cA Mfe Ml " THE ^ JOHN T HUGHES -^:^ MEMDRIRL CDLLELTIDN, <^^S^ BOSTON COLLEGE \ THt COUNTIES OF S.ííl'Sí."?'" aOll. coTiiTraicne' ro\'o;"oO>>i»i"'-''""«y?_ \sleoi<™™ n6 iOVlintM>l. c ctNN pTaugaue < *«°^^' " - Tto'liU'Tl"^ fiC.UC^C'U.m ^)^(^B»»:k 'tmai ««S» :cloíBéin co Suióe Pinn; ó Suióe Pinn co Qc na- pioj; ó Qé na pioj coLlnnnaij; ó Um- Its boundary/ extends from Cluain tuaiscert* ua Sinna to Aireanacli'' ; from Aireanach to Rinn Duin^ ; from Rinn Duin to Rinn Cleatlichair'^ ; from Einn Cleathchair to Atli-Luain®; from Ath-Luain to Snamh da en^ ; from Snamli da en to Atli CrochaS ; from Atli Crocha to Lusmagh'' ; from Lus- magli to Deirgdeirc' ; from Deirgdeirc to GrianJ ; from Grian to Suidlie Finn ; from Suidhe * Clucdn tuaiscert, now Clontuskert Ab- bey, near Lanesborougli, in the county of Roscommon. In more recent times this was a part of Cinel Dobhtha, or O'Hanly's country. ^ Aireanach, now Erinagh, near Clon- tuskert See Map. •^ Binn Duin, now St. John's, or Ran- down on the Shannon, barony of Athlone. ^ Rinn Cleathchair was the ancient name of a very remarkable point of land run- ning into Lough Ree, in the parish of Kiltoom, barony of Athlone, and county Roscommon. It is now popularly called Yew Point. ^ Ath Luain, now Anglicised Athlone, a well known town on the Shannon. f Snamh da en, called in the Book of Armagh, vadum duorum avium, was the ancient name of that part of the Shan- non lying between Clonmacnoise, in the King's county, and Clonburren, in the county of Roscommon See Buile Shuibh- ne, and MS. in Trinity College Library, H. 2. i6. p. 871. á Ath Crocha, which is mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters, at the year 1547, as a ford on the Shannon, was the ancient name of a ford on that river at the place now called Shannon Harbour. ^ Lusmagh is so called at this day, and is the name of a parish in the barony of Garrycastle and King's county, which, though lying on the east side of the Shan- non, is still a part of the diocese of Clon- fert. It appears also from an inquisition taken at Gal way, on the nth of Au- gust, 1607, before Sir Anthony S^ Leger, Knight, Master of the Rolls, that this parish was then considered a part of the covmty of Galway. ' Deirgdeirc, generally called Loch Deirgdheirc, in the best Irish authorities ; it is now called Lough Derg, and some- times Lough Dergart, and is a large and beautiful lake formed by an expansion of the Shannon, between Portumna and Kil- laloe. J Grian is the name of a river which rises on the confines of the counties of Clare and Galway, and falls into Lough Greiue, in the parish of Feakle, barony of nni^ CO G.Z m )-^aluin; ó Qr in palum Suidhe Finnic toAth na riogh^ from Atli CO Uip ÍTIic Ujiéna; o y^n co h-Bpcip na riogh to Umnaigh"» ; from Umnaigh to cilaing; o ra pin co h-Qr TTlo^a ; o ra Atli an saluin"; from Ath an saluin to pin CO SiD Neannra; o ra pn co ceir Tir Mhic Trena°; from thence to Escir 'pa Sincnnn apíp." AlaingP; from thence to Ath Mogha^ ; from thence to Sidh Neannta"^ ; and thence to the Shannon again." The same boundaries are given in a short poem preserved in another velhmi MS. in the Library of Trinity College : but as this poem gives only one additional name, viz. Magh Muaidh, which is the plain near Knockmoy Abbey, it is not inserted here, to avoid the uiniecessary repetition of what has been already given in prose. The most conspicuous of the same boundaries are also mentioned in a MS. poem in the same library, addressed to William, son of Do- nogh. Upper Tiillagh, and county of Clare, Avhence it issues, and flowing in a S. E. direc- tion, passes through Lough O'Grady, and through the \Tllage of ScarrifF, and dis- embogues itself into an arm of Lough Derg, near the old church of Moynoe. ^ Suidhe Finn is the name of an old castle and ancient earthen mound in the parish of Killogilleen, barony of Dunkel- lin, and county of Gahvay. ' Ath na Riogh^ i. e. the ford of the kivys, now Athenry, an ancient Availed town in the county of Galway, eleven miles east of the town of Galway. "' Umnaigh, now Uman, a townland in the parish of Killererin, in the barony of Clare, and near the confines of the ba- rony of Tiaquin. " Ath an salidn, a ford on a stream in the parish of Killererin, near Tuam. ° Tir mhic Treua. This name is now forgotten, I' Eiscir Aluing^ now Esker, an old church in the eastern portion of the pa- rish of Ttiam, which belongs to the ba- rony of Ballymoe. ^ Ath Mogha, now always called Beal Atha Mogha in Irish, and Anglicised Bally- moe : it is the name of a small village on the river Suck, giving name to the barony of Ballimoe, in the N. E. of the county of Galway, adjoining the counties of Mayo and Roscommon. ■■ Sidh Neannta^ now Fairymount, in the parish of Kilgefin, barony of South Ballintober and county of Eoscommon. See the Map prefixed to this ti'act. This is a very famous locality in ancient Irish history and romance. t A15 ^.\.\í,^.%bí nogh, who was son of Conor O'Kelly, on the occasion of his having in- vited all the poets, minstrels, and other professors of art in Ireland, to his house, in the year 1457. In this poem it is stated, that William, the son of Duvessa (his mother), had got possession of the entire ter- ritory of Hy-Many, extending, according to its well known bounda- ries, from Grian to Caraidh. That he recovered such parts of the principality of his ancestors as had been wrested from them by ad- venturers, and that he even took possession of some portions of the territories of his neighbours ; that the three celebrated fords called Ath na riogh^ Ath Luain\ and Ath-liag", were included in his prin- cipality, and that his lands were bounded by the great lakes of Loch Righ, and Loch Dergdherc ; and also that the great plain of ]Maon- mhagh [Moinmoy], the ancient patrimony of the Clanna Moirne, which had been in the occupation of strangers till WilHam grew up, was again restored to the Hy-Many, and divided among their septs. It is also stated in a poem addressed to Eoghan O'Madden, chief of Sil Anmchadha, contained in a fragment of the Book of Hy- Many, preserved in the Library of Trinity College (H. 2. 7. p. 190), that Uaran, now Oran, in the county of Roscommon, Lusmagh in the now King's county, and even Lough Greine, now in the north of the county of Clare, were a part of Hy-Many ; and it is stated in a second poem, . preserved in the same MS., addressed to the same chieftain, that Hy-Many extended from Grian to Caraidh, and in- cluded Dun Imghain, now Dunamon, Inis Clothrann in Lough Ree, and Inis Cealltra in Lough Dergdherc. To give any thing like the history of Hy-Many w^ould far exceed the ^ Ath na riogh., i. e. ford of the kings, " Ath-liag, the ford of the stones, now now Athenry See note ^ Beal atha Hag, Ballyleague, or Lanesbo- ^ Ath Luain, i. e. the ford of Luan rough, a small village on the Shannon, not (a man's name, formerly common in Ire- Athleague, on the river Suck, as might land), now Athlone — See note ^. be supposed. tlie limits which the Editor intends for this preface, and the reader must rest satisfied with a brief accoimt of the first formation of the principahty by Maine Mor, the ancestor of all the Hy-Many, and a list of the successive chiefs from Maine Mor, as they are given in a poem addressed to Eoghan O'Madden, who died in 1347- The most authentic and most circumstantial account of the first settlement of Maine ]\Ior, ancestor of all the Hy-Maine, and his people, in this territory, is preserved in the Life of St. Grellan, the patron of this tribe, who flourished in the fifth centiu-y, a paper^ copy of which is preserved in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy. In this Life, it is stated, that this part of the province of Connaught was in the possession of the Firbolgs in the time of St. Patrick and St. Grellan, and that the latter was assigned a place called Achadh Fionnahlirach, by Duach Gallach, king of Connaught, where the saint Iniilt a church before Maine Mor arrived in Connaught. I shall pre- sent the reader with the whole account of the settlement of Maine and his people in this district, as contained in this work. After giv- ing a detailed account of the baptism of Eoghan Sriabh, the son of Duach Gallach, king of Connaught, and of a miracle performed by St. Grellan, the biographer proceeds as follows : " t)obeprap an baile peo, ina n-oeap- The place where this miracle was nao an miopbuile pi do, .1. Qcao pion- wrought, i. e. Achadh Fionnabhrach by nupacb a ainm conuiji pin, ajup CpaoB name, was granted to St. Grellan, but it '^hpeallain a ainm o pin a leidi, o'n has been ever since called Craobh Greal- cpaoib peilbe rucc t)uac ajup paopaicc lain, i. e. the branch of Grellan, from the branch ■^ No vellum copy of this life is now in after the period of the introduction of Dublin, but a very ancient copy of it is Christianity ; and also by Gratianus Lucius quoted by Duald Mac Firbis, in his Ge- in his Cambrensis Eversus, in proof of the uealogicalBook, in proof of the existence of fact which he thinks it establishes, name- the Firbolgs in the province of Connaught, 1 y, that the ancient Irish paid tithes. DO ^hpeallan ann, cjjup po opouic ciop Do'n maiccleipeac, ,i. peace m-bpuir o jac bainpiojain ; ajup ap n-opouccaó na cana, oo lapp copuioeacc phaopaicc ppip in ciop canao pin do ; ujup cuccaó lap pin. " Ctjjup ap a h-aicle pm do lu id ^peal- Ian a D-cpian uaccapac an cuiccio pin, 50 paiBi ace piubal an cipe, ajup nip oipip a TTieanma pop inaó oap imjiD no 50 painic niacc Semceineoil, baile a paibi Cian d' peapaib 60I5, pi an ripe, ajup aipipeap 1 j-ceano an eplaiifi pop an lonao pin, .1. Cill Cluaine a ainm. " Qp 1 pin aimpip m ap lompaióeDap aicme Colla dq Chpioch reacr a h-Oip- gialluib, ajup ap eao a oubpaoap : Ip lionmap ap laocpaiD, ajup ap áóbal ccp n-oipeacc, ajup a ca ap n-aicnie ap n-iomoujao, agiip ni b-puicceam 10- nao a n-aon cuicceao uile jan pup eap- ccaipoip eccpuinn, oip ni maic puilngio na h-uaiple a j-cúrhjach; agup a Dub- paoap, ' Peucam cia an cuicceao ina ceipce Daoine oo'n 6hanba, agup ina lia o'pheapaib 6olcc, agup cuitijaioiom op- branch wliicli king Duacli and St. Patrick presented to St. Grellan, in token of pos- session. And the king also ordered, that seven garments should be given from every chieftain's wife, as a tribute to the young cleric ; and when this tribute was ordain- ed, St. Grellan asked the guarantee of St. Patrick for the payment of it, which was agreed to. " After this St. Grellan proceeded to the upper third of that province, and con- tinued to traverse the country ; but his attention was not fixed on any place over which he had passed, till he came to Magh Seincheineoil, of which Cian, who Avas of the Firbolgic race, was king, who waited on the saint at the place where he was then staying, since called Cill Cluaine"'. " It was at this period the race of Colla da Chrioch meditated to migrate from Oir- ghialla, and they said : ' Numerous are our heroes and great is our population, our tribe having multiplied, and we can- not all find room in any one province without quarrelling among ourselves, for nobles cannot well bear to be confined;' and they also said : ' Let us see which pro- vince of Banba is thinnest in population, and in which most Firbolgs remain ; and let us narrow it on them. The province of ^ cm Cluaine St. Grellan afterwards erected a church here, which became a parish church. It is now called in Irish by the same name, and correctly Angli- cised Kilclooney. The ruins of the old IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. C church of this name stand on a remarkable eiscir, or low ridge, not far to the north west of the town of Ballinasloe, in the barony of Clonmacowen, in the east of the county of Galway See Map. lO pa é. Qca cuijeaó Chonnacc ace na h- Q1C15 Uuaraib, ace ciop uaroiB oiap m-bpacaip-ne, ajup lonpaijiom é,' agup op lao po can an compúó po, .1. ITIaine TTlop, o ploinnciop na pluaicc, ajupGo- chaiD peap do ^lall, a araip, aj a paBaoap jeill Ulaó agup Oipjiall a n-aoinpeacc. "t)o jluaipiooap na j^lan-pluai^ pin 50 h-obann, appacca, 'na 5-cara coi- pi^re, CO na o-caincib agup cpeoaib, o Chlocap mac t)aiTTHn jotDpuim Clapac, pip a n-abapcap Cip niaine, icip i,oc "Ri ajup Suca. "Ro aipjeaoap an cip, ajup po cuippioo ceacca uara 50 Cian, .1. ci^epna an cipe, 50 iTlaj Semcmeoil, aj^up po innipiooap aicme Cholla do Chpioc DO beicb ace cuinj^e ciopa agop cpice paip ; ajup po h-eajlaijeao Cian pip na h-iompúicib pin. Mo rinoil a rpom pluaicc, ajup po b'é a lion, .1. oeic cec ap picic, ac a paibi pcciar, ajup cloioearh, agup carbapp, ariiail acbepc an pann : of Connatiglit is in the possession of these Attacots, excepting that they pay tribute to our relative, and let us attack it.' Those who held this conversation were Maine Mor, from whom the hosts of Hy- many are named, and Eochaidh Ferda- ghiall, his father, who had the hostages of Ulidia and Oirghialla together. " These fine hosts suddenly and hero- ically proceeded in well arranged batta- lions, with their flocks and herds, from Clochar Mac Daimhiu" to Druim Clasach, which is called Tir-Many, s^Ywatef/ between Loch E,iy and the river Suca [Suck]. They plundered the country, and despatched messengers to Cian, lord of the country, to INIagh Seincheineoil, and they told him that the descendants of Colla da Chrioch had come to demand tribute and territory from him. And Cian was terrified by these sayings. He assembled his great forces, and their number was thirty hun- dred, who bore shield and sword and hel- met, as the rann states : " One ^ Clochar Mac Daiinhin, now the town of Clogher in the county of Tyrone. y Loch Ri, generally called Loch Ribh, now Loch Ree, a celebrated lake ibrmed by an expansion of the Shannon, between Athlone and Lanesborough. This descrip- tion of Hy-Many is not correct, for there is more of that territory to the west of the river Suck, than between that river and Lough Ree. The MS. is here decidedly corrupt, for Druim Clasach, was never the name of the entire of Hy-Many, it being applied to a remarkable ridge in that territory. The original text most pro- bably stood as follows : " O Chlocap mac n-t)aitTHn 50 h-mao pip a n-abap- rap t)puim Clapacb 1 o-Uip iTlaine, irip Coch Ri ocup Suca," i.e. "from Clochar Mac Daimhin, to a place called Druim Clasach in Tir-Many, between Lough Ree and the Suck." — See Keating's History of Ireland (reign of Heremon), where Druim Clasach in Hy-Many is called one of the three most remarkable hills in Ireland. II " Qoin-peap ap jac lio)-' amac, ap eaó DO ricceaó le Cian a iTIacc Seincineoil, ni bpeucc, oeic céc ap rpicao cec pcciar. " Cfjup po b'e pao agup learao an TTiuije, .1. Ó t)hun na piocc ^o h-Qbainn Óaippcinn, agup o Qr n-papooicc 50 h-Qc n-oeapj-Duin, pe n-abapcap Qc an CfioppDOipe ; agup nip pan Cian oo'n puarap pm, no 50 painic 50 h-iomuplap Uhipe rriaine, ajup po rinoilpioo an pea- óan 00b' uaiple oiob o'á n-ionnpaicceaó ann pin ; agup do rabacc do ^peallan pm, .1. pliocc CoUa oa Cbpioc do beir ip in juapacc pin, ajup po jluaip 50 nnniopnac oia o-ceapapccain, ajup ap ann po oipipeaoap an do peaoain, agup po coipcc a 5-ceannpaippcce, ajup po pnaiom pic ecoppa, ajup po opoaicc cpi n-aomriuip o na h-uaiplib a lairh Cein ppia corhal pin. Qjup QmaljaiD, mac niaine illoip, ap é pa h-uaiple do na h-eicipib pin, ajup cuccao a lairh pac- caipe Cbein é. Ct^up jgpaoaijiop bean an paccaipe e, agup ap na aicne pin Do'n paccaipe lionap lonup agup miopcaip na bpáicche é, cpeap an mnaoi, ajup céio map a paibi Cian, ajgup cuipeap paoi milleao na m-bpaccao gan puipeac a n-aon oióce. Cfgup do bi lonao coinne ap na ihapac ace Cian co n-a pocpaioe ap TTlacc Seimni, .1. n-imiol liTluije Sein- cineoil, pe b-6chaiD ajup pe TTiaine, ajup pe beccan do rhairib a muincipe ; ajup po cumaoap 50 paibi pleaó ace Cian ina corhaip, agup ni h-eao po baoi ace peaU; ajup cappap do ^peallan c " One man out of every fort is wliat went forth with Cian In Magli Seincheineoil, — no falsehood, — ten hundred and thirty hundred shields. " And the length and breadth of the plain was from Dun na riogh to the river of Bairrchinn, and from Ath n-fasdoig to Ath dearg-duin, which is 7iow called Ath an Chorrdhoire ; and Cian delayed not on this occasion until he had reached the plain of Tir-Maine, and the noblest tribes among the race of CoUa came to meet them there ; and it was shown to St. Grellan how the race of CoUa Da Chrioch were in this peril; and the saint came speedily to protect them, and he repressed both par- ties, and checked their animosity, and ra- tified a peace between them, and ordered that three times nine persons out of their nobility should be given into the hands of Q'vAxi, as pledges to observe this /leflce. Amh- algaidh, the son of Maine, was the noblest of these hostages, and he was delivered into the hands of Clan's lawgiver. And the wife of the lawgiver fell in love with him, which when the lawgiver had observed, he was filled with jealousy, and hatred of the prisoner, on account of the wife ; and he went to where Cian was, and induced him to kill the hostages without delay in one night. On the day following, Cian and his forces had a conference at Magh Seimhni, on the confines of Magh Sein- cheineoil, Avith Eochaidh and Maine, and a few of the chiefs of their people ; and it was pretended that Cian had a feast pre- pared for them, but he had not but trea- 2 chery. 12 an corhaiple pm, oip ay é pem do buo cop ecoppa, ajup ap é lonaó a paibi GocaiD agup TTlaine a m-bun a m- 6eappnaicc na n-apm a nucc TTIaen- muije, pe n-abapcap an Seipio beacc. Oc conaipc ^peallan o oopup a pec- lepa na h-apmo con mop pocpaioe pin, pinJD an oa óóio do cum an Duileariiain, lap n-a imoeapccaD ap enjla a plá- naicceacca do rinlleaD, agup puaip a icje Ó Oia, gup boccao an maj mop pm po copaib Chéin co »i-a muincip, 50 n-Deapnaó cuchaióe ajup cpiarpac oe, jup pluicceoD Clan co n-a mu mncip cpep na peapcaib pin : conao rPaj liac ainm an muije pin, ó ooilgiop na laocpaioe o'a n-Diojbail Do'n naom-cléipeac. Cai- nic niaine co n-a muinncipp a bail a paib ^peallón, agup po cpomaoap na cinn DO, ajup po imp ooib map do peal- laó oppa, ajup map do paep t)ia agup é péin laD ap luce an pill. Qcbepc ^peallan ppiu ; ' cabpuíó-pi an cip pi, ajup puacaÍD an peall, ajup biaio mo beannacc-pa accaib, ajup coniiéaDaij báp m-bpairpiop, agup opouiccio mo cam ctjup mo olig péin oam-pa ó nioó 50 bpar. 6eip-pi péin, bap ITIaine, an bpeac bup oil ouir. óepao, bap eipiom, ajup acbepc ^peallan an aécumaip pi piop. cilery. This design was made known to St, Grellan, who was the guarantee between them. At this time Eochaidh and Maine were at the foot of Bearnach na n-arm in Maenmagh, now called Seisidh beag. " When St. Grellan had, from the door of his church, perceived these arms, and these great hosts, he raised his two hands to God, being apprehensive that his gua- rantee would be violated, and he obtained his request from God, for the great plain was softened and made a quagmire under the feet of Cian and his people, so that they were swallowed into the earth ; and the place received the name of Magh Liach, i. e. the plain of sorrow, from the sorrow of the heroes, who were thus cut oíF by the holy cleric. Then Maine and his people came to where St. Grellan was, and bowed down their heads to him, and he told them how treachery had been designed for them, and how God and himself had saved them from those treacherous people^. St. Grellan then said to them, ' take possession of this terri- tory, abominate treachery, and you shall have my blessing ; observe brotherly love, and ordain my tribute and my own law for me from this day out for ever,' ' Pass thy own award,' said Maine, ' in whatever is pleasing to thee.' ' I Avill,' said St, Grellan, and he repeated these brief verses following : " Great ^ Treacherous people It is to be lament- ed that no Firbolgic writer survived to re- late the true account of this transaction, for every acute investigator of history will be apt to suspect that the treachery was on the side of the conquerors, the Clann Colla, But who would have had the courage to write this in the fourteenth century ? 13 " íTlop mo cam ap clomn Dlaine, f^jpeaball gaca h-aon baile, a paca Biop 50 po-^lan, péió; ni ciop jan aobap éipéin. Ceo jin jaca cloinne oarh, óá m-baip- oep liom 00 bunao, a ciop ciijam ap ciop cpuaió, jac ceo ape ip jac ceo uan. i/iom, 50 mao liam a n-eallac, o cloinn TTIaine an ceo peappac, cionnlaicioa ciopoom' cill, 1 n-ecc- maip cpice ip peapuinn. t)al n-t)puicne ni oliccim oe, ciop no ppeaccpaoa oile, DO cluinceap 50 ceano a n-oal ; ni leam ITIuincip iTlaeilpmnain. Ma TTIaineac o pin amac, liom a 5-cáin ip a 5-cabac, t)inaio mo ceall o-a coirhoe, liom a j-ceann pa ^-coimeipcce. Q m-buao pa n-jeapa pm, me do op- oai^ jan ainirii. Qn peaó pabuio do mo peip, buaio gac cara ip a carpeim. t)enuiD na jpaoa japcca, comaiple mo coriiapba, 1 meapj^aoioeal ruaic ip ceap, ip piap h-aoinpip jan airhleap. UaichaiD mo cill cpeomij, do ainic jac n-umecciD na h-eupac o cam oam-pa, do je- buc map ^eallam-pa. TTIo beannacc ap an pliocc peanj^, ap clomn nriame na b-p\cceaU, ni blaopioeap pop an clomn, ace 50 poipioc mo bacall. " Great is my tribute on the race of Maine, a screaball [scruple] out of every townland, Their successes shall be bright and easy; it is not a tribute acquired without cause. The first born of every family to me, that are all baptized by me, Their tribute paid to me is a severe tribute, every firstling pig and firstling lamb. To me belongs — may their cattle thence be the more numerous ; — from the race of Maine, the firstling foal, Let them convey their tributes to my church, besides territory and land. From Dal Druithne I am not entitled to tri- bute or other demands, Their fame is much heard of; the Muinntir Maeilfinnain, belong not to me. Of all the Hy-Many, these excepted, the tri- butes and rents are mine. Let them protect my church for its God. Their chief and his subjects are mine. Their sxxccess and injunctions it was I that ordained, without defect. While they remain obedient to my will, they shall be victorious in every battle. Let the warlike chiefs observe the advice of my successor, And among the Gaels north and south, their's shall be the unerring director. Frequent my sacred church which has pro- tected each refugee, Eefuse not to pay your tribute to me, and you shall receive as I have promised. My blessing on the agile race, the sons of Maine of chess-boards. That race shall not be subdued, so as they carry my crozier. Let 14 rrieipcce cara na cloinne mo bacall Let the battle standard of the race he my 50 pip-roicce, crozier of true value, noco n-eacpaiD cara a 5-cloD, beuo And battles will not overwhelm them, their a para 50 jio-riiop. successes shall be very great. "TTlop," &c. "Great," &c. It is also stated in a poem, addressed to the celebrated Eoghan O'Madden, chief of Sil-Anmchadha, written previously to the year 1347, that his ancestors came from Clochar mac n-Daimhin. In a poem addressed to the same chieftain, a cmious list of the chiefs of Hy-Many, of whom seven were his ancestors, is given ; and though the hst cannot be considered perfect, it is nevertheless valu- able, as preserving the names of several chiefs of this territory not to be found in any other authority ; without it nothing hke an accurate series of the early chiefs of Hy-Many could now be given, as the Irish annals are imperfect. 1 . Maine Mor, ancestor of all the Hy-]\Iany, was chief of the territory for fifty years, after which he died a natural death. 2. Bresal, son of Maine, thirty years, when he died a natural death, which the poem states was surprising, as he had been much engaged in wars. 3. Fiachra Finn, the son of Bresal (No. 2), seventeen years, when he was trea- cherously slain by his brother ISIaine ]\Iall. Fiachra Finn is styled in the poem, " a tower in conflict and battle." He is the ancestor of the O'Nagh- tens and O'Mullallys or Lallys. 4. Conall Cas-ciabhach, i. e. of the curled tresses, was prince of Hy-Maine, twenty-two years, when he was slain. He was brother of Fiachra Finn. 5. Dalian, who was also a brother of Fiachra Finn, was prince of Hy-Maine for eleven years, when he was mortally wounded and afterwards drowned. 6. Duach, the son of Dalian (No. 5), was prince of Hy-Many for sixteen years, when he was slain by Maine INIacamh. He is called in the poem " a good man, and an impartial distributor of justice." 7. Lughaidh, the son of Dalian, and brother of Duach, was prince or chief ruler of Hy-Many for fourteen years, when he died a natural death. 8. 15 II 8. Feradhacli, the son of Lughaidli, was prince of Hy-Many for twenty-four years, when he was slain by his successor. 9. Marcan was chief or prince of Hy-Maine for fifteen years, when he was slain by the sword as, the poem states, he had deserved. 10. Cairbre Crom^ son of Feradhach, prince of Hy-Many nine years, when he was slain by his successor. He granted to St. Kieran seventeen townlands in Hy-Many. Cairbre Mac Feachtaine, or Mac Feichine, the son of Feradhach (No. 8), was prince of Hy-Many for twenty-six years, when he was slain by Crim- thann, after the former had slain his own brother, Cairbre Crom. He was father of Brenainn Dall, who died in the year 597, and of the celebrated Aedh Guaire, the relative of St. Rodanus of Lorrah, who is mentioned in the account of the cursing of Tara in the Annals of Clonmacnoise. He is the ancestor of the tribe called Cinel Fechin, who were seated in the barony of Leitrim, in the south of the county of Galway. 12. * Cairbre Crom According to the Re- gistry of Clonmacnoise, as translated by Duald Mac Firbis for Sir James Ware (MS. Brit. Mus.), this chief granted the follow- ing townlands to the Abbey of St. Kieran : " Cairbre Crom, the son of Feriogach, mac Dallain, mac Bressal, mac Maine Mor, from whom the land of Tirmaine took its name, bestowed unto St. Kyran 17 town- lands, and three dunta, which signifieth three houses, or else three hillocks or steep places of building, viz. Dunanoghta, 12 dales, Dun Beglaitt 1 2 dales. Dun meadh- ain 1 2 dales, and three townes in Sraigh Kiaran within the Gruan from Belalobhar to Rath Cattin, and half a towneland in Gortacharn, and half a towneland inTuaim Carrighe, a quarter in Crosconaill, and 24 dales in the Grainsy, and 24 dales in Koy libel atha, i. e. a quarter in them both. a quarter in Kill Tormoir, a quarter in Killoraiu, a quarter in Killmonolog, the quarter of Kill Goirill, the quarter of Kill- uir Mor, and the quarter of Kdluir Beg, a quarter in Killupain ; the town and lands of Killithain, the town and lands of Kill- osaigelain ; half a townland in Maoleach, half a towneland in Cluaincuill, a quarter in Killchuirin, and the parsonage of the same, and the quarter of Dundomnaill in Maghfinn, and a quarter in Tuaim Sruthra, a quarter in Disiort, the towne and lands of the Habart, a towneland in Tuaim Greiny, with the emoluments spirituall and temporall ; a quarter in Killtuma, and the portion proportionable to five ungaes or ounces of silver in Carnagh, that is, a quarter and a half in Cluain acha Leaga, viz. in Acha Obhair, and the Creagga, and in Killiarainn and townlands of Ruan." i6 12. Cormac, son of Cairbre Crom, was prince of Hy-Maine for twenty years, when he died a natural death. This chieftain is called a saint, and the pa- tron of Cill Cormaic. 13. Eoghan Finn, the son of Cormac, was prince of Hy-Many for nineteen years, when he died a natural death. He is the ancestor of the Northern Hy-Maine or O'Kellys. 14. Eoghan Buac, the son of Cormac, and brother of Eoghan Finn, Avas prince of Hy-Many for nineteen years, when he also died a natural death. He is the ancestor of the Sovithcrn Hy-Many or O'Maddens. 15. Fichellach, the son of Dicholla, who was son of Eoghan Finn (No. 13), was prince of Hy-Many for twelve years, when he was slain by the army of Cobhthach, the son of Maelduin, who was son of Donnghallach, who was son of Anmchadh, who was son of Eoghan Buac (No. 14, svpra). 16. Cobhthach, son of Maelduin, was prince of Hy-Many for twenty years, when he was slain by Finnachta, son of Oilill, son of Innrachtach, son of Fichellach, son of Dluthach, son of Dicholla, son of Eoghan Finn, 17. Finnachta, son of Oilill, was prince of Hy-Maine for seventeen years, when he was treacherously slain by the son of Cobhthach. 18. Aeiril, or Oilell, the son of Aedh Finn, son of Anmchadh, son of Eogan Buac, was prince of Hy-]Maine for fourteen years, when he fell in treachery by Ceallach, the ancestor after whom the O'Ceallaighs, or O'Kellys, have taken their surname. 19. Cellach, son of Finnachta, who was son of Oilill, who was son of Inm'ach- tach, who was son of Fichellach, who was son of Dluthach, who was son of Dicholla, who was son of Eoghan Finn (No. 13, supra), was chief of Hy- Many for eighteen years when he was slain. 20. Diarmaid, the son of Aedh, was prince of Hy-Many for forty years, when he died a natural death. He was one of the seven princes of Hy-Many who were of the O'Madden or Sil-Anmchadha line. 2 1 . Tadhg, or Teige Mor O'Kelly, was prince of Hy-Many for thirteen years, when he fell in the battle of Clontarf, fighting on the side of Brian Boru, monarch of Ireland, A. D. 10 14. 22. Gadhra, lord of Sil Anmchadha, on the death of Teige Mor O'Kelly, be- came lord of all Hy-Many, a dignity which he enjoyed for twelve years, when he died a natural death. Gadhra, ^' re fie Ati'^ ^' fot^i^Qfh, soM cri AWif.V'Vj sov^ of &o«"snfí^^':>c.w^ so»-- */■; Ai-^^ct^nt-s^. Gadhra, the twenty-second prince of Hy-Many, is the last men- tioned in the poem from which this list has been taken, and which was addressed to Eoghan O Madden, chief of Sil Anmchadha and presumptive heir of Hy-Many, who died in the year 1347, accord- ing to the Four Masters. After giving this list of the chieftains, the Bard goes on to carry the pedigree of his patron, Eoghaa O'Madden, from Gadhra, the last of the chiefs he enumerates, down to his own time, as follows : Gadhra, or Gara, was father of Madudan (or Madden), who was father of Diarjiaid, who was father of Madudan, who was father of DiARMAiD, who was father of Madudan Mor, who was father of Cathal, who was father of MuRCHADH, of Magh Bealaigh, who was father of Eoghan O Madden, to whom the poem was addressed. In another poem, preserved in the same manuscript, and addressed to the same Eoghan O'Madden, the seven chieftains of his family, who became princes of all Hy-Many, are enumerated in the following order: i. Eoghan Buac, 2. Cobhthach, 3. Oihll, 4. Gadhra Mor, son of Dunadhach, 5. Diarmaid, 6. Oihll, 7. Diarmaid; and the Bard adds, that Eoghan O'Madden himself was expected to be the eighth. The other chiefs of Hy-Many will be given in the pedigree of O'Kelly, Note A, at the end of this tract. After the Burkes, or De Burghs, had established themselves in the county of Galway, the limits of Hy-Many were very much cir- cumscribed\ the baronies of Leitrim, Loughrea, and Athenry, which were ^Circumscribed. — It appears from an of March, 1 608, before Geifry Osbaldston, inquisition taken at Galway, on the 20th Esq. that " Ulick Bourke, first Earl of IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. D i8 were originally a part of Hy-Many, being seized upon by the Burkes, and made a part of their territory of Clanrickard ; and it is remark- able that in the year 1585, O'Madden's country was not considered a part of Hy-Many. — (See Note B, at the end of this tract.) In the reign of Elizabeth it consisted only of five baronies, as appears from a curious document to be found among the " Inrolments tempore Elizabeths," in the Auditor General's Office, Dubhn, dated 6th August, 1585. From this Document the Editor is tempted to present the reader with the following extract, which throws a curious hght on the state of Hy-Many in the reign of Queen Ehzabeth : " Agreement between the Irish chieftains and inhabitants of Imany, called the O'KelKe's country, on both sides of the river of Suck, in Connaught, and the Queen's Majesty, viz. Hugh O'Kelly of Lisecalhone'', otherwise called O'Kelly, Teige Mac William O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore^, and Connor Oge O'Kelly, of Killiane'^, competitors for the name of Tanestshippe of O'Kelly ; Connor Clanricarde, before his creation by Henry VIII. was seized in fee, by descent from his ancestors, of the territory of Clanri- carde, consisting of six baronies, viz. Lei- trim, Loughreogh, Dunkellyn, Kiltartan or Kiltaraght, Clare, and Athenry, some of the manors whereof he held in demesne, and all the rest of the said country that was possessed by the gentlemen and free- holders, were holden from him by knight's service." •^ Lisecalhone, now probably Lisnahoon, in the parish of Kilmaine and barony of Athlone. ^ Mullaghmore On the situation and present state of this place, Denis H. Kelly, Esq. of Castle-Kelly, writes as follows, in a letter to the Editor, dated October 17th, 1 841 : " The Castle of Mullaghmore, once the seat of lavish hospitality, is now a mere mound of earth in the neigh- bourhood of Mount Bellew, and the lands are held by the present Sir Michael Bel- lew on lease. I know not that there is any representative of the family in exis- tence ; but the old houses have changed their places of abode, so that you would scarce recognize Athleague in Cargins, Gallagh in Tycooly, Screen in Castle Kelly, Clanmacnowen in Clooncannon, &c. &c. ; and possibly some of the occu- piers of now unimportant places may be the descendants of that hospitable house." * Killiane, now KiUian, or Killyan (in Irish Cill Icam, as written by Duald Mac Firbis), the seat of J. Cheevers, Esq., in the parish and barony of Killian, in the county of Galway. 19 Connor ne Garroghe O'Kelly, of Gallaglie'', and Sliane ne Moje O'Kellj, of the Criaghe^, Generosus ; William O'Mannine, of Mynloghe'', otherwise called O'Mannine ; Moriartagh O'Concannon, of Kiltullagh', otherwise called O'Con- CANNON ; Shane O'Naghten, of MoynureJ, otherwise called O'Naghten ; Ed- mond Mac Keoghe, of Owenagh'', otherwise called Mac Keoghe ; Donoffh O'Murry, of Ballymurry', otherwise called O'Murry ; Covaghe O'Fallone, of the Milltowne™, otherwise called O'Fallone ; and Connor Mac Geraghte, other- wise called Mac Gerraghte". ' " The territory of Imany, called O'Kelly's country, is divided into five principal barronyes, that is to wytte, Athlone, Killconnell, Teaquine, Killyane, and Maycarnane°, all which contain 665Í quarters of land, each at 1 20 acres. "It ^ Gallaghe, now Gallagh, or Castle Blakeney, a post town and paiisli, partly in the barony of Kilconnell, but mostly in tliat of Kilhan, in the county of Galway. s Criaghe, now Creagh, a parish in the barony of Moycarn, in the south of the county of Roscommon, adjoining the town of Ballinasloe. ^ Mynloghe, now Menlough, or Minla, a village situate in the parish of Killas- cobe, barony of Tiaquin, and county of Galway, about three miles and a half south-west of Castle Blakeney. O'Mannin's castle here was lately destroyed by light- ning, and is now a shattered ruin. For a curious Irish deed relating to this family see Note C, at the end of this tract. ' Kiltullagh is so called at this day, and is the seat of J. D'Arcy, Esq. ; it is situ- ated in a parish of the same name, which parish lies partly in the barony of Kil- connell, but chiefly in that of Athenry, in the county of Galway. J Moynure, in the parish of Drum, in D the barony of Athlone and county of Eos- common. ^ Owenagh, now Onagh, in the parish of Taghmaconnell, which parish is nearly coextensive with Mac Keogh's country, anciently called Magh Finn See Addi- tional Notes, D. ' Ballymurry is so called at this day, and is the name of a townland, and of the seat of Captain E. W. Kelly, in the parish of Kilmaine, barony of Athlone, and coun- ty of Eoscommon. "* Milltowne, a townland in the parish of Dysart in the barony of Athlone. The ruins of O'Fallon's Castle are still to be seen in this townland. " Mac Gerraghte, now called Mac Ger- raghty and Geraghty. This family, though at the period to which this document relates they were settled in Hy-Many, were a branch of the Siol-Mviireadhaigh or O'Conors of Connaught. ° Maycarnane. — These baronies are known by the same names at this day. 20 " It is agreed by all the forenamed parties that the captainshippe and tanist- shippe of the said country, heretofore used by the said O'Kellies, and all ellec- tions and Irish customary division of lands shall be utterly aboHshed and ex- tinct for ever : that Hugh, otherwise called O'Kelly, shall possess these four quarters of land, viz. Lisennoke, Ferranbreaghe, Lysdallen, and Moydowe, now in his possession, and which are situated in Eraght-O'Murry and Mac Edmond's country, in the barony of Athlone, with a chief rent out of various other lands within the said country, which amount in the whole to £56 195. 6d. during his natural life, and after liis death the said lands to be freed and dis- charged of the aforesaid rents. " That Teige Mac William O'Kelly shall have and possess the quarters of Mullaghmore, Cornegallaghe, Carrownesire, and Carrowneboe. And Connor Oge O'Kelly shall have four quarters in and about the town of Killiane, but upon this special condition, which they bind themselves to, that they and their heirs shall henceforth behave themselves Kke good subjects ; shall put no ym- position or chardge upon the inhabyters of the lands, and shall bring uppe their children after the English fashions, and in the use of the Englishe tounge." The Editor cannot close these remarks without returning thanks to those friends who have assisted him in editing and illustrating the present tract on Hy-Many. Among these he has the honor of rec- koning D. H. Kelly, of Castle Kelly, Esq., the representative of an ancient branch of the O'Kellys of Hy-Many, who has kindly com- municated many ciu-ious facts relating to the history and topography of Hy-Many, and with whom the Editor spent some happy days in examining the ancient localities of the territory ; also James Hardi- man, Esq., the Author of the History of Galway, whose knowledge of the Anglo-Norman records of Ireland is not exceeded, if equalled, by any one now living, and whose acquaintance with the history of Ireland but spelled somewhat differently, thus : The baronies of Athlone and Moycarnan I. Atblone ; 2. Kilconnell ; 3. Tiaquin ; are in the county of Roscommon, and the 4. KilHan ; 5. Moycarn or Moycarnan. other three in the county of Galway. 21 Ireland in general, and with that of his native province in particular, entitles him to a distinguished place among the historians of Ireland. The Editor also feels it his duty to acknowledge the great obligations he owes to Dr. Todd, of Trinity College, not only for the facihties he has afforded him in giving him access to the MSS. of the Univer- sity Library, but also for many valuable suggestions as^to the mode of translating and elucidating the present tract. He is further bound to record his obhgations to Mr. Eugene Curry, whose acquaintance with the contents of the Irish MSS. in the Library of Trinity Colleo-e and elsewhere is not equalled by any living scholar. And he has hkewise to express his gratitude to Mr. Petrie, the most distinguished antiquary in Ireland, from whom he first acquired whatever skill he possesses in distinguishing history from fable ; and to Captain Larcom, of the Royal Engineers, under whom the Editor has been employed for the last twelve years in examining the ancient and modern topo- graphy of Ireland, and who has kindly afforded him many facihties in referring to the pubhshed Ordnance Maps, for the modern topo- graphical information contained in the notes to the present tract. J. O'D. ruapas^bhaiL ua maiNe. cuai5as56iiai6 ruaRas56haic ua maiNe. ^eweacach b-ua maiHe aMt> so, Qine TTlop, mac Gachac pip Da giall, mic Oorh- naill, TTiic ImcaDa, mic Colla oa Cpic, aen rhac laip, .1. bpepal. Cui^ nieic la bpepal, .1. piacpa pint), ociip Dalian, ocup Conall, ocup Cpeam- rant), ocup TTlaine TTlall, a quo h-Ui TTlaine bpen^aip. Upi ineic Oallain, mic bpepail, .1. Ouac, ocup (Ai^aiD, ocup boniian. Cui^ meic bujaib, .1. Da Bo^an, ocup CpenichanD Gael, ocup peapaDac, ocup pinoall parac, uc Dixie poera : Go^an, Go^an, CpimchanD Gael, pa paep an cmel bparliap, CU15 Tueic CugaiD, nipp cnnaiji peapaDac, pinnall parac. *Cpi meic peapa^aiD, .1. Gai]ippi Gpom, ocup Gaipppi mac peirine, The ornamented initial letter ÍTI is taken graved, from the Book of Kells, in the Library of ^ Creamtkami — In a genealogy of the Trinity College, Dtiblin. The Society is Hy-Many, preserved in a MS. in Tri- indebted to Dr. Aqviilla Smith for the nity College, Dublin, H. 2. 1 7. p. 49, he is drawing from which the wood-cut is en- called Cpemcano Coel. ACCOUNT OF HY-MANY. GENEALOGY OF THE HY-MANY HERE, Aine Mor, son of Eocliaidh Ferdaghiall, son of Domlinall, son of Imcliadh, son of Colla da Crich, had one son, namely, Bresal. Bresal had five sons, namely, Fiachra Finn, Dalian, Conall, Creamthann^, and Maine Mall, a quo h-Ui Maine Brengair. Dal- ian, son of Bresal, had three sons viz., Duach, Lughaidh, and Loman. Lughaidh had five sons, viz., two Eoghans, Cremthann Gael, Fearadhach, and Finnal Fathach, ut dixit poeta : "Eoghan, Eoghan, Crimthann Gael, Noble was the race of brothers'', Five sons of Lughaidh, the resolute, Feradhach, Finnall Fathach." Fearaghach^ had three sons, viz., Gairpri Grom, Gairpri Mac Feithine, ^ Race of brothers. — In the MS. H. 2. 17. p. 49, the reading is, bet poep in cechpop bpácap, i. e. noble were the four brothers. •= Fearaghach. — In H. 2. 17. p. 49, this name is more correctly written pepaoach IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. E in the nominative form, and Pepaoaij in the genitive. It was very common as the name of a man in Ily-Many, particularly among the family of O'Naghten, in the last century, but it is now nearly obsolete. 26 peirme, ocup NaOfluaij, a quo li-Ua pinain. Cai]ip]ii, mac peichine, ceiqii meic laip, .1. bpenaint) Dall, ocii]'' Get) Qbla, ocup Qeo '^uaijii, ocup Loirm. Occ meic bpenainO Daill, .i. Cobnan, ociip CoiTian, ocii]'' rnaelbjiaca, no Cponan, ociip ^apban, ocu]'^ UoTTian, OCT]]'' Qmlaib [al. Qmal^ctm], ociip TTIaine, ocup plant). CCQNN ChOmaiH. Conall, mac Cojimaic, mic Ceicejinaij;, mic pojapcai^, mic pea]iaDai5, mic Gacrgaile, mic Secnapai^, mic Con^ail, mic Go^ain, mic Comain, mic bpenaint) OaiU, mic Caippjn peicine, mic peajiaoai^, mic Lui^óeach, mic Dallain, mic bjiefail, mic Tíláine 17101]!. C^QMN CRemUhaiHt). TTliipcauan, mac Soclacain, mic Oiapmaca, mic pepjupa, mic TTlupcaDa, mic Oinb-oa-ruar, mic Oaimme, mic Oaimoaipi, mic Qilella, mic Coipbine, mic Qeoa, mic Cpimchamo Cbaeil, mic Cu^oac, mic Oallain, mic bpepail, mic TTiaine TTloip. NLIMC b-Ua NQDSCUai^ .1. h-UQ FÍNCC1M. Ciilell, mac pinam, mic Ceallai^, mic NaDpliiai^, mic peapa- oai^, mic Lui^Deac, mic Oallain, mic bpepail, mic TTlaine TTloip. c6aNt) caiRpRi cRuim. Caipppi Cpom en mac laip, .1. Copmac. Da mac la Copmac, .1. ^ Feithine. — pechene, in H. 2. 7. p. 49. cliief of Hy-Many, and died, according to ^ Loithin i,ochine, in H. 2. 7. the Annals ofthe Four Masters, in the year f Murchatan, or TTlupcbaoan, as more 936. He succeeded his brother Mugh- correctly written in H. 2. 7. p. 49, was ron, who died in the year 904. They 27 Feitliine'*, and Nadsliiaigli a quo O'Finain. Cairpri Mac Feithine had four sons, viz., Brenainn Dall, Aedh Abla, Aedli Guairi, and Loitllin^ Brenainn Dall had eight sons, viz., Cohnan, Coman, Maelbracha, or Cronan, Garblian, Toman, Amlaibh [ Amalgaidh] , Maine and Flann. THE CLANN COMAIN. Conall, son of Cormac, son of Ceithernach, son of Fogartach, son of Fearadhach, son of Eachtghal, son of Sechnasach, son of Congal, son of Eoglian, son of Coman, son of Brenainn Dall, son of Caii'pri Fech- ine, son of Fearadhach, son of Lughaidh, son of Dalian, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor. THE CLANN CEEMTHAINN. Murchatan'', son of Sochlachan^, son of Diarmait, son of Fergus, son of Murchadh, son of Dubh-da-thuath, son of Daimin, son of Damhdairi, son of Ailell, son of Coirbin, son of Aedh, son of Crim^ thann Gael, son of Lughaidh, son of Dalian, son of Breasal, son of Maine Mor. NOW UA NADSLUAIGH, i. C. o'fINAIN. Ailell, son of Finan, son of Cellach, son of Nadsluaigh, son of Fearadliach, son of Lughaidh, son of Dalian, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor. THE CLANN CAIEPEI CRUIM. Cairpri Crom had one son, namely, Cormac. Cormac had two sons, viz., Eoghan Finn and Eoghan Buac. From Eoghan Finn, the Northern were the fifteenth in descent from Maine according to the Annals of the Four Mas- Mor, the common ancestor of the Hy- ters, died a priest (in clericatu) in the year Many, 908, having, many years before, resigned s Sochlachan was chief of Hy-Many, and, the government to his son Mughron. E2 28 .1. Go^an pinn, ociip Go^an buac. Go^an pinn, Dia ca cuaipcepr O TTlairie, ocup Gogan buacc, a quo Deipcepu O TTIaine. Cearpap mac la h-Go^an pinn, .1. DicoUa, ocup pircellac, ocup TTlaelanpam, ocup Scannlan, ocup Scannall. ITlaelanpait) eipmi, a quo h-Ua Ouib^inD. C6aHN CeRNQl^ INSO. Conna^an mac Cepnaig, nnc Qilella, mic Cepnai^, niic Cop- cpai^, TTiic piDcellai^, mic Oicolla, nriic Go^ain pmD. Copspac, mac Cepnai^, mic Qilella, ceirpi meic ht^ laip; t>ibait) iaD-pi6ein ace cerpap, .1. piairem, ocup Cepnac, ocup Oair- ^eal, ocup Ouibinnpacc. Oubcailli, mac Caccnain, mic InDpaccai^, mic phlairim, mic Copgpai^, mic Cepnai^. Coinspeac, mac mic Copmaic, mic CiapDeipj, mic piD^aili, mic piaicliim, mic Copgpai^. Ip lat) po pop-ploinnci pil Cepnaij, .i. h-Ua pmain, h-Ua Laióin, h-Ua Caccnan, h-Ua ConbuiDi, h-Ua UUpcaiD, h-Ua Chemneoit), h-Ua " OfDuibhginn This family are to be distinguished from the G' Diibkagains, for the latter descend from Sodan, the son of Fiacha Araidh, king of Ulster, about the year 240. — See O'Flaherty's Ogygia, Part III. c. 66, p. 327. The name O'Duibhginn is Anglicised Deegin in Leinster, but the Editor is not aware that the name exists in Hy-Many at present : the O'Dubhagains, or Doogans are numerous there, but they are not of the Hy-Many race. ' G'Finain^ more correctly h-1 Uam in H. 2. 7. as it appears on p. 27, that O'Finain is not of the Clann Cernaigh. Neither name is now extant in Hjj-Many. J O'Laidhin, written h-Ui i-uijin, in H. 2. 7. The name is now Anglicised Lyne and Lyons. This family had con- siderable possessions in the territory of Hy-Many, in the reign of James I., for it apjjears from an inquisition taken at Kilconnell, on the 22nd of August, 161 7, that Donogh O'Lyne and Edmond O'Lyne of Ballinvoggane, in the barony of Kil- connell, and John Graney O'Lyne, of Lis- nagrey, and Turlogh O'Lyne, of Lehergen, were seized of Lecarrowintlevy and Lis- senuskey, in the barony of Kilconnell. And 29 Northern Ui Maine are descended, and from Eoglian Buac, the Southern Ui Maine. Eoghan Finn had four sons, namely, DichoUa, Fithchellach, Mae- lanfaidh, Scannlan,and Scannall. From this Maelanfaidh O'Duibhginn'' is descended. THE CLANN CERNAIGH HERE. Connagan, son of Cernach, son of Ailell, son of Cernach, son of Coscrach, son of Fidhchellach, son of DichoUa, son of Eoghan Finn. Cosgrach, son of Cernach, son of Ailell, had fourteen sons, who all died without issue except four, viz., Flaithemh, Cernach, Daithgeal, and Duibhinnracht. Dubhcailli, son of Lacthnan, son of Innrachtach, son of Flaithemh, son of Cosgrach, son of Cernach. Loingsech, son of the son of Cormac, son of Ciardearg, son of Fidhgal, son of Flaithemh, son of Cosgrach. These are the common surnames of the race of Cernach, viz., O'Finain', O'LaidhinJ, 0'Lachtnain^ O'Conbhuidhi', O'Ullscaidh'", O'Ceinneididh, another inquisition, taken at the Abbey must be understood in tbe sense of plebeian of St. Francis, on the 29th of January, in surnames. the 1 6th of James I., finds that Redmond ^ O'Lachtnain. — This surname is now O'Lyne died on the 6th of July, 161 5, correctly Anglicised O'Laughnan, and the seised of fee of portions of the townlands Editor knows a family who have changed ofBallinvogan,Ballykie,andCreganigragh, it to O'Loughlin. all which were held of the king in capite ' O'Conhhuidhe. — CoxvecÚj Anglicised by Knight's service. O'Flaherty, in Ogy- Conwy, but sometimes changed to Con- gia, Part III. c. 1 1, says that in his own way to make it look English. time the family of O'Layn, in Hy-Many, «» 0' Ullscaid/i, — yfvitten in H. 2. 7. the proprietors of a handsome estate, O'FallrcuiDi. The Editor is not aware looked upon themselves to be of Firbolgic that the name is now extant in either form descent, and if he be correct in this state- in Hy-Many or in any part of Ireland. It ment, the term pop-rloinnce, in the text, might be Anglicised Ulskey or Falskey. 3° h-Ua Do]icaiDi, h-Ua Smacaiii, h-Ua pLi|iat)ain, 1i-Ua Cuilein, li-Ua CpabaDain. ci^awH aet)a5aiM. maeliya puaó, mac Saepbperai^, nmc piaino, nnic '^úh fiiaf- anai^, ttiic Saepbperai^, mic TTluipcepcais, mic piomt), mic aet>a5aiTi, ttiic ^oipcin, imc pimclnm, mic piairgili, mic Cop^pai^, TÍ11C piDcellaig. InDpaccach, nnac Olurai^, mic Oilella, mic Innpeccaig, inic Olumi^, TTIIC piTTrcellaT^, ttitc OTCollct, ttiic eo^ain pino, ttitc CopiTTfllC, TTTTC Coipppi CpUlTTT. Oinb5inn, tttqc peap^aib, tttic Qilella, tttic Conaill, ttitc QTlella, TTTIC iTTTipaCCaT^. Ceallac, Tnac pTTTDacua, ttttc CÍTlella, mic Innpaccais. TTlaelbpTSOT, Tnac InopacuaT^, tttic piaTcriTa, ttttc piaTreaTrraTl, TTnc OluraT^. h-ua t)oinNai66. Oomnall, TiTac Ouncaoa, ttitc TTluTpcepcaTS, tttic piairma, ttttc Olucai?:, ttitc PiDceallai^, ttitc DTColla. CCQNN ° O'Ceinneididk, now Anglicised O'Ken- p O^Sidhackain, now Anglicised Sliee- nedy ; but tliis family must not be con- ban. founded with the O'Kennedys of Ormond, "^ G'Furadhain, now Foran ; but the who were of the same stock with the name is not very numerous in Hy-Many, O'Briens. though it is elsewhere. ° O' Dorchaidhi, now Anglicised Dorcey "■ G'Cuilein, now Anglicised Cullen and and D' Arcy, but this family must be dis- Collins. This name must be distinguished tinguished from the O' Dorcey s, the ancient from the O'Cuilens or Collins's, of the chiefs of Partry, near Lough Mask, in the counties of Cork and Limerick, who are county of Mayo, from whom the Darceys of a totally different stock. of Galway and Clifden have sprung, ac- ^ GPCrahhadhcan. — This name is now un- cording to Duald Mac Firbis. known in Hy-Many. It was pronounced 31 O'Ceinneididh", 0'Dorchaidlii°, O'SidhacliainP, 0'Furadllain^ O'Ciiil- ein'', O'Crabhadhain". THE CLANN AEDHAGAIN^ Maelisa, the Red, son of Saerbretliacli, son of Flann, son of Gilla suasanaigh, son of Saerbretliacli, son of Mnircliertacli, son of Flann, son of Aedliagan, son of Goistin, son of Flaitliemli, son of Flaitlighil, son of Cosgracli, son of Fidlicliellacli. Innrachtach, son of Dlutliacli, son of Oileir, son of Innreclitacli, son of Dlutliacli^, son of Fitlicliellacli'^, son of DiclioUa, son of Eoglian Finn, son of Cormac, son of Cairpri Crom. Diiibliginn, son of Feargal, son of Ailell, son of Conall, son of Ailell, son of Innraclitach. Ceallacli, son of Finnaclita, son of Ailell, son of Innraclitach. THE CLANN FLAITHEAMHAIL MIC DLUTHAIGH. Maelbrighdi, son of Innrachtach, son of Flaithnia, son of Flaitli- eamhail, son of Dlutliacli. UA DOMHNAILL. Domhnall, son of Donnchadh, son of Muirchertach, son of Flaith- nia, son of Dluthach'', son of Fidhcheallach, son of Dicholla. THE by the Irish O'Cravane. ' Dluthach, was prince of Hy-Many, and ^ The Clann Aedhagain These were died in the year 738. He was succeeded by the Mac Egans, who afterwards became his son Flaithnia, who died in the year 750. Brehons to different chieftains in different ^ Fithchellach, i. e. the chess-player, was parts of Ireland. For some account of chief of Hy-Many, and was slain A. D, them and their pedigree, the reader is re- 622. This line, from which the Mac ferred to Note E, at the end of this tract Egans have sprung, was once very power- 'i O'dell He was prince or chief of all ful, which led Connell Mac Geoghegan to Hy-Many, and died, according to the An- remark, in a note to the Annals of Clon- nals of the Four Masters, in the year 794. niacnoise, that the Mac Egans were the His son Cathal succeeded him, and died in senior family of Hy-Many. 834. ^ Flaithnia, son of Dluthach. — He was c^awN 6i^esai6, a quo h-ui t)omNa66aN. DoTiinallan, mac TTlaelbjiisoi, mic gpenain, mic Lomspc, niic Domnallain, ttiic bpeyail, nnic Oluraig, mic piccellais, nnc Oi- colla, mic Go^ain pmD. C6aMH FlCfChRQ flNN QNM SO. Ceirpi meic piacpa pino, .1. Qmlaib, Caipppi, Gochaib, Seipjnia. ccawN amcai6. Neccain, mac TTlaeilceip, mic Qenjupa, mic Uuarail, mic miclaeic, mic Conalai^, mic Qmaljam, mic Oeinmnet>ai5, mic Oima, mic Lam^int), mic TTiaeluiDip, mic C(et)a, mic piimcam, mic Qmlaib, mic piacpac pinD, mic bpepail, mic TTIaine TTIoip. ^eHea^ac h-ui maeica^ait). Qmlaib, mac ^^^^i CpifD, mic Oomnaill, mic CeinDemiD, mic Domnaill, mic TTlaelpalaio, a quo h-Ua TTlaeilpalaiD, mic Concici, mic maelcuili, mic ITleiclaic, mic Conoalai^. Care, mac Seipjma, mic piacpac pino, an uaip t)o mapb ye Qilell, mac piacpac Pint), do cuam pe co h-Qet)an 6puinDi luim, mic pep^upa, mic Gogain, mic Neill Noi-giallaig; ocup ip uime a Deaprai Qet>an bpuinDi Iwim, .1. a bpuinm lom o paebpaib C0I5, ocup chief of all the principality of Hy-Many, some account of the present locality, &c,, and died in the year 750, according to the of this family see Note F, at the end of Annals of the Four Masters See Note ^, this tract. supra. z Dluthach, son of Fithchellach This is y The G' Domhnallains, now Anglicised the Dluthach, mentioned in Note ^, supra, Donnellan, without the prefix 0', For as chief of Hy-Many, and as having died 33 THE CLANN BEESAIL, A QUO THE o'DOMHNALLAIN's^ Domhnallan, son of Maelbrighdi, son of Grenan, son of Loingsecli, son of Domlmallan, son of Bresal,son of Dlutliach, son of Fithchellacll^ son of DiclioUa, son of Eoghan Finn. THE CLANN FIACHEA FINN HERE. Fiachra Finn had four sons, viz., Amlaibh, Cairpri, Eocliaidli, Seisgnia. THE CLANN AMLAIBH. Nechtain% son of Maelcheir, son of Aengus, son of Tuathal, son of Maclaeich, son of Connalach, son of Amhalgaidli, son of Deinm- nedliach, son of Dima, son of Laidginn, son of Maeluidliir, son of Aedh, son of Finntan, son of Amhlaibh, son of Fiaclira Finn, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor. GENEALOGY OF THE o'mAEILALAIDH's". Amlaibh, son of Gilla Christ, son of Domhnall, son of Ceinneididh, son of Domhnall, son of Maelfhalaidh, a quo O'Maelfhalaidh, son of Cucichi, son of Maeltuili, son of Maclaeich, son of Connalach. Catt, son of Seisgnia, son of Fiachra Finn, when he slew Ailell, son of Fiachra Finn, went to Aedan Bruinni luim [of the bare breast], son of Fergus, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hos- tages: he was called Aedan Bruinni luim, because his breast was bare from the edges of swords and arms ; and Catt married Eadan, the dauííhter in the year 738. b y^;^^ 0'3faeilalaidk% now Anglicised ^ Necktain.—Re was the ancestor of the Mullally and Lally. For some account of O'Naghtens, for some account of whom this family see Note H, at the end of this see Note G, at the end of this tract. tract. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. F 34 ocup apm, ocup uuc Cac GaDan, in^en QeDain, ocup jiu^ p mac t)o, .1. Ruaoan mac Caiu, o puileD Tiiuinncep Puaoan, ocup ]io an- yaX) a conipa^ap a pean-achap, .1. QeDan, mac pep^iipa, ocup a Cuil Qneipi^ do anpaD. NUNC S16 maecaNFaio— 1)0 ^eNea^ach h-ui f.omaN. Ruampi, mac Coinoligain, mic Dpaignem, mic Gchach, mic Connmai^, mic popbapaig, mic Coiobeanai^, mic Recca^am, mic Oopain, mic TTIaeilenam, mic 6achac, mic Qinmipecli, mic Qen- 5upa Lomain, mic Oallain, mic bpepail, mic TTlaine TTloip, a quo li-Ua TTlaine. CU15 meic Qen^upa Lomain, mic Oallain, .1. t)a GochaiD, ocup Ctinmipi, ocup Capprac, ocup parac, uc poeca DUiu : Gochaio, GocliaiD, Qmmipe, Capprach, caime cpaeboopa, Dpong bparhap Do aipmipa, pachach pinn, mac Cten^upa. ClNei. Cl^lCaiN QNtDSO. pianDajan, mac TTleipcill, mic bpuajaip, mic pinDacca, mic Conclochaip, mic paelcon, mic Cpicain, mic Qinmipec, mic Qen- 5upa Lomain. ciNe6 Fachait)h inso. Copmac, mac ITIaenai^, mic Qilibaip, mic Colaim, mic T?ecc- amail, mic Colmain, mic piainD, mic Qen^upa, mic UpaDpain, mic ParaiD, mic Qen^upa Comain. ^GNeacach *= O^Lomain — This seems to be the name the name were no doubt formerly power- now Anglicised Lomond, but the Editor ful, for we learn from the Annals of the is not aware that it is at present extant Four Masters, at the year 949, tliat O'Lo- in Hy-Many, where a family or tribe of main, of Gaela, defeated the inhabitants of 35 daughter of Aedan, and slie brought forth a son for him, viz., Ruadan Mac Caitt, from whom the Muinter Ruadhain are descended ; and they remained in the vicinity of their grandfather, i. e. of Aedan, the son of Fergus, at a place called Cuil aneirig. NOW THE SIL MAELANFAIDH. PEDIGREE OF o'lOMAIN*^. Ruaidhri, son of Coinnligan, son of Draighnen, son of Eochaidh, son of Connmach, son of Forbasach, son of Coidbeanach, son of Rechtagan, son of Odhran, son of Maelenaidh, son of Eochaidh, son of Ainmii^e, son of Aengus Loman, son of Dalian, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor, a quo h-Ui Maine. Aeno'us Loman, the son of Dalian, had five sons, viz., two Eoch- aidhs, Ainmire, Carrthach, and Fathach; ut poeta dixit: "Eochaidh, Eochaidh, Ainmire, Carrthach, the beautiful, fair branch, A race of brothers I have enumerated And Fathach Finn were the sons of Aengus." THE CINEL CRITAIN HERE. Flannagan, son of Meisgell, son of Bruagar, son of Finnachta, son of Cuclochair, son of Faelchu, son of Critan, son of Ainmire, son of Aengus Loman. THE CINEL FATHAIDH'' HERE. Cormac, son of Maenach, son of Ailibar, son of Colmn, son of Rechtamhail, son of Colman, son of Flann, son of Aengus, son of Uradhran, son of Fathadh, son of Aengus Loman. PEDIGREE Ormond in that year. There was another '^ The Cinel Fathaidh, i. e. the race of branch of the family settled at Pinnabhair, Fathadh. Cormac, the last of this tribe now Finnure, in the barony of Leitrim, mentioned in the pedigree, was the thir- and county of Galway See Map. teenth in descent from Maine Mor (the F 2 36 ^ewea^ach b-ui comain FiNt)a6Rach qnm so. plant), mac Cinaera, mic Oonn^aili, nmc Gacliac, mic Qipme- r)ai5, mic Congalai^, mic InntJelbam, mic Oairnennai^, mic Cpun- t)aiii, mic peji^na, mic Qe6a Senaig, mic Gachaclijmic Qinmijiech, mic CXengiipa Comain. ^eweaoac ii-ua coi^maic maeNmui^i. Niall, mac Ceapbaill mic Tllailcoba, mic RiiD^iipa, mic pollac- rai^, mic ConcaiiYil, mic piiacur.a, mic Cacrnain, mic piiiriocain Uallai^, mic Seich, mic Co]imaic, mic Cpimchamn, mic bpepail, mic TTlaine Tnoip. ^ewea^ach h-ua N-t)uach. Ouac, mac Dallain, mic 5]ie common ancestor of the Hy-Many race), and miist have been, therefore, cotempo- rary with Oilioll Maclnrachtach, who died chief of Hy-Many in the year 794, and who was the same number of generations from the same Maine, It must not be supposed that hereditary surnames were in use at this time, nor is it even certain, though it may be possible, that the tribe here called Cinel-Fathaidh, were the people whose descendants, after the tenth cen- tury, took the hereditary surname of O'Fathaidh. The family of O'Fahy, whe- ther they be of this tribe or not, are still very numerous in the southern part of Hy-Many ; the name is now generally An- glicised Fahy, without the 0' ; but in one instance the O' is retained, and the re- tail, mic íTlair.e TDoip. ^eweacach mainder shortened to Fay. This, however, is not to be recommended, nor is the vile practice of translating the name to Green, from its resemblance to the Irish word pai?rce, a green ox field, to be applauded. It appears from the inquisitions taken in the reign of James I., that several branches of this family had then some fee simple jiroperty in the barony of Loughrea, An inquisition taken at Loughrea, on the 1 6th of September, in the year 161 7, before Sir Charles Coote, finds that Teige Antlevy [i. e. of the mountain] O'Fahy is seised of fee of portions of Lishadoile Kealuragh, and Cappaghard; that Teige O'Fahy and Edmond O'Fahy, his son, are seised of fee of a portion of the quarter of Knockanteige and Cappaghard ; and that n PEDIGREE or O LOMAIN OF FINNABHAIR HERE. Flann, son of Cinaetli, son of Donnglial, son of Eocliaidh, son of Airmedhach, son of Congalach, son of Inndelbhaidh, son of Daitli- nennaigh, son of Crundan, son of Fergna, son of Aedli Senach, son of Eocliaidh, son of Ainmire, son of Aengns Loman. PEDIGREE OF HY-CORMAIC OF MAENMAGH^ Niall, son of Cerbhall, son of Maelcoblia, son of Rudgus, son of Follaclitach, son of Cucaissil, son of Fachtna, son of Lachtnan, son of Finntan Uallach, son of Siatli, son of Cormac, son of Crimthann, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor. PEDIGREE OF HY-DUACH. Duach, son of Dalian, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor. PEDIGREE Edmond Uny O'Fahy, Edmond Oge Mac Edmond O'Fahy, Richard Mac Edmond O'Fahy, and Teige Mac Edmond OgeO'Fa- liy, were seised of fee of portions of Kealu- ragh, Lishadoile, and Cappaghard ; and that John Mac Uny O'Fahy was seised of fee of portions of the townlands of Lisha- doile, Cahercranilly, Garryblaken, and Bal- linrowan, all in the barony of Loughrea. There is a tradition in the barony of Louehrea, that the Earl of Clanrickard found it very difficult to get the O'Fahys to pay him tribute, their chief always telling the Earl that the lands he possess- ed were his own, and that the Earl had no claim on them. ^ Finnahhair is now called Finnure, and is a townland containing the ruins of an old church, situated in the parish of Abbeygor- migan, close to the boundary between the baronies of Loughrea and Longford, in the county of Galway. — See Ordnance Map of the coiinty of Galway, sheet 98. The last of this tribe mentioned above in the text was the fifteenth in descent from Maine Mor, the common ancestor of the Hy- Many, and was therefore cotemporary with the celebrated Cathal Mac Ailella, chief of Hy-Many, who died in 844, who was the fifteenth from the same Maine ; and we must therefore suppose that O'Lomain was then a tribe name, and not a hereditary surname, f Maenmagh, sometimes Anglicised Moinmoy, and sometimes corruptly Me- nevy. For the situation and extent of this territory see index and notes. 38 ^eweacach chiwec aet>a. Cubaja mac Ceallai^, mic Dunsaib, mic Consail, mic Con- 5U]-a, mic Ponain, ítíic maeluTna, mic Cpimdiaiiin, mic bpey^ail, ecc. ^eweacach si6 M-aNmchat)a. Qnmcat), mac eo^ain buacc, mic Copmaic, mic Caipppi Chjiuim, rpi meic leif, .1. Oonngalac, ocuf pian^alac, ocup pojibapac. TTlaelDum, mac Oonnsalaig, Da mac laip, .1. Cobfac, ocup 1nt)pac- rac. g^'^P^' ^^^ Ouna^aig, mic (.oinspi^, mic Ouna^am, mic Cobrai^, mic ITIailmuin, mic Donngalai^, mic Qnmcat)a. nriaelcofaij, mac Oonn^aili, mic Qnmcaoa. Oa mac Duna^- 015, mic Cobrai^, .i. (.oinspech, ocup Dpai^nen, a quo li-Ua Dpai^nen, .1. Ceant)paelaD, mac pinD, mic Ujiepai^, mic Opaignen, mic Ounaoai^. C015 meic Coingpi^, .i. ^cf^pa» «cup gleDpa, ocup Cinaer, ocup Cuppain, a quo h-Ua Clnijipain, ocup pianDcaD, a quo li-Uua pianDcaoa. Gcci^epn, mac ^^^^P^» ^^^ ^oi^SF^S- h-Ua Chinaeicli, o Chinaech, mac Coinspi^. li-Ua ^^^'^P^' ^ 5^eopa, mac Coin^pich. Oonjalac, mac Qnmcaio, a quo TTIuinii- cep s Cine/ Aedha, — i. e. Race of Aedli or south-east of the county of Galway. Hugh. There must be some mistake in ' k- Ua Draighnen Avould be Anglicised the text here, as no Aedh is mentioned in O'Drinan, but the Editor could not find the genealogy given, from whom the tribe the name in Hy-Many, north or south, could have been named. J h-Ua Churrain, now Curran; but this ^ Sil Anmckad/ia.—i. e. the seed or race family is to be distinguished from the of Anmchadh, now Anglicised Ambrose, Currans of Munster, and from those of and formerly Latinized Animosus. This Lower Connaught, who are not of this race. Avas the tribe name of the O'Maddens and ^ 0' Flannchadha This name is not their correlatives, who were seated in the now to be found. The Mac Flannchadha's, barony of Longford and its vicinity, in the or Mac Clancy's, of whom there are two 39 PEDIGREE OF CINEL AEDHA^. Cubaga, son of Cellacli, son of Dungal, son of Congal, son of Cugusa, son of Ronan, son of Maelumha, son of Crimthann, son of Bresal, &c. PEDIGREE OF THE SIL ANMCHADHA". Anmcliadli, son of Eoglian Buacc, son of Cormac, son of Cairpri Crom, had three sons, viz., Donngalach, Fiangalach, and Forbasach. Maelduin, son of Donngalach, had two sons, viz., Cobhthach and Innrachtach. Gadhra, son of Dunadhach, son of Loingsech, son of Dunadhach, son of Cobhthach, son of Maelduin, son of Donngalach, son of Anmchadha. Maelcothaigh, son of Donngalach, son of Anmchadh. Dunadhach, the son of Cobhthach, had two sons, viz., Loingsech and Draighnen, a quo h-Ua Draighnen', viz., Ceannfaeladh, son of Finn, son of Tre- sach, son of Draighnen, son of Dunadhach. Loingsech had five sons, viz., Gadhra, Gledi'a, Cinaeth, Ciuran, a quo h-Ua ChurrainJ, and Flannchadh, a quo h-Ua Flannchadha^ Echtighern was son of Gadhra, son of Loingsech. Ua Cinaeith* descends from Cinaeth, son of Loingsech; O'Gledra"' from Gledra, son of Loingsech. From Donngalach, son of Anmchadh are descended Muintir Chobhthaigh" and other families of diíFerent races in Ireland, It is to be distinguished from Mac Gladdry, are of a different stock, and locality. a name which still exists in the county of ^ Ua Cinaeith O'Kenny, now Angli- Donegal. cised Kenny without the O'. The name "^ Midnter Chobhthaigh,— l.QAhQÍ-^rúSlj oi is still very numerous in South Hy-Many. O' Coffey. This name is still extant in Hy- "> 0' Gledra The Editor could not find Many ; and it appears from an inquisition this name in Hy-lNIany. It may, however, taken at Kilconnell, on the 24th of August, lurk under some fancifiil Anglicised form. 161 7, "that Donell O'Coffey was then 40 rep CViobrai^, ocup h-Ui Donn^alai^. pian^alac, mac Qnmcait), a quo nnuinnre]i Chonna^ain, ocup TTleic Caóupaij, ocup b-Ui Qinchine, mic Cecdlai^, ocup h-Ua bimnein mic ITIuipeaDai^, ocup h-Ua ^1101011115 mic Neill, ocup li-Ua Qirupa rmc Meill, ocup h-Uct 6paenain, ocup TTluiTinreii Clncapan, ocup ÍTluinncip Rooai^i, ocup TTluiiinuep Con^alai^, ocu[' h-Ua Oai^in. Uallacan, mac piaino, mic pianocaoa, mic Innjiacrai^, mic niailmuin, mic Oonn^aili, mic Ctnmcait), mic Gojain buac. Ip o'n Uallacan pin IHeg Uallacain, .1. pein-pi^a na n-QnmcaDach. Lopcan, mac TTlupoin, mic pioint>, mic InDpaccai^, a quo IvUa Oublaic. popbupac, mac QnmcaDa, a quo ITIuinncep Copcain, ocup mic Ceillai^, ocup h-Ua pmoaccaig, ocup h-Ua CopcpaiD, ocup seised of fee of Tomcatry, containing four cartrons in the barony of Clanmacnowen." This is the place called Uuaim Cáqiaij in ancient Irish MSS See Note farther on and Index. ° Ui Donnghalaigh O'Donnellys, now written Donnelly without the O'. This family is to be distinguished from the O'Donnellys of the province of Ulster, who are of a different race. P Muinter Chonnagain, — i. e. the family of O'Connagaiu, now Anglicised Connigan, and sometimes incorrectly Cunningham. ^ Mac Cadhusaighs The Editor did not find this name in Hy-Many. ^ Ui Ainchine, unknown to the Editor; but it is highly probable that this name could still be found in the territory, dis- guised under some Anglicised form. * Ua Bimnein, now obsolete. ^ Ua Tolairg This was formerly the name of several powerful families of dif- ferent races in Ireland, but, strange to say, it does not exist at present in any shape or form. " Ua Aithusa, not now in Hy-Many. ^ h-Ua Brenainn, now generally made Brennan. This name is also to be found in Kerry, where it is corruptly pronounced Bréanaill, as is indeed the name of the great patron saint of Kerry, after whom the ancestor of this family was called, and a well-known member of the family has there most shamefully Anglicised it to Brabacy, by a strange process of assimila- tion. This name is to be distinguished from O'Braonain, which is that of a family of far greater celebrity, formerly chiefs of Hy-Duach, in the north of the present county of Kilkenny. ^ Muintir Chicharain, now probably Keighry. ^ Muintir Hodaigki, — i. e. the family of O'Rodaighi, now Roddy ; but this family 41 and the li-Ui Donngalaigli°. From Fiangalach, son of Anmcliadh, are sprung Miiinter Chonnagain", the Mac Cadhusaighs'', the h-Ui Ainchine'' Mic Ceallaigh, h-Ua Bhunein* Mic Muireadhaigh, h-Ua ToLairg' Mic Neill, h-Ua Aithusa" Mic Neill, h-Ua Brenainn^ Muinter Chicharain'', Muinter Rodaighi"^, Muinter Conghalaigh^, and h-Ua Daio;in^. Uallachan, son of Flann, son of Flannchadh, son of Innrachtach, son of Maelduin, son of Donngal, son of Anmchadh, son of Eoghan Buac. From this Uallachan are sprung the Mac Uallachans'', i. e. the old chieftains of Sil Anmchadha. From Lorcan, son of Muron, son of Flann, son of Innrachtach, is descended Ua Dubhlaich". From Forbasach, son of Anmchadha, are descended Muinter Lorcaiu", the Mac is to be distinguished from the Eoddys of Fenagh, in the county of Leitrim, who were of a different race, as their pedigree shows, y Muinter ConghalaigJi, — i. e. the family of O'Conghalaigh, now Anglicised Conolly. This name is to he distinguished from O'Conghaile, which is correctly Anglicised Connelly and Conneely. 2 h- Ua Daigin. — The Editor did not find this name in Hy-Many. It is proba- ble that the g Avas intended to be aspi- rated. * Mac UaUachans. — This name is now always Anglicised Cuolahan, though in the old records relating to the property of this family, in the reign of James L, it is more correctly made M*^Couleghan. In O'Dugan's topographical poem, this family is called O' h-Llallucháin, and styled chiefs of Sil Anmchadha; but it appears from other authorities that the TTlac is the IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. G more usual prefix. The present head of this family is Henry Cuolahan, Esq., of Cogran House, in the parish of Lixsmagh, on the east side of the Shannon, in the King's County, which parish originally formed a part of the territory of Sil- Anmchadha, of which this family were chieftains before theO']Maddens. For some further notices of this family see Note I, at the end of this tract. ^ Ua Duhhlaigh^ now Dooley, the 0' being never prefixed ; but this family is to be distinguished from the O'Dooley's of Westmeath, and Ely 0"CarroU, who are of a totally different race. <= Midnter Lorcain, — i. e. the family of O'Lorcain, now Anglicised Larkin. This family is still in Hy-Many, and some mem- bers of it are so respectable that it is to be regretted they do not restore the O'. They are to be distinguished from the O'Lorcans of Forth, in Leinster. 42 ocup h-Lla TTlaenai^, ocup li-Ua Connaccain, ocup h-Ua Clianain, ocup li-Ua TTIaelDuib. muiNt)ueR ch06Uhai5 QHt) SO, a quo b-ua ^aD^a, .1. ttiuinh- ueR maoaoaiN, Ocup TTIinniirep Cbinaiuli, ocup TTluinnrep Upepai^, ocup rnuinnce|i Lae^aipi rhic Dunaoai^, ocup 1i-Uc( pianncaDa, ocuph-Ua ^leDpai^, ocup h-Ua Cuppcdn, ocup li-Ua Qeba, ocup li-Ua Caip- cen, ocup li-Ua Chuajain. ClanD lnt)pacrai5, mic ITIcdlmuin, .1. TTluiTincep Puaipc, ocup TTlic 6pairi, ocup TTlic TTIupoiii, -jca. ocup TTIuinncep TTlailcaDa, a quo ITIuinnrep OublaiiiD, ocup h-Ua pianncaoct, -jca. ocup IDuinn- rep Tilailcpoin, ttiic Dun^ail, ocup TTIuiniirep Qppaccan, ocup TTluinnuep Ouibgilla, ocup íílumncep Conpai. t)0 ^ewea^ach h-ui ceaccai^ awt) so. Oomnall TTlop, mac Uam^ Uhailluen, mic Concobaip m cara, iTiic Oiapmaoa, mic Uaibg, mic TTlupcaiD, mic Concobaip, mic Uaiog ^ Mac Cellaiffhs, now obsolete, or assi- ^ Ua Connaclitain^ now Connaughtan, milated with, or merged into Kelly. but the name is very scarce. ^ Í7a i^m?mc/^to?y^, nowFinnaghty, and ' Ua Canain, now Cannan, and incor- sometimes Fennerty ; but this family is rectly Canning. to be distinguished from the O'Finacht- J Ua Maelduibh. — This would be Angli- aighs, the ancient chiefs of the Clann cised MulduiF, but the Editor did not find Conmhaigh, who were the senior branch the name in Hy-Many. of the Sil Muireadhaigh, of whom the ^ Muinter Madadhain, — i. e. the family O'Conors of the county of Roscommon of O'Madden. were the chiefs in latter ages. ' Muinter Chinaith, — i. e. the family of f Ua Coscmid/i, now Anglicised Coskry, O'Kenny, now Kenny, without the O'. and sometimes incorrectly Cosgrave and '^ Muinter Tresaigh, — i. e. the family Cosgrove. of O'Tracy, now always written Tracy, s Ua Maenaigh, now Anglicised Moo- without the 0'. ney. " Ua Flannchadha, now obsolete. 43 Mac Cellaighs'^, Ua Finnachtaigli^ Ua Coscraidh^, Ua Maenaighs, Ua Connaclitain", Ua Canain', and Ua Maelduibli^ THE MUINNTER CHOBHTHAIGH HERE, EROM WHOM ARE UA GADHRA, i. e. MUINTER MADADHAIn", And Miiinter Cliinaitli', and Muinter Tresaigh"", and Mninter Laeghaire Mic Dunadliaigli, Ua Flanncliadlia", Ua Gledraigli°, Ua Currain", Ua Aedlia'', Ua Cairten'', and Ua Cuagain". Of the race of Innraclitacli, son of Maelduin, are Muinter Ruairc\ the Mac Brains", the IMac Muroins"', &c. Muinter Mailchada, of whom are Muinter Dubhlainn"^, Ua Flannchadha, &;c., also Muinter Mail- croin'', Mic DungaiP, Muinter Arrachtain^, Muinter Duithgilla"", and Muinter Conrui.'' THE PEDIGREE OE o'CEALLAIGH [o'kELLy] HERE. Domhnall Mor, son of Tadhg Taillten, son of Conchobhar of the Battle, son of Diarmaid, son of Tadhg, son of Murchadh, son of Con- chobhar, " Ua Gledraigh, now obsolete. ■" Muinter Dubhlainn, now Dowling, P Ua Currain, now Curran. but this family are to be distinguislied ^ Ua Aedka, now Anglicised Huglies. from the Dowlings of Leinster. ■■ Ua Cairten, obsolete. ^ Muinter Mailcroin, now unknown in * Ua Cuagain, now Cogan, which is cer- Hy-lMany. tainly an Irish name. The descendants of ^ Mic Dmigail, now unknown in Hy- Miles de Cogan, who came to Ireland in Many. the reign of Henry II., have all taken the ^ Muinter Arrachtain, — i. e. the family name of Goggan. of O'h- Arrachtain, now very incorrectly •^ Muinter Euairc, — i. e. the family of Anglicised Harrington. O'Ruairc, but they are to be distinguished ^ Muinter Duibghilla, — i. e. the family from the O'Ruaircs of Breifny, who are of of O'Duibhghilla, but the name is now a different race. obsolete in Hy-Many. " Mac Brains, now obsolete. '' Muinter Conrui, — i. e. the family of ^ Mac Muroins, now unknown. O'Conrui, now made Conroy ; but this G2 44 T^am^ cara bpimn, tyiic rnu]icai6, nnc Qe6a, mic Ceallai^, Tnic pinDacua, mic Qilella, mic Innpecuaij, nnc Olurai^, inic phiO- cellai^, niic Dicolla, tíiic Go^am pinn, mic Copinaic, thic Caipppi Cpumi, Tmc peapaoa 5, tíiic CiigaiD, niic Oallain, imc bpepail, ttiic maine TTIoip. Qet) mac Diapmat)a, mic Uam^ caua bpiain. Uao^ Oub, inac Qeoa, mic OiapinaDa. c^.aNH DOíTiHaií-í., mic uait>5 uaií,í.ceN aNt> so. Sé meic Domnaill TTloip, niic UaiDg Uaillcen, .1. Concobap, ocup "Cat)^ PinD ÍTIin^i Pupcac, ociip Gojan, ociip Uomap Gppuc, ociip Coclaint), ocup Oiapmaio. Ingen Domnaill TTloip h-1 bhpiam, TTiaraip an r-peipip pin, ocup Depbpiup t)i maraip pheioliiniD, mic Carail Cpoib-óeip^, ocup t)epbpiup eli Doib maraip Ricaipo, mic Uilliam pint), o piiil Clann Ricaipt). Clann Concobaip, niic Ooinnaill TTIoip, .1. Doninall. C1115 Tíieic la DoTTinall, .i. 5i^^'t)epo, pi O ITjaim, ocup Oauir, ocup UaD^ TTlop cara Qra na pij;, ocup Concobap, pi O TTlaine, ocup Qet) ; ocup nip b'inann maraip leo, acr le oip, .1. "CaD^, ocup Con- cobap ; Qbip, mjen h-Ui piilaint), a maraip. Clann ^illibepD in po, .1. DiapmaiD, mac ^illibept), pi O Tllaine, ocup Uomap Gppuc, ocup Oomnall Uuarac, ocup TTliipcaD, ocup Copmac, ocup bpian, ocup Octuír, a pinnpeap. Clann family must be distinguished from the the battle of Brian, because Brian Boru, Mac Conrys of West Connaught, and from monarch of Ireland, was the chief com- the O'Mulconrys of Cloonahee and Strokes- niander of the Irish. town, who now shorten their name to ^ Son of Ceallach This pedigree of Conry. Domhnall More O'Kelly is incorrectly •^ Tadhg of the Battle of Briati, — i. e. given above by an error of the transcriber, Tadhg O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, who as appears from the pedigree of his de- fought at the Battle of Clontarf, A. D. scendantTadlig O'Kelly, to be given farther 1 014. The Battle of Clontarf was called on, and from that given in the MS. H. 2. 7, 45 chobliar, son of Tacllig of the Battle of Brian^ son of Murcliadh, son of Aedli, son of Ceallacll^ son of Finnachta, son of Ailell, son of Inn- reclitach, son of Dlutliacli, son of Fidlicheallacli, son of Dicliolla, son of Eoglian Finn, son of Cormac, son of Cairpri Crom, son of Feradh- ach, son of Lughaidh, son of Dalian, son of Bresail, son of Maine Mor. Aedli, son of Diarmaid, son of Tadhg of the Battle of Brian. Tadhg Diibli, son of Aedh, son of Diarmaid. THE RACE or DOMHNALL, SON OF TADHG TAILLTEN, HERE. Domlinall Mor, the son of Tadhg Taillten, had six sons, viz., Conchobhar, Tadhg Finn of Magh Ruscach, Eoghan, Thomas the Bishop', Lochlainn, and Diarmaid. The daughter of Domhnall Mor O'Brien was the mother of these six sons, and her sister was the mother of Feidhhmidh, the son of Cathal Croibhdherg [Charles the Redhanded] 0' Conor, and another sister of theirs was the mother of Richard, son of Wilham Finn, from whom are the Clann-Rickard. Conchobhar, the son of Domhnall Mor, had a son Domhnall. Domh- nall had five sons, viz., Gilbert, King of Hy-Many, David, Tadhg Mor of the Battle of Ath na righ [Athenry], and Conchobhar, King of Hy-Many and Aedh. Only two of them were by the same mother, viz., Tadhg and Conchobhar, and their mother was Abis, the daughter of O'Flainn [O'Flynn]. The issue of Gilbert were, Diarmaid Mac Gilbert, King of Hy- Many, Thomas the Bishop^ Domhnall Tuathach, Murchadh, Cormac, Brian, and David, who was the sinnsear [i. e. the eldest son\ The Trill. Coll. Dub., and by Duald Mac Firbis 7iicana, p. 226. in his genealogical work. f Thomas the Bishop. — Perhaps the same ^ Thomas the Bishop — This Thomas was who was Bishop of Clonfert in 1347, and Bishop of Clonfert, and died A. D. 1263 — is supposed by Ware (Bishops, Harris's See Ware, and De Burgo Hibernia Domi- edition, p. 640) to have died in 1377. 46 Clann t)ia|in-iat)a, inic ^illibepD, .1. Concobaji Cejipbac, ocu]- Sean; en Tnaraiyi leo, ocup mmne, ociif Uat)^ ; TTlop, in^en QeDa li-l Concobaip, TYiaraip an Uam^ fin. Concobaji, mac Concobaip, Ceppbai^. Uat)^, mac OiajimaDa, mic g^^^^^^P^' ^V^ ^^^^ ^^^F' •1. Uilliam, ociif OoncaD, ociif Seaan. Clann Uoinaip efpmc, mac ^illibept), .i. TTlaeleaclainn, ocup TTlmpcepcac, ocuf Uomap, ocup Diapmait), ocup Hlupcat), ocup Uomalrac. Clann Domnaill Uuafai^, mic gillibepD, .1. Uilbam, ocup l?uai6pi, ocup Caipppi, ocup bpian, ocup Pobepo, ocup Oomnall. Cn mac la TTlupcain, mac Ji^l^itepo, Oauir. Da mac la Copmac, mac gil^^ib^T"^' mupcao ocup Uomap. Clann Oauir, meic gilli- bept), bpian, ocup t)a Tíliiipceprac, ocup Go^an, ocup Qet), ocup niupcao. Qen mac la OonncaO, mac ^i^^i^^P^) ^'^^^^^P*^- Uatí^ cara Qra na pi^, mac Domnaill, cpi meic laip, .i. Donn- caD, ocup UaDj, ocup Concobap. Upi meic la Uao^, .1. UaD^ o;^, ocup DonnchaD Ruaó, ocup UaD^ l?ua6 eile. Upi meic la Con- cobap, mac Uamg, .1. Puampi, ocup Go^an, ocup CteD. Concobap, mac Domnaill, mic Concobaip, mic Domnaill ITloip, rpi meic laip, .1. Domr.all, ocup ITIame, ocup Go^an. ITluipcepuac, ocup UiUiam ballach, t)a mac Domnaill, mic Concobaip. Upi meic a^ mame, mac Concobaip, .1. TTiupcat), ocup DonncaD ballac, ocup TTlaine. Qen mac Go^am, mic Concobaip, .1. bpian mac Gojam. Qet>, mac Domnaill, mic Concobaip, mic Domnaill TTloip, Da mac laip, .1. pilip ocup Siacup. Clann Domnaill, mic Conco- baip, conui^i pm. Donncat) ITIuimnech, mac Concobaip, mic Domnaill, nai meic laip, .1. niuipcepcac, ocup Qeo, ocup TTlaileaclainn, ocup TTiame; Ingen Uleic Ui^ilin, a machaip. TTlic aile t)o, Uaog ocup Conco- ba]i ; 8 Mac Uighilin, — i. e. Mac Quillin, chief of tlie Eoute, in the county of Antrim. 47 The sons of Diarmaid Mac Gilbert were Concliobliar Cerrbhach, and John, who had the same mother ; Maine, and Tadhg. Mor, the daughter of Aedh 0' Conor, was the mother of this Tadhg. Con- chobhar Cerrbhach, had a son Conchobhar. Tadhg, the son of Diar- maid, son of Gilbert, had three sons, viz., WiUiam, Donnchadh, and John. The sons of Thomas the Bishop, the son of Gilbert, were Maeil- eachlainn, Muirchertach, Thomas, Diarmaid, Murchadh, and Tomal- tach. The sons of Domhnall Tuathach, the son of Gilbert, were WiUiam, Ruaidhri, Cairpri, Brian, Robert, and Domhnall. Murchadh, son of Gilbert, had one son, David. Cormac, son of Gilbert, had two sons, viz., Mmxhadh and Thomas. David, son of Gilbert, had issue Brian, two Muirchertachs, Eoghan, Aedh, and Murchadh. Donnchadh, son of Gilbert, had one son, namely, Gilbert. Tadhg of the Battle of Ath na righ, the son of Domhnall, had three sons, viz., Donnchadh, Tadhg, and Conchobhar. Tadhg, had three sons, viz., Tadhg Og, Donnchadh Ruadh, and a second Tadhg, surnamed Ruadh. Conchobhar, son of Tadhg, had three sons, viz., Ruaidhri, Eoghan, and Aedh. Conchobhar, son of Domhnall, son of Conchobhar, son of Domh- nall Mor, had three sons, viz., Domhnall, Maine, and Eoghan, Domhnall, son of Conchobhar, had two sons, viz., Muirchertach and Wilham Ballach. Maine, son of Conchobhar, had three sons, viz., Mur- chadh, Donnchadh Ballach, and Maine. Eoghan, son of Conchobhar, had one son, Brian Mac Eoghain. Aedh, son of Domhnall, son of Conchobhar, son of Domhnall Mor, had two sons, viz., Philip and Siacus. So far the descendants of Domhnall, son of Conchobar. Donnchadh Muimhnech, son of Conchobhar, son of Domhnall, had nine sons, viz., Muirchertach, Aedh, Mailechlainn, and Maine ; their mother was the daughter of Mac Uighihn^; his other sons were Tadhg 48 bap ; t)ibait) iat)-"pit)i, ocup Gmant), ociip Uilbam, ociip Oomnall TTIuiTTinech. Oiibe]''a, ir^en TTlaileachlainii, mic OonncaiD, mic Domnaill, ttiic TTlagniifa, ttiic Uoippoealbai^ TTloip li-l Coricobaip, pi Gpenn, maraip na mac pin. QeD, mac OormcliaiD TTluimni^, CU15 meic leip, .i. TDuipceprai^, ocup Oomnall TTlop, ocup TTlar- ^amain. r?óip, in^en h-l TTlaoa^ain, machaip na mac pin. Go^an, ocup Seaan, ocup Uomap, na meic ]^in ele. Upi meic la Oomnall TTlop, mac C(et)a, .1. Concobap, ocup Oomnall Qb, ocup Oonnchao ^all. Ceirpi meic la TTIarh^amain, mac Qeoa, .1. TTlaeleaclainn, ocup Qeo, ocup Puampi, ocup Go^an. ITlaeleaclainn, mac OonncaiD ÍTluimni^, pe meic laip, .1. OiapmaiD, mac inline h-l TTlailalaiD, bpian, ocup lllupcao, t)a mac inline h-l phlanOa^an. Gochaio, ocup Ceallac, ocup Oonncat), rpi meic inline h-l Concobaip. Gochaio, mac Tllaileclainn, cpi meic laip, .1. TTiaileacIainn, ocup Caipppi, ocup OiapmaiD. Oa mac la Celiac, .1. bpian ocup Oonncao. Oa mac la Oonnchat), mac TTlailechlaiTm, .1. Seaan ocup Oomnall. ccawN maiNe inso. TTlaine, mac Oonnchaio, rpi meic laip, .i. pilip, ocup UaDj, ocup Go^an. Clann mop la pilip, .1. TTlaine, ocup Oonnchao, ocup TTluipcepcac, .1. an u-Gppuc, ocup Oiajimaio Cleipech, ocup Qeo. Tpi meic la h-Gmann, mac Oomnaill Tlluimni^, .1. Gmann 05, ocup Uilliam, ocup Uao^ ; mac 00 Uhaoj bpian. CCQNH uicciam, mic t)ONNChait) ant> so. TTIaeleaclamn, mac Uilliam, m^en h-l ^paoa a maraip, ocup Uilliam •» MuirchertacJi the Bishop. — Maurice, or Tuam, by provision of Pope Boniface IX., Muirchertach, 0"Kelly, Avas consecrated in 1394, and died September 29, 1407.-- Bishop of Clonfert in 1378, translated to See Ware, Bishops, pp. 640 and 611. 49 Tadlig and Conchobhar, who died without issue, Edmond, Wilham and Domhnall Muimhnech. Duibhesa, the daughter of Maileachlainn, son ofDonnchadh, son of Domhnall, son of Maghnus, son of Toir- dhelbhach Mor O'Conchobhair, king of Ireland, was the mother of these sons. Aedh, son of Donnchadh Muimhnech, had five sons, viz., Muirchertach, Domhnall Mor, and Mathghamhain ; Rose,, the daugh- ter of O'Madaghain, was the mother of these sons ; Eoghan, John, and Thomas were the other sons. Domhnall Mor, son of Aedh, had three sons, viz., Conchobhar, Domhnall, the Abbot, and Donnchadh Gall. Mathghamhain, the son of Aedh, had four sons, viz., Maeleachlainn, Aedh, Ruaidhri, and Eoghan. Maeleachlainn, son of Donnchadh Muimhnech, had six sons, viz., Diarmaid, the son of O'Mailalaidh's daughter, Brian, and Murchadh, the two sons of the daughter of O'Flannagain, Eochaidh, Cellach, and Donnchadh, the three sons of the daughter of O'Con- chobhair, Eochaidh, son of Maileachlainn, had three sons, viz., Maileachlainn, Cairpri, and Diarmaid. Cellach had two sons, viz., Brian and Donnchadh. Donnchadh, son of Maileachlainn, had two sons, viz., John and Domhnall. THE DESCENDANTS OF MAINE HERE. Maine, son of Donnchadh, had three sons, viz., Philip, Tadhg, and Eoghan. Philip had many sons, viz., Maine, Donnchadh, Muir- chertach the Bishop", Diarmaid Cleirech, and Aedh. Edmond, son of Domhnall Muimhnech, had tliree sons, viz., Edmond Og, Wilham, and Tadhs;. Tadho; had a son Brian. THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM, SON OF DONNCHADH, HERE. Maeleachlainn', the son of Wilham (his mother was the daughter of ' Maeleachlainn This name, wMcli is servant of St. Seaclilann, or Secundinus, is an abbreviation of Maelseaclilainn, i. e. now most generally Anglicised Malachy. IRISH ARCH. SOC. Q. H 50 Uilliam O5, ociip 'Cat)^, ocup QeD 6uiDi, clann Uilliam in fin. TTlaeleaclainn clann nfioji laip, .1. l?uait)]ii, ocuy bpian, ocup Con- cobaji. Injen baiuep a 5u]ic maraip an rjiip pin. QeD, ocup pe|iaoacli, ociip UaO^, ociip OonncaD, ociip Oomnall, ocup Uilliam, ocuy Gmant). pinn^iiala, mjen UoippDelbai^ li-l Concobaiyi, niarai|i na mac ym. 6n mac la muijicepuac, mac Uilliam, mic OonnchaiD niuimni^, .1. Domiiall. Qp lao yo clann Concobaip, mic Oomnaill moiji, .1. Oomnall O'Cellai^, ocuy OonnchaO TTluim- necli, "]ca, ocnp TTiaine TTloii, ociip TTIupcliaD, ocup Cachal, ocup Caipppi bpachaip, ocnp TTlupip, ocup Nicol. Ingen h-1 Gigliin rhacaip Oomnaill ocup TTlupcait); In^en h-1 Coclamn maraip Oonn- chaiD TTluimni^ ocup TTIaine; In^en lllecConmapa mauai]i Cacail, ocup Caipppi, ocup nriuipip. TTlaine, mac OiapmaOa, mic UaiD^, mic TTlaine TTloip. Oa mac la TTlaeleclainn, mac Copmaic, mic ITIupcait), mic Concobaiyi, mic Oomnaill ÍTioip, .1. Siacup, ocup Copmac, ocup Oiapmait) an rpep. opi meic la Siacup, .1. Seaan, ocup TTlaileclainn Cleipecli, ocup Uat)^. Caral, mac Concobaip, mic Oomnaill ITIoip, upi meic laip, .1. Caipppi, Dibait), ocup TTlae- leaclainn, ocup Uilliam. Clann maicli la TTlaeleclainn, .i. Conco- bap, ocup Caipppi, ocup TTlaine Cleipech. Ingen Ivl TTTaoa^ain maraip an cpip pm. TTlac aili do Cteo. Cui^ meic Uilliam, mic Cachail, mic Concobaip, .1. Seaan, ocup TTIa^nup, ocup OiapmaiD, ocup Loclamn, ocup OiapmaiD, ocup Siacup. In^en TTle^ Oipec- cai^ maraip na mac pm. TTluipcepcac mac aili t»o. TTlaeleclainn, mac Concobaip, mic TTlaileclainn, mic Carail. Clann Go^am, mic Oomnaill TTIoip, .1. TTIargamain, ocup Oonnchat) ITlop, ocup bpian, ocup Caipppi, ocup Oomnall Cleipech. Oo baoup cpiup mac a^ TTlar^amain, J Conchobhar This name is now An- ^ Aedh^ — written, according to the mo- glicised Conor, and sometimes Latinised dern orthography, Aodh, is now always Cornelius. Anglicised Hugh. 51 of O'Grady), William Og, Tadlig, and Aedh Buidlie, were tlie sons of William. Maeleaclilainn had many sons, viz., Euaidliri, Brian, Concliobliar^ (tlie daughter of Walter Burke was the mother of these three), Aedh"", Feradhach, Tadhg, Donnchadh, Domhnall, William, and Edmond. Finnguala, daughter of Toirrdelbhach O'Conchobhair, was the mother of these sons. Muirchertach, son of William, son of Donnchadh Muimhnech, had one son, namely, Domhnall. These were the sons of Conchobhar, the son of Domhnall Mor, viz., Domhnall O'Ceallaigh, Donnchadh Muimhnech, &c. Maine Mor, Mmxhadh, Cathal, Cairpri the Friar, Mamis, and Nichol. The daughter of O'Heighin [O'Heyne] was the mother of Domhnall and Murchadh ; the daughter of O'Lochlainn was the mother of Donn- chadh Muimhnech and Maine ; and the daughter of Mac Conmara [Mac Namara] was the mother of Cathal, Cairpri, and Maurice. Maine was the son of Diarmaid, son of Tadhg, son of Maine Mor. Maeleaclilainn, son of Cormac, son of Murchadh, son of Conchobhar, son of Domhnall Mor, had two sons, viz., Siacus and Cormac, and a third son Diarmaid. Siacus had three sons, viz., John, Mailechlainn the Cleric, and Tadhg. Cathal, son of Conchobhar, son of Domhnall Mor, had three sons, viz., Cairpri, who died without issue, Maeleach- lainn and William. Maeleaclilainn had good sons, viz., Conchobhar, Cairpri, and Maine the Cleric ; the daughter of O'Madaghain was the mother of these three ; he had another son Aedh. Wilham, son of Cathal, son of Conchobhar, had five sons, viz., John, Magnus, Diar- maid, Lochlainn, Diarmaid, and Siacus; the daughter of Mac Oii^ech- taigh [Geraghty] was the mother of these sons. Muirchertach was another son of his. Maeleachlainn was the son of Conchobhar, son of Maeleaclilainn, son of Cathal. The sons of Eoghan, son of Domhnall, were Mathgamhain, Donnchadh Mor, Brian, Cairpri, and Domhnall the Cleric. Mathghamhain had three sons, viz., Phihp, Euaidhri, Conchobhar. The daughter of Mac Cochlam was the mother of these H 2 three 52 TTlar^aiiaain, .1. Pilip, ocu]"' T?iiait)pi, ocnp Coricobaji. In^en TTle Coclain maraip an c]ii]i fin. Oa baoap ceirpi meic a^ Pilip, i. Caipppi, ociip ITlnpcat), ocuj* Cacal, ocup TTlaeleclainn. TTlar- ^aiTiain, mac TTliipchait), mic pilip, mic Tllargamna. Seacu meic 05 l?uaiDpi, .1. Oonnchat), ocup Domnall, ocup mar^amain, ociip Uat)5, ocup Concobap, ocup bpian, ocup Diapmait). illop. mjen Uilliam leir a bnpc, maraip OonncliaiD; In^en Ivl Concobaip pailgi maraip OomnaiU, ocup Puaiopi, mic ÍLoclaint), o puileo ClanD Loclamt) "Ruam. TTlaelpuanaiD, mac l?uait)pi, an r-ocrmao mac. Domnall, mac l?uaiDpi, aen mac laip, .1. UaD^. Gogan, mac l?uait)]ii, mic OonnchaiD, Uilliam, mac Oonncham, mic T?uaiOpi. 6n mac la ITIaelpuanait), mac Puaiopi, .1. Seaan. Upi meic bpiain, mic "RuaiDpi, .1. TTla^nup ocup TTluipcepcac ocup Concobap. Copmac, mac Caipppi, mic Go^am, mac Do Ppioip Cluana Uuaipcipc. Clann Concobaip mic TTlar^amna mic Go^ain : Ceirpi meic 0151, .1. Gocliait), ocup Domnall, ocup pilip, ocup TTIa^nup. TTlac t)o pilip Concobap. Clann DonnchaiO ITIoip, mic Gogain, .1. Con- cobap, ocup Gogan, ocup TTIaeleaclainn Dub, ocup Qet). Donn- cliaD, ocup Concobap Ooup, Da mac Concobaip, mic Donnchait). Clann Donnchaio, mic Concobaip, mic Donnchaio Tiloip, .1. TTlaine, ocup TTIupcliat), ocup TTluipceprac Cleipecli, ocup Domnall J^^F- Clann bpiain, mic Gogam, .i. Donncuan, ocup bpian, ocupTTlupcaD. Da mac Dumnclman, Ctet) ocup Uomap. TTlaine, mac Siacupa, mic 6piain, mic bpiain, mic Go^ain. Ocup Domnall, mac Siacupa. "CaD^, mac TTlupchait), mic Go^ain, cpi meic laip, .1. Loclainn, ocup Domnall, ocup Siacup. Seann ocup Copmac, Da mac Caipppi, mic Gogain. Upi meic Domnaill Chleipi^, mic Gogain, .1. Uilliam, ocup ' Mathghamhain. — This name is gene- documents, but it is now commonly ren- rally Anglicised Mahon in old English dered Matthew, as the Christian name of 53 three. Philip had four sons, viz., Cairpri, Murchadh, Cathal, and Maeleachlainn. Mathghamhain, son of Murchadh, son of Phihp, son of MathghamhainV Ruaidliri had seven sons, viz., Donnchadh, Domh- nall, Mathghamhain, Tadhg, Conchobhar, Brian, and Diarmaid. Mor, the daughter of Wilham Liath Burke, was the mother of Donn- chadh. The daughter of O'Conchobhair Failghi was the mother of Domhnall and of Ruaidhri, the son of Loclilainn, from whom the Clann Lochlainn Ruaidh are descended. Maekuanaidh Mac Euaidhri was tlie eighth son. Domhnall, the son of Ruaidhri, had one son, namely, Tadhg. Eoghan was son of Ruaidhri, son of Donnchadh. William, the son of Donnchadh, son of Ruaidhri. Maelruanaidh, son of Ruaidhri, had one son, namely, John. Brian, son of Ruaidhri, had three sons, viz., Maghnus, Muirchertach, and Conchobhar. Cormac, son of Cairpri, son of Eoghan, had a son who was prior of Cluain Tuaiscirt™. The sons of Conchobhar, son of Mathghamhain, son of Eoghan. He had four sons, viz., Eochaidh, Domhnall, Phihp, and Maghnus. Philip had a son Conchobhar. The sons of Donnchadh Mor, son of Eoghan, were Conchobhar, Eoghan, Maeleachlainn Dubh, and Aedh. Donnchadh and Conchobhar Odhur were the sons of Conchobhar, son of Donnchadh. The sons of Donnchadh, the son of Conchobhar, son of Donnchadh Mor, were Maine, Murchadh, Muirchertach the Cleric, and Domhnall Glas. The sons of Brian, son of Eoghan, were Donn- cuan, Brian, and Murchadh. Donncuan had two sons, namely, Aedh and Thomas. Maine was son of Siacus, son of Brian, son of Brian, son of Eoghan. Domhnall, son of Siacus. Tadhg, son of Murchadh, son of Eoghan, had three sons, viz., Lochlainn, Domhnall, and Siacus. John and Cormac were the two sons of Cairpri, son of Eoghan. Domhnall . a man. Clontuskert, near Ballinasloe. — See note ■^ Clmin Tuaiscirt, — i. e. the abbey of farther on, and Index. 54 ocuf pilip Ca]^ ociip Go^an. Clann Uilliam, mic Domnaill Clei- 1115, .1. TTluipcepcac, ocup Oainr, ocup OiapniaiD, ociip Concobayi Cluapac. Clann pilip Chaip, .1. 'Cat)^, ociip QeD, ocuy TTIaelec- lainn, ocvip an Oall. Clann UaiD^, mic pibp, .i. Uoinap, ocup rnuipcepcac, ocup Donnchat), ocup OiapiTiaiD. Clann TTIaelec- lainn, inic pinlip Caip, .1. ITla^nup, ociip Concobap l?iabac, ocup Seaan Oiib, ocnp Domnall. Uao^ pino miii^i Piipcac, mac DoTmnaill moip, imc Uaio^ UaiUren, Da mac laip, .1. Caral ocup Diapmaio. "Cpi nieic la Carhal, .1. Uomalcac, ocup Qeo, ocup TTlaeleclainn. TTlupcaO, mac TTlaeileaclainn, mic Carail, mic UaiD^ pinn. Da mac OiapmaDa, mic Uhaio^ pinnn, .1. Ctpr l?uao, ocup "CaX)^ Dipeacli. Oa mac a^ Qpr PuaD, .1. Uomal- cacli, ocup Tlla^nup. Oa mac a^ Uao^ Oipeach, .1. TTlarsamam ocup OonncliaD. OiapmaiD ocup Concobap, t)a mac Qeoa, mic Carail, mic Uaio^ pinn. Uao^, mac ITlaileaclainn, ocup Puampi, ocup TTlupcat), clann niaileaclamn, mic Carhail, mic Uaio^ pinD. Clann Coclaino, mic Oomnaill TTloip, .i. QeD, ocup TTIa^nup, ocup Simon Cleipec, ocup UaD^, ocup Da Oomnall, ocup Caipppi. Clann Loclamn, mic QeDa, mic Loclamn TTIoip, .i. RuaiDpi, ocup Loclamn O5, ocup ITlame, ocup Uao^ Oub, ocup TTIupcaD PuaD. Upi meic PuaiDpi, mic LoclainD, .1. OonncliaD, ocup Oomnall, ocup Concobap. Oa mac LoclamDOi^, .1. OonncliaD, ocupTTIaeleaclainn. 6n mac la OonncliaD, mac QeDa, mic CoclamD, .1. UaD^. Oomnall, mac QeDa, mic Loclamn. Caipppi, mac QeDa, mic (^oclainn. TTlag- nup, mac Loclamn, mic Oomnaill TTIoip, Da mac laip, .i. UaD^ ocup Oomnall. 6n mac la Oomnall, .1. ITIa^nup. 6n mac la UaD^, .1. Concobap. Clann Simoin, mic Loclainn,mic Oomnaill TTIoip,.!. bpian, ocup " Donnchadh Generally Anglicised cuments, but now invariably Denis in Donogli and Donat in the old English do- every part of Ireland. 55 Domhnall tlie Cleric, son of Eoglian, had three sons, viz., William, Philip Cas, and Eoghan. The sons of William, son of Domhnall the Cleric, were Muirchertach, David, Diarmaid, and Conchobhar Cluasach. The sons of Philip Cas were Tadlig, Aedh, Maeleachlainn, and the Bhnd Man. The sons of Tadhg, son of Philip, were Thomas, Muirchertach, Donnchadh", and Diarmaid. The sons of Maeleachlainn, son of Philip Cas, were Maghnus, Conchobhar Riabh- ach, John Dubh, and Domhnall. Tadhg Finn, of Magli Ruscach, son of Domhnall Mor, son of Tadhg Taillten, had two sons, namely, Cathal and Diarmaid, Cathal had three sons, viz., Tomaltach, Aedh, and Maeleachlainn. Murchadh was son of Maeleachlainn, son of Cathal, son of Tadhg Finn. Diarmaid, son of Tadhg Finn, had two sons, viz.. Art Ruadh and Tadhg Direch. Art Ruadh had two sons, viz., Tomaltach and Maghnus. Tadhg Direch had two sons, viz., Mathdiamhain and Donnchadli. Diarmaid and Conchobhar were the two sons of Aedh, son of Cathal, son of Tadhg Finn. Tadhg Mac Maileachlainn, Ruaidhri, and Murchadh were the sons of Maeleachlainn, son of Cathal, son of Tadhg Finn. The sons of Lochlainn, son of Domhnall Mor, were Aedh Magh- nus, Simon the Cleric, Tadhg, two Domhnalls, and Cairpri. The sons of Lochlainn, son of Aedh, son of Lochlainn Mor, were Ruaidhri, Lochlainn Og, Maine, Tadhg Dubh, and Murchadh Ruadh. Ruaidhri, son of Lochlainn, had three sons, viz., Donnchadh, Domhnall, and Conchobhar. Lochlainn Og had two sons, viz., Donnchadh and Maeleachlainn. Donnchadh, son of Aedh, son of Lochlainn, had one son, namely, Tadhg. Domhnall was son of Aedh, son of Lochlainn. Cairpri was son of Aedh, son of Lochlainn. Maghnus, son of Loch- lainn, son of Domhnall Mor, had two sons, viz., Tadhg and Domhnall. Domhnall had one son, namely, Maghnus. Tadhg had one son, namely, Conchobhar. The sons of Simon, son of Lochlainn, son of Domhnall Mor, were Brian, John, Wilham, Cathal, Diarmaid, Tomal- tach, 56 ocupSeaan,ociipUilliam,ocui"Cachal,ocupOia]iTmait),ocup'Comal- rac, ocupUomap Puat). Clarm OiapniaDa, mic OoTnnailliTloi]i, niic Uam^ Uaillcen, .1. GochaiD ocup Oomicao. Micol, mac Uoinaif, mic Gochait), ttiic OiajimaDa, mic Doinnaill TTloip. Clann Uomaip, mic OoiTinaill TTloiii, .i. Siacup ocup Seaan. "C^ctDg, inio]ijia, mac Siacupa, mic Uomaip Gppuc, mic Oomnaill TTioip. ^eneacach h-i chea^xai^ qhn so. IDac rDaeileclainn, ITlic Uilliam, IDic tDonncaiD niuimnij, TTlic Concobaip, niic tDoninaiU, TTlic CuiDj CaiUren, ITIic Concobuip an cacha, TTlic tDiapmaua, TTlic Concobaip, TlTic Uaioj Chara 6piain, TDic TTIupchaio, TTlic Qeoa, TTlic Ceallaij, TTlic phinoaccaij, mic ailella, TTlic PinnpaccQij, TTlic piDcellaijj, Tllic tDluchaij, TTlic t)icolla, Tllic Gojain pinn, TTlic Copmaic, TTlic Caipppi Cpuim, Tllic pepaoHij, ITlic f^uijeac, TTlic tDallam, TTlic 6pepail, TlTic THaine Tlloip, TTlic Gcbach Pipoajiall, TTlic t)omnaill, TTlic Imcaoa, TTlic Colla DQ Cpic, TTlic Gchach tioimlen, TTlic Caipppi dpechaip, TTlic Copmaic Ulpaoa, TTlic Qipr Qeinpip, TTlic Cuino Ceo-caraij. TTIURCIiat), TTIac Co^ain, TTlic TTlupcaiD, TTlic Carail, ^eweacach h-i niaDa^aiN. TTlic TTIaDagam TTIoip, TTlic tDiapmaoa, TTlic Ounagaio, mic ° Son of Dlarmaid. — In the pedigree of brary of Trinity College (H. 2. 7.), this O'Madden, preserved in a MS. in the Li- line is given differently, thus : Eoghan, S7 tach, and Thomas Ruadh. The sons of Diarmaid, son of Domhnall Mor, son of Tadhg Taillten, were Eochaidh and Donnchadh. Nichol was son of Thomas, son of Eochaidh, son of Diarmaid, son of Domh- nall Mor. The sons of Thomas, son of Domhnall Mor, were Siacus and John. Tadhg was the son of Siacus, son of Thomas, the Bishop, son of Domhnall Mor. PEDIGREE OF O CEALLAIGH HERE. Tadhg, Son of Maeleachlainn, Son of William, Son of Donnchadh Muimhnech, Son of Conchobhar, Son of Domhnall, Son of Tadhg Taillten, Son of Conchobhar of the Battle, Son of Diarmaid, Son of Conchobhar, Son of Tadhg of the Battle of Brian, Son of Murchadh, Son of Aedh, Son of Ceallach, Son of Finnachtach, Son of Ailell, Son of Finnrachtach, Son of Fidhchellach, Son of Dluthach, Son of Dicholla, Son of Eoghan Finn, Son of Cormac, Son of Cairpri Crom, Son of Feradhach, Son of Lughaidli, Son of Dalian, Son of Bresal, Son of Maine Mor, Son of Eochaidh Ferdaghiall, Son of Domhnall, Son of Imchadh, Son of Colla da Crich, Son of Eochaidh Doimhlen, Son of Cairpri Lifechair, Son of Cormac Ulf hada, Son of Art Aeinf hir, Son of Conn of the Hundred Battles PEDIGREE OF o'mADAGHAIN. Murchadh, Son of Eoghan, Son of Murchadh, Son of Cathal, son of Murchadh, son of Cathal, son of Madadhan Mor, son of Diarmaid, son of IRISH ARCH. SOC. O. 1 Son of Madaghan Mor, Son of Diarmaid", Son of Dunadhach, Son Madadhan Eamhar, son of Diarmaid, son of Madadhan, son of Gadhra, son of Du- 58 ÍTlic ^aopa, ITIic tDunujaiD, niic Cobchaij, nriic rPuiiioum, TTlic t)onn5aili, ÍTIic QnmcaDa, TTlic Goj^ain 6uac, TTIic Copmaic, niic Caipppi, TTlic Pepaoaij, ITiic ^Aiijeac, ÍTIic tDallain, TTIic ópepail, rriic niaine ITIoip, ITIic 6achach PijioajiuU, nadliach, son of Diarmaid, son of Aedla, son of Ailioll, son of Dunadhacli, son of Ga- dlu'a, son of Loingsecli, son of Dunadhacli, son of Cobhtliacli, son of Maelduin, son of Donnghalach, son of Anmchadh, son of Eoglian Biiac, &c., ut siqn-a — See also p. 1 9, and Note B, at the end of this Tract. P Gadhra. — This name is now obsolete as the Christian name of a man, but it is Anglicised Gara in the family name 0' Gadhra, now O'Gara. 1 Dioiadhach, now obsolete as the Chris- mic t)omnaiU, niic Imchaoa, rpic Colla D(i Cpich, mic Gachac "Ooimlen, mic Caipppi f_-ipechaip, ITIic Copmaic, mic Qipc, mic Cuino Ceo-cachaijg, mic PeiolimiD 'Reccmuip, mic Uuachal Ueccmaip, mic Puica Pinoalaij, mic Pepaofiij Pino Peccnai^, mic Cpimrhamo Nia naip. mic r^ii^aiD Riab n-oepj. tian name of a man, and the Editor is not aware that it enters into any surname now in existence. •■ Cobhthach, is now obsolete as the Chris- tian name of a man, but preserved in the family name G'Cohldhaujli^ now Anglicised Coffey^ without the prefix 0'. * Maelduin^ now obsolete as the Chris- tian name of a man, but preserved in the family name O' Maelduin, which is now Anglicised Muldoon, without the prefix 0'. ^ Donngal, now obsolete. 59 Son of GadhraP, Son of Dtinadhach*^, Son of Cobhthaclf , Son of Maelduin*, Son of DonngalS Son of Anmchadli", Son of Eoglian Buac^, Son of Cormac"', Son of Cairpri^, Son of Feradhacli^, Son of Lugliaidh, Son of Dalian, Son of Bresal, Son of Maine. Mor. Son of Eochaidh Ferdagliiall, " Anmchadli, is still preserved as the Christian name of a man in the family of O'Madden, but now always Anglicised Ambrose. It is Latinised Animosus by Colgan. ^ Eoghan^ is Latinised Eugenius, and Anglicised Owen. ^ Cormac, is still preserved as the Chris- tian name of a man, but incorrectly Angli- cised Charles. ^ Cairpri, most generally written Cair- Son of Domhnall, Son of Imchadh, Son of Colla da Crich, Son of Eochaidh Doimlein, Son of Cairpri Lifechair, Son of Cormac, Son of Art, Son of Conn Ced-cathach, Son of Feidhlimidh Rechtmhar, Son of Tuathal Techtmhar, Son of Fiacha Finnalaigh, Son of Feradhach Finnfechtnach, Son of Crimhthann Nianar, Son of Lughaidh Riabh n-derg. bre, is still preserved as the Christian name of a man among a few families, and Anglicised Cai-bry. y Feradhach, now nearly obsolete as the Christian name of a man, though fifty years since it was common among the family of O'Naghten, in the Barony of Athlone, and County of Roscommon, and Anglicised Farragh, and sometimes, but incorrectly, Ferdinand. I2 Nosa ua maiMe. Nosa Nosa ua maiNe. i lat) )'o bicr cóiniícca Chlainni Ceallai^ : i h-1 Duib5int), ocup h-1 ^^i^^^^^cd^, ocup ÍTlé ;/ Carail,ocii]''ri"le5 pioinD, ocuplTliiinreprnup- cat)an; ocup ClanD Qeoa^án, no cup opumeaDup pe h-Ollamnacc an aipD-pi^. "Cpian CU151D a n-Duchaio co bpcir t>o bunar>. ocup rpian caca raipcectoa ralnian, oá puigceji a The initial -word IS lias been Donogh O'Brien, fourth Earl of Thomond, taken from an illnmination in v. 150 {Transactions of the Gaelic Society an Irish MS. of the fourteenth of Diihlin, p. 28), where O'Flanagan, the century (H. 2. 7-) in the Library translator, renders 50 caip le h-aep of Trinity College, Dublin. eluóna, " mitis cum jctate scientise," and ^ Tributaries. — i-ucr coimicca literally adds the following note : — " Hoc est cum means people of payment. The Irish pre- hominibus ScientiiE, vel Philosopho-poetis. iix luce and aop or aep to the genitive Eodem modo a Grsecis, T/o< 'ixr^av, Jilii case of many nouns to form terms equiva- medicorum^ appellantur medici." lent to personals in other languages, as •" Clann Ceallaigh, — i. e. the race of aep C1Ú1I, people of music, i. e. musicians ; Ceallach, i. e. the O'Kellys. aep Dana, i. e. poets, literally, people of *^ O'Duibhginns. — They descend from poetry; luce eolaip, people of knowledge, Maelanfaidh, the son of Eoghan Finn, the i. e. literati; luce poice, i. e. people of ancestor of O'Kelly — Seepage 28, Note "^. drinking, i. e. drunkards See the In&ti- ^ G" Geihhennaighs — Now always Angli- tutio Principis, or Inauguration Ode of cised Keaveny. This family descends from CUSTOMS OF HY-MANY. Hese are the tributaries^ of the Claim Ceallaidi'' : the Diiibhginns^ the O'Geibhennaighs'', the Mac Ca- thails^ the Mac Floinns^ Miiinter Murchaclhan^ ; and ^,ir:^v« J- H^^^^^lthe Claim Aedhagain" until they became Ollamhs to the arch-chief'. The third part of the province^ is to he their pa- trimonial country for ever. And the third part of eveiy treasure found Geibhennach, son of Aedli, chief of all Hy- Many, who, according to the Annals of the Four Masters, was slain in the battle of Ceis Corainn, in the year 971. In the year 1018 O'Geibhennaigh is mentioned in the same Annals as Tanist of Hy-Many. The Editor found several of this name in Hy- Many, but all reduced to poverty. ^ Mac Catkails, now Cahills, but this family must be distinguished from the •O'Cathails, which is also Anglicised Cahills. f Mac Floinns, now anglicised Magloin, and sometimes shortened to Glynn. This family is to be distinguished from O'Floinn. 8 Muinter Mmrhadhan., — i.e. the descen- dants of Murchadhan, who was prince of Hy-Many, and died in the year 936 See p. 36, Note f, supra. The Editor could nut find this name in Hy-Many, and suspects that it was Anglicised to Murphy. ^ The Clann Aedhagain., — i. e. the family of Mac Egan. — Seepage 31, Note S and additional Notes at the end of this tract, Note E. ' Ollamhs to the arch-chief. — The Rev. Patrick Mac Loughlin, in his Abstract of the Book of Lecan, already referred to, renders this sentence more freely thvis : — " and the Mac Aedhagans too, until they became Ollamans of the Lord." No cup opuioeaoap pe h-Ollairinacc an áipo- pij, literally translated would be " until 64 a palac , no puDOTYiain oo ria pianaib pin ; ocup rpian épca cac em pi]i o'a mmnrip, Da paicpi^rep d' aicnii m aipD-pi^. Upian cac cupcaipci t)a ncpat) a cuanaib Connacc hon clainn maicni pin. Rlapapgalacr they approached the ollavship or office of chief professor to the arch-king ;" but by arch-king here is not meant the monarch of all Ireland, as in most other documents, but the supreme prince or chief of the territory of Hy-Many. The word pi^, in this and many other ancient Irish tracts, is often applied to a petty chief of one barony, and, therefore, aipo-pij is applied to the head chief On this application of the Avord pij O'Flaherty writes the following learned remarks in his Ogygia, p- 31 : — " Sua omnibus Unguis, et nationibus ali- qua peculiaris insita est proprietas, cujus absurda foret in aliis imitatio. Quare in eorum sententiam ultro eamus, qui falso contendunt Regem Latine supremum tan- tum, et nulli subjectum dominum deno- tare ; ac proinde nobis inepte illud Mar- tialis Hemistichium exprobrant, Qid Bex est, Regem, Max hue, nou haheat. Quid vero hoc nostra interest ? Scoti sunnis non Galli ; Scotice loquimur, non Latine ; atque hoc idiomate trito adagio dicimus ; ut Hemistichio aliud opponam : Degener in tiguri Bex lai-e qnisqne suV And again (ibid.^. 32), " Veteres Regis nouien tribuebant ci, qui uno oppidulo prasesset : sic Ithacie Eex Ulysses, cujus ditionem adeo exiguam nidum testimat saxo Cicero affixum. Sic Nestor Pyli Rex. Josue 30 regibus in Palestina gulam fregit. Strabo testatur singulas Ph(i;nissarum ur- bes regem habuisse ; et Plinius strategiis, et prajfecturis omnibus olim reges pra?fu- isse : unde usitato more Divinse Scripturae cuj usque oppidi Dominus Rex appellatur. Atque ut propius ad vicinos accedam, in Cantii partibus(qui nunc inAngliá Comi- tatus) quatuor reges Caesaris setate regna- runt. Denique nullum modo in Europa, prjEter ipsam Hiberniam, regnum quod non pluribus regibus sibi invicem minime subjectis antiquitus paruerit: quos tamen nostr£e memorite Scriptores, cum in eorum mentionem incidunt, Reges dicere non hge- sitant." J T/ie third part of the province, — i. e. the principality of Hy-Hany comprised the third part of the province of Connaught. Shane O'Dugan states the same in his topographical poem, as follows : "rDoip-rpian Connachc an clap pin LI I ITIcune na mopoal pm O Sionamo ppeuba pioe ^o ITleaDu, ni min-pije." " The great third of Connaught is that plain Of Hv-IVlany of great assemblies, Extending from the Shannon of fairy flood To Meadha hill ; it is no small kingdom." 65 founc? hidden or buried in the depths of the earth is to be given to these tribes ; and the third part of the eric' for every man of their people that is killed is to be given to the family of the arch-king. The third part of every treasure thrown % the sea"" into the har- bours of Connaught is to be given to that tribe. The ^ Third part of evert/ treasure found. — See Introductory Remarks, p. 4, line 8. This custom is also noticed in a pedigree of O' Kelly, in the possession of Denis H. Kelly, of Castlekelly, Esq., in the fol- lowing words, under Maine Mor : " Maine Mor : From him the territory possessed by him and his issue took the name of Maineach or lath Maine, i. e. the lands of Maine ; and his posterity down to Teige Tailten (in whose time the English Invasion happened) were styled Kings of lath Maine, in the province of Connaught, and had many privileges and immunities from the Kings of Connaught, viz., they were hereditary marshalls or generals of the Connaught armies, and were to possess the third part of all the strongholds and seaport towns in the province, also to have a third part of all prizes and wrecks of the sea, and of all hidden treasures found under ground, and of all silver and gold mines and other metals, together with a third of all Eric or reprisal gained or recovered by the King of Connaught from other provinces for wrongs received, with many other similar privileges which are enumerated in ancient Chronicles." "^The third part of the eric, — L e. the prince IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. K of Hy-Many was entitled to the third of all the fines for killing men throughout the province of Connaught. The eric for killing a man was often very great, and seems to have been a source of great revenue to the chief or king. Donnell O' Gallagher states in his Avill, made in the year 1626, that the eric for killing a man in Inishowen was 168 cows! ^ Treasure thrown by the sea — This de- scription of treasure is called cupcaipri mapa in the Brehon Laws. It appears to have consisted of wines, and other articles of commerce washed ashore after ship- wrecks, and perhaps also whales and other fishes, which, by the Saxons, were con- sidered royal fishes, and to belong to the king and queen only. " De Sturgione obser- vetur, quod rex ilium habebit integrum : de balena vero sufficit, si rex habeat capiit, et regina caudam." — Bracton. 1. 3, c. 3. It appears from Cormac's Glossary^ in voce Gppcop pin a, that there was a dis- tinct tract of the Brehon Laws called Mur-Bhretha, i. e. Sea-Laws, to regulate matters of this nature, but this tract is not now to be found among the MSS. pre- served in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. 66 Tilapai^^alacc a iHuai^ a^ na paep-clannaib o Chapaio co Lm\w- necli, a Caignib, ociip a laec ITIhurhain. Sluaigeo G|i]iai5 ocup poDmaip o'ariacal ap na h-mcTnet)aib fin, can comnp a n-iapjiara t)'á n-aint)eoin. Ni piat)a peap t)o'n chui^eo ap na pineaDaib, ace mat) TTlai- neac eli D'á piaonugao. TTlat) paiDi na caecaip ap mip pluaigeo Connacc, comap ceacra D'a n^ a^ na TTlainecaib. ^i^ iTíióp lire t)o b'uep t)o lucr ^ami oppa, ni Dle^ait) acr aen pep, na am-repca o'a péna, no t)'a pui^m^an. Cac pocap Da puiDi^io leabaip o'Qip^iallaib, a leiréiD t>' O'Cellai^ o Clionnacca. 1]^ laD po .UÍÍ. n-oippi^i O TTláine, .1. O'Conaill, ocup ip inano xmc\ 00 ocup ooíTláCnáirhín ocup o' O'Dubuppla; oppi^a nan-Ctnnn- caDac " MarshaUship of the forces of all Hy- Many^ from Carculh to Liiimnech The place called Caradh formed the northern or north-eastern boundary of Hy-Many, and Grian its southern, and Luimnech was an old name for the River Shannon. Thus in the Annals of the Four Masters, at the year 1536, the whole extent of Hy-Many is defined by stating that it lay between Caradh and Grian. A. D. 1536, Donnell, the son of Donogh O'Kelly, a select captain and Tanist of Hy- Many from Caradh to Grian, was slain. ° The hustings of Spring and Autum7i, ^r. — The Rev. Patrick Mac Loughlin, in an abstract of the Book of Leacan (MS. Royal Irish Academy), translates this passage very incorrectly thus : — "All the preceding septs were to have their harvest and spring provisions for their own use, and could not be compelled to part with them." Bxit the true meaning, as Avill be obvious to the intelligent Irish scholar, is, that these tribes were not compelled to go on any warlike expedition for the king of Con- naught, either in Spring or Autumn, unless they wished to do so themselves ; evidently because they were, at the former season, engaged in sowing their crops, and, at the latter, in saving them. P No man of the province, <^r This was a remarkable privilege, and it is diffi- cult now to conjecture how the people of Hy-Many originally obtained it. '^ If the hosting of Connaught, S^-c That is, if the king of Connaught should con- tinue longer than six Aveeks on an expe- dition against his enemies in Ulster or 67 The marshallship of the forces o/all Hi/-Many, from Caradh to Luimnech", on all expeditions into Leinster, and into heroic Munster, belongs to the noble tribes. These tribes are freed from the hostings of Spring and Autumn", and there is no power to ask them against their will. No man of the province'' is to be taken as witness against these tribes, but another Hy-Manian is to bear witness. If the hosting of Connaught'' should remain longer than a fort- night and a month, the Manians have liberty to return home. However greaf may he the accusation brought against them by dishonest people, only one man or one witness is required to deny it or prove it against the other party. Every privilege* which books mention to be allowed to the Oir- ghialla, the same is given to O'Kelly by the Connacians. These are the seven oirrighi' [sub-chiefs] of Hy-Many, viz., O'Conaiir, and he has the same patrimony as Mac Cnaimhin'' and O'Dubhiu^rla. Leinster, the forces which he had raised monarchs of Ireland, will be found detailed in the territory of Hy-Many were at li- in Leahhar na g-Ceart, or Book of Rights, berty to return home. of which there are copies preserved in the ^ However great, S^c. — ^ió mop lice do Books of Lecan and Ballyniote, and in licep — The Avord lice, which is entirely MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, obsolete in the modern Irish, is of constant Dublin. occurrence in the Brehon Laws and other t 77^^ ^^^.^^^ oirrighi Translated seven ancient Irish tracts, in the sense of accu- chiefs by the Rev. Patrick Mac Loughlin, sation or charge. The following example in his abstract of the Book of Lecan, al- of the use of this Avord, from Cormac's ready referred to. The word oippi^ is Glossary, under the word Nepcoic, will always vised in the best Irish MSS, to de- put its meaning beyond dispute : 6 ice note a sub-chief, or one tributary to, or bme pop mnai ^aibnen, "the wife of under the controul of another. The exact Gaibhnen Avas charged Avith crime," distinction between it and Jlaitk is not ob- * Ecerg primlege, 4'r The privileges A'ious. granted to the men of Oirghiall (from ^ OPConaill. — The locality of this family Avhom the Hy-Many are a colony) by the is thus clearly pointed out by O'Dugan : K 2 68 cat)ac, .1. TTluiiirip TTlaoaoan: Ri^a TTlaenTTiaiji, .1. TTluincip Nec- rain, ocup h-1 ITlailalaiD. Ocup aca ciiapupDal o ]n Gpenn, 51D ingnao, Do jn^aib O piacpac pinn fech jiigaib O'lTlaine. Na Cuio I_li Chonaill oo'n cpich pin, tDo'n cip uluinri ainiriin pin, O ^hpéin CO ceano mop muij;e, Sloij5 U5 peip an pioj-puipe. " O'Connell's portion of that country, Of that splendid rugged land, Extends from Grian to the head of the great plain. Whose host obey the royal prince." Grian was the name of a river rising in the frontiers of Thomond ; and by " head of the great plain" is here meant the head of the jilain of Moenmagh, which comprised Loughreagh and the adjacent plains. The Editor is not aware that there are any O'Connells of this race at present extant in that district. The O'Connells of the county of Kerry, the chief of whom was transplanted to Clare in Cromwell's time, are of a totally different race. ' Mac Cnaimhin, now Anglicised Mac Nevin, and among the peasantry shortened to Neavin and Nevin. This family were originally settled at Crannog Meg Cnaimh- in, now Crannagh-Mac Nevin, in the south-east extremity of the parish of Ty- nagh, barony of Leitrim, and county of Galway, and the name is still numerous in that and the adjoining barony of Lough- rea. The first notice of this family to be found in Irish history occurs in the An- nals of the Four Masters at the year 1 159, where it is recorded that Athius, the son of Mac Cnaimhin piac Nevin), was slain at Ardee, in the now county of Louth, in a battle fought between Muirchertach Mac Loughlin, senior of the Northern Hy- Niall, the legitimate heir to the throne of Ireland, and Roderic O'Conor, king of Connaught. The head of the name in the reign of Queen Elizabeth was Hugh Mac Knavin : he was hanged on the 4th of June, 1602, as appears from an inquisition taken at Galway, on the i oth of October, 1605 : — " Quod Hugo Mac Knavin, alias dictus Mac Kellie, iutravit in actionem Rebellionis et captus et suspensus fuit, 4 Junii 1602 ; et fuit seisitus in Ballilie, Cranach INIac Knavin," &c. In a grant to the Earl of Clanrickarde, dated 19th July, 1610, mention is made, among various other lands granted to him, of part of the lands of Cranach Mac Kna- vin, parcel of the estate of Hvigh Mac Knavin, otherwise O'Kelly [an error for Mac Kelly], of Cranagh 3Iac Knavin, ex- ecuted in rebellion. Also an inquisition taken at Loughrea, on the i6th of Sep- tember, 161 7, before Sir Charles Coote, finds that ^Mclaughlin Mac GiUiduff Mac Knavin, was seised of fee of Ballyglass ; Art Mac Knavin of Kellin [now Killeen], and Bealanamore ; Dermot Mac Knavin of LisduiF ; Dermot Mac Donell Oge Mac Knavin of Loghanroe, parcel of Ballyglass, in the parish of Tynagh and barony of Leitrim ; that Iluííh and Donell Bej? 69 O'Dubhurrla^. The chiefs of the Sil Anmchadha^ are the O'Ma- dudhains^ The kings of Maenmagh'' are Muintir Neachtain* and the Mac Knavin, and Donogli Mac Knavin were seised of fee of Tumkeyue; Edmond Mac Shane Mac Knavin, of Bally elly ; and John Mac Donell Mac Knavin, and Con- nor Mac Knavin, of Mong. The last sup- posed head of this family was the cele- brated Dr. MacNevin, vs^ho was expatriated for being implicated in the rebellion of 1798. He was possessed in fee of the lauds of Ballynahown, near Aughrim, in the county of Galway, which he sold. The most affluent gentleman of this tribe now in Ireland is Daniel Mac Nevin, Esq., of Ashfield, in the parish of Beagh, barony of Kiltartan, and county of Galway. He has property in various parts of the same county, but possesses no portion of the lands which belonged to his ancestors. His property in the parish of Beagh originally belonged to O'Shaughnessy, and more re- cently to the Blake Fosters, from whom it passed by intermarriage to Mr. Mac Nevin. "^ OfDuhhurrla — This name is now ob- solete, as far as the Editor has been able to ascertain. The nearest Anglicised form of it would be Doorley. ^ Sil Anmchadha — In latter ages the territory of this tribe was co-extensive with the barony of Longford, in the county of Galway, and the parish of Lusmagh, in the King's County, on the east side of the Shannon, which parish formerly formed a portion of the county of Galway, as we learn by an inquisition, preserved in the Rolls Office, Dublin, taken at Galway, on the nth of August, 1607, i^ which the boundaries of the county of Galway, on this side, are thus described : — " The boundes or meares of the countie of Gal- wiae begynieth beyond the River of Shea- non eastwarde at the marishe of Meanagh Keogh, which divideth the great woods of Killie Corri, whereof the woods westward of the said marishe are included within the bounds of the county of Galwaie, and the woods eastward of the marishes are of the King's County, and so bounding for- ward to the River of Brosnagh and retayn- ning the course of the streame as that runneth, that falleth into the River of Sheanon, and including the island of In- chenegal and Inishtymone that extendeth forwarde by east to the island of Inish- fadda, as the course of the streame runneth from thence including the island of Port- klyely it goeth directly to Dirremacegane, and including the island of lUanmore and Inishcaldry that runneth through Lough- dirgirt, and so to the river Boye and holding that river against the stream to Loghetory" [now Loughatorig, i. e. Lake of the boundary]. This inquisition, after describing the meres of the county of Galway all round, thus concludes at the point whence it set out Avith the description : — " and so re- 70 Na fé So^ain co n-a rpica, ^e be aicmi acii o'a paeinait) n^ep- nup, ay ojipij pe peaD a n^eiininp li-e, .1. Cinel T^ecca, ocup Cenel Upena, teyning the stream that goeth under the middle arch of the middle bridge of Bali- nesloy, and from thence with the course of the streame that falleth into the Shea- non and going out of the same into the River of Brossnagh ; — (there are two Brossnaghs; this which meareth Sir John Mac Coghlan's covmtry on that side from the Barony Longford, and the other Bross- nagh, which falleth between Ormond and the south side of the saide barony of Long- ford into the Sheanon) — and so from the Brossnagh of Mac Coghlan's country to Bungowla, and so to Meanaghbeg, where we began." It is curious that O'Dugan, in his to- pographical poem, makes no mention of the family of O'Madden, but makes the O'Huallachains, noAv Mac Cuolaghans, or Cuolahans, the sole chiefs of Siol Anm- chadha, while the Book of Lecan (ttbi su- pra, pp. 40, 41) makes the latter only the o/d chiefs of that territory. It is curious that the MacCuolahans, since they lost their rank of chiefs of Sil-Anmchadha, have been seated on the east side of the Shannon, and have retained no portion of the ori- ginal territory lying west of that river. y 0''Madi(dhains, now always Anglicised Madden in the province of Connaught, and Maddagan in Munster. Ambrose Madden, Esq. of Streamstown, in the west of the county of Galway, is the senior re- presentative of this family. Sir Frederic Madden, of the British Museum, descends from a branch of this family who removed to Dublin at an early period See Note B, at the end of this tract for the pedigree, carried down to the present day. ^ Moenmagh. — O'Flaherty states (Ogy- gia, Part III. c. 17) that this territory, in which Lough rea is situated, is co-ex- tensive with Clanrickard, in the county of Galway ; but this cannot be true, as Clan- rickard comprised the six southern baro- nies of the county of Galway, and Moen- magh never embraced any portion of the barony of Kiltartan, Longford, or Dun- kellin. Moenmagh is the rich plain lying round Loughrea, and comprising Moyode, Finnure, and other places mentioned in old Irish documents. It was bounded on the east by the territory of Siol Anmchadha (now the barony of Longford), on the south by the celebrated mountain of Sliabh Echtghe (noAv Slieve Aughtee), and on the west by the diocese of Kilmacduagh ; its northern boundary is uncertain ; but we knoAV that it extended so far to the north as to comprise the townland of Moyode, as that place is distinctly mentioned as in- cluded in the plain of Moenmagh. ^ Muinter Neachtain The family name is O'Neachtain, and is now Anglicised Naghten, and sometimes corrupted to Norton. This family were afterwards, 71 the O'Maeilallaidhs''. And the king of Erin, strange to say, gives a subsidy to the chiefs of the Hy-Fiachrach Finn^ more than [or in preference to'\ the king of Hy-Many. The six Sodians'^ with their cantred : to whomsoever of them they cede the chieftainship, he is called Orrigh during his reign. These probably in tlie time of Conor Moenmoy O' Conor, removed from Moenmagh to the Feadlia, or Fews, of Athloue, in the ba- rony of Athlone, in the county of Ros- common, where Shane O'Naghten was chief of the sept in the reign of Elizabeth, and where E. H. Naghten, Esq., of Tho- mastown Park, the present head of the O'Naghtens, enjoys a very considerable remnant of the territory of his ancestors. — See Note G, at the end of this Tract. ^ The G'Maeilallaidhs This family was afterwards removed from INIoenmagh to the parish of Tuam, where they resided in the castle of Tolendal, four miles to the north of the town of Tuam. The head of this family removed to France after the defeat of the Irish, at Aughrim, and was the ances- tor of the celebrated statesman and orator Count Lally Tolendal, who was created Marquis by Napoleon. The French and Tuam branches of this family are now ex- tinct, but there are many of the name still in the original territory of Moenmoy in narrow circumstances, who retain the original form of the name, except that in writing it in English they reject the O', which has become a general practice among the Irish peasantry — See Note H, at the end of this Tract. O'Dugan also, in his topographical poem, mentions the O'Neachtains and O'Mull- allys as the chiefs of Moenmagh. His words are : "Rioja iTIaonrhuije na mal, t)'ap ab DucaiD an oonn-clap, — t)iap DO rechcaiD an caob pin, — O'Neachcain, O'maoilalaió; Q n-jleo CO cpom ip na cacpaiB, Qp leo an ponn co piachpachaib. " The kings of Maonmagh of chiefs, To whom the rich plain is hereditary, — Two who have strengthened tliat side, — O'Naghten and O'MuUally ; Their fight is heavy in the battles; They possess the land as far as Hy-Fiachrach." This extract is curious, as proving that Maonmagh was bounded on one side by the country of the Hy-Fiachrach- Aidhne, which was co-extensive with the diocese of Kilmacduagh, as could be demonstrated from the most authentic and clearest evi- dences. ^ The Hy-Fiachrach Finn These Avere the branch of the Hy-Many seated in the territory of Moenmoy, mentioned in Note ^. Their chiefs were the O'Naghtens and O'Mullallys, or Lallys. They deduce their tribe name from their ancestor Fiachra Finn, the son of Breasal, Avho Avas the 72 Upena, ocup Cenel Lucra, ociiy Cenel peppia, ociip Cenel n-OoTTian^eiri ,ociip Cenel n-^ei^ill: rpi h-oppa ap Sil CpiTnrhainn Cháil, t)á oppi^ o'á píl péin, ocup oppi^ Do Shil Tlluipeaoai^. Ip laD po ai) rpiup ym, .1. li-l TTlailpiianait), ocup h-1 TTiupoin, ocup Ivl Cliarail. son of Maine Mor, tlie common ancestor of all the Hy-Many, as we learn from their pedigree in the Book of Lecan, fol. 90 (vide Si(p7-a, pp. 32, 33), in Mac Firbis's Genealogical Book, p. 3 2 8, and O'Flaherty's Ogygia, Part III. c. 76, where we read, agri ditione praeter siquas alias incoluernnt. De his antiquariie et poetics facultatis WardiPoriim et O'Duveganorum familise prodiemnt." It appears from this and other more ancient authorities that the Sodhans of " Manii filius Bressalins quinqiie natos ge- Hy-]\Iany were not of the same race with neravit, Fiachrium Fionn, ex quo O'Nagh- the Hy-Manians themselves, ten, Dalian um, Conallum, Crimthannum, The exact extent of the cantred of the et Manium, a quo Hy-Maine Brengar." six Sodhans cannot now be determined ; ^ Six Soghans. — O'Dugan also mentions but the situation of Ballydugan, the seat these tribes, as follows : Na pé Soóain na peachnam, Q pio^a -^an po peachmall; rilaich plua^ na b-pojao B-po^lach, t)an' Dual Sooan plea^-apmach. " The six Sodhans let us not shun, Their chiefs are without oblivion ; Good the host of plundering excursions, To whom the spear -armed Sodhan is hereditary. " O'Flaherty, in his Ogygia, Part III. c. 66, p. 327, says that there were several of O'Dugan, and oi Mnine Chasain, the seat of the poet Mac Ward, Avho Avere tAvo families of the six Sodans, will point out the whereabouts of the entire cantred. It appears also from the Felire Aenguis that the churches of Cill Conain and Cill Modh- iuid, or Church of Saint Simplex, were in this cantred. An additional evidence of its situation is obtained from a passage in the Chronicon Scotorum, at the year 11 35, that O'Mainnin, now IVIaunin, was the chief tribes m Ireland of the name Sodan, all of this cantred, and this family had their deriving their name from Sodan, the son head residence at Meulagh-O'Mannin, near of Fiacha Araidh, king of Ulster, about Castle Blakeney, from time immemorial ; the year of Christ 240. His Avords are, so that it is rational to conclude, that " Sodanius ipsius [Fiachi Araidh] filius, Menlagh and the other possessions of Sodauiorura sator, qui Sodaniam Aitchi in O'IManuin in its Adcinity, formed a portion Fernmoya, Ultonite regione, Sodaniam in of the cantred of Sodhan, or Soghan, the INIedia, et Sodaniam in Hy mania Galvicnsis ancient territory of O'Mannin. The pas- n These are the Cinel Rechta, the Cinel Treiia, the Cinel Liichta, the Cinel Fergna, the Cinel Domaingen, the Cinel Geigill. There are three Orrighs [sub-chiefs] over the Race of Crimlithann Cae?, viz., two Orrighs of his own race, and two of the Sil-Mui^eadhaigh^ These are the three, viz., the O'Mailruanaidhs^, the CMiiroins*", and the O'Cathails'. The sage in the Chronicon Scotorum, above referred to, is as follows : A.D. 1 135. — rjlaiom TTIonjai^e pe Sil niuipeóai^ ap lb máine, ubi mulci ceci- oepunc, um Concopap h-Lla Cellai^, ocup h-Ua rriamnin, pi Sojain. "A. D. 1 1 35 Tlie Battle of Mongach was gained by the Sil-Muiredhaigh over the Hy-Many, ubi multi ceciderunt, toge- ther with Conor O'Kelly, and O'Mannin, king of Soghan." « Crimldhann Cael, — i. e. Crimlithann the Slender. He was the son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor, and was the ancestor of three chiefs of all Hy-Many See above, pp. 26, 27, Notes f, s. O'Dugan enumerates the same chieftains of this district in the following quatrain : O Cachail, O DliiDpom meap, O maoilpuanaiD na pi,^-pleaD, Cpoinn oiona an iip-pmnn eancii^, "liio;i;a Cpumrainn cpich-peuóai 5. " O'Cathail, O'Mudhroin the swift, O'Maoilruanaidh of the royal banquets, Trees who shelter the soft boggy land, Are kings of Crumhthann of the woody surface." The territory of this tribe still retains its IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. L ancient name, which is Anglicised Crnffon, being the exact pronunciation of the an- cient Irish form of the name. The situa- tion of this territory is thus pointed otit by Denis Henry Kelly, Esq,, of Castle Kelly, in a letter to the Editor : — " CruiFon is the name by which the peasantry still de- signate a large district in the county of Galway, long celebrated for its coarse linen manufacture, containing the barony of Killyan, and a large tract of Ballymoe." ^ fS'd Muireadhaigh. — This was the tribe name of the O'Conors, kings of Connaught, and their correlatives, who were so called from Muireadhach Muilleathan, king of Connaught, who died in the year 700, as we learn from the Annals of the Four Masters : "A.D. 700 Died Muireadhach, i. e. Muireadhach Muilleathan (the son of Fer- gus), king of Connaught, from whom the Sil-Muireadhaigh are descended." s 0' Mailnicmaidhs, now Anglicised Mul- roney, and in the county of Clare, Morony. ^ 0''Muroins This name is now An- glicised Moran, the prefix 0' being always rejected. ' 0''Cathails, now Anglicised Cahill, the O' being never prefixed. 74 l?i5 an Chalait), o'n TTlóin 1n|iamech co Cluain Uuaipcipc na Sint)a, .1. ITIac ^^^^i^^i^j li-Ua Caejacain, no Cae^o^, plair na pmD r]iica y^^^. Seacc plaiclii O'lTlame, .i. TTIac Gmi^an, plair Clainni Oia]i- Tnaoa ; ocup TTIac ^^^^^-^^^n, plaiú Clainni piaiuheniail, [ociip] TTIiiinDciii J Caladh The word caladh, which in other parts of Ireland denotes a ferry, or a landing place for boats, is at present used in this district to signify a low, "flat district, extending along a lake or river, like the word strath in Ulster and Scotland. The Rev. P. Mac Loughlin renders this sentence thus : — " The Barony of Cala, from Moin Inraidech to Cluain tuaiscirt na Sinda, had for chiefs Mac Gilla dubh and O'Laegachain." The situation of the territory oi Caladh, the chief residence in which, called the Bawn of Callow, was built by William Flavus O'Kelly about the year 1353, is still known in the country, and is said to Pip lep jabao 'na n-joipe Calaó Sionna ppiob-jloine. " The O'Laodhogs, heroes whom I will not shun, Are the kings of the wide-bordered Caladh, Men who have taken into their possession The Caladh of the clear-streamed Shannon." •^ Main Inraideach The situation of this place, which was a bog, is unknown to the Editor. The name is at present forgotten in the country. ^Cluain Tuaiscirt of the Shannon There are two places in the ancient Hy-Many called Cluain Tuaiscirt, one situated near Lanesborough, in the county of Roscom- mon, and near the Shannon, and therefore correctly called Cluain Tuaiscirt na Sinna, be nearly co-extensive with the barony of i. e. Cluain Tuaiscirt of the Shannon ; the Kilconnell ; but it appears from the de- scription of its extent given in the text that it extended much farther to the south than the present barony of Kilconnell. In the Annals of the Four Masters, this can- tred is described as in the upper part of Hy-Many in the sixteenth century. O'Dugan, in his topographical poem, calls this territory CalaoSitina, or Caladh of the Shannon, and calls its chief 0'6a- 0005 : ll-Ui i/aoDoj laoic nac peacham "Rioja an Cfialaio cpip-leacam, other is situated about five miles to the south of Ballinasloe, in the county of Gal- way, and near the River Suck. The latter is clearly the place here called Cluain Tu- aiscirt na Sinna, though incorrectly, be- cause the cantred of Caladh never could have extended to the Cluain Tuaiscirt near Lanesborough, in the county of Roscom- mon. ™ Mac Gilliduibh, is now always An- glicised KildufF. There are several of the name still in the neighbourhood of Athlone. ° G'Laeghachain, or O'Laeghog Nei- 7S The king of Caladh^, which extends from Moin Inraidech'' to Cluain Tuaiscirt of the Shannon', is Mac Gilliduibh"', O'Laeghachain, or O'Laeghog", are the flaiths [chieftains] of that fair cantred. The seven ilaiths° of Hy-Many are these, viz., Mac Eidhigan, chief of Clann Diarmada" ; Mac Gilli-Enan"' and Miiinter Chinaith' are chiefs ther form of the name is now preserved in the country, but it is supposed to have been corrupted to Lee. ° The seven flaiths, — rendered "the seven governors or flaiths of Imaine," by the Rev. P. Mac Loughlin. There is some error here in the text, as there are eight flaiths named. O'Dugan also mentions the same eight flaiths, and enumerates them as follows in that part of his topographical poem which relates to Hy-Many : — i. Mac Egan, whom he calls chief of the Clann Diarmada, north and south ; 2. Mac Giolla Fhionnagain, and the Clann Cionaoith, chiefs of Clann Flaith- eamhain ; 3. O'Donnellan of Clann Bre- asail ; 4. O'Donnchadha of Hy-Cormaic, in Maenmagh ; 5. O'Duibhginn, chief of the twelve Ballys of O'Duibhginn ; 6. O'Docomhlain of Rinn na h-Eidhnighe ; 7. O'Gabhrain of Dal Druithne, and, 8. O'Maoilbrighde of Magh Finn. ^ Mac Eidhigan, chief of Clann Diarmada, more correctly spelt Mac Aedhagain, now Anglicised Mac Egan. See Note ^ p. 31. This family descend from Aedhagan, An- glice Egan, the sixteenth in descent from Maine Mor, the ancestor of all the Hy- Maine. O'Dvigan gives this family the first place among the sub-chiefs of Hy- Many for their generosity and fame. His words are, Uopac, ap buja ip ap blair, t)o niac Gicceóain uapail, Slomn DO ap arlaime a piari Ip ap pacrhaipe a pi^-rhiao Clann t)iapmaoa cuaiD ip reap Q 5-cup im Duain ip oileap. " Precedence, for his generosity and fame, Give we to Mac Egan, the noble, Mention him for the dexterity of his troops And for the prosperity of his regal dignity ; The Clann Diarmada, north and south. To mention them in my poem is lawful." See pp. 30, 31, and Notes A and E, at the end of this tract. "1 Mac Gilli-Enan. — This name, which is written TTIac ^lUa Pionnajain by O'Dugan, is now obsolete. The sept of Clann Flaitheamhain, of which Mac Gilla- Enain was chief, descend from Flaithemh, the tenth in descent from Maine Mor, the ancestor of all the Hy-Maine. I' Muinter Chinaith — The family name was O'Cionaith, now always Anglicised Kenny, without the prefix O'. The name is still very common in Hy-Many. O'Du- gan makes Mac Gilla-Fionnagain and L2 76 TíluinDci]! Chinair, ocup piairClainni bpeay^ail .1. ÍTluinncep Ootti- nallan, ocu]'' piaiú Clairini Oiiib^inD, .1. O'Duib^inD, ocup ó ^abpán a|i Dail n-Ojiuirlini, ocup ó Doconilan ap Rmnna h-Gi^mDi ocuf ó Oonncaoa a|i Qib Copmaic TTIaenmui^i ; O lllailbjiigoi, .1. plair na bjieoca, an ruarh ay uaifli a n-lb TTIame. Seacu pjiiiTi-coinapbaoa O ÍTlaine, .1. Comapba Cluana pepra, OCUf Muiutir Cionaoith, tbe chiefs of Clann Flaitheamhuin. niac ^iolla piiionnaj^ain maoir, Qju]^ Clann cpoóu Cionaoir, X)a opoinj ap aobóa o'peaóain Qp Cloinn cpoóa plairheamain. " ]Mac-Gilla-Fionnagain the gentle, And the brave Clann Cionaith, Two tribes, who are beautiful to be seen Over the brave Clann Flaitheamhain." For the descent of this tribe see pp. 30, 31. ^ Muintir Domhrmllain. — The family name is O'DomhnaUain, now always An- glicised Donnellan, without the prefix O'. O'Dugan also mentions this family as chiefs of Clann Breasail, in the following qiiatrain : Llapal a B-puil 'p a b-peaóma W\ t)omnaUain oea^-Dealboa t)o bom^ pe rpeapaib cuile Qp Cloinn m-6peapa\l m-bapp-buioe. " Noble the blood and the deeds Of the O'Donnellans of the good aspects ; Boisterous as the flood are they in battles Over the yellow-haired Clann Breasail." This family descends from Domhnallan, son of Maelbrighde, who was son of Tigh- ernan, the son of Loingsech, who was son of Domhnall, the son of Breasal, ancestor of the Clann Breasail, and tenth in descent from Maine ]Mor, the ancestor of all the Hy-Many. The present head of this fa- mily is Arthur Donnellan, Esq., of Bally- donnellan, in the county of Galway, situ- ated midway between Ballinasloe and Loughrea, who possesses a considerable remnant of the original cantred of Clann Breasail See Note ^, svprá, p. 32, and Note F, at the end of this tract. ^ ODuihhghin See p. 28, Note "'. " G'Gahhrain This name, and the si- tuation of the tribe, are now unknown. ^ QP DoconthJan. — This name, and the situation of Rinn na h-Eio-nide, are un- known. "' O^Donnchadha of AibJi Cormaic. — This name would be Anglicised O'Donoghy or O'Donoghoe ; or Donoghy or Donoghoe without the O', but the Editor is not aware that the name still exists in Hy- Many. O'Dugan states in his topographi- cal poem that this tribe was located to the south, outside the Lathach, or Quagmire, in the territory of Moenmoy. They de- rive their name and origin from Cormac, son of Crimthann, who was the son of n chiefs of Claim Flaitlieamliail; Muinter DoInhnallam^ chief of Clann Breasail; 0'Diiibhginn\ chief of ClannDiiibhginn; O'Gabhrain'' of Dal n-Driiithne; O'Docomhlan of Rinn nah-Eignide''; O'Donnchadha" of Aibh CormaicMaenmuiglie; and O'Mailbrighdi'' is chief of Bredach, the noblest cantred in Hy-Many. There are seven principal Comharbas^ in Hy-Many, viz., the Comharba Breasal, who was the son of Maine Mor, ancestor of all the Hy-Many. * 0^ Mailbrighdi, chief of Bredach. — This territory, which comprised forty quarters of land, was otherwise called Magh Finn, and is sitnated on the east side of the Kiver Suck, in the barony of Athlone. The O'Mailbrighdes were afterwards dispos- sessed of this territory by the Mac Keoghs, a branch of the O'Kellys, and the district is now popularly known by the name of Keogh's country. We learn from the lives of St. Bridget, and from O'Dugan's topo- graphical poem, that this district was un- der the patronage of St. Bridget. O'Du- gan's words are as follows : Uaoipeach tDui^e pinn popcail, tD'a o-cucc ojii^icc beanoochcain, Saop a plua^ peaonia co ]^e, O ÍTlaoil buain-peapóa bpijoe : maic a n-oectpna ap jcic ouine plair bpeájóa na ópeaouije. " The chief the fast Magh finn, To which Bridget gave a blessing, Noble his warlike host, as yet, Is O'Maoilbrighde, the ever-manly : Good has he done to every man, Tliis majestic chief of Breaduch." y Comharhas Sir John Davis, in his letter to the Earl of Salisbury, published in Vallancey's Collectanea, vol. i. pp. 1 60, 161, has preserved the following definition of the name and office of a comharba : — " And that your Lordship may perceive I weave not this web out of my own brain, but that I have authority for it, which I deliver, I will here insert a certificate in Latin made unto me by an Irish scholar, whose opinion I required in this matter, which I have now by chance among my papers : The scholar's opinion was this : ' Corbanatus, sive Plebanatus, dignitas est, et modo ad regem pertinet, sed antea ad Papam ; in matrici ecclesia debet neces- sario esse, initiatus in sacris ordinibus, omnesque decimas pertinentes ad hanc de- bet habere, et beneficia adjuncta huic ipsius sunt, eorumque conferentiam habet et presentationem : dictum hoc nomen, quia populo et plebi ecclesiasticse matricis ecclesige prsefuit ; certum numerum sacer- dotum quasi collegialium debet habere secum ; primum stallum in sua ecclesia habet ; habet etiam stallum vacuum in ecclesia cathedrali ; et vocem in omni ca- 78 ocup CoTíiapba Cilli TTlian, ocu|> CoTna]iba Cilli Uulac, Com- apba Cilli CuTnaDan, ocup Comapba Camca bpi^t»!, nnap a TTi-baiprep popal O TTIaine, ocup Coinapba Cliiana Uuaipcipr na Sint)a, t)'áp ab Dual pigat) pil Cellai^, ocup Comapba Cluana Cain Caijiill. 6aipt)et) pil TTIaine Do bpi^it), ocup ^en co beipcep an baipoeo ant), coTuup pingni baipoi Da rabac ag a comapb o na h-aicmea- Daib pin; ocup a poinn ap cpi a nnui^ : a cpian Di péin, ocup a cpian Do Opmm Opepuan, ocup a rpian Do Cluain Gmain. an pitulo tarn publico quam privato : inscri- bitur Romano Registro, adeoque dignitas est.' " In modern times the^Comharba was married, and the dignity was hereditary in some one family. In 15 17 Teige O'Rody, who was Comharba of Fenagh, in the county of Leitrim, was married to Honora, the daughter of O'Mulloy. For further information on this subject the reader is referred to Ussher's tract on Corbes, Erenachs, and Termon Lands, published in the second number of the Collectanea, Colgan's Trias Thaum., pp. 630, 631, and Lanigan's Ecclesiastical History, vol. ii. p. 37, and vol iv. p. 30, et sequent. ^ Comharba of Cluain Fearta The Rev. Patrick Mac Loughlin translates this " the Bishop of Clonfert," biit it is very much to be doubted that the Comharba of Clon- fert meant the bishop of that see at the time this tract was written. Cluain Fearta is now anglicised Clon- fert, and is the scat of a bishop, situated in the barony of Longford, and county of Galway. * cm Mian, now Kilmeen, the name of an old church and parish, in the barony of Leitrim, about three miles to the east of the town of Loughrea. — See Map. ^ cm Tulach., now Kiltullagh, a parish situated partly in the barony of Kilcon- nell, but mostly in the barony of Athenry, in the county of Galway, and diocese of Clonfert, about three miles east by south from the town of Athenry, on the road to Loughrea, *^ cm Citmadan, now Kilcomedon, an old church in the parish of Aughrim, in the county of Galway, well known to the readers of modern Irish history as the burial place of the celebrated French Ge- neral St. Ruth, who was killed in the battle of Aughrim on the 12 th of July, 1691. ^ Caniach Brighdi, now Camma, a parish in the barony of Athlone, county of Ros- common, and diocese of Elphin. The old church of this parish, which (as its name imports) was dedicated to St. Bridget, lies 79 Comharba of Cluain Fearta'', the Comharba of Cill Mian'', the Comh- arba of Cill Tiilach^, the Comharba of Cill Cumadan*", the Comh- arba of Camach Brighdi'*, where the people of Hy-Many are baptized, the Comharba of Cluain Tuaiscirt of the Shannon^, in whom it is hereditary to inaugurate the chiefs of the race of Cellach*^; and the Comharba of Cluain Cain CairilF. St. Bridget has the baptism" of the race of Maine, and although the baptism may not be brought thither, [i. e. to her church'],\iQT comharba has the power of collecting the baptismal penny from these tribes ; and it \the money thus obtained^ is divided into three parts, of which one-third part is given to herself, [i. e. to her Comharba], one-third to Druim Drestan', and one-third to Cluain Emhain\ Cromthar ciscan friars, about the year 1435, by Thomas O^Kelly, bishop of Clonfert, at the request of David Mulkerril, the Com- harba of St. Cairell ArchdaWs Monasticon. ^ St. Bridget Jias the haptism^ c^r., — that is, the Comharba of St. Bridget, who re- sided at Camma, had the privilege of bap- tizing all the Hy-Manians ; and should any of them, who lived too far from this church, not wish to bring their children thither, they were nevertheless obliged to pay the baptismal penny to the Comharba of the church. ' Druim Drestan, now the parish of Drum, in the barony of Athlone, and county of Roscommon. The old church of this parish was also dedicated to St. Bridget. J Cluain Emhain. — This place, which is mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters, at the year 11 62, still retains its ancient name, but somewhat disguised about eight miles west north west from the town of Athlone See Map. * Cluain Tuaiscirt of the Shannon, now Clontuskert, a parish partly in the barony of Longford, but chiefly in the barony of Clonmacnowen, in the county of Galway, and diocese of Clonfert. The ruins of an abbey of considerable extent, said to have been erected by O'Kelly, are to be seen in this parish See Note \ p. 74. ^ To inaugurate the chiefs of the race of Cellach The Rev. P. Mac Loughlin ren- ders this phrase correctly enough, "where the O'Kellys are inaugurated." 8 Cluain Cain Cairill^ now the parish of Clonkeen, or Clonkeen-Kerril, in the barony of Tiaquin, county of Galway, and diocese of Clonfert. The old church of this parish, which was originally founded by St. Cairell, who flourished in the pri- mitive ages of the Irish church, was re- built, and formed into an abbey for Fran- 8o ((n f7,|if mIímII í»nr^T(i <» ^i^fi< ÍÍIhuií m< ( ;liiM|ifiii riM f ti<» o'ííj < « nri pin Sc<<( r m l»««il i tuTj o'jf (ipdiH) r pMc p »( n lli íllfdrn 'o 7^p( ll(tri, < oip mukii »»( up pip, o h pil tlldllir (\ < '«tlllllip <«IT(( «(/, 7)P''I'UI, I Mil /)»((((II ^pi((llMltl, no (4 li iniip<(iiM(il, «I Ml l>p»ii <(i/, pi/, ( ) llldinc. Scacr lltliliT lIlP ||||Mlii'i>;r(l inllll (if ( '|ip(iIHI\V('!l ; csllrllli- lill'liiili WIIS Ul' Wllf. Dnl Mil In Í 1 1 ÍfI- \t Ifi llir liiilni' III' nil mIiI ilillirli iiimI Inilr Iriiil li\' I III . : iiinrM Cnllllllil liii li lln'cH'. It |iiin;:li iliiiiliil III IIm |>nii:|i iil'Sl. I'l'li'i', ii|i|iciii;: imiii ii, liml in llir I'miuK (iI'I'iiiI lyiii;', iiliiii'i llii' Sliiiiiiiiiii, M iJii'il (li liiMiT lyiiKilr, I'nl. iHi, A, A, llml, n, Hj/r'riiliMll ol' til till' iiilllli rir;| 111 llir lnWII nl /\ I ll li UK', .':ll\r|- WIIM ill" llic Wfii'Jlt nl' rwi'lllv (iilll' ill ill) iiiih' 111 liiiiiciiiiiiiiiiii. p iiiiiis III' wliriit vvliicli f^M'cw III |iriiiii' liiml. ^ (UiDiilInn- Árilli,\.y\ init'Hhutrr Ai'ilnn. . 1 1 is rliiiily ii ciuiiii.l imi nf llir l^nliii 'I'lic IiÍmIi vviii'tl Ci'iinil/iitr, wliicli \h liinri" rn'i i|il nlnin, vvlmli ruiiliiiiuil I wcnl y Inilcs, 1 1 (iliniil l\ wiilliii ( Uiniiilhi'r, is rufMiiilr '" 'I'lir rmi' n/' ( 'uniin ( 'nnn, \c. 'I'lin Willi llii' \\ rl Ii i>irnii>li-i. mill iiii' linlli i.'cv. I'. Miir l/niijililin irmlcrH lliÍH himi- ciiM ii|i| lull ) III llii' ImiIiii />rit'.i/i///tu\ Src ji'iirr ir; rnlluWM, U'liicli Íh iiii|. sfi'ii't I V lilt"- CiiliJiiirM Aiiti iS'iV. |i. i,|ii. n. I,, mill ('(ir ml : " Tin' <>"K(lI\i; wnr In ln' Imiiril llim''H (llnsHliry '" '''"'' < '|l ilisrnvrr iiiiy Si. ('iiirmi." clilllrli III llic li'llllniv I'l Sll A lillli Illlilllil 'llir Mill' nl ('!lll|ilr ('inill Ci nil | il'isril lliiil WIIM iIimIk'iiIi'iI In llii;) ;:miil, imi miy iiinii- lliiiii till' <)"K('llys. I'/iA' aii/ira, ll'lliiilidli (iI'hIIi'Ii. |>. I V, Nnlr ". mill Note A, nl the iiiil nl' ' S()i'(^ltl>aU l)Hi)ffll1, i. I\ till' llllnllll Mil' llllS lllH'l. tWivAff//, nr Hrriipli'. wliirli !•; iiiiil In liMvn " Srm/frrii foirii/nni/if, iV''. I'ln' iiiuncrt liocii 111' till' viiliii' nl llnrr nlil Insli pni nriiiimv nl'llii'sc Inwiilmiils iirr s|i('('ÍIÍ(mI nicp, WllM In lir I'Mlil In I 1 1 1 ' ( 'nl n 1 in I I in nl' 1 1 1 1 1 ir K'l'!' I ;■ I l' \ nl' ( ' Ini 1 1 iinr I inisi ', t rnilslil t I'll ('fiiiiillmr Ai'illi Ini I'M TV 1 1 \ Mmiimi tliiil li'i Sir JnincH \\'iir(>. Ii\' tlir ccli'linitctl Wllft minllllril nr |>l r|i;ll I'll Inr t Iril I ll il 1 1 11 liji lll;ll A II I li |ll!l ry |)||lllil IMlir l''il|iis, 1111(1 illllORN. Ami \M' ni:i\ i^llpiinsi' lli.'il till;) imw |iH"ir\ril in llir r.nli;:li IMllNclllii, I lilmli' W!1S 1 '111 1 1 W lictlli'l- the i'i'H'llinllV nf Nn 1,1. ni' ill.' ( 'liUCIulnii ( 'nl li'i t Inl I. 'I'lli.S 8r Cromtliar Aedh" of Sil Anmchadha, has a sgreaball ongtlia^ from every Hy-Manian. The burial of the race of Cairpri Crom™ belongs to Clonmacnoise and St. Ciaran, for which a tribute is paid to St. Ciaran ; he has seventeen townlands of free land in Hy-Many". The race of Maine, both women and men, pay a sgreaball caeth- rach"" to St. Grellan. St. Grellan presides over their battles, i. e. the crozier of St. Grellan", or some such, is borne in the standard of the king of Hy- Many. Seven MS. is quoted by Crofton Croker, in his Eesearches in the South of Ireland, pp. 242, 246, but he refers these passages to Cloyne, in the county of Cork, instead of Clonmacnoise, though the name of St. Kyran, which is mentioned so often as that of the patron of the place, ought to have convinced him that Cloyne, in Cork, could not have been meant. The Cross of Cairpri Crom is still shown near the old church of Cloonburren ; and there are many romantic stories still told of the cause for which Cairbre Crom, prince of Hy-Many, granted these seventeen townlands to the Abbey of Clonmacnoise ; they are too long, however, to be more fully noticed in this note. ° Sgreaball caethrach, Sjpeaball, which literally means a scriptulum or scruple, and was valued at three-pence, is some- times indefinitely used to denote any tri- bute. Here Sgreaball caethrach signifies ovine tribute, or tribute in sheep. It is stated in the Irish life of St. Grellan that IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. he received the firstling hog, and lamb, and foal, in Hy-Many, and the same is stated by Dr. John Lynch, in his Cambrensis E ver- sus, p. 1 86: — "E singulis Manachite domi- bus patroni sui S. Grillani successoribus tres denarii quotannis, primus porculus, primus agnus, et primus equinus, defere- bantur." P The crozier of St. Grellan [See pp. 13, 14, supra]. This crozier was pre- served for ages in the family of O'Cron- ghaile, or Cronelly, who were the an- cient Comharbas of the saint. It was in existence so late as the year 1836, it being then in the possession of a poor man named John Cronelly, the senior repre- sentative of the Comharbas of the saint, who lived near Ahascra, in the east of the county of Galway ; but it is not to be found now in that country. It was pro- bably sold to some collector of antiqui- ties, and is not now known. A relic of this kind, when used as a standard, was tisually called cathach, (i. e. proeliator,) such M 82 Seacc m-bpuir ó'n banin^ain Do Caijiig Oeap^an caca bliaDna, ocup pinsinn o ^acli in^in mami^, pe coip ccma Ciopain. Cac cip Do bo Dual Do net cineaDaib pi Do rabaipc Do paDpai^, apa beiú o Jliin paDpai^ co ^^ctifi Uaip, ag Caipill, ocup apin paip CO SinainD ag ^P^^^^'-^i^ <^cup 05 paDpaij. Deap-uliuara OTHaine pe pop^nain, .1. Oealbna o Gch Ciac CO Succa, TTiap a Tn-bpiicrann ap a uobap a^ Sliab popmaili. Cacpai^ Suca, o UhiKtiTn Cacjiaij; iiaccapac co popcctib PiDigi, Da as the celebrated cafhach of St. Columb- kille, described by Sir William Betham, in his Antiquarian Researches See, also, Colgan, Trias Thaum. p, 409, col. 2 : — " Et Cathach, id Q&t j)rceUator, vulgo appellatiir, iertque traditio quod si circa illius exer- citum, autequam hostem adoriantur tertio cum debita reverentia circumducatur, eveniat ut victoriam reportet." This Cathach was taken from O'Donnell in the battle of Bealach buidhe, in 1497, by Mac Dermot, but he recovered it in the year 1499. We learn from the Book of Fenagh that St. Caillin blessed, for his own tribe, the Conmaicne, a Cathach, Avhich was a cross formed of a hazle sapling that had been cut with one blow, and its top piercing its middle. l^o opoaij em CaiUin Cachach uaoa pein do Con- maicnib, oo bpipeó pompa, .i. cpopcuill 00 jeappao o'aen-buille, ocup a bapp cp»a 'n-a boljan, i. e. "St. Caillin or- dered a Cathach, i. a a standard, from himself, for the Conmaicne, viz., a cross Irish history sufficiently prove the mean- ing of the word Cathach. But Sir William Betham imagines it to be a corruption of cap, a case, a word which in that sense would not be Irish at all. ^ Cairech Dergain A celebrated virgin, patroness of Cloonburren, in the south of the barony of Moycarnan, county Eoscom- mon, on the west of the Shannon, opposite St. Ciaran's monastery of Clonmacnoise. She died A. D. 577, 9th Feb. according to the Four Masters {in an.). Apart of her church, which is of the primitive ages of Christianity in Ireland, still remains, and it is said that there were some ancient inscrip- tions in the churchyard, but the Editor searched for them in vain, in the year 1836. "■ Glun-Phadruip, i. e. Patrick'' s knee, now Gloonpatrick, in the parish of Ath- league, barony of Athlone, and county of Roscommon. The place derived this name from a stone exhibiting the supposed im- pression of St. Patrick's knee. * Glaisi Uair, i. e. cold stream. It is now called the Abhainn Uar, or Ahhainn of hazle cut with one blow, its top pierc- fhiiar (i. e. cold river), and íIoavs through ing its middle." These evidences from the barony of Roscommon, not far to the »3 Seven garments are given by the queen to St. Cairech Dergain'' yearly, and a penny by every Hy-Manian daughter along with the tribute of St. Ciaran. Every tribute Avhich these tribes were bound to give to St. Patrick in the district tvltich extends from Glun-Phadruig'' to Glaisi Uair', now belongs to St. Cairell ; and thence eastwards to the Sinainn\ belongs to St. Grellan and St. Patrick. The enslaved tribes" of Hy-Many for servitude are these, viz. the Dealbhna'' from Ath liag"', to where the River Suca [Suck] springs from the well in Sliabh Formaili''. The Cathraigh of the Suca extending generally called Dealblina Nuadhat, and were seated in tlie present county of Eos- common, betAveen the Elvers Suck and Shannon See OTlaherty's Ogygia, Part III. c. 82, and Annals of the Four Mas- ters, at the year 816. "^ Ath liag This was the ancient name of the ford on the Shannon, over which the bridge of Lanesborough now stands, and the western or Connaught portion of the village of Lanesborough, still retains the name. There is another Ath liag on the Eiver Suck, which is to be distinguised from that here referred to ; the former was called anciently Ath liag hhjinn, i. e. the ford of the white stones, and the latter Ath liag Maenacain, i. e. the stony-ford of St. Maenacan, from the patron saint of the place ; Ath liag bhfinn is now anglicised Ballyleague, i. e. the village of Ath-liag, and the other is called simply Athleague. ^ Sliabh F'ormaili, is now always called Sliabh Ui Fhloinn, i. e. O'Flyn's mountain, from its situation in Sil Maih'uain, 2 south of the town of Elphin. The situ- ation of this river shows that the territory of Hy-Many originally comprised a con- siderable portion of the district which, in later times, belonged to the Sil-Muir- eadhaigh, or the O' Conors and their cor- relatives. ^ The Si)iain7i, now the Eiver Shannon, which formed the eastern boundary of Hy- Many, from Clontuskert, near Lanesbo- rough, to Loch Deirgdherc, now Lough Derg, below Portumna See the boun- daries of Hy-Many in the Preface. " The enslaved tribes, S^^c. — The Eev. Patrick Mac Loughlin translates oaep cuara pe pojnaTÍi, by "the unfree states of Imaine." ' Dealbhna There were seven tribes of this name seated in different parts of Ireland. They were of the Dalcassian race, and derived their patronymic name of Dealbhna, from their progenitor, Lugh- aidh Dealbh-aedh, the third son of Cas. The tribe alluded to in the text were 84 Da cac raib t)o'n c-Siica ; ociip Copco TTlonco, ocup Oal n-Opuirm, ocu|^ pi]i IT) 11151 Seir.-chineol, no cop jnn^i^iD paep-clanDa ma n-iTiaDaib t)'a n-eif i ; ocup ITlmnnp TDilcoii ; ocup t)o peDpaioip aipD-piga O'TTlaine mearm^at» cipa ap na clann-Tiiaicnib pn ; TYiuin- cip 1 TTIailpinnain rpé na n-Deopai^ecr ; ociip acaiD bailci nap aipnnmap O'Flyn's country. It is situated in the of Castlereagli, where it turns southwards, parish of Kiltixllagh and Kilkeevin, in the and passes through Bally nioe, Dunamon, barony lately styled Frenchpark, in the Athleague, Mount Talbot, Bellaforin, and county of Roscommon. The River Suck Ballinasloe, and pays its tribute to the Shannon near the village of Shannon Bridge. It flows through a very level country, and is remarkable for its sinuo- sity and floods. The course of this river is very well described in a poem on the Shannon, writ- ten in Irish, by Mr. Michael Brannon, of Lisgobban, in the year 1794. y Tiiaim Cathraigh The name of this place is now forgotten, but it was well known in Hy-Many in the reign of James the First, for it appears from an inqui- sition taken at Kilconnell on the 24th of August, 1 61 7, that Tomcatry, containing four cartrons of land, and situated in the has its source — which was anciently called Bun Suicin — in this mountainous district, on the confines of the counties of Mayo and Roscommon, and about a mile from the village of Ballinlough ; its head, at present, however, is not a well but a moist spot at the foot of a low ridge, called Eiscir Ui Mhaonagain, which tra- dition states was originally a spring. The River Suck rises from the hill of Eiscir Ui Mhaonagain, in the townland of Cul- fearna, parish of Annagh, barony of Cos- tello, and county of Mayo. It cannot now, properly speaking, be said to issue from .a mountain or a well, for its source, as now pointed out, is a small pool of barony of Clanmacnowen, Avas then in the dirty mountain waters, lying at the west side of a low Esker or ridge. It oozes through the Esker, and appears at the east side of it, not as a well, but in scat- tered tricklings of bog water. From the east side of the Esker onwards, a small mountain stream, called the Suck, runs eastwards into Loch Ui Fhloinn, at Ballin- lough : hence it winds its way in an east- ern direction, and passes under the bridge possession of Donnell O'Cofl'ey Vide supra, p. 39, Note ". ^ Porta Fidigi. — This name is now un- known. ^ Corco Moncho Perhaps this is the tribe who gave name to the territory of Corca-Mogha, which is still the local ap- pellation of a district comprising the parish of Kilkerrin, in the barony of Killian, in the N. E. of county of Galway. 85 extending from Upper Tuaim Catliraigh^ to Porta Fidigi^, on both sides of the Siica ; also the Corco Moncho* and Dal n-Druithni", and the men of Magh Sen-chmeoiF, until noble tribes were planted in their places after them'^ ; and also Muinter Milcon^. And the arch-chiefs of Hy-Many had the power to increase the rents on those tribes ad hbitmn. Also the family of the O'Mailfinnains^ ^Daln-Driiithni — The exact locality of this tribe cannot now be determined. It is stated in the Irish life of St. Grellan that this tribe paid him no tribute or impost of any description Vide supra, *^ Magh Se7i-chÍ7ieoil, i. e. the plain of the old tribe O'Flaherty, in Ogygia, Part III. c. 1 1, p. 176, speaking of the different places where the Firbolgs settled in the west of Ireland, has the following words in refe- rence to this district: — "-Denique Moy- sachnoliam" \_recte Moy-Senchinoliam ] " hodie Hymaniam in agro Galviensi post S. Patricii adventum insederunt; atque ibidem O'Layn, et in agro Sligoensi O'Beu- nachan ad nostra usque tempora non sper- nendi latifundii dominus, ab iis originem derivantes restant familite." The Rev. P. Mac Loughlin translates Sen-chineoil " old inhabitants," and the inhabitants were doubtlessly so called be- cause they were the old Firbolgic posses- sors of the district, who were conquered and enslaved by the race of Maine. "^ Until noble tribes, «^-c The Rev. P. Mac Loughlin renders this passage " until free states came in their places." ^ Muinter Milcon, now unknown. on f 0' Mailjinnains, would be now called Mulfinnans. These were originally a noble Scotic or Milesian family, who were banished from their own territory, and were obliged to settle in Hy-Many, as serfs to the O'Kelly. The celebrated antiquary Duald Mac Firbis, in his inte- resting preface to his smaller genealo- gical work, compiled in 1 666, gives us the following account of the six classes of plebeian families in ancient Ireland : — "I. The remnant of the Firbolgs and Tuatha De Dananns. 2. The descendants of the Scotic or Milesian nobility, who left their own territories, and were obliged to enslave themselves under other tribes. 3. Those tribes whose lands were convert- ed into sword-lands, or who were enslaved by enemies. 4. Descendants of the Mile- sian nobility who lost their dignity and lands for their crimes, according to the law. 5. Those who are descended from common soldiers and foreigners. 6. The descen- dants of the slaves who came with the sons of Milesius into Ireland, and who were never able to get beyond their cast." "It is true," he adds, "that there are many of the descendants of these tribes till this very day in Ireland, but their 86 ai]iTiínma]i t)'pejiaib bole ip na cpicaib ym ]ie po^nam t)o na plaichib, ocup pa lucu ppeapoail ociip pip Oucaip t)o pijaib O'Tilame. CaDanai^ na pectD co n-a pineaoaib, ocup lappma Peap m-bolg ctep petnna Diicupa O'TTlaine. Qn mapap^alacc pluai^ o' O'ConaiU ociip t)o 171 ac Gmi^ain. Qn raipi^ecu pcuip a^ h-lb piacpac pmD, ociip aj; pil So^ain. CuiD li-l Clieallaig Do oóipppeopacu pig Connacc d' Ib piac- pac pmt). Uaipi^ecc allaio li-l Concobaip a h-ucc h-1 Cbellai^ ag Oail n-Dpmrni. RoinD an aipo-pi^ can inpeapbaiD ag Ua Upain Cluana Puip. a pedigrees are imknown. There are also many families of the purest Milesian blood, whose pedigrees have become unknown in consequence of their having become poor and indigent, and not having been able to support poets or historians to preserve their genealogies and history. Some of them sunk under the English five hundred years ago." — MS. in the Marquis of Dro- gheda's Library. g There are also, S,-c The Rev. P. Mac Loughlin gives the folloAving condensed translation of this passage : — " That is to say, that all these different people, some of whom are of the Firbolgs, were obliged to labour and toil in the service of O'Kelly and his chiefs." ^ Feadha — This territory is situated in the barony of Athlone, and comprises the entire of the parish of Drum and parts of the adjoining ones. Wlien O'Naghten was driven out of his original territory of Moenmoy, during the contests between Conor Moenmoy O'Conor and the O'Kelly s, he settled here. It appears by an inqui- sition taken at Roscommon 26th October, 1587, that in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Shane O'Naghten was chief of this terri- tory, which is called "les Ffayes de Ath- lone," and head or captain of his own tribe — " nationis sua' principalis.'''' * OPConaill, anglice O'Connell. J Mac Eidhigan, anglice Mac Egan, and now always written Egan, without the Mac Vide supra, p. 31, Note S and Additional Notes E, at the end of this tract. ^ Marshalship of the forces, S,'C The word mapapcalacc is evidently formed from Marescalcus, a word of Teutonic ori- gin (from the German marach, a horse, and SCALCH, potens, magister). See Du Cange, Glossar. in voce. The use of it here in its larger and more modern sense, may perhaps indicate the twelfth or thir- teenth century as the date of this Tract. »7 on account of their exile. There are also^ townlands which we have not mentioned of the Firbolgs in those districts wJio are hound to serve the chiefs, and who are serfs and hereditary followers of the kings of Hy-Maine. The Cadanachs of the Feadha", with their tribes, and the remnants of the Fir Bolgs, are the hereditary servitors of Hy-Maine. O'Conaiir and Mac Eidhigan^ have the marshalship of the forces", and the Hy-Fiachrach Finn' and the race of Soghan" have the office o/"taisigheacht scuir". O'Kelly's part of the office of door-keeper to the king of Con- naught belongs to the Hy-Fiachrach Finn. The taisigheachtallaidh''of O'Conor [kingofConnauglit] belongs to the Dail Druithni'', at the recommendation of O'Kelly. The office of distributor \hutler\ to the arch-chief, without limi- tation, belongs to O'h-Uroin'^, of Cluain Ruis". The ' Hy-Fiachrach Finn, i. e. the O'Nagli- tens and tlie O'Mullallys, or Lallys. They descend from Fiachra Finn, son of Bresal, son of Maine Mor Vide supra, p. 33, Notes ^ and '', and additional Notes A. ™ Race of Soghan These were the O'Mannins, Mac Wards, and O'Dugans Vide supra. Note ^, p. 72. " Taisigheacht scuir, evidently means the chieftainship or chief command of the horse. The Irish word pcop, which makes pcuip in the genitive case, is used in the best Irish MSS. in the sense of " a stud of horses," as in the following example from the Book of Leinster : — T-vO bacap a n-eic 1 n-oen poop, in aiDce pin, ocup a n-ap- aiD ac oen cenió, fol. 58, b, b. " Their steeds were in one stud, and their chariot- eers at one fire." " Taisigheacht allaidh The meaning of this phrase is not clear, and as no second copy of the original is accessible to the translator, he does not wish to indulge in conjectures; alaioe or ealaoais explained in the Dictionaries as an art or trade. In the medieval Latin, allutarius meant a shoe- maker, but it would be unsafe to suppose that this word is cognate with the Irish alaióe, which signifies any art or trade. ^ Dail Druithni. — Videsupra, Note ^p.85. •1 O'h-Uroin, now Horan. In the reign of James I. different persons of this name were possessed of considerable property in the county of Galway. An inquisition, in the Rolls' Office, Dublin, taken at Kil- connell, on the 26th September, 161 7, before Sir Charles Coote, found that Ed- mond O'Horan Avas seised of fee of Car- Q raipijecr com-óil a^ lb Coniain. Gn-cul coimeD a^ Clann InDjieccaig ocup ag pi m-bpain ocup Qililla CO n-a n-aicTneoaib. C(n caipijeacc ectUaig; co n-a copnaib ocup co n-a pircellaib, ocup CO n-a pail^ib, co n-a ]i-óji ocup co n-a h-aiji^eo a^ Clannaib piaiúearhla. Na }i-ai]iTTi ocup na h-emi^ a^ Clannaib bpepail, ocup ip leo Compaq coiucenD oo ppe^pa cap cenD O'iTlaine, pe cac coiccpic COllTlIgclllg. Ui^epnup caca t)poin5i biap a^ Di^ail eaponopach h-Ua TTlaine r)o pil Cjimicliam Cail, .1. DoCpumrann, ocup 00 Clann QeDagan ; ocup ap leo comup na car Do cojiu^uD, ocup Dul a n-inat) aipD-pi^ ip ammpeapam. Ip a rnnceall Sho^ain rimpai^it) cac uili co li-inipeapain, uaip ip iai) ap copp laraip cara Oo cac. l?e h-Qep m-bpen^aip pacrup an aipD-pi^, ocup le li-Gib Dpai^nen Qipt) na cno coip na clann-maicne. Na rowanmeanagli one cartron and a half; Duald Mac Firbis, p. 327. that liory O'Horan Avas seised of fee of ^ Cul-choimed^ i. e. the office or dignity Carownafinoigga, Koil M'Shane, Carow- of being henchman to the prince of Hy- inore-Derihoran, Camus, Tullagh, Lismoy- Many in battle. fadda, Gortskehy, and of Carowanclogha, " Clann Indrechtaigk. — They were the containing half a quarter of land, on which descendants of Inrechtach, son of Dlu- stood a castle. The same inquisition found thach — Seep. 31, Note ^. the O'Horans seised in fee of parcels of the ^ Races of Bran and A il'dl. — These can- following townlands, viz Moyowre, Der- not be easily identified with the pedigrees, risweny, Carowmore, Derrihoran, Mea- ^ Taisighecht Eallaigh Eallach, which hanaghboy, and Ballinekille. makes eallaigh in the genitive case, means ■■ Cluain Rids, noAV Clonrush, a parish cattle. Taisighececht eallaigh is, therefore, in the barony of Leitrim and county of perhaps the office of chief shepherd. Galway, on the confines of the county of ^ Clann Flaitheamhla. — The chief of this Clare — See Map. tribe took the name of O'Donnell, after ^G'Lomain — Vide supra, pp. 34, 7^1^, the establishmeiat of surnames. It is re- Note ^. See also Genealogical Book of corded in the Annals of the Four IMasters, 89 The superintendence of liis banquets belongs to 0'Lomain^ The office of Cul-choimecV belongs to the Clann Indrechtaigh", and to the races of Bran and Ailiir with their adherents. The taisighecht eallaigh"', together with the keeping of the ■, chess-boards, rings, gold and silver, belongs to the Clann-Flaith- eamhla''. The arms and the dresses are with the Clann BresaiP, and it is theirs to respond for Hy-Maine to every general challenge of combat from strange territories. j The hccidship of every people who revenge the insults of Hy-Maine belcngo to Lhe race of Crimthann Gael, i. e. to the Crumthanns and the Clann Aedhagain^, and theirs is the privilege to array the batta- lions and go in the place of the arch-chief in the conflict. It is around the Soghans all assemble to the conflict, for they are the body [i. e. phalanx] of every battle-field to all. To the Aes Brengair'' belongs the stewardship'' of the arch-chief, and it is the office of the Hy-Draighnen'' of Ard na cno"* to distribute justice to the tribes. The at the year 1158, that Sitric, the son of nionimsator, qmlmaniaminAustraliCon- Gilla-Enaiu O'Donnell, chief of Chxnn nactia, et agro Galviensi acquisivit ; quam Flaitheamhaih, Avas slain by Murchadh, poster! late dilatarunt, et ultra Succum the grandson of Taddy O'Kelly Seep. 3 1, fluvium ad Sinannnm per agrum Roscom- supra. manium porrexernnt. Mauii filius Bres- y Clann Bresail, i. e. the O'Donnel- salius quinqiie natos generavit Fiachrium lans — Vide suprá^ p. 33, Note ^. Fionn, ex quo O'Naghten, Dallanum, Co- 2 Clann Aedhagain, i. e. the Mac Egans. nallum, Crimthannum, et Manium, a quo ^ Aes Brengair, i. e. the inhabitants of Hy-Maine Brengar." Magh Brengair. — See p. 25, supra, and ^ Stewardshij), paccup; from peccaipe, O'Flaherty's Ogygia, Part III. c. 76, p. 366, a steward or chief manager, where the following reference is made to '^ Hy-Draighnen. — For the descent of the descent of this tribe: — " Donaldum this family vide supra, p. 38, and Note '. filium Imchadi avum preefert Manius Mag- ^ Ard na cno, or as it Avould be written nus, patre Achaio Ferdaghiall ortvis, Ima- according to the modern orthography, Ard IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. N 90 Na conapcct a^ Cpumúann. Ciiit) li-Ui Ceallcti^ t)o conapcaib h-Ui Concobaiji ag lb Ueininein TTlinlint) 'J^ctip^^- ^ lapann pop Qib Uiiarai^ GacDpoma, ocup pop Qib baeoain baDna. r>oipppeopacc an aipt)-pi5 a^ Clannaib InDpecraig ociip ip le li-Qib bpa?ii a biinaoiip. Q pi^QD oriip a aif-pi^at) a li-iicu li-Ua TTlaine a^ Clannaib Oiapmat)a, ocup ag ib Ou|,?^iaic maennrnii^i, ocup ag niuincip TTIiri^en .1. ocup comapbaD Chluana Uuaipcipr. Q raipi^ecc pcuip ag Sojan. be Cenel QeDa oilemain a each. be Deipcepu Gcr^i oilemam a con. be Oail n-Dpmrne innapcup a pina o calcxDaib an ictpfctip co Ti-ipOa^cub ati uipo-pi^. L^ h Ciib Oocoinlcdn oenam ct pop^neama, icep uigib ocup caeb-coTYiac, a rpi h-i]^t)a5aib uaccctpaca c(n aipr)-pi5. be bol^-ruaraib ba^na Denam a ipoao ip na popuaib iccapaca. be rpicaiO ceO ctn Cha- laiD c( TTiaepai^ecr, coip cip ocnp cabctc. Q ua^pct caret ap Cpmnrann. Q coint)obpain, ocup a lapcai- pecc 7ia g-cno, i. e. height or hill of the rmts. It is the name of a townland in the parish of Killinny, in the barony of Killartan, but there is no townland of the name at pre- sent within the limits of the ancient Hy- Many. ^ Muilenn Glaisni, i. e. the Mill of Glaisni, a man's name. The name is now unknown in Hy-]\Iany, as is that of the family who resided at the place. f Hi/-Tuathaigh, now anglice Toohey. 8 Echdhruim, which is explained by Col- gan equi mons vel collis, is now Anglicised Aughrim. It is the name of a village and parish in the barony of Clonmacnow, in the county of Galway, celebrated in latter times for a battle fought there between the forces of King William III. and James II., on the 1 2th of July, 1 691. '' Badhna, also written Baghna, a dis- trict in the east of the county of Roscom- mon, nearly co-extensive with the barony of Ballintober, north. The celebrated mountain called Sliabh Badhna, or Sliabh Baghna, now Anglicised Slieve Baun, ex- tends through it from north to south, nearly parallel with the Eiver Shannon. The Firbolgs were never driven out of this territory, and the chief portion of the inhabitants at present are characteristically distinguished from the Milesian race by their jet black hair and small stature. 91 The hounds are Avith the Crumhthanns [Cmfons]. O'Kelly's part of 0' Conor's hounds are with the Hy-Teimnein of Muilenn Glaisni'. His iron is with the Hy-Tuathaigh', of Echdhruini^ and the Hy-Baedain, of Badhna\ The office of door-keeper to the arch-chief belongs to the Clann Indreachtaigh ; the Hy-Brain had it at first. The inauguration and dethroning of the arch chief iit tlie instance of tlie Hy-Maine, belong to the Clann Diarmada, to the Hy-Cormaic of Maenraagh, and to the fiimily of Mithighen', Comharbas of Cluain Tuaiscirt. The Soghans have taisigheach scuir [i.e. sirpermtendence of the horse]. The Cinel-AedhaJ have the rearing of his horses. The in- habitants of the southern part of Echtghe'' have the rearing of his hounds. Tlie Dal Druithne have the carrying of the wine from the harbours of the west of Connaught to the seats of the arch-chief The Hy-Docomhlann' have the erection of the edifices, both houses and out-houses, at the three upper habitations of the arch-cliief The Bolgic tribes of Badhna [Slieiie Baun] have the building of his edifices at the lower seats. The Cantred of Caladh have his stew- ardship both of rent and exactions. The Crumhthanns have the proclamation of his battles. The inhabitants The Editor made careful search for the mountainous district in the south-east of name O'Baedain in the mountainous dis- the county of Galway, on the confines of trict of SHeve Badhna, in the year 1837, the county of Clare. It is now generally but could not find it. In other parts of called Slieve Aughty, but corrupted to Ireland it is anglicised Boyton. Slieve Baughta on Beaufort's Ecclesiasti- ' Mithighen, now Meehin. cal ]\Iap of Ireland. J Cinel Aedha.— Vlde supra, p. 38, ^ Hy-Docomhlann This name is now ^"^'^ ^- unknown, unless it may have been short- "* Echfghe, is the name of a celebrated ened to Dolan. N 2 92 jiecc Do'nraib ruam t)ophiDTnónac. biaraoa^pami ocupacomet) ayi bol^-ruach Gcr^i. ^cíc inli opaiji pi^wf a leap ociip nolaicpip \ AfV ^ ^ctbail o Carjiaigi, ace na cu]ire]i ap a n^epnup laD. Q',;no cara, ocup caipipi a caipceoa ocup coiineao a giall ip in bpecaigv, Q cnuinrit^^' "^' ^"^' bon^ap^ain o baile na banabai, ocup a copnaipeat)a o\ip na ^5jnaV?^^5«, i- l>Ui Smachain. Qoon^mail nainaopi^, ocupu-?P"^«iFi pop pi Caipil, iiaip ip 1 plcaiaisecc pi^ Caipil con^hnp pi h-bV* l^«i^^e Ó Shil TTluipea- Daig. Conao aipi pin ip ^eip Do pi h-Ua TTlame pOspa cara ap Go^anacr. Uuapiipcal pi5 Connacc pe corhcnperh t>o pi li-Ua ITlaine (uaip ip be5 reio t)'á chip ap corhaoaib), arhail a6 pubpaó ann po : Oli^io pi h-Ua niame, an nrial, Oech n-eic rap paeb pp oral b pal, Oech n-50ili pe ^nirh pep^i a^ pum, Oecli Tneip^i ocup x. macail. pinir. «• Fidk Monach was the ancient name of and now always Keogli's country. _ See a district nearly co-extensive with the Map. parish of Kilbride, in the barony of Bal- p 0' Longargain, now Anglicised Loner- lintober, south, in the county of Roscom- gan. anon. See Mac Firbis's Pedigree of the " Baile na Banabai, retains its name Clann Uadhach. at the present day, and is now Ballyna- n Cathraigki. These were a tribe of the banaby ; it is a townland in the parish of Firbolgs, located in the present barony of Kilgerril, barony of Kilconnel, and county Clanmacnowen, near the River Suck, who of Galway. In 1617 this townland was were reduced to a state of slavery by the in the possession of William Lally, gen- Hy-Manians. tleman. o Bredach, otherwise called Magh-finn, ^ Lis na Cornaireagha, is now unknown. 93 inhabitants of the northern part of Fidh-Monach™ have his otters and fishing. The Bolgic tribe of Echtghe \_SUeve Aughtij'] have the feeding and keeping of his stud. Every work he requires or commits to them is to be executed by the Cathraighi", so as that they are not deprived of their lordship. His implements of battle, the keeping of his treasures, and the keeping of his hostages, are in Bredach°. His harpers are the O'Longargains^, of Baile na Banabai^ and his cornairedha [trumpeters] are íAí?/íz??i%of Lis na Cornaireagha', that is, the O'Sidheachains". He is to be maintained in his kingly place and protected by the king of Cashel, for it is the guarantee of the king of Cashel that keeps the Idng of Hy-Maine from J)eing overwhelmed % the Sil- Muireadhaigh'. Wherefore the Idng of Hy-Maine is under a solenni injunction not to wage war on the Eoghanachts". The subsidy of the king of Connaught to be reckoned out to the king of Hy-Maine, — (and it is little of his tribute goes in gifts), — is as follows here, as was said in these lines: " The king of Hy-Maine, the hero, is entitled To ten steeds, which came across the boisterous brine, To ten foreigners ready at deed of anger, Ten standards and ten mantles." Finit. * Sidheachains This name is now an- at the period when this tract was written, glicised Sheehan. O'Kelly should not be considered more ^ Sil-Miiireadhaigh, i. e. the O'Conors closely linked with his neighbours the Dal and their correlatives. Cais, than with the Eoghanachts, who were " Eoghanachts, i. e. the descendants of far from his neighbourhood, being then Eoghan Mor, the eldest son of Olioll Olum. principally settled in the present counties Of this tribe the Mac Carthys, though not of Cork, Kerry, and Limerick. And yet, the senior descendants of Eoghan Mor, were the Dal Cais, that is, the O'Briens and in latter times by far the most powerful their correlatives, in Thomond, were as and distinguished. It is remarkable that, often kings of Cashel as the Eoghanachts. ADDITIONAL NOTES. GENEALOGICAL Ti^LE, SHOWING THE DESCENT OF THE PRINCIPAL FAMILIES OF HY-MANT, FROM THJilE GREAT ANCESTOR MAINE MOR, TO THE PRESENT DAY. N. B — /-I t/iia Tabfe ifie Uuerl C. 11. M. tiand/tr CUi^ of By-Man;/, and C. S. k.Jor Chief of Siol Annwhadba. The Dolet are token priuei/xttty from the AnnaU of the Four Motlera. I'jzlZ I. TadhgDulih O'K.. of Ooltigh, 33, TidhgOK.,a. a3.Aoah,tI. 3GICAL Ti 97 ADDITIONAL NOTES. NOTE A. Pedigree of O'Kelly. THE large Genealogical Table, wliicli accompanies these Notes, will be found to exhibit the descent of the principal families of Hy-many, from their great common an- cestor Maine Mor, to the present day. It has been thought advisable to place them all in one view before the reader on a single sheet, to be afterwards referred to in the account which Avill be hereafter given of each separate branch. The remarks to be made in the present note relate entirely to the O'Kelly families, descended from Cellach, chief of Hy-Many, and fourteenth in descent from Maine Mor. The numbers prefixed to each name refer to the generations as marked in the Genealogical Table, and are intended to facilitate reference. 15. Cellach He is the progenitor after whom the O'lvellys have taken their surname, but no notice of him has been preserved by the Irish annalists, though, ac- cording to the poem already quoted in p. 1 6, he was chief of all Hy-Mauy for a period of eighteen years. But if we judge by the number of generations from Maine Mor down to this Cellach, we must conclude that he died about the year 874, for Cathal Mac Oiliolla, the celebrated chief of Hy-Many, who was thirteen generations from Maine Mor, that is, one generation less than Cellach, died in the year 844, according to the Annals of the Four Masters. It looks strange that in the poem just referred to, which professes to give a perfect list of the chieftains of Hy-Many, down to Gadhra Mor, who died in 1027, no mention is made of this Cathal, son of Oilioll, while the Annals pre- serve no notice of Cellach, but give tAvo passages relating to Cathal, one of which shows his great power. They are given by the Four Masters as follows : " A. D. 834. — Cathal, son of Ailell, lord of Hy-Many, plundered Clonmacnoise, and in the same year defeated Feidhlim Mac Crimthainn, king of Munster. " A. D. 844 — Cathal, son of Ailell, lord of Hy-Many, died." IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. O The 98 The Annals also preserve the name of another chief of Hy-Many, who immediately preceded Cathal, son of Oilioll, or Ailell, not given in the poem, or noticed in the ge- nealogies, namely, 13. Cathal, son of Murchadh; as in the following passage in the Annals of the Four IMasters : "A. D. 816. — The battle of Rath Faradh was fought by the chiefs of the Hy- Brinin, namely, Diarmaid, son of Tomaltach and Maelcothaigh, son of Fogartach, against the lord of Hy-Many, Cathal, son of Murchadh, in Dealbhna Nuadhat, a ter- ritory lying between the Suck and the Shannon, in which was slain Cathal, lord of Hy- iVlany, with many others." This shows that the poem, and even the pedigrees, are imperfect, as they stand at present ; and it is therefore to be regretted that the Editor has not had access to the Book of Hy-Many, in which most probably the pedigrees are more fully given. It is stated in the Registry of Clonmacnoise, as translated by Duald Mac Firbis for Sir James Ware, that this Cellach granted several townlands to the Church of Clon- macnoise. The words of this record are as follows : " KeLLAGH, mac FlNACHTA, MIC OiLLILLA, MIC InNRAGHTA, MIC FiTHIOLLAIGH, MIC DlUTHAIGH, MIC DiTHCOLLA, MIC EoGAIN FiNN, MIC CoRMAIC, MIC CaIRBRE Cruim, from whom are the O'Kellies, bestowed of small cells to Cluain, Killmeog, 48 dales (that is to say, 48 dayes plowing, or as much as might be plowed of land for [in] 48 dayes), Killchuynne 48 dales, 10 dales in Belathnaony, 48 dales in Coillin Maol- ruany, 48 dales in Tuaimtagher, 48 dales in Kill-luain, and 10 daies in Termon bela- feadha." 16. Aedh, son of Cellach. — No mention is made of him in the Irish Annals, and it does not appear that he was ever chief of Hy-Many. The following chiefs of Hy-Many are mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters, from the death of the celebrated Cathal, son of Oilioll, or Ailell, above referred to, down to the son of this Aedh : " A. D. 904 — Mughron, son of Sochlachan, lord of Hy-Many, died. " A. D. 908 Sochlachan, son of Diarmaid, lord of Hy-Many, died in clericatu. " A. D. 936. — Murchadhan, son of Sochlachan, lord of Hy-Many, died." These chieftains were not of the O'KeUy line, but of the tribe called CrufFons, who sunk at an early period. For their pedigree, see Genealogical Table, col. 3, Nos. 15 and 16. These chieftains are not mentioned in the poem, already quoted in pp. 15, 16, among the chiefs of Hy-Many, which shows that it is very imperfect. 17. Murchadh, son of Aedh, son of Cellach He is the first that could have taken the name of O'Cellaigh, or O'Kelly, as being the (nepos, or grandson) of Cellach, He seems to have succeeded Murchadhan, the son of Sochlachan, in the chieftainship, for his death is recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 960 : " A. D. 99 " A. D. 960 — Murchadh, son of Aedli, lord of Hy-Many in Connanglit, died." In the year 971, Geibhennach, son of Aedh, who had been lord of Hy-Many since the death of his brother Murchadh in 960, was slain in the battle of Ceis Corann. These two chiefs are also omitted in the poem. 18. Tadhg Mor OPKelly^ son of Murchadh. — It is stated in the poem that he was chief of Hy-Many for thirteen years, when he fell in the battle of Clontarf, like a wolf- dog fighting the Danes. " Cpi bliaona oéj 'na óiaió pin " Thirteen years after him "Rémep Uaiój móip, tiiic mupcaio ; Was the reign of Tadhg Mor, the son of Mur- chadh ; Q car 6piain ac pocaip Uaój In the battle of Brian, Tadhg fell, 'Na oncoin a n-oiaio t)anmapc." As a wolf-dog pursuing the Danes." There is a tradition among the O'Kellys of Hy-Many, that they have borne as their crest an enfield, since the time of this Tadhg INIor, from a belief that this fabulous ani- mal issued from the sea at the battle of Clontarf, to protect the body of 0"Kelly from the Danes, till rescued by his followers. It is also recorded in the Irish Annals, that this Tadhg or Teige O'Kelly was chief of Hy-Many in the year 1003, and was slain in the battle of Clontarf, fighting on the side of the monarch, Brian Borumha, A. D. 1 014, and for this reason he is usually set down in the pedigrees as Tadhg Catha Bhriain, i. e. Teige of the Battle of Brian. 19. Conchobhar, or Conor 0'^ Kelly, son of Tadhg Mor — According to the poem, Gadhra Mor, son of Dunadhach, became chief of all Hy-Many, after the fall of Teige Mor O'Kelly in the battle of Clontarf, and ruled the territory for twelve years ; but the Annals of the Four Masters, which agree pretty fairly with the poem, inasmuch as they record the death of Gadhra at the year 1027, that is, thirteen years after the date of the battle of Clontarf, style him lord of Siol-Anmchadha, not of Hy-Many; and at the year 1019, they record the death of Domhnall, son of Muireadhach, lord of Hy-Many, a personage not found either in the poem or in the pedigrees. It appears pretty clearly from these discrepancies that the author of the poem, which was written to flatter the vanity of Eoghan O'Madden, chief of South Hy-Many, about the year 1340, sets down some of his patron's ancestors as chiefs of all Hy-Many, who never en- joyed that dignity, and that he was obliged to omit some of those who were really su- preme chiefs of that territory, to give the colour of truth to his fabrications. According to the Annals of the Four Masters, this Conchobhar, the son of Tadhg O'Kelly, was chief of Hy-Many, and was slain by the men of Tefiia in the year 1030. If, therefore, it be true that Gadhra Mor, son of Dunadliach, was chief of all Hy-Many for twelve years, Conchobhar, or Conor O'Kelly, could have been chief for three years only ; but O2 i^ ICO it' Gadhra was not full chief, which seems very probable, it may be well supposed that Conor O'Kelly succeeded Domhnall, son of Muireadhach, in the year 1019, and was chief for eleven years ; but in a pedigree of Makeogh, or Keogh, in the Library of Tri- nity College, it is stated that this Conchobhar was chief O'Kelly for a period of eigh- teen jears. His brother Diarmaid was slain in the year 1065, according to the Annals of the Four Masters. All the hitherto published pedigrees of O'Kelly are defective here by two genera- tions; for it is impossible that Conor O'Kelly (No. 23), who was slain in the year 1 180, could have been, as these pedigrees make him, the great grandson of Tadhg Mor O'Kelly, who was slain in the battle of Clontarf in the year 1014. I have accordingly supplied two generations from an ancient Irish poem, preserved in the handwriting of Tadhg O'Naghten, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin (H. i. 15.), p. 865, which was evidently composed in the time of Conchobhar O'Kelly (No. 26), chief of Hy- Many, who died in the year 1268. This poem, which is the oldest composition preserved on the subject of this pedigree, though the orthography has been modernised by tran- scribers, traces the descendants of Tadhg Mor O'Kelly, who was slain at the battle of Clontarf in 10 14, as follows: " mac o' Pionnacca Ceallac caom, If mac DO Cheallac Qod, TTIac DO Qod TTlupcaD co meao n-jal, mac do mupcao ^aój calcap. dn Uaój pm ^005 Cara 6hpiain, t)a aicme aije 'na óiaió, Lli Cheallai^ Don leir a leic Ip mej CaiDj Do'n raob eile. mac DO UhoDj Concubap Cap, Qc bar 1 mióe móp-jlap, mac DO Choncubap jan ail Concubup ]'aop, jlan, pooail. mac DO Choncubap ^abj cai, mac DO Uhaoj tDiapmuic cen ^ai, mac DO t)hiapmaic, buan a blaó, Concubap cuanna Capao. mac DO Choncubap ^aoj cpén, mac DO Chaoj t)oThnaU cen lén, mac 05 t)orrinall cap in leap Concubap ap 5-ceann pmpeap." " Son of Fionnachta was Ceallach, the comely, And son to Ceallach was Aodh, Son to Aodh was Murchadh of great prowess, Son to Murchadh was Tadhg the sturdy. This Tadhg was Tadhg of the Battle of Brian, He left two tribes after him. The O'Kellys on the one side And the Mac Teiges on the other. Son to Tadhg was Conchubhar Cas, Who perished in the great green Meath, Son to Conchubhar without blemish Was Conchubhar the noble, pure, and jovial. Son to Conchubhar was Tadhg the silent, Son to Tadhg wa,s Diarmaid without falsehood. Son to Diarmaid, lasting his fame. Was Conchubhar the comely of Caradh. Son to Conchubhar was Tadhg the mighty. Son to Tadhg was Domhnall without misery, Son to Domhnall [born ?] beyond the sea Is Conchubhar our head senior." The lOI The poet then goes on to trace the descendants of Murchadh, another son ofTadhg of the Battle of Brian, not at all noticed in the Book of Lecan, nor in any other of the pedigrees, and then traces the pedigree of his patron, Conchobhar O'Kelly, who died in 1268, up to Milesius of Spain, and from him up to Adam ; and as it confirms his ac- count just quoted of the number of generations from Conchobhar to Tadhg of the Battle of Brian, and helps to throw some important light on the chronology, I shall quote his verses here : " ConcuBap O'Ceallaij coin, " Conchubhar O'Kelly, the fair, mac t)omnaiU, mic Caioj calcaip, Son of Domhnall, son of Tadhg, the sturdy, mic Concubaip ITIuije in áipo, Son of Conchubhar of Magh in aird, rriic 'Oiapmaoa, mic Deaj-Uhcnoj, Son of Diarmaid, son of the good Tadhg, TTlic Concubaip Soóain paip, Son of Conchubhar of noble Sodlian, TTlic Concubaip TTlui^e TTIatn. Son of Conchubhar of Moenmagh, rriic UaiDj ac baé a 5-caé óhpiain, Son of Tadhg who fell in the Battle of Brian, rriic mupcaoa mip ?jo moip-jliaio." Son of the swift Murchadh of great prowess." The number of generations here given exactly agrees with the period, and with the dates given in the Annals, while the number of generations given in most manu- script pedigrees of O'Kelly could not possibly stand the test of recorded chronology, or be reconciled with the course of natural descent. 20. Conchobhar O'Kelly, son of Conchobhar.— Re is omitted in all the pedigrees, and is supplied Irom the poem above quoted. 21. Tadhg C Kelly, the son of Conchobhar — He is one of the two generations omit- ted in all the pedigrees ; but he is mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 1 074 : " A. D. 1074.— Donnchadh O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, was slain by his relative Tadhg, the grandson of Conchobhar O'Kelly, on Inis Locha Caolain." This date agrees very well, as his grandfather, Conchobhar O'Kelly, was slain in Meath, according to the poem, and in Teffia [in Meath], according to the Annals of the Four Masters, in the year 1030. 22. Diarmaid O'Kelly, son ofTadhg — He is given in all the pedigrees as the grandson of Tadhg, of the Battle of Brian ; but this must be incorrect as already shown. He is said to have been prince of Hy-Many for sixty years, but this can scarcely be true, as no notice of him is to be found in the authentic annals. 23. Conchobhar Moenmaighe, or Conor of Moenmoy O'Kelly, otherwise called Conckoblmr of the Battle.— Rf'. is set down in all the pedigrees as the son of Diarmaid, and is said to have been prince or arch-chief of Hy-Many for forty years. According to the An- nals I02 nals of the Four Masters, he built O'Kelly's Church at Clonmacnoise, in the year 1 167, and was slain by Conor Moenmoy O'Conor, the son of king Roderic, in the year 1 1 80. He is stated in some of the pedigrees to have built twelve churches in the ter- ritory of Moenmoy, and to have presented 365 chalices to the church. 24. Tadhg Tailltenn He and his father Conchobhar were slain together in the same battle by Conor Moenmoy, the son of King Roderic O'Conor, in the year 1 180, as we learn from the Annals of the Four INIasters : " A. D. 1 180. — A battle was fought between Conor Moenmoy, the son of Roderic O'Conor, and Conor O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, in which were slain Conor O'Kelly, his son Tadhg, his brother Diarmaid, Maelseachlainn the son of Diarmaid O'Kelly, and Tadhg, the son of Tadhg O'Conor." He is set down in the pedigrees as chief of Hy-Many at the period of the English invasion, as in O'Farrell's Linea Antiqua, where it is stated, that " Teige of Tailtean O'Kelly Avas the last of his name that was styled King of Hy-Many, that title being abrogated by the English invasion, which happened in his time, so that from him downwards the chief of the family was only called O'Kelly, and lord of lath-Maine." But this cannot be true, as his father fought a battle against Conor Moenmoy O'Conor so late as the year 1 1 80. in Avhich this Tadhg Avas slain, and it is therefore rational to suppose that Tadhg Tailltenn was never chief of Hy-Many. 25. Domhnall Mor G' Kelly, son of Tadhg Tailltenn He is set down in some of the pedigrees as the ninth O'Kelly, and as chief of Hy-Many for twenty-one years, and the Irish Annals record his death at the year 1224 ; they also record that Murchadli, the son of Tadhg O" Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, Avas slain by Conor Moenmoy O'Conor in the year 1186. It is stated in a pedigree of Makeogh, now Keogh, preserved in a paper MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, that this Domhnall Mor is the ancestor of all the O' Kelly s of Hy-Many extant, and of all the subsequent chiefs of Hy-Many, except foiir, and that he Avas chief of Hy-Many for twenty years, but no dates are furnished by this pedigree. He married Duvcola, daughter of Domhnall Mor O'Brien, king of Munster. From his third son Eoghan, sprung the sept of Clann maicne Eoghain, Avho gaA-e their name to the barony of ClonmacnoAven, in the east of the county of Galway, a sept who had ahvays a chief of their own, but Avho Avas tri- butary to the chief of all Hy-Many. From his youngest sou, Diarmaid O'Kelly, are descended the family of Mac Eochadha, noAV Keogh, Avho possessed the territory of Magh Finn, containing forty quarters of land, and comprising the entire of the parish of Taghmaconnell, in the barony of Athlone. 26. Conchobhar OPKelhi. soyi of Dovihnall Mor He is set down in the Book of Lecan as the eldest son of Domhnall Mor, and is said, in other authorities, to haA^e been I03 been chief of Hy-Many for twenty-one years. His death is recorded in the Annals oi the Four Masters at the year 1268, where he is styled lord of Hy-Many, and is the chief to whom the poem above quoted, p. loo, was addressed. His brother Thomas, Bishop of Clonfert, died in the year 1263. This Conchobhar, or Conor, married three wives, namely, first, the daughter of O'Heyne ; second, Derbhail, daughter of O'Lough- lin Burren ; third, Edaoin, daughter of Mac Namara. By O'Heyne's daughter he had two sons, viz., Domhnall, chief of Hy-Many, and ancestor of O'Kelly .of Belagallda, of whom hereafter, and Murchadh or Morogh. By the daughter of O'Loughlin Burren he had Donnchadh ]\Iuimhneach, i. e. Donogh the Momonian O'Kelly, the ancestor of all the subsequent chiefs, and Maine ; and by the daughter of Mac Namara, he had Cathal na Finne, Cairbre, and Maurice. 27. Donnchoxlh Muimhneach, or Donogh, the Momonian O'Kelly He was ob- viously so called from his having been fostered in Munster, probably by his maternal grandfather, OXoughlin Burren. He succeeded his two half brothers above men- tioned, and was thirteenth O'Kelly, a dignity which he enjoyed for ten years. He married, ■ according to the Book of Lecan, two wives, by the first of whom. Rose, the daughter of Mac Quillin of the Rout, in the north of the present county of Antrim, he had four sons, viz., Muircheartach, Aedh, Maeleachlain, and Maine. By the second, Duibhesa, the daughter of O'Conor, he had Tadhg and Conchobhar, who both died without issue ; Edmond, from whom the family of Mac Edmond of Gaille (Galey) is descended ; William Boy, chief of Hy-Many, and Domhnall Muimhneach. In Mageoghegan's translation of the Annals of Clonmacnoise, made in 1627, are the following notices of this chief : " A. D. 1307 — The Englishmen of Roscommon were all killed by Donogh Moy- neach O'Kelly, before his death at Ahascragh, where Philip Montyre, John Montyre, and Mathew Drew, with seventy other persons, were taken and killed. Also the sheriff of Roscommon, Dermott Gall Mac Dermott, and Cormac Mac Kehernie, were by him set at liberty, ind concluded peace with him for the burning of the town by Edmond Butler, then deputy of Ireland." Same year — " Donogh Moyneach O'Kelly, prince of Imaine, a common house- keeper for all Ireland in generall, and a very bountiful man, died penitently, and Teig, his son, died immediately after." He is mentioned in the Pipe Roll, 15th Edw. L, under the odd spelling of Donethad Moynath O'Kelly. 28. William Boy G Kelly, son of Donnchadh Muimhneach According to the Book of Lecan, he was the eighth son of Donnchadh Muimhneach, and his fourth son by Duibhesa, the daughter of Mealeachlainn O'Conor, the fourth in descent from Turlogh More O'Conor, monarch of Ireland. This William, though the eighth sou, obtained lor 104 for himself and his posterity the chief sway in Hy-Many, and may justly be called the stirpes of the family of O'Kelly. He received much opposition from his relative Tadhg, the son of the celebrated Tadhg or Teige O'Kelly, surnamed of the Battle of Athenry, who was supported by Turlogh O' Conor, but having succeeded in a battle against him and his brother, in the year 1 340, he made his way to the chieftainship without further opposition. This is recorded in the Annals of Clonmacnoise, as trans- lated by Mageoghegan, as follows : " A. D. 1340. — There arose great strifes between the O'Kellies of Imaine, between Teig mac Teig O'Kelly, and William mac Donnough Moyneagh O'Kelly. Terlagh O Connor, king of Connaught, granted the principality, name, and chief rule of the O'Kellies, to Teig O'Kelly, who by vertue of the said grant possessed the same, and banished William thereout, whom they all followed in pursuit. He retrayted upon them, and killed Donnogh, and tooke captive Teig himself, and at his taking was hurt greivously, of which hurt Teig died afterwards." Three years afterwards, 1343, Hy-Many was invaded by the Berminghams and Burkes of Clanrickard, who slew Conor Cearbhagh O'Kelly (son of Diarmaid, C.H.M., son of Gilbert, C. H. M., son of Domhnall, C. H. M., son of Conchobhar Mor, C. H. M.), and eleven others, who were all the sons of chieftains. In 1 35 1, this William Boy O'Kelly, who is celebrated by the Irish bards as a prince of unbounded munificence, invited aU the professors of art in Ireland to his house, and entertaiaied them during the Christmas holidays, as we are informed by the Annals of Clonmacnoise : " A. D. 1 35 1 — William Mac Donnough Moyneagh O'Kelly, invited all the Irish poetts, brehons, bardes, harpers, gamesters, or common kearroghs, jesters, and others of their kind, of Ireland, to his house, upon Christmas, this year, where every one of them was well used dureing Christomas holy days, and gave contentment to each of them at the time of their departure, so as every one was well pleased, and extolled William for his bounty ; one of which assembly composed certain verses in commenda- tion of William and his house, which beginneth [begin] thus : " P1I1Ó Gpeann 50 h-aoin-reac," [i. e. The poets of Erin to one house.] A copy of this poem is preserved in the collection of Messrs. Hodges and Smith, Dublin, and is a curious record of the manners and customs of the Irish at the pe- riod. This William Boy O'Kelly built the castle of Callow, where a distinguished branch of his descendants resided for ages after. He also built the castle of Gaille, now Galey castle, still standing on the margin of Lough Eee, near Knockcroghery, in the county of Eoscommon, where, according to the poem just referred to, he enter- tained I05 tained the Irish poets and other professors of art in 1351. In the year 130 he founded the magnificent abbey of Kilconnell, the ruins of which still remain in good preservation. He appears to have lived to a great age, for his death is recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 1381 ; but he resigned the chieftainship to his son, Maeleachlainn, in 1375, six years before his death. According to the Book of Lecan (as in p. 51, suprd) he married the daughter of O'Grady, by whom he had Maeleachlainn, his eldest son and successor, William Og, Tadhg, and Aedh Buidhe- but other pedigrees mention that he first married Mary, the daughter of Ulick an' fhiona Burke, Lord of Clanrickard, and had by her three sons, viz. Aedh Buidhe Muir- chertach an Trustain, and Donnchadh Carrach ; but it looks more likely that Maeleach- lamn was the eldest son, as he succeeded to the chieftainship in his father's life-time 29. Maeleachlainn or Maelseachlainn O^Kelly, son of William Boy. -lie became chief of Hy-Many in the year 1375, six years before his father's death, and died in 1401. The Four Masters have collected the following notices of him in their Annals • M 1 7; '^'^^Z~^ ''^'^' ^'■''^^ °^* "oetv^^en Rory O'Conor, king of Connaught, and Maelseachlamn O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, in which O'Conor subdued the Hy-Many nur"i7' 1 777— Rory O'Conor defeated Mac William Burke and Maelseachlainn O Kelly lord of Hy-Many, at Roscommon. In the conflict were slain Richard Burke the brother of Mac William ; Domhnall, son of Cathal Og O'Conor ; Teige Og, son of Jthers' ^'^^^"""^^' ^^^ief of Sodan ; Mac Dowell Galloglach, and many "A. D. 1401 Maelseachlainn O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, a truly hospitable and humane man, died, and Conor Anabaidh [the Abortive] O'Kelly, his son, assumed the lordship of Hy-Many." T. ''^-^,- ^403— Finola, the daughter of Turlogh, son of Aedh, or Hugh, son of Eoghan O Conor, and wife of Maelseachlainn O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, died after a liie 01 virtue." The monument of this chieftain, and his wife Finola, is still to be seen in good preservation in the choir of the Abbey of Knockmoy, with the foUowing inscription : "Do muleachlaino O KeallaiD, do " For Muleachlainn O'Kelly, king of RiOlTlaini ocupo' Jnbualamo .njenl Hy-Many, and Finola, daughter of Chonchuip DO pine rTlacha O Qtil. m O'Conor, Matthew O'Anli erected this leacDQij pea." monument." Ledwich, in his Antiquities of Ireland, Second Edition, p. 520, calls tliis the mo- nument of Charles the Red-handed O'Conor, the founder of the Abbey, in 11 89, but the above inscription, given as carefully copied by the Editor in 1838, 'and compared IRISH ARCH. SOC. O. P ^ ■*• With io6 with a most accurate drawing of the tomb made by Mr. Petrie many years earlier, will show that this tomb is that of Maelseachlainn O'Kelly and his wife Finola, in Avhose country the Abbey then stood. Accordino- to the Book of Lecan, Maelseachlainn O'Kelly married, first, the daughter of Walter Burke, and had by her Ruaidhri, Brian, and Conchobhar ; and, secondly, Finno'uala, or Finola, the daughter of Turlogh O'Conor, King of Connaught, and had by her Aedh, Feradhach, Tadhg, Donnchadh, ancestor of the O'Kellys of O'Mullagh- more and Gallagh, Domhnall, William, ancestor of the O'Kellys of CalloAv and Augh- rim, and Edmond, who died without issue in 1393. But O'Farrell, in his Linea Antiqua, says that it Avas much disputed among the O'Kellys whether the daiighter of Walter Burke or Finola Ny Conor, was the first wife of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, but as Finola survived him two years it must follow that she was his second wife, unless it be supposed that he put her away and married the daughter of Walter Burke ; but this tomb is sufiicient evidence to show that Finola was his favourite. O'Farrell writes : — " jNIelaghlin, the twenty-second O'Kelly, and lord of Ily-Many for twenty-two years, married two wives, but it is much disputed which was the first Avife, some alleging that Finola, daughter to O'Connor Don, Avas the first, by Avhom he had three sons, viz., Teige More, of Cruhen, Donogh, and William. Others, and the Book of Lecan, fol. 91, say that daughter of Walter Burke, a quo Clann- Vateir Avas the first wife, and had also by him three sons, Brian, Connor na Ceara- vash" [rede Anabaidh], " and Eoger, of Rahara, and that Brian, and his Avife Edina O'Connor, dying in his father's life-time, his children Avere kept back from their right of inheritance by his younger brothers, which is somewhat likely, for that his second brother by the same venter succeeded his father in the honour and estate of O'Kelly "tAvo years ; and after him succeeded the eldest son by the other venter, Teige Mor." From these Avords it is clear that O'Farrell felt disposed to believe that Brian Avas the eldest son of Maeleachlainn, a fact Avhich is noAV indisputable. Having now carried the pedigree doAvn to the ancestor from Avhom the most distin- guished families of the O'Kellys of Hy-Many have branched off, I shall return to the senior branch, which Avas laid aside. It will be recollected that the eldest son of Con- chobhar, or Conor O'Kelly, No. 26, in the Table, by his first wife, the daughter of O'Heyne, Avas Domhnall (see pp. 47 and 51), Avho Avas the senior of the race of Ceallach. 27. DomhnaU, son of Conchobhar He was chief of Hy-Many, but he resigned that dignity to his brother Maine, and retired into the monastery of Knockmoy, where he died in the year 1295. His death is thus entered in the Annals of the Four Masters: " A. D. 1295. — Domnhall O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, a judicious adviser, died in the habit of a monk, and Avas buried at the abbey of Knockmoy." The I07 The name of his first wife is not recorded, but his second wife was Abis, the daughter of O'Flyn, chief of Sil Mailruain. His sons are entered in the Book of Lecan in the fol- lowing order: — i. Gilbert, king of Hy-Many [who died in 1322]. 2. David. 3. Tadhg, or Teige Mor, of the battle of Athenry, chief of Hy-Many [slain at Athenry in the year 1 3 1 6]. 4, Conchobhar, king of Hy-Many [slain in Fassa Coille in the year 1 3 1 8], and who had married Gormley, daughter of Mac Dermot, Avho died in the year 1327. 5. Aedh, or Hugh. It is added in tlae Book of Lecan that only two of these sons were by the same mother, namely, Tadhg and Conchobhar, and that Abis, daughter of CFlyn, was their mother. 28. Gilbert O'Kelli/, son of Domhnall. — He succeeded his brother Conchobhar (who was slain in the battle of Fassa Coille in 13 18), and died in 1322, according to the Annals of the Four Masters, though O'Farrell states that he was chief for thirty-three years. He had issue seven sons, viz., David, the eldest, who seems to have died young, and without issue. 2. Diarmaid, chief of Hy-Many. 3. Thomas, Bishop of Clonfert, Avho died in 1377. 4. Domhnall Tuathach. 5. Murchadh. 6. Cormac ; and, 7. Brian. 29. Diarmaid 0'' Kelly ^ son of Gilbert. — According to the Book of Lecan he was king of Hy-Many. He hanged O'Mannin, chief of Sodhan, and seized on his castle and estate of Clogher. O'Farrell states that he died without issue ; but, according to the Book of Lecan, he married Mor, the daughter of Hugh 0' Conor, and had by her a son, Tadhg, besides Conchobhar Cearbhach, or Conor the gamester, and John by another wife, and Maine by a third. 30. Conchobhar Cearbhach OKelly^ son of Diarmaid. — He Avas slain in 1343, toge- ther with eleven gentlemen of his name, as we learn from the Annals of the Four Masters and the Annals of Clonmacuoise, as translated in 1627 by Connell Mageoghe- gau, in which latter authority his death is thus recorded : " A. D. 1343 — The Bremynghams and Burkes, of Clanrickarde, gave a great over- throw to the family of O'Kelly and inhabitants of Imaine, where Connor Kearvagh O'Kelly, with eleven princes, sons of that family, were slain." 3ii Conchobhar O'Kelly In him the race of Diarmaid, who hanged O'Mannin (No. 29, supra), probably became extinct. Let us now return to Tadhg Mor of tlie Battle of Athenry, the celebrated chief of Hy-Many, to whom Shane O'Dugan addressed a curious poem, preserved in the Trinity College MS., (H. 2. 7.), in which he traces his pedigree up to Conn of the Hundred Battles. It is stated in the Book of Lecan that Tadhg Mor had three sons, namely, Donn- chadh, Tadhg, and Conchobhar. P 2 29. io8 29. Tadhg G'Kelly, son of Tadhg of the Battle of Athenry — He contested the chief- tainship of Hy-Many in the year 1 340, with William, the son of Donogh Muimhneach O'Kelly, as already stated under No. 28, but was put down. He had three sons, two Tadhgs and Donogh Eoe, but there is no further account of his descendants, and it may be presumed that they became extinct. The descendants of Conchobhar, chief of Hy-Many, and brother of Tadhg of the Battle of Athenry, also became extinct in a few generations ; and as none of them were historical personages it is unnecessary to enumerate them here ; but the race of Gilbert, chief of Hy-Many, No. 28, supra, was continued by Cormac, his sixth son, who became the foimder of the family of Belagallda. The line is continued by O'Farrell for eight generations, and as this is unquestion- ably the senior line of the O'Kelly family, I shall here present the reader with these generations, in the hope that some existing family may be able to connect itself with tliem : 28. Gilbert O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, d. 1322. 29. Diarmaid O'K., who 29. Cormac O'K. hanged O Maniiin, | and took possession of | his castle of Clogher. I 30. Cormac Og, of 30. Teige O'K., of Belagallda. Cloghan, ^^ Donogh OK., of BelagaUda. I 32. William Roe O'K., of Belagallda. I 33. Melaghlin O'K., of Belagallda. 34. Edmond O'K. 34. Owen O'Kelly. I ( 35. Donogh O'K. 35. Teige O'K. 35. Melaghlin OK. 35. Hugh. I 1,1 36. William OK., of Belagallda. 36. Donogh O K. 36. Teige. O'Kelly of Athleague. Having now shown where the senior line, which was laid aside for generations by more powerful junior families, is to be looked for, I shall return to Brian, second son of Maeleachlainn (29, 30), and eldest that left issue, his eldest brother, Ruaidhri, having died without issue in 1395. He married Edaoin, daughter of Cathal O'Conor, king of Connaught, and had issue, Aedh, chief of Hy-Many, and ancestor of O'Kelly, of Athleague, and Maghnus O'Kelly, ancestor of the family of Screen, now represented by Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., of Castle Kelly. Brian died in the year 1393, i. e. eight years before his father, and his wife died shortly after him in the same year, as did also I09 also two of his brothers, Domhnall and Edmond, as we learn from the Annals of the Four Masters. " A. D. 1393. — Brian, the son of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, Tanist of Hy-Many, died." Same year. — " Edaoin, daughter of CathalOg O'Conor, and wife of Brian, the son of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, and Domhnall and Edmond, two sons of Maeleachlain O'Kelly, died." 31. Aedh or Hugh O'Kelly, son of Brian — Brian, the father of this Aedh or Hugh, having died in his father, Maeleachlainn's life-time, never attained to the chieftainship. On the death of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly in 140 1, his third son, Conor Anabaidh, or the Abortive, succeeded as chief of Hy-Many, a dignity which he enjoyed for two years, when he died, and was buried in the Abbey of St. John the Baptist at Randown, A. D. 1403. He was succeeded in the chieftainship by Tadhg or Teige, the sixth sou of Maeleachlainn, who governed the territory for seven years, Avhen he died, and was succeeded by his brother Donnchadh, or Donogh, the seventh son of Maeleachlainn, Avho was chief of Hy-Many for fourteen years, and was slain by an arrow discharged at him by one of the sons of his brother William, who rebelled against him. From the death of Donogh in 1424, down to the year 1467, the Irish annals do not give the succes- sion of the chiefs of Hy-Many, but at the year 1464, the Four Masters have the following very curious passage : "A. D. 1464. Breasal, the son of Donnchadh O'Kelly and Maeleachlainn, the son of William O'Kelly, who were contending for the lordship of Hy-Many, both died within the one week at the end of April. When Maeleachlainn's servant came to see Breasal in his mortal sickness, Breasal said : ' I shall meet Maeleachlainn in the pre- sence of the Lord of us both at the end of a week ;' and both did attend that meeting. After the death of Maeleachlainn, a great contention arose between the sons of Wil- liam O'Kelly [ancestor of the house of Aughrim] and the sons of Donnchadli O'Kelly" [ancestor of the houses of Gallagh and Mullaghmore]. O'Farrell, in his pedigree of O'Kelly, has no notice of these rivals, but makes Teige O'Kelly, the son of Donogh, and brother of Breasal, succeed his father for three years, i. e. from 1424 till 1427, when he makes Hugh, the son of Brian (No. 31), of whom we are treating, succeed for thirty years. This Aedh or Hugh, the ancestor of O'Kelly of Athleague, died in the year 1467, and was interred at Athlone (Ann. Quat. Mag.). He married first the daughter of Mac Dermot of Moylurg, and had issue Wil- liam O'Kelly of Athleague, and Donnchadh O'Kelly of Lecan. He married, secondly, Benmumhan Ny-Conor (daughter of Owen O'Conor), who died in 1468, by whom he had Maeleachlainn O'Kelly of the Feadha, in the barony of Athlone, who became chief of Hy-Many in 1487, and Edmond O'Kelly, who, according to O'Farrell, was the thirty-seventh O'Kelly, but no notice of him is preserved in the Irish Annals. 32- I lO 32. William O'Kellf/, son of Aedk, or Hitgh On the death of Aedh O'Kelly, the father of this William, in 1467, Aedh, the son of William O'Kelly, ancestor of the house of Aiighrim, succeeded to the chieftainship, and enjoyed that dignity for two years, Avhen he was slain by his own relatives. His death is thus recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters : " A. D. 1469 — Aedh, the son of William O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, the most eminent man in Ireland for hospitality, and one who had never refused the counte- nance of man, was treacherously slain by the descendants of Donnchadh O'Kelly, namely, by the sons of Breasal and Teige, the son of Donnchadh O'Kelly, on Shrove Monday, the second day before the festival of St. Berach [15th Feb.] After his death two O'Kellys were set up, namely, William, the son of Aedh, who Avas son of Brian, and Tadhg Caoch, the son of William O'Kelly." The former is the William of whom we are here treating. He seems to have been more powerfvxl than the other O'Kelly, for in the record of his death, given in the An- nals of the Four Masters, he is called full chief of Hy-Many. "A. D. 1487. — William, son of Aedh, son of Brian O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, was treacherously taken prisoner by his own kinsmen, and afterwards died in chains. Upon which two lords were set up in his place, namely, \_his brother'] Maeleachlainn, son of Aedh, son of Brian, and Donnchadli, son of Breasal O'Kelly." The name of the wife of this William is not given by the Irish Annalists, nor in any of the pedigrees ; but it appears from the Annals that he had three sons, namely, 1. Tadhg O'Kelly, 2. Brian O'Kelly, who slew his brother Tadhg in 1484, and was him- self hanged by the O'Kelly for his crime soon after, and Maeleachlainn, who became chief of Hy-Many, and Avas, according to the pedigrees, but not according to the Annals, the thirty-fifth O'Kelly, and the founder of the house of Athleague. 33. Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, son of William. — He was a distinguished man, but never attained to the chieftainship. In the year 1487 he slew Aedh, or Hugh, the son of Donnchadh O'Kelly, in revenge for which he Avas treacherously capti;red and throAvn into prison in 1490, by Tadhg, son of Donnchadh O'Kelly, but Avas afterwards liberated. In 1489, he and his brothers Avere at strife Avith 0' Conor, and in that year O'Conor led his forces against them and cut trenches in theu- road at Cluainin so as to render it im- passable, and destroyed much of their corn, and they, in retaliation, inflicted many injuries on O'Mulconry (noAV Conry and Conroy), and his relatives, Avho were O'Conor's de- pendants. They continued their strife Avith 0"Conor, Avho, in the year 1499, induced Garrett Earl of Kildare, then Lord Deputy, to march a sti'ong force into the proAdnce of Connaught to quell their insolence, and also to su.bdue some rivals of the house of O'Conor. The Lord Deputy on this occasion took their castle of Athleague, and delivered it up to their paternal uncles, and droA^e themselves across the river Suck. Shortly 1 1 1 Shortly after this, however, the sons of Wmiam O'Kelly prevailed on Mac WilHani Burke of Clanrickard to join them, by whose assistance they regained possession of the castle of Athleague. Mac William on this occasion made a prisoner of Conor O'Kelly, one of the two rival chiefs of Hy-Many, and delivered him, together with the hostages of Hy-Many, up to Maeleachlainn O'Kelly (son of Tadhg, son of Donnchadh), who thereupon assumed entire lordship of Hy-Many. After this period the O' Kelly s of Athleague, the senior representatives of William Boy (No. 28), disappear from Irish history, or at least from the Irish Annals, but their pedigree is preserved by O'Farrell in his Linea Antiqua for six generations after this Maeleachlainn, as may be seen in the Genealogical Table. The last mentioned by O'Farrell seems to have lived in the reign of Queen Anne, and the pedigree might easily be continued by a proper search in the Registry of Clonfert, and in the Rolls' Office, and other repertories of documents relating to property, in Dublin. Denis H. Kelly, Esq., of Castle Kelly, believes that the house of Athleague is now repre- sented by the house of Cargins {mde supra, p. 18, Note ") ; and the pedigree is con- tinued in the Genealogical Table down to the present day on his authority, but the Editor does not know whether it can be supported by documentary evidence. O'Kelly of Lecan. The next family in point of seniority of descent to O'Kelly of Athleague, is O'Kelly of Lecan, who descends from Tadhg, eldest son of Donnchadh, the brother of William, No. 32, and second son of Aedh, chief of Hy-Many, by the daughter of Mac Dermot, ofMoylurg; but the present representative of this family, if extant, is unknown to the Editor, and probably to himself. The pedigree is carried down for six generations, by O'Farrell, in his Linea Antiqua, but without adding any dates. O'Kelly of Turrick. The next family of this name is that of Turrick, who descend from Brian, the son of Donnchadh O'Kelly, of Lecan. The pedigree is carried down by O'Farrell four generations, but without adding dates or marriages. This house is now believed to be extinct. O'Kelly of Liscor. This house descends from Maeleachlainn, the son of Donnchadh O'Kelly, of Lecan, by his second wife. More, the daughter of O'Conor Faly. O'Farrell carries the pedigree of two branches of this family down seven generations, that is, from Maeleachlainn, son of Donnchadh, down to Donnchadh Og O'Kelly, of Liscor, who was probably alive lu I 12 in the reigu of Queon Anne, Avhen O'Farrell compiled liis pedigrees of tlie ancient Irish families. The Editor does not know the present representative of this family. O'Kelly, of Lisdalon. The last, or thirty-ninth CKelly, was the head of this house. He was Aedh, or Hugh, the son of Donnchadh, the thirty-eighth O'Kelly, by Ellen, the daughter of Conor O'Kelly, of Clogher; and Donnchadh, who was living in the year 1536, according to the Four Masters, was tlie son of Edmond, the thirty-seventh O'Kelly, by the daugh- ter of Mac Dermot, of Moylurg. This Hugh, the last chief of Hy-Many, was living in 1585, and is the chief mentioned in the dociunent already quoted in the Introductory Remarks to this tract, p. 18, where the name of his residence is incorrectly printed Lisecalhone, for Lisdalhone or Lisdalone. He died without issue male, and his daughter Margaret was his sole heiress, who married Duagh Daly Kelly, of Beallagh, and the family of Lisdalon was continued by the descendants of Edmond, the thirty-seventh 0-Kelly, by his second wife. Amy, daughter of Garrett Dalton, of Ballymore. As this familv may be said, if extant, to be the heirs of the last chief of Hy-]Many, I shall here present the reader with the pedigree as far as it is given by O'Farrell in his Linea Antiqi\a : 32. Edmond, thirty-seventh O'Kelly, married, secondly, Amy, daughter of Garrett Dalton, of Bally- I more, and had issue, 33. Edmond Oge O'Kelly, married the daughter of William Kelly, of Beallagh, and had issue two I sons, namely, Ignatius and Melaghlin. ;í4. Ignatius O'Kelly, married the daughter of Gilleniewe Farrell, of Rathcline, in the co. Long- j ford, and had two sons, John and Donogh. 1 35. John Kellv. 35. Donogh K. I ■ I 3(i. Ignatius Kelly, of Lisdalon. 36. "William K. The descendants of Melaghlin, son of Edmund Oge, are given by O'Farrell as follow : 34. Melaghlin, the brother of Ignatius, above mentioned, married Rose, daughter of Mac William I Carrach, and had issue, 35. Brian O'Kelly, who married a Dillon, and had issue, i 36. Hubert Kelly, who married a daughter of William Harbour, of Dublin, and had issue, 1 37. Hubert Oge Kelly. If any branch of this family of Lisdalon be extant, he may be considered as the representative 1 1 representative of Iliigli O'Kclly, the tliirty-ninth O'Kelly, and last chief of Ily-Many; but tlu- Editor can find no account of them, and believes that they are extinct. O'Kelly, of Beallagh. This family descends from William O'Kelly, the son of Maeleachlainn of tlie Feadha, who, according to the Four Masters, became chief of Hy-Many in 1487. The pedigree is carried down for seven generations by O'Farrell, that is, from the Maeleach- lainn O'Kelly, just mentioned, down to William Kelly, of Beallagh, the son of Colonel Hugh Kelly, of Beallagh, by Euphrosina Resica, a Polish lady. The mother of this Colonel Kelly was Mable, daughter of William Rengh Kelly, of Knockcroghery ; his grandmother was Maud, the daughter of Sir Hugh O'Conor Don, and his great grand- mother was Margaret, the daughter, and sole heiress of Hugh O'Kelly, the last chief of Hy-Many; so that he was of the best blood of Connaught and lly-]\lany by paternal and maternal descent. The present representative of this house is likewise unknown to the Editor, who fears that the family have become extinct, or so obscure that they may have lost all knowledge of their high descent. O'Kelly, of Screen. The next family in point of seniority of descent to the house of Beallagh is O'Kelly, of Screen, now represented by Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., of Aughrane, or Castle Kelly. This family, though they are not the senior representatives of Brian, Tanist of Hy-Many, and ancestor of the last chief (Hugh, of Lisdalon, son of Donnchadh, son of Edmond, son of Aedh, son of Brian, son of Maeleachlainn, son of William Boy, the stirpes, No. 28), nor considered traditionally to be of the family of the chiefs of Hv- Many, for tradition looks upon the houses of Aughrim, Mullaghmore, and Gallagh as having supplied all the chiefs of Hy-Many; still they have at all times maintained so high a rank in Hy-Many, especially since the abolition of chieftainries, and produced so many distinguished men, that they are now fairly entitled to be considered the chief family of the O'Kelly s, especially since the disappearance of the junior but formerly more powerful houses of Mullaghmore and Aughrim, and the dwindling of the house of Gallagh to comparative insignificance. It will be recollected that Brian O'Kelly, Tanist of Hy-Many, who died in 1393, had two sons, namely, i, Aedh, or Hugh, chief of Hy-Many, and ancestor of the last chief, and of all the families above enumerated, except O'Kelly of Belagallda ; and, 2, Maghnus, or Manus O'Kelly, ancestor of the O'Kelly of Screen. 31. Maghnus, or Manus O'Kelly, son of Brian.— Re married Celia, daughter of IRISH ARCU. SOC. 9. Q jyj^lgg 114 ^Mjles Burke, of Sliruile, and bad issue Domluiall, or Daniel O'Kelly. Charles O'Conor of Belanagare, states in his pedigree of O'Kelly, which was drawn up in the year 1774, that the appanage of this Maghnus was the manor of Athlone in the County of Ros- common. 32. Domhnall, or Daniel 0''KeUi/, son 0/ Mantis — He is called in the pedigi'ees lord of the manor of Screen. He married Catherine, daughter of Ulick Burke, who was the Mac William, of Clanrickard, and had one son, Donnchadh (i. e. Donogh, or Denis). 33. Donnchadh, or Denis O'^Kelly, son of Dornhnall He is called in the pedigrees the third lord of the manor of Screen, but no memorial of him is preserved by the Irish annalists. He married the daughter of Turlogh O'Conor Don, and had a son Aedh, or Hugh, who succeeded him. 34. Aedh, or Hugh O'lie/li/, son of Donnchadh He was the fourth lord of the manor of Screen, and the freedom of England was granted him by Philip and Mary, by patent, dated 1557. He married, according to Charles O'Conor's pedigree of O'Kelly, Finola, daughter of Teige O'Kelly, of Gallagh, but according to another authority, a daughter of Donogh O'Kelly, of Lecan. He had issue, 35. Tadhg, Teige, or Timothy O'Kelli/, of Aughrane, now Castle Kelly, the fifth lord of the manor of Screen, and sheriff of the county of Roscommon, in the year 1566. He married Catherine, daughter of Hugh O'Kelly, of Lecan, or, according to other authorities, Finola, the daughter of O'Kelly, of Belanamore, and had issue, 36. Buaidhri, Rory, or Roger O'Kelly, of Aughrane, or Castle Kelly, the sixth lord of the manor of Screen; he was sheritf of Roscommon in 1590. He married Eliza, daughter of O'Kelly, of Belanamore, or, according to another authority, the daughter of i\Iac Edmond of Gaillé, and had issue, i, William Reagh O'Kelly, who married Ellen, daughter of O'Horan, by whom be had two sons, Conor and Dominic, both of whom entered into holy orders, and left no issue ; 2, Capt. Colla O'Kelly; and O'Conor says that he had a third son, Donell, who was living in 1594. 37. CoUa O'Kelly, son of Rory, seventh lord of the manor of Screen. In 1601 he commanded, as a captain of foot, under Richard Earl of Clanrickarde, at the battle of Kinsale, where they fought against the disafiected Irish and Spaniards. He is said to have rejected the O' from his surname at the request of Queen Elizabeth, Avho thought the prefix O' tended, by keeping up the clanships in Ireland, to foster the disaffec- tion to England ; her autograph letter to him on the subject is said to have been preserved amongst the family muniments at Castle Kelly, but the present proprietor of that Castle has not been able to find it. He writes, in a letter to the Editor, dated Castle Kelly, October 19th, 1842 : "This autograph letter of Queen Elizabeth was long preserved among the family muniments, but was unhappily lost in the confusion after 1^5 after my unck-'s death. Botli my father and my aunt remember having seen it, and describe it as Avritten in a very cramp hand on a small piece of greenish coloured paper." On the ist of January, in the year i6i 2, this Captain Colla O'Kelly got a grant of the castles of Skryne and Knockcrogherie, and several lands : also of the castle of Lecharro, in the barony of Killian; also of the castles of Kiltullagh, Fedane, Cloneoran, Coolowe, and several lands in Tiaquin Barony, with a Wednesday market and a yearly fair at Knockcrogherie ; also of a ferry over the river Suck, bet^yeen the towns and lands of Bealaforen on the east, and Mucklone on the Avest side of the river. He married Mary, daughter of James Betagh, Esq., of Moynalty, in the county of East Meath, and had issue Johu Kelly, his successor, and four daughters, Catherine, Margaret, Honora, and Mary. Captain Colla died in 161 5, and was buried in the abbey of Kilconnell. 38. John Kelly, soit of CapUxin Colla, eighth lord of the manor of Screen In a Patent Roll, 10 Jac. I. 161 2, he is called the son and heir of Colla O'Kelly, of the castle and manor of Skryne, and his wardship Avas granted to Donogh O'Kelh', of Gallagh, to bring him iip in the established religion, and in the use of the English tongue, &c. He was Colonel of infantry of his own raising in September, 1641. He Avas very active and zealous in supporting King Charles the First's cause, and acquired so distingviished a character for his services, both under the Marquis of Ormonde and Clanrickarde, that he was restored by a particular clause in the Act of Settlement, to all the estates Avhich he either had in possession or in reversion in the year 1641. He died in 1674, and was buried in the abbey of Kilconnell. Charles O'Couor says, that Kellach O'Kelly of Aughrim, Avho was the reputed chief of Hy-Many, sent, a short time before his death, a formal deputation to this Colonel John Kelly, de- volving to him all his right to the ancient honours of O'Kelly. He married Isma, daughter of Sir William Hill, of Bally beg. County of CarloAv, and had issue, i. Colonel Charles Kelly, ninth lord of the manor of Screen, his successor ; 2, Captain John Kelly, of Clonlyon; and four daughters, Margaret, Catherine, Onora, and Isma. Colonel Charles Kelly is the author of a curious account of the civil Avar in Ireland under James II., entitled '•'■ Macarice Excklium, or the Destruction of Cyprus," of Avhich an English translation has lately been edited for the Camden Society, by T. Crofton Croker, Esq. This Col. Charles Kelly was educated at St. Omer's, Avhere he acquired great reputa- tion for his knoAvledge of Belles Lettres. He returned to Ireland in 1 642, and having got the command of a troop of horse under the Marquis of Ormonde, he distinguished himself in the royal cause upon many occasions during the civil Avars, but when the king Avas be- headed, and Ireland reduced by CromAvell, he carried a regiment of foot, consisting of tAvo thousand men into the Spanish service. He joined King Charles the Second on the re- storation in 1 660, and returned to England and thence to Ireland, Avhere, in the reign Q 2 of ii6 of" James the Second he was chosen Knight of the Shire for the County of Roscommon. He married Margaret, daughter of Teige O'Kelly, of Gallagh, and had issue Captain Denis Kelly, tenth lord of the manor of Screen, and Catherine, wife of Captain AVilliam Burke, second son of Sir William Burke, of Derrymaclaughney. His son. Captain Denis Kelly, tenth lord of the manor of Screen, raised a troop of horse in Lord Gal way's regiment to aid King James the Second, and had a horse killed under him at the battle of Aughrim ; he retired to Limerick and was included in the capitulation of that city in 1 69 1 ; he was sent to the Tower of London on suspicion of being concerned in the Roches- ter plot in the reign of George the First, but was honourably acquitted about the year 1740. He married, on ist November, 1702, ]\Iaiy, daughter of Lord Bellew, and niece to Lord Strafford, and died without issue in the year 1 740, There is a well-painted portrait of him at Castle Kelly. With him the senior line of the chiefs of Screen became extinct. By deed, bearing date loth February, 1701, he settled his estate in remainder on John Kelly, senior, of Cloulyon (No. 40), and on his sons, John junior, Charles, and third, fourth and fifth sons, or on failure of them, on Colla Kelly, brother of said John senior, and his issue male; Avhieh he confirms more amply by his last will, bearing date in May, 1 740, and proved in the Prerogative Court of Ireland, on the 29th of July following. Charles O'Conor of Belanagare, who was thirty years old when this Captain Denis died, and who must have known him intimately, writes the following note on the settlement of the property : " Captain Denis O'Kelly dying Avithout issue in 1 740, bequeathed his entire estate to John O'Kelly, eldest son to his cousin german, John O'Kelly of Clonlyou, by Mary, daughter of Iriel O'Farrell. N. B. The settlement of John O'Kelly with Joanna Hill, and of his son, Colonel Charles O'Kelly, with the daughter of O'Kelly of Gallagh, wherein the issue of Colonel John O'Kelly were remaindered, not being registered, were destroyed by mutual consent of the parties, to empower Captain Denis O'Kelly to make a settlement on the daughter of Lord Bellew." 39. ColonelJoJiu Kellt/, of Clonh/on, son of JohnKeUy^ of Aughrane. — He was High SheriflPof the county of Roscommon, in 1686, and was appointed by commission, bear- ing date 1st August, 1689, lieiitenant-colonel and captain of a company in his brother Charles's regiment of foot, and he sat in King James II.'s parliament as member for the Borough of Roscommon. By his will, made in 1692, and proved in 1694, he orders his body to be buried in the Abbey of Kilconnell, and bequeaths the monks of that abbey a donation to pray for his soul, with many other charitable legacies. He married ^lary, daughter of Nicholas Mahon, of StrokestoAvn, ancestor of Lord Hartland, and had issue John Kelly, his successor. 40. John Kelly, Esq., son of Col. John. — He married in July, 1697, Mary, daughter of Trial O'Farrell, of Cambo, and had issue John Kelly, of Aughrane, and Denis O'Kelly Farrell, 117 Farrell, ancestor of Count O'Kelly, of France. lie died in 17 14, and by his will be- queathed a legacy to the poor monks then dwelling near the ruins of Kilconnell Abbey. 41. John Kelly, Esq., of Aughrane, or Castle Kelly — He succeeded his relative, Captain Denis Kelly, above mentioned, and was the eleventh lord of the manor of Screen. He married in 1 729, the Lady Honora, daughter of John Earl of Clanrickarde, niece to the Duchess de Berwick, and had issue (No. 42). He was the first of this house Avho conformed to the Church of England, and died in 1 748. 42. De7iis Kelly, Esq., of Aughrane, or Castle Kelly, last lord of the manor of Screen. He died at Worcester, 1794. He married, in 1750, Anne, daughter of Edward Arm- strong, Esq., of Gallen, and had issue, i, Major John Kelly, of Castle Kelly, who died s. p. in 1813 ; 2, Lieutenant Denis Kelly, who died s. p. 1782 ; 3, The Rev. Andrew Armstrong Kelly ; 4, Captain Charles Kelly, who died s. p. 1801 ; 5, Major Kobert, killed at St. Sebastian, s. p. 1813 ; 6, Lieutenant William Kelly, who, while with Lord Macartney, died in China, in 1 796 ; 7, James Kelly, now living, who married Miss St. George, of Tyrone ; and four daughters, Elizabeth, Honora (married to the Rev. T. Mahon, only brother of the first Lord Hartland), Anne, and Letitia. 43. Rev. Andrew Armstrong Kelly, son of Denis, born 1763, and still living. He married, in 1796, Leonora, daughter of F. Salvador, of TAvickenham, Esq., and has issue one daughter, Leonora, married to John Mahon, Esq., of Strokestown House, and, 44. Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., of Aughrane, or Castle Kelly, M. R. L A., and deputy lieutenant of the county of Galway — He married, first, Mary, daughter of W. M. Moseley, of Buildwas, county of Salop, and has issue two daiighters ; i, Leonora Mary; and, 2, Mary Frances. He married, secondly, Elizabeth Diana, daughter of Colonel John Catir, of Brehenham, Kent, and Woodbastwick, Norfolk, and has issue, 3, Elizabeth ; 4, Charlotte ; 5, Lucy Anne. Count O'Kelly, of Montanban in the South of France. 40. John Kelly, of Clonlyon, who died in 17 14, had a second son, 41. Denis 0' Kelly Farrell, born eight months after his father's death. He took service in Spain, where he obtained a company of infantry, and returned to Ireland in 1740 to enjoy an estate left him by the will of his uncle James O'Farrell, bearing date the 25th July, 1738, on condition of his taking the name and arms of O'Farrell. He died at Toulouse in the year 1761. He married Mary, daughter of Theobald Dillon, and had issue John (No. 42), and a daughter, Mary O'Kelly Farrell, who, in 1 767, married Clement John Augustine de Rey, Marquis de Milhars in the province of Languedoc in France, and Counsellor of the Parliament of Toulouse. 42. John James Count O'Kelly, born 1749 — Charles O'Conor states in 1774 tl^at he was lord of the manor of "Ca: Bastire Montfort." He had issue, i, Denis Count O'Kelly, ii8 O' Kelly, who died s. p. in 1832 ; 2, James, the present Count O'Kelly ; 3, Charles Mac Carthy O'Kelly; and, 4, Robert. 43. James Count O^Kelly married a Miss Long, of the county of Tipperary, but has no issue ; his brother Charles Mac Carthy O'Kelly has a large family. Havino- now disposed of all the families descended from Brian, the second son of Maeleachlainn, son of William Boy O'Kelly (No. 28), let us next turn to his third son, Conchobhar Anabaidh, or Conor the Abortive, so called, according to the pedigrees, from a superstitious belief that he had been detained in his mother's womb by witch- craft for two years, though his cognomen Avould seem to indicate the very contrary. He was chief of Hy-Mauy, and twenty-third O'Kelly, and died in 1403. He had a son Maeleachlainn, who was slain, according to the Four Masters, in 1429. His race continued in Hy-Many till about the beginning of the seventeenth century, when they seem to have become extinct. O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore. No family is recorded to have descended from any of the ten sons of Maeleachlainn (No. 29), except Donnchadh, or Donogh, his seventh son, and William, his ninth son, but from these sprung by far the most powerful if not most numerous families of Hy-Many, though since the reign of James II., they haA-e all either become totally extinct, or dwindled into comparative obscurity and insignificance. We shall treat of these families in order, according to their seniority of descent, not according to their power or dignity (as O'Farrell disposes them in his Linea An- tiqiia), and in so doing Ave shall take the Book of Lecan as authority, Avhich, though it may err in some particulars, must be received as the best evidence on the subject, until the Book of Hy-Many be discovered. 30. Donnchadh, or Donogh 0'' Kelly, seventh son of Maeleachlainn — He Avas the fourth son of Maeleachlainn by Finola, the daughter of Turlogh O'Conor, and succeeded his brother Tadhg or Teige, as chief of Hy-]\Iany in the year 1410, having enjoyed that dignity for fourteen years, Avhen he Avas slain by his own nepheAvs, Avho rebelled against his government. His death is thus recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters : "A. D. 1424 Donnchadh, son of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, was slain by an arrow, discharged at him by one of the sons of William O'Kelly, his OAvn brother, as he attempted to compel them to submit to him as their lord." He Avas the tAventy-fourth O'Kelly, and lÍA^ed at Tiaquin, and his patrimony Avas co-extensÍA^e Avith the barony Avhich noAV bears that name. The name of his Avife is not recorded, but it appears from the pedigrees and the Annals that he had tAvo sons, Tadhg and Breasal. 31. Tadhg, or Teige G'Kelhj^ son of Donnchadh He Avas lord of Hy-Many for three years, 119 years, and the twenty-sixtli O'Kelly. He was succeeded in the chieftainship by his brother Breasal, who was the twenty-seventh O'Kelly, and chief of Hy-Many for seven years, and died in the year 1464. Teige married the daughter of Thomas Burke, of Moyne, or Moynecuilleagh, and had issue, 32. Maeheachlainn, or Malachy 0' Kelly — It is stated by O'Farrell that he was the twenty-eighth O'Kelly, and lord of Hy-Many for twenty years, but according to the Four Masters he enjoyed that dignity only for twelve years, for he succeeded to the chieftainship in the year 1499, and died in 151 1. He was one of the most celebrated of the chiefs of Hy-Many, and was the erector of the castles of Gallagh, Monivea, Garbh- dhoire, now corruptly called Garbally. In the year 1499, we have already seen in treating of the family of O'Kelly of Athleague, that Mac William Burke, lord of Clanrickard, interposed between the rival candidates for the chieftainship of Hy-Many, and delivered the hostages of the territory up to this Maelseachlainn, of whom we now treat, who thereupon became sole prince, or arch-chief of Hy-Many. In the year 1504, however, dissensions arose between him and Mac William Burke or De Burgo, of Clanrickard (Ulick the third), who invaded Hy-Many with a strong force of his followers, and de- stroyed O' Kelly's three recently built castles of Monivea, Gallagh, and Garbh-dhoire. After this O'Kelly repaired to the Lord Deputy, Garrett Earl of Kildare, and complained to him of the injury he had received from Mac William De Burgo. The Lord Deputy listened attentively to his remonstrance, and having had a previous cause of enmity to Mac William, who on a former occasion had interposed between the O'Kellys and O' Conors, and set aside the arrangements which the Lord Deputy had previously made between them in the year 1499, immediately mustered a strong force, which he marched into Connaught to take revenge of De Burgo. On this occasion the Lord Deputy Avas joined by the principal chieftains of the north and west of Ireland, as O'Dounell, Avith'all his dependant chiefs of Tirconnell ; O' Conor Roe; Mac Dermot, ofMoylurg; Art O'Neill, tanist of Tyrone ; Mac Mahon, lord of Oriel; O'Hanlon, lord of Orior ; the sou of Magennis, lord of Iveagh ; O'Eeilly, of Breifney ; one of the O'Farrells, of Annaly ; the O'Kellys, of Hy-Many, and some of the Burkes. These numerous forces marched into Clanrickard, determined to crush its lord for his in- solence to the Lord Deputy, and the injuries he had inflicted on the lord of Hy-Many. Mac William De Burgo, who was aware of the movements of the Lord Deputy, was not idle in collecting his friends and relatives to resist this overwhelming force, and if we may believe some English accounts of this battle, he brought with him such a motley rabble of barefooted peasantry as never was seen, into Clanrickard, to oppose the Lord Deputy ; the testimony of the Annals of the Four Masters, however, is sufficient to show that they were by no means so motley a crowd as these accounts woixld 120 ^v()uld have us Vjelieve. They were as follows : — Turlogh, son of Teige O'Brien, lord of Thomond, and his brothers, with all their forces ; the Mac Namaras ; Mulroney O'Carroll, lord of Ely, with all his clans and dependant chieftains ; the O'Kennedys, of Ormond, and the Mac I-Briens, of Ara. "Wlien these forces had arrived in Clan- rickard, Mac William and O'Brien held a council of war, in which they, with the as- sent of all their chiefs, came to a spirited and brave resolution that they would neither submit nor give hostages to the Lord Deputy, but would come to a pitched battle with him at Cnoc Tuagh, now Knockdoe, eight miles to the north-east of Galway, and ac- cordingly a fierce engagement took place between them there, such as had not been fought in Ireland in latter times. The battle ended with the defeat of Mac William De Burgo and the chieftains of the south ; and the Lord Deputy, after having remained some days at Galway and Athenry, returned home, carrying with him as hostages the two sons and the daughter of Mac William De Burgo. This Maelseachlainn O'Kelly died in the year 1 5 1 1 , and his death is thus recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters : " A. D. 151 1. — O'Kelly (Maelseachlainn, the son of Tadhg, who was son of Donn- chadh, son of William, who was son of Donnchadh Muimhneach) died. He was a sup- porter of his territory, family, and friends, and a general patron of the learned and the poor. It was by him the castles of Gallach*, Garbh-doire*^, and Muine an mheadha'^, were erected." He married Mable, daughter of Teige Roe O'Kelly, of Callow, and sister of Sadhbh, or Sabina, wife of Ulick Burke Mac William Eighter, or the Lower, from whom the Earl of ]Mayo, and many other families of the Burkes, descended. He had issue, 33. Tadhg Dubh, or Teige Duff, of Gallagh He succeeded his father as chief of Hy-Many, and died, according to the Annals of the Four Masters, in 15 13. He mar- ried, first, the daughter of Donogh O'Kelly, by whom he had one son, Aedh, or Hugh O'Kelly, lord abbot of Knockmoy ; and a daughter, Catherine, married to the Lord Bermingham. He married, secondly, Una, daughter of Mac Dermot, ofMoylurg, and had issue William O'Kelly, of MiiUaghmore, his successor (of whom presently), and Donnchadh O'Kelly, the founder of the family of Gallagh. Although his eldest son Hugh took holy orders, still he had sons, but whether before or after his ordination is not stated. His descendants, however, are now extinct. 34- * Gallach. — See p. 19, Note f. tion of the ruins of this castle is still to be seen ^ Garbh-doire, now corruptly called Garhh- there. hhaile, and anglicised Garbally. It is the name *^ Mvine an mheadha, i. e. Mead-hill, now an- of a townland in the parish of Mojlough, barony glicised Monivea, a village in the parish of Moni- of Tiaquin, and county of Galway, and a por- vea, barony of Tiaquin, and county of Galway. 121 34- William 0' Kelly, of Mullaglmiore, son of Teige Duff. — He succeeded his father as O'Kelly of Mullaghmore, but never became chief of Hy-Many. He married the daughter of Meyler Boy Bermingham, and had issue, i, Tadhg, or Teige O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore; and, 2, Melaghliu Balbh O'Kelly. The year of his death is not recorded by the four Masters. 35. Tadhg, or Teige O' Kelly, of Mullaghmore, son of William It does not appear that he was ever acknowledged as chief or prince of Hy-Many, though, according to the Four Masters, he attended the parliament held in Dublin on the i st of May, A. D. 1585, as the chief O'Kelly, Avhich looks very strange, as it appears from a docu- ment, dated 6th August, 1585, preserved in the Auditor General's Office, and already quoted in the Introductory Remarks to this tract, pp. 18, 19, 20, that Hugh O'Kelly, of Lisedalhone, was the O'Kelly, and that Teige Mac William O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore, was only competitor for the Tanistship. But the fact would appear to be that Hugh, the then O'Kelly, deputed Teige Mac William O'Kelly to attend this parliament, as know- ing the English tongue better than himself, as several others seem to have done. In the folloAving record of the death of this Tadhg, or Teige, from the Annals of the Four Masters, he is not styled chief or lord of Hy-Many, which fact, coupled with the evi- dence already quoted, is sufficient to prove that he never attained to that dignity : "A. D. 1593 — Tadhg, son of William, who was son of Tadhg Dubh O'Kelly, of Caladh, in Hy-Many, died, and his death was a cause of great lamentation in Hy- Many." He married Sabina, the daughter of Thomas, son of Richard Og Burke, of Derry- maclaughny, and had issue Hugh Caech O'Kelly, John O'Kelly, and a daughter Cecilia, the wife of Edmond Lord Athenry. 36. Hugh Caoch 0'' Kelly, son of Teige He seems to be the Hugh O'Kelly men- tioned in Rot. Pat. 9 Jac I. p. 3, d. 53, loth of December 161 1 : — " A pardon of In- trusion for all intrusions, alienations, &c., committed by Teige O'Kelly, Hugh O'Kelly, Shane O'Kelly, and Feagh O'Kelly as to the castle and quarter of Mullaghmore, Cor- negallaghe, Carunesier," &c. He married Margaret, the daughter of Redmond na Scuab Burke, and had issue, 37. William O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore He married the daughter of Conor na g-Cearbhach O'Kelly, of Gallagh, and had issue, 38. Teige O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore, who married Cicely, the daughter of Sir John Burke, of Derrymaclaughny, and had issue, 39. William O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore, Esq., who married Martha, the daughter of Teige Caoch Kelly, of Fohanagh. This is the last generation given by O'Farrell, and it is therefore probable that William Kelly, Esq., of Mullaghmore, was cotemporary IRISH ARCH. SOC. p. R with 122 with O'Farrell himself. The Editor, when he traversed Hy-Many in 1838, did not find any recognized representative of this distinguished branch of the O' Kelly s in the country, and he thinks it highly probable that the house is extinct See Introductory Kemarks, p. 18, Note ^. O'Kelly, of Gallagh. It will be recollected that Tadhg, or Teige Dubh O'Kelly, of Gallagh (No. 33, sujyra), had, by Una, daughter of Mac Dermot, besides William O'Kelly, of MuUagh- more, Donnchadh, or Donogh O'Kelly, the founder of the family of Gallagh. 34. Donnchadh Beagh O^Kelly^ of Gallagh He married Una, the daughter of John Eoe Burke, of Beamore, and had issue, 35. Conchobhar na g-Cearbhach (or Conm- of the Gamblers) Oi'Kelly of Gallagh — From the document already quoted, p. 18, it appears that this Conchobhai-, or Conor, who is there called Connor na Garroghe O'Kelly, of Gallaghe, was one of the sub-chiefs of Hy-Many, living in 1585 ; and from Patent Roll, 10 Jac. I. it appears that he died in, or shortly before the year 161 2. He married Honora, daughter of Richard Boy O'Kelly, of Moat ; but put her away, and after having had a son and a daughter by another, he took her again, and had issue by her, Teige O'Kelly, of Gallagh, and five daughters, namely, i, Finola, Avife of William O'Kelly, of Mullaghmore ; 2, Ineenduff, wife of William O'Kelly, of Clonuran ; 3, Benmumhan, wife of Melaghlin O'Kelly, of Moylough ; 4, Una ; and, 5, Cicely. 36. Teige 0'' Kelly ^ of Gallagh, son of Conor. — It appears from Patent Roll, 10 Jac. L p. 4, d. 30, " That on the 20th December, 161 2, the wardship of Teige O'Kelly, son and heir of Cornelius, otherwise Connor Ne Garrogh O'Kelly, late of Gallagh, county Galway, Gentleman, deceased, was granted to Lady Ursula Bourke, widow of Sir Tho- mas Bourke, Knight, to rear him in the Protestant religion and English habits, and in Trinity College, Dublin, from the twelfth to the eighteenth year of his age." He married, first, Mary, daughter of Henry, son of Sir Hubert Burke, and had issue Donogh Eeagh O'Kelly, of Gallagh. Secondly, he married Julia, daughter of Sir Dermot O'Shaughnessy, and had issue John O'Kelly, and a daughter Margaret, wife of Colonel Charles Kelly, ninth Lord of the manor of Screen, the author of Maca- rioi Excidium. His son John Mac Teige O'Kelly married Anne, daughter of Dermot Daly, of KiUimor, Esq., and had issue Donogh O'Kelly. 37. Donnchadh Beagh O'Kelly, of Gallagh, son of Teige He married Eleanor, daugh- ter of Sir Ulick Burke, of Glinsk, Bart., and had issue, No. 38. It appears by a Pa- tent Roll, 10 Jac. L, that Donogh O'Kelly, of Gallagh, got a grant of the wardship of John O'Kelly, son and heir of Colla O'Kelly, of the manor and castle of Skryne ; but he 123 he could not be this Donogh, who was not born for many years after, nor was his father more than about twelve or fifteen years of age at that time. It does not ap- pear from the pedigrees who the Donogh mentioned in the Patent Roll is, unless he was Donogh Reagh O'Kelly, of Gallagh (No. 34, supra), whose son, Conor, was dead in 161 2 ; and who possibly might have lived to the period in question, though it does not seem probable ; at least if he did, he was more than a century old at the time, for his father, Teige Duff, chief of Hy-Many, died in 15 13. 38. Captain William 0^ Kelly, of Gallagh, son of Donogh Reagh He married Eliza- beth, daughter of Robert Dillon, of Clonbrock, Esq., and had issue, Conor, Festus (No. 39), Patrick, and Eleanor. Charles O'Conor states that he was living in 1688. 39. Festus O'Kelly, count of the Holy Roman Empire, married Joanna, daughter of John Dillon, of Kinclare, Esq., and had issue, i, Dillon John O'Kelly; and, 2, Conor (No. 40). Dillon John, according to his cotemporary, Charles O'Conor, was a captain in the Imperial Hungarian service in 1767, and afterwards count of the Holy Roman Empire, and was appointed ambassador from the Emperor of Germany to the court of Dresden. Charles O'Conor also states that this Dillon John married in Bohemia, in the year 1736, a German lady, Marian Comitissa de Klenowa, and Baronissa de Janouy Dowreur du Compte de Wittly. 40. Conchobhar, or Conor O'Kelly, of Ticooly, married Margaret, daughter of John O'More, of Annabeg, Esq., and had issue Festus (No. 41), and John O'Kelly, and five daughters, Mary, Jane, Eliza, Anne, and Svisanna. 41. Festus O'Kelly, count of the Holy Roman Empire. 42. Conchobhar, Cornelius, or Conor 0^ Kelly, now living. He is by descent a count of the Holy Roman Empire, but does not assixme the title. He has one brother Am- brose. He married a daughter of Walter Joyce, Esq., and has issue. O'Kelly, of Moylough. This family descends from John O'Kelly, the second son of Teige O'Kelly (No. 35), of MuUaghmore. The pedigree is carried down to the beginning of the eighteenth century by O'Farrell, but they are now either extinct or so reduced that they ai*e not able to trace their pedigree. O'Kelly, of Aughrim. This family, which was one of the most ilkistrious branches of the O' Kelly s, de- scends from, 30. William O Kelly, the ninth son of Maeleachlainn (No. 29 in the Genealogi(;al Table). This William, whose patrimonial inheritance was the territory now called the R 2 barony 124 barony of Kilconnell, never attained to the chieftainship of Hy-Many, but he was a man of much wealth and influence, as appears by the following record of his death in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 1420 : " A. D. 1420, William, the son of Maelseachlainn, who was son of William O' Kelly, a man of great prosperity and dexterity at arms, died after the victory of Unction and Penance." He had issue, i, Aedh, or Hugh, na Coille. 2, Maeleachlainn. 3, Tadhg Caoch. 31. Aedh^ or Htigh na Coille^ son of William He succeeded Hugh, son of Brian, the ancestor of O'Kelly, of Athleague, as chief of Hy-Many. O'Farrell states that he was O'Kelly for tAventy years, but this cannot be true, as his predecessor, Hugh, died in 1467, and he died himself in 1469, as we are informed by the Four Masters : "A. D. 1469. — Aedh, the son of William O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, the most eminent man in Ireland for hospitality, and one who had never refused the countenance of man, was treacherously slain by the descendants of Donnchadh O'Kelly, viz., by the sons of Breasal, and Tadhg, the son of Donnchadh, on Shrove Monday, the second day before the festival of St. Berach. After his death two O'Kellys were appointed, namely, William, son of Hugh, son of Brian, and Tadhg Caoch, the son of William, son of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly." He married Catherine, the daughter of Meyler Burke, of Shruile, and had issue Domhnall, or Daniel. 32. Domhnall, or Daniel 0'' Kelly ^ son of Hugh O'Farrell states that he was the thirty-first O'Kelly, and chief of Hy-Many for fifteen years, but no mention of him is found in the Irish Annals. He married Catherine, the daughter of Ulick Burke, lord of Clanrickard, and had issue Cellach, his successor, and a daughter Finola, the Avife of Domhnall a bharca O'Kelly. 33. Cellach O'Kelly, son of Domhnall. — He is called by O'Farrell thirty-second O'Kelly, and was chief for one year ; but no notice of him is preserved by the Four Masters. He married Julia, the daughter of Teige Dtifi" O'Kelly, of Gallagh ; and had issue Ferdoragh, his successor, and Hugh O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, who died Avithout issue male. 34. Ferdoragh, or Ferdinand, O'Kelly — He was the thirty-third, or, according to Charles O'Conor, the thirty-fifth O'Kelly, and the last member of the house of Aughrim Avho attained to the chieftainship of Hy-Many. He married, first, Catherine Coog, or Mac Hugo, by Avhom he had issue four daughters ; and, secondly, Julia, the daughter of John na Scuab Mac Coghlan, by whom he had his successor, 35. Maeleachlainn, or Malachy, O'Kelly, of Aughriyn — He married Honora, the daughter of John Burke, of Cloghrourke, and had issue Teige and Brian. 36. 125 7,6. Teige 0' Kelly, o/Aughrim, married Honora, the daughter of Sir "William Biirke, and had, 37. Cellach 0' Kelly, of Aiighrim — He was killed in the wars of 1641. Charles O'Conor states that before his death he sent a formal deputation to John Kelly, of Clonlyon, devolving to him all his right to the ancient honours of O' Kelly — See p. 115, supi-a. 36. Brian O'Kelhj, the second son of Maeleachlainn (No. 35), married Honora Kennedy, and had issue, 37. Tadhg 0' Kelly, who took possession of Aughrim on the death of his cousin- merman, Cellach. He married iSIary, the daughter of William O'Fallon, and had issue, 38. Maeleachlainn, or Malachy 0' Kelly, of Aughrim, who was living in 1688. The head of this branch of the O'Kellys is said to have followed the fortune of king James II. The Countess of Marcolini was the last survivor of this house ; she was the sister of the last O'Kelly, of Aughrim ; her husband. Count Marcolini, an Italian, was prime minister to the Elector of Saxony, a short time previous to the French Re- volution. O'Kelly, of Callow. This was another distinguished branch of the CKellys descending from, 31. Maeleachlainn 0^ Kelly, the brother of Aedh, or Hugh na Coille O'Kelly, of Aughrim, of whom we have already treated. He had issue one son, 32. Teige Roe O'Kelly, of Callow. — He married Eaghnailt Ny-Brien, with whom the O'Dalys first came into Connaught from Finnivara, in the barony of Burren, and county of Clare, where they had been for ages as poets to the O'Loughlins, of Burren. He had issue two sons, Donnchadh Roe and William. The pedigree is carried by O'Farrell from this Donnchadh Roe, for four generations, down to Edmond Dorcha O'Kelly, of Callow ; but the family is believed to be now extinct, and nothing is known of these descendants but their names. O'Kelly, of Pobal Caoch. The next branch of the O'Kellys, in point of seniority to that of the house of Callow, is that of Pobal Caoch, or Pobal an Chaoich, the name of a district lying around Clonbrock, Clogher, &c. This family descends from Tadhg, or Teige Caoch O'Kelly, third son of William O'Kelly, of Aughrim (No. 30, supra). This Tadhg Caoch be- came chief of half Hy-Many in 1469. He built the castle of Clonbrock, and died in the year i486, in the habit of the order of St. Francis, as we learn from the Annals of the Four Masters. He had issue two sons, Conor and William. 32- 126 32. Conor O'' Kelly, ofClogher, son of Tadhg Caoch — He built, or rather enlarged, the castle of Clogher, which was the seat of his descendants for several generations. He is mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 1487, where it is stated that he was treacherously taken prisoner by Tadhg, or Teige, the son of Maelseach- lainn O'Kelly. He married Ellen, the daughter of Teige Duff O'Kelly, of Gallagh, and had issue, 33. Daniel a bharca The pedigree of this distinguished branch is carried down by O'Farrell for five generations more. The Editor has not been able to ascertain whether there is now any living representative of this family. There are minor branches, whose pedigrees are carried doAvn by O'Farrell to the beginning of the eighteenth century, but as we have no dates or historical facts connected with them it would be useless to insert them here. I shall, however, give a list of the names of theii" residences in the order of their descent. They are as follows : Kelly, of Attyknockan. Kelly, of Corrymore. Kelly, of Belaforin. Kelly, of Belanamore. Kelly, of Drynan. Kelly, of Tuath Cleirigh. Kelly, of Castlegar. Kelly, Moot or Moat. Kelly, of Killian. Kelly, of Beallagh. The family of Beallagh produced two chiefs of all Hy-Many, viz., i, Ruaidhri na Maor (son. of Mahon, son of Eoghan Finn, son of Domhnall Mor), and, 2, his son Donnchadh. This Ruaidhri (No. 28) was seventeenth O'Kelly, and chief for three years, and was slain by Cathal, son of O'Conor, in 1339. He married, first, Mor, daughter of WUliam Liath Mac William, of Clanrickard, and had issue Donnchadh, twentieth O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many for four years ; and, secondly, the daughter of O'Conor Faly, by whom he had Domhnall, tanist of Hy-Many, who died in 1364, and Ruaidhri. The Sliocht Seaain O'Kelly, or Race of John O'Kelly, who descend from Donnchadh, twentieth O'Kelly, just mentioned. 29. Donnchadh, twentieth 0^ Kelly, son of Ruaidhri na Maor, had issue Ruaidhri and Eosrhan. 127 Eoghan. The descendants of the former are traced by O'Farrell for eight generations, but without mentioning their place of residence. 30. Eoghan G'KeUy, second son of Donnchadh, married a daughter of O'Madden. 31. Rimidhri O' Kelly, son of the preceding Eoghan, had, 32. Shane, or John Na Moy 0' Kelly — In the document, dated 1585, already quoted, p. 18, sq. he is called Shane ne Moye O'Kelly of the Criaghe, Generosus. His race continued for four generations, viz., 33, Eory ; 34, Daniel ; 35, Owen ; 36, Rory ; but the Editor is unable to say whether it has noAv a living representative. He gives this line in the hope that his descendants, if extant, may be connected with history. Kelly, of Beagh. This family descends from Lochlainn, the third son of Donnchadh, the twentieth O'Kelly, above mentioned (No. 29), but the Editor believes that they are now extinct. Kelly, of Ballinasloe. This family descends from Domhnall, or Daniel O'Kelly (son of Euaidhri na Maor, seventeenth O'Kelly), tanist of Hy-Many, who died in 1364. He had a son, 30. Tadhg O'Kelly, a famous champion, who was chief O'Kelly for four years, and built a castle at Ballinasloe ; but not Dunlo Castle there, Avhich was built by Conor Moenmoy O'Conor. He had issue, 31. Tadhg Og O'Kelly, who was elected chief of Hy-Many (nineteenth O'Kelly), and, after having enjoyed that dignity for the short period of three days, he died. He had three sons, who continued his race for seven generations, as will be seen in the annexed Table which is given from O'Farrell: 29. Daniel O'Kelly, Tanist of Hy-Many, who died j in 1364. 30. Teige O'Kelly, who built Ballinasloe Castle. I 31. Teige Oge, nineteenth O'Kelly. 32. Daniel. I 33. John. 34. Hugh. I 35. Teige. I 36. Owen. 37. John Kelly, of Ballinasloe. 37. Teige. 38. Teige Kelly, of Ballinasloe, a friar. This family is believed to be extinct. 32. Melaghlin. I 33. Feradhach. I 34. Teige. I 35. Hugh. I 36. Feradhach. I 37. Teige, a priest. 32. Rory. I 33. Colla. I 34. Bresal. I 35. Teige. I 36. James. 37. Colla Kelly. Kelly, 128 Kelly, of Annaghbeg. Kelly, of Clonkeen, Tristen, &c. Kelly, of Lavally, Cluain-cuill, &c. This famous branch of the O'Kellys descends from Lochlainn O'Kelly, the third son of Domhnall Mor, who was son of Tadhg Tailltenn (Nos. 24, 25, sfipra). 26. Lochlainn G'Kdhi^ son of Domhnall Mor. 27. Aedh, or Hugh O'Kelly, ancestor of Kelly, of Claddagh and Lavally, near Dvm- more. He had three sons : i, William ; 2, Daniel, who built the castle of Clunybryn, now Clonbeirne ; 3, Murtogh, of Avhom presently. 28. William O'Kelly had issue two sons, Rory, and John O'Kelly, who was arch- deacon to Murtogh O'Kelly, Archbishop of Tuam. 29. Rory, or Roger 0'' Kelly, had issue, 30. Thomas OPKelly, who had, 31. Diarmaid Maol, or the Bald 0'' Kelly, ancestor of the Sliocht Diarniada. He had, 32. Edmond 0'' Kelly, Avho had, 33. William O'Kelly, who built the castles of Cluain Cuill and Lavally, to the north-east of Tuam, and also, 2, Melaghlin O'Kelly, who built the castle of Bearna Dhearg ; and, 3, Colla O'Kelly, who built the castle of Clonierin, all lying in the same neighbourhood. For their situation see Map. He had issue, 34. Hugh O'Kelly, and Thomas, of Cluain Cuill. Hugh had issue, 35. Ferdoragh, or Ferdinand O'Kelly, and Edmond. Ferdoragh had issue, 36. Hifgh O'Kelly, who had issue, 37. John Kelly, of Lavally, who married the daughter of William Egan. We now return to Murtogh, the third son of Hugh (No 27, si^pra). He had a son, 29. Thomas Roe O'Kelly, a man of great wealth and celebrity in his time, who built a fine tomb for his family in the abbey of Dunmore, eight miles north of Tuam. He had, 30. Edmond Caoch O'Kelly, who had two sons, Aedh, or Hvigh and Edmond Oge, of Doonbolgan. 31. Aedh, or Hugh O'Kelly, who built the castle of Claddagh, lying to north-east of Tuam, of which a very lofty fragment still remains. He had, 32. Hugh Oge O'Kelly, who had, 33. William O'Kelly, of Claddagh, who had issue, 34. John O'Kelly ; 2, Melaghlin; and, 3, Fiach, a priest. Colla 129 Colla O'Kelly, the son of William (No. 33, supra), who built the castles of Cluain CuUl and Lavally had a son Hugh, who had a son Teige, who had a son Ferdinand, who had two sons, namely, i, Edmond O'Kelly, who married Honora Ny Heyne ; and, 2, Teige O'Kelly. Melaghlin, the son of the same William (No. 33), had a son Edmond, who had Edmond Oge, who had a son Melaghlin Eeagh, of Bearna Dhearg ; who had Hugh O'Kelly, of Bearna Dhearg. Notwithstanding the wealth and celebrity of this family before Cromwell's time, they seem to be all either extinct or reduced at present. The arms at present borne by the Kellys, or O'Kellys, are, — Azure, a castle with three towers between two lions encountering rampant, argent, the lions chained and coUetted, or. O'Kelly, of Ticooly, has the field gules and the lions unchained. Crest — On a wreath an Enfield, statant, vert, with a bushy tail turned over the back. This animal is sculptured on many old tombstones of the O'Kelly family in the abbey of Kilconuell, and the old church of Cloonkeen. Motto — Turris fortis mihi Deus. NOTE B. Seepage 18. Pedigree of O'Madden. The pedigree of this family having never been published or properly illustrated, the Editor hopes he will be pardoned for dwelling upon it here more than a subject of such local nature would seem to merit. The Irish MSS. differ materially in giving this pedigree, and it is not easy to decide which is the most correct ; but the Editor feels disposed to receive the authority of the poem addressed to Eoghan O'Madden, often already alluded to, which reckons nineteen generations from that Eoghan up to his great ancestor Eoghan Buac. The following lines from this poem are well worth quoting : " Sil Gojain óuaic, m bpanán, " The progeny of Eoghan Buac the hero, Clann-maicne rhop ÍTIaouDán ; Are the great race of Madudan^ ; 6eoiTian ip F^apP o<^'" «'cme And the best lion of that people Gojan, ceano na clannmaicne. Is Eoghan, head of the tribe. Q TTieic mupcliaio ITIuiji pino, O son of Murchadh of Magh Finn^ ]p cu m r-Gojan 05 áipriiim, Thou art the young Eoghan I mention, Q leomain peanj na ppian m-boc. Thou slender lion of loose bridles, What * The race of Madudan, i. e. the O'Mad- •* Magh Finn, now Keogh's country, in the barony of dens. Athlone. — See Map. IRISH ARCH. SOC. Q. S 130 "What Eoglian was ever better before tliee ? Nineteen men of bright distinction, From thee to Eoghan Buac, the famous, Is the exact number, not reckoning Eoghan, generous, chearful lion. Seven of these hitherto Have assumed the headship of the race of Maine*^, 1 will add thee as the eighth to them O fine-haired nut of Eachruim'' ! Due to thee are the Hy-Lomain^ in thy hand^ , Due to thee are the Muinter-MaelfinnainS, Hereditary to thee is the spacious Magh-Finn, As far as Glaislinn'', which is its limit. Hereditary to thee is the land of Maine Mor', And the plain of Maen, son of UmorJ, And the great plain, like the plain of Buil*^, Possessed by Sodun Salbhuidhi'. There is not a wood, nor bog, nor plain, Not a river, nor bright-pooled lake. Not a harbour from Caradh to Grian'", Which is not due to thee, O tranquil- faced youth !" These generations are given by name in another poem addressed to the same Eoghan O'Madden, preserved in an ancient vellixm IMS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin ' Land of Maine Mor, i. e. the lands in Connaught acquired by Maine Mor, the great ancestor of all the Hj-Many, to which lands his descendants added some districts wrested from time to time from tribes of a different race. J Plain of Maen, i. e. Maenmagh, for the situa- tion of which see p. 70, Note ^. * Plain of Bnil, now the plain of Boyle, in the county of Roscommon, through which the river Boyle flows. 1 Plain of Sodun Salhhuidhe. This was O'Mannin's country. — See Map, and p. 72, Note "*. "" Caradh to Griun See p. 66, Note ". Cap b'peápp Gojan piarh poriiUD ? Maei pip oéj DO jlépi 5lan, UaiD 50 h-Gojan m-6uac m-blao- riiap, t)a biOD 'p jan ©ojan o'áipim, Q Ueorhain pial, popbáibó. ITloppepiup Díb pin co pe t)o jab ceannup clanD TTIane, Cuippio ru in c-occmao oppa, Q cnu polc-jlan Gacpoma 1 t)ual 0U10 h-1 Í/Omáin ic' láirh, tDual 0UIC ITIuincip maelpinnúin, tDuraij DUic rriaj paippinj pmo, ^o ^laiplino oap nh-aen-cino. tDuraij DuiD Uip muini móip, Ocup mao rPain, mic Umoip, Ip po-maj map maj m-6uili Oo jab SoDun Sálbuiói. ^an caill, jan monaio, jan maj, ^an abano, jan loc lino-jlun, ^an cuan o Capaió 50 ^pé'"^ Nac Dual doc ajaio 015-péiD." See Introductory *^ Seven of these, ^c. Remarks, p. 17. '' Eachruim, more correctly Eachdhruim, now Aughrim, near Ballinasloe. — See Map. ® Hy-Lomain. — See p. 34, Note "^. f In thy hand, i.e. in thy possession, a very common idiom in the Irish language. ^ Muinter Maelfinnain See p. 85, Note f. " Glaislinn The situation of this place is unknown to the Editor. There was a pool or inlet of the Shannon at Clonmac- noise, formerly bearing this name, but it could hardly be the locality here referred to. Dublin (H. 2. 7.), and as there is less liability to mistakes of transcribers when names of generations are thrown into a metrical series, than when given in a mere column, the Editor thinks it safer to receive the authority of this poem than that of any mere list given in the modern MSS. In a paper MS. preserved in the same Library (H. I, 15. p. 865.), the pedigrees of many branches of the Hy-Many are given in metre, but, by some unaccountable blunder, that of O'Madden is utterly false. It runs as follows: — "Cathal, son of Madagan Mor, son of Miirchadh, son of Diarmaid, son of Maoileachlainn, son of Murchadh, son of Amhlaoibh, son of Ruaidhri, son of Gadhra, son of Eoghan, son of Madagan, son of Gadhra, son of Dunadhach, son of Gadhra, &c. ;" and even Duald Mac Firbis himself, who was a very faithful and judicious com- piler of Irish pedigrees, has, in the pedigree of O'Madden, inserted several apocryphal generations, and omitted several genuine ones. He gives the pedigree of Eoghan O'Madden, chief of Siol-Anmchadha, who died in 141 1, and who was the grandson of the celebrated Eoghan (to whom the poem above referred to, as preserved in the Book of Hy-Many, was addressed), as follows : — "Eoghan, son of Murchadh, son of Eoghan, son of Murchadh, son of Cathal, son of Madagan Mor, son of Diarmaid, son of Mada- gan Reamhar" [two generations omitted here, namely, Diarmaid and Madagan] " son of Gadhra, son of Dunadhach, son of Diarmaid, son of Aodh, son of Oilioll" [four ge- nerations interpolated here], " son of Dunadhach, son of Cobhthach, son of Maelduin, son ofDungalach, son of Anmchadh, son of Eoghan Buac."—6V«e«%2m/ il/.S'. p. 327. The poem addressed to Eoghan O'Madden gives the pedigree as follows, from Eoghan Buac down to Madudan, the progenitor of the O'Maddens : " anmcaó, mac eojain 6uaic biiij " Anmchadh was son of generous Eoghan Buac, a oa mac ouno na oeapmaio His two sons are not by us forgotten, t)onD5alac paep Imo 'n ap laíó Donngalach thenoblebyussí^(/ozc'«inourpoem, Ocup Qeo Pmo á Fopmaíl. And Aedh Finn of Formail. mac Oonojalaij na cpeap ce Son of Donngalach of hot conflicts TTlaelDUm pa oijanio aicme. Was Maelduin of great descendants, t)'áp mac CoBcac ó "^pém 51I, To whom Cobhthach of bright Grian, was son, Slac peiD na cpom cac-copa o. A smooth sapling of heavy battle acquisitions. mac DO Dunaoac Saomo Son to him was Dunadhach of Sadinn, Tpi meic aije, map aipniim. Who had three [t/ounffer'] sons, as I reckon, Cpiup peappac cap nac puacc pi, Three intelligent sons, over whom no king triumphed, Tpeapac, ip Ruapj, ip Puampi. Treasach, and Ruarg, and Ruaidhri. Sil Upeapaij, mic anrhcaio pmo. The race of Treasach, descendant of fair Anm- chadh, S 2 Are 132 TTIuincip Upecipaij, map cuipmim, 1 Ujieapaij linni ap a lop, X)a leapaij pinni a peancop. TTluc t)unaoai5 i/omjpeac luac, t)'áp mac ^ajpa na n-jeal-cuac, ^ajpa pial jlan plar 50 n-ac O'ap oaj-mac oian ÍDunaoac. t)o jab o ^hpéin 50 Capaió ^aópa mop, mac TDunaóaij, 8lar ou nac capla culan ^aopa o'ap mac TllaDUDan." Are the Muinter-Treasaigli, as I reckon, The O'Treasys are therefore by us mentioned, We have cultivated their history. Eldest son of Dunadliach was Loingseach the swift, Whose son was Gadhra of the bright goblets, Gadhra, the generous, a fair scion of prosperity, Wliose ^^gorous good son was Dunadliach. Of the region extending from Grian to Caradh Gadhra Mor, son of Dunadhach, took possession, A scion in Avhich no knot was found Was Gadhra whose son was Madudan." After this the bard goes on to give a list of the princes or arch-chieftains of all Hy-Many, as already quoted in the Introductory Remarks to this tract, pp. 14 to 17, and after ha\dng carried the series from Maine Mor down to Tadhg Mor, the son of Murchadh O' Kelly, who fell in the Battle of Brian (i. e. the battle of Clontarf, fought A. D. 1014), " like a wolf-dog pursuing the men of Denmark," he takes up the pedi- gree of O'Madden again, and proceeds as follows : "^ajpa DO jab, ina óiaió, "Gadhra assumed, after him [Dunadhach], ■Riji O'lTlami 50 moip-jliaiD ; The chieftainship ofHy-Many with great valour; t)a bliaoam oa'n jpib jil Twelve years was this fair griffin 'Ha pig pé n-ég an pip pin. King before his death. TTiac DO ^ajpa Do'n jnuip m-buic Son to Gadlara of the soft aspect Was Madudan, to whom Diarmaid was son, A rod who ruled each road Was Diarmaid, whose son was Madudan. To Madudan, I explain to thee. Another Diarmaid was son again, An assertion without weakness or error, Madudan Mor was his son. Son to this Madudan Mor Was Cathal, head of the noble hosts. Son to Cathal, the fair hero. Was Murchadh, scion of Achadh Muca. Son of Murchadh of Magh Bealaigh Is Eoghan, head of his tribe, It is just to mention this Eoghan here, Let us follow up the panegyric of this lion." The ITIaDUDOn, o'ap mac DiapmaiD, In c-plac piajlaiD jac pooain, tDiapmaiD o'ap mac maouoan. maouoan, minijim ouir, TTlac aipip do pein Diapmuic, ^lop jan lacupán, jgan léim, maouoan TTlop a mac pein. mac oo'n maouoan mop pin Carol ceano na paep ploj pain, mac Carail, cui ca n-glan, Slac Qcaio muca, mupchao mac mupcaiD muiji 6ealai5 eojan, ceano a cineuoaij, Coip luoD in Gojain peo ano, Ouan in leomain pea leanam." '33 The bard then bestows the most unqualified praise on his patron Eoghan O'Mad- den, whom he compares to his ancestors and predecessors, Anmchadh, Cobhthach, Oilioll, Gadhra Mor, Madudan Mor, and Cathal, his grandfather. He is then de- scribed as a man with the courage of a true lion, the Lion of Birra [Birr], with the venom of the serpent, the Hawk of the Shannon, a Tower which defends the frontiers, a Griffin of the race of Conn of tlie Hundred Battles, a large man of slender body, Avith a skin like the blossom of the apple trees, with brown eye-brows, black curling hair, long fingers, and a cheek like the cherries. The bard then speaks of the noble descent of this chieftain's mother, Mairsilin, or Marcella, the daughter of Eoghan O'Kelly, and next mentions the daughter of Eed- mond, a woman of purest English descent, whose pedigree he could trace up to Wil- liam [Fitz-Adelm?]. She was probably one of the De Burgos of Connaught, and the wife of Eoghan O'Madden, but this is not stated. He also mentions several members of the chieftain's family, but it does not appear clearly who they were, except his brothers Amhlaibh, [i. e. AmlaiF, or Awley], and Maeleachlainn, According to this poem the number of generations from Eoghan O'Madden up to Eoghan Buac, both included, is eighteen, but the other poem states distinctly that the number is nineteen, not reckoning Eoghan Buac, so that two generations seem to be omitted in the latter poem. As, however it is the oldest, and apparently the most correct pedigree of O'Madden, the Editor has adopted the series furnished by it with- out hesitation, leaving the subject to be hereafter further considered if ever the Book of Hy-Many should become accessible. It is but right, however, here to observe, that the genealogical series furnished by this poem perfectly agrees Avith the series given in a prose tract preserved in the same MS., in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and which was written in the life-time of the same Eoghan O'Madden, as far as the series is carried up in the latter, namely, from Eoghan O'Madden, who died in ^347' ^^P to Gadhra Mor, prince of all Hy-Many, who was slain in 1027. As this tract is one of the most curious fragments of modern Irish history which has de- scended to our times, and throws much important light on the pedigree of O'Madden, the Editor thinks no apology necessary for giving the entire of it here as it stands in the original, with a closely literal translation : " l7 n-Sójanac, uaip a]^ lac pm pa peall ap cup ap a cijeapnaoaib oa'n cupappin, ju paibi Gipiu na h-aén-cuino cpici^ oa'n coimeipji pin, ace inuo Gogan ana aenap, ac pécain o'á pípini jan a h-aió- ihiUiuD, ocup ap eajla pill ap a rij- eapna jan ceano-úóBap. Ocup pab' lao po a eapcapaiD peon cpep na aij- eancaib pm, .1. l^uaiópi puarapac, mac Carail 1 Concobaip, pi Cpuacna incar- ai^i, ocupap eaó oa paeil in plac-bili ju Eoghauachs"', who first dealt treacherously by their own lords^ on this occasion, so that at this juncture Erin became one trembling surface of commotion^, with the single excej^tion of the territory of Eoghan [O'Madden], who took care not to violate his truth by acting treacherously towards his lord^ without strong reason. And he had enemies in consequence of being thus disposed, and among otlters Rory the warlike, son of Cathal O'Conor*, king " The Eoghanachs, i. e. the O'Neills and other inhabitants of Tyrone, who were called Eoghan- achs, or Eugenians by the Irish writers, as being descended from Eoghan, the son of Niall of the Nine Hostages, monarch of Ireland in the fourth century. ^ Who first dealt treacherously hy their own lords By this the writer wishes us to understand that O'Neill and his chieftains acted treacherously towards the Earl of Ulster in joining Bruce against him ; but this will hardly be granted him now, as the event proved that O'Neill was right. He had more claim to the province of Ulster than either De Burgo or Bruce, and, by his exertions on this and subseqvient occasions, he brought about that his descendants for ages after held almost regal sway in that province. "We learn from the Annals of Clonmacnoise, as translated in the year 1627 by Connell Mageoghe- gan, that Edward Bruce on his arrival was joined by O'Neill and the Irish of Ulster, by whose advice he took his journey to the town of Coleraine, the bridge of which he broke down to stop the Earl's passage over the River Bann. y Erin became one trembling surface of commo- tion Mageoghegan expresses this " All the in- habitants of the kingdom, both English and Irish, IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. were stricken with so great terrour, that it made the Lands and Inhabitants of Ireland to shake for fear. " ^ His lord This was the Red Earl of Ulster, who was also styled lord of Connaught. * Rory, .... son of Cathal O' Conor He was slain in the battle of Tochar INIona Coinneadha, A. D. 1316, by Felim O'Conor, the true heir to the throne of Connaught, and presumptive heir to the monarchy of Ireland. The events here al- luded to are circumstantially related in Mageoghe- gan's translation of the Annals of Clonmac- noise; from whose work the following extract may be interesting : — " At first Felim OConor, king of the Irish of Connaught, joined Richard Burke, Earl of Ulster, with whom he marched against Bruise. Edward Bruise hearing of the great fame of Felym O'Connor, king of Connaught, that then was with the Red Earle, he sent him privie message that he would give him the pro- vence of Connought at his disposition and to ad- here to himself, and also to return from the Earle to defend his own provenee ; to which offer the said Felym lystened and acknowledged to accept of him. In the mean time Rowrie INIac Cahall Roe O'Connor seeing himself to have his oppor- tunity in the absence of Felvm and his nobles that 38 maó pi Connacc ju coriiplan oo'n coj^aó pin, ju puaip bap leip \n píp-ppéiiTi, le PéiDlimin, niac Qeóa, meic Gojain^ uaip bu ppim-pij píp-oúcapa na pocla in PeiolimiD pin. Ocup ba oa cpom eapjáipoib in c-paeip Gojam pin Caój^ O'Ceallcuj CO n-a clano-riiaicniB, pi ruaipcipcO'mauii, 50 n-a móp-ruaraib. Cuin^ió calina, cpeac-inopaijreac, cu- arac, cpén-meap, cabaprac in Caój^ pin ; ocup ■gé pa bí pa na béj'aib pin, oa puilinj Gojctn a ecipappan a n-oeip- ceapc a oúraiji '5a Dlúr-copnam ; uaip ip eaó DO jnáraíjeaoap na jgéja pin o oa jabloi^eaoap, .1. Clurio Ceallaij 'na cuaipceapc, aj ceapapjain ap anbappán king of warlike Cruaclian, who hoped that he might become full king of Counaught, by means of this war ; but he was cut off by the true heir, namely, Felim, son of Aedh, son of Eoghan [O'Co^o-], for this Fe- lim was the true, legitimate heir to the mo- narchy of Fodhla [1. e. Ireland']. And among the powerful enemies of this noble Eoghan was also Tadhg O'Kelly'', king of North Ily-Many, together with his sons and great tribes. This Tadhg was a brave, plunder- ing, lordly, vigorous, and bounteous hero ; and tliough he was of these qualifications Eoghan sustained his assaults in the south- ern part of the native territory, which he defended with firmness. For these two tribes, went with him in the Journey of Ulster, he also made his repair towards Edward Bruise, with whom he had secrett communication, and promised the said Edward to banish all Englishmen from out of all Connought, if Edward would be pleased to accept of his own service. Edward authorised him to warr against Englishmen, and not to meddle with the Lands of Ffelvm. But Rowrie having re- ceived that favour of Bruise, he did not only war upon Englishmen, but also upon Ffelym and his partakers, and sought all meanes to gett the king- dome of Connaught into his own hands; and im- mediately assembled together Brenymen and great companies of Gallowglasses and bonnoughtmen, and made towards the middle part of Silemorrey, where, first of all, he burnt the street-town of Sligeagh [Sligo], Athklea-an-Coran [now Bally- mote], the castle of Killcalman, the towne of Tob- berbride [Ballintober, in the county of Roscom- mon], Downoman [Dunamon], with the castles of Roscommon, Ryndoyne, alias Teach-Eoyn, and Athlone. together with all the houses that lay in his way between these places. " After committing of which great exploytes he desired Mac Dermoda to give him the dutys due upon him belonging to the king of Connought, and also to yeald him obedience, which Mac Dermott absolutely denied, and withall refused to give him hostages ; but he received hostages and pledges of the rest of the whole province, incon- tinently went to Carne Fraoigh, where he was invested king of Connaught by the twelve chief- tains of Silemorrie, twelve coworbs, and other spiritualls that were accustomed to use the cere- monies usual at the time of the investure of the king ; remained for a time among Silemorrey preying and destroying such of that contry as he supposed to stick to Felym O'Connor, and that wou'd yeald him allegiance," &c. &c. ^ Tadhg 0' Kelly. — This was the celebrated Tadhg or Teige 0"Kelly called in the pedigrees Tadhg Mor of the battle of Athenry. He was slain in the memorable battle of Athenry in the year 1316. ápD-pi^, ociip niuincep muDuoain ina Déipciupc, aj u oej-coimeD ap mhióeac- aib, ocup ap mhuiriineacaiB, ocup an CenelQeóa, ocupap Piacpacaib. Ocup ni bí oíb pin cpica ná cenél nac paib ap ci Gojain oa'n ulaió pin, no jup póip t)ia, ocup a Déi^céipoi ap a n-anbappan pm h-é gan aiómilleaD cpé na h-aipóea- naib, ,1. a calmacc 'gá caemna ap a coijcpicaib jan cpeac-apjain, ocup a Diaóacc aj a óín ap opoc-oainib, ocup a péili aj a poipirin ap anbpipén, ocup bennaccna na cpuag 'ga reapapjam ap reaóniannaib ; 511 b-puapctoap uppaió Poóla bap uili cpe n-a n-anuabap oa'n ulaiD pin, acc maó Gojan ma aenup, pa anij t)ia cpe n-a óeij-céipDib. ♦' Ocup pa b' é peo pió eojain ó'n lupla ocup o Uilliam rpé n-a pipinni: cpian a cuigio pá comap co n-a clctnn- maicnib, ocup jan maep ^aill a jeall- caiueacc ap a ^aioealaib, ocup a rhaip- peon ap ^allaib na cpici ju coiiilán, eiuip cairip ociip caipleánuib. Ocupap eaó cug d' Gó^an na h-opoaijoi pin peac ^aióealaib Gpeno Do'n iilaió pin, .1. peabap a pipinni jan aiDceóó, uaip ni bpippeo a bpiaéap cpebapoall ap upoail a cuar oa ruilleaó pa ci^epnup, ocup ap aipeajoacc a aenij o'uaiplib ocup 39 tribes, since they branched off, were thus situated, viz., the Clann-Kelly in the north, to jH-otect the territory against the assaults of the monarcli, andtheMuinter-Madden in tlie south to defend it against the men of Meath, the Munster men, the Cinel-Aedha, and the Hy-Fiachrach ; and there was not of all these a cantred or tribe, which was not ready to attack Eoghan on this occasion ; but God and his own virtues preserved him from destruction against all their as- saults. So great were his attributes, viz., his valour saved him from being plundered by his neighbours ; his piety sheltered him against bad men ; his generosity pro- tected him against the unjust, and the blessings of the poor guarded him against diseases ; the chieftains of Fodhla in ge- neral perished at this period through their excessive pride, except Eoghan alone, whom God protected in conseciuence of his good practices. " The following were the conditions of peace obtained by Eoghan from the Earl and from William^ in consequence of his truth : that the third of his province should be under the controul of him and his sons; that no English steward should preside over his Gaels, and that his stewards should be over the English of the entire territory [i. e. Hii-Many\ both towns and castles. And what procured for Eoghan these pri- vileges at this juncture in preference to all the rest of the Gaels of Erin, was the goodness of his truth which was incorrupt- ible ' Wmium — William De Burgo, the Earl of Ulster's son. T2 T40 o'uijiiplib, uaip rn uil in n-ejmaipGojcun ceac ip ceiipipi leip tia cpiar-^'ict^^ctiB oa raoai jiD ctcc a rpeab-úirpiiib-pun, ap pip a pipinni ocup a ainij ap aenlijm, ocup ap oipejoacc a ipouo pa n-upcomaip ; uaip oa cumoaij^eapcap in caem-pi^ pin carip cloc-Dainjen, clap-oi^aino a Hluij 6ealai5 ma blaó-úpap, nap ciimoaij upai^ an n-Gipino a li-innarhail. Ocup Da rojaib ceampaill na cpici 50 corh- coirceano. Ocup oa mum pipinni o'a plairib, ocup ou peacain ap peall ocup ap pin jail a oipeacca, ocup oa roipmipc paeib-nop ocup piuóana na pluaij pin, ocup oa reajaipj oéipjj ocup oaenoacc D"a oeaj-ruaraib. Ocup oa copain upano oa jac cui^eaó le coijcpicaib, .1. in pino luprapac o'an niioi pa maep- tnbpiun, ocup in pano cuaipceapcac d' Upmvniiam pa apo-ceannap. "Ocup ip é in r-upij pin neac ip in- jnáraiji aipóeana o'peapaib na h-inopi ible*^ ; — for he would not break liis pledged word, for obtaining in recompense a lord- ship equal to his own territory, — and for the splendour of his hospitality to the great and the humble, for there is not a house which the English chieftains wish more to frequent than the house of Eoghan, except their own mansions, from their knowledge alike of his truth and hospi- tality, and from the splendour of his man- sion to receive them ; for this fair prince erected for a habitation, at Magh Bealaigh, a strong castle^ of stone and fine timber, the like of which has not been erected by any sub-chief in Erin. He also repaired the churches of the country in general. And he taught truth to its chieftains and kept his people from treachery and fratri- cide, and has checked their evil customs and dissensions, and taught charity and humanity in his goodly districts. He also wrested from his neighbours a portion of each province, namely, the western ex- tremity of Meath, which is under his stewards, and the northern portion of Or- mond which is under his high controul. " And this chieftain possesses more won- derful characteristics than any of the men of ^ His truth which was incorruptible To this reason might perhaps be added another equally strong, though it is possible the writer was not politic enougli to have seen it, viz., that the Earl of Ulster and his son, "William De Burgo, could not prevail on Teige O'Kelly (who had joined Rory O'Conor and Bruce, against the English) to do for them the same services which Eoghan O 'Madden so honourably, loyally, and obediently performed. ^ Magh Bealaigh, a strong castle. — Whether this be the castle afterwards called Longford O'Madden, i. e. O'Madden's stronghold or forti- fied residence, cannot be easily determined, but it is pretty certain that Longford castle was O'Madden's chief residence for a long time; and Longford O'Madden being only a descriptive name, it is very probable that it had another pre- viously. 141 peo, uaifi a cá o'á eajla ap a oipeacc- aiB nac paij a leap jialla ana jebenn- aib ; ocup ip ingnao ele jan arhapup oa'n n-Gojan pin na épano aen pa op ná pá eacaiB, pa biaó, na pa buap-j^paijiB, ocup ap é paibp) o'a no-opouj^uo pin D'pini^aiDil; jop mabpuij map ac bepc in pill na pocail peo : Noca n-paicceap jiall na jlap, Moco n-eap aen ba inobap ; piair Cé ap é paibpi map pin, ]p é Dainjni 'n-a óurai^. Qp é ip cpuaiói a copnath cpeac, 'S a^ peapp aj milleaó méipleac Qp é up beil-leipji ba bpéij, CLy é ap peio aipoi, pij-rheio. Qp é ap buja aj bponoao buaip, Qp é ap cpuaioi a 5-car cler-cpuaió, puaip plaic Cé bpaiji gan bpar, Qp e ip ailli in gac aenac. Moca. " Ocup aij peo pop ju pipinneac cuil- liuo oa cuapaplaib in Bojain pin o aipn- cijeapnaoaib, .1. corh-uaipli piu péin ocup pe n-oijpeoaib o'eogan ocup o'a of tins island, for liis people are so much in dread of liim^ that he does not find it necessary to take hostages, or have recourse to fetters ; and another thing undoubtedly wonderful in this Eoghan is, that he does not refuse any one gold or horses, food or kine, and he is the wealthiest of the race of Gaedhal for bestowing them ; so that he is well described by the poet in the fol- lowing words : " He never sees hostage or fetter ; He never refuses any one riches ; The prince of Ce^ is thus the richest ; He is the firmest in his patrimony. He is the hardiest to protect the preys, And the best to destroy insurgents ; He is the slowest to utter falsehood ; He is the most expert of action, the most regal of size. He is the most generous to bestow kine. He is hardiest in the battle of hard spears. The prince of Ce has got a hostage without treachery, He is the comeliest in every assembly. He never, &c. " The following is an additional part of the remuneration of Eoghan from his chief lords, namely, that Eoghan and his tribes should have equal. nobility [ofblood'\ with them f His people are so much in dread of him the chiefs of the Mac Dermots, who were some- This shows clearly that the tract was written in times called princes of Lough Key (60C Ce) Eoghan O'Madden's life-time, perhaps after he by the poets, because their chief fortress was si- had resigned the chieftainship to his son. tuated on an island in that lake called Curruig ^ The prince of Ce These verses would ap- Locha Ce, i. e. the Rock of Lough Key. pear to have been quoted from a poem on one of 142 aicmeóaib, ocup pa h-iac po 50 pon- them and their heirs, while the particular puóac bperu na n-^uU-ci^eapnaó pm decision of theseEuglish lordshad been this ap a n-^aióeaUnB, .1. octep oa óénam outheir Gaels, namely, that the Gael should oa'n n-gaeoeal jé mao jcibalcac, ocup be made ignoble though a landholder, and a puD 50 muD paep in Sax jan aileum- that it should be said that the Saxon was am, jan pecipanup; 511 puaip eogan noble'', though without rearing [erfwrnizo/?] arappac na bjieiri ó na óapúnaib. and lands ; until Eoghan obtained an abro- gation of the decision from the Barons." 17. Gahdra Mo)\ son of Dunadhach. — According to the tract on Eoghan O'Madden already given, this Gadhra was the last chief of all Ily-Many, of this tribe of Siol- Anmchadha, and since his time no Irish monarch has existed ; but this cannot be considered true, as Gadhi'a died in the year 1027, one hundred and forty- three years before the English invasion ; at which time, according to the writer himself, Roderic 0"Conor was king of Ireland. It ma)% however, be regarded correct, if we believe a statement in the Annals of Clonmacnoise, as translated by Mageoghegan, which makes Maelseachlainn or Malachy II., Avho died in the year 1022, the last sole monarch of Ireland, all the succeeding kings of the houses of O'Brien, Mac Loughlin, and O'Conor being what were called pi^a 50 b-ppeapabpa, i. e., reges cum renitentia, or kings whose authority was not acknowledged in all the provinces ; and it is very likely that this is what the writer had in view, though he does not express himself as clearly or as fully as might be wished. But though the writer of this prose tract makes Gadhra the last prince of Hy-Many, of the O'Madden, or Siol-Anmchadha line, still another writer, who addressed a poem to the same chieftain in honour of whom the prose tract was written, mentions three others of the O'Madden sept Avho obtained the chieftainship of all Hy-Many after the death of Gadhra, namely, Diarmaid, Ailill, and Diarmaid, but the poet is surely wrong in making the first Diarmaid precede Gadhra Mor, as accord- ing to another j)oem this Diarmaid Avas the son of Aedh Finn, who was son of Cobh- thach (No. 12), and preceded Tadhg Mor O'Kelly [of the Battle of Brian, 1014] in the chieftainship of PTy-Many ; but he maybe correct in placing two of them after Gadhra, as there can be little that one or two of the O'Maddens attained to the chief- tainship of all Hy-Many after Gadhra Mor's death ; for we learn from an entry in the Annals of the Four Masters, at the year 11 35, that an O'Madden obtained the chieftainship of all Hy-Many for a time, more than one hundred years after the death of •> Thdt the Saxon was vohle By Saxon the of historical information from an Irish writer of ■writer here means ali people of English blood in the English feeling towards the Irish at the time Ireland. This is a very curious and important piece the latter invited Edward Bruce to be their king. H3 of the Gadhra in question. It is stated in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 1023, that this Gadhra, son of Dunadhach, plundered the Termon of Clonmacnoise, whence lie carried oíF several hundred cows, and at the year 1027, that he was slain on a predatory excursion in Ossory, whither he had gone with Donnchadh, the son of Brian Borunilia. His brother Cuchonnacht Mac Dunadhaigh, also lord of Siol- Anmchadha was slain by Murchadh, the son of Brian Borumha in the year 1006. 18. Madudan, or Madden, son of Gadhra —The first Madudan of this sept mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters was lord of Siol Anmchadha, and was slain by his own kuisman, so early as the year 1008, but as the name of his father is not given by the annalists, it is not absolutely certain that he was this Madudan, the son of Gadhra. It IS however, possible, that he may have been the same, and that the compilers of the annals have erred in styling him lord of Siol -Anmchadha, for he was slain twenty-one years before his lather, and six years before his father could have become chief of aU Hy-Many ; and as it must be assumed that his father was chief of Siol- Anmchadha up to the year 1014, when it is said he succeeded Tadlig O'Kelly, as chief of Hy-Many, it cannot be believed that a son of his who died in 1008 was ever lord of Siol- Anm- chadha. But the fact may be, that the Madudan, who was slain in 1008, was the uncle of the individual in question, and that dying without issue he has not been named in the pedigrees. 19. Diarmaid, son 0/ Madudan — His death is mentioned in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 1069, under the appellation of Mac Mic Gadhra O'Dunadhaigh, i. e. the son of the son of Gadhra O'Dunadhaigh, which is his genealogical descriptive appellation. He was slain by his own nephew in that year, after having been chief of Siol- Anmchadha for about thirty-seven years. 20. Madudan Heam/iar, or Madden le Gros, son of Diarma id.— After the death of Gadhra Mor (No. 17), in 1027, ^lis nephew Mac Conconnacht O'Dunadhaigh [O'Deny] became chief of Siol-Anmchadha, and enjoyed that dignity for about five years, for he was slain in the year 1032. To him succeeded Diarmaid, the son of Madudan who as already remarked, was slain by his own nepheAV, a fate which he deserved by his crimes ; for m the year 1050, according to tlie Annals of the Four Masters, his people evidently with his consent, and probably under his guidance, plundered the church of Clonmacnoise. Diarmaid seems to have been immediately succeeded by his son Ma- dudan Reamhar, whose death is thus recorded, in the same Annals, at the year 1096 : "A.D. i096._Matodhan, grandson of Matodhan, lord of Siol-Anmchadha died." During his reign the territory of Siol-Anmchadha was invaded by a tribe of the Conmaicne, who slew Coningin Finn Mac Cuolahan, and carried away many cows. 21. Diarmaid & Madden, son of Madudan.— After ihe death of Madudan Eeamhar, Mac Cuolahau 144 Mac Cuolalian became chief of Siol- Anmchadlia, and was slain in 1 1 o i , when this Diar- maid O'Madden succeeded. He is obviously the O'Madden, Avho, as we learn from the Four Masters, was slain in the year 1 135 by O'Kennedy ; their words are : "A. D. 1 1 35 — Ua Madadhain (O'Madden), lord of Siol-Anmchadha, and of Hy- Many for a time, Avas treacherously slain by Gillakevin O'Kennedy and his joeople." In the year 1131, O'Madden and his people had slain Domhnall O'Fuirg, lord of Hy-Forgo, one of O'Kennedy's dependants, and it would appear that it was to revenge this death O'Kennedy laid the snare for O'Madden. According to the poem which enumerates the seven chieftains of the Siol-Anmchadha line, who obtained chief sway in Hy-Many, Diarmaid was the name of the last or seventh of them, and there can be little doubt that he was the Diarmaid in question, and the O'Madden recorded as having been slain in 1 135 ; for it is stated in the Annals that he Avas lord of Hy-Many for a time. Indeed all circumstances concur in making him this Diarmaid ; first, his place in the pedigree agrees with the chronology, for being the son of a man who died in 1096, he may have lived to 1 135 ; secondly, Diarmaid was the name of the last chief of Hy-Many of this line; thirdly, the O'Madden of 1135 was chief of all Hy-Many for a time according to the Annals ; and, fourthly, what places the matter beyond doubt, no other O'Madden, according to the authorities, had ever since his time the title of lord or chief of Hy-Many. This Diarmaid had four sons, Madudan Mor, Mur- chadh, Conchobhar, and Maelseaehlainn, or Malachy. 22. Madudan M07; or Madudan the large He did not succeed to the chieftainship immediately after the death of his father in 11 35, for the Annals record the death of Cucoirne O'Madden (of whom by-the-by no notice is taken in the pedigrees), chief of Siol-Anmchadha in the year 1158 ; it is highly probable, however, that he succeeded on the death of Cucoirne, as it is stated in the Tract upon Eoghan O'Madden, already given, that Madudan Mor was the first chief of Siol-Anmchadha or south Hy-Many, after the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland. The year of his death is not recorded. He was succeeded by his youngest brother Maelseaehlainn. According to the fragment of the Book of Hy-Many preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin (H. 2. 7.), and often already quoted, this IMadudan Mor had four sons, namely, Cathal, Domhnall Buidhe, Diarmaid, chief of Siol-Anmchadha, who died 1207, and Madudan Og, who seems to be the Madudan O'Madden, chief of Siol-Anmchadha, Avhose death is recorded in the Annals oi' the Four Masters at the year 1235. 23. Cathal O'^Madden, son of Madudan Mor. — According to the Tract on Eoghan O'Madden already given, this Cathal succeeded his relative Maelseaehlainn O'Madden, and was the third chief of Siol-Anmchadha since the English invasion. No notice of him 145 him is preserved by tlic Irish anualists, unless he be the " Cahall O'Madden, prince of Sileanmchie," who died in 1286, according to the Annals of Clonmacnoise ; but the grandson of the chief who was slain in 11 35, could hardly have lived till 1286. He had two sons, Murchadh, his successor, and Conchobhar. 24, Murchadh or Morogh O'Madden^ son of Cathal It is stated in the Tract on Eoghan O'Madden, that this Murchadh was chief of Siol-Anmchadha, or South Hy- Many, but that he resigned the chieftainship to his son Eoghan, aiKl went on a pilgri- mage to Rome, where he died, and was biiried in the Cemetery of St. Peter's. It is strange that no notice is preserved of this remarkable man in the Irish Annals. He had two sons, namely, Eoghan O'Madden his successor, and John Mac Murrogh O'Madden, who, according to the Annals of Clonmacnoise, Avas slain in the cele- brated battle of Athenry, A. D. 1 3 1 6. 25. Eoghan O'Madden^ son of Murchadh He was chief of Siol-Anmchadha or South Hy-Many, for upwards of twenty years, and is the chief on whom the tract already given was written. In his youth he was inimical to the English interest in Connaught, and so early as the year 1306, when he was a very young man, he defeated the lord of Clanrickard, and slew sixty-six of his people ; but afterwards, upon the arrival of Ed- ward Bruce in 13 15, as appears from the tract above given, he joined them most cor- dially against Tadhg O' Kelly, chief of Hy-Many (i. e. Tadhg of the Battle of Athenry), Rory O' Conor, presumptive king of Connaught, and all the supporters of Bruce, and fought many successful battles against the Irish. In a poem, written in his life-time, and addressed to himself, it is stated that he plundered the plain of Moeumagh, and enveloped the fortress called Mur mic Aighi in a dense cloud of smoke ; that he de- feated the men of Ormond in battles fought at Ballaghanohir, in Lixsmagh, at Lorrah, on the plain of Magh Eamhna (Mowney), at Moin Fuinche, and at Ckiain Domhnaigh. That, in conjunction with Mac William, he defeated Mageoghegan and his forces of Cinel Fiacha, and that he carried the terror of his arms into Meath and Ulster. The bard, after enumerating his triumphs, goes on to remind Eoghan of the nobility of his descent, but advises him not to attempt becoming monarch of all Ireland, though he was eligible as being descended from Conn of the Hundred Battles ; but, as there were seven of his sept who became princes of all Hy-Many, it were no harm if he should become chief lord of all that territory, and he is advised not to give up for any other part of Ireland the flowery plain of Moenmagh, nor Meelick, nor the angelic Oran, nor Loch Greine of the bright salmons, nor Loch Riach, nor the mountain of Sliabh Fuirri (Slieve-Murry) of the smooth grass, nor the River Suck, nor the Shannon. The bard then tells O'Madden an anecdote about Diarmaid and Blatlimac, the two sons of king Aedli Slaine, who were joint monarchs of Ireland in the seventh century, from IRISH ARCH. soc. 9. L which 146 which it was to be inferred that, as O'Madden and O'Kelly were descended from two brothers, it was wiser and more politic for them to remain friends, and not quarrel about which was the greater man. He concludes by complimenting in eight lines Mac William's daughter "of the fair hand and curling tresses, the noblest woman he had seen in his time." She was evidently the wife of O'Madden. The death of this Eoghan O'Madden is recorded in the Annals of Clonmacnoise at the year 1346, as follows : " A. D. 1 346 Owen O'Madden, prince of Sile Anmchie, died, and his son Morrogh O'^Iadden su.cceeded him iu his place." But in the Annals of the Four Masters the corresponding entry occurs at the year 1347- According to the pedigree of O'Madden, preserved in the fragment of the Book of Hy-Many often already referred to (H. 2. 7.), which seems to have been compiled many years before this chieftain's death, he had four sons, viz., Cathal, Donnchadh, Nicholas, and Gadhra. According to the pedigree transcribed by Duald Mac Firbis his sons were, Murchadh, Cathal, Domhnall, Feradhach, Breasal, and Calbhach ; but, according to O'Farrell, in his Lima Antiqua, they were Morogh, Donogh na h-Eirce and Dermod Caoch. There must be some error among them, but it is clear from the Irish annals that he was succeeded in 1347 by his son Murchadh, or Morogh, his eldest son Cathal having been slain by the Clanrickards in 1340. He had a daughter Fiuola who died in the year 1398. 26. Murchadh^ or Morogh 0"" Madden, son of Eoghan He was chief of Siol Anm- chadha for twenty-four years, having succeeded his father in 1347, and died in 1371, as we learn from the Annals of the Four Masters : " A. D. 1 37 1 . — Murchadh, sou of Eoghan O'Madden, general patron of the literati, the poor, and the needy of Ireland, was killed by one shot of an arrow in the rear of a predatory party in Ormond." The name of his wife is not recorded, but it appears that he had one son and one daughter, namely, Eoghan Mor O'Madden, his successor, and the Lady More, the wife of Mac William Burke, lord of Clanrickard, Avho died in the year 1383, according to the Annals of Clonmacnoise : " A. D. 1383 — The Lady More, daughter of Morogh O'Madden, and wife of Mac William Burke, died." 27. Eoghan Mor 0^ Madden, son of Murchadh. — He is mentioned in the Annals of Clonmacnoise at the year 1403, as Owen Mac Morrogh O'Madden, and his death is recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters at the year 141 1 : "A. D. 141 1 — Eoghan, son of Murchadh O'Madden, lord of Siol Anmchadha, died ; as did also Cobhthach O'Madden, heir presumptive of Siol Anmchadha." He M7 He had two sons, namely, Cathal, who became chief of Siol Anmchadha, and died, probably without issue, in 1413, and Murchadh, by whom the line was continued ; Cathal had a daughter, Finola, Avho died in 1393. 28. Murchadh., or Morogh 0'' Madden, son of Eoghan Mor He is said, in some of the pedigrees, to have founded the abbey of Meelick ; but this is at variance with the Annals of the Four Masters, which place the foundation of that abbey in the year 1479, and record the death of this Murchadh under the year 1451 J "A. D. 1 45 1 — Mu.rchadh O'Madden, lord of Siol Anmchadha, a man of mighty arm and good jurisdiction, died." " A. D. 1479. — The monastery of Meelick, on the brink of the Shannon, in the diocese of Clonfert, was founded for Franciscan friars by O'Madden, who selected a burial place for himself in it." It is true, however, that he granted a chapel at Portumna together with the village to the Franciscans, who founded on the spot a religious house under the authority of a Bull from Pope Martin V., dated 8th October, 1426. This Bull is printed at full length by De Burgo in his Hibernia Dominicana, p. 304, who, in a note, deduces the pedigree of O'Madden from Heremon, and connects with them the family styled by him " Domus O'Maddenorum de Baggotsrath," near Dublin Seep. 154, infra. He had three sons, namely, Breasal and Dearmaid, who were slain by their own kinsman, Cobhthach or Coffey O'Madden, in the year i486, and Eoghan Carrach, who continued the line. 29. Eoghan Carrach O'Madden, son of Murchadh No notice of him is preserved by the Four Masters, nor has the year of his death been recorded in any of the Irish annals accessible to the Editor. 30. Murchadh, or Morogh Reagh O'Madden, son of Eoghan Carrach He had five sons, John, his successor, Bresal and Diarmaid, who were both slain in i486, Eoghan, of Meelick, and Morogh Oge O'Madden, of Portumna, whose daughter and sole heiress became the wife of Richard More Mac William Burke, of Clanrickarde, through Avhom the Burkes first acquired the estate of Portumna. 31. John O'Madden, son of Morogh Reagh. 32. Bresal 0'^ Madden, son of John He had two sons, John, chief of Siol Anm- chadha, and Maeleachlainn, the father of the celebrated Maeleachlainn Modardha, who became chief of half the territory of Siol- Anmchadha in the year 1556, 33. John O'Madden, son of Bresal. — On the death of Hugh, son of Anmchadh O'Madden, chief of Siol Anmchadha in the year 1554, this John became chief of Siol Anmchadha, and enjoyed that dignity for two years. He was slain in the year 1556 by Bresal Dubh O'Madden, after which two chiefs were elected, namely, Bresal Dubh and Mealeachlainn Modardha. U2 34. 148 34- DomhnaU, or Donell 0' Madden, son of John — He was the last chief of Siol Anmchadha who riiled the territory according to the old Irish system, and was per- haps the most powerful and celebrated chieftain of that territory since the time of Eoghan, who died in 1347. He was appointed captain of his nation by letters patent from the queen in the year 1567, after having cleared himself of the murder of his predecessor Hugh, the son of Melaghlin Ballagh O'Madden, with which he had been charged, and after having paid a fine of eighty fat cows to the deputy, Sir Henry Sydney, at Mullingar in the county of Westmeath. This appears from a curious do- cument in the Rolls Otiice, Dublin, which runs as follows : " Hen. Sydney, " Fiant litere Domine Regine patentes in debita forma sub tenore verborum sequen- tium Regina &c. Omnibus ad quos, &c. Salutem. Sciatis quod nos de vera obe- diencia Donaldi O Madden humiliter petentis se ad Capitaneatum sive gubernamen patrie de le Longfort cum Sylnamkhey communiter nuncupate O Madden's Contrey in Reo-no nostro Hibernie (unde Hugo Mac jMolaghlyn Ballagh O IMadden defunctus nuper fuerat Capitaneus) deque ejusdem Donaldi promptitudine ad deserviendum nobis atque ad patriam illam et nostrorum subditorum in eadem degentium recte decenter et fide- liter gubernandum et tuendum plurimum confidentes ; eundem Donaldum (qui nunc semetipsum de murdro sive occisione prefati Hugonis de quo an tea coram nobis accu- satus extitit sufiicienter purgavit, prout ex parte ejusdem Donaldi per Reverendum patrem Rolandum Clonfortensis Episcopum ceterosque sue dioces. clericos per literas suas nobis est relatum et intimatum, inque se defendendo prefatum Hugonem dicte patrie Capitaneum occidisse, nee aliter sontem aut reum fore de occisione predicta) Ca- pitaneum patrie predicte, de et cum assensu et concensu dilecti et fidelis Consiliarii nos- tri Henrici Sydney prenobilis ordinis nostri garterii militis, presidentis Consilii nostri Wallie ac marchiarum ejusdem ac deputati nostri generalis regni nostri Hibernie, nominamus, ordinamus, preficimus, et constituimus per presentes : habend. tenend. gau- dend. et occupand. capitaneatum predict, cum omnibus suis pertinen. proficuis Juribus et advauntagiis quomodolibet de antiquo debitis et usitatis, eidem Donaldo quamdiu sese bene gesserit ut noster fidelis subditus, ac teneat, perimpleverit, et performaverit nobis et Sucessoribus nostris tenorem, formam, et efFectum omnium et singulorum illorum articulorum in quadam Indentura inde inter nos et prefatum Hugonem Mac Molaghlyn Balagh ex dat diei Anno 1566 specificatorum, et qui ex parte ejusdem Hugonis essent sive forent performandi et perimplendi, et porro accedat ad dictum deputatum nostrum vel aliquem alium dicti Regni nostri Hibernie giiberna- torem pro tempore existentem et ad consilium Regni nostri predicti quandocunque per mandatvun sive literas eorum vel eorum alicujus habuerit in mandatis ad eos acce- dere. 149 dere. Ac iusuper volumus quod predictus Donaldus dabit et solvet dicto nostro nunc deputato de fine pro noiuinacione ejusdem Donaldi ad officium Capitaneatus pre- dict, octoginta pingues vaccas et eas liberabit apud Molyngar in Com. de Westnieth ad sive ante festum Sancti Petri ad vincla prox. futur. ad libitum et voluntatem De- putati nostri predicti. In cujus Rei &c. Teste &c. " Deliberat. fuit Domino cancellario Hibernie xx" die Junii Anno Regni Regine Elizabethe none, ad exequendum." In 1585, according to the Annals of the Four Masters, he attended the parliament convened at Dublin, to which the Irish chieftains who were obedient to the Queen were summoned ; but in 1595 we find him in open rebellion. In that year, Cloghan, one of his castles in the district or parish of Lusmagh, on the east side of the Shannon, was summoned to surrender to the Lord Deputy, Sir William Russell, but O'Mad- den's people replied that they Avould not surrender even though all the soldiers Avere Deputies. This famous reply of O'Madden's people is referred to by Brewer in his Beauties of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 152, and as the Editor has heard many express their doubt of its authenticity, he is tempted to give here the whole account of the trans- action from Sir William Russell's Journal, which he has procured through the kind- ness of Sir Frederic Madden, of the British Museum : Extract from the Journal of Sir WiUiam Russell, Lord Deputy of Ireland, preserved in MS. Add. 4728. Brit. Mus., to which Institution it icas presented by Lord Willoughby, ofParham, 18th May, ijó^ Fol. 61, b. "Thursdaie 11 [March 1591]. From Rathingelduld my Lord rode to Cloghan, O'Madden's Castle, in Losmage" [now Lusmagh], "before w^^ hee encamped, in cominge to w^" we passed through a straight pace [pass] of 4 miles in length. O'íiíadden him- selfe beinge gone out in action of Rebellion, and had left a ward of his principle men in his Castle, whoe assoone as they perceaved my Lord to approach neare, they sett three of their houses on fire, w"' were adioyneinge to the Castle, and made shott at vs out of the Castle, w^" hurt two of our souldiers and a boye. And beinge sent to by my Lord to yeild vpp the Castle to the Queene, their answere.was to Cap'^° Tho. Lea, that if all that came in his L-^ Companie were Deputies, they would not yeild, but said they would trust to the strenght of their Castle, and hoped by to morrowe that time that the Deputie and his Companie should stand in as great feare, as they then were, in expectinge, as it should seeme, some ayde to releive them. That night my Lord appointed Cap^° Izod to keepe a sure watch aboute the said Castle, for that a mayue bogg was adioyneing there vnto, and appointed the kearne' w"" certain souldiers to ' These were some of Teige O'Moloye's people, aiding the Lord Deputy F. M. to watcli tlieire, least they should make an attempt to escape that way. About mid- night my L. visited the watch, and vnderstandinge of some women to be w"'in the Castle, sent to them againe, and advised them to put forth their women, for t hat hee intended the next morninge to assault the Castle w"" fire and sword, but they refused soe to doe, and would not suffer their women to come forth. " Fridaie 12. My L. continued before the Castle, and as preparation was makinge for fire workes, to fire the Castle, one in S^ W". Clarke's Companie beinge nere the Castle, by making tryall cast vpp a fire brand to the topp of the roufe w'^'' was covered Avith thatch, and presentlie tooke fire, and burned the roufe, w"'" greatlie dismaide them, where v]3on th'alarum was strooke vpp, and whilst our shott plaied at their spike holes, a fire was made to the grate and doore, w'^'' smothered manie of them, and w"' all the souldiers made a breach in the wall and entered the Castle, and tooke manie of them alive, most of w*^** were cast over the walles, and soe executed. And soe the wdiole nomber w"'' were burnd and kild in the Castle were fortie sixe persons, besides two women and a boye, w"^ were saved by my Lord's appointment. Fol. 64. — " The names of such cheife men as Avere kilde in the Castle of Cloghan O'Madden, at y® wininge thereof, Avhich Avere principall fightinge men, the xii"' of March, 1595. " Shane INI'^Brasill O'Madden of Corglogher, gent. Cahill M'^Shane O'Madden of Kineghan, gent. Donnogh M'^O'Madden of Tomhaligh, gent. Owen M'^Shane O'Madden of the same, gent. Molaghlin Duffe M'^Coleghan of Ballymacoleghan, gent. Cap" of shott, and his tAvo sonness. Shane M'^Kygan, a shott. Tho. Bey of Hanyne, a shott. William Dolland, a shott. Mortaugh O' Kenny, a shott. Manose Oge O'Kryan, of O'Rorcke's Countrie, Cap" of shott, and O'Rorcke's mother's brother's sonne. Shane Enemeny O'Conner, of the Countie of Sligo, gent. Avho said Avhen hee was taken, he was a good prisoner to bee ransomed. More, two other gent, of O'Eorke's Country, whose names were not knowne. " The names of the Cheife men kild in the Conflict the dale before the wyninge of the Castle, viz. : " Ambrose M'^Molaghline Mottere O'Madden of Clare Maden, gent. Coheghe Oge O'Madden of the same, gent. Leve Leve O'Madden of Clare, gent. Three landed men. Leve O' Conner of y*" Countie of Sligo, a clieife gent. & a leader of shott and Scotts ; he was buried at Millicke. Ferdoregh M'^Everye, a Cajj'^" of Scotts. Ever M*^Garell, of Galry, gent. M*^Connell, cheife of the Scotts. Vlicke Bowrcke M*^Edmond Bowrcke of Balyely, gent. " The rest were shott, bowmen and kearne ; the whole nomber kild & drown'd (besides those in the Castle) were seaven score and upwards, besides some hurt, w'''' escaped, beinge vnarmed, and fled away in greate amasement." It does not appear, however, that for these daring deeds O'Madden's property was confiscated, for we find him " loyal again" in 1602, when he attacked the magnificent rebel, Donell O'Sullivan Beare, who, after the defeat of the Irish at Kinsale, and the taking of his castle of Dunboy, was passing through Siol-Anmchadha, on his way to O'Eourke. O'Madden was evidently pardoned by James I., and we find that on the 8th of March, 161 1, he settled his property on his sons according to the laws of Eng- land, as appears by a deed (9 Jac. I. Roll 2), whereby Donell O'Madden, of Longford, in the county of Gahvay, captain of his nation, granted to feoflfees his Manor and Castle of Longford, and all other his property in the county of Galway to hold to the use of Ambrose, otherwise Anmaha O'Madden, son and heir of the said Donell and the heirs male of his body, remainder to his (the grantor's) sons Malachy and Donell, and their respective heirs male, remainder to Brasil O'Madden, son of Hugh O'Mad- den, one of the sons of the said Donell O'Madden, and his heirs male, remainder to the heirs [general] of Ambrose O'Madden for ever. 35. Anmchadh, or Ambrose Oi'Madden, son of Donell — He is the Anmaha O'Madden mentioned in the preceding deed as the son and heir of Donell O'Madden, captain of his nation. He died in 1637. 36. John Madden, son 0/ Ambrose The property settled by Donell O'Madden (No. 34), was forfeited during the civil wars of 1641 ; but in the year 1677, by a grant under the Act of Settlement, this John, his grandson, was restored to the lands of Cloonefeaghan, Attiky, Mota, and Ballybranagh, noAV Walshestown, near Eyre-Court, in the barony of Longford, and county of Galway. This grant is dated 6th August, and inroUed 22nd August, 1677. In this grant he is called John Madden, Gent., grandson of Donell O'Madden. He had two sons, Daniel, his successor, and Patrick. 37. Daniel Madden, son of John He is the last given by O'Farrell in his Linea Antiqua, who sets him down as the Head of the O'Maddens, which he undoubtedly was. 38. 152 38. Brasil Madden, son of Daniel. — He made his will in 1745, whicli is preserved in the Registry of Clonfert, and of -which the Editor has read an attested copy, in Avhich he mentions his property, and also his son and heir Ambrose, and two other sons, Daniel and John. He was always considered in the country to be the head of the Maddens, though Ambrose Madden, of Kiluaborris, Esq., was more wealthy. This Ambrose, who was probably the representative of Maeleachlainn IVIodardha, or Me- laghlin ]\Ioder O'Maddcn, who became chief of half the territory of Siol-Anmchadha in 1556, was a very respectable gentleman ; he died in 1730 Avithout any male issue, and the greater part of his property descended to Gregory French Madden, Esq., of Shannon View, in the county of Galway, who died a few years since without issue. 39. And/rose Madden, son of Brasd. — He is mentioned in the will of 1745, as the son and heir of Brasil, the testator. He married Margery, daughter of Malachy Fallon, Esq., of Ballyvahau, in the county of Roscommon, and had issue, 40. Brasd Madden. — He was never in possession, as his father ovitlived him, and settled the lands, in 1791, on Ambrose, No. 41. 41. Ambrose Madden, Esq., of Streamstown, in the north-west of the county of Galway, now living. — His grandfather settled the lands upon him in the year 1791, as appears by the deed of settlement registered in the Registry Oiiice, Dublin, of which the Editor has read the original. Laurence Madden, of Fahy, Esq., who is the son of this Ambrose's father's sister, still retains the fee-simple possession of about three hundred acres of the original territory ; but Laurence's pedigree on the father's side has not been traced. Ambrose married, in 1810, Anne Coneys, daughter of Walter Coneys, Esq., of Streamstown, in the county of Galway, and has issue five sons, Brasil, Ambrose, Thomas, Walter, and John, and three daughters. 42. Brasil Madden, Esq., so7i of Ambrose. — He married Juliet, daughter of Francis Lynch, Esq., of Omey, first cousin of the late John D'Arcy, of Clifden Castle, Esq., and of Nicholas Lynch, of Barna, Esq. The armorial bearings of the O'Maddens are sculptured on a monument in the ab- bey of Meelick, to Ambrose Madden, Esq., who died September 4th, 1754, but the colours not being indicated, and the monument being considerably defaced, and not of sufficient antiquity to be taken as authority, the Editor has consulted all accessible authorities on the subject. Sir Frederic Madden describes them as follows in a letter to the Editor, dated 1 6th January, 1 843 : " Your inquiry respecting the arms of the ancient sept of O'Madden, or Madden, of Galway, I wish I could answer satisfactorily, but I have never seen any authorities earlier than the time of Elizabeth. These give the coat thus : Sable, a falcon volant seizing a mallard argent — See MSS. Harl. 5866 (written ^53 (written by Daniel Molyneux, Ulster King of Arms, about 1584), 6096, and 2120 (written by Thomas Chaloner, Ulster, in 1590). The coat is blazoned in tlie same manner in a pedigree of Tracy, written on vellum and attested by William Hawkins, Ulster, in 1709, on occasion of the marriage of Gratia, daughter of Morgan O'Madden, to Hugh Tracy. But in a collection of the arms and pedigrees of Irish families, by James Terry, Athlone Herald, about 17 12, in MS. Harl. 4039, I find the coat thus : Sable, a falcon with wings expanded, seizing a mallard argent ; orr a chief or, a cross botonny, gules. Crest : — On a wreath of the colors, a falcon rising, argent, holding in its beak a cross botonny gules. Motto : — Fide et fortitudine. This coat is nearly the same as borne by numerous branches of the Maddens, in Kilkenny, Dublin, &c,, all of whom are descended from a Hugh Madden, of Bloxham Beauchamp, Co. Oxford, temp. Hen. VIH., and who was, no doubt, an offset of the old Irish stock. I enclose you an engraving of my own arms, for which I had a special grant made me from the Office of Arms in Dublin, and in Avhich, for the sake of distinction, I have caused, as you will perceive, a variation in the chief and in the colors. I do not know to what branch Doctor R. E. Madden, the writer, belongs, but he bears the usual coat, with the chief and cross, and falcon and coronet in the crest." In addition to the above line it may not be uninteresting to give here the pedigree of the senior branch of the Maddens, formerly of Baggotsrath, near Dublin, whose de- scendants are now seated in various parts of Ireland and England. Their ancestor, Thomas Madden, of Baggotsrath, Esq., who was comptroller to Thomas Earl of Straf- ford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, was undoubtedly an Englishman, and the great grandson of Hugh Madden, Gentleman, of Bloxham Beauchamp, county of Oxford, who flourished in the reign of Henry VIH. Biit it is not improbable that this Huo-h Madden was connected with the old Irish stock, who may have removed to England, like many other Irish families, in that and the tAVO subsequent reigns (as Kellys, Hig- gins, SuUivans, Donnellans, Donovans, &c. &c.) I am aware, however, that the cele- brated Dr. Samuel Madden, of Dublin, commonly called Premium Madden, who was certainly of this family of Baggotsrath, has been said to have been of French descent, and his family name to have been derived from the city of Madain, in the centre of France ; but this story, though it has found its way into Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, Chalmers' General Biographical Dictionary, and other works, cannot be true, and is not now believed by any of this family. The story which was originally published by Mons. Grosley (Tour to London, 1772, vol. ii. p. 100), is thus given by Nichols (Lit. Anecd. vol. ii. p. 699). " Mons. Grosley, a lively French traveller, speaking of a city in the centre of France, ' which at the beginning of the fifteenth century served as a theatre to the grandest scene that England ever acted in that kingdom,' mentions se- veral English families as lately extinct, or still subsisting there. ' This city,' he adds, IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. X « Jn 154 ' in return has given the British dominions an illustrious personage, to whom they are indebted for the first prizes, which have been there distributed for the encouragement of agriculture and arts. His name was Madain ; being thrown on the coast of Ireland by events of which I could never hear any satisfactory account ; he settled in Dublin by the name of Madden, there made a fortune, dedicated part of his estate, which amounted to four or five thousand pounds a year, to the prizes which I have spoken of, and left a rich succession : part of this succession went over to France to the Madains, his relations, who commenced a lawsuit for the recovery of it, and caused ecclesiastical censures to be published against a merchant, to Avhom they had sent a letter of attorney to act for them, and whom they accused of having appropriated to himself a share of their inheritance.' " All this, however, is clearly a groundless fiction, for we have the most satisfactory documentary evidence to prove that Premium IVIadden was the great grandson of Thomas Madden, Esq., of Baggotsrath, near Dublin, who died in 1640. The story of Premium Madden's relations in France going to law for his property is also proved to be a pure fiction, by the fact, that he had five sons himself, and that his present senior representative. Colonel Madden, of Hilton, county of Monaghan, enjoys all his pro- perty, except what he had bequeathed to the Dublin Society and Trinity College, &c. Aud his own will, preserved in the Prerogative Court, Dublin, further refutes this ab- surd fabrication. The Rev. Samuel Madden, prebendary of Blackrath, Kilkenny, who descends from Dean Madden, the brother of Premium Madden, and who, in conjunction with Sir Fre- deric Madden, of the British Museum, has compiled a very elaborate and accurate pedigree of the Maddens, of Baggotsrath, has taken some pains to contradict this fic- tion, which found its way into some of the most respectable publications of the day. After quoting De Burgo (the author oi Hibernia Dominicana), O'Brien, and other au- thorities, for the antiquity of the name O'Madden in Ireland, he proceeds as follows : " The above extracts and references are quite sufficient to prove that the Maddens are an Irish or Milesian family ; but it is not at present so easy to prove that that family, whose pedigree is given in the following pages, is of this Milesian stock. How- ever, the probabilities are that it is : for, first, the name is the same ; secondly, the arms and crest are the same ; thirdly, the names which commence this pedigree, and particularly Hugh, occur very frequently in the pedigree which exists of the old Milesian stock ; and, fourthly, the very learned antiquary, Burke', asserts that the Maddens, of Baggotsrath, near Dublin, are of the old Irish stock ; and we may be sure that he had grounds for saying so. XT» > Burke, or De Burgo {Hib. Bom. p. 305, n.<), digree of this family but Lodge's Peerage, which had no authority whatever for the origin or pe- he quotes, and his prefixing the Milesian O' to ^55 " It Avill be clear from this pedigree that the story which says that Premium Mad- den and Dean Madden were sons of a Hugonot clergyman, who fled from France at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantz, in 1 685, is a fiction. First, Premium Madden did not know it, as is testified by an ancient pedigree, which his great grandson, Col. Madden, now has, and which once belonged to him ; secondly, his father did not be- lieve itJ, as his MS. in Trinity College, Dublin, testifies ; thirdly, John Madden, w^ho married Miss Waterhouse, and on whose certificate, dated in February, 1 640, the three first names in this pedigree are given, never thought that he was of French origin. In fine, the Waterhouse estate, now after a lapse of two hundred and five years still in the family, disproves the silly fiction." The following table shows at one view the principal descendants of Thomas Madden, of Baggotsrath, who died in 1640, and also the descent of Dr. Goldsmith : 1. Hugh Madden, of Bloxham, Beauchamp, Gent. I 2. Thomas Madden, of Bloxham, Beauchamp, Gent. I 3. John Madden, of Bloxham, Beauchamp, Gent. Thomas Madden, of Baggotsrath, d. 1640. 1 John Madden, of Maddenton, d. 1661. I John Madden, of Dublin, M. D., d. 1703. 7. Rev. Samuel Madden, I commonly called I PremiumMadden, d. 1765. 8. John Madden, Esq., I d. 1791. 9. Samuel Madden, Esq., I d. 1814. 10. Col. John Madden, of Hilton, present head of the family. 1 7. Very Rev. John Madden, Dean of Kil- I more, d. 1751. 8. Rev. John Mad- den, of Lon- donderry, D. D., "born 1725. 9. John Eles Mad- den, Dublin, d. 1817. 10. John Madden, Esq., of Inch House, Bal- briggan, d. 1833. 11. John Tr avers Madden, Esq., of Inch House. 8. Rev. Samuel Mad- I den, d. 1800. 9. Major Charles I Madden. 10. Rev. Samuel Mad- den, Prebendary of Blackrath, Kil- kenny, now living. I 4. Robert Madden, Esq., of Donore, county ofDublin,d.l635. 5. Jane INIadden. I 6. Robert Goldsmith. I 7. Rev. Charles Gold- I smith. 8. 01iverGoldsmith,M.D. born at Auburn, co. "Westmeath (as prov- ed by an entry on the fly-leaf of his father's Bible, 29th Nov. 17 28), and died in London, 4th Ap- ril, 17 74. the name is a mere assumption. He may be right, but he had no knowledge of the fact of their an- Pedigree cestor having come from England. i Did not believe it It would be very odd in- X2 156 Pedigree of Colonel Madden, of Hilton, County Monaghan. I, 2, 3. These three names which occur in this pedigree without any dates or other particulars are given on the following authorities : — i, The Molyneux MS. in Trinity College, Dublin, F. 4. 18. 2, The books of the Herald's Office, Dublin. 3, A certifi- cate in said office, signed J. Madden, 3rd February, 1640. 4, The pedigree in the possession of Colonel Madden, of Hilton, who says that it belonged to Premium Madden. 4, Thomas Madden, of Baggotsrath, Esq — He was the eldest son and heir of John Madden, of Bloxham, Beauchamp, in the county of Oxford, and settled at Baggotsrath, near Dublin. He was comptroller to Thomas Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. He died on the 30th of January, 1640, and was buried, on the ist of Febru- ary, at St. Werburgh's, Dublin. His will is dated 20th January, 1640, and was proved in the Prerogative Court, Dublin, on the 15 th of February following. He married Elizabeth, sole daughter and heiress of William Pettiver, ofMiddleton Chiney, County of Northampton, Gent., and had issue six sons ; i, John Madden, his eldest son and heir; 2, William; 3, Thomas; 4, Matthew ; 5, Menasses ; 6, Joseph; and one daughter, Elizabeth. 5. John Madden, Esq., of Maddenion, County of Kildare, and Enfield, Count]/ of Middlesex He was one of the attorneys of His Majesty's Court of Castle Chambejf, also general solicitor for parliamentary sequestrations, 1644 to 1649. ^^^ marriage articles are dated 28th February, 1635. He died on the 17th of August, 1661, in the sixty- third year of his age, and Avas buried at Enfield. Administration was granted to his widow on the i8th of September, 1661. He married Elizabeth, eldest daughter and coheiress of Charles Waterhouse, of Manor Waterhouse, county of Fermanagh, Esq., by his wife, Etheldred, daughter of George Butler, of Strafford, Cou.nty of Bed- ford, Esq. She died on the 9th of February, 1671, and was buried at St. Michan's, Dublin, on the 14th of February. He had issue five sons ; i, Thomas, who died an infant ; 2, Thomas, who was baptized on the 22nd of April, 1646, and died unmarried on the 1 6th of July, 1676 ; 3, A son, whose name is unknown, and died young; 4, John Madden, M. D., of Dublin, who became head of the family ; 5, Charles, who died at the age of six years, and two daughters, Elizabeth, who died young, and Anne, who married Josias, fourth Lord Castlestuart, of the county of Tyrone. The deed, if John Madden, M. D., of Dublin, and rath, could believe that lie /izmse// was a Huguenot proprietor by inheritance of the Manor Water- clergyman, who fled from France at the Revo- house estate, in the county of Fermanagh, the cation of the Edict of Nantz, in 1685. grandson of Thomas Madden, Esq., of Baggots- ^57 The arms of the aforesaid Thomas Madden, who died without issue in 1 676, are given in Gwillium's Heraldry, Ed. 1 679, p. 1 67, as follows : — " Sable a falcon preying or, stand- ing with his wings expanded on a duck argent; on a chief or, a cross Botonee, gules." 6. John Madden, M. Z)., of Dublin, and of Manor Waterhouse, county of Fermanagh. — He was baptized at Enfield, Middlesex, on the 29th March, 1648-9 ; took out admi- nistration to his father on the 17th November, 1 681, in the Prerogative Court, Dublin, and died in 1703. His will is dated 21st of August, 1703, and was proved on the 6th November following in the Prerogative Court, Dublin. He had a valuable collec- tion of manuscripts relating to the genealogies and histories of many English and Irish families. In 1724 these manuscripts were in the possession of Dr. Stearne, Lord Bishop of Clogher, who at his death bequeathed all his manuscripts to Trinity College, Dublin. — See Nicholson's Irish Historical Library, Dublin, 1724, p. 128. Dr. John Madden married, first, on the 20th May, 1680, Mary, daughter of Samuel Molyneux, of Dublin, and Castle Dillon, county of Armagh, granddaughter of Daniel Molyneux, Ulster King of Arms, and sister of Sir Thomas Molyneux, the first Baronet of that family. He had issue by her, i, John Madden, who died young ; 2, the Eev. Samuel Madden, D. D., commonly called Premium Madden, his successor. He married, se- condly, Frances, daughter of Nicholas Bolton, of Brazeil, county of Dublin, and had, I, Nicholas, and, 2, Bolton. Nicholas was left heir to his father in the lands of Tis- coiFey and Lacken, in the county of Roscommon, and houses in Galway, Avhich had been conveyed to Dr. John Madden by his cousin Edward Madden ; remainder to Bolton Madden and his heirs. 7. Rev. Samuel Moll/ neux Madden, D. D He was called Samuel after his maternal grandfather, Samuel Molyneux. He was rector of Newtown Butler, or Galloon, in the county of Fermanagh, and afterwards succeeded to the family estate of Manor Water- house. He was born in Dublin on the 23rd of December, 1 686 ; entered Trinity College, Dublin, on the 28th February, 1700, and died on the 31st December, 1765. His will is dated 9th March, 1761, and was proved on the 14th December, 1766, in the Prero- gative Court, Dublin. He was one of the founders of the Dublin Society, to which he left one hundred pounds per annum for premiums for Irish wrought goods. He also left his estate in the Corporation of Belturbet "to be employed in promoting virtue and learning in Trinity College, Dublin ;" and by the codicil to his will, dated August 7, 1762, he appointed trustees for the fund thus bequeathed, and directed that the whole produce of the fund, in one undivided sum, should be given after every Fellowship Examination "into the hand of that disappointed candidate whom the majority of his examiners shall declare to have best deserved to succeed if another fellowship had been vacant." — (See the codicil in the Dublin University Calendar for 1834, .58 i834i P- 128). " The Madden Premmm" on this foundation was first given in 1798, For these liberal endowments, and for his great zeal for the encouragement of the arts and of learning by premiums, he was generally called Premium Madden. Dr. Johnson says, "His was a name which Ireland ought to honour;" and Mr. Sheridan, in an oration delivered in Dublin, December 6, 1757, speaking of the admirable institution of premiums, says, " whose author (Dr. Madden), had he never contributed any thing further to the good of his country, would have deserved immortal honour." In 1731 he published " A Proposal for the general Encouragement of Learning in Trinity College," which in substance was afterwards adopted, and became the basis of the present system of examinations and prizes for undergraduates. He was the author of " Eesolutions of Irish Gentlemen ;" " Themistocles, the Lover of his Country, a Tra- gedy ;" and " Boulter's Monument," a Poem on the death of Primate Boiilter, from which Dr. Johnson has quoted a striking passage in his Dictionary, txnder the word Sport. He also published " Memoirs of the Twentieth Century," 6 vols. London, 1733, a work which was suppressed a fortnight after its publication, and is now very scarce"^. Dr. Madden married Jane, daughter of Magill, Kirkstown, county of Armagh, Esq., and had issue five sons ; i, Eev. Thomas Madden, who left no issue ; 2, Samuel MoljTieux Madden, whose issue became extinct ; 3, John Madden, who succeeded to the family estates ; 4, Edward Madden, of Spring Grove, county of Fermanagh ; 5, William Madden, who died unmarried ; and five daughters, Mary, Lucy, Jane, Alice, and Elizabeth. 8. John Madden, Esq., of Maddenton, County of Monaghan His marriage license is dated 20th March, 1752, and his will is dated 2nd October, 1758, and was proved in the Prerogative Court, Dublin, on the 2nd March, 1791. He was buried at Drung, in the county of Cavan. He married Anne, daughter of Cope, of Loughgall, county ^ Very scarce Although this work is announc- tieth century: being original Letters of State ed to be in six volumes, only one was ever printed, under George the Sixth, relating to the most inl- and it is doubtful whether more were really in- portant events in Great Britain and Europe, as tended: it was dedicated ironically to Frederic to Church and State, Arts and Sciences, Trade, Prince of Wales. It is now so scarce that Nichols Taxes, and Treaties, Peace and War; and Cha- says he never heard of more than two copies of it, racters of the greatest Persons of those Times ; one belonging to Mark Cephas Tutet, Esq., the from the middle of the Eighteenth to the end of other belonging to Mr. Tickel, which was pur- the Twentieth Century, and the World. Received chased in 1782, for 10s. 6c?. by Mr. Brindley, and revealed in the year 1728; and now published from H. Chapman, a London bookseller. — {Lite- for the instruction of all eminent Statesmen, rary/iwecdoii's, vol. ii. pp. 32. 100). Its full title, Churchmen, Patriots, Politicians, Projectors, as given by Nichols, is, " Memoirs of the Tvven- Papists, and Protestants. In six volumes," Bvo. 159 county of Armagh, Esq., M. P., and had issue one son, his successor (No. 9), and four daughters, Jane, Anne, Elizabeth, and Sarah. 9. Colonel Samuel Madden, of Maddenton, noAv Hilton, county of Monaghan He was born in June, 1 756, and died on the i ith of June, 1 8 14, and was buried^t Clones, m the county of Monaghan. He married Catherine, daughter of the Eev. Charles Dudley Ryder, son of the Most Reverend John Ryder, Lord Archbishop of Tuam, and had issue two sons ; 1, Colonel John Madden, of Hilton, county .of Monaghan, the present head of the family ; 2, Charles Dudley Madden, of Spring Grove, county of Fermanagh, and four daughters, Catherine, Anne, Charlotte, and Maria Alicia. 10. Colonel John Madden, of Hilton and Manm- Waterhouse, Esq He was born on the nth of December, 1782. He married on the 8th October, 1835, Sydney Anne, daughter of Admiral WiUiam Wolseley, of Rosstrevor, county of Down, and has issue John Madden, born 26th August, 1836 ; Charles Dudley Ryder Madden, born 3rd May, 1839; and William Wolseley Madden, born 26th July, 1840. This Colonel Madden is now the senior representative of Premium Madden ; and the Manor Water- house estate has descended to him through the said Premium Madden, so that it is ridiculous to suppose that the " Madains» of France went to law for the family pro- perty, or that Premium Madden died without issue. NOTE C. Pedigree of O'Mainnin. The O'Mainnins were the ancient chieftains of the cantred of Sodhan, and resided at Clogher, in the barony of Tiaquin, until about the year 1352, when O'Kelly hanged O'Mainnin and took possession of his castle of Clogher. After this the chief of the name settled at Menlagh-O'Mainnin, in the parish of Killascobe, barony of Tiaquin, and coimty of Gal way, and about three miles and a half south-west of Castle-Blakeney, where the ruins of his castle are still to be seen. The O'Mainnins are one of the few families of Hy-Many who are not of the same race with O'Kelly ; they descend from Sodhan Salbuidhe, son of Fiacha Araidhe, king of Ulster, about the year of Christ 236 ; and it is highly probable that Sodhan settled in Connaught earlier than the ancestor of the O'Kellys, but the exact period of the settlement of either is not entered in the authentic Irish Annals. The other families of the race of Sodhan Salbuidhe seated in this territory were the Mac Wards, O'Scurrys, O'Lennans, O'Casans, O'Giallas, O'Maigins, and O'Duvegans, now called Dugans and Duggans, but though several notices of these families are found in the authentic Irish Annals, no line of pedio-ree of any of them has yet been discovered in any of our genealogical MSS., which is very strange, as both the latter families were professors of poetry and history, as we learn from I Go from the notices of them in the Irish Annals, and from O'Flaherty, who writes : " De his antiquarise et poeticse facultatis Wardfeorum et O'Duveganorum familiae pro- dierunt." — Ogygia, p. 327. See also page 72, Note ^, supra. The earliest notice of the family of O'Mainnin, or Mannion, as the name is now generally written, is found in the Chronicon Scotorum at the year 1 135 : " A. D. 1 1 35 — The battle of Mongach was gained by the Sil-Muiredhaigh over the Hy-Many, ubi niulti ceciderunt, together with Conor O'Kelly and O'Mainnin, King of Soghan." In 1377, O'Mainnin is mentioned in the Annals of Clonmacnoise and of the Four Masters, as chief of Sodhan, and styled in the former " a good house-keeper." He joined Melaghlin O'Kelly and Mac William Burke, of Clanrickard, against Rory O'Conor, king of Connaught. The following curious deed was drawn up in the year 1583, between two parties of this tribe by the Brehon of Hy-Many, Baothghalach [Boethius], son of Flaithgheal Mac Egan. The original, which is on parchment, and in the hand- writing of Mac Egan, is in the possession of James Hardiman, Esq., author of the History of Galway. The orthography is in many instances corrupt, the words being written as they are pronounced at the present day in the district ; but the Editor is unAvilling to correct it, as any alteration of the original would impair the authenticity of the document, which should be scrupulously preserved. It is probable that the Brehon adopted the words and pronunciation of the district to render the deed perfectly intelligible to the parties concerned, most, if not all, of whom would appear to have been illiterate, as none subscribed his name in Avriting. "IhC, "IHS. " Tp é aóbap in pcpibinn po, .1. o'á " The purport of this writing is to make poiUpiujao 50 canjaoap clann t>iap- manifest that the sons of Diarmaid O'Main- maoa 1 mainnin, ajup mac Qooa, mic nin and the son of Aodh, son of Irial, and Ipiail, ajup clann Uilliam, mic (Doni- the sons of William, son of Domhnall, son naill, mic Ipiuil, ajupflicc^iolla Qopa of Irial, and the descendants of Giolla- [_recte ^loUa lopa] líuaió, do laraip losa Ruadh, came before Tadhg O'Kelly CaiDj 1 Ceallaij, ajup Concabaip 1 and Conchobhar O'Kelly, on a question of Ceallai j, a 5-cáp peapainn do bi ag in land which the former tribe had from the plicc pin o plicc ^lolla Qopa, ajup acaic descendants of Giolla-Iosa Ruadh, and this in plicc pm d'u bpeir do pojain in pea- tribe have consented to surrender the land pann do lijin Dib, ogup a cabaipc do to the posterity of Giolla losa ; and the plichc 15'°^^^ Qopa ; aju]- ap e ace ap condition on which they surrender it to a b-puilic piac d'u cabaipc Doib, a n- them is as follows, viz., that they shall have i6 ^eall ap plicr^ioUa Cloya [recte'^wlla JopaJ DO Beir acu a n-ai^e juch uile Duine DÚ cuiépium orpum a copaij ajup a n-egopai^, ajup cunum béil ajup láirhti oo cabctipr ooiB, ajup juc cúnurii aile oa m-beir uccu oá mu cpeipe leob na le damn Oiapmuoa, mup ca cunum 6aile moip agup cunnrh jac plécála aile oa in-beir up claino Diup- iTiaoa, agup ap mac Qoóa, mic Ipuil, ajup ap damn Uilliam, mic tDomnaill, mic Ipuil ; ujup D'piacuib ocpa-pan cu- num pe plico 5'ol-l''J Qopa mup in ceona, Da ma cpeipe leob na le plicc 5'°^^" Qopa. CIgup ap é peapunn acuic piac DO rabaipc ooib pa'n cunnpao pm, .1. a 5-CU1D DO ChaiU u Dlaolam, ugup do pugaoap pm do pogam jan plecúil do cup up plicc ^lolla Qopa, ace m peap- ann do ligin cucum 00 I1151 dampaip do ceangriiail acuppa pein agup clunn ^loUa Qopa, agup gup b'f:eapp leob acu luc no m peupann, do peip opoaire UaiDg 1 Ceallai^ ocup Concubuip 1 Ceallaig : agup acaic in oa plicc pin ceanjailce o'a céile, ajup a plicc 'n u n-Dia^ 50 bpác a n-ai^e gac uile ouine DO cuirpeam orpum, agup lac pein do beic'na m-bpairpeachagail eig na céile, DO peip mup Dupumap pomamn. Qgup ni eile, oa n-eipioum impipin eacuppa, nl'l cumap pgallce ap m cunnpao po ac molurh Caiog 1 Ceallaig a^up Conca- baip 1 Ceallatj, agup piuicjil Dlic Qooagain do óénuTÍi a 5-cail a n-impi- pin DO c-plánujaó acuppa; agup gibe acu DO cleipum ap a ceile caipippin, aca IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. have the Slicht Giolla-Iosa to assist them against every man that may oppose them in right or in wrong, and that they shall receive Irom them aid of mouth and hand [i. e. word and deed], and every other as- sistance in their power, should they be more powerful than the 30ns of Diarmaid ; such as assistance at the town, and assis- tance m every other kind of pleading in whicli the sons of Diarmaid and the son of Aodh, sou of Irial, and the sons of William, son of Domhnall, son of Irial, may be en- gaged. And they are bound to assist the race of Giolla-losa in like manner, should they be more powerful than the race of Cxiolla-Iosa. And the land which they surrender to them on the said condition is their portion of Caill a Maolain. And they have consented not to go to law with the posterity of Giolla-Iosa, but to surrender the land to them, not wishing that a dis- sension should arise between themselves and the posterity of Giolla-Iosa, for they prefer having them as friends to the pos- session of the land, according to the re- commendation of Tadhg O'Kelly and Con- cliobhar O'Kelly, and these two tribes are to be united to each other for ever against every man that may oppose them, and to be as brethren of the same blood to each other, as we have said before. And more- over, should a dissension arise between them, there is no power to dissolve this compact, but to submit to the adjudication of Tadhg O'Kelly, Conchobhar O'Kelly, and Flaithgheal Mac Egan, to settle the dissension ; and whichever of them shall Y commit 102 XX. e pmic DO phéin 05 in m-bannpia^- ain aip, ajup xx.e punc aj plicr inline mic t)iapmuDa ap in ce acu do Denurii m cleipum, ajup aca xx.e punc acu pein ap a ceile, jibe acu do Denurh in cleipum, ap a ceile aca in xx.e punc pin DO péin aj in plicc eile ocpurii. Cijup ay lao piaonaipe do bi do lacaip in cun- napra pin do oenurii, .1. ^ctój O'CeaR- aij ajup Concubap O'Ceallaij, ajup mipi oaocjalach, mac plairjil, do bi DO lacaip in cunnapca pin do oenum, Qjup DO P5pib pin DO coil in oa pann, ajup ap e I05 a pjpibca in TTIullach mop, ajup ap e la do pgpiba h-é, .1. an Qoine poim Cinjcip, ajup ap 1 aoip in Ciajapna in can pa, .1. ceacpa bliaona, ajup ceacpa xx. ic, ajup u.c. ajup m. e bliuoain 50 n-ollaij peo cujainn. fniipi QoD O'mamnin. jmipi Uaoj O'Ceallaij. f rriipi Concabap O'Ceallaij. fTTlipi Doiiinall Capac, mac Uomaip, mic OorhnaiU. •j- rriipi Caog O'lllainnin, mac OiapmoDa. flTlipi Sean O'mamnin, mac Oiapmaoa. liTlipi Uomap O'illainnin, mac Qooa, mic Ipail. •j-lTlipi Oonnchaó OTIIainnin, mac ITlaj- nupa. •j-niipi Comap O'niainnin. ■j-rnipit)orhnallO'mainnin,macUilliam. •j-iTlipi Sean O'Dlamnin, mac Qcoa. |mipi "Ruaipi O'lTlainnin. ■j-TTlipi TTIaoilpeachlainn O'ÍTlainnín. •j-íTlipi tDunaóa O'lTlainnin. •j-iTlipi Oomnall O'lTlainnin. •[iTIipi Oonnchao O'lTlainnin." commit outrage on the other, in violation of this compact, shall pay twenty pounds fine to the Queen, and twenty pounds to the descendants of the daughter of the son of Diarmaid, and twenty pounds to the party injured; that is, the aggressors shall pay twenty pounds to the party aggrieved. And the Avitnesses who are present at the making of this compact are, Tadhg O' Kelly and Conchobhar O' Kelly, and I, Boethius, son of Flaithgheal, who wrote it by consent of both parties. The place where it was written is Mullach Mor, and the day on which it was written is the Friday before Whitsuntide, and the age of the Lord at this time is four years and four score and five hundred and a thousand years against Christmas next approaching us. I am Aodh O'Mainnin. I am Tadhg O'Kelly. I am Conchabhar O'Kelly. I am Domhnall Carrach, son of Concha- bhar, son of Domhnall. I am Tadhg O'Mainnin, son of Diarmaid. I am John O'Mainnin, son of Diarmaid. I am Thomas O'Mainnin, son of Aodh, son of Irial. I am Donnchadh O'Mainnin, son of Magh- nus. I am Thomas O'Mainnin. I am Domhnall O'Mainnin, son of William. I am John O'Mainnin, son of Aodh. I am Ruairi OMainnin. I am Maoilseachlainn O'Mainnin. I am Dunadha O'Mainnin. I am Domhnall O'Mainnin. I am Donnchadh O'Mainnin." The 103 The earliest notice of this family which the Editor has met with in the English records is in an inquisition taken at Galway on the ist of April, 1585, before John Crofton, from Avhich it appears that William O'Manyne was in possession of the townlands of Cooloorta and Drysseghan, in the barony of Teaquine, in the country of Imany, commonly called O'Kelly's country. The next notice of this family is found in an inquisition taken at the town of Athenry on the 22nd October, 1586, which runs as follows : " Inquisitio capta apud Villam de Athenry, 22° Octobris, 1586, coram Johanne Crofton, per sacramentum proborum, qui dicunt quod Hugo O'Manyne diem claudebat extremum 15° Augusti 1586, seisitus de feodo de dimidio quarterii terre vocato Myn- lagh-Eighter, et de alio dimidio quarter, in Ballyneforagh, et de uno capital! reditu exeunte de Ballycrussyne, ac de uno alio capital! redditu in Crese Mac Donnoghmore. Et quod tenuit predictum dimidium quarter, vocatum Mynlagh-Eighter, ac predic- tum dimidium quarter, vocatum Ballyneforagh, ac predictum redditum in Ballagh- cressine et predictum redditum in Cressy-Mac-Donnoghmore, de Regina in capite, sed per que servitia ignorant. Quod Tadeus O'Manyne, filius predict! Hugonis est ejus proximus heres, et etatis inter quatuor et quinqixe annorum, tempore obitus patris sui predict!, et non maritatus. Quod Syly Ny-Manyne, alias Syly Ny-Daly fuit uxor predict! Hugonis que est dotanda ex premissis," The next record relating to this family is an inquisition taken at Tuam on the 1 8th of July, 1609, before Nicholas Brady. It is in Latin, and the substance of it is as follows : — " That Hugo, otherwise Hugh Mac Teige O'Manen, died on the 5th of April, 1589 ; that he was seized in fee of half a quarter of land in Minlagh-Eighter, of one quarter in Crosse-Oughter, of three half cartrons in Crosse-Mac-Donnoghmore, of three half cartrons in Derryglassan, of three half cartrons in Shrahillagh and Kil- lymoyllan', of half a quarter of land in Bally nafouragh, and of the three- fourths of the land called ' The Island,' and of half the castle called Mynlagh, and of one-half of all the tenements in the village of Mynlagh. That Thomas O'Mannin is the son and heir of the aforesaid Hugh Mac Teige, and was of full age and married at the time of his said father's death. That the premises are held of the king by knight's service. That the aforesaid Thomas claims another half cartron in Crosse-Mac-Donnoghmore, another half cartron in Derryglassan, another half cartron in Shrahillagh and Killymoillan, and the other quarter of ' The Island' aforesaid. And that the aforesaid Thomas has a right and title to all the lands last specified." In another inquisition taken at Kilconnell on the 26th of September, 1617, before Sir • This is the townland called Caill a Maolain in the Irish deed of 1584, above given. Y2 164 Sir Charles Coote, the townlands then held by all the members of the O'Mannin family are enumerated, and the Editor is tempted to give a list of the names of their lands here, as it will help to point out the situation of their ancient territory of Sodhan. Aghelawkill, Gilkagh, Shrahillagh, Rosse, Shanvally, Menlagh (on which stood a castle and bawne), Derryglassan, Cross-Eighter, Killy-Moylan, Tonlegee, Lissebarry, Clone- keen, Ballaghnagrossine, Kilnemocle, Clooncorin, Ballinescragh, Cross-Oughter, Cross- Mac-Donnoghmore, Iskerroe, Graiglaban, Lisloghagh, Classaght, and Garrenemoddagh, The lands here enumerated are nearly all known by the same names at the present day, and are situated in the vicinity of Menlagh O'Mannin, in the barony of Tiaquin. It appears that in the year 1629, the title of Thomas O'Mannin, mentioned in the inquisition of 1609, was disputed, and accordingly an inquisition was taken in the Abbey of St. Francis on the 17th of March, 1629, before Malby Brabazon, to inquire into the nature of his tenure ; and it was found that Hugh O'Mannin, the father of Thomas, had surrendered his property to the king on the 12th of September, 161 7, and that the king, by his letters patent, had granted the premises to the aforesaid Thomas and his heirs, and that they were held as the law requires. On the 2nd of July, 161 8, the custody of the body and marriage of Brian O'Manyn, son and heir of Malachy, otherwise Melaghlin O'Manyn, late of Ballynygrossny, Gent., was granted to Richard Busher for a fine of twenty-six pounds sterling. During the civil wars of 1641, the O'Mannins forfeited all their property, but a few of them were restored to small portions of the original cantred under the Act of Settlement, as appears by the Rolls of Connaught Certificates preserved in the office of the Chief Remembrancer of the Exchequer, Dublin. By certificate on first Roll, Memb. 7, dated i6th February, 1676, it aj)pears that sixty-one acres of profitable land in the half quarter of Clouneagh, in the barony of Kilconnell, and county of Galway, were adjudged and decreed to Donogh iVIanen and Honor, his wife. By a certificate on the third Roll, Membrane 24, dated 3rd February, 1676, it ap- pears that the half quarter of Curraghmore, the half quarter of Newcastle, and the lands of Magheremanagh, situated in the barony of 'J'iaquin, and county of Galway, were adjudged and decreed to John Brown, in trust for the sons of Rose Mannen, lately deceased. And by a certificate on the fifth Roll, dated i6th August, 1677, it appears that ninety-three acres, three quarters, and thirty-two perches of land in the towns and lands of Cloonebannas, Kilcreen, Lisnegroth, Lissegegan, and Clonsee, in the barony of Kilconnell, and county of Galway, were adjudged and decreed to Thomas Mannin ; and it is recited that these lands were formerly set out to Teige Manin, as a transplanted person, by the late pretended commissioners sitting at Loughrea. Their descendants have since sold these lands, and there is not one of the name now in Con- naught ■65 naught who possesses an acre of landed property, but there are several respectable persons of the name scattered over the county of Galway. Mr. Paul Mannin, of Tuam, Coroner of the county of Galway, is supposed to be the senior representative of the name. NOTE D. Seepage 19. Pedigree of Mac Eochauha, or Makeogh, now Keogh. There were several families of this name in Ireland, but those of Magh Finn, in Hy-Many, were by far the most distinguished. They are a branch of the O'Kellys who took a separate surname after their ancestor Eochaidh O'Kelly, son of Diarmaid, son of Domhnall, son of Tadlig Tailltenn O'Kelly. The pedigree of Doctor William Makeogh has been already given in the Genealogical Table ; and there is a short notice of the family presei'ved in a paper MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, which is worth publishing, as it preserves some curious notices of the family not given in the Book of Lecan, or in any other authority known to the Editor : "t)omnall, mac Uaiój Uaillcenn, ip "Domhnall, son of Tadhg Taillten, is ceap DO piol 5-CeaLlai^ uile ap peao Uip máme uile. pice bliaoain 00 a B-plaireap ITIaine. CÚ15 meic maice OJ5 an tDorhnall po, .1. Concobap, Go^an, Comáp, Gapbuj Cluana Pepca 6pean- uinn, agup f^oclainn ajup tDiajimaio. Concobap an pinpeap, araip tDonnchaio muirhni^, ip uoD a cáro ci^eapnaóa TTIainec uile, ace cearpap. Go^un, mac t)orhnaill, a quo Clannrhaicni Go^ain, ceicpi placa ap a lopj ; Qr HaopUiaij ajup Cuaim Spurpa a lonj^popc, .1. plioccSiacaip. í^oclamn, mac Dorrinaill, ip uaó piol 5-Ceallaij Claoai^, Clua- the stirpes of all the O'Kellys throughout all Hy-Many. He was twenty years in the chieftainship of Hy-Many. This Domh- nall had five good sons, namely, Concho- bhar, Eoghan, Thomas, Bishop of Clonfert- Brendan^, Lochlainn, and Diarmaid. Con- chobhar, the sinsear \_eldest so7i\ was the father of Donnchadh Miiimhneach, from whom all the subsequent lords of Hy-Many are descended, excepting four. From Eoghan, son of Domhnall, a quo Clann- maicni Eoghain, four chieftains sprung, i. e. the Sliocht Siacais. Their mansion seats were Ath Nadsluaigh'' and Tuaim Sruthra. * Cluana Ferta Breanmnn, i. e. Clonfert of St. Brendan, the name of the patron saint being usually added to distinguish it from other places of the name in Ireland, as Cluain Ferta Molua, at the foot of Slieve Bloom, in the Queen's County, &c. '' Ath Nadsluaigh, i. e. the ford of Nadsluaigh, so called from Nadsluaigh, son of Feradhach, and brother of Cairbre Crom, chief of Hy-Many. It is now called Beal Atha Nadhsluaigh in Irish, and anglicised Ballinasloe See Genealogical Table, No. 6, and p. 27, supra. 1 66 na cuill, Cluana 6uapain, na 6eápna Sruthra. From Lochlainn, the son of oeijije, ajuptDun na mónaó. t)iapmaio, Domlmall, have sprung the O' Kelly s of mac Doriinaill, ip uao piol j-Cealluiji; Cladach, Clviain Ciiill, Cluam buarain, TTluije pinn, .1. Clann ©ochaóa co n-a g-coimneapaiB. Tllac 00 tDhiapmaio Gochaió, a quo Clann ©ocaio ; mac o'GochaiD Uomáp ; oá mac maire le Comáp, .1. Nicol mop, cijeapna ITluij^e pinn, ajup peappun Qra na pioj, aj^up Bearna dhearg, and Dun na monadh. From Diarmaid, the son of Domhnall, are the Sil-Kelly, of JNIagh Finn, i. e. the Clann Eochadha \_Makeoghs\ with their correlatives. Diarmaid had a son, Eoch- aidh, a quo Clann Eochaidh. Eochaidh ap B-págbail a cloinne i n-u comapbup had a son Thomas. Thomas had two good DO cuaiD 'p an Gajluip. Sioman an sons, namely, Nichol Mor, lord of Magh mac ele DO Uhomap DO l>i 'n a tDhejánac Finn, and parson of Ath na riogh (^Ath- Cluana peapc, cenn, aoioeao ajupanb- pann, Deopaoa agup Deblen do b'peápp. "Hicol mop, cpci, DO mac leip .1. Nicol O5, ajup Caoj Cluana oijin agup ap beaj a cinéil. Nicol O5, mac Nicoil mhoip, mic Uoináip, mic Gchach, mic Oiapmaoa, cuij meic mairi leip, .i. tJonnchao an pinpeap, majnup an Ppi- oip Qca 6uani, Uomap, Domnall ajiip enr-i/), Avho, after having settled his sons in his own inheritance went into the church. The other son of Thomas was Simon ; he was Deacon of Clonfert, and the best head to strangers, the feeble, the exiled, and the poor. Nichol Mor had two sons, namely, Nichol Og and Tadhg, of Cluain Bigin'^, of whose race but few exist. Nichol Og (the son of Nichol Mor, son of Thomas, Llilliam. CuiD ponna t)omnaill ajup son of Eochaidh, son of Diarmaid) had five Uilliam Ó 6hpaoieol piop, t)onnchaiD umoppa Ó 6hpaoieol puap. iD'inirij majnup Ppióip ( 6uam jan lopj." sons, viz., Donnchadh, the eldest; Magh- nus, Prior of Athlone ; Thomas ; Domhnall ; and William. The portion of the territory which belonged to Domhnall and William extended from Braoieol'^ dowuAvards, and Donnchadh's share extended from Braoieol • upwards. Maghnus, Prior of Athlone, left no issue." After this is given the descent of five branches of the Makeoghs, as represented in the following table : 24. ■^ Cluain Biffin, now Cloonbiggin. — See the Map prefixed to this Tract. •* Braoieol. — Now Anglicised Briole : the name is written more correctly Bruigheol by Duald Mac Firbis, in his account of the Firbolgic tribes of Connatight. The place is still well known, and is a wild and rocky townland, situated in the south of the parish of Taghboy, barony of Ath- lone, and county of Koscommon See Map pre- fixed to this tract. 167 24. Tadhg Taillten O'Kelly. I 25. Domhnall Mor O Kelly. I 26. Diarmaid O Kelly. 27. Eochaidh, a quo Mac Eochadha, or Makeogh. I 28. Thomas Makeogh. 1 29. Nichol Mor M'K., 1 lord of Magh 29. Simon M'K., deacon of Finn and parson of Athenry. Clonfert. .•50. Nict ol Oge INI'K., of Carraig. 30. 1 Tadhg M'K., of Cluain Bigin. 1 1 1 1 31. Donnchadh M'K., 31. Mas;hnus 31. Thomas. 31. Domhnall. 31. William. 32. 1 the sinsear. Aodh M'K. 1 Conchobhar M'K. M'K., prior of Athlone. 32. Thomas Og. 1 33. Edmond. 1 34. Donnchadh. 32. 33. 34. 1 Cairbre. 1 Donnchadh. 1 1 32. Ruaidhri. 1 33. Colla. 1 .33. 1 1 Colla. 34. Colla. 34. Redmond. 34. Tadhg M'K. 1 1 35. Thomas Og. 35. 1 1 Edmond. 35. Donn 35. Tadhg. 35. Mao ileachlainn an Bhearla M'K. 36. 37. „ . ' chadh. Cairbre. , „ , 1 , 36. Aodh. Edmond. 36. Will Mao iam M'K. 37. ileachlainn 37 1 John, [qr. is he the 37. Di 1 1 •.William. 37. Domhnall. M'K. Author of the Irish Herbal?] There are several respectable gentlemen of this family still in the original terri- tory of Magh Finn, as E. Keogh, Esq., of Fighill, in the parish of Taghmaconnell, and Ross Keogh, Esq., of Keoghville, in the same parish ; and there are also several gentlemen of the same family in Dublin, but the Editor does not know who is the pre- sent head of the name. The Keoghs of Roscommon are to be distinguished from the Keoghs, or Kehoes, of the counties of Wicklow, Carlów, and Wexford, who are of a totally diíFerent race. The Rev. John Keogh, the author of the Irish Herbal and Irish Zoology and of the short Statistical Account of the County of Roscommon, preserved in MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dviblin, was of the Roscommon family. He lived for several years near Strokestown, in the county of Roscommon, where he had a small estate, which was sold soon after his death by his son. He wrote a short ac- count of himself and family, which is very scarce. He is now vividly remembered in the tradition of the neighbourhood of Strokestown as an astrologer and soothsayer ! NOTE i68 NOTE E. Seepage 31. Pedigree of Mac Egan, now Egan. Maelisa Ruadh Mac Egan, the last mentioned in the Book of Lecan {7ibi svpra, p. 31), died, according to the Annals of Clonmacnoise, in the year 13 17. His death is thus entered in Mageoghegan's translation : "A. D. 1317. — Moyleissa Roe Mackeigan" [_rerte Mac Egan], " the best learned in Ireland in the Brehon Law, in Irish called Fenechus, died." Under this entry Mageoghegan has given the following curious note on the pro- fession or hereditary office of this family : " This Fenechus, or Brehon Lawe, is none other but the Civil Law, which the Brehons had to themselves in an obscure and unknown language, which none cou'd understand except those that studied in the open schooles they had. Some were judges and others were admitted to plead as Barristers, and for their fees costs and all, received the eleventh part of the thing in demand of the party for whom it Avas or- dered ; the loser paid no costes. The Brehons of Ireland were divided into severall tribes and families, as the Mackeigans, O'Deorans, O'Bresleans, and Mac Tholies. Every country [i. e. territory^ had its peculiar Brehon [bpeirearh] dwelling within itself, that had pi iwer to decide the causes of that contrey, and to maintain their con- troversies against their neighbour contreys, by which they held their lands of the Lord of the contrey where they dwelt. This was before the Laws of England Avere in full force in this land, and before the kingdom was divided into shyres." The pedigrees of various branches of this family are given by Duald Mac Firbis in his Genealogical MS. p. 320, et seq., and among the rest that of Cairbre Mac Egan, Brehon to Mac Carthy More ; but the Editor, not being able to carry any of the branches down to any one member of the family now living, does not think it ne- cessary here to give a meagre list of names without dates or historical notices. In the year 1 602, the most distinguished branch of this family lived in the castle of Coillte Ruadha, now Kiltyroe, or Redwood, near the Shannon, in the parish of Lorrha, barony of Lower Ormond, and county of Tipperary, in the neighbourhood of which the head of that branch still retains a small patrimonial estate of about three hundred Irish acres. The Editor has taken some trouble to carry up his pedigree to Dionysius Mac Egan, who lived in the castle of Coillte Ruadha in 1 602, but has not as yet been able to do so satisfactorily. In the Molyneux MS. in Trinity College, Dublin (F. 4. 18. 2), six generations of the pedigree of the Ormond branch of the Mac Egans are given as follows : Gillananeav 169 Gillananeav IMor Mac Egan. I Daniel. I Cosnev of Ballymacegan. I Dermot. I Teige Mac Egan, of Lisleagli, married Ellen, daughter of Iriel O'Kennedy, of Castletown, Gent., I and had issue Teige, Dermod, Patrick, Winifred, and Daniel. Teige Mac Egan, married Honora, daughter of Stephen O'Carroll, of Cullennane, in the King's Countv. There was another branch of them seated at Park, to the north-east of Tuam, in the county of Galway, and another at Dun Doighre, now Duniry, in the south-east of the county of Galway (see Map), where the celebrated Leabhar Breac, or Speckled Book of the Mac Egans, now preserved in the Library of the Eoyal Irish Academy, was compiled, and where the site, and some traces of the ruins, of their house, which tra- dition says Avas a college, is still pointed out. NOTE F. Seepage 32. Pedigree of O'Donnellan. The following pedigree of the family of O'Donnellan, procured for the Editor by D. H. Kelly, of Castlekelly, Esq., though engrafted on a false stem, is worth pre- serving ; as having been compiled about ninety years ago by Teige O'Dugan, whose ancestors had been the hereditary bards and historians of Hy-Many, wheu it may be supposed that several historical documents and traditions, since lost, were extant in the territory. This pedigree deduces the descent of the O'Donnellans from Mui- readhach Muilleathau, king of Connaught, who died in the year 700 or 701 {vide supra, p. 73, Note f), and Avho was the ancestor of the O'Conors of Connaught, but we have already seen (p. 33) that the O'Donnellans of Hy-Many are of the same descent with O'Kelly, and descend from Dluthach, chief of Hy-Many, who died in 738. It is highly probable that Teige O'Dugan has magnified the account of this family to flatter the O'Donnellan of the time, but as he has collected much authentic information, the Editor is tempted to give his very words, making such remarks on his errors as may appear necessary. Extract of a Genealogical Account of the O'Donnellans, of Bally donnellan. " The Ballydonellan family is descended from Heremon, one of the sons of the great Milesius, Avho, with his brother Heber, and a colony from Phoenicia [j-ecte Spain], landed in Ireland A. M. 2736. Heber and Heremon became kings of Ireland, and the IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. Z sovereignty I70 sovereignty was possessed by descendants of theirs till A. D. 1172, when Henry the Second of England obtained it from Roderick O' Conor, King of Connaught and monarch of all Ireland. But the sceptre of Connaught remained in the family of O'Conor till the year 1406 ; Terlough O'Conor, the last real King of Connaught, was killed the 4th December, in that year. The present Alexander O'Conor Don, of Clonalis, is the head of that most ancient family, and next to him is Owen O'Conor, Esq., of Belanagare, in Roscommon. " The O'Conors and the O'Donclans, of Ballydonellan, are descended from the same ancestry*. '■^Murrogh Molahon, or Molathon'' (i. e. Morough the longheaded or wise), a cele- brated prince of the house of Heremon, was king of Connaught, and died in the year 701, leaving five sons ; from Enraghta (called Enraghter by some Irish writers), the eldest son, the O'Conors are descended ; and from CahaP, the second son, the O'Donelans, of Ballydonelan, are descended. Cahal, on the death of his father, had very large pos- sessions in the counties of Galway and Roscommon. His son, Artgal, was raised to the throne of Connaught, and tradition says he was crowned on a lofty hill north of the castle, and part of the estate of Ballydonelan, called in consequence thereof Doonaree, which in English is King's INIount. In the tenth century, about the year 936, a descendant of his built a castle at Ballydonelan, called the Black Castle, part of which is still remaining. When surnames took place they were established in Con- naught under Teigue, its king, who assumed the surname of O'Conor, in honour of Conor, his grandfather ; in like manner Melaghlin (jMalachy in English) assumed the surname of O'Donelan, in honour of Donelan, his grandfather, a celebrated warrior. Several of the family carried the royal standard as first princes of the blood ; eighteen of them died in the bed of honour, in defence of that standard, at the battle of Tur- laghvohan, near Tuam, fought between Hugh O'Conor, commonly called Ilughlongagh 'Varna'', son to Teigue an EaghgilP, King of Connaught, and Hugh O'Rorke, King of Brefinee. ^ There was an antient family of the name of Donnellan in Gloucestershire, in Eng- land, who most probably were descended from the Ballydonelan family, though they spelled ' Same ancestry. — They meet in Cairbro Lift'- p. 33 — Ed. ei^hair, monarch of Ireland, A. D. 277, not "^ Hugh lonyagh Varna. — Recte Aedh, or Hugh earlier. Ed. An Ghai Bhearnaigh, i. e. of the broken spear. '' Molutiion. — Recte ISIuireadhach Muilleathan. He was slain in 10tí7 Ed. — Vide supra, p. 73, Note ^ — Ed. '^ Teigue an Eaghyill. — /fecieTadhg anEich ghil, '^ Cahal. — This is a fabrication — Vide supra, i. e. Teige, or Timotliy of the white steed.^ — Ed. 171 spelled their name with two ?i's and two fs^, but the coats of arms, crests, and mottos were the same. In the Irish character the name was always spelled with one n and one /, so from analogy should it be in English^, and so the Donelans of Ballydonelan evermore spelled it ; they continued the O' before the surname for several centuries as a distinguishing mark of Irish descent : " Per 6 vel mac veri noscuntur Hiberni, His signis demptis nullus Ilibernus erit. " The Black Castle, as before recited, in the tenth century*^, was unroofed by Tully 0'Donelan,'a lineal descendant of Cahal already mentioned, and he built the present castle in the year 141 2, as appears by an inscription on a stone in said castle; Tully had another seat at Rossdonelan, in the county of Roscommon ; he built a chapel and cemetery at the abbey of Kilconnell, which to this day is called Chapel Tully'. The abbey was built in the year 1400 \_recte 1353] by his father-in-law, William O' Kelly, of the castle of Calla [now the Bawn of Callow]. " Melagldin, the great great grandson of said Tully O'Donelan, Avas married to Sisly O'Kelly, daughter of William O'Kelly, of Calla, a descendant of the abovementioned William O'Kelly; Melaghlin died at Ballydonelan in the year 1548, leaving by his said wife, Nehemias, Avho Avas educated in England. Queen Elizabeth granted him the living \_quere diocese] of Tuam, and though he never was in holy ordersJ he Avas called Archbishop of Tuam. He was married to Elizabeth O'Donnell, daughter of Nicholas O'Donnell, grandson of the Earl [j-ecte chief] of Tyrconnell. Nehemias died in 1589, leaving by his said Avife, John, his eldest son. Sir James, his second sou, was Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland; he Avas proprietor of the Nenagh estate, and some of his descendants represented the county of Tipperary in Parliament. Ed- mond Donelan, of Killucan, in the county of Westmeath, Avas his third son ; Teigue, of Ballyheague, in the county of Kildare, his fourth son, and Murtough, his fifth son, Avas in holy orders. '■'•John, the eldest son, Avas married to Dorothy, daughter of William Mostyn, go- vernor ^ Twons and two Vs. — And so they ought. — Ed. remain, and contain the tomb of the O'Donnellans, ^ In English There are two ll's in the Irish with a Latin inscription — Ed. form of the name, and rim, thus, O'Oorhnal- J Holy orders. — O'Dugan evidently says this lam. t)oírinaUÚn being a diminutive of Oom- because he did not choose to aclcnowledge the nail, which is always written with //. — Ed. orders of the Reformed Church. Nehemiah Do- •> Tenth century. — The earliest castles of lime nellan was consecrated to the See of Tuam May and stone were built in Connaught in the year 18, \tj9b. Our author is therefore wrong in 1124, according to the Irish Annals Ed. stating that he died in 1589. He resigned his See ' Chapel Tully. — The ruins of this chapel still in 1609, and soon after died — Ed. Z 2 172 veriior of Atlilonc, by ilargret Burke, sister to Honora, Countess of Clanrickarde. Said William was son to Robert Mostyn, governor of Connauglit, by Sisly O'Melaglilin, daiigliter of Pliolim O'Melaglilin, of the royal house of Tara [i. e. chief of the Southern Hy-Nial race], by Winifred O'Conor, daughter of Brian Ballagh O'Conor, and grand- daughter of Lady Mary Fitzgerald, daughter of the Earl of Kildare, by his Countess Mable Browne. The Mostyns are a very ancient Welsh family ; one of the family was ft created a baronet in 1670 and another in 1600. John Donelan built the centre house 0t,t^j\x»^-^^ Ballydonelan, and died in the year 1655, leaving by his wife Dorothy Mostyn, Me- t^jiMi*^ laghlin, and nine daughters, all highly married. ^ " Melaghliti was married to Christian Blake, daughter of Robert Blake, of Ardfrey, county of Gal way, and sister to Sir Richard Blake, speaker of the supreme council of Kil- kenny, and a privy councellor in the reign of Charles the First. From him descended the Lords Wallscort, in Gal way ; Melaghlin died in 1673. His son John, by Chris- tian Blake, his wife, was married to Mable Fitzgerald, daughter of Sir Luke Fitzge- rald, of Tycraghan, of the house of Kildare, by Mary Neter\dlle, daughter of Lord Vis- count Xeterville ; her sister, Jane Fitzgerald, was married to Matthew Plunket, seventh Baron of Louth. John erected a stone cross in Kilconnell in 1682*^ ; he died at his house in Dublin, the loth July, 17 10; his son, Melaghlin, by said Mable, was married to Mary Dillon, daughter of Robert Dillon of Clonbrock, in Galway, by his wife, Mable Browne, of Castlemagarrett, ancestor of Robert Dillon, first Baron Clonbrock, and descended from the same ancestry as the Viscount Dillon and the Earls of Ros- common. Melaghlin was a Colonel in James the Second's army, was wounded at the battle of Aughrim, and obtained the benefit of the articles agreed to on the surrender of Limerick. His brother James was a Major in Lord Louth's regiment, and not wishing to remain in Ireland after the surrender of Limerick, he went to France ; Lewis XIV. gave him a high military commission, and sent him to Piedmont, where he was killed in 1693. Colonel Donelan died at his house in Dublin, 26th November, 1726, and left issue by his said wife John. James died unmarried; Simon in holy orders ; Mable married to Mathew Hoare, Esq., of the county of Waterford, by whom he had three daughters ; Christian married Robert French, of Rahasane, in the county of Galway ; another married Thomas Fitzgerald, of Piercetown, in Westmeath. " John, the eldest son, was married to Mary, daughter of Charles Daly, of Calla, by ^ Stone cross Í7i Kilconnell in 1682 This cross 1682." This cross is on the road side leading to is still extant, and exhibits this inscription: — the abbey of Kilconnell, and is believed in the '• Okate pbo D. loANiNE DoNNELANO EjusQUE country to bow whenever any of the Eallydone- FA3III.IA QUI HAUC cRUCEM ERiGi FECIT, A. D. Ian family pass by to be buried Ed. ^7?> by his wife Anne Darcy, of Kiltollagli, and niece to the Eight Hon. Denis Daly, of Dunsandle, in Galway, Lord Justice of the Common Pleas, in Ireland. A sister of this Mary Daly Avas married to William Nugent, Lord Baron Riverston ; another sister was married to Blake, of Dunmacreena, in Mayo, and Oran castle, in Galway ; another sister was married to Blake, of Moyne, in Mayo, and Merlin Park, in Galway, and another sister to Darcy, of Gurteen, in Mayo, and Eyehill Castle, in Galway, all of whom left issvie. Her brother, Anthony Daly, was married to the daughter and sole heiress of John Burke, of Lismore, in Galway, and widow of the Hon. James Bixrke, son of the Earl of Clanricarde. Charles Daly, who represented the county of Galway in Parliament, Colonel Anthony Daly, member for the town of Galway, and Major Peter Daly, the three sons of said Anthony Daly, died without issue, and that family is extinct. Mary Daly, the mother of John Browne, first Earl of Altamont, was cousin to Mary Daly, first mentioned. John Donelan died at his house in Dublin, loth December, 1743. ^^ ^^^^ twenty-one children by his said wife, thirteen of whom died very young in his life-time. He left four sons and four daughters, Malachy, Anthony Donelan, of Calla and Nutgrove ; Ed. Donelan, of Hills- wood, married and has issue ; Charles died unmarried ; his daughter Mary was a nun in Dublin ; Mable married James French, of Duras ; Frances married Oliver Martyn, of Tullira, iii Gahvay ; Anne died unmarried. " Malachy Donelan, the eldest son, was married to Mary, daughter and only child of Thomas Power Daly, by his wife the daughter of Sir John Coleman ; Thomas Power Daly was the eldest son of the Right Hon. Denis Daly, already mentioned ; Malachy Donelan died at Ballydonelan, and by his said wife left one son and two daughters. [" His son John got the east castle of Ball)' donelan built, and was married to Mable Hoare, one of the co-heiresses of Matthew Hoare, already mentioned. His daughter Mary was married to William Burke, of Ballydugan ; his daughter Anne was mar- ried to Colonel Denis Daly, of Raford, nephew to the Earl of Clanricarde ; both ladies left issue ; John Donelan died at Ballydonelan in February, 1772. His wife died at Nice, and her remains were brought to Kilconnell. He left by her two sons and one daughter. '■'■ Malachij^ the eldest son, married Frances, daughter of Sir Patrick Bellew, Bart., of Barmeath, in Louth, by his Lady, one of the daughters of Matthew Hoare, aforesaid. Matthew, the second son, married Miss Fallon, of Cloonagh, daughter of John Fallon, by his wife Cheevers, one of Lord Mount Leinster's family, by whom he left one son, since dead, s. p. "Frances married i8th December, 1785, to Arthur James Phmket, eighth Earl of Fingal, and seventeenth Lord Killeeu, and has issue. "It 1/4 " It is now, A. D. 1 8 1 8, eleven hundred and seventeen years since IMorogli IVIaol- Labon, already mentioned, departed this life, when his son Cahal (from whom the present proprietor, Malachy Donelan, is lineally descended), became proprietor of the place, now, and for many ages, called Ballydonelan. " John^ son of Malachy, married Miss Usher, of Eastwell, in the county of C4al- way, and died s. p. ; his next brother, Matthew, also died s. p. ; and his third brother, Arthur^ is now head of this family, living in 1843. " This is taken from an old MS. of Teige O'Dugan, an eminent antiquary, A. D. 1750, by Denis Magennis. "Signed, Denis H. Kelly."] To this pedigree is annexed the folloAving Genealogical Table, which is unques- tionably incorrect in the first four generations, but there may be much truth in the succeeding part. The generations since Teige O'Dugan's time, i. e. 1750, have been added by D. Magennis and D. H. Kelly, of Castle Kelly, Esq. : 1. Murrough MaoUabon, \recte Muireadhach 16. Tully, d. 1508. I Muilleathanl KiiigofConnaught, d. 701. , ., _ 'ii- { JO D ' 2 < . Loughlin. -• ^'•^f^- 18. Loughlin.. •S. Art. -Q _ I ,. I 19. Loughlin. 4. Kennev. nr> nr 1' n- j icncrations of the pedigree of a branch of this family ai'e given as follows : 1. Murtagh Boy O'Naghtan. I 2. Doiiogh. I 3. Roi-y Duffe. I 4. Devmot Reagh, of Lislea, in county Roscommon, married Una, daughter of Conor mac Hugh Boy I O Kelly, and died 10th January, 1637, leaving issue Dermot and INIurtagh. 6. Murtagh O'Naghtan, married Catherine, daughter of Donell O'Breen, of the county "Westmeath. The present head of this family is Edmond Henry Naughton, Esq., of Thomastown Park, in the district called the Faes, county of Roscommon, but the Editor has not as vet been able to coiniect his pedigree with any branch of the family mentioned in the inquisitions or any ancient document ; it could no doubt be easily done by comparing his family documents with the inquisitions or the grants under the Act of Settlement. He is the son of Thomas Mahon Naughton, Esq., of Thomastown, who died in 1831, Avho was the son of Edmond Naughton, Esq., of Thomastown, who died in 181 7, by Anne Mahon, first cousin of the late Lord Hartland ; who was the son of Loughlin Naughton, Esq., who died in 1770, by Catherine Kelly of Cargins, in the county of Ros- common ; who was the sou of Captain Thomas O'Naughton, Avho died in the year 1 740. It 1/7 It is highly probable that this Captain Thomas O'Naughton was the lineal descen- dant of Shane O'Naghten, the last chieftain of the Faes, who died on the i8th of May, 1587, but the Editor has not been able to get access to the documents necessary to prove the fact. ^ Baron O'Xaghten, who attended Prince Ilesse Homberg when he married the Princess Elizabeth, is of this lineage ; and the learned Counsellor Norton, who was sent as Chief Justice to Antigua, one of the West India Islands, is also of a minor branch of this family. He is the son of Mr. Peter Norton of Athlone, who is the grand- son of Feradhach O'Naghten, and it is to be regretted that he should have disguised his Irish origin by changing his old and respectable name into one with which it has no connexion whatever. The Mac Naghtens of Scotland and of the North of Ireland are of a totally different race from this family. The arms of this famUy, according to a MS. about 150 years old, are as follows : " Sable, parted per fesse argent, in base, charged with a Lyon's head argent lan- gued gules ; in chief charged with two Lyon's heads argent langued gules." " Crest. — A helmet, over which a Lyon's head argent langued gules." The arms which the Mac Naghtens bear at present are entirely difierent, and are Or, charged in chief with two hawks belled ppr., in base with three daggers azure. Crest. — A side helmet, over which a hawk aliffhtino-. Motto — Cum parvo gladio vici. NOTE H. Pedigree of O'Mullally or Lally. This family, though the next to O'Naghten in point of seniority of descent, sunk into insignificance at an early period, so that the Irish annalists have scarcely preserved a single notice of their history. They were originally seated in the territory of Moen- magh, of which they and the O'Naghtens were chiefs in turn, according to the power of each (see p. 71, Note ^ supra) ; but about the period of the English Invasion they were driven out of Moenmagh, and obliged to settle at Tulach na dala, i. e hill of the meeting, in the territory of Conmaicne Duna Moir, and four miles to the north of Tuam, where they became tenants to the Lord Bermingham. It appears from an in- quisition taken at Athenry on the 1 6th of September, 161 7, that Isaac Laly, the head of this family, who was then seated at ^ullaghnadaly, William Laly of Ballynabanaby, and Daniel Laly of Lisbally, were all tributary to the Lord Bermin-ham. This in- quisition is preserved in the Rolls Office, Dublin, and runs as follows T "Inquisition taken at Athenry i6th September, 161 7, before Sir Charles Coote, IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. 2 A finds .78 finds that Isaack Laly of Tullaglidalie, Gent., is seized in fee of the castle, towne and lands of Tullaghdalie, Gortneponry, Lisbally, Drum, Temnynane, Carrowanmonine, Cari'ownegarane, in the Barony of Dunmore, paying a yearly chief rent of five shillings out of each quarter to Lord Bermingham. Also, that William Laly of Ballinebanniber, [now Ballynabanaby] Gent., is seized in fee of Carrownehahie, Curin, &c., paying a yearly chief rent of five shillings out of every quarter to Lord Bermingham. Also, that Daniel Lally of Lisbally, Gent, is seized in fee of Rathnemanrie, Carownalahy, and Lisbally in the said Barony, paying a yearly chief rent of five shillings each quarter to Lord Birmingham." No pedigree of this family has been found in any L-ish MS. except that in the Book of Lecan already given in page 33 ; but William Hawkins, Esq., Ulster King of Arms, and principal herald of all Ireland, about the year 1 709, collected all the historical notices he could find of the Lallys, and drew up a pedigree for the French branch of the family. The Editor has procured a copy of this compilation of Hawkins, through the kindness of Denis H. Kelly of Castlekelly, Esq., and James Henderson of Tuam, Esq., and he thinks it desirable to preserve it here, though convinced that it contains much spurious matter. The latter part was copied from the late Marquis of Tolendal's own hand, and is perfectly correct. The fabrications of Hawkins are noticed in the marginal notes. Extracts from the Genealogy of the most ancient and illustrious House of OPMaollala^ afterwards MullaUy, or G' Lally, of the Kingdom of Ireland, collected from the old Irish MSS. Books of Pedigrees, as well as from the Records preserved in the Exchequer, Auditor General and Bolls Offices in the said Kingdom. By William Hawkins, Esq., Ulster King of Arms, and principal Herald of all Ireland, under the Seal of his Office, Sfc. "• Xin. Amhffi HI., or Amlavus Benadugadoir O'Maollalla^ chief of Tulla Hy- Maollalla'', the thirteenth descendant from Maollalla, flourishing about anno 940 to 970, then ^ Aynlaff Benadugadoir 0' Maollalla.— This is meeting, or assembly, and has no connexion evidently the last generation given in the Book of whatever with the name of this family, nor was Lecan, and the cognomen Benadugadoir is one this their original seat, for it is situated in the ter- fabricated by Hawkins himself. ritory of Conmaicne DunaMoir, and not less than '' Tulla Hj/- Maollalla This is pretended to thirty miles to the north of the northern limit of be the ancient Irish form of the name Tullagh- their original territory of Moenmagh. The Lallys nadaly, which the French branch of this family or O'MuUallys, were never seated at Tulac/i na civilized to Tolendal ; but the original name of data, until after the English invasion, and they this place is Tulach na data, i. e. hill of the were never chiefs of that place, but tenants to 179 tlien prince of Maoumoye, now Clanricarde^, who gave his name to his posterity, and was surnamed Usagur^, i. e. just and valiant, the motto of the family. [Amlaif III.], (the fifth from AmlaiF II. O'Maollalla, killed anno 1200 by the Burgo's, who would strip him of his principality of Maonmoye), Avas surnamed Benadugadoir, i. e. the Recuperer ; because in 1333, after the murder of the Earl of Ulster by his own rela- tions, during the discords and civil wars between all the septs of the De Burgo's AmlafFIII. O'Maollalla united himself with their divisions to recover-some part of the vast territory of his ancestors. This AmlaiF's wife was Helena, daughter of Murtough, and sister to Mahon O'Brien, surnamed Moenmoye, because he assisted very strongly his brother-in-law in his exertions against the Burgo's. " XIV. Bond IV. M'AmlaiF O'Maollalla, chief of Tully Hy-Maollalla, slain in battle in Connaught, 1397^, by Sir Thomas Burke and Sir Walter Bermingham, mar- ried a daughter of O'Donnell, and had hy her " XV. Melaghlin M'Donnell O'MaollaUa, chief of Tully Ily Maollalla, slain in bat- tle in Hymaine, by Lord William de Burgo, 1419'' ; he married Mary, daughter of Teigue O'Dowda, Lord of Tireragh, county of Sligo, who died in 1430 ; by her he had "XVI. John M 'Melaghlin — happy chief of his name^, — he died, according to the Annals of Connaught at Tuam, 1480, and married Moore, or Merlin, daughter of Me- laghlin O'Bryen of Tire-Brien"^, by whom he had issue, as under, XVIL His brother was Connor O'Maollalla, Bishop of Clonfert, 1447. " XVII. Dermod O'Maollalla, fortunate chief of his name', died at TuUy Mullally an. 1 5 1 7 ; he married Brigida, daughter of Teigue O'Kelly, Lord of Hymaine, and had issue Bermingham, who was himself but a lord of one ^ Donall Mac Amlaff O' Maollalla, slain in baronj. So much for Hawkins' barefaced fabrica- 1397. — Where is the authority for this date? tion for Count Lally ! ^ Melaghlin Mac Donall O' Maollalla, alain in ' Maonmoy, now Clanrickarde See p. 70, 1419. — This date and event were evidently fabri- Note ^, where it is shown that Maonmagh was cated. If not, where is the authority ? Surely not not coextensive with Clanrickard. the Irish Annals ! '^ Usagur. — This cognomen was clearly fabri- ^ Happy chief of his name — Where is the au- cated by Hawkins, at whose suggestion it was thority for this cognomen ? adopted by Count Lally as his Irish motto. Where, ^ Melaghlin O'Bryen of Tire-Brian. — All it may be fairly asked, is the historical authority to apocryphal, but the fabricator must have had show that Maolalaidh, the progenitor of this fa- in view Melaghlin O'Beirne, of Tir-Briuin ua mily, was called Usagur, and where is the evidence Sinna ! to show that this word would mean *' just and ' Dermot O'Maollalla, forttaiate chief of his ijaZiawi?" or that this was the motto of the family name Where is the authority for the cogno- while in Ireland ? men ? 2 A 2 t8o issue XVIII. His brother Thomas O'MuHalla, commonly called Lally, was Archbishop of Tuam 15 13, deceased 1536. " XVIII. Melachlin M'Dermott O'Maollalla, submitted himself, vassals and lands, by indented articles of agreement, an. 1541, to Sir Anthony St. Leger, then Lord De- puty, and delivered his eldest son M'Melaghlin, then twenty-five years old, as a pledge for the performance of the articles ; he married Margaret, daughter of CormacM'Eoger M'Dermott, chief of Moylurg, county of Roscommon, by whom he had "XIX. John M'Melaghlin O'Maollalla, chief, and styled Baron of Tully Mullally, or Tullenalally, Tallenadally, Tollendally or Tolendal ; he was surnamed GiaUaoch, i. e. the warlike hostage, because in the siege of Boulogne, an. 1544, he distinguished himself very much with his galloglasses, &c. ; he married Shely or Judith, daughter to Hugh O'Madden, chief of his name, and lord of the territory of Silnanmcha, county of Gal way , by whom he had XX. His brothers were William O'Lally, Archbishop of Tuam April, 1573, commissioner of the Queen Elizabeth for the pacification of Connaught an. 1585, ob. 1595 ; and John O'Mullally, who, dissatisfied with the submission of his father to the crown of England, and with the supremacy of Henry VIII., went to Rome with his red eagles painted in blackJ on his scutcheon, ofiered his services, with many compa- nions, to the Pope, and warred for Octave Farnesse. " XX. Dermod O'Maollalla, chief, and the second styled Baron of TuUy-Mullally, died at the same place 1596, as it appears by an inquisition taken at Athenry an. 1621, in which he is qualified principalis suce nationis. In 1585, Dermot went to Ballinrobe at the head of his vassals as O'Kelly, Bermingham, and others'', and joined Sir Richard Byngham in his march against the rebel Burgo's in the battle of Ardnary ; of 3000 rebels not above seven escaped. He married Mary, daughter of William O'Naghten of Lisnea, county of Roscommon, by whom he had "XXL J Red Eagles painted in black on his scutcheon. shalling of coat-armour, which was formerly the A pure fabrication. The man was a mere pride and study of all the best families in the farmer, and tenant to the Lord Bermingham, and kingdom, is now greatly disregarded; and has not able to bring ten men well-armed to the field! fallen into the hands of certain officers and atten- '^ His vassals, as 0' Kelly, Bermingham, and dants upon this court [of chivalry] called heralds, others. — What a perversion of history is here ! who consider it only as a matter of lucre, and not Lally of TuUaghnadaly, who held a few quarters of of justice, whereby such falsity and confusion have land under the Lord Bermingham, having O'Kelly, crept into their records (which ought to be the Bermingham, and others, as his vassals! The standing evidence of families, descents, and coat- Heralds of Hawkins' time bore a low character for armour), that though formerly some credit has veracity,and were guilty of barefaced fabrications. been paid to their testimony, now even their Their character is thus given by Blackstone in common seal would not be received as evidence his Commentaries, Book IIL, c. 7 : — " The mar- in any court of justice in the kingdom." " XXL Isaac O'MuUally of Tullen Adalla, alias Tullymullalla, the third styled Baron^ of that country™, chief of his name of full age at the time of his father's death, ob. 12 May, 1621 ; he married Mary, daughter of John Moore of Briezes, Esq., by Lady Mary Burke, daughter of Richard Sassonagh, Earl of Clanricarde, sister to Jane, lady to Sir Lucas Dillon of Loiigh-Glin, knight, second son of Sir Theobald, first Lord Viscount Dillon, by whom he had "XXIL James O'Mullally, or Lally, Esq., chief, and the fourth styled Baron of TullymuUally, by corruption Tullenadally, or briefly Tolendal, of full age in 1621 ; married in 1623 Elizabeth, daughter of Gerald Dillon of Freymore, in the county of Mayo, Esq., brother of Sir Theobald, first Viscount Dillon ; he forfeited part of his estate by Cromwell, 1652, and ob. at Tullenadally, 5th September, 1676. His brothers Donal and William Lally having followed the King Charles IL, were outlawed, and the whole of their estates forfeited, viz., Ranamary and Carownalegy, in the barony of Dunmore, Ballinabanaba and Gorta, Golloglie and Ballydoogane, barony of Kilconnell. William married Frances Butler, and had issue Edmund Lally, who married Eliza Brabazon. " XXIII. Thomas O'Mullally, or Lally, chief, and fifth called Baron of TuUy Mul- lally, or Tolendal, inherited the real estate of his father, tested 7th June, 1677, leaves his real estate to his eldest son James Lally, and heir male of his body lawfully be- gotten, and for want of such heir to Gerard Lally, his second son, and so gradually and perpetually. He married Jane Dillon, sister of Theobold, seventh Lord Viscount Dillon of Costello Gallen, father of Arthur Count Dillon, Lieutenant- General in the French service. She survived her husband, and took to her second, John Burke, Esq. She was adjudged by the trustees of Irish forfeitures in Dublin, an. 1700, to her dowers on the lands of Tolenadally, &c. after the attainder of her eldest son, James Lally, Esq. His brother William Lally, Esq., Avas ancestor to the Lally s of Milltown and of Grange. The present chief of this branch is James Lally of Milltown, Esq., who by his marriage with a daughter of H. Kirwan of Balligady, near Tullenadally, Esq., has a son Thomas Lally, now (1777) sixteen years old. " James ' The third styled Baron This is a most Bermingham, he was a mere farmer, and could shameless fabrication, for in the inquisition of hardly be considered an Irish chieftain. Shame 1617, above given in full, this Isaac Lally, vrho upon such fabricators! is called of TuUaghnadalie, is called simply, Gent., "'Baron of that country Tullaghnadaly, in and described as a tenant under the Lord Ber- Irish Tulach na dala, i. e. hill of the meeting, is mingham. He never was a Baron under the the name of a hill and small townland, and it is a crown of England, and though head of his name, most absurd falsification to call it a " country." holding only a few quarters of land under Lord l82 " James has two brothers, Thomas, an old friar, and Patrick, father of two sons. " XXIV. Colonel James Lally, the sixth and last styled Baron of Tolendally, go- vernor and sovereign of the noble corporation of Tuam for the King James II. an. 1687, member of his last parliament, 1689, outlawed in the same year. Colonel in the French ser\ace, and commandant of theLally's battalion in Dillon's Eegiment, ist June, 1690, killed 1691, during the blockade of Montmelian, unmarried. Besides his four brothers he had four sisters married, " First, to Walter, styled Baron Jourdan. " Second, to Nicholas Nangle, styled Baron Costelloe. " Third, to N. O'Gara, Esq. " Fourth, to N. Betagh, Esq. " XXV. His second brother, Sir Gerard Lally, Bart., most distinguished in the army, died Brigadier General, and designed Marechal de Camp, 1737 ; he married Marie Anne de Bressac, by whom he had, XXVI. ; his other brothers were, William Lally, captain in Dillon's regiment, killed 1697 ; Mark Lally, officer in Dillon's regi- ment ; and Michael Lally, who married Helon O'Carroll, by Avhom he had a son, Michael Lally, Brigadier General, ob. at Kouen, 1773. "XXVI. General Thomas Arthur Count Lally of Tolendal, colonel of an Irish re- giment of his name, &c. &c. ; he married Felicity Crofton, and had by her, " XXVII. Trophime Gerard Compte et Marquis de Lally Tolendal, Peer of France, minister of State, &c. &c. ; he married Elizabeth Charlotte Wedderburn Halkett, having a common grandfather with the late Alexander Wedderburn, Peer of Great Britain under the title of Lord Baron Loughborough, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Earl of Rosslynn ; by whom he had a single daughter, Elizabeth Felicity Claude de Lally Tolendal, wife to the Count d'Aux, to whom the peerage of his father-in-law shall descend. " Aiithenticated by signature, dated 29th October, 1817. " Lally Tolendal, " Peer of France, Minister of State." [" Mr. Henderson writes in continuation, ' I send you the pedigree of the Lally family in the handwriting of the late Marquis of Lally Tolendal, who, some years since, forwarded it to his relative Mr. Thomas Lally, who resided near Tuam. "'This Thomas Lally died unmarried, s. p. in May, 1837. His brother's son, Thomas Lally, also died unmarried, and s. p. September, 1838 ; he was the last sur- vivor of the male line of this very ancient family in this kingdom. " ' The Eev. Doctor Lally, Rector of Drayton, in England, is descended from the same race, but his pedigree is not made out with certainty ; and it is stated in the pedigree i83 pedigree in the Marquis's handwriting, that Michael Lally, the Brigadier General, deceased, at Rouen, had four brothers and five sisters ; there is a grandson of his in France, Joseph Stanislaus Lally de la Neuville, who was four years old in 1817.' Signed, " D. H. Kelly."] NOTE I. Seepage \\. Pedigree of Mac Uallachain, now Cuolahan. O'Dugan, in his Topographical Poem, calls this family O'h-Uallachain, and chiefs of Siol Anmchadha, as in the following quatrain : '• Oippij buan-ceapoach, blaóach, " A chief ever-famous, renowned. Op upláp na n-Qnmcaoach, Is over the plain of the race of Anmchadh, Cpiar jaipbjeimleac na n-glan-aj, A rough-fettering lord of distinguished valour, O' — h-aipm-nemineach — Uallachan." 0' — venomous-weaponed, — h-Uallachan." This looks very extraordinary, as we know from the Irish Annals that the O'Maddens have been chieftains of this territory at least since the establishment of surnames. It may, however, be highly probable that when O'Madden rose to the chieftainship of all Hy-Many that O'liuallachain or Mac Uallachain was chief of Siol- Anmchadha; but this was but seldom the case, as we have already seen in the pedigrees of O'Kelly and O'Madden. It is, however, but fair to give old documents their due weight in historical investigations, and we must therefore receive it as an historical fact supported by the Book of Leacan and the Topographical poem of O'Dugan, who died in 1372, that the Mac Cuolahans were the ancient chiefs of Siol Anmchadha. In the notices of this family, preserved in the Irish Annals, they are not called chiefs of Siol Anm- chadha except at the year iioi See Pedigree of O'Madden, No. 21, pp. 143, 144. The following are the notices of this family preserved in the Irish Annals : " A. D. 1085 The Conmaicne made a predatory excursion into Siol Anmchadha, and slew Coningin Finn Mac Uallachain, and carried off many cows." — Ann. Qiiat. Mag. "A. D, IIOI. — A conflict took place between two parties of kerns at Clonmac- noise, namely, Muinter Tadhgain [the Foxes of Teffia] and Muinter Cinaoith, in which was slain Gillafinn, the son of Mac Uallachain, King of Siol Anmchadha." — Chronicon Scotorum. " A. D. 1 159 Aedh [Hugh] the son of Mac Uallachain, chief of Muinter Cionaetha, Avas slain in a battle fought at Ardee, between Muirchertach Mac Loughlin, King of Ailech, and Roderic O'Conor, King of Connaught." — Ann. Quat. Mag. Since the English Invasion this family have lost the dignity of chieftains, and there- fore disappeared from history. No line of their pedigree has been discovered coming down i84 down to a later period than their progenitor Uallachan, the fifteenth in descent from Maine Mor, as already given in p. 41, and in the large Genealogical Table. The earliest notice of this family which the Editor has discovered in the Anglo- Irish Records, is an inquisition preserved in the Rolls Office, taken at Kilconnell on the 26th of September, 161 7, before Sir Charles Coote, which finds " that Brian M*^. Cooleghan is seized of fee, of Bally m*^. Coulighan ; that Hugh M*^. Coolighan is seized of Cogrune ; that Onora Ny-Coolighan, Avidow, is seized of Carrowanmeanagh, i. Cartron ; that Mclaughlin DufF M'=. Coulighan and Mclaughlin Oge m^. Mclaughlin M*^. Coulighan are seized of fee of Culnetrump ; that Mclaughlin Oge m"^. Mclaughlin is seized of fee of Clowneleahan ; that Cael m*^. Fariagh is seized of fee of Coreclogha ; and that Donagh M*^* Cooleghan is seized of Adragule." This family have forgotten all recollection of their true descent, the present tra- dition among them being that they were anciently Irish chieftains, and having been for ages seated at the east side of the Shannon, in a district now belonging to the territory of Delvin, or the barony of Garrycastle, in the King's County, they have assumed it as an historical fact that their ancestors were chieftains of the territory of Delvin, and have accordingly styled themselves under their coat of arms — " The warlike Mac Cuolahans, chieftains of the high and pleasant Delvin, King's County, on the River Brosnagh, and barony of Garrycastle." But it is well known that the Mac Coghlans, and not the Mac Cuolahans, were chieftains of Delvin, in the King's County. The following pedigree of this family has been carefully compiled from their family documents, and kindly transmitted to the Editor by his learned friend, Richard Monck, Esq. of Banagher, who is an enthusiastic, but a very judicious Irish scholar and antiquary. 1. Carroll Mac Cudahan. — He is the oldest mentioned in the family deeds, but nothing is known aljout him, except that he was the father of 2. Donogh Keogh Mac Cuolahan. — He was living in 1602. He Avas father of 3. Bryan^ or Brian Mac Cuolahan^ father of 4. Hugh Mac Cuolahan^ who was father of 5. Hugh Cuolahan. — This Hugh mortgaged half a quarter of Cogran to Garrett Moore, Esq., as appears from a receipt or acknowledgment given by Garrett Moore, son of the former, to Lieutenant Daniel Cuolahan. The words are : " I have received two papers from Lieutenant Daniel Cuolahan, one relating to half a quarter of Cogran, signed by my father, to leave the said half quarter to Hugh Cuolahan, grandfather to the said Daniel against the plantation intended by Lord Strafford." Hugh died in 1667. 6. Hugh Cuolahon He married Isabella Madden, and died in 1686, and was in- terred i85 terred in the Abbey of Meelick, where he had erected a monument for himself and descendants so early as the year 1673. This monument is stiU in existence : it is a plain square stone, without armorial bearings or ornament of any kind, worked into the west wall of the southern transept of the abbey, with the following inscription in raised letters : " Me fieri fecerunt pro se et posteris suis Hugo Cuollachan, ET Isabella Madden, uxor eius, die xx°, Mensis Maij, 1673." 7. Lieutenant Daniel Cmlahan.—YL& was lieutenant in James II.'s service. His bro- ther Morgan was killed by a chain-shot on the bridge of Athlone, fighting for King James, A. D. 1691. Daniel married, July 8th, 1691, Mary Daly, daughter of Teige Daly of Killemeeny, in the county of Galway, Avho, in the marriage settlement of his daughter, says : " I will pay to the said Daniel Cuolahan two hundred pounds ster- Img, in consideration of a marriage portion, as soone as God Almighty pleases to restore me to my estate." 1 ! He had issue Hugh, who died without issue, and Dr. John. 8. Doctor John Cuolahan — He was the first of the family who conformed to the Established Church, which he did in St. Peter's Church, Dublin, on Sunday, the 15th of December, 1 754. On the death of his brother Hugh without issue in 1 754, he re- turned from England, where, till then, he resided. He married a Miss Rock, an English lady of respectability, who, by her extravagance, involved the Doctor in debt, which considerably limited the means of his son and heir. No. 9. Doctor John died in 1 761, leaving two sons, Hugh, his heir, and Daniel, grandfather of Mr. Thomas Cuolahan of Ashgrove, near Cogran. He is son of Hugh, son of Daniel, son of Doctor John. 9. Hxgh Cuolahan, Esq — He married Miss Jane Armstrong, niece of General Bigoe Armstrong, Winepole-street, London, with whom he got a good fortune. In his time the property was sold to satisfy a mortgage of eight hundred pounds, passed by his father. Dr. John Cuolahan, to a Mr. Trenchard. It was purchased by Mr. Bernard, late Member for the King's County, whose son is now head landlord over the Cuola- hans_«?c transit gloria mimdi. He had issue John, who died unmarried, and Daniel. 10. Daniel Cuolahan, Esq — Died in January, 1841. He married Miss Frances An- tisel of Arbour-hill, in the county of Tipperary, who survives him, and had issue Hugh, who died s. p. in 1828, and Henry, the present Mac Cuolahan, and six daughters. 11. He7iry Cuolahan, Esq — Present head of the name, born in 181 7, and yet un- married. Arms — Argent a lion passant guardant between two bars gules ; in chief, three crosses fitchy of the second, and in base a pheon azure. Crest.— A dexter arm vested gules, bent at the elbow, hand naked brandishing a sword proper. Motto — Snadh na Sean. IRISH ARCH. SOC. O. 2 B On i86 On this pedigree the Editor's learned and judicious friend writes the following re- marks : " Now let me sum up my opinion of this family. It is evident that they are both ancient and respectable, but that they have not ranked as chieftains for many cen- turies. On the east side of the Shannon, where the family have been located for the last four hundred years at least, they have been in possession of some townlands, never, I think, to an extent of more than eight or nine hundred acres ; but what with divi- sions, mortgages, confiscations, discoveries, &c., they are now left without any real estate. Alderman Barker got from Cromwell all the property that belonged to them, but at the Restoration Colonel Moore was put in possession of it, by a decree of the Court of Claims, and he having either a mortgage on Cogran, or holding it in trust for the Cuolahans, restored it to them. The aforesaid Barker, when matters were somewhat pacified, commenced a suit against the Moores, because they were not sufiiciently ac- curate in defining the lands, and made over about 350 acres to a Mr. Aston of Dublin, measuring off 125 acres, the portion of Cogran granted to Colonel Moore. In fact, were it not for the prudent conformity of Dr. John Cuolahan in 1754, and the marriage of his two sons to the two Miss Armstrongs, which gave them a lift, they might now, like the greater number of the descendants of the old Irish chieftains, be reckoned amongst the tillers of the soil. Hemy at present holds about 200 acres, which extend to the Shannon, under a lease of lives renewable for ever, — which is considered a kind of real estate in Ireland, — for which he pays about £61 per annum. He has, besides Cogran, some property in the town of Banagher, acquired in the good Protestant times, perhaps from 150 to 200 pounds a year, when a life or two shall have dropped. At Cogran there is a picture of one of the Cuolahans, perhaps of Dr. John's father or his brother Hugh. It is well executed, and no doiibt a good likeness, at least I am inclined to think so, as I know one of the family, a Mr. Bigoe Coulahan of Ashgrove, of whom it might be considered a likeness at the present day. He was evidently a buck of the day (latter end of Anne) with flowing wig, purple silk velvet coat, gold embroidered waistcoat, &c. " There is a Doctor Cuolahan at Ballinasloe or Galway, whom I suppose to be of the same family, but I cannot tell you any thing about his pedigree. Perhaps he could trace the pedigree farther back than I have been able to do, from the family documents at Cogran House ; but I doubt that he has older documents, and I have also great doubts that you will ever be able to fill up the chasm in the pedigree between Carroll, No. i, in the pedigree I send you, and the progenitor Uallachan, the last in the line preserved in the Book of Lecan ; though we hope here that you may get access to manuscripts by the evidence of which you can trace the warlike Mac Cuolahans back to Adam !" NOTE 18; NOTE J. Addenda et Corrigenda. In a work of research of this kind, the notes of which have been drawn from so many and various sources, it is difficult to avoid errors, and the Editor finding that a few mistakes have been printed in the foregoing pages, he hopes the reader will pardon him for noticing them here ; he will also add a few remarks necessary to the eluci- dation of the text, Avhich suggested themselves to him since the foregoing sheets were put to press. Page 2, line 17, the pedigree of Maine Mor is given wrong here: it should be Maine the Great, son of Achy Ferdaghiall, and grandson of Donald, the son of Imchad. See O'Flaherty's Ogygia, Part III. c. 76, p. 366. Page 3, line 25, after "parliament army," insert "recfe the rebel or disaffected Irish army under the conduct of O'Sullivan Beare." Page 6, lines 8, 9, change "vellum MS." to "paper MS. H. i, 15, p. 865, in the handwriting of the celebrated Teige O'Naghten." Page 7, line 3,yo;- 1457 read 1351. Page 16, No. 18, for " Aedh Finn, son of Anmchadh," read " Aedh Finn, son of Cobhthach, son of Maelduin, son of Donnghallach, son of Anmchadh." Page 17, line 21 The seven chieftains of Hy-Many of the Siol-Anmchadha, or O'Madden line, should be given in the following order : — i. Eoghan Buac ; 2. Cobh- thach; 3. Oilill ; 4. Diarmaid ; 5. Gadhra Mor, son of Dunadhach ; 6. Oilill ; 7. Di- armaid See page 144. Page 18, Note "^, after "■ Lisecalhone'''' insert '■'■rede Lisdalon, atownland in the parish of Killinvoy, barony of Athlone, and county of Eoscommon. In Mr. Brannon's Irish poem on the Shannon, written in 1794, this place is called 6iop oá Ion, i. e. the fort of the two blackbirds, and said to be separated from Scregg, the seat of a branch of the Kellys, by a stream called Calagach. According to O'Farrell, in his Linea Antiqua, Hugh, the last O'Kelly, resided at Lisdalon, and there can be no doubt that he is the Hugh O'Kelly, otherwise called O'Kelly, mentioned in the document here quoted See page 1 1 2, where the pedigree of this Hiigh O'Kelly is given." Page 20, line 17, add : — Before the abolition of the chieftainship of Hy-Many the gentlemen and freeholders of the territory were bound to send yearly twelve hundred labourers to work at the castle of Athlone, as appears from the king's letter, enrolled an. 1 7, Jac. I., first roll, pars i ^, which states, that it had been formerly agreed by the gentlemen and freeholders in O'Kelly's country, otherwise called Mannigh, that they should yearly send twelve hundred labourers to the castle of Athlone, to work at the 2 B 2 necessary i88 necessary works there, of which castle benefit was derived by reason of the remoteness of a great part of that country ; and the letter directs that, on account of the few occa- sions for the labour of these men, the said gentlemen and freeholders shall be exonerated from that agreement. Page 31, Note ",/o;- 834 read 844 ; and Note ^ , for "was chief of Hy-Many, and was slain A. D 622," read " was chief of Hy-Many, and flourished about the year 700." Page 45, line 11 Magh Ruscagh — A note ought to have been given upon this word to state that Magh Ruscagh is the tract of land from the Batteries of Athlone, towards Brideswell, including Belough, Monksland, &c. This plain is now known in the County Book by the name of Rooscagh. Page 51, line 9, dele "&c." Page 53, line 8. — Claim Lochlainn Ruaidh — This is probably the tribe called in other authorities Sliocht Lochlainn. The following notice of their progenitor Lochlainn is preserved in the Registry of Clonmacnoise, translated from an old life of St. Kieran, by Duald jVIac Firbis, for Sir James Ware, and now preserved in the British Museum, No. LI. of the Clarendon Collection : " And Loghlyn O' Kelly, whence are [descended] the Kellies called Slight Logh- lynn, seeing these livings to have been long concealed from Cluain, came with this life of St. Kieran to the bushop there in Cluain, and delivered it unto the bushop, for which the said bushop gave unto Loghlyn and to his heires for ever six quarters of land un- der this rent : [viz.] six cowes and six fat hogges at every feast of St. Martin, and to repayre the Toghar or causey of Cluyn-Buyrynn from the cross of Cairbre Crom west- ward to the cruaidh [i. e. hard land'] of Failte [now Faalty, near Cloonburren], and the land was two quarters in Tuaimcarry, and two quarters in Gortycarne, a quarter in Crossconyll, half a quarter in Gronsy, half a quarter in Coill Belatha. And one of the said hoggs due was remitted to Loghlynn in consideration of the ten dales which the bushop did bestow to the fryars of Killconyll in those two quarters of Gortacharne, and ten dayes in Tearman Belafeadlia, for nine years together for building almshouse, and carie [ti-ansfer] it from thence to Killconell." Page 72 To Note ^* add the following notice : — Peregrine O'Clery, in his prose version of that part of O'Dugan's Topographical Poem relating to Hy-Many, mentions the following families as of this race, each of whom was eligible to the chieftainship of Sodhan : — " O'Mainnin, Clann an Bhaird [i. e. the Mac Wards] O'Scurra, O'Leannain, O'Casain, O'Gialla, and O'Maigin ;" and he adds, "5'P^ h-aca bup cijeapna, ay oipij é pop an luce n-aile pe h-euó a pije. Whichever of them is lord (head) he is oirigh over the rest during his reign." Page 80, Note ',/0?" "scriptulum, which contained twenty lentes," read "scriptu- lum, which contained twenty-four lentes." Pagre 189 Page 89, Note ^^for " Clann Flaitheamhaih," read " Clann Flaitheamhail," and/o/- " Taddy," read " Tadhg, or Teige." Page 90, Note ^ line 3, /or " Killartan," read " Kiltartan;" and Note ^, for " Clon- macnow," read " Clanraacnowen." Page 91, line xi^for " taisigheacli," read " taisigheacht." Page 103, line 10, after "Maine," add : who, according to Charles O'Conor's pedi- gree of O'Kelly, was chief of Hy-Many for eleven years. According to the Registry of Clonmacnoise, he granted twelve daies of land in the townlands of Eelyg na Keallry, Lios-baile-Mor, and Kyllinarusgach to the church or cemetery of O'Kelly at Clonmac- noise. Page 120, line 23,70/- "Earl of Mayo," read "Viscounts Mayo." Page 124, line 31, add^ This Ferdoragh O'Kelly was appointed chief of his name by O'Donnell in 1595, that is, ten years after the abolition of the chieftainship by Queen Elizabeth. Page 126, line 2 i,yo>-" Kelly Moot, or Moat," rm^Z)?/HiV?/, in the county of Galway, . .169 Dunlo castle, by whom built, . . . .127 Dun meadhoin, 15 Dunmore abbey, tomb of Thomas Roe O'Kelly in, '. 128 Dunnamonadh, O'Kellys of, . . . .165 Dun na riogh, near Ballydonnellan, . . 11 E. Eachruim, recte Eachdhruim, . Eulluch, meaning of the word, Echtghe, Firbolgic tribe of, . , mountainous district of. . 130 . 88 92, 93 90, 91 . 130 Echdruim, now Aughrim, . Edifices of the chief of Hy-Many, by whom erected, 90, 91 Page. Edmond O'Kellv, said to have been the thirty-seventh O'Kelly, 109 Edward Bruce lands in Ulster, . . . 136 Eiscir Ahiing, recte Eiscir alainn, one of the boundaries of the ancient Hy-Many, 6 Eiscir Ui Mhaunagain, River Suck rises in, 84 Enfield, crest of the O'Kellys, ... 99 English chieftains in Ireland, character of, 136 English manners to be used in Hy-Many, 20 English tongue to be used in Hy-Many, ib. EocHAiDH O'Kelly, ancestor of the Keoghs 166 EoGHAN, a man's name, now Owen, . . 59 EoGHAN BuAc, chief of Hy-Many, an- cestor of the Southern Hy-Many, or O' Maddens, &c 29 EoGHAN Fins, chief of Hy-Many, ances- tor of the Northern Hy-Many, or O'Kellys, &c ib. EoGHAN ACHs, the O' Neills, &c. , so called, 136, 137 EoGHANACHTs, the Mac Carthys and their correlatives so called, . . . 92, 93 Eraght O'Murry, a district in the barony of Athlone, 20 Eric, meaning of the word 65 EuGENirs Magnus, Hugony the Great, monarch of Ireland, not so called, . 176 F. Fahy, See O'Fahy. Fassa Coille, battle of, 107 Feadha, a district in the barony of Ath- lone, 71 anciently belonging to a Firbolgic tribe, 86 99 Page. Feadha, O'Naghten's country since the English invasion, extent of, . . .176 ■ , Maeleachlainn O' Kelly of, . .109 Fedane, castle of, granted to Captain Colla O'Kelly, of Screen, . . . .115 Fenechus law, what, 168 Feradhach, a man's name 59 Ferdoragh O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, 124 Ferranbreaghe, 20 Fidh Moiiach, extent of, .... 92, 93 Fighill, R. Keogh, Esq., of, . . . ,167 Finnabhair in Hy-Many, where, . . 35, 37 Finnabhair, O'Lomain, of, .... 35 Finnure, in Moenmagh, 70 Firbolgs originally possessed Hy-Many, 9 , two families of, in Connaught, in Roderic O'Flaherty's time, ... 85 , families of, in Hy-Many, . 85, 86 never driven out of Sliabh Baghna, 90 Firbolgic tribes of Badhna erected the lower habitations of the chiefs of Hy- Many, 90, 91 Fisheries of Hy-Many, superintendents < 92, 93 FiTHCHELLACH, chief of Hy-Many, . . 31 Flaithnia, son of Dluthach, chief of Hy-Many, 32 Formail, Aedh Finn of, 131 G. Gadhra, a man's name. Anglicised form of, 58 Gadhra Mor, son of Dunadhach, ances- tor of O' Madden, said to have been chief of all Hy-Many, 99 Oaela in Hy-Many, O'Lomain of, . . 35 Gaels, considered ignoble by the Eng- lish in 1315, 142 Page. Gaille, now Galey, Mac Edmond of, . 103 • , castle of, by whom built, . . 104 — , literati of Ireland enter- tained at, in 135], 104,105 Galey. See Gaille. Gallagh, situation of, 19 •, O'Kelly of, now represented by O'Kelly of Ticooly, I8 , castle of, l)y whom built, 3, 119, 120 Galway county, eastern boundaries of, . 69 Gamesters of Ireland entertained by O'Kelly, 104 Garbally castle. See Garhhdhoire. Garrenemoddagh townland, . . . .164 Garbhdhoire, now Garbally castle, 3, 119, 120 Garryblaken townland, 37 Geibhennach, son of Aedh, chief of Hy- Many, 99 Gilbert O'Kelly, king of Hy-Many, 45, 107 Gilkagh townland, 164 G^Zm^Ae, Sir Ulick Burke of, . . . .122 Glaisi Uair stream, where, .... 82 Glaislinn, 130 Glun Phadruig, where, 82 Gold, keeper of, in Hy-Many, . . 88,89 Goldsmith, Dr. Oliver, descent of, . . 155 Golloglie, townland, I8I Gorta, townland, jb. Gortacharn, 15 Gortnyponry, townland, 178 Gortskehy, townland, 88 Graiglaban, townland, 164 Grainsy, j^ Green, a translation of O'Fahy, ... 36 Gkellan, St., his crozier, . . .13, 14, 81 . his tributes, .... 13 ^, life of, . . 8,9,10,11,12 200 Page. Grellan, St., life of, error in, . . 10, n. ^ Grian river, one of the boundaries of the ancient Hy-Many, 5 , course, &c., of, 68, 130, 132, 134 Grosley, Mons, his gross fabrication about Dr. Samuel Madden, . 153, 154 Gruan, 1"^ H. Habart, lands of the, 15 Habitations of the chief of Hy-Many, the three upper by whom erected, . . 90, 91 . , the lower habitations, . . ib. Harpers of Hy-Many, who and where located, 92, 93 Harrington, sometimes formed from an Ir-ish name, 43 Horses of Hy-Many, rearers of, . . 90, 91 Hostages of Hy-Many, by whom kept, 92, 93 Hostiiigs of Spring and Autumn, . . GQ Hounds of Hy-Many, keepers of, . 90, 91 Hugh O'Kelly of Lisdalon, last chief of Hy-Many, 112 Hugh O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, . 124 Hy-Baedain, of Badhna, . . . . 90, 91 Hy-Brain, ib. Hy-Cormaic, of Maenmagh, pedigree, &c., of, 37, 76, 77, 90, 91 Hy-Draighnen, 89 Hy-Docomhlain, 90, 91 Hy-Duach, pedigree of, 37 Hy-Fiachrach, 139 Hy-Fiachrach Finn, 71 •Hy-Fiachrach Finn, who, .... 87 Hy-Lomain, 130 Hij-Many, or Ui Maine, various forms of the name, 2 , meaning of the name, . . . 3, 4 , the ancient, comprised the Page. third part of the province of Con- naught, 64 encroached upon by the O'Conors, 83 Hij-Many, the modern extent of, . 17, 18 , ancient boundaries of, as de- scribed in an ancient MS., . . . . 4 , chieftains of, in 1585, . 18, 19, 20 , list of the chiefs of, from an ancient poem, 14, 15, 16, 17 -, chiefs of, who were of the O' Madden family, 16, 17 -, chief of, his subsidy from the king of Connaught, 92, 93 -, chief of, his three upper habi- tations, 90, 91 , his lower habitations, ib. chief of, by whom inaugura- ted and dethroned, ib. revengers of the insults oifered to, 89 , last chief of, who was of the O' Madden family, 144 -, lord of, defeated the king of Munster, 97 , Comharba's of, . . . 77, 78, 79 , the Northern, descent of, . 29 , the Sovithern, descent of, . ib. , number of baronies in, in 1585, 19 , enslaved tribes of, . . . 82, 83 , hereditary servitors of, . 86, 87 • , marshals of, ib. , people of, by whom anointed, 80 , the people of, where baptized, 79 , privileges of, ... (i5, 66, 67 , sub-chiefs of, enumerated, 67, 75, 76 , towns and castles of, under the stewards of Eoghan O' Madden, . 139 20I Page. Hy-Mamj, tributaries of, ... . 62, 63 . See Ui Maine. Hy-MaNY BllENGAlR, 89 — . See Ui Maine Brengair. Hy-Teimnein, of Muilenn Glaisni, . 90, 91 Hy-Tuathaigh, ib. Illanmore, an island in the Shannon, . 69 Imany. See Hy-Muny. Imany, extent of, in 1585, 19 Implements of battle, 92, 93 Inch House, Balbriggan, John Travers Madden, Esq. of, his descent, . . .155 Inchenegal, island in the Shannon, . . 69 Inishcaldry, now Iniscaltra, . . . . ib. Inis Cealltra, in Lough Derg, belonged to Hy-Many, y Inis Cluthrann, belonged to Hy-Many, , ib. Inishfadda, gg Inishtymune, jb Inis Locha Caolain, \q\ Iron of Hy-Many, by whom kept, . 90, 91 Iskerroe, townland, 164 Island, the, in O'Mannin's cantred, . .163 Jesters of Ireland entertained by O'Kelly, 104 John XXII., Pope, remonstrance of the Irish chiefs to, 13g K. Keahiragh, townland, 36 Kearroghs. See Gamesters. Keaveny, family, descent of, . . . 62, 63 Kellin, now Killeen, townland, . . . QS Kelly of Annaghbeg, 128 • of Attyknockan, 126 • of Ballinasloe, pedigree of, . .127 of Beagh, jb^ ■ of Beallagh, 126 IRISH ARCH. SOC. p. 2 Page. Kelly of Belaforin, ) 26 ■ of Belanamore, '. ib. of Castlegar, ^ ..... ib. ■ of Castlekelly, armorial bearings, 129 of Clonkeen, log of Cluain Cuill, pedigree of, . ib. of Corrymore, ...... 126 of Drynan, Jb. of Killian, Jb, of Lavally, 123 of Moot, . 126 • of Tristen, 128 of Tuath Cleirigh, . . . .126 Col. Charles, 115 • Captain Denis, portrait of, . .116 Keogh's country, extent of, . . . 77, 102 Keogh. See Mac Keogli and Mac Eo- chadha. Keoghville, Ross Keogh, Esq., of, . .167 Keoghs of Leinster, jb. Kilcomedon church, ►•g Kilconnell abbey, 3 , by whom founded, . 105 , Chapel- Tully in, .... 171 > stone cross near, erected by John Donnellan, 1-9 Kilcreen, townland, ig^ Kildare, Garrett Earl of, marches into Connanght, 110, 11] Killcalman, castle of, 133 Killchuirin, now Kilkerrin i \ Killclnajnne, townland, 93 Kill Gairill, .... IS ' lo Killian, Kelly of, ]2g Killvine, town of, given to Connor Og-e O'Kelly, of Mullághmore, . . . " . 20 Killiane, situation of, ig Killiarainn, jt Killie Corrie, woods of, 69 Killithuin, now Killian, ... 15 D 202 Page. Kill-luain, townland, 98 Kilhneog, townland, ib. Killmonolog, 15 Killorain, ib. Killosaigelain, now Killasolan, . . . ib. Killymoyllan, townland, 163 Killy-Moylan, townland, 164 Kill Tormoir, 15 Killtuma, now Kiltoom, ib. Killucan, Edmond Donnellan of, . .171 Killuir Beg, 15 Killuir Mor, ib. Killupain, now Killuppaun, . . . . ib. Kilmeen, church, 78 Kilnemocle, townland, 164 Kilnaborris, Ambrose Madden, Esq. of, 152 Kiltullagh, O'Cancannon's seat, where, 19 castle, 115 ■ church, 78 Kiltyroe, or Redwood, Mac Egan of, . 168 King of Connaught, door keeper to, . 87 Knockanteige, townland, 36 Knochcrogherie, castle, 115 Knocker ogherie, market and fair esta- blished at, ib. Knochnoy abbey, . . . 3, 105, 106, 120 , monument of Maeleach- lainn O' Kelly in, 105 Koil M' Shane, townland, 88 Koyllhelatha, 15 L. Lacken, in the coimty Roscommon, . . 157 Lally Tolendal, Count, 71 Larkin. See O'Lorcain. Lathach, meaning of the word, ... 76 Lathach, in Moemagh ib. Lavally, Kelly of, 128 Lavally castle, by whom built, . . . ib. Page. Leabhar Breac of the Mac Egans, called the Book of Dun Doighre, . . . .169 Lecan, O' Kelly of, Ill Lecarrowintlevy, townland, .... 28 Lecharro, castle of, granted to Captain Colla O'Kelly, 115 Ledwich, his error about the monument in the abbey of Knockmoy, . . . .105 Lehergen, townland, 28 Leithriclh, Roderic O' Conor defeated at, 135 Letters patent of Queen Elizabeth to O' Madden, 148, 149 Lisbally, 177, 178 Liscur, O'Kelly of, Ill Lisdalun, incorrectly Lisecalhone, . . 18 , O'Kelly of, 112 Lisecalhone, reete Lisdalon, . . . . 18 Lisduff, townland, 68 Lisgohban, or Ballylisgobban, .... 84 Lishaduile, townland, belonging toO'Fahy in 1617, 36, 37 Lisloghagh, townland, 161 Lismoyfadda, townland, 88 Lisnacornaireagha, O'Sheehans of, . 92, 93 Lisnagrey, townland, 28 Lisnegroth, townland, 164 Lissebarry, townland, ib. Lissegegan, townland, ib. Lissenuskey, townland, 28 Lissenohe, 20 Loch Ce. See Lough Key 141 Loch Deirgdherc, 7 Loch Greine, 7, 134, 145 , description of the district around, by Brian Merriman, . . . 134 Loch Ri, 10 Loch Riach, now Loughrea, . . . .145 Loch Righ, one of the boundaries of Hy- Many, 7 Loch Ui Fhloinn, where, 84 203 Page. Loghanroe, townland, 68 Loughflirgirt, fi9 Loughetory, now Loughatorig, . . . ib. Lough Key, fortress of, 141 Loughrea barony, O'Fahy's estates in, 36, 37 LuGHATDH Dealbh- Aedh, ancestor of all the Dealbhna, 83 Luimnech, an old name of the Shannon, 67 Lusmagh, one of the boundaries of Hy- Many, 5 , where situated, 7 Lynch, Dr. John, author of Cambrensis Eversus, 81 Lysdallen. See Lisdalon 20 M. Mac Brain, 42, 43 Mac Cadhusaigh, 40, 41 Mac Carthy More, his Brehon, . . 168 Mac Cathail, family of, 63 Mac Cellaighs, 42, 43 Mac Cnaimhin, one of the sub-chiefs of Hy-Many, 68, 69 Mac Coghlan, Sir John, 70 Mac Conry of West Connaught, . . 44 Mac Cuolahans, the ancient chiefs of Siol Anmchadha, 41 , pedigree of, . . 183 to 188 Mac Cuolahan, became chief of Siol Anmchadha, 143, 144 , pedigree of, ... 41 Mac Dermot, had the inauguration of the king of Connaught, 138 Mac Dungail, 42, 43 Mac Edmond of Gaille, a branch of the O'Kelly's, 20, 103 Mac Edmond's country, where, ... 20 -^Mac Eg an. See Claim Aedhagain. '■'■ Mac Egan, chief of Clann Diarmada, 75, 89 2 Fage. Mac Egan, pedigree of, . . . .168,169 , Boethius, son of Flaithgheal, 161 ■ , Dionysius of Coillte ruadha, 168 '■^ , marshal of Hy-Many, . 86, 87 -■ , of Ormond, short pedigree of, 169 ^Mac Egans, Brehons, 168 Mac Eochadha, now Keo'gh, descent of, 102 ■ , pedigree of, . . , . 1 65 Mac Firbis, Duald, his account of the Plebeian families of ancient Ireland, . 85 , his pedigree of O' Madden not correct LSI , his translation of the Regis- try of Clonmacnoise, quoted, ... 98 Mac Floinn, family of, 53 Mac Geraghte, in Hy-Many in 1585, . 19 Mac Gilli-duibh, 74 Mac Gilli-Enan, family of, .... 75 Mac Giolla Fhionnagain, family of, . ib. Mac Gladdry of Ulster, 39 MaGennis, Denis, Donnellan's pedigree copied by, 174 Mac Keogh. See Mac Eochadha and Keogh. Mac Keoghe, seat of, in 1585, ... 19 Mac Keoghs, a branch of the O'Kellys, 77 Mac Knavin, Hugh, 68 Mac Loughlin, Rev. Patrick, his ab- stract of the Book of Lecan, . . . 266 Mac Muroin, 42, 43 Mac Naghten, not the same name as O'Naghten, 177 Mac Nevin ; in Irish, Mac Cnaimhin, one of the sub-chiefs of Hy-Many, QS, 69 . , estate of, in 1602, ... 69 , Dr., ib. . , Daniel, Esq., ib. Mac QuiLLiN, of the Rout, . . .46,103 Mac Tholies, Brehons, 168 I Mac Teiges of the barony of Leitrim, D 2 204 Page. descend from Tadhg Catha Bhriain O'Kelly, 100 Mac Uallachain, now Cuolahan, . . 41 , pedigree of, . 183 to 188 Mac Ward of Hy- Many, descent of, 159, 160 Madains of France, 154 Madden, Ambrose, Esq., of Streams- town, present head of the O'Maddens, 70, 152 Í , Sir Frederic, his description of the armorial bearings of the Septs of O'Madden, 152, 153 , descent of, . . 70 , Ambrose, Esq., monmnent to, in 1754, in Meelick abbey, . . . .152 , Gregory French, Esq., . . ib. , John, Gent, restored to a few townlands under Act of Settlement, . 151 , Very Rev. John, Dean of Kil- more, 155 , Col. John of Hilton, his pedi- gree, -, Laurence, of Fahy, Esq., -, Dr. R. R., ai'ms of, . . 158 152 153 — , Dr. Samuel, commonly called Premium Madden, 158 , fiction about his lescent, 153, 154 , his true descent, 153, 154, 155, 157 . , some curious no- tices of, 157, 158 , Rev. Samuel, of Blackrath, Kilkenny, pedigree of, 155 , Thomas, Esq., of Baggotsrath, his pedigree and arms, 156 Maelduin, a man's name, 58 Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, chief of Hy- Many in 1375, 105 Maeleachlainn (or Maelseachlainn) Page. O'Kelly, became chief of Hy-Many in 1499, 111,119 Maeleachlainn, son of Aedh, son of Brian O'Kelly, chief of half Hy-Many, 110 Maeleachlainn O'Kelly of the Fea- dha, chief of Hy-Many, 109 Maenacan, St., patron of Athleague, on the river Suck, 83 Magh Bealaigh, 132 , castle erected at, . . 140 Magh Brengair. See Ui Maine Brengair. Magh Eamhva, now Mowney, in the county of Tipperary, 145 Magheremanagh, townland, . . . .164 Magh Finn, 15, 102, 130 , O'Kellys of, took the sur- name of Mac Keogh, .... 166, 167 , now called Keogh's coun- try, 75, 77 , Nichol Mor Mac Keogh, lord of, 166 Magh Liach, 12 Magh Muaidhe, where, 6 Magh Ruscach, 44, 45, 188 , Tadhg Finn O'Kelly of, 44, 45, 55 Magh Seimhni, 11 Magh Seincheineoil, 9, 10, 11 . , extent of, ... 1 1 , last territory pos- sessed by the Firbolgs in Connaught, 85 Maine Mor O'Kelly, chief of Hy- Many, 103, and note J. Mac Keogh, or Keogh, pedigree of, 165, 166, 167 Mannen, Rose, 164 Mannin, Thomas, restored, . . . . ib. Mannion, Mr. Paul, of Tuam, . . .165 Mannion, family of. See O'Mainnin. Manor Waterhouse, estate of, became the 205 Page. property of Dr. Samuel Madden by inheritance, I57 Maoleach, now Moylough, 15 Marascalacht, meaning of the word, 86, 87 Marcolini, Count, ....... 125 Marescalcus, meaning of the word, . . 86 Marshals of Hy-Many, 86, 87 Meadha, hill of, now Knockmaa, . . 64 Meahanaghboy, townland, 88 Meaiiaghbeg, 'j-q Meanagh-Keogh, marsh of, .... 69 Meelick, I45 Meeb'ck abbey, when founded, . , .147 Meelick abbey, monument to Ambrose Madden, Esq., in, 152 Menlagh O'Mannin, castle, where, . . 72 Menlagh, castle and bawne of, ... 164 Merriman, Brian, his description of the vicinity of Loch Greine, quoted, . .134 Milltoume, seat of O'Fallone in 1585, . 19 Moate, castle, where, 3 Moat, or Moot, Kelly of, 126 MoEN, son of Umor, gave name to the territory of Moenmagh, 130 Moenmagh, plain of, 7 37 ■ , extent of, 70 , plundered by O' Madden, , I45 '■ J twelve churches erected in, by Conor Moenmoy O' Kelly, . . ,102 ■ , O'Nagh ten's original coun- try- • 176 Moin Fuinche, J45 Moin Inraideach, a bog in Hy-Many, . 74 Molyneux MS., 163 Mong, townland, gg Mongach, battle of, 73 160 Monivea castle, g Moote, or Moat, Kelly of, 126 Mota, townland, ]5j Mowney. See Magh Eamlina. Page. Moydowe, 20 Moylough castle, 3 , O'Kelly of, 123 Moynecuilleagh, Thomas Burke of, . .119 Moynure, seat of O'Naghten in 1585, . 19 Moijode, situated in Moenmagh, ... 70 Moyoicre, townland, ..;.... 88 Mucklone, on the west side of the Suck, 1 15 MuGHRON, son of Sochlachan, chief of Hy-Many, gg Muilenn Glaisni, 90 91 Miiine an mheadha, now Monivea, castle, 119, 120 Muine Chasain, seat of Mac Ward, . 72 MuxNTER Arrachtain, 42, 43 MuiNTER Chicharain, 40, 41 MuiNTER Chinaith, ... 42, 43, 75 76 MuiNTER ChOBHTHAIGH, 39 MuiNTEB ChONGALAIGH, 4I MuiNTER Chonnagain, 40 41 MuiNTER Co NRui, of Hy-Many, ... 43 MuiNTER Dubhghilla, 42, 43 MuiNTER DUBHLAINN, 43 MuiNTER LORCAIN, 41 MuiNTER Madadhain, 42, 43 MuiNTER Maeilfinnain, . . . .13, 130 MuiNTER Mailcroin, 42 43 MuiNTER MiLCON, §5 MuiNTER MiTHiGHEN, Comharbas of Cluain tuaiscirt, 90 91 MuiNTER MURCHADHAN, dcSCCUt of, . . 53 MuiNTER RODAIGHI, 40 41 MuiNTER RuADHAiN, dcsceut of, . . . 35 MuiNTER RUAIRC, 42 43 MuiNTER TrEASAIGH, j{j. MuiREADHACH MuiLLEATHAN, king of Connaught, 73, 170 Mullaghmore castle, 3 ■^— — ; situation of, . . 18 , quarter of, . . 20, 121 2o6 Page. 4t,Mullacli Mor, Irish deed written at, 160,161, 162 MuRCHADH, son of Aedh, chief of Hy- Many, 98,99 MuRCHADHAN, son of Sochlachan, chief of Hy-Many, 26, 27, 98 MuRCHADH O'Madden died at Rome, . 133 Mur-bretha, sea laws, Q^ Mur Mic Aighi, fortress of, burned by O'Madden, 145 Mynlaf^h-Eighter, townland of, . . . 163 Mynlagh, castle of, belonging to O'Main- nin ib. . , where situated, . . 19 N. Naughton, Edmond Henry, Esq., of Thomastown Park, present head of the O'Neachtains, 71 Nenagh, estate of, belonged to Sir James Donnellan, 171 Newcastle, townland, 164 O. O', the Milesian Prefix, rejected by O'Kelly of Screen, 114 D', prefix, meaning of, 5, 171 O'Beunachan, family in the county of Sligo of Firbolgic descent, .... 83 O'Bresleans, Brehons, 168 O'Casain, of Hy-Many, descent of, . .159 O'Cathail, family of, 73 O'Ceinneididh, or O'Kennedy, of Hy- Many, 31 O'CoFFEY, estate of, in Hy-Many in 1617, 39 . , Donnell, his estate in 1617, • 84 O'CoNBHuiDHi, family of, 29 O'CoNCANNON, seat of, in 1383, ... 19 O'CoNNELLs, of Kerry, 68 Page. O'CoNNELLs, of Clare,'when transplanted, 68 O'CoNNELL, of Hy-lNIany, . . 67, 68, 86, 87 O' Co NOR, of Connaught, 103 , Charles, Esq., his pedigree of O'Kelly where preserved, .... 3 , Felim, king of Connaught, joins Bruce in 1313, 137 , Hugh, of the Broken Spear, . 170 , Owen, of Belanagare, . . . ib. , Rory, son of Cathal, presump- tive king of Connaught, . . . 137, 138 , Tadhg, of the White Steed, . 170 O' Conor's hounds, by whom kept in Hy- Many, 90, 91 O' Conor Don, Alexander, . . . .170 O' Conors encroached upon the ancient Hy-Many, 83 O'Crabhadhain, now probably Graven, 30, 31 O'CuiLEiN, of Hy-Many, ib. O'Deorans, Brehons, 168 O'DocoMHLAN family, 76, 77 O'Donelan. See 0' Donnellan. O'DoMHNALLAiN. Scc O' DonnelUm. O'DoNNCHADHA, chief of HyCormaic Moenmaighe, 76, 77 O'DoNNELL, chief of Clann Flaitheamh- ail in 1158, 89 O'DoNNELLAN, of Ballydonncllan, pedi- gree of, by Teige O'Dugan, engrafted on a false stem, 169-174 , of Hy-Many, true de- scent of, 33 , chief of Clann Breasail, in Hy-Many, 76 O'DoNNELLAN, genealogical line of, as given by Teige O'Dugan, engrafted on a false stem, 174 , Nehemias, Archbishop of Tuam, 171 207 Page. O'DoRCHAiDHi, or O'Dorcey, of Partry, 30 O'DoRCHAiDHi, of Hy-Many, .... 31 O'DuBHURRLA, a family name now un- known, g9 O'DuGAN, Teige, his pedigree of O'Don- nellan, 169-174 O'DuiBHGiNN, descent of, . . . .29,62 , chief of twelve Ballys, or townlands in Hy-Many, . . .75, 76, 77 O'DuNADHAiGH, tribe name of O'Mad- den, 143 O'DuvEGAN, of Hy-Many, descent of, . 159 O'Fahys, of Hy-Many, estates of the, in the barony of Loughrea in 1617, . . 36 ■ tradition relating to them and the Earl of Clanriekard, .... 37 O'Fallone, seat of, in 1585, .... 19 O'Fathaidh. See O'Fahy. O'Fay. See O'Fahy. O'FiNAiN, of Hy-Many, descent of, . 27, 29 O'Flannchadha, family of, . . . 38, 39 O'Flynn, chief of Sil Mailruain, . . 107 O'Gabhrain, family of, .... 76, 77 O'GiALLA, of Hy-Many, descent of, . . 159 O'Geibhennaigh, now Keaveny, a fa- mily name in Hy-Many, . . . . 62, 63 O'Gledra, family of, 39 O'Hanly's country, northern limit of, . 134 O'h-Arrachtain, 43 O'Heyne, .... 103 O'HoRAN, estate of, in 1617, . . . 87, 88 , Rory, his estate in 1617, . . 88 O'h-Uroin, now Horan, 87 OiLELL, chief of Hy-Many, .... 31 O'Kelly, pedigree of, as in the Book of Lecan, 44-57 ■ , pedigree of, carried down to the present day, . . . Note A, 97-129 , published pedigrees of, defec- tive by two generations, 100 Page. O Kelly, of Athleague,.his pedigree, 108-1 11 ■ , said to be repre- sented by Kelly, of Cargins, . . . 1 1 1 , of Aughrim, pedigree of, 123-125 113 103 108 125 -, of Beallagh, descent of, , of Belagallda, descent of, . pedigree of. -, of Callow, descent of, > Count, of Montanban, in the South of France, pedigree of, . . .117 , of Gallagh, pedigree of, 122, 123 , of Liscor, descent of, . . .111 » of Lecan, descent of, . . , ib. , of Lisdalon, pedigree of, . .112 ; Hugh, of Lisdalon, the last chief of Hy-Many, 20 ) of Moylough, descent of, . .123 , of Mullaghmore, pedigree of, 118-122 , of Pobal Caoch, descent of, . 125 ; of Screen, descent of, . . .108 , pedigree of, 113-117 , Captain Colla, of Screen, grants to, \i^ , of Ticooly, pedigree of, 122, 123 , armorial bearings of' 129 , of Turrock, descent of, . .111 , where inaugurated, ... 79 , Murtogh, Archbishop of Tuam, J28 , senior branch of the family of. 108 5 of Hy-Many, amount of his chief rent in 1585, 20 , armorial bearings of, . . ,129 O' Ken NY, family of, .... 39,42,43 O'Lachtnain, family of, now anglicised Loftus, 29 O'Laeghachain. See O'Laeghos. eh- 208 Page. 0'Laidhin% 29 O'Laodhog, family of, 74, 75 O'Layn, of Hy-Many, of Firbolgic de- scent according to O'Flaherty, . . 29, 85 O'Lennan, of Hy-Many, descent of, . 152 OUamh, meaning of the word, . . 63, 64 O'LoMAiN, of Gaela, 34 , tribe or family of, . . . 88, 89 , pedigree of, 35 . , of Finnabhair, 35 O'LoNGARGAiN, of Baile na Banabai, harpers of Hy-Many, 92,93 O'LoRCAiN, now Lorcan or Larkin, . . 41 O'LOUGHLIN BURKEN, 103 O'Lyne, possessions of the family of, in 1617,. 28 O' Madden, of Siol-Anmchadha, . . 42, 43 , pedigree of, as in the Book of Lecan, 57 , carried down to the present day, . . . . 128-153 , discrepancies of MS. pedi- grees of, 130, 131, 132 — armorial bearings of, 152, 153 , Donell, captain of his na- tion, settlement of his property, . . 151 , made captain of his nation by Queen Elizabeth, . . .148 , reply of his people to the Lord Deputy in 1595, . . .149 , Eoghan, chief of Siol-Anm- chadha, who died 1347, curious tract on, 133, &c. . , his personal appear- ance, 133 , seized on portions of Meath and Orraond, 140 , character of, 140, 141 , induces the Eng- lish Barons to acknowledge his nobility Page. and that of his people, 142 O' Madden, Eoghan, Rose, daughter of, married to Aedh, son of Donnchadh Muimhnech O'Kelly, 49 O'MaddeiVs country, not considered a part of Hy-Many in modern times, . 18 O'Maddens, chiefs of Hy- Many, of the, 130 , present head of the, . . 70 O'Maigin, of Hy-Many, descent of, . . 159 O'Mailfinnain, family of, ..... 85 O'Mainnin, now Mannion, ancient chief of Sodhan, 72, 73, 105 , pedigree of, . . . 159-163 , called King of Soghan, . 73 , his castle, where, ... 19 O'Mainnins, list of their townlands in 1617, 164 , some of the family restored under the Act of Settlement, . . . 164 , curious compact between the, 160, 161, 162 . , their estates in 1586, . .163 O'INIaeilalaidh, or O'MuUally, pedigree of, 33 O'Maoilbrighde, chief of Bredach, . 77 O'Maoilruanaidh, family of, . . . . 73 O'Moloye, Teige, assists the Lord De- puty against O'Madden, in 1595, . . 149 O'MuDHRoiN, family of, 73 O'MuLcoNRY, now Conry, 110 O'MuLCONRYS, of Cloonahee, .... 44 O'MuLLALLY', or Lally, original locality of,. ... 71 removed to Tolendal, . ib. O'MuLLALLY, pedigree, . . . 117-183 , his daughter married to Maeleachlainn, son of Donnchadh Muimhnech O'Kelly, 49 , modern pedigree of, 177-183 209 Page. O'Naghten, descent of, 33 , senior of the race of Maine Mor, 176 , seat of, in 1585, .... 19 ■ , head of the name in the reign of Elizabeth, 71 — , present head of the name, ib. O'Neachtain, sometimes angUcised Nor- ton, 70 , where seated originally, 70, 71 O'Nechtain. See O'Naghten and O'Neachtain. ■ , pedigree of, . . . 176, 177 , incorrectness of, 176 , tomb of, in the church of Drum, ib. , Baron, 177 Oran, 145 . See Uaran. Oran castle, Blake of, . . . . . .173 O'RoDv, Teige, comharba of Fenagh in the county of Leitrim, .... 78 O'ScuRRy, of Hy-Many, descent of, . 159 O'Shaughnessey, Sir Dermot, . . .122 O'SiDHACHAiN, now Shechan, ... 30 O'SiDHEACHAiNs, or Sheehans, of Hy- Many, 92, 93 O'SuLLivAN Beare, Douell, .... 151 O' Tracy, family of, 42, 43 O'Treasaigh, family of, ib. O'Treasy, or O'Tracy, descent of, . . 132 Otters of Hy-Many, keepers of, . . 92, 93 O'Ullscaidh, family of, now unknown, 29 Owenagh, seat of Mac Keogh, ... 19 •QhParh, Mac Egan of, 169 Parliament of 1585, 121,149 IRISH ARCH. SOC. 9. 2 Page. Plebeian families of ancient Ireland, . 85 Pobal Caoch, O'Kelly of, 125 Poets of Ireland entertained by O'Kelly, 104 Porta Fidigi, 84, 85 Port Khjely, 69 Portrait of Captain Denis Kelly, . .116 Portumna granted to the Franciscans by O'Madden, 147 , Morogh Oge O'Madden of, . ib. Premiums first established in Dublin, 157, 158 R. Rachtus, meaning of the word, ... 89 Rahara, 106 Ranamary, townland, 181 Rundown, abbey of, 109 Rath-cattin, 15 Rath Faradh, battle of, 98 Rathnemanrie, townland, 178 Rechtaire, meaning of the word, ... 89 '^Redicood, anciently Coillte ruadha, . .168 Rents of Hy-Many, by whom collected, 90, 91 Righ, meaning of the word, .... 64 Rings, keepers of, in Hy-Many, . . 88, 89 Riiin Cleat hchair, one of the boundaries of Hy-Many, 5 Rinn duin, one of the boundaries of Hy- Many, ib, Riitn na h-Eighnidhe 75, 76, 77 Roscommon, 103, 105 Roscommon, castle of, 138 Ro.isdonnellan, 171 Rosse, townland, 164 Rout, or Ruta, in the county of Antrim, 103 Ruaidhri na Maor O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, 126 Ruan, townlands of, 15 Russell, Sir William, extract from his Journal, 149, 150, 151 E 210 Ruta, territory of, where, Rynduyne, now Randown, Page. 46,47 . 138 Sadinn, Dunadhach of, . . . St. Ruth, French General, where in terred, Saxons considered noble, though unedu cated and without property, • • Screball, meaning of the word, . . Screen, 0' Kelly of, now represented by Kelly, of Castle Kelly, . . castle. See Skryne. , O' Kelly of, his descent, , his pedigree. 113 131 142 80 18 108 -117 80 Scriptulum, a Roman weight, . . . Seefin. See Suidhe Finn. Seisidh heag, in Moenmoy, .... 12 Sgreaball. See Screball. Sgreaball Caethrach, meaning of, . . 81 Shane ne Mo ye O'Kelly, descent of, . 127 Shannon river, one of the boundaries of the ancient Hy-]\Iany, .... 6, 145 , O'lMadden styled hawk of, . 133 Shanvully, townland, 164 Shrahillagh, townland, . . . . 163, 164 Sidh Neannta, now Fairymount, one of the boundaries of the ancient Hy- Many, 6 SiL AlLILLA, 88, 89 SiL Brain, ib. SiL Maelanfaidh, pedigree of, . . . 35 SiL Mailruain, O'Flynn, chief of, . . 107 SioL Muireadhaigh, who, . . 73, 92, 93 Siol Muireadhaigh, the twelve chieftains and twelve coworbs of, 138 Siol Muireadhaigh, towns of, . . . . ib. Siol- Annie hadha, pedigree of the people of, 39, 40 Page. Siol- Anmchadha, extent of, .... 69 , list of chiefs of, . 16,17 134-137 , families of, . . . 39-44 , pedigree of O' Madden, chief of, 142-151 Skryne castle, 3 , now Screen, 115 Slaves, foreign, given by the King of Connaught to the prince of Hy-Many, 92, 93 Sliahh Baghnu na d-Tuath, . . . 90,91 Sliahh Echtghe. See Slieve Aughty. Sliahh Furmaili, now Sliabh Ui Fhloinn, 83 Sliahh Fuirri, now Slievemurry, . . . 145 Sliahh Ui Fhloinn, ancient name of, . 38 Slieve Aughty, or Fchtghe, . . , . 91 Slieve Baughta, a corrupt anglicised form of Sliabh Echtghe, .... 91 Slievemurry, ancient name of, . . . .145 SUgeagh, now Sligo, 138 Sliocht DiARMADA O'Kelly, . . . 128 Sliocht Seaain O'Kelly, . . . .126 Snamh da en, one of the boundaries of Hy-Many, 5 SocHLACHAN, son of Diarmaid, chief of Hy-Many, 27, 98 Sodhan, six tribes or families of, . . . 159 , O'Mainnin, chief of, .... 160 , list of townlands situated in, . 164 Sodan Salhhuidhe, 130 Sodania, a cantred in Hy-Many, ... 72 SoGHAN, race of, 87 . See Sodhan and Sodania. SoGHANS, the six, in Hy-Many, ... 72 , battle props of Hy-Many, . 89 SoGHANS, 90, 91 Sraigh-Kiaran, 15 Standards, ten, given by the King of Connaught to the prince of Hy-Many, 92, 93 Stewards to the chief of Hy-Many, . . 89 21 I Page. Stewardship of Hy-Many, . . . . 90, 91 Stud of Hy-Many, by whom kept and fed 92, 93 Suca, river, now the Suck, . . .10, 145 , source and course of, 84 , ferry over, 115 Suidhe Film, now Seefin, one of the boundaries of Hy- Many, .... 5 Sydney, Sir Henry, Lord Deputy, 148, 149 Tadhg O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, . 127 Tadhg Catha Bhriain O'Kelly, chief of Hy- Many, slain at Clontarf, . . 99 Tadhg Dubh O'Kelly, of Gallagh, chief of Hy-Many, 120 Tadhg Mor O'Kelly, of the battle of Athenry, descendants of, 45, 47, 107, 138 Tadhg Og O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many for three days, 127 Tadhg, son of Donnchadh O'Kelly, lord of Hy-Many, 118,119 Tadhg Caoch, son of William O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, 110 Tadhg, son of Maeleachlainn O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, 109 Tadhg Tailltenn O'Kelly was never chief of Hy-Many, 102 Taghmaconnell, parish, entire of, com- prised in Keogh's country, . . . . ib. Taisigheacht allaidh, 87 Taisigheacht Eallaigh, meaning of, . . 88 Taisigheacht scuir, meaning of, . 87, 90, 91 Tanistship of Hy-Many, competitors for, in 1585, 18 Teach Euyn, now St. John's 138 Teffia, 99 Temnynane, townland, 178 Page. Termon belafeadha, townland, ... 98 Ticooly, O'Kelly of, represents O'Kelly of Gallagh, 18 , pedigree of O'Kelly of, . 122, 123 Tir Maine. See Hy-Many. Tir Mic Trena, one of the boundaries of the ancient Hy-Many, 6 Tiscoffey, 157 Toherbride, town of, where, . . . .138 Tumcatry, in the barony of Clanmac- nowen, O'Coifey's estate, in 1617, 39, 40 See Tuaim Cathraighi. Tunlegee, townland, 164 Townlands in Hy-Many granted to the Abbey of Clonmacnoise, .... 80, 81 Treasure found in the earth, .... 65 washed ashore by the sea, . . 65 Treasures of Hy-Many, where kept, 92, 93 Tristen, Kelly of, 128 Trumpeters of Hy-Many, who, . . 92, 93 Tuaim Carrighe, 15 Tuaim Cathraighi, where situated, . . 84 Tuaim Greiny, in Hy-Many anciently, though now in the county of Clare, . 15 Tuaim Sruthra, 15 , seat of a branch of the O'Kellys, 165 Tuaimtagher, townland, 98 Tuam, Archbishop of, . . . . 128, 171 Tuath Cleirigh, Kelly of, 126 Tullagh, townland, $8 Tulach na Dala, O'haW^ oi, . . . .177 Tumkeyne, townland, 69 Turlughvuhan, battle of, 170 TMn-ocA, or Turrick, O'Kelly of, . .111 U. Ua Aedha, . . . . Ua AiTHUSA, family of. 42, 43 40, 41 212 Page. Ua Bimnein, family of, ib. Ua Brenainn, family of, ib. Ua Cairten, 42, 43 Ua Canain, family of, ib. Ua Churrain, family of, ... . 38, 39 Ua Cinaeith, family of, 39 Ua Connaghtain, family of, . . . 42, 43 Ua CosCRAiDH, family of, ib. Ua CUAGAIN, ib. Ua Currain, ib. Ua Dai gin, family of, 41 Ua Domhnaill, of Hy-Many, pedigree of, 31 Ua Draighnen, family of, . . . . 38, 39 Ua Dubhlaigh, family of, 41 Ua Finnachtaigh, family of, . . . 42, 43 Ua Flannchadha, family of, . . . . ib. Ua Gledraigh, ib. Ua Maenaigh, family of, ib. Ua Maelduibh, family of, ib. Ua Nadsluaigh, pedigree of, . . . . 27 Uaran, now Oran, 7 Ua Tolairg, family of, 40,41 Ui AiNCHiNNE, family of, ib. Page. Ui CoRMAic. See Hy-Cormaic. Ui Cormaic Moenmaighe, . . .76, 77 Ui Donnghalaigh, family of, . . 40, 41 Ui Duach. See Hy-Duach. Ui Fiachrach Finn, 71 Ui Gadhra, a tribe name of the O'Mad- dens, 42, 43 Ui Maine. See Hy-Many. Ui Maine Brengair, 25 Ulster, Red Earl of, curious notice of, 137, 138 Umnaigh, one of the boundaries of the ancient Hy-Many, 6 W. Walshestown. See Ballybranagh. William Boy O'Kellt, chief of Hy- Many, celebrated for his hospitality, 103, 104 William, son of Aedh, son of Brian O'Kelly, chief of Hy-Many, . . .110 Wine of Hy-Many, by whom carried from the harbours of Connaught, . 90, 91 FINIS IRISH ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY, At a General Meeting of the Irish Aech^ological Society, held in the Board Room of the Royal Irish Academy, on Tuesday, the 27th day of June, 1843, The Most Noble The Marquis of Kildare, in the Chair, the Secretary read the following Report from the Council : " The hope expressed in the last Report of the Council, that this Society would be more extensively supported by the nobility and gentry of Ireland, in proportion as its objects were made better known, has been partially, but not fully, realized. " Ninety-three new Members have been added to the Society during the past year. " This increase is due partly to the circulars issued by the Council, inviting such persons as they thought Hkely to take an interest in oiu' design, to join the Society : but it is more especially the result of the liberal oifer made by a nobleman, to whom the Society, from its first formation, is deeply indebted for the warm interest he has at all times taken in its welfare. " In October last Viscount Adare proposed to the Council, that he would be- come responsible for five subscriptions, or procure the same number of additional Members, provided fifty Members could be induced to engage each to prociu-e one additional Member before the i st of July next, on the same conditions : and if one hundred Members were found to make this engagement, Lord Adare un- dertook to become responsible for ten. b "In " In consequence of this liberal oiFer, the Council sent a circular to the Mem- bers, to inform them of it, and to ascertain whether fifty Members could be found willing to follow such an example. The result has been, that thirty-nine Members only undertook to make themselves responsible for an additional Member, of whom twenty-seven have already fulfilled their engagement, and some have done much more. " On the whole, however, forty new Members have already been added to the Society by the exertions of those who have responded to this call, exclusive of nine new Members prociu'ed by Lord Adare, who has thus fulfilled nearly double his original engagement, although the proposed conditions have not been fully complied with by the Society. " The Council have next to announce, that, through the kind offices of the Marquis of Ormonde, His Royal Highness the Prince Albert has become a Life Member of the Society, and has been graciously pleased to accept the ofíice of Patron. " The following list contains the names of all who have been elected Mem- bers of the Society since our last annual meeting : His Royal Highness the Prince Albert. His Excellency Earl De Grey, Lord Lieute- nant of Ireland. The Marquis of Lansdowne. The Marquis of Waterford. The Earl of Clancarty. The Viscount Coui'teney, M. P. The Viscount Jocelj-n, M. P. The Viscount O'Neill. Lord INIonteagle. The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of Dublin. Sir Wm. Hamilton, Observatory, Dunsink. Miss M. J. Alexander, Dublin. George Atkinson, Esq., Lower Bridge-street, Dublin. Right Hon. Anthony Richard Blake, Chief Remembrancer, Dublin. Walter M. Bond, Esq., The Argory, P.Ioy. Robert Borrowes, Esq., Meri'ion-sq., Dublin. John Bvirrowes, Esq., Herbert-street, Dublin. William Brooke, Esq., Q. C, Leeson- street, Dublin. Rev. William Bruce (for the Belfast Li- brary). James Bryan, Esq., Eccles-street, Dublin. Chevalier Bunsen, London. Rev. Richard P. Cleary, Enniskillen. Adolphus Cooke, Esq., Cooksborough, Mul- lingar. Philip Davies Cooke, Esq., Ouston, Doncas- ter. Rev. Peter Cooper, Marlborough-st. , Dublin. Rev. George Edw. Cotter, Glenvievi^, Mid- dleton. Rev. Charles Crosthwaite, Monastereven. Quentin Dick, Esq., M. P., London. Thomas Dobbin, Esq., Armagh. Joseph Dobbs, Esq., DubHn. William William Vallancey Drury, Esq., Bruntsfield- place, Edinburgh. J. Walter K. Eyton, Esq., Elgin Villa, Lea- mington. Rev. Henry Fitzgerald, Castledowndelvin. Rev. Smyth W. Fox, Richview, Rathmines. Rev. Robert Gage, Rathlin Island, Bally- castle. B. Geraghty, Esq., Anglesea-street, Dublin. Rev. William Stephen Gilly, D. D., Norham Vicarage, Berwick-on-Tweed. Rev. Thomas GofF, Carriglea. Thomas Goold, Esq., Master in Chancery, Dublin. Rev. Charles Graves, A.M., Fellow of Tri- nity College, Dubhn. Rev. Dr. Greham, Enniskillen. Richard Griffith, Esq., Fitzwilliam-square, Dublin. George Alexander Hamilton, Esq., M. P. Leonard S. Hartley, Esq., Middleton Lodge, Richmond, Yorkshire. Rev. Daniel Hearne, St. Patrick's, Manches- ter. A. J. B. Hope, Esq., Bedgebury Park, Lam- berhurst. The Very Rev. Edward Gustavus Hudson, Dean of Armagh. Mrs. Margaret Jones, Kilwaughter Castle, County Antrim. W. B. Jones, Esq., Athenaeum, London. Charles Lever, Esq., Tenipleogue. Rev. John Lingard, D. D., Hornby, Lancas- ter. Owen Lloyd, Esq., Lisnanoran, Drumsna. Andrew H. Lynch, Esq., Queen's-square, Bloomsbury, London. Charles P. Mac Donnell, Esq., Bonabrougha House, Wicklow. Edmund Mac Donnell, Esq., Glenarm Castle, County Antrim. b 2 John Mac Donnell, Esq., Swiftbrook, Sag- gard. Rev. R. Mac Donnell, D. D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Most Rev. John Mac Hale, Tuam. John Mahon, Esq., Jun., London. Rev. C. M'Crossan, Derry. Very Rev. Dean Meyler, V* G., Dublin. J. M'Laughlin, Esq., Brookfield, Miltown. Hon. General Meade, Bryanstown-square, London. Daniel Molloy, Esq., York-street, Dublin. Richard Monck, Esq., Banagher. Rev. Philip Moore, Rosbercon. Sinclaire Kilbourne Mulholland, Esq., Belfast. Joseph W. Murphy, Esq., Belfast. Cornelius O'Brien, Esq., M. P., Ennistimon. The O' Conor Don, M. P. John O'Donoghue, Esq., Poor Law Commis- sioner, Kilkenny. William Ogilby, Esq., London. George Panton, Esq., Heriot's Hospital, Edin- burgh. Rev. Charles Porter, Ballibay. Colonel Henry Edward Porter. E. Wm. Robertson, Esq., Breadsall Priory. Evelyn John Shirley, Esq., M. P., Carrickma- cross. Rev. Robert C. Singleton, A. M. W. F. Skene, Esq., Edinburgh. James Stephens, Esq., Grafton-street, Dublin. Colonel William Stewart, Killymoon Castle. Walter Sweetman, Esq. (for the St. Stephen's- green Club). B. M. Tabuteau, Esq., Fitzwilliam-place, Dublin. Richard Thompson, Esq. (for the London Institution, Finsbury-square). Rev. M. A. Tierney, Arundel. G. Trundle, Esq. (for the Irish Office, Lon- don). Rev. Rev. Wm. Whewell, B. D., Vice- Chancellor Richard WiUiams, Esq., Jan., Drumcoiidra of the University of Cambridge. Castle. Rev Whitely (for " The Portico," Man- Wm. Williams, Esq., Aberpergwm, Neath. Chester). John Windele, Esq., Sundays Well, Cork. The Ven. Archdeacon Williams, Academy, John Wynne, Esq., Hazlewood, Sligo. Edinburgh. " The Council have to record the loss, by death, of five of the original Members of the Society : The Right Hon. and Right Rev. Stephen Creaghe Sandes, D. D., Lord Bishop of Cashel, Emly, Waterford, and Lismore. The Right Hon. Lord Fitzgerald and Vesci. The Right Hon. Lord Vivian. Maxwell Blacker, Esq., Q. C. John Hely Hutchinson, Esq. " The entire annual income of the Society, arising from the entrance iees and annual subscriptions of the Members, including the interest of £400 new 3^ per cent, stock, cannot be calculated as exceeding £400 a year ; and the Council have therefore been under the necessity of making an alteration in the arrange- ment of the books originally proposed for the years 1841 and 1842, — an ar- rangement which, as was stated in the last Report, very far exceeded the actual means of the Society ; and which was at fii'st adopted in the hope that a number of Members would have been obtained sufficient to justify the outlay that it involved. As this, however, has not been the case, the Council have found them- selves compelled to make the change which has already been announced in the list of publications, printed at the end of the volume recently issued. " To expedite the delivery of the books to the English Members of the So- ciety, the Comicil have appointed Mr. T. Clerc Smith, 13, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, to be the Society's agent in London ; and Mr. Thomas J. Ste- venson, 87, Prince's-street, Edinburgh, to be their agent for Scotland ; and tliey have made arrangements, suggested by experience, which it is hoped will in a little time very much facilitate the collection of the Society's income, and insvire regularity in the transmission of the publications to country Members. " They have likewise made a permanent agreement, very advantageous to the Society, with Mr. O'Donovan and Mr. Curry, for transcribing and editing such works in the Irish language as may be proposed for publication ; and tliey are are happy to be able to say, that several works, which it is hoped will prove to be of great interest to the lovers of Irish history and antiquities, are in prepa- ration. " The account of the Tribes and District of Hy-Many, edited, with copious notes, by Mr. O'Donovan, is nearly ready, and will be issued in a few days. The notes contain a great body of genealogical and topographical information, highly creditable to the Editor's learning; and although to tlie general reader the tract itself may not perhaps seem much more than a dry list of names and places, yet they who are really in search of the true materials of history will ap- preciate it as an invaluable relic of our ancient literature. " The Book of Obits and Martyrology of Christ Church Cathedral, edited by Mr. Crosthwaite, is completed, so far as the text of the work itself is con- cerned : it only now waits for the Editor's preface and notes, which his nume- rous other engagements have prevented him hitherto from completing. " The Registry of the Monastery of All-Hallows, which occupied the site where Trinity College now stands, is in the Press. This work was at first un- dertaken by the Secretary, but finding his time so much occupied in the neces- sary superintendance of your other publications, and by his professional engage- ments, he prevailed upon Mr. Butler to become its Editor. The Society are indebted for permission to print this work to the Provost and Senior Fellows of Trinity College, who, with their usual liberality, have lent from the University Library the original MS., which is now in the course of being collated with the printed sheets, under the superintendance of Dr. Aquilla Smith. The thanks of the Society are also due to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and the Corpo- ration of Dublin, who have kindly given Mr. Butler and Dr. Smith access to their valuable collection of ancient deeds and charters ; which contains the originals of several of those that occur in the Registry, and some others relating to the Monastery, which are not inserted in the Registry, and which will be printed in the Appendix. One of these will be engraved in fac simile for the work, having been lent to the Council by the Corporation for the purpose. " The Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-Fiachrach, in the Counties of Sligo and Mayo, edited by Mr. O'Donovan, is in the Press ; and will prove a valuable addition to the sources of Irish history. It is an im- portant sequel to the tract on Hy-Many, and with it will contain an account of all the great Irish families of a large portion of the province of Connaught ; toiiether together with illustrations of many curious customs, laws, and manners of tlie native Irisli clans, previous to tlie English conquest. " The Council have also put to press the first volume of a Miscellany, to contain such shorter pieces, deeds, letters, poems, &c., as would not admit of a separate publication, and are nevertheless of importance, as throwing light on dates, customs, or ancient opinions and manners. The Council earnestly invite the nobility and gentry of Ireland to contribute from their family records to this publication. There are few noblemen or gentlemen who do not possess some letter, deed, or document illustrative of the history of this comitry or of their own illustrious ancestors. The contribution of such papers to the Miscellany of the Irish Arch^ological Society will be received by the Coimcil with grateful acknowledgments. " The other publications advertised as in progress, are almost all ready for the Press as soon as the funds of the Society will permit their being undertaken. Sir William Potty's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Survey of Ireland, will probably be the next of these works ordered for publication, and will doubtless prove highly interesting to our Members, as well from the importance of the MS. itself, as from the peculiar qualifications of the Editor who has undertaken to illustrate it. " The Council have also to congratulate the Society, that through the libe- rality of Professor Mac Cullagh, the MS. of the original Latin of Colonel O'Kelly's curious tract entitled, ' Macariae Excidium, or the Destruction of Cyprus,' has been placed at their disposal ; and that Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., of Castle Kelly, has consented to prepare a translation, to which notes are to be appended by Mr. O'Callaghan. " The Members are already aware that an English version of this tract, and as it now appears a very imperfect version, from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, was one of the first publications undertaken by this Society ; but after two or three sheets of it had been printed, it was discovered that the same work, from a MS. preserved in England, had been advertised, and was about to be published by the Camden Society of London. The Council therefore suspended the work, and when they found that the tract published by the Camden Society, under the editorial care of Mr, T. Crofton Croker, was almost identically the same as that which they had proposed to print, they abandoned altogether the idea of its publication. Subsequently, however, Mr. O'Callaghan discovered that the original original Latin existed in this country in the hands of a private individual, from whom it has since been purchased : and it is now found, upon collating this MS. with Mr. Croker's printed copy, that many pages of the Latin have been omitted in the English version, and that therefore the publication of the work, in its original and more authentic form, may now be undertaken, without the appearance of interfering with any other Society. " Cormac's Glossary is still in Mr. O'Donovan's hands: and the Council have resolved upon deferring still further its publication, in the hope that Mr. O'Donovan, who will have occasion to visit London next winter, may be able to obtain material assistance in preparing it for the Press from the MSS. of the British Museum. They hope also that Mr. O'Donovan, during his stay in Eng- land, may have leisure to visit the Bodleian Library, and, if permission can be obtained, the valuable libraries of some private collectors ; that thus he may be enabled to form some opinion of the contents of those rej)ositories, as far as Irish MSS. are concerned. It is not improbable that several of our ancient re- cords, whose existence is not now known, although they are spoken of as having been extant in the last century, may be discovered either in private hands, or in the public libraries in England, where Irish MSS. are preserved. " At all events it is of great importance, before the more difficult and labo- rious work of editing our ancient Brehon Laws, Annals, &c., is undertaken by the Society, to ascertain what MSS. of them are in existence in England, as well as what Glossaries or other helps towards the elucidation of them are ac- cessible : and it is to be hoped that in proportion as the objects and character of this Society become known, and its publications are seen and read, the possessors of these ancient records of our country may be the more induced to afford such facilities as they can for the examination of their libraries, and for the collation and comparison of their MSS. Without this, the Society will be compelled to publish from such MSS. only as are accessible to them in Dublin : a disadvan- tage which the Council have hitherto endeavoured as much as possible to avoid, by postponing the more difficult and important works which lie before them, until a better knowledge can be obtained of the contents of the Lish MSS. pre- served in England and on the Continent of Europe, and until the Society and its objects shall become so far known, that access to such collections may more readily be conceded." The 8 The Report having been read, the foUowmg Resolutions were adopted unanimously : " I . That the Report read be received and printed, and that the thanks of the Society be given to the Council for their services." " 2. That the thanks of the Society be given to Viscount Adare, for the warm interest he has always taken in the welfare of the Society, and especially for the late successful proposal made by him for the increase of the number of our Members." " 3. That Dr. A. Smith and Mr. Hardiman be appointed Auditors of the Society for the ensuing year, and that their statement of the accounts of the Society be printed with the Report." " 4. That the thanks of the Society be given to the President and Council of the Royal Irish Academy for their kindness in granting the use of their room for this Meeting." His Grace the Duke of Leinster was then elected President of the Society for the ensuing year ; and the following Noblemen and Gentlemen were elected as the Coimcil : James Hardiman, Esq. Thomas A. Larcom, Esq., Capt. R. E. James Mac Cullagh, Esq., LL.D. George Petrie, Esq., R.H. A. Aquilla Smith, Esq., M.D. Joseph H. Smith, Esq., A.M. Rev. J. H. Todd, D.D., V.P.R.I.A. The Most Noble the Marquis of KiLDARE. The Right Hon. the Earl of Lei- trim. The Right Hon. the Viscount Adare, M.P. Rev. Richard Butler. John Smith Furlong, Esq., Q.C. The Rev. the Provost of Trinity College having been requested to take the Chair, it was moved by the Right Hon. the Chief Remem- brancer, seconded by Captain Larcom, and resolved unanimously, " That the thanks of the Society be given to the Most Noble the Marquis OF Kildare for his conduct in the Chair at this Meeting, and for the countenance and support he has given to the proceedings of this Society." And then the Society adjourned. report O H I— ( Q P <1 W H P^ O H Pi O Ph Pi W t— I O o K H O W Q W Pi w M O O < H CO pq «1 PU [I] H 5 - I . I» O O O O CO . , í^ ■* (M ^ rt l^ I^ "+< o 00 00 ic in tN CO p-i rH Cj !*i >s >i >-3 >^. i»^'"' M PC CO eq n pq o o o o CJ ^' rt O O '-0 — CO o CC c •* ifl CO lO 01 (M o to C lO to o o o CO ® c C C GO (M t^ O O —< O -H CO ox m ^ ?^ 5; <; § •-! "5 a, *; t-i (B H p rt n Hg .S Eh H M H ■ 0) ■ c^ t2 • O • tS « - .S "^ >. 'So • o • ^ S ■ . o . S "3 . P =« ^ .g .go- O tl !-t "^ I • H c g g cc ' • oHHg • > • to • ■£ £ ^ ^ . ^ tM _ -H >> a. ■73 rt 2 ^ -5 -a ^ « S o 5 H rg^' O J =!j O (M M- o H » 1-5 :S " C bjof^ m ^ o o aT .§ . S I Q £^ o •^ S ^ ^ . ir! -a O § o 8 ^ s 5 uo S o i2 •^' -S " g S S '^ t> o ^ I ^ I "^^ "g -C CO" " S .« 00 3 s e K s a %-, -^ S S S r ° o o ^ "^ O «+Í a: < M rn H «i! ■«1 as hj m M C3 <5 t-s v< IRISH ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1843- patron : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE ALBERT. ^resííiÉttt : HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF LEINSTER. ©ouncti ; The Most Noble the Marquis of Kil- DARE. The Right Hon. the Earl of Leitrim, M. R. L a. The Right Hon. the Viscount Adaee, M,P.,M.R.LA. Rev. Richard Butler, M. R. I. A. John Smith Furlong, Esq., Q. C, Trea- surer. James Hardiman, Esq., M. R I. A. Captain Larcom, R. E., M. R. L A. James Mac Cullagh, Esq., LL.D., M.R.LA. George Petrie, Esq., R.H.A., M.R.LA. Aquilla Smith, M. D., M. R. L A. Jos. H. Smith, Esq., A. M., M. R. L A. Rev. J. H. Todd, D.D., V.P.R.LA., Se- cretary. ittmtiers of tj^c ^ocíttg. S^Life Members are marked thus *.] * His Royal Highness the Prince Albert. * His Excellency Earl De Grey, Lord Lieu- tenant OF Ireland. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. His Grace the Lord Primate of Ireland. * His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. * His Grace the Duke of Leinster. His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. The Marquis of Conyngham. The Marquis of Downshire. The Marquis of Ely. * The Marquis of Kildare. * The Marquis of Lansdowne. The Marquis of Ormonde. * The Marquis of Waterford. The Earl of Bandon. The Earl of Carlisle. The Earl of Cawdor. The Earl of Charlemont, M. R. I. A. The Earl of Clancarty. The Earl of Donoughmore. The Earl of Dunraven. The Earl of Enniskillen. The Earl of Fife. The Earl Fitzwilliam. ' The Earl Fortescue. The Earl of Leitrim, M. R. I. A. The Earl of Meath. C 2 The 12 The Earl of Powis. The Earl of Rosse, M. R. I. A. The Viscount Acheson, M. P. The Viscount Adare, M. P., M. R. I. A. The Viscount Courteney, M. P. The Viscount De Vesci. The Viscount Jocelyn, M. P. The Viscount Lismore. The Viscount Lorton. The Viscount Massareene. The Viscount Morpeth. The Viscount O'Neill. * The Viscount Palmerston. The Viscount Powerscourt. The Viscount Templetown. The Lord Eliot, M. P. Lord Albert Conyngham. Lord George Hill, M. R. I. A. Lord Monteagle. Lord Rossmore, M. R. L A., Dell, Windsor. Lord Carberry. Lord Cremorne. Lord Farnham. The Lord Bishop of Chichester. The Lord Bishop of Cashel, Emly, Wa- TERFORD, and Lismore. The Hon. the Lord Bishop of Clogher. The Lord Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. The Hon. the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe. The Lord Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore. The Lord Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin, and Ardagh. The Rt. Hon. the Lord Bishop of Kildare. Abraham Abell, Esq., M. R. L A., Cork. Miss M. J. Alexander, Dublin. William Antisell, Esq., Abbey-street, Dub- lin. JohnH. Armstrong, Esq., A. B., Fitzwilliam- square, Dublin. George Atkinson, Esq., A. M., M. B., 26, Lower Bridge-street, Dublin. Rev. James Kennedy Bailie, D.D., M.R.L A., Ardtrea House, Stewartstown. Matthew Barrington, Esq., M. R. L A., St. Stephen's-green. Hugh Barton, jun., Esq., Regent-street, London. * Robert Bateson, Esq., M. P., Be! voir Park, Belfast. Miss Beaufort, Hatch-street, Dublin. Sir Michael Dillon Bellew, Bart., Mount Dillon, Galway. Colonel R. H. Birch, Leeson-st., Dublin. John Blachford, Esq., 36, Moorgate-street, London. The Right Hon. Anthony Richard Blake, Merrion-square, Dublin. Loftus H. Bland, Esq., Pembroke-st., Dublin. Bindon Blood, Esq., M. R. L A., F. R. S. E., Edinburgh. Walter W. Bond, Esq., The Argory, Moy. * Beriah Botfield, Esq., M. P., M. R. L A., London. Right Hon. Maziere Brady, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, M. R. L A. Wm. Brooke, Esq., Q. C, Leeson-st., Dublin. Haliday Bruce, Esq., M. R. L A., Dubhn. John Bruce, Esq., F. S. A., London. Rev. William Bruce, for the Belfast Library. Rev. Doctor Brunton, for University Library, Edinburgh. James Bryan, Esq., Eccles-st., Dublin. Samuel Bryson, Esq., Belfast. Chevalier Bunson, London. John Ynyr Burges, Esq., Parkanaur, Dun- gannon. John Burrowes, Esq., Herbert-st., Dublin. Robert 13 Robert Burrowes, Esq., Merrion-sq., Dublin. Rev. Samuel Butcher, A, M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Rev. RichardButler, A.B.,M.R.I.A., Trim. Robert Call well, Esq., M. R. I. A., Herbert- place, Dublin. Edward Cane, Esq., M.R.I. A., Dawson-st., Dublin. George Carr, Esq., M.R.I. A., Mountjoy-sq., Dublin. * Rev. Joseph Carson, A.M., M.R.I. A., Fel- low of Trinity College, Dublin. Rev. William Carus, A. M., Fellow of Tri- nity College, Cambridge. Thomas Cather, Esq., 20, Blessington-street, Dublin. Sir Montague L. Chapman, Bart., Killua Castle, xVthboy. Edward Wilmot Chetvvode, Esq., M.R.I. A., Woodbrook, Fortarlington. Rev. Richard P. Cleary, A.M., Enniskillen. Rev. Wm. Cleaver, A.M., Delgany. Rev. Thomas De Vera Coneys, A. M., Professor of Irish in the University of Dublin. Fred. W. Conway, Esq., M. R. I. A., Rath- mines-road, Dublin. Adolphus Cooke, Esq., Cooksborough, Mul- lingar. J. R. Cooke, Esq., Blessington-st., Dublin. Philip Davies Cooke, Esq., Ouston, Don- caster. The Rev. Peter Cooper, Marlborough-street. Dublin. * Rev. G. E. Corrie, B. D., Fellow of St. Catherine's Hall, Cambrige. Very Rev. Henry Cotton, D. C. L., Dean of Lismore. Rev. Geo. Edw. Cotter, Glenview, Middle- ton. Thomas Coulter, Esq., M. D., M.R.I. A., Trinity College, Dublin. James T. Gibson Craig, Esq., Edinburgh. Rev. Chas. Crosthwaite, A.M., Monasterevan. Rev. John C. Crosthwaite, A. M., Dean's Vicar, Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. Rev. Edward Cupples, LL. B., V. G. of Down and Connor, Lisburn. Miss J. M. Richardson Currer, Eshton Hall, Yorkshire. ■* Eugene Curry, Esq., Dublin. William Curry, Jun., Esq., Dublin. * James W. Cusack, Esq., M.D., M. R. I. A., Kildare-st., Dublin. Quentin Dick, Esq., M. P., London. C. Wentworth Dilke, Esq., London. Rev. Robert V. Dickson, A. M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trhiity College Dublin. Thomas Dobbin, Esq., Armagh. Joseph Dobbs, Esq., Dublin. W. C. Dobbs, Esq., Fitzwilliam-pl., Dublin. William Vallancey Drury, Esq., M.R.I, A., Bruntfield Place, Edinburgh. Major Francis P. Dunne, A. D. C, Brittas, Clonaslee. Rev. Charles R. Elrington, D.D., M.R.I. A., Regius Professor of Divinity, Dublin. Robert Ewing, Esq., Greenock. * J. Walter K. Eyton, Esq., Elgin Villa, Leamington. Samuel Graeme Fenton, Esq., Belfast. Sir Robert Ferguson, Bart., M. P., London- derry. Clement Ferguson, Esq. Rev. Henry Fitzgerald, M. A., Castletown- delvin. Patrick Vincent Fitzpatrick, Esq., Eccles- street, Dublin. Thomas Fortescue, Esq., Ravensdale. Rev. Smyth W. Fox, Richview, Rathmines. W. D. iYeeman, Esq., Upper Mount-street, Dublin. Alfred Furlong, Esq., Newcastle, County Limerick. John S. Furlong, Esq., Q. C, Leeson-street, Dublin. Rev. Robert Gage, A. M., Rathlin Island, Ballycastle. Edmund Getty, Esq., Victoria-place, Belfast. B. Geraghty, Esq., Anglesea-st, Dublin. Rev. 14 Rev. Richard Gibbings, A.M., Myragh Glebe, Dunfanaghy. Michael Henry Gill, Esq., Great Brunswick- street, Dublin. Rev. William Stephen Gilly, D. D., Norham Vicarage, Berwick-on-Tweed. The Knight of Glin, Limerick. * Rev. Thomas Gofif, M. R. I. A., Carriglea. Thomas Goold, Esq., Master in Chancery. G. B. Grant, Esq., Grafton-street, Dublin. * Rev. Charles Graves, A. M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Robert Graves, Esq., M. D., M. R. I. A., Dublin. Rev. James Graves, Borris-in-Ossory. John Gray, Esq., Greenock. Rev. John Graham, D. D., Enniskillen. Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, Cleveland- square, London. * Richard Griffith, Esq., M.R.LA., Fitzwil- liam-square, Dublin. Rev. Charles Grogan, Harcourt-st., Dublin. John Gumley, Esq., LL. D.. St. Stephens- green, Dublin. James Haire, Esq., Summer-hill, Dublin. Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart., M. P., Portman Square, London. George Alexander Hamilton, Esq., M. P., Hampton Hill, Dublin. Sir William R. Hamilton, LL. D., President R. L A., Observatory, Dunsink. James Hardiman, Esq., M.R.LA., Galway. Andi-ew S. Hart, Esq., LL. D., M. R. L A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Leonard S. Hartley, Esq., Middleton Lodge, Richmond, Yorkshire. Rev. Daniel Hearne, St. Patrick's, Manches- ter. Hon. Algernon Herbert, Saffron Walden. John E. Herrick, Esq., Belmont, Crooks- town. Thomas Hewitt, Esq., Spencer's Library, London. Sir J. W. H. Homan, Bart., Cappoquin. * A. J. B. Hope, Esq., Lamberhurst. The Very Rev. Edward Gustavus Hudson, Dean of Armagh. W. E. Hudson, Esq., M.R.LA., Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Dublin. William Hughes, Esq., M. R. L A., Westland- row, Dublin. Thomas Hutton, Esq., M.R. L A., Dublin. Sir Robert H. Inglis, Bart., M.P., London. * Rev. James Ingram, D. D., President of Trinity College, Oxford. David Irving, Esq., LL. D., for Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. JohnH. Jellett, Esq., A.B., M.R.LA., Fel- low of Trinity College, Dublin. * Robert Jones, Esq., M. R. L A., Portland, Dromore West. Mrs. Margaret Jones, Kilwaughter Castle, County Antrim. * W. B. Jones, Athenaeum, London. Robert Kane, Esq., M. D., M. R. L A., Glou- cester-street, Dublin. William Kane, Esq., Gloucester-st., Dublin. Thomas Kane, Esq., M.D., for the Limerick Institution. Denis H. Kelly, Esq., M.R.LA., Castle Kelly, Mount Talbot. Rev. Matthew Kelly, Maynooth College, Henry Kemmis, Esq., Q. C, Merrion-square, Dublin. The Right Honourable the Knight of Kerry, M. R. I. A., Listowell. Rev. Henry Barry Knox, M.R.LA., Monks- Eleigh, Bilderstone, Suffolk. George J. Knox, Esq., M.R.LA., Maddox- street, London. David Laing, Esq., Signet Library, Edin- burgh. Henry Lanauze, Esq., College-green, Dublin. * Captain Thos. A.Larcom, R.E., M.R.LA., Dublin. Rev. William Lee, A.M., M. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. The Right Hon. Baron Lefroy, Leeson-st., Dublin. Charles Lever, Esq., Templeoge. John ^5 John Lindsay, Esq., Maryville, Blackrock, Cork. Rev. John Lingard, D. D., , Hornby, Lan- caster. Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, D. D., V. P. R. L A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Owen Lloyd, Esq., Lisnavorna, Drumsna. Rev. Richard Low, Ahascragh, Galway. Joseph Lowell, Esq., London. Andrew H. Lynch, Esq., London. Very Rev. J. P. Lyons, Lyons Port, Bel- muUett. Rev. C. M'Crossan, Derry. * Jas. Mac Cullagh, Esq., LL.D., M.R.LA., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. William TorrensM'Cullagh, Esq., M.R.LA., Upper Gloucester-street, Dviblin. Alexander M'Donnell, Esq., Dublin. Charles P. Mac Donnell, Esq., Wicklow. Edmund Mac Donnell, Esq., Glenarm Castle, County Antrim. John Mac Donnell, Esq,,Swiftbrook, Saggard. * Rev. Richard Mac Donnell, D. D., M. R. L A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. George M'Dowell, Esq., A. M., M. R. L A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. M'Gillicuddy of the Reeks. James M'Glashan, Esq., Dublin. Most Reverend John M'Hale, D.D., Tuam. Rev. John M'Hugh, Baldoyle. John W. M'Kenzie, Esq., Edinburgh. J. M'Laughlin, Esq., Brookfield, Miltown. Sir Fred. Madden, Hon. M. R. L A., British Museum. James Magee, Esq., Leeson-street, Dublin. Edward Magrath, Esq., for the Athenaeum Library, London. John Mahon, Jun., Esq., 1, Somer's Place, West, London. Piei'ce Mahony, Esq., M.R.LA., William-st., Dublin. Rev. Samuel R. Maitland, F. R. S., F. A. S., Palace, Lambeth. Andrew J.Maley, Esq., Merrion-sq., Dublin. Henry Martley, Esq., Q. C, Harcourt-streei, Dublin. Henry J. Monck Mason, Esq., M.R.LA., for Queen's Inn Library, Dublin. George Mathews, Esq., Spring Vale, Belfast. Rev. George Maxwell, Askeaton. Hon. General Meade, Bryanston Square, London. The Very Rev. Dean Meyler, V. G., West- land-row. * Andrew Milliken, Esq., Grafton-st., Dublin. Daniel Molloy, Esq., 49, York-st., Dublin. Richard Monck, Esq., Banagher. Rev. Charles H. Monsell, Prebendary of Do- noghmore. Limerick. William Monsell, Esq., M. R. L A., Tervoe, Limerick. Rev. Philip Moore, Rosbercon. Thomas Moore, Esq., Sloperton, Devizes. John Shank More, Esq., Great King-street, Edinburgh. Sinclaire Kilbourne Mulholland, Esq., Bel- fast. Joseph William Murphy, Esq., Belfast. Joseph Neeld, Esq., M.P., Grosvenor-square, London. * Joseph Nelson, Esq., Q. C, 28, Gloucester- street, Dublin. William Nugent, Esq., Killester Abbey, Ra- heny. Cornelius O'Brien, Esq., M. P., Ennistimon. Sir Lucius O'Brien, Bart., Dromoland. Augustus Stafford O'Brien, Esq., M. P., Bla- therwycke, Northamptonshire. William Smith O'Brien, Esq., M. P., Car- moy Hill, Limerick. Daniel O'Connell, Esq., M. P. Mat. O'Connor, Esq., M.R.LA., Mountjoy- square, Dublin. O' Conor Don, M. P. John O'Donoghue, Esq., Kilkenny. The O'Donovan, Montpelier, Douglas, Cork. * John O'Donovan, Esq., Dublin. William Ogilby, Esq., London. Thomas i6 Thomas O'Hagan, Esq., Great Charles-street, Dublin. Major O'Hara, Annamoe, Collooney. Sir Colman M. O'Loghlen, Bart., Dublin. Rev. Mortimer O'Sullivan, D. D. Killyman. George Panton, Esq., Edinburgh. Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, Bart., M. P., London. Louis Hayes Petit, Esq., F. R. S., London. George Petrie, Esq., R.H. A., M. R. LA., Great Charles-street, Dublin. * Sir Thomas Phillips, Bart., Broadway, Worcestershire. John Edward Pigott, Esq., for the Irish His- torical Society. Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Queen-st., Edinburgh. * Rev. Charles Porter, Ballibay. Rev. Classon Porter, Larne, County Antrim. Col. Henry Edward Porter. William Potts, Esq., Dame-street, Dublin. Hon. Edward Preston, Gormanstown Castle, Balbriggan. Colonel J. Dawson Rawdon, M. P., Cold- stream Guards, Stanhope-street, London. Rev. L. F. Renahan, College, Maynooth. Rev. T. R. Robinson, D.D., M.R.LA., Ob- servatory, Armagh. E. William Robertson, Esq., Breadsall Priory, Derby. The Right Hon. George Roe, Lord Mayor of Dublin. Richard Rothwell, Esq., Rockfield, Kells. Rev. Franc Sadleir, D.D., V.P.R.L A., Pro- vost of Trinity College, Dublin. Rev. Francis A. Sanders, A. B., Dublin. Rev. William Sewell, B. D., Fellow of Ex- eter College, Oxford. Right Hon. Frederick Shaw, M.P., Recorder of Dublin. Remmy H. Sheehan, Esq., Mespil House, Dublin. Evelyn John Shirley, Esq., M. P., Carrick- macross. Evelyn R. Shirley, Esq., M. P., Eatington Park, Shipton-on-Stour. Rev. J. H. Singer, D. D., V. P. R. L A., Se- nior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. W. F. Skene, Esq., Edinburgh. Aquilla Smith, Esq., M.D., M.R.LA., Dub- lin. * Rev. John Campbell Smith, Glasgow. Jos. Huband Smith, Esq., A.M., M.R.LA., Dublin. William Smith, Esq., Carbeth Guthrie, Stir- lingshire. John Smith, Esq., LL. D., Secretary of the Maitland Club, Glasgow. * Georsre Smith, Esq., Lower Baggot-street, Dublin. JohnG. Srayly, Esq., Merrion-street, Dublin. George Lewis Smyth, Esq., Bridge-street, London. Sir Wm. Meredith Somerville, Bart., M. P. Rev. Thomas Stack, A.M., M.R.LA., Fel- low of Trinity College, Dublin. James Stephens, Esq., 104, Grafton-street, Dublin. Col. William Stewart, Killymoon Castle, Stewartstown. William Stokes, Esq., M.D., M.R.LA., Re- gius Professor of Physic, Dublin. Andrew Storie, Esq., for the Signet Library, Edinburgh. Hon. Andrew Godfrey Stuart, Aughnacloy. Rev. Hamilton Stuarl, Rochfort, Bmicrana. William Villiers Stuart, Esq., Dromana, Capoquin. Rev. George Studdart, A. B., Dundalk. Walter Sweetman, Esq., for the Stephen's- green Club. B. ]\L Tabiteau, Esq., Fitzwilliam-place, Dublin. * Robert James Tennent, Esq., Belfast. James Thompson, Esq., Belfast. Richard Thompson, Esq., for the London Institution, Finsbury-square. Rev. M. A. Tierney, F. R. S., Arundell. Robert Tighe, Esq., M.R.LA., Fitzwilliam- square, Dublin. * W. F. Tighe, Esq., Inistiogue. * Rev. 17 * Rev. J. H. Todd, D.D., V. P. R.I. A., Fel- low of Trinity College, Dublin. Rev. Rob. Traill, D. D., M. R. I. A. , F. R. S. E., Schull, Skibbereen. Rev. John M. Traherne, Coedriglan, Car- diff. G. Trundle, Esq., for the Irish Office, Lon- don. Travers Twiss, Esq., F.R.S., University Col- lege, Oxford. Crofton Moore Vandeleur, Esq., Rutland- square, Dublin. Sir Aubrey de Vere, Bart., Curragh Chase, Adare. John Walker, Esq., Cornhill House, Cold- stream, W. B. Rev. Charles Wm. Wall, D.D., M.R. I. A., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. James A. Wall, Esq., Baggot-street, Dublin. Hugh Walsh, Esq., Drumsna. Sam. Hibbert Ware, Esq., M.D., F.R.S.E. York. Charles T. Webber, Esq., M. R. I. A., Upper Gloucester-street, Dublin. Rev. William Whewell, B. D., Vice Chan- cellor of Cambridge. Rev Whitely, for the " Portico," Manchester. The Venerable Archdeacon Williams, Edin- burgh. Richard P. Williams, Esq.,Jun., M.R. I. A., Drumcondra Castle. William Williams, Esq., Neath. Lestoek P. Wilson, Esq., North Audley-st., London. Rev. J. Wilson, B.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. Rev. James Wilson, D.D., M. R. I. A., Pre- centor of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. John Windele, Esq., Cork. Edward Wright, Esq., Blessington-street, Dublin. * John Wynne, Esq., M.R.I. A., Hazlewood, Sligo. Rev. Walter Young, Enniskillen. ELECTED SINCE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY. James Stratherne Close, Esq., Dublin. T. Crofton Croker, Esq., London. Rev. Matthew Flanagan, Francis-st., Dublin. Thomas M. Ray, Esq., Dublin. James Whiteside, Esq., M. R. I. A., Mount- joy-square, Dublin. FUNDAMENTAL i8 FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE SOCIETY. I. The number of Members shall be limited to 500. II. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a President and Council of twelve Members, to be elected annually by the Society. III. Those Noblemen and Gentlemen who have been admitted Members prior to the first day of May, 1841, shall be deemed the original Members of the Society, and all future Members shall be elected by the Council. IV. Each Member shall pay four pounds on the first year of his election, and one pound every subsequent year. These payments to be made in advance, on or before the first day of January, annually. V. Such Members as desire it, may become Life Members, on payment of the sum of thirteen pounds, or ten pounds (if they have already paid their entrance fee) in lieu of the annual subscription. VI. Every Member whose subscription is not in arrear shall be entitled to receive one copy of each publication of the Society issued subsequently to his admission ; and the books p)rinted by the Society shall not be sold to the public. VII. No Member who is three months in arrear of his subscription shall be en- titled to vote, or to any other privileges of a Member ; and any Member who shall be one year in arrear shall be considered as having resigned. VIII. Any Member who shall gratuitously edit any book, ajoproved of by the Council, shall be entitled to twenty copies of such book, when printed, for his own use : and the Council shall at all times be ready to receive suggestions from Members, rela- tive to such rare books or manuscripts as they may be acquainted w^ith, and which they may deem worthy of being printed by the Society. IX. The Council shall have power to appoint officers ; and to make by-laws not inconsistent with the fundamental laws of the Society. Noblemen and Gentlemen desirous of becoming Members of the Irish Archago- logical Society are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Secretary, Rev. Dr. Todd, Trinity College, Dublin. Literary Societies and public libraries may procure the Society's publications by causing their Librarian or any other officer to become a Member of the Irish Archaeological Society in their name. Subscriptions will be received in Dublin by Messrs. Hodges and Smith, the So- ciety's Booksellers, 21, College-green. In London, by Mr. T. Clerc Smith, 13, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden. In 19 In Belfast, by Edmund Getty, Esq., Victor ia-jjlace. In Cork, by John Lindsay, Esq., Maryville, Blackrock. In Edinburgh, by Mr. Stevenson, 87, Princes-street. In Glasgow, by John Smith, Esq., LL.D., 70, St. Vincent-street. Those Members who may find it inconvenient to pay their subscriptions to these gentlemen, Avill have the goodness to procure a Post-Office order made payable to the Secretary, Rev. J. H. Todd, D. D,, Trinity College, Dublin ; or to the Treasurer, John Smith Furlong, Esq., Q. C, 146, Leeson-street, Dublin. PUBLICATIONS FOE THE YEAR 184I. I. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. i. containing : 1 . The Circuit of Ireland ; by Muircheartach Mac Neill, Prince of Aileach ; a Poem written in the year 942 by Cormacan Eigeas, Chief Poet of the North of Ireland. Edited, Avith a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. 2. "A Brife Description of Ireland: Made in this year 1589, by Robert Payne vnto XXV. of his partners for whom he is vndertaker there." Reprinted from the second edition, London, 1590, with a Preface and Notes, by Aquilla Smith, M.D.,M.R.LA. II. The Annals of Ireland ; by James Grace of Kilkenny. Edited from the MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, in the original Latin, Avith a Translation and Notes, by the Rev. Richard Butler, A. B., M. R. 1. A. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR I 842. I. Cach ITIuiglii Rudi. The Battle of Moira, from an ancient ]\IS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited in the original Irish, with a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. II. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. 11. containing : 1. " A Treatice of Ireland; by John Dymmok." Edited from a MS. in the British Museum, with Notes, by the Rev. Richard Butler, A. B., M. R. I. A. 2. The Annals of Multifernam ; from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by Aquilla Smith, M. D., M. R. I. A. 3. A Statute passed at a Parliament held at Kilkenny, A. D. 1367 ; from a MS. in the British Museum. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A. publications 20 PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR I 843. I. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's country, in the Counties of Galway and Eoscommon, Edited from the Book of Leacan in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy ; in the original Irish, Avith a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. II. The Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, com- monly called Christ Church, Dublin. Edited from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with Notes, by the Rev. John Clarke Crosthwaite, A.M., Dean's Vicar of Christ Church Cathedral. In the Press. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1 844. I. "Registrum Ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum juxta Dublin;" from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College. Edited by the Rev. Richard Butler, A.B., M. R.LA. In the Press. II. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the district of Hy-Fiachrach, in the counties of Sligo and Mayo. Edited from the Book of Leacan, in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, and from the M'Firbis MS. in the possession of the Earl of Roden. By John O'Donovan. In the Press. PUBLICATIONS SUGGESTED OR IN PROGRESS. I. The Royal Visitation Book of the Province of Armagh in 1622, from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by James Henthorn Todd, D.D., V. P.R.I. A., Fellow of Trin. Coll., and Treasurer of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. II. The Progresses of the Lords Lieutenants in Ireland ; from MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by Joseph Hub and Smith, Esq., M. A., M.R.L A. III. óopama. The Origin and History of the Boromean Tribute. Edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Translation and Notes, by Eugene Curry. IV. Cormac's Glossary ; in the original Irish. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. V. Car Caipn ChonaiU. The battle of Cam Chonaill, between Guaire, King of Aidhne, and Dermot, King of Ireland, A. D. 648. From the Leabhar na-h Uidhre, a very ancient MS. in the collection of Messrs. Hodges and Smith, with a Translation and Notes, by Eugene Curry. VL 21 VI. Sir William Petty's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Survey of Ireland. From a MS. recently purchased by Government, and deposited in the Library of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Edited, with Notes, by Thos. A. Larcom, Esq., Capt. li. E., M.R.I. A. VII. Articles of Capitulation and Surrender of Cities, Towns, Castles, Forts, &c., in Ireland, to the Parliamentary Forces, from A, D. 1 649 to 1 654. Edited, with His- torical Notices, by James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A. VIII. The Irish Version of the " Historia Britonum" of Nennius, from the Book of Ballimote, collated with copies in the Book of Leacan, and in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. With a Translation and Notes, by James Henthorn Todd, D. D., V. P. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, &c. IX. The Miscellany of the Irish Archa3ological Society, vol. i. In the Press. X. " Macarige Excidium. The Destruction of Cyprus ;" by Col. Charles O'Kelly. In the original Latin, with a Translation by Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., of Castle Kelly ; and Notes by John O'Callaghan, Esq. Date Due MO^f ' ?!^^ JAN 2 2( 00 . Ar./-\n ! ' ' 'i 4- ■■'-"''^' AUÍ7 ^ G 2005 JAN n 2007 ^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinii 3 9031 01276360 205567 Boston College Library Chestnut Hill 67, Mass. Books make kept for two weeks unless a shorter time is specified. Two cents a day is charged for each 2-week book kept overtime; 25 cents a day for each overnight book. . 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