tm ii il^af*** / PUBLICATIONS OF THE SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY VOLUME X. JOHN MAJOR'S GREATER BRITAIN February 1892 A HISTORY OF GREATER BRITAIN AS WELL ENGLAND AS SCOTLAND Compiled from the Ancient Authorities BY JOHN MAJOR, BY NAME INDEED A Scot, but by profession a Theologian 1521 Translated from the original Latin and Edited with Notes by ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE to which is prefixed a Life of the Author by ^NEAS J. G. MACKAY LL.D. ADVOCATE. EDINBURGH Printed at the University Press by T. and A. Constable for the Scottish History Society 1892 DA 150 v. 10 60SI0M- COLLEGE LIBRA* 1 OCT 20 1971 465003 CONTENTS PAGE EDITOR'S PREFACE, xvii LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, by yEneas J. G. Mackay, . xxix Appendix to the Life. i. Notice of Major in French and Scottish Records, . . cxvi ii. Note on the School of the Terminists, . . . cxxii HISTORY OF GREATER BRITAIN Author's Preface to King James v. .... cxxx BOOK I. Chap. I. — A short Preface by John Major, theologian of Paris, and Scotsman by birth, to his work concerning the rise and gests of the Britons. Likewise concerning the name and the first inhabitants of Greater Britain, .... 1 Chap. II. — Of the description of Britain and its extent : that is, its breadth, length, and circumference ; also of its fruitfulness, alike in things material and in famous men, . . . 5 Chap. III. — Concerning things that are lacking in Britain, and what the country possesses in their stead ; and concerning the length of the day in that land, . . . .12 Chap. IV. — Of those who have possessed Britain, how the peoples of Wales are Aremoric Britons, and the Scots are Irish Britons, and of the threefold language of the Britons, . . .17 Chap. V. — Of the situation ■ o£ Britain, that is, of England and Scotland, and of their rivers, and, in special, of the wealth of London, . . . . . . . .11* Chap. VI. — Of the boundaries of Scotland, its cities, towns and villages ; of its customs in war, and in the church ; of its abundance of fish, its harbours, woods, islands, etc., . . -t Chap. VII. — Concerning the Manners and Customs of the Scots. 40 vi CONTENTS Book I — (continued.) PAGE Chap. VIII. — Something further concerning the manners and customs of the Scots, that is, of the peasantry, as well as of the nobles, and of the Wild Scots, as well as the civilised part, . 47 Chap. IX. — Concerning the various origin of the Scots, and the reason of the name. For the Scots are sprung from the Irish, and the Irish in turn from the Spaniards, and the Scots are so named after the woman Scota, . . . . .50 ( map. X. — Of the Origin of the Picts, their Name and Customs, . 54 Chap. XI. — In what manner the Scots first gained a settlement in Britain, ........ 55 ( hap. XII. — Concerning the arrival of the Romans in Britain, and their achievements in that island, . . . .57 Chap. XIII. — How the Emperor Claudius came to Britain, . 5tt Chap. XIV. — Concerning the events which thereafter happened in Britain, the building of the wall, the passion of Ursula with her companions at Cologne, the reception of the Catholic Faith, and the rest, . . . . . .59 Chap. XV. — Concerning the Strife between the Picts and Scots, . 61 BOOK II. Chap. I. — Follows here the second book of British history. Of the return of the Scots into Britain, and their league with the Picts, and the wars that were soon thereafter carried on by them, and the building of a wall, . . (14 Chap. II. — Of the sending of Bishops to Scotland, and the conse- cration of several of them in that country, likewise of their holy lives, and the marvels that they wrought, . . 65 Chap. III. — Concerning the affairs of the Britons, . . 67 Chap. IV.— Of Merlin the Prophet, . . . . 72 Chap. V. — Of Aurelius Ambrosius and his reign, . . 78 Chap. VI.— Of King Arthur, ..... 81 Chap. VII. — Concerning Eochodius, Aidan, and Eugenius, kings of Scotland, and men of noted sanctity that were born in their reigns, ........ 85 Chap. VIII. — Concerning the arrival of Gormund, first in Ireland, then in Britain, and his cruel dealings with both lands ; also of the rule of the Saxons in Britain under Gormund, . . 89 Chap. IX. — Of the outward form and appearance of the English, and how they differ in appearance and stature from the rest of CONTENTS vii Book 11— (continued.) PAGE nations ; likewise of the mission of Augustine for their conver- sion, and of his preaching, . . . . .89 Chap. X. — Of the conversion of Oswald, likewise of the too great austerity of the bishop who was sent to him, of the wisdom of bishop Aidan, and of the conversion of the Britons to the faith, 91 Chap. XI. — Of the Life of Oswald and Aidan, . . .94 Chap. XII. — Concerning the death of Malduin, the reigns of Eu- genius the Fourth and Eugenius the Fifth, Saint Cuthbert, the Venerable Bede, and the Monastery of Melrose, . . 98 Chap. XIII. — Concerning the reign of Achaius, and the eminent valour and piety of his brother William ; likewise of the per- petual peace between the French and the Scots, and of the founders of the University of Paris, . . 100 Chap. XIV. — Of the death of Congall, the reign of Dungal, the contention between the Picts and Scots ; likewise of the war against Alphin, whom in the end they slew, and of the deeds of others, . . . . . .102 BOOK III. Chap. I. —Of the incontinence of Osbert, king of Northum- berland, and his death ; of the slaying of Ella and the other cruelties practised by the Danes ; likewise of many kings of England, . Chap. II.— Of the reign of Donald the Scot, and the expulsion of the remnant of the Picts ; of the deeds of Constantine Eth, or Aetius, of Gregory, Donald, Constantine, and Eugenius, kings of Scotland, Chap. III.— Of the children of Knoth, king of England. Of the character of Edward, the miracles that he did, and his chastity ; likewise of the overthrow of Harold, king of England, by the Norman, Chap. IV.— Of the Kings of Scotland and their deeds, Chap. V. — Concerning Malcolm Canmore and Machabeda, kings of Scotland ; likewise of the death of Saint Edward, king of England, the flight of Edgar with all his children and house- hold into Scotland, and of the marriage of Saint Margaret, his daughter, and the children that she bore, Chap. VI.— Of the deeds of the English ; first of the invasion of England by William of Normandy the Bastard, and his slaying of king Harold. Of the independence of the Scots ; of William's issue and his death, . 109 112 115 117 121 12: viii CONTENTS Book III — {continued.) PAGE Chap. VII. — Of the reign in England of William Rufus, how he was an overbearing and irreligious man, and met with a condign end, 129 Chap. VIII. — Of the rest of the acts of Malcolm, king of the Scots, and how the holy life of his wife brought him too to the prac- tice of piety, . . . . . . .1.30 Chap. IX. — Concerning Donald, Duncan, and Edgar, kings of the Scots, their children, and their deeds, . . . .131 Chap. X. — Of Alexander the Fierce, king of the Scots, . . 132 Chap. XI. — Of David, that most excellent king of the Scots, in whom are found wonderful examples of all the virtues ; like- wise of Henry, his son, and of his grandchildren, the issue of this Henry ; and of Richard of Saint Victor, . . .133 Chap. XII. — Of Henry Beauclerk, king of the English, and of the affairs of Normandy in his time, .... 143 Chap. XIII. — Of Stephen, king of the English, his reign and death, 144 Chap. XIV. — Of Henry earl of Anjou and king of England, . 146 Chap. XV. — Of the martyrdom of the Blessed Thomas, and the sin of the king, . . . . . . .150 BOOK IV. Chap. I. — Of the war between the foresaid Henry, king of the English, and his son, and the peace that was made between them ; of the defection of the Irish to the English ; and of the penitence of Henry, and the extent of his dominions at the time of his death, ....... 153 Chap. II. — Of Richard, the emperor's son, king of the English, who went as a warrior to the Holy Land, but on his return . was, by the duke of Austria, wickedly taken prisoner, and by his own people nobly ransomed ; here too is treated of the reason of an abundance and of a scarcity of children ; some- thing likewise about robbers, . . . . .154 Chap. III. — Of John, that far from worthy king of the English ; of the interdict which was laid upon England, and of the assign- ment of the tribute to the Roman pontiff ; the poisoning of the king, and its censure, . . . . . .157 Chap. IV. — Of Malcolm, grandson of David, king of the Scots, and all that he did, and how he never entered the married state, 162 Chap. V. — Of William, king of the Scots, his captivity and his ransom ; of the lavish building of monasteries, and other matters that came to pass in his time, .... 163 CONTENTS ix Book IV. — {continued). PAGE Chap. VI. — Of William the Scot and Alexander, William's son, and of a miracle done by William ; of the war with John of England, and the peace that was made with the same, and the treaty by the swearing of the oath of fealty, . . . ] f>7 Chap. VII. — Of Alexander, son of William, and his wars with John of England. Of the interdict on Scotland, and when such a thing is to be feared, ..... 1J0 Chap. VIII. — Of Henry, king of the English, and his son, and of the prophecy of Merlin about them, .... 173 Chap. IX. — Of Edward, son of Henry the Englishman, his war with the Welsh and his victory over them ; likewise of the expulsion of the Jews, . . . . . .175 Chap. X. — Of the monasteries that were founded by the Earl of Fife, and something by the way about the seclusion of nuns and their rule of life ; of the marriage of King Alexander the Second, his life and praiseworthy death, and of the destruction by fire of men and towns in Scotland, . . . .177 Chap. XI. — Of Alexander the Third, king of Scotland, and the dispute that took place in the matter of his coronation ; of Egyptian days ; of free will ; and of the genealogy of the Scottish kings, ...... 182 Chap. XII. — Of the translation of the remains of Saint Margaret of England and Malcolm, king of the Scots ; of the marriage of Alexander and the dispensation that was granted him there- anent. Of the punishment inflicted upon vagabonds and Jews, and other events of his reign, . . . . .185 Chap. XIII. — Of what took place in Britain at this time, according to the narrative of Caxton the English chronicler in the first place — with the refutation of the statements made by him ; follows, in the second place, another narrative, as we find it in the Scots chroniclers, . . . . . .191 Chap. XIV. — A truer version of the deeds of William Wallace or Wallax, 195 Chap. XV. — Of John Cumming, regent of Scotland ; of the rest of the feats of Wallace, and of his miserable ending, but his happy change from this life, ..... 202 Chap. XVI.— Of those famous theologians Richard Middleton and John Duns : likewise of the contest for the Scottish throne, and of the feats of the new kings of that country, . . 20(5 Chap. XVII. — Containing many reasons in support of the claim of Robert Bruce ; and, in preface to these, the whole issue of Malcolm down to the present king is given in full, . • 209 X CONTENTS BOOK IV— {continued.) PAGE Chap. XVIII. — Of the objections that may be urged against this conclusion, and their solution, . . . . .215 Chap. XIX. — Of the acts of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, and the calamities which befell him, .... 220 Chap. XX. — Of Edward the Second, king of the English ; and of the manner of waging war among the Britons, . . . 225 Chap. XXI. — Of the war which the Scots waged against Edward the Second and its happy result ; likewise of the learned men who at that time nourished in Britain, .... 227 BOOK V. Chap. I. — Of the rest of the warlike deeds of Robert Bruce and his brother done against the English ; and of the unwise treaty that was made at Stirling, ..... 231 Chap. II. — 'Of the immense army that the English king brought against the Scot ; of the prelude to the battle, and the valour that was shown therein by Randolph and a few among the Scots ; of Douglas's loyalty and kindness towards Randolph , and the speech that was made by both kings to their soldiers, . 233 Chap. III. — Of the drawing up of the two armies in order of battle, ........ 238 Chap. IV. — Of the establishment of Robert Bruce in the kingdom ; of the skirmishing raids made by the English ; and of the death in Ireland of Edward Bruce, ..... 242 Chap. V.— How the kings ravaged each the other's country. Of the policy of delay adopted by Robert, and how he then carried the attack into England ; his address to his soldiers ; Edward's exhortation to the English. Of the battle and the victory won by the Scots, ....... 245 Chap. VI. — Of what took place in England in the time of Robert Bruce ; chiefly of the factions and quarrels of the nobles of the kingdom which arose through the arrogance of Hugh Spenser, 250 Chap. VII. — Concerning Isabella, sister of the king of the French, how she was sent to France by her husband, the English king, and of her banishment there along with her son. Of the captivity of Edward, and the prophecies of Merlin ; further, of the passage of the Scots into England, and of their return from England, ....... 253 Chap. VIII. — Of the complaint made by Edward the father, and how he was carried to another prison, where he was put to death with terrible tortures, ..... 202 CONTENTS xi BOOK X— (continued.) PAGE C hap. IX. — Of the deeds of Robert Bruce, king of the Scots, and Edward the Third, king of the English ; likewise of the peace that was brought about through the marriage of their children ; and of the death of Robert, . . . . .263 C hap. X. — Of the wise regency of Scotland at the hands of Thomas Randolph, and his end through the treachery of a monk, 266 Chap. XI. — Of the brave deeds of James Douglas and his death ; and of the succession of Edward Baliol in Scotland, his victory, his coronation, and, finally, his flight, .... 269 C hap. XII.— Of the attack made upon the Scots by Edward of England and Edward Baliol ; of the siege of Berwick, and how it was in the end taken by storm after a battle in which very many of the Scots lost their lives, .... 271 Chap. XIII. — Of the tyranny of Baliol in Scotland ; of his oppres- sion of David, and the accession of Robert Stuart to the side of David, . . . . • . . .274 C hap. XIV. — Of the return of earl Randolph to Scotland ; of the choice of guardians, the captivity of one, and the brave deeds of the other ; of cities that were set on lire and their restoration, and various events of war, ..... 276 C hap. XV. — The siege of the castle of Dunbar, and its courageous defence by a woman ; how the siege was raised by reason of the invasion of England by the French ; of divers losses upon both sides ; and of tournaments, and how far they are lawful, . 279 Chap. XVI. — Of the siege of Perth and Stirling ; of the recovery of Edinburgh ; the renown in war of Alexander Ramsay ; of the welcome given to king David, and the fealty sworn to him by the Scots, ....... 282 Chap. XVII. — Of the tutors who were placed over Edward the Third, king of the English, in the time of his youth. Of the treaty that was made between the Scots and the English. Of the pre-eminent virtue of Robert Bruce, and the independence of Scotland, as against Caxton. Of the strife that ensued con- cerning the right of that prince to bear rule, with a repetition of some things relating to the death of his father, . . 286 Chap. XVIII. — Of the dangers that beset the favourites of kings, and of the factions that arose in Scotland under David Bruce, . 290 Chap. XIX.— Of the siege of Calais, and the unfortunate expedi- tion of David Bruce in England, and his captivity there. Of Edward's deeds of violence in Scotland, and the election of a governor of Scotland ; and how some famous men came by their death, . 292 xii CONTENTS Book V. — {continued.) PAGE Chap. XX. — How Eugene, the Frenchman, was sent into Scotland, and of all that was wrought by the Scots along with him against the English. Of the honourable return of the Frenchman. Of the violent attack made by the English upon Scotland, and their rueful return to England, and of what the Scots did there- after, ........ 294 Chap. XXI. — Of the return to England from Scotland of king David without compassing his end. Of the captivity of John, king of the French, and the adroit escape of Archibald Douglas. Of the ransom at last of David, and the death of the queen, with her eulogy, ...... Chap. XXII.— Of the death of Edward the Third and his son. Of the reign of Richard the Second, and of those whom he ennobled, and of his wives, ...... 301 Chap. XXIII. — Of the rest of the deeds of King David ; how he succeeded in getting the church tithes, and gave his counsel as to the choice of an Englishman to be king of Scotland, and, when his counsel was despised, took to wife a young girl ; how he sought a divorce from her when he found her barren ; his death, ........ 303 Chap. XXIV. — Concerning Richard of England, how he took his uncle prisoner, and was himself made prisoner by his subjects and slain. Of the creation and banishment of dukes. Of Henry the Fourth and Henry the Fifth of England ; and of Robert Stewart, the Scottish king, ..... 307 BOOK VI. Chap. I. — Of the killing of a servant of Dunbar and the truce which was thereby violated ; and of the cruel revenge that was taken and the stratagem which was conceived by certain lords ; also of divers revolts and their issues, . . . .310 Chap. II. — Of the expeditions of John of Gaunt, Archibald Douglas, the English, the French, and Richard, king of Eng- land. Of the Scots invasion of England, and of the charter that was found, ....... 312 Chap. III. —Of the battle that was fought at Otterburn, and of other conflicts between the English and the Scots ; and chiefly between Henry Percy or Persy, and James Douglas, . .315 Chap. IV. — Of the rest of this said battle, and its renewal by the bishop of Durham ; and of the capture of Lindesay and his release, ........ 324 CONTENTS xiii BOOK VI— (continued.) FAGE Chap. V. — Of the choice of the younger Robert as Regent of Scot- land, which this writer can no way approve ; and of the expe- dition against England on the part of Robert, which had indeed a prosperous issue, but was none the less far from praiseworthy, 329 Chap. VI. — Of the death of Robert the Scot, the second of the name, and of his issue. Of the coronation of Robert the Third, who was formerly called John, and of his character; further, concerning the rising under Alexander Buchan, and the duel fought by thirty Wild Scots against other thirty, . . 331 Chap. VII. — Of the creation of new dukes ; and of the conspiracy and rebellion of the earl of March against the king and realm on account of the wrongful retention of his daughter's dower when she had been repudiated. Of the death and valour of Archibald the Terrible. Of the invasion of Scotland by Henry the Fourth of England, and the vengeance that the earl of March took upon the Scots, likewise of the destruction and captivity of the Scots, ...... 335 Chap. VIII. — Of Henry the Fourth of England, who escaped plots that were laid for him, and tamed rebellious men ; and of the death of Robert the Third of Scotland in sorrow at the captivity of his son, ....... 340 C hap. IX. — Of the achievements of Henry the Fifth, king of the English, and of James the First, king of the Scots ; and of the good faith kept by the Scots with the French ; of the various fortune in war of both, and of the death of Henry the Fifth and his eulogy, ....... 342 Chap. X. — Of the restoration to his earldom of George earl of March ; of the destruction of the castle of Jedburgh ; and of the dispute that arose as to the legality of the imposition of new taxes. Of the battle at Harlaw, and the men who there lost their lives. Of the foundation of the University of Saint Andrew ; of the death of Robert duke of Albany, and an esti- mate of his achievements, ..... 346 Chap. XI.— Of the return of James the First, the Scot, into his kingdom by way of the marriage that he contracted ; the author's opinion concerning the ransoming of kings ; and of the sins of the kings against the state, .... 350 Chap. XII.— Of the marriage of Lewis the Eleventh, king of the French, and Margaret of Scotland. Of the crime committed by James Stewart, and his banishment, and how he, with his fellow-conspirators, was punished. Of trial by jury or assise of the nobles of Scotland. Of the rebellion of Alexander of the Isles, and his petition for mercy, .... 363 XIV CONTENTS Book VI. — (continued). PAGE Chap. XIII. — Of the twin sons that were born to the king, and of the fresh institution in their case of the order of knights, after the custom of Britain. Of the making of a cannon, and in defence of engines of war generally. Of the rising of the nobles. Of the conflict between the Wild Scots. Of the vain attempt that was made to seduce the Scots from the French alliance; and of the disheriting of the duke of March ; of the death of Alexander Stewart, and of his heir, . . . 360 Chap. XIV. — Of the murder of James the First, and the treason of the earl of Athole. Of the outward aspect and the moral characteristics of this same James the First ; the good faith that he kept towards the French, and other his praises, . 364 Chap. XV. — Of the fearful but well-deserved punishment that M as inflicted upon the parricides of James the First, and of the marriage of the queen his wife with a man of obscure condition, and the banishment of her new husband, . . . 308 Chap. XVI. — Of the deeds of Henry the Sixth of England, and the death at Orleans of Thomas, Montacute. Of the French maid ; Philip of Burgundy ; the ignoble marriage of the queen of England ; the unhappy marriage of Henry with the Lotharin- gian. Of various rebellions of the English cobles against the king, ' . . 371 Chap. XML — Of the birth of Edward of England and the rebellion of the duke of York. Of the various fortune of King Henry. Of York's ambition of the crown ; and of the various chances of the war, and attempts of the nobles, . . . 377 Chap. XVIII. — Of the marriage of James the Scot, the Second, who was called Red Face ; of the struggle for power with the Douglases ; and, in connection therewith, of the danger to the state which comes from the exaltation of powerful lords. Of the reign of this same James the Second, his issue, his death, and his praise, ....... 381 Chap. XIX.— Of the coronation of James the Third ; of Henry the Sixth and the things done by him in Scotland and England. Of the death of the queen of Scotland and her incontinence. Of the capture and the restoration of the duke of Albany. The death of bishop Kennedy and his encomium, . . . 387 Chap. XX. — Of the character and the death of the duke of Clar- ence and the earl of Warwick. Of the deeds of Edward, Richard, and the Henrys, kings of England, and various occur- rences. Of the wickedness of Richard and his miserable death, and of the marriage of Henry the Eighth and of his sisters, . 389 CONTENTS xv ADDITIONAL NOTES. PAGE I. Population of Medieval Cities, . . . 395 II. Passage ox ' Nobility/ .... 397 APPENDICES. Compiled by Thomas Graves Law. I. Bibliography of John Major and his Disciples — John Major — Logic and Philosophy, .... 403 Scripture, ..... 410 History, . . . . . .411 Chronological Index, . . . .411 David Cranstoun, ..... 412 George Lokert, . . . . .414 William Maxderston, .... 415 Robert Caubraith, . . . .417 II. Prefaces to John Major's Works, . . .418 INDEX, ....... 451 Illustrations Reduced facsimile of the title-page of Major's Commentary on Matthew, Edition 1518, . . . .at page 403 Reduced facsimile of an old engraving of the ' Assembly of the Saints/ printed by Major in the Commentary on Matthew, at page 4-30 EDITOR'S PREFACE EDITOR'S PREFACE To the Volume which is now placed in the hands of the members of the Scottish History Society it falls to me to add a few words of preface at once as editor and translator. On the first suggestion of the book by the Council, Mr. iEneas Mackay kindly offered to contribute towards it a Biography, already written indeed for another purpose, but which as revised for this work has been so much enlarged as to become not only by far the most complete account of the Life of Major which we have, but also an estimate of his place in philosophical and theological literature such as is nowhere else to be found. To Mr. Law we owe the Bibliographical Appendix, which has grown from the meagre and often erroneous catalogue in Free- bairn's edition of the History into the ample though even now probably not exhaustive list to be found at the end of this volume. That Appendix has been supplemented by a Bibliography of Major's disciples, and to the same hand is due the collection, in the second Appendix, of those Prefaces and Dedications to Major's works, which from their subject-matter, from copious personal references to himself, to the objects of his address, and to others of his friends and pupils, will be recognised by the student of scholastic philosophy as possessing a real historical value. These Appendices in fact go far to render the present volume not merely a contribution to Scottish History, but an illustration of Scholastic method and teaching as these were exhibited in a great Scottish schoolman, now almost forgotten, but in his own day a man of outstanding influence. This collection of Prefaces may also serve to show the rich harvest which awaits the explorer of that field in literature ; for the publication of the Prefaces alone in the works of one who was the centre of a movement, and in the works of his pupils, can hardly fail to throw light upon many other parts of history. So much I have thought it right to say in regard to the structure xviii EDITOR'S PREFACE and framework of this volume ; but before I venture to say some- thing from the translator's point of view, I should like to put on record, even though I may be unable to repay, my debt to one whose help and service have been unfailingly placed at my disposal in the progress of my work. It was Mr. Law who first suggested to me that I should undertake this translation, and to my eyes the traces of his judgment and suggestion are so plainly visible on every page that I seem to usurp a place to which I have no claim when I write as if I were the editor of the work. To the external history of Major's life — as that has now been written by Mr. Mackay, with as much completeness as we may ever expect to have it presented to us — I have nothing to add. Nor have I any contribution to make, unless indirectly and by the way, to an estimate of his relation to the thought of his time. But just as in the intimate intercourse of daily life certain features in the character of a friend come to impress themselves insensibly upon one, so, in the peculiar relation which a translator of some years' standing comes to hold towards his original, do certain char- acters and even mannerisms gain an aspect and a prominence which no ordinary study can afford. I think that it will not be out of place if I should here try to indicate some of those features in this History which have impressed me in this fashion. It will be seen that in the first sentence of his History Major declares that he writes this work in the manner almost of the theologians (' theologico ferme stylo '), and in its dedication to king James the Fifth, where he deals with the objection which might possibly be urged against him — a ' theologian' — that he writes a history, he says that he utterly dissents from the view of those who hold that it is not becoming to a theologian to write history. 'For if, he says, 'it belongs to a theologian most of all to lay down definite statements in regard to matters of faith, and religion, and morals, I shall not consider that I transgress my province if I relate not events only, or how and by w hose instigation such events came to pass, but also if I say definitely w T hether such and such things were rightly done or wrongly ; and throughout my work, yet most of all in matters that are ambiguous, I have made this, first of all , my aim, that you [i.e. the king] may learn from the reading of this present history, not only what has taken place, but also how that particular matter ought to have been dealt with, and that you may thus discern, at the expense of a little reading, what the experience EDITOR'S PREFACE xix of centuries, if it were granted you to live so long, could hardly teach you.' This passage is a key to the manner of Major's history. He has not indeed, in the modern sense, any notion of a philosophy of history ; but he separates himself once for all from the chronicler and the annalist. To him history is important from the practical value of the lessons that it contains ; one might almost say that the writing of his history possesses for the writer its chief interest in the opportunity that it affords for a full and free discussion : and there cannot be a doubt that in Major's case that discussion is made vivid to us from the action of an eminently independent judgment. Examples of this discussion are strewn too thickly in his pages to make it necessary to refer to them ; but I think that the reader will recognise that it is there that Major warms to his task, and not seldom, in the midst of practical lessons which to men of the present day may suffer sometimes from being obsolete and sometimes from being over-obvious, throws incidentally a side-light upon the thought of his own times that has a real historical importance. From his \ In Quartum ' I will quote two passages which illustrate his con- ception of a theologian's duty. The first runs thus : ( Now the manner of the scholastics, and a laudable manner it is, is this : that every man shall say freely what he thinks — with all observance, as matter of course, of the forms of courtesy, whether with those that are older than himself, or with his contemporaries. Aught else is unbecoming to a theologian.' 1 The second passage bears specially upon the value of discussion or debate. ' To forbid discussion is to entangle men in the error of Mahomet, who prohibited discussion in regard to his law, fearing that by discussion the falsehood of his erroneous and execrable sect might be discovered ; for it is by comparison and discussion, and by no other way according to the light of nature, that an intricate matter can be cleared up.' 2 The theological or scholastic manner pervades the History ; and Major as a true scholastic gives evidence throughout of that intel- lectual subordination to Aristotle which for several centuries marked the course of European thought. Some acquaintance with his 1 Modus autem scholasticus est et laudabilis ut quilibet libere dicat quod sentit : honore tamen semper servato tam apud maiores quam apud equales. Alioquin theologum dedecet.— In Quartum : Dist. xviii. Qu. 2. fol. cxxxviii. ed. 1521. 2 Prohibere enim disputationes est homines in errorem Mahumeti involvere : qui de sua lege disputationem vetuit, ne falsitas suaeerroneae et execrandae sectae disputando deprehenderetur. Collatione namque et disputatione materia intri- cate, et non aliter, naturaliter invenitur. — lb. Dist. xxiv. Qu. 13, fol. clxx. XX EDITOR'S PREFACE history — what indeed Major would himself have called ' tantilla lectio ' — will impress that fact upon the reader unforgetably. Facts or inferences drawn from the writings of Aristotle go further than anything else to solve the vexed question of the birth of Merlin, and to explain the failure on the part of the Scots to take the castle of Berwick in 1355 ; but it is naturally in the great questions of the government of states and of how a man shall lead a life conform to the dictates of reason that the commanding and universal pre- sence of ' the Philosopher ' is chiefly felt. There is a passage in the fifth chapter of the first book of the History in which Major enumerates the illustrious philosophers and theologians who have gone forth from the University of Oxford. When I showed that passage to a friend to whom I am under more obligations than to any other in the matter of this translation, and who supplied me with notes in elucidation of the life of those men, he added in regard to one of them, that ' of course he wrote upon the Sentences. Major does not seem to consider any one worthy of notice who did not '. It was an agreeable pleasantry ; it was also strictly true. But however strongly marked may be the traces of Aristotle in the History, it is again to his purely scholastic work, as that is seen in the ' In Quartum,' that we must go for the most striking illustra- tions of reverence, in this independent thinker, for the universal philosopher. In discussing questions connected with drinking — such as drinking for a wager (invitations ' ad potus equales ') — he says that in this matter as much importance should be attached to the opinion of Origen and Augustine as to that of Aristotle \ In another passage he describes the famine of the year in which he was writing, 'in ligua Hoccitana in urbe Lemouicensi and pictures a certain Sortes (a favourite name in his arguments) on whose face the calamitous condition is plainly written. ' Yet I may believe Major goes on, 'that Sortes will probably survive until the new harvest is collected in his barn, though in great penury ; and even now he suffers hunger, and a morsel of garden stuff, or barley bread, or a few beans would be sweeter to him than a partridge to the mouth of an abbot. The question is this : Am I bound, under pain of otherwise committing a sin, to succour him ? It is answered affirmatively. This is proved by the words of Christ, in the twenty- 1 Origeni presbyteroet Augustino in hac materia non est minor fides habenda quam Aristoteli. — hi Quartum, Dist. xxvii. Qu. 8, fol. cxxxvi. 2 i.e. Limoges. EDITOR S PREFACE xxi fifth chapter of Matthew : " I was hungry and ye gave me no meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink, I was a stranger and ye received me not, naked and ye clothed me not, in pain and in prison and ye visited me not." And afterward the conclusion follows : (t Go ye into eternal fire." Wherefore the rich glutton who refused the crumbs of his bread to Lazarus was buried in hell, Luke xvi. Come hither, as my third witness, thou blessed John Evangelist ; say too what thou dost think as to these two cases. The blessed John makes answer : " Why question me ? Hast thou not read in the third chapter of the first Canonical Epistle : c He that is rich in this world's goods and seeth his brother in need, and closeth his bowels against him, how doth the love of God abide in him ?' " As much as to say : "To me it seems incredible that the love of God abideth in him." I do not believe that Aristotle would have spoken otherwise.' 1 In another place he marshals the arguments by which he would have endeavoured to lead Aristotle to embrace Christianity : ' If Aristotle, or any other intelligent heathen, were half-doubtful which creed [Christianity or Mahomet- anism] he should embrace, knowing that he must give his assent to one, but ignorant to which it should be given, I would use, with Aristotle, this argument — 2 Pref. p. 121. 3 As to Noel Beda, see Hume Brown's Memoir of Buchanan, p. 69. 4 Launoi : A'egice Navarrce Hist, Op. iv. p. 396. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xxxix 1498), of the reign of Louis xn. (1498-1515), and the first three years of Francis I. (1515-47), during which Major passed his life as Student, Regent in Arts, and Doctor in Theology in its capital. During these years the consolidation of the French history ■ • i • pit^ iii during Major's kingdom and the formation of modern France by the absorp- residence in France tion of the great feudal houses was completed. Charles vm. by marrying Anne, heiress of Brittany, united the French Wales to the Crown, and Louis xn. retained it, divorcing his wife Jane of France and marrying the widow of Charles. He added himself the large domains of the House of Orleans. Encouraged by the growth of their kingdom and the divisions of Italy, the French monarchs made the fatal attempt to annex parts of the peninsula where so many Frenchmen found their tombs. The survivors brought back the learning, arts, and manners of the more civilised but more luxurious south. History repeated with altered names the lines of Horace: — ' Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artes Intulit agresti Latio. ' Italy, unlike Greece, was overrun, not subdued. In 1494 Charles vni. marched through Rome to Naples; but his campaign was a triumph not a conquest. Louis xn. renewed the war, claiming Milan as well as Naples, for whose partition he entered into a league with Ferdinand of Aragon. That astute monarch succeeded in gaining the whole, and became in 1504 king of the Two Sicilies. In 1508 along with Pope Julius n. the two ambitious kings joined in the League of Cambrai to crush the Republic of Venice, but the Pope suddenly deserted his French allies and made a new league, which he called the Holy League, to drive the French barbarians from Italy. Though Louis defeated the Spaniards at Ravenna the aid of the Swiss enabled the Pope to accomplish his purpose. The French quitted Italy before the death of Louis in 1515. His successor, Francis i., a young and hazardous monarch, engaged in a contest for the Imperial xl JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY Crown and the primacy of Europe with Charles v., who on the death of his grandfather Maximilian became emperor. Francis recovered Milan, but was taken prisoner at Pavia in 1525, and though he broke the treaty of Madrid and resumed the war in Relations of 1529 he was forced to relinquish Italy. While these events Scotland. were occupying the politicians and armies of Europe, Scotland, which had been at peace with England during the reign of Henry vn., through the marriage of his daughter to James iv., quarrelled with Henry vra., and lost her king by the fatal defeat of Flodden in 1513. Henry vm. was too busy with his relations to the Continent to press his advantage. His aim as regards Scotland was to prevent the French alliance and main- tain an ascendancy at the court of his sister's infant son. The failure of this aim was due largely to his sister, the mother of the king, and to Albany, a Frenchman in all but his name, who threw their influence into the scale in favour of France. The Regency of Albany led in 1523 to the renewal by the Scots of the Border War and the siege of Werk, the failure of which destroyed the prestige of the Regent. During the period the history of which has been sketched in outline, France was both on political and educational grounds the natural resort of the Scottish student ambitious of carrying his studies to the highest point and sure of a hos- pitable reception from a nation which had never forgotten the ancient bonds that united Scotland and France. France as it then was is described in the beautiful verses of the great contem- porary Scottish scholar, the pupil of Major, George Buchanan : 6 At tu beata Gallia Salve ! bonarum blanda nutrix artium, Orbem receptans hospitem atque orbi tuas Opes vicissim non avara impertiens, Sermone comis, patria gentium omnium Communis.' Its Capital has been painted in a brilliant passage of a great French author of our day, who combined the knowledge of an LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xli antiquary and the imagination of a poet, with which we may enliven the prose of a biographic sketch. In the fifteenth century, writes Victor Hugo 1 , 'Paris was Paris in the divided into three totally distinct and separate cities, each * ot century * with its own physiognomy, individuality, manners, customs, privileges, and history : the City, the University, and the Villc. The City, which occupied the island, was the mother of the two others, like (forgive the comparison) a little old woman between two handsome strapping daughters. The University crowned the left bank of the Seine. . . . The Ville, the most extensive of the three divisions, stretched along the right bank. The City, properly so called, abounded in churches, the Ville contained the palaces, the University the colleges. The island was under the Bishop, the right bank under the Provost of Merchants, the left under the Rector of the University, the whole under the Provost of Paris, a royal not a municipal office.' Omitting details, let us fix our attention on the Univer- sity, the part of Paris of which Major was a citizen, for foreign students acquired the rights, indeed more than the rights, of citizens, and the Scotch at this time those of nationality. 6 The University brought the eye to a full stop. From the The University, one end to the other it was a homogeneous compact whole. Three thousand roofs, whose angular outlines, adhering together, almost all composed of the same geometrical elements, seen from above, presented the appearance of a crystallisation. The forty-two colleges were distributed among them in a sufficiently equal manner. The curious and varied 1 This bird's-eye view of Paris should be compared with the old plans and maps of the sixteenth century. Zeiller's views were taken in the middle of the seventeenth century, but two show Paris as it was in 1620, and are probably accurate representations of Paris as it was in Major's time. M. Adolphe Berty's 'Plan du College de St. Barbe et de ses environs vers 1480' is given in Quicherat's St. Barbe. The clever reconstruction by Mr. H. W. Brewer in Rose's Life of Loyola unfortunately places Montaigu College inaccurately. The description by Victor Hugo in the text has necessarily, but unfortunately, re- quired to be condensed. xlii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY summits of these beautiful buildings were the productions of the same art as the simple roofs they overtopped ; in fact they were but a multiplication by the square or cube of the same geometrical figures. Some superb mansions made here and there magnificent inroads among the picturesque garrets of the left bank, the Logis de Nevers and de Rouen, which have been swept away ; the Hotel of Cluny, which still exists for the consolation of the artist. The Rouen palace had beautiful circular arches. Near Cluny were the baths of Julian. There were, too, many abbeys : the Bernar dines, with their three belfries ; St. Genevieve, the square tower of which, still extant, excites regret for the loss of the whole; the Sorbonne, half college, half monastery, an admirable nave of which still survives: the quadrangular cloister of the Mathurins; its neighbour, the cloister of St. Benedict ; the Cordeliers, with their three enormous gables side by side; and the August'ines* graceful steeple. The Colleges, an intermediate link between the cloister and the world, formed the mean in the series of buildings between the mansions and the abbeys, with an austerity full of elegance, a sculpture less gaudy than that of the palaces, less serious than that of the convents. Unfortun- ately scarcely any vestiges are left of edifices in which Gothic art steered with such precision a middle course between luxury and learning. The churches, both numerous and splendid, of every age of architecture, from the circular arch of St. Julian to the pointed ones of St. Severin, overtopped all, and, like an additional harmony in this mass of harmonies, shot up above the slashed gables, the open-work pinnacles and belfries, the airy spires, whose line was a magnificent exaggera- tion of the acute angle of the roofs. The site of the University was hilly. To the south-east the hill of St. Genevieve formed an enormous wen, and it was a curious sight to see the multitude of narrow winding streets now called Le Pays Latin, those clusters of houses, which, scattered in all directions from LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xliii the summit of that eminence, confusedly covered its sides down to the water's edge, seeming, some of them to be falling down, others to be climbing up again, and all to be holding fast by one another." The more minute geography of the Pays Latin has been learnedly described by M. Quicherat, from whom we learn that the College of Montaigu 1 stood at the angle between site of the Rue St. Etienne des Pres and the Rue des Sept Voies, Montai ^- having opposite to it on the other side of the latter street the small College de Portet, the Hotel de Marly, the Cemetery of the Poor Students, and the Great Gate of the Abbey of St. Genevieve 2 . At the back of the buildings of Montaigu ran a narrow lane appropriately called ' La Rue des Chiens \ on the opposite side of which Montaigu possessed two small gardens bordering on the property of its rival, the College of St. Barbe, and the cause of frequent quarrels 3 . The Scottish student whose course we are attempting to follow, poring day and night over ponderous folios we now scarcely touch with the tips of our fingers, the commentators on Aristotle and the expounders of the Master of the Sen- tences, had little time to mark the minute features of the scene. Still, he breathed its air, and can scarcely have failed to receive some of the spirit which filled with pride most scholars, from whatever country they came. A few remembered with opposite feelings the hardships of the student. Erasmus was one of these. Buchanan too wrote a poem describing the miserable condition of the teachers of Literae Human'wres^n Paris when without a post. But, returning seven years after from Portugal, his pen, which could flatter as well as satirise, celebrated the charms of Paris as those of a beloved mistress, and his return to happy France, the nurse of all good arts. One 1 The site of Montaigu, of which some fragments still remained in 1861, is now occupied by the Bibliotheque de St. Genevieve. 2 Quicherat's Histoire de St. Barbe, p. 17. 3 Ibid. 25. xliv JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY of its attractions with which Hugo closes his description cannot have escaped Major's musical ear : — 6 Behold at a signal proceed- ing from heaven, for the sun gives it, those thousand churches trembling all at once. You hear solitary tinkles pass from church to church ; then see (for at times the ear too seems endowed with the power of sight) all of a sudden, at the same moment, how there rises from each steeple, as it were a column of sound, a cloud of harmony. At first the vibration of each bell rises straight, pure, separate; then, swelling by degrees, they blend, melt, and amalgamate into a magnificent concert. Say if you know anything in the world more rich, more dazzling, more gladdening, than this tumult of bells, this furnace of music, these ten thousand brazen tones breathed all at once from flutes of stone three hundred feet high, than that city which is but one orchestra, this symphony as loud as a tempest. 1 Contrast of How different must this have been from the capital of Major's Paris and Edinburgh. own country, the gray metropolis of the North, whose silence was broken not by harmony but by brawls, with one narrow street from the Castle to the Abbey, the backbone of a skeleton ribbed on either side with vennels, wynds, and closes, which ran on the north to the North Loch and its marshes, on the south to the lower level of the Cowgate, here and there varied by a small church, monastery, or hospital, but only with a collegiate church, St. Giles, for a Cathedral, the plain Tolbooth for a Palace of Justice, and Holy rood, recently bailt in imitation of a minor French Palace, for its Royal residence, as yet without a college, without mansions, and without walls, and numbering only some four or five thousand 1 houses, chiefly of wood. Yet, one who viewed the surrounding country from the low but noble hill, named after Arthur, guarding Edinburgh on the east, and let his eye follow the 1 History, 1 1, vi. p. 82. So the earlier editions of Froissart ; but Buchon says the correct text is 400 or 500. The truth probably lies between these figures. But see footnote \ p. 28. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xlv curves of the Forth, with the Law of North Berwick and the Bass as its outlying forts, the sea-ports of Fife studding its northern margin ; on the west the Castle Rock, rising sheer from the North Loch, the woods of the Dean or Den, Drum- sheugh, and Corstorphine Hill ; and on the south the slopes of the Braids succeeded by the Pentland Hills, with Highland mountain tops beyond the Forth closing the horizon, might claim for Edinburgh a natural site not inferior to Paris, fitting' it to be the capital of the small country whose scenery it reproduced in miniature — the Loch, the River, and the Sea, the Moor, the Forest, and the Mountain. Greater than any external difference was the contrast between the intellectual barrenness of Edinburgh and Paris, the venerable museum of learning, the busy hive from which old and new ideas were swarming, to settle in all lands. The Scottish student in Paris passed from the schoolroom to the world, from solitary study to the society of colleges, whose number, Major notes, sharpens wits. The poorest became, as if by natural magic, a free citizen of the university, the mother of knowledge and eloquence, of the arts and sciences : the arts which so long had ruled the past; the sciences, yet unconscious of their young strength, which were to divide the empire of the future. Three of these Colleges demand our special attention : Mont- Montagu aigu, where Major first taught in arts ; Navarre, where, as well as at Montaigu, he lectured on the scholastic philosophy ; and the Sorbonne, where he lectured on the scholastic divinity 1 . 1 ' The epithet of " last of the Schoolmen " is commonly given to Gabriel Biel, the summarizer of Ockham, who taught in Tubingen, and died in 1491. His title to it is not actually correct, and it might be more fitly borne by Francis Suarez, who died in 16 17. But after the beginning of the fifteenth century scholasticism was divorced from the spirit of the times.' — Article scholasti- cism, Encyclop. Britannica, 9th ed. The truth is, no one scholastic can be called the last. The method or form of philosophy so called died at different dates in different countries. A critic who has done me the favour to read this Introduction maintains it is not dead yet, but still taught in Romanist seminaries. It is sufficient for the present purpose to say that no English or Scottish School- man later than Major has a place in any of the leading histories of philosophy. d xlvi JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY He was destined to be among the last of the schoolmen, the teachers of the old learning by the rigid scholastic discipline and methods. The new light of the revival of classical litera- ture had already dawned. The Renaissance, or new birth, from which on the mother's side the Reformation or new form of creed and of morals was to spring, could not but affect the thoughts and opinions of those who were passing through manhood under its influence. To observe how this influence acted upon Major and his pupils gives the uneventful career of scholars a singular and unexpected interest. The College of Montaigu, an old college of the beginning of the fourteenth century, founded by Ascelin, the Seigneur of that name, had fallen so low towards the end of the fifteenth, that it had only eleven shillings of rent for endowment, its buildings in ruins, and, as might be expected, scarcely any students. John Standonk, a native of Mechlin in Brabant, a man of humble origin, saw in its poverty an object for zeal, and an opportunity for a much -needed reform in the Univer- sity. This remarkable man, whom Erasmus, no partial judge, describes as one 6 whose temper you could not dislike, and whose qualifications you must covet, who, while he was very poor, was very charitable after taking his degrees in arts and theology with distinction, though poverty forced him to read by moonlight in the belfry to save oil, was placed in this college by the Chapter of Notre Dame, its superior, in 1480, became its principal in 1483, and Rector of the University in Standonk's 1485. He sought out the titles of its property which had been reforms. ° r r J lost sight of, and secured new endowments, especially from Louis Malet, Sieur de Granville, Admiral of France. The con- stitution he introduced was based on rules of economy and asceticism resembling those of a monastery. He had seen with regret, continues Crevier, the historian of the University, whose narrative we abridge, ' that the bursaries founded for the poor had often been swallowed up by the rich, and determined to LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xlvii found a College for the true poor, amongst whom, he remarked, were often to be found elevated spirits and happy natural parts, reduced by misery to a state unworthy of their genius, but who, if cultivated, might become great men and pillars of the Church. With this view, and to preserve the Col- lege from the invasion of the rich, he subjected his students to a hard life/ At first his scholars were sent to the Convent of the Chartreuse to receive, in common with beggars, the bread distributed at its gates. 'All the world knows', he proceeds, ( the frugal nourishment of these youths — bread, beans, eggs, herring, all in small quantity, and no meat. Besides, they had to keep all the Fasts, — that of Lent was kept also in Advent, — and on every Friday, as well as on special occasions. Nothing could be poorer than their dress and beds. They rose at cock-crow, constantly chanted the service of the Church, worked in the kitchen and refectory and cleaned the halls, the chapel, the dormitory, and the stairs. Their superior was called minister or servant of the poor, not by the too proud titles of master or principal. He received in this world only the cost of his living, dress, and of taking his degrees, exclusive of the Doctorate, but a celestial reward in eternity. 1 Richer students had separate rooms, refectory, and chapel. Their fees were devoted to the maintenance of the poor. Remembering his native as well as his adopted country, Standonk instituted similar colleges at Cambrai, Louvain, Mechlin, and Valenciennes, so that the College of Montaigu became the chief of an order. The peculiar dress of its students was a small cape or hood, from which they were called Capetians, a symbol of their poverty, and, like the garb of Charterhouse boys, exposing them to the gibes of wealthier scholars. The noble aim of Standonk, like that of the religious Erasmus satire orders, broke down through being carried to an extreme. ° n ' °" gU ' Erasmus, a contemporary of Major at Montaigu, has left xlviii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY a biting satire on it in his colloquy — of Ichthijophagia — between a Salt-fishmonger and a Butcher, who complains of want of custom from a college which ate no meat. 'About thirty years ago"*, says the Fishmonger, 'I lived at the college called Vinegar College [i.e. Mons Acetus]? a pun on Mons Acutus, or Montaigu. The Butcher. 'That's indeed a name of wisdom. Did a Salt-fishmonger live in that sour college ? No wonder he is so acute a student in divinity, for I hear the very walls speak divinity.' — The Fishmonger. ' Yes, but as for me I brought nothing out of it, but my body infected with the worst diseases, and the largest quantity of the smallest animals. . . . What with lying hard, bad diet, late and hard studies, within one year, of many young men of a good genius some were killed, others driven mad, others became lepers, some of whom I knew very well, and, in short, not one but was in danger of his life. Was not this cruelty against our neighbours ? Neither was this enough, but, adding a cowl and hood, he took away the eating of flesh/ More follows to the same purpose. It is easy to see the exaggeration, but Erasmus, too wise to rest in exaggeration, closes with the remark : 4 Nor do I mention these Ascg tic discipline, things because I have any ill will to the college, but I thought it worth while to give this warning lest human severity should mar inexperienced and tender youth under the pretence of religion. If I could but see that those that put on a cowl put off naughtiness I should exhort everybody to wear one. Besides, the spirit of vigorous youths is not to be cowed to this sort of life, but the mind is rather to be educated to piety.' Not less sensible are the remarks of Crevier, who condemned Erasmus for want of moderation in his censures. ' The health of young men requires to be attended to, and it is to attack it by two batteries to fatigue the spirit by study and the body by a too severe regimen. The discipline of Standonk has not been able to maintain itself. Besides mitigations LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xlix introduced by usage, it had to be softened by express rules.' Yet it was still described by a German artist, who visited Paris in 1654, as 'a stately college in which ill-bred boys [ungerathene Kinder] are treated as if in a House of Correction. We were not allowed to visit it with our sword, supposing it might be used to set them free' 1 . Erasmus had the bodily infirmity which, as in a great chief of our literature lately lost, too often accompanies intellectual power. He said of himself he had a Protestant stomach, but a Catholic soul. A Protestant who has rarely dined in his life without meat can scarcely realise what a bad fish and vegetable diet, broken only by frequent total fasts, must have been. Major, who probably heard the taunts of Erasmus before they Major's found a place in in his Colloquies, takes frequent occasion to Monmigu! °" refer to Montaigu College in a different spirit, calling it ' an illustrious museum ' a frugal, but not ignoble house 4 the nurse of his studies, never to be named without reverence \ Yet he seems himself to have suffered from the hard life, for he mentions, in the dedication of the Parva Logicalia, el fever which had nearly cost him his life. He had doubtless seen many of his contemporaries and pupils, besides David Cranstoun, carried to the Graveyard of Poor Students, which lay opposite the College gate. To the Scottish father in the end of the fifteenth century, inquiring to what college shall I send my son, or to the youth left to shift for himself with scanty purse, these hardships were too distant to be thought of. The College of Montaigu Scottish ^ offered the double attraction of economy and fame. Hither, Montaigu. besides many forgotten names, came, during the time of Major 1 s connection with it, George Dundas from Lothian, a learned Greek and Latin scholar, afterwards Preceptor of the Knights of St. John in Scotland ; Hector Boece, the historian, from Dundee, who praises Standonk as an exemplar of all the virtues ; 1 Topographia Gallia, by Martin Zeiller ; Frankfort, 1655. 1 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY and three other Angus men : Patrick Panther, who became secretary to James nr., writer of most of the Epistolae Regum Scotorum in James iv.'s and part of James v.'s reign ; Walter Ogilvy, celebrated for his eloquent style, and William Hay, schoolfellow of Boece at Dundee, afterwards his colleague and successor in the King's College of Aberdeen \ Here too were four countrymen of Major from East Lothian : George Hep- burn 2 , of the house of Hailes, Abbot of Arbroath, afterwards Bishop of the Isles, who fell at Flodden ; Robert Walterson 3 , a co-regent; David Cranstoun 4 and Ninian Hume, his pupils. Cranstoun dying young, but already distinguished, left his property to the College ; the other was one of Major s favourite students. In Paris, possibly at Montaigu, as we learn for the first time from one of Major's prefaces, at the same period studied Gavin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld, whose chequered ecclesiastical and brilliant literary career gained him a prominent place in the history as well as the literature of Scotland ; and Robert Cockburn, a Haddington man, afterwards Bishop of Ross 5 , and Gavin Dunbar 6 , afterwards Archbishop of Glasgow, whose studies in philosophy at Paris, and in the civil and canon law at Angers, overlooked by his biographers, are commemo- rated in Major's dedication of his Commentary on St. Luke. The number of Scottish students at Paris during the time of Major's residence must have been very considerable, though it is impossible to give an exact estimate. The German Nation, the name substituted for the English Nation in 1378, after the withdrawal of the English, had been originally divided into three tribes : Germania Superior, Germania 1 Hector Boece : Aberdonensium Episcopomm Vitae, p. 6o. 2 Uncle of first Earl of Bothwell. See Keith : Scottish Bishops, p. 174. 3 Provost of Bothanis and Rector of Petcokkis, grants a charter of lands in Haddington to support a chaplain at the church of the Holy Trinity at Had- dington. — Great Seal Reg., 8th April 1539, No. 1902. 4 Michel : Les Ecossais en France, ii. p. 324. See Appendix 1. p. 412 : Biblio- graphy of D. Cranstoun. 5 Bishop 1508-21. — Keith, p. 42. 6 Archbishop 1524-47. — Keith, p. 521. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR li Inferior, and Scotia, which included the Irish and the few English who remained, continued to be the name of the third till 1528, when the tribes were reduced to two : the Continentales and the Insulani, perhaps a concession to the dislike of the English to be classed under Scotia when the relations between England and France had somewhat improved. Besides the more celebrated of his countrymen already men- tioned, we find references in Major's prefaces to Hugo Spens, his other Scots- predecessor as Principal of, St. Salvators ; Gavin Logy, Rector men in Pans of St. Leonard's ; John Forman, Precentor of Glasgow 1 , a kins- man of the archbishop of that name ; Peter Chaplain 2 , Rector of Dunino, and Peter Sandilands 3 , Rector of Calder ; Robert Caubraith 4 , George Turnbull 5 , friends of Ninian Hume, — so, probably, like him, Lothian men ; George Lockhart 0 from Ayr- shire; Robert Bannerman, Thomas Ramsay 7 , William Guynd, and John Annand. The list might be much enlarged from the Accounts of the German Nation from 1494 to 1530, fortunately preserved in the archives of the University, and still extant in the library of the Sorbonne 8 . In the year 1494, when Major 1 Protocol Book of Cuthbert Simon, Grampian Club, pp. 285, 478, 480, 484, 485, 486. a Canon of St. Salvator and Rector of Dunino. — Great Seal Reg. 1513-46, Index, p. 803 ; ibidem, Nos. 354, 2168, 2605. 3 Hector Boece in Aberdonensium Episcoportim Vitae, p. 58, mentions amongst the Professors at St. Andrews, Wilhelmum Guyndum, Johannem Annandiae, ' viros spectatae doctrinae qui tametsi hactenus magisterii in theologio renuerunt fastigium de se modestius sentientes doctoribus tamen eos nemo dixerit eruditione inferiores.' Annand was the first Professor in Arts (in re literaria) of St. Leonard's, ib. p. 59. 4 Robert Caubraith, a pupil of Major, and author of several works on Logic, described by Prantl, iv. p. 257, may perhaps be Robert Galbraith, Rector of Spot in 1534. — Great Seal Reg., No. 1332. 5 George Turnbull may perhaps be the Rector of Largo of that name.— Great Seal Reg. 15 17, No. 1355. 6 George Lockhart, a pupil of Major, wrote several works on Logic, described in the Bibliographical Appendix, infra, p. 414. 7 Canon of St. Salvator, and Rector of Kemback 1517. — Great Seal Reg., No. 175. 8 Charles Jourdain's Exatrsions Historiques a travers le Moyen Age, 1888 : * Un Compte de la Nation d'Allemagne au xv e siecle.' lii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY passed as licentiate, of twenty-nine fellow-graduates eleven were Scotchmen, besides eight bachelors. His election as Quaestor or Receiver of this Nation in 1501 is proof that he possessed the confidence of his fellow-students, and the passages from the Prefaces to his works printed in the Appendix show that many of them, not only his own compatriots, but Frenchmen, Belgians, and Spaniards, were his warm admirers and personal friends. Seldom has the contemporary fame of a Professor risen higher or spread wider. The value of Of his favourite and most distinguished pupil David Crans- toun Major tells a significant anecdote 1 . When in his first course of theology, two fellow-students, Jacobus Almain of Sens 2 and Peter of Brussels 3 , of the order of Friar Preachers, twitted him in the court of the Sorbonne, on the day of the divinity lecture, before his comrades, that the commons in Scotland eat oatmeal, as they had heard from a friar who had travelled there. They wished, says Major, to try a man whose quick temper they knew, by this jest which was really honourable to his country ; but he attempted to deny it as a discredit. We understand, indeed, he adds, 1 that a French- man coming from Britain brought home with him some of these cakes [panes] as curiosities [monstra] 1 . He then describes with singular accuracy and evident pride the mode of making them, and recals Froissart's 4 statement that the Scotch, both nobles and commons, used them in their campaigns, as if to say (for he leaves deductions to his readers), — 6 Let Frenchmen and 1 Hist. i. ii. p. io. 2 Almain's works on Logic, described by Prantl, iv. p. 238, appear to be lost, but his Theological Dissertation against Cardinal Caietan, and in favour of the authority of Councils as superior to that of the Pope, is preserved, p. lviii. 3 Feter of Brussels wrote Quaestiones on the Organon of Aristotle, a Com- mentary on Peter the Spaniard, and Qnodlibeta. — Prantl, iv. p. 275. He died 1 51 1. On the title-page of his Quaestiones, published after his death in 15 14, he is described as 1 a most strenuous defender and interpreter of Thomas Aquinas'. He was regarded as a lost sheep recovered for the fold of the Thomists. 4 Froissart, ii. 19. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR liii Englishmen laugh, my countrymen have won battles on this fare \ Froissart might almost have been the Frenchman who brought home the oatcakes, so keenly does he seem to have been struck by the poverty of the Scots. 8 When the barownes and knightes of Fraunce, who were wonte to fynde fayre hostelryes, halles hanged, and goodly castelles, and softe beddes to reste in, sawe themselfes in that necessite, they began to smyle, and said to the ad my rail, Sir, what pleasure hath brought vs hyder ? we neuer knewe what pouertie ment tyll nowe : we fynde nowe the old sayinge of our fathers and mothers true, whane they wolde saye, Go your waye, and ye lyue long, ye shall fynde harde and poore beddes, whiche nowe we fynde ; therfore lette vs go oure voyage that we be come for ; lette vs rvde into Englade ; the longe leivyenge here in Scotlande is to vs nother honourable nor profytable/ To tlie youth of such a country the food of the College of Montaigu would not seem so poor as to Erasmus, a native of wealthy Rotterdam. In 1499 Standonk, the second founder of Montaigu, was banished from Paris. He had quarrelled with Louis xn. as to the privileges of the students of the university, of which he was so strenuous an advocate that he advised a cessation of all studies, and even of the services in the churches, if they were infringed. He had touched the king in a still more delicate point, the divorce of Louis from Jane of France, the daughter of Louis xi., and his marriage to Anne of Brittany, widow of Charles viii., his half-brother. It was very likely in conse- Major lectures tit ^sdVtirrc quence of this banishment of Standonk, and the royal dis- College, pleasure with the College of Montaigu, that Major became affiliated to the College of Navarre, from which he got the income of a fellowship 1 and the post of theological professor, but he continued to act as regent in Montaigu, where he had taken his degree in arts, which entitled him to teach, and did 1 Launoi : His form, p. 598. liv JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY not avail himself of his right to migrate to Navarre. The substance of his lectures on Logic, printed before in separate parts, was collected in 1508 in one volume, printed at Lyons, His Spanish and dedicated to his pupil Ninian Hume. In the dedication he mentions that he had been urged by Louis Coronel, his brother Antony 1 , and Gaspar Lax 2 , three Spanish students, to print his commentaries on the Summulae of their countryman, Peter the Spaniard. They pleaded that as he had given some of his lectures on logic to his countryman David Cranstoun, James Almain of Sens, Peter Crockaertof Brussels, and Robert Senalis of Paris 3 , they had equal reason to ask for a similar favour. But he urges reasons on the other side (for even the preface of a schoolman must be argumentative): his own inertia, the severe criticism of works of living authors, and his change of vocation to that of the study of the Sentences of Peter Lombard. He had always been willing to lecture slowly, that whoever wished might commit his lectures to writing. 4 It is natural, however', he continues, 6 that I should publish at large and distinctly what they wrote down from memory after dinner and supper. If I had imagined my lectures would have circulated so widely, I would have bestowed greater pains on them. But I did not know how to recall them, and since they were much sought after at the booksellers', I should at least have ploughed my own ground so far as my poor abilities allowed. It is easy', he concludes, 4 to get angry. Unlearned as well as learned write poems everywhere. I dedicate these lectures to you both on account of your noble birth and your diligence in the knotty points of dialectic — knowing you will accept this little book, though unworthy of you, out of regard for the good -will of the author. Robert Walterson of 1 The author of many Logical Treatises. — Prantl, iv. p. 53. 2 Gaspar Lax, of Aragon, also a writer on Logic. — Prantl, iv. p. 255. 3 The Exponibilia, his first printed work in Paris, 1503 (Bibliography, No. 1), the Commentaries on Peter the Spaniard at Lyons in 1505 (No. 2); other Logical Tracts at Paris in 1506 (No. 5). LIFE OF THE AUTHOR Lv Haddington, a co-regent with me in Montaigu, and our friend John Zacharias, beg to be remembered to you. Farewell. , A letter from Louis Coronel 1 to his brother Antony is Louis Coronei's annexed, written in the enthusiastic vein of a young disciple Maj°or! Um 0 " overflowing with praise of the learning of Paris, ' whose streams flow to the remotest nations, and whose purest water springs from Mons Acutus, " the Hill of God", a rich mountain in which it pleaseth him to dwell, for the words of the Psalmist may without absurdity be applied to it — whose founder was Standonk, whom God has taken to himself 2 , and where our master, John Major, lectured, whose learning will commend him not only to posterity but to eternity \ His small part has been, he modestly says, to revise the press and add a table of contents, which he dedicates to his brother in studies as in kin. In similar, even more high-flown, language Robert Senalis compared Montaigu to Parnassus, the Mons Sacer of Ovid, ' changing Sacer into Acer, in spite of the false quantity, to correspond to the French name of Montaigu the philosophy taught there to the fountain of Hippocrene — ' Fons nitet in medio vitreis argenteus undis Gregorius celeri quern pede ferit equus — and Major himself to 'the Gregorian horse Pegasus', for 'its Pegasus he says, ' is that incomparable master in Arts and Philosophy, my Professor, whom I cannot praise as much as he deserves, John Major, who flies on his own wings higher than the clouds would carry him, till he passes above all spirits in sublimity \ 8 The treatise or lectures of Major on Logic are in the style Major s which might be almost called stereotyped of mediaeval scholas- Logic 1 Louis Coronel of Segovia was less famous than his brother Antony, who wrote several works on Logic in which he followed Major. — Prantl, iv. 252. Both brothers were pupils of Major. Antony edited and concluded Major's Libri Consequentiartim ; see p. lvi. 2 Standonk died 1501. 3 ' Roberti Senalis Oratio ' : Paris, 15 10. Ivi JOHN MAJORS HISTORY tics. He commences with the special proposition or thesis ' Whether complex terms should be used ' as a sort of prelude or introduction, and then comments in short almost shorthand tracts on various points of Logic. This is followed by two books on Terms and a tractate on the Liber Summularum of Petrus Hispanus 2 , which forms the chief part of the book. Discussions are appended on the Predicables with the tree of Porphyry ; on the Predicaments ; on Syllogisms ; on Places [de Locis] ; on Fallacies ; on matters which can be explained and those which are insoluble ; a small tract entitled, after the example of Aristotle, Libri Posteriores; and another, Libri Con- sequentiarum, begun by Major but concluded by Antony Coronel. In the same volume is continued a treatise on Parva Logicalia, probably a separate course of lectures, with a fresh dedication to Xinian Hume. The whole is concluded with a discussion of a proposition or thesis ' On the Infinite and one of the Dialogues of which Major, like other Schoolmen, was so fond, entitled 4 Trilo^us inter duos lo^icos et ma^istrum \ College of The College of Navarre which hospitably adopted the cele- brated Scottish Regent was in all respects a contrast to Montaigu. A Royal College founded in 1305 bv Jeanne of Navarre, the wife of Philip the Fair, it had continued to receive endowments from sovereigns and nobles, and was the richest, perhaps the only very rich, college in a university where poverty, although not the extreme poverty of Montaigu, was the rule. It had twenty bursars in grammar, thirty in logic, and twenty in divinity, and secured the ablest teachers. Its church was used by the French Nation and for university sermons, which gave it a certain precedence. It had the custody of the univer- sity archives and a splendid library. A reform of the fifteenth 1 De complexo significabili. A fuller list of the contents of Major's Logical Lectures is given in the Bibliography, and an explanation of some of the terms used, in Appendix to Life, u. p. cxxii. 2 Peter the Spaniard, who became Pope John xxi., and whose Summidce were the text-book of Logic as the Sentences of Peter the Lombard, Bishop of Paris, were of Divinity. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lvii century made it a college 6 de plein exercice', with a full curri- culum in Arts, in which Logic as well as Grammar and Rhetoric were taught. It had even retained two courses in Theology, which the Sorbonne tried to absorb to the exclusion of other colleges. But its chief fame was due to an illustrious succession of students and doctors. Launoi, himself a fellow in the seventeenth century, wrote an elaborate and admirable history of Navarre, which g*,™°" r s s of includes lives of 6 its host of celebrated men \ Room is still Navarre, found in the Annals of Learning in the fourteenth century for Nicholas Oresme, one of its masters, a political economist, a Greek scholar, and a mathematician, and Nicholas Clemangis, the theologian ; in the fifteenth, for Peter D'Ailly, bishop of Cambray, and John Gerson, 4 the most Christian Doctor", and in the sixteenth, for Budaeus, the friend and rival of Erasmus in the revival of the study of the classical languages. To Launoi's work we owe the most authentic record of Major's career in Paris, for Major also was deemed one of the chief luminaries of Navarre. D'Ailly and Gerson, successively Chan- cellors of the University as well as Principals of Navarre, led the famous movement for reform within the church which asserted itself in the beginning of the fifteenth century, at the Councils of Pisa (1409) and Constance (1414-18). They were the principal authors or authorities in favour of the supremacy of General Councils over the Pope, the early champions of the Gallican Liberties, who after so many gallant struggles were only finally defeated by the Ultramontane doctrine of Papal Infalli- bility established as de fide by the Vatican Council of the present century. Colleges like nations have traditions, and the connection of Major with Navarre, where Gerson's name still exercised great influence, favoured his adoption of the Gallican position that the Pope was not the ultimate authority when opposed by a General Council. His views on this point, carried to lengths from which Major himself would have shrunk, by his pupils Knox and Buchanan, form a link in the chain of opinion which produced the Reformation. Iviii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY A special opportunity arose during Major s residence in Paris of reasserting Gallican doctrines. The policy which led Charles vm. and Louis xil to claim parts of Italy, and to assert their claim by the sword, brought the latter monarch into conflict with Julius n., the strenuous maintainor of the temporal rights and spiritual supremacy of the Papacy. In the course of this conflict Louis tried the bold stroke of calling a Council to overrule the Pope. The Council of Pisa met in 1511, was adjourned to Milan and finally to Lyons, but owing to the failure of Louis's Italian campaign accomplished nothing. During its sittings Cardinal Thomas Cajetan published a book on the papal side, impugn - pcmTGaiiican ^ s authority, and Louis applied to the University of doctrines. Paris to answer it. The task was intrusted to James Almain, a young Master of Arts and member of the College of Navarre, one of Major's pupils. This Liber de Auctoritate Ecclesice et Conriliorum adversum Thomam Caietanum has been sometimes credited to Major as joint author, but Launoi, our best authority, ignores this. Almain probably sought his advice, and Major we may be certain was present in the crowded auditory of approving theologians when it was publicly read at Paris. The treatise of Almain supported views quite in accordance with the teaching of his master. In the later edition of the works of Gerson 1 there is inserted an appendix ' Doctoris Majoris Doctoris Parisiensis Disputa- tiones de Statu ac Potestate Ecclesiag excerptae ad verbum ex ejusdem Commentariis in Librum Quart um Sententiarum \ This appendix contains arguments proving (1) That the polity of the church is monarchical or constitutional (as we now say) as distinguished from absolute ; (2) That Bishops and Parish Priests were both directly instituted by Christ (a step in the direction of Presbyterian equality) ; and (3) That the Pope has not the power of the sword over Christian Kings and 1 Opera Gersoni ; Antw. ed. 1760, vol. ii. pp. 1121, 1131, 1 145. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lix Princes; also Disputations on the Authority of the Council over the Pope and of the Power of the Pope in Temporal Affairs. These latter disputations consist of extracts from Major's later work, 'A Commentary on Matthew", and show that he gave a wide scope to the idea of a commentary in order to introduce opinions he desired to promulgate. In 1505-6 Major graduated as Doctor in Theology, and as 1505-6 Major by a rule of the College of Navarre Professors in Arts were Theology?*" obliged to leave off lecturing in that Faculty after attaining this degree, then or soon after he transferred his services to the Theological Faculty, and, still living in Montaigu, commenced to lecture in the Sorbonne on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, the recognised text- book of the theological school. The Sorbonne had different traditions from Navarre, and The Sorbonne. was the head and centre of Roman orthodoxy. It is perhaps not altogether fanciful to see in the balancing character of his mind some traces of the influence of schools which represented opposite tendencies — Reform and Conservatism, Independence and Authority. A more ancient foundation of the middle of the thirteenth century, the Sorbonne had been instituted and organised by Robert de Sorbonne, chaplain of St. Louis, as a college for secular priests and the cultivation of theology. Its endowments and its num- bers were small. It had only thirty fellows (socii) and com- moners (hospites), the former always in orders and bachelors and doctors in theology, the latter, bachelors of the same faculty. But the small numbers and the strictness of the rules as to election of fellows gave the Doctors of the Sor- bonne a distinction, and in process of time — especially at epochs when doctrinal questions became prominent — an authority, which led to their being recognised as a necessary constituent part of the divinity faculty, and to the gradual suppression of theological teaching in other colleges. The influence of lx JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY the Sorbonne, which became as it were a Divinity Hall, was. exercised against the new light shed upon theology by the study of the Scriptures in the original languages and affords a warning to those who would exile theology from the Univer- sities. Before Major became one of the Doctors they had condemned the study of Greek and Hebrew as adverse to theology. Shortly after he returned to Scotland they set the example (immediately followed by Oxford and Cambridge) of burning the works of Luther. This act was the occasion of a violent tract by the mild Melanchthon, — 4 A Defence of Martin Luther against the furious decree of the Parisian Theolo- gasters 1 , in which Major came in for a share of the invective. * I have seen he says, 4 the commentaries on Peter Lombard by John Major, a man, I am told, now the prince of the Paris Masters. What waggon-loads of trifles ! What pages he fills with dispute whether horsemanship requires a horse, whether the sea was salt when God made it, not to speak of the many lies he has written about the freedom of the will, not only in the teeth of the Scriptures, but of all the school- men. If he is a specimen of the Paris Doctors, no wonder they are little favourable to Luther.' 1 Sorbonnic To the Sorbonne, besides graver defects of the scholastic theology, Major is said to have owed his singularly cramped Latin. A Sorbonnic style was a nickname for the style opposed to the easier and better form of composition which the study of the ancient classics and the use of the vulgar tongues introduced. Yet Latin at best was now an old-fashioned garb, worn with grace by scholars like Erasmus, Buchanan, Scaliger, but to inferior genius or the ordinary man a rigid uniform which constrained the free play of the mind. Every one must regret that Major's like Buchanan's history was not written, as Bellenden's translation of Boece was, in the dialect of their native country, which both knew so well. They might 1 Melanchthonii Opera, i. p. 398. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxi possibly have preserved for a time Scottish prose, as Dunbar and Douglas preserved Scottish poetry, to the enrichment of the future language and literature of Britain. Four years after his theological degree an attempt was made by his friend Gavin Douglas to recall Major to Scotland 1 . In 1509 a precept passed the Privy Seal at the instance of Douglas for his presentation to the office of Treasurer of the Chapel Royal, then vacant. But for some reason, probably Major's unwillingness to quit the duties of a teacher, which he preferred to those of ecclesiastical office, the project fell through. It would appear, however, from a passage in his Commentary on the Fourth Book of the Sentences, that Major did revisit Scotland in 1515. The passage referred to first Major visits appears in the edition of 1519 2 , and in it he states that whew Scotland ' *S he had been at home four years before and visited the Monastery of Melrose, he was told of a frequent custom of the Abbots to let their rich pastures with the sheep to tenants oh condition that they should be liable for loss of the stock — in other words, under the contract known in Scottish law as a Bowing Con- tract 3 . He adds that in answer to repeated inquiries he was told this custom had led to the pauperisation of the tenants or sheep-masters, who had formerly lived like wealthy patriarchs. It is enough, he concludes, to show the iniquity of such con- tracts. The passage is curious as evidence how keenly the Doctor of Theology still watched the rural pursuits in which he had probably spent his boyhood. It is a warning also, in the meagreness of our information as to the details of his life, against the assumption that he may not have more than once returned to Scotland during his Paris residence. It was but a short voyage of about a week, with favourable weather, from 1 Memoir of Gavin Douglas, by John Small, Librarian of the University of Edinburgh, prefixed to edition of his works. 2 Dist. xv., Qu. 46, fol. clxiii. 3 See Hunter, Landlord and Tenant, i. 344. This anomalous form of Lease is now confined to dairy farms, and as to its local limits. — Rankine, Leases, p. 255. e ixii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY Calais or Dieppe to the English or Scottish east coast ports, yet had it not been for this solitary and casual reference, we should not have known that Major ever came back to Scotland till his return in 1518, the occasion of which will be noticed presently. Theological His first published work on theology was his Commentary on Lombard. 6 ei the Book of Peter the Lombard? s Sentences, issued in 1509. This was followed by his Commentary on the First and Second Books in 1510, and on the Third in 1517. The popularity of these Commentaries was shown by new editions of the Fourth Book in 1512, 1516, 1519, and 1521, of the First in 1519 and 1530, of the Second in 1519 and 1528, and of the Third in 1528. Nor was the scholastic and philosophical activity of Major confined to the publication of his own works. He edited in 1505, along with a Spaniard, Magister Ortiz 1 , the Medulla, or Essence of Logic, by Jerome Pardus 2 ; in 1510 a short tract of Buridan 3 ; in 1512 the epitome, by Adam Godham 4 , of the four Books of the Sentences, as abridged by Henry Van Oyta 5 , a Viennese doctor of the end of the 14th century ; and in 1517 lie suggested to two of his pupils and superintended the first issue of the Reportata Parisiensia of his famous countryman 6 John Duns Scotus. Ockham was the pupil of Duns Scotus. Buridan and Godham were pupils of Ockham 7 . Three cer- 1 Ortiz, at first an opponent in Paris, afterwards a patron in Spain, of Ignatius Loyola, was one of Charles v.'s agents in Rome in the case of Queeen Katharine. The biographer of Ignatius states that when Ortiz broke down under the strain of the spiritual exercises at Monte Cassino, St. Ignatius, to cheer his friend, danced for him the old national dance of the Basques. It cheered him so that he was roused from his stupor and finished his exercises. — Stewart Rose, Ignatius Loyola, p. 123. Many of his despatches from Rome, with reference to the Divorce, are in the Calendars of State Papers, Rolls Series. He is called by Mr. Froude ' a bitter Catholic theologian, with the qualities of his profession.' — The Divorce ; p. 159. 2 The contents of the Medulla are described by Prantl, iv. p. 246. 3 John Buridan (ob. c. 1358), a voluminous writer on Logic and Metaphysics, whose works are described by Prantl, iv. p. 14. 4 See his Life in Diet, of Nat. Biography. 5 A Viennese writer on Theology as well as Logic (ob. 1397). — Prantl, iv. p. 103. 6 History, iv. xvi. p. 207. ? History, iv. xxi. p. 230. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxiii tainly, perhaps all, of these writers were Franciscans. Duns Scotus was the founder of the school which, taking his name, separated itself from the hitherto orthodox scholastic doctrine of Thomas Aquinas 1 . Ockham was the founder of the still Major inclines 1 i < to Nominalism. more radical revolt of the Nominalists against the Realists 2 — and in this Godham 3 and Buridan 4 followed him. It eventually led, according to Haureau, to the dissolution of the Scholastic Philosophy 5 . While Major is careful not to identify his own opinions with any of these authors, it is impossible to overlook the fact that he chose their writings for republication. In the singular conclusion of his life of Adam Godham, now for the first time reprinted 6 , Major assigns the first place amongst the learned men of Britain to the Venerable Bede, the second to Alexander Hales, but he adds Ockham and Godham would have contended for it were not Hales so much their senior. These two he pronounces equal, and contrasts them in a passage which is a sample of his style and criticism 1 Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus were both Realists. But Duns set the first great example of a breach in the unity of scholastic doctrine, so that Schwegler {History of Philosophy, Hutchison Stirling's translation, p. 145), even says : ' The whole foundation of scholastic metaphysics was abandoned the moment Duns Scotus transferred the problem of Theology to the practical sphere. With the separation of theory and practice, and still more with the separation in Nominalism of thought and thing, philosophy became divided from theology, reason from faith.' 2 He is classed by the writer who has most exhaustively examined his writings as one of the Moderns, or of the school of Scotist Terminists. See Appendix to the Life, No. II. 3 Godham, a somewhat obscure schoolman, whose name was sometimes spelt Woodham, is rated higher by Major than by the veterans of philosophy. He attended Ockham's lectures at Oxford, and died, 1358, at Norwich, where he was a member of the Franciscan Convent, or at Bubwell, near Bury. — Diet, of Nat. Biography, s.v. GODDAM ; Prantl, ii. p. 6. 4 John Buridan, who died shortly after Goddam, was a much more decided follower of their common master Ockham, and expressly declared the distinction between Metaphysics and Theology to be that the former recognised only what could be proved by reason, while the latter proceeded from certain dogmatic principles which it accepted without evidence, and reasoned from them — Prantl, iv. p. 15. Buridan is perhaps now chiefly remembered by the fallacy of the Asinus Buridani, though the Ass is not to be found in his writings. 5 Philosophic Scholastique. 6 Appendix II. p. 431. Ixiv JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY at their best. 4 Ockham and God ham are equals in logic and in either kind of philosophy (Ethics and Metaphysics ?). Ock- ham in commenting on the Sentences is wordy and diffuse, Godham is concise and firm ; if Ockham's dialectic (dialogus) did not stand in the way, the younger writer would carry off' the palm. Ockhanrs intellect was sublime and daring, God- ham's noble and solid. The one with knitted brow, lowered eyebrows, and flashing eyes, as a warrior from youth, disputes with gravity. The other, with calm brow and raised eyebrows, laughingly pleases every one, and resolves everything (diluit om?iia), so that I prefer neither. 1 This balancing, hesitating, and inconclusive judgment is very characteristic of Major's intellect. Though he is positive enough in his opinions on individual points, and in resting finally on orthodox conclusions, many of his arguments were, it would be wrong to say sceptical 1 , but as little dogmatic as was possible in a schoolman. It is also deserving of note that he praises ' the Dialogus of Ockham for that work is described in his History as 4 treating of many things concerning the Pope, and the Emperor, laying down nothing definitely, but leaving everything to the judgment of his audience'. This too was Major's method when he came to deal with ticklish points as to the Pope's authority. But if Major supposed he really left the question of the Pope's authority where he found it, he deceived himself. The tendency of his thoughts could not be concealed, and his doubts and questions were solved and answered by the younger generation's acts. Major attempts The exact position of Major amongst the scholastic philoso- Nominalism phers is a subject which would require and repay a separate and Realism monograph. It is beyond the power of the present writer to on Nominalist ox J r r Principles. 1 Mr. Owen, in his Evenings with the Skeptics, Longmans, 1881, does not hesitate to class even the earlier schoolmen, Erigena, Abelard, Aquinas, as semi- Sceptics, but the tendency became more distinctly marked in William of Ockham and the Nominalists. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxv furnish it, and would exceed the limits of this sketch, as well as probably exhaust the patience of most of its readers 1 . Yet to leave it altogether untouched — to present any however imperfect a portrait of the last of the Scottish School- men without some notice of his philosophical standpoint would be the play of Hamlet without Hamlet. Fortunately Major has himself, in a short passage of the Preface to the standard edition of his Commentary on the Fourth Book of the Sentences, published in 1519, given a clue to the aim of his philosophy. 'I have yet seen,"' he writes, 'none of the Nominalists who has carried his work on the Fourth Book of the Sentences to the core and the close (ad umbilicum et calcem), and this others retort on them as an opprobrium, saying that the Nominalists are so occupied with Logic and Philosophy that they neglect Theology. And yet there are various sub- jects of Theology which presuppose Metaphysics. I will attempt therefore to apply the principles of the Nominalists to the several Distinctions of the Fourth Book of the Sentences, and to write one or more questions which the Realists too, if they pay attention, can easily understand. Either way, Theology, about which I shall specially treat, will be common ground."* Here again we find Major taking in the great con- troversy which divided the schools since the time of Ockham, and some have thought from a much earlier date, the position of a mediator, and endeavouring for the sake of Theology to reconcile Realism and Nominalism. In 1518, having completed his work as lecturer on the Master of the Sentences, Major at last accepted the call his own country made on him to take part in its higher education. It is possible that his friend Gavin Douglas, now Bishop of Dunkeld, who revisited France in 1517 to negotiate the Treaty of Rouen, had renewed his entreaties with success. On 25th 1 See further on Major's position as a Logician and Philosopher, Appendix to the Life, No. n. p. cxxii. Ixvi JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY June 1518 Major was incorporated \ before Adam Colquhoun, the Rector, as Principal Regent of the College and Paeda- gogium of Glasgow, and is described as Canon of the Chapel Royal at Stirling and Vicar of Dunlop, endowments no doubt bestowed on him to induce him to leave Paris, and which prove that he must have taken orders, though he devoted himself entirely to the educational side of the ministerial office. In several passages of his writings lie defends evidently with a personal reference the ecclesiastics who devoted themselves to philosophy and education in preference to pastoral duties. In one of these he says : ' Nor is there a reasonable ground for frequenting universities, except in so far as a man learns by attending lectures, so that he may return to his flock with greater learning. But if he is sufficiently instructed to be able to draw doctrine from books only, he can do that both in the flock committed to him and on Mount Caucasus, or the Rock of Parmenides. He too who continues to read theology in the university is equivalent to a preacher ; nay more, he creates preachers, which is a greater work than to preach. He is most certainly excused if he has no cure of souls, and if he has simply received the order of the ministry. ... If such a one, too, residing in a university, has a cure in the neighbourhood, it is not necessary that he should live in his parish, but it is sufficient if he have a good vicar to administer the Sacraments, provided he gives the food of life on festival days to his flock, and hears confessions and doubtful cases. For it is hard to say to a learned man, accustomed to live and converse with learned men, that he ought always to live in a country village. Truly it seems sufficient for him to dwell in the nearest town or city, and frequently to visit his parishioners, taking care that he is not absent on festival days unless for a reasonable cause \* 1 Register of Glasgow College. 2 In Quartnm, Dist. xxiv. Qu. 2, fol. clxvii. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxvii In 1522 he is again named in the Glasgow Records as Pro- fessor of Theology and Treasurer of the Chapel Royal, as well as Vicar of Dunlop, and in 1523 he represented one of the Nations as elector {intrans) of the new Rector. On 9th June of the same year he migrated to St. Andrews, where he was Regent in St. incorporated under the titles of Theological Doctor of Andrews X S 22 - Paris and Treasurer of the Chapel Royal on the same day as Patrick Hamilton, the future martyr, who had studied under him in Glasgow. Little record remains of Major's Glasgow period. He doubtless continued, perhaps repeated, his Paris lectures on Logic and Theology, and we find his name occurring in con- nection with the election of Rector and other College business. He was present at a congregation in 1522, when the Rector, James Stewart, protested against a tax being imposed on the University \ He is styled throughout the entries of the Uni- versity Records, where his name occurs, 4 Principalis Regens Collegii et Paedagogii but the principal Regent in the old constitution of Glasgow was only the senior Professor, and the office of Principal in the modern sense did not then exist. The whole of his residence in Glasgow was less than five John Knox one years, but it would be memorable, if for no other reason, for Giasgo\v. P ' S at one of his pupils. John Knox, a Haddington boy, had a link with Major, whose strong local feeling we have seen, and Major may have been the cause that, instead of going to St. Andrews, Knox matriculated at Glasgow in 1522. Unfor- tunately the Glasgow period of Knox's education is the barest in material of any part of his life. The future Reformer appears to have quitted the University without a degree, and his practical intellect led to his commencing life neither as a philosopher nor a theologian, but as a church notary 2 . His mind was of the quality which matures late, but often pro- 1 Munimenta Universitatis Glasguensis, p. 143. 2 Memoir of John Knox, Dictionary of National Biography. lxviii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY duces the strongest fruit. The only reference he makes to Major belongs to a later period, when they were both at St. Andrews, in a passage in which he describes his old master as 8 a man whose word was reckoned an oracle in matters of religion", proving that Major retained his previous reputation. Glasgow was at the time Major lived in it a small but beautiful city, situated on a fine river, not yet deepened by art so as to be a channel of commerce. It was chiefly known as the See of the great bishopric founded by Kentigern, restored by David i. when Prince of Cumberland, and recently raised to the dignity of an archbishopric, which embraced the south-west and parts of the south of Scotland. The University founded in the middle of the previous century had been poorly endowed, and did not become celebrated till its reform by Andrew Melville after the Reformation. The Archbishop during Major s residence was James Beaton, uncle of the more famous Cardinal ; and the translation of James to the See of St. Andrews in 1523 synchronises so well with Major's removal to the elder and then more distinguished University, that we can scarcely err in supposing that the one promotion led to the other. If Edinburgh or Glasgow was a contrast to Paris, much more was St. Andrews. By nature, the site now so venerable between the sands at the mouth of the Eden and the rock- bound coast at one of the extremities of the little realm of Scotland, seemed destined for a fishing village or haven for small craft which already in considerable numbers dared the stormy sea and brought their native land in contact with the civilisation of Europe. But towns did not rank then by size or even by wealth. St. Andrews had a threefold dignity in the eyes of the pious Catholic and the ecclesiastical scholar. It held the relics of the patron Saint of Scotland. It was the primatial See. It was the first, and still, notwithstanding the foundation of Glasgow and Aberdeen, the principal Uni- LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxix versity. The Bulls for its foundation had been obtained by Bishop Wardlaw in 1411, tutor and friend of James i., who confirmed the privileges granted to it in 1432. Bishop Kennedy had founded the first College of St. Salvator in 1456, and ten years before Majors incorporation St. Leonard's, or the New College, had been endowed by Archbishop Stewart, the bastard of James iv., and Prior John Hepburn. St. Sal- vator was instituted as a College for Theology and the Arts, for divine worship combined with scholastic exercises. Its members were a Provost, who was to be a Master or Doctor in Theology, a Licentiate and a Bachelor of the same Faculty, four Masters of Arts, and six poor Clerks. St. Leonard's was modelled after the college for poor scholars at Louvain, itself a copy of Montaigu College. Its foundation consisted of a Principal and four Chaplains, two of them Regents, and twenty Poor Scholars, instructed in the Gregorian chant, and six of them Students of Theology. Its statutes, drawn by Prior Hepburn, were of the strictest kind as regards discipline, and the richer students, not on the foundation, were to be obliged to conform to them. The scholars were to be admitted on examination : not older than twenty-one, poor, virtuous, versed in the first and second parts of grammar, good writers, and good singers. The subjects prescribed for lectures were grammar, poetry, and rhetoric, logic, physics, philosophy, metaphysics, and one of the books of Solomon. It does not appear that Major, when he came to St. Andrews, was at first specially attached to either College, and as lectures con- tinued in the Paedagogium, which Beaton converted into the College of St. Mary in 1527, it is not possible to say where his lectures were delivered ; but he continued to teach according to the same methods the same subjects as in Paris and Glasgow — Logic and Theology. In 1523, 1524, and 1525, he was elected one of the Dean's offices held by Assessors in the Faculty of Arts. In 1523 and 1525 he AndKiws. Ixx JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY was one of the deputies appointed to visit St. Salvator. In 1524 he was one of the Auditors of the Quaestor's accounts, and also one of the Rector's Assessors. The last date at which his name appears at this period was on 22d January 1525. It re-appears after an interval of nearly six years on 6th November 1531, when he was again elected one of the Deans, probably of the Faculty of Theology. During his residence at Glasgow and St. Andrews it appears probable that Major paid special attention to the philosophical, and in particular the logical studies he had relinquished for a time in Paris, but now resumed for the sake of his own countrymen in the smaller universities of Scotland, which were, as they have always been, undermanned, and could not afford in that age separate professors even for philosophy and divinity. This would account for his Introduction to the Dialectic and whole Logic of Aristotle, a new and recent edition of his earlier work, digested in twelve books, which was issued by Badius Ascensius in Paris, while he was still absent in 1521, and the ' Eight Books of Physics with Natural Philo- sophy and Metaphysics,' published in 1526, shortly after his return, by Giles Gourmont, famous as a printer of Greek, and soon followed by his Logical Questions, issued from the same Completion of press in 1528. He finished his Aristotelian studies by the Aristotle. ° f issue of a Treatise on the Ethics, published by Badius in 1530. He had thus, with a rare completeness, embraced in his Lectures and Works almost the whole range of the Aristotelian Philosophy. When we remember that an edition of a single work of Aristotle, or a single classic author, has been deemed sufficient for the labours and the fame of a modern university professor, we appreciate the indefatigable industry of Major, and we learn how little the nineteenth century can afford to despise the sixteenth in the matter of philosophical erudition. Nor were these treatises of Major mere editions or com- mentaries on Aristotle. He reproduced and reduced in them LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxi the substance of the thoughts of the great master to the scholastic method. So they were the effort and the fruit of independent thought. The scholastic method was then becom- ing antiquated, and was alien to the modern spirit. While it addressed itself to the highest problems which the human mind can attempt to solve or pronounce insoluble — the nature of God, the origin of man and the universe, the being and working of the mind itself — it descended also to the most trivial details, and put the most casuistical questions, which the sarcasm of Melanchthon, the satire of Rabelais, and the epigram of Buchanan could hardly exaggerate. Still Major's work, always acutely critical and argumenta- tive, was at least an educational discipline. It awakened and stimulated thought, perhaps the greatest service any teacher can render to his pupils. It is not surprising that one class of them learnt to swear by their master as an oracle, and another to criticise his method and despise its results. In 1525 he returned to Paris and the College of Montaigu, Returns to ° ° Paris, 1525. probably to escape the troubles of the times. The earl of Angus was then at the head of affairs, and Major's patron, Beaton, had to hide himself in the disguise of a shepherd. Major probably also was glad of the opportunity his return His Biblical * 1 J 0 1 1 # J m Commentaries, afforded to superintend the publication of his Exposition of the Four Evangelists, which was issued from the press of Jodocus Badius Ascensius in 1529. His absence saved him from being a spectator of, probably an actor in, the trial of Patrick Hamilton, one of his Glasgow pupils, who was condemned for heresy by an Assembly of Bishops and Theologians at St. Andrews, and burnt before the gate of St. Salvator on 29th January 1528 ; but it was only to see a similar scene in the streets of Paris — the martyrdom of Berquin ; for the decree of the Sorbonne in 1521 that 6 flames rather than reasoning should be employed against the heresies of Luther 1 was applied to the Lutherans as well as their works. Amongst Ixxii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY the doctrines for which Hamilton died were the assertions that it was lawful for all men to read the Word of God ; that image-worship, and the Invocation of Saints and the Virgin, were unlawful ; that masses for the dead were vain ; that there was no such place as purgatory ; that sin could be purged only by repentance and faitli in the blood of Christ Jesus. There is no reason to suppose that Major would have dissented from the sentence any more than his master Gerson had from that against Huss. The Doctors of Louvain, who were in close sympathy with the Sorbonne, congratulated Beaton on having performed a commendable act, and Major's dedication of his Commentary on St. Matthew refers to the news recently received that Beaton had, ' not without the ill- will of many, manfully removed a person of noble birth, but an unhappy follower of the Lutheran heresy". The allusion is an euphemistic reference to the martyrdom of Hamilton. To St. Andrews during Major's residence came a Highland youth, attracted by his fame, destined by nature for learning, already with some of the experience of a man. George 1 , the son of Thomas Buchanan of the Moss, in Lennox, early lost his father, and was sent when fourteen, at the cost of his maternal uncle, James Heriot of Traprain, in East Lothian, to Paris ; but after two years' study of the Latin classics the poverty of his mother brought him home, and he served with the French troops of Albany at the siege of Werk. The hardship of a winter camp led to an illness, and, after recruiting his health at home, he entered the Paedagogium at St. Andrews in 1524. On 3d October 1525 he took his degree of Bachelor of Arts. Major having gone to Paris in that year, Buchanan either accompanied or followed him, but entered, not as might have been expected the College of Montaigu, but the Scots College de Grisy, in which he was admitted ad eundem as Bachelor on 1 A more favourable view of the character and conduct of George Buchanan will be found in Mr. P. Hume Brown's Memoir, 1890. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxiii 10th October 1527. There is no proof that Major was, as has been alleged, at the expense of his maintenance, but probably he befriended a young man connected with East Lothian as well as St. Andrews, whose talents foretold his future eminence. In 1529 Buchanan was elected Procurator of the German Nation, the highest honour then open to the Scottish student, having lost a prior election only through the superior claim of his blind countryman, Robert Wauchope, afterwards Bishop of Armagh. Buchanan lias left two remarks on Major, in them- selves not unfair, but very unjust if taken as a summary of his whole teaching. 4 John Major at that time taught Dialectic, George or rather Sophistic he says, 4 in extreme old age at St. uc anan ' Andrews'; and in the well-known epigram which associates their names, the pupil again expresses his repugnance for the scholastic triflings the younger generation found in works their elders deemed the glory of the University of Paris : — Cum scateat nugis solo cognomine Major, Nec sit in immenso pagina sana libro, Non mirum titulis quod se veracious ornat ; Nec semper mendax fingere Creta solet. When he proclaims himself thus clearly As ' Major ' by cognomen merely, Since trifles through the book abound, And scarce a page of sense is found, Full credit sure the word acquires, For Cretans are not always liars ! The sting of the epigram is the last, not the first, line, which was taken from Major's description of himself on the title-page of more than one of his books \ Neither reverence nor gratitude were qualities of Buchanan, but the difference of age to a large extent accounts for his estimate of Major. It would be difficult to imagine a greater contrast than the Contrast be- , tween Major doctor of the Sorbonne trained at the feet of its masters, himself and Buchanan, recognised as one of them, without poetic imagination, and 1 See Appendices I. and II., pp. 430, 434, 435, 439. lxxiv JOHN MAJOR S HISTORY with little experience of practical life except as seen from the cloister and the chair, and his young pupil already versed in the Latin Classics and the thoughts not of Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus, Peter the Spaniard and Peter the Lombard, but of Virgil, Horace, Catullus, and Martial, and who had seen not Paris merely but the Camp. A supercilious and unmeasured contempt for old-fashioned learning in a youth of genius has had examples before and since Buchanan. In truth Buchanan learnt more than he was conscious of from Major. The study of the sacred texts, the independent view of the sources of political authority, and the inclination towards exact historical inquiry, were notable points in Major's mental atti- tude, and can scarcely have failed to influence his students. The common opinion that the seeds of the De Jure Regn'i, and what are sometimes called the republican, but more accurately the constitutional, views of Buchanan's History were derived in part from Major's teaching, seems well founded. His position marks a stage through which the European mind had to pass before it abandoned scholasticism for humanism, the Roman for the Reformed doctrines, Absolute for Consti- tutional Government. The same Tendency has indeed been marked in earlier schoolmen by the historians of philosophy. What was special to the case of Major was that this Tendency was during his life coeval with the Renaissance Movement north of the Alps, and that while the Master resisted, his younger and active-minded disciples combined the necessary results of the union of the Tendency with the Movement. Major's History, a copy of which, printed by Badius Ascensius in 1521, must have been in the St. Andrews Library, pro- bably was known to the omnivorous student whose elaborate work, more than fifty years later 1 , was to eclipse its fame. The form of this History is unique. It is written in a scholastic style, and every now and then breaks out into logical 1 The first edition of Buchanan's History was published by Alexander Arbuthnot at Edinbuigh, 1582. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxv arguments. But what has been called in the nineteenth century the critical spirit, in the mode in which it manifested itself in the 0 . . . , r Scholastic form sixteenth century, is to be traced from the first page to the last. and critical J . , r ° spirit of his A renewed zeal for historical study was one of the features History, of the time. The age of the Monkish Chronicles and the Mediaeval Annals was past. It was no longer possible to write history in the style of Matthew Paris and John of Fordun, or of Sir John Froissart, or even of Philip de Commines. With the advent of the new learning the historical instinct led all nations to desire a more exact account of their origin, and a more philosophical narrative of their progress, not merely stating events in the order of their occurrence, but tracing them to their causes. A series of historical works issued from the press of Badius about this period, in some of which there was more, in others less, of this instinct. The history of the kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth was published in 1508, the History of Scotland by Hector Boece in 1526, and that of Paulus Jovius, De Rebus Gestis Francorum et Regum Franciae in 1536, 1 besides some of the best old Chronicles, Saxo Grammaticus and Gregory of Tours. It was probably in contrast to Geoffrey of Monmouth's title to his History 'Britannia? Utriusque regum et principum Origo et Gesta", that Major adopted the title of ' Historia Mqjoris Britannia?' \ The lively and inquisitive Italian, Polydore Vergil, who had been sent in 1504 to collect Peter's Pence in England, was specially attracted to the early annals of Britain, and wrote in 1509 to James iv. for information as to the succession of the Scottish kings, but the information does not seem to have been supplied. Shortly before the death of Gavin Douglas in Polydore 1523 he met that prelate in London, and resumed his inquiries. gjj*^. Their conversation is typical of the contest going on in many minds between the old traditional and the new critical view of 1 The Compendium super Francorum Gestis, by Robert Gaguin, published in 1497, appears to have been well known to Major, and is written more in his spirit than any of the other Histories of his time. lxxvi JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY history. It is interesting too as showing that the Bishop's education in history had not advanced so far as that of his old friend Major the theologian, although there is some reason to believe that in theology the opposite was the case, and that Douglas leant more than Major towards the doctrines of the Reformation. This is a not uncommon phenomenon. The critical part of the intellect applies or confines itself to different departments in different minds. Douglas, according to Vergil, asked him ' not to follow the account recently published by a certain Scot which treats as a fable the descent of the Scottish kings from Gathelus, the son of an Athenian king, and Scota, the daughter of Pharaoh and furnished him with the usual fictitious pedigree to prove it. The Scot was beyond doubt Major, whose History had been published two years before. Polydore was, like Major, incredulous. 4 When I read the notes of Douglas', he says, 'according to the fable I seemed to see the bear bring forth her young. Afterwards when we met, as we were accustomed, this Gavin asked my opinion', and Polydore then argued, from the silence of the Roman historians, that there could have been no Picts or Scots in Britain prior to the Roman conquest, and, he adds : 6 This Gavin, no doubt a sincere man, did the less dissent from this sentence, in that it plainly appeared to him that reason and truth herein well agreed, so easily is truth discovered from feigned phrases'. The death of Douglas by the plague prevented Polydore from further enjoying the benefit of his conversation. The History of Major was entitled Historia May oris Britan- niae tarn Angliae quam Scotiae per Johannem Mqjorem natione quidem Scotum prqfessione autem tlxeologum. Title of Major's « Maior Britain' was no doubt, in its first intention, meant History. ... . . to distinguish Britain from Brittany, the lesser land of the Britons, just as Scotland, 4 Scotia Minor', in mediaeval Latin, prior to the eleventh century, was distinguished from Ireland, the 6 Scotia Major' of the Scottish race. But it signified the LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxvii author's presage of the greatness of the small island whose annals he relates. There is possibly too a play on his own name. It was Major's History of Major Britain. It was also an early essay to find a name that, without offence to the pride of either nation, should comprise Scotland as well as England, for which James i. afterwards hit upon the happy name of Great Britain, leaving to the nineteenth century to give Greater Britain a more fit application to the dependencies and colonies which the natives of the little island have conquered or acquired beyond the Atlantic or in the islands of the Antipodes. Major dedicated his work in a short preface to his young Major's dedica- *-x li-i r tion to James v. sovereign James v., whom he describes as celebrated for his noble disposition and high birth, derived from both kingdoms, alluding to his descent as grandson of Henry vn. as well as heir of James iv. The preface is a defence against the charges of a possible critic that he had deviated from the practice of his- torians in dedicating his history ; that a theologian should not venture to write history ; and that he has used the style of a theologian rather than an historian. To the first he answers that he has read no dedication by Sallust or Livy, either because they wrote none, or because their dedications are lost. Sallust, indeed, had no reason for a dedication, as he wrote before the Romans had kings (emperors). Livy, perhaps, had no wish to dedicate, deeming it more glorious to offer the fruits of his labours to the Gods and posterity rather than to any mortal. But nearly all the poets, even when they wrote history, dedicated their works. Valerius Maximus invoked Caesar when about to describe the annals not only of his own but of other nations. St. Jerome, St. Augustine, our own Venerable Bede, as well as other ecclesiastical writers, used dedications. He has followed their example, but, to avoid suspicion of flattery, has left the history of recent times to others. The charge that a theologian should not write history he denies. It is the province of a theologian to define matters ./• Jxxviii JOHN MAJORS HISTORY of faith, religion, and morals, so he cannot be deemed to depart from it when he not only states acts and their authors, but also determines whether thev had been rightly or wrongly done. Besides, it would be his aim that the reader of his History should learn not only what had been done, but also how men ought to act, from the experience of so many cen- turies. For his style, it might have been more polished, but he doubted if more suitable to his subject. If the names of Scottish places and persons were expressed in Latin words the natives would scarcely recognise them. We see from this curious observation how narrowly Major missed writing in the vernacular. Perhaps, could he have printed his book at home, he might have done so. But, no doubt, he also desired to be read by the learned throughout Europe. It has always been the aim of our kings, lie concludes, to act greatly rather than speak elegantly, so it should be the aim of all students to think rightly and understand the matter in hand sharply rather than to write elegantly or rhetorically. Of this the two Scots, John Scotus Erigena 1 and Duns Scot us, Bede, Alcuin, and many others are examples. It is his hope that the king may read happily the history of his race dedicated to his felicity and live to the age of Nestor. Scheme of the The history which follows narrates in six books in a succinct style the annals of England and Scotland from the earliest times to the marriages of Henry vn.'s daughters, Margaret to James iv. of Scotland, and Mary to Louis xn. of France, and after his death to the Duke of Suffolk. The part relating to Scotland is naturally fuller, but the combination of the two histories was done of set purpose to aid the view which Major insists on that the two crowns should be united by marriage. With the same object, Major treats the English more favourably 1 Although the epithet 'Erigena ' is now admitted to be of later date, the current and better opinion seems to be that John Scotus was an Irishman, but Duns Scotus was almost certainly, as Major thought, a Scotchman. — R. Lane Poole, History of Medieval Thought, p. 55 2. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxix than our earlier historians. He is the first Scottish advocate Major an advc for the Union. 4 1 state this proposition,' he says : ' The Scots union."" the ought to prefer no king to the English in the marriage of a female heir, and I am of the same opinion as to the English in a similar case. By this way only two hostile kingdoms flourishing in the same island, of which neither can subdue the other, would be united under one king, and if it is said the Scots would lose their name and kingdom, so would the English, for the king of both would he called king of Britain. Nor would the Scots have any reason to fear the taxes of an English king. I venture to answer for the English king that lie would allow them their liberties as the king of Castile allows the people of Aragon. Besides, in case it is for the well-being of the republic, it is proper that taxes should be paid to the king according to the necessity of the occasion. The The nobility o • Vi t .„. ! . . wrong in oppos Scottish nobles, as I think, are unwilling to have one king with ingthe Union. power over the whole island, and the English nobles are of like mind, because the nobility would not dare to go against such a kin^. Yet a single monarch would be useful even to the nobles. They would flourish by justice; no one would dare use force against another. Their homes and families would be more permanent. No foreign king would invade their country, and if they were injured, they would be able without fear to attack others.'' Such opinions were in advance of his age. It is singular how a Scotsman bred in France should have adopted them. Experience must have convinced him that the prosperity of his country pointed to an English union rather than to a French alliance. Another point on which the opinions of Major are un- Major on ' i j Church and expectedly liberal, at least to those who have not followed state, with minute attention the course of medieval thought, is as to the relation between Church and State. In this connection he repeats the sentiments to which he had given utterance in lxxx JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY commenting on the Gospel of Matthew, and which he may have learned from the writings of Ockham, D'Ailly, and Gerson. Referring to the excommunication of Alexander n. of Scotland by the Papal Legate on the ground that Alexander had sided with the English barons against King John, lie says : 6 Perhaps fearing more than was reasonable ecclesias- tical censures, he restored Carlisle to the English king. If he had a just title to Carlisle, he had no reason to fear the papal excommunication. Various of his predecessors had held it, nor do I see how he had lost the right, and whatever might be the fact as to that, he could have appealed from the legate to his superior. But perhaps you will object that even the unjust sentence of a pastor (i.e. an ecclesiastic in charge of a flock and with power to excommunicate) is to be feared. To which we will easily answer. If it is unjust, it is as if null, and there is no reason to fear it. For an unjust excommunication is no more an excommunication than a dead man is a man. Not only in Britain, but in many other places, men too lightly entangle themselves with ecclesiastical censures. No one, unless he commits mortal sin, ought to be excommunicated either by law or man, and for contumacy alone excommunica- tion is to be pronounced by man. If he will not hear the church, saith the Scripture (Veritas), let him be as a heathen and publican. Therefore by the opposite argument, if lie will hear the church, why should he be ejected from the company of believers ? It follows that we think many persons excom- municated are in grace/ This is bold language f or an ecclesi- astic of the Roman Church, but by allowing excommunication for contumacy, Major leaves a loophole through which bis conscience crept when he approved the burning of Patrick Hamilton. This explains too how he and men of like views 1 1 Jourdain has an interesting and instructive Essay on this subject, dealing with writers of an earlier date {Excursions Historiques, 1888, p. 524) : ' Memoire sur La Royaute Francaise et le Droit Populaire d'apres les Ecrivains du Moyen Age'. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxxi were tolerated by the Roman Church, which has always School opinions allowed considerable latitude to men of learning and ability and State, who have conceded to the Church the final sentence — the last word, whether of temporal or eternal condemnation. When he deals with John's abdication and payment of the ransom for his crown to the Pope, Major raises the difficulty whether a king can give the right of his kingdom or fixed pay- ments out of it to any other person. If he gave the right of the kingdom to the Turk or any other not the true heir, the gift would be plainly null. The proof is : 4 The king has the right of the kingdom from a free people, nor can he grant that right to any one contrary to the will of the people 1 . A king cannot be said to act rightly who, without the counsel of his nobles, declares that his revenues are to be given away to any one. The proof is : 6 Such a tax, without express or tacit consent, burdens the people, and such a tax the people are not bound to pay. Further, the contest between the king and the Church of England was as to goods taken from that particular church, and specially from the Cistercians. It is clear, restitution ought to have been made to the par- ticular church. It was idle in John to suppose that because he gave a quota to Rome, he was absolved from restitution to the Church from which he had taken the property." Here the doctrine of restitution, a favourite and sound doctrine of the manuals of the Confessional, is very skilfully turned against both John and the Pope. It is, after all, robbing Paul although you pay Peter \ He concludes with allowing that if John and the English people agreed to give an annual payment to the Pope it would be otherwise, for it does not concern the king's purse, but is given by the people itself. These are almost the con- stitutional principles embodied by the barons in the charters of the Liberties of England, but which Buchanan generally 1 The proverb is more often cited in the reverse form, but is known in both forms. lxxxii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY Constitutional gets the credit of introducing into Scotland. He may have derived them in part at least from his old master. When we read Barbour's Bruce or Blind Harry's Wallace, we trace their parentage to a still earlier date. They were the fruit of the War of Independence. Perhaps they may be traced to a more distant epoch, to the resistance which Galgacus and our remote Celtic forefathers made to the Roman legions. Major tells an anecdote which shows they existed before the War of Inde- pendence in the breast of the patriot leader. Wallace, lie says, always had in his mouth lines his tutor had taught him : — e Dico tibi verum, Libertas optima rerum ; Nunquam sen ili sub riexu vivite, fili.' With equal distinctness Major, in treating of the succession of Bruce, states he does not place Bruce's right on the ground of priority of descent, but because Baliol, by surrendering the crown to Edward, forfeited his right. ' A free people gives the strength to the first king whose power depends on the whole people. Fergus the first had no other right. I say the same of the kings of Judea ordained by God. 1 He further argues that the people can depose for his demerits a king and his successors, founding on the precedents of the Roman kingship which was abolished, and the Carlovingian dynasty which was founded when Pepin by the will of the people deposed the Merovingian line. Government The proof from the establishment of the Roman republic Sl^oAhe 11 shows another source from which views in favour of the people. foundation of government on the will of the people were drawn by scholars in the time of Major. The Greek and Roman classics, above all Livy, recently translated into French, and soon after into Scotch by Bellenden, presented the noble spectacle of a free republic. It is noticeable that Major frequently reflects on the tyranny and want of patriotism of the nobles. Wallace is his hero rather than Bruce, and in a fine passage which reminds us of the poem of Dante in the LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxxiii Convito 1 , he argues that ' there is no true nobility but virtue and its acts. Vulgar nobility is nothing but a windy mode of talk/ He laughs at his countrymen, who think themselves all cousins of the king, and says he used to argue with them jocu- larly in this way : ' They would grant no one was noble unless both his parents were noble. If so, was Adam noble or not ? If he was not, they denied the premiss. If he was, then so were all his children. So it follows either that all men are noble or none/ It is evident that we are listening to a repre- sentative of the Commons, to a forerunner of Robert Burns in the strangely different garb of a medieval philosopher. A similar or cognate argument was expressed in the popular rhyme of the English peasants — ' When Adam delved, and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman ? ' Like all clear-sighted men at this period, Major saw the Abust s in the urgency of reform in the Church. He approves the saying donned. 000 of James i., that David i. had injured the Crown by lavish grants to Bishops and Monks. He expresses his regret at the poverty of parishes and parish churches in Scotland in com- parison with England, at the gross abuses of pluralities and non-residence, and his surprise that the Scottish prelates had not earlier applied some part of their great revenues to found- ing Universities. He especially condemns the wealthy abbots who live in the court more than in the cloister, who think they do well when they enrich their convent by oppressing the poor labourers of the ground. The true end of religion is to subdue the lusts of the flesh, and wealth is adverse to this end. When 1 ' It follows then from this, That all are high or base, Or that in time there never was Beginning to our race.' Where virtue is there is A nobleman, although Not where there is a nobleman Must virtue be also.' The Convito, Fourth Book (Miss E. Price Sayers' translation). lxxxiv JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY he describes Bishop Kennedy's character he blames him for holding the Priory of Pittenweem in commendam along with so great a See as St. Andrews, and for the cost of his sumptuous tomb ; and he raises the question whether a bishop has more than a qualified right of property in the revenue he derives from the church. In the passages of his History in which he attacks the oppression of the nobles and the corruption of the ecclesiastical dignitaries we recall the language of the Satires of Henryson, Dunbar, and Lindsay 1 . Against the abuses of ill-regulated monasteries Major more than once inveighs 2 , and though he maintains the binding nature of vows, he admits the difficulty of the question. On the critical point of the privilege of ecclesiastics to be exempt from the judgment of lay courts, while he takes, as might be expected, the side of the Church in discussing the struggle between Henry n. and Becket, he allows this was not by divine right, and might be otherwise in special circumstances. He even goes so far as to condemn the multiplication of miracles, and remarks (though earlier as well as later examples of the same train of reasoning may be found) that miracles do not prove holiness, for John the Baptist, the holiest child born of woman, wrought none, and that a vow of chastity might be a vow of the foolish virgins if it hurt the state. With regard to the facts of his History Major shows a won- derfully sound historical instinct, distinguishing truth from the fables with which the Scottish annals were then encrusted. His work is a sketch, and much is omitted ; but the student who reads it will have little to unlearn. In this respect he is far superior to his contemporary Boece, and even to Buchanan, who copied Boece in the earlier part of Scottish history. 1 With these passages in the History may be compared his denunciation in his Commentary on St. Matthew of ' the grasping abbots who make things hard for the husbandmen ', fob lxxiv. verso 2. 2 Compare Commentary on St. Matthew, fob lxxiii. verso 2: ' If I were as rich as Midas, I would rather throw my money into the Seine than found a religious house where men and women take their meals together.' LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxxv He discards at once the foundation fable of the Scottish Major's criti- kings being descended from Scota the daughter of Pharaoh, Scottish and takes the firm ground of Bede as to their Irish origin, and lstory ' inclines to the further opinion, which may be true thougli not proved, that they came from Spain to Ireland. The Picts, following Bede and their own traditions, he states, came also by way of Ireland from Scythia, and he ascribes probably rightly their name to the practice of painting their bodies. Although he did not succeed in detecting the insertion of forty kings between Fergus i. Mac Fercha and Fergus n. Mac Ere, he shows his distrust of it by reckoning only fifteen where Fordun and Wyntoun had made forty. Buchanan, who ought to have known better, has compiled a list still longer and less intelligible, which corrupted Scottish History at the foun- tainhead till the sources were purified first by Father Innes, and more completely in our day by Mr. Skene. It is signifi- cant of how far Major was in advance not merely of his own but of a later age that Dr. Mackenzie, writing in 1708 his memoir of Major, supposes the reduction of the number of the kings to be a misprint. He argues from the life of Ninian as well as Bede that the Picts and Britons had occupied Scotland before the Scots migrated from Ireland. Bede's authority and his own know- ledge as a Lothian man of the dedication of the Church at Whittingham to St. Oswald, enable him to assert the fact of the whole of Lothian having been in the time of Bede under the Northumbrian kings. He refers to the Commentaries of Bede and to Alcuin as proof of the learning of the Northumbrian ecclesiastics of the eighth century, though he says they were not well versed in the knotty questions of the Schoolmen and the Sorbonne. He says boldly that the Church of St. Columba had priests and monks but not bishops, in which he is in sub- stance right, even though it be held proved that there was an order of bishops whose only known function of preeminence lxxxvi JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY was the ordination of priests. For how different was such a bishop from the lordly diocesan prelates of Major's own time ! He gives correctly the date of the union of the Picts and Scots in the middle of the ninth century under Kenneth Macalpine, and leaves as a doubtful point what is still doubtful — how long Abernethy had been the chief seat of the Pictish Church before its transfer to St. Andrews. He remarks that the Picts held St. Andrew in great honour, from which he jumps to the possibly sound conclusion that the Picts held the richer and level parts of the country, while the Scots occupied the mountains. The Anglo-Saxon period of English history and the contemporary history of Scotland from Kenneth Macalpine to Malcolm Canmore is very rapidly sketched, and there are many errors in the attempt to synchronise the kings, independent After Canmore the history is more clear and accurate, and view of the later history. though the reigns of the English kings are slurred, a distinct portrait of each of the Scottish monarchs is presented : Alex- ander the Bold (' audax who imitated his father in bravery and zeal for justice; the good king David; Malcolm, who followed the piety of his ancestors ; the long reign of William the Lion ; Alexander the Second, who fought with John on the side of the English barons, and lost nothing his ancestors had gained, observing justice during his whole life ; the third Alexander, who rivalled his father in the goodness of his reign. The War of Independence is told as might be expected by a Scottish patriot, and the true characters of Wallace and Bruce are defended against the attacks of Caxton's Chronicle ; but he rejects as fabulous the visit of Wallace to France, which subsequent research has confirmed, on the ground that this visit is not mentioned by the French or the Latin Chronicles of Scotland. David n. he characterises, though brave, as a weak king, and he blames the want of patriotism which led him to name an English prince as his successor. The second and third Robert are less distinctly drawn. James i. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR Ixxxvii is the finest portrait. It has been copied in all subsequent Characters of i .... - i i the Jameses. histories. 4 In person short, but stout and robust, of the finest intellect but somewhat passionate. Skilled in games, he threw the stone and hammer further than any one, and was a swift runner. He was a trained musician, and second to none in the modulation of his voice. In harp playing he surpassed, like another Orpheus, the Irish and Highland Scots, the masters of that instrument. All these arts he learned in France and England during his long captivity. In Scottish poetry he was very skilful, and very many of his works and songs are still held by the Scotch in memory as the best of their kind. . . . He was not inferior to, perhaps was greater than, Thomas Randolph in administering justice. He excelled his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather in virtue, nor do I prefer,' he concludes, 'any of the Stewarts and their predecessors, without counting the present boy (James v.), to James i." Of James n. he savs, many gave him the palm amongst active kings because he applied all his zeal to war and showed himself equal to any knight. 4 1 place," however, 6 his father before him both in intellect and courage, but in temper he much resembled his father. 1 Of James in. he speaks with less praise, giving onlv the negative encomium, of which his countrymen are fond, that there have been many worse kings both abroad and at home. James iv. was not inferior to James n., as appears from his deeds. ' Many of the Scots, he remarks, 4 secretly compare the Stewarts to the horses of Mar, which are good in youth but bad in old age ; but I do not share this view. The Stewarts have preserved the Scots in good peace, and have held in hand the kingdom left by the Bruces undiminished. 1 There is a boldness in judging and distributing praise and blame to the kings very characteristic of Major and his countrymen. His judgment is not that of a partisan, but of a contemplative historian. Not less interest- ing, pointed, clear, and fair are the brief remarks which he lxxxviii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY makes on the character of his countrymen than on those of the kings. His foreign residence helped him to gauge their insular vanity and intense family pride. But it had not diminished his patriotism. Love of his country and desire for its true welfare is everywhere conspicuous in his writings. 4 Our native soil attracts us with a secret and inexpressible sweetness and does not permit us to forget it', he wrote to Alexander Stewart, the archbishop of St. Andrews, while he was still living in Paris, in the dedication of the edition of his Com- mentary on the Fourth Book of the Sentences 1 . It was during Major's second residence in Paris that Francis i. — who, like James v., had at first hesitated to prosecute the Reformers, and even leant towards them, partly from policy, as a means of attacking the Emperor through the German Lutherans, and partly from scholarly tastes, which made him a patron of the Renaissance — went over to the side of the Old Church. He had tried to persuade Erasmus to return to France and preside over the new Royal College, in which the three ancient classical languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, were to be taught ; but Erasmus was too prudent. Francis had twice saved from the stake Berquin, the translator of Erasmus, a man, like Hamilton, of good family, but on a third declaration of heretical opinions abandoned him to his fate. The Sorbonne The Doctors of the Sorbonne were bitter enemies of Erasmus, Erasmus. and, led by Major's old patron, Noel Beda, now their Syndic, they induced the University to condemn his principal works. His 4 Colloquies 1 had been so popular, that a Paris printer issued 24,000 copies of one edition ; they were even used as a text-book in some of the University classes. The Theological Faculty had already taken the alarm in 1526, and petitioned Parliament to suppress the work, but nothing was done. Two years later Beda, in the name of the Theological Faculty, applied to the University. The Faculties of Canon Law and 1 Appendix II., p. 420. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR lxxxix Medicine, and the French Nation, sided with the Faculty of Theology in condemnation of a book dangerous to youth. The German Nation was willing to interdict its use in the classes. The Nations of Picardy and Normandy desired to write to the author, asking him to correct his errors. The Rector embraced the more severe view, which had the balance of authority in its favour, and the book was absolutely condemned. Beda was at this time so powerful in the University, and Changes in Frcincis I 's even with the mob of Paris, aptly styled by Michelet the attitude, false democracy, that he was called the King of Paris. The influence of his mother Ann, a fervent Catholic, drew Francis in the direction of Rome. The excess of Lutheranism began to show itself in the Anabaptists. The monarchs of Europe began to fear that their authority might be impugned as well as that of the Pope. A comparatively trifling incident is said to have finally decided Francis. Some one — no one knew who — broke an image of the Virgin and Child on the Sunday before Easter 1525, in the Rue des Rosiers in Paris. It was at once attributed to the Reformers. The University, led by Beda, went in solemn procession, preceded by 500 youths with candles, to the place of the sacrilege, deposited their candles, and returned for a solemn expiatory service at the Church of St. Catherine. Two days later the King headed a still larger procession, in which the Princes of the Blood Royal, the Ambassadors, the High Officials of the Court, the Church, and the University, took part, and replaced the broken image with one in silver, amidst the acclamations of the people. A condemnation of the translation of the New Testament, prepared by the Faculty of Theology in 1527, was at last issued in 1531. Encouraged by this success, and the martyr- dom of several less conspicuous Lutherans which followed that of Berquin in 1529, Beda ventured on the condemnation of xc JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY Le Miroir de Fame pecheresse, a mystical and devotional work by the king's sister Margaret, Queen of Navarre, and he attacked the Royal Professors, who were now beginning to carry out a pet project of Francis — the institution of the new College for free instruction in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. His zeal had carried him a step too far. For these offences he was compelled to make a public apology, was imprisoned during the King's pleasure, and the uncrowned king, one of the many victims to the 4 vaulting ambition which overleaps itself, died a captive at Mont St. Michel. Francis i., like Henry vm., was not a religious but a despotic monarch, who would brook no rival in Church or State. TheSorbonne It is not certain whether Major joined the Doctors of the vm.? Divorce. Sorbonne in their sanction given in January 1530 to the divorce of Henry viil, contrary to the wishes of the fanatical but orthodox Beda. The records of the period have been de- stroyed ; but as the opinion was issued during his residence, it is probable he concurred in it. While we condemn this act, it must be remembered that it was in one aspect a declara- tion of the independence of the temporal power against the Pope, which would find favour with the Gallican Doctors. Francis i., in an angry letter to the Parliament of Paris, expresslv condemned Beda's proposal to refer the matter to the Pope, as trenching on ' the liberties of the Gallican Church and the independence of the Theological Council, for there is no privilege belonging to the realm on which we are more firmly determined to insist 1 . Loyola, Calvin, Michelet notes that during these years three men, different in every respect except in the greatness of their fame, came to Paris to complete their education — Ignatius Loyola, who com- menced his education in grammar at Montaigu in 1528, John Calvin, who entered the College of Ste. Barbe in 1523, and Francis Rabelais. Rabelais's college has not been discovered, but probably he was in Paris from 1524 to 1530. With none LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xci of them can Major have had much sympathy ; but it marks the pregnant character of the time and place that they produced such contrasts as the ascetic militant founder of the Society of Jesus, whose rule was to surpass even Papal absolutism ; the Protestant theologian whose discipline, almost as strict as that of the Jesuits, and founded on principles as plausible, once its premisses are admitted, was to succeed the Lutheran as the latest form of the reformed Church ; and the satirist whose coarse and giant laughter, a revulsion from the rules alike of the old orders and of the new sects, was to shake the founda- tions of the Church in France and become the parent of the best and worst in modern French literature. The irony of Erasmus, and the satire of Rabelais, were almost the only weapons which could be used by reformers who wished to escape the fate of Berquin. Major himself came in for a chance stroke of the lash of Rabelais, who places amongst the books in the library of St. Victor, ' Majoris de Modo faciendi boudinos 1 — 4 Major on the Art of making Puddings." Before finally leaving Paris for Scotland Mai or completed Major's final . . . a 1 published his labours in Logic by issuing a new edition of the Intro- works, duction to Aristotle's Logic in 1527, and a new treatise, Quaestiones Logicales, in 1528, and his labours in Philosophy by an edition of the Ethics of Aristotle in 1530, and his labours in Theology by new editions of his Commentaries on the First, Second, and Third Books of the Sentences in 1528-1530. But the chief employment of this portion of his life was an elaborate Commentary and Harmony of the Four Gospels, which he had projected in 1518, when he published his Exposition of His Biblical St. Matthew, and now in 1529 published as a complete work. Each Gospel has a separate dedicatory letter. St. Matthew is dedicated to his chief Scottish patron, James Beaton, Arch- bishop of St. Andrews ; St. Mark to his old college friend, John Bouillache, Curate of St. James in Paris; St. Luke to James Dunbar, Archbishop of Glasgow; and St. John to his xcii JOHN MAJORS HISTORY old pupil, Robert Senalis, now Bishop of Vence. The Doubts and Difficulties he had inserted in the earlier edition of the Commentary on St. Matthew were not reprinted, but the complete work had an appendix of four questions : — (1) Whether the Law of Grace is the only true Law ; (2) What are the degrees of Catholic Truth ; [&) On the number of the Evangelists ; (4) On the site of the Promised Land. Dedication to The letter to Beaton explains the object which Major had James Beaton. v j ew j n ^-jj j s WO rk, It was to show the Harmony of the Gospels with each other and of each in itself, and to preserve the tradition of the doctrine of the Roman Church. In carry- ing out this intention he has refuted the errors of Theophylact the Bulgarian Bishop, and of the Wycliffite, Hussite, and Lutheran sects. The errors of others he has noted without naming them, 6 for Christians have been taught not to call a brother Racha. 1 He has dedicated it to James Beaton, because he owed to him a good part of his studies, alluding doubtless to the offices he had held at Glasgow and St. Andrews, and who became a teacher on this subject, was suitable to Beaton's name, pro- fession, race, education, and conduct (mores). 6 His name "Jacob" means a supplanter, as he had been of heresy, and " Beaton " signifies a noble herb, an antidote to poison, as he had shown himself of the vigorous poison of the Lutherans. His profession and office made it his duty to study and preach the Gospels, and his race, as that of every illus- trious family, to protect the Church. Finally, his conduct in removing, not without the envy of many, a noble but unhappy follower of the Lutheran heresy.'' The work which follows His orthodoxy answers to the design. It is a rigidly orthodox commentary, rTfo^mingsprrit. in which Major allows himself much less freedom than in his 1 Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria (d. 1 1 12) achieved a lasting reputation by his Commentaries on the Gospels, the Acts the Epistles of St. Paul, and the minor Prophets. — Hardwicke's Church History of the Middle Ages, p. 273. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xciii writings on the Books of the Sentences, or in his History, or even in the Doubts which he had inserted in the earlier edition of the Commentary on St. Matthew. If he spares others who have held erroneous views, he never hesitates to condemn in the strongest language the heretics who had denied the doctrine of transubstantiation, — Berengarius, who had been condemned by the Council of Vercellae, Wyclif by that of Constance, and the Germans of his own time who had revived the same heresy, and of whom he did not know whether Oeco- lampadius, Zwingle, or Luther was the worst. Transubstantia- tion, he vehemently reiterates, is the doctrine of Scripture, of the Church, and of the Fathers of the Church. It is also the doctrine 'of our Theological Faculty of Paris 1 . Whoever denies it is a foolish heretic.' He defends the monastic life and the celibacy of the clergy against the Lutherans 2 , but admits that there were monasteries and nunneries which required reform, and again, as in his History, he mentions with approval the case of the English nunnery which, when he was pursuing his studies at Cambridge, he had seen transformed into a college by the Bishop of Ely 3 . So too he strongly con- demns the bestowal of livings on unworthy priests, or even the preference of a less worthy candidate and the pluralities which were so common in the Church in his day. 'Those deceive themselves," he says, ' who think that the approval even of the Supreme Pontiff can reconcile such things to the dictates of Conscience V He insists on the duty of preaching, especially by the prelates of the Church. In a curious passage 5 which seems to have a personal reference, in commenting on the fact that some of Christ's kinsmen did not acknowledge Him, he adds 'just as our relations treat us as mad because we spend 1 In Joann. caput vi., fol. cclxxxviii. 2 In Matth. fol. lxxii. 3 John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, was the Reformer of the Nunnery of St. Radegunde, which he converted into Jesus College, Cambridge. — Mullinger, p. 321. 4 In Matth. fol. lxxx. 5 In Marc. fol. cxvi. g XC1V JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY our whole activity in philosophy and theology. They wish us rather to apply ourselves to the law to gain honour and wealth, and take offence at all knowledge which is not lucra- tive. According to their false estimation we exist for them and not for our own salvation and the glory of God. For they say, What profit does he bring to us ? Let his library, with its books, be burnt. And they think the more sublimely any one philosophises, and thereby magnifies the power of God, that he is so much the greater fool V Such have been the recriminations of those who pursue know- ledge for its own sake, and of those who follow it for gain, in all ages ; but probably at no time was the contrast sharper than between the monastic student of the middle ages, who had taken the vow of poverty, and the practical man his relative or neighbour, who devoted his life to the acquisition of wealth. While strenuously maintaining the worship of the Saints against the Lutherans and other heretics, he admits that there was a possibility of abuse which must be corrected by the proper ecclesiastical authorities 2 . The use of Images in Churches he altogether approves, and condemns the revival by Wyclif and Luther of the heresy of the Greek Church in the time of Leo the Iconoclast with regard to them 3 . These examples may suffice to indicate the spirit of the teaching of Major as a biblical Commentator. He stands firm in the old paths of the Roman and Catholic Church, and treats all deviations from its doctrine as pestilent and poisonous heresy. But like the best Romanists of his age, he favours reforms within the Church and by the Church itself. The last of Major's published works was a return to his earliest master. The Ethics of Aristotle, with Commentaries by himself, were printed at the press of Badius Ascensius in 1530, 4 shortly before his return to Scotland. 1 In Marc. fol. cxvii. 3 In Joann. fol. cccxiii. 2 In Joann. fol. cccxxii. 4 Appendix I., p. 407. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xcv More interesting even than the subject of the work is the Dedication of _ _ . . . Major's Com- Preface which preserves the memory of the relations between mentary on Major and the great minister of Henry vm. As it contains kristotleto* several references to his own life, and is one of the best 0 f Wolsey - his numerous dedications, we give a translation of what were probably his last published words, for the twenty years he still survived were spent in other pursuits than authorship *, On the Kalends of June 1530 he wrote to Wolsey the fol- lowing dedicatory letter : — 1 To the most Reverend Father and Lord in Christ, Lord Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Presbyter of the Holy Roman Church by the title of St. Cecilia, Archbishop of York, Primate of England, and Legate a Latere of the Apostolic See, John Major of Haddington, with all observance, greeting. ' I have often and long determined with myself, and conceived in my mind, most bountiful of Prelates, to dedicate to some English prince the first fruits of my poor thoughts, such as they are, and that for good reasons as I think. The first of them, not to be diffuse, is the love of our common country, which is innate in all living creatures ; for we, separated only by a small space, are enclosed together in one Britain, the most celebrated island in all Europe, as in a ship upon a great ocean. My second reason is our community of religion and of studies. My third and, not to multiply words, my last and strongest reason is the desire to avoid ingratitude, the least note of which was deemed even by the Persians the most odious stain. For I have been received and honoured by Englishmen with such frequent hospitality, such humane and genial converse, such friendly intercourse, that I cannot be longer silent without showing a forgetful mind. Forty 2 years ago, if I reckon rightly, when I first left my father s house and went through England to Paris, I was received and retained with so great courtesy by the English, that during a whole year I learned the first rudiments of a good education in arts in the very celebrated College of Cambridge, now illustrious by the name of Christ. Afterwards, so far as I was permitted by the never-changing 1 For the original, see Appendix II., p. 448. 2 It was really thirty-six or thirty-seven, for Major went to Paris in 1493, after, as this Preface informs us, a year's residence in England. xcvi JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY sea (per mare perpetuum), I always made my journeys to and from France through England. Besides, what I hold and will always hold in fresh and constant memory so long as there is breath in my body, it is now the fourth year since your Grace, Most Reverend Legate, most bountiful and chief of the ecclesiastical dignitaries of England, entertained with the old hospitality of Christians one of my humble condition when I was again making my journey to France, and invited me to the College of Letters, then recently founded by your magnificent beneficence at Oxford 1 , to do the best I could to enlighten it by my presence and teaching, and made me the offer of most splendid remuneration. But so great a love possessed me for the University of Paris, my mother, and for my fellows in study, besides the desire to complete the books which I had already begun, that I could not accept the post so freely offered and so honourable. Now therefore, that I may not seem altogether for- getful of such great benefits, and that I may produce what during so many years I have laboured with, I inscribe and dedicate to you, who are both so great a Prince in ecclesiastical rank and the Maecenas not only of all theologians but of all men of letters, that most celebrated work on Ethics, written by Aristotle, the Prince of philosophers in the judgment of many, and explained by my own commentaries, of however little value these may be. As in the rest of his writings he has surpassed others, in this work he seems to have surpassed himself, that is the power of human nature. For in almost all his opinions he agrees with the Catholic and truest Christian faith in all its integrity. He constantly asserts the Free Will of man. He declares with gravity that suicide, to avoid the sad things of life, is the mark not of a truly brave but of a timid spirit. He separates honest pleasures which good men may seek after from the foul allurements the Turks propose for themselves. He places the happiness which man may attain to in the exercise of the heroic virtues. And he pursues with admirable judgment the examination of the two kinds of life, I mean the active and the contemplative, which were figured in the Old Testament by the sisters Rachel and Leah, and to us by Martha and Magdalene 2 . 1 Christ Church was begun by Wolsey in 1525, but never completed on his plan. The Cardinal's College, as it came to be called, was forfeited by Henry VIII., and finished on an inferior scale by the king. — Brewer's Henry vm. 2 Mary, the sister of Martha, supposed by medieval commentators to be Mary Magdalene. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR For he applies the one to the life of the gods, the other to the life of mortals. In fine, in so great and manifold a work, if it be read as we explain it, you meet scarcely a single opinion unworthy of a Chris- tian man. Wherefore, Most Magnificent Father, as you lately received me with such humanity and benevolence, we beg you now to accept this new birth, which, even if it were, as I wish, much better than it is, was long ago your due, and is now at last dedi- cated from my heart to your Eminence.' Do the Latin superlatives and high-flown style strike US as Time and tone antiquated and exaggerated ? Let us recognise qualities which honourable to are better than any style, however perfect in taste and propor- Ma j° r - tion — the ardent patriotism, the Academic spirit, the recog- nition of the nobility of the morals of the heathen philosopher, and the warm gratitude for Wolsey's kind offices. Let us remember too that when Wolsey had offered to place Major in the College which he was endowing with more than royal munificence, he was at the summit of his power ; but when this dedication was written he had fallen so low that in England there was scarcely- any one * so poor to do him reverence.'' In October of the previous year he had been prosecuted under the Statute of Provisors for accepting the Legatine office, which entailed the penalties of Praemunire and placed all he possessed at the king's mercy. On the 17th of that month he had been compelled to surrender the Great Seal ; an inventory of all his goods had been taken, and two days later he had confessed the charge and submitted himself to the king's pleasure. Though pardoned in February 1530, and restored to the Archbishopric, he had been finally deprived of his other great benefices, Winchester and St. Albans. He had retired to his diocese in failing health and fallen spirits, and at the time when Major was writing this dedication he was travelling by slow stages from Grantham to Newark, and from Newark to Southwell, where he spent Whitsuntide. 1 1 Brewer's Reign of Henry VIII., ii. 413. xcviii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY He lived till 29th November 1530, and wrote many piteous and unavailing letters to the king to be restored to some portion of the property of which he had been stripped, and, above all, that the Colleges of Ipswich and Christ Church might be spared. They were the darling objects of his bene- ficence, and intended to perpetuate his name. 'By Wolsey himself," writes Mr. Brewer, 4 the loss of power, the forfeiture of his estate, and even his exile to York were regarded with indif- ference compared with the ruin of his colleges. For recovery of the former he made little or no effort. For the preservation of his colleges he bestirred himself with ceaseless and untiring energy, employing all the little influence he possessed, or believed he possessed, with men in power to rescue them from the hands of the spoiler." It may also be noted to the credit both of Wolsey and Major that Wolsey was a pronounced Thomist, and had even acquired the epithet of Thomisticus. Yet this had not hin- dered the Cardinal from offering the post of teacher in his college to one who like Major inclined to the position of the Scotist philosophy, and did not prevent Major, while insisting on the Freedom of the Will, the key-note of Duns Scotus" separation from the doctrine of Aquinas, from expressing his gratitude and dedicating his work to Wolsey. To both the great Minister and the great Schoolman the Renaissance had imparted some of its reconciling influences. When we consider Major's work as a whole we are sensible that he was more in place in the Sorbonne than he would have been at Christ Church, in a college which retained the old subjects and methods of teaching rather than in one which aimed at adopting the new learning. Still his con- nection with the college ennobled by the name of Christ at Cambridge, when a student, and his narrow escape from becoming a Professor in the college which received the same name at Oxford, and favoured a reform in education, was something more than an accident in his life. It shows how LIFE OF THE AUTHOR xcix near he stood, and was deemed by some of his contemporaries to stand, to the parting of the ways between the Mediaeval and the Modern plans of University education. But when he was summoned to his own country as a director of public instruction, it was the Mediaeval Scholasticism and not the Modern Human- ism that he followed both at Glasgow and St. Andrews. He was a Modern only in Logic, and in the restricted and technical sense in which that word was used to denote the school which made the doctrine of ' Terms 1 the cardinal part of Logic. He was a keen reformer of ecclesiastical abuses, but was not prepared for reform either in dogmatic theology 1 or educational methods. The Bibliography of Major's works compiled by the learned Bibliography of zeal of Mr. T. Graves Law, Librarian of the Library of the illustrates his Writers to the Signet, and the kind aid of the keepers of the Bl0gra P hy * principal Libraries where his works are still to be found, is a valuable key to the biography of Major, and an interesting chapter in the history of the early French press. For it was in France that all his works were printed. The art of printing, like the other fine arts which were the offspring of the Revival of Letters, was a late comer to Northern Britain. Chepman and Millars press, in the Southgait of Edinburgh, issued its first sheets, the primitiae of Scottish printing, in 1508, and its last, so far as known, in June 1510. A single sheet of eight small leaves which contains the Com- passio beatae Mariae is the solitary record of the names of John Story the printer and Carolus Stute the publisher. A copy of The Biike of the Hozvlat, discovered by Mr. David Laing, in the binding of some early Protocol Books, completes the brief sum of Scottish printing between 1510 and 1520, one of the most active periods of the early press of France and Germany. The first work of Thomas Davidson, the next Scottish printer, did not appear till 1542, when Major had for twelve years 1 This is strikingly shown by his dedication in 1530 of a new edition of his Commentary on the First Book of the Sentences to John Mayr (or Major), the Suabian called Eck, from his birthplace, the most celebrated champion of the Church against Luther. Appendix II., p. 449. c JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY ceased publishing. Necessity as well as choice, due to his long residence in France, made him select Lyons and Paris as the birthplace of his literary children. There was no press in his native country which could have issued his voluminous works, and few buyers had there been such a press. How different was the case in France, whose famous printers vied with each other in producing them, and the demand was sufficient to produce editions of the same work by different publishers, and frequent revised editions of some by Major himself. A rapid survey of these will illustrate at once the activity of the French press and the popularity of Major. Major seems to have com- menced by printing at Paris in 1503 his first Logical Lectures on E.rponib'dia^ at the press of John Lambert, and two years later he issued his Commentaries on the logical Summulae of Peter the Spaniard from the press of Francis Fradin in Lyons. In 1508 John De Vingle, another Lyons printer, father of the more famous Peter, the Calvinist printer of Geneva, published his whole lectures on Logic as a Regent in Arts, which were sold in the same town by Stephen Queygnard, and of which there was a new edition in 1516. He had also in 1505 issued, along with Magister Ortiz, in Paris, the Medulla Dialectices of Jerome Pardus. In 1508 his Commentary on the Fourth Book of the Sentences was printed by Philip Pigouchet, and sold by Ponset le Preux, and it was republished by Badius Ascensius in 1516 ; and in 1516 his lectures in Arts were reprinted in Paris by John Grandjon, and sold by Dyonysius Roce. Why several of these earlier works were published at Lyons has not been clearly ascertained. It may be conjectured that as Lyons was as early as Paris 1 a centre of printing 2 , and already possessed forty printers in the fifteenth century, although Paris had more than double that number, some chance introduction may have led Major to resort to them. 1 Monteil : Histoire des Francais, iii. p. 305. 2 Brunet, Supplement par un Bibliophile, s.v. LYONS, notes that it was then the chief market for books, as Frankfort afterwards, and now Leipzig. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR ci The Lyons printers and publishers employed by Major were His numerous Francis Fradin (1505), Stephen Queygnard (1508), John De publishers'^ Vingle (1508), Martin Boillon (1516). An edition of the SummuJac of Peter the Spaniard was published in Venice by Lazarus de Soardis in 1506, and another at Caen in 1520. With these exceptions, and after 1516, Paris became his sole place of publication, and his principal publishers were John Grandjon and Badius Ascensius. But besides these we find frequently the following Parisian printers and publishers : John Parvus (Petit), who appears to have beeu a partner of Badius : Constantine Lepus, James le Messier, J. Borlier, John Lambert, Dyonysius Roce, William Anabat, Giles Gourmont, the partner of Petit after the death of Badius, Durand Gerlier, and Johannes Frillon. Several of the last-named printers, with the exception of Petit and Gourmont, were probably pirates, who then as now preyed upon the works of celebrated and fashionable authors, and may be left in the obscurity they merit. Grandjon and Badius deserve a brief record. Of Grandjon little is known John Grandjon. except that he was one of the most voluminous publishers or bibliopoles of the University of Paris, and that his shop was in the world-famed Clos Bruneau, with whose name the Parisian students startled the ears of the watch by their cry, 6 Allez au Clos Bruneau, vous trouverez a qui parler 1 . His sign, which hung over his shop, and was engraved as a device on his books, was a group of great rushes (magni junci) in a marsh, a pun on his name of Grand or Grant Jon. Jodocus Badius was a still more celebrated printer, and jodocus deserves recognition by Scottish historical students, for to his press we owe the two first printed histories of Scotland, that of Hector Boece, as well as that of John Major. Born at Asc, near Brussels (whence his name Ascensius), about 1462, after finishing his education at Ghent and Brussels, and visiting Italy, he settled in Lyons as a lecturer on Latin, but derived probably a larger income as corrector of the press for cii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY Jean Treschel, one of the earliest Lyons printers. Marrying the daughter of Treschel, he migrated to Paris about 1498, and there began to print on his own account. His press, of which a facsimile is given on the title-page of his books, was established in the Aedes Ascensianae, and, till his death about 1536, was the most prolific in Paris. No less than 400 volumes, the greater part folios and quartos, issued from it. They included the most important Latin classics, on several of which he wrote a Commentary, a translation by his own hand of Sebastian Brand's Ship of Fools, and many historical, philosophical, and theological works. He was employed not only by French but also by English and Scottish authors, who were doubtless attracted to a printer who was also a scholar. He began to print for Major in 1516, and continued to do so down to 1530. His eldest daughter, the wife of Robert Stephen or Etienne, became the ancestress of a famous race of printers. The second was the wife of Jean Roygny, who carried on his father-in-law's press, and the youngest of Michael Vascosanus, also a well-known Parisian printer. His son Conrad became a Protestant, and retired with his brother- in-law Robert Stephen to Geneva. If the epigram of his grandson Henry Stephen could be trusted, Badius must have had several other children, though his books were his most numerous progeny. A sentence which he inscribed on several of his volumes may be commended to publishers : — 6 Aere Meret Badius Laudem Auctorum Arte Legentium,"' which may be freely translated : — ' His authors praised his grateful heart. His readers praised his graceful art.' In one of Major's volumes Badius celebrates the author in Latin verse 1 , and Major frequently records his gratitude for 1 Iodocus Badius Lectori. Quartum Maioris, Lector studiose, suprema lam tersum lima, perlege, disce, cole. Quern si cum reliquis trutina perpenderis eque : Pridem alijs maior, se modo maior ei it. [From the In Quartum, ed. 1521.] LIFE OF THE AUTHOR ciii the care of the press of Badius. One of these passages will appeal to the feelings both of the reader and the writer for the press. ' I had no human aid he writes, 4 except that of the printer, who has laboured with the greatest vigilance that com- mas, periods, and other stops should not be left out, although the copy was written by various hands ; for my amanuensis was sometimes prevented by the lectures which he had to attend, and my own handwriting was difficult for others to read 1 . 1 Another point of contact between Major and the early uiric Gering, Parisian press deserves mention. Uldericus Guerinck or Ulric p^ter! a tene- 11 Gering, the French Caxton, or first Parisian printer, was factor of Mont- closely associated with the College of Montaigu. During his life he was a constant benefactor of its poor students, and by his will he left it the half of his goods and the third of the debts due to him. With the proceeds of this legacy the College bought the farm of Daunet, near the Marne, and the Hotel de Vezelay, which was situated between Montaigu and the College of St. Michel. On the latter site were built rooms for the classes of Grammar and Arts soon after 1510, the year when Gering died, and in the Chapel of the College a portrait of its benefactor was hung with an inscription describ- ing him as ' Proto-Typographus Parisius 1469', and recording his benefaction. In these class-rooms Major may have lectured, and in that chapel he must have frequently worshipped 2 . In 1531 Maior returned from Paris to St. Andrews, and Major at J St. Andrews. resumed his lectures on Theology. Three years after, the death Provost of . m o c St Salvator. of Hugh Spens 3 caused a vacancy in the office of Provost or St. Salvator, and Major was appointed. The first entry of his name in that office after his return is on 4th November 1535, when he was again elected an Assessor of the Dean of Faculty of Arts. He was annually re-elected, at least till 1538. He was 1 Exordium Libri Quarti Sententiarum. Appendix II., p. 439. 2 Annals of Parisian Typography, by Rev. W. Parr Gresswell, 181 5, the frontispiece of which is the portrait of Gering. 3 His tomb bears the inscription, ' Obiit anno domini 1534, et 21 die Julii.' civ JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY also one of the Rector's Assessors from 1532 to 1544, with which was generally joined the office of Rector's Deputy: the Assessor was one of the Council of the Rector, and the Deputy his representative when absent. In 1539 he founded, along with William Manderston, a chaplaincy or bursary in St. Salvator's, and endowed it with the rents of certain houses in South Street, St. Andrews. The holder was to celebrate masses for the souls of the founders and their relations, and of James v., Mary of Guise, and Cardinal Beaton. In 1545 Peter, the Chaplain of St. Salvator, is mentioned as his coadjutor, and Major ceased, from the increasing infirmity of age, to hold any of the annual offices of the University, but retained the Provostship till his deatli in 1549 or 1550, when he was succeeded by William Cranstoun. Buchanan spoke of him as already in extreme old age in 1524. This appears to us somewhat of an exaggeration, as he was only fifty-four. Perhaps, as has been suggested, the ordi- nary limits of human life were counted shorter in that age than in ours. The date of his birth, now precisely ascertained, proves that before his death he exceeded by ten years the term of life allotted by the Psalmist. Another reason may be suggested for the censorious tone of all Buchanan's notices of Major. If we could implicitly James Laing's credit the gossiping and malicious Doctor of the Sorbonne, an^Buchan'an J ames Laing, Major had actually taken part in the con- demnation of Buchanan for heresy in 1539, because he recommended James v., as it was absurdly put, to eat the Paschal Lamb in Lent, or, as the fact may have been, to break the fast which the Roman Church enforced during that season. 6 The king ', says Laing, 6 summoned the Doctors of Theology at St. Andrews, amongst whom was John Major, a man of the greatest piety and learning in Philosophy as well as Theology . . . and when the question was proposed to him he answered : " He who says, Most Christian king, that LIFE OF THE AUTHOR cv you ought to eat the Paschal Lamb wishes you to become a Jew, and to live according to the customs of the Jews, who deny that Christ has yet come or was born of the Virgin. For the Paschal Lamb is an institution of the ceremonial law, and every ceremonial law is dead once Christ has suffered, as the apostle clearly says in the fifth chapter of the Galatians." ' 1 Though this story bears the marks of being largely apo- cryphal, Cardinal Beaton appears certainly to have been the instigator of Buchanan's imprisonment, from which he escaped, as he tells us in his own Life, while the guards were asleep 2 . When he was again arrested in Portugal, one of the charges against him was that he had eaten flesh in Lent 3 , and there is nothing improbable in this having formed part of the earlier accusation in Scotland, or that Major may have been consulted by James v. on the point. If so, Buchanan's dislike of Major had another ground besides his contempt for the logical and sophistical teaching of the Professor. That the closing years of Major's life were those of enfeebled age is shown by the appointment of a coadjutor, and by the fact that he was excused from attending the Provincial Council of Edinburgh in July 1549, in whose records he is described as Dean of the Faculty of Theology of St. Andrews, on the ground that he was 4 annosus, grandaevus, debilis \ 4 Although Buchanan exaggerated, Major's productive life ended with his second residence in Paris. No later work proceeded from his ready pen, and we have scanty notices of what he did in St. Andrews as head of St. Salvator. Perhaps the absence of a press in Scotland capable of producing such works as his, and the occupations of the principal of a College, precluded him from further literary labours. But there were other and deeper causes. The state of Scotland was not favourable to the calm 1 Jacobus Langaeus De Vita, Moribtis atque Gestis Haereticomm nostri tern poris. Paris, 1 581. 2 G. Buchanani Vita Sua.^ 3 Ibid. 4 Joseph Robertson : Ecclesiae Scoticanae Concilia, p. 82. cvi JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY production or revision of philosophical or theological com- mentaries. The time for contemplation had passed, the time for action had come. Major was not a man of action. To one who had finally chosen to abide by the old church and yet had fostered some liberal ideas, which he hoped the Church would itself realise, the progress of the Reformation and the means adopted to stifle it must have produced thoughts best buried in silence. It was too late to change his opinions. However liberal in other matters, the Holv Roman Church was still to the venerable Doctor of the Sorbonne the exponent of sound faith in religion. It is seldom that a man of serious thought alters his views after middle age. Had he been twenty vears younger it might have been different. Knox and Two glimpses of Major in his old age are given in the History of the Reformation by John Knox, which show that although he adhered to the old church he was willing to hear its abuses condemned in the strongest language. In 1534 a Friar William Airth preached at Dundee against the abuses of cursing and of miracles, and the licentious lives of the bishops. John Hepburn, Bishop of Brechin, having called him a heretic for uttering such opinions, ' the Friar, impatient of the injury received, passed to St. Andrews and did com- municate the heads of his sermon with Master John Mair, whose word then was holden as an oracle in matters of reli- gion, and being assured of him that such doctrine might well be defended, and that he would defend it, for it contained no heresy, there was a day appointed for the said Friar to make repetition of the sermon \ Airth accordingly re-delivered it in the parish church, and amongst his hearers were Major and the other heads of the University. The sermon was on the text, ' Truth is the strongest of all things \ Knox gives its substance, which was certainly bold enough, but as it touched chiefly morals and not doctrine it might escape the charge of heresy. 6 One matter"', says Knox, 1 was judged harder, for he LIFE OF THE AUTHOR cvii alleged the common law, "That the Civil Magistrate might correct Churchmen and deprive them of their benefices for open vices". 1 It shows the critical moment the Reformation had reached Major at in Britain that the same Friar, according to Knox, having pubifcSer- escaped to England, was cast into prison by Henry vm. for mons " defence of the Pope. But Henry, as Buchanan tells us, was then intent on his own ends rather than purity of religion, 4 burning men of opposite opinions at the same stake \ Major was again present at a still more memorable occasion thirteen years later, in 1547, when Knox first preached in public at the earnest request of John Rough, Minister of St. Andrews, Sir David Lindsay, the poet, and Balnaves, a lawyer, one of the first Judges of the Court of Session. His text was from the seventh chapter of Daniel, 'And another King shall rise after them, and he shall be unlike unto the first, and he shall subdue three kings, and shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall consume the saints of the Most High, and think that he may change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hands until a time and times and dividing of times \ After explaining the prophecy of the fall of the four empires — the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman, he declared that on its destruction rose up that last beast, which he declared to be the Roman Church ; but before he began to open its corruptions he defined the true kirk as that which heard the voice of its own Pastor Christ, and would not listen to strangers. Then, grappling more closely than any preacher had yet done with the corruptions of Rome, 'he deciphered the lives of the Popes and of all shavelings for the most part, and proved their doctrine and laws to be contrary to those of God the Father and of Christ \ The reigning Pontiff, we should remember, was Alexander vi., 'that monster \ to quote the just condemnation of Villari, whose enormities made even the cviii JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY vices of Sixtus rv. to be forgotten. Knox's crucial instance of false doctrine was the same as Luther's — 'Justification by works, pilgrimages, pardons, and other sic baggage, instead of by faith through the blood of Christ which purgeth from all sin.' Treating of the ecclesiastical law he condemned the observance of days and abstinence from meats and marriage, both of which Christ made free. He reached his climax by quoting the claims alleged on behalf of the Pope, as 4 That he cannot err, can make wrong of right and right of wrong, and can of nothing make somewhat'. Finally, he said, turning from the congregation to the seats of honour, 4 If any here (and there were present Master John Mair, the Provost of the University, the Sub-prior, and many Canons with some Priors of both orders), will say that I have alleged Scripture doctrine or history otherwise than it is written, let them come to me with sufficient witness, and I, by conference, shall let them see not only the original where my testimonies are written, but prove that the writers meant as I have spoken.' Even this daring language would apparently have passed unchallenged had not Hamilton, the Archbishop-elect, written to Winram, the Sub-prior, rebuking him for suffering it. A conference was accordingly held, in which "Winram disputed with Knox, but left the brunt of the argument to a Friar Arbuckle, for Winram himself already inclined to the reformed doctrines, which he ultimately adopted. Major and To understand the position of Major, the representative of the Scottish , r - • i Reformation, a former generation brought face to face with the ideas and events of the new era, when, in Scotland at least, Reform came so quickly as almost to outstrip the Revival of Learning, we must recal briefly the course of Scottish affairs from his return to St. Andrews till his death. St. Andrews was then, more than at any other time, a political and religious centre ; and, though himself inactive, Major came constantly in contact with the chief actors LIFE OF THE AUTHOR cix in the tragedies of which Scotland, not yet finally com- mitted to the Roman or the Reformed Church, became the scene. The young king, James v., whose tutor and playfellow had James v. been David Lyndsay of the Mount, whose father had chosen Erasmus as preceptor for his bastard half-brother, the Arch- bishop of St. Andrews, whose confessor, Seton, had imbibed some Reformed doctrines, whose uncle, Henry vin., had plied him with flattery and promises, wavered, like Francis i., between Rome and the Reformation. He gave signs that he might accept the latter. He set on foot a reform of the Cistercians, the richest and most corrupt of the older orders of Monks. He employed Buchanan to describe the hypocrisy which made even more odious the Franciscans, whose poverty and asceticism had sometimes become the cloak of a still more dangerous licence, threatening the family, and not merely the cloister, with corruption. He had at last succeeded in obtaining a portion of the exorbitant revenues of the Bishops for the foundation of a College of Justice, one of the most urgently needed reforms ; for the Baronial and Ecclesiastical Courts rivalled each other in the delay, the cost, and often the denial of justice. But other influences operating on the unstable mind of James prevailed. In 1534 Henry vm,'s divorce received the sanction of Parliament. Whoever, knowing the facts, judged it by any but a purely English standard must have begun to doubt whether good morals and justice were always on the side of the Reformers. One of its consequences was to put an end to the project of James's marriage to Mary Tudor, now disinherited. In 1535 he refused to meet his uncle on the English side of the Border, and in March of the following year a treaty of marriage was made between him and Mary de Bourbon, daughter of the Duke of Vendome. In winter he went to France, and, displeased with his proposed bride, pre- h cx JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY ferred the delicate beauty of Madeleine, the daughter of Francis i. The Scotch King was received by the French Court with the honours usually paid only to the Dauphin, and the citizens of Paris thronged to see him, and receive his largesse as he passed through the streets of their beautiful capital. Madeleine having died in midsummer 1537, an embassy, with David Beaton, Bishop of Mirepoix, at its head, soon negotiated another French alliance. The choice fell on Mary, daughter of the Duke of Guise, widow of the Duke of Longueville. This marriage, celebrated at St. Andrews in June 1538, finally de- cided the King in favour of the Roman Church. The family of Guise was devoted to it. The uncle and brother of the new Queen were Cardinals, and David Beaton secured the Cardinal same coveted dignity by promoting the match as Wolsey had Beaton. done ]jy a similar service. Roman ecclesiastics of the worldly type have always been promoters of politic marriages in the interests of the Church. In 1539, soon after christening the young prince, the first short-lived fruit of the marriage, in his cathedral, James Beaton died. He had not been a favourite with the King, who had even written to the Pope, complaining of the aggrandizement of this obscure family, but he succeeded in transferring or leaving his wide benefices to his kinsmen. His nephew, David, already Abbot of Arbroath, became Arch- bishop ; Dury, a cousin, Abbot of Dunfermline ; and Hamilton, another of his kin, Abbot of Kilwinning. David Beaton now acquired complete ascendancy in the councils of the King. He persuaded the clergy to the politic step of making James a larger grant out of their revenues. As Archbishop he con- vened an assembly of nobles, prelates, and doctors of theology, of whom Major was one, at St. Andrews, and pronounced an oration against the danger to the Church from heretics who professed their opinions openly even in the Court, where they had found (he said) too great countenance. Sir George Borth- wick, captain of Linlithgow, was condemned in absence for LIFE OF THE AUTHOR cxi denying the authority of the Pope and accepting the heresies of England, and his image was burnt in the Market Place of St. Andrews \ Henry vm. made a last attempt to have a personal interview with his nephew, but Beaton's influence prevented it. A war ensued, in which the defeat of the Scotch under Oliver Sinclair at Sol way Moss proved fatal to James, who sank under the blow, and died at Falkland on 14th December 1542, seven days after the birth of Mary Stuart. In spite of a will pro- duced, it was alleged forged by Beaton, appointing him Regent, the Estates chose Arran as next heir to the Crown. Beaton was for a short time put in ward, but made terms with Arran, and became Chancellor in 1543. The failure of Henry's negotiations for the marriage of the infant Queen to his son Edward was followed by Hertford's ruthless raid, which revived the old hatred of the English throughout Scotland. On 1st March 1546 George Wishart was burnt before the gate of the Archbishop's castle at St. Andrews. Four other victims of humble birth had shortly before been executed at Perth. In Murder of the less than three months, on 28th May, the Cardinal was Caulina1, murdered in his own castle by Norman Lesley and a small band of young men of good family from Fife, some of whom had private wrongs to revenge, but chiefly in retaliation for Wishart's death. Shutting themselves up in the castle, where they received supplies from England, and were joined by per- sons of like mind, amongst whom was John Knox, they were closely besieged by the Regent's forces, and compelled to agree to terms by which, on receipt of absolution from Rome, they were to surrender the castle. In the meantime the siege was raised, and the son of Arran given them as a hostage. It was during this critical interval that Knox preached the daring- sermon at which Major was present. In the summer of 1547 the absolution arrived, but its terms were equivocal, and the besieged refused to accept it. In June, Strozzi, the French Admiral, 1 May 1540. CX11 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY arriving with a fleet, the siege was renewed. 6 Cannons were planted, some on the steeple of the Parish Church, some on the tower of St. Salvador's, and some in the street that leads to the castle. 1 On 29th July a breach in the south wall forced a capitulation. The besieged saved their lives, but were sent to France as prisoners in the French galleys. The death of Henry viii. had prevented the coming of an English fleet for their relief. Another raid by Hertford, now the Pro- tector Somerset, followed, and the loss by the Scots of the battle of Pinkie led to the infant Queen being sent to France for safety. Supported by French troops the Scotch were able to make head against the English, and recover the castles which had been lost, and Scotland was made a party to the French peace with England in April 1550. It was probably Major 1550. shortly before its conclusion that Major died. Who can wonder that amid such scenes an old man who had survived his generation held his peace. The names kindled by the Inquisition were being revenged by the dagger of the assassin. Almost the last news he heard was that the Lam]) of the Lothians, the fine Church of Haddington, at whose altars he had worshipped, had been burnt ; almost the last sight he saw was the flash of cannons on the Castle from the tower of St. Salvator. On the one side stood the Church in which he had been born and bred, the Queen Dowager, his patrons the bishops, and most of his older friends both in France and Scotland ; on the other, his ablest pupils and an increasing number of the Scottish people, both gentry and burghers. For the one cause fought the French Monarch and Court, whose brilliant corruption he must well have known ; for the other, the English king was defying the laws of his own realm to carry out his will, while his generals were harry- ing, burning, bombarding the Scottish towns in a manner which recalled the havoc of the wars of Edward 1. The Council of Trent just assembled evinced a desire to LIFE OF THE AUTHOR cxiii reform the Church from within, and several Scottish bishops, notably Hamilton, the Prelate who succeeded Beaton, were readv to minimise the Roman doctrine and to remedy the most flagrant abuses. To one who could brook a question upon the matter, — who did not see, as the Reformers did, in the Pope Antichrist, in Rome Babylon, in its doctrine idolatry, in its casuistry a root of moral corruption, — still more to one whose inveterate habit it was to argue everything from both sides, there might well seem room for hesitation, for delay, for choosing the older as the safer path. Behind the external tumult, to one who was a theologian and philosopher, living in the world of thought more than of action, there were arrayed on the side of Rome, once its premisses were accepted, the forces of Logic and Casuistry, for which he had the affec- tion the adept feels for the weapons of his own craft. There was also the terror of the stake ; for, after all, most Character men are human. Martyrs are amongst the smallest of minori- ° f Major ' ties in the human race. During the preceding centuries persecution had all but extinguished the doctrines of Wycliffe and of Huss. Even after the revival of learning had borne its natural fruit in the decay of superstition, it arrested the Reformation in Italy and Spain and the greater part of France. The life whose course from such materials as exist we have followed was not that of a hero or a martyr. But if the character and conduct of Major have been rightly interpreted they have value of their own not to be overlooked. They bring vividly before us the Scottish man of learning as he was in this perilous age, when new ideas and a new faith were clashing with the old not merely in the field of argument but by fire and sword. Major the lifelong student, and devoted professor, who pre- ferred, as he himself says, 6 to teach rather than to preach 1 ; fond of his books; fond of music as the relaxation, and of Major and argument as the business, of his life, but fond also of his pupils pared> cxiv JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY Character o Major's History. and his country, did what lay within his capacity to improve his pupils and inform his countrymen. But it was beyond his power to reform his age by the potent words, and un- flinching courage, which in spite of grave triors make most of his countrymen reverence, and impartial judges of other nations respect, the name of John Knox. The deeper, stronger work of the Reformer lias, as it deserved, lasted longer than the work of his master the Schoolman. Even when that part of it which is dogmatic has been superseded, that part of it which is moral will continue, for it rests near the foundations of social and religious life, while that part of it which is national will always remain an integral and crucial chapter in Scottish History. The philosophy and the theology of Major served for his generation only, quickened the thoughts of some of his students by attraction, and of others by repulsion, and then quietly sank into oblivion. Only a stray passage here and there has been brought to light in modern times by the diligent investigator of the progress of European thought or as an aid to the understanding of his character. 6 Habent sua fata libelli. 1 The short history which he probably valued least of all his works lias had a longer life. It was reprinted in the last century by Freebairn, and has always been favourably known to students of Scottish History. In the hope that it may reach a still wider circle, the History is now for the first time translated by Mr. Constable, a task rendered difficult from its terse and occasionally abrupt style, but accomplished through familiarity with Major's thoughts, acquired by a prolonged and patient study of his writings and character. An estimate of its chief characteristics has already been given in this sketch of the life of the author. It is not a history to read for new information. History is a progres- sive branch of knowledge. Much more is known now than Major knew of our ancient annals. But his work will always be interesting as the first History of Scotland written in a LIFE OF THE AUTHOR cxv critical and judicial spirit, and as presenting the view of that historv in its past course and future tendency taken by a scholar of the sixteenth century, who, though he halted in the old theology, was so far as history is concerned singularly far- sighted and fair. Such qualities are not even yet so common amongst historians that we can afford to neglect an early example of their exercise. M. M. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE. I._ NOTICES OF JOHN MAJOR IN FRENCH AND SCOTTISH RECORDS. Note. — I am indebted to Monsieur Chatelain of the Sorbonne for an exact copy of the references to Major in the ' Liber Receptoris Nationis Alamanie,' which has been preserved for the years 1494 to 1501. Mr. J. Maitland Ander- son, the Librarian of the University of St. Andrews, has done a similar service by making a careful excerpt of all entries relating to Major in the Records of that University. The references to the offices he held in the University of Glasgow have been taken from the printed volume of its Munimenta. /E. M. (1.) University of Puns. Archives de V University de Paris. Liegistre 85. ' Liber Receptoris Nationis Alamanie.' (Anno 1494). — Sequuntur nomina licentiatorum huius anni. Johannes Maior dyoc. sanct. Andree, bursa valet 4 sol. 1 lib. (Anno 1495). — Inter nomina incipientium huius anni : Dns Johannes Mair dioc. see Andree cujus bursa valet 4 or sol. i. lib. pro jocundo adventu et cappa rectoris. . . . ii. lib. (At the end of the year 1498, following upon the accounts of the Receiver, i.e. ' Robertus Valterson, dioc. S. Andree,' may be seen the signature of the procureur, who thus vouched for the Receiver's statement of accounts :— ) Ita est, Johannes H. Maior. Anno dominice incarnationis 1501 coadunata fuit Germanorum natio apud edem divi Mathurini ad decern klas octobres super novi receptoris electione, ubi pacatissime ut putatur, deo inspirante, delectus fuit m agister Johannes Mair gleguocensis diocesis sanct. Andre. Qui et receptas et impensas ea serie qua sequitur ut cum- que executus est. The Receiver who succeeded Major, ' Mag. Christianus Hermanni/ was elected in 1502 f in vigilia Sanct. Mathei.' A° 1506. Lie. (in theol.) Johannes Major, Scotus, de collegio Montano. Ordo Lie. 55 (Bibl. Nat. 31s. No. 15440). [v. Budinsky : Die Universitat Paris, 187G, p. 91.] APPENDIX TO THE LIFE CXVll (2.) University of Glasgow. Copy of a letter of Exemption from Taxation granted by James v. to the University of Glasgow, confirming prior exemption. 20 May 1522. This letter is said to have been obtained at their own expense ' per venerabilem virum Magistrum Jacobum Steward prepositum ecclesie collegiate de Dunbertane ac Rectorem Johannem Majorem theologie Munimenta professorem thesaurarium capelle regie Striuilingensis vicariumque de Alrne Universi- t • • i ^ ■, .. ™ • > tatls Glasguen- Dunlop ac pnncipalem regentem Pedagogy Glasguensis. s i S) L p . 47> General Congregation of the University, 3d November 1518. Amongst others incorporated by the Rector, Adam Colquhoun, Canon Ibid. n. p. 133. of Glasgow, was ' Egregius vir Magister Johannes Major, doctor Parisien- sis ac principalis regens collegii et pedagogii dicte universitatis canonicus- que capelle regie ac vicarius de Dunlop.' General Congregation of the University of Glasgow on 24th May 1522, under the presidency of James Stewart, Provost of the Collegiate Church of Dumbarton, and Rector of the University, and John Major being present, who is described as Professor of Theology, Treasurer of the Chapel Royal of Stirling, Vicar of Dunlop and Principal Regent. The Rector explained the privileges of the University with reference Ibid. 11. pp. 134, to exemption from taxation. On the same day Major was appointed one I+4- of the auditors of the Accounts of the Foundation of David de Caidyow for a chaplaincy at the altar of the Virgin in the Cathedral. ibid. p. 143. At a General Congregation of the University at the Feast of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, 1522, for the election of a new Rector. John Major was one of the three ' intrantes ' who continued James Ibid. 11. 147. Steward in the office. Register of the Privy Seal. lib. Presentation by James v. of Treasurership of Chapel Royal, dated v ' ° T ' 144 " J 1 -i See Hlstor y ot 1st June 1520, in favour of Mr. Andrew Durie in view of the the Chapel resignation of John Mair, Professor of Theology and last Treasurer. J^o^!^ liv. 57-9S. CXV11] JOHN MAJORS HISTORY (3.) University of St. Andrews. [Maioris — Mayr Maior — Major used Interchangeably. Usually declined according to the context, Maioris, Maiorem, Maiore.] [Acta Rectorum.] 1523, June 9. Incorporated. [Entry as in Irving's Buchanan.] 1523, Jan. 17. Elected one of the deputies to visit St. Salvator's College. [Entry as in Irving's Buchanan.] 1524. Nov. 7. ()ne Q £ the \uditors of the Accounts of the Quaestor of the Faculty of Arts for the year I 523-24. 1524, Feb. last. Elected one of the Rector's Assessors and Deputies. 1525, Jan. 22. Elected one of the Deputies to visit St Salvator's College. 1532, Feb. last. Elected one of the Rector's Assessors and Deputies. 1533, Jan. 15. Elected one of the Deputies to visit St. Salvator's College. 1534, Feb. Elected one of the Rector - Assessors and Deputies. penult. He was further elected to the same posts on the last day of Febru- ary 1536 ; April 30, 1639 ; March 2, L539 ; March 1. 1540. Elected one of the Rector's Assessors od the last day of February 1541, 1-542 ; one of the Rector's Assessor- and Deputies on the last day of February L543 ; and (?) 1544. There was elected as one of the Assessors, ' Petrum Capellanj Donius 1545- Saluatoris Prefectj Coadiutorem. 1 The Assessors were appointed 'ad assistendum eidem domino rectorj et eidem consiliendum.' The Deputies were appointed ' ad exercendum rectoris officium in eius absencia.' [Acta Facultatis Artium Univ. St. And.]. 1523, Nov. 3. Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I. M. Ganonicum capelle regie Stirlingensis], Mar. 19. Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I.M. Thexaararius capelle regie Stirlingensis]. 1524, Nov. 3. Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I.M. Thesaurarius capelle regie Stirlingensis]. 1525, Mar. 4. Named as one of the Dean's Assessors [I.M. Thesaurarius capelle regie Stirlingensis]. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE cxix Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I.M. Thesaurarius capelle regie Stirlingensis]. Apr. 8. Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I. M. Thesaurarius capelle regie Stirlingensis]. Nov. 3. Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I.M. only]. i53 r - Nov. 3- Elected one of the Dean's Assessors [I.M. vicarius dunloppij successor prefecti collegij Sancti Saluatoris]. 1533. Nov. 4- Elected one of the Dean'- Assessors [I.M. prefecti Coll. Sti. Salu.]. I534i Nov. 3. Elected do. do. do. 1535, Nov. 3. Elected do. do. do. 1537, Nov. 3. Named as do. do. do. Nov. 10, Elected do. do. do. 1538, Feb. 1. Register of Documents connected with St. Salvator's College. 'Maister Jhon Mayr' is first mentioned as 'Prowest of the College/ 1536, May 3. on February 1536, and other references to him as ' Prepositus Coll. Bccles. - s . Salvatoris ' occur on the following dates : 1540, Feb. 25 ; L539, Jan. 9 ; 1542, May 31 ; 1544, Aug. 3, Apr. 29, Apr. 30, May 1, May 2; 1543, Apr. 13, Apr. 18; 1.535, Feb. 15. None of these entries throw any light on Major's personal history, with the exception of that under Jan. 9, 1539. This is a charter granted by Major in conjunction with William Manderston, founding a chaplaincy or bursary (Capel- lania seu Bursa) in S. Sal. College (with power to the Rector and his Assessors to transfer it to St. Mary's College) — the holder to celebrate Masses for the souls of the founders and their relations, James v. and Mary his Queen, Cardinal Beaton, etc. The endowment consisted mainly of annual rents of tenements in South Street, St. Andrews. Extracts from the Acta Rectorum Univ. St. Andrew. Curia tenta per venerabilem et egregium virum magistrum alex- 1540, June 15. andrum balfowr rectorem de Longcardy vicarium de Kilmany almeque vniuersitatis sancti Andree rectorem In capella beate Marie uirginis infra claustrum collegij sancti saluatoris situata martis decimoquinto Iunij In anno domini Jaj v c . xlmo. In causa exactionum recusatoriorum fore declinatoriarum iniplice duplice et triplice venerabilis et egregij virj magistri nostri magistri Johannis maioris prepositj collegij sancti saluatoris et domini Johannis cxxii JOHN MAJORS HISTORY II. NOTE ON THE SCHOOL OF THE TERMINISTS TO WHICH JOHN MAJOR BELONGED. Chiefly from Dr. Carl Prantl, Geschichte der Logik, Band iv. Leipzig, 1870. The series of Terminist Scotists commenced with Nicholas Tinctor 1 , who was followed by Pardus 2 and Bricot 8 . A pupil of Pardus and of Bricot, John Major taught at Paris in the college of Montaigu, was an extremely fertile writer, collected numerous scholars round him and excited them to literary activity. While we must refrain from referring to his Commentaries on Peter Lombard and the physical and ethical writings of Aristotle, we find a number of smaller or greater works by him on Logic in which he frequently treated the same subject in new editions. He edited an edition of the Commentary of John Dorp 4 on Buridan 5 , to which it is 1 Prantl, iv. p. 198, 199. Tinctor published a Commentary on the SummuUc of Petrus Hispanus, which is expressly designed on the title-page as ' Secundum Subtilissimi doctoris Johannis Scoti viam compilation,'' and a later work, in which he is described as a follower of Thomas Aquinas, is only according to Prantl (note 117) 'a bookseller's puff or advertisement '. 2 Hieronymus or Jerome Pardus, a lecturer on Logic of the school called by Prantl ' Terminist Scotists.' His Medulla dyalectices, 1505, edited by Major and Jacobus Ortiz, is his only known work. — Prantl, iv. p. 246. 3 Thomas Bricot, who published alone or in collaboration with George of Brussels several logical tracts between 1402- 1505. — Prantl, iv. p. 199. 4 John Dorp's Commentary was first published at Venice 1499, and twice by Major, Paris 1504, folio, and Lyons 15 10, quarto. At the close of the latter edition Dorp is called ' verus nominalium opinionum recitator '. — Prantl, iv. p. 237, note 357. 5 John Buridan, who died not before 1358, was one of the earliest Nominalists, and following Ockham declares Theological Dogma and Philosophy to be incom- mensurable. ' Metaphysics differs from Theology in this, that while both treat of God and Divine Things Metaphysics does not consider God and Divine Things except in so far as they can be proved and concluded or induced by demonstra- tive reasons. Theology, on the other hand, holds certain articles of belief as principles without evidence, and considers further what can be deduced from such articles.' — Prantl, iv. p. 15, note 58. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE cxxiii unnecessary further to refer, as he added to Dorp only some short marginal notes. But in addition he composed several treatises which were collected and printed more or less completely, some of them as Commentaries on Petrus Hispanus, and others Lectures he gave in the Faculty of Arts (Libri quos in artibus emisit). At a later date he collected the Logic of Aristotle and the Summulae of Petrus Hispanus in an Introductorium, and finally he added Ques- tiones with reference to the old Logic (Fetus Jrs). If we first confine ourselves to the order of the collective edition, we find it commences with a treatise De complexo significabili, in which he gives, like his master Pardus in his Medulla, an affirma- tive answer to the question as to the existence of complex terms. Then follow two Libri Terminorum, in the first of which, after fixing the logical meaning of the word Term, almost all possible divisions of the Term are discussed by means of doubts and their solutions, and in the second book the same subject is treated in somewhat altered order, after which he places Abbreviationes Parvorum Logic- alium 1 . Next follow the Summulce, that is, a commentary on Petrus Hispanus, where we find in the introduction a reference to Gerson's utterances on the use of logic, and also a ridiculous play of letters with the word Summulce. The contents of this part are a commen- tary on the first four tracts of Petrus Hispanus, where at the close of the doctrine of Judgment (following Bricot)' 2 there is a special explanation of the term Contingent, and of the question current since Buridan wrote as to the variation of the middle term 3 . Besides, the subject of the divisions of the Term is again examined, with reference to the views of Marsilius 4 , and at the close of the Categories a Tree of the Predicaments is added. In treating of the Syllogism Major repudiates the Fourth Figure as an unnecessary multiplication more sharply than earlier writers. He adduces, like his teacher Pardus, sophistical examples for each Mood. The Topics and the refutation of Fallacies he treats sum- marily, because especially in the first there is much unnecessary matter. 1 The Parva Lcgicalia were topics whicli were not treated specially by Aristotle, but deduced by minor authors from passages in his works. — Prantl, iv. p. 204, note 153. 2 Prantl, iv. p. 203. 3 Prantl, iv. p. 34. 4 Not Marsilius of Padua but of Inghen (d. 1396), a leading Professor of Logic at Heidelberg, whose writings are very voluminous, and in general follow Ock- ham, Buridan, and other Nominalists though with some variations. — Prantl, iv. pp. 94-102. CXX1V JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY A second division of the work begins with the Krponibi/ia 1 in which there i> nothing new, for he follows Paulus Venetus- and Petrus Mantuanus 3 . Then follow the Insolubilia. with reference to which the statement of the principles of others affords the chief interest, for in this part also he follows the explanations of Paulus Venetus. The Commentary added to tin- second Analytic appears in an improper place and calls for no special remark. We have this portion of the work not from the hand of Major but of his pupil CoroneL The Parva Logica/ia follow in six tracts, from which we learn that they were reckoned a part of the Vetus Logica A while the Consequentia and Ea-ponibi/ia were deemed to belong to the Nova Logica. The contents of this part consists of a controversial exposition of Petrus Hispanus with frequent use of Peter of Mantua and George of Brussels. Finally there is inserted a concise exposition of the Obligators 5 and Argumenta Sophist ica, in which we notice a disposition to contest every proposition sophistic-ally, and in addi- tion a monograph on the Infinite in which all possible sophisms which belong to this subject are examined. After what has been said it is not necessary to examine in detail the two last-named writings of Major on Logic, for in the Introductorium he merely repeats what he had written before, and the Qucestioncs are only a commentary of the usual kind on the Vetus Ars in the sense of the Terminists, Among the scholars of Major may be named first David Cranston of Glasgow, who taught in Paris, and wrote a treatise on Insolubilia and Obligatoria. As to the first of these, he proceeds 1 The Exponibilia were certain words of frequent occurrence in propositions which required to be expounded to avoid ambiguity and sophisms. 2 Paulus Venetus (d. 1428) is treated at length by Prantl (iv. pp. 118, 140), who considers his writings as marking the most extreme growth of the Scholastic Logic. He commented on the Physics, Ethics, as well as on the Logic of Aristotle. 3 Petrus Mantuanus, a Logician of the Terminist School, published circa 1483. — Prantl, iv. p. 176. 4 The Vetus Logica or Ars was not the older logic in point of time but that which treated of the remoter or less immediate parts of logic, while the Nova Logica treated of the Syllogisms and its parts and forms. — Prantl, iv. p. 176, note 9. 5 The Obligatoria was the division of Logic which dealt with disputation. The disputant was obliged either to maintain (sustinere) or reject (desustinere) or to doubt (dubitare) the proposition advanced. Hence the doctrine of Obligations was divided into ' Positio' ' Depositio ' and 'Dubitatio.' — Prantl, iv. p. 41. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE cxxv from a statement of the various opinions of others to his own attempt to treat the Insolubilia 1 in accordance with the generally accepted rules of Logic. . . . With the Obligatoria he adopts, in comparison with Major, a somewhat modified division of the Term, where, for the first time, we meet with an express application of the different sorts of opposition to the doctrine of Concepts. From the same school came Antony Coronel of Segovia, a very fertile writer, who wrote a Commentary on the Categories, an Exposition of the doctrine of Judgments and the properties of Terms, under the title of Rosarium, an Explanation of the Posterior Analytics of Aristotle, and a monograph on Exponibilia and Fallaciae. He also revised and completed a tract of his master, Major, on Consequentia. . . . A second Spaniard bred in the school of Major was Caspar Lax. Of his three works, namely Termini, Obligationes, and Insolubilia, the first is merely a repetition of what Major had taught on this subject. The high self-esteem which the Terminists of the school of Major had reached is shown in a letter of a friend of Lax, Antony Alcaris, which is printed in the treatise of Obligationes. In this the ' clear, perspicuous, useful, sweet, and splendid' dissertations of the Modern are contrasted with the • languid, arid, jejune, obscure, and little pleasing' works of the Ancient Philosophers. . . . Another scholar of Major was Johannes Dullart from Ghent, who wrote Qucestiones on the Categories and a treatise on the De Interpretations of Aristotle, in which he shows extensive reading, and his decided partisanship with the Term- inists. ... A fellow-scholar of the last-mentioned writer was the Scotchman, Robert Caubraith. William Manderston, also a Scotch- man, and several other Spaniards of minor note, are described as belonging to the same school. The reader who desires to follow the intricacies of the mediaeval logic must refer for further details to Prantl's exhaustive and learned work. 2 But for the sake of those who may wish to form a general idea of the distinction between the Avtiqni or Reales and the Moderni or Nominates, and of the position of the Terminists, 1 The Insolubilia were divided into three modes— (i) Those which could not be solved in any way ; (2) those which could not be solved because of some im- pediment ; and (3) those which were difficult to solve. As example of the first was given an invisible sound, of the second a stone hidden in the earth, and of the third an invisible sun. — Prantl, iv. p. 40, note 158. 2 Prantl, iv. p. 174, points out that at the close of the fifteenth century the Terminists were the majority, though denounced by the orthodox Thomists. i CXXV1 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY as the school of which Major was a leader was called, we borrow from the same writer the following passages : — ' We first notice a continuation of the earlier tendencies in Logic until the year 1472, when we find the definition of the Party differences followed by a development through the Term- inist Scotism, which was opposed by a preponderating conserva- tive Thomism. From about the period 1480-1520 (i.e. practically Major's period) a long series of the now reigning school of the Terminists appears.' . . . l If we direct our attention to Paris, it is easily to be understood that in the Sorbonne only the elder views were permitted. On the other hand, the University had actively participated in the gradual development of the various new opinions, and had even accepted the views of the Terminists. But in 147 'J, in consequence of the intrigues of John Boucard, assisted by a former Sorbonnist, Johannes A Lapide, the Moderns had been placed under a bann, and their works in the Library had even been chained, so that they could not be read. The doctors called Nominates were those who on principle attached extreme importance to the properties of Terms, including the doctrines of Insolubilia, Ob/igatio/ies, Consequentia, while the Realists applied themselves to things and despised the doctrine of Terms -. The dispute was therefore, in the first place, one as to the method of Logic, and only in the second place concerned with the meta- physical question as to Universals, with reference to which the Terminists claimed for themselves the praise of strict orthodoxy. In the year 1481 the Royal Edict against the Nominalists was rescinded, and their books were again allowed to be read. At the time therefore that Major came to the University the Nominalist doctrine had resumed its popularity all the more because of the persecution which it had suffered, and Major's own masters in Logic, Thomas Bricot 3 and Jerome Pardus 4 , both belonged to it. The subtleties and sophistries which the new Nominal logic of the Terminists in the hands of Major and his followers ultimately led to, as exemplified in Prantl's extracts from their works, largely justified the contempt which Buchanan and other disciples of the Renaissance bestowed on it. But none 1 Prantl, iv. p. 186. 2 It was with reference to this distinction, perhaps, that Erasmus stated his apophthegm which appears to contain the truth of the matter : 1 Cognitio ver- borum prior est, cognitio rerum potior est,' though that apophthegm has a wider application than the merely logical controversy of the Schools. 3 Prantl, iv. p. 199. 4 Ibid, p. 246. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE cxxvii the less was this stage in logical doctrine an attempt to clear the meaning of words from dubiety in the same line which William of Ockham formerly, and Hobbes and Locke subsequently, followed. It was also, as has been generally recognised by historians of philosophy, both through its merits and demerits, one of the causes which led to the dissolution of the Scholastic Philosophy. That Major belonged to this school in Logic (for though he made an attempt to reconcile the Realists and Nominalists, it was, as we have seen, by assuming the principles of the latter) reacted on his philosophical position, and made him incline to the views of Ockham, the works of two of whose followers he edited. But in Theology he claimed to be and was strictly orthodox, and ends several of his theological treatises with the usual formula, that he submitted all he taught to the Church and the Theological Faculty of Paris. It is proper to keep in view that he was also a Scotist, and pro- moted the publication of the Reporlata, an abridgment of the Parisian Lectures of the Doctor Subtilis. Both the followers of Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus claimed to be orthodox, and that their philosophy kept within the limits which the Church allowed to the Schools. Perhaps the Scotists were even more vehement than the Nominalists in the assertion of the soundness of their Theological Doctrine, in order to allay suspicions. But the Roman Church, as if by natural instinct, and the historians of philosophy who have regarded the subject from an external stand- point, concur in regarding Aquinas and not Duns as its true champion among philosophers. Scotism is now almost dead, and the present Pope is doing his best to revive the study of Aquinas. But important as Thomas Aquinas is in the history of philosophy, the attempt to restore his old authority as the Master of Philo- sophy in the nineteenth century is a hopeless attempt. Scholasti- cism in any form is now impossible. The Terminists, as the School to which Major belonged was styled, in some respects occupied an intermediate position between the Scotists and Thomists, the Nominalists and the Realists, but with a decided leaning to the former ; and Major is frequently claimed by historians of philosophy, as by Tennemann 1 and 1 Bohn's Translation of Tennemann's History of Philosophy, p. 241. Ueberweg does not mention Major by name, but reckons amongst the Nominalists who followed Ockham in the fourteenth and fifteenth century several of his masters : 'John Buridan, Rector of the University of Paris, of importance because of his cxxviii JOHN MAJORS HISTORY Prantl 1 , as a Scotist and Nominalist. It was natural that Major should adopt this school. He claimed Duns Scotus as his country- man, for he had no more doubt of Duns's Scottish than Wadding in the following century had of his Irish origin. His chief masters were Franciscans, who believed in Duns Scotus as a member of their own order. And he came to Paris at a time when the Nominalist development of Scotism was the reigning philosophy in the university. Similar causes led him to adopt (following Ockham, Gerson, and D'Ailly) the anti-papal position of the Gallican Church. The Franciscans, speaking generally, for there were exceptions, opposed the absolute claims of the Ultramontane Italian Popes. Their doctrine of Evangelical Poverty cut at the roots, as has been well pointed out by Mr. Owen 2 , both of the temporal power of the Pope and the excessive wealth of the prelates and some of the ecclesiastical orders. No one accepted more completely than Major this doctrine. Indeed most, though not all, of his opinions which appear to us bold and anti-papal may be traced to this source. In his writings we constantly come across passages which appear to be copied almost word for word from the works of Ockham or of Gerson. It is because of this that he may be considered, as Ockham has also been, an unconscious precursor of the Reformation in spite of his resting finally in all questions of Faith in rigidly orthodox conclusions. Nor can we overlook the fact that, like so many other Schoolmen, the method he adopted of arguing all questions on two sides, the Yes and No method as it has been styled, — the doubts which he raised and by no means always solved, and the habit of leaving examination of the Freedom of the Will and his Logical works ; Marsilius of Inghen ; Peter D'Ailly, who while defending the Church Doctrine yet gave the preference to the Bible above Tradition, and the Council above the Pope ; and John Gerson, D'Ailly's scholar and friend, who combined Mysticism with Scholas- ticism.' — Geschichte der Philosophic, ii. p. 215. In an instructive passage, too long to quote, he compares Duns Scotus with Kant, and shows how the critical tendency begun by Duns was carried further by Ockham and the Nominalists, ii. p. 204. 1 Prantl treats Major throughout (iv. p. 247 et seq.) as belonging to the Scotist Terminist or Terminist Scotist School. 2 Dr. Karl Werner, who writes from the Roman point of view, coincides with Mr. Owen on this point, and remarks that Ockham's opposition to the Papacy turned on the dispute raised by the Franciscan zealots as to the vow of purity. — Die nachscotistische Skolastik, Wien 1883, p. 17. APPENDIX TO THE LIFE C'XX1>. many points to the judgment of his readers, had, what Mr. Owen has called, with reference to the greater names amongst the Scholastics, a skeptical tendency. It is possible to exaggerate this tendency, but it is impossible to deny its existence. He followed Duns Scotus too in submitting all authority, even the authority of the Church in philosophical matters, and especially in the practical and moral department of conduct, to the test of reason and justice. This it is which has caused the ' Subtle Doctor ' to be looked upon with suspicion by the Church, and to be regarded by historians of philosophy as the first great dissolvent of the older orthodox scholasticism. Major and the Terminists were less bold in philo- sophising than Duns, less bold in action than Ockham, but not the less did their writings and the opinions they introduced tend in the same direction. It was no accident which led Major to direct the republication of the Lectures of Duns at Paris and the logical treatises of the disciples of Ockham. Prantl, to whom we are indebted for the substance of most of this note, but who must not be held responsible for the view taken in it, remarks in the Preface to his fourth volume, after having made a thorough examination of every known work of the logicians of the later period of scholastic logic, that to describe even useless works is not in itself useless if it saves others from a like labour. But this is a too modest under-estimate of his own valuable labours and of the writings of the Schoolmen. Their method and philosophy were not a mere marking of time, or a retrogression. It is true they were not great original thinkers like the chief masters of Greek or Modern Philosophy. But they conducted a progressive process — a disputation, to use a word which would have been more familiar to them — between Dog- matic Theology, Ancient Philosophy, and Mediaeval Thought, which was necessary to the mental development of Europe. ' Mens agitat molem et inter se corpora miscet' In this develop- ment Major took a minor but a distinct part, as will be acknow- ledged the more his writings are studied with the attention directed, neither to their form, which is thoroughly scholastic, nor to their explicit conclusions, which are completely dogmatic and orthodox, but to their ' obiter dicta ' and ultimate tendency. It was even, we may venture to say, this tendency, which had more free play when he came to write history, that gave its critical, practical, and independent character to his historical work ; for the thoughts of such a man in the ages of Scholasticism were i 2 cxxx JOHN MAJOR S HISTORY not disconnected, but pervaded by the same method to whatever subject he turned them. This consideration may also justify the length of the present note in a work primarily concerned only with Major as a historian and not as a philosopher. IE. M. HISTORIA MAIORIS BRITANNIA TAM ANGLLE QUAM SCOTIvE, PER IOANNEM MAIOREM, NOMINE QUIDEM SCOTUM, PROFESSIONE AUTEM THEO- LOGUM, E VETERUM MONUMENTIS CONCINNATA PREFACE To him who is illustrious at once for his most admirable natural endowment and for his most lofty descent in the line of both kingdoms of Greater Britain, to James the Fifth, King of Scots, John, Major by name, Scot by nation, theologian of the university of Paris by profession, with prayers for his prosperity, offers the homage that is due to his King. In commencement of this narration of the glorious deeds of your ancestors, of those men who have been our kings and princes from the cradle of history even to this present, and in the dedication of that work to your name of most fortunate omen, Fifth James, King of Scots, of happiest birth, from whom too we all of us hope the best and greatest things, I have thought right to undertake the clearing of three points and their defence from misrepresentation. This the first, that, as almost all men say, contrary to the habitude of the old historians, I seek a patron for this my small lucubration ; secondly, that I, a theologian by profession, should write a history ; and thirdly, that I use a style more congruous to a theologian than to a historian. For removal accordingly of the first objection, and for my justification in the eyes of those who pretend that it is not fitting to dedicate a historical work to any person, seeing that he who seeks for a patron must put on the mask of a flatterer rather than that of a historian, whose first law it is to write the truth ; all that these objectors urge in support of their contention is this : that neither Sallust, nor Livy, nor any one of the ancients made dedication of his works. I frankly confess that I have never read any dedication made by them, whether because they observed no such use, or because CXXX1V PREFACE these have come to be lost in lapse of time, as has befallen so many other things. Sallust, indeed, had no occasion to dedi- cate his work, since in his day the Romans were as yet without kings ; and Livy perchance had no wish to take this course, thinking it more glorious to accomplish for the gods and for posterity all that mighty work of his than to inscribe the same to any mortal man. But the poets almost all of them, although themselves too have written histories, dedicated their poems to princes ; and Valerius Maxim us, when he was about to narrate the memorable achievements not only of his own race but of foreign nations likewise, makes his address to Caesar. Our own Jerome likewise, when he was setting himself to translate both profane and sacred histories, was not silent as to the person to whom he would dedicate his work. Augus- tine did the same, and that writer, whom, though he be one of ourselves, I yet reckon to be no way contemptible, but venerable rather — I mean Bede 1 , — and almost all the rest of the ecclesiastical historians. For which reason, seeing that to your Highness and to your ancestors we owe all that we have, I think it right and proper to dedicate this work now undertaken to the same. Yet lest my work should contain any suspicion of flattery, I have left untouched, to be dealt with by other hands, matters of most recent date. From that second objection, that it is not becoming in a theologian to write history, I utterly dissent. For if it is the special province of a theologian to lay down defini- tions in regard to faith, and religion, and morals, I will not believe that I transgress when I narrate not only what has come to pass, or by whose counsel such and such matters were carried, but if I also make distinct definition whether these matters were carried rightly or wrongly. And, indeed, I have given my utmost endeavour to follow this course in all cases, and most of all where the question was ambiguous, to the end that from the reading of this history you may learn not only the thing that was done, but also how it ought to 1 Orig. ' et licet nostras non contemnendus auctor, immo venerabilis, Beda ' ; F. ' et licet nostras non contemnendus auctor, immo Venerabilis Beda '. The punctuation of the original seems to give a more graceful sense. PREFACE cxxxv have been done, and that yon may by this means and at the cost of little reading come to know what the experience of centuries, if it were granted to you to live so long, could scarcely teach. I proceed to the consideration of the third objection. I confess that I might have used a more cultivated style ; I question if that style would have been more convenient. For if one should give what would be almost a Latin turn to the names of our own people and places, scarcely should we that were born in Scotland understand what was meant. And inasmuch as our princes have ever aimed rather to act nobly than to speak elegantly, so with those who have given them- selves to the pursuit of knowledge it is of more moment to understand aright, and clearly to lay down the truth of any matter, than to use elegant and highly-coloured language. I ca ll to witness two most famous Scots — who bore each of them the name of John 1 — and Bede, and Alcuin 2 , and a hundred more 3 , who, when they first learned Greek and Latin, chose rather so to write that they needed not an interpreter than with a curious research of language. This then, most gracious King, is what I held it right to say in behalf of the work which I have undertaken. Accept the same, I pray, with favour. May you read to good purpose this history of your ancestors now dedicated to your felicity, and may you live happy to the years of Nestor ! From the worthy and no way ignoble college of Montaigu at Paris. 1 i.e. John Scotus Erigena and John Duns Scotus. See infra, pp. 101, 113, 206, 228-230. 2 See infra, p. 102. 3 ' et sexcenti alii '. ' Sexaginta ' was used by the Romans for any large number, and ' sexcenti ' was often used to express an immense and indefinite number. A contemporary use of the phrase will be found in Erasmus, Paraclesis (ed. 1520, p. 192— of the 'regula' of Christ as compared with the 'regula Francis- cana') : Denique qua (ut sexcentas etiam addas) nulla possit esse sanctior?' An instructive series of examples in which the vague use by our early historians of 60,000 led to long-lasting misconceptions will be found in an article by Mr. J. H. Round on 1 The Introduction of Knight Service into England ' in The English Historical Review for October 1891. A HISTORY OF GREATER BRITAIN BOOK I. CHAP. I. — A short Preface by John Major, theologian of Paris, and Scotsman by birth, to his work concerning the rise and gests of the Britons. Likewise concerning the name and the first inhabitants of Greater Britain 1 . ha few words, and in the manner almost of the theologians, I am about to write an account of Britain, by far the most famous of islands, and one which, in the opinion of illus- trious writers, may be reckoned even by itself as a second world. I shall treat first of the reason of its name, then in general terms of the kingdoms of which it is composed, and last of all I shall deal at length with those kingdoms and their special history. Our ancestors called Britain by the name of Albion. Of the origin of this name Caxton, the English chronicler, gives the following visionary 2 account : There was a certain king of Syria, by name Diocletian, to whom his wife, Labana, bore three-and-thirty daughters. Of these the eldest was called Albine. The king gave his daughters in marriage to three-and-thirty princes of his kingdom ; but they despised their husbands, and in one night slew them every one. The 1 ' Greater Britain '. The phrase ' Britannia Major ' is not common ; but it was used, a little later, in the title of Bale's Illiistriiim Maioris Britannia Scriptorum, hoc est, Anglia, Cambria, ac Scotice Summarium, Ipswich 1548. In the edition of 1557- 1559, printed at Basel, the title is Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris Britannice, quavi nunc Angliam et Scotiam vocant, Catalogus. On the other hand, the editor of Ptolemy's Geography (Strassburg, 1522) applies the words to England alone : ' Britania maior cui nomen est Anglia'. Geoffrey of Monmouth's History, printed in 1508 by Badius Ascensius, the printer of Major's History, has the title Britannia utriusque Regum et Principtim origo ct gcsta. 1 Britannia minor ' and ' parva Britannia ' are in frequent use to designate Aremorica or Armorica — which we now call Brittany. 2 ' somniculosam'. Camden, Brit. ed. 1600, p. 88, uses the words 'somniata filiola ' of Scota, the daughter of Pharaoh. A L 2 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book i. king thereupon banished his daughters from his kingdom, but gave them a ship and a full provision of food. At the end of their long wanderings by sea they came to an island (which is called Britain), and after Albine — for she was, as it were, their leader and queen — they called the island Albion. A short time thereafter the women had intercourse with demons and brought forth giants, who practised in that country cruelty and robbery, until a certain Brutus slew them, and, taking possession of the island, called it, after his own name, Britain. 1 This narrative of Caxton's seems to me partly fabulous — he found a handle for his fiction in the story of the children of Aegyptus and Danae — partly ridiculous, and partly to have some connection with historical fact. For where shall you find three-and-thirty daughters born of one woman ? How shall you believe that these slew every one her husband ; and that, set adrift, without so much as an oar, on a boundless ocean, they did not utterly perish ? I hold it further for alto- gether improbable that a demon, whether succubus or incubus, should have been able to convey from foreign shores any seed 1 'The Chronicles of England', known as ' Caxton's Chronicle', was a repro- duction by him of the popular ' Chronicle of Brut '. The account taken from Wynkyn de Worde's edition (1528) is as follows : — ' It befell thus that this Dioclesian spoused a gentyll damoysel that was wonders fayre, that was his vncles doughter Labana, and she loued him as reason wolde, so that he gate on her xxxiij doughters, of the whiche the eldest was called Albyne, and these damoyselles whan they came vnto age became so fayre that it was wonder . . . And it befell thus that Dyoclesyan thought to mary his doughters amonge all those kynges that were at the solempnite. . . . And it befell thus afterward that this dame Albine became so stoute and so sterne that she tolde lytel pryce of her lorde and of hym had scorne and despite, and wold not do his wyll. . . . Wherfore the kyng that had wedded Albyne wrote the tatches and condicyons of his wyfe Albyne, and the lettre sent to Dyoclesyan her fader. . . . And than said Albyne : Well I wote, fayre systers, that our husbondes haue complayned vnto our fader vpon us . . . wherfore systers my counseyle is that this night whan our husbondes ben a bedde, all we with one assent to kytte theyr throtes, and than we may be in peas of them. . . . And anone all the ladyes consented and graunted to this counseyW. And whan nyght was comen, the lordes and ladyes went to bedde. And anone as theyr lordes were aslepe, they kytte all theyr husbondes throtes. . . . Whan Dioclesian theyr fader herde of this thynge, he became wroth ryght furyously agaynst his doughters, and anone he would them all haue brent. But all the barons and lordes of Sirrye counseyled not so for to do suche straytnes to his own doughters, but shold voyde the lond of them for euermore, so that they never sholde come agayne, and so he dyd. . . . Than went out of the shyppe all the systers and CHAP. I.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 3 that should still retain its potency, when the ocean lay be- tween. 1 More truly may we conclude, with other writers, that it was from its white headlands that this island was named Origin of Albion, for the rocks upon its eastern coast are of a snowy ofAtofcm! whiteness. What Caxton says of Brutus, on the other hand, has a historical foundation ; for it is the opinion of most writers that Britain takes its name from Brutus. Geoffrey of Monmouth, a British monk, and also Caxton, relate that Brutus of Troy made prayer to Jupiter, Diana, and Mercury, that they would grant him somewhere a fit place of habitation. And as to this Geoffrey quotes the following verses: — Goddess of shades, and huntress, who at will Walk'st on the rolling spheres, and through the deep ; On thy third reign, the earth, look now, and tell What land, what seat of rest, thou bidd'st me seek, What certain seat, where I may worship thee For aye, with temples vow'd and virgin quires. And when he had done his prayer, the goddess answered Brutus thus : — Brutus, far to the west, in the ocean wide, Beyond the realm of Gaul, a land there lies, Seagirt it lies, where giants dwelt of old ; Now void, it fits thy people : Thither bend Thy course, there shalt thou find a lasting seat ; There to thy sons another Troy shall rise, And kings be born of thee, whose dreadful might Shall awe the world and conquer nations bold. 2 toke the londe Albion as theyr syster called it, and there they went vp and downe, and founde neyther man ne woman ne chylde, but wylde beestes of dyuers kyndes. And whan theyr vitayles were dispended and fayled, they fedde them with herbes and fruytes in season of the yere, and so they lyued as they best myght, and after that they toke flesshe of dyuers beestes and became wonders fatte, and so they desyred mannes company, and mannes kynde them fayled. And for hete they wexed wonders couragyous of kynde, so that they desyred more mannes company than ony other solace or myrth. When the deuyll that perceyued went by dyuers countrees and toke a body of the ayre, and lyking natures shad of men, and came in to the londe of Albion, and lay by those women and shad tho natures vpon them, and they conceyued and brought forth gyantes. ' 1 Cf. Bk. ii. ch. iv. 2 Geoffrey of Monmouth (H. ? 1100-1154) was archdeacon of Monmouth and afterwards bishop of St. Asaph. The verse translation is Milton's. Caxton's 4 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I. Now there is no one so ignorant as not to know that this is a falsehood. For we nowhere read that the oracles made use of verses of this nature or of such language ; and further, the Stygian Diana knows, with definiteness, nothing concerning the future. Nor again were demons found inside of images. 1 To know the future belongs to God alone. In the Ecclesiastical History of the English people by the Venerable Bede, a man of very wide reading 2 , we find it written 3 that the name of Britain was given to the island by an Aremoric tribe of the Gauls, which first of all inhabited the southern part of the island ; for which reason the island was called Britain by that Gallic tribe, and not contrariwise. But whencesoever the name, the island has now for many centuries been known as Britain. And about this Britain of ours, you will not wonder if many curious notions as to its origin have from time to time been hatched 4 . For it stands not other- wise with the first beginnings of the Romans, the Gauls, and many other peoples ; of these too there are varying opinions. Let this then suffice as to the name of the island. I follow the opinion of the Venerable Bede, among British historians chief. version, which is not an exact rendering of the verses as quoted by Major, is as follows : — ' Brute wente vnto the ymage and said : Diane, noble goddesse that all thynge hast in thy myght, wyndes, waters, woodes, feldes, and all thynges of the worlde, and all maner of beestes that ben therin, vnto you I make my prayer, that ye counseyle me and tell, where and in what place I shall haue a conuenyent place to dwell in with my folke. And there I shall make in the honour of the a fayre temple and a noble, wherin ye shall alwaye be honoured. When he had done his prayer, Diane answered in this maner. Brute, sayd she, go euen forth thy way over the see in to fraunce to warde the west, there ye shal fynde an yle that is called Albion, and that yle is becom- passed all with the see, and no man may come therein but it be by shyppes, and in that londe were wont to dwell gyauntes, but now it is not so, but all wylderness, and that londe is destenyed and ordeyned for you and for your people.' — Hist. Reg. Brit. lib. i. § II. 1 A good example of Major's independent judgment. Compare Minucius Felix, Octavius ch. 27 : ' Isti igitur impuri spiritus, daemones, ut ostensum a magis, a philosophis et a Platone, sub statuis et imaginibus consecratis de- litescunt. ' Elmenhorst, as quoted by Ouzel in his edition of the Octavius, refers further to Lactantius ii. 15, 16 ; Tertull. Apol. cap. 22 ; Chrysost. in Psalm. 113, 134; Gregorius P.P. in Epist. ad Saxones, t. 2. Concil. fol. 132. 2 lectorem latissimum. 3 Hist. Ecd. i. 1. 4 Pullulaverint. CHAP. II. J OF GREATER BRITAIN 5 CHAP. II. — Of the description of Britain and its extent : that is, its breadth, length, and circumference; also of its fruitfulness, alike in things material and in famous men. In the preceding chapter we have spoken of the origin of the names of Albion and Britain as applied to our island. We have now to speak of the island itself. Britain is a many- Britain, angled island of the ocean, separated by the sea from the whole continent — as Virgil has it in his verse : Et penitus toto divisos orbe Britannos \ To the east lie Gaul, Belgium, and Germany. Between Calais or Isius 2 and Dover is a great strait of thirty miles 3 , which a ship under a fair wind may cross in two hours. In other parts it is separated by a greater breadth of ocean from every land. To the south-west lies Hesperia, to the west Ireland, Hesperia. which is likewise an island, to the north the islands of the Orkneys. From south to north its length is eight hundred miles. The point of departure you may take in this way : — from Penwichstreit 4 , fifteen miles beyond Michaelstow in Corn- wall, to the furthest point of Caithness. We may put the matter more clearly thus : — the length extends from the furthest harbour of Wales in England to the end of Caith- ness in Scotland, which we now call Wick of Caithness. Whatever former writers have said of the breadth of the island, this I would have you know : that it presents a great diversity. In some places, as from St. Davids 5 , the extreme point of 1 Eel. i. 67. 2 Isius ; more commonly Itius. Some writers identify it with Wissent or Witsand, near Calais. — Danville, ' Memoire sur le port Icius ', Mimoires de VAcademie des Inscriptions, xxviii. p. 397. Lewin, The Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar, 1859, identities it with Boulogne, and Professor Airy with some place at the mouth of the Somme. Major calls Somerset — Captain of Calais — 1 Itiorum ductor ', Bk. VI. ch. xvii. 3 'Triginta millia passuum '. The Roman ' mille passuum '= 1618 English yards — about one-tenth shorter than the English mile. Whether these are taken as Roman or as English miles, Major's estimate of the distance is inaccurate, for the Straits of Dover are only 21 miles wide at that part. Taken with what he says of the time in which the Straits may be crossed, one might suspect a mis- print for ' viginti '. 4 ' a Penwichstreit hoc est a Penuici strata', i.e. Landsend. 5 Orig. prints ' Meuenia', and F., copying the mistake, prints 1 Mevenia ' ; but Camden (ed. 1600) has ' Meneuia, quam . . . Angli hodie S. Dautdvocant. 1 6 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book i. Wales, to Yarmouth in Norfolk, we find a breadth of two hundred miles ; in most places, however, the breadth is less — say eighty, seventy, or sixty leagues 1 . We must, therefore, reduce this variety of breadth to a mean measure, as the philosophers would say. I conceive the whole island to have a mean breadth of seventy leagues. I mean that it is equal in size to another country four hundred leagues in length and seventy leagues in breadth. Ptolemy, in his Geography, gives it after Ceylon 2 the first place among islands, and Solinus calls it another world 3 , and its renown is evident from the of h BriSn. lenCe recol 'ds of Greek and Latin writers. And though Cicero, in a letter to Trebatius 4 , calls Britain barren, and affirms that it yields no grain of gold, or of silver, or of brass, while it is wanting too in every liberal art, some allowance must be made for a man whose attention was engaged by other matters, and who had not, like the second Pliny, and Ptolemy, and other writers of their kind, made an exhaustive study of cosmo- graphy and of the fertility or barrenness of various countries. For more than most does Britain abound in minerals, such as gold in Crawford Moor in Scotland 5 , while silver, brass, and iron are found almost everywhere. It yields, too, a sulphurous and bituminous kind of earth, whose fire is hotter and more active than a fire obtained from wood. This is no matter for wonder, since in denser matter there is more of form than there is in rarer. Now as, according to the philosophers, vigour of action proceeds from form, there must of necessity be greater vigour 1 The ' leuca ' = one and a half Roman miles. 2 Taprobana. 3 4 . . . nisi Britannia insula non qualibet amplitudine nomen pene orbis alterius mereretur.' — Iul. Solini Polyhistor. The Polyhistor was an abridgment of geography taken almost entirely from Pliny. It was very popular in the Middle Ages, and was one of the first books printed. 4 Epist. ad Fatn. vii. 7. lb. vii. 10. 5 Cf. the Second Report of the Royal Commission on Mining Royalties, issued in May of the current year, and in particular the evidence of Mr. Cochran- Patrick, who, when asked whether any great quantity of gold was formerly pro- duced in Scotland, answered : ' A very large quantity. Indeed, nearly the whole of the gold coinages of Scotland were minted out of the native metal, and the records ... of the Mint show that a very large amount of gold was brought into the Mint from Crawford Moor and the Leadhills, and other parts of Lanark- shire and Dumfries-shire. I remember in one case that one miner brought in 8 lbs. weight (Scots) of gold in one week, and was paid for it at the mint rate. chap, ii.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 7 of action where there is more form. Now earth is denser than wood, for which reason this substance, rather than wood, is used by smelters of iron. It produces, however, more smoke than is the case with wood, but of the latter fuel there is no scarcity 1 . The island has, further, a sufficiency for its own needs of soil fitted for the culture of wheat, winter wheat 2 , pease, oats ; an abundance too of pleasant rivers, well-watered meadows, rich pastures for its herds of cattle ; nowhere shall you find softer or finer wool. The woods are well stocked with stags, hinds, and wild boars ; and nowhere, it is thought, do rabbits swarm as they do here. The inhabitants of all Britain are of a proud temper and given to fighting, and though many may come by their death within the island in civil war, they are still in force sufficient not only to resist a foreign invader, but even to carry the struggle into his country. This matter has been fully treated by foreign historians, and with them I leave it. Wheat will not grow in every part of the island ; and for this reason the common people use barley and oaten bread. And as many Britons are inclined to be ashamed of things nowise to be ashamed of, I will here insist a little. And first I say this : that though the soil of all Britain were barren, no Briton need blush for that — if we approve the answer made to a certain Greek by Anacharsis the Scythian 3 . For when this Greek was taunting Anacharsis with the barrenness of Scythia, well did Anacharsis answer : 6 Thou indeed art a disgrace to thy country, but my country it is that disgraces me. 1 And I 1 It is rather difficult to reconcile this assertion—' eis ligna pro igne non desunt ' — with the words in chapter vii. of this book : 1 In partibus Scotiae meridionalibus pauca sunt nemora.' The latter statement is in accordance with the generally-received opinion that ' the southern division of Scotland was not a well- wooded country'. Cf. Mr. Cosmo Innes's Sketches of Early Scotch History > p. ioi, and the Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, under timber, forest, VERT. 2 'siligo'. Cf. Pliny xviii. io : 'To returne to our winter white wheat called Siligo, it never ripeneth kindly and all togither, as other corne doth : and for that it is so tender and ticklish, as that no corne will less abide delay' etc.— Philemon Holland's translation, 1601. The whole passage is worth consulting in connection with what Major afterwards says about the proportions of grain and flour in the making of bread. 3 Diog. Laert. de vitis philosophorum lib. i. 8 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I. go further : I say that he should not have said 4 my country disgraces me unless in the opinion of the unthinking. In both Hesperiae \ in several provinces of both Gauls 2 , nay further, in the Promised Land in the fourth zone, bread made from barley is in common use. Just such bread were Christ and his apostles wont to eat, as may be seen from the fourteenth chapter of Matthew and the sixth chapter of John. Pliny, too, makes mention in his thirtieth book 3 of meal made from oats, and there is in Normandy, near to Argentolium, a village called Pain d'Aveine 4 . But you may object that it is so called in derision, and because such meal is an uncommon thing among the Gauls. I say, for my part, that I would rather eat that British oaten bread than bread made of barley or of wheat. I nowhere remember to have seen on the other side of the water such good oats as in Britain, and the people make their bread in the most ingenious fashion. For those who may be How oats arc driven to use it, I will explain their method. The oats having breach been grown in a soil of a middling richness, they roast the grain thus : a house is built in the manner of a dove-cot, and in the centre thereof, crosswise from the wall, they fix beams twelve feet in height. Upon these beams they lay straw, and upon the straw the oats. A fire is then kindled in the lower part of the building, care being taken that the straw, and all else in the house, be not burnt up 5 . Thus the oats are dried, 1 Major in chapter ii. means Spain by * Hesperia'. By ' both Hesperiae ' he means Spain and Italy, which was anciently known as Hesperia. 2 i.e. G. cisalpina and G. transalpina. 3 Pliny (iv. 13 in Holland's translation): 'Three days sailing from the Scythian coast there is the Hand B^ltia, of exceeding greatnes. . . . There be also named the lies Oonae, wherein the inhabitants live of birds egges and otes.' Cf. Pomponius Mela, de Situ Orbis iii. 6 : ' In his esse Oaeonas, qui ovis avium palustrium et avenis tantum alantur.' Is it possible that the 'lies Oonae ' were Scottish islands ? 4 'Aveine, avoine, avena [oats], d'oii le suffixe dTsigny-pain-d'aveine.' — Hist, et Gloss, du Norm., by E. Le Hericher, vol. ii. p. 180. Isigny, if this is the place referred to by Major, is on the sea-coast of Normandy, but not near Argentan. 5 For a like method in Ireland, compare ' In the remote places of Ireland, in the stead of Threashing their Oats, they vse to burne them out of the straw, and then winnowing them in the wind, from their burnt ashes, they make them into meale. ' — A New Irish Prognostication, or Popish Callender, 4to, Lond. 1624, p. 40. For the continuance of the practice in Scotland, see Johnson's CHAP. II.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 9 and thereafter carried to the mill, where, by a slight elevation of the upper millstone the outer husk gets shaken out. The flour alone then remains, dried, and in good condition, more excellent by far than the flour that is used by confectioners 1 in any part of the world. From this dried grain, which from its resem- blance to lentil flour they call by that name, after it has been ground small in the manner of meal, the oaten bread is made. As the common people use it both leavened and unleavened, oats are very largely grown. Just eat this bread once, and you shall find it far from bad. It is the food of almost all the inhabitants of Wales, of the northern English (as I learned some seven years back), and of the Scottish pea- santry ; and yet the main strength of the Scottish and Eng- lish armies is in men who have been tillers of the soil — a proof that oaten bread is not a thing to be laughed at. But that you may know how to get good oats, observe this rule. If from a fixed quantity of oats, even with the outer husk, you The testing get an equal or greater quantity of flour, your oats are good ° oats ' and full-bodied ; but if the quantity of flour be less, then the oats are not good. In Britain the quantity of flour thus ob- tained is often greater than that of its oats. From a smaller quantity of compact and firm meal, you shall get, because of its rarity, a larger quantity of flour ; and from equal quantities of meal you shall often get unequal quantities of flour. Bakers often find this to be the case with corn ; and a purchaser will pay a different price for the same quantity of wheat in two villages not far distant from one another. This is a slight digression, and not an irrelevant one, as the Journey to the Western Islands : — ' Their method of clearing their oats from the husk is by parching them in the straw. Thus, with the genuine improvidence of savages, they destroy that fodder for want of which their cattle may perish. Cf. also the Rev. J. L. Buchanan's Travels in the Western Hebrides, 1782- 1790, p. 103 :— ' They burn the straw of the sheaf to make the oats dry for meal.' 1 ' Aromatarius '. From Major's In Qnartum, 45th question of the 15th dis- tinction, we gather that the ' aromatarius ' was the ' restaurateur ' or ' confec- tioner ' who hired out silver-plate for students' breakfasts (' in doctoratu vel in alio prandio ' ). About that time, however, glass was beginning to take the place of silver, and Major approved the change, since ' glass was quite as clean and decent ', and the newly-made doctor could get the use of an excellent service for four or five ' solidi '. 10 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book i. following story will show. When my fellow-countryman, David Cranston 1 , was taking his first course of theology 2 , he had as fellow-students and bosom-friends James Almain of Sens 3 , and Peter of Brussels 4 , one of the order of Preachers, who along with him attended the arts class under me. These men one day, in the course of a discussion on Founder's Day 5 at in the courtyard of the Sorbonne, brought this accusation (based on the report of a certain religious) against the com- mon people in Scotland, that they were in the habit of using oaten bread. This they did, knowing the said Cranston to be a man quick of temper, and to the end that they might tease him with a kindly joke ; but he strove to repel the charge as one that brought a disgrace on his native land. We hear besides of a certain Frenchman, who brought this bread 1 David Cranston was the author of a small work in quarto entitled Positiones phisicales magistri, a copy of which is in the University Library, Edinburgh. He also wrote additions to the Moralia of J. Almain (15 18), to the Questiones Morales of Martinus de Magistris (1510), and to the Parva logicalia of Ramirez de Villascusa (1520?), copies of which are in the British Museum. There are ascribed to him also Orationes, Votzim ad D. Kentigernum and Epistolae. In conjunction with Gavin Douglas he compiled the tabula for Major's com- mentary on the fourth book of the Sentences. He bequeathed the whole of his property to the college of Montacute. The Dictionary of National Biography gives us the dates of Cranston's activity 1 (fl. 1509- 1526)', and says that he be- came bachelor of theology in 1519 and afterwards doctor. From the letter, however, by Robertus Senalis, dated ' xiiij. Calendos Decembres Anni MDXVI.', which is addressed to Major and is prefixed to the 1521 edition of his In Quar- tum, it appears that Cranston had died before that date : ' Consules partim tuorum auditorum insignium sed defunctorum memorie inter quosprecipui fuerunt Iacobus Almain Senonen : Dauid Craston [sic] tuus conterraneus : et Petrus Bruxellensis, etc' 2 ' de prima Theologiae licentia foret ' probably means that at that time he was studying his first course in theology, after passing in arts. 3 James Almain, French theologian, born at Sens about the middle of the fifteenth century. He was in 15 12 professor at the college of Navarre. He wrote many works on logic, physics, and theology, the most important of which was De antoritate ecclesia, sen sacrorum conciliorum earn repi'ccsentanthun, etc., contra Th. de Vio, Paris, 1 5 12, in which he opposes the Ultramontane doctrines of De Vio, afterwards better known as Cardinal Cajetan. Almain died in I5I5- 4 Peter of Brussels ; i.e. Pierre Crockaert, a Dominican friar and scholastic philosopher, professor at Paris and licentiate of the Sorbonne : born at Brus- sels ; died in 15 14. — Franklin, Diet, des noms latins. 5 ' Dies Sorbcnicus '. Mr. P. Hume Brown tells us that this answers to our Founder's Day.' CHAP. II. J OF GREATER BRITAIN 11 with him to his own country on his return from Britain, and showed it about as a monstrosity. 1 The bread is baked upon a thin circular iron plate, of about an ell in diameter. The plate is supported on three feet, each of them in two parts, and thus so far raised above the flame that the bread, covering the whole surface of it, may be perfectly baked. These are the iron utensils of which Froissart in his Life of English Edward, the third of that name, makes mention ; how the king came upon Thomas Randolph, earl of Moray, and the lord Douglas, in a stronghold, and did not dare to attack them, and how the Scots were driven on a sudden to make bread of meal and water, the which the nobles as well as the commoner people (since necessity knows no law) began to eat. 2 Yet another way of preparing their bread is practised at a pinch : a flour-paste is spread out and placed near the fire, until it is rightly baked. Townsfolk laugh at country- folk for this ; nevertheless Sacred History makes frequent mention of just such bread, under the name of hearth-cakes 3 , 1 Cf. /Eneas Sylvius, Commcntarii Renwi Memorabilium, p. 5. (Frankfort, 1614.) 2 Cf. Froissart: 'They [the Scots] are ever sure to find plenty of beasts in the country that they will pass through. Therefore they carry with them none other purveyance but on their horse : between the saddle and the pannel they truss a broad plate of metal, out behind the saddle they will have a little sack of oat- meal, to the intent that when they have eaten of the sodden flesh, then they lay this plate on the fire, and temper a little of the oatmeal, and when the plate is hot, they cast off the thin paste thereon, and so make a little cake in the manner of a cracknel or biscuit, and that they eat, to comfort withal their stomachs. ' — Chronicles, etc., Bk. 1. ch. xix. John Bourchier, Lord Berners's translation, ed. 1812; but with modernised spelling. I have failed to find in Froissart the reference in the text to Randolph and Douglas ; perhaps because I have been able to consult only one recension of the Chronicles. The different recensions vary a good deal in their contents. 3 ' Panis subcineritius '. Cf. the Vulgate version of Gen. xviii. 6 ; Exod. xii. 39 ; and passim. The word is in frequent use in the Vulgate, but it has no place either in dictionaries of classical Latin or in Ducange. From the Itala und Vulgata of Ronsch we find, however, that it was not the invention of St. Jerome, but had a place in the Old-Latin and in the Ante-Nicene Latin Fathers. 1 Hearth-cake ' is the rendering of the Douay version in the cases mentioned above. The English version takes no heed of the special meaning of the word — but translates 'cake baken on the coals' (1 Kings xix. 6), 'a cake not turned' (Hosea vii. 8). 12 JOHN MAJORS HISTORY [book l that is, bread baked under or near the embers. Our country- men call it Eannoka — (to Latinise the word of the vulgar). Following the Sacred Scriptures we shall call it hearth-cake. CHAP. III. — Concerning things that arc lacking in Britain, and what the country possesses in their stead ; and concerning the length of the day in that land. I have spoken in the last chapter, though not doing more than to skim the surface, of those things which Britain possesses in abundance. I purpose now to say something of what the island lacks. The vine you will nowhere find, nor any trace of it 1 ; though I have read in Bede 2 that it was known to grow in some parts of the island. Perhaps he is thinking of a sourish wine, called by the people verjuice 3 , which is produced in the southern parts of the island ; or perhaps in his day the grape-vine really did grow there. God has en- dowed the Britons with many good gifts that other kingdoms lack ; but the converse of this is likewise true. On no one kingdom has He bestowed every bounty — but to different king- doms has granted differing blessings, in such wise that, no one finding in himself a full sufficiency, but needing ever another's aid, men might learn to be helpers one of another — after the apostolic precept, 4 Bear ye one another's burdens 14 . The worth of wine God has thus bestowed on the Britons, in giving them other merchandise, in exchange for which foreign nations carry thither their wine 5 . In the most barren parts of 1 Cf. Aeneas Sylvius, as quoted in Mr. P. Hume Brown's Early Travels in Scotland, p. 28. 2 Hist. Eccl. i. 1 . 3 ' Veriutum ' = omphax et omphacium (Migne) ; oil or juice of unripe olives or grapes. (6/jL c - 7 1 - The progress of feu-ferm is traced in Exchequer Rolls, vol. xiii. pp. cxii-cxxv. Sir David Lyndsay took a different view of this tenure in consequence of its re- sulting in enhanced rents. Cf. Satire of the Three Estates, vol. ii. p. 224, Laing's ed. 2 ' unius animosi terras '. The same use of ' unus ' = French 1 nn', is found on p. 38, 'unus Scotus Sylvester', and infra, Bk. ill. ch. v. ' Makduffum de Fyfa Thanum, unum praecipuum regni'. Cf. also ' unas mittit literas ', Bk. IV. ch. xx. 3 Cf. Bk. vi. ch. xvii. 4 Pedro de Ayala says {Early Travels in Scotland, p. 44) that 1 piscinata Scotia ' was a proverbial expression. 32 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I, south wards> 1 . But whose ordination, if not that of the Divine Wisdom, was this — that the northern people, far from the sun, should be blessed with deep waters, and, in consequence, with waters that abound more in fish ; since wherever, in sea or river, there is greater depth, there, other things being equal, is greater store of fish. To the people of the North God gave less intelligence 2 than to those of the South, but greater strength of body, a more courageous spirit 3 , greater comeli- ness. Every year an English fleet sails for Iceland beyond the arctic circle in quest of fish ; and from us they buy both salmon and other kinds of fish. In most parts of Scotland you may buy a large fresh salmon for two duodenae, in other parts, however, for a sou ; and for a Hard you may carry away a hundred fresh herring 4 . 1 ' Forte dices : mare apud Septentrionem est profundius quam apud meridiem propter aerem in aquam conversum ; et istud a signo patet, cum a Septentrione Oceanus decurrat.' The whole statement is to us not so much staggering as meaningless ; but it was a commonplace in the school-books of the time. In one of these — the Margarita Philosophica Nova, of which several editions were published in the first quarter of the sixteenth century, an encyclopaedia of the arts and science is rendered accessible — all by way of dialogue between master and scholar — to the young student ; and in every division of the book the commanding influence of Aristotle is felt. In the fourth chapter of the ninth book we have the ' discipulus ' begging to be instructed in the ' qualities of the elements and their transmutations '. The ' magister ' is satisfied with the general intelligence of his pupil in saying that fire and air are related in respect of heat ; fire and earth in respect of dryness ; air and water in respect of ?noistnre ; water and earth in respect of cold ; while fire and water on the one hand, and air and earth on the other, are not related ; he is not so well pleased that the ' discipulus ' should express a difficulty in seeing how air can ever be moister than water. The magister accordingly explains that air has intrinsically greater moistening power (magis htimectat) than water, by reason of its penetrability, while water has extrinsically more moistening power than air by reason of its density. But their united virtues are of course stronger than either by itself. If we do not yet understand how the air was turned into water because 'the ocean flows from the north southward ' (but cf. Arist. De Coelo, ii. 4), we at least see how it is that water, with this large infusion of the moister element of air, should produce more fish — which was what had to be shown. 2 It was a constant wonder with Continental scholars that Buchanan should have been born in Scotland. On one of his portraits we have the inscription : — Scotia si vatem hunc gelidam produxit ad arcton, Credo equidem gelidi percaluere poli. 3 Cf. Bk. 1. ch. vii. (where Major quotes Aristotle to this effect), ch. viii., and Bk. v. ch. xiv. 4 The ' escu ' (Lat. sattum), Mod. French 'ecu.' Major's 'scutum solare ' = two francs. The 'sol' or 'sou' (Lat. solidum) = t\iQ French shilling ('whereof chap, vi.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 33 Scotland can show rivers, too, excellently furnished with fish, such as the Forth, which flows into an arm of the sea likewise called Forth, four leagues in breadth. Near Leith it has the name of the Scottish Sea, since it separated the southern Picts and Britons from the Scots. Between Saint John and Dundee flows the Tay ; the Spey, the Don, the Dee are famous rivers of Aberdeenshire 1 . Besides these there are the Clyde, the Tweed, and many other rivers, all abounding in salmon, trout, turbot, and pike ; and, near the sea is great plenty of oysters, as well as crabs, and polypods 2 of marvellous size. One crab or polypod is larger than thirty crabs such as are found in the Seine. The shells of the jointed polypods that you shall see in Paris clinging to the ropes of the pile-driving engines 3 are a sufficient proof of this. In Lent and in summer, at the winter and the summer solstice, people go in early morning from my ten make one of ours ' — Cotgrave's Diet. : London, 1650). This is to be under- stood of the ' sol Tournois', which, translated as 'a piece of Tours ', is frequently used by Major. The coinage of Tours was less valuable by one-fifth that of Paris. A livre of Tours, e.g. =20 sous, a livre of Paris = 25 sous ; a sou of Tours = 12 deniers, a sou of Paris = 15 deniers. The Hard was a coin = three deniers, or the fourth part of a sou. The ' duodena ' = a piece of twelve deniers. ' The words libra, solidus, denarius, from which are derived our £ s. d., repre- sented in the West of Europe the same proportions from the time of Charlemagne. The pound or livre = twenty shillings or sous ; the shilling or sou = twelve pence or deniers. But the value of the livre or pound depended on the extent to which in a given country and at a given time the currency had been depreciated. This . . . process was carried much further in France than in England ; hence the French livre is now a franc (about -f^ of our pound). The French sou (or 5-centime piece) is not quite a halfpenny in value, and the denier, if it were still a coin, would be worth ^of a centime '. — From Mr. A. H. Gosset's edition of VAvare, 1887, p. 97. 1 No part of the Spey flows through Aberdeenshire. 2 Major's 'polypes' or 'polypus', which he distinguishes from the 'cancer,' is without doubt our lobster, whose shape closely resembles that of the crayfish. 3 ' Polypedum articulorum testae in Campanellarum funibus Parisii pen- dentes.' I wish very particularly to thank M. Auguste Beljame of Paris for his explanation of this difficult passage: ' Campanella^/^/^, sonnette, i.e. a bell. But sonnette means also a pile-driving machine, so called from the action of the men who pull the ropes being the same as that of bell-ringers.' Major's Paris ' polypedes ' were without doubt crayfishes, which were found on the ropes of the pile-drivers when these had been for some time in the water of the Seine. In our own day (see Professor Huxley's The Crayfish, p. 10) ' Paris alone, with its two millions of inhabitants, consumes annually from five to six millions of crayfishes, and pays about ^16,000 for them '. C 34 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book It own Gleghornie and the neighbouring parts to the shore, drag out the polypods and crabs with hooks, and return at noon with well-filled sacks. At these seasons the tide is at its lowest, and the polypods and crabs take shelter under the rocks by the sea. A hook is fastened to the end of a stick, and when the fish be- comes aware of the wood or iron, it catches the same with one of its joints, thus connecting itself with the stick, which the Abundance of fisherman then at once draws up. But not only is there abun- sait. dance of fish in Scotland, but also of salt, which is sold in equal Iceland has no measure with even the poorest oats. Iceland, which is desti- tute of wheat, is the most fertile of all lands in fish. Near to Gleghornie, in the ocean, at a distance of two leagues, is the Bass Rock, wherein is an impregnable stronghold. Round about it is seen a marvellous multitude of great ducks (which they call Sollendae) that live on fish. These fowl are not of the very same species with the common wild duck or with the Solan geese. domestic duck ; but inasmuch as they very nearly resemble them in colour and in shape, they share with them the common name, but for the sake of distinction are called solans. These ducks then, or these geese, in the spring of every year return from the south to the rock of the Bass in flocks, and for two or three days, during which the dwellers on the rock are careful to make no disturbing noise, the birds fly round the rock. They then begin to build their nests, stay there throughout the summer, living upon fish, while the inhabitants of the Rock eat the fish that are caught by them, for the men climb to the nests of the birds, and there get fish to their desire. Mar- vellous is the skill of this bird in the catching of fish. At the bottom of the sea with lynx-like eye he spies the fish, precipitates himself upon it, as the sparrow-hawk upon the heron *, and then with beak and claw drags him to the surface ; and if at some distance from the rock he sees another fish, better than the first that has caught his eye, he lets the first escape until he has made sure of the one that was last seen ; and thus on the rock throughout the summer the freshest fish are always to be had. The ducklings, or goslings, are sold in the neighbouring country. If you will eat of them twice or thrice you shall find them very savoury ; for these birds are extremely fat, and the fat skilfully extracted is very service- 1 Cf. Virg. Georg. i. 405, Ciris 488. CHAP. VI. J OF GREATER BRITAIN 35 able in the preparation of drugs ; and the lean part of the flesh they sell. In the end of autumn the birds fly round about the Rock for the space of three days, and afterward, as in flocks, they take flight to southern parts for the whole winter, that there they may live, as it were, in summer ; — because, when it is winter with us it is summer with the people of the south. These birds are very long-lived — a fact which the inhabitants have proved by marks placed upon certain of them. The produce of these birds supports upon the Rock thirty or forty men of the garrison ; and some rent is paid by them to the lord of the Rock 1 . Scotland possesses a great many harbours, of which Cromarty, The harbours at the mouth of the northern river 2 , is held to be the safest — of Scotland - and by reason of its good anchorage it is called by sailors 1 Part of Boece's account of the Bass (1526) may be given in Bellenden's translation (1536) : ' Thocht thay have ane fische in thair mouth abone the seis, quhair thay fie, yit gif thay se ane uthir bettir, thay lat the first fal, and doukis, with ane fellon stoure, in the see, and bringis haistelie up the fische that thay last saw ; and thoucht this fische be reft fra hir be the keparis of the castell, scho takkis litill indingnation, bot fieis incontinent for ane uthir. Thir keparis, of the castell forsaid, takis the young geis fra thaim with litill impediment ; thus cumis gret proffet yeirlie to the lord of the said castell. Within the bowellis of thir geis is ane fatnes of singulare medicine ; for it helis mony infirmiteis, speciallie sik as cumis be gut and cater disceding in the hanches of men and wemen.' — Vol. i. p. xxxvii. Lesley (1578), in Dalrymple's translation, writes as follows: ' Mairatouer, thay are sa greidie that gif thay sie ony fishe mair diligate neir the crag, the pray, quhilke perauentur thay brocht far aff, with speid thay wap out of thair mouth, and violentlie wil now that pray invade, and quhen thay haue takne it will bring it to thair birdes . . . finalie of thir cumis yeirlie to the capitane of the castell na smal bot ane verie large rent ; for nocht only baith to him selfe and to vtheris obteines he sticks, fische, ye, and the fowlis selfes, quhilkes, be cause thay haue a diligate taste, in gret number ar sent to the nerrest tounes to be salde, bot lykwyse of thair fethiris, and fatt quhilkes gyue a gret price, he gathiris mekle money ; of thame this is the commone opinione, that by vthiris vses thay serue to, they ar a present remeid against the gutt, and vthiris dolouris of the bodie.' — Scot. Text. Soc. ed. pp. 25, 26. These extracts show something of the place in our early Scottish histories that was accorded to the solans of the Bass. Major, writing in Latin, cannot be to us so picturesque as Bellenden and Dalrymple, but it should be remembered that while his successors may have seen what they describe, he was familiar with the Bass from his boyhood. As to the support of the garrison at a later date, we find Sir John Dalrymple writing to George, Lord Melville, June 23, 1689 : ' It [the Bass] can hold out, for the sollen gies and other fowls is mor than sufficient to sustean the garrison.'— The Melvilles, edited by Sir W. Fraser, vol. ii. p. 113. 2 Flumen Boreale— the Moray Firth. 36 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I. Sykkersand l , that is, ' safe sand\ Every seaboard town has a sufficient harbour. Now Scotland is so cut up by arms of the sea, that in the whole laud there is no house distant from the salt water by more than twenty leagues. In many parts Scotland is mountainous, but it is on the moun- tains that the best pasture is to be found. Many men hold as many as ten thousand sheep 2 and one thousand cattle, and thus draw corn and wine from sheep and kine. Near to Aber- TheAipsof deen are the Alps of Scotland, vulgarly called the Mounth of Scotland 3 , which formerly separated the Scots from the Picts. These mountains are impassable by horsemen. Round about the foot of the mountains are great woods. There, I incline The Caledonian to think, was the Caledonian Forest, of which Ptolemy and the Forest. Roman writers make mention, and in these woods is found an incredible number of stags and hinds. At that time Aberdeen Aberdonian was the seat of the Scottish monarchy 4 , though the kings of the Scotland. Scotg were crownetl at Scone. Outside Britain the king of the Scots possesses several Islands that are islands, such as, to the north, the Orkneys, which the Greeks land 601 1 ° S ° 0t aR d Latins ever spoke of with a sort of horror. More than twenty of them are now inhabited, and some are twelve leagues in length. Shetland is the most easterly, and is fifty miles in 1 In Mercator's map of Scotland (1597), Cromarty is called ' Portus Salutis'. - From the context one must suppose that Major is speaking of the Highlands. Mr. Cosmo Innes in his Lectures on Scotch Legal Antiquities, pp. 263-4, says ' there were at that time [1600] no cattle or sheep reared in large flocks and herds in our Highlands . . . there was nothing but the petty flock of sheep or herd of a few milk-cows grazed close round the farm-house, and folded nightly for fear of the wolf or more cunning depredators'. This statement, if we may credit Major, needs some qualification. Cf. also what Major says infra, at the end of chapter viii. about the wealth of cattle, sheep, and horses among one part of the Wild Scots ; and so early as 1296 Edward the First ordered 700 sheep to be brought from the county of Athol and delivered to the nunnery of Coldstream, in indemnity for the damage done to that House by the English army. — Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland, ed. by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, Edin. 1870, vol. ii. p. 34. As to the number of sheep ' apud Britannos ', Major writes further in the Ln Quartum (46th question of the 15th distinction) that you may find there a man who owns more than the 7000 sheep of Job — sometimes even 10,000, and this happens mostly where the country is mountainous. 3 ' Scotiae montes vulgariter dicti '. Cf. Skene's Celtic Scotland, vol. i. pp. 10-14, e d. 1876. ' Beyond the Munth', i.e. from Aberdeen northwards, is a phrase quoted by Mr. Innes (p. 114 of Lectures on Legal Antiquities) in con- nection with a combination of burghs. 4 This is a noteworthy statement. chap, vi.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 37 length. They produce in plenty oats and barley, but not wheat, and in pasture and cattle they abound. Orkney butter, seasoned with salt, is sold very cheap in Scotland. Between Scotland and Ireland are many more islands, and larger ones than the Orkneys, which likewise obey the Scottish king. The most southerly is Man, fifteen leagues in length, which we have ourselves caught sight of at Saint Ninian 1 . In it is the episcopal see of Sod or, at the present day in the hands of the English. There is also the island of Argadia 2 , belonging to the earl of Argadia, which we call Argyle, thirty leagues in length. There the people swear by the hand of Callum More, just as £^ u ^ nd of in old times the Egyptians used to swear by the health of Pharaoh. The greater C umbrae is another island, rich and large. Another is the island of Arran, which gives the The earl of title of earl to the lord Hamilton. 3 . There is further the island called Isola, or in the common isola or Isla. tongue Yla, an exceeding beautiful island. Therein is wont to dwell the Lord Alexander of the Isles, whom men used to call the earl of the Isles. In this island he had two fair strongholds of large extent, and thirty or forty thousand men were at his beck. This Yla I take to be the Thyle, or Thule, which was in such evil odour with the Greek and Roman Thule. writers, of which Virgil has that Tibi serviet ultima Thule*. For, or Shetland, or Yla, or Iceland, Thule must needs have been. Now Iceland, which is beyond the arctic circle, the Romans never reached. There is further the island of Bute or Bute. 1 Whithorn. 2 In Mercator's map the name Argadia is applied to the district between Loch Fyne and Loch Long. 3 ' Est insula Awyna . . . Ipsa autem est Butha borealior sex mille passibus ab Hibernia solum distans. ' There is some confusion here. By ' Awyna ', ' quae videlicet insula ad ius quidem Brittaniae pertinet ' (Bede, H.E. iii. 3), Major must mean Iona, but his geographical description applies rather to the island of Sanda, called by the Danes ' Havin ' or 'Avona', and 'still [1854] called " Avon " by the Highlanders.'— Orig. Par. Scot., vol. ii. pt. 1, p. 9- 11 is distant about four miles from the south coast of Kintyre, and about eighteen miles from the coast of Ireland. 3 Georg. i. 3. 38 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book l Lakes that contain islands The speech of the Islanders. British flesh- foods. Horned sheep. Scottish Horses. Rothesay, and the island of Lismore, which gives a title to the episcopal see of Argyle 1 . Far to the north is the island of Skye, fifteen leagues in length. The island of Lewis has a length of thirty leagues. Besides these are many other islands, of which the least is greater than the largest of the Orkneys. In that region are great lakes, wherein are islands, as Loch- lomond, the island of Saint Colmoc, in which is a Priory of Canons Regular, Lochard, three leagues in length, Lochban- quhar 2 , Loch Tay, Loch Awe, with a length of twelve. Other islands there are too in the sea as well as in the fresh water. All these islands speak the Irish tongue, but the Orkneys speak Gothic. That great-souled Robert Bruce in his last testament gave this counsel to those who should come after him, that the kings of the Scots should never part themselves from these islands, inasmuch as they could thence have cattle in plenty, and stout warriors, while in the hands of others they would not readily yield allegiance to the king, whereas with the slender title of the Isles the king can hold them to the great advantage of the realm, and most of all if he should make recompence to others of a peaceful territory. The mutton of the Britons is inferior to the same meat in France, and less savoury ; the opposite is the case with beef ; — and, as I think, the reason is this : a poor herbage makes a savoury mutton, and a rich herbage an unsavoury. I used to marvel when in the neighbourhood of Paris I saw the sheep being driven to poor pasture, and when I asked the reason, I was told that otherwise the meat would not be good. In Britain the sheep are horned, and are not gelded. Their horns are almost as the horns of stags. Near Paris the sheep are hornless. This points to the possession of a moister climate by Britain, and the islands are more moist than the other parts. For a solar ecu, that is, for two francs, a large ox may be bought in the northern parts of Scotland ; for five or six sous of Tours 3 a ram ; for six or seven pieces of Tours 4 a fat capon or a goose. In the southern parts of Scotland everything is a little dearer ; in the north the best of fish may be had for next to nothing. Horses they have in plenty, and these show a great endur- 1 Ecclesia Lesmorensis alias Ergadiensis, a.d. 1420. — Vatican MS. in Brady. 2 Vennachar. 3 solidis Turonensibus. 4 Turonis. chap, vi.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 39 ance both of work and cold. At Saint John and Dundee a Highland Scot 1 will bring down two hundred or three hundred horses, unbroken, that have never been mounted. For two francs, or fifty duodenae, you shall have one ready broken. They are brought up alongside of their dams in the forests and the cold, and are thus fitted to stand all severity of weather. They are of no great size, and are thus not fitted to carry a man in heavy armour to the wars, but a light-armed man may ride them at any speed where he will. More hardy horses of so small a size you shall nowhere find. In Scotland for the most part the horses are gelded, because their summer pasturing is in the open country, and this is attended by small expense ; yet such a horse will travel further in a day, and for a longer time, than a horse that has not been gelded. He will do his ten or twelve leagues without food. Afterwards, while his master is eating his own victual, he puts his horse to pasture, and by the time he has had a sufficient meal he will find his horse fit to carry him further. On the sea-coast, where pasture is not so plentiful, such horses cannot be reared. Some stallions are kept by great men in stables, because these are of a higher spirit than other horses, but in the matter of riding they are neither swifter nor more willing. In the southern parts of Scotland forests are few 2 , for which reason coal is burned, and stone peat or turf, and not wood, as we have said above ; stone-peat is less hard than coal> 3 . Aeneas Sylvius says that the Scots use black stones for fuel in an iron cradle, meaning coal or sulphureous earth by ' black stones 1 . Heather or bog-myrtle grows in the moors in greatest abundance, and for fuel is but little less serviceable than juniper. 1 Cf. ante, p. 31. 2 Cf. ante, p. 7. 3 ' Quia pro igne habendo carbonibus, et petris seu peltis, et non lignis (ut superius diximus) utuntur: carbone petra est minus dura.' [F., like Orig., prints 'peltis/ but in his Errata changes the word to 'petis'.] Two kinds of peat were recognised in Scotland, as was also the case in Ireland : one, the common peat or turf; the other, so hard that Major calls it 'petra', — less hard than coal. ' Cum petariis et turbariis ' is a common phrase in charter Latin. For Ireland cf. Carve's Lyra, p. 43 : ' Habet et Hibernia duplicis generis cespites, alios graciles, alios duros, et crassos, lapides quoque carbonibus sua virtute consimiles, qui pro maximo fabrorum ferrariorum commodo varus in locis effodiuntur.' 40 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I. I have here to coin a Latin word 1 from the vulgar tongue, because I do not fancy that the plant was to be found in Italy ; but you may meet with it in the wood of Notre Dame near to Paris, though it does not there grow to such a height as in Britain. Some of our countrymen suppose the land on which this plant is found to be worthless and barren ; but I on the other hand look upon it as eminently valuable and fruitful ground. The plant when dried after the manner of juniper makes excellent fuel, and I much prefer it to coal; but just because they have the tiling abundantly, they hold it cheap. Under this plant and in its neighbourhood the pasture for cattle is such that you shall find none better. CHAP. VII. — Concerning the Manners and Customs of the Scots. Mutual recri- Hitherto we have had under review the soil of Scotland, Se'Eng^sh and its rivers and its animals, with the islands that are situated the Scots. beyond the bounds of Britain. We will now speak for a little of the manners and customs of the Scots. I have read in histories written by Englishmen that the Scots are the worst of traitors, and that this stain is with them inborn. Not other- wise, if we are to believe those writers, did the Scots overthrow the kingdom and the warlike nation of the Picts. The Scots, on the other hand, call the English the chief of traitors 2 , and, denying that their weapon is a brave man's sword, affirm that all their victories are won by guile and craft. I, however, am not wont to credit the common Scot in his vituperation of the English, nor yet the Englishman in his vituperation of the Scot 3 . "Tis the part of a sensible man to use his own eyes, to put far from him at once all inordinate love of his own countrymen and hatred of his enemies, and thereafter to pass judgment, well weighed, in equal scales ; he must keep the temper of his mind founded upon right reason, and regulate his opinion accordingly. Aristotle observes in the sixth book of his Politics* that southern peoples excel the northerners in 1 ' haddera'. It is curious that Major should have coined this word, when 1 erica ' is in common use in Pliny for heath and broom. 2 ' traditionum ' Orig. and F. : an evident misprint for 1 traditorum '. 3 Cf. Bk. iv. ch. xix., where the death of Edward the First is used as an occasion to express the same feeling. 4 Pol. vii. 7 : ' Those who live in a cold climate and in [northern] Europe CHAP. VII.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 41 intelligence, and that, on the contrary, northerners have the advantage in warlike virtue. In northern nations, therefore, we need not expect to find craftiness in war, or guile. But in the He clears matter of prejudices that have their root in hatred, bear this in objected to 1& mind: that two neighbouring kingdoms, striving for the mastery, the Scots - never cherish a sincere desire for peace. Let pass before your eye in silent review all Europe, Africa, and Asia, the three principal parts of the world, and I am much mistaken if you do not find this to be the case. Now between England and Scotland a man may pass dry-shod, and both nations labour incessantly for the extension of their boundaries. And though in the number of its inhabitants, in the fertility of its soil, England has the advantage over Scotland, the Scots, truly or untruly, strongly suspect that they can make head against the English — yea, even should these bring in their train a hundred thousand foreign fighting men. And this is no empty assumption on their part. For though the English became masters of Aquitaine, Anjou, Normandy, Ireland and Wales, they have up to this date made no way in Scotland, unless by the help of our own dissensions ; and for eighteen hundred and fifty years the Scots have kept foot in Britain, and at this present day are no less strong, no less given to war, than they ever were, ready to risk life itself for their country's independence, and counting death for their country an honour- able thing. And if the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Rhine, the sea itself, hardly suffice to make war impossible among nations of a more peaceful temper than the Britons, it is no matter for astonishment if the maintenance of peace is in very truth no easy matter among various kingdoms in one and the same island, each of them the eager rival of its neighbour in the extension of its marches. Those wars are j ust which are waged in behalf of peace ; and to God, the Ruler of all, I pray, that He may grant such Peace by way of ' 9 * J 3 . . « intermarriage. a peace to the Britons, that one of its kings m a union ot marriage may by just title gain both kingdoms — for any other way of reaching an assured peace I hardly see. I dare to say that Englishman and Scot alike have small regard for are full of spirit but wanting in intelligence and skill ; and therefore they keep their freedom, but have no political organisation, and are incapable of ruling over others.' Cf. Major, Bk. i. ch. vi. (p. 32), and Bk. v. cb. xiv. 42 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I. their monarchs if they do not continually aim at intermar- riages, that so one kingdom of Britain may be formed out of the two that now exist 1 . Such a peaceful union finds continual hindrance in each man of hostile temper, and in all men who are bent upon their private advantage to the neglect of the common weal. Yet to this a Scottish or an English sophist may make answer : 6 Intermarriages there have been many times, yet peace came not that way. 1 To whom I make answer, that an unexceptionable title has never been in that way made good, The children of whatever our historians may fable about the blessed Margaret, who was an Englishwoman. That the Scots never had more excellent kings than those born of Englishwomen is clear from the example of the children of the blessed Margaret, kings that never knew defeat, and were in every way the best. A like ex- ample you shall find in the second James, whose mother was an Englishwoman, while to prophesy about the fifth of that name, the seven-year-old grandson of an Englishman, would indeed be to pretend to see clearly into a future charged with clouds 2 : but my prayer to God at least is this : that in uprightness of life and c haracter he may imitate those Jameses, his father, his The Scots : great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather. haughty?^ Sabellicus 3 , who was no mean historian, charges the Scots 1 There is no more remarkable feature in this History than the repeated ex- pression of the author's desire for a union between the countries. This is the first utterance of that sort, but compare further Ek. IV. ch. xii. on the marriage of Alexander the Third with a daughter of Henry the Third, and on the marriage of Margaret, daughter of Alexander the Third, with the king of Norway. For the fullest statement of Major's opinion see Bk. IV. ch. xviii., and cf. also Bk. v. ch. xvii., on the marriage of David the Second with the sister of Edward the Third. 2 ' de Jacobo . . . adhuc indicare tenebrosa est aqua in nubibus aeris.' This is a favourite metaphor with Major. We find the same words in Bk. II. ch. v. and Bk. v. ch. vii, about the prophecies of Merlin, and the same with scarce a variation in the 1 Propositio ad Auditores' (quoted above, p. 29). 3 i.e. Marcantonio Coccio, born in 1436 in the ancient territory of the Sabines. His master, Pomponius, therefore named Coccio ' Sabellicus '. He became professor of Eloquence, and is the author of a history of Venice, Rhapsodies HUtoriarum Enneades, etc. He died in 1536 'gallica tabe ex vaga venere quaesita non obscura comsumptus'. The following are the more relevant passages in the History of Sabellicus : — 1 The English people are blue-eyed, of fair complexion and goodly appearance ; tall of stature, fearless in war, the best of bowmen. Their women are of an outstanding beauty ; the common people ignoble, untutored, and inhospitable ; the nobility have gentler man- ners, and are more conscious of the duties of a civil behaviour. With head CHAP. VII.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 43 with being of a jealous temper ; and it must be admitted that there is some colour for this charge to be gathered elsewhere. The French have a proverb about the Scots to this effect : ' 111 est fier comme ung Escossoys', that is, 4 The man is as proud as a Scot". And this receives some confirmation from that habit of the French when they call the western Spaniards birds of a fine feather ; and Dionysius, in his De Situ Orbis, speak- ing of the Spaniards, gives them this character, 4 that they are of all men the haughtiest 1 . Now the Scots trace their The Spaniard descent, as we shall show further on, from the Spaniards, and a proud race, grandchildren mostly follow the habits of their ancestors — witness the Philosopher, in the first book of his Politics, where he says, 4 The boastful man takes readily to jealousy \ A man that is puffed up strives for some singular pre-eminence above his fellows, and when he sees that other men are equal to him or but little his inferiors, he is filled with rage and breaks out into jealousy. I do not deny that some of the Scots may be boastful and puffed up, but whether they suffer more than their neighbours from suchlike faults, I have not quite made up my mind. Many a trifling thing is said that will not bear examination. I merely remember that Sabellicus thus expressed himself. Perchance he had seen a few Scots uncovered, and bending on one knee, they greet a guest ; should it be a woman, they offer a kiss. They take her to a tavern and drink together. And that is a thing truly disgraceful. Let all that is lustful remain far from us . . . There are many towns in the land, the chief among them Lundonia, the royal seat, by corruption of language now called Londres. Scotland is the furthest part of England to the north. . . . Not far distant lies Hibernia, which the common people call ' Hirland'. The dress of these islanders is the same; there is indeed scarce any point of difference betwixt them — the same tongue, the same customs. Their intelligence is quick ; they are prone to revenge ; in war they are of a notable fierceness ; they are sober, most patient of hunger. They are of an elegant stature, but careless of civilised ways. The Scots are so called from their painted bodies, as some hold ; it was of old the common custom to burn patterns into the breast and arms ; to-day that custom has fallen from use in most cases, and those that observe it are the Wild Scots. They are by nature jealous, and hold the rest of mortals in scorn ; too readily do they make a boast of their noble descent, and, though in the depths of poverty, will claim kinship with the royal stock ; they delight in lying, and keep not the peace ; in other respects they are as the English.' [Then follows the story of Aeneas Sylvius and the coal, and of the Barnacle Geese.] — Enneadis decimae liber quintus (vol. i. fol. cli.) ; Venice, vol. i. 1498 ; vol. ii. 1504. 44 JOHN MAJORS HISTORY [kook I. at Rome engaged in litigation connected with their benefices, and these men no doubt, as is customary with rivals, were full of mutual jealousy. The French speeches that I have quoted date from the time of Charles, the seventh of that name. At that time Charles had Scots in his service in his war with the English ; and as Charles had at first but a scanty treasury, his soldiers were forced to seize what provision they could from the common people. With those poor people they dealt harshly, and the Scottish nobles (just as they use to do in their own country) despised them as being ignobly born ; so that, first among the common people of France, and afterwards with the nation at large, they came to have this reputation of haughtiness. There sprang up at that time among the French yet another saying about the Scots. 4 The Scot', they said, 6 brings in a small horse first, and afterwards a big one — a saying that had its origin in this wise : the Scots soldiers had the habit, when in the field, to march in troops, just as most of the French do at this day, and that they might the more easily find quarters in the dwellings of the country people, they sent their amblers and sorry nags in front with a small body of men ; and when these had once got admission, they were soon followed by the men of rank with their chargers, and the main body of the troop. That all Britons are of a temper proud enough, I take to be established by the argument from universals — not the logical universal, but the moral, since it admits of some exceptions ; but that they are prouder than the Germans, the Spaniards \ or the French, I do not grant. We will now proceed to another charge that is brought The Scots in against our countrymen. It is said that the Scots were in the eating human habit of eating human flesh, and those who bring this charge flesh. shelter themselves under Jerome, where he writes : ' What shall I say of other nations — how when I was in Gaul as a youth, I saw the Scots, a British race, eating human flesh, and how, when these men came in the forests iipon herds of swine and sheep and cattle, they would cut off the buttocks of the shepherds and the paps of the women, and hold these for their greatest delicacy ? , You cannot say that he means the 1 For the Spaniards who attended Major's class in Paris, see the Introduction to this volume. CHAP. VII.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 45 Goths or the Irish Scots, because of the word British. Well, to this from Jerome I make answer: Even if all the Scots did so, 'twould bring no stain on their posterity : the faithful in Europe are descended from the Gentile and the infidel ; the guilt of an ancestor is no disgrace to his children when these have learned to live conformably with reason. Besides, though a few Scots of whom St. Jerome thus writes, did as he reports, in their own island even the Scots did not generally live in such fashion — a conclusion that I take to be proved thus : Bede, writing three hundred years after Jerome, where he treats of the first emergence of the Scots in history, and he was their neighbour, savs not a word of this. Strabo seemed to attribute the custom to the Irish, and to certain savage Scots. I further note that the English Bartholomew, in his De Proprietatibus 1 , says of the Scots 4 that among the Scots 'tis held to be a base man's part to die in his bed, but death in battle they think a noble thing". To him I make answer that this is no way to be imputed as a fault, that death in arms and in a just quarrel is a fair end for a man. Most writers note yet another fault in the Scots, and The Scots boast Sabellicus touches this point : That the Scots are prone to ° Q f [he king SbiP call themselves of noble birth ; and this I can support by a saying about the Scots that is common among the French, for they will say of such an one : 6 That man 's a cousin of the king of Scots ' 2 . To speak truly, I am not able to acquit the Scots of this fault 3 , for both at home and abroad they take inordinate pleasure in noble birth, and (though of ignoble origin themselves) delight in hearing themselves spoken of as come of noble blood. I sometimes use humorously the following argument in dealing with such of my fellow-country- men as make themselves out to be of noble birth. One thing- must be granted me : that no man, namely, is noble, unless one of his parents be noble ; and that it is absurd to call any one ignoble whose parents are noble. This granted me, I pro- 1 The first Encyclopaedia of English origin, De Proprietatibus Rerttm t was written by Bartholomeus de Glanville about 1360, and translated about 1398 by the Cornishman, John de Trevisa. 2 Is regis Scotorum cognatus germanus est. 3 Leslie says (p. 96 of his History, ed. Cody) : ' quhen sum writeris in thame noted sik vices they spak no altogither raschlie '. 46 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book t. ceed to ask, whether Adam were of noble birth, or no. If the first — it contradicts one part of the premiss. If the second — all his children were of noble birth. And so you must grant all men noble, or all ignoble. Besides, concerning the first nobleman, I change the question, and ask, 4 How came he by his nobility ?' Not from his parents — so much is known ; and if, first of all, you call him a nobleman who is the son of one who is not noble, you contradict the premiss. Poor noblemen marry into mean but wealthy families. In this way some of the The nobles in Scots ennoble their whole country. Such unions are recognised in Scotland as well as in England. But to such Scots I am wont to say, that then, their blood being mixed with ignoble blood, there is no pure nobility. I say, therefore — There is absolutely no true nobility but virtue and the evidence of virtue. That which is commonly called nobility is naught but a windy thing of human devising. Those men are termed nobles who draw a livelihood from what they possess — and by whatever means they came by their possessions — without pursuit of any handicraft, most of all if they can also claim an ancient descent, whether they won their wealth by just or by unjust means, and if it remain for generations in their family : these in the eyes of the world are noble. Hence it follows that kings drew their origin from shepherds, and shepherds again their origin from kings. The first part of the corollary is plain, and up to this point is declared. If a shepherd buy lands with his much wealth, his issue acquires somewhat, if but little, of nobility. His grandson, grown wealthier still, ad- vances a step in nobility ; but with the lapse of time riches are added to riches : the owner now becomes a mighty chief, and takes to wife the daughter of a king — who just in the same way had climbed to his present eminence. I shall now state the second part of the corollary, where one monarch drives another from his throne. The exile is forced to take service as a soldier or to accept some other place of inferiority, and from his proud estate must sound the lowest depth. There- fore — . Sabellicus asserts that the Scots delight in lying ; but to me it is not so clear that lies like these flourish with more vigour among the Scots than among other people 1 . 1 See Appendix for a translation of the 14th question of the 24th distinction in the In Qitartum, where the question of nobility is treated at greater length. chap, viil] OF GREATER BRITAIN 47 CHAP. VIIL — Something further concerning the manners and customs o f the Scots, that is, of the peasantry, as well as of the nobles, and of the Wild Scots, as well as the civilised part. Having said something of the manner of life and character of the Scots, it remains to continue the same subject in respect of their civilised nobles, as many before me have done. The The British no- British nobles are not less civilised than their peers on the con- Used npbiltty^ tinent of Europe. They form a certain community apart from the common people. Of outward elegance I find more in the cities of France and their inhabitants than among the Britons; but in the country, and among the peasantry, there is more of elegance in Britain. In Britain no man goes unarmed to church or market, nor indeed outside the village in which he dwells. In their style of dress, and in their arms, they try to rival the lesser nobles, and if one of these should strike them they return the blow upon the spot. In both of the British kingdoms the warlike strength of the nation resides in its com- mon people and its peasantry. The farmers rent their land from the lords, but cultivate it by means of their servants, and formers to 'till not with their own hands. They keep a horse and weapons of * e v ^° l1 them " war, and are ready to take part in his quarrel, be it just or unjust, with any powerful lord, if they only have a liking for him, and with him, if need be, to fight to the death. The farmers have further this fault : that they do not bring up their sons to any handicraft. Shoemakers, tailors, and all such craftsmen they reckon as contemptible and unfit for war ; and they therefore bring up their children to take service with the great nobles, or with a view to their living in the country in the manner of their fathers. Even dwellers in towns they hold as unfit for war ; and in truth they are much before the towns- folk in the art of war, and prove themselves far stouter soldiers. Townsfolk are accustomed to luxurious eating and drinking, and a quiet fashion of life, and have not the habit of bearing- arms ; they give in therefore at once when brought face to face with the hard life of a soldier. The farmers, on the other hand, brought up in all temperance of drink, and continuous bodily exercise, are of a harder fibre. Though they do not till their land themselves, they keep a diligent eye upon their 48 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book i. servants and household, and in great part ride out with the neighbouring nobles. Among t he nobles I note two faults. The first is this: If two nobles of equal rank happen to be very near neighbours, Faults of the 1 1 J 0 greater nobles, quarrels and even shedding of blood are a common thing between them ; and their very retainers cannot meet without strife. Just in this way, when Abraham and Lot increased in wealth, did their shepherds not keep the peace. From the beginning of time families at strife with one another make bequest of hatred to their children ; and thus do they cultivate hatred in the place of the love of God. The second fault I note is this : The gentry educate their children neither in letters nor in morals 1 — no small calamity to the state. They ought to search out men learned in history, upright in character, and to them intrust the education of their children, so that even in tender age these may begin to form right habits, and act when they are mature in years like men endowed with reason. Justice, courage, and all those forms of temperance which may be put to daily use they should pursue, and have in abhorrence the corresponding vices as things low and mean. The sons of neighbouring nobles would not then find it a hard thing to live together in peace ; they would no more be stirrers up of sedition in the state, and in war would approve themselves no less brave — as may be seen from the example of the Romans, whose most illustrious generals were men well skilled in polite learning ; and the same thing we read of the Greeks, the Carthaginians, and the Persians. Two kinds of Further, just as among the Scots we find two distinct tongues, Scots " so we likewise find two different ways of life and conduct. For some are born in the forests and mountains of the north, and these we call men of the Highland, but the others men of the Lowland. By foreigners the former are called Wild Scots, the latter householding Scots. The Irish tongue is in use among the former, the English tongue among the latter. 1 It was in 1496, when Major was abroad, that the remarkable Act was passed which ordained that all barons and freeholders should send their sons to grammar schools at eight or nine years of age, and keep them there till they have ' perfect Latin ', and thereafter to the schools of ' art and jure ' for three years. CHAP. VIII.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 49 One-half of Scotland speaks Irish, and all these as well as the Islanders we reckon to belong to the Wild Scots. In dress, in the manner of their outward life, and in good morals, for example, these come behind the householding Scots — yet they are not less, but rather much more, prompt to fight ; and this, both because they dwell more towards the north and because, born as they are in the mountains, and dwellers in forests, their very nature is more combative. It is, however, with the house- holding Scots that the government and direction of the kingdom is to be found, inasmuch as they understand better, or at least less ill than the others, the nature of a civil polity. One part of The Wild Scots, the Wild Scots have a wealth of cattle, sheep, and horses, and these, with a thought for the possible loss of their possessions, yield more willing obedience to the courts of law and the king. The other part of these people delight in the chase and a life of indolence ; their chiefs eagerly follow bad men if only they may not have the need to labour ; taking no pains to earn their own livelihood, they live upon others, and follow their own worthless and savage chief in all evil courses sooner than they will pursue an honest industry. They are full of mutual dissensions, and war rather than peace is their normal condition. The Scottish kings have with difficulty been able to withstand the inroads of these men. From the mid-leg to the foot they go uncovered ; their dress is, for an over garment, a loose plaid, and a shirt saffron-dyed. They are armed with bow and arrows, a broadsword, and a small halbert. They always carry in their belt a stout dagger, single-edged 2 , but of the sharpest. In time of war they cover the whole body with a coat of mail, made of iron rings, and in it they fight. The common folk among the Wild Scots go out to battle with the whole body clad in a linen garment sewed together in patchwork, well daubed with wax or with pitch, and with an over-coat of deerskin 3 . But the common people among our domestic Scots 1 Cf. Bk. I. ch. v. (p. 32). 2 Cf. Bk. v. ch. iii. for a rather different description of the arms of the Wild Scots at Bannockburn. May the description here be that of the Wild Scots' accoutrements as Major knew them, and that in Bk. v. be based upon an older chronicler ? 3 The old notices as to the Highland dress are collected in Transactions of the lona Club, vol. i. p. 25 scq, (1834). D 50 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book i. and the English fight in a woollen garment. For musical instruments and vocal music the Wild Scots use the harp, whose strings are of brass, and not of animal gut ; and on this they make most pleasing melody. Our householding Scots, or quiet and civil-living people — that is, all who lead a decent and reasonable life — these men hate, on account of their dif- fering speech, as much as they do the English. CHAP. IX. — Concerning the various origin of the Scots, and the reason of the name. For the Scots are sprung from the Irish, and the Irish in turn from the Spaniards, and the Scots are so named after the woman Scota. Up to this point we have been telling of the origin of the Britons, and of the customs of the Scottish Britons. It remains to say something of the origin of the Scots. Some of the English chroniclers affirm that the descent of the Scots as well as of the Welsh may be traced to Brutus. Brutus, they say, The sons of had three sons, the name of the first, Locrinus, to whom he gave England for his kingdom. The name of the second son was Albanac ; to him he gave the northern part of the island, and after him it was called Alban. On the third son, Camber, he bestowed the western part of the island, and it after him The Scots was called Cambria, and, at a later date, Wales. This fable fhThish^ fr ° m a k° Ll t Brutus we did not, in an earlier part of our work, accept ; and whatever (if indeed there were any such person) may be the fact about his sons, it is attested by a multiplicity of proof that we trace our descent from the Irish. This we learn from the English Bede 1 , who had no desire to attenuate the lineage of his kingdom. Their speech is another proof of this : at the present day almost the half of Scotland speaks the Irish tongue, and not so long ago it was spoken by the majority of us, and yet between Britain and Ireland flows such a breadth of water as we find between France and England. They brought their speech from Ireland into Britain ; and this is clear from the The Irish testimony of our own chroniclers, whose writers were not negli- th e e SC Spar!^rds m g ent in tms respect. I say then, from whomsoever the Irish and the Scots traced their descent, from the same source come the Scots from the Irish. 1 Hist. Eccl. i. i. CHAP. IX.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 51 though at one remove, as with son and grandfather. But the Irish had their origin from the Spaniards, a fact that I take to be admitted by the chroniclers. Starting from Braganza, a city of Portugal, and from the Ebro which receives most of the rivers of Spain, many of the inhabitants joining together went in quest of a new settlement and put out on the wide sea, just as they do at this present. In the space of three days they made a certain island, moderately peopled, and inasmuch as the inhabitants could offer no resistance, there they settled them- selves, and gave the name of Hibernia to this island, either because the greater part of the Spaniards came from the river Ebro [Hiberus] in Spain, or after a certain soldier of Spain named Hiberus, as some will have it, whose mother's name was Scota. So that by some the island was called Hibernia, after Hiberus ; by others Scotia, after Scota. In the time of our ancestors it was more commonly called Scotia, but, in process of time, to mark its distinction from the Scots of Britain, it came to be known as Hibernia, not as Scotia. In some of our chroniclers we read that a certain king of the Greeks, by name Nealus, had a son called Gathelus, whom for his evil deeds he banished, and that this Gathelus set out for Egypt, and there got to wife a daughter of Pharaoh, by name Scota; but when Pharaoh in his pursuit of the Hebrews was drowned in the Red Sea, Gathelus and Scota with their children were driven from Egypt, and, taking ship in search of a new country where they might dwell, in course of time came to the Spains 1 . They settled themselves in Lusitania, which is now called Portugal and is a part of Spain, and there built and fortified the city of Braganza. Others of their following, however, penetrating further into Spain, reached the river Hiberus ; and after dwell- ing there, they and their descendants, for two hundred years, began to seek a new place of habitation, and came to the island which is now called Hibernia. And if this story be true, the Irish Scots are descended from the Spaniards. As to this original departure of theirs out of Greece and Egypt, I count it a fable, and for this reason : their English enemies had learned to boast of an origin from the Trojans, so the Scots 1 i.e. the Roman provinces of Hispania citerior and Hispania ulterior, which together made up the peninsula. 52 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book i claimed an original descent from the Greeks who had subdued the Trojans, and then bettered it with this about the illustrious kingdom of Egypt. But seeing that all history and the simi- larity of language went to prove that the Irish sprang from people of Spain, they added yet this : that the Greeks and the Egyptians, from whom they claimed a still further and indeed original descent, spent two hundred years in western Hesperia. From ,all this it seems that some true statements are mixed up with statements that are doubtful. For it is certain that the Irish are descended from the Spaniards and the Scottish Britons from the Irish — all the rest I dismiss as doubtful, and to me, indeed, unprofitable. Our chroniclers relate yet another absurd story : to wit, that Simon Brek and the men of Spain who landed in Ireland both made a new language and put to death the whole population of the island. But, first, it would be both an inhuman thing, and one that served no purpose, to clear the island of slaves, women, and children. Antoninus 1 and Vincentius 2 tell us that the Spaniards landed in Ireland with a large fleet and took possession of it as they saw good, whether with the sword or by peaceful means. What advantage could they reap by this destruction of an unwarlike race ? Secondly, as to this making of a language — 'tis a thing contrary to all reason. If two races that speak different languages mix one with another, a language is produced which holds of both, so far as speaking is concerned, but which has more resemblance to that language of the two which is the more civilised and the pleasanter to hear. This is clear from a consideration of the English tongue, which has much in common with the Saxon. But owing to Danish and British influences it is much changed from the Saxon. And we southern Scots differ in our speech from the language of England on account of our neighbour- hood to the Wild Scots. The same thing may be seen with the 1 Antoninus was archbishop of Florence ; ob. 1459. He wrote a chronological history, which he called a 1 Summa Historialis '. 2 Vincentius Bellovacensis [i.e. of Beauvais] a Dominican, fi. in the 13th century. He wrote a ' Speculum Doctrinale ' which embraced all the sciences. Among the books in the small library of the monastery of Kinloss there were found, before 1535, ' quatuor Vincentii volumina, tria Chronicorum Antonini, and two of the works of John Major upon the Sentences. — Records, etc., ed. by Dr. John Stuart, 1872. (hap. ix.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 53 people of Picardy, in their use of the French language, on account of their proximity to the people of Flanders. Every- where the same fact may be noticed. The Irish language is very near the Spanish. The Spaniard in his morning greeting says ' Bona dies', the Irishman, ' Vennoka die\ The Spaniards, like the Gascons — as we observed when we were in Paris — put b for i', unless they have changed their speech 1 . The Irish too, use the same funeral dirges as the Spaniards, and their customs are the same in many ways. Ireland is an island about half the size of Britain, not so far The situation to the north, and situated to the west of Britain, on all sides of Ireland - encompassed by the sea, and by as much distant from Britain as Britain is from Gaul. No serpents are to be found there, and if Irish soil kills you so much as place near a serpent in any other country a bit of serpents# Irish earth, that serpent dies. The island produces a kind of horses, which the natives call Haubbii 2 , whose pace is of the gentlest. They were called Asturcones* in old times because 1 ' Vennoka die ' is evidently meant for ' beannacht De ' (pronounced ' beana%t dye ' blessing of God ', a very common Irish greeting. 4 beannacht ' is bor- rowed from the Latin ' benedictio ', and ' De ' (the genitive of ' Dia ') has nothing to do with 1 dies ' ; but Major is so far correct about b and v that in certain cases b in Irish becomes v. - Cf. Littre s.v. hobin : ' nom d'une race de chevaux d'Ecosse, qui vont naturellement le pas qu'on appelle l'amble '. Ital. tibino, Dan. hoppe=z. mare, Fris. hoppa, our hobby. Howell {Lexic. Tetrag.) has ' hobbie, cheval irlandois '. Cf. ' Sunt etiam in hac insula [Ireland] praestantissimi equi, adeo ut Munsterus 1. 2. Cosmograph. in descript. Hibern. asserat, "gignit Hibernia multos equos, gnaviter incedunt, studentque velut data opera mollem facere gressum, ne insidenti molestiam ullam inferant ". Et Jovius, "equi tota Hibernia incorrupta sobole gignunt, mollissimo incessu Hobirtbs Angli vocant, et ob id a delicatis expetuntur, ac in Gallia, Italiaque nobilioribus foeminis dono dantur. Ex hoc genere duodecim candoris eximii purpura et argenteis habenis exornatos in Pompam summorum Pontificum sessore vacuos duci vidimus".' — Carve : Lyra ed. 1666, p. 43. For the number of ' equi discooperti [as distinguished from ' equi cooperti '] qui dicuntur hobelarii ', among the Irish troops serving in Scot- land in 1296, cf. Documents illustrative of the History of 'Scotland \ ed. by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, 1870, vol. ii. p. 125. 3 Cf. Pliny : Nat. Hist. viii. 42. ' Out of the same Spaine, from the parts called Gallicia and Asturia, certaine ambling jennets or nags are bred, which wee call Thieldones : and others of lesse stature and proportion every way, named Asturcones. These horses have a pleasant pace by themselves differing from others. For albeit they bee put to their full pace, a man shall see them set one foot before another so deftly and roundly in order by turnes [mollis 54 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book l they came from Asturia in Spain, and indeed the Spanish colonists brought those horses along with them. The French call these same horses English Haubini or Hobini, because they get them by way of England. This island, further, is no less fertile than Britain, and abounds in fair rivers well stocked with fish, in meadowland and woodland. The more southern part, which also is the more civilised, obeys the English king. The more northern part is under no king, but remains subject to chiefs of its own. In all that has now been told — of the horses, of the serpents, and of a soil that is fatal to all poisonous animals — we find a proof of the quiescence of its sky. For these Whence this are not the result in the first instance of the soil itself, nor yet fnthesoii? 1116 of the moveable sky, for part of Ireland is situated under the same parallel with Britain or with a part of Britain. Where- fore it is from the influence of that sky which can suffer no disturbance that the soil of Ireland draws this virtue 1 . CHAP. X. — Of the Origin of the Picts, their Name and Customs. Let us now leave the Irish Scots, settled in the island of Ireland, and speak for a little of the Picts who were the second, after the Britons, and, according to true history, before the Scots, to found a kingdom in Britain. As the Venerable Bede says in the first book, and the first chapter, of his Ecclesi- astical History of the English nation, the Picts (by their own report) put out to sea from Scythia with a few ships of war, and, driven by a storm beyond the bounds of Britain, came to Ireland, where they found the nation of the Scots in posses- sion, and sought from them a settlement for themselves in these parts, but obtained none. But to the Picts the Scots spoke thus : 4 We can give you good counsel as to what you may be alterno crurum explicatu glomeratio], that it would doe one good to see it.' — Holland's trans., 1601. 1 Cf. Aristot. de Coelo, Bk. n., and Bacon's comment : — ' Aristotle's temerity and cavilling has begotten for us a fantastic heaven, composed of a fifth essence, free from change, and free likewise from heat. ' — Descriptio Globi Intellectualis ■, ch. 7, Ellis and Spedding's ed. vol. vi. p. 525. As to the virtues of the climate of Ireland cf. Giraldus Cambrensis, who attributes the singular salubrity of his birthplace, Manorbeer in Pembrokeshire, to its nearness to Ireland. — Itin. Kcunbriae, lib. i. cap. 12. CHAP. X.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 55 able to do. Another island we know, not far from our own, towards the rising sun, which, in a clear day, may in the far distance be discerned. If you have a mind to make for that island, you will be able to dwell there. For though the inhabitants should resist your landing, yet, with us to help you, all will turn out to your furthest wish 1 — the Scots, in this counsel of theirs, acting on that common proverb: He who A common will not receive you as a guest in his own house praises the proverb - entertainment that you will meet with from his neighbour, that he may be rid of you. The Picts then made for Britain, and began to dwell in the northern parts of the island towards the east ; for the Britons were in occupation of the southern portion. And since the Picts were wifeless, they sought wives of the Scots, who on this condition only would grant the request, that, when any doubt arose in the matter of succession, they should choose their king rather from the female line than The queens of from the male line, a practice which, it is well known, prevails thePlcts - with the Picts to the present day. They got the name of The origin of Picts either because they excelled in beauty of person and their name - bodily strength, or because their dress was mostly of many colours, as if painted. CHAP. XI. — In what manner the Scots Jirst gained a settlement in Britain. To the Picts (as we have said) the Irish Scots gave their daughters in marriage, and, moved by a desire to see their children, they made no infrequent visits to the Picts, now settled in Britain. There they took note of certain parts, in every way most fit for the pasturing of cattle, which the Picts had not yet occupied, and likewise of many small islands between Ireland and Britain. Other islands too they saw, in their many voyages, on the western shore of Britain, more northerly than Ireland. All this they reported to their own people ; and when the Irish Scots had considered the matter, they led into Britain yet a third nation, for it was with Reuda Chief Reuda. as their leader that the Scots set out from Ireland, and whether by friendly consent or by the sword gained a settlement in Britain by the side of the Picts. From this leader it is, 56 JOHN MAJORS HISTORY [book l according to Bede \ that they are to this day called Dahal- reudini. For in their tongue Dahal means a 4 part \ Our own Fergus. chronicles, however, bear that Fergus, son of Ferchard, set foot in Britain before Reuda, and that he showed in his armour a red lion, and was the first of the Scots who bore the sceptre in Britain, as witness the verses well known among our people : ' In Albion's realm first king of Scottish seed, Fergus the son of Ferchard bore mid his troops the ensign of a red lion, roaring in a tawny field." Concerning the date when this same Fergus set foot in Britain, take the following verses : ' Fergus, who first gave laws and kingly rule to the Britons, lived before Christ three hundred years and thirty/ Fergus brought with him from Ireland the marble chair in which the kings of Scots are crowned at Scone 2 . It is said that Symon Brek, when he set out from Spain for Ireland, found The marble this marble stone, fashioned like a chair. This he regarded as stone. an omen of the kingdom that was to be. But this story about Fergus in no way conflicts with the statement of the Vener- able Bede. For it was but a feeble foundation of the kingdom that Fergus laid, and it was the son of his great-grandson, Rether. Rether, as our chroniclers call him, or Reuda — to speak with Bede — who confirmed that first foundation, and added to his kingdom both what he won from the Picts and somewhat too from the Britons. He invaded that part of the country of the Britons to which he gave a name made famous by his fall in battle, Retherdale to wit ; that is, the valley, or part, of Rether, in English Bethisdaile, and to this day it is called Ryddisdaile 3 , inasmuch as it was there that Rether, king of the Scots, lost his life. Very like this is to what we read of the mighty empire of the Assyrians, whose beginnings some writers trace to Bel, but others to Ninus Nembrothides. For the first foundation of that empire, small in outward measure, but great in promise, was laid by Bel, and afterwards received a mighty increase by Ninus Nembrothides. So much then let it suffice to have said con- cerning the first coming of the Scots and Picts into Britain. 1 Hist. Eccl. i. i. 2 For the legends connected with this stone see Mr. Skene's Coronation Stone. 3 Redesdale, in Northumberland. chap, xii.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 57 CHAP. XII. — Concerning the arrival of the Romans in Britain, and their achievements in that island. By the Romans, at that time the masters of the world, Britain Julius Caesar, had never been reached, and was indeed unknown ; but Julius Caesar, in the six hundred and ninety-third year from the foundation of the city, in the sixtieth year before the Incarna- tion of the Word, when he had subdued Gaul, hastened into Britain, and there his reception was of the fiercest. He lost a large number of foot-soldiers, of his horse the whole, and in a storm a great part of his ships. For not only did the Britons make stand against him ; the youth of the Scots and Picts were also there, as Caxton, the English historian, makes mention. For they were in fear lest, should the Romans break their fast with the Britons, they would sup with the Scots and Picts, as the proverb goes : 4 "Tis become your own concern when your neighbour's house takes fire. 1 Wherefore, though the three British kings — to wit, the Briton, the Scot, and the Pict — were at war among themselves, against Caesar and their most powerful foe, the Romans, they went out to battle of one mind, ready to fight in one solid mass ; and, that I may say much in few words, when they had slain some of the Romans and routed the rest, they forced Caesar to show his back. He then returned to both Caesar's flight. Gauls, and when he had recovered himself, collected again a mighty fleet (six hundred vessels, as they say), and hastened a second time against the Britons, by whom he was nobly met, and his horsemen were routed utterly. The tribune Labienus, D eat h of a Roman of renown, was there slain ; but Caesar gathered once Labienus. more with care the wandering and scattered Romans. He again attacked the Britons, and now successful, now suffering defeat, at last came out the conqueror. After this victory he Caesar's brought a large part of the Britons under Roman rule, and vlctor y- forced Cassibellaunus, king of the Britons, to surrender. This king bound himself to pay yearly to Caesar, as representing the Roman people, three thousand pounds of silver. Caesar then journeyed through the northern parts of the island, and came to the Scottish Sea that is called Forth, and sent letters botli to the Scots and to the Picts, in which he showed how that he 58 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book l had subdued the Gauls, the Germans, and the Britons, and counselled them to submit to ' the Romans, the masters of the world, and the toga'ed race''; and when the Scots and Picts made small account of these letters, he sent them others of a threatening sort. An answer then they made forthwith, that they were moved neither by the fair words of the Romans nor yet by their threats, that with the help of the gods and with their own right arm they trusted to defend their remote and difficult recesses ; but were it otherwise, they would spend their life for their country's freedom, and not without fearful bloodshed should the Romans establish their rule among them. Meanwhile, and when Caesar was awaiting the answer of the northern kings, he received sudden tidings of the Gauls, that these were rebelling against the Romans. When he heard this, he determined to make all speed to both Gauls, choosing rather to bring to terms a people once subdued, now in rebellion, than during such rebellion to attack another foe — lest he might thus lose the whole result of his laborious toil. But before A memorial his departure he ordered that "a building of stone should be m stone. raised near the water of Caron [Carron] \ as a memorial of his victory — herein imitating Hercules, who in the western part of Spain left two pillars in everlasting monument. CHAP. XIII. — How the Emperor Claudius came to Britain. Claudius In the seven hundred and ninety-ninth year of the city, Claudius, fourth emperor after Augustus Caesar, came to Britain, and, without any battle or shedding of blood, within a very few days reduced to submission the largest part of the island, which was still in a measure rebellious. To the Roman empire he added the islands of the Orkneys which lie to the north of Britain, of which we have above made mention. But in the sixth month from his setting out from Rome he Britannicus. returned thither, bestowing upon his son the name of Britan- nicus. This journey to Britain he accomplished in the fourth year of his reign, which year answers to the forty-sixth from the Incarnation of the Word. And here it is to be noted 1 The monument known as ' Arthur's O'on ', ' Julius Hoff' ; figured in Cam- den's Brit., p. 1223, ed. 1722, and in Gordon's It in. Septent., p. 24, ed. 1726. CHAP. XIII.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 59 as a wonderful thing how he left untouched the Scots and the Picts, for to the Orkney islands he went by sea ; but his was not the daring spirit of Caesar, and for this reason he passed by each of the two kings who had withstood Caesar with success. From Bede and discourse of history it is made clear that afterwards the Scots and Picts made a sudden attack upon the Britons along with the Romans — unless it were argued that those kings promised to obey the Roman rule, and then at once on the departure of the Romans rose in revolt — a thin": which I find nowhere recorded. In the time of the emperor Claudius, a mighty war began between the con- federated Scots and Picts on the one hand, and the Britons on the other — a war which lasted without a break for one hundred and fifty-four years. According to our chroniclers, the Romans were aiming, with the help of the Britons, at making the Scots and Picts tributaries to them : which when these peoples came to understand, they made a fierce attack upon the Romans and the Britons, sparing neither sex, and levelling with the ground some fair cities of the Britons — Agned for one, which, when it had been rebuilt by Heth, the kino: of the Picts, came to be called Hethburp;, and to-day Hethburg. . _° „ 5 _ ,. _ _ _ . 0 j Edinburgh, is known to all men as Edinburgh, the royal seat in Scotland ; Carlisle, too, and Alinclud or Alclid, which I take it, is the city now known as Dunbarton. Afterwards, in the year one hundred and fifty-six of the Incarnate Word, when Antoninus Verus, fourteenth from Augustus, began to reign along with his brother, Aurelius Com mod us — in whose time the holy man Eleutherius was pope at Rome — Lucius, the British king, wrote Pope a letter to the pope, praying for baptism, and to his prayer Lu e c j USj the 'first the pontiff religiously assented ; and thus, the faith once Q^eBritonf received, the Britons kept it intact and unassailed even to the days of Diocletian. CHAP. XIV. — Concerning the events which thereafter happened in Britain, the building of the wall, the passion of Ursula with her com- panions at Cologne, the reception of the Catholic Faith, and the rest. In the hundred and eighty-ninth year from the Incarnation of our Lord, Severus set foot in Britain, to the end he might 60 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book l help the Britons against the Scots and Picts, and he saw that there was much need to build some kind of wall between them. A wall built. He made a wall accordingly, of stones and turf, as is told by Bede in the fifth chapter of the first book of his history of the church among the English nation \ This wall extended between the rivers Tyne and Esk. A proof this is that the Scots and Picts did not acknowledge Roman rule. And further, in the year of our Lord two hundred twenty and five, Ursula. Ursula, and along with her eleven thousand virgins, were to have journeyed to Aremorica, that they might there find husbands, because at that time the Aremoricans refused to take Frankish women to wife. These maidens took ship on the river Thames, but when a storm of wind arose they were tossed towards the Rhine, and so reached Cologne. With them Govan, the king of that country, and Elga his brother, together with his vassals, desired to have carnal dealing, which thing the maidens resisted with all their force, and then the tyrants slew them. This Saint Ursula was the daughter of Dionoth, the ruler of Britain, and granddaughter, by a sister, of the king of the Scots. Thereafter, Govan and his brother Elga gather a large army, desiring to bring ruin on the country of those maidens ; and when they had set foot in Britain, they began to destroy its cities, strongholds, and above all (for they were infidels) its churches, and the Christians they everywhere put to the sword. Alban. Saint Alban suffered at that time. At length a certain Roman, Gratian. by name Gratian, comes to Britain, puts Govan to flight, and claims for himself the crown of the Britons. He in turn was slain by the Britons for his misdeeds. After his death Govan returned yet once more to Britain, and wrought evil more than ever. The Britons thereupon approached the king of the 1 Bede led Major and all subsequent Scottish historians (except Buchanan) into error on this point. In recent years it has been proved that this wall was built by Hadrian, though it is possible that Severus repaired it before commencing his Caledonian campaign [a.d. 208]. See Dr. Collingwood Bruce's Handbook, p. 82, third ed. 1885, and Mr. Scarth's Roman Britain, p. 59. Buchanan shows (Rer. Scotic. Hist., p. 5) that he saw Bede's error, and distinguishes between the wall of Antonine between the Forth and the Clyde, which was repaired by Severus (cf. Mr. Rhys's Celtic Britain, p. 91), and that of Hadrian between the Tyne and the Solway. It is noteworthy that Major seems strangely ignorant of the classical accounts of Britain. chap, xiv.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 61 Aremoricans (that is, of Little Britain), by name Aldrey, be- Aidrey. seeching him to come to their help. He sends his own brother Constantius into Britain, who kills Govan, and puts all the infidels to the sword. This done, Constantius became king of the Britons, that is, of that tract of land in the island which the Britons were the first to take possession of. Here once more the Britons began openly to worship Christ. The Scots, too, in the seventh year of the emperor Severus, in the time of Victor, first received the Catholic faith. Some verses well known among the Scots declare this date, and thus they run : — Two hundred years and three after Christ had finished His Work Scotland began to follow the Catholic Faith. This Victor was the successor of Eleutherius. CHAP. XV. — Concerning the Strife between the Picts and Scots. In the two hundred and eighty-eighth year of the redemp- a war that had tion of the world there arose a quarrel between the Scots and coun" o? a dog' Picts by reason of a certain Molossian hound of wonderful swift- ness, which certain Picts had taken secretly from the Scots, and which they refused to restore. It was at first a war of words, but grew too soon to a strife of arms among those neighbouring peoples. Behold from how small a spark a great pile may be kindled! 1 Meanwhile a certain Carausius is set over the Britons Carausius. by the Romans, — a man who troubled the whole country by his insatiable greed. The Roman emperor therefore sent an order to the Britons, to the effect that this Carausius should secretly be put out of the way. But when Carausius got wind of this, he went forthwith to the Scots and the Picts, brought these to a peaceable mind by large gifts, and the promise of still greater things if they would but stand by him in driving the Romans from the land. To this they give their assent willingly. Trust- ing then to such help as this, he drives the Romans out of the country, and claims the crown of the Britons for himself. But when the Romans heard how matters went in Britain, they sent a certain Bassianus, one of their generals, with a great army Bassianus. 1 ' Ecce quomodo ex scintilla ignis ingens rogus coaluit.' In the Vulgate (St. James iii. 5) ' Ecce quantus ignis quam magnam sylvam [Gr. vXtju, Eng. matter] incendit ! ' 62 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book I. into Britain. This Bassianus came to an understanding with the Picts, and with their help managed to subdue the Britons who were on the side of Carausius. He promised to bring further help to the Picts, and to keep in check the Scots, against whom he knew the Picts to cherish a lively hatred on account of the wars that had been going on between them. Albeit, Bassianus was conquered and slain by Carausius and Bassianus slain, the Scots, the help of the Picts notwithstanding. Carausius then frees the Britons, who had been tributary to the Romans from the days of Julius Caesar, from such servitude and tribute ; but lie was at last stabbed by one of his own Maximus. soldiers. After his death, Maximus, who then had the com- mand in Britain, thought the time had come when he might gain possession of the whole island, yet saw no hope of bring- ing things so far while the Picts and Scots made common cause against him. He turned his mind first, therefore, to the Picts, as thinking them the stronger, and made with them a treaty of peace, by which they were to attack the Scots, think- ing, when once the Scots were expelled, that he should have no hard task in driving out the Picts, and so at length gain the sovereignty over the whole island. The Picts then wage war against the Scots, give every village to the flames, and at the point of the sword bring universal ruin on the country. Eugenius, the king of the Scots, they slay along with his son. Following whereupon, one Ethach by name, the brother of Eugenius, is forced to leave his native island, with his son Erth or Eric, and to repeat that word of Virgil, where he says — Nos patriae fines et dulcia linquimus arva 1 . The remnant of Scots, whom the sword had spared, made their way to Norway, Ireland, and the circumjacent islands. The Scots, then, driven from the kingdom, and the Picts wasted in their wars with the Scots, Maximus marches upon the Picts with a great army, and reduces them to a tributary condition. Now, had Maximus only been able to follow up the victory he had won, he might have made himself sole ruler in Britain ; but here was verified once more that saying of a Carthaginian noble about Hannibal, that Hannibal indeed The Picts against the Scots. Death of Eugenius. 1 Eel. i. 3. c hap, xv.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 63 could win a victory, but knew not how to use it. The same thing has happened with Pompey and Caesar, and most other generals. At this same time a certain abbot, by name Regulus, under Abbot Reguius. admonition of an angel, brought into Britain relics of the Blessed Andrew, the head namely, an arm, and three fingers of the right hand, and he arrived by divine guidance in the country of the Picts. At that time Hurgust, son of Fergus, was king over that people, and he built for the Blessed Regulus and the brethren of his company a church every way noble, and granted them possessions whence they might gain their living. Thereafter, too, Hungus, king of the Picts, by reason of the special devotion in which he had the Blessed Andrew, bestowed upon that saint, on account of a miraculous Gifts made to victory won over the Britons, the tenth part of his lands. Apostle. ^ Further, in the year three hundred and ninety-four after the Virgin had become a mother, Pelagius the Briton, by his denial of the grace of God, sowed in the Church a pestilent poison. This is understood by most men as the question of a special auxilium. It is more agreeable to the teaching of the saints The necessary that no mortal, without the prevenient grace of God, without grace ° special auxilium, can elicit an act morally good : according to that saying of the Wise Man, 6 1 could not preserve myself continent except God gave it , 1 , — that is, by a special gift. It is not the general co-operation of God that is here discussed. For that is necessary to every act, good as well as evil. The same is true of an act of faith, following that which the Truth speaks in the Gospel : 6 No man cometh unto me, unless my Father draw him." The Father draws him on whom he bestows a special grace of faith. Let this then suffice to have said in our fifteenth chapter, and of the expulsion of the Scots from Britain. And herewith we make an end of the first book. 1 Book of Wisdom, viii. 21. BOOK II. CHAP. I. — Follows here the second book of British history. Of the return of the Scots into Britain, and their league with the Picts, and (he tears that were soon therea fter carried on by them, and the building o f a wall. In the year three hundred and ninety-six from the redemp- tion of the world, in the time of the emperors Honorius and Arcadius, the scattered Scots returned to Britain, after an exile Scots to Britain, of three-and-forty years; and this they did partly at the prayer of the Picts, who had been wasted by the tribute exacted from them by the Britons. The Scots then, in Large part by the help of the Picts, received their own lands again, and, burying the memory of ancient strife, they made a new- treaty of amity, remembering thai word of Sallust, where he writes : ' By concord little things grow great ; by discord things the greatest fall to naught' 1 . Fergusthe Further, in the year of Our Lord four hundred and three. Second, Fergus son of Erth, — who was son to Echadius 8 , who was brother to Eugenius, the king who had been defeated by Maximus in war, — a youth of spirit, with his two brothers. Lorn and Angus, gained possession of the whole kingdom of Scotland up to the Scottish Sea 4 . Between this Fergus, son of Erth, and the first Fergus, son of Ferchard, we reckon fifteen kings of the Scots, w hose reigns cover a space of seven hundred years, as you can gather from history. That same Fergus then, son of La th, ami the Picts together, attack their ancient enemy the Britons; and when these saw no way to make face against the double enemy, they sent for succour to the Romans, who answered indeed their prayer, and when they 1 Jugnrtha, ch. x. - Perhaps ' Eochodius ' ; cf. l>k. II. ch. vii. 3 Orig. 1 Barno et Tcnago ' ; F. coi r. 1 Loarno et Tenego for which read 1 Loarno et Angusio '. 4 The Firth of Forth, sometimes called the Scotswater. CHAP. I.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 65 had set foot in the island, gave themselves to the building of a wall, much more to the north than was the first wall built by the Romans. The second wall was even eighty miles further The Second to the north than was the first wall. The country that was thus Wal1, bounded Maximus, the British general, added to his kingdom. Maxim us. This wall began at Abercorn, and tended across the country to Alcluyd, passing by the city of Glasgow and Kirkpatrick 1 . By the inhabitants it is called Gramysdyk 2 . But not content- ing them with such works as these, the Romans and the Britons wage open war against the Picts and Scots, and in a certain great battle slew Fergus, king of the Scots, with a Fergus slain, multitude of the Picts. We now have seen the slaying of three kings of the Scots. The first was he who was killed by the Britons, from whom Riddisdal is named 3 ; the second, Eugenius by name, lost his life at the hands of the Britons and the Picts, and now we read of Fergus, son of Erth, slain by the Romans and Britons. After this war the Scots and Picts were driven to retreat beyond the Scottish Sea. But straightway after the departure of the Romans, Eugenius, son of Fergus, along with Eugenius. the Picts, attacks the Britons, and inflicts upon them a defeat so great that they were forced to implore the Romans to come to their help. About the Britons I marvel, for this reason : they were three to one, and under the same king ; and the Scots and Picts, if we do not count the circumjacent islands, held a mere corner of the country, scarce a third part of the island. The Romans once more sent an armed force, and with their help the Britons regained their ancient boundary in the Scottish Sea. CHAP. II. — Of the sending of Bishops to Scotland, and the conse- cration of several of them in that country, likewise of their holy lives, and the marvels that they wrought. In the year of our Lord four hundred and twenty-nine, pope Paiiadius tesex* Celestine consecrates as bishop Saint Paiiadius, and sends him int0 cot an to Scotland. For the Scots were at that time instructed in the faith by priests and monks without bishops. Paiiadius 1 i.e. Kilpatrick. 2 Graham's Dyke, i.e. Grim's Dyke or ' Devil's Dyke '. 3 Cf. p. 56. E 66 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book n. Servanus is consecrated by the hands of one bishop only. Kentigern, Patrick. Ninian. Candida Casa. ordains as bishop Servanus, and sent him to the islands of the Orkneys that he miglit preach the gospel to those who dwelt there. Hence it is plain that a bisliop, where need is, can be consecrated by one bishop, and it is not of the essence of a bishop that he be ordained by three. Those persons err never- theless who ordain otherwise, where a trinity of bishops may be had 1 . James the Less was appointed overseer 2 of Jerusalem by Peter, John, and James the son of Zebedee ; following which example overseers are appointed by three presidents 3 . Servanus baptized the Blessed Kentigern. Further : five years after the sending of Palladius to British Scotland, the same Celestine consecrates Saint Patrick, a Briton by race, as overseer, and sends him to the people of Ireland, and he, by the holiness of his life and the wonderful works that he did, converted the whole of Ireland to the Christian faith. Forty years he ruled the church in Ireland, and then, full of days and in the odour of sanctity, fell asleep in the Lord. At this time Saint Ninian visited the Blessed Martin at Tours, concerning whom Bede, in the third book, at the fourth draper of the same, speaks thus : 4 The Blessed Ninian, bishop of the race of the Britons, a most reverend and holy man, who had been instructed in all things at Rome, founded Candida Casa, that is, a church built of stone, in a manner not in use among the Britons ; wherefore it came to be called Candida Casa. He built there a church in honour of the Blessed Martin, where this same Ninian and other holy men now rest."' The Britons were then in occupa- tion of the place, because it belonged to the province of the Bernicii — the kingdom of the Northumbrians is thus divided because the more northern portion thereof is called Bernicia. At this time, and even to the days of Bede, Candida Casa belonged to the Northumbrians. Bede wrote, having regard 1 The consecration of a bishop by the present discipline of the Roman church must be performed ex necessitate praecepti by not less than three bishops, except by a papal dispensation which may allow two assistant priests to take the place of two bishops. Some few theologians have, however, maintained that three episcopal consecrators are required ex necessitate sacramenti, and that a conse- cration by a single bishop, without at least a papal dispensation, would be in- valid. — Ferraris : Prompta Bibliotheca, s.v. episcopus. 2 antistitem. 3 a tribus praesulibus antistites instituuntur. chap, ii.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 67 to his own day, and not to what might be in the future. You will then understand how the Blessed Ninian came to preach the Word of God to the southern Picts and Britons, and the same you may gather from his collect, in which these words are found : ' God, who didst teach the peoples of the Picts and Britons by the instruction of Holy Ninian, bishop and confessor", — in which is no mention of the Scots 1 . But now, and for many years, since the overthrow of the Pictish kingdom, the Scots hold both the place and the remains of the saint. The Picts had many times possession of Lothian and The superiority those parts beyond the Scottish firth, and the better and more of the Picts ' fruitful portions that lay still further to the north ; and this came to pass, both because they had the advantage of the Scots in being the first to land in the island, and because, as I incline to think, they were somewhat superior to the Scots in numbers and in bodily strength. A proof of this I see herein, that though they were leagued with the Scots, it was they who occupied what parts of the country were reconquered from the Britons — a fact that argues greater sagacity in them, or superiority of some sort. CHAP. III. — Concerning the affairs of the Britons. We have already made mention of Constantius, the brother of the king of the Aremoricans. This Constantius had three sons born to him : Constantius namely, Aurelius Ambrosius, and Uther. A certain Pict made away with Constantius ; and The treacherous thus it happened : the Pict, hating Constantius, gave out consfamLs. that he had a secret which must be disclosed to Constantius alone, and thus he took the king unawares. Hence let kings learn not to give audience, unless in the presence of their own people, to men of whose good faith they have not assurance 2 — a caution which may be fortified by that example from the Book of Kings, where we read that Aioth took Eglon 1 Cf. the Breviarium Aberdonense for the i6th of September. - This warning is repeated in Bk. Ill, ch. viii., on the occasion of the death of Malcolm Canmore. 68 JOHN MAJOR'S HISTORY [book o. unawares and made awav with him \ Constantius, the eldest born of the sons of Constantius, had become a monk of Win- chester ; but Vortiger, the earl of Wessex, withdrew him from the coenobitic state that he might be set over the kingdom, for his brothers were of an age too tender to hold the sceptre. Herein Vortiger acted wickedly — stripping of his habit a monk without whom the civil government might have been carried wisely enough. That way of the wise men I approve rather, which holds that, in the case of a monk at least who is not in sacred orders, it is open to the supreme pontiff to grant him dispensation, so that he may return to the world for the conduct of weighty matters which can be settled in no other way ; but that there was in this case such a call I cannot see. Constantius, then, once withdrawn from the coenobitic state, all things were at the nod and beck of Vortiger. He brought together one hundred Picts whom he used as his body- guard, treated them courteously, enriched them with many gifts, and gave them to understand 2 that if he were to gain the height of power in the kingdom, he would raise them to places of authority. These Picts, therefore, that they might do Vortiger a pleasure, by a deed of daring rashness murdered king Constantius. Vortiger thereupon orders his hundred Picts to be seized, and sends them to London, where, under the sword of the avenger, they paid the penalty of their crime. This he did that, under a cloak of deceit, he might hide his own guilt 3 . Now when the guardians of the brothers of Constantius learned what had happened, and chief among them, one Joscelin, bishop of London, they send their charges to the king of Little Britain, who receives them kindly. When the Picts heard of the slaughter of their own soldiers, they were filled with indignation at a crime so foul, so dyed with treachery, and, with the Scots, their confederates, they make 1 Judges iii. 20-22. The spelling ' Aioth ' is curious. Heb. has *|!|nX (Ehud), lxx. 'Ac65, and Vulg. 1 Aod '. 2 * eis dans intelligere ' ; ' giving them to understand ' has a strangely modern sound ; but this instance proves that the phrase must have been in use in Major's day, and such colloquial expressions are not uncommon in consequence of Latin being then used as the language of conversation. 3 1 ut suam innocentiam sub dolo malo occultaret '. There is some confusion, here ; but the sense is plain. CHAP. III.] OF GREATER BRITAIN 69 for the northern part of the Britons' country, which they laid waste, nothing sparing. In their rage they threw down the wall built by the Romans for the purpose of warding off hostile attacks upon the Britons. At that time it began to be bruited that Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther, the brothers of murdered Constantius, were on their way with an armed force to attack Vortiger.