unto rl;e ttmitgbe of euenmges $ mo?mnges iJJbfo is berp cleave, but con. tinuetfj &i£&e fattest. ^Tcntieoffea fp%. i&arfcfcus. Of theNortheaftfroftiefeai timtft) tacfetoeboures, ano is !pketljeb?pgljt (bpnpng of tlje ^Done/&brtefo?e that oap that tbe £>unnereturnetb to tlje be* mifpljerie, tljep tope bolpbap,anb make great mp?tbbottlj fo* lemnc feffiuitie. 3no tljefe ace tijc maners of tbts nation, not fo b?utp(be o?. faluage, as tnoo?c&p tljerefo?e to be caUeo fcapones fo? tljep? bnapceneffe o? Omplicitte, as tuben tljep Ipueo bnber tljep? obone €mpp?e,anb bfeb no famifiaritie o? entereourfe n?ic& otljer nations,^ knebo not tbe commom'tie of tbtir obone tljinges, neptijer tlje p?pce ano cffmiacion of tljep? fees in our regions, bp reafonbuljereof, tljep foloe great pIentteoft(;em fo?fome of ourboaresoffmallbalue. &l)z bounties o? Itmitfes of Laponia (bepng tbe extreme land of ^cotibia knoboen totnarbe tbe JSo?tlj pole) are cjctenbeb to* boarbe this parte of tbe jfro?tlj, to tbe boo?to pet bnknoboen to us: $nb fitrebermo? e t ouaaroe tbe fame parte of tbe bttermoff fea,ac« co;bpng to this beferiptton* ^;befp?ftcoalf. 70 72* ^(jecoaftfolobopng* So 7* ^(jat that pet foiobuetfj* 90 70. jfromtljefpfljpng places anb (lo?eboufesoftljisfca, tljep carrp foo?tlj to Hordbotbnia, aim tnljpte 'Kttsfta, lanbes confinpng to tljem 3 great plcntie of fpflje.outb, tt is itmitteb bp a Ipne b?aboen from * tljencebntotlje Degree. 90 69. Kor'toegidjor Koftoay. N O?btnapjfsasmucbetofap, astlje jfto?tbboap . t|i 2 toasfometpme a fio?pfljpug bpngbome, boljofe bomi* nton comp?ebenbeb Denmarke , Jfrtfelatibe, anb tbe 3!lanbes farre about, Untpll tljc bomefficali €mpp?e lnas gctierneb bp tljc fuccefltott of inljeritamice . 3!n tlje meane tpme tnbple this gouernar.ee ceafTeo fo? lacke of bue tlfue, it boas indituteu bp ccnfen: of tlje nobilitie, tbac tbe kpnges (boulb be abmftteb bp election : fuppoOng tljat tljep tooulb boitb mo?e cguttie execute tljat office, fo?afmnclje as tljep mere placeb in and kyngdomes lying tliat-wav. 2§5 tije famebpfuclje auctojitie, ano not bp obtepnpg t&e &png« borne bv fortune antnuttJtatmatmcemcm . Buck came fo to patTc, tljat as etterp of tljem ctccHetlj in rpeijeffir, ambition, ano faucutc bp confangiuitie,fo tocretbep in greater trope to obteine tbebpngosme : ano were bp tbis meanest otuiaeo into factions, i)£ftropcD bp attemptpng alfo occactous to ttmane fojaigue realities, mljerebp Actions. tljep mpgbc flrengbten tbcpj parties *3 It is therefore at ti;t'S p?e* fent imnec the nonunion of tbe Daaes,tobo no not oitelp ejtact in* ^ ant04 toUetable trt butes, but alfo bjpng a! tbepj rpebes ano commons ties into Denmarke,conffitwpngtbe continuance of tljep? go* uernaunceintbtnfirmitieanopouertie of the fubicctes : tnijicbe temple, fome otljer princes no folotoe at this nap in tbc Cb?iff v t,e J nut of an empire « jfo? after tljat tbe ponces ban fojfakenfucbbertues m cs * as (bouln baue fljpnen in them, as to be fat-res patria (that is) tbe fathers oftbeie countreps, ann that in tbe place hereof, oncip tbe p?cune countenaunce of nominion rentapneo, mljicbeopenen ItcentiotifnefTe to tbimurie of tbe fubicctes: tljis folotoen thereof, that tobereas tbe Danes bp this or cafion ban no further truff o? ten rumple t>r apne in tbe loue of tbe people,tbep p?ouineo,fo? tbinnempm'tie of tljep? otutte elf ate, bp forcible ejetenuatpng tbe goons ann poloer oftbembobomtbepnelirentokeepetnfubiection . ^bisistbe fortune of ji5o?luap,iDbofe enckces, toUmes, ann cities can not oefenoe tljep? auncient ampbtune ann nignitie : neptber is there anpbope ofrepap?png tljep? (fate ♦ jfo? there are no confultati- onsaDmittenfo?tlje renjefle oftlje common toeltljiifto mm oare (betoe bis anmce,o? attempte anp tbpng, tmeertapne of the mpnoesano confentof other . %Lo this DiffrcuJtie is annen the gualitie of the place : f o? tbe Danes bane m tljep? potter al tlje natugattons of Jfr3?ttap 5 ttberbp it map ercrctfe no trane bp fea, neptber carp fo?tlj marcs to other places : &o that in fine it map ™ f prtraMl feememofimifo?tunate 5 aslackpng tljefauoureofbeaucn, tbe fea, anotbelanoe, jfrom hence is b?ougbr into all Curope a ipibe of the kpnnes of them ttljicbe me call bannoekes o? bakes, ^ tDChf ^ e>; innurate ann n?icn toitb coin, ann beaten loitb clubbes o? if ockcs, bp reafoitttbereof the Germans call them fiockefpibe* ©je takpng oftbefe, is molf commennen in 3!anuarie,tbat tbep man be fufftciemlp n?pen ann bamenen ttitb colne : o? fuebe as are taken in tbe moje temperate monetbes, no corrupt ann putrifie 5 pc laponw. g>!)nppe* itt fcauuger bp reafon af tfaftojeum. Cfjerojpngof UJtjaUs, inhales falteO a»D refer ue&. 'Cfjctittcof OftlicNorthcaft fro fly (ea* pnCri5e,anty are not meece to be carpco fo?tb* %\ )z ocfcripcton of tbe toed coade, foicf; t(je part thereof Iptns mod totoaroe tbe nojcb. jvardbus (that ijs ) tbe fcoatcbe boufe , o } toatcbe totoje 54 * 70* 30. 3 !ti 0 adronge Cadelloj fojtrefle appopnteo to tbe Lapona* ^becoadefoloUjpng, 48. 50* 70 Mattbkur , <£c. .* 311 tbe coad from hence, ano tbe places! necre about bmo tbe Octree. 45. <59.bepng fometpme lefte oefolate bp tbe femtton ano oedrucuon of Ji^o^mp^elapons cbofefo? their habitations, as camming to amoje beneficial beauen.jp rom p cadel of ward* husMta tbe oegree*4o.p.<54*io.al tbe coad tn tbe fpjing tpme 10 oatmgerouo to pafie, bp reafon of wbale&of fticb huge bpgge* nelTe,tbat fome of tbern grofcoe to an bunojeo cubtte0 : fo? tbefe fp(be0 at that tpme of tb e peere refojt togeatber fo;t generation. g>ucb (bpppeg a0 cbaunce to fall eptber bppon tbep? booieo, 0? into fucbembp?lepoole0a0tbep make bp tbep? bebement mo* tion0, are in great perplL ^beremeote to auopoe tbfe oawt* ger, 10 to potoer into tbe lea Capreum (that 10) ople maoe of tbe ffoneo of tbe beade calleo tbe fteuor, mpngeleo tottb boater: fo} tmtb tbi0 3 tbeU)bole bearoeofinbaleo banpibecb fuooepnelp totbebottomeoftbe fea: ^bep make a terrible rojpng, ano baue tuio tyeatbpng placed in tbe bpgbed part of tbep? fojbeaos, dnnopngfoojtbrpgbtacttbice in lengths ano are fytooeat tbe nioe0,bepngcouereo tottba fkpnne, though tbe toljtcbe tbep blotoemater0lpke(botoer0o?do?me0 of ratne. ‘Cbe pjickes oftbep?backe0 5 are founoe contepnpng tb?ee e!0 in circutte, ano euerp knotte betboene them of one ell ♦ ^Lbep are at tbe leade of. Ip . cubite0 tn length 5 ano are falteo ano kept in doje boufe0 . ©je greated are bnpjofitable to bee eaten, bp reafon of tbep? ranke ano bnfauerp tade,Urt;icl;e can not be qttalifieo. Nidrofia danopng bppon tbe foucb fpoe of tbe fea banke, boa0 tbe cbiefe cm ano Metropolitan cbnrcbe throughout all iftojujap, Jfelanoe, c^ronlanoe, ano tlje 3lanoe0 there about . ©tsctticU 3 a 0 robleattbefp?d bnoer tbeflo^plbpng €mptre of jftojump, contepnpng in circutte . ftiiu. parpibe*, but and kyngdomcs lying that way. but it it nob) brought in maner to a billage 3 ano is cafleO fit the Germane tongue Truth aim, as the i;oufe of the D?pioeS . ® ere remapnetb at this oap a Catbeo?aJl cburcbe in token of the auncient feltcitte, bepng fuel; tl;at in bpgnefle ano U)o;bman* p 5 fbpp of brought (fone,tl;e Ipke is not in aliCl;?iftenoome. SH;c greefes o; compafie about tl;e 3 lcar 3 toas oeftropco bp fp?e, ano repareo at tlje fame time tljat toe tojote this btlf o;ie. ^be charge of the reparation, toaselleemco to be feuentljoufanocrotones: bp tobi cl; fmall po;tton,an eft imate map be maoe of tl;e epcellen* tie of tl;e mbole Cburcbe » Retract ofalltljefea coalles is b?rp quiet ano tticekc , tbefeaisnotfrofen, tljefnotoes enoure not long. ^bis lance bad; alfo a pecuIiarpeHiIence 5 U)hichthcpca!I^mw o? Lemmer. ®l ;i$ is a litle foure fooreo bealf e, about the bpgge- ^aasofun^ neOfeofaEatte,UJtth a fpotteo fkpnne : thefefallbppon the hnetuen geutf** grounoeat certapne tempeftesano foooepne lboto?es 3 notpet ratlon * knotocn from tobence tbep corners Whether tl;ep are brought bpthetopnoesfront remote Jlanoes, o? otljertopfe engenojeo oftbpeke ano feculent clotooes. Butdjtsistoell knotoen 3 tbat asfoone as tbep fall ootone 3 greene grade ano bearbes are founo in tbep? botods notpet oigedeo. Cbep confume al greene thpngs, as oo lioculfes : ano fuel; as tbep onlp bpte , njptbet ano ope. Cbiss pedilence Ipuetb as long as it ootl; not tall of tl;e gralTe netodp fpjoong. Cfjcp come togeatber bp flockcs.as oo ^inaloms :aito at ano?oinarietime 3 either Die bp beapes 3 toitlj great infection of the lano(as bn toljo!e corruption § aitc is maoe peUtferGUS 3 ano ttiolefled; tfyzNoruegiws toitl; Itopmmpngin tl;e heao ano the 3atmoies)o? are confumeo of other bealfes na- rnttiLefrat. Cotoaros the €at1 3 itis mcluoeo toiel;intl;elpne tl;at is ojauKn bp tbe motmfapncs 3 mljofe cnocs o?ottcrmo!Ie bounces, tbep are 3 tbat Ipe totoaro the &oucb 3 abotie the mombes of the duet Trolbctta: but that part that lied; toinaro the jficijtl), palfetl; bp t he caftd of tvardbus.m is eptenoeo to the bnknoin* mamxw. tnlzlWCoUlje Lapones. quje unuolvm Wclake calico Mos, ano t'ge 3Ianoe of Hoffum w tfjc mpooea ttaof, is m ti>e Degree. 45 30 61. * Jtuljisllafecappearecljallwimgemonto : totaieis.a $•*** of tage Iroencflc . Stoo as to aU otycc places of mmk 4$oU toarttft!) lis bp (Igucs of etjpngg to some,, . ftteigljtcs ejbopliitg fed. dangerous places ut tl)e fed. jpruitfulT Sianbs about jS* 0 |Uwp. OftheNortheaft frofty fcu the toorIoe,blaGng ftarres do pojteno thalteration ano cbatmgc of thpngest fo Doth this to $c mass feene of late (in tbe peere of Cb?tft. 1 5 2 2 ♦ appearing farre aboue tbe toater,roto* ipng Ipkea great ppller , ano toas, bp comeccure farce of, eftee* meo to be offpfcte cubttes in length . ^Ijo^tlp after folotoeotbe tetecfpttg of Chrijtiernus fcpng of 'Denmarfa &UCb? Otljet mon* ftrous tbpngs are fapo to be feene in ot'uers places of the mo?lo . 3 no ooubdeffc except toe ftoulo tbpnke that the Diutne proui* 0ence 3 baupng mercpUpon mortal! men, ano berebp toampng them oftbepr offences, Doth fcno fucb ftrange tbpnges(asalfo Dialing ftarres, ano armies fpgbtpngintbeapre,tmtb fucbeo* tber portentous monfters. tobereofno caufes can be founoebp naturalltbpnges)toempgbtels fufpecc that fucb fpgbtes toere but imaginations of the fenfe of man oecepueo. Dn the Call fpoe, areejeceeopng rough mountapnes , tobtcb aomtt no paffage to Suetia . %\$ fea bettoeene Horna? ano tbe 3 HanDes,is calleo rialteflund, Eurtyus, or the ftrepgbtes* ‘We aianDofLo/o^mbofemiDDeff 42 6 7 10* Langanas, toljofe mt'DOeft. 4 1 6 7 Vajlralt,\n\)tft miooeft. 41 30 6 7 3a Z \) e fea bettoette tbefe three 3 Ilanos , is calleo Mufcoftrom (cbatis)bopling*^[ttbeflotoingoftbefea, iris ftoalotoeointo tire Caues, ano is blotone out agapne at tbe reflotoing, tottb no leffe biolence then tbe ftreames of rpuers fall from motintaines* ^bis fea ts nautgable*bntpl it be Iotoer then tbe ntoutbes of tbe rockes. Smcb as cbaunce into it out of Due time,are carieD beao* long into SLlbpr pooler ®be fragments* of tbe loft (bpps,are feloome caft bp agapne. ‘But tobctt tbep arc caft bp, tbep are fo brufeo ano frecteo againft tbe rockes,tljat tbep feeme to be ouet> grotone toitb boare. W)i$ f s tire potoer of nature , pafftng tbe fabtlous Srfmpfciaoes $ the fearful M^tottb tbe Dangerous places ofsilla ano CarMis, ano all other miracles that nature bath torottgbt manpower fea hptherto knotoento man. ®be 3 llanDS about Mor»*yjw of fucb fruitful pafture,that thep brpng not tljepr beaftes into the (fables before the monctlj of jftouember, ano do in manp places topnter them afyooe* Suetia and kingdotnes lying that way, : Suecia, or Suethlande. S VecU , ts a kpngoome rpdje tn ©otoe 5 fcpluer 3 Copper, lLcaoe 3 3ron 3 frutce, cattaple, ano epceeopng fncreale of of tUc tpuer^, fakejaf, ano t be fea 3 ano baclj no leOe . plentie of fud) boploe beaded as are taken nritb buntpng. f&otoaroetbe 2Beft 3 ttts eaoeo UMb tbe mountapes of Jftq* Doapfromtl)eCaftdof^r^«i tmtotbcnoe» 51* 6 $ . 40 ^ofcjaroe tl;c j&outb, lout) tlje line from tin's enoebnto tbe oe* grees 55. 30* 6u ^noffomtbencebntotbeocgrees. 61* 60. go* ^botietbe gulfe of &uecia 3 touwroe tbe no?tb 3 U)ttb tbe fotttb eno of Lapporia from d;c caff el of fVardbus bntotljecnoe. 62. 70* 3£objaroetbe€ad 3 tttsenoeotmtbtbe line from tin's enoe bn* to tfje Degree. 6g. <5?.$c, £tokbolmet\)t cbtefe cttte. 64* dr. ^Tbis ts tbe djtefr mart toume of Sued*, ano ts Grongtp oefem oeo bp art ano nature . 3 }t is Ornate tn marp(bcs,aftcr tbe mauer of dctttcc : ano ooas cberfo?e calico stokbolme, fo?afntucb as be* png placco tntbe teater 3 tbe ftmoaticnts fo?ttfieo lottl; rtockes 0? piles. Cbefeaetttretb into ttboub ttoo armes 0? b?ancbes 3 of focljlargcmfle ano oeptktbatlbpps of great btiroen ano umb matne faples map enter bp tbe fame fericb tbep?fu! fraigbt.^bis ftiffereo of late peeres grecuotts fpefie ano oedrucdoiyo tbe fin* gttacirempleof cruel bodtime t ano fucb, as tbeipke batb not been Ipgbdp fijeineo to anp other cm'e 3 rem'ueo bp league ano compofiort ♦ 3nal tbe tract from stotyolme to tbe lakcabouecbe rpuer ofzw^^ mbtebe ts in tbe oegree. 5 6 go . 6g . 50* are mmmtapnesfruttefulofgooofpluer 3 coppcr 3 ano leao * Cljep get great rpdjes bp tbefalmons ano : picture of otljer fpfljes d# d;e tbcp taketn certape great lakesi Cbeoukeoomecfggcrmanmaoccuptetb tbeno^tbfpoe to tbe confines of uponia . Eb Cpitur. I$arb&u« rarteU, CO* gnlftof Jbucna. 3Tb t titie of £>toRJjoimr, <8olbeftt rotbe regtSus* 3Tbcbf arte falicb l^rog t^pfaUa, Copytrbaiia« Of the northeft frofty feaf fotithtoarde from the Dukedom tUmptU . JJnderthfs, fs the balpant nation of the people called iz ulekarly. Cpianbia. opUndU, ts a Dukedome and the nautl m mpdded of Scondi * ^Thecttteof Tircbo, on thei&jjth fpde ofthe lake of Meier* toas once a great citie,andableto arme.jtuu,tl;cufande n cn to the tuarres : but is noine b nought to a bpHage. 311 the tracce of opUndia, hath mpnes of &p!ucr, Copper, and Steele. Df the Jlanoes and rockes that !pe about Sued* , the mpooedts. 6 30* 61. 30* ^hefe toere called of the olde Ui^ttcret £>one, the reafon of n)hfrh ^pide«. name rentapnech Onto this dape : Sfo} there are in thefe tnmi* merable multitudes ofbpjdes, tnfomuch that thtnhabttauntes *w**tUf of nt V coad,faple thpther in the moneth of $pap, tohple the •wo \\\ ran*. bpjdes fpc on tbep? egges : tohich chep deale, and referue them in falttyaiongtpme. Bothnia. B othnia is fo named ofthe potions furres of all fortes that are carped from thence into fojaigne regions: tfo) bp fine » . ” thefe and tbepj fp(hpng,thep baue great commoditte . Sal- mons ofthe bed folate taken in thefefeas^ are great riches among thefe nations. Mntiiz diuided into tino partes, as Kortbbotbnia,$ £pOUtb Bothnia, called OJlrobothhia. Kortbbotb* n/^tsterminedmiththe &outh ende of the Lapom,mo the ende. 78* 30* 69 €otoatoe the Cad, it is f ermined totth this ende, and tints the degree. 78, 30. 68. 20. ^otoarde the ®ed,mith the line temtinpngthe Cad fpde of sueda . 3 nd totraroe the &outh, Uitth the refiDue ofthe gulfe ofSttftMjfrom thende that hathdegrees. 63. 69 . Ojlrobotbnia, totoaroe the Cad is termmed from the fapde etide ofthe mod Cad coad . 3 ndtotoardetbe youths toitba line extended bp the mountapnes from this ende bnto the degree. 71 66 STotoarde the JSojch and 2®ed, toith part of the gulfe of SU{(f4j(fC> ■ Gothia and kingdomes lying that my. Gothiaor Gothlande* G OtlUte ftp interpretation gooo . if oj tbe fjolpnattie of <$oD a t$mtbe Germane tongue Goth (tftatfe)$ootr. gttoljat tpme tfje Gothes upon a general* content Cent foortb tftepr ofTp?ingo?fuceirionto fecke nctoJ featc 0 eountreps to tnbaftite* anomben ttep poflefleD the coaftcsof Meotis anu Jfi*, none of tbeotoe meters bauemaoe mention aa farre as 31 ftnom. TBut tbep ftaue been ftno men fince tbe tpme tftat tbe fymanes oilateotbcp^Cmptre ftp lllmum (noU) calleD £/jwom>)ftntotfte rpuer of Vanubius 5 anb mere aifo famous from tbe time of Cefar amtbksfimg tbe fttermoU bowno of ^empire- ilfcuertftelelTe, in tbat renomnte mbat Gothu mas, &nDermbatpartofbeauenitmasfcttuate 3 or ofmftcm tbtGotbes eooketbeiro^iginaf 9 it batbfteen ftnknomen almofl: to tftis age. Cftisistermtneo tomato tfte j&opft 5 mitlj tbe &outb cnee of Suetia, , anDtomarDe tfte&Lleft, mitb tbe other motmtapnes of K or*#, mftiebe continue from tfte ftcunoes of Suetia, to tfte moutbes of tfte rpuers of T nlheta.$c. 3 lt ftatb manp gooDlp ^omnes, Cfcf es 5 Caffles 5 $pine&frc. ©ecitie of K/jMeingintbe Degree, 61. 30. 5f if. mas an ancient anD famous mart 3 Tomne,a? is Genua in italie at tftts ftap : but afrermarD being affltcteD ftp § ineurlions of tfte $ traces of tfte 'D4#ttanD Mojcouites, it mas left Defolate. Zl)t re remapne to cbis Dap certapite ruines 3 mbicbe tell tfte tfte atmnenc not ilitie. 3 In this place mere tbe fade nations of tbe Gotbes tbat poflefleo Mm//. 31 cisattbisDapoffrmtefulfople 3 ano famous ftp ma* np gooDtp ano llrong Cattles 9 $Ponatteries.Cbere is (amoOg otber)a Sgonattetie of tbe o?ber of ftaint BencDtct, in tbe mim ebetsajib?arie of abouLtmo tftpufanpe ftqckcs of olo auctojs. 8ftouttbepeere ofCbjtitte fourefcoje anD epgbr 5 tlje Gotbes , ftnto mbcm refojteD a great tmtlticuDeof other people of tijefe 3fto?tb partes of tbe motfoe 3 as from Lmnia, m Tartaria, mitb Diuers other countrepes J mafepng them otuers ^pnges ano Captapnes , Dpo Depopulate anD b^m in fuftiec* lion tbe mo?e part of £Wu/>dnuaDeb ItalieMQtom %meMa> ftrtcD that parre of italic nerne calleD anDlpftempfe fuftDueD tfte ^ealmes of c aftilt anD Aragwti. ®(«tr Carres com tuweD aftoue tfyet ijunyai perns. Finland, :$8 GyimiAtioitatf ijra. SE&itoarttOf tjjegotDeoa* gapnft tfte&o* manes. tariic DounDre of gotpianO. ^Tfientitof ISifba. 33anes atib * fftofeomtea^ SC ftbratte of tlva tfjoufanD baofcea. Cfjc gotfjee in* uaijfiO Europe, anti tnftropifc t^omr. »rfv) v Of the nortlicft frofiy ftaJ Finland and Eningia. > p inUndia, fa a# much to fape a fapje lans,ojfpne lanse, A fo names fo? the fertflitie of the grounse. PEnie feemetb to call it ftnmnU j fojt be faietb 3 tljat about the coatfe# of Finland, are rnanp 3llarto# tmtboutname#, of the mbicb there Ipetb one ^annetifa before Scithia calleS PannonU, ®e gulfe CalfeD S/«#J Finnonicm , faiflp taken foj ; ijaifo names at tbi0 sap Of tbe lano Of Fimmia . Finnonia conn* j*t»moma* ^ frith Scithia , anSrumietb UmhOUt aU Tanais, (that fa fO fap) uritljout the Ipmitte# of Europe to the confine# of Jfa-TBut tbattbe name of Einlande feemetb not to agree hereunto, the caufe i#, that tht# place of county tes, a# are manp other in tbfa aucthour . &o that from the name of Finnonia , oj Thin* nonia, it toas alpkelperrout to call it Pannonia, fojafmucbea# tbefenjojse# soo not greatlp siffer in tojptpngansfoun&e :fo that the coumerfect name mao foone put in the place of the true name,bp hpm that fmeto Pannonia anS reas that name befoje,be* png alfo ignorant Of Phirmonia. EningUfy as in olse tpme the tpdeof a fcpngsorae, it fa of fuchlargeiteiTe^but hath nolo onlpthe tide of an tnfeuourgc* uernourjbepngbnoe^the somtmonof th zSlauons, ansbfpng thefame tongue . 31n religion , it obferues the rpteo of the Gree - of late peeress, toben it luag onset the gouernance of the Mof couitcsiTBut it fa at tbfa p?efent baser cfje kpug of Swcia$$ obferueth thinfiitutroao of the ©ccisentallchurche * %nfr 2 fi)g Uipnes are brought thither in great pie wie, tobicb the people bfe merptp ans cheercfullp. 31c to termines on the jftojth Hue op the t &outh Ipne of opMwia, ans fa eptenscs bp the motmtapneo. Komars the dUefiyt to termtnes initb the fea ofFinnonU^cto}* spng to tbfa sefcriptton, ans hath segree#. 71 66, Of the difference of regions,ancl caufes of great citie$,after the defcription Qffjieronimus Cardanus. Liber. s'l.PeSubiilitate. tomes. v / , « Ijeate • 4Fo;iuf&e as ate neareotxo tijc poles , arcbcjceo luitO to murijC co!oe: auo fudje as are imoer tlje line totjere tbe Smnnets of greatett fojee, ate oppjel&o iBitlj fjc.ite . settdje as are in tije mtODett bettoeene both .are aeareBbnto temperatenefTe , Clnbet tbe pol e, it is tmpoflil ije 4 y:; ij; -m(: t , ysr.Cr , c r i k ' ’ V t 3s sn J kyng<3omes lying that way. 58$ flat tec (bottle be ^ oonloustittegjbpcaufc the lande fg barren, and the cstp^ge o? ronuepaunce offtuites,btcmalles, and other ttcte(rarpes 3 ts tncommodious.’Bp reafon mbereof, tt is ncccfia* tie that tbe fiAabttaunteis of foci) regions Ipue eucr in continual! mans erp ng from place to places els in fmall UpHages . gmebe ad inbalrice temperate regions, baue meane cities, afmeli foj tbat tbep bar c mo?e commodious conuepaunce foj neceflfarpcs, as alfo tfjat djep map omel better and mo?e fafelp togeatijer then tn upllagcs^p reafon of fojttfpmg tljeir cotones intefj malle#,and e pending of acres ano occupations, mbcrbp the one map the bet* ter belpet dje other ♦ get that aloe IRome (iicpng in a temperate *egion)mas of fucb incredible bpgncfle,tbe caufe boas, that it ob* tepneo tbe Cmppje of the mo?fDe 3 bp reafon mljereof,aU nations bad confluence tbptbcr,and not tbe greatnefle of tbe malles.But it is neceflane that tbe erre ateff cities be in botte regions t fpjff, foi tbat tit fucb regions, pan of tbe fot'Ie is either barren if it lacfce mater, o$ els mofl friutfttU tf tt abounde mitb macer.^nd fo? this tncqualttie, mbcndKpfpndeanpplacemeetetofuftepnea mul* titude,it folometb of neceflittc tbat great cities be builded in fucb places, bp reafon of great concourfe of people refojtpng to dje fame, in other great caufe ts,tbat mbereas in fucb regions, mar* tbaunc es come uerp farre to fucb commodious places, tbep paffe though manpdefarte ano perilfous regions : &>otbac itfljalbe neceflarp foj tbepj better feenrirte, to come in great companpes, os it mere great armies. 3na therefore mbereas fucb a focietie is once fenpt togeatber in a commodious place, it (botild bee great bpnderance afmeli to the tnbabttantsas tomarcbauntes,if tbep n>ouiD mander in incommodious places. 3nd bp this confluence, both of fucb as omcllneare to fucb places, and alfo of Grangers and fucb as dUaell farre of,it is ncceiTarp that in continuaunce of tprne, fmall tomnee become great cities, as are tbefe : Qtdnfai, SinguiXambalutMemphi^CairusAlJlcdrMwtyktalteOTdfr btlon in Cgppc.'Bnt if here anp mill obiecte Conflaminople (in olde tprne called nzantmm) bepng in a temperate region, al« though it be not to be compared to fuel; cities as are mo?e tbert fjr.mples in circuite,pet doe me anfmere herebnto, that the fees tftoippje is tlje caufe of tlje greatnefle hereof, as mefapde before of Home* _ i Wu . %[)Z SBemetrlua ffteainfoaOTa* Hour of /il^of- cowa. Paulas (Ten# curio. tbvitts bjn^n-from; 36 iiOta t o iftfto&oiiUb Cdetjwec 3buws, Of the North caft froflic fe.i* Thehi ftorie written in the latine tongue by fdulus lonius * byshop of Kuceria in Italic, of the legation or ambafladc of great $aftlius Prince of Mofauia, to Pope Clement the.vij.of that name: In which is contcyned the dc* fcription of Mofcouia, with the regions con- finyng about the fame.euen vnto the great and rych Empire of Cathay * 3!nteno fxrft b^tcfTp fo Defcrtbe the (ttuattou ofcfec regton mbt'cb me plainelp fee to Ijaue ben litle fcnomcn to Strabo $ ftolme# tl;en topjocee&et'nrebearltng the maners, cm ttomes^ religion of tbe people : ano this in jntaner in tbe like limple llile anopb?afe of Jfpeacb 3 as the fame mas oeriareb unto Us bp {Demetrius the 3mba{ia&our,a man not tgnojant in tbe latin tom gue 3 as from bi 0 pout!) b^ongbt Up in L/woh/ 4 , mberebe learneo Hjeftrft rum'ments ofletters, anb being gtomneto mans age 5 ej> ecuteo tbofftce of an ^mbalfaDour tme oiuers Cb?iff tan pjouin* ce&jfoj mijereas bp reafonofbis appjoueo faitljfulnelfe $ inou* ftrie, be bao before ben fenc as £D;atonr to tbe fepnges of Succia wetoe fiiiiiietmope of great magnauimme^nu in manec owragtotis oeUre/ougbt bom bp r. ncm and incredible i (age/pi- ces might be brought from JnBiajfqt mbile btfo; e bee Ijutj c;eer* cifeo the trace of roarebanates in Syr'u,Vgypt 3 % PontusM feme bp fame that Iptrejs mpg&e be ccmieigbea from the rurtbes 3 t*aia up tlje riuer Jwfoagamd the coutfe of tlje um^anu from J;euc 2 Up and kyngclomes lying that way. 6j) a fmafl bpage bp lano pairing cuer tbe mountatneg of nifusjo be carteo to the rpuer Oxus tn ^Alria, mhtcb bailing bis opginali almoft from the fame mcumapnes from fcbence * ndus Dactb fptpng, ano utolemlp carping mitb tt manp other rpucrs, falktb into the fea Hirunum oj Cafmm , attbepojte calico Stra- be earncttlp affirmed that from Straua, is an eaSe $ lafe natugarton onto the marte toume of Citracban oj AHrubtn^xfc the moiulj of t!je rpuer Volga, ano from thence cueragatnft tljc courfe of ti;e rpucrs, as Volgaficcha , ar*o iA ofcbo, onto the citie Mofcba, ano from tljence bp laube to ano into the fea of Samaria , ano all the iHlelt regions ♦ jfojbemasbebement: Ip 3 ano mo;e tl;en of cqtutie 5 accenfeo ano pjouokeo bp ebf tmurics oftbepojttugales, mho baupng bp foicc of atmesfuboucoa great parte of 3InDta, anopoftelfeoailtbc marte toumcs, ta* kpng mbollptmo tbcpjbanoes alltbetraoe offppcesco fopng tbe fame into &>papae, ano ticuertbdelTe ro fell them at a moje greeuaitsainimollerablepncctotlje people of Europe tbene* tier um beats of before : 3ao furthermore keptetbecoaftes of tbe3inbianfeafollraigl)£lpu3itb ronttnuall naities, tbat tbofe traocsarctbcrebp left of, uibtcb mere before epercifeo bp tbe gtiffe of Terfu, ano temaroe tbe rpuer of €upb?ates, ano alfo bp tbe ftrergbtes of tbe fea o£Arabia,m* tbe rpuer Hlius, ano in fim bp our fea : bp toljicb craoe all A ft a ano Europe U)a3 ab oum fcantlp fictffoo, ano better cbeape then bath been Once tbe pop tugalesbao tbe trane in fbcp? hanDes,U)icb fo manpincommooi* ties offticb long'utagee, mljerebp the fppces are fo corroptco bp tbinfectton of tljepo mpeano ocher filtbin efle of the lbpppes 3 tbat tbepr natural! lauour, taffe, anoqtialSTe, afU3ellbeerebp,asbp theprlong referupng in tbe (boppes, fellers, ano mareboufcs in Lu(ljebarne,Oanpll)eth ano reloluetb, fo tbat referupng eutc cbefrelbeflanoneuhlf, tbepfellonlp the Uioorl! ano moll cop rupees, “But Paulut, although in all places be earneftlp anObebe* memlp argueo of tbefe tbwges 3 ano Uppeo great malice ano ba* creo agapnH tbe popugales, affppnpng tbat not onlptberebp tbe cullomes ano rt ttenues of princes (boulo be much greater, tf tbatbpage might be Oifrouereo, but alfo that fppces mpgbc bee better cbeape bought at tbe banoes of tbe Mofcouites : pet cduUj benocbpng auapletutbisfuice, fo?afmucl;e a$ Duke Qafiluts I&M4 thought 5pO ua,a rpuer of ana funnel rfnouginhcDe* Cams of|>p> tpia. Cfn fea I£ircd« mmu*. uoui CAl’rbmdTrfti I)aru i&png of Dem marke (tbe father of Cb?ilfierne,tobo toas of late erpulfeo from bis kpngoome) tbac fafe paflage mpgbt be grauntco to tlje Sim* baCfaooursofMo/cc«/^togoetoHome . But toljereas tefo ebatmeeo, that kpng 3!obn ano p>pe Julius opeobotb in one Dap, toberebp belackeoaconuementfequettero^foltdtour, be omttteo bis confiscation as touebpng tbac legacie . Sifter this* tbe toarre toapeo (jocte bettoeene bim ano g>tgifnnmoe tbe kpng offolonie : tol;o obtepnpng tbe btcco^ie agapitlf tbe Mofcouites . at tioriftbene, fop plication 3 toere oeereeo in l&omefoj tbe o« uertbjotoe ano banquplbpng tbe enetnpes of tbe Cbjifttan faptb, toljicbe tbpng greatlp eltenateo botb kpng ftafelius Ijim felfe, ano all tbac nation front tbe Bpiboppeof Home ♦ Buttobeti Slogan tbe.ot.oeparieo from this Ipfe, anolefce fpaulus noto reaoie to bis feconoe opage, bis fucceffour Clement tbe.bit* percepupng tbac pmlus tfpll furtoufip reuolueo ano toffeo in bis toiqupec mpttoe tbac Dpagc cotoaroe tbe Calf, fent bim agapne tottb letters to M ofcouia > bp tbe tobidje toitb pjopcnfe ano frienolp petfuaSons, Ijee e jcbo?(£D 'Bajilim to acknotoleoge tbe maicllic of tbe Uomane cbtsrcbe, ano to make a perpe* mall league ano agreement in matters of religion, tobic!) tbpng Iboulo bee not onlpfo? the health of bis foule, but alfo greatlp tocbemcreafeof bis honour : 3no further pjcmp&o, that bp the boip auccbontte of bis office, be tootilo make him a kpng,an& gpue htmkpnglpojnamemes, tfretectpng tbe Doctrine of the ^reekes, bee tooulo confourme Ijtmfelfe totl;e aucibojicie of d;e Stomane eburebe#. But and kyngdomes lying that mf* 2pt 55ttt ipaulus, mljo tuitg mo }t pjofperous I'ourncpcgJ then great bauntage , feao from bfa pouclj trattepleo a great parte of tbe mojioe , although See mere name ageo, ana foje bepeo mttb tbe ffrangurie, came mitb a pjofperous ana fpeeop tourncpto ^ofcouta, mbere be mas gentellp recepuea of Vafilius, ano remapneo tn IjtgCourtefo^lje fpace of cmoo monetbes ♦ ^utinfine, mtHrulfpng bis ornne flrengtb,ano Beterreo bp the oifficultie of fo great a tournep, mhen be baa Btterlpput amap all big imaginations ano hope of tbte traoe to 3lnota, retttrneo to Home mitb Demetrius tbe ^mbaffaDour of whereby you doe exhort vs to ioyne in power 5t counfayle with you,5c other Princes of Chriftendoine 5 againfl the enemies of the chridian fayth : 5c that a free padage 5c redy way may bee opened for both your Ambafladours 5c ours,to come 5c £o to 5c fro, wher- by by mutual dutie and indeuour on both parties,we may hauc knowledge of the Hate of thinges parteynyng to the wealth of vs both. V Ve certes,as wehaue hythei to happen ly by the ayde and helpe ofalmightie God conflantly and carneflly refilled the cruel! 5c wicked enemies of thechri- flian faith, r o are we d; termined to doe hereafter: and are hkewife redy to confent with other chrillian princes, & to grauntfree pallageinto ourdominicrs.In confiderati- on wherof, wehaue fent vnto you our faithful feruantZV- tnetrius Erafmus, with thefe our letters*& with him haue re- mitted Taulus Centmiodcfi ring you alfo shortly to di fmilTc (Demetrius, with fife^ard and indemnitie vnto the borders ofour dominions. And wc wil likewife do the famr,ifyou fend your Ainbafladourwith Demetrius, whereby both by communication and letters, we may be better certified of thorderandadminiifration offuch things as you reemire: fo that being aeluertifed ofthe mindes and intent of all o- ther chriftian princes, we may alfo conlult what is bell to be done herein.Thus fare ye wehGiuen in our dominio in our citieof Mofcouia, in the yeere from the creation of the world.vii.thoufand and. 300 .thc third day of Aprill, 35t!t Demetrius m be ts? cjrperfc ftt m'utnc anti humane tjtngesb anoefpedalfp ofljolp feripture/eemeu toljaue fecrete commaun* mmt of greater matters?, to&tcbe toe tbtnfee lie tot'll l&ojtlp t>* dare to t!;e fenate mpjtuate confulta:ton& tfo} he is; noto Prime* res and kyngdomes lying that way* m of tbe feuer 3 tnto tbe to&tclj b All bp cljangeofapje 3 anb tjatfb fo recoucrco bias flrengtb $ natiue colour, tbac being; a man ofilp. peered of age 3 bc fcoas not ofilp p?efcnc at tbe looped mafle, cele* tyateo mitb great folemmtie in tlje honour of&. Cojmus $ Dam* enate 3 atfuclj tpme asCarotnal Cam - tfarbfnan. />egf«;,commpng firff from tbe Icgaete of TannomAm rccetueo ca,npesulA of tbepope $ all tbe nobtime of tbe court: am j furthermore alfo btemeo tbe Ecmples of tlje bolp ctae 3 uritlj tbe rutnes of tbe Eo* rupwe* mane magmficcnee 3 affl> inttb u?oonojtng; epes beljelo tlje lamat * t mme * table map of tbe aunci'entbutlDtnged . ©otbatmetljmke tbac (bojtlp after be batij Deciarco Ijtd meflage, be Ibal return to Mof* couiaMt b tbebpajop ofscarenji tbe pope* legace 3 tiot bnrecom« penfeu mttbtuftrcnmroed at tbe banned of bw Ijolmeflfe. Clje name of tlje Mofauites ts nobie netne, although tlje 'S'befcermptt* poete lucane maketlj mention of tlje Mofcbos confpnpng mitb tlje Sam at Um : anb jaitnie alfo placetlj tlje Mvfcbos at tlje fpjtpnges of tbe great rpuer of Shafts, m tlje region of Co/- fkj,aboue tljefca Euxinus,*o\mm tlje Call . f£ljepr region sr&e guitars batb berp large botmoed, antudcptemunfrom tlje 3ultard of *** great laiejcanoer about tbcfpjpnged of Tanais, totljecjcireme * lanbes ano jftojtlj s2)ccan, in manor bitter tlje J^ojtlj tfarred 3 calleo charted mapne, o;t tlje great Beare, bepngfoj tljcmolf parte plapne, $• of fruitful! patfure,buc in fontmer tn manp pla- ces full of mariQjed . jrojbJbcrcad all tbac lattte id replenp* fbeo toitb manp attt great rpuerd 3 mbicb are grcatlp mcrcafeo bp the rupnccr/notne, ano 31fe, refolucobptbebeateoftbefunne, tbe plapned ano fretted are tljerebp cuerfiomaimitljmanfijed, parses m aim alltourneps tacombieti uritb ccnumiaU ttiatcrdaittmpjte ommcr * fi tbbpnefTe, bntpUbp die betufree of tlje neme tnpntcr tlje rp* uerd ano manfijes be fro fen agapne. aitt glue fife palfage to tlje fleaoedtljatarcacculfomeotaiourncpbp tlje fame, ^betocob am) fo mane thinner bp tlje long labour of memtljat tt Ooeelj not notn fljeUie that [joj- rour oftljtcke ^ impenetrable tooebs ano lam?es 3 ad manptljinke it to Ijaue.But bepng rcptemOjcD tmtlj manp ruploe beatfed 3 B fc mmbmt* far eptenoeo though M ofmiaMti) a conttnuall tract bet&eene 3Pp*utt« tsje Cbebeaftes ralleti l3n,o| 23 iroitcc 0 # Helenes, <©ftf)e £>tvi tDiati&ana ^Tartar®. SCmajmiiu $o|ba, Of the Northeafi froftie fca , <5tf)e ^cptuiait tty and Bo?tlj 5 t0toaroe tlje g>cpt&ian £>cean, tfjat bp ^cean. tl je Infinite greatnelTe thereof, it Ijatb deluded tbe hope of f itebe as baue curioufip fearcbed tbe enoe of tf;c Fame . 31 n tljac parte t 6 atreacljetljtoU)aroe(Pr«/h' 4 , arefotuide tbe great and fierce bealfes called Vri, o ? Bifontes, of tljekpndeofBulles : Mo, Jlces Ipke onto Fpartes, nrijiclj tlje Mofcouites call Lozpq* and are calico of tlje (Dermapnes Helenes. £)ntl)e€afirpoeof^ofcotna‘are tbe ^>cptbtans 3 njbtcb are at tljts dap called Tartars , a toandjpng natton 3 and at all ages fa* motts in lnarres»3in tlje If eao of Ijoufes tljep dfe doagcn^couereo untlj beaifcsljpdes, toberebp tbeptoere in oloetpme called ./* maxouii.f o? cities and totones, tljep bfe great femes and pautfc ons 3 not Defended Uritb trenches o? dalles of tpmber o? (fone 3 but i inclofed Uriel; an innumerable multitude of arcljers on bo?fbacke* t£lje T artars are diutdeo bp companpes,U)bicb tljep call Bordas, UJljtclj Ujojoc in tljep? tongue fignifietlj a confentpng companp of peop!e,geatljered together in fojme of a cm.ttmpBorda is gouerned bp an €mperour 3 toijom eptljer fjis parentage o? boar* Ipke pjornes Ijatlj pjomoteo to that otgmtte.JT o? tljep oftentimes keepe matre uritb t!;ep? bo?derers, and contenoe ambrriotiflp and fiercelp fo? oomtmon.3fcdoetlj Ijercbp appeare,tbattljep com ftif of innumerable B or das, in tljac tbe T artars pofi*elTe tlje moll large defartes 3 cuen bnto tlje famous citie of CathayA n tljefurdell £)cean in tlje ^alf . ^Ijep alfo tljat are neareft to tlje Mofcouites, are knotnen bp tljep? trade of marcljaundies, and often incurfi* ons.3rii€uropc 3 neaeebmotbeplnce called Dromon J chillis, in Taurica CberfoucfoMZ tlje Tartars called Brecopites , tlje Dauglj* ter ofnrijofe p?mce,Se>^»«j tbe €mperour oftlje burkes Cooke tolnpfe ♦ tEljefe are moft infell totiizBolones, and toalfc tlje regions on euerp fpde,betUieene tlje rpuersofSon/h^j and Tanais . ^bep tljat in tlje fame Taurica poflefie Caffam,&tO* Ionic of tlje UgmUns (called in olde tpme TbeodafJ) ooebotlj in religion and all otljer tbtnges agree Uritljtlje burkes ♦ 3i5ut we tartars T aYtaYS ^ aC l«babttC tlje regions Of Jfa , betfoeene Tanais ofaiUarefub# and Vo!ga,mh\biztttoBafiliustbztyt\$of tbe Mofcouites, and Sepffeoo clj0 ° rc cl3cm a £ ouerncttr at bis afiignement ♦ among tljefe, tbe soma* Cremii afflicted nritlj citiifc feoitions, nrijere asbecretofo?etbep &ere rpclje and of great potoer, Ijaue of late peeres loll tbepi dome* <<£De large bo* minion oftjje Farrars. Cattjap. etje Tartars of Europe. and kyngdomes lying that way* Bdwfmon ano otgnttte ♦ 3Dbe T art ays cl;at arc beponoe tbe riuer of Volga ,oo reltgtcuflp oblerue tbe frenolbip of tbe Mejcouites 3 atm pjofeffe tbcm felues to be tbcp? fubfccccgt . Bcpono tbe Cafi fdnite j 5 tomaroe tbe jfrojtb, arc tbe sdmbani , rpcb in bearoes of cattaplle 3 ano conftflpng of a great multituoc of men. $fcertbefe 3 are?igtfmiinimg railed tjjcm i^ogapfri. ^Tfienoblr IT nation of t|jf Tartar®.; 'STpe rpucc 3apartts. ^fntarltlje jboptjt fcpngof Ipcrila.j T&eriticof £>amarcantra # STanburlaneg, ttjeinpgtjtic outO rpHeoffTBofco* inn. <5eteanfc &qjc* slant. &u(fta* ^ofcouia called \wppu &uftia. iUtuama* ituonta. ^tenmaette. j^ojojap. g>uecta. ^I{jt people of lapoma. Of the Northeaft fro fly (ea* ifrom tbe region oftbefe T Art ays calico ZAgAtbei,\$ brought great plena's of fplken appareli to tbe Mofcouites . 15ut tbe TaYtArest\)dx inbabice tbe mpolanoe o? inner regions, b?png none other roared then truck* o?o?oue* offurift runnpng bo?feSj anoclokeamaoe ofmbpcefelce*:aifo bale* o? tenter to tottb* ilanoe tbe mturies of coloe ano rapne * 3Dbefe tbep make berp amfiaallp,^ apt fo? tbe purpofe.^Tbct rccetue agatneofebe Mof- couites, coate*ofclotb,ano ^pluer monte* contepnpng all o* tber booplp ornament**, ano tbc furnpture of fuperfitiou* bouf s boloelluflfe ♦ tfo?bepngoefenoeoagapni!tbebiolenceofu:e* tber ano tempefte*,onelp tnicb fucb apparel ano couerttire tuber* of toe baue fpoken, tbep trail onelp to tbep? arroH)e*,tobich fbep ibooteafujellbackU)aroeflptng,a3tuben tbep aiTaple tbep? eni* mies face to face: Albeit, ioben tbep oecermineo to tnuaoe UJbtcbe tbep bought of tbe Terfians ♦ ‘Qo* inaroe tbe S>oucb, tbc bounce* of Mofcouia are termineo bp tbe fame Tar tars tnljicbe poifeiTe tbe plapne region* neere Onto tbe Cafpiantea, about the marpibc* of Mentis in J ft a, ano about tbe rpuersof 'Borijthents msTAnais in part of Curope ♦ %\)z people calico Vtyxolani, Getc, ano $ a fame, inbabtteo tbefe re* gions in oloe tpme, of tub am 3 tbpnketbe name of %/m tookc o?iginall » jf o? tljep call part of Utuania, tbe lotuer, tuber* Mofcouia it feife i* calico tobpte %//* . Lituama tberefo?e, Ipecbontbe Jf5o?tbUjeilfpoeofA4'o/ca«M ♦ 35uctotnaro tbefull W ell,tbe mapne lanoe* of frujjia ano LiuonU are iopneo to tbe confutes o? marches of M ofcouia , tuber tbe Sdrmatian tea b?eak* png foo?clj of tbe ifretgbte* of o.mbrka eberfonefus (notue cah leo Denmarke) is benoeo ttritb a crookeo gulfe totuaroe tbe Jftottb ♦ 3$uc in tbe furtbeil bankes of that SDcean, iubere tbe large kpngoomes of Jfro?\uap ano Sueda are iopneo to tbe con* ttnenc 3 anoalmoilenmroneoujttbtbefea, are tbe people calleo Lapones j a nation epcecopng ruoe , fufpttiou*, ano feare* full, Aping ano aftoitpibeo at tbe Tpgbt of all Araungcr* ano (bpppes • EbepknoO 3 eneptberfmtte 0 no?apple 63 ne?petanp bentgnttie epeber ofbeauett o? eartb > ©jcp p?ouioe tbem meate onelpuji[blbootpng,anoareapparelco luitb Ikpnnesof tuple* beaife* ♦ 3®epotacil in caues fplieo tuitb o?peleaue* 5 anotn bololue and kyngdomes lying tliat way. 2p4 Ijolotu trees, confumea ttttbtit eptljec bp fpje,or rotten for age. gjiicl) as Dttell neare tlje fea fpae , fptije moje luctelpe then cum npnglp, ant) in tbe tteaaoffruttes, refenie tn ttcje fpdjes o?pea ttitb fmoitr. -Sljcp arc of fmall Itatnrc offacDte, ttitb flat btl'a* gies, pale anatoanniecoioure, ana berpfttpft offoote. ‘Ebep? ttpttesorBtfpofitions,arcnotlmotoen totlje M of twite: tljepr lorDeters,ttljotbpnkeit t&crefbre a maaneffe to affapletbtm toitb a final potter, anti itioge it neptljer profitable no? glorious , toitb great armies to rmtaoe a poo?e a beggerlp nation.®bep ep< wrimtme fur* tbangetbemo 2 tojttefiirres,tobtrf)ttecaMrmf/mfj,fo? other «*• mares, of outers fortes : get to, tljattljcp ftpe tbe fpgbt ana com* ^ „ panic ofallmerebantes. JFo? comparpng anBlaptng tbep?tta> umDoutuxu? resiogeatber,analeaupng tljepr finres in a mpaoe place, tljep *>*«♦ batgapnettitbfiinplefaptb, mitlj abfent anb bnbnottenmen. g>ome men of great creoite ana auctljojiittc, aotefiifietljatura cae&arsngi, region bepono tbe Lapones.bttoxne dje cCleff ana tbe J5ortb, 011 i-ptiuo D.uts oppjefTea ttitb perpetuall aarfaieffe,is tbe nattonof tlje people talleo figmei, mljo being grotten to tbep? fill grougbt.ao fcarce* t0 «W»ap bp Ip cpceoe ttje ttature of our cbpla?en of ten peercs of age . is a tfit jao,t|) fearcfultttpnoe ofmen , ano eppjefTe tljep? ttojaes in (Hebe ebat* terpng fort, that tbep feemeto btfo muebetbe more Ipkt Onto 3pes, in botte muebe tbep Differ in fenfe ana Ratine from men ofittff Ijepgbt* 'Cottaro tije jiSortb, innumcrabre people are fubiett to tbe Cinpire of tbe Mofimtei , ©jepr regions tjetenn to ti;c Scjtbi ScLu Bum <«» Ocean for rt;e fpace of almolitbjee monetbes iojtiep. J3ert Unto MofiouU , is tbe region of Colmogira, aboun* snn region of Dpng ttitb frtiltes . ®b?ougb tljts runnetb tbe rpuer of Diuid- jw.bepngoiteoftbe greatetf tljae is knotten in tije Jftortlj rumon*. partes , ana gaue tbe name to an other lefferpuer, to'jicb brea* ketlj foortb into tbe fea 'Battheum . ®ljis encrealpng at err* tapne tpmes of tlje peere, as sootlj tije rpuer Niks , ouerfiott- ttb tbe fcelaes ana plapnes , ana ttitb bis fane ana nonrtfl)png mopffure,Dotb matuepIouHpe refill tbe tniurtesof beauen,ano tbe fijarp blafies of tlje Ji3ortlj ttpnae . CClijenit rifetlj bp rea* fon of molten fnaru, ana great fijottres of rapne, It falletb into tlje Ocean bp bnfenotten nailoits , ana ttttlj fo large a |C«nfbe,lpte bnioa great fea, that It cannot be faplea otter its <&l)t rpuer of oi31«g» liWiuga. *£&e riuer of ♦©mrtmaoj SSmina, ^.ty riuer of £>iic&ana» ^r&c ftocm fea* Of the Noftlieafl: fro fly fea, fnoneBaptott&a pjofperott* topn&e, ^ut toljen tfje toafmfare fallen, t \) ep leaue Ijcre am* cbere large ana fruitful! Jlanngi : jfo? cojne cljere caff on tlje grounne, gcotoetb Uricbouc anpe Ijelpe of tlje ] 9 Iotue,ano uritb meruaplous celerttte of (jading nature ,fea- rpngcfjenemetntune ofthep?ou&e rp«er 3 oorljl)ocl;rp?pnganl> rppe in fljojtfpace* Unto tlje riuer ftiuidna, runneth tl;e rpuer T uga : ano tn cbe corner toljcre tljep iopne cogeatljer, tgitfje famous $ 0 arte ^otone calico Vftiuga^iftm from tl;e cljeefe cttte MofcaM . Ijuntyeo mplesf* footztfat\j)\)z\:t&&PauiMiof 4 ins)awtttf)tyte tfjat tf )0 t^uer of Diuidn*. , otbcrtopfe called Duina, runneth though the region of coimogerjtitstobu bnOerftooD that there arc ttoo rpuers of that name, tljc one on the /ftojtbeali fiac of Mo/co« ; 4 ,totoara the frofen fea,$ the other on the ««<*, be in all carDcs placeD /^o?thtoarDe from the rpuer of vflmg oj s»ccana, tjjhtch is the fame Duma , toherof toe note fpeake,anotobercof p*Am icuim fujptetbj although it be notfo nameu but from the angle o^co?ncr,luhereiopnpng teitbtbe rpuerof/«g anD Smca- ua, it runneth J^o^htuarD: totnarD* thecitieof edmogor anD from thence falletfjinto the Jl5o^th oj frofen fea, aoihall hereafter mojeplapnelp appeare bpthet»o^De 0 ofJ<^««^i, that the one of thefebenot taken foj the other, bepng fo farre Diftant,that great errour mpght enfue bp milfaking the fame, cfpectallp becaufe this ^hereof Pauim ioum injitetb* is not bp name eppjefleo In the earBes, but onlp in the other, tuberbp the errour mpght be the greater, SDf that tberfojc that runneth bp the confines of L>n*nia, anD the citte of i tya, Stgtfmundus tn^iteth in this maner* ^he^abe of Duma, i 0 aidant from the fpjpngescf Bonjihcncs, almolftett tuples, anD as manp from the martihe of Fronowo. jfrom it a rpuer of the fame name totoarDe the ffitl f, Diliantfrom vmim tlnemiemples, runneth from thence tobiarD the if5o?th 5 tube re bp ^ 4 , the cheefe cttte of Uuoma, it falleth into tty Germane Un, lOhlChe tlje Mofcomes call Vnarecz^koie morie. 3t runneth bp vmtepfo 3 Poiot^o, anD Dmenburg j, anD not bp piefcowa , as one bath batten. 'Chi? riuer, bepng foj the tnoife part nauigable, the Dmm tall Dana. ' 3Df the other oma t toijereof vonUs iouim fpeaketh? hr bi^ptteth filotoeth* and Jungdomes lying that way. pjtoufnct of Duma anB tberpuer of tlje fame name, foifotiamcO from tbe place toijtretbe rpuergof^c^anB /#gmcctpng togeatber,mabe one rpuer fo cadeB « 5Fo? Duma in tbc Mofcowtes tongue, fignifietb ttoo. tpuer bp tlje fpace of ttoo bunBjeBmpte*, entretb into tbe *2o?tb2Dce« an, on tbat part tobere tbe CapBe fc* runnetb bp tbe coades of sueda anfl tftojloap, anBBtutBetb (SmgreonlauB from tbe bnknotoenlanBe ♦ 'Cbte p?outncefuuatetntbefunif5o?tb,pertepneB(ntpme pad to tbe fegniojie of Heuogorodc . jFront MafcouU to tbe mouthe* of Duina, are nwmbjeB 4 €<&<&. mpUo: Albeit as3! baue fapBe, intbe region)* that are beponBe Volga, tbe accompt of tbe tountep can not be tool obferueB,bp reafon of manp marpfljej*, rpucrs“, anB berp great toooBBts tfjat ipe tntbetoap ♦ 2>etatetoe leu bp comcctute to tbpnbe it to be fcarfelp ttoo IjunBjteB mples ifojaGnucb as from Mofcou.ia tO Vuolocbda, from Vuolocbda f 0 Vjhug fottUtCbat ttUO t^C Cad, 8nB iadcof ai, from bp tbe rpucr Duma, is tberpgbtpafiagetotbe 5$o?t& fits ♦ region, betpBe tlje Cadet of coimogor anB tlje ettte of Duma, fituatealmodttt tbe mpBDe map bettoene tbe fp?pnges anB moutbes of tbe rpuer, anBttjeCadeUof Fw/^danBpngtntbe berp motttbes of Duma, to bttertp toitbout totmics anB Cadels Pet batb it manp bptlageje tobM) are Carre in funser,bp reafon of tbc barennefie of tbe fople. $c* 3n an other place be tmptctb, tbat Suchana anB iug, after tbep arc topneB tcgcatijer in one, loofe tbepjfp# names, anB make tberpuer Duma ,%t, But let bo notoe returne to tbe bpftojte of Pauius loum, Onto VJiiuga 5 front tbe Permians, Pecerriatis,Imtgrians t Vgolians, ano Tmnegians, people t'nbabptpng tbe j!3o?tb ano J2o?tbcdpjoutnceMre b?ougbt tbe precious furreg of spat* terng ano fables 3 aifo tbc cafeoof CSlouIfesano jf opes both inbpte and blacke : Unolpkefcpfe tbc fkpnnea of tl;e beaded calico Ceru.arij Lupi (tbat is) barte 3KR oolfes, bepng engeno?eo eptber of a doolie ano a fippnoe,o? a {ipart ano a bitcb SOocifc. ®efe furreo ano fkpnnes, tbep erc&atmge fo? opuers otljec bJarcg ♦ ^f;e bedkpnoe of tables, ano of tlje fined beare* mbcremitbnotoetbebtfluresofpjinceo arefpneo,ano tbe tern oer necked cf Delicate oames are cottereo^itb tbe ejtp?efie (irnilt- tuoc of tbe Ipwpug bead, are bjengbt bp tbc 'Permians ano T ece r- riansy tpbtcbe tbep them fdueo alfo rcceptie at tbe banoeg of other tbat tnbabtte tbe regions! neere bnto tbe J5o?tb t©cean. %[)t Permians ailD Pecerrms , a litfe before CUC tpme 3 OpO facrifice to 3!ooIs, after tlje maner of tbe Cfattpleo j but oo notoe acknotueleoge Cb?ide tbep? ®oo . ©jepadageto tbe InugrUns, ano Vgolicans, !g bp certapne rough mottntapne^, lobirije perbappesi are tbep tljat in oloe tpnte mere calico tfyfrerboreh 2P5 <&nuta anfe ^uepana* <5reon!anbe 0| fables. tHTlje mrnm^ tapncocaiie^ iipcrboiei. ©aufeenof W* twr* ItpnDw. tEfjepaftage ftoiii fl&jfco* - mato £.u&ap. Cat&ap. i iTKaiffcrdtot callcto Catlap the region ot jbiUAtum. ‘Clje^otljes fnbnerten tije ronianc Empire* fEOeitoittj it* Sion coiifpi* reti agamil tpe ^lonnmfi. Httorconfa* Of the northed frofty feu Biperhrci . 3n the tapper of tbefe, arefounoe tbe bed fcpnoes Of Falcons ♦ U)ljerC0f One’kpnDe (caileD Hcrodiunt) is n)ljUe s Unt() fpocteofecbers ® ere are alfo Jerfalcon^aher^ans peregrines, mbtebe mere Unknomen to the ancient ponces in tbep? fjccefliue ano nifepleafures. Beponoetbofcpeoplem&om 3* lafl namco (brpng ad ftp bucariestotbe&pngcs of AfoftwU) are other nations, the lad of men, not knomenbp anp uopages of tit ^ oj coulees, fo>a£ muebe as none of them bauc pafleo to the sSDccan, aao are there* fojeknomen onelp bp the fabulous narrations efmercbatinccjfc pet it is apparante tbac tbe rpuer Putina o } luma, o-am e* png micb it innumerable other rpu-rs, rtmnnecb into a uelje* meat courfe tomaroe the Jftvd), ano that the fea is there ec* ceeopng large ; fo that fapipng bp the coad e of the rpgbt banoe, ibpppes map haue padage from thence to Ca,bay , as it is thought bp mod Ipkelpcontecture, ercept there Ipe fomelanoe in the loan . jfoj the region ofcad^pertepnetb to iljcjrtreme ano ftirtbed partes of the Cade, fitttatealmod in the para* IelofCtyacia,anoknomen to the pojmgales in Jnota mben tbepfapleoneere thereunto bp tbe regions of ano Mata* eba to JureaCberfonefus. ano brought from tbtnce ccrtapne beduresmaoeof&ablesfkpnnes, bp mbicbe onelp argument it is apparrme that the citie of Cathay is not farre from the COadCS Of Scitbia. But mben Demetrius mas oematmoeo together eptbec bp the monuments of letters, oj bp fame lefce them of djep? pje* otceffours, thepbao anp knomlcoge of the Gotbes. mho nnme mojetbenatboufanoepeeresflnce,rubuerceo ^Dljempite of the Hornane Cmpcrours,ano oefaceo the citie of l£ome:lj)e anfme* reo,that both the nation of the Gothes ofthe name of king fotilar tbepj chtefe captapne, mas of famous memojuc among them: $no that optiers nations ofthe jftojtb regions confpireo to that eppeoitio^ano efpeciallp the Mo[comtes& ifo that chatarmie ito< creafeo of the confluence ofthe Barbarous Liuons ano manning T art ay s : But that tbep mere aU calleo Go^«,fo;afmuche as the Gvtbes tbatinbabtteo Smdania ano Ifelande&sxz tl;e auctours ofibatinuaflom ano and ki ngdomes lying that way. 2p6 Sfet) foritfi tbcfe bounties are tbe M oft suites inclofed dn eue* rp fpde, inborn me tbpnke to be cbofe people that ftolome called Modoc as tbuthauedoubtlelfeac this dap tbep; name of tbe rp* uer Mofto,\s\)\tl) runneth tb;ou$tljc cbeefe mzMofta^ men alfo after tbefame Cbists tbe mod famous cttie in Mofto* c&e.fftfc m . wi^afuseli fo; the Gtuactcn thereof, bepng tnmanermtbe mpm ^ offa « bell of the region , as alfo fo; the commodious opo;tunitte of tU uers , multitude of boufes,and ffrong fence of fo fap;e ano good* IpaCadell. tfo;tbe cine is cpcendedumb a long tract of butl* bpnges bp tbe bankes of the rpuer fo; tbe fpace of fpue tuples ♦ ^be (wules are made all of rpmber, ano are diutdeo into iaat> lours. Chambers, ano &pf cbpns,cf large roomcs : pet nepthet of bnfeemdpbepghc.o; to loine, but of Decent meafure ano p;m po;tton. Jfo; tbep haue great trees apt fo; tbepurpofe b;ougbt e&aunttirmm from the fo;ett of SDf tbembtrfMiiade perfeetlp round maSSuSwano* Ipke § maftes of 0 pps^ano fo lapo one bpon an ocher, that thep uniat doiiou? iopne at the cnocs in rpgbt angles, inhere bepng made berp fail anDfurr,tbepframethep;houfes?berof,ofmcruaplouslfrength fpae ofttjemjtt U)uhfmalcharges,anDtnbcrpe fi)o;ttpme. Jumanerallthe S^ereb/ houfesljauep;puacegarDens, afioelfo^plearureas ccmmcditie t\up ipe&crp of hearbes, inherbp the ctrcutteofcheDtfperfeD ctcieappeareth cia ^* berp great. Al the unices o; cjuaiter^ofrlje cttie,haue their pecu* liar Ctjappels.Buc in the iwz&d. ano bigbed place thcrof,ts tlje Church of orrHaDp. of ample and goodlp ino;kcmanlhpppe, mbicbe Arifioteles of $monie M z msnofftngularknoUilcDgemio experience in Architecture, bmiDcD mo;ettjm th;eefco;epeercs fines . At the berp heaD of the citie, a lulc tpuer, calleo KtglmU mbicb typuetb manp co;ne mpltes, entereth into the rpucr M oft mjt raftet or w,andmaketb almodan3ilande,tnmfeofe em> is the Cadel, *l^ ofc ** tomb manpflrong tomers and buiUiarkes, builoed berp fap;e bp tbe freiuce at GQraUan Architecture that are the maifesoftbe kpnges mooses. 3!n the fieides about tljecfite, is an incredible ntulmude ofii* 2 re 0 ,am> &oe xntckes,tbe mbtcb,ic isiamful fo; no man co chafe o; purfue tomb Oogges o; netres, except onlp ccr* a ° K UuSl5 tapne of flic fcpngs familiars, and ifraunge Amballadcurs, to inborn he geueth fcence bpfpcciail ccmmatmdemer&Aimol! th;ce partes of the cine is inniremd itufj tiao riuers,and the refo due mit& a forge £9cte,ti;at rccuuctl; plerntc of mater from the 1 fapdg STfrerpuee t&olga. jftouogta&ia* m*. sr&ctu&itc lUHw* &ipOcan ft SMperUojcan uiomttapne0 ♦ QTaitats anb 2&o!pfti}£Hr0' QTI je fea^up tniw. Cfcc tfafptan fea. SWracOait. JT&eDia. Armenia, l^rita. Cafau. Of tbe northeft frofly fea. fapoe tpuerg* cttte is alfo oefenoeo on tbe oc^cr fptrc fcuftls another rpucr mwblaufa, mljiclje falletb alfo into Mofcusa litle beneath tbe title. fuxt\)tmo}e,Mofcus running totoaro* tbe&outbsfallecb into the riuer Ocba o) Occa, muebe greater then it felfe at tlje toumc Column#* no not uerp farre from tbence, Ocba it felfe, encrcafco rnith otljer rpuerg, &nlaoetb big flrca« meg in tbe famous mm Volga, urtjere at tbe place mberetbep fopne j is Gtuate tbe citie of T^ouogradia tbe Idle , fo nauieo in refpccc of tbe greater citie of that name* from whence mag bfettgbt tbe fpjltcolonie of tbe Idle citie . Volga, calico in oloe tpme %**bach bigo?igtnalloftbegtcat marifeeg, nameoebe tobpee iiakes. ^Ijefe are abcue M ofcouia , bettocene tbe j/2^tb ano the tlfttelf, ano fenofeojtb from them almolf all tbe rpuerg that are oifperfeo into otuerg regions on cuerp fpoe, as me fee of tbe 3lpeg,from w&ofe toppeg ano fpjpngcs oefcntotbe waterg, of mbofe concoitrfe tbe rpuerg of tyene. To , ano %damm, baue tbepj encreafe. St oj tljefe marpfees, in tbe If eaoe of mottntaines full of fpjpngcg, minilfer abtmOant moplfure. fo?afmucbe ag no moitnfapneg are pet founoe in that region bptbelongtrauapleg of men, infomttebe that manp that baue been fiubioug of tfjeolo Cofmograpbie, fuppofe tl)£^bean ano Hiperborean, mountain neg fo often mentioneo of tbe auncient tojpterg , to be fabttloug. St rom tbefe marpfeeg tbetfeje , tbe riuerg of Duina, Ocba , Mof- cus, Volga, Tanaii, anO <8 orijlhenes, Ijaiie tljepj OjpgUiall. SCbe Tartar esc all Volga Edel : T amis tljepTall Don : <3n0 Don* ftebenes , tg at tljig tpme calleo Upper. ^rbigj o litle beneath Tauricd,xmntt\) into tbe fea Euxinus . t anais is recepueo of tljemarpfljeg of Meotis at tbe noble 20arcc bourne Az$um> 25tie Volga, leaupng tl;e citittfMofca totoaroeg tbe &outb * ano runnpng toritb a large ctrcuite, ano great £OpnDpngcg,ano Creebeg fp?fe totoaroeg tbe Calf, tbentotljefllteif. anolalf* Ipe to tbe &out& , falletb mitb a full (freame into tbe Cafpm o$ Hire an fea ♦ 2 boue tbe mouth of tl;ig, ig a citie of fee T artars calleo citraeban , whicbe feme call JJtracban, ufeere Q^artcg arekeptbptbe ^erebauntesof Media, Armenia, ano Terfta. ©n tbe further banebe of Volga , tbere tg a totone of tbe Tartars CalleO Cafan, oftlje tobicbe tbe Horda Of tbe Cafanite Tartars toobetl;ep?name . 3t ig oidant from tl;e mouth of Volga and kyngdomes lying that way. 1 297 arrt tlje CafpUn fea. 5 eompIes. 3boue Gi/an.iso.mpleSj tit tbe entraunce of the rpuev Surafiafilius t!jat nobi retgnetb 5 t)uplDcD a £ura. tow ne calico Surcium, to tbintent that in tl;cfc Defarces* tbe mat* £uwiu«« djantes atio tcaucplers toljtclj cccttfie tbe gouernours of tljemar* dies of tbe Dotages of tbe Tartm^w tbe maners of that tmqiu- et natton,map baue a fafe manOon among tljepi cuff omers* ©je Cmperaurs of M of ■ ouia at opuers tpmes, cptljct mo* ueo thereto bp occaOon of tbmges pjefenc, oj foj tlje oefpje tljcp I;ao to nobtlirate nebie ano obfeure places, baue kepce tbe feat of tbcpj court ano Cmppje in opuers cmes.jfoj KouogrodiaM)itty #ouogtot>i*> Ipcth totoaco tbe £3M,ano tlje lyuon fea,not matip pecres patf, toas tlje Ijeao ettte of Mofceuia, ano obtepneo euer tlje cljiefcbig* iritie, bp reafon of tbe increotble number of boufes ano eotffeSj iuitb tbe opojtunttie of tbe large lake replenplbco toitlj fpflje, anoalfo foj tlje fame of tbe moft aunctent^ benerable ©emple, taijicbtaoje then forc e bunojeo peeres Once, toajet oeoicateo to SantfaSopbia&fyi 0 tbefonne of<0oo,accojopngto tljecuOome crie^mpie of tlje Cm per out 5 of Bizantium > notoe calico ConOanttttople. Kouogrodia , ta oppjefleo in matter Uuclj continual! Utpncer, ano oarkenefleefiongnpgbtes » ifojttljatb tbe pole 3rttke cfe* tiace aboue tbe ©oppn tljjeefcoje ano fourc Degrees : ano is fur* 5 ? J/paSa? 1 tljer from tlje CqutnocttaUtljen Afo/co«w,bpalmoO Or Degrees* j^ouogreum, BptobicbDpfferenceofljeaucn, ittsfapoe, tljatattljefcmmer 1^°^°“^; ftepeoftbe &untt e,itisbur nt roitlj continual! ljeate,bp reafon fan offsite of tbe fljojtenpgbtes* ©Ijecttiealfoof Vo lodemam, bepng moje then ttoooljun* c&eritieef©#. tyeb mples Diffant from Mofta toumroe tlje CaOe, bao tbe lo0cmaria * name of tlje cbiefe ettte ano kpttges totnne, tobptber tbe feate of tlje Crnppje bias tranOateo bp tbe baliauttc Ctttperourg foj neceOane conOoerationa, that utebe apoe, fttrntture,ano requiOces, as appertapne to tlje toarres, mpgljt be neare at banoe, at fudje tpme astljep keepecominuali tore agapnlf tbe Tartars tbepj bojoerers ♦ jfoj it is Otuate untbout VoU ga, on tbe bankes of tbe rpuer clefma, b)!;tcbe falletlj into Volga * ^uc Mofcha, afutell fot tboregpftes ano commooi* aror cn«of ties loljereof toe Ijaue fpoken, as alfo that it is Otuate in tbe ifl&o&j)*, mpooeO of tbe mod ff cquemco place of all tbe region ano <£m* Pm anooefenoeo tatty tlje rpuer ano CaOell, Ijatl; in compa* ®«-f- rifoti citte of ftofcoiua. XDfje cittc of &u&ecfce, t ifrom tfoi tu to /^aftouia. Z ¥ Wpntertw* Mapiclin 3jfc mb fuolu. foumter. ©tjjertoiitera &£IIP tjjlff. Gf the Nortlieafl froflic ftn# rpronfoot!jcrdt(^ hc 0 nthc«tgl)t mod tooopbteto beedeeroefc fo? tbe ebtefe . Mofcba 10 outant from Kouogrodia fpuc (junojeo mplc&ano almodin tlje mpo inap 10 tljc cttie.of Otioferid(ptbtt* topfe calteo Omr, 0? T uver) bppontlje rpuer of rp* uer,neare bmo tljc fountapnea ano fpjpngco of tbe fame, not pec mcrcafeo up reccpttpng fo manp etljer rpuer#, runnetb but flobi* Ip ano gcmellp, ano pafletb from tljence to Nouogrodiajtyoucfo manp moo:# anooefolateplapnc#. ^furthermore from Now- grodia to %iga 3 {\)Z nejCte po?te Of tlje SarmalUn fea,l'0 tl)t tOtttllCp of atboufanoe mples, lulemojeojlefle* S£ljts tract 10 tljougbt to bemo?e commootou0tbentbeotljer, bpcattfe ttbaib manp fomneo,anD tlje cute of Tlefiouiain tlje map, bepng tmbjafeo mttbtmorptiere ♦ Jfrom %4(pertepnpngtotbeDomtnton of tbe great matder of tbe ioarrc0 of tlje limns) to tbe cltte of Lu* becJ{e 3 a pojte oftSermanie, m tbe gulfe Of Cjmbrica Cberfoncfus (nom calico Denmark) are numbjeo about a tljoufanoe mple# of oaungerou 0 faplpng. ifrom Home to tbe cute of Mofcba , tlje tridance t '0 bnoUi* en tobgetmo tljcufantse anpfipel)uiit)^tLmple 0 , bp tlje neared Snap, paflpng bp %tuenna 3 Taruifium , tlje $lpe0ofC4jW4:$b fo VillacumlHoricum, anO Vienna of Tannouie : anOftOttt tljUICe (paflpng Otter tljerpuer Of flantibius) to Olmutium Of tlje M aro ' mns , ano to Cr acorn tlje djtefe ettte of folonie , are compteD.u* bunojeo mple 0 ♦ jfrem Cracouiat 0 VUna 3 tlje bcao cute of £*- tbuania, are compfeo fpuc Ijunojcomplc# t ano a# manp from tljat mttoSmoknzfaMm bepotiot'Boriflbenes, from mben.ee to M. ofcbaAie ccmpteo Ope btmojco mple# » £i;e uurnep from Vilnabp Smokr.zfoto M*fcba 3 tg trait eplec tit mpnter mb ex* peottc Oeaoc 0 ,ano tncremble celcrutebpponttjefnome#, ijaroe* neo mitlj longfrod,ano compacte Ipbc 3!fe, bp reafmt of muebe inearpng ♦ 123utmfommer, tee plapnejs car. not bee cuerpaf* fcobut bp otfficulte ano laborious trauaple * jfo? mijen tbe fnome0 bp tlje continual! (jeate of tlje ^unne begpn to melte ano otiToIue, tbepcaufe greatmarplbesano quamp?e0,able to tntangle botlj Ijojfe ano man, mere tt not that loapea are mane tlj?o«o:b tbe fame : mulj bjpogeg! ano cattfeg ofm^oo, ano almod fnSntte labour, 31n all tbe regton of Mofmia ,, there i$ no bapne oj mine oS and kyngdomes lying that way. afgolbe o? fp!uer 5 o? anp other common metall 5 c]tcept 3tron 3 nep* tber pet ts there anp token of precious (Jones : anb t^ercfo?e tbep bupc all thole tljtnges of tfraungerg. jfteucrtbeleflfe* tijtgJ imurte of nature is recompenfcb rnttb abounbance of net; futresj mbofe price^bp tbe manton npfenefle of men 3 fs gromen to fuebe ejccc(fe,tbattijefitrre0partepnpngtoonefo?ce of appareU 3 aro ?j? c j£ iccof nom feloe ft? a tboufanbe cronmes ♦ But the tpme batb been that tljefe baue been bought better cheape 3 mbentbefurtbeli nations of the j$o?tb 3 being ignorant of our npfe fmene(Te 3 anb b?eatbpng befp?e toUiaroe effeminate anti fuperfluoug pleafurcg 3 eircbatm* geo the fame rnttb muebe imiplicitie, eftentpmeg ft? trifles ana tbingeg of fmall balue : 3lnfcmucbe that commonlp the Temians anb ¥ ec err tins, \um accuftomeb to giue fo manp fkinneg of&>a- ^0 ^ bles fo? an 3lron 3 jee 0? Ratchet, as being tpeb barbe togeatber, foj an tbe marebantes of Mofcouti cculbb?ame tbzougb tbe bolembere tbe bafte 0 ? hanole emereeb into tbe fame * But tbe Mofiouites fenbe into al( pa rtes of ffttrope t be belt kpnoe of flape to make ipniten dotb,anb bentpe fo? ropes : Sift manp ® jte bp&eg 3 anb iW*. etceebpng great makes of mate. Cbepp?oubelpbenp 3 that tbe ISomane eburebe obtepnetb tbe sBwtmwip. p?tncipate anb preeminent auctbo?itie ofall other. ^bep ft abbo?re tbe nation of tbe Jemes, tljattbep Decefltlje ^pab&oirt memo?teoftbem 5 anbrntlimnoconbitionabmpe tbemtoomeU fcottbtn tbep? Dominions lekeempug them as mpekeb anb mif* rbicuouspeople 3 tbatbaueoflate taugbt tbe burkes to make gunneg*BeltDe tbe bookeg that tbep bauc of tbe ancient <0r;eke pi bo ofa* boctourg, tbep baue alfo tbe commentaries anb bomclieg of faint an0 rmaoe bp tbe equttteano confnence of tbep? p?pnces 3 ano app?oueo bp tbe confent of topfe ano gooo men 3 ano are tberfo?e greatlpfo?tbetoealtbanoqupetnefle of tbe people, fo?afmucbe a0 it is not latofrt l to peruerte tbemUntb anptnterpjetattonoo? caiullattcngof latoperoo? Slttumepg . ©ep punpfb tbceue^ro* iter0 3 p?iute ppcker 0 3 ano murtljerer?. £&ben tbep ejeampne ma* lefactour 0 ,tbeppon)?eagreafquantmeof eolotoiaterbpon lucb a0tl;epfufpecte, mbtebe tbep fap to be an intolerable kpnoe of torment. But fometpme0 tbep manacle fuclje a0 are ffubbo?ne, ano mill not confelfe apparent crpme0. ©ep? poutljts ejtercifeoinopuer0 kpnoe 0 ofgante 0 ano plape0,refemb!png tbe tuarrea, mbcrebp tbep both p?acttfe pol- licte, ano tncreafe tbep? (trengtb ♦ ©epbfc runnpng both on bo?febacheano afoote . 8lfo runnpng at tbe rplt, to?eftlpng, ano efpeciallp (pootpng ♦ o? tbep gpue reVuatoe0 to fucb M W cell therein* ounoes,ano bpuers kpnoes & umpn * of netted ♦ $no toitb Jfaufconjs ano Cren^oj Caglcs,of a mar* tteplous kpnoe, tobteb cbe region of Pec nr a bjpngetb foo?tb bn* to them, tljep take not onelp jfefantrja; and topioe Duckes, b«c alfo Cranes ano topioe Cannes ♦ ^beptake alfo afoule of Darke colour, about tbe bpgneflfe of a <0oofe, tottb reooe oucr* gobies, tobofc flelbe tn cade paffetb tbe pleafauncneflfe of ]phe* fauntes : Cbefe tn tbe Mofcouiies tongue are calfeor^o, toljtcbc 3i fuppofe to be clje fame tljat pltnte calletb Erythratao, kttotoen to tbe people of tbe 3lpes, ano efpectailp to t be T&fyttu nns tobteb inbabite tbe lattoes about tbe fp?pnges of tbe rptter Jbdua . Cb e rpuer of Volga mtmlfretb bnto them great fp* ^rciitte of (beg, ano ofpleafanm taffe , efpectailp feturgions, a? ratljer a kpnoe of fplbe Ipke unto &twrgtons : tolpcb tn tbe topmer fea* fen bepng tnclofco tn 3lfe, are long re ferueD frelbe ano uncop rupee ♦ ©fotberkpnoegoffpfbes, cbep take inmaner an in* Mt tong u* tremble multituDetn tbe Uibpte lakes thereof me bauefpoken ferueD *» 1 3 fif * before ♦ 3notobercastbcpUtterIplacke natpue topnes, tbep bfe uttpiw. fuel) as are brought from other places. 3no this onlp tn certepne feaftes anu bolp mptopes , efpectailp tbe pleafaunt Sgaluafres ^ aUwtIf * of tbe 3!lanoc of option} calico Candy, are ban tn moH bononr: anoofeoeptbcragmeoictncs,o?fo?a (betoe of epcefitue aboun* oaunce,fo?afmucb as it ts tn matter a miracle that mines brought from Candy bp the (freight es of Derbies ppllers, ano tbe 31* sn#* Jloi® lanoesof Gades, anotoiTeomttbfucbfluOoesoftbetnclofeo O* fp^VKe ccan, (boufo be D?oonke among tbe jbepthtan fnobics tn tbep? n atme ptntt te anbpIeafaimtneiTe* ~ Zi)t common people onnke meaoe, maoe of bonp $ boppes ** w ^ fooocncogeatber, tobtcbetOep keepelongin pitcbeobarrellcs, tobere the gootmelfe increafetb tnftlj agc.Cbcp ufe alfo beere ano ale, as ooe tbe Germane* ano ]Mones . Chep are acctiffomeD fc? ocltcatrncflc in fommer, to coole tbcp? becre ano meaoe toub t*** putting 3Ife therein, toljicb tbe noble men referue in tijep? feilars !eb 3Cfo in great quaumie fo? tbe fame purpofe . Some there are that oe* bgbfgreatlpmtbetmfecbat is pieties out of Cherries befme WiU' tl;ep rpt ** Of the Nfortlieaft froftie fca^ tbep be full rppe, lnljtcb tbep aflame to (jaue tty colour of deare anD ruDDp U3pne,tnttb a berp pleafaunc talfe. foomen ®W ^pucs 9 UJomen, arc not uu'tb them in fucb honour a* * tbep arc in other nations : foj tbep bfe them tn matter tn ity place offerttants* tyty noble toomen genteto)omen,DoDiltgemlp ob* ferue tljctr t»a!ke0,anD baue an epe to tijetr cbaUtttc ♦ Ztyp are ftloome bpDDett foojcb to anp feafte&ncptber arc permitteD to re* fo?cc to churches farre of, o ) to inalke abjooe umbout fomc great confioeratton.'Bttt tbe common fo?te of U)omen,are eafilp ano fo$ afma!lpjtcea!(urcD to leeberp, euettoflfraungerstbp rcafon mbereof,tbe ctatlemen doc Ittle oj noebpng etfeeme them. 3!obn the father of fcpng films, open moje tbem xx. pceres Thomas Cnee . pe Jttarpeo Sophia, tty Daughter of Thomas fakologus , tcoicaiftf. inljO m tgneD j n feloponnefus (noU) callCD Morea') $ toaa b?0< , tbcrto€bcmperourcfConUancmoplc:^)bcU)astbcnatHome SsSSSk* tob'en Ebomas her father tuas Djiuen out of Grecia bp the Turks, ui o ««4 ©f bertoerc Sue cbitojen bojne,a 0 Bafdjus btm felfe,(Sco?gc 5 2 )e- metfifis,Symeon,mito Jndress.'Bafthus (ookC to DOtfe SalommaJ, be Daughter of (£eo?ge Solwouius, a man ofOnguIet fiDelttte Dome, atm one of Ins counfaple : the excellent berates of rnbtebe tosomatijOttlp barennelfe obfcureD, . SKI ben tty ponces of Mofiouia Deliberate to marrp,tbefr cuftomefs to baue cljopfe of all thebpjgtnstntberealme, anD u>^u£j8f* f to caufe fuebe as arc of moft fapje ano beautt&iU bpfage ano perfonage, tmtb matters aim berates accoppng,to bee brought bcfojte them : (KUbtcbe aftmoaroe tbep commpt to rertapne faptbfiili men, ano gratte matrones to be further bteUtcD, tufa* muclje that tbep leaue no parte of them bnfeardjeD ♦ gTftbefe, Ibee inborn the lattice moS lpfeetb 5 ts pjonounceD nioojtbte to bee bts tnpfe, not Umbout great anD carefull expectation of tbcpjt paremes, lpnpngfo?tbattpmebettoecne hope aim fearc. 3Dbe other birgms alfo iniuebe ftooDe tn election, ano contem Deo tn beautte aim integrate of maners,are oftentpmes tbefante Dap, to grattSe tbe punce, mattpeD to bts noble men, ®entch men,a:m€aptapnes! inberbpit fometpmescommetbtopalfe, that mbple tbe princes contemne tbc Ipnageof ropall Dcfcent, fucbea3arebo?neofljttmble parentage, are cxalteD to tbe dc* gree ofppcelp eftate , tn Ipke maner ajs tbe ©mperours oftbe Surto* and kyngdomes lying that way" 30 a fcurte toere accuff onteo to be cbofen,bp come Ipnetfe of perfo* nage,anotoarlpp?otoefle. . _ „ $afilius mas mtt tbe age offourtte ano feuen peered of com* Ip perfonage,(mgular bercue, $ p^iitcelp qualities, bp all meaner Ilum’oujs foj tbe pjofpcritie $ commooittes of bis fubtectes : far* tberntoje,m beneuolence, UberalittCjano gooo fuccelTe in bis do* , inges, to be pjefetteo before bis pjogenitours* f 0 ) rnben be (jao bt.peeres kepte toarre nritbtbe Ipuons, tfeat motieDJrjcu.eonfe tberate cities to tbe caufe of that uiarre,be obcepneo tbe btccojt'e, $ Departeo tb feto conoitions of peace, ratber gtueu then accepted. , aifo at tbe beginning of bis mgnc,be put tbe ^clones to fltgbt 3 brtitjfrn« ano tooke pufoncr Conlf amine, tbe Captaptte of tbe %2w,. ano^orcS mbontbeb?ongbttOiWo/^«/rftpeDincbapneS : But (bcjulpaf= uites. ter,at tbe rpuc r of Boriftbeves, about tbe eitie of Or fa, be butt feife tnas oticrcome in a great battaple, bp tbe fame Conllamme UJbombebaooifmifleo : getfo, tbattbetomneofsW™^, toljtcbtbe M ofcouites pofleflco before, ano U)as mute Uioon bp tlje polones, (boulo ftpll partcpneto tbe Dominions of n tbe banner of tbe kpngcsfopng, isgguuo tfje . 3|mage of 31ofue tbe Captapne oftbe ©eb^ues, at mbofe pjapcr ^ c,rDamtcr * tbe %unnep^olongeo tlje Dap, ano Ifapco Ins courfe, as UattnePfe tbe bpflojtes of bolp fcetpture. Armies of footemen are tit manec * to no bfe in tbofe great mplfiernelTes.afuiellfo' tbepj apparel be* mg loofe ano long, as alfo tty tbe cult ante of then? enemies, &ba in tljetr inarrestruaratbcr to tbe fmpfmeiTe of tbeir light bo^fe.s, tbentotrpetbemactertnappgbt&loe. , * r L* f m c !? en mm aa(ttre * : bm berp mmvjwm fiu&Dojfemrn* Kbm armur*. irroug ano uopree . ^pep? uojiemenare armeommj ppkes Hpnettcs, ^afcsof pjan,anOarcoU)es . ifetus (jatieiiookti ftaoojDcs . are OffenDED Uiitfj routfie Earpcs after tljemaneroft&c Cutte of jfa, ejttmlj OenCpng mii SUq.tut. cojnavt I! jbtgifmunbus fapcfj.tbat inucU of tjis iff gylDe. Of the Northeafl freftie fea^ tornaroe Cargettea after the matter of the ®reefcea : aifo to itb coatea of maple, BrpgaMMea,ano fljarpe ■tytlmts&afilius opo fargatmitns. furthermore mdpeute a banoe of l£>argabuders on bojfebacfce, anocaufeomanp greatbrafenpeeceacobe maoe bp the toorfce* manfyppofcertapne^taltana : ano the fame toitfj tljepr docKea amt tobeelca cobe placeo in the Cattle of M ofca. ^bebpngbtmfelfetottbprtncelp magnificence ano Gngular famtltamte (tobertottb neuectbelelTe no parte of the maiedte of a n ^ifntc bpng \s Diolute) ta accuttomeo to Dptte openlp toith Ijts noble iwtu opemp. mcn ^ flange gmbaflaoottra in bis otottc chamber of prefence, tobere ta feene a marucploua qtiamttte of (titter $ gplt p!ate,dam opng upon ttoo great ano high cubbaroea tn the fame chamber. Upe hath not about him anp other game for the cuffobp of bta per* fon/atttng onlp Ijtst accuttomeo fanulie.tf or match ano toaroe ta ^rtje tuaobw of oibgentlp kept of the faithful multttuoe of the citi?ena:3jnfomucb cftDemte. tljac etterpirtaroe or quarter oftbe ettte ta tnclofeo toitb gatea, raptea 3 ano barrea : neptbenattlatofullforanpmanrafljelp to toalke in the ettte in the npght, ortoitboutJpgbt* ^llthecottrte conftdetb of noble men,® entlemen,ano chopfe fouiopera, tobteb are calleo out of euerp region bp thepr totonea ano bpllagea, ano contmatmoeo to tuapte courfe bp courfe at cercapne monethea appopnteo. furthermore tohen toarre ia proclapmeo, ail the ar* mte ia collecteo both of the oioe foulopera, ano bp muderpng of netoetnaU prouincea .f or the itieuetenantea ano Captapnea of the armp,are accudomeo tn al cittea to muder the potttb,$ to ao* mpt to the o;oer of foulopera fuch aa thep rijt nke able to ferue the £ouU)ptrsts>a> turne.Chcpr ojagea ta papoe them of the common treafurp ofe* i«» of t&« com* uerp proutnce,tohtche ta geatbereo, ano partlp papoe alfo, in the mm twamrp. t p me 0 fy e acc,althotigb it be but litle. ^ttc fuch aa are afltgtteo to the toarrea 3 are free from all tributea, ano iniope certapne other prtutlegtea,toherebpthep map the more glaolp ano cbeerfullp feme thepr bpng,anooefenoe thepr countrep * for in the tpme oftoarre, occafion is mpniflreo to Ibetoe true bertueano mam ijooo, inhere in fo great ano necedarte an tndttution, euerp man accoropng to bis approueo actwttte ano ingemoua fortoaroe* ttefle, map obtapnetlje fortune eptljer of perpemall honour, or tgnomtnte. Vix courtr* and kyngdom es lying that way* f ©2 fix olint \llafttes referrentibus horrid* regna Mofchorum, (? Tonti,res glucialis erat. T\unc 1 ouio autore , ilia oculis luftramusjt Vrbes, Et rumor a , et mentes cernimus etfluuios k Mofcbouiam, monument a I oui, tua cult a reuoluens 3 Cpa(recballtbemonarkesoftbetoo?lDei 4foj bebepji- uetb all bt$ noble men anD gentelmen of all tbep? boloes anD mu- nitions at bis pleafure* fpetrullctb not bis olone bjetbjten, but oppjefletb all toitb Ipke feruituDe : 3Infomucb tbat tubom fa euet be commaunoetb either to rematne tottb btm in tbe courte, 0 ? to go to tbe loams, 0 ? fenDetb on antbalfage, tbcp are com- pelleD to be at tbepj otone charge*, except tbe peung gentelmen tbe Tonnes of the Boiarons , tbat is, tbe noble men of tbe lotoeff De- gree* 5>ebfurpetbtbii3!auctljo?tcte.afmeH ouer tbe fpiritwaltie as tbe tempojaltte,conftituting tubat bim liftetb of tbe gooDS ana Ipfeofallmen* Df bis counfellers there ts not one tbat DareDif- fent from bpm m anp tbpng ♦ 3Ebep openlp confefle^thae tbe topi oftbepj prince is tbe tot'll of <0oo: anD tberfoje call bpm tfyekep bearer anD cbamberlen of flfoo, $ beleeue bpm to be tbe epeaito? of ®oos toil! * 3$p reafon toljerof, tbe pjtnce bpm fdfe,\oljen anp petition is maoe to bpm foj tl;e Deliuerie of anp captine, is ac- citiiomcD and kyngdomes lying tTiat way* 3 02 aecuttomeo to anfmcre, tnben ontie of 3!obn 3 mas tbe fp?ft that tooke bppon bpm tbe name ano tide of a kpng,intbi0 maner . Elje great lop fBajilius, bp tbe grace of ®oo 5 kpnganD lo?Deof ail ano l(je great £}tlkC Of Vuolodmaria,Mofcouia,N.ouogyadia.&c ¥ 4 Furtbetmo?e 5 U)bera 0 notoe rtjis lattice is caiieo Cmye* rout, 31 batte tbougbt gooo to (betoe tbe title ano raufe of this er* mu to au rour. ^ote tljerfoje that Czar in tbe fytbens tongue,ftgmftetb a 4&in ^ tlQVX * fepng, uibereao in tbe language of tbe slauons , Potions, Bobemes , ano other, tbe famett>o?De Cz*r, ftgntfietb Cefabp tobicbe name dje€mperoursbaue been commonlp calico ♦ tfojbctb tbep, ano tbe Slauons that are bnoer tbe kpngocme of Hmgarie » call a kpng bp an other name: a* (omCrall, otl)ttl{jra!l, ano fomeK 0 ^ : &MtbpnketbatonIpan 0mperourts calleo Czar. (jerebp it came to page that tbe Athene o? Mofcouiteimx* p?etour0,Oearpngtbep?p?ince tobefo caiieo of firange nam tins, began them felueg alfo to namebpm an Cmperour^ tb nk tbe name of to be nto?e tuopbp then tbe name of a kpng, although tbep ftgmftea!! one tbpng . $ut mbo fo topfireaoe all thepjbiftojtes ano booker of bolp feripture , fljaUfpnoe that a kpng is calico an Cmperour /(f^r.15p tbe Ip&eers roue tbe Cmpecotiroftbe Curkes ts caiieo c^r.tnljo neuertbe* lefie of antiquitie bfeo no bpgber tptie tijen tbe name of a kpng, CwiHg4 ejcpjeflfeo bp djis rnojoe Czar. 3no hereof tbe burkes of Europe that bfe tbe slauon tongue 3 call tbe citie of ConjlanmopkCzau gard, (tbatts) tbefcpngs citie. ^ome call tlje p?mce of M dfcouie the tnbptekpng,U)bfcb 3Itbpnke to pjoceeoe of tbe rnbpte Cappes ,o? other tp?Mpng. mentes tbepmeare on tbep? beaoes, Ipke aa tbep cal! the km of Persia Ktflpajla ( that is) reDDe beao . Pz bfetb *r h ,n nkt tbecpde ofa kpng luben be typtetb ojfenoctbtoiaorae, tbe rnokomtim Cmperour, the ppe, cl;e Kpng offt^ ano Vwmrks, tbe tptu ** great Of the Northeaft frofty fen, greatmatffer of Trufia ano Lmma,m\ i alfo to tbe great ®itrke as^bauebeencreotblpenfourmeo: but be is not calleokpng of anp of them, except perhaps of tlje Lmns , |0ct bp realon of life later congueffes, fome baue thought bpnitoojtbp cbe name of a kpng, oj rather of an €mperour P becaufe Ijc bath kpngs bn* Her bis empire* ©o the kpng of Tolone, be blech t&ts title: ®be great lojoe ftafilius bp tbe grace of <£oo,lojD of al fyjfia,mb great Duke of Vuolodimeria , Mofcouid, Rouogradia ♦ (?c, leaupng OUC Ci;C title of a kpng. fo} none of them bottcbfafetlj to receptte tlje letters of tlje other augmenteo tomb anp netoe title, as 31 knetoe bp experience at mp bepng in m ofcouti, at tobteb rime Sigifmum dus tbe kpng of T olone fent bpm Ijis letters augmenteo toicb tbe ritle of tlje Duke of A fofema, tobertoitlj be boas not a litle oflenoeo, ©bepglojptn tbepj btlfojtes that before Vuolodimeria ano Sp^ainctaS? 0/^ tbe Iano of toasbaprifeoanoblefTeo of&afoct3n* ojeSe tut ' Ojetoe tbe 3po(tleofCb^H> affirmpng tljat be came from Gre* da to tlje moutbes of tbe rpuer Mijlbenes : ano tljat be fapleo bptberpuer totbemountapnes toljereastsnotoe cbiouia : ano tbac there be blefleo all tbe lanoe ano placeoljts crolTe,p?opbc« fpng alfo that cbe grace of dEfoo gjouloe be great there, ano tljat there Ibouloebemanp churches ofCbjtfttan men.-Hpketopfe, that be aftertoaro came to the fpjpnges of Mifthenes,motht great Hake Vuolok# ano bp the rpuer Louat oefcenoeo into the Wpattle, lake llmer : from whence bp cbe rpuer Vuolcon, mijicbc run- neth out of cbe fame Hake , be came to Rouog radio , ; ano pafifeo from thence bp tbe fame rpuer to the Hake Ladoga, m tlje rpuer Betid, anofo Onto the fea toljtcbe tbepcal! Vuarezkm, bepng the fame tljat toe call tlje Germane fea, bettoeene Vuinlandia o$ Finlandia ano Liuonia 5 bp tlje tobicbe he fapleo to Home, ano toasat the lad crucifieo fojClj?rif bts (Sofpellm'Fe! oponne* bp tbe rirranie of Antipater, as tbep? cronaclesmake mention. ©be pjmcc euerp feconoe oj tbp?oe pcere caufetb a muff- c&e rmorco' er to bee taken of tbe bonnes of tbe Morons, ano taketb mt« am*, an accompte booth of tbepj number, anobotoe manpe^ojfes ano men euerp of them is able to make ; ano tljen appointed) acertapne j and kingdomes lying that way. 303 accrtapneflppcntietofucbe as are able further to beare tbcp? otnne charges in tbetnarres . ^bep Ijaue fcloome anp rcit 0? quietneffe: jFojtbcpeptber keepeujatrettiitbtbe Lithuanians , Liuonians.Suetians^TartarsOfCafan . f>? iflt forfjatttice that the ppce beepe no uiarrc, pet noth be pe erelp appopnte garrp> fons of.rp. tbottfanoe men in places about T amis anti Occa, to reppeffetbetncurfions ano robberpes of the Eurtpe*nTtrtars % jalleO Trecopites ♦ as tn otfjer matters, cueit fo tn the o?ocr of matxefare there fet great omerfirte among men * tfojtbe Afcfc<>«w»asfooneas speopieint&e he begtnneth Co flpe, thutbeth of none other fuccoure 5 but putteth mxx *** ail Ots confluence tberim^epngputfaeooj taken of his enimte, he neptljcr oefcnoetb bpm fcf fe 3 no j oefireth patoom Cbe Tatar calf offrombtshojfe, fpopfeo of allots armure ano mcapones, ano alfo foje motmoeo 5 oefenoetb bpm felfe mttb hanoes 5 feete ? ano teethe, ano bp all meaner bemap 5 bncpU frig ftrengtb ano fptrtte fap!e Opm» ^be 3 Lurke 3 mhenbefeetb bpm felfe oefflcute of all bclpe anobopetoefcape 3 oocbbumblp oefp^e paroon, caftpng amap It's weapons ano atmure 3 ano reaching fojtb to the btetourer brs hanoes topneo togeatber to be bounoe* Ijoppng bp capttutete to &uebfelpfe. %{)t M of couites in placepng tbepj amue 3 cbttfe them a large c&e jtfapne, inhere the belt of them pptcbtbep?tentes 3 ano the other mtwarmp. make tfjem certaine arbours of homes fpjet tn the grounoe, bm Opng togeatber the toppes thereof, mineb tbep couer mith tljepi clokestooefenoethcmfelues, tbepj homes, arromes, faooetej ano other thepj neceflartes from rapne * ®epput foo?fh tljepj bo?re0topafture,anofo?tbatcaufebauetljep?temes fofarre m funoer, mbit*) thep fontfie neither mttb cartes o) trenches^ anp other tmpeopment, except prrbappes the place be oefenoeobp nature,as mttb maoooes, rpuers,ano marplbes. 3t map perhappes feeme ifraunge, home he mapntapneth bpm ano hts fo longe mtth fo fmall an armpe as 31 bane S tul,lsl fapoe ♦ i mpiinome therefore fytefelp oe dare tljepjfparpng ano frugalttte ♦ l)t that hath fpjteojfometpmesmojc ho?fes 3 blech one of them a$ a packe hojfe co beare all tl;epj necclfa* rpes# * 3[nffrumentc3 of team* ^ETfje fiX^oTca^ lutes anti Car tars ap* yawU, Of the Northeft frofly fca. rpes . \ >e batb alfo in a bagge of mo o? tb?ee fpannes fon&t&e flomer o? meale of cbe graine calico mille, ano.ou'uo^jc.pounojs toepgbc of Amines fleibe pouo?eo . l)z bath ipketopfea bagge offalte,mpjCtimtb pepper, tf be be rpcb ♦ ^urfbermo?e euetp man carpet?; mitb bpm a baccbet, a fpjte boice> ano a b?afen potcet fa that if tbep ebatmee to come to anp place mbere tbep can fpnoe no ftutteg, <0arlpke, ^npons, o? fleibe, tbep fcpnolc a fp?e, ano fpll t bepj pottes imtb mater, tubereumo tbep put a fpoonefull of meale,mttb a qttamttte of fait, and make pottage tberof, mber* tobtbc matte ano aH big; Gmtauntes Ipue contented . But iftbe matte bee berp bungrpe, be eatetb all alone, ano the fcrttatmtes are fometpmes enfo?cco to fad fo? tbe fpace of tluo oj tb?ee oapes ♦ 3no tftlje matte intenoe to fare fomemhat mo?e oelpcatelp, then be aooetb thereto a title potion of Empties fleibe . 3 fpeake not tljis of tbe bed of tbem, but of fuel; as are of tbe meane fo?t* 'Sbe gouernours and captapues of tlje armte 5 &ofomeipmesbpooe tbe pooler fo?ce to tbep? tables: mbere, tbep feeoe them felues Cornell, that tbep fad elnoo? tb?ee oapes after* ftUOentbepbatte fruttes, <£arlpke, ano £>npons,tbep can mellfa?beare all other meates * 3p?oreeopng fo?maroe to tbebactaple, tbeppnt mo?e condocnce in tbep? multitude, ano micb mljat great armies tbep adapt e tbep? em'mtes, tben eptljec in tbe drengtb ano balpaumnedeoftbep? fouloiers,o;in meil indruetpng tbep? armie, ano dgbt better a farre of, tben at bantu andtberfo?c duop botoe to ctrcimittento? tnclofetbep? enimies, ano to aflaple tbem on tbe backe bade ♦ ^Tbep bane ntanp mint* pectero, tbe mbtcb mbde tbep blom al at once,after tbep? maner, make a maruelous draunge nopfe . ^brp baue alfo another kpnoe of tndtumenies mbicb tbep call &?uma : tbefe tbep blommitbout ceaOfpng fo? tlje fpace of an boure togcatber, fa temperpng tbe fantMno bolopng in tbe mpnde mbple tbep o?atu mo?e, tbat tlje nopfe feemetbcominuallpmubout tncermidionr t:bep bfe all one mane* of apparell : as longe coateS hntbout plepgbtes, ano mitb narrome fleeues, after the ma* ner of tbe Hungarians , ^fjefe tbe Chadians bfe to bHttett on tbe rpgbt fpoe : ano the Tartars (pfepng cl;e Ipke) butcctt tbem on tbe lefeefpoe • *£bep meare reooe ano fl>o?t bufkpnS that reacbe not to tl;ep? knees 9 ano bane the foies thereof oe* fenoeo and kingdomes lying that 'way. 304 fcnoco tolth plates of 3!ron- 3inmanet all tljep? fTjp?fes arc Brought totthoiuets coloured about the neche , and Ijaue the Collars ant> Huffes bcfct toith litle round Saules like J&eaoes,- of £pluer, 0? gplteo Copper, ano feme tpme pearles alfo. ^(jep gvju tljem fclues beneath tlje bellie ,euen as lomas tljep? pjpute members, that tljep mapfeeme rnoje butlpe, toljich tbep gfeatlp cQceme,as 000 at this oape the fepanparoes, 31 talians, anoSImanes. ■ ©je pjouintc of Mofcouia is neptljer berp large no? fruitful, o^oo!"" fojafmuch asthefertilitie is hinojeo toitlj fanope gtmmo,mljtclj either nmh to much Dmncfle 0? moplture btlletb the come. J'ur« tljet nioie tmmooerate ano (barpc tmtcmperateneiFe of the ap?e, tohple the coloe of the tupnter onereommetb the heateof the g>umie, fometpmes noth not fuffet the cojne to rppe. Jfojthe e oioe is there fcmctpmes fo cjctteame, that Ipke as with us tit fo< -rotwr - met bp reafonof Ijeate, eaen fo therebp cptreame eolo 3 tbe earth hatl) man? great rljinckes 0? breaches. SClater alio cat! into the apjc, ano fpptle fallpng from ones mouth, are frofen before then touche the grounoe. 3 mpfelfe, token 31 came thither in the peers 1 5 2 - 6 , fame tlje bjauneijes of fruitful! trees mptheteo bp the toloe of tlje Irynttt be fo?c,toljiche teas fo cptreame, that manp oft hep j tuagoners ano carriers (tuljotn tbep caU&>»«jO mere founo frofen to Death in djepj flcaocs. ©jeretoere fometljatat the fame tproe leaepng ano Djpuing tljepj eattaplefrom the nett Pillages taMofcoutiMeu hp tlje tuap tuith their bealfes.tbjotiglj tlje rrtrennttc of the toloe . jfurdjetmoje the fame pcere manp plapers that mere arculfomeo to manoer about the coun * ttev tottlj oatmfmg Ucares,tdere founo ocao In the high Urapes. ffiUtloeBearcs alfo, emojeeo tljerto bp famine, left tljetuooos, ano ran here aim there into Diners Pillages ano Ijoufcs: at loljofc eommpng tobplc tlje meu ofthe countrep fojfoohe then? Ijoufes ana SeDOeintotljcficloes, manp ofthtm perpSjeo thjcughtht behemencte ofthe coin. < 3 gapnc itfametpmec fo chauneeth that intjwiimer theljeaseisasertreame.- as in tljeprrre.i 52 5. rSS'cottj Ittthemhiclje almoit airSphoesofpulfe mm grarac mere fcojclj> rc 3ious. to anohuntt , ano fudjeaoeardj ofcojste folomco that ojottgfjt, iljat that Uihielj before tuas beuglji fo? tljjee £>engas, mas after* toato folccfoj tuiauieof thpjtie,.^attljeunt?e. aKo,.ma« v'- -■ ' flg title fceaflea* CO* citie of jT&orcoiuao* #&ofca. foifome apie* Etp c&e Ipopu. C0c3-lau&of £oloutfu. Of tfieNortheft frofly fca. npbflfagts, toooos,ano (lacker ofcojne, mere fee oitfpje bp t&e epereame beate : cfjc fmake uiberof fo fptlco tbe region, tljar the epesofmanptoerefojeburttbcrbp €DUerc acofc a;fo as icrncre aoarkeanotbpckemplf toitbout fmoke, tobtebefo moUlfeotbe epes, tbat maw loll tl;ep? fpgbt tberbp. ® ep foui ano nourpfije tbefeeoes of felons oritb great otligcnce ttt certapnerapfei* beooes rnppc UJtclj ooung,toberbp cl;ep fpnoc a remeote botfj a* gapnlf ejtcreame coio ano beat tfo} if the beat ejcceeoe,tbep make certapne rpftes in tbe beos,as it mere bjeatbpng places, lei! tbe feeocs fbouloe be fufibcate Uiitb to much beate. &no if tbe coio be eptreame*ttts cempereo toitb tbe bcaec of tljemacke oj ooung. 3£bep?bealfes arcmucblelTetbcn ours, pet not all uiitbout ljo?nes,as one batb ttijpttemjFoj 3| baue tbece feene®jm,i£ine, Coates, ano Harnmes, ai toitb bo?nes. mt farcefcom tbe citie of M ofca,m certapne monatates, toljicbe a farce of, feme Ipke Onto a citie . ^Lbep fap tbat in tbi* citie is an increoible number of boufes : ano tbat tbe fpjeepeere before mp commpng tbptber, tbe pjince caufeo them to be num* fc?eo, ano fbuno them to bemoje tljcn one ano feurtte tfcoufano $ fptte bunojeo boufes. ^be citie is berp large ano ftpoe , ano alfo berpflabbpanompjpe : bp reafon toberof, it batb manptyio* ges ano caufepcs. ^ ^be apje oftbe region is fo boIfome,tbatbepono tbe fpjpngs of Tanais, efpeciallp cotoaros tbe J13o?tb,ano a great part al* fo tomaros tbe Calf, tbe peifilence barb not been bearoe of fpnee tbe memojpe of man : get baue tbep fometpmes a oifeafe in tbep? botodlesS ano beaoes, not much bnlpke onto tbe peifilence; ® is oifeafe tbep can a beate : mbermitb fuel; as are taken, ope tottbin fetoe oapes» $bom e unite tbat 3Iobn tbe Duke of MofconU , ano &onne of $ afilius, bnoer tbe pretence of religion, iackeo $ fpopleo tbe citie ofN ouogradu ,ano carteo Uiitl; bpm from tbence to MofmU tb?ee bunojeo fleaoes laocn uritb golo, fpluer, ano pjerious if o* nes, of d;e gooooes of tbe arcbbifljop, tbe mercbauntes,citiGnSj ano Grangers. Solovki is an 3ilanoe fituace in tbe Jftojtb fea, epgbt leagues from tl;e continent betioeene Vuina ano tbe p?o* uince of Cor da. fj)ome farre it is otlfaunt from M ofcouia, can nocbetoellfcnotoenjbp reafon ofmanp tfenues . ^arilbea, COooos, and kyngdomes lying that way* JOJ toooMieS, ammefolace places lying in tljetoay . albeit, tome fep ttjacicis not tljjee l)tma?co leagues from Mofcouia, ano »idoier«a. (tPOO IjunOjeO frOltl fyeloiejero • 3!n this Jlanoe ts maoe great plcutte of falte : ano it ljatlj tn it a monalferte, into tlje tobteb it is not iamfttll foj anp toornan 0 ? Virgin to enter ♦ ©ere isalfo great fplhpng fo* berrpng . ©ep faptbat lucre tlje feunne at tbe fommer Cqumocuall, Q;pnet(j contmu alj£jfgtj)go^>, crept ttno Ijcutes. <2)emttrio'tie,i8 a ettte tottb a Calfell, ottfante from Mofcouia ytUeagues, oeelmpng from tbe OTeltfomembattoumroe tbe noitl). Bp cl)t 3 runneth tbe rtitec Lacbroma, tljat runnetb into tbe rpuer of Sefl Sefl aifo rccepu&b tlje rpuer Vulma* mbicb Onlaoctft it felfc tn Volga . anobp tbecommocimeoftbasimanprpueis, ittanprpcbemarcbaunDtesareb^ougbtUJttboutgreat labour oj mfflculcte front tbe Cafptan fea, bp tbe rpuer Volga to M of :ouia > traog from ano opuers other pjoumces ano cities about tlje fame* t^^fplan 0 poones, 5>atcbet£, anofudje otljer neceffarp boareg : fo} t|ep baue nottleufe ofgoloe ano fpluer* The dcfcription of the regions, people, and riuers,lying North and Eaft from Mofcouia : as the way from Molcouia to the riuer Pctzora,and theprouince lugaria , or Iuhra * and from thenccto the - v ' riuer ObuLikewyfe the delcription of other countrey sand regrons, euen vnto thempireofthe great Cham of Cathay,. € Dominion of tlje prince of Mofcouia reacietl farretotoaroe tlje Caff 9 J2o;ulj, Onto t|e places toljidje toe topll noboe oe» fcrtbe* concernpng tobid/c tbpng, 31 tfanfiateb a booke that tons p jefeuteo Onto me in tlje Mtjwites tongue , gHjauefeere _ _ . mane a tyoefe rcbearfal of tljefame, 3! topi firfftljerfoje ocfctibetlje tourmpfcom Mofcouia to Tetzora, ano fo to lugaria anD Obi. ifrom Mofcouia to tlje Cttte of Vuolochda, are numbjeofpftietoerftes , one merit ccmepnpngalmoffe tlje fpace of an Italian mple, if rom VuoloMa to Vfiug, toUiaru tlje rpgbt Ijanoe, oefcenoing mit| tlje ccurfeof tlje riuer of Vuolochdd ano5«cte4mitbU)ljomtttopnetb,are comptco fpueljunojeo lnerl!eg,U)ljereU)itbmtU)o toerHesof tbetomnecalleostrefe^ ano Ijaro lip the citie off ftiugl Sachana iopnetb: 3lugmbtdjrun* netlj from tlje gioutlj , from toljofe moutlj , onto tlje fpjpnges of t|e fame, are numbjeo fptte (junojieo merited j 53otc tbattobereasfcere before tije mictfjo? numbietb but fpftfetocrflni from Mofcouia to vuoiabda, tt feemetb that tlje place te co^mptcn bp tlje p?tn« terj&raiftakpng one tooojbc fo; an otfjer, as, £umq*aginta, tubicbe is fyfttr, fo? Szi’ignu, toMets fpue ijuntyeo ♦ jfo? tfcc affiance fe no lefle from Mofcouia to v Htinhda, t^en from v mUcHA* to ijjfttclje ig fgtto fjunfyto toerftesf* a&w ^Tbe botninion ofcbebtt’keof Mofcouia, BtioIocfjlJa. Suertte. a^ftiug. and kyngdomes lying that way* 3®^ *ttt Suchana anti lug, after tbep topne togeatber,fofe t&efc 6rft fa!# names, ano make both ene rtuer, name* D ww«,bp tbe U)Mcb,tlje paflage to tbe cute of Colmogor contetnctb fpuc bunojeo iuertteS, from tobence tu tbe fpacc of Gpe oapes tournep , Dvina entretb into tbe #o?tb ^Dcean at fppe moutbes : ano tbe greateft parte of this tournep confpttetb bp j&tutgation : fo? bp lanoe from F«o- locbda onto Colmogor ^ alfpng oucr tbe rpuer Vmg^ are a t&ott* fanoe merttes* Jf5ot farce from c olmogor , tbe riuer Tmcga , rum nvng from tl;e Calf on tbe rpgbt bano 3 fo? tbe fpace of feuen bum t>?c& toertts , falletb into mwa ,! from Dvina bp tbe riuer ?ie»c> #i«ua«* ga y bp tbe fpace oftmobuno?co fcuerttcs,tbep come to a place cal* leo KicoUi ,from mbence imtbtn balfe a mertt 3 tf)pppes baue paf fage into tbe rtuer Kuluio, uibtcbe batb bis ojiginallftam a lake mumo. of tbe fame name tomaroe tbe jftojtb, from U)boferp?p«gesiS eight oapes mage to tbe moutb of tbe fame 5 mbere it emretb into tpe Occam Sapling bp tbe coattes of tbe rpgbcbanoe of tbe fea 3 tbep region* bp paffe bp tbe regions Of StanuVifcbe^ Ca/unczscho,anti Jpw : tieifco»tj)fea* Slno fapling about tbe pjomontejte o? cape of cborogoski>W?fe* StanuvifchcXamenckbsmb Toijlickb , tbep come at tbe length into tbe rtuer Mezen ? ano from tbence in tbe fpacc of fppe oapes, to a milage oftbe fame name, ttanotng in tbe moutb of tbe riuer Tiez*, bp tbe mbtebe agapne afeenopng toioaroe tbe leftbanoe Vim* ano Sommer €att 3 tbep come to tbe rtuer fkfeoia : from Ptfcoi*. tubence fapling fa? tbefpace of fpue merges, tbep come into tuio fakes, in tbe mbtebe are feenettoomapes: mbereofone on tbe tpgbt fpoe,goetb to tbe riuer ppp cs from tbe lake otrecclp into Czircbo from mbence 3 a:nogei>, JPonlfsauD bfafos. S^plDepceple. fOoiaflTa* Camctt. JflrtatuifcJja* £>ttmr. JUput. Obi. ftttatffc©* IftsogoNcf, Of the Northeaft froflic (c a» ifromtfjemotttljofc^/w^unto ibemourbof tberpttet rjfc, gopng bp Tetzora, ts one mottetbs bpage. f/jk Ijatb bis fpruiges Si tbe motmtanie Pojw Sewwo/,being on tlje left band toward tbe fommer <£ad, $ fpmigetlj out of a great done of tbe fame mourn tapne 3 calleo Camen Mfcboi . jfrom tbe fprpnges of Vjfa to tbe rooutbes of tbe fame, arc numbered more then a tboufande C2Jerfte&jfurtbermoje,:P ttzpra runnetb from this feucb Unmet patte 3 from Ui&ence afeenoing from tbe mouses of VjfaMo tbe moutljes of tbe rpuer stzpcbogoraAz three uieefees bpage. ^bep tljat Defended this bpage, fapoe tbat tbep relied betrueene tlje moutbeooftberpueroofs^c^oraanD fotzjcberiema , and icfte tljcpr bictualles there tobirfje tbep brought trntlj tbem from %}/4*Bep ond tbe rpuers of fetzora and stzuebegora toumrde tbe mountapne Camenipoias, and tbe fea tmtb tbe Sllandes there about,anb tbe Cadeli of Tuftoojero, are dpuers anb innumerable natton3,tobtdje bp one conton name are calico Samoged (tbat ts} fucb as eate tbem felues ♦ &bep baue great tncreafe of fouled, bpjdcs, and dpuers kpndee of beades tas tables, ^arternes, n5euers 3 Otters 3 0ermeU'nes, ( ^qutrrels : ano tn tlje Ocean tbe bead catted Sgojs : 3lfo 6ldTe,U)ljpte Beares,Wo!ucs,i[pareS, CquiU)oDuam 3 great ratber of ttenppng, appjocbetbnbep leatie tljep? mares in cercapne places appopneed, mijtcb tbe Gr«- ftintzi and Serponovtzi carrp amap, Icaupng other mares of c* quail baluetn tbep? places : mbtcb if tbe dead men at tbe tpme of cbep^reupupngperccpuetobecfdnequaUpipce, tbep reqttp^e tbcpj ototie agapne : bp reafon mbereof,mucb ttrpfc and Sgbtmg isbetmeenetbem. ifrom tbe rpuer of Obi defeendpng tomarde tbe lefte bande, <®tp. are tbe people called Calami, mbtebe came tbptberfrom Otiova C8!4,,l< * and TogofiJBmntl) Obi, about Jurea jinm (cljat is, clje golden oldc topfe) are tbe rpuers Sofia, 'BereStVua# Vtnadim* all tntneb liters* fpjpngout of tbe mountapnes CawenPBolfcbe^fmffa, and tbe rockes lopnpng to tbe fame . $111 tbe nations tbat tnbabue from tbefe rpuers to Jurea Jnus , are fubtecte to tbe prince of Mofcotda. mu. tea *|VI Otutea ftuu0. «prmi, <£a(Tmu. lOfopteofmS* ftroasfijape. Sfl fpCjslpfce ft man. lOhmeluiifctli cffljeip&ifpfy. Of the Nor then ft froftie fen. Jure a Jnus, calico ill tlje M of comtes tongue, Slata Baba, is an tool, at tbe ntoutljcs of Obi tn tljc pjoutnee of ObdoraMi iopng on tlje furcljeft banke totuaroe tlje fea. 3long bp tlje bankes ot Obi, ano tlje titters nearc tl;ere about, are here ano there manp cattles ants fo’trclTcs : all tlje fojocs thereof, are fubtect to tlje prince cf M ofcouia, as cljep fap* 3cbep Cap alfo , oj ratljcr fable , tl;ac tlje too!! calico A urea Jr. us, is an image Ipke onto an oloe tupfe, Ija* upng a cbploe tn bet lappe,ano tljat tljcrc ts notue feene another infant, toljfdjc tljep fap to be ber nepljctoe: 3lfo , tljat tljcrc are certapne (nttrumentes that make a continuall founoelpke tlje nopfe cf Enmiyecc:s,tbe U)ljtclje,pf it fo be, 3 tljpnke it to be bp reafen of tlje bopnoe,blotowg cominuallp into the Ijolotue places oftbofeinttrumenies* &l)c niter Cosfa falietlj out of the motmtapnes into Lucomoria: 3!n tlje moutl; ofdjts is a cattle, buljitljer from tlje fp?tnges oftbe great riuer cosfm , ts tluo monetljes biage* urtljermo?e,frcm the fringes of tlje fame r ittcr,tlje riuer Casftma Ijatlj bis original, lnljtcljc runnpng tijjouglj Lucomoria , falietlj into tbe great riuer T achuin , beponoe tlje toljiclje (as is fapoe) otuel men of pjobigt* otts ffjape,oftu!jom,fome are ouergroboen buitlj beare Ipke botioe beattes, otljer Ijaue beaoes Ipke oogges , ano tljeir faces in tbeir belles, un'tljout neckcs,ano boitlj loitgbanoes alfo,anb toitljouc feete* ^bere is Ipkclnpfe in tbe rptter Tachnin , a certapne fplb, fcritb beau, epes, nofe, motitlj, ljanocs,feefe,ano otljer mem- bers bfterlp of bumanelljap e, ano pec toitljouc anpe bopce, ano plcafant to be eaten, as are otljer fpiljes* 311 tljat 31 Ijaueljptljmorebearfeo, 3IljattetranflateDoutof tbe fapoe iournep toljtclje tuas oeipuerco me tn tbe Mofcouites tongue: 31n tlje tuljiclje, perbappes fome tljpnges map feeme fabulous, ano in maner increotble, as of tlje oontbe men, ano tlje oeao, reniupng, tbe Ama Jnus alfo, ano tlje monttrous fljapes of men, tottljtbefpQjeofljumanefourme: boljereof, altljougb 31 bauemaoe Diligent inoguttuon,peccoulDe3!knobue notbpng certapne of anpe that Ijao feene tlje fame Uittb tljeir epes tnettcr- tljelette, togeue further occatton to otljer to fcarcljetlje truetlj of tljefe tljpnges, 31 bane tbougljt gooo to make mention hereof* Kojfin t\)z Mofcouites tongue Ogntfieclj a JMe, anotljere- % t(jrp cal all capes o j popntes, that reaclje into the fea , bp tbe fame and kyngdomes lying that way. fame name* _ ^ Z\)t mountapnes about tlje ttucr of Petzora , are calletJ Sent' jn&owapue** mi Poyas, 0} Cingulus mundi, tljat tS, tlje gpjblc Of t\)Z tOO^lbC, 0£ oftbeeattlj. %wt*x n iQtbai is a lake, of U)ljorn tbe great Cane of Cathay m om tlje € t, anp 0 i M of comans call Ezar Jfithaiski, batlj t}Xj3 name ! f 0} Chan in tfee Catlap* Tartars language Ogmdetfj, & &png» ^be places of luc omomMrn unco tbe fea, are faluage,ful of mm, ano mljabiteb nritljout anpe Ijoufes . 3nb albeit, tljat tlje aucd )02 of tbl 3 t( 5 urnep,fapbe,tljatmanpe nations of lucomoria irncomoita. are fubiecce to tlje police of M of coma, pet foj as mudje as tlje kpngbotne of rumen ts nearc tljerebnto, mljofepjtnce is a Tau srutmm tar, ano narneb in tljetr tongue, Tumemki Czar,tlwt ts, a king in Tumcn, anb batb of late Doone great oornage to tbe pjince of Mofcouia : it is mode Ipke tl;at tljefe nations Ifjoulbe rat&er be fubtectbntobpnn jj^eare bnto tlje riuer Petzora ( mfjereof mention is ntabe in | 0 ^ 5 o?a. tljis tournep) is tlje citie ano calf le of Papin , oj Papim^gorod, ^^ lu * toljofe inljabitantes aretiameo f^i.anoljnue a pjiuate Ian* guage,oifferpng from tlje Mofcouites . 3l5eponoe tijisrpuerare ©pgijmomt- ercceopngbpgijmottntapnes, reacljpngeuen bnto tlje banks, {e^lob^p^ inbofe rpbgcs oj toppes , bp reafott of cominuall Uipnbes, are in bom aus maner btterlp barren UJicljout gralTe oj fruites ♦ $nb altljouglj vlJ * u in timers places tljep baue timers names, pet are tljep common* Ipe calleo cingulus mundi, tbat is, tlje mojlbe . 3in tljefe moun* tapnesboo3!erfalcons bjeebe, tnljcreof Jljattefpobenbefoje* ^bere groUie alfo Cebar trees, among tlje inljtcljc arc founbe tlje bedaub blacked kpnbe of tables :anb ondp tljefe maun* tapnes are feene in all tlje bomtntons of tbe pjince of M. ofcouia , tobicbe perljappes are tlje fame tljat tbe oloe Uijpccrs call fifipheos, oj Hyperboreos , fo names of tlje (Breeke uiocjbe, H vper, tljat is, atm the famous rpuer ofr anais. (&{)2 p?outnce otftezjn, Otuate bctiucenc the rpuers of Occa aim T anais, hath a cttie buplnen of iuoon 5 not far from the banke of Occa : there mas in it a Cattle named iaroflav, tohereof there nolo remapnetlj nothing but tokens of the olne mine ♦ Mot farre from that citte, the rpuer Occa ntakcth an 3iIanDe naitten struh 3 inbicb bias fomtpme a great Dukeoomc 3 tnbofe prince loas fub* iecte to none othei\Cbis p?otuncc of %^w,is mo?e fruitful then anp other of the p?ctuncea of Mojcouia : 3!nfomuche that in this (astbepfap)cuerpgrapneoflaheateb>ingethfoo?tb tlneo, ano fometpmes mo?e cares: lohofe ttalkes o? ffraloes groU) fo thicke that bojtfes can fcarflp goe through thcm 3 o? ©uapleo flee cut of thcm.Cijere is great plentie of honp/plbes/oultS^bp^oes, ano inpldebcattes. ^hefmitesalfoooefarrceyceeoethefruites of Mofcouia.Z Ije people are Ooloe ano lnarlpkc men, Of the famous ryuer of Tanais. Mofcouia Onto the Cattle Of Iarof- , ano beponoe fo? the fpace of almoff ii. lcagucs 3 rtmnetb the rpue r of Tanais , at a place called fionco , inhere the mar- xhaumes that trade to Afoph, Capha , and iConttaminople, fraight tbep? fhpppes: ano this fo? themott parte in ^utumpe, bepng a rapneptpmeoftbepccre , jfo? Tanais beere at other tpmes of thepeere 5 ooetl; not foabouime im'clj mater 3 as to beare fhpppes and kyngdoineslyingtJiat way. 3 °9 ofanp burben . W$ famous rptter of Tams, bp* . . upbetbCuropefrom^/w, anb bad) ljis ojpgpnallojfpjpnges trtj^uropc almolf ♦\riit. leagues from tbe citic of r ulla 5 touiarbe dje &outlj, ft om scaa. inclpnpng fometuljat toioaroe tbe Calf, anb not out of dje % ofcanms. j>k IfBofcomaiit ftlliaauDnotin ^utapg. tffiepjonliueof fOmnia, jUT^arpfljes in foamier. OftheNortheaft frofty fea, bnco bJbtcfee refo^c manp mcrcljaumeg of optics nation^ ano from opuero partem oftljemojloe » .fo^,tbatall nations map t^e glaolperljauerecourfe tbptljer, free Ipbercte of tying ano fellpng fe graumeo unto all : ano that fcottb out tbe ctci'c euerp man map freelpofe bis otone ano acculfomco maner of Ipupng, Untboutpunplbement. ©f tbe alters of great Sflepanocrano BMiusCefar, tobteb* manp ui^peergs make mention of m tljts place, oj of tljep? ruined 3 couloe Ijaue no certapne knotueleoge of tbtnbabttauntcs o$ anpotbertljat ban ofeempmes trapuapleo chefe places » j^ur- tbermoje, tljefotilDper^ tobtebe tlje prince of Mofcouia mapn* tapnetb there peerelp to oppielfrcbtncurOons of tbe Tartars fa* mg of me ocmatmoeo berof,anfu)eareo p tbcp neuer fa to o? bearD of anpfucbtbws* Beuertbelefie tbcp fato,tl;at about f> month* of r anais tbe lelTe, foure oapes tojncp from Jfopb , neere t mo a place caUeD Sewn/fo bptbebolp mountapnee?, tbep faUie cer* tapne images of if one ano marble, t anais tbe leflfe, batb W fpjfnges in tbe Dukeoome of Severfkj, thereof it is calleo ®onetzje'toerJk s i. ) ano falletb into T anais, cljjee oapes iojnep a* abo WtJfopb . Q^utfucb as to^ncp from M of could ’to Jfopb bp lanoe, tbcp, paflpng oucr T anais about tbe oloe anti ruinate totrnie of Donco, oo fomtobat turne from tbe ^>outb to tbe Calf: BUn tbe toljtcb place, if a rpgbc line be o^atone from tbe moutlje* of r anais to tbe fpjpnges of tbe fame, Mofcouiajbtf bz founoe to be in Jfut} ano not in Curope* More directly from Mofcouia to Cathay, i()e great ano large pjomnce of Tcmu, ts oilf ant from Mofcouia ttoo bunojeo ano fpf* tie,oKa^fomefat)tb?eebuno?eoleaguegi,oi'» rectlp bettuene tbe Call ano iftojtb : ano jbatb acute of tbe fame name bp tbe rpuet Vifcbora, niljtcb runnetb leagues benetb kamam , Ebetojncp bplanocan fcarfelp be trattalleo timber but in U)imer,bp reaCo of mant rtuers, marines, ano frns*T15ut in fommer,tljts tojnep 10 oifpatcbeo tuitlj moje fa* ctbtle tn boater 02 fmai fljtps bp Vmhcbda V fling, ano tlje rpuet: Vitzscbda I and kyngdoircslyingtliat way. % To yit?ecbidM)\Jb rumictb im^a.xiiAt^t^XtmVJliug, 35uttbep that go from Pemia to VftiugMiii l faple bp the rpuet * yijcborattgtyxflLihz courfc of the ftreame: ano palfpngcuer certapnerpuers, fcmetpmes alfo conueping tf;cp? boater into ot()er rpucrs bp lanD x tfjep come at the length to V fling, tfece bunojeo leagues oidanc from the cme of Permit djerctslmaibfe oftyeaointbtepjouince. jfcjuhepjpeerelp cntmte trtbuccjtheppaptotheptncefurresami hojfes. ^jcpljauea |“ r f ^ mti pjiuate language 3 ano letters of tbepj oU)ne,tnl)tclj one Stephen a Bplbop (m!jo confirm#) them pet mauerpng in the fapth)Dto imtettc. ,foj before, bepng pet infantes in the faith of Cbpifybep fletoe ano flcpoe an other Bpfyop that toas appopnteo to in* flruct them. %W Stephen afceruuarti toben Demetrius the fonne of JobnrepgneD, boas taken foj a &ainct among the Pyhm. jaDfthefe people there pet remapne manp Jioolatcurs hereano there tn the toooos 5 Uibom the Q9unkes ano ^eremites that go ^SuISub^ thpther^bo not ceafe to ccnuert from tbcpjt batne errour. 3n the iwmer tljep t'o^nep to Jrtacb , as thep Do in manp places of %/- fut,jrtacb,m cettaine long patemes of ujood of almod Up bano* ^ 4tentMr * fullesinlengtb, tobt'cb thep make fad to tbepjfeete Uutb Hat* chets 5 ano djertmtb perfottntte thep? iojnets toith great cclentic. /fcamte pau* ^bepbfetojthts purpofe great Dogges in the If ease of other {jjaSfe^gaa bead es,UJitb the mbicb thep carrp tbept faroels on fleaoes 3 as Oi areaimoftaa tijer no Untl) lipattess tn otljer places, as toe topi furtljer Declare fuTtoclurlal Ijercaficr. tEijcp Tap rljac tlje p?oitince totoaro rijc Cat! confined) to out acaue. told) tlje pjotiince calico T ume», patterning; to die fa rtars. ®lje Rotation ofrtjepjoutnce of lug aria, ts apparent bp d;at 3U(Jai . ia to’jicl) toe banc Capo before . €lie M oft suites call It Iubra tottlj an afpiratton : ano call dje people luhrici. ^Ijiotstljat lugm* from toljence the Hungarians came in li" sari ?* tpme pafi , potTefieD fanmnU, anD Dnoertlje conoitct of/c» amu”"' 8 * tila, fuIlOtlCO Itlanp piOUttlCCO of Europe : to!)frcill tlje Moft ■ couites DOO tjrcatlp glojpe , tl;at a nation fubtect to tijem,itraa« Deo ano toallet) a great pact of Europe , Georgius farms , a©reekcbo)ne,anoa man of reputation told; tlje Bunce of Mofcouia, topllpng to afcribc to tlje rpgljc ofljtg pimcc the great Dtifieoome of Lithuania, ano tlje fipngooine of Toh- s^toitbeertapneodjer Dominion^ toloe me t&at fylubg*. m>t oj ftiperiourgmti gane.ts called 2Cu(trta. 3polonie* %ut* e ^furresf. ^earles,* pie* ttous ftones. I&ibier. Jfpreolos, ^tljpnkctobee jr&artennstpet fometbiufte them to be £>q'iirel9,<©er* nenisuuptetl) tljat tfjc fttnges of tile Tartars, fjaue tpeit rentes conerel* luitboutUiittj tJjefftmiesof 3Uons: (jttutjjj iu,U)itf)t!jc fbpituesof fables aub <£rmtnes ♦ OftlieNortKcaft frofty fh, nVidj Mg^bepngfubtectsto tlje great Duke of A fofiouU* came foojtb of tbep? olune countrep, and fp^Cl inhabited the regi- ons about the ifennes of Mcotis, and then Tmionic . mljiclj mas aftermaro called Hmgme, bp tberpuer tfftanubw 1 3lfo that in fmetljeppofTefled the region of MorauiaAo named of the rp* utriand Ipketopfe follme, fo called of folk , uobtcbefigmfietfj aplapne* tfurthermoje tba tfuda mas fo called after cbe name of the brother of Jttila* ©jepfapatfo that the lubgme bfethe fame tongue tljat do the : tlje mbtrfjeUiijet&er it be erne op not, 31 do not knofco. jf op although 3 Ijaue made diligent inquilftiontoknome the truetb hereof, pet could 31 fpnde no man of eljatregton mitlj Uihorn mp feruaunt,bepng expert in the Hungarian tongue, might fpcake-SChep alfo pap furresfo? tfjepp tributes to the ppitice of MofcouU, 8na albeit that pearlesand precious Hones, are brought front thence to Mofcouia^zta re tbep not geatljered in thepp Ocean , Out in other places : efpecialip ah out the coait of the Ocean, neare bnto the mouthes of fuina. %ll)Z pjottince Of Sibier, confined) rnith Termia, and Vuiathka : theU)ljidje,mljether it Ijaue anpecaftels op cities, 31 do not pec certapnelpknome:3lntljis, the tymlaick, hath his optginall, and falletlj into the C^wnfea. ^bepfap that this region is de* fart, hecaufe tt Ipeth fo neare the Tartars : op that pf it be iu anp part inhabited, the fame to be poffeifed of the T artar Schicbma * ffid/.^hinhabitameshaueapeculiarlanguage : and Ijaue thepp cljeefegapnes bp the furres of fgarternes, UJfjicbc in fatrnelfe and greatnefle, epcel al the furres of that kpno that are found in anp other ppitnce0»$>ec could 31 Ijaue no greateplentie of them in Mofcouia at mp bepng there* jSotc that long after tbe turning of tl)is bttf o?te,at Ktctjam Ci&auncelec Ijtsi f^ft begng in Mofcouia, Dube 3Ioim Vafiimcht that notoe repgnetb, fttbmt^ eoaUt!jer feobo Declares t$at ijig father bad been fent gmbalfadour to tbe greater of Cathay, and tfj^t tlje great tititofcambaiu, tuyere tlje great chan fccpetbbfe Court tnfeopnter, boas in mancr dtftropedbv jftigromancte anD S0agtcaU *tr tess , toljeretn tlje Cathy am are berp expert as fe^ptetb Manus Pauius return:* Cbere boas alfo at tlje fame tprne tbambaffadout of tye fepng of Prrtia catleB tlje great Sophie . Cbt 3 ambalfaBour boas apparelleD al tn Scarlet, ana fpafee muefte to tfjc Dube tn tfj? beljalfc of c ur men, of boljofc bpngDome ana trade ijt boas not ignorant* ®lje ( and kingdomes lying that way. 3 1 1 tfte people ttiitb Czermiffe,\j)nt\\ ttl tbc tOOOt)OCg> bcttttb CjercmiOfr* jtouogYtdU tbe tamer ♦ %\ jep baue a peculiar language, ano are of t(je fecte of Macbumet . ^bcpUierc fometpmefubtecte to tbe kpngof C4/i» ;but tbe greater part of them are notoe fubtecte to tbe pjtnce of Mofmia * Sganpof tljem atmp bepng tbere, jnereb^ougbttoMo/fOKM^aofufpecteDofrebellion . ^bte na* tion ootb tnbabite a large region mitboutboufes from Vuiatbka amyuolocbdaAoti)ttym otfyrna . 8lltbe nation, afujelimo* men as men, are berp take of foote, ano expert archer* : mberin tbep fo ne!pgb£ 3 that tbep} homes are in maner neuer out of tljeir banoes : ano geue tbep? cbplo?en no meate bmpll tbep bpt tbe marke tbep fljoote at . ^mo leagues otlfaunt from T^uogradia tbe tamer, mere manp boufes to tbe lutuluuo of a ctrte 0 ? totune, mljere tbep mere accuftomeo to make falre . ^Tbefe a fetoe 3>ata* peeresftnee bepng burnt oftbe Tartars, mere refto?eo bp tbe commaunoetmnt of tbe prince. Mordva, are people tnbabptpng bp tbe rpuer of Volga on tbe foutbbankebetietbNo«o^r^i4tbe tamer, ano aretnaitbtnge* Ipke Unto tbe Czeremijj'es , but that tbep baue mo?e boufc* ♦ lino here enoetb ^Lbempire oftbe Mofcouites * 0Ote ^ere tf)at Matthias of Mich OH , ill %VSS IJOOke of Samaria ^fiatica, tftb tfcat tbe Dominion of tfoe Duke of Mojcouta rcacbetb from rfje nc^luctf to tbe routaeaftfpue!)utiD?eiJmplf^of(&tmiaiUE, tutjtcbe arc inojc tljcn leagues; jFo? tbe? affirm* r^at a German mgle to mo;e t&en tfow aSnglify* mgU*. Oftbe fat tars* W € U)ill nome aooe hereunto fometubat oftbe people conftnpng rnttb tbe Mojcouites totuaroe tbe €aft: Tartars oftbe mbicb tbe J artars of c* [ an are tbe fp?ft ♦ Qfrut of ^ afan * before me fpeake of them perttcularlp, toe mill fp?tf rebearfe fomembac of tbep? mantes ano cuttomes in general %\)z v artars are otuioeo into compame*,mbicb tbep cal Her- das, oftbe mbtebe tbe Bor da of tbe Sauolbenfes ts tlje cbiefe in fame ano mtiltimoe : jfo? it 10 fapoe that tbe otber Hoy das ban tbep? offp?t'ng ano ojiginallcftbt*. 8 noalbetttbatnierpHor- da batb bis peculiar name, as tbe Sauolbenfes,Trecropenjes, ano ?\abais,tyit{) OpttetS Otber,bepttg all M athumetans ,y>i\. do tbep take it cup!f,ano count it rep?ocbe to be calleo burkes : but toplf tbern fetes to be calico name alfo „ ^ Suites oelRf to be calico, Ssfcrmani. ano STfre nature of t&t Cartar*. ^Tfjep abtfemc from&oggea fleflje* j SCUrtuience. tracin'*. J&ot)ot&e tEurke*, 3fojnetngbptDe 9 ole (tarce. ffr&zti mtlke. Cjoife ftcftt fawn* bs,anb are referuebonlp fo; the djeef Kpine m*«t« men. ®fjep; ho?fcs (tuljcreof thep Ijaue great ahounnance) ace ®#ecatMts butfmaU, anotnttb (bo?t necks: but beep titong, ano fuchascan ®° l ,8 * Well aWap With labour anb hunger. ®tjefe tljep feebe with the bjaunchea anb bathes o? rpnbea of trees»anb the rootea of heap be a anb wet oes, wherbp tljep accttdome them to barb feebpng, anb eperepfe them to contpnuall labour : bpreafon whereof (as fapth tMofcouites') tljep; Ijoifcs are ftupftct anb mote curable then anp other : thefe bpnoe of hojfea, thep call Tachmat, Sljep haue none other faooela anb ffpjtops then of Wood, epceptfach $>am ia»no as tljep eptljet bpe of the. Chadians, o; take from them bp bio* 91 knee, led thep; ljo;fe baches Ojoulbe be hurt bnith thep; fab* * Oellea, tljep bnberlap them with grade anb leauea of trees.®jep tdfo pade ouer riuera on ho;f bache .3Jut pf when thep flee, thep frate the purfupng of tljep; enemiea, then eadpng awape tljep; (abbclS,appatreH,anoaHothet impebintentes. referupng onlp tljep? armour anb Weapons, tljep flee amapne,anb with great eeletitie, ®jeit Womenbfe tljefame hinbe of appartel that bo tlje men> toitljont anp biderence, epeept that tljep couer thep; heaces with «ra«aw fpnnenbaples.fbfe Ipnnenhofe much bhebnto mariners flops. to#mn, r ffiUhen them que cues eomea b;obe, thep ate accudomebtoco* uer tljep? faces- SDheotljer multitube of the common fo?t that lp-- ueth here anb there in the ficloes, haue thep; appatrell mabeof tbeepes ffeptmes, which thep change not bntpli tljep be wojne ot to;ne in fptters. €ljcp tarrpe not long in one place»tuOgpng it a great miferte fo to bo. Jnfomuch that when tljepare angrp With their cljplbjen, tlje greated turfe that thep can geue them, is that thep map remapne perpetuailp in one place, t o?atoe the dpntch of th cp? o wne fpltljpnedc as bo ttje Chjitf fans- ffiUljen tljep haue cutt ‘‘ tonfumeb the padtite in one place, thep go to an other With their D;oues of cattaile,ano tljep; wiues aitb chplb;en,Whom tljep euer earrp about with them m flagons : albeit the Tartars that b well in cities anb toWnes,bfe an other ojber of Ipnpng. afthepbemclofenwith anp batmgerous watre, thep plate jaambfre tljep; Wpues, chplo;en,anfro!be folbes,in thefaacd places • awongtijs ®here is no 3!ufttce among them, jfojpfanp man flanbein C ' U “ W9 * j tteebe Ct?e Martas are cljeeuea ftiiDpaojc . STljep rctopcg in fpoplpng. C&e feelbi Cartars, gmeerptafe. Of the Northefl frofty Tea* mm ofanp tbpng, he map mitbouc pumf&ement take ft a toapi from another. Jfanp complapne to the 3 Iuogeottbe btolence ano mjong Doone onto bpm, the offenoer oemetb not the crime, but fapetb that be couloe not lacke that tbpng. 2Cljentbe3Iuoge is mont to geue this (entente :3If thou aifo (halt bauc neaoeof anp tbpng, Do tbelpkcto other* g>ome faptbepoonottfeale: But Whether thep deale oj not, let other tuoge. <£bep are furelp a tbeeuptye kpnoe of people, ano Derp pooje , Ipupng on* Ip bp robbpng of other, ano ftealpng amap other mens cattaple, ano uiolentlp aifo carrptngamap the men tbemfelues, mljoiti eptber thep fell to the burkes, 0 } pioffer them to be reoecmcD bp ranlome,referupng onlp the poung benches- Zljep fdoosne aflault cities o } cadets , but burne ano made, toumes ano btlla* ges : 3Jafomuch chat thep fa pteaie them (elites herein, that thep thpnke thep baue fa rnuebe the moje eitageo cbepj Empire, in hotuemuche thep batiemndeo ano maoeoefolate manp pjomm ces . 3no although thep be mod impatient of red ano quiet* ne{Te> pet oa thep not kplloj Dedrop one an other, epcepttbepj kpngesbeac Didenrion betmecne them felucs 31fanpmanbe (lapne in anp frap o? quarrel!, ano theautebours of the mifehefe betaken, onlpcbepj bojfe, barnefle, meapons,anD apparreil, are taken from them, ano thep otTmilfro . ^>o that the muroe* ter bp the lode of a bple ©ojfe o? a Borne, is oifcbargeb of the 3uoge mub clefe mooses : (Set thee hence, ano goe about thp bndnede* <£bep baue no bfeof golo anofpluer,epcept onlp a feu? merchatmees : butejeetepfe ejeebaunge of marc fo? mare* 3n0 pfitfochauncecbatbp fellpng of fuehe thpnges aathepljaue dolne, cbepgecanpemonepcftbep? boioerers,tbcpbpe there* Urith certapne apparreil ano other necedartes of the M ofcouiter, 3Tbe reg'onsofthcp^habitations (tbefeeloe Tartars 31 meane) arenotlpmttteo mitb anp bounoes o? bo^oerg . ©jeremas on a tpme a certapne facte Tarter taken pjpfoner of the Mofco * uites : to toborn, mben the ]p?mce fapoe, home art thou fo fat thouoogge,lpththoubad not to cate* the Tartar aunfmereo* 22 I 0 p (houlo not 3 haue to eate,fpth 3 l podede fo large. a lanoe frem the €ad to the £Ocd, mherebp 31 map be abunoant* Ipnourpiheoli But chott maped rather feemeto lacke,fptb tbouinljabpted fo fmall a portion of the moo^loe,ano booed and kyngdomes lying that way. 3 13 oaplp ffrpttc for the fame. C4/4»tjsafepng0ome 5 a!fo a citie anna cadfe of m fame cafatt. uamc,fcituate bp the riuer Volga, on the further banke,aIwofte tbreefcore ano tenne leagues beneath N wgradia the lotoer. $long bp the courfe of Volga tomaroe the Cad auo S&outb ,tt is termineo mitb ocfarc fecloes : tomaroe the Sommer Cad, It confined) totththe Tartars, callCD Scbibamkj>&ti$ J(ofat?kj, ®he kpngof this proutncets able to make an armie of tbprtte coefarngt thotifanbe men, efpcctallp footmen, of the mbicb, the Czeremiff ' ofCdran - ano Czubafcbi are mode erpert Qrchers, ®b e Cz&bafchi are ah airc&cr*. fa cunnpng partners* Ehecttte ofc^tsttj^eefco^eleagues Jl ^ arpner ^ Aidant from the pnnctpall cadfe Vuiatbka . furthermore, Cafan in the Tartars language, (ignifieth a brafen pot boplpng. ©efe cue towns Tartars are more emit! then the other , for thep smell in houfee, ^ aruv0 - tpl the grounoe , ana ererctfe the traoe of marcbanotcs r ^hep mere of late labours by’Baftlins the great Duke tfi AfoJcouia, ano hao tbeirlKpng affigneo them at his arbicrement: But fbajtlpe after tljep rebef.eo agapne, ano afTociare mitb other Tartar sAmtfotb the region of MofcouU, fpopleo anomadeo manp cities ano tomneg,ano leooe ainap innumerable captiues, tartars. 5 eucn from the citie of Af of coma, mhich thep pofFeflfeo for a tpme, sro* Pitnte or atio hao btterlpocdropeo the fame, pftt bao not been for tbeba* SSSSSJfm IcauntndTe of the Almam (Summers, mbicbe kept the eadle mitb grcatoroinaunce. ^hepalfo put Dube to flpghf, ano caufeo hpm to make a letter of hts omnc bano to Machmet - girei tbepr Epng, to ackuoufleoge hpm fdfe for a perpetuall tri* butane to them : mberebpon thep ottfblueo the Oege , ano gaue the Mofceuites free libertte to reoccme their capttues $ gooos, ano fo oeparteo - But Bafilius not long able to abpoe this con* ^ ufef tumelie auootibonour, after that he has put to oeatb fuche as bp a*»p agapnit Aping at tbefird enedumrpng mere the caule of this ouerthr om: €atwr0t aflembfeo an armie of an bunoreo ano fourefcore thoufanoe men fbortlp after, in the peere, 1523. ano fern formaroe his armie, bnoer tlje conoticc of bis Hieuetenant, ano theremith an fperaloe at armes to bpooe batted to Macbmetgira the S{png of C 4 / 4 », mitb mooroes in tins effected ®6e lad peere , Ipke a tbeefe ano robber,mithout bpoopng of battel, tbouopooedpfMilp opprdfe fes* U me* 3 Tfje ftpng of U)C U)lll nofoie p^O* cceoe to fpeake fometobat of tfje other T ^inhabiting tlje re* gions totnatde tbe ^oittljealf 5 anti the Caftan fea. jl&]Ct bepono iljZ T art a) s of Cafan, ate tfje Tartars raffed Kd' gai oj Xogai, tuljicl) inijabite tljc regions beponde Velga, about the Caftan fea at tl}2 rpuc r I akk> rtmnpttg out of tbe p^ouittee of sibier. Ctjefe baue no kpnges but Dukes. 3In our tpme,tb?ee bje* tl#en deupdpng tfje ptouinces equailp bcttoeenc tbcm, polTeifed tbofe D.tkeDome&Cbe firlf of them nameo Schidac\, poffefletb the citteofi'f^/^c^bepontictberpuerof^o? Volga, to* tuard tlje Caff, Untlj tbe region cottfinpng utitb (be rpuer Iaick- %\)Z feconde called Cojfum, cmopctlj all tbe lande that Ipetb be* ttttcene tberpuers of i{aman,laickj and Volga, % be third brother nameo Scbicfonamai, polfelfetb parte of tbe p^outnce ofsibier, ano all tbe region about tbe f mz.ScbicbmamaiAg as much to fap bp tnterp?etatton,asboIpo?mpgbtte . 3nd in matter all tbcfe regions are ful of d)oods,ejtcept that that iietij tctoard Scbauitz ■, fcubicb conOtfetb of plapnes ano fielDCS. 15 ztmtMt\)ZtMt$ofVolgam' 0 laic\', about tbe Caftan fea, there fomettmes inbabtteo tbe binges calico Sa^olbenjes. 1 . Vc~ melius 'Taniclis (a man among cljefe Barbarians of Ongular faith 9 grauitie) tolde bs of a rnaruepious $ in matter incredible thing, that is feene among tbefe Tartars, ano that bis father be- ing Pent bp tbe prince of M ofcouia to the kpng of Savolbenfe , faui tebile be Utas in that legacie, a certatne leede in that Jlatto fome* tobat lelfe 9 rounder then tbe feeds of Melons: Dftlje mljicb be* mg bpo in tbe ground, there grousetb a frutee 0? planre berp Ipke a lambe,oftbe height of fine fpannes : and is therefore called in tbcpj tongue So^^^tobicbeiigniSetbalitielLambe . tfo} it hath tbe bead, epes,eares, and all other partes fi^c tmto a iambe nemlpepned:mitba(foaderptbpnfkpn,U)bcreUJitb dpuers of tbe inbabttauntes oftbofe regions are^ccuHomcd to Ipne tbepi cappes and Imttz^mb other tpjements foj tot beades. 314 3Tt)e Cafpiaii fea. I^crfia* arnunia* a\woi* beufc*. ^marttrtoi!0i frntetphca iambs. S@an9cuilr« 2&artiat!t00r tfic *©ihcitfP0, 2&«rac*l&ot- tan. €a$ap<, Of the North eaft fe>flic£a*, $9anp alfo conSrmeo incur pjefcnce, tljattbepbaofeenetbefe fkpmtes.lbe fame furtbcrmoje,tbat tbat plant (pf it map be cal- ico a plant) Ijatbblooo, anonofletfje, btitbatb in tbe fteaoe of flelbe, acertapnefubtoncelpkeumotbeflcibe of Creuilbes. 3Ebebooffes alfo arc not of ljo?ne* as are tbe itambes, but couereo mitb bearetn tljefamefourme. Wbt rocte clcattab to tbe naupl o? mpooeft of tbe bellp : tbe plant o? frmte Ipuetlj until a! tbe grades bearbes groining about it, being eaten, tberoote tnptbcretb foj lacke of nourpfljmem ♦ ®cp fap that it ioberp ftnecte to be eaten, ano is tberfoje greatlp oefpjro,ano fougbt foj of tbe Woolues,ano other rauenpng bcaites. #no albeit 31 edeeme all that is fapoe of tins plant to be fabulous , pet fojaf- rnuebe as it barb been toloe me of crebtble perfons, 3L Ijaue thought goootomake mention hereof; ©f this Grange firutte MandiuUt rna&tb mention-, inhere in tbe.lrrruii.Cbapter of bis 3$ooke, be mjptetb tbue i jfrome Ibal 31 Tap of fame lanoes, countreps, ano 3!flcs tbat are beponoe tbe lanoe of Cathay : therefore mljofo goetb from Cathay to l ndia tbe bpgb ano tlje loine, be {ball goe through a Iftpngoomc tbat men call Cadijfen, ano is a great lanoe . “Cbere grolnetb a manner of frutte , as it mere c&ouroes , ano inben it ts rppe , m;n cut it a- (unoer, anofpnoe tljercma bead", as it mere of flellje , bone* anoblooo, as it mere a lule lambe, mitljcuc mooli,, ano men care tbat bead, ano tbe fruite alfo, mbicbe is a great marueple: nenertljelelTe, 3! fapoe bnto them, tbat 31 beloe tbat fojnomarueple,foj3Ifap0e, tljatinmp countrepare trees tbat beate fruite, tbat become bpjbes fleeing , mfjicb are gooo to be eaten, ano tbat tbat falletb into tbe mater, Ipuetb, ano tbat tbat falletlj on tfje cartb,fcpetb: 3no tbep bao great mar* ucplecftbts.$c. JTrom tlje prince of sMac fa pjoceeopttg tmentpe oapeg ioutnep tomaroe tbe €ad, are tbe people mbicb tbe M ojcouues cal lurgenci , mbofe pjpnce is iaracllsoltan , bjotber to tbe gteac iban of Cathay. 3fn tenne oapes iournep from tiarac^ Soltan, eljep come to flebtid cte.SIno tbte is tbat great chan Of Cathay. and kyngdomes lying that way’ 31 j jframes of Dignities among the t artars, ate theft, c bdnMg? yi ftMj « ftpng: So/»«n,theronne of a ftpng :©//', a QukaMurfa, the tonne of a Duke: Olboud, a noble man, o? eounfellet : Olboa - juk, the fonne of a noble man : Seid, the hpgh PJtetl : K«> a pjt* uateperfon. ®he names of offices, ate theft, P'/eottebo?ne, and then ambafladour fa? tbeRpngof ftenmarke ( mijcm alfo 31 Rneuie thereat mp Srfte Icgarie) maoe me a tyeefe information ofa! tije o?oer of big tournep: tlje t»btcb 3 .ftamgraOh* jgmeciaUiiticr tfteltnug of SSemnaifte* IpOtiiUlff. ^t*3Tl monn< tapocs ncarc tfjciiaitlj Ocean. tfitiTappia . •sriieluplbc llappiana* sncc toftb the Iapbe DauiOjtbep came fpjft to Kouogradia t! je great* Qno tnljerens at that tpme the fcpngoome cf SuecU reuolteo fromeje Epngof Denmark?, 5 alfo the Duke of M o/co«w inas at otfeentton uutlj cbe Sustians,. bp reafoii Uiljereof tbep coulD not pafie bp the mod aceuftomeo toap,fo? tlje tumultes oftoant,t!;ep attempteo ibcpj tournep bp cm other l»ap 3 longer, but fafer, ano came fpjft from 2N lomgradia to t\)Z moutljeS of tlje i'puer of 'Dvina a HD Totfah* bp a berp o:ff cult ano papnfull iournep: jfoj bee lapo that this tour* nep 3 U)Ijicb cannot be to muelje oecelfeo foj fttcb labours ano tra* uep!es 3 comimtetb foj t be fpace of tfeee bunojeo leagttes*3!n fine, takpng foure fma!! (bpppesoj barkesat tlje moutljes of2Hv/- na x tfiep fapleo bp tlje coalf on tlje right bans oftbe 4Dcean,ttihere tbrp fame certapnebpgb ano rough mountapnes : ano at tlje length faplpng.jrbf* leagues, ano paCTpng a great gulfe,foloU)* cotbc coaftontbelefteljanoe : ano leaupng on tlje right bauoe tlje large fea luljtcbc bath tlje name oftbe rpucr (Petzor* (as batte alfo tlje motmtapites am'acentto tlje fame) tbep came to tlje people of FinLppia : U)ljo 3 altljowgb tbep Dtoell bere $ there in lorn cottagies bp tlje fea fpoe 3 ano leaoe mmanera bealflp Ipfe, pet are tfjep moje meeke ano tractable tljen tlje tuploe Lafpians . ipe fapoe that tljefe aifo are tributaries to the prince of Mofcouu . ^Then leaning the lanoe of tlje Lapp inns, ano Giplpng fourcfcoje leagues, tbep came to tlje region of KortpcdenMUt tlje Domini* 011 oftlje kpng ofSuecia.W^Ui tlje Mofcouites call l{aienfka Sea«- /^>ano tlje people 7(di««\Departpng from hence, ano faplpng a* long bp the coat! of a lopnopng ano benopng fljoje reaebpng to* loatoe tlje rpghc banoe, tbep came to a pjomontojte 0 ? cape 3 cal* leo tlje lipolp nofe,bcing a great if one reaebpng farre into tlje fea, to tlje fimilttuoe of a nofe : Unoer tlje mbicb is feene a caue uutlj a inbp^lepoole, tufjicb funlotoetlj tlje fea euerp fppe Ijoures : ano caftpngfoojtbtbefameagapne nutb terrpble roarpng ano wo* lence, caufecb tljefapoe mbpjlepoole. £s>ome call this the 32a* uellof tlje fea; ano other name it cbmb&s . ilpc a%metl; that tlje ar d kyng^crres lying tkat way; 31 anb fco?neb tlje fame as bapne anb fuperfttttous: but tf 3! bab not p?tut(te tn the night afeenbeb arockeanb pleafebtlje Semes , rue lljoulb furelp bane bab no pa(fage . Being bemaunbeb luljat be offereo to the ~ , f . ms, beelapbetljatlje poureb butter mpjet luttlj otemeale Upon the Hone luljicij lue faine reach foo?tb into the fea, $10 tljep fapfcD furtber,!ljepcametoanotljcrcapenameb Moth?, lubtcbe mas almolf enutrontb rnttlj the fea,lpke an Sllanbe , in mljofe extreme pomte,ts Ittuate tbeCaddof^?^«iPjotjtc[j feme call ivardkus, (that id) a boufe of Defence o?fa?tre(Te : 4fo? tbekpnges of JSoituap baue there a garrifon of men to Defend tljep? marches Ipefapbe furthermore, that tljat cape reached; fo farre into the fea, tljat tljep coulbfcarfdpcompalfettm epgljt Dopes * Bp ruljtdj tarping leafle tbep fljoulo be bpnbercD, tljep carped on tljep? fijouloers luttlj great labour, tljep? barkes m farbeiles otter a drepgljt oflanbecomepnpng Ijalfe a league mb?eabtl> jFront hence tljep fapleb to tlje region of tlje inpibe Umnes, caHtD DikilupponesAo a place namtD ©rb i-wohes. totlj tbt prince of M ofemia ejcacte tribute, f«rt!)ermoje,Ieau!tm ® ! ° m ’ S’Sitttti tijepj on £>ieat>c0. t{je ^irto fciato £>leat>e0. Ctoeittpe lea# gius tuoncDap STUc citicoi Merges nt iourttep* J&oftotoe. fOeteaflatu. ©altromouj. l&iiolocbtia. £>uct)ana, <©njma. ijafuta. i&oppenljagen iiuonia. Wettt is al# molt an Uta# ?ia!t moll. OF theNorttaaftfroftiefcn* their $arkes fterc 3 tljcp fitrnplbeb tlje redone of tbetr iournep m ^>Ieanesi.il3c further bedareb, tbat tljcre lucre bcatDsi of partes, as are rnttlj bs ofCfren* mbtclj in dje Koruegians tongue are cal* leb %;«, bepng fornemljae bpgger then our partes. 'Cljefe the Lapponcs bfe in tljts maner : ^Dijep topne them to &leabcs maoe Ipke fpfljcr Boates 5 as me put bojfes to tlje Cart 5 tljc man in tbe felenbe is tpeo fall bp tbe feete, left be fal out bp tbe fmift courfe of tbe partes . 3|n bis leaft banoe be Ijdbetlj a coKer oj relgne, mbercmitb be mooeratetb tbe courfe of tbe partes tano in tbe rpgbcljanba ppkeb baffe 3 mbermttb be map futfepne tbe&tabc from fallpng , pf it cbauuce to Decline too muebe on anpe parte. $nb be toloe me , that bptijts meancs be trauapieo, leagued in one cap, ants tljcn Difmpfieo tbe {part, mbo bp bpm fclfe retur* neb to bts oume matter anb accuftomeb liable ♦ &ljis iournep thus fim(beD 3 tbep came to Merges a ctcte Of Koruegia, OJ KlorVaj, Otuate mrectlpe tomatbc tbe jftojtljj betmeene tlje mountapneSj anb meat from tbcnce to Denmai ke on bojfbacke ♦ 3c firont anb Merges t\)iX}ZLyi% fap&ctobc.jcjcti.ljourcs long in tlje Sommer equinoctial, Vlafms, an other of tbe pjince of Moftouia bis 3in* terpjeters, mbo a feme peeres before mas Cent of bis pjpnce into g>papne to tbe Cmperour, oedareo Onto bS an other ano filter map of ljts iournep: fojbefapbe , tljatmljenljcmas fent front Mofceuia to Iobn tbe kpng of Denmark^, be came belle on foote bnto T^ftove , a no takpng Ibpppe there, came to Tena* fla^p : anb from Tereafta bp tlje rtUCr Volga , to Caftromw anb that from tljence , gopng fenen medics bp lanoe, be came to a Ittle rpuer,faplpng bp tlje mbicbe 3 mtjen brlle be came to Vuolochda , tljen tO Such an a, anD Wma> and in fine* to tlje citie of ftefgesimsiorTvay, ouerpalfpng in tljts btageal tlje perplles anb labours tljat lftoma rebearfeb before , be came at length to. Hafnia tlje djeefe Cttteof Denmar^e, mljidje tlje Germanes call l{ofpenhagen : but in tbetr teturnpng bomc 3 tljep botb confefle tljat tbep came to Moftouia bp Liuonia t anb tljattljepmcre a peere in this biage : albeit Georgius lftoma fapbe 3 that balfe the parte of tbattpme be mas Ijpnbercb bp tempellcS, anb info?ceb to tarrpe long tn manpe places bp tlje map 5 pet tbep botljlpkempfe con(lantlpaffpjme 5 tljatin tljtsiournepep* tljer of them trauapleb a tboufanbe 5 tlj^eefcoje, anb ten merfles, that and kyngdom e$ lying that way* 3 1 ? (that is) three bunded and fourtte leagued* ^Furthermore alfo Demetrius of late mas fern ambaflaoour from tlje puttee of Mofcouia to the Bpfyop of Home, (bp mbofe relation alfo Tanks Iouius mpte bt8 defcrtptton Of Mofcouia") confirmed 3a* alltbefetbpngestobetrue . Slltljepbepngdemaunded of me ums - oftbe congeled or frofen fea, maoe none other anfmere, bnttbat m places tieetc onto that fea, tbep famemanp ano great rp* ftpmre faints uers,bp mbofe bebementecourfe and abundant flompng,tbefeas r0 m are orpuenfarre from the (bore: and that tbefapoe mater oftbe rpuersisfrofenloitbtbefeaagooofpacefrom tbe lanoe, as in Li# 0 »wano other partes of SueeU ♦ jTo? although bp the behe- mencie of the mpndes,tbe 3Ife is broken in the fea, petooth this topll t, e . chaunce feloome or neuer in rpuers, except bp forne innunoation are. 0 ) fluooe the 3fe geathereo togeather be ipfteo bp ano broken. fo} the flakes or pieces of 3fe carpeo into the fea bp force of the rpuers, bo floteaboue the mater In manerallcbembolepeere, ano are agapne fo behementlp frofen togeather, that a man map there fometpmes fee great heapes oftbe Sfe of mamepeeres,as doth appeare bp fuebe pieces as areorpuen tothe(ho?ebp the p^ ma,tp mpnoe ♦ 31 batte alfo been creopblp informed bp faptbftiil men* that the fea ftaltbeum (otbermpfe called the gtilfc of liuonia) ts oftempmes frofen in manp places . ^hep fap furthermore, that fta25ait&e* m that region mbicbe is inhabited of tljetoploc Lappo nes , tl)C Auntie in the fomtner €quinoctiall doth not fill for the fpace of =pldapes x pet that the boop thereof ts fohpdden mitb a oarke t&e mpfleor clouoe three boures, chat the beames oo not appeare: no“Tu!/iI"«p 0 . nettertbclefle to gette fltch light during that time, that the dark* ne(Tehpnderethnottheprmoorke . %\)z M of c mites make thepr bofte tbatthefebjpldel^Kw are tributaries to tbepr prpnee^ treat 3 do not grcatlp marueple, forafmurb as tbep haue u, P Tt, mp, none other neere bnco them, that map demauno tribute of them. v° ut * «« tntm- ®bep? tribute is onelp fcirres ana fprije, bating in maner none SS*, other tbpng greatlp commotnouss . 3no albeit tbep lathe J?'«esana‘ bjean, fake, ano other impfementes ofgluttonp, ano Ipne onelp t ‘' a/e ' tot'tl) fpilje ano uiploe bcailcs, pet are tbep cpceeopng pione tolecberp . £bep are fttclje eepett arcljera, tljatifin cljep? (jim- tpng tbep efppe attp beattes, J»bofe fkpnnes tbepbcfpje to «r»mar»6ew fane biiperptyeD, tl;ep topll not Ipgbtlp mplTe to bpttc bpm in «Sce'3f*lotv> jfcfceffarie j .^0 lift Of mo up. ^rtjepi tota# S<0. fT&ountapneo coutuuialip bunipng. Cfjrrptitc ^eijoja. OftheNortlieafl: fro fly tea, fotbe nofetbjplles * OTjen tbep go fooub on bttnfpng, tbep areactullomeo to featie ac home n>ttlj tbep? bopues fucbe mer* cbauntesojflraungers as tbep bane recepaeo into tbep? bou* fc^ : ^otljat if at tbep? returns tbep pcrcepuetbep? bopues tb?ongb tbe compatipe of the Grangers to be metier ano mo?e tocunoe then tbe mere tooontetobe, tljep geueebeflraungers fomep?efcnt ♦ Butiftbcpfpnoeitotbernjpfe, tbeptb?uft them foo?tboftbeooo?esbotfbmoo?oes of rep?ocbe ♦ But nobue bp tbe companpe tbep baiie boitb flrangers that refo?e tljpcber fo? gapnes,tbep begpn to leaue tbep? naa'uebarbaroufnelTe * &bep gfaolp aomptte mercljauntes, becaufe tbep b?png tljem apparell ofgrofeclotljialfoljatcljetteiSjneeocI^jfponesf, Snptiegf, o?pnk* png cuppes, eartljen ano b?afen pottes, boitb fndj other ncccfTa** rte buares:^>o tljac cljep bfe nolo to cate foooen ano rolfco meatc, ano bo embjafe mo?cctuile matters ♦ ^ijetrobune apparel! is maocoftbefktnnesofotuersbeaflesfoboeotogcatber ♦ 8no in tljis apparel tbcp fomttmes come to M ofcouia.pzt febne of them Ijaue cappes o? bofen, utljiclj tbep bfc to make of bartes fkpnnes. Eljep baue not the bfc of goloe o? fpluer monp : but bfc onlp bar* terpngofbuarefo?mare . 2no being igno?ant of other langtta* gesbefpoe tbep? obone, tbep feemc among ftrattngers to be m ntancr oombe . ^bep? cotagcs arc coucrco onelp boitb tbe barkes of trees . Sftjepbaueno certafncrelfing habitation: 'But buben tbep bauc confumeo tbe ftflje ano boilo beaHes in one place, tbepremotteto anotljec ♦ 4furtijermojealfotbefatoeambafla* tiours of ilje prince of MofcouU oeclarco, tbat in tljc fame partes tbep labue certapnc bpgb mountapnes 3 comtnuallp calling foo?tb flames of fp?e, as ootb tbe mottneapne of Etna in tbe 3fanoe of skiha: ano tljat mm in jfto?boap manp mountapnes are fallen oontne ano burnt tn mancr to aftjes rnitb fuel; contintiall flames. SBbicbcbpngfomeconfloerpng, fapnetljefpae ofpirgato?te to be there . 5ino as concerting tbefe mountapnes of Jfto?boap, tu’jen 3 mas fent ambaffaoour to Cbriftieme king of Dcnmarke, 3 boas enfottrmeo tbe Ipke bp tbe gouernours of jfto?map , mljo cljauncco at t jat cpme to be p?efcnr tbcre» 3bcue tbe moutljes of ilje rpuer Tetzora tljat are fobtaroe tbe rpgbt Ijanoe from tbe moutljes of Duma, are fapoe to be outers ano great beatfes tn tl;e gDcean : ano among other, a certapnc and kyngdom cs lying that wav. 3 18 te rtapne great bead as bpg as an Ojee 3 tobirb tbe tnljabtcatmte# calISgo?s. ‘Cljfebeadbatblbtyt feete Ipnc a Beucr o? anOt* tau ter 5 bait!) a bicad fotneuiljat bpgb ana b?ooe 3 fo? dje p?opo?tton ua jt&oj*. of tl;c refiDtic of bts boap 3 ana ciuo long ana great teecb groboe* png out of tljebpperiaujc ♦ Cljefebcadcsfo? red anoencreafe, aofometpmeslcaue tlje ©ceatt 3 ano bp great Ijearoes afeena dje mountapnes : toljere 3 bcfo?e tbep gene them felues to p?ofounoe fleepe (iuberetmeo tljcp arenattiralp encltnea) tbep appopnt one of tbep? number as te tuerc a luatclj man, as oo Cranes fojtlje J^iccSm# fecurttte of tlje red- Whiffy pf be cbaunce to fieepe 3 o? to be name mt . of tlje bunters 3 tlje refiaue map eafip be taken. But pf dje boat cb- man gcue toarnpng uutlj ro?png (as tbe matter is) tmmeatate- Iptbebobolebearaeautakeneatbcrebp, foaapnetp put tbep? bin* Der feete to tbep? teetb , ana fo fallpng from tlje mountatne bottb great celencte as 1 1 toere on a flcaoe, tbep cad them felues beao* iong into tbe Ocean : mljere alfo tbep red ana fleepe fo? a toljde bpotuljebeapesof pfe. Ebe burners putfue tbefebeadesonlpe fo? tbep? teetb: Of tbe mljicbe tbe MofcouitesTTartars , ana cfpe* ctailp tbe Turkes, make baftes fo? fmo?oes ana Daggers berp ar* tttodptana ufetljefe radjerfo? o?nament 3 then to gcue tlje greater droke fo? tbemepgbtO?beaupneffetbereof 3 asfomefa* bfe* 3 lfo among tbe Turves, Mofcouites , anD Tartars, tl)t (z teetb are folae bp boepg!jf> ana are callea tbe ceetlj of fpfljes. ^bc frofen fea reacbetbfarre anDU)poebeponoeZto,to ^ froren fPetzeora , ana onto tlyz moutljes oftfje great rpuer Obi : beponae fca * tlje fcoljiclje tbep Hip to be tlje region of Engreonland, bnknoUi- €iig«onian& en ana feperate from tbe traae ana conuetfatton of our Di arcouiani* men 3 bp reafon of bpgb mountapnes couereo 3 ana coloe mid) perpetual! fnern, ana tlje fea no lede iiicumb?et» Uridj continual! pfe, tobteb bmocredj nautgations 3 ana maketb tljemaaunge* rous, astljep fap. Of the Northeaft fro fly feu Exemplar Epiftol<£ feu Literarum* Mifliuarum, quas illurtriffimus Princeps Eduardus, eius nominis Sextus, Angli2e,Franciae 5 ct Hiberniae Rex,mi- fit ad Principes Scptcntrionalem, ac Orientalem, mundi plagam inhabitantes iuxta mare glaciate, ncc nonin** diam Orientalem. Anno Domini. 1553 • Regni fui Anno feptimo* et vl— timo. ftuardus JcxtuSy jfnglis, Francis, (f Bibernis T\ex . (ft » 1 Omnibus ^ gibus et principibus ac fiominis, et cuntiis ludi* * cibus tcrr ha benign e tYdUabuntur , vt rependamus Vobis benignitatem , quam noftris exhibueritis . foftfiam Vos ^pges,frincipes.ifc. rogauimns Vt Lumanitote et beneftcentia omni profequamini feruos nojlros nobis eharos , oramus omnipotent em*Deum noftrum s Vt Vobis diuturnam Vitam iargiatur, et pacem que nullam babeatfinem . Scriptum Lon* dim, qua ciuitas eft regni nojlri . Jnno .tfi?. a creato mundo,menf§ Iw anb rarrp out merchandises, oedrpngbg to further tbepr euterprpfe . SOho aCTempng to tbepr petition, haue keen* ceo clje rpght baltaunt anb mortbp Hr 5)ugh £22pllobp &npgbt, anb other cur truflp anb fapthful feruantes mbicb are mitb him, ■ accojbpngtothep?beOre,tcgoto countreps to them heretofore bnknobieuj afmellto feeke iuche thpnges as melacke,asaIfo tocarrpbmo them from msr regions, fucbe thpnges as chop lacke.^othat hercbpnotonlp ccmmcbmemapenfueboth to them anb to bs, bat alfo an tnbiflbiuble anb perpctuall league of freiiblhppbee^ablplhebbetbJeene bsbotf;> tnhplc thep permit bs to take of thcpr c0png;s 3 fuc6 Mjc reof thep haue abounbaunce in thep? regions, anb me agapne grauw them fttche thpnges of ours iuhereof thep are belfttute.^et&erforebe(irepou Epng& anb princes, anb all other to inborn there is anp poinerontlje earth, to permit bnto thefe* our feruantes, free pafTage bp pour regions anb botninions :fo? thep (hall not touche anp tbpng of pout3 bnmpiling bnto pott. Conftber port that thep alfo are men . 31f therefore thep fljaU Canbe inneebe of anp tbpng, me befire pou ofallhumam'tie, anb' for the nobtlitic mhicbe is tmpou, to apbe anb helpe them mith fucbe thpnges as thep lacke, recep* upng agapnc 0 f them ruche thpnges as thep Ihalbe able to geue poutnrecompence.^hempour feluesfotomarbs tbem,aspott tooufb that me anb our fubiectes ihoulb (hem our felues tomarbs pour ftruanteSjif ac anp time thep (hall paife bp our regions. Of thf NorthcfVfrofty ffcu ^busioopng, toe pjomife pou bp tbe of the com- pany and felowshyp of Mo/couiaAn the yeeres. 1561. 1567# 15 ^ 3 * ® (Sail not beerc be neeoefull totorptc anp tbpngof tljefcoap frombence to Mofcouia bp fea,bnto tbe pcjte of Gamete jtolas, lubere our merchant es baue a (joufe of their trafique, forasmuebeastbe fame is alre* op toeil fcnotnen ♦ 3no therefore it ftall fuffice for the oefeription of this bopage, to (belnetbetoapfrom g>ainct jfttcolagm Mofcouia onto ferfia, as ourmentraucpleobptberegfons of Mofcouia unco tbeCaf* plan fea 5 MediaatifttPerfia, unto the courtc of the great &>opbte Htpng of Terft&f anomanp other realmes ano kpitgoomes fubtecte unto tbe (ante, asbeereafter fijail bee more particularly oeclareo, uiitb fuebe b^ctucte as the tpme ana matter noto required) ♦ jfojafmucb as manp tbinges mpgbt bee fasten touebpng this bopage, ano the merebauntes trafique tn theft regions, UJijtcbefo^manp great confioerattons ought not to be publplbeo 0 ? put in p^puc : ano therefore touebpng on* Ip tljofe tbinges, ttfljaUfuffrceto tbereaoer tobnoerffanoe tbe oeftription of tlje regions, ttritb tbe maners ano cuftomes of tbe people oftbofecountreps, after tbe manerof a (Deograpljtcall piftorie, partelp toodigbt ano content tbe oefpje of fuebe as take pleafuretn tbe knotoleogeof (fraunge tljtngcs ano coun* treps, mberebpebempnoeofman tncreafetb tit tbifeoome ano fenoroIeoge,botb tn humane affapres, ano a!fo of tbe marueplous ano manpfoloe inodes of goo $ nature, that tberebp <0oo map beg(o?tfieoauofancu5eomallbt3toa?kes, tn tbe fptrtfess of all gooo ano bertuotts men tofacb oeligbt in tbe fame ♦ 3no rnber* as in the oefeription of this bopage, 31 mapfeemetobauekepte no oue oroer oftmptpng,31 fi;al oefirc tbe reaoer to baue me ex cu* feo, for tbat 31 couloe not o^oerlp baue anp information of them that came from Terfa : but u>as fapne to geatljer certapne notes onlp ftbmftistVpi mple, anb ts “ tlnrc quarters ofau*£u3lpfljc Uiflf* The vyage of theMofccuian merchsntes rmlpbp communication ano conference toitlj them at funtype tpme!3 3 U)!d;feU)eli)oo^e0agioccalionferueo . But notototn- ter into tbebopage. St rom tbe niercbaum e* Ijoufe ac tbe pogee of damet Jfttco* lag tn MofcouiaAljty trauepleUp c!;e rpuers of (Duma ano Sa~ ebana, ompH tbep come Onto tbe cute of Vologda, (inhere alfo tbe merebantes Ijaue an other botife) a tboufanoe ioerftes oj % mpIes 3 oj mples of Ityfsia, tnbtcbe map bee about feuen bunojeo Citglplbemples . Cben from Vologda ouedanoe,£o tlje ettte of T erajlauejx btcb Ipetl; on tbc rpuer Volga, a bunDjeo ano fouce- fcoje% mples . Acting citizofTerajlaue , tlje merebatues lanoe tbcpj gooosfoj Tafia, antj buplDeo tljcp? (bpppes there bppon tlje fapoe rpuer, at a place names Vllmki zokfnoy , about a bum d?cd tuples ftomTeraflaue. &>o traucplpng fromrbenceooinne tlje rpuer Fo/^bntpll tbep come to /Jjlracan, afojteof tbe^im perour of Mofcouia, Iping tljjeefcoje tuples from th%c*fpk» fea. Oppon Volga Ipetb a great toume of merebatmotes, nameo Co* firum, anobeponoccbata ftrong Caifell of bjicke, nameo His 'HouogorodMntynQbwoi ] a bpll . $nofrcm tbenee, bppon an arme of die fame rpuer, Ipetb a great fojtreflfe nameo cazan, Utljtcb tbe Mo/couite tnoon from tbe Tartars, Kogais being tbetr cluefeanopjtnctpallljolDetmio tbcreinitb conquered tbe uiljole countrepof Caz*n, 0 ) t\)Z Tartars Cazamites, COntepnpIlg tUiO tboufanoe tuples . St rom Cazan upon tbe fapoe rpuer, tbe M'of- couite l)&tl) tn bis fttbtecuon tbe one fpoc of tbe rpuer, ano tbe Tartars, called Crimes, bauc tbe other fpoe * But tbep bare not palfe otter tbe rpuer,bp rcafont&at t\)t Mofcowt«.%&z\ pert) mapp €5artfons on tbe rpuer, ano in eertapne Claudes of tbe rpuer from place to placets cccaflon feruetb^o that tbe rpuer is hepc qutetlp,notUtitblfanopngtbe confltccetbac bappemo to Bant- ftcr ottttuaro, bp reafon of tbe burkes fottloters that toottlo baue fpoplco btsfbpppes: nslpcb tmicrtbefcfie ocfenoeo cbemfdues ttianftillp, ano flue tiuo bunojeo of tbe burkes * jfop tlje ^urke fent tbptberanarmte of.jt tboufanoe burkes ano Tartars, to reconcr Jftucan frem tbe Mofeowte : but tbeplaere eitfoj- ceotobjcabcbptbepjCampe fo? laebe of bictualles ano other ncceftaties, efpcdaflpbpeaufetbe topntet o?ueneare 3 ano tb* Mof : ouitc pjepareo a great armp agarnil djeuu Into Perfia# jFront JjlracMM\nnt tbe fapoe rpuer, to tlje Cafplan fea, i$ tbe oiflance of tbjcfcoje tuples . Jfrom tbe ewcratice into tbe Cafpianfc a, uttutto? oapcs fapipna: mitb a gooo topntie^ crotfe otter tljat fea from tbe JJ2o?tb to tbciooutb, tbcp come to tberealme of Media, arrpumgat apojte nameo ffilbiL cnte<* rpng into a fmail rpuer tljat falletft into fbe Cajpian fea, ano paf* fmg from tljence bp latioe boiti) Camels, in rb?ec oapes tottrnep, tbcp come to a CCCtC Of Shaman 0 } Media AxmilD Sbamafy . $HO from tbence in jcDtu.Dapesiournep bpCamenes, tbep come to nan* tbe great ano famous cute of T au\is ^ Teums , being tbe grea* cell citie of?e^,fo? traoe of mercbaiiotesi* dbtscitie is etfee* men almoff cbopfe as bpg as ilonoon, ano foj tbe molt parte is buploeo of rame Inches, not burnt, but onlp ojpeo ana baroeneD in tbe funne: tbeooo?cs of tlje boufes be berp lotne ano litle. Cbe feopljte in tpmrpaUeremapnetJcbteflp uubtscitic:But after that tbe region about ebiscttte boas inuaoeo bp tbe Curkcs, be toenc further into the coumrcp,ano buploeo a tornne nanteo Caf- bu • bobteb befo?e.pjc.peeres boas but a otllage,mb£re be noun to petb bis courte, being piu.oapes iournep from sbamakity bojfe, ano fcr.oapes bp Camelles# jftote, that ncare Onto this fpoe of tbe Caffian fea, DUieU tbe Tartars callCO Kogais anO Shale auis.QKo ccrtapttC JrabiansAttfJ Chilians named Armenians . dje Cafpian fea is otljerboife cal- Jeo M are de $accan : ano map ftcme fo to be calico, bp rcafon of a iaU9 * ; tobone bp tbe fea fpoe,nameo $acco* ■N. The vyage of theMoiceiuan merefontes Certayne extractes of the voyage of rnaifter Antony Ienkinfon into PerGa, in the yeere. 1561. & the peere. * $6 1 ♦ matter 3monte 3ien* kmfon tuas lent as ambafTaDour into Per- [Jia, U)ith theftocenesmaieffies letters, nt I tl;e latine, 3IcaJiatt, anD ilpefyue tongue, ^ to the great Sophie o? bpng of Terfia, to ; entreate of commoDtties of tnerchaunDtes tobichempghtbeebeitocene her maieftiest merebantes anD them, bpponcertapnepjiuileges ano free paf- fagetobcegraunteo Unto her merebaumes both bp the €mpe* rour of Mofcouia anD the Sophi of Terfia,. as hereafter (ball appeare, inhere toe mill ui^pre of the fapoe pjtutlcges . 89au Her 3!enktnfon atljts firtt conmtpng, fouuoe fome Difficultie to obtapne the Cmperours licence to goe into Terfia : but at the length bp frienDlbpp ntaDe, bee gaue bun both licence to goe, ano alfo gaue hint letters connnenoato^te bnto the Sophie 9 . anD commirtetJ alfo to him cettapne affapjes of bis to Doe there# 8nD after certapne banquettes, anD honourable entertepnmen^ accompamcD him toitb an 3mbalTaDour of Terfia , tobo ban been long inhts Ccurte . ^hrrefo^e faplpng ouer the Caf* pian fea, tbep arrpucDon the Well fpoe thereof ♦ jftotfarre front thence is atotonenanteo Variant, tohcreisaberpflrong % mamp!i ous Caftdl offtone tnaDe bp Alexander Magnus, anD a toall of SSipSitt 1 * of thirttene Dapes iouroep, touche be maoe tobett. SteuiDw. [ ; t Kepce to.irres agapnft the Terfians ano Medians , that the inhabitauntesof tbatcountrep tfcen netolp conquereo, (IjoulDe ncptljer Ipgbtlp flee, noj bte cnempes inuaoe them ♦ ^Lbis $>arbcht,. tsnotointscr the Dominion of the Sophie, anD in the lattcuDe of* 4 i. Degrees . $xmat\)(it after his commpng t ] ?pibenbp bis meanest came at the length to the pjefence nno fbeache of the Sophie : mbiche ethermpfe he fljoulo fjatte Done t) ;it (jarolpjbp reafon of tlje Etukes 3mbaflaDours mljicb then lucre there, aim rcfoUD his affapjes, imtlj manp perfuaftons to the Sophie, ana other of bisnobilicie, agapnlf the Chitons, mortal enemies both to the Curkcs anD fey funs, anD djepj no religion . 3nD mbereas a mhple before, a perpetual! peace ano mmt'C mas conduces bctmeenc the <£utke anD the SDopbie, the SmbaiTasmirs manioc permaoe him that f;ig fttenDlbpp lotrlj dae CbuStans, 0 } comrade micb them couebpnganpaffatres, an'o efpectallp fttche as mpght bcpjetuDlciafl to the £urkc, oj a;n> of bis fubtectes, mpght engenoer nemcfufpittonsanD oc* r^;onooib?eacheofthe lace concluDeD peace, mitb manp fuche ocher fr.rmifetJ acculations . cdhereUppon the Sophie (fapoe, anD pmlongeDtbetpme, before he moulDeaDmtt maifler 3!en* kinfonto his fpeacbe ♦ 8t the length mhenbp the frienDfhpp ano fiaour of Epng Jbdalaca anD Ijig fonne, mitb other frienres mm tn the cotirte,tbe tpme mas appapnteo that mailter 3!eu* kmfon Ihouloe be bearDe, there mas one that came to him mitb* out the count gate, before he Ipgbtfrom his \)ofc on the grotmD, anD gatiebimapapje ofiljoocs fern from the Sophie, fuche as hehimfdfe mas monte to meareineije npghtichenhe rpfeth to pjap, mtilpng him to put them on his feete, fo? that it mas not othermpfe lamriti! fo? him bepng a Gaw 0 } Caffer (that is a mpfbeleeuer) totreaDebppoiubac help grounoe ♦ d^hen bee came to Ijts pjefencc, he DemaunDea of him of loljat countrep of jfiaito he mas, meanpngbp Jfrankes Civilians : tfoy thep cal! allCh/iftiaus jfrankes (chat ts jfrenche men) as me commonlp call all epabumetans, burkes, although there bee manp SMjttmetans of other nations befpoe burkes * Upeam fmereD,t(jat be mas a ChjifiBn of the belt ifrankes of the conn* trep of CnglanDe : Declarpng further Onto him, tlje caufe of his commpng thptljer, to be fo j the great commoottie of hint anD ijts fubtcctes bp the map of merchanDies, as mpght further appeare bp the letters Dtrecteo bnto bid mateftie from the ©aceneof Cnglanoehis 19?ince, anD tbeCmpcrourofiVfoj^ coma . fguche mo^e taike ijao fee mitb matftec 3ienlunfon, not here c into Perfia. 324 here to be batten : but bp reafon of tbe Wfcesf Sfmbafla^ Dours^attbfeprefent, toasno great tbpngoone beeretnto tbe preferment of tbemerebantes affapres ♦ S?et be commaunoen that matter 3Icnktnfon fljoufoe be bonourablp bfeo, ano Cent btm certapne rpelje apparel! . 3t tbfe tpmetoag alfotn tbe j^opbtes eourtetbe fonne oftbeEpngoftbeGwgi^aCb?* 5 fftan S>tfmatikc as tljep are nofcie calleo ♦ %\)t fame cpme sr&cCnrftes alfo,a fonne of tbe burkes (uiljo faao before atcempteo fonte- £ 0, * n * &*!>«** toljat agapnft bis father, anD fleooe to the &opbte)U>ag * - bp (pm at tlje burkes! reqtteff oetepnebmprifon: 8ntJ bppon the late conclufton of peace, tbe Wkereqwreo tbe &opbtetofeno btm ijts beao : tobteb bee graumeo, ano fent it btni bp tbe fapo gmbalfa* t>our& Wei bopage of mat* fferJenktnfonjUiasm tbe peere* 1561, CInffKatts. <3>eoi3taji0* HafeU j^uttes. The vyage of the Mofcouian merchants ' Here folowethfuch informations as wasgyuen mee by iriaifterGefcrie Ducate, princi pail Agentof the merchantC', for the laif voyage into Perfid* in theyeereofour L^rdl 56 S. beginning in the dominion of the Sophie,at the c\Uz oi Sbamakj. in Media, bycaufe the beginning- of the voyage from Mofcouia hytherto* is declared heere 6efore. Bamnkj fe the fapjelf cotone tn all Media, ano tlje cbtefelt commoottte of that coutt* trep is ratoe dike, ano the greatell plentie thereof, ts ac a totone ch?ce oapes totintep from shamakj , called Jrasbe : ano tottbtn th?ce oapes tourncp ofJra$be>\$ a countrep named Groyfme, tohofe tnljabtcaumejs are Cbpfttans, $ are thought to he tbep,tobtcb are ochertotfe called Georgians \ there t0 aifo much Hike to he foloe. %Ll)Z cljicfe totone of that cotmtrrp ts called Zegbauiftom tohence 10 carrpeopeere* !p into Ter [tam mcreDtble tjuancttte of (jafell j^uttes, all of one tope ano gootmeCfejano as good ano thpn fbaleo as are our Jfpb heroes ♦ Of tbefe are carped peerelp the quanttete of 4000. Camelles laoen. Of the name of the Sophie of Per/ta , and why he is called the Sbaugb, and ofother cuftomes. fpe iftpng of ferfea (tohom here toe call the great So fit) igt not thereto calico, hut ts cab the sbaugb . 3lc toerc there oatmge* to call bun bp the name of Sophi , bp* that Sopbiintiw Terfian tongue, is a ;ger : ano tt toere ag mud; a# to call l;tm, great begger. intoPerfia. 325 Ipelpetbatatomnecalleo Cdfbhjn Ijtclje fs Rfcrat in a goo&lp Cafbi * fertile ballep,of tbjce o;t foure tiapcjs io?nep in length ♦ Zlw tolnne is but tuvll bupicco , anD foj tlje moff pare all of fypebe, not barDeneo mttbfp?e, butoitelp mpeo at tbe &tmne, asistbemoft part of the buplopng of all Tcrfia * ^b e bpng batb not come out of the compafleofbis omne boufe in^rriii- oj.jtjcjmii. pieres, mbereoftbecaufeis not fcnclnen , but as tbep Cape, it is bppon a fupertfittonof certapne piopljefies, to miricbe tljcp are greatlp atmicteo : be is noire about foure* feoje pecrcs of age, mm berp luHie ♦ 8nb to feeepe bprn tbe moje luffpe, beljatl; foure inpues allnapes, ano about tbiee bum o?eo concubpnes ♦ 3tm once in tbe peere, be batb all tbe fapje mapbens anDmptte 0 ,thatmapbeefoum>e a great map about, Conculuuc *’ fyougbc bnto bpm, mljom be oiligentlp perufetb, feelpng tbem in all partes , tabpng fuebe as be Ipbetb, aim puttpng alnapfomeoftbem inbicb be batb kept before * 3tm toitb tbem that beputtetb alnap, be gratified fonie fuebe as batb ooone bpm tbe bell ferutce ♦ 3tm if be cljaunce to take anp mans lnpfe, ber bufban&e is berp glao thereof, atm in recompence of ber, oftentpmes begeuetb tbe bufbanbe one ofljts olne ttoje, inborn be tbanbMp recepuetb ♦ 3f anp (fraunger, bepngaCbjitfian, (ball come before bpm, be muff put on a neine pap?e of lbolnes maoe in tbatcountrep, anb from s tl;e place inhere be emeretb, there is opggcoas it mere a caufpe all tbe map, bntpll be come to the place inhere be (ball calkemitbtbe Irntg, mijo (fan&etb a U mapes aboue in a gaflerpe mben be talketb - mitb anp ffrangers : aim mljen the Granger is Departed, then is the caufpe calf tmlnne, and the gramme maoeeuey agapne. (•*«) Of The vlage of the Mofcouian merchantes Of the religion of the Pcrfians* Utily* Ctgoo&lpaub tuellgraunlua WllgtOtt. 5>epj religion fe aH one the jttorkeg, foupng tint tljep opffer tol;o toao the rpgbt fucceflty of \Mouloep?cue in tljte maner» Ztjep fap there tnaoa counfaple calleo to oecioeebe matter tobo fljouloe be the fucceflotir : ano after thep l;ao calleo bppon Mabumet to reuele Onto them bia hopll ano pleafure therein, there came among them a litle li?aroe,U)bo bzdmnthttitM#Mabumetes pleafurethat Monus Jlityotito be bfe fucceflotir * ZWMartus Alt mag abaltant man, ano fietoe Homer the ^Turkesf prophet x l)z bao a finoojoe that he fought uritball, U)ith the lobtcbe he conquereo all bis entmiegf, ano kplleo ag tnanp as he ffroake. 2Bben Morns Ali opetr, there came a holp prophet, tobo gatte them luarnpng that fljejt* Ip there tuouloe come a to&pt e Cantell, bppon the n>bich he char* geo them to lap the hoop ano fmoojoe of Monus jli, ano to fuffer the Camel! to carpe it tobetber he boouloe . ^be tobicbe bepngperfourmeo,tbefapoetubpteCameIlcarpeo the fuioojoe ano hoop of Monus /// onto the fea fpoe,anO the Camellgo* png a goco fcoapinto the fca, boas tmtb the finoo^oeanoboope of Menus Jli taken bp into beauen, fo? boljofe returne thep haue long lookeo foj in ferjia ♦ 3no fo* this caufe ,the kpng ah iuapeg keepeth a bojfe reope faoleo fojt hpm, ano alfo of late keprefojhpmoneofbfe oumc Daughters to he his bopfe, hut iheopeomthepeere of our Hojoe . 1575 . $no Tape further* mo^e,that pf fae come not lbojtIp,tbep (halbe of our heleefe: mticft Ipke the 3Iebue$ 2 lookpng foj tbepj spefltag to come ano reigne a* mong r intoPerfia* 326 mm them, a Voo>tD!p kpng fo? euer,ano oeliuer them from the caputmte mbicb ti;ep arc norne in among the Cbjidtans, Curkes,ano ©etitpleg?. Zbe Sattgb , 0? iftpng of ferfia , is noting in ffrcngilj ano pouter comparable Unto the Curke: fo? although be hath a great Dominion , pet is tc noibpng to be compared mill; the Cut kes: neptber ijatb be anp great £D?omaunce of (Bunnes, o?H;>atke* lutfes . jlMmubdanDpng 3 btsrlDedfonne//W > abcutimem tit anofpue peeres pad, fought a great bactaple batch the Cut be, anofletteof htsarmpe aboutan bunO?eo tboufanoe men, tuba after bis returne , mas bp his father cad into p?pfcn , ano there continued; bntpl this nape : fo? his father the sbaugh , hao hpm in fufpition that he mouID baue put hpm DoUme* ano baue taken Che regiment bppon hpm felfe* SDbcp? opinion ot Cb?id , is that he mas an bolp matt, ano 0 i a great prophet , butnotlpkebnto ^humec: faptngthac epahumet mas the lad p?opbec, bpmbont a!i tbpngesmere finiOtco, ano mas therefore the greated . Co p?oue chat Cb?id boas not (Boooes fonne,thep fape that (Boo bao ncuermpfr, ano therefore couloe l)m no fonneo? cbplo?ctt ♦ Chepgoeoit pplgrpmage from the furtbed part of Perfw, onto Mecba in A* rabu, anobptbemapchcpbiftte alfotlje fcpu!cb?e ofChpd ac 31 erufalem , mhichc thep ttome call Coucbe l{a!ye. Che mod part of Uppers mhiebe rommeth info PerfiaAs b?ougbt from the Jlano of Ormus, fteuarc in the guire of 'Per ft a, calico Sims ferjicus , betuteene the mapne Ianoe of Terfia ano Arabia . $c. Che P^tugales touebeat Ormus both in tbep?bt= age to Cad India , ano homemaroe agapne, ano from thence b?png all fuche ^ppcesasis occupteotn (Pf^anotbe regions there about : fo? of pepper tljep b?png berpe fmall guamitie,anotbac at a berpe oeare p?pfe . Che Ciirkcs ofr tentpmes b?png pepper front Mecba in Arabia , mbtebe thep fellasgooo cbeape as that mbicb is brought from Or, ms. Spikes are brought front noo place, bttc are thought all in thep? omne eountrep . Ormus , is ntttbmcmo mples of the ntapne ianoe of ano the pattugales fetchethep?fre[be mater there , fo? the mjjtcbe thep pape crpbuceto the sbaugh mm The viacre of the Mofcduian rner chintex nm monep. CBftWi tbep batte neptber goloc no? fpluer mpn eS , pet baue tljcp copneo monep ,botb of goloe atiu fpluer, ano alfo other fmatlmoneps ofCopper. El;ere is brought into Terjia an increotble fumme of Dticbe Dolours , voljicfj fo? the moll pare is tljere emplopco in ralnefplke* ^ boou?g ®>ep Ijatte feui boofces , ano leffe learnpng, ano are fo? the miD|iearnp»g. mod pattberp b?utp(be in all bpnoe of gooo fciences, fautitg in fome kpnoe offplket»o?kes , ano tn fuclje tbpnges as partepne to the furniture of fl)o?fes ,in the tnbtcb tbep are paffpng gooo. f£bep? latnes are, as is thep? religion, tnicbeo ano oetedable* &aeo uias m 8nO pf anp man ofleno the p?tnce, he punpfheth it ejetreamelp, imaceoo»0 foi notonlpintbeperlba that effenoetb, but alfo in his cbpIo?en, creacon. ano in as manp as are of his fcpnne. £beft ano mutoer are often punilheo, pet none otbertnpfe then pleafethhpm that is ruler in the place inhere the offence is commtctco,ano as the partp offen* Opngisableto mabe ftenoes, o?tnttb monep to reoeeme hiss offence* Zl)m is often tprnes great mutenpe among the people in w/imon 011 f0 * ff^ at totones, tnbicbe of Mortus JH fonnes mas greatest Jnfomucbe that fometpmes tn the toume ttno o?th?ee tljoufanO people are togeather bp the earesfo? the fame, as31hauefeene tntljetonme of sham*\y ano JrdaruilL ano alfo in the great citie of r f «m;,\nhere 31 haue feene a man comming from fetgb* tpng,inab?auerieb?pngpng in bis banoe foureo? fpuemeng Ijeaoes, carrpingthembptbe heare of the heao : fo? although fauing* tbep (baue tbepjt heaoes mod commonlp ttnpfe a tneebe, pee leaue tbcp a tuft of heare bpon the crotnne, about ttno foote long. 31 haue enqutreo tnhp thep leaue that tuft of heare bppon thep? Ijeaoes. ^hepanftnere, that therebp thep map eaflperbe ca* rpeobpimoheauen,tnhen thep are ocao. jfo?tbep? religion,thepbauecertapnep?tef!es 3 tnho areap* parelleo Jpbe bmo other men. 3Dbep bfe euerpe mojnpng ano afternoone,togobpto thetoppes of thep? churches , ano tell ^ ftf 0 there a great tale ot $&abumet ano Moms AH : ano other p?ea* an&pjeacoing? chpng haue thep none. Xbeir lent is after Cb?idmas,noe in ate epepi &tnt* ft lnf ncc from Sell; onlp,but from al tneaces $ o?pnbes, bntill the oap be of the f hpeibut then thep eate fometimes the Inhale night* Sno intoPerfa. " 327 j(ntiam relpgion (a 6?pnltr toupee atnpgijt tbepttpU cake great etcefle thereof, ano bee o?onkem UjpjK, but not ®bet>?lencbegpnnetbac tbe netee spoon e, ano tbep oo not enter into it untpll tbep Ijatie feene tbe fame : J&ptber pet notlj tbep? lent enoe, bnttfl tbep Ijaue feene tlje nc*t nete spoone, although tbe fame tlj?ougb clofeteeatberftjouloe not be feene in Songtpme* ^Tljep Ijaue among them certapneljo'p men, teljont tbep call Setts, counteo boip fo? chat tbep o? anp of tbep? aunceftours JSSTgii^SSL bane been on pilgrimage at U ecb* in Arabia, fo? tebofocuer goetb tbptber on pilgrimage touifite tbe fepuicb?e of Mabumt , both be ano all W polferitte, are etter after calico Setes T ano iWtfww* counteo fo?ljolp men, ano Ijaue no lelfe opinion of them felues* anotfaittan contrarpeoneof tbefe, be tepll fape tljat be is a &pncte,anotberefo?ecugbctobebeloueo: ano that be cannot Ipe,altbougb be ipe neuer fo (bamefttllp * ^Tljus a man map be to boip, ano no p?poe is greater tljen fptritual! p?toe, of a mpnoe . . puffeoop teitb bis otene opinion of bolpnefle . €ljefe Setts oo bfe to (Ijaue tbep? beaooes all ouer, faupng on tbc fpoes a litle abouetbe temples , tbc teljtcbe tbep leaue tmflianen, ano ufe tob;apOetbefameas mameti oo tbepjljeare, anO teeare it as long as it tepll gro tee* Cuerp mtenpng tbep bfe to teo?(Ijpppe 600, Mabumet, anO Moms jn, ano in piping turne them (dues tctearoetbe %u emmptt &>outb,becaufe M ecba ipctb that teap from them &Ltben tbep «nbSoi5ipntg be in trauapleontbeteap, manpoftbemtepil (asfooneas tlje £tmne rpfetb) lpgbtfromtbfp?bo?fes 5 turnpngtbcmfdue3 to h J 3 tbe &cutb, at.o tepil lape tim gotencs before tbem, teitb tbep? fmoo^oes ano beaoes , ano fo ftanopng bp?pgbt, teo?lbpp to tlje fectttb : 8nO manp tpmes in tbep? papers kneele ootene ano kpfle tbep? beaoes, c? fometebac els that Ipctlj befo?e tbem. 3Li,cmcno?0)omenoo neuer go to make teater, but tbep uoai&tmgatio bfe to take teitb tljem a potte teitb a fpout , ano after tbep oiwl j?*o cun* bauemaoe teater, tbepflafbefome teater bppon tbep? p?puie partes, atiotljusootbeiuomenafteellas tbe men tano tfjisig a matter of great religion among tbem, ano in making of teater* «be men oo cote?e ootene as teell as tbe teomen* dUjen $$cir itewtfng S r ?M SUfieStpitge# inagmfittiice. ftartluantt** 3T&e fcpitge# compante initlj fit# lupucsanD concubines. StHiecpgmr* fcauapalu#. <5Tfte fuccetTton oftficftpug#. fictnc. jl^ariase ♦ The vi age of the Mofcouian merchants ®ben tbep earneftlp affirme a matter, eljep topfl ftuearc bp <132 00 , Mahumei^Mmus Jli, ano fometpmes bp all at ones: as thus in tbep? otone language, faping,0//4 Mabumet M . But if be fmeare bp the s^«£fcwbeao, in Taping bam bajfbe, p:u map then belecuebpm tfpou topil* ^Tbe fceepetba great magnificence in bts courte: ano aitbougb fometpmes in a monctbo? fppe meefces, none of bis nobtlttte o? counfapte can fee bpm, pet go tbep oaplp to the cottrte, ano tarp there a certapne tpme,bntpl( tljep baue bnoboen bis pleafttre toljetber be UipU commauno tbem anp thpng 02 not* iBeis Uiatcljco euerp npgbtmitb a tboufano of bis men,tt)bcbe arecaHeDbtj3Cur{be0 ? ioboaretbeptbatbc bfetljto fenoe into tbe countreps about bisgreatelf affapjes. SOben be fenoetb anp oftbem(ifitbctotbegreatelfofaup of bis nobilitte) be topll obepe them, although tbemeffengeripouloe beate anp of tbem to oeatlj. ^£be sbaugb occuptetlj bpm felfe aluiapes turn oapes in tbe baeebe in bis Batbeff oue,ano inljen be is otfpofeo to go tljitber, be tahetb tottb bpm fpue 0 ? fppe of bis concubines, mo?e 0 ? lefle, anb one oap tbep confume in tuafbpng, rubbpng, ano batbpng bpm, ano tbe other oap in parpng bis naples,ano other matters* ^begrcacefipartofbts{pfe,be fpenoetb amongft bis topues ano concubines ♦ lj)e bath notoe retgnco about fpftie ano foure peered, ano is therefore counteo a berpbolp man, as tbep euec rlfceme tbep? fcpnges, if tbcp baucretgneofpftiepeeres o?mo?e: fo? tljep meafure the fauottre of 0oo bp a mans pjofperttie, oj bisotfpleafurebp amansmiffojituneo^aouerficie * 'She great Curbe bath this sbaugb in great reuerence, bccattfe be bath reigneo bpngfo long tpme. 3 baue fapoe before that be both fottre topues, ano as manp concubpnesasbpmfp(f?tb:anoifbecbaunceto baue anpebpb o?enbpanpofbisconcuHnes,anobempnoeotbat anp oftbofe ccbplo^eti (ball inberite after bpm, then toben one of bis topues -Opetb, tbe concubine inbombefofauottretb, be maketb one of bistopues, ano tbe cbpjoe tobom ij.e fo louetb beft,bcojoapnet& to be kpng after bpm* . ^ - V WJbaf 3 btcaroc of ti;e maner of cljepj manages, fo? effenotng tnTJ of ’ intoPcrfia* 328 ofljonefl ccnTctcttccjS ana cbafte cares , 3! map not commit to wjptpng *. tljenr fatlpng 3 baue DeclateD before, ®btpbfe Circumcifion Onto cbpioien of feuen petres of age , as 000 tlje ©rtumtiao#. Catkts. Chop? boufes (as3lbatte lapse) ate fojtljemofl part maae . ofSe?pcke,notburneo,butonIp strain the Sttnne)3Intbepi maucr of wtt* boufes tljep baue but title furniture of IjouOjcIdc rtuffe , epeepe pus- ft be tljew Carpets, ana fomc Copper Wo;ike: foj ulltbep? Ect* ties ana Dpfbes wherein tljep eate, are of Copper . Cl;cp cate ontbe gtounoe ,ftttpngonCarpetscrofte legged as 00 tap* lers . djereis no man To fpmple but be fpitetlj on a Carpet bet* terojwftjfe, anB the whole boafeo? roome wherein be fpttet!?, is wbolp eouerea iumj Carpcts.Cl;ep? (joufes are all trnttj flatte roofeS,couereavoitb card): ana tntlje fommertpme,tbeplpebp* tmtbemallnpgbt* ^Ijcpljauemanp bonne feruauntes both men artti Women. M m | 25ono men ano bona womemiS one oftbe beft fcmoe of mereban* aono women, bfes that atip man map b? png . CSbentbepbpe anpe mapoes b? poung women, tljep bfeto feele them in all; parties, as with bs tPomcu men do ljo?fts: when one bath bought a poung woman, pf Ijt Ipbe her, be wpll keepe her fo? bis owntbfcas longas byrnlp- fUltl lt£ - tfeclj , anB tben felled) bertoan otber,wbo both tbekkewldibcr. So that one womants fbmetpmes folfte oitbelpacc offtffire oj fput petres, twc!tte,o) twcmietpmcsyJfa man keepelabonflc Woman fo? bisowne bfe, ano pf befpnpe her 10 be falfe to bpm, 'anttgaie bet hoop to anp other, be map bpil Ijergfbe WpU. tws*oitb?eebu.tpngbis absBetbtre(f0nB, when be ^mmetb to an other tcWne, be Both the Ipkc in the fame alfps fqttljerttbep bfe to put onrtbcpj women to ijpjg, as wee boo here baeknerc JJ)o>fes. "i.i) l U.. ©here is a bapSipir«at ejRKt:Wb!i)be i ru)'nttb though the plapnc of / avat, wbicbc'.fhMj'iwp. the Caffim fca, bp a toWne talleB iaikn, neare bnto wbic&etoUme is a flrange tljpng to be ■ a . Ijoloe. jro?tbetciGjuctl)outoftbegtounDea umrueilousquan* ©picXioig tide of €>p!e, which SDpIetbep fetch from rtje bttermottbotinBeg omt!f ‘D' ofal ferftaiii feruet(j all tljccowttep to burnt iu tljep? l;oufes. 5 ’ T ©jiss The viage of the Mofcoumn merchantes ®6iS 3Dpl e ia i blacke,ano umllto JSeftr ; tbep ufeto carp it^ougljoutaUtbc coutitrepbpon Kpne ana 3ffes, of uibicij pou tyal oftentpmes meete, Haul} foure o? fpuc bunojeo in a com* panp. %Ll)m is alfo bp tljc fapoe toume of toady, an other kinoe Qt * t of^Dpletoljtc&eis bobpteanouerppjectous: anotsfuppafeota °' be the fame tijac here ts calico Petroleum, ebcitts alio not farrefrom 5 bamaty, a tljpnglpkebntoEarre , ano ifljucthout ofehegnmnoe^bohereof tuehaue maoc the pjoofe, chat In ouc «t»o t 0 {te 0 of fljppa! It feritetb buetl in the fteaoc of ^Tatre* * pw • 3[n Perfu are Epne ofcU)oTo?tes,t&e oite Ipke lmco ours tti t&efe partes, the other are marucplous euil fattaureo,bnirb great bones, anoberpleane,ano but little Urate bppon them: tbepj fflflfc is UialotuttU fuieece.* tbep are like bn- o them bobich are fpo* ken of in the fertpture , tohicb tit the ojeameof pbarao fignifl* eoclje feuenoearepeeres : foja leaner o? ma?e euifl fauoureo : toff, can no man fee. 31n tlje coumrep of sheruan (fometpme calico Media ) if poet tbaunce to Ipe tn the fieloes neate Onto anp btilage, as feone as tbetboplpgbtbegprinetb, pou fball banc about pou turn o?tb?ec #m* in g«at bun&jco jFojce^tvljicie make a marueplous boaboelpng o? bom* * mtt * ipttg : ano pf pott looke not toell to pour bictuales, It (pall fcape tl;cm barolp but tbepbopll ijaueparc boitbpou* ZbtCd/pianka, oot&neptljer ebbe no? florae, except forr^ tpmesbprageoftnpnoettfujelletljopberp bpgb :tbe boater is berp fait. 5)ouibeif, the qtiantttte of boater that failed) out of the great rpuer offV^maketlj the boater frelbe at tl;e leapt anemic leagues into tl;e fea. $L\)e Cafyim fea ts marueplous full of fpfbe^buc no kpnoe of monflrousfplb ,asfarre as 31 couloc bn* ^berflanoe, pet batl;ttfunO?pfo?tes of fpfl;es bobtdje are not in thefe parties of tlje toojlce. Zfyt button there is gooo,ano the &beepe great,ba* upngberpe great rumpestetrlj much fat bppon ibeta l&pfe anoCguc* i ton 5 > ’ * *• * f i Of * • • * v Into Pcrfia. PS j Of the Empire of the Pcrfians,and of thevr original!* fpe fcpngoomc o? Empire of tf;e Perfians, jbrdhrn asttteasinatmetent tpme molt famous, Omhus. cuen fo is it at tljcfe oapesyntgbttc $ glojii- ctis, ccmpjicbenopng manp great $ large rcgtons.ifo?a!(tljetrac£ec.f//r^tebtcb ts . . ; bettecene tlje riucr of Tigris, ii;c golfe of PerftaMb tbe 3ln0ian fea(fomettme caileo tymlaxarta (attljtsoap calico Chef till) *ucn Unto tbe &$/<*» fca, isattljisoap bnoet tljeOomuuem of tbe&opljte of Perfia. £)fc(;eo^tgmaIloft!jC Sophies, tljUS tejttetlj c alius Cum tit bis ^araccntcall btftoHejntljepeereorcttr lojo. \$ 69 . teas a certaprte U^tnce among tyiPtrjUnsMw polfelleo tbe totenc of Jrdenelim, 1)15 name teas Sophi : $ glo^tfico Oirn felfe tooifcenoe of tl)C rafe attO pjogemeof Mis Muamedis , bp M « an Cazbi IjtS Jftcute. tbe, after tbeoeati; of CalyfiaA)t ^oltan of Balnlon, attO tbe ccntrarp faction tebteb tlje burkes ocfcnoeo, fuppjcfllo alfa cf tlje Tatars, began mojc bololp ano freelp to pjofefle bis opt* titon ano fentcnce oftbepj religion . 8no bpcattfe that Ocemus tbe fonne of Mis, (from tebom be g T oji8co bim felfe to oefeeno) Ijao tteclue cbilojen, tniJipng to aooe to them of bis fecte a cercapne figne ,teberebp tbep mpgbt be knoteen from other, ojoepneo tljac tljep that teoulo embrace bis fecte ano ptefelTren,njoulo teere on • tijetr beaos t a bigb cappe of purple bnoer a uele, teljerteitb all the t£m*kes imioltte tbep? beaoeS,ano m tlxpj language call it r#//- lante, Ijautng in the imooelt of tt.jrw. plumes o) (bappe top pi g . $ftcr bis oeatb,fucceeoeo bis fonne Guines : tebo in all tbc Calf partes obtepiteo fo great opinion of tetfcoome ano boImefie,tbat moil famous Tam Manes, i£ttlperOttr Of tbe Parthians (te!jO be* Tamer lanes fo?e bao taken Pay aretes kpng of tlje burkes) mane a tournep ThamurUnts into Perfia, fo btOt !jtm as a molt bolp man, of teljom Guines Ijao Tamhrlanes 9 fouwcbfauour, that be obtepneo of him tbe libcrtic ofeje. tljou* orTamurh * fan^cCapttues tebteb be thought tetcb bim, tebom alfo Guines i m aoDieccotablsfacin'ont-anobisftnne Seuidar bfeotbemin bis ” * Gw# tearreis. 45opbtand o? perflans, foiomeonemanerof interpretation of ^abumettea religion, and the burkes an other tihembtcb tn- terpretattond neuercbeielTe are fo Differing one from the other, that the one of them eftcemecb the other fo? bercitkea. ©he per- Ceuta are of liberal! natureofmuebe cuulttte and cartefie,greailp (deeming arced and fcienced : thep acknowledge a certame too?- thine(feo?nobilt«eamongmen, toherm thep d-ffer much from the ©urkea s tobtcb make no Difference bettueene flauea anD Wor- thier men o?<$:weimen. Of the Region of Perfia,ancf the maners of the Per- fians: Marcus Paulus Venetusj 'writeth thus. Cap, xix. Lib. I. Bi fid is a great ano large pjoutnee, $ Wad once noble anD of great fame,but notue de- balfate anD ouerrwn bp the T artars,it ta of leffe dignities the anctent renoume there- of greadp dtmintlbed, anD the name D e- utdeD into the p?o«incea confine o? adtacent onto it. £s>o that now the pjoutnee of Tcrfia ti)z third l*ca\)Z fourth Cieljlanhtlw fpft, l njhnich^z GjttZ^Ze razi, the feueitth, Socbam, &mti)tti$t)Timocbam, in the ccnflnea of Verfi* . ©here are berp fapje and goodlp hojfed of great p?ice, Mcmttch that fome- tpmes one ta foleefopoo.pounda of ©uron. 3 perchanta tying them to the citiea of ciifi and Cumofa£ti\ ace on the Tea fide, and fell them into Indiana 3 flea betherc berp fap?e and great, tn- fomuch that fomttpmed one ta foldc fc?,irjc.poundeWcigbt of HI- uer,©be people ta of eupll Dtfpoftttoii 5 quarelloua 3 tbeeuea 5 and murdcrera :ano robhe anokpfimercbamcabpcheWap, epcept thep goe in great companpea • get tiuhe cutea, thep M of tot- ter into Perda. 339 lix maner&flift ofmojie bitrtianttic : alfo berp excellent artificers in mooses of gols 5 Glke,CmbjoScriej neesle moojke,ans fucbe lpke*3Cbep battc abotmsance of bombafine.mbeate, barlpe,mpll, topne alfo, ans fcuttcfcbut tn religion, tbep are $g)abumetanfc i Of the kyns;domc of thePerfians,Haithon in his booke dc T artarisXap.vii* writeth as foloweth. 5>e fepngsomeoftbe IperGans, is? StuiSe& f icin'eflp into ttoo partes, tobiclje make one ’kpngsomejbicaufe tbep are both (libtecec to jtbe Dominion of one kpng» 3Lbe firft parte of 1 Terfia, beginnetb tn tbe €aft, from tbe con- 'ones of tbe ktngscme of Turqueftan, ano tel ifo rpnftpD tomars tbe Well, to tije great rp* uer of Tbi/onMncl) is tbe cbiefe among tbe fottre flooscs Uiljicb ^^ ro !Vf c run out of eartblp paraspfe.'&omarse tbe jftojtb* it is ejetenses <&!{{£** # to tbe Cafpian fca 5 ans tomarsetbe&outb, unto tbe Defartes of India . ©je region is in manor all piapne tin tbe mtooeft there- of, are tU)o berp great ans ticbe cities, tbe one is names Mtara, ano tbe other Seomrgant. ^etfians batte a language proper to tl;cm fdues: tbep bfe merebanstes ano tpflage of tbe grounse, ano among tbem fe&es Ipue in peace : 3!n tpme pafte tbep mere 3Ioolatours,an& bonoureo fpje cbieflp fo? ® os.But after tbat tbe fecte of tbe ^abumetans occupies tbe Somtnion of tbofelanses, tbep became bniuerfallp Saracens, beleeutngtbeseutkfbe Soc* trine of ^abumet.^Dbe other parte of Terfia, beginnetb from tbe tans^ um ** 4 riuec Tbifon , ano is eptenses dUeftmars Onto tbe confines of tbe kpngsomes of Media, ans partelp alfo of Jrmcnia tlje greater* ^otuacstbej/^tb, tttscrtensessmotbec^wrtfea, on tbe ftautb fpse,it confinetb isttlja ccrtatnepjouinceoftbelungsom of Medial in this pjoutnee are tmo great cities, one names Nesabor , ans tljc other Sacben , ujtjicbe tn fecte ans maners 5 are ijkebnto the other* m.iu ©f The vyage of the Wofcenidn mcrchnntcs etttejs ebetrof,^ otber notable tbmge* reaoe bcercafter , tl )t tljiroe booke of the bopage of Logmens y.artomannus * 8lfo,tbe ftrft booke of cije fame oopage»Cap. 1 2» of Spabumetanobis feilolnes: tobere peumapfee tbcoiffe* rence in religion beexweeneebe burkes ano ferfans, bepngbotfc Mabumctans. The name of the Sophie, Thomas Shaugh, and why he is fo called .. A} rl/f o/ffd pc Q\\\P/5s [^roy]VL Jury?* o 5)e Tcrfians nor not calf tbep? kpng bp tlje name of &opljie , but this name &opfjie,iogiuen him bp other nations: fo? of big clone peopled is calico Tbo* mas sbaugb,\n\jid)t is, Thomas the ru« .lerj^oltamo? gouernout :fo? Sbaugb, 'is not tbe name of a kpng, butofanof* fice . jf o? a kpng in tljep? language, ij$ calleo?^^, but no prince is calico bp this name, before bee baue reigneo bp feuen oifeentes t but be tbat notoe repgnetlj, in butonlpoffpuemfccntes, ano is therefore calico onlp Shaugb, tobteb ts a name of office* Upe batb foure topucs ano.pti.fonnes , ano batb keptc one of bfa founts tnpjifon mnnp peeres,fo? a great oumb?otue UJbtcbe be gauetbe 3uurkeintbetoarres, altbougb be cooke tbc fame fo? acceptallfcrutce 3 anoanobleepplopt. |>etfo?afmucbasbp tbac facte , lu obtepneo great renoume of a ualtam ano toarlpke man, be began Ijimfelfe to Ijaae bint in fufpition*. lead tljeglojie of tbatenterppfempgbt encourage btm to attempt fometoljat a* gapntf bis fatljer,as oftentpmes tlje burkes fonnes bauc rebels ieo agapnft tljep? fathers pet liupng, ano oifpiaceo them of their oigmtie* Of into Perfia. 33 ? Of the kyngdotne of Ormus, confine toPcrfia, and ofthetraficpie betweene them. Alfoofthe citic and Ilande of Ormus or Armufium. %mus is a great bpngoome, ano hath a pe* Jbrabam ctritar^png,trtbuto?ietotljek})ng of poj* Ortelius. tugale ♦ C&tsbpngtiome concepneth all the Tea coalfes of Jrabia, in the gulfc of Perfia, . from the mouth of the rtuer of Euphrates, urn * till the Cape of pazalguati, ano alfo parte of ithebingoome of Perfia, tohiche isaoiacent bnto the (freight ofBd^or^calleo Fretum P azor macl. MortusAli, The vyage of the Mofcouian merchants thep can hatte,U)hite clothe 3!jon . Ehepj bo?fes are of martiep lOUS great pjtce ttt the kpngdomes Of Goa , 'Dec an, and Karfmga, and tbcrefo;e pecrelp tlje merchame 0 of Omus typng manp thi- ther, and pet fometpme one bojfe (0 there at the puce of bu.bum ojed of thole peered of goloc, tobteb thep call Sai ajfo s . Ehe bed are of Jr abia^Z feconoe Of ?erfu,m the UlQOjd Of Cambria, Of the Sophie and kyngdome of Perfia, after the later writers. Erfia is one of the greated ano mod famous ^otttnccs of t6e tuo^lDe . 31c touebetb not the fea,bttt at the gulfe of Ormus ♦ $Dh the fpoe of Cambria , it confined) untb the people named ot agues, on the fpDe of Jrabia,\i)i(t) thegtilfe of Ormus, on the fpoe oftbe firme lande, tmtlj the mountapneg of Veli, and on the fine of Car mania, and in maner bp the confines of Talylon, it eptendeth toioarde *. it hath manp fitngdomea and cities fubiecte bn:o it. Eh c people of Ter fa , are called Jzemini. 3!t con* tepneth foure p^tuctpall p?otnnceg,toljicb are thefe : Coracm> Gi* naii, Tams, X Harm . 3ln ebenilhcb alfo are thefe foure mod fa- mous cities : Ebat i* Tauris, Sir as, Samar cante,Coraconi: Ebep are daliant and loarlpkc men } $ of great edmtation.Ebcp of Sa* man ante, Ijaue in aundent tpme been Chadians. Tams and $/- ras, are cities as famous among them, as is nntbbs Paris in prance :thep are men of great cimlitie and curtefie . Ehe roo* men of Sir as, are of commendable beautie and bebauour, deep neate and delicate, and thereof commeth a p^ouerbe among the ^aljumetans, that ^aljumet mould neuergoe to sir as, lead if hehadtadedtheplcafuresof thofe tuomen, he Ihoulotieuer af- ter hts death haue gone to paraopfe. Ebe kpng of ferfia 10 cal* \ttSiecb Ifmael, Ulljom the 3{taltan0 call Gualiz,ador> 0 }Sophi. ipts chiefe manfion place 0 ? court, i0 at Tauris, o;t Te«ew,mbicb is didant from Ormus fiftie dapes iournep vut'th Camelles. ^)c 10 called the great spahumetan of the ojtoer of the red bonet(d)at i0) of the fectc of HaliMjkh our men that came late from Tafia, call M or pus m haue fpoken moje before ♦ Ehe region of into Perfia, ferJU, batb all fojteg of oomefftcall oj tame beaffes, fuel* as arc in our counereps ♦ 3It batb furthermore, lions* ©nces, ano ZU gets, the people are mucfje giuen to pleafures ano fpojnee, ano areljonourablpapparelleo, oeligbting greatlp in perfumes ano ftueete fauoursubep baue manp Ujpueg 3 anB commit tbe keeping o? charge oftljem to enuebes o; geloeo memtoljo fe; t!;at fcruice, are ofcentpmes preferred to great promotion, pet are tljep berp ielous oftfjep? topues J3otmitbtfanoing, botl; tbe perfians 5 ano alfo tljeir neighbour of Ormus,m oeteifable ^eoonwes . 3Iti tpme palfe manp great ano baliant perfonage0,as Cjrus;Darius 0 Ajjuems,m^ great Alexander ,\)&Ut tntiaOcD ferjia . 3|t ij3 notba* renas! fomeljaue mitten, but batb abounoanceofallfojteo of bictualles, anopleafures, ano tl;inges neceffarie fcj tbe Ipfe of man* The trafiqueof Perila, with other countreys* B the region of fnfia, are manp forest of merebanotes, mbcremitb tljep ufe great tea* ftque in tbr countrcpst of Armenia, T urebia 0 ano in tbe ettie of Cair o; Jlcayr . ^from tbe lanoe of sir as, is brought great abounoance of (like, mbereof is maoe an infinite quanta JtteofaIlf 9 ^tesof filken doatljes, ano fine cbamoletfe^cfomers colours : aifo great abounoance of reebe 3 lume, Vitriol!, Jkoffare . Iikelmfic manp bo^feo, bictualle 0 f ^urque 0 done 0 3 ioap 5 bonp 3 bttttcr 4 c. 3 ifo great peecc 0 of tape* ftrte of oiuer 0 fortes $ mojkeSjdotlje* offunojtp colours bcluets both bigb ano lotoe after tljep; maner : liketopfe cioclj of goloe offunojpfojtesj T 0 atulton 0 3 ano great abounoance of armure* .from tbe ocber fpoc of tbe mountapnes bp tbe map of Siam, are fyOttgfjt f^uf kC, ^IceSjHeubarbejI^ww^w aloes, Cm[>bord 0 &c. 311 tbcfetbingee,ano manp other, are earpeo to Ormus : fc; tbe mbtcbjtbe recurne threat quandtie of pepper, ano otljcr fpices ano ojuggestfo; tbe perOans 0& mud; fpices Uriel; tljeir meats* ano cfpectallppeppec. , Cfbtiii* ©f 333 <£mtfecsr 8| gil# OeD nun. The vyage of the Mofcouian merchants Of theGulfeof Perfia, or Sinus Perficus. l)z region anu lanoe of Terjia, is fftuare be* ■tujenietU)orpucr0,U)l)tc6efall not into the 'flDccanfea, but tntoftegnife of : the jUJljtcbgulfcbatl; oneuerpfpoemanp gooo* ’lp coumreps toell inbabitco. '©be gulfe con* tepnetb in Tai^eticfTcJ^mpicjaf ? ano is natu- gable tuitb great Barkes,ano isfometimes troubled tottfj great tempeffes*€bere is taken great abunoance offi(be,tobicb being falteo o?o?pet», 10 carrpeo into all parted of Perfea . ©be gulfe is alfo berp long, ano contepnetl; from Omus to tbeenoe,b;,oapes tournep uutlj Camelled 1 Articles of the Priuilcges whiche the Sophie of Per- fa graunted to the Englyshe merchantes. Thefe articles were fent vnto the company of merchants from Mvfko, by mailder Ienkinfbn , graunted in the names of thefe perfons . Syr William Garret, Syr William Chefler,gouernours . Syr Thomas Lodge, Maifler AntonieIenkinfon,Mairter Thomas Nicolls, and Arthur Edwardesunerchantes of London: as alfo in the names of the whole companie. 2 it is graumeo that pou (ball pape no maner of cm A ffontes e? toiler anp kpno of uiapes,nofc) no? m time com* rnpng bnto bis beires after butt . Quo tbat all €nglpfbe ntcr* chances noiu p?efent,o? bereafter, map paffeano repalfe into all places of bis oomtmon$ 3 antJ other countrcps atnopmng to him, in tbe traoe of merebaunoies, to bttpe ano fell all maner of com* mom' ties,Untb all maner of perfons 3 Stem tbat tn all places,ttibere anp of our merchantes (balbe cbtefegouernour6,tuto,ano Suffixes, to take beeoe onto tbe engltibemercbames, ano be their apoe, ano pumfi&e them tbat ihall Doe them anp tn?ong 0? Ijurte* 4 Stem tbat fuebe oebtes as flialbe otopng bp anp maner of perfon, tuff ice to be bone on the partie 3 ano to fee all Cnglifbe merchantes papoe at tbeoap, 5 Stem intoPerfia. 355 f 3ltcmtbatnomanerofperfon of tobac efface 0? Degree t&ep be of,fo barbie to rake anp kprtbe of boares,0£ anp gpfteSjbottlp out tbe Crnglplbe mercljantes goob bodies* 6 3tem if bp cbaunce meblep, anp of tbe merebauntes 0? feruauntes (as; vI 15 ob fojbpb) (boulbe kpU anp of bts fubiectes 3 no partes of tbep? goobs to be touebeo 0? mebleb bottbal, neither no perfon but the offenoer 3 anD being; anp of themes cbaunts,nottofuffer imtbout the ponces knobolebge $abbice« 7 3tem that all fucb bebees aslbalbe oboepng, to be papbe to anp of the merchant^ in the abfence of tlje other, be the partiebeaooj alpue* 8 Stem that no perfonrecurne anp kpnbe of boares baeke a« gapne,bepngoncebougbt 0? foloe. 9 3ltem that rnben ®ob OjaH fame tbe merebauntes goobs to fi;o}e 3 p?efemip l;i$ people to belpc them alanbe Uiitb tljern. The profperoas vyage of Arthur Edwardes into Perfia, and of the fauourc that he found with the Sophy* and alfo what conference he had with that prynce. ©niteeamef&fttb tbe Sophies pjefence, banging bts imerpjetour tmtb 6pm, ana jlfanbpngfarrcof, tbe Sophie (fpttpng tna EeareropaHumbagrcatnumber of bis no* |ble men about bpm) baobe btm come necre, anb that tbjife, bntplbe camcfoneerebtm . that be ntpgbt baue toudjeb bpm botch bis banb ♦ Ebentbe fpitf oematmbtbatbe afkeo bpm, boas from Inljat countrep be came : be anftoearcb, that be came from €ng* lanoe . €bett afkeo be of bis noble men,bobo ktteto anp fucb coun* trep.iiButmbenCbiDarbsfaboetljatnoneoftbembabanpimeh , . , itgenceof that name, be nameb it inghihm *# as tbe Italians cal Cnglano > ®ben one of tbe noble men fapoe Londro 3 meanpng fberbpHonoon,n)bicbnametsbettcrknoijDen in far coumreps out of€b?ttfenoome,cbcn is tbe name of€nglanoe*2Bben €d* toaroes baroebpm name Londro , be fapb that that boas' tbe name ofebeebtefe citie of Cttglaitoe, as boas Teuerti^ of tbccljtefe jttfcof Tcrfa > fye afkeo bpm manp tbpnges moje, as of tbe realms The viage of the Mofcoimn merchantes realnte of Cnglanbe, marucplpng that it (houlbe be an 31# lanb, offo great rpchdfe anb potoer,as Cbtoarbes beclareb Unto hpm, of the rpches anoabunbaunce of ourmerchaunbtes,as be fimherbnberftobebpouttrafiquetn Mofcouia attb other cotm* treps . Ipe bemaunoeb alfo manp thpnges of the ©ueenes maiefltc,anb of the cuffomes anb lavues of the rcalme : faping oftenfpmesinhtsotone language, tiaracolla (that 10 to Tape) toe! faib. 0e affic& alfo manp thinges of fipng phtl(p 3 ano of his toarres agapnff the ^Titrfie at Malta . Cljen betmunbcb of hpm tohat toas the chtefe caufe of l;ts relate into his realme* Snbbepngcertificbthatittoasfoj the traoe of merchaunbies, he afficb tohat fipnbe of mercbaunbtes he couloe h?png tbpther* g>ucb (fapbe he) as the Venetian merchauntes, tohicl; Dtodlpng toourcoumrepmthecttteofloM^fenceto (lienee anb from thenre into turfite hp Balepo anb T ripoli m Soryaft om tobence, as bp the feconbe anb thp?bcl;anbes,toitl; great charges of manp cutfomes anb other thpnges thereunto partcpning, thcp are ac the length brought two pour countrep anb cities of2Vr/M.££ll;ac merebaunbies are tbofe, fapb the Sophie * Cbtoaroes anftorareb, that thep toere great abunbaunce of fine cartels, of bjobe clothe?, of all fortes anb coloures, as fcariettes, to'olettes, anb other of mt vettetuns the fpnelf doth of all the toojlbe . $lfo that the Venetians brought Sttguni? 0l,t ^nglanne, not onelp fuel; clothes rebie ntabe, but further mo;e great plemie of fpne toool to mpnglenmb their toools,of the tohicl; thep couloe not othertoife mafic fpne doth : Affirming wrCrS a/wi? 0 ’ c & ac c ^ ere to3£nc owc Cnglanbepccrelp that toapes, aboue ttoo teooi. hunbjeb thoufanbe carfets, anb as manpe bjebe clothes, befpbe fine toool anb other mercl;aunbies,befpbe alfo the great ahum Daunce of like clothes^ tohicl; toere carieb into &paine, ano btuers other cotmtreps * %Lbz Sophie then affieb hpm bp tohat meanes fuel; merchaunbies mpght be brought into ferfut* Epght toell &tr(fapbel;e)bptl;e toapof Mofcouia,\nul) mo;e fafette anb in much lho;tcr tpme then tl;e Venetians can typng tf;cm, fp;ft from €ng!anbe to Oeues, anb from thence into ferfta, bp the toap of €urfipe ♦ 3nb therefore tf it (hall pleafe pcurmaidltetogratmtbsfrcepafiagcinto al pour bominions, toith fuel; p^iuileges as map appertepne to the fafegaroofour lutes, into Per fia. 534 fptte^gooDes, anti mcrrijanDtes 3 me tup! fttrnpfb ponrcotm* irepsmitb alfttcb mercbanme^ other commoDitiei^m (|jo^tc tpnie,ano better cbeape then pou map banc tbe fame mtlje burkes banDeo.^btetalke anomucbc mojelnas between clje Sophie anD €omarDes fo^t tbe fpace of ttuo fccures,aHmbtdje tljpnS^Ipkeol)pmfoni£lf 3 tljatfl)o;t!p after be graunteototbe fapoe Arthur ComarDco tmo other pjimlegeg* fo? tfcc trace of tticrcijanoicsuito Trefia , ail U)?pttenm anc golcelct* cer$ 3 anDOeliuereDbntotbclo?Detopcrof the Sophie fyit great feale, £belo?De keeper mao namco Coche edfxyc, mho fapee ibat\obentlje5/74«^(tbacfetljekpngo? prince) dpd fpttcco feale anp letters , that privilege OjoulDe be fealeDnnDOeliue* recto Laurence Chapman. 3In tbts privilege is one principal article fo? feruames o? mercbances : Chat pf the a gem Do per* cepue that upon tljep? naugbue Dopnges, tbepmouice become Bufo? men, that then tbe Agent mberfeeuer be (ball fpnee anpe Wo \ mftt > ht fucb feniant o? feruantes , to take tbem 3 anc put them in p?pfon: $£! rteti Stir, atumopcrfontokeepetbentyi? mapmepnetfjem. ©tsartirie tjjs mass graumeD in refpect of a cuttome among tbe Perfms, being 5Sn« • ^abumccanesi : tobofe maner is frenDlp to recepue anD mel em tertapne , both mitb gtfees 9 Ipupng, all fuebe Catalans as fop fakpng tbep? reltgtonjmpl become of tbe religion of tbe Ter funs. anfomucb tljatbefoie tijts Privilege tuas graimteo, there mas great occaCon ofnaugbtte feruames to occepue anD rebbe tlirpi tmtifers : t&ac bnDer tbe coloure of pjofeflpng tljac religion, tbep might line among them infucbfafetie 3 tbat pouiragbt bane no lam agapnft tbem 3 cptber to punp$ tbem, c? to recouerpour gooses at tljep? banDes 3 o> elsmbere. JFo? before tbe Sophie (inborn tljcp fap to be a marucplotts rnpfe anD gracious pri'nce) feemeo to fauour our natton 5 ano to graunr tljemfucb Priutleges, tbe people abufeD cbem berp much* ano fo bateo them that tljcp tooulD not coucije tbem 3 b«c reutleb them, cailpng them Cafm $ Gamrs, uibtcb is 3 mfpDels,o? mtfbeleeuers . But after tljcp fam bolo greatlpd)epri'nrcfauourcDtbem 3 tbepbaDtbemafterU 3 arD in great reuercnce, anD inoulD kpfle tbep? (jatioes, nnD ufc tljem berp frenDlp. jf o? befo?e,tbep tooke it fo? no m?ong to rob them, DefrauD tbem 3 bcare felfe mimetic agamlf them, $ fuel; mereban • Diejwbepbao bought 03 fata, make d;em take tf againe, ano c&aunge The viage of the Mofcouian merchantes cbamtge it as often as them Itfleo . 3 nd pf anp (fraunger hp thauncehaokplleo one of them, thep mouloe haue tbelpfeof tmo for one flapne, and for theoebtesofanp ftraunger, mouloe take the goooesofanp other of the fame nation , mitb manpo« ther fuch Ipke abufes,in maner bnknomen to the J 3 ?mce before the complapntcsofour men made bntobpm for reformation of fucbabufes.-mbicbmere the caufe that no merchant Grangers ofcontrarp religion, duett come into his dominions mitljcbepr commodities : mbicb mpgbt he greaelp totl;e pjofice of hpm and Ijisfubicctes. The Articles* i o Jtem that the merchantes hatte free fpbertpe, as tit tbepr fprff priuilege, to go bnto GylUn, and all other places of l;is dommtons,nonj or hereafter mben occafion fyalbe geuetu 1 1 3 !tem' pf bp mtffortune anp of tbepr (hips (boulo breake, or fal upon anp part ofbts dominions on the fea coa(f,his fubiec* tes to help iinch al fpeeoe to fane the goooes,$ to be deliuered to anp of the fapo merchants that liueth : or otbermpfetobe kept in fafetie bntpl anp of them come to oemauno them. 1 2 Sltempfanpofthefapdmerchants depart this Ipft in anp ettte or tomne, or on the hpgh map , his gouernours there to feethepr goooesfafdpkept^notobe Deliuered co anp other of them that lljal oemauno them. 1 3 3 Jtem the fapoe merchants to take fuch camell men as thep Rt1fm[ 1 them felues topi, hepng countrep people.- and that no iftplfell Atetije gentle# BapOjeooletorhpnoertbem, 8no the fapde omnersoftbe tempts** 1 * camels, to be bounds to anfmere them fuch goodes as tbep “ (hall reccpue at thep? banocs: and the camel! men to Hande to the loflfes of tbepr camels o? horfes. 3!tem more, that the fapde carrpars do oeitiaunoe no rnoje oftljem, thenthepr agreement mas to pap them. 15 3Item v * -■ ■ ■ intoPerfia* f 555 15 3ltrm mop# tfcep lie at a pjtpce tottlj anp carrpcurs? 3 ana geuen earnrif, ti;c£amellmcncofee tfeep heepe t&epj pjo* • melfa itf Stem if anp of the fapo merebauwes be in feare to trauatle, togeuetbcmoneojmojetogo mulj tljem,aim fee tljcm in fafeie mttlj tljep j goot# to the place tljep mpil go bnto* 17 31 tem in at! places, tofap, in all cities tomneg, 0? billa^ geo on tbe bpgb map, bis fubicctcg to gette tfcem Ijoneft rooume, aimnutapies fo) tbcpj monp* lS Stem tbe fapoe merebatmteg map in anp place tofjere tljep (bail tljpnfce belt, Imptoeojbpe anp boufe oj boufeg to tljep* oUme PfeO : 3 no no perfon to moled oj trouble them, ano to ftfflifce tn anp Caumi mljere tljep mpll 3 oj fljal tijtnke gooo*. c* *' " r, .i • • • -v* !•- •»••• <* • • -i- Tl^e commoDttieo mljicbe tbe merrijaumro map Ijatte bp tfjtO x traoetnto!Pfr/w,aretbougl)ttobe great, ano niapin epme perljappes be greater tben tbe pojtugaHeg trace into tbe Calf hKJefc^ms Snoieo, fojafmueb as bp tbe map of Vetfu into Cnglatme, tlje refttrnemap be matte euerp pcere once,mljcras tbe iptojfitgalles ^foa* mt0 make tbe reutrne from Calmtbnt once in tmo peer es, bp along anttttaungerougttpage all bp fra : fo? mbereao tlje citte ants 3* lanoe of (Jmuh tying in tlje gottlft of forfeit tljemoif famous marte tomne of ail Calf 3 mna, m&pcber all tlje meretjatmmeo of 31utJta are bjougbf,tbe fame map in ibojrer time, aim mo^e fafdp, be bjtottgbf bp Ifttm $ rptiero t&jougb Terfta^mnbnto tlje Caff tan fea, anofromt!jencebptbe ccuntrepo of%j/^ 0? Mofcouia bp rpuero, euen.ttnto tbe citte of Terajlaue) atm from tljcnce bplanoealjunujetiantifourefco^eniplesto Vologda : mm from tljcnce agapne al bp mater, etten bnto Cnglatm* £(je raere&atmtttes mljiclje be IjaD out of ferfia fe^ tlje re* fume of mares, are (pike of all fo? too atm colouro,botlj rame atm topugbt: Moallmaneroffptcesafltttyugges, pearleoaim pjcciotm (tones : likempfe enrpettes ofopuerg fojtes , mitb ui* aero other rpebe merebammies, mijereof pott map reaoe rnoje beix before in tlje Chapter entttulcb , 5 Df t^c cragque of Jia mitb ct^cr coumteps ♦ 3 It ma^ coloe mi of tl;em that came ivJ - ‘ “ m Thcviagcofthc Mofcouian mercLantcs laft from Terfia, that there is more fplke brought into feme one citteof^/^ then is of cloth brougbtimo the citte of tiondon, 3lfo that one Pillage ofJrmenia,nmzXi Gilgat, Doth carte pec re* Ip fpue hundred, and fometptne a tbcufande mules ten mid* fplke to HMepo tn SoYjd of Curkpe, bepng foure napes iojnep of r ripoli, mbere the Venetians bane their conttnuall abiopng,antt fend from thence fplkes, mbicb tbep returne for €ngltfl; carfes, and other clothes* into al partes of €(#ttfenoome» <@Feit anbftpnc Peace bur Dens'* Tire manerhowetheChri (Bans become Bufor men, and forfake their religion, ,fpaue noted berebefore,tbat tfanp Cfetdtan fcopll become a Bufor man, tljat is, one that bath fojfaken bis faptb,and be a M abumetan oftbetr religlottybep geue btm manp giftes, anbtomtpmealfoaltupng . €be maner ts, that mben the oeuil is cntrcdtnto bis bare toforfake bis faptb,be reforcetb to the Soltan or gouernoure of the tomne, to Inborn be mahetb proteff ation of bisdtuilplbe purpofe . %\)t gouernoure appopntetb bpm a Imrfe, and one to rpoe before bpm on an other bojfe, bearpng a fmooroe tn btsbanoe, and the "Bufor man bearpng an arome in I;is band, and rpdetb in the citie, curfbngbis father and mother: and ifeuerafeerbe returne to bis olnne religion, be is gilrie of deatb,as is ftgniked bp the fmoorde borne before bpm, 3 poung raan,aferuaumofoneof our merebatmtes, becaufe be moulds not abpde the correction of bis matte for bis faultes, mas mpn* ded to forfeke bis fapth ♦ 3£iit(as <£od mouloe) be fell fooapnelp ficke and dped,before be gaue bpm felfc to tbeoeuil Jf be bad be* come a Bufor man, be bad greatlp troubled the mercbauntesjfoj ifljemouldetbenbauefapd tbatbalfe tbeir goods bad ben bis* tbepmouldbauegeuencredttebntobpttif fw the auopdpngof mbicbeineonuentencc, ttmas graunteo in the pruuleges that no Bujorm an . j c. as there appeared), 3In Tafia in diuers places,ojccn and ktnebeare the tentes and bouO)olDC lluffe of the poore men of the countrepjmbtcb b^ue net* tberCameitonorbo^* . Of ,v intoPcrfia# IT 336 Of the tree whiche bcarcth Bombafine cotton *or Goflampine I B forfia is great abtmbance of BombaGne cotton, anb berp fyne 5 tbis grotoetb on a certapne ltd e tree o? typer 3 not pa fc the height of a mans toatf e>o? litle mo?e : the tree bath aflern ber Gaik, (the Onto a ty:er, 0 } to a carnation gpleflour, butty toerp manp tyaunebes, bearpng on euerp tyatineb a ft uite, 0? ra* tbet a cobbe^grompng tn rotmo fourme 3 contepnpng in it the cot* ton : anb toben this bubbe 0? ccbbe commetb to tlje bpgnctTe of a toallnut, tt openctb anb Ibetnetb fcojty tbe cotton, tofaicb groin* ety flpll tn bpgnefle bntpll it be Iphe a fleece of mood a# bpg as a wansfpl!,anbbegmnetbco be (oofe: ano then tbep geathertt as it mere tbe rppe fruice ♦ ©be feebes of tyefe trees, are as bpg as peafon.anb are blacke,anti fomebobat flatte ,anbnocrounbet thepfoboetbem tn plotoeb grounoe, mljeretbep grontc in tbe fielbes in great abounbance in manp coumreps in ferfa,m> bi* iters other regions The writing of the Terftant. A fttbur e£btuarbes tyetoeb me a letter of tbe Sophie , to#* ten in tbep? Tetters backmarb/ubfigncb baity tbe Ijanbes 1 botboftbe 5 o/^/>^btsfecretarpe. ©be Sop^wfubfcrip- tton,b>as onlp otiebuojb (bis name 3 l fuppofe ofsbaugh) tytptten in goloen letters bpon rebpaper. ©be boljole letter boas aifo bojptten on tbe fame peece of reb paper, bepng (ong anb nar* roboe, about the length of afoote.ano not pad ttyee inches tyobe. SCljc pjiuate fignet of the Sophie , boas a rottnbe pjpnteb matke,ctyottt tye bpggenefle of a Hpall , onlp p jpneeb bpon tbe fame paper, tuftyout anp buajee 0? other fialer tbe letters feeme fomptyapenanb mltyberetytyatatnan buculbetyptike inhere fomeinbatfcrtbleb in ntanerat aouernttres. get tbepfaptyat a!mofl euerp letter mttb bis pjicke 0? ctrcumflepe,Gptfletya mbofe mo?be . Slnfomucb that in a pcece of paper as bpgge as a mans Oanb,tyepj looting both contepne as much asboty curs almolf in a fyeete of pajger. The O'V The viage to Guinea. gm&taotn The two viages made out ofEnglande into Guinea in jtjfrickc, at the charges of certayne merchants aduentureri of the citie of Lon- " don, in the yeere of our Lord* 1553 * v n €tng ueGrcd bp crrtapne of mpffeenoes,fo make feme j mention of tijefc mages, tbatfame memojp thereof mpgbt ^^remapne to ourpataitie, pf eptber ttrfqume oftpmc,con« fumpngall tbpnges ,o; ignaranucc crecppng tnJbp bar* baroufnefle and contempt of knotuleDgc,(];ouloe hereafter bit* rp in obliuionfomojtbp attempts, fo much the grcatlpertobe cfteemeo,as before neuec enterpjpfed bp ^nglpfijemcn,^ at tl;e ieaff fo ffcquenteo.as at this pjefent tbep are, ano map bc>to the great commodiue of our merebantee, pf the fame be not bpnd;co bp the ambition offucl; 3 asfo; tbe CJnqueHing of fourtte t } fpfttc tuples bere $ cbeiT,ano ereetpng of certapne fa;treffcs,c; rather blockeboufcsamongnakeopeople, thpnketbem fclucsitohp to be lo;des of halfe the luajld, enuping that other Cbouloe entop the commodities, tohicb tbcp them fellies can not U»l;olp podeflfe* #nd although fttebe as baue been at charges in the Diicouerpng and conquctfpng of fuche toes , ought bp good reafon to baue certapne pputIeges,p?el;^mmcnces,ano tributes fojtbe fame, pec (to fpeake Under correction) it mapfeemefomembatrtgo* rous, and agapnft good reafon and confctence, ci rather againlf the chartue that ought to be among Ch?tftian men ,thatfuchas btolentfpe inuade the dominions of other , (bouioe not petm it o- ther frendlp to bfe the trade of mcrcljandtes, in places neerer,o$ feldome frequented of them, toberebp tljep; trade is not hpnd^eo tn fuel; places,mbere thep them felues baue at tljcp? ottme elects on appointed the martes oftbepr trafficke. But fo^afmucljas at this prefent, it is not mp entenc to ar cufc or defend , appjeue o? imp;oue,3l mil ceaflc to fpeake anp further hereof, $ pjoccade to the dtfeription of the fcril diage, as fyeefelp and faithfullp as 3 tnasaduertifedoftl}efame,bpthe information of fucb credible perfons, as made diligent tnquiOtioti to kttorn the truetl; hereof, as much as lhalbe requifee, cnnttpng to fpeake of manp parti* euler The firft vyage to Guinea, 337 Settler thfnge$,tiot greadpneceflarte to bee fcnolnen: tt&icbe fieuertbdede,mitb alfa the epacte coutfe of the nauigation,fl)all be mojcfullpbeclareb in tt;c feconbe bpage . 3nbtf herein fa* tiour ojt frienbthpp (ball perbappes catife fome to tbpnke that fome haue been ftjarpelp touebeb, let them tape a parte fauour anbfriwbfbpp, anb gpue place to truetl;, that honed men map tecepue p?apfe fo? meil bopng,anb leuoe perfens rep?ocbe,as the tud dipenbe oftbep? eupil befartes, toherebp other map bee be* terreo to ooc the lpke,anb bertuous men encourageb to pjoceebe m honed attempted ^utthac tbefebpagcsmapbemojeplapnclp bnberfloobe of ad men, 3Ihawe thought goob fojtbis purpofe,befo?e 31 in* create hereof, to make a bjeefe oefeription of $ffrica, bepng flfrfcs. that great parte of tbetuodbe, on bahofe tuailedefpoe begpn- neth the caade of Guinea at Cab* Verde, about the trnelue be* ^ecoaftof grecs in laticube, on tbtsfpbe the Cqninactiall line, anbttoa Ouium* Degrees in longttubefrom the mealurpng Ipne, fo nmnpng from the Jftojtb to the <§>outb,anb bp Cad tn fome places tuttb* tn.b.iiUtanb,iii,begrces anb a halfe mitbtn the Cquinoctialt,anb fofoojcb in manerotredp Cadanbbpi$a?tb, fo? the fpace of fjcpbi begrees, o? there about, in longitube from dje ft3M to the Cad, as (ha!lmo?eplapnelpappeareinthe befeription of the feconbebpage. A breefe defeription of Affrikc» j fried d;e lefle are tbefe kpngbomes: thekingbeme of Tunes $ CcnflantinaMfcfy STtmo*. [is at this bap bnber Tunes, mb alfo the regi* OH Of Bugia,T rij>oli,m Ezgab. ^ThtS part cUjrike is uerp baren bp reafon of dje great < * ripo,u befartes, as the befartes of ttymidia $ Bar* jHumiM* eba Che principal! pojtes of the kingbome of Tunes are thtfv.Golettdffizerta, ?otofarnia,Boua, anb St or a. Che cbtefe cities of r«»«,are Conjhtntina,mb 'Bout, tufeb biuers other^nber this kpngbome are manp 3!ianbs, as ZerbUampa- ^ran&r 0 of dola,^ ant alar ea, Lino fo, Beit, Gamelaro, mb Malta , tufjtre at djlS fit**' p?efent is the great maider ofthe Kobes . Ctnbcrtbe g>outh or ita * (his kpngbome, are dje great befartesof Libia . ail the nations *&**&&$ in of ’ 28arbarfe. /Mauritania* afjfceanfc Miarrocfto* tremifen* iMaflTaqnthcr* Sulla* &3*moi* QTfie gjlanbes ofCatiane. «5uiufa* Ethiopian*. JMarrocfco* CrcmtHfit. ^itiura* Africa t^e great* The fir (l vyage to Guinea inti)i$JfYicati)tMei are oftfjtfeccc of 30abumef 5 ^ a ntfticaH people 5 lpupng fcattereD in milages . ©c bed of tin's parte of /- frike,i$ iarbaria, Ipmg otl tl)£ CO a 3 of tlje fea M editerraneum . Mauritania (nflUJ calleD ftarbaria) 10 OtUlDCO tnCO tUJO parted, aS Mauritania TingitaniaAWXsCcJarienfis . Mauritania Tingita* »/otttb of tbis re* gton,t0 tbe kpngDome Of GuineaMtil) Senega,! aiofo,Gawbra, anD manp other regions of tbeblacke $$oo}t$,ai\k0 Ethiopians oj Negros, all uaijtcljc are toatcrcD inttb tl/e rpuer Hegro, calico in oloc tpntc Niger . 3fn tlje fapoe regions are no cities, but onlp - certapne lotoe cotagcsmaoeofbougbesoftrees^plaifcreo lottlj cbatihe,anDcouereDmttbnraUJe:3iutliefe regions are aifo uerp great oefarte?. €be kpitgoomeof Mamcfyl) atb UnDertttljefe feuenfcpng* t)0tt\8;FIea t Sus,Guzula,ti)Z iZXXitOXpOiMarmko,T>uchd!a,HaZs ehora,mis T elde. kpngDome of Fes batb as manp : as Fes , Temefne, Jlz gar, Flab atb, Errifi,Garet,$XtoElcauz<- hpng* Dome of Tremifen batb tbefe regions : Tremifen, T enez> anD EU g^et>alimbicb axzMachometiftes . tH5ut all tlje regions ofG«/- nea are pure ®entples ano 3iDolatours 3 U)ttbottt pjofefifton of anp religion, other knolnleDge of6oD 5 tben bp tlje latuc of nature. Jfrica tbe great, ts one oftljetljjet partes of tbe mojtoe a .i ImOtoCK Th« foil vyage to Guinea* 33^ fenomenfttoloctpme, ano fetteceo from Afa, on ttjc C'afl bp rpucr Niks, on tbe deft, fromCurope bp tbe pilfers of ©er* culegs . ©ebptber parte is nom calico Barbaric, ano tbe people Spools . ©e inner parte is calico Libia ano Ethiopia . Afrik? fbc fetters in this myfe bounOeO:2Dn the COcff it batb Numidia: ©n tije Cad Cyrtnaica : €>n tbc jfto?cb >tbe Tea calico M edit err a* neum. 3In this countrcp mas tbc noble ctctc of Carthage. Carthage. 3 |ntbe Call ftoe of a fricksMtmtl) ibereooe Tea 5 omeHetb the great ano mpgbtie Cmpcrour ano ©bjtfttan kpng pilfer 350 ^ 1 * |obn,U»cll knpmcnto tl;e pojtugales in tbcpj bpagegtoc*//- cut. ijpisoonumons rcacbeucrpftirrconcucrpfpoc : ano bath bnoer bpm manp other fepnges bocb ©bjpftian ano beacben that pap bpm tribute . ©is migbeie p?mce is calico Dauio ©em* pcrourofCtbtopta* ^ome upptc,tbat tbe kpng of pojtugale fenoetb bpm pcerelp .out. Ibpppes laoen rnicb marcbaunoie& ij>is ktngoome coimnetb mitb tbe rcooc fea , ano reacbetb farre into 3frtke tomato Cgpptc ano Barbaric, gjoutbmaroeic com.cjpebe^ito# finetb mitb tbe fea comarOe the cape dv$uona speranz* : ano on tbe other fpoe rnttb tljefea of fanoe, calico Mare de Sabme, a font*. Pcrp oangerousfca,lping betmeene the great citte ofjlcayer, oj Cairo in Cgppt, ano tbe countrep of Ctbtopta : 31n cbelubtcbe map are manp unhabitable ocfarts 5 c6tmtmig foj tbc fpace of fine Dapes iomep- 8no then affirme, that if the fapo Cbjtliian Cmpe* roar mere not bpnocrco bp tbafe oerartes n the min cbe is great iackcof btetuaifes^no efpeciallp of mater) be mouloe o) name baue t'nuaoeotbe fcingoome of Cgppt, ano the cute of J Layer. ©e ebeefe citie of€cbiopia,mbcre this great Cmpcrour u re* Ooent 3 is calico Amacaiz# being a faire citie, mbofe inbabteaneeg are of tbe colour of an ©Ipue . ©ere arealfo manp other cU ties, as the citie of upon tbe rpuer of Niks, mbere ©cm* peraurisaccu'tomeoco remapnemtbefommerfeafon. ©ere isipkempfe a great citie nameo Barbaregaf. ano Afcon, from mbcncetcts fapoe that the ©ueene of Saba came to ©ierufa? jpromtoOenr* lem to beare the mpfeoome of Salomon * ©is citie is but lit* ^ li€m of tie, pec berp fapje,ano one of the cbtefectctes in Ethiope . in ^ ,lbA fA;lie * tbe fapoe kungoome is apiouince calico Mamcongm , mbofe J^meonam* kpng is a^oo^e,ano cnbucaric to ©empercur of Ethiope. antbispjomiiccarejiiante cpceeopng bpgb mountapnes, by* S??k poit flieeftrtBTp p.«a&i tt. 3Efje tret* of tfjc £mmic and jfaoene. SHic Piimrofr. Cfjc Uxoit. /F&oone, t&intta&o. OBjafll*. <&amca. q:t)f ffattetpitg ar'fojtmix. Thcfirft vyagc to Guinea. pott tbemhtcb is fapoe Co be the cartblp paraopfe: anbfome fap that there are tbe trees oftbe&unne and $0oone, mbereoftbo amtqumemahetb mention: pet that none can palletbptber, bp reafon of great defortes ofabund?eddapestournep.3lfo beponb tbefe mountapnes, fe tbe cape of o?t«* gale, and to inborn the coaftes of^tafileanDGai^uiere ccm* mptteo to be kepte front tbe ifrenebmen, to tnbom be mas a ter* roue on tbe lea in tbofe partes , ano mas furthermore a ©ctitel* man oftbekpng bis maulers boufeJ&it as fortune in matter ne- uer fauouretb but flatreretlj>neuer promtfetb but oecetuetb,neuet rapfetb but caftetb ootnne agapne, ano as great tnealtb ano fa* uourbatbalmapes companions emulation anoenuie, be mas after manp aouerSaes ano quarels made agapnff f/tm, inforced to come into Cngianoe j mbere in this golden bpage be mas euil matched mttb an unequal ccmpaman,and bnlpke matebe of mod funorie qualities ano conditions, mttbbertttesfcmeornone a* downed, ^bus Departed tbefe noble flpppes bnder faple on theft bpage . 15 ut firlf Captapne wyndam, putspng foopb of bis ©ppat IporcbmoutlMkpnfeman of one of the bead merchants, and fbempngberem a mulfer of the tragical! partes be bad com cepued in bis tyapne, and mitb fuebe fmall bcgpnnpngesnou* rplbedfomondrous abpjtl;, that moje bappie 3 pea and bleflldi y mas The firft vyage to Guinea.' 3?0 fta* tftac poung man being lefee bebpn&e, tl m if be ban been fa 7 ken tmtb tbem.as fome ooe tutilje be ban none tbe Ipke bp tbep?s» ^bu0 fapleo tbep on their bpage,bntpl tbep came to tije %lmm of Madera, inhere tbep tooke in certapne lopttes fo? cfjc Oro^c of tbeic flnppes,atrt> papoe fo? them as tbepagceenoftbep^e.Qic !eontW tbefe 3!lanOea tbep met loitb a great Cation of the kpng of po?* hp ;; g or % 0J , • tugale,ful ofmenano optnance :pet fucl^ as cotslo not bane p?e* mgaie. uapleo tf it ban attcntptcD to toitbfianoe o? reftff out tf)tppes,fo? tbe inbtcbcaufe it mas fetfcojtb, notonlptoletano interrupte tbefe our Ibippes of tbeic purpofernriage,btu all other tbatfljoulo attemptetbelpUe:^etcbtefiptofruifrateourbpage * Jfo? tbe sjjetfafwt of $Tpngof ipojttugale toas (tniaerlp mfojmco that our Ibpppes Hfcma* tuere armco to (jte calfek of Mina in tbefe parties, mbereas no* tbpng lefletoas ntenc* 8fccr that our (bpppes Departed from tbe JIan&es of Ma- dera fojlnatoeontbcp? bpage, began tbiSlnoojtbie Captapne Tmteados fojotne, as a man tojmenteo rnitb the companp of a terrible i^ptpa, tnbobptberto flattereo loitb bint, ano mane btma fap?e counfenaunce ano Ibetoe of lone. ®enopo be take bppon bim to commauno all alone,fettpng nought both bp Cap* tapne Tinteado, tntcb tbe relf e of the merebante factottrs: fome* tpmes tnitb opprobrious mooses, anofometpmesnjitbcbteac* npnges,moll Ojamefullp abufing tbem,taking from Nintendo tbe Tenure of tbe bapes $ certatne manners that lucre alitgneo him bp tbe o?oer atto Direction of tbe tnoojlbtpfull merebaunres, ano leattpng bint as a common manner, tnljicbcistbegreatelf De* fptceano greefetbat canbc to a pojtttgale o? ^panparne, to be mmtmtbtc tbep? honour, tobicb tbep efteeme aboue all riches# ®tis faplpngfo?U3aroeontbep?bpage,tbcpcametctbe JlanDS of Canarie, eontinumgtbep? courfe front thence tmtpil d;ep an of cowrie, rpuco at the 3ilanoe of4>aincce Nicolas, inhere tbep Dpttap* &fftuoia &cof leo them felues tnitb ffefbc meate, oftbe fleihe oftopioe Coates, M inbereof is great plcntte in that 3Ilanoc, attbin matter of no* thing els . Jfrom hence fololopng on tbep? courfe, ano carp* tug bcere ami there at the oefarte Jlanoesmtlje map, lipcattfe tbep tnoulD net come to tpmelp to tbe couturep of Guinea fo? tbe bcatr, ano tarping fometnljat to long do? lobar can be ntell mpn;Urcb in a common tnealtl;, inhere mcqualute mi) cp?am nie tEtetpuerof IbeSo. Cft? tljirft of guise. sroecascuef JilSiiia, tSTfiefluantitie otUjotte, OSmitn tapper. jpttrieaOntit* tettj no cowl* fapls. The firft vyage to Guinea rn'etml! rute alone) thep came at the length to t&efpjfttonoe of the co tmtrep of Guinea , mbere thep fell mitb the great rpucrof Seflo,xtiw re thep mpght fo? thep? merebanoted bauelaoen then: flapped Intel) the grapaes of that countrep, inbtche id a berp hoc frutte, anomuchelpkebntoafpggeadic groined) on the tree* jf o> as the fpgges are full of fmall feeoed, fo 10 the lapse frutte full cf grapned, inbtch are lafe inttbia the coooe, baupng in the mpboeff thereof a hole on etterp fpoe . WM kpnoe of fppee id much bfeo in coloe countrepd, ano map there be loloe fo? great asu image, fo? ejeebaunge of other tnared . But our men bp the perfitafton 0? rather info? cement of tbtd tragicall Captame, not reproprig,aa& fetfptrg Ipgbt bp that commooitte, in compa* rifati to the Sue goloe thep thiufco, fapleo an &uno?cD leagued further, b itpll tfjcp came to the goloen tonne : inhere not attempt tpng toconte neare the Calf ell partepnpng to the kpttg of po?* tttgafe, mhich toad loitbiu the rpucr of Mina , trnoe fale of tbep? lb ire citdp on this fpoe ano bepoao it, fo? the goloe of that couit* Itrcp, co the tinawitie of an bttno?eD ano fpftie pounoes inepght, there bepng tit cafe that the? mpght haue oilpafcheo all tbep? tnarefo? goloe, ifibcbmameb?apneof fl$lpnoambaOo?cou:D haue gpuen ear: fa- the cottnfapleano ejcpertenceof Timeado.tfo} Inhen that SBpnoam, not latiffieo initb the goloe tobicbe he l;ao Cano mo?e might haue has if he has tarteo about the Mina)tm* maunopng the lapse finteado (fo? fo he tooke bppon him) to lease the (bpppes to Benin, bepng baser the CQumoctialllpne, ano a buno?eo ano fpfeie leagued beponoetbe Mm, inhere he lookeD to haue thep? fijpppcd laocn luub pepper : ano faepng counfapleo of thefapoe fmteafa, conGoerpng the late tpme of the peere,fo? that tpme to gae no futtfeer*buc to make lale of their snared fuche as thep hao fo? goloe, Snljercbp thep mpght haue hen great gapners ♦ But StSpnoam not alfentpng herebuto,fell into a laoapne rage, reutlpng the fapoe 'Tint? ado, callpngbtm Seine, snith other opp?ob?iotid lnoo?Ofd, Taping , ©id bo?lon Seine !jatbp?ompfeo to b?png bd to fuebe places ad are not, o?adbe can not b?png bd onto : but if he ooe not, S mill ait of bis eared, ano naple them to the malf ♦ finteado gaue the fo?efapoe coun« faple to goe no further ,fo? the fafegaroe of the men $ thep? Itued, tnljiche thep fyouloe put in oaunger if thep came to late, fo? The firfl vyage to Guinea^ 540 tbe tofffa tobicbe is tbcpj mpnter, not fo? coToe but fo? tpng bcate,iJottl) clofe ano douote ap?t 5 ano (looming U)etber,ef fuclje putrtfptng qualitie,tbat it rocccD tbe coated of tbep? baekes:., 0? elsfo?commpngtofoonefo?tbefco?cbtngbeate of tbe funne, tobtclje caufeotbetn tolpnger tn tbe map . But offo?ce,ano L ~ not ofmpll, bjougbtbetljeibpppes before tbe rpuer of Tmn: %mixu Inbererpopng at an 3 nkcr, font tbep?ptnncfie bp!ntot&et*met: fyftie o?tb?eefco?e leaped, frommljencecmapnecf t&c mer* CbaUtlteS tOUbCaptapne Tint' ado, Francifco apo^ntgalej Niro- ^cciae iam^ las Lambert <£ 5 cntdman, anD other tnerebauntes,mcre conDttc-- *>«**. ten to tbe courtcmijere tbe kpng remapnco,ten leagues from tlje rpuerfpDe : mbptbermbcntljepcame, tbep u>cre fyeugbtnutb ^ C k Pllgof a great companp to tbe p?efence of tbe $\png,mljo being a biache Jfcamn Sgoo?e (although not fo biache as the refte) fat m a great bcugc coum * bayong ano mpDe,tbc malles maoe of eatfeumljout miiiDomcs, tbe roofe oftbpmie booses* open in ftmbjp places, ipke Unto to* ciers 5 to lee in cl;e 3 no here to fpeake of the great reuerence tbep gmteto tbep? & mmn(e fcpng, being fuebe tljat if me moulo gpue as mucljc to opr fatucuc fo&aroc tp* eTb^tiTjUae (ijottiD remouefrom ourbeaoes manp plagues mbicb ** ?n3 ' toe Daplp oeferue fo? our contempte ano tmptetie* tt is tberfoje,tbat mben bis noble men are in bis p;efence 5 tbcp neuer loofee bun in tbe face, but fit courpng, as mee bppon our knees,fo tbep bppon tbcp? battockes,mitb tbep? elbomes bp« pen tbep?knccs,anD tbcp? banoes bcfc?etbep?faces,n0t locking bpbtttpll tbe Epng commaunoe them » mhentbep are commpngtcmarDe tbeKpng,asfarreastheptoe fee bun. Doe tbepflteboe fuebe reuercnce,fpttpng on tbe grounbe mieb tbepj faces couereo asbefo^c.itkemifembcntbepDepartetrombtm, tbep tttrne not tb cp? baekes tomatoe him, but goe creeping back* maroe mitb lpke reuercnce. 3nD ncme to fpeake fomelnljat of tbe communication eljae bias betlneene tbe &png ana our men, peu (ball fp?& me*- nulS b™' Canoe that bee bun felfe couloe fpeake the pojmgale tongue, tluerne rlje iuljtrtje fie (jao letsrncD of a cilice . after tfjat 4e feip aaowimen* 1 tommatmecD our men to Itanoc op, a«o ocmatinpcp of tyom " J tljocattfe eftbeyj comtttpngtntotljat country, tijep aimfW rco'Op Tiatsuk, tl;at tljep mere mercl)aunttp>CEaiieyijm£ & gcKtelnzftsta- luar&e our mem ^TljetJifojbcr anDDeatUsf our mem The fir ft vyage to Guinea, to tbofe patttes fo? the commoutctcd of bte countrep/o? exchange of^are3U3'3icfjec()rpfjaob?o«gijcfrom tijep? countreps, bepng fuel) as (houlo beenolefie commobiousfo?btmanDhts people. %)Z Jftpng then battpngofotodping tn acertapnefto?ebcufe fljiitie o? foumekpntalles of pepper (euerp fcpttfail bepng an bunD?£Dmepgbt) mpilpngtbem tolookebpponthefame,ano a* gairne tnbjpngbimaOgbtof fucbentercbaimoies as tbcp bao brought tutcb them. $nD tijercupponfent mitb the Captatne ano the merebaumes, certapnecf btsmentoconDuctctbem to the infers fpoe, U)tt(j other to b?pngc()eU)are from clje ptmtefieto tpe cotirte* ftftbo inhcn tijep mere returneD anD tljc tuarcsf feene, the kpng greme to this cnDemteb the nterebantes, to p?oupoe in tbitmeDapesthelaDpng of a!! tOcp? fljpppesi tuttij pepper . $nD tn cafe tijep? merebatmoies uaottlo not cjctettDe to the balue of fo niurije pcpper 5 be pjomifeo to creoice them to tbep? nejet rcturne: anD theitbppon Pent tljc countrep rotmoe about to geatljer pep* per,cauitng the fame to be brought to the couttc : ^>o that tomb* tn thefpacccfthtmcoapejai tijepbaD gearljercD fourefco?e tunne of pepper. 3in the meane fcafon, our men partlpbaupng no rule of them fe-ues, but cafpng without meafure cftbefhmes of the coum erep, anDD?inkpngtbempneoftbe pafme trees chat D?oppetb in the npght from the cutce branches of the fame, anD in fuebe cptreeme hra‘e runnpng camimtaUp into the mater, not bfeD be* foie to fuebe fcfcapne anD beljemeat alterations (then the mbicb nothpng ts mo?e oaungerous) meretherebp brought into fmel* ipnges anD agues : tnfomucfie that the later tpme of the peere comming on, eaufeD them to zve fomettmesnit. $ fonutmes.tttt. rgD4naDap;£hcnfFiw^??;perceiutngtbettmcofthc,p]C]c ( Dapes to be eppiitD,^ hts menDptug fo fatf,fent to the courtc ttt pofte to captatne fmeado, anD the rcu 3 to come a\nap,anD to carp no lon- ger. But Tinttadojxtitl) the mT,m?ote backe to hint againe,certt* ^tnghtntofthe great quamicieofpepper tljcp IjaD alreDpgea- thereDj ano lookee Daplp fo? much ma?e : Deltrtng hup father- moje to remember the great p?atfe anD name tljcp Ojoulp mpn,tf thep came home p?ofpcrou% anD mbat (hame of the comrarie ♦ SOitb rnljich anfmere COpnDam not fatuto,ano mattp of tbetr itten Dping Daplp^mtlleo anD commauitDeD tbeiuapine either to The fyrft vyonge to Gumea» 341 route ataap furtfeir ttl; 3 0? gfs tbjeateneo to Icatte tfjent bcbpttos, mw Z wteado lwm tl)tj3 muifmeare, tbpnkpng loperfttaDe (pm uaulj veafon, toofce bis Utap front tbe ccurte totwaroe d)Z (bpppes,bcpng contuctetJ tbptljer mitb men bp tlje bpnges com* maunttement* 3lntbe meant feafen tvindam all ragepng, fyabe bp Pintca* dos Cabin, bjabe open big! cbefles,fpopfcti fucb p?ouiflon of cotoe flpfleo maters anofuefattes as be bao pjoutoeo fo? bis Ijeaftb, ano lefte bpm nothing, neither cfbts inftrumentes tofaile bp, no? petofbtsapparell: ano in tbemeane tpmefaffpng fpeke bpm felfe, opeo aifo . (EObofeoeatb (Pw^o, commpng ab?G&e, ia- of tnenteo as muebe as if be baa ben tbe&ecrefl frame be bao in tbe ^mtca&c cupi 1 mojttoe . iButccrtapne oftbemarpners atm otber officers opo mA * fpetteMbtsfacc,fomccaflpngbpm Seme, raping; tbat be bao v tycttgbttbemtbptberto kpU tbenuano fonte tyampng tbep? fmootoes at bpm >mabpng a (heme 10 flap bpm,Cben lje,pcrcep* upng tbat tbep mouto necoes amap,Defp?eo them to tarp,tljat be lnpgbtfetcbtbercfloftbemercbaumes tbat mere lefte at tbe cottrte ♦ 3 $ut tbep moutoe not gratmt bis requefr . *£ben tscfp?co Ije them to geue bpm tbe fltpppe bcate,mitb as muebe of an otoe faple as mpgbt ferue fo? tbe fame, p?cmtfpng them ihcreUntb to i>?png jI 5 tcoIasHvambertariOtbereflintoCngiano:Butaimas m uapne* Cbcn m?ote be a fetter to tlje muz to tbe merchants, SasVi Snur info?mpngtbemofafltbcmatter,anop?omifpng tbertf tf Coo t>o?ne,tot)orefa* mottto fame bpm fpfe to returne mitb ai ball to fetib tbcm.^HD u&tmmtot tbusmas!?w^/obepcabo?tjcfl}pppeagapnfl bis mplf, tb?«ff ioubon,iuiti among tbe hopes of (be flipppe, not nfen Ipke a man, no?pet like (Majfaff*' an boneii bop, but glad to fpnoe fauour at tbe caokes bonce. fttepwffifc ^bett oepartea tbep, (catting one of tbep? fbpppes bcljpna rtjeni, wafu’nmA mijtcb tbep fonke fo? iacke of men to carp bee . After tbts,UJttbtn o sc luim in id* fpre o?feucn napes faplpng, open alfa fenteado, fo? uerp pcn(ttte< netfe ana thought tbat ftroke bpm to tbe hart: SI nwn too?tbt> fpntoftpatoj* to foiii? anp p?pnee,aua inofl btk!p bfen vAno of'feuettfco?e men * tame borne to ppmmonub fcarfdp fottrtte, ana of tbem ma* rlaue ic np npea , Ana tbat no man (Iimboe fufpect tbefe U)o?ces tegebe 1 “;? tmsae 31 bane fapo ttitommenoation oifinteado, to be fpoken bppen l&mteo, fauour otbectnpfe tljen ertitb, 3 bane tbmtgbt goon to ao berettm to tbe cappte of tije letters rnijicb tbe kpng ofiaojtttgaleat&tbe infant The firfl vlage to Guinea# infant bfabjotber tmote bntobpm, to reconcpfebpm, at fue&e tpmeasbppontbekpngbfe maiffecs bifpleafure (anb not foj imp otber crpme oj offences map appeare bp tbe fapbe letters) be toas onlp fo? pouertte tnfojceb to come into ®nglanbe,U)berc be fpjft perfuabeb out merebauntes to attempt tbe fapbe bpages to Gama, ^ut as tbe kpng of pojtugale to (ate repented bpm that bebab fo punpfbeb Tintcadojop pon malicious informations offuebe asi enuteb tbe mans! goob fortune, etten fo map it berebp appeare, that in fome cafes, euen lions them felues,map eitOec be bpntyeobptbe contempt, o? apbeb bp tbe belpe of tbe pooje mpfe, accojbpng bnto tbe fable of £fopc» The copie of Antoni Ancs Pinteado his letters patentes* •wherby the king ofPortugnle made him knyghtof his houfe, after al his troubles and iroprifonment, which,by wrong information made to the king, he had fuff eined of long time, being atthelaff deliucred, his caufe knowen and manifeffed to the kyng by a grey fryer the kynges confeffour* ^bekpHo; bo geue pott to bnberffanbe fcpbe Frances Tieffeofa^m of mp counfatle,anb o* uerfeer ofmp boufe, that in conftoeration of tbe gOOb fertttce lobicb Antonie Jnes Tinted* do , tbe fonne of 3lobn r,t>meUpng tit tbe toUme calIebtbepotte,bacb none bnto me, mp topi anb pleafure ts,to make bim kntgbc &eu«n bunbjtti 0 f mi boufe>aIoUring to bimin penfion feue bunbjeb rets monetb* SS££U !p, ano euerp bap one aIcapjeofbarIp,as long as be kcepetb a « tmj&eiu bo?fe 3 anb to be papbe accojbpng to tbe ojotnaunce of mp boufe* Pjoupbpngaltioapes ebatbe ibal receptte but one manage gifeet 8nb tbts alfo in fttcb conbttion, that tbe tpme toiticb is ejccepteb inouroj&inatmce, fojbibbpng fucb men to marrpfo? gettpng fuebe cbpltyen as mpgbt fucceebe them in this alotoance, toljtcb tsfpjce peeres after tbemakpngoftbts patent, fbalbe fpjft tp pireb before be bo marp . 31 tberfoje commaunb pou to caufe tbts to be entreb in tbebooke calk e tbe M attic oU of our boutboloe, bnbertbe tide of knpgbtes ♦ 3 no udjen tt tsfo entree, let the clarke of j> Matricola, foj tbe certatmie thereof, tojpte on tbe back* The fy rfl viage to Guiuea. 342 feacfetpw Jkala, oj patent, fte number of fte leafe Ufter* uiftto our graunt i& entereD.&ftfHcbDoone, let bim returne fttg tutting Onto fte fain Anthonie Jnes Nintendo foj bis Warrant. 1 'Diego Henriqueshmtyytttn ftfe in dlmarin ftettoentp atm ttoo Dap of September, m fte peereofour lofte.i 551^ £no tbtebencuolence tbe kpng; gone Onto Jntbonic dues fintta* do fte tOoentieano fpueoap of 3 [ulp tljtgf pjefent peere. ♦ ♦ Rcy, The fircretaries declaration written vnder the kynges graunt. 7^— ril©ur$patefttebaft ucucbfafeD, fnrcfpect f conHoeratton of fte gooo ferutce of Jntho* me dues !P/Vrt^o,Diodlpng tafte pojc,anB i [ [ fenne of 1 ohn Jnes 5 to make bpm knpgbt of , pour boufe, Urift ojDfoarie alloioance,of fe* j uen (mnojeD Heps peitQon bp fte mwieft, ^ aun one Jk*yr of Bariep bp fte Dap, as longasbekepeftal^ojfetanDtobc papoe accc?opngtoftco>* Dtnance of pour boufe, uu'tb conDttton ftac beftall Ijaue but mie manage gpft : ano ftac not tofft in fte fpace of .ot . peeres after fte makpng of ftefe letters patences. ® e fecretartes note* €n> tereo in fte bocke ot tbe Matricola ol 683 . Francifco deSiquera. Thecoppie of the letter of Don Leaves theinfan*,and bro- ther to the kvng of Portu2:ale : fent into Ene;- land to Jntbmie Jnes Dint e ado. ^Hthonie Jnes Dinteado , 3 ! fte infant bjO* u fter to ftekpngftaue me barrdp commcn* iDCDOmopOU. Deter Gonfalues is gone CO i feeke pou , Ddtrtng to ftpng pou borne a- gatne into pour councrep. $no foj ftac pur* | pofe,baft fcuft bpm a fafe conouct foj pou, J’graumeD bp fte kpng, ftat ftcrebppcti itiapefreelpe ano fcuftout all feare come borne . 9 noaIl* ftougb tbe roeatljer be fottle ano fltympe ,pet faple not to come: tfoimftetpme ftac {ft* ^aiettte baft geuen pou 5 poumape The firfl: vlage to Guinea. so manp thpnges to pour contcntatt on ano gtatpBpng the 6fng , tobereof 3 toouloe he rpgbt glao .* ano to typng the fame to paOTe, tupll do all that Ipetb tn me for pour pjofite . But for afmuche as Peter Gonfalues topi make further Declaration hereof bntopou, 31 fapnomore at this prefent* ^ptten tn Luxbum tbeepgbt Dap of December. 3tmo . $p . DX3l3f. The infant *Don Leaves* ilthefefo^fapDe U>rptpnges3 fatoe htiDer feale.in the houfeof mp frenDe jfticholas ltefe,tottb tobom 'Pwf deleft them, at bts Unfortunate oepartpng to Guinea, 3£ttt not* toithlfanopng all chefe freenolp letters anD fapae promtfes, Thteado Dura not attempt to goehome 5 nepther cobeepe eompanp totth the portugales It's countrep men , tottljouc the prefence of other : lorafmuch as he hao fecrete aomonttions that thep enten* Deo to fiep hpm, pf tpme anD place mpght haue ferueo thepj tote* keoentent. The (econd viage to Guinea* & tn the fpra binge 3 haue DeclareD rather tbeorDerof the btaojie, then the courfeof the nautgatton 5 toherof at that time 31 coulo haue no perfect information.- fotntbeotfc crtptton ofthi8feconoebiage,mp cheefein* tent hath been to Ihetoe the courfe of the fame, accorDpng to the ohferuatton anD or* Dinarp ctiaome of the marpners , ano as 31 recepueo it attlje hanoes of an eppert piloc^epng one of the chcefe in this biage, toho alfo totth his otone hanoes nnote abrtefe Declaration of the fame, as hr fetmoe ano trpeo al tbpnges, not bp com'ccture, but bp the art of faplpng,ano inUrnmentes partepnpng to the mart* ners facultie. Sftot therefore aiTumpng to mp felfe the comrnen* Datton 3 Due Onto other } ncpther fo boloe as in anp part to change or ocljertopfe otfpofe tlje oper of this btage , fo toell obferueo bp art The fccond vyage to Guinea, 34I arte atm epperpence, 3 batte tftougbc goon to fet foojtb tty fame, in fucftc fo?t ann plj^afe offpeacbe as is commonlpn&o among them, atm as 31 rccepuen it oftbe fapn pilot ,as 31 bauefaio* ®aRe it tljercfye as folometb. 31ntbepeere of out lojee . 1554 * ftc *n. nape of ^Dctolicr^ menepamnrijerpuetof^entmesmitbtbjee goonlp ®pppe$ 5 fte one fallen tbe ^tmitie^ ftip of tbe burnen of feuenfeoje tun, tbe otbercalleof ^artbelmeto^albpppo oftboburoen of.lrppp. tbe tbpjn mas tbe 3oljn euangeltft, a Ojpp of feuenfeope tunne^ ZZXixi tbe fapne (bpppes anntmo ppunefles (mbereof tbe one masnjomnenintbeeoaft ofCnglanne) me ment fo?marne on our npage, ann ffapen at Douer *ptiti. napes . Mz ffapen alfoat Bpe tbjee 0 ? foure napes . ^ojeouet laff of all me tourijen at Dartmouth* ^Tljefpjff napof j^ouentberat .ipoftbe doeRe at npgbt,ne* partpng from tbe eoaffe of ^nglanne, me lecce of tlje ftert, bea* rpngfoutbmelfaltbatupgbtiiuljefeajanntbe neptnapall nap, ann tlje nept npgbt afccr,nmpl tbe tljp?nenap of tbe fapne monetb about nocne,mahpng our map gocn,npn runne.6o.leagues* 3(emfrcm,tit*oftbecfocbetbeclip?nenape,tpll .pit. of tty docRe tbe tut. nap of tbe fapne monetij, maRpng our map goon foutbeff, opn runne euerp tbpee bourestma leagues, mbicb a- mounted) to.jcbt, leagues tbe mijole. 31rem from < pit. of tbe clocke tbe aitfe DaPnO.pu. of tlje docRe tbM).nap ? nmmngfflU{bmelImcbefea, npn runne ♦pt'Ueagues* item runnpngfrom .jetfc oftbe doefeetbe m nap,nmplf .pirV of tlje rtoke tbe .ut. nap, runnpng foutbeaft,opn runne pntik leagues. ^nnfofrom.nt.of tbe docRe tfje.fei. nap,mupfl,ptt* of tty docRetbelrii. nap, runnpng foutbfoutbmeff, npn runne euerp boure ♦ it. leagues ,mbtcb amount to .pftmt. leagues tlje mijole* Stem frem .pit* of tbe clocke tbe.tuinap,tpU .iit. oftbe riocRe tlje .blit, nap, foutbfoutbmeff runnpng in tlje fea,npn runne .ppp* leagues. 3!um from tbjee of tbe docRe tbe. bin. nap, mtttll ♦iti. oftbe docRe the .ip. nap, runnpng foutbfoutbmeff, npn runne ♦prp. leagues* 33tem from Hi. of tlje docRe tty .ip, nap,tpB .iit. cftlje docRe tbe The fcccmdeviage to Guinea# fbe*jc nape, npn foutbfcutbeafl in running in tbe fea t&e fimrnte of jrjttm. leagues* aifQ from air. of tbe clocke tbe . p . nip, torpll .jctt of cbe clocke tbe .jet. oape,DpD runne foutbfoucbmetf tbe fumme of.jm.feagues, a«Dfrom.]cu.of£!jccIocke 3 cpIU\)iofU;efapDc Dape, Dpo runne DUcagues* Running foutb mto bp toeU in (be fea, from ui.of die clocke (be p.DapjtiUn'.oftbeclocketbejrn.oapjOpD runne.rjCjCMJcagues. i^rom.ut*oftbe clocke at after nomte (be .piu oavc, tpu.bt. af tbe clocke cbe .jcttuDape at after noonc,DpD runne .jcm. leagues. Stem from .ot» of tbe clocke (be tm.D3pe,cpttari. of tbe clocke tbe .tutu nap at after noone, me lucre bccalmeD, tbat U)e couloe Ipefotttbmeffmttbafaple . Qnn ebc *]cn. nape uubemompng, tbe mpnD came to tbe €alf anD <£altno?cbea(i. ^bc.jcbtt.Dape tn fSra° f mojnpng, me ban fpgbt of tbe 3 le of M adera, m!;tcbe Dotlj rpfe to bpm tbat commetb in tbe nojtbnojtbcafl part bprpgbt lanDe in tbe melf part of it, anD berp bpgb : ano to tbe fontb s fotitbea-la lomelcnglanDe,anD along popnt, Uittb a faDDle tbo* rough tbe nipDDeft of ir,danDetb in tbe. writ* Degrees : anD tn tbe me 3 part, tnanp fpjpnges of mater rtmnpng Domne from tbe mountapne,anD manp mbptf fietoes Ipke Unto co?ne fictoes, anD Ibme mbpteboufes to tbe Icmbeaft parte of it :anD cbe toppeof tbe mountapnefljemetbbcrp raggeo if putt map fee tt, anD in tbenojtbeaftparttberetsabpgbr 0? bap as tl>ougb it mere a ljarbo?ome : 8lfo in tbe fapo parc,tbere ts a rocke a title m'lfance from tbe Ibojc, anD otter cl;e fapDe bpgbt, pou (ball fee a great gap in tbe moumapne# jit of ^rbe.pip Dap at*ptuof tbe clocke, me ban fpgbt of tbe 3ile of palires. palmes ano T enenjfa ano tbe Canaries. 3jic of palme rifetb S^rtnanca. * ount S anD l P&b foutbeail anD nojtbmeft, anD tbe nojtfcmelf * partislomeff > 3ntbefotttb, t^arounDbpllottertbe bean laitD, anD an otber rounD bpU aboue tbat in tbe lanD.^bere is betmene ft* ^outbeaH part of tbe 31le of M adera anD tbeno^tbmell part Wmw. oftbe3!leofpalmeM,leagttes.EbiS3!leoflpalme Ipeclj in tbe.jjcijc.Degrees ♦ 3no our couife from Madera to tl;e3Ile of 3palnte mas fontb,fr foutb anD bp meff / 0 tbat me ban figbt of r « ner’ffa $ of tbe Canaries.% be foutbcaff part of tbe 3Uc of palme, ano tfee nojtbnojtl;ea& of f mrijfa, fetl; foutljeaft anD nojtbmeff, vj ' ' ‘ * ^ ano The fee on d vy age to Guinea? 344 in* bettoefene tljem fettoemie \M%m.Tmritfdm the great CaRdne* called Grancanaria^ tlO tkC COeH part of Fortifuentura, ^ratiMitarta* flant etlj in fpoti . Degrees ana a Ijalfc. Gom^i'ga fa«e 3 lani> ' att& tjetp raggeb 3 ano Ipetb <[ 2 ielf ^outktoelf of Tenwfia . Slno* <$ 0 mera • toko fo euer topU come bettoeette tkem ttoo 2lanoe$ 5 mutt come feoutk ano bp Caff, atm in tlje &outk pare of Generate a totoneanoagooorooe uukefapoe parte of tlje 3 !ianoc : ano it fianoetk in ttoentie ano fetten Degrees ano tljjee terces . T emiffa Cf|tfrHfilV to an bpgk lano,$ a great kpgk ppche 3 lphe a fuger loafetano bp* $nou>*« on tlje fata ptehe to fnoto tkjougkout at eke toljole peereSfno bp reafonoftkac ppche it mapbehnotoenabouealotljerjlanoes^ anotkeretoetoere becalmeo tke .w. oapof j^ouember, from fpjeeoftbe cloche in tlje mopipng,bmpl tee of tlje cloche af after noone. Betweene Gomera , and Cape de las Barbas. i£)c pjeu. oap of jftouember 3 bnoer tlje &ropphe of Cancer 3 tbe Auntie goeclj ootoneSIMmio <^ c f0a(l cf H? bp South- £lpon tke eoaft of Batbane otttk 3 bnttl toe brought our frfueo tti tkpjfene 0 egrees 3 rcchonpng our felues ttoentie ano fpue leagues of. 3no - inipfceencoegrees, toe oio reatetke croflter$ 3 ano toe mpgkt oi?ro5n«iS. kaue reareo tkem former if toe kao !cheo foj tkem. SOjep are not rpgljta Crone in tke mcneck of JI2ouember 3 bpreafon of tke * • npgljteg ftit OranO*. €&pt jf&enfu raDo. Ctjerpuer of C lie cpuet of Ibeltc . ffci# The fecondc viage to Guineal apgbtetf ate (6ojr cbere.Jflettmbeleffe toe baa cl;e fpg&t of c&cm ebe .jqcijc nap of cue fapoe monetb at npgbf. ®lje fp?d of December out tbpftcene Degrees, toe fee cut courfe S>oucb ano bp Caft,bntp! tl;e fourth Dap of December at ttoelueoftbeclocketbefameoap. Chen toe toere fomeneoe* greesanoaterce, reckoning ourfelues tbpppe leagues of the (bales of the rpuer called flij* Grande (EflMg>ouibtoe(f of them; tbe tobtebe (boles be tbpftie leagues long. Cbefbattb of December, toeb;gaato fee our courfe &>outb* calf, toebepngtnfpjce Degrees ano a balfo Cbementb cap of December toe fee our courfe Calf &outb* calf : tl;e fourteenth bap of tbe fapoe monetb , toe fee our ccurft Calf, toe bepng in fpue Degrees ano abalfe,rcrkcnpng our (eh uesebpftte anofppe leagues fromtbecoalf olGuinea. Cbe-jcft. oftbefapoe monetl; ,toe fee our courfe Call ano bp Jftojtb , reckoning ottrfdues.tfm. leagues ottfamfrom Cape Menfurado, tbe fapoe Cape bepng Calf jftojtijcalf of bs, ami tbe rpuerof Sejlo bey ng Calf. Cbe.jcjct.Dap of cbe fapoe monetb. toe feltofcb Cape Menfu- rado to tbe g>outljealf , about ttoo leagues of. Cbis Cape map be eafelp knotoen, bp reafon tbe rpfpng of it is like a fjdo?pofebeao. aifo totoaro tbe &outbeag there are tb?ee trees, toljereof tbe CalfermoU tree ts tbe bpgbe(f>ano tbe ntpoolemolf is fpke a ijfe (faeke,anotbeg>outbermo(lIpke bntoa Cibet;anobpponrbe mapne, arefoure o? fpueljpgbbpHes rpfpng one after an other fpkerounoe boommockes ojt bpllockes. 3no tbe fecutbeall of tbetbjee trees, tsebjee trees Ipke a tyamucrtopfe : anoalltbe coaft along is tobpte fano. CljefapDec^ (fanoetb tottbrn a \U tie in fpjce Degrees. ®be.)qcit.ofDecember,toecameto tbe rpucr of Sefio.m temapneo there bntpll tbe .jtjctje.Dapof tbe fapoe monetb- Oere toe thought ft bell to feno before bs tbe ppnnelfeto tbe rpuerof 2>uUe, called o outbeaffpatfe6f ¥ EoDe.antiattlje encrpngtmQt^djauen, are fpueo?dre trees that beare no leaues.CljiS is a good ljarbo 2 otoe 3 but berp naroto at tbe entrance tntotlje rpuer. Cljere is alfo a roebe in tbe tjauens mouth rpgljt as pou enter* 3nd all that coad betineene Cape de Monte , and cape de las Talmas, Ipetb ©oatbeaft and bp Cad, ^ p 38o;ttbAoed ano bp ®£Hed 3 being tbjee leagues: of tbe (bo?e* 3nd pou (ball batte in fome places roebes tfloo leagues of : anD cljat r 3 oD» pojH i}io imtebi.. Cape Core#. Cftecaffellof mtna partem npitgto i\)i itpngof gale. Tticfccond vyage to Guinea. tt6e Waft from Cape de las p almas CO CaptT repoyntes, dj4* tres ?tu* gale. 5>ou fljal knob) it bp the fapo rcckes that Ipe of it : fo? there is none fuebe from Cape de ias Talmas. CO cape T repoyntes . Cbijj wall Ipeth S£ad $bp; j$o?cb, outb. jfrom Capede Us Talmas to the fapd cadel, is foutfeoje ano fpfteene leagues. 3no the wad Ipeth from the fapo cadel to the boedermod point of the Trepoyntes, g>outbead ano bp &outb, jftDjtblued ano bp jftojtb. Q!iotbemedenncdpopmoftherr^wfw,t0aloto lanDjlptng halfe a mple out tit the fea : ano bppon the innermode necke to the land board, ts a tuft of trees, $ there bue arrpued the eleuenth oap ofjanuarp. Che troelf oap of 3lamiarp, Ute came to a tobone calico Sam* ma o? Samua, bepng.bui. leagues from Cape Trepoyntes toluaro Cad j/5a?thead*BecU)eenec^e Trepoyntes ano the f ourne of Samua , tsa great leoge of rockes a great map out in the fea«22Je cancinueo foure oapes at chat tobme d )Z captapne cheruf mould needs baue a pledge a lbo;te.But buljen tbep recetueo the pledge, tbep kept him flilk# mould tradicke no ma?e, but ujot of thep? ordinance at bs.Cbcp hauc tloo t>} tl^ee pee ces of ordinance ano nojito?e-‘Che.pbuoapofthe fapoe moonctivtoe maoerecko* npng to come to a place calico Cape Corea , inhere captapne Ton Lbon oMetb, mbofe men entmapned bs frenolr , ^his Caps Corea foure leagues Cadmaroe of the cadell of Mina, a* therbopfecalleo Lamina o? Cajkllo dem'ma, iutiere bue arrpueo the .jtoru.oap ofthemonethil&eretue made feple cfall our clothe fauing tboo o?ib?ee packes. Che rrbi.oap of the fame monedj lue ioetgheo anker, ano fcejwteo.fwm tpwee to the. Crimcic* mas .bit, leagued • The fecon A vyageto Guinea* 34^ ffiaff^lieofo^l'mlhcfoli’eliertoarcs. ©en thep of tbe tuplleti bS to go Cadmarre of ebat bttt o? .ijf. leagues, to i>ch part of cbep]i mare0,in a place calfeD fereccv, ano an oiljer >- liamCD TereooVp Grande 3 bepng tX)C cadeMlOd plate Of V4 Jute. mbic’oe vm (ball knomc bp a great rounse bpH necre unto it, namco Monte fydondo, tying medmard from tt , anD bp ffime tonom tbe mater fpoe arc rnanp bpsb palms trees . rent bcnce Dpo mefeatytbbonicmatDe tbc.jritf.Dap of#eb;utarp,anD piped bp m jeftcplliuecameuiubm .buo? .but. leagues to Cap: Tre * pontes * gbout.bnt. oftljecloctefbe-rb oapat afternoone,me DpD cad about to feamarDe: and bemare of tbe currantes, fo? zvetuttmt# tljep mpl Decetuc pou fo?c * ^Hijofoeuer fi;a!l come from t be coade of Mma bomemaroe, let bpm be fure to make Ijts map good toed ,bntpl be rccten bpm felfe as farre as Cape de las Tal* mas , mbere tbe currant fettetb almapes to tbe eadmarDe* 9nD mitbin . jcp. leagues eadmaroe of Cape de las Palmas, Is a rpttcr calleD Ve los Totes, Mm pott map baue ffeflje moUles ^ mater anDbalaireenougb 5 anop!entte of3Iuerp o ? <£lepbames tea. teetlj . ^bis rpuer danoetb tn foure Degrees, anD almod tmo Suet P f * terccs * 3nD mbett pou recten pour felfe as farre flrntte as Cape de las Talmas in a Dcgree,o;i a Degree ann a balfc,pott map cia« gomed,$medbpno?tb, bntpi paucomeinttytce Degrees :atiD Jaimes* then pou map go med no?tbmed,anD nojtbmed anD bpmed, tmtpll pou come in fpue Degrees* anD tben nmtbmed . 3nb in tbe bt. Degrees, me met nojtberlpmpnDes, anD great rooflpng of tpDcs. 3nDasme cotilDe tuDge, tbe currantes ment to tbe tio?tbno?tbmed ♦ jr urrbermo?e betmeene Cape de Monte anD Cape verde, go great currantes mbtcb Deeetoe manp men* currant**; €be ♦ppu Dape of ap?pll, me mere tit «tmi, Degrees anD tmo tcrces : anD fa me ramie to tbe najtbmed, baupng tbe mpnDeatno^bcad anD eadnojtbead, auD fometpmes atead, bntpll me mereaurbttt. Degrees anD a terce, mijicbemason spapeDape . $nD fo from, jtbttu anD tmo terces, me baD tbe mpnoe atead anD eadnojtbead, anD fometpmes at ead foutb* ead : anD tben merccteneDtbe JlanDes of; Cape Verde eade foutbead of bs , metuDgpng our fetors to bee jefom . lea* gues of ♦ 3 ud in .rjc. amr .jcjci, Degrees, me baD tbe mpnDe mojeeaderfpto tbe fmttbrnarDe tben Define . 3no fo me ran u* r to ■ .rrrr r :riPi • . V-7 The fccond vyage to Gui n&. to tlje $ojtbtoeff $ north nortljtoefl 3 anD fometpmes itojtfj $ bp toed anD nojtlj 3 0ntpll toe came imo,pppi.Degrees 3 toljere toerec- vt)t ait** koneD m fctoes a bunDjeD anD fottrcfco^c leagues foutljtoed 3 ano f -w> bp foutb of tbe 3!lano de Flore o) de los Flores , ano there toee met xuttlj tljc topnD at foutb foutljead.anD fee otic courfe nortljead* 3!n rpituDegrees, toe Ijao tbe topnoe at tlje ^outb ano foutb- toed,anD tljen toe fet out courfe north ticrtljead 3 ano fo toe ranne co.pl Degrees,anD then toe fet our courfe nortbead,tlje topnoe be- ing at tl;e foutljloed 3 ano baupng ti;e Sic de Flore Cad of anD pbiUeagues of* Sfmplfoegrees, toe met loi'tb tlje topnoe at Jftortbead,anD fo toe ramie nojtbUiefttoatDe, then toe met tmtb tbe topnoe at tlje ioeihiojtbioelt,ano at tlje loeli lottbimbt. leagues, runnpng to- toaroe tbe nortljtoed, ano then toe cat! abouf,ano lape nojtljralf, bntpliioe camem.plii*Drgrce0, inhere toee fet ouc courfe Call ^tje 3 jie of nonhead >iubgpng tbe 3iie of Coruo foutl; ano bp toed ofos 3 ano ppictn.leagues Didant from Os. $ remembrance tljat the.rri & ip of 90ap 3 toe communeo toitlj 3ioIjn Uafe 3 ano be thought tc befl to goe nonbead, anD iuDgeD bun fdfe, ^.leagues CadfoarDe to tlje Ik de Flore, ano iu.jtjrjri]& Degrees anD a Ijaife. Mtbltm of Jfrote tljat tn tbe fourth Dap of September, bnDer mene De- ttjc front) grees,toeiod eljeOgbtof tlje north Harr?* Qoufe tij 2 com- JSdte alfo, tljat in cbe.jclu Degrees 3 tlje compalfe is OarieD-biii* pacre tiacru Degrees to tlje ££ted. 31cem,m pi Degrees, tlje compalfe DpDbarp.pb, Degrees in thetoljole, • 3Item,t’n*p]tp.Degrees anD a balfe, tlje compalfe is barpeM* Degrees to tbe (lifted. 15e it alfo in memojte^bat ttoo o? tbr ee Dapes beforetoe came tocape^repointes, tbe ppnnelfetoentalongcll tlje tbore 3 tljiro bpng to fell fome of our toares 3 anb fo toe came to inker three o$ foure leagues toed anD bp foutb of tlje cape CrepotnteS 3 tobere toeleftetbe £tinitie. ■ , ; ii %[)zn our ppnnelfe came aboojDe toitlj oil our men tbe IppnnelTealfo toofee in more toares ♦ Cbep totoe memoreouet ^pmrofe. ^at tbep tooulo goe to a place tobere tbe iprpmrofe toas> anil bao recepueD muebe goloeat tbe ftrd opage to tljefe patties, ut *h at. I ants The fccond vyage to Guinea^ J 4 jf anti fofne me furthermore that tctoasagoon place: but 3! fe* rpng-a b?tganttne tljac toas then bppon the coa^DpD toep ano fa* lorn them, t left the €nnttte about fottre leagues! of from bg 5 an& there toe rone agapnff that totone foure oapes : fo that sparttne bp hto otone oefire,ami alTent of fome of the Commtfltoners that toeretntbeptmtefle, toenta(hojefothetototie,anothere John ®erin toent to traftque from bs 5 betng three mples of trafektng at an other totone. ^Ije totone iocaHeo >s^;w4 0? Samu*, fo }Sam- ^ etoUjnt tna ano SmmatcrraMC the names of the ctoo firfl totones,tohere ofSaimiw, toe bio craficke foi goloe^to the jftorthead of cape T repoints. tbenp?oStable contemplations. '&{)£ Clepbante (mljicbe fome caU an ©lipljame) is tlje big* gel! of all fatice footeD bealfes, bis fojelegges are longer then lji3bpnber,ije hath ankles tn tlje lorner parte of btsbpnbcrleg* ges, anbfyttc toes on bis feetebnbiuibcb, bis fnoutc o ? troonke is fo long, anb in fuebe tame, tftat it is to bun in tlje fteebe of aljanberfo? Ijeeneptljer eateib no? o?pnketlj but bp b?pngpng bis troonke to bis mouth, tberetoitlj bee belpetlj bp bis maito o? keeper, tljerbmlj be ouenl^clnetl; tree&TMpbc bis tluo great tufkes, Ijebatljoneucrp fpoeofbismoutb tae teethe, tobere* tomb be eatetb anb grpnbetb bis meate : eptber of tljefe teeth, ate almolf a fpanne in lengtlj,as tbep grotoc along in tbe iame, ano are about ttoo mcljcs in bepgljt, anb almoft as much in thick* nelfe . ^Dbe ttifkes of tbe spale are greater then of tbe ft* male: bis tongue is berp Ittle, anb fo farre in bis moutbstljat it can not be feene : of all bealfes tbep are mol! gentle anb tracta* ble, fo? bp manp futib?p toapes tbep are taught, anb boe bn* berltanbe : infomuebe that tbep learne to boe bue honour to a &png, anb are ofquickefenfeanblbarpcnefic of mpt * (LOljen tbe spalebatb once feafonebtbejfemale, bencuer after tom cbetb her » $0ale Clepljame Ipuecb ttuo ljunb?eb peeres,o? at tbe leal! one ljunb?eb anb tUiemie: tbe ^female almol! as long, but tbe fioure of tbep? age, is but.fp. peeres,as fome m?pte. fftjep can not fuffer mpneer o? colbe : tbep loue rpuers ,anb toil often goe into them bp to tbe fnoute , inljereUntb tljep blom anb fnuffe, anb plape in tbe mater ; but fttjpmnte tbep can not fo? tlje tuepgbt of tbep? bobpes ♦ flmie anb Solinie m?pte,tljat tbep bfc none amtlterie.3lftbephappcn tomeetctelj a man in mplDcruefle bepngout of tlje map, genteilp tljep mill goebe* fo?e biro, anb b?png Ijiminto tlje plapne mape . 3Iopncb in battaple, tljep Ijaue no fmall rcfpectc bnto tljem tljat be mouit* m ; fo? tljep. b?png tljem tljat are ljurte o? mearp into tlje mib* The fecond vyage to Guinea.' 348 bte of the atm? to be befenbeb : t&ep are maoe tame bp bjfnWn® tbefatfeof batlep.®bep Ijaue continual mar agapnft Djagons, debate bf* tobt'eb oeOre tbep? blooo,bpcaufe it is berp coloe: anb tberfoje the «* D?agon Iping atoapee as the Clepbant paffcclj bp 3 topnoetb bis &iagon, taple (being of evening lengtb)about the bpnoer legges of the eiepbant,ano foffeptng bim 3 tb?ulfetb bis bean into bis froonfee mil) ertauftetb bis b?eatb 3 o? els bptetl; btm in tbe eare,U)bcre* bnto be can not reacbe tuith bis troonfee,ano toben tbe elephant feaajcetb fapnte, be falletb ooUme on tbe Serpent, bepng nouie full of blooo 5 anouritbtbcpopfeof (nsbcop bjeakethhim : fa that bis onme blooo tmtb tbe blooo of tbe elephant, runneth one of him mpngeleo togeatber,tobtcb bepng coloe, is congealeo into that fublfance urijicbthe Apothecaries call Sanguis Draco* Sanguis Du* Yiis, (that IS) Dragons blooo, Otberuipfe calico Cinnabaris, al' conis . though there be an other kpnoe of cinnabaris , commonlp calico Cinnabaris . cinoperor bermtlton,U)bicb the painters Ofe in certatne colours* ^beparealfooftb?eebpnoes,asoftbemarpn)es,tbeplatnes 3 ano tbe mountapnes,no ielTe otfferpng in contritions. Dbilofira * tus tojuctb, tbatasmucbastbeeiepbamof^wtnbpgnetTe pa(Tetbtbebo?fe of Kyfea, fomucbeooetbtlje eiepbantcs of 3!nota cjccceoe them of Libia ; for of the eiepbantesof 3inota 3 fomebatte been feene oftbe bepgbt of.t'ic.cubitesjtbe other ooe fo greatlp feare tbefe, that tbep oare not abpoe the fight of them* ©ftbe3!noian eiephantes 3 onlpthe $9ales battetufkes, but of them of Ethiopia ano Libia, both kpnoes are tufkeo t tbep are of opuers bepgbtes,as of rit.riii.ano.ptiti.oo^oantcs, euerp oo* Ojant bentg a meafure of nfene pncbes»&ome torpte that an eie« ♦ pbant is bpgger then tb?ee toploe ©ren c$ 'Buffes ♦ ^bep of 31m rria are blacbc,oj of tbe colour of a ADoufe, but tbep of E thiope o } Guinea , are bjoumetfbe Opoe or fkpnne of them all, is oerp baroe 3 ano toirbout heare or brptfds : tljepr cares are tuio ooorames brooc, ano tbep? epesberp title, ©ur men fame otteorpnhpngac a rptier tn Guinea,*# tljepfa^Idnuto tbe lanoe. ©f other properties ano contritions of the Elephant, as of * tbepr marueplous oociltcte, of tbep? fpgbt ano ofein tbe mar* ■ res, ofthepr generation ano chaff itte, tnben tbep mere fprffe feene in the theaters ano trpumphes of the Homans , heme tl;ep arc taken ano tameo* ano mben tbep caffe tbep? xufkes 3 ' TSXMl mitl; r > . - The fecond vyage to Guinea* ; totth the bfe of the fame in meotcine,mbo fo oefethtofaioto, let Ijtm reaoe gltnie,tn the that one of the gates of $pterufa!em tuas called Fort* Eburma£batiiS)the 3juerpgaj% ^TbetobptenelTe thereof mas fo muebe ctfeemcd, that it mas thought to repjefem the naturall fapicneffe of mans fkpnne : in* fomuebe that Ikb as ment about to fet foo^tlj ( o ? rather corrupt) natural! beautte mith colours and papntpng, mere rep? oouctr bp this p?OUerhe, Ebut atr amenta candefyene, that IS, to make 3luerp mhpte mith pnkc* ed ano be# d mith the heate of the fun, that in tnanp places thep curfe it mben it rpfeth . ©f the regions Libia Interior, and people about the inner Libia (called Libia Interior ) Gemma Tbyjfms npttCth tljUS. : Libia interior,. is. berp large and oefqiatc, in the mhiche are rnaup horrible OTploernelfts and mountapnes,repIeni{heo mtchdpuerskpndesof mplde andmonftrous beaftes ano ^er* peme&jfp?lt from Mauritania o?35arbarie tomardetbc ^ctulj Octuiia, ts Gctulia, a rough and faluage region, mhofe inhabitauntes are mploe and manoerpng people ♦ #ftet thefe folome the people The fecond viagc to Guiuea. 342 1 |)fdplc C3tIcT5 MeUnogetuh anO fharujii^ lD^td;0 U'atlOer fit dj6 tnploernelfe, car ping mttb them great gourocs of mater ♦ W ^iopcs, Ctbiopbians,caileD occupie a great part ifJfbricaM sm swe. areeptenoeotothe^eftaDcean! feouthmaroealfotbep read) totljerpuerN^wm, tobofe nature agreed) tmti; the rpuer KHus , fojafmucb as it ts increafeoano oimimlheoat the fame gntteoi&e* tpme,anob?pngetbfoo?th the Ipfee bealles as the Crocooife. ,usa * ^prcafonmbereof,3Ubpnfce djistobe the fame rpuer mbtclje tbe I0o?tugales calisr« Ljnxamate, f Dolopes ,Jgangme, Xjtua, Leuce Ethiopes, Xilicei Etbiopes, Calcei Etbiopes, anO Kubi * ®efe haue the famdteuation inTtolomie that thep notue geue to the kpngoomc of Kubia » Upcre are certapne ©hjtffians imoer tbcoomtnton of the great €mperourof Ethiopia , cal* ^caer^m leoprctfcrgobn ♦ ^romthefctotnaroc theme#, is a great nation of people calleo Apbrkerones , mhofe region (as farre as map beegeatbereo bpcomecture) isdjc fame tbatisnome gJ e S ue! mai * cailcD T\£gnum Orguene, ccnfinpng bppon the calf paries of Guinea * jf rent hence £0 dJmaroc,ano fomemhat tomaroe the &Q}i\h are the bpngoomes of Gambra ano Eudomel , not farre ^‘ uulb|a * from the rptter of Senega . $no from hence tomaroe the tnfanoe regions, ano along bp the fca coal!, are tbe regions of Gmia 0 ) Guinea , U)l)ich W COIltmcnlp call Gymice ♦ ©n the ££telf fpoe of tbefe regions tomatoethe £Dcean,isthccapc o? popm ealleo Gabouerde^O) Caput viride (that tS) tlje grCCne cape, to l^eSouu* else vohichctheipo?tugalesfp)lfoirecie thep? courfcmbenthep ?«kg naniga* faple to J meric a oj tbe iatioe of , ‘ ! ' from bence, tbep mrne to tbe rpjbt ban&e totoarbe tbe quarter oftbeHJpnaecalleaG^rimojUibtcbets bennenetbe tucti ana tbe fcutb ♦ ^Htto fpeabe fomebj'jattmijeof Ethiopia , flitbotigb there fc&eSlatttiof flttcrot. CTuqutettcot fc*ba. 15je(tec5flb»t <£mptrourof <£t{jtopU. people of t!j« fafltfptK of africa. Cpljiopftagt. people toitb* outpcatus. | I ‘ Sfcama. %rg»UM Aielinde. <£*Tjiopfa 3Jn* l ttrtoi. P®i) ¥ tWe 3 tobofe inhabttauntc# are accuff omeo to traffike toith the nation# of 3* rabie,anothep?fepngi0iopneom frenoiljpp toith the kpng of Jpo?tugale 3 ano papetb tribute to p?efier John. 3£be other C:biope 3 calleo Ethiopia interior ( that i#)the inner Cchiope 5 i0 not pec knotone fo? the greatnefle thereof but one* ip bp the fea coalte#: pects it oetebeo in tbt# matter ♦ #*p?(! frcrntbeCquincctialltotoatoe the &otttb 3 i# a great region ofCthtoptan# 3 tohtcbb?pngctb foo?thtobpteClephante03 %U get# 3 ano the beaite# calleo 'ifyinocemtes * 3lfo a region thatb?pngethfco}ih plemieot Cinamome 3 tying bettoene the b?aunclje# The feconeJ viage to Guiuea. 3 5^ foaticlieg ofN»/«f . aifo tlje hpngoomeof Haiecb o? UnUfn, a region of Gjjtilien men, lying botlj on tljts I'pdc anti lirpoaDc ©afian.i. Mi/«f .Cptre are alfo tfee Ethiopians ja\hi} ubtbiopbagi (tljatts) at#t6jop6aB j, fuclje as lpue only bp fpflje , 5 mere fometpmes fubouec bp tlje Uiarres of great Slcpanbet. JFurtbermoje tijc Ethiopians tab lea libapfii. ana Anthropophagi ,^ at are accuttomea tomans *« «9rop»sS^ Beaje,inl)abite tbe regions neare bntotlje monntapnes cailea ^ miUS Lma Montes I«M aptirica toitp* Ogiufietbp^uatton 3 UopDe,o? mitbout: a xto$hrhc, fignifietb out C£ri6 * cotoe. ,ffoj in beebe although tntbefleabeof tupnter, tbep baue acloubp anbtempe(lto«sfcafon 3 petiS ttnot coloe 3 but racbec sr&enjpntttor fmootberpng botte, mitb alfo botte fecupes ofrapne, anb fome - mic ** inhere fttebe fcojcbpng mpnbes, tbac rnbacbp onemeanesanb otber 3 tbep feeme at certapne fpmes to lpue as it mere in fojna* ces 5 anb in maner alrebp balfe map in purptope t) bell Gem- ma Tbriftus mjprecb, tljat in certapne partes of Africa, (as in £ f Jjj® Adas tbe greater )tbe ap?e in tbe npgbc feafon is feene fijpnpng 9 apjef m 0e tomb ntanp flrange fpers anb flames rpfpng in maner as bpgbe as tbe Sgoone: anb that in tbe element are fometpme bearbe as ttmere the founbeofpppes, trumpettes* anb bjommes.* Wbttib noifesmap perhaps be caufeb bp tbe bebement anb fumppmo* ttonsoffuebe fpjpe erbalationsintljeap^asmefeetbelpkem manp experiences m^ougbt bp fp?e 5 ap?e^mmDe. ©be bololu# nefle alfo^ muers reflexions anb peaking of tbe rtotibes,map be Son on lift great caufes bereof,befice tbe bebement colb oftlje mibbie region fl p*« ie .*«»♦ of tbe apje 3 U)berbp tbe fatb fp?ie cxlja!ations,afcenbpng clutter, are fobenlp flrpcken backe tomb great fo?ce .* tfo? etien common anb baplp experience teacbetb bs 3 bp tbe tobpflpng of a burning ^CijCjtobat nopfc fpje maketb tn tbe apjei much moje rnbere w* fwe of it flrptiecb ml;en it is indofeb mid; apje*a$ appeared; in gtmnes* anb The fecondeviagc to Guinea^ of tjje l^sone* Gibe nature of tfte (tarred. gnjoittrsof mater falling: out of atre. ome of our men of goos cresit that mere fa this faff triage to Gum&, afftrme erneOlp that fa tl;e nt gfa (eafoti tbep felt a fern (tblebeate to come from tbe beamed of tbe $0oone* Cbemfacb tbpng, although it be ffrange ans infenGbleto bs that tnbabtte colse regions, pet noth tt (Jans rnieb gooo reafon that it map fo be, fojafmucbe as the nature of ttarres ans pianettes (as imp* tetb Flinie') conftff etb of fpje,ans contepnetb fa it a fptrtte of life* mfacb cannot be mitbout beace* 3ns that the 30oonegetietb heatebppon the earth, the J3?o* phet Daws feemetl; toconfirmeinfas.Ciejct. ipfalrne,mfare fpeabpng of fuch men as are sefenses from eutls bp gooses p?o* tcCtton , he fapeeb tfalS : Per diem Sol non exuret tc, nec Luna per noHem. Chat ts to fap, 3ln the sap the &unne (ball notburng thee, no? the ^oone bp ttpgfa* COep fap furthermore that fa cercapneplacesof thcfea,thep fab) certapne tfreames of mater,mfacb tbep call fpoutes,fallpng outoftbe apje into tbe fea ,anstbatfomcof thefeare asbpgas the great ppllers of Churches: Jnfomuch that fometpmestbep fall into (l;pps, ans put them in great sautiger of Sjomnpng. &>ome phantafpe that tl;efe (bonis be the Caractes of f£)eauen, mfacbe mere all openes at j&oesflusse* But 31 tbpnbetbem rather to be fuel; flujttons ans eruptions as Jriftotle fa fas boobe dt Umdo faith 5 to chaunce fa the fea . f o} fpeabpng of fuche llrange thpngcs asarefeeneoftentpmesfatbefea,bem;ptec(j thus . SDfcentpmes alfo cuen in the fea are feene euapojati* ons of fp;e, ansfttche eruptions ans faeabpng foojtb offpjings, that the mouthes of rpuers are epenes, dftlhpjlepooles , ans ffujrions are catifes ot fuch other bebement motions, not otilp itt the mpooelf of the lea, but alfo in creebes ans ftrcpgbtes .8e cer* tapne tpntes alfo, a great quamiete of mater is fooenlp Ipftes bp ans carrpts about mitl; the £$oone. $c. 35p mfacbe moo^scsof Jriftotle it sorb appeare that fuebe maters map bee Ipftes bp in one place at one tjnie, ano fcocnlpc fallsomne in an othet place at another tjmie . 9ns hereunto perl;appcs partepnetb The fecond vyagie to Guinea* ' 351 it that HpcbaroCbauncdler toloe me that be baroe SebaJIUn cdot repo?te, that (as; farre as 3 renumber) eptber about mtMn # tlje coalles tiQr title 0 ? % dc Plata, bis Cbpppc 0 ? pianette toas t&p«* furiDapnlp ipftcD from tlje fea^anD call UpponIanne 5 31 too tte not borne farre * €be tobtebe tUpng;,antJ fuebe other Ipfee toonoer* full ano ttraungetooojfces of nature tofeple 3 confpoer,ano call toremembcrauucetbe narotonctteofmansbnoer&mopng ano 3 tljac notbpng is to ber impotttble , the icaffe parte of tobofc potoer is not pet fmotoentomen » ^anptb?mgesmo?eourmenfau;eanocon* fpoereo in this bpage, tuo?tbp to be noteo , toljcreof 3 bane thought goon to put (bine in memo?te,tbac the reaocr mapafmell tafcepleafurein tbe bartette of tbpnges,as bnotoleoge of tbe bifio?te* Stmong other tbpnges therefore touebpng tlje matters ano nature of tbe people, this map feetue ltraunge,tbat tljep? ponces ano noble men bfe to pounce ano rafe tijepj fiunnes tottb ^fe p?ettebnottes in opuers fo?mes, as it toere bjaticbeo oamafoe, tl,cpifhp,mc0# tbpnfipngtbattobeaoecento?namenc . 3 no albeit tbep go in mauer ail nakco, pet are tnanp of them 3 an0 efpenailp tbeir too* f pne nunne*. memin maner laoen fcritb coi(ar0O)?aflettes 3 boopes 3 ano chained eptber of goloc, copper, 0 ? Juerp . 3 mp feifebatte one oftbep? a { fl b?afdettes of3uerp,U)aptng toto pouno ano ,oi. ounces of ^vop “ c * toepgbt,tobicbe make .ftjtOii!* ounces : this one of tbep? too* menopo toeare Opon ber arme.3tis maoe of one tohole pcece of thebpggeft part of tbe toocb ? turneO ano fometobatcaruco, tutcij a bole tn the mpooeft,toberein tbep put tbep? hanocs to toeare tt mttbep?arme. &cmebaueofcuerparmeone 3 anDnsmanp on tbep? legges 3 tobettottb fome of them are fe galoco,tljat although tbep are in maner maoe lame tberbp 3 pet topi tbep bp no mcancs leatte tbent of* £>onte toeare alfo on tbep? legges great (backds of b?pgbt copper, tobicb tbep tbpnkc to be no lette comdp 3Lbep ^ arSf?0 * toeare alfo collars, b?aflettes, garlanoes, ano gp?ods,cf cer* tapnebletoetfoneslpkebeaoes » ilphetopfefome of tbep? too* men toeare on tbep? bare armes certapne fo?efleeues,maOe of the pfates of beaten goloe* £>n tbep? fingers alfo tbep toeare tinges, maoeofgoloentop?es 5 tottbabnotte 0 ? to?eatbe,lpkebnto that tol;ic() d;plo?en make in a rpng of a rptye ♦ among other tbinges of The fecondc v'lage to Guinea^ Tiwmnt* of golotbatourmenbou gftftofc&emfa? exchange oftfoirfoire*; * f goiDt. toer z certapne bogges djapnes anb cotters. 3EfoP are berp mare people in tbep? bargapnpng, anb mpll not lofe one fparke of golbe of anp balue . 3uljep b!e mepgbtes ano meafures, ano are oerp circtmtfpectinorcupptng the fame* ^Tljep tbat fljall fjaue to oo mitlj tljem,mufl bfc them gentdlp: fo? tfop mpl nottraffike o? bjpng in anp mares if tljep be cttpil bfeb. it tlje fpjtf bpage that our men ban into tijefe panic*, it fa djaunceb,tljat at tljep? Departure from the fp?fl piace mbere tfop Dpo trafike,one of tljem eptljet flolea mufkc catce, c? tooke for a mufo xat« atoap bp fo?ce, not mpflruflpttg that tbat fljoulbe Ijaue bpnb?eo tljep? bargapnpng in another place mbptfor tfop intenbeb to go* 215utfo? all tfo ball tljep couloe make mitlj full faples, tlje fame of tljep? mpfufage To pjettenteo them, tbat tlje people of tbat place aifOjOffenDeD tforebp, moulo b?png in no marcs : iMomurije tbat tbep mere infojeeb eptfor to redone tbe cat,o? pap fo? fot at tljep ? p?ice, before tljep couloe trafike there. ^Lbep? boufes aremaoe of feure poll es c? trees, anb couereb ^eitUoufe*. botoes- Cbcp? common feeopng* is of rootes, anb fuebe fpfljes as tbep sr&«r fretung lake, toljereof tljep baue great plemte.Ebere are alfo fuel) fleeing fpfbcs as are feenetntljefeaof tbe £Ocft 3 lnbies. ©ur men jfiipng f P fl^ 0 . falteooftbep?^lbes,boppngeop?otttDelfo?e thereof : but tbep * mol&etakcnofaltc , anomufl therefore be eaten foo?tbmitb a* fome fape ♦ ipome be it, other affirme tbat if tljep be falteo imme* itatlp after tljep be taken, tljep mpll lad bncojtrupteo.jr. o?.jcii* % ttrange * ^ ttC mo ? e Araunge, tljat part of fucb fleCb as tljep tDpng. *arpeb Uritb them out of Cnglanb, ano puttifpeb there, became fmeeccagatne at their returne to the clime oftemperate regions* ^beirbieaD bfe alfo a flrange makpngof b?eao, in tljtS maner. ^Uep grpnbe betmeene tmo if ones mitlj tbep? banbes as muebe eojne as tbep tbpnke map fuffice tbep? famplie, ano mfon tljep bauetbusfoougbtittofloure,tljeppuctberetoa certapne tjuan* titte of mater, ano make tforof uerp thin bougfomljicb tbep flick upon fome pofl of tbep? boufes,mbereit is bakeo bp tbe beate of tlje &ttm&o tbat mijen tbe mailf er of the boufe o? anp ofljis ml? mpll eate thereof, tljep take it bomne,anb eate it. The fee on d vyage to Guinea* 3 $i berp fap^e lobeate, tbe eate mbereoffettoo banoe* *»&****» folle* fa length, and asbpggc as a great Bulrufa, ano almolf foure facbess about tobere tc iss bpggeft . Zl)t flernme oj flrafc, feemetb to be almolf as bpg ass tbe title fpnger of a rnanss banoe, o* title lefle.&be grapnes of tbt'ss mbeate are ass bpg ass cur pea* fan 5 tcmnoealfo,ano berptobpte, and fometiibatftpnpng.lpke pearleatbat bane loll tbep? colour . 3lmo(l all tbefubllanceof them tumetb into floure , ano maketb title bjamie oj none • 3 tolo fa one earetmobunojeoanotfaeefcojegcapnea. ^beeare iss inclofeo in tface blaoeo longer tben it fclfe, ano of ttoo pnebess tyoaoeapcece. 8no bp fate fruttfulneffe tbe&unne feemetb ^ partlptorccompencefucb greefea ano moleflactonss ajss tbcp o- tljertopfe recepue bp tbe fernent beate thereof. 31c iss ooubtlefle aloo?cbp contemplation to confioer tbe contrarp effected of tbe gnmne : o? ratb*r tbe contrarp patfionss of fuebe tbpnges ags re* cepue tbe influence of b in beamess, eptber to cbepj burl o } bene* fpte.^bep?o v jpnket3 eptber mater, o? tbe iutfe that ojoppetb ^cpioipnftt. from tbe cut branches of tbe barren Dace treesjcalleo Palmites* fo) eptber tljep bang great gouroes at tbe fapoe branches eue* rp euenpng, anolettbcm fobangal mgbf^elgstbepfetcbem on tbe grotmo unoer tbe tree^tbat tbe ojoppeg map fall therein* ®ljcp fep that tbishpnoe of ojpntie fa in tatfe muebe like bnco mbep, but fomeuibat fnjeeter 3 anD moje pleafaunc. 3£bcp cut tbe fyanebess eucrp euenfa&becattfe tbep are fearer* bp in tbe oap bp tbe beate of tbe ^unne. &bep baue alfo great Beanes ass bpgge a$ cbeflmttis, ano DerpbarDmtcb a fljel in tbe (tease ofabufke.* spanp tbpnges moje mpgijt be fapoe of tbe manera of tbe pea* ple,anDoftbemoonoets3ano monflruouss cbpngess tbatareem geno?eofa ^/ri^.'Butitlbatifufficeto baue fapoe tbt^mucb of fuebe cbpngess ass our men partlp lame a auo partlpe brought toitbtbem; ^nombereao before fpeakpng of tbe fruueofgrapneg , 3 oeferibeotbefemeto baue boles bp tbe fpoe (a3inDeeoettfa J orapn^ as it is faougbt bitber ) pet teas 31 afeermaro enfourmeo 5 tbat tbofe boless mere maoe to put flrpngc* o) empgges tfaeugbe tbe fruice, tberebp to bang them bp to o?pe at tbegSunne* ^bep groioence pad a foote anoabalfe* ojttuofbote from tbe grcunoe>anoareass rco ass blooo rnljen tljeu arc geathereo. Cbe Relies t!iat tleauctotypps. Snowies. 2$ionias „ & ferrcte. Cljttjfatijof oucmen. 3| fate the ^pmrofelptng tntheDocbe^andttt matter coucreo teith the fapd lbeUes*tebicb in mp iudgement fljculDe greatlp hpndcrher faplpng. 33)ep?lbpppes teere alfo in manp places eaten teith the teojmes called Stomas o? Sijfasjxfycxeof mention is made m the Decades, ^hefecrcepe betteeenetheplanhes>tehichechep eate through in manp places. among other thpnges that chaunced to them in this biage * tbt'ststeo?tbp to be noted, that tehereasthep faplcd thptberin feuenteeehes.thepcoulderemrnetnno leffe fpacethentteemie teeekes. ^hecaufetoljereoftbepfaptobetbis t^hat about the coad of Cabo Verde >t\)t teitid is cuer at the Cad 5 bp reafon teljer- of thep teere enforced to faple farre out of tbepj courfe into the mapne Oc^»,tofpndethe topndeat the Melt to typitg them home. €here died of our men at this lad biage about tteentie and foure 3 teljereofmanp died at thep? returne into the clpmeoftlje colde regions , as betteeene the 3Ilandes of Soria and Cnglanoe. ^Chep brought teith them certapne blacke Oaues 3 teljeroffome teere tail and flrongmen 3 $ coulde teed agree teith ourmeates and d?pnkes. ©je colde and mopdap?edotl; fometebac offend them, $et doubteleffe men that are bo?ne in hotte regions 5 map better abpde co!d 3 tben men that are bo?ne in colde regions map abpoe beate 3 fo?afmuche as behement heate refolueth the radicail tnopdure ofmens hodies 3 as colde condrapneth andpje* ferueti; the fame. Cht’stsalfoto be conddered as a fecrete teoo?ke of nature, that throughout aB //m%bndecthe €qutnocttalUine 3 atjD neare The fcconivyage to Gu'meaT jyl itcare about tbe fame, onbotbfp&cs, tbe regions arc flrtrccwc botte,amj tbe people berp b!acke . ^Kljercas conirartlp fuel) regi- ons of tbe 3Im>te^ as are totter tbe fame Ipnc , are berp temperate, anb tbe people neptbctblacke, no? lattbcuribe antt (bo?te mooU on tbep? beabes,as l;aue chop of $ffrtke, but of tlje colour of an ©Ipue, uiitb long anb blacke beare on tbeic beabes: tliecaufecfujblcbePancttetsDeclareD tn optiers places m fyz Dccabes. 31tisalfo moo?t&ietobe notebtbae foroeoftbem cl;ac mere at t ins bpage tolDe me ; £b at is , tbat tbep ouercooke tbe courfe of tbe femme, fo tbac tbep ban it jfto?cb front them at noone,tbe jniinbap of ^arcbe* 8nb to baue fapoe thus muebe of tljefe bp* ges,ttmapfuffice. Of the Dooues of thcllandc of Madera. il Mamajlus to?ptetb, tbat before tbe 10o?ct* 'gales came to this 3Ilam>e, it mas cuer- groinen mitb trees, atiD bnljabitcb, pec mere jtberentanp beaftes, antt great plentie of Dooues, tobicb mere bttcripUmljout feare of men, bpcaufetbep bab neuerfeene anp men before, no? pet mere accufltomeb to bee put in feare jmfomuebe tbat tbep ftoobe (tpllmbplefnares mere put about tbep? neckes midi long robbes asm poles : tbe mbicbe tbpng be fapetb,be batb alfo feene in od?er 3ilanbes ♦ ^bere are manp rpebe men in tins JiianDc,anD great abotmbance offJedje, bpcaufe tlje mljole 3llanoe is w maner one garoepne, ©f The fccond vyage to Guinea.’ * i Of the Ilande of Sainct Thomas, vnder the Equinoctiallline. i $e cljtefed occupation anDliumg of tbe im babitawes of this 3ilanDc,ts tbe making of fttger 3 mbitb tbe? fell peerefp to tbe fl;ippcjS tljat come fo? tt out of g>paine ano $o?ttt< gnIe,!aocn mitb buttes of meaie ano floure, a!fompne 3 opIc 3 cbeefe, ietber, fmcojoes, etippes of gIafie 3 beaoes, certepne fcaruels calico forcellnna, of tbe mbicbe are mane rlje eartbcnoiibcsoftbe mcojkeof MaioHcaMtiOtfittom not tl;at fuebe btccuallcs ano pjouidons lucre brought tljcmoucof jkpanc ano ]tDo;tugale 3 tljc mbpte mercfjantes mbieb otuell m that 3UantJ£ (partcpnpng to tbe Dominion of tljc kpng of tpojtua gale) (boulo not be able to Iptte tbere 3 fojafmucb as tbep are not accudomeo to cate fucb meates as ooe tbe Ethiopians oj Negros. 2no therefore tbe pojtugalcs Uiljicb inbabite this 3Iianoe, Ijaue certapne biacke Haties olOumeaPBcnin, ano M ankongo , mljtcbe tljcp fee to tpH ano labour tbe grcunoe,ano make fuger . 8 mong tbefe mbpte inbabttauntes,tbere are manp ricbe men,mbtcb baue 1 5 o.oj, 2 oo.ano fome. 300 . biacke Hanes of men ano inomen, to tpil tbe grounoe, ano ooe other laborious luoojkes.'Cbis 3 l!anoe mas oifeottereo a bunojeo peeres (nice, bp cbe nauigations of tbe jpojtugaies, ano mas unknomen to tbe oioe matters. 31c ipetb in tbe great gulfe of 3flfrike,in tbe.$o.oegree of iongituoe from tbe (Kited to tbe Cad,$ is in maner rounoe. 3lt is of largenede from fpoetofpoedjr.3taltanmpies,(tbatistofap)oneoegree . Zl)C bop^ontailiineoftbe 3!ianoe padetb bp tbe trno poles, 3rttke, ano 3martike,ano batb euer tbe oap equall mitb tbe npgbc,Uritl> cut anp fcnObie Difference, mbetber tbe &unne be in Cancer 0 ? in Cap?tco?ne ♦ Cbe darre of tbe pole ^r tike, is there inuifible : but tljc loatoens are frene fomembat to moue about tbe darres calico tbe Crofle arc feenebcrpbpgb ♦ ®ftbts3Iianoe, mitb tbe other lanoes ano 3Hanocs Iping betmeene ipo^tugale ano tbe fame, a ccrtepne ppiotte of jjaojcugaie Ijatlj mjttcen a goooip age (0 Conte f^mondo. srmmi The Sfamgation and vyages of Lewes Ycrtomannus, Gentelman of the citie of Rome, to the regions of Arabia, Egypte,Pcrfia* SyrUjEthiopia,and Eaft India, both within anorutt&ouct&erpuerof Ganges. 3 !ntlje pecre of our Lojoe. 1503* Concepnpng many notable ano ff raunge cbmgetf, botl; bptto?tcaIl aim natural!* Transited out of Latint inti Englysbe , by ’hjcbarde Eden. 3 !n t&e peere of our JLojo.i 57 & The Preface of the Authour. $ere bane Ben mattp Before me, tobo ^to knom tbe miracles of t Be toojlD*, Bane nml; Diligent fiuDiercaDDpuerg . j^utbGurs ml;icb Bane to?tcten of fueft tljtnges. 3£ut otljer gining mo?e ere* Dite to tbe Ipuelp bopce, Bauebeen ! mo?eDeftrousto fenotn tbe fame bp I 'relation of fuel; as baue trauepleD in f chafe countreps,$fecne fuel; tbingea tobereof tl;ep make relation, fo? that in manp bookes,geatl;ereD ofbncertaine auctl;o?me,are mpictfalfe tbmges botth true. Other there are fo greatlp Deltrous to fenoto tl;e truetb of tbefe (binges, that tbep ean in no topfe be factfOeD, bntpll bp tbep? otune etpe* rience tbep bane founDe the truetb,bp bopagesanD peregrinatt* onss into ffratmge countrcps anD people,to knoUi tljepjt maners, fa(bions,anDcuftomes, mitb&puers tbtngestberetobe feene: to)beretn,tl;e onlp rea&png ofbookes,coulDnot fatiffic tl;eir tbirll of fnebe knotoleDge, but rather increafeD tl;e fame, iufo much tbat tbep feareo not tottl; Ioffe of gooos ano oaunger of Ipfe to attempte great bpages to Dpaersf countre ps, tottbUiimelTe of tbep? epes to fee tl;at tbep fo greatlp DeftreD to fenome . Z\)Z lubtebe tbpng among other cbatmceD bnto me alfo ♦ jfo? as often as in tl;e bookes of l;p(fo?tes ano Cofmograpbte, 31 reao of fuel; ma^^eplouiS tljinges inijereof tbep make mentis on (efpeciailp oftbingesintbeCalf partes oftbeUio?lo)tbere toas notbpng tbat couloe pacific mp bnqutet mpnoe, bntpll 31 baDtoitbrnpiieepesfeenevljemict;; thereof* 33knoiuetbac feme there arc mtmeD toitb bpgb fcno&ftoge, mounting bnto ti;e heauens, mbiclje milt ccntcmpne tl;efe our U)?timges,ao bafe ano bumble, bpcaufe tue Doe notl;ere,aftertbeir manzr,tmtb bigb anD fubtile inquiluion fntreate of tbe motions anD Dtfpoftti* onsoftbeftarres, anD gpue reafenof tbep? moo?kpngon tbe garth, feritb tbeir motions, retrograDattons, Directions, tnmtu 0ns 3 egic.ieIes : reuolnttons 3 incImations 3 Diumation^ refieptons. Vertomannus Preface. &nb fuebe other partepnpng to tlje fcience of SUfroIogfe : toljtcb certepnelp toe Doe not conDempne 3 buc greatlp p?apfe» But mea* furpngbs tottb our otone foote, toe totli leaue cfjac beanie buroen ofijeauen totbelfrcngfyculDersof $tlaaanD Hercules : ana onlp creeppng bppon tlje eartlj 3 tn our otone perfon beboloe tlje ficuatton^ of ianoes anD regions* tottb tlje ntaners anD cuftcmeg of men,anDbariablefourmes 3 Gjapea, natures 3 anD pjopjiectes ofbeaftes, frm£e0 3 anDtrees 3 efpcdanpfucljea3 are among tlje ji rabians, Terftans, Indians > ailD Ethiopians . $nD toljereas Ut tlje fearcljpng of tljcfe tfjtnges 3 toe baue (tbankeD be (Don) fatifueo our Defire, toetljinkmuercbelefie tljat toe baue none little, cp< cepte toe fijoulo communicate to other, fuclj tijinges as toe baue feene anD bao experience of, that tljep Ipkctopfe bp tlje reaDpng thereof, map take pleafure,fo? tobofe fakes toeljaue tojitten this long anD Dangerous Dtfcourfe,cf tijinges toljiclj toe bane feene in opuers regions ana faces of men, Dcfirpitg notljpngmojetben ^at tbe trueeb map be knotoen to them tljat Defpje tlje fame. But tobat tncommoDities ano troubles cbauncco Unto me in tbefebtages, as hunger, tbirft,cotoe 3 beate 3 toarres,captiuttie,terrours,anD opuers otbec fuclje Daungers, 3 toill Declare bp tbe toap tnthepjDuepIa* <5TlK fame lua* Alio called ffEkmpfjislit i^meyait. Lewes Vertomanniis.' The firft Chapter,of the nauigation from Venice to Alexandria in Egypte . iPanpmaniballocmaunoeofme thecauft of this mp bpage, certepttelp3i canfljeme tto better reafern then is the aroenc DcOrc of fcnomleoge, mhicb bath motieo maitp other to fee the morloe ano miracles of 0oo cljer* in, fojafimicl) as other bttomen partes of the tuorlo, baue heretofore ben fuf ficient* Ip traucpleo of other, 31 mas octcrmpnco to btftte ano oefcribe fuche partes as here before hane not been fufficiemlpbnotoen: ano therefore miclj the grace of0oo 5 anocaHpngbpponbisbo- Ip name to profper otir emerprife, Departpng from Venice mitb profperotis mpnocs, in feme oapes me arrpueo at the citie of Alexandria in Cgppte t mbere the oefpre toe hao to knome tbinges more Hratmgeano further of, booulo not permit os to tame long . 3 no therefore oepartpng front thence, ano faplpng bp the rpuer of KHus, me came to the ettie of nem Ba* bp!cn a common!p caileo Cy rus or Alcayr* Of the citic named Babylon,or Alcayr, a citie ol Nilus in Egypt.Cap*2. Upen me arrpueo there, 31 maruepleo more then 3i am able to Cap : pec mi;cn 3! ap* piocheo fo neare the citie that 3 rnpght met fee into it, it feemeo to me much inferior to the r eporte ano fame that boas thereof : for the greameffe thereof, feemeo nothpng a* gtceabieto the bruite, ano appeareo no more m circntte then the citie of Home, although muebe mere peoplcD,ano better inhabueo ♦ But the large fieloes of the fub* urbes baue oecepueo maitp, bepngotfperfeDmithinmancrm* numerable biiiages 3 ufyicbe fomeijaue thought toh« been parte Navigations. " JJ6 pate of tl;e cto,tobfcbe is noting fo. jFoj t&ofe OCTTagca and df* fperfed boitfes, arc tmo o? tbjee mp!es from tbe citie,and round aboutitoneuerpfpde . j&eptberis it here nceccftill to fpende mucbe tpme m dcclarpng of tljcp? maners,oj religion, fc^afmucb as it is mell knomen, tljac ail tbe inbabitames of tljofe regions are Spabumetans, and $}amalukcs, mbtebe are fuebe CO ? v Gians as batie fojfakcn tbepj faptb, to ferue tbe Sgabumecans tails, and burkes : Qltljougb commonlp tbe? that ferue o ct;c ^oltatt of Babplontntpmepaft, befo^£be4>oltanmasouercome bp tbe £urk? , dure called Mamducbi, as tbep that ferue tbe ^urke, are called lemtzari . Buttbefe Spamaluke ^a&unie* 3 ainct Ofcojge £anm « 3 r0?3 g ddiuered tbe kpngesdaugijter from a cruell ID:tagot?,mbicbe be anb ^ flue, and reftojed ber to ber father . Departing from bence, SC1U lne fapledto Tripoli . ^Hjts is a citie ofS;r/^Caftmarde from T ■ r $erjnto ttno dapes faplpng . fftetnbabitauiuesarefubiecte to 1 Y! * o u tbe IteuetenantojgoucrnourofSjn^ and arc ^afjumetans. 3£be fotle is be rp fertile, and foj tbe great trafiofuc of merchant dies, tnaedibfp abounded mitb all tbtnges . Departpng from tbcnce, )£ZmWtQi\)tmzComagtnti Syria, COmmOUlp called Mepoor jilepo, and named of cur men Antioch. Antioch, ??.««• 3I( mount CAurit?. QTOt mount Olympus. Jizama. Mefapetit* m i a. Pcrjia. pmafco. |5ainct^elcnc ttjcmotljctof Cottfcmttne tjje Cntptcouv* Lewes Vertomannus. 3!c te a gooofp cttie,Otuate bnoer the mount Taurus, annigt fub iectcto theLicuetenantoj&oitanofBabtion ♦ ©ere be tbe fealeg o i laooerg (fo? fo tljep call them) of the burkes ano Syri - ans, fo? it is neare the mount of Olympus . 3!t is a famous matte folone Of tbe Jzamians aitO Terfians.W)Z Jzamians,m people of Miefopotawiamm Onto the 'Per fans, $ of the religion of spa* humet . .from thence, is the tournep to tbe ©rkes ano Syrians s ano cfpectalfp of tljcm that come from the part of M ejopotamia , na mwjzamia. Of the cities of Arnan and Me n in. Cap. 4 » | Cpartpng from tbcnce, toe came to Dams* JcoAntt noapes tournep ♦ T5ut before pou come there, tntbempo toap, isacitie na- mco AmanM)ZU is great abounOaunce of goffantplne o? cotton mooli, anb ail maner of pleafant fruttes ♦ <£>opng a little from - Damafco, tljefpacecfltjcempie^is a ettte lameb Menin, (ituateon theoecltnpng ofamoumapne* 3Jt is inhabited of Cbtfffwns of the (Sreeke p?ofeffton, mho aUb o* bape to the gouernour of Damafco . ©ere are feene ttoo fame Staples, toljich (astheinbabteames repqjte) mere butt- oeo bp Helena , the mother of the Cmperour Condantme? ©ere are all kpnoes of fruited, ano gooolp (^rape3 , ano (garoeno materea batch contmuali fpjpnges* Departpngfcom thence, me came to ttytmoWmafio. Nauigations* i; 357 * •- V -• ■% i' Of the citie of Damafeo* Chap.5. % f* in maner fncmribMno pafTctfj all be* leefe,to tbtnkehome fap^e the citie of ®maf* co is,anD horn fertile is the fople.^no there* foie alfureo bp the marueticugs beautie of the cttie 3 31 remapneo there manp oapes 3 that leatnpngtbepjlanguage 3 31 mpgbt knome the maners of the people ♦ ^be inhabitants are Mabumetans anD Mamalukes , Uritlj alfO manp Ch?i(fiail3f, Clniffians ipttpng after the maner of the^reeke 0 ^ptbetoap 3 itihaU #ugiie0 * notbefrommppurpofetofpeake of tbcp? Hexarchatus : the mbtebc (as mebaue fapoe) isfubieettotbe Htettetenatmt,btce* ^arcDama rope, 0 } gouerncute of Sjria^ mhi'chefome call Sorja * ^bere <3 a berp flronge fotfrelfc 0 ? Cadril 3 Mncbe a emapne & thrufean, bojne in the cute of Florence , buploeo at bis ornne cbarges 3 mbile he ioas there p chtcfe Hexarchatus o) gotternour, as appeared) bp the domer of a ililte there grauen in marble 3 be> png; the armes of the cute of Florence * r &lje citie is campaflcb mitb a oeepe folfe 0? Dtrbc, mitb fottre gooolp high toitpes; ^Dhep paffe the opebe mitb a bangpng b$Dge> mbi'ebe ts Ipfceobyo^ letteoomneatthepjpleafure ♦ Nereis all kpnoe of great arttUerie ano munition, mitb a!fo a garoe of frftt'e Mamalukes, mbtebe oapip afipife the gmternottre o* captapne of the cadelf , ano reeeptte tbcp? (fipenue of the gouerndure ojbtceropeofSjw ♦ jfo?tunefcemeDtogeuetbe Bexarcbatus ^egjouancf 0 } pjtnctpate to the fapoe Florentine 3 mhiche me mpH Declare as me haue hearoe of tbitibabiratmtes • ®ep (ape that pepfon mas once gcuen to the Soltan of 'Syria : ano mhen he fought fepremeote, becbatmceD to be healcD bp the fapoe Florentine 3 mhtchemas oneofthecompanpe of the Mamalukes * Sifter mbtebe gooo fortune, he greme Dapelp in fattoure mith the fapoe lattice 5 mljo foj remade gaue hpm that ricte : mhere Lewes Vertomatinus alfo tljefapbe buploeba CatfcI 3 antJ opetr > inborn fa tljtSDapetlje Ctctfens honour foja fainted faupng tlje Ipfe oftbepj pjtnce : after mljofe Death, tbe gotterment returneDto tlje Syrians ., ^Ijgp Tape furthermore tljat tl )ZSeltan is UJCll be- loueD of bis lo?Des ano ppces 3 foj that be eafe!p gratuuetb tijcm pjincipaeesanDgouernemetttes : pec mttlj conmcton to pape peerelp manp tljoufanoeg of tbofe pecces of goio mbtcb tbep call Saraphos * ^nijep that Drupe to pape tbe funtme agrees of, are ttt Daunger of imminent Death . 3Df tbe cljt’efe noble men oigouernoures .jc, oj .pit* euer affiife tbe ipjince ♦ 3n& mben a Rw,igt ma. * c pleafecb bpm to ejctojte acettapne funmte of gotoe of bte iier to bemauutJ noble men ojmercbaunees (fojtljepbfe great tpjannpeanD op* afuijrtDe. pjeHton bp tbeiniurtesano tbefte of tbe Mamafokes agapnlf tbe Mfabumetam ) tbel^tncegeuetbtmoletcergtotbecaptatne of tbe Caffell ♦ SlntljeonetscomapneD, tbatmttb an oration beinuice to tlje CaUell fucbe as pleafecb bpm ♦ 3!tt tbe other 10 oeriareo tlje mpnoeof tlje pjpnce, mljat be oemaunoetb of bisfubiectes . dOljentlje letters be reaD,mttljalc]i;peDittont!jep accompliflje bis commaunoement, be it rpgbt o? mjong, mitb- out refpecce • ®jis meaner tbe Ij^pnce tiittenteo to ejctojte monp . getfometpmea it commetb to paffe, tljat tlje noble men are of fucbe flrengtb, tljat tbep mpll not come mben tbep arc commaunoeD,knompng tljat tbe tpjantmpi offer tljembiolence. 3nD therefore oftentpmesmljentljep knome tljat tlje capcapne ofcljeCattellmpU call tljem, tljep flee into tbe Dominions of tbe torke ♦ Ijaue me geatljereD as coucljpng tljep? ma- nets , me baue alfo obferueD, tbat tlje matcbemen in tlje tomjes, Donotgeuemampngto tljegaroe mitlj Ipuelp bopce, but tottb Djommes,tbeone anfmearpng tbe other bp courfe * Si5uc it a- np of tbe matcbemen be fo fleeppe 3 tljat in tlje moment of an Ijoure be aunfmeare not to tlje founoe of tbe matcbe^je is imme* otaclp committeD to pjtfon fo? one mljole peere* Of Naui options* 358 Of fuclic tliyngcs as arc fecnc in the citicof '6 t that 3 baue declared tl;e manersof tbe princes offiamafeo, it fcemetb agree* able £o fpeabe of forne fuebe tbpnges as 3 baue feene there. 9ttd therefore to fpeake fpjifofcbe ejccellencie and beaucte of tbe ci* tie, it is certapnelp marucplotiflp tod peo* pleo ,and greatlp frequented, and aifo mar* ueplousrpcbe- Sc isofgooolpbmldpng, and epcecdetb in abitn* nance anti fruttfulnelTeof all tbpnges, and efpeciallpe of all fepnoe ofbictualeS,fleth 5 co;me ,and fettites, as frefl;e damefenne grapes all tbe mbofe veere : alfo pomegranecs , Ranges, ip*! monS, and excellent HDfpue trees . iphetopfe Hofes, both mbits and red,tbc fapjeft tljat euer 3 fame; ano all fcpnoes of feocete apples, pec peares and peaches berp bnfauerp* Mecaufe tol;erof,tbepfaptobe to mucbmopHure. 9 goodlpand cleare rtuer runneth about tbe ettte: $ tberfoje in maner tneuerp bottle are feene fotmtapnes of curious lno?ke embolfed and grauen. ^bep? boufes outtoatolpare notPerpbeautpfull, but tmnard- IpmaiuepIouOpadourned mitl; bariable moojtfees of tbe Hone called Opfco?fcrpemineSgarble* ®i£bintbe toUmcarcma* up temples o? churches, mljicb tbep call Mofcbeas . Buttbac^^ .- lubicb is moil beautpfitllofall other, is buploed after tbe maner 9 J * of §>atnct peters church in Home-tf pou refpect tljc greatuclic, cpceptpngtbtSjtbatiiube mpddletsno roofeo? couctture, but isaliopear but about tbe ret! of tbe temple, it is altogeatber baulted* ®ere tbepobferuereligtounp tbebodpeof tbe bolp cfje&awtof prophet Z aebarie . She temple bad; aifo foure great Double ^ opIJC * gates of metal, detpfapje, and manpgoodlpfomttapnesmitbm ~‘ ciJtUlae * it . Cbere are pec feene tbe rums of manp derated boufes, inljtcb mere once iuhabited bp tbe Cbn&ians. %l;afe boufes tbep cal C4nmca8**» Sjo^etljef&a tnalukeo abufi teamen. Lewes Vertomannus ®fj ere ts alfo to be feene the place toherefag tljep fap) our CmU otttCbpftfpake to featnctputlethefe tDoo?oe^au!e 3 lpaurfj tobp uoed thou perfecute me . $c. Ws place is Uiu^ouc cl;e ct* tie about ample. ^tjereare taleo the Cbjtfttans that tnetntbe rirte.®ljere is feene alfo tbe Joiner in to&tcbe gurnet paule toas commit tea to pjpfon, ano topnetlj to tbe mall of tbecttle, But that place of tbe Corner tobere paule toas brought foojcb bp tbe 8ngell, tbe Mabumctansmnot attempt to clofe bp: gupmg,tbatpfti be clofeo ouer npgbt, tbep fpnoe it open agapne tn tljc mourns* 3 faui alfo tbere 5 tbofeboufestn tbe tobtebecao tbep fap) Cm flue bis bjtotber Jbeil * ^befe are on tbe other part of tbe cute a tuple of, tn a certapne uallep, pec on tbe fpoe of a bpll But let us name returne to tbe If ranger g>olgters, tobteb tbep cal! Ma» maluchos , ano tofpeake fometobac Ijotoe Itcenctounpt&eplpue tntl;at elite. Of the Mamalukes of Cap, 7. Upe Mmdukes therefore, are that fcpttoe of | men, tobteb baue fojfaken our faptb,ano a* fiaues are bought bp the gouerner of Syria . | ^bep are oerp actme, $ brought bp both in jlearttpng ano toarltfce Dtfctpltne , until tbep 1 come to great perfection . $s toel the Ittle I as § great, toubout refpecc, recetue Utpenii of the gouernour : tobteb fo? euerp moneeb amottneetb to fpjre of tbofe peeces of goto tobteb tbep call Sarapbos, befpoe tbe meats am ojtpnke of them fduess ano tbep? feruames, ano alfo p^outft^ onfo?tbep?bo?fes» $notbemoje baltatmctbepbe,$ of greater acetuttte , tbep are bp?eo fo? the greater toages. ^beptoalkenot tn tbe cute but bp ttoo 0 ? tfoee f ogeatber , fojt it is counteo DtG* honour fo? anp of them to toalke touljout a companion. 3no ifbp the toape tbep cbaunceto nteete tottb ttooo;ttb?cctoomcn(fo$ tbeplaptoapceco carrp foj them about fuclje boufes tobptber tbep fcnoto tbetoomen refon) Ipccnce ts grattnteo them, as tbep bp djauncefpjft meete tottb them , to fypng them into certatne tauevns a tol;ere tljep abufe them Wfye n tl;c Mmduh.es attempt to Nauagations# jyg io ncrcoucr rtcp? facc^Cfo? t6ep go t»itb c&cp? canercD)*^ ?■ ffriue britlj them becaufe tbep topil not be knotucn . But toljen tbe ^w^/w^jperfpdeujamonlpto oifcouertbem 3 tbep &pe tljus bnto tljem , 31s it not enough fo? pou tljac pou ijauc abufto our boopes as pleafetlj pou, but that pou topi alfo oifcouet our faces *t ^Lbcnt^zMamalukes(u^tt them co oeparte ♦ Buc fometpme tt rijauncetb 5 tbat toben tljep tbpnfee to.p?oflitute tbe daughter of fome gentelmeno? noblemen, tljep commttte tbe facte toitbtljep?otonetopues: toljtcljetbpng cljaunceo toljiled 31 toas there. Cbetonmrnbeauciffe ano garntibe them fdues as mucbe as anp . ^bep bfe fpikcn appardl, ano couer them ® f toutb doth of gofampme,tu maner as fyne as fplke» &bep toeare tobttebuftpns, ano (booes of reo o? purple colcure . f;ljep gamp®etbep? beaoes toitb ntanp ietoelles ano earerpnges,ano toeare rpnges ano b?afiettes * ®ep marp as often as tbemlpffetlj : fo?toljcn tbep are toearpof tbep? fp?ft marpage, tbep go to tbe cbiefe p?eQe oftljetr religion (toljom tljep call Cady) ano make requeft tobpm to be otuajfco from tljep? fp?fle marpage* 3T.ljisotuo?fment in tljep? language is calico T*l*~ care : tobt'ebe graumeo bp tbe bpgbpjteao? Bpfbop, tljep be* gpnnctoemarpages * ©e Ipke Ipbertte is alfo graumeo to t^Sesano tljebufbanoes «. ^>ometbpnkerba£ dyzMabumetans Ijatte fpue o? fppe oopuestogeacber, UjIjtcbSl baue uoc obfciiueo : but ^ as farre as 3! couloe percepue tljep baue but ttoo o? tb?ee. m « mw jSS« ^Dbep eate openlp, fpeciailp m tbe martes o? fap?es, ano there Ojede tljep all tljep? mcates ♦ &bepeatcbo?feS 5 i£ammellcs 3 Bufles, maners of the Arabians. Chap.8# jfter that 3 bauelargelpfpoften of famaf, co t 3 tupli pmcceoe to the reft of nip bpage. ^Dberfoje tn tbe peere of our lojbe.1503.tbe et$t bapcoftbemonetbof 3 pjpll 3 mben3 bao bpjeb ccrtapne CammelleisCmbtcb tbep call Carduanas) to goto Afccba , 3 anb beptlg then ignorant ofcije cuftomes anb mature of them mmljofecompaupe 31 lboulbego 3 3 lentreb famtltarttfe ano frenbfbpppe mitb a certapne captapne Mamaluke, of tfjem that bao fojfaften our faptb 3 mbom bepng agreeb of (be pjtce,be pjepareb me apparel! Ipfte onto that mbtebe tbe Mamakkes bfe to meare 5 anb gettpngmealfoagoob bejfe 3 ac« ccmpanpeb me mttb tbe other Mamalufys . (ag 2 baue fapbe)2obtapnebtoftbgreatcoft 3 anb manpgpfcegs mbtebe 3 gaue bpm . ^:bu$ enterpng to the tojnep 3 after tbe fpace of tbjee bapejs, me came to a certapne place nanteb M ezaris 5 mljere me remapneb tbjee bapeu, tbat tbe merebauntes mbtcb mere tn our tompanpmpgbtpjouibe tbpngeo ncceflartc, ass fpectallp Ca< * mels, anb bpueres other tbpngesi. ©jereusa certapne li^tnce ^oljom tbep cal zmhn&l great pomer in the countrep of Jrabiai bebabtbjeebjetbjenan&fourecbplbjen . ^enojpOjetbfourtie cboufano bojfe^ ten t&oufann maresbt foure tboufanb Camels Navigations* 3 66 countrcp tuljere feekeepecfe c&efeearoeai of tfeefe beate* 155 lAtge^of Oxjo Dapegs iojnep.&feis ^mtZmUkxs offo great politer, that fee keepeefe toarre Uiitfe tfee Solt*n of ftablon, tfee go > uernour of Dmafco, ano tfee prince of 3ietufalem al at once . 3[n mt p im 6f tfee tpme of fearuelf ano geatfeerpng of fruiter fee ts geuen rofeo* 3miCaifm« Ip to p?ape ano robbpng, ano nriefe great fubttltte oecep* . tietfe tfee Arabians \ fo? tnfeen tfeep tfepnke fepm to fee a tuple o? ttjnlt, tmo of, fee is toitfe tfeem fooenlp feetpme j8 in tbe mo?npng : ano inuaopng tfeep? lanocs , carrpctfe atoap tfeep? fruttes , ftHfeeat e, anoBarlpe, eucn as fee fpnoetfe it in tfee facte: anofolpwetfe contpnualfpoapanonpgfetuntfefucfeetncurOonief . ^Kfeeofefe ^ares fee tneerieo toitfe continual! nmnpng, fee relletfe a nifeple: ano to refreffee tfeem , geuetfe tfeem Camelles mplke to o?pnke , to coole tfeem after tfeep? great lafeour^feofe spares are of fuefe marueplousifujpftneflejtfeatujfeena p?efentlpfatoe tfeem, tfeep ^ ftcSCraIi feemeoratfeerto flee tfeen to rtmne . jftote alfotfeat tfeefe^ ipneiproX# bians rpoe onfeo?fes onlpcouereotoitfecertapne clothes o? mat* x v* Its , ano toeare none otfeer nelf ure tfeen onlp an intoaroe coate, o? peticoace: fo? toeapon , tfeep life a certapne long Dart of Hee* oes, oftfee lengtfe often o? ttioeluecufete, popnteomitfeBiron (after tbe maner of Jauelpns) aito frpngeo lprtbfpIke.*&Ejfeen tfeep attempt anp tncurfpons,tbep marefeeiu fucfeeo?pep, tfeat tfeep feeme to go in troupes: tfeep are of oefpicafele anofttle fta* ture, ano ofcoloure feettneene pealotoe ano felacke, mfeiefe fome call OHuajlro , ^:fecp feaue tfee feopces of tuomen , ano tfee feeare of tfeep? feeao long ano felacke, ano lapoe out at large- ®feep are of greater multtmoe tfeena mantoouloe feekeue, anoare among tfeem feluesat contpmtaliftrpfeanotoarre.^bep infea* lute tfee mountapnes, ano feaue certapne tprnes appopnteoto rofefeerpe:fo?tfets purpote tfeep obferue efpeciailp tfee tpme, tnfeen tfeep are certapne of tfee palfage of tfee $>plgrpms ano o* tfeertfeatio?neptfeat inapto Meckt. j tfeen Ipke tfeeeucs tfeep Ipein tfeemap annrofefeetfeerVMtfeentbepmake tfeefe tfeeeupife inuaftons , tfeep fe?png uiitfe tfeem tfeep? topues , cfep!o?e» , famt* te, ano all tfee goooes tfeep feaue* €fecp? feoufes tfeep put Upon ® 0n{c&b6m tfee <£amelles,fo? otfeer feoufes feaue tfeep none, but Ipueonlpe an Camels w teuccs anD patiylponp as do oar &>ouIdi«ij. 5SSS* ana §>UC!)C muons. C&tefoi feace eftije &u\bit #rom ^attiaf# E0ta/|Jicc^a. $crtjap 9 t»ittj rtKfounfcecfa l£o$ne 0 ) CrumyU. Heater. $r&* 25 urfceu of t£* cauitUca. Lewes Vartomanmis gmcfje tabernacles are made of blacke mooli, and that rougfc and fplchp. V\it toreturne to oar utage. Clje cInicffiljdapof3* pul, departed from M czar is a companpotCamc(6(mhicb com* pametbepcalUhec^ww*) to tlje number cf.jrrcn tfioufmd, mtcb fourctc tljotifano mm . 25ut me mere no moje rijen tljjee* fcote perfons. of mljcm tlje M amalukes Ijao taken the charge (a gupde and garde Us, and the Carauana of ourcompame,m]j!cbe tlje Mamalutys DtutDcD into tljjce parted, as fomein tlje frente , 0 tbenntbempbdedoftljcarmp,and otljerma mpng after tlje manor of a Ijaife Sgoone, tnclofpng tlje m’jole armr c : toj in this ojder march tlje peregrines mljiclj tojncptn tljcfe regtous, as hereafter luempli further Declare . H5ut pett Qjaif under- dand that Vamafco is from Mecha fourtie dapcsandfourtie npgljtestojnep. Deparfpng therefore from Mez^ris t w com tmucdourtojnep that dap, untpUtlje^ppu.feoure of tlje Bap. tr(jenourCaptapneanDgutoe/^w«v«; ,aftcrijeljaD geuentlje match moojde and Ogne, commaunded that cuerpe man fljouloe red and rcmapttctn the place mljcretlje Ogne Ojoulde begeueti them, Cberefoje as foone as tljep beatoe tlje Ogne bp the found of a Crumpet, thep daped, and after tljep bad Unburdened thep? Camels, fpenc there tmo bcures to Utctual them fducs and tljep? beades : tbm tljeCaptapnegeupnganemeOgne, cljargpng tbepjCamellesagapne, tljep departed fpeeopip front thence, Cuerp Cameli hath atone feeopng fptie Barlp loattes,raujc and not baked, as bpgge as a p omegranate . Cakrng ^)ojfe, thep continued that tojnep tljcdape and npght foIompng,UntpU tfit-boures of the dap, andattljacljoure thep obfetuetbe e^dec mljtclje me Ijaue fyoken of Ijercbcfoje. Cuerp epgljtdape thep djatne mater bp dpggpng tljegrcunde ojt fanoe : bp the map nettertfodefle fomcmijere are feunoe belies and &>e* dentes. 8lfoeucrp epgl;c dape, thep red tbepjtCamellcsttoo dapes to recouertbep? flrengtb. ^hr CameUes are laden mubfncreotble lumens, and double charge rtljattscomeane, the burden oftmo great ^u*es ♦ Cbep typnke but once inthjte dapes* * t 4 *' V'- Of i ’Navigation's** .* •.* T . t 1 J ■ • ■ '■> * i'.'J '»c& * 4To]ialil)ougb voe baue often tpmes fougbtrottl; tbcm } pet bias tbcrc on* Ip one man flapne on our parte : cbefe 8* tabtangarcfoUieakeanD feeble, tbattbjeefcoje ^aimlukeo, bane often put to tbe niojlt fpftte tboufanoe Srabtans . jf o) tbefe °[ t ^ e feeloe 3rabians,U)lncl;e are calico Tagaw. are notin (frengtb i^agaiw* v c 2fo?ceofarme3!tobecompareototbe^ama;ukes, of Uibofe actmttte3Ibaue feene great experience ; among tbe toljtcbe tbijs 10 one • dcertapne90amaIuke(apDean3ppIeuppon tbebeaD 2f?h?na ito &it> jflfya* Ijam laito tfce £0 tntttfj'rtJe ^urke [jig nt> nun Lewes Vertom annus Tpftc reuse tnajee mptte mttb eartli * 3ft ts eafte fo Beleeue tfiae tbofe men tee mfecteo tuitl> mot Ijb^rible bices, a$ tefltftetb tbe barest, o?pe, filtbie, ah&Unbolfome regton^btfcrlp mitbout mater ♦ ^bofe people mere once km toit\) Manna: but to^tn tljep abufet* ftegpfc of G5oo, tbep tom fo?e plaguefc . Depar* fcpngtmentiemples from cbefe cutes;, about tbirtie of our com* |?anp perp{I)eo%teckeofUjatcr, ant* opuers other mere ouer* mbelrneomttbfanoe ♦ ©opno: fomcuibac fttrt&cr fo?eUjaroe 3 ixie founoe a little moumapne, attbefoote mljereofmefounoe ma* ter, am* therefore maoe our abooc there ♦ ^be nap foiompng earlpin tbt mojnpng, came Unto us. jcjtttu tboufan&e Arabia ans, afbpngmonepfo?tbe mater lubtcljUaeljaD taken* &Kean* fmereotbatmeiuoulti papenotbpng, bpcaufeitmas gpuenUS bp the gootmeflfe of <0oD.3Immet*iatlp me came to Ijano ftroke& tOe geatberpngourfelttes tegeatberen tljefapDemountapne, as tn tbe fafeft place, ufeoour Cameiles m the fieeoe of a bub marke, ant* placeo tbe merebaumes intbe mpooeU of tbe ar* mp (tbatis)mtbempObeltoftbeCamelles, mbple me fought ntanfullp oneuerpfpoe*. £bebattaple continues fo long, that mater fapleo both us mrnour enemies intbe fpace of tUmoapes, ®e Arabians compalfeD about tbe mountapne, crping ano tbjeatenpng tbattbep moult* b?eake in among tlje Cameiles : at the length to makeaneitoeof tbe ccnfltcte, our Captapne aft fcmblpngtbe merebattmes, commatmDeDatljoufanoeanDtrno buntyeopeeces ofgo'oetobe gitienco tbe Arabians tmbomben tljep bau recepueo tbe monep, fap&ecbat the fumnie of ten thou* fanoe peeces of goloe Cbeulo not fatifke them fo? tbe mater mbtcb me bat* o?amen , (LOberebp me pcrcepuet* that tbep began fur* tber foquareHiwtbus* ant* tooemaunoefome other thing then monep. CObereUpponmcontmem our , Captapne gaue com* maunocmentr that mbofocuer in all our companie mere able to beare atmes* iljoult* not mount uppon tbe Cameiles, but fbotilo mub aH erpesictcn prepare them fefues to fpgbt . ^be bap foiompng in tbe mo?npng, fenspngtbe Camelies before, ant* tnclofpng our armp, bepng about tb?ee bum*?et* in mint* ber* me met mub the enemies, ans gaue the onfet . 3in this xon8icte,.me loUonlp amauansamoman, ans has none other 'Homage. ;M flue of the Svabiaus a tyoufimse ans fpue bum Nauigatlonsi 3 Si ijea ] tfttt^creof pott neebe not maracple^ if pou cenfpbcr that tljep are bnarmeb , anb mar e onlp a tljpnue loole bedurc, ana arc faefpDc almod nafceb : tbep? alfo bepttg a$ eupfl fta*ntll;ca 3 ana toubautfabbles, 0? ot(jec furniture* Of a mountayne inhabited with Iewe$ s and of the citie of Medinathaihabj* where Mahumct was buried* Cap. II. ebe (pace of cpgl>c napes?, loecameto a t ^^potmeapne mbrdje comepneib m cirutice gj ten ojttoelue mplcs . 3£bt0 is tnbabtteB irntfj 31eUjes,to the number of fpue tbou* fanDe,o;t thereabout • €bepareofberplt> tie daMre, asoftljebepgbt of fpueoj fljee Imu fpannes, anb fome mudje lefle * ^Dbep bane fmall bopces Ipketnomen, anb of blacke colour, pet fome blac- ker tljen other : ^Lbepfeebe of none other meate then 0oate$ fleflje ♦ t£bep arecirctnncifeb, .anb benp nottbem ft lues to bee 3!eU)es. 3!f bp cbaunce anp ^abumetan come into tbetr baubes, ebep flap btmalpue* 3c tbe foote of tbemouncapne, toe founbe acertapnebole, out of tbe iobidje flotoeo abounbaunceof ma- ter. 15p fpnopng tbtsopojtunitie, toe labeb flptiene tljoufanb Ca- mdsuuibtdj tbpng greatlp offettbeb tbe 3leme&£bep toantyeb m tbat mouncapne, fcattereb ipke Uiploe (Coates oj uajickettes,pec ourd tbep not come bomne 3 partlp fo? fearc, anb partlp foj batreo agapnft tbe spaljumetans . beneath tbe mountapne, are feene feuen 0 ? epgbt tbojne trees, berp fapje, anb in them toe founbe a papje of turtle Doues, tobteb feemeb to bs tn rnaner a miracle, baupngbefyemabefo long tournepes, anb fatoe neptber bead nojfonie • Ebenpjoceebpngttoo bapes tournep, toe came to a ccrcapne citte namcb M cdinathAbabk fourc mples front tbe fapb €itit citie, toe founbe a toell . 5>eere tbe Carauana (that 1 $, tbe Medmaibal* lobole^earbe of tbe Carcelles) reffeb, f Saa iu _ , : 3nt» .1 * M» . »,> *^c Lewes Vertoniannits i m trap* we wafto our fe!to,anb $am | geuou* (berteSj ! tl)e mo?efte®e!p to enter into the cute : iti# Well peopled, anocomepnetb about tb?ee hunweo houfes, the Wallcs are Ipke balwatkes of earth* aim the houfes bocb of ftotie. anotyicke.'&befoile about tljen'rte, is utterly barren, ejtcepc tl;a t about ttoo tuples from the ett ie,are feene about fpftte palme tree# that tore Daces * ^(jere, bp a certapnc gar&en, rrnmetb a courfe of water fallpug into a tower plapne, tuyere alfo poflftm gers are accudomeD to water thep? Cameiles - 3noben , ew pojtumctenoweferuetb to confute the opinion of them wbtebe vombe tbpnke that the 3rke or ^oombeof Wickets ^abumet m Me* SrfSumk (hiiAo & an $ in the ap?c, hoc bo?ne bp With a np cljpng; . 3s tou* * chpngtohtcbtbpngr 31 am btterlp of an Other opinion, ano af« tote this neptber to be true, no? to baue anp Ipkcnefle of true#*. fcs3! prefentlp bebeloe tbefetb|mges,anDfab)etl)epfacet»bere SsnSri^ ^ a humet burteo, in tbe fapbe cute of M edinathalbabi : fa? utimcbK ;■? We tarpeD there three &apes,to come to tbe true knowledge ofaS tbefe tbpnges . IKClbcn wee were oeOrous to ewer into tbep? temple (Which tbep call Mefcbit^ ano all other churches bp the fame name>we cctiloe not be fufltreo to enter, without a com* panion,littleo?great. €bep takpng bs bp the banoc, brought ^ to the place where thep fape ^abumet ishurieo, t*\i ratlin, . • £.;•.*{! !i W:.v -S \* - -.y !i: • . * ' : I ■ * > 1 ... t: h< i ;;j *.’ ■ " ‘‘ *• * r ' • ■ -f' s j J Of the Temple or Ghapell*an< 3 ; Sepulchre of Mahumet* and 1 * -' • of his felowes.. y; : j Cap.12, •e **■ ri 31s ^Temple is baulteb, arm ts a buntyeb pales tnlength, attotbtircfcojein b?eaoth : the entrp tttto it, to bp two gates : from the fpbcs,u ts couereo with three baultes, it is bornebp with iiUhtintyeb columnes c?pil« lers of white b?ick,there are feene hangmg iampes about tpe number of j . tl;oufanoe. ^rom Navigations. ' 363 ? .from the other part of the temple in tTje ftrff place of th zMef* «^,isfeenca©omerof the ctrcatteoffptiepafeiS, UattUcD on etterp fpoe, ano cottereomttlj a doth of dlfce,ano ts bo?ne bpomh a grace of copper ctirtouflp thoughts ano Dtlfanc from it tmo pafes : ano of them that goe tbptljer, tofecne as it mere though a lattefle . ^Comaroe the lefte banoe, fe the map to tlje Corner, ano mljenpou come tbptljer, pou mttdemerbpanaromergate. £>neucrpdoeoftbofegatcso? ooo?e$,arefeencnninpbocte;in manerofaltbjatic, on the one fpoe. jcr. ant) on dje other fpoe jqco. €befe concapne t be filt&ie craoutons ano Ipfe of Sj&abtmiet ano Ijis fdlomes : mitbin tbe fapoe gate, tsfecnca Reptile!)?* (tbac to) a ot'gg eo place, mbere cljep fap Spaljumet in bunco ano IjtS fdotncS, mbtclj arc tljefe. Kabi, ’ T ' 1 ■ U Jiu il i Lewes Vertomanmii Of thcSectc ofMahumct# Cap .1^. 4<\ \; m 5^abiji? Hu name of Jf&a !)umct. St -jrrat pjicc fojLbilemar^ t^auDus, ]J £>m mill me (pca&c of cTjc manors ano feet of Sgtaljumct. dnoertfanoe tljerefo^tljat in djcljigljelf part ofi^c Joiner afojcfapo 3 is an open rotmoe place, jftoto fijrtl pou bn* oerftanoe mljat crafte tbepbfeoto oeceptte our Carauana. ^EljcSrtf cuenpngtljat tue came tljptljer to fee tlje g>cpu!cb;te of 20a* ljuincfj ourCapiai’nc Cent fo) tl?c cljttfe p?iell of dje temple to come to (urn : ano mijen be camc 3 occlarco onto bun tljat tbe onlp caufe ofljis commpngtbpdjcr, mao to UiGtc tlje ^>cptilc0?c ano bo&ic of Kali , bp mijicb moo^D, ts ItgniSeotbc pjopbet $0alju* met : ano tljat be DnDerlfooOe that tlje p?ice to be aomittco to tlje ngbtoftljefemptoieSjfijculD befcuretljoufanoe&atapbeiS of goibe . nifo tljat be l;ao no parentes, neptljer brothers, fttfergf 3 k!nfefolkes 3 cbplD?en 3 ojmpues 3 neptljer tljat be came tbptljec to bupe mercljaunoicMs fpiecSjO? Paccar, o) Kardus,o) anp nta* ner of pjectcus 31emelles : but onlp foj berp je ale of religion ano faluationofljisfoule, ano mas therefore greatlp odtroug to fee tlje bootc of tlje pjopljet . Zo mljom tlje pjietf of tbe temple (tljep calltljemS/We) mitb countenance Ipke one tljat mere oi* ffraugljf, matieaunfmere intbte manor ? Dared tljou mitb tljofe epos lin'd) tlje mljtdj tljou ball commicteofo manp bojrtble Onnes 3 oefpjetofeebimbpmbQfe(igl)t <0oo batlj createoljca* Sop o°r /ilucjja uen anoeartlj Zo mljom agapne our Captapneaunfmcreo thus 9 $0p itojoe 3 pou Ijaue fapoe truelp : ncuertijelelTe 3J p?ap pou tljat 31 map fpnoe fo much fauour mitl; pou 3 tljat 31 map fee tlje p?opbet: uiljom mijen 3! baue feene 3 31 mill immeot* atelp tb?uftoucmpne epeei . Z\)z S/V* aunfmereo 3 2D]^tnce, 31 mill open all tbpnges Unto tbee . &ott fe 3 tljat no man 3gt remeto toat can oenpe but that our popljec opeo Ijeere, mljoifbemoulo mpgljt baue opeo at Mecba : I5ut to (beme tn bun felfc * tmwth token of bumilitie 3 ano tberebp to gpue 0$ ejtample to fo* tome gmcOepeoyl® Cutju Piua. Navigations. 564 totoebim, totllpng ratljer beere then rifefcofjcre to ce* parte out of cbtjs toojloe , ano toas incontinent of 3ngelleg rijettapn^ bo?ne tnco Ijeauen , ano there rcccpacn as equal! toitlj them . *»*»♦ Cbcn our Captapnefapoe to Ijtm , Whtxz ts Iefus cbrijlus the fontte of sparte *t Co toljomtlje side anftocreo, 3ttlje feete of Sgaljumec ♦ Chen fapoe our Capcapne agapne : 3!t $$**$$* fuflpcetb, it fuffpceclj, 31 Ml knotoe nomoje ♦ 3fter t&is, $umt. our Capcapne commpng out of tlje temple , ano turnpng butt to 0 $ ,fapo,£>ec( 31 pjap pou)fo;t toljac gooolp Ifuffe J toctilu baue papoe tbjee tljoufanoe &arapbes of goloe *t Clje fame Dape atcuenpng, at almofttljjeeaclockeof the npgbt, ten 0 ? ttoelue of tbe Cloers of tlje fecte of £ 0 aljumet emreo into our Carauana, tobteberemapneo not pafte a done call from the gate of dje ct'cte.Cbefe ranne bptber ano;tljptber,crptng Ipke maoDemen, toitlj tbefetoojoes, ^aljumcttbemeflengerano $poftle of<£5oo, (Ijallrpfe agapne. 2D ]pjopbet 3 C> Coo, ^a* bumet (hall rpfe agapne, bauenterepon Os Cco ♦ 2Dur Cap* tapne ano toe all rapfeo toicbtljts erpe, tooke toeapmt toitlj all * eppeottion, fufpcctpngtljac the Arabians toere come torobbe our Carauana : GOeafkeo toljac toas the cattfe of tljac exclama- tion, anotobat tbep crpeo?fo;ttbcp crpeo as ooe tlje Cljjtflfr ans, tobenfcoepnlpanp marueplous tbpng cljauttcetlj ♦ Clje doers anftocreo, ^>atoc pounotcbelpgbntpng toljtclje (bone out of ebe &>eptilcljje of tlje ipjopbet ^abumet . £Dur Cap* foife«u 3 um* fapne anftoereo,tljatlje fatoenotbpttg, ano toe alfo bepttg oe* ntaunoeo, anftocreo m Ipke manor . Cljcn fapoe one ofebeoloe men, Srcpottflaues Chat is to fap, bought mem mca* npng tljerebp 20 antalukes.Cljeu fapoe our Capcapne , £Ste are tnoecoe^amalukes * Chen agapne tlje oloe man fapoe, |?ou T^eopbiti. mp locoes, cannot fee faeauenlp tljinges, as bepng T^ophi* ti* (tbat is) netolp come to tlje faptlj, ano not pec conftrmco m our religion * Co this our Capcapne anftoereo agapne , sic nerefpotu 0 poumaooeanotnfcnface beafles, 31 bao thought to Ijaue gi* dnpontifou uen pou tbjee tboufanoe peeces of goloe, but noto, 2D pou oogges 3 ano pjogem'e of oogges , 31 toili gpue pou notljpng* 3 lt is therefore to bee bnocrtfocoe, tljat none other fijpnpng rarne out of the ^epulchje, then a certapne flame tobicb the $teds caufeo to come out of the open place oftlje Cotojefpoken 9aa.iiit> of mtwxvm jTa'jnineta ^To sin be ban; 2*tfJ in tjje W* Lewes Vertorriannus ofhere before, toherebp then Moults batte uecepuets hg ♦. 3nb tint* foie our Captatne commaunbeb that thereafter none of bs fljoulD enter into' the temple . £>f this alfo toe haue moft true eppert* ence, anb maft certapnelp allure pou, that there is neptber 31* ron oi fteelCjO? the M agues ftone that fljou!b fo make the tcombe of Spahumet to bange in the apje, as feme haue faffelpimagt* neb : ncptljer ts there anpmctmcapne nearer thenfouremples: toe remapneb ljereth?eebapes torcfreibeotircompanp . 'Eo this ettte, btmtaflesanbaUkpnbeof cornets: b^tottgbc from^- rabia Felix , anb Babplon or / llcajr , anb a!fo from Etbiope, bp the rebbe fea 3 tobiebetsfrem this ettte but fotivc bapes tour* nep. The iourney to Media* C cljep are ouermbelmeb tuuO fattbe. $nb although tbepfhouibebaueprofperous mpnbe, pec arc tljep fo tnuolucts toitljfatitiCjtljattljeprcatteroucoftljc map, anb can fcarfelp fee the one the other jc. pafes of * 0nb therefore tbinhabttans era* itaplpng this map, arc tndofeb in cages of moosoc,bo?ne brief) Camels, anb ipue in them, fo paflpng the lo^nep gutbeo bp pilots Uritb marpners compile anb carb,euen as on tbe fea, as toe bane fapbc ♦ 31 n this io?nep alfo manp perplbe fo? third, anb manpfo? brpnkpng to muebe, mljen tljep fpnne fuebe goob toaters - 3 !« tbefefanbestsfounbeMoww^tobicbe istlje fiefhe of fuel) men as are b?amneo in tbefe fanbes, anb there b?pes bp . tbe beate of tbe^>unne: ^>o that tbofe bobpes are p?eferueb from ^ omia ' putrifaction bp tbe D?pnc(Te of tbe fanb : anb therefore that b?pe fleflbe is eltcemeb mebicinable . Albeit there is an other kpnbe of *no?e p?etious Momiajtfoicl) is p D?peb anb embalmeb bobt'es of kpnges anb princes, mbiche of long tpmebaue been pjteferttcD j^TJboLs b?pe mtfbout corruption. £0 ben the mpnbe blomedj from the euifcaimcu* ttO?tbead,tbe the (anb rifetb; t is b?iuen againft a certaine mourn tapne mbicb is an arme of the mount sinai.ZDm me founo cer* rp on t;5tiia!» tapneppilersartifidaHpm?ought 5 U)htcbethcpcali/^«4« . £Dn theleftehanbeofthe fapoc meumapne, in the toppe 0? rpoge, thereof, ts a semie, anb the entree into it, is bp an 31 ran gate. g>ome fapne that in that place Mabuwet Iptieb in contempla- mb in contemn tton* ^ere me hearb a certapne bo?nble nopfe anb crpe: fo? paf* pUmon * fpngtbefapoe mountapne, toe mere info great baunger, that toe thought neuer to haue efcapeb ♦ Departpng therefore from the fottmapne, me ccntinueo our to?nep fo? the fpace of*jr. sapes* Slab tmpfe in the map fought mttb Fpfa'e tljoufanbe . Arabians, anb fo at toe length came to the citie of Mecba^m al tbtngcs mr . . meretroublebbpreafonofthe marres betmeene cm 0 brethren, mje'umghmm contenbpngmljicheofthemfhoulbe polfelfe tlje kpngebome of of ^ £ ^ fduHy 0 i . ..A r •„ -!fj. Ij ■ -1 ■; : ',i;r r.'-vV ' ■ Of Lewes Vertomannus cfteabjatjam <©{teiui0 cal* /il^ccca. die £olt*n of jn^cjia* l&acrtfice to scbiaDamait* 3faano is oeriueo far of. 25u{ Navigations* ®uttorctttmccofpc^cofc6edtte: fojas tcuebpngtbenianer jof frscrtftcc vu v tcli tbcp ufc at the foote of t!>e mountapne,mee topll fpcake hereafter ♦ €mrpng therefore into the cm'e 5 fiiee fotmSC there the Carauana of Memphis, 0)Pahjlon^ mbtcb patiences bsepgbtsapcs , ans came not the mape tbatmee came . TOs Carauana contepnes tbjeefcoje anb foure tbcu* fansc Camelles , anti a fjuno^cD Mamalukes to gupbe tbenu Sins here ought pou to confpber, that bp the opinion of all men, ibis citiciagreatlp curfesofcSob, as appeared bp tbe great .media m v* fcarrcnnclfe thereof, foj it is beffitute of all manerof fruttes feD0f 3 0l, ‘ ans come . 3Ittofco^bebtotcbD?pneirefo?!acheofU)a£er 3 anD therefore the mater is there gromen tofuebe p?pce,tbatpou muermr? can not fo? tmelue pence bupe asmuebe mater as mpll fatpfc fie pourtbpjftfo? cnesap. JSomc therefore 3! mpi! Declare Uibat pjouifion tbep bane fo? bictualcs.&be moff part is brought tbemftoni tbe citie of s^/ow,otbermpfe names Memphis, c&erpuer Caj)us,o) Ale ay r , a citit of tbe rpuer of 2^/us in €gppt,as ^ lu ** toe bauefapse before , anb is bought bp tbe resfea (calico _ . MareErj'tbreum) front a certapne po?c names G/^siflaunt D from Mechafomiz mples* ^bereft of tbep?pmuiftons,ts fought from Jrabia Fifcrta, that ts 3 ftonpeans Sefart . ^Dbcp boue alfo muebe come from Etbjopu . Jpere Doe feuns a ntaruepious number of llraungers ans peregrpnes, ojgplgrpms i ^ftbembtebe 3 feme came from s>rw, fome a* from Perfia , ans other from both the Call 3!nstaes , (that i* ^ cc **• to fap)botb Inti* utitbiit the rpuer of Ganges, ans alfo the other India mttbouMbe fame rpuer . Uneucr fame in attpe place greater abunsaunce ans frequemation of people 3 fojafmuche os 3! couls percepue bp tarrptng there the fpace of * pt . sapes . ®befe people refojt thptber ftp muerscaufes, as fome former* mp f0 pansies , fome to obferue tbep? Some of ^pplgrpmage , ans nations rcfojs ot&er to &a«e partion fo? tljcj)? fumes lastouctpa; tlje ui(jiclje 10 toe UijU fycafce mo?e Ijefcafter^ Lewes Vertomannus CtKtmijjtf of .<• >? Of the merchandies ofMecha# Cap*. 1 5. Kom India t\)t greate^tofneb fe bot&toftb* jut # U)tc(;ouc the rptter of G*«g«,tbep haue j pcarles, pjccious If ones, anu plcntt'e of ■ fppcc^ : anu efpectallp from that ettie of j the greater India, toljtcb ts nameo $ angels I la, tljep baue muelje goflamppne clod; ant* i fplke . ^£bep l;atte alfo fppccs from Etbfa pia: ano therefore toe mult neetie^ confeffe tfeac tljisctttet^a famous mart of manp rpche tbpnges, hereof there ts great plencte. 1 OfthePardons or Indulgences of Mecha . Cap. irfi @t bS noto returne to fpcake oftfte patuoitjsr of ptlgrpms,fo? tbetobtcb fo manp (Trange nations refojt tbitber . 3Intlje mpottelt of the c|ttMs a ^emp!e 5 tn fatbpon fpke tonro t\)C Colhjfti's of IRome ,t\)t Jmpbitbeatmii i meane ? lpke bttto a if age, pet not of mar* Me oj betoeo (tones, but of burnt fypekesrs f o? this temple, Ipke bnto an 'jfypbitkeatorJj ^ fourefcoje anu ten, 0 } an bunojeo gates? , anu is bankets Zty entrance, ts bp a oifeenc ofttodue flapersojoegrees on cuerpparc f tit tije etjureb pojclje 3 are foloe onlp tetods anu pjtclotiS (tones . 3Ih tljeentrp the gplteo toalles Ibpne on euerp fpoc tottb (incomparable fp!en< oour ♦ 3!n tbe lo toer part of tlje tmtple(tbat is bfflier tbc baulteB places) tsfeene a marueplousmultittme of mcmtfo? there are fpite o) fpre tljattfan^ ffietitbat fell tionc other tbpng tljenftncete opttthftentes /aitb efpectallp a cetfaprfe oodjiferdus antrmol fmccte poarjer^tu&crciuttfi uean bcopes are cmbalmeu * #nu from hence 3 all matter of fnteetc fauours are carrieo in matter into tlje coumreps of all the Mabumetans . 3ft palfeth all bdeefc to thpnke of the epceeopng futeeceneWe of tl;efc fauours, farre fur* mounting Nauigaticm* 3 # fte ffjoppeg of ctje apothecaries* • ©be '$0*togt tty parooness began to be graunteo m tty ©ernple, ano mi tobatmaner toe topll notoe Declare . ©be©empletntbempo* Dett to open,tottbout anp mclofpng, ano in tty mpDOcft alfo tber* n turret in of, fa a ©urtet, of tty largnefle of fpjee pafea in eercuttfe,anD tm ° S fiolueooj IjangeD tottb clotb ojt tapeffrp of fplke, ano paffetb not tbe bepgbt of a man . ©bep enter into tbe t urret bp a gate of fpluer,anDtsoneuerpfpDebefette tottb belTelles ftril of balme* asateornim, ffin tbe oap of jaemecoiy tcence it graunteD to al men to fe tljefe Ibpngea / ©betnbabitantes affpjtne, that balme o? balfame, to be parte of tbe creature of tbe Saltan that id io?Dc of Merits, cj,,. St euerpbaulte of tbe turret, tefatfeneD a routine circle of Jron, mm * . >! Ipbeto tberpngofa oaoje . ©be *rrftt. oap of unne, ano ftjojtlp after arcoidributeo to the poo?e fo? <0oos fake ;fo? 3 fainc tbere a great ant* confotmoeto ttiulcuitne of poo^e people, as to tbe number, of .jcjcic. tbottfanoe. ^befe make manpano long opebes in tbe feelocs,tnbere tbeg kcepe fp?e initb Camels ooong, ano rod o? feetb tbe flede that is geuen them, ano eate it cuen tbere ♦ 31 beleue that tbefe poo?e people eome tbttber ratber fo? hunger tben fo?oettotton:iobicl)3( tbtnke bp this coniecmr, that great abundance of cucumbers arc brought tbptber from Arabia F*lix, tobicbe tljep eate, calfpttg a* luap tbe parpngesimtbouttbeir Ijoufeso? tabernacles, inhere a multituoe of the fapoe poo?e people geatber tbern euen out of the mpje ano fanoo, ano eate them, ano are fo grecote of tbefe parpnges, that tbep fpgbt inbo map geatber mod . ©jeoape folounngjtbetr c^'Cmbicb are in place tomb them as initb us the poachers of goosino?oe)afcenoeo into a bpgb mountapne, to pjeacbe to tbe people tljacremapneo beneath : ano pjcacljeo to ac gooM (tu them in tbep? language tbcfpace of an bourc* Wn fumrne of bis lnatu fermon iuas 3 that initb teares tbep (bouioe beinaple tbep? {niites,anobeate tbetrb?edes, initb Ogbes ano lamentation. 8no tin poacher bpm feifeintcb louoe Uopce,fpake tbefe inoo?oes , O 3b? abarn beloueo of goo, © 31faac cbofen of goo, ano bis ftenb* pjape to goo fo? the people of Kali * ££Jben tbefe inoo?oes inere iboitiicra trouj fapoe, fooen'p inere bearo lamenting uopces.&Hbeu tlje fermon ° ^oone, a rnmo? inasfp?eooetl;ata great armpe of 3ra- btanSjto the number oftuoemte tboufanoe, mere commpng. 7 3p?appou alTta mee.^eafken J1 c,i ^ « * Bbb-k me Raping ofm> flame to gwimi. 4r&«realmeaf iDcdMin ia 3«&ia, Lewes Vcrtomannuj me toljerefn ♦ Co helpe me (fapoe 35) botoe 31 map fecretlp oe* parte fjence ♦ Confirmpng bp great otljeg,tljat 31 luoulo goe to tljofe Kinges tljat mere mod enemies to tlje Cbjidiang : gfftr* mpttg furthermore, tljat3kncme certapnefeeretesgreatlp to be edeemeo, mbtebeif tbcp mm knomen to tlje fapoe kpnges, 31 tsoubteb not but tljat in fljojte tpme 31 djouloe bee fenefoj from Mecha . $donpdjeo at tljefe mooses, Ije fapoe onto mee, 31 p?ap pou mlja: arte or feeme Doc pott knomc H 3 an* fmereo, tljat 3 moulo gpue place to no man in niakpng of all matter cftBwmeg atiDarttllen'e* Cljen fapoe ljee,p>apfeo be fpaljumet m’jo fent tljee ljptljer,to oo him ano Ijts &>atntes gooo ferut'ce : ano millco me to remapne fecretlp tn Ijtst Ijottfe mttlj bfe Uipfe, anorequpreonte earnttllp to cbtapnc Icatte ofour Cap* tapnc, tljat bnocr big namelje mpgljtleaoe from Mecha fatim Cameileslascn mttlj tpiccs, mitboutpaptnganpeudome : foj tljepojomartlppapcto tlje ^oltan tljtrtte fearapbeg ofgoloe, for tranfpo^tpng of fuclj mercljanoieg for tlje charge of fo manp Camebes • 3 put Ijtm tn gooo Ijope of big requed, although Ije msulo afkcfora Ijunoreo, afFprmpngtbat tljat mpgljieadlp be obtepneo bp tlje pjtutleges of tlje Sgamalukeg, ano therefore oe* fireoljtmtljatJ mpgljtfafelp remapne tnljtsljoufe* Cljcn no* tljpng ooubtpng to obtapne W requed, be greaelp rctopreD,anO talkpng mitlj me pet mojefreelp, gatte me further indructiong, anocounfapleometo repapre to a certapne Epng of tlje greater 1 ndia, tn tlje kpngoome ano realme of T>ecbm, mljereof me mill fpeake hereafter . Cbcrfore the oap before the Carauana oepar* teofrom Mecha, be m:lleo me to Ipeljpooe in tlje mod fecrete parte of bis houfe . Cbe oap folompng ? earlp in the mo?npng,thc trumpetter of the Carauana gauemarning to all the ^amalukeo to make renote their ljorfes,to otrecte tljetr iournep tomaro Syria, luttb p^oclatnattou of Death to all that djouloe refttfe fo to Doe* 2Hljen 3 hearoe tlje founoe of the Crumpet, ano mag aouertifeo oftbedretgbtcommaunocment, 3 mas marueplouflp trouble® tnmpnoe, anomithheaup countenaunce oefireothe^aljume* fans mpfe not to bemjape me, ano mttlj earned pjaper commit* teo mp felfe to the mercte of 6oo ♦ On the Cuefoap folompng, our C4r4#4M40eparteo from Mecha, ano 3 remapneo m the ^a^umetang {joule mitbh$ mpfe^butbe folomeo tlje Carauana . Navigations. 37 a $etbcfo?e beoeparteo, be gaue commatmoement to bfe topfe to typng me tot tycarauana, tobiebfljoulooeparte from zida the pojte of Mecb^t 0 goe into India . Ebts pojte is otftant from A/ecJkjrt mtleg. TOtleff 31 lope thus bpo in the ^abumetan* boufe, 3 l can not ejcp?efle bolu frienolp Ijto totfe bfeo me . al j fofuttbereomp gooo imertepnement, that there toas in the Ijoufe a fapje pouug rnapoe, the Jftiefe of the 3pabumetan,tobo tuas greatfp m loue lure!} me ♦ 35ucat tljat tpme, in tbempooefl: m( i ietien(0 ^ of tijofe troubles ant* feare, tbe fp?e of &enus inas almotfejr* itt&iag tobo is bis fubiecte * ^be inbabttauntesareSpabume* tans.^lje fople ts bnfruitful(,ano lacKetb frelbe toater ♦ ©je fra beacetb agapnfttljetotone . ^bereisncuertbelefleabounoance ofalltbinges tbutbpugbc tbptber from other places, as from !Babploitof2N li!us,jrabia Felix, anoopuers other places . 3Tb e beate is here fc great, that men are in maner o^pco bp there* tottb- ano therefore there is euer a great number of Ache folfces* ffteciiie contepnetb about fpue buno?eo boufeg. 25bb iu after tom 8ratjfo to fOnfliU ^5 2 reOrea* Lewes Vertom annus $ft er fyftim oapes tatrc pad, 3 couenaunteo totth a ptfof,fofj& toasreaop tooeparte from tljence into Perfia, anoagreeo of tbe p?tce,to go c ttritlj Ijtm* %\)m lape ac Sinker tn tbe Ijauen almod a ljtino;teo3£jtgamtne$ ano jfotfles,U)ttlj outers boatcs atto bar* kes cf funojp fojtes, botlj irntlj £>jes ano tnttbout ©jes. ^bcrefojcafrertbjceoapes, gpupng tnpnoctocurfaples, roe emrco into tljereooe fea, otljertopfenamco AfareErj>tbr*umt Of the red fea, and why it can not be failed inthenyght. Cap. 21* ^tsinenfcnotoen fo topfe men tljat tW featsnotreo,as fomeljauetmagtneo, but to of tlje colour of other feas . unne . Jf o? tins fea, is naut* gable onlptntlje oaptptne : ano therefore tn the ntghtes, tbe marpners red tbem,bm tpl! ttjep come to tbe 3Ilanoe narneo cbameran, from ntljettce tbep p^ocecoefojtoaroe mojefafelp* 222ljp cbijs fea cannot be fap!eo tn tbe npgljt,tljep fap tbe caufe to be, tljat there are manp oaungerous fanoes, rockes, ano fljelues : ano therefore tljat it i& iteeoefull of otltgent ano long pjofpecte,from tlje toppe Cadeli of tlje (Ijpppe, to fojefee tlje Dangerous places* Navigations. 37f Thefecondebooke.entreating of J Yalta Tdlx, That is 5 the happie or blefled Jrabia . Of the citieof Gezan, and the fruitfulncflc thereof. Cap . I . ©jafmudje asbptbettotoce baue fpoken fometobateftbe matters of the people anQ cities of Jrabia Vxlix, it map notoe feeme jeonuement to fintlbe Che rede of our bpage tottl; fuel) tljingcsastoe bane fecne in the |faptecouncrepcf/r^/4. ^herefo?e after ^etitit of ifyc napes faplpng, became to aeftie na= men Gezan . 3it bath a commohious po)te,anti uetp fap)e,tohere toe founo about fourtie ano fpue B'jtgatttmeS anb ^otte of up* uers regions ♦ ^be ettte is ijaroe bp the fea fpoe, anD the prince thereof, is a $0al)umecan * Zljz toilets fruitful, Ip&ebntoSta* ite: 3ft beared) pomegranates, ©uinfes, peaches, Apples of Affyria, pepons, spelmts, Oranges, (Sourness, anD npuers o* ther frtrites : 8lfo Eofes, ano funnjp fortes of floureiMbe fapjeft that euer 3 latoe: St feemetl) an earthlp paranpfe ♦ ‘STbe molle parte of the inbabitaunces go naken.Jn other tbtngcs, thep Ipue after the maner of the ^ahumetans ♦ ^There is alfo great ahum Dance of flelbe, toheate, barlep,tbegrapneoftohpce fillet o? Hpi'rfe (tobtebe djep call Dora) tohereof thep make berp toeete tyean. Of ccrtayne people named Ban- dum. Cap. 2*. D eparting from the ct'tfe of Gezan , the fpace of.b.tapcs, fapltng totoarnc the lefte banne, haupng euer the coaft of the lanoetn fight, toe came to the light of ccrtavne horn fes, tohere aboue.jcim.ofbs toenf aIanbe,hoppngto haue bah feme btctuals oftbetnbabttans.'But toe loll our labour, foj in d;e llccoe of victuals, thep call ftoncs at us tottb fiinges. <£bep toereabcut a bunojen that fought tottb cur men foj U;e fpace of 35bb«iu. an Lewes Vertomannus mi boure . ©f them mere flapne ♦ icrtttn €lje red mere Bjptten to flpgljr, tljep iwere ttakea, ana baa none otljer meapons then (1pm ges ♦ lifter tljepj flpgbc 3 me bjougbe amap mttb bs certapne bens anB Calues berp gooa . g>bojtlp after a great multttu&e of tbe inbabitauntcslbemeo them fete to tlje number offpueoj fpjee ijunajeatbutmeocparteB mttb our p^ape, ano returneatotbe l&pppes* . : Of an Ilandc of the red fen, named Camaran* Cap.3. 7 ^ Upe fame nap faplpng femaroe, me came to an Jlanb na- meo Camay an, mijtclj contepnetb ten mples m ctrcutte*3n tt ts a tomne of tuio bunajea Ijoufes, t!je mbabttantes are $pabtmietans :ttljatbabounaatmce of feeflje mater ana fiefije, ana tbe fapjted falte tbateuerS fame . ^be po?te ts ctgbc tuples from tlje comment, tt ts fubiccte to tbe 4>oltan of Ama* nian of Arabia Fcelix . lifter me i}aD rtmapnea here tmo aapes, metookeourmaptomaroetbe moutb of tbe reafeamtljc fpace of tmo napes faplpng : %W fea map here be faplco both nap ana ttpgbt ♦ jfojt(3s me bane fapae before) from tljis 3itanoe bnta tlje pojee tfizida, tbe rea feats not fafdp namgablebp npgbt* fSlbut me came to tlje moutb of tlje fea 3 me feemea to be in ma* nei* tndofea, foj tb at tbe moutb of tlje fea ts there berp tfrepgbt, ana no mo?e tljen tbjee mples otter * ^omarae tlje right Ijanae, tbe comment lanae ts feeneoftbe bepgbc often pafes: tbe fmie feemetb rune ana not culturea . 8ttljeiefte Ijanbe of tbe fapoe mouth, rpfetljaberpbpgbbpll of ff one. 3!ntlje mpaacd of tbe mouth, tjat a Ittlc 3!lanbe bnljabttea, namea tiebmendo, ana ts to* maraetbeleftebanaetotbemtljatfapleto^//^ : But tbeptbac goe to Aden, mud keepe tbe map to tlje lefte Ijanbe* 5!il tbts map, me baa euer tlje lattoe tn our figbr, from Mmmdo to A dm, m tl;e fpace of tmo aapes ana a bade* Nauteatiotts. 37 * Of thecit’ieof Aden, and ofthcirmancr* and cuftomes towarde flraun- gers* Cap. 4. I Doe not remember that 31 (jatte feeneanp dcicbettct fojtt* I fteD then this :3It (tanoetb on a fople 110 c much imcquail, it is a&en iooHc, 1 malleo on cujo (pnegs : relic is incIoftrD unci) motmtapnc^ o!tan of that place, mijo aOemblpng bis counfaple, affteD tbeir opinion if 31 fijoulD bee put to Death ag a fppe of inWhiaani 5 tbe Cb?tfliang. $$£$£ Vibe feoltanbim felfe mas out of tberitte, anD therefore big bated, JLteuetenaunf, mbobaopet ncuer auiuDgeD anp man to Death, tI;ougbt it notgooD to gpue fentence agapnft mec 3 befo?e the * Bbb.iiii, ‘Srttcluaoibcfit of til cm til at piatiffctliere^ StgtoucfJiBa* Diiam, i Lewes Verfomanmt* &o!tan C6 ouId bz aouerttfeu hereof ♦ %m therefore 3! efcapeo thtspicfemoaunger, anoremapneu m cutfooie fiftfe ano fpue ospes, mitb an 3Iron of etgiKtene iiounDe lxicpo^t Uangpng; at mpfeete* ®be feconoe nap after 31 mas taken, tnanp ^alju* metans in great rage refo?teo to bun, mbofe office mas to make tnqtuSrionof treafon . Cbcfe a feme oapes before, bp fmpnu mpng barolp efcapeo the banoes of tbe pojtugales, mitb the Ioffe ofthepj jr oiftes ano Barker, ano ci^erefo^eDefireD greatlp to bee reuengeo of the Cfeiliians : a%mpng mtib outragiotts crpe, that 31 mas a fppe of tlje ]3o;ttugaIcs« But 6 od fapleo not to affpff me . jfo^tbemaitooftbep?tfon,percepumgcljeotiti« rage of the Spahumetans, ano fearpng tbactbep moulo offer me btolence, mane fat! tbe gates of the pjifon * 3fter ebat fpue ano ftftte oapes mere patfe, the Sboltan commaunoeo that 3\ (boulo be brought before him : ano fo, fet bppon a Camel mitb mp (hackles, 3 came in eight oapes tourney to the place mbere the ^oltanlape, anomasbmugbccobispjefenceinacitte na- meo Qfyada : foj there the <§>o!tanbao affcmbleo anarmp of tbtrti'e thouianoemeiijtomakernarrc agapnlftbe feoltanofthe tuie of Sana, mbtebe ts tbjee oapes tournep front tyada , ano Hittate partlp on the oecltniitg of a bpll, ano partlp in a plapne, berpfapjetobefcenc, mdlpeopleo, ano battpng plencie of all thinges . TOen 31 came before the ^>oltan, be began to afke me mljae 31 mas . 31 anfmereo that 3! mas a Homan, ppfeffco a Spamaluke in Babploncf Jlcajr, anotljac of religious mpno tomfchargempconfcienceofaoome mhtche 3Ibaomaoe to fee thebooteef the faolp pmpb c? > 31 came to the ettieof Me* d’ndibalbabiM)mt\)ty fapbe ts bunco : ano that in all cutes ano cotmtreps bp the map, 31 Oearoe honourable repose of bis greameffe, toJifeootne, ano Cmguler Oertue, ano therefore ceaffeo not bntpll 31 entreo bis oonumons,moife oefirous to fee bis face, pefopngtbankcsco (£5oo,miD Kabi, that it mas nome mp chaunce tobepjefentcoberoze bun: truffpngcbattbe equttieof bis mifeoome,meu!o tberebp confpoer that 3! mas no fppe of the Cb?iilians, but a true 3pabumetan,ano bis feruant ano flaue. Chen Ctpoe the gooltan , <§>ape , Leila illaU Mahumn refulUU : mbtehe mooses 31 cottloe netter meil pronounce, eptbertljau't pleafeo not <0oo ? o^ chat foj feare anofcwpte Navigations* 373 of conference, 3 &udf not . ©jerefo?etobenbee fatoemee IjoiDemp peace, becommitteo meagapneto p?pfon,commaun- opng that 3 fljouloe be tf raigbtlp loobeD onto, tofjere .jebi. men ofebeettietoere appopmeD 3 euerpDapefoure 3 co toatebe me bp courfe.&otbat fo? tbefpacc oftb?emonetbcs 3 3! ban not$ frtntu on of beaue,During to&icb mtferabie time, me Diet toas cuerp Dap alofe of mpllet, fo litle tljat feuen of tbem toouloe not baue fattf* fpeo mp bungee fo? one oape : But if 3 mpgbc baue bao ntp fpll of toater,3 toouloe baue thought mp felfe bappie . 2£titljin tb?ccoapes after tfosoltan marcbeD toitb bis armp of tbp?ite tboufanoe footemen (astoebaue lapDc) anotb?cetboufanoe bo?femen 3 tobefeegetbe ctete of Sam . %{yzk bo?femen toere !llier0!)Oirc# bo?ne of Cb?iftian parentes 3 ano blaclte liketbe Ctbtoptans, men of anD tobple tbep mere pet oerppoung, toere bought in the fcpng* Dome of p?eflec 3Iobn, natneo in ilatine frejlyter Iobannes, of ^eantet 0? ratbec freaofus lobannes * %\)tk £b?ilfian ^tbiopfanS, Ibbpffntifim^ are alfo namco Jkbyffmi * ^rijep are brought bp in Difcipltne uer^itaet oftoarre,as aretbe Mamalu\es anD Jenetzares of the £utkes. 3°D» U %\) is Soltan batb them in great eflimacion 3 fo? tbep are tbe garo of bio otone perfen, anD therefore baue greater toages , ano are a garb of fours in number fourefco?e tboufanoe ♦ ®ep couer tbep? uoDte toitb a flnoon 3 ltke Onto a clafce 0 ? cape 3 pu(ting out onelp one arme 3 anD v arebcfpDenaheo tottbo ut anp other apparel! ♦ Jntbe toarres tbep bferounDetargctees.maDeofbuflesbpDes, umb ccrtapne litle barren of 31ron to ifrengtben them, ®*e fe targets are papm teDberpfap?etoitbfmiD?pe colours, nno.uerp commoDious to refpfte Dams, ano are in largenefie as muclje as the mouth of a barelhtbe banole ts maDe oftoooDDe 3 as upggeastbep map toell boloe in tbep? banoes 3 ano maoe fall toitb naples* ®ep bfe Dartes 3 anDibo?teb?oDeftooo?oes» $c other tpmes 3 tbepbfe alfo Oeflures of Ipnnen doth offunD?p colottres^lfo of goflampme 0? Xylon, ocbertopfe alfo namco bombaflne ♦ 3hi the toarres 5 eucrp man beared) toitb bpm a flung, toljicb be cafteeh, fp?fl (hafcpng it sums*** often about bts beao ♦ COben tbep come to jd. o?.ipeeres of age, tbep mafce tbem bo?nes 3 bp to?eatbpng p beare of tbeir beos > fo bearpng ttoo bo?nes Ipfce poung <£5o:es . fpende almod tbe mboledapeinbebol* ttpngme : and tn tbe meanefeafon diuers tpmes Cent me fe* cretlpemucljegood meate bp ber mapdens, and mben fibe fam tbe dopes cj other do me anpburt 3 fl;ebadde me kpH them, and fparenot, rctiplpng tljcm aifo 3 and callpng them oogges ana beades. 3 ntljcpallacc mas nourplbeoagreat face fljeepeifoj there are fome offudj cjcreeopngbpgneirc, tljaconlp t&etaple Wn , etoit!l ijuapetlj.jd. 0 ? ,)t«. poundemepgOt. Sender cbecoloure of mad- occ«i»png great nelfe, 31 lapd band on this Ojeepe, Taping 1 Leila illala Mabumet taJ?les * refullala : mbicb mojdes the Soltan befoje 3 mben 31 mas brought to ljt 0 p?cfence 3 mpllpd me to fap 3 to p?oue mbetber 3 mrre a Mabumetan 0 ? a pjofefied Mamalukc. But tbe bead anftue- rpng noting , 31 afkco Ijpin pf (je lucre a Mibmmtan , 3!etoe , * oi Cbjtffian . 9nfli»pl!pngco make bpm a M ahum;u,i,i,xt-- m «an. “ bearfed agapnetlje fapde iuoo^dcs Leila ilia l a Mabumet refulla - k(tbac is to Tape) there is one ainct , but a man man . ®be queene fepng all this at the mpnsomc, laugbes mdl thereat among her mapsens,ansfapD thus to them , Bp the gooDneffe of <0os, ano bp the beau of Mabumet, this is a goon man. ®eDapfolompng,mbcnin the mo?npng3i fotmDehpm a fepe that has fo fo?e hurt me mtth (tones , 31 toobe hpnt bp tljeheareofthe beau mith both hanses, ans mitbmpbneefo potutcbeD hpm on the (fomacbe,ans bactereo btsface,tbac 31 left bpm allb!ooDop 3 anD half seas. C^hich thpng the queene feeing, crpeo bnto me (aping, bpli the bead, bpil the ooggc : mberapon, heranhismap 3 ano came no mo?e in fpght . fKKbenthep?eft* Dent of the cute hears that the queene fauoures me, $ tobe plea* fure in mp mas fpo?t, thpnkpng alfo that 31 mas not mas ,com* maunDes that 5 fbotilse goe at Ipbera'e mtebin tljepallace, onlp mearpttg mp (hackles : get euerp npgbt mas 31 put in an other PfPfon in tyz lomer part of the pallace, ans fo remapnes dpi in Navigations* 375 tlie cDUtet fo> tbe fpacc ef rr.tjapes * 3M )z mcane tpme, the queene tuptlca me to go a Uuntpng inttb ber, mljtcbe 31 refit* feti not, aim at mp returned famco me to be fteke fo? tneerinefle* ^oeonun»png ^tbefpaceofepgbtDape£!,unDer tbe colottre of fickenes.tbe queene often Cent to me to knoln boro 31 oto.SIfter tbts,fpnopngopovumtte,3!oedareototbe queene tljat3l ban matte a bom to <0oo atm Sgabumet to ulfite a rename boip man in t&ecitte of Aden, anooetp^eober togcuemeleaue to go tbp* tbet* thereunto fljeconfenteojantj cammaunoeo tmmem'atlp aCammellano .rrb. ^arrapbeg of goibc to beoelpuereo me. ®berfee § Bap foloutpng,3 tooke mp to?nep.anD tn tljc fpace of cpgbtoape&cametotbe eitte of Aden : ano flm?tlp after mp eommpng, upfiteo tbe man of inborn mas fo great repojte of bo* a £ 0lp fajntt Ipnelfe, aim inborn tbe people bonoureo fo? a faint* 3no tW oneip,becaufebebao euerIpucomgreatpouerttc,anD inttbout tbe companp of momcn . 3no beare are feene manp other fuel?: 3i5ut ooubtiefle all fitebe lofe cbep? laboure, bepng out of tbe faptlj ofCbjtft ♦ SStben 31 bao perfourmen mp bolne, 3 fapneo that 3 ban recouereo health bprap?acle of tbac Ijofp man, atm certtfieo tbe queene thereof, oefpjpngtbat 3 mpgbt tarpe there a inljplMobtfpte Ipketoife certapne other men in that eoumrep,of inborn mag tbelpke fame ofboIpnelTeiuibicbeerciife Joeut* feD,becaufe the fleece of India inouloe not pet depart from tbence fo?tbcfpaceofamonetb.3nt6emeanetpme31 fecrctlp agreeo c&fflmtaf inttb a certapne captapne of that ttaute to goenutbbpmmto/w- a«Bia* dia, atm matte bpm manp fap?e pjormfleis to retuaroe bpm Iarg* ip . {lpeanfu)eareB,tbat be inouloe not go into India before be bao fpjff ben in Tcrfiat inberunto 3 agreeo. Of the cities of Lagi and Aiaz in Arabia Felix: And of the martes of Aiaz and the towne of Dante. Oip.7* T $e nape fololnpng, mountpng bppon a Cameff, m makpngaiopiepof.jcjtu. mplcs?, 3 came to a certapne ettie mameo Lagifimu in a great plapne>mell peoples, baupng abutmaunce of ffiliucMns Bribe, initb alfo great plentic Strife aitb fja* treU foj rcltgig anb all tuoitft MOUgtJt* Jl&ortusfoalt as tfre^dcrft an# cau f?pm. Lewes Vertomannus pfemieofco?ne 3 after out maner : but no btneeymn gteaefcarfc* nefleof toaoooe ♦ ^Dbe inbabttatmtes are bnctuile anorufticafl people, oftbe nation of bagabttnoe anofeeloe 3rabians 3 ano tberfoje but pooje.Departing fro (mice one oats io?nep 3 3 came to an other citie names ^^ficuafebppontlDobpIlesjtotcba great platne bettoeene them 3 ano bath in it a notable founcapne, $ tberfoje outers nations refo?t tbltljer a3 to a famous mart/&be fnbabttauntesare ^abumetans, ano pet gveatlp oifferptig in optmonof tbep? religion : infomticbe that therefore tbep be at great emmttie one agapnft tbe other, ano fecepe fo?e mane, ^becaufeinbereoftbepfapetobetbis : Ebat tbe people of tbe no?tbmountapne 3 mapntepne tbe faptb ano fecte of Sgtebuniet anobi$fttotoes 3 of inborn toe baue fpoben before : but the c* tberof the &outb mountapne affp?me 3 that faptb ftoutoe be geuenonelpto^abumetanoHV^ faping tbe other to befalfe pjopbetes ♦ But let bs notoe returne to tbemarte. $!molt all maner of fpices are brought bptber. &be region bjpngetb foojtlj fplbeano bombaffine^alfo oiuers gooolp fumes, ano bpnes. i)ntbetoppeofbotbtbebpUeS)areuerplfrong fo?trefies 3 tlno napes iojnep from thence is tbe citieof^ff, toell fojtifteo both bp arte ano nature 3 Ocuate in the toppeofaberp great mountaine. Of Almacharan»acitic of Arabia Fxli^and of the fruitefulneffe thereof .Cap* 8* D ^partpng from ft Ante, toe came to the citie of Jlmacha* ran, in ttoo oapes to?nep * ^bis is Ornate on a berp bpgb mountapne 3 anooecfpnpng 3 anotJifficuUeto afeenoe, as oftlje bepgbc offeuen mples 3 ano the map fo naroto 3 that oneip ttoo men can palfetogeatbec . 3ln tbe toppe, is a plapne of increoible largenelTe 3 berpfrmteful 3 toitbpientie ofalltbpnges to the bfe of man * $no therefore 3 tbpnbe it to be merpugna* ble 9 inacce(ftbfe:baupng alfo fo great abunoaunce of toater 3 tbat one fouiuaine map tuffice fo? a buno?eo tboufano men . $no tl;er* fo?e tbep fape that the Soltan here bpoerb fyz treafure 3 becaufe be toasbojne in this citie. ......... . Navigations* 37$ f;creairoctttrrema^nctboneofbii 3 U)j)«e^* Me ap?e fe mat* ueplouertempcrateanobolfome, ano tbe ettte feccnoe to none tit ail refpecrcsi : tbe colour of tbe inhabitant# to rather endp* ttpttgtombp&^tbcn anp other colour, 3no to (peake that 31 baue xemuebt 30 m feene, tbe Saltan refecuetb here a$mucb goloe, ao ropll iaoea buno^co Camclg. nui». OfRcame acitie of Arabia Fselix, and the ternperatenefle thereof* Cap 4 9* T pg ettte fa m'ffaunt ttoo oapess upepfrom Jlmtcam t . Me colour of the tubabttames to enriinpngto Macke: tbep are great nurebanteo . Mjefoplets fruitful! of all tbpngeofaupngUiooo 1 it contepnetb m ctreutte ttoo tboufanoeboufeaitontbe one fpoe to a mountapne Ijaupngoti tcaberp (frongfojtrefie. 5pere3IfaU)acertapnelu'nDeof(!jeepe (jaupngtijep^tapleooffo^tteanofourepounDemcpgljt , ano are of^pouno* imtijout&ojneo 5 ano alfo fomarueplotts fat, that tljep can fcarce- tomtn. ipgoefojfamefle. Mere be Iptaopfe certapne grapes totth* out grapneo, tbe fiweetelf that cuer 3 eate,atto al maner offuelje toit ^ frmteo 3 ao 31 bauefpoken of before* 3lt to of marueplous tern* oatgrapnue. peracertefle^ as tmtneflf tb the long Ipfe of men , fo? 3! Ijaue fpo- *en tottb manp of them that baue paflfeo tbe age of a bunojeo mm ef Isng an&fpue ano tmentte peereo 3 $ pet berpe iulfp ano roe! complex ipfe m tempt* loneo. Mep goe foj tbe moft part naked , mcarpng on!p fbp?to 3 mt mt * 0 ? other loofe ano tbpnne apparel!, ipke ^antellco , puttpng out one $rme all bare. Q!mo!fea!!tbe Arabians make them Borneo b 3 ttbui?eatbpng oftbepjoUmebeare , ano that they cbpnke berpeomelp* Of Sana a citie of Arabia Fadix* Cap, JO. D epart png from tbence tfeee napes (ojmep , 3 came to acute named Sana , Otuarebppon a berpe bpgbe motmeapne , berpe ftrong bp 3rte ano Mature . Me Solun befyegeotbfa 5 uittyagreat armpe of fourc- fcoje ? ? * Lewes Vertomattnm in ampt of &W t&otriStttie men fo? tlje Osare of tlj;cc moncte, but couf&i fouuimt neuerbspnnctt.gct itbjas at tlje lalUenoerco bp compaction* kjou anomett* tudUcss: are of epgbtcenc cubites Ijepgbt, ann tbsemiein ^troHstoairro. tyeaotfj 3 tnfomuclj that cpgljt Camels in cjner mapbsd tmrebe bpontbem. Zijc region & berp fruitefull anoniudje IpKe lm« to ours 3 ano batlj piemte of bsater.$ Soltani# Lojue of cbe cute: bee batb tuacluc fonnes, cf t be bsbtcbe one is namen Mahume^ Anthpoph * - tyacertapne natural! tpjtannpeann maonelTe 3 oclptetb inf, * 1 t0 wte mans! fieefte, anotljerfcje fecretfp fepliet^ manp * ' to eace them . fyz ts of large ann flrong hoop , of foure cubkes bpgb 3 annoftbecolouretncitnpng to albeS-Cbe fople beared) certapnefppcesnotfarre from djie erne. 3!c conccpnetb about foure cboufann Ijoufes. ^beboufesare effapje buplopng, aim geue no place to outs . ^ibe ettie to fo large, tijattc contep* netlj bmbm tlje bsalles 3 Seines 3 garnens * ann uuoobses* • ; . . . ' . # ) Of Taefla > Zibith ,and Damar , great cities of Arabia Eaelix. Cap » I u A tftct tlj?ee napes tojnep 3 3! came to a ctete nanten Taejfa, fptuatebpponamoumapne 5 annberpe fapjetofpgljf : it ncu». batbplemteofalinclices , anoefpectallpof marueploust fapje Eofes, bsljereof tbep make Hofe bsater . 31c is an otmetent cine, ann batb nut a temple buplnen after tlje fafijb on of tlje cburclje ofsantf* Mark %otunda tn Home. Wb e bom fes are berp fapje, ants Qjctue pet tlje monumentes of anttqmtie: innumerable merdjanteorefojt bptber foj tlje eraffcekeof turn ^pmercljanoies .SinapparrelltljeparelpkePmo otber 3 ann cf narkpfljeafljecoloure of fkpnne, cnclpnpngto blacfce * 3Db?ee napes iojnep from tljcnce 3 31 came to an ccljerctue nanten £*- bitb, berp fapje ann goon 3 niff aunt from tbe renne fea onlpe balfeanapestojnep: thereto great abundance of mercljannteS bp reafonoftbenearenclTe of tbe fea. 31cabounnetlj butts tnanp fbuztt : gooolp tbpnges, ann cfpectaHp bsi'clj mod bsljife gmger 3 ann funnjpe fcpnnes ofplealantfruttes.3It tsfpcuatcmauerp large plapnebsitljintbsomoumapnes ;ic lacked) b)alles 3 ann ts one of tlje cbeefeli nurces foj all fojtes of fppees . &l;e inhabitants are of (fee colour of them afoseliune . #rom Ijence in cue napess iojnep " Maaig atioos; I f 77 mfyzmk in & MttfsM fjatl; great cjtetctft oftmrcbanDife, ^Tbe Mutants are Mato* met ms, m apparrell anD colour Ipbe bmo tbe other. Of the Soltan of the aforefaydccities s and why he is named Sechamir* Cap* 12*. T lpefc cutes fcobeteef toe feauc fpoben here a fide before, are fubtect to a Soltan of Arabia F $)?tnce , nameoebe hoIpl{3?ince,&£caufebe abbo?mb tbetrapng of mans blooD . 8t the tpme of nip bepng therein ^|[ ul p?pfon,benourp(beD fpjcteenetboufanD poo?e men, ants cap* p nuess in p?pfon conDemncD to Death , allctopng to eucrp of them saplp foj tl;ep? met , fppe of tbcp? pence of clje fmalfelf oalure , f f4m ^ anb at borne tn bis pallace entertapnetb as manp blacbe flatten ipE-5 Of Monkeys and Marmafettes, and other beaftes 3 noyfoine to men* Cap IJ. D epartpngftdm hence, 31 mumento t&c tmoUden mtb?eeDapesio?nepttntbe miDDc toape,3I founoean cap, e;rceeDpngbpghano targe mounfapne,tuhereis great pentte of tuploe bealfes, anoefpectallp of Sjponbcps, Mjtcberunncabout tbentountapneeuerp Usfjerc. ^(jereareah fo manp lions, berp nopfome to mem ano therefore it tg not fafe m . to to^ncp that tnap, but Ui'jen a muIttttiDe of men goe togeatber, Lous, v 9 at tbe ieatf to the number of a bunDKb ♦ 31 pages this tuap toritb n great compame 3 anb pet toere toe in oaunger of tbe lions, ano ^ ^ otber cuploe beaaes toln'cb fololneD DS : fo? toe toere fomettmes SSLiL, contfrapnea to fpgbt Uritb them tottb oartes 3 flpngs 3 anb batues, bfpng alfo tbe beipe of Dogges, ana pet efcapeD barolp . cOben 3 came to tbe citie,31 fapneo nip felfe ftche : anD in tbe Dap tpme lurfxCD tn tbe temp!e,anD toentfoo?tb onlp in tbe m'gbt to fpeabe toitb tbe pilot of tbe (bpp (of tobom 31 baue maoe mention be* fo?e)anoobtepneoofbpma foul o? barbe to Depart thence fecrecfp* Ccc i. ©f Lewes Vertomannus Ofcertayne places of Ethio-* - pia,Cap»I4*,. I B$efpjc( chapter here before, 31 Jjatie mabe mjentton fjotoe Departing from tbe queene 31 men t. to tbe cm of Jden&'wz 31 couenaunteD tot'd) a certapne ptloc to gee toitlj bpni into India , anD that be tooutoe not go djpt&cr tiefo^e tjaofp^lf mabe a btage into Terfu^ anbtbatat mpfp?d bepng inibtcu tie of JdenA)t coutoe not pet fojttbefpaceof a monetb Depart front thence: Durpngtobicbetpme 3 3 iratiepieDtberrgions anD citpes 5 toljereof31 bsuefpofcen 3 bnto tljtsmp returne to/* den. Botoe t&erfoje accojbpng to our agreement to trauaple &t* cmtpett, uei rs countteps anD regions , committing our felues to die fea, toe mere bp inccnif ant fortune anDfunD^p tcmpedes 3 DeterreD from that Diage : fo? toljercas toe tocre notoe fpjee Dapes failpng &ta£* tt0 cn curtoape to Perfia, a foDapne contrarp tempede D?ouc us ^rtjxope, ctlt 0 f ottr toape 3 anb caff bs on tbe coad of Etbiope , ©ur barker toere labcn toitfj rubjicke (that ts 3 a certapne rebbe can!;) toljicf; is DfeDtoDpeclotljtfo^peerelpfrom the ettteof /den, Dcparte fpfteene o? ttoemie fljpps iaben toitlj rub?icbe 3 toijicb is bjougbt mtofJrabiaFtlix. 35epng therefore thus tcifeDtottb do)me$ 3 toe toere D?pucn into a po)t 3 nameD ZeiU : toberetoe remapneD fpue Dapes to fee tbe cute 3 attD tarrpe bmpli rbefca toeremo^e quiet. r Of the citieZeila in Ethiopia? and the great fruitfulneffetherof: and ofcertayne ftraunge bcaftes feene there. Cap. 15» % I B this citie 3 is great freequenf atton of merebanbtes, as in a . mod famous mart*<£&ere is marueplous abunbancc of goto mate flawed anD 3uerpe, anD an innumerable number of blacfce fiaues s fbioe fo? a.fmaUp)pcc: tbcfearetafcen tn toarrebptbc 30a 4 buwetan spojes 3 out of EthjofU , of tl;e bpngbome of ( tif ,V Navigations; 578 -ter Johannes, 0) Qmiofus Johannes, mbtrfjC folt10 alfo COi! tfjC fairer 30# 'fywQoflacobins cj Jbjfins, bepngaCbjtftkm: and are cart; -£D alum from ChetlCC taro Terfia , Arabia Fctlix, Babylonia of £u PlTms. Kilns 0} Jlcair, and Mecha. 3n tljts cute iullice anD gCOd $ SC5 ^ toes ate obferued ♦. the fcple beared) SiUbcatc, and Oath abun* 4 duiticc of foil), and Diners other commodious tbpngcs. 31 1 Ijatlj alfo£DpItynctof Coptics, butoffome oetjer tbpng, 3lknome not mbat.C&cre is alfo plentte of J^onpano OTajce : there ate Wtft - Ipkempfe cerfapne (bcepe, baupng cbep? taples of tlje mcpgbt of gtLuiapiw, fppeteencpotmoe, and epccedpngfatte, the bead and ne eke are biacke,andalitbereU mbpte ♦ Cbcre arc alfo fbeepeattogca* 'tber mbpte, baupng taples of atttbtie Iong,bangpng domne Ipkeagreat cluto of grayed: and baue alfo great iappesof Tirana, ffepnne bangpng from tbepj emotes, as baue Julies and Cfren, bangpng domne almoif to the grounoe. Cbcre are alfo ccrtaine apnetoito Epne uittij bonnes Ipkedntolpartesboines 3 tbefeare mplde: yacte0JOiltMf * and mbentbep bee taken, aregeuemotbeso/k™ of that cute as •a kpnglp p^efent. 3 fame there alfo certapneKpne , baupng cm ftpnei»it& 0 n* Ip onebo^nemtbemtddeft oftbcfoiebead 5 asbatljtbe Glnicomc, lp one &°* ne « and about a fpanne of length, but the bo?ue bended) backmatde? tbep are of bjpgbt Ibpnpng red colour. But cbep that baue fpar* ees bonnes, are endpnpng to blacfce colour. Coupe ts there good tbecpe.Cbe cttte bath an innumerable multitude of merchants : tbetoa!Iesaregreatlpdecaped 3 andtbebaueu rude and defpica- ble. Che ftpng 01 Soltan of the cute is a Mabumetan , and enter* tapnetb in mages a great multitude of foote men and bojfe* men. Cbep are greatlp gettentomarres , andmeareonlpeone loofe fpnglcbeifure,as me baue fapdebefoje of other. Cbep are ofDarkcalT)pecolour 3 endtnmgto blacke. 3Intbemarres 3 tbep are unarmed : and are of the feet of M*bumetr ¥ Of Barbara* anllandeofEthibpe. Cap. 15. jfter that the tempeff eg mere appeafed , mee gatie mpnde to our fapies and in fljo^te tpme arrp* ued at an 31lande named Barbara 3 the J^tnce mhereof is a Mahumaan, Che 31lanoeig not great, Cccai . fDiuobander + mni ¥ <£?jc Soitan of Cambaw. <2>inlfar. ♦©imttff* pcatleo* Lewes Vertomannus but fhtitfitH anti tod! peopled t it batb abunoance offttty&fc in&nbt>nnt0 are ofcoictir cnclpnpngto blacke.3ltbepj rpcb eg* is tn bearocs of cattaple * We remapneobere but one oap 3 anfc oepanpng from be nce 5 fapleo tmo f erfu. The thyrdebooke entreateth ofPerha: audofeertayne townes and partes of Perha.Cap , ; ♦ W Upentoe bao fapleotbe fpace of ttodue oapeg 3 toe arptteo at a cute calico Dmbandenumi , ( tljat is to fap ) tljc bolp po^te of ^urfeegi . It is but a Iicle toap from the continent: tobentfre fea rpfetlj tmtb bpe tpoeg, it t'g an 3!lano enmrsneo tmtlj mafer 3 but at a loute fluoof, o^oecreafeoftbe fea, one map go tbptber bp lano: ft tg fiibtect to tbe Soltan of Cambaia . f&fyt (^OUecnoUC tg ttfitncO M enacheast 3!t ts a marte of great mcrcljanotes . &bere otneil about tefoure buno?eo merchants of tokp: tt ts Utell tnalleo rouno about 3 ano Defenoeo tmtb alfo?£3of engtns^bep baue barkeg ano fypgan* tines fometobat leffetbencwrgtinerematneo Ijere ttoo oa teg* S>epartpngfrombence 3 U)ecametoan ctber cttienameoGo^ tn tbe fpace of tb?ee oape g tojnep ttbfe alfo abcunoetb Im'tb mer* ebanoteg, ano tg a marc greatlp frequenteo. %i)z fople ts frutte^ full, tmtb plentte of all tbpnges neceffarp: tbembabttamegare Mabumeuns^mz Onto tbtg D are ttoo other fapje ettteg ano pmteg 5 nameo Giulfar ano Mefcbet . Of the Hand and citie of Ormus 3 of Ar* imifimn : and of an Hand of Per- . Ha where pearles are found. Cap. P IRoceeopng on our triage 3 toe came to acute mntci 0rw«j 3 oerpefap^e ♦ %\)i gtg feconoetonone tngooo* Ipe ficuation 3 ano plentte of pearleg : tttgtnan3!- - lanoe optfaunc from tbe continent ttnelue tuples : 3!c l;atl; greate fcarceiteffe of fre(l;e boater ano ccjnr, from Nauigatiom; 37j> £ torn ot^cr regions, is tyougbt tbptber all Wtfuancs that non* rplbetbembabttaumes . $:b2eeDapesfaplpngfromtbence,are geatbereo tbofe mufclcjs lobicb bjpng foo^tb tbe fapjeff anD hpg* gelt pearler: tbcp are taken as 3 Drill notoe Declare, ‘ftljere are eertapnementbatgettbep;t Iputngbp fplbpng ♦ ^Ijcfe bauing * 3eailcs * (mall Boates,caft into tbe Tea a great (loneifadeneD to a co^De, anotbis onbotb fpDes of tbe Boate,tomakeitasdeDfad ano mimoueable as a fbpppc Iping at an Sinker , €be Boate thus ftapeD as tttocrenritb tuepgbt anD balance, an other appopm ten totbac purpofc, cadetb into tbe fea a eo^oe nritb a Itcne bangpng at it . 31n the mpDDed of the 15oate an other batting a faefce bangpng on bis fijottloer before ano bebpnDe, ana a Hone ^putre DnDe* bangpng atbisfeete, burletbltm felfe into tbe fea, anDfmim* nietb bnDet tbe toatcr cuen Onto tbe bottome of tbe fea, fo? tbe Deaptb of fpftiene pales o? ntoje, anD there remapnetb bmpK bebauegeacbereo tbepearle ^tfeles, nrineb be puttetljm bis Tache, then be caltetb arnap tbe (lone that niepgbcD him Donme, ano eommetb Dp bp tbe co?oe . 'gljcrc are feene fometpme almodtl^eebun^eDlbpppes^anD other kpnDe of DelTd3,U)btc(j come tbptber from inanp places anD countrcps . £be^ob tan of tbe citie, is a $pabumetan . £bere are abcue fottre bum DjeD merebaunres anD factcurs remapnpng here continuallp, fo$ ibetrafike ofmercbanDiesurijicbecomefrontDiuersotber regi* tms, as dike, peatles, precious dones, fpices, anDfucbelpfce* ^beplpue nricb l&pfefoj tbe mode parte, foj tbcpbaue none stiver cojne* k * • - J * i ; * ^ , i s ' ; l ' . ' ■ * *: I r 4A« Of the citie named Eri in Chorazanba re- gion ofPerfia, and ot the riches ther- oEAlfo of Reubarbarum, Can.3* i * * . J * * r , . ' , t : * ; * # 1 ' ' * . . * « v .r- ' * .*#*•/ 1 • f\*4. . . ? . . i D Cpartpng from Omw, itoem into ftrjia •. 3nD after ten Dapes touniep, 3! came to a certapne cteie nameD Eri. €be nameof tljeregton.. is bp mbtfb dgnfc <£itoja$anio§ dcacton me mapaifo name it FUminU . ^Dbe Epng of € D°iaSw»u tbe region, Dinelfetb in tbe citie :3!t is frtmefull anD plentiful! altnodofaUtijtnges . ®;ere is feene fo greaubounsaunce Cccdiit of <&reaea&tm* Oauuccof dike. fMenHe of come, ffnbartieof ftluljPltre* < 3T!jetwcn 4Bu* Vbbited. £>f&ira. ^lectous IT 0110 fEtje (tone oD 3 fapobc 3 tbat 31 baticnome founo a companion of mp to?nep 3 tbatts taken mill; the fame Oe 0 retbac 31 baue : anotberfo?e fo? tlje fpare of fpfteene DapeS me remapneo togeatber in a citte nameo Squilaz ^ . fye e)djo?tco me not to Depart from bpm 3 but tljat me Gjoulo togea* tbcr 3 bpb^sgapopng 3 trauaplet(jecbeefe partes of tlje mo?!tt» Cnterpng tfjerefo?e onour io?nep 3 me came fp?Gtoap!ace nanteD SainH Bragant, gain* Of thcciticof Sain cl Bragant 3 byggerthen Baby Ion* And cf the kyng of Perfia# named the Sophie. Cap. 5* T ^>ep Tape that tbe citte of SainH $ragant 3 1<3 bpggec djen ftabjlom t\)Z kpng Of tbe citte 3 is a Mahumttan , ©jemercbantesfapetbatmljenit pleafedj hpm , beaf* femb!etbanatmtcoftb?eefco?e tljcufamie Oo?femcn . a« armie S f ©te people are of colour endinpng to mbptenelTc 3 anoberpe tSmZmh r marrdpkemen* ©ris me fap onlp bp enfo?mation of other: fo? inm* me coulee not fafelp page anpe furtljer 3 bp reafon of tlje great mattes mb'cij tl;e Sophie then maoe agapnG tbofe M dhumetam 5 W.jtii) are cftlje feet ano religon Of BuUcbarMomar, $ Omar * #«fciSnD cct-utt. _ ®&«ftS35U , ® u * lioibeof filial gurnet anti fjta felonies. &olD of jr&afju* tnerauD : oi C&omu g.Uu £ Cure frienb in nsaffttie. Che*. Lewes Vertomanniis %\)tk lucre the fdotues of £ 0 a!jumct, as toe bauc tojitten be* foje of spabumet anti bis felotoes . ®je perGans abbo^cc tbefe as heretics anu falfe iioctouriSa alcbougb tbep tbemfelues aifo beSpabumetansofanotberfecte, tobicl je is of spaljumet ana Hali, tobofe boctrine tbep embrace anb eif eeme foj mo ft perfect anb true religion . I^ere therefore tbe (apbeper 0 an 3 mpo;oob frienbe, anb topftiH companion of mp iournep 3 fapoe thus Onto mee 3 ®attboumapeftbnberilanbe (Loboutke) tbe Unfapneo goob mil! that 31 beare tbee 3 anb tlje befpje 31 baue that our ftienb- ftpp map be knpt toitb inbiilbluble banbes , anb tljerebp to aflure tbeetbat 31 bnlinotfapIetbeemcbp nece(ficte 3 31 baue a jftpefe nameb ^>amis 3 tobom 31 toil gpueebee to topfe. ^amis tn tbepj tongue 3 ngnifiecb tbe £mnne (foj (bee befertteb fa to be caUebfoj berfingulerbeautie) anb fapDefurtbermoje 3 tbatbebpbnottra* uaple tbe toojtoe fo? lackc of anp tbpng, but onlp fo? bis pleafure anb befp^e ofhnotolebge * $nb therefore paffpng no furtber 3 bp reafonoftbetoarres(astoebauefapbe) toercturncb totbecitte of Eri, Uiberebeemcrtcpnebmeetnbtsboufebonourablp: anb fljetopng mee bis jftpefe 3 inftauntlp befpjeb mee to take bee to topfe . “But 3 j baupng mp mpnbe otbertopfc beflfe nate 3 U 3 ou!b notfeeme to contemne bis fofrtenb* Ip a p?ofer 3 but beferreb it to a moje conue= > mentepme * ®crcfo?e bepartpng from tbence, totcbm eight bapes after 3 toe retuineo to Ormus, anb faplebfrom tbence into M*,arrpuing there at a certapne pojte na< *c mebCfoc. Navigations* $8l Here foloweth the fourth booke, which entreateth of India, and of the cities and other notable thynges feene there. Of the citie of Cambaia in India, mod fruitc- full in maner ofall thinges.Cap .1* ©jafmuche as m the begpnnpng of jtooojke toe p^omifeo that toe tooulo Declare 'all tbpnges intefelp, toe tntenoe notoe he ere jto fpeake onelp of tbpnges tobicbr map feeme mod tooojtljpe to be knotoen » Cm itrpng therefore into India, toe came to a 'certatne po?te, tohtcb the great ar.D famous rpuerM#*pafletb bp, anDisnotfarfromthecmeofc^w^/^ c&erpiur %m 3Itts fituatetbjeemples totthm the lanoe, totoarbe the g>outb» | l Sfemie of tChe^tganttne^o^ ifopdegcanhauenoacceffe to u, ejtcepte the fluDDe rpfe hpghcr then commonlp tc is tooont to do, tohtcb fometpmes ouerflotoetb the lanoe the fpacc of foure mpIes.But beere the fluDDes haue contrarpe courfes of tncreafpng, foj heere theptncreafeuuhitoane of the flfroon e.hut totdibs m the fu ll am man* $Doone « Che cute is toalleD after cur maner, ano abounoeth ^ c n f f r °J r J Ilc?s tomb at necedarie tbpngcs,erpecial{p toith tobeate,anD al fo?ts of ours! 13 bolefome ano pleafaunt fruites . Chere are alfo certapne kpnses offppees, the names tohercof 31 knotoe not ♦ 3ft hath alfo atom* Datmce ofgoflampme oj bombalTme cotton . ^erchatmts typng front thence peereip fo much bombaflme ano dike, that fomttnte # tyfppeg tab? theplaDefourttcotfpftte thpps to carp into other countreps.Xu ani3 ibis region is alfo a moumapne toljere the Onyx done, common* fpcaileDConjeo/^ ts tbunDe t anD not farrefrom tijencc alfo an ctl;er mountatne, tobere the Calceoonp anD Diamanc arc founs. Themaners ofthe people of the citie of Cambaia: and of the Soltan thereof .Cap. 2, ^pi^e Soltan of Cmbaiatft ntp bepng there, toas ttameD \fac*+ 1 mut 5 anD haDrapgncDfouvCiepeere.0, after he ijao eppulfeo ;> the Pitbdgortci* ^oau gecyfe. Cfttp map fee me tljefur* refTbuts of. ^Artueattfc potw* %f)e great pompeoft&e fcpng of Cantbaia. «£tejp&ante*» it&onffmoa great Ipppss. glffratmgebtr* to|ie nfa bpug Accuftomebto catepopfoiu &feenomtS0 itpng. Le#e$ Vertoraanmis fte&pttg of Qugerat . ®bep tbpnke it wot latoefult to kpf! an? Ipupng bealte to eatc s oj (o cate ftefbe ♦ ^Cbep are 110 Drafttime* ratio, neptbec aoolaters, anb therefore 31 belecue that if the? &erebapttfeb,tbepU)erenotfar from the map of faluaiion, fo| tbep obferue the ejcquiTtte rule of tu(itce 3 Dopng no tuojfe to other, then tbep Uioulbe to be Done (0 tijem . 3$ toucljpng tbepj ap* pateil, fome of them go nakeb 3 anb other coucronelp tbep? pjt* tttttco « ©ntljep^beabe^tljepujeare fpllectes of purple colour. ^£bcp them fete are of oarke petolne co!oure 3 commonlp calleo ileonell coloure » 3Dbw s$lun mapmepnetb anarmp of.]C]e»tboti? fanbe bowmen. €uerpmojnpng refojt to bio pallace, fpftte men 3 fptcpngondepbances.^:betrolftcet 05 tottb all reuerence to faluce the king oj s$ltan, tl;c Ciephantes alfo kneelpngbofcme. 3!n tbe mojnpng alfoone as tbe kpng rnaketb, ts bearoe a great nopfe of Djummeo, Cambarcesi, ^pmbjellee, COapteo, anb alfo Cruntpecceo, nritb bpuers other mudcall mtlrumcnto, in refopepng that tbe kpng Ipuecb. ^be Ipke bo tbep U)bple be to at btnnenattb thettalfo the menfpttmg on the £lepbaiucj5 3 make bpnt the Ipke reuerence as before ♦ &Ue uipll m bue place fpeake of the toptce, cuffomes, anb Doctltueoftbefe bealleo . Qljc Soltm oftbtscitiej bath btsbpperlpppe fo grofle, that it to a mondrous tbpngto bebolbe : Slnfomudje that fometpme be bearetb ttbp mttb aftileMs momen bo the beare oftbepj beabce: bt^bearbetstobpteanblcngjeuenbnto the naucll . ®eto fo accuHomebtopopfonfrombts lnfancte 3 tbat be baplp eatetfj fome to keepe it in bfe* $nb although be bpnt felfe fecle no burte tbereofbpreafonofcullomejpet bod) be tberebp fo tmpopfett bpm felfe 3 that he ts pepfon to other: foj tobenbe to btfpofcb to put attp of bt'0 noble men to Death, be caufetb bpm to be brought cobt 0 p?efence 3 anbto(fanbenakeb before bpm . 3Incommcnte be eatetb cmapnefruttesOobtcbe cljep call cbofolos^tykz bmo Jftuttemeggeiai : anb eatetb alfo the leaner of certapne bearbeo, tobtebe tbep call Tmbok j, aoopng alfo thereto the pouber of beaten opfter Ojelles ♦ $nb a tubple ebatopng al tbefe togeatbec tit bts mouth ,be fpittetb it bpon bpnt Uiljom be befpjeib to kplf, inbo being fparkleb tberUittb, bpetb,bp fo?ce of the popfon mttb* tntbefpaceofbalfeanboure^eemcuametbabout feure thou* fano concubte \ fojUibtnfoeuer be b^tblpue Uittlj anp of them. Navigations* 3 83 %etoftbtobombcbatb Ipen , bpeth the tape folotofag, be* & e ivmt w* pngbpbpmimpopfone& . 3nb therefore tobenbe changed; bte «t&no cjjpb o> otbcr apparre!, no man Dare tueare it .* ann fo? tbijs canfe * |c,u be bath great change of apparrdl . S0p companion enquirebbt* ligentlpoftbe merchants bp tobat meanes Ije toas of fobencM mous nature^ Ebep anftocreb,tbat the Sohan his father brought bim fo bp of a ebitoe toith poifon bp litle ano lit le, toitb p?eferua* ciuesfo accttdompng hpm thereto . But let bs notoe returne to fpeake of the maners of the people: jf 0 ? the mod part tljep toeare Imconipcne fpnglebedure, aim are berp toarrdpkc mentaifo greatlpgeucntomerc&anmes* ®e fruit WnefieanD plentiful* neffe of the region can not be fpoken. 31 tis freiiuemeDalmod of al nations ♦ Eberfoje from this ctcie, anb from an other (tober* Santform**# of toe topll fpeake hereafter) bitters ana innumerable forces of c & au &K». tmrcbanbds,are tranfpojteb to almodall the regions of the toodoe, anb efpcciallp to the I urkes, Syrians, dr aims , Indians : alfoto bitters regions of Jjfricke anb Ethiopia*, ppctpallpep ceebpngabunbanceoffplke anb Bombafptie, anb therefore ts this Soltan martteplous rpcb Cpekeepetljin matter concpnuall fi ’ UiE * toarretotththekpngof/ 0 ^ 4 , toijofe realme is fpfceene bapes a&eiqnig of iojnep from Cmbd 4 , anb reacheth berp farreetterp toape . 3 fi o s a *n %\M kpng mapmapneth an armieof ,m * thoufano fpgbtpng la * our# men : he anb all his people are 3Ioolatours. Ipelpuetbm contpnual pjtogrefle, toith a mightte trapne at the charges of the tfontmuait people: anb contpmtallp carrietb about toitb hpm fouretbou* PioSicffc# fanb tetites anb pauilions talfo his topfe>chplojen,concubtite 0 , $ flaues,fitrtbermoje,foure 0 ? fiue of mod couragtous ho?fes:itke* mnu* a*& topfe muf kattes 3 moenkeps J parrcttes, Icoparbes, haukes. coucubilu * ♦ 0nb in this ojtier be toalketb almod ouer all Mia .©e kpngest apparell, is a Double gotes f ktnne, one couerpng his b?ed> anb the other his baeke, toith the bearpfpbeouttoarbdjeiscfruc* fel colour, enclinutg to blackenefle, as are the mod pare oftbefe S^aSSSSSwST 1 31nbians,bepng in matter fcajcbeb toitb beate of the &unne* y ^hep toeare alearerings,p;ectousdones,anb ietoels offun^p fo?ts:fome couer tbcpj bobp toitb a fmgie,ligbt,ft thtnne bedure, puttpng out one arme nakeb.^lje kpng anb certaine of his no* blemern papnt -their faces toith certaineftoeetegommes^fpi- ces:anbfomealfootherpartesofthetrbobies. €hep arele&D* toitb man? bapn* fuperdufens: foj feme pjoftfle muer to Ipe m 9*nu** Iffianfcerptts nations. Jesuit men* @nytrat. S&alttotit*. Lewes Vertomanmis the grounoe,fome to Ipue in continual (Hence, as though tfjep i»erefpeecbeielTe,haumg tuio 0 } foee appointed bp ftgnestd' feme them mea:e ano Djpnke. ®:bepbaue all bo?neSbangpng about cf)rp? nec^esf: ann c^cre<* foe inben ebep come to anp ettte , tbep bloine tbep? ho?nes all ac once, to make tbe inljalntante s afrapoe, as do tbep that initb b£ keepeCroineso? Hookes out of rf;eco?ne* ^bencommpngco talke tnitb tbe citizens ,tbepocmauno uiccaalegs , anotnljac fa* euer otber tbpnges tbep (fanoe in neeoe of* £23bpie tbekpng anp tpme reflect a inbple in one place , almoU all tbe mbole ar* mpe garopng bis perlbn about bis pauplion, fpue 0 ? fpjee bum D?eo in tbe rneane tpme raunge ab?oaoe togeatber to gcat inljac tbep can . ©ep tarrp not pad cb?ee napes in one place, but are euerinanberpngaftertbemanerof tbe Uagabunoe Egyptians t jrabUm,$ Tartars. 3Tbe region i0 not fruitefui, but rough, tottb craggiemountaines.'&be boufes of tbe citie are Defptcablct tbe citie is alfo tmtbout inalles. kpng is enemie to tbe SoU tan of Macbamir# bepetb bpm greatlp uittb Diuers incutftons, Ofthccitic ofCeull, and the manerof the people* Cap* 3. D Cpartpng from Cambti , in ttnelue oapes io?nep 31 came to a citie nameD Ccull : tbe lano that Itecb bettneetie them both , is calico Guzerat. kpng of this citie, is ati 3foolatour: tbep are of Darke pealotne colour, o?liton tatonpctfomeincrefucbeflenber apparrellas tbep inborn mee bauefpokenof befoe: otber are nakeD,couerpng onlpe tbep? p?pupties. ^rijcp are prompt to tbe tnarres, ano nfe ftnojoes, Domes , Danes, flpnges, ano routine targetces. 3Dbep baue engines tobeacootnne inalles,^ to niaUe great daughter man armie : tbe erne batb inalles, ano is DiHant from tbefea buc foee mples. 8 fap?erpuerrumtetb bp tlje citie, bp tbe tobicbe much mercbanoics is brought tbptber *3Dbe fople bearetbal* mod all maner offruttes^epcept dpnes, ^alnuttes,anDCbe(fs» nuttes, 31tbatb alfo &Dtbeate,'Barlie,ano otber kpnoes of co?ne* ©ere is maoe great plencie of Bombafpne clotb .©jep are fuch 3ooIatours as are tbep of Calecut^ of inborn \ne inpl fpeake here* after: pee are there in tbe citie manp merchants Mabumetans , ^bep cjcercife iuOtice*©;ckpng entertapnetb but a fmaU artnie. NauigationsJ 5$j ®ljcreare manp Ijojfes ano bpne* ®too oape* iojnep from l)ence 3 tsiactdcnamE02)4^/;,l;aupna;a great rpuer runnpng bptc . 3lt hatlj mattes after tlje maner of ours. ©j e fople is fnmefuI 3 anDC(jectttebeauttftiU. “Cljcrcare innumerable mer* cljatmtes $pabumetang . ®be kpng 10 an Soolater, ano Ijatlj an armpeof.jcricaljcufanDemetn ^Ijepare in matter* fpke Onto ^otatiw, tbe other, ano of tlje fame colour. Of Goga a an llandc ofIndia.Cap#4* D Cpartpngfrom Ijence, 3! came to the Sllano of Goga, not part a niple Defiant from the continent ♦ Cbtg papetlj peerelp trpbuce to tlje kpng of fie chan a tljoufano peece * of goloe,of tlje balue of tlje Sartfbes of 3$abplcn, Ijaupng irritate, on the one fpoe tlje 3!mage oftljeopiteil,anoon tlje otter fpoe , certapne bnknomen caractes ♦ Oppon tbe fca coafie & ovmt of one fpoeoftbig Jlanoe, is atomne buploeo after tlje ma- mrgt ofourss* 'Cljcgcuentouns a certapne Captapne of folot* erg names Saum : be Ijatb tn bis regiment foure Ijtmoieo $pa* f^ amaIlihcf> malukes,ano is alfo a ^amaluke bpm felfe : ano therefore mljenbr^noetljanpmljptemenjbe entertapnetb tljemfrenDlp 3 ro&ttnwiu ano getictlj tfjemfippcnoeoftmentte^arapljesof goloeeuecp monctlj.15ttt be fp^li maketb p?ofe of tljetr firengclj ano fcaltam* nelfe bp m?efilpng : ano tf tljep be not fmmoe meete foi tlje mams, be pmtetlj tljem to Ijanop craftes ♦ Cljts Captapne tomb onelp Ijis foure bmiDjco fpamalukes, greatlp tepetlj tbe kpng of N arfinga , Bepartpng from ljen.ee, in epgljt oapeg to?* nep bp lanoe,31 came to tlje citie of Dec ban. Of Dccnan,a very fayre citie of India .Cap, 5, T lfpe kpng 0 ? Soltan of Dec ban 3 tgj a fpa&umetatt , of tofjom tlje frnelapoe captapne fpamakike is cmreo in mages,, 3LljiS citie is beautifull in fpgljt, ano tbe fople be rp fr uite# ! full ano plentifully maner of all tljpngeg neeelfarie. Lewes Vertomafinu3 fflje fepng fal attempted a ^pamaluke, and foftb (#m . tboufande men ofljisdorntnion ofbojfemen andfootemen. Ebe WfapitpaUtt. citie is beautified mitb a niatueptotts fapje paliace, and tbe pallace adourneo mitb manp fapje roomes, fojt before you come to tbe kpnges chamber, poumuflpaircbpugar, # p gges } £Oalnuttes 3 CQbeate, Co?ne 3 and manp other fruites and rcotes bnknotoen to bs.^ljep liaues^eeues, Epne, knifes, ^beepe, ®oace& anddpuers other beaded but no ^ojfe^ule0, oj Of 3*4 Kaui nations* OF certaync other goodly cities oflndia. Cap ,6* Cpartpng from hence, 31 toofee nip iojnep foteatbe a cute names Cemcola,mDtyts tojttep from ior,mbofekpngi0 an 3oolacer,anD feruetbthe '©noil beupll , ants 10 fuhiect to the kpng ofKarfaga : Upe fe betp gentle anb familier,he mapntepneth epgbt fopac^tnbt ch make ejtcurfc a fcpl1g a ong anti Ipue bp roupng anb ppjacte. ipe 10 in greatfrenolhpppe pirate. totththe^pngofl9o?tugale. ^he mhabttante^ ccuer their pji* i ^ akcDme,u ume0nnthafinbone,anoare bcfpbeallnakeb . pt fople bea* rethp!entteofEpfc,a0 in other partem of India. Cbcre are in &pr e . inaner al fcpnbes of beaUc0 5 as mpibe 15 ojc 0 3 ©arc*, Sfttote, ‘Xtattte* JLtons,^ ftmtyp ktnbs of btrces anb foules bnitkc Unto cursor* cockcs aifo anb garrottes ♦ 3!t both innumerable l&pne of (bp* npngpdo&ecoloure : a!fo Ojeepeepceebpngfatte^bcrefefo great abtmbauncccfflouiers anb Hofes,that tljcp faple not at • Snpnter ♦ 3ftere can not be a mo?e temperate apje : anb tbcrfoje tbep ipue muthe longer then Use bo . M oc far from thteeitie, u c 3 * 10 an other title nameo Mangolor jffcm Uihence 3 abouttbe nutm Iserof .Ijc.ftpppcsbepartepeerelplabeb toitb Hpfe ♦ ^Tljc iiu I;abttantc0 are partlp 3oo!aters, anb partlp $jEtabumctan& ®hett matter of iputng anb appareU, 10 a0 toe haue fapb before, apfl?5 Of Canoxior and Narfinga, great cities of. India *Capt 7. D Cparf png from bence 3 Uie birecteb our tojncp fotnarbthe mcvmm ^ citie of c^owor 5 bepng auerp gooolpcitie . ©cere the became tabe fepngofpo^tugalehatba berplirong totnne.^bekpng ^ 0ltu * * of the citie t0 an ^bolster, anb no great frenb to the kpng . ofjpojtugale# . Lewes Veitomannus but the cuifome fa? bo?fes is emeopng great ♦ Departpngfrom lje»ce,anD entrpng further (mo tbe lanDe,mecame to tbe cttie of Nd^4,uj!;eremaup^a!)umetan mercbauntegDo Dmel.Cbe fopie faearcclj ncpc^er lubcace^ no? tjpnce?, o? feme ocber fcutccjsfj epcept©?anges anD 6outDes . Zbep eate no b?eaoe : but lp«emttIjrpfe 3 fp(Ije,anofudjemalmttce 52 i as the coumtep bca* reel; * 3[n matters anD Soolarrpe, tbep are Ipfce Onto tljem of Calc cut $ mbicbemempllfpeafcebeareafter ♦ ^bere in fount# plentie of fppces, as (linger, pepper, $®NobtHmg,Cardanum s ^MUDDpuergfucbeocbet ♦ SUfomanpanD Dpuers kinoes offrutce0bnlpbebntoour0 3 amimiicbefU3eeter . Cbe region in in maner tnacccfftbfe fo? manp Demies anD Dtcbesmaoe bp fo?ce. ^bekpngbatbanarmpof fpftte tbotifanDe gemeluten, m&icbe tbepcall Bern * 3!iubeU)afresftbepb r efmoo?Des,rotinDe €ar<‘ 5’me Vioufano gectes 3 o? 35uklers, lances, Dartes, koines, grfpnges : an® S!!nne». m begpn neme alfo to Dfe Dunnes . €bep go nakcD,cotierpng one* Ip fbetr pjiutties, except mben tbep go to tbe marres . “Cbep bft no bo?fes, $9ules 5 $(Tcs, o? tbofe Camels mbicbe me common^ eSanS s * lp call Dromedaries . Cbep Dfe onelp Ciepbantes, pet not to fpgbt in tljebattaple . threat mercbatmDifetsbfeD in tbe cities fo?tbptbrrrefo?tefromDpuers countres tmo bunojeo (bpppes peerelp* Dcpartpngfrom tbe kpngoome of TStyrfinga, in .,tb. Dapes io?nep tomaroe tbe Cad, me came at tbe length to acm name® 'Bifmagan of J^arnn&w Granges. flpHr* ♦ - <* Ibtrannge fruits** Sflti arntB nf Ofthefruitcful citie ofBiflnagar in the kyngdome of Nari1-nga- # Cap.8» T fye cttie of ftfmger isbnDertlje Dominion of tbe kpng of Karfenga, anD fubtect to bpm . Cbe cttie is Derp large an® mdl malleo, Otuate on tbe fpoe of a bpH, anD epgbf mti * u tuples in circuite. 3It is compafteD mitb a triple mall, anD is a famous mart of all fo?tes of rpebe merebatmoife . %Ll)t fople ts marueplcus frttttefttll, anD Ijatib mbatfoeuer pertapnetb to Deiicares anD pleafurcs . ^Dbere is no lanDe rnoje contmoDt* ©atukmtg an® ous fo? baukpnganD buntpng ,fo? ttljatb large plapnes 3 an® duh p”s* gooolp mooos ; a man mculo lape it mere an earttjlp paraopfe« Nstitgadomi j8j fepng m people are Juolater^ * fyt ti a of great povucr, be hath anarm^offouretboufanDebo?fcnicn.3noj?et an amp or is it to be noteD, the pjt'ce of a goo* ijo^fe tljere 3 to be no lefle then j^p oufau & foure o? fpuc btmtyeo of tljofe peeces of gotoe loljrebe thep call m mum ‘Pardais : Quo fomef pmc it fo chauncetb tyac a ho?fe is foloe fo? ^otres of great eight fumDieD of thofe peeces of goloe.'&fic caufe eft&btcb great *w fe * jmcci0 3 that thep arc brought out of other cotmcrepsianD that cljep hauc no $9ares 3 being fojbpooenbp tlje commaunoemenc of the fcpnges 3 ffretghtlp charging the pontes to be fcepce, leaf! anp^ares lijotitobeb^cugbtmtotbe cotmtrep* 5)eebatb alfo foure hnnbjeo ^lepbantestofertie in the mattes tanolthe&pfe trpke bere 3 % bopcc of u ffrpke there, fo^beare ljere 3 goe fojemaroe tljcre 3 tume this map 3 j>t 0 fteepct* ano cijat urapvgll mijjcb moojoes Ijr&noerllanoetb anti obepetb _ m naut ^WrtwsMt tpurre o? b^poeU^ ^at tufierelc Gi cbauncc&tbat bpco* mu' not SpS Hing of fp?e 3 tljep are mtcfj feare ojpuen to flpgbt 3 thep can bp no f w . meaner be ffapto . 3no tberfoje tbefe people baue ntattp fubttlc oeuifea borne tljep map feare cfjcm micb mbteh tbtabeaff, bp tbe fenfe of nature, fearetlj aboue all thinge^* ano therefore 0petb tnmaner at the light of ffoe- 3nptofpeakefomembateuen as among men . 8nd 3! Dare toei! fap that 3 baue feenefome men much tnferto? to Clcpljants tomSE* ll * in tope and fenfe. Eberefo?e the kpng of karfmga, m riches and &”r£h« of Dominion, farre ejccecdetb all kpnges that eticr 31 baue feene o? t&eupngof bearoe of. &be title in fituatton and fap?ene(Te, repjefcntetb the eftte of MilaneMttyt onlptbatu is in a Declining place, and lefie equal, ©tber kingdoms tobteb are fubiect to tbts,lpe round about it, as the kpngdome Of/f #/ mU $ Venice Ipe about Miiane. ®bctr fit srrat tribttu tow (fo are tl;e pjieffes nameo)toloe me p the king receiuetb bp t5c Dap * Odd, it. oaplp tcwcs Vertomanmls of tfjat rftie fo^ tribute or reuenue, the fumnteofftocftte tboufanoes of tbofe p eeces of goloe tobtcbe tbep call far dm . #pe mapntepnetbanarmpofmanptboufantjes ofmen, forbelutetfi 35 &otatiw, fa conttnuail toarre Uritb bts boroerers . tyt to an 31oolaccur,an& bonourctb ttjeoeupl, euen as Doth the kpng ofC4/fc^.^bep tljac are of the rpcbelf forte,bfe a flenoer tntoaroe appatell or peticote, not berp fotirj, anti bpnoe tbepr beaoes untb a pljtUec or tycabe ban&e, of funorp colours, after tbe maner of the ^abumetans, ^he common forte, coueronlptbepr pjiuities, anbare&efpoe all nakeo . ^be kpng mearetb a Cappe of cloth of goloe, of ttoo banofulles Jong : mhcn be goctb to nmrre, be toenretlra beffure mitbt dofie* 0 j tombafine^anb tbercon a cloke aoourneo luttb plates of goto, baupng tbe bo;;Derer garbe befettetoitb all fortes! of precious ^bemagnm- tfones an&Jebodles.. S)tsbo?feU)ttb tbe furniture, is effee* meotobeetooortbasmuche as one of our cities, bp reafonof * * innumerable Slemclfes of great p?tce . TOen be goetb a bum cpnc ^5 three other kpnges beare fctm companp, lnbofe office is to be euer neare bim,am> gttpoe bim . SBbcn be makctl; anp tournep,o? rpoetb atyooe, be is aceompanpeo faith Or tljoufano bojfemen : 3no therefore it ts mantfelfe tljac notonlpfoj tbefe tbpngesfabereof faebauefpoken, but alfo for opuers other of Ipke magnificence, bee is one of tbe greatetl fepnges in tlje fiS’p 0f 50ll)e too ? l0c ♦ eopnetbmonepanopeecesof goloe namcb ? au- dios . glfo other Ofuermonep of Idfebalue, fabicbe tbep call Fano, comcpnpngtbebaiueof fijeaeneef the fmalleff mcnep of ^ ' copper . ^Lrattepicrs map here goefafdp tbrcugb alibis bonm Fpa!wf r 0 mons, tf tbep can auppoe the oaunger of the Lions . £>f tljepj DpecanoorDeroflpupng, 31 uiill fyeakc mo^te largelp &hereoc* epe kmig of cafe nib ait ferue to tnrpte of Cakcut ♦ . ^Tbis fepng of Harfwga , too to t5e i* 3 great frtenjie to the Cfetfttans, ano is in great auntie tottb of gw fa e 0 f portugale : ano befpDe btm 5 bce knofaetb none & tber Cb?tfitan Prince : ana therefore the ?po?cuga!es are here fnermlp ano bpnourablp bfeo . CBljea 3 Ijao remapneu in this cute manp oapes, 31 returned to fee due of Canonor. $no after 31 ban remapneo there three fcapes, 3i emereo fur* me or t (, cc j mo ( [j C | ant! g 3 am came a names T rm$m> about ■* rm M a ‘ tuielue mples from Cmmr* 'll ; . . . . p . pdt m therefore there are feene manp niercbantcs ^abumetans*Cb*P Ipue moberatelp# baue in manor none other rpdjes tljcn nuctcs of M*>bm there are berp fapje trees to make (bpppes.Cb ere are in the cute aboue fifttene tijoufanbe spahtimetans, although tan?, the l&png be an jDoIatouc . Departpng from hence, 3! came Tandar* . to the cute of Pandara : an* from thence paflpng bp the citt'e of Cap ages* Capdgot, 31 came at the length to the fatuous ctete of Calecut. 3 no Calebs* to be fyeefe, 31 bane here ouerpaffeb to fpeake largclp of manp other people anb kpngbomcs,as are thcfe 3 chimul&abul, bathe* calo i On'ftie$angQloY>Cd.umor t Cuchin>CAcilon, atlD Calonue, in'jtcl) 31 baue bone, to the cube that 31 map entreat nio?e largctpofc*- -•/««*, as tb*cbtefeft, anb as tc lucre the heab anb metropolitans of all the cities of India. Sr opit is certapne that the Hpng of Ca* ftp»g of lecut m ropall mai'ellie e,rceeDeth all the kpnges of the €alf, ano oiutjc can^T is therefore in tbep? language calico , that is to fap 3 0oD on the eattlj* The f)fth booke of Fall Tudia,and f>’ r ft of the famouseitieof: Calecut* CapJ* T l)t cute of c decut , is Ornate bpp m the continent o} fimte fpacebiifant one from the other, epther faj feare cf fp^e, oj bp ignorance of tbe builocrs ; 3fc is a mple of length * Che boufes ^„ r are befpicablc, as no hpghcr from tlje grounbe then a man on DonC, hoTebacke, ano are fo;t tlje moif parte couereb Umb bougbes of trees, in tije i!eebe of tiles oj other coucrpng.^fje caafe inhere* of tl;cp ftp to bee, that m bigging the grounbe fpue ojt ftjee bano* Dob. tib full Lewes Verfcomannus foil oeptl h toatcr immem'atelp tffuetb foo?tb . 3nb therefore tbep canlape no Deeper fotmuattong to beare tbemepgbt ofanp grea* 3 g oure0 offmau buptopngeo .{£lje Ijoufes of mercbanDpfe 3 o;t marebottfeo 3 are sun*, foloc fo? fpfttene o? tmentte peecea of gottse ♦ But tbe common ljoufe 0 , arc ofnagreatccp^cetben tU>o peered of goloe at d?e moll, ano fomefojleffe* ^fcolattpantr focupugofrije tmipli. <&nr<£aolj. (Pfeudoplato* nici . <£be-benpn Sluice of tpiS luojltJe.i {Deumorfuafe (Daemon. Ctic CljApcUof tUcDenpiu Cfj t betipls chapieofma# ieltie. difference be# tUJcciic tfje Ido# pescroiuneanD tfjc tseuplles. jjtuell fatioii* reb Idiuice, Of the kyng of Caiecut 3 and of their Jdolatrie. Cap. 2*. T Upc kpng of Calecut ano bte people, are gpuen to 3>bo trie ann feropng of tbe Deupll : pet Denp tbep not buubat there t# one great (£5oD 3 makcr of beauen ano eartb 3 anu fp?lt anD cbtefe caufe of all tbingco : But tbep aooe there* tmtoafable, faptngcbat ®od coufoc takenoplcafure ofb& pjtnctpate o? Dominion, tfbee him felfefljoulDe take fcppcn him tbe gouerncment of t!jctDQ?lDe 3 ano therefore tbatljegaue the Oicarage of that gouernance to tbe Deupll, tubo (tbep &p) teas fern from beauen fo? tbat purpofe, anD to tuDge tbe U)o?lDe 3 ren- Drrpngbntomen tneflo? eupll 3 acco?Dpngto tbep? Deferupng* Ebio Deupll tbep name ; But tbe great 0 od him felfe, tbep call Tamerani . &be kpng bath a Chapel in big Wallace, mberebe honoured) t\)i%®eumo\ tbe Cbapellig open on etterp fpbe tbcb)eaDtbofabau!teoftmopafe 0 3 anD tsnobpgber from tbe grounDe then tlj?ee pafes . 3Tbe entraunce isbpaDoojtof mooDjgarnifljeD Uriel) carueD U)oo?ke 3 contepnpng tbebpuersi monUruousfourmeoanDlbape^ofDeupIlegi* SintbempDDelt of tbeCljapclMgafeateof maieiliemaDeofcopper, uritbalfoa Detipll of copper fotpng in it * TOg Deupll batbonbtsbeao a croUme 5 aftertbemaneroftbebpil)opofiSome 5 but tbtg hath o« uerpluo fourcbojneg, bis motitb gappng, Uritb foure nota* blc teeth, aDefo;imeDnofe 3 lourpnganogrpmtmepeg 3 atbjca* tenpng locke,crookeDbanDeslpkeaM)ebooke 3 anofeetenot mud) bnlpke tbe feete of a Cocke : 3 rnonto Doubtlelfe bo?rible ano fearefuli to beljoloe . 3in euerp corner of tbe Cbapell Ot fucb oeuplles of Aiming copper,ag tbougb tbep mere of flampng fp?e, ueuourpng Contes mfeblp . ©jefe fouler are about tl;c bpg* Navigations^ ?88 netft ofljalfc a fitiggt,attn feme litle bigger.ilpc ptiffetb cue foule tn big m owb Ooitlj tlje rpgljt Ijan&e, ana U)itlj tljelcfte IjanDe ta* anti htma ketlj an other from beneath* Cucrpmojnpng tlje pjieneg(Oobom meate - tljep call tbe 3!noU uritb rofe ttrater, ano perfume $rmmu trim tutclj ftuecce fauours, ano Iptng pjtoflrace on dje grounoe, ftracbmm , pjap Onto bun. ®jcp faertftee Onto bim once a mecke ♦ £bepj maneroffacrifice is this, t£ljep bane a little cubbaroelpke onto an 81car,tb?ee Ijanofuiles bpgb 5 foure Ijanofulg tyooe, ano fptie & eU piu u Ijanofute iongttljts cubbaro tljep nratue Umlj all maner offlottreg ano fuieete pouoerg . Zl ) en Ijaupng a great CljaftngDpOje, o } tlje ^ !pkeoeireHoffiluer 3 fullotburnpngcoles 5 tljep puttljeblooo of GaUus'Efcn^ tlje Cocke tljereon 5 ano alfo can tljereon innumerable fineete fa= fyn* tiours : 3i« tlje meane tprne alfo untlj fenfours in tljep? banocs, tbep goe rounoe about tlje 8ltar,makpng perfume tutclj franker ftnee, ringpng a little filuer bell all tlje Uibpfe of tlje facriftce* 'EljepkpHtbeCockeUntljaliluerknpfo, ano tlje knpfe alfo be* ingrapeoinitlj blaoo, tljep put often in tbefpje,tbac no parte of tlje blood be loll . &>ometpme baupng tlje knpfe in tljepj ijanoe, tbep make certapne Ifratmge getoe^muclj Ipke to tljofc toljtclj tlje man ers offenfe Ofe tn giupng o? auopomg of nrokes ♦ Cljep newer ceafle puetpng to moje coles ano fptces o? perfumcs,ompl all tlje blood of tbe Cocke be burnt. ^bep^ten tljat offeretlj tlje blaoo oftlje Cock?, Ijatb bis armes ano feete garnpftjeo Untlj Ob a goobrmi^ tier places ano penoames, tn fuclj fo^te, tljat mljplebeemouetlj, tljep make a certapne nopfe, much Ipke Onto fonettes o? fpaukes n conntttfcu bellesJpe batfj on ljis bjen a certapne bo(Fe,contepnpng 31 knoto not tuljat fecrete figure, toljicb map feeme to be tbe fecrete caract m Ogne offomc mpUerie. Sljefacriftcebetngnmn)eo,be taketlj ^frrtpwgof botlj bis IjanOes full of mljeaee, ano goetlj from tlje $lcer backe* Otfow** loaro Ipke a Creuice,ncuer moupng big epee; from tlje filter, Om tpll be come to a certapne tree: ooljereopenpngfjisbanoeg, bee cafietlj tlje Uiljeate on tlje free . Cljen Ijolopng bis banoeg abotte bis bcao, be returner!; to tlje 3uer,auo taketlj atuap all tljat is i&ereon* SDoo.uii. Of Lewes Vertomannus r T ! CljefettinUis : fcrneS befeje I t\j£, iipuj. €fnplcu0of gonour* [ 3! tljiuhe tljc ^liifftestake parte Uiitfj ti)e <£rau«3. | Crotuesefafc* iMDtjolp. Cljcpiietfca euet pjoinbefoi spent femes. I| Jfi gaa&m office Of the inaner which the kyng vfefch at his meate* Cap* 3* T lfpe Htpng beech not He ooUme to bfe meate, before foure cf the pjiefteg offer ft to the bettpl, tn this manor, Lifting thep? hanoeg about tljep? hcaoe^ botch aifo many other fancaft tcaU gefttculattons, ano itmrmnrpng bopceg, tbep offer the meate to the oeupl^ fpenoe long tpme in thole ceremo* npeg,ta the eno that the fcpng IboulD eate no meat that is not ftrff efferets to the bettpll . Cljcp offer the meate tn a trap of toooD,ano therm (ape it bppon the bjooc leaueg ofa cmapne tree,tfpig meat ig Hpfe,anD opuerg other tljingeg, ag fruite, fkflje? ano fpihe* ij?e fittetb on the groitnoe Uittljotit cloth 0? Carpet. 'Che pjteftes tn the nteane tpme tfanoe routine about him, but appjocbetb no nearer then foure oj fpue pafeg, obferupng oi'igentlp the lunges mooses . C^hen the bpng bath lefteeatpng, the p?feHe0carrp amapall tljatisfefie, antnnacertapne place thereto appointed offer ttto certapneCromesjUJhfchthepkcepe foj the fame pur* pofe : therefore betngbfeo to be thus fenne, geatfaer togea^ then at a Itgne gpuen them, ano cate bp the meate. Cbefc crcUies arc therefore, of them eft eemeo help : ano therefore ft ig net labo* full [&} anp man to taktbcm,o} fetsrte them. Of thePriefksof Calecut, called Bramini * Cap*4. T fyzk'BMmini, are tn place toftlj them, ag are the chtcfe p?iefteg 01 bplboppes uuth bg ♦ Cherefo?e mhen the king fpall marrie, he Ipetb not toftb htg &pfe before lljee be oe* ftoureo bp the arcbbplboy, pet taketb bo not this bppoti . him boithoutreinaroe : fojtbckpnggpuetb bimfojtbtg labour . ftftfepcecegofgoloe . ©nip tljekpngof u/ecwjfcetpetb this cuftome. Of Navigations* 389 Of the dyuers fortes of Idolaters in the citic of Calccut ♦Cap^, T lfK chtefell 3lDolacer^ anti of the greater oignttfe, are the Bram'mi t ^Dbep of t he fcconoe o?oer,are nameo N&rh gnotn the fame place inith them, a si are uittij gcntel* a men , mhofe office tes tnhett thep go nbrooe to beare fwoo?Des,targettes 3 bonje 0 ,iatmce 2 , ano other ineapons ♦ &he thp^e o?oer confpfteth of mecamke 0 ? handle crafccss men * Jn the fourth place, are Ottaplcrs, anofuchc as make p?outOon of fpthe ano ftelhc ♦ Jfcejct Onto thefe,are thep that geather pepper, 2Bpne, ftltainuttes, ano Cache other feuttes ano fptces . We laft ano bafelf fort, (nameo Keraui) are thep that Colne ano gea* theri&pfe . <£hefe,a$ the tnfenoar tribe of men, aretnfuchfuV ^aoie mm lection to tljeftramini ano Kaeri , that in papne of Death thep mi nofowU * map appjoche no nearer Onto them then . I ♦ pafes . 3no there* fojetheplpelurkpng in certapne Cbaoo&cs ano oarke places, ano marpl&cs, led thep (houloe fnooenlp chaunce to meete nu'ch them . TOerefo^etnhen thep cameab^ooe, that thep map be hearoe a farre of,tb ep crpe nhtb Iouoe Ootce 31 tuotte neare ruhat, that thep map be hearoe of thefapoe "Bimini ano N am, leaft be* png foooenlp betrappeo, thep Ihouloe be put to Death* Of the apparcll ofthekyng>queene,and Inhabi- tants of the citie of Calecut. And of their mancr of feed) ng ♦Cap. 6 ♦ T ©e apparel! ofthefepng ano qttcene, is Ittle 0 ? nothpng Otfferpng from the other 3ioolacers : among the fuljtche tffm»areiwt the £0ahumetan&(as (frangers)are not to be accompteo* giSiX'SlS Ehcp coueroneip thep? p?utte partes intth bombaline doth ojfplke, ano are befpoe ail nakeo, barcfooteO alfo, ano beareheaooeo* Kutthe ^ahtmtecans toeare Ongle apparel!, reachpng onfp onto the natid * Wemomenare apparelleo euen ■ as are the men, faupngonelp that thep letce thep? beare grolre fcerptonge* Wekpngammobtlmeof the ettte, eatenoflelbe, ijcce.pt tl;epfpjffafke couufaple oftlje]3jieile?> Km CJjeltmtge* cjnlbien fuctecO nottomUrrtte t|jt kpngfcome. XtOIjat papneB tljc pstefites take Fai tljrpi liupng.'anto lu!jat fcrnice timiuotjje Stpng, a&atfo&Oes* ^gojupitg foj f&e&mOoftlje fepng. COatfttte atrfe atiftineitre. locates fftat mo ue to sc^r*f. tewe$ Vertomannui %M tbe eommon people map eate mb at flefBe tljep U)pH,$cepl€ tin fleQse of ifrpne . But tljcp ofclje bafeft b}k ] namco N/V< m ano Tviiar, map eate onelp fpfpe^ o?pco at the £i>unne* Of theyr cuftainc after the death of thekyng *Cap, Tf„ A JFtert&eoeatboftljekpngjifbe&atte anp male cbplo?ef§ tytTO*o?b?etb?en 3 o?b?otbcrs cbplo?en 3 tbep lucceeoe nottntbekpngoome : i*o? ofaunctenc lame ants ctitfome s tbefepcerpmapnetbtotbe bpnges fplfers; fonnes 9 of mbicbeif there be none, tt commetb to tbe nert oftbeblooo: <3no tbis^fo? none other caufe (as? then Tape) but that tbe p?telfeg baueoefioureo tbequeene* » * ‘i V 0 } i, Navigations* fty tty fame putpofe alfo tty? eacea certapne frut(e 3 tmtfr CoffoloJmMtyttyktmo Dates* Of theyr chaungyng of wyucs*Cap>8* T $e gentelmen $ mcrcljauntc^, to Ibeto great curtefie ano ^ tlx ^ ftenDlbPP one to the other 3 bfe fomttme to chaunge toiues 3 ano therein bfe this maner of fpeache : $Ppfreenoe 3 toe Ijaue notoe of tong tpme Ipueo togeacljer ass faptbfttll ffenbeS 5 and therefore fo? the fade accomplptbemenc of our ftendeil)pppe 5 if it fo plcafe tljee, leexe bs cljatmge topues ♦ Con* tent faptb tbc octjer 3 fo? 31 bcare tljcc etten goon mpll . ^Dbe topues refttfe not to agree to the condition herein alfo, to pleafe tljep? buf banned *£ben the one typngeeb bio topfe to tbe ocher^ faptng: $Etoman 3 tbis man (ball hereafter bethp bufbanoe* %ty other faptbtbelpbetobio topfe alfo. €(ms all partem be* png agrees tlicp Depart totth frenolp embjafpng : 15tu the chplD^enremapnetoith the fp?(t bufhanoe^ fcljefe JoolacarS haue alfo outers other cuff omes : jfo? among fome of them, xme toomants marpeo to feuen Ijufbanoes 3 of the toljtclje euerp of them hath bis npght hpcourfeappopmeo to Ipe totth hen 3nd tohen Che bath bought foo?tb a chploe, (hr map geuelto^ father tc to tohiche of cheat Ihe Iplfeth i Wty map in no cafe refufe it* 7 The maner of feedyng of the common peopte,of the Idolatars , and of theyr lulfice .Cap. 8* L gittg along on the grounoe tljep eats tbep? meatc out of a trape of copper : 4fo?fpoonc0 3 tljep bfe certapne IcaueSoC trees . €bep? meats commonip 3 is l^pfe 5 fpfl;c, fptces 3 andfnwes 3 of the commoner fo?t .. 'Chelabourpngmen srnejnmp^ e? ruder fo?cc 3 cate fofplthplpj that puctpng thep> foule ijanoes mentofrau^ tntbepotte, tljep takeout rple bp handfuls, ano fo tlpff utn xbep? moutljes . -Ebep Dfe this hpnoe of Jufftce fo? homicide, Cohere anp hath tone aman ; he isxbtfS punpCheo, Lewes V ertofls &n mi ■s^arpag* inhere rnbpie tbe murtberer raftpeo fat!, one tijittfeeb a (fake fb?ongb bis boape ? U)bere the poo?e m?etcbe fa bangetb bntpl be be Dead : But tbep that mounae o?ljurtanp man, reaeeme the n learnt t x , Attlee ^ mon P P a P^° tbe kpng . ^bep that are in aebte, are iteuta "miTifo tbusenfo^ceotopapetbe fame . v Cbe creaucut fp?ftaemaum inute. aeelj Its monpc •; ana tfic be faunae t|att|e aebt'tout b?eake p?o* mplTe,then be to mbom the monp is ompng, goetb to one of tljekpngesfcruteners (tubiflje are fapae to be a Ijunatea) ana -fcelfyebpmmakpng aet»ep?aofeofc|eaebce,recetue£b of bpm a grccne manse ofa free , tmt| auctlon'a'e (o y^ofccuee ijiss Debt- 1 tour until be latte fetrna bpm, tulere m|cn be hath arreffca btm, mi£btbrfemoo?ae3(gonofttrtberbefo2e thou pane me) tb?pfe rebearfea,be faptb furtbermo?e thus : 31 charge thee bp cbe beam « of $rmini, ana* bp the |eaa of tbe kpng, not to (turre from this place bef^tpippe me. ^berets no (|pfce but eptber : to ppe 'incontinent., ty there to loofe bus Ipfe* But if b e be found alone, antrefcape after the fopo U)oo?og,lje is euer after ao- iuagea a rebeil^ano therefore (ball it be lamefttll fo? anp man to 'bplUjpitfmberfocuee be tsfounoe, mttbut tljekpnges Bomt* mon?» '■ • " /i ‘ : - • • &pfU& foj feeiate. ■> jU t- -•ft •] ; » t S t",' f?' <©autjartjclm> IpwfTc. tDomcns Of the honoring of Icibllcs*Cnp t 9. 1 Fptn tbep p?apc to tbep? holies, In the mo?npng , before the 4>unne rpfe, tbep refo?te to tbe pooler l to mrpuers'to mafbe tljern i $no fo at t|eir com* 4 5 ^mpngFiometotbep? boufes (mbere tbep fceepe tbep? Uioollcs) tbep touch notljpg befo?e tbep p?ape to the 5* aolles p?o$rate on the grountre fecreatfpj labile tbep p?ape, tbep make certapne aenp!pO;e gelliculations Ipke maa men, fo ttiar* • ttefouflp aefent mtng tbe^ ; epes, ana meuthes, that no ni^n can ana thus- continue their - p?aper a'^iarter efim boitrevMliien the tpme of caipng appje* rbetb, tbep map notfalto tbep? pttraplcs,befo?e feme one of the gentlemen baue D?c{Teo it, ana fee it in o?aer .~^6ut this cutf ome is obferuca rmelp ; among- tbrgcmelmen, o? noble men . She loomen baue none other charge o? care, t|en to o?cfTe ana beau* m Nauigationsi - felue^ 3 fo^ t^ctr bufbanne^ bfe not to &aue to 00 fcmtfj ebembefojetbep be curpouflp U)aibeo 3 ano perftuneo toitb to tunwamm Ojtpe fmeetefauouts ♦ £&benrfjerocmengoab;moe,ttismars neilous to beboloe botue tbcp are bebangeo uutb ietoels ano pje* tiong flones, on tbep j eares 3 armes 3 ano legges. Of theyr maner ofwarre .Cap.Io* rn Jf>cp baue in tbe cine certapne maidcrs of fence 3 tbat I teacb tbcm born to bfe tbe fUioojo, tbe rarget 3 tbe Iaunce 3 ano fucbeotber toeapons * fl&ben tbe kpng pjoceeoetlj to tbe U)arres 3 be is fttmpibeo uutb an armie of a bunojeo tboufantiefootemcnjfo? of bo^femen there t0 no bfe 3 but oneip Clepbantes : tfojtbe kpngbpmfelferpoetbon an Clepbant. ©bcp that are next to tbe kpng 3 urcare about tbep? (jeaooes, fpl* letter o? banO£0 of fpikc 3 of cppmifpn o? fcarlec colour . €bep? boeapons are certapne crookeofmoo?oes 3 targets,!aunces 3 ano botocs. £bc kpnges enftgne 3 is a certatne tbpngmaoe of homes oftrces, implicate rotmo like tbe couering of a tub 3 bo?ne bp on a reeoe ♦Sbisis bopte fo that p (baoom tberoftnap cotter tbe king from tbe beate of tbe feunnetano is in tbetr tongue,catteo Smler ♦ fflXiytn both tbe armies appjorbe toiibin tb?ee arrome iboote 3 tbe fcpng fenoetb bis $r aminos into tbe tnttesofljis enimies 3 m tna* ner of baro T oes to rfjalengea fcunojeo of them to come foojtb (if tbep nare)to combat agapnd a buno?co of bis TS^aeres, mbicb be* foje mcfaio to be bis gentelmcn ano rijiefe (frengtb of bis artnp: mbtcb medage bone, bctbfpoes prepare tbcm fettles to tbe bat* tap(e 3 ano in tbe imotoap^tt a bunojeo fpgbt IduIj a bunDrco. ^Dbembicbetftbepibouioe fepgbt conttnualip fo? tbe fpace of tij?eeoapes 3 mouiDeneuerdrpketmtbtbe popnt 3 but Uutb tbe c&ge of the ftnoo^anofo? tbe mod parte at tbe beau, anofeb borne at tbe iegges * Butmbenfpueo?fpxearenapne 3 inccmt; itenttbe^wmiottbotb partes mate an cnoc of tbe fpgljt: ano bp tbep? commaunoement- tbe rctreateis fotmoeo.cn bctlj partes. Zbm agapne tbe BrammiQnlMw are the cbiefe pncdrs asU)eb3ueftpoe)onbotbfpoes 3 fpeabe Onto tbe fcpnges* ano afte them it tbcpb;plianpmo?e.- Quo tfcusfo? tbe mod parte make tbep an enoeof tlje guard! anUimttapie 3 uutbout great ammljterofmcm . fl&aifUraor fence* CfceftpngfS arnip. Cfjnrtofa# PO110. STD* fepng tn enfegne. areljarolDfB. Jflcfmlcngeta emubatu. fltgr t&tb&t* triple and iirig bloodied. 95Ucfu teet&. qr&et)*aOgen* tflmen are burnt, but t&e stooge menace ImrpeD. ep? febippes are maoe no lefle then map fufftfe fojt the buroen of foure o? fpue bunojeo €cmte, $ an open tuith* out anp couerture. 3fn the icpntes of thetr ^bippes tljep putno&ome, butiopne tbeplankesfoartifciaHp, that tbepholoeout mater berp men : petoothep pptcbetbeiopntes, ano make them faff mitb napless of Jron. ^Chep oo nocfojbeare ^omefo^lacketherof, fo? thep bane great plentte of^empe ano iflare. Z\)tp haue plankes o? boojoes ano poffes of oiueret fojtes, foj thep h^ue ajs gooo mooo ano better then me . Wzm Naulgatiom! ' fagfes ate of^ombaftne doth, ano DoubleBmt&c nearer pact, \nberebp tbep gcattjec tnoje topnoe, emu (bell tljeretottfj, Ipkea fcaggc : ano in this tbeppaifeOS, bfpng but onlp fpngle faples. t£bep bfe ankers of marble, of tlje lengdj of cpgtje fpannes , ano ami tt* tumv on euerp fpoe tvuoo : tljefe tbep bang in the Tea bp Double ropes, ano bcfpoc tljefe, baue none other ankers. ®bep baue cettapne appopnteo tpmes ano feafons offaplpng : foj fottte tpmes feme bettfoj onecoaff, anD tome ocher, fo? other eoalles ano btagcs, ®he changes ano alfocontrarietieoftpmes, is there greatlp to fe ,, nitlll9t)f . St be confpoereo : foj tohen iutrij bs al tljpnges fo? beate are almofl pecrt, cxmtrarif fcojdjeD, then hauethep large fijetojes, as in the mtmetfjes of toou »- ^ap, 3iune, anD 3lulp. ©jeer Qjippes areofotuers quantities, as toitb bs, anD ttofoie alfo of outers names. ®bepbaue one SBpnrrs faflji? fo?t ofbefiels maoc of one tobole pece of mooo 3 ltke a trougb 3 bert ° o f t ^ pi m long 5 fljarpe 3 anonarotoe : in tbeGe tbep bfe both faples ano o?es 3 S"aeu», m aretbcrfo?e ftopfter then our <£alleps o? tfopftes. W)t ]pi* rates bfe tbefeberp mucl).Sljebe0oftbetrfl;ippesaremaoem . an 3Hanbe nameo for cat, not farre from Calecuu. Of the Court or Palace of tbckyng of . Calecut* ^ Cap. 1 2* T ^PrtIaceofcl;ekpngofC4tocontepnetl)noIe(retfjnt a soobip ampietncu:cutte 3 tljeU)aUtsnotl)pglji 3 tlje buplopng is paai! ** ' fap?e 3 nmb beames o? pofles Miopnpng tbeframe 3 ant> curtouflpuiiotirjbcanocarueblMitbfte figures ^ftapes 3mas«*or#r ofoeupls otuuerp fpoe. Whp tbe mallei be no bpgljer 3 b?e bane Declares befo?e 3 inhere toe bane fpoken of tbe lotoe buplopngof paiaur* the boufes of tbe cute : tbe caufe toherof (as use baue fatoe) is tbe Dutiable groun&e, fo fill of toacec, that tbep can opggenooeaptb to lap funoatton to beat e bpgber buplopitges* But tnbat pearles ano p?edo«s Cones tbe kpngUieareibbpon bpm 3 cannot beep p?efieo fo? tbe greatnefle of the. tbpng: fo? ooubtleflfe it ejcceeoetb ^ mtoj the ' aUeSimation. dltbougb at tbe tpme ofmpbepng tberc 3 be bias not geuen to topfulnelfe 3 but Ipueo tn greefc of mpnoe 3 afrnel fo? tbe toarres tobteb the kpug of po?tugaie maoe agapnC bpm 3 as c ^sof alfotbac be inasotfeafeotoub tbe Jfrencbe pore 3 vobtcb bao nctu Sr^agTpnn entreo into bis tlj? ate : ueuertbeiefie, bis cares, armis, Jjanbes, *&« *p»s of legges 5 ant5feere 3 UJerefo beaucrfullp ano rpdjlp garnpfljeo nntb fSfSfntin alJ fa?tesofteb)els auti precious Cones 3 t^at it can jjoc be.^^^ 0Jt 3. > kcn= i$uicUdo. tm. cClutfcta of ww* <5ettger» Levres Vertoma miu§ W ♦ t£)is freafnre is dfeemeb fa bnmeateWe , t&at few not be contepneb in cuia toonaerful great cellars o; tnarchoufes. ^histrcafuteconfpffetl; of precious Cones, plates of golbe* anti alfo fo mucbe copneo golbe as map fufftce to lab? a l;ua«??ets ^ules,astbep^rtfwwirepo^fe 3 to tobom it ts belt knoinetf. t£hep Tape alfo that tljts treafttre U)as geaehercb nno rcferucb bp ttneItiekpngestol;icl;e mere before Ijprn, anb that in bistre* furpe is a cofer of tljjce fpannes in length, anb tino in tyeabtb,ttl of onlp precious Cones, of pjt'ce ineCtmaWe. Of the fpices of Calecut* Cap.i$. P Cpper ts geathereb m the feefoes abate the fubarWs, am alfo in cercapne places bottbtn the c:cte ♦ &be Calke uf pepper ts berp intake, attb Ipkebnto bines, inhtcbcan tree bearetf(elfe,UJttbouttbebelpeofa Cakeo? pjoppe, an& i'S mucbe Ipke bnto an 31uie, anb in Ipfce matter crcepctlj ants embraced; fuc&e trees as are ncerebntotc * ®)istree(o;ratbec btt(be)is btfpearfeb into funb;pb?anc!jes,of the length of tboo 0 } tb?ee fpannes, anb hath the leaueslpke bttto the Icaues of an Stflpjian apple, bnt that tljefe are fometuljat thicker anb fatter, ©neuerpttnigge hange fpjte cluCers, no bpgger then Dates, anb Ipkebnto cluCers of(ttlegrapes,anb of the colourecfbnrtpe grapes,btjt grotnetbpeker • eijep are geathereb in the mmtetb of SDctoher,anb if5ouembcr,inclpnpng petto greene colour,anb are fo lapbe on mattes, anb fee tn the gktnne to tape, inhere m the fpaee oftl^eebapes, thep become blacke,as thep are b?ta?gl;c hpdjer* €befruitef«lncfreoftbefc 3 p>oceebfth onelpofchefpm* |& goobneffe of the fople, boithottt Wpe of lopppng o; pruning* t£ljts region beared; alfo t&pnger, tnijiche is bottbtlelfe a roote, anbtsfometpmebpggebofd;eu3eigl;tof;itti* bnces , itemreeb no beeper into the grotmbe then thjee o; foure Ijanbefuls. 2Bl;cn thep bpgge it out, thep leaue the knotteojtopnt of the roote m thepitte,anbcotteritagapnebotthearth,asa feebefo; moje a* gapnftthenejttepeere* 31c is founbe in an eguall fople, as are the^pjabolanes : pec is the earth inhere tc groined;, of be* rp rebbe coloure.^lje Calkers mucl;e Ipke the ftaike of a poung pearetree. Of ' Navigations, ill m ' . ■ ; .. ' Of the fruites of Calecut, Cap. I4» *• • .V' : ■ ' r.tfl ? ■ ' I f 31 ffjoulD Defcribe all tl;c fo?ec^ of ffraunge fruites t&at arc feene tbere. it moulo ratbcr require a bolume,tben a bjeefe re* f u \ l ^ e0 l)erfalloftbemparticulerlp : tfo; tbep baue not onlpmanp greatln Differing from ours in fourme 3 fauour 3 anD taff 3 but at i fa tbofe ofebe kpnbe of fitcb as toe baue 3 Differ in maner no leffe. •SStljrrebpmap tbe natural! ]9bilofopber conOoer botne tbofe apfnforopijicai ranges tulucb are all of one kpnDe, Differ acco?Dpng Unto clje na* - ture of rbe fork anD Diuers fituatton bnDer tbe beaucns.Bp mbicb of ttungw or : natural caufe 3 $ alteratt on 3 fome fruites ano feeDes 3 bp tranfplam 0,w * ting into a better foile 3 became moje perfect in tbeir kinD 3 as big* ger 3 fap?er 3 fUjeeter 3 anD mo;tefruttfull: gsalfocomranmife, tbe • contrarp, bptranfplantpng tntoaUioVefoile, o^coloer region: MjicbDiuerliueisfeene, not onlp in plantes anDijearbes, but - alfo in beatfes 3 anD euen in man kpnoe.3lt is berp ffrange to com -8oer borne Diuerllp trees beare tbcpj fruites ano feeoes 3 as fome in one parte of tbe tree 3 anD (bme in an tuber. ^bere is in Calecut a ftuite mbicb tbep name Ucem .* tbe boDp of tbe tree 3 is of tbe bigtteffe of a peatt tree : tbe frutte is of tbe lengtl; of tbio baitD* * fills anD a balfe 3 f as bpg as tbe tbpgb of a man. Zl) e fnitc groin* of tije boo? etlj out of tbe boop of tbe tree bnoer clje tyancbes 3 anD fome euen of ^ ut **‘ tn tbe berp mpDDelf of tbe tree 3 anD other pet lomer alfo. Zbe co* 'lour is greene 3 ano in fourme 3 in maner fpke bnto a ppne apple, 1 but Uritb lefie graines oj kuobbes:mben it is rppe 3 it becommetb blacke ♦3lcts geatberco in tbe monetb ofDecember.Jtbatb tbe t aft e of a pepon 3 anD tlje fauour fomebubat like Caftoreum.^t fee* a fnuw of run* ttietl; in eatpng to gpueopuersanofuntyppleafawtaftes t as D|pwllw * fomecpmetbetaaeofaiseacbe, fometpmeofa pomegranate, anD leaueeb at tbe ense a taff e fo fuieete, that pou inoulo tbpnke ft to be nerne benp combes . 22noer tbe fkpnne, ft is Ipke bnto a .peacbe* 3nD toitbin tbe boDp comeinerb an other fru^not much <®nt fruite iwIpkefofteC&eftmittes 3 anb bepngroffeD, bacb tbe tame tafte, auotuit ans is therefore cercapnelp one of tfje gooDlpeff fruites that 3t fmome . 31 uiil berc, to be bjeefe, omit to fpeake muebe of tbeir ^j/5uctes,anD^alnuttes 3 ^(mons,pmnes 3 peacbes 3 ©utnces, ©ouroes^elouSa ano fuebe other fruites knotoen to bS> ano " ' €et % U pet Lewes Vcrtoiwanmis pet mttclj \m]Z pleafaunt ano Tapper tften are ours . ® ere it one fruite moo^tbie to be fcnotnen,Uiiicb tbep ca\Mfolatula.%te tree atm tuft!) grafted; to tbe height of a matt-, tc beared) not pattfoureojfiue tp bjooucaius. j eatteg bangpng bp certapne flpppes, cucrp feafe fc able fteltto a tier? 3 oonip com a man ^ om wpittjataitbe beate of tbe funner 3!n tbe mpo* fwuc. oett of tbe leafe, rtfetb a t ftpg ojt tta!fce,lp&e the ttalfcc of a beane, ftbtcb b^ngetboutfloureeianbalfo fruttejs of a banofull long, ano of tbe btgnefie of amansf arme: tbefc frm'tes are geadjereo ^ t 0 b«nt) , ctJ onrppe,bpcaufe tbep become rppe in keeppng * Cuerpflpp bea- fpapw! euc * retb about tftobunojeofruiteo, atbpngccrcapnelpftberein it greatlpfeene tbe fruitftt!nefTe of nature, EOcptoucbeonean o* tljer 5 ano clutter togeatber* Ebep are of pelofte colour,fmu baue auerrptbpn coooe, ano are in earpng oetace ano holefome* Eberearettyeeffttesoftbte kpnoe of frutte, of tbe fttycb one ieiof euptttatte > ano tberefo?enotfomucbe etteemeo ♦. Jt io pec 20 t«e mt m * moje ttraunge, that this tree bearetb frutte but once, pec .ftben f/utt bi« once ^ Wb, there rpfe about tbe roote thereof fpftte o* ttyeefco;e poung flpppe^tnbtcbe renue tbeipfe of tbep? parene,tbat be ope not ftttbouc fuccettfon . Ebe garoencr^ o; gratters tranfplante to}uns*w%e* tbefein otber places, foj ftttbtn tbe fpace of one peere cljep tying retiataiitpiiiw foo?d) fruite . Ebf p are gcatljerco in great abounoance aimott ot tue pee« # ^ t ^ e tuljole peere, ano are therefore Ucrp gooo cbeape, ano of fmali p?pce, as tftentie foja pennp * Ebe fame fople bea* mb Ipfccftpfe innumerable ano niottfapje ano fftecte fioitreg all tbe peere long, ano efpectallpfcofe*, bodjftbite,reooe 3 ano geiofte, , Of a moftfiuitfull tree of all tlie. t . i ; world. Cap.15. ^ ft*} v£ iJ lO 1 11 1 v j ’* • l: i j * 1 \ . •' ■ ff *;A f * f 1 ' : ' ; * t. , ; *5 fi * - ‘ « - - -J J 4 - TJ ‘ . •'{ l * . » » - . * „ . . * m T Cptre is alfo anot&er tree, nwfftuoojtfjie to be bnotoett, tlje Ui!;tclj in fruitfalncffc, ano ftoeetnelfe of t!je fnttc,paf> - . fetlj all tlje tcces of tl;e U)o?!De. 3 itbearetIj certaine fruiters grJSS loV. 19 ’' ' r fpbe bnto groat Dates 0? Buttes, 5 geueralip. bjingetb ciio. foojtlj tenne cemmootties : jfo? it bearetb vuooo motfeapte to Cm comnwWc nouritbe fpjc,ano Buttes betp pleafant to be eaten, alfo cojDeS tiwofons 02 topes tulpci) map uoell ferae foj faplets ; J.pketopfebetpfpne M ' 80$ " rio% Nam&attotfs# m ffltik Weft tofom iti& coloured fyemetl; Ipfcetil&e t ©c Vucoti fe the bed ttjat map be fbuituc to make coles, it pdoetb alfo toe ano ooojifetous mater s jfut tljctmojcalfo, op!e,ano fuger ♦ ©e bougbes of tbe tree, are commomotts to cotter Ijoufeg in place of tples o? tbetebe : foj bp reafen of the clofenefTe ano fatnede of the ieaneo, tbep kcepeeuttberapneberpmeli . ©efruite of t&iss tree (ao toe bane lapoe) t0infojme ipke bnto great Date0 oj Buttes . ©netreebearetbabouctmobuno^eooftbofefnute^ Xux indie*. ©kpng amap the fir ft rpmc,tbep put it in tbe fp?e,mbere it bur* tietb gutcklp ano mitb great flame . ©e feconDefrmcebnoectbe «nt> fcwubpg* fapoefirftrpmc,i0ir.ucbe Ipke Onto botnbaflne ojfllke, ano scr * Ipke Onto flape mlj^nc io mjougbt. £>ftbcfloure0,tbepmake a xertapnekpnoe of dotbptotbnipke d!kc,©e tome o } refufe of tbe fiefl flare, tbep fpmne ano make thereof a groder clotb,ano fmaH ropes oj cocoes : $ of tbe (mailed, m^atbeo togeatber,tbep make greater rope0,mbicb map ferue fo? (Wppcs . ©at parte of (be But mbtcb m bnoer tbe tbtro rpme, contepnetb alfo a fubdaunce apteto make cole0.Cbe lad rpme, tncluoetb tbe fubdance oj coj* nelloftbeBucte,berpoelicatetobeeacen. ©terpmeo? batke, to of tbe tbtekneffeof a mans title Anger, 30 tbe Butte grotueeb in bigncfle,foooetb alfo tbe mater contepneo therein. &>o that terum&m* ebe Butte commpng to bt3fulirp»eneireanobpgnefle, tbe ma* ter occupied) the inner parte: anofometpmeisfounoefo much boater in the Butte, that pott map take out of euerp Butte tma 0} tbjee cuppes of mater,uerp fmeete to be ojoonke,ano a0 deere 00 Hofe mater, of tlje mbicb alfo being: tbickeneo bp feetbpng,i0 ©«e wa ot or maoeberpfatteatle.©)eButteltkemtfeitfdfe, i0ofberpplea* iwatec. fenttade . ©ep Aider but one parte of tbe tree to bjtngfoojtb frutterjf 0} on tbe other parte 0? fpoe, tbep cutte ano mounDe the m } treemoiuer0place0euerpmo^mnganoeuemng 5 ano pom^e in* to tbe mounoco p!ace0 a certapne liquoj,mbtdj o^ametb out of *«*• the tree a ioife, mbtcb failed; into bclTelle0 placeo to recepue if, ano fo recepue tbep euerp oap ano npgljt tn euerp bedell, a cuppe of mod puct'otts Iujuoj, mbtcb fometpme0 alfo tbep feed; at the fp?e, putting nter ntoje onto it, bmilU'tcome totbedrengtb of AquaVit*, ano troublccb tbe bjapne both in fauourano 02pm kpHg,a0Ooetbniod drongmpne .©;i an other tyaunebe of tlje toetre^.^bep ge^rlpk^yCefugej, butuotberp fmeete* ' ' 3 ©e 4* SUrmtbatbca* m0 fruit* con-, tiiiuallpall t\jt &0ol*p**re. ^tougOingcf t5*ijrounQ*. anauncc offcc; uptick Solem fuum o* ririfacit fuper lottos etmalos, <&c. 'OCfrc bcnpn a HHuOttain £nc0at$0t(ltt* smfuc& pjjtSche Lewes Vertomannris contmualfptfo; tbere arefeeite onftbo# tbe doe ano o;pe fauces of tbe feafon paffe, fraifo greene frutas. of tbe neme fpjfogSc bearetlj not before tbe fifth peere ♦ ^befe trees are founoe in the fpaceo; oiilaunce of about tmobunojie® tuples, ^beparefo greatip efaemeo,tbat in tbe mpooett ofmolf cruelleft marres 3 tctsnoc lamftiK fo; anp man to btire them, eueti m tl)t toes of tbep; enemies . ©ep ipue but to tbe age of. jejeb* peeres.&bep pjofpet befit tnfanop grounoe, ano arefet o; plan* teo as are W a Jnutces^b ts region bad; alfo other ftuttes mbc& of d;ep make gooOople. Howe they fowe Ryle. Cap.16. i T 5>ep tpll the grouno ano plougl) it mid; ©pen as toe Does toben the tpme appjocbetb to fome Upfe, tbep tefltfie the: topfulnelfe ofebat oapmitb allfojtes ofMrumemeo, Cm* gtng $ oautictng.^no in tbe map of tbeir gooo fpeco 5 tbat all tbinges map p;ofper tlje better (as tbep belceue)tljcpDtfgui(e ten men in apparell* to the OttiiluuDeof the tb;ee oeuplles, an& oaunee about tljem umb.ali the nopfc of tbep; inflrumentes# thus celeb;atpng tbe fedittalloap, tbep p;ap the oeupllesgooffi grace to fenoe them pfentte of IRpfe* ; • ‘ * ; ' ’ f f ; • ? , * . , . V . * ‘ ■» > . t « . ♦ J m 4 • . • ... f ‘ j / I f ; ' .1 ^ ■ Howe theyr Phifitians vifite ikke folkes, Cap. 17. V * 75 >enanp merebaunt of tbe BtoolatetS is fojegreei if tiep fcmb anp oifeafe,ano tn maner neare Onto oeatb* * then cercame of t&em^btcb tbep take for pijtfitfarts^ calico to btftte tbe patient m tbis eptreniitre, come tbptbertn tbeltfenceof tbe npgbt, appareileo Ipke the oeupIJ (as is afo;efapoe) carping fp;e ffickes in tbep; moutbes ants Ijanoes . 3 nO there, mitb a maooe crpe ano boUilpng 5 ano mitb tbe tangelpng of certapne tnfirtmtences, maketb fa bo;tible a nopfc in tbe cares of ebefteke man, that it mere enough to make a mbole man fteke ^no this is ad tbe renteop aim comfort mljicb tbeirl 3 biOttansb;tngtotbe(rOdtemen 5 mb'cbe is none other, tbeutntbearticieofoeatbtop;efentbmotbeni tbe tfmtittuoe of bun inborn tbep (mode then oeupi(e$) honour fojvgofe bteatet + .. ** : 3 eptber Nauigationsi Jpf Cptljetmeanpng perfjappcjs bp tljfe mcancg,fo eattagaptic tl)t Sckemanalmolf oeao. OTbentljetubabitamcstljaue fo tngop f v f^ { J fos geo them (dm nritb to muclje meate, tljat tljep be llcke in tljepj ur e L 3 * fiomake, tljep take tlje pouocr of tbe roctes of ginger, ano ma* fepngutnfcutmeofa tope, Mb puttpng feme liquoj bnto if, Ojinke it aU up, ano imtljin tljjee oape# recouer tljep? Ijealtb* Of theyr F.xchaungers, banker$,and Bickers*. Cap.i8» T ^etrepcbaungcr# ano banker#, Ijauetnepgbtegano ba* iance#fo little, that tbe bo^uucb tbe fcuetgbtesano all tljat partetnetlj tberto,palTetb not tbe Uieigljf ofan ounce, ano are maoe fo tulfe, tbat tlje inetgbf of a Ijeare Ml calf ibem . f;cn in the rooming tbep baue gtueti them milkc 3 tbep comble them m tijc fanoes all fouie $ £(- thle 3 inhere cl;cp let tljemlpe a it the oap 3 ana are fofcojcheoof tljc g>unne 3 tljatfarreof thepfeeme like Glides Calues, 3 neuer fatoemo;eoefo?meo o? filthie creatures j ateuenpng s tbep? mothers gpue them mtlkc agapne.Bp this klnoc of toploe bringing bp 3 thep become men of marueplous oepteritle m f unfc- neffe ofrunnpng 3 ano other tbmges of great agilltte 3 as to tnalkt Upponrope 0 3 fU)pmmpngjIeappng 3 batdtpng 3 ana fuel; lgke» Of fours footed beafles,foulcs 3 and birdcs of Calecut. Cap.2Q. T fym aremanpbeaffesana kpnaegi ofbtraeg ? 3 as £ton^ mdacl5n?es 3 ©arcc05fippnae05Buf!es 3 Epne 3 0oate0 3 , ana Ciepbantes : pet not all engcno?co tbere 3 but bought loop i\wpt* oj tbptber partlp from other places^here are alfo parotcegt ^arorno, of ftmo?p colours 3 as greene 3 pui'ple 3 $ other mtpte colours.^here fe fucb mttlctcuDe of tljem 3 tbat there are men appotnteo to keepe them from tlje Hpfe m tlje frdoes, as me bfe to keepe Crotons oflirDc0° pft from c * je c0 ? nc »® e P m marueplous crptng ana cbattering 3 an& offmail p?fce 3 as one folae fo? ttoo penfe 3 o? l;alfe a foufe . €bere are manp other btroes mud; bnlpke to ours 3 tobtek euerp rno?- npng ana eitenpng make fo great a nopfe $ ftoeetc Ctnglng, that nothing can be mo?e pleafant a; adeecable to l;eare 3 ana tljerfoje the tnhabitanteslpuem great pleafure 3 ana mmanerastttoere aw tzttw tn an earthlp piraopfe, In conanual! fpjpng ana flojtlbpng of u fkmre 0 3 bearbes 3 $ trees 3 all tlje peere long : befpae alfo the gooo- fpjttig,a’j& tsm* I ] 9 anoijolfomc teuiiievatenelTc oftlje apjCjbetng neither eptreme pcxutmi. ' Irv ' ' botts Navigations Y96 fjotce no? co!oe 3 fmtfn maner in temperature ofccnftmtafl fp?fng tpme.®ljat region Ijatlj alfo fj£onkeps 3 UJljtcb are there of fmall ^i l £|gj p?ice*®jefe are uerp hurtful! to bufbanomen 3 ano fuel; as lute Up tillage of the gtotmoe : fo? tbep clprne tlje trees of tljofe gooolp 3!noian Buts $ p?ectous frutte, taberof toe Ijaue fpoken here be* fo?e 3 oftbetoljtclj tbep make lnpne 3 tobicb tbefe beaftes 00 fpill 3 anocaftootonetbetoflfelles tljac are maoe fade tljere torecepue tljefapoeiiquo?ofnjpne. Of certayne Scrpentes which arc feerte inCalecut. Cap. 2 1* T i^ereare ccrtapne g>erpentes 3 offucbe btgnefTe, tljac tfjcp are equal to f tome 3 Ujep? beans are much greater then cljo beans of35o?es:tljep are foure fooreo,ano of tlje length of ^ontm(on, foure cubites 3 ano are engeno?eo in marines * ^be inlja* fittames lap that tbep are untbout potion, ann ooe not otljcrtupfe hurt, then bp bpttng.'&bere are furthermore tlj?ee kinoes of £s>er* pentes: oftljetubtcb, fomeareoffoitrongpotfon, tljatiftbep &?atoe netier fo tale blooo,p?efent Death folotoetb, tobtclje thing fanne* djaunceooftentpmes tobtlelf 31 toas there Dftbefe kinoes offer* 0 erpemc ** pemes/ome are of the bigneffe of an 8fpc,$ manp much bigger* SDf tbefe there are a oerp great number. Elj e caufe inljerof (tbep fap) is tW : &ijat the kpng of Calecut, ofa certatne fooliTbe fu* Swntcs m* perlftttotynaketb fo great accompt of tbefe g*erpemes 3 that be HmeanSnouf caufetlj litle faoufes 0 ? cottages to be maoe fo? them, bdeeupng that tbep bane berate agatn5 otter much raine $ otterfloim'ng of riuers 3 mto iberfo?e if a man kill anp of tbem 3 lje is puntfijeo tuitlj fo? upu oeatb 3 astbo«gbbebaoktlleoaman: anotbeltkeptmilbmentis b^ga £«**»* alfo fo? him that ktlletb a coloe. ©jep greatlp effeeme tbefe &>er * 01 a 0 e * pentSjbtcaufe (as tbep fap)t(jep came from Ijeaucn, ano tberfo?e tbep take them fc? beauenlp fptrites, tubkb tbep affimte, fo? that onlp mttb toucbing 3 tbep b?tng p?efencoeatb* $no tljt'S is p caufe that there are manpferpentes 3 being thus permftteo bp tlje com* niaunoemem of tlje king.^befe ferpents knobo tlje 3!oolaters in* ^ Pmi r t t&cp habitants from Spabunietans 0 ? other tf rangers 3 ano toil fooner m nafteo;, p pemure bppon them . y *0. N ' Ot farre from tbe ettte of Calccut, is a certapnecburcbc o? temple, compalfeb about tout; boater, Ipbe an 31lan&, butloeb after an aunctent fafljion 3 bauing a bouble ojber of pillars, much Ipbe tbe Ccmpleof fainct Iobn larsonbpgbusa'Boateofibelengtbof ttoopafes, anb full of ople . $Ifo romibe about tbe Cemple, are manp trees toitb an innumerable mulctmbe of Lampes 9 ligbtes banging on them: ®bt Navigations* Clje temple alfo it felfe,!sasful of .nets, oaj> temper, rctojtetl) tljptijcran infinite mtiltttube of people, from all partes, cuenfo?tljeDilfanceof.jcb.Dape3 io?ncp,miD efpectailp of the pjietles, to wljom partepnctlj tljeojaeroffacrificepng? Buttbcpoonotfecrtficebnto tljep? SJoolleS bcfoic tljep toaifje tbcm felues in tlje Water tobtebe is about tbe temple. SStljen tbe p?ieftes nuenfie to tlje plate Wljereas is tljc boate fpfieb uutfj oplefas webauefaiD)tljepfp?pndetlje people Witb tljefapooilc, but annopnte onelp eljeir Ijeaos: COljo bepng fo annopnteD,map ^ “ a p JJ ||L 9> ttjen piocccoe to tlje fatrifice . On tlje one fpse of tlje altar, Uiljete ip maw. tljep facrifice,ts feene a moll Ijojribie foutme of a oeupI,to tafjom tlje people, p?olfrate on tlje grounDc,p?ape bnto, ann tljcn Depart a , r s to tljep? Ijoufes ann ctuintrcps. Bp tlji3 meanes tljep belceue ftcnpUfoi foi* that all tbepjfpnnes ate quite fo?geucnebcnt, ano tljerefoje fo? 3 " 12lltCrtof tlje fpate of tlj?ce napes, tljep Iptte tfjere in fafegaroe, as if it were imilcs ' tn&anctuatie: anD fo? tljattpme, isitnotlawfullfojanpman sammarp, to arceQ o? trouble an otljer fo? wljat fo ewer quareil . Ccrtamelp iUrge te tic 31 neuerfaUHnanp place a greater mtilnttuxe of people affem* &Ieo, ejecept in tlje ctete of Mecba, non 4 1 , The fyxt bookecontaynyng the voyage of India# Of the Cities ofCaicoloJ?,and Colon*Ca[M# S? faptbfull companpon Cociazemr tty pm (ian(ofU)ljom3I Ijaue maoe mention Ijere tiefo^e) confvDcrpng: tliat bp tl;e meanes of marres ano imminent oaungerg* there mas no toe no place fo? merebaunmes;, efpe* % ctallp fo? tljat tlje po?cugales Ijao maoe ^ W(l# =*ifo?eU)arre0 ano great ikigbter in tlje cine f^nigite of cMecut , bp occalron tljat tlje infjabrianfes or tbe ettte Ijao com »» *b* fpireo mitb tlje Sgaljumetans fo? t be mmtijer ofetgljt ano feurefe WM 3f 1 ******> po?tugaled (mljr ebe mas Done at mpbepng tfjere) 3 thought te belt in tpme to Depart from thence . t:ijfe facie fo greatlp m cues tbe kpng of po?t«gale to reuenge, tbat be Ijailj fince tljat tpme fcepce baftle macro agayniteljenvano greatly confumco tijem* Cdcohn* * Lewes Vertomanmis mtooefaeco tbeir dm, Z&z cbcrfo^c oepartpngfront tfjence bp a berpfapjerpuer,came to a cttte nameo Cakolon , otrtaunte from tbe cttte of Calecut ftfttc leagues : tbe mljabttantes are toolaters, ©berets great abouitoattnce of mercljaunotes, ano great fre* quentattoit ofmercljauntes : tljefoplebearctljplcntteofcljebcft kpnoe of pepper, ©be kpngohbe cttte ts not oerprpdj- Snap* parelanomaner^tbeptiifferlttlefromtbemof Cakcut. Cpeere mmm* of toe fotmoe cercapne mercbantes, ©{jjtrttans, nameo of tlje pjo* fe ® on offattic ©Ijomas tlje Spoftle ♦ ©Ijep obfertte tljefaftpng offourtteoapes, as toe oo, ano bdeeuc tn tbe neatl; ano refurrec* ttonof©b?trt,astoeoo, ano tberfoje celebrate Carter after our matter, ano obferue other folemnittcs!ofourreU'gton 3 arter tlje matter of tlje Creekes* ©Ijep are commonlp nameo bp tbe names of Sioljn, James, ^atcljtaS, ano ©Ijomas, Departpng fromtbence, tn tbe fpace of tljjee napes tojnep toe came to att Colon. otber cttte, nattteo Colon , about ttoenttcmplesoiftane fromtbe an armie oixt. afojefapoe* ©be kpng ts att foolarer, atto a puttee of great poto* & DJf# er, Ijaupng euer an arrnte of ttoentte tljoufanoe Ijojfemen : tbere tsauecpfapjepojt. J&eareto tljefeafpoe tbefoplebearetljno cojne, pec great abounoanceoffrutte ano pepper, as tn tbe cttte ofCrftotbtttbpreafonoftbetoarres toe remapneo tto longer beere- Mot farrefrom bence, toe fame men fpfbc foj pearles, ttt maner as toe baue fapoe before oftlje cttte ano 3|lanoe of Ormus . paries* OfCyromandeLa citicof India. Cap. 2. ©e cttte of Cyrom&M is bp tbe fea fpoe, ano otftam front I tlje cttte of colon fettett napes faplpng * i Ujz cttte ts berp , large, but touljout toalles : tets fubiecte to tlje kpttg of gcilon. Karfmga, anO tS tottljtn tlje fpgljt Of tlje 3[lan0 Of Z ay Ion. Cmwitk Sifter that pou are part tlje popnt of Comerm, tbe fople bearetb plentie ofEpfe* ©bts cute ts tn tbe toap to outers great regions ano cities : 3t ts mljabtteo toitlj innumerable fgaljumecan mer* ci)ante3,refojtpngtbptljei*frommanp cotmtreps. ©here are no fppceSj but abeunoatmee of frutte, as m c*lmt. 3 founoe Navigations# 397 3|founde there certapne CbjtlKan^mboafFpjme tfjac the boDpe ofratnt^ljomadtl)e3ponic!0tljcrema certapne place, about ^ g t,obiet>r 1 * ttoeluemplesftcratbfe citie 3 and alfo that there are certapne Cfoiton^tofjseberelpgtounpobrerttetljeljolpDoop : ant* that * Pui ie * tlje€l)?tft(ang are cupUbfeD^ becauft of cbe ujarreg mbicbe tbe fepng of po^ugall bath mane agapnlt tbe people of tbefe coum <|p« &p»s or tteps . 8lfo (bat the Cbjiflians are fometpmemurcbered fecret* SSieiow$ lp 3 leftut fboulde be foremen to tbe fcpng of Karfmga, mljo is in iMtnsau*. amide and ffendfbpppc mttb tbe fepng of $ojtagall 3 and gveatlv fattoureeb clje Cbjtftians * €becauftmbtrcof(as tbep fape) is alfo partlp bp reafon of a eertapne mpjacle, mbicbe mas this * 'glje CbjiftianS on a tprne ban a great conflicts mitb tbe n miracle at $PabumetanS 3 mbere one oftbeCbjifftans bepng fo?e mounded Sw*** ^ on (jtss arme 3 rcfojten incontinent to she fepttlcb?e of faint ^Tl)o- " ntas 3 mbere makpng-bis pjapcrs 3 $ toudjpng the bolp place, bte atmemasimmeoiatlp bealed . ^hereupon (astbepfape) tbe fepng of Karfmga euer after greatlp fauoured tbe €builtans> ilperemp companion foloemucbe of bis mares . But bp reafon of tbe toarres betmeene tbe fcpnges of Karfmga and Temaferi , toe determined to depart from bence . ^ndibcrefojefaplpngo^ tier agulfe of .pr ♦leagues mitb great daunger 3 me atriued at an 3lland named ZailonMty larger containing in ctrnutc a iljou# fande mples. Of the Ilande of Zailon, and the precious ftones foundc there. .Cap.j .. ^ #. >». I J3- tbfe 3Ilande are fottre fcpngcg of great dotwmon,6p reafon jponrrkpugre of tbe largeneife of tbe 3llande* But becaufe of tbe marres a= m eneauno- mong tbent at mp bepng there, 31 cotiloe not tarpe long to* • ' bane particular foiomleoge oftbe region and manors of tbe people ♦ Cbereare tn tbe Silanoe manp Clepbantes ♦ ^Tbere is alfo a berp long motmtapne , at tbe foote mbereof, are fetmbe apbires, Qa* pafes, ano fuebe Ipkc . $aroe bp the mountapne, runnetb a great rpucr . ©;e fople bjpngetb foojtb tbe fmeeteO ftuttes tbac cuerSIfatoc, efpeciallp tloties 3 ano apples; of JJfiria, of epee# opng fu)eetnefle,ano aU otbcr 5 ajs in Calecut, Of the tree of Cinnmome in the Hand of Zaylon .Cap*4* T H;e tree of Ctnamome is not mttcb tmlifce a 3£ape trce 3 e£ peciallptbeleaues, it bearetbberrpes as Doth the Bape tree,but le(Te,ano lobpte : us ooubtlelfe therefore none other then tbe barke of a tree, ano is geatbereo tn this mancr ♦ ^uerptbp^epeeretbepcuctetbeb^ancbcooftbetreet £Df this, to great plentte in tbe fapoe Jlanoe » fOben tc ts fpjOe geatbereo itis not petfo fineete, but a mottetb after tnben it Uiajc* ctbo?pe. 3 certapne spalmmecan merebaunt of tbe Slanoe, tOiDempcompanpon 3 d}attbereintbetopofa bpgb mountapne is; a certapne Dcnne,0}bptber tbe inbabttantes oftlje countrep re* fojttop?ape,imnemo 2 pe of our fp$ father 8oam, tnljo (tbep fape) after be baofpnneo bp tyeakpng the commatmoemeut of clofclp coucbeo > Cbepj boufes are toaHeOsano comment in c?ocraoowr 2 ! arc. Che region typng* etb foojcb mljeatc,l)cmbaOnc 3 fplkc.of funbjpekinbe* of colour*, Raffle, anb funbjpekpnbe* of fumes, muebe Iphe Onto our** #rufte 0 * 3lfo apyto of jjfiria, ©jange* 3 lUmou* 3 Citron* 3 Couroc*, Cucumber* ♦$*« Ofthc wyldcandtarrebeaflcsofthe citieof Tarnaflary* Cap.7* T !£)i* region fypngetb foojtsj manp beat! es bod; toplu anb tame . CljetamebeaUe*, ate J©pa! 3 Iftpnc, ^>beepe, wm*twt 9 . Coce* 3 ^)ogge* 3 partes, anb l|)pnbes . Cbe top! be bcalfes, are kion*, c£to!ue<3 3 Cacte* of dje moumapnr, aub alfo $0ufkccattc*. 3fn tbe feeloes are manp 12>eacocto,an& laicmw! 0 * t^ofc kpnbe ofCgles mbtebe toe call jFalcous ♦"poptngap* alfo ^opmsapc 0 . 0 } 10arrotte* 3 marueplott* fap?e 3 of tbe Uibtrb fotne are tul;tte f anb other of feuen colour* . 3I!Kre is Ipkempfe great plcmte of % great ant* *Nrc* 3 ano ]partrige$ 3 anb bluer* other fojte* of great bpim f*pi* fouic. liupng bp p?ape 3 mucbe bpgger then Cagles : fo? of tbe upper parte of cljctr bccbe* 3 t(jcp make Ijafces foj fuioojDe*. Cije becke . is ofpelotoe colour, btftincte tottb crimkne, berp fapje ano beau* ttfullco befeene. ^uttbebp?0eisblackeanDpurple 3 UJtthcer# tapnembptefeatber* tnrermpjte ♦ ^bete are aifo tbe bpggeff cc the fpg&t* Upenne* anb Cocke* tbateuer j fame t anb therefore tbmbabt- in 2'- tants anb f^abumetans m!;icb bluett tl;ere 3 take muebe pleafuro inCockefpgbt, anb Jape greatmager* nubatkpnoe of fpojte* 3 bauc feenetljem fpgbtc H t be fpace of fpjte boure*, anb pet fometpme*tbepkp!loneanotberattbcfp?(f tfroke. Cbrre are ^raitefiai certapne Cote* farre ejcceebpng our* in bpggcnefle, anb muebe fapjcr : tbefe are fa fnmefuil, that at one bpjtb tljeptypng fo?tb fouvepoungkpbbe**Cbereis(b great abunDaunceofbeaffe*, tbattmeluemeatbersarerolDfo^onepeeceofgolbeto tlje balue of a ctobme oj ptftolec . Cbere are alfo certapnemeatbcrsog ramme* fcottb bonnes ipke bnto bucke*bo?uc * ? anb are muebe ^o, nC 0 . fepsse r anb f^mcreUen ww. , f ®je# Navigations^ ^ Cfiep? are not to fapj e a* our* . Zht region M aifo * bunoaunce of fplbe, berp bpggeanogooo, ana of fmaH pjtW Eijcfc people cate all maner of beaffe*,ejccepteftpne* SL&ep cate on the grounoe mitbout carpet oj other doth : pet baue cbep beffeH* of mcoooe artifictallp maoe . Zbtyi o?pnke it mater anofuger : ibcp? bmtt are rapfco from the grounoe, after the tnaner of our* ♦ 3Lbep? couclje i* of bombaline cotton , ano the couetpngeaoffpike* ^T&ep? apparel!, iaariofce oj maned! of bombaftneojfplke,mttboneatmeouf,ali bare . $ut fome of tbe mercbaunteo, meare Inner beffure* oj (btree* of fplke o j bom* bafine cloth ♦ 3Lbcp go all barefootco,cpccpt the pjteffe*,mi)icbe meare on tbepj beano ccrtapne raples oj crelfe* of tmo fpanne* long, tottba knotte ontbecrofcme Ipke onto an $cojne,anO fparkleo botth goloe. &bep oelpgljt aifo tn earinge# but meare nepthcr rpnges no? tyaflettea • tube colour of them* babitantegindpnetbtombpte, foj the temperature of the cli- mate o ) ap?e, to coloer then at Caleeut . Zl ) epj matter oftpllage* and geatl;erpng offruitc, t* Ipke Onto out*. Of the maner which the kyngof TarnafTarie- vletb, when he permitteth his w) feto be devoured of white men .Cap»8» T Jf)i* kpng bfeth not to geue hi* rnpfe to the pjfcffc* to he OeUoured, as doth the kpng of Caleeut 3 but comnucteth this facte to mbptemen, a* to tbeCbjilltan* oj SJDabu* metans, fcj bempilnotfuffer the 3|oolater*tooochi*. tTbembabitantesIpkempfe haue not to do carnaUp batch tbtpj topucs, before fome mhpte mau,of mbat fo cuer nation, hatte lp$ $c tyeakpngof them* The maner of burnyng dead bodyes in the citieof FarnaiTary.Capp* W 5)en the kpng o? anp of the p^tcile* o? gentlemen * ope, their bodies are burnt in a greatfp?e maoe of a pile of mood : then all the mbple thep facnfice bntofhe oeupU.®jeiraf®e* are referueoin csr* tapne potte* of the earth of to^anoburpeo tntl;epj Ijoufrs. Pm m ‘Lewes VcitSmannus * ’ . ®bepfacr®ce (it p fymm oftrees! asibo thep otcdemMbM theboBpeaarelmrnpng, then caff tit c&e f#e all matter offmeete fauo«res,a0 ^p?re 3 ,f rankenfence 3 ^>'bjar 2 &athal£, Co?all 3 ano innumerable fuclje oti;et fuaceec gummesi 3 fpicc0,ahb trees ♦ ^Chefe make the fp?e murfje greater 3 encreafpng the flame bp reafonoftfjepjgummofltie : in the mean e fprne alfe thep nettercealfe to make a great nopfe mtth ^rumpetretf, ^attonifpns of ptpe0 3 D?ummess 3 ^ambarelte 3 ano fuclje other tnff rumema, wme0 ' not mttebe bnlpke the ceremonies mhich tn oloe tpme mere bfeb among the gentiles tit canonifpng tljep? faintes . Jfurtbcrmoje, Durpng thefe funeralls, there are «pb .o?,r]c.D!fgmff d Ipke ocupls, tnhielje conttnuallp malke rotmoe about the fp?e, tettlj manp ftrange gelftculattons* after t!je tttancr of reiopepng . &{ je mpfe alfo of the burneb kpng o? p?ie8 3 (fanoetlj bp tlje rp?e alone, mttljout tbe companpe of anp other rnoman, lamentpng anD beatpng bet b?ea(l . djefe ceremonies are Done the fecon&e matclje of tlje npght»^tthm(pfteene oape 0 after, tlje ujpfebtBa SnTeftciff Mb to a banquette all her httfbauDes kpnfrblkes , anD inljcn after ttje ocatit tljep come at a Dape appopmeo, thep go al to the place inhere her ofD«Duffcant>. (jtifbanDe inas burnt, ano at the fame Ijoureofthenpght : then commetb foo?tlj tljempfe, garnpfljcD Uiitlj all her lemells ant befl apparell, bfpng therein the Ijelpe of all her kpnffoikcs ♦ 3in the fame place 10 maoe a pptce 3 no Deeper then map ferue to rc* cetuetljelnoman : pptte 3 10 fetce about mtclj teeDes 3 anD the reeDes are couereD mfclj a cloth of fplke 3 that the pptte map notbefeene . 31nthemeanetpmealfo afp?e istnaDeintbeppf, mith funDjp fo?ts of fmcct mooosjf the rntfejafter that her geff es haue mell banqueteD 3 eatech berp mueije ofaeercapne meate mljtche tljep call KmU , mljiehe troubletb bet mpUDc as though (he mere balfemabBe 0 ? Drunken ♦ 3In the meane mbple, a great companpoffucbe.tbepjmuflttonsasmebauefpoken of before, apparelleb like Deupls, mttb burtipng flicker in tljep? mouthed, Daunce fp?ft abcut the pptte, anb then make faenftee to rlje great Deupltowo* ©;t mpfealfo in p meane fcafonrunueth bp £amfte« to tbe ano fiomne Ipke a maDDe bobp, mttlj countcnaunces of oaunepng bsupu* anD reiopepng ♦ ^heti turnpng her to them that are oifgmfeb Ipke Deupte, (he commenDetl; her felfe to thep? Deuoute papers, • • P#nH teupUeo. ( NauIgatldmJ 46$ Idltpttg tljtn foj bee to make focerceffton li tfje great ftmmo, tbat after t! * is tranOco^te tpfe, tt map pleafe btm to recepue ini into tbe eompanp of bfe 8 ngeilea . after tbe ceremonies are fp* mQjcu, (bee tafcetb ber leaae of alf ber kpnffolkeSjto&i'dje tfanoe tounoe about ljer 3 anti neare Unto tbe pitte 3 tljen tottb fooauie out* &inbp$ rage ano a tottoe trpe liftpng Up ber fjanoc0 3 (be burletb bee felfe * mto ttje burnpng pic 3 tnbtcb oone 3 ber bpniTolkeSjffanomg neare imto tbe fp?e 3 cotier bee tmtb Ittle fagottes offlneece Uioco 3 bur* ipng alfo tbereon much pitebe, that tbe boote map tbe fooner be ronfumeo: ano except tbempfe ftouloeooe cbto after tbe oeacb GmtveCpette ofberbufbanoe, (befboulOeuerafterbeefteemeo an eupli lno- offmemste* ntanibebateDofanme^aPoinbne^tnoanger tobe fiapnebotb nrtWc * of bee oume kpnffolkes ano ber tufbanoes 3 ano therefore (bee goetb to it tbe mo?e Unlltnglp ♦ €be fcpng btm felfe fe pjefent as cbefe pompes : to&tcb are notcommonlp ufeo foj all men 3 bus snip fo| t(;e fynge0 3 $Me0 3 ano nobfe men. Of the iuftice which theinhabitantes of Tania (far i obferue.Capjo* I jfanpkpnkmkn, be ts aotubgeo to oeatb, as m tbe eftfe of C ale cut .©fgtupnganorecepupng, iufttceis miniifreo, as p?oofc map be maoe Up uniting; oj toimetTe . ©bep m?pte in a&tptta. parcbemenc Iphconto ours, ano not in bathes of trees as Doe tbep of Caiecut . CClIjen tljep coutenDc fo? anp tbpng, tbep refute to tbe gouernottr of tbe cittc, to tobom tbe hpng batb giueit full auctbojitieofiurifoictiontanDif anp mercbauntitcaunger Dpe there initbout ebifojen, be map mahe no inberitour, but all bis goons is Due to tbe hpng ; toben tbe hpng ts DeaD, bis ebplD?ett fuccceoetntbehpngDome. £Oben tbe inbabitantes ope, t&ep| gooos are eqtiallp otuioeD among tbep; cbityen* /ff.i* f)otoe Mecha* ^Efjeritfeof fBangelU. flit aruitJof tiuoIjaiiDifa tjteufouo men. Lewes Vertoimmnts * O » ' ;• rj 'l *:■ »; j ! f, ' w Howe the Mahumctans arc buried in the citieof TarnaiJari. Cap.ix. W J&enanpofthe spahumetanmerc&anteSDpe, they are embaulmeD mith tttanp fptces ana futeete gum? mes 3 anu tljepj bobies put in Coffins of moob;UM& cljiefe regaroe ci;ac thep? beaoes Ipe toboaroe the el- ite of Mecha, tnljtcb is from thence $ojtbU)ar&e. Of the dy uer$ fortes of thcyr.shyppes or other vefTelles, Cap. I2» T Cpep bane Bjtganttnes berp ®aloboe,anD trntlj fla ttt bof* toms, mbtcbD?ame but fntall Depth of boater* g>ome afe fo bfe jfoilfes,haupng ttoo oj ooublefo}epartes,anD tnia gaffes, anD arc openboithoutanpeouerture* Ebere fe iutotljerkpnbeof(bpppesofburDenj®fcbembtGb, Ibmc beare the buroeu of a tboufanDe tunnesJn tljefe tbep carrp Botes anfc other fmaller beffelles 3 to the ctite of M dacha, mljen tbep goe fo } fptces*. Of Bangella,a great and riche citie ofIndia,and of the great power of the kyng.Cap.i3. I ® isnobo tpmetofpeakefurtljerofourbtage 3 anoofcur pm* ceeDpng therein . ®herefo?e paebpng op our toares, ana commttpng bs to the fea, me came in tboelue Dopes faplpng to a citte nameo $angeIU, Diftant from Tarnajfari feuen burn djcd tuples . ®bis citie in fruttfulneffe ano plemtfttlneffe. of all thinges, map in matter contenDe buith anpettte in the boojtlbe* ®0c bpngDomeano Dominion of this ciueisepceeDpng large. ®bebpng hath an armp of tuao IjunojeD tboufanDe foocemen ano hojfenten ^ahumetans, ant. ts of fo great pobocr, that be keepahfoieuiarrcsmiththe bpttgof Karfmga . ®be region is fo plentiful! tn all tljpnges, that there lacked; noebpng that mapimie totbemceffarteufes ojpleafures of men: fo* there Navigations; 40P inin metier all fej to of beaded goob anc holefome frufte&mts plentte of cootie x feptto alfo of all fo?te0 . Ipketepfe of bomba* & P i C eg fine anb Hike, fo epceebpng great abotmbance, that in thefe thin* ges, 31 there 10 none ether region comparable uiic b ti)i$, anoeberefo^e here are berpmanpmbemercbante0 * ifojeuetp peere beparte from hence, Fpftfe Ihpppes laben teith cloche of us > fcomba(meanbftlke, into the cities anb couwreps of r nubia, Sj!m,Arabia)fe}jia,EtbiopiaM$ India . ®ljere are alfo manp . merchaunt tfraunger0,te;;tche bupe precious Hones of the m fw*™ $abttauntes* - % Of certayne ChrifKan merchaurites,whkh -ejvercilc merchandies there, Cap* 14. F J'fere tee fomibe manp €b?ttfian mechanics tebiefc toere mm ***. *| bo?ne tn the citte of Sarnau, a 0 tbep coloe 110 . ®bep re* •* fo?te tbptber^as to a great marte, teith doth of ftike,ano lignum Aloes . teoob of dloc0 3 (f LaferMM) pelbeth the fteeete gumme i a f wpitium, names laferpiuum, commonlp calico ®elzoi, bepng a kpnoc of Eelzoi. wp?re*®hcpb?pngaifoCd/?ore«w, anb bitters other fnieete fa* Caftoreum. ttours* ^:ljefaptieChhlltan0toloeb0alfo, that there be in that kpngbome, manp Cbjtfttan ponces, fubtect to the great cham, great cijam of of the ettte of Catbai . ®bcappardl of thefe Cb?tfltans, tea $Catbaj % Chamletjloofe ana berp full of pleptes, anb Ipneb teith bomba* Cue cloth, ©n tbep? heabs tbep teeare cercapne coppen 0 ? Charpe popntebcappeojoftteohantifallhpghs of fcarlet colour * ®bep are telnf e men . %\) ep ncknotelebge one ® ob in ®rintcie,$ are bapttfeo after our maner . ®bcp beleeue the Doctrine of the 3po* Hies anb Cuangeliffes * ®bep te?pte backetearbe, after the ma* ncr of the Armenians # ®bep celebrate the birth anb burial! of Ch?iff?atKi obferucfatfpngtbe fourtte Dapcs of JLcnt as tee Doe. ®b ep celebrate alfo certapne fametes Dapes.tEhep bfe no (hooes, but teeare loofe hofc of mite, garntlbeb teith Dpuer 0 3eteel0.©n thep? fingers tbep teeare Hinges, teith Hones of incomparable Iplenbour ♦ 8t meate, tbep bfe no table, but eate Ipmg on the gtounbe, anbfcebeofallfoiccsoffleihe* Jff&fc ®(;ep Lewes Vertomanntjs «M«Aniwit* ®bep affometialfo, that tbere are ccrcapne Cfeftftan &pnge& rcsnraretije ( mljtcbe tbep call fymi) of great potoer , confinpng ojboj« Son*! fcomt* agr?nff on t ^ c tiovntmonsai of tbe great 'STurke . ,$) :re arc alfo trees foj buptopng, anb to make (bpppes 5 tbe fapjclt that etter 31 latoe : 3lfo epceebpng great Hcebes^ as bpg ^ iCa ce **' as tbe bobie of a groffe matt, o;a tubbe ♦ Cpereareiiketopfe OmcCattes,o)S0ufbeCattes, ano offmallpjpce, as tl^ce /iBuruecam*. fojonc peece ofgoloe . 1£bere arefetoe merebanopes tit this citie,cjeceptp?ecious ifones, anbfpeciallp Hubiesttobtcb ne< itercbeleffe are brought tbptber from an other title nameb Ca< Cape/a. (eta, bepng toUtaroe cl;e Calf tljtrtte bapes tottrncp, tobere are alfo founbe precious (tones nameb Smaragdes ojCmeralbcs. ^nwragbraoj CSCtben toe arrpueb at fego, cbe kpng toas abfenc fpue $ ttoem mcra ***** tie bapes(ottrnep,ma place tobere be fcepte toatreagapnS tbe fcpng of Jua . ^5utlbo?tlpafter, be returneb tottb great trp* imtplje fo; tbetnctojie topic!; be i;ab agapnH Ijfa enemie. Of the imnificence 3 hurnilitie 5 and great nchclle of the Kyng of Pc- go* Cap»i6. T 5)ts bpttgbfecb not fuebepompes anb magnificence as boetb tbe kpng of Calecuc Due is of fuclje btonam'tie anb affabtlitte, tbacacbpibe map come to bfa p?cfcnce anb fpeake toiclj Ijim, being nctiertbelclfe berp rpebe . 31c is ^ fn maner tncrebible to fpeake of tbe rpebe 3!etoelles, pjcctotis |mfeiifsaiia 0f (fanes, pearles, anbefpeciallpEubie3 5 tobicb betocaretb, fur* wwiouemme* mounting in balue anp great citie.5>fa fingers be full of Hmges 3 anbbfaarmesallfuilofb;afdctcesofgolDe 3 all befet anb molfe glojtouflp (btnpng toitb futbe precious If ones : 5)is legges alfo anb feete bepng garnplbeb in Ipke maner • 5>is cares ipketopfe arefolabeb toitb fucbeJetoeHes, that t&ep bangbotonc baife a banbhilh^befplenbDuro; Ojinpng oftbef^etoetfes ts fo great, m tl;at if one fee tbe king in tbe Darke nigijt 5 be fln'nctb in maner as um^fa^r 15 it toere tbe bcames of tbe fitnne. goob opojmaict'e tbe Cbjtlf U ftiUrf0 ’ an merebantes fpake to tbe kpng, anb certifteo bint that rnp com* panton babbjougbc funb;pnurcl;aunbies of great effimatioiu ifff.iti, ®Jjc Cfjekpitgracti* fpcetlmtlje beupU, €m\l» ^eftpitg-ant tlje merchant comeitDeofli? frantic* ^ToncttciitJati* D'i ofrjje^er* Stan#* cafket full oi&iuiuea. Lewes Vertomannus ®je kpng anfmereb, that thep fbouloe come Co bfmf&ebap fb* lotting, bpcaufetbat, t&ac p?efcnc he fljouloe faertftee ta the beuptf . Cberefoje thenejctc bap he fcnc foj bs, millpng tbac mp companion fljculDbjpng UittU bim fuchc mcrchanbtes as Ije bao.^he mhtch the kpng coke great pleafure to bcholb,anb not michouc goon caufetfoj among other thingcSjtbere mere cma great branches of corral!, of fuel) bignelfeanbfapjenefle, as na man there bao euer feene the Ipke. €he kpng aft onilbeb at thefe thtnge S,afkeb the Ch?tHtans mhat men me mere, ^hep anf toe* rcD that me mere perftans . ®en fapoe d )z kpng to his inters p?ecour,${ ke them if thep mill here make falc of thep? mercljam Dies^o mhom then mp companion fapbe thus, honorable p?incc,all thefe are pours, take them, ana bfe them at pour plea* fare. TOcnfap&e the kpng agapne, ^Thefetmopcerespafte 31 bane kepteconttnualimarremith the kpng of Aua, anbtherfoje mp treafure of monep is confumcbtBut if pou mill bargatne bp the map of ejcchaunge, fo? pjectcus ftoncs, anb efpectallp Eu* bie 0 , 3 iminf 0 tiea!emtth pou, that tt (hall not repent pou* &hen fapbe mp companion to the ©hjtftians : Spjappougpue thr kpng to bnberftanbe, that 31 beftre none other thpng then the bencuolenceofhts bighnefte, anb therefore that 31 beftre hm* to take of mp mercljaunbtes mljat ipketh him beft, anb that mithout monep,o? permutation of anp other thing . OTben the kpng hearbe this, he anfmereb, that he hab hearce bp repose that the perftans mere berpeurtuous anb liberal! men,anb tljag he ncuer knemefo Iiberall a man as this mas, anb f mo?e bp the b cab of dje beupll, that bp this occaftonbe moulb p?cue mbtefj ofthemtmoibDulDbemoft liberal!, anb therefore callpugbnto him a page of his chamber, commaunbeb him to fetche a cafket of precious Hones . ^bis cafket mas of the tyeabtlj of a fpanne anbahalfe,euerp mapfquare, aubfulIofEubtes: baupng a!fo mithtn tt funs?p receptacles n? hopes, mbere the Hones mere fc?teb in o?ber . 2Bf;cn he hab openeb the cafket, be command beb it to be fet before the perftan, milling ijim to take of thofe p^eciou3lfonesasmanpashemoulb ♦ But mp companion the perftan, pet mo?e motieb to bberalitte bp tljts the Binges mu* mkcence, fpaketo the kpng thefe mooses , © moftijonoura* ble ppce 3 31 percepue pour bencuoience to be fuc&e tomarbe f 1 NaulgatlensI 463 fee, that 3! f Win bp the bolp beats of spabtffi?ef,imi? afl tty fep* Clerics of ins religion , mbcrebmo 31 am pjofelfeD, that 3! freelp anoglaolpgpuebneopouallmpmercbauntjies : jfoj 3! 00 c not trauaple about tlje mo;ttoe fo? gapnes ofricbefle, but ratber of oe* fpje to fee tlje mojtloe * 3In t be mljicb thereto* 31 newer fcunoe anp ebpngmbcrein3Ifogreatlp retopceD* as in the beneuolence ants fauour mljtcb pour matedte bath Ibtmeo me . Ebe kpng anfme* reo* tty larged that euer 31 fame, comepnpng ttm. ft rptttt of. vtfj. mplf a biofce. 3Ihe 3|linbeof Sumetra or Taprobana, Cbmi o? HW fSaptngapess, Sandalum « Cpit. £>p:ce0an& ft iku ^itntlp people. JnarcbU. Lewes Vertomannus 1 ^.mptotub^at)tl^©ntlKotl)ccrpije ? tsfeeneaberp great 31 lanDe ,mljiclje tljc p call Sumetra , anD 10 of oloe ui^ttcrjs nameo r raprobana . t:lje mbabttaimces fap tljat tt contepnetlj tit ctrcutie fpuebunDjeDmplea ♦ OTjen luce came to tfacitizofMeUch* (mijicb fome call M eleba , me mere incontinent commaunDeD to come to tlje g>o!tan, being: a spaljumctan, anD fubtecte to tbe great &oltan of cbmi, anD papetb Ijim tribute . ©f mbtebe tri- bute, tbcp fap tbe caufe is, tljat mo?e then fourefco?epecres palf, tl;ae citt'e mas buploeo bp tbe fcpng of cbm, fo? none other caufe, then onlp foj tbe commoDttte of tlje batten, being Doubtlelfe one of tlje fap?elf in that ©ccan, anD therefore it is Ipfcelp that ntanp (bPPPe 3 lboulDrcfo??etbptberfo?merdjanme 0 « ^be region is not euerp mbere fruitefulf, pet Ijatb it fufftcient of mbeate ana flcQje,anD but little mooD. ^bepljaueplemieoffou!c0 5 a8 in Ca+ lecut j but tbe]popingapsare much fap?er. ^bere igalfo founDe Sandalum , am> £pnne. Lpkempfe €iepbantes,bo?fes, (beepe, bpne,1paroato 5 Bufie05lpeacccke0, anD manp otber bcaftes* ano foulc0 . &bep bane but feme fruitee, ano therefore there 10 no mercbanm'es to be fcloe but fptces anD Hike . 3 Tbe people are el blackpllje albe colour ♦ &bep? apparel! is like to tbe ^aljume- tans Of tbe cute Memphis, Otl)Zt)Mlk nameo Cayr,Jlcbayr, 0 ? 'Ba- bylon of Nilas . -£bcp baue berp large fojeljeaDes, rotmoe epes, * ano Hatte nofes.Sli 10 Dangerous there to goe ab?oDe in tbe m'gbr, tlje inbabitantes are fo giuen to muroer ano robberp,fo? tbep lull one another Ipke Dogges, anD therefore tlje merebames remapne tit tbeir fljpppes all tlje npgbt^be people are 6 erce,ofeupll con- Dttion, attD bnrulp, fo? tbep mill obep to no gouernour, being al* togeatbet giurn to feoition anD rebellion, anD therefore fap bmo tbep? gouernours, tljat tbep mill fojfake tbe countrep, tf tbep Ifrptte co bpnDe tljem to o?Der, mbtdje tbep fap tlje mo?e bolDlp, bpcaufe tbep are neare Onto tlje fea, anD map eafilpDeparte into other places . if e? tbefe caufes, me fpent no long tpme beret but bp?mg a B?igantine,me fapleo co tlje 3 !anoc of Sumatra , mbere in feme Dapes faplpttg,me arrpueo at a cute of tbe 3 llanDe nanteo fyder, mUaunt about fourefcoje tuples from tlje continent 0? firmelonbe. t ' Navigations* 404 Of th e Han de of Sumatra* or Taprobana .Cap* 1 8 . W € Ijaue fapd here before tl)at tbe 3llande of Sum-' of tra, contepnetb tn ctrcuitefpue bundled mple& fSamotra. 1 ettte inljere toe fp?0 arrpued in tbe 3lland 5 f 0 named Mer,baupngaberp fap?e po }U 31 beleeue fcerplptbis3Ilandetobe Taprobana, as alfotnoS amours do a* gree * 3Jc isgouerneo bp fottre kpnges, and all idolaters, tn $ omc hpnqt9 fafl)tons,apparell,andmaner oflpupng, not muebe differpng moneiianD, from tbckpng of Tama/fari . l£betoomen bttrne them felues after tbe death of tbep^ buf baiides,as do tbep of tobomtoe baue momtn bimtf fpoken before . ©jepareof tobttplbe colour?, toftb large fop t&emfeiucso beaoes, rotmoeepc 2 ,and of b?afpll colour. ^bep toeare tljepj Ijeare long, and baue oerp b?ooe and flat te nofes, and are ofdeG picable nature . 31utfice is there toell obferued * ?Tbctr monp is _ ice ofgolde,fpIuer,andtpnne»^:be goloecopne, batb on rbe one lopneomottp fpde 5 tbe gtatten bead of a deupl t and on tbe other fpde, a toagon 0 ? ebarrette ojauien toitb depbames. SDbefpIuermonpbatb defames, tbelpbecopnettemteoftbefe 3 arebalucdfo? one of golde. 35uc of tbe tpnnecopne.xrb. make tbe balue of one ofgoloe. ^ereare feene mo?e€lepbantes, bpgger, and fapjer tben tn anp other place that 3! baue been ♦ people batb no experience of toarrcSjbutaregeuen altogeatbertogapnesand merebandtes, ®ljep are bofpttable 3 and entercepne Grangers frcnolp, Ofan other kynd'e of Pepper ♦ Alfoof fylke 3 and the precious gumme called Lafer- pitmm,orBelzoe s Capjp fc I B tbe fapde 3!land fs a fcpnde of long pepper tn great abum dance.pepper tn tbep? I4ttgttage,ts railed M o/aga^ tgmucb 10,15 ...longer 9 tobttet tben that toljtcb is fought bttber :pet lighter $ bottentt is fold tbere not bptoetgbt 3 but bt meafureas mijeat toftb bs . 3It is tbere in fo great abundauncc, tbat tbere is carped from bencepeerelptmenneQjpppes laden imtbppper . ®bi$ <*at&ar«t tenne croameg tlje pounoe totp$t> Howe tlic gummes of Aloes and Lafer^ pitium, areproued. Cap.2I* W € came bp certaine experience to tbe fcnotoleoge of tbe ttoo fmcete gurnmeg of J foes ano Laferpttium, as toe Uierc taught bp tbe fapo Chiton merchant* our companpons t fat otic of tbem (jao a cercapne portion of tbem both , ano ban of cljat bed fo?re of Aloes, nattieD Calampat , about tbe quantuie ofttoo ounces! : ©f tbe lobtcb, mp companion takpng a pecce in btgbanoe, ano bolopng it fait ano clore fo? tbe fpace that one map cb?pfe Cape tbe jpfalme of Mifi» memei. J jft the faptse cute of 2 >frr,tn the 3 !Janoe of Sumatra, 3 latne manp curious U20?kcs,berp artiftctallp thought, as fpue Co* pbtnes 0} bafkerg, garnilbeb utttlj goloe, foioe foj trno crom* negtbepcecet 3 false atfos&ere in onelfreate fpuebmrD^tr •ctctja tigec& Lewes Vcrtomanmis r ftrauuge f&tyif m. &topmmer0. fjpbe«! Df €5reattmfjof «Sicpl)ame0, $5reat £>te# pen tea. Cfte ltameef Hieriifalemui geuereiue* gjccbanget# i there arc To rnanp bankers. ©icber,ag f oa famous mart, refo?c innumerable roercbanteiS. Zi)C inljabttantes tueare offplke^antj ^>pnnone a mat>c of ^ombaOnc. Zl)t re* gtonbatb pie wie of niooo,ano trees, berp commootous to make fucb fljtppcs as tbep cal G undos , battpng cl; jee maff es, tino foje partem, ano alfo tm (femes o? gcuernals on both fpoes. tEOben tbep fapIeiutbeOcean, ano l;aue notoegeuentopnoetotlje Tapirs pf aftcrtuaroc it (balbe neeoefull to bauc mo }c faples, not ebangpng tlje fp?(f,tl;ep go backtoaio tottljout fumpng tbc ffrip, aito bfpng oulp one matt* ^l;ep are mo £f epperc ftnpmmers, ano baue fkpll to make fp;c tit an inllaut. ^bep? bunks are of (tone, anoberplotuc. 3intl;e place afcoucrpngesojtples, tl;ep bfetbe fkpnncsojtbpocsofafpfbe, calico Tamruca, founDe tntbatfea ofM*.3Ifatu fobugtous a bpoe of this manlier, ebatittuapeo a btutojeo $ tl;;ee pounoes. 3 fatue there alfo great teed; of Cle* pbames, as one tuaping tl^ee bunojeo $ tljtrcic potuioe fcuetgbc. Lpkemife feerpentes ofincreoible bpgneffc, ano muebe bpggec tben in Calecut. ipere our compamons,tl;e Cbjtft tan merchants* fo; affapjes tbep ijao to oo otber toapes, toouloe batte taken tbetc leaticofbs. ^ben mp companion the perltanfpake bntotbem in this maner: Sltbougb (mp frenocs) 31 am not pour countrep* man(pecbepngaUb;ctl;?en, anotl;ecbplo;tcnof3oam) 31 take <22oo to tuitnefle tl;at 31 loue pou as pf pou mere mpne omtte b;e* tbjen, begotten of tbc fame parentes t ano tbcrfo?e,confpoerpng botufrenolp toe I;aue kept companp togeatljer fo long tpme, 3 alTure pou 3 can not,untl;ouc great greefe of mpttoe,beare pour oepattpngfrombs. $no although pou toouloeoepart from me, mpll pou notoe fojfake this mp companion, a man of pour faptlj ano religion ^t;cn fapoe tie Cbjttftan?, I ) otue hath this man, bepng no ]per(tan, rccepuco our faptlj ^ ^ben fapoe mp compa* ttion, toelp be to noto a perOan, ano tuas once bought at 3e- rufalem* When the Chilians bcaroe tl;e bolp name of 3Icrufa* lem, tbep Ipfteo bp tbepjt banoes to bcauen,ano p?o(f raepng them feluesontbegrounoe,kpffeoittb 3 ipfe: then rpfpng, tbep alkeo him of toljac age 31 tuas, toijen 31 tuas brought front 3ierufalem. £>f the age of fpfteene peeres fapoe mp companion, ^ben fapoe t : ;ep agapne, n)c map tbenrentember bis countrcp. 1£ben aim* fuierco mp companion, Upe oootl; remember it in oeeoe , ano 3 bauc * Navigations; -■ §*uc tafcen great pleafore office tbpngcst ttM totoe me at#* countrpe , 3Lfcen fapoe tlje mmbauntw^airijougO of long time me tjaue oefpjeo to retume to our counttep^epng moje t&en til jee butiojeo mples Ijence, neucrtUeleflDe at pour requett me mil tKarepoucompanptotbepIaeem&pt&erpouDefpjetogo , |5?e< patpng t(jttefo?e all tbpnges partepttpng to tbe Popage, me toobe (bppppng , artinn.tfumpe&faplpng, came to an 3Hat»e jwmeBSWtfu, Xatolcflcjw PI*.. Of thcllandeof Bincfenj-wFiere Nutte* megs and Macc arc fo unde. Cap* 2J. J Btbfebopageto tbeJlanoeof^mWtoe faunae about .jtje. 3 lanoc 0 ,rome inbabiceo 5 ano force oefarce* Cbto 3iianoe is Deep faluage, barren, ano berp lotoe, ano contepnetb a bun- Jmcbia, 0?eo rcpies in circutte . 3!t batb neptber bpng no? gouernour 3 Inicts mbabtceountb a rafcailanobeaftip kpnoe ofrcen 3 lpupng Smtbout la\oe 3 o?oer 3 o? gouerrcent ♦ ®{jep baue lotoe ljoufes 3 o? *atber cotages of n>ooo 3 rpfpng but litle from tbegrcunD.Cbetc apparellis ondp a (berce* Cbep go barebeaoocoano barefooceo 3 fcritb tcep? bearebangpngootmie 3 ano baue fyooe ano rotmoe fo?beapoes ♦ Cbep are ot coioure tnclpnpng to toljpte 3 ano of oef* ptcable (facurc « €bep are 3oo!arer«,ano rcoo?fe tben are tbe m* ^abttanteo of Calecut# alleo So/u^ano Hjirana * ^bep are alio of truii rcptte ano litle ft rengtb 3 ano in fcpnoe of Ipupng altogea- tber beaftlp . ®be fople beared) no fruit es 3 ej;cepte onelp Butte* rcegge^: tbeboDpeoftbeButcercegge tree 5 tolpbc to tbe bo* Opeofa ipeacbetree, anobatb ipke b?ancbes ano leaues, but JbeieauesarefonieU)batnarorcer». ii5efo?e tbefe Butter conte to rppene(fe 3 .tbe SJDnce fro?p(hetb Ipbc onto a reooe rofe : but iob^u tbe Butte uiajtetbrppe 3 tbe ®ace dofeibtt felfe ano erc* fyafetb tbe Butte ano fl)el 3 ano are fo geatbereo togeatberMb* ottto?oero?otdributton 3 bpfcarcblpng 3 catcbetbat catcbe map 3 fo? p at tbtngs are there ccrcrcom&be tree peeJoetb frutte ofbta atone fruttefulnefle 3 lot t bout graffpngo?cuttpng 3 o?nnp otber m ♦ Zl)t(t Buttes are feioe bp toepgbt, ano .jrtftt. potmoe loepgbtj WoM fo?4;e baltie of ti;?ee fouler (tbatts) baife a Catling 3fOoia rw* jihitte* niwgctrce* PWf* an tfipnge* common. Brntcmccg?# offmaUpiwi* fir* Le vr e s V er to ma hftu s ■i 1 ^eTatueof mature* tKjriift Mbenme bao been beere tb?ee bapes , mp companion afBKcir tljeC^fdtan mercbaiitegf, mbere maa tbe region mtjicbe B’otigbtfaojtb Clouet *t ®bepatmfmereb, ®fac Clone# tuerc fotmoe in an Sffanbe ttameb Mwotb , Cm oapes faptpng from tbence. tEberfo?ep?oceebpng on ourbopage, mecametbptbfcc in tl;e fpace of feuen bapes ♦ "i* K b ■ f / j Iww Ml^ iWi^ foie tl)e!>Ipuev»!tt)oiitfiici) centewtoiis aspjotccpe oftljpneana tk 3|!anbt0 sjffppceajAre ealleo Molucca, anti iit tftem is feeuetjie rare iip^lie namcQ MamcoAiata, nr jjoradijea, QfyttCloue me* Cfmtestjeftrer ejjeni^iumess Of the Ilsnde of Mowcb, where Cloucs ‘ growe. Cap. 24* T 5)fe 3!tanbe it berp narome , pet in length epcecbetlj the illam of fiandan. ^Llje tnbabitaunies are much mojfe then tbep of fiAndm-Soi&fcie it not only fo? mans fljape, tljep fljculo iit maner Differ noting from bcaire#Cbeit eotounombpter 5 anb tbe region coiner* %W 3lattDe%jlpttget6 foo?tb Clouet asooalfo manpotber litle anb Defolate jlanbeg iping about it. ®jc boop of this tree, t# not mttc&e bnlpke the Bojce tree, anb Ijatlj leaues Ipbebnco the Ctnamomc tree, but routtber, anb almolt Ipfce tbe Bap leafe. e botlj bp cape ano npgfjt, faplttig sltnap fotitljUJatDe i Bp tlje toap toe pafleo foojtlj tlje tprne tout) pleafant talfec , ©je mercljatmt men affteo me mattp tljpnges of tije ceremonpes ann fotenmmes of tlje' Cfeflfian reltgionbreba* ntongbs: 3niin)!jen3lmaDe mention of tlje Veronica ( com- ®* monlp catleo tlje decnacle of tlje face ofCljjpll) and of tlje (jeaoss ’ oflpetet ano paule tlje cljtefefl of tlje 3poltles, ano alfo of ma* 0 npotljerfaintes, tljep aoucrtpfebine fecretlp, tljat if 31 toouloe fault, go toitU tljem, 3! Ojouloe become a great man foj tlje knotoleoge offuclje great tljpnges . But bepng oeterreo bp tlje greatnefle of tlje toinep,? featpng tljat tljen 3 djouln ncuct Ijaue come ljome s 3 refUfeB to go britlj tljcnt . 3 1 tlje lengtlj lue eame to tlje 3lano ofSerwe^oillant from Mmcb about truo Imnbjeo mples, ano tsfomeml]at bpgger,butmurl)elotoerbeneatlj tlje Do;t?on 0 : Cqumoetiall. £lje inljabitamcs are Joelatcrs, ofqjarpetupt, ano maneroflpupngnotgreatlp to be otfcommenoeo . ©fjeic tolour mclpnctlj moje to urfjpfcnefle . lEljep toeare not all sue maner of apparetl, foj fome toeare fljirtes of boitibafine cfotlj, 0 - tljer manteils of cljamlet,ans otljcr alfo fljarpe cappcs of reo coloure , ^IjepobfctuetulftceanDgooo ojoer, SCljis 3llanoe peeloetlj peerelp great abunoauneeofcawpljwa, tafndj tbep fapo Camphor* lobetljegumtneofatree t but 31 fare not affpjme tt,becaufe ‘ Jljauenot feenett, llJere mp companpon Ijpjeo alpgijt Qjpppe oj barbs foj aljuiiojeo pceces ofgoloe. Oftheobfeeuations vfedin the nauigation to thellandofGiaua. Cap. 2 6. A jfttt tljat toe Ijaa maoe pjouiSon of bittaples fuffidcnt foj tbe uopage, toe Mreccco our tojuep to. tlje Silauoe of Gya- ua anb tame tljptljer in tlje fpacc of fpue capes, faplpug c< uer totoatCe tbe foutb. fflur ipilotbfeat&e marpnersbojee dj compaffe, toitlj alfo tlje loce ffone anafea catoe, after tlje nta* ttjc t»itj n«, uer of outs. EljercfojcMjeii mp companpon fame tljat tlje feep= tentrions 0? nojtlj (fattesxoulce notbefeene there, Ijc ateo tlje Cljjiltians borne tljep coula faple on tljat lea tuttbout tlje gutoe of tlje uojtfj. ftat'st aOtec aifc, bp toljat otljerffar tljep tuere gutoeci bout tljc pete ftwtartifce. ^tjelone Atone feruetd in tpe foutft region? bepou&etde<€* qtunocctaU tine. Antipodes, 3 fDotaterij. <3Tlge 3|maseof tUeDeupll. £plfce oftree?, ibmarag&e?. xuooTme^! fo?e abbo?rpng tbefe bcadip matters, me remrneD to our djpppej not mcenopng anp longer to tarrp there* Of the llran 2 ;e courfe of the funne in the Hand of Gyaua* Cap.2p. W tfpplctoe remapneo here, the Cbpdfan mercljantes* cuer oeOrotis to (hernebs item ano drange tbinges, mbicbclnempgbt Declare at our returne into our coumrcps, fapoe thus onto bs, $0p frtentie0,make repojte in pour coumrep of a draunge tl;png mbiche 31 bull <%g,t. * norn Lewes Vertomanmis ttotoe (Tjcloc pou . Bcbolbc (fapbe tin?) tl;e place of the &umte mtbe^outbatbpgbnoone, anbtberebp confiDcr botoe farre this region ts from pour councrep . We then bebetoe tbe feumie to runne totoarb tbe rpgbc banb: anb agapne,to Ibctoe o ; marke a fpbere, about ttoo banbfuls b?ob£ 3 totuarbc the lefce banb,tobicb ooubtlefiefcemebtobs berplfraunge . 8 nb cljt 0 (ajs cljcp Tape) is etter fecne tti tbe monetb of 3ulp . But 31 notoe fcarfelp beare this in mpno 3 fo? 31 there forgot euen the names ofour montbes. But this is certapne, that in this region, tbe tpmes anb feafona of tbe peeres are Ipke bnto ours, anb oflpke temperature of beat emttaibtsof onbcoloe . Cpcre mp companion bought ttoo fap?e Cmeralbes gcat pjice. foj a tljoufanbe peeces of golbe, anb alfo tmo gefbeb cbtib?en foj turn,** c * lU tUio hunbjeb peeces of golbe ; foj beere are certapne uiercbanteu tl;at blip none other tuare 3 tben fuel; gelbeb cbilbjen. Of our return* from the Ilande of Gyaua. Cap 30, A jf ter that toe babremapneb beere fpfttenebapes 3 toerp of tbe maners of tbe inbabtcantes 3 anb of tbe coibnelTeof tbe cotmtrep tbattpmeof cbepeere, Uiebetermpneb to pjo* ceebe no further : fojthts caufe alfo 3 that there remap* neb in maner none other region tooojtbte to be fecne, anb there* foie bpjtng a fpgbt lbpp 3 toe beparteb from tbence 3 fapling Calf* inarbe fojthcfpaceoffpfttenebapes, anb came at the length to the citie of Afelacba, inhere remapntng tbjee bapes, toe tooke our leatte ofour companions the Cb?tlftan merebatmtes, toitb frienblp emb?afinges,anb fojotufull mpnbes , (LObtcb beparture (3 take Cob to U)ttnelfe)greeueb me fo foje, that if 3 l;ab been a Ongle man ttrit&out tupfe anb cbiltyen, 3 moulo neuer bauc foj* Taken fuelje frtenblp men ♦ Wz tbercfojte beparteb 3 anb tbcp re* mapn-cb there, fapmg that tbep moulb fyojtlp rettirne to the ei* tie of Sana: anb me takpng a f cilt, returneb to the citie of Cjro- gsmen thou* man del * Bp the uiap, tbcgoueniour of tljelbpptoibebs, that iSL?lfo? £0 “ about £ be31lanbes of Gy am anb Taprobana , there are abottefc* jjii&arjw.. ' uen tl;oufanbe little Slanbes . Wfy en toe arrpueb at M dacha, . : mp ’ Naulgations. 410 mp companion bought as muebefpto 3 ftoecfe fauottrSj an& fill te, as co H him fpttc tljcufanoe pccees of golDe : But toe came not to the cute of Gjromandel in Icffc fpace then fpftiene Dapes faplpng 4 ^bcre toe DnlaDcD our 4foi(l 3 anD after toe baa remap neD there ttoemte Dapes, bp?ing an other jfoiff, toe came at the length to the erne of Colon, inhere toe founDe ppu. Cb?tflianS,of fijppW> But gob fl)o?t!p after gaue him W due reboardifoj tohen be UJent m * * i0WneD * to toa(behimmtherpuer 3 hemagd;! 0 Uine^ . Buttoreturne to our fapde Chjiftiano. ©ots is tttp irntnclTe betoe carneHIp 31 per* fuaded them, neuer thereafter to make anp mo?e artillerie 0 ; ®mineg 3 ta the great contempt and indignation of ® od, and de* trtment of our boip fapth . cOben 3! had fapde tbefe tnoo^e&tfje a^utmuitc. teares feu front the eped Of Teter Antonie .But I ohn M aria (tuljo perhappes had not fo great defire to returne to hi* coumrep)faid ^ that it toss all one to htm 3 todpe therein the citieof liomt: and that 0od kncuie rnhat he had decreed of him * (KBit&tn tuio dapeg after,3! returned to ittp companion 3 U)ho maruepled inhere 31 bad been, fearing left 3 bad ben eptherficke, oj departed* 31 tolde him that 31 toag all npght in the €emple 3 left he Ihoulo fuf* pecte mp great familiaritie dritb the Ch?tftiang. Of thecommyng of the Portugal? shippcs> to the citieof Canonor* Cap* 32 * W ^ple 3! remapned here in the lodging ofmp com* pamon,tbere came to him cujo Ter fan merchants from the citie of Canonor , Taping that thep had fom etipll nedies to tell him : nihertottb feempng to be fometuhat troubled, he afkeddibatujas the matter VEbere are come (fapde thep) rluelue (hpppes of pojtugale,tubicb uie haue feme Uritl; our epeg ♦ &benfapdebe>2$hatmaner of men are tbofe *x ©jep are (fapd the TerfiansyzLixittims, armed toitlj bar* nefie of finning 3!ron,ano haue builoeo an meppugnabiefojtrefie a fo?trunietan of cbe cicie of Calecut urns beep llcke, batting bis betlp fo bounbe, tljat be coufo not Doe tlje neceftUies of nature, to bpeaufebe mas a frienue co mp companion, anu bis Difeafe mcreaftD, be afkets me tf 3 bao anp fkpll ut pljtitche^ 31 fapDe,tbae mp father mas a pbtlittan 3 ano ebat 3 baolearneD manp things ofbtm bp cjtpcricnce.^ben 3 p?ap pot(fapD be)Do tubat pou can to Oclpe this mp fnenD ♦ 622 ement therfo?e togea* tber to cbe ficke man, U)bom mp companion afkeD mhere be felt bmi felfe moil great d. 3 n mp heao (fapDe be) ano mp ftotnake, Ijattpug alfo mp bellp fo fo?e bounoe, that 3 can not goe to tbe noole.^ljen mp companion agapnetn bis p?efence 3 DcfeD me to conftoer bis inSrmt£ie 3 anD take upon me co muifftec Unto him fume mcDtcinc . $£p companion bao toloe me befo?e 3 tljat be mag a great eater anD banker. ^berefa?e 3 takpng!}imbptbeljanDe 3 anofeelpngbispulfe, 3 fapoe that bis llomacke ano bomeiics mere full of cljolei 4 3 bp reafen of furferpng, ano therefore tijat tt {l)ou!DebegooDf{ 3 >btmtocakeagIil!ec . fapaetbe Gcke man,Doe tobat pou mil, 3 tot! abpoe pour c?Der. ®ljen mane 3 a glitter of egges 3 falt 3 anD fuger 5 aDDing alfo butter anD cercaptte bearbes/ucb as came fitrtt to mp memo? te Upon tbe foDapne,anD in cbe fpace of a Dap anD npgljt, 3 gaue him fpue glifrere, but all tn uapne : fo? befpDe tbe papnes mljicb be enDuretsbe mas rather moo?fetfj£ubcctei 4 5 t'nfomud;e $i;aticrepemeDmeofmpnc cn^ tcrp?ifet * Nanigatlons. 4H p?ff? : But it maanome bed tofct a gooo face en the itiaffer 3 ano attentpte an orbcr map, but tbe lade errour teas moo?fe tljen the & fird^ec dill putting him in goco hope, 3 Ufeo Ijim thus. 3 maoe garter, him ipe grottdpng on bis bedp, $ then tptng co?oes on bis feece, 31 rapfeo Up tljebpnoer partes of btsboOp, fo that he redeo cnlp bppoiUjisb?edanDbanoes, anoasbelape,. mtnidreo a glpdee Unto him, ano let btm fo bang f 01 clje fpace ofbalife an boure $pp companion beljolDing this draunge kpnoe of pjaccife, fapoe Onto me, HoDautfee, tgtbtet&cmaner ofmpMdrmgtodckefGlkes tn pour coumrep 3!t ts,fapoe 3, net tieuer but in cafe of epere* mitte . ^benfmplpng, be fapoe , 3 bdeeue it intllbealebtmone map o? an other. 3ntbe meane tpme tbemiferable man crpeo, faptng in language, 3t is enough, it is enough, fo? mp foule notn Departed) . ClU comfojteobim, oedipng him to baue pact* enccpetauibple . Inmanerimmcoiatelpafter 3 btsbellpmas mmesoon iofeo, ano auopDcD matter as if it ban been out of a gutter. £bcn t?,cu luljen mcehao let oomnebts borne, l>ee auopneo metetje as ' ,mpns * mpgbt almod fplla paple, ano Hjoztip after, il-epapne of bis beaDauodomake>anD alfotbe feuer 3 ccalVeotmbereofme mere ailuerp glao . 3no bp this aDuemurous cure, ? began to bee in great etc cite among them, bp the meanes aifo of mp eoumerfcec bolmeOe, ano therefore mfjercas be mottlo baue gtuen me tenne peeces of goloe, 3 moulo take but cnlp tmo, ano gaue them ai- fo incjna'neiu to the poo?e . Ebefe fefp foufes btlceueo fo much fouira, in mp bppGcnde (tobteb 3 Ojemeo no letTe in countenaunce ano grauitie, fo?bearpng aifo openlp to eate delbe) that meli mas be that mpgbt baue me in bis baufe, o? kpfie mp banoes ano feece. opbet ^abumet, encreaftO greatlp (ano fpectalip & mong the ^abumetans) the opinion tbep bao conceiueo of mp bolinefie . But ta the meane tpme, fecretlp mcheoarkenpgbr, 31 refo?tco p?iuilp to the afo?efapoe Cb?idians , bp mbom bepng aouerttfeo that tmelue of the po?cugaIe ibpppes mere nome arrpueo at Canovor, 3 conftoereo that nome modoe beegooo opo?mmne to efcape : $no therefore remapnpng there |et feuen oaprs , 3 Icarneo all that 3 cottioe of <%gdu. tlje Lewes Vertomannus ttjc Reparations mbtcb the bpng of Calecut anti &fa people mane againft the pojtugalesjbotb touching IjtS armp,artillcrte,an 0 o* tbec thtnges partcpnpng to the marres ♦ But before 31 come to fpeafce of nip rnaner of departing, it mil here not be from tbe pur* pole, to declare borne tbe Spabumetans call the people to tljepj djurclje&and of tfjepj rnaner of piping. Howe the Mnhumetan priefles call the people to they r Churches*Cap« 34 * T Upep? pjtelfess and other imnilfers oftbeCemplefoftbe; mljicb there ts a great mmibcr}obfertte cbts maner to call tbe people to tbe church* Certapne of tbefe afeenoe to tbe bigheft Comer of tbe Cemple,mbere Self blomtng tb?ee in ^ oure k? a ^ en ^rumpct0,m tbe ffeeoe of belle^tbep crpe to tbe tjett^Deo people mitb a louoeUopce,- torefo?tetotbeCempletop?aperief. ® eit Hopping one care m:tb tbetr finger, tbep fap tn tbep? omne language t\tfk\uootncz: JlUueccubar. Cbattistofap, 0odte j^otantdac great. 8ndagame, dooDio great: CometotbcCempleof the i far, ao&, iioitJ. g, C£ac Come to p?ap to tbe great < 0 00 : 600 is great, 600 I pov.\c of tbmi is great, 0od mas,0oo ts,$9Mjumet tbe meffenger of (Boo Gjat I zpCelu Ul}£ 13 rpfe Cbep inuiceo me alfo to tbe Cemplc 5 anD defireo me to piap to (Sod fo? tbe spabumetanjs, mbtebe 31 dpd otttmarblp, but of mud; other meanpngtben chepopo* Of the maner of praying among the Mahumetans.Cap .35. T flpep baue certatne daplp and uftiall papers, as me baue 5 in tbe mljicb tbep call 0oo tbeir father, and bouebfafe to 0 Uuu name tbe btrgm ^arie, full of grace* Cbe p p?ap not be* fo?e tbep baue ben maGjed. Chen (landing in o?der, after the p?teft bath p?apcd,tbep p?ap alfo in tbeir omn language, Upcre to mp companion, 31 rapned mp felfeftcke, $ feundediuers other occaOona to depart from thence, and to go to CanonohWt 11 fapd be,3l£ Ojall not be long ere 31 come tbptber to pou,^ in the meane tpme,mttb mp letters 31 mill commend pou there to a friend and eoumrep man of mpne, a ricbe mercbant 3 mljo fo; mp fhhc (ball glue peu good tmertapnemenc. Navigations* 412 « What fubtilti e I vfed to depart from Calecut^ to go to the Portugales. Cap»3d. T tyt uape before 3 ! oepareeu from tgapee, 3 mane the fapu Cbjiftt'ans pjiute ofmp Interne . 3!n themeane tptnemp compaupon topneD me in companpuritb ttoo other per* (tan mercbauntc&tobtcbe mere mpnoeo alfo to go to cansentertepttetnefrenslp3i3mtU)teicommpng : 3lfo that mbatfoeuer frenselbpp belbemesumome, Ijeinouloeaf- feribe it to tie Done Unto bpm felfe : jf urtljermo^tbat 3 mas a bolp man 3 ans topnes mitb bpm tn neere amteie anD fr enseftpp* WLbtn tbe merebaunt bas reuse tbe letters* be lapse bis bans cm Ijts beas 5 ans lapse Unto me 3 35p tbtts Seas pou are UJdcotne to me 3 ans lb ail beljere in fafette , anscaufesagoos fupper to be prepares fo?us * 3fcerfupper 3 tlje perfians fapse Unco me, Jlette us go maike to tbe fea fpse . 31 agrees : ans tn fbojt tpme toe came to tbe place mbere tbe pgtmgalejs fljpps lape at anker. 31 am not able toejcp^iTe tbe fecrete tope mbtcbc3 felte tn mp felfe ac tbe fpgbcoftbefe fljpppes*3nibemap 3 3markeo toell tbe place mbere tbe ]j3o;ttugales bas buplses tljetr fo^trefle, sc* termpnpng to come tbptbet* cbe nejcce sape. Howe I fledcie to the Portugal es from thecitieof Cano nor. Cap. J. sape foioming 3 mben 3 fame bell opu’tmwtc 5 3 tuenc I tomarse tbe fo^treOe of tbe pojtugales : ans bp tl;e map, ■* meetpng luiclj emo pojcugales 3 tn tlje&panpOje tongue 31 af kes them mbere mag tl)c fo^treffe of tije pojtugales. ®icn fapse c’jep to me,$rt tboti a Cbullian": 3 am(fapoe 3) bp tbe grace of0os. ^Ijen fapse tbcp agapne 3 jfrom mbence commed tbott *t jf ront tbe cute of Calecut fapse 3 • ^ben come limbus (fapse tljep)fo?me mpllb&ntgcbee to tbe gouernottr* gouernour mas one utatto Laurentms^ fonne to $e £ltce* rope* ^o3 ment mttb them to tbe fo^rdTe 3 U)btcbe t's not pad fourc furlonges from tbe cute . ^c tbe tpme of our commpng 3 tlje goaernouv bas not petstneo^Qben 3 came to bis p?efcnce 3 3 fel somne on mp knees, ans pjapes bpm until al bumiluie foj Cbd* lies fake 3 to mbom 3 mas confecrates bp baptifme 3 to baue com* palfton upon me 3 ans to selpuer me from tbebanss oftbofeinfc sellsogges* £©beu it mas nomenopfes in tbecutetl;at3 uiajs efcapco 1 Navigations* 4X4 efcapcn (0 tbe Cb;itttans 5 tbere begamte a ffurreano muttnte 3 tft maner of a tumulte* £&bicbe boben tbe gouernour bnoerftcotiej commauBen al bis Captaines/oulDters^ other offtcers 3 to place tbetr artilcrtc^ ojoer allthpnges m retpnefie, lead tbe people in fumn rage ftoulD attempte anp thing agapnlf tbe fojtrclTc/ 25 uS al tt)pngesli 3 erepaci 6 £CimfijO?£etpme» ^Ijctube gouernour* takpngme bp the banbe, brought me into a certapne ball, anD there semaunDeb of me 3 tufjat the kpng ano inljabuames of Cak* cKn'magtneo oj&eutfcsto aoagapnlhheCbjtlltans ^Jtnfour* itteb bpm of all tbpnges 3 as fiirrc as 3 i knetoe, faaupng otltgemlp fearcbes to imberliano all tbcp; oopnges . To monpfojtthcp? charges :.Soumifmig them to make nonepV uieofthts tbpng, ansefpedaifp to beware lead it Ojoulne be fmoboen to tbep? (lattes 0; concubines (Jfo;ecbcofthcmbao a concubine, a cb(ls 3 fr a flaue) f urtbermojte to kmc al tljet) gootss a?3u iausii * bebpnb tbtm,epcepc thpngesofgreat Ktce 3 as motf * temellcs: tl :::■■) . " : v • Lewes Vet tom atimS tfo) tbep tjat* a beep fap?c Diamono of (be tuepgb( of ♦ twit t& raceess, elfecmeDtobetooojtb .r]crb> tboufanoecroUmes^bep bao alfo a peatle oftbetoepgbt of.rpiiincaractes* furcbemtoje, trno cbottfanoe rubies toftbembsebe, fome tuere of (be toepgbt of one caraece, ano fome of one ano a balfe ♦ ©jep bao alfo .Ijcmr* tyafietces,g&rnpfDeDnmb manp ietoelles : ipkeiopfe in reope copne 3 atboufanoanDfpuebunD}eD peeces of goloe . ^uefee tobac commetboflo much couetoufnelfe . ^bpletbeptbougbe tobauefaueoall,tbep lod all^ano t&ep? Ipues eberetmtb: #o| not contentpng them felues rnttb (be afojefapoe rpebes, tbep tnouloeneeoesalfocarpe rnttb them (nottoitbffanopng (be ao* tiertifemcnctoe bao geuen tbem)foure <0unnes 3 tb?ce ^unkeis, turn SgufUecactes, ano (too of cbofe tobeelestoberumb precious Hones are polplbeo . 811 tobiebe tbpnffes 5 U)erc tbe onelp caufe oftbep?Deacb( fo?tobereasfomanp tfjpna:e0 cottloe itotbe fe- cretlp conucpe o , one of tljep? flaues cmifieo (be kpng of c^caHjeereof, mbo ae (be fpjlfmouloe fcarfelp beleeueit, To? tbe gooo opinion be bao concepueo of (ban : |?et fen( foutt of bis garoe (of tbcm toljicbe are calleo Kmy) (o knotoe if i( mere true . Bu(tbe flaue,pereepupng(ba(tbebpngU3ouloe oeafe fa* uourablp rnttb tbem, mentto tbebpgbpjietfoj $iH;op of (be faptb of (be ^abumecans (mljom (bep call Cady ) ano (oloe bptft all (l;ac before bebao(oloetbe kpng of Cakcntx 8oopngmoje* otter, tba( (be fapoe Cbjtff tans bao oifclofeo tbep? fecretes to tbe ^ojtttgales* ^tbenebe Mbopbnoerdooetbefe cbpnges, be calico a coimfaple of all tbe ^aljumetan merebatmtes, tnpllpng tbem, of (be common (reafurte, (ogeue abunojeo peeces of goloe totbelipng ofGiog^(UJba mas then at Calecut ) ano to fpeake to bpm in this manor o3lc is not bnknotoen to pou (mod noble p?ince)bome a feme peeres paff,mben pour maielfie came bitber,me receiucopou mitb moje honorable emerretnement (ben toe are nome able to do : %\)t catifembereof, is no lacke of goou topi o? knomleoge ofour oeuettetoloaroepour bP£bnefle,buc ratbec (be great ano manpfoloe iniuries|ano oppjefTt'ons mbicbe toe baue futfepneo,ano oo oapelp fttlfepne bp our mortal enimte* tbe Cb?ilffans 3 mbereofmebaue 5 attbiep?efen( 3 erample oftmo Cb?i8ian (raptors of (bis citie, mbicbe baue oifclofeo to (be jsojtugales al our fecretes,anb tbcrefbje toe make mod bumble petition tfQiamftiffe of fcfjepiieceof jryjcU . tljottfanli crottmes. £tiibie». ^eteare of to* uetoufnelTe, ^De^pfijop of r&e f&tyiumt mis. metatis confpi* re ttje&tattj of §D* <£J»ilttans, &tt Elation. 1 Navigations* 415 pt tftfonbnto pou to tafec of b$ a ljund?ed peeceg ofgotoe, to com* maund them to be flapne. tL&ljen tbe bpng of Giogbi bearde tbefe tooo?dg,lje confcnted to tljep? petittcn,and fo?tbfcottb appopmeo tnjoljund?ed men to commpt tlje murder : 3 ndtljactbep migb( betbelefle fufpected of tlje Cbjiftians, meanpng fedoenlp to fcplltbem in tljep? boufe, came bp temte andtenneas tOotigfj tbep came to demaunde tljep? accutfomed reioaroe ♦ iiSut&bcn tbe Cb?iftians fame fo great a companp afiemblco about tljep? Ijoufe, tbep fufpected that tljep fougljt fometaljat efe tljentbep? retoaroe 0? clferpng, ano tljerefo?e incontinent takpng tljep? Weapons, tbep fought fo maitfullp at tlje mpnootoes ano ooo?es of tbep? ljoufe,tbat tljep Hue fppe men ano moounoeo fourtte.Bu t at tlje length, fomc of § Giogbi, itjoc at tljem ccrtame trenarrotueg treaty of out ofcrolfebou)es,nntlj tlje toljicb tljep lucre both flapne, tbe 3;°|»ur^ana ^ one bepng fo?e luotmoed 111 tlje bead,$ tbe other m tlje borne nm?*.** 38M * foone as tljep faloc tljem fall ooiune, tljep cutte tbep? tijjotcs t ano tabpng tlje Ijotcebloootn tlje palrneo of tbep? banoegi, D?tmkei't bp,mitb contumelious looojdcsagapnft tlje Cb?tlfiangt * Qfter tljts muroer, tlje concubine of lobn Maria came to Canovorju ttlj ljerpoungfonne,U)bcm 3 bought of ber fo? epgbt peeces of goloe :andcaufpngljpm to be baptpfeo, named bpnt Laurence, becaufe It Uias faint ilaurcncetiape 1 35 titoiitljma peere after, a&efrewfcr. be oped of tbe frcnclje pope, loljtclje dtfeafe bad tljen dtfperfed at* molftb?cugljaUtlje lno?lde* tfo?3ibaue feene manp infected lottb it foure ljund?ed mples beponoe Calecut . Zijcp call it Tua, 0nd tljep affp?me that this difeafe luas neuer feene tljcre palf jrtui. peered befo?e . 3 it is tljcre mo?e greeuous andjmtragious $en lottlj bs. Of the Nauieofthe citie of Calecut, and of the memora- ble conflicte betwene the Chriffians and Mahumetans, In the whichc the Portugales with incredible valiantnede gauetheyr enimies the ouerthrowe . And howe the kyng of Canonor reioveed at their vic- tor ic. Cap. $8* TjSttiepecreofour Imoe .1506. tlje fourth oape of SgtarcTj, iuoo^oe mas bjottgljt tog of tlje fcatlj of tlje fapoc Cljjtlftans. srtuwmifor ®je fame oape, from t!jc Ctttes Of Calecut, Tauan, Capagot, fan - }j> e ^"8 °f <£w T rompatamMfmu great name of tlpa Ijmityeo ano cpgUt Lewes Vertomatmus ' I ep^fcJInppeS, of tbe tobicbefourcfco?e m foure tore great (btppes, o?(Wppesofburben 3 ano tbe rdf lucre b?puett toitb m* mm> after tbe manor of jf opftes, tobicbe tbep call Paw. Elje mmi! tomm< jj 5 au ( e u^asJ manncb toitb tn maner innumerable $0abume* tans, ftetopng them fellies berp b?aue in apparel of purple fplke ano Bombadne 3 tottbalfo tbep? bpgban&fljarpe capped after tbep? maner, of tbe fame colour, Ipneo toitb fp&e : tocatpngalfa 0 tttbep?armesmanpb?acdetfes 3 anb on tbep? banoes Ijabbe g!cucs 3 emb? 0 Deceb $ garnpfyeb toitb biuers bpnbes oftoo?foes: fo? toeayons 3 tbep Ijao tofcp botoes 3 ftooo?be 0 3 launces 3 pelted, anb all fo?tes of gunnes, after our maner* W , ben toe fatoe tbep? jftauf e p?oceebpng in o?ber 3 anb toell tntfructeb, it feemeb farre oflp^eatooob 3 tbe madesp?efentpng tbe fimilitube of crccgs: - W ) tdjc tljpng feemeb fo litie to beterre bs 3 that toe mere in fure bcleefe,tl;at our (Bob anbCb?tde tooulbe geuebs tbebictojlea* gapnlftbeblafpbcmetsofbis bolpname, tbe Ufoolacouts anb ^arafens, olb enemies of our religion. 3nb tberfo?e tbe balianC knigbt anb gcuernour, tbe fonne of tbe honorable lo?b 2>o# Fran* eifee DdmedaMtz rop of India, tobo bab there tbefup?eame go* uernementofttoelue(btppes 3 toitbtbeafrilfaunce of tbe 3omt* rail oftbe jftatiie, toben be fatoe tbe great fo?ce of tbe enemie, cbeejadonaf mpnbfull ofbisacculfomebbertue, toitb feunbe of trumpet a£ touj^Smau rembleb alUbefoulmers 3 anbfpaketoibem in this maner. foiotew. Deaitfrenbes 3 anbb?etb?entnone(Bob 3 anbonefaptbof Sefus Cb?ide 3 notoe istbetpmeccme tobenpou ought to remember, that as 3!eftts Cb?ide Ipareb not 3 neptber feareb to gptte bts p?c* cious bobp to beatlj fo? eur falxes : euen fo 3 except toe topi fbetoe our fdues mod bnhpnbe, anbbntoo?tbp fo great grace of (Bob, it 0;albe our buettes to fpenbe ottr Hues in tbe cefence of bis glo * de 3 anb cur bolp faptb 5 a{Turing our feluesof tbeb(cto?ie agamd tbefe bogges 3 batcfui to <0Gb 3 $p?ogcnte oftbebeupl. jftototber* fo?e fpgltpng in bis name, $bnoer tbe banner of bis bolp erode, fbeto pour fdues manfull $ baliam : fo? notoc is in pou tbe poto- toer to geat eternal fame, in maintepning tbe quarel of ottr faut* nur. €berefo?e toitb me,lpftpng bp pour bartes to (Bob, $ pour armes toitb fo?cc ^courage, letbs gpue tbe onfet on tbefe bogs* W , ben tbe gouernour bao fapb tbefe too?bcs, tbe p?te tf toem bp to tbe bpgtjett part of tl;e fl;ip, f bolbpng in l;is l;anb p picture of Glj}iQc NauigationsJ 41 £ CWi! napleo on tbe croffe, (bemeo it Unto tbe foulDierg 3 erfm?* tp ng them to remember tbe conmtaunoementeg of €> 00 , ano tbe boip faptb ano baptifme mberebp tbep mere confecrateo to (So 0 , puttpngno Doubt in tbefojgeuenelfe of tbep? Unneo, oping in fo goolp a quarell : ano then bleflpng tbem 3 mttlj uiuocatton of tijc nameof®oD 5 bep?onounceDtbefemenceof abfoiuttou anD fop gcuenefleoftbep? fumes. ^beejtbo^tatton oftbep?idf 3 fomoucD tbe banes of all men 5 tbat tbe teares ranne from our epes fo? top $■ great Delire me ban to Die in p gtiarel*3!n tbe meane time tbe na* upe of tbe spabumetans maoe faple toUiarde bs* Zlje fame oape 5 J JJf w our SlDmirall mitb tm 0 f opfico maoe tcmaioe them# paflpng tlm, ‘ betmeene tU)ooftbep?greafetfibpps 3 otfcbargco bis o?oinance onbotbfpoes: mijicbe tbe 3omp?aHop0 3 top?oue tbe ffrengtb ^ e?(lniliraH oftbofefbpppe^ 3 U3[jicbtbepcbtefelpeifeeme 3 anDtniif molt Dm oftjieW* tot ^ut this oape mas notbpng Done moo?tb(Hnemo?pe. 3Lbe aim9 * Oap folouipng, tbe ^abumetanstoitb full faplco o?cme neare tbexitie of Canonor, anofent Dsmoo?oe bp a meflenger 5 tbac if loe motiloe permptte them to go mljttber tbep mouioe, tljep moulDenotbauetoDomtcbos. ©ur^Dmtrall anfmeare0 3 tbat tbe Civilians couloe not fofo?gette tbe perittric of tbe spaljm roetans 3 inOioIatpng tbep? fattb ano p?ompfe maoe bp common ^Son ohtT confem 3 mben tl-ep mouloe not fttffer tbe Cb?iiltansto palTe tbat man*, map, but contrarp to tljep? faptb ano p?ompfe flue.ribii. Cb?i s 0ians 3 anDrobbeD them offcuretboufanoepeecesofgolDe t ano therefore baooe them palfe further if tbep ourlf, anD tbep ftoulDe mellhnome ofmbat reputation ano fpirite tbe <£ 0 ?ifitans are* ^Tbenfapoetbe^abumetansj £ 0 aljumet mpllrefenocus* ano ronfounoe tbe Cb?tfttans : ano mitb tbofe mo 0 ?Des 3 aftaultcD 00 all at once mitb tncreoible furic ? tbpnkpng to Ijaue pafieo nutans gm* tb?ougb 3 baupng no further to faple tijen . p ♦ rnples from tbe tlje£mCct * 0 >o?e.%ut our ^Dmtral of pttrpofe fuffereo tbe enimies to come nearer bntpl tbep mere rpgljs oueragainftpcm’e of Canowr, mea* npng there to fee on them mitb alibis fo?ce 3 that the kpng of Ca* wo»orbebolopngtbeeontlicte 3 mpgbtbemitnefle of the baliam* nelfe of tbe Civilians ♦ £ben rnben the trumpetter cf the So* tntrals (btp fotuiDeo tbe battap!e 3 anD gauc tljc Ognc 3 tnconttncne beaflfauItcD tmo ofeijcp? greateft Ojpppes. fym; Lewes Vertomannus 1 am noc able to effiefle ©e ejtceetjpng nopfe of ©epf Dpimtmg, trumpets, ^ambatels, ann other fuel; tnmimera* ^ftcisaiuant^ ble, mhtch ©ep bfe tn ©is cafe* ©e $&mtral hpm felfe, tn ma* t&€ ner comemnpng alltljep? meane ©Ippeg, pafleb ©rough ©ep| name, anb tnuabcb one of ©ep? greater (htppes, caftpng ©eroti chapnes anb grafples, to fpght ml© them at hanoe ffrohes: : bat thep calf of the chapneg ©?pfe, pet the fourth tpme the ©apnesf tookefud; holoe, that the Ch?lfl tarns entreb into the fljtp, uiljerc thcp mabe fuel; hauocke anb (laughter, that all the $pahuntetan$ a swatxiaujp* of that fl;tppe(ml)tch UJcre Ore hunb?eb tn number) merefiapne, SaiiicwnSI^ mfomuche that there mas not one left alpue to tell nemes * &he ^tmitrall ettccurageb bp this blcto?le , tnuabeb another of tljepj great ©tppes, mhtebe baochapneott felfe mt© a jFoplfofthe Ch?lfftan$, inhere mas alfo a great conflict, tn the mhtche mere ?flapne aboue fpue l;unb?eb Spahumctans, ana ©ep? ©tp funke* 3Ehe ^pahumetano blfcourageb bp ©is oefcate , aflaulteb our tlncltte Jfopffes ml© al thep? fo?ce,anb carpeD them amap.Buc Ijeere the manhooo anb baltanmefle of / obn Serams.tljt captattte mflre^f aouu ^ aKe P ^ ftemeb It felfe, mho ostlp tut ©one <£5al© mane J fudjc a daughter among ©e spahumetans, ©atttmapfeeme tncreotblc: fo? he fo fierce© tnuabeb them that baft carpeo amap the jfopfl es, that he rccouerea them all, $ funke tmo other of tire Spahumctan ©Ippeak 3!n thefe marred , 6ob of his grace fo p?ofpereb the €t»?tfttans, ©at fern of them mere flapne, but ma* f ctoe Sene* m \z Le wes Vertomannus tljcp ft^ammc tntljc fca a!mDd tuaencic tuples, cftcnfpmesfo Dfupng bnocr tlje toater, ano remapnpng there fo tong,tljat tljep trecrpueo oucfpgbc -* fo? fometpmestoe thought that tbep lucre foonke, ano fometpme agapne feepng djcm flote on the toa* ter, tt fo troubles our fenfe,tljat toe thought toe bao feenefome phantaSeoj utfton : but tljep toerern maneralloe(!ropeo bp one mtfcljaunceo? an otljer,anoefpectallp a great number in tbe great (Ijpppes toljicb toere foonke bp (hoc of the great arttiferie. ^Tbe Dap folotopng, tlje Somtrali Cent certapne Bjtgantineo ano ©aHtcsi to tbc 0>a:c, to number tbe Dean bootee, tobtrbecbe fca bao cade Dp : tbep toere founoc to be about feee tljcufanoe, be- QiDe them alfo tobtcb tbe fea bao oaioureo .^:bc kpng of c armor, beljolopng all tbcfe tbpnges, to as greatlp m Ioue toitlj the Cbjt* dtans, ano commenDeo tfjetr ualtauntnclTc ano Dertue, ano not bntooojtljilp: ft*) to fpeake tbat 3 i baue feene, 31 baue ben in ma- np fee toarres, pet neuer fatoe 31 moje baltam men.tljen tlje Tor > tugales bere Ibetoeo them fdues to be* ^5: it token toe tbougbt tbat toe bao notoe ntaoe an enbe of tbcfe Eragtotes, toebaotnmanera toGojfc to bcgpn Jfojttfo cbaunceo, tbat in fetoe napes a r ter, tbe kpng of Canonor, tobo fauoureobs, Dpeo : 3ntoljofe place fucceeoco another mo;* tall enentte to tbe Cbjtfttans, ano frtcnoetotlje kpng of Cale- cut , bp tobofe bclpe ano rpcbeffe, bee toas aouatmceo to tbe kpngoome of Canonor . n)e tljerefee aflembleo Ijtspetoer to make nctoetoarreagapndtbe Cbjtdtans, tottlj great ejcpeotti* on ano bade, bpcaufe be fuppofeo tbat a great parte of t’jepj mm ntttons toas notoe toadeo,ano tbep alfo foie toeerpeo, ano fe tlje mod parte toounoeo . Qno to further Ijtsattempte, t&ekpngof Cak cut fent Ijtttt jejetiu. peeccs of great arttllerte . &ljti3 toarre beganne tlje feuentlj oap of 3p;tli, ano conttnueo bmpll tbe»jtp. of Qugttd, befeeall tljtnges toere pacikeo * 3t toere Ijecre to long to Declare b otoe tn tbefe marres alfo tbe Cbjtflians be* baueo tljemfelues manfuilp agapnd tlje ^a!jumctan0,toljiclj neuer encoumreo totcljtbem fetoer tben fpue o; Ope ano ttoea* tie tboufanOe in number, baupng alfo toitb tbem a Ijunojeo ano fourttepeeeescfatttllerte, ano toere armeo after tlje matter of ft; tnfcMtatmte* of Cakm : but tlje Cbjtfltans toitb bar* netfe 1 Navigations* 4t8 ttc ffe after out maner* Sbefe ainfiocUcs ufe tins ojtbcr in tljep? marreg . ©jep Ot- of tUDg tljep? arrnp into manp mpngeg, euerp mpng contepnpng t&efrcWimtw tbe number of tmo o? cl)?cc tljoufanoe men, ana onlp one mpng in tnpnbe, tbep fougbc all »ntuw»ftdiet* meaneg to make peace mitlj tbe COjiftiang, anb afipgneD one nameb Mmalmmur, a man of great rpcljeg anb mpfe-- Dome among them, to bee intermeotatour, anb to make tbe conbitiong of peace . fpre tljerefo?e bnber fafe conbucte , came to bg to common of tlje matter* ^etolbMjtm,tbatmecou!&e make no peace mitljout tlje confent of tlje Cltcerope , Ufja mag tljen in tbe title of Cucin * ®je ^Dtnirall tbougbc it belle not to eomempne tlje conbitiong of peace , fo? ^bb.it* tljat Cfte peace con ctuOeD* Eplcafaunt table* Lewes Vertomannus fo? tb at ourpng t ! )t tpme of t be toarres, tfeep tottloe not fenoe fljcp? (bpppes laoen toitb merebaunoies into Pomgale , atm therefore bptbeconfent of tbe dicerope, the peace toag con* cluoeo* But notoe, tompnglefomeoeligbt toitb tbefe fo?otoe$, pou fbal beare a pleafattt fable tooojtljie to be put in memojte Cbere- fojealltbtnges bepng pacifieo, as 3! toalfceo in tbe citt'e of c*- nonor, 3 | met toitb certapne merebanteg Joolatottrs, tottb tobom 3 lU)asacquapntcD before tbc toarres , toboin tbep? language fapoe thus Unto me,3re pou our frtenoe ^ i^ea fapoe 3. Chen toe P? a P P° u * n u,a ? offrtenoibtp,(betoe H tbat Cb?tlftan tobicb man 0 Mnt» is muebe bpgber ano Granger then anp other of the Cbjtftiansf, anbhplleti m matter euerp nap about ctoentie of tbe spabume* cans, ano rcGffeo tbe oartes of fiftte Kaem (tbefe are of tbe game) ano efcapeo tottbout burte ^ 31 anftoereo,tbat that Cb jt* Ifian toas not notoe t’tubecitte, but toasi gone to Cum to tbe Otccrope . But toben 31 better conGocreo tbe matter-, 3 fapoe thus bttto them, are pou mp frtenoess \ $>ea , toe are, fapoe tbep. Chen fapoe 31, Cb at foulotertbat fougbt fo baltauittlp in tbe battaple, toajs no Portugale . Cben fapoe tbep : £Df tobac cotmtrep toasbetben *t 3 anftoereo agapne, tbat betoag tbe <£5oD of tbe fonugales , ano tbe great <0oo of all tbe too?lo. Chen fapoe tbep, Oetilp pou fpeabe tbe truetb . Jf o? toe beam tbe Sga* SSftaeSat 0 bumetans fap, tbat it toas not tbe Tortugales, but tbe fertu* gales ( 0 oo, tbat gatie them tbe ouertb?otoe, ano therefore toe piacne. cbpn^e pour < 0 oo to bee better tben tbep?s, although toe fcnoto bim not : 8 no bp tljiet meanes it toas b?uiteo oner ail the coun* trep, tbat tbe spabumetanigtoereouercome rather bp tbe aflif* taunce of < 0 oo, then bp tbe ffrengtb of men . o? tbefe people SlanlpeoSief arG Gmple an0 l P °? aunf 5 an5 alf onplbeo in matter at eue* rptbpng • Jfo? fome toben tbep fatoe one of our compa* npbaupng a little bell in bis! ba«oe, ano beametbe nopfeof tbe bell toben be moueo bis bano,ano no nopfe toben befet itootone, T t1 tljep toobeitfo?amp?acle, faping one to an ether: ooubtlelfe Mefjisntuitd, t |jg^(^ OD t St ^g reatC (i 0 O ti 5 fo? toben tbep touebe tbe bell, fed operam ufpeakctfj 3 ano toben tbep touebe it not, it fapetb notbpng* panels’ c, c:beptooke pieafure ano aomtration to beboloe the folemni* cue/roAflTe* tie* of tl;e spafle. . Sno 3 Navigations* a 4 toljen fte pjfcft Ipfteu up tljc (jolp b?eaa a) tjolf, 3! fapue bn* Ea tljcm, Ueboloe here tije@oD of tlje ftmgaks, ano of all lie iuo?loe . ®benfapDetbep,^ourapmilpj butuiecannotpet* cepue it . Uaue 31 fapoe,t&at pou map Ijctebp fctiotoe luljat iSpretmeiujm fimple ano fpojant people eljcfc are ; petaretbepuerpgreatm* '!>'!’• ebaunteta, ano can tncljauntc &erpcwes, Uiljofe popfon iafo fltong, tfjat tbep kpll onlp tuttlj toucbpns . ©jtp ate alfo of anD of great & crentble agtlteie, ants c^ercfo^c cjccell tn uaucpn^ leaping, run* «»«*• tipng, fmpmmpng, tuntblpng,malkpng on rope&ano fuel; otljet creyctfes of Ipg^cnefleano agtiitte. The feuenth booke, entreating of the viage or NauU gationof Ethiopia. Cap.I. T tfpep that brill take bppon them to rnjpte anp bplf o;tte,ba& neeoe to beare toell in memojte mbat tb? p b«ue p?ompfes ano taken tn banoe, left f oj tbep? papttes ano niell mea- npng, tbep be remaroe toritb Cbame ano rebuke, ano tber* foje mbereas tntbe begtnnpngof tbto booke, 31 p?ompfeo to feojpteoftbe jfSautprfon of Etbiope, 3!mtllmttbtbeotfcrtptton oftbtsbtage, makeanenoeofmplongtraueple, anofpeakeof fttcb tbtttgess as 31 fame there bp tbe map, tn mp returne from In- dia into t£p long oeftreo countrep, intljecompanpoftbe SV- iugaics. Of diuers and ifiany Uandcsof Ethiope. Cap.2* T ^ercfoje tbe fettemb oap of ^December, me otrecteo our tottmep totoaroe Etbiepemmfingfy)R tlje great gttlfe, anofaplpngfourebunojeomples, came toan31Ianoe na- meo Monzambricb, onoertbeoomuuon oftbekpng of foYtugale . But before me arrpueo there, me fame bp the map wanp totones parcetntng to tbe VortHgale^m alfo m inp ftrong hrich * fojtrefleg III tbe kpttgOomeO Of Melinda anO Mombaza . &{je Melinda. ftpng of Portugal*, fcatb al(b certapne fojtrefe ut M onzam- ^iubS^o, hub atto Zabhahu minion i n WJf. »* **"*“• Lewes Vertom annus ( <&it compete *ut tf 31 fotmto bere fpeakc of tfje memorable farted of t be baft of r rift an dc ant krtpgbc T rift an de CugnaM l)ts returne from 3!ntHa 5 3l Ojoulo Cugna* S dent dr a. Cumeris. take m banoe a tbpngfarre abaue mpreacbe: be^ng fucbe,asce* ferae ratbet elje commendations of Corner $ Virgil, fo) be imia* dco ant? fubtroeu tbe great cities ofGogU,?ati,Mto Craua, tuieb al* fo tbe gooolp Jlanoe of Sacutara, tDberCt'-ekpngof Portugal* l;ad) rrccec certapne fojtrclfes , ano omit alfo tofpeake oftna- np other 3Handesml)icl)e melameindjemaptastbe Bfanbe of Tcndl fraitfuli Slant; of P^difcemife fubiect to tlje kpng of Portugal*, Of the Ifande ofMonzambrich,and the inha- bitantes thereof* Cap.j. T ©:S SlanDc (as me baue faptie) is fubtecte to tlje kpng of Portugak , as is alfo ZapbaU . ifrom tl;e giant e of Af o»- zambnebM brought mticbgoldc anD cpfe 5 but is brought tbptljer trom the firmc lanDe . £be Stance is not bpg, ^ucke and is inljabi teo mitb blacke Sgabametans, Ipupng in maner in Zapbald. 45>elDe* utetaiia. T rovloditx* o Ztbiopes. ncccfittie of all tbinges , pet batlj it a comitioDious po)te. ^bepbatte no copie but tbat ts brought from tfje continents mberealfoluemcntalantjetofectbe countrep, mbere me fame notbpng but a bagabtmoe ano rafcall kpnoe of blacke men^oue* rpng onlp tbepj plumes mitb leaues of trees, ano are befpoe naked, ano cbemomen in !pke maner ♦ ‘Ebep? Ipppes are tma fingers ebteke, tbepj fojebeades uetp large, tljep) teetb great, ano as mbite as fnom . ^bep arc fearefull at tbe figbt of euerp tbpng, and cfpeciallp mben tbcp fee armed men . ^Tbctefoje fee* ing cbep? fearctulncffe, $ knoming tbern to be mitbout meapons tbat can oce anp great burte, onlp fijee of Us meil armed,bearpng alfo mitb Us fp.irgabufes, ano baupng in our companie a blacke fiauetljasfornemljatknemetbe camuvep 3 me began to enter to tber into tbelande: and mben me ban gone fo^maroe one napes tourneps mcfoundcmanpbeardesof€(epbantes * ©ere tbe fiaue tbat mas our gupde, gaue us counfaplc to take fp;eb)andeS aziemnne are in our ^aaue^bpcaufc ti;efe beattes feare fpje aboug aU tbinges. atrapotorfpic. ®ttt ^earhrs of <*hpl)antes. Navigations* 4 %® But toe mice chauitceo to fpnoe th?ee jfemale ®Iepbante 3 tobtc& bao berp fatelp b?ougbt foo?tb tbep? CaIues 3 ano tbercfo?e feareo notdjefp?e:lwturitbout all feare 3 fdotoeob$fofarre 3 ebat toe toerefapnetofleetoamountapneto fauebs from tbe beafles. OTben toe bao entrco about tettne mples into tbe Iano 3 toe fcuno a certapnc oenne on tlje fpoe of a moumaptte 3 toberc fome of f!;c Macke tnljabuatmteo iurkeo . ©sefe fpake fo confounoeolp ano m % pp0)t cbacceringfp Ipke *lpcs 3 that 31 am not able to e,rp?efle tbep? ma* language. ncr of fpeccfec : get to gae tlje neareft thereto that 31 ran 3 tljep ? fpeaclj is Ipkcif to tlje eupH fauo?co bopce tobicb the Spuietcrs of Siciha bfe token t‘;ep o?pue tbep? ^ufes: ano fucbe manor of blabbei png ufe tbefc people m tbep? fpeacye . !p:eretbep'foc oftbefijpppe afkeobs tf tore tooufoc bupe anp kpne 3 faptng 3 that be re toe fljoulo baue cbem goratnt Laurence, am* manp other It tie 31lanoes 3 from mbenceblometbfbjttbemoft pare a great gale of mpnoe . $no therefore fo? the fpace of feuen oapes 3 bepng here oauttgerouUp tolfeotoanofrobptherages of the fea ano mpnoe 3 at the length meefcapeo, bp the grace of d5oo .^utpmceeopng abouc ttno bunojco leagues, a neme tempeff rpfpng fo fcattreo our (hpppesmthefpaceoffpice Dapes,tbatme metce not tcgeather agapne ontplimearrpucoat Lurburne inpojtugale . 31 boas inthelhpppeof 15arthcimeme, a tfIo?emtne 3 citizen of 3Lujc^ ailfWiJpi} burne . Che (bpppe mas nameo &atnt Omcent, a Oefleilofejc* s r * at ceeopngcapacttte, $ laoen mttb feuen tljoufanoe tonnes of all fojtes of fppees . 3|n the map, me paffeo alfo bp an other 3iIano 3 nameo the llano offatnc 5)elen,mhere me fame certapne fplbes offucbeettojme ano monffrous bpggenefle, that one of them m mag as bpgge as a great houfe . ©Etben thep rpfe abette the mater,thep pane o ? gape fo mpoe, that p opper tame ccuemh al the fo?ebeao,as it mere a fouloienn lljpnpng harnelTe . Agapne tohenthepfmpmmeonthebipmme ofthe mater, thefo?bcaois feene the bjeaoth of tb?ee great paces ♦ 8 no mhen thep fmpmme in the fea, thep fo trouble the matcr,ano come fo nearc the Chpps, that me mere fapne to Bifcharge al cur arttllarpe to D?ptte them a* map* ^ho?tlpaftermefounoean3lanDe,nameothe3Ianoe of Station, mhere me fame manp fomies, about the bpggneffe of a cur Ducbes, fo fpmpie , mtthouc fufptcton o? fearc, that me toobe them mttb our banoes : but fliojtlp after tfcep mere taben,ebep Ihemeo an tttcrembfe fiercenefle.3! tbpnbe oerplp that *l;ep neuerfame anp manbefoje 3 thep fo beljeloe os before thep Lewes Vertomannus# teg fafen, ann tee as 0pU as if tljep ban ben affmipfTjcD : jfcjt iti that 3llanne me fame no Ipupng creature,faue onelp tnnumera* ble fp(bes,ann tbe fapn bpjnes * $fcer me ban paffen tbts 31/anne tnanp napes fapling,as though toe Uiere norne come to our ottme mojlDe,tbeBo?cbdarre,anDguaroions of our marpners, ap* pearen batons. 3noljereopo?tumtie ferueeb meil, to confute tbe opinion of them that tbpnke that men mape not faple in re* gionsfubteetto tbe pole ^martike o? foutlj pole, bp tbe nmmrfiT °ftbe nojtb darre. ironic is ccrtapne,tljac the pojtugales regies bencatn (aple bp tbe gtipne of cfe no?tb Harrcs, altl;ouglj tbep bebtterlp out offpgbt bp the eleuation of the pole $ntarttke . get no tbep fometpmes refredje tlje bertue of tbe neenle, mitb tbe done mbtclje euer naturallp refpectetb tbe no^tlj pole ♦ % feme napes after, mearrputo at tbe fapje region, mbere are feene manp 31 s lannes,nameo tbe 3lannes ofJJhresXo namen fo? tlje multitune cftbofeCgiesmijicljeme commonlp call Jfturcs. Eljefe 3* iannes are niuerfelp namen :fo^fome arc namen fid, Marttj, foitl ZjfieCoYUO : &{[oojcugale.8t mpcommpngtbptber,3!masb;>ougbt to tlje kpnges pjefencc, mbofe bannes kitting mitb mod bumble reuerence,3! tljanken bis maietf iefoj tbe great fauour 31 ban founn at tbe banns of bis fuu* tecces ann officers in India ♦ l)t entertapnen me mod gratiouf* ip in bis courte 3 bntpll | ban tnfourmen bpm of all tbpnges mljt* ebe 31 ban obferuen in mp bopage to India , 3 feme napes after, 3 fijemen bis bpgbneffe tljeletters patemes mberebp bts iLteue- tenante tlje OiceropeofM^gauemecbeojtnerofknpgbtbon, nefpjpng Ijis maiedie to confp^me tbe fame bp bis great feale: toM) mp petion,(jeimmematlp grauncen. 8no thus oeparting from tbencemitb tbe kpnges pafpojte ann fafe connucce, at tlje length aftenbefemp long ann great trauaples ann nangers,3 came to mp long nefpjen ann natiue ccuntrep,tbe citte of ftome, bp tlje grace of <0co, to mljorn be all honour ann glojp* FINIS. • Of India Tcrccra* 4 « Of the hygher Eaft India, called India Tercera, or Treciera* & tljtg India, U)l;tclje tlje po?CtlffaIe^ CflH Tercera, are bcrp great Rpngoomes: as tlje RpngOOltteS of 'Beugala, Pegu, outbmeft part from MaUc ha, t0 the great Jlanoe of Samotra, ^esuantif af calico in oloe tpme Tapnbana* tn tlje mijiche are the Rpng* £*“»***♦ DOttieS Of fedir, %raen, Tazer , Jrdagni , anO Ham . ^£l)is 31* iano,$ al tbe other calico Malucbe,bnti$ foojtb great qtianctcie of Cloues, Ctnamome, Bttttemegges, Spaces, ano all other fcpnoes offppces,ej;cept pepper, mhicljegrometh in the pto* tbvitt*» utttce of Calecut,mb the 3llattoc of Ceilam . $11 thefe forces of fpt- resarecarpeoto A/*/*<^*tobe foloe ♦ But the greatelf part €aIfnin of tljem to carpeo to Cathay ano china : ano from thence to the cnW J!3o;tlj parrel Of Tartarie. ^bt'isfepngocmeof China, tO oerp great, ano mas tn oloe tpme calico Sma ♦ ilpere is founoe great plentte of precious Hones * ^Ije people are berp fttbttle ano rpche* ^Dbep are al apyatelieo eptber in fplRe aj cloth,oj betfures of other moojRcmanSjpppe, ano are of gooo etuilttie . ^bep 00 net giaolp permit the po^tugales oj other Hraungers to tra* fj™™ 0 ficRe in thepj Rpngoome : mhofc moft famous place bpon the fea Spifee* fp 0 e,tsname 0 Cant an, ano the f ZuMaebiam, calico of tlje oloe SBJpttW,tlj£ fta Of Sint, 4 Of < / * V • - ft \t 1 ■> . * : -i . ; . / . [i i l f ' . . * : •> * ■ „ fjfjf ^ -1 • ■?.. * f j ' * « • : ♦ I • . • . , - • ■ - ; . '■ ■ . . .i. ■ ■ r * . t .■ -w 5 ,v* !! r to ♦ *1 ■»' 'I’M - { Of precious floncs and Spices. Jpg Of the prices of precious ftones and Spices, withtheyr vreightes and meafures,as they are accuftomed to be folde both of the Moores and the gentyles: And of the places ’where they growe* F ©?afmtichea$ t'nDpuers places ofthishilJo?ie,mentfon is •: mane of p?ecietts Hones, 31 hatte though goon to declare fometohatattoeUofthep?p?tces,asof Replaces of thep? generation , that toe mapnotbtterlp be ignorance of the $pnges tohtche toe fogreatelp eHeeme 3 ano bwte fo Dears. OftheRubic. 5pe Rubies grotoe tn India , anD are fouttoe fo? the mod , parte tn a rpuer nameo fegu ♦ ©hefe are of the bell bpnoe ; ano fineft, tobich thep of the f anoe of MaUUr cal Kunpu * clo > anD are toeli folDe 3 tf thep be fap?e anD cleane totchout fpotfes* ©be 3nDians, to knotoe thep? finenelfe, put them Dpon thep? tongues, contptpng that to be bed that ts couloeft ano mottbarbe.^nDto fee thep? finenelfe: thep take them bptoith a peeceoftoajcebptbelbarpeff popnt , anD loobpng agapnfl the Ipght. efptetntbemetterpfmall fpot o? Me . ©hep are alfo founoe tn certapne Deepe folTes o?ptttes, tohtche are maoe tn inountapnes thatarebeponDethefapDerptter ♦ ©hep are from reD anD maDe cleane tn the cotmcrep of fegu : pet can thep not fquare anD pclplhe them , but fo? this purpofe fenoe them to Di* «ers Other countrets^ efpect'allp to falcacateJSLayfmgaXalecut, anD the region of MalaborMjm aremanp cunnpng Lapidaries * 3no to geuepott intelligence of the baltie of tbefe Hones, pe Cjall DnDerHanDe that this tooo?De F4W4M, Hgntfietb atoepght 3 ,, fontetohatmo?ethenttooofottrCarattes : anD.jtt .-Fanans anD a quarter, is one M Kigal i anD toi Uitigah anD abaifc,mafce ® mtamteia onebnee. ©bis Fananyi# alfo a bpnoe ofmonp tohtche is in uu» grapweg* balue one rpall offpluer, anD tberefo?e after this accompte 3 fap . that. Cpght fine ISubtes of the toepght of one Fanan (tohtch are in afi,aboutttoocarattes)aretnbalue. Fanan.f. ^icD^cne .ffoure HtlbieS that toep one Fanan,m toOJth*. Fanan^l. ° f ©too tl;at toep one Fanan. Fanan.x l, ! ©tie a The prices of precious Rories ffitt t ftattoepetb t b?ee quartern of one 2mm. £Dne tljac Uicpcc^ one 2 aim. ®ne tbac&epetb one 2mm ano aquarter* ® ne tbat fcuepetb one 2mm ano a Ijalfe. £Dne tbat luepctb one 2 mm ano tfyee quarters. ®ne tbat toepetb tino 2 Mans. $Dne tOatUjepccG tuio 2 Mans ano a quarter* flDne tbat toepetb ttoo 2 anans ano a Ijalfe. 2mm. 2 anan. 50 . 2 andn. 2 anan. 100 , 2 anan. 150 * Banan, 200 * 2 anan. 250 * 2 anan. 300 * ®ne tbat mepetb t&o 2anans ano tl#ce quarters. 2anan. 350. ®fci)?ee 2 Mans. SDftbjee ano a quarter* ffiftbjce anoaljalfe. $Dftb?eeano tbjee quartern ©ftfece ano tlj^cc quarters ano a baWe. ©ffottr CBanans. SDffourc ano a quarter* ^Dffoitreanoabalfe. SDffpUC 2 an an Sc ©ffpueanoabalfe. ©f ft ftfanans, U)l;tC& are abottt ttoeltte Carats 2anan. 1 500 mbicij ntabe a fjunojeo ano fpftte croionts of plot. 3 uo tljefe are common!? tbe p^tcegJ of perfect Hubtes. .But fuelje as are not perfect, ano baue anp fpottes mtljem, 0? are not of gooo co* lour, are ofleflepjicc, accojopng to tbe aUmrinunt ano eifima* ttonoftbe.buper. 2 anan, 400 * Vanan. 500 # Fanan t 550 * 2 anan. 600 . 2 anan. 630 # 2 an an. 660 * Vanan. 700 * Vanan. ScO • Fanan. looo Vanan. 1200 OftheRubies ’which growein thelland of Zeilaim 1 M tbe Jlanoe ofZfi/tfw, bepng uitbe feconoe Jnota, are founoemanp Hubtes, toljicbe tbe Jnotansname Mannas* tbegreatedparttoberofocnecarrpueto dje perfection of tbe otljer afo^efapoe in colour, becaufe tbep arereooe, as though tbep mere toafyeo, anOoffleibp colcur, pee are tljepbcrp coloe ano baroe. ^be perfected of them are greatlpe eftcemeo among tbe people of tbe 3 IIanoc, ano are refenteo cnlpe fojtlje fepngbpmfclfe, pftljepiieof anp great quantities SQbenbut 3 (eU)e!lers fpnoe anp bpgge peece of tbto Hock of tbe -be® fepnoe, tbep put it in fp?e foj tbe fpace of ccrtapne bottres: tobtebe pf it come out of tlje fpje Oncojrupte, itbecomrnecb and Spites. 424 oftbecotoarofabumpng cole, ann teas therefore caHeB of tbe ® rec feC3 , Anthrax , tabiclje figmfpetb aburnpng cole , feme tljat tbe gteeftcs tali Anthrax, tbe Eatines cnUCariuniu/usi Wstk tljep gteadp effeetre . SB Ben fee &png of turfing* can get anp of tbern, be caufetb a fpne bole to be bo?co in tbe bnoer* moO part of them, to tbe mpcoeif, ano fufferetb none of them to paffe out ofljls reatme , efpectallp if tbcp baue ben trpeo bp tbe fapbe pjoofe . ©jefe are ofgteater baltte tljen tbe other of ff tbep be in tljep? natural! perfection anb clcaneneffe. £Df tbefe, one tljat uiapctl; a Carracte (to&tr|je to l;alfe a Fanan) U\mooitl)inCiihcut. Fanan. so «*•»*■ crnlintee at One ofttno Caratteg. Fan an. 65 golfct. f)ftl)jee Caratteg. Fanan . 150 £Df ti)?ec Caratteg ano a Ijalfe Fanan , 2CO £>ffonrt Caratteg. Fanan<, 300 £Df foure Caratteg ano aljalfe* Fanan t 350 fiDffyu? Caratteg. Fanan> 400 £>ffpttc Caratteg ano aljalfe. . Fanan > 450 ©ffpre Caratteg. Fanan ♦ 530 &)ffpice Caratteg ano a Ijalfe* Fanan. 5 <50 flDffeuenCaratteg. Fanan. 63 O SDffeuen Caratteg ano a (jalfe* Fanan. 66 Q ^Dne of.Uiti.Carattegjtbat Ijatlj ben ineR- pjooueo ui tljefp?e 3 tgiooojt[; Fanan. 8co Caratteg antra baifs. Fanan. £ 0 O 0ne fttebe of tenne Caratteg. Fanan, 1 300 ©ne of it . Caratteg ano a Ijalfe. Fanan 1600 ©f*ltn. Caratteg. Fanan. 2000 gDf.jtuu.Caratteg.- Fanan 3000 ffif.tfri. Caratteg. Fanan 6000 . Of the kvnd of Rubies; called Spinelle. . T f)cre fe alfo founse an other fcpnse of Kttbteef, tobt'eb tee ' rad spine lie, ario tbe indium, Carvpus . ©jep gtoroe m the felfe fame countrep of !Pfg»tobcre as are tbe fpnr: Suites, f are founb iirtljc mountamtjS in t!;e bpper crtiif and Spices* s? fioure of the catt&. ©;efe arenotfo fine, ttojoffo gooo colour as ate the true HubieSj but i;aue fometuljat tlje colour of a <&ca* tote commonlp call a ©arnec : pec of thefe, foebeas ate perfecc m t&ep? coCour, are of ualue balfe leffc t^en true Hu* tries* Of the Rubies called Balaffi. B JUffi are of the kpnoes of Httbies, but are not fobaro: their colour is fomembaclpkeaEofe, ano feme are in matter Miptc : tljep grotoe tn DaU/Jia, toljicbe is a region oritbfn the firme lanoe, about Tegu anb ftengala, ano are brought from thence bp merchants of the spools to Calecut, inhere tbep are m^ought anopuilp(heo,anoarefoloe of the fame pjicetljat Wtt Spinel. Of the Diamondes of the old myne . T ' Epefe Diamonoes are founoe tn the firll 3inoia,tn a kpng« Dome oftbe Spools nameo 'Decan, from tnfjence thepare brought to other regions* 3Dbere are alfo founoe other DiamonOeSj tuhiche are not fogooO, hut fometnhac ■' iobpte, ano are calleo Diamonoes of the nelne rnpne, tnhiche is in the kpngoome of Karfinga. Cfjep of the oloe mpne are not pullplbeo tn 3!nDta, but in other places. ^Lbere are maoe Ipke* * lupfe in 3Inoia other falfe DtamonoeSjOfl&ubies^opafeSjano mbpte ^aphires, tobicbe appeare to he fpne,ano are alfo founoe tn the 3jlanoe of Zeilam : thefe If ones Differ in none otber/aupng that thep baue lolf thep? natural colour* ©f chefe 5 fome are founo ? that baue halfe the colour ofEuhies,f ocher of4>apbtres 5 other alfo ofthe colour ofa Copafc, other haueal thefe colours rnpng* leo togeather. %tt)ep bo je a fine bole tn thefe though the mtooes, toherebp thep appeare Ipke the epes ofa Catte. ©f the inhpteli, thep make manp fmall Diamonoes, mbiche can not be knotnen from the true, faupng hp totichpng, offuch as arefkplful in that pjactife* ^Thcp are foloe bp a popfe oj toapgbt,tobtcbethep call Mang\dYM)i&)ZWwt[)t)totoTdnc,m* tmo tbtroes * mbtc&e amount to c too tbtroes, o? tbiro partes of one Carat : foj foure Tams toep one FananMM) is about ttno Caracces . CpgbtDiamonoes that inep one Uangiar, mbiche is ttoo third partes of a Carat, are in balue Fan an lohieh carefree cromnesofgoloe* and Spices. Diamunoe? tfjac toetgb one MangUr] tfomt that tueigb one M angur> ^tOO that ttieigb one Mangiar, One tbac toepgbctb one Mavgiar. One of one m angiar ano a quarter. One of one M^Wansaljalfe. Of .one Mangiar ami tb?ee quartern fflfttBO Mangiars. Of &a M angiars ano a quarter# Of tuio Mangiars ano a balfe. r.r. Fanan? 40. Fanan. 60. Fanan. 80. Fanan. ico* Fanan. I6J. Fanan. 180 . Fanan. 220* Fanan. 32 o. Fanan. 360. Fanan. 380. 455 r-hr % q y ..... ^ ^ Of £03o M angiars $ tbjee quarter^ full perfect. Fanan. 420. Office Mangiars of iphe perfection. Octree Mangms ano a Ijalfe. Offoure Mangiars. Offpue Mangiars . Of fyc Mangiars.- Offeueil Mangiars. Of eight Mangiars. . 0no tbuet tbep proceeoej weteafpng cbe pjtce^ae tbep tncreafe in foepgbc. Of Saphires. B tlje 3!lanoe of Z eilam, are founoe tbe bed e ana mode true Fanan. 450* Fanan. 480. Fanan. 550. Fanan* 750* Fanan. 8oo* Fanan. 1200. Fanan. 1460. I B tlje 3!lan&e tfiZeiLm, are founoe tbe bede ana mode true Saphires, being berp bara ana fine, ana of tbe colour of g^ure* 3Lbep are ofpjice a? foloinetb* One that toeigbetb one Caratte, i? ofbalue* Fanan. mbicb are about cujo Marcels of filuer. One of tbe mepgbt of ttuo Caratte?. Of ?h?ee Caratte?. Offoure Caratte?. Offpue Caratte?. Of dpe Caratte?. Of feuen Caratte?. Of eight Caratte?. Ofniaie Caratte?. Of tenne Caratte?. Of eleuen Caratte?. Of tUielue Caratte?. Ofyiu-Caratte? in all perfection of colour. *mf$ ‘ 3 iiu. nMMetrtj* a filuer copne a? 2» Venice, ofjri. Uiice0.ut.O. Fanan. iuttOfpite, 5* UJfjcrdf.^:. Fanan. IO» an ounce. Fanan. IT- Fanan. 18. Fanan. 28. Fanan. 35- Fanan. 50. Fanan. " 60 Fanan* 65. Fanan. 70. Fanan. 75- Faoan. A 15* Of The prices of precious flone* ®f'ritti.£aratce0* ©f.]Cb.Caracces. ©ftbt.Carattes. ©f.tf«u.Carattes. Fanan. Ifor Fanan. 180. Fanan. 2oo. Fanan. 250. SDnecbat fretgbetb aMVVg*//. tout’d) tS.pt. Fanan s anba quar* ter,tbat is about .ppui;Caratte& Fanan. 3 50. jlpkefrpfeintbe 3 lanbeof Zeilam, to founoe an ocljcr fence of Sapbircs, frbtcb tbtp call Quinigelinam. £ljcfe artttOtfO HrOtlg, of barker colour,anb of much lefle balue then are tbe other of the bed kpnb, frberof one is froojtb tbirtiene of tbefe of equal popfe. SIlfo in the kpngocme of HarfwgaAn a raountapno about catior anb AftingalorAs founo an other fojee of Sapbires,m oje ten* ber anb of froo?fc colour, frbtcb tbep call Cinganloam.% befe are fomefrbat tubpte ? anb offmallbalue : &>o tbattbe mod perfecte of this kpnbe,freigbtng]tp Caratces,is not froojtb one Ducate. SCbep? colour is mclpnpng fomefrbat to pelofre. £bcre is Ipke* frpfefounbean other kpnbe of Sapbires, bppon the Tea coades of tbe hpngoome of Calecuti in a place nameb Capucar . £befe tbe 3nbianscallC4r4Wo«i/4m.£bepareof abarke fl^urc colour, not Ibpnpng but in tbe cleare apje. £bep are alfo tenber $ brickie, anb of fmall edimatton among; clje 31 nbians . £bep feeme on tlje one fpbelpke glade. Of Topafics. T fpe nacurall £opafies grofre in tbe Jllanb tfiZcilanu anb arenameboftbe jnbtansfwrc^wa. Jctsabarbe anb fine done, anb of equall edimation frith tbe Eubte $ tbe Sapbire, bpcaufe all tbefe tlj;ee are of one kpnbe. €b$ per* fecte colour. of this, is pelofre, Ipke bnto fine beaten goto, anb if it be perfecte.anbxleane,frbetber it be great 0? litle,it is froojtb in Calecut as much fine goto as tc freigbetb .But if it be not perfect, it is froojtb tbe freight of gotoe tb t Fanan, frbtcb is lefle bp the balfet&nb if it be in rnaner frbpte ,it is froojtb.mucb lefle. 3 nb oft(jcfc,arcfmailDtanuinbcscountcrfectc. Of Turquefles. and Spites* fiene 5 eigbt,ano not much colors ft to knoU) tbat they are gooo 9 true, in tbe oay tbey fbal appeare of cbe bery colour of tbe $;urqueire,ano tit tbe nygbt,by tbe light* tbey (ball appeare greene. ®bey tbat are not fo perfecce, ooe not fo ebattnge tbey? colour to tbe figbt. 3lf tbefe tones be deane an# of fine colout,tbey bane onoernetb,intbe bottome,a blacke tone, bppon tbe tobicb tbep grotoe • 3no if any little bayne ryfe bp* pon tbe fayoe tone, it (ball be tbe better. 3no to kttobi mo?e cer* tatnely tbat tbey are true ^urqueffes, they put on tbe toppes of them, a little quteke !yme,tempereo toitb mater, after tbe manet of an oyntittent^o tbat if tbe quicke lime appeare coloureo, tbey are iuogeo perfect,aito are ofbalue as folotnecb- ©ite tbatuieigbetb one €aratce,ts mo?tb in MaUbar^mn.!^ One of tmo Carattes. Fanan. 40. Offottre Carattes. Fanan . 90. Office Carattes* Fanan. 150* Of eight Carattes* Fanan. 200* Often Carattes. Fanan. 30a Of tmelue Carattes. Fanan. 450. Of feurtiene Carattes. Fanan. 550* Of greater then tbefe tbey make none accompt e, by caufe tbey are lygbterpeecesano of greater ctrcuice. ^befeoftbe byggett fo?te tbe ^oo?es carrie into tbe kyngoorae of Gazer at b. Of lacinthes. I jcintbcs,$to]M in tlje 3i(anoe of zeiUm . ®bey are fenoec (tones, ano yelome . ^Tbey are belt tbat are of oeepelt colour, ^be greater parte of tbefe, bauc in them certayne pimples O?burbul0,b)bicboimmy(betbey?fay?ene(re. 3 no tbey that are in tbey? perfection deane from this oefo?mitie,are neuertlje- ieCTeof fmallbalue: tfo? in Cakcumtyxz tbey arepoly®eo,cbey tbat meygb one Fanan, are moo?tb no mo?e then balfea Fanan. 3n0 tbey of fiiiuFanm,m not U) 00 ?tb .JtoUFanam. m M£ n™ . The prices of precious (tones ®berc are alfofouno other ilonesi Ipfee bnto catted eptti, u Cbrifolytes# Jmeth?(lesM)id) tbep do not much eHeeme,bicauft tljep are of (matt Dallas alfo ti;e lionet calico Giagonzj. Of Smaragdes or Emcraldes* S MaragJes grotoe fa tbe country of 35abplon, tobere the 3lnotans cal thefea 2>/>g«4w.Ehep grclw alfo tn ocljcr parts ofJnDta ♦ ®bep are Hones of fapje greene colour, ano are Itghtano tenoer.SDf thefc Hones, manp are counterfect t 3ftut iookpng on them curiouflp totoaroe the lpght 5 the cotmterfc ctes fbetoe cercapne burbuls, as Doetb glalTe : but tn the true, there is no fuebe feene * but rather there appeared to the epe, a cer- tapne OerDour, (bpnpnglpkethebeamesofthe&unneianD be* fag rubbeooppon the touche Hone, thepleauethecolourof cop* per* 8no the Smaragde of this fojte,is the beH ano mofl true,anD is fa tjalue in Calecut, as rnuebe as a Diamunoe, ano fometohac moje : 8no this not bp toepght, but bp greatnefie, bpcaufe the DtatnunDequanttttefo? quantttie,ts ofgreater toepght then the Smaragde. ^;bere is Ipketopfe founoe an other kpnoeofSw<*Mg- desM)itb are greene Hones, but notfomuche eHeemeD * Me* ucrthclcffe, the JnDtans referue thefe to fet them foojtb tottb o* ther precious Hones - ^bepleaue not anp greene colour bppon the touche- Of dvuers kindes of Spices>whcrethey growe, what they are woorth in Calecut>and why- ther they are carried from thence. Of Pepper. 3M tn all tljekpngoomeof Malaborm Calecut , pepper grotoetb 3 ano ts folD tn c*- euerp.CC. ®abarsMefoi.€€jw;* , euerpf4«^(as31haue fapne) be* tn balue one rpailof plate of &papne 3 tsasmuebeas one Maueiltf&lm • — - in ' and Spices* 4^7 In Ct ttiictMar, bjctgbetb fcure Canutes of tbe ofte toepgbf of I^OJCUgale, bp tbe tt)bicb tbep fell all fpiceiS in Lit bona . Cant are i'gs in dcmce.CTjc«4)ounrje lwepgbc^of tlje grofle pcutDe (bepng icbiit.ounces) attttof tbe fubtple pounDe*Cl#bitt . t&otljattbe fapDe.71 ^pounDes of Oentce fubti!e,tt)ill cod about.tjcffrencbe crottmes of goto: ttibicb amount to about tloo Marcbctti (tuijtcb niafee one peimp) tbe pounDe* ^bep pape alfo to tbe kpng ofc^- /ec«^fo?cugome,)cu.^»4»j,euerpB^rbptljeloDe . ^beptbat bupe them, are accuttomeo to bjpng them to Cambaia,ferfia ,A~ iif’MnD MecbaAtib from tbence to dlcayr anD Alexandria, J 3 ott) tbep pape cuttonte to tbe kpng of $o?tugale after tbe rate of 6^62. Mar uedies tbe^^ttrijicb m,l9$>Fanans. Maruedies are ^panpflje copne0,tt)berofft]ce goe to a pennp. &(jis do tbep, partlp bpcaufe there arrpuetb no meje fo great Diuerfitie of mer* ebauntes to bupe them, anD partlp bp tbe agreement Uibic&e tbe JapD kpng of pojtugale maDc Uattij tbofe kpngeg^ tbe ^oojeg, *ano merebaumeg of tbe cotmtrep of Malabar. Sgticb pepper grotoetblpkettipfe in tbe 3 llanbe of Sumatra, neare bnto MaUsa, tnbicb 10 fapjerano bigger then that of Ma* labar , butitot fo gooD anD {frong. 3 Lbte t 3 brought from Benga* ia to china, anD fome part to Media, p^tuplte anD bp ffealtb, bntoareg to tbe poicugales, tubicbe tuoulo not otberuipfe fuffec tbemtopaffe. 3!t is ttioojttb in 5«>»4£r4, fronutu Cbnto.btt,C* Maruedies tljeCrfw^rofpO^tUgale, Of tbC HCUJC UJCtgbC . 8nD from tbe nett) to tbe olDe ttJetgbc in ipojtugale, tbe Difference tst ttt)o ounces in tbe pounDe toeigbtiJFoj tbe olDe pounDe conOftetlj of,]cuu t otinceg,anD tbe netoe pounDe of pbt.ounce^ Of Cknics. C loues grottoe in tbe 3 !lanDos of Molucca , from tobcnce tbep are brought to Malacba, anD then to Calecut , anD tbe countrep of Malabar ♦ ^Dbep are ttjoojtbtn Calecut euerp Babar (pobteb ts.71 2 . pounDes,of tbe fubttle pounD of Venice) ffom.500. to.6oo. f^ 4 «j (ujbtcb are about fpf* tie frendje crotones) ttiljicbe are in Dalue about tttJelue Mar - cbetti tbe pounDe tuepgbfj anD bepngcleane from ftalbes fbuf* keel areln ttalue.7oo.jF4W4WJ . ®o carrp tljem from tbence into 31 tMtu otbee The prices of precious Spices* otberregioroi, tbeppapefo? pafpo?te. pjitt. Fanans tbe $abar. toil'd) tstiioo?tb in Malacca from.jc,co.)cutt.DiicaDe 3 3 accopmg to tl)t rate ano cuff ome of tbe mercljaumes. Of Gnamomc* C 3 Inamome of tbe beffe foite , grotoctb tn fbe SUanoe of Zeilam, ano tn tbe countrep of Malabar grotoetb the ti)oo?ff. ©at oftbc bed kpnDe 3 fa offmatl p?tce m Zeilam, But tn Calecut(ifit be cljopfe ano fre(be)tt tsU)oo?cb ^oo. Fawns tbe dabar, ntljicb are about fpue M arcbeni tbe pounoe. Of Ginger.caUec! Beledi* G 31 nger < Beledi,$ roluetb on etterp fioe about c ale cut, from firetoMcnempIes,anotstiioo?cbcbe Qabar.) tl. Fanans, ano fomeepmes fpftte, tobteb to letTe then one Manbetto ti)t pounoe.©ep b?png tc front tbe mottwapnes 5 anD out of tbe eountrep 3 to tbe cttte 3 inbcre tbep fell tt bp maple to tlje Sin* titan mercbauntes 3 tttbo geatber tt togeatber tn great qttantttte, ano keepe tt to fucb fpme as tbe $poo?es (btppes arrptte tbere 3 to tobotn tbep fell tt 3 bp tbe p?tce of.jcc. fanansjt o. Cr.tiJbicb to Icfle iben (Ujo Marcbetti tbe pountie,bpcaufe tlje tioetgbt fa greater. Of Ginger Mechino. G Singer M eebino grotoetb, begpnnpng from tbe moun* tame of DeliMto Canonor. 3 t is fmall, anti not fo inbpte no? fo goon aa tbe otber.SIt is lnoo?tb tbe Qabar tn Cam - wor,about60. Fanans, lobiclje fa about one Marcbetto tbe pounoe ©ep pape fo? tbe fiabar fire Fanans in tnonep fo? tbe ruffome.Slt fa foltie bncleanfeo o? bnpurgeo. Of greene Ginger in con femes. f J5 Fengala fa fonntie great plencte of (Singer trfedi, of tbe I teljicb tbep make mucbetStngcr in confetues ttritb &uger s * ano carried in done pottes from Martabani, tobeefoloem tbe countrep of Malabar , mm fa tooo?tb tbe fmzplaQxfytib * and Spices^ 4*1 aim firctwcea) after t&e rate of. irfit't. #. 0 ?, pbi. Fanans* flbSt tijac is; ftefye ana made in conferuesb i* tooojtb in Calec ut> fpi'Fandns clje farazuolafymft S>uger is deare there. (Greene (Singer to put in confmies, 10 tuoo^ci) in tb?ee quartet* of one Fanan clje farazjioU, to)bic& 13 about CU 30 pound* foj One MdrchettOi Of the Apothecaries drugges, and of what price they are in Calecutand Malabar. L Jcca of Mar tab am, if it be of the befie 5 13 tooojtb tljt fa* raztioU , uibicl) is ppii-pounoe tucpgbc anD Ojcc ounce* of ?ortugale,tftex ftjcticnc oituccs tlje pound (uibicbi* abouc fourtie pound toetgbt of tbe fubttle pounoe of Ocnice) and t* tnbalue cigbtiene Fanans : njljicb are eigljtiene M arceis of fib Her, if 0? one Fanan, is inbalue about one Mar cell of filuer. Irfrr4oftljecountrep,isUJDO?tbtbe/4r^«0/4. Fanan. 1 5 Bo^ace that is good and in great pc cce*,!* uioojtb tbe farazuol*. • Fanan. 30 tO.^O.^ 50. Camphire tljatt* grofiein cahesbtettioojtb i\}Z far a* ZuoU. Fanan* 70.tO.80 Crtw^^toaimopntJidoIe*, * * * Campbire fo^ tbep? c^tlD^cn to eate, i* booo^tb tbe My* tigall. Fanan, 5. J & uiUi$)nod}tl)t\)CfaraztioU. Fanan. 500.tC.400. Hgmm 4 / 0 f,blacke,bcaup 5 and fine,t* Uioojcb# Fanan. 1 ooo. Q^ufkc of tbe befits Uioojtb tbe ounce Fanan. 36# Beniamin 6ft!)e befi,i0 tuoojtb tb zfarazuola. Fanan. 65. T amarindi being neU),are UlOOJtb t \)tfara%. Fanan. 4* C alamus Aromaticus,tyt ’far aztwia. Fanan. 12# Endego to bpe filhe 5 true and goodjtbe/^K^oA*. Fanan. 5 o# Sprre* t \)tfaraz«ola. Fanan.l8.C0.2O. 4f: rankenfenfe good and in grapnesy* toeojclj tbe fata * zuola. '> • Fanan. 1 5. if rankenfenfe in pafte of tbe bafefffojte, tfofaraz. Fanan. 5. Jmbractm OJ Jmber gteafe tljat 13 g00d 3 i* UlOOJtb tbC Mctigall. Fanan, 2 fO-5. Muabolams in COnferUC of Kl$cr,tl)tfardZt Fanan.l6.t025 3itt.iUt. Cafsia, The prices' of precious ftones Cdsftaftctyz ann goon, tfafarazuola. Fanan one anti a baffe, IRetlDC ^)anO£C03 1 tyfarazyola. Fanan, 5.(0, & CUbpte banners anti Citrine* inljicbe grotoe tn tbe Btfanoe of Timor, t ! )Z farazuola, Fanan. 40.(0.60* Spikenarde,fwtyz anO gOOO j\)ZfaraZ< Fanan.jo.tO 40. i&uttemeggee, uiljtclje come from tl;c 3i(anne of Mdan, mbere t\)z Babar t0 moo^tb from.biii.to ten Fanans, (tobicbe impose bi.pounoeg tuepgbt to tlje Marcbetto) are Uioojtb in Calem, tlje faraz* Fanan.io.tO.I2. ^ace mbtcl) tci feougljt from t(je 31 (antie of Randan, mijere tlje Mar tg moojtlj fpftttne Fanaris(ml3tcb import about one Mar* cbeno, t be pounoe are UlOOJtb tn Calecut,d)Zfarazu > ola. Fanan.25.f0*3O Turbitbes,axZ\ 3 ) 00 }t\)tl)Zfarazuola. Fanan, 13 Gfttoojmefeeoe oftlje bed ftpnoe, calico Semcnzana, ts tooojtb ti)Z farazuola. Fanan. i8 # 7 . erumb a, t\)Z farazuola. Fanan. 2. 7 edoaria,t\)Z farazuola, Fanan. I., 0umme^>eraptne 3 tbe/jK42^<>k Fanan* 20, Jloe Cicotr me, K\)Z farazuola. Fanan, ] 8* Cardamome in gtapne#, tlje farazuola. Fanan. 20, (^wW^grometljabunoantlpin tbecountrep of Malabar, atur tljatmljiclje comnietlj (him china tyMalacba, i0 tooo?tb tlje farazuola. Fanan 4 o tO.50* . Mirabo!ani'Emblici,t\'jt farazuola. Fanar*. 2. M irabolani , BeUrici,t\)Z farazuola. Fanan CUC $ a fjalfe* Mirabolani citrini $ Cbebuli,)nl)ic\) are aft ofone fdjlte* Fanan. 2. M irabolani M,U)l)tcl; are of tl;e fame Citrine trees. Fanan, 3. Tutia,t[)t farazuola. Fanan. 30. Cububes, urtjicb groine tntlje 3 ffanoeof Uua oj Giaua, are tljere offmaU pjice 3 ano foloe bp meafure ttittljouc rnepgbt. OfwmM)id) 10 bjougljt from tlje citie of Jden toljerc it t'0 maoe* is fciOOJtlj in Calecut dwfiraZf Fanan.280 to 32 o. o/>»w?ofanotljerfojte*mijiclje ig maoein Cambaia, teuioojtli tf jtfarazuola. Fanan.2QO.C0.25O* * and Spiced Of the vreyghtes of Portugalc and India.* And howe they agreee. 4*9 T ^eyounoeoftbe oIdc incite, contepnetb .jiut* b«ce& ^Dbe youttoe of tbe netoe toepgbt contepnetb ♦jcui. bticest» Cigbt cm Ares of tbe oioe mepgbt,maite.feu.oftbe netoe* .8no euerp tt of.C . rjcbtuVpounoes, after jbi fences to tbepottnoe. Cuerpoloec^j?, contepnetb tb?e quartern atm an feaife of tfee netoe Cantare ; 3no tj3 of . C ♦ pjMtt ♦ poun oes> after .jettin fences tbe pounoe* flDne Farazuoles , ts. jtjm. pounoes of.jrim. bncej 2 ? 3 ano .fei, fences moje, tottb ttoo fpfte parcel Gentle Farazyolcs , are one Babar. SDne $d>aY t sat it. Cantares of the oloe toetgbt ofpojtugale* &ii tbe feptces ano o?ugges,ano af fueije other tbpnges as come from India, are foioetn liDo?tugaiebp the oloe toepgbt ano aU the red bp tbe netoe toepgbt. . $erbp mate toe toe! conCtoer, that as toe ought to retopce ano geue <£>ootbanbes foj tbe abunoaunce of ail tbefe tbmges,tobteb be caufetb tbe eartb fo plenttfuHp to b?png foojtb to our bfe, fo mape toe lament tbeabufe ofmen,tobofecouetoufneire caufetb great oeartb anofearfenefle in tbe mpooefl of abunoaunce : here- in no lefle offenopng tbe iatoe of nature,tben oo fucb as bp tottcb* crafte 00 entermfngle popfon tottb tbpnges createo fo? tbe beaitb of man, o? bp tnebauntment corrupt tbe feeoes tn tfee grounDe: pea ratber,as tbe bnnaturaii mother, tobooedropetb the cbploe tofeom (be batb longmtrpGbeo, Of The vyageseftheSpanyardr #3&irtpl. *£cmcf»«licfcu fCtMPKtOffM t\)ieeptm& f cut Of the voyage made by the $pany« ardes roundabout the world# ©e aopage maae bp the Spanpame# rounae about the too^lae, ts one of tfe grcaieftanamoU martteplougtbpngegt that batte benknotoen toour tpme.3ntt although in ntatip tbpnges toe flcceloue aucfempriaeccffourg, in t(;i0 efpeciallp toe fa far epceea a{ their inuentfonsi ,tbac p like bad; not heretofore licti knotocn to tljtjs Dap. ^I;t0 triage toas toritren parttculerlp bp Von Peter Man tyr of / tnglma , being one of p counfatle of themperours Indies, to tobom alfo toa0commptteap turning of tbebpflo^c^epamtnatts on of a! &cl; as remrneD from thence into apatite to p cttie of^t- utle, mtbe peere *152? fenapngicco Home to be printer in tljat mtferable tpme tol;en tbe citie toaa fackea,it toas lo(f»ano not founDe Onto this aape 5 oi anp mm:o;te remapnpng thereof, faupngfurb as fome tljat rcaa the fame bauo bo?ne in mptiae# 2na amoHg other notable thpnges bp bpro torptceo 3$ touchpug that uopage, that 10 one, that the ^panparora batipng lapieo about ch?ee peeres ana cite monetb, ana the nteft of them noepng the aape0,aape bp oape(a3 10 the matter of al them that faple bp, the 2Dcean,tl;ep founa tohen tljep toere returnea to^paine 3 pthep baa loll one oape : &>o that attbepr arrpualiat the pojte of &U utle,bepng the feuench aape of September, toas bp thep? ac^ cotnpt but the fppte aape . #nb toljcrcas on Peter Martyr m darea p ffrattge effect of this thpng to a certapne excellent man, toho foj l;t0 Imguler Iearnpng toa0 greatlp aauauncea to honour in l;t'0 common toeabh ? anamaae €hcmperour0 ambaffaaour: tl;t0 tooojthp gentleman, toljo toas alfo a great pijtlofopljer $• Jfrommier,anftoerea, that it coulaettototljertopfe chauttce bmo tbem 5 haupngfaplea three pecrcscontuutailp, cucr folotopng the feunne totoarae tbe SKUeff : ana fapae furthermore, that thep of olae tpme obferuea,tl;at all fttchc a0 faplea beljpna the gwrnie totoarae the ^leff,apa greatlp lengthen the aape ♦ $na albeit that the fapae booke ofi Peter Martyr i# perpfyea, pet hath not fortune rounde about the world** '456 fbjfuttcpetmpttcu tbat cijc memo^te of fo tDoo^rfj^ ami marucp* at 10 not» lous; an entcrpjpfe fljouloe Utterlp be eptincte : fojafmucbe as a certapne noble gentelman of the citie of Vine eng? in Italte, cab "pnbenom * Ieoma MJntmk Pigafetta (mbo bepng one of (6c cempantc of that bopage,ano after hi* returnc tmo ^papne m the Qjpppe fc tt ” w 3 Victoria, mas maoe knpgbt of tbe Hbooes) m?ote a particular ano large booke thereof, mbtebe he gaueto Ebemperours 2pa* ieitie,ant)fencacopteoftbefametmo jfratmce,totbe laop Be* gent,mother onto the tfrenchfmtg,U)b0 commtttco it coan ejrceb i ac ^ m ^ eTn lent pirilofopber,calleo mailer lac obus Faber,\)mn$ long ffuoteu in Italp, mpllpng bpm to tranflate it into the jfrenebe tongue* ®i!&booUetl)£refo>eU)assp?tntei)fp?llm the jfrenebe tongue, ano tljenin the Italian, umb alfo an eptftle to the Caroinall of §a!fepurge ag tOUChpng the fame bOpage,tinltten bp Maximilian TranfiluanebttztmttQ Ehemperoure Sgaieitie, in the peere 1522* $nO ooubtlefle among all the cities; of Italic, the citie i*anaiuan»* of Vincenza ma^ heretn muebe glojte, that befpoe the aunctenc nobilitie,ano manp excellent ano rare mpttes mbtche it hath brought foo?tb 3 afoiell in learnpng as; otfcipline of marre, it hath alfiibaO&booo^tbpanDliaitatmta gentleman as mas; the fapoe ma ttttjntonie Tigafttta, mho baupng compalfeo about the ball 0? globe of the mojloe, hath Ipkempfe oefcribeo that bopage par* ticularlp. jfo? the mbicbebisfo noble ano monoerfull an otter* p?ife fo bapptlp atebiueo, ifthe fame bao ben none in the oloe nauic simjpii& jpme,U)beti%bempp2eof the ®reekes ano Homans; So^plbco, be (houloe ooubtlefle bane ben remaroeo mitb an Image of mar* ble 0? goto, erecteo in a place of bonour,m perpetuall memoir, anOfo? a Angular example of bis; bertue to the pofterttte ♦ In mimtte fine, this; map loe bololpaffp?me, that the antiqmtiebaoncaer batniofuctj Inch fcnomleoge of the mo?toe, mbtebe tbe&unnecompafletba* tK««?aS f bout in .jcjctiii«bottrei 3 ,a$ me baue at this; p?efent, bp the inouflrie 0 ^ of men of this outage* But before I fpeakeanpthpng of the bpage,I baue thought it gcoofpjft to aooe hereunto the Cpiflle Of Maximilian Tranftluane, mbtcb be UJ^Ote tO the CarOinail of $*lf(purgc,z$ a preface to bis fapoe booke. The The vyage roundc about the worlds {T The EpifUe of Maximilian Tranfiluanc, fecretarie to theEmperours Maieftie: written to the ryght honorable and reuerende lorde, the lord Cardinal of Salepurge,of themarueylousandwoonderfull nauigation made by the Spanyardes rounde about the worlde intheyeereof Chrift .M»D.xix. 3!IattU« of jjBolucca. Jure* Cberfo, nefus . MaUccba* tt§e3!lanbcsof gvpicesUn* ftnotoeitiit olbf tpme* B tbefe bapes ( mp mod honorable anb re* uerenblorb)returuc& one of tljofe due (Jnp& tobtcbe 3 tbe peere before Cbemperours be* png at Saragofa in &patne,toere ac bts ma* tedtescommaunoement fenc to the netoe toodoe, heretofore bnknotoen bntobS,to l feeke cbe jlanoes of fptees ♦ f or albeit tlje jportugales brpng bs great quamtete of &ppces from ebat part of Cad 3!nDta 3 tobtcbe tn oloe tpme toas calleo Jure a cherfonefus (tobereisnotoz tbougbccobetbe great rpcb cttfe of Malaccb*) pet in Cad 3Inoi'a grotoe none of tbofe ^ppces , except pepper .brother &ppces 3 as &tnamome 3 Cloucs 3 jftuttes megs 3 anoSgafe (tobtebe is cbe bufke that coueretb tbe (bed ofcbejftut) are brought from other farre countreps, anb from 3Ilanbes fcarfelp knotoen bp cbepr names : from tbe tobtebe 31* tenues tbep are brought tn fbpppes o? barkes maoe tottbouc anp 3Iron tooles 3 anb tpeb togeatber tottb corbes of Date trees,tottij mnuefapieslpketopfemabeoftbe (mall tuifgges of cbe bran* cbes of Date trees toeaueo togeatber . ^befe barkes tbep call Giuncbe itottb the tobtebe barkes anb faples 3 tbep make tbepj btage tottb onlp one topnbe in the dearne 3 or contrarptopfe * Bep* tber pet ts tt a tbpng greatlp to be marttetleb at,tbat tbefe 3|ianb$ tobere tbe Sprees grotoe 3 baue ben bnknotoen To manp too?lbe$ padbntoourtpme 3 forafmucbasallfuebe tbpngesasbttto this bape baue ben umpteen of olo aucours of the places tobere fptees grotoe, are all fabulous anb falfe : 3lnfomucb that the countreps tobere tbep affprme them to grotoe 3 are tiotoe eertapnelp founbe to be further from the place tobere tbep grotoe tn beebe 3 then toe are from them . foy lettpng pafle manp other tbpnges that are torpttcn 3 3! topllfpeake more of tbts toljtcb Hereto; (otljertotfe a famous auctoure) afftrmetb 3 tbat &>tnameme ts founbe tn the toppes rounde about the world. fgj e 0 pjjrjsrftbcitc(!c 2 ofcercapcbp?ti^mtiifoufeie{ t&at typng ft ftomfarrecountrcp^anDd’pectallptljelp&cnp^tbe tobidje 3! futotoe no man that euer ijaty feene. $ut 5V«w>jtobo might mo?e Wmt* certapnelp affpjme tbinges bp reafon that before bis tpme rnanp t tbpnges mere knotoen anb nifcoctcrcD bp tbe nauigatt'ons of ^ etim w» great SUepanber anb other, faptb,tbat &>tnamome grotoetb in one ef great . ibatpart ofCtbiope toljt'cb the people inhabit calleb Trogloditi* i&uertbclefleic is noto founb tfjac Snuamome gtotoetb berp far ^wgiootti. from afl Ctbiope# nob) much fur tbcc from tbe t roglodititotytfy Dtoel in caues imoer tbe grounb . 35ttt to our men my teb are noto ^ e mmg&tu returnebfrom tbofe partes anb tbe 3 lanbc£ of fptces,baupngal* on about fo goob knotolebge of Ctbiope, it toas neeeflarte to paflfe far be? u,0|1J,e * ponb Ccbtope before tbep come to tbefe 3 Iatibs, anb to compafle about tbe toboletoo^anbmauptpmesbnber tbe greateft ctr* cumferenceofbeauen.^betobicb nauigatt'ons mabe bp them, bepng tbe moftmarueploustbpng that euer toag bone bp man bppotube earth fence the fp?ff creation of the toojlbe, anb netter founbe before, o? knotoen, o? attempteb bp anp other, 31 baue be? liberates faptbfullp to to?pte to pour honorable Io?&eibpppe, anb to beclare tbe tobole fucceffe thereof touebpng tobieb matter, 3! baue tottb all btitgence male inquiittton to knotoetbe trtmh, aftoeli bp relation oftbeCaptapne of that (bpppc,as alfo bp com ference tottb euerp of tbe marpners that retttrneb tottb bpm. 311 tobicbe,gauetbefelfefamemfo?mation botbto f£ljemperours $0aieffte,anb bitiers other: 3nb this tottb fuel) faptbfulnefle anb finccritie,tbat notonelp tbep arc tubgebofall men to baue becla? reb the trttetb in all cbpnges, but baue tbcrebp alfo geuen bs cer* taine knotolebge,tbat ai tbat bath hitherto ben fapb o? to?pt ten of oibeautoursasccucbmigtl)efetbpnges,are faife anb fabulous. ^tobotoplbeleeue that menace founbe tottb oneiponeiegge* tmw,®** ^toitbfucbefeetetobofeOjabotoecoueretbtbep? bo&pes men of a cubttc bcpgbt, anb other fuebe Ipke, bepng rather mom fiers then men ^ ©f the tobidje, neptljcrtbe &>panparbes,toljo ift«uwgci or foourtpmefaplpngbptbe ©cean fea, baue m’fccuereb ail tbe coftes of the lattbe totoaroe tbe Weft both bnber anb abottc tbe 3*tw> equinoctial!, no? the pc?tttga!es,tobo compaflpng about all ^Srpke,batbpaffebbpaHtbeCafi,anblpketopfe oifccuereb all ibole coSes bnto the great gulfe calleb Sinus Magnus At o? pet tbf The viages ofthe Spanyardes ffopanf atteg in this tb*P? iatf nauigacion 5 in the mbicb tbep coim paOeb about the mbole earth, bpb neuer in anp of tbepj Diageo mjpte of fuel) mongers : Wict) ooubtlefle c hep moulb not bane o< mptteb,tftbep mpgbt baue bao cercapne knomiebge tbereof.But nome intenopng to fpeake of the mbole mo?lbe, 31 mpll not be long in mp preface, but begpn mp narration an folometk A briefe declaration of theviageor nauigationmade about the worlde . Geathered out of a large booke written hereof by matter Antoni Pigafetta Vincentine, knyght of thcRhodes,andone of the companie of thatvyage in the which Ferdmando Magahanes a Portugale (whom fbmc call Magellanus) was gcnorall captayne of thenauie. ]btb*ttian 3Tfu jflaittJca ItbOUgb Sebaftian Murifter Ctl l)i& btlfuet* fall Coftnograpbie in tbe fpftb booke of tbe fanned of tbe greater Jfia (mbicb 31 cranfla* teb into Cnglptye about .24. peered fence) bacb m?pttenof tbe bpage of Magellanus , oedarpng therein boro tbe &panparbesbp the £Oefi,anb tbepojtttgales bp tbeCalf, fapltng to tbe 31Ianbesr of Afc/wa^compaCfeb tbe mboleglobe of tbe mojlbe betmeene them, pet baue 31 becre tbougbt it goon to make a bjeefe repetition of this bpage, atJDpng hereunto opuero notable tbpngesmbirij U)ere not touebeo of Munftev, as 31 baue geatbereb them out of tbe bookes of Antoni Tigdfetta, anb T ran * jtluanus, m^ptpng'Of the famebpage . fts} albeit in beebe it mao a Grange anbmoonberfull tbpng that tbe fepanparbes anb ipoj* tugales compalfeb tbembole ctrcumferenceof the mojlbe be * tmeene them, pet is it tnoje maruep!ous,tbat the fame mas bone mith one (bip,$ onerompame of men, as bib tbe ^panparoes in tW biage,mbo keeping their continual courfc bp tbe melf,retur* neb into^paine bp the ead : a thing boubtleflefo much mo?e moonberftil anb drange,tbetrif tbepbab remeneb from the babe eircumferencebptbefamrmaptbepment , tnbommurbetbep mere tgnojaw in the bpage neuer actempteb before , befpbe - founde al> out Ac world. 43 1 tge tbeufannenmmgeed ann pcrpHcas tobicbe top tore napfpe Ipbe £0 fal mto,aftoIl bp tuann?png in bnfmo ton coaftcd, ad aU €ontrott(m fo bp fallpng into tbe banned of to ipo?tugales, bp mbofe norni* tetwetm $• mom in tbe Eafl t hep (bouloe neened palfe of neceflitie,not tru^ f^X ^ 0 tfpng to totr gentlcneffe fo? tbe controuerfie mbtebe ban been gates, long bettoene them fo? tbe 3llanned of Molucca. 31 mpi tberfo?e (ad 31 baue fapne)make a b?iefe rebearfal oftos Wage, from tbe begpnnpng totbe ennpng^ omttcpng neuertbetefTe manp nota* We tljpnges,U)btcbe are mo?e largely nefcrfbiointo boohed of Maximidanus Tranftluanus, MU' Antonins Tigafetta. W)t tenth nap of 3 uguft,tn tbe pecre of our &o?n. 1 5 1 g.Fcrdk nando Magaltaues OeparteO from tbe po?C of Smile in Spajme, * A ** lmt0 * totl) a name of fput topped, ann 237, men, tol furntfben imtlj . aH tbpnges necelfarp. Sinn fapipng firtf nonrnc bp tbe rpuer of Cnadakhibcr, U)bicb runnetb from tbefapo po?t into tofea,top } came firft to a place namen Oman IDulpharaQ Where are manp billagesof to20oo?es annfrom tbence, arrpuen at a cattle of tbenuhe ofM^;«d sidmu, n}bere ts.djrpo?c from ntototbep. enter utto tbcfer^rotbe capefamr Vincent, bepngntframfrom of: tbe Equinotlial. 57. negreed, attn from tbe Capo po?t. io.Ieagues, fauu ann tdfrom tbence to S>iutle bettoene 17. ann 20. leagued, ipeeretbep remapnen certapne naped , to mabe neto p?omOon> offucbtbbtge^dtb^Iacben; iDepartpngfrombencexbe 20, nap of &eptember,top arrpuen tbe 26. nap of tbe fame monetb^^f a!1&es at one of tbe Slannes oicanaxie, caHen f enerife , bepng 25 ♦ ne> narl ^ ' greed aboueebe EqumHiah 31 n one of tofe 3 ilanne& id none mAttr other tnateebut that id continually engeno?cn of a cloune, toljtcb ^ ° f a a uns* appeared) naplp at noone.rpne 3 ad tbougb it nefeennen from bea- tten^ ann compafifetb about a certapne great tree, from mijofe b?ancbed nifrplletb great abounoaunceofmater, ann falletb in ftreamed from t&e route of tbe fame, .into certaine trenches am cefenes, mane ann placen to recepue it, &bis mater ferueto fulfteientlpjalJ toinbabitatmted ann cattaple of the 3 llann* ®be We Hamm Ipbe tbpngid alfo feene in tbe Slianoeof faint . Thomas 3 iping m= mt Ip imner tbe Equinoctial line, ® be tbirne napof£)cfober, about mpnnpgbt , to captapne* commaunncntbemtoipgbtfp?eb?annes, ann tobopfenp tbep? fapied, nireetpng top? conrfr t<%rue tlje.^outb,, fapipng* bettoent Cntineairc Ctijtope. The vi ages ofthe Spanyardcfc faplpngbcti^cnc Capo Verde of Jjfrifa ano tbe StatDes fpfng! about cljc fame, bepng from tlje E{uinoHial fourteene Degrees $ a balfe. ®jep fapleo thus manp Dapes in tbe fpgbt of tbe coad of Guinea of Etbiope , tobere IS tbe mouiltapne calico Serra Liomto* ing epgbc Degrees abotte tbe Ejuinotfial. Bin tins coad tbep ban namanerofeontrarpU3pnDe 3 butagreatca{me, ano fapjetoea* tljer 5 fo? tbe fpace of tb?eefco?eano cenotpes, tn tbe tolncbc then came DnDer tbe EqumHi'al line* 3ln tljisbiagetbepfatoemanp manners or tue Grange f plbes, $ ntonders of tbe g>ea, belpoe another if range St f f is ^pnglobtcbeappeareobmo tbem :jfo^ there appeanomibefc mJulna H* fbtppcscertapneflamesoffp^e, bttrnpng berp deare, urfjicbe {g itaU dt $ e P ca * ^ alnc Hel ™’ ® ^ lnt Kichoias : c befe appeareo as though Uiw * tbep baa been upon the mad of tbe (btppcs, in fuebe clearenelfe, that tljep tooke atoap tljep? fpgljtfoftlje fpace of a quarter ofan bcure, bp reafon toljerof tljep fo toano?eD out of tljep? courfc, ano boere oifpearfeo tn funDer 3 tljat tbep tn maner oifpapjeo to meete agapne : but(as <©od booulo) the fea ano temped bepng qtiteteo, ctjcwamrai *bep came fafelp to tljeir DetermineD cottrfe^nD befo?e 31 fpeake eaufc of Cucije attp further of tbe biage ,31 baue beere thought gooD to Cap fomc* iK?pp«» Ul ^’ ;ac Grange fpers, boljtcbe forne ignorant folke tbpnke to be fptrttes, o? fuclje other pbantades, toheras tbep are but na< turall cljpngesj p?oceeopng of natutall caufes, anD engenDjeo of .certapneepljalattons*£Dftbefetberfo?e 3 tlje great pjilofopbet of OUr tpme Hieronimus CardanusAtl IjtS feconD booke ®£.S ftbtiih t^tojptetlj in tljismaner, ^bereare ttno maueroffpersem genojeo of e,cbaiattons 3 U)bcrof tbe one is burcful,tlje otber taub a out hurt. ^Dbat tobteb is burtfull 5 ts fp?e utDeeDe, engenD?eoo£ malictousanDPenemousbapourSj tobtebe bi fttccefle oftpms take fp?e,as apt matters to be kpnoleD^be other kpnoe isna truefpje , but Ipke tbe matter that is m fucb oloeputru ft^ngcnmeD deb loooD, as geuetlj tbe Qjpnpng of fp?e,tontljout tbe fubdaunce ef c^autio«0 4 o? qualitietberof* 2 Df the kpnoe oftruefp?e, istbe BFp?ehaUoj ^tarre, commonlp calleo fattnt Helen, tobicb is fometpme reene about tbe madcs of lljtppes, bepng of fucb fperte nature, tbat it fometpme meltetlj b?afen bedels, anD is a token of Djotompng, fojafmucb as cbischauncetb onlptn greattempedestfo? tbeba* pour o? etbalationtoberof tljis fp?e ts engeno?eo, can not be D?p* uen cogeatber o? compactmfourmeof fee, but ofa groffeba* irmm pour, Cardanm. STnttfpieanD round* about the World*. 433 p«it,fflfdbp a great pouier ofmpnne, and ts ttjerefoje a fcftcit of Imminent pertU: 8son the contrarp parte, the Ipkc fp^s railed (noloctpme Cajler and Pollux, ano nouac nanteD ctie ttuo Irgijtcjs |f 0 miSe. of ^aincc peter and featnet jfh'co!a0,mbtcb fo? tbe moll parte f Gf fall on the cables of the Ibpppes, leappng front one to an other, Sfb&amct** loitljacertapnei!ut(erpngnopfefpkebp?tJes, are a token offe- curitte,and of the tempeif ouerpafied : if oj tbep are bat bapotirs cieaupttg to tbe cables, mbtcb in fttccefTe of tpme,tbe fp?e pairing from one to an other, appeare ttt the fimtlttude of a Ipght candel. ^bepnreatokenoffecurittejbpcaafetijepare litle, not flame oj grGfle,mberebp tljep mpgbt baue iopnetralccgeatijcr in one, and been thercbp rnojc malicious, and iafleo longer, tuljereas bepng manp and but little, tbep are the foonerconfwncd . Ilpptbmo CardanusJout let bs tiome returnc to the bpage. mlm tbcp bad fapled palle the Cquinoctiall Ipnc, tljep Ioffe alfjflf 1 e the ftgljt of the Boyd) tfarre, and (apled bp the foutbmelf, bncpll Jc if u flaw, chepcametoalandenamed the lande of £r#/PJubichc fomc call ^f a e n | e !anDj ® f Prajilia, bepng .jtjeti* degrees and a balfc tomaroecbcfcutbpole ^eScutjj 0} pole 9fncarctke . Wjis lande is continuate and one flrme lande * olc * luttb the cape cffatnc^ugulfme, mbtehe is.biii. degrees front the Cquinocciatl . 3In this lande tbep mererefrefljed mitb manp good fruttes of innumerable fcpnoes, and founde bere alfo berp good fuger canes, and diuers kindes of beafts and other tbtnges, mbtcb 31 omit fo? b?euitie*^bep entered into this bauenon faint lucres dap: inhere the &unne being tbep? Zenith (that is, the popnteof beauendirectlpouertbcpi beades) tbep felte greater beate that dap, then mljett tbep lucre bnoer the equinoctial Ipne* VLW lande of Prafde is berp large and great, and bpggcr then ^dfsteatnefft all ^papne>H33?tugale,5fraunce,and Sitalte, and is moll abum Q * daunt tit all tbinges. Cbc people of this coumrep pjap to no ma* iter of tbpng : but ipue bp the inHincte of nature, and to the age ofCric.and.C.pl.peeres* Both the men and inomengoe naked, and dUtell in certapne long boufes. ^Dljcp are berp docible, and (bone allured to tbeCb?itftanfaptb* ^birtieite dapesafter that tbep arrpued at tbelapde pojte, tbep departed from this lande, and fapled to tbejcfttiin degree and a balfe toluarde cbepole Jmnike, inhere tbep founde a great rpuer of freOje mater, and certapne Cantballes ♦ ©f tbefe GmiMw. mi. tbep ^iaittes* InfuU genu nutrum. Cap. S. Marie. fTftepoMit* tartslie. SH iUODlitC0, snjc.tfiy.fce* grceoftfjc j&oiit]) pole. Mantes* Cfj«bt>8neffe si tge Staines. The vlages of tfic Spanyarcfes tbepfitue one out of chop? fbpppes,oftoure as fcpgatfa tivnti baumg a boice like a “Bull, ©ur men purfueo them, but tbep lucre fo fiupfce of feme that tbep cotiloe not oticrtake thetmQbout the moutboftt»'0rmer,arefcttcn JIanDes, tnifjebpggeil luljercof thep fsutne ccrtapnc acetous Hones, a no calico tube cape of fai'ncc sparfe* mz ^pnimaroes thought that bptljis rpuer cljep nipgbt banc p JiffcD into t&e ^cutlj fca , but tljep lucre Dcccpiuo tn tljep i opinion ; jfs? there luas none other paflage then bp the nuer,iubtcb ts.jtbu leagues large in the mouth . ®lj us fo! caning tin's cG.iife bp the tracte of eijc ianDe tcluarDe the pole Jntartike, tljep came to a place inhere lucre tluo JkmDrs replcmf&cD luttb cSctfe ano COoIucs of the fea, luljicij feme tljmke to be thofe fp* 0;cs chat me call pikes . ®efc mere in fucb number, that in an (pure all the fpue fljpppes might Ijauc ben laoen umlj 6eife, be* tng ail of biache colour, anD fuel) as cannot ftec.Eljcp liue of fiOj, ano arc fo fatce,tbat thep coulb fcarfelpflap them . ^hep bane no feathers, but a cerrapne Detune, ano tljep? bplles Ipke Hatiens bplfes. Chefe tOoclucs of the fea are of Dpuers colours, ano of the bpgneflfe of Caines, tuttb thep? heaoes of goloen colottr^ere lucre tljep tn great Danger bp tempelfcBut as foone as tbe tb?ee fp?cs, calico famct^elen, fatnet jftpcolas, anb fame Clare, ap* peaveb bpponthe cables of the fljpppes, fooapnelp thetempeffe anDfurteoftbelupnDesceafTeb » Departpng from hence, thep fapicD to the. 49. Degree anD a balfe bnDer the pole Jntartike : inhere bepng tupntereo, thep lucre mfo?ceD to remapne there fop the fpaceof tiuomonetbes, all luljich tpme thepfaiue no man, epcepte chat one Dap bp cbaance thep cfppeD a man of the nature of a (Siam, mho came to the batten Daunfing ano fingpng, mto fijojtlp after fccmcDto call Dull ouerhtsheao ♦ CheCaptapne feat one of (n$ men to the ffjo?c luttb the flhpppc Boatc, luljo maDe the Ipke Ogne of peace . 'Che iuhtcb thpng the (Siam fee* png, luascttc of fear e, anD came luttb the CaptapncsferuaunC to bis prefence into a little 31lanDe ♦ SBbenlje faluetbe Caps tapne mitbcertapneofluscompanp about him, be inas great* lpamafeD,anDmaDeltgnes, holDpng bpkts hanoe to beauen, figntfptng therebp that our men came from thence. Cbts (St* am luas fo bpg, that the beau ef one of ottr men of a meant to ture, came but to Ijts iuato fyz luas of goco cojpojaturc# lueil mm rounds about tbc worlds. 4 made m all partes of (ns booie 5 uutb a large bffage patoeo fcottb diners colour0>bu£ foj tbe moll parte pelotu tlppon bis cbcefces toere papmed tuio farces, and red circles about Ijts epes * ©}e beate of bis bead luas coloured mbpte, ano bis apparcll boas tb z fkpnne of a bead foinde togeatbcr. ©ns bead as (feemed bmo bs) bad a large bead 3 and great cares Ipke bnto a ^ale 3 m:t(j tbe bodp of a Camdl 3 and tapleof a bo jfe . ©je feete of tbe 6ianc toere foulocd in tbe ftpde fkpnne 3 after tfje maner offtjooes * ©e bad in bis bande a bpgge and 0 )o?tc bouie 3 tbetfrpngUibereof Uias maoe of a finerne of that bead e . 0 e bao alfo a bunded of long arrows made ofKeeoes, feathered after tbe maner of ours, tppteinitblbarpe IfonesuicbelleaDcofJronbeabes.^beCap* tapne caufed bun to cate ano D?pnke 3 $ gaue bim manp tbinges, ano among other a great lookpng glade t Jn tbe lobtcb as foone as be fame bis alone Ipkencflepnas fooapnlp afrapde, ano darted backe imtlj fuebe bielence, that bee ouertinelnctimbatftoooe neared about Ijim . £Oben the Captapne ban thus gpuen bint tertapne Rankes belles, ano other great belles 5 toteb alfo a loo* kpng glade, a combe, andapapjeofbeades.ofglaiTe, befenc bim to ianbe un:b foure of bis otnne men UjedarmeD . &>bo;x£fp 0tl of , )fr after, tbep fame an otljer ©pant of fornembat greater itamre, tojttb bis borne ano arrolnes in Ins banoe. 3 s bee o^etue ncare Unto cur nten 3 be lapse bis banoe on bis beao 3 ano popnteo bp tomardebcaucn, ano our men rspo tbe Ipke ♦ ®be Captapne fentbts fijpppe Boare to bjpng bim to a litle Jlanoe bepng in tbdfpaucn . ©jts^iamioasbcrp tractable ano pleafaunte. ipe foongaiiddaunfeO, and in bis daunftng lefte tbe p?mt of bis feete on tbe grounoe . t>z remapned long untb our mcn 3 tubo named bim toban . fpe couloc uieli fpeakcauo plapncip p^o* nouncetbcfcUlOO^DCS 5 Iefus> Jue Maria, lobam.es, men aS lnedoe 3 butuutbabpggerbopce . Cbe Captapnegauebim a Ojert ofltnnen dotb 3 $ a coate oftoljite teooHen clatljialfo a cappe, a combe 3 a lookmg glade 3 u>;tb dtuers fitch other tbwges, and fa fern bim to bis companp, Cbe dap fololmng 3 be rented agapne to tl)2 (bpppes, and brought tm'tb btm one of tbofe great beudes, inbicb be gaue tbe Captapne. But after that dap 3 tbepneuerlaui bun mo>e 3 fuppoltng bim to be fl ipne oflji'S clone companp/oj tbeeonuerfatton be bad miclj our men. v; ; iSkkii. after jfmtreatfcee 0 UIIUC 0 * Ctoo ©lames are taken bp Apaibcw* Cbe ttcupll ^>grebO0, S^etiplsap* peare tn rfje asms tu'jcn tUcp Dpe» fPaUgdhi. The viages of the Spanyarcfcs after ot&er.jembapesmerepadjtbere came foure other (ffianfe* mitbout anp meapons, but ban bpb tbep? homes anb arrotoes in cercatne bulbea. Cue Capiame retapneb tmo of cbefe 3 mbicb mere pounged ano bede mabe. ©e tooke them bp a beceite,in this ma« ner, that gluing them tuipues, fbcares, looking glafle&befej beabes of CrpdaU,^ fuebe other trifles, be fo fiilco cljep? banbetf that tbcp couioe boloe no mo?e : tbc n caufeo tmo pap?e of fl;ac« feels of Jlron co be put on tbcp^ legged, makpngGgnestljat be moulb alfo glue them tbofe ebapnes imljtcb tin? Ipkeb nerp mel, bpcaufe tbep mere mase of flight anbfljtningmetall $nb mber* as tl;ep coulD not carrp tljcm bpcaufe tbcp? banbes mere full, tbc ctber ©fames moulb baue carpeo them: but tljecaptame meum not fuffer them . C£tben tbep fdte the fbackels fade about tbep? Icgges, tbep began to ooubt ; but cbe Captapne bpb put them in comfo?t,anb bao tbent flanbe ftil!»3jn fine, mben tbep fame borne tbep mere becetueb, tbep roareb ipke bulles 3 ^ crpcb bppon tbep? great beutll Setebos, to belpe tbem.'Bemg thus taken, tbep mere mmtebtatelp feperace anb put in funb? Ibtppes. Cbep coulb ne* uer bpntie cbe Ijannes of r!;e other tmo, petmasone oftbem mitl; much bifficultte ouertb?omen bp.ftrOf our me n,$ bis hanbs boubr but be fobemlp loofeo btm felfe anb fleb, as bio alfo the ctijer that came mitb cbem»3!n tljetc flering,tbepftjotof tbetrarromes aim fiue one of out men. Cbep fap that mben anp of them bpe 3 there appeare jc.oj.pit beuils,leaptngaubbaunflng about the borne of the beab 3 ano feeme to baue ti^tr homes papnteb mitb otuers co* lours, anb that among other, there is one feene bigger then tlje reObue 3 mbo maketb great mirth $ retopflng. Cbis great beupU tbep call Setebos, Mb call the feffe cbeleule . One oftbefe ©ranees mbicb tbep tooke, beclareb bp Agues that be bats feene beuplles mitb turn bo?nes abotie their heabes, mitb long l;care bomne to tbep? feete : anb that tlnp cadefoo?tb fp?e at tljep? tb?oates boi& bdo?e anb bebpnbe. Cbe Captapne nameotbefe people Tat** goni. Cbe mod parte oftbem mearetljefkpmtes orfucb beaded mijereof 31 baue fpokeit before : anb baue no boufes of continue ante, but make certapne coeages, mbicb tbep ccuer mitb the fapb ffcpnnes^ub carrp them from place to place. Cbep Ipue of ram flefl;e, anb a certapne fmecte rcote 5 mbicb tbep call Capa*. IDne oftbefe mbiclje tbep basin tl;ep? 0;pppes 3 bpb eate at one meaie roundc about the world?* 4S>5 meafe a bafbette of £pf fcet, ans ©oonfee a bomic of boater at a ©augbt* &bcp rentapnes fptte monetljeg in tl;t0 pojfe of fentnet I«- HdnMm ccrtapne of the bnset captapnes conlpirpng tlje Seatlj oftljcpj^encrali, mere Ijangesans quarteres:aimngm!jom the Er eafurer Luigo of Mendozga mas one . Ccrtapne of tlje otljer confptratours, \)t leftc in tlje fap&c ianse of Tatogmi. Departing from ijence, to tlje«52. &egree totes? the pole Jntarttkefotk?n$&tl)ixte parte 3 ebep founse arpuerof freflje mater ans goos fpOje . Wim Ojpppcs mere here in great oaunger . &bep remapneo tmo utonetijes in tips pope, inhere eljep mase tieme p^omQon offrctlje U)ater,fueil 3 anS tpfijc . ©ere tlje Capcapnc caufes all bis men to bee confcffcD ♦ $ppjcdjing Confcir.om to tbe.52.segrees,?bep founb the ifratgbt nom calleS tlje tf raigijt m)t ara!g ^ of of M age It anus, bepng tn fame place a huns^es ans ten leagues jjanaseuAim* v in lengthens tn ©eastlj fomemljere berp large, ans in other pla* ccs little ma?e then Ijalfe a league in ©eastlj. ffin both the (toes of this ftraight, are great ans Ijpgb monntapnes couereo mitlj fnotoe, beponse the mbidj,is the emeratmee into tlje fea of Sur. ^ije^onttj ^Ebis cntcratmcc tlje Captapne names M are fatifuum . ©ecre f ^* _ one if tlje iljtppes tfoleamap ppuilie 5 ans ret times into^paine : 1 \ a}€ t ,ac 1 P" 3In this boas one of tlje 6ian?cs 3 mho opes afiboncas be feltc tlje cum ' bcatetljac is about the CqmnocdalHpne » £Oben tlje Captains t»i# Magahanes mas pal! e tlje ftraigljt 5 ans feme the map open to c & borate, tbe other mapnefea, ijemas fo glaD thereof, cljat fo? tope tlje tearea fell from bis epes, ans names the popnt of the Ianse from it mere tljep? cljaunce to come tljat map. tEljep founse tljat tn tljts firatgbt in tlje monetfj of €)ctober,tlje npgbt mas not pall foure &mt ntginrs Ijotires long. Cljepfounseintbtslfraigijtatcucrptlj^emples, efSaou^ a fife batten, ans cpceHem mater to s.-puke : moos alfo 5 ans fpllje, ans great plenete cfgoos Ijcarbes. Cljep tljinke tljat tijere is not afapjer (fraigbt in tlje mojlse. ©ere affa tljep feme certame flee- ing fpQjes . €be otljer Ciant mfeeb re mapneS void) tljern in the fljpppe 5 names ©ease Capan mater, O/i, recce cloth, tbemai, res colour, c7;wjkblacke colour 3 /w<7:3ns fpeke all bis mouses ~~ ‘ tit. m <©ianti* feaprifcii. CDieemonetfts fapIpitgumtM outjljeGg^tof iantic. <&w mt fa* input. ^iTeafcs of fawpuc. t&nfojtuuate 3tan&«« The viages of the Spanyardes in the Choate . ©n a tpme, as one maoe a croCTc before btm, anD bplfeott, Ibcmpngtt Onto btm, Ijefonapnelpcrpeos^o^ano Declares bp fignes, that if tbep mane anp mo?e crofles, Setebos mouio enter into bis bobtc, ann make biro b?uft.Bu£ mben inline be fame no burte come thereof, be caokc tljc cronc 5 ann imb^afeD ann kpftlD tt oftentpmeo, Dtfirpng tbat be mpgbc be a ©bjifiian before bis Dead) : 6c mas therefore baptpfcD,anD nameD paule. Departpng out of this ftraigbt into tbe feacaileDA4>e?^ /*- cum, tbwbttt. bap of member, intbepeere.X 52 o*tbepfap* (cd tlj?ce mmm&cs ann ttuentte Dapes before tbep fame anp (ann, anD baupng tn tbi'3 tpme confumco all tbcp? Bpffcee attt> other bictualles, tbep fell into fuebe necdfitic 5 tbat tbcp mere mfojceD toeatetbepouDct that reniapnco thereof, bepng noUie full of moojmtes, anD ftpnhpng Ipke ppOTe bp reafon of the falce mater* ^fbep? freihe mater mas alfo pumfieo ano bee ome pelome. Ebep npo cate f fcpnnes ann pccces of leather, mbiche lucre fouloen a* bout certapne great ropes oftije Ibpppes : but tbefc ffcpnnes be* png inaDe berp barbe bp reafon of the Ratine, rapne,anD mpnDe, tbep bung them bp a co?De in tbe fea, fo? tbe fpace offoure o ? Sue DapcSjto molltfie them, anD foDDe them, anD ate them* 15p rea* fan of this fampne anD bndcane feeopng/omc of their gummes greloe fo oner tbcp? &ttbe,tbat tbep DpcD miferablp fo? hunger. $ub bp this occafion DpcD ntenettene men, anD alfo the ©taunt, brief) an 3jnbtan of the lanDe of Bra file, ethermpfe calleD Terra de fApagalu, that ts, the lanDe of popingapes ♦ Mtbe tljefe that DpcD.ppb o j.jsrjcr* mere fo ficuc, that tbep mere not able to Doe anp fertitceumb tbep? banecs o? armes fo? feeblene(Tet£>o tbat there mas tn matter none mttbout feme mfeafe ♦ 3In tbefetb?eemo* nerbesanD rjc^apes, tbep fapleDfouretboufanDe leagues in one gitlfe, bp tbe fapoe fea calleD Tacificumfitltft ts) peaceab!f,m!jidj map meil be fo calfeo, fo?afmucb as tn all this tpme, baupng no fight of anp lance, tbep bab no mif fortune of mpnbe o? anp other tempeft. During this tpme alfo, tbep Dtfeouerco on’p moo little 3JlanD£S tmbabtteD,mbere tbcp fame nothing butbitbes sj trees, anD therefore ttameD them tnfbjttmate Jlanoes, being one from the other about turn Inmoteo leagues Dtftam ♦ Ww firfi of tfeefe Jlanbes to from the Cfltunocctall tomarbe the pole Jntartike.p). Degrees, auo the other Sue, Sheir fapling mas in fuel; fojte, that, tbcp rcmnde atout tlic wMcJ iftgp fap!e& Oaplp bcttoecne Ujc.toJftlcague* ♦ &o tfjae ftt Jne 3 |S |SplK P tm if ®co of ijijs nicrcp ban not gpucn tbcm gcoo iueatber, tt tuas tiecclTarp tftac in fo great ^ fca 3 tbep ftjotslD all Ijaue DpcD fo? hunger ♦ WiW) ncttertbelefle tbep efcapeo fo baro!p 5 tljai it map be Dotibces mljctbcr eticr tbe ipke triagemapbeattempeeo toitlj fo gooo fuccelfc . &bep conOoereo tn tb& jtorigation tljat tlje pole barb no notable f*arrr 3 after tlje fo^ce of tbe pole Jrtike . But ebep fatue manp (farresi geatbereo togembcr^lnfricb

t rots# tote (commonlp calico tbe Soamant) before tljcp couloe faple ftone * tbcrebjub) bpcattfe tt tuoueo not, as itooetlj Urijen it ts tn tljcfe our partes * tlOljentljep mere tn tlje mpooeft of tbc gulfe, tljcp faute a croflfe offpue cleare tores, oirectlp totuaroe tbe dl cfre 3 ano ofcqualiottotce tbe one from tlje other. * . - ( I Thcviages oftheSpanyardei The order of the ftarres about the pole An-» tartike/ome haue figured in this maner. i I A. The pole Antartike. B,The CrofTe. 3fn tljefe napes tbcp faplcD bctloeene tbe (E&eff anu feomb* fo farre that tbcp appjeebeoto tbe €qutnoctta!i Ipne, ann tuere utlcngttuDe from tbe place from tnbence tbep firft Departeo, a btmbjeD anD uuemte Degrees ♦ 3In tijts courfe tbepfapleD bp grant* of (too JianDesofepcceDpngbcpgbt, tobereoftbeone namcD Ci- ft lpa ih| l \ u ana f An ^ Ui tboentte Degrees from tbe pole Antartike: anD (be o< ** um u * tber namen s^M>,fpfacneDegrecs.otubU>eff moje (ben a CleagueSjCbangtng tbetr faplcs to tbe quarter of (be foutbmeff, bmpll tbep came to tbe cbtrtrene Degrees aboue tbe Cqumocttalf comaroe (be pole /rf^fotenbmg as much as mere pofftble, to appfoebi fdunde about the worlJe* 43^ eppjocl) to tlje Cape called of the otoe to?tten$ Cattlgm : tbe tobtcbe is not founoe as tbe oloe Cofntograpljers (jaue Difcrtben it, but 10 totnaroe the no?tlj about ♦tfuoegreeMs el;ep aftertuato imoetffoooc, &Ltljen tbep ban thus fapleo.to leagues of this bo page m cbe ^utJegreeabouetbeCqumocitail,anD.C jclbt. oegrec^ of Ion* gtcuoe (as 3 l;aue fapoe) tbe fppe oape of $)ar cb tbep oifeouereo alttle 3Ianoc totoaroe tbe no?tb&elf, ano ttoo other toruaroe the foutbtoeft t but tbe one toas bpgberauobpgger then tbe other* 31n tbe bpggcft of tl;efe,tbe general! captapne toouloe bane rellco bpm felfe a tobple,but be couloe not,bp reafon tbe people ofebefe Sllanoes refo?teo comtnttallp to tbe (bpppes buttb tbep? Canoas, ano Cfole noboe one tbpng $ nome an other, in fuebe fo?te that our wen couloe take no reff :ano tljcrefcpe oematmoco of tbe capt aine tljat tljep mpgbt tftpke tbep? faples to b?png tbe fbpppes to lanoe • 35uc the captapne bepngp?cuokeo to anger, boemalano U)ttbfourttearmeo men, ano burnt about fpftte of tljep? boufes, lnftlj manp of tbep? Canoas , ano flue alfo about feuen men, ano recottereo a (hpppe boate bobtebe tbe barbarians bao flolne,ano fooeparteo,foloU)pngbii3bopagc. Cbc Captapne namco tbefe JIanoes InfuU Latromm, that is, the Jlanoes of tijeeues. infuU Latr CBbenottrmen bao foboounoeofomeof tbem buub arroboes, num. tbattbep boereflrphen tb?ougbbotb fpoes, tbep pullet* fbo?tb tbe arrobues,not ceaflpngfomarttapIeattbem,tpIl tbep fell ocione oeao : $no pec couloe not tbe other fo Depart, but flpli foloboco p fljips bottb mo?e then tbuo btmo?eo of tljetr boates,app?ocbmg a^nere to the fljpppes as tbep couloe, ano p'oferrpng our men cereapneftfljes.^s tbe fljpps pafleo imtlj fu! faple m tbe mtooeff oftbep?boates,tbepfaboetnfome oftbern certapne momenta* mentpng ano tearpng tbep? beare, tuljtche cur men tijeugbt tbep OpOfo?ttje Death of tbep? bufbanoes . farre as tbep couloe percepue,tbefe people Ipue at tbep? onme !pbertte,tmtbouc anp v ruler 0 ? gouertiour . €bcp go naked, ano bane blacke bentos ano blacke beare on tbep? heaoes, Uibtcbe tbep incare long ooume to tbetr toalf e$ ♦ €:bep arc of tbe fame nature that toe are, ano nidi tna&e, of colour Uke Onto an OTue.Cbetr toomcn arc luel fans* wo, truth blacker tbpefte beare on tljep? beaoes,reacbpng to t be ground* . Cb* men colour tljep? teeth reooe ano blacke, tnbtcb tbep The vyages of the Spanyarck efeeme a cmttelp tbpng * ®bepamr opttttbepj&odpea *n$ beat e mttb thep ople of Cof */ . ©ep? boates are fome ali blacke, fmttembUMnofomereooe 3 anobauefapIesmaoe of the btoOe feauesofDatetrees 3 fomeo togeatber* 3?n tbe tleaoc of a rub* oer,.tbep ofe a tettapne tym boojore 3 micb a Ifaffe in the cop, and map mben tijep rnpll, make the if erne tbe fatecaffell, oj tbefoje* caflell tbe (feme . ^beyfaplefofiupfcelpjtbactljep feemeafarre of s lpkeD. ? lpbpns fmpmmpng abotte the mater* We cent!) oape of Sparcbe, in eOepccre .1521^ clicp mente alanoc bppon a Itcle BUanne named Zamal .j$c* leagues op* ftant fromtbe Slandeof tbeenes* Seattle this 3 !Ianoe mas not inhabited, tbep reffeo here a mb tie, mberetbe capcapne cattfed apauilion to be pitched fb^ the fpekef crafeomen,at?oaboggc tobekplko* We ♦potii. oape of ^arcbe, tbep fame a boace mttb npne men commpng tomaroe cbem, (bempng them fclues topfUII and retopfpngoftbepj commpng. Cbep brought manp pjefewes mtcb them, ano Teemed to be people ofmttcbe bumantete ♦ Cbep gaue cbe Capcapne a great fplbe, ano a great beffell of tbe mpne of cbofe Dace trees mbtebe beare cbe frutce Cocus . nzp maoe alfo Ognes,tbac mtcbtn cbe fpace offottreoapes^ tbep mouioe b?png ftpfe, ano opuers fottles ano beaftes,as tbcp opo in oeeoe* ^bm^^tsaiafruttofcercapneDatecrees, mijcreof cbep make bjeao, mpne, ople, ano btneger . Wtp make mpne in tbts ma* m . Wzp cutce a bpgge tyanebe of cbe tree, ano bange thereat a reeoe as bpgge as amanslegge, into cbe mbtebe o^oppetb a fmeece licoure front cbe treelike onto mijpce mpne,fontmbat cart, ano let cbe reeoe continue there from moptpng tpl euenpng, ano from euenpng to mojnpng ♦ €ljc frtttce of this tree calleo Cocus, teas bpgge as cbe beao of a man, 0? mo?e. Cbe fyjlf rpnoe of tbfej is greene 5 ano of tbe cbpckeneHe of t mo fpngers, battpng in it certapne tfeeeoesmbercof tbcp make co#es 3 miib tbe mbtebe ’ tbcp tpxtljcpjboates . Cinder tbts rpnoe, there is atbpeke Ibell, mbtcb cbep burneano make pouoer tberof,ano ofe it as a remeop fo? cercaptte otfeafes . Cinder tbts (bdl 3 ts a mbtte fubliance Ipke the camel of a j£ut 3 betng a fpnger in tbpckne(Te,mbicb tbcp cate 'mitlj flelbe ano fplbe,as me 00 b2eao . 3c bath the talle of an ^Imonocj ano is bfco in tl;e iJeaoeofb#ao 3 mbenictsD?peo* In rounde about the worlcfc* SnttjempDDell of this carneil, is a time anti ftoeete toater , bepug berp Ijcifomc anD co^ntale ♦ ^LhisUiater fcmetpme eon* tealeth aimlpeth toithtn the W\ Ipfec an egge . W\. m thep in* tenoe to make ople hereof, tljelape it to putrifie in mater, anD feople tt UntpU t£ be Ipkc ople 0 ? itqutne butter ♦ ©ben tl jep in* tenoe to make oineger, thep fuffer cnclp the mater to pumfte, anti then fet U to ti;c ^unne, mhcre it beccmmeth bineger,lpke bnto that mijich is mane ofmhptempne ♦ SnD mhenthep mingle tf jc carneil mith the mater mbiche is in the mpnnea of the frtute, ano itrapnc it though a doth, tbepmake a mplke thereof, Ipke imto Coates mplfce . ®l>efe Date trees are Ipke bnto them that iieare Dates, hut are not fofuU ofknottes . COith the tutre of ttooofthefeDate trees,aU)ijoIefaniilteoftenne perfons map fcemcntapneDmubmpne,bfpngonemiii. DapeSjanD the other, other ♦Dttnoapcs ♦ fo? theplbouioe els he D?pco ano mptbereo* ^hefe trees continue fo? the fpaceofabuntyeo pecres. ©tfs SlanDembere thep faunae this humane ano gentle people, is 3 uiuam calleDZtt/«^ant)tsnocnerphpgge. Shout this 3iIanoe tljep ^ ftefeAfaU£& fonnoe manp other 3l(anDes,anD therefor nameD this fea Archie SCrtptpelagelii pelage di San La^aro, that is, thegreat fea effaint Icarus, be* fan iS5a?0# png tenne Degrees nhoue the Cquinoctiali tomarfce our pole, ano C«l]cn from the place from mbence tljep Depa^co . <£be people of this 3ilanse arc Caphranita (that is Gentiles, ^hep go nakcD,faiipng that tljep cotter thep? pjtute partes mrtb a doth ^ ntiIf0> mane of the rpnD of a certaine tree.dje ebtifeS mcn,baue about djepj beaoes a fplken doth ofneehle mao?ke ♦ ©cp arc grolfa anD b?ooe fet, anD of the coloure of an Dlpue . ©jep annopnfc tljep? faoDteS mith the opleof Com, to Defense them agapttd the heate of the $aunnc 3 anD Dandle of the nipnDe . ©jc .rib. oapo of^arche, thep oeparteDfrom hence, anD oircctes thep? cotirfe beteujeene the^EledanDfottthboelfjanD fapleo betmeene foure 3IlanDeS,nameD Cenalo,Huinanghan> Bib-tiff on t a Xfojbarien Zb z .jcjchiil Dape of- Marche, thep came tatljcSlanDe of* ‘ * ’ Qutbuan, U)bcrc tbcp tucrc ijmto?abIp emcrtapncD cf the Epng anD the ]$pnce his faune,mio gatte them ntucljc gofae anD SJ* p Ia,1& fpices . ©jeCaptapnegauecljeEpnga beffureofreo doth, ' l yU!m ” anD an other of petome,maoe after the ©trkpfac fafftiotv anDalfoareDDe cappe ; ano gaue Ipke^pfe to other that came ? &ith ef r The vyagesoFtheSpanyards imtb \)vm cerrnpne knpurg? , glaffes, ano beaoeg ofCrpffalf# Sifter that tbe Captapne ban (bemeo tbe Epng tbe fecrcteg of bts (bpp* ano fucbe mercbaunotes as be ban therein, be caufco a peccc of o;&tnaunce fooenlptobe (bottepf, mbereat tbe kpng mas greatlp amafeo, Dntpl tbe Captapne comfopeD bpm ♦ Cbm tbe Captapne commaunoco one of bts men to be armeo from tbe beao to tlje foote , ano caufeo tb?ee other to ff rpke bpm Um& tbcpjfmoojoes, mbereat the kpng maruepleo greatly anD fapoe to thtncerp^ecottr (urfjo mas a fiattc bo?ne in Malacha) chat one ofdjofe armeo men mas able to encounter mitb a bunojeo of bit mm . But be maruepleo much mo?e,mben tbe Captapne toloe bpm bp tbtnterp?etoure,bome be founoe tbe Grapgbt bp tbe com* paffeanDlooeifone, ano borne manp napes tbep mere toitboot fpgbtofanplanoe ♦ ^betiaffepnglpccnceto Depart, tbe Cap* tatne fent ttno of bis men rnttb bpm,of p mljtcb Antme Tigafetta mas one ♦ cllben tbe kpng fame Tigafetta m?pte tbe names of manp tbpnges,ano aftermatoe reljearfeo them agatne, be maruepleo pet moje, makpngfpgnestbac fucb men oefeen* Den from beauen ♦ Cbe kpng brought tbem fp?(f to bis pallace, mbere be tmertepneD ebon bonojablp, ano gaue tbem manp _ h _ gpftcs, asopDaifotbc^iiiceinbtS pallace, bepng in an other Slegya”. e0f nmm Caleghan, $s tbep fpften a certepne mpne of earth in tbe kpnges 3llano, tbep faunae peeces of goloe, Come as bpgge as JI5ttttes,anD o* tberas bpgge as Cggcs *311 tbekpnges uelTclles mere ofgolo, pentp ofgoin. snD bts boufe mrilfurnptbeo . 3lnai tbe mbole nation there mas 0 no man of comelper perfonage then tbe kpng t be ban bis beare long oomne to l;t's QHtlDers,anD berp blacke 5 mtt b a bade of fplke ° f rou l£& about bis bean , m turn gwat rpnges of goloe bangpng at bts cares. C[)e ban aboucbtsmpoDle 3 aelotbm?ongbt of cot* ten ano fp!ke,tmpaleo mitb geioe, ano reaebpng Domneto big knees .£Dn bts one fpt>,be ban a long saggar mttb a bafte ofgolo, ano tbe fbeatbe of a fapje kpnoe of cartteo mooooe ♦ t)e ban on e* uerpdnger tb^ee rpnges ofgoloe, ano ban bts booie annopnteo mitb opie of ’(tor ax ano ’Beniamin . 3Ebe natural coloure of big facemaslpkebntotbecoloureofandtue : anoallbisboopbe* fpoe papnteo mttb outers colours * Clje Upnges name mas B^U Colmbu, ano tlje pjittce mas caileo Baia siagu, * roundc about the world. 439 ®be laftoap of $0arcbc, marc Unco Cader, tlje Captapne earn fro bi0 pjted to fap ^ade , ano fent to tbe kpng bp tbe mterpp tour, that Ijfe commtng a lano at tljat tptnc mas not to opne bmp ppm, but onlp to pcare ^ade. ®be Captapne came alano,toitb fpftte of bis men, in tbepj bed apparel, tmtljout toeapona oj bar* nede,ano all tbe redotte toell armeo* Before tbe boaces came to Ianoe,be cauleo dice peecco of orotnaunce to be (pot of, to token of peace, ano fo came alanoe , to&ere tbe ano kpngeo tmfya&D ppm, anoaccompameotpmtotbe place appopnteo forbade to be fapoe, not farre from tbe tea fpoe. ^ometobat before t be begpnnpngof$&ade,tljeCaptapne fprpnkleo tlje kpngeomttb Damafke mater* (EQljcn tb e prteft mag at mpo fgade, at tbe of* fertorie, tbektngeg pjoferco them felucjs to go to kpfle tbe erode mttb tbeCaptapne,butoffereo notbpng.^ttlje tpme offaerpng, , mbentlje pjted Ipfceo up tbe boopcfCbrtde,ano tbe CbritoaniJ kneeleo bourne ano beloe bp tljepj Ijanoeo topneo togeatber , tbe kpjtgeo opo tlje Ipkealfo, unci) great reuerence* 3in tbe meane tpme,mijplecertapncoftbeCb?idtan 0 mere at tbe Command on, a banogunne toas (pot of, to figntfie Onto tbemtbat mere to tbe (ptppe^ tooifeparge al tljep? ojottraunce. m ben £gade mag fintdjeo, tbe Captapne caufeo ccrtapne offers; men to put on cfeetr a com&au*. barnede, ano to make a cutnbat Mb tljepr nakco fmoojoeg, mijercat tbekpnges tooke great pleafure* Cots ooane, tbe Cap-- tapnecaufeo a erode to be brought foo^tb, untbnapleo., ano a ccottmeoftbojmes, geupngcommaunoemene to all bis men to gpue retnrencc tberebnto, ano ffgmfptng to tlje kpngeo, bp tbe interpreter, tfeat that banner mas gptten bpm bp tbe ©mpercuc bis lojoe ano rnatder, mitij ccmmaunoemetu to leant tlje lame in all places mbercije came,to tbe great commoDia'e ano pmfpte of al fucb a^ mculoc reticrcnolp recepuc it, a 0 an adureo token of frenolptp, ano cfea: be mouloe £feerfo?e leatie it there, afinel to ac* compltlbebtsiojocs commatmoemenc, as alfo tljat pfat nnp ■ tpmcanplptps of Chadians (pculoe cbaunce to come that map, mpgbt bp fepng tfeac erode, pcrceptte tljat our men Ijao been me! r ntertepneo there, ano inoulo tpitfore not onip abdetne from oa* ingcbemanpbtirtoroifpleafure, bat alfo Ijdpeco apoetbema* gamd tljetr enemies : ano tljat therefore it fpouloe be requtute to erect tfeac erode bppon tpe toppe of tfee bpgbed moumapne tljat mpgbt - C r ;■ TBo viagss oftli# Spanyar Jcs ’ mpgbtbefecne from tlje fea on ettcrp fpor,alfo$o pjaplmfo ft re* mremlp : ano tljat in fooopng,tbep fboulo not be hurt uiitlj tljun 1 tjcr,lpgbtupng, ano cempclies* ££lben tbefcpnges bearoe tbefe Undoes, .tbep gauc tbecaptame great tbankes,pjomtfpngglaDs ip to cbferuc ano fttifpl al fuel; tbpnges as be reqatreo. €ben tbe mm™ mb Captaine Demauuoen,uibecbcr tbep mere spools oj <®encte$ «gviiuu 0 » ®jep amifaiercD, tljat tljep ijau none other kinoe ofreitgion^uc t(jatiprcpngOptbep?ijanoestopneotogeatljer 5 ano tbep? faces totoaroe beaiteu, tljep calico upon tljcpj 0oo Abba. uilibtclj aun« fiocrc ipkco tbeCapfapneUerpmeHi Uecattfe tlje Gentiles are foonco perfmabeo to our faptb then cbe 30 aojes* mmt 3fian&ss. Departpng from pence, tbep came to tlje 3!lanoes of Zeilon, Z ubut, M ejjana , anO Calagban , Up tlje COUDUCt of certapne e lotsoftljefcpoekpngcs. 32>f tbefe, Zubut is tbe belt, anoljatb j&girdua* ° 4 ^aoc cftieft traftquc. 3in tlje 3ilanoe of M effana tljep founoe Dogge 0 ,Cattes, Rogges, Rennes, (Coates, Epfe. (fepnger, Coens, 30pl!, pant eke, 3i5arlp, ;fpggce,©jangcs,®3]ce 3 ano 0oloe, tn great Qtiantrttc* ^Ijio 3Ilanoe is abotie tl;e Equinoctial totuaroe our pole ntene oegrees,$ ttoo tbtroe partes, ano 162 . degrees from tlje place from tuljence tljep oepartco, tEljep re- ntapneo tn tljts 3lanoe foj tlje fpace of cpgl;t napes, ano tljen Di* rectcDtljetrutagefoU)arotUeiJ5o?tbine(f, ano palfeo betiueene tljcfe fpue 31 f anOCS, Zeiion^Boh ol t Canghu, Baibai, anO Catighan. Mattes as ors IfaifttfCatigban are certapne great Battes, as Upgge as eagles, as Ragles, of cbe tuijtcbe tbep tookc one : tbep are gcco to Ue ea* ten, ano of cade nutcb Ipke a tpenne. ^ntcrc are alfo &tocke - ot(Jlcg toitb turtle Doues,l0opmgaps,^ cercatne ramies as big as |bi«e 0 . * Rennes : tbefe folnlcs baue li tic bonnes, $ lap great egge^mbt* cbe tljep cotter a cubic oeaptlj tn tlje fano, bp cbe beatc mbtrof, $ ^ !jatcljcl , Urrttte of tlje Pontic, tbep are barcljeo,$ tlje pounginroes crepe rnfanWi out of tlje (ano bp tbemfelues* Jfrom tlje 3lano of M ejjana to Ca* tingban, are 20 . leagues faplpngtomaro tbeC^elf £tnobecaufe tlje kpng of M ejfana couloc not folome tlje ibtppes, tljep tarpco foj bt'nt about tlje 3l!an0es of foloj'nobon^m Fozon, mljere tlje m* 3 ianoe;of Capiapne tokc bpm into Ijts fljtppc,U)itlj certapne of bis pjtnct* suorn. pal men, ano fo foioUicO tljcpjt uiage tetearo tlje 31lanDe of Zubut, mbtcb is about fpftte leagues Otliant from Catigban, ®be fcueml; e ap o[ jpll, about noone, tljep entreo tmo tbe m* ;rotmde atjout the world. ' 440 ptyt of luhfix 3m> padfns&p manp tillages anu IjabtfaftottS fa: trees, tljep came to tl;c cute, mbcrc the Captapne gaue com* matmoement to tlje marpners to tfrpke tljep? faples ,ano to fee tljctn feluca m ojocr tn maner of battaple rape, caufpng all the ojtittaunce to be Cljotfe of, mberemtclj all tlje people lucre put tit great feare ♦ 3fcer tljts,tfje Captapne fent an ambaffaDcur mitlj tbtnfe rp^etoure to the kpng tfZubut* When tljep appjoctiD neere to tlje ctete,tbcp fauna tbe kpng mtthagreatcompanpofmenfoje alfonpeo at tlje nopfe of tlje gumies* »ut tbtnterpjetcur aouerttfeo them, that ft mas tlje cuftomc of our men, t'n all fuelje places mhere tljep come, to otf« charge tljepp omtnatmce in token of ftenoGbpppe, aim to honour tlje lo^o of the cine . <£Utlj mbtcb mojbes tlje kpng ano Ijis com* panpe mere luell qtuccco . Sifter this, tlje intcrpjetottr oeclarco that bis matter urns tlje Captapne of the Ibpppes of tlje greater Jpjtnce in tlje mojiDe,ano tljat tljep mem to Difccuer tlje Slanoe^ of Molucca : 3no further, that bearpng of bis gooo name ants fame bp the report of tljc kpng of Meftana, tljep Determpmo to tittte Ijtrn,^ to haue tittailes fo? ercljauge of their mercbatmrnes. ^Dlje kpng anfmereo,! hat Ijemasmel content tberemufj 3 ano that tljep mere Ijartplp melcome: jfteuertbelefle, that it mas a cttttoni in tljat place,tljat al fuclj lijpps as entereo into that batten, (boultf pap tribute: ^no that there mere not manp trnpes patt, fence a (hpplaDenmtthgoiDeanoflauesbpofopape^ntokenmljerecf, be caufeD to come before bpm certapne mercfjauntes of that com- Smfgmi aiS. panp mljiclj pet remapneo mtth hpm . Co this tljmterpjetour an* aau ^ fmeareo, that fojafmndjc as Ijisiojoe mas the Captapne of fa mpgbttcaip?tncc,beneuer pap&c tribute to anp kpng tn tlje mojloe, ano moulo not nome begpit t&Hpllpng hpm to take tins fojarefofuteanfmcare,thatifljemoultieaccepfetfje peace that masp? 0 fercobim,beOjoulDecniopit, ana iflje rather Defpjea- Urnrre, he fljaulo (jaue his IjanDcsful (LOljen tljmterpjetour (jars fap&e thefe mooses, one of tlje fapoc mercljauntes (mljo mas a $pooje)fpake to thekpng tn tins mnitCatacaiaCbit*', tljat is, Cakeljeeoefp? : sfo* thefe men are thep that haue comjucrcB Calecut, Malacba* attD all tlje greater 3lntua , ano are of fuclje pomcr, f hat if poti tntreate them otljermpfe then mel 3 pcu map to late fciiome m&at tljep are able to tftojttjfen thep haue bone at The viagcs oftTic SpaSyardes at Cdem m Make a . ©f jcti tijitttcrpjtetoure bearoe t&cfe moo?uesf,be fapoe,tljat the kpng bis ilo?oe mas of much greater puiffaunce anti mo?e Dominions, ano lo?oe of mo?e fbpppcs tljen teas tbe kpng of po?tugale : oeclarpng further that be mas ftpng of &papne,ano Cntperotirof allCbjiftcnoome. 8oopng ljereunto,tbat if be mouloe not be bis ft cube, be tnouloe hereafter fenoe tbptljer fttclje a potucr of armco men as fijoaloe oelfrop bis '• countrep. Cl je Qpoo?e conferred al tljcfe moojoes tuttU tlje kmg, mljo fapoeftjatljemou-oe further oekbei ate mitlj big; ccunfaple, ano geue them a full aunfmeare tfje tape folompng ♦ 3ln tbe meatte tpme be fern tljcm ccrtapne Opt: aples ano mpne . ©ben all tljefctbpnges mere Declarer to tbe hung of Ucftna^bo mass tbe cijtefcft thereabout nejctbnto ljim,anolo?o ofmanp $Ianoes, be mcntalanocanorepapjeo to tl;e kpng of Z#£«f,ano oeclareo muobpmtlje great Ijttmanttie ano curteffe of tbe general! Cap* tapne . ^>bo?tlp after, tbe Captapne fence ccrtapne of bis men Uiitb tljincerp?etour to tbehpngofZ«^,to knomelji3pIeafure, > ano mljat attnfmeare be moufoe m ahe tljent . 2# tbep luetic to* matoe tljetourte, tbep met tbe kpng commpng In tbe (freate, ac* companpeomitbmanpofbiscljiefcmen . tyz caufeti our men to fpt oomne bp bpm, ano oemattnoco oftbent if there mere anp n?o?c then one Captapne in tbep? companie : ano mljetber it mere tbep? rcquefttljat be fljoulo pape tribute to {fcljcmperour. ^Tljep aunfmeareo,tljat tbep oefp?eo none other tljpng, but tljac tbep mpgbt erercife mercljaunoies mirb tljent, ano to barter i>!)f abbtmg of mare fo? mare. ^Ije kpng maoe aunfmeare, that be mas mell biooo 10 atoken content tljeremitlj tmpllpng tlje Captapne,in token of frenofijpp, af ftenofljpp. t0 f cntlc [j PJlt t1 j j f j c biooB 0 f rpgijc artne, affp?ntpng tbat be mouloeootbelpke $c. 3fcer tljis,tlje kpng of A^/^,mit{j tbe kpng of zubut IjtS undapfolompng, tbc kpng mas baptpfco mitb great fotemnitie : at mbicjtpme, tbeCaptapitesomonpibeo bint before,nat ta be afrapde at tbe tfjootpng of of tbe ordinance, bpcaufcitmas tbepj cuRome fotoooe at fuel; folemne feafteg. lU.tr ‘ 9ftec Cfjeptncafte tftcni3jupuc0 finb erecti ths £:ofu» rfptte bundled men bapnfeD. t£!K < Qtuecnt afXAhiu, UTljei&Menes Moduli* The viages of the Spa nyarcfrs Sfter tTjfe,t&c Captapne cattfen them to bjeake alt $ep? 3fdo!etf, and to fet op the croiTe in dptiers places, piping to the fame both mojnpng auo eucnpng kneelpng on tbep? knees, and IjoU dpngbp tljep? handed topned togcatber , Che kpng m bts bap* ttfme mas named Charles, after the Cmperctirs name, and the ^tncci Ferdinando, after the name of hts maieffics brother, ®je kpng of Mejfana mas named 3lobit,.$ the ^oo?e Cbjtffopber, Co all other they gaue fuche names as are commonly Ofed in Chjiflenoome . 8nd thus before maffe mas begimne, mere fpue hundred men bap tifed . When maffe mas finplbcd, tljeCap* tapne mutters the Epng to dpne mith him in bio fbpppc, and at Ins commpng, caufcd the ojdtnatmce to be dtfebarged . Che ©ueene mas alfo bapttfed,mttb fourtie of her gc mlemcmen,and her Daughter the pjtnees mpfe ♦ Che fQueene mas oerp petmg andfap?e, haupng her bodiecottereomitha Uabpte cloth . fytt Ipppcs mere redde,and llje had on her bead a $patte,on the toppe mherofmas a triple croUme,much ipke the i^opes : this cromne and the ©at, mere made of the leattes of Dace trees. £Ottlnn the fpace of epght dapes, the mijalmantcs of the 3!lande mere bapeu fed.cjcccpte one Pillage of Sloolatours, mho mould not herein o* bep the kpnges commaundemenc ♦ papne 3 the Captapne toem agapnff binun bts oUjuc perfon U)itlj.<5o. of hbs men 3 armeb Uriel) coates of maple anb UpelmetS . cilapuUpu btutbeb bis armp into cb;ee battaples, baupng in etterp battaple tino tboafano $ fpftte men 3 umb armeb banies 3 arrouJes 3 barces, ano 3!aueims harbeneb at the popntes touch fp?e . Shis continueb iongans (barpe . But tbe Captapne ^n ;c Captapne l>eingatoaltauntman,anb pjeaOngljim felfc in the bjunte of the r x^geiianua baftatie 3 U)as HpUJounbeb anb flatne 3 fo?afmutbeas the molf of 10 ruplu * tbe Barbarians btrccteb all their fojee agapnOt bim- Befpbe the Captapne 3 U)creflapneofour nienabcttc.utti.o?uir.Ofcbe Bar* bartans 3 U)ere»jcb .flapne,^ manp fope to)otmbeD.8ffer the beach of the Captapne 3 thep cbofe lino other tn bts place, of the iniriclj one U)as Odoardo Barbejfa a ]{DojtUga!e 3 anD the Other lohn Serrano , teboinas (hojtip after betrapbe bp the interpjetour, anb taken piufoner nritb bpuers ether* Ccrtame Danes before tberaptaines b:a£b,tbep l;ab knobilebge %\UU of ST&egilantieof 2$a&ol. Cfrcy burnt nut ofcijipi tejpes, ‘ %li:kc men. ^e3ptant5eof Cuippit. ^e^tanScof £, 12 SMmu. Cfje'KUmtjeof fSmaoau. f£f)e 3!lantJeof Gurnet oj ^OiUg, & great title* €Ir?l?antc0. The viages of the SpanyarcJfs ofrhelilamies of M duccnM)k\)z tljep cljicfdp fettgbe.iDepar; tpng therefore from the Blmbe of Ma;ban $ thep (apleo fatre, ano came to the Cape of an other JlanDc nmteo Bohol . 3n the mpD'eft of this ttiapne fen (lubicb t&cp nameo Jnbipelagus) el;cp confulteotoburne the Q;?ppe names Conception, bpcaufe thep lucre nottie felue in number, anD to fr.rnplbe the other ttuo Oipp« pes tuidj the antilerte thereof # Cbus Dtrectpng thep? ccurfettM UiarDe ^owljiueff, then came to an other Jlanoe names fm* loghon, inhere tl;ep fctitiDc blacke men, Ipke bmo the £l>arafms, 32>ho?tlp after, thep arrpueD at an other great 3Imtbe, inljofe fepng, names %nia talauar, tntreates themberpftienDlp in all tbpnges, as Dps the kpng of Majfaaa . Cbis Dianne is rpebe in go: 0 ?, ans hath plentte of HfcplTe, 0pnger, Rogges, Scares, i^ennes, ano opuers other tbpnges : 3!c is names cbippit, ano is biii.Degrccs aboite the Cquinoctiall Ipne toluarDe our pole , ano in lesngttuDcfcom the place from Whence tljep Srlf oeparteD. 170 . Dcgrees,'inD aboutsofeagues from Zubut. Departpng from hence,thep came to an other 3i lanDe,ttamcs Caghaian, bepng4o. leagues front cbippit , as tbep faplco be* tlncene the COcOc and ^outhloelf ♦ Clns 3IlanDe is Uerp great, anti in manor unbabtteD Che people are Spools, ano lucre ba* ntlbcD out of the 3llanoe of $«rw«,uibtch fomc call Tome. if rcra this 3}lanoe about, jtjtb . leagues betuieene the (E2M e ans J2o?tbtuefte, thepfounoeamarueplousfi'uitfuli 31lanoena< meo TuUoan, bepng toluarDe our pole aboue the €qutnoctM niene Degrees ano a thirbe parte, anD.C.lrjctjc. Degrees ano a thtrbe parte in longttuse from the place of tbetr Departpng. ifrom this JlanDe.jc leagues toluarDe the g>outbiue(T,tbep (alue an other 3lianDe, lubtcpe feemeo to them fometpmes to mount as thep faplco bp the ccaflcs thereof, 3s thep lucre ente* ring into the po?t,tljere arofe a boplf nous $ Dark tempeft, lubicb ccaOeD alfoone as the fp?es of the tb?ee fatntes (thereof lue haue fpoken before) appeared upon the cables . ifrom tlje beginning of this Sllanu to the pc?te,arc fpue leagues; Cbt's 3llanDe is great ano rpche, ano the cbtefe ettte thereof contepneth-HCb. tljoufanoe boufes. CheEpng entertepneb our men berp frtenolp, attfs fent them, befpse tnanp other pjefentes, tluo Clephantes, trappes iuttb filke 3 to bjpng them to bhs Wallace that bought m reundc about the worlds 44l t&s prtfentes \Mbid; cbe Captapnes fern butt ♦ Oebatbamag* nificall Courte, anD a great garDe , alfo a multiruDe cf concu* Itpnes.^e 10 a £goore,anD is nameD fyU siriptdatyz is a kpng of great pontct^anD balb bnDet Ijtm manp other fcpngc lianas, and cities . &b ts 3!anoe of $urnei, ts abcue tlje equinoctial! to* &arDe our pole, fpttc Degrees ano a quarter , anD in longittiDe from tbe place of tljepj Departpng.C JjcjcbiDegrees,anD Ono tljiro partes. Departpngfrom$#™«, tbep came to an 3IIanne caHcD Cm* ^ gjaw&ecf bulon , bepng.mii.Dcgreesabouetbe Cqwtnocttalllpne . Iprcrc Smitmicn, tbep remapneD jsl.Dapes,to calke cljepr 0jpppes 3 anD furnplb tljem Imtb fredje boater anD fuell, ualjicU &as to them great papne anD trauaple,bpcaufe tljep boere tn rnaner all bare footcD 5 tljetr fljooes (anb in manercljetr other apparel) being too^bpreafcnofilje longbpage . JntbeboaoDs oftljts 3IanD,tijepfounDacrce 3 U)bofe Jm»«o ttmt feattes as foone as tbep fall on tire grounD, Doe If urre anD remoue from place to placets tbougbtbepUJcrealpue : tljep are muelje Ipke the leaues of a ^ulberp tree, ano haue on euerp fpDe as tc meretuja Qjort ^bluntfeetc. OTljen tbep are cut 0 ) broken,tljere is no blooD feene come foauh of them: get boben anp of tljem are toucbeDjtbep fooapnlpmouc atio ifarteaboap. Jntoni % Pigafett* kept one of tljem in a platter for tbe fpacc ofbiii.Dapes, anD euec tobenlje taucbeD it, it ranne rounDe about tlje platter. ^>e fuppa* fell) tbat tbep Ipuc enlp bp apre. Departpng front hence, tbep DirecceD tbep? courfe bp tlje OUeif quarter touiarDecbe^autljeaft, tofpnDetbe Jlanbcs of M oiKcm fapleD not farre from certapne moumapnes,boljere % m m ebep founDe tbe fea full of great boeebes anD bcarbes. jfroro Ijence, tbep came to tlje Xlanoes of Zolo anD Taghim * > in cbe utlji cb are founDe pearles of ejeceebpng bpgnelfe. & art«* ifolotopngtOcprcourfe totnarDetlje Jftortljeaff, tbep came to a great cicie nameD Mangdando, Ipingabouetbe Slanbes of IButbuan anD Calagban, inhere tljep cookc aCanoa of certapne of tlje inljabitantes: bpboijombepng infbarmco of cbe glanbes cf Molutca , tbep leftetbept courfe totoarbe tlje j^artbeaft, anD folotoeD tbe^outbeaH,nearebntoaCapcoftbe31IanDe of <2«- thnan : tljep mere abuerttfcD for cercentte, tbat on tlje bankes cf m & certapne rpucr, there omeUmen ouergromenuwbheare,an^ of ef ijtiolutca. g*iea are rcjpjo* «ffc. fSTtboieatreof tiKlClantJisof Molucca. ftbtflau in tfjc 30 uiittU 0 » laubceof 0iof Imxi. Tarendte. C(se 3 faut)e of «5i!oio. fTsoojea anO <@emplc9« The vlages oftheSpanyardei af fjpgb Uamre. jfolompng ffplltfjep? courfe bp tlje ^>oucf}ea{B 3 anii paflpttg bp manp fmall 3iianoes, tljep came to the Jlanoes of Molucca, el)e Hjcte Dap of Jrbuember, ano tlje.^Uit.monetbaffenbetroe* panuveotitof&papne . 3i5epng therefore topfull, ano gpupng tbanhes unto oo, tljep DtfcljargtO all tljep? ojoinauncejntbe coa(feofalltbefe3]lanocs, eucntmcotbe 3llanocs of Molucca, founopngmuljtljep?ptommet, tljep founoetbeoeaptljoftljefea to be no lelfe cljen a bun&?eo ano tmo paroegs, mljtcb is contra* rpto tbefapwgoftljepo?tugales, mljoaflp?metljatno Gjpppe canpalTe tljat map tuttbout great oaungcr, bp reafon of tlje llja* lomneireanorockcso?ajelues, anofo? clje oarheneffe mljicb che douoes caufe in tlje b?auen.$U mljtcb tljtngs tbepfapnco,to the intent tljat none otljer fljoulo batte hnomleoge of tljep? Piaget ^jeepgljtDapof ji5ouembcr,tnt!jepeere 1521 * before tlje rpfutg of tlje Auntie, tljep entereo into tlje po?te of tlje Jlanoe of Tidore, bepng one of tlje cljiefc 3!lanoes of M olucca, tuyere tljep mere ljono?ablp intertepneo of tlje fepng, mbo oeriarco tljat tje bao long before feene a ftgne in Ijeaiten, tljat certapne Ibpppe* fijottloe come from a farre conntrep to tbe 3|lanoes of Molucca: Slno tljat mijereas fo? tlje better certibcate thereof, Ije conltoereo the (lattonja of tlje ^oone, be fame tljeretn tlje commpng of our (bpppes,ano that me mere tlje men mljcm be feemeo to fee in the fame* (EOOereDppon Ije p?oferco ijtm felfe to enter into league of ffienoOjppmitljtbefcpngof g>papne, ano to accepce our men asbt 3 b?ecb?enanDcbp!o?en, mpllpng them to come alanoea# into tljep? omne Ijoufeg: 8 lfo,tljat fo? tljep? commpng, tljaf 3llanoe fijouloe no mo?e bee calico Tidore , but Cajhle , fo? tbe great loue mljtdje be bo?e to tljep? &png, mljcm be reputeo as bis Io?oe ano matlfer. %LW &png is a v@oo?e, ano is name* fait Sultan, M auzor, K “Elje 3ilanoes of Molucca , are fpue in number, ano are thus nameo, T area ate, Tidore , Mutir, Maccbian, anO Batch tan . £)f arcuate tlje cljeefelf* Dtrectlp agapnif tlje 3!lanoe of Tidore, there is an other great 3|lanoe,nameo Gilolo, inbabiteo of 3Poo?cs ano ® entiles. £be spoojes Ijaue tmo Jftpnges, of tlje mbicbe one bath ftce 6 uno?co d;plo?en 3 ano t^e yunojeo ano fp&te ♦ ©eutpieg t emndc about tbc 444 ©entpleskcepenotfomanp toornen as Doe the Jpcejes, no? I^ue tn fucljc fupcrdition^ • ©jcp pjaptotbcfitfttfpngtbac ftepmeeceuuljemojnpngmben tljep goe foojtb of tljep? ljcu« fes,ano honour that as tbep? < 0 oo fo? tljat Dap. ©be $png of tlje (Semplests berprpcljetngolDe. JntbefapncJlanoe of Gilolo, arelReeDesasbpgas a mans legge,ano full of cleare mater bob feme co be Djunke. ©I k- jett. Dap of j&ouember, the kpng of ridore appopn* teD our men a mareboufe in the ctcte,mbere tljep mpgbt fell tljep? niflnfE mercbaunm'es . ©Ijep? maner of epcljaunge mas tn tljts fo?te* otL««pug* ,ffo?tenneparDesof gooDreDDe cloth, tljep bao one ®*bar of C!oucs,m!)icb amountetb to foure Cantari ano Op pouno metgljtc 3 no one Cantariz a bunDjeopounoemepgljc. jfoj.pu.parDes of . cloth fometoljat rnoojfe then tbe other, tljep recepueD in Cambie, one Sabar . ,ff o?.jr]CjcmD?pnkpng cuppes of glade, tljep Ijao one $4 bar. if o? jrbti.Catbpls of Quiche 8luer,one Babar. ©Ijepcame Daplp eo tlje Ibpppes mitlj manp of tljep? Barkes full of ®oates, ilpcnnes, fpggc3ofafpamielong, alfo tlje frutte caileD Cocus , Intel) Dpuerg odjer kpnoes of mctualles, tn fuebequantttie tljac it bias a marueplous cbpttg to beljoioe ♦ ©hep furnpfljeD alfo djep? Sffg 0 / 4 Ojpppes mitlj fredje mater, mbfeb ts botte as tt tlfuetb otic of tlje quaiml fp?png, but is berp coloe mljen tc Ijatfj ffooDe a mljple in an other place* it fp?pngetb from tlje mountapnes on tbe mljiclj tlje cloue trees grome. ©IjepfameaclouDerpfeinmancrDaplp, mljiclje fompalTetlj about tljefapoe mountapnes. ©be kpng of tbe 3 ilanDc ofBaccbianXmt tlje kpng of S>pame 25??^ of ttoo Dcab bpjDes of ftraunge fourme . ©hep mere of tlje bppelfe j* o ftr *«»s« of ©urtle Dooucs, mitlj little beaoes ano long bplles talfo long uun *’ anDfmalllegges,anDnompngcg, but in tlje ffceoe thereof cer- tapne long feathers of outers colours, anDtapIes Ipke turtle Doottes : all tlje other feathers are of one colour, mud; Ipke on* totaU)np,ejccepretbofeof tlje mpnges : tljep flee not but mbett _ tbe mpnoc blometb . ©be fe 30 oo?es are of opinion chat tljefe * bpjDes come from tlje beattenlpparaopfe, anD therefore caH them Manu«odiata,tlM ts,tbe bpjoes of ®OD* raben tljep mere DetctmpneD to oeparte from tlje JIlanDes of A/*/#cc4,certapnekpnges of tbe SlIanDeg accompameo djem jUUut. ml) STfje juntos of Molucca. The v'nges oftheSpanyardes to(tl)tl)ep) Cattoas, ano conoucteo them to an 3flanDe calletf Mare , uiljcrecbep refreCbeo tbep) ffjpppes Uriel) frefbe toater ano fuel!* €be bpnges fenc the Cmperouts maietfie manppje* fences! : ano empaling our men, oeparteo nutl; tbe teares in tljep? epesf, ano out men fojeljep) latte faremell, (ftot ofalltljetr m !eftlte ojoinance • ftHben in tbe Jlanoeof M are, tbep percepueD one of tuepi tbat one of tbep) QjpppciS leaked ano cookc Vuater Oerp fobbed bp tbep toere tnfojceD to faerie tbere tbjeeoapes : But feepng tbat tbep couloe fpnoe no remeoie fo) c6e fame, but in long tpme, tbep oetermineo to leauet't, gpupng ojDer tbac if aftertoaroe it couloebeerepapjeo, tl;ep fijouloreturne imo&papneasujell as tbep coulOr 3Inalltbe31lanoesof Molucca fa founoe Clottcs 3 Etnger, bjeao of cbe roote of Sagu, Hpfe^Eaates, (beeue, fipennes, jfig* ges 3 3lmonocs, ftneete pomegranates ano fotoje, Ranges, ^npofapesj. lemonbes, anOi)onp 3 U)bicb tsmaoc of emapneflpcslcfte then £ntes : 3lfo canes of fugcr, ople of Cocus,9pellons 3 Eources 3 ano a marueplous coioe fritite uriricbe tbep name Camulicai, ano optters other ffuites*jFurtbermo)e,U)bpte anoreopoptngapes, ano other of bartable colours . 31c is nor palfe ftfete peeres Once the spools fp)H mbabtteo anp of tbefe Jlanoes, toljtcbe mere before inljabtceo cnlporicb Gentiles. Ebe Silanoe of Tidore,i% abcue the Cquinoctiall line tornaro our pole abeut. 27 . minutes, ano in tangiutoe from tl;e place fromml)encet&epoepacteo.i7i oegrees 3 ano from tl;e Arcbi* pehgusAn tljeU 2 l)(cb is the 3lfanoe of Z amah uriricbe our men na< meo the 3!lanoe of cbceues.ijc Degrees ano a ljalfe 3 ano runneth to the quarter of S>outl)S«iutl)U)e(f 3 ano #o)tb j®a?tbeaff.7>.* renate,. is bnoer tljc Equinoctial! Ipne foure minutes, under the p dejimartike . Mutir, is otrectlponoer the Equinoctial! Ipne. Maccbian is.pb* minutes tetuaroe tbc pole Jnurtikg, ano %*c+ chi an one Degree. Ehefc 3i!anos are Ipke uti. (barpe mountames, e;;cept Maccbianjxtytl) is not (barpe. ^bc biggelf of all tbefe 3 is Haccbian. Deparfpng from the 3|lanoe of M are , ano Dtrectpng tbep? courfe totoaro cbe&otubU)e{f,Uritb onip.jclM.men in tbep? ft)pppe 3 ano.)cttt. Jnoians, tbep pafleo bp the 3llanoes of ebacQ* |^law^3ll au 0 6 Lagoma , Sho 3 Giogbi, Cabbi, Sulacbo 3 LumatoU,Temtum 9 §u:u 9 JmboniBudia, CcUrurU l Bcnaia ,jlmbaiao iBandoniLorobnai tSojungape*. “jUanOt of CiDoi*. Terevate* MuW* M accbian . $accbian* tounde atout Ac vrorWc* \ 45 Zolot, Koeeumor, Galian,m MalluaMtl) Dpuerg Other 3 JlanO$ z Uc lim cf bot^ great ano (mail, of Scopes, ©eutilegf, ano Cantbalesf* *^ aUua * £>urmenremapneo*)tMape0in the 3lanoe of Mallua^t 0 re* papje tbep* fypppe m certapne places; toljere it cooke ixiacer* ail tbe feeloes of tljts 3llanoe is full oflong ano rounoe pepper, ano ts fituate tottmroc tlje pole 9 ntarttfcebnocc 1 be equinoctial 3 mtt> line .b«tn Degrees ano a balfe 3 anD to tntbelongituoe of jdp. Degrees ano •4o mtnuce& Cb e pilot,tnl)icbe otir men bjougljtoutoftljeSIlanoes of Afo/«:c4,toloetbemtljatnotfarrefromtljence boas an Slanoe ptiemenwii nameo Amcettoj n the mljiehe are men ano momen not paft a cu* s ulw * bite in hepgbt>haupngearcs offuchebpggemire 5 tljat tbep Ipe bppon one 3 ano couer them nutlj tlje other . But our men rnoulo not fapletbptljer, both becaufe the mpnoeano eourfe of the fra tojasagapnfltthem 3 anoalfo foj chat tljep gaue no creotce to bis repute • ^berpmoapeofSanuaiiein tlje peere *1522. tbep oeparteofrom Molina, ano tlje oap foloU)png 5 arrptteo at a great Slanoe nameo r/»joy,bepnglpue leagues Diifant from Maliua betmeene tbefoutlj ano foucljmed . JntljisJfanoeisfotmo tfjebjoooof tobpte ©aunoers ano<£pnger 5 anDDjmersftpnoes nofjta’Satm# offruites. aifofuno^pbpnoesofbealf^anoplemte ofbtttaile ano goloe ♦ djepoftlje21anDesofG/rfK^A^o/«fc/j,anoio^w 9 tefojte to tbis jlano fop &>aunoers . 'Elje tnbabicantes are gen* _ tples . 3 Lbcp Tape that mljen tbep go to cutte tlje moot? of^aun* ^g P ^ tUm oers, the oeupl appeared) to tljem in opuers fourmes 3 ano afhetlj tljem Uiljat tljep Ijaue nceoe of; 9 no tljat after tin's btOon 3 manp of tljem are long ftche» In a! p 3 llanos of this Jrckipt Ugus, rapnetb tljeoifeafe of faint job (mljicbe me call tlje freneije pope) moje then in anp other place in tie mcgloe, farre from fljis 3 lnnt?e betmeene tlje metf ano nojtljmelf, tbep came to an jllanoe nameo Eudc, in tbe Usljidje grometb ^ insmmtt great plentie of semanteme* jn this traete are foimoemanp lanoes 3 lptng in ojoer as tt mere one otrectlp bebpnoe an otijer 3 e* °/^! daa ; uen onto tie jilano of tlje greater Giaua, nameo Giaua mam, ano M aUaba * Onto tie cape of M alacba,bepn% in €a!f 3 !noia ♦ Giaua tlje leffr, Is as bpgge as tlje 3 !(anoe of Madera Ann is but balfe a league Otlfant from Giaua mam . i[)cre tljep mere infojmeo tljat aboue Giaua tmor caujaroc tie no?tb 3 is a great gulfe caiieo tlje gulfs ' O t Chitted T ht vyages&fthcSpanyarcIs c ^ n *> ^ the mbtcbe aw trees of erteeopng bpggneffe,fnbaM» «r £&w4o ccd mttb fouled of fuel; greacneire,tbat tbep carp great bcaftes in tbe ap?e . Zl)e fauces ofebefe treed are asbpg as ©ucummers. curtaprof Sbtcape of Malaria, is one Degreeano a balfe aboue tbe quinocttallline tomaro tbepole 3rcike « ©n tbe eatt fpoeoftbi* cape ? runnetljaberp!otigcoa^m tbetubicbare manp regions cftenamfs of $ ci ties, mberoflbnte are called bp cbefe names, CingaporU^u 8*«k? regions. cbe is tbe cape . $lfo faban, Calantan,fatani , l Braalin,$enu,Lon - £e«,attb Odia^zdn is tbe due in tbe mbtcbe omelletb tbe kpng of Sian nameo Zacabedera SOjep? cities are buploeo as oars are, and fubtect to tbe kpng of Man . <3fter tbe realme of Sian, are tbe nmjaro*, regions of I arngoma^mo Camfaa , rnljcre Kettbarbe grometb, of tbe mbtcbe are outers opinions, fome fuppofpng it to be a roote, ano other a putrtto tree, affp?mt'Hg that if it mere not putrtfieo, it fljoulo not bauefo greata fauour . Ebcp call it CaUma . jftejcc %\)t great bnto cbts,ts founoe tbe great cbi**M)ik kpng ts thought to be *£“8 of e atFirmeo that tbe fapo kpng bath tb?eefeo?e ano tenne cromneo kpnges bnoer bis empp?c, ano hath a po?t tit tbcfea nameo Cantban^ ano tme pjtnctpall cities nameo Kau * shin ano Connulaba^ixe be remametb bpmfelfe,ano bath euec foureofbis cbiefep?tnceslpingabout bis palace on eucrpfpoe, tomaroe tbe caff, melt, no?tb, ano fomb, geupng Dilpgent acten* ferrate* oauncembatisoonein euerpoftbep? quarters* 8lltbcp;rinres 3«oia* o f tbe greater 3Jnoia(calleo India Maw) ano of that mbereof 31 bane fpoken before, are obeoient to this kpng . 9no in token tbac ^rocotancanco tbep are true fubtectes, tbep keepe in tbep? palaces,mbicb are in the mpooett of tbep? cities, tbe beatt caileo Lmx, bepng fapjer tben a lion, ano is tbe great kpnges (tgnet, mbi cbe all liicb as fncenoe to go to china, bcare mitb them fealeo in mape, o? on a peece of 31uerpe,fo? tbep? fafe conoucte, mitljout tbe mbtcbe tbep map not enter into tbe bauen* &Hben anp of bis kpnges rebell o? are oifobeotenc, be catt* fetb them to be flapen, ano falteo, ano o?peo at tbe Auntie , tben 5wtof "Sci^ t0 ^ djaffe, ano fee Op on fome bpgb tbpng in tbe # mpooett of tl;e cl;tefe Create of the citie 3 mijere al clje people map ' fee rounde akout the worldc# 44$ fee (e . $e neuet fuffereft bis oume perfon to be opertfp fecne to anp man : But often bis noble men of the eottrte are Or fpjous to t pm & feebpm,becommeftootone from bis palace into a rpcbepaui* notomuuutai Iton,accompanpeo toi ft fpjce of bis pjtnctpail concubines,appa* a s ** relleo toitblpkeoetfuresasbebpmfelfe is* Qllftis toapbc fa not feene,bp reafon of tbe pautlion.TOen be baft paffeo though fte pauplpon , be enteretb into a Serpent, nameo Kagha, be* png tbe moft marueplcus ano rpcbe tooofte of tbe toojioe, ano SgT^oiit*? placeo fit fte greatefl cource of tbe palace . tOljenfte fcpng enteretb into this toitb the toornen, to tbe intent that be map not be finotocn among them, be caufetb tl>e fapoe nofre men one* Ip to loofie in at a glaffe tobtcbe is in tbe fteft e of fte feerpent* tobere tbepfee fte kpng among tbe toomen, but can not oifccrne tobtcbe is be . l)t topneftmmarpagetoift bis fptfer,tbatfte blooo ropall be not mprte totft anp other . CE>ts palace is em utroneo toift fcuen large toaHes ,, tbe one bepng farre DiUant from tbe otber , ano baft in euerp fucbe ctrcuitetenne ftoufano aintantepiem# men foj fte garrpfon of bis palace, , uftobauetbep? toaptpng sam* napes appopnteo them cottrfe bp courfe,toitb freftbe menin ftep;r places, ano thus fccepe ftepjtoatcbc continually botb bap ano npgbt . 3!n this palace arc .!rjn']c. baules, in ftetobtcbe is an in* finite number oftoomenftat feme ftefipng,baupng euer Ipgbt saomcttfera* torches in tbepj banoes fo) fte greater magnificence * C[)e that. * pn3 ° toouloe fee all tbe palace, ftoitloe fpenre a uftole cape tberet’m 8mong other, there are foure principal bau!es, toljerc fomttmes m*znt& fte fepng gcuerb auoicncc to bis noble men . ffif ftefe, one 15 iDlls & awu * s > couereo botb abcue antftcneaib totft metafi, an other all ouec UittbfpIuer,ftctbp?oeU 3 iftgoloe, ano tbe fourth tottfr pearles * $ precious ilones^bcfepeopleof china , are uftpte men 5 appare* leoa$toeare 5 anocateftep?meateon tables as toe 00. ‘£bep 3r& c props*.** batte fte croife in femeefttmation , butfcnotoe not tbe caufe^inua. v tobpe.Beponoe tbe coatte of cbm*, arc opuers other nations ano people, as cbmchfjitym pearles ano Semanteme arc founoe: alfo the people nameo LhUj, tobereretgneft tbe great fepng of Mien, hanpng finoer bpm fpit. kp nges, ano is fuisiccce to ftefcpng of China. il;ere isatfo founoe fte great citie of Cathay in fte Calf, ano opuers other nations in tbe fapoc fpjmcfairoe, ffftetobtftfome arctyuttpfte ano beafitall 3 toyicbcbfe to kpli papne.®jep foloioeo tbep? courfe feerefo?e,faplpng totoaro tbe &>outbtoelf,ttooni 0 nctbes conttnuallp toifeout tottebpng at onppo?t 5 tntobtfeetpme there opeo about .jeji of tbep? com* panp,fiubom tbep call into tbe fea* 3nofuerlptf®oO ofbig tm . feme merde baouot p?eferuco tbe refeue m tpme , tbep bao all opeooffamptu 3!tt tme 3 bepng mfo?ceo of neceHitie,anobalfe of tbep? compa* npeoeaoytbepfapleo tooneoffee31(anoesof Capo vmfc, calico InfuU Satiffi iacobi, tbat tgylaime 3[antes 3ilanoe> partepnpng iefeeitpng of ]po?tugale . ^bcre 3 ag foone ag tbep arrpueo. * rounds aWit the world. 447 tbep font ccrtapne a Ianoetntbe (bpppe boate fo? bfrcap!c& l»c^ clarpng to ti;c Ipopugalcs tomb all lone anti fauour mhac necclTt* tie tbcpuoere oppuett to,ano Urtjat tmferies anti trauaples tljep Ijaofulepneo, infant mpng them furthermore of thepp maruep* Iou3 0 opage,ano fuel) tljpn^cs; tbep Ijao fecnc tn Dot!) tbe€alf ^ anti c£lclf Jnota, u»tb fuebe oeber gentle njoopoe^toberebp tl-cp cbtepneo cercapne meafurcs of Hpfc ♦ But Uiijen after mato mgaies, pin, of tljem returned fap mope Hpfe,tbep toereOetepneoj&Ltber* uppon tlje reftU)l)(clje remapneo tn tbe (bpppe, fearpng tbe Ipke cbaunce 3 Departcb \x»ttb fttlilaple^, anbtbc.bfi. Dap of ^eptem* ber uitcb tljebelpe of otitf) fea of*s«r is feparatebut bp a Ittle fpace of lanoe from tbe tuefl ©cean,tn tbe toljtclj are tlje 2lanos of BiJpmoU j Cuba „ ano other Slanoes of tbe Spanparoes ♦ ^bc other ftipppc 5 u>bt? rbereturneo tnto i)papnebp compaOpng abouttbc oobolcboinle of tbe faoplo bp tbe coatfes of Call 3Enota ano 3ffrtkc 5 ocpatting from tbe 31(anoe of r/V/or^ano faplpng euer ontbfa fpoc tbe gmnoettabopo not fpnoc tbe cape of Cattigarafamg about Jfia, ano (bp tbe oefcrtption of Ttolome ) reaebpng manp Degrees be* ponoe tbe Cquinocttall : But baupng fapieo manp oapes bp tbe mapne fea, tbcp came to tljecapccf£ac»d ano fronts tljence to tbe Slanoes of Capo \>erde 3 uiljere tbepp fapppe, bepng foope bpoofeo bp rcafonof ebelong bopage r !eakco ano tcoke tua- ter, tn fuclje foptc cbatflje marpnere, bepng noU'e but feme in number, ano tbofe alfo mcake ano feeble bp teafon of long Ocke- uepagf. . Re{Tc^bunger 3 U)£re not able botb to optc tgc pompc ccmtnuallp, Oampp*r&# aao otl;ermpfe gouerne tl;e fppppc 5 atrouocrctbercfoje of ne^ ,llc *' cediftei ThrviagcJ offiie Spanyardes Tmvbpt c^tuctc urftyced to go alanoe at the Jllanoe of fame 3Iame$ 5 to bpe m&nts foiucfee tbetfl ccrtapuc (tag to help* them ♦ Bat bepng oeffttute of Mm#** nionp^accojopug to the cuifome oftbe marpnera, tljep pjofered them dories fo^tbepj fiaues. ^oeuiljtdjetljpng mljen it came to the cares oftbe Ipojtugale that mas Captapne of that Jlanoe, h e calf of tljem in pjtfon t Wjetebp tbe refpduc that re* mapnedinthe Ibpppc (bepng notoe but ,jclmi. in number) lucre putmfucbfeare,tbattI)epoeparfCDtmmeD(atlpUntboutrefcumg tbepj fdotnes, $ failed cowtmtallp both bp dap ^ bp night bp the •coalfes of 8frike,$ came tn fine to &>patne peptem* ijerint(jepeereofoudo^e*i 522 .ainjarrpueDac(()e pojte nere ditto £>mtfe tbejcdi. moneth after tljep departed from the 3iland mma r/ ’^ ^arpner0 dcubtlefle mo?e troojtbp to be celebrate Jloooitbpim* ttiith eternall memojp then tbeptohtcbe in oloe tpmc mere called «aoitatf*me, . Argonaut;, tfatfapleoivitb 3afon to topn the golden ficefe tn the 'region of cbokbis $ the rpuer of f bafts in the great fea of Tontus. $nd the fijpppe it felfe 5 mojetoojtbp to be placed among the (farces, then that olde Jrgo, tobfche departpng out of Greek s fapled to the endeofthac great fea ♦ St ox tljts our marueplous fbpppe* tabpng her bopage from the tfratgbtes of Gibelterra , and faplpngbp the great Ocean cotoarde the^outb and pole 3ntar* ttfee, and tutnpng from thence to the £Heft, folotoed that courfe fo farre 5 tljat palfpng bttder the great circumference of the tuojlo, (he came into the €alf 5 and from thence agapne into the papne 3 ano heufe of futile. Of ^ The debate and ftryfe between e the Spanyardes and Portugales, for the Diuifion of the Indiesjand the trade ofSpyces, and alfo for thellandes of Mo- lucca, which fomc call Malucas* Writ- ten in the Spanishe tongue by Fran * cijco Lopes de Omar a. ^ 5 )e Cmperourg mateffte mag berp glad tfjafc t be Malucas and Diannes of tbe gz>ppccrpmere m S difcouered 3 and tljat be mpgbt pafle onto them ^ through l)tj 3 omne cottntrcps, mitbout anp pre* . , §Dir tudice or hurt to tbe Tortugales : and breaufe ab fotl)8tJlmanzor,Lnsfu,am Cor ala, tDpicijC mere tbe idrdesof tbe&ppceric, fl;emed tljem fellies to be bis freende 0 3 and be- 2 Coim£dm* eame tributaries to bpm. Upe alfo gaue eertapne gpf ccs and re * am • toardes to Iobn Sebapan for Ijts great papnes and good (erutce 3 fo?afmucljea 0 becratiedareU}ardefo?tbegood tiem that tbe aianoesoftbeMd/a^ and other Jllanoes rpeber and greater then tbep, mere found to be in bis part of tbofe cottntreps mbiclj partepned bnto bpm 3 acco?dpng to tbe ipopes Bulb $no berebp it came to paffe, that there loas great contention and flrpfe be* tmeenetbc spanyardes and tbe fortugales, about tbe ^ppcerp, and tbe diuifion of tbe 31ttdies 3 bp reafoh of ^eretttrne of /oM Sebapan, and tbe information mljicbe be gaue thereof : mho alfo affirmeo 5 that tfaFortugales badneuer anp entramreeberbre that tpme into tbofe 3f(a«des* hereupon tbe cotmfaple for tbe 3In* dieg aduertifcd tbe <£mperour to mapmepne bis fleece for tbofe me trntrc ef partes, and to take tbe trade of^ppeesinto bis omneljandc* fpiceeyanei* forafrnucheasitmasbisomneofduetic, afmcllfor that tbbfi jtandes fell on bis part, as alfo that be bad nomc found paflage. ' and map through bis &ftefl Indies into tbofe regions r and fi- nalfp, toccnfpdtr tbat be fljouioetberebp ebrepne and geat to bpm felfe great reuenues, befpde tbe tnrprbpng of bis fubteetes and reatmes, and that Vurtlj fmafleofland charge*. ^Tbe Cmpcrcur, bepng thus aduertifcd of tbe t rtietb 3 fooke it for good cotmfaple, $ commaundeo all tbpngesbcrcbmo appertc p* npng to be fumpfijed accordpnglp. 31-n this mean? tpme », mb m. IpjSjSJ* of? ^MJiObtiof^ortugalebadknomledgc m&at tf;e. Cmurronr ^ s s ' '* determined; The vi ages ofthe Spanyardcs Dtfermineuto no, anD the Qiccup hafte bte cotmfaple maDcfo? the perfourmaunce hereof, ano of the commpngljome of hbn Seba/lUtt of Cane, untb tbtnformatton he maoe, toljac of ftoutnest ofmpnDe, ano inljatfor griefe, mas puffco bp lut'd) anger, as merealfatljerefteoftbe fonugales , ftopnpng as though tljep luoulo haue pluckeo ooUme the fkpe mttb tbepr banoes , not all* tlefcacpno: left tijep OjouId lofe the traoe of Apices, pftbc&pa* .tiparocis (honlD once put tn tbepr foote . ppce$f,mbrcj) c^tsrabe of mas fo eommoDtous ano profitable to hpm: anD finalfp, to atioioe tbe occafion of nutrDcr anD blooDlbeD, lobiehe mere Ipke to enfue tberof, pftbe spanyardes anD fortuities ftnppeio Ihouloemecte cogeatber* %\)t Cmperour, although he kueme that al t : jis mas buttomakeDelapes,anDprolongpngofrpme, pec masbeglao to hatte it trpeD bp tuftice, for the better tufttficattcn of bfe eaufe mt xmttmm anl * ^^ )ft ^ UCs ^ P art * e!3! ^ m a greeD to appopnt IcarneD men,Cofmograpbcrs ano ptlottes, mbtcbefboulDc Determine bp ( ij C comrouerftebetmecne them : promtfpng on both parties to abpDc anD ftanbe to the femence $ Determination maDe hp thofe perfonMPpopntcDanD fruopie totuDgeinDiffirentlu. "The Repartition anddiuifion of the Indies and newc world, betw.ee ne the Spaniardes and the Portueales# O i[)ts matter concernpng the trade of %pt* ces,anDthenemmorlDeof the JnDtes, bp rcafcti of the great rpcbestherof,mas of great importaimce, anD berp Difficult to be limltt£D,anDDraUien forth bp lines* Bp rea* fon mbcrof,tt mas neceflarp anD conuement to feeke mpfe at d morfijtpfuU men, ejeperte €tj?arbptrpry in Bauigatlong, tn Cofmegraphtej anD the Mathematical fet* £m $* ® )C flf mperour for bis fpDe cbofe ano nameo,for 3uDges of the poftefiion, the Licentiate Acuna > one of the Upngescomt* feple,alfo fyzLkmim farrimos, oftl;e counfapl ohlje oroers. the for Ac traJe of Spiced SJH fteltetfate fetro Mamet, aum'co? of tpe cctirte oftpeCpatm* eerie in VtlUMtb . jf o? lunges of tpe p?opertte, pe epofe ‘Don Fernando Colono* tlje fcmie of£P?Uloppcr Colonus : 9If0 DrctOJ Sancbo Salty a, Deter ‘Jtyizjbf Villegas , JfrpCC QupCttlSS Duran* feimcn ofjlcazaua, ai*D lobn Sebaflian of Ca?o . {pl£> aDUOCate anoQcturnep, pentane tpe licentiate lobn Dodriguez^ of Tifa: anD fo? pis fpfeal! Doccour %bera, anD pis ^ecretar itJBartbalo* tneDfiiZ, of Cajianeda . f^eaifo appOpntCD tpat Sebaflian Cabote, £>£baffia* Steuen Gomes, Kunuio Gracia, Diego^utro, bepng all C]Cpene Jpilotie^aiiocunnpn^mmaApngcarDcsfo^cljc fea,ipcu!o Pee jnnmmcma p^efeni, ants b?p ng fho?£p cyep? ® lobes anD ^appes,mttp otper ofCofmogra* inftrumcntcs neceflfarte cc Declare tpeBtnatton of tpe SlanDcs of tpe Maine as, tioovx tp e mptep mas a! tpe contention $ llnfe.l3«t oi jit&uua, o?Der mas takcn>tpat tpep (ponlD 0;em tpep? mpnoes on neptpet fpoe, no? enter tmotpccompanp of tpe otper, butmpen tpep mere calico . e&ef^anD Dpuers otljcr^ laenc togcatber to a tOtone calleD Dadaioz^: anoasimanp Tortugdles CMUZtoElbes, COrarbitma o?ratpcr mo?e» iTo? cCjep b^otigbc tatcb tljcm cujo ^rtfcaUcs anD tmo 3ouocaees ♦ W p?tncipa!l of tpem, mas tpe licentiate /«- s ' 4 * toniede JJJcucdo, Diego Lopes of Sequeyra, CpC Clarke Of tpe toepgptes ano recctptes, mpo pan before been gotiemour in 3in* t)ia . QlfoDeralfonfl) of Melo, Clarke, Pinion of Tauira, U)lt(j Dpuers otper jUipofe names 31 knome not. Before tpep metre to* geatper, tpe one parte remapnpng at Dadaioz^, ano tpc otper in Elbes, tpereluasnuicpeaDoeamong:tpem 5 bcfo?etpepcoulDe ^ epU(t agree bppon tpe p!ace mperc tpep Oboulo meete, ano mpo iljoulD runt mt*? fpeake fy?G : jf o? epe Tortugdles Doe greatlp mepgp fncp circum- mmr * fiances . Slttpelaife, tpep conciuocD to meete togeatperac Cay a, a It tie rpuer mptCpDiUtDeCp Cajlile from Tortngal? , Sam Dpiigin tpe mpDUiap bttmeenc Eadaiozjinb Elbes . 8nD Uipen tpep mere aflembleD cogeatpec one Dap at Dadaioz^ anD an otper Dapa tribes, anDfaluteD tpe one tpe otper, botp parties mere f mo?ne epat tpep IpoulD p?occeoe anb fpeake acco?opng to trtitp, qw mml iiitfice, ana cqutcie . ©e Domgaks rcfufcD Simon de Jlcazj* bpcatifepe mas a fortugale , anD ^rper ^DPomas Duran* bpcawfe pe paD fomeepme ben pieacper to tpep? &png:&>o tpat &imon mas bp confent put one of tpe campanp,fn mpofe roome fm$ placeo maitter Sntonie of Altar . get fell tpep not spmm.f* to ST&* INtu* f«l»« Contention fcj fijaUjpiigt&e IpneoftjjeDi* aifion* gotuettie rugalestuere feeccpurt. CDe£>panj>* arbcsalkga* twiu. £>amatra. iBaiacpa. Cijma. Jji&agailanw. Sucna&ifta. Gftcsran&e* ®f£aDa Nettie, The contention to reafonpng tbe matcer,bmpU the jfrper mas put out » Zlyvg U>crc manp Da pegs tn bebolopng (globes, Sgappes, anD CarDes of tbe fea, ano bearpng mbat mpgbt be fapDe, both fpDes allea* gptig fo? t(;e rpgbc mbtebe tbcp p?crcm>cD ♦ But the fomgales ftanDpng tn bapnc contention, fapDe berp angerlp^be 311anDe$ of Afa/a^mberebppcn tbcp? meetpnganDreafonpng tuas at that p jefent, fell on tijev? patce^anD Uiasi of tbcp? conquelhano that tbcp botbbaD been there, rniDhao tbemtn tbep? poflelfien befo?e John Sebaftian ban cuer feene them t Ipkempfetbac tbe Ipne lIjoulD be D?amcn from tbe 3llanD of 'Bomuifta, o? the JIanDe called de U Sal, mbtebe arc tbe molt Calterlp 3llanDes from Ca+ bouerde , anD HOC from tljC UllanDC of Santanton, 0 ? faillCt $ntome, tubteb Ipetb toboaroe cbe&IMe, ano are.tejc. leagues tbe one from cbe ocber . $11 thismas no mo?e but to contend, ano tbe other of tbe M alucas, is bntrue : But tbep that baue a naugb* tie matter, mult fet u foo?tb mttb moo?Des ano b?abbeipng.I[)cie tbep founDe home greatip tbep mere Dccepueo, tn that tbcp De* maunDcD that iljc ipne (boulo be D?amentb?ee bundled tb?eefco?g ano tenne leagues mo?e to tbe WL eft, from tbe 3ilanocs of Ca - bouerde (as appeared bereafrcr)ano not one bunD?eD,acco?Dpng to tbe alTtgnemenc of tbe popes Bull. ®?e 4panparDcs on tbe contrarp parte affp?meD,anD maDeDemonftra£ton 5 tbaf not onlp tbe JlanDCS of turney,Gilolo, Zubtit , anD Tidssre, mitb tbe other BlanDCS cf tbe Maluc as : but tf\MllSamatra, Malacha , auD a great parte of china, Ojculo belong to tbe Castilians, ano that tbofe countrepsfell ontbep?fpDe, ano on tbe parte of tbep? com queft : $lfo,tbat MayilLmesam John Sebaftian lucre the firft Cb?tfttan men that founDe them, and obtepneo them fo? tbe €m* percur* as tbe letters ano p?efemes of Jlmanzor Doe teftifte. $ud although ti)zTomgales[)mhm\i\)m fp?ft,pet menttbep tbptber after the Donation of the pope : neptber got tbep anp rpgbt o? tufte tptle tljerebp ♦ jfo? although tbep fbouioe D?ame tbe Ipne bp $uma vffta, mbat inccnuemence ftoulo folom tber* of, fttfj as meii bp the one map as tbe other, the 3itocsoftbe Maine as mufte partepne to tbe c&JUliam t pea anD mo?ccuer, tbe 3ilauDes of Cabouerde OjcuIdc alfo partepne to tbe cajl du am, fo?fomucbe asD?ampngtbe Ipne bp QuenaVifia, tfee 2* lanoes of ti;e Makcas Doe remapne xut:l?in tljc ipne on tbe “ Cmpe* fotthetraJeofSplci^ ®tttp^rour^ Tpiie . ®je?{ttl;oMC tlje morion of aim ctber, tmtlj tbts buroen^ cbargc,tbat tbep Hjoulo conucrtc tlje joolatours to tbe faptb ofCbrift : ano ccmntaum tyw mm oco a IpHeojmeriotanto beeojamcn Jftojtb anb &ctttb,front jNtotoeoiiti# one bunojeo leagues (LOeftmaro, beponoe one of tljc 3ilanoes of uon * Capo Verde totnaroe tbe 2£Me,bpcaufc tbe $£>panparoes fljoufo notmebble tn 9ffttke, partepnpng to the conqueft of tbe ipoj* tugales, totbeauapopngofall ftrpfe bettneene tljcm ♦ Sfcpitg Mnilic nano* 'Joint of ipojtugale, the ftconocoftbac name, boas greatip oft ^ metopes fenoeo tnljen be reo tlje Bull ano Donation of tbe pope, although ^ u ’ ’ ijtsoonte 9mbaffaDeurs bao ntaoe tbe fclfe fame requetf Onto bis boltnefie : ©ealfofotmoebtntftife agrecucoimtbtbcCa* tbolpke ponces I fab d anb Fernando, that tbep bao Sjo^teucD tbe courfc of tbe lanbes be boo otfcotterco, oep;uupng bint of tbe rpcbeflfe inbicb belongco to bim, ano therefore refufeo to ftaime to tbe popes Btiilm this cafe : ocftrpng tbe Catholpke p^tn* ces 1 jab el auD Fernando, to grauntljmt tbjee Ijunojeo leagued ntojc to tbe £23efr,befpoe tbe one bunojeo toljtcb tbep Ijao gratm- teb before tanDtbtretoitb fern Ijis flbpppejs to tope tbe coatlesf of 9ffrpke. ©e ponces Catbolpkeuiere content to fatiffie bis mpno, ano to \ fcafe bint acceding to tbep? gentle nature,ano foj tbealiance tbat lnas becuieene them : 9no in fine, micb tbe asntmm canfcttt t agreement of tbe pope, grannteb cuio bnnojeo $ Optic of t&eiart uj m leagues ntojc then tlje Bull ntaoe mention of, at TordefilUs tbe mao,If feuentb oap of June, in tbe peere of out* iLojoe. 1494.9110 tuber* as our kpnges tlj ought that tbep (bouloe baue loife grounoe in graumtng ft tnanp icag tics tbat uiap,tbep Utoon bp tbat meaner thejianoesofrije M ducts, xmtl) tnanp other rpebe Jlanoes. ©ekpngofpouugale aifo herein oerepueo him felfe, ojtnas v&ijtrtintye oecepueo of bts,tobcm be put tit mift,bai!png no certapne kuoim Wwiwua leoge of tbe (leitatton of tbejlanbes of the rpebe ^>ptcerp,m UJftc0cce ? lulJ * oenutmopng that niljtcb the kpng bps oematmoe : jf a? it bao ben better fo^ butt to baue requelfeo tlje cljjtec Ijunn^cD ano Owe leagues, rather Caff tuarDe from the 3!lanoes of Capo Verde , then toutaroe the cLOefte . 9nbpetfo? all tbat, 5 Doubt tube* tber the Make as (IjOtriD baue fallen nmljin bts conqueft,acc0j* Dp:tg to tlje oftman'e accctmipte ano Dintcnrion biijtcbilje pp* lottes ano Cofmograpbers Dce.make.9uo after tfeis maner tbep , Sgmmtu. oiuioeo fr Imfftatt $rtie <&.mpcf raarani tljc fe£ng : of^ajm^ ga?€ itipucti m nuance bp uw> rpage. gales robbe rpg Cafiiiums?, Ctjefoionati^ onof£l)iCin> QtZQllt* 3Tf?e gagmia of tUe^L-mbes-of pUtucas* Contention for tmifoeD the Jntucs betmeene them bp atictbdjfcfe of the J3foj$ fo? t be auopcpng offtake r Hrpfe ano contention, Howe and by what occafion the Emperour laydc thellandcs of Maluccas to pledge to the kvnbilibet amplictur ac dilatetur , animarumfe falus pro* curetur,ac bar bar ce nationcs deprimantur et ad fidem ipjamreducon* tur . Vnde cum ad ham facram Tetri fedem Tiuina fauente clemen - tia (pmeritis licet imparibus') euocati fueremus, cognofcentes Voj tanquam V eros catbolicos reges et principes: quales femperfuiffe no* uimus,<& 4 \>obis pYcedaregejla, toti fens orbi notifsima demon fir at, nedum id exoptare,fed omni conatu, ftudio, et diligentia.nullis labo - tibus, mills impenfis, nullifique parcendo periculis » etiam proprium fanguinem effundendoej}kere,ac omnem animum\>efirum,omnefqut conatus ad hoc iam dudum dedicate, quemadmodum recuperatoreg * ni Granatce a tjrannis de Sarracenorum hodierms temporibus pet \os, cum tanta Dmninominis gloria fall a , , tefiatur. Tigne ducimur non immeiito,et debmus ilia \>obis etiam (ponte ,ac fauorabiliter con* sedere per quae huiufmodi fdtfu ac laudabile ah immortali deo accepttl propofitum , indies fementiori animo adipfius del honor cm et Imperij Chrijliani propag ationem, profequi Valeatis . Sene accepimus que Voj qui dudum animum propofueratis aliquas infulas et terras fir mas remotas et incognitas } ac pet alios hatfenusnon repertas, quame et inuenire, willarum incolas et habit atores ad colendum redemptorem vofirum et fidem catbolicam profitendum reduceretis,battenus in ex* \ugnatione etrecuperationeipfius regni Granatce plurimum occnpath ikiu/modi fanctum et laudabile propofitum )?efirum ad optatum finer* perdue (it ytchiem ntepuiuiftk : Scdtamm ft cut 0mm placult, regno 453 freditfo recuperate , Vokntes dtfidcrium \>ejlrum adimplere 9 diletium filium Cbrijhpbonm Colonum, Virum Vtique dtgnum, et pluYimum commendation , ac tanto negotio aptum, cumna* uigijs et bominibus ad finulia inftrutfis, non fine maximis labori - bus , ac pcrkulh 5 et expenfis defiinajlis Vt terras fimas et injulas re* motas et incognitas, buiufmodi per mare \>bi balfenus nauigatumnon f Herat, diligent erinquheret ♦ Q^ui iandem(fi)iuim auxiliofatfa ex* trema dihgentia in mari Oceano nauigantes ) certas infulas remotif* fimas, et etiam terras firmas,quce per alios baffenus reperte nonfue * rant , inuenerunt . In quibus plurim* gentes pacificeviuentes,et(yt ajfiritur') nudi in cedent es, net car nib us Vefcentes, inhabitant : Et Vt prafati nuncij Vefhi pojfunt opinari, gentes ipfie in Infulis, et terris preedifiis habitantes, creduntVnum deum creatorem in Celts effe,ac ad fidem catbohcam amplexandum et bonis monbus imbuen * dum,fiatis apti videntur : Spefque babetur, quod fi erudiren tur, no* men fiiluatoris Domini nofiri lefiu Cbrijli in terris et infulis preeditfis facile indue ere tut . Jlc prefatus Chnjlopborus inVnacx principa* libus Infulis prrediHis, iam Vnam turrim fatis munitam 3 in qua cer * tos Cbfijlianos qui fecum inerant in cujlodiam, et Vt alias infulas ac terras fimas remotas et incognitas inquirerent pofuit, confirm et tdificari fecit ♦ In quibus qwdem Infulis et terris iam repertis, an* rum, aromata, etali erfus aliam quamcumque partem, qua linea difiet a qualibet infularum, an* Vulgarise? nuncupantut de los Azores, eS Cabo Verde centum lepicis, verfus Occidentem et M eridiem . / taque emnes infuU et terra firm* report* et reported** detect* etdetegen* -da a prafata linea Verfus Occidemtem et Meridiem, qua per alittm [ T\egcm aut Trincipem Cbrijli anum non fuerint aHualiter poffejfe VJ qua ad diem naduitatis Domini Ngfiri left Cbrijli proximo prate* tit urn, a quo facipit annul prafens Milleffimus Quadringenteffi* mus Konogejfimus tertius , quandofuerunt per nuncios et capitaneos >eJlros inuenta aliqua pradictaruminfularum, glut or it ate omnipo* tends Dei nobis in bento Tetro concejfa, ac Viccariatus Iefu Cbrijli, qua fungimw in tetris , cum omnibus illarum dominijs, ciuitadbus, ca(lrisfcis,et Villisfiuribufque et iurifdiHionibus ac perdnentijs v«i- uerfis Vobis ,beredibufque,et )uccejforibus\>eflris ( Cajlellaet Legi * mis regibus') in perpetuum tenor e prafendum donamus , concedimus, et ajfignamus : Vofque,ct b*rcdes,ac fucceffores prefatos illarum Do* mines, cum plena , liberal, et omnimoda pote (late, aut orit ate, et ittrif* diHme,facimus,conJlituimus,et deputamus.Dectrncntes nibilo mi* ms, perbuiufmodi donation e,concefi me et affignatione noftra,nul* Jo Chriftiano f rincipi,qui aHualiter prefatas infulas et terras fiymas pojjederitvfque ad prediHum diem naduitatis Domini nofiri Iefu CbrifHius quafitumfublatum intelligi po fie, aut aufeni debere* Et inf per mandamus Vobis inVertute fanH* obedienda (yt ficut pollicemmi et non dubitzmus pro Veflra maxima deuotione et regia magnanimitateVos effefaHuros ) ad terras firmas et infulas pre* dkhs, Viros p rob os et Deurn timentes, doHosi peritos, et expertos ad snfimendit huolas et baht ait ores prefatos in fide cbatbolica, et bonis modbus Wtoribus inbuendumdefiinare deb e atis ,mne debit m diligent! dm in prcemijjis adbibentes.A quibufcumque perfonis,cuiufcunque dignita* tis.ctia imperialis et regalis jiatus^gr adus ,ordinis Yel conditions, fub excommu.dcationis latce fenteti# poena qua eoipfo.fi contra fecerint incurrant , difiritfius inbibemus ne ad infulas et terras firmas in* uentas et inuenicndas, detetfas et detegendasYerfus Occident em et M eridhm. fabric an do et conflruendolineam a polo jlrcfico adpolum jLntartticum.fmce terra firm# et IJuU inuent * et inuenienda fint Yerfus Indiam aut Yerfus aliam quamcumque partem,quce linea- difiet a qualibct in] ui arum , que Yulgariler nuncupantur df los Azores, et CaboYerde centum lucis Yerfus Occidentem et Meridcm Yt prefer tur, pro mercibus babendis , Yell qua - tiis alia caufa accedere pYcefumat, abfque Yeftra ac bceredum et fuccefforum Yeftrorum praditforumlicentia fpeciali : Km obfianti ^ bus confiitutionibus et ordinationibus Apoftoli:iSjCceterfque quibufi* cumque 5 in illo in quo imperia et dominationes et bona cuntta proce* dmt : Confident es quod dirigente "Domino abbas Yefiros,fi bufi modi fantfum aclaudabile propofttum profequamini , breui tempore cum fodicitate et gloria totius populi Cbriftiani , Yejlri labores et eon at us txitumfeliciffimum conjequcntur. Verum quia difficile foret prat-* fentes liter as ai fingula quYequifitmis, donations >conceffonis,ajfignatiomSz, confututimis, deputationis, decreti. mandati, hi bib itionis . et Yofun - t ati s, in f ringer e , Yel ei aufu temerario contraire.Si quis autem hoc attentate pr ajumpferit. indignat ion em omnipot entis Dei.acbeatonm Tetri et Tauli Jpoftolorum eius .fenouerit incurfumn, Datum Dgm* apud fanchm Tetrum. A nr.& incarnatmis Dominic ae 15*95 quarto nonas Mai \ , Don tifi: aim nojtrfanno prim * (•••) 1 The copie of the Ball or donation,bythauthoritie where? of. Pope Alexander the fvxt of that name, gaue and graunted to the kinges of Ca{lile& their fucce£ fours»the Region: and llandes foundein the weft Ocean fea,by the nauigations of the Spanyardes* tucojkes acceptable to the D mine matelfte, ano accojDpng to our barter Defpje, tb ts certapndp tstbeebiefe, tbactbeCacbolpfce faptb anDCb?tlItanreltgton,fpectailpmtljt0Gurtpme 5 niap m alt places be eraIteD,ampli6cD,ano cn!argeD,toberebp the health offou!e0mapbcp?ocureo,anDtbe^arbarougi nations fubrmeo anbb^ougbttotljefaptb, 2 ntitl;erefo?euil)crca 0 bp the fauouc cfcftoDSclcmencte (although not without eguall Defertes) rue are calleD to this bolpfeatc of peter, ano unDcrffanmna; pott to be true Catholpke pjmces,as toe l;aue euer knotuen pott, ano as pour noble ano tuoojtbp factes haue oedareo in nianer to the Whole tuo?lD,tn that With all pour ffuDic,Diligence, ano mouftrp, pouhatte (pares no trauaples, charges, o? perpls, aouewurpng euen the Ojeopng of pour atone b!ooo,U3tth applping pout whole lupuses ano euscuours hereunto, as pour noble ejcpesitions achpucotn recoueringcbc kpngsom ofGmwfd front the tpjranp of the Sarracens in tljcie our sapcs,so plamlp Declare pour factes, with fo great glojp of the swine name . if o) the wlnche, as we thpnk pott too?thp 2 fo ought We of our otunc free topi fattojablp to grauntpcualthpngeSjtoherebp peumap Daplp With tno^e fer* uent ntpnDes’jto the honour of 6uD,anD enlarging the Civilian Cmptre, p^efecutepour DeuoutaHDiauDablepurpcfe,moOta^ ceptabletotbetmmojtaUtSos . berof 3 toe map hope tijac pf djep be toeli tnifructeo 3 tbep map eafplp be mcuceo to recepue tbe name of cur fautour 3efus > Cbriile. ^e are further aotterttfco 3 that tbe forenamecCbri* (fopijer Ijatb noto buploco aim c reefed a fojtreffe 3 vuicb goon nut* nitton, in one of tbe foiefapoe principal! Stances* in tbe tobicbe bebatbplaceoagarrpfon of cercapne of tbe Cbriffian nten eljac toene!bptbcrtotthbpnt 3 aftoeiltorijtntenito Defence tbe fame, as alfo to fearcbe otber glances aim firme lances farre remote, t ano pet bnknotoeit C22e alfo bncerff anoe 3 that in tbefe lances anc311ancesiatelpfoimce 3 isgreritplentieDf (Soloe aim ^pp* ces 3 toitb ciucrsanomanpe other precious tbpnges, of futicrpe kpnees anc qualities, ^Ijerfore all tbpnges ciligentlp confpee* rec(efpeetallp tbe amply fping ano cnlargpng of the catbolike faptb 3 as it bebouetb eatljoltke princes 3 folotopng tbe examples ofpournobleprogemtoursoffamousmemorie) tobereas pou are cetermineMp tl;e fauouc of almpgbtie ©oo, to fubouc ano bim The hull or donation Ifepftg* tdtte cai&ofpke feptb t&tn&aliifmitcjai of t&e afinefapbi Um$ ano Jlanoei*. Wlz greatlp comtnenopng tljtsf poor goolpanoTauOablepuc- pofe in our Lo?oc, ano Dcfeous to baue tbe fame fyougbt to « me cnoe, ano tfjenameof ourfautour to be fcnotnen m tljofe partem, tro ejcbo?t pou in cur £ojoe,ano bp tbe receiupng of peur bolpbaptpfme, toberbp pou arebouno to 8podo!fcal obcoience, $ earnedlp require pou bp tbeboloelooftucrcte of our ilo^D 3fe- fii Cb#d, that mben pen intense foj t(je ?eafe of tbe Catbolpke faptlj to pjofecute tlje fapoe erpeoiticn,to remice tbe people oftbe fejfapoeianoes ano Jlanoes to djcCbjidian refgion, poufijaU fpare no labours at anptpme 5 opbe DetcrceDUJUbanp perplg, toncctupug fpjme hope ano ccn6oence,tljatrbe omnipotent ®oo tupn gcuegcco fucceffe to pour goo!p attempted ♦ 8no that be# png auctojpfeo bp tbepjiitilege of tbe8podoIpca!l grace, pou tnapibemojefreclpanoboloip take Oppon pou tbcncerpjpfeof fogreat a matter ,, toeofourotone motion , ano not eptljer at pour rejpied,oj at cijc tndant petition of anp oiijcr perfon, but of cur otone mere fibtralitie ano certapne fcience , ano bp tbe ful« nefle of 8podoIprad poiner,oo geuc, graunt, ano afllgne to pou, pourbep^esiannfucce(roure; v alltbefppndanDes ano Jianoesi founts to be fouo 5 oifcouere 0 i 0 j to be $iftottcreo>ton>arD p lord $ fouth, teaming a ipne from tbe pole 8rcik to p pole 8ntanike (tbat to) from tbe )®ojtb to tbe ^ottclj :Contapnpng in tljig no- tiatton, tobatfoeucr fpjmelanoes o? Slanoes are founoe,o? to be founoe totoaroe India, oj totoaroe anp other part tobaefo eucr ft be, bepngoidantftom, c? toitbouttlje fojefapoeline,oja03en a bunojeo leagues totoatoe tbe £&ed ano g>outb from anp of tbe JIanoes mbicbe are commonlp caileo ui^ruct tbi'nljabitantes in tlje Catljolpke faptlj aub gooD maners* applpingalltbepr polTibleDelfgencctn tljepiemtfles. ££2efur* therm o? e ffretgbtlp inbibite all manor of perfons, of mljat Hate, Degree, croer, orconoittonfoeucrthepbe, although of ^mpe* nail ano tegall Diptn'c,bnDer they apne of the fentenee of ep* commumcatio,mfjicb tljep Ojal tncurre if thep do to tlje comrarp, , that tljep tn no cafe prefume,mitboutfpeciall Ipcence ofpou,pouc hepres, anD fuccelfours, to trauaple for mercbaunoies,or for a* np other caufe, to the fapoe lanoes or 3Slanoes, founoe , or to be founDe,DtlcciiereD,ortobeDifcouereD, tomaroe the &Uea an© feouth, Dratnpng a Ipne from cbe pole grtpke to the pole 3nrar* tike, mljetber the feme lanoes ano Jlanoes, fotmoe ano to be founoe, be Oeuate toboaro India, or tomato anp ether part, bepng Dtffant from the line oramen a Ijunoreo leagues tomato the meif 3 . from anp of tlje 3!lanos commonlp calico 'Delos Azores Capo Verde :i5otmitljCfanopngC0nlIttuttons,occrces, ano 3poftolp* call oroinauncesmhatfoeucr thep are to she contrarp. Sn hpm from mijom Cmppres,oominions,anti all gooo tljpnges 00 pro* cecoe 5 ©ruflpng tljat almpgijtie e fp$ foure Decabes of*p» ^artp^pott Mbaueaireabplcene none into Cnglpibc bp cr^^l IfeW K.€oen, as atfo ccrtapneparcellesoftbe Sfoure lad.]S.^amr mabe etgbtbccabcs of toed 3iffln£b neuies un leflfe labour t&efe ^ ^ ^©Imap be ran ouer/peciali regarbe being ban " Ilimto that Decabe mberein tbc mo;e pjtinci* pad matter is ejcpicfleD : 3 ] meane tbe fp^lf, anb d;at cbitflp fo$ tbe famous COWJueH Of tfce CtCte Themilhtan, in Mexico p;o< ti(nce,pea of ail that great region Uie boe notne bfuallp caU nerne ^>pame. 3 s fo; tl;e to Oecabe, it contepnetb berpfitcle matter maojd; tbe rdjcarfal,cjccept it be cercetne reposes of tbe &panu arbs, bom tbep fo«nD,U)bere tbep trauepleo in tbe Juiallp in the*9*^r o*bookcs of tbe Oct Decabe, nemes is fent to Eome of tbe comrouerGe betUnf t tbe ispamatDes $ for - tugales ,concernpng tbe M oluccas ^banbleb mo;e effectuailp $ in mo?e ample maner,bp.'R.£We«. Jol448.tbamP.Af artyr in this place penneb tLOTbertme it nitre a neeblcfle income anb Sum agere tn beebe to trouble tbe reaber tberemitb anp furtber,efpcci* allp mbereas in this bolume,mentton bad; ben maoe tberof,eueti b^.f Martyr him felfe,as pou baue alreaop feene. %[) t Ipke opinion am 31 alfo of, touching tbe.bii. ^.balbecabes, feme parcels mijerof tbe 8«cd;our ootb repeate out of bis former jRmu. n>$* The conquefl: fu^tmg^a^Dec7»c,i.t&crmne oft?;c 3 flantic^ Iucakf,mttf bis fourth Dcc.c^Jtem outoftbefeconbDecabe.cio. tbena* ture of that fpjing tn tbe Jianoe Emca , otucruipfe caileo Agna* veo, the UJaccr inbereofmbo fo Bjinketbjbp repo*te,of an olb man betommeeb poung agapne, ts tn manp U)oo?Des repeateo bp Martjr,l£)zc.yX' r j- the tubole fttmme ofmljofe feconbetifrourfe thereof is erpjefteo in tbc former place, bp . % Edens abbitton of this daufe(pcrljappcsiaDUljfonicBtcc) the mb’cb freezes are not in f P.iW^rlj!stepte:to be fljojee, the ttuo kinoes oftyease tbe 31 nbtansboe make oftberootcs/wcc^ano akpnDcfgraute calico Mai Zj fuffmentlp beclareb. Dec. i -lib, 1 Dec. 3 .lib*5* lib. p.Dec.g. be tepeateb agatne 3 Dec.8 c.3. Dtberparcelles of tljefe afo?efapo Decaoes, mijerein the fubtelttes of tbe# Eaglet* ansanb Comtars Peaces oj Pages are mfcnbeb, tbeir ^igres cruelae 3 £beir funb?p kinoes of toplbe beat! cs/oule, $ &>erpcnts 3 tbeir bitters fortes of trees ano k‘ttttes 3 partlp map pou reaoe of tn the fyeutarie of GonzaLFerd.Ouiedus biftojictas of tbe fotmtapne ofpptcb 3 tbe toe pellets naturallp mabefoj 6umtes*Jf 01,224. out of tbe. y.Decaoe c.7. anbtbe®lomoopnes out of tbe fame c.p.panlp in \Fden bis notes of netoe &papne 3 Peru, P(o de U TlataSaccaleos, anO Florida ,fetBoU)UC in tljiS boluttte Jf Of. 225. as particulerlp of tbe J&ttibeHes bfeo in fteebe of niottep, taken mtofP.ManlDtc-Sc^. partlptn Theuetus ntoojkes of tlje nemefounoeU)o^oc,€nglilbcolong Once, anbfinalipin tbofe bookes rnbtcb funojp learneo SmplicijJ es baue latelp bitten $in«> cipallp to apoe tbe pijtfmans of our tpme. ^>ome other curioltties there becotuepnebin.'P. Martyr bis ttuo lall Decabes^namelp tbe /#«/>« Uiomen,to be fo fapje,tbac foi tljep^loue other countrep Barbares feeke to inbabtte tbofe 3i- lanoes.Dec.y.c.i. Ehe^>panparoes Utei! bfco of tbe Imams , contrarp to all cunefuyo baue carries aboap manp of tbofe 3!lan- bers into flauerp ano miferp: $gapne certapne trauepiers to baue ben feene there that bab taples Ipke fp(be.Dcc.y. c. 2 . jFonbc fan* takes of mens foules beparteb 3 Dec-7.c.3 . manning ftrtf Jtob anb than g>outb about tbe U)o?loe 5 afterUjarbe to grouie pottng a* gapneuu'olitie : Sgapne, other to imaginetbattbeteparteb foules reft in Caues,ano to be that reflepton of the apje tbe mbicb toe boe call EuU. Dec. 8. c.om©aptap.ne OlumMjam Cmefm fearefc not a Itcfe,? therefore fentimsec the p?etet;te ofhonour as it mere to otfeotter other lanbes, tooke heab him fclfe agapnft Cortefius^ anb miferablp mas murthereb in theenb Dtx8x 6 fr io,©hefe mttlj fome other the Ipke thinges,map the curious reaotr finbe in manp moo*bcs,fei; bom.ie in the afo*efapbe7. ano.8 Decabes, fpoken ofallfo^the mot! parte before in,'?. Mar&rty$ other botngcs,opm?ntiombin Quietus $l):tmmarp,oj \yy.%Eden bjtefc ip noteb, not greatlp ncebfttll to be fee foojth at large in Cng* ipibe,etccpt thep mere matters of greater meight • ©nefpeciali thing 3 obferueb among if other in rcabing oner thefc.6 7.anb.8* DecabeSjto rnpt, the £ 23 eft Jnsians not onelp to be conquered bp the %paniarbes. but alfo to be thep* flattes anb bonomcn : the cattle mhp after the conqtteft mabe of them, the ^panparbes ooe in comintuK bonoage anb flauerp keepe them turner, is eje p;eflp brought foojth bp.'Pf, M tnyr&wqx 4.1'n tljefpanp® tounge, as it mas reab at the 3notQje counfaple boope in &papne, anb map thus be ®n$f®ue&- ■ Thefe be the Indians qualities, in refpecte whereof they deferue no libertic. I B the comment ojfpjmelanbe thep cate mans flelbe: thep be mop gpuen to Sodomy e than anp other natronof the mojls: there is no oper of iuftice among them, thep goenakebjthep haue neptfjec loue noj honefttc, thep bee fooles anb furious, .there The eonquefl there te no truth in tbem,ejtcept it be fo? tbep? otune profit: faton- dant,nricbout all oiferetion, Per? onkpnoc, 9 touers of noneltlesf: tbep odpgbt to make them feiues o?onke boitb topnes maoe of of* tier* ljearbe0,fruites,anO graine,a0 ale ano doer, $ to ouercome their b?apne0,as boel orfeeruitfe umb fjearbs^as tn makmg o?inke tbereof,o? eating them 3 Tljep are berpb?uttilbe,anoooe make ft ap?apfe to toallobue inbpees. 0 obeoience,no reuerencc at all ibemetlj the poungman to the oloe,tlje cbtloe to Ijio father Jftep- tber teaching; no? cljadmng amenoetb ebenwijep be traito?s,crti- e!l,fo full of rcuenge that tljep netter fo?gpue anp offence, great cnempe0 Unto our religion* ^Thep be flotbfu!l,tbeeues,of tuoge- ment berp groffe ano bafe, toitljout all boned te ano goon o?oer* jfMljer Ooe tbe men bebaue tbem felues lopailp buttlj tbep? lop* ties, no? the bopues tuitlj tbefr Ijuf banoesubep be fuperdiciouflp gfuen to footbfaping,as featful as ijoares, filtljes, eating ipfe,fpt< oers,$ moo?me0,toberfoeuer tljep fmoe tbem: tljep Ijaue no arte, no? goon contrition of men Jpautng learneti anppomtes of Cb?i* dtan religion, tljep are booont to fap tljat to be gooo in &>papne, but tn 3 !noia nothing U)oo?tb ? fo? tljat tbep beftre not to alter their maners* &bep baue no bearoes,fo? tbep pede ano plucke bp tlje bears as fade as it groboctlj. ^Tljep take no pietie on Itcke folke, fuebeas bee berp deke, tljep gpuc ouer to fome one kpnfmano? neighbour oftbep?s,o? els carrp them to tbe mountapnes to ope there, feauing Uritlj them feme fmall portion of b?eao ano boater, ano fo goe tljep? boap. <£be doer tbep boajce,tlje moo?fe tljep bee: bmpll tljep be.jri.0? piipeeresoloe, feme hope there is tljat tljep boouio p?ooue ctutl ano uermous,bDben tljep grouj doer, tbep be- come b?uit bead0 . 3 in conclufion,! fap tljat goo r.euer createo fa eu?ntpte a people fojbice ano beadltneffe, tuicljouc anp mixture ofgooDneffeano ciutlfe tbep are as biockt^e as 31 fcs>makmg no accompt at all to kpu them fdues. 3n tljrfpftDecaoe isu>?menbp.S\ Martyr, ojgeatljcreo rather bp him out oiFrrd.Ccnef.us relations, the cor.qtted of tljat po?:ion of the foiled Snoffbe continent, that ipetb in tbe bet f one,, nearetbe Cropike of Cancer, betboppte our £Oede fea ano Mar dd zur, tljc chiefs p?ouince boberdn :s Mexico, ano tlje principal! ettf e T 'bemi/btan » Cljis region, after that it boas conqtterrD bpCortdms, beganneto be calico Houa Hifpma, nane&papne,^ t!;e IpkenelTe thereof onto tije &panp$ kpng* bf Mexiw mt fa mm offople ,gteameffc, mTpoflefon of thi apje j ? etfjte fneb Ipke tbpnges, as Crntfms him felfe tyitetb bnto Charles tbefiftb, bumblpDeBrpngbis maieftietoallowe of cljac name* feome later waters baue gpuen tbe parttculer name of one fl;p?e Unco the whole, eallpng tc Mexico, anD tbegencrall name of that whole fap?e to tlje beaD cute therein, calling T bemjhun Ipkewpfe MexicoA)0)n\)m tntruetb Tbemijtitan to tbe principal ettie in Mexico pjoutnee, M cxico tbe cbtefe p?outnce in all netue &patgne.®ftbis co;mtrep,tbe commooittes tc ooetb peeloc,tbe nature of the tnbabtters, parelp pou baue alreaop feene tnGo». f^O/^jfafto^te^ol.iii ano cbtefelpJToU^. Cbekpng .of fat* countrep bare name Monte Zuma, o iMuteezuma, as Cortefm that conquereobfm wutetb. tn P .Martyr \m DecaoeS p jtnteo tn 1 s>paipe. 3 n.o 1 5 3 o. M eteezuma * tn l;t04 Decaoe, flUttUleO de infnl.mper inuentis to.no.orb.p . *)Z6.M ukoxumam,a$ alio tn the laB eoteton thereof at c#fo,iopnt!p with tbe tb?ee fall Dccaocs,tbe Which our pointer tn tbe tran&mon hereof, bacb fo* loweo tn tbe mfcourfe of tbe OTcft JnDtes 31fanDes. &traunge names are manptpmesDtuerfip written, though tneffecte tbep tneatte all one,H enrkus lap we. With tbe if renebmen B enrj, tbe oilmans Hemekb,tl)t%tfiiiaMjrrigo,tl)Z Portugalcs BcnricoM ®arm fpeaktng of king; 31obn tbe Bril bis fonne,wbom Cadamufi •calleo in bis iftauigatton Huric. €bts kpng was To weltbie,fo mtgbtte,hts Dominions fo large, rbat tbe tnbabtters knew no other police in all tbc too?loe, of btm Cmeftus bao intelligence bp Montegius ano Tortucwems, ants from bim certaine r icb p?efcwes fo? bis matfter Charles ®hcm« perour,as in tbe afojefapo Difcourfe of tbe welt 3 !nDi(l) 3 ilanos if featb ben fapoe. pulcus, and better ferued than Qranau in ^papne Uoas 3 ac lulja* time tbe Spools peldeddbeir bleats is mane of M a/^dm is, In* did; cojne 3 a uerp goon (eat fo; banking, burning, $ ftettje mater fiOjingXca dfb is fcarfe 3 fo; it dandeib from tbe fea aboue.50.leas gtiesmf pttlfe goon doje.©tscotune mals, $ (joules in number 20ooo.built oflfone 5 bigb 5 ^nrong 3 inrefpectoftbecnempeucr at feand:tljep keepe markets and fapjes. ©e people dotlj uoeare f;ofe 3 anbmaketbgooDaccomptofiHemds^ecioitsdones, of crdles 3 6i btifljes of fratbers 3 to fee them foo;tlj m tbe marres 3 tbep gorntOje euerp tbtngnutb goioimooo is brought to be folo to tbe market on mens ajoulDersdmiber 3 boo;des 3 b;icke 3 hme 3 $ done, areufuallmerebanoife. ©ep; Carp enters 3 2 gafons 3 $ potters, are berp fkilfuli . ©ere is no belTell thought arnengd us moje arnficiallp tbantbepjs is ^cDicmablebearbes are foloe openip* ©jep ufe batbs 3 tbe nation polmhe 3 gouerneb in mancr of a com* monhtealtb » ©embofe circuit of tijis pjouince is. 9 oleagues, full of foUmes 3 bo?ougbrs 3 anu utilages 3 btls and bales moll fruits full 3 $ rnell do;ed of goes fottlopers 3 in refpccce of tbeir enempes rounoe about cbem. about one league oftbis citie eneampeo Cor- tefotj# bp bis fpials fcnderdanmng tbe citizens not to midrud 0? feare anp tmtalton 3 tooke tbe drengeft part tberof bp mgljtun tbe moaning came tbe bed citizens to offer bint ail 0beoience.com/- us than returning hud; tlje Uiccojte 9 bictuals to bis campc 3 foufflj it in a trottblcfeme mutinie fo; tbe great otdreffes $ pjefent cala* mies tfjep thought them felues to be tn } fo far effrom tbeir ohme countrp,tn tbe miDd of tljeir enemies .©is mutinie appeafeo be hntb good h)0o;oa,$ comfortable reafons 3 perfuaoing tljem tbeir enemies co be u>eaker 5 tbe fpjcaopng abjoaoe of tl;e gofpell to be nous of Mexico* * /j’do nob) fit their fellies to be S>pan fardes 3 Ho e£ecme not oeatb to mpn glo;p : a moft bappp Death that to be 3 mljere life ts fpent in the conqucCl of tnfioellcs ano barbares# to ipe bp the . f fea Ooe iDlelp 3 thac mere to no purpafe. ^bus appeafeo beltbe re* Cwrulttw. hellions; mpnoes of his companpons, ano after. 20 . Dapes aboDe mm in this pjoumceJje led them into an other (hire fo^ paftures ano riucra the moft commoDion 0 3 fo? habitation belf in all thac countrep. $Li)t p?incipall citie hath name cbmultec&lM grea^as fairc 3 as Ttftahcca, ano fo gouerneo 3 lmtil the king of Mexico ops p?eifeo it.l^ere bias Cortefius recepued tenth fonges 3 muftcali in* hrument3 3 auD trumpets, bp the pjneftes ana c&i'D?en of the citte after their maner 3 $ melfeafted.&be ena of all this mirth mas an bp?o?e of the inbablcers agapnft him, p?ocuredbp tbekpngof M exico , as it mas fuppofeD 3 uihcreof Cortefius bauing fccrete in* tdligcnce bp a mornan of Cempoal chat folomed bis Campe 5 fum* monea a paile tench the befte ett^ens of cbumltecaL at bis omne loading. Ebofe tin? :ns Self laia he fall bp the beles 5 ^ than fpee* Delp uritb his armp T marneo to be in a readinefie fo? that purpofe, kt upon the aeceiptful Barb area of a f jaembefo?e that thep mere th?onghlp p?ou!Dca 3 ana gauc them the ouerth?om.^be p?tnce of Mexico acquitted him felfe of this Up?o?e.p?otefting bp hts 8 m* baflaao?S to - ertefius f t Oat hts Diflopail fubtcctes the Chur ulte cals haa b?uteD that confptracie Under his name to Doe him irn'urp, Uihom thep motilo not tendmglp obepe, f[?e Cent mitljall rich . p?e* Elites, wapinQCertiJius to come to Tbemijhtan^)0\mfin^i)i\\\ that heOjoulD mam ngthpng there 3 notmitbftandpngtbebarde $mw(ioii thereof in fo barren a place 3 altogeatber in the mater, ^oconoucte c or u fins chpcijer, he fern alfo certapne Gentlemen fo? gupfies, ano other of his nobilitie to reccpue h-m as he came neatt. €0 fpeake of cuerp cartefte fbemeo him in this iournep, and to U)?pte of cuerp place he palled , and parttculer Ip to rebearfe euerp dopes iottrnep, cuerp OpH, tomne,rpuer 3 houfe 3 andgar* ^epne 3 bptheU)ap 3 mould b?eede ouermuebe tedtoufnene ♦ 3 In fcmc,thelo?Desouhe coumrep, ashement,bfcdhtm med 3 c* fpeciailp in Gu&zttcmgo p?oumce 3 and Cbialcboi l;p?e 3 the one mljereofmasbiolemlp oppjedco bp the prince of Mexico, the 0 * thcr unliinglp fubtect'onto him. Jn the cold moumapnes he man* teo no mood, in the tourney bee mas pmtu'Deo fo? 3 and hts 40nniiii. com* The Conqucfl companions ,mt)0 mete of Ccmpoallcns, Taftaltecans, Chu* mltccans,f Gazucinges,tn number. 4ooo»of g>pam'aros not ab0uc.5co.3in this mancr, Cortcfius accompattpeD $ folomeo, came at tbe length into a bale, bearing name Colua. mijeretn be tmo meres, tbe one fait mater of.6o.leagues in rircutc, tbe other a frelbet.lSartlp on tbe lanr» 3 partlp tn tbe faftmeere tfanoetb Iz- tapalapa afap?e tomne, from mbeitce to Thcmifhtan,tberop» all feat of Mex ico,tbtre Ipetb a map on a Hone mall,tmo fptares length bioao, built bp tn tbe mater bp bano mttb tnbntte charges, tbe mallfeructb alfo fo? a b?toge 3 bp this b?toge Hoes tfattD tb?ec fap^etomneS 3 Mefica!an2;o, Coluacan, $ V Viclulabufco. ‘VLbe fan to fuppofeD to batie.3ooo.boufes,tbe feconfc.6ooo.tbe tbtr04ooo.mel built, efperiallp tbetr Comers, $ tbetr temples mbertn tbep ooefacrtbce.3ln tbefe tomnes greatabounoaunce of fait to maoe 3 tbat feruetb al! fucb as ooe acfenomlcoge tbe prince of Mexico fox tbdr iLo?D.©tbcr be oenteo it, as of tbe T afcal- tecansttmasfapoe . ^btsfaltemcererpfmgooetbflome into tbe f reflect, $ as tt ebbetb tbe Jfrefbec falletb tnto tbe fait meere agapne.Ebe frelhe mater map ferue neuertbelede fo? D?tuke, tbe falte mater becommetb not frcfbetberemttball * $;be mailbag ntanp Draught b?toges fo? marfare 3 ano fiufes fo? palfage, mbere toll ts papoe Onto ibe kpng.i^alfe one league before pou come to Themithtan,. mbere tbelpke &?togco?caufep from tbe lanoe jopnetb mttb tbe afo?efapDe mal,(fanoetb a ttrong Cattle, Double mallco about, mttb tmo ttcong Comers, not poflibie to be com rjuettD. 'Cotbts place came a tbctifanoe Gentlemen Counters foc?tb of tbe cute to recepue Cbrtefim, all apparelleo a Ipke, fa* Iutmg btm one bp one after tbep? comttrep matter, to iuptce, tom cbpng tbe grouiio mttb tbep? Unger, ano .ban kpffpng it, tn ftgne of reuerence.^fter all them came tlje kpng of Mexico Monte- zuma btm fife tn tbe miDDle of tbe b?togr 3 acccmpattpeo mttb tmo btmo?eo of bis nobles, ojofriptmoamicmo, tn better attp?e then tbe other afo?efapo,but all on tbetr bare feete, tbougb euerp bcop tn tbts ccuncrep otbermtfe mearetb fbcoes^be kpng as be ment 3 leatteo bpon tbe fboulocrs of tmo noble men, tbe one rnber* of mas bts b?otben not that be neeoco anp fucb befpe,but fo? that tbe kpnges of Mexico aremoont fo to be bonoureo, as tbougb tbep mere boloen bp bp tljr ftrengtb of tbep? nobtttue# of Mexico* 4^1 ®^tre ttoo noble men, C ortejius meeting britb king ano ipgfetpng of bisbo?fe to imbracebpm, opo fo?bpo bpm to touche cljcp? kpng, as an Unlawful action tn that countrep : the reft of tlje kpngcs companp came o?oerlp to falute Cortefius, after tl;ep? matter. Cortefius p?efenceo the kpng mitb a c&apnr cf^uglc, fctmitb fome DtanumoesanoJlubtes,efnogreat balue, but fucb as pleafto tbe kpng,mbo relnaroeo bpm agapne mttb tU)o other cbapnes of goIo,m?ougbt in maner of fca Crab* be*, $&natls, $ fo returnee into f> cute notch Cortefms agatne s mbcrc be,foogpng bpm tn tbe ropa! pailace, erccteo therein fo? bpmatb?one,atio.p?efemeobptmbe fcconoe tpme luttfj other riche gpftes,ano p?ouifton of all tbpnges neceflarp fo? bpm ano bis trapne. 811 tbe b?toge length, a* be menc mttb tbe kpng, ftoooe on eebe fpoe certapne great Cemples, inherent mere fa* - criftceo flaues, ano cbplorenpapeofo?. tribute bp kpng Metee- zumaesbafTallcs. jftcere Onto Cortefius tbjone kpng Me- teezuma bao bis clothe of efface , inhere Onto tbe &pamaroes 3 before bia nobles there affembleo, be fpakc in tbts fo?t* iftoble ano oaiiaunt men of armes in tbe fceloe, ano mercpfull CaptcanesOnto focb asoo peeloe tljtm Celtics, pou are melcome into tbts countrep* £>f atmeient tpme toe bane bearoe,ano in our . olo Chronicles toe oo reate,tbatneptber 31, no? anp of tbts lano, in 'taw&v be auncienttnbabttersbereof.butaliens anofo?repners,b?ougbi nm*»* bptbtr bp a great prince, Onto inborn toe mere al fabiecc. bile tbts p?tnce, leaupng os Oeerc,ment home agapne to fee bis coun* trep, our forefathers marteo,UaotfTue, buplocoopbcufes, ano erecteo certapne cictes 3 fo that at bts returnc me neptber mculoe go backe agapne mitb bpm, no? ackno tnleogc bint fo? our p?mcc anp mo?c: 6tf7/#j opcnlp epecuteb,bp mijcfeconfeflton Muteezuma fotmbe gpitte,masfor a tpme fet bp the Ijcelcs, butbelpuerebagapne bp anb bp, confeflpng bfe faulte, anb prompfpng all lopaittc anb bemtte, chofe rather to re* mapnc a treuifuhtccttnCort^ palace, then to Ipuc abjone ac ftbmte like a bpng,as tn effect be lbemcb,botlj tn fenbpng abrob commtlfion to mfcouer tlje golbempnes throughout all his bo* minim at Cortefms motion, in geatberpng togeatljer great v ' ' fummes of Mexico! 4 Si futnmeg of goloeand treafure to be pjefenfco Unto the &panp(fie fcpng, in geupng both counfaple, and tlje meanes borne to con* quer crftelte prince Cacamozin^M uteezumm uaflall,refufpng all obedience Unto tbe &panpardes 3 finallp tnaptiblike alfem* bip 5 ejtljo?tpng all bus nobles to acknomiedge tbekpngof f&patnefo?tbcp?fcueratpeiio?oe 3 anti topcelocumo bpm tljac obedience and tn bis name, to Cortefms tljac ouettc, mfnclje be bpm feife mas moont to loofce fo? at tljepj banned €be pjoceiTe mas tmitten bp publike notaries, confpjmeo bp tlje nobler, and a copie thereof delpuercd Unto Cortefm ♦ Mexico p?outnce* enup?onned abouemitb bpgb and ^Ipplbe mountapnes, (lam oetb tn a plapne coumrep tn circuit .70. leagues, about tbe • greateft part mbettofaretmo^peres, tlje one offalc mater,tlje other offretbe * 2Dbe tmo lakes go one into tbe other at a ffretec, taufed bp litle bplles that runneampd all tbe fojefapoe plapne. ^Dbt0 tfreictis parted bp boate out oftbe one lake into tbe other, toalltljetoUmes rtandpngon etdjerfpde oftbe afojefapd lakes* £>ur Undplbe meters name tbe boates Cano a , tbe Jn&ians cart them Jccaler , trougbes as ttmere, all ofonepecce. 3! bane trauepled in tbelpke Upon tbe rpuer s one , in tbe edge of prance, neere bpgb ®urgmdie . 3n tbe mpdft of tlje falte £0ere, tmo leagues euerp map from tljelanoe, UanDetbtljatrpcbe and meb Tbemeffa&» tljp citte Temixtitan oj ihemiftitan, no lelTe tn quantute tljen Siuilia, o$. Corduba in &>papne . jFrom tlje land. Unto ttlpe fottre mapes 3 o? makes built up out of tlje mater tmo Scares length b?ode,commodioufip foj fuebe as trapuaple tljptljer bp landc 3 tomb fundjpe draught bjpdges bp tlje map, to cut of tmtaflons if neede mere. £Df tbefe foure mapes,one ma3 tba^mljcre Cortefe* us met mitlj kpng Muteezuma . 3 n one of tbefe mailes c? bjio* ges 3 freOje mater is b^ougbtfrom tlje lanoeimo tlje cttiebptmo gutters, no fefle in quaittitie tljen boggertjeaoes : tbe one thereof ftruetb mljnt f> other is either flopped, oj muftp.t£be treats are flretgbf 3 manp tn number,builc much after tlje manor of Centre, both to go bp laude and bp mater . €be bjpoges oner tlje mater in tljts citie be made of mooooe, of fuebe bjeadtlj tljat tenne map parte ouer them rogeatljer,fo manp in number, t^e tc mere a tfjpng almoil infinite to recken tljenv The Conqueft number of bottfes ther efn amotmfetb ft i .66. $ott$mbei Slmonged otherone dceare to beep large, ftimptuoudpbuplte, «nb famous fo? an fortes of merchaunbtes , that p?ouin« pcelbeth, boom to be folbe there *6o* thoufanbemercbauntes,a* « to thought baplp haunt that teat • ^hereare foloe fun* typfojcesofmeccales temelles, fruttes,fonle, heafhes, ano all other neceflaries ferttpng fo? meaces, clothes, marfar,buploings, onoplearure.fouuerp fpectall fepnbe of merchatmbtes,to ap« popnteb a fpectall danbpng bp it fclfe ♦ ®?ep fell hp tale aim meafare, thebfe of boepghtes as pec thep haue not* ©ep? tnonp to a kpnbe of j$utte (bcls, of the kp?nell tc fclfe to mabe • *hep?b?pnke . Zbt tree to plameobnoer the homes offorne other fo? befence,bntpl tt he gromen dcong, habit to abpoe the beace of the ^trnne , then is the fenfe tree cut bourne, anb that let to con* tfnne,manp lo?bcS baue thereof great retienemes in that cotm* trep . g>teele anb 3iron thep boant, tn fteebc thereof thep bfe to make thep? mftrtmiences of a kpnbe ofbarbe (tone, mljeremitlj thep moo?kegolbe, fpluer,copper,b?ade,erdlemlpmcl inmijat four me o? (hape fo euer thep Ipde . |> ou can not (heme them anp kpnbe ofthpng, but thep Ujpllb?aUJett,anb fee it out mod Ipuelp in metall, focunnpng artificers thep be* 1£o the markets an thfnges are b?ougbt, eptljcr bp boater in c*noaes, o?on flaues backes* ^bere danbetba gooblp palace in the market place fb?tubgement* ^berebererpbeniaimapes*b.o?,piu grauefe* nato?s,to fee goob o?ber kept tn that dreate, to Dcctse concrouer* Ges happening there, to punpthe offenbers. SDtherfcembatts to be folbe in the market, anb mhatmealure to mabe . £0anp gorgeous temples be tn this ctcie. manp gooulp tomers buplte bobere noble men baue ben burpeb,mitb gallant chappelles to tbep?3IbolleS,manpp?mcelp palaces, fo? that all the nobilitte of that countrep Ipetb fome parte of the peere in the ci tie, anb tbe fted citizens great rpclje men. 3Dbe goob o?ber anb policie in fo barbarous a nation,is boonberfull to bebol&e. Concentpng their abhominable 3fao!atrp, Cortf/kr is boo?thp of great commettbati* cn,fo? tbetb?ompng bourne the Sbolesmljerebe came 5 bcpng a dranger,thougb the p?inces of that p?otttnce anb Meteeruma ab fotookeicnotmell, p?mcipaUp tn the palace, petfuabpng them that it mas not feetneip fo?akpngco mo^pppe that mbicbe a knaue ofMixico* . iff# tmxt o? flaue of bts baa mace. Cuerp noble man bat!;, befp&e* f^c palacca in ctti'c, bis ca(Hc 9 foulmers^ recepuerj 3 9 9 other officers in the cottntrep :antmeere the court gallant boufes fo; recreation, mitb pleafattnt garcens, o;cbarces, ponces, 9 other the Ipke oelt'gbtes. ®be noble men anc Gentlemen of this couti* trep, can not be feme in number, mbereas Daplp the court is fur* nilbeo mitb fpuebunc;ecpoung gentlemen, befpees the multi* tttuce of ferupng men tbac attenoe on tljenn 3 nc tbe faflnon in tljis countrep is of all tl;c nobtlicie, to fence tbep; fonnes fo; cou* ration falie Unto tbe Court,alcbougb manp of them cmel an bun* 0 ;eo ano fptcie, 0; tmo buntyeo leagues of. ^>0 large 9 fo mpgb* tie t* tbe kpngcome of M exico, 9 pet fo mell gouerneo, tl;e kpng (bouetpfullpobepec of alibis fubtectes,afu)elabfent as pjefent, ccbelbpjepcelcpngancouelppapmg bnto bpm tbe commoot* lies tberof,acco;cing to tbep; cudome,tbac CoYteftustbinketf) no j>;inccin tbe mo;lc to be mo;efearecfrreucrencec of fats people* ^Ije kpng l;atb func;p gooblp paHaces, ano in them manp rpebe JoiSS, ** anocoft!po;namentes, of gome, offpluer, of feathers, foarufi* ciallp brought, that nepiber anp fo;t of neccle mo;ke, no; kpnoe of picture, map feeme to make tbe Ipke fijeme. Qmong tbe reft, tb;eefpeeialljoufes of recreation tbekpng batb in bis palace.Jn t one oftbem area number of mouffrous ano ocfoumieo pci Tons, omarfes, crookebackes , fpngpngmen bp nature 5 tmoobeaceo monitors, anc others, mitb tbep? keepers* Cbe fcccrm boufe is 4 fo large, tbac in it commomouffptmalrpnges map be refment. ® e place is fet foo;tb mitb manp Slabader 9 garble pplfer s, ten gooolp ponces tljerin, meil ffojtoo mitb fpH;e. aim foule,ofal fc;tes that eptber 00 Ipue in tbe mater, c; on tbe lance, mitb tbeir keepers, ano cuierSttes of meates fo; tl;ep; Diners natures . 3 in tbts place kept 0 e alfopoung ebpiejen, tbac baomljpte beaoes, 9 mere offop;e completion, afmel hopes as gp;lcs» €hetbp;ce r boufeleruec fo; Ltans^pgers, £Oo!ues, j ? oji;cS5anD other tl;e Ipkemploebeaffes, ecbefo;tin tbep; feueral cennes> 3 Dbde&& of tbefetb?eebGufestsfomellbuplt, that tbekpngatbispieafure map Icoge therein, mitb alibis court* ^bepu'nceistijusfcc* uec. jfpue bunc;eb gentlemen at tbe lead, mitb tbep; falomers, gpue attencatmce at tbe court al tbe cap long, though tbep come notaimapesmtbckpngesfpgbc. ®befe gentlemen fptcomne J The Comjueft U sptinee trfjen the kpng fptccc& 3 atin do fare a? toed a?De, thefc fclomet? batte tbep? reuerfion . ©jebuttrep, cellar, pantry, ano other office? netier (pur, come mtobouipH, meate$ D?pnkc becannotmant. ball ^herein tbe kpngDpnetb, i? matter imoer foote, W ntcace i ? b?ougbt op bp .3 00. poting men pen* doner?, flelbe, fpfl)e,ftuite?, faiate? ofaU fo?te?bppon cbaflpng Dpflje? in tbe rnpnter to keepe the meate? marme . ^befe map* ter? netter come neere tbe boo?D, fo? tbe kpng fpctetb on a leather ctifi;png artificiallp tu?ougljr 3 at a table raplleo about, mitbin tbe p?ecincte mbercohfanDetbbi?&emer,to fet bpm Domue tbofe meate? be Iphcclj of bed ♦ 9 t bi? rpgbthanoe fpre oloe meitfpc Domne, bnto mijom tlje kpng bpm felfe caniecb-^be kpng ma(b< etb before meate ano after, be t? ferueD in earthen Dplbe?,bi? ntppe?beoftbe famemettalbbe fbpftetbbpmfelfe foureepme? a Dape ♦iKDttjatfoetier be barb once bfeo, be it appareH, naperp-, 0} anp other kpaoe ofbou&olDe dude, it is neuer brought bpm anp itio?e to bfe,but bedomeD bp bpm bpon bis feruaume? 0? frenoe? atcomtenienttpme?. jfo? honour fake eebe one commetb into tbe palace barefoote, in mod bumble mpfe tbep come before tbe kingjtuhen tbep are calleD,boming Domne tbep? keaD?,tljep? eie? totbegrounB. 31 t mere great ptefttmption to looke the king in the face mijcn be talketb mith unp of them* 8 man moulo tbpnke tbep mere all Dombe in tbe p?efence of tbe kpng, fuche is tbep? dlence* Ionian Dare turne bfebacke to tbe kpng, but Departpngfrom bpm eebe one geeth backemarDe. Ionian Dare go out of hi? place toben tbe kpng pafleth bp . Zt hi? gopng ab?oDeije t? fo* lomeD mith a great troupe noble? auD gemdmcn,anDbat(j tb?ee roD? bo?ne before bpm, one mbereof be taketb in hi? oPme IjattD mljenbe commetb foo?th outofbt? lptter,mbermcommon^ Ipbei?carpeDab?cDe . SnconcfuCionnobeatben p?tncebatbfa trnnp cerimomeaa? tip? kpng of M exico ♦®m'etlp in tip? citie from the ,s, of September the pcere of our lo?De .1520, tmtpU Spate folommg,rcmapneD Cortefius mith a! honour, enioping hi? ptcto?pe, ano rulpng fo mpgbtp a kpngDcme conquereD bp bpm, mth al p?ofperittel 2 lben VeUfque a &panparDe,tbenHtcttete* itaunt ofc#ta,tljac eueremueDatbi?gocDbap,fent Haruaezji iudp poung captapne totrfj epghtene faple mel appointcD to com* maunD cmtjm cut of M mco 9 ano to geue cucr the title of that . countrepj of Mexico ; ; coutitrcpMid) to W*R felfe bao papnefullp conquereo bnco tfretc pleafttr e ,bp fo?geo patents from tbe Stpatipfije kpng. QDucbe a* ma^eo actlic fpjlt mas Cortefius mitb tbts tpotnges, conGoerpng tijat tff)C IL'CM agapnlt N aruae? y t be M exicanes not pet t()? 0 Ugl> !p brought tn tubicctton might m tbe meane tune reuolte tagatne if be (fateo,Ndr«^migbt put Ijijs conquelt ImoperDpjbiolemlp forcing p countrep eucrpmbere as; be came.^Dbe matter mas tbo* rotulp tauten to tbe barbares tXThmiflitm.Wbt king btmfetfe bao bjougbt bpm bp bisbalfailes, papnteotnatable, the Https, tbep* number, artillarpe, bojfemen ano footemen lanoeo ♦ 3In tbe enoe Cortefius refoluco bpm felfe to go agapnft Karuae^. foje leaupng at r bemijlitan a ©arrpfon of &pantaroes,the mljt* cljebebpgblpcommenBeBbnto Muteezyma, marcbeo fojUtaro U)it6 -170 footemen, fenopng other .So. that map before bpnn Warmer Ipkempfe came on agapnft Comfms, amt ban nome ta* ken Cempoal ) anD ftp?reo bp agapnlt bpm tbofe etti ?ens. Cortefius battpng intelligence of^w^certapne bepng there tn anbpgb tomje garoeo mttb .800, fouloters, amt .19* Canons fet at tbe ltep?efoote,tbpnkpngneuertbeleirenotbpng at all of bis com* tnpng, fet bppon Haruaez\nit\) .250, men, anti there tooke bpm on flSitftmoap rngbybe relt of bis companp peloeo them felttes. 3[n tbe meane mbtle the citizens of Tbemijlitm reuolteo agamlt tbep? pjinceano tbe ^panpfbe gouernemenc,as bp a metfengec lufpaicbeo tbttber from Cempoalj 0 Declare Cortefius. gcoo Ijap ano Karuaes imp jtfomem, it mas bnoerHoooe * ^bc cattle of r be - j nifliun beftegeD, tn manp places fet a fpjeano onoemtpneo, the ^panpfbe <0arrpfott to be in great teoparope , the flpe boated tljep ntaoe , burnt , tbe meOenger him felfe gree* uoufip mottnBetJ , Muteezunu the kpng onelp to fauour? them, ano bpm nome fcarfelp obepeo, tbe nobles to cboofe ocatb rather then to obep fucbcgeaffeSjtbat keepetbepjkpnglpkea matoe, tbatolfpolTefle them of their omne erne, that mepntapne therm tbepj entmtes the Taficahecans $ Guazuingoes,mn before tbep;faccattbep?omnecbarges 3 toO£fptgbttbem, that oeuoure tbepj bttcaplies baroe to come bp tn that ettie fofttuateo in the mater, that imurte them, that lap on mbutesaljat bp booke at 0 bp crooke makeamap from tbemmbatfoetter gooo there is to 1 0 bao,tbatb?eakeoomnetbep^ 3 loolle 0 3 auoBtppjelTe t\)m m $ tiemme&anoccnmcmtes. Cortefius tucnetOto) Clemtilifftn* TheConqucft Cwtefm therefore fpeeoilp britb .70. bmfes antj fytte bunDfeS footemen, anDasmu&earcillerpasbecoulo, rccuntecb againe (o Tbemij}iun s Wtytlw (je came about mpofommer Dapc . Conefius entrie into tbe ctcte agapnc 3 tbe &panparDes 3 tb? 9 Ugblp tefen bp tbe Barbares timb oartes anD (lanes from bpgb pine* apple trees 3 $ an bpgb tetoet that baas neere 3 began to cake bait*, ano to hope fopanpar&e$ teaming lie- cuals,tlfueO out in open feeloe: tbep flue manp BarbarcS,tbep a* uertb?ete the boufes ware p pallace, tbep tooke certatne D?augbt b?ioges,buc at night tbep returncD teitb cljetr ©cnerall anD 5o.of their companp teounDeD,as Uuncptp as tbep teem foo?cb* ftHljcre* fo?e tbep caufco Uiariihe engines to be maoe of boo?Ds,tn fourme of a fourefgttare boufe,going on U>ljcclc0,placmg in ecb one tl;rr- of 2o.(&ot,tebom manp rafcall foulDters folotecD teitb ptkearcs ant> batcbets,to no barute that teap in Deif roping their btulDtngs: but Hones $ oartes came fo mtgbttlp $ fo cbtcke about the ^>pa* rnaroes eares,tbat fttcb as ujenc thus foo?tb 3 tecre fame fo crcepe borne againe cut of their engines to?netnpeeces:ebcp that tarien at bonie coulo not once looke out but tbep teere DomageD. &png ^ uff Muteezumatittoous to DifluaDe bis citif ens from tbe afiatr ,fl;e* g * tepngbtm felfe Unto them out of dje pallace, baD a blotee tetcb a 8 one,tebereof in tb?ce oapes be Open. 3 Tbis p?mce teas of a be* rp gooo nature, tepfe, anD berp patient 3 bts boop ibe ^>paniarDes lefte bnto tbe Mexicans to burp, fo? chat tbep them felues ban Itc* tie other leafure then to tbtnke IjoU) to faue their liucs, rather tbatt to burp tbe oeaD. %\)t nejcc bap tbe nobles of tbe coumrep came to a parle teitb s patfo Cortefm, at tbe fame place tebere Muteezuma tooke bis Deaths toounb .Cortefius ejebo?teD them to peace,Gtbertetfe tb?eatmng tbe peter Decap $ rutne of tbat their fo famous anD noble a cute, teitb pjotettatien of pietie on them tebom once be baD taken to be bis frtcnDes,p?omiflng parDon fo? tbattebtcb boas Donr,anD lettpn^ bourne tehat befelbnco otber nations tbac refufeo bis fttenblbpp. ^bc Mexicans making fmall accompte of bis teoo?Des, anftee* reD,cbattbcpcookebim fyno fnenD,butfo? their enemp,tbat be fljoalo Depart teitb all bis trapne out of tbeir cotmerep if be teoulo - baue peace, otberteife tbep booulDefo long continue tbep? flege, bncili bp fo?ce tbep baa D?puen bim mit,tbougb fo? euerp ^>panp* arDe flapne,tbere DpeD a tljoufanDe M exicans, fo? bis fr tenotypp tbepcareD not,parbon tbep afkeD not,moftunllmglp tbep teoulb all Dpe,fo tbat tbep might Delmer tbeir poHerutefrom ttje ^>pa* nplbetp?aimp. pantnrbes courage appeareb in lumnpng cfa cectaptte Corner that aimapes commaunbeb them, nepte m the ruine of fuel? bottles as fo? the nearenes thereof b?eb them great tnccmbiancc anb pcnil. 9fter manp metmbes rcccp* web, anb great daughter bone on both ftbes,the p?inctpal ctttjens, coumcrfectpngaconciuOonof peace, p?ompfeo obcbience bmo CortefmsSo that all beebes pal! mpgbc be forgotten* Cortefius Ip* fepng lot U tbereof,at then* requelf fee free a p?ied be bab of theirs in p?!fon,ta bcaiebct&pn tbem 3 anD th?cughlpperfuabeb that no gtiple bias mem,mitbb?em bis companp fromilurmtfljtng.But be mas no fooner let bemne to bpnner, after ljt0 redlefle a tf licet* ons anb continual! labours, but tbe Mexicans tooke the toume b?ibgcs,anb bopbeb cbetrencbes 5 mbich Cortefius fo? palfage bab caufeb to be dlleb bp . p?efemlp therefore he rufljeb cut arnongH. them agapne mttb bis ljo?femen, but the iournep Uicm fo barblp initb tbe ^panparbes, tljat Cortefius mmmbebmtbebeabinas fcarfip able to rctp?c agapne, manp of bis companp mere flapne,. fuel) as efcapeb mere not able to continue in the fieloe anp longer* mearpeb mttb blomes,mo?ne oat mttb hunger . 3It remapneb on* lp 3 tbat nom tbep cptljer p?efent ; .p mud perpdje, o? els bepart cue fin* c ^ e coumrep . Bp npgljc tljcrefo?e cortefius anb bis foulbpers out of epe? putielp thought to flpp acuap mttb M utee%umaie$ cbilo?en, anb certapne of the Mexican nobles captiues 3 cbarging tbe ^panp® kpngbts officers mttb the ffibpart of bis creature, anb takpng the refibue thereof mitb him. But the Batbares baupng intelli- gence thereof, opp?cdeb them in the map,tooke tbep? goobs, due manp of tbe 4>pamarbs,ano mttb them their capctuesuf bappelp anp efcapeb, tljep mere fitch as marcher* in the mtbd, fo? both tbe bangarbe anb reremarb mere altogeatljer mfcomfiteb anb lod,ta tbe number of, i 5 o^>panparbes 42 ; bo?fes.2ooo. Tafialtc^ ^«j,anb GuazuzingsAtot apbeb them ^Dbtts papnefullp,mtt& great baunger anb no leffe grief ‘z 2 cmefi*s lefte Tbmiptan^m- fuea muittait. of Mexico, 4 5J ' fu^ 6? tfeac folomenbmt, notbpng bolpen ip tbe leap as be tepapjeo borne, refreftpng bts Campe micl; a oean bo*fe, after fpue napes f pent ixiicl; t be foone of parcbeo co^ne, ami that tnfmallquanttttebefoje be came to Tafcaltcca. €be Tafcaltecans curtuouflp entertepnen bint ann bts 3 tutc& Inborn be mane bis abone. 20. napes? to refreOje bis toearpen ar* ntp : that none, be conquereo other cities in that pjouince, eptijer encmpesnmotbe Tafcaltecans, as Tej)cacaM)ml)tbupltt fot fafetieofpa(rage5fg«r4/4FroM^r4; 0? fncljeas fojfeareoftbe Mexicans ban not peelneo them felues befo?e,to u yptfinaccachi* ulla,lz^ica,m n otber p;incipa!ltomnestberabout. jPinaHp,be fennetb fojt bowmen ann (hot out of tbe 3!lanoe HifpamU, mpn* netb manp Bavbares fauour $ aflftftanceagapnft tije Mexicans* mafcetb pjouifion of 1 3. flpe Boates,tc annope bp mater tbe citt* Jens of Tbmijlitan. Meteezymats, Kepbeu, Catamazfnus , fl)Z neU) kpng of M exico, fearpng on tbe other fpne the ^panpatnes returne,ann feeing manp of bis fubiectes to fait from him, mam tetb not in anp mpfe to fee all cljinges in a reaninefie fo; marreS, efpecin{lppphes,toannopetbebo;femen 5 U)bom tbepmoft mem nen . <£lgbttcne4eugucsffom r^4/^c4tomarnes Tbemiptan , €citenusr^ ftannetb T azuco&QOtiOlp citie of tbe Mexicans . C ortefius fp; ft of ii“ ge af all toofec this citrc# catifen bis p;oti(fton fopflp Bootes mjougbt mimtan, tn Tafcakeca to be brought tbptber. ^nebmas the batten of the Tafcaltecans anO Guazuzings agapnS the Mexicans, that tbep carrico tbe tpmber bppon tljep? Ibouiners' from t afcalteca to Ta ^«co,U3!tboue anp grungmg,foi the ppuifton afoiefapne. jfrom Tazuco emefius cut a palTage into tbefalte^ere of Mexico , to bjpng Ips ftpe Boates to the ftege of T bemijlitan : this trenebr, tb?ee Cnglp&e mples long, ann foure fatbomeneepCjUns 6np* (ben bp*8ooo.pponers of that countrep in fpfcienapcs.£bis na* up antiopen berp mttebe the citizens, in neftroping cbep; fcuKeS ann tton gbes,ann ftopping tbeir paftage from place to place, be* fpoes tbe aflalte giuen tbcreUsttb to tbe comne it felfe . Coneims armp,euer as it camc,oeftrepen all fuebe places bp tbe map, that either perfecuten him fleeing amap befo;e ? o; pjefemip might no* mage bis returne. . * ®be citie be beliegetJ in tb;ee places at once, after that bee ban nuteofallibe ftefpe mater connifaes, aim taken tbe mapes ffi.ii. ann CSemiftitan canquereDa* ga^;e. The conqueft * « anii fytoges, anb fl oppeo all pafiage fa? anp ettcmp of bfe foes the toume : the number of Ijts fouloters amotimeo bnto 1 20000. fo? out of all the rotmerep about, the Barbares came mitl; cme - fus,(mt to? libmte,fome fo? frteno&pp, fome fo? !jope of game. ft ege lafieo neuertbelefie ten meeker, tn tbe enoe mijereef imtb conttnuall battrp tbe tttte oefacebjans mo?e than ioooco. citizens mo?ne out parcip tn figbt,anb partlp mafieo mttb mtferp aim hunger, coneftus toeke tbep? nemkpng p?tuelp malkpng in a fierce corner of tbe lake,ano luboucD tb?ougblp mifbbmt tbe cU tie 1 bemiftitan.iq.tmiK# bp tbe lake fpoe,^ all tbe Mexican W alme ano p?outnce,tmto tbe l>panpfl)e cromtte, tn tbe turtfbtcetott tobereof tt ooetb p?efent!p remapne. ^be fpople of tbe citte,tn ba* Itte ^m^Corte/fus muioeti amongfi tbe ^panpllje foulDpers,re* ferupng tbe fpftb parte tberof,ano certapne fine feather moo?kes, t\)e\^M)ti)t(tntmo EuropeAobe p?cfinteD bnto Charles the fpftb kpng of^>papne,anb Cmperour,tban tn (Sermame. (idbo ipfictb to fee tljt'0 bpfio?temo?e at large, map reaoe Cortefius j$autgations,aim Frauncis Lepe^moo?ke thereof m?tt* ten tn tbe ^>panp(be tongue, mace not long fince Italian bp Lw - cius Maurusj ano if 31 be not oecepuetJ,nome a oopng into €ng« Iplbe.3n ab?mgemem thereof 31 p?ompfcD,o? a commencarp, a* Ccefar temetl) fucbekpime of m?ptpnges, to gpue other men oc* cafion to fc t feo?tb at large thole xbtnges bp teafure,mblcb b?tcflp are ttoteo aim figntfieo tn feme onto fome, that millinglp mouloe not be altogeatber tgno?ant thereof, am? pet fianoe to longtn anp fucbotfiourfis.EoIet Domnepamculerlpedje&panparDe atm 3j9o?tuga!e bis oopnges tiubefe nem otfeouereo lantJes,to o?ame ©eograpbfcallp the pIaces,to m?pte all their batxeUes,Mcto?tes, aim congttefies,to eefenbe the cities rafet>,the xornnes erecteo,to popnte out the Capuapnesperfonage0,ta (heme tbep? traucple* aim gaoo bap, it moulDregup?e an orberHompre, an other ibu* cy Aides, an other Hums labourite mctilo requp?e an other Cmpe* rour to fee fitments a moo?ke,as luftinian opo bis lame gcathc* rersube relations of the 3Ir«Dpn)e traucplcrs are fo manp in mint* ber,tbep? repo?tes fo miters, the bolumes m?itten tberof fobwgc, aim in fo futm?p languages. %TP*. FINIS. R.VVilles Speciall aduifes to be obferuecHnreaJyng ouerthis woorke. 4 fol& ©EtefliTiXz#bZ)EteJice 3Fd»l69>Cemobal. IReaD Z^Cempoal .fob 1 86. &be generations of nattons.$caDe 3 of metalles* ^01.23 i.€igbt.EeaDe 3 etgbtetb- 3 !tem* 36,fteaoe,63. jfol.232 tEbeWelt SDcean. Heaoe, &outb £>cean> namely Mar del zur 4fol* 234.^5 tn the margine, (bouto bane place in tlje tejtte be* fo^e.owv^tvKf.lReaDejtbe dtoeke berfe our&>s anD^ccvcs. 3f 01*252* tP.23 1- 3 in tbe margtne.pttt it ouf* Stol 253* ferufeMz foure boIumes 3 HeaD 5 tbe foure bounties* St ol.26o» Santlianum SSiZ^OZ^Santianum 01.265* Obo,alias,Oba anD Obi St Ol. 2 68 , Fladimer,a!,V olodimer %tZtl\)Smolne,al,Smolenskg St' 0L269. ImpreiinableS&Z&ZjMXyUQfltiblZ* St 01.270. ISliceneMzM^Kice. 3 HD of tljep? faptlj tt10?e Ipkdp hereafter, fol 273 although fol-302» the former opimnion be jfot.274* ^obibit 3 lReaDe 3 p?obibite& (rectteD agame* St Ol 283 , Volbrn, EeaD Z^Volgba Stem RJrdouil 3 tm.fOl 3 20 foj Jrdmlim. # 0I.3 27. ©ugljt to be belotteD.lfteaDe, belceueo* # 01*329# Tulibante&tftot Torbante. #01.32?. Elje TerJiamJto bopf,tlje Gentlemen ofTerJia.&ifeti nringartesanD fences, foj Glkes ano furnitures of Ijojfes. #oi»3 26^.3 30. #oI,3 30. T urqueflanM Ipetb JftOJtljcaft from COe Cafpian fca. 3Itcm, fhifon, ts thought co be Ganges.it QjoulD rather feeme to be fome bjauncbe of Tigris. #0l >31. ! Velual.Dalangar . Caiaconi.al.CoraJJan. ©ts chief manSott place, it baas fb:bt!t ncbo it i$ not. #01.3 22. #01.337. ¥otofarina,xZtf)Z fort of aim a. fywaxttitot Iona. #01.345. Wz mane fapIe.1ReaD?,fa!e. #013 54,utcItnati0ns 3 0tumattos.1ReaD30iutatt0ng 0? boantypng. #01.358. Stranger foigierg 5 reaDe ^>0iDpers. #01.3 75. 3!n cl; e meane tpme.Chfc is tbe later enfce of tlje 0£te Chapter, the refinue iuljcreof the punter Ijatlj foj moDeltie iefte out : 3 nt> Coen Ijtm felfe batlj in tljis tranflatton alfo leftc outmanptbtngestobefeeneinthe latincoppe,cptljer asfu* perfltfoug,oj bnfeemelp. 31 am not boillpng to oefrau&e Farto* manmsrfdetbo} tlje pointer of thepj Hue. #01.382. Condaltis. 31 tuoulo reatse Sandaliis, as tt map feeme in tfee letter foloboui&mcanpng tljerebp a kpnoe of high Ibcoe oj bufkpn. #01394. Htme.lReatje, tine. #01.429. 31 c boas loft anti not fotmtre bntillthfe oapjt map be that T. Martyr n $ 0 bajpte theijiftojie thereof atIarge 3 inpope Clement tfje.^ljts ttme,tljat Ijappelp boas lode at tlje Cache of Home : but Ijts abasement of die afojefapD btage (ball pou finoe bujttcen to pope Jdrian afterboaroe in his fpft Decaoe,. Cap.7.©ut of tlje mljielj boco?ke,togeatljer boulj tljerepojtes of other traueplers that bcern tlje afojefapD bpage.tljis pjefent pamflet batlj been taken. #01.429. $ Dap led in tljjee peered ana one mcnetlj. 31 ooencc tbmhe but d;at in berp beeoe tljefe g>panpartchartic ffiJtlfe# Spittle acalcato?pe to the Counts of#etifbjtJf* Che preface foj tljc tohole tooo?fce* F^ClDifcotierpns of t^etoeft 3 fntJtc^* JpoT* t ’WLbat ntaner of man Cfyiffopher Colombu# toa$, for I flftthat labour Columbus toakc. Jfol, 2 f$(f jpatt. ^&P the? toere calico 3 ; natan#. Jfol. $ SDfthe colour of the 31 naian#. fol. 4 Plato tell imonp of t!?e ttreft 3 Inaieg* fol, 5 omalu# jFeratnanau# ©uteau# Cpiltlc to Charle# the 5* concerning fjisi fjtao^te of thetueff3InBies. fol. 185 Che o;iBtnarie nautgation from <&papne to the ffittell 3JnBte#. fol. 187 ®ftf»o notable thpnge# a# toucljpng the tuc(l 3 inaie# tauaofthegreatrp* cbe# brought from thence into ‘S'papnc. fol- 188 ©ftbegolaemtmganBmannerofUJOojkpng inthem* fol. 138 Chemaneroffpfijpngfojpearle#. fol. 191 Che familiaritte that tljc Jlnaian# ^a«e toith tbc actipll. fol. 193 ©ftemperate ana habitable region# bnaer the Cquinoctianine. fol. 195 2) fapuer# particular thpnge#, ag^oo^meg^erpenteo, bealfc#fculc#. Jfol .198 ffi>ftree#,fruite#,anBplante#, jfol. 204 2DfKeeBe#ojCam#. f pi* 207 ®f the benomoufe applet toljeretolth the Cambale# inuenomethepj arrotoe#. jfol. 209 2)ffpibt#auBtbemaneroffplbpng. fol. 211 SDf the rpfpng anafalipng of our SDceanfea ana the fotttbfeacallea £t9ac Del?ur. jfol. 215 ©fthettrictccflanaebettoeenetheno?thfeaanBS0arBel?ur. fol. 216 ipotoe thpnge# of one fepnB Differ bp the nature of the place, anD of the beafle* calico Ciger#. fol. 217 SDf the manner# ano cuff owe# of the 3 InBian# of the finite lanoe ana of thetc toomen. Jfol, 219 SPf the 3 IlanDc#l?tfpnntola ana Cuba. fol. 221 SDftbe 31 lanDe Cuba ano other. Jfol. 224 ©fthelanOofBaccallaog. fol. 225 ^artfcularlpofneloc^papnecalleDJ^oua hffpanta 0? Spepico, f ol. 22% lJ)fPerm jfol. 226 SDf the rpuertallea HtoBe la Plata that t# the rpucr of fplucr. Jfol. 226 SDfthelanacoof HabojaaojanaBaccaleo# Iping tocit ana no^htoeft from wi* feconD oatt CnglanMnabepngpartofthefpjmelanOe; Jfol. 227 ' * Che aefcriptionofthelantc floras. foi. 228 if 0? maifter Cap. Jf urbplhcp# paffige bp the ttpjthtoenj* fol. 230 ftepofte# of the p^ouince China* fol* 237 The Tab!^ Sftantic < 25 tapati anti ot^jer title 3 -GejS in tfje ealt S^ccan- Jpot. 251 glovftus 5 Ftoc 0 Utters touching (fctapau. Jfol. 255 ©ftboo$flc$bettDtbte©binaanbtbe^oluctaes?. jfol. 260 a btfcourfe ofbiuersboiagessanbtoaiesibi the tn^fcljc Apices, pjecioug Hones!, anb golbe tuere brought inolbe t?me fromJlnbta into (Europe 'OetMtiB past anbotber partes of tbe buojlbe alfo of tbe boiage to ©atljaio anb eaft 3Inbia bi tbenojtb fea, of tbe borages likeboife of ^ebaRian ©abote anbparttcularliofSPofcouta- JFol* 254. S^uefebifcriptionof^ofeoutabilipunReranb^nRalbus. Jfoi. 271 Sbtfcriptionoftbenojtb regions anb botoetbeisrc habitable, coztrrarp toK tbe opinion of the olbe boaters;. JFol. 275 •Stbonbia- JF0I.279. < S>tDectao^toetblanb.jFof,287^otbnta.iFo!, 187 €>roenIanb- jfol. 280. <£>otbiaoj<£>otblanbe. jfol. 288 Iffanbe. Jfol28i. Jftntanbboitb opbt ojking of PerRa accojbtmg to the late baiters* *Ebe trafique of PerRa boitb other country. ©ftbeperRan gulfe. * 5 Lbe pi'eutleages gtauntcb bitbe^opbitoourmerebauntes. Jfol. 332 Arthur (Ebtuarbes biage into PerRa, bottb the continuance of tbe former pjiutleages. jfol. 333 *Ebe commobitie^ that ©nggli^jt merebauntes mai baue bi the trabe into Jfol. 33 % *EbemanerboboeCbuRtansbeeomeB{fo^nTen, Jfol. 33 % ©ftbe^ombafineojCottontree* Jfol. 3 36 bating of the perRang* Jol. 3i$ %%% Jfol 318 jfol. 321 JFol, 322 Jfol. 324 jfol. 330 . Jfol. 325 Jfol. 329. Jfol. 329 Jfol. 33a Jfol. 33 1 Jfol. 35s Jfol. 33 2 Jfol. 33 2 - The Table* The fourth part. ® f ttcotiopages malic out ofCngtanse Into Guinea tit &frffcr. #01.33$, 8L bjttcfc aefcriptton of gfrifce. JF0I.337. Dosage to Guinea* JFol. 338. Jpinteaso fjijs Utters patentes rnaSe 52m f?2 t&e &2ng of Pojtugale kt* mat(ferfo;ii}tsreturne. JFol.j^r. *E5e feconae Sopage to < 5 «mea,tott 5 amo?efwnBcfmptfonof 9 lfrrca, c* tkiopiMns tke Macke Spools cowntrep. #01.342* ^ke Boucs of t&e 3 llanuc spaoerai JFol, 35 3* ©f.*©- 'CkomasSIfanueiJnDer t5e0qutnocttaHItne» ifol. 55 3, lefiocs (Eertomannus nauigatton into Arabia , Cgppte, PerCa, $fa, Ctijtopia, aim Cali 31 nsia. N JFoU354* contented oftfje tofjtc&e Oopagcs are tkefe foloin^n^ The content ts of the .vii. hookas ofnauigationsand voyages ofLodovicus Vartornmnui to the regions of \Arabia v Egypte, Pcrjta , Stria , eaji India , and Ethiopia. The contentes of the fyrf books, f£fje fp# Cljaptere is of tlje nauigation from Venice to ^iejcaimifa fit <£S2Pte. s JFoUjft. ©ftfce citie names CapmiWlcap;,£Pemp5tS ? ojBa&ploninCgppte, Op« pon t&e rpuer of /! 3 ilus. Cap* 2. jFol.355* SDftlje cities of Berpittijo, Tripoli, anSSlntiocfj. Cap. 3. JF0I.356. SDftljc cities of 3 man ans Spemn. Cap, 4. JF 01,356, SDf tkecttte of Bamafco. Cap*5» JF0I.357* ®ffuc 5 t&ingcs as are feene in tkecttie of Bamafco. Cap. 6. jFal.358. SDf tUe Spamaiukes of Bamafco. Cap.7. #01.35$* %\)z tome? from Bamafco to SPecfca ; 3 nS of tkcmnnetsofcke grabi* ans. Cap.8. jFol.35£. ©f t&e ftrengtk ans Oaliantnetfe oftfce spamalufces* Cap. 9. jFo I.36 r* ©ftke cities of ^oSoma ans <£>omojrka. Cap.1o.jF0i.361. ©f a moimtapne incites toitk Jellies : &ns oftkecitie names Resina* tl;al 5 aM,tui)erc^aijiimetloaslJur?eD. Cap.u. #01362. ©f tfje temple oj Ckapell aim ^cpulclju of Spaijumet aim bis fe« lotoes. Cap,i2. #01,362* © f tlje a.citte of Arabia JFoelpr j 3 nstbe CemptrateitelTe thereof* Cap.9. JFo!. $76 ■> ©f^ana,acitieof 3 rabia jFoelpp. ©ap.TO.JFol* 37^ ©f Caeffa, ^tbitb, ans Damar : great cities of 3 rabta f oe!?p. Cap. 11. iFot. 376 ©ftbe^oitan of thefojfapBe cities: 3 ns tob? bynames eebamtr. Cap. 1 2. £ol 377 ©f gponbepsans SPatmafettcs, ansotbcrbeaffes nopfome tomen Cap.13. iFot. 377; ©fcertapne places of Ctbiopc* Cap*i4 JFol, 377 ©f tbe citie of 5 *tla in CJjiopc : 3 nStbe great fruitefelnefle thereof : 3 ns of certapneftraungebeaftcsfeene there. Cap.15.JF0l- 377 ©fBarbara,an 3 ilanSeofCtbiope* Cap.16.iF0l, 378 • ©f Ctbiope, rease moje in the lad nauigation in the ense of tfjc booUe, The ^ententes of the thyrde bookje , ©f Perfia, ans of certaptie tofcmes ans pontes of perOa, Cap.T.JFo!, 373 ©ftbeJllanseans citie of©jmusoj 3 rmuftum; 3 ns ofan '$ laws of Prrfia toberepearlcsarefounse. Cap.2,JFol, 378 ©f tbe citie names Crt, in Co;o?ani, a region of Perfia, and of tbe rpcbea thereof: 3 lfo of fteubarbarum, Cap.j.JFol. 379 ©farpuertbougbttobcCapb^rcs:anaofCaao?eum. Cap4.5Fot. 379 ©f ti;e citie of ^atnt ^tagant,bpggertbenlSab?lon: 3 uSoftbekpngof Perfia, nameD the ‘Sophi, Cap.5.^01, 38a The contentes of the fourth bookg ¥ ©f 3 InSia, ana of the citterns notable tbpnges feent tbere: 3 ns fp;ff of the citie of C5mbaia,moafruitefull, Cap.r.jfol, 385 Che matters of the peopleaf Cambata : 3 ns of the ^oltano f that citie Cap. 2, JFo l, 38* ©ftbe citie of Ceu!, ana the maner# of tbinbabitantes. Cap.^jpoi. 582 ©f^ogaanSlanbeDfJnDta. Cap.4«JFo!. 383 ©fDetbamaaerpfapjecitteofSinSta. Cap^.JFoI, 383. ©fcertapne other gooatpciries of 3 fnDia, Cap.r.jFol, 384 ©f CanonofanbJSafiiKga, great cities of 31 nbia* Cap.7 r Jol, 384. ©f Capi.jfof. 387 Cap.2. Jfot 387 Cap.3.jfol f 388 Cap.4. Jfoi. 388 The Table* SDftTjcfrutttfitt citie of EtCnagariutbe kpng&omeof Iftarfinga. ' . Cap.& jFoT. 384, ©ftbeDotiiitie, agflitieantJtoptteofCIepbanteef. Cap-9 jfoi. 38? ©ftbeingenbjpngofClepbantes: &nb of tbe magnificence ana rpcbesi of t^efegngofl^acfinga. Cap.to.jfol 38$ The eontentesofthe fifth booke, ©f tbe famous ana rpcbe citie of Calecut flDftlje kpng of Calecut : 3 nb of Jbotatrpe. ©f t^e maner tobicbe tbe kpng bfetb at bis meat*. ©ftbe l&ieifca of Calecut nameb 'Branant. _„ r , T ©f tie inuersfectes of Sloolatours in t^ecUie of Calecut Cap.5. jFoI.39 t Ebcappareli of tbe kpng, queene,anb tbembabtcanteooftbe citieof Ca* lecurjanboftbepjmaneroffeebpng. Cap, 6. jfoi. 389 ©ftbepjcuftome after tbeneatb of tbefcpng. Cap 7. jfoi. 589 ©ftbcpjtcbangpngofbjpucs. Cap.8.Jfol 390 Ebe maner offeebpiig of tbe common people of tbe Ufbolatero \ 8nb of tbefe Cap 9. iFol. 393 Cap.10.jF01.390 C«p.u.jFo£ 39* Cap. 1 2 jpol. 39 1 Cap.13.jfoI. 391 Cap.14.jfot 392 Cap. 1 5 jfot 39 j Cap- » 6 jfoi. 393 Cap.17.jfol. 394 Cap 18. jfoi 394 Cap.i9*jfot 39j Cap.20.jfol. 395 Cap.2r.jf0l. 39$ Cap.22.jfol. 39$ Suffice. ©ftbtirbonourpttgofUboieg. ©f tbeir maner of fcmrre. ©f tte fijpppcs anb maner of taping on tfjc fea. Ebe palace anb courte of tbe kpng of Calecut. Ebe'&ptcejs of Calecut. Ebe foules anb bpjDes of Calecut. ©f a moft fruitefufl tree of ail tbe ftotfBe. ^otuetbepfotoc&pfe. ■( ^otoerljep; J 3 btfitioniei bifit tbe fiekefolkes. ©f tbepjejccbaungers,bankers, anb brokers. ©ftbtnbabitantes of )] 9 oltar anb Ibtraua. ©f fotirefouteb beaties,fouIcs,anb bpjbcs of Calecut ©f cettapne ^erpentes tobtebe are feene tn Calecut. ©f tbelpsbtes anb lampes tutjtc^e are feene in tbe palaee of tbe fcpngof-Calccut. Cap.23. jfot. 39^ Ebe great multitube of UbolaterstobtcberefojtetoCalecutfo?pacbon of tbtp^finnes. Cap. 24,^0!. 39* y The cantcr.tes of the fyxth booke, of the Nattigation of India. ©f tbe citic of Caicolon anb Colon. ©ap.r. jfol 397 ©f Cpjomanbel a citie of 3 fnbia. Cap.2. jfol. 397 ©f tbe Ulanoe of Ration, anb tbc pjccious Corns founbe rbere. . . © f tbe tree of Cfnamome in tbe Ulanbe of Ration. ©f ]] 9 aleacbet, a citie of jlnbta. ©f Earr.afar.i,a Citie of Unbia. _.. r ©f tbe topite anb tame bcaCt*' in tbe citie of Eatnafarr. ©ap.7,jfoy 399 Ebe maner tobicbe tbt kpng of CarnaiaribfetbbJbenbe permittetb bi< topfeto be beflonurb oftobptemen. Csp.S.Jfol. 400 Ebe maner of burnpng oeab babies in tbe citie of EarnaCart. Cap.9. Jfol. 400 Ebe Unities tobicb tl inhabitants of Eamafariobferue. Cap.10.jfoi.40c l^o tne tbe ^abtunetmujareburpeb intbecUieof Earnafart. , Cap.n.jFoU40* E be bgtw fpjts of tijeir C;pp$ oj Qt$er Weittf of failing. Cap. 12. Jfoi. 401 Capj.jFoi. 393 Cap.4.jfol. 398 Capj.jfoi, 399 ©ap.6.Fol, 399 ‘ The Table; a great anti rpebe cttieofSnBiat 8ntioftbegtMtpetoer of tbekpugoftbatettie. * Cap.^JFof. 401 ffifcertatneCb?lftianmercbatmtcstobicbtrafiquetbere.Cap.i4.#ol.4oi ©fBego a famous citie of 31 nBta. Cap.15.JF0U 402 ©f rbe magnificence, fjumanttie, anB great rpebes of tbe k?ngofpgo. Cap.16.JFol.403 ©tf tbe citie of ^elacba, anB tbe great rpuer of < 0 a?a. Cap.17 #01.404 ©f tbe SlanBe of 'Smmatraoj Capjobana. Cap.i8.JFol 405 ©fan other kpnBe of Pepper : Mo of Cglke, anB tbe precious girnime calleU JLaferpitium o j Bei?oe. Cap. t 9. JFoI. 405 ©ftb^efo?tcsoftbetree of Sloes. Cap. 20 JF0I.405 ■ i^otoe tbe gtmunes of Sloes $ taferpitfom, are $ontB* C ap.21.JFol.406 ©earners meretjauntes in tbe 3UanBe of Sumatra oj Capjobana. Cap.22.jF0l.4o 6 ©f tbe Slant! of TtaBan Inhere jftutmegges $ £pafc are fountie. Cap.2^.JFol.407 ©ftfje Slantie of f©onoclj,tofjere Clones groine. Cap.24.JF0l.4c7 ©ft^eSlanoeof'Bomei Cap.25.jFol.407 ©ftertapne obfcruattonsbfeB in tbe nauigatton to tbs 3 HanBeof©iaua. Cap 26.Jpol.408 ©f tbe SlanD of <£ 5 iaua,$ tbe maners of tbe people* Cap. 27. JF0I.408 ©f t^e cruell maners tn fleptng tbeirparcntes to tbe Sntbjopcpbagtto be eaten* Cap.28.JF0I.4o9 * ©ftbe ftrange courfe of tbe <§>unne in tfje Slanb of <£iaua.Cap. 29. jFol.409 ©f tie?? returne from tbe Slant! of<£Hau*ii Cap.50.JFol.409’ Sgapne of tlje citie of Calecut after tbe# retnrne tbptber. Cap.5i. JF0I.4 10 ©ftbe commons of tbe kgng of Po^tngales il;pps to tie ettte of Canonoj- Cap.52. JF0I41X' ijofte tbe autour pla^Be tbe pbifitton,anB coanterfet bolgnejMeft be (boulBe be taken foj a fpte of tbe Po?tugales. Cap. 55. Jpol.41 c !&oto tbe^a^umetapneftes cal tbe people to tbeircburtb.Cap.54.JF0l.412 ‘Cbe maser of pjaptng among tbe ^abumetans. Cap.55. JF0I.412 CKbatfubttlfte tbe auteur bfen to Bepart from Calecttt,to ; go to tbe pojmgales. Cap.56.JF0l.415 iboto be fleu to tbe Potfugaleg.fromtbctme of Canon*?. Cap.57. #01.413* ©f tbe name of tbe citie of Calecnt,anB of tbe memorable eo.nfltctebet&eeae tbe Cbjifiians ants $$)abumetan* : Sr. tbetubtcb tbe Jpojtugales fcjftb in* crcl!(bleoa{tammire,gauctbe^enmuestbeotiertb?otoe : Sno botoe tbe. kH«g of Canonoj teicyccB at tbebictojte. Cap.57. jfol. 115 T ht cantenttt of the fenenth and lajl look* %\)t bopageo? nauigation.of Crbiopia,, Cap.i.JFol. 419 © f bluets auD man? 3SlanBes of Ctbtope. Cap. 2 JFol. 4 1 9 ©ftbeSlanbe of £ 0 oir 5 amfytcb,$ tbe tnbabttantestbercf. Cap.5 JF0I.419. ©f tbe Cape,namcD Caput *3«ne &pci 1 Cbat is, ti;e tbeCapeofgooBbope. ~ Cap4.JF0I.421 ©ftbcbrgbtreafiSnBta^aUeB Cercfira, jfol, 42 ©f tbe p)?ces of pjectous Crones ano fppccg, tuitb tbe# toc?gbte 0 .anB.mea* Cures, as tbeg are accuitomeB to befbiBs borl; pt'tiie ^o^es, % tbe ©en* sglescanB of tb^ places tbbevetbeHgratoe. #ol 42?*. The Table# ©ftbe'Hubf?.,’ JFoT, ±T* jDU^cHwbie)0ito^rtegtotoefnt^cJ(anueofJ«'Tatn» JFol. 4.2I ©ftbefcynbeofBubieficaUeb^pinelic. tfol 4^4 © f tbe Kubies calleb Balafm. JFol* 42 4 ©ftbeDramouDe*oft&e0lbettU«e* JFol. 424 fiDf^apbtte*. JFol. 42c ©f^opafie*. JFaL 425 ©fEurquefiTe*. jToi. 42c ©flacintbe*. JFol. 42* © f ^maragbes oj Cmcralbe *. JFof. 426 ©f uputrs fegnbes of fpices, tobere tbeg grotoe, tobattbeparetooojtb in ^altcut,aaDtobPb^^?a«car?ebffomtben«-^nD^ of pepper* JFol. 4.26 ©f Clout#. , JFol, 4*7 ©fCinamome. ©ftfingcr cafUD Belebf. ©f linger $£ecbino, tffot, 437 ©fgreenc linger in conferue#. ©f t&e Apothecaries tyugges, attb oftobat pjicc tbe? areiit Calccut an* Malabar. JFol. 42* ©f tbe toepgbtrt ofpo^tttgale anb 3 fnbta,anb bo to tljev agree* JFol. 42? ©f tbe fc?age mabt b? tbe 3 pan?atbes rou»bc about tbe tootf be. JFol « 42? gpajrimilianCranlilttanus letter thereof to tbc-CarbinaU of <$>alt?burge. lot* 450 Ebe Debate anb ftrtfe, bettoeene tbe •Spamarbes anbpojtugalesfoj tbe DtuiGon of tbe Snbte&anbtbc trabe of ‘§>pices>anb tbe$Poluccaes,out of lope? be Honiara. JFol. 448 Ebe repartition anb'btntfion oftbe 3 faDie#anbttetoetoojlbebettoeenetb< ^panparbesanbtbePojtttgales. JFol. 448 W)t caufe anb auetbojitte toberebp tbe? beuibeb tbe Jnbfes. .JFol. 450 $?otoe anb b? tobat occafton tbe Cmperour lapeb tbe 3 ! lanbcs of SPoluccac# to plebge to tbe kpng of JBo^ugale. .JFol. 451 Pope Alejeanber tbe . 6 .bts 3 nll touching tbe afotf ftpbe partition of tbe 3nbie0>latineanbCngl?fye. .ffof.4524.jFol.4f4 £natyibgementof.p.^art?jbi«.f.tf.7*ab&’8. Decabes, f particularly ofJF. C. conqueft of ^tjtico b? .&.££!. JFol. 457- FINIS# Imprinted at London by Ry chard Jug°c. Anno. 1 5 77 * Cum Tmilcgh* (-) » ryyyiWKVfa . : • »// •' oi-'HfVfc Wgn,